item: #1 of 6 id: A26172 author: Atwood, William, d. 1705? title: Jani Anglorum facies nova, or, Several monuments of antiquity touching the great councils of the kingdom and the court of the kings immediate tenants and officers from the first of William the First, to the forty ninth of Henry the third, reviv'd and clear'd : wherein the sense of the common-council of the kingdom mentioned in King John's charter, and of the laws ecclesiastical, or civil, concerning clergy-men's voting in capital cases is submitted to the judgement of the learned. date: 1680.0 words: 39656 flesch: 69 summary: So that he wanted nothing but a Crown to make him King. In the fourth of this King the controversie between the Archbishop of York , and the Bishop of Worcester , was determined at Petreda before the King , Archbishop Lanfranc , the Bishops , Abbots , Earles , et Primatibus totius Angliae , this Mr. Selden rightly calls a Parliament , which is easily to be gathered from the large and comprehensive Signification of Primates . keywords: abbates; abbots; account; accus'd; act; advice; affairs; agitare; aid; aids; alia; aliis; aliorum; ancient; angliae; anglorum; anno; anselm; answer; ante; antiquity; apud; arch; argument; arma; arms; assembly; assensu; assent; attendance; autem; author; authority; auxilia; auxilium; barones; baronibus; baronum; barony; becket; best; bishops; body; books; bracton; brevia; bromton; business; call'd; camden; canons; canterbury; capital; capite; cases; cause; celebravit; certain; charge; charta; charter; chester; chief; choice; christmass; church; cited; cities; citizens; city; civil; clarendon; claus; clear; clergy; clerus; colloquium; comitatus; comites; comitibus; comitum; comma; common; common council; commune; communia; conceive; concern'd; concilio; concilium; consensu; consent; constitution; contrary; convenerunt; conventus; coram; council; counties; county; court; creation; crimen; crown; cum; curia; curia regis; customs; day; days; debent; die; dignity; domini; dorso; dover; dunelm; duty; eadmerus; earl; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; edition; edw; edward; eebo; effect; efficax; eis; ejus; ejusdem; england; english; eorum; episc; episcopi; episcoporum; episcopus; escuage; est; etiam; evident; express; extraordinary; facere; facies; farther; feast; fecit; fee; fees; feodis; feudal; final; fitz; fol; following; force; form; free; freeholders; freeman; fuit; general; general council; glos; good; grant; great; great charter; great council; great court; great men; grievance; habeat; habere; haec; hath; hen; henry; histories; history; hoc; holding; homines; honour; hoveden; hundreds; idem; igitur; illius; immediate; immediate tenants; inde; inferiour; inhabitants; instance; intended; inter; interesse; ipse; jani; johannis; john; judgement; judges; judicio; judicium; jure; jurisdiction; justice; king; king henry; king john; kingdom; kings tenants; knights; laesae; laity; lands; lanfranc; large; law; laws; lay; learned; leave; legal; leges; lib; libertates; liberè; licet; like; little; london; long; lords; magnates; magnatibus; majestatis; majores; making; man; manner; matters; meaning; meeting; members; membrorum; mention; mich; miles; military; milites; militibus; militum; minores; modo; money; natale; nation; nature; nay; nec; necessary; need; new; ninth; nisi; nobilitas; nobility; nobis; nobles; non; normandy; northampton; nostris; nostro; nostrorum; nostrum; notice; number; oblig'd; obligation; observable; occasion; offer; officers; omnes; omnibus; omnium; order; ordinary; ordinary court; ordinary curia; oxford; paris; parliament; partem; particular; parties; pass'd; pat; payment; peers; penes; people; personal; persons; pinnedene; place; placitum; plain; plea; pleads; point; pope; populi; populus; post; power; practice; praed; present; president; pretence; primores; primoribus; prince; principes; prior; pro; probi; proceres; proof; proprietors; publick; purpose; quae; quaedam; quam; question; qui; quibus; quod; realm; reason; received; record; rege; regis; regni; reign; rem; representative; resignation; rest; rex; right; rome; rot; said; salutem; sanguinis; scaccario; second; secundum; sed; selden; self; sense; sentence; service; servitio; servitium; set; seu; sheriffs; shews; sibi; sicut; sine; sint; sir; sit; socage; solemn; special; spelman; standing; statute; statutum; stephen; suae; suam; suas; sub; subject; suis; summon'd; summons; sunt; suorum; super; sure; suum; synod; tallage; tam; tcp; tempore; temporibus; tenants; tenent; tenentes; tenuit; tenure; term; terrae; text; thing; thomas; time; titles; toledo; totius; tryal; ubi; unde; unum; us'd; usual; vel; vicecomites; villae; viri; vitae; viz; voluntate; vote; wars; way; west; westminster; whitsontide; william; winchester; windsor; word; work; writs; year cache: A26172.xml plain text: A26172.txt item: #2 of 6 id: A32677 author: Carolina (Colony). Charter (1665) title: The two charters granted by King Charles IId to the proprietors of Carolina with the first and last fundamental constitutions of that colony. date: 1698.0 words: 24027 flesch: 49 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. That the due Number of Landgraves and Cassiques may be always kept up , if upon the Devolution of any Landgraveship or Cassiqueship , the Palatine's Court shall not settle the devolved Dignity , with the Baronies thereunto annexed , before the Second biennial Parliament after such Devolution , the next biennial Parliament but one after such Devolution shall have Power to make any one Landgrave or Cassique in the Room of him , who dying without Heirs , his Dignity and Baronies devolved . keywords: acres; aforesaid; albemarle; anthony lord; appoint; authority; baronies; carolina; carterett; cassiques; cause; certain; church; civil; clarendon; colleton; colony; constitute; constitutions; contrary; council; county; court; craven; deputy; dignity; dominions; duke; earl; edward; edward earl; eldest; england; fit; fundamental; george carterett; george duke; god; goods; government; grace; grant; hath; heirs; inhabitants; john colleton; john lord; kingdom; landgraves; laws; leet; liberty; license; limits; lord; lord ashley; lord berkeley; lord craven; man; mannor; members; officers; order; palatine; parliament; people; person; place; pleasure; ports; power; precinct; presents; profession; proprietors; province; publick; religion; right; said; said province; sea; sir; sir george; sir john; sir william; successors; territory; thereunto; thing; time; towns; true; use; vvilliam; william berkeley; william earl; william lord; year cache: A32677.xml plain text: A32677.txt item: #3 of 6 id: A47689 author: Lenthall, William, 1591-1662. title: Mr. Speakers letter to the Kings most excellent Majestie, Febr. 16, 1641 concerning the great affayres, and state of the kingdome. date: None words: 2671 flesch: 45 summary: Jt is true , there is nothing engageth a soule to God , or a Subject to a King , as the appearance of love , this made Moses to say : How dreadfull is thy place O God , and this is that which hath stollen me from my selfe , so that J am no more mine owne , but yours ; yea , by this returne of yours to your people , you will winne them to obedience with kindnesse , and by doing so ; you will make good that which you were sent for , whose eares ought to be imployed for the good of your Subjects ; knowing that their love is your greatest safety , and their prosperity your greatest honour and ●elicity ; & this is that which will make your bed easie ; when you shall possesse the just Title to the Crowne with the love of your people , and the continuance of it with the willing applause of the Subject , is the ●ighest way to a blessing , and the hopes of this is that which hath brought me to renue and confirme the Covenant that your Majesty made with me from your first entrance to the Crowne , and because you could not sweare by no greater , swore by the eternall God , that you would defend mee , and at the first of our contract we made but one , your power and all that you had was mine to defend me , & to do me good , but there have bin some of late , that have set your Majesty against mee . Jt is too true by the meanes of our Sauls , your Majesty became to your people and Commons , as the Angell was unto Gydeon , and so made them affrayd , but like the Angell that made Gydeon affrayd , your Majesty hath returned to their comfort , and as God he useth , where he loues ▪ he imployes , and like Christ himselfe you are now willing to enjoy them b● a willing contract , and not by 〈◊〉 , and by this meanes you appeare now unto your people like Moses , who had more glory by his Vale , then by his face , and I doe no● doubt but when all things shall be made manifest , but that one faithfull DAVID will be in more 〈◊〉 with your Majesty ; then either the Sauls or Baalams 〈…〉 is true , by the meanes of our Sauls the Crowne 〈◊〉 become full of cares , and your Majesty 〈◊〉 almost beene wearied by them , would faine now take some rest , and that your Majesty may rest , J will with Iacob give God no rest untill he have blessed you , wherefore being now reconciled unto your Commons , you will become as sweet and pleasant to the Church , and the three Kingdomes , as the Tree that God shewed to Moses , which when he cast into the waters , the waters were made sweet ( which formerly were bitter ) J know that thankefulnesse and love , can doe more with good men , then merit or necessity , and me thinkes I see you like our Saviour who thirsted after the salvation of Mankind , and J beleeve it was not so much out of drynesse as out of love , goe you and doe so likewise , knowing that modest beginnings , and hopefull proceedings makes happy endings , and for your comfort know , that God whose Battels you fight , will provide a due reward , and so J commend the saying of Salomon unto you , Eccles. 9.10 . keywords: affayres; commons; doe; english; evill; excellent; febr; god; good; great; kingdome; kings; lenthall; letter; love; majestie; majesty; meanes; people; sauls; selfe; speakers; state; text; times; true; willing cache: A47689.xml plain text: A47689.txt item: #4 of 6 id: A54633 author: Petyt, William, 1636-1707. title: The antient right of the Commons of England asserted, or, A discourse proving by records and the best historians that the Commons of England were ever an essential part of Parliament by William Petyt of the Inner-Temple, Esq. date: 1680.0 words: 36159 flesch: 62 summary: 599. Articuli C●●●i ex fragmenta . Non nulli taedio investigandae veritatis cullibet opini●● potius igna●i succambunt , quàm explorandâ veritati pertinaci diligentiâ perseverare volunt . keywords: a54633; abbas; abbates; abbatibus; abbatum; abbots; abridgment; absque; accustomed; act; acts; affairs; affirm; ages; al ●; albans; aldermani; alia; aliis; aliorum; aliquo; ambassadors; ancestors; angliae; anglorum; anglos; anno; answer; ante; antient; antiquas; antiquity; apud; archbishop; archiepiscopi; archiepiscoporum; argument; articuli; assensu; assent; aut; autem; authorities; authority; authors; auxiliis; auxilio; auxilium; baronagii; barones; baronibus; baronum; beginning; best; better; bishop; bonorum; books; boroughs; bracton; branch; britan; brittish; brittons; brother; burgesses; burgorum; c. ad; caeteri; camd; canterbury; cantuar; cantuariensis; cap; capite; certain; change; characters; charta; charter; chief; church; circa; cities; citizens; city; cives; civitatum; claim; claus; clergy; clero; clerus; close; co ●; coke; comes; comitatus; comites; comitibus; comitiis; comitum; commons; commune; commune concilium; communitas; communitatem; compertum; con ●; concesserunt; concessit; concilia; concilium; concilium regni; conclusion; confessor; confirm; conqueror; conquest; consensu; consent; consilio; constituent; constitution; consuetudines; contra; conventus; coram; coronation; council; counsel; countes; county; court; coventr̄; creation; crown; cujus; cum; customs; d ●; dat; datus; days; de la; de regno; declaration; defensionem; dei; deliberatione; deo; des; desire; di ●; dicitur; dictus; die; diem; different; dignitates; discourse; distinction; distinguished; divers; domini; domini regis; dominus; donatione; dorso; duke; duos; dux; e. 1; e. 2; e. 3; earls; ecclesiae; edward; edwardus; eebo; ego; eis; ejusdem; electus; encoding; england; english; englishman; enim; eodem; eorum; episcopi; episcoporum; episcopus; ergo; essential; est; estates; etiam; eum; evidence; evident; exchequer; expressions; facere; famous; father; favour; fecit; feodis; feodorum; fideles; fidelibus; fideliter; fidelium; filii; filius; finem; fitz; fol; force; forma; fourth; frame; france; fratrem; freeholders; freemen; french; fuerit; fuerunt; fuit; fundamental; gemot; general; gloss; glouc; god; good; government; grand; grandfather; granting; gratia; great; great lords; greater; grievances; habuit; hac; haeredibus; harold; hath; head; henrici; henricus; henry; hiberniae; hic; higher; hiis; historians; history; hoc; holy; homines; hominibus; hominum; honorem; honour; honourable; hope; humble; ibidem; idem; igitur; illa; illis; illum; images; inde; instances; instit; inter; inviolabiliter; ipsa; ipse; ipsius; ipso; ipsum; irish; james; johannem; johannes de; johannis; john; ju ●; judges; judgment; jura; jure; justice; justitiam; kent; king; king e.; king john; king william; kingdom; knights; lands; lanfranc; large; late; laws; learned; leges; legislative; letters; lib; libere; libertates; libertatibus; liberty; life; lincoln; literas; loci; london; long; lords; lordships; lour; mag ●; magnates; magnatibus; magnatum; majori; making; malmesbury; manner; marcas; maritandam; martii; mat; meer; meeting; mei; meipsum; melius; mihi; miles; milites; militibus; militum; mind; mittimus; mobilium; modern; modo; multis; nation; nec; necnon; negotiis; negotium; new; nobiles; nobilitas; nobility; nobis; nomine; non; norff; norman; normandy; nostrae; nostri; nostrorum; nostrum; nota; notabilis; notes; numerous; oath; objection; observation; observe; old; omnes; omnia; omnibus; omnium; onera; online; opinion; order; original; origine; oxford; oxon; p ●; pa ●; pace; pag; papae; paris; parliament; parte; partibus; particular; partnership; past; pat; patent; pater; penes; people; persona; petition; petri; petyt; phrase; plene; point; pope; populi; populorum; populus; portuum; position; posse; possumus; possunt; post; posterity; power; pr ●; praedicti; praelati; praelatorum; preface; prelates; prerogative; prescription; present; pretended; primi; prince; principal; principes; prior; priores; prioribus; prius; priviledges; pro; proceedings; proceres; procerum; procuratores; progenitors; property; propter; prout; prox; pulton; pur; q ●; qu ●; quae; quaedam; quam; quatenus; queen; quem; qui; quia; quibus; quicquid; quidem; quinque; quod; quod de; quolibet; quoque; quos; r ●; realm; reason; reasonable; rebellion; records; rege; regis; regis h.; regni; regni angliae; regni nostri; regni regis; regni sui; regnum; reign; representatives; rest; retroactis; rex; rex angliae; right; robert; robertus; rolls; romanae; rome; rot; rotulo; roy; rupellam; safety; said; saith; salutem; san ●; sanctae; sancti; sanz; saxon; sayes; scaccario; scilicet; scotiae; scotland; se ●; search; second; sed; selden; self; senatus; serviciis; servicio; servicium; set; seu; seventh; share; shew; sibi; sicut; signifie; sine; sir; sive; sol; solemn; sororem; spelm; spelman; spiritual; spontanea; state; statum; statute; statutum; sua; suae; suam; suas; sub; subject; submission; subsidy; sui; suis; summons; sunt; suo; suorum; suos; super; sure; suum; t ●; tam; tamen; tcp; tei; temple; temporal; tempore; temporibus; tenants; tenentes; tenentibus; tenuerunt; termino; terrae; teste; testimonium; text; th ●; things; thomas; ti ●; time; title; tota; totius; totius regni; toto; tout; transeat; transmarinas; tributary; trinitatis; true; truth; tunc; ubi; unanimi; unde; universal; universitas; use; usque; vel; venire; venit; veritatis; vestrae; vestris; vestrum; vide; videlicet; viginti; vita; viz; voluntate; vos; westm; whereof; william; willielmus; winton; wittena; word; works; writs; xml; year; ● b; ● es; ● g; ● ilia; ● o; ● ol; ● os; ● s; ● ta; ● ● cache: A54633.xml plain text: A54633.txt item: #5 of 6 id: A56162 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: The first and second part of A seasonable, legal, and historicall vindication and chronological collection of the good old fundamentall liberties, franchises, rights, laws of all English freemen ... wherein is irrefragably evinced by Parliamentary records, proofs, presidents, that we have such fundamentall liberties, franchises, rights, laws ... : collected, recommended to the whole English nation, as the best legacy he can leave them / by William Prynne of Swainswick, Esquire. date: 1655.0 words: 77594 flesch: 55 summary: 2. 2. c Paterculus , Pluta●●h , Su●tomus , Antonni Chronica , Grimston , and others , in hi● Life . Q●●aest . keywords: absolute; actions; acts; advice; affairs; affected; aforesaid; agents; ages; agreement; allegiance; alteration; altered; ancestors; ancient; anno; annual; answer; appears; arbitrary; argument; armed; armies; arms; army; array; articles; assent; assistance; attainder; attempt; aug; authorities; authority; base; beasts; bee; beginning; benefit; best; binding; birth; bishop; bloody; body; bondage; books; c. 1; c. 2; c. c.; c. p.; campanella; cap; care; caroli; case; castle; censure; certain; changes; charge; charters; chief; christian; chronological; church; churches; civil; clause; close; collection; colledges; colour; command; commission; committee; commons; commonwealth; conclude; conclusion; condition; confederates; conference; conquered; consciences; consent; consideration; conspiracies; conspirators; constant; constitution; contrary; contributions; contrivers; cook; councel; counsellors; counsels; country; course; courts; covenant; crime; crown; customs; dangerous; darkness; day; death; december; declaration; defence; degree; demand; designs; desire; destructive; direct; divers; doctor; doctrine; dominions; doth; doubt; duty; earl; earth; ease; edicts; edward; eebo; effect; election; eliz; elizabeth; end; endeavoured; endeavouring; ends; enemies; enemy; engagement; england; english; epistle; establishment; estates; evidence; evil; exact; example; excises; execution; expected; expences; extraordinary; extravagant; faith; fall; false; far; farre; father; fear; fifth; fire; fit; foot; force; forecited; forementioned; forraign; fourth; frame; france; franchises; fraud; free; freedom; freemen; french; friends; fundamental; fundamental laws; future; general; gentry; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governours; grandees; grant; great; greater; greatest; ground; guilty; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; heirs; henry; hereditary; hidden; high; higher; highest; hisp; historia; history; hoc; hold; holinshed; holy; honour; hospinian; house; humane; humble; iesuits; ignatius; illegal; impeachment; imposing; impositions; imposts; inheritance; institutes; instrument; intentions; ireland; irish; isa; jac; jacobi; james; jan; jer; jesuitarum; jesuites; jesuitical; jesus; john; judgement; judges; june; justice; justified; kind; king; kingdome; lands; large; late; late king; lawfull; laws; lawyers; lay; league; legal; lesse; lest; letter; levying; liberties; liberty; life; like; little; lives; london; long; longer; lords; love; maintenance; majesties; majesty; making; man; march; master; mat; means; meer; members; memorable; merchants; military; militia; ministers; monarchia; monarchy; money; monies; months; murder; nation; native; natural; nature; navy; nay; necessary; necessity; needs; new; nobles; non; nota; november; number; oath; oathes; obedience; observation; occasion; odious; offence; officers; oft; old; onely; open; opinions; oppressions; order; ordinances; original; ought; overthrow; page; papers; papists; paris; parliament; parliamentary; particular; parties; party; passages; past; patrons; pay; peace; peers; people; pernicious; perpetual; persons; petition; piece; places; pleasure; plots; point; policy; popes; popish; posterities; posterity; poundage; pounds; power; practises; premises; prerogative; prescribed; present; present parliament; preservation; presidents; pretences; pretended; pretext; priest; princes; principal; principles; private; priviledges; proceedings; professed; professors; properties; property; proposition; protector; protestant; protestations; providence; psal; publick; publike; publique; punishment; purpose; queen; question; qui; quodlibets; raising; ready; realm; rebellion; received; records; reformation; reign; relation; religion; remonstrances; resolutions; rest; rev; revenue; right; roman; rome; romish; royal; ruine; sacred; sad; safety; said; saints; satisfaction; saving; scotland; scots; sea; secluded; second; secret; secular; secure; security; seditious; self; seminaries; september; service; set; settlement; severall; ship; sir; sitting; society; solemn; sorts; souldiers; soveraign; space; spain; spanish; special; speculum; speech; speeches; speed; spirits; spiritual; standing; state; statutes; strafford; strange; subjects; subsidies; subsidy; subversion; succession; successors; sundry; support; supream; sword; taxes; tcp; temporal; text; thereto; thereunto; things; thomas; thou; time; title; tonnage; traytors; treason; treasonable; true; trust; truth; tyrannical; tyranny; tyrants; undermined; unjust; unworthy; utter; vargas; vertue; vindication; violence; violent; void; votes; vows; war; wars; watson; way; wayes; wealth; westminster; whatsoever; whereof; whiles; whitehall; wicked; william; wise; work; world; worship; worst; worthy; years; zeal; ● ● cache: A56162.xml plain text: A56162.txt item: #6 of 6 id: A56227 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: A seasonable, historical, legal vindication and chronological collection of the good old fundamental liberties, franchises, rights, laws of all English freemen ... date: 1654.0 words: 23066 flesch: 50 summary: Each of these I intend to prosecute in distinct Chapters in their order For the first of these : That the Kingdome and Free-men of England , have some Ancient Hereditary Right , Liberties , Priviledges , Franchises , Laws and Customs , properly called FVNDAMENTAL ; and likewise a FVNDAMENTAL GOVERNMENT , no wayes to be alt●red , undermined , subvert●d , directly or indirectly , under pain of High●treason in those who shall attempt it , especially by fraud , force , or armed power . So as that which Paul once taxed in the slavish besotted Corinthians , 2 Epist. 11. 20. may be most truly averred of our degenerated , infatuated , English Nation : Ye suffer if a man bring you into bondage , if a man devour you , if a man take of you , if a man exalt himself , ( above your Laws , Liberties , Franchises , Parliaments , Kings , Nobles , Properties , Lives , Conscience , and a all that is called God , or worshipped ) if a man smite you on the face ; notwithstanding all their manifold late b Protestations , Vows , Covenants , Remonstrances , Declarations , and Publike Engagements , to the contrary . And withal , after diligent enquiry , discovering scarce one man of Eminencie or Power in the Nation , nor so much as one of my degenerated temporizing Profession of the Law , ( even when the c whole Body of our Laws , and all its Professors , are violently assaulted , and devoted unto sudden ruine , by many lawlesse spirits ) who hath so much Courage , magnanimity , Honesty , Zeal , or cordial Love to his native Country , remaining in his brest , as manfully to appear in publike , for the strenuous necessary defence of these our Hereditary , Fundamental Laws , Liberties , Rights , Franchises , ( though their own , and every other English Freeman's best Inheritance and Security ) for fear of being persecuted , imprisoned , close imprisoned , exiled , condemned , destroyed , as a Traytor , Rebell , Seditious person , Enemy to the publike , or disturber of the Kingdoms Peace , by those who are truly such : I thereupon conceived I could not undertake or perform a more necessary , seasonable , beneficial Service for my Country , ( and not to be like those , who are ashamed , afraid , for the most part , to own , visit , or be seen in the company of those Gallant men , much lesse to assist , defend , and stick close unto them in their dangers , according to the sixth Article of their late Solemn League and Covenant , who have suffered , acted , and stood up most for their Common Liberties , Rights , Freedoms , Religion , against all invading Tyrants , to their great discouragement and betraying ) nor pitch upon any Subject more proper for me , either as a common Lawyer , or as a constant Advocate and Sufferer for the Publike Cause , and Liberties of the Nation , as well under our late extravagant Free-State , as former Regal and Episcopal arbitrary Tyranny , then in this juncture of our publike affairs , to present our whole distracted unsetled Kingdome , with An Historical and Legal Vindication , and Chronological Collection , in all Ages , of these Ancient Hereditary Liberties , Franchises , Rights , Contests , Laws , Charters , Records , Monuments of former and late times , for their Confirmation , and keywords: act; acts; ages; agreement; ancestors; ancient; arbitrary; argument; army; array; articles; attainder; authorities; authority; books; care; case; chap; charge; charters; chief; collection; commission; commons; consent; contrary; counsels; county; courts; covenant; crime; crown; customs; danger; dangerous; declaration; defence; destructive; divers; doth; edward; endeavour; england; english; estates; exact; execution; force; frame; franchises; free; freemen; fundamental; fundamental laws; future; general; god; good; government; grant; great; greatest; hath; henry; hereditary; high; historical; hold; house; impositions; institutes; ireland; john; judgement; judges; justice; kind; king; kingdome; lands; late; lawfull; laws; legal; letter; liberties; liberty; lives; london; lords; majesties; majesty; man; money; nation; nature; necessary; necessity; new; nota; oath; offence; officers; old; onely; opinions; order; original; ought; overthrow; parliament; parliamentary; particular; peace; peers; people; persons; petition; point; posterities; power; prerogative; present; preservation; pretended; private; priviledges; proceedings; property; protestations; publick; publike; realm; records; religion; right; said; scotland; seasonable; second; security; self; set; ship; sir; solemn; souldiers; soveraign; speech; state; statutes; subjects; subversion; sundry; taxes; temple; text; things; thomas; time; traytors; treason; true; truth; tyranny; vindication; votes; warre; wars; way; wealth; whatsoever; william; years; ● ● cache: A56227.xml plain text: A56227.txt