item: #1 of 8 id: A09462 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: Satans sophistrie ansuuered by our Sauiour Christ and in diuers sermons further manifested / by that worthy man Maister William Perkins ; to which is added, a comfort for the feeble minded, wherein is set downe the temptations of a Christian. date: 1604 words: 46114 flesch: 80 summary: The want of the knowledge of the Gospell and the word of God , is the ●ery cause that sin so abounds in al places : for ●he word of God should be vnto vs as Sauls ●eare which he vsed to set at his beds head , 〈◊〉 that if any enemy set vpō vs on the sodain , ●ur weapō might be euer at hand in readines ●hat we might answer the Diuel in his instruments if he tempt vs to any sin whatsoeu●● that as here Christ said , It is written ; so 〈◊〉 must say , I may not lie , sweare , commit ad●●tery , &c. for it is written . &c. Seeing Christ by his own practise , teache● vs that the word of God written , beleeue● vnderstood , & truly applied , is the most al● and all-sufficient weapon to resist the diue● how ought this to stirre vp all men to serio●● studie of the word of God ? How should moue euery man as he loueth his soule , to ●● bor for a sound knowledge & vnderstanding of the holy Scripture , seeing this is the b● weapon to foile the diuell ? In him is our helpe , from him is our comfort , by him is our victorie , and for him is our trouble . a In thee haue I trusted , saith a king : b who euer was confounded that trusted in the Lord , said a friend ? and as El●anah was to c Hannah in stead of many sons , so God is to his in stead of many comforters . keywords: able; aboue; afflictions; againe; alleage; alleaging; angels; answer; apostles; assault; away; baptisme; behold; beleeue; bene; better; blessed; blessing; bodie; bread; calling; care; cast; cause; certaine; children; christ; christian; church; citie; ciuill; combat; come; comfort; common; cor; course; creatures; crosse; dauid; dayes; death; decree; desire; despaire; diuell; diuine; doctr; doctrine; doth; doubt; downe; earth; end; estate; euen; euery; euill; excellent; eyes; faith; fall; false; fast; fasted; father; feare; flesh; fortie; gen; ghost; giue; glorious; god; godly; gods; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heauen; heb; heed; high; himselfe; hold; holy; honorable; honour; hope; ierusalem; iesus; iesus christ; inward; iob; iohn; ioy; israel; iudge; keepe; king; kingdome; labours; lawfull; learne; leaue; lidia; life; like; liue; long; looke; lord; lord god; loue; luke; maister; malice; man; manifest; mans; marke; mat; matter; meanes; members; men; mens; mercie; mind; moses; moue; mouth; nature; nay; neuer; new; obedience; occasion; onely; open; ordinarie; ouer; ouercome; outward; papists; patience; paul; people; person; pet; place; pleasure; point; poore; power; practise; prayer; preparation; present; preserue; prince; promise; prophets; protection; proue; prouidence; psal; purpose; question; reade; reason; receiue; religion; repentance; right; rome; saints; saluation; sam; satan; sauior; sauiour christ; scriptures; second; seeke; sense; seruice; set; sets; shew; shewes; sinne; soone; soules; speake; speciall; spirit; stones; sufficient; tcp; temple; temptations; tempter; tempting; text; thee; themselues; thē; things; thinke; thou; thy; thy god; time; troubles; true; true god; truth; turne; vers; vile; vnlesse; vnto; voice; vpon; vse; want; water; way; weake; wicked; wildernesse; word; worke; worship; yea; yeeld; ● ● cache: A09462.xml plain text: A09462.txt item: #2 of 8 id: A49761 author: Lawrence, Henry, 1600-1664. title: An history of angells being a theologicall treatise of our communion and warre with them : handled on the 6th chapter of the Ephesians, the 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 verses / by Henry Lawrence ... date: 1649 words: 69109 flesch: 59 summary: The question is onely of the last whether they understand as wee , by species or images received from things or otherwise ; It is certaine they know not all things by their owne essence , as God doth , for God containes all things in himselfe , and is himselfe the likenes and copie of all other things , and therefore knowing himselfe as hee doth most perfectly , hee knowes every thing , els of which hee is the copie : Something 's they know by their owne essence , as the eye sees the light by it self , not by any image of it ; so the Angells know themselves , by their owne essence , but of things without them , they know them by species , and representations not which they take of from the things , but such as are put into them , by God ; Wee take of the image of God first by our outward sences , as the eye takes of the image , of what ever it sees , then by our fancy , and lastly wee forme a kinde of intelligible species sutable and proportionable to the things wee would know : Remigius reports that of all the moneys , that the witches that fell under his examination , acknowledge to have received from the Divell , there were but three stivers prooved currant , the rest were leaves , or sand , when it came to use ; hee doth the same in effect with all earthly men , either hee deludes their hopes , they get not what they expected , hee makes them labour for that hee knowes they shall not obtaine , or deceives them in their enjoyments , they make nothing of what they possesse , and it is all one , not to have and not to enjoye , in truth , that is out of his power : The comfort of things , the good of things hee cannot give if hee would , and hee would not if hee could , the Divell incourageth us to cracke the nut , but God takes away the kirnell , gives it to them that are good , before him ; comfort and enjoyment and delight are the portion of his people , A mans life stands not in the abundance of the things that hee possesseth , that is , the good and happinesse of life , and therefore , A litle that a righteous man hath , is better then the revenues of many wicked , Eccles. 2.26 . keywords: able; account; actions; acts; advantage; affection; alwayes; angells; apostle; apparitions; appeares; armes; armour; aske; aswell; beginning; beleeve; bene; best; betweene; blessed; blood; bodies; bodily; body; bonds; breast; care; carnall; carry; cast; cause; certaine; chaines; charge; children; christ; cleare; combate; comes; comfort; common; communion; condition; conflict; conscience; considerable; consideration; contrary; converse; cor; coroll; corruptions; creation; creatures; darke; darknesse; darts; david; day; death; difference; dispaire; divell; doe; doth; duty; earth; effects; elect; els; end; ends; enemies; enemy; eternall; evill; evill angells; excellent; eye; face; faith; fall; fancy; father; feare; fiery; fire; fit; flesh; forme; forth; frame; generall; ghost; glory; god; gods; goe; good; good angells; good things; gospell; grace; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; hee; hee doth; hee hath; heere; hell; helmet; helpe; high; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; humble; humours; ibid; iesus; influence; instruments; invisible; inward; joy; judge; judgement; keepe; kingdome; know; knowes; knowing; knowledge; labour; law; leave; left; lesse; liberty; life; light; like; little; looke; lord; love; low; loynes; lusts; lyes; man; math; matter; meanes; measure; mee; men; mighty; minde; ministery; moove; motion; naturall; nature; necessary; need; new; object; onely; order; outward; owne; particular; patience; paul; peace; people; peter; places; pleasure; poore; power; prepared; present; pride; proper; properly; proportion; proud; psal; punishment; pure; purpose; quench; question; ready; reason; rejoyce; religion; respect; rest; reward; riches; righteousnes; rom; rule; saints; saith hee; salvation; sathan; sayes; sayes hee; scripture; second; seemes; seene; self; selves; sences; service; set; severall; shame; shew; shield; sin; sinne; sins; sorrow; soule; speake; species; spirit; spirituall; stand; state; strength; strong; subject; substance; sutable; tcp; temptation; text; thee; things; things hee; thinke; thou; thoughts; thy; till; time; true; truth; understanding; use; useth; ver; victory; visible; walke; want; warre; way; weapons; wee; wicked; wills; wise; wisedome; word; worke; working; worship; yee cache: A49761.xml plain text: A49761.txt item: #3 of 8 id: A55568 author: Powell, Thomas, fl. 1674-1679. title: The young mans conflict with, and victory over the Devil by faith, or, A true and perfect relation of the experiences of T.P., begun in the 15th and continued till the 17th year of his age ... by T.P. date: 1675 words: 23823 flesch: 84 summary: Fro● which I would have you to note , tha● though God has his saving work i● your soul ; yet many corruptions ther● are unsubdued , which must be morti●fied , before he sees it meet and convenient to give you assurance ; nay , unti● then , perhaps God sees you uncapabl● as to the management thereof . Rejoyce not against me , O mine enemy , wh●●●● fall , I shall arise ; when I sit in darkness , the Lord shall 〈◊〉 a ●ight unto me . keywords: a55568; age; angels; answer; apollyon; assurance; authority; better; bin; blessed; blood; body; books; bread; care; cause; certain; child; christ; church; company; condition; confess; convert; creation; cum; day; dead; demas; desire; devil; difference; divine; doth; doubt; duty; earth; eebo; english; eph; eternal; evangelus; faith; farewel; father; forth; friend; gentleman; ghost; glad; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; grounds; hath; heart; heaven; hell; help; hold; holy; home; hope; iesus; ignorance; ignorant; iudgement; john; leave; life; like; little; long; lord; love; luke; man; manner; mat; matter; means; men; mercy; minde; minister; misery; nature; nay; new; non; notice; old; opinion; opportunity; order; paper; pardon; paulus; pen; place; pleased; power; pray; prayer; present; promise; providence; question; qui; reader; reason; regard; right; sacrament; sake; salvation; satan; saviour; scriptures; second; self; selves; servant; shew; sin; sins; sir; somthing; son; soul; spirit; stand; suggestions; sure; t ●; t.p; talk; tcp; text; th ●; thee; thereto; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; true; true god; truth; unto; use; viz; way; wicked; willing; wise; words; work; world; worship; wrath; yea; young; youth; ● d; ● e; ● nd; ● o; ● ● cache: A55568.xml plain text: A55568.txt item: #4 of 8 id: A66477 author: Sikes, George. title: A wakening call, or, An alarm from heaven to the wise and foolish virgins wherein the vices of this age is laid open and bewail'd, the sublety of Satan discover'd in his temptations in several particulars ... : likewise there is discovered the nature of regeneration or the new birth, in several particulars ... / from a minister in the country to a minister in the city for the publication. date: 1698 words: 38438 flesch: 64 summary: By God's new building them , and putting his incorruptible Life into them , they become particular Trees of Life , under and with Christ , working all their Works in God , and bringing forth right Fruits to him , Iohn 3. 21. Rom. 7. 4. So became he the living Word of God , ( the Book of Life of the Lamb slain and exalted ) in which were written ( by the super-wonderful mysterious Way of Divine Writing or Engraving ) the Names of all God's Elect , predestinated to be conform'd to Christ their Head , in a like Passive Obedience to the Divine Will , by the Death of their natural Spirit or living Soul of the First Adam , and Resurrection into the quickning Spirit of the Second , the Life of their Creator , Rom. 8. 29. & 6. 3-6 . keywords: adam; angels; answer; beings; best; blessedness; body; branch; call'd; chap; christ; common; confident; contrary; cor; counsel; covenant; covenant life; creation; creator; creature; damnation; day; death; delusive; distinct; divine; earthly; earthly life; enemies; enjoyment; enmity; essence; eternal; eternal life; eternity; everlasting; evil; exalted; exercise; faith; false; father; filth; fix'd; flesh; followers; form; fountain; fruits; gal; ghost; glory; god; godliness; good; gospel; grace; greatest; hand; head; heavenly; heavenly creature; heb; hell; highest; holy; image; immediate; immortal; incorruptible; infallible; infinite; iniquity; iob; iohn; isa; jews; john; kingdom; knowledg; law; lie; life; light; like; literal; living; lord; love; luke; man; mankind; mat; mediator; meer; men; mind; mortal; mystery; mystical; natural; nature; new; obedience; offer'd; order; paul; peculiar; personal; pleasing; possible; power; principle; prophets; purity; reign; restor'd; restor'd life; resurrection; revel; righteousness; rom; root; sacrifice; said; saints; salvation; satan; scriptures; second; self; set; sin; son; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; supream; tcp; things; time; true; true god; truth; unchangeable; understanding; union; unpardonable; unspeakable; way; wills; wisdom; works; world; worldly; wrath cache: A66477.xml plain text: A66477.txt item: #5 of 8 id: A67506 author: Ward, Edward, 1667-1731. title: A journey to Hell, or, A visit paid to the Devil a poem. date: 1700 words: 13984 flesch: 67 summary: Therefore , since it as essentially relates to the Comforts of the Life of Man , to know what other People are , as well as what he himself should be , I thought it no Ill Task to Communicate to the World what knowledge of Mankind I have gather'd from my own Experience ; the Good wont hurt us , 't is the Bad we must be Cautious how we deal with ; for which reason , I have herein separated the Wicked from the Godly , representing only the former , to show Youth what Monsters in Humane Shape they must expect to meet with in this World , tho' of the most Noble Professions : Therefore , my whole Design is only to make Men careful with what Priests they trust their Souls ; with what Lawyers their Estates ; and with what Physicians their Bodies . Till to a Bar at th' upper-end I came , Gilded with Fire , and burnish'd o'er with Flame ; Within whose Bounds was held th' Infernal Court , Without stood ghastly Prisoners All-a-mort ; keywords: abus'd; abuse; advice; angry; appear'd; arms; ask'd; author; bad; bailiffs; bar; base; better; black; blame; blood; boat; call'd; canto; care; cause; characters; charge; charon; church; close; common; country; court; crew; crimes; crowd; cry'd; cure; damn'd; day; decree; deep; deny'd; design; despair; devil; distance; doctor; doom; early; earth; eebo; encrease; english; ev'ry; eye; fare; fate; fear; fed; fee; fiery; fire; fools; god; gods; gold; good; grave; great; greater; hands; hard; hate; heads; heaven; hell; high; human; hung; ill; ills; infernal; jest; journey; judge; justice; knowledge; lake; large; laws; learn'd; life; light; like; little; lives; london; long; looks; lord; lordship; low; man; means; men; mercenary; mercy; mix'd; nature; ne'er; new; o'er; oft; old; oxford; pains; parts; patient; physicians; physick; pluto; poem; poor; praise; priests; print; pris'ners; punishment; quack; rais'd; read; reason; rest; reward; rich; round; sad; satyr; scarce; selves; set; shame; shop; short; shou'd; sinful; slaves; small; souls; spirits; state; sundry; tcp; tei; text; things; tho; thro; throng; time; title; trade; true; turn'd; unknown; upper; want; way; wine; wise; wit; words; work; world; wou'd; wretches; writ; wrong cache: A67506.xml plain text: A67506.txt item: #6 of 8 id: A85388 author: Gage, Thomas, 1603?-1656. title: The tyranny of Satan, discovered by the teares of a converted sinner, in a sermon preached in Paules Church, on the 28 of August, 1642. By Thomas Gage, formerly a Romish Priest, for the space of 38 yeares, and now truly reconciled to the Church of England. date: 1642 words: 14849 flesch: 62 summary: But now it hath pleased that mighty and powerfull Lord ; against whom there is no resistance , to cast me down upon the ground , to quell my pride , to lighten me round about with the beames and light of his mercies , to make me know how hard a thing it is to kicke against the will & calling of God , and with trembling and feare to make me say , Lord what wilt thou have me to do ? For what fruitfull Faith could be in me , that instead of worshipping only my God and Lord , have bowed my knee so often to worship for God a peece of bread , according to that damnable doctrine of the Papists ( which now I abjure and renounce ) who teach that in their Communion is no substance of bread or wine , but the true Reall and Physicall body and bloud of Christ ? A thing so against Scripture , which teacheth that Christ since his glorious Ascension can be no more upon the earth , much lesse in severall places and severall peeces of bread , but that he must be in Heaven , untill that last Iudgment day , as ye shall find in the 3 Chap. of the Acts in the 20 , 21. vers. keywords: able; acknowledge; angels; babylon; beast; bee; behold; beloved; blind; bloud; body; cast; chaffe; chamber; chap; christ; church; city; confesse; conversion; converted; corne; david; day; death; devill; doctrin; doth; dumb; eares; enemy; estate; everlasting; eyes; father; feare; fire; flesh; fruitfull; gage; glory; god; gods; good; grane; great; greater; hand; hath; hearing; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; himselfe; holy; iniquities; king; like; lord; man; mercies; mercy; mouth; papists; people; peter; play; popish; power; priest; run; saith; sake; satan; saul; saviour; sermon; set; sight; sinner; sins; soule; spirituall; sword; teach; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; thy; time; tongue; true; truth; turne; tyranny; use; verse; want; water; way; wheat; wicked; words; world; wretched; years cache: A85388.xml plain text: A85388.txt item: #7 of 8 id: A96840 author: Collins, Francis, Mr. title: A vvonder in Stafford-shire; or, A Staffordshire wonder. Of a strange and horrible apparition of the divell, appearing to one James Fisher a phrenatick neare Brummingham late in the night, in the shape of one of his brethren as hee was going to one of their meeting places. Together with their severall discourses and disputes betwixt this phrenatick and the divell, to the shame and terrour of all other sectarians. Being published as a warning-piece to all other people to beware that they are not seduced into such eronious and damnable opinions. Being testified by Mr. John Hill, and Mr. Francis Collins, and one Mr. Peck living in the towne of Brummingham, besides many hundreds more, which for brevity sake we omit. date: 1661 words: 3701 flesch: 57 summary: Devill . Phrenatick . keywords: books; brethren; brummingham; characters; collins; congregations; devill; divell; eebo; english; fisher; francis; hand; hee; hill; john; late; meeting; neare; night; old; online; opinions; peck; people; phrenatick; piece; places; sectaries; severall; shape; spirit; strange; tcp; tei; text; thou; towne; warning; wee; wind; wonder; works cache: A96840.xml plain text: A96840.txt item: #8 of 8 id: B03653 author: Higgs, Daniel. title: The wonderfull and true relation of the bewitching a young girle in Ireland, what way she was tormented, and a receipt of the ointment that she was cured with. date: 1699 words: 3609 flesch: 55 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B03653) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 174441) Curses the absent , then forms waxen shapes Runs into th' Liver Needles — The words are spoken of Maedea a Witch , but the child herself being immixt with us in our debates and of a capacity above her years , soon resolved this difficulty , for we doubt not said she , but that thes things com out of me , and with that she caught my Hand , and put it to her Throat ; feel , said she , a Pin without an head comeing up , and which will come up presently , I felt and immediatly when I thought verily I held it fast betwixt the fingers of my left Hand within her Throat , I perceaved it to be forced violently from me , and presently seeing the child about to spit , I receaved in my right Hand , and I have shewed since to several incredulous persons , and still keep it by me to shew to the Curious , with Parots Feathers , Threed , Straw and other like Materials . keywords: -17th; bewitching; books; century; characters; child; daniel; dayes; drink; early; eebo; encoding; english; fingers; girle; god; higgs; house; images; ireland; life; like; minister; mother; ointment; online; oxford; partnership; phase; receipt; relation; spirits; tcp; tei; text; things; tho; throat; time; true; way; weeks; witches; wonderfull; works; world; xml; young cache: B03653.xml plain text: B03653.txt