item: #1 of 89 id: A01053 author: Ford, John, 1586-ca. 1640. title: A line of life Pointing at the immortalitie of a vertuous name. date: 1620.0 words: 11509 flesch: 56 summary: Folly is a sale-able merchandise , whose factour , youth is not so allowedly profest in young men , as pleasure in men of any age : yet are the ruines , the calamities , the wofull experiences of sundrie presidents and samplars of indiscretion and weakenesse ( euen in noted , and sometimes in great ones ) so apparent , so daily , that no Antidote against the infection , disease , leprosie of so increasing an euill can be reputed superfluous . For my part , I ingeniously acknowledge , that hitherto ( how euer the course hath proued a barre to my thrift , yet ) I neuer fawned vpon any mans Fortunes , whose person and merit I preferred not . keywords: actions; affections; age; aswell; authoritie; beasts; bee; best; bodie; books; branch; carriage; characters; commendation; common; constancie; course; creation; crowne; death; desert; deseruing; doe; doth; dye; early; earth; easie; eebo; encoding; english; enuie; euen; euer; euerie; eye; false; flatterie; folly; ford; free; friends; generall; giue; glorie; glorious; god; golden; good; good man; goodnesse; great; greatnesse; happinesse; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; honours; iames; images; immortalitie; imployment; iudgement; iust; iustice; king; knowledge; knowne; labour; law; lib; life; like; line; liue; long; loue; man; mans; memorie; men; merit; minde; mischiefe; nature; noble; onely; online; ouer; owne; oxford; page; particular; partnership; peace; person; phase; places; prince; priuate; publike; publique; reason; reputed; resolution; reward; runne; set; speake; state; tcp; tei; text; themselues; things; thou; times; true; truth; vertue; vertuous; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wealth; wee; wise; works; world; worthie; worthy; wound; xml; youth cache: A01053.xml plain text: A01053.txt item: #2 of 89 id: A02520 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: Christian moderation In two books. By Jos: Exon. date: 1640.0 words: 47077 flesch: 70 summary: Amongst our owne : How doe the Opposites in the five Belgick Articles , cast inke in each others faces , while the one part , upbrayds the other with Manicheisme , and Stoicisme , the other them againe with Pelagianisme , and Socinianisme : within our owne territories ; one objects Arianisme perhaps too justly on some hands ) to the opini●n of p●rity ; another ( too wildly ) In tan●um Graci & Romani hoc quondam vicio labo●arun● , ut & clarissimi philosophorū Graecia haberen● publicè concubinos , &c. Hieron . keywords: actions; adversaries; adversary; affected; afraid; ages; anathema; ancient; anger; angry; anno; answer; apostle; appetite; apt; articles; ashes; askt; aug; austen; aut; authority; beasts; bed; bee; beleeve; bern; bernard; best; better; betwixt; birth; bishop; blessed; blood; body; books; bounds; breach; bread; brethren; brother; calvin; care; cases; cast; cause; censure; certaine; characters; charge; charity; children; chosen; christian; church; churches; cleane; colour; comfortable; commendable; common; communion; comparison; conceit; condition; confesse; consideration; content; conversation; cor; counsell; creator; creatures; crosse; cruell; cup; curiosity; dangerous; david; day; dayes; dead; death; delicate; delight; desires; devotion; devout; diet; difference; discourse; disposition; divell; divine; divinity; doctrine; doe; dost; doth; drawne; drink; durst; earth; easie; eccles; eebo; effects; end; enemies; enemy; english; epist; erasmus; errors; errour; evill; excesse; experience; extremities; eyes; face; fall; false; famous; farre; fashion; father; favourable; feare; feast; finde; fire; fishes; fit; flesh; followes; food; forme; foundation; foure; free; friends; fruit; fruition; fundamentall; future; gen; generall; gerson; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; greatest; grecian; griefe; grievous; grounds; guilty; hand; happy; hard; hath; having; head; heart; heaven; hee; height; hell; heresie; hereticke; high; himselfe; hold; holy; home; honest; honour; hope; house; humane; ibid; iewes; indifferent; inferences; injurious; innocence; innocent; instances; inward; iohn; joy; judgement; justice; keepe; kind; king; knowes; knowledge; knowne; labour; large; law; lawfull; layd; learne; learning; leave; lesse; liberall; liberty; lie; life; like; limitation; limits; little; living; long; loose; lord; lost; love; lust; luther; lyes; maine; making; man; manner; mans; marriage; matter; meanes; measure; meat; meere; meet; men; mens; mention; mercy; miserable; moderate; moderation; mortification; moses; mouth; nation; naturall; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; nihil; non; offence; old; onely; open; opinion; order; outward; owne; paines; palate; parts; passe; passion; paul; peace; peaceable; people; persons; peter; philosophy; places; pleased; pleasure; points; poore; pope; possible; power; practice; praise; prayers; present; princes; professe; profession; pronounce; prov; psal; punishment; purpose; quality; quam; quantity; quarrels; qui; quod; rare; ready; reason; redeemer; reg; regard; religion; remedy; requisite; resolution; respect; rest; rich; right; roman; rome; rule; sacred; saint; saith; salvation; sam; save; saviour; scriptures; sea; second; secret; seene; selves; sense; sensible; set; severall; shame; short; sicknesse; sin; sinfull; single; sinne; sit; sleep; small; society; socrates; solomon; sonnes; sorrow; soule; speakes; spirit; spirituall; state; stomach; strict; strong; subject; sufficient; suidas; sun; sweet; tcp; teachers; teeth; temper; tender; text; thee; theodoret; thine; things; thou; thought; thousands; thy; time; title; tongue; touch; tree; troubled; true; truth; truthes; turne; unjust; unlesse; unto; use; varieties; verities; vertue; vessell; vicious; violence; vita; viz; votaries; vvas; vve; vvell; vvhat; vvhen; vvhich; vvho; vvith; vvould; want; water; way; wealth; wee; westerne; whereof; wherewith; whiles; wickednesse; wife; wilfull; wilt; wine; wise; withall; witnesse; wives; women; words; work; world; worse; worthy; wrath; wrong; yea; yeares; yeeld; young; zeale; zealous; ● e; ● n; ● o; ● t; ● ● cache: A02520.xml plain text: A02520.txt item: #3 of 89 id: A02553 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: Meditations and vowes, diuine and morall. Seruing for direction in Christian and ciuill practise. Deuided into two bookes. By Ios. Hall. date: 1605.0 words: 20339 flesch: 58 summary: 10 Some promise what they cannot doo , as Sathan to Christ ; some , what they could , but meane not to doo , as the Sonnes of Iacob to the Shechemites : some , what they meant for the time , and after retrayt , as Laban to Iacob ; some , what they doo also giue , but vnwillingly , as H●rod ; some , what they willingly giue , and after repent them , as Ioshu● to the Gibeonites . Why I haue dedi●ated thē to your name , cannot be strange to any , that knows you , my Patron ; and me , your Pastor : the regard of which bond , easily drew mee on to consider , that whereas my body , which was euer weake , began of ●ate to languish more ; it would be not in-expedient ( at the worst ) to leaue behind me this little ●onument of that great respect , which I ( deseruedly ) beare you : And i● it shall please GOD to reprieue me , vntill a longer day ; yet●●t shall not repent me , to haue sent this vnwoorthie scrowle , to wayte vppon you , in your necessarie absences ; neither shall it be ( I hope ) bootlesse for you , to adioyne these my meane speculations , vnto those grounds of vertue , you haue so happily laid : to which , if they shall add but one scruple , it shall be to me sufficient ioy , contentment , recompence . keywords: aboue; account; actions; againe; age; alwayes; anie; bare; bee; benefit; best; better; blood; body; care; cause; christian; church; common; conscience; contemne; content; creatures; day; death; degrees; deserue; desire; diuine; doo; doth; early; earth; easie; eebo; endeuour; enemie; english; estate; euen; euer; euerie; euill; experience; eyes; faith; farre; feare; fooles; foolish; friends; frō; future; giue; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; good man; goodnes; grace; great; greater; greatest; hall; hand; happines; happy; hard; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heauen; hee; heerein; helpe; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; howe; hurt; ill; infinite; inward; ioy; iudgement; iust; knowe; knowledge; labour; learne; leaue; lesse; life; like; little; liue; long; looke; lord; loue; man; mans; matters; meanes; measure; meditations; mee; men; mens; minde; miserable; mouth; naturall; nature; needes; oft; olde; onely; open; ouer; owne; past; peace; pleasure; poore; practise; present; pride; reason; rest; returne; riches; right; sathan; second; seene; selfe; set; shame; short; sinne; small; soone; sorrow; soule; speake; striue; strong; tcp; text; themselues; thē; things; thinke; thou; thought; thy; time; true; truth; vaine; vertue; vessell; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; want; way; wee; wheras; whē; whiles; wicked; wil; wise; works; world; worse; wrong; yea; ● e; ● l; ● ● cache: A02553.xml plain text: A02553.txt item: #4 of 89 id: A03025 author: Henshaw, Joseph, 1603-1679. title: Horæ succisivæ, or, Spare-houres of meditations upon our duty to [brace] God, others, our selves / by Ios. Henshaw. date: 1631.0 words: 32113 flesch: 64 summary: There is a double life in man , and must bee a double nourishment , men live as if there were no more to bee done , but feede and be warme , food and rayment are the maine businesses of the World : 'T is true , wealth and friends and health are things to thanke God for , but better desires better becomes Christians ; the Christian man lives not by bread onely , &c. Meate for the belly and the belly for meate , but God shall destroy both it and them , every good mans meate and drinke is to do the will of Him that sent him . That ground is verie hard , where the travellers foot leaves not impression : and that heart 's very stonie , where Gods blessing not only takes no roote , but leaves no signe , as soone forgotten as receiv'd ; 't is all He askes for all He doth , a thankfull heart : With what face can wee expect God should give us our asking , that deny Him His ? God made other creatures for mans service , man for His owne : them for our use , and us for His glorie : How much , O Lord , do we owe to thee for our selves and them , that hast so abounded to us , above them , and hast not made them but for us ? Teach us to give our selves to thee , for them , who hast given them to us , for our selves . keywords: abraham; account; afraid; againe; alwaies; apostle; away; bad; bee; behinde; beleeve; best; better; blessed; blessing; bodies; body; bosome; brother; care; cast; children; christ; christian; content; creatures; crosses; day; dead; deale; death; desire; disease; distrust; divell; doe; doth; drinke; dye; eares; earth; ease; eebo; end; enemies; english; evill; eyes; face; faith; fall; father; fault; feare; fire; friends; fruit; glorie; glory; god; gods; goe; good; good man; goodnesse; grace; great; greater; ground; hands; hard; hath; health; heart; heaven; hee; hell; himselfe; holinesse; home; honour; house; ill; joy; keepe; knowes; knowledge; knowne; labour; leave; lesse; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; looke; lord; love; man; mans; matter; meanes; meate; mee; men; mens; mercy; minde; miserable; nature; old; owne; place; pleasures; poore; power; present; punishment; religion; repentance; rest; reward; rich; runne; safe; sake; saul; saviour; second; seene; selfe; selves; service; set; shew; sicknesse; sinne; sleepe; soone; soule; spare; speake; strength; tcp; text; thee; things; thinke; thou; thought; thy; time; true; turne; use; want; way; wee; wicked; wilt; wise; workes; world; worse; wrong cache: A03025.xml plain text: A03025.txt item: #5 of 89 id: A04495 author: Goad, Thomas, 1576-1638. aut title: The mothers legacie, to her vnborne childe. By Elizabeth Iocelin date: 1624.0 words: 13830 flesch: 69 summary: But bee warned and armed against his tentations ; for bee assured if thou once yeeld to neglect praying to God , but one halfe houre , when that time comes thou shalt finde thy selfe farre more vnapt , and thy heart more dull to pray than before : whereas if thou disposest thy selfe to pray , though thou beest heauy and vncheerefull in it , yet God , who searches the heart , and sees thy desire to pray , though thou canst not , will enlighten thee and prepare thy heart against the next time , that thou shalt finde comfort . Then being thorowly awake ( for sure God likes not sleeping prayer ) begin to giue God thankes , and to desire the continuance of his mercy towards thee in these words , till thou canst finde such as may better expresse thine owne soule . keywords: againe; bee; better; blessed; blessings; body; canst; care; cause; childe; children; christ; christian; comfort; daughter; day; dayes; death; delight; desire; deuill; doe; duty; eebo; end; english; euen; euery; farre; father; feare; giue; god; gods; goe; good; grace; great; greater; hand; hast; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heauen; heed; himselfe; holy; honest; honour; hope; keepe; knowledge; learne; learning; leaue; life; like; little; liue; long; lord; loue; maist; man; mee; men; mercy; mother; nay; neuer; onely; owne; parents; prayer; pride; ready; reason; religious; remember; sabbath; sake; saluation; sauiour; selfe; serue; seruice; set; shee; sinne; soule; speech; spirit; sure; tcp; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou bee; thou maist; thou wilt; thy; time; true; vaine; vice; vnto; vpon; vse; way; weaknesse; wee; wife; wilt; words; world; yeeres cache: A04495.xml plain text: A04495.txt item: #6 of 89 id: A04569 author: Johnson, Richard. title: The pilgrimage of man, vvandering in a vvildernesse of vvoe wherein is shewed the calamities belonging to man being borne in this world, and how all the principall estates thereof are crossed with misery. date: 1635.0 words: 10070 flesch: 63 summary: SEarching into all estates of men , wée shall finde that Fortune aboue all other mortall creatures , hath prouided for Kings most liberally : for what maketh man more happy in this world , than goods , honours , dignities , and rule ; licence to doe good or euill without controulement , power to exercise liberality , and all kind of pleasure , as well of the body as of the mind : all that may be wished for to the contentation of man , either in varietie of meats , magnificence in seruice , or in vestures : to raise at their pleasure the meanest man to high place , and with a frowne , disgrace the mightiest : All which continually is at a Princes command : there is nothing that may please the memory , or flatter the desires of the flesh , but is prepared for them euen from their cradles , onely to make their liues more happy and full of felicity . The pilgrimage of man, vvandering in a vvildernesse of vvoe wherein is shewed the calamities belonging to man being borne in this world, and how all the principall estates thereof are crossed with misery. keywords: age; beasts; bee; behold; birth; blood; body; bée; calamities; cause; chap; children; come; common; corrupted; cruell; day; death; discourse; doe; doth; earth; eebo; end; english; enuy; estates; euill; father; feare; felicity; flesh; giue; god; good; great; greater; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; houre; iudgement; iudges; iustice; kings; life; like; little; liues; liuing; lord; loue; magistrates; man; mans; marriage; men; milke; miserable; miseries; misery; mothers; nature; neuer; number; oftentimes; ones; ouercome; owne; people; pilgrimage; pleasure; poore; princes; prophet; rest; rich; saith; shew; sin; soone; sorrow; sort; speake; stead; sucke; sée; tcp; text; themselues; things; time; true; vices; vnder; vnto; vpon; wicked; women; world; youth cache: A04569.xml plain text: A04569.txt item: #7 of 89 id: A05287 author: Basil I, Emperor of the East, ca. 812-886. title: The sixty sixe admonitory chapters of Basilius, King of the Romans, to his sonne Leo, in acrostick manner that is, the first letter of euery chapter, making vp his name and title. Translated out of Greeke by Iames Scudamore. date: 1638.0 words: 11733 flesch: 82 summary: And thou may'st learne from thence the vertues of good men , and the vices of naughty men , and the diuerse vicissitudes of our life , and the changes of things therein , and the instability of the world , and how prone Empires are to fall , and in a word , the punishments of euill actions , and the rewards of good ; where of thou shalt doe well to auoyd the one , that thou may'st neuer come to feele the punishments of Hell ; and thou shalt doe well to indeauour to compasse the other , that thou may'st deserue and obtaine the rewards to come . CHAP. Remember thine owne offences against God , and thou wilt forgett thy neighbours offences against thy selfe . keywords: aduersity; aduice; approoue; art; beloued; bene; body; care; chap; doe; dost; doth; earth; eebo; english; euen; euery; euill; freinds; freindship; gaine; gifts; giue; god; good; good things; gouernment; hast; hath; haue; heauen; himselfe; honour; hurt; immortall; keepe; king; kingdome; knowe; labour; life; like; loue; man; manner; mayst; mee; men; mind; necessary; neuer; nobility; onely; order; ouer; owne; peace; power; praise; procure; prosperity; reason; respect; riches; seeme; selfe; sonne; soule; speake; subiects; tcp; text; thee; therfore; things; thinke; thou; thou art; thou mayst; thy; true; vertue; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wealth; wilt; words; world; worthy; wrong cache: A05287.xml plain text: A05287.txt item: #8 of 89 id: A05468 author: Southwell, Robert, Saint, 1561?-1595. title: The dutifull advice of a loving sonne to his aged father date: 1632.0 words: 3740 flesch: 62 summary: They 〈◊〉 will slumber 〈◊〉 the day , and 〈◊〉 their journey w●●●● the light doth 〈◊〉 them , let th●● blame their o●●● folly if they dye 〈…〉 debt and ete●●●● beggers , and 〈◊〉 headlong into 〈◊〉 lap of endlesse perdition . God is hee fro● whom to depart 〈◊〉 to dye ; to whom 〈◊〉 repaire , is to reviv● and in whom 〈◊〉 dwel , is life for ever ▪ Bee not then of 〈◊〉 number of the●● that beginne not 〈◊〉 live , till they bee r●●●dy to dye : and then , after a foes desert , come to crave of God a friends entertainment . keywords: advice; aged; available; bee; body; books; characters; conscience; creation; data; death; dutifull; early; edition; eebo; elements; encoding; english; fall; father; god; good; hath; hee; images; keying; life; long; man; mortall; number; old; online; oxford; page; partnership; phase; project; proquest; respect; robert; saint; saith; selfe; short; sonne; soule; southwell; tcp; tei; text; things; time; true; wise; work; xml; ● ● cache: A05468.xml plain text: A05468.txt item: #9 of 89 id: A06862 author: Cecil, Thomas, fl. 1630, engraver. title: The iudgment of humane actions a most learned, & excellent treatise of morrall philosophie, which fights agaynst vanytie, & conduceth to the fyndinge out of true and perfect felicytie. Written in French by Monsieur Leonard Marrande and Englished by Iohn Reynolds date: 1629.0 words: 66294 flesch: 53 summary: Our senses haue formerly taught vs , that without them reason is nothing , nor hath no place from whence to drawe her forces ; or from whence shee may take her motions , thereby to know the truth of things , and to establish a firme foundation , to the end , that by the perquisition which shee makes of things knowne and discouered , shee may passe on to the knowledge of those , which are obscured and hidden ▪ Let vs for this regard content our selues of the vice and fault which is in vs , without contributing any more , through the vice of our owne opinion , and the weakenesse of our Iudgement ; which dares not vndertake to con●roule the opinion of others , and lesse to weigh or balance the the reasons , which many times are more esteem'd , and considerable in the white beards of their Authors , then in a solid or lawfull value ; which makes , that wee ought not to admire , if wee finde so many learned personages among vs ; It is , that relying , and resting our selues vpon principles , which we haue neuer proued or essayed ; Nature being icalous of secrets , permits not the Senses to discouer the Essences of things , nor that they can conuey any thing to our vnderstanding , that is not changed and corrupted by them in the Passage . keywords: aboue; abuse; actions; adde; aduance; aduantage; affection; afflictions; againe; ambition; appetite; approach; art; assistance; authority; ayre; beauty; bee; beginning; beleeue; best; better; betweene; birth; bloud; blowes; bodies; body; bosome; bring; burning; capable; care; cast; cause; certaine; change; children; choler; colours; command; common; comparison; condition; conduct; confusion; consequence; contempt; content; contentment; contrary; corrupted; corruption; couetousnesse; countenance; courage; cure; custome; dangerous; day; death; defect; degree; delights; designe; desire; despight; different; difficult; dignities; discouer; discourse; distant; diuided; diuine; doe; doth; doubt; drawes; earth; effect; embrace; empire; encrease; end; endure; enemie; english; enioy; enioying; enuie; essence; estate; esteeme; estimation; euery; euill; excellent; extent; extreame; eyes; face; fall; false; farre; farther; fast; fauour; feare; feele; feeling; felicitie; felicity; figure; findes; fire; follow; folly; forme; fortune; foundation; free; fury; generous; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; good; great; greater; greatest; greatnesse; griefe; grosse; hands; harmony; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heauen; hee; high; himselfe; hold; honour; hope; house; humane; ignorance; image; imagination; imperfect; imperfections; indeede; infinite; instant; iudge; iudgement; iust; know; knowledge; knowne; labour; law; learning; leaue; lesse; let; liberty; life; like; line; little; liuely; long; lose; loue; lustre; man; manner; mans; matter; meanes; measure; meete; men; mens; middest; minde; miserable; misfortune; moment; motion; naturall; nature; necessary; neede; neuer; neuerthelesse; new; noble; number; obiect; obscure; obserue; onely; opinion; order; ouer; owne; paine; particular; parts; passage; passe; passions; people; perfect; permit; perpetuall; philosopher; place; pleasing; pleasure; point; poore; possesse; possession; power; poyson; praise; present; princes; principles; proceede; produce; produceth; profit; proper; qualities; quality; reason; receiue; regard; remaine; remedy; repose; reputation; resemblance; rest; riches; ruine; runnes; science; sea; second; section; seeke; seemes; selfe; senses; serues; shame; sharpe; shee; shew; sight; sith; slauery; sleepe; small; soone; sorrow; sorts; soueraigne; soule; sound; speake; spirits; spring; stay; stop; stormes; strange; strength; subiect; sunne; superficies; superiour; support; sweet; sweetnesse; tcp; teares; tearme; temperance; tempests; text; thee; themselues; thereof; things; thinke; thou; thoughts; thunder; thy; time; touch; tranquillity; trouble; true; truth; value; vanitie; vanity; vertue; vertuous; vice; violence; violent; vnder; vnderstanding; vntill; vnto; voluptuousnesse; vpon; vse; vulgar; want; water; way; weake; weakenesse; wealth; weapons; wee; wee haue; wherewith; wilt; wise; wisedome; wit; words; world; yea; ● ● cache: A06862.xml plain text: A06862.txt item: #10 of 89 id: A08274 author: Norden, John, 1548-1625? title: The fathers legacie VVith precepts morall, and prayers diuine: fitted for all sorts, both yong and old, times and seasons: morning, noone, and night. date: 1625.0 words: 4602 flesch: 62 summary: 4 Neuer striue to please all men , or indeed any man whom thou needst not feare , since whateuer thou doest will displease some body , if thou canst please thy selfe and not offend God , it is no matter whether others be pleased or no. 12 If thou be poore marry late and far off , if rich , quickly and neer home , let thy wife be either vertuous , noble , rich , or faire , for without these or one of these , there can be no loue . keywords: alwaies; bee; body; books; characters; christ; conscience; creation; day; diuine; doe; early; eebo; english; euer; father; feare; giue; god; good; grace; greater; hands; haue; heart; holy; house; iesus; life; like; lord; loue; mercifull; mercy; mind; morning; nature; night; o lord; precepts; selfe; sinnes; soule; spirit; sweet; tcp; tei; text; thanke; thee; things; thou; thy; time; vnto; vpon; wee; word cache: A08274.xml plain text: A08274.txt item: #11 of 89 id: A10362 author: Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618. title: Sir Walter Raleighs instructions to his sonne and to posterity date: 1632.0 words: 5847 flesch: 57 summary: I would not have you for any respect loose your reputation , or endure publike disgrace ; for better it were not to live then to live a coward , if the offence proceed not from thy selfe , if it bee it shall bee better to compound it upon good termes , then to hazard thy selfe , for if thou overcome , thou art under the crueltie of the Law , if thou be overcome thou art dead , or dishonoured ; If thou therefore contend , or discourse in argument , let it bee with Wise and sober Men , of which thou mayest learne by reasoning , and not with ignorant persons , for thou shalt thereby instruct those : that will not thanke thee , and utter what they have learned from thee , but if thou know more then other Men , utter it when it may doe thee honour , and not in assemblies of ignorant , & common persons : The third is , that thou suffer not thy selfe to be wounded for other Mens faults , and scourged for other Mens offences , which is , to bee suerty for another , for thereby millions of Men have beene beggered and destroyed , paying the reckoning of other Mens ryot , and the charge of other Mens folly , and prodigality ; if thou smart for thy owne sin , the paine is endured with some ease , and above all things bee not made an Asse to carry the burden of other Men ; If thy friend desire thee to bee his suretie , give him a part of what thou hast to spare , if hee presse thee farther , hee is not thy friend at all , for friendship rather chooseth harme to it selfe then offereth it , if thou be bound for a stranger , thou art a foole , if for a Marchant , thou puttest thy estate to learne to swimme ; If for a Churchman , he hath no inheritance ; if for a Lawyer , hee will find an evasion by a syllable , or word to abuse thee ; if for a poore Man thou must pay it thy selfe , therefore from Suretiship as from a Man-slayer , or enchanter for the best profit , and returne will bee this , that if thou force him for whom thou art bound to pay it himselfe , hee wil become thy enemie , if thou use to pay it thy selfe , thou wilt be a begger , and beleeve thy Father in this , and print it in thy thoughts , that what vertue soever thou hast , bee it never so manifold , if thou be poore withall , thou , and thy qualities shall be despised ; besides , Poverty is ofttimes sent as a curse of God it is a chaine amongst Men , an imprisonment of the mind , a vexation of everie worthy spirit ; thou shalt neyther helpe thy selfe nor others , thou shalt drowne in thee all thy vertues , having no meanes to shew them , thou shalt bee a burthen , and Eye-sore of all thy friends , everie Man will scorne thy Company , thou shalt bee driven basely to begge , and depend on others , to flatter unworthy Men , to make dishonest shifts ; and to conclude , poverty provokes a Man to doe infamous and detested deedes ; Let no vanitie therefore , or perswasion draw thee to that worst of worldly miseries , if thou be rich , it will give thee pleasure in health , comfort in sicknesse , keywords: alwayes; art; bee; better; books; care; chap; characters; children; death; delight; early; eebo; english; estate; evill; flatterer; friends; god; good; great; hatred; haue; honest; honour; instructions; life; love; man; mans; mayest; meanes; men; mens; old; onely; owne; persons; poore; posterity; private; raleigh; salomon; second; selfe; servants; shee; sir; sonne; sure; tcp; tei; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou bee; thy; time; tongue; use; vanitie; walter; wife; wil; wine; wise; world; young cache: A10362.xml plain text: A10362.txt item: #12 of 89 id: A12203 author: Sibbes, Richard, 1577-1635. title: The spirituall-mans aime guiding a Christian in his affections and actions, through the sundry passages of this life, so that Gods glory, and his owne salvation may be the maine end of all / by the faithfull and reverend divine, R. Sibbes ... ; published by T.G. and P.N. date: 1637.0 words: 13758 flesch: 82 summary: While we are passengers , wee must have things to helpe us in the way to heaven . And therefore the time being short , and uncertaine too , Take it while wee may catch hold of it , especially the opportunity of time . keywords: affections; againe; apparition; bee; best; better; bond; brethren; buying; children; christ; christian; condition; crosses; danger; directions; doe; doth; end; eternitie; everlasting; fashion; food; god; gods; goe; good; grace; great; grieve; hath; heaven; hee; himselfe; husband; ioy; labour; lawfull; liberty; life; little; long; looke; maine; man; marriage; men; new; owne; particular; passe; passing; past; reason; religion; restraint; saith; selves; sentence; shew; short; soule; spirit; state; tcp; text; things; thinke; time; true; use; way; wee; weepe; weeping; wife; wise; wives; world cache: A12203.xml plain text: A12203.txt item: #13 of 89 id: A12819 author: Lipsius, Justus, 1547-1606. title: Meditations, and resolutions, moral, divine, politicall century I : written for the instruction and bettering of youth, but, especially, of the better and more noble / by Antony Stafford ... ; there is also annexed an oration of Iustus Lipsius, against calumnie, translated out of Latine, into English. date: 1612.0 words: 17584 flesch: 77 summary: 55 Mariage was ordained by God for mans comfort : and yet man often times abuseth it to Gods dishonour , and his owne discomfort . VVhy should man lay more vpon man , than GOD himselfe doth ? keywords: aboue; actions; age; antony; away; base; beauty; bee; best; better; betwixt; bodies; body; books; calumnie; calumny; care; characters; christ; church; clothes; common; confesse; content; day; dayes; death; discourse; doe; doth; early; earth; eating; eebo; enemy; english; euen; euery; eyes; face; faire; false; fame; father; foole; friend; frō; giue; god; goddesse; gods; goe; good; great; greater; greatest; hath; haue; head; health; heart; heauen; hee; heere; high; himselfe; hither; home; honest; honour; hurt; ill; images; indeede; iudgement; knowe; knowing; later; length; life; light; like; lipsius; little; liue; long; lord; loue; lying; man; mans; matters; mee; men; minde; mischiefe; miserable; misery; mother; nature; neuer; old; onely; opinion; oration; ouer; owne; page; parents; persons; physician; princes; reader; reason; riches; saith; seene; selfe; seneca; sense; serue; shall; shee; som; soule; speech; spirit; stafford; sure; tcp; tei; tell; text; thee; themselues; thē; things; thinke; thou; thy; time; tongue; true; vaine; valiant; vertue; vertuous; vice; vnderstand; vnto; vpon; vse; vulgar; vvhen; vvhich; vvith; want; wee; wil; wise; wisedome; wit; words; work; world; worthy cache: A12819.xml plain text: A12819.txt item: #14 of 89 id: A13075 author: Struther, William, 1578-1633. title: Christian observations and resolutions, or, The daylie practise of the renewed man, turning all occurrents to spirituall uses, and these uses to his vnion with God I. centurie : vvith a resolution for death, &c. / newlie published by Mr William Struther ... date: 1628.0 words: 63785 flesch: 70 summary: Our heart is euer opē to God , let vs opē it to mā also , the words & deeds of a single heart , make it visible to man : Except they be possessed of Satan , they cannot but loue that heart , that is ful of the loue of God : The wicked labour to hyde his thoughts , but the godly affect to haue them knowne : Why may he not byde the tryall of man , who hath already sustained the sight , & findeth the approbation of God , to the honesty of his heart ? Both the vprightnes of the hart , & testimony of that vprightnes are knowne of God alone , and the vpright heart that hath them . keywords: aboue; abuse; actions; adam; affected; affection; againe; age; angels; base; bee; bee god; beeing; beginning; beloued; best; better; betweene; birth; blessing; blind; bodie; bodilie; body; breake; bringeth; businesse; calling; calumnies; carcase; care; cast; cause; change; children; choose; christ; christian; comfort; commeth; comming; common; conceate; confidence; conscience; conscious; constant; contentment; continuall; contrare; corruption; count; course; craueth; creature; dangerous; day; daylie; dead; death; decay; degree; delight; desire; destruction; deuotion; difficultie; direction; discerning; disease; disposition; diuine; doe; doeth; double; draweth; dust; dwell; earth; end; ends; enemie; error; estate; eternall; euen; euer; euerie; euill; excellent; exercise; experience; eyes; face; faith; faithfull; fall; false; farre; father; fauour; feare; fearefull; feele; feeling; findeth; fire; flesh; folie; following; foolish; foorth; fountaine; free; fruite; fruitfull; furniture; gift; giftes; giuen; giueth; glorie; glorious; god; god himselfe; godlie; godly; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; griefe; grieuous; grosse; ground; hand; happie; happinesse; hard; hardnesse; hate; hath; hatred; haue; head; health; heart; heartes; heauen; heauenlie; heauenly; hee; heere; hell; helpe; himselfe; hold; holy; home; honour; hope; house; humane; humour; hurt; iesus; image; increase; indeede; infirmities; injuries; inward; joye; judgement; keepe; keepeth; know; knowest; knowledge; knowne; labour; lacke; land; large; law; learning; leaue; lesse; libertie; life; light; like; little; liue; liuing; long; loose; lord; lotte; loue; loueth; man; manie; mankynde; mans; marke; matter; meanes; measure; meditation; mee; meete; men; mens; mercie; midst; minde; miserie; motions; naturall; nature; necessar; necessitie; neede; neglect; neighbour; new; newes; obedience; obseruation; obtaine; occasion; offend; oft; olde; onelie; onely; open; order; ouer; ouercome; outward; owne; paines; particular; passe; passions; peace; perfection; person; pleasant; power; powerfull; practise; praise; prayer; predominant; presence; present; present god; proceeding; profitable; profite; promise; proofe; prosperitie; proue; prouidence; psal; punishment; readie; reason; receiue; rejoyce; religion; religious; remeede; rent; repentance; resolution; respect; rest; resteth; returne; righteousnesse; rule; runne; sainctes; saluation; sathan; saue; sauing; scarcelie; scripture; seale; second; secret; securitie; seeke; seeth; selfe; sense; sensible; sentence; separate; seruant; serue; seruice; set; sette; short; sinne; sinners; sleepe; small; solide; soone; soule; speake; speciall; spirit; spirituall; stand; stay; strength; strong; substance; suffer; sufficiencie; sufficient; supplie; sweete; taketh; taske; tcp; temper; tendernesse; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thoughts; thy; time; token; trouble; true; trueth; trust; tryall; turne; tyme; union; use; vanitie; vertue; violence; vnder; vnspeakable; vnto; vpon; vse; walke; walking; want; waters; way; wayes; weake; weaknesse; wearie; wee; wee bee; wee doe; wee haue; whē; wicked; wisedome; wonder; words; worke; worketh; working; world; worshippe; worth; worthie; wrath; wrong; yea; youth; ● ● cache: A13075.xml plain text: A13075.txt item: #15 of 89 id: A14293 author: Vaughan, William, 1577-1641. title: The golden-groue moralized in three bookes: a worke very necessary for all such, as would know how to gouerne themselues, their houses, or their countrey. Made by W. Vaughan, Master of Artes, and student in the ciuill law, date: 1600.0 words: 75386 flesch: 79 summary: Finally , nature is ioyned with God , according to that common sentence , God & nature do make nothing in vaine : but Art is ioined with man , and by reason of mans weakenesse is subiect to innumerable errours : therefore nature is farre better then Art. Obiection . And if the greatest Gardener of the best manured Eden had vouchsafed me the settes of Diuiner worth , such as bloomed in the holy and golden groues of his Prophets , I would haue offred vp a sweet smelling sacrifice of the purest choise ; but since that glorious Paradise for the first mans offence hath bene shut vp from any entraunce , I thought good to present thee with such fruites , as this earth affoords , a three leau'd bud , not onely of incōparable sweetnes to him , that hath it , but also of infinit admiration to him , that beholdeth it . keywords: abominable; aboue; abuse; account; acquisitiue; actions; aduersitie; affections; againe; age; almes; alteration; alwaies; ambition; ambitious; amōg; anger; anglic; angrie; apparell; appeare; archbishop; arist; aristocracy; aristot; art; arts; aske; assured; aswell; atheists; attaine; augustus; auncient; aunswere; authority; authour; bad; base; beasts; becommeth; bee; beginning; beleeue; bene; benefite; best; better; betweene; betwixt; beware; beyng; blaspheme; blind; bloud; bodies; body; boetius; booke; borne; breake; brethren; bribes; briefe; brother; cap; care; cast; cause; cā; certaine; chamber; chap; charge; charles; chiefest; children; christ; christians; church; cic; cicero; citie; citizens; ciuill; comet; commeth; comming; common; commonwealth; company; compare; compelled; conclusion; confesse; conscience; consent; consideration; consisteth; contrarie; contrary; couetous; couetousnesse; counsell; countrey; countries; creatures; credit; crie; cruell; curse; custome; daily; dauid; day; dayes; dead; death; deceitfull; delay; delight; democracy; depart; desire; dice; discerne; discourse; discretion; disobedient; disposed; diuell; diuers; diuersities; diuided; diuine; diuision; doe; doth; doubt; doubtlesse; drinke; drunkennesse; duke; duties; duty; eares; earle; earth; education; edward; eebo; effects; egypt; eies; election; elements; els; emperour; empire; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; enuious; enuy; epist; essence; esteemed; ethic; euen; euerie; euerlasting; euery; euill; eundem; example; excellent; exercise; exo; expedient; experience; eyes; eyther; face; facultie; fall; false; familiar; familie; family; famous; farre; fasting; father; feare; fearefull; field; fift; fine; fire; fit; fiue; flatterer; flesh; followeth; fond; foole; foolish; forbidden; force; forgiue; fortitude; fortune; foure; fourth; france; free; french; friend; friendes; friendshippe; frō; gaue; generall; gentlemen; ghost; giue; giueth; glorie; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; goeth; golden; good; goodnesse; gouernment; grace; grammar; great; greater; groue; ground; guilty; habit; halfe; hand; hard; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heathen; heauen; heauenly; hee; hee bee; heed; hell; henrie; henry; high; himselfe; histor; hold; holy; homer; honest; honour; honourable; hope; horrible; hospitality; house; howbeit; howe; hurt; husband; ibid; idle; iesus; ignorance; ignorant; image; indulgence; inferiour; infinite; ingratitude; insomuch; instruction; intent; intolerable; inward; iohn; italy; iudgement; iudges; iupiter; iustice; keepe; killeth; kind; kindes; king; kingdome; knights; know; knowing; knowledge; knowne; labour; landes; large; late; law; lawes; lawfull; lawyers; lead; learned; learning; leaue; left; lesse; lette; lib; liberalitie; lies; life; lift; light; like; little; liue; liuing; logick; london; long; longer; lord; lost; loue; low; magistrates; magnanimous; magnificence; maiestie; male; man; man bee; maner; mans; marchants; market; marriage; mary; masters; matrimonie; matter; mā; meanes; measure; meate; mee; members; men; mens; metals; mē; mind; minister; miserable; modestie; monarchie; monarchy; money; moone; morall; moreouer; moses; mother; mouth; names; nations; naturall; nature; nay; necessary; necessitie; needes; neerer; neuer; neuerthelesse; new; ninth; noble; noblemen; notable; nowe; number; obey; obiection; occasion; offence; offred; onely; opinion; order; ouer; ouercome; outward; owne; oxford; paines; paradise; parents; parliament; party; past; patience; patient; paul; pay; people; perceiue; perfect; perfection; periurie; perpetuall; persius; persons; perswade; pet; philip; philosopher; place; plant; plato; play; pleasant; pleasure; poet; poetrie; poetry; policy; polonia; poore; pope; possible; pound; power; praise; pray; preferred; prepared; presence; present; pretious; pride; prince; priuate; proceedeth; prodigall; profitable; promise; properties; prou; prudence; publike; punishment; purpose; qualities; queene; question; quoth; read; realme; reason; reasonable; receyue; reformed; regard; religion; remedies; repent; respect; rest; rich; riuer; romanes; rome; rule; sabaoth; said; saint; saith; sake; satyr; saue; sauiour; saying; scholers; schoole; scorne; sea; second; sect; sedition; seeing; seene; seldome; sence; sentence; seruants; serue; set; seuenth; shame; shee; shew; shillings; shire; siluer; simony; simple; sir; sixe; sixt; small; societie; sonne; sort; soueraigne; souldiers; soule; spaine; spaniards; spanish; speake; speech; speeches; spirit; spirituall; state; stones; strength; strong; subiects; subsidies; succession; sufficient; summe; sundry; sweare; swearing; switzers; taking; tcp; tenne; tenth; text; thee; theefe; theeues; themselues; thē; thēselues; things; thinke; thomas; thou; thought; thy; time; title; touching; towardes; treasure; tree; troubles; true; truth; turkes; turne; tutour; twentie; tyrant; vaine; vaughan; vegetatiue; vengeance; verie; vertue; vertuous; vice; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnited; vniuersitie; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vpon; vpō; vse; vsurer; vtter; warres; water; waxe; way; weake; wealth; wee; wel; whatsoeuer; wheras; wherby; wherof; whē; whome; whō; wicked; wife; wil; willes; william; wilt; wine; wise; wisedome; wish; wit; witnesse; wiues; woman; wonderfull; words; worke; world; worldly; worthie; worthy; write; writeth; yea; yeeld; yeere; yong; youths cache: A14293.xml plain text: A14293.txt item: #16 of 89 id: A14795 author: Warwick, Arthur, 1604?-1633. title: Spare-minutes: or resolved meditations and premeditated resolutions. Written by A.W. date: 1634.0 words: 15029 flesch: 75 summary: THere are a sort of men which are kind men to mee , when they expect some kindnesse from mee : who have their hands downe to the ground in their salutations , when the ground of their salutations is to have a hand at me , in some commodity . yet since as a tenant my soule must answer her Landlord for reparations of the house she dwels in , and I have no warrant of GOD or man for such revenge , I will not kill my owne soule to kill an other mans body . keywords: actions; ambition; apparell; bad; bee; bee good; best; better; body; books; candle; care; carefull; cause; change; christ; commendation; common; content; courtesie; crosse; danger; day; dead; death; desire; doe; doth; early; earth; edition; eebo; english; estate; evill; faith; fall; fault; feare; folly; free; friend; glorious; glory; god; goe; good; goodnesse; grace; great; greater; greatest; ground; hammond; happie; happinesse; hate; hath; health; heart; heaven; hee; heere; high; himselfe; home; honour; innocent; journey; joy; kingdome; knowledge; lawes; learne; lesse; life; light; like; little; long; loose; lord; love; malice; man; mans; meditations; mee; men; minde; morning; nature; need; onely; opinion; owne; page; people; place; pleasures; poore; praise; premeditated; pride; promise; proud; reason; religion; resolution; rest; rich; saints; second; seeme; selfe; set; shelter; shew; short; sinne; sleepe; small; soone; soule; speake; substance; tcp; teach; text; things; thinke; thought; time; title; tongue; true; vices; walke; want; way; wee; whiles; winter; wit; works; world; worse; worth; wound cache: A14795.xml plain text: A14795.txt item: #17 of 89 id: A16660 author: Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. title: Essaies vpon the fiue senses with a pithie one vpon detraction. Continued vvith sundry Christian resolues, full of passion and deuotion, purposely composed for the zealously-disposed. By Rich: Brathwayt Esquire. date: 1620.0 words: 20865 flesch: 53 summary: SIR , I Haue long sought the expressiō of my thoughts , which haue euer with all sinceritie tendred them yours : but how infirme is conceit without further demonstration ? Loue is a deepe effect of the soule , which vndiscouer'd , struggles , yea strangles herselfe till shee be deliuer'd . True it is , that nothing is more swift than Calumnie , for shee is euer flying ; more eager , for she is euer assailing ; more cautelous , being euer prying ; more tyrannous , being euer raging , or more remorcelesse , being euer deuouring . keywords: a16660; aboue; accomplished; actions; affaires; affections; affinitie; alwaies; ambition; angry; appetite; argument; attaine; beauty; best; better; bin; blessed; bodie; books; care; cause; certaine; characters; christian; comfort; conceit; conscience; consideration; contemplation; content; conuersant; creation; creator; danger; day; dayes; death; delight; desire; detraction; direct; discontent; discourse; distaste; diuine; doth; eare; early; earth; eebo; eminent; end; ends; english; essaies; essay; essence; euen; euening; euer; excellent; experience; expresse; exquisite; extended; eye; eyes; facultie; faire; fall; far; father; fiue; flesh; fore; free; friend; gaine; garment; giue; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; ground; habit; hand; happinesse; happy; harbour; hate; hath; haue; head; hearing; heart; heauen; heauenly; herselfe; himselfe; honour; hope; husbands; image; intended; inward; iudgment; leaue; lesse; life; like; lin; litle; liue; liuing; long; lord; loue; maker; man; mans; marriage; meane; mee; melodie; men; mercy; minde; miserable; miserie; motiue; moue; musicke; nature; nought; number; obiects; occasion; onely; operation; opinion; ouer; outward; owne; oyntments; pag; parts; passion; perfection; place; pleasing; pleasure; poore; power; praise; present; reason; repentance; resolues; rest; restrained; reuenge; rich; richard; saith; satisfied; sauiours; seeme; selfe; selues; sence; senses; set; shame; shee; sin; smell; soone; soule; sound; speake; spirit; state; strange; subiect; sundry; sunne; sweet; taste; tcp; teares; tei; temperate; text; thee; things; thoughts; time; tongue; touch; true; vertue; vnderstanding; vnto; vpon; vse; vsurer; want; way; whatsoeuer; wise; wish; wit; woman; works; world; worth; yea cache: A16660.xml plain text: A16660.txt item: #18 of 89 id: A17081 author: Bryskett, Lodowick. title: A discourse of ciuill life containing the ethike part of morall philosophie. Fit for the instructing of a gentleman in the course of a vertuous life. By Lod: Br. date: 1606.0 words: 92128 flesch: 49 summary: Much better were it indeede for men of yeares not to do any thing of which they might be ashamed , if the condition of man would permit it , then after they had done it to blush thereat : and much more reprochfull is his fault , if he offend voluntarily then the young mans . For though I said I aimed at the high marke of humane felicitie , yet for so little as I haue read in Morall Philosophy , I haue learned that Plato hath made mention of two distinct felicities of man ( and others besides him ) the one a contemplatiue felicitie ( which some men haply draw neare vnto , but cannot perfectly attaine in this life ; ) the other an actiue or practicke felicitie , consisting in vertuous actions , and reducing of a mans passions vnder the rule of reason . keywords: aboue; accidents; accounted; actions; affaires; age; alexander; alwayes; answer; appetites; apt; aristotle; ashamed; attaine; auncient; author; bad; base; beasts; beginning; behauiour; beleeue; best; better; betweene; bin; blame; bodie; body; booke; borne; brute; busied; capable; captaine; care; carleil; cause; certaine; charge; childhood; children; choice; circumstances; ciuill; combat; cometh; commendable; commendation; common; companie; company; compasse; conclude; conditions; consideration; contemplation; content; contentment; contrary; conuersation; counsell; countrey; courage; creatures; custome; danger; day; dayes; dayly; dead; death; defence; degree; delight; deserue; desire; destinie; dialogue; dignitie; diligence; dillon; dinner; direct; discourse; dishonest; disordinate; disposed; disposition; diuers; diuine; dormer; doth; doubt; draw; drawne; earth; education; effect; election; end; endeuour; enemies; enemy; english; esteemed; eternall; euen; euermore; euery; euery man; euill; example; excellent; exercise; experience; extremes; eyes; faculties; fall; false; family; farre; father; fault; fauour; feare; feeling; felicitie; fit; flatterers; follow; followeth; foolish; forme; fortitude; fortune; forward; foundation; frame; free; friendship; frō; gentleman; gift; giue; giueth; god; gods; good; good men; goodnesse; grace; great; greater; greatest; grow; guide; habit; hand; haply; happie; happinesse; hard; harme; hath; hath bin; haue; haue bin; hauing; heart; heauen; helpe; high; himselfe; hold; home; honest; honestie; honorable; honour; hope; house; howsoeuer; humane; ignorance; images; immortall; increase; iniuries; iniury; instruction; instrument; intellectiue; iudgement; iustice; keepe; kind; king; knowing; knowledge; knowne; labour; lawes; lawfull; learne; learning; leaue; left; lesse; let; lie; life; like; little; liue; liuing; long; lord; loue; magistrates; magnanimitie; maiestie; making; man; maner; mans; marke; matter; meane; meaning; measure; meete; men; men haue; mens; mind; mindes; morall; mother; moue; musike; naturall; nature; necessary; necessitie; need; needfull; neuer; neuerthelesse; new; noble; norreis; number; occasion; office; oftentimes; onely; operations; opinion; order; ouer; ouercome; owne; pag; parents; particular; parts; passe; passions; people; perceiue; perfect; perfection; persons; philosophers; philosophie; place; plants; plato; platonikes; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; plotinus; poets; point; possible; power; praise; present; princes; principall; priuate; proceedeth; profit; profitable; proper; prudence; prudent; publike; punishment; purchase; purpose; qualitie; question; quoth; ready; reason; reasonable; receiue; regard; religion; reputation; respect; rest; reuenge; riches; right; robert; romanes; rule; said; saith; sayd; saying; schoole; science; second; seeds; seeme; seemeth; senses; sensible; sensitiue; sentence; separated; serue; set; seuerall; shew; sheweth; simple; singular; small; socrates; soone; sort; soule; speake; speciall; speech; speeches; spirits; spring; state; strange; studie; study; subiect; substance; sufficient; sundry; suppose; tcp; teacheth; temperance; text; themselues; thereunto; therfore; things; thinke; thought; time; title; tongue; touching; trauell; true; truth; turne; vaine; valiant; valour; vegetatiue; vertue; vertuous; vice; vicious; vile; vnderstanding; vnderstood; vniuersall; vniust; vnruly; vnto; vnto man; vnworthy; vpon; vse; vsed; want; wanton; way; weales; wealth; wel; whatsoeuer; whereof; whiles; wholy; wicked; wife; wil; wine; wise; wise men; wisedome; wit; withall; words; worke; world; worthy; yeares; yeeld; yong; yong man; youth cache: A17081.xml plain text: A17081.txt item: #19 of 89 id: A18244 author: Baker, Richard, Sir, 1568-1645. title: Cato variegatus or Catoes morall distichs: translated and paraphras'd, with varations of expressing, in English verse. By Sr. Richard Baker Knight date: 1636.0 words: 22286 flesch: 88 summary: And therefore seeing the sence especially in precepts , is principally to be regarded , there is iustly a liberty given , in this kinde , not onely to use Periphrases , but Paraphrases also , as the cause may require , which liberty if I be censured by any to have used too liberally : Yet so long as Sensus est in tuto , and nothing is said , but what is drawn , Epotentia verborum : I expect to be excused at least , if not commended : And if many of these , seeme rather Paraphrases , or rather Collateral Conceits then translations : yet seeing they tend all to the same sence : and that the direct translations are sent before , as set alwayes next the latine : they are but after the fashion of young men ; who weare thin cloaths , in cold winter , but haue good warm wast-cotes vnder them , and some men , may bee of that disposition , to take as much delight , in the conceit of the Expressing● as in the expressing of the conceit-And indeed , this kinde of writing , seemes not onely away of meditation , but a Fruit : Not only an Exercise , but a Dilating of Invention ; and if there were nothing else , but the Variety ; we see , how much the Eye , is delighted with varietie of colours , in the same obiect ; the Eare , with variety of Descant upon the same Plaine song ; & euen Nature herselfe , seemes delighted with it : Animus , nobis ut carmin●● dicunt : Hic tibi praecipue , sit p●ra mente c●lendus . keywords: a18244; able; account; age; alterius; alwayes; amicus; anger; art; aske; author; bad; base; bee; begger; best; better; betweene; blame; blow; body; books; bow; braine; breath; breeds; canst; care; cato; cause; certaine; change; characters; conceale; conceit; condemne; content; credit; curse; day; dead; death; deere; desire; doe; dost; doth; doubt; doubtfull; drinke; dum; dye; early; earth; eccle; ecclus; eebo; english; envy; est; esto; evils; expressing; eyes; fac; faire; faithfull; fall; fast; father; fault; feare; fit; flie; fly; folly; foole; forbeare; fortune; free; friend; friendship; fruit; god; gods; goe; good; grave; great; greater; ground; growes; hand; hast; hath; haue; head; health; heart; heaven; heed; himselfe; hold; hope; houre; hurt; ill; image; interdum; ipse; ipsum; iudge; iudgement; iust; keepe; knowledge; knowne; labour; law; lawes; learne; learning; leave; lesse; life; light; like; little; live; long; looke; love; man; manners; marke; master; mayst; meanes; measure; memento; men; mens; minde; morall; multa; nam; nature; nec; needs; nere; new; noli; non; notes; onely; ones; owne; past; patience; place; play; pleasure; poets; poore; praise; pro; promise; quae; qui; quid; quod; quum; reading; reason; reports; rest; riches; rise; rule; runne; search; secrets; sed; seeke; seemes; selfe; semper; sence; servants; set; shame; shee; shine; sic; sinne; sis; sit; sleepe; sleeping; sloth; small; spare; sparing; speake; speech; spirit; stand; state; stay; store; stormes; strangers; streight; strength; strife; strong; sunt; tcp; tei; tempore; text; thee; things; thinke; thou; thou art; thou mayst; thought; thy; tibi; time; tongue; true; trust; truth; turne; twice; use; vaine; valour; variety; vita; vse; walke; want; warning; weake; weight; wife; wilt; wine; wisdome; wise; wit; words; worse; worth; wrath; wrong; yeeld; young; ● e; ● ● cache: A18244.xml plain text: A18244.txt item: #20 of 89 id: A18303 author: Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598. title: Certaine preceptes or directions, for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life: as also œconomicall discipline for the gouernment of his house: with a platforme to a good foundation thereof, in the aduised choise of a wife: left by a father to his sonne at his death, who was sometimes of eminent note and place in this kingdome. And published from a more perfect copie, than ordinarily those pocket manuscripts goe unwarranted by. date: 1618.0 words: 3420 flesch: 63 summary: Certaine preceptes or directions, for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life: as also œconomicall discipline for the gouernment of his house: with a platforme to a good foundation thereof, in the aduised choise of a wife: left by a father to his sonne at his death, who was sometimes of eminent note and place in this kingdome. Certaine preceptes or directions, for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life: as also œconomicall discipline for the gouernment of his house: with a platforme to a good foundation thereof, in the aduised choise of a wife: left by a father to his sonne at his death, who was sometimes of eminent note and place in this kingdome. keywords: aduised; bee; better; books; cecil; certaine; characters; choyse; death; early; edition; eebo; encoding; english; estate; euery; father; foundation; friende; goe; good; gouernment; great; haue; hee; house; images; keepe; life; like; liue; man; manie; mans; online; oxford; partnership; phase; precept; preceptes; project; sonne; tcp; tei; text; time; vertues; vndertake; wife; works; xml cache: A18303.xml plain text: A18303.txt item: #21 of 89 id: A18304 author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, attributed name. title: Precepts, or, Directions for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life, through the whole course thereof: left by William, Lord Burghly, to his sonne, at his death, who was sometimes Lord Treasurer of this kingdome. Also some other precepts and advertisements added, which sometimes was the iewell and delight of the right Honourable Lord and father to his country Francis, Earl of Bedford, deceased. In two bookes date: 1636.0 words: 14891 flesch: 73 summary: Precepts, or, Directions for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life, through the whole course thereof: left by William, Lord Burghly, to his sonne, at his death, who was sometimes Lord Treasurer of this kingdome. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1167:02) Precepts, or, Directions for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life, through the whole course thereof: left by William, Lord Burghly, to his sonne, at his death, who was sometimes Lord Treasurer of this kingdome. keywords: abuse; affection; age; beauty; bee; best; better; bishop; body; cause; chap; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; common; company; counsell; country; daily; day; death; delight; desire; discipline; doe; doth; early; earth; eebo; end; english; estate; evill; experience; father; feare; foure; foure things; friend; god; godly; good; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; head; health; heart; heaven; hee; heed; high; himselfe; honourable; house; humble; iustice; keepe; kingdome; labour; law; life; like; little; live; lord; love; man; manner; mans; master; men; minde; nature; neighbour; obedience; old; onely; owne; parts; people; pleasure; poore; poore man; precepts; pride; prowd; reason; rich; riches; right; rule; saint; saith; saying; second; selfe; shamefastnesse; shew; short; sonne; soule; spirit; strength; tcp; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; time; true; truth; unlawfull; vertue; way; wicked; william; wise; wisedome; wit; woman; words; world; yea; young; youth cache: A18304.xml plain text: A18304.txt item: #22 of 89 id: A18317 author: Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598. title: The counsell of a father to his sonne, in ten seuerall precepts left as a legacy at his death. date: 1611.0 words: 2494 flesch: 67 summary: BEware of suertiship for thy best friend , for he y t payeth an other mans debts , seekes his owne decay , but if thou canst not otherwise choose rather then to lend that money from thy selfe vpon good bonds , ( though thou borrow it ) Beware that thou spend not aboue three of the foure parts of thy Reuenewes , nor aboue one third part thereof in thy house , for the other two parts will but defray thy extraordinaries , which will alwaies surmount thy ordinaries by much , for otherwise thou shalt liue like a rich beggar in a continuall want , and the needy man can neuer liue happily nor contented , for then euery least disaster makes him ready to morgage or sell . keywords: bee; books; cause; characters; counsell; creation; death; early; edition; eebo; encoding; english; estate; euery; father; friend; good; great; haue; image; legacy; life; maist; man; online; oxford; partnership; phase; precept; seuerall; sonne; tcp; tei; text; thee; thou; thée; transcribed; works; xml cache: A18317.xml plain text: A18317.txt item: #23 of 89 id: A18817 author: Brinsley, John, fl. 1581-1624. title: The first book of Tullies Offices translated grammatically, and also according to the propriety of our English tongue; for the more speedy and certain attaining of the singular learning contained in the same, to further to a pure Latin stile, and to expresse the mind more easily, both in English & Latine. Done chiefly for the good of schools; to be vsed according to the directions in the admonition to the reader, and more fully in Ludus lit. or Grammar-schoole date: 1616.0 words: 69908 flesch: 82 summary: * Afterward q to the end to make him * more attentiue , hee commendeth [ vnto him ] thi●… part of Philosophie , which is concerning Duties ; q for two causes especially ; either for that the vse o●… it , q extendeth it selfe most largely to euery condition of life : or because q this alone is common to all sorts of Philosophers . Lastly , q hee affirmeth , that he chiefly followeth the Stoiks in this discourse , because these haue q determined the very best of the end of goodnes , q whereunto al Duties are referred : keywords: able; aboue; account; action; aduice; affaires; againe; agreeable; alwaies; anger; appeare; appeareth; appertaine; appetite; argument; ariseth; attaine; base; beasts; becommeth; bee q; benefit; beseeming; best; better; betweene; beware; bin; bodie; body; bountie; businesses; bvt; c. q; care; cato; cause; certaine q; chance; chap; chapter; children; citizens; ciuill; comlinesse; commendation; commodities; commonweale; concludeth; consideration; constancie; constant; contention; contrarie; contrary; conuersant; counsell; countrie; courage; course; cōmon; creatures; cunning; custome; death; declareth; deeds; degrees; delight; desire; desirous; difference; difficult; dignitie; diligence; discourse; disgrace; dishonest; doe; doe q; don; doth; double; doubt; drawne; duties; duty; end; enemies; enemy; english; estate; euen; euerie; euery; euill; example; excell; excellent; exercise; eyes; familiar; famous; father; fault; feare; fellowship; followeth; fortitude; fortune; free; friends; frō; generall; giue; giueth; glorie; glory; goe; good; gouernment; grace; great q; greater; greater q; greatest; greatnesse; greeke; hand; hand q; hard; hath; haue; hauing; hee; hee bee; heere; heereof; helpe; high; himselfe; honest; honest q; honestie; honour; house; howsoeuer; humane; hurt; increase; indeede; iniurie; iniustice; iudge; iudge q; iudgement; iustice; keepe; keeping; kind; kindes; knowe; knowledge; labour; lacedemonians; later; latine; lawe; learned; learning; left; lesse; liberalitie; liberall; life; life q; like; little; liue; liuing; long; looke; loue; maintaine; man; man q; maner; mans; marcus; matters; meanes; measure; meet; men; mens; middle; minde; moderation; money; moreouer; motions; nature; nature q; necessitie; neede; neuer; noble; noteth; o ●; obey; obserue; odious; oft; olde; onely; open; opinion; order; order q; ought; owne; owne q; panetius; parents; parts; passe; passion; people; perfect; performe; person; philosophers; place; plaine; plato; pleasant; pleasure; point; praise; precepts; preferred; present; preserued; priuate; profit; profitable; promise; prooueth; proper; property; prudence; purpose; q aduice; q agreement; q al; q armes; q beauty; q chiefe; q citie; q cogitation; q commeth; q common; q consisteth; q constancy; q course; q decorum; q discretion; q doth; q euen; q euery; q force; q giuen; q good; q haue; q idlenesse; q iustice; q maner; q martiall; q matters; q modestie; q necessarie; q noble; q pastime; q power; q practice; q priuate; q profit; q reasoning; q riches; q shamefastnesse; q singular; q speech; q state; q strength; q things; q thought; q touch; q vnder; q vnto; q wee; q wise; q worthie; question; quiet; reason; reason q; receiued; regard; respect; rest; returne; right; rome; rule; science; searching; second; seeme; seeme q; seemeth; senate; serue; set; setteth; setting; shame; sheweth; sith; small; societie; society; som; sonne; sort; souldier; speake; speaking; speciall; speech; speeches; spoken; stoiks; studies; substance; taking; talke; tcp; teacheth; temperance; text; themselues; thereunto; thē; things; thinke; thinketh; thought; time; times q; trauell; true; truth; valiant; valorous; valour; verie; vertue; vices; viz; vnderstood; vndertaken; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; vse; vse q; vvee; vvhich; warre; way; weale; wealth; wee; wee haue; whatsoeuer; whenas; whereof; whome; wise; wisedome; wit; words; worthie; worthy; worthy q; wrong; young cache: A18817.xml plain text: A18817.txt item: #24 of 89 id: A19368 author: Corrozet, Gilles, 1510-1568. title: Memorable conceits of diuers noble and famous personages of Christendome, of this our moderne time date: 1602.0 words: 65243 flesch: 68 summary: The first is , to take good counsell : the second is , to haue the sences strong and sound , & to be of a good disposition of bodie : the third is , to be fortunate in all actions : the fourth to be alwaies neare and in companie with men excellent in glorie and renowne : the fifth is to abound in wealth and all other such things as serue for the necessitie of mans life . Of Knovvledge of a mans self . keywords: aboue; accustomed; actions; aduersitie; aduice; affaires; affections; againe; aide; alexander; alwaies; ambassadours; amitie; anger; ansvver; answer; archbishop; armes; armie; art; augustus; backe; battell; beautie; bene; bertrand; best; better; betweene; bishop; bodie; boniface; booke; borne; bountie; brother; burgundie; campe; captaine; cardinall; care; cause; certaine; chap; charge; charles; chiefe; children; choise; christian; church; citie; citizen; commaund; commeth; committed; common; company; conceipt; conditions; conquest; contrarie; conuenient; couetous; couetousnesse; counsell; countenance; countrey; courage; court; crowne; custome; daies; daughter; daunger; day; dead; death; debt; delight; demaunded; desire; desirous; determined; difficult; dignitie; diogenes; diuerse; doth; duke; dutie; dye; earle; easie; edvvard; eighth; eleuenth; emperour; empire; empresse; enemies; england; english; enterprize; enuie; enuious; estate; esteeme; euen; euery; euill; exceeding; excellent; exercise; faire; faith; familiar; famous; father; fauour; feare; felicitie; fellow; field; fifth; fit; flatterers; foole; force; fortune; foughten; fourth; fraunce; frauncis; fredericke; free; french; french king; friends; friendship; gaue; generall; gentleman; giue; giueth; glorie; god; gods; gold; good; good man; good thing; good vnto; goodly; gouerne; great; greater; greatest; hand; happie; hard; hart; hast; hath; hatred; haue; hauing; head; hearing; henry; high; himselfe; himselfe king; hold; holy; honest; honestie; honour; hope; horses; house; humanitie; husband; ignorance; ignorant; ill; intent; iohn; italian; italy; iudgement; iustice; keepe; kind; king; king alphonsus; king levvis; king philip; kingdome; knight; knowledge; knowne; labour; lacedemonians; ladie; lawes; learne; learning; leaue; left; lesse; letters; lewis; liberalitie; libertie; life; like; little; liue; liuing; long; lord; loue; lying; maiestie; maister; making; man; manner; mans; mariage; maried; marquesse; marshall; matter; mā; meane; men; middest; millain; mind; money; monsieur; mortall; mother; naples; nature; necessitie; need; needes; neuer; new; nobilitie; noble; normandie; notable; number; occasion; office; oftentimes; onely; open; opinion; ouer; ought; owne; partie; people; persons; peter; philosopher; place; pleasant; pleasure; poet; poore; poore man; pope; possession; pouertie; power; praise; pray; preferred; presence; present; prince; prisoner; priuate; proper; proud; prudence; prudent; punishment; purchase; purpose; queene; quoth; readie; realme; reason; receiue; regard; renowne; report; reputation; rest; returne; reuenge; reuerence; riches; right; rome; said; saint; saue; saying; scipio; sea; second; secret; seene; seigneur; sentence; serue; seruice; set; seuenth; shew; signe; silence; sir; slaine; small; socrates; sonne; sooner; sort; souldiers; soule; speake; speech; speeches; spirit; spoken; strength; strong; studie; subiect; summe; sword; tcp; text; thee; themselues; thē; thing; thinke; thou; thought; thy; time; trauell; trouble; true; trust; truth; turke; twelfth; tyrant; vaine; valiant; venetians; verses; vertue; vertuous; victorie; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnto; vpon; vse; vvas; vvhen; vvhich; warres; way; wealth; whatsoeuer; whereof; whereunto; whome; wicked; wife; willing; wilt; wine; wise; wisedome; woman; words; world; worthie; wouldest; wrath; writing; yeares; yeeld; young; ● ● cache: A19368.xml plain text: A19368.txt item: #25 of 89 id: A19641 author: Crosse, Henry. title: Vertues common-vvealth: or The high-way to honour Wherin is discouered, that although by the disguised craft of this age, vice and hypocrisie may be concealed: yet by tyme (the triall of truth) it is most plainly reuealed. ... By Henry Crosse. date: 1603.0 words: 47330 flesch: 44 summary: And therfore such old men as are sorrie their youth is gone , it is a sure token they were neuer wise nor gratious , for hee is no wise man that repineth at the most profitable things , for age taketh away the delight of the flesh , the roote of all euill : for there can be no greater plague to mans happinesse then the will of the bodie , which by the priuiledge of youth is subiect to so many indirect courses , destroying the iudgement , and putting out the eye of reason , no communitie with Vertue , but a liuely brotherhood with vice and vanitie : yet some take great glorie to crake of their youthfull acts , and tell many stories of their prankes in former time ; I did this and this saith one , I thus and thus saith an other , I holpe the Priest to say Masse saith a third , and by bragging of their stinking rottennes , and reuiuing their own shame : Suppose they gaine credite for such infamous practises , and commend themselues to posteritie , as men endued with notable exploits , but howsoeuer they boast they glorie but in theyr owne shame , and by sporting at theyr wantonnesse , bewray theyr owne guiltinesse : for if thou hast committed any horrible offence in the time of ignorance , and not repented thy selfe of it in time of knowledge , thou hast giuen consent to thy leaudnesse , and so standest guiltie before God : and therfore the Prophet Dauid praieth God to forgiue the sinnes of his youth . O how hard is it then to pull out those weedes within , which like rebels hold a continuall warre against all good motions : a greater victorie is it therefore to ouercome a mans owne selfe , then to conquere a citie : for he that vanquisheth an enemie , mastereth but flesh and bloud , but hee that can humble his pride and rule his passions , ouercommeth the diuell : the one is but the sonne of man , the the other the sonne of God. keywords: abhominable; abilitie; aboue; abuse; action; aduersitie; affaires; affections; age; alexander; almes; alwayes; amisse; apparell; appeare; art; attempt; away; backe; bad; base; beare; beautie; beautifull; becommeth; bee; benefite; bent; best; better; betweene; birth; blinde; bloud; bodie; body; bookes; bosome; bread; breake; bring; brother; building; busie; calling; care; carnall; carrie; cast; cause; charitie; chiefe; children; christian; church; colour; come; comfort; commendable; commeth; common; company; conscience; content; corrupt; corruption; costly; couetous; counsell; counterfeit; countrey; courage; course; creation; creepe; crosse; curious; custome; cut; daunger; day; dayes; dead; deale; dealing; death; deceit; deeds; defence; delight; desire; deuotion; difference; dignitie; discourse; diuell; diuine; doo; doth; doubt; draweth; drawne; drinking; drunkennesse; duties; dye; eares; early; earth; earthly; ease; eebo; end; ende; enemie; english; euen; euerie; euery; euery man; euill; example; excellent; exercise; experience; eye; eyes; eyther; face; faculties; fall; false; fame; farre; fashion; fast; father; felicitie; fewe; filthy; fine; fire; fit; flesh; folly; foolish; force; fortitude; fortune; gates; gay; generall; gentleman; giue; giueth; glorie; glorious; glory; god; godly; goe; goeth; golden; good; good cause; good man; good parts; goodnesse; gouernment; graue; great; greater; greedie; griefe; ground; growe; habit; hand; happie; happinesse; hard; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heathen; heauen; heauenly; hee; heere; hell; henry; hide; high; himselfe; holde; holy; home; honest; honestie; honour; honourable; hope; house; howsoeuer; humane; humble; humour; hunger; hypocrisie; idle; idlenesse; ignorance; ignorant; image; immortall; impietie; impossible; inough; inward; ioy; iudgement; iustice; keepe; king; knowe; knowledge; labour; laie; large; lawe; learned; learning; leaue; lesse; liberalitie; life; like; little; liue; liuing; long; loose; loue; lust; lye; maiestie; maister; man; man doth; manner; mans; matter; meanes; measure; memorie; men; mens; mettall; minde; miserie; modest; money; morrall; mother; motions; moue; multitude; naked; naturall; nature; nay; necessitie; neuer; neuerthelesse; new; noble; non; notable; obedience; offence; office; onely; open; opinion; order; ouer; ought; outward; owne; parents; parts; passe; passion; path; people; perfect; persons; philosophers; place; playes; pleasant; pleasing; pleasure; poet; poetrie; pollicie; pompe; poore; poore man; possesse; possession; possest; posteritie; pouertie; power; poyson; preferment; present; pride; priuate; profitable; properties; prudence; puft; purchase; pure; puritie; quoth; rare; readie; reading; reason; relieue; report; respect; rest; reuerence; reward; rich; rich man; riches; right; rude; rule; runne; saith; satisfied; saue; scarce; schoole; sciences; scrape; sea; second; securitie; seeing; seeke; serue; seruice; set; shame; shewe; shine; short; sicke; simple; simplicitie; sinfull; sinne; sleepe; small; sober; soone; sorrow; soule; speake; spend; sports; stand; standeth; state; stinking; stirre; store; strength; striue; strong; subiect; succour; sweete; tcp; tedious; temperance; termes; text; thee; themselues; therevnto; therfore; theyr; thē; things; thinke; thou; thought; thy; time; trade; treasure; triall; true; truth; turne; vaine; valour; value; vanitie; verily; vertue; vertue doth; vertuous; vice; vicious; virtus; vnder; vnderstanding; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; vse; vtter; want; wanton; water; way; weake; wealth; wel; whatsoeuer; whereof; whē; whit; wicked; wickednesse; wil; wilt; wine; wings; wise; wise man; wisedome; wish; wit; wits; words; worke; world; worldly; worth; write; yea; young; youth; ● e; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A19641.xml plain text: A19641.txt item: #26 of 89 id: A23734 author: Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. title: The government of the thoughts a prefatory discourse to The government of the tongue / by the author of The whole duty of man. date: 1694.0 words: 47351 flesch: 67 summary: Fear thou not , for I am with thee : Be not dismay'd , for I am thy God , I will strengthen thee , and I will help thee . 3. IN Religious Acts , God left not Israel to their own disposing in minor things , but commanded Moses , See thou make all things according to the Pattern shewed thee in the Mount , Heb. 8.5 . keywords: able; actions; acts; adultery; advantage; adversity; advice; affections; affliction; afraid; almighty; anger; angry; apostle; apprehension; assurance; author; behold; beseech; best; better; bitterness; blessed; blood; body; broken; calm; care; case; cast; certain; chap; christ; comfort; committed; confidence; conscience; content; contrary; cor; corruption; counsel; creature; curse; dangerous; david; day; death; delight; desire; despair; desperate; destruction; deut; direct; divine; dost; doth; duty; earth; ease; end; endeavour; enemies; enemy; envious; envy; estate; evil; example; excellent; exod; express; external; eyes; faith; fall; false; father; fear; fire; fixed; flesh; folly; foolish; frail; fruit; future; gal; gen; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; government; grace; gracious; great; greater; grief; guilty; hand; happiness; happy; hast; hath; health; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; help; high; holy; hope; house; humane; impatient; impious; impossible; infinite; iniquity; internal; inward; issue; james; jealousie; jer; jesus; job; john; joy; judge; judgments; justice; kingdom; kings; knowledge; known; labour; law; life; like; little; live; living; long; lord; lord god; loss; love; luke; malice; man; manifest; master; mat; matt; mayst; means; measure; men; mercies; mercy; mind; mirth; misery; moses; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; object; observe; occasion; open; pag; pardon; passion; patience; paul; peace; perfect; person; peter; pleased; pleasure; poor; power; practice; prayer; presence; present; promise; prophet; prosperity; prov; providence; prudent; psal; psalmist; quiet; ready; reason; regenerate; religion; repentance; resolution; rest; return; revenge; riches; right; righteousness; rom; rules; sake; salvation; sam; sanctity; satan; saviour; saying; sea; second; secret; secure; self; selves; sense; sensible; serpent; servants; service; set; sick; sin; sinful; sinners; sins; solomon; sorrow; soul; sound; spirit; spiritual; strength; strong; subject; sudden; tcp; temporal; temptations; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou canst; thoughts; thy; time; tongue; true; trust; truth; tryal; understanding; unhappy; use; vain; vanity; vertue; victory; vigilant; want; waters; way; ways; wicked; wilt; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; worldly; wounded; wounds; wrath cache: A23734.xml plain text: A23734.txt item: #27 of 89 id: A23740 author: Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. title: The government of the tongue by the author of The whole duty of man, &c. date: None words: 46940 flesch: 62 summary: In mere secular wisdom it will therefore become men to consider , whether this trade be like to turn to account , or whethere it be worth the while , at once to make a jest and an enemy . 12. AND if it be imprudent to make man our enemy , t is much more to make God so , by levelling our blowes at any thing sacred : but of that I have already had occasion to speak , and shall not repete ; only give me leave to say , that besides the profaner sort of jests , which more immediately reflect on him , he is concern'd in all the unjust reproches of our brethren , our love to them being confirm'd by the same divine Sanction with our reverence to him : and sure nothing is more inconsistent with that love , then the exposing them to that contemt we are our selves so impatient of . The government of the tongue by the author of The whole duty of man, &c. Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. 1667 Approx. keywords: abuse; account; acts; advantages; age; alas; alwaies; anothers; answer; apostle; apt; atheism; atheistical; attemt; author; base; baseness; benefit; best; better; bin; boasting; body; books; breath; brethren; business; care; case; causes; caution; certain; character; charity; children; christian; chuse; circumstances; civil; common; company; concern; conclude; confess; confidence; consider; considerable; consideration; contemt; contrary; converse; cor; counsel; credit; crime; current; danger; day; death; defamation; defeat; degree; design; detraction; discourse; discovery; disease; divine; don; duty; early; earnest; earth; easy; eebo; effects; eies; endeavor; english; envy; equal; estimate; evidence; evil; example; excellent; face; faculties; faculty; fall; false; fame; fancy; farther; faults; fear; fit; flattery; folly; fools; force; friend; friendship; general; glory; god; gods; good; grace; grand; great; greater; greatest; guilt; hand; hard; hath; hearers; heart; heathens; heaven; help; higher; highest; honor; human; humor; ignorance; ill; impious; importance; industry; ingenuity; injuries; injury; innocence; innocent; instances; interest; inward; james; jest; judg; judgment; justice; kind; kindness; knowledg; language; law; liberty; lies; life; light; like; lips; little; long; lord; love; lying; malice; malicious; man; mankind; mans; matter; mean; men; mens; mere; mind; mischiefs; moral; mouth; natural; nature; nay; necessary; need; neighbors; new; news; notions; observation; office; old; ones; open; opinion; original; oxford; particular; parts; pass; paul; people; persons; piety; place; poor; possible; power; practice; present; pretence; pride; principle; private; proof; proper; prophet; proud; prov; psal; psalmist; public; purpose; raise; ready; real; reason; regard; relation; religion; reports; reproch; reputation; respect; restrain; reverence; ridiculous; rule; run; sacred; sacrifice; satan; scarce; scorn; scripture; second; secret; sect; secular; secure; self; selves; sense; set; sets; severe; shame; sin; single; sins; small; sober; society; soever; solomon; somthing; somtimes; sort; souls; speech; spirit; state; stone; strange; subject; sure; talk; tcp; text; thee; thing; tho; thought; title; tongue; trade; true; trust; truth; turn; unhappy; universal; use; useful; uses; utmost; value; vanity; vertue; vice; vile; want; way; wickedness; willing; wisdom; wise; wit; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worth; yea; zeal cache: A23740.xml plain text: A23740.txt item: #28 of 89 id: A23744 author: Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. title: The ladies calling in two parts / by the author of The whole duty of man, The causes of the decay of Christian piety, and The gentlemans calling. date: 1673.0 words: 69244 flesch: 55 summary: 'T is said of Philopemen , that the Lacedemonians finding it their interest to corrupt him with mony , they were yet so possest with the reverence of his vertues , that none durst undertake to attaque him ; and sure 't were not impossible for women to arrive at the same security : such an autority there is in Vertu , that where 't is eminent , 't is apt to controle all loose desires , and he must not be only lustful but sacrilegious , that attemts to violate such a Sanctuary . 'T is true , 't is not alwaies in ones power to shun the meeting with such persons , they are too numerous , and too intruding to be totally avoided ; unless , as St. Paul says , 1 Cor. 5. 10. one should go out of the World. keywords: accomplishments; account; act; acts; address; advantage; affected; age; ages; alas; alms; alwaies; amiable; angry; answer; apostle; apt; atheist; attemt; attendance; author; autority; bear; beauty; behavior; benefit; best; better; bin; black; bodies; body; business; calling; capable; care; case; cast; caution; certain; changes; charge; charity; children; choice; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; civility; command; common; company; compassion; competition; concern'd; concerns; condition; confidence; conscience; consequent; consider'd; considerable; consideration; contemt; contrary; conversation; converse; cor; country; creatures; crime; critical; curiosity; custom; daily; danger; day; dead; death; degree; deplorable; design; design'd; desire; despicable; destruction; devotion; direct; discipline; discourse; distance; distinct; distinction; divine; don; doubt; dress; duty; early; ears; easie; easy; education; eebo; effects; eies; eminent; end; endeavor; english; equal; esteem; estimate; eternal; event; evidence; exact; example; excellent; eyes; face; fall; families; family; fancy; farther; fault; fear; female; feminine; fire; fit; flesh; folly; force; form; fortune; foundation; frequent; friends; future; general; giving; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; greatness; ground; guard; guilt; habit; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hath; heart; help; higher; highest; holy; home; honor; hope; hours; house; human; humanity; humility; humor; husband; ill; image; imaginable; important; impressions; impudence; industry; infamy; influence; ingenious; innocence; innocent; instances; instant; interest; jews; judg; judgment; justice; kind; kindness; king; knowledg; ladies; lady; law; learning; liable; liberty; life; like; little; long; look; loose; lord; love; madness; man; mankind; manners; marriage; married; matches; matter; mean; meanest; meekness; meer; meet; mercy; mesure; mind; mischiefs; miserable; misery; modesty; moral; morning; mother; motives; multitude; native; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; new; nobler; notion; number; obedience; object; obligation; observable; occasion; offices; old; omission; ones; opinion; opportunities; order; original; ornament; outward; pains; parent; particular; parts; passions; paul; pay; peculiar; people; perpetual; persons; piece; piety; place; plesures; point; poor; possible; power; practice; praier; preaching; present; pride; primitive; principal; principle; privat; profaneness; proper; prov; providence; prudence; prudent; public; purpose; pursuit; quality; rank; rational; reader; real; reason; relation; religion; renders; reproch; reputation; rescu; respect; return; revenge; reverence; reward; right; roman; ruine; rule; sacred; sacrifice; scandalous; scarce; scene; second; sect; secular; secure; self; selves; sense; servants; service; set; sets; severe; sex; shame; shew; sin; sober; socrates; soever; solemn; solomon; som; somthing; somtimes; somwhat; sort; soul; spirits; spiritual; spring; state; stay; strange; study; subject; sufficient; sun; supply; sure; tcp; temper; temporal; temtations; text; themselvs; thing; tho; thought; time; title; tongue; tract; true; trust; truth; turn; understanding; unequal; unhappy; universal; use; utmost; vain; valu; vanity; variety; vertu; vertues; vertuous; vice; vicious; virgin; visible; visits; vow; want; way; wealth; widows; wife; willing; wisdom; wise; wit; witnesses; wives; women; wonder; works; world; worse; worship; worthy; yea; young; youth; zeal cache: A23744.xml plain text: A23744.txt item: #29 of 89 id: A25788 author: Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Marquis of, 1598-1661. title: Instructions to a son by Archibald, late Marquis of Argyle ; written in the time of his confinement. date: 1661.0 words: 19980 flesch: 58 summary: Ido acknowledge 't is a singular and the right way of transmiting of a mans memory to posterity , especially to his own ; it argues a kind of reverence that men bear to themselves when they can so impartially unbosome themselves in the account and register of all their Actions , and can shew no disliked experience of them , as to their own proper guilt . How ardently have men loved some , even beyond the desire of dying for them , when in a moment , as it were one hasty ebullition of choler hath rendred them exceeding offensive , nay , hath sunk them into our hate and execration ? see the fast hold which man doth take of man ! keywords: able; actions; advantage; affairs; affection; ancestors; ancient; armes; authority; beauty; best; better; books; business; care; cause; chap; characters; children; choice; church; civil; command; common; company; concerns; condition; constant; contempt; content; counsel; country; courage; court; crown; danger; dangerous; death; designs; difficult; difficulties; duty; eebo; enemies; english; envy; estate; esteem; excellent; exercise; experience; eyes; family; favour; fear; fit; fol; fortune; free; friendship; general; generous; glory; god; good; government; great; greatest; greatness; hand; hath; heart; home; honour; house; idleness; ill; instructions; interest; judgment; kind; king; kingdome; lands; late; laws; learning; leave; life; like; long; love; man; manners; marriage; matters; means; memory; men; merit; mind; money; nation; nature; necessary; necessity; new; noble; observation; old; ones; ordinary; particular; pass; past; people; persons; place; pleasure; policy; power; practise; present; prince; private; prudence; purpose; quality; quiet; ready; reason; religion; religious; respect; return; revenge; reverence; right; ruin; rule; scotland; sea; seldome; self; selves; servants; service; set; shew; small; strength; strong; study; subjects; sure; tcp; text; thing; thoughts; time; troubles; true; trust; use; valour; vertue; vices; victory; want; war; way; ways; wise; wisedome; works; world; worse; worth; years cache: A25788.xml plain text: A25788.txt item: #30 of 89 id: A26092 author: Astell, Mary, 1668-1731. title: A serious proposal to the ladies, for the advancement of their true and greatest interest by a lover of her sex. date: 1694.0 words: 19907 flesch: 53 summary: Having more Heat than Light , their Zeal out runs their knowledge and instead of representing Piety as it is in it self , the most lovely and inviting thing imaginable , they expose it to the contempt and ridicule of the censorious World. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: advantage; affections; amiss; bad; beauty; best; better; body; books; business; capable; care; cause; charity; charms; choice; church; content; conversation; cou'd; custom; daily; danger; day; delight; design; desire; direct; duty; education; eebo; employment; end; english; esteem; excellent; eyes; fine; fit; follies; folly; friendship; generous; glorious; glory; god; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; happiness; happy; hearts; heaven; highest; holy; honour; ideas; ignorance; ignorant; ill; improvement; ingenious; innocent; institution; interest; joys; judgment; knowledge; labour; ladies; learning; life; like; little; lives; living; love; man; matter; means; mind; money; nature; necessary; need; neglect; new; objects; old; opportunities; people; perfect; persons; piety; place; pleasure; poor; practice; present; pride; proposal; prudence; purchase; real; reason; regard; religion; religious; rest; retirement; right; secure; self; selves; sex; shew; shou'd; sin; solid; souls; substantial; tcp; temper; temptation; text; thing; tho; thought; thro; time; true; truth; understanding; use; useful; vain; value; vanity; vertue; vice; want; way; wisdom; wise; wit; women; wonder; works; world; worth; wou'd cache: A26092.xml plain text: A26092.txt item: #31 of 89 id: A26295 author: Ayres, Philip, 1638-1712. title: Vox clamantis, or, An essay for the honour, happiness and prosperity of the English gentry, and the whole nation in the promoting religion and vertue, and the peace both of church and state. / by P.A. ... date: 1684.0 words: 27051 flesch: 45 summary: To be all of Holy and Exemplary lives , to be Universally Good and Vertuous , beyond the extent of the most sublimest Philosophy that ever was in the world , we having the greatest and clearest light of truth , the most powerful assistances of Divine Grace ever afforded to the Sons of men , together with the great encouragement by the highest assurances possible of most high , excellent and glorious rewards of happiness and immortality , so transcendent beyond all our thoughts and imaginations , such as neither eye hath seen nor ear heard , nor ever entred into the heart of man to conceive . I. Of the Nature and Kinds of Drunkenness and Excess ; and the prevalency of it in the World ; &c. AS the happiness and perfection of man principally consists in his being endowed by God with a rational Soul , so in the use and exercise of that noble faculty of Reason , must doubtless consist his Felicity , and to follow the true and clear Dictates thereof ; and therefore he that makes the greatest use of Reason by sober and serious consideration , is without doubt most like himself , is most a man : From whence it must needs follow therefore , that all such things as prejudice , clog , or interrupt the Soul of Man in the Exercise and Use of his Reason ought ( as he tenders his own welfare ) to be shunned and avoided by him , with all possible care and diligence , as all Riot and Excess whatsoever . keywords: able; actions; advice; age; angels; author; best; better; blessed; bodies; body; care; cause; chap; children; christian; christian religion; christianity; church; common; company; conceive; conscience; consideration; contempt; conversations; converse; country; crown; daily; danger; days; death; designs; dishonour; divine; doth; doubt; drink; drinking; drunkenness; duty; earth; eating; ecclus; education; eebo; eminent; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; estates; evil; example; excellent; excess; eye; families; family; famous; fear; general; generous; gentility; gentlemen; gentry; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; gospel; government; great; greater; greatest; hand; happiness; happy; hath; health; heart; heaven; high; highest; holy; honour; hope; ill; interest; jesus; judgment; justice; kingdom; kings; knowledge; labour; late; laws; learned; learning; life; light; like; little; lives; lord; love; loyalty; lusts; lye; man; mankind; means; men; mind; mischief; moderation; nation; nature; necessary; need; noble; non; observes; order; peace; people; persons; piety; pious; poor; possible; present; pride; prince; principles; promoting; prosperity; proud; prov; prudence; publick; qui; reason; religion; reproach; respect; rich; royal; ruin; sacred; said; saith; saying; seditious; self; selves; servants; set; sin; sins; sir; sober; sobriety; solomon; souls; sovereign; spirits; strength; strong; subjects; sun; sure; swinish; syrach; tcp; temperance; text; thee; things; thou; thought; time; true; truth; understanding; unity; use; vertue; vertuous; vice; welfare; wickedness; wine; wisdom; wise; work; world; worthy; yea cache: A26295.xml plain text: A26295.txt item: #32 of 89 id: A26306 author: Abbadie, Jacques, 1654-1727. title: The art of knowing one-self, or, An enquiry into the sources of morality written originally in French, by the Reverend Dr. Abbadie. date: 1695.0 words: 65275 flesch: 50 summary: I confess , Reason of it self is capable of ●eaching us to beware how we injure our Health , and become our own Enemies , thro' Excesses of Debauchery ; but this Consideration does not lead us very far , since Intemperance consists not simply in Excess of Plea●ure , but also in making even but a moderate Use of forbidden Pleasure . Prin●iple , and to set out it self in its native and ●al Hue. keywords: 'em; account; actions; admiration; advantages; affairs; affections; agreeable; ambition; answer; apparent; appearance; application; attention; author; beasts; better; betwixt; birth; body; capable; capacity; case; causes; certain; chap; character; children; christ; commerce; common; conceive; concern; concupiscence; condition; conduct; confus'd; consider'd; consideration; constancy; contempt; contrary; corporeal; corruption; creatour; creature; criminal; dangerous; darkness; death; debasement; defects; degree; delight; dependance; design; design'd; desire; despise; destruction; different; dignity; dis; disorder; disposition; distinct; distinction; divine; duration; duties; duty; earth; easy; effect; elevation; empire; end; endeavour; enjoyment; envy; essential; esteem; eternal; eternity; evil; excellency; excess; excessive; extent; extravagant; eyes; faith; fall; false; fancy; farther; faults; fear; felicity; fit; follow; forc'd; force; fortune; foundation; friendship; future; general; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; grandeur; gratitude; great; greater; greatest; greatness; hand; happiness; happy; hath; hatred; heart; heaven; honour; hope; humane; idea; ignorance; illusions; image; imagination; immortal; immortal man; immortality; inclination; inconsiderable; infinite; infirmities; infirmity; injustice; interest; irregularities; irregularity; israelites; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kind; knowledge; law; life; like; limited; little; lively; lofty; long; longer; love; loving; man; mankind; manner; matter; means; measure; memory; men; merit; mind; misery; mistake; moment; morality; motives; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neighbour; new; noble; number; objects; oblig'd; obligations; occasion; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; original; outward; pag; parents; particular; passions; past; people; perfections; persons; philosophers; plac'd; place; pleas'd; pleasure; possession; possible; power; prejudices; present; preservation; pretend; pretended; pride; principle; proceeds; profit; proper; prospect; prosperity; publick; pure; qualities; quality; real; reason; reasonable; reduc'd; reflection; regard; relation; religion; requisite; respect; revenge; riches; ridiculous; right; sake; satisfaction; satisfy'd; sciences; search; second; secret; seeing; self; self love; selves; sensations; sense; sensible; sensual; sentiment; set; shew; society; sort; soul; source; spiritual; spring; state; strength; study; subject; sufficient; supream; tcp; temporal; term; text; things; thinking; tho; thoughts; thro; thy; time; true; truth; uncapable; understanding; use; vain; value; vanity; vertue; vice; view; vileness; want; way; ways; whatsoever; whereof; willing; wisdom; wise; wit; wonder; work; world; worldly; worthy; ● o; ● ● cache: A26306.xml plain text: A26306.txt item: #33 of 89 id: A26687 author: Alleine, Joseph, 1634-1668. title: Christian letters full of spiritual instructions tending to the promoting of the power of godliness, both in person and families. date: 1673.0 words: 58083 flesch: 77 summary: And ●…ertain it is that where m●…n have least of the World ; they ●…steem it least , and live more by Faith and in dependance upon God , casting their care and burden upon him . Brethren , the Cross of Christ is your Crown , the reproach of Christ is your riches ; the shame of Christ is your glory ; the damage attending strict and holy diligence , your greatest advantage : sensible you should be of what is coming , but not discouraged ; humbled , but not dismayed ; having your hearts broken , and yet your spirits unbroken ; humble your selves mightily under the mighty hand of God ; but fear no●… the face of man : may you even be low in humility , but high in courage ; little in your own apprehensions of your selves , but great in holy ●…ortitude , resolution and holy magnanimity , lying in the dust before your God , yet triumphing in faith and hope , and boldness and confidence over all the power of the enemies . keywords: able; account; affections; alas; alleine; answer; behold; believers; beloved; beseech; best; beware; blessed; blessing; blood; body; bonds; brethren; business; care; careful; case; charge; children; choice; christ; christians; comfort; coming; common; company; condition; conscience; constant; content; counsels; course; cousin; crown; daily; danger; day; days; dead; dear; death; deep; delight; denial; desire; diligence; divine; dost; doth; doubt; duties; duty; dwell; earnest; earth; embassador; end; enemies; estates; eternal; eternity; everlasting; evil; eyes; faith; faithful; families; family; farewel; fast; father; favour; fear; fervent; flesh; flock; free; friends; gain; glory; god; god doth; godliness; godly; gods; going; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; greatest; ground; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hath; hearts; heaven; heavenly; heed; help; high; hold; holiness; holy; home; honour; hope; house; infinite; inheritance; jealous; jesus; jesus christ; jos; joy; judgement; juelchester; kingdom; know; knowledge; labour; leave; let; letter; life; like; little; live; long; look; lord; lord god; lord jesus; lost; lot; love; loving; main; man; marks; matter; means; men; mercies; mercy; methinks; mind; minister; names; need; onely; open; outward; pains; patience; patient; peace; people; perish; pleased; pleasure; poor; power; praise; prayer; precious; present; prison; profession; professors; promise; prosperity; purpose; ready; reason; rejoyce; religion; remembrance; repent; resolution; rest; return; reward; riches; right; righteousness; saints; sake; salvation; self; selves; sense; servants; service; set; shall; shame; sheep; short; sincerity; sinners; sins; souls; sound; spiritual; stand; stir; strength; strict; strong; study; suffering; sure; sweet; taunton; tcp; temptations; tender; text; thankful; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; trade; treasure; true; trust; truth; unworthy; use; vain; vanity; walk; want; watch; way; ways; week; welfare; willing; wisdom; wise; wish; words; work; world; worldly; worthy; writing; yea; years cache: A26687.xml plain text: A26687.txt item: #34 of 89 id: A28876 author: Boulbie, Judith. title: A testimony for truth against all hireling priests and deceivers with a cry to the inhabitants of this nation to turn to the Lord before His dreadful judgments overtake them : also a testimony against all observers of times and dayes. date: 1665.0 words: 2911 flesch: 68 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( keywords: books; boulbie; characters; christ; cry; day; dayes; early; eebo; english; glory; god; gods; heart; hireling; judith; life; light; lord; man; money; nation; observers; people; priests; tcp; tei; testimony; text; thee; thou; times; truth cache: A28876.xml plain text: A28876.txt item: #35 of 89 id: A29590 author: De Britaine, William. title: Humane prudence, or, The art by which a man may raise himself and fortune to grandeur by A.B. date: 1682.0 words: 20292 flesch: 71 summary: Vertue a reward to it self , p. 79. Sect. 26. And it 's sometimes a greater Honour to fail of the Reward of Merit , than to receive it ; the glory and highest recompence of Noble Actions , is to have done them ; and Vertue out of it self , can find no Retribution worthy of her . keywords: account; actions; advantage; adversity; advice; affairs; ambition; art; authority; bad; behaviour; best; better; body; books; business; caesar; care; case; characters; charity; church; clear; common; conduct; conscience; content; conversation; course; court; dangerous; day; deal; debt; design; desire; doth; duke; duty; edition; eebo; enemies; english; excellent; experience; fair; faith; fall; false; favour; fear; fool; fortune; france; friend; glory; god; good; goodness; grandeur; grave; great; greater; greatest; greatness; hands; happiness; happy; hath; head; heaven; high; highest; honesty; honour; hope; humane; humble; humour; ill; industry; infelicity; injury; interest; judgment; justice; kindness; king; large; law; learned; leave; life; like; little; long; longer; love; man; matters; means; men; merit; mind; money; nature; necessary; need; new; noble; onely; open; opinion; passion; people; persons; pleasure; popular; power; preferment; present; prince; prosperity; prudence; reason; religion; reputation; reward; riches; safety; second; sect; security; self; set; ship; soul; state; stone; study; subject; sun; sure; tcp; temper; text; things; thought; time; touch; true; trust; truth; universe; use; vertue; vertuous; way; weakness; wealth; whereof; wisdom; wise; work; world; worst; worth cache: A29590.xml plain text: A29590.txt item: #36 of 89 id: A30153 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A holy life, the beauty of Christianity, or, An exhortation to Christians to be holy by John Bunyan. date: 1684.0 words: 43034 flesch: 80 summary: WHen I write of Justification before God , from the dreadful curse of the Law ; then I must speak of nothing but Grace , Christ , the Promise and Faith : but when I speak of our Justification before Men , then I must joyn to these , good Works . But do you think it is because of the first ? no ; the word of our God shall stand ( in its strength ) for ever : the Faith of such therefore is not right , they have for Shields of Gold , made themselves Shields of Brass : or instead of the Primitive Faith , which was of the operation of God , they have got to themselves a Faith that stands by the power , and in the Wisdom of Man. keywords: acts; affections; answer; apostle; bad; bear; best; better; body; cause; chap; children; christ; christ depart; christian; church; clean; closet; commandments; common; conscience; conversation; dangerous; david; day; days; death; depart; departing; desire; dost; doth; earth; end; eternal; evil; examples; exhortation; eyes; ezek; face; faith; fall; father; fear; flesh; forth; fruit; ghost; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heb; heed; hell; help; high; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; house; iniquity; isa; israel; jer; jesus; jesus christ; job; joh; john; joyned; judge; judgment; justification; keepeth; kind; king; land; law; lie; lies; life; light; like; little; long; look; lord; love; luk; lusts; man; manner; master; mat; matters; means; men; mind; moral; mouth; nameth; naming; nature; need; notions; ones; open; ordinances; parents; paul; people; pet; place; power; practice; pride; profession; professors; psal; reason; religion; repentance; rest; righteousness; rom; saints; salt; salvation; satan; saying; second; self; selves; servants; set; shall; shame; shew; sin; sins; soul; sound; spirit; stand; standeth; tail; tcp; text; thee; thereto; thine; things; thou; time; true; truth; understanding; want; way; ways; weak; wicked; wilt; wise; wit; word; work; yea cache: A30153.xml plain text: A30153.txt item: #37 of 89 id: A30337 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: A discourse on the memory of that rare and truely virtuous person Sir Robert Fletcher of Saltoun who died the 13 of January last, in the thirty ninth year of his age / written by a gentleman of his acquaintance. date: 1665.0 words: 13331 flesch: 65 summary: In regard that , as that skilfull Statuary did engrave his Name in Pallas Shield , with so deep a stroak , as could not be defaced while the whole Statue were undone : So God did Imprint so lively treates of the Divine Nature on the Soul of Man , as the remaines thereof are yet to be seen even in the greatest Monsters of Mankinde , which the Earth doth bear . For God doth not come to a Soul , as a way-faring Man to tarry for a night ; But he dwelleth and abideth in it . keywords: active; advantage; body; books; characters; charity; christ; comforts; company; daily; day; death; delights; design; desire; discourse; discover; divine; doth; early; earth; earthly; eebo; english; evil; excellent; eye; face; far; fear; fixed; fletcher; force; friends; furious; fury; gain; glorious; glory; god; good; great; great man; greater; greatest; happinesse; hath; hearts; heathens; heaven; high; higher; holy; hours; house; image; instances; israel; joy; knowledge; labour; life; light; like; little; long; lord; lord god; losse; love; man; mean; memory; men; mind; morning; nature; noble; occasion; online; opinion; original; outside; passion; people; perfection; person; pleased; power; prince; providence; rare; reason; religion; rest; robert; satisfaction; self; set; sicknesse; society; sorrow; soul; spirit; strong; sun; sure; tcp; tei; text; things; thoughts; time; true; truth; vanity; vigour; virtue; virtuous; way; words; work; world; worth; yea cache: A30337.xml plain text: A30337.txt item: #38 of 89 id: A33459 author: Clifford, M. (Martin), d. 1677. title: A treatise of humane reason date: 1674.0 words: 11885 flesch: 37 summary: For not only publick Charity will perswade us to force Men to that wherein consists their everlasting happiness or calamity , if by no other means we can induce men to it ( as without injury we bind the hands of a man that would kill himself ) but also our private interest , and that particular care , which every man owes to his own Posterity , which , without suppression of all Heresies , must run the hazard of eternal punishments , obliges us , by all means , to endeavour the extirpation of those weeds out of the fields of our Neighbours , which would else so quickly overgrow our own : whereas if we had either more of Charity to others , to believe some Errours ( the inseparable Companions of Humane Nature ) ought not to exclude men from the Communion of the present Church , and the hope of the future ; or less of self-flattery to think , that all men grope in the dark that light not their Candle at ours , we could not be so cruel in persecution of those faults , to which God himself is so merciful , and from which we our selves are not exempt . But the reason of this is , because men who are not able to search into the hearts , must be govern'd in their judgment of them by the exteriour actions , and the measure or standard of those is Custome ; but with God it is quite otherwise : He beholds and judges the very thoughts of man , which are the fountains of his actions , so much more fully and plainly , than we do the actions themselves , that he needs not make a second , a mediate , a syllogistical judgment of the reality of mens worship , from the external , circumstantial , and onely probable testimonies of their outward behaviours . keywords: actions; argument; authority; belief; best; books; cause; christian; church; commands; condition; conscience; contrary; council; divine; doctrine; eebo; end; english; errours; eternal; faith; god; gods; good; great; greater; guide; happiness; heaven; honour; humane; humane reason; ill; images; impossible; infallible; interest; judgment; knowledge; liberty; life; long; man; matters; means; men; miracles; natural; nature; nay; necessary; new; number; obedience; object; onely; ones; opinion; particular; paul; persons; place; possibility; power; present; reason; religion; salvation; search; self; selves; sight; soul; spirit; tcp; text; things; true; truth; understanding; unity; variety; wisdom; work; world; worship cache: A33459.xml plain text: A33459.txt item: #39 of 89 id: A33912 author: Collier, Jeremy, 1650-1726. title: Miscellanies in five essays ... the four last by way of dialogue / by Jeremy Collier ... date: 1694.0 words: 48403 flesch: 69 summary: But when a Man's Occasions are Up , and Abroad , 't is fit he should attend them . Philal. Certainly you are retained by the whole Corporation of Cowards , you make so Tragical a Business on 't ! Philal. keywords: account; advantage; afraid; ages; agreeable; almighty; answer; antiquity; apt; argument; arms; authority; beauty; behaviour; benevolence; best; better; birth; bishop; business; care; case; ceremony; challenge; chaplain; character; charge; church; circumstances; civil; clergy; cloaths; command; commission; common; company; concern'd; condition; conduct; consequence; considerable; consideration; constitution; contempt; contrary; conversation; country; courage; curate; custom; defence; design; desire; different; discourse; disposition; dispute; distance; distinction; divine; doubt; education; effect; employment; end; english; equal; esteem; extraordinary; fair; family; fancy; farther; favour; fear; figure; fine; fit; force; fortune; freedom; friends; function; general; generous; gentleman; god; good; goodness; government; grant; great; greater; greatest; greatness; habit; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hath; head; high; honour; honourable; hope; humour; ignorance; ill; inclinations; industry; insignificant; instance; interest; judgment; justice; kind; kindness; king; law; laws; lay; learning; leave; liberty; life; like; little; living; long; love; man; manage; mankind; master; mean; measure; men; mention; merit; mind; ministers; mistake; money; natural; nature; necessity; need; neglect; neighbours; new; nobility; noble; notice; notion; objection; obliged; obliging; occasion; office; old; opinion; order; original; ought; particular; parts; passion; patron; people; persons; philal; philot; place; plain; pleased; pleasure; point; possible; power; practice; pray; present; pretences; pretty; pride; priest; priesthood; prince; principles; private; privileges; profession; proper; proud; provision; publick; qualities; quality; question; ready; reason; rector; regard; religion; remarkable; reputation; respect; return; right; run; satisfaction; scarce; second; self; selves; sense; servant; service; set; shall; share; society; sort; spirit; state; strength; subject; sufficient; tcp; temper; text; things; think; thought; time; title; trouble; true; truth; understanding; unreasonable; use; valuable; value; vanity; virtue; vulgar; want; way; wealth; willing; wise; wish; world; worse; worth cache: A33912.xml plain text: A33912.txt item: #40 of 89 id: A33913 author: Collier, Jeremy, 1650-1726. title: Miscellanies upon moral subjects by Jeremy Collier ... date: 1695.0 words: 40400 flesch: 75 summary: 'T is true , it helps to keep the World from being over-stock'd , and if that be a Credit let them make their most on 't . 'T is Life at second hand , and in some degree preferable to the first ; because 't is freer from Envy , and lasts longer into the bargain . Philal. keywords: accidents; actions; advantage; ambition; appetite; apt; aspect; behaviour; best; better; blood; body; business; capacity; care; case; causes; ceremony; change; character; clear; command; common; company; condition; conscience; consequence; constitution; conversation; countenance; country; courage; covetousness; credit; cure; curiosity; danger; dead; death; desire; despair; different; discipline; discovery; disease; easy; effect; english; entertainment; envy; eutrop; expence; extension; extraordinary; face; fancy; farther; favour; fear; figure; fire; fit; folly; force; foreign; fortune; freedom; friendship; general; generous; glad; god; good; great; greater; greatness; hand; happiness; hard; head; health; height; help; hold; home; honour; hope; humane; humour; hyl; ill; image; imagination; improvement; inclinations; industry; insignificant; instance; interest; judgment; justice; kind; language; later; leave; liberty; lie; life; likely; little; living; long; looks; love; luc; man; mankind; matter; mean; measure; memory; men; merit; mind; misfortune; mistake; motion; musick; natural; nature; necessity; needs; neighbours; new; noble; object; occasion; oftentimes; old; ones; opinion; opportunity; order; pain; parts; passion; past; people; person; phil; philal; philot; place; play; pleases; pleasure; point; possible; poverty; power; present; pride; prince; privilege; proof; proportion; prospect; providence; purpose; quality; rate; reach; reason; reasoning; religion; respect; return; reward; rich; run; satisfaction; second; self; selves; sense; sensible; service; set; share; short; sight; single; small; soph; soul; spirits; spleen; state; strength; strike; strong; success; support; tcp; temper; text; things; thinking; thought; time; touch; trouble; true; truth; turn; understanding; uneasy; universal; use; value; vanity; vice; view; vigour; want; way; weakness; willing; wise; wish; work; world; worse; worth; years; young; youth cache: A33913.xml plain text: A33913.txt item: #41 of 89 id: A36329 author: Doolittle, Thomas, 1632?-1707. title: Man ashiv le-Yahoweh, or, A serious enquiry for a suitable return for continued life, in and after a time of great mortality, by a wasting plague (anno 1665) answered in XIII directions / by Tho. Doolitel. date: 1666.0 words: 79471 flesch: 75 summary: Sin doth dispose the heart to sin , and to depart from God more and more , Heb. 3.12 . Suppress the first motions of sin : crush this Cockatrice in the Egge : do not dally with secret Temptations unto Sin : abstain from every appearance of secret sins : If you are too much given to contemplative Uncleanness , avoid such things as may occasion it , as beholding of Objects , &c. 9. Get a deep Impression of Gods kindness and mercy into thy soul : Many of Gods Mercies to thee are secret Mercies , which none can infallibly see in thee , but thy self : as Grace , and the love of God shed abroad in thy heart : and , let the sense of Gods secret love to thee keep thee from secret sinnings against God , then wilt thou say with Joseph , when he was tempted to secret uncleanness , Gen. 39.7 , 9 , 10. How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God ? 10. keywords: able; act; actions; affections; affliction; answer; apt; arguments; bad; bear; bed; benefits; best; better; betwixt; blood; body; burial; canst; care; careful; cause; charge; children; christ; christian; church; city; come; comfort; commands; company; condition; conscience; considerations; continued; conversation; course; cup; cure; custom; daily; damnation; damned; danger; darling; david; day; dead; deal; death; degrees; delight; desire; didst; direction; disease; doe; dost; dost thou; dreadful; drunkard; drunkenness; duties; duty; dye; earnest; end; endeavour; eternal; eternal god; evil; excellency; experience; eyes; faith; families; family; father; fear; fill; fire; flesh; following; forsake; frequent; friend; fruit; general; glory; god; god doth; god expecteth; god saith; gods; goe; good; good god; goodness; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; growth; hand; happiness; hardened; hardness; hast; hath; healing; health; heart; heaven; heed; hell; help; holiness; holy; hope; house; husband; iii; increase; iniquity; invisible; isa; israel; jesus; job; judgement; justice; knowledge; labour; late; leave; left; life; like; little; live; living; long; longer; lord; lord god; loss; love; lusts; man; manner; mans; masters; mat; measure; members; men; mens; mercies; mercy; minde; ministers; misery; mortality; mourning; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; neglect; new; new life; newness; obedience; old; onely; open; outward; parents; particulars; past; patience; pay; people; performance; persons; pet; place; plague; pleasing; pleasures; power; practice; praise; prayer; praying; presence; preservation; pride; principle; promise; prosperity; providence; psal; publick; purpose; question; real; reason; relation; religion; religious; removed; repent; resolutions; resolved; respect; rest; return; riches; sabbath; salvation; satan; scripture; second; secret; secret sin; sect; section; seeth; self; selves; sense; servants; service; set; shew; short; shouldest; sickness; sight; sin; sin doth; sinful; sinners; sinning; sins; sore; sorrow; soul; soules; spiritual; stand; stop; strength; tcp; temporal; text; thankful; thanks; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou hadst; thou wast; thou wilt; thou wouldest; thoughts; thousands; threatnings; thy; thy god; time; tongue; torments; true; trust; truth; uncleanness; ungodly; unto; vers; viz; vows; walk; walking; want; wast; watch; wax; way; wayes; wicked; wicked men; wickedness; wife; willing; wilt; wise; words; work; world; worse; worse thou; worship; wrath; yea; ● ● cache: A36329.xml plain text: A36329.txt item: #42 of 89 id: A36779 author: Dare, Josiah, 17th cent. title: Counsellor Manners, his last legacy to his son enriched and embellished with grave adviso's, pat histories, and ingenious proverbs, apologues, and apophthegms / by Josiah Dare. date: 1673.0 words: 31981 flesch: 50 summary: Behave thy self as becomes one of thy Birth , for if thou vauntest of thy Linage , and titular Dignity , and wantest the Virtues of thy Ancestors , thou art but as a base serving Man , who carries on his sleeve the badge of some Noble Family , yet is himself but an ignoble person . Let thy Man that waits on the at the Table , observe these Instructions ; when he gives thee Wine , Beer , or Ale , let him not clum the Glass or Cup , in his fist , but with an even and steady hand , present it to thee on a fair Plate or Trencher ; and be sure that he fills them not over-full , for that is called Piss-pot Measure : tell him that he must not cough , spit , or sneeze , when he presents thee that liquor which thou callest for , and that he must not be slippery fingered , for so he may sauce thy Cloaths ; the first thing to be learned in Falconry , is , to hold fast . keywords: account; actions; answer; apt; base; bear; bed; behaviour; best; better; beware; birth; blood; blow; body; books; bottle; breath; business; canst; care; careful; case; certain; chamber; characters; church; close; coat; coming; common; company; contrary; converse; counsel; countenance; country; courteous; credit; cut; day; death; delight; desire; devil; discourse; door; dost; doth; drop; duty; early; ears; earth; eebo; end; enemy; english; estate; eyes; face; fair; fall; false; family; fast; father; fear; fingers; fire; fit; flesh; follow; fool; foul; french; friend; gentleman; glass; glory; god; gold; good; grave; great; greater; hands; hath; head; health; heart; heaven; heed; help; high; hold; holy; home; honest; honour; honourable; hope; house; ill; jest; josiah; kind; king; knight; knowledge; law; laws; lay; leave; length; letters; life; like; little; london; long; lord; love; lye; lying; making; man; manners; mans; matter; mayest; mean; meat; meet; men; merry; mind; money; moon; morning; mouth; nature; nay; need; new; noble; occasion; odious; offensive; old; open; people; person; place; poor; present; pride; prince; profit; proud; proverb; purse; quality; question; read; reason; religion; report; reputation; respect; return; rich; ridiculous; right; saith; sake; saying; scarce; sea; second; secrets; self; sence; servant; set; shame; shew; short; shun; sir; skin; small; son; soul; sound; speak; story; study; sure; table; tales; talk; tcp; tedious; teeth; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou dost; thou mayst; thou wilt; thy; time; tongue; touch; travels; true; truth; use; vain; vertue; vice; water; way; wert; wife; wilt; wisdom; wise; wit; woman; words; work; world; worth; yea; young cache: A36779.xml plain text: A36779.txt item: #43 of 89 id: A36902 author: Dunton, John, 1627 or 8-1676. title: An hue and cry after conscience, or, The pilgrims progress by candle-light in search after honesty and plain-dealing represented under the similitude of a dream ... / written by John Dunton ... date: 1685.0 words: 35974 flesch: 78 summary: ●hen after some wanton toying , they ●hus began to Dialogue . Together , With his flight at last into another Country , where he is ●●ill on his Rambles . keywords: account; acquaintance; advantage; age; answer; arms; bed; best; better; black; body; books; brother; business; call'd; candle; case; cast; catch; celestial; characters; city; company; conceit; conscience; corner; country; couple; cross; cry; dark; day; days; dead; dealing; death; dec; deceit; del; desire; desirous; det; dialogue; directions; disc; discourse; discovery; diss; dissimulation; distance; divers; door; dreadful; dream; dunton; e're; eebo; english; estate; eve; evil; extortion; eyes; eys; face; fair; fall; false; fancy; fate; father; fear; fellow; find; fine; fire; fit; flatt; flattery; following; folly; fortune; friend; garments; gentlemen; glad; gold; good; grave; great; grief; half; hand; hard; hast; head; heart; help; high; honesty; hop'd; hope; house; iel; ignorance; imaginations; imagine; inquiry; ins; john; joys; kind; knavery; knowledge; labour; land; large; late; lay; lead; leave; left; life; light; like; little; live; long; longer; lost; love; m ●; mad; making; man; manner; matter; means; med; men; methought; mind; mistaken; money; morning; mortal; names; nature; nay; near; needs; neighbours; new; noise; notice; number; o ●; old; opinion; opportunity; parents; parts; pass; past; pence; people; perceiving; person; piece; pilgrims; pinch; place; plain; pleasant; poor; power; pray; present; pretender; pride; profession; progress; purpose; queen; question; rate; ready; reason; region; rest; return; road; room; round; satisfied; scarce; search; second; secret; self; servant; set; sharp; shop; sighs; sir; slip; small; soul; stars; stay; stop; strange; street; sun; supposed; sure; talk; tcp; tell; text; th ●; things; think; thought; thy; time; tongues; town; trade; trick; trouble; true; truth; turn; understanding; vain; vice; vill; village; virtue; warrant; way; ways; whoo; wickedness; wings; wom; woman; wonder; works; world; worse; years; yess; young; youth; ● d; ● e; ● s; ● y; ● ● cache: A36902.xml plain text: A36902.txt item: #44 of 89 id: A37077 author: Dury, John, 1596-1680. title: A motion tending to the publick good of this age and of posteritie, or, The coppies of certain letters written by Mr. John Dury to a worthy Knight at his earnest desire shewing briefly vvhat a publik good is and how by the best means of reformation in learning and religion it may be advanced to some perfection / published by Samuel Hartlib ... date: 1642.0 words: 17984 flesch: 53 summary: Now he doth , and none but he doth the will of God , which abideth in his love and life , according to Christs exhortation , Iohn 15. This is the will of the Father , that of all which he hath given me , I should lose nothing ; and that every one who seeth the Sonne , and beleeveth on him , may have everlasting life ; therefore all things which are , and every one who is not in the love and life of the Father , shall perish ; because it is not according to the will of God , whichis onely good , & remaineth for ever . keywords: able; advanced; age; apostle; appeare; bee; behold; body; children; christ; cor; course; degrees; desire; direction; disposition; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; dury; effect; endeavours; ends; eyes; face; father; flesh; foundation; generation; glory; god; god doth; gods; good; goodnesse; gospel; grace; great; hath; heart; himselfe; holy; humane; image; iohn; jesus; john; knowledge; knowne; learning; life; light; like; lord; love; lust; man; manifest; manner; materiall; matters; meanes; meditation; men; motion; nature; new; onely; open; order; owne; particular; parts; perfection; posterity; private; profession; publique; rule; saith; scripturall; scriptures; second; seeke; selves; sence; set; shew; soule; spirit; spirituall; text; things; thou; time; treaties; treatise; true; truth; understanding; use; waters; way; wee; whereof; wisedome; words; worke; world cache: A37077.xml plain text: A37077.txt item: #45 of 89 id: A38449 author: Compassionate conformist. title: Englands vanity or The Voice of God against the monstrous sin of pride, in dress and apparel wherein naked breasts and shoulders, antick and fantastick garbs, patches, and painting, long perriwigs, towers, bulls, shades, curlings, and crispings, with an hundred more fooleries of both sexes, are condemned as notiriously unlawful. With pertinent addresses to the court, nobility, gentry, city and country, directed especially to the professors in London / by a compassionate conformist. date: 1683.0 words: 32376 flesch: 59 summary: The very Devils ( saith he ) first taught the use of Colouring the Eye-brows , and clapping on a false and lying Blush on the Cheeks , so also to change the very natural Colour of the Hair , and to adulterate the true and Naked Complexion of the whole Head and Face , with those cursed Impostures ; ( and again ) God hath said , Come let us make man after our own Image . Truly when I fall into consideration of the wickedness of this world , that all sorts of men fall to sinning with greediness , that in all conditions Iniquity doth abound and Charity wax cold , that the Zeal of God is utterly dried up in the Hearts of Men , that God is served for Fashion sake , and not in truth , what should I think but that God hath gathered his Lap full of Plagues , and is ready to pour them down upon us ? And thus you see how God hath stirred up his Faithful Prophets to drop down their testimony against this poor Sinful Land for the Pride and prophaness thereof in that Age. keywords: age; ages; alas; ancient; angels; apparel; appearance; attire; author; bare; beauty; bed; best; better; bishop; black; blessed; blood; bodies; body; books; breasts; burning; business; care; cause; characters; charity; christian; church; city; cloath; coat; cold; common; confusion; countrey; court; creation; creatures; cross; cursed; custome; cut; dames; danger; dark; daughters; day; days; dead; death; degree; design; destruction; devil; discourse; divine; dress; early; earth; ease; eebo; end; england; english; equal; example; excellent; excess; eyes; face; faithful; fall; fancy; fashion; fathers; fear; feet; fine; fire; fit; flames; flesh; folly; fooleries; french; gallants; garments; general; gentlemen; gentry; glories; glorious; glory; god; gods; gold; golden; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; greater; guilt; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; hath; head; heart; heaven; hell; high; higher; hold; holy; home; honour; honourable; hopes; house; humble; hung; idle; ill; image; impudence; impudent; incomparable; innocent; israel; jerome; jesus; jewels; judgment; kindness; king; kingdom; ladies; lady; late; laws; leave; life; light; like; little; locks; long; look; lord; loss; love; lust; lustre; luxury; lye; majesty; maker; man; master; means; men; mercy; mind; miserable; modest; mother; naked; nakedness; nation; natural; nature; nay; near; necks; need; new; nobility; noble; old; onely; open; order; ornaments; page; painting; parts; pass; patches; people; perfect; perfections; persons; place; plagues; plain; poor; present; pride; prince; private; proper; proud; publick; purpose; queen; reader; ready; reason; religion; repentance; respect; rest; rich; roman; royal; ruine; sacred; saith; saviour; scorn; self; selves; service; set; shame; shameless; shew; shine; shoulders; sin; sins; sir; solomon; soul; spirit; state; stately; story; strange; streets; strength; sun; sure; sword; tcp; tears; tender; testimony; text; thee; thing; thou; thought; time; true; truth; universal; unworthy; use; vain; vanity; vertue; view; voice; vvho; want; way; wife; wise; witness; women; words; work; world; wounds; yea; young; zeal cache: A38449.xml plain text: A38449.txt item: #46 of 89 id: A39261 author: Ellis, Clement, 1630-1700. title: The necessity of serious consideration, and speedy repentance, as the only way to be safe both living and dying. By Clement Elis, M.A. Rector of Kirkby in Nottinghamshire date: 1691.0 words: 50761 flesch: 65 summary: Hence the concerns of the Soul are more to be thought on than the concerns of the Body ; Publick concerns more than Private , relating to this World only ; Spiritual and Heavenly things more than things Carnal and Earthly ; Eternal concerns more than Temporary ; and God , who is infinitely above all , and whose both Honour and Favour is of nearer concernment to us than all things , is to be thought on more than all things . Had God made us for this World only , and if there were nothing for us to enjoy , or to suffer , but in this short Life ; the use of our Reason might well be confined to things of this present World and Life . keywords: able; afraid; apt; ashamed; assured; baptism; best; better; blessed; blessedness; body; business; care; cause; certain; change; christ; comfort; commandments; condition; conscience; consider'd; considerable; consideration; considering; course; daily; danger; day; days; death; delay; delaying; die; doth; duty; dye; dying; earnest; earth; easie; end; eternal; eternity; evil; extraordinary; eyes; fall; father; fear; fit; folly; foolish; glory; god; good; goodness; gospel; grace; gracious; great; greater; greatest; happiness; happy; hard; haste; hath; having; heart; heaven; hell; holiness; holy; honour; hope; iii; jesus; judgment; late; law; left; life; like; little; lives; living; long; longer; lord; love; lusts; man; matter; means; men; mercy; mind; miserable; moment; morrow; natural; nature; necessary; need; neglect; new; old; pains; pardon; past; penitent; persons; plain; pleasure; power; present; prov; psal; purpose; ready; reason; repentance; resolution; resolve; right; rom; safe; safety; saith; salvation; saviour; scripture; self; selves; sense; sensible; set; short; sin; sincere; sinful; sinners; sins; soever; souls; spirit; state; strength; sure; temper; things; thinking; thoughts; time; true; turn; understanding; use; venture; way; ways; wicked; wickedness; wise; words; work; world; wrath; yea cache: A39261.xml plain text: A39261.txt item: #47 of 89 id: A39365 author: Elys, Edmund, ca. 1634-ca. 1707. title: The quiet soule, or, The peace, and tranquillity of a Christians estate set forth in two sermons / by Edmund Elys ... date: 1659.0 words: 11766 flesch: 60 summary: You , Madam , are one of those very few in the world , who , by the strength of true , Sanctified Reason , are able to Apprehend firmely , and constantly these most important Truthes ( which scape the Notice of the generality of men ) That the things of the World are in themselves altogether Vanity , That GOD is All in All , &c. The Sun of Righteousnesse thus Shining into Your Soule , giving you a Cleare , and full demonstration of these Truthes , Scatters those Mists , and Clouds of False Hopes , and Feares , Anxious Desires , and Foolish Imaginations , &c. which continually hang over the Soules of those Persons , ( which are by farre the greatest part of the World ) that are Earthly , and Sensuall ; Shewing you that the only way to Set your heart at rest , is , to Acquiesce in the Enjoyment of GOD , which you have in part here ; and in the Hopes of the fulnesse , and Consummation of it , which you shall have in Heaven hereafter . I beseech you , Brethren , by the Mercies of GOD , by all that Sweetnesse , Love , and Favour of His towards you , that your Soules have ever Tasted , That you would This Day , Renew your Vowes ; Resolve afresh To Love the LORD , your God with All your Heart , That You may no more Judg of Things , as the Vulgar doe ( amongst whom give me leave to reckon most of those that are commonly Accounted Great Scholars , or Fine Gentlemen ) that you may not Esteem any Action Wise , Prudent , Noble , or any way Praise-worthy , and becoming a Generous Spirit , but what is done To the Glory of God , 1 Cor. 10.31 . keywords: affections; apprehension; best; brethren; briefly; christian; comfort; comfortable; condition; conscience; david; dayes; delight; discourse; doe; doth; edmund; elys; english; estate; expectation; faith; faithfull; father; god; godly; good; grace; great; greatest; hath; health; heart; heaven; hell; himselfe; holy; kind; life; like; lord; love; lusts; man; men; mind; non; onely; outward; past; peace; present; psal; read; reason; rejoyce; remembrance; rest; roman; selves; set; sicknesse; sinfull; soule; speake; spirit; spirituall; subject; text; things; thoughts; time; true; truth; vaine; vanity; way; wicked; words; worke; world; yoke cache: A39365.xml plain text: A39365.txt item: #48 of 89 id: A40099 author: Fowler, Edward, 1632-1714. title: A vindication of a late undertaking of certain gentlemen in order to the suppressing of debauchery and profaneness. date: 1692.0 words: 5849 flesch: 58 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. A vindication of a late undertaking of certain gentlemen in order to the suppressing of debauchery and profaneness. keywords: best; books; certain; characters; church; debauchery; design; early; eebo; english; execution; gentlemen; god; good; government; great; hath; home; house; informers; instances; justices; kingdom; late; laws; little; majesties; means; nation; nay; necessary; need; offence; order; people; persons; possible; publick; reason; reformation; self; set; suppressing; tcp; tei; text; thing; time; true; undertaking; use; vice; vindication; warrants; work; world; zeal cache: A40099.xml plain text: A40099.txt item: #49 of 89 id: A40254 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Some queries to all the teachers and professors of Christianity to answer date: 1666.0 words: 1260 flesch: 65 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; characters; christians; early; eebo; encoding; english; image; jews; lord; online; oxford; partnership; phase; query; tcp; tei; text; things; works; xml cache: A40254.xml plain text: A40254.txt item: #50 of 89 id: A40322 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: A way to prevent the indignation and judgments of God from coming on a kingdom, nation or family commended to the consciences of all concerned. date: 1682.0 words: 1937 flesch: 66 summary: A way to prevent the indignation and judgments of God from coming on a kingdom, nation or family commended to the consciences of all concerned. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2126:20) A way to prevent the indignation and judgments of God from coming on a kingdom, nation or family commended to the consciences of all concerned. keywords: ale; books; characters; creatures; doth; drink; early; eebo; english; families; fear; god; good; houses; liquors; lusts; man; online; phase; strong; tcp; tei; text; wine cache: A40322.xml plain text: A40322.txt item: #51 of 89 id: A40337 author: Fox, George, d. 1661. title: An exhortation to families who have desires to serve the Lord God in their several places that they may all learn in the light of Christ Jesus, the wisdome and power of God, who is the true teacher. date: 1659.0 words: 2275 flesch: 40 summary: And all ye that are servants , live in the fear of the Lord , and wait in his Light , and be obedient thereunto , and also be obedient ( in your places ) unto those that are your Masters and Dames ( according to the flesh ) not onely to the good and gentle , but also to the froward , serving them in faithfulness and uprightness of heart , doing what ye do for them , as diligently , faithfully and willingly , as ye should do any thing to the Lord , for this is right in the sight of God ; and take heed that none of Gods Creatures be lost , or wasted under your hands , through your neglecting them , or slothfulness in your places ; and do not falsly accuse any , or speak evil behind any ones back , thereby thinking to get the favour or love of any , or upon any other account , for that is evil ; and be as diligent in your places , when your Masters or Dames are absent , as when they are present , for this is just and right ; and be not stubborn nor wilful , neither use many words to your Masters or Dames , and if ye know not well how to perform your service aright , then in true humility be willing to learn , and take heed of high-mindedness and pride , or of being wise in your own eyes ; and when you have any spare time allowed ye , ( being free from outward imployment ) see that ye spend it in the fear of the Lord , in waiting upon him in his Light , that so all vain talking , corrupt communication , foolish jeasting , and all vanity may be kept out of ; and give ye not way to that mind which is unstable , which would be oft shifting , and going from place to place , for this is not right in the sight of God , but wait in the Light , that ye may be staid , and setled in your minds ; and if ye see freedom in the fear of God ( mark that ) to go to another place , then give your Masters or Dames sufficient notice of it ; and if any of you , who know the truth , come to be moved of the Lord to go to any place his service , be faithful to the Lord , and when your service which hee required of you is done , then return to your places again ( except it be otherwayes ordered in the Fear and Wisdom of God ) and be diligent in your places , doing the same that ye would others should do unto you in the like condition ; and mind the Lord in all things , and above all things , and be faithful unto him , and he will be your reward . O Ye Fathers , and Mothers , stand in the pure fear of the Lord , and wait in his light , that ye may receive his living Wisdom , and live in it , that so ye may be ordered by it , and with it order all things to Gods glory , and bring up your children in the fear of the Lord , watching over them in the seasoned savoury Life of God , not suffering them to live to wildness , nor idleness , nor vain talking ( unreproved ; ) but in the sober , meek spirit , and in the Authority of Gods Lamb , reprove them , and that will reach the Witness of God in them , and correct them in the Fear , and Wisdom , and Freedom of God , in the patience , and follow not their foolish wills , neither correct them in your own wills , nor in hastiness , rashness , or passion ; for if ye do , then that will use the Rod , which is to be beaten with the Rod of God , and that will make your children more stubborn and wicked , and this will offend God ; but stand ye in Gods Counsel , and discourage nothing in your children , but evil , and let them have that which is meet , just and reasonable , and no more , that none of Gods creatures be wasted ; and be ye patterns and good examples ( in all holiness , gravity and uprightness ) unto them , and let them have sufficient liberty to go to godly Meetings , and rather stir them up and incourage them to go to such , then hinder or discourage them , and keep your minds out of them unto the Lord , and let your love to them be in the Lord , that so ye may feel his blessing coming upon you , and them . keywords: children; christ; creatures; dames; desires; evil; fear; fox; george; god; gods; light; lord; masters; places; power; text; true; truth; wisdom cache: A40337.xml plain text: A40337.txt item: #52 of 89 id: A40685 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A sermon of contentment by T.F. date: 1648.0 words: 4283 flesch: 74 summary: Now as Peter in another case , whether it be right to hearken unto man more then unto God , judge yee . Godlinesse is great gain , saith God himselfe , by the mouth of the Apostle . keywords: a40685; apostle; books; bride; contentment; divine; doe; early; english; gain; godlinesse; gods; gold; good; grace; great; great gain; john; labour; life; little; losse; man; measure; non; opinion; particular; paul; payment; perils; person; piety; place; portion; present; profit; religion; reward; roman; saint; salvation; sermon; service; text; things; tim; true; wee; words; world; yea; yee cache: A40685.xml plain text: A40685.txt item: #53 of 89 id: A41527 author: Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680. title: Patience and its perfect work under sudden & sore tryals date: 1666.0 words: 26470 flesch: 77 summary: The Hebrew word hath affini●● with afflictions ( saith Ainswort● which had taught him Patienc● as sufferings did Christ , who●● type he was . Thou our God has● punished us [ less then our iniquities deserve ] after all that is com● upon us for our evil deeds ( sa● they ) and for our great trespasses Shall then a living man complai● for the punishment of his sin when it is so infinitely , far le●● then he deserves ? This consideration works Patience , as it hat●… reason : If a man deserves to b●… Hang'd , Drawn and Quartered and he is but burnt in the hand shall this man complain ? let th●● man down on his knees at th● Bar , and thank the Judge , o● Prince , that he had not his du●… desert ; The Gallows . keywords: able; abound; active; afflictions; apostle; behold; blessed; brethren; cause; chap; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; coming; condition; constant; content; cor; crown; david; day; death; disposition; divers; doe; dominion; doth; early; eebo; eminent; end; enduring; english; envy; exercise; faith; fire; frame; free; fruit; general; glorious; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; good; grace; gracious; great; greatest; ground; hands; hath; head; heart; heb; highest; holy; home; hope; instance; inward; issue; jesus; job; joy; lack; liberally; life; like; line; long; look; lord; love; man; mans; matter; men; moses; mouth; need; new; obedience; occasion; outward; page; patience; patient; perfect; perfect work; perfection; place; poor; power; prayer; precious; present; principles; psal; punishment; reason; rejoyce; respect; reward; rom; saints; sake; salvation; second; self; selves; set; sins; sorts; soul; speech; spirit; strength; submission; sudden; sufferings; sufficiency; tcp; tentations; text; th ●; thee; things; thou; thy; time; true; tryals; tryed; verse; want; way; weak; wisdom; word; work; worketh; yea; ● ● cache: A41527.xml plain text: A41527.txt item: #54 of 89 id: A43125 author: Hayley, William, 1657-1715. title: A sermon preached before the Right Honourable George, Earl of Berkeley, governour, and the company of merchants of England trading into the Levant seas at St. Peter's Church in Broadstreet, Jan 30, being Sunday, 1686/7 / by William Hayley ... date: 1687.0 words: 8133 flesch: 47 summary: Piety indeed may comfort us in our wants , and support us in our afflictions , and we may find help in God when we have none from men ; nay , it may be an excellent Steward even of Riches themselves when they are once gotten , to lay them out for a greater purchase than Earth will afford , to manage them so , that they may neither rob us of our innocence , nor God of our hearts ; but that it should be the best Factor to gain them , and store them up , that Riches should dwell with Vertue , and durable Riches with Righteousness , is an Assertion so opposite to the perswasion of the World , that it seems to be rather the wild affirmation of a person desirous to defend a Novelty , than the Doctrine of one that would inculcate a serious and a sober Truth . For so we are told by one of the greatest of men , seated in the most advantagious prospect , in possession of the greatest wealth and abundance , and what is more , inspired by God himself with a Divine judgment and understanding , and therefore certainly one who was most able to judge what is the best method of acquisition , by him I say we are informed that Piety is the surest and straitest way to wealth , for as he tells us in the words of my Text , Riches and Honour are with her , yea durable Riches and Righteousness . keywords: acquisition; best; blessing; books; characters; charity; common; company; contrary; course; discourse; divine; durable; duty; early; eebo; effectual; english; faithful; fidelity; fortunes; gain; god; good; governour; greatest; hands; happiness; hayley; honour; honourable; hypocrisie; industry; instance; justice; life; like; lord; love; man; means; men; mind; natural; nature; person; piety; poor; posterity; power; providence; religion; reputation; riches; righteousness; self; selves; sense; substance; tcp; tei; text; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; use; vertue; way; wealth; william; wisdom; world; yea cache: A43125.xml plain text: A43125.txt item: #55 of 89 id: A43394 author: Herbert, Percy, Sir. title: Certaine conceptions, or, Considerations of Sir Percy Herbert, upon the strange change of peoples dispositions and actions in these latter times directed to his sonne. date: 1650.0 words: 71383 flesch: 0 summary: That as this mighty omnipotent and all powerful God , hath here created a most large and beautiful World , full of all kinde of useful varieties , so must this world be created to some other effects , then onely to produce and consume , without any other purpose or designe : And what could the intention of this creation be , but to preserve some immortal thing , ordained for Gods own proper and particular Use and Service , which can never end ? neither is it possible that this thing , or subject of Gods intention , can be any other , then mans reasonable Soul , in which he hath placed so clear an understanding , differing from all creatures else in a most high measure , since Beasts , Birds , and the like , are endued onely with Life and Sense , whereas man alone enjoys the fruition of Reason , by which he comes to know , the very nature almost of all other things : Wherefore I must conclude , that as there is no comparison between mans Understanding , and other Animals , of what excellency soever , so God Almighty having given mans reasonable soul , so principal a preheminency above other creatures , it must be that if any thing ordained for eternity , and eternal somthing must be ( as I said before ) for which this great world was made , since his Wisdom , Goodness , and omnipotency , could not act any thing in vain , which of necessity must follow , if man should onely live to dye after a while , without injoying any further happiness or end : As for Example , it would be esteemed a very great madness ( or at leastwise a palpable indiscretion in humane Actions ) for any person to breed and nourish living creatures , without some intention , either to supply his necessities or please his senses : Much more ridiculous to think God Almighty ( that is not subject at all to error ) should create and preserve what , he did not intend for some purpose : keywords: a43394; able; abraham; absolute; accident; accustomed; actions; admirable; affection; affirm; afflictions; age; almighties; almighty; almighty god; alwayes; amazement; ambition; angels; appeare; appetites; apprehension; assembly; assistance; assurance; assured; barbarous; base; benefit; best; better; blessed; blood; bodies; body; capable; capacity; care; cause; certain; change; charity; chief; children; christ; church; commodity; common; company; compassion; competent; condition; confesse; confidence; consequence; consideration; constant; contemptible; content; continuance; contrary; convenient; conversation; country; courage; creation; creator; creatures; cruelty; custome; daily; danger; dangerous; day; dayes; dead; death; degrees; delight; desire; desperate; destruction; dignity; discourse; dispositions; divine; divinity; doe; doth; doubt; duties; duty; earth; earthly; effect; employment; end; endeavours; enemies; envy; esteemed; eternal; eternity; evident; example; excellent; execution; exercise; expectation; extraordinary; eyes; face; faith; fall; false; fame; family; far; farre; father; fear; felicity; fire; flesh; fortune; frailty; free; friends; friendship; fruition; future; general; gentiles; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; goodnesse; grace; gratitude; great; greater; greatest; habitation; hands; happinesse; happy; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; high; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; horrid; house; humane; humanity; humility; humour; imagination; increase; industry; infinite; insomuch; intended; intention; interim; jewes; journey; judgement; jurisdiction; justice; kinde; king; kingdom; knowing; knowledge; land; language; law; leastwise; leave; liberty; life; like; little; lives; living; long; losse; love; magnanimity; majesty; malice; man; manner; mans; master; measure; men; mens; mention; mercies; mercy; miserable; miseries; misery; morality; moses; mother; multitudes; mysteries; nation; naturall; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neverthelesse; new; noble; notes; obedience; obligation; obliged; observed; occasion; offence; office; oftentimes; old; omnipotent; onely; opinion; order; paradise; particular; parts; passions; past; patience; people; perfect; period; person; pious; place; pleased; pleasure; possession; posture; power; practice; prayers; preposterous; prerogative; presence; present; preservation; pride; prince; principles; private; proceeding; proceeds; procure; promise; proper; prosperity; punishment; purpose; quality; ready; reason; reasonable; regard; relation; religion; religious; remarkable; reputation; resolution; resolved; respect; rest; revenge; ridiculous; right; rude; rules; sacrifice; salvation; satisfaction; satisfied; saviour; scarce; scripture; sea; security; selves; senses; sensuality; servants; service; set; shew; shewed; sin; small; society; soever; sonne; sort; souldiers; soule; spirit; story; strange; stupidity; subject; subsistence; sudden; sufferings; sufficient; tcp; temper; terrible; testimonies; testimony; text; thereunto; things; think; thoughts; time; torments; trouble; true; trust; truth; understanding; unfortunate; unpossible; use; vain; varieties; vertue; vexation; victory; violence; violent; want; way; wicked; wife; willing; wise; wished; wonderful; words; work; world; worldly; worship; worst; worthy; yeers; young cache: A43394.xml plain text: A43394.txt item: #56 of 89 id: A43583 author: Heywood, Oliver, 1629-1702. title: Meetness for heaven promoted in some brief meditations upon Colos. 1. 12. discovering the nature and necessity of habitual and actual meetness for heaven here, in all that hope for heaven hereafter. Designed for a funeral legacy. By O.H. an unworthy minister of the Gospel of Christ. date: 1679.0 words: 33817 flesch: 77 summary: The Lord looked down from Heaven upon the Children of Men , to see if there were any that did understand and seek God. And I solemnly require you that have a principle of Grace , gird up your Loins , trim your Lamps , and observe these few Rules , and the dispositions mentioned in this small Treatise : I only hint further ; Be much in the love of God : Dayly act Faith on Christ : Walk in the Spirit : Design Gods Glory : Intermit not holy duties : Be not content therein without communion with God : Mingle Religion with civil acts : Increase every Grace : Redeem time : Profitably converse with Gods Children : Aim at perfection : Maintain tender Consciences : Keep strict accounts : Study the life of Heaven : Be still doing or getting good : Set God before your eyes : Trample on worldly things : Live in dayly view of death : Be nothing in your own eyes : Be much in heavenly praises : Say , O Lord , who am I , and what is my Fathers house , that thou hast brought me hitherto ? What is man , what am I , the least and worst of the children of men , that the heart of God should be working for me , and towards me , in infinite bowels of eternal love ! keywords: acts; actual; alas; angels; answer; assurance; bear; bed; beloved; best; better; blessed; body; business; case; cast; change; chap; children; christ; christian; clear; coming; company; conscience; content; conversion; cor; cost; covenant; day; dead; dear; death; design; devils; difference; divine; doct; door; doth; drink; duties; duty; dye; earth; eebo; end; english; enter; eph; eternal; eternity; evidence; exercise; eyes; face; fall; far; father; fear; felicity; fire; fit; fruit; future; ghost; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; graceless; gracious; great; guilt; habitual; hands; happiness; happy; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; heirs; hell; high; hold; holiness; holy; home; honour; hope; house; infinite; inheritance; isa; jam; jesus; job; joh; joy; judge; kingdom; land; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; man; mat; matter; matth; means; meet; meetness; men; mercies; mercy; mind; mouth; natural; nature; nay; nearer; necessary; need; new; non; objects; observe; order; ordinances; paul; people; perfect; perfection; persons; pet; place; pleasure; point; poor; praise; prayer; present; priviledges; promise; psal; purchase; ready; real; reason; relative; religion; rest; rev; righteousness; rom; safe; saints; saith; salvation; self; selves; sense; set; sin; sincere; sinners; sins; sirs; son; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; suitable; sun; sure; sweet; tcp; text; thankfulness; thee; things; thou; thy; time; title; true; truth; vain; ver; way; weary; wicked; woe; work; working; world; worldly; worth; wrath; yea cache: A43583.xml plain text: A43583.txt item: #57 of 89 id: A43750 author: Higgins, John, 1633-1667. title: Christian counsel and advice unto the rulers and people of England even unto all such who have not yet sinned out their day of blessed visitation from God, which he in his infinite love and mercy hath held forth, and is holding forth unto the children of men, throughout all kingdoms of this world : with Christian counsel and good advice, against that grievous crying sin, and most abominable transgression of persecuting men about religion for the answer of a good conscience towards God : presented unto all that bear rule in ecclesiastical affairs now in the Church of England / by ... John Higgins. date: 1663.0 words: 5681 flesch: 35 summary: And this is the humility that goes before the honour , even the humility of mans heart and soul unto the power of God in the Light ; and this is that which shall be the glory of all Scepters , & the beauty of all Kingdoms , & the establishing of Nations in Universal peace , and men shall be abundantly blessed of God , and they shall be a blessing one unto another in the new and Everlasting Covenant of God , from generation to generation . And this is the free love and infinite mercy of the Lord our God , unto all the sons of men without exception , that all through faith and obedience unto God in Christ , the Light and the Truth , might receive Remission of sins , and a portion and inheritance among the saints in Light ; and herein the Lord God the Creator of Heaven and Earth , who formed man for a purpose of his own Glory , thus he comes to be glorified in the work of his own Eternal power , and man comes here to be blessed with the inheritance of Eternal life , both in this World , and in that which is to come . keywords: advice; blessed; children; christ; christian; counsel; darkness; day; eebo; england; english; eternal; god; good; hath; hearts; infinite; jesus; kingdoms; light; lord; lord god; love; man; men; mercy; nations; obedience; people; power; religion; righteousness; rule; rulers; salvation; sin; sons; spirit; tcp; text; transgression; true; truth; world cache: A43750.xml plain text: A43750.txt item: #58 of 89 id: A45331 author: Hall, Thomas, 1610-1665. title: Comarum akosmia the loathsomnesse of long haire, or, A treatise wherein you have the question stated, many arguments against it produc'd, and the most materiall arguguments [sic] for it refell'd and answer'd : with the concurrent judgement of divines both old and new against it : with an appendix against painting, spots, naked breasts, &c. / by Thomas Hall ... date: 1654.0 words: 28911 flesch: 75 summary: Comarum akosmia the loathsomnesse of long haire, or, A treatise wherein you have the question stated, many arguments against it produc'd, and the most materiall arguguments Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 49778) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 32:12) Comarum akosmia the loathsomnesse of long haire, or, A treatise wherein you have the question stated, many arguments against it produc'd, and the most materiall arguguments [sic] for it refell'd and answer'd : with the concurrent judgement of divines both old and new against it : with an appendix against painting, spots, naked breasts, &c. / by Thomas Hall ... Hall, Thomas, 1610-1665. keywords: a45331; abuse; adam; adorne; adorning; alere; ancient; angels; answer; apostle; apparell; appearance; appeares; appendix; apud; arbitrary; arguments; argvment; ashamed; attire; backs; badge; bare; beards; beauty; best; better; black; bodies; body; books; breach; breasts; calvin; capillos; carefull; case; change; characters; christ; christian; church; churches; civill; cleare; cloathing; comam; command; common; conceive; condemnes; condition; consciences; contrary; cor; cover; covering; cui; cum; curling; custome; cut; day; decent; dei; demat; deus; deut; devils; dialog; dishonour; divines; doe; doth; early; eebo; effeminate; end; english; ergo; esse; est; evill; example; excessive; excessive long; excrement; expresse; extraordinary; eyes; ezek; ezekiel; face; fall; false; famous; fantastick; farre; fashion; fire; fit; folly; foole; forbidden; forme; free; garment; gen; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; gospel; grave; gravity; great; greater; greatest; guise; habit; haec; hairy; hall; hand; hath; heads; health; heart; heathenish; hee; hell; hieron; himselfe; hoc; holy; honesty; hos; humility; husbands; images; indifferent; inward; isaiah; jer; jewes; job; judgement; land; lap; late; law; lawfull; learned; length; levit; liberty; life; light; like; little; lives; locks; london; long haire; long locks; longer; loose; lord; love; lying; magis; magna; major; man; mans; mark; mat; math; matter; meanes; men; mens; ministers; ministry; minor; modest; naked; nakednesse; nation; nationall; naturall; nature; nazarite; necessity; need; new; non; notes; numb; obedience; obj; objection; offence; old; onely; ones; order; ornament; outward; owne; oxford; painting; parts; paul; people; perkins; persons; pet; piety; place; plaine; plura; point; polling; poore; practice; pride; priests; principles; profession; professors; prophane; prophet; proud; quae; quam; question; qui; quia; quid; quis; quod; ratio; reason; religion; report; reproach; respect; reverend; rom; round; ruffians; rule; saith; salmasius; scandall; scandalous; scripture; sed; selfe; selves; sense; servants; set; sex; shame; shaving; shew; shorne; short; short haire; sic; sin; sinfull; singular; sinne; sins; small; sober; soule; speciall; spots; stand; stark; state; sunt; sure; tamen; tcp; tei; text; thes; thing; thomas; thou; thy; times; treatise; true; truth; ubi; ult; unlawfull; unlesse; use; utmost; vaine; vanities; vanity; vel; vertues; viz; walke; walking; warmth; way; wayes; weare; wearing; wee; white; wicked; wicked men; wise; women; works; world; worse; yea; yeares cache: A45331.xml plain text: A45331.txt item: #59 of 89 id: A45425 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: Of scandal date: 1646.0 words: 13963 flesch: 44 summary: 1. That the stronger , healthfuller , i. e. more knowing and more Orthodox Christians should {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ( the vulgar read assumere ) So also another Hebrew word {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} which signifies perdition , and destruction , and is frequently rendred by {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , is once interpreted {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Pr. 31. 6. {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , for which our English read , ready to perish ▪ very agreeable to which doth St Paul here interpret greiving the brother by destroying him , i. e. bringing him into some snare or sin ; the notion of Scandal , which all this while we speake of . keywords: able; absteine; action; againe; anger; angry; apostle; apt; authority; brother; care; cause; charity; christ; christian; christianity; conscience; contrary; cor; disease; doctrine; doth; english; evill; example; faith; fall; farther; feare; gal; god; good; great; greeke; hath; himselfe; indifferent; jewes; judaicall; judge; lawfull; liberty; like; likely; mans; matter; meanes; men; mistaken; new; non; occasion; offence; old; owne; paul; phrase; places; proper; reason; rendred; roman; saint; scandaliz'd; scandall; scripture; selfe; sence; signifies; sin; sinne; snare; soule; stumbling; sure; temptation; testament; text; thing; time; uncharitablenesse; unlawfull; unlesse; use; want; way; weake; word cache: A45425.xml plain text: A45425.txt item: #60 of 89 id: A47209 author: Kelsall, John. title: A testimony against gaming, musick, dancing, singing, swearing and peoples calling upon God to damn them. As also against drinking to excess, whoring, lying, and cheating. Commended to the consciences of all people in the sight of God, but more especially to those, who keep publick houses. date: 1696.0 words: 4065 flesch: 66 summary: Also in the Late Proclamation by the King and Queen , against ●●c●●● , Debauched and Prophane Persons , Given at White-Hall the 21 st of January , 1691 / 2. BEcause that Impiety and Vice do still abound in this Kingdom , the King and Queen Declare ( as bound in Duty to God , and Care for the People . ) Some that delight in Musick may object , That David and others of the People of God , did play upon Instruments of Musick . keywords: books; cause; characters; cursing; dancing; david; day; drinking; early; eebo; english; excess; gaming; god; hearts; honour; houses; image; instruments; john; like; literature; lord; man; men; mourning; musick; people; persons; prophane; said; singing; sins; swearing; tcp; tei; testimonies; testimony; text; things; time; true; truth; vain; works cache: A47209.xml plain text: A47209.txt item: #61 of 89 id: A47386 author: Killigrew, William, Sir, 1606-1695. title: Mid-night thoughts, writ, as some think, by a London-Whigg, or, a Westminster-Tory, others think by a Quaker, or, a Jesuit: but call him what they please, they may find him a true penitent of the church of Christ. date: 1682.0 words: 41720 flesch: 42 summary: THose who have obtained of God to become truly Regenerate , do find that a sincere repentance , with contrition and conversion of heart to God , are rewarded with peace of Conscience , and so great a delight in humble converses with God , on their meditations of Heaven , and their Eternal b●iss , that all Worldly pleasures do give way to those Divine transports , which flow from the Holy Ghost within them . Take heed therefore of idle diversions , and pray for grace to become Regenerate , to set thy heart on things above , which begets true Love to God , with Blessedness here , and for ever ; which eternity can never be too much thought on , nor the Lord who disposes of Eternity , be too much loved , or too much feared ; and if when we lye down to sleep , we could but learn to think that we might wake in the other World ; we should labour to live close up to God , so that Satan may find no time , to come between to tempt ; and then such reconciled sinners would discern their conversion to be a sure Testimony of God's mercy , and the Spirit of Faith fixing the foundation of true Piety , by which we must ascend , as the first step of that Ladder towards Heaven . keywords: account; addresses; adopted; affections; angels; appetites; approaches; assurance; beloved; best; better; blessed; bliss; bloud; bright; capable; carnal; celestial; chearful; christ; christian; comforts; concern; conduct; conscience; consideration; consolation; constant; continual; conversation; converse; courage; creatures; crimes; crown; custom; daily; david; day; days; death; delight; delightful; desire; devotion; devout; diversions; divine; divine love; doth; dust; duty; dwell; earth; earthly; elevated; endeavours; enemy; entertainment; eternal; eternity; everlasting; evil; expectation; faith; fancies; fancy; favour; fear; felicity; fill; fit; fixed; flames; forsake; free; frequent; fruitions; future; ghost; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; gratitude; great; greater; greatest; habitual; happiness; happy; hearts; heaven; hell; higher; highest; holiness; holy; holy ghost; hope; hour; humble; immortal; increase; inward; joy; joyful; joys; judge; judgment; kind; late; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; man; mans; meditations; men; mercies; mercy; mind; minute; moment; natural; nature; near; new; night; obedience; old; pass; past; peace; penitent; piety; pious; pleasant; pleasure; possession; power; practice; prayers; present; reach; ready; reconciliation; regenerate; rejoyce; repentance; rest; resurrection; righteousness; saints; salvation; satan; self; selves; service; set; shew; short; sincere; sincerity; sinners; sins; sleep; sons; souls; spirit; spiritual; step; study; sure; tcp; tears; temptations; terrors; text; thee; things; thoughts; throne; thy; time; transports; true; trust; universal; unto; use; vain; value; vanities; victory; want; way; wealth; wonder; work; world; worldly; worthy; zeal; ● ● cache: A47386.xml plain text: A47386.txt item: #62 of 89 id: A48621 author: Lipsius, Justus, 1547-1606. title: A discourse of constancy in two books chiefly containing consolations against publick evils written in Latin by Justus Lipsius, and translated into English by Nathaniel Wanley ... date: 1670.0 words: 45993 flesch: 72 summary: Tell me now in this Case ; vvhat advantage is to be hop'd for , from Place or Motion ? Unless possibly there is any such Region , vvhich can temper our Fears , or bridle our hopes ; or make us discharge our selves again of that filthy matter of Vices , vvhich we have so liberally taken down . You vvill say that very Motion , and change of place it self hath that force ; and that those daily sights , that variety of Customes men and places , vvhich vve meet vvith in travell ; doth recreate and rouse afresh the dejected Mind . keywords: able; account; actions; advantage; affections; age; air; alwayes; ancients; armes; author; behold; belgia; belgians; beseech; best; better; betwixt; blood; bodies; body; books; caesar; calamities; calamity; care; case; causes; certain; change; chap; children; cities; city; civil; clear; command; common; comparison; complaint; conceive; constancy; contrary; country; crimes; cruelty; cry; curious; daily; dangerous; day; death; delight; desire; despise; destruction; different; discourse; disease; divine; doth; dye; early; earth; eebo; elements; empire; end; endeavour; ends; english; eternity; euripides; events; evils; examples; excellent; external; eyes; fall; famine; farr; fatal; fate; father; fear; feaver; fields; fire; flowers; foot; force; fortune; fountain; free; gardens; general; gentle; god; gods; good; great; greater; greatest; grief; grievous; hand; happy; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; heretofore; high; homer; hope; house; howsoever; humane; ibid; ignorant; immoveable; impious; innocent; internal; italy; judge; judgement; justice; kind; king; kingdomes; knowledge; known; lament; land; langius; law; lead; learned; liberty; life; light; like; lipsius; little; long; longer; love; man; manner; matters; mean; men; middle; midst; mind; miseries; motion; nations; native; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; number; ocean; omit; ones; open; opinion; order; original; particular; parts; pass; path; patience; people; persons; pestilence; philosophy; pitty; place; plague; play; pleasing; pleasure; poet; pompey; possible; posterity; power; praise; present; private; proper; providence; publick; punishment; purpose; reason; reign; reply'd; repose; respect; rest; return; revenge; rivers; roman; ruine; saith; sayes; saying; scepter; school; sea; seat; second; secret; self; selves; seneca; sense; set; severe; ship; sick; sin; single; slain; slaughter; sloth; small; sort; soul; souldiers; stand; stoicks; strength; studies; subject; sun; tcp; temper; text; thee; things; things vvhich; thou; thought; time; touch; travail; trees; troubles; true; truth; tyranny; tyrant; universe; vain; variety; vertue; vice; violent; vulgar; vvas; vvay; vve; vvere; vvhat; vvhatsoever; vvhen; vvhether; vvhich; vvhich vve; vvho; vvhole; vvhy; vvicked; vvill; vvise; vvith; vvith vvhich; vvithin; vvithout; vvonder; vvords; vvould; warr; way; wicked; wisdom; wise; wonder; world; years; young; youth cache: A48621.xml plain text: A48621.txt item: #63 of 89 id: A48788 author: Lloyd, David, 1635-1692. title: Dying and dead mens living words published by Da. Lloyd. date: 1668.0 words: 34920 flesch: 65 summary: Who being the most e●●perienced for enquiry , the mo●● wise for contrivance , the mo●● wealthy for compassing all the s●●tisfaction that can be had in t●● things of this world , after man● years sifting ( for saith he in Eccl●● that his Book of repentance , Cha●● 2. vers . It s an observation common and useful , that as there is no ma● of quality hardly goeth out of th● world now , without the instructi●on , prayers , and ministry of a Chap●lain ; however they have lived i● it owning the comforts of Religion● though they disowned the practise of it . keywords: a48788; able; account; adde; affections; afraid; age; ages; al ●; alex; alwayes; answer; archbishop; argument; aut; author; b ●; bad; bed; beginning; bein ●; beleive; best; bishop; blessed; blood; body; bones; book; brethren; brother; caesar; cain; cause; certain; characters; children; christ; christian; church; cicero; close; co ●; comfort; common; con ●; condition; confessor; conscience; consideration; country; court; creation; day; de ●; dead; dear; death; deity; deum; di ●; discourse; divine; divinity; doctor; doe; doth; dreadful; dy ●; dye; dying; earl; earth; east; eebo; em ●; emperour; en ●; end; english; epicurus; est; eternal; eternity; everlasting; evil; example; excellent; experience; expressions; eyes; father; fear; fire; flesh; fo ●; folly; free; friends; future; ge ●; gen; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; goeth; good; good men; goodness; government; grave; great; great god; greater; greatest; grief; ground; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hath; head; hearing; heart; heathen; heaven; hell; hi ●; high; histories; history; ho ●; holy; home; honour; hope; hour; house; iews; ill; image; immortality; infinite; instances; interest; invisible; inward; jesus; jews; joy; judgement; king; kingdom; know; knowing; knowledge; la ●; laertius; large; later; laws; learning; leave; letter; life; like; little; live; living; lloyd; lo ●; long; look; loose; lord; love; lust; lye; m ●; ma ●; mad; man; mankind; mans; master; memory; men; mens; mention; mercy; mind; misery; mo ●; moses; natural; nature; nay; near; necessity; need; new; noble; non; notion; o ●; old; omnium; opinion; oracle; order; pa ●; parts; past; people; person; philosopher; piety; place; plain; plato; play; pleased; pleasures; plutarch; po ●; poor; power; pr ●; pray; present; prince; principles; pro ●; providence; prudence; pu ●; punishment; pure; purpose; queen; quest; quid; rational; read; reason; relations; reli ●; religion; religious; remarkable; repentance; resolution; return; reverend; rich; riches; right; sa ●; sad; saint; saith; save; saviour; saying; scripture; se ●; sect; self; selves; sense; set; short; sick; sin; sins; sir; sleep; sober; socrates; solemn; soul; spake; spirit; stars; state; strict; study; sun; t ●; tcp; tei; terrors; testimony; text; th ●; tha ●; thee; things; think; thou; thoughts; thy; time; torments; troubled; true; truth; tryal; tu ●; u ●; understanding; university; use; useful; vain; vanity; verse; vertue; vid; viz; way; wayes; wh ●; whereof; whic ●; wi ●; wicked; wisdom; wise; wisest; wish; wit; words; work; world; worship; worthy; wrath; writ; years; young; ● ast; ● ation; ● ay; ● course; ● d; ● der; ● e; ● ed; ● ent; ● ere; ● eth; ● f; ● fore; ● g; ● hat; ● hen; ● imself; ● ing; ● ion; ● ll; ● ly; ● n; ● nce; ● nd; ● ness; ● ng; ● ord; ● ost; ● red; ● s; ● ted; ● ur; ● ver; ● y; ● ● cache: A48788.xml plain text: A48788.txt item: #64 of 89 id: A51986 author: Lloyd, David, 16315-1692. title: Fair warnings to a careless world in the pious letter written by the Right Honourable James Earl of Marleburgh, a little before his death, to the Right Honourable Sir Hugh Pollard, comptroller of his Maties houshold. With the last words of CXL and upwards, of the most learned and honourable persons of England, and other parts of the world. date: 1665.0 words: 11108 flesch: 55 summary: Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter : Fear God , and keep his commandments ; for this is the whole duty of man. Is there nothing more graceful and pleasing in the sweetness , candour , and ingenuity of a truly Christian temper and disposition , then in the revengeful implacable spirit of such whose Honour lives and is fed by the bloud of their enemies ? Is it not more truly honourable and glorious , to serve that God who commandeth the world , then to be a slave to those Passions and Lusts which put men upon continual hard service , and torment them for it when they have done it ? Were there nothing else to commend Religion to the mindes of men , besides that tranquillity and calmness of spirit , that serene and peaceable temper which follows a good Conscience , wheresoever it dwells , it were enough to make men welcome that guest which brings such good entertainment with it . keywords: account; age; atheist; aut; best; bishop; body; books; careless; cause; characters; christ; christian; clear; comptroller; conscience; creation; cum; day; death; desire; doth; earl; eebo; encoding; england; english; eternal; eternity; evil; excellent; fair; father; fear; friends; general; generous; god; gods; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; happiness; hard; hath; heart; heaven; hell; henry; high; holy; honourable; hope; houshold; hugh; humane; images; immortality; infinite; interest; james; jesus; king; knowledge; later; learned; learning; letter; life; like; little; lord; man; mans; marleburgh; master; men; mercy; minde; mortem; nature; nec; onely; online; oxford; pains; partnership; parts; peace; person; phase; piety; pollard; power; principles; qui; rational; reason; regard; religion; resolution; right; sad; save; self; sin; sir; smith; soul; spirit; state; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; time; true; understanding; university; vain; vanity; vers; vexation; warnings; way; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; xml; years cache: A51986.xml plain text: A51986.txt item: #65 of 89 id: A52437 author: More, Henry, 1614-1687. title: The theory and regulation of love a moral essay, in two parts : to which are added letters philosophical and moral between the author and Dr. Henry More / by John Norris ... date: 1688.0 words: 41569 flesch: 60 summary: Now among other instances of Resemblance wherein man may be likened to God , such as the Internal Rectitude of his Nature , or Self-dominion , and his External dominion over the Creatures and the like , this I think may be Consider'd as one , and perhaps as the Chiefest of all , that as in the Divine nature there are two Processions , one by way of Intellect which is the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or word , and the other by way of Love which is the H. Spirit , so likewise in the Humane nature there are as it were two Processions , and that of the same kind too as in the Divine , Vnderstanding and Love. Socrates in Plato's Symposion says Concerning Love , that it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the eldest and most honorable of the Gods. keywords: abstracted; account; act; acts; actual; adultery; advertency; affection; agency; alwaies; animal; answer; apparent; appetite; argument; attention; beauty; benevolence; best; better; blood; body; call'd; capable; case; certain; charity; choice; christ; chuse; circumstances; clear; common; community; concern'd; concupiscence; condition; confess; connexion; consequence; consider'd; considerable; consideration; contrary; convenient; creation; degree; denying; design; desire; determin'd; dictate; different; difficulty; discourse; distinct; divided; divine; divine good; division; eligible; end; english; essence; evil; excellent; eye; fornication; free; friendship; general; god; good; gravity; great; greater; greater evil; greatest; ground; happiness; happy; harmony; heart; higher; human; hypothesis; idea; image; immediate; impossible; inclination; indigence; infinite; instances; instrument; intellectual; intellectual good; intellectual love; intelligent; interest; judgment; kind; knowledg; laws; lesser; liberty; life; light; like; little; long; lov'd; love; loving; man; manner; marriage; matter; means; measures; men; mere; mind; mistake; moral; moral evil; moral good; morality; mortification; motion; moves; natural; natural evil; natural good; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; non; norris; notional; object; obliged; ones; order; ordinary; original; pag; pain; paragraph; particular; particular good; parts; peculiar; perfection; person; place; pleasure; point; power; practical; present; principle; private; proportion; publick; pure; purpose; quantity; question; rational; reader; real; reason; regular love; regulation; reply; respect; said; sake; second; sect; self; self evil; self love; selves; sense; sensible; sensitive; sensual; sensual good; sensual love; sensual pleasure; sensuality; set; shame; short; simple; sin; sixt; society; soul; species; spirit; spiritual; state; subject; substance; sufficient; sum; tcp; tendency; term; text; thee; theory; thing; tho; thou; thought; thy; time; true; truth; turpitude; understanding; universal; universal good; vertue; vice; viz; volent; want; way; willing; wise; wishing; words; work; world; young cache: A52437.xml plain text: A52437.txt item: #66 of 89 id: A53057 author: Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674. title: Philosophicall fancies. Written by the Right Honourable, the Lady Newcastle. date: 1653.0 words: 16209 flesch: 74 summary: But as an equall motion makes light , and a perturb'd motion makes colour , which is between Light , & Darknesse : So Darknesse is an Opposite Motion to those Motions that make light ; for though Light is an equall Motion , yet it is such a kind , or sort of Motion . What makes a Naturall Aversion from some Creatures to others , and what causes an unnaturalnsse to their owne kind and Breed ? What Motion makes Thunder , Lightning , VVinde , Earthquakes , Cold , Ice , Snow , Haile , Rain , what Motions makes drought , Heat . keywords: absolute; animall; bee; best; body; braine; causes; change; creatures; dance; dead; death; degrees; delight; different; doth; dull; dull matter; effects; equall; eternall; eternity; expulsive; eyes; fall; fame; fancies; feare; figure; flow; flye; forme; good; grave; great; hath; head; house; infinite; infinite degrees; infinite matter; innate; internall; kind; knowledge; let; life; light; like; like motion; little; love; lye; man; matter; measure; men; minde; motion; moving; naturall; nature; newcastle; numbers; onely; opposite; order; owne; paine; particular; parts; planets; pleasure; power; print; proper; quantity; quick; rationall; rationall spirits; reason; regular; run; selfe; sense; sensitive; sensitive spirits; severall; shapes; small; solid; soule; spirits; strength; stronger; sun; sweet; sympathy; text; thin; thoughts; thy; time; touch; understanding; unlesse; vegetables; war; way; weak; wit; work; world cache: A53057.xml plain text: A53057.txt item: #67 of 89 id: A54216 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718. title: Some fruits of solitude in reflections and maxims relating to the conduct of human life. Licens'd, May 24. 1693. date: 1693.0 words: 15092 flesch: 82 summary: Let us then not cozen our selves with the Shels and Husks of things ; nor prefer Form to Power , nor Shadows to Substance : Pictures of Bread will not satisfy Hunger , nor those of Devotion please God. The Author blesseth God for his Retirement , and kisses that gentle Hand which lead him into it . keywords: advantage; answer; apt; art; authority; benefit; best; better; bodies; body; books; business; care; characters; charity; children; cloaths; common; conduct; duty; earth; eebo; end; english; evil; excess; excuse; faith; family; fault; fear; folly; friend; friendship; fruits; gain; general; god; good; goodness; government; great; happiness; happy; help; honour; human; ill; judgment; justice; law; life; like; little; love; makes; man; master; maxims; means; men; mind; mony; nature; neighbour; parents; passion; people; persons; place; pleasure; poor; power; prince; private; publick; reason; reflections; religion; right; rules; satisfaction; self; selves; sense; sensible; servants; shews; short; soul; state; subject; sure; tcp; temper; text; thee; thine; things; thou; time; true; truth; use; value; vertue; want; way; wife; wisdom; wise; works; world; worse cache: A54216.xml plain text: A54216.txt item: #68 of 89 id: A56827 author: Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of, 1633-1695. title: Institutions, essays, and maxims, political, moral, and divine divided into four centuries / by the Right Honoura[ble] L. Marqu. of H[alifax] date: 1698.0 words: 27017 flesch: 72 summary: Think of God ( especially in thy Devotion ) in the Abstract , rather than in the Concrete : If thou conceive him good , thy finite Thoughts are ready to terminate that Good in a conceiv'd Subject ; if thou think him great , thy bounded Conceit is apt to cast him into a comprehensible Figure : When thou dost Evil , that Good may come thereby , the Evil is surely thine ; if Good should happen to ensue upon the Evil which thou hast done , the Good proceeds from God : If therefore thou do Evil , thereby to occasionate a Good , thou lay'st a bad Foundation for a good Building , and servest the Devil , that God may serve thee . keywords: actions; advantage; ambitious; apt; army; bad; bear; best; better; body; books; brother; building; cause; cent; charity; child; church; commander; common; conqueror; conquest; conscience; country; creation; danger; dangerous; day; death; desire; dishonour; divine; dost; early; eebo; end; endeavour; enemy; english; envy; evil; exercise; eye; fair; faith; fall; fancy; father; favour; fear; folly; fool; foreign; fortune; friend; fury; gain; gift; glorious; glory; god; good; government; great; greatest; hand; happiness; happy; hath; heart; heaven; heed; honour; honourable; hope; ignorance; ill; injury; institutions; journey; judgment; kingdom; knowledge; labour; life; like; little; long; loss; lost; love; man; master; max; maxims; mayst; means; men; mercy; mind; money; moral; mother; multitude; mysteries; natural; necessity; new; nobility; obedience; object; open; opinion; passion; patience; peace; people; pleasure; poor; power; present; pride; prince; private; proud; providence; quality; reason; religion; repentance; resolution; rest; reward; rich; right; ruine; sake; second; secret; security; self; servant; service; shame; silence; sin; soldiers; soul; spirit; state; strength; strong; subject; sudden; sword; tcp; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou canst; thou may'st; thought; thy; time; tongue; treasure; true; truth; understanding; use; vain; vice; virtue; want; war; way; weak; wealth; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; worth cache: A56827.xml plain text: A56827.txt item: #69 of 89 id: A56976 author: Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644. title: Enchiridion Containing institutions, divine contemplative. Practicall. Moral ethicall. Oeconomicall. Politicall. Written by Fra: Quarles. date: 1644.0 words: 27341 flesch: 76 summary: IF thou be ambitious of Honour , and yet fearfull of the Canker of Honour , Envy ; so behave thy self , that Opinion may be satisfied in this , that thou seekest Merit , and not ●●me ; and that thou attribute●t thy Preferment rather to Providence , then thy own Vertue : Honour is a due debt to the deserver ; and who ever envied the payment of a debt ? a just advancement is a providentiall act , and who ever envied the act of Providence ? CHAP. WHen thou dost evil that good may come thereby , the evill is surely thine : if good should happen to ensue upon the evill which thou hast done ; the good proceeds from God ; if therefore thou doe evill , thereby to occasionate a good , thou la●●t a bad foundation for a good building ; and ●ervest the Devill that God may serve thee : where the end of evill is good in the intention , there the end of that good is evill in the extention . CHAP. XLI . keywords: actions; advantage; adversity; advise; affections; alterations; alwayes; ambitious; anothers; apt; army; bad; bee; best; better; beware; body; bold; books; brother; building; cause; censure; century; chap; charity; child; church; commander; common; confession; conquerour; conquest; conscience; country; crosse; danger; dangerous; day; dayes; death; desire; desirest; dishonour; divine; doe; dost; early; easie; enchiridion; end; endeavour; enemy; evill; exercise; expectation; eye; faire; faith; fall; fancy; father; favour; feare; folly; foole; fortune; friend; fury; gaine; gift; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; government; great; greatest; hand; happinesse; happy; hast; hath; heads; heart; heaven; heed; himselfe; hold; home; honour; honourable; hope; humble; ignorance; injury; judgement; kingdome; knowledge; labour; lawfull; leave; lesse; liberty; life; like; little; long; love; maist; man; mans; master; meanes; men; mercy; money; mother; multitude; mysteries; naturall; necessary; necessity; new; nobility; obedience; object; open; opinion; order; owne; passion; patience; peace; people; pleasure; poore; power; practice; praise; prayer; present; pride; prince; private; promise; prosperity; proud; providence; quality; quarles; reason; receiver; recreations; religion; repentance; requisite; resolution; rest; reward; rich; ruine; sake; second; secret; secure; security; selfe; sense; servant; service; shame; silence; sinne; souldiers; soule; spirit; state; strength; strong; subject; sudden; sword; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou canst; thought; thy; times; tongue; treasure; true; truth; understanding; use; vain; vertue; vices; vvhen; want; warre; way; weake; wealth; wisdome; wise; words; work; world; worth; ● ● cache: A56976.xml plain text: A56976.txt item: #70 of 89 id: A60374 author: Slingsby, Henry, Sir, 1602-1658. title: A father's legacy. Sir Henry Slingsbey's instructions to his sonnes. Written a little before his death date: 1658.0 words: 9124 flesch: 63 summary: I have been known to sundry Holds ; yet I found my infranchized mind , when I was most estranged from enjoyment of liberty , to be the freest enjoyer of it self . Textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. keywords: advice; affection; arguments; assistance; better; books; care; case; choice; city; comfort; concerns; condition; confident; conscience; consorts; constancy; constant; court; dangerous; day; dear; death; desire; discourse; discreet; divine; earth; english; eye; fame; familiar; father; fear; free; friends; glory; god; gods; good; hath; heart; henry; high; hold; honour; hope; houres; house; humane; influence; innocence; instructions; justice; late; legacy; liberty; life; little; long; love; memory; men; mind; nature; onely; ones; opinion; persons; place; precious; quality; relations; resolution; restraint; season; self; selves; sentence; short; sin; sir; society; sonnes; soul; spirit; state; subject; sundry; tender; text; things; thoughts; time; way; wayes; whereto; words; world; youth; zeal cache: A60374.xml plain text: A60374.txt item: #71 of 89 id: A60664 author: Smith, William, d. 1673. title: Univeral love In which a visitation floweth through the creation, that all people may be informed into the truth, and in their several places come to walk in the truth, and live in the truth, to be a good favour unto God, and honour God. 1. To parents of children. 2. To masters and dames of families. 3. To servants in their places. 4. To aged people. 5. To such as live a single life. 6. To young people. 7. To children. 8. To such as are in outward government. 9. To ministers of parishes, so called. 10. To such as practise in the nations law. 11. To such as trade in wights and measures. 12. To such as buy and sell in the markets or in any other places. With a general exhortation. Also something concerning faith, and hope, and love, and the word, and mans restless part, and the election, and a particular place of bondage opened. ... William Smith. date: 1668.0 words: 39555 flesch: 6 summary: And unto this principle alone , is this Book dedicated , as being unto me the most lovely , renownable , and for ever honorable ; for it is that unto me which is the chiefest good , and it doth communicate from it self , the riches of it self , and that to the glory and honour of its own power and wisdom over all ; and the matter which in this Book is contained , being received and accepted by it , I shall rejoyce in my labor , however men distinct from it , may esteem it , for it is not the praise of men that I seek , howbeit I am moved to labour in the work of the Lord ; but I desire to be manifest to every mans Conscience in the sight of God , and to be approved by his pure eye that seeth secrets ; and let all glory , and honour , and praise , and renown , be given unto him alone , for ever and ever : and unto the measure of himself in every man , I commend this Book in all humility , reverence and fear . YOu that are called to serve , be you diligent in your places , and in all things , and in every place learn to serve the Lord , for that is good and acceptable with him ; and if ye serve the Lord in singleness of heart , then you will discharge your duty in your places ; and have regard to your places out of the eye-service , for if you onely serve well whilst your Masters eye behold you , that is but a service performed in awe to your Masters eye , and is no more but an eye-service ; but if you mind the Principle of God , and stand in the fear of God , then will your care and diligence be to serve the Lord , and to serve your Masters as in the sight of God , for the Eye of the Lord is alwayes present and beholds you ; and whether your Masters eye be over you , or absent from you , your care should be to serve the Lord , whose eye beholds you in all places , and at all times , and the intents of your hearts ; and if you have thoughts at any time to neglect your Masters business , when you know that he is absent from you , is there not something in you at that time which doth manifest those thoughts unto you , and shews you that they are amiss ? that is the light of Christ in your Consciences , and is alwayes present to behold whatever you intend ; and if you be at any time neglecting your Masters business which you are intrusted withall , and that your Master come and find you so doing , are you not then judged in your selves , and stand guilty of your offence before your Master ? and that which judges you and reproves you , is the Light of Jesus Christ in your Consciences , for you do bear judgment in that case , and are certainly reproved in your selves , though your Master speak not a word unto you ; and unto that you are to keep your minds , that with it you may be guided in your service , and then there will be no need of your Masters eye , no fear of your Masters coming , for you will be found serving God in the Light , and in his fear you will be doing your Masters business , then you will stand clear before the Lord in all things , and there will be no shame come upon you , whosoever beholds you , or takes notice of you , for man needs never be ashamed before men , that stands approved unto God in what he doth ; and if he do not stand approved unto God , then he hath a guilt upon him , and the witness of God condemns him in himself , then if men but look at him , the witness condemns him , and the shame comes over him , for he stands guilty before God though man cannot accuse him , and so in the Light you will be found serving the Lord , and doing your Masters business justly , truly , and faithfully , as in the sight of God , and as if your Masters eye were over you , and this will be a good savour both to God and honest men ; but when your minds are from that of God in you , then carelesness and negligence attends your places , and whether you serve or serve not , you are not careful , or whether you labour or labour not , you do not much regard , if your Masters eye be not over you ; and here you are out of your places , and with that of God in you , which is just and true , you will in that place be reproved , and you can never be just not true indeed , but as you come to the principle of God which is just and true , with that to be guided , which in all things you are to mind , for there is not any that either rule well , or serve faithfully , but such as come to be guided by the Light of Christ Jesus in themselves , and if you mind that when it doth at any time reprove you , then will Gods fear come to be placed in your hearts , and the awe of God will be over you , and that will keep you in carefulness and diligence , to serve God and please God , and your service to your Masters will be performed faithfully at all times , and in all places , whether your Masters be present or absent , and you will not need to use deceit to cover your faults from your Masters and Dames , but in singleness of heart approve your selves to God , in all things wherein your service lyes to your Masters ; for when any fault is done by you for want of taking heed to the Light of Christ in you , and that the Light reprove you in your Consciences for it , and you with the Light come to see wherein you have done amiss , and that you have not performed your service faithfully to your Master ; and when your Master comes to blame you for it , then to seek out covers by deceit , and to forge lyes for your own defence ( though with the Light you see you have done amiss ) this is a very great evil , because it doubles the offence in the sight of God ; for first to do amiss , and then to seek a deceitful cover , and make lyes your refuge in that case , this is sharply reproved with that of God in you , which is just and true , and neither the first nor the second in which you can approve your hearts to God ; though by deceit and lyes you may blind your Masters eyes , and keep your selves from blame as unto him , yet the Lord beholdeth you , and you cannot cleare your selves before him : And this is weighty on your parts who are called to serve , and then take heed of vanity in every place , and do not use your liberty when you have it to satisfie the flesh , nor do not seek to please your selves in foolish sports , but in the fear of the Lord improve your time in his service , and when at any time you have liberty from your labour , then be serious in your minds , and take heed to that of God in you , and consider for what end that time is allowed you , that when you have it , you may improve it in some holy exercise , according to what you know , and not to spend it in Ale-houses , and in sports and pleasures ; and in the Light read the Scriptures , you that can read , and wait to understand them , and meditate upon the good things of God , and consider what you are in your selves withour Christ , and what your end will be if you dye in sin , and in the Light waiting , whether you can read Scriptures or no , your minds will be kept to God , and you will redeem the time which you have vainly spent : and do not close with traditions in any place , but joyn to the Spirit of God in your selves , and in that worship God , and serve God , and serve your Masters faithfully in your places , and be content with such things as are provided for you , grudge not at your meat nor drink , nor strive not after costly apparrel , but having food and raiment be therewith content , and be not sloathful in your business , but with a ready mind answer your places diligently , and cheerfully , so will you be a good savour in your places , and you will have comfort in the end : And be subject to your Masters commands in all things that are just , knowing that you are to serve ; and do not aspire into equality with your Masters , for that brings up pride and haughtiness , and is foolishness ; nor do not contemn any business , as below you , but stoop down to the lowest , and do it willingly , if you be ordered to do it ; and do not seek after new places , and fresh services , that will draw you into a restless state , and finding some differences in places , your eye will be towards that where you have best pleased your selves , and when you meet with any thing contrary in another place , then you are displeased with that , and then is ready to say , it is but a Year ; and so your minds are gone from your place , before you be well come to it , and carelesness comes upon you , and your Masters service is neglected by you ; and here you are not right in your places , but unsetled , and unstayed , and so would every year be removing , if not sooner , and wandring and trying ; and this is a giddy head that runs out of the fear of God ; for if you come to the Light of Christ in your Consciences , and come to walk in the Truth , you will be setled and stayed , and where you come to be placed you will not have a desire to remove , but to observe your place diligently and carefully , and let not your minds look out for ease in any place , so that you be not oppressed above your strength , for many do themselves wrong by looking out for ease , and so refuse service wholly , though able to perform it , and so falls into a way of labour of their own industry , and provides for themselves at their own hand ; and this is something that would not be under command , but would be at liberty , and at ease , which doth not answer the Light of Christ , neither stands approved by it . keywords: amiss; answer; bad; belief; body; bondage; care; children; christ; christ jesus; clean; conscience; creation; darkness; day; dayes; deceit; doth; end; evil; execution; eye; faith; fall; fear; flesh; free; generation; glory; god; god doth; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; ground; hand; hath; heart; heed; holy; honour; hope; jesus; joy; joyned; judgment; kingdom; labour; law; liberty; life; light; lord; lord god; love; lye; lyes; man; manifest; manifestation; mans; mark; masters; matter; measure; men; mercy; mind; ministers; nature; obedience; observed; order; outward; page; parents; people; perfect; place; poor; power; practise; present; principle; profit; pure; reproof; riches; righteousness; run; salvation; savour; scriptures; seed; self; selves; servants; service; set; sin; single; son; spirit; stand; standing; state; strength; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; unto; vain; vanity; want; way; wisdom; wise; witness; word; work; wrong; young cache: A60664.xml plain text: A60664.txt item: #72 of 89 id: A61859 author: Strype, John, 1643-1737. title: Lessons moral and Christian, for youth and old age in two sermons preach'd at Guildhall Chappel, London : chiefly intended for the use of this city / by John Stryp ... date: 1699.0 words: 14708 flesch: 75 summary: And that chiefly , because of that Fear of God which possessed his Mind from his Youth ; and so influenced all his after-Age . When Age comes upon us , and various Infirmities , Pains and Sicknesses attend it , and Troubles and Cares do now more than ever oppress our Minds ; and the Reflexions it may be upon the infinite Miscarriages of our past Lives deject us , what need have we then of this Faith in God , to enable us to rely upon him , and his Goodness , and his Promises ? keywords: addicted; age; aged; aged men; apostle; apt; behaviour; better; care; characters; charity; christian; city; comfort; counsel; days; death; discourse; doth; early; eebo; end; english; evil; experience; faith; father; fear; follies; god; good; goodness; grave; gray; great; hand; hath; hearts; holy; honour; hope; john; king; life; like; little; lives; london; long; lord; love; lusts; man; men; mighty; minded; nature; old; old age; passions; past; patience; paul; people; person; places; reason; religion; rest; self; selves; sense; set; sins; sober; sobriety; sort; souls; sound; spirit; strong; tcp; temperate; text; thee; things; think; thou; time; true; truth; use; vanity; virtue; watch; way; wisdom; wise; words; world; years; young; young men; younger; youth cache: A61859.xml plain text: A61859.txt item: #73 of 89 id: A62084 author: Sikes, George. title: The book of nature translated and epitomiz'd. By George Sikes. date: 1667.0 words: 26368 flesch: 73 summary: This then is a good argument ; man can sin , therefore there is a God ; and this also ; Man can do and deserve well , therefore there is a God , who is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him . THere are four generall degrees of creatures , by which as four distinct rounds in the ladder of created nature , man may ascend to the right knowledg of himself and of God. keywords: account; actions; advantage; agrement; angels; beasts; beloved; bodily; body; book; capital; chap; chief; common; constitution; contrary; creation; creatour; creatures; degree; desire; different; distinct; divine; duty; earth; elements; encrease; enemy; enmity; eternal; everlasting; evil; excellent; false; fear; fourth; free; fruit; general; glory; god; good; great; greater; greatest; hand; harmony; hath; hatred; having; head; heart; honour; humane; inferiour; infinite; joy; kind; kingdom; know; knowledg; law; life; like; lord; love; lowest; man; manner; meer; men; mind; natural; nature; needs; obliged; omnipotent; opposition; order; organs; outward; parts; peculiar; perfection; place; plants; powers; praise; principal; private; profit; properties; punishment; rational; reason; render; rest; reward; right; root; second; sect; section; self; sense; service; sin; sorrow; soul; special; species; spirit; state; tcp; text; themselvs; thereunto; things; trees; true; understanding; union; united; universe; use; visible; way; wel; wil; wills; wit; works; world cache: A62084.xml plain text: A62084.txt item: #74 of 89 id: A62729 author: Tanner, Thomas, 1630-1682. title: Euphuia, or The acts, and characters of a good nature. Written by Tho. Tanner G.J.E. date: 1665.0 words: 29511 flesch: 63 summary: Neither is it wonder , if these have still impell'd mankind to an Uniform mode , or way of contending about the Partition of conveniences among men , but it would be wonder , to see a child by Nature so Pugnacious , that without any provocation , it should still be fighting . Thersites did not want somewhat in him , to recommend him to some mans phancy , that could distinguish . keywords: able; account; acquaintance; action; acts; admiration; advantage; affected; affection; alacrity; ambition; amity; anger; anothers; apprehensions; apt; argument; beloved; benefit; best; better; bloud; body; bounty; breast; brother; caesar; cause; certain; characters; charity; children; choice; civil; civility; command; common; company; consideration; contempt; conversation; countenance; countrey; day; delight; desire; difference; discourse; disposition; divers; doth; early; eebo; effect; english; envy; equal; excellent; fair; father; favour; fear; fine; force; fortune; free; friends; friendship; fruition; gain; generosity; generous; gentle; glory; god; good; good nature; goodness; graces; great; greater; grief; ground; hand; happy; hath; heart; heroick; high; hold; honor; hope; house; humane; humanity; humour; ill; intention; interest; joy; judge; kind; kindness; king; later; law; learned; liberty; life; like; little; long; longing; look; love; lovers; loving; making; malice; man; matter; mean; men; mens; mind; moral; motion; mutual; natural; nature; nay; necessity; need; neglect; new; noble; non; notice; object; obligation; obliged; occasion; ones; open; ordinary; particular; parts; passion; people; persons; place; play; pleasure; point; poor; power; presence; present; pride; prince; private; proper; publick; purpose; qualities; quality; ready; reality; reason; religion; respect; rest; restraint; revenge; right; rise; roman; rule; satisfaction; satisfied; second; secret; self; selves; sense; set; shame; simple; singular; sort; soul; spirits; strong; subject; tcp; temper; text; thing; time; true; tyranny; use; vain; valiant; value; variety; vertue; vertuous; vice; violence; void; want; way; weak; wealth; wise; wit; women; words; world; worth; wrong; years; youth cache: A62729.xml plain text: A62729.txt item: #75 of 89 id: A63807 author: Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703. title: The planter's speech to his neighbours & country-men of Pennsylvania, East & West Jersey and to all such as have transported themselves into new-colonies for the sake of a quiet retired life : to which is added the complaints of our supra-inferior inhabitants. date: 1684.0 words: 17345 flesch: 33 summary: And in what thing soever , be it Annimal or Vegetable , this friendly Quality is either naturally impotent , or impaired by pernicious Art , or other Causalty , thenceforwards that thing is neither good for Food nor Drink , except the Venoms of the Martial and Saturnine Properties ( which then are altogether predominant ) be first corrected ; for if it be in Animals , then such Beasts are fierce , cruel , ravenous and unclean ; If in Minerals , they are high Poysons ; if in Herbs or Fruits , they are rank and fulsom , and also in some degree Poysonous ; and all this by their natural Constitution and Quality : And the very same is to be understood when the Essential Virtues of things in themselves , most wholsome and pleasant , come to be hurt or destroy'd ; which being done in the Preparation of Rum , Brandy , and all such sulpherous Spirits , 't is evident how destructive the use thereof must be to Nature . In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: air; animals; art; beasts; better; blood; body; books; brandy; cause; characters; children; christians; common; complaints; contrary; country; creation; creator; creatures; cruelty; custom; day; dear; delight; depraved; desires; destruction; diseases; divine; dost; drinks; early; earth; eebo; elements; english; evil; examples; fellow; fierce; fire; flesh; food; forth; fragrant; free; friendly; friends; fruits; god; gods; good; grains; great; greater; guns; happiness; hard; hath; health; herbs; holy; honour; humane; image; indians; inferior; inhabitants; innocence; innocent; killing; kind; knowledge; labour; land; law; laws; leave; let; life; light; like; liquors; little; lives; long; lord; love; man; men; milk; mind; mischief; natural; nature; necessary; need; neighbours; new; noble; notes; number; old; operation; oppression; original; peace; people; pleasant; poor; power; principle; priviledges; proceed; proper; publick; pure; quality; root; rum; seeds; self; selves; snares; sorts; spirit; stomach; strong; subject; sweet; swords; tcp; temperance; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; trouble; true; use; vain; violence; viz; war; water; way; weapons; wisdom; work; world; wrath; wrathful; years; young cache: A63807.xml plain text: A63807.txt item: #76 of 89 id: A64062 author: Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. title: B. Taylor's Opuscula the measures of friendship : with additional tracts : to which is now added his moral demonstration proving that the religion of Jesus Christ is from God : never before printed in this volume. date: 1678.0 words: 40190 flesch: 38 summary: But to consult with a friend in the matters of friendship is like consulting with a spiritual person in Religion ; they who understand the secrets of Religion , or the interior beauties of friendship are the fittest to give answers in all inquiries concerning the respective subjects ; because reason and experience are on the side of interest ; and that which in friendship is most pleasing and most useful , is also most reasonable and most true ; and a friends fairest interest is the best measure of the conducting friendships : and therefore you who are so eminent in friendships could also have given the best answer to your own inquiries , and you could have trusted your own reason , because it is not only greatly instructed by the direct notices of things , but also by great experience in the matter of which you now inquire . Christian Charity is Friendship to all the world ; and when Friendships were the noblest things in the world , Charity was little , like the Sun drawn in at a chink , or his beams drawn into the centre of a Burning-Glass ; but Christian charity is Friendship , expanded like the face of the Sun when it mounts above the Eastern hills : and I was strangely pleas'd when I saw something of this in CICERO ; for I have been so push'd at by herds and flocks of People that follow any body that whistles to them , or drives them to pasture , that I am grown afraid of any Truth that seems chargeable with singularity : but therefore I say , glad I was when I saw Laelius in Cicero discourse thus : Amicitia ex infinitate generis humani quam conciliavit ipsa natura , contracta res est , & adducta in angustum ; ut omnis charitas , aut inter duos , aut inter paucos jungeretur . keywords: able; account; act; answer; apostles; argument; articles; authority; beauties; benefit; best; better; blessed; blood; body; books; brave; bravest; brethren; brother; care; cases; cause; certain; change; charity; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; common; communion; confession; confidence; conscience; conversation; council; counsel; country; danger; day; days; dead; dear; death; demonstration; design; desire; difference; disciples; discourse; divine; doctrine; donatists; duty; dwell; earth; easie; eebo; effect; enemies; enemy; england; english; entercourse; equal; errors; eternal; evident; evil; excellencies; excellent; eye; eyes; face; fact; fair; faith; false; fame; father; fear; fit; force; foretold; friendship; general; glorious; god; gods; good; good man; goodness; great; greater; greatest; half; hand; hath; hearts; heaven; holiness; holy; honour; hope; humane; images; impossible; inquiry; institution; interest; jesus; jews; justice; kindness; king; lawful; laws; life; light; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; loving; man; mankind; material; matter; mean; measures; men; mighty; miracles; mother; nation; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; noble; non; obedience; old; open; pag; pardon; parents; people; perfect; person; place; pleased; pleasure; poor; power; prayers; presence; present; priests; princes; proper; publick; question; ready; reason; relation; religion; repentance; roman; rome; sacrament; sacred; safe; saints; salvation; saying; scripture; secret; self; selves; sense; significations; sin; societies; society; soul; speak; special; spirit; star; state; story; strange; sufficient; sun; taylor; tcp; testimony; text; things; thou; time; trouble; true; truth; turn; understanding; useful; value; vertue; vertuous; voice; way; weak; whatsoever; wisdom; wise; women; wonder; words; work; world; worship; worthiness; worthy; young cache: A64062.xml plain text: A64062.txt item: #77 of 89 id: A64254 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1618-1682. title: A faithful warning to out-side professors, and loose pretenders to Christianity of all sorts date: 1661.0 words: 4018 flesch: 73 summary: But thou grew weary of waiting upon thy God , and saw Images of things on Earth , and Images of things in Heaven , and bowed thy heart to them , and didst not keep thy heart to the power that broke through the Darkness for thee . Nor didst thou keep thy eye to the Light of Life , that freely shined out of Darkness for thee to have guided thee through the dark-howling Wilderness to Sion . So do thou , O Lovely , Holy Seed begotten to God in Righteousness ; do thou trust and rejoice in the Lord thy God for ever . keywords: art; books; characters; christ; day; deeds; early; earth; eebo; english; god; good; hast; hath; heart; images; life; light; lord; love; lusts; peace; pure; rest; saith; self; selves; sins; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; true; truth; vain; way; wicked; works; world; yea cache: A64254.xml plain text: A64254.txt item: #78 of 89 id: A64360 author: Tenison, Thomas, 1636-1715. title: His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's letter to the Reverend Dr. Batteley Archdeacon of that diœcese, to be communicated to the clergy of his archdeaconry date: 1699.0 words: 2687 flesch: 54 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. But in some Parts that are more remote , all of them may not so well understand either the Arts or the Industry of these Enemies of Religion : And therefore I thought it a Duty incumbent on the Station wherein Providence has placed me , to desire of you , to warn the Clergy of your Archdeaconry , of these attempts against Religion and Virtue ; and to excite them to a Diligence proportionable to the Danger ; and to suggest to them such Methods as are most likely to work a General Reformation . keywords: archbishop; archdeaconry; books; canterbury; characters; church; civil; clergy; duty; early; eebo; encoding; english; general; god; good; great; images; life; lord; magistrate; online; oxford; partnership; persons; phase; piety; reformation; religion; reverend; tcp; tei; text; thomas; true; works; xml cache: A64360.xml plain text: A64360.txt item: #79 of 89 id: A64952 author: G. V. title: An account of a child born at Furbick in Darbyshire the 19th of January, 1694, with a top-knot and rowle on its head, of several colours : with a seasonable caution against pride. date: 1694.0 words: 2127 flesch: 67 summary: Whose Works are Truth , and his Wayes Judgement ▪ And those that walk in Pride he is able to Abase . This Almighty GOD , in this latter Age , hath shewed his Signs in Heaven , and in Earth , and Signally manifested his sore Displeasure against the Crying and Reigning Sin of Pride , and the manifold Abominations of this Sinful Nation ; a People Laden with Iniquity , the Pride of whose Countenances Testify against them and the Crown of Pride is on their Heads . keywords: 19th; books; cause; characters; child; colours; darbyshire; dresses; early; eebo; encoding; english; god; head; images; inhabitants; january; knot; lord; online; oxford; partnership; phase; pride; repent; rowle; tcp; tei; text; time cache: A64952.xml plain text: A64952.txt item: #80 of 89 id: A65659 author: Pearson, John, 1613-1686. title: A short treatise of the great worth and best kind of nobility Wherein, that of nature is highly commended, that of grace is justly preferred; the one from humane experience, the other upon divine evidence. / By Henry Whiston, rector of Balcomb in Sussex. date: 1661.0 words: 46806 flesch: 79 summary: Nor do we approve the practise of (u) Clisthenes , who called the men of his own Tribe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , that is , Rulers of the people ; but nicknamed other Tribes by the name of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Swineheards , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Assekeepers , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Hoggards , and the like . Curteous Reader , THat which the Poet looks upon as a sign of a coy and squeamish stomach , let me beg as a favour of thee , which is , that in the first place spectares 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , and that before thou takest notice of mine , thou wouldest correct the Printers error in page 44. keywords: abraham; account; achilles; act; actions; acts; advancement; advantage; affections; alexander; alios; alwayes; ambros; ancestors; ancient; animo; annal; answer; apostles; apud; arist; athenians; atque; aut; autem; authority; bad; base; basil; beasts; beauty; beginning; behold; benè; beroeans; best; better; betwixt; birds; birth; blessing; blind; bloud; body; bona; books; bread; breeding; brethren; brother; business; caligula; cap; care; careful; carnal; carriage; cases; cast; cause; cent; certain; characters; chief; children; christian; christs; church; cicer; city; civil; commend; commendation; commending; common; condition; content; contra; contrary; conversation; counsel; countrey; courage; course; court; covetous; credit; crown; cruelty; cum; cuncta; custom; darkness; day; dead; deal; death; deeds; descended; descent; deserts; desire; deut; dignity; diog; discretion; dishonour; disposition; divine; doctrine; dogs; doth; double; drink; dum; dust; ears; earth; education; eebo; eis; ejus; eminent; emperour; enemies; english; enim; envy; eorum; ephes; epist; erat; esse; est; eternal; etiam; eum; eurip; euseb; evil; examples; excellencies; excellent; experience; eyes; face; fair; fals; families; family; fast; father; favour; fear; feed; fellow; fire; fit; flesh; forth; fortune; foul; free; friends; fuisse; fuit; future; gain; gal; general; generation; genere; generis; generous; gentiles; gentility; gentlemen; gentry; genus; glorious; glory; god; godliness; godly; gods; gold; good; good men; goodness; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; greatness; greg; ground; haec; hanc; hand; happiness; happy; hath; head; heart; heathen; heaven; heb; heirs; henry; hic; high; higher; highest; hist; historian; hoc; holiness; holy; homer; homines; hominum; honour; honourable; hope; hospitality; house; howsoever; humane; humility; ibid; iews; ignoble; ill; illa; illis; illum; image; imitation; ingenuous; inquit; inter; jam; job; john; judgement; justice; justin; juvenal; kinde; kindred; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; lack; lady; laert; land; late; law; learned; learning; leave; left; legatur; lest; lib; liberal; life; light; like; limits; little; living; loco; long; lookt; lord; love; low; lucian; luke; lustre; m. r.; magdeburg; magis; magnanimity; maintenance; majesty; man; manners; mark; martyrs; masters; matter; mean; memory; men; mens; mercy; mihi; mind; ministers; minus; mock; mor; moses; mother; multis; names; native; natural; nature; nay; nazian; nec; necessity; need; nem; neque; new; nicet; nihil; nisi; nobility; noble; nobleness; nomen; non; notable; noted; notice; number; occasion; odium; office; old; olymp; omnia; onely; ones; open; opinion; orat; orator; original; parentage; parents; parts; passions; paul; people; personages; persons; pet; piece; piety; pindar; pious; place; plato; pleasant; plin; plut; plutarch; poet; policy; poor; posterity; potest; power; practise; praise; preferred; present; pretious; pride; priests; princes; pro; profane; profession; proper; prophets; proud; proverb; psal; purchase; purpose; quae; quaedam; quaest; qualities; quality; quam; quantum; quasi; qui; quia; quibus; quicquid; quidem; quintil; quod; quoque; quos; quàm; quòd; ready; reason; reference; regard; religion; religious; rem; respect; rest; rev; revel; rich; riches; ridiculous; righteousness; rise; romans; rome; rude; sacrifices; saints; saith; satan; satyr; saviour; saying; scorn; scripture; sea; sed; seed; self; selves; senec; servants; service; set; sets; shame; sibi; sic; sihi; silence; single; singular; sir; sit; sive; sleep; small; socrat; solon; sordid; sort; soul; spake; speak; special; speech; spirit; spiritual; stage; stand; stat; statues; stead; stock; strange; strength; sub; subject; succession; successors; sufficient; sunt; suos; sutable; sweet; sword; syl; tacit; tamen; tanquam; tcp; tei; tert; text; themistocles; theod; thessalonica; things; thou; thought; thy; times; title; tom; tongue; treatise; tree; true; truth; turn; ubi; unde; understanding; unwilling; use; usque; vain; valour; vel; vertue; vertuous; vices; victory; virtus; virtutis; vit; voice; vulgar; want; war; water; way; weak; wealth; whiston; wicked; wickedness; wife; wilt; wine; wisdom; wise; wit; wits; words; work; world; worldly; worse; worthy; yea; young; ● ● cache: A65659.xml plain text: A65659.txt item: #81 of 89 id: A65896 author: Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. title: The way of life and perfection livingly demonstrated in some serious animadversions or remarks and answers upon the book entituled The middle way of perfection, with indifferency between the orthodox and the Quaker, herein considered, and the naked truth as it is in Christ Jesus, opened in real love to the souls of men / by George Whitehead. date: 1676.0 words: 22679 flesch: 56 summary: But then I see no Cause why it should be said , that Pardon or Remission is not any Essential Part , or no Part of Justification , but the Effect , as in Page 4. Seeing that Pardon of Sin , together with our Fa●th and Repentance ( as the Condition ) goes both into Universal Justification , as before , though a Pardon of Sins past upon true Faith and Repentance be not alone the absolute Justification , but also a Perseverance in faithful Obedience to the Gospel is necessary to an absolute justified Estate , both being by the Grace of God , in and through Christ , wherein he looks upon the Creature that is truly humbled , with an Eye of Compassion in remitting of Sins past , and with his Fatherly Love and Goodness in preserving and keeping such in the Sense of his Goodness , which doth obliege to Faithfulness and Continuance in the Truth unto the End , so that in an absolute justified Estate , there is both an Experience of true Humility , living Faith , Sanctification and sincere Obedience , and the continuance of the same Though we do confess that such an Estate of Grace and Salvation , as to live without Sin , is not suddenly , or at the First Dayes Work attained unto , yet by Degrees every one that follows Christ through the Work of Regeneration , and so comes into an Estate of absolute Salvation , such come at length , yea in this World , to be delivered from all Sin , and to know that Christ's Saving Work effecteth a Salvation from Sin ; he throughly purgeth his Floor , as this Man also denyes not , but the END of Christ's Manifestation in the Flesh , was to redeem us from all Sin , to destroy the Works of the Devil , to restore us out of sin and unrighteousness , and present us to God as a Peculiar People Purified by Faith , Zealous of Good Works , Holy and without Blame , Entire , and wanting nothing , Perfect and Compleat in ALL the Will of God. keywords: 1st; animad; apostle; assistance; author; book; charge; children; christ; christ jesus; commandments; condemnation; condition; consistant; continuance; contrary; covenant; creature; death; degree; desire; divines; doctrine; doth; duty; earth; elect; end; evangelical; faith; father; fear; flesh; fulfilling; god; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; hath; heart; holiness; holy; jesus; john; justification; justified; kind; law; letter; life; light; living; lord; love; man; men; mind; mistake; nature; new; obedience; object; page; pardon; people; perfection; performance; place; possible; power; principle; quakers; real; redemption; repentance; righteousness; rom; saints; salvation; sanctification; scriptures; sect; seed; self; sense; sin; sincere; sincerity; sinneth; sinning; sins; son; soul; spirit; state; strength; tcp; terms; text; things; thy; time; true; truth; universal; viz; way; works; world; ● ● cache: A65896.xml plain text: A65896.txt item: #82 of 89 id: A66687 author: Winstanley, Gerrard, b. 1609. title: The new law of righteousnes budding forth, in restoring the whole creation from the bondage of the curse. Or A glimpse of the new heaven, and new earth, wherein dwels righteousnes. Giving an alarm to silence all that preach or speak from hear-say, or imagination. By Gerrard Winstanley date: 1649.0 words: 41888 flesch: 64 summary: But when man began to ●all out of his Maker , and to leave his joy and rest which he had in the spirit of Righteousnesse , and sought content from creatures and outward objects , then he lost his dominion , and the creature fell out of him , and became enemies and apposers of him , and then rise up mountaines , and valleys , and hils , and all unevennesse , both in mans heart , and in mans actions . And this now is the Curse , Man is gone out of his Maker , to live upon objects ; and the creatures are gone out of man , to seek delight in pushing and devouring one another , and the whole Creation of fire , and water , earth and air ; and all bodies made of these are put out of order , through mans rejecting the Spirit to live upon objects . keywords: abraham; act; adam; almighty; anointing; beast; blessing; bodies; body; bondage; bread; burden; chap; children; christ; come; common; confusion; covetous; covetousnesse; creation; creatures; curse; darknesse; day; death; declare; delight; devil; divine; doe; doth; dust; dwels; earth; earth man; end; enemies; envy; equity; esau; experience; father; fellow; fire; flesh; fleshly; forms; free; fruit; glory; god; government; great; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; hell; hold; honour; humane; imagination; interest; inward; isa; israel; jacob; jesus; joy; judge; kils; kind; king; kingdom; know; knowledge; lamb; land; law; libertie; liberty; lies; life; light; like; living; lord; love; lusts; maker; making; man; man christ; manifest; mans; men; ministration; misery; moses; mystery; nations; new; objects; ones; oppression; outward; particular; peace; people; pharisees; poor; power; preachers; pride; proud; reason; rest; rev; rich; righteousnesse; rise; rule; ruling; scriptures; second; seed; seeing; self; selfish; serpent; servant; set; shal; shame; single; son; sons; sorrow; soul; spirit; spread; spreading; subject; sun; sweet; testimony; text; things; thou; til; time; torment; true; truth; types; universall; unrighteous; water; way; wil; wisdom; woman; words; work; world; worship; writings; zealous cache: A66687.xml plain text: A66687.txt item: #83 of 89 id: A67772 author: Younge, Richard. title: A serious and pathetical description of heaven and hell according to the pencil of the Holy Ghost, and the best expositors: sufficient (with the blessing of God) to make the worst of men hate sin, and love holiness. Being five chapters taken out of a book entituled, The whole duty of a Christian: composed by R. Younge, late of Roxwell in Essex, florilegus. date: 1677.0 words: 15472 flesch: 73 summary: For as St. Paul tells us , The heart of man is not able to conceive those joyes ; which being so , How should I be able to express them in words ? And yet though we cannot comprehend this glory , this far most excellent , exceeding , and eternal weight of transcendent glory ; yet may and ought we to admire the never enough to be admired bounty and goodness of God and our Redeemer , in crying out , O the depth , &c. O the sweetness of his love , how unsearchable are his thoughts , and intendments to man-ward ? ( once miserably forlorn , lost and undone ) and his ways past finding out , Rom. 11. 33. CHAP. But I may appeal to any mans conscience , that hath been softned with the unction of grace , and truly tasted the powers of the World to come ; To him that hath the love of God shed abroad in his heart by the holy Ghost ; in whose Soul the light of grace shines , whether his whole life be not a perpetual Hallelujah , in comparison of his natural condition ? keywords: angels; believe; best; better; body; book; brimstone; burning; case; chap; christ; christian; city; comfort; condition; conscience; cor; darkness; day; death; deut; devil; earth; ease; end; eternal; eternity; everlasting; fear; fire; flames; fulness; ghost; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; hath; heart; heaven; heb; hell; holy; isai; john; joy; joys; judgment; kingdom; kings; knowledge; life; light; like; long; lord; love; luke; man; mat; measure; men; mercy; millions; misery; number; pain; peace; perfection; pet; pleasure; prov; psal; rejoyce; rev; rom; saints; saith; satan; sect; self; set; short; sin; sins; sorrow; soul; spiritual; suffer; sweet; taste; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; torments; wicked; works; world; worst; wrath; yea; years cache: A67772.xml plain text: A67772.txt item: #84 of 89 id: A67782 author: Younge, Richard. title: The whole duty of a Christian, or, The character of a true beleever, that walks in some measure answerable to the Gospel, his Christian profession, and the millions of mercies he hath received ... by R.Y. of Roxwell in Essex. date: 1653.0 words: 36159 flesch: 69 summary: Vnto the ex●mple of the King ; The world does frame in every thing . We reade , that more infidels were won to the Christian faith , by the vertuous and holy lives of the primitive Christians , then by the doctrine which they taug●t : they made the world to reade in their lives , that they did beleeve in their hearts : and caused the Heathen to say , This is a good God , whose servants are so good . keywords: able; actions; acts; affliction; anothers; answer; bear; beleever; believe; best; better; blessed; body; care; cause; change; chap; character; children; chosen; christ; christian; church; city; comfort; common; company; condition; conscience; contrary; conversion; cor; crosse; cursed; day; death; deeds; desires; destruction; distresse; doctrine; dost; doth; duty; earth; end; enemies; enemy; estate; eternity; everlasting; evil; example; experience; eye; eyes; face; faith; fall; family; father; favour; fear; fire; flesh; free; fruit; gal; ghost; gifts; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; goodnesse; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; hand; happy; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; hold; holinesse; holy; honour; hope; hour; hurt; ignorant; iohn; isa; joh; joy; joyes; judgement; king; knowledge; land; law; lesse; life; light; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; luke; man; manner; master; matth; means; measure; men; mercy; millions; minde; misery; multitude; nature; need; new; number; obedience; onely; ones; outward; pain; pardon; particular; patience; paul; peace; people; perfection; persons; pet; pleasure; poor; power; prayer; precepts; presence; present; profit; promises; psal; punishment; ready; reason; rejoyce; religion; repentance; rest; rev; rich; riches; righteous; righteousnesse; rom; rule; saint; salvation; satan; saviour; sea; second; self; selves; sense; servant; service; set; shall; shame; shew; short; sicknesse; sin; sinne; sins; sorrow; soul; spirit; spirituall; strength; sweet; text; thankfull; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; time; true; truth; turn; understanding; vain; walks; want; water; way; whatsoever; wicked; wise; wisedom; works; world; worse; wrong; yea; years; zeal; ● e; ● ● cache: A67782.xml plain text: A67782.txt item: #85 of 89 id: A68769 author: Stafford, Anthony. title: The guide of honour, or the ballance wherin she may weigh her actions A discourse written (by way of humble advise) by the author then residing in forreigne parts, to a truely noble lord of England his most honour'd friend. Worthy the perusall of all who are gently or nobly borne, whom it instructeth how to carry themselves in both fortunes with applause and security. / By Antony Stafford, Gent. date: 1634.0 words: 12887 flesch: 71 summary: And though your praisers surpasse in number your revilers , it will nothing at all availe you ; men in these daies being more prone to harken after a mans vices then his vertues . Amongst the ancient Romans , all sorts of men were distinguisht by their habit , so that at the first sight you might know a mans calling by his clothing . keywords: actions; advise; affections; antony; applause; author; bad; bee; betweene; blasphemy; blood; body; bookes; brave; caesar; cause; censure; characters; children; common; creation; dangerous; day; death; deserving; desire; discourse; doe; doth; drinke; early; edition; eebo; encoding; england; english; envy; fall; fame; feare; forreigne; fortune; friends; generall; gentleman; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; guide; happinesse; happy; hath; heart; heaven; hee; himselfe; hold; honour; honour'd; house; humble; images; judgement; knowledge; life; light; like; little; livy; long; lord; lordships; love; maintaine; man; mans; master; meanes; mee; men; mind; nature; noble; onely; online; order; owne; oxford; page; partnership; parts; perusall; phase; place; pleasure; poore; posterity; present; reade; reason; religion; reputation; rest; romans; saith; second; security; seeke; selfe; seneca; servant; service; set; shee; sinnes; soule; stafford; study; subject; tacitus; tcp; tei; testimony; text; things; thinke; time; title; true; truth; vaine; vertue; way; wee; wherin; wise; wits; works; world; worthy; xml cache: A68769.xml plain text: A68769.txt item: #86 of 89 id: A69140 author: Cooper, Thomas, fl. 1626. title: VVilie beguile ye, or The worldlings gaine shevving how they hazard their pretious soules for the attaining of these vaine and transitory things, and withall teaching how to obtaine and enioy the benefits of this life: that so we may lay vp a good foundation thereby against the life to come: expressed in some sauoury and effectuall meditations and obseruations hereupon. By Thomas Cooper. date: 1621.0 words: 21255 flesch: 68 summary: So hereby shall wee approoue that we are risen with Christ , if our affections be set vpon things that are aboue , and not on things below ; and the lesse care we haue of earthly things , the more are our hearts enflamed with the Law of God : the more enliued with the hope of a better life . As for the other ; That one man may exercise diuers ciuill Callings : As this is apparent by the practise of our Land , where some Merchants euer vse other Trades : Mercers abroad sell things belonging to many Trades ; so I see not but that it may be warrantable by the word , which so enioyneth vs to be contented with the Calling that God hath placed vs in ; as the seruant , while he is a seruant , is not to encroach vpon the Calling of the Maister ; as that it denieth not , but when we are for our selues , we may follow what Calling we please , though we bee not bound thereto ; so wee haue skill therein , and respect the publike good , hinder not ou● Spirituall Calling : and obserue the Sacred Lawes and Customes of the Countrey wherein we liue because one Calling will not serue to redeeme the time , and maintaine our charge and therefore in these respects we may lawfully imploy our selues in diuers . keywords: aboue; aboundance; account; againe; bargaine; bee; best; better; blessing; body; callings; case; cast; christ; ciuill; colour; common; compasse; confusion; conscience; day; deceiue; delusion; desire; desperate; destruction; diuers; doe; doth; earthly; end; enioy; enioying; estate; euen; euill; exercise; faith; feare; fearefull; foundation; giue; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; greater; ground; hand; happinesse; happy; hast; hath; haue; heart; heauen; heauenly; hereof; himselfe; holy; hope; keepe; labour; law; lawfull; leaue; lesse; libertie; life; like; liue; lord; loue; magistrate; maintenance; maister; man; meanes; measure; men; minde; nature; nay; neuer; occasion; onely; ouer; outward; owne; pag; place; poore; power; present; price; profit; prouidence; psa; reason; religion; returne; riches; right; righteous; sabboath; satan; satisfied; selfe; selues; serue; set; sinne; soule; spirituall; tcp; text; thee; themselues; thereto; things; thou; thoughts; thriue; thy; time; true; turne; vaine; vnsatiable; vnto; vpon; vse; want; way; wee; wicked; wise; words; world; worldlings; worldly; yea cache: A69140.xml plain text: A69140.txt item: #87 of 89 id: A70079 author: Freeman, George, Sir. title: Golden remains of Sir George Freman, Knight of the Honourable Order of the Bath being choice discourses on select subjects. date: 1682.0 words: 21655 flesch: 42 summary: But again , suppose this Text , after this manner pray ye , did not so necessarily enjoyn the use of the Lords Prayer ; yet the other doth , for it saith , when you pray , say , Our Father , &c. This admits of no evasion , as I suppose my self to have already proved , since these very words are the immediate subject of the command , whereupon I offer this argument ; If one place of Scripture do ipsis terminis , and expresly command any one Duty , and any other place of Scripture seem to dispense with it , the ambiguous Text must be accommodated to that which is conspicuous , and clearly intelligible ; for otherwise we shall make the word of God repugnant to it self : then if my judgement fail me not , it is evident , that the Text in S t Luke admits of no cavil , and the other carries but a seeming occasion of one , but this seemingness ( if there be such ) must vail to the other , which is so nervous and evincing : as for that ridiculous caution , that they omit the use of it in publick , lest men should idolize a form ; they may as well say , that the Scriptures may be taken away from them , because they may idolize the mechanick part of it , namely , the paper , and the binding , or the letters , and not look at the system of Truth , which is comprized in it . But besides this , the Lords Prayer can no more be accounted indifferent , as to its peculiar use ( which is to be offer'd up to God in praying ) than any other places of Scripture , as to their proper and peculiar uses ; because the Lords Prayer is a part of Scripture : Now the Historical part of Scripture is to be believed , the Doctrinal part is to be believed , and practised , and urged in polemical discourses , the supplicatory part is to be pray'd ; and therefore my Opinion is , That when men do vary from this prayer ( which undoubtedly is lawfull , prvided they do not exclude it ) their prayers should be composed as near as they can of sentences collected out of Scripture . keywords: account; action; acts; alwayes; answer; appetite; apprehensions; argument; art; author; best; better; blessed; blessings; body; books; care; cause; charity; children; christ; christian; church; command; common; company; condition; conscience; continued; contrary; day; dear; death; delight; desire; discourse; divine; doth; drinking; duty; eebo; end; ends; england; english; eternal; eternity; evil; example; excess; father; fear; freman; fruition; george; giving; god; gods; good; goodness; grace; great; greater; greatest; hand; happiness; hast; hath; heart; heaven; holy; hope; house; humble; husband; ill; jesus; judgment; kind; knowledge; left; liberty; life; like; little; long; look; lord; lords prayer; love; man; manner; means; melancholy; memory; men; mercy; mind; mirth; moral; natural; nature; necessity; object; original; outward; oxford; pain; pardon; person; place; pleasure; poor; power; practice; prayer; present; principles; publick; quantity; question; reason; religion; remains; repentance; requisite; rest; return; right; salvation; satan; saviour; scripture; second; self; sense; servants; set; short; sin; sins; sorrow; soul; spirit; spiritual; subject; suitable; sweet; tcp; tears; temporal; tender; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; troubled; true; truth; understanding; use; vain; vice; virtue; want; wisdom; words; world cache: A70079.xml plain text: A70079.txt item: #88 of 89 id: A70852 author: Price, Laurence. title: A key to open heaven-gate. Or, a ready path to lead to heaven Written and printed for the benefit of all true Christians, to read hear and make good use of, before it be too late. And therefore I advise every man, and every woman to observe and give good heed to what is spoken in this little book, and they shall be sure to finde sweetnesse, and happinesse in this world, and eternall joys in the world to come, through the might, merits, and mercies of Jesus Christ; who saith, Aske and you shall have, seeke, and yee shall finde, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Written by Laurence Price. date: 1666.0 words: 3618 flesch: 61 summary: A new Commandment give I unto you , see that you love one another , for if you love not your neighbour whom you see every day how can you love God whom you never saw , therefore consider and take heed in time what you do : he that hateth his neighbour , hateth his brother , and he that hateth his brother hateth God , and he that hateth God , will never find the way to Heaven and therefore I desire all them that are called by the name of Christians to shew themselves like Christians , laying aside all hatred , spight , envy , malice , lying , slandring , backbiting , hypocrisie , and dissimulation , and withall to break such bread as you w●uld have broken ; and likewise to do unto all men as you would they should do unto you . This be sure is the readiest way for to please God , and the nearest way to Heaven : Yet more then this is to be done before , you come to your journeys end : You must repent you of all your former iniquities ; you must be good to them y t have done evil to you : and must forgive them their trespasses , as you look to be forgiven at the hands of God. keywords: books; characters; christ; christians; day; early; eebo; end; english; gate; glory; god; good; hath; heaven; iesus; key; late; laurence; life; lord; men; price; ready; saith; saviour; souls; sure; tcp; tei; text; time; true; use; way; woman; works; world cache: A70852.xml plain text: A70852.txt item: #89 of 89 id: B04809 author: L. P. (Laurence Price), fl. 1625-1680? title: By the directions of the Scriptures, and the examples of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Written for the good of all sorts of people, both rich and poore, in this miserable time of necessity. To the tune of Ayme not too high. date: 1650.0 words: 1308 flesch: 81 summary: Mutilated, affecting text. D The rate of 45 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: blessed; books; christ; directions; early; english; examples; good; jesus; lord; people; poore; rich; saviour; scriptures; sorts; text; time; wing cache: B04809.xml plain text: B04809.txt