item: #1 of 13 id: A01089 author: Foster, Samuel, d. 1652. title: The art of dialling by a new, easie, and most speedy way. Shewing, how to describe the houre-lines upon all sorts of plaines, howsoever, or in what latitude soever scituated: as also, to find the suns azimuth, whereby the sight of any plaine is examined. Performed by a quadrant, fitted with lines necessary to the purpose. Invented and published by Samuel Foster, professor of astronomie in Gresham Colledge. date: 1638 words: 9886 flesch: 74 summary: SHEWING , HOW TO DESCRIBE THE Houre-lines upon all sorts of Plaines , Howsoever , or in what Latitude soever Scituated : As also , To find the Suns Azimuth , whereby the sight of any Plaine is examined . Performed by a Quadrant , fitted with lines necessary to the purpose . Performed by a quadrant, fitted with lines necessary to the purpose. keywords: arke; latitude; line; meridian; min; north; plaine; pole; south; threed cache: A01089.xml plain text: A01089.txt item: #2 of 13 id: A15752 author: Wright, Edward, 1558?-1615. title: A short treatise of dialling shewing, the making of all sorts of sun-dials, horizontal, erect, direct, declining, inclining, reclining; vpon any flat or plaine superficies, howsoeuer placed, with ruler and compasse onely, without any arithmeticall calculation. By Edvvard Wright. date: 1614 words: 8364 flesch: 74 summary: How to translate the dial drawne on paper , or paste-board vnto the dial ground . line . 4 Then take with your compasses TR. the distance of the foresaid marke in the quadrant , QRO. and this pricke , and leauing one foote of your compasses in the same pricke T. with the other make another pricke V. in the arke you first described ; for then a right line AV. drawne thereby out of the arch you first described shall bee the stilar line , or line representing the stile . keywords: bee; center; chap; dial; eleuation; figure; ground; lines; meridian line; stile; substilar cache: A15752.xml plain text: A15752.txt item: #3 of 13 id: A29756 author: Brown, John, philomath. title: The description and use of a joynt-rule fitted with lines for the finding the hour of the day and azimuth of the sun, to any particular latitude, or, to apply the same generally to any latitude : together with all the uses of Gunters quadrant applyed thereunto ... / contriv'd & written by J. Brown, philomath. date: 1661 words: 30379 flesch: 69 summary: 2004-01 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2004-02 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2004-04 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread 2004-04 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited 2004-07 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion The Description and Use OF A JOYNT-RULE : Fitted with Lines for the finding the Hour of the Day , and Azimuth of the Sun , to any particular Latitude ; Or to apply the same generally to any latitude Together with all the uses of Gunters quadrant applyed thereunto , as Sun-rising , Declination , Amplitude , true place , right Ascension , and the hour of the Night by the Moon , or fixed Stars ; A speedy and easie way of finding of Altitudes at one or two stations ; Also the way of making any kinde of erect Sun-Dial to any Latitude or Declination , by the same Rule : With the Description and Use of several Lines for the mensuration of Superficies , and Solids , and of other Lines usually put on Carpenters Rules : Also the use of Mr. Whites Rule for measuring of Board and Timber , round and square ; With the manner of using the Serpentine-line of Numbers , Sines , Tangents , and Versed Sines . The description and use of a joynt-rule fitted with lines for the finding the hour of the day and azimuth of the sun, to any particular latitude, or, to apply the same generally to any latitude : together with all the uses of Gunters quadrant applyed thereunto ... keywords: altitude; azimuth; declination; degrees; distance; foot; hour; latitude; line; measure; right; rule; set; sine; suns cache: A29756.xml plain text: A29756.txt item: #4 of 13 id: A29762 author: Brown, John, philomath. title: Horologiographia, or, The art of dyalling being the second book of the use of the trianguler-quadrant : shewing the natural, artificial, and instrumental way, of making of sun-dials, on any flat superficies, with plain and easie directions, to discover their nature and affections, by the horizontal projection : with the way of drawing the usual ornaments on any plain : also, a familiar easie way to draw those lines on the ceiling of a room, by the trianguler quadrant : also, the use of the same instrument in navigation, both for observation, and operation : performing the use of several sea-instruments still in use / by John Brown, philomath. date: 1671 words: 57396 flesch: 72 summary: THe difinition and kind of Dials , Page . 7 Directions to draw the Scheam , 9 To draw Lines to represent the several sorts of Plains in the Scheam , 13 To draw a Scheam particularly for one Dial , 14 To draw the Equinoctial Dial , 19 To try when a Plain lies Equinoctial , 20 To draw a Polar-Dial , 21 To draw an Erect East or West-Dial , 24 To draw a Horizontal-Dial , 27 The d●monstration of the Canon for Hours , ib. To find the Declination of a Plain by the Needle , or by the Sun , 49 To take off an Angle , or set the Sector to any Angle required , 53 Precepts to find the Declination by the Sun , and Examples also of the same , 58 To draw an Erect Declining-Dial , 62 The Proportions for the Requisites of Erect Decliners , 64 To find the Requisites Three wayes , 66 To draw the Erect South Decliner , 67 To draw the Lines on a North Decliner , 70 To draw the Hour-Lines on a Plain , that declines above 60 degrees ▪ 73 Of Declining Reclining Plains , 77 The first sort of South Recliners , 79 The second sort of South Recliners , being Polars , 90 The third sort of South-Recliners , 98 The first sort of North Recliners , 106 The second sort of North Recliners , being Equinoctial , 114 The third sort of North Recliners , 119 Of Inclining Di●ls , 126 To find the useful Hours in all Plains , 130 To draw the Mathematical Ornaments on all sorts of Dials , 134 To draw the Tropicks , or length of the Day , 136 To make the Trygon , 138 To draw the Planetary or Iewish Hours , 142 To draw the Italian Hours , 144 To draw the Babylonish Hours , 145 To draw the Azimuth Lines , 146 To draw the Almicanters , 154 To draw the Circles of Position , or Houses , 160 To draw the Hours , and all the rest , on the Ceiling of a Room , 165 The Figure of the Instrument , Explained , 166 A Table of the Suns Azimuth , at every Hour and Quarter , in the whole Signs , 168 A Table of the Suns Altitude the same time , 169 The Description and Use of the Armilary-Sphear for Dyalling , several wayes , 172 The Description and Use of the Poor-man's Dial-Sphear for Dyalling , and several Uses thereof , 203 How to remedy several Inconveniences in the use of the Gunter's Rule . 220 The Use , and a further Description of the Trianguler-Quadrant , for Navigation , or Observation at Sea , 227 For a fore-Observation with Sights , 233 For a fore-Observation with Thred and Plummet , 235 For a back-Observation , as a Davis Quadrant , 237 To find the Suns distance from the Zenith , or the Co-altitude , 238 To find the Altitude , when near the Zenith , 239 To find a Latitude by a forward Observation , as with a Gunter's Bow , 241 To find the Latitude by a back Observation , 247 To find the Latitude by a Meridian Observation , with Thred and Plummet , 252 To find the Suns Declination , 254 A Table of the Suns Declination for the second after Leap-year , 256 , 257 A Table of the Suns Declination for every 5th Day the intermediate years , 258 , 259 A Rectifying Table for the intermediate years , 260 A Table of the Magnitudes Declinations and Right Ascentions of 33 fixed Stars , in Degrees , and Hours , and Minuts , 261 The use of the Trianguler-Quadrant , in the Operative part of Navigation , 267 Of Sayling by the Arch of a great Circle , 300 FINIS . keywords: center; circle; declination; degrees; dial; distance; horizon; hour; latitude; line; meridian; north; plain; point; pole; quadrant; set; sine; south; substile; tangent; thred cache: A29762.xml plain text: A29762.txt item: #5 of 13 id: A29764 author: Brown, John, philomath. title: The triangular quadrant, or, The quadrant on a sector being a general instrument for land or sea observations : performing all the uses of the ordinary sea instruments, as Davis quadrant, forestaff, crosstaff, bow, with more ease, profitableness, and conveniency, and as much exactness as any or all of them : moreover, it may be made a particular and a general quadrant for all latitudes, and have the sector lines also : to which is added a rectifying table to find the suns true declination to a minute or two, any day or hour of the 4 years : whereby to find the latitude of a place by meridian, or any two other altitudes of the sun or stars / first thus contrived and made by John Brown ... date: 1662 words: 6700 flesch: 61 summary: Suppose on the same day and year as before , at the same Noon time , I set my Horizon sight to just 10′ of North declination , you shall find the moving sight to stay at 21. 30. neer to the corner , now if the Sun shine bright , and will cast the shadow to the turning sight , then set the Horison sight at the declination , forward 10 or 20. degrees , then the moving sight coming lower you , add but 20. or to that it shall stay at , and the summe shall be the latitude . But it is most likely that it will be better to diminish it 20. degrees , then the moving sight will stay about 2 - 30. on the Crosse piece , and so much the better to cast a shadow ; for if you look through the Horizon and turning sight to the Horizon , you shall find the shadow of the former edge of the moving shadow sight , to stay at 2 - 30. to which if you add 20. the degrees diminished , and 30. keywords: declination; degrees; horizon; latitude; leg; quadrant; sight cache: A29764.xml plain text: A29764.txt item: #6 of 13 id: A33999 author: Collins, John, 1625-1683. title: Geometrical dyalling, or, Dyalling performed by a line of chords onely, or by the plain scale wherein is contained two several methods of inscribing the hour-lines in all plains, with the substile, stile and meridian, in their proper coasts and quantities : being a full explication and demonstration of divers difficulties in the works of learned Mr. Samuel Foster deceased ... : whereto is added four new methods of calculation, for finding the requisites in all leaning plains ... : also how by projecting the sphere, to measure off all the arks found by calculation ... : lastly, the making of dyals from three shadows of a gnomon ... / written by John Collins ... date: 1659 words: 29013 flesch: 50 summary: directly on the Perpendicular Line drawn cross the Board , the said Line no wayes Reclining from it , the Plain is Horizontal , otherwise not . Now to finde the Reclination of a Plain , apply the streight edge of the Board we used for trying of Horizontal Plains , to the Plains perpendicular , holding the threed and plummet so in the grooved hole , that it may intersect the line , parallel to the streight edge of the Board , and make two pricks upon the Board where the threed passeth , and it will make an Angle with the said Line , equal to the Plains Reclination , to be measured with Chords , according as was directed for taking of Altitudes ; and if need require , a Line may be drawn parallel to that drawn on the Board , which represented the threed , which will make the same Angle with the Plains perpendicular , the former Line did . keywords: angle; arch; center; circle; declination; distance; draw; height; hour; hour line; latitude; line; meridian line; parallel; perpendicular; plain; point; radius; sine; south; substile; tangent cache: A33999.xml plain text: A33999.txt item: #7 of 13 id: A35744 author: Bosse, Abraham, 1602-1676. title: Mr. De Sargues Universal way of dyaling, or, Plain and easie directions for placing the axeltree and marking the hours in sun-dyals, after the French, Italian, Babylonian, and Jewish manner together with the manner of drawing the lines of the signs, of finding out the height of the sun above the horizon, and the east-rising of the same, the elevation of the pole, and the position of the meridian ... / [edited] by Daniel King, Gent. date: 1659 words: 26747 flesch: 53 summary: Now with this space BC of the figure above , come back to the figure below , and set at your discretion one of the feet of the Compasse upon the straight line that you have drawn there , as for example set it to the point B , then turning the Compasse about upon this point B , draw with the other foot a circular line CG , which circle by this means shall have a space BC equal with the space BC of the higher figure , and will meet the line BD for example in the point C. Go back again to the figure above , take there after the same manner the space from the end or point of the pin B to the point of shadow D , and with this space come back to the figure below , and set again one of the feet of your Compasse to the point B , and holding it still upon this point B draw with the other foot a second circular line DH , that will be equal with the space above BD , and that may meet the line BC , for example in the point D. Go back again to the figure above , and take with your Compasse the space betwixt the point of the pin B and the point of shadow F , and with this space come back to the figure below set one of the feet of the Compasse to the point B , and draw with the other foot a third circular line FE , with the space BF of the figure above , and that may meet the line BD for example in the point F. The lines that are drawn upon the superficies of the Dyal , and that shew each of them one of the hours after the French way , I call them lines of the hours after the French way . keywords: axeltree; circle; compasse; draw; dyal; figure; foot; hours; line; place; point; point b; rod; shadow; space; string; superficies; way cache: A35744.xml plain text: A35744.txt item: #8 of 13 id: A45349 author: Halley, Edmond, 1656-1742. title: A plain declaration of the vulgar new heavens flatform serving not onely fore this age, but also fore the future age of 100 years. date: 1679 words: 4198 flesch: 72 summary: Sun -- Observations -- Early works to 1800. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: compassis; dial; foot; min; place; sun cache: A45349.xml plain text: A45349.txt item: #9 of 13 id: A51385 author: Morland, Samuel, Sir, 1625-1695. title: The poor man's dyal· With an instrument to set it. Made applicable to any place in England, Scotland, Ireland, &c. By Sir Samuel Morland knight and baronet. 1689. date: 1689 words: 1915 flesch: 78 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 37632) keywords: dyal; hundreths; tcp; tenth; text; twentieth cache: A51385.xml plain text: A51385.txt item: #10 of 13 id: A64223 author: Taylor, John, 1666 or 7-1687. title: The semicircle on a sector in two books. Containing the description of a general and portable instrument; whereby most problems (reducible to instrumental practice) in astronomy, trigonometry, arithmetick, geometry, geography, topography, navigation, dyalling, &c. are speedily and exactly resolved. By J. T. date: 1667 words: 28064 flesch: 80 summary: The third and fourth lines are lines of Moneths , marked with the respective names , and each Moneth divided into so many parts as it contains dayes . The lines issuing from the centre toward the outward edge of the movable piece , whose fellow is next the inward edge of the fixed piece , is a line of natural sines on the outward side , marked at the end S , and on the inward side a line of lines or equal parts , noted at the end L ; the middle line serving for both of them . keywords: altitude; declination; difference; distance; hour; latitude; line; piece; plain; point; probl; radius; set; sine; south; suns; tangent cache: A64223.xml plain text: A64223.txt item: #11 of 13 id: A69643 author: Brookes, Christopher, fl. 1649-1651. title: A nevv quadrant, of more naturall, easie, and manifold performance, than any other heretofore extant framed according to the horizontall projection of the sphere, with the uses thereof. By C.B. maker of mathematic instruments in metall. date: 1649 words: 4633 flesch: 69 summary: The long Arches , which beginning at the Scale of moneths in the Meridian betwixt the two Quarters of the Ecliptic , crosse all the Houre lines , are the parallels of Declination , or the Semidiurnall Arches of the Sunne ; the middlemost of which is the Equinoctiall , the outermost above is the Tropick of ♋ , and the outermost below is the Tropick of ♑ : although between the Equinoctiall and each Tropick Innumerable parallels are understood to be contained , yet those which are in the Instrument drawne , at every second Degree of Declination , may be sufficient to direct the eye in tracing out an imaginary parallel from every point given in the Scale of moneths . Note that upon the right estimation of that imaginary parallel , the manifold use of this Instrument doth especially rely ; because the true place of the Sunne all that day is in some part or point of the same Circle . keywords: day; declination; horizon; houre; meridian; parallel; sunne; use cache: A69643.xml plain text: A69643.txt item: #12 of 13 id: A75737 author: Aspley, John. title: Speculum nauticum A looking-glasse for sea-men. Wherein they may behold, how by a small instrument, called the plain-scale, all nautical questions, and astronomical propositions, are very easily and demonstratively performed. First set down by John Aspley, student in physick, and practitioner of the mathematicks in London. The sixth edition. Whereunto are added, many new propositions in navigation and astronomy, and also a third book, shewing a new way of dialling. By H.P. and W.L. date: 1662 words: 19417 flesch: 64 summary: LEt AB be a line given , and the point assigned be C : and let it be required to draw another line parallel thereunto , which shall pass through the given point C. NOw I doubt not but you understand the way to let fal , or to raise any manner of Perpendicular line , either from , or upon any part of a line : as also to draw lines parallel one to another at any distance required , therefore now I intend to proceed unto the main point here aimed at , which is , to declare , and make known unto you the several operations performed by the plain Scale , which though it be in use with very few , yet it is most necessary for Sea-men , because all questions in Navigation are thereby easily and plainly wrought . Secondly , The deflexion , or distance of the substile from the Meridian or line of Twelve a Clock . keywords: center; chap; circle; compasses; degrees; distance; draw; latitude; leagues; line; minutes; place; point; pole; scale; set; sun; unto cache: A75737.xml plain text: A75737.txt item: #13 of 13 id: A89305 author: Goddard, John, fl. 1645-1671, engraver. title: Horlogiographia optica. Dialling universall and particular: speculative and practicall. In a threefold præcognita, viz. geometricall, philosophicall, and astronomicall: and a threefold practise, viz. arithmeticall, geometricall, and instrumentall. With diverse propositions of the use and benefit of shadows, serving to prick down the signes, declination, and azimuths, on sun-dials, and diverse other benefits. Illustrated by diverse opticall conceits, taken out of Augilonius, Kercherius, Clavius, and others. Lastly, topothesia, or, a feigned description of the court of art. Full of benefit for the making of dials, use of the globes, difference of meridians, and most propositions of astronomie. Together with many usefull instruments and dials in brasse, made by Walter Hayes, at the Crosse Daggers in More Fields. / Written by Silvanus Morgan. date: 1652 words: 31381 flesch: 54 summary: Or thus , Draw a great many Circles concentricall one within another , then observe by the Circles about noone when the Sun casts the shortest shadow , and that then shall represent a true Meridian , the reason why you must observe the length of the shadow by circles & not by lines is , because if the Sun have not attained to the true Meridian it wil cast its shadow from a line , and so my eye may deceive me , when as by Circles the Sun casting shadow round about , still meetes with one circumference or other , and so we may observe diligently . Now if you imagine the Circle before described to represent the Meridian Circle which crossed diametrically , which diameter shall represent the Aequinoctiall , then laying down the greatest declination , on either side of it , drawing two lines at that distance , on either side of the Aequinoctiall , parallel to it , represent the Tropicks , the upper representing the Tropick of Cancer , marked with GE , the other the Tropick of Capricorn , marked with HI : and if from each severall degree you draw parallels too , they doe represent the parallels of the Sun , which shall shew the diurnall motion of the Sun : now if you crosse these parallels with a line from E to H , that then represents the Ecliptique ; now if you crosse the Aequino-Ctiall at right angles with another line , that line represents the Axis of the World : then if you lay down from the Poles the elevation thereof , to wit , the North and South Poles , according to the elevation of the North Pole downward , where the number of degrees end make a mark ; then account the same elevation from the South Pole upward , and there also make a mark , from which two marks draw a right line , which shall represent your Horizon , and cuts the parallels of the Sun according to the time of his abiding above the Horizon . keywords: altitude; angle; center; circle; declination; degrees; diall; distance; doth; draw; earth; east; elevation; horizon; horizontall; houre; line; meridian; north; p m; parallel; parts; plane; point; pole; right; s s; shadow; sine; south; style; sun; verticall; west; world cache: A89305.xml plain text: A89305.txt