item: #1 of 17 id: 14444 author: Defoe, Daniel title: The Complete English Tradesman (1839 ed.) date: None words: 124928 flesch: 50 summary: I doubt not such tradesmen often suffer as much by their slothfulness and neglect of book-keeping, as might, especially if their business is considerable, pay for a book-keeper; for what is such a man's case, when his customer, suppose a country dealer, comes to town, which perhaps he does once a-year (as in the custom of other tradesmen), and desires to have his account made up? I know some people have condemned this practice as dishonest, and the Quakers for a time stood to their point in the contrary practice, resolving to ask no more than they would take, upon any occasion whatsoever, and choosing rather to lose the selling of their goods, though they could afford sometimes to take what was offered, rather than abate a farthing of the price they had asked; but time and the necessities of trade made them wiser, and brought them off of that severity, and they by degrees came to ask, and abate, and abate again, just as other business tradesmen do, though not perhaps as some do, who give themselves a fuller liberty that way. keywords: account; bills; books; break; business; case; cash; chapter; circumstances; country; credit; creditors; customers; day; debtor; england; expense; family; goods; hand; house; keeping; kind; lady; life; like; little; london; master; men; money; nay; partner; pay; people; person; place; pounds; reason; run; servants; set; shop; stock; thing; till; time; tradesman; trading; warehouse; way; wife; world cache: 14444.txt plain text: 14444.txt item: #2 of 17 id: 17563 author: Chatterton, E. Keble (Edward Keble) title: King's Cutters and Smugglers 1700-1855 date: None words: 103338 flesch: 71 summary: THE VIGILANT, JOHN SMITH, COMMANDER, FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 18-- -------+------+--------+------+--------------------+---------+-------------- | | | | Observation made. | | Day of | | | keywords: ----------------------------+---------------+-----+-----------------+ |; board; boat; captain; cargo; case; casks; coast; commander; course; craft; crew; cruisers; customs; cutter; day; deal; end; england; english; feet; following; goods; half; house; inches; inman |; land; little; lugger; mate; men; miles; night; number; officers; poole |; port; preventive; revenue; revenue cruisers; revenue cutter; revenue men; revenue officers; run; sea; service; ship; shore; smugglers; smuggling; spirits; tea; time; tons; tubs; vessel; water; white |; year; | -------------------+------------------------------+---------+------+------+; | ----------------------------+----------+--------+--------+--------+--------+; | ----------------------------+---------------+-----+-----------------+; | contract; | establishment; | john; | july; | thomas; | william; | |; |cowes |; |hastings |; |lymington | cache: 17563.txt plain text: 17563.txt item: #3 of 17 id: 27014 author: Davidson, G. F. title: Trade and Travel in the Far East or Recollections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia and China. date: None words: 75998 flesch: 63 summary: New South Wales had been for many years a British Colony, before any Israelites found their way thither as _free_ men; and I have heard, that it was the return of a Jewish convict with well-lined pockets, that first attracted their attention to his place of exile. In the neighbourhood of Bathurst, and in many other parts of the Colony where rain is very uncertain, there are thousands of acres of alluvial land lying waste, which, upon my plan, would yield tens of thousands of bushels of wheat and maize. keywords: australia; batavia; british; calcutta; cattle; china; chinese; coast; colony; country; day; days; dutch; england; english; european; good; government; half; harbour; hong; house; inhabitants; island; java; kong; macao; man; men; miles; money; native; neighbourhood; new; opium; people; place; river; sea; ship; singapore; sir; south; state; straits; sugar; sydney; thing; time; town; trade; vessels; wales; water; way; work; years; | | cache: 27014.txt plain text: 27014.txt item: #4 of 17 id: 27647 author: Various title: The Economist, Volume 1, No. 3 date: None words: 37811 flesch: 63 summary: Thomas Sissons_, with a host of other _aliases_, was placed before the magistrates at the Borough Court, Manchester, charged with one of the most singular attempts at fraud we ever remember to have heard. It must apply with equal force to the _gold_, _silver_, and _copper_ of Brazil, as it does to the _sugar_ keywords: cent; church; corn; countries; country; course; day; demand; duties; duty; effect; england; esq; extent; foreign; general; good; government; home; house; interest; ireland; labour; law; life; liverpool; london; lord; market; meeting; monday; new; number; office; people; persons; place; present; price; produce; protection; public; rate; sale; sir; slave; soil; state; street; subject; sugar; supply; time; trade; week; wheat; world; years; | | cache: 27647.txt plain text: 27647.txt item: #5 of 17 id: 31955 author: Porter, Peter A. (Peter Augustus) title: Niagara: An Aboriginal Center of Trade date: None words: 11337 flesch: 56 summary: Therein he found this remarkable reference to the Waterfall,--which was quoted verbatim from the good Docteur's hasty letter, by the State Historian of King Louis of France,--and is thereby enabled to add an hitherto unknown link (which turns out to be the second) in the chain of the earliest references to Niagara Falls; and so, both in History and in Medicine, to assign to good Docteur Gendron, a place (next alongside of the great Founder of Quebec) in Niagara's Temple of Fame. Niagara, meaning thereby the Niagara Frontier, or, more properly, that portion thereof which extended from Lake Ontario to about two miles above the Falls (which included Fort Niagara, and the whole of the famous Portage around the Cataract) even in Aboriginal days, before the first Fort Niagara was built, when the Indians applied the word Onguiaahra to the same territory, by reason of its accessibility, its central location, its Portage and its Erie Stones, was widely known as a Center of Trade. keywords: cataract; center; champlain; erie; falls; gendron; lake; niagara; place; river; time; trade; tribes; water; white; years cache: 31955.txt plain text: 31955.txt item: #6 of 17 id: 32384 author: Defoe, Daniel title: An Humble Proposal to the People of England, for the Increase of their Trade, and Encouragement of Their Manufactures Whether the Present Uncertainty of Affairs Issues in Peace or War date: None words: 14379 flesch: 42 summary: I know abundance of our people talk very dismal things of the decay of our woollen manufacture, and that it is declined much they insist upon it; being prohibited in many places and countries abroad, of their setting up other manufactures of their own in the room of it, of their pretending to mimick and imitate it, and supply themselves with the produce of their own land, and the labour of their own people, and indeed France has for many years gone some length in this method of erecting woollen manufactures in the room of ours, and making their own productions serve instead of our completely finished manufacture: but all these imitations are weak and unperforming, and show abundantly how little reason we have to apprehend their endeavours, or that they will be able to supplant our manufacture there or any where else; for that even in France itself, where the imitation of our manufactures is carried on to the utmost perfection; yet they are obliged to take off great quantities of our finest and best goods; and such is the necessity of their affairs, that they to this day run them in, that is, import them clandestinely at the greatest risk, in spite of the strictest prohibition, and of the severest penalties, death and the galleys excepted; a certain token that their imitation of our manufactures is so far from pleasing and supplying other parts of the world, that they are not sufficient to supply, or good enough to please themselves. I might dwell upon this article, and extend the observation to the East Indies, where a remarkable difference is evident between the present and the past times; for whereas a few years past the quantity of European goods, whether of English or other manufactures, was very small, and indeed not worth naming; on the contrary, now the number of European inhabitants in the several factories of the English, Dutch, and Portuguese, is so much increased, and the people who are subject to them also, and who they bring in daily to clothe after the European fashion, especially at Batavia, at Fort St. George, at Surat, Goa, and other principal factories, that the demand for our manufactures is grown very considerable, and daily increasing. keywords: commerce; consumption; england; english; france; increase; manufactures; people; quantity; trade; wool; woollen cache: 32384.txt plain text: 32384.txt item: #7 of 17 id: 35720 author: Colden, Cadwallader title: Papers Relating to an Act of the Assembly of the Province of New-York For encouragement of the Indian trade, &c. and for prohibiting the selling of Indian goods to the French, viz. of Canada date: None words: 82142 flesch: 69 summary: No; and as this Matter can be easily cleared up, we are anxious it should be done; for we are positive no such thing was ever mentioned to us at _Onandago_, nor any where else. In Consideration thereof, of our special Grace, certain Knowledge, and meer Motion) have given and granted, and by this our present Charter, for us, our Heirs and Successors, do give and grant unto the said _William Penn_, his Heirs and Assigns, all that Tract or Part of Land in _America_, with the Islands therein contained, as the same is bounded on the East by _Delawar_ River, from twelve Miles Distance Northwards of _Newcastle_ keywords: act; aforesaid; albany; assembly; brethren; brother; canada; commissioners; council; country; e n; e t; english; excellency; french; goods; government; governor; great; heirs; indians; king; lands; maryland; men; n t; nations; new; people; persons; place; present; province; river; s e; shall; t h; time; trade; virginia; war; william; years; york cache: 35720.txt plain text: 35720.txt item: #8 of 17 id: 36939 author: Common sense (Writer), active 1813 title: Free Trade with India An Enquiry into the True State of the Question at Issue Between His Majesty's Ministers, the Honorable the East India Company, and the Public at Large, on the Justice and Policy of a Free Trade to India date: None words: 4354 flesch: 60 summary: L'Orient, the seat of French East India trade, fell, and no one rose in its place, neither towns nor individuals, and the trade with India became extinct in France. From all these examples it follows, that _monopoly_ is not bad _merely_ as _monopoly_, and that its being _injurious_ depends on particular circumstances, and therefore the India Company being a company of monopolists, would not be a sufficient reason for its abolition, even were it proved to be so, but this has not yet been done. II. keywords: company; east; india; monopoly; present; public; trade cache: 36939.txt plain text: 36939.txt item: #9 of 17 id: 38841 author: Hely-Hutchinson, John title: The Commercial Restraints of Ireland date: None words: 74991 flesch: 64 summary: | Lord Castlereagh. | Lord Bessborough. keywords: address; bill; britain; british; charles; college; commons; country; day; dublin; duigenan; duke; england; english; exportation; fellows; fitzgibbon; foreign; general; government; grattan; great; hely; history; house; hutchinson; iii; increase; industry; ireland; irish; john; journ; kingdom; law; laws; lieutenant; life; linen; lord lieutenant; manufacture; money; new; note; parliament; people; present; provost; public; scholars; session; sir; speech; state; time; trade; university; vol; want; wealth; william; woollen; year; | lord; | | cache: 38841.txt plain text: 38841.txt item: #10 of 17 id: 39715 author: Watson, Nowell Lake title: The Argentine as a Market date: None words: 16871 flesch: 56 summary: In this connection it is a strange anomaly that the impression still holds good in England, and seems to prevail even in other countries, that German goods are of inferior quality. The remainder of the time covered by the Scholarship must be devoted to the examination of subjects bearing upon Commerce or Industry in Germany or Switzerland, or in the United States of America, or partly in one of the above-mentioned countries and partly in others, but the electors may on special grounds allow part of this period of the tenure of the Scholarship to be spent in study and travel in some other country or countries. keywords: argentine; british; capital; country; development; economic; english; exports; gold; government; imports; industry; labour; present; railway; sugar; system; time; tons; trade; value; work; year cache: 39715.txt plain text: 39715.txt item: #11 of 17 id: 44043 author: Brereton, William H. title: The Truth about Opium Being a Refutation of the Fallacies of the Anti-Opium Society and a Defence of the Indo-China Opium Trade date: None words: 82881 flesch: 57 summary: On the contrary, I feel sure that the growth of Chinese opium would be increased forthwith. Having for so many years had practically all the field to himself, it had never occurred to him that another and more competent witness from China, where all these imaginary evils from opium smoking were alleged to be taking place,--who had had better opportunities of learning the truth about opium than he could possibly have had, and who had turned those opportunities to good account,--should appear and refute his fallacies. keywords: anti; book; british; case; china opium; chinese; country; doubt; drug; effects; england; english; fact; general; good; government; hong; indian; indo; kong; man; merchants; mind; missionaries; missionary; native; opium; opium eater; opium eating; opium pipe; opium question; opium shop; opium smokers; opium smoking; opium smuggling; opium trade; opium traffic; people; point; poppy; practice; public; sir; society; state; storrs; subject; time; tobacco; treaty; truth; turner; use; world; years cache: 44043.txt plain text: 44043.txt item: #12 of 17 id: 46489 author: American School of Correspondence title: Cyclopedia of Commerce, Accountancy, Business Administration, v. 03 (of 10) date: None words: 122177 flesch: 70 summary: Define _express contract_. B_ promise to give _A_ a barrel of apples. keywords: agent; authority; banks; business; carrier; case; consideration; contract; corporation; court; debt; dollars; estate; example; goods; instrument; insurance; interest; law; lease; liability; mortgage; note; notice; parties; partnership; party; pay; payment; person; personal; possession; principal; property; public; purchaser; purpose; real; right; sale; states; statute; stock; tenant; time; title; trade cache: 46489.txt plain text: 46489.txt item: #13 of 17 id: 46545 author: American School of Correspondence title: Cyclopedia of Commerce, Accountancy, Business Administration, v. 04 (of 10) date: None words: 65976 flesch: 69 summary: _Folio_--A column provided in account books, in which to enter the page numbers of other books from or to which records are transferred. Account books are of two classes: (_a_) those in which complete records of transactions, or complete accounts, are kept; (_b_) those which contain particulars of individual transactions which must afterward be transferred to books of the (_a_) class. keywords: = =; account; assets; balance; bank; bills; books; business; capital stock; cash; cash book; check; co.; company; corporation; cost; credit; debit; definition; discount; entries; entry; expense; following; form; general; goods; illustration; interest; inventory; journal; ledger; ledger accounts; loss account; manufacturing; manufacturing account; month; net; note; payment; profit; purchase; record; sales; sales account; stock; stock ledger; trading account; transactions; voucher; year cache: 46545.txt plain text: 46545.txt item: #14 of 17 id: 48012 author: Cocks, Richard title: Diary of Richard Cocks, Volume 2 Cape-Merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615-1622, with Correspondence date: None words: 124413 flesch: 85 summary: _cattis_ grose tare, wherof 34 _cattis_ grosse weare of myne, rest of Hollanders. i. _passim_; ii. 6, 31, 38, 65, 76, 83, 100, 109, 144. Matobio Dono, of Oiso. keywords: abord; adames; admerall; answer; arived; bantam; brother; byn; came; camps; capt; carid; carpenters; china; china capt; cocks; com; company; councell; court; daies; day; december; doe; dono; duch; dyner; eaton; edo; end; england; english; envited; firando; geve; gins; god; goe; gonrok dono; good; goodes; greate; hath; hollanders; host; howse; hym; january; japon; jno; john; junck; june; jurebasso; king; kinges; laborers; leagues; letter; like; lyke; man; marche; mas; matter; men; miaco; money; nangasaque; nealson; nether; new; night; noe; november; order; osterwick; owne; oyen dono; parte; past; pico; place; present; presentes; rec; rest; retorne; richard; samma; sayer; sea; selfe; semi dono; servantes; sett; shipp; shiwas; silk; soe; som; sonne; speck; tais; themperour; thenglish; thought; torazemon dono; tould; towardes; trade; tyme; vizet; wee; whome; word; wors; wrot; wyne; yeare; yow cache: 48012.txt plain text: 48012.txt item: #15 of 17 id: 48427 author: Davis, Leslie A. title: Supplement to Commerce Reports Daily Consular and Trade Reports: Turkey, Harput date: None words: 4931 flesch: 71 summary: Aus., Bel., Neth., U. K. Handkerchiefs | 10,000 | 2,200 | U. K., Aus., Ger. Prints | 13,000 | 35,000 | U. K., It., --------------------+---------+---------+------------------------------------ Arms and ammunition | $4.000 | $1,000 | Bel., U. S., Ger., Fr., keywords: articles; aus; district; ger; goods; | | cache: 48427.txt plain text: 48427.txt item: #16 of 17 id: 48697 author: Edmundson, George title: Anglo-Dutch Rivalry During the First Half of the Seventeenth Century being the Ford lectures delivered at Oxford in 1910 date: None words: 51434 flesch: 63 summary: These instructions were in fact a direct reply and challenge to the proclamation of King Charles. This daring infringement of English neutrality could not but give deep offence to King Charles, and be hurtful to the feelings of the English people. keywords: adventurers; alliance; ambassador; carleton; charles; company; council; dutch; east; embassy; england; english; envoys; fisheries; fishery; fishing; fleet; france; french; general; good; great; hague; holland; instructions; james; king; king james; london; majesty; matter; negotiations; netherlands; parliament; policy; prince; provinces; question; rights; seas; ships; sir; spain; spanish; states; time; trade; treaty; united; van; war; years cache: 48697.txt plain text: 48697.txt item: #17 of 17 id: 49637 author: Coxe, William title: Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America To which are added, the conquest of Siberia, and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China date: None words: 84880 flesch: 72 summary: Near the shore were several small islands, between which and the land the ice was immovably fixed. Account of the _Russian_ and _Chinese_ settlements upon the confines of _Siberia_--description of the _Russian_ frontier town _Kiachta_--of the _Chinese_ frontier town _Maitmatschin_--its buildings, pagodas, &c. p. 211. keywords: account; aleĆ¼tian; america; bay; beering; chart; chinese; coast; crew; discoveries; distance; east; expedition; following; footnote; fox; fox islands; furs; glottoff; iii; inhabitants; islanders; islands; isles; kamtchatka; kiachta; korovin; longitude; men; mouth; natives; new; north; number; order; otters; persons; petersburg; place; rhubarb; river; russians; sea; ship; shore; siberia; sidenote; skins; steered; time; umnak; unalashka; versts; vessel; voyage; wind; winter; year cache: 49637.txt plain text: 49637.txt