item: #1 of 49 id: 12635 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 04 of 55 1576-1582 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 86573 flesch: 71 summary: Not one real of said property has been lost. Thus he provided; and, under the said penalties, no one shall dare to give such, persons ships or conveyance by which they may leave, without said permission. keywords: able; account; act; advantage; affairs; aforesaid; alliance; alonso; answer; april; arce; arms; arrival; arrows; artillery; attack; attest; authority; bahandil; balayan; battle; beltran; benito; best; boats; borney; caceres; camp; captains; care; carreno; case; castilians; castilla; catholic; certain; certify; charge; chief; china; chinese; christians; church; city; clause; coast; coming; command; condition; contrary; copy; corsair; council; country; crown; culverins; damage; dato; day; days; de catalinaga; de oseguera; de ribera; death; decree; desire; diego; districts; doctor; don; duties; effect; encomiendas; enemy; ensign; entire; españa; estate; esteban; exercise; expedition; expense; faith; father; favor; fear; felipe; fight; filipinas; fire; following; follows; food; force; fort; fragata; francisco; friars; friendship; gabriel; galleon; galleys; general; god; gold; good; grabiel de; grace; grant; great; guard; guido; half; harm; house; illustrious; inasmuch; indians; information; inhabitants; instructions; interpreters; islands; item; jolo; juan; juan de; june; king; kingdom; known; lack; language; large; law; leagues; left; letter; like; limahon; little; live; long; lope de; lopez; lordship; luçon; majesty; malaca; maluco; manila; manner; manuel; march; martin; master; matters; means; men; mendiola; mexico; miguel; mindanao; money; month; moros; natives; near; necessary; need; new; nueva; number; obedience; occasion; office; officials; opposite; order; oseguera; palm; panguilan; pay; peace; pedro; pedro de; people; persons; pieces; places; pleased; point; poor; portuguese; possible; presence; present; property; province; provisions; purpose; raxa; ready; reason; records; regard; religious; report; rest; return; rice; rodriguez; rodriguez de; rowers; royal; said; said artillery; said borneans; said captain; said chief; said expedition; said flagship; said fleet; said galley; said governor; said indians; said instructions; said interpreter; said island; said king; said limasancay; said magat; said master; said moros; said natives; said notary; said port; said river; said salalila; said simagat; said town; said village; said year; sail; sailing; salalila; sande; sea; second; secure; sergeant; service; set; settlement; ships; sick; signature; silver; slaves; small; soldiers; soltan; sovereign; spain; spaniards; spanish; supplies; support; talk; tapaca; therefor; thereto; things; time; tome; trade; treasury; tribute; troops; true; truth; vassals; vessels; viceroy; villages; voyage; war; water; way; weapons; white; wish; witness; witnesses; wood; work; writing; years; çubu cache: 12635.txt plain text: 12635.txt item: #2 of 49 id: 13120 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 06 of 55 1583-1588 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 84418 flesch: 61 summary: The despatch of the ships would cease, as well as the work in the shipyards, the defense of these islands, and the supply of aid to other islands, in accordance with his Majesty's commands. [Singapore], twenty-five leagues' distance from Malaca, and at the other almost to the Malucos and other islands, where a fabulous amount of cloves, pepper, and ginger is gathered, for there are whole mountains of these spices. keywords: able; abundance; acapulco; account; act; addition; affairs; aforesaid; alonso; andres; antonio; archbishop; arms; arrival; articles; artillery; assault; audiencia; auditors; augustinian; authority; beg; beginning; beseech; best; bishop; boats; book; brief; camp; captains; capture; care; cases; castilians; catholic majesty; cause; certain; chapter; charge; chief; china; chinese; christian; church; citizens; city; cloth; come; coming; command; commander; commerce; common; condition; conquest; considerable; contrary; conversion; copper; copy; cost; council; countries; country; course; court; custodian; custom; daily; danger; day; days; death; decree; defense; departure; desire; despatch; detail; determined; diego; different; difficulties; difficulty; districts; document; don; duties; duty; easy; effect; eighth; encomenderos; encomiendas; end; enemies; enemy; entire; entrance; escape; españa; evil; excellent; exchequer; expedition; expenses; experience; faith; farmers; father; favor; fear; fees; felipe; fifth; filipinas; filipinas islands; fire; fiscal; fleet; following; food; force; foreign; fort; fourth; franciscan; fray; friars; gain; general; god; gold; good; gospel; government; governor; grant; great; greater; greatest; half; hands; harm; help; high; history; hitherto; holy; honor; hope; houses; illustrious; important; income; increase; indians; information; informed; inhabitants; injury; instruction; iron; islands; item; itinerary; japanese; jesus; journey; juan; june; justice; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; lack; large; law; leagues; learned; leave; left; letter; licentiate; life; like; limahon; little; long; lordship; loss; macan; madrid; majesty; majesty order; malaca; maluco; manila; manner; married; martin; matter; means; measures; men; mendoza; merchandise; merchants; mexico; military; money; natives; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; news; ninth; nueva; number; numerous; occasion; offer; offices; officials; omoncon; opinion; opportunity; order; original; pacified; pangasinan; past; pay; pedro; penalty; people; permission; person; pesos; philippines; pirate; place; pleased; pleasure; point; poor; population; portuguese; possible; poverty; power; prepared; present; president; priests; prisoners; products; profit; property; protection; province; provincial; provisions; public; purpose; reals; reason; regard; regions; related; relation; religion; religious; remedy; report; request; rest; result; return; rice; right; river; rojas; ronquillo; royal; royal audiencia; sacred; said; sail; sailors; salaries; sanchez; santiago; sea; second; section; sending; servants; service; set; settled; settlement; seventh; sevilla; ships; silver; sixth; slaves; small; society; soldiers; souls; spain; spaniards; spanish; state; stone; subject; success; sufficient; suitable; sum; supplies; support; tenth; things; time; tithes; trade; trading; traffic; treasury; treatment; tributes; troops; usual; utmost; value; vassals; vera; vessels; viceroy; villages; voyage; war; water; way; wealth; wine; women; work; workmen; world; worth; year; yndia; zeal cache: 13120.txt plain text: 13120.txt item: #3 of 49 id: 13255 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 01 of 55 1493-1529 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 92843 flesch: 63 summary: Moreover, moved thereunto by our own accord, not at your instance nor the request of any one else in your regard, but wholly of our own largess and certain knowledge as well as fulness of our apostolic power, by the authority of Almighty God conferred upon us in blessed Peter and of the vicarship of Jesus Christ, which we hold on earth, in order that with greater readiness and heartiness you enter upon an undertaking of so lofty a character as has been entrusted to you by the graciousness of our apostolic favor, by tenor of these presents should any of said islands have been found by your envoys and captains, we do give, grant, and assign to you and your heirs and successors, kings of Castile and Leon, forever, together with all their dominions, cities, camps, places, and towns, as well as all rights, jurisdictions, and appurtenances, all islands and mainlands found and to be found, discovered and to be discovered towards the west and south, by drawing and establishing a line from the Arctic pole, namely the north, to the Antarctic pole, namely the south, no matter whether the said mainlands and islands are found and to be found in the direction of India or towards any other quarter, the said line to the west and south to be distant one hundred leagues from any of the islands commonly known as the _Azores_ and _ Moreover we make, appoint and depute you and your said heirs and successors owners of them with full and free power, authority, and jurisdiction of every kind; with this proviso however that through this gift, grant, and assignment of ours no right conferred on any Christian prince, who may be in actual possession of said islands and mainlands up to the said birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ, is hereby to be considered as withdrawn or to be withdrawn. keywords: abovesaid; accordance; account; accountant; acuña; administration; admiral; advantage; affairs; aforesaid; africa; afternoon; agreement; alcazaba; alexander; alguns; ambassadors; america; answer; antonio; apostolic; apparent; april; aragon; archbishop; archipelago; archivo; arrive; astrologers; attorneys; audiencia; aug; authority; authorization; authorize; away; badajoz; barcelona; bay; bearing; beloved; best; bishop; board; body; book; bound; boundary; bourne; brief; brother; buena; bull; búrgos; cabo; cano; cape; captain; caravels; care; careri; cartagena; case; castile; castilian; castilla; catholic; centuries; century; certain; chapter; charge; charles; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; christianity; church; city; civil; civilization; clear; cloves; coast; colon; colonial; command; commander; commerce; commercial; common; compact; companions; concerning; condition; confer; conquest; consent; continent; continued; contract; contrary; copy; council; countries; country; course; court; cross; crown; cárlos; cætera; date; daughter; day; days; de la; de los; dear; death; dec; december; decision; declaration; decree; degrees; del; delay; demarcation; deputies; description; desire; despatch; determination; determined; determining; differences; different; difficult; direction; director; discoveries; discovery; distance; distant; divine; division; doctor; documents; dominions; don; doubt; drugs; ducats; earlier; early; earth; east; eastern; eastward; easy; ecclesiastical; effect; eighteenth; emperor; end; english; enterprise; entire; entrance; envoys; equipped; estadismo; europe; european; evident; excellent; expedient; expedition; expenses; extended; fact; fair; faith; falero; father; favor; february; felipe; ferdinand; fernando; fernando de; filipinas; fleets; following; follows; force; fourth; francisco; francisco de; fray; free; friars; fulfil; future; general; gentil; gift; giovanni; globe; god; gold; good; government; governor; granada; grant; great; greater; greatest; half; hand; hardships; harmony; health; heirs; high; historical; history; hitherto; hold; holy; hope; hospital; house; ibid; iii; inasmuch; indians; indies; information; informed; inhabitants; instructions; intention; interest; introduction; isabel; islanders; islands; islas; item; jan; john; joão; juan; juan de; judges; judgment; july; june; junta; jurisdiction; justice; kind; king; king don; kingdoms; knowledge; language; large; las; later; latitude; law; leagues; leave; left; length; leon; letter; ley; licentiate; life; like; limits; lisbon; little; living; location; long; longitude; lord; los; love; madrid; magalhães; magallánes; magellan; mainlands; majesties; majesty; making; malaca; mallat; maluco; maluco islands; manila; manner; manuel; maps; march; maria; married; matter; means; meeting; members; men; merchandise; merchants; meridian; method; mexico; miles; military; mind; missionaries; modern; moluccas; money; month; morga; muy; names; natives; natural; navarrete; navigation; near; necessary; negotiations; new; north; notary; note; notification; nov; november; number; oath; ocean; october; office; officers; officials; opinion; order; original; outside; ownership; papal; para; parties; parts; past; pay; pedro; penalties; penalty; people; period; persons; peter; petition; philippine islands; philippines; pilots; place; pleasure; point; pole; political; pontiff; pope; population; portugal; portuguese; portuguese king; possession; possible; power; presence; present; pressmark; prince; principal; procedure; profits; progress; promise; proof; proper; provinces; provisions; public; purpose; queen; question; ready; real; reason; received; records; regard; regent; regions; relations; religion; religious; remaining; reply; representatives; respect; respective; rest; result; retana; return; rev; rey; right; river; rome; route; royal; rule; run; ruy; s.j; said; said accountant; said ambassadors; said astrologers; said captains; said catholic; said constituents; said demarcation; said distance; said emperor; said fleet; said island; said king; said line; said maluco; said parties; said sea; said spices; said time; said treaty; said voyage; sail; sailing; sailors; san; sant; sea; seas; sebastian; second; secretary; seigniories; sept; september; serene king; series; service; set; seville; ships; short; sign; similar; singular; situated; small; social; souls; south; sovereigns; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; spices; spread; state; strait; subjects; subuth; successors; sufficient; suit; sun; supra; system; terms; text; therefrom; things; thought; time; today; tombo; tordesillas; torre; town; trade; translation; treasurer; treaty; tree; true; truth; university; unknown; valladolid; vassals; verde; verde islands; vessels; virtue; vitoria; volume; vote; voyage; way; west; western; westward; whatsoever; wish; witnesses; words; work; world; writing; y de; years; zaragoza; zúñiga cache: 13255.txt plain text: 13255.txt item: #4 of 49 id: 13280 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 02 of 55 1521-1569 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 91164 flesch: 65 summary: As the men of Luzon had put some earth within the cakes of wax that they had sold, in order to cheat us with it; and inasmuch as they, moreover, insisted that the natives should not give anything in exchange for any other kind of trade-goods, but only for _tostones_, and had uttered many lies and slanders against us--the soldiers said that this was sufficient to justify the war; and that the war would not be the cause of stirring up the natives, because the latter were not at all well-disposed toward the Moros. November 4, they have news that the Portuguese are fortified in other islands of the archipelago. keywords: able; abundance; accordance; account; accountant; aforesaid; alonso; alvarado; alvarez; amador de; ammunition; anchor; andres; andres de; answer; antonio; april; archipelago; armada; arms; arrival; articles; artillery; audiencia; augustinian; authority; baltesar; baltesar de; barter; bay; behalf; bernaldez; best; blood; boats; body; butuan; cabot; camp; captain; care; case; castilians; castilla; catholic; cebu; cebú; certain; charge; chief; children; china; christian; church; cinnamon; city; clauses; coast; col; coming; command; commander; compact; company; condition; conquest; consent; contemporaneous; contrary; copy; cortés; course; crew; cubu; custom; damage; day; days; de la; de legazpi; de meneses; de oro; de velasco; death; december; defenses; degrees; del; delay; demand; demarcation; departure; desire; despatch; determined; diego; different; diligence; discovery; distance; districts; documents; don; doubt; dozen; duarte de; duties; duty; early; effect; emperor; entrance; españa; events; evident; expedition; experience; factor; faith; faithful; far; father; favor; february; felipe; fernando; fifth; filipinas; find; finding; fire; fish; fitting; flagship; fleet; following; follows; food; force; fortress; francisco; fray; free; freitas; friendship; fulfil; furtado; galleys; general; general de; god; gold; good; government; governor; goyti; grace; grant; great; greater; guido; half; hands; hardships; harm; help; herrera; highness; hold; holy; hostile; hostility; houses; iii; illustrious; image; important; inasmuch; increase; indians; indies; information; inhabitants; injury; instructions; intention; inéd; iron; islands; jesus; juan de; july; june; junk; justice; kind; king; king don; kingdoms; knowledge; known; lack; ladrones; large; law; leagues; leave; legazpi; letter; life; like; line; little; loaisa; long; lopez; lopez de; lord; los; lost; luis de; luzon; magalhães; magallanes; majesty; maluco; manner; march; martin; martin de; master; matters; means; memorandum; men; mendoza; merchandise; mexico; miguel; miguel lopez; mindanao; mines; mirandaola; moluccas; month; moros; mutiny; names; natives; navidad; navigation; near; necessary; necessity; need; negotiations; new; new spain; news; ninth; north; notary; note; notification; nova; november; nueva; number; oath; october; offer; office; officers; officials; opinion; order; original; outside; parts; patache; pay; peace; pedro de; people; pereira; pero; person; petition; philippines; pieces; pilot; places; pleased; point; portugal; portuguese; portuguese fleet; possession; possible; powerful; presence; present; prior; prisoners; products; property; protection; protest; provisions; public; puerto; purpose; quantity; quintals; ready; reason; regard; regions; relation; religion; religious; reply; report; request; response; rest; result; return; rice; right; riquel; river; rodriguez; route; royal; royal fleet; royal majesty; résumé; saavedra; sacred; said; said fleet; sail; salary; san; satisfaction; saying; sea; search; sebastian; second; sending; september; servants; service; set; settlement; seventy; shall; ships; shore; slaves; soldiers; south; sovereigns; spain; spaniards; spanish; spice; stay; stones; strait; sufficient; summons; supplies; supply; taking; tandaya; testimony; therefor; thereto; things; tidore; time; title; tomo; town; trade; trading; treasurer; treatment; treaty; trouble; true; truth; tupas; twentieth; ultramar; urdaneta; vassals; vessels; viceroy; village; villalobos; violence; vna; voyage; war; water; way; weapons; west; western; whatsoever; wish; witnesses; women; words; work; wrong; xii; y de; ybarra; year cache: 13280.txt plain text: 13280.txt item: #5 of 49 id: 13616 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 03 of 55 1569-1576 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 80961 flesch: 71 summary: de arroz y vna gallina entiendese lo daran sin pesadunbre porla mucha abundançia q_e_ de todo tienen ay mucha jente, asi se entiende seran alg_o_s muy principales Repartimientos de mucha Renta. de su mag_d_. keywords: able; abundance; acapulco; account; accustomed; act; affairs; aforesaid; ammunition; anchor; andres; answer; april; archipelago; archivo; armed; arms; arquebuses; arrival; arrobas; arrows; articles; artieda; artillery; asi; attack; audiencia; august; augustinian; authority; balayan; barter; bay; beginning; best; boats; borney; business; camarines; camp; canton; captain; care; cargo; castilla; catholic; catholic majesty; cause; cebú; certain; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; cinnamon; city; cloth; coast; come; coming; command; commerce; common; como; company; con; condition; confirmation; conquered; conquest; contrary; converted; copy; cosas; cotton; council; country; course; cubu; culverins; customs; day; days; de herrera; de la; de lavezaris; de legazpi; de manila; de salcedo; de su; death; decree; defense; degrees; del; demarcation; departure; deponent; desire; diego; diego de; different; discovery; distance; districts; divided; documents; don; east; effect; encomiendas; enemies; enemy; entrance; equivalent; españa; esta; events; evident; excellency; exercise; expedition; factor; faith; faithful; farther; favor; fear; felipe; felipe de; filipinas; fine; fire; fish; flagship; fleet; following; follows; food; force; fort; fourth; francisco; fray; friendly; friendship; future; gabions; galleys; general; god; gold; good; government; governor; grant; great; greater; guido; guido de; half; hand; harbor; harm; help; hernando; herrera; high; hill; hold; holy; house; important; increase; indians; indies; information; informed; inhabitants; injury; interesting; interpreter; iron; island; january; japan; joan; juan de; july; june; justice; kinds; king; kingdoms; known; lack; lands; large; las; latitude; lavezaris; law; leagues; leave; left; legazpi; length; letter; libras; life; line; little; live; long; lopez; lopez de; lord; lordship; los; luzon; madrid; mainland; majesty; maluco; manila; manner; march; married; martin; martin de; master; matters; means; men; menilla; message; mexico; miguel; mindanao; mindoro; mines; mirandaola; money; month; morning; moros; muy; natives; nature; naujos; near; necessary; need; neighboring; new; news; night; north; notary; note; november; nueva; nueva españa; number; october; office; officials; opinion; order; original; otros; p_a; pacified; palm; panay; parts; past; pay; peace; peaceful; people; pepper; permission; persons; pesos; philippines; pieces; pintados; places; pleased; point; poor; populated; porcelain; portogal; portuguese; possession; possible; power; praus; present; profit; province; provisions; public; purpose; q_e; quantity; que; quintals; rada; ready; reals; reason; regard; regions; related; relation; religious; repartimientos; reply; report; rest; result; return; reënforcements; rice; rich; rigging; riquel; river; royal; royal majesty; sacred; said; said governor; said island; said town; sail; sailors; salzedo; sande; saw; sea; second; security; seigniories; servant; service; set; settlement; sevilla; ships; short; silks; silver; simancas; slaves; small; soldiers; soliman; south; southwest; sovereigns; spain; spaniards; spanish; subject; sufficient; suitable; supplies; supply; support; taking; terms; text; thickly; things; thought; time; title; town; trade; treasurer; treasury; tribute; troops; trra; true; truth; use; value; vassals; vessels; viceroy; villages; vol; voyage; war; water; wax; way; weapons; weather; west; western; western islands; wide; wine; wish; wives; women; wood; words; work; workmen; world; year; ysla; çubu cache: 13616.txt plain text: 13616.txt item: #6 of 49 id: 13701 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55 1588-1591 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 87769 flesch: 62 summary: The said Father Alonso Sanchez also reported that the need of ministers of instruction in the said islands is so great that many Indians die without baptism; that because of the same need, the conquest and conversion of other islands are neglected; and that it would be advisable to send religious from the orders established there, with instructions to remain there and not go elsewhere. Besides this island of Luzon, there are many other inhabited islands, situated close to it, within a circuit of one hundred leagues. keywords: account; advisable; affairs; aforesaid; agustin; alcalde; alonso; ammunition; arms; arrival; articles; artillery; audiencia; augustinian; authority; baptism; barangay; best; bishop; bishopric; building; burney; cabildo; cagayan; captain; care; case; cast; castilians; certain; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; christians; church; churches; citizens; city; clause; collection; coming; command; commerce; common; conclusion; condition; conscience; consideration; contrary; conversion; converted; cost; council; country; course; court; crown; damage; danger; day; days; death; decree; defense; desire; devil; different; difficulties; districts; divided; doctor; document; domingo; dominican; don; duties; duty; ecclesiastics; encomenderos; encomiendas; entire; españa; established; example; exchequer; exile; expenses; fact; faith; father; favor; fear; felipe; fifth; filipinas; fiscal; following; food; force; fort; fourth; franciscan; free; friars; galleys; general; god; gold; good; gospel; government; governor; grant; great; greater; greatest; hair; half; harm; heavy; help; hither; hitherto; holy; hope; hospital; house; important; inasmuch; income; increase; indians; infidels; information; informed; inhabitants; injuries; instruction; intercourse; islands; japanese; jesus; juan; judicial; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; king; kingdom; known; lack; language; large; law; leagues; letter; licentiate; life; little; live; long; lordship; loss; maintenance; majesty; making; manila; manner; married; martin; matter; mayor; means; members; merchandise; mexico; mindanao; ministers; money; natives; near; necessary; need; new; notary; note; nueva; number; obligation; observe; offices; officials; opinion; order; ordinances; pacified; parián; past; pay; people; permission; persons; pesos; petition; philippines; pieces; place; plan; pleased; poor; portugal; portuguese; possession; possible; power; prescribed; present; president; price; priests; principal; profit; property; protection; province; provision; public; purpose; quintals; reason; regard; regions; relation; religion; religious; religious instruction; remedy; report; rest; restitution; result; return; right; river; royal; royal audiencia; said; sail; salazar; sangleys; santiago; sea; second; sending; sentence; service; ships; short; sick; slaves; small; soldiers; souls; space; spain; spaniards; spanish; stated; stone; sufficient; sum; supplies; support; taes; teaching; temporal; thereof; things; thought; time; tondo; town; trade; treasury; treatment; trial; tributarios; tributes; troops; true; truth; value; vera; vessels; viceroy; village; voyage; war; water; way; welfare; woman; work; worth; year cache: 13701.txt plain text: 13701.txt item: #7 of 49 id: 13742 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 1591-1593 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 83074 flesch: 68 summary: From that time the life-title of governor of said island shall be given to said Estevan Rodriguez de Figueroa, and to one son or heir. He enjoins upon me, the city, and the encomenderos to make every endeavor and use all diligence to supplicate your Majesty for said instruction. keywords: accordance; account; act; administered; administration; advisable; affairs; aforesaid; alcalde; alms; alonso; answer; antonio; arrival; articles; audiencia; auditors; augustine; augustinian; authority; away; belongs; benefit; best; bishop; bishopric; book; boxes; business; buy; cabildo; capital; captain; care; case; castilla; cathedral; catholic; causes; cent; certain; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; church; citizens; city; civil; clergy; cloth; clothing; coast; collection; collects; coming; command; commerce; commission; common; condition; conscience; consideration; contrary; convent; copy; cotton; council; country; court; danger; dasmariñas; day; days; dcc; decree; defense; del; desire; diego; difficulties; districts; document; domingo; don; doubt; duties; duty; ecclesiastic; embassy; encomenderos; encomienda; enemies; enemy; entire; españa; estevan; evil; exchequer; execution; expense; fact; faith; fathers; favor; felipe; filipinas; fitting; following; food; force; fort; fourth; franciscan; fray; friars; galleys; garments; gaspar; general; god; gold; gomez; good; gospel; government; governor; great; greater; ground; half; harm; help; hitherto; hold; holy; hospital; hostile; house; illegible; important; income; indians; individual; information; informed; inhabitants; injuries; injury; instructed; instruction; intention; investigation; islands; item; january; japanese; japon; jesus; juan; juan de; judge; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; king; kingdoms; known; lack; large; law; lawful; laymen; leagues; letter; life; like; little; living; lordship; macan; magistrates; maintain; majesty; manila; manner; march; matter; mayor; means; measures; mentioned; merchandise; merchants; mexico; mindanao; ministers; minor; money; natives; natural; near; necessary; necessity; needs; negrillos; new; notary; note; nueva; number; obligation; occasion; office; officials; opinion; opposite; order; ordinance; original; pacification; pacified; panay; past; pay; peaceful; pedro; people; perez; permission; persons; pesos; philippines; place; pleased; point; poor; portuguese; possession; possible; power; present; pretext; priests; prince; principal; private; profit; property; protector; province; provisions; public; purpose; quantity; question; reals; reason; rebellion; regard; regions; religion; religious; religious instruction; remedy; reply; report; request; respect; rest; restitution; result; return; rice; rich; right; righteous; river; rodriguez; royal; rules; said; salazar; sangleys; satisfaction; saying; second; secular; secure; service; set; settlement; ships; sick; slaves; small; soldiers; souls; sovereign; spaniards; spanish; state; stuffs; subjects; sufficient; suits; superior; supply; support; taking; tax; testify; things; thought; time; tingues; town; trade; trading; treasury; tributarios; tributes; troops; true; truth; villages; visit; war; way; witness; witnesses; women; work; writing; wrongs; ybabao; year; ylocos; yndias; zambales; zeal cache: 13742.txt plain text: 13742.txt item: #8 of 49 id: 14265 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 09 of 55 1593-1597 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 85217 flesch: 64 summary: It is my will that you be lieutenant-general of said governor and captain-general, with jurisdiction in affairs of government and war, to act as such; and, for the time that I may so desire, you shall exercise said offices in the affairs and cases which may arise in said islands, and relating to and bearing on them, in the fulness and manner exercised by former lieutenant-generals, and by him who at present fills that office in the provinces of Chile, in the affairs of government and war. The governor shall not appoint or have any other lieutenant; and in prosecuting, determining, and closing the cases which may occur, take place, or arise, in said islands, you shall proceed in the form and order which is contained and declared in the decree signed by my hand on the seventeenth day of the month of January of the present year, one thousand five hundred and ninety-three. keywords: accordance; account; addition; advantage; advice; advisable; affairs; aforesaid; ambassador; answer; antonio; april; archbishop; arms; arrival; articles; artillery; audiencia; augustine; authority; beginning; best; cagayan; camboja; camp; canvoja; captain; care; cause; certain; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; church; circuit; citizens; city; cobo; coming; command; commerce; community; condition; consideration; contrary; convent; conversion; copy; cost; council; country; dasmariñas; day; days; death; declare; decree; defense; desirable; desire; despatch; diego; districts; divine; divine majesty; documents; don; duties; effect; embassy; emperor; encomenderos; encomiendas; endeavor; enemies; enemy; españa; estevan; excellency; exchequer; execution; exercise; expedition; expense; experience; fact; faith; faranda; father; father fray; favor; fear; felipe; figueroa; fitting; fleet; following; food; force; fort; francisco; fray; friendly; friendship; future; gain; galleys; general; giving; god; gold; gomez; good; gospel; government; governor; grandeur; grant; great; greater; heathen; heavy; help; hernando; highness; hitherto; holy; homage; hope; hospital; house; important; inasmuch; income; increase; indians; information; informed; inhabitants; instruction; islands; item; japanese; japon; jesus; joan; juan; juan de; june; justice; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; lack; language; large; later; leave; left; leguas; letter; life; like; little; long; lopez; lord; lordship; los; loss; love; luis; luzon; majesty; manila; manner; matter; means; memorial; men; merchandise; method; mexico; mindanao; ministers; monasteries; monastery; money; month; morga; nation; natives; near; necessary; need; new; news; nueva; number; obedience; obligation; observe; occasion; offices; officials; open; opinion; opportunity; order; ortega; pacification; pacified; papers; parts; past; pay; pedro; people; perez; permission; permit; persons; pesos; petition; philipinas; place; plan; pleased; pleasure; point; poor; portuguese; possible; power; presence; present; preserve; property; protection; province; public; purpose; question; reason; regard; relief; religious; remedy; reply; report; rest; result; return; rice; rich; right; river; rodriguez; ronquillo; royal; said; said city; said gomez; said islands; sail; sangleys; sea; second; sending; servants; service; settlement; ships; sian; sick; small; soldiers; solis; souls; sovereign; spaniards; spanish; state; stipulations; subjects; sufficient; suitable; taking; tello; things; thought; time; trade; treasury; treatment; tributarios; tribute; troops; true; trust; truth; vassals; vessels; village; voyage; war; way; welfare; wish; wishes; witness; word; work; year cache: 14265.txt plain text: 14265.txt item: #9 of 49 id: 14266 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 10 of 55 1597-1599 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 85441 flesch: 65 summary: And if some of these men should go upon expeditions, or be given employment in other greater things, others will take their places and posts. Behind marched six companies of paid infantry, and many other people. keywords: account; act; acts; administration; advantage; advisable; affairs; aforesaid; alcaldes; antonio; archbishop; arms; arrival; artillery; assistance; audiencia; auditors; august; authority; barangay; benavides; best; bishop; bringing; building; cagayan; caldera; camboxa; camp; canboja; canton; captain; care; cases; catholic; cause; certain; chanpan; charge; charity; chiefs; china; chinese; christian; church; citizens; city; cloth; colony; coming; command; common; community; condition; conduct; confraternity; considerable; consideration; contrary; copy; cost; council; country; court; dasmariñas; day; days; deal; death; decree; desire; desquibel; diego; doctor; don; don francisco; don joan; don luis; duties; duty; encomenderos; encomiendas; enemies; enemy; españa; evil; exchequer; execution; expedition; expense; experience; faith; far; father; fear; felipe; fines; fleet; following; food; force; fort; fowls; francisco; fray; friendly; friends; gain; general; giving; god; gold; good; gospel; government; governor; grace; great; greater; half; hand; harm; heathen; help; holy; honorable; hope; hospital; houses; hurtado; important; income; increase; indians; information; inhabitants; injuries; injury; inspection; instruction; interest; islands; japanese; japon; joan; juan; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; lack; large; law; lay; leave; left; letter; licentiate; life; like; little; long; lord; lordship; loss; lost; love; luis; macan; majesty; majesty order; malaca; manila; manner; matter; mayor; means; men; merchandise; mexico; miguel; military; mindanao; misericordia; money; month; morga; natives; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; news; notary; nueva; number; occasion; offenses; offices; officials; opinion; order; ordinances; pacification; pass; past; pay; pedro; penalties; penalty; people; perez; permission; persons; pesos; philipinas; pintados; place; pleased; poor; portuguese; possession; possible; present; president; prisoners; private; profit; property; province; provisions; public; punishment; purpose; reason; regard; religious; remedy; report; respect; rest; result; return; rice; right; river; ronquillo; royal; royal audiencia; royal hospital; royal majesty; royal treasury; said; said governor; said royal; salaries; sangleys; seal; second; segovia; sell; sending; servants; service; ships; short; slaves; small; society; soldiers; spaniards; spanish; state; stone; submission; sufficient; suitable; supplies; supply; support; system; tello; terrenate; things; thought; timaguas; time; trade; treasury; tribute; troops; true; truth; vassals; vessels; viceroy; village; virtue; voyage; war; way; welfare; wish; witness; women; word; work; wretched; writing; wrongs; year; zeal; çambrano cache: 14266.txt plain text: 14266.txt item: #10 of 49 id: 14685 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 11 of 55 1599-1602 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 84668 flesch: 59 summary: Therefore, if your Majesty pleases, you might order another notaryship sold in said island of Zubu. Accordingly, whatever may happen, both in order to resist him, and to prevent among these islands the possible effects to them and the vessels about to come from Castilla, it is very advisable and necessary to go, with all haste, in pursuit of said enemy, and to assure the safety of the vessels and the port of Cavite. keywords: account; act; action; acuña; admiral; advisable; affairs; aforesaid; alcalde; alcega; almiranta; answer; antonio; antonio de; arms; artillery; attack; attorneys; auditors; authority; baptism; battle; bay; beginning; best; bonds; cabildo; caldera; captain; care; case; cavite; certain; chancillería; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; church; citizens; city; clerk; close; cloth; coast; coming; command; commander; commission; condition; confession; contrary; copy; council; country; course; court; crown; custom; damage; danger; day; days; de morga; death; december; decreed; decreeing; defense; desire; desquibel; diego; difficulties; doctor; documents; don; dutch; duties; duty; encomiendas; enemies; enemy; english; españa; evidence; exercise; expedient; expedition; expenses; factor; faith; father; favor; fees; felipe; fines; fiscal; fitting; flagship; fleet; following; follows; francisco; galleys; gallinato; general; god; gold; good; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; half; harm; holy; hospital; hurtado; iii; importance; indians; information; informed; instructions; investigation; islands; item; january; jesuit; jesus; joan; joan de; juan; juarez; judges; july; june; justice; kind; king; known; large; law; learned; left; letter; licentiate; life; like; little; long; lord; lordship; loss; majesty; maluco; manila; manner; margin; matter; mayor; means; measures; men; merchandise; mexico; mindanao; minors; money; month; morga; natives; near; necessary; need; new; news; night; noordt; notaries; notary; nueva; number; obligation; office; officials; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinances; ordinary; original; outside; parties; past; pay; pedro; pedro de; penalties; penalty; people; persons; pesos; petition; philipinas; philipinas islands; pintados; pirates; place; pleased; poor; port; portuguese; possible; power; present; president; priests; prisoners; private; profit; property; province; provisions; public; purpose; quantity; reason; regard; regions; religious; remedy; report; residence; rest; result; return; river; ronquillo; royal audiencia; royal decrees; royal exchequer; royal majesty; royal officials; royal ordinances; royal treasury; said; said city; said don; said island; said natives; said order; said royal; sail; salaries; salary; salazar; sangleys; sea; second; service; seventh; ship; sick; sixteenth; small; society; soldiers; sovereign; spaniards; spanish; state; sufficient; suits; taking; tellez; tello; things; thought; time; town; trade; treasurer; tribute; troops; truth; use; van; vessels; viceroy; voyage; war; water; way; witness; work; writing; year cache: 14685.txt plain text: 14685.txt item: #11 of 49 id: 15022 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 12 of 55 1601-1604 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 88742 flesch: 64 summary: He had lived in the Filipinas almost ten years before he knew that some of the natives practiced polygamy, which was not a custom in Manila, Panay, and other islands where the Spaniards had long dwelt, but had some currency among the Visayans. The said president announced and declared that by letters received from the Portuguese viceroy of Yndia and from Andres Hurtado de Mendoça, and by the report of Captain Antonio de Brito Fogaca, and of Father Andres Pereyra of the Society of Jesus, who brought the letters, he had been informed that the said Andres Hurtado had come by order of his Majesty to get control of the Malucas Islands, which the kings thereof had usurped, and of other islands after the Hollanders had gained possession of them. keywords: able; abundance; acapulco; account; acuña; advantage; advisable; affairs; affection; aforesaid; alonso; altar; ancient; andres; answer; antonio; archbishop; armed; arrival; assistance; audiencia; auditors; authority; baptism; bear; beautiful; beginning; benavides; best; bishop; body; bohol; book; brother; cabildo; campo; cane; captain; care; carigara; catholic; cause; cavite; cease; celebrated; certain; chapel; chapter; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; chirino; christian; church; churches; citizens; city; close; cloth; college; coming; commander; commerce; community; condition; consideration; contrary; convent; conversion; copy; cost; council; country; course; court; cross; custom; damage; danger; day; days; de acuña; dead; death; december; decree; defense; del; departure; desire; devotion; diego; different; difficulties; disposed; distant; district; divine; doctor; doctrine; documents; dominic; don; dowry; drink; ducados; duties; ecclesiastics; effect; end; enemy; entire; españa; events; evident; evil; example; excellent; expedition; expenses; extent; faith; faithful; father; favor; fear; feast; felipe; filipinas; filipinas islands; fire; fiscal; fleet; following; food; force; fort; francisco; fray; friars; friendly; friends; galleys; general; giving; glorious; god; gold; good; government; governor; grace; great; greater; greatest; hair; half; hands; head; help; high; hold; holy; honor; hour; house; hurtado; ibabao; idols; iii; image; importance; increase; indians; infidels; information; informed; inhabitants; instruction; islands; japanese; japon; jesuits; jesus; juan; juan de; july; june; justice; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labors; lack; lagoon; language; large; las; late; law; learned; learning; leaves; left; leguas; leite; length; letter; licenses; licentiate; life; like; line; little; long; lord; lordship; loss; love; majesty; maluco; mandarins; manila; manner; margin; marginal; maria; marriage; married; mass; matter; mayor; means; measures; members; men; mention; merchandise; merchants; mercy; method; mexico; middle; miguel; military; mindanao; ministers; mission; missionaries; mode; money; month; morga; morning; mountains; nations; natives; natural; near; necessary; need; new; night; note; notice; nueva; nueva españa; number; numerous; obligation; occasion; october; offer; offering; office; officers; officials; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinary; original; panay; parian; parts; pass; pastells; pay; pedro; pedro de; penalty; people; permission; persons; peru; pesos; petition; philippines; pieces; pintados; pirates; piru; place; pleased; pleasure; point; poor; portuguese; possible; power; practice; prepared; present; president; priests; principal; printed; private; profit; property; province; provincial; provisions; public; punishment; purpose; quantity; ready; reals; reason; regard; regions; relics; religious; remedy; report; respect; rest; result; return; reverend; rich; river; ronquillo; royal; ruin; s.j; sacrifice; said; sail; salazar; sanchez; sangleys; santa; satisfaction; saw; saying; school; sea; sebu; second; secular; secure; sedeño; seeing; sending; september; service; sevilla; ships; short; sick; silver; sire; site; small; society; soldiers; solemnity; souls; source; spain; spaniards; spanish; species; state; stone; strength; sufficient; superior; supplies; tagalos; taitai; taking; teeth; things; thought; tigbauan; time; toneladas; trade; trading; treasury; tree; troops; true; truth; university; uprising; value; vassals; vessels; viceroy; village; virtue; voyage; war; water; way; welfare; wife; wish; wives; women; wood; word; work; worship; write; writing; year; yndia; young cache: 15022.txt plain text: 15022.txt item: #12 of 49 id: 15157 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 16 of 55 1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 94227 flesch: 68 summary: The apparel and clothing of these natives of Luzon before the entrance of the Spaniards into the country were generally, for the men, certain short collarless garments of _cangan_, sewed together in the front, and with short sleeves, and reaching slightly below the waist; some were blue and others black, while the chiefs had some red ones, called _chinanas_. [138] Báhay is house in Tagál; _pamamáhay_ is that which is in the interior and the house. keywords: abundance; acapulco; accordance; account; act; acuña; administration; advice; advisable; affairs; alcaldes; ammunition; anchor; ancient; annual; antonio; archbishop; archipelago; argensola; armed; arms; army; arrival; articles; artillery; attack; audiencia; august; authority; barangay; bay; beautiful; beginning; best; birds; black; boats; bodies; body; book; borneo; brother; building; cabildo; cagayan; camarines; camboxa; camp; cape; capital; captain; care; cases; castilla; cathedral; cattle; cause; cent; certain; chapter; charge; chief; children; china; chincheo; chinese; christians; church; churches; city; classes; close; cloth; coast; colin; colors; coming; command; commander; commerce; common; company; condition; conquest; consequently; considerable; consideration; contrary; conversion; cotton; council; countries; country; course; crown; custom; cut; daily; danger; dasmariñas; day; days; de acuña; dead; death; decree; defense; degrees; delay; delgado; desire; determined; diego; different; difficult; discalced; distance; districts; don; don pedro; dutch; duties; duty; early; east; eastern; efforts; embassy; encomenderos; encomiendas; end; enemies; enemy; english; enterprise; entire; entrance; españa; espiritu; esquivel; estevan; events; excellent; expedition; expenses; experience; faith; father; fear; felipe; field; filipinas; filipinas islands; filipino; find; fine; fire; fish; fishing; flagship; fleet; following; follows; food; force; form; fort; fortress; fourth; fowls; francisco; fray; free; friendship; fruit; furtado; gain; galleys; gallinato; gaspar; gate; general; god; gold; gomez; good; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; green; guard; hair; half; head; heavy; help; high; history; holanda; hold; holy; honor; houses; iii; importance; inasmuch; increase; indians; industry; infidels; information; inhabitants; inhabited; inside; instruction; insurrection; interest; islands; islas; ivory; january; japanese; japon; jesus; joan; juan; juan de; june; justice; kept; kinds; king; kingdoms; language; large; las; latitude; law; laws; leave; left; leguas; letter; leyes; lib; life; like; lima; little; live; long; lordship; loss; lost; lower; luis; luys; luzon; madrid; majesty; majority; malaca; malucas; maluco; manila; manner; march; married; master; matters; mayor; means; men; merchandise; merchants; methods; mexico; military; mindanao; mines; ministers; missions; moderate; moluccas; monastery; money; month; morga; moros; mother; nations; natives; nature; navigation; near; necessary; necessity; new; news; night; north; northern; nueva; nueva españa; number; numerous; occasion; october; officers; officials; ones; open; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; ordinary; original; outside; pablo; palm; pampanga; panay; parents; parián; parties; parts; pass; past; pay; pedro; pedro de; people; perez; period; permission; persons; pesos; philippines; pieces; pintados; place; plant; point; poison; poor; portion; portuguese; possessions; possible; powder; powerful; prepared; present; president; principal; private; products; property; provinces; provisions; punishment; purpose; quantity; quiet; race; ready; reals; reason; recopilación; red; regard; regions; regular; relation; relatives; religion; religious; report; respect; rest; result; return; revenues; reënforcements; rice; rich; river; rizal; rowers; royal; said; sail; sailing; salary; sangleys; santiago; santo; sea; seas; sebu; second; security; series; servants; service; set; settlements; severe; ships; shore; sides; silk; silver; similar; size; slaves; small; smaller; society; soldiers; south; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; species; spices; stanley; states; stone; storms; strait; strength; strong; sufficient; suitable; sum; supplies; supply; tagál; taking; taste; tello; ternatans; ternate; terrenate; things; thought; tidore; timagua; time; tit; title; town; trade; trading; treasury; treatment; trees; tributes; true; truth; unable; undertaking; usual; value; vassals; vendavals; vera; vessels; viceroy; vicinity; village; vol; volume; voyage; wall; war; wars; water; way; wealth; weapons; weather; west; white; wide; wife; wild; wind; wine; women; wood; word; work; wounded; writing; year cache: 15157.txt plain text: 15157.txt item: #13 of 49 id: 15184 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 13 of 55 1604-1605 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of The Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 87377 flesch: 60 summary: On the day of its foundation were assembled the royal Audiencia, [those who direct] the vacant Bishopric, the religious orders, and many other people of rank in this city. While one of our brethren was sojourning in an Indian village far from that city [of Manila], two incidents occurred whereby was seen and manifested the supernatural virtue of the holy _Agnus Dei_, so famed for many other great miracles. keywords: able; account; acts; acuña; adults; affairs; affection; alangalang; answer; antipolo; antonio; archbishop; armed; arrival; ask; audiencia; auditors; authority; baptism; beginning; best; blessed; blessed father; blood; body; bohol; boys; brethren; brother; building; captain; care; carigara; cases; catechumens; catholic; cause; cebú; celebrated; certain; chapter; charge; chiefs; children; china; chinese; chirino; christian; christianity; church; churches; citizens; city; coast; coming; command; commander; common; communion; companion; condition; confession; confidence; confraternity; considerable; consolation; converted; converts; council; country; cross; custom; danger; day; days; dead; death; decree; desire; desirous; devotion; diego; difficulty; discipline; distant; district; divine; doctrine; documents; don; dulac; dying; easter; edification; encouraged; end; entire; españa; events; evil; example; excellent; exercises; extraordinary; faith; father; father francisco; favor; fear; feast; february; feet; felipe; fervor; fields; fiscal; following; food; form; francisco; fray; friends; gabriel; gain; general; gifts; god; going; good; gospel; government; governor; grace; great; greater; grief; hand; harvest; health; hearing; heart; heaven; help; high; hold; holy; holy baptism; home; hour; house; husband; ignatius; iii; image; importance; incident; increase; indians; infidel; information; inhabitants; instructed; instruction; islands; jesuit; jesus; journey; joy; juan; july; june; justice; king; knees; knowledge; known; labors; lack; language; large; late; learning; leguas; lent; leon; letter; life; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; lordship; loss; love; luzon; majesty; making; man; manila; manner; mass; matter; means; members; men; mention; merchandise; mercy; mexico; miguel; ministers; ministries; mission; missionaries; money; months; morning; mother; mountains; natives; near; necessary; need; new; night; notable; nueva; number; occasion; offices; officials; old; open; order; pagan; parents; parian; past; pay; pedro; people; permission; persons; pesos; philipinas; piety; pious; place; plan; pleased; pleasure; point; poor; possible; power; practice; prayers; prepared; presence; present; president; priest; procession; profit; progress; property; province; provincial; public; purpose; rank; reason; regard; regions; religious; remedy; residence; rest; result; return; reverence; reverend; river; royal; sacrament; said; salvation; sanchez; sangleys; satisfaction; saying; school; sea; sebu; second; seminary; sermon; service; set; ships; short; sick; sins; slaves; small; society; soldiers; souls; spaniards; spanish; special; spiritual; state; strength; students; sufficient; sunday; teaching; tears; thanks; things; thou; time; trade; treasury; true; truth; unable; usual; utmost; value; vessel; viceroy; village; violent; virtue; visitor; voyage; war; water; way; week; wife; witness; woman; word; work; year; young cache: 15184.txt plain text: 15184.txt item: #14 of 49 id: 15445 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 14 of 55 1606-1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of The Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 90232 flesch: 66 summary: Since the Chinese are very avaricious, it was regarded as certain that some vessels would come without fail, and the swift ones would arrive here much earlier than they ordinarily do in other years: but this did not happen, for it was the end of May before we had any news from China. Both these reports are discussed in the Council of State (September 7 and December 20, 1607), where complaint is made against the methods of the Jesuit missionaries in Japan; and the king is advised to allow religious from other orders to enter that field, and to prohibit trade from the Philippines to Japan, The king thereupon requests from Rome the revocation of the briefs obliging friars to go to Japan via India, and a new one placing this matter in Felipe's hands. keywords: acapulco; account; acuña; addition; aduarte; affairs; aforesaid; aged; allowance; amounts; answer; antonio; archbishop; arms; artillery; attention; audiencia; auditor; august; authority; beginning; best; brethren; brother; business; cagayan; caliber; camp; captain; care; case; casting; catholic; causes; certain; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; church; citizens; city; coast; come; coming; command; commander; commerce; company; condition; conduct; confraternity; conquest; contrary; convent; conversion; copy; council; country; court; danger; dasmariñas; day; days; de acuña; de la; death; decision; declarant; decree; demands; demi; desire; despatch; determined; diego; difficulties; district; documents; don; don pedro; ducados; dutch; duties; encomiendas; enemy; españa; excellent; exchequer; expedient; expedition; expenses; exploration; factory; faith; far; father; felipe; fire; fiscal; fleet; following; follows; food; fort; francisco; fray; friars; galleys; general; god; going; gold; gomez; good; gospel; government; governor; granos; grant; great; greater; greatest; half; hands; highness; holiness; holy; hospital; houses; iii; importance; inasmuch; increase; indians; information; informed; inhabitants; insurrection; islands; item; january; japanese; japon; joan; journey; juan; juan de; july; june; justice; king; kingdom; known; lack; large; law; leave; left; leguas; length; letter; libras; licentiate; like; little; living; long; lord; loss; luis; madrid; majesty; making; maldonado; maluco; manila; manner; march; mariscal; marques; matter; mayor; means; measures; men; merchandise; merchants; mexico; miguel; military; mines; missionaries; money; month; mountains; names; native; near; necessary; need; new; news; november; nueva; number; occasion; office; officers; officials; olanda; opinion; opportunity; order; parian; past; pay; pedro; pedro de; people; perez; permission; persons; pesos; petition; philipinas; philippine; pieces; place; pleased; point; poor; port; portugal; portuguese; possible; present; principal; private; proceedings; profit; property; protection; province; provisions; public; purpose; quantity; reach; reals; reason; regard; regions; relation; religious; remedy; report; rest; result; return; rice; right; river; royal; royal audiencia; royal majesty; said; sail; saker; salaries; salary; sangleys; sargento; sea; sebastian; second; section; seminary; september; service; set; seventh; sevilla; ships; silver; sire; sixteen; small; society; soldiers; spain; spaniards; spanish; state; statement; station; studies; sufficient; suitable; sum; supplies; support; terrenate; theology; things; thought; tidore; time; tomins; total; trade; treasury; tributes; troops; true; truth; tuy; u300 pesos; unable; valladolid; vega; vessels; viceroy; view; village; vol; voyage; war; water; way; women; work; year; ygolotes; yndias cache: 15445.txt plain text: 15445.txt item: #15 of 49 id: 15530 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 17 of 55 1609-1616 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 85468 flesch: 64 summary: [The following laws are translated from _Recopilación de leyes_, lib. [20] The following law was passed at Lerma July 23, 1605; and at Madrid December 19, 1618, and is found in _Recopilación de leyes_, lib. keywords: absence; acapulco; accordance; account; achen; administration; admiral; advisable; affairs; aforesaid; alcalde; almiranta; alms; antonio; appointment; april; archbishop; arms; army; arrival; articles; artillery; attack; attention; audiencia; auditor; august; authority; balls; battle; bay; beginning; benefit; bernardo; best; blessed; boat; body; brethren; brother; cabezas; cabo; camp; captain; care; cargo; case; castilla; cavite; cebú; certain; charge; chief; china; chinese; christians; church; churches; citizens; city; class; cochin; college; coming; command; commander; commerce; commissary; common; community; condition; confession; considerable; consideration; continue; contrary; convent; cost; council; country; custom; cáceres; damage; danger; date; day; days; de la; de manila; de silva; dead; death; december; decree; defense; del; delgado; desire; diego; distant; districts; divine; documents; dominic; dominicans; don; dutch; duties; duty; early; ecclesiastical; effect; efforts; end; enemies; enemy; españa; establishment; example; exercise; expedient; expedition; fact; faith; fall; father; favor; fear; february; felipe; fernando; filipinas; filipinas islands; finished; fire; flagship; fleet; following; follows; food; force; form; fort; foundation; fourth; francisco; fray; free; friars; future; galleons; galleys; general; gobernadorcillo; god; good; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; gregorio; half; hands; harm; help; highness; historia; hold; holy; honor; hope; hospital; houses; iii; importance; inasmuch; increase; indians; information; inhabitants; injury; insurrection; interim; islands; item; january; japanese; japon; jesuit; jesus; juan; juan de; judge; july; june; justice; kind; king; kingdom; knight; labor; lack; lady; large; law; laws; lay; leave; ledesma; left; leguas; letter; leyes; lib; lieutenant; life; like; list; little; long; lopez; lord; lorenzo; loss; lost; macao; madrid; majesty; makes; making; malaca; maluco; manila; manner; manuel; march; matter; mayor; means; measures; members; men; mention; merchandise; merchants; method; mexico; military; mindanao; ministers; missions; money; monopoly; montero; month; morning; moros; méjico; natives; navigation; near; necessary; need; new; news; note; november; nueva; nueva españa; number; occasion; october; office; officials; open; opinion; order; ordinances; outside; pablo; panama; patache; pay; pedro; people; permission; persons; peru; perú; pesos; philippines; pieces; pilot; place; pleased; political; poor; port; portuguese; possession; possible; post; power; powerful; present; president; priests; prior; prisoner; private; profits; properties; property; protection; province; provincial; provision; public; purpose; quantity; rank; reason; recopilación; rector; reforms; regard; relations; religious; remainder; report; request; residence; rest; result; return; reverend; right; route; royal; royal order; rule; s.j; said; said college; said governor; sail; sailing; sailors; san; santa; santiago; sea; second; secular; security; segovia; segundo; seminary; sending; september; service; sevilla; ships; short; sick; silk; silva; silver; sins; slaves; small; society; soldiers; souls; spain; spaniards; spanish; state; statutes; strait; students; sufficient; sum; support; suppression; term; terrenate; things; time; title; town; trade; trading; treasury; tributes; troops; troubles; true; truth; valladolid; vassals; vessels; viceroy; victory; vidal; village; virgin; virtue; visitas; vol; voyage; war; water; way; wealth; week; welfare; wind; wine; wish; woman; work; year; yndia cache: 15530.txt plain text: 15530.txt item: #16 of 49 id: 15564 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 18 of 55 1617-1620 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 96549 flesch: 66 summary: These are: Leyte, Çamar, Ybabao, Bohol, and many other islands of lesser importance, besides that part of the island of Mindanao opposite Zubu which was formerly at peace--that is, all the country along the Butuan River, forty leguas from Zubu, and the coasts of Surigao, Dapitan, and Caragas, a little further from Zubu. Now it has none, because six galleons were sent to other islands in order that the injuries that they had received in the late battle might be repaired. keywords: acapulco; accordance; account; acts; administration; admiral; advantage; advisable; affairs; alcaldia; alcaraz; almiranta; alonso; arce; archbishop; archbishopric; arms; arrival; articles; artillery; attack; audiencia; auditors; august; battle; bay; best; bishop; bring; building; burning; cabildo; camarines; camp; cape; capital; captain; care; cargo; cause; cavite; certain; charge; chief; china; chinese; christians; church; citizens; city; cloth; cloves; coast; codos; coming; commander; commerce; common; community; condition; considerable; consideration; contrary; conversion; copy; coronel; council; countries; country; court; danger; day; days; de silva; death; december; deck; decree; defense; del; desire; despatch; diego; different; difficulty; districts; divine; documents; don; don juan; dutch; duties; eastern; emperor; encomiendas; end; enemies; enemy; english; españa; events; evident; evil; example; excellent; exchequer; expedition; expenses; experience; fact; factories; faith; fajardo; far; father; favor; fear; felipe; fight; filipinas; filipinas islands; fire; fiscal; flagship; fleet; following; food; force; forts; francisco; fray; friars; galleons; galleys; garrison; gaviria; general; geronimo; giving; goa; god; gold; good; government; governor; grant; great; greater; greatest; half; hand; harm; head; help; highness; hold; hollanders; holy; honor; hospital; house; iii; importance; inasmuch; income; increase; indians; infantry; information; inhabitants; injuries; injury; iron; islands; item; japanese; japon; jesus; juan; juan de; judge; judicial; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; king; kingdom; known; labor; lack; large; law; leave; leguas; letter; licentiate; life; like; line; little; live; long; longer; lord; lordship; loss; lost; macao; madrid; majesty; malucas; maluco; mandarins; manila; manner; margin; matter; mayor; means; measures; memorial; men; merchandise; mexico; miguel; military; mindanao; money; month; nations; natives; near; necessary; necessity; need; needed; new; news; north; note; november; nueva; nueva españa; number; obligations; occasion; office; officers; officials; ones; open; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinary; original; papers; parts; pass; past; patache; pay; pedro; pedro de; people; permission; persons; pesos; petition; philippines; pieces; pintados; place; plan; pleased; plunder; poor; port; portugal; portuguese; possession; possible; posts; prepared; present; president; private; profit; property; province; provincial; provisions; public; purpose; qualities; quantity; quintal; reach; ready; reals; reason; regard; regions; relation; religious; remedy; report; respect; rest; result; return; reënforcements; rice; rigging; rios; royal; royal audiencia; royal service; royal treasury; said; sail; sailors; salary; san; sangleys; santa; says; sea; seamen; seas; second; secure; seminary; servants; service; seventeen; ships; short; silks; silva; silver; slaves; small; society; soldiers; south; spain; spaniards; spanish; state; storm; strong; subjects; sufficient; suitable; sum; supplies; supply; taking; ternate; terrenate; things; tidore; time; toneladas; town; trade; trading; treasury; treatment; tributes; trouble; unable; use; usual; vacant; value; vassals; vessels; viceroy; vol; voyage; war; water; way; welfare; wine; wish; women; wood; work; year; yndia cache: 15564.txt plain text: 15564.txt item: #17 of 49 id: 16086 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 19 of 55 1620-1621 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century. date: None words: 88540 flesch: 65 summary: There are many other islands, and from there to the Malucos it must be about eighty leguas. Since a proper remedy for what happened at the port of Capulco, which I am bound to suggest to your Majesty, and for many other matters concerning your royal service, cannot be suggested in this place, I shall give it in other memorials. keywords: acapulco; accordance; account; act; acts; admiral; advisable; affairs; alonso; alvarez; archipelago; arms; arrival; articles; artillery; attack; audiencia; auditors; august; authority; bad; bay; beginning; benefit; best; brother; camp; captain; care; carrying; cause; certain; chapter; charge; chief; china; chinese; christians; church; citizens; city; cloves; coasts; coming; commander; commerce; common; concern; condition; considerable; contrary; copy; cost; council; country; course; court; crown; danger; day; days; de silva; deal; death; decree; defense; desire; despatch; diego; different; difficulties; difficulty; divine; doctor; documents; don; ducados; dutch; duties; efforts; encomiendas; endeavor; enemies; enemy; english; españa; events; evident; evil; example; excellent; execution; exercise; expedient; expedition; expenses; experience; factory; faith; fajardo; far; father; favor; fear; felipe; filipinas; fine; fire; fiscal; flagship; fleet; following; food; forces; forts; fought; fourth; francisco; fray; friendship; gain; galleons; galleys; general; goa; god; going; gold; good; gospel; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; half; hands; head; help; hold; hollanders; holy; hope; house; iii; importance; inasmuch; increase; indians; infantry; information; informed; inhabitants; injuries; islands; item; japanese; japon; juan; juan de; july; jurisdiction; justice; king; kingdom; known; lack; large; late; leave; leguas; letter; licenses; life; like; little; live; long; lord; lordship; loss; lost; luis; macan; madrid; majesty; making; malaca; malucas; maluco; mandarins; manila; manner; marginal; matter; mayor; maçes; means; measures; memorial; men; mention; merchandise; merits; method; military; mines; money; month; nations; natives; near; necessary; need; news; note; nueva; number; occasion; office; officials; ones; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinary; panama; parts; pass; past; patache; pay; pedro; people; perez; permission; persecution; persons; pesos; petition; philippines; pico; pieces; place; pleased; point; poor; portuguese; possible; posts; prepared; present; president; prices; prison; prisoners; private; products; profit; proper; property; province; provincial; provisions; prudence; public; purpose; quantity; ready; reals; reason; regard; regions; relation; relief; religious; remedy; report; reputation; rest; results; return; reverence; reënforcements; rich; right; rios; risk; route; royal; said; sail; san; sangleys; saying; sea; second; section; secular; sending; serve; service; set; ships; short; silk; silva; silver; small; society; soldiers; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; state; strait; strong; suitable; sum; supplies; support; taes; tartars; terrenate; thanks; things; time; trade; trading; treasury; treatment; troops; trouble; true; trust; truth; usual; value; vessels; viceroy; victory; voyage; war; way; wealth; weather; welfare; wish; wood; work; world; worth; write; writing; year cache: 16086.txt plain text: 16086.txt item: #18 of 49 id: 16133 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 20 of 55 1621-1624 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century. date: None words: 85089 flesch: 62 summary: But this they do, thinking that they comply with your Majesty's said order by clothing those said religious of the cloth in the shabby habit of the discalced religious, in order to pass over here--whereby your Majesty's royal will is defrauded and your royal officials at your ports deceived. Notwithstanding that there were not wanting some here who doubted the truth of those despatches from Japon, yet the governor, being so anxious for your Majesty's service, began to prepare and furnish all that was necessary for the repair of the vessels stationed in the port of Cavite, and many other things that had need of repair. keywords: account; action; acts; administration; advisable; affairs; alonso; alvaro; antonio; anxiety; april; archbishop; archbishopric; arrival; artillery; assay; audiencia; auditors; august; augustine; authority; bay; benefices; best; bishopric; cabildo; camp; captain; carats; care; case; cathedral; catholic; causes; cavite; certain; charge; chief; china; chinese; christians; church; churches; citizens; city; cloth; college; coming; commissary; community; condition; conscience; considerable; contrary; convent; copy; council; country; course; court; day; days; de messa; de silva; death; december; decree; defense; del; desire; despatch; diego; diezmos; difficulty; discalced; divine; divine majesty; documents; dominic; don; dutch; duties; duty; ecclesiastical; effect; efforts; end; enemies; enemy; english; entrance; españa; evil; example; exercise; expected; expedient; fact; fajardo; father; favor; fear; feast; filipinas; fine; fiscal; fitting; fleet; following; force; francis; francisco; fray; free; friars; general; god; gold; good; government; governor; grain; great; greater; greatest; guard; half; hand; help; hitherto; hold; holy; honor; hospital; house; importance; inasmuch; increase; indians; infantry; information; informed; inhabitants; instruction; islands; japanese; japon; jesus; juan; juan de; judge; july; justice; king; known; labor; lack; large; later; leave; legaspi; leguas; letter; libras; licentiate; life; like; little; living; long; lord; loss; lost; macan; madrid; majesty; majesty orders; making; manila; manner; margin; marginal; matter; mayor; means; measures; men; messa; metal; mexico; miguel; mines; ministers; missions; money; month; nations; natives; near; necessary; need; new; news; night; note; nueva; number; occasion; office; officials; ones; onzas; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinary; ore; outside; pangasinan; pass; passage; past; pay; pedro; people; permission; persons; pesos; petition; philippines; place; pleased; pleasure; point; poor; portuguese; possible; power; present; president; pretext; priest; prison; private; profit; property; province; provincial; public; punishment; purpose; quantity; quicksilver; quintals; quirante; real; reason; regard; regions; relation; religious; remedy; report; residencia; result; return; royal; said; sail; salary; san; sangleys; santa; santiago; sargento; second; secular; secure; segovia; serrano; service; set; ships; sick; silva; sire; sixteen; slaves; small; society; soldiers; souls; spaniards; spanish; state; sufficient; suitable; sum; supplies; terrenate; thanks; things; thought; time; trade; treasury; troops; true; truth; usual; vacant; value; vein; vessels; viceroy; villages; virtue; war; way; wife; wish; witnesses; women; words; work; worth; wretched; year; ygolotes cache: 16133.txt plain text: 16133.txt item: #19 of 49 id: 16203 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 21 of 55 1624 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century. date: None words: 87662 flesch: 60 summary: Reverend father in Christ, bishop of the city of Antequera, of the valley of Huajaca, of Nueva España, and member of my council: Inasmuch as I have heard that the religious who reside in those regions, busied in the instruction and conversion of the Indians, give out that it is a cause of great disquiet and uneasiness to them for you to send to visit them, in regard to curacies, by clerics or religious of other orders; and as it is advisable to avoid all occasions that may divert them from their chief end, especially since (as they say) There died most happily father Fray Juan de San Augustin, a son of the province of Castilla. keywords: accordance; account; act; administration; advisable; affairs; affection; aforesaid; afterward; alms; alonso; andres; antonio; apostolic; appointment; archbishop; arms; associates; audiencia; auditors; augustine; augustinian; authority; baptism; barbarians; barbarous; bay; beautiful; beginning; benefice; best; birds; bishops; boat; body; branch; brief; brother; building; calamianes; captain; caragha; care; castilla; cathedral; catholic; cause; celebrated; certain; chapter; charge; chief; children; christian; church; churches; citizens; city; coast; colin; college; command; common; condition; congregation; considerable; consideration; consolation; contents; continual; contrary; convent; conversion; converted; council; country; court; cross; curacies; curas; customs; danger; date; day; days; de la; de san; de santa; dead; death; deceased; december; decree; del; delay; desire; despatches; determined; devil; devotion; diego; different; dilao; dios; discalced; distant; districts; divine; doctrine; documents; don; don fray; duties; duty; early; ecclesiastical; effect; efforts; end; enter; entrance; españa; espiritu; established; example; excellent; exercise; experienced; fact; faith; families; famous; father; father fray; father st; favor; fear; felipe; fierce; fine; fitting; fleet; following; follows; food; force; form; fort; foundation; fourth; francisco; francisco de; fray; fray juan; free; fruit; gathering; general; general de; geronimo; god; going; good; gospel; government; governor; grace; grant; great; great father; greater; greatest; gregory; half; hand; happy; hardships; head; health; heathen; help; high; historia; history; hold; holiness; holy; honor; house; iii; illustrious; image; inasmuch; increase; indians; infidels; information; inhabitants; innovation; installation; instance; instruction; islands; japanese; jesus; joan; juan de; judge; june; jurisdiction; justice; king; kingdoms; knowledge; known; labor; lack; lady; language; large; law; leave; leguas; letter; licentiate; life; like; little; lives; living; location; long; lord; lordship; los; luis; luis de; madre; madrid; majesty; manila; manner; march; matter; means; measures; meeting; members; men; mexico; miguel; miguel de; mindanao; ministers; ministry; missionaries; missionary; missions; month; mountains; natives; near; necessary; need; new; nicolas; notable; november; nueva; number; numerous; obligation; observance; occasion; office; old; order; ordering; original; outside; parish; parts; pastells; patronage; pay; pedro; pedro de; penalty; people; permission; persons; pertains; petition; philipinas; philippine; pious; place; pleased; pleasure; poor; port; possession; possible; power; prayers; preaching; prelate; presence; present; presentation; president; priest; prior; privileges; proceed; procession; protection; province; provincial; provisor; public; purpose; quiet; reason; recollect; reduction; reform; regard; regions; regular; relation; relief; religion; religious; religious orders; remedy; remote; request; respect; rest; result; return; reverend; right; river; rodrigo; rodrigo de; royal; rules; sacraments; sacred; said; said decree; said father; said religious; sail; santa; sea; second; section; secular; seminary; serrano; serve; service; set; shores; short; sick; site; small; soldiers; souls; sovereign; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; spiritual; subject; suffering; sufficient; suitable; superior; supreme; taking; teaching; tenor; things; thought; time; title; tolentino; tree; trent; true; undertaking; vacant; venerable; vicar; viceroy; village; virtue; visit; volume; voyage; walls; water; way; welfare; wife; wild; wished; woman; words; work; world; worship; writing; year; yndias; zeal cache: 16203.txt plain text: 16203.txt item: #20 of 49 id: 16297 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 22 of 55 1625-29 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century. date: None words: 88216 flesch: 65 summary: Governor Don Juan de Silva, having conquered on the coasts of Filipinas the fleet of the Dutch who were robbing the Chinese in the year 610, it was learned from the instructions of Count Mauricio that they were forbidden to plunder the Chinese and other nations, and that they were only permitted to trade with them. He was present with Governor Don Juan de Silva in the fleet which the latter took to the strait of Sincapura; and afterward was likewise in that of General Don Juan Ronquillo, who fought against the said Dutch at the said Playa Honda, he being present on the admiral's galley. keywords: abilities; ability; accordance; account; act; admiral; advisable; affairs; alcalde; alférez; alonso; antonio; appointment; april; archbishop; arms; arrival; artillery; attack; audiencia; auditors; august; authority; beautiful; best; bishopric; boats; boys; brother; building; camp; capacity; captain; captain don; capture; care; catholic; cause; cavite; certain; charge; chief; china; chinese; christians; church; city; coast; collection; college; coming; commandant; commander; commerce; commission; common; community; company; condition; confirmation; considerable; consideration; contrary; contreras; convent; conversion; corregidor; council; country; court; damage; danger; day; days; de silva; de tavora; death; december; decision; decree; defense; despatch; diego; different; documents; dominic; don; don juan; doubt; ducados; dutch; duties; duty; embroidered; emperor; encomienda; enemies; enemy; españa; excellent; expedition; expenses; experience; faith; fajardo; far; father; favor; fear; felipe; fernando; fernando de; fight; filipinas; filipinas islands; fine; fire; fiscal; flagship; flandes; fleet; following; food; formosa; fort; francisco; fray; galleons; galleys; general; geronimo; giving; god; gold; good; government; governor; governor don; grant; great; greater; half; heathen; heavy; help; hermosa; hold; holy; house; iii; importance; impossible; inasmuch; income; increase; indians; infantry; inhabitants; injury; islands; japanese; japon; jesus; joloans; juan; juan de; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; kind; king; kingdom; known; lack; large; law; leave; left; leguas; letter; life; like; little; live; livery; long; lord; loss; macan; madrid; majesty; making; manila; manner; march; margin; matter; mayor; means; men; merchandise; mexico; military; mindanao; ministers; money; month; natives; near; necessary; need; new; news; niño; niño de; november; nueva; number; occasion; october; offices; officials; opportunity; order; ordinary; ornaments; outside; parián; parts; past; patache; pay; pedro; pedro de; people; permission; person; pesos; petition; philippines; pieces; pirates; place; pleased; poor; port; portuguese; position; possession; post; power; powerful; present; president; price; private; products; profession; profit; property; protector; province; provincial; purpose; qualifications; quantity; reals; reason; regard; regions; relation; relief; religious; remedy; report; respect; rest; result; return; revenues; rich; river; royal; royal audiencia; royal decree; royal majesty; royal officials; royal service; royal treasury; ruiz; rule; said; sail; sailing; salaries; salary; sangleys; sargento; says; sea; seas; second; section; secular; secure; seminary; september; serrano; service; set; settlement; sevilla; ships; short; siam; siamese; silk; silver; sire; small; society; soldiers; souls; sovereign; spain; spaniards; spanish; state; stone; storm; sufficient; suits; sum; supplies; support; tavora; terrenate; things; thought; time; trade; trading; treasury; tributarios; tribute; usual; vacant; value; vassals; vessels; village; voyage; war; wars; water; way; wealth; weather; women; work; year cache: 16297.txt plain text: 16297.txt item: #21 of 49 id: 16451 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 23 of 55 1629-30 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century. date: None words: 83337 flesch: 69 summary: Without any doubt, the Filipinas are the best suited for this purpose, as they are near great China, and not far from Japón, Siam, and Camboja, while even the land of India is said to be within sight; and the islands are surrounded by an infinite number of other islands, inhabited by immense multitudes of people. Many tongues are spoken in them, for there are many islands and many villages, and there is hardly a village that has not its own dialect. keywords: able; abundance; accepted; account; accountant; act; acts; adelantado; advantage; advice; advisable; affairs; aguirre; agustín; alcalde; alonso; alvarez; andrés; answer; arms; arrival; arroyo; artillery; audiencia; auditors; augustinian; authority; bay; best; bishop; blood; boats; bonds; building; bulletin; burning; camp; captain; care; carry; castilians; castilla; catálogo; cause; cavite; cebú; census; certain; chapter; charge; chief; china; chinese; christian; church; churches; citizens; city; civilized; clerks; coast; coming; commandant; commander; commerce; condition; contrary; convent; copy; council; country; course; court; cross; custom; daily; damage; danger; day; days; de silva; de tavora; death; decree; definitor; del; desire; despatch; devotion; diego; diego de; different; district; don; doubt; dutch; duties; efforts; embassy; encomienda; end; enemy; entire; españa; events; evil; excellent; expedition; expenses; experience; fact; faith; far; father; father fray; fear; feast; felipe; fernando; fernando de; filipinas; filipinas islands; find; fine; fire; fiscal; fleet; following; follows; food; force; francisco; fray; friendship; fund; gain; general; god; good; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; half; hand; head; herrera; history; holy; house; ilocos; importance; increase; indians; information; informed; inhabitants; innumerable; islands; japanese; japon; journey; juan; juan de; judge; july; junk; jurisdiction; justice; kind; king; kingdom; known; lack; lake; language; large; law; leave; left; legazpi; leguas; letter; licentiate; lies; life; like; little; live; long; lord; lordship; loss; macan; magallanes; majesty; making; malaca; manila; manner; margin; matter; mayor; means; medina; men; mexico; minister; ministry; mission; missionaries; missionary; money; month; moros; méjico; natives; near; necessary; need; new; news; niño; niño de; north; notary; nueva; number; occasion; office; officials; ones; open; opinion; opposition; order; pampanga; panay; paper; parts; passage; past; pay; pedro; people; permission; person; pesos; petition; philippines; place; plead; pleased; point; poor; population; port; portuguese; possession; possible; present; president; prior; priorate; proper; province; provincial; purpose; pérez; quiet; rada; reason; regard; relief; religious; remedy; reparation; reply; report; request; residencia; respect; rest; result; return; rice; right; river; royal; royal audiencia; rules; said; sail; salazar; san; sangleys; satisfaction; says; sea; second; secretary; sending; separate; service; ships; short; silva; silver; small; society; soldiers; south; sovereign; spain; spaniards; spanish; state; stone; sufficient; sugbú; suitable; sum; supra; taal; tagál; tavora; things; thought; time; today; tondo; town; trade; treasury; tribute; true; truth; urdaneta; usual; value; vessels; viceroy; village; virtue; vol; voyage; war; water; way; women; work; world; writing; year; yndia; zeal cache: 16451.txt plain text: 16451.txt item: #22 of 49 id: 16501 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 83909 flesch: 69 summary: Vn escriuano publico y del cauildo los Regidores son perpetuos el alguaçil mayor por el tiempo qe lo fuere el alcalde mayor el escriuano como es poblacon nueua y ay pocos pleytos no tiene proueçhos sino es de los pleytos de los yndios porqe sale a visitar fuera con el alcalde mayor y de otras comisiones qe se le cometen a la justiçia tiene la villa de juridiçion tres leguas en çircuyto de la diçha villa no tiene proprios.--las principales poblaçones desta ysla son las siguientes El pueblo de oton junto a la villa El pueblo de ticbaguan-- El Rio de jaro.-- El Rio de yvahay-- El Rio de ajuy.-- El Rio de harahut El Rio de panay El Rio de aclan El Pueblo de antiqe El Pueblo de bugason y otros de menos Cantidad, tiene El alcalde mayor de salario treçientos pesos librados en las penas de camara y si no alcançare en la Real caxa cobra por comission del goueror y de los ofiçiales Reales los tributos qe perteneçen a su magd en aquella ysla. y desde entonçes se quitan las mantas blancas y las argollas de bejucos de los braços y de la gar ganta y desde entonçes se quitan el luto y comen aRoz y se ponen oro. keywords: able; abundante de; account; act; adelante; adultery; advocates; affairs; aforesaid; agora; alcalde; alfonso de; alguazil; alguna; algunos; amo de; ancestors; anito; anito de; apartada de; appeal; appointment; aquella; arevalo; ariua; aroz y; arrest; articles; artillery; asta; attention; attorneys; audiencia; auditors; auer; auia; auian de; aunqe; aunqe la; aura; authority; ay en; ay la; años; bad; banton; barangay; batala; batangas; bay; baybay; beginning; behalf; best; bishop; box y; buelta de; cabildo; cada; camarines; cantidad de; captain; care; casa de; casa y; casamientos de; casar; cases; casi; caueça de; certain; chapter; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; circumference; city; civil; clause; clerks; coast; comer; command; commissary; como; como el; como la; como los; con; con el; con la; con los; condition; conduct; conqe; contrary; copy; cosa; cosas de; costs; costumbre de; cotton; council; counsel; country; course; court; crime; criminal; crown; customs; cuyo; dapitan; dar; day; days; de agua; de algalia; de algodon; de algun; de alli; de ançho; de aquel; de aquellos; de aqui; de areualo; de aroz; de bantay; de banton; de bejucos; de box; de buena; de burney; de butuan; de cabras; de cagayan; de camara; de camarines; de carrion; de castilla; de cauite; de comer; de comida; de dinero; de donde; de españa; de españoles; de guerra; de indias; de la; de legazpi; de libon; de loarca; de los; de manilla; de maripipe; de mayas; de mil; de mindoro; de moron; de muçha; de nueua; de oro; de palmas; de panay; de pangasinan; de paracale; de paz; de peñalosa; de por; de ribera; de salario; de salazar; de ser; de sesenta; de simara; de sinay; de su; de suerte; de tener; de todas; de todo; de treynta; de veynte; de vicor; de vigan; de vino; de viuir; de vn; de vnos; de ylagua; de ylocos; de çhina; de çircuyto; de çubu; dead; death; debaxo de; decision; decree; del; delay; demasia de; descubierto de; desde; desde la; desire; despues; destas; desuiada de; deçian qe; diez y; different; dinero; dioses y; district; diximos de; diçen qe; diçho; documents; domingo de; donde; dos; dote; dowry; doçe; duties; duty; duçientos; ecclesiastical; el alcalde; el dios; el dote; el otro; el prinçipal; el pueblo; el rio; el vno; ella; ella y; ellos; en casa; en el; en ella; en la; en los; en su; en vn; encomendero; encomendero de; encomendero qe; encomienda de; encomiendas; ensenada de; entre; entre los; eran; es de; es en; es gente; es muy; esclauo; esclauos de; esclauos y; escriuano de; españa; españoles; esta; esta el; esta la; esta tierra; esta ysla; estan de; estan en; estan los; este; estos; examination; excellent; exchequer; execution; expedition; expenses; faith; father; favor; fees; felipe; fertil y; fertile; fields; filipinas; fine; fiscal; fish; fleet; following; follows; food; fourfold; fowls; francisco de; fray; free; friars; frontero de; fuera de; gabriel de; gantas; gatos de; general; general de; gente de; gente qe; god; gods; gold; gonzalo; good; government; governor; gran; grande; grande y; great; greater; gte; guerra; half; harvest; haçen; haçen de; haçia; hermanos; heçho; high; hijo de; hijos; holy; hombres; hombres de; hombres qe; house; hurto; husband; important; indians; information; inhabitants; inhabited; injuries; injury; inquisition; inspection; instance; instructions; island; islets; item; japanese; journey; joyas de; juan; juan de; judge; judgment; judicial; june; juridiçion de; jurisdiction; justice; kind; king; known; la buelta; la canela; la casa; la caueça; la comarca; la costa; la encomienda; la gente; la haçienda; la laguna; la lança; la mano; la mar; la mayor; la mesma; la mitad; la muger; la otra; la pampanga; la pena; la playa; la primera; la prouja; la pte; la punta; la tierra; la vanda; la vida; la villa; la vna; la ysla; la çiudad; lack; laguna de; lake; lands; language; large; las; las yslas; law; laws; leagues; leave; leguas de; leguas esta; leguas qe; leguas y; les; letter; leyes; leyte; lies; life; like; little; live; llaman de; llaman la; lo que; long; lopez de; lord; los demas; los dos; los encomenderos; los esclauos; los españoles; los hijos; los hombres; los moros; los naturales; los pintados; los prinçipales; los pueblos; los qe; los timaguas; los yndios; luban; luego; luis de; luto de; luto y; luçon; magd; magd y; magistrates; majesty; making; maluco; manera de; manila; manner; marriage; married; mas de; masters; matan; matter; mayor de; mayor el; mayor qe; mayor y; means; medio de; medriñaque; men; menos; mexico; miguel de; mil y; mill; minas de; mindanao; mindoro; mindoro y; mines; mitad de; money; months; moros; mountains; mourning; mueren; muerte; muerte y; muger qe; muger y; mugeres de; mugeres y; mundo; mundo y; muy; muçho; natives; naturales de; nature; nauios; near; necessary; need; negros; new; news; ningun; nombre; nordeste de; norte; notary; notice; notiçia de; nueva; number; oath; offense; office; officials; opinion; opinion qe; opposite; order; ordinances; ordinary; original; oro y; otras; otro; otro qe; otros de; outside; oçho; oçhoçientos; pablo de; padre; pagar; panay; panay qe; panay y; pandaguan; para; para el; para los; para qe; parientes; parties; party; pay; pedro de; pena de; penalties; penalty; people; pequeñas de; permission; pero; person; pescado y; pesos; pesos de; pesos y; petition; philippines; pintados; place; poblada; poblaçon de; poblaçones; pobre; pobre de; poca; poco; poco de; point; poor; population; por el; por esta; por la; por los; por su; porqe la; porqe los; porque; portuguese; possession; possible; present; president; prices; prinçipal; prison; prisoner; procedure; proceedings; profit; property; prouinçia de; province; provision; pte de; public; pueblo de; pueblo y; pueblos; puerto de; punishment; punta de; purpose; qe auia; qe ay; qe como; qe de; qe diximos; qe el; qe esta; qe haçen; qe la; qe llaman; qe por; qe se; qe terna; qe tienen; qual; quales; quando; quantity; quatro; quatro de; quatroçientos; que; que tiene; quedaua; ques; ques de; ques el; ques la; quiere; quinientos; real; reason; record; regard; region; relatives; religious; remedy; report; respect; result; return; rice; right; rio de; rios; river; ronquillo de; room; royal; sacrifices; said; said audiencia; salary; sana y; sangleys; sea; second; secret; sementeras; sentences; serranias; service; settlement; seys de; ship; short; si el; si la; siempre; siendo de; siete; simara; similar; sino; siruen; slavery; slaves; small; soldiers; son de; son los; souls; south; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; state; station; strait; suitable; suits; sum; support; sus; taes; taes de; tambien de; tenia; tenia de; terna como; testimony; therefor; things; tiempo; tiempo qe; tiene como; tiene de; tiene el; tienen; tienen por; tierra y; timagua de; timaguas; time; toda la; todo el; todos; todos los; tondo; tostón; town; trade; traders; traen; traen de; trata de; treasury; tres; treçientos; tribute; true; valle de; valley; veynte; veynte y; viceroy; vienen de; villa de; villages; vino y; vna; vno; vnos; vohol; war; warrant; water; wax; way; wide; wife; wine; witnesses; wives; women; work; world; worth; wrongs; y al; y algunas; y alli; y ansi; y ay; y como; y de; y desde; y despues; y diçen; y el; y en; y era; y es; y esta; y haçen; y la; y le; y los; y luego; y mas; y media; y muy; y muçho; y otros; y por; y puercos; y qe; y quando; y quatro; y rio; y se; y seys; y seysçientos; y si; y son; y su; y tambien; y tiene; y tres; y villa; y vna; y çinco; y çinquenta; year; ylocos; yndios; yndios de; yndios en; yndios y; ynfierno y; ysla como; ysla de; ysla y; yslas; yslas qe; ysletas; çera; çerca de; çielo y; çiento y; çinco; çiudad de; çubu y cache: 16501.txt plain text: 16501.txt item: #23 of 49 id: 18102 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 93144 flesch: 68 summary: The visitors were our father Fray Alonso de Méntrida and father Fray Juan de Tapia. The chief proceeding in this chapter after the regular business--that is, what is here regarded as most important--the provision for offices, was the appointment of father Fray Juan de Tapia as definitor for Roma, and also to the procuratorship for the court of España. keywords: acapulco; accordance; account; action; acts; advisable; affairs; alcalde; almiranta; andalucía; answer; antonio; apostolic; arce; archbishop; archbishopric; arrival; artillery; associate; attack; audiencia; auditors; august; augustinian; authority; baraona; becerra; beginning; best; bisayas; bishop; boat; brother; brother fray; cabildo; camp; captain; caracoas; care; castilian; castilla; catholic; catálogo; cause; cavite; cebú; cerezo; certain; champan; chapter; charge; chief; child; china; chinese; christians; church; city; coming; commander; commissary; community; companies; company; condition; considerable; contrary; convent; copy; cost; council; countries; country; courage; court; custom; danger; day; days; de arce; de guevara; de la; de los; de rojas; de san; de silva; de tavora; death; december; decree; definitor; del; desire; despatch; devotion; diego de; different; divine; don; don fray; don juan; doubt; dutch; duty; ecclesiastical; efforts; election; emperor; enemies; enemy; enríquez; españa; excellent; expedition; expenses; experience; fact; faith; far; father antonio; father fray; father juan; father master; father provincial; father solier; father st; father visitor; fathers; favor; felipe; fell; fernando; filipinas; fine; fiscal; flagship; fleet; following; forces; fort; fortunate; fourth; francisco de; fray alonso; fray antonio; fray diego; fray estéban; fray francisco; fray hernando; fray jerónimo; fray juan; fray martín; fray miguel; fray pedro; fray vicente; friars; galleons; galleys; garcía; general; god; going; good; government; governor; grant; great; greater; greatest; guevara; half; hand; health; heavy; heredia; hermosa; holy; honor; hope; house; ilocos; importance; increase; indians; infantry; informed; inhabitants; islands; japan; japanese; jesus; juan de; judge; july; june; jurisdiction; king; kingdom; known; lack; large; later; law; learned; leave; left; leguas; letter; león; life; like; little; long; lord; lorenzo; loss; lost; macan; madrid; majesty; manila; manner; march; margin; master fray; matter; mayor; means; medina; men; mexico; military; mindanao; minister; missionaries; missionary; missions; money; month; méntrida; nangasaqui; native; near; necessary; need; new; news; nicolás; niño de; nombre de; nueva; number; occasion; office; officials; open; opinion; order; ordinances; pampanga; panay; past; pay; pedro de; people; permission; persecution; person; pesos; petition; philippines; pintados; place; pleased; point; poor; port; portuguese; possession; possible; post; power; preacher; present; president; priest; prior; prison; procurator; professed; protector; province; provincial; prudence; purpose; pérez; reader; reason; recollect; regard; regions; religious; remedy; report; rest; result; return; reënforcements; right; river; rojas; rome; royal; said; sail; salamanca; san; sangleys; sea; second; secular; sending; sepúlveda; service; set; severe; sevilla; shall; ships; short; society; soldiers; solier; souls; spain; spaniards; spanish; strength; sufficient; sugbú; suitable; superior; taking; tavora; term; terrenate; things; thought; time; torres; town; trade; treasury; triennium; troops; true; truth; usual; vessels; vicar; viceroy; villages; virtue; visitor; votes; vows; voyage; war; way; weather; welfare; wish; work; world; worthy; year; yndias; zeal cache: 18102.txt plain text: 18102.txt item: #24 of 49 id: 19118 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 25 of 55 1635-36 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 85247 flesch: 59 summary: A report was asked from the commissary-general on the sixteenth of said month. The governor lost his nephew, Don Pedro de Corcuera, whom he loved dearly; and another nephew, named Don Juan de Corcuera, perished while going as commander of the ship Nuestra Señora de la Concepción, which was dashed to pieces in the islands of the Ladrones (today the Marianas), where many people were lost, and where the governor lost a great quantity of riches, which his greed (which was great) had amassed during his term. keywords: acapulco; accordance; account; act; acts; advice; advisable; affairs; aforesaid; age; alonso; andres; answer; antonio; apostolic; appoint; appointment; archbishop; archbishop don; archbishopric; archiepiscopal; arias; artilleryman; attention; audiencia; auditor; augustine; authority; bachelor; best; buy; cabildo; canon; capital; captain; cathedral; cause; censures; cent; certain; chaplain; chapter; charge; chief; china; chinese; christ; church; churches; citizens; civil; collection; coming; command; commander; commerce; commissary; common; community; condition; conservator; considerable; consideration; considered; contrary; controversy; convent; copy; corcuera; council; country; court; damage; danger; day; days; de corcuera; de herrera; de monrroy; de ocaña; death; december; decision; decree; defense; del; desire; diaz; diego; diego de; different; difficulties; divine; documents; dominic; don; don andres; don fray; don juan; don pedro; ducados; dutch; duties; duty; ecclesiastical; efforts; encomiendas; end; enemy; españa; excommunication; execution; exemplary; exile; expenses; fact; father; father fray; favor; february; felipe; filipinas; filipinas islands; fiscal; fitting; following; francisco; francisco de; fray; free; friars; fuerza; gain; general; giving; god; gold; goods; government; governor; governor don; grace; granos; great; greater; guerrero; half; hands; hermosa; hernando; hold; holiness; holy; hospital; house; hurtado; iii; importance; imposition; inasmuch; increase; indians; inhabitants; injuries; injury; inquisition; intention; interdict; interim; investments; islands; january; jesuits; jesus; juan de; judge; june; jurisdiction; justice; king; kingdoms; known; lack; law; laws; learned; left; letter; licentiate; life; like; little; long; lordship; loss; losses; luis; macan; madrid; majesty; manila; manner; march; marcos; mass; master don; matter; means; meeting; memorial; merchandise; mexico; military; mindanao; money; monfalcon; month; morning; natives; necessary; need; new; notary; november; nueva; number; observed; occasion; october; office; officials; opinion; order; outside; paper; past; pay; pedro de; penalties; people; permission; persons; pesos; petition; philippines; place; pleased; point; portuguese; possession; possible; preacher; prelate; present; president; prices; priests; procurator; profit; property; protest; province; provincial; provisor; public; purpose; quantity; reason; rector; regard; relation; religious; remedy; reply; report; residence; result; return; reverend; right; royal; royal audiencia; royal council; royal decree; royal treasury; rueda; sacrament; said; said archbishop; said city; said commerce; said decree; said don; said father; said governor; said portuguese; said reverend; said royal; said society; said trade; said visitor; sail; sangleys; santo; saying; sebastian; second; secular; september; service; set; ships; slave; society; soldiers; sovereign; spanish; spiritual; statement; sufficient; suitable; sum; superiors; suspension; taking; terms; things; time; today; tomins; trade; treasury; tribunal; troubles; vassals; vicar; viceroy; visitor; voyage; war; way; wish; words; work; xiron; years; zapata cache: 19118.txt plain text: 19118.txt item: #25 of 49 id: 25930 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 28 of 55 1637-38 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 99245 flesch: 60 summary: Although the faith of Mahomet has made some headway in the maritime parts--but not with the obstinacy experienced in other islands--all the people of the interior are heathen. After that, they continued to found many other villages dependent on the first, which were then considered as visitas or subject villages. keywords: accordance; account; acts; administration; advisable; affairs; afterward; alcalde; alms; alonso; alternativa; antonio; apostolic; april; archbishop; archbishopric; archipelago; arms; arrival; article; attention; audiencia; augustine; augustinian; authorities; authority; bay; beautiful; beginning; best; bishopric; bishops; board; body; bohol; book; brethren; brief; brothers; building; bulls; business; cabezas; cagayan; calamianes; camarines; canons; capital; captain; caraga; care; cathedral; catholic; cause; cavite; cebú; century; ceremonies; certain; chapel; chaplains; chapter; character; charge; charitable; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; church; churches; circumstances; city; civil; class; clergy; coast; colin; college; colony; commissary; common; community; condition; conquest; considerable; continual; contrary; convent; conversion; copy; corcuera; council; country; court; crusade; cruz; curacies; curacy; curas; cáceres; dated; day; days; de la; de manila; de san; death; december; decree; del; delgado; desire; devotion; devout; diaz; diego; different; difficulties; diocesan; diocese; direction; discalced; distance; distant; district; divine; documents; domingo; dominic; dominicans; don; duties; duty; eastern; ecclesiastical; education; effect; efforts; enemy; english; entire; entrance; españa; established; evident; excellency; execution; exercise; expenses; experience; extreme; fact; faith; families; fathers; favor; fear; february; felipe; filipinas; filipinas islands; filipino; fine; fire; following; follows; force; form; fort; foundation; franciscans; francisco; francisco de; fray; freedom; friars; functions; funds; gain; general; gentil; girls; god; gold; good; gospel; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; gregory; half; hands; head; heathen; hill; hist; history; holiness; holy; hospital; house; ignacio; iii; illustrious; ilocos; important; incomes; increase; indians; influence; inhabitants; instruction; interest; interior; islands; jagor; japon; jaro; jesuit; jesus; john; jolo; josé; juan; juan de; judge; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; kind; king; kingdoms; knowledge; known; labor; lack; lady; laguna; lake; language; large; las; later; law; laws; lay; learning; left; leguas; letter; leyte; library; life; like; list; little; live; living; livres; long; longer; lordship; loss; madrid; majesty; manila; manner; manuel; march; marianas; mass; masters; matter; mayor; means; members; men; metropolitan; miguel; military; mindanao; mindoro; mines; ministers; ministries; ministry; misamis; misericordia; missionaries; missions; money; month; moros; mother; mountains; murillo; méxico; natives; nature; near; necessary; need; negros; new; nicolás; north; note; november; nueva; number; numerous; o.s.a; obedience; obligation; observance; occasion; october; office; officials; old; ones; opportunity; opposite; order; ordinances; ordinary; outside; pampanga; panay; parish; parishes; parishioners; parts; pastells; patron; patronage; pay; peculiar; pedro; pedro de; people; permission; personal; persons; pesos; petition; phelipe; philippines; pious; place; point; poor; pope; population; port; possession; possible; posts; power; preaching; prelate; present; presidio; priests; principal; prior; private; proceeds; products; profess; proper; property; province; provincial; provisor; public; purpose; quarters; queen; racioneros; reals; reason; recollects; recopilación; rector; regard; regions; regular; religion; religious; residence; respect; respective; rest; result; return; revenues; reverence; reverend; rice; rich; river; roma; rome; rosario; roxo; royal; royal decree; royal order; rule; sacraments; sacristan; said; salary; samar; san; santa; scattered; sea; sebastian; second; secretary; secular; segovia; seminarists; seminary; september; service; set; settlements; short; sick; silver; small; society; soldiers; souls; south; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; spiritual; state; statement; stone; stronghold; students; studies; study; subject; sufficient; suffragan; suitable; sum; superior; support; survey; tagál; tayabas; teaching; temporal; terms; territory; theology; things; thomas; time; title; today; tolentino; tomás; tondo; total; trade; treasurer; treasury; tribunal; tributarios; tributes; true; unable; universities; university; useful; vacant; vassals; velarde; venerable; vicar; viii; villages; virtue; visayas; visitas; vol; volume; voyage; walls; way; western; wine; wish; women; work; worship; worthy; writing; year; young; zambales; zamboanga; zeal; zebù cache: 25930.txt plain text: 25930.txt item: #26 of 49 id: 26004 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 27 of 55 1636-37 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 99225 flesch: 62 summary: In order for the Dutch to overcome the Filipinas, it has not been sufficient for them to unite and ally themselves with the Moro and pagan kings of other islands and lands of Asia, persuading them that they should take arms against the vassals of España, whose defense lies in the Filipinas alone. Cloves are produced in the celebrated islands of Maluco and that of Amboyno; and a little in the islands of Ires, Meytarana, Pulo, Cavali, Gilolo, Sabugo, Veranula, [33] and other islands adjacent to the Malucas--which are the chief producers of cloves, and produce the best quality. keywords: acapulco; accordance; accounts; acts; advisable; affairs; aforesaid; alférez; amounts; archbishop; arguments; arms; articles; artillery; attack; audiencia; auditor; august; authority; balls; battle; beginning; best; blessed; boat; body; book; cachil; camp; campaign; camucones; cannon; captain; captives; caracoas; care; castilla; cause; cavite; cent; certain; champans; chaplain; charge; chief; china; chinese; christians; church; churches; citizens; city; cloth; colin; coming; command; commander; commerce; common; companies; company; condition; conquest; conservation; considerable; contrary; corcuera; corralat; cost; cotton; council; country; courage; course; court; crown; damage; danger; day; days; dead; death; december; decree; defense; desire; diego; different; difficult; divine; division; documents; don; don juan; ducados; dutch; duties; duty; effect; end; enemies; enemy; españa; estate; evident; execution; expedition; expenses; experience; fact; far; father; favor; fear; february; felipe; fifth; filipinas; filipinas islands; fire; fiscal; flagship; fleet; folio; following; follows; food; force; foreign; form; fort; fortified; fourth; francisco; fray; gain; galleons; galleys; garrison; general; glorious; god; gold; gonçalez; good; government; governor; governor don; grant; grau; great; greater; greatest; guard; half; hands; head; hermosa; hill; hist; holy; house; hurtado; importance; impossible; inasmuch; increase; indias; infantry; information; informed; inhabitants; injury; islands; japon; jesuit; jesus; jolo; juan; juan de; judge; july; june; justice; king; kingdoms; known; lack; laden; large; later; law; leave; left; leguas; letter; life; like; little; long; lopez; lordship; lose; loss; losses; luis; macan; madrid; majesty; maluco; manila; manner; manuscript; marcelo; march; margin; mass; mastrilli; matter; mayor; means; measures; memorial; men; merchandise; merchants; method; mexico; military; millions; mindanao; missions; monarchy; money; months; morning; moros; mosque; nations; natives; necessary; need; new; nicolas; night; notary; note; november; nueva; nueva españa; number; occasion; october; office; officials; olanda; ones; open; opinion; order; ordinances; ordinary; orient; pampangos; papers; parts; past; patache; pay; pedro; people; permission; persons; perú; pesos; pieces; pirates; place; pleased; point; poor; portugal; portuguese; possession; post; power; present; presidios; principal; procurator; products; profits; province; purpose; quantity; reals; reason; rector; regard; relief; religious; remote; report; reputation; residence; rest; result; return; reverence; reënforcements; rich; river; road; route; royal; royal decree; royal officials; royal treasury; ruined; sacrament; said; said royal; sail; sailors; saint; salary; samboanga; san; sargento; sea; seas; sebastian; second; section; service; set; sevilla; ships; silk; silva; silver; small; society; soldiers; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; statement; states; stockade; strength; sufficient; sum; supply; taking; terrenate; things; time; title; today; toneladas; total; trade; treasury; tribunal; tributes; troops; true; unable; usual; valor; valuable; value; vassals; vessels; victory; villages; visit; visitor; vol; voyage; war; way; wealth; western; word; work; worth; wounded; xavier; year cache: 26004.txt plain text: 26004.txt item: #27 of 49 id: 27127 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 26 of 55, 1636 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 74217 flesch: 60 summary: From [the pay of] the captains of the other two companies, the deduction is made at the rate of one peso per month apiece--which amounts annually to twenty-four pesos 24 pesos From the four sergeants of the said companies, at the rate of two reals per month apiece--which amounts annually to twelve pesos 12 pesos The company of the said governor has ninety-two effective soldiers, and four posts below the commissioned officers--which, at the rate of two reals per month apiece, amounts annually to two hundred and eighty-eight pesos 288 pesos The company of the said master-of-camp, Don Lorenço de Olaso, has one hundred and seven soldiers, and four posts below the commissioned officers--which, at the rate of two reals per month apiece, amounts annually to three hundred and thirty-three pesos 333 pesos The company of Captain Don Juan Francisco Hurtado de Corcuera has ninety-eight soldiers and four posts below the commissioned officers--which, at the rate of two reals per month apiece, amounts annually to three hundred and six pesos 306 pesos The company of Captain Don Juan de Frias has also ninety-one effective soldiers and four posts below the commissioned officers--which, at the rate of two reals per month apiece, amounts annually to two hundred and eighty-five pesos 285 pesos The company of mounted arquebusiers of the captain and sargento-mayor, Don Pedro Hurtado de Corcuera, has thirty soldiers, one lieutenant, one alférez, and one trumpeter--which, at the rate of one peso per month from the said captain, four reals from the lieutenant, four from the alférez, and two from the trumpeter and from each soldier, amounts annually to one hundred and seventeen pesos 117 pesos From two adjutants of the sargento-mayor of this camp, at the rate of two reals per month--which amounts annually to eighteen pesos 18 pesos From the head drummer of this camp, at the rate of two reals per month--which amounts annually to three pesos 3 pesos From the twelve soldiers of the guard of the said governor, at the rate of two reals per month apiece--which amounts annually to thirty-six pesos 36 pesos Castle of Santiago in this said city In the said castle of Santiago there is an effective garrison of one drummer, one lieutenant, and twenty-two soldiers--which, at the rate of two reals per month apiece, amounts annually to seventy-two pesos 72 pesos Fort San Felipe at the port of Cavite In the said fort San Felipe, there is one company of Spanish infantry, with one captain, one alférez, one sergeant, four minor posts, and seventy soldiers--which, at the rate of one peso per month from the said captain, four reals from the alférez, two from the sergeant, minor posts, and said soldiers, amounts annually to two hundred and forty-three pesos 243 pesos Presidio of Zibu The governor sent Adjutant Don Juan de Frias and Alferez Don Diego de Herrero with soldiers, giving them the order to take away the man, even though the religious tried to hinder him. keywords: accordance; account; act; addition; advisable; affairs; afloat; aforesaid; agustin; alférez; alms; alonso; amounts; andres; annual; annum; april; archbishop; artillery; audiencia; auditor; augustine; authority; bautista de; brother; building; camp; captain; captain juan; care; catholic; cause; cavite; certain; champan; charge; check; chief; chinese; christendom; church; city; clerk; come; command; commissary; common; community; commuted; companies; company; condition; conservator; contrary; convent; copy; corcuera; corporal; cost; council; court; dates; day; days; de corcuera; de monrroy; de rivera; de tabora; de çubiaga; death; december; decree; del; diego; discalced; domingo; dominic; dominican; don; don juan; don pedro; ducados; duties; ecclesiastical; españa; estate; exercise; expense; expiration; father; favor; february; feet; felipe; filipinas; fiscal; following; form; forts; franciscan; francisco de; fray; friars; fund; galleons; gantas; gate; general; god; good; government; governor; grant; great; greater; guard; half; hands; head; hermosa; highness; hitherto; holy; hospital; house; hurtado; hurtado de; idem; illustrious; increase; indians; infantry; inquisition; islands; january; jesus; juan; juan de; judge; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; king; kingdoms; law; leave; left; letter; licentiate; like; little; lord; lordship; luis; madrid; magazines; majesty; majesty commands; manila; manner; manuel; march; marginal; martin; matter; mayor; means; meeting; mexico; military; minor; money; month; necessary; need; new; nicolas; night; niño de; notary; note; november; nueva; number; nuns; oath; obligation; october; office; officials; opportunity; order; ordinary; outside; pampango; papers; parián; patronage; pay; payment; pedro de; people; perez; permission; persons; pesos; petition; place; pleased; poor; port; possession; possible; posts; present; presidios; process; provincial; provisor; public; rate; ration; reals; reason; regard; religious; report; revision; rice; royal; royal audiencia; royal decree; royal estate; royal hospital; royal notary; royal officials; royal service; royal treasury; ruiz; said; said captain; said city; said convent; said decree; said gate; said governor; said order; said port; said religious; said royal; sailors; salary; sangleys; santiago; santo; sargento; saving; seamen; sebastian; second; secular; seeing; september; sergeant; service; shall; ships; sire; society; soldiers; soriano; spaniards; spanish; suarez; sum; terrenate; testimony; things; thought; time; tomins; total; transfer; treasury; tribunal; truth; vassals; viceroy; virtue; visit; voyage; ward; warrants; way; witness; work; year cache: 27127.txt plain text: 27127.txt item: #28 of 49 id: 28899 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898—Volume 39 of 55, 1683-1690 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of The Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 86932 flesch: 62 summary: The General, and other great Men have some Guns also in their Houses. He also said that he had come to Filipinas to be poor, where other governors had come to be rich. keywords: absolution; abundance; acapulco; accordance; account; action; acts; administration; affairs; afternoon; afterward; alcalde; anchor; answer; antonio; appeal; appointment; april; archbishop; archbishopric; arco; arms; arrest; attorney; audiencia; auditors; august; augustinians; authority; banishment; bashee; bay; beginning; best; biográfica; black; boats; body; bolivar; business; cabildo; cagayan; calderon; captain; captain swan; cases; cathedral; catholic; cause; cavite; censures; certain; challenge; chapter; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; church; churches; city; civil; clock; close; coast; college; colour; coming; command; commander; commodities; common; community; company; concerned; condition; conduct; conference; continued; contrary; controversy; convent; copy; council; country; court; crew; custom; dampier; day; days; de vargas; deal; dean; death; december; decision; decree; del; demand; design; desire; diaz; diego; dignity; disturbances; doctor; documents; domingo; dominican; don; don juan; doña; drink; dutch; east; ecclesiastical; end; enemies; england; english; entire; españa; events; examiner; excellent; excommunicated; exile; faith; father; fathom; favor; fear; february; filipinas; fire; fiscal; following; foot; fort; fourth; francisco; fray; fresh; friars; friend; fuerza; gabriel; galleon; general; god; gold; gonzalez; good; government; governor; great; grimaldos; ground; guns; half; hand; harbour; hard; hath; head; high; hills; hist; hogs; hold; holy; home; hour; house; illustrious; illustrious lordship; imprisonment; indians; information; inhabitants; injury; intended; interdict; iron; islands; isle; issue; january; jesuit; jesus; john; juan; juan de; judge; judgment; july; june; jurisdiction; king; knowledge; known; language; large; laut; law; lay; leagues; learned; leave; left; letter; lies; life; like; list; little; long; lordship; luconia; madrid; main; majesty; making; manila; manner; march; mariquina; mass; matter; mayor; means; measures; members; men; merchants; mexico; miguel; military; mindanaians; mindanao; ministers; missions; money; months; morning; mss; murillo; natives; necessary; new; news; night; north; notary; november; nueva; number; oath; occasion; october; office; officials; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinary; pangasinan; paper; pardo; parish; past; pedro; penalty; people; permission; persons; pesos; petition; philippine; place; pleased; plenty; point; poor; post; prebends; prelate; present; prince; prisoner; proceedings; procurator; property; province; provincial; provisor; public; purpose; raja; read; reason; recourse; rector; regard; relation; religious; reply; report; reseña; residencia; rest; result; return; rice; river; room; rosario; row; royal; royal audiencia; royal decree; ruler; s.e; sacraments; said; said archbishop; said royal; sail; salazar; santo; sargento; sea; second; secretary; secular; secure; segovia; sentence; sermon; session; set; ship; shore; sides; small; society; soldiers; sort; south; southward; sovereign; spain; spaniards; spanish; spice; states; strangers; strong; suit; sultan; swan; terms; thick; thing; thought; time; tobacco; tomas; town; trade; trees; tribunal; troya; truth; usual; utmost; valdivia; vargas; velarde; ventura; verart; vessel; vice; viga; village; violence; visitor; voyage; water; way; wear; weather; west; westward; wife; wild; wind; wives; women; woody; word; work; year; young; zalaeta; zeal cache: 28899.txt plain text: 28899.txt item: #29 of 49 id: 30253 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 - Volume 40 of 55, 1690-1691 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 115731 flesch: 70 summary: All is so exactly adapted to necessity, that there is no difference between the chief women and the slaves--as I saw in Joló in the queen herself, and in Samboangan in many other women, not inferior to her in vanity. They employ many other names and endearing expressions in naming their children, relatives, and families, although I believe that the affection that they feel for one another has very little reality. 424. keywords: able; absolute; abundance; accordance; account; accustomed; actions; acts; add; addition; adopted; affairs; affection; afterward; agustin; alcalde; ancestors; ancient; animal; anito; antonio; archipelago; armed; arms; arrival; arrows; assured; attention; audiencia; auditor; augustinian; authority; ayer; bad; bamboo; banquet; barangay; barbarians; barbarous; basilan; beautiful; beginning; best; birds; birth; bishop; bit; blood; blows; boat; bodies; body; book; borneans; bornèy; brave; break; bride; brother; build; business; candle; capable; capacity; captain; care; cases; catholic; cause; celebrated; census; ceremonies; certain; chapter; character; charge; chief; children; chinese; christian; church; city; civilization; civilized; class; classes; clever; close; clothes; clothing; coast; cock; colin; color; combés; coming; common; communication; company; complaint; condition; conduct; conquest; considerable; consideration; continual; contrary; convent; copy; corralat; country; couple; courage; courtesy; crime; criminal; cura; curious; customs; cut; cutting; daily; dances; danger; dangerous; dapitans; dato; daughter; day; days; dead; death; debt; deceased; deeds; degree; delgado; delicate; descendants; description; desire; devotion; dictionary; different; difficult; display; disposition; distance; distant; distinct; distinction; distinguished; districts; divided; divine; division; don; doubt; dowry; dress; drinking; early; easy; eating; efforts; end; ends; enemies; enemy; entire; entrance; equal; equivalent; error; españa; estate; esteem; esteemed; europa; europeans; evident; evil; example; excellent; expense; experience; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; families; family; famous; father; favor; fear; feared; feast; feet; fields; fighting; figures; filipinos; fine; fire; fish; floor; following; fond; food; foot; force; foreign; form; fortune; fourth; francisco; fray; free; friars; friends; fruit; gain; gala; garment; gaspar; general; girls; god; gold; good; gospel; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; guard; guests; hair; half; hands; head; heart; heathen; hebrews; high; historia; history; hog; hold; holy; honor; honorable; hours; house; human; husband; idea; idols; ignorant; illustrious; importance; impossible; inclined; indians; individuals; influence; inhabitants; inheritance; innumerable; instance; instruments; intercourse; interest; interior; iron; islands; japanese; jesuit; jesus; jewels; jolo; joloans; joló; juan; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; kind; king; knife; knowledge; known; labor; lack; lacking; lad; lake; language; large; latin; laws; laziness; leave; left; legitimate; legs; leguas; length; letter; liberty; lies; life; like; line; little; live; living; london; long; longer; look; loose; lord; love; lutaos; madrid; making; malay; manila; manner; maria; marriage; married; mas; mass; masters; material; matter; mayor; meaning; means; men; mention; merit; mestizos; method; middle; mindanao; ministers; missions; modesty; money; moorish; moros; mother; mountains; mourning; mouth; murillo; names; nations; natives; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; negrillos; negroes; new; nobility; noble; nonsense; north; note; nueva; number; oath; obligation; occasion; office; olden; omit; ones; open; opinion; opposite; order; origin; ornaments; ostentation; outside; palm; pampangos; parents; parts; passage; passing; pastells; pay; payment; peculiar; pedro; penalty; people; person; pesos; petty; philippines; phrase; piece; pintados; place; play; point; poor; portion; portuguese; possession; poverty; power; powerful; practice; prepared; presence; present; preserve; priests; princes; principal; proof; proper; property; protection; proverbs; province; prudence; public; punishment; purpose; quantity; race; rank; rattan; read; real; reason; recourse; regard; regions; related; relation; relatives; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; remedy; remote; reputation; respect; rest; result; retana; retired; return; reverend; rice; rich; right; river; road; rome; roots; royal; rule; rulers; sacrifice; safety; said; samboangan; san; santa; satisfied; saw; saying; scarce; sea; second; secure; security; sentence; servant; service; set; shield; ship; short; shoulders; shows; sick; sides; sign; silk; silver; similar; simple; singing; single; sins; skill; sky; slavery; slaves; sleep; slight; small; society; soldiers; souls; sound; southern; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; speech; spirit; stones; street; style; subanos; subject; sufficient; sum; superior; superstitions; support; supra; tagálog; teaching; telling; term; text; theft; things; thought; time; title; today; tomas; trade; trading; translation; tree; tribes; tribute; trouble; true; truth; tyranny; unable; understanding; usual; valiant; valor; value; vanity; verse; version; vessel; vices; village; violence; virtues; visayans; vol; war; wars; waste; water; way; wealth; weapons; wear; wedding; weight; white; wide; wife; wine; wish; wishes; witnesses; wives; women; wonder; wood; words; work; world; worship; worthy; wretched; writers; writing; years; young cache: 30253.txt plain text: 30253.txt item: #30 of 49 id: 30350 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 36, 1649-1666 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century. date: None words: 83277 flesch: 59 summary: In addition to these, that residence includes the island of Basilan, and also the island of Joló and the island of Pangotaran, and other islands where many Christians live. Thence the voyage is made between that same island of Manila--which extends as far as the Embocadero, and remains on the right hand--and other islands which lie on the left, to the port of Cabite which is two leguas from Manila. keywords: + =; = +; = =; account; action; acts; administer; administration; affairs; afterward; agustin; alcalde; ambassador; antonio; apostolic; april; archbishop; archbishopric; archipelago; arms; artillery; attend; attention; audiencia; augustine; augustinian; augustinian religious; authorities; authority; bay; beautiful; beginning; best; bishopric; bishops; body; bulls; burden; business; butuán; cabildo; cagayan; calamianes; camp; capital; captain; caraga; care; carágha; case; cathedral; catholic; causes; cavite; certain; champans; chapel; chapter; charge; chief; china; chinese; christians; church; churches; circumference; citizens; city; civil; coast; college; coming; command; commissary; common; community; condition; consideration; contrary; convent; conversion; converted; cot; council; country; courage; course; court; crime; criminal; crown; cruz; curacies; curas; danger; day; days; de la; de san; de santa; dead; death; decision; decree; degrees; del; description; desire; diego; diego de; discalced; distance; distant; district; document; dominic; dominican; don; doubt; dutch; east; eastern; ecclesiastical; effect; efforts; enemy; entire; españa; estate; evangelical; events; evident; evil; example; excellent; execution; exemption; exercise; expenses; experience; eyes; fact; faith; families; far; father; father fray; favor; faxardo; fear; filipinas; filipinas islands; fiscal; fleets; following; follows; food; force; form; fort; francisco; francisco de; fray; free; fugitives; funeral; general; general de; gobernadorcillo; god; gold; good; gospel; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; grief; half; hand; hardships; head; hearts; heathen; history; holiness; holy; honor; hospital; houses; iii; illustrious; important; increased; indians; infidels; information; inhabitants; inhabited; inquisition; instruction; insurrection; interest; islands; jesuit; jesus; joseph; juan; juan de; judges; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; kind; king; kingdoms; knowledge; known; kue; lack; lake; language; large; later; latitude; law; learning; leave; leaving; left; leguas; letona; letter; life; like; lináo; little; lives; living; long; lordship; loss; love; luzón; madrid; majesty; making; manila; manner; march; maria; matter; mayor; means; measures; members; memorial; men; mexico; miguel; military; mindanao; ministers; ministries; missionaries; missionary; missions; monarchy; money; months; moros; mountains; natives; nature; near; necessary; need; new; news; north; nueva; number; numerous; obedience; observance; occasion; office; officials; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; ordinaries; ordinary; outside; paper; parish; parishes; parián; parts; pay; pedro; pedro de; people; permission; person; pesos; petition; philipinas islands; philippines; place; pleased; point; poor; port; possession; possible; posts; poverty; power; present; presidio; priests; prince; prior; privileges; procurator; products; property; province; provincial; public; punishment; purpose; question; race; ready; reason; recognized; recollect; regard; regions; regulars; relates; relation; religious; religious orders; report; residence; rest; results; return; revolt; right; river; royal; royal audiencia; rule; sacraments; said; sail; san; sangleys; santa; sea; second; section; secular; service; set; ships; short; sing; small; society; solana; soldiers; sorrow; souls; south; sovereign; space; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; spiritual; strong; students; subject; subjection; submit; sufficient; suitable; superior; supplies; support; terrenate; theresa; things; thought; time; tomas; trade; treasury; tribunal; tributes; troops; troubles; tándag; university; use; vassals; venerable; vicar; village; virtue; visitation; voyage; walls; war; way; work; world; year; zamboanga; zeal cache: 30350.txt plain text: 30350.txt item: #31 of 49 id: 30397 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 - Volume 41 of 55, 1691-1700 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century. date: None words: 87980 flesch: 61 summary: So much did they do so, that when the new laborers, the sons of the seraph Francisco arrived at the field, there was scarce an island which had not produced most abundant fruit for the granaries of the Church because of the work of the first sowers; as is shown in several places of his history by father Fray Gaspàr de San Agustin; [39] and that lover of truth, father Fray Francisco de San Antonio confesses it, thus honoring as he ought the Augustinian Hiermo [sic]. The year, then, of 1671 came, in which that holy province held their chapter and father Fray Juan de San Phelipe, a native of Nueva España, who had taken our holy habit in the convent of Manila, was elected provincial. keywords: able; account; acts; addition; administration; affairs; agustin; alcalde; alonso; answer; antonio; antonio de; apostolic; april; archbishop; archipelago; armed; arms; army; arrival; assis; attack; attempt; audiencia; augustinian; author; barbarous; bay; beginning; bernardino; best; bishop; bishopric; bislìg; blood; boats; bobadilla; body; bolinào; book; brother; brother fray; cagayàn; calamiànes; calignao; capital; captain; captives; caraga; care; catholic; cause; cavite; century; certain; chapter; charge; charity; chief; children; china; chinese; christians; church; circumference; city; civilized; coast; combés; command; common; concepción; concerned; condition; conquest; consideration; continual; contrary; convent; conversion; converted; corcuera; corralat; corregidor; council; country; courage; course; court; cultivation; dangers; darkness; day; days; de assis; de la; de los; de san; de santa; death; decade; december; decision; decree; defense; definitor; desire; determined; diaz; diego; diego de; difficult; dios; direction; discalced; discalced order; distance; district; divine; domingo; dominicans; don; dutch; early; earth; effect; efforts; end; enemies; enemy; españa; esteybar; evangelical; excellent; expedition; experience; extreme; fact; faith; faithful; families; family; father; father fray; father juan; father provincial; fear; february; field; fierce; find; fire; fitting; fleet; folio; following; food; foot; forces; fourth; francisco de; fray francisco; fray joseph; fray juan; fruit; general; giving; glory; god; going; good; gospel; government; governor; grace; great; greater; greatest; half; hands; hardships; health; heathen; highness; hill; historia; history; holy; houses; human; iii; image; important; impossible; increase; indians; infidels; information; inhabitants; innumerable; insurgents; insurrection; islands; january; jesuit; jesus; joloans; joló; joseph de; juan de; july; june; justice; kind; king; laborers; labors; lack; language; large; later; law; leave; left; leguas; letter; liberty; life; light; like; little; live; long; loss; lost; luis; luis de; lutaos; madre; madrid; majesty; manila; manner; marianas; masbate; matter; mayor; means; men; mexico; military; mindanao; mindoro; ministers; ministries; ministry; miracles; missionaries; missionary; missions; mobo; monica; month; morales; moros; mountains; murder; màlong; nation; natives; near; necessary; new; news; nicolas; november; nueva; number; obedience; object; occasion; office; ones; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; ordering; original; outside; paganism; pangasinàn; parts; pedro; pedro de; people; persecutions; persons; petition; philipinas; philippine; pirates; place; point; poor; population; port; portion; possession; posts; power; preaching; prepared; presence; present; priest; prior; proceedings; procurator; progress; province; provincial; public; punishment; purpose; quiet; raids; reason; rebels; recollects; reduced; reduction; reference; refers; reformed; regard; regular; relations; relief; religion; religious; remainder; report; residence; rest; result; return; rice; river; road; rough; royal; said; sail; sangleys; santa; sargento; sea; second; section; seculars; service; set; settlements; short; sidenote; single; site; small; society; soldiers; souls; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; spiritual; spread; squadron; strangers; subject; success; sufficient; suitable; sultan; sumùlay; superior; territory; theresa; things; thought; ticào; time; trade; tributes; trinidad; troops; true; unable; valiant; valor; venerable; vessels; vicar; viii; villages; visayan; visitas; vol; volume; voyage; war; way; wild; women; word; work; workers; worthy; year; zambals; zamboanga; zambàles; zeal; zealous cache: 30397.txt plain text: 30397.txt item: #32 of 49 id: 34384 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 42, 1670-1700 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 89843 flesch: 49 summary: In this operation he showed his skill as much as Don Juan de Vargas displayed his great bravery and endurance, which aroused admiration. On the day of our Lady's nativity Don Juan de Vargas entered Manila, being received with great festivities; there were two ingenious triumphal arches, which were erected by the religious orders of our father St. Augustine and the Society, because both had their houses on the principal street through which the procession would pass. keywords: ability; able; acapulco; accomplished; account; acts; administration; affairs; afterward; aged; alcalde; alonso; america; antonio; antonio de; apostolic; appeal; appointment; april; archbishop; archbishop don; archbishopric; arguments; arrival; ask; attention; audiencia; auditor; auditor don; augustine; augustinian; authority; bachelor; banishment; baptisms; batavia; best; better; bishops; body; book; brother; bull; burial; cabildo; camacho; camp; camp don; canonical; cape; captain; captain don; care; case; catholic; causes; cavite; cebú; censures; certain; chapter; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; choice; christian; church; churches; citizens; city; claim; coast; college; colony; coming; command; commander; commerce; commission; commonwealth; community; company; conde; condition; conduct; controversies; controversy; convent; copy; coromandel; council; country; courage; course; court; cross; cruz; cruzat; curacies; curas; danger; day; days; de benavente; de curucelaegui; de endaya; de herrera; de jeréz; de jesús; de la; de león; de medina; de san; de sierra; de vargas; de zalaeta; dead; dean; death; deceased; december; decree; definitor; delegate; desire; devoted; devotion; devout; diaz; diego de; different; difficulties; difficulty; disposition; distinguished; disturbances; divine; doctor don; doctrine; documents; domingo; dominic; don; don alonso; don diego; don fausto; don felipe; don francisco; don fray; don josé; don juan; don manuel; don pedro; don tomás; doña; dutch; duties; eastern; ecclesiastical; efforts; election; embocadero; enjoy; entire; entrance; españa; established; europa; example; excellent; excommunication; exemption; exercise; experienced; fact; faith; false; father; father fray; father general; favor; fear; fees; felipe; fernando de; filipinas; fiscal; following; force; fray; fray diego; fray francisco; fray josé; fray juan; free; french; functions; gabriel de; galleon; general; general don; god; good; government; governor; governor don; great; greater; greatest; guerrero; half; hands; hardships; heavy; high; history; hold; holiness; holy; holy religious; honor; hope; house; hurtado; iii; illustrious; ilocos; immunity; important; indians; influence; information; instruction; investigations; islands; jerónimo; jesuit; jesus; josé de; juan de; judge; june; jurisdiction; justice; king; king don; kingdom; knight; known; lack; large; largest; later; latin; law; learned; leave; legal; leguas; letters; león; licentiate don; life; like; little; living; long; lordship; loss; luis de; lópez; macán; madrid; majesty; making; manila; manner; march; marriage; married; martín; mass; master; master don; matters; mayor; mayor don; means; measures; mexico; middleton; miguel; miguel de; military; minister; ministries; ministry; mission; missionaries; mode; money; months; méjico; native; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; news; nieto; notary; november; nueva; nueva españa; number; numerous; o.s.a; obedience; obligations; observance; occasion; office; official; old; opinion; order; ordinary; ought; pampanga; pardo; parish; parián; parties; past; patache; pay; pedro; pedro de; penalty; people; persons; pesos; philippines; pious; place; poor; pope; portuguese; possess; possession; possible; poverty; power; practice; preacher; prelate; present; priests; prior; privileges; proceedings; procurator; profession; property; proprietary; prosperous; province; provincial; public; purpose; reader; reader fray; reals; reason; rector; regard; regions; regulars; religious; religious orders; reputation; residencia; rest; result; return; reverend; reverend archbishop; reverend father; rich; right; roma; royal; rule; sacraments; said; salvation; san; sangleys; santiago; santo; sargento; saying; sea; second; secretary; secular; secure; segovia; sentence; servants; serve; service; session; sevilla; shall; ships; short; siao; sick; silver; society; soldiers; souls; spain; spaniards; spanish; spiritual; state; subject; subjection; sufficient; superiors; support; supreme; tagalos; telmo; term; ternate; text; things; time; title; tomás de; trade; tranquillity; treasury; tribunal; triennium; troubles; troya; vacant; ventura; vessel; vicar; viceroy; villages; virtue; visitation; visitors; vol; voyage; way; wealth; wife; work; world; year; zeal; álvaro de cache: 34384.txt plain text: 34384.txt item: #33 of 49 id: 35391 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 43, 1670-1700 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 87993 flesch: 69 summary: But the journey of the alcalde-mayor of Cagayan was not in vain, for father Fray Pedro had formerly treated with some heathens of a place called Ambayao to descend to the new villages, and now by the aid of the alcalde and his men father Fray Pedro went down to the said Indians, with their wives, families, and household goods, and reaching the village of Ytugug with them, they were allowed to choose a site in which to live. Hence father Fray Pedro was ordered to cease to bring heathens to settle if troops and escorts were needed for that purpose. keywords: able; abovesaid; account; accustomed; action; administration; affairs; alcalde; alonso; american; ancestors; anchor; ancient; antonio; apostates; appearance; appendix; april; archipelago; area; armed; arms; arrival; articles; attack; attempt; attention; atás; authorities; authority; babuyanes; bad; badla; bagobos; bailanas; bamboo; band; baptism; batanes; bay; beach; bechara; beginning; beliefs; beloved; bilanes; biográfica; black; blood; board; boats; body; borneo; branch; brother; brother fray; buquidnons; buquil; burgos; business; cabagan; cagayan; captain; caraga; cartas; catholic; cause; celebrated; census; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; chapter; character; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; christians; church; city; civilized; class; cloth; coast; color; commandant; common; communication; company; complete; condition; consequence; considerable; consists; contrary; convent; conversion; converted; copy; coral; country; cruz; cultivation; cure; customs; cut; danger; datos; datu; day; days; de la; deacon; death; deceased; december; demon; desire; diego; different; difficult; distance; distant; district; divided; domingo; dominican; don; doubt; dress; drink; duties; dávao; early; eastern; easy; effect; efforts; end; endeavor; enemies; english; entrance; established; estevan; ethnological; evil; example; excellent; expedition; eyes; face; fact; faith; false; families; family; father fray; father lector; father missionary; father pablo; father pastells; father pedro; father provincial; father superior; fathers; fear; feast; february; feet; fields; figure; filipinos; fine; fire; fish; fishing; following; follows; fond; food; force; form; fort; foundation; francisco; fray diego; fray domingo; fray francisco; fray joseph; fray juan; fray pedro; free; frequent; fruit; general; gisbert; god; gods; gonçalez; good; government; governor; great; greater; ground; group; guard; gulf; guns; hair; half; hand; harm; harvest; head; heathens; heaven; high; historia; history; hold; holy; hostile; hour; house; human; idea; iii; imam; important; indians; influence; information; inhabitants; instruments; interest; interesting; interior; intermediary; islands; january; jesus; joló; joseph; josé; journey; juan; kind; kindness; knowledge; known; kris; labors; lake; language; large; las; law; leave; lector; left; leguas; letter; lieutenant; life; like; little; live; living; long; look; lord; lost; luzón; madrid; making; malay; mandayas; mangkukulam; manila; manner; manobos; mansilátan; manuel; map; marriage; married; mass; mateo; material; matter; mayor; means; men; mention; method; mexico; miles; mindanao; mindoro; ministers; mission; missionaries; missionary; months; moros; mountains; names; narrative; natives; natural; near; necessary; necessity; negritos; new; night; north; note; notice; nuestra; number; numerous; occasion; offer; official; old; ones; open; opinion; opium; opportunity; order; origin; original; oyangúren; pablo; panay; pangasinan; pardo; parents; particular; parts; pastells; patient; peculiar; pedro; people; person; petition; philippines; physician; pirates; piratical; place; point; poor; population; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; prahus; prayers; preachers; prepared; present; principal; profit; protection; province; provincial; purpose; race; ranchería; real; reason; reduction; regard; region; relation; relatives; religion; religious; reseña; respect; results; return; reverence; rice; river; road; rosario; rosary; royal; rule; ruma; sacrifices; said; said father; salamanca; salazar; salt; san; santa; sarangani; savage; saying; sea; seas; second; seldom; september; servant; set; settlement; sevilla; señora; shape; ship; short; sick; sickness; silver; single; site; size; slaves; small; society; soldiers; son; sooloo; souls; soung; source; south; southern; spain; spaniards; spanish; spears; spirit; square; straits; strong; subject; success; sufficient; sultan; superior; superstitions; supra; survey; sámal; tagacaolos; tagálog; tawi; term; things; thomas; thought; time; town; trade; trading; trees; tribe; tribute; troubles; true; truth; tuao; united; use; valladolid; value; variety; vessels; vicar; vicente; victims; view; village; visit; vol; volume; war; warlike; water; way; weapons; wear; west; white; wife; wild; wilkes; wind; wish; witch; woman; wood; word; work; worship; years; zambals; zeal; zúñiga cache: 35391.txt plain text: 35391.txt item: #34 of 49 id: 38748 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 29 of 55, 1638–40 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Close of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 86280 flesch: 64 summary: During that time the commandant, Don Pedro, was already getting ready a small fleet among the Lutaos, in order to attack the Joloans who had gone to Tabitabi and other islands. The Malays of Ternate and other outlying islands are in league with the Dutch, and the trade with them is going to ruin. keywords: able; abundance; acapulco; account; acts; adjutant; admiral; advantage; affairs; afterward; alarcon; alcalde; alférez; alive; almiranta; almonte; alonso; antonio; april; archbishop; armed; arms; army; arquebuses; arrival; arrows; artillery; ask; attacked; audiencia; auditors; august; augustinian; battle; bay; bañuelos; beginning; bells; best; boats; bobadilla; body; brother; building; cabildo; cachil; calamba; camp; camucones; captain; captain don; captives; caracoas; care; cause; cavite; certain; champan; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; christians; church; churches; citizens; city; close; coast; college; coming; commandant; commander; commerce; company; condition; considerable; convent; corcuera; corralat; council; country; courage; course; cruz; damage; danger; day; days; dead; death; december; decrees; defense; del; description; desire; despatch; devil; diaz; diego; different; difficult; district; documents; dominic; don; don juan; don pedro; don sebastian; dutch; duties; ecclesiastical; end; enemies; enemy; english; entire; entrance; escape; españa; estate; events; excellent; expedition; expense; faith; father; favor; fear; february; felipe; fighting; filipinas; filipinas islands; fine; fire; firearms; fish; flagship; fleet; flight; following; food; force; fort; fortified; fortunate; francisco; fray; free; friars; fury; gabriel; gain; galleons; galleys; garrison; general; glorious; goa; god; going; gold; good; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; ground; guard; half; hands; harm; head; high; hill; hist; history; hold; holy; horsemen; hospital; hours; house; hurtado; importance; increase; indians; infantry; inhabitants; insurgents; insurrection; iron; islands; january; japanese; japon; jesuit; jesus; jolo; joloans; juan; juan de; july; june; killing; king; kingdom; laden; lake; language; large; leave; left; leguas; letter; library; life; little; lives; long; lopez; lord; lordship; loss; macan; madrid; majesty; manaquior; manila; manner; march; mass; matter; mayor; means; measures; men; merchandise; merchants; mexico; military; mindanao; ministers; misericordia; missions; moncay; money; month; morning; moros; mountains; natives; near; necessary; need; negroes; news; nicolas; night; note; november; nueva; number; ocaña; occasion; october; office; officials; opportunity; order; parián; past; patache; pay; pedro; pedro de; people; permission; persons; pesos; philippine; pieces; pirates; place; pleased; point; poor; port; portuguese; possession; possible; post; prepared; present; president; priests; procurator; property; province; provincial; provisions; prudence; punishment; purpose; quantity; reason; regard; relation; relief; religious; report; resistance; rest; result; return; revolt; rice; river; road; royal; sacred; safe; said; sail; sailing; salary; sanboangan; sangleys; santa; santiago; sargento; saw; sea; sebastian; second; secular; secure; sending; september; service; set; ships; short; sides; silver; single; slain; slaves; small; society; soldiers; sovereign; spaniards; spanish; special; states; stone; subject; success; sufficient; sum; terrenate; thanks; things; thought; time; tomo; trade; trading; treasury; trees; tribute; troops; true; truth; unable; university; unsigned; usual; valor; value; vessels; viceroy; victory; village; virtue; vol; voyage; war; water; way; weapons; white; wind; women; wood; word; work; wounded; writing; year; yesterday; yndias cache: 38748.txt plain text: 38748.txt item: #35 of 49 id: 39054 author: Aduarte, Diego title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 30 of 55, 1640 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 92694 flesch: 59 summary: Many other Indians of that same country have felt this same desire, wishing to enjoy the presence of the religious, because of the high regard that they feel for them and the great advantage which they receive from their presence. He bade farewell to the Franciscan fathers, thanking them for their great kindness and the hospitality which they had shown him; he encouraged his companions to proceed with that which they had begun assuring them that, however great the difficulty and labor, even to those in health, there was still greater consolation, and confirmation of the hope of reward, in the perils of sickness and death in which he was; and declaring to them that the confidence in which he departed was a most sufficient reward for having left, in his last years, his quiet and his cell for this and for other greater sufferings. keywords: able; acapulco; account; acts; aduarte; advantage; affairs; afterward; agreement; alms; alonso; antonio; arguments; arms; ask; attention; authority; baptism; bataan; beginning; benefit; bernardo; best; better; bishop; book; brethren; brother; business; came; captain; care; case; castilla; castro; certain; chapter; charge; charity; chief; children; china; chinese; chrisostomo; christians; church; churches; citizens; city; cobo; come; coming; command; commerce; commodities; common; company; composition; condition; confess; continued; contrary; convent; conversion; converted; cost; council; country; course; credit; cross; crown; customs; danger; day; days; dead; death; decision; decree; desire; determined; devil; devoted; devotion; devout; diego; different; difficulties; difficulty; district; divine; document; domingo; dominican; don; don fray; dues; dutch; duties; easy; effect; end; enemies; enemy; entire; españa; evident; example; expedient; expense; experience; extracto; fact; faith; far; father fray; father juan; fathers; favor; fish; fleets; following; follows; food; force; foundation; francisco; fray diego; fray juan; fray miguel; fray pedro; free; friars; gain; general; god; going; gold; good; gospel; governor; grau; great; greater; greatest; half; hands; hardships; head; health; hearts; heathen; holy; honor; hospital; house; illustrious; image; importance; increased; indians; information; inhabitants; islands; japanese; journey; joy; juan; juan de; justice; kindness; king; kingdoms; known; labor; lack; lady; language; large; law; learning; left; letters; life; like; likewise; little; live; living; long; lord; lordship; loss; losses; love; luis; macan; madrid; maintaining; majesty; manila; manner; matter; means; memorial; men; merchandise; mexico; miguel; millions; ministers; ministry; miracles; missionaries; missions; moluco; money; natives; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; night; nueva; nueva españa; number; occasion; office; old; ones; opportunity; order; ordinances; pablo; pangasinan; pay; pedro; pedro de; people; permission; persons; perù; pesos; philipinas; philipinas islands; philippine; place; plan; pleased; point; poor; port; portuguese; possession; possible; power; prayer; preaching; present; preservation; priest; principal; products; profit; property; province; provincial; purpose; quantity; quiroga; reason; regard; region; registered; religious; remedy; report; reputation; required; rest; result; return; reverend; rich; rosary; royal; rules; sacrament; said; sail; san; sancto; sea; second; segovia; service; set; severe; severity; ships; sick; sickness; silk; silver; slaves; small; soldiers; soria; souls; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; spiritual; state; stone; strong; strove; subject; sufficient; superior; support; taught; teaching; things; thither; thomas; thought; time; town; trade; true; truth; unable; usual; vassals; venavides; vessel; vicar; village; virtue; voyage; water; way; women; words; work; world; worth; year; zeal cache: 39054.txt plain text: 39054.txt item: #36 of 49 id: 42399 author: Aduarte, Diego title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898: Volume 31, 1640 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 87436 flesch: 66 summary: When Father Juan Cobo went as ambassador to Japon, father Fray Juan was assigned to the mission to the Chinese, being thus required to learn a third language in addition to the two which he already knew. During the absence of the father provincial in Camboja, the province could find no one more suitable to govern it in his place, and accordingly father Fray Juan was nominated as vicar-general. keywords: account; accustomed; act; acts; addition; aduarte; advantage; alms; alonso; archbishop; arms; army; arrows; attack; attention; authority; bad; baptism; beginning; best; better; bishop; bishopric; boat; body; brief; brother; business; cagayán; camboja; captain; care; castro; cause; certain; chapter; charge; charity; chief; children; china; chinese; christianity; christians; christobal; church; churches; circumstances; city; clothes; coast; comfort; coming; commanded; company; conquest; continued; contrary; convent; conversion; country; courage; course; court; danger; day; days; de san; death; declared; defense; del; desire; determined; devoted; devotion; devout; diego; difficulty; distance; distinguished; divine; doctrine; domingo; dominic; dominican; don; don fray; drink; duties; duty; embassy; end; enemies; enemy; escape; españa; evil; example; expedition; experience; faith; father fray; father juan; father provincial; father st; fathers; favor; fear; fields; fire; fleet; following; follows; food; foot; force; fort; francisco; fray alonso; fray diego; fray domingo; fray francisco; fray juan; fray miguel; fray pedro; friars; general; god; gold; good; gospel; governor; grace; great; greater; greatest; habit; half; hands; hardships; health; heart; heathen; heaven; help; high; holy; honor; hospital; house; image; indians; inhabitants; inspector; islands; jacintho; japanese; japon; journey; joy; juan de; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labor; lack; lady; language; large; law; learning; left; leguas; letters; life; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; luis; majesty; manila; manner; martyr; mass; matter; mayor; means; men; mexico; mind; minister; ministry; missionaries; missionary; missions; money; months; morning; mother; mountains; native; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; news; night; noble; nueva; number; occasions; office; opportunity; order; ordered; pablo; pangasinan; patience; pedro; people; permission; persons; philippinas; pia; place; plague; pleased; point; poor; port; portuguese; possible; poverty; power; prayer; preachers; preaching; prepared; present; priest; prior; province; provincial; purpose; reason; receiving; regard; regarded; region; religious; religious life; religious order; remedy; report; rest; result; return; river; rosary; royal; said; sail; saints; san; sancta; satisfied; satzuma; saying; sea; second; segovia; servants; service; severe; sevilla; ship; shore; sick; silver; sins; small; society; soldiers; soria; souls; spain; spaniards; spanish; spirit; spiritual; spite; storm; strength; strove; sufferings; superior; teaching; thanks; theology; things; thomas; thought; time; town; troops; true; truth; unable; valladolid; vessel; vicar; victory; village; virgin; virtue; vol; vow; voyage; war; water; way; wind; women; words; work; wounded; ximenez; year; zeal cache: 42399.txt plain text: 42399.txt item: #37 of 49 id: 42458 author: Aduarte, Diego title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898: Volume 32, 1640 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century. date: None words: 84370 flesch: 65 summary: [Accordingly the prior asked father Fray Diego to persuade father Fray Francisco to remain; but both of them were induced to go to Filipinas by the arguments of father Fray Alonso. When the holy and prudent vicar-general, Fray Juan de Castro, assigned his companions to their various duties, he gave father Fray Diego the chief place by making him superior of the convent which was to be founded in the city of Manila. keywords: able; account; addition; aduarte; advantage; alms; ancient; answer; attention; august; augustinian; baptism; beginning; best; bishop; bishopric; blood; body; book; brother fray; building; cagayán; captain; care; cases; cause; certain; chapter; charge; chief; children; china; chinaman; chinese; christianity; christians; church; churches; city; coast; college; come; comfort; coming; commissary; companion; company; congregation; contrary; convent; conversion; converted; country; courage; course; cross; cruz; danger; day; days; de san; dead; death; del; desire; desirous; determined; devil; devoted; devotion; devout; difficulty; direction; divine; dominic; dominican; don fray; dutch; effect; efforts; election; emperor; end; enemy; españa; example; excellent; execution; expedition; fact; faith; famous; far; father fray; father provincial; father st; father vicar; fathers; fear; fire; following; food; foot; force; formosa; francisco de; fray alonso; fray angel; fray antonio; fray bartholome; fray bernardo; fray diego; fray domingo; fray francisco; fray jacintho; fray jacobo; fray jordan; fray juan; fray luis; fray matheo; fray miguel; fray pedro; fray thomas; friars; general; geronimo; giving; glorious; glory; god; good; good father; good religious; gospel; government; governor; grace; great; greater; greatest; grief; habit; hands; happy; hardships; harm; head; health; heathen; heaven; hermosa; high; history; holy father; holy fray; holy religious; honor; hope; house; humble; illness; image; indians; information; inhabitants; instruction; insurgents; island; japanese; japon; jesus; joseph; journey; joy; juan de; kindness; kingdom; labors; lack; lady; language; large; later; law; lay; learned; learning; leguas; letter; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; lost; love; macan; majesty; mandayas; manila; manner; martinez; martyrdom; martyrs; marvelous; mass; matter; means; members; men; mexico; midst; ministers; ministry; miracles; mission; missionaries; months; morales; mother; mountains; nangasaqui; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; news; night; noble; nueva; nueva segovia; number; office; old; omura; opportunity; order; pablo; pangasinan; particular; people; permission; persecution; persons; philippinas; place; pleased; point; poor; possession; possible; poverty; power; prayers; preachers; preaching; prepared; present; priests; prior; prison; prisoners; procurator; professed; province; provincial; purpose; quiet; regard; region; religious; religious orders; report; request; respect; rest; result; return; reverend; rich; river; rosary; royal; rules; said; sail; saints; san; sancto; sea; second; segovia; segovia father; set; severe; ship; short; sick; sickness; small; society; soldiers; son; souls; spaniards; spanish; special; spiritual; spite; state; strength; strong; strove; studies; study; sufferings; superior; teaching; temporal; theology; things; thomas de; thought; time; time father; torture; town; tribe; true; truth; unable; vessel; vicar; village; virgin; virtue; voyage; war; way; women; wood; work; year; year father cache: 42458.txt plain text: 42458.txt item: #38 of 49 id: 45101 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 35, 1640-1649 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 87233 flesch: 63 summary: Year 1631 VI Continuation of the matter of the last chapter, with some cases by way of example Valintos (the same one who had killed Captain Pedro Bautista) went to the river of Butuan with an order to kill father Fray Juan de San Augustin, prior of the convent of Ilaya in the village of Linao. The documents having been made ready, the father provincial sent father Fray Pedro de San Joseph, alias de Roxas. keywords: abucay; acapulco; account; administration; admiral; affairs; afterward; agustin; alcalde; almiranta; alms; alonso; anchor; angeles; antonio; apostolic; april; archbishop; armada; arms; artillery; associate; attack; audiencia; august; authority; bamboo; battle; bay; bayug; beginning; best; blessed; boats; body; brave; brother; buildings; cagayan; camarines; camp; cannon; captain; capture; care; carrying; castilians; catholic; cause; cavite; certain; champans; chapter; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; church; churches; city; clear; close; coast; collado; college; coming; commander; company; concepción; condition; congregation; conquest; considerable; convent; conversion; corcuera; corralat; council; country; courage; course; cruz; cut; damage; danger; day; days; de jesús; de la; de los; de san; de santa; dead; death; december; decree; defense; del; desire; determined; diego; different; district; divine; documents; dominican; don; doubt; dutch; dutch enemy; dutchmen; early; earthquake; effect; efforts; embocadero; end; enemies; enemy; english; entire; entrance; equipped; españa; established; events; excellent; expedition; experienced; fact; faith; far; father; father fray; favor; fear; felipe; field; filipinas; fire; fiscal; flagship; fleet; following; force; formosa; fort; fortification; fortified; fortune; fourth; francisco; francisco de; fray diego; fray juan; free; gabriel; galleons; galley; garrison; general; general de; glorious; glory; god; gold; good; gospel; government; governor; grant; great; greater; greatest; guns; half; hands; head; heaven; heretics; hermosa; historia; history; holiness; holy; hospital; house; huerta; important; imposition; increase; indians; infantry; information; informed; inhabitants; insurrection; islands; jacatra; jacinto; january; japanese; japon; jesuits; jesus; jolo; joseph; juan de; july; june; kind; king; kingdom; known; lake; lanchas; language; large; law; lay; leave; left; leguas; letter; licenses; life; like; little; lives; long; lordship; lorenço; loss; luis; luis de; macan; madrid; majesty; malaca; malanao; mangabo; manila; manila convent; manner; march; maria; mariveles; masters; matter; mayor; means; men; mentioned; mexico; miguel; military; mindanao; ministers; missionaries; missions; money; month; morning; moros; mother; mountains; natives; necessary; necessity; new; news; nueva; number; o'clock; occasion; october; officials; ones; opportunity; order; pablo; pampangos; parts; pay; pedro; pedro de; people; permission; persons; pesos; philippines; place; pleased; point; poor; port; portuguese; possession; possible; post; power; preacher; prepared; present; preserved; previous; priest; principal; prior; prisoners; procurator; property; province; provincial; provisions; public; purpose; quan; ready; reason; recollect; regard; related; relation; relief; religion; religious; report; rest; result; retreat; return; reverence; reverend; rice; river; rosario; royal; sacred; said; sail; sailing; san; sangleys; santa; sargento; sea; sebastian; second; september; service; set; shelter; ships; shore; shots; sick; sight; sins; small; society; soldiers; sovereign; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; spirit; spiritual; squadron; states; stone; strength; subject; succor; sufficient; suitable; superior; supplies; support; surrender; tagálog; taking; tay; terrenate; things; time; trade; treasury; tributes; tried; troops; true; university; usual; valor; vessels; vicar; victory; village; virtue; visita; vol; voyage; walls; water; way; wind; women; wood; work; year; yndia; zeal cache: 45101.txt plain text: 45101.txt item: #39 of 49 id: 47953 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 37, 1669-1676 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 87119 flesch: 62 summary: The bishop Don Fray Juan de Polanco (who was not yet bishop-elect) went to España with the usual powers conferred by the province, following Don Fray Juan Lopez, bishop of Zibu and afterward archbishop of Manila, who had gone the preceding year with the same powers. That was an excellent measure, as the result showed; for the bishop of Zibu was embarrassed by his new promotion and by his despatches, so that he could not get the mission ready, although he had made a good start at it upon the arrival of Don Fray Juan de Polanco. keywords: able; acapulco; account; acts; affairs; afterward; alcalde; alonso; andrés; angeles; antonio de; anxiety; april; archbishop; archbishop don; arco; arms; arrangements; arrest; arrival; arts; audiencia; auditor; augustine; augustinian; authority; baltasar de; bautista; bay; beginning; best; better; body; bonifaz; brother; brother fray; building; burgos; cagayan; camp; captain; captain don; care; cathedral; catholic; catálogo; cause; cavite; cebú; celebrated; certain; chapter; charge; chief; china; chinese; christian; church; churches; citizens; city; college; coming; commander; commander don; commissary fray; common; community; company; condition; conquest; consecrated; considerable; consolation; continued; convent; copy; council; country; court; credit; cruz; danger; day; days; de arévalo; de atienza; de coloma; de figueroa; de filipinas; de herrera; de la; de lara; de león; de los; de mansilla; de medina; de medrano; de mendoza; de palafox; de paternina; de paula; de poblete; de polanco; de salcedo; de san; de santa; de villanueva; death; decree; definitor; del; desire; determined; diaz; diego de; difficulties; difficulty; divine; doctor; doctor don; document; domingo; domingo de; dominican; don; don diego; don fray; don josé; don juan; don pedro; don sabiniano; dutch; ecclesiastical; election; embocadero; enemy; entire; españa; estacio; estevan; events; excellent; expenses; experienced; fact; faith; fajardo; father commissary; father diego; father fray; father lecturer; father master; father provincial; father st; fathers; favorite; fear; felipe; fellow; fernando de; filipinas; fine; fiscal; following; fort; fortune; francisco de; fray alonso; fray antonio; fray diego; fray dionisio; fray domingo; fray francisco; fray joseph; fray josé; fray juan; fray luis; fray manuel; fray pedro; fray tomás; free; friars; galleon; general; general don; gentleman; gerónimo de; god; gold; good; government; governor; governor don; great; greater; greatest; gregorio; guadalupe; guard; habit; half; hands; hardships; having; hermosa; high; history; hold; holy; holy office; holy province; honor; honorable; house; illness; ilocos; important; imprisonment; indians; inquisition; insurrection; intermediary; islands; jacinto; jesus; joseph de; josé de; juan de; juan manuel; july; june; junta; king; known; lack; language; large; later; lay; learned; lecturer; lecturer fray; left; leguas; letters; life; little; living; long; lopez; lordship; loss; love; luis de; madrid; majesty; manila; manila convent; manrique de; mansilla; manuel de; martir; master; master fray; matters; mayor; means; mention; mexico; miguel de; military; minister; ministries; mission; missionaries; missionary; money; months; morales; mountains; mss; méjico; native; navarrete; near; necessary; need; nephew; new; nicolas; night; nueva; number; obedience; obligation; occasion; office; officials; ones; opportunity; order; ordinary; ordás; pablo; palencia; pampanga; parián; pass; past; patache; pay; pedro de; people; persons; pesos; petition; peña; philippines; pious; place; poor; port; possession; possible; post; preacher; prelate; present; priests; prior; procurator; professed; proper; property; province; provincial; provincial chapter; provincial fray; prudence; prudent; public; purpose; pérez; quiet; quijano; real; reason; rector; regard; religious; reputation; residencia; result; retired; return; reverence; reverend father; river; roma; rosario; royal; rules; safety; said; salamanca; san diego; san pablo; santiago; santo; sargento; sea; sebastian; second; secular; segovia; sending; senior; september; service; set; severe; sevilla; señor; ship; short; small; society; soldiers; son; sorrow; souls; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; sufficient; suitable; superior; supreme; suárez; tagálog; taking; term; theology; things; thought; time; toledo; tomas; tomás de; tondo; treasury; tribunal; troubles; true; unable; usurper; valladolid; venerable; ventura; vessel; vicar; villages; virtue; visitation; visitor; vol; vote; voyage; way; wealth; work; world; worthy; year; zamboanga; zeal cache: 47953.txt plain text: 47953.txt item: #40 of 49 id: 50111 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 38, 1674-1683 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 81587 flesch: 67 summary: The free Merchants are not suffered to Trade to the Spice-Islands, nor to many other places where the Dutch have Factories; but on the other Hand, they are suffered to Trade to some places where the Dutch Company themselves may not Trade, as to Achin particularly, for there are some Princes in the Indies, who will not Trade with the Company for fear of them. In this Island are also many sorts of Beasts, both wild and tame; as Horses, Bulls, and Cows, Buffaloes, Goats, Wild Hogs, Deer, Monkies, Guano's, Lizards, Snakes, &c. I never saw or heard of any Beasts of Prey here, as in many other places. keywords: able; acapulco; account; acts; agoo; alcalde; alonso; andrés; anxiety; archbishop; armada; armed; arms; army; arqueros; arrival; attack; audiencia; augustinian; authority; barbarous; bark; bauang; bernardino; best; big; binalatongan; bishop; black; blood; boat; body; bohol; boys; branches; bread; bulls; cagayán; calignao; camp; captain; captain don; caraga; care; cause; certain; champan; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; church; churches; city; clear; cloth; coast; coco; college; coming; commandant; commander; common; companions; company; concepción; condition; confess; conquistas; considerable; convent; council; country; courage; course; cruel; cutting; dampier; danger; dangerous; day; days; de esteybar; de la; de manila; dead; death; december; decree; defense; del; demon; desire; determined; diaz; diego; difficult; distance; divine; domingo; dominican; don; don alonso; don andrés; don fray; don ginés; don juan; don pedro; don sabiniano; drink; dry; dutch; east; efforts; end; enemies; enemy; english; enterprise; entire; escape; españa; esteybar; events; evil; excellent; experienced; faith; father; father fray; fear; feet; felipe; field; filipinas; fine; fire; fish; flight; followers; following; food; foot; forces; fort; fortified; francisco; francisco de; fray; fray juan; free; fresh; fruit; fury; general; ginés; giving; god; gold; good; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; ground; guam; gumapos; half; hands; hard; hardships; head; heart; heavy; high; hill; hist; holy; hours; house; idols; illustrious; ilocos; important; indians; indies; infernal; information; informed; inhabitants; inside; insurgents; insurrection; islands; jacinto; jesus; john; josé; juan; juan de; june; kernel; kind; king; kingdom; known; laglag; lara; large; law; lay; leader; leagues; learned; leaves; left; leguas; letter; liberty; life; like; lingayén; little; lives; long; lord; lorenzo; loss; loyalty; lutaos; luís; macasar; madrid; majesty; making; malóng; manila; manner; march; mass; master; matters; mayor; means; men; mexico; middle; miguel; military; mindanao; mindoro; ministers; missions; money; months; morning; mountains; multitude; murillo; narbacán; natives; navarrete; near; necessary; new; nicolás; night; north; note; nueva; number; nut; nuts; obedience; occasion; office; ones; open; opinion; opportunity; order; palapag; pampanga; pampangos; panay; pangasinán; parts; pedro; pedro de; people; peralta; persons; pesos; philippines; pieces; place; plantain; pleasant; poor; portuguese; post; power; present; priests; prior; procurator; province; provincial; public; purpose; quiet; rain; ready; reason; rebellion; rebels; rector; refuge; regard; relief; religious; report; reputation; resolution; rest; result; retreat; return; revolt; rice; rich; ripe; river; road; royal; sabiniano; safety; said; sail; samboangan; santa; sargento; saw; sea; search; seas; second; secular; secure; segovia; servant; service; shell; ship; sick; silver; slaves; small; society; soft; soldiers; sort; souls; south; spaniards; spanish; stones; strength; strong; subjection; substance; success; sufficient; sumoroy; sun; swan; sweet; text; thick; things; thought; time; tomás; trade; tree; tribute; troops; ugalde; university; valor; velarde; vera; vessels; vigán; village; virtue; visita; vol; voyage; war; water; way; weapons; weather; week; west; white; wife; wind; wine; women; wood; words; work; world; wretched; years; young; zambals cache: 50111.txt plain text: 50111.txt item: #41 of 49 id: 50151 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 44, 1700-1736 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century. date: None words: 88024 flesch: 47 summary: Then his eldest son arriving--who had been going about the city arresting the priests, and busy with other orders of that sort--the mob killed him also, which occasioned the death of a poor Indian. There are Ternatans, and Mardicas (who took refuge here from Ternate); there are some Japanese; there are people from Borney and Timor, and from Bengal; there are Mindanaos, Joloans, and Malays; there are Javanese, Siaos, and Tidorans; there are people from Cambay and Mogol, and from other islands and kingdoms of Asia. keywords: able; abundance; acapulco; accordance; account; action; acts; administration; advantage; affairs; aforesaid; alcaldes; amounts; annual; antonio; archbishop; arguments; arms; attention; audiencia; auditor; august; authority; baptism; benefit; best; blessed; body; brief; building; burden; business; bustamante; cabildo; cadiz; campo; care; case; castle; cathedral; catholic; causes; cavite; cent; certain; charge; charitable; charity; check; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; church; churches; citizens; city; claims; coast; collection; college; coming; command; commerce; commodities; community; concepción; condition; conduct; confessions; consequence; considerable; consideration; consolation; consulate; continual; continued; controversy; convent; conversion; converted; copy; council; countries; country; course; court; crown; cuesta; danger; dapitan; day; days; dead; death; decision; decree; deputies; desire; despatch; devotion; diego; difficulties; difficulty; distribution; doctrine; document; don; doña; dutch; duties; dying; ecclesiastical; efforts; end; enemies; enormous; entire; españa; events; evident; execution; exercise; expense; experienced; extracto; extraordinary; fabrics; fact; faith; fall; father; favor; fear; fields; fiscal; fleets; following; food; foreign; fort; francisco; frauds; fray; free; frequent; friend; fruit; functions; funds; gain; galleon; general; god; gold; goods; gospel; government; governor; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; ground; half; hamlets; hand; having; heathens; high; historia; history; holy; hope; house; illustrious; important; increase; indians; indult; industry; infidels; influence; information; injury; investigation; islands; january; jesuits; joló; josepha; juan; judge; july; june; justice; kind; kindness; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; laborers; labors; lack; lading; lake; language; large; law; laws; left; leguas; letter; life; like; linen; little; live; living; long; lopez; lordship; loss; losses; madrid; maintenance; majesty; manila; manila trade; manner; manuel; march; maria; marqués; mass; matter; mayor; means; measures; members; memorial; merchandise; merchants; mexico; miguel; military; mindanao; ministers; ministries; ministry; missionaries; missionary; missions; mode; money; months; moros; mountains; nations; natives; natural; near; necessary; necessity; new; news; nueva; nueva españa; number; obligation; obtain; occasion; october; office; officers; officials; ones; opinion; opportunity; opposed; order; otazo; outside; pay; payment; pedro; penalties; penalty; people; period; permission; personal; persons; pesos; philipinas; philippine; piezas; pious; place; plan; pleased; pleasure; point; poor; port; possession; possible; post; poverty; power; prayers; preaching; prelate; present; previous; priests; principal; proceedings; products; profit; prohibition; proper; property; protection; provinces; provincial; public; purpose; reason; received; refuge; regard; region; regular; regulation; relations; religion; religious; report; rest; result; return; rice; right; river; royal; royal decree; ruin; sacraments; said; samboangan; san; sangleys; santa; save; saying; sea; second; secular; secure; september; sermons; service; set; sevilla; ships; sick; silk; silken; silver; small; society; soldiers; sort; souls; space; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; spiritual; statement; states; stuffs; subanos; subject; sufficient; supply; support; term; things; time; toneladas; torralba; trade; traders; trading; traffic; treasury; tribute; troubles; utmost; valero; value; vassals; vessels; viceroy; villages; violence; virgin; vol; voyage; water; wax; way; wealth; week; welfare; wife; wild; women; work; world; year; zeal; zealous cache: 50151.txt plain text: 50151.txt item: #42 of 49 id: 50245 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 45, 1736 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 89394 flesch: 55 summary: The exact tenor of that law is as follows: Since the universities, conciliar seminaries, and other colleges of teaching, erected with public authority in our Indias, are under our royal patronage and protection; and since their students and pupils merit the most careful attention, so that they may not disgrace themselves in their courses and studies with prejudice to the state and their own families: we order and command such pupils, students, and members of said universities, conciliar seminaries, and other colleges and houses, not to contract espousals without, in addition to the paternal consent, or the consent of the person who ought to give it. According to the first law of this título, they have the license, those of the conciliar seminaries, of the archbishops and bishops and vice-patrons, and those of the universities and other colleges, of our viceroys or presidents of the respective audiencias, to whom they shall send their petitions or requests by the hand of the rectors, with report of the latter, since for this matter we delegate our royal authority to the abovesaid. keywords: able; abovesaid; academy; acapulco; accordance; account; action; acts; addition; administration; agriculture; alms; america; antonio; appendix; applied; april; archbishop; archipiélago; arguments; article; assembly; audiencia; august; authority; ayer; barrantes; beaterio; beginning; best; bishops; board; book; boys; brief; brother; building; cabildo; cadiz; canonical; capital; captain; care; cargo; case; castilian; cathedral; catholic; census; cent; century; certain; chairs; chapter; charge; charity; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; church; churches; cinnamon; citizens; city; civil; claims; class; clergy; colegio; colin; college; collegiates; colonies; command; commerce; commercial; commission; commodities; community; company; concepción; conciliar; conditions; considerable; consideration; contrary; control; convent; copy; corcuera; cost; council; country; course; court; crown; day; de manila; de san; december; decision; decree; degrees; del; deputies; despatch; diego; direction; director; doctor; doctrine; document; domingo; dominican; don; drawing; dutch; duties; ecclesiastical; education; effect; end; english; erection; españa; establishment; examination; excellency; expenses; expulsion; extracto; fabrics; fact; faith; father; favor; february; fees; felipe; fellowships; figueroa; filipinas; filipino; fiscal; fitting; fleets; florins; following; follows; force; foreign; form; foundation; francisco; fray; free; friars; funds; future; galleon; general; girls; god; goods; government; governor; grammar; great; greater; half; hands; historia; history; hold; holiness; holy; house; ignorant; iii; inasmuch; incomes; increase; indias; industry; information; inhabitants; instance; institution; instruction; interests; islands; january; jesuits; jesus; joseph; josé; josé college; juan; juan de; july; june; king; kingdom; known; lack; language; large; later; latin; law; laws; lay; left; legal; letran; letter; libras; license; life; like; little; livres; long; madrid; maintenance; majesty; making; management; manila; manner; march; masters; matter; means; measures; medicine; members; memorial; merchandise; merchants; mexico; military; ministers; ministry; money; montero; moral; mother; municipal; music; native; necessary; new; new college; note; november; nozaleda; nueva; nueva españa; number; obligation; observance; october; officials; old; opinion; order; ordinary; original; orphan; outside; painting; papers; parish; parts; pastells; patronage; pay; pedro; people; pepper; period; permission; persons; pesos; petition; pharmacy; philippines; philosophy; piezas; pious; place; plan; political; poor; portion; possession; possible; power; practice; preceding; present; prices; priests; primary; principal; private; products; professors; profit; progress; properties; property; protection; province; provincial; provision; provisor; public; pupils; purpose; question; read; reading; reals; reason; rector; regard; regulations; religious; report; resolution; results; retreat; returns; reverend; right; rodriguez; roman; royal; royal audiencia; royal college; royal council; royal decree; royal order; royal treasury; royal university; rules; said; said college; san; san josé; santo; school; second; secondary; secretary; section; secular; segovia; seminaries; seminary; september; servants; service; set; ship; shippers; silks; silver; sisters; small; society; sources; sovereign; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; spices; state; students; studies; study; stuffs; subject; sufficient; suitable; sum; summary; superior; support; supreme; talk; teachers; teaching; theology; things; time; title; tomás; total; trade; traders; trading; traffic; treasury; tribunal; true; título; united; universities; university; value; viceroy; view; villages; virtue; vol; way; women; work; worthy; write; writing; year; young cache: 50245.txt plain text: 50245.txt item: #43 of 49 id: 52681 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898; Volume 46, 1721-1739 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 97355 flesch: 58 summary: The object of the school is to train good moral and religious women teachers and to make this school a model for other schools. Regulations of superior normal school for men teachers. keywords: abovesaid; academical; accordance; account; action; acts; addition; administration; admission; advanced; advisable; afternoon; alcaldes; aliaga; american; annual; ante; application; approval; april; archbishop; archipelago; arithmetic; art; article; arts; ascenso; assistants; attendance; attention; august; augustinian; authorities; authority; barrantes; barrios; beginning; believe; belong; best; better; bishop; board; book; boys; branches; budget; candidates; capacity; capital; care; castilian; catholic; cause; certain; certificate; chapter; character; charge; charity; chiefs; children; christian; church; circular; citizens; city; civil; civil government; civilization; class; classes; close; college; colonies; colony; commission; common; complete; compulsory; concepción; condition; conservation; copy; corporations; corresponding; council; country; course; creation; cáceres; daily; data; date; day; days; december; decree; del; demanded; deportment; desire; development; diocesan; diocese; direction; director; directress; distant; distribution; district; division; doctrine; document; dominican; don; drawing; duties; duty; ecclesiastical; education; elementary; end; english; entrada; entrance; equal; equipment; españa; establishment; ethics; exact; examinations; excellent; exercise; expenses; experience; explanation; extraordinary; fact; families; father; faults; february; fees; filipinas; filipino; fine; fitting; following; follows; force; form; foundation; francisco; fray; free; friars; fulfilment; funds; future; general; general government; geography; girls; giving; god; good; government; governor; grade; grammar; great; greater; greatest; grifol; half; hand; history; holy; hour; house; ideas; iii; immediate; important; increase; indians; indispensable; information; inhabitants; inscriptions; institution; instruction; instructresses; intellectual; interim; interior; isabel; islands; january; jesuits; josé; juan; judges; july; june; king; knowledge; lack; language; later; laws; learned; learning; legislation; lessons; letters; life; like; list; literary; little; local; long; loss; madrid; majesty; making; management; manila; manner; manuel; march; mark; mass; material; matriculation; matter; mayor; means; measures; members; method; military; mindanao; minister; ministry; missionaries; model; month; monthly; moral; morning; moros; mother; municipal; municipal school; music; natives; natural; necessary; necessity; need; needle; new; noble; normal school; normal teachers; note; november; nueva; number; numerous; nuns; o.s.a; object; obligation; observance; obtaining; october; office; official; open; opinion; opposed; order; ordinary; organization; oversight; paper; paragraph; parents; parish; pay; payment; peculiar; people; perfect; period; personal; persons; pesos; petition; philippines; place; plan; point; poor; population; possession; possible; powers; practical; practice school; preceding; prescribed; present; priest; primary; primary education; primary instruction; principal; principles; private; profession; progress; proper; proportion; proved; provinces; provincial; provision; public; public instruction; public school; punishments; pupils; purpose; qualifications; race; rank; reading; reason; recollects; regard; register; regular; regulations; religion; religious; report; requirements; resident; respective; result; reverend; rewards; right; royal; royal decree; royal order; royal school; rules; sacred; said; salaries; salary; san; santa; schedule; scholars; school; school art; school attendance; school equipment; school regulations; school supplies; sciences; second; secondary; secretary; section; seminary; september; servants; set; señor; sisters; small; social; society; souls; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; spiritual; staff; state; students; studies; study; subjects; substitute; sufficient; suitable; sultan; sum; sums; superior; superior board; superior civil; superior decree; superior education; superior government; superior normal; superior primary; superior school; supervision; supervisors; support; system; teachers; teachers art; teaching; term; textbooks; things; time; title; tomás; total; town; treasury; tribunal; true; término; título; understanding; university; vacations; villages; virtue; visit; way; women teachers; work; writing; year; young; youth; zamora; zeal cache: 52681.txt plain text: 52681.txt item: #44 of 49 id: 54041 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898; Volume 47, 1728-1759 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 92024 flesch: 55 summary: By this measure are furnished [the men for] the timber-cutting, shipbuilding, and other royal works. Inasmuch as there was no other in whom to place the care of this so great need, this brotherhood attended promptly to so fitting a relief, building it at the cost of many pesos in 1596, supplying what was possible in so little time, for the erection of said hospital. keywords: acapulco; accordance; account; act; administration; advantages; affairs; aforesaid; alférez; alms; amounts; anito; annual; antonio; april; archbishop; arrobas; artillery; assistance; association; attention; audiencia; auditor; august; authority; batavia; bayoc; bearer; beginning; benefit; best; bishop; blacks; board; book; brethren; bronze; brotherhood; brothers; building; business; cacao; caliber; camp; cannons; capital; captain; care; case; cash; castilian; cathedral; catholic; cavans; cavite; century; certain; chapel; chaplaincies; chaplains; chapter; charge; charitable; charity; chief; children; china; chinese; chocolate; christian; church; churches; cinnamon; circumstances; citizens; city; close; clothing; cocoanut; college; coming; commerce; commissary; commodities; common; community; company; condition; contribution; convent; copy; cost; council; country; course; crown; curas; customs; day; days; de san; death; deceased; december; decree; del; deputies; description; diego; different; difficulties; distance; divine; doctor; domingo; dominic; don; dowries; dowry; dutch; duties; ecclesiastical; encomienda; end; ends; enemies; english; enjoys; entire; equivalent; españa; established; estate; evident; exercises; expenses; experience; fact; faith; families; father; father fray; favor; fear; feast; feet; fields; fol; following; follows; food; form; fort; fortifications; foundation; francisco; fray; french; funds; galleon; gantas; gate; general; girls; god; gold; good; government; governor; granos; grant; great; greater; greatest; half; hand; head; holy; hospital; hospital order; house; husband; idol; illustrious; important; income; increase; indians; infantry; information; institution; interesting; iron; isabel; islands; january; jesuit; jesus; john; joló; joseph; juan; juan de; july; june; jurisdiction; king; kingdoms; knowledge; known; lack; large; lay; left; leguas; letter; libras; life; like; list; little; livres; long; lordship; loss; luis; madrid; maintenance; majesty; making; maldonado; management; manila; manner; manuel; march; married; masses; matter; mayor; means; medicines; members; men; mention; mexico; miguel; military; millions; mindanao; ministers; ministries; minor; misericordia; missions; money; month; monthly; moros; mother; mountain; murder; names; native; near; necessary; necessities; necessity; need; net; new; noble; note; november; nueva; number; occasion; october; offering; office; officers; officials; oil; ones; opinion; order; original; orphan; outside; p. t.; page; pampango; parties; parts; past; patron; pay; pedro; people; pepper; perez; period; persons; pesos; philipinas; pious; place; plan; point; poor; port; possession; possible; post; power; present; president; priests; principal; prior; private; proceeds; products; property; proposition; province; provincial; provision; public; purpose; purveyor; rate; rations; reals; reason; regard; regular; relatives; relief; religious; report; reserve; rest; result; return; reverend; ribera; rice; river; royal; royal decree; royal hospital; royal order; royal treasury; rules; sacrifice; said; said royal; sangleys; santa; santa misericordia; santiago; sargento; satisfaction; school; sea; second; secretary; secular; separate; september; sergeant; servants; service; ships; short; sick; silver; slaves; small; society; soldiers; souls; spain; spaniards; spanish; special; spiritual; standard; statement; states; steward; stipends; stone; subject; success; sufficient; sugar; suitable; sultan; sum; summary; sums; superior; supplies; support; text; things; time; title; today; tomins; total; town; trade; transportation; treasurer; treasury; treatment; tributes; true; truth; value; vassals; venerable; vicar; village; virtue; voyage; walls; water; way; weight; wheat; wife; wine; women; word; work; worship; worthy; year; yearly; zambals; zamboanga cache: 54041.txt plain text: 54041.txt item: #45 of 49 id: 54740 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898: Volume 48, 1751-1765 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 99298 flesch: 53 summary: One of the grounds for this belief is, that in all the islands (which are very many) these people maintain an identical language, and different from those of all the other peoples among whom they live; while the other natives of each island have a language different [from those spoken in other islands], and even in some places (as is evident throughout all this treatise) are encountered at every turn different dialects in the same island. [12] | | | | | | | Young children | | | | | | | | Spaniards, | | | | | | | | men and | | | | | | | | women -----------+-----------+------+-----+-----+-----+------+------+----------- Tondo |Tondo |1,810 | 500| 450| 868| keywords: able; abundance; acapulco; account; accustomed; acts; administration; advantages; affairs; aforesaid; alcalde; alimudin; america; antonio; application; arandia; archbishop; arguments; arms; arrechedera; articles; attack; audiencia; auditor; augustine; augustinian; authority; bad; bantilan; baptism; barbarians; bark; bay; beginning; benefit; best; better; blood; body; book; brother; cadiz; cagayan; canton; cape; capital; captain; captives; capture; care; cargoes; case; catholic; catálogo; causes; cavite; census; century; certain; chapter; charge; check; chief; children; china; chinese; christians; church; churches; cinnamon; city; civilized; coasts; college; colonies; colony; comfort; command; commander; commerce; commercial; commodities; common; companies; company; concepción; condition; conduct; conquest; considerable; continual; contrary; contribute; convent; converts; copy; cost; costly; cotton; council; countries; country; courage; court; crown; cruz; cultivation; customs; danger; day; days; dead; death; decision; decree; deer; defense; demon; desire; different; difficulties; discoveries; disposition; distant; district; dominican; dominions; don; doubt; dutch; duties; dwell; early; eastern; easy; efforts; empire; end; enemies; enemy; english; enormous; enterprise; entire; entrance; españa; estates; europa; european; events; evident; example; excellent; exchequer; expedient; expedition; expenses; experience; extension; extensive; extent; fabrics; fail; faith; families; far; father; favor; fear; fernando; field; fierce; fifth; fine; fire; fiscal; fleets; flight; following; food; forces; foreigners; fort; fortified; francisco; fray; free; french; friars; fruit; funds; gains; galleon; general; giving; glorious; god; gold; good; government; governor; grain; great; greater; greatest; ground; half; hand; head; heathen; heavy; herbs; high; hills; hist; history; hitherto; holy; hope; house; idea; illicit; illustrious; ilocos; important; increase; indians; infidels; influence; information; inhabitants; injury; instruction; iron; isinay; islands; italons; jesuit; jesus; joló; joseph; juan; judge; july; june; justice; killing; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labors; lack; lake; language; large; later; law; lay; leave; left; leguas; letters; life; like; little; live; long; lordship; loss; losses; luzón; madrid; maintenance; majesty; making; manila; manner; manuel; manufactures; market; masters; matter; mayor; means; measures; memorial; merchants; method; mexico; miguel; military; mindanao; mines; ministers; missionaries; missionary; missions; mode; moderate; monarchy; money; montero; month; moros; mother; mountains; mozo; nations; natives; natural; nature; navigation; navy; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; north; note; nueva; number; numerous; obligation; occasion; occupied; office; officers; official; ones; open; opinion; opportunity; opposition; order; orendain; original; pampanga; panama; pangasinan; paniqui; pantabangan; pass; past; pay; paying; pedro; people; period; permission; persons; pesos; philipinas; pieces; pirates; place; plan; plants; point; poor; port; portuguese; possession; possible; posts; power; powerful; present; prices; private; proceedings; produce; products; profession; profits; progress; project; property; proportion; protection; province; provincial; provisions; public; published; punishment; purchase; purpose; quality; raids; rank; ready; reals; reason; recollect; reduction; refuge; regard; region; relations; religion; religious; report; respect; respectable; respective; rest; result; return; revenues; revolt; rich; right; river; road; route; royal; royal treasury; ruin; said; san; sangleys; santa; save; saving; saw; sea; seas; second; section; secure; security; sell; service; set; señor; ships; siam; siege; silk; silver; similar; situado; small; society; soldiers; sort; souls; southern; sovereign; spain; spaniards; spanish; spirit; squadron; state; storehouses; subject; success; sufficient; suitable; sultan; sum; superior; supplies; support; surrender; territory; things; time; title; torre; total; town; trade; traders; trading; treasury; tree; tribes; tributes; troops; true; undertaking; use; useful; valuable; vassals; vessels; viana; vidal; view; villages; visit; vol; voyage; war; way; wealth; western; wild; wine; women; wood; work; world; wounded; wretched; xiii; year; young; zamboanga; zeal; zúñiga; | | cache: 54740.txt plain text: 54740.txt item: #46 of 49 id: 56778 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898; Volume 49 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 97756 flesch: 62 summary: de Manila, Gov. y Cap. de Manila, Gov. y Cap. keywords: 79th; able; abovesaid; acapulco; accordance; account; action; acts; admiral; advisable; afternoon; alcalde; anda; anda y; anson; answer; antonio; archbishop; arguments; armed; arms; army; arrival; articles; artillery; assault; assembly; attack; attempt; attention; audiencia; auditor; august; augustinian; authority; bastion; batteries; battery; bay; beginning; best; bills; board; boats; body; breach; britannic; british; brother; bulacan; camp; cannon; capital; capitulation; captain; capture; care; cargo; case; castro; catholic; cavite; certain; cession; charge; chief; chinese; church; churches; circumstances; citadel; citizens; city; coast; colonel; coming; command; commander; commerce; commissioned; companies; company; concerned; condition; conduct; conquest; conquista; consequence; considerable; consideration; contrary; convent; copy; cornish; council; country; course; court; covered; cárlos; danger; date; day; days; de anda; de manila; death; defense; destruction; diego; different; ditto; documents; dollars; don; draper; duty; east; ecclesiastical; edict; effects; embocadero; enemies; enemy; english; entire; entrance; environs; events; example; excellency; expedition; experienced; fact; faith; faithful; false; father; favor; fear; february; fell; field; fifth; filipinas; fine; fire; fiscal; fitting; flag; fleet; following; food; forces; fort; fortifications; foundry; fourth; francisco; free; french; funds; galleon; galley; garrison; gate; general; gentil; god; good; government; governor; grace; great; greater; greatest; guard; guns; half; hand; head; hold; honor; hostilities; hours; houses; iii; important; indians; information; informed; inhabitants; instructions; invasion; islands; january; jesuits; jesus; journal; juan; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; king; lack; large; laws; leave; left; letter; liberty; lieutenant; life; like; little; lives; living; london; long; lord; lordship; loss; loyalty; madrid; magazine; majesty; manila; manner; manuel; march; marines; marquis; mas; matter; mayor; means; measures; men; message; military; millions; ministers; missions; money; montero; month; moors; morning; moros; mortars; muskets; narrative; nation; natives; navy; near; necessary; need; new; news; night; ninth; note; november; number; o'clock; obedience; object; obliged; occasion; october; officers; officials; open; operations; opinion; opposed; opposition; order; orendain; original; outside; pampanga; pampangos; paper; particular; pay; payment; pedro; people; persons; pesos; philipino; philippines; place; plan; point; port; possession; possible; post; pounders; power; prelate; present; principal; prisoners; private; property; proposals; protection; province; provincial; provisions; public; purpose; quiet; ransom; reason; reduction; regard; regiment; regular; religion; religious; reply; report; request; resistance; respect; rest; retire; return; reverend; reverend archbishop; rice; river; rojo; royal; ruin; s.j; sack; safety; said; salazar; san; sangleys; santa; santiago; scots; seamen; second; secretary; security; sending; sentence; september; service; set; seventh; ship; short; siege; silang; silver; simon; sir; sitio; sixth; small; society; soldiers; south; southern; sovereign; spain; spaniards; spanish; squadron; state; stores; storm; subjects; success; sufficient; sum; superior; supplies; support; surrender; taking; terms; things; thought; time; title; total; town; trade; traitors; treasury; treaty; tribute; trinidad; troops; true; truth; unable; use; utmost; vassals; vessel; viana; vidal; view; villacorta; villages; violence; vol; voyage; walls; war; water; way; white; william; women; word; works; wounded; writing; year; zeal cache: 56778.txt plain text: 56778.txt item: #47 of 49 id: 57189 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898; Volume 50 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 93479 flesch: 53 summary: Legal proceedings are therefore brought against Raón and his associates in their residencias, but some of them die before the suits are ended; and Anda, who instituted these by royal order, is nevertheless impeded in every way, and afterward sentenced to heavy fines, through the machinations of his enemies. By royal orders of July 17 and 26, 1784, the post of quartermaster-general of the islands was created, in accordance with a request by Basco; and that of deputy-intendant of the exchequer was united with it, independent of the superior government of the islands. keywords: absolute; abuse; acapulco; accordance; account; acts; administration; advantage; affairs; aforesaid; aguilar; alcaldes; amounts; anda; annual; ante; appointment; april; arandía; archbishop; attention; audiencia; auditors; august; authorities; authority; bad; barangay; basco; bastion; bay; beginning; benefit; best; bishops; book; building; business; cabezas; capital; care; carlos; case; castilian; catholic; causes; cavite; cebú; century; certain; chapter; character; charge; chief; china; chinese; christian; church; churches; citizens; city; civil; claims; clergy; clerics; close; collection; college; command; commerce; communal; condition; conduct; consequence; contrary; controversy; convent; copy; corcuera; corregidors; cost; council; country; court; crown; cruzat; curacies; curas; current; danvila; date; days; de filipinas; death; december; decision; decree; defense; del; desire; different; district; doctrinas; doctrine; documents; dominions; don; duties; ecclesiastical; effect; encomenderos; end; enemies; english; enormous; entire; episcopal; españa; establishment; estate; events; evident; evil; exact; example; execution; exemption; exercise; expenses; experience; expulsion; fact; father; favor; fear; feasts; february; fees; filipinas; filipino; fine; fiscal; fixed; following; food; force; forts; francisco; fray; free; friars; funds; future; gain; galvan; general; gobernadorcillos; god; gold; good; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; half; hand; hist; historia; history; hitherto; holy; honor; houses; ideas; ignorance; iii; important; increase; indians; influence; information; inhabitants; instructions; interests; iron; islands; item; january; jesuits; jesus; joló; josé; juan; july; june; jurisdiction; justa; justice; kind; king; knowledge; known; lack; language; large; later; law; laws; letter; life; like; little; long; loss; madrid; majesty; making; manila; manner; march; married; mass; matter; mayor; means; measures; memorial; mestizos; method; military; ministers; ministries; missionaries; missions; money; monopoly; montero; moros; mountains; names; natives; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; new; notaries; note; november; nueva; number; obedience; obligation; observance; october; office; officers; officials; old; opinion; opposition; order; ordinances; original; pampanga; papers; pardo; parish; patronage; pay; payment; pedro; penalties; penalty; people; permission; personal; persons; pesos; philippines; pirates; place; plan; point; political; poor; pope; possession; possible; post; power; practice; preceding; present; pretext; prices; priests; private; proceedings; proceeds; produce; products; profit; proper; property; provinces; provincial; public; purpose; q.v; raids; raon; rate; raón; reals; reason; receives; recopilación; reduction; reforms; regard; regulars; regulations; religion; religious; religious orders; remedy; report; residencia; respective; respuestas; result; return; revenue; rice; right; royal; royal audiencia; royal decree; royal exchequer; royal officials; royal order; royal revenue; royal service; royal treasury; rule; said; salazar; sale; san; sangleys; santa; savings; schools; second; secretary; secular; secure; september; service; señor; shall; ships; short; sick; silk; silver; similar; society; soldiers; souls; sovereign; spain; spaniards; spanish; spanish government; special; spiritual; statement; states; stipends; subject; sufficient; suitable; sum; summary; superior; superior government; supplies; support; tariff; tavera; tax; temporal; term; things; time; title; tobacco; tomins; tondo; total; trade; transportation; treatment; trees; tributes; troops; true; truth; título; unable; university; unjust; utmost; value; vessels; viana; vidal; view; villages; violation; visitation; vol; volume; war; way; wealth; wine; women; work; xiv; year; zeal; | |; álava cache: 57189.txt plain text: 57189.txt item: #48 of 49 id: 57304 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 51, 1801-1840 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 88608 flesch: 51 summary: [i.e., balate], wax, dried fish, &c. from Soolo, Borneo, and other islands of the Archipelago; toys, silks, nankeens, teas, and dollars from China; dollars from the United States; and from South America, silver, cochineal, and cacao. The Spaniards ought thus to follow the example of the Dutch in Java and other islands, where the Chinese have made excellent agriculturists and manufacturers of agricultural products, and have enriched both themselves and the Dutch; if they had been thus treated in Filipinas, that country would now be as prosperous and wealthy as are the Dutch colonies, and its trade would be as rich and extensive as that of the Dutch. keywords: ability; abuses; acapulco; account; action; active; acts; administration; advantages; affairs; afterward; agriculture; aguilar; alcalde; america; animals; appearance; april; archbishop; archbishopric; archipelago; arms; army; arrival; article; artillery; asia; assumed; attempts; attention; audiencia; august; augustinian; authorities; authority; bay; benefit; bengal; bernaldez; best; better; board; boats; bodies; body; books; branches; brandy; building; bureau; business; cabildo; camba; cane; cannon; capital; captain; care; case; cathedral; catholic; causes; cavite; cebú; cent; century; certain; chapter; character; charge; chief; children; china; chinese; church; churches; circulation; citizens; city; civil; class; classes; clergy; clerics; climate; close; cloth; coasting; coasts; coffee; colleges; colonial; colonies; colony; command; commerce; commercial; committee; commodities; common; communication; company; comyn; condition; conduct; confined; consejo; considerable; constitution; consumption; contempt; continued; contracts; control; convent; corps; correct; cortes; cost; cotton; council; countries; country; course; court; crown; cultivation; curacies; curas; custom; cádiz; daily; dangerous; day; days; de filipinas; death; december; decided; decree; defense; development; different; difficulty; direct; distance; districts; documents; dollars; dominican; don; duties; duty; east; ecclesiastical; economic; education; effect; efforts; encouragement; end; enemies; english; enormous; enrile; enterprises; entire; entrance; equal; españa; establishment; estimate; european; events; evil; example; excellent; exchequer; exclusive; expedition; expenses; experienced; exportation; extensive; extent; fabrics; families; family; favor; february; feet; fernando; fertile; filipinas; filipinas islands; filipino; fine; fire; folgueras; following; follows; food; force; foreigners; form; fortifications; france; francisco; free; french; friars; fruits; funds; galleon; gardoqui; general; gentil; girls; gives; gold; good; government; governor; governs; great; greater; ground; half; hands; haraforas; hard; head; heavy; high; historia; history; home; house; human; idea; ignorance; ignorant; ilocos; immediate; important; increase; indians; indigo; industries; industry; influence; information; inhabitants; inquisition; instances; institutions; insurrection; intercourse; interests; interior; internal; iron; islands; january; java; jesuits; joló; josé; juan; july; june; justice; kind; king; knowledge; known; labor; lack; language; large; later; laws; leaders; leading; length; liberal; life; light; like; list; little; live; living; long; longer; loss; luzon; machinery; madrid; majesty; making; malay; manila; manner; manuel; manufacture; march; market; matter; mayor; means; measures; meeting; members; merchants; mestizos; methods; mexico; military; mindanao; mines; ministers; missionaries; missions; mode; money; monopoly; montero; month; moral; moros; mother; mountains; national; nations; natives; natural; nature; naval; near; necessary; necessity; needed; needs; neglect; new; northern; note; november; nueva; number; numerous; object; obras; occasion; october; officers; officials; ones; open; opinion; opium; order; original; pampanga; paper; parish; parts; pay; payment; peninsula; people; period; permanent; permission; persons; pesos; philippines; piracies; pirates; place; plan; plantations; plants; point; policy; political; poor; population; possession; possible; posts; power; powerful; preliminary; present; prices; priests; principal; private; privilege; procurator; produce; products; profit; progress; property; proportion; protection; provinces; provincial; provision; public; publication; purpose; pías; quality; quantities; quantity; race; reals; recent; reforms; regard; regular; religion; religious; remarks; report; representation; respectable; respective; results; return; revenue; rewards; ricafort; rice; rich; river; royal; rule; said; salazar; sale; san; santa; save; sea; second; secular; secure; security; september; series; servants; service; set; ships; silver; similar; single; size; small; society; soil; soldiers; sort; souls; sources; southern; spain; spaniards; spanish; spanish government; special; species; spirit; state; stone; strangers; strong; subject; success; sufficient; sugar; suitable; sums; superior; supply; support; suppression; system; tax; taxes; term; theology; thing; timber; time; title; tobacco; towns; trade; trading; traffic; treasury; treaty; tribes; tribunal; tribute; troops; trouble; true; ultramar; unfortunate; university; unknown; useful; useless; utmost; vacant; value; vessels; vices; vidal; view; vii; villages; visit; vol; volume; voyage; wages; walls; want; war; way; wealth; white; wild; wine; women; work; world; worth; writer; years cache: 57304.txt plain text: 57304.txt item: #49 of 49 id: 57431 author: None title: The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 52, 1841-1898 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 105166 flesch: 55 summary: [65] El Diario de Manila was established in 1848, a name which was changed to El Boletin oficial de Filipinas in 1852, and again to the former name in 1860; papers called El Comercio were founded in 1858 (probably), and in 1869; La Oceanía Española, in 1877 (which succeeded El Porvenir Filipino); La Voz Española was founded in 1888 under the name of La Voz de España, the issue of March 5, 1892, marking the change of name. Gregorio Sancianco y Goson's El progreso de Filipinas (Madrid, 1881), especially valuable on administrative matters just prior to the revision of the fiscal régime in connection with the abolition of the government tobacco monopoly, has also many data on land, commerce, and industry. keywords: -the; able; abuses; accordance; account; action; active; acts; actual; addition; administration; advisable; affairs; agriculture; aguinaldo; alcalde; american; annual; anti; apolinario; appeal; appendix; april; archbishop; archipelago; archivo; arms; army; articles; artillery; association; attempt; attention; audiencia; august; authorities; authority; authors; bad; barcelona; basco; bató; beginning; belief; best; biak; bibliographical; bibliography; biblioteca; bishop; blanco; blood; body; book; budget; bureau; campaign; capital; captain; care; case; catholic; catálogo; causes; cavite; census; century; certain; changes; character; charge; chief; china; chinese; christian; church; circumstances; city; civil; claim; class; classes; clergy; colleges; colonial; colonies; colony; coming; command; commerce; commercial; commission; common; communication; complete; comprehensive; concerned; conditions; conduct; confraternity; confusion; congress; connection; conscience; consequence; conservation; considerable; consideration; constitution; contract; contrary; control; copies; copy; corporations; corps; cortes; cost; council; countries; country; course; court; cover; crown; cultivation; cura; currency; customs; daily; danger; data; date; day; days; de españa; de filipinas; de la; de los; de manila; de tavera; death; december; decree; defense; del; demand; department; desire; development; different; direct; discontent; discussion; distance; documents; domination; don; doubt; dutch; duties; duty; earlier; early; ecclesiastical; economic; edition; editors; education; effect; efforts; elements; emancipation; employes; end; enemies; english; entire; españa; established; establishment; estates; european; events; evil; exaggerated; exalted; example; excellency; exchange; execution; exercise; existence; expense; exposition; expression; extent; face; fact; faith; farmers; fatal; fatherland; favor; fear; february; feeling; fees; felipe; fernando; field; figures; filipinas; filipino; fiscal; following; force; foreign; foreigners; foreman; francisco; fray; free; freedom; french; friars; functions; funds; future; general; general de; god; good; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; guard; half; hand; hatred; heads; historia; history; hitherto; holy; home; honor; house; ibid; idea; ignorance; iii; immediate; important; increase; independence; indias; individual; industrial; industry; influence; information; inhabitants; insert; instance; institutions; instruction; insurgents; insurrection; intelligent; interesting; interests; internal; introduction; islands; jagor; january; jesuits; jesus; josé; juan; judge; judicial; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; katipunan; kinds; knowledge; labor; lack; laguna; language; large; later; law; laws; leaders; legal; legislation; legitimate; leroy; letter; liberal; liberty; library; life; liga; line; list; little; live; living; local; lodges; london; long; longer; los; loss; love; luzon; madrid; majesty; majority; making; manila; manner; manuel; map; march; marianas; mas; masonic; masonry; masons; mass; masses; material; matta; matters; mayor; means; measures; meetings; members; memorial; mention; mere; merit; mestizos; methods; middle; military; mindanao; minister; ministries; ministry; missions; modern; moment; money; monopoly; montero; months; moral; moro; mother; movement; municipal; mutiny; names; nation; natives; natural; nature; navy; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; nineteenth; non; notable; note; november; nueva; number; obedience; object; occupation; october; office; officers; official; old; ones; opening; opinion; opium; order; ordinary; organization; organized; original; outside; pages; pamphlet; paper; paragraph; pardo; pardo de; parish; parishes; partial; paterno; patriotic; pay; payment; peninsula; people; period; periodicals; personal; persons; pesos; petition; philippine islands; philippines; pilar; place; plan; point; policy; political; política; política de; poor; popular; population; portion; possession; possible; posts; power; powerful; practical; practice; preceding; presence; present; president; press; prestige; previous; priests; primo; principles; private; privileges; procedure; products; program; progress; propaganda; propagandists; property; proportion; protection; provinces; provincial; provisions; public; purpose; question; race; rank; read; real; reason; rebellion; recent; recollects; record; reference; reforms; regard; regency; regular; regulations; reisen; religion; religious; remedy; report; resources; respect; respected; respective; result; retana; return; revenue; review; revolt; revolution; revolutionary; rice; right; rise; rivera; rizal; royal; rule; régime; said; san; santos; school; scientific; second; secretary; section; secular; secure; security; self; senate; sending; sense; separation; september; series; service; set; settlement; sevilla; silk; similar; single; situation; small; social; society; soldiers; sort; sources; spain; spaniards; spanish; spanish administration; spanish government; spanish rule; special; spirit; state; statement; student; study; subject; sufficient; sugar; sum; superior; support; suppression; supreme; survey; system; tables; tagálog; talk; tavera; tax; taxes; tayabas; tendency; terms; terrible; testimony; text; things; thought; time; title; tobacco; today; towns; trade; translation; treasurer; treasury; treatment; tribes; tribute; troops; trouble; true; truth; united; use; useful; valuable; value; vast; version; vidal; view; vii; village; vindel; volume; voyage; war; washington; way; ways; wealth; white; women; worcester; word; work; working; writers; writings; years cache: 57431.txt plain text: 57431.txt