item: #1 of 18 id: A23641 author: Allin, John, 1596-1671. title: A defence of the answer made unto the nine questions or positions sent from New-England, against the reply thereto by that reverend servant of Christ, Mr. John Ball, entituled, A tryall of the new church-way in New-England and in old wherin, beside a more full opening of sundry particulars concerning liturgies, power of the keys, matter of the visible church, &c., is more largely handled that controversie concerning the catholick, visible church : tending to cleare up the old-way of Christ in New-England churches / by Iohn Allin [and] Tho. Shepard ... date: 1648 words: 89514 flesch: 55 summary: A new edition of the old Church-way of godly Reformers , in some things perhaps corrected and amended , is no new Church-way ; or if it be thought the mending of some crooks in the old way make a new way , wee answer with Junius in a case not unlike ; A Church falsly constituted , is not accepted of God , neither are their actions ecclesiasticall , as prayer , preaching , &c. acceptable in the sight of God. keywords: able; abrahams; account; acts; actuall; added; administration; againe; ages; answ; answer; answered; apostles; appeare; argument; assembly; authority; ball; baptisme; bee; beleevers; belong; best; better; bishops; blessing; body; booke; brethren; c. answ; c. wee; calling; capable; case; catholick church; catholick visible; censure; ceremonies; chap; charity; children; choose; christ; christ hath; christians; church; church bee; church body; church communion; church covenant; church doe; church fellowship; church government; church hath; church members; church officers; church order; church power; church priviledges; church relation; church society; churches; circumcision; civill; cleare; combination; common; communicate; communion; community; company; compleat; conceive; conclusion; confesse; confession; congregation; congregationall church; consciences; consent; consideration; constituted church; contrary; controversie; corruptions; counsell; day; desire; difference; disciples; discipline; dispensation; dispute; distinct; divers; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; edification; elders; election; end; england; english; ergo; evident; evill; example; excommunication; execution; exercise; extraordinary; faith; faithfull; fall; families; family; farre; feare; finde; fit; flock; follow; formes; fourthly; generall; gifts; god; godly; gods; goe; good; gospel; government; grace; grant; great; greater; ground; guides; hand; hard; hath; head; hearts; hee; helpe; himselfe; hold; holy; hope; house; humane; idolatry; immediate; institution; invisible; jesus; jesus christ; jewish church; john; joyne; joyning; judgement; keys; king; kingdome; know; knowledge; knowne; large; lawfull; learned; leave; left; lesse; liberty; life; like; little; liturgie; liturgy; lord; lot; love; man; mankinde; manner; masse; matter; matth; meanes; meaning; meet; members; men; minister; multitude; mysticall church; nationall church; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; new church; non; number; objection; observed; occasion; offence; officers; oft; onely; open; order; orderly; ordinances; ordinary; organicall church; ought; outward; owne; page; particular church; particulars; parts; pastors; pastour; paul; peculiar; people; persons; peter; place; plaine; point; politicall church; position; power; practise; prayers; preaching; prelates; presbytery; presence; present; priests; principles; private; priviledges; professe; profession; promise; proper; proposition; prove; publike; publique; pure; question; read; reader; reason; receiving; reformation; reformers; regard; relation; remove; repentance; reply; respect; rest; reverend; right; rigid; rule; sacraments; saints; scope; scripture; seales; second; seed; seeme; selves; sense; separate; separation; separatists; servants; service; set; severall; shewed; similitude; sinne; societies; speake; spirituall; stand; state; strange; subject; substance; sufficient; supper; suppose; testament; testimony; text; thereto; thereunto; things; thinke; thought; times; totum; true church; truth; unable; ungodly; unity; universall church; unlawfull; unlesse; use; usuall church; verse; visible church; viz; way; wayes; wee; wee answer; wee confesse; wee doe; wee grant; wee thinke; whereof; wildernesse; witnesse; word; worke; worship; yea; ● ● cache: A23641.xml plain text: A23641.txt item: #2 of 18 id: A34672 author: Cotton, John, 1584-1652. title: A coppy of a letter of Mr. Cotton of Boston, in New England, sent in answer of certaine objections made against their discipline and orders there, directed to a friend vvith the questions propounded to such as are admitted to the church-fellowship and the covenant it selfe. date: 1641 words: 2074 flesch: 54 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A34672 of text R11464 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing C6422). The rate of 29 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: answer; boston; certaine; christ; church; churches; communion; cotton; covenant; doe; england; fellowship; god; letter; new; objections; onely; questions; selfe; text; wee cache: A34672.xml plain text: A34672.txt item: #3 of 18 id: A37208 author: Davenport, John, 1597-1670. title: The saints anchor-hold, in all storms and tempests preached in sundry sermons, and published for the support and comfort of Gods people, in all times of tryal / by John Davenport ... date: 1661 words: 45211 flesch: 82 summary: R. 1. From the inseparable connection of hope with faith : Faith believes in Christ , and in God through Christ , upon Gods authority in his word , and what faith believes , hope expects . Till you have an interest in God and Christ , as your portion , you are without hope , Eph. 2. 12. keywords: act; acts; affection; afflictions; alwayes; anchor; answer; aright; asaph; believers; best; better; blessed; body; captivity; cause; causeth; characters; children; christ; christian; church; churches; clear; comfort; common; communion; condition; contrary; cor; course; covenant; creature; david; day; death; degree; dejected; desire; divine; doth; draw; duty; earth; efficacy; end; enemies; eph; evil; exercise; expectation; eye; ezek; face; faith; false; father; fear; fire; forsake; free; friends; future; gen; gift; glory; god; gods; good; goodnesse; grace; great; ground; hand; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; help; high; hold; holy; honour; hope; hoping; hos; house; instruction; interest; iob; ioh; isa; israel; jer; jesus; job; joh; joy; judgment; king; land; life; light; like; live; lord; love; luke; man; manner; mat; means; men; mercies; mercy; mind; natural; nature; new; obedience; object; onely; outward; particular; patience; paul; peace; people; pet; phil; portion; power; prayer; present; principle; private; promises; prophet; protestant; prov; psal; publick; purposes; reason; reference; rejoyce; relations; repentance; return; rom; saints; salvation; sam; saying; scripture; sea; second; self; selves; sense; set; shew; sin; sins; sorrow; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; strength; strong; sufficient; suitable; sundry; support; sure; tcp; temptations; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; true; trust; truth; ult; understanding; use; vain; vanity; verse; waiting; want; way; wayes; wisdom; word; work; worldly; yea cache: A37208.xml plain text: A37208.txt item: #4 of 18 id: A43183 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: Heads of agreement assented to by the united ministers in and about London, formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational date: 1691 words: 3651 flesch: 54 summary: That a visible Professor thus joined to a particular Church , ought to continue stedfastly with the said Church ; and not forsake the Ministry and Ordinances there dispensed , without an orderly seeking a recommendation unto another Church . Which ought to be given , when the case of the person apparently requires it . 4. It may sometimes come to pass , that a Church-Member , not otherwise Scandalous , may sinfully withdraw , and divide himself from the Communion of the Church to which he belongeth : In which case , when all due means for the reducing him , prove ineffectual , he having hereby cut himself off from that Churches Communion ; the Church may justly esteem and declare it self discharged of any further inspection over him . keywords: agreement; books; case; characters; christ; church; churches; communion; congregations; early; eebo; elders; english; god; gospel; hath; heads; london; lord; members; ministers; office; online; order; ordinances; oxford; particular; partnership; pastors; phase; presbyterian; rule; self; selves; tcp; tei; text; tho; united; visible; word; work cache: A43183.xml plain text: A43183.txt item: #5 of 18 id: A43755 author: Higginson, John, 1616-1708. title: The cause of God and His people in New-England as it was stated and discussed in a sermon preached before the honourable General Court of the Massachusets Colony, on the 27 day of May, 1663, being the day of election at Boston / by John Higginson ... date: 1663 words: 12519 flesch: 64 summary: I confess I should be utterly inexcusable in adventuring to shew my weakness in such a place at such a time as this , were I not able to call the Most H●●h to Witness that nothing but Conscience of my duty put me and kept me upon this Subject : when I received the Summons of the Honourabl● G●● to preach it this time , it was desired that some suitable word might be spoken : now whether the stating of the cause of God and his People amongst u● be not seasonable , I leave to the consideration of ●his ●wful and 〈◊〉 A●s●h . It is the doctrine and worship of the Reformed Churches comming out of Popery which are said to be as a Sea of glass man led with 〈◊〉 , R●● 15.2 . keywords: apostle; assembly; blessed; blessing; books; cause; christ; churches; commandements; covenant; day; divine; doctrine; doth; duty; earth; eebo; end; england; english; faithfull; farr; fathers; general; glory; god; godly; gods; good; government; great; hand; hast; hath; hearts; heaven; help; himselfe; honour; israel; jesus; john; king; law; liberty; lord; love; maintaining; man; matter; men; need; new; onely; order; peaceable; people; people israel; place; power; prayer; presence; present; psal; reason; reformation; religion; rest; right; saviour; separation; servants; set; solomon; spirit; tcp; text; things; thou; times; toleration; true; truth; verse; walk; way; wayes; wilderness; word; work; worship; ● ● cache: A43755.xml plain text: A43755.txt item: #6 of 18 id: A43756 author: Higginson, John, 1616-1708. title: A direction for a publick profession in the church assembly, after private examination by the elders Which direction is taken out of the scripture, and points unto that faith and covenant contained in the Scripture. Being the same for substance which was propounded to, and agreed upon by the Church of Salem at their beginning. the sixth of the sixth moneth, 1629. In the preface to the Declaration of the Faith owned and professed by the Congregationall Churches in England. ... date: 1665 words: 2044 flesch: 70 summary: Concerning God. THat there is but one only true God in three persons , the Father , the Son , and the Holy Ghost , each of them God , and all of them one and the same Infinite , Eternall God , most Wise , Holy , Just , Mercifull and Blessed for ever . keywords: books; characters; christ; church; churches; covenant; direction; early; eebo; english; faith; ghost; god; grace; holy; online; partnership; phase; profession; publick; scripture; sixth; substance; tcp; tei; text; works cache: A43756.xml plain text: A43756.txt item: #7 of 18 id: A47164 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The Presbyterian and independent visible churches in New-England and else-where brought to the test, and examined according to the doctrin of Holy Scriptures ... : more particulary directed to those in New-England, and more generally to those in old England, Scotland, Ireland, &c. : with a call and warning from the Lord to the people of Boston and New-England, to repent, &c. : and two letters to the preachers in Boston, and an answer to the gross abuses, lies and slanders of Increase Mather and Nath. Morton, &c. / by George Keith. date: 1691 words: 64155 flesch: 54 summary: 1. IT hath been a common thing among both Presbyterian and Independent Teachers , in Old and New-England , to accuse the honest People , called in derision Quakers , of being guilty of Blasphemy against God and Christ , and the holy Ghost , for no other cause , but that they express their Faith of the great Mystery of the Father , the Son , and the holy Ghost , in Scripture words , and have not freedom to use the words of Man's wisdom , and that come only from the Spirit of Man , and have not proceeded from the Spirit of God , whereby to express and declare their Faith of so great and glorious Mystery : And by means of this so great Accusation , and others as false and injurious , they prevailed with the Magistrates of New-England , to cause to be put to Death three dear and precious Men-Servants of the Lord , and one dear and precious Maid-Servant of the Lord , beside many other cruel Sufferings inflicted upon others , for which great Cruelty and Barbarity , the Hand of the Lord hath been manifestly stretched out against them , in manifest Judgments and Plagues , that divers among them have since acknowledged . while in the mean time , under colour and pretence of feeding the Souls of the People , ye famish and starve , yea , poyson and kill them with your false Doctrin , as I have , through God's assistance sufficiently made appear , and I hope yet more to make appear , as I have occasion given unto me . 6. And Christ Jesus , the living , elect , precious Corner-stone , the sure Foundation is laid in Zion , and that Zion is not only the heavenly Zion above , but the Church and People of God on Earth ; and Christ Jesus is one both in Heaven without us , and also within us , even the Man Christ Jesus , the same that took hold of the Seed of Abraham , and is the Son of Abraham and David , according unto that Seed , and he is exalted in heavenly Glory in that same Seed and Nature , in the whole and intire and perfect Nature of Man , in Soul and Body , having put off nothing that he had upon Earth ; but these Weaknesses and Infirmities which he did take on him for our sake , even Jesus of Nazareth , he who was crucified for our Sins , and rose again for our Justification , who was dead , and is alive , and lives for evermore ; and he who by true Faith is joyned to the Spirit of Christ , by the same he is joyned both to Christ in him , and also to Christ in Heaven , and also to all the Saints in Heaven , and the innumerable company of Angels , and Spirits of just men made perfect , and also unto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ; and both God and Christ are not only in remote places , and Heavens without us , but also in us , and in all his Saints , as he hath said , Jer. 23.23 , 24. keywords: abraham; adam; answer; apostles; assurance; baptism; beginning; believers; best; betwixt; blessed; blind; blood; body; book; boston; bread; cap; cause; chap; charge; children; christ; christian; church; churches; clear; common; confession; contrary; cor; counsel; covenant; david; day; days; dead; death; declared; degree; disciples; dispensation; divers; divine; doctrin; doth; drink; earth; election; end; england; english; ephes; esau; evil; express; faith; faithful; false; father; figure; flesh; fore; foundation; free; fruit; general; gentiles; ghost; gifts; glory; god; god doth; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; greater; ground; hath; head; hearing; hearts; heaven; heavenly; heb; hold; holiness; holy; holy spirit; honest; house; illumination; image; immediate; increase; independent; infallible; infants; inspiration; inward; israel; jacob; jesus; jesus christ; jews; john; judge; judgment; justification; justified; knowledge; known; law; letter; life; light; like; little; living; lord; love; man; manifest; manner; means; measure; members; men; mercy; mind; ministers; ministry; moses; mystery; natural; nature; necessary; new; obedience; object; old; open; ordinary; outward; parts; paul; people; perfect; perfection; persons; place; pleased; posterity; power; preachers; preaching; presbyterian; present; principle; profess; profession; proper; prophets; psal; publick; pure; quakers; real; religion; repent; respect; rest; resurrection; revelation; righteousness; rom; rule; sabbath; said; saints; salvation; saying; scripture; second; sect; seed; seeing; self; sense; servants; set; signifie; sin; sins; son; sort; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; substance; sufficient; sun; supper; taste; teachers; teaching; testament; testimony; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; understanding; unto; use; verse; virtue; visible; voice; water; way; wisdom; wise; wit; words; work; world; writ; yea cache: A47164.xml plain text: A47164.txt item: #8 of 18 id: A50245 author: Davenport, John, 1597-1670. title: An apologie of the churches in New-England for church-covenant, or, A discourse touching the covenant between God and men, and especially concerning church-covenant ... sent over in answer to Master Bernard, in the yeare 1639 ... date: 1643 words: 20921 flesch: 65 summary: But sometimes Covenant is taken more strictly and properly , for an agreement which God doth make with men , when he promiseth some blessing unto men , and bin●es them to performe some dutie backe againe to him . But this Covenant was of the whole Church with God , and therefore not like our Chu●ch-Covenants , whi●h are between the Church and the members concerning watchfulnesse over one another , and the like . keywords: act; affection; agreement; answer; argument; assemblies; beleevers; binde; body; cause; children; christ; christian; church; church covenant; churches; citie; combined; company; consent; contrary; conversion; cor; corruptions; covenant; dayes; deut; doctrine; doe; doth; durst; duties; england; english; entring; estate; faith; fellowship; free; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; hath; hearts; himselfe; hold; holy; house; husband; ier; israel; joyned; joyning; judgement; like; lord; lords covenant; love; making; man; manner; mans; marriage; matter; members; men; ministers; mutuall; new; non; obedience; obj; object; officers; onely; open; owne; papists; particular; people; persons; place; plaine; point; power; practise; profession; promise; psal; reason; religion; respect; rest; rev; roman; scripture; second; selves; separation; solemne; solemne covenant; soule; spirituall; subjection; sufficient; testament; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; ver; visible; visible church; viz; voluntary; way; wee; wife; word; yea cache: A50245.xml plain text: A50245.txt item: #9 of 18 id: A50246 author: Mather, Richard, 1596-1669. title: A catechisme, or, The grounds and principles of Christian religion set forth by way of question and answer wherein the summe of the doctrine of religion is comprised, familiarly opened, and clearly confirmed from the Holy Scriptures / by Richard Mather, teacher to the church at Dorchester in New England. date: 1650 words: 32110 flesch: 90 summary: Q. If the decree of God be unchangeable , then what needs man to be carefull in the use of means for his owne good ? A. Q. Did not man in that state besides this conformty to God enjoy communion with God ? A. keywords: a. god; a. man; actions; acts; angels; appeare; believers; benefits; body; catholike; cause; chap; children; christ; church; churches; col; commandement; communion; condition; contrary; cor; covenant; creation; creatures; day; dead; death; decree; deliverance; deut; difference; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; elect; end; eph; estate; everlasting; evill; exod; ezek; faith; fall; father; forth; gal; gen; generall; ghost; glory; god; godhead; gods; good; grace; great; hand; happinesse; hath; heart; heaven; heb; himselfe; holy; humiliation; iam; ier; infinite; iob; iohn; isa; isai; jesus; justification; king; knowledge; law; life; lord; love; luke; making; man; manner; mark; mat; math; matter; means; mediator; members; men; nature; need; new; obedience; office; officers; onely; outward; owne; particular; parts; people; perfect; person; pet; phil; place; power; prayer; priest; providence; psal; q. vvhat; religion; respect; resurrection; rev; righteousnesse; rom; rule; salvation; sanctification; scriptures; set; sinne; soule; spirituall; text; thereof; thes; things; tim; time; tit; true; truth; union; visible; vvhat; way; wicked; words; worke; world; yea cache: A50246.xml plain text: A50246.txt item: #10 of 18 id: A50248 author: Mather, Richard, 1596-1669. title: A defence of the answer and arguments of the synod met at Boston in the year 1662 concerning the subject of Baptism and consociation of churches against the reply made thereto, by the Reverend Mr. John Davenport, pastor of the church at New-Haven, in his treatise entituled Another essay for investigation of the truth &c. : together with an answer to the apologetical preface set before that essay, by some of the elders who were members of the Synod above-mentioned. date: 1664 words: 80630 flesch: 56 summary: [ That if the Church can have any hope of persons , that they have any thing of Faith and Grace i● them , though never so little , they ought , being adult , to be admitted to full Communion ] this we say will , if followed , bring corruptions and impurities into Churches : for he must abandon all the Rules of Charity , that cannot hope this of multitudes of young persons that grow up among us , who yet if they were presently admitted to full Communion , we should soon feel a change in the management of Church●affairs ; and the Interest of Formality and common Profession , would soon be advanced above the Interest of the power of Godliness . Pag. 24. comparing this with the deep silence of them ●ll touching any such Selectio● in point of Baptism● as to the Children that are born among them : and it is kno●n to be their ordinary practice to Baptize many Children , whose Parents they would not admit to the Lords Supper . keywords: ability; abraham; account; acknowledge; act; acting; acts; actual; adjunct; administration; administred; admission; adult; adult persons; age; ames; ans; answer; answereth; apostle; appointment; argument; assertion; author; author saith; b ●; bap ●; baptism; baptizing; believers; better; body; bound; breakers; brethren; cap; capable; care; case; censure; ch ●; charity; childe; children; christ; christian; church; church cause; church members; churches; circumcision; clear; co ●; communion; compleat; conceive; confess; congregational; consent; consider; contrary; cor; cotton; covenant; covenanting; d ●; danger; death; defence; desire; deut; different; dis ●; disciples; discipline; dispensation; dissent; distinction; divines; doctrine; doth; duties; duty; ecclesiastical; elders; engagement; entring; evident; excommunication; exercise; external; f ●; faithful; family; farre; fifth; fitness; follow; formal; formalis; forth; fruits; gen; generations; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; grant; great; greater; ground; grown; guilty; hand; hath; heart; hindred; hold; holiness; holy; hope; iews; immediate; immediate members; infancy; infants; institution; interest; iohn; israel; judgement; kingdome; known; l ●; latitude; law; left; lib; life; like; little; long; lords; lords supper; m ●; main; man; manifest; manner; matter; means; meer; members; membership; men; minority; moral; natural; nature; need; new; non; notorious; o ●; old; onely; order; ordinances; outward; p ●; pag; parents; parker; partake; partakers; particular; parts; people; perfect; personal; personal membership; persons; place; plain; power; practice; preface; present; priviledges; procreant; profession; promise; proof; proper; proposition; proved; publick; purpose; qualifications; qualified; question; reader; reason; reformation; regard; regeneration; regular; relation; religion; repentance; reply; required; requisite; respect; reverend; reverend author; right; rom; rule; run; sacraments; saith; scandalous; scripture; seal; second; seed; self; selves; sense; set; shew; sin; sins; sixth; solemn; sort; special; stand; state; strange; subject; subjection; substance; suffice; sufficient; sum; sundry; supper; synod; synod saith; table; term; testament; testimony; text; th ●; thereto; thereunto; thes; thing; time; title; true; true church; truth; u ●; unto; use; visible church; visibly; viz; w ●; want; warrant; watch; way; whereof; wickedness; word; work; yea; years; ● bers; ● e; ● ed; ● g; ● h; ● ing; ● ism; ● ke; ● ll; ● lly; ● ly; ● n; ● nd; ● ng; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A50248.xml plain text: A50248.txt item: #11 of 18 id: A52591 author: Nye, Philip, 1596?-1672. title: A Declaration of the faith and order owned and practiced in the Congregational churches in England agreed upon and consented unto by their elders and messengers in their meeting at the Savoy, October 12, 1658. date: 1659 words: 22816 flesch: 53 summary: And truly , the very turning of the Gentiles to the owning of the same Faith , in the substance of it , with the Christian Jew ( though differing in greater points then we do from our brethren ) is presently after dignified by the Apostle with this stile , That it is the Confession of Jesus Christ himself ; not as the Object onely , but as the Author and Maker thereof : I will confess to thee ( saith Christ to God ) among the Gentiles . So that in all such accords , Christ is the great and first Confessor ; and we , and all our Faith uttered by us , are but the Epistles , ( as Paul ) and Confessions ( as Isaiah there ) of their Lord and ours ; He , but expressing what is written in his heart , through their hearts and mouthes , to the glory of God the Father : And shall not we all rejoyce herein , when as Christ himself is said to do it upon this occasion : as it there also follows , I will sing unto thy Name . keywords: able; account; apostle; assemblies; assembly; authority; believers; body; brethren; care; chap; christ; christian; church; churches; common; communion; confession; congregational; conscience; contrary; corruption; counsel; covenant; creatures; day; days; dead; death; differences; divisions; doctrine; doth; duty; elect; end; eternal; everlasting; evil; faith; fall; father; free; freedom; general; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; hath; heart; holy; jesus; jesus christ; john; judgement; justified; knowledge; known; law; lawful; liberty; life; light; like; lord; love; magistrate; man; matter; means; members; men; mutual; nature; necessary; new; obedience; old; onely; opinions; order; ordinances; particular; peace; people; persons; pleased; power; prayer; profession; providence; publique; quarto; religion; repentance; righteousness; rule; sacrament; saints; salvation; satan; saving; scripture; self; set; sin; sins; souls; special; spirit; spiritual; state; substance; testament; text; thereunto; things; time; true; truth; use; vii; way; word; work; worship; yea cache: A52591.xml plain text: A52591.txt item: #12 of 18 id: A55001 author: Mather, Richard, 1596-1669. title: A Platform of church discipline gathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by the elders, and messengers of the Churches, assembled in the Synod at Cambridge in New England, to be presented to the churches and Generall Court for their consideration and acceptance in the Lord, the eighth moneth, anno 1649. date: 1649 words: 17865 flesch: 71 summary: For th●…s ●…nd , h●…ng perused the publ●…k confession of faith , agreed uponly the Reverend assembly of D●…ines at 〈◊〉 , & find●…ng the sum●… & su●…stance therof ( in matters of doctrine ) to express not th●… own judgements o●…ly , 〈◊〉 o●…rs also : and being likewise called upon by our godly Mag●…strates , to d●…w up a publick 〈◊〉 of that f●…ith , which is constan●…ly taught , & genera●…y 〈◊〉 amongst us , wee thought good to p●…esent ●…nto them , & with them to our 〈◊〉 , & w●…h them to all the church●…s of Christ abroad , our prof●…ssed & hearty 〈◊〉 & 〈◊〉 to th●… whole 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 faith ( f●…r 〈◊〉 of d●…ctrine ) which 〈◊〉 Reverend 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 H●…nourable 〈◊〉 of Engl●… : Excep●…ing only some 〈◊〉 in the 25 30 & 31. C●…apters of their conf●…ssion , whic●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of con●…roversie in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ; 〈◊〉 whi●… wee ref●…re our selves to the draught of church-discpline in the ensueing treatise . keywords: acts; apostles; authority; best; brethren; brother; c ●; calling; cambridge; case; ch ●; chap; children; christ; church; churches; civil; co ●; common; communion; congregational; consent; contrary; cor; covenant; d ●; depart; desire; discipline; div; doe; doth; duty; e ●; edification; elders; end; england; example; faith; faithfull; fellowship; free; generall; god; godly; good; gospel; government; hands; hath; healing; heart; help; himselfe; holy; hope; house; iesus; joyn; kings; l ●; law; letters; liberty; like; lord; m ●; magistrates; man; matters; members; messengers; ministers; nature; necessary; non; notes; o ●; offence; officers; open; order; ordinance; ordinary; ordination; p ●; parish; paul; people; persons; place; powr; profession; publick; relation; respect; rev; right; rom; rule; s ●; saints; scripture; selves; servants; sinn; soe; spirit; subject; synod; t ●; teacher; text; therfore; therin; therof; therunto; things; tim; time; truth; unto; use; visible; w ●; way; wee; word; work; worship; yea cache: A55001.xml plain text: A55001.txt item: #13 of 18 id: A63200 author: Ashe, Simeon, d. 1662. Letter of many ministers in old England requesting the judgement of their reverend bretheren in New England. title: A tryall of the nevv-church vvay in New-England and in old ... by that learned and godly minister of Christ, John Ball of Whitmore ; penned a little before his death and sent over to the New England ministers, anno 1637, as a reply to an answer of theirs in justification of the said positions ... ; now published ... by William Rathband and Simeon Ash. date: 1644 words: 52227 flesch: 64 summary: All possible care to keep the Ordinances of God from contempt , we allow and commend , provided you go not beyond the Lords warrant , and deny not the priviledges of the Church to them , to whom they are due by divine appointment , nor the name and title of Church to those societies , which God hath plentifully blessed with means of grace , have received the Tables and Seals , and have entred into Covenant with his Highnesse . 4. Church order is necessarie we denie not ; but this order that a man should be a constant and set member of a particular societie by covenant , to make him a true member of the visible Church , or to give him title or interest to the publick order , this is not taught of God. keywords: able; abraham; act; acts; administration; administred; agree; answer; apostles; assemblies; assembly; authoritie; baptisme; bee; beleevers; bern; blessing; body; booke; brethren; calling; capable; case; censures; children; christ; christian church; christians; church; church covenant; church fellowship; church hath; church members; church order; church priviledges; churches; circumcision; commission; committed; common; communion; conceive; congregation; consent; consideration; contrary; cor; corruptions; covenant; day; desire; direction; disciples; dispence; dispensation; distinct; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; elders; election; england; english; example; execution; extraordinary; faith; faithfull; family; feare; feed; fellowship; flock; forme; ghost; gift; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; grounds; hand; hath; himselfe; hold; holy; humane; infants; institution; jesus; jewish church; joyne; joyning; judgement; keyes; kingdome; knowne; lawfull; learned; leave; lesse; libertie; like; limited; liturgie; liturgy; lord; love; man; manner; matter; meanes; meaning; members; men; minde; minister; ministeriall; multitude; nature; necessary; new; non; number; occasion; office; officers; onely; opinion; order; orderly; ordinance; ordinary; ought; pag; parents; particular; particular church; pastor; paul; peculiar; people; performe; persons; place; position; power; practise; prayer; preaching; present; private; priviledges; professe; profession; promise; proper; proposition; publick; purpose; question; read; reading; reason; receiving; relation; reply; respect; rest; reverend; right; rob; rule; sacraments; salvation; saviour; scripture; seales; second; sect; seed; selfe; selves; sense; separate; separation; servants; service; set; shew; sinne; societie; society; sound; speake; speciall; spirituall; state; strangers; subject; substance; supper; tcp; teachers; testament; text; thereunto; things; time; title; true; true church; truth; unlawfull; unlesse; use; visible church; viz; want; warrant; way; wee; whereof; word; worship cache: A63200.xml plain text: A63200.txt item: #14 of 18 id: A66099 author: Willard, Samuel, 1640-1707. title: The fiery tryal no strange thing delivered in a sermon preached at Charlestown February 15, 1681, being a day of humiliation / by Samuel Willard teacher of a church in Boston in New-England. date: 1682 words: 8422 flesch: 61 summary: 1. What is meant by fiery Tryals ? A. Tryals in propriety of speech , are such experiments as are made , for the finding out of the nature , qualities , and operation of things , when they are applied , in our speech , to rational agents , they then intend , either an Essay or Endeavour to draw , and by Arguments to perswade men to any thing which we have a design to make use of them in , and so they are called temptations , and in which sence mainly , the Devil is called the Tempter , because he useth all endeavours to insinuate into , and gain men to follow his suggestions : or else a proof which we are minded to make of the fidelity , sincerity , and constancy which is in a person , that we may know him the better , and so they are more peculiarly called Tryals : in this sence it is said , A wise man will try before he will trust ; thus God put Abrahams faith and obedience to the tryal , Gen. 22. beginning . A. We look upon such things to be strange , which are , 1. Things unusual , and with which we have no acquaintance : such things as rarely happen , as scarce come once in an age , are esteemed to be strange things : a man whom we never or seldome saw before , and with whom we have not taken up any familiarity or friendship , is usually counted and called a stranger : familiarity and strangeness are opposed each to other : so that then we count the fiery tryal a strange thing , when we look upon it as a thing unusual , a thing not wont to befal the people of God , a rare thing ; so the phrase is used , Luk. keywords: afflictions; books; boston; cause; characters; christ; church; churches; day; dayes; design; doth; dross; early; eebo; end; enemies; england; english; faith; fiery; fiery tryal; fire; furnace; glory; god; gods; good; great; ground; hand; hard; hath; instruments; isai; jesus; like; lord; love; man; men; mettal; new; people; persecution; ready; reason; saints; samuel; selves; strange; strange thing; tcp; tei; text; thee; thing; time; true; truth; tryal; water; way; willard; wonder; words; work; world; yea cache: A66099.xml plain text: A66099.txt item: #15 of 18 id: A70435 author: Ashe, Simeon, d. 1662. title: A letter of many ministers in old England requesting the judgement of their reverend brethren in New England concerning nine positions written Anno Dom. 1637 : together with their answer thereunto returned, anno 1639 : and the reply made unto the said answer and sent over unto them, anno 1640 / by Simeon Ash, and William Rathband. date: 1643 words: 52159 flesch: 64 summary: All possible care to keep the Ordinances of God from contempt , we allow and commend , provided you go not beyond the Lords warrant , and deny not the priviledges of the Church to them , to whom they are due by divine appointment , nor the name and title of Church to those societies , which God hath plentifully blessed with means of grace , have received the Tables and Seals , and have entred into Covenant with his Highnesse . 4. Church order is necessarie we denie not ; but this order that a man should be a constant and set member of a particular societie by covenant , to make him a true member of the visible Church , or to give him title or interest to the publick order , this is not taught of God. keywords: able; abraham; act; acts; administration; administred; answer; apostles; assemblies; assembly; authoritie; baptisme; bee; beleevers; bern; blessing; body; booke; brethren; calling; capable; case; censures; children; christ; christian church; christians; church; church covenant; church fellowship; church hath; church members; church order; church priviledges; churches; circumcision; commission; committed; common; communion; conceive; congregation; consent; consideration; contrary; cor; corruptions; covenant; day; desire; direction; disciples; dispence; dispensation; distinct; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; elders; election; england; english; example; execution; extraordinary; faith; faithfull; family; feare; feed; fellowship; flock; forme; ghost; gift; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; grounds; hand; hath; himselfe; hold; holy; humane; idolatry; infants; institution; jesus; jewish church; joyne; joyning; judgement; keyes; kingdome; knowne; lawfull; leave; left; letter; libertie; like; limited; liturgie; liturgy; lord; love; man; manner; matter; meanes; meaning; members; men; minister; ministeriall; multitude; nature; necessary; new; non; number; occasion; office; officers; onely; opinion; order; orderly; ordinance; ordinary; ought; pag; parents; particular; particular church; pastor; paul; peculiar; people; performe; persons; peter; place; point; position; power; practise; prayer; preaching; present; private; priviledges; professe; profession; promise; proper; proposition; publick; publike; purpose; question; read; reading; reason; receiving; relation; reply; respect; rest; reverend; right; rob; rule; sacraments; said; salvation; saviour; scripture; seales; second; sect; seed; selfe; selves; sense; separate; separation; servants; service; set; shew; sinne; societie; society; sound; speake; speciall; spirituall; state; strangers; subject; substance; supper; tcp; teachers; testament; text; thereunto; things; time; title; true; true church; truth; unlawfull; unlesse; use; visible church; viz; want; warrant; way; wee; whereof; word; worship cache: A70435.xml plain text: A70435.txt item: #16 of 18 id: A88943 author: Davenport, John, 1597-1670. title: Church-government and church-covenant discussed, in an answer of the elders of the severall churches in New-England to two and thirty questions, sent over to them by divers ministers in England, to declare their judgments therein. Together with an apologie of the said elders in New-England for church-covenant, sent over in answer to Master Bernard in the yeare 1639. As also in an answer to nine positions about church-government. And now published for the satisfaction of all who desire resolution in those points. date: 1643 words: 54810 flesch: 62 summary: 3. An expresse verball covenanting to walke with the said Church in particular , in Church fellowship . And not to depart from the said Church afterward without the consent thereof : or how doe you hold and practise in these things ? 9. Whether doe you hold all , or the most of our Parish assemblies in Old-England to be true Visible Churches of Christ ; with which you may lawfully joyne in every part of Gods true worship ( if occasion served thereto : ) or if not all or the most , then what ones are those of which you so account , and with which you durst so partake or joyne ; and in what respects ? keywords: able; abraham; account; act; acts; affection; againe; agreement; ames; answer; apologie; apostles; appeare; application; argument; assemblies; authority; baptisme; bee; believers; best; better; binde; binding; bishops; blessing; body; brethren; calling; case; censure; children; christ; christian; christian church; church; church body; church communion; church covenant; church estate; church fellowship; church government; church hath; church matters; church members; church officers; church ordinances; church power; church priviledges; churches; circumcision; combined; common; communion; company; conceive; congregation; consensu; consent; contrary; conversion; cor; corruptions; counsell; countrey; course; covenant; dayes; desire; deut; difference; discipline; distinction; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; durst; duties; earth; ecclesiae; ecclesiasticall; edification; elders; election; end; england; english; entring; ephes; essence; excommunication; exercise; exod; ezek; faith; faithfull; farre; fathers; fellowship; fit; forme; fourth; free; gal; generall; gifts; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; ground; hands; hath; hearts; heaven; heb; hee; himselfe; hold; holy; holy covenant; hope; house; ioh; isa; israel; jer; jesus; jewes; john; joyned; joyning; judgement; keyes; king; knowledge; knowne; large; lawfull; lay; learning; lib; liberty; like; little; long; lord; lords church; love; magistrates; major; man; manner; mans; marriage; master; mat; matters; meanes; members; men; men members; mention; ministers; mutuall; necessary; need; new; non; number; obedience; object; observe; occasion; offer; officers; onely; open; opinion; order; ordinary; ordination; owne; papists; parents; parish; parker; particular church; parts; pastors; people; performe; personall; persons; pet; place; plaine; point; polit; power; practise; prayer; preaching; presbyters; present; priests; private; professe; profession; promise; psal; quam; question; qui; reason; reformation; regard; religion; repentance; respect; rest; rev; right; rule; sacraments; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saying; scripture; second; sect; sed; seeing; seemes; selves; sentence; separation; servants; set; sheweth; sinne; sister church; solemne; solemne covenant; soule; speake; spirituall; standing; state; subjection; sufficient; sundry; supper; taking; tcp; teachers; testament; text; things; thinke; thou; time; title; totius; true church; truth; united; unlawfull; unlesse; vel; vertue; visible church; viz; voluntary; walke; want; warrant; way; wee; wife; witnesse; word; worke; worship; yea; yeare; ● ● cache: A88943.xml plain text: A88943.txt item: #17 of 18 id: A88947 author: Mather, Richard, 1596-1669. title: A modest & brotherly ansvver to Mr. Charles Herle his book, against the independency of churches. Wherein his foure arguments for the government of synods over particular congregations, are friendly examined, and clearly answered. Together, with Christian and loving animadversions upon sundry other observable passages in the said booke. All tending to declare the true use of synods, and the power of congregationall churches in the points of electing and ordaining their owne officers, and censuring their offendors. By Richard Mather teacher of the Church at Dorchester; and William Tompson pastor of the Church at Braintree in New-England. Sent from thence after the assembly of elders were dissolved that last met at Cambridg to debate matters about church-government. date: 1644 words: 26384 flesch: 62 summary: And if so , then though you may by Church understand the Elders as he did , yet then you must also acknowledge the Independency of particular Congregations and the Pastors thereof ; for it is certain and plain that Mr. Johnson was of that opinion and judgement too , notwithstanding that his Exposition of Matth. 18. and did never reduce himself to this opinion , that Congregations must be dependent upon the Government of Synods , which is your plea . And there might be other means to make their faith famous , as well as plurality of congregations ; as the resort and confluence of people of all sorts and nations to the place where this Church dwelt , Rome being the Seat of the Empire , and the Lady of Kingdomes at that time : Also the good will of the godly , the malice of the wicked , the newfanglednesse of most , would open the mouthes of many to talke of the faith and profession of the Christian Romans , though they were no more but one congregation . keywords: acknowledge; act; acts; answer; antioch; apostles; appeals; argument; authoritie; book; case; causes; christ; christian; church; churches; common; congregation; cor; corinth; dayes; dependent; discipline; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; ecclesiasticall; elders; eldership; election; entirenesse; ephesus; generall; god; good; government; grant; hands; hath; hold; imposition; independency; israel; jerusalem; jewish; judgement; judicatory; jurisdiction; light; like; lord; matter; means; members; ministers; multitude; nationall; nature; new; non; number; offences; officers; onely; ordain; ordaining; ordinarie; ordination; ought; pag; particular; particular church; parts; pastors; paul; people; place; power; presbyterie; question; reason; rest; roman; rules; said; saviour; scripture; self; single; sith; synod; text; things; times; true; truth; use; vers; viz; way; word; word church; yea cache: A88947.xml plain text: A88947.txt item: #18 of 18 id: A89790 author: Congregational Church in England and Wales. Savoy Meeting (1658). title: A declaration of the faith and order owned and practised in the Congregational Churches in England; agreed upon and consented unto by their elders and messengers in their meeting at the Savoy, Octob. 12. 1658. date: 1659 words: 22737 flesch: 53 summary: And truly , the very turning of the Gentiles to the owning of the same Faith , in the substance of it with the Christian Jew ( though differing in greater points then we do from our Brethren ) is presently after dignified by the Apostle with this style , That it is the Confession of Jesus Christ himself ; not as the Object onely , but as the Author and Maker thereof : I will confess to thee ( saith Christ to God ) among the Gentiles . So that in all such accords , Christ is the great and first Confessor ; and we , and all our Faith uttered 〈◊〉 Us , are but the Epistles , ( as Paul ) and Confessions ( as Isaiah there ) of their Lord and ours ; He , but expressing what is written in his heart , through their hearts and mouthes , to the glory of God the Father : And shall not we all rejoyce herein , when as Christ himself is said to do it upon this occasion : as it there also follows , I will sing unto thy Name . keywords: able; account; apostle; assemblies; assembly; authority; believers; body; brethren; care; chap; christ; christian; church; churches; common; communion; confession; congregational; conscience; contrary; corruption; counsel; covenant; creatures; day; dead; death; differences; divisions; doctrine; doth; duty; elect; end; england; eternal; everlasting; evil; faith; fall; father; free; general; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; hand; hath; head; hearts; holy; jesus; jesus christ; judge; judgment; justification; justified; knowledge; known; law; lawful; liberty; life; light; like; lord; love; magistrate; man; manner; matter; means; members; men; mutual; nature; necessary; new; obedience; old; onely; opinions; order; ordinances; particular; peace; people; persons; pleased; power; prayer; profession; providence; publique; religion; repentance; rule; sacrament; saints; salvation; satan; saving; scripture; self; set; sin; sins; souls; special; spirit; spiritual; state; substance; testament; text; thereunto; things; time; true; truth; use; vii; way; word; works; worship; yea cache: A89790.xml plain text: A89790.txt