item: #1 of 29 id: A02722 author: Harris, Robert, 1581-1658. title: Tvvo sermons vvherein we are taught, 1. Hovv to get, 2. How to keepe, 3. How to vse a good conscience. Preached in Alldermanbury Church, London. Not heretofore published. By Robert Harris. date: 1630 words: 11471 flesch: 72 summary: What will not men part withall for life , though it be from skin to skin ? yet conscience is such a thing as wise men prize aboue life ; they 'le dye a thousand deaths , rather then lose conscience ; and whilst they liue , they liue no longer then Conscience speakes peace . First , goe to the right meanes : there 's but one Physician for soules and consciences , and that is God ; he onely made , and hee onely re-makes good Consciences ; none else can come at Conscience , can take out the poyson that 's there ; take off the guilt that is there ; and therefore wee must carry our wounded soules to him , alleadge his owne covenant and hand , and say ; Lord , thou hast said that thou wilt take away our euill heart , and giue vs a better , now for thy truths sake make good this Word , this Scripture . keywords: acts; answer; bad; bee; best; better; bloud; case; comfort; conscience; day; dead; death; doe; doth; dye; eebo; end; english; estate; euery; face; feare; flesh; generall; giue; god; gods; goe; good conscience; great; hath; haue; heart; heb; hee; hell; himselfe; ill; inward; iudge; keepe; knowes; knowledge; life; light; like; little; looke; man; matter; men; neuer; new; owne; particular; passe; paul; peace; point; poore; power; practice; precept; present; reason; rest; robert; second; selfe; selues; sermons; set; sinne; sol; soule; speake; stand; tcp; text; thee; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; vpon; vpright; vse; watch; wee; witnesse; word; worke cache: A02722.xml plain text: A02722.txt item: #2 of 29 id: A03796 author: Hughes, John, fl. 1622. title: St. Pauls exercise, or, A sermon of conscience Describing the nature of it; and declaring the manner and meanes how to obtaine, and retaine, a good conscience. Preached by Iohn Hughes, Doctor in Diuinitie. date: 1622 words: 7953 flesch: 71 summary: 2. Quotuplex : The kinds and qualities of Conscience , which are as lines drawne from the Center , to demonstrate and deliniate the seuerall climates and regions of conscience ; which are either offensiue , or without offence , as the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth import . Conscience ( according to my Text ) is either 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cleare , guiltlesse , and without offence ; or else , guilty , troubled , and offensiue . keywords: affections; againe; austin; bad; bee; bernard; best; booke; characters; christian; church; conscience; conscientia; conscionable; cum; daily; day; doe; doth; duties; early; eebo; english; euen; euery; euill; exercise; flesh; god; goe; good; good conscience; great; guilty; hath; haue; heart; hee; hell; honour; hope; iohn; iudgement; kinde; knowledge; labour; law; life; like; liue; long; loue; man; manner; meanes; men; nature; neuer; non; offence; onely; ouer; owne; parts; pauls; present; pride; quiet; reason; respect; right; saith; second; sed; selfe; sermon; sinne; soule; speake; tcp; tei; text; things; thinke; thou; time; true; truth; vnto; vpon; want; way; wee; whereof; word; workes cache: A03796.xml plain text: A03796.txt item: #3 of 29 id: A09364 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: The first part of The cases of conscience Wherein specially, three maine questions concerning man, simply considered in himselfe, are propounded and resolued, according to the word of God. Taught and deliuered, by M. William Perkins in his Holy-day lectures, by himselfe revised before his death, and now published for the benefit of the Church. date: 1604 words: 48949 flesch: 76 summary: The first part of The cases of conscience Wherein specially, three maine questions concerning man, simply considered in himselfe, are propounded and resolued, according to the word of God. The first part of The cases of conscience Wherein specially, three maine questions concerning man, simply considered in himselfe, are propounded and resolued, according to the word of God. keywords: able; abraham; actions; affection; afflictions; againe; answer; apostle; appeare; ariseth; assurance; assured; author; beeing; beginning; beleeue; benefit; best; better; bin; bodie; brother; case; certaine; chap; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; commandement; common; condition; confession; conformitie; conscience; consideration; content; cor; corruption; course; crosse; dauid; day; death; degrees; deliuerance; desire; direction; distresse; doctrine; doe; doth; dutie; effects; ende; estate; eternall; euen; euerlasting; euery; euill; example; experience; fact; fall; farre; father; fauour; feare; fearefull; fit; flesh; forth; foure; frō; fruit; generall; ghost; giue; god; god himselfe; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; gospel; grace; great; greater; griefe; ground; hand; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heauen; himselfe; holy; hope; howe; humble; humiliation; iesus; iewes; ignorance; iii; indeauour; indeede; instrument; iob; iohn; ioy; iudgement; iust; keepe; kind; knowledge; knowne; labour; law; lesse; life; light; like; long; lord; loue; maine; malice; man; manner; mans; matter; meanes; measure; melancholie; men; mercie; minde; naturall; nature; neuer; new; nowe; number; obedience; offence; onely; ouer; outward; owne; pardon; particular; partie; patience; paul; performe; person; place; point; power; practise; present; principall; promise; prophet; propounded; psal; punishment; purpose; question; read; reason; receiued; regard; regenerate; remedie; repentance; resolued; resolution; respect; rest; rule; said; saith; saluation; sanctification; sauiour; scripture; second; seruants; set; shee; sinne; sins; sorrow; sort; soule; speciall; spirit; strange; strength; sundrie; tcp; temptation; text; thee; themselues; thē; things; thinke; thoughts; time; touching; triall; troubled; true; truth; turne; vnder; vnto; vnto god; vpon; vpon god; vse; waies; want; way; whereof; whome; wicked; withall; word; worke; wrath; yea; yeares; ● ● cache: A09364.xml plain text: A09364.txt item: #4 of 29 id: A14732 author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. title: Balme from Gilead to recouer conscience In a sermon preached at Pauls-Crosse, Octob. 20. 1616. By Samuel Ward, Bach. of Diuinitie, and preacher of Ipswich. date: 1618 words: 26799 flesch: 69 summary: 〈◊〉 O Lord , that hast wonder 〈◊〉 planted and formed our Con●ci●nces within vs , that onely know stand searchest our Consciences , ●hat hast thy Chaire in the Heauens , & onely art able to teach them , & purifie them . A●●iles , if not all sorts of Christians . keywords: abilitie; ability; able; aboue; action; acts; angels; apostle; bad; balme; bee; beleeue; best; better; birth; bloud; body; bookes; businesse; causes; characters; charge; chiefe; children; christ; christian; church; chuse; citie; ciuill; comfort; common; conscience; constables; content; couetousnesse; counsell; countrey; courage; courts; dauid; day; dayes; dead; death; desire; discerne; diuels; diuinitie; doe; doth; eares; early; earnest; earth; ease; eebo; end; english; euen; euery; euill; excellent; experience; eyes; faith; faithfull; false; fashion; father; fault; feare; fit; follow; following; foure; friends; gilead; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; golden; good; good conscience; goodnesse; grace; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hast; hath; haue; hauing; head; hearing; heart; heauen; hee; high; himselfe; holy; home; honour; honourable; house; iethro; ill; image; indeede; inferiour; iob; israel; iudgement; iudges; iustice; keepe; kinde; knowes; knowne; land; law; lawes; learned; leaue; left; lest; life; light; like; little; long; looke; lord; loue; lyon; magistracy; magistrates; man; manner; mans; marke; matter; meane; mee; men; merry; money; morning; moses; mouth; nature; neede; neuer; notes; number; offices; old; onely; ones; ouer; owne; parts; paul; peace; people; perfect; perish; persons; piety; places; pleasure; policie; poore; power; pray; preacher; present; princes; principall; proue; purpose; quiet; reason; receiue; religion; religious; respect; rest; reward; rich; rulers; sake; salomon; samuel; sayd; scripture; second; selfe; sense; sermon; serue; set; shew; sinne; sinning; skill; sleepe; small; som; sort; soule; speake; speech; spirit; stand; state; strange; strength; strong; subiect; substance; sufficient; tcp; tei; terme; text; th ●; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thy; time; true; trust; truth; turne; vaine; valour; vertue; vnder; vnto; voyce; vpon; vse; walke; want; ward; way; weake; wealth; wee; whereof; wicked; willing; wilt; wisdome; words; worke; world; worst; worth; wrong; yea; ● e; ● ● cache: A14732.xml plain text: A14732.txt item: #5 of 29 id: A16881 author: Brinsley, John, fl. 1581-1624. title: The second part of the true watch containing the perfect rule and summe of prayer: so plainlie set downe, that the weakest Christian, taking but the leas paines, may in a very short space, learne to pray of himselfe, with much assurance and comfort: both to get strength to obserue the Lords watch; and to helpe to turne away, or at least finde comfort in the euils that are to come. date: 1607 words: 29661 flesch: 61 summary: And whereas wee are ordinarilie secure in ouerweening of our own strength ; Shew vs ( oh Lord ) the vilenesse of our corrupt natures , which are euer readie to conspire with Satan to our vtter perdition , & to swallow euery baite which he layeth for vs , without anie feare of danger ; so that wee haue no strēgth , more then thou reachest forth thine hand to helpe vs. Reueale vnto vs also the danger wee stand in frō thy glorious Maiesty , lest y u shouldest leaue vs vp vnto the power of the tempter , and our owne corruption ; to awake vs from our security , for our neglect of thy watch , & carelesse vsing the meanes of grace , or at least for tēpting thee , in not auoiding each occasion of temptatiō . Euen so Amen : Come Lord Iesus , come quicklie . OVr Father which art in heauen ] Oh Lord most holy and most glorious , whose brightnes the Angels are not able to behold , so terrible to all the vngodly , as they shall wish the mountaines to couer them , that they may neuer appeare in thy presence ; and yet a most gratious and tender Father to all thy children that desire to obey all thy Cōmandements : we that are but dust and ashes , and by nature through the fal of our first parents , children of wrath in state of damnatiō , bond-slaues of Satan , and most rebellious of all thy creatures , dare not presume of our selues , once to lift vp our eies to heauen ; yet neuertheles seeing it hath pleased thee of thy free mercie to adopt vs to be thy childrē by grace , through thy Son Iesus Christ , and hast chosen vs hereunto , bought vs with his precious blood , called vs by thy Gospel , sealed vs with thy Spirit , and giuen him to bee our perpetuall mediator at thy right hand , bidden vs to come to thee as to our tēder father , and call thee father through him ; oh deare Father wee present our selues before thy diuine Maiestie onely in his name , magnifying thy mercie that thou hast vouchsafed vs this blessed estate to be thy children , and to haue thy fauor , being the greatest happines that euer can befal mortal creatures . keywords: able; aboue; afraid; al thy; alwaies; angels; assurance; bee; better; blood; bread; calling; care; cause; chiefely; children; christ; church; comfort; conscience; corruption; creatures; crie; daily; danger; dauid; day; death; desire; destroy; doe; dutie; earth; enemies; estate; euen; euer; euerie; euill; faith; father; feare; fearefull; feeling; forgiue; frō; giue; glorie; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; good father; good lord; gospell; grace; gratious; great; greatest; grieuous; hand; hast; hath; haue; hauing; heads; hearts; heauenly; heauens; heires; helpe; himselfe; holy; honour; iesus; increase; instant; iudgement; keepe; kingdome; land; learne; leaue; life; like; liue; long; looke; lord; loue; maiestie; malice; meanes; men; mercie; moses; nature; obtaine; oft; onely; open; ouer; owne; pag; pardon; particular; peace; people; poore; power; practise; pray; prayer; preuaile; promises; protection; prouidence; raigne; religion; repentance; rest; right; saluation; satan; saue; sauiour; seeke; seeking; selues; sense; seruants; serue; set; shew; sinfull; sinnes; sins; sonne; sorts; soules; spirit; stand; strength; subiects; tcp; temptation; tender; text; thee; thē; thine; things; thou; thy; thy kingdome; time; true; truth; turne; vnder; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; vtter; vve; vvee; watch; way; wee; whatsoeuer; wicked; wilt; withall; world; wrath cache: A16881.xml plain text: A16881.txt item: #6 of 29 id: A19456 author: Covbridge, Cranmer. title: The ladder of hell, or, The Protestants libertine doctrine being the broad way which leadeth the followers of it to their eternall ruine and destruction in hell / set foorth in prose and verse. date: 1618 words: 3649 flesch: 77 summary: First , I finde that the Papists meane to make this short Ladder serue for an answer of many long discourses made by Protestant Ministers in bookes or Sermons , in which they obiect the ill liues of some Papists ; the which obiections the Papists doe retort more strongly against vs Protestants , who cannot deny , but that since the light of the new Gospell was by Luther brought into the world , men are ( as Luther himselfe coufessed ) more reuengeful , more conetous , more vnmercifull , more vnmodest and vnruly , and much worse then they were in Papistry ; the reason whereof ( say the Papists ) is for that the very doctrine it selfe of the new Gospellers , doth not onely not afford such effectuall restraints and remedies against sinne , as is in the ancient Catholike Religion , but also hath ( as appeareth by the steps of this Ladder ) diuers expresse principles , which doe plainly open the gappe to all licentious libertie of lewde life , far more then can bee imagined to bee done by any principles of the Papists doctrine . Thirdly , By this admirable Ladder , zealous Protestants may be deliuered from all inward remorse of conscience , & may come to that highest perfection of our new Gospell , which consisteth in a neglect of al conscience , the which cannot be attained on a sudden , but must be gained ( as Luther himselfe gained it ) by entering into a terrible conflict , and fighting against ones owne conscience ; the difficulty of which combate ariseth out of three heads . keywords: bee; books; caluin; cap; characters; christ; conscience; covbridge; cranmer; doctrine; early; eebo; english; eternall; faith; feare; fol; god; good; haue; hell; himselfe; holy; ladder; libertine; life; light; luther; neuer; new; online; pag; papists; phase; protestants; reason; religion; saluation; sect; set; sinnes; tcp; tei; text; themselues; true; vnto; wee; workes; zealous cache: A19456.xml plain text: A19456.txt item: #7 of 29 id: A19504 author: Cowper, William, 1568-1619. title: A preparatiue for the new Passeouer very profitable to be perused and read of all those who are called to the holy table of our Lord / by Maister William Cowper ... date: 1607 words: 27098 flesch: 71 summary: Gelasius : Comper●mus , quod quid●m sumpta tantūmodo cor●oris sacri portione , a calice sacrati cruoris ●bst meant : qui proculdubio , quoniam n●so●o qua superstitione docentur , astricti aut integra sacramenta percipi●nt , aut ab integris , ●reeantur ; quod diuisio vnius eiusdemque mystery sine grandi non sit sacrilegio . sixe hundred yeres agoe , is aboundantly performed ; that hee would giue the endes of the earth to his Son for a possessiō : Happie are they amōg vs , who shall be found of that number , sought out by the candle of the Gospell , as peeces of lost money , and like wandring Sheep taken out of the mouth of the Lyō , and giuē in a gift to Christ , that he may saue them : these are the redeemed of the Lord , let them praise the Lord ; and among them come yee in also , and giue glorie to God : take in your heart and mouth with Dauid , that Song of thanksgiuing : The lines ▪ are fa●●en vnto mee in pleasant places : and I haue a faire heritage . keywords: aboue; action; affections; againe; apostle; appeare; aske; backe; banquet; bee; better; betweene; blessed; blood; bodie; body; bread; brethren; brother; c ●; calleth; calling; cause; children; christ; christ iesus; christes; christian; comfort; commaund; communication; communion; contempt; content; cor; cowper; crosse; cup; d ●; daies; daily; danger; dauid; day; death; desire; disciples; disposition; doe; doth; drinke; earth; earthly; eate; eebo; eies; end; english; est; euen; euerie; euery; euill; examination; excellencie; excellent; excuse; eyes; faile; farre; father; fault; figure; fine; flesh; forgiue; found; frō; gaue; gen; gift; giue; glorie; god; gods; goe; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; h ●; hath; haue; hauing; head; hearts; heauenly; hee; heere; high; himselfe; holy; holy table; house; iesus; ignorance; institution; inward; iohn; ioy; iudas; iudgement; king; lambe; lawe; length; lesse; life; light; like; little; long; looke; lord; lord iesus; loue; luk; man; manner; marriage; mā; meanes; measure; meete; mercie; mercy; minde; miserable; moste; mother; mount; nature; neighbour; nere; neuer; new; non; o lord; olde; onely; order; owne; papists; passeouer; passion; people; place; point; poore; pope; pray; precept; preparation; prepared; profitable; psal; quod; r ●; ready; reason; receiue; refuse; rest; reuerence; rich; righteousnesse; rule; runne; sacrament; saith; saluation; sam; saue; sauiour; second; sect; seeke; selues; sence; set; shal; shold; sinfull; sinnes; sins; small; sonne; soule; speake; spirit; spirituall; sundrie; t ●; table; tcp; text; th ●; thee; themselues; therfore; thē; thing; thinges; thinke; thou; thy; time; tree; trie; true; tryall; tryed; vanitie; vnder; vnion; vnto; vpon; vse; waters; way; wee; wherin; whome; wicked; wil; william; willing; wilt; wine; word; worke; yea; yee; ● e; ● n; ● o; ● s; ● st; ● ● cache: A19504.xml plain text: A19504.txt item: #8 of 29 id: A30529 author: Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680. title: Another ballad called the libertines lampoone, or, The curvets of conscience to the tune of Thomas Varner, or 60 / written by the authour of the Geneva Ballad. date: 1674 words: 1440 flesch: 68 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 47726) keywords: ballad; books; characters; conscience; curvets; early; eebo; encoding; english; geneva; image; lampoone; libertines; online; oxford; partnership; phase; samuel; tcp; tei; text; thomas; xml cache: A30529.xml plain text: A30529.txt item: #9 of 29 id: A31806 author: Calamy, Benjamin, 1642-1686. title: A discourse about a scrupulous conscience preached at the parish-church of St. Mary Aldermanbury, London / by Benjamin Calamy ... date: 1683 words: 15207 flesch: 50 summary: Things not ordained by God , nor any part of Moses's Laws , but the rules and prescriptions of their Rabbies or Scribes ; observed , at least by the strictest part of the Jews , out of an Opinion that true purity of mind was to be obtain'd and preserved by such frequent washings . 3. A scrupulous Conscience is conversant about things in their own Nature indifferent , and it consists Either in strictly tying up our selves to some things which God hath no where commanded ; as the Pharisees made great Conscience of washing before they did eat , and abundance of other unnecessary Rites and Usages they had of Mens own inventing and devising , which they as religiously , nay more carefully observed than the indisputable Commands of God himself : Or in a conscientious abstaining from some things which are not forbid , nor any ways unlawful . keywords: actions; afraid; authority; benjamin; best; better; books; calamy; care; case; ceremonies; charity; christians; church; churches; circumstances; common; communion; concerned; conscience; desire; determined; discourse; divine; doth; doubts; duty; eebo; english; evil; faith; forbid; general; god; gods; good; governours; great; greater; greatest; hands; hath; holy; humane; indifferent; interest; judgment; kneeling; known; lawful; laws; like; little; love; man; matters; means; men; mind; ministers; nature; nay; necessary; need; new; occasion; opinion; order; parish; particular; peace; people; persons; pharisee; plain; popery; prayers; prescribed; present; private; publick; reason; religion; rites; rule; sacrament; satisfied; saviour; scripture; scruples; scrupulous; self; selves; sense; separate; service; set; sinful; stand; state; superiours; tcp; tender; text; things; tho; time; true; unlawful; use; way; words; world; worship cache: A31806.xml plain text: A31806.txt item: #10 of 29 id: A36902 author: Dunton, John, 1627 or 8-1676. title: An hue and cry after conscience, or, The pilgrims progress by candle-light in search after honesty and plain-dealing represented under the similitude of a dream ... / written by John Dunton ... date: 1685 words: 35974 flesch: 78 summary: ●hen after some wanton toying , they ●hus began to Dialogue . Together , With his flight at last into another Country , where he is ●●ill on his Rambles . keywords: account; acquaintance; advantage; age; answer; arms; bed; best; better; black; body; books; brother; business; call'd; candle; case; cast; catch; celestial; characters; city; company; conceit; conscience; corner; country; couple; cross; cry; dark; day; days; dead; dealing; death; dec; deceit; del; desire; desirous; det; dialogue; directions; disc; discourse; discovery; diss; dissimulation; distance; divers; door; dreadful; dream; dunton; e're; eebo; english; estate; eve; evil; extortion; eyes; eys; face; fair; fall; false; fancy; fate; father; fear; fellow; find; fine; fire; fit; flatt; flattery; following; folly; fortune; friend; garments; gentlemen; glad; gold; good; grave; great; grief; half; hand; hard; hast; head; heart; help; high; honesty; hop'd; hope; house; iel; ignorance; imaginations; imagine; inquiry; ins; john; joys; kind; knavery; knowledge; labour; land; large; late; lay; lead; leave; left; life; light; like; little; live; long; longer; lost; love; m ●; mad; making; man; manner; matter; means; med; men; methought; mind; mistaken; money; morning; mortal; names; nature; nay; near; needs; neighbours; new; noise; notice; number; o ●; old; opinion; opportunity; parents; parts; pass; past; pence; people; perceiving; person; piece; pilgrims; pinch; place; plain; pleasant; poor; power; pray; present; pretender; pride; profession; progress; purpose; queen; question; rate; ready; reason; region; rest; return; road; room; round; satisfied; scarce; search; second; secret; self; servant; set; sharp; shop; sighs; sir; slip; small; soul; stars; stay; stop; strange; street; sun; supposed; sure; talk; tcp; tell; text; th ●; things; think; thought; thy; time; tongues; town; trade; trick; trouble; true; truth; turn; understanding; vain; vice; vill; village; virtue; warrant; way; ways; whoo; wickedness; wings; wom; woman; wonder; works; world; worse; years; yess; young; youth; ● d; ● e; ● s; ● y; ● ● cache: A36902.xml plain text: A36902.txt item: #11 of 29 id: A40653 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: The cause and cure of a vvounded conscience by Tho. Fuller ... date: 1647 words: 22430 flesch: 79 summary: Y●…s , to teach us to pitty and pray for those that have afflicted Consciences , not like the wicked , * who persecute those whom God hath smitten , and talke to the griefe of such whom he hath wounded . In all other afflictions , man encountreth only with man , and in the worst temptations , only with Sathan , but in a wounded Conscience , he enters the Lists immediately with God himselfe . keywords: affliction; againe; agony; alwayes; answers; behold; best; better; betwixt; body; bound; broken; canst; cause; children; christ; comfort; comfortable; comming; committed; committing; company; conceive; condition; confesse; conscience; consolation; conversion; counsell; cure; daily; dangerous; david; day; dayes; death; despaire; dialogue; difference; disease; doe; dost; doth; english; evill; eyes; faith; fall; father; favour; feare; feet; free; fuller; future; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; grace; great; greater; griefe; guilty; hand; happy; hard; hath; heart; heaven; hell; himselfe; hitherto; hold; honour; humbled; issue; judgement; kings; lesse; life; like; little; long; lord; malady; man; manner; mans; mat; meanes; men; mercy; mind; minister; mouth; nature; need; new; objections; order; owne; paine; pardon; party; patient; paul; people; perchance; person; phil; place; pleased; pleasure; possible; power; prayers; present; principall; proceed; promises; psal; reason; repentance; salvation; sathan; scripture; second; seeke; selfe; servants; set; sick; sight; sinnes; sins; sir; sonne; sorrow; soule; spirit; spirituall; stone; subject; temptation; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; tim; time; troubled; true; use; vowes; water; way; whereof; wicked; words; worke; world; wounded; wounded conscience; yea cache: A40653.xml plain text: A40653.txt item: #12 of 29 id: A40662 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Good thoughts in bad times consisting of personall meditations, Scripture observations, historicall applications, mixt contemplations / by Thomas Fuller. date: 1645 words: 15609 flesch: 83 summary: Lord , THe Apostle saith to the * Corinthians , God will not suffer you to be tempted above what you are able . Lord , AT the first * Passeover , God kept touch with the Hebrews very Punctually : At the end of the four hundred and thirty yeers , in the self same day it came to passe , that all the Hosts of the Lord went out of the Land of Egypt . keywords: able; advantage; alwayes; apostle; applications; bad; badnesse; best; better; betwixt; blood; book; cause; child; children; christ; church; contemplations; daily; david; day; dayes; death; desire; devill; devotions; difference; doth; english; farre; father; fear; fire; friend; fuller; gen; god; gods; gold; good; goodnesse; grace; grant; great; ground; hand; hast; hath; heart; heaven; high; historicall; holy; home; hope; hour; impossible; iohn; king; left; lesse; life; like; little; long; lord; man; mans; mark; matth; measure; meditations; men; mercy; mind; mixt; morning; nature; new; notes; observations; old; onely; open; paper; pardon; passe; people; personall; pious; place; pleased; prayers; present; providence; psal; return; saint; saith; satan; saviour; scripture; second; self; set; shooes; sinnes; small; sonne; sorrow; soul; spirit; staffe; strength; sure; sword; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; thoughts; thy; time; true; voice; way; whil'st; words; work; world; xiii; yea; yeers cache: A40662.xml plain text: A40662.txt item: #13 of 29 id: A40668 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Good thoughts in worse times consisting of personall meditations, Scripture observations, meditations on the times, meditations on all kind of prayers, occasionall meditations / by Tho. Fuller ... date: 1647 words: 19588 flesch: 79 summary: THere goes a Tradition of Ovid , that fa●ous Poet ( receiving ●ome countenance from ●is owne co session * ) ●hat when his Father was ●bout to beate him , for ●ollowing the plea●ant , ●ut profitles●e study of ●etrie , he u● correct●on promiss'd his Father , ●ever more to make a ●erse , and made a Verse , ●n his very Promise . The Publican standing , Iob * ●ting , Hezeki●h , lying on his bed , * Eli●h with his face between his l●ggs . keywords: acts; againe; age; alwayes; answer; bad; bare; barren; bed; bee; best; better; betwixt; body; brother; cause; charity; children; christ; christian; church; common; confession; conscience; consideration; constant; corruption; country; courage; course; crown; custome; dangerous; david; day; dayes; dayly; dead; death; desire; devotion; div; doe; doth; earth; effect; elder; end; england; english; exod; extemporary; eyes; fall; false; family; fan; father; fault; feare; fire; flesh; fruit; fuller; gen; generall; glory; god; gods; good; grace; grant; great; greater; ground; hand; hast; hath; having; head; hearing; heart; heaven; heavenly; hee; higher; himselfe; hold; holy; home; hope; house; hurt; ill; instant; iob; john; judgement; justice; kind; king; land; large; late; lawfull; lesse; liberty; life; like; line; little; london; long; lord; love; making; man; manner; mans; marke; master; meanes; meditations; mee; men; mens; mercy; mother; nature; new; night; non; notes; observations; old; onely; ones; owne; papists; pardon; parents; party; paul; peace; people; perchance; personall; piety; places; pleased; poore; power; practice; prayers; precept; present; proper; protestants; psal; ready; reason; roman; sad; saint; sam; satan; saul; saviour; scripture; sea; seemes; selfe; sense; sensible; set; ship; short; sicknesse; sinne; sonnes; sorrow; soule; spirit; stand; strange; strong; text; thou; thoughts; thy; time; tongue; tree; true; use; vaine; valour; verse; viii; vvhen; want; water; wee; wicked; word; worse; wound; xii; yea; yeares; young cache: A40668.xml plain text: A40668.txt item: #14 of 29 id: A41128 author: Fenner, William, 1600-1640. title: The souls looking-glasse, lively representing its estate before God with a treatise of conscience : wherein the definitions and distinctions thereof are unfolded, and severall cases resolved / by ... William Fenner ... date: 1643 words: 64362 flesch: 80 summary: God knoweth how many of them have condemning consciences in their bosomes , for all their civilities , and formalities , and crying God mercie , and patched up hopes ; many who would say that man were uncharitable who should condemne them for such and such , who ( it may be ) find conscience within so uncharitable , and saying plainly , Ye are so ; like the conscience of Pauls heretick , who is said to be condemned of himself . The souls looking-glasse, lively representing its estate before God with a treatise of conscience : wherein the definitions and distinctions thereof are unfolded, and severall cases resolved / by ... keywords: able; actions; affections; alwayes; answer; apostle; arguments; assurance; authoritie; bad; bad conscience; baptisme; beareth; bearing; beloved; best; better; bindeth conscience; blessing; blind; bloud; bond; book; bosome; brother; calleth; care; carnall; cause; certain; children; christ; church; cometh; comfort; commandeth; commandment; condemne; confesse; conscience; conscience ariseth; conscience interlineth; conscience speaketh; conscience telleth; contrarie; contrary; cor; counsel; course; covenant; creature; damnation; david; day; dead; death; desire; difference; doth; doubteth; doubting conscience; duties; duty; earth; enquire; erroneous conscience; estate; evil conscience; example; eye; eyes; face; faithfull conscience; fall; false; farre; fear; fit; flesh; foure; free; friends; giveth; god; god doth; godly; gods; gods law; gods word; good conscience; good estate; goodnesse; gospel; grace; great; greater; hath; having; heart; heaven; heed; hell; hold; holy; hope; humbled; ignorant; iii; illightened conscience; importunate; infirm conscience; jesus; job; john; joy; judgement; kings; knowledge; labour; law; laws; let; liberty; life; light; like; little; long; lord; lord god; love; luke; lusts; magistrates; man; manner; mans conscience; mark; matth; mean; men; mens; mind; ministers; naturall; nature; nay; necessary; need; obedience; office; onely; outward; pardon; particular; passe; paul; peace; people; point; power; preacher; present; proposition; prov; psal; question; quiet conscience; reason; regard; regenerate; relation; repentance; return; righteousnesse; rom; rule; saith conscience; sake; salvation; sam; scrupulous conscience; second; self; selves; servant; sinne; sleepy conscience; soul; spirit; spirituall; standeth; sudden; supreme; sure; tcp; tender conscience; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; thy conscience; time; troubled conscience; true; true peace; truth; unfaithfull; unlawfull; unlesse; upright; use; vain; vow; vows; vse; vve; vvhat; vvhen conscience; wait; walk; want; way; weak conscience; wicked; wicked man; wilt; witnesse; word; work; wrath; yea cache: A41128.xml plain text: A41128.txt item: #15 of 29 id: A45158 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: Cases of conscience practically resolved containing a decision of the principall cases of conscience of daily concernment and continual use amongst men : very necessary for their information and direction in these evil times / by Jos. Hall. date: 1654 words: 64623 flesch: 49 summary: Submit your selves to every Ordinance of man for the Lords sake ; and therefore should be convinced in themselves , of that awe , and duty , which they ow to Soveraignty , and know and resolve to obey God in men , and men for God. In all lawfull marriages , it is God that joyns the hands and hearts of the Married . How dare man then undoe the work of God upon devises of his own ? Had the Lord ever said , If thy wife be a wilfull mis-beleever , rid thy hands of her ; this separation were just ; but now that his charge is clean contrary , what an impious sauciness is it to dis-joyn those whom God hath united ? As therefore , it is not in the power of any third person , upon any whatsoever pretence , violently to break the sacred bond of Marriage ; so neither may the husband or wife enthral each other by a wilfull desertion ; whether upon pretext of religion , or any secular occasion ; In which cause what is to be don must come under a further disquisition ; Certainly it was never the intention of the holy and wise God , by vertue of that which was ordained for mans comfort and remedy of sin , to binde him to a remedilesse misery ; which must necessarily fall out , if upon the departure of an unbeleeving or hereticall yoke-fellow , the relict party must be tyed up to a perpetuall necessity of either containing , ( if he can ) or , if he can not , of burning ; The wise Doctor of the Gentiles well fore-saw the dangerous inconvenience that must needs hereupon ensue , and hath given order for prevention , accordingly . keywords: abortion; absolute; accusation; accuser; act; actions; acts; adultery; advantage; affections; affinity; againe; almighty; angels; answer; apostle; apparent; apt; aunt; authority; authors; bargaine; bee; benefit; best; better; betwixt; blessed; blood; body; bond; brother; businesse; buyer; canon; capable; care; case; casuists; causes; censure; certaine; challenge; charge; charity; child; children; choice; christian; church; churches; circumstances; city; civill; cleare; close; comfort; command; committed; commodities; commodity; common; condition; confession; conscience; consent; consideration; contract; contrary; course; creature; crime; cruell; damnable; danger; dangerous; daughter; david; day; dayes; dead; deadly; death; decade; defence; degrees; desire; determined; difference; discourse; discovery; disposition; divers; divine; divorce; doctors; doctrine; doe; doth; double; doubt; doubtlesse; drawne; dub; duty; early; earth; easie; edition; eebo; english; escape; estate; evidence; evill; example; excuse; experience; expresse; extremity; faithfull; false; fame; famous; farre; father; faulty; feare; finding; fit; flesh; follow; force; fornication; foul; foundation; fourth; fraud; free; friends; gen; generall; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; ground; guilty; hainous; hand; happy; hard; hath; hazard; head; heart; heaven; hee; hell; heresie; higher; himselfe; hold; holy; honest; honour; horrible; house; humane; husband; ignorant; iii; incest; incestuous; infinite; injurious; injury; injustice; innocence; innocent; instance; intended; intention; interest; interpretation; israel; issue; jesus; john; judge; judgement; jure; justice; kenaz; kind; knowes; knowledge; known; labour; large; late; law; lawes; lawfull; lay; learned; leave; legall; lesse; lessius; liberty; life; like; little; living; loane; long; loose; lord; love; maintenance; making; man; mans; market; marriage; married; match; matches; matrimony; matter; meanes; meere; meet; men; mention; mercy; ministers; mis; money; mother; mouth; nakednesse; nations; naturall; nature; necessary; necessity; neece; need; neglect; neighbour; new; notice; oath; obedience; obligation; occasion; offence; office; onely; open; opinion; oppression; order; ordinary; othniel; ought; owne; parents; particular; parties; party; passe; paul; payment; penitent; people; performance; perpetuall; persons; place; pleased; pleasure; point; poore; power; practise; precious; present; preservation; pretence; pretended; prevention; price; princes; prisoner; private; proceedings; professed; profit; prohibition; promise; proportion; publique; punishment; purpose; quality; quarrell; question; ready; reason; regard; relation; religion; remedy; repentance; requisite; resolution; respect; restitution; right; rome; romish; rule; run; sacred; safe; said; saith; sale; sam; satisfaction; saviour; scripture; scruple; second; secret; seeme; seller; selves; sense; sentence; separation; service; set; severall; shame; short; sin; sinfull; sinne; sins; sister; sleight; small; society; solomon; som; soule; spirits; spirituall; strange; subject; substance; sufficient; summe; sure; sword; table; tcp; tender; termes; text; thee; therfore; things; thinke; thou; thoughts; thy; time; trade; true; trust; truth; uncle; universall; unjust; unlawfull; use; usefull; utter; vii; viii; void; voluntary; vow; vowes; vulgar; want; wares; warrant; way; wee; whatsoever; whereof; whereto; wherewith; whiles; wicked; wife; willing; wise; wish; withall; witnesses; wives; woman; wonder; words; work; world; worst; worthy; wrong; yea cache: A45158.xml plain text: A45158.txt item: #16 of 29 id: A45417 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: Of conscience by H. Hammond. date: 1645 words: 19123 flesch: 42 summary: [ the mind and conscience are defiled ] meaning distinctly this , that this errour in mens judgements , ( which is the defiling of their mind ) carryes Un-Christian practice along with it , ( which is the defiling of the practicall faculty ) this Judaicall mistake in th●●r understanding is attended with Judaizing actions in their lives ; the former apportioned to the {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , the false Judaicall doctrines , which relate to {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} the mind , the second to the {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , the commands of men perverting the truth , v. 14. which relate to the {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , the Conscience . This is thank-worthy , if {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , for Conscience of God a man suffer griefe , &c. i. e. if for this obedientiall practicall knowledge of God ( this knowledge of truth attended with a resolution not to disobey God , though it cost a man never so deare ) he suffer g●iefe , &c. § . keywords: abstaine; act; actions; acts; adde; againe; case; christ; christian; church; command; commission; conscience; continued; contrary; conversation; cor; course; danger; death; degree; deliberate; desire; difficulty; doe; doth; duty; end; errour; farther; finall; flesh; generall; ghost; god; gods; good; good conscience; gospel; grace; great; ground; guilt; habit; hath; having; heb; holy; hope; indifferent; justification; kind; knowledge; law; lawes; lawfull; life; like; manner; matter; meanes; men; mercy; mind; naturall; nature; necessary; non; notion; obedience; onely; owne; pardon; particular; pet; phrase; place; practicall; practice; present; proper; proposition; punishment; pure; purpose; reason; reconcileable; regenerate; repentance; resolution; roman; rule; saint; saith; sanctification; satan; scripture; second; selfe; set; single; sinne; sins; soule; spirit; state; subject; sufficient; sure; taking; text; thing; thirdly; thought; time; totall; truth; unlawfull; use; verse; way; weaknesse; word cache: A45417.xml plain text: A45417.txt item: #17 of 29 id: A45470 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: Tracts date: 1645 words: 20186 flesch: 32 summary: [ the mind and conscience are defiled ] meaning distinctly this , that this errour in mens judgements , ( which is the defiling of their mind ) carryes Un-Christian practice along with it , ( which is the defiling of the practicall faculty ) this Judaicall mistake in their understanding is attended with Judaizing actions in their lives , the former apportioned to the {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , the false Judaicall doctrines , which relate to {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} the mind , the second to the {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , the commands of men perverting the truth , v. 14. which relate to the {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} the Conscience . This is thank-worthy , if {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , for Conscience of God a man suffer griese , &c. i. e. if for this obedientiall practicall knowledge of God ( this knowledge of truth attended with a resolution not to disobey God , though it cost a man never so deare ) he suffer g●iefe , &c. § 6 This being premised , there is but one thing more to be added to this matter , and it is this ; That we take no●ice of the severall wayes of aspect that Conscience hath upon practice ; One forward in the direct line , another backward , or by way of reflection ; which are ordinarily exprest by the double office of Conscience , 1. as a cust●s or monitor , advising and instructing and keeping us to our duty ; 2. as a witnesse testifying to our selves and to God what we have done ; which is in plainer termes no more but this , That there are two sorts of Conscience ; 1. keywords: abstaine; act; actions; acts; adde; againe; case; christ; christian; church; cleare; command; commission; conscience; continued; contrary; conversation; cor; course; danger; death; degree; deliberate; desire; difficulty; direct; doe; doth; duty; effect; end; endeavour; errour; faithfull; false; farther; finall; flesh; generall; ghost; god; gods; good; good conscience; gospel; grace; great; ground; guilt; habit; hath; having; heb; holy; hope; indifferent; justification; kind; knowledge; law; lawes; lawfull; life; like; long; manner; mans; matter; meanes; men; mercy; mind; naturall; nature; necessary; non; notion; obedience; onely; owne; pardon; particular; pet; phrase; place; practicall; practice; present; proper; proposition; punishment; pure; purpose; reason; reconcileable; regenerate; religion; repentance; resolution; roman; rule; saint; saith; sanctification; satan; scripture; second; selfe; selves; set; single; sinne; sins; soule; speciall; spirit; state; subject; sufficient; sure; taking; text; thing; thirdly; thought; time; totall; truth; unlawfull; use; verse; way; weaknesse; word cache: A45470.xml plain text: A45470.txt item: #18 of 29 id: A46895 author: Jackson, John. title: The booke of conscience opened and read in a sermon preached at the Spittle on Easter-Tuesday, being April 12, 1642 / by John Jackson. date: 1642 words: 16061 flesch: 71 summary: Whosoever then understands these three Greeke words , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , and {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} or these three Latine words , Lex , Index and Judex , or these three English words , a Law , a Witnesse , a Judge , is in a good way of proficiencie , to understand the nature and essence of Conscience : for in the execution of these three acts Conscience officiateth , and dispatches its whole duty . And these principles being preserved and kept in the Conscience , they are as Land-marks to her to saile by , and as a law to her to live by ; in which regard this first act of Conscience is by the Greekes called {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , that is , the records or conservation of right . keywords: able; acts; almes; answer; application; best; better; bird; body; booke; bread; cases; cause; certaine; chap; charge; christ; christian; city; comfort; condemne; conscience; consolations; continuall; cor; day; death; divine; divinity; doe; doth; easter; end; english; eternity; evill; example; excellencie; exercise; eyes; fact; faith; fault; feare; feast; feed; fire; force; fourthly; generall; god; gods; good conscience; goodnesse; grace; great; greater; hand; hath; having; heart; heaven; heb; hell; himselfe; holy; hospitall; humane; hungry; infinite; inward; jackson; john; joy; judge; judgement; jus; king; law; lawes; lesse; life; like; little; long; lord; love; mans; matter; men; merry; millies; naile; naturall; nature; necessary; new; non; number; owne; particular; paul; peace; person; point; poore; present; proper; prov; punishment; pure; question; reason; regard; rest; right; roman; rule; saint; satisfaction; scripture; second; selfe; selves; sentence; sermon; set; severall; short; sin; sinne; small; soul; speake; spirituall; spittle; stone; strong; sufficient; sweet; text; things; thou; thy; time; title; trouble; true; truth; use; ver; vertue; wall; way; wicked; witnesse; word; work; worme; yea; yeeres; ● ● cache: A46895.xml plain text: A46895.txt item: #19 of 29 id: A46992 author: Jole, William, d. ca. 1702. title: Comfortable words to afflicted consciences together with a short advice to ministers how to handle them : and also Mansio Christiana, or, The Christians mansion-house, being a sermon preached on the Lords-day, 7th Feb., Anno Dom. 1668 at the funeral of Mrs. Martha Walmisley, the wife of Mr. Charles Walmisley, minister of Chesham magna in the county of Bucks / by William Jole ... date: 1671 words: 21922 flesch: 68 summary: I look upon my condition as d●sperate as one that is condemned to eternal darkn●ss , as if my name were ent●●● among that cursed crue already , as if I were ready to drop into ●●at deep and bottomless pi● of darkne●s ; and so the 7 th . All that are brought into Heaven at last , are brought near Hell-gates at first ; I do not mean all universally , but generally , the greatest part of those that are saved , apprehend themselves for a time to be damned ; the Spi●i● of Bondage worketh fear and horror ; A malefac●or , whose Conscience within , and the Witnesses without , convince of Murder , when he h●ars the Sentence passed against him , and sees the Fetters on his legs , and himself thrust into the Dungeon , he knows that Execution follows ; what fear and horror must needs seize on such a condenmed person , ( unless he be a despera●e Rogue ? ) That poor Soul that is convinced of Murdering the Lord of Life , and of many thousand Sins against God , and heareth his Sentence of condemna ion read out of the word of God , and sees the Fetters on its Soul , ( namely the terror of Consc●ence , ) and Satan standingready to to●ment him , & finds himself already in danger of despair , what fear and horror must needs surprize such a poor Soul ? this is that which makes so many under the Spirit of Bondage , to fear that God will cast them off for ever , and to complain as though they were in Hell already . keywords: able; advice; answer; better; blind; bondage; books; broken; cause; chap; chief; children; christ; christians; church; comfortable; complain; condition; conscience; conversion; cry; cure; damned; dangerous; david; day; deal; death; despair; despairing; devil; die; doctrine; doth; dwell; dwelling; earth; earthly; eebo; end; english; eye; eyes; faith; father; fear; fit; free; gen; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; hand; hath; hearted; heaven; heavenly; hell; high; home; hope; house; iohn; israel; jesus; jesus christ; kingdom; land; law; life; like; little; long; lord; lost; love; man; mansions; matter; men; mercy; mind; ministers; nature; need; pardon; pattern; paul; person; peter; place; poor; power; pray; prepared; promises; psalm; ready; reason; repentance; righteousness; room; saints; satan; saviour; scripture; self; sermon; set; shew; sight; sign; sin; sinners; sins; sorrow; soul; spirit; sure; tcp; tears; text; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; troubled; true; unbelief; ver; voice; walmisley; way; welcom; words; work; world; wrath; ● ● cache: A46992.xml plain text: A46992.txt item: #20 of 29 id: A53712 author: Owen, John, 1616-1683. title: The nature, power, deceit, and prevalency of the remainders of indwelling-sin in believers together with the wayes of its working and means of prevention opened, evinced, and applyed with a resolution of sundry cases of conscience thereunto appertaining. date: 1675 words: 88568 flesch: 71 summary: But it is one thing for a man to know in general , that there is a Law of Sin : Another thing for a man to have an experience of the power of this Law of sin in himself . Adam had a Law of sin proposed to him in his temptation , but because he had no Law of Sin inbred and working in him , he might have withstood it . keywords: able; account; actings; actions; acts; actual sin; advantage; affections; alwayes; answer; apostle; attendance; aversation; bear; beauty; beginning; believers; best; blessed; blood; body; bringing; calls; captive; care; carnal; case; chap; children; christ; close; coming; common; communion; conception; condition; conscience; consent; consideration; constant; contrary; convictions; corrupt; corruption; course; creatures; cross; cut; danger; darkness; david; day; deal; dealing; death; decay; deceit; deceitfulness; deceived; declared; degrees; delight; deliverance; design; destruction; diligence; discovery; doctrine; dominion; doth; doth god; duties; duty; earth; effects; effectual; efficacy; end; endeavours; ends; enemy; enmity; entangled; especial; eternal; evidence; evil; exceeding; experience; eyes; faith; fall; false; farther; fear; fire; fixed; flesh; folly; foolish; force; forth; frame; free; fruit; gal; general; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; great sin; ground; guilt; habitual; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; heed; hold; holiness; holy; hope; imagination; inclination; indwelling; indwelling sin; influence; instance; inward; isa; jesus; kind; know; knowledge; labour; large; law; lead; leaves; liberty; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; look; lord; love; lusts; lyes; madness; man; manner; matter; means; men; mercy; mind; moral; natural; nature; need; neglect; new; obedience; object; oftentimes; old; open; operations; opposition; outward; pardon; particular; particular sin; peculiar; people; performance; persons; pet; place; pleasures; poor; power; powerful; prayer; present; prevail; prevailing; prevalency; principal; principle; private; profession; professors; progress; promises; proper; prophet; providence; psal; purpose; pursuit; rage; ready; reasonings; reference; relief; respect; rest; righteousness; rom; root; ruine; rule; saints; satan; satisfaction; saviour; scripture; season; seat; secret; self; selves; sense; set; sets; shew; shewed; short; sin; sin doth; sin hath; sinners; sinning; sins; soul; spirit; spiritual; springs; state; stop; strength; strong; subject; success; suitable; sundry; supplies; taking; temptation; things; thoughts; thy; time; true; truth; universal; unto; use; utmost; vain; verse; vigorous; violence; walking; watch; watchfulness; way; wayes; weak; weariness; weary; whereof; whilest; wisdom; wise; work; working; world; worship; wrath; wrought; yea cache: A53712.xml plain text: A53712.txt item: #21 of 29 id: A58783 author: Scott, John, 1639-1695. title: Certain cases of conscience resolved concerning the lawfulness of joyning with forms of prayer in publick worship. Part I ... date: 1683 words: 19107 flesch: 10 summary: ONE of the main Points which our dissenting Brethren insist on to justifie their Separation from our Church , is , That our Publick Worship is perform'd in a Form of Words of Man's Invention ; which , they conceive , is unlawful ; for hereby , say some of them , the Holy Spirit , who inspires our Prayer , is stinted and limited , and hereby the Gift of Prayer , say others , which the Holy Spirit communicates to Ministers , to inable them to express the Devotions of their Congregations to God , is rendred useless ; and not only so , but even the Devotions of the Congregation too are mightily deaden'd , by being continually express'd in the same form of words : besides , that the wants of Christians being various , casual , and emergent , cannot be so fully represented in a fixt Form , as in conceiv'd Prayers , which upon the account of their variation in Expressions , may be the better extended to the continual variations of Mens cases and circumstances : besides all which , say they , we have no warrant for the use of Forms , either in Scripture , or pure Antiquity ; and if we had , yet an universal imposition of them , can by no means be lawfully compli'd with : this , according to the best recollection I can make , is the sum of what our Brethren urge against the lawfulness of joyning with us in a stated Liturgy , or Form of Publick Worship : and therefore , in order to the satisfying their Consciences in this matter , I shall reduce their whole Plea to these following Cases , and indeavour a plain and clear resolution of them . But then , 2. It is pretended that conceiv'd Prayer is in it self more apt to fix the Ministers attention in Prayer than Forms , because in conceiv'd Prayer he utters his words immediately from his affections , by reason of which his thoughts have not that scope to wander , as when he reads them out of a Book : to which , in short , I answer , That if he hath devout affections , he may utter his words as immediately from his affections in a Form , as in a conceiv'd Prayer ; and therefore this pretence is altogether insignificant ; for his own invention is as much a medium between his affections and utterance in Praying extempore , as the Book in praying by a Form ; as for instance , suppose that in confessing sin , he be affected with shame and sorrow , he cannot express it in words , but by using his own invention , or a Form , and whether he uses one , or t'other , he uses a medium to express it ; and why those words which he reads should not be as immediate to his affections as those which he invents , provided they do as fully express them , I am not able to apprehend ; in short therefore , if he hath devout affections , they will at least as much confine his thoughts from wandering when he prays by Form , as when he prays Extempore , if he hath not , he cannot utter his words from his affections , either in the one or t'other . keywords: ability; able; acts; advantage; affected; affections; answer; apt; attention; brethren; case; certain; church; common; composure; conceiv'd; congregation; contrary; devotion; devout; divine; doth; end; excite; experience; expressions; exprest; extemporary; extempore; extempore prayer; extraordinary; fancy; far; father; forms; gift; god; good; great; hand; hath; holy; immediate; inspiration; inspired; invention; joyn; man; matter; men; mens; minds; ministers; natural; necessary; need; new; particular; peculiar; people; phrase; plain; prayer; present; promise; publick; publick forms; publick prayer; purposes; reading; reason; resolution; scripture; sense; short; sign; soul; spirit; tcp; temper; text; things; thoughts; times; true; use; viz; way; words; world; worship cache: A58783.xml plain text: A58783.txt item: #22 of 29 id: A59544 author: Sharp, John, 1645-1714. title: A discourse concerning conscience wherein an account is given of the nature and rule and obligation of it : and the case of those who separate from the communion of the Church of England as by law established, upon this pretence, that it is against their conscience to join in it, is stated and discussed. date: 1684 words: 20094 flesch: 54 summary: Now the will of God is declared to Men two ways ; either by Nature , or by Revelation ; so that the just , and , adequate Rule of Conscience is made up of two parts the Law of Nature , and Gods Revealed Law. Now as to this , our Answer is , that though the Laws of God be the great , and indeed the only Rule of Conscience , yet the Laws of Men , generally speaking , do also bind the Conscience , and are a part of its Rule in a Secondary Sense , that is , by Vertue of , and in Subordination to the Laws of God. keywords: account; acting; actions; answer; authority; case; christ; christian; church; circumstances; commands; communion; concerned; conscience; contrary; convinced; doth; duty; established; evil; false; forbidden; general; god; gods; gods law; good; good conscience; governours; great; guilty; hath; humane; idolatry; iesus; indifferent; instance; joyn; judgment; law; lawfulness; laws; man; mans; matter; mean; mistake; nature; nay; obedience; obligation; opinion; order; particular; perswasion; place; point; power; principles; publick; reason; religion; right; rule; schism; self; sense; separate; separation; sin; sins; tcp; text; things; time; true; unlawful; use; way; word; worship cache: A59544.xml plain text: A59544.txt item: #23 of 29 id: A60631 author: Smith, William, d. 1673. title: A few plain words concerning conformity in matter of religion and worship and also concerning evidence and judgment in cases of conscience : published to all magistrates, juror's and people, within the nation of England. date: 1664 words: 4581 flesch: 47 summary: Now it may be in such Cases , you may have some Evidence that will prove a Meeting above the number of five besides the Family , but then consider whether such Evidence be sufficient to prove any people offenders against the said Act , except it be also proved , that there was discord and strife , or any ill things practised in such a Meeting , which is the very signification of the words upon which the said Act is grounded ; now if no such thing can be proved unto you , then there is not any Meeting that doth amount to transgression against the said Act , though there be a Meeting to the number of five hundred or more ; for it is the thing done that makes the Fact , but if no such thing as before-mentioned be done in the Assemblies of people in the way wherein they worship , then the Act is not transgressed , and if not transgressed , then such as meets together are not to be punished as offendors : therefore consider well your places , for your service stands in judging the Fact according to your Evidence ; but wherein any case of Conscience is brought before you , there can no Evidence prove the matter truly to you , and therefore you are to leave it unto God , and to his Witness in the Conscience , and by your Verdict to acquit all People in things relating to their Conscience , and let them account unto God before whom they must stand or fall . And now if any should have it in their mindes to inform and give Evidence in the case aforesaid , I ask you , what you will inform touching the Quakers Meetings , will you Inform that there was a Meeting of five besides the Family ; and will you say that you will give Evidence of it , you shall not need for we confesse it ; but will you inform that there was strife and discord amongst them , or any ill thing in action , or any apperance of rising in armes , and so a Seditious Conventicle , according to the Act ? if you say nay , we cannot give such Information in the truth , nor we dare not give Evidence to any such thing ; it may be that some may be thus honest , and it may be some again , that will not fear to inform , and evidence the matter by the Act intended , though they neither see not know that so it is amongst such against whom they Inform ; and therefore , as to the first , that honestly confesseth the truth , there needs not any thing be said , being their own confession clears us ; but unto such as wilfully and obstinately resolve to do us harm , if it be in their power ; unto such we say , that your Information and evidence is not to be regarded by sober Magistrates or Jurors ; for our practice is so generally known , that it will be apparently manifest to be envy and malice , where any such Iuformation of Evidence is given against us . keywords: act; best; case; church; conscience; doth; eebo; england; english; evidence; fact; god; good; ill; inform; law; love; lyturgie; matter; meeting; nation; offence; order; people; publick; quakers; religion; said; service; spirit; tcp; text; thing; true; worship cache: A60631.xml plain text: A60631.txt item: #24 of 29 id: A61830 author: Sanderson, Robert, 1587-1663. title: Eight cases of conscience occasionally determined by the late Reverend Father in God, Robert Sanderson, Lord Bishop of Lincoln. date: 1674 words: 32560 flesch: 48 summary: ●●at the War was in a manner wholly ordered ●y their directions , witness the great power ●hat Ruthen , V●rey , King , Meldram , &c. ●ad in the Armies on either side . But — Praestat de Carthagine tacere quàm pauca dicere , far be it from me to ●pinion the wings of his Fame , with any rude Letters of Commendation ; or , by way of precarious Pedantry , to court any man into a belief of his worth , since that were to attempt Iliads after Homer , and spoil a Piece done already to the life by his own Pencil , the works whereof do sufficiently praise him in the gates All I aim at is , to commend and promote your pious intention , to give the world security , by making these Papers publick , that they shall never hereafter stand in need of any other hand to snatch them out of the fire , a doom ( you say ) once written upon them . keywords: act; actions; acts; advantage; affairs; affection; allegiance; answer; assurance; authority; beginning; belongeth; better; bindeth; binding; bond; business; calling; case; certain; charity; children; choice; christian; church; circumstances; cometh; commandment; common; conceive; condition; conscience; consent; consideration; construction; continuance; continued; contrary; daughter; day; death; declared; desire; difference; disobedience; divine; doth; duty; eebo; end; engagement; england; english; evil; example; exercise; expedient; express; faith; father; fit; force; fourth; free; friend; general; gentlewoman; glory; god; good; great; greater; guilty; hand; hath; honour; house; husband; ibid; imployment; intention; iudge; iustice; judgment; jure; juris; kind; king; late; law; lawfulness; laws; lest; liberty; life; like; little; long; lord's; love; maintenance; making; man; manner; marriage; matter; meaning; means; measure; men; mercy; mind; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; oath; obligation; obliquity; occasions; office; opinion; ordinary; parents; particular; parties; party; peace; performance; person; point; power; present; princes; private; profession; promise; proper; publick; purpose; question; rash; reason; relation; religion; resolution; respect; rest; right; rule; sabbath; said; satisfaction; scandal; second; sect; self; sense; sentence; service; set; sinful; sins; sort; souldier; sovereign; speech; state; subject; sufficient; sundry; tcp; text; thereunto; thing; time; true; truth; understanding; unjust; unlawful; use; viz; void; vow; vows; war; warrant; wars; way; whatsoever; whereof; wife; wisdom; words; work; world; ● ● cache: A61830.xml plain text: A61830.txt item: #25 of 29 id: A61865 author: Stubbes, Henry, 1606?-1678. title: Conscience the best friend upon earth: or, The happy effects of keeping a good conscience Very useful for this age. By Henry Stubbes, Minister of the Gospel. date: 1677 words: 18080 flesch: 81 summary: Now , Conscience , tell h●● the truth ; say to him , Thou drawest ●igh to God with thy lips , but thy Heart is far from him . This is called Conscience 〈◊〉 It is called Conscience some think ●●cause it is a Knowledge with oth●● Pray observe God knows , Angels know , Devils know , Men know , and all these witness , and Conscience knows and witnesseth with them . keywords: actions; angels; asleep; bearing; canst; care; cause; christ; conscience; cor; david; day; direction; doth; drink; earth; eebo; end; english; evil; eyes; flesh; glory; god; gods; good; good conscience; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heb; heed; holy; imployed; jesus; job; judas; law; like; long; lord; luke; man; mans; mat; men; new; notice; observe; occasion; office; paul; poor; power; pray; prov; psal; quiet; reader; reason; repentance; reproach; rom; rule; saith; self; selves; set; shew; sight; sin; sins; sirs; soul; spirit; sure; tcp; testimony; text; thee; thing; thou; thoughts; thy; time; true; truth; voice; walk; way; wilt; witness; woman; word; work; ● ● cache: A61865.xml plain text: A61865.txt item: #26 of 29 id: A61980 author: Sanderson, Robert, 1587-1663. title: Nine cases of conscience occasionally determined by Robert Sanderson. date: 1678 words: 39428 flesch: 45 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: act; action; advantage; affairs; affection; aforesaid; allegiance; answer; arms; assurance; authority; beginning; best; better; bindeth; bond; book; brother; business; calling; capable; case; certain; charity; children; choice; christian; church; circumstances; cometh; commandment; common; conceive; condition; conscience; consent; consideration; construction; continued; contrary; country; danger; daughter; day; death; declared; desire; difference; disobedience; doth; duty; effect; end; engagement; england; english; established; evil; example; exercise; expedient; faith; father; fit; force; form; fourth; free; friend; general; gentlewoman; giver; giving; glory; god; good; great; greater; guilty; hand; hath; holy; honour; house; husband; ill; imployment; intention; judge; judgment; jure; juris; justice; kind; king; late; law; laws; leave; liberty; life; like; little; liturgy; long; lord; lord's; making; man; manner; marriage; matter; meaning; means; measure; men; mercy; mind; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; oath; objection; obligation; observation; occasions; office; old; opinion; order; ordinary; parents; particular; parties; party; peace; people; performance; person; point; power; practice; prayer; present; preservation; princes; private; profession; promise; proper; public; purpose; question; rash; reason; reasonable; received; relation; religion; resolution; respect; rest; right; rule; sabbath; said; satisfaction; scandal; second; sect; self; sense; sentence; service; set; sin; sinful; sins; sort; souldier; soveraign; speech; state; subject; substance; sufficient; sundry; tcp; text; thereunto; thing; thought; time; true; truth; understanding; unjust; unlawful; use; viz; void; vow; war; warrant; wars; way; ways; whatsoever; whereof; wife; words; work; world; yea cache: A61980.xml plain text: A61980.txt item: #27 of 29 id: A67215 author: Walker, Henry, Ironmonger. title: The heavenly guide to true peace of conscience Wherein is observed in a most plaine and comfortable manner, 1. What conscience is. 2. What a miserable thing an evill conscience is. 3. What an happinesse a good conscience is. 4. How the estate of conscience is truly discerned. 5. The meanes to procure a good conscience. By H.V.V.I. date: 1641 words: 2633 flesch: 77 summary: 2 Conscience is an act of apprehending the revealed will of God : it is not of the apprehension of mans will : it is not having an eye to profit , or pleasure , or favour ; no , Conscience is an act proceeding from the revealed will of God , which being fully comforted with the assurance of the pardon of sin from God , is fully satisfied . Secondly , the happinesse and comforts are great also , that the conscience findes in its union with Christ ; by which union the soule is knit to Christ , and Christ is united to the soule , and both made one , as Christ is one with God the Father , and man who is naturally ( by sin ) the heire of hell , is made by Christ , a joynt heire of heaven , a sonne of God , a member of Christ by a glorious union with him . keywords: bee; christ; comfort; conscience; english; estate; eternall; evill; evill conscience; feares; god; gods; good; good conscience; great; happinesse; heavenly; hell; man; manner; mans; miserable; peace; reason; spirit; text; thing; true; woes cache: A67215.xml plain text: A67215.txt item: #28 of 29 id: A91988 author: Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. title: The picture of the conscience drawne to the life, by the pencell of divine truth. VVherein are set out 1. Its nature. 2. Infirmities. 3. Remedies. 4. Its duties. Consisting first in the truths to be beleived [sic]. 2. The vertues to be practised. 3. The vices to bee avoyded. 4. The heresies to bee rejected. All seasonable for these distracted times. By Alexander Rosse. date: 1646 words: 24213 flesch: 59 summary: These wait upon the Throne of God , & are imployed by him to comfort , instruct , defend , and deliver from danger the children of God , to carry their soules into Abrahams bosome , to gather their bones together in the last day , to pnnish the wicked here , and to separate these Goates from the Sheep hereafter ; these were created in the beginning all good , some of which persevered in their integrity , partly by the goodnesse of their owne will , partly by Gods decree before time , and by his assisting grace in time , and partly by reason of the excellent knowledge they have of God , both naturall , experimentall , and supernaturall or revealed ; and some of them fell by pride and envy , affecting equality with God , and maligning mans felicity , for which cause they were thrust out of Heaven , and strucke with blindnesse in their mindes , and perversenesse in their wils ; yet much knowledge they have , both naturall , experimentall , and revealed ; and much strength also , by which they worke upon the bodayes , the minde , and senses of men ; yet they know not our thoughts , nor things to come , except by revelation or conjecture . We are bound also to believe that God made man after his own Image , which consisted in righteousnesse , holinesse , and immortality , which Image being lost by sinne , was restored againe by Christ , and that mans body was made of earth , but his soule of nothing , and not of the Heaven , or the fire , or the ayre , or the divine substance . keywords: actions; alexander; angels; anger; apostle; avoyd; bad; baptisme; bee; beleeve; better; bodies; body; bound; breake; calling; cause; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; conscience; consent; contrary; creation; creatures; day; death; divine; divinity; doe; doth; duties; election; end; error; eternall; evill; example; faith; false; father; feare; flesh; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; goodnesse; grace; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; hee; heed; himselfe; holy; iewes; image; infirmities; iudge; justice; keepe; kings; knowledge; law; lawfull; liberty; life; lord; love; lye; magistrate; making; man; manichees; mans; marriage; mary; matter; meanes; men; mens; ministers; mother; nature; neighbour; non; oath; oathes; obedience; occasion; old; opinion; originall; otherwayes; owne; pag; papists; parents; patience; people; performe; person; place; poore; power; prayer; princes; providence; reason; repentance; respect; resurrection; right; righteousnesse; roman; sacrament; safe; safe conscience; saints; satan; scripture; scruples; selves; servants; set; shew; sinne; sins; soule; speake; spirituall; subject; substance; text; things; time; true; truth; unlawfull; use; vvee; want; way; wealth; wee; wife; wisdome; works; world; worship; wrong cache: A91988.xml plain text: A91988.txt item: #29 of 29 id: B01384 author: Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680. title: Another ballad: called The libertines lampoone: or, The curvets of conscience. To the tune of, Thomas Venner, or 60. / Written by the authour of the Geneva Ballad. date: 1674 words: 1458 flesch: 70 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: ballad; books; butler; characters; conscience; curvets; early; eebo; encoding; english; geneva; image; online; oxford; partnership; phase; tcp; tei; text; thomas; way; works; xml cache: B01384.xml plain text: B01384.txt