item: #1 of 13 id: A10834 author: Robinson, John, 1575?-1625. title: A iust and necessarie apologie of certain Christians, no lesse contumeliously then commonly called Brownists or Barrowists. By Mr. Iohn Robinson, pastor of the English Church at Leyden, first published in Latin in his and the churches name over which he was set, after translated into English by himself, and now republished for the speciall and common good of our own countrimen date: 1625 words: 30682 flesch: 63 summary: And as of these some are so transported with wa●pish zeale , as they can scarcely without a fit of an ague , eyther speak to , or think of him , who a litle steps out of their troad ; so others of them are so cunning , and wote so well how to make their market , that though they be indeed almost like mynded with us in all things , yet do they vehemently affect unchristian emnitie with us : not because they themselues judge us so deserving ; but others , whom therein they think it a poynt of their wisdom to gratify . First , and most ( as a brazen wall ) 〈◊〉 cons●●ence before God , and men ( so farre as humain frailtie will permit ) pure , and unsteyned . keywords: account; act; administration; adversaries; anie; apostle; apostolicall; authoritie; baptism; belgick; better; bishops; bodie; books; brethren; busines; calvin; cause; certain; chap; charge; children; christ; christian; church; churches; cittie; civill; commandement; common; communion; condition; congregation; conscience; consequence; contrarie; cor; corinth; countrie; covenant; creation; day; dayes; difference; disciples; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; ecclesiasticall; eebo; elders; end; england; english; everie; evill; example; exercise; externall; extraordinarie; eyes; eyther; far; father; fayth; fellowship; flock; follow; form; gen; ghost; gift; god; godly; gods; good; governers; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; hands; hath; haue; hearts; holy; holynes; honour; house; iesus; iewes; ignorant; instituted; institution; israel; judg; judgment; knowledg; known; lawfull; lesse; libertie; life; like; lord; magistrate; man; manner; math; matter; meaning; members; men; minde; ministers; morall; moses; multitude; naturall; nature; necessarie; new; number; office; officers; onely; order; ould; particular; pastour; paul; people; persons; pietie; place; plain; power; practise; prayer; precept; present; private; professe; profession; prophets; publique; purpose; question; raither; reader; reading; reason; receaved; reformed; religion; respect; rest; right; rule; sabboth; sacred; said; saith; sanctification; scriptures; second; seed; seemeth; self; servants; set; shall; solemn; sort; speaking; speciall; spirit; spirituall; state; subjects; tcp; teaching; temple; text; thee; themselvs; things; thou; thy; time; touching; true; truth; unto; use; visible; way; whatsoever; wheat; whereof; wisdom; withall; word; work; worship; yea; ● n; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A10834.xml plain text: A10834.txt item: #2 of 13 id: A29130 author: Bradshaw, Ellis. title: An husbandmans harrow to pull down the ridges of the presbyteriall government and to smooth, a little, the independent ... containing divers new and unanswerable arguments ... / written by Ellis Bradshavv ... date: 1649 words: 43132 flesch: 65 summary: And secondly , a speaking to the heart , and to the souls and consciences of men ; discovring their very thoughts , and councels : And approving themselves , to every mans conscience in the sight of God. All which bondage , is a great infringement to our Christian Liberty , in them that do it , and ought not to be approved nor assented to , by any that desires to keep a good conscience voyd of offence , both to God and man. keywords: aaron; able; account; act; acts; administer; answer; apostle; arguments; authority; baptism; beleeve; beleevers; better; blessed; blessing; body; brethren; business; case; censure; chap; charity; chief; children; christ; christian; church; churches; civil; clear; comfort; congregation; conscience; contrary; cor; days; deal; decrees; despise; discipline; doctrine; doe; doth; doubtless; duty; edification; edifying; elders; elect; end; evidence; evident; evil; exhortation; faith; faithful; general; ghost; gifts; glory; god; good; government; grace; great; greater; grounds; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hold; holy; hope; independents; jesus; john; judgment; kingdom; law; lawful; learned; liberty; life; light; like; little; lord; love; man; manifest; manifestation; mat; means; measure; members; men; ministers; need; object; officers; onely; ordinances; pag; particular; people; pet; peter; place; power; presbyterians; present; priests; primitive; principles; profession; proper; publike; publique; purpose; reason; repentance; respect; rest; rom; rule; sacrament; sacred; said; scripture; self; selves; service; sins; sons; souls; speaketh; spirit; spiritual; stand; strength; stricter; tabernacle; tcp; text; things; time; tongues; true; truth; unlearned; unto; use; vers; vote; way; ways; wisdom; wise; wit; word; yea; years cache: A29130.xml plain text: A29130.txt item: #3 of 13 id: A30541 author: Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. title: Some false principles and errors discovered and refuted in a short answer to a catechism book, which is said to contain the principles of religion, put forth by a namelesse authour, but is supposed to be the work of one Samuel Eaton ... but upon true examination he is found to be teaching the traditions of men for the commandments of Christ ... / by E.B. date: 1659 words: 6843 flesch: 0 summary: And thus I have examined some part of thy principles of Religion which thou hast put forth into the world , for others to learn ; and the error and falsness of them is laid open , and how contrary to the Scriptures they are , and in haste as it were , I have passed over it , not willing to rake into things which gave no just occasion against truth ; but have onely confuted a few of thy many particulars ; which had I narrowly sought into other things , much unsoundness would have been discovered ; but what I have said is truly sufficient to discover unto sober persons , the error of thy judgement , and of thy principles and practices , and of thy whole Religion ; and before ever thou be a true instructor of others in the way , thou must first repent and believe , and learn the way thy self , which yet thou are ignorant of ; for thou hast shewed no knowledge but what is sensual and devilish , and from below , and meerly carnal , and natural ; and meeting with thy book , and enquiring what the Author was , I was engaged to say something to it by way of Answer , and to lay it to the line of judgement according to the Scriptures ; and it hath proved very guilty of error , and perverting Scriptures , and of corrupt principles ; and in justice I could not but condemn it , and if thou shall receive the conviction of thy error , and of thy false doctrines by my answer , and repent , it shall prove to thy good ; but if thou shalt be stiff-necked , and harden thy heart , then shall thy condemnation be the greater and thy Judgement the more just ; because God hath warned thee , and given thee a day of visitation , and shewed thee the error of thy wayes and judgement that thou mightest forsake thy transgressions , and be converted and live ; but whether thou shalt harden thy heart and remain in error , or repent or turn from it ; my reward is with the Lord , and in him I have peace in this matter ; whatsoever , thy mind shall be towards me in my work ; for I stand not to mans judgement while I cannot be convinced of error in this business , and if thou shalt envy me , and have wrath in thy heart towards me , because I have dealt to plainly with thee in reproving of thee ; then thou wilt but add to thy own sin , and add more wrath up in store against thy self against the time of thy judgement , and a greater burden will lie upon thy conscience ; wherefore consider of these things and let not the day of thy visitation passe over , and be shut up with the night of darkness , and thou be everlastingly condemned ; And if thou shalt vindicate thy own false principles , by answering to me again ; thinking to clear thy self , and to reprove me , that will not prove thy best way because thou wants the truth and righteousness to stand by thee ; and to appear bold in a bad cause , will shew more wickedness , then sign of repentance ; and if thou do answer a sound reply will further unfold the misterie of iniquitie that lyes hid in thee , and be thy greater shame ; And as for thee and all the false Ministers , God hath discovered you , and you are made bare and naked , and the false woman the Whore , your mother , her shame is discovered and her judgement is come , and God is avenging us on her , and great Babylon is now come into remembrance before the Lord , to bring her down to the ground , and you have long made a prey upon the heritage of the Lord , and been spoilers thereof , rather then builders of her breach , and she hath been troden down , and not pittied by you ; and as for your poor ignorant hearers they lie in thick darkness , and loves to have it so ; and the blind hath led the blind , and yet the light is arising out of thick darkness , and its appearance shall be glorious to expell all your errors , and that mist of darkness that doth now cover them , and this light shall arise in mens consciences , which shall discover the difference between every false , and the right way ; and all that take heed to the light shall no longer sit in darkness nor in the shadow of death , but their steps shall be directed in a perfect way ; and the glory of the Lord shall shine forth upon them , and this will the Lord bring to pass , and hasten his work , and cut it short in righteousness , for his elects sake . THe wayes of the Lord are equall and just , but the wayes of the Sons of Adam are altogether corrupted , and different and contrary to the wayes of Salvation ; And the wisedome that is of this world is foolishness with God , and its end is destruction to it self , and to all that walk therein ; And what is man , that he shall prescribe a way to his Maker ? and who is it , that will be more wise then God , to set him a way how he must teach his people ? keywords: ans; answer; apostles; christ; church; contrary; covenant; day; doth; end; error; false; god; hath; holy; justified; life; lord; man; men; outward; perfect; persons; principles; religion; rule; saist; salvation; sanctification; sanctified; scriptures; sin; spirit; text; thee; things; thou; thy; true; truth; way; word; work cache: A30541.xml plain text: A30541.txt item: #4 of 13 id: A43583 author: Heywood, Oliver, 1629-1702. title: Meetness for heaven promoted in some brief meditations upon Colos. 1. 12. discovering the nature and necessity of habitual and actual meetness for heaven here, in all that hope for heaven hereafter. Designed for a funeral legacy. By O.H. an unworthy minister of the Gospel of Christ. date: 1679 words: 33817 flesch: 77 summary: The Lord looked down from Heaven upon the Children of Men , to see if there were any that did understand and seek God. And I solemnly require you that have a principle of Grace , gird up your Loins , trim your Lamps , and observe these few Rules , and the dispositions mentioned in this small Treatise : I only hint further ; Be much in the love of God : Dayly act Faith on Christ : Walk in the Spirit : Design Gods Glory : Intermit not holy duties : Be not content therein without communion with God : Mingle Religion with civil acts : Increase every Grace : Redeem time : Profitably converse with Gods Children : Aim at perfection : Maintain tender Consciences : Keep strict accounts : Study the life of Heaven : Be still doing or getting good : Set God before your eyes : Trample on worldly things : Live in dayly view of death : Be nothing in your own eyes : Be much in heavenly praises : Say , O Lord , who am I , and what is my Fathers house , that thou hast brought me hitherto ? What is man , what am I , the least and worst of the children of men , that the heart of God should be working for me , and towards me , in infinite bowels of eternal love ! keywords: acts; actual; alas; angels; answer; assurance; bear; bed; beloved; best; better; blessed; body; business; case; cast; change; chap; children; christ; christian; clear; coming; company; conscience; content; conversion; cor; cost; covenant; day; dead; dear; death; design; devils; difference; divine; doct; door; doth; drink; duties; duty; dye; earth; eebo; end; english; enter; eph; eternal; eternity; evidence; exercise; eyes; face; fall; far; father; fear; felicity; fire; fit; fruit; future; ghost; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; graceless; gracious; great; guilt; habitual; hands; happiness; happy; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; heirs; hell; high; hold; holiness; holy; home; honour; hope; house; infinite; inheritance; isa; jam; jesus; job; joh; joy; judge; kingdom; land; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; man; mat; matter; matth; means; meet; meetness; men; mercies; mercy; mind; mouth; natural; nature; nay; nearer; necessary; need; new; non; objects; observe; order; ordinances; paul; people; perfect; perfection; persons; pet; place; pleasure; point; poor; praise; prayer; present; priviledges; promise; psal; purchase; ready; real; reason; relative; religion; rest; rev; righteousness; rom; safe; saints; saith; salvation; self; selves; sense; set; sin; sincere; sinners; sins; sirs; son; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; suitable; sun; sure; sweet; tcp; text; thankfulness; thee; things; thou; thy; time; title; true; truth; vain; ver; way; weary; wicked; woe; work; working; world; worldly; worth; wrath; yea cache: A43583.xml plain text: A43583.txt item: #5 of 13 id: A50176 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: The wonderful works of God commemorated praises bespoke for the God of heaven in a thanksgiving sermon delivered on Decemb. 19, 1689 : containing reflections upon the excellent things done by the great God ... : to which is added A sermon preached unto a convention of the Massachuset-colony in New-England ... / by Cotton Mather. date: 1690 words: 29339 flesch: 70 summary: May these Earth●●akes produce better effects on us than those Lima in this our New-World America , 〈◊〉 upon the people there a little while ago . It was a no less wonder●●● than undoubted Thing which happened France a few months ago , when , upon 〈◊〉 Dissolution of the French Congregations , a● a particular Interdict upon the Singing 〈◊〉 Psalms thro' the Kingdom , there were tho●●sands of persons , in hundreds of places , scores of Times , that plainly heard 〈◊〉 Singing of Psalms after the manner of 〈◊〉 French Assemblies with a most Ravishi●● Melody , by Invisible Singers in the Air ; thing so notorious that the very Psalms we often Distinctly as well as Audibly enough ●ung , to let the Hearers know what Psalms ●hey were ; such as the Fifth , the Forty Se●ond , the Hundred and Thirty Eighth particu●arly ; and even the Parliament of Pau made 〈◊〉 Decree that men should not go abroad to ●ear this unaccountable Singing under a for●eiture of Two Thousand Crowns ▪ upon which ●he Reflection of the incomparable Iurieu is ▪ This is a Reproach that the Providence of God ●akes unto us ; because you have not dared , n●r ●een willing any more to Sing His Praises and keywords: address; almighty god; america; angels; answer; apostle; behold; best; better; blessed; blood; books; boston; brethren; cause; characters; children; christ; church; churches; circumstances; city; colony; coming; common; concerned; condition; convention; cotton; council; countrey; covenant; creation; david; day; dayes; deliverance; desires; divine; e ●; early; earth; eebo; end; enemies; england; english; eternal god; europe; evil; exalted; excellent; excellent things; exercise; eyes; faithful; fathers; fear; fire; france; french; gave; general; generation; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; government; governour; grace; gracious; great; great god; greatest; half; hand; happy; hath; heads; hear; hearts; heaven; hell; high; holy; hope; house; hundreds; ierusalem; ill; indians; interest; isa; israel; jesus; king; language; late; law; leave; liberty; like; line; lips; little; lives; long; look; lord; lord god; lord jesus; majesties; man; manner; massachuset; mather; men; mercies; mercy; midst; ministers; ministry; miserable; mouth; nation; neighbours; new; noble; number; o lord; o ●; occasion; order; original; page; particular; parts; pass; peace; people; persecution; persons; poor; power; praises; praising; prayers; presence; present; prince; prodigies; prosperity; protestant; providence; psal; psalmist; psalms; ready; religion; representatives; return; revolutions; said; saith; saviour; saying; second; self; selves; sermon; servant; set; sight; singing; sins; songs; sort; soul; speak; spirit; stars; sun; sure; tcp; tei; terrible; testament; text; th ●; thanksgiving; thee; thereunto; things; tho; thou; thoughts; thousands; throne; thy; thy god; time; true; truth; unhappy; unprofitable; vast; war; way; wicked; wild; wonderful; works; world; worship; worthy; years; ● ed; ● n; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A50176.xml plain text: A50176.txt item: #6 of 13 id: A78034 author: Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. title: Vindiciæ veritatis: truth vindicated against calumny. In a briefe answer to Dr. Bastwicks two late books, entituled, Independency not Gods ordinance, with the second part, styled the postscript, &c. / By Henry Burton, one of his quondam-fellow-sufferers. date: 1645 words: 15063 flesch: 66 summary: For in your promised , or rather menaced Postscript , which ( to forestall your Readers with a prejudicate opinion of us ; and old piece of Rhetoricke , as that of Tertullus before Felix , telling him of Paul ; Wee have found this man a pestilent fellow , and a mover of sedition , &c. which he was not able to prove , his best rhetoricall argument being Calumnidre audacter , aliquid haerebit , Calumniate boldly , some thing will sticke ) you both prefix , and for surenesse , affix to your Booke ; you fasten upon us uncharitable dealing , fraud and jugglings of many of our Pastors and Ministers , as misleaders and troublers of Church and State , &c. all which * ( {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ) hard and harsh termes , wee can no lesse then spread before the Lord the righteous Judge . First , Concerning the Government of the Church , whether it be Presbyterian Dependent , or Presbyterian Independent : Secondly , Concerning gathering of Churches . keywords: acts; answer; apostles; assemblies; bastwick; beard; believers; body; books; brethren; brother; burton; christ; christian; church; churches; civill; confession; congregations; consciences; converted; cor; counsell; covenant; dependent; doctrine; doe; doth; england; faith; fellow; fellowship; finde; gather; gathering; generall; ghost; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; great; hath; head; hee; henry; holy; humane; ibid; independents; jerusalem; jewes; john; kingdome; kingly; late; law; lawes; lesse; like; lord; love; mee; members; ministers; new; non; office; old; onely; ordinance; pag; page; parishes; particular; particular church; patterne; paul; peace; people; postscript; power; presbyterian; presbytery; profession; question; reformation; religion; repentance; rest; roman; rule; said; saints; scripture; second; selfe; set; severall; shew; spirit; spirituall; state; text; things; time; true; truth; way; wee; white; witnesse; words; world; yea cache: A78034.xml plain text: A78034.txt item: #7 of 13 id: A87251 author: Bridge, William, 1600?-1670. title: The Independants declaration delivered in to the Assembly. By Thomas Goodwin, William Greenhill, William Bridge, Philip Nie, Sydrach Simpson, and William Carter. Declaring their grounds and full resolutions concerning church-government. date: 1647 words: 2306 flesch: 56 summary: The Independants declaration delivered in to the Assembly. The Independants declaration delivered in to the Assembly. keywords: assembly; bridge; church; committee; debate; declaration; dispute; english; goodwin; government; greenhill; honourable; houses; independants; philip; reasons; text; thomas; thomason; way; wee; william cache: A87251.xml plain text: A87251.txt item: #8 of 13 id: A88948 author: Mather, Richard, 1596-1669. title: A reply to Mr. Rutherfurd, or A defence of the answer to Reverend Mr. Herles booke against the independency of churches. VVherein such objections and answers, as are returned to sundry passages in the said answer by Mr. Samuel Rutherfurd, a godly and learned brother of the Church of Scotland, in his boke entituled The due right of Presbyters, are examined and removed, and the answer justified and cleared. / By Richard Macher [sic] teacher to the church at Dorchester in New England. 1646. date: 1647 words: 74311 flesch: 62 summary: doth it follow therefore that Superiors in Church or civill state have no power to command housholders to do their duty herein , but only to give counsell and advise ? Or if housholdere have such right , doth it follow that therefore they are under no command , in Church and Common-wealth ? I suppose it will not follow at all . Or shall we say , that Classes and Provinciall Synods have no right to end their own matters within themselves , if a Nationall Synod have power to command them ? Or if they have such right , shall we therefore say they are not under the command of the Nationall Synod , and that the Nationall Synod hath no power over them but only by way of Counsell and advise ? Wee suppose Master Rutherford will not say so : and yet he might as well say it , as say as hee he doth , that because Antioch hath right to ●nd her own matter if they be able , therefore a Synod hath no power but only by way of Counsell and advise . First , the ordinary power of Iurisdiction because of neerest vicinity and contiguity of members is given by Iesus Christ to one Congregation in an Isle , because that Church is a Church properly so called : It is a little City , and a little Kingdome of Iesus Christ , having within it selfe power of the ●ord and Sacraments and that is a Church and hath the essence of a Church to which agree the essentiall notes of a Church : now Preaching of the word and administration of the Sacraments are essentiall notes of a visible Church : keywords: ability; act; acts; administration; advise; againe; alledgeth; alwayes; answer; antioch; apostles; appeales; apprehension; arguing; argument; assemblies; assembly; author; authority; baynes; bee; body; brethren; brother; calling; case; causes; censure; chap; children; christ; christians; church; church doth; church power; church remedy; churches; circumcision; civill; classes; cleere; command; company; compleat; confesse; congregation; congregationall church; consequence; consider; contrary; cor; corinth; councell; dependant; desire; disciples; discipline; divers; doctrinall; doctrinall power; doctrine; doe; doth; duty; ecclesiasticall; elders; election; end; england; entire; entire power; entirenesse; ergo; erre; essence; example; excommunication; exercise; extraordinary; false; family; farre; generall; god; good; governing; government; grant; greater; ground; hands; hath; hee; help; herle; himselfe; hold; holy; hope; ierusalem; iewes; iland; imposition; israel; iurisdiction; judge; judgement; knowledge; law; lawes; lawfull; learned; lesse; levites; liberty; like; lord; man; matter; meanes; meaning; meeting; members; mention; ministeriall; ministers; multitude; nationall church; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; neighbours; new; number; objection; offences; officers; onely; ordinary; ordination; ought; page; particular; party; passage; pastors; paul; people; persons; place; point; power; power doth; practise; preaching; presbyteries; presbytery; present; prophets; provinciall; purpose; question; reader; reason; rebuke; rebuking; remedy; report; representative church; reverend; right; rule; rutherford; sacraments; said; saith; saying; scripture; second; seemes; set; severall; shew; single; single congregation; societies; speake; speaking; stand; sufficient; sundry; supper; supreame; supremacie; synagogues; synodicall; synods; tenent; testament; text; thereto; thing; thinke; time; timothy; treatise; troubled; true; truth; unlesse; unto; use; verse; visible church; viz; want; warrant; way; wee; whereof; women; word church; words; yea; ● ● cache: A88948.xml plain text: A88948.txt item: #9 of 13 id: A90287 author: Owen, John, 1616-1683. title: A review of the true nature of schisme, with a vindication of the Congregationall churches in England, from the imputation thereof unjustly charged on them by Mr D. Cawdrey, preacher of the Word at Billing in Northampton-shire. / By John Owen D.D. date: 1657 words: 34926 flesch: 44 summary: The open and manifest injury done , not only to my selfe , in laying things to my charge which I know not , lading me with reproaches , tending to a rendring of me odious to all the ministers and Churches in the world , not agreeing with me in somefew things concerning Gospell administrations , but also to all other Churches and persons of the same judgment with my selfe , called for a speedy account of the true state of the things contended about . I suppose the reader is weary of pursuing things so little to our purpose : if he will hear any further , that Independents are schismaticks , that the setting up of their way hath opened a door to all evills and confusions , that they have separated from all churches , and condemne all churches in the world but their owne ; that they have hindred Reformation and the setting up of the Presbyterian Church ; that being members of our Churches , as they are members of the nation , because they are borne in it , yet they have deserted them ; that they gather Churches which they pretend to be spick and span new ; they have separated from us , that they countenance Quakers , and all other Sectaries , that they will reforme a nationall church whether men will or no , though they say that they only desire to reforme themselves , and plead for liberty to that end . keywords: able; account; advantage; answer; apostle; assertion; author; better; body; book; breach; brethren; businesse; catholick church; cause; celebration; chapter; charge; christ; christian; church; churches; common; communion; concerned; confesse; congregation; consideration; contrary; controversie; corinth; day; designe; desire; differences; discourse; divisions; doctrine; doth; england; evill; exceptions; expression; false; farre; farther; foundation; generall; god; good; gospell; grace; great; hand; hath; head; himselfe; hope; importance; independents; instance; institution; jesus; john; judge; judgment; kind; knowes; leave; lesse; like; little; lord; love; manifest; matter; members; men; mention; mind; ministers; ministry; nature; necessary; need; new; non; notice; notion; onely; opposition; ordinances; ordination; owne; pag; particular; particular church; parties; party; people; person; place; pleased; possible; presbyterian; present; pretended; principles; professe; profession; purpose; question; reader; ready; reason; reference; reformation; respect; reverend; reverend author; roman; rome; saies; saith; schisme; scripture; seeing; selfe; sense; separation; severall; spirit; state; sundry; text; thing; thoughts; time; title; treatise; true; true churches; truth; union; use; visible; way; whereof; withall; word; worship cache: A90287.xml plain text: A90287.txt item: #10 of 13 id: A91190 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: A full reply to certaine briefe observations and anti-queries on Master Prynnes twelve questions about church-government: vvherein the frivolousnesse, falsenesse, and grosse mistakes of this anonymous answerer (ashamed of his name) and his weak grounds for independency, and separation, are modestly discovered, refelled. / By William Prynne of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire. date: 1644 words: 16043 flesch: 60 summary: To the fifth , he grants that Independency will overthrow all Nationall Churches and Synods ; and the two Independent Brethren assure us in their Reply to A. S p. 111 that in time it cannot but overthrow all other sorts of Ecclesiasticall governments : Is it not then a turbulent , dangerous , schismaticall , unquiet ( that I say not insufferable ) Government , by your owne confessions , which will admit no equall nor corrivall ; nor yet any Nationall Church , Synod , Parliament , Prince , or temporall Magistrate , to exercise any , Ecclesiasticall , Legislative , or Magisteriall authority over any of their Conventicles , members , persons , liberties , estates , much lesse their consciences , as they are Christians ? Will any Parliament , State , or Nation , ( thinke you ) suffer such a Government to take root among them , which will un-King , un-Parliament , un-church , un-Nation them altogether , and make each severall congregation an absolute Monarchy , Church , Republick , Nation , within it selfe , depending on , subordinate wholly to it selfe , as if it and they were no part or members of the publike ? Fourthly , Because contrary to the h Policy practise of most Godly Magistrates , Princes Ministers , Churches in all Ages , Nations , which never indulged such liberty to opinions , new wayes , practises , especially to new Church-governments , Schismes , and Conventicles , ( which he here pleads for ) set up only by private spirits in opposition to the publick established Church-regelment . keywords: acts; advice; ages; agreeable; answer; anti; apostles; argument; assemblies; assembly; authority; best; better; bishops; brethren; briefe; c. c.; certaine; christ; christian; church; churches; civill; congregations; conscience; consonant; contrary; conventicles; cor; covenant; direct; discipline; divine; doe; ecclesiasticall; ergo; expresse; faith; false; forme; generall; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grounds; hath; heaven; himselfe; independent; judgment; kings; lawes; lawfull; lordly; magistrates; man; master; matters; members; ministers; modell; moses; nationall; nations; new; obedience; observations; old; onely; opinions; order; owne; parliament; particular; party; pattern; peace; people; persons; pet; point; power; practise; prescribed; present; private; prynne; publike; quere; queries; question; reason; religion; reply; right; rom; rule; schismes; scripture; second; selves; separation; set; severall; state; subject; synods; temple; temporall; testament; text; things; tim; times; title; true; truth; way; william; word; worship; yea cache: A91190.xml plain text: A91190.txt item: #11 of 13 id: A91196 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: Independency examined, vnmasked, refuted, by twelve new particular interrogatories: detecting both the manifold absurdities, inconveniences that must necessarily attend it, to the great disturbance of church, state, the diminution, subversion of the lawfull undoubted power of all christian magistrates, parliaments, synods: and shaking the chiefe pillars, wherwith its patrons would support it. / By William Prynne of Lincolnes Inne, Esquier. date: 1644 words: 7829 flesch: 53 summary: If the people alone without the Minister , or both conjoyned , then you invest every Independent Conventicle , consisting of never so few inconsiderable ignorant members , with a greater legislative power , and ecclesiasticall authority , then you allow to whole Nationall Parliaments , Councels , consisting of most eminent , learned , pious persons of all sorts ; who by your New doctrine have no jurisdiction at all to make or enjoyne any forme of church-government , covenant , ecclesiasticall lawes or canons , to any particular churches : as if the eminentest Ministers and members of churches , by becomming members of Parliaments or Councels , did thereby forfeit and lose the right or exercise of that power , in those great representative bodies of the whole Kingdome and church of England , which you readily allow both them and others in every private church or Conventicle : A most strange and senselesse whimsie . Independent churches -- England -- Early works to 1800. keywords: acts; apostles; assembly; authority; brethren; canons; christian; chro; church; churches; city; civill; coercive; common; congregation; conscience; contrary; cor; councell; covenants; discipline; divine; doe; ecclesiasticall; elders; erect; god; gods; government; great; himselfe; independent; independent churches; kingdome; kings; lawes; lawfull; liberty; magistrates; members; ministers; nationall; new; old; opinions; owne; parishes; parliament; particular; peace; people; persons; pet; power; present; princes; private; prynne; psal; reply; rom; sacrament; schismes; scripture; set; severall; spirituall; state; support; synods; temporall; text; things; tit; william; word; yea cache: A91196.xml plain text: A91196.txt item: #12 of 13 id: A95897 author: Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652. title: The schismatick sifted. Or, The picture of Independents, freshly and fairly washt-over again. Wherein, the sectaries of these times (I mean, the principall seducers to that dangerous and subtile schisme of Independency) are with their own proper pensils, and self-mixed colours, most lively set forth to be a generation of notorious dissemblers and sly deceivers. Collected (for the most part) from undeniable testimonies under their own hands, in print; for the more fair and full satisfaction, and undeceiving of moderate and much misled Christians; especially by the outward appearance of their piety of life, and a pretence of their preaching sound-doctrine. / By John Vicars. date: 1646 words: 20309 flesch: 45 summary: Or, The picture of Independents, freshly and fairly washt-over again. Or, The picture of Independents, freshly and fairly washt-over again. keywords: answer; apostle; assembly; authority; blessed; brethren; briefly; cause; christ; christians; church; churches; city; commons; confesse; congregation; conscience; consistory; contrary; corn; covenant; damnable; dangerous; day; dealing; deceivers; deep; desire; discipline; dissemblers; divines; doctor; doctrine; doe; double; edwards; england; english; errours; evident; fair; faithfull; false; farther; foresaid; forsooth; forth; friend; garden; glorious; god; godly; gods; good; goodwin; government; great; hands; hath; hearts; hee; high; himselfe; holinesse; holy; honest; honour; honourable; house; independents; iohn; jerusalem; john; judge; late; liberty; life; lights; like; london; long; lord; love; main; man; master; mean; ministers; modell; moderate; narration; naught; nay; new; notorious; notwithstanding; old; onely; opinions; ought; outward; pag; parishioners; parliament; particular; partie; party; peace; people; piece; piety; pious; plain; power; preaching; presbyterian; pretended; print; protested; purpose; reader; reformation; religion; religious; remonstrance; rest; reverend; right; said; saints; sake; satisfaction; sayes; schismaticall; schismes; scripture; sectaries; self; sense; set; sins; sly; sound; spirit; subtile; testimonies; text; thing; times; toleration; treatise; trick; true; truth; undeniable; vicars; way; words; work; world; writing; yea cache: A95897.xml plain text: A95897.txt item: #13 of 13 id: A95901 author: Taylor, Daniel, ca. 1614-1655. title: To his reverend and much respected good friend, Mr. John Goodwin: be these I pray presented. date: 1645 words: 4248 flesch: 59 summary: To his reverend and much respected good friend, Mr. John Goodwin: be these I pray presented. Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 44:E259[3]) To his reverend and much respected good friend, Mr. John Goodwin: be these I pray presented. keywords: a95901; bee; books; christian; english; friend; gentleman; god; goodwin; great; hands; hath; head; hee; honour; hope; independent; iohn; jeer; john; learned; letter; like; lord; love; man; men; moderation; onely; page; parts; persons; presbyterian; prynn; respected; reverend; satisfaction; selfe; sir; text; things; thomason; triumphing; truth; unworthy; vicars; way; words; yea cache: A95901.xml plain text: A95901.txt