item: #1 of 8 id: A32480 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: By the King, a proclamation for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the King of Denmark date: 1667 words: 1183 flesch: 63 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A32480) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 103822) keywords: books; characters; charles; day; denmark; early; eebo; english; image; king; majesty; online; oxford; partnership; peace; phase; tcp; tei; text; twentieth cache: A32480.xml plain text: A32480.txt item: #2 of 8 id: A35311 author: Crull, J. (Jodocus), d. 1713? title: Denmark vindicated being an answer to a late treatise called An account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692, sent from a gentleman in the country, to his friend in London. date: 1694 words: 48017 flesch: 47 summary: Fas non est vel publicum religionis exercitium , lege● , aut constitutiones Ecclesiasticas hactenus ibi receptas , templa , scholas , hospitalia aut eo per●inentes reditus , pensione , stipendia prioribus adimere , suorumque Sacrorum hominibus applicare , vel juris territorialis . ●●●● Philip. keywords: absolute; account; adhering; advantage; affairs; age; albans; amsterdam; ancient; anno; answer; apparent; appeal; apud; arbitrary; army; assertion; atque; austria; author; authority; bell; beloved; best; better; betwixt; bishops; blind; body; book; bounds; brother; business; caesar; canute; capable; capital; care; case; catholicks; celebrated; certain; change; chapter; character; charles; chief; children; christiern; church; cic; cicero; circumstances; cities; citizens; city; clear; clergy; committed; common; commonwealths; company; comparison; conceit; conclusion; condition; consent; consequence; considerable; constancy; constant; constitutions; continual; contradict; contrary; convenient; convinced; copenhagen; corn; council; countries; country; court; crown; cum; custom; danes; dangerous; danish; day; days; deal; death; defence; degree; denmark; dependance; deputies; description; difference; divines; doctrine; duke; duty; dyet; ecclesiae; education; eebo; effect; eldest; elector; eminent; emperour; empire; endeavour; ends; england; english; entire; eos; equal; esse; estates; esteemed; etiam; europe; evident; examples; excellent; exercises; experience; extraordinary; fain; family; famous; far; father; fear; fit; flesh; flourishing; following; foot; force; foreigners; form; fortified; foundation; france; frederick; free; french; frequent; friend; general; gentleman; gentry; germany; good; gottorp; governing; government; grave; great; greater; greatest; greeks; ground; hand; hannibal; having; heads; health; heirs; hereditary; histories; history; holland; holstein; home; houses; ignorant; iii; ill; illud; inhabitants; instances; interest; island; italian; italy; jesuites; john; judge; judgment; judicious; jure; justice; jutland; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; lands; large; late; laws; learning; leave; legibus; lib; liberty; life; like; little; living; london; long; love; lutheran; magistrates; maintaining; majesty; management; manifest; manner; margaret; martin; matters; means; memory; mention; methods; meurs; miles; military; mind; ministers; moment; money; nation; native; natural; nature; nay; near; nec; necessary; necessity; needs; neque; new; nihil; nisi; nobility; noble; non; northern; norway; number; obedience; observations; occasion; office; officers; olaus; old; opinion; opportunity; order; ordines; parents; parliaments; particular; parts; passages; pay; peasants; people; person; philip; philosophers; piece; place; pleased; point; poland; policy; politicians; pontan; poor; pope; possession; power; practice; preface; prerogative; present; pretended; priests; princes; principal; principles; private; proceedings; prodigious; proper; protestant; provinces; publick; purpose; quae; quality; quam; quantities; quantity; queen; question; questionless; qui; quibus; quidem; quod; reader; reason; reformation; regard; regem; regni; regnum; related; religion; religious; remarkable; remarks; republicks; resistance; respect; rest; return; rich; right; river; romans; romantick; rome; royal; rules; said; saying; scarce; sea; second; sed; self; senate; sense; sensible; set; share; shew; ships; sibi; sister; sit; slavery; sleswick; small; society; sole; son; sons; sort; spain; spaniards; spring; state; store; strength; subjects; succession; sueno; sufficient; suitable; sunt; superiour; suppositions; sure; sweden; taxes; tcp; temporal; territories; text; thing; time; title; tongue; town; trade; travel; treatise; true; truth; tum; tuns; tyranny; understanding; universities; university; unlimited; vain; valour; vanity; vast; vel; venetians; vertues; viii; viz; waldemar; want; war; way; ways; whereof; wild; wise; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worth; yearly; years; young; younger; youth; zealand; ● t; ● ● cache: A35311.xml plain text: A35311.txt item: #3 of 8 id: A47431 author: King, William, 1663-1712. title: Animadversions on a pretended Account of Danmark date: 1694 words: 41279 flesch: 62 summary: By D. Abercromby , M. D. Homeri ●liad●s ●iber primus , in qua ●irgularum v●●●● s●gnifica●i●nes , compositiones ac derivationes annota●●●tur , dialecti clare & distincte exponuntur , &c. Opera & Studio Geog. Now Reconciliation clears up a thousand things , which Distru●● , Jealousy , or Misunderstanding may have cast before one : What here●ofore may have seem'd unkind or unjust , then will appear to have been necessary ; but especially upon th● renewing of Friendship , there should be no Justification of former Proceedings made by either Party ; for such Justification shows as if the breach were not thoroughly repair'd , and will give a handle for future disputes and difficulties : keywords: absolute; abundance; account; affairs; ages; alteration; answer; antient; army; author; best; better; bishops; body; book; boors; bread; buildings; burghers; c. p.; call'd; care; case; cattle; certain; change; chap; chapter; character; chief; children; christian; church; churches; cities; citizens; city; civil; clergy; commodities; common; condition; considerable; constitution; contrary; copenhagen; corn; countries; country; court; credit; crown; curious; customs; danes; danish; danmark; danmark king; day; death; defence; description; desirous; diet; dominions; duke; dutch; easy; edition; eebo; employments; england; english; envoy; equal; estates; europe; excellent; extent; extraordinary; family; far; farther; fertility; fish; fleet; foreign; france; frederick; free; freedom; french; fresh; game; general; gentleman; gentry; good; government; great; greater; greatest; ground; guldenlew; half; hath; head; high; history; hitherto; holland; hollanders; holstein; home; honour; hopes; horses; house; ibid; ill; inhabitants; instances; interest; island; john; justice; jutland; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; landlord; lands; language; large; late; law; laws; learning; leave; liberty; library; life; like; little; living; london; long; lord; love; majesties; majesty; man; manner; master; mean; measure; meat; men; merchants; mind; minister; mistaken; modern; money; nation; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; nobility; nobles; norsh; northern; norway; number; obedience; occasion; officers; old; opinion; order; original; oxford; page; pallace; parliament; particular; parts; pass; passage; pay; peasants; people; perfection; persons; piece; place; plenty; poor; power; present; pretended; prince; principal; proper; proportion; provinces; publick; purchase; qualities; quality; quantity; queen; reader; reason; reformation; relation; religion; rest; revenue; ridiculous; right; rixdollars; royal; said; says; scarce; schone; sea; sealand; seas; second; self; service; set; ships; sides; sir; small; soil; sorts; souldiers; sound; spain; state; stifts; strangers; strength; subjects; sufficient; sweden; taxes; tcp; tell; temper; text; things; thought; time; titles; toll; town; trade; travel; trouble; true; truth; understanding; university; use; value; viz; want; war; wonder; words; work; world; worth; yearly; years; young; ● ● cache: A47431.xml plain text: A47431.txt item: #4 of 8 id: A50498 author: Bristol, George Digby, Earl of, 1612-1677. title: A narrative of the principal actions occurring in the wars betwixt Sueden and Denmark before and after the Roschild Treaty with the counsels and measures by which those actions were directed : together with a view of the Suedish and other affairs, as they stood in Germany in the year 1675, with relation to England : occasionally communicated by the author to the Right Honourable George, late Earl of Bristol, and since his decease found among his papers. date: 1677 words: 20353 flesch: 54 summary: Add to this that the weak side of Sueden is towards Denmark , and the Suedish King has sometimes told-one in private , that were he King of Denmark he could conquer Sueden in two years . He was therefore sent on the part of England to that King to offer the best and most friendly offices for accommoding all differences be twixt the two Crowns , and putting a stop to so unhappy a War , and to assure him that they would imploy their utmost Interest with the King of Sueden to dispose him thereto , and to that purpose had already sent a Gentleman to Him. keywords: actions; advantages; affairs; alliance; ambassadors; arms; army; baltic; bank; belt; better; betwixt; body; brandenburger; business; cannon; case; channel; city; commissioners; conditions; conducts; confederates; considerable; contrary; copenhagen; countrey; court; cronenburg; crown; dane; danish; danish king; denmark; differences; diligence; dominions; duke; dutch; early; easie; eebo; elector; empire; enemy; england; english; favour; field; fire; fleet; foot; france; funen; general; germany; good; government; great; greater; hands; head; help; holland; holstein; honourable; horse; ice; interest; island; isle; jutland; king; kingdom; landing; late; left; like; little; long; longer; loss; majesty; march; master; means; measures; mediation; mediator; men; miles; munster; nature; near; necessity; new; occasion; officers; old; opportunity; osnabrug; party; passage; peace; person; places; poland; pole; pomeren; ports; power; present; previous; princes; principal; public; ready; right; roschild; roschild treaty; safe; sconen; sea; second; self; set; ships; sides; slain; small; sound; states; strength; suede; suedish; suedish king; tcp; text; things; time; town; trade; treaty; truth; united; use; view; war; wars; way; willing; winter; work; year; zeland cache: A50498.xml plain text: A50498.txt item: #5 of 8 id: A51114 author: Molesworth, Robert Molesworth, Viscount, 1656-1725. title: An account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692 date: 1694 words: 55301 flesch: 55 summary: His Stile is King of Denmark and Norway , of the Goths and Vandals , Duke of Sleswick and Holstein , Stormar , and Ditmarsh ; Earl in Oldenburg and Delmenhorst ; all which Countries he actually possesses either in whole or in part : His Father , King Frederick , loved him so well , that he once thought of making him King of Norway ; which has been remembred to his prejudice , and obliges him to carry himself with great care , under a Government so Arbitrary as this is . keywords: able; absolute; account; admiral; advantage; affairs; ancient; answer; arbitrary; army; assistance; authority; baltick; barrel; benefit; best; better; bishop; body; books; bread; brother; burgers; business; care; case; castle; certain; change; chap; charges; chief; children; christian; church; city; civil; clergy; col; collonel; commodities; common; condition; conseillers; consent; considerable; constant; constitution; contrary; convenient; copenhagen; corn; correspondence; council; countries; country; court; crown; customs; danes; danish; daughter; day; days; deal; degree; denmark; des; design; differences; divided; dollars; dominions; doubt; duke; dutch; duty; ease; east; education; eebo; elector; employment; end; england; english; estates; esteemed; europe; execution; expence; experience; extraordinary; eye; fall; families; family; favour; fear; fine; fish; fleet; foot; force; foreign; form; fortification; fortress; fortune; france; free; french; french king; frequent; friendship; future; gates; general; gentlemen; gentry; german; good; gottorp; government; grand; great; greater; greatest; greatness; ground; guldenlieu; half; hall; hamburg; hand; hard; head; health; hereditary; high; hollanders; holstein; home; honour; horses; house; hunting; ill; inclinations; inhabitants; insomuch; interest; island; judge; judgment; justice; jutland; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; lands; large; late; laws; lay; learning; leave; left; les; liberties; liberty; life; like; likely; little; live; long; love; low; lye; majesty; man; manner; marriage; master; matters; mean; measure; men; merchants; miles; mind; ministers; mischief; misery; moderate; money; monsieur; month; nation; natives; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; neighbours; new; nobility; nobles; north; northern; norway; notice; number; obedience; occasion; ocean; offer; officers; old; oldenburg; ones; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinary; original; particular; parts; pass; passage; pay; peasants; people; person; petty; piece; place; pleasure; plenty; point; poor; possession; possible; power; practice; present; president; pretended; priests; prime; princes; principal; private; profit; proportion; provinces; publick; purpose; quality; quarrel; queen; qui; ready; reason; regard; regiment; religion; reputation; requisite; resolution; rest; revenue; riches; right; river; rix; rix dollars; road; royal; rye; salt; scarce; sea; second; self; sensible; service; set; share; ships; situation; slavery; sleswick; small; soldiers; sont; sort; sound; state; stivers; stock; strangers; strength; strong; subjects; sufficient; sums; sweden; taking; taxes; tcp; temper; territories; text; thing; tho; time; title; toll; total; town; trade; traffick; travel; travelling; treaty; troops; true; understanding; use; useful; usual; value; vast; viz; want; war; wars; way; west; whereof; wine; winter; works; world; yearly; years; young; youth; zealand cache: A51114.xml plain text: A51114.txt item: #6 of 8 id: A51765 author: Christian Albrecht, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, 1641-1695. title: A manifesto, or, An account of the state of the present differences between the most serene and potent King of Denmark and Norway Christian the V., and the most serene Duke of Sleswick and Holstein-Gottorp Christian Albert together with some letters of the King of Great Britain, the King of Denmark, and the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, concerning a mediation in these differences, which the king of Great Britain most generously offer'd, and the king of Denmark refused and slighted : as also some other letters of the Dukes of Brunswick-Lunenbourgh, the emperor, &c., whereby the calumnies of a certain Danish minister are plainly detected. date: 1677 words: 34197 flesch: 40 summary: , He promised by a solemn Deed to his Vnckle , and the States of the Province of Sleswick , that he would never unite or incorporate the Dukedom of Sleswick to the Kingdom of Denmark , and that they should Swear Allegiance to him as Duke of Sleswick , and not as King of Denmark . by the same Grace of Denmark and Norway , Goths and Vandals King , Duke of Sleswick , H●lstein , Stormar and Dithmars , Earl in Oldenbourgh and Delmenhorst , having wholly and fully freed and absolved the most High Prince the Lord Frederick Heir of Norway , Duke of Sleswick and Holstein , &c. and his lawful Heirs Males , from a certain Feudal Homage and Vassalage for the Dukedom of Sleswick , and having yielded up to him and his Descendents Males the Dukedom of Sleswick , with the Supreme and absolute Dominion thereof ( commonly called the Soveraignty ) and all its Rights and Appurtenances , as appears more fully by the Treaty or Instrument : And whereas the most High Prince the Lord Christian Albert , Elected Bishop of Lubeck , Heir of Norway , Duke of Sleswick , Holstein , Stormar , Dithmars , Earl in Oldenburgh and Delmenhorst , Our Cousin , having desired Us by the Illustrious Sir John Leyenberg Knight , Resident in Our Court for the most Potent King of Sweden , that interposing our Authority , We would confirm and ratifie by way of Guaranty , the said Treaty or Covenant concluded at Copenhaguen , with all and every one of its Clauses , as it is set down word for word in the German Exemplar ( which We have received from the said Resident of the most Serene King of Sweden upon his Faith. ) keywords: affairs; agreement; albert; answer; arms; army; articles; authority; britain; castle; cause; certain; christian; commissioners; conditions; consent; contrary; copenhaguen; country; court; danes; danger; danish; day; defence; delay; demand; denmark; designs; desire; differences; dilection; doth; duke; dukedome; earl; emperor; empire; endeavour; equity; execution; faith; fear; feudal; fief; fit; force; frederick; free; friendship; general; god; good; gottorp; government; grace; great; greater; hand; hath; highness; holstein; house; ill; imperial; imperial majesty; injuries; intended; investiture; judge; justice; king; kingdom; late; law; lawful; laws; league; leave; left; letters; lib; little; long; lord; majesties; majesty; manner; matter; means; mediation; men; mind; ministers; nature; nay; necessary; new; norway; occasion; order; parties; peace; person; pleasure; potent; power; prejudice; present; president; princes; promise; provinces; publick; reason; rendsbourgh; restitution; right; roschild; royal; said; satisfaction; secure; security; self; selves; sequestration; serene; serene duke; serene king; serene majesty; set; sleswick; souldiers; soveraignty; states; strong; subjects; swedes; taxes; tcp; terms; territories; text; thereunto; things; thought; time; tonningen; town; treaties; treaty; true; truth; union; unjust; vvar; vve; war; way; word; year cache: A51765.xml plain text: A51765.txt item: #7 of 8 id: A79539 author: Christian V, King of Denmark and Norway, 1646-1699. title: Articles of peace, ratiffied [sic] and confirmed between the king of Denmark, and the House of Lunenburgh. Licensed, October the 17th. 1693 date: 1693 words: 1689 flesch: 59 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; brunzwich; characters; country; denmark; early; eebo; english; house; illustrious; king; lunenburgh; majesty; online; oxford; partnership; phase; ratzeburgh; said; tcp; tei; text; treaty; works cache: A79539.xml plain text: A79539.txt item: #8 of 8 id: B02116 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: A proclamation, for publishing of the peace between His Majesty and the King of Denmark date: 1667 words: 1215 flesch: 65 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179370) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English Books, 1641-1700 ; 2786:31) keywords: books; characters; charles; day; denmark; early; eebo; encoding; english; image; king; majesty; online; oxford; partnership; peace; phase; tcp; tei; text; works; xml cache: B02116.xml plain text: B02116.txt