item: #1 of 13 id: A23663 author: Allen, William, d. 1686. title: A discourse of the nature, ends, and difference of the two covenants evincing in special, that faith as justifying, is not opposed to works of evangelical obedience : with an appendix of the nature and difference of saving and ineffectual faith, and the date: 1673.0 words: 56267 flesch: 64 summary: Reader , THeology is the Doctrine of the Kingdom of God : A Kingdom is a State of Government : Government is by Laws : He therefore that will understand any thing in Divinity , must understand the Laws of God : And though there be many inferiour Particles , distinguished from the weighty things of the Law , which few do clearly understand , yet is it necessary that we know in general , what kind of Law , it is that we are under , and also that we know the most important parts : If we understand not the Law of Tything Mint and Cummin , we must not be ignorant of Iudgment , Mercy and Faith , Matth. 23. 23. But then it doth not in the least appear that St. Paul in denying Justification to be by the Law in the sense thus explained , doth also thereby deny works of sincere Obedience to God , to concur with Faith in Man's Justification in all respects . keywords: abraham; believing; christ; condition; covenant; doth; faith; god; good; grace; hath; justification; law; life; love; man; men; nature; new; obedience; promise; righteousness; salvation; sin; things; works cache: A23663.xml plain text: A23663.txt item: #2 of 13 id: A26654 author: Alexander, John, Converted Jew. title: God's covenant displayed by John Alexander, a converted Jew ; with a proœmial discourse of the reasons of his conversion. date: 1689.0 words: 11627 flesch: 61 summary: The Jewish exception against this place , in taking 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for a Rod of punishment , is easily evinced , by the adjoining words ; the Law-giver from between his feet , they having no Lawgiver at present . Now there we find the restriction of time , from the Prophecy to the fulfilling of it , tied to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 seventy Weeks : which being to be understood prophetically , denote seventy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Weeks of Years , that is , seventy time seven . keywords: christ; covenant; gen; god; grace; law; lord; man; messiah; nature; promise; rom; self; son cache: A26654.xml plain text: A26654.txt item: #3 of 13 id: A36463 author: Downame, George, d. 1634. title: The covenant of grace, or, An exposition upon Luke I. 73, 74, 75 by George Dovvname ... date: 1647.0 words: 74736 flesch: 73 summary: The Hebrew word ▪ jashar which signifieth right , is translated 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 pleasing , and the verbe w●i●h signifieth to be right , signifieth also to please 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 & is often times so translated , as the noue , Exo 15. 6. Deut. it is to be understood as wel of his simple and sincere dealing , among men , as of his uprightnesse towards God , and so the 72 interpret it by the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 free from fayning or dissembliug , and Aquila by the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a simple hearted man free from doubling and deceipt , and so the word is used sometimes to signifie simplicity , Gen. 20. 5 , 6. 2 Sam. 15 11. keywords: act; assent; assurance; believe; christ; conscience; cor; doe; doth; end; faith; fear; ghost; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; himselfe; holy; iohn; justification; law; life; lord; love; man; men; oath; obedience; promise; psal; redeemed; redemption; respect; righteousnesse; rom; salvation; saviour; selves; sin; sinne; sins; son; spirit; things; thou; true; truth; upright; word; worship; ● ● cache: A36463.xml plain text: A36463.txt item: #4 of 13 id: A37578 author: I. E. title: The land of promise and the covenant thereof explained by certaine questions and propositions propounded to those that teach a deliverance of the Iewes out of all countries to the land of Canaan : and from their long continued blindnesse to the faith of Christ : and a glorious estate in the land for a thousand years : and also to those that teach a personall comming of Christ and a resurrection of the just to live and raigne with Christ a thousand yeares before the resurrection of the uniust and end of the world : of which there bee severall sorts, who are commonlyl called millinaries : by which doctrine of each of these the true intent of sundry places of Scripture of great importance to the church and people of Godm [sic] is uch [sic] obscured which being rightly understood and taught acording to their true and playne meaning would be greatly to the edification and comfort of Gods chosen, especially now in these last dayes wherein the accomplishment of all things which God hath spoken, draweth so nigh. date: 1641.0 words: 16219 flesch: 65 summary: And then afterward speaketh unto the Iewes saying , marvaile not at this , for the hower is comming in the which all that are in the graves shal heare his voyce , and shall come forth , they that have done good●●●to the resurrection of life , and they that have done evill unto the ●●surrection of condemnation . vers. 28.29 . God did covenant also with Abraham to be his God , and the God of his seed ; and this hee established in no plaine● or su●er man●er , then he did , to give them the land for an everlasting possession , as in the same place . keywords: abraham; bee; children; christ; earth; god; hath; hee; holy; kingdome; land; lord; people; saith; things; world; ● ● cache: A37578.xml plain text: A37578.txt item: #5 of 13 id: A39658 author: Flavel, John, 1630?-1691. title: The balm of the covenant applied to the bleeding wounds of afflicted saints First composed for the relief of a pious and worthy family, mourning over the deaths of their hopeful children; and now made publick for the support of all Christians, sorrowing on the same or any other account. To which is added, A sermon preached for the funeral of that excellent and religious gentleman John Upton of Lupton esq; by John Flavell, preacher of the gospel at Dartmouth in Devon. date: 1688.0 words: 30714 flesch: 72 summary: How many such wretched F●●milies can England shew this da● how hath Atheism and Debauc●●ry ruin'd and subverted ma●● great and once famous There may remai● ●ome lineament or property of in●ividuation whereby the acute ●lorified eye may possibly discover ●ho they were ; or if not , yet ●one can doubt but it may be dis●overed to us by revelation from God : and that one way or other ●t will be discovered , is highly pro●able , because nothing will be denied to that perfect State which may contribute to , or compleat ●he joy and happiness thereof , as ●e cannot but think this know●edge will do . keywords: affliction; children; christ; comfort; covenant; david; day; death; doth; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; house; lord; man; men; o ●; people; psal; relief; rod; sin; sorrows; soul; spirit; text; things; time; way; world; ● ● cache: A39658.xml plain text: A39658.txt item: #6 of 13 id: A41355 author: Fisher, Edward, fl. 1627-1655. title: The marrow of modern divinity touching both the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace, with their use and end, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the New : wherein every one may cleerly see how far forth he bringeth the law into the case of justification, and so deserverh the name of legalist : and how far forth he rejecteth the law, in the case of sanctification, and so deserveth the name of Antinomist : with the middle path between them both, which by Iesus Christ leadeth to eternall life : in a dialogue, betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the Gospel, Nomista, a legalist, Antinomista, an Antinomian, and Neophytus, a young Christian / by the author, E.F. ; before the which there is prefixed the commendatory epistles of divers divines of great esteem in the citie of London ; whereunto is also added, the substance of a date: 1646.0 words: 65319 flesch: 69 summary: Such a person , as having mans guilt and punishment translated on him , might satisfie the justice of God , and as having a fulnesse of Gods spirit and holinesse in him , might sanctifie and repaire the nature of man : And this could be none other but Jesus Christ , one of the three persons of the blessed Trinity ; And therefore he , by his Fathers ordinacion , his own voluntary susception , and the holy Spirits sanctification , was fitted for the businesse : whereupon there was a speciall covenant , or mutuall agreement made between God and Christ , as is expressed , Isa. 53. vers . Thus Christ assented , and from everlasting stroke hands with God , to put upon him mans person , and to take upon him his name , and to enter in his stead in obeying his father , and to do all for man that he should require , and to yield in mans flesh the price of the satisfaction of the just judgment of God , and in the same flesh to suffer the punishment that man had deserved ; And this he undertook under the penalty that lay upon man to have undergone : and thus was Justice satisfied , and Mercy magnified by the Lord Jesus Christ , and so God took Christs single bond , whence Christ is not only called the Surety of the Covenant for us Heb. 7 22. but keywords: adam; apostle; bee; christ; christ hath; come; commandements; covenant; death; doe; doth; evan; faith; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; hee; himselfe; jesus christ; law; life; lord; love; man; mee; men; nom; obedience; pag; righteousnesse; sayth; sin; sir; soule; thee; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; way; works; yea cache: A41355.xml plain text: A41355.txt item: #7 of 13 id: A42361 author: Guthrie, John, 1632-1669. title: A sermon preach'd upon breach of covenant by that reverend and worthy servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. John Guthrie ... 1663. date: 1663.0 words: 8545 flesch: 71 summary: As applicable to our Case , consider , the Doctrine supposeth something that is not plainly spoken , and that is , That every Oath and Covenant of God is a thing that is inviolable , that is , may not nor can not be broken ; For the better understanding whereof , there is something that is needful to an Oath and Covenant of the Lord. But I say , for clearing this , Consider what makes an Oath and Covenant of God : 1 st . keywords: covenant; god; king; lord; man; oath; people; thing; thou; word cache: A42361.xml plain text: A42361.txt item: #8 of 13 id: A50245 author: Davenport, John, 1597-1670. title: An apologie of the churches in New-England for church-covenant, or, A discourse touching the covenant between God and men, and especially concerning church-covenant ... sent over in answer to Master Bernard, in the yeare 1639 ... date: 1643.0 words: 20921 flesch: 65 summary: But sometimes Covenant is taken more strictly and properly , for an agreement which God doth make with men , when he promiseth some blessing unto men , and bin●es them to performe some dutie backe againe to him . But this Covenant was of the whole Church with God , and therefore not like our Chu●ch-Covenants , whi●h are between the Church and the members concerning watchfulnesse over one another , and the like . keywords: answer; christ; church; church covenant; churches; covenant; doe; doth; duties; england; faith; god; gospel; hath; hold; joyning; lord; man; members; men; new; non; people; promise; things cache: A50245.xml plain text: A50245.txt item: #9 of 13 id: A54044 author: Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. title: The New-Covenant of the gospel distingnished [sic] from the Old Covenant of the law and the rest or sabbath of believers, from the rest or sabbath of the Jews, which differ as much from each other, as the sign and shadow doth from the thing signified and shadowed out : in answer to some queries of W. Salters, tending to enforce upon Christians the observation of the Jewish sabbath ... whereto are added Some considerations propounded to the Jews, tending towards their conversion to that which is the life and spirit of the law / by Isaac Penington ... date: 1660.0 words: 22881 flesch: 60 summary: IF the whole Law of Moses , the Law of the ten Commandments , as well as the Law of Sacrifices , were both added upon one and the same account for transgressions ; Then why doth the holy Spirit in the Scriptures lay forth such an antiphitical use of them ( I suppose he means anti-tipical ) the one that sin might abound , Rom. 5.20 . Whether when Jehovah gave forth the ten Commandements plainly as a Law in the letter he did intend by the observation according to the letter : the breach of them by the Spirit . keywords: christ; covenant; day; god; heart; jews; law; letter; life; lord; love; ministration; moses; rest; sabbath; spirit cache: A54044.xml plain text: A54044.txt item: #10 of 13 id: A67095 author: Walker, George, 1581?-1651. title: The manifold vvisedome of God In the divers dispensation of grace by Iesus Christ, In the Old New Testament. In the covenant of faith. workes. Their agreement and difference. By G. Walker, B.D. pastor of Saint Iohn the Evangelist in Watlingstreet. date: 1641.0 words: 32822 flesch: 61 summary: It justly challengeth the first place , because the first receiving of men into the Church of God to be visible members of Christ , is by their baptisme , which is the Sacrament of initiation , and their entring into covenant with God in Christ ; which Covenant is here in this treatise plainly described , and the agreement and difference shewed betweene it , and the old Covenant of workes , as also between the old and new Testament , and betweene the Law and the Gospel . The reasons why God in making it did renue the Covenant of Workes , and mingle it with the Covenant of Grace made with man in Christ after his fall . keywords: betweene; christ; covenant; covenant god; death; difference; doe; doth; faith; fathers; god; gods; gospell; grace; hath; law; life; man; nature; promises; righteousnesse; spirit; testament; word; workes cache: A67095.xml plain text: A67095.txt item: #11 of 13 id: A67773 author: Younge, Richard. title: A short and sure way to grace and salvation being a necessary and profitable tract, upon three fundamental principles of Christian religion ... : how man was at first created, how he is now corrupted, how he may be again restored : together with the conditions of the covenant of grace, and to whom the promises of the Gospel belong ... / by R. Younge ... date: 1658.0 words: 13608 flesch: 76 summary: I●deed a man may be so bold of his Pre●estination , as to forget his conversation ; so he may dream himself in Hea●en , and waken from that dream in Hell . Un●● them that are unbelieving is nothing pure : but even their minde , and conscien●● is defiled , Tit. keywords: christ; faith; god; good; hath; heart; heaven; hee; life; man; men; rom; sect; sin; sins; thou; world; yea; ● ● cache: A67773.xml plain text: A67773.txt item: #12 of 13 id: A77856 author: Burges, Cornelius, 1589?-1665. title: The first sermon, preached to the Honourable House of Commons now assembled in Parliament at their publique fast. Novemb. 17. 1640. / By Cornelius Burges Doctor of Divinitie. Published by order of that House. date: 1641.0 words: 28672 flesch: 74 summary: To strike a Covenant , is not , in a private or publique prayer only , to goe to God and say , Lord I will be thine , I here enter into a Covenant with thee , be thou a witnesse of it , &c. but it is , to stand and make it publiquely before the Lord , by some speciall solemnitie that may witnesse it to all the world , as Iosiah * , Asa , and all the Godly ever did ; ( even as in ●n entring into bonds , or as in solemnizing of matrimony , men use to doe ) Whether by the Sacrament of the Lords Supper , by fasting , or by ought else , whereby they may become so firmely and arctly joyned to the Lord , that they may not only be no longer sui jurls , to depart away from the Living God ; but , not so much as to sit loose from God , or to stand in any terme● of indifferency , which might leave them at libertie to serve , or not to serve God in any dutie , how difficult , or dangerous soever . As they soone forgot his workes , so it was not long ere they forgot God their Saviour himselfe too ; and then no marvaile , if , at the next bo●t , they forgot his Covenant also , Psal. 106. keywords: babylon; church; covenant; day; deliverance; doe; exhortation; fast; god; hath; heart; israel; lord; man; men; non; people; reformation; selves; set; solemne; text; time; vers; vse; way; zion; ● ● cache: A77856.xml plain text: A77856.txt item: #13 of 13 id: A85510 author: Chambers, Humphrey, 1598 or 9-1662. title: A modest vindication of the doctrine of conditions in the Covenant of Grace, and the defenders thereof, from the aspersions of arminianism & popery, which Mr. W. E. cast on them. By the late faithful and godly minister Mr. John Graile, minister of the gospel at Tidworth in the county of Wilts. Published with a preface concerning the nature of the Covenant of Grace, wherein is a discovery of the judgment of Dr. Twisse in the point of justification, clearing him from antinomianism therein. By Constant Jessop, minister of the Gospel at Wimborn minister in the county of Dorset. Whereunto is added, a sermon, preached at the funeral of the said Mr. John Grail. By Humphrey Chambers, D.D. and pastor of the church at Pewsie. date: None words: 47360 flesch: 67 summary: 3. That this is the will of God , that none should enjoy remission of sins , but on condition of faith . And the reason is , because they are not annexed as any part of the price , to make up it complete : But only as the way and manner in which , the means and instrument by which , the terms and condition on which , and according to which God doth give , and man receives salvation purchased : keywords: apostle; believe; believers; benefit; cause; christ; condition; covenant; death; doctrine; doth; est; faith; free; god; god doth; gods; good; gospel; grace; hath; hold; jesus; jesus christ; justification; law; life; lord; love; man; men; merit; ministers; new; non; people; person; place; promise; remission; repentance; right; righteousnesse; salvation; self; sins; sir; thing; thou; time; truth; unto; way; word; works cache: A85510.xml plain text: A85510.txt