item: #1 of 12 id: A22113 author: England and Wales. Commissioners of Customs. title: Officers fees for Englishmen as they are receiued in the port of London, set downe vnder the hands for the fermors, comptrollers, collectors and searchers of the custom-house there: for a rule and president to euery custome house in any port of his Maiesties dominions, according to the table of fees, signed by the late L. Treasourer, the Earle of Dorset, and the then Barons of the Exchequer. date: 1615.0 words: 1772 flesch: 78 summary: d. d. keywords: books; certificate; characters; coquet; custome; d. iiij; early; eebo; english; entry; euery; fees; forreigne; house; iiij; london; online; ouer; port; seas; ship; strangers; tcp; tei; text; viij; xij cache: A22113.xml plain text: A22113.txt item: #2 of 12 id: A32076 author: Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. title: A proclamation prohibiting the payment and receipt of customes, and other maritime duties upon the late pretended ordinance of both Houses of Parliament date: 1642.0 words: 1129 flesch: 61 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A32076 of text R40801 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing C2692). A proclamation prohibiting the payment and receipt of customes, and other maritime duties upon the late pretended ordinance of both Houses of Parliament England and Wales. keywords: a32076; books; customes; duties; england; english; houses; late; maritime; ordinance; parliament; payment; pretended; proclamation; receipt; text; wing cache: A32076.xml plain text: A32076.txt item: #3 of 12 id: A32430 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: A proclamation for discovering and preventing the many fraudulent practices of under-officers, and others in stealing His Majesties customs date: 1661.0 words: 1230 flesch: 59 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A32430) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 58440) keywords: books; characters; charles; customs; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; fraudulent; goods; image; majesties; officers; online; oxford; partnership; phase; tcp; tei; text; title; xml cache: A32430.xml plain text: A32430.txt item: #4 of 12 id: A37778 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: A declaration The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, taking into their consideration the urgent occasions for the present payment of the duty of excise and customes, ... date: 1660.0 words: 741 flesch: 61 summary: A declaration The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, taking into their consideration the urgent occasions for the present payment of the duty of excise and customes, ... Proceedings. A declaration The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, taking into their consideration the urgent occasions for the present payment of the duty of excise and customes, ... Proceedings. keywords: a37778; commons; consideration; declaration; english; excise; house; lords; occasions; parliament; text; time; urgent cache: A37778.xml plain text: A37778.txt item: #5 of 12 id: A46204 author: Essex, Arthur Capel, Earl of, 1631-1683. title: Whereas we are informed, that in many cities and towns corporate within this kingdom, greater customers, tolls and duties than are really due, have been of late exacted in right of the said corporations, upon goods imported or exportd into or out of the said cities and towns corporate, to the great prejudice of His Majestie his customers, the decay of trade, and the discouragement of merchants ... by the Lord Lieutenant and Council, Essex. date: 1672.0 words: 1542 flesch: 60 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A46204) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 104950) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; characters; cities; corporate; corporations; council; customers; duties; early; eebo; english; essex; goods; kingdom; lieutenant; lord; online; said; tcp; tei; text; tolls; towns; unto cache: A46204.xml plain text: A46204.txt item: #6 of 12 id: A74221 author: Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. title: By the King. A proclamation for the speedy payment of all such summes of money as are due to His Majesty for customes or other duties upon merchandize, into His Majesties receipt at His city of Oxford. date: 1642.0 words: 871 flesch: 69 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A74221 of text R211765 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.5[145]). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A74221) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 160856) keywords: city; customes; duties; english; king; merchandize; money; oxford; payment; proclamation; receipt; summes; text; thomason cache: A74221.xml plain text: A74221.txt item: #7 of 12 id: A79033 author: Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. title: By the King a proclamation prohibiting the payment and receipt of customes, and other maritime duties upon the late pretended ordinance of both Houses of Parliament. date: 1642.0 words: 1188 flesch: 64 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A79033 of text R211524 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.5[115]). By the King a proclamation prohibiting the payment and receipt of customes, and other maritime duties upon the late pretended ordinance of both Houses of Parliament. keywords: a79033; act; customes; duties; england; english; houses; king; late; maritime; ordinance; parliament; payment; pretended; proclamation; receipt; text; thomason cache: A79033.xml plain text: A79033.txt item: #8 of 12 id: A82444 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: An act for the continuance of the customs until the twenty sixth of March, in the year one thousand six hundred fifty and four. date: None words: 603 flesch: 72 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A82444 of text R211653 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.16[90]). With Parliamentary seal at head of text. keywords: a82444; act; continuance; customs; england; march; parliament; sixth; text; year cache: A82444.xml plain text: A82444.txt item: #9 of 12 id: A83154 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: Die Mercurij 8. Februar. 1642. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament. For the better levying and receiving of moneyes assessed by vertue of the late ordinance of 29. Novemb. 1642. date: None words: 1665 flesch: 59 summary: WHEREAS Information is given , That divers Collectors , nominated for the Collecting , Levying , and receiving of the summes of money Assessed by vertue of the late Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament , of the 29. of November last , for Assessements , by reason their other Imployments in the Publique Affaires of the State , have beene taken off , from the due execution of the same Ordinance , whereby well affected Persons are still occasionally pressed to further contributions , whilest those that have not contributed , or not in proportion to their Estates , doe not make a proportionable supply ; Be it therefore Ordained , and Declared by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament , That the Collectors nominated or to be nominated by vertue of the said Ordinance , shall from and after the eleventh day of this instant moneth of February , onely give notice to the Persons assessed , or to be assessed of the severall summes of money at which they are or shall be assessed ; And after the dayes limitted by the said Ordinance for payment , shall be elapsed , shall repaire to the houses of the persons assessed , or to be assessed , and demand the severall summes of money , at which they are or shall be assessed ; and if the same be unpaid , then to take notice whether sufficient distresse may be had , to satisfie the summes assessed or no , and accordingly to certifie the same under their hands , to the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of money and other necessaries for the Army ; And the said Collectors are hereby required and authorised to enquire of any summe or summes of money due , or to be due unto the persons respectively assessed , or to be assessed , from any person or persons for any Rents , And the said Collectors , and all Collonels , Captaines , Lieutenants , Officers , Souldiers , and other person or persons as shall be appointed or imployed , in , and for the better execution of the said Ordinance as aforesaid , shall have the protection of both Houses of Parliament for their indempnity in this service ; And if any thing not mentioned in the said Ordinance of 29. keywords: better; browne; captaine; collectors; committee; commons; die; distresse; houses; levying; lords; money; ordinance; parliament; persons; said; summes; text cache: A83154.xml plain text: A83154.txt item: #10 of 12 id: A83297 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: An ordinance of the Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, inhibiting the importation of currans. date: 1642.0 words: 1121 flesch: 64 summary: For the prevention of the like mischiefe for time to come , the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled , at the instance and desire of the Merchants of this Kingdome , and by and with their consent , doe order , ordaine , and declare , that from and after the last day of September , which shall be in the yeare of our Lord God 1642 , That no Currans be imported into the Kingdome of England , or Dominion of Wales , by any Merchants strangers , Denizens , or others by way of Merchandize or otherwise , from any parts beyond the Seas ; But the importation thereof from and after the said last day of September , is hereby utterly prohibited and forbidden . And further by the Authority aforesaid , it is ordered and declared , That from and after the said last day of September , no Entries be taken of any Currans that shall be imported into this Kingdom or Dominion of Wales , by any Officer whatsoever , in any of the Custome-Houses or elsewhere ; And in case any Merchant Denizen , or Alien , or any other person whatsoever contrary to this Ordinance , shall presume to Import and unlade any Currans within this Kingdome or Dominion of Wales after the said last day of September , that it shall be lawfull for the Officers of the Custome-House respectively , to seize , take , and carry away all such Currans , and them to detaine untill they shall receive further order from both the Houses of Parliament in that behalfe ; And that every person that shall offend herein , shall be liable to such further punishment and censure as the Lords and Commons in a Parliamentary way shall inflict or impose . keywords: a83297; commons; currans; day; england; importation; kingdome; lords; ordinance; parliament; said; september; text; thomason; wales cache: A83297.xml plain text: A83297.txt item: #11 of 12 id: A85656 author: Grene, Giles. title: A declaration in vindication of the honour of the Parliament, and of the committee of the navy and customes; against all traducers: concerning the managing of the navy and customes, and many other weighty affaires of state: faithfully relating what strength of shipping have been yearly employed for the guarding of the seas, and what moneys arising by the revenue of the customes, excise of flesh and salt, and other receits, have been applyed to that use. The rules by which they have been all managed; and a just account how the moneys have been disposed. By Giles Grene, a member of the Honourable House of Commons. date: 1647.0 words: 6495 flesch: 39 summary: A declaration in vindication of the honour of the Parliament, and of the committee of the navy and customes; against all traducers: concerning the managing of the navy and customes, and many other weighty affaires of state: faithfully relating what strength of shipping have been yearly employed for the guarding of the seas, and what moneys arising by the revenue of the customes, excise of flesh and salt, and other receits, have been applyed to that use. A declaration in vindication of the honour of the Parliament, and of the committee of the navy and customes; against all traducers: concerning the managing of the navy and customes, and many other weighty affaires of state: faithfully relating what strength of shipping have been yearly employed for the guarding of the seas, and what moneys arising by the revenue of the customes, excise of flesh and salt, and other receits, have been applyed to that use. keywords: -early; account; advantage; affaires; care; charge; commissioners; committee; commodities; commons; customes; declaration; divers; duty; excise; foure; gentlemen; giles; great; grene; hath; honour; honourable; house; kingdome; kings; managing; marriners; matters; member; merchants; moneys; navy; officers; parliament; payment; pounds; power; rules; severall; shipping; ships; state; strength; text; time; traducers; trust; use; weighty; whereof; work; yeare cache: A85656.xml plain text: A85656.txt item: #12 of 12 id: B04141 author: Chiverton, Richard. title: Chiverton Mayor. Tuesday the eighth day of December 1657. An order of the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, against concealing and colouring the goods of aliens and foreyners. date: 1657.0 words: 1059 flesch: 63 summary: City of London (England). City of London (England). keywords: aldermen; alyens; chiverton; city; court; december; england; english; foreyners; goods; london; lord; mayor; said; text; tuesday cache: B04141.xml plain text: B04141.txt