item: #1 of 6 id: 16565 author: Lewis, Meriwether title: History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, Vol. I. To the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. Performed During the Years 1804-5-6. date: None words: 178827 flesch: 65 summary: The party reach Lewis river. Affecting interview between the wife of Chaboneau and the chief of the Shoshonees--Council held with that nation, and favourable result--The extreme navigable point of the Missouri mentioned--General character of the river and of the country through which it passes--Captain Clarke in exploring the source of the Columbia falls in company with another party of Shoshonees--The geographical information acquired from one of that party--Their manner of catching fish--The party reach Lewis river--The difficulties which captain Clarke had to encounter in his route--Friendship and hospitality of the Shoshonees--The party with captain Lewis employed in making saddles, and preparing for the journey. keywords: banks; black; buffaloe; camp; canoes; captain; captain clarke; captain lewis; chief; clarke; cold; country; course; creek; day; deer; elk; evening; falls; feet; fine; game; grounds; half miles; having; hills; horses; hunters; indians; island; left; lewis; man; mandans; men; miles; miles distance; missouri; morning; mountains; nation; night; north; number; o'clock; opposite; party; place; plain; point; quarter miles; rapid; river; second; shore; sides; sioux; south; stream; timber; time; village; water; way; weather; white; willow; wind; yards; yesterday; young cache: 16565.txt plain text: 16565.txt item: #2 of 6 id: 38249 author: Freeman, Lewis R. (Lewis Ransome) title: Down the Columbia date: None words: 118497 flesch: 75 summary: However, it won't matter much, he concluded philosophically, for we'll be soaked anyway, whether we're running or lining, and rain water's ten degrees warmer than river water. There was good swift water all the way from Castlegar to Trail, and we averaged close to nine miles an hour during the time we were on the river. keywords: andy; away; bank; bend; big; bit; blackmore; boat; camp; captain; chance; channel; close; columbia; columbia river; couple; course; current; dalles; day; days; fact; fall; feet; ferry; foot; going; good; gorge; green; half; hand; head; high; hour; ike; illustration; imshallah; island; kind; lake; left; line; lining; main; man; miles; morning; mouth; picture; place; point; pulling; raft; rapids; right; river; rock; roos; rough; round; run; running; set; shot; skiff; stern; stream; surprise; swift; thing; thought; time; trouble; upper; voyage; water; way; white; work; yards; years cache: 38249.txt plain text: 38249.txt item: #3 of 6 id: 38774 author: Bulfinch, Thomas title: Oregon and Eldorado; or, Romance of the Rivers date: None words: 95703 flesch: 71 summary: They passed the mouths of several large rivers emptying into the Yellowstone; one of which was called the Big-horn, from the numbers of that remarkable species of sheep seen in its neighborhood. Their food consists of roots of plants, like the pond-lily, which grows at the bottom of the lakes and rivers. keywords: amazon; animal; banks; boat; canoes; capt; chapter; chief; clarke; columbia; country; course; day; days; distance; earth; expedition; feet; fire; fish; food; good; half; head; horses; indians; journey; kind; land; large; left; length; lewis; man; means; men; miles; missouri; morning; mountains; night; north; number; party; people; place; raleigh; return; river; round; saw; sea; set; shore; south; spaniards; stream; time; trees; village; water; way; west; white; women; yards; young cache: 38774.txt plain text: 38774.txt item: #4 of 6 id: 39388 author: Lyman, William Denison title: The Columbia River: Its History, Its Myths, Its Scenery, Its Commerce date: None words: 120497 flesch: 69 summary: Columbia River history has had its full share of Indian wars. Now the very centre of Indian lore, the Parnassus, the Delphi, the Dodona, of the lower Columbia River Indians, is the stretch of mingled bluff, plain, lake, sand-dune, and mountain, marvellously diversified, from the south shore of the Columbia's mouth to the sacred Nekahni Mountain. keywords: american; astoria; bay; british; captain; cascades; chapter; chelan; chief; city; clark; coast; columbia river; company; country; course; dalles; day; discovery; east; fact; falls; feet; fort; fur; general; gold; government; gray; great; head; high; history; hood; hood river; hudson; illustration; indians; interest; journey; lake; land; lewis; life; like; line; man; men; miles; mountains; near; new; nez; north; ocean; old; oregon; pacific; party; peaks; people; photo; place; point; portland; present; railroad; region; river indians; rock; sea; ship; snake river; snow; south; spokane; states; steamer; stream; time; trade; united; upper; valley; vancouver; walla; walla walla; war; washington; water; way; west; western; white; whitman; willamette; world; years cache: 39388.txt plain text: 39388.txt item: #5 of 6 id: 42893 author: Williams, John H. (John Harvey) title: The Guardians of the Columbia Mount Hood, Mount Adams and Mount St. Helens date: None words: 28840 flesch: 74 summary: Shakespeare.] THE GUARDIANS OF THE COLUMBIA Mount Hood, Mount Adams and Mount St. Helens by JOHN H. WILLIAMS Author of The Mountain That Was 'God' _And mountains that like giants stand To sentinel enchanted land. Portland's snowy sentinels--Ruskin on the mountains--Cascades vs. Alps--Mount Hood and its retreating glaciers--The Mazamas--A shattered crater--Mount Adams--Lava and ice caves--Mount St. Helens--The struggle of the forest on the lava beds--Adventures of the climbers--The Mazamas in peril--An heroic rescue 57 III. keywords: canyon; cascades; co.; columbia; copyright; east; feet; forest; glacier; great; helens; hood river; ice; illustration; lake; lava; left; miles; mount adams; mount hood; mount st; mountain; near; north; oregon; peak; portland; ridge; river; rock; sea; slope; snow; south; summit; view; weister; west; white cache: 42893.txt plain text: 42893.txt item: #6 of 6 id: 46799 author: Rathborne, St. George title: The Pioneer Boys of the Columbia; or, In the Wilderness of the Great Northwest date: None words: 72146 flesch: 79 summary: Indeed, when Dick saw Roger drag out a trout that exceeded all the rest in size and fierceness he decided that he had guessed the true reason for that look he had detected on the usually emotionless face of the brave. The spot was marked so it could be easily found again; and after this had been done Roger felt relieved. keywords: animal; away; boys; brave; camp; captain; chance; close; course; day; days; dick; end; eyes; fish; game; good; great; ground; gun; hand; head; hope; horses; indians; lewis; look; man; men; night; place; river; roger; set; sun; tell; thing; time; tree; water; way cache: 46799.txt plain text: 46799.txt