item: #1 of 35 id: 10673 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 09 Asia, Part II date: None words: 139598 flesch: 66 summary: Vltra transsiui per multas dietas ad mare oceanum, et prima terra, ad quam applicui, vocatur Ormes, quæ est optime murata, et multa mercimonia et diuitiæ in ea sunt; in ea tantus calor est, quod virilia hominum exeunt corpus et descendunt vsque ad mediam tibiarum: ideò homines illius terræ volentes viuere, faciunt vnctionum, et vngunt illa, et sic vncta in quibusdam sacculis ponunt circa se cingentes, et aliter morerentur: * * A commandement for Chio. Vobis, Beg et Cadi et Ermini, qui estis in Chio, significamus: quòd serenissimæ Reginæ Maiestatis Angliæ orator, qui est in excelsa porta per literas significauit nobis, quod ex nauibus Anglicis vna nauis venisset ad portum Chico, et illinc Constantinopolim recto cursu voluisset venire, et contra priuilegium detenuistis, et non siuistis venire. keywords: abchaz; able; aboord; aboue; abouesaid; aboundeth; abouten; aboven; abraham; abundance; abundantia; accedere; accepi; accompt; account; adam; adam et; aere; aeris; aforesaid; afternoone; aftre; againe; albania; aleppo; alexandria; aliam; alicuius; alijs; aliqua; aliquem; aliquid; aliquos; alisandre; aliud; aliæ; alle; alle maner; alle weys; aloes; alongst; alwayes; ambassador; amonges; amounteth; ancient; ancola; andare et; andrea; angliæ; animalia; animalium; animalium et; anker; anno; annuitie; annum; anon; anthony; apparell; apparet; apples; applicui; april; apud; aqua; aquæ; arabia; arabians; arbores; arboribus; arenosum; argentum; armenia; armenye; armes; armie; army; arnacho; arriue; arrowes; ashes; asia; aspers; assault; atque; audet; audiui; august; aungeles; aungelle; auri; auro; auro et; aurum; austrum; autem; autem et; authoritie; azen; azenst; babylon; bad; balis; balsara; banda; bankes; banquet; bargaine; barke; barones; basaruchies; base; basha; basora; bassas; bassi; battell; beasts; beautifull; bee; beganne; beginneth; beginning; behalfe; behinde; beholde; beleeue; belonging; ben; ben alle; ben fulle; bene; bengala; benè; bestes; bestiarum; bestiæ; besyde; better; betweene; betwixt; bezeneger; bezonde; big; bigge; bignesse; bir; bishop; blacke; blessed; blood; boat; boates; bodies; body; boke; bombast; bona; bona et; bonis; bothe; bowes; bread; breake; breui; brickes; briddes; bridge; bringing; broker; bryngen; builded; buildings; burne; burning; businesse; buying; byza; cairo; calme; cambaia; cambaietta; cambaleth; camels; cananor; candia; canes; cape; capere; capite; capitis; captaine; caput; care; caried; carieth; carnium; carouan; cart; cary; caspye; cassan; castelle; casten; castle; cathay; cauo; cause; causeth; cento; centum; cephalonia; ceremonies; certaine; certaine great; certeyn; certè; chamber; chane; chanell; chappell; charge; chariot; chatigan; chaul; chauses; cheape; chest; chiefe; chiefest; children; china; christians; christo; christum; church; churches; cion; circa; circuit; citie; citizens; city; ciuitas; ciuitate; ciuitatis; ciuitatum; clamat; cleane; clepen; clept; clocke; cloth; clothes; cloues; coast; cochin; codes; coepit; colour; comedit; comedunt; comethe; commandement; commandeth; commeth; comming; commodious; commodities; common; communitèr; comori; companie; company; compasse; condition; conduct; consent; constantinople; consull; continet; continuall; contrary; contrata; contree; contree ben; copia; copper; coram; corfu; corne; corpora; corporis; corpus; costly; couered; counsell; countrey; course; court; creatures; credo; cristene; cristene men; crosse; crownes; crucis; cuius; cum; cuppe; curia; currant; currit; currum; cursed; custome; cyprus; cytee; cùm; dalmatia; daman; damasco; damyseles; danger; dangerous; dar; daughters; day; dayes; dayes iourney; de auro; de illis; de quibus; dead; deale; death; decem; defence; degrees; dei; deinde; delight; deliuer; demaund; deo; deos; depart; departeth; departing; departure; derknesse; description; desert; desertes; desire; desirous; determined; dethe; deuise; deum; deum et; deuotion; deus; develes; diamants; dicens; dicentes; dicitur; dico; dictum; dicunt; dicuntur; dietas; difference; dimittunt; dinner; discharge; distance; distant; diuel; diuers; diuersis; diuided; doe; domini; dominions; dominus; domo; domus; don; donec; doore; doth; doun; drams; drawen; drede; drie; drinke; driuen; dromedaries; drugges; drugs; drynken; duas; ducats; duckat; duckets; duke; dum; duo; duodecim; duos; durethe; durst; duæ; dwellen; dye; dyen; dyverse; eam; earth; eating; ebbing; ech; edward; egges; ego; egypt; eighteene; eius; eiusdem; elephants; eliphant; emperour; empire; end; ende; enemies; england; english; enim; entent; entrance; entren; eorum; eos; erant; ergò; erthe; escape; esse; est; esteemed; et ad; et alia; et alijs; et aliorum; et aliqui; et argento; et audiui; et auium; et barones; et benè; et breuiter; et carnium; et che; et ciuitates; et clamat; et collo; et contra; et corpora; et cruce; et cum; et currit; et dauid; et de; et dicitur; et dixerunt; et dixit; et dùm; et ecce; et ego; et eius; et eorum; et equa; et est; et etiam; et faciunt; et fidem; et fortes; et fratres; et gemmis; et habet; et haec; et histriones; et hominem; et huiusmodi; et ibi; et ideò; et idola; et imperator; et insulæ; et inter; et ipse; et ipsum; et ita; et iuimus; et iuxta; et lapidibus; et legem; et licet; et longa; et magnum; et margaritis; et marinari; et maxima; et mel; et mercantia; et mihi; et mortis; et mulieres; et multa; et multum; et non; et nonnullis; et omnes; et omnium; et optimi; et passare; et ponunt; et portant; et post; et prima; et propter; et quaedam; et qual; et quando; et quandoque; et quia; et quibuscunque; et quidem; et quilibet; et quod; et regina; et ritornare; et sanctum; et schismatici; et sic; et sicut; et sine; et singulis; et sparsim; et speciosa; et statim; et sunt; et super; et tanto; et transiui; et tres; et tunc; et varia; et velut; et veni; et vidi; et vltrà; et vnum; et vsque; eten; etiam; euening; euery; euery day; euery man; euery yeere; euill; eum; eunuchs; euphrates; evere; everyche; excedere; excellent; exceptis; exire; extra; eyes; face; facere; faciem; facit; faciunt; factum; fader; faire; fairest; faith; faithfull; falchines; fall; falleth; false; famagusta; famous; father; feast; feet; feluchia; ferarum; ferro; ferè; festum; fetch; fewe; feythe; fide; field; fieri; fifteene; fiftie; filios et; filius; finding; fine; fingers; firme; firste; fish; fishes; fishing; fit; fiue; flat; flesh; flessche; flumen; fluuius; foeminas; foeminæ; folk; followeth; following; fontes; foote; footnote; force; foresayd; foreward; formam; forrest; fortie; foules; foure; foure men; fourescore; fourth; fraight; france; frater; fratres; fratribus; fratrum; free; french; frendes; friend; friers; fro; fruite; fruitfull; fuerit; fuerunt; fuisse; fuit; fulle; furnished; fuyr; fynden; galere; gallies; ganges; ganza; gardens; garment; gate; gaue; genera; generall; generis; gentes; gentiles; gentlemen; genus; gift; ginger; giouanni; giue; giueth; glasses; gloria; goa; god; gode; gods; goe; goeth; gold; gon; good; goodly; goodnesse; gouernour; goynge; grace; grand; grapes; gratiam; great; great abundance; great charges; great citie; great court; great deale; great deuotion; great harme; great importance; great ioy; great man; great number; great ordinance; great plaine; great plenty; great power; great quantitie; great riuer; great ships; great store; great trade; great trouble; great turke; great value; greater; greatest; greatnesse; greekes; greene; grete; grida; growen; guard; gulfe; habeant; habens; habentes; habere; habet; habetur; habitation; hac; hadde; haec; halfe; hanc; hand; handes; harbour; hard; harme; haste; hath; haud; haue; hauing; head; health; heapes; heauen; hede; hee; helpe; hem; herbes; herd; hic; high; higher; hijs; hill; hilles; himselfe; hinc; hire; hoc; holden; hole; holy; home; homines; hominibus; hominum; homo; honest; honour; hony; hope; horsemen; horses; hospitia; houres; house; houshold; huge; hunc; hundreth; hungary; hurt; husband; hym; hæc; iaffa; ianizaries; ianuarie; iapan; iaua; ibi; ibidem; ideo; idol; idolum; ierusalem; iesu; iewels; igitur; ignem; ignis; ilands; illa; ille; illic; illius; illo; illorum; illum; images; imperatoris; imperij; imperium; importance; increase; incredible; india; indies; indorum; indè; infinite; infra; inhabitants; inhabitatur; inhabited; inne; insomuch; insula; insulis; inter; interdum; intrare; inuenitur; inuicem; ioannis; iohn; iourney; ioy; ipsa; ipse; ipsi; ipso; ipsum; island; ismael; istis; isto; istria; istum; ita; italian; itaque; item; iterum; iudgement; iuly; iune; iungitur; iust; iustice; iuxta; jewes; john; kadi; keale et; keepe; keeping; kepen; kind; king; kingdome; knowe; knowledge; kyngdom; kyngdomes; kynges; labour; lade; lading; lake; land; langage; lapides; lapidibus; lapidum; lapis; large; larines; latere; lawe; lawfull; lay; lead; leagues; leaue; leet; left; length; leones; lesser; let; letters; lettres; licence; lieth; life; lignum; like; lime; lingua; list; literas; litille; litle; liue; liuing; loca; locis; loco; locum; lond; londes; london; long; longitudinem; lord; lordschipe; loro; losse; love; lovethe; lowe; lust; lye; lykethe; lyouns; lytylle; lyven; macareo; maces; magna; magnifico; magnum; mahomet; maiesties; maine; maior; maiorem; maius; maken; maketh; making; malabar; malacca; man; mandatum; maner; manibus; mannes; mans; manu; manye; marble; marchandise; marchants; marchethe; mare; marginal; mariners; maris; market; martauan; marueilous; master; maxima; maximum; meanes; measure; meat; mecca; med; medina; medines; medio; medium; mee; melich; melinde; melior; men; men han; men haue; men seyn; mensis; mention; meo; mercatores; meridiem; mete; meticals; meum; middest; middle; midst; mighty; mihi; miles; milliaria; minorum; mirabile; mirabilia; misit; mobar; moche; modo; modum; monasterie; moneth; money; monson; monte; montibus; montis; moone; moores; morea; moreouer; mori; moritur; morning; mortem; mortuorum; mortuum; mosquita; mountaine; mouth; mulieres; multas; multi; multitudine; multitudo; multum; multytude; mundo; muri; musicians; muske; myghte; mylk; naked; nam; nam et; nascitur; natheles; nation; nature; naue; ne ben; nec; necessaries; necessary; necesse; necke; neede; needfull; nere; neuer; new; newe; night; nihil; nilus; nisi; nobilis; nobis; noble; noblesse; nocte; nombre; nomine; non; nonnunquam; nos; noster; nostras; nostri; nostrorum; nostrum; nota; nouember; nought; nouther; noyse; nulla; nullus; number; numero; nunc; nunquam; nutmegs; nuts; nyghe; obeyssant; occasion; occidentem; ocean; october; oculis; odore; odoricus; offe; officers; oftentimes; olde; olim; omnia; omnibus; omnium; onely; ony; ony man; open; opinion; opium; optimè; orationes; order; ordinance; orientem; orisa; ormus; ossa; ossibus; othere; ouer; ouercome; ouerthrowen; ounces; outen; outward; oxen; padua; paiment; palatij; palatium; palays; pallace; panis et; paradise; paradisum; paradys; pardons; partem; partibus; parties; parts; partye; passage; passe; passeth; passuum; past; patriarke; patris; pay; payeth; pearles; pedes; pedibus; pegu; pence; penitùs; people; pepper; perforce; periculo; perilous; persarum; persia; persons; perueni; phison; pieces; pikes; pilgrimage; pilgrimes; pillars; pilot; piper; piscium; pissemyres; pitch; place; plaine; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; plena; plentee; plenty; pleyn; plures; plusquam; point; polumbrum; ponunt; pope; populo; populus; porrò; portant; porters; portugales; portugals haue; posset; possunt; post; posteà; poterit; potest; potuit; pounds; power; praecipuè; prayers; precious; prepared; presence; present; prestre; pretiosis; price; priest; primò; princes; principall; pro; proijciunt; prophet; proprijs; propter; propè; prosperous; prouided; prouince; prouincia; prouision; prout; provynces; præ; puglia; purpose; putten; pyson; qual; quam; quamuis; quandam; quando; quandoque; quantitie; quantity; quapropter et; quasi; quatuor; queene; quem; qui; quia; quibus; quibusdam; quid; quidem; quilibet; quindecim; quintall; quis; quisque; quod; quod de; quoniam; quoniam et; quoque; quorum; quos; quosdam; quàm; quæ; quòd; ragusa; raisins; rare; ready; reason; reasonable; receiue; recouer; regard; reges; regionis; regno; regnum; reigne; religion; religious; remaine; remembrance; rennethe; report; requireth; resident; respect; responderunt; respondit; rest; retor; returne; reuenues; reuerence; reuerentiam; rex; rex et; rhodes; ricchesse; rich; richard; ride; righte; rise; ritum; riuer; roches; rocke; roials; rome; rope; rotiloes; roues; round; royall; rubies; ruinated; runneth; ryche; ryvere; sacerdotes; sacrifice; saf; safe; said; saile; saint; sake; salt; salute; sancti; saraceni; satagan; satis; saue; saughe; sawe; sayd; saying; schalle; scholde; sciatis; scilicet; sclauonia; sea; seas; second; secum; secunda; secundum; secutra; sed et; seene; selfe; semel; semethe; semper; senex; september; sepulchre; seraglio; serifo; sermon; serpentes; serue; serueth; seruice; serven; servyse; set; setting; seuen; seuenth; seuentie; seyd; seye; seyn; shalbe; shee; shew; shillings; shippe; shipping; ships; shore; shot; shoulders; shouting; sibi; sicut; sidenote; sides; signior; silke; siluer; simul; simul et; sine; singing; singula; singulis; sinnes; sit; situate; siue; sixe; sixteene; sixtie; slaues; slayn; sleepe; small; smoke; solace; solis; solum; somtyme; sonne; sope; sort; sortes; souldiers; soule; southe; space; spachi; spatium; speake; speken; spices; spiritus; spring; square; stampe; stand; standeth; standing; state; stately; stature; stead; sterling; stones; storme; straight; strange; strangers; strawe; strecchethe; streetes; strength; strong; sua; suam; suas; sub; subieccioun; subiects; suche; sufficient; sugar; sui; suis; sultan; summe; sumptuous; sundry; sunt; suo; super; superiorem; supra; suum; suæ; sweet; swyn; syde; sylver; syngen; syria; tale et; tamen; tandem; tangas; tanquam; tanta; tantum; tare; tartari; tartarorum; tary; tauris; teeth; tempore; tempus; tenet; tenne; tents; terme; terra; tertia; thalay; thana; thanne; thanne thei; theeues; thei; theise; themselues; thereabout; thereunto; therfore; thing; thinges; thinking; thirde; thirtie; thither; tho; thomas; thorghe; thorow; thought; threescore; throne; thuman; tide; time; token; tombe; tongue; toppe; tota; tother; toto; totum; touffon; towardes; towers; towne; trade; tradit; traffique; transiens; transiui; trapesunda; trauell; treasure; trees; trewe; tribute; tripolis; triumph; trouble; true; tunc; turkes; turkish; turkye; turquescen; tutti; tutti et; twelue; twentie; tygris; tyme; tyrant; undirstonde; vadit; vadunt; valdè; valet; vallem; vallis; value; vbi; vel; velut; venenum; venetians; veni ad; venice; venit; verbum; vero; version; versus; vertue; verò; vessels; vesture; viceroy; victualium; victuals; videns; videntes; videntur; vidi; village; vini; virgines; viri; virorum; virtute; vitam; viuere; viuunt; vix; vizir; vltra; vna; vnam; vnde et; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vndique; vndè; vniuersis et; vnlesse; vno; vnquam; vntill; vnto; vnum; vnus; vocatam; vocatur; voce; voglia; voiages; vos; voyage; voys; vpon; vpper; vse; vsque; vsque ad; vt et; vult; vxorem; walles; wals; want; wares; warre; watch; water; way; weapons; weare; weather; wee; weight; wel; weren; west; weye; weys; whan; whatsoeuer; whereof; whiche; whiles; white; wife; wil; william; winde; wings; wise; wit; wiues; wode; wole; women; wood; words; worke; world; worschipen; worshipfull; worth; writing; wyfes; wylde; wyn; wyse; yards; ydoles; yea; yeeld; yeere; yeerely; yeres; yle; yles; ynde; yron; zante; zee; zeer; zeilan; zeve; zevethe; zif; zindi; zit; zonge; zou; zun; ætatis cache: 10673.txt plain text: 10673.txt item: #2 of 35 id: 11948 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 10 Asia, Part III date: None words: 118836 flesch: 74 summary: De là je vins à Chourleu, jadis considérable, détruit par les Turcs et peuplé de Turcs et de Grecs; De Chourleu a Mistério, petite place fermée: Le mors à la genette étoit celui qui avoit sa gourmette d'une seule pièce et de la forme d'un grand anneau, mis et arrêté au haut de la liberté de la langue.] keywords: aborde; aboue; account; acheter; admirall; affaires; afin; aforesayd; againe; agra; agréable; agréable et; ainsi; ainsi la; aleppo; aller; allâmes; alors; alwayes; ambassadeurs; amsterdam; andrinople; andré de; anker; anno; anthony; apparell; appartient; appelle; appeloit; aprill; après; arabes; arabians; archers et; armes; armée; arriuall; arrivé; assez; assis; aucun; august; aujourd'hui; auquel; auquel il; aussi; aussitôt; autant de; autour; autrefois; autres; aux; avant; avec; avoient; avoir; avoir la; avoit dans; avoit pour; avoit été; babylon; bachas; balsara; bantam; barke; bay; beastes; beau et; beaucoup; beaucoup de; beaux; bee; bene; bengala; bertrandon de; besoin; best; better; betweene; bibliothèque; bien de; bien la; bien que; blacke; blanc; boates; bodies; bohème; boire; bois; bon et; bona; bonne et; bons; bord de; brasse; broad; brochard; bruit; bude; burden; burne; c'est; c'est la; c'est un; c'étoit; caixas; caliuers; calme; camarades; cambaia; camels; canes; cape; captaine; car; caried; cary; cas; castle; cause; ce fut; ce qui; ce sont; ceci; cela; celles; celui de; celui qui; cent; cependant; cependant il; certaine; ces; cesse; cette; ceux; chacun; chacun de; chameaux et; champ de; chapeau de; charge; chargés de; charles; chemin de; chemin et; chercher; cheval; chevalier de; chevaliers; chevaux; chez; chez un; chiefe; children; china; chose; christians; chrétiens; château; cinq; cinquantaine de; cinquante; circonstances; citie; city; cloth; clothes; cloues; coast; cochin; colonne; colour; combattre; commandement de; comme; comme il; comme la; comme nous; comme un; comment; commeth; comming; commodities; common; compagnons; companie; company; composée; composée de; concile de; condition; conduire; conduit; congé de; connoissance; conquête de; conquêtes; considérable; constantinople; construit; conséquence; conséquence il; content; continuance; continue; contrarie; contrary; contre; contre un; contrées; conuenient; copper; corps; cotton; coulde; countrey; countries; cour et; courage; cours de; course; court; coutume; couvent de; couverte; cowe; croix; crowne; cuir; curieux de; custome; cypre; côté; d'abord; d'ailleurs; d'aller; d'après; d'armes; d'arménie; d'autres; d'autriche; d'avoir; d'eau; d'en; d'entre; d'environ; d'or; d'où; d'un de; d'une; d'y; d'être; damas; danger; dans ce; dans cette; dans la; dans son; dans un; danube et; date; day; dayes; de bataille; de bavière; de beauvais; de belgrade; de bonne; de bosnie; de bourgogne; de bourse; de bâle; de cana; de cavaliers; de ce; de cette; de chevalerie; de constantin; de corfou; de cypre; de dieu; de diverses; de fer; de force; de france; de grand; de grèce; de hama; de justice; de jérusalem; de karman; de l'asie; de l'eau; de l'empereur; de l'empire; de l'église; de la; de lalaing; de leur; de longueur; de lui; de m'en; de messire; de milan; de mondit; de monseigneur; de montagnes; de monter; de nazareth; de notre; de nous; de nouveau; de par; de paris; de philippe; de rassie; de retourner; de saint; de satin; de savoir; de servie; de son; de sorte; de tamerlan; de tarquais; de tartarie; de terre; de toutes; de trait; de trente; de trois; de turquie; de venise; dead; death; december; degrees; delà; demanda; demander; demi; depart; depuis; derrière; des; description; desire; desirous; despote de; dessein; dessus; deux; deux de; devant; devoit; diamants; différentes; dirai; dire; discharge; disent de; disoit; distance; dit; diuers; dix; doe; dominions; donc; donna; donner; doth; double; douzaine de; douze; drinke; droit; duc de; ducat de; ducats; dure; durst; dutch; dès; déja; départ de; désert; détails; détruit; earth; east; echebar; edward; effet; elephants; elle; emperour; en avoit; en ce; en le; encore; enemies; enfin; england; english; ensemble; ensuite; entendu; entier; entièrement; entourée de; entre; entre la; envoya; esclaves; est; esteemed; et argent; et assez; et au; et belles; et bien; et c'est; et c'étoit; et celui; et chantent; et comme; et d'abord; et d'un; et dans; et de; et demi; et depuis; et deux; et dix; et elle; et en; et environ; et fort; et garni; et il; et j'en; et j'y; et jamais; et je; et jean; et l'empereur; et l'on; et la; et les; et mahomet; et moi; et même; et n'a; et notre; et nous; et par; et particulièrement; et peut; et pour; et qu'après; et qu'elle; et qu'ils; et qu'on; et quand; et quelquefois; et qui; et s'il; et saint; et sans; et si; et située; et son; et souvent; et spécialement; et sur; et très; et un; et vins; et y; etc; euening; euery; euphrates; europe; excepté; eûmes; eût; faces; factor; faire; faisoient; faisoit; fait; fall; fast; father; fauour; faut; feare; february; femmes; fermée; fertile; feu; fils de; finding; fine; firent; fish; fit; fit la; fitch; fiue; fois; font; foote; footnote; forme; fortie; fossés; founde; foure; fourth; france et; français; free; fresh; friend; fruitfull; fruits; frère; fus; fut; fête; ganges; garantir; garder; garni de; gaza; generall; gens de; gens et; gens qui; gentiles; gentlemen; george; giue; goa; god; gods; goe; golde; good; goodly; gouernour; grace; grand; grand et; grandes; graunt; great; great store; great towne; greater; greatest; grecs; gros; grosse; grèce et; gulfe; guère; génois; habitans de; halfe; hands; hath; haue; hauing; haut; haut et; hauteur; heads; hee; height; heires; helena; helpe; henry; high; himselfe; hither; holding; holland; hommes; hongrie; hongrois; honour; hope; hors de; horse; houses; houtman; huit; hundreth; hurt; iames; ianuarie; ianuary; iaua; iauars; ici; iesuite; il alla; il avoit; il donna; il faut; il fit; il le; il leur; il lui; il n'a; il n'en; il n'est; il n'y; il nous; il venoit; il y; il étoit; ilands; ils; india; indians; indies; inhabitants; iohn; iourney; island; isle; iuly; iune; j'ai; j'allai; j'avois; j'en; j'eus; j'y; j'étois; jacques; jadis; jamais; je n'en; je ne; je suis; je trouvai; jean de; jour de; journées; journées de; jours; jusqu'au; jusqu'à; kan; karman; keepe; kind; king; kingdome; knowledge; kth; l'ai; l'ambassadeur de; l'an; l'année; l'argent; l'armée; l'arçon de; l'auteur; l'autre; l'empereur; l'histoire; l'honneur de; l'ordre; l'un; l'usage; l'y; l'église; la brocquière; la bulgarie; la caravane; la chrétienté; la compagnie; la cour; la couronne; la description; la duchesse; la fois; la france; la frontière; la galerie; la genette; la grande; la grèce; la guerre; la hongrie; la journée; la justice; la langue; la macédoine; la maison; la marisce; la messe; la mode; la montagne; la mort; la même; la nuit; la paille; la palestine; la partie; la permission; la perse; la place; la porte; la première; la puissance; la relation; la rivière; la roe; la route; la seconde; la sienne; la soeur; la syrie; la terre; la toison; la troupe; la turcomanie; la tête; la vallée; la vie; la ville; labour; laden; lading; land; laquelle; large; large et; latin; laurence; lawfull; le chef; le danube; le duc; le fait; le grand; le karman; le lendemain; le pape; le premier; le prince; le soudan; le texte; le turc; leaues; left; length; lequel; les; les deux; les y; letters; lettres; lettres et; leuant; leur; levant et; libertie; lieu; lieue de; lieutenant de; like; line; little; liue; livre; loger; loin; london; long; long de; longue et; looke; lost; louis; lui; lyeth; lying; m'a; m'en; m'y; madagascar; mahomet; maiestie; maintenant; mais comme; mais il; mais je; mais la; mais par; mais pour; mais quand; mais qui; mais un; maison de; maisons; malacca; mamelouck; man; manière; manner; manuscrits; marchand de; marchandise; marchants; marche; marginal; marisce; master; maures; mauritius; maître; meanes; meat; mecque; men; mens; mention; mer; mettre; middle; midi; mieux; miles; milieu de; mille; mis; mit; moi; moins; mois de; moluccas; moment; mon; monde; mondit; moneths; money; montagnes; month; moores; morning; mort; mort de; mosquée; mot; motion; moucre; mourir; murailles; murs; muske; mère; même; même de; même que; n'a; n'ai; n'en; n'est; n'ont; naked; nationale; nations; ne la; neere; neuer; new; newberie; newbery; newes; ni de; nicholas; night; nom de; nombre; nommé; noms; non; nord; north; northeast; northwest; nos; nouember; nous la; nous nous; nous un; nous y; nuit; nulle; number; nutmegs; néanmoins; nôtres; objet; obligé de; obligés; occasion; october; officers; offrir; oftentimes; onely; open; order; ordinance; ordre; ormus; osborne; ou un; ouvrage; pain et; palais; pape; par la; par sa; par son; par terre; par un; parce; parce que; parler; parlé; parmi; partes; partie; parut; pas; passage; passai; passer; passing; passé; past; patents; paul; pays; pearles; peeces; pegu; peine; pendant la; people; pepper; perceyuing; perdre; performe; persia; personnes; personnes qui; persons; petite; peu; peuplé; peut; peuvent; pied de; pied et; pieds; pierre; pilot; pinace; pièce; place; plaine; plaisir; plat; pleased; pleasure; plupart; plus; plusieurs; point; point de; point la; pondage; poore; portent; porter; portingalles; portoient; portoit; portugals; possible; possède; pour; pour ce; pour la; pour lui; pour mon; pour nous; pour sa; pour son; pour un; pour y; pouvoit; pray; precious; premier; prendre; present; presentes; presque; prince; princes et; principall; prirent; prison; prit; probablement; projet; près de; présens; présenter; purpose; père; pélerinages; pélerins; péra; qu'elle; qu'il; qu'on; qu'on la; qu'une; quand il; quant; quantitie; quantité; quatre; que; que dans; que j'avois; que j'étois; que je; que la; que nous; que par; que pour; que sa; que son; quelques; qui appartient; qui avoit; qui lui; qui porte; qui se; qui sont; qui y; qui étoit; quinze; quoiqu'il; quoique; raison; ralph; realme; reason; recevoir; religion; reliques; remaine; rendit; report; request; rest; retour de; returne; reçu la; reçut; rice; rich; richard; riches; rien de; rings; riuer; rivière qui; rivières; robe de; robert; romans de; rome; rouge; round; royaume; rubies; runneth; ryce; récit de; répondit; réponse; s'en; s'il; s'y; s'étoient; said; saile; sainte; sait; sans; sanson de; saphires; sarrasins; saue; savoit; sayde; sayled; sea; seas; seene; segniorie; seigneur de; seigneurs; seize; selon; september; sera; seroit; service; servir; serviteur de; ses; set; seuen; seul; seulement; seulement de; shall; shew; shippes; ships; shot; shotte; shoulde; si le; sic; sidenote; sides; sigismond; signior; silke; siluer; simon; située; sixe; siècle; slaues; soir; soit; soleil; sont; sont la; sophie; sortes; sortir de; soudan; soudan et; sous; south; southeast; southwest; souvent; space; speake; speciall; spices; standeth; standing; staper; state; stay; stones; store; straight; strange; strangers; streame; streetes; strong; subiects; subsidie; successours; sufficient; sugar; suis; suite; sujets; sultan; sumatra; sunne; sur la; sur son; sur un; sureties; syria; séjour; talent de; tallipoies; tartares; tel; temps; temps de; temps et; tenté de; terme; terre et; themselues; therewith; thicke; things; thinking; thirtie; thomas; thought; time; tirer; titre; tombeau de; toujours; tous; tout; tout ce; towardes; towne; trade; traduction; traffike; traffique; trauell; traversai le; traverser; traversé; tree; trente; tripolis; trois; troisième; trop; troupes; trouvai; trouve; trouvoit; trucheman; très; tunnes; turcomans; turcs; turke; twelue; twentie; tête; un autre; un beau; un cheval; un château; un de; un fait; un frère; un grand; un marchand; un mot; un petit; un peu; un pont; un qui; un seigneur; un seul; un très; un village; une; une ville; uns; vallée de; valse; venice; venir; venoit de; venu; vers; vers le; vertue; vessels; veut; viceroy; victuals; vient de; villages; villages et; ville de; ville et; villes; vingt; vinrent; vis; visage; vnder; vntill; vnto; voiage; volume; vouloit; voulut; vous; voyage de; voyages; voyageur; vpon; vse; vsed; vus; vénitiens; vérité; walles; want; wares; warre; water; way; weapons; weather; wee; west; whatsoeuer; whereof; wherevpon; white; wife; wild; william; willing; wind; wine; winter; wise; wiues; women; wood; worke; world; y avoit; y en; y sont; yeeres; yere; yeux; yong; yron; zelabdim; à la; à une; âgé de; écrit; également; épée et; étant; états; étoient; étoit de; étoit la; étoit un; été; être cache: 11948.txt plain text: 11948.txt item: #3 of 35 id: 12693 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 11 date: None words: 165844 flesch: 70 summary: Now a dayes the king marrieth his daughters at his owne pleasure, with great men of the kingdome: the like order he obserueth in the marriage of his sonnes. So we placed other men in the roomes of those that we lost, and set saile. keywords: --his; --of; able; aboord; aboue; abundance; accompanied; account; accustomed; acquainted; adde; admirall; aethiopia; affaires; aforesaid; africa; afrike; afternoone; againe; alcaide; aldersey; alexandria; alger; almighty; alongst; alteza; altogether; alwayes; ambassadour; ambassage; ancient; ancre; andrew; angell; angola; anker; anno; anthonie; anthony; apparell; appeare; april; arches; argier; armed; arriuall; arrowes; articles; aske; aspers; august; authoritie; backe; baie; barbarie; barbary; bare; barges; barton; base; basons; bay; beasts; bee; beginning; behalfe; behinde; bene; benin; best; better; betweene; betwixt; bigge; bird; bishop; blood; boate; bodies; body; bonzii; booke; borne; bowes; boy; brake; brayley; bread; breadth; bridge; briefe; broken; brother; building; buona; burning; burrough; businesse; cales; canarie; cape; captaine; captiues; carack; caraks; carauell; care; caried; cary; castle; cauo; cause; cayro; ceremonies; certaine; certaine men; certifie; charge; chase; che; chests; chiefe; chiefest; children; china; chinians; christians; christopher; church; churches; citie; city; cleare; clocke; close; cloth; clothes; coast; cold; colour; come; comfort; commandement; commaund; commeth; comming; commission; commodities; common; como; companie; company; compasse; conduct; conference; consent; constantinople; continued; contrary; conuenient; cotton; couered; counsell; countrey; countreymen; course; court; credite; crosse; cruz; cum; currant; custome; cut; danger; dartmouth; dassel; date; day; day time; day wee; dayes; dayly; dead; deale; dealing; death; december; deed; defence; degrees; deliuerance; deliuered; demaunded; depart; departure; description; deserts; desire; desirous; determined; deuill; deuise; dickenson; diligence; dios; direction; discharge; discretion; distant; diuers; diuided; doderige; doe; dominions; doricot; doth; double; doubt; dragon; drawen; drinke; drinking; duckats; durst; dwelleth; earl; earth; east; eastermost; eastnortheast; eastward; eating; ech; edmund; edward; egypt; eighteene; elephants; elizabeth; els; emperour; end; ende; enemies; england; english; englishmen; entertained; equinoctiall; erles; escape; estate; esteemed; estimation; euening; euery; euery day; europe; excellent; exchange; execution; exeter; experience; extreme; factors; fadome; faire; faith; faithfull; fall; false; family; famous; far; fast; fathers; fauour; feare; february; fellowes; fetch; fift day; fifteene; fiftie; finding; fine; fish; fishes; fishing; fiue; fiue men; flagge; fleet; flores; flower; foorth; foorthwith; foote; forasmuch; force; foresayd; fortie; foules; foure; foure leagues; foure men; fourescore; fourth day; fox; foxe; france; francis; free; french; frenchmen; fresh; friday; friendly; friends; friendship; fruits; furnished; gago; gallies; gally; gambra; gate; gaue; generall; gentlemen; george; gilbert; giue; glad; goa; god; gods; goe; goeth; going; gold; golden; gomera; gonsalues; good; goodly; goto; gouernment; gouernour; grace; graines; grand; graunt; great; great citie; great good; great honour; great number; great ordinance; great riuer; great ship; great store; great towne; great turke; greater; greatest; greene; grew; ground; guard; guinea; guinie; gunner; hakluyt; halfe; hands; hanging; harbour; hareborne; harme; hart; haste; hath; haue; hauing; hawkins; head; health; hearing; heate; heauen; hee; heires; helpe; hennes; henry; high; higher; highest; highnesse; hill; hilles; hils; himselfe; hinder; hitherto; hold; hole; holy; home; honour; honourable; hope; horsemen; hote; houres; house; howbeit; huge; hurt; iames; ianuarie; ianuary; iapan; iesus; ilands; importance; imprisonment; india; indies; inferiour; informed; inhabitants; inhabited; insomuch; instant; intelligence; intended; intent; iohn; iourney; ioy; ioyned; ireland; island; isle; italian; item; iuan; iudgement; iuly; iune; iuory; iustice; jerusalem; john; keepe; keeping; kind; kindes; king; kingdome; knees; knowen; knowing; knowledge; labour; laden; lading; lancaster; land; language; large; late; latitude; laurence; lawes; lay; layde; layed; leagues; learning; leaue; leeward; left; legges; leicester; length; leo; leonard; lesse; letters; libertie; libya; licence; lieth; lieutenant; life; like; line; linnen; lion; lisbon; litle; liues; liuing; lodging; london; long; longer; looking; lord; los; louteas; low; madera; magistrates; mahomet; maiestie; maiesty; maine; making; malacca; malta; man; mandeville; maner; mans; marchandize; marchants; marginal; mariners; market; marocco; martin; master; mate; matters; meaco; meanes; meaning; measure; meat; mee; meete; meeting; men; mens; mention; michael; middest; middle; midnight; mightie; mighty; miles; mina; mind; minion; moneth; money; monte; moone; moores; moreouer; morning; mountaines; multitude; muy; naked; nation; naturall; nature; naue; nauigation; necessaries; necessary; need; neere; negros; neuer; neuerthelesse; new; newes; newton; nicholas; night; nilus; noble; noi; non; norado; north; northeast; northerly; northward; northwest; nos; nostri; notable; nouember; nuestro; number; occasion; ocean; october; office; officers; onely; open; opinion; order; orderly; ordinance; osborne; ouer; ounces; owner; oxen; oyle; pachin; palmas; palme; paper; paquin; parts; passage; passe; passing; past; patents; patrone; pedro; pegu; people; pepper; perceiued; perceiuing; performe; persons; peter; pieces; pike; pillar; pilot; pinnesse; pinteado; place; plaine; pleased; pleasure; pledge; plentie; plenty; plimmouth; point; poore; porto; portsmouth; portugals; possible; post; pound; power; presence; present; preserue; price; princes; principall; prison; prisoners; priuileges; prouince; prouision; publike; puntas; purpose; purser; putting; qual; quantitie; quarter; que; queenes; quiet; rainolds; ranne; reach; readie; ready; realme; reason; reasonable; receiue; reckoning; recouered; refreshing; regard; regions; reigne; relation; reliefe; religion; remaine; report; request; resident; respect; rest; returne; reuenues; reuerence; richard; rio; riseth; riuer; road; robert; rockes; rode; roials; roome; royall; rule; runneth; running; safe; said; said ship; saile; sailing; saint; sake; salt; sand; santa; sate; saue; saw; sawe; sayd; sea; seas; sebastian; second; second day; sects; seeing; seemeth; seene; senega; sennor; sentence; september; seruants; serue; seruice; sestos; set; setting; seuen; seuenth; shalbe; shamma; sheepe; shewed; ship; shippe; shires; shooting; shore; shot; shotte; sicke; sicknesse; sidenote; sides; signes; signior; siluer; singular; sir; sir iohn; sixe; sixteene; skiffe; slaues; small; smith; societie; sonne; sonnings; sort; souldiers; south; southeast; southward; southwest; space; spaine; spaniards; spanish; speake; speciall; speede; spicer; square; standeth; standing; staper; starkie; stay; sterne; stone; storme; straight; strange; strangers; strength; strong; subiects; subsidies; successors; suffice; sufficient; sugar; sumatra; summe; sundry; sunke; superstition; sword; syria; tables; talke; tall; tartars; tary; teeth; tell; temperate; temperate day; tenerif; teneriffa; tenne; terme; thee; theirs; themselues; thereabout; things; thinke; thinking; thirde; thirteene; thirtie; thither; thomas; thought; threescore; thunder; thursday; thwart; timber; time; tipton; tolde; tombuto; toppe; touch; towardes; towne; trade; trading; traffike; traffique; trauailes; trauell; treasurer; trees; trepointes; triall; tripolis; trouble; true; trueth; trust; tunis; tunnes; turkes; turkish; turner; tutan; twelue; twentie; twentieth; tyger; valiant; value; variety; verde; vessels; viceadmirall; viceroy; victuals; viii; villa; vincent; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnticaro; vntill; vnto; vnto vs; vol; vostra; voyage; vpon; vse; vttermost; wall; wals; want; wares; warre; watch; water; waued; way; weake; weapons; weather; wee; wee haue; weekes; weight; welcome; west; westward; whatsoeuer; whereof; whereunto; wherewith; white; willed; william; willing; windam; winde; winter; wise; withall; women; wonderfull; wood; wordes; worke; world; worship; worshipfull; worthy; writeth; writing; yea; yeeld; yeeres; yere; yong; yron; zante cache: 12693.txt plain text: 12693.txt item: #4 of 35 id: 13605 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation — Volume 12 America, Part I date: None words: 154833 flesch: 66 summary: and it is likely that the king of Spaine, and the king of Portugall would not haue sit out all this while, but that they are sure to possesse to themselues all that trade they now vse, and feare to deale in this discouery, least the Queenes Maiestie hauing so good opportunitie, and finding the commoditie which thereby might ensue to the common wealth, would cut them off, and enioy the whole traffique to herselfe, and thereby the Spaniards and Portugals, with their great charges, should beate the bush, and other men catch the birds: which thing they foreseing, haue commanded that no pilot of theirs vpon paine of death, should seeke to discouer to the Northwest, or plat out in any Sea card any thorow passage that way by the Northwest. Notwithstanding, that we should not thinke they did altogether refuse conuersation and traffick with other men, they tolde vs for conclusion that they would willingly receiue one of our men, and preferre him to be one of the chiefe amongst them, onely to learne my language the Italian tongue, and to be informed of our manners and customes, as they had already receiued those other ten oftensundry nations, that came into their Island. keywords: able; aboord; aboue; abundance; accesse; account; action; admirall; adoe; adrian; aduenture; affaires; aforesayd; africa; afrike; afternoone; againe; aide; aire; aliue; allegiance; allure; almightie; alongst; alwayes; america; amitie; ancient; andrew; angle; anker; anne; anno; antonio; apparell; appeare; argument; aristotle; armes; arriuall; arrowes; arte; articles; asia; assignes; associates; assured; aswell; atlantis; atque; attempt; august; autem; authoritie; ayde; ayre; baccalaos; backe; barbarous; barkes; barren; bartholomew; bay; beames; beare; beasts; bee; beginning; behalfe; bene; benefite; bent; best; better; betweene; bigge; bignesse; birds; blank; blow; boate; bodies; body; borne; bottome; bowes; brake; brethren; bridgewater; briefe; bringing; bristow; briton; broad; broken; brother; buona; burning; burthen; busse; cables; cabot; calme; canada; cancer; canoas; cape; capitulo; captaine; captiue; card; care; caried; cary; cataia; cattell; cause; celebrated; certaine; chance; channell; chapter; charge; charles; che; chiefe; children; china; christian; christopher; circumstance; citie; ciuill; cleare; cliffes; climate; clime; clocke; close; cloth; clothes; coast; coastes; cod; cold; colon; colour; columbus; comfort; commandement; commeth; comming; commission; committed; commodious; commodities; common; companie; company; compasse; conclusion; conference; coniecture; consent; consideration; contented; continent; continuall; continuance; continued; contrary; conuenient; copper; councell; countenance; countesse; countrey; countrey people; countreymen; countries; course; court; courtesie; cox; creatures; credite; crosse; crowne; cruell; cum; current; cut; danger; dangerous; darke; darknesse; dartes; dartmouth; dauis; day; dayes; dayly; dead; death; defence; degrees; del; delectable; delight; deliuer; depart; departure; deputies; description; desire; desirous; desolation; desperate; destitute; determined; deuise; direction; discerne; discouered; discourse; discovery; dispersed; distance; distant; distressed; diuers; diuided; diuine; doe; dogs; dominions; doth; double; doubt; doubted; doubtfull; downe; drawen; drift; drinke; driuen; driuing; dwell; earth; easie; east; easterly; easterne; ebbe; edition; edward; effect; eleuation; eleuenth; elizabeth; els; encounter; end; ende; enemies; england; england haue; english; englishmen; enioy; ensigne; ensue; enterprise; entrance; entred; entring; eorum; equinoctiall; estotiland; etiam; euen; euening; euery; euery man; europe; exact; example; exceeding; excellent; expedition; experience; extreme; extremitie; eyes; eyther; face; fadome; fall; falleth; falling; fame; famous; farre; fashion; fast; father; fathome; fauour; feet; fellowes; fenton; fetch; fiftie; finding; fine; fire; firme land; fish; fishermen; fishes; fishing; fit; fiue; fled; fleete; fleeting; flood; florida; fogge; followeth; following; foorth; foote; force; foreland; foresaid; fortie; fortune; forward; foules; foure; foxes; foy; fraight; france; francis; free; french; frenchmen; frequented; fresh; fret; friendly; friends; friendship; frier; frigat; frisius; frisland; frobisher; frost; frozen; fruitfull; furniture; gabriel; gale; gaue; gemma; generall; gentlemen; george; germanie; gilbert; giue; glaciale; glad; glasses; god; gods; goe; goeth; going; gold; golden; goldfiners; good; goodly; goodnesse; gouernment; grace; grand; grasse; graunt; great; great abundance; great danger; great hope; great island; great number; great sea; great ship; great store; greater; greatest; greene; greenland; gronland; ground; growe; gulfe; gunner; habitable; habitation; hakluyt; halfe; hand; harborough; harborow; harbour; hard; haste; hath; haue; haue bene; hauens; hauing; hazard; head; hearing; heat; heauen; hedland; hee; height; heires; helpe; henry; high; higher; highest; hill; hilles; himselfe; hind; history; hitherto; hoc; hold; home; homeward; honest; honourable; hope; horizon; hote; houres; house; howbeit; huge; hull; humfrey; hundreth; hurt; iackmans; iapan; ice; ignorant; ilands; incognita; increased; incredible; indeede; india; indians; indies; indifferent; infinite; inhabitants; inhabite; inhabiting; instant; intended; intent; iohn; iourney; ioyne; ipswich; ireland; island; isles; item; iudge; iudgement; iudith; iuly; iune; john; keepe; keeping; kind; king; knees; knewe; knife; kniues; knowen; knowing; knowledge; labour; labrador; laden; land; landes; landing; language; large; late; latine; latitude; lawes; layd; lead; leagues; learned; leaue; left; length; lesse; let; letters; lib; libertie; licence; lie; lieutenant; life; like; likelihood; likely; line; little; liues; liuing; london; long; long time; longer; longitude; looke; looking; lord; lost; lyeth; lying; madoc; magellan; maiestie; maine; maintaine; maketh; making; man; maner; manned; mans; mappes; marchandise; marchants; mare; marginal; mariners; marochus; martin; master; matters; meanes; meaning; measure; meat; mee; meete; meeting; men; men haue; mens; mention; mercy; meridian; meta; mexico; michael; middle; midnight; mightie; mighty; mihi; miles; mind; minded; miners; minister; minutes; miserable; mistaken; mists; moderate; moment; moneth; money; monstrous; moone; mooneshine; moreouer; morning; moscouia; motion; mountaines; multitude; n.e; n.n.e; names; narrow; nation; natiue; naturall; nature; nauigable; nauigation; necessaries; necessary; necessitie; needfull; needs; neere; neerenesse; neighbours; neuer; neuerthelesse; new; newes; newfound; newfound land; newfoundland; nicholas; nicolo; night; ninth; nobis; noble; noise; non; north; northeast; northerly; northerne; northward; northwest; northwest passage; norway; nostris; nostro; notable; notes; notice; noua; number; oares; obiection; obserue; occasion; ocean; october; offer; olde; omnibus; onely; open; opinion; opportunitie; order; ordinance; original; orkney; ortelius; ouer; ouerboord; ourselues; outragious; parallel; particular; partie; parts; passage; passe; past; patents; people; perceiued; perceiuing; perfect; perill; perpendicular; persons; piece; pilot; pinnesse; place; plaine; planting; plato; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; plentie; point; pole; policie; poore; populous; port; portugals; possesse; possession; possible; power; pray; preparation; prepared; presence; present; pretended; prince; principall; priuate; priuie; proceede; proceeding; profitable; promise; prooue; proper; proportion; prosperous; protection; prouidence; prouinces; prouision; purpose; quam; quantitie; queenes; question; quibus; quod; quàm; quæ; quòd; raleigh; rare; raw; readie; readinesse; ready; realme; reason; reasonable; receiue; reckoning; recouer; regard; regions; relation; reliefe; religion; remaine; remembrance; remote; report; respect; rest; returne; richard; riches; riuer; robert; rockes; rode; roome; ropes; rowing; runneth; running; s.e; s.s.e; s.w; safe; safetie; said; saile; sailers; saint; saith; salt; sanderson; satisfied; sauages; saue; sawe; sayd; sayles; sayling; scant; scarce; scotland; sea; seale; search; searching; seas; sebastian; second; secrets; seene; september; seruant; serue; seruice; seruing; set; setteth; setting; seuenth; seuerall; shal; shalbe; sharpe; shee; shew; shewed; ship; shippes; shipping; shipwracke; shore; shorter; shot; shut; sic; sicke; sidenote; sides; signes; siluer; simple; sir; situation; siue; sixe; sixt; sixteene; sixtie; skill; skinnes; skins; slings; small; snow; sonnes; sort; sortes; souldiers; sound; sounding; south; south sea; southeast; southerly; southward; southwest; soyle; space; spaine; spaniards; spanish; speake; speciall; sphere; spring; standing; state; stature; stay; stones; storme; straights; strange; strangers; streight; streites; strike; strong; sua; subiect; successe; successours; sudden; sufficient; summer; sundry; sunne; sunneshine; sunt; suo; supply; supposed; suspect; swallow; sweete; swift; tamen; temperate; tempest; tenne; tents; terra; territories; theirs; themselues; thereabouts; thereof; thereunto; therewith; things; thinke; thinking; thirtie; thomas; thorow; thought; thursday; tibi; tide; timber; time; time haue; togither; token; tongue; toppe; tops; torrida; touching; towardes; toyes; tract; trade; traffique; trauaile; trauell; trauellers; treatise; trees; trending; triall; trifles; troubled; true; true course; trust; tunnes; twelue; twentieth; twice; valiant; variable; variation; venetian; venice; vertue; vessels; viceadmirall; victuals; view; violent; vnder; vnderstand; vnknowen; vnlike; vntill; vnto; vol; volume; voyage; vpon; vse; vsed; w.n.w; want; warme; warres; warwicks; watch; water; way; weake; wealth; weapons; weather; wee; wee haue; west; westerly; westerne; westnorthwest; westward; whales; whatsoeuer; whereon; whilest; white; willed; william; willing; winde; winter; wise; wished; withall; witnesse; wolues; woman; wonderfull; wood; words; worke; world; worshipfull; worthy; writers; writing; yce; yea; yeeld; yeeldeth; yeerely; yeeres; yere; yong; yron; zenith; zeno; zichmni; zona; zone; zur cache: 13605.txt plain text: 13605.txt item: #5 of 35 id: 14291 author: Jacobs, Joseph title: The Story of Geographical Discovery: How the World Became Known date: None words: 48659 flesch: 69 summary: Where he does not know he imagines, and some of his imaginings have had a most important influence upon the progress of geographical knowledge. But to record geographical knowledge, the first thing that is necessary is a map, and accordingly it is a Greek philosopher named ANAXIMANDER of Miletus, of the sixth century B.C., to whom we owe the invention of map-drawing. keywords: a.d; abyssinia; account; accurate; africa; ages; alexander; alexandria; america; amerigo; ancient; arabia; arabs; arctic; asia; atlantic; atlas; attempt; attention; australia; authorities; b.c; banks; bay; beginning; behring; brazil; britain; british; brother; cabral; cape; capital; captain; case; cathay; central; centre; centuries; century; certain; ceylon; chapter; chief; china; christian; city; civilisation; civilised; claims; coast; coasted; coasting; colonies; columbus; common; communication; companions; company; compass; conception; congo; conquest; continent; cook; cortes; countries; country; course; court; crosses; curious; dark; date; day; days; death; del; demarcation; determined; different; direction; discovered; distance; dutch; earlier; earliest; early; earth; east; east coast; eastern; eastward; egypt; emperor; empire; end; england; english; eratosthenes; europe; european; existence; expedition; exploration; explorers; extended; extent; extreme; fact; far; farther; fixed; fleet; following; france; franklin; french; gama; general; geographers; geographical; geographical knowledge; geography; germany; globe; gold; good; great; greatest; greece; greek; greenland; guinea; gulf; habitable; hands; henry; herodotus; history; hitherto; holland; hudson; huge; ibn; idea; illustration; important; india; indies; influence; information; inhabitants; inhabited; interest; interior; islands; italian; italy; japan; john; joined; journey; juan; khan; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; lake; land; large; later; latitude; left; like; line; little; livingstone; long; longitude; lost; magelhaens; magellan; main; map; maps; marco; means; mediterranean; mediæval; men; merchants; messrs; method; mexico; middle; miles; mississippi; modern; moluccas; monopoly; mountains; names; nansen; nations; natives; natural; near; necessary; neighbourhood; new; new world; news; niger; nile; nordenskiold; north; north america; northern; number; nyanza; ocean; old; order; pacific; partition; parts; passage; pedro; people; period; permission; persia; pizarro; place; point; polar; pole; polo; portugal; portuguese; position; possession; power; practical; prepared; present; prince; problem; process; ptolemy; purposes; record; regions; relative; remarkable; result; return; river; roads; roman; rome; ross; rough; round; route; rule; russian; sails; science; scientific; sea; search; seas; sebastian; second; september; set; ships; shores; siberia; sicily; similar; sir; smith; soudan; sources; south; southern; spain; spanish; speke; spice; spread; stadia; stanley; states; strait; successful; successive; sun; surveys; tasman; thought; timbuctoo; time; toscanelli; towns; traces; trade; travellers; travels; tribes; united; unknown; use; valley; vasco; vast; venetian; venice; vessels; victoria; views; visit; voyage; way; west; western; westward; william; winter; work; world; years cache: 14291.txt plain text: 14291.txt item: #6 of 35 id: 18038 author: Lamprey, Louise title: Days of the Discoverers date: None words: 84921 flesch: 80 summary: He wore the broad girdle and square cloak of cotton cloth which other men wore, but of the finest weave. The perils and strange chances which an adventurous man encountered in such times often seem almost incredible in a more peaceful age, but there is really no more reason to doubt them than to discredit authentic accounts of men like Daniel Boone, Francis Drake, or other men of similar disposition. keywords: "--_page; able; account; admiral; adventure; aguilar; air; allies; america; anders; animals; answer; armadas; armed; armor; arms; army; arrows; asgard; ask; atlantic; attack; aztec; balboa; banks; bark; barlowe; basket; bay; beach; beads; bear; beatriz; beautiful; bent; berries; best; better; big; birds; bishop; bjarni; black; blood; blue; board; boat; body; book; bow; bows; boy; bread; breton; bright; brilliant; bristol; brother; brown; cabeça; cabin; cabot; cacique; camp; cannon; canoes; caonaba; cape; capital; captain; captives; caravels; care; cargo; carrying; cartier; case; castile; cattle; certain; chain; champlain; chance; channel; chief; children; christian; church; city; clear; cloak; closed; cloth; coast; cod; cold; colonists; colony; color; colored; columbus; colón; commander; common; company; corn; cortes; cosa; cotton; country; course; court; crew; cristofero; cross; curious; cut; dance; darien; daring; dark; darkness; daughter; day; days; dead; death; deep; different; direction; discovery; dog; door; doughty; dozen; drake; drink; dutch; earth; east; edge; elizabeth; elle; emperor; empire; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; escape; europe; expedition; experience; eyes; face; fact; fairy; faith; familiar; far; fashion; father; fear; fernao; fierce; fighting; figure; finding; fine; fire; fish; fishing; flagship; fleet; flowers; foe; folk; followers; following; fonseca; food; foot; force; forest; form; fort; france; francis; free; french; fresh; friend; friendly; fruits; fur; furs; future; game; garden; general; genoese; gentlemen; gifts; glad; glory; god; gods; gold; golden; good; gourgues; governor; grain; grand; grass; grave; gray; great; greenland; group; guard; guns; hair; half; hand; harbor; hard; head; heart; heathen; heavy; help; helêne; henry; herbs; high; hill; hispaniola; history; hold; home; honor; hope; horses; hot; house; hudson; huge; hunters; hunting; illustration; indians; indies; information; inscription; interpreters; iron; island; italian; jacqueline; john; journey; juan; keen; kind; king; kingdom; klooskap; known; knutson; lad; lake; land; landing; language; large; late; latin; laudonnière; leader; leagues; leave; left; leif; lescarbot; letters; life; like; likely; line; little; live; living; locked; london; long; look; lord; maclou; making; man; map; march; master; means; medicine; men; menendez; merchant; mexico; middle; mighty; miles; military; mind; moment; money; months; moon; morning; moteczuma; mother; mountains; names; narrow; natives; nature; near; neck; need; new; news; night; nikolina; nils; north; northern; norumbega; norway; nose; notes; ocean; officers; ojeda; old; old man; ones; open; order; outside; party; past; pearls; pedro; people; philip; pieces; pierre; pig; pilot; pizarro; place; plan; play; plenty; plymouth; pointed; portuguese; position; possible; poutrincourt; power; prince; private; province; provisions; queen; question; quick; race; ralegh; ready; real; reason; red; region; religion; report; respect; return; ribault; rich; river; road; rock; room; roots; rose; rough; round; route; royal; run; saavedra; saeter; said; sail; sailing; sailors; saint; salt; san; sancho; savages; saw; saying; scarlet; scurvy; sea; seas; sebastian; second; secret; september; service; set; settlement; seville; shaped; shell; ship; shore; shoulders; sick; silence; silent; silver; single; sir; skin; skroelings; sky; slave; sleep; small; smile; smith; snow; soft; soil; soldiers; sort; south; southern; southward; sovereigns; spain; spaniards; spanish; speech; spring; stars; stone; stories; story; straight; strait; strange; strangers; strong; summer; sun; sunset; supplies; sure; sword; tale; talk; tall; taxmar; tell; telling; terrible; territory; terror; thee; thick; thing; thorolf; thought; thunder; timber; time; tiny; tom; town; trade; trading; treasure; trees; tribes; troops; trouble; true; trust; unknown; vaca; vast; venice; verrazzano; vespucci; viking; village; vines; vinland; voice; voyage; wait; walls; war; warriors; watching; water; waves; way; ways; wealth; weapons; week; welcome; west; western; westward; white; white men; wide; wife; wild; wild men; wilderness; wind; winter; wise; wish; women; wonder; wooden; woods; work; world; years; young cache: 18038.txt plain text: 18038.txt item: #7 of 35 id: 18757 author: Beazley, C. Raymond (Charles Raymond) title: Prince Henry the Navigator, the Hero of Portugal and of Modern Discovery, 1394-1460 A.D. With an Account of Geographical Progress Throughout the Middle Ages As the Preparation for His Work. date: None words: 95386 flesch: 64 summary: Sailing hence a thousand miles to the west, adds Marco, is Ceylon, the finest island in the world, 2400 miles in circuit, and once 3600, as is seen in old maps, but the north winds have made great part of it sea. Commanding a caravel manned in great part from the Prince's household, he went out straight to Cape Blanco, the white headland, which he had been the first to reach in 1441. keywords: a.d; able; account; action; activity; actual; advance; affonso; africa; ages; alexander; alfred; america; ancient; antam; arabic; arabs; arculf; arguin; arim; armada; armed; arms; army; arrows; asia; atlantic; attack; attempt; august; aviz; azores; azurara; bagdad; bank; batalha; battle; bay; beginning; best; better; bishop; black; blanco; board; boat; body; bojador; book; breadth; broken; brother; béthencourt; cabral; cadamosto; caliphate; canaries; canoes; cape; capital; captains; captives; capture; caravel; case; caspian; castille; catalan; catholic; central; centre; centuries; century; certain; ceuta; chapter; charge; chart; chief; children; china; christendom; christian; chronicle; church; cintra; city; civilisation; clear; close; coast; coasting; coimbra; college; colonies; colonisation; columbus; coming; command; commerce; commercial; common; conquered; conquerors; conquest; continent; conversion; cosmas; countries; country; course; court; covered; crew; crusades; crusading; cut; d'ouro; danger; daniel; daring; dark; david; days; dead; death; definite; desert; determined; development; diaz; diego; different; diniz; direct; discoveries; discovery; distance; don; don henry; duke; earlier; earliest; early; earth; east; eastern; edrisi; edward; egypt; eighth; eleventh; empire; enemies; energy; england; english; enterprise; equal; eric; europe; european; example; exchange; expansion; exploration; explorers; exploring; extension; extreme; face; fact; fair; faith; fall; family; famous; fancy; far; farthest; father; fear; fellow; ferdinand; fernandez; field; fifteenth; finding; fiord; fire; fleet; followers; footnote; force; form; fourteenth; france; french; fresh; friar; friends; gain; gama; gambra; general; genoese; geographers; geographical; geography; gibraltar; globe; god; gold; gomez; gonsalvez; good; government; grand; great; greater; greatest; greek; greenland; group; guide; guinea; gulf; half; hand; hard; heart; heathen; heaven; help; henry; hereford; hero; high; history; hold; holy; home; hope; horses; house; household; ibn; iceland; idea; iii; illustration; important; india; infant; instruments; intercourse; interest; islam; islands; italian; italy; jerusalem; john; jordan; journey; khan; kiev; kind; king; king john; kingdom; knight; knowledge; known; kublai; lagos; lake; land; landing; lançarote; large; latin; leader; leagues; learned; leave; left; legends; leif; length; life; like; limits; line; lisbon; list; little; living; long; look; lord; m.a; madeira; main; making; malabar; man; map; mappe; maps; mariners; massoudy; master; mauro; means; mediterranean; mediæval; men; merchandise; merchants; middle; miles; mind; modern; months; moon; moorish; moors; morning; morocco; moslem; mother; mountains; movement; mus; names; narrow; national; nations; natives; natural; nature; navigator; near; nearer; negroes; nephew; new; news; nile; nobles; norse; norsemen; north; northern; northmen; norway; novgorod; number; nuno; ocean; open; order; ordinary; original; outside; oxford; palestine; parts; passing; past; pedro; people; persian; pilgrimage; pilgrims; place; plans; point; political; polo; pope; portolano; portugal; portuguese; position; possible; power; practical; preparation; present; prester; prince; prince henry; prisoners; profit; progress; ptolemy; purpose; queen; question; race; reach; ready; real; reason; red; regent; reign; religion; religious; results; return; reward; right; rio; river; roger; roman; rome; round; route; royal; russia; sacred; sagres; said; sailing; sailors; salt; santo; saracens; savages; school; science; scientific; sea; seamen; search; seas; second; senegal; sense; service; set; settlement; seventh; shape; ships; shore; sides; sighted; signs; slaves; small; society; son; sons; sort; souls; south; southern; spain; spanish; special; spirit; stand; start; starting; state; stay; stories; story; strabo; straight; straits; stream; strength; strong; struggle; subject; success; sun; syria; tangier; tartars; tells; tenth; theory; things; thirteenth; thorfinn; thought; time; town; trade; traders; tradition; traffic; travellers; travels; trees; tristam; trouble; true; truth; twelfth; type; unknown; vast; venetian; venice; venture; verde; view; vikings; vincent; vinland; visits; voyage; wall; war; water; way; west; western; white; wife; wild; wind; wish; women; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; years; zarco cache: 18757.txt plain text: 18757.txt item: #8 of 35 id: 19765 author: Laut, Agnes C. title: Vikings of the Pacific The Adventures of the Explorers who Came from the West, Eastward date: None words: 91640 flesch: 74 summary: He had been a dreamer from the time he was born in Groton, opposite New London, Connecticut--the kind of a dreamer whose moonshine lights the path of other men to success; but his wildest dreams never dared the bigness of an empire many times greater than the original states of the Union. Friends thought he should be well satisfied when he was sent to live with his grandfather at Hartford and apprenticed to the law; but John Ledyard hated the pettifogging of the law, hated roofed-over, walled-in life, wanted the kind of life where men do things, not just dicker, and philosophize, and compromise over the fag-ends of things other men have done. keywords: account; adventures; air; albion; aleut; aleutian; america; americans; anchor; anchored; approach; april; archangel; arctic; armed; arms; asia; astor; atlantic; attack; august; authorities; avacha; baranof; bare; barracks; bay; beach; beaver; beds; benyowsky; bering; best; better; big; billings; birds; black; blood; blow; board; boat; body; book; boston; boy; brass; breakers; brigades; british; broken; broughton; brown; bulfinch; california; canal; cannon; canoes; cape; capital; captain; caravans; cargo; casks; castaways; cause; centre; certain; chain; chance; chapter; chief; children; china; chinese; chirikoff; clark; clear; clerke; close; clouds; coast; coasting; cold; columbia; coming; commander; common; companies; company; conclusions; conduct; continent; cook; cossacks; council; country; courage; course; craft; crash; crew; criminals; cross; crossing; cruise; cut; czar; dane; danger; dark; darkness; data; daughter; davidson; day; days; dead; death; december; decks; deep; degrees; different; difficulties; discoveries; discovery; distance; dollars; don; door; doughty; douglas; dozen; drake; driftwood; drusenin; dying; early; earth; east; eastward; elizabeth; end; england; english; englishman; entire; entrance; escape; europe; exiles; expedition; exploration; explorers; eyes; face; fact; fall; famous; far; farther; fear; february; feet; fell; fields; find; fire; firearms; fish; fog; food; foot; force; foreign; forests; fort; fortune; forward; france; francis; francisco; free; french; fresh; friends; fuca; fur; furs; gale; gamaland; game; general; george; glass; glory; god; gold; golden; good; government; governor; gray; great; green; grounds; guard; guns; half; hand; harbor; haswell; hawkins; head; headed; heaven; heavy; heels; help; hero; hidden; high; hills; hind; history; hold; home; honor; hope; horn; horses; hostages; hostiles; hours; house; hudson; human; hunters; hunting; hurricane; huts; illustration; impossible; indians; inlet; inside; instructions; iron; island; islanders; ismyloff; japan; jefferson; john; joseph; juan; july; june; kadiak; kamchatka; keel; kelp; kendrick; kind; king; known; kolosh; korovin; lady; landing; large; latitude; law; lead; ledyard; letters; lewis; lieutenant; life; like; line; little; lives; living; log; london; long; longer; lookout; lost; mad; magellan; main; mainland; man; map; maps; march; marines; massacre; master; masts; mate; means; meares; medvedeff; men; merchants; mexico; mid; miles; mist; modern; money; months; morning; mountains; muskets; natives; navigators; navy; near; neck; needed; new; new spain; news; night; nootka; north; north pacific; north sea; northeast; northern; northward; northwest; november; ocean; october; officers; offing; okhotsk; old; oomnak; oonalaska; open; opening; orders; otter; outside; overland; pacific; pacific coast; paddle; palisades; panama; passage; past; paul; peninsula; people; peter; petersburg; pieces; pilot; pirate; place; plans; plunderers; point; pole; polish; poor; port; possession; pounds; power; prayers; present; prince; prisoners; provisions; puget; pushkareff; quadra; quarters; queen; quick; race; rafts; rain; ready; record; reefs; refuge; region; resolution; rest; return; reward; rigging; rip; risk; rival; river; roaring; robert; rocks; rolling; room; round; royal; run; russian; russian fur; sailing; sailors; sails; sand; sandwich; savages; saw; scene; scientist; scurvy; sea; seal; seas; second; september; service; set; shelikoff; ship; shore; shot; siberia; sides; silver; single; sitka; skin; sloop; small; snow; society; soldiers; south; southern; southward; spain; spanberg; spaniards; spanish; spears; spirit; spring; states; steller; storm; straight; straits; strange; strong; success; summer; sunday; supplies; surf; sword; taking; teeth; terrible; thing; thought; thousands; thrown; tide; time; tons; traders; trading; trail; treasure; trees; tribute; true; turn; united; unknown; vancouver; vessel; village; visit; voyage; walls; walrus; warriors; washington; water; waves; waxel; way; wealth; weather; week; welcome; west; west coast; westward; whale; white; white men; wild; william; wind; winter; women; woods; work; world; wounded; yakutsk; years; york; young cache: 19765.txt plain text: 19765.txt item: #9 of 35 id: 21733 author: Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael) title: The Giant of the North: Pokings Round the Pole date: None words: 96195 flesch: 79 summary: My boat is on the shore,-- Said Benjy, quoting Byron, as he shook old Makitok by the hand-- And my kite is in the sky, But before I go, of more, I will--bid you--all--good-b-- Benjy broke down at this point. When Captain Vane called his son Benjamin, he was seriously displeased. keywords: able; action; advance; afraid; air; akeetolik; alf; alive; amalatok; ancient; anders; anxiety; anxious; appearance; arctic; arm; arms; attack; attention; bad; band; basin; bay; bear; benjy; berg; best; better; big; birds; bit; blackbeard; blood; blow; blubber; blue; board; boat; body; book; boots; bow; box; boy; boys; brain; brave; breeze; broken; brother; bundle; burst; busy; butterface; calm; cape; captain; captain vane; care; case; cast; caution; centre; change; chapter; check; chief; children; chingatok; circumstances; civilised; clear; cliffs; close; clouds; cold; companions; company; condition; considerable; conversation; council; countenance; country; course; creature; crew; cross; current; cut; d'ye; danger; dark; dat; day; days; dead; deep; degrees; delight; despair; difficulty; direction; distance; distant; dogs; doubt; drawing; dry; eager; earth; easy; eemerk; effect; efforts; end; enemies; enemy; energy; england; englishmen; escape; eskimos; evening; expedition; experience; explorers; expression; eyes; faces; fact; fair; fall; family; far; fast; father; fear; feelings; feet; fellow; fire; fish; flatland; followers; fond; foot; force; form; frame; free; fresh; friends; fun; furious; gale; giant; girl; giving; god; good; goose; grabantak; grand; great; greenland; gun; half; hand; hard; head; heart; help; high; hitherto; hold; home; hope; horizon; hot; hour; huge; hunt; hut; huts; ice; idea; india; intense; interest; interpreter; island; isle; journey; joy; kablunets; kayaks; kind; kite; knees; knowledge; known; koyatuk; lad; lamp; land; large; latitude; laugh; laughter; left; length; leo; level; life; like; line; lips; little; long; look; looking; lost; low; machine; mad; makitok; man; manner; massa; masses; matter; mean; meat; men; mere; middle; mighty; miles; mind; minutes; moment; morning; mother; muttered; mysterious; mystery; natives; nature; near; neck; need; negro; new; news; north; northern; northward; nose; note; oars; object; oblooria; occasion; ocean; old; oolichuk; oomiaks; open; opinion; order; pack; paddle; party; past; paused; peculiar; people; piece; place; plain; plans; pleased; plenty; point; pointing; polar; pole; poloeland; poor; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; prepared; present; profound; prolonged; pull; purpose; question; quiet; rate; reach; reader; ready; reeds; regard; regions; reply; rest; result; return; rifle; right; rock; round; rubber; rugged; said; sail; savage; scene; sea; seal; sealskin; search; second; self; set; sharp; short; shoulder; sigh; silence; silent; size; sky; sledge; sleep; slow; small; smile; smoke; snow; solemn; solemnity; solid; son; south; speaking; spear; speed; spirit; spot; sprang; state; steady; steam; stern; stop; storm; stout; strange; strong; subject; success; sudden; summer; sun; supper; sure; surface; surprise; tail; talk; teeth; tekkona; terrible; teyma; thick; things; thought; thrust; time; timid; tone; tongue; toolooha; travel; tremendous; tribe; trouble; true; truth; turning; uncle; unknown; use; usual; valley; vandervell; vane; vessel; view; visage; visit; voice; voyage; walrus; walruses; want; war; warm; warriors; water; way; weather; west; whale; white; wife; wild; wind; wings; winter; wise; wish; women; wonder; wonderful; words; work; world; worse; yacht; yards; years; yell; young cache: 21733.txt plain text: 21733.txt item: #10 of 35 id: 22116 author: Shaw, Edward R. (Edward Richard) title: Discoverers and Explorers date: None words: 20279 flesch: 80 summary: So he established a school for navigators at Lisbon, and gathered around him many men who wanted to study about the sea. In a few minutes he reappeared, bringing other Indians with him. keywords: amazon; america; asia; attack; aztecs; balboa; bay; beautiful; bold; boy; brave; cabot; cape; china; cities; city; coast; columbus; continent; cortes; countries; country; course; crew; days; different; drake; earth; east; eastern; england; equator; expedition; far; fear; ferdinand; fleet; florida; food; friendly; gods; gold; good; great; henry; high; home; hope; horses; hudson; idea; illustration; inca; indians; island; john; journey; king; land; large; length; leon; little; long; magellan; man; marco; men; miles; montezuma; mountains; natives; near; new; north; northward; northwest; ocean; orellana; ornaments; pacific; passage; people; pinzon; pizarro; place; polo; portugal; possession; queen; return; rich; river; round; route; sailing; sailors; sea; search; sebastian; ships; shore; sight; silver; small; soto; south; spain; spaniards; spanish; storm; strait; strange; study; thought; time; trade; venice; verrazzano; vespucci; vessels; voyage; water; way; wonderful; world; years; young cache: 22116.txt plain text: 22116.txt item: #11 of 35 id: 23107 author: Synge, M. B. (Margaret Bertha) title: A Book of Discovery The History of the World's Exploration, From the Earliest Times to the Finding of the South Pole date: None words: 149631 flesch: 78 summary: For hundreds of miles they tramped with their precious burden, till they reached the sea and could give it safely to his fellow-countrymen, who conveyed it to England to be laid with other great men in Westminster Abbey. The harbour of Calicut was full of great Chinese ships called junks. keywords: 14th; 1st; 20th; 3rd; a.d; able; absence; account; admiral; advanced; adventures; africa; air; alexander; alexandria; america; amundsen; anchor; ancient; animals; antarctic; anxious; appearance; april; arab; arctic; arms; army; arrival; asia; atlantic; attempt; august; australia; away; b.c; baffin; bagdad; baker; balboa; banks; barents; barren; barrier; bay; bear; beasts; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; behring; best; better; birds; black; blue; board; boat; body; book; boundless; boy; brandon; bright; brilliant; britain; british; broad; broken; brother; bruce; building; burke; burst; burton; busy; cabot; caesar; calicut; camels; camp; canada; canoes; cape; capital; captain; caravan; cartier; caspian; cathay; central; centre; centuries; century; certain; ceylon; champlain; chancellor; channel; chapter; chart; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; christmas; christopher; cities; city; civilisation; clapperton; clear; climate; close; clothes; clouds; coast; cold; colony; colour; coloured; columbia; columbus; coming; command; commander; companions; company; complete; congo; conquest; constantinople; continent; continued; cook; corn; cortes; cosmas; countries; country; courage; course; court; crew; crossing; crowded; current; dampier; dangerous; dark; darkness; davis; day; days; dead; death; december; deep; deer; degrees; denham; dense; desert; desolate; destruction; determined; diaz; diego; diemen; different; difficult; difficulties; direction; discoveries; discovery; distance; distant; dogs; drake; drawing; dreary; dressed; dutch; early; earth; east; eastern; eastward; egypt; egyptian; elephants; emperor; empire; end; england; english; englishman; enterprise; enthusiasm; eskimos; euphrates; european; expedition; exploration; explorer; extent; extreme; eyes; face; fact; faithful; falls; fame; family; famous; far; farther; farthest; fast; fear; february; feet; fell; felt; fever; fierce; finding; fine; fire; fish; flag; flat; flinders; fog; following; food; foot; forest; form; fort; fram; france; franklin; free; french; fresh; friar; friendly; friends; frobisher; frozen; fury; gale; gama; gaul; general; geographical; geography; george; giving; glad; goal; god; gold; golden; good; governor; grant; grass; great; great new; great river; great sea; greater; greatest; greeks; greenland; group; guide; guinea; gulf; hair; half; hands; hanno; harbour; hard; hardships; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavy; height; help; henry; hercules; hereford; herodotus; hidden; high; hills; history; hitherto; hold; holland; holy; home; honour; hope; horses; hot; hours; house; hudson; huge; human; hunger; hut; huts; ibn; ice; icy; idea; illustration; immense; important; india; indians; indies; information; inhabitants; inhabited; inlet; intense; interesting; interior; ireland; isabella; island; isle; james; january; japan; java; jerusalem; john; journal; journey; joy; juan; july; june; kamtchatka; khan; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; kublai; labrador; laden; lady; lake; lancaster; land; lander; landing; large; latitude; lawrence; lay; leave; left; length; level; lhasa; library; lies; life; like; line; little; livingstone; lofty; london; long; longer; looking; lord; lost; low; mackenzie; magellan; magnetic; magnificent; main; mainland; majesty; making; man; map; maps; march; mariners; martin; master; mauro; mcclintock; means; meat; mediaeval; mediterranean; men; merchants; mexico; middle; midst; mighty; miles; mind; modern; mohammedan; moment; months; moon; morning; mountains; mungo; murray; museum; mysterious; mystery; nansen; narrow; nations; natives; navigation; navigators; near; necessary; negroes; neighbourhood; neighbouring; new; new land; new world; newfoundland; news; niger; night; nile; nordenskiold; north; north sea; northern; nova; november; number; nyanza; nyassa; oars; object; ocean; october; officers; oil; old; open; opening; opposite; order; original; pacific; painting; panama; paris; park; party; passage; past; peary; people; perilous; persia; peru; phoenicians; picture; pieces; pillars; pilot; pizarro; place; plains; pleasant; pliny; point; polar; pole; polo; poor; portugal; portuguese; possession; possible; pounds; precious; present; prince; progress; province; provisions; ptolemy; punt; pytheas; quantity; quarters; quebec; queen; rain; raleigh; rapids; reach; ready; reason; record; red; regions; reindeer; return; rhine; rich; richard; riches; river; roads; rock; rode; roman; rome; ross; rough; round; route; royal; ruler; run; russia; sacred; safe; safety; said; sail; sailing; sailors; salt; sand; savages; save; saw; scene; scotland; scott; scurvy; sea; search; seas; second; secret; september; service; set; setting; shackleton; shape; ships; shores; short; sick; sides; sighted; signs; silent; silk; silver; sindbad; single; sir; size; sketch; skins; sky; sledges; small; snow; society; soldiers; source; south; southern; spain; spaniards; spanish; speke; spice; spirit; spitzbergen; spot; spread; spring; stanley; start; starting; state; stay; steep; stones; stories; storms; story; strabo; straight; strait; strange; strangers; stream; strength; strong; success; successful; suffering; summer; sun; sweet; sydney; syria; tanganyika; tartary; task; tasman; tent; terrible; terror; thick; things; thought; thule; thy; tibet; tide; timbuktu; time; tons; town; trade; traders; travellers; travelling; travels; treasure; trees; tribes; true; uganda; unknown; usual; valley; vancouver; vasco; vast; vega; venice; vessel; victoria; victory; view; village; violent; voyage; warm; waste; water; waves; way; wealth; weather; weeks; welcome; west; west coast; western; westward; whales; white; wide; wife; wild; william; wind; winter; women; wonderful; wood; woodcut; words; work; world; worn; wreck; years; yellow; york; young; zambesi; zanzibar; zealand; zembla cache: 23107.txt plain text: 23107.txt item: #12 of 35 id: 23643 author: Hewlett, Maurice title: Gudrid the Fair A Tale of the Discovery of America date: None words: 47080 flesch: 94 summary: You are good men all, he said, and yet I will tell you that I would rather have missed any two of you than Dirk. He knew that he was ruined and could not bear that other men should know it also. keywords: able; afraid; answer; arms; bed; best; better; biorn; black; blue; boat; brattalithe; broad; business; child; christian; close; cold; company; country; course; crew; dark; daughter; days; dead; deal; death; dirk; door; einar; end; eric; ericsfrith; erne; eyes; face; fair; fate; father; fear; feast; fell; fine; fire; fog; freydis; friends; frith; girl; god; going; good; great; greenland; gudrid; hair; half; halldis; hand; happy; hard; harm; harvest; head; heart; heavy; helgi; help; heriolf; high; home; hope; host; hot; house; husband; iceland; island; karlsefne; kind; king; lake; land; lay; leave; leif; life; like; little; long; look; love; low; man; marriage; married; matter; means; men; mind; morning; mother; near; need; new; news; night; old; open; orme; people; pillar; place; plenty; priest; ready; red; rest; river; rock; round; sea; set; settlement; ship; short; sickness; sigrun; sleep; snow; son; sons; south; spring; stay; stock; strong; summer; sun; sure; sweet; tale; talk; tell; thee; theodhild; thing; thinking; thorbeorn; thorberg; thore; thorhall; thorstan; thorwald; thought; time; trees; trouble; true; voice; voyage; water; way; ways; weather; west; white; wife; wild; wind; wineland; winter; wise; woman; work; world; year; young cache: 23643.txt plain text: 23643.txt item: #13 of 35 id: 25815 author: Kotzebue, Otto von title: A New Voyage Round the World, in the years 1823, 24, 25, and 26, Vol. 2 date: None words: 66241 flesch: 62 summary: The only _Elater_ belongs to a species (_Agrypnus N._) in which we reckon various specimens found only in the Old World, such as _Elater tomentosus_, _fuscipes_, _senegalensis_, &c.; beetles which have two deep furrows in the lower part of the neck-shield, to receive the feelers, and which go in search of their food at night. When the sea was a little agitated on the Brazilian coast, we frequently saw the large sea-bladder floating on the surface; here we also caught with our net a new species of small _Hyaloea_, and of the fin-footed _ keywords: abundance; account; acquainted; advantage; affairs; agreeable; agriculture; air; aleutian; america; anchor; animals; appearance; approach; archangel; armed; arms; arrival; assistance; attention; banks; bay; bear; beautiful; beetles; bengham; best; birds; black; board; boat; bodies; body; broad; broken; brown; california; canoes; captain; cause; certain; chain; channel; character; chase; chief; children; chinese; christian; church; clara; class; classes; clear; climate; close; clouds; coast; cold; colony; colour; command; common; companions; company; considerable; continued; contrary; convenient; cook; coral; corn; countries; country; countrymen; course; crew; current; daily; danger; dangerous; dark; day; days; dead; death; deep; deer; defence; degrees; description; desire; determined; different; difficulty; direction; distance; distant; distinguished; dogs; dominion; don; dragoons; dressed; dry; earth; east; eastern; effect; emperor; england; english; eschscholtz; estudillo; european; evening; example; extensive; extraordinary; eye; eyes; family; farther; fate; fathoms; favourable; feathers; feet; female; fertile; fields; fine; finest; fire; fish; flat; following; food; force; foreign; forests; form; fortress; francisco; free; frequent; fresh; friendly; frigate; future; gabriel; game; god; gods; good; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; group; guaham; hair; half; hanaruro; hand; harbour; having; head; heavy; height; helena; high; highest; hills; hitherto; hope; horizon; horses; hours; house; inches; indians; influence; inhabitants; insects; instance; intended; intention; interior; islanders; islands; isles; japanese; kahumanna; kalushes; kamtschatka; karemaku; kinds; king; knowledge; known; labour; landing; language; large; latitude; leave; left; legs; length; letter; lie; life; like; line; lip; little; lives; london; long; longer; longitude; love; luxuriant; majesty; making; man; manilla; manner; marini; means; men; mexico; middle; miles; military; mind; minutes; mission; missionaries; mode; monarch; monks; months; morning; mountains; naked; napoleon; narrow; nations; natives; natural; nature; necessary; neighbourhood; new; night; nomahanna; noon; north; northern; number; numerous; oaks; object; observations; occasion; occurrence; ocean; officers; old; open; opportunities; opportunity; order; otter; parts; passage; past; paul; peculiar; people; perfect; period; permission; persons; pescadores; picture; pilot; place; plants; pleasure; point; poor; population; possession; possible; power; powerful; present; presidio; pretty; priests; principal; procession; produce; protection; provisions; purpose; quantity; queen; race; rain; rank; ready; red; region; religion; remarkable; residence; respect; rest; return; rich; river; rocks; rono; ross; round; royal; run; russian; safe; sailors; sandwich; sandwich islands; santa; savages; sea; season; second; set; settlement; sexes; sheep; ship; shore; shot; sides; silk; similar; single; sitka; situation; size; skill; skin; small; snow; soil; soldiers; sort; source; south; southern; spaniards; spanish; species; spectacle; spot; standing; state; stay; stones; storm; strength; striking; strong; subjects; sufficient; summer; sun; superior; supply; surface; tahaiti; tameamea; teeth; thee; thick; thickly; thing; thou; thought; time; town; trade; trees; true; tuai; united; usual; utmost; vain; vancouver; varieties; variety; vessel; vicinity; view; violence; violent; visit; voyage; wahi; wahu; want; war; water; way; weather; west; western; whale; white; wife; wild; wind; winter; wished; women; wood; wooden; work; world; year; yellow; yeris; young cache: 25815.txt plain text: 25815.txt item: #14 of 35 id: 26658 author: Verne, Jules title: Celebrated Travels and Travellers, Part 3. The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century date: None words: 154515 flesch: 64 summary: The _Nadiejeda_ had hardly anchored at the entrance to Nagasaki harbour before Kruzenstern saw several _daïmios_ climb on board, who had come to forbid him to advance further. As far as he could judge, during a very short stay, the inhabitants were more affable and civilized than the people of the same class in many other countries. keywords: 11th; 12th; 15th; 17th; 18th; 19th; 1st; 20th; 21st; 22nd; 24th; 25th; 26th; 27th; 29th; 2nd; 30th; 5th; 6th; 7th; able; absence; abundant; accomplished; account; addition; advanced; advantage; africa; aid; almamy; ambassador; america; anchor; ancient; animals; antarctic; anxious; appearance; approach; april; arabia; arabs; archipelago; arduous; armed; arms; army; arrival; arrows; articles; ascent; asia; aspect; astonishment; astrolabe; attack; attempt; attention; august; authorities; bad; baffin; banks; barren; barrier; bay; bear; bearing; beautiful; beauty; bed; beechey; beginning; bello; berkeley; best; better; birds; biscoe; black; blue; board; boats; body; boo; book; borghoo; bornou; bougainville; boussa; bowditch; boy; branches; british; broken; brothers; buildings; burckhardt; cailliaud; caillié; camels; canoes; cape; capital; captain; caravan; care; caroline; case; cattle; caucasus; celebrated; central; centre; century; certain; chain; change; channel; chapter; character; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; christie; church; circumstances; city; civilization; clapperton; climate; close; cloth; clothes; clothing; coast; cocoa; cold; colony; colour; coloured; command; commander; commerce; commercial; common; companions; company; complete; conception; conclusion; condition; conduct; considerable; constant; content; continent; continued; cook; copper; coquille; coral; cordial; corvette; costume; countries; country; course; court; crew; crossing; crowd; curious; current; customs; cut; d'urville; danger; dangerous; dark; date; days; dead; deal; death; december; decided; deck; deep; degrees; delay; delight; denham; dense; departure; description; desert; deserted; details; determined; devoted; different; difficulties; difficulty; dillon; direction; discoveries; discovery; distance; distinguished; districts; divided; documents; dogs; doubt; dress; dumont; duperrey; dutch; early; earth; east; eastern; easy; effect; efforts; egypt; elphinstone; embassy; empire; end; enemies; england; english; engraving; enthusiasm; entire; entrance; escape; escort; espérance; european; exact; excellent; exchange; excursion; exhausted; existence; expedition; expense; experienced; exploration; explorers; expression; extended; extensive; extent; extraordinary; extreme; eyes; face; fact; faith; faithful; falkland; fall; famous; far; fate; father; fathoms; fatigue; favourable; feathers; february; feet; fellatahs; fellow; fertile; fever; fezzan; fields; finding; fine; fire; fish; flat; following; food; foot; footnote; force; forests; formidable; fort; fortunate; fouta; france; franklin; free; french; frenchmen; frequented; fresh; freycinet; friendly; friends; frigate; fruits; fuego; ganges; gardens; general; geographical; geography; george; gold; good; government; governor; grand; grass; grave; great; greater; greatest; ground; group; guam; guide; guinea; gulf; guns; hair; half; halt; hands; harbour; head; health; heat; heavy; height; help; high; hills; hindustan; history; hitherto; hold; honour; hope; horn; horse; hours; houses; huge; human; hunting; huts; hydrographical; ice; idea; illustration; immense; important; impossible; incident; increased; india; indians; information; inhabitants; inhabited; inscriptions; instructions; instruments; intended; intercourse; interesting; interior; intrepid; iron; islanders; islands; islets; jackson; james; janeiro; january; japan; java; jeddah; jenneh; john; joined; journal; journey; july; june; kadu; kamtchatka; kano; katunga; khaloum; kind; king; klaproth; knowledge; known; kotzebue; kouka; kruzenstern; laing; lake; lander; landing; language; large; lat; latitude; lead; leagues; leave; left; length; letters; level; lieutenant; life; like; little; lively; lives; living; lofty; london; long; longer; looking; lord; loss; lost; louis; lütke; magellan; magnetic; magnificent; major; making; man; manilla; manners; map; maps; marble; march; marked; martin; mass; master; means; mecca; medina; meet; melancholy; men; merchandise; merchants; mere; middle; midst; miles; minister; minutes; miserable; missionaries; mississippi; missouri; mode; mollien; moment; months; mosque; mother; mountains; mud; nadiejeda; narrative; narrow; natives; natural; naturalists; nature; navigation; navigators; navy; near; necessary; need; negroes; neighbourhood; neighbouring; new; niger; nile; noise; north; northerly; northern; notice; november; nubia; number; numerous; nuts; object; observations; obtaining; occupied; ocean; oceania; october; officers; old; open; opening; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; oriental; original; ornaments; otaheite; oudney; pacific; palm; papuans; paris; park; party; passage; passing; pay; peak; peninsula; people; period; permission; persia; persons; physical; picturesque; piece; pigs; pilgrims; place; plain; plants; pleasant; pleasure; point; pointed; polar; pole; political; poor; population; port; portion; portuguese; position; possession; post; pottinger; power; predecessors; prepared; presence; presents; pretty; previous; prince; principal; productions; progress; proof; prosperity; protection; province; provisions; public; purpose; pérouse; quantities; quantity; queen; question; quorra; race; rainy; rajah; reach; ready; reception; red; reefs; regions; regret; regular; reindeer; relations; religion; remains; remarkable; request; researches; residence; resources; respect; results; return; rice; rich; richard; rio; rise; rising; river; road; rocks; rose; ross; route; royal; ruins; running; rurik; russian; sackatoo; sacred; safety; sail; sailors; sale; salt; sandwich; sanskrit; savages; saw; scene; science; scientific; sea; season; second; seetzen; senegal; seniavine; separated; september; series; service; set; settlement; shape; sheikh; shelter; ship; shores; short; sides; sight; sighted; signs; silence; silk; silver; similar; simile; single; singular; sir; situation; size; skilful; skin; slaves; slightest; sloop; small; snow; society; soil; soldiers; soudan; sound; sources; south; southerly; southern; sovereign; space; spanish; special; species; specimens; spite; spot; square; staff; start; state; stay; steep; stock; stone; storm; strait; strange; strangers; stream; streets; strength; strong; struggle; study; subject; sudden; suffering; sufficient; sultan; summer; sun; superior; supply; sure; surface; surprise; survey; sustained; sydney; syria; task; teeth; temperature; temple; teneriffe; terrible; terror; thanks; thermometer; thetis; thick; things; thirst; thought; throw; tierra; timbuctoo; time; title; tomb; tonga; town; trade; trading; travellers; trees; tribes; tributary; trip; tripoli; troops; trouble; trousers; true; trustworthy; truth; ualan; unable; united; unknown; uranie; usual; vain; valley; valparaiso; valuable; value; vanikoro; vast; vegetation; vessels; view; village; violent; visit; visitors; voyage; walls; want; war; warriors; water; waves; way; wear; weather; webb; weddell; welcome; west; western; white; wide; wild; wilkes; william; wind; winter; witness; women; wood; words; work; world; worn; wow; yards; years; young; zealand cache: 26658.txt plain text: 26658.txt item: #15 of 35 id: 30298 author: Hough, Emerson title: The Magnificent Adventure Being the Story of the World's Greatest Exploration and the Romance of a Very Gallant Gentleman date: None words: 90784 flesch: 88 summary: We need more men. Meanwhile he picked up more men around the adjacent military posts--Ordway and Howard and Frazer of the New England regiment; Cruzatte, Labiche, Lajeunesse, Drouillard and other voyageurs for watermen. keywords: aaron; added; advanced; adventure; affairs; alston; ambition; american; answer; arm; arms; army; attention; bank; beautiful; bed; bent; best; big; bird; black; blood; boats; bowed; boy; britain; british; broken; buffalo; burr; business; busy; camp; captain; captain lewis; care; cause; certain; change; chapter; chief; child; chouteau; city; clad; clark; clear; close; coat; cold; colonel; color; columbia; coming; companion; company; confidence; content; continent; cost; council; country; courage; course; cruzatte; current; cut; dark; daughter; dawn; day; days; dead; dear; deep; desk; discovery; dollars; door; doubt; dozen; dream; drouillard; duties; duty; early; east; elk; engaged; enterprise; expedition; extraordinary; eyes; face; failure; fair; falls; family; fancy; far; fashion; fate; father; fear; feel; feeling; feet; fever; fields; figure; fingers; fire; flag; flung; following; foot; forehead; foreign; forest; fortune; forward; france; free; french; friend; future; game; gass; gate; gaze; general; gentleman; george; girl; glad; god; going; good; government; governor; grave; great; great river; greater; green; guests; guide; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hat; head; heart; heavy; hide; high; hold; home; honor; hope; horse; hour; human; husband; indian; instant; interest; jefferson; journey; keen; kentucky; know; lady; land; large; late; law; lay; leader; leave; left; length; letter; lewis; lie; life; like; line; little; lodge; long; longer; look; louis; louisiana; love; loyalty; madam; making; man; mandans; map; maps; march; married; matter; mean; medicine; memory; men; meriwether lewis; merne; merry; messenger; miles; mind; minister; mississippi; missouri; moccasins; moment; months; morning; mother; motionless; mountains; mouth; mrs; napoleon; natural; nature; near; need; new; news; night; north; note; officer; official; ohio; old; old man; open; order; ordway; orleans; pacific; papers; party; passing; path; patrick; pay; people; peria; personal; picture; place; plans; point; pointed; possible; power; present; president; promise; pryor; purchase; purpose; question; ready; reason; red; reply; republic; return; ride; riding; rifle; river; room; run; sacajawea; safe; savage; save; sea; seat; second; secret; secretary; sergeant; servant; service; set; shannon; short; shoulders; silence; silent; sioux; sir; sleep; small; smile; soldier; soul; sound; spain; spanish; splendid; spread; spring; start; states; story; straight; strange; stream; strength; strong; success; sudden; sun; sure; swift; table; talk; tall; theodosia; things; thomas; thought; time; tis; title; today; tomorrow; town; trail; trees; tribes; trouble; true; trust; truth; uniform; united; unknown; usual; valley; vast; village; virginia; voice; wait; want; washington; water; way; weeks; west; western; weucha; wharf; white; white men; wife; wilderness; william; winter; wish; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; wrong; years; yellowstone; yonder; york; young; young man; yrujo cache: 30298.txt plain text: 30298.txt item: #16 of 35 id: 31413 author: Anderson, Robert E. (Robert Edward), M.A., F.A.S. title: The Story of Extinct Civilizations of the West date: None words: 47514 flesch: 65 summary: Landing at Tabasco, where Grijalva had found the natives friendly, Cortés found that the Yucatans had resolved to oppose him, and were presently assembled in great numbers. The king is served with great state, and his behavior is so decent that it is pleasant to see him. keywords: 22d; account; admiral; advanced; africa; afterward; ages; altar; america; anahuac; ancient; animals; appearance; archeology; architecture; arms; army; arrival; asia; assistance; atlantic; attack; attempt; aztec; balboa; basque; battle; bay; beautiful; beginning; best; better; birds; bishop; bloodshed; body; book; broad; brother; builders; buildings; cabot; calendar; camp; canal; cape; capital; captives; cavalry; cazique; celebrated; center; central; centuries; century; certain; chapter; character; charge; charles; chief; children; cholula; christian; city; civilization; civilized; claim; climate; close; coast; colonies; colony; colors; columbus; conquest; continent; cortés; cotton; council; countries; country; cross; cruz; cuba; curious; cut; cuzco; cyclopean; darien; day; days; death; deep; deity; different; dighton; discoveries; discovery; distance; distant; district; doorway; doubt; dress; early; earth; east; eastern; effect; emperor; empire; england; english; escape; europe; european; evidence; example; excellent; expedition; extinct; eyes; fact; fair; famous; far; father; favor; feathers; feet; ferdinand; festival; fig; figures; fine; fire; flat; flowers; following; footnote; form; friendly; gardens; general; generations; geography; glad; god; gods; gold; golden; good; government; governor; great; greatest; greek; greenland; grijalva; gulf; half; hand; hayti; head; heaven; height; henry; hieroglyphs; high; hispaniola; historian; history; honor; houses; huge; human; humboldt; iceland; idols; iii; illustration; image; immense; important; inca; indians; inhabitants; invaders; invasion; island; isthmus; italy; king; kingdom; known; lake; land; landing; large; left; leif; length; level; lies; life; like; little; live; long; lord; madoc; maguey; making; map; march; marina; mass; massachusetts; master; mayan; means; men; message; metal; mexican; mexico; middle; mighty; miles; modern; monarch; montezuma; monuments; mountain; names; narvaez; national; natives; natural; near; neighboring; new; night; nobles; norse; norsemen; north; number; object; ocean; order; ornaments; pacific; panama; paper; parts; passage; pearls; people; period; peru; peruvians; pizarro; place; plains; plateau; plates; poet; points; population; position; possession; power; precious; prehistoric; prescott; present; priests; prince; principal; procession; public; purposes; pyramidal; quarters; queen; quetzalcoatl; quipu; race; recent; red; reference; region; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; republic; return; rich; river; robes; rock; roman; round; route; royal; ruins; sacred; sacrifice; sail; sailing; scene; scheme; science; sculptured; sea; second; settlement; settlers; shadow; ships; shore; shoulders; sides; silver; similar; simple; sir; site; size; skill; slave; small; snow; soil; soldiers; solid; son; south; southern; spain; spaniards; spanish; square; star; state; steps; stone; summit; sun; superior; surface; table; temple; tezcuco; theory; thousands; time; titicaca; tlascala; tomb; town; traces; trees; true; unknown; valley; vast; velasquez; vera; victims; view; vii; vinland; visit; voyage; walls; water; way; wealth; west; western; white; wide; wild; women; words; work; world; worship; writer; writing; xicotencatl; years; yucatan cache: 31413.txt plain text: 31413.txt item: #17 of 35 id: 3752 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: Voyager's Tales date: None words: 42647 flesch: 48 summary: We, being embarked, kept our course, and ran southward towards Panama, keeping still as nigh the shore as we could; and leaving the land upon our left hand, and having coasted thus for the space of eighteen or twenty days, and were more to the south than Guatemala, we met at last with other ships which came from Panama, of whom we were certainly informed that he was clean gone off the coast more than a month before; and so we returned back to Acapulco again, and there landed, our captain being thereunto forced, because his men were very sore sea-sick. The next morning, being the 17th of the same month, we descried thirteen sail of great ships; and after that our General understood that it was the King of Spain's fleet then looked for, he presently sent to advertise the General hereof of our being in the said port, and giving him further to understand, that before he should enter there into that harbour, it was requisite that there should pass between the two Generals some orders and conditions, to be observed on either part, for the better contriving of peace between them and theirs, according to our General's request made unto the Viceroy. keywords: able; admiral; aforesaid; almighty; ambassador; amounteth; arrival; aspers; barbary; barton; bassi; best; better; boat; bread; captain; captives; cause; certain; charge; chief; christians; church; city; coast; coming; commandment; company; constantinople; contrary; country; course; custom; danger; day; days; death; don; ducats; end; enemies; england; english; englishmen; fair; faith; fear; fleet; force; fourscore; fox; free; friars; galleys; general; gentlemen; god; good; governor; grand; great; gunner; hakluyt; half; hands; hath; head; help; high; home; honour; honourable; house; hurt; indians; indies; inquisitors; island; jesus; john; judgment; keeper; king; land; leagues; leave; left; letters; liberty; life; like; little; london; long; lord; majesty; maketh; man; manner; master; means; men; merchandise; merchants; mercy; mexico; miles; mind; minion; money; month; morning; near; negroes; new; night; north; number; order; ordnance; parts; pasha; pass; people; peter; pezoes; place; pleasure; port; pounds; power; present; prison; prisoners; promise; purpose; queen; ready; reason; rest; return; richard; road; safety; said; sail; sea; seas; second; seeing; shillings; ship; shore; shot; sides; signior; slaves; small; soldiers; sonnings; sort; south; space; spain; spaniards; spanish; state; sterling; sundry; things; thither; thou; threescore; time; town; trade; traffic; tripolis; true; truth; turks; ullua; unto; value; viceroy; victuals; voyage; water; way; weather; west; whereof; william; wind; words; work; year; zante cache: 3752.txt plain text: 3752.txt item: #18 of 35 id: 39013 author: Mudge, Zachariah Atwell title: North-Pole Voyages Embracing Sketches of the Important Facts and Incidents in the Latest American Efforts to Reach the North Pole, from the Second Grinnell Expedition to That of the Polaris date: None words: 94267 flesch: 82 summary: Esquimo men are generally the mildest, if not the most affectionate, of savages in their relation of husbands; yet in their fits of passion they throw any thing that is at hand at their wives, a hatchet, stone, knife, or spear, as they would at a dog. Stopping at Proven, a supply of Esquimo dogs was completed; lying to briefly at Upernavik, the most northern port of civilization, their equipment in furs, ice-tools, and other necessary articles known to arctic voyagers, was rendered still more complete. keywords: 12mo; 16mo; able; abundant; advance; adventure; aid; air; alexander; american; angekok; anoatok; appearance; april; arctic; arms; articles; attached; attempt; august; away; backs; bags; ball; barbe; barrel; battle; bay; bear; bed; berg; best; better; birds; black; blankets; blood; blubber; board; boat; body; bonsall; boots; bore; boy; bread; breaking; breeze; brig; broken; brooks; brother; buddington; cabin; camp; canvas; cape; captain; care; cargo; certain; channel; chapter; character; chase; chief; children; christian; circumstances; clear; closed; clothes; clouds; coast; coffee; cold; coming; commander; companions; company; comrades; condition; continued; cook; country; course; crew; crowded; curious; current; daily; danger; darkness; day; days; dead; death; deck; deep; deer; degrees; departure; desperate; determined; direction; distance; distant; doctor; dogs; door; doubt; drag; drift; dry; early; eating; effort; enemy; enterprise; escape; esquimo; etah; evening; excursion; exhausted; expedition; experience; explorers; eyes; face; fact; fair; faith; fall; family; far; farther; fat; fearful; fed; feeling; feet; field; fine; fire; flag; floe; floor; following; food; foot; force; form; forward; fourth; fowl; fox; fragments; fresh; friends; frobisher; frost; frozen; fuel; furs; game; george; girl; giving; glacier; godfrey; good; great; greenland; grinnell; gun; guns; hair; half; hall; halt; hand; hans; harbor; hard; harpoon; having; hayes; head; health; heart; heavy; help; henry; heroic; high; hill; history; hold; hole; home; homeward; hope; hours; house; huge; hummocks; hunger; hungry; hunters; hunting; husband; hut; huts; ice; icebergs; icy; incident; instant; intended; intense; interest; iron; island; jensen; joe; john; journey; joy; july; kalutunah; kane; kayak; kind; knife; knives; knorr; known; koojesse; lamp; land; large; late; lead; leave; left; life; like; line; little; lives; load; loaded; long; looking; lost; love; m'gary; making; man; march; master; meal; mean; meat; men; metek; midnight; midst; miles; mind; moment; months; morning; morton; moss; mother; mrs; myouk; narrow; natives; near; necessary; necessity; neck; netlik; new; news; night; noise; north; northern; northumberland; northward; november; number; oars; occasion; october; officers; ohlsen; oil; old; ones; open; opening; order; outside; pack; paper; party; passing; path; people; perils; persons; petersen; piece; pistol; place; plain; pleasant; plenty; point; polaris; pole; poor; position; possible; pounds; power; present; progress; provisions; purpose; pursuit; quarters; question; raft; reach; ready; red; regions; rescue; rest; return; rifle; rock; roof; room; rope; rough; round; run; running; sad; safe; safety; sailors; sails; saw; schooner; scientific; scurvy; sea; seal; search; second; september; service; set; ship; shore; shot; sick; sides; sipsu; situation; skin; sledge; sleep; sleeping; small; smith; smooth; snow; solid; sontag; south; special; speed; spirits; spot; spread; spring; start; states; steamer; steaming; stephenson; stock; stone; stop; stores; storm; strangers; strength; strong; struck; success; sudden; summer; sun; sunday; supper; supply; sure; surface; team; tent; terrible; thick; thing; thought; time; tookoolito; track; traveled; trip; tyson; ugarng; united; upernavik; usual; vessel; view; village; visitors; voyage; wall; walrus; warm; watch; watching; water; waves; weary; weeks; welcome; west; wet; whale; whip; white; wide; wife; wild; william; wind; winter; women; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; worn; yards; years; york; young cache: 39013.txt plain text: 39013.txt item: #19 of 35 id: 40803 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 14 America, Part III date: None words: 206212 flesch: 63 summary: There are many great riuers, and great store of fish in them, not like vnto our kindes of fish. From this prouince Berreo hasted away assoone as the Spring and beginning of Summer appeared, and sought his entrance on the borders of Orenoque on the South side: but there ran a ledge of so high and impassable mountaines, as he was not able by any meanes to march ouer them, continuing from the East sea into which Orenoque falleth, euen to Quito in Peru: neither had he meanes to cary victuall or munition ouer those craggie, high, and fast hilles, being all woody, and those so thicke and spiny, and so full of prickles, thornes, and briers, as it is impossible to creepe thorow them: hee had also neither friendship among the people, nor any interpreter to perswade or treat with them: and more, to his disaduantage, the casiques and kings of Amapaia had giuen knowledge of his purpose to the Guianians, and that he sought to sacke and conquer the empire, for the hope of their so great abundance and quantities of golde: he passed by the mouthes of many great riuers, which fell into Orenoque both from the North and South, which I forbeare to name for tediousnesse, and because they are more pleasing in describing then reading. keywords: able; aboord; aboue; abundance; acapulco; accompanied; accompt; account; acus; admirall; aduise; aforesayd; africa; afterward; againe; agueda; alli; alreadie; alwayes; amazones; america; ancient; andrew; angeles; anker; anno; anthony; antonio; antonio de; apparell; april; armes; arriuall; arrowes; assoone; assured; aswell; augustine; auian; autiamque; away; backe; bad; baia; banks; bare; barret; bay; baya; beades; beasts; beautifull; bee; beganne; beginning; behinde; beleeue; bene; beneath; berreo; best; better; betweene; betwixt; bien; bigge; bignesse; bin; bishop; blew; blow; boat; boates; bodies; body; borders; bottome; bowes; branches; brasil; bread; breake; brethren; brigandines; broken; brother; buena; building; burne; burning; cables; cabo; cabo de; cacao; cacique; california; canaries; canes; canibals; canoas; cape; capitan; captaine; carapana; caried; carrie; cary; castle; cattell; cause; cayas; cedars; cerca; certaine; certaine great; certaine indians; certaine small; ceuola; chaines; chance; chanell; chap; charge; chiefe; chiefest; children; china; christians; church; cibola; cinco; citie; city; cleane; cliffes; clocke; close; cloth; clothes; coast; coasted; cold; colours; comfort; commandement; commeth; comming; committed; commodities; common; como; companie; companions; companneros; company; compasse; con; conchos; conduct; conies; conquest; consent; considering; conteining; contrary; corne; coronado; cortez; cosas; cottages; cotton; couered; countrey; countrie; course; courtesie; crosse; crossebow; cruell; cruz; crying; cuba; culiacan; cumana; current; custome; cut; danger; dangerous; day; dayes; de alli; de coronado; de la; de los; de mendoça; de mexico; de san; de sus; de vllua; dead; deale; death; defence; degrees; del; depart; departing; departure; descried; description; desert; desire; desirous; despues; determination; determined; dias; dicho; diego; diligence; dinner; dios; discerne; discouer; discourse; distance; distant; diuers; diuided; doe; dogs; domingo; don; donde; dorado; dorantez; doth; double; doubt; dozen; drake; dressed; drew; drinke; driuen; ducats; durst; dwelling; dwelt; earth; east; eastward; eighteene; ellos; emperour; empire; end; ende; enemies; england; english; englishmen; enterprise; entrance; eran; escape; espanna; espannoles; esta; esteemed; euening; euery; euery day; euill; exceeding; excellent; exchange; execution; experience; eyes; face; fadome; faith; fall; falleth; farre; farther; fast; fathom; fauour; feare; feathers; february; fellowes; fernambuck; fernando; fewe; field; fifteene; fiftie; finding; fine; fire; fish; fishes; fiue; fleete; flight; flood; florida; following; foorth; foote; footemen; force; foresaid; fort; fortune; foure; foure leagues; fourteene; francis; francisco; free; french; frenchmen; fresh; friday; friends; friendship; frier; fruit; furnished; gale; gallies; garments; gaue; generall; gente; gentlemen; giue; giuing; glad; god; gods; goe; goeth; golde; good; good countrey; goodly; gouerne; gouernment; gouernour; grande; grasse; great; great abundance; great bay; great citie; great danger; great feare; great good; great ioy; great island; great leagues; great number; great prouince; great quantitie; great riuer; great ships; great store; great towne; great way; great woods; greater; greatest; greene; griefe; ground; guachoya; guard; guatimala; guiana; guide; gulfe; habitation; haire; halfe; hallaron; hands; harborow; harbour; hard; harme; hast; hath; haue; haue great; hauens; hauing; hawkins; hazia; head; heauen; hee; height; helpe; hennes; hides; high; higher; hill; hilles; hils; himselfe; hispania; hold; holy; home; honour; honourable; hope; hornes; horsemen; houses; hundreth; hunger; hurt; iago; ienero; iesus; ilands; impossible; indians; indies; information; informed; inhabitants; inhabited; inquisition; inquisitors; intended; intent; interpreter; iohn; iohn de; iourney; iournie; ioy; ioyne; island; isle; iuan; iudgement; iuly; iune; iustice; keepe; keeping; kind; king; kingdome; knewe; knowen; knowledge; labour; laden; lake; land; language; large; las; late; latitude; layd; lead; leagues; leagues distant; learne; leaue; left; leguas; length; lesse; let; letters; licence; lieth; life; like; little; liue; lodgings; london; long; longer; lopez; lord; lordship; lost; loue; lowe; lucar; luys; luçon; lying; maiestie; maiesty; maine; maiz; making; malucos; man; maner; manoa; mans; mantles; march; margarita; mariners; marke; marques; married; martin; martinez; maruellous; master; matters; mayest; mayor; meanes; meaning; meat; mee; meete; men; mendoça; merchandize; merchants; mercy; messengers; metals; mexico; michael; middest; middle; midnight; midst; mightie; mighty; mil; mile; mines; minion; minoya; moneth; money; morequito; morning; moscoso; mountaines; mouthes; mucha; muchos; mules; munday; muy; naguatex; naked; names; nation; nature; necessary; necessitie; necke; need; neere; negro; negroes; neighbours; neuer; new; newes; night; nilco; niça; noble; nombre; north; northeast; northerly; northward; northwest; notable; notice; noticia; notwithstanding; noua; nuestros; nueua; number; oares; occasion; october; officers; oftentimes; ometepec; onely; open; opinion; ordas; order; ordinance; orenoque; otra; otros; oxen; palmas; panuco; para; particular; parts; passage; passe; passing; past; pay; pearles; pedro; people; perceiue; perceiuing; perfect; performe; persons; peru; pezos; pieces; pilot; pinnesse; place; plaine; plata; plates; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; plentifull; plenty; plimmouth; point; poore; port; portugals; possession; pound; powder; preciado; precious; prepared; present; price; principall; prison; prisoners; proceed; profit; promise; prouince; prouincia; prouision; pueblo de; pueblos; puerto; punta; purpose; qual; quales; quantitie; quantity; quarter; quatro; que; quien; quigalta; quiuira; ranne; reach; readie; ready; reals; reason; reasonable; receiued; recouered; reioyced; relation; repaire; report; respect; rest; returne; reyno; rich; richard; riches; rio; rio de; riuer; riuer de; riuer wee; road; robert; rocks; rode; rule; runneth; safetie; safety; said; saile; saint; salt; sand; santa; santos; satisfied; saturday; sauages; saue; saw; sawe; sayd; sayd riuer; saying; sayled; scaffold; sea; sea coast; sebastian; second; secret; seeking; seemeth; seene; sentence; seruants; serue; seruice; set; seuen; sheepe; shelter; shew; shippes; ships; shirts; shoote; shore; shot; sicke; sidenote; signes; siluer; sir; situate; situation; siuil; sixe; sixteene; skinnes; skins; slaues; slew; small; soldados; sort; souldiers; south; south sea; southeast; southward; southwest; space; spaine; spaniards; spanish; speake; speech; spirito; standeth; standing; state; stature; stay; stephan; stones; storme; strange; streame; streight; streits; strength; strike; strong; strooke; subiect; substance; successe; succour; sufficient; sugar; sundry; sunne; sus; sword; targets; tecuanapa; tempest; tenne; thankes; thee; themselues; thereabout; thereof; therewith; things; thinke; thirteene; thirtie; thither; thomas; thorow; thou; thought; threescore; thursday; thy; tide; tierra; timber; time; todos; token; tomson; tongue; toppe; totonteac; touching; towardes; towne; trade; traffique; trauelled; trauelling; treasure; trees; tribute; trifles; trinidad; trinitie; trouble; true; trueth; tuesday; tulla; tunnes; turqueses; twelue; twentie; twentieth; valiant; valley; value; vasquez; vera; verie; vessels; viceroy; victuals; view; villages; vincent; vna; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vnto mee; voyage; vpon; vse; vsed; want; wanted; ware; warlike; warres; watch; water; watering; way; weake; weapons; weather; wednesday; wee; wee haue; west; westerne; westward; whatsoeuer; wherof; white; wife; wil; wild; willed; william; willing; winde; winter; wise; withall; wiues; women; wonderfull; wood; wooll; words; worke; world; worship; wounded; y de; y que; yea; yeeres; yellow; yere cache: 40803.txt plain text: 40803.txt item: #20 of 35 id: 41098 author: Liljencrantz, Ottilie A. (Ottilia Adelina) title: The Vinland Champions date: None words: 49255 flesch: 87 summary: Once Karlsefne's deep tones interpreted their silence, tolling heavily through the darkness: I do not know who has done this deed, but I know that in slaying this one man he has taken the lives of more men than tongue can number. Other men wear blue mantles, he suggested. keywords: 12mo; alrek; alrek sword; amiable; answer; arm; arms; away; bank; bare; bay; beach; bearer; belt; bent; best; better; biorn; black; blood; blue; boat; body; book; booth; boy; boys; branches; brand; breast; breath; bright; broke; brother; brown; bull; camp; cape; champions; chance; chapter; chief; child; chorus; cloak; closed; cloth; colored; company; comrades; country; cry; cut; dark; darkness; day; days; dead; death; deck; deep; domar; door; dwarfs; eager; edge; erlend; evil; eyes; face; fair; father; fear; feet; figure; find; finger; fire; fish; foot; forest; form; forward; free; fur; game; gard; gaze; glance; good; grass; gray; great; greenland; grimkel; ground; group; grove; gudrid; hair; half; hallad; hand; hatchet; head; heart; helmsman; help; hide; high; hjalmar; hold; honor; hope; house; huntsman; iceland; illustrated; illustrations; instant; karlsefne; kind; kinsman; knife; laughter; lawman; left; length; life; light; like; likely; line; lips; little; live; locks; long; look; love; low; luck; matter; mean; men; mind; moment; motion; mouth; muttered; near; neck; need; new; news; ocean; offer; olaf; old; open; order; page; past; people; pine; place; plain; power; quiet; raven; reason; red; rest; ring; river; roar; rock; rose; run; sail; sand; save; seat; second; set; share; ship; short; shoulder; silence; skin; skraellings; sky; small; smile; snorri; snow; sound; space; speaking; spear; standing; step; stone; story; strange; strong; sun; sure; surprise; sword; tale; teeth; temper; thick; thing; thorhall; thorwald; thought; time; trading; trail; treasure; tree; trouble; true; truth; turn; turning; ugly; viking; vinland; voice; water; waves; way; weapon; weathercock; west; white; wild; wind; wish; women; wonder; wood; words; work; world; yellow; york; young cache: 41098.txt plain text: 41098.txt item: #21 of 35 id: 41200 author: Queirós, Pedro Fernandes de title: The Voyages of Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, 1595 to 1606. Volume 1 date: None words: 125100 flesch: 79 summary: Many other natives, seeing that he was well treated, came down and arrived where our people were. Nor does any other land have what this land has close by, at hand, and in sight of its port; for quite near there are seven islands, with coasts extending for 200 leagues, apparently with the same advantages, and which have so many, and such good signs, that they may be sought for and found without shoals or other obstacles; while nearly half-way there are other known islands, with inhabitants and ports where anchorages may be found. keywords: able; acapulco; account; act; adelantado; admiral; affairs; afternoon; almiranta; alvaro; amsterdam; anchor; anchorage; antarctic; antonio; appendix; armed; arms; arquebuses; arrows; artillery; atlas; august; australis; bad; bare; bay; beach; beautiful; bed; bernardo; best; better; birds; black; board; boat; bodies; body; bows; boys; branches; british; brother; business; callao; camp; camp master; canoes; cape; capitana; captain; captain quiros; care; castille; castro; cause; certain; chapter; charge; charts; chief; chief pilot; children; christian; church; circumference; city; clear; close; clothes; coast; cocoa; colour; coming; command; commissary; company; complaints; complete; condition; continent; contrary; conversion; cook; copy; council; country; course; court; crew; cross; cruz; cut; danger; dawn; day; days; de la; de quiros; dead; death; desire; despatch; determined; diego; different; direction; discoveries; discovery; distance; distant; don; doña; drink; duke; duty; early; east; effect; elephant; end; enemies; english; ensign; enterprise; espiritu; events; evil; expedition; eyes; face; faith; far; father; fathoms; favour; fear; feeling; fernandez; figueroa; finding; fine; fingers; fire; fish; fleet; following; food; force; form; francisco; free; fresh; friends; friendship; frigate; fruit; galeot; gallego; general; god; good; governess; government; governor; great; greater; green; guard; guinea; hair; hakluyt; half; hands; hard; harm; head; health; heaven; heavy; hebrides; help; hernan; high; higher; hold; holiness; holy; honour; honourable; hope; houses; iii; important; indies; information; inhabitants; inhabited; instructions; intention; isabel; island; january; jars; jesus; john; joy; juan; juan de; kinds; king; knees; known; lady; lances; landing; large; late; latitude; launch; law; leader; leagues; leave; left; length; letters; life; like; lima; line; little; live; lofty; london; long; longitude; look; looking; lord; lorenzo; loss; lost; loud; love; luis; madrid; magellan; majesty; major; malope; man; manilla; maps; march; marquis; married; mass; master; means; memorial; men; mendaña; mercy; mexico; middle; mind; moderate; money; months; morning; mountains; muskets; n.e; n.w; names; narrative; natives; navigation; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; news; night; noise; north; notice; nova; number; numerous; nuts; object; obliged; occasion; officers; open; opinion; orbis; order; outline; overboard; pablo; palm; paper; pardon; parts; pass; pay; pedro; people; person; peru; philippines; piece; pigs; pilot; place; plantains; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; point; pointed; pole; port; position; possession; possible; power; presence; present; priest; prisoner; property; provisions; public; punishment; quantity; quiros; rain; ready; reason; reasonable; red; reef; regards; remedy; report; rest; return; rigging; river; rocks; rome; roots; round; route; royal; running; runs; s.e; s.w; said; sail; sailors; san; santa; satisfied; sea; search; second; secretary; secure; seen; sergeant; service; set; settlement; seville; shape; shells; ship; shore; shot; shouting; sick; sickness; sides; sighted; signal; signs; single; size; small; society; soldiers; solomon; sorrow; souls; south; southern; space; spain; spaniards; spanish; standard; state; steering; stones; strait; stream; strong; suarez; sufficient; sun; sweet; sword; tahiti; tall; taste; terra; thanks; thick; things; thought; time; tired; tom; torquemada; torres; trees; trouble; true; truth; tumai; ulloa; understood; unknown; value; velasco; vessels; vicar; viceroy; view; village; voice; vol; volcano; voyage; w.s.w; want; war; water; way; weather; west; western; white; wife; wind; windward; wine; wish; wished; women; wood; words; work; world; worse; worthy; wounded; years; zaragoza cache: 41200.txt plain text: 41200.txt item: #22 of 35 id: 42059 author: Winsor, Justin title: Christopher Columbus and How He Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery date: None words: 217883 flesch: 68 summary: There is nothing more striking in the history of American discovery than the fact that the Italian people furnished to Spain Columbus, to England Cabot, and to France Verrazano; and that the three leading powers of Europe, following as maritime explorers in the lead of Portugal, who could not dispense with Vespucius, another Italian, pushed their rights through men whom they had borrowed from the central region of the Mediterranean, while Italy in its own name never possessed a rood of American soil. The successive wills of Diego Columbus, it may be observed, call her in one (1509) Philippa Moñiz, and in the other (1523) keywords: able; absence; accompanied; accomplished; account; acquaintance; action; active; acts; actual; adelantado; admiral; adopted; advance; advantage; adventurous; advocates; affairs; african; ages; agreement; aguado; aid; alexander; alleged; alonso; america; anacaona; anchor; ancient; anticipated; antilles; antonio; anxiety; apparent; apprehension; approach; april; aragon; archipelago; archives; arctic; arguments; aristotle; armed; arms; arrival; asia; asiatic; assistance; associated; astrolabe; atlantic; atlas; attack; attempt; attention; august; authorities; authority; aware; away; azores; bacon; balboa; bank; barcelona; bartholomew columbus; bastidas; bay; bearing; beginning; behaim; belief; bernaldez; best; biblioteca; biographers; birds; birth; bishop; board; boat; bobadilla; bodies; body; book; bore; born; brazil; bringing; bristol; brother; bull; cabot; cabral; cacique; cadiz; california; calls; canaries; cannibals; canoe; canonizers; cantino; caonabo; cape; captain; caravels; cardinal; career; careful; caribs; carrying; cartier; cartographical; cartography; carvajal; casas; case; castile; cathay; cathedral; catholic; centuries; century; certain; chains; chance; channel; chapter; character; charge; charles; chart; chief; children; china; christian; christopher columbus; chronicler; church; cibao; cipango; circle; circumstances; city; claims; clear; close; coast; codex; collection; colombina; colombo; colonists; colony; columbus; columbus lawsuit; coma; coming; command; commander; commerce; commission; common; communication; companions; company; complete; conception; condition; conduct; confidence; confined; confirmation; confusion; conjecture; conquest; considerable; consideration; conspicuous; constant; contact; contemporaries; contemporary; continent; continued; contrast; control; convenient; convent; convinced; copies; copy; cordoba; correct; correspondence; cortereal; cortes; cosa; cosmographical; council; countries; country; courage; course; court; creatures; credit; crew; cristoval; critical; cross; crown; cuba; curious; currents; cut; d'ailly; d'avezac; darkness; date; daughter; day; days; de la; dead; deal; death; deceit; december; decided; decision; degrees; delays; demands; demarcation; description; desire; details; determined; developments; deza; diaz; diego; diego columbus; different; difficult; direction; discoveries; discovery; dispute; distance; distant; distinct; dié; documentary; documents; domenico; domingo; doubt; doubtful; doubtless; drake; duke; dutch; earlier; earliest; early; earth; east; easterly; eastern; eastward; easy; editions; effect; efforts; end; enemies; england; english; entering; enterprise; equal; equator; errors; escape; escobar; española; established; estimate; europe; european; events; evidence; evident; examination; existence; expectation; expected; expedition; experiences; explorations; explorers; extended; extension; extent; eyes; face; facsimile; fact; faith; faithful; fame; familiar; family; famous; far; fate; father; favor; fear; february; ferdinand columbus; fernandez; fernando; field; fifteenth; fifth; final; finding; fitting; fleet; florence; florentine; florida; followers; following; fonseca; food; foot; force; fort; fourth; france; francisco; free; french; fresh; friar; friendly; friends; frobisher; future; gain; gale; gama; garcia; gaspar; general; genoa; genoese; geographical; geography; george; german; getting; gilbert; globe; god; goes; gold; gold columbus; golden; gomara; gomez; good; government; governor; granada; grandson; great; greater; greenland; ground; group; guacanagari; guinea; gulf; hakluyt; half; hands; harbor; harrisse; hayna; head; heart; heirs; help; henry; hero; herrera; high; higher; historian; historie; history; hold; holy; home; honduras; honors; hope; hours; house; hudson; human; humboldt; iceland; idea; ignorance; illustration; imagination; imagine; immediate; importance; impression; incident; inclined; income; increase; indians; indies; influence; information; informed; inhabitants; inquiry; instance; instructions; insular; intelligence; intended; intercourse; interest; interior; interval; irving; isabella; island; issue; isthmus; italian; italy; jamaica; january; jean; john; journal; jovius; joão; juan; judgment; july; june; justice; keeping; khan; kind; king; knowledge; known; labor; lack; landfall; language; large; las; las casas; later; latin; latitude; lawrence; leaders; leading; leagues; learned; leaves; left; length; leon; letter; library; license; life; light; like; likely; line; lisbon; little; lives; living; lofty; london; long; longer; longitude; look; lord; lorgues; lost; luis; madeira; madrid; magellan; magnetic; main; mainland; majesties; major; maker; making; man; manuscript; map; mappemonde; maps; march; marchena; margarite; maria; mariners; maritime; marked; marriage; married; martin; martyr; marvelous; mass; material; matter; mauro; means; measure; medina; mediterranean; men; mendez; mental; mention; mercator; messenger; method; mexico; middle; miguel; mind; mines; mission; modern; moluccas; moment; monarchs; monastery; money; months; moon; moorish; moors; morning; mother; mountains; movements; mundi; mutineers; muñoz; münster; names; narrative; natives; natural; nature; nautical; navarrete; navidad; navigator; near; nearer; necessary; need; needle; negotiations; neighborhood; neighboring; new; new world; newfoundland; news; nicholas; nina; nordenskiöld; norse; north; northerly; northern; northwest; notarial; notes; notice; notions; november; number; numerous; nuremberg; nuño; observations; obvious; occasion; occupied; ocean; oceanic; october; office; official; ojeda; ones; open; opening; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; original; ortelius; ovando; oviedo; pacific; page; palos; papal; papers; paradise; parts; passage; passing; past; patent; pearls; pecuniary; pedro; peninsula; people; perestrello; perez; period; personal; persons; peter; physical; picture; pierre; pilot; pinta; pinzon; place; plan; point; pole; policy; polo; ponce; poor; pope; popular; porras; porto; portolano; portrait; portugal; portuguese; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; preparations; prepared; prescott; presence; present; press; previous; pride; priest; prince; principal; prisoners; private; privileges; probable; problem; professed; profit; progress; project; prominence; promise; proof; property; proposition; provisions; ptolemy; public; publication; purpose; quarter; queen; question; quibian; rabida; ramusio; reaches; reader; ready; reason; rebels; recent; reception; reckoning; recognition; record; reference; regiomontanus; region; relations; remains; reports; reputation; rescue; respecting; results; return; revolt; rights; river; robert; roldan; rome; roselly; route; royal; rule; run; running; ruysch; sagas; sail; sailing; sailors; saint; salamanca; salvador; sanchez; santo; satisfaction; savage; savona; saying; scant; scene; scholars; schöner; science; sea; seamanship; seamen; search; seas; sebastian; second; secure; seeking; sending; september; sepulchre; series; service; set; settlement; seville; shape; ships; shore; showing; shows; sidenote; significant; signs; simancas; similar; single; sir; sister; sixteenth; size; sketch; skill; slavery; slaves; small; son; sort; souls; source; south; southern; southwest; sovereigns; spain; spaniards; spanish; spices; spirit; spot; spotorno; staff; stand; standing; star; statement; states; stay; stevens; stock; stories; story; strabo; strait; strange; stream; stretch; striking; strong; student; study; subject; success; sufficient; sunday; supplies; support; supposition; sure; suspicion; sympathy; tagus; talavera; tale; task; terms; territory; testimony; text; theory; things; thomas; thought; tidings; time; time columbus; title; toscanelli; town; trace; trees; trend; trial; tribute; true; trust; truth; undertaking; united; unknown; use; usual; vain; valladolid; value; variation; varnhagen; vega; venetian; venice; ventures; veragua; verde; verrazano; version; vespucius; vessels; viceroy; views; vii; village; vinland; visit; volume; voyage; waldseemüller; watch; waters; way; wealth; weather; westerly; western; westward; white; wife; wind; wishes; women; wonderful; wonders; wood; words; work; world; writers; writing; written; xaragua; years; young; younger; yucatan; zeni; zur columbus cache: 42059.txt plain text: 42059.txt item: #23 of 35 id: 42925 author: Dye, Eva Emery title: The Conquest: The True Story of Lewis and Clark date: None words: 141175 flesch: 82 summary: On the staff of General Atkinson when he marched out of Jefferson Barracks for the Black Hawk War, was Meriwether Lewis Clark, now a graduate of West Point, and his cousin Robert Anderson, grandson of Clark's sister Eliza. The next time they met, Meriwether Lewis Clark was marching through the streets of Washington City with other prisoners in Lee's surrendered army. keywords: abandon; account; acres; adventure; affairs; afraid; agents; alarm; alexander; alleghanies; amazed; american; ammunition; ancient; andrew; answer; anthony; anxious; april; armed; armies; arms; army; arrival; artillery; assembly; assiniboine; astor; atlantic; attack; attempt; auguste; aunt; autumn; away; axes; baby; backs; bad; baggage; ball; band; bank; baranof; bark; bateau; battle; bay; beads; bear; bearing; beautiful; beauty; beaver; bed; beloved; belt; bent; best; big; bills; bird; bitter; black; blackfeet; blackfoot; blankets; blood; blow; blue; bluffs; board; boats; body; bones; book; boone; boonsboro; border; bore; boston; boundary; bow; boy; boys; bratton; bread; bride; britain; british; broken; brother; brown; buckskin; buffalo; buffaloes; building; burr; burst; business; busy; cabin; cahokia; camp; canada; cannon; canoes; capital; captain clark; captain lewis; captains; capture; care; caroline; carriage; cat; cause; cedar; centre; certain; cession; chamber; charboneau; charette; charge; charles; charlottesville; chase; cherokees; chickasaw; chief; children; chinook; chippewas; chouteau; christmas; cincinnati; citizens; city; civilisation; civilised; claim; clark; clark home; clatsop; clay; clear; close; clothes; clothing; cloud; coalter; coast; cold; colonel; colonel clark; colour; columbia; coming; command; commandant; commander; commerce; companion; company; compass; congress; conquest; constant; continent; cook; corn; cornwallis; cottonwood; council; country; course; court; cousin; credit; creek; creoles; croghan; cross; crow; crowded; crowds; cruzatte; cry; cumberland; current; cut; daily; dakota; danger; daniel; dark; daughter; day; day clark; daylight; days; dead; death; december; deep; deer; delawares; delay; des; determined; detroit; dey; dinner; distance; distant; dog; dogs; dollars; donna; door; dorion; double; dozen; dressed; drouillard; dry; ducks; dunmore; duty; eager; eagle; earliest; early; earth; east; elk; emigrants; enemies; enemy; england; english; entire; escape; europe; evening; excitement; exhausted; expedition; explorers; express; eyed; eyes; face; fact; fair; fallen; falls; families; family; famous; fanny; far; farewell; farm; fashion; fast; father; fear; february; feet; fields; fierce; fighting; fincastle; fine; fire; firing; fish; flag; flashed; flatheads; flight; floor; flotilla; floyd; foe; food; foot; force; forest; forks; fort; fortune; foxes; france; fraser; french; frenchmen; friendly; friends; friendship; frontier; fur; furs; future; gallatin; game; gap; gardens; garrison; gates; gay; general clark; george; gibault; gifts; girls; glad; god; gold; good; government; governor clark; governor lewis; grand; grass; gratiot; grave; gray; great; great father; great river; greatest; green; ground; guard; guests; gunpowder; guns; haf; hair; haired; half; hamilton; hancock; hand; handed; handsome; happy; hard; harriet; hat; hawk; head; heart; hearted; heavy; help; henry; herds; hero; heroic; hid; high; hill; history; hold; home; honour; honoured; hood; hope; horn; horses; hostile; hour; house; hudson; huge; hundreds; hungry; hunt; hunter; hunting; hurried; husband; icy; idaho; iii; illinois; indians; inhabitants; instant; interest; interpreter; iowas; iron; island; james; jefferson; john; john clark; jonathan; joseph; journals; journey; judith; judy; julia; july; june; jussaume; kansas; kaskaskia; kenton; kentuckians; kentucky; keokuk; kettles; kind; king; kitchen; knife; knives; known; laden; ladies; lafayette; lakes; land; language; large; larocque; late; lay; lead; leather; leave; left; letter; lewis; lewis clark; leyba; liberty; lieutenant; lieutenant clark; life; like; line; lisa; little; live; living; loaded; locks; locust; lodge; log; logan; lolo; lonely; long; longer; look; looking; lord; louis; louisiana; louisville; lucy; mackenzie; madame; madison; madrid; major; making; man; mandan; mansion; manuel; map; march; maria; marietta; married; mary; master; means; meat; medal; medicine; men; meriwether; meriwether lewis; message; messenger; michilimackinac; middle; midst; mighty; miles; military; mind; minister; minnetarees; mississippi; missouri; moccasins; molly; moment; money; montana; montgomery; months; monticello; moose; morning; mother; mountains; mouth; mrs; mulberry; music; naked; napoleon; nation; near; necessary; need; negro; neighbours; new; news; nez; night; noon; north; northern; northwest; northwesters; noted; november; o'clock; o'fallon; oars; object; ocean; october; offer; officers; ohio; old; old clark; old indian; old man; omahas; open; opening; opposite; orders; ordway; oregon; orleans; osage; otter; pacific; pale; papers; paris; parson; parties; partridge; party; pass; passing; past; path; patrick; pay; peace; people; percés; philadelphia; pieces; pierre; pioneer; pipe; pittsburg; plains; plan; platte; point; pointed; pony; poor; portage; possible; post; powder; prairie; precious; prepared; present; president; prisoner; private; property; provisions; pryor; public; purchase; queue; quick; quiet; race; reach; ready; rebecca; rebels; red; red men; redmen; report; republic; rest; retreat; return; revolution; richmond; ridge; riding; rifle; rise; river; road; roaring; robes; rock; rockies; rogers clark; room; root; rose; route; run; running; russian; sacajawea; sacs; saddle; safe; safety; sail; salmon; salt; san; saskatchewan; saugrain; savages; saw; scalped; scalps; scarce; scene; school; sea; seas; seat; second; secretary; september; sergeant; servants; service; set; settlement; settlers; shahaka; shannon; sharp; shawnees; ship; shirts; shore; shoshone; shot; shoulders; sick; sign; signal; silence; silk; silver; simon; sioux; sir; sister; sitka; sitting; situation; sixteen; skins; slaves; small; smoke; smoking; snow; soldiers; song; sons; sort; sound; spain; spaniard; spanish; speech; spirit; splendid; spot; spread; spring; square; squaw; stand; stars; states; stay; step; stock; stockade; stores; story; strange; streams; streets; strong; study; success; sugar; summer; sun; sunset; superior; supplies; surprise; surrender; swift; sword; table; talk; tall; tarleton; tecumseh; tent; terrified; territory; terror; thick; things; thomas; thought; thousands; timber; time; tobacco; tomahawk; tons; tower; town; traders; trading; trail; trapper; traps; treaty; trees; tribes; trip; troops; trouble; true; turning; uncle; united; unknown; upper; vain; valley; vast; victory; view; vigo; village; vincennes; virginia; visit; voice; voyageurs; wabasha; waggons; wait; walla; wampum; want; wapato; war; warm; warriors; wars; washington; watching; water; wayne; weary; weeks; weeping; welcome; west; western; whale; white; white men; whoop; wide; wife; wild; wilderness; william clark; wind; wing; winter; wish; wolves; women; wonder; wonderful; wood; wooden; words; work; world; worn; wounded; writing; years; yellowstone; york; young; young men cache: 42925.txt plain text: 42925.txt item: #24 of 35 id: 4581 author: Liljencrantz, Ottilie A. (Ottilia Adelina) title: The Thrall of Leif the Lucky: A Story of Viking Days date: None words: 85137 flesch: 88 summary: But when at last Alwin raised his eyes to hers, their gaze reassured her. Yonder he is,--that lean little man with the freckled face. keywords: accomplished; afraid; ale; alive; alwin; amazement; anger; angry; answer; arm; arms; ask; assented; attention; bad; bank; battle; bear; beautiful; benches; bent; best; better; big; biorn; birds; black; blade; blood; blow; blue; board; boat; body; book; booth; bow; boy; brattahlid; brave; breast; breath; broken; burst; bushes; camp; captive; care; cause; certain; chance; chapter; cheeks; chief; christian; circle; cloak; closed; clothes; cold; coming; companion; comrade; concerning; cook; corner; country; courage; courtyard; covered; coward; crew; cross; crowd; cry; curiosity; cut; dark; darkness; day; days; dead; death; deep; deer; delight; different; distance; dog; door; dozen; drinking; ears; easy; edge; editha; egil; england; english; eric; ericsson; excitement; exploring; eyes; face; faint; fair; fall; father; fearless; feast; feet; fell; fierce; fine; fingers; fiord; fire; fish; flames; following; food; fool; foot; forward; foster; fox; free; fresh; friend; friendship; fur; game; garments; gaze; gentle; gesture; gilded; gilli; girl; glad; glance; god; gold; golden; good; grass; gray; great; greenland; ground; group; guardsman; guest; ha'vama'l; hair; half; hall; hand; haraldsson; hard; head; hearing; heart; heaven; heavy; helga; help; herjulfsson; high; hold; home; honor; hope; horn; horse; hot; huge; human; importance; instant; intention; interest; iron; jarl; kark; keen; kind; king; knee; knife; known; lady; lane; laugh; laughter; lay; leave; left; leif; lie; life; like; likely; line; lips; little; living; locks; long; longer; look; lord; lost; love; low; luck; maiden; man; mantle; matter; means; men; mind; minded; moment; morning; mother; motion; mouth; murmur; muttered; near; nearer; neck; need; new; news; night; norman; normandy; norway; offer; olaf; old; open; opinion; pair; party; passion; past; people; peur; pity; place; plain; pleasure; point; possible; pride; property; proved; question; quiet; read; reason; red; relief; return; river; road; roar; robert; rock; rolf; room; rose; sail; sans; saxon; scarlet; seat; second; sense; set; shadow; shame; sharp; shelter; shield; ship; short; shoulder; sigurd; silence; silent; silver; skees; skin; skroppa; sleeping; small; smile; snow; soft; son; song; sound; spot; spring; stand; stare; steel; steersman; step; stone; stop; straight; strange; strength; strong; sudden; sun; surprise; sword; table; talk; teeth; tell; temper; thanks; thing; thorhall; thorhild; thought; thrall; throat; time; tongue; touch; trader; trading; trees; trondhjem; trouble; true; truth; tunic; turn; turning; tyrker; valbrand; vessel; viking; voice; voyage; waiting; walk; walls; warrior; watch; water; way; weapon; wear; week; welcome; white; wild; wind; wine; winter; wise; wish; wits; wolf; wolves; women; wonder; words; work; world; worth; wrestler; year; yellow; young cache: 4581.txt plain text: 4581.txt item: #25 of 35 id: 46372 author: Goodrich, Frank B. (Frank Boott) title: Ocean's Story; or, Triumphs of Thirty Centuries Maritime Adventures, Achievements, Explorations, Discoveries and Inventions; and of the Rise and Progress of Ship-Building and Ocean Navigation, from the Ark to the Iron Steamships date: None words: 206605 flesch: 66 summary: Then they are thrown into tanks of sea water, opened and washed. It has been shown that in nature, as in the experiments of M. Despretz, sea water does not share in the peculiarities of fresh water, which, as has been long known, attains its maximum density at four degrees, centigrade; but like most other liquids increases in density to its freezing point; and it has also been shown that, owing to the movement of great bodies of water at different temperatures in different directions, we may have in close proximity two ocean areas with totally different bottom climates, a fact which, taken along with the discovery of abundant animal life at all depths, has most important bearings upon the distribution of marine life, and upon the interpretation of palaeontological data. keywords: 10th; 11th; 12th; 13th; 14th; 15th; 16th; 17th; 1st; 20th; 21st; 22d; 24th; 26th; 4th; 7th; 8th; 9th; abandon; absence; abundance; acapulco; accident; accomplished; account; accustomed; achievements; action; admiral; advance; advantage; adventures; africa; agamemnon; air; alexander; alive; american; anchor; anchorage; ancient; animal; anson; antarctic; antiquity; anxious; apparatus; appearance; application; approach; april; arabia; archipelago; arctic; ark; armada; armed; arms; army; arrival; articles; asia; aspect; assistance; atlantic; atmosphere; attached; attack; attempt; attention; august; authorities; authority; average; b.c; baffin; bag; balboa; ball; banks; bark; bartholomew; batavia; battle; bay; bear; beautiful; beauty; beds; behring; belief; bell; beneath; best; better; birds; bjarni; black; bligh; blood; blow; blue; board; boat; bodies; body; bones; bore; bougainville; box; branches; brazil; bread; brig; brilliant; britain; british; broken; brother; buccaneers; building; burning; byron; cabin; cable; cabot; cabral; calculated; calicut; cannon; canoe; capable; capacity; cape; capital; captain; capture; caravel; career; cargo; carteret; cause; cavendish; celebrated; centre; centuries; centurion; century; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; chamber; change; channel; chapter; character; charts; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; christopher; church; cinnamon; circle; circumnavigation; circumstance; city; clear; climate; close; cloth; clothes; clouds; coast; cocoanuts; coil; cold; colony; colors; columbus; coming; commander; commerce; commercial; common; communication; companions; company; compass; complete; condition; conduct; confidence; confined; confusion; consequence; constant; construction; continent; convinced; cook; copper; coral; correct; countries; country; course; court; craft; crew; cross; crown; cruise; curiosity; currents; cut; dampier; danger; dangerous; darkness; date; day; days; dead; death; december; deck; deep; deep sea; degree; delicate; deluge; departure; depths; description; desert; deserted; design; desire; destruction; determined; diaz; different; difficulty; direction; disabled; disappointment; discharge; discoveries; discovery; distance; distant; distinction; divers; diving; dollars; dolphin; dominion; double; doughty; dozen; drake; dredge; dredging; dry; dust; dutch; duty; early; earth; east; eastern; easy; edward; effect; effort; egypt; elizabeth; emmanuel; empire; end; enemy; engine; england; english; enormous; enterprise; entire; entrance; equal; equator; escape; europe; european; evening; event; evident; exception; exchange; excited; execution; exhausted; existence; expected; expedition; experience; experiment; extended; extent; extreme; extremity; eyes; faces; fact; fall; family; famine; famous; farther; fatal; fate; fathoms; favor; favorable; february; feet; ferdinand; fernandez; field; finding; fine; fire; fish; fishing; flag; flat; fleets; flowers; following; food; foot; force; foreign; form; formidable; fortunate; fortune; forward; fourth; france; francis; franklin; free; french; fresh; friendly; friends; frigate; frobisher; frozen; fruit; fulton; furnished; gale; galleon; galley; gama; general; genoa; gentleman; geographical; geography; george; gigantic; glass; globe; glory; god; going; gold; golden; good; government; governor; grand; great; greater; greatest; greeks; greenland; group; guinea; gulf; guns; half; hand; harbor; head; heart; heaven; heavy; henry; hercules; high; highest; hispaniola; history; hold; holes; holland; hollow; holy; home; homeward; honor; hook; hope; horizon; horn; hostility; hours; house; hudson; huge; human; hung; ice; iceland; idea; illustration; imagination; immense; important; inches; incidents; increase; india; indians; indies; influence; inhabitants; inhabited; inlet; instructions; instrument; intelligence; intended; intercourse; interest; interesting; interior; invention; iron; isabella; island; islanders; isles; isthmus; january; japan; john; joined; journal; journey; joy; juan; july; june; kane; kidd; kind; king; knowledge; known; labor; laden; lady; lancaster; landing; lands; language; lapérouse; large; largest; late; latitude; lead; leagues; leave; left; lemaire; length; lieutenant; life; like; limits; line; lisbon; little; lives; loadstone; london; long; longer; longitude; look; lord; loss; lost; machine; machinery; magellan; magnetic; mainland; majesty; malabar; man; manilla; manner; maps; march; marchena; maria; marines; maritime; marked; master; masts; material; mayflower; mcclure; means; measure; meat; mediterranean; meet; memory; men; mendana; mention; merchants; method; mexico; middle; midst; mighty; miles; mind; minute; modern; moluccas; moment; money; monopoly; monsters; months; moon; moors; morning; mother; motion; mountains; mud; mutiny; nails; names; narrative; nations; natives; natural; nature; naval; navigation; navigators; navy; near; nearchus; necessary; necessity; needle; negroes; neighboring; new; newfoundland; news; niagara; night; nina; noah; noort; north; northeast; northern; northward; northwest; nova; november; number; numerous; o'clock; o'er; oars; object; observations; occasion; ocean; october; officers; omai; open; open sea; opening; operations; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; original; orinoco; overboard; oyster; pacific; paita; palos; panama; party; passage; past; patagonians; pay; pearls; peculiar; people; perfect; perils; period; persian; persons; peru; phoenicians; pieces; pigafetta; pillars; pilot; pinnace; pinta; pinzon; piracy; pirates; place; plan; plants; pleasure; plymouth; point; pointed; polar; polar sea; pole; polo; portion; portugal; portuguese; position; possession; possible; pounds; power; powerful; practice; prayer; precious; preparations; prepared; presence; present; pressure; prince; principal; prisoners; prize; probable; proceeding; process; procession; progress; promise; promontory; proper; protection; provisions; prow; public; pump; purpose; pytheas; quantities; quantity; quarters; queen; question; quiros; race; rapid; reach; reader; ready; real; reception; record; red; red sea; reef; regard; regions; relations; religious; remaining; remains; remarkable; remote; removed; repairs; rescue; rest; results; return; rich; river; rocks; rod; roggewein; romantic; room; rose; round; route; royal; rudder; run; sacred; safe; safety; said; sail; sail'd; sailing; sailors; salt; sand; sandwich; santa; savages; savannah; saw; scene; scheme; schouten; science; scientific; scurvy; sea; sea water; seamen; search; seas; season; second; secret; section; september; series; service; set; severe; sharp; shell; ship; shore; shot; sick; sides; signal; silver; similar; single; singular; sir; situation; size; skin; sky; small; smaller; snow; society; soil; soldiers; solid; sounding; south; south sea; southern; space; spain; spaniards; spanish; species; specimens; speed; spices; spirit; sponges; spot; spread; spring; squadron; standing; star; states; station; stay; steam; steamers; stock; stones; storm; strait; strangers; strength; strong; study; subject; submarine; subsequent; substance; success; successful; sufficient; sumatra; summer; sun; supplies; supply; support; surface; surprised; survey; system; tahiti; task; tasman; taste; teeth; telegraph; temperature; tempest; terrible; territory; terror; theory; thermometer; thick; thing; thought; tide; time; tons; torpedo; total; town; track; trade; trading; treachery; treasure; trees; trial; tribe; tribute; tropical; tube; tyre; unable; united; universal; unknown; upper; use; useful; usual; utmost; vain; value; van; vancouver; variation; vasco; vast; vessels; viceroy; vicinity; view; violence; violent; visible; visit; voyage; wallis; want; war; water; waves; way; wealth; weather; weeks; weert; weight; west; western; westward; whale; wheels; white; wide; wife; wild; william; wind; wine; winter; wire; women; wonderful; wood; words; work; working; world; wounded; wreck; yacht; yard; years; york; young; zamorin; zealand cache: 46372.txt plain text: 46372.txt item: #26 of 35 id: 48528 author: None title: The great probability of a North West Passage deduced from observations on the letter of Admiral de Fonte date: None words: 67976 flesch: 67 summary: _Bernarda_ directed by the Jesuits as to the Harbour where he meets _de Fonte_. From where _Bernarda_ came to with his Ship was one Hundred and twenty Miles to _ keywords: account; acquainted; admiral; advanced; affair; agreeable; america; anian; apparent; attempt; attention; august; authenticity; author; authority; bay; belle; bernarda; boat; boston; california; cape; captain; case; character; circumstances; coast; cod; coming; commander; communication; company; conduct; conosset; consistent; contrary; copy; country; course; court; curious; davis; days; de fonte; deg; degrees; design; different; discoveries; discovery; distance; don; east; eastward; england; english; entrance; eskemaux; evidence; evident; excellent; expedition; expression; fall; fathom; feet; finding; fine; fish; fonte; foundation; french; fresh; fuca; general; gibbons; good; great; greatest; gulph; hands; harbour; haro; hath; head; high; home; hudson; ice; indians; indies; information; inhabitants; inland; inlet; instructions; intended; islands; jago; jesuits; june; king; knowledge; known; labrador; lake; land; large; latitude; leagues; left; length; letter; like; lima; little; london; long; longitude; los; majesty; major; manner; map; maps; master; means; mentions; miles; min; mons; morning; mountains; names; natives; near; necessary; new; newfoundland; night; north; north sea; northern; northward; objection; observations; occasion; ocean; old; opening; opinion; orders; original; papers; parmentiers; particular; parts; passage; pennelossa; people; persons; peru; philip; pieces; place; point; port; present; principal; private; probability; proper; provisions; publick; purpose; reason; respect; return; reyes; river; ronquillo; round; run; said; sail; schooner; sea; second; secret; service; set; shapley; shew; ship; shore; sir; small; smoke; snow; sort; south; southward; spain; spaniards; spanish; streight; success; sufficient; supposed; survey; tartarian; thing; thought; tide; time; title; town; trade; translator; trees; true; truth; use; vessel; viceroy; view; vizcaino; vol; voyage; want; water; way; weather; west; west passage; western; westward; wind; woods; work; year cache: 48528.txt plain text: 48528.txt item: #27 of 35 id: 49637 author: Coxe, William title: Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America To which are added, the conquest of Siberia, and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China date: None words: 84880 flesch: 72 summary: Near the shore were several small islands, between which and the land the ice was immovably fixed. Account of the _Russian_ and _Chinese_ settlements upon the confines of _Siberia_--description of the _Russian_ frontier town _Kiachta_--of the _Chinese_ frontier town _Maitmatschin_--its buildings, pagodas, &c. p. 211. keywords: academy; account; advanced; akutan; alaksu; alaxa; aleütian; aleütian islands; america; amoor; anadyr; anchor; andrean; andreanoffsky; animals; appearance; appendix; april; arms; arrival; arrows; asia; atchu; attack; attempts; attention; august; author; baidars; banks; bay; bears; beering; beginning; berries; best; birds; black; board; boat; bodies; body; bolcheresk; bone; broad; bucharian; calm; cape; captain; cargo; celebrated; certain; chain; chap; chapter; chart; chief; chiefly; children; china; chinese; circumference; circumstances; close; clothes; coast; command; commander; commerce; commodities; common; companions; company; conquest; considerable; continent; continued; contrary; copper; copper island; cossac; country; course; court; crew; crown; customs; cut; day; days; dead; death; december; degrees; departure; description; deshneff; different; difficulty; discoveries; discovery; distance; distant; district; ditto; dominions; dwelling; earth; east; eastern; empire; empress; engel; evening; expedition; expence; exportation; extremity; falls; farther; feet; fero; figures; fire; fish; following; follows; footnote; fortress; fox; fox islands; foxes; friendly; frontiers; frozen; furs; general; glottoff; gmelin; good; governor; great; greatest; hair; half; hand; harbour; haven; head; high; history; holes; horse; hostages; hostilities; hours; hunting; ibid; ice; idol; iii; important; information; inhabitants; intelligence; interesting; interpreter; irkutsk; iron; islanders; islands; isles; ivan; journal; july; june; kadyak; kamtchadals; kamtchatka; kamtchatka river; kanaga; kiachta; kind; knots; known; korovin; kovyma; krassilnikoff; krenitzin; kutchum; lake; lances; language; large; late; latitude; lay; left; lena; length; levasheff; lies; lieutenant; list; little; longitude; lost; lower; maimatschin; manner; map; march; means; mentioned; merchants; middle; mongols; moscow; mountains; mouth; muller; n. e.; n^o; names; narrative; nations; natives; navigation; near; nearest; necessary; neighbouring; nershinsk; new; night; north; northern; noss; number; observations; occasion; ocean; ochotsk; october; old; ones; open; opposite; order; original; ostrog; ostrova; otcheredin; otters; pallas; parties; parts; passage; paul; pay; pekin; peninsula; people; persons; petersburg; piasida; pieces; place; plants; point; pood; position; present; price; principal; procure; progress; promontory; proper; provision; purpose; quantity; rate; raw; reader; reason; reise; related; relation; remains; remarkable; reports; return; rhubarb; river; rivulet; rocky; roots; roubles; round; russians; s. e.; said; sail; savages; sea; second; september; shaffyrin; shalauroff; ship; shore; siberia; sibir; sidenote; silver; similar; situation; size; skins; small; small island; soliverstoff; solovioff; sort; species; spot; spring; state; steered; stone; storm; stretches; strogonoff; subject; success; sufficient; summer; synd; tartarian; tartars; teeth; temple; time; tobolsk; toigon; tolstyk; town; trade; translation; trapesnikoff; treatise; treaty; tributary; tribute; troops; tschirikoff; tschukotskoi; tschutski; tzar; umnak; unalashka; use; value; vassilievitch; venture; versts; vessel; view; village; violent; vol; vols; von; voyage; want; watch; water; way; weather; west; western; white; wild; wind; winter; wintered; women; wood; wooden; work; yakutsk; yards; year; yenisèi; yermac; young; zuruchaitu cache: 49637.txt plain text: 49637.txt item: #28 of 35 id: 60948 author: Buchan, John title: The Last Secrets: The Final Mysteries of Exploration date: None words: 58980 flesch: 72 summary: For among Polar explorers are many men who must be universally regarded as heroes. This expedition was in itself most important, but it is not belittling it to say that part of its value in the history of Antarctic exploration lies in the fact that it stimulated interest in the Far South, and this interest gradually increased until the wish to solve the mysteries of the South Polar regions became dominant in the minds of many men in England and Germany. keywords: able; abor; abruzzi; advance; adventure; alaskan; alpine; altitude; american; amundsen; antarctic; anxiety; anxious; april; arctic; arête; ascent; attempt; attention; august; bad; bailey; barrier; base; bay; beautiful; beginning; belmore; best; better; big; black; blizzard; blue; brahmaputra; british; broken; browne; bruce; business; camp; cape; captain; century; certain; chang; chief; circle; cities; city; clear; cliff; climbers; climbing; close; coast; col; cold; columbia; command; companions; condition; continued; cook; coolies; country; course; cross; crossing; cut; dalai; danger; dangerous; day; days; dead; death; december; deep; degree; depot; desire; desperate; determined; different; difficult; difficulties; discoveries; discovery; distance; dogs; doubt; drift; drop; duke; early; earth; east; eastern; easy; edward; effort; end; england; english; enterprise; equipment; eskimos; european; evans; evening; everest; expedition; experience; exploration; explorers; eyes; face; fact; fall; famous; far; farther; farthest; february; feet; final; finch; fire; following; food; foot; force; forest; form; fram; franklin; fresh; friends; frozen; gale; general; geographical; glacier; goal; going; good; gorges; government; great; greater; greatest; greenland; guinea; half; hand; hard; head; height; help; high; higher; highest; hills; history; holy; home; honour; hope; hours; human; ice; idea; illustration; important; india; interest; island; january; john; journey; july; june; kind; king; kiyanja; knowledge; known; lake; lama; land; large; later; latitude; lbs; lead; leave; left; level; lhakpa; lhasa; lieutenant; life; like; line; little; lives; long; lost; lower; main; major; mallory; man; march; masaudi; mckinley; means; meat; mecca; medina; men; messrs; middle; miles; mind; mission; mobuku; modern; mombasa; moment; months; morning; morshead; moslem; mount; mountain; mountaineering; mountaineers; mysteries; mystery; nansen; native; nature; near; necessary; new; news; night; north; north col; north pole; northern; november; object; observations; old; open; order; outside; oxygen; pack; parties; party; pass; passage; peak; peary; pemmican; people; permission; pilgrims; place; plan; plateau; point; polar; pole; ponies; porters; position; possible; prepared; present; problem; provisions; quarters; question; rain; range; rapids; rate; rawling; reach; real; reconnaissance; record; regions; result; return; ridge; river; road; rock; rongbuk; roosevelt; round; route; royal; russian; ruwenzori; saw; scientific; scott; sea; search; season; second; secret; september; service; set; shackleton; ship; short; sir; sky; sledge; sleeping; slopes; small; smith; snow; society; south; south pole; southern; spirit; spite; stage; stanley; start; steep; steps; stores; story; strange; stream; success; successful; summer; summit; sun; supplies; supply; survey; task; tejbir; tent; terrible; things; thought; tibet; tibetan; time; trade; transport; travellers; travelling; trees; troops; trouble; true; tsangpo; unknown; upper; use; valley; valuable; value; view; village; voyage; wall; war; wavell; way; weather; weeks; west; western; white; wild; wilson; wind; winter; wonderful; words; work; world; yards; years cache: 60948.txt plain text: 60948.txt item: #29 of 35 id: 7182 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01 date: None words: 128252 flesch: 63 summary: Equidem hoc loco, vt et superius, de miraculis Islandiæ terrestribus agens, è Tantali; vt aiunt, horto fructus colligit, id est, ea consectatur, quæ nunquam reperiuntur, nec vsquam sunt, dum miracula hinc inde conquirere, terram et pelagus verrere, ad Historiæ suæ supplementum studet: Vbi tamen nihil nisi cotnmentitia tantum venari potest. Nata est hæc fabula, vt et reliquæ, ex mendacio quodam, vt antiquo, ita ridiculo et vano, cuius ego fidem titiuilitio non emam. keywords: --biographical; --confuted; --his; --mentioned; --the; \mariners; abbat; abbey; abbots; able; aboue; abounding; absence; absque; abundance; accepimus; acceptable; accord; account; accustomed; action; actor; acts; adde; addeth; adeo; adeò; adhuc; adiacent; adit; admirall; aduance; aduersus; aduise; adultery; aetna; affaires; affection; affectus; affirmeth; aforesaid; africa; ages; agimus; agoe; agro; aiunt; alanus; albion; alexander; alibi; alicuius; alienigenæ; alijs; alioqui; aliorum; aliquam; aliquando; aliquid; aliquot; alium; almightie; almighty; alter; alwayes; ambassador; america; amico; amitie; amore; ancestors; ancient; anglesey; angliæ; anglorum; animarum; animo; annales; annis; anno; annum; anon; answere; answere vnto; ante; antiqua; antiquitie; apertè; apparell; appeare; appendances; april; apt; apud; aqua; aquarum; aquitaine; aquitaniæ; aquæ; arabian; archbishops; arctic; ardent; argument; aristotle; armada; armenia; armes; armie; armour; army; arnerus; arngrimus; arrest; arriuall; arthur; arthurus; ashes; asia; assent; assistance; astonished; aswell; atheling; atque; attaining; attempt; attinet; augmundus; august; auouch; aut; autem; author; authoritie; backs; bactria; banke; barbarossa; bare; bargenland; barons; bartholomew; base; basileus; baths; battel; battle; bay; bayliffes; beasts; beda; bee; beggers; beginning; behalfe; beleeue; bene; benefit; bergen; bertus; best; better; betweene; betweene king; betwixt; biarmes; bin; bishop; bishopricke; blacke; blessed; blessing; blood; boats; bodies; body; boghar; bold; bona; bonis; booke; boroughs; bounds; brabant; branch; breadth; breake; briefe; brimstone; bringing; bristol; britaine; britanniæ; british; britons; britonum; brother; building; burne; burning; burrough; burthen; bye; c. et; cabot; cadiz; caleis; calumnia; cambridge; campo; canes; canum; cap; cape; cardane; cardanus; care; carefull; carolus; carta; carying; caspian; casteth; castle; cathedram; cattell; causam; cause; celebrated; centum; ceo; certaine; certè; chaffare; chalenge; chance; chap; charge; chargeable; charissimo; charles; charter; chartre; chaucer; chiefe; children; china; chosen; christ; christendome; christian; christianitie; christopher; christum; chronicles; church; churches; cinque; circa; circiter; circle; citie; citizens; ciuitate; ciuitatis; cleaueth; climate; cloth; coast; coelestis; coelo; coelum; cog; cognomento; cold; collection; college; colonies; colours; columbus; comfort; command; commendable; commendation; commentary; commentum; commerce; commercia; commeth; comming; commodities; common; common vnto; communaltie; commune; communications; communis; companie; company; compasse; complaint; concedimus; conceiue; conclusion; condition; conduct; confesse; confessor; confirmation; coniecture; conquerour; conquest; conradus; consent; consideration; consilio; consilium; constantinople; constet; consuetudines; conteineth; contempt; contents; contigerit; continuall; continuance; continued; contrary; conuenient; conuicium; copia; copies; copy; corne; cornelius; corporis; corpus; cosmographers; cosmographie; costes; couetise; counsell; countreis; countrey; countreymen; countries; courage; course; court; credite; crouan; crowne; cuius; cum; cum non; cur; cura; curcy; cure; cursu; curtesie; custome; custuma; cyrus; cætera; cæteris; cæterum; cùm; damages; damnatorum; damned; danger; dangerous; daniam; danish; daniæ; danorum; darke; daughter; day; dayes; dayly; de islandia; de regno; dead; dealing; deare; death; debet; deceased; decem; dedication; deed; defence; degrees; dei; deinde; delay; delight; demum; denarios; denmarke; deo; depart; derbie; description; desert; deserue; deserueth; desire; desirous; destitute; destruction; determined; deuise; deus; dicam; dicere; dicitur; dictum; dicunt; diebus; diem; dieth; difference; difficulties; dignitie; dignum; diligence; diligent; direction; discoueries; discouery; discourse; discreet; disgrace; disposed; disposition; distance; distant; diuers; diuine; dixi; doctor; doctrinam; doctrine; docuit; doe; dogges; doletus; dominion; domino; dominus; domus; donec; doth; double; doubt; doubtlesse; drake; drawen; dreadfull; drinke; driuen; dublin; ducentas; duke; duobus; duos; durst; dux; dwelling; dwelt; dwina; eadem; eam; earle; earth; earthly; east; eastland; eastmeere; ecclesiæ; ech; eche; edgar; edition; edmund; edward; edwardus; edwin; ego; eisdem; eius; eiusmodi; element; eligitur; elizabeth; els; emperour; empire; encouragement; ende; enemies; england; engleterre; english; english marchants; english nation; englishmen; engus; enim; enioy; enterprise; entreth; enuie; enuiron; eorum; eorundem; eos; ephes; episcopi; episcoporum; episcopus; epistle; equitie; erat; errors; esse; est; establishing; esteeme; et cum; et ex; et munsterus; et nunc; et quidem; et quod; et quæ; et si; eternal; etiam; etiam de; euen; euery; euery man; euident; eulogy; eum; eundem; europe; exact; example; exceeding; excellent; exchange; exempla; exercise; expectation; expedient; expedition; expenses; experience; experientia; exploits; extant; extranei; extraneorum; extraneos; extreme; eyes; fables; facere; faciat; faciemus; facilè; facsimile; facta; faith; faithfull; fall; false; falsum; fama; fame; famine; famous; famous king; farre; farthest; father; fault; fauour; fauourable; fayres; fecit; feet; fels; ferè; fewe; fiat; fidem; field; fieri; fift; fifteene; filio; filium; filthy; finall; finding; fine; fire; firmiter; fishes; fishing; fit; fiue; flames; flamma; flammis; flanders; fleete; flemings; flesh; flight; florence; florida; flow; fluctus; fluminis; focos; foe; followeth; folowing; fontes; food; foorth; footnote; force; forenamed; foresaide; foresayd; forma; forreine; forren; forsan; fortie; fortunate; fortè; fought; foure; fragments; france; francis; frederick; free; freedomes; french; french king; frenchmen; friendly; friends; friendship; frier; frisio; frisius; fro; frobisher; fruits; fuerit; fuerunt; fuisse; fuit; furnished; fury; fynnes; galway; gaue; generall; genere; gentem; gentis; gentleman; genus; gerardus; germaine; germanie; germanorum; germany; ghost; gibraltar; gifts; giue; giueth; glaciem; glasse; glastonbury; globe; glocester; glorious; glory; goa; god; god king; godly; godred; godredus; gods; godschalcus; goe; gold; golden; good; gospel; gotland; gouernance; gouernment; gouernours; grace; gracious; gracious king; graine; grammaticus; grant; gratia; great; great men; great vnto; greater; greatest; greek; greeting; gresham; grieuous; gronland; grosse; ground; gubernatores; gudbrandus; gulfe; gysserus; habeant; habemus; habere; habet; habitation; habuit; hac; haco; hactenus; hakluyt; halfe; hall; hamburg; hanc; hand; happy; haquino; haquinus; harald; haraldus; harflew; harme; haste; hastings; hath; haud; haue; haue bene; hauens; hauing; hawkins; hearing; hearts; heat; heathen; heauen; heauenly; hebrides; hecla; hee; height; heires; helena; hell; helpe; henrici; henricus; henrie; henry; heretofore; hetha; hic; hides; high; hill; himselfe; hinc; hinderance; historiam; historicis; historicorum; historie; historiographers; history; hitherto; hoc; hodiè; hold; holen; holensem; holy; home; homely; homines; hominibus; hominum; honest; honestie; honorable; honour; hope; horrible; horses; hote; house; howard; howbeit; howe; howsoeuer; huge; hugh; huic; huiusmodi; hull; humane; humble; hunc; hundreth; hungarie; hungary; hunger; hunters; hunting; hurt; hyberniæ; hæc; hæredibus; hîc; iames; ibidem; ideo; idque; ierusalem; iesu; igitur; ignibus; ignis; ignorance; ignorant; ignota; ignotum; iii; ijdem; illa; illane; ille; illis; illo; illorum; illud; impediment; imperator; imperiall; imperij; imperium; impression; imò; incendia; incendijs; incident; incolarum; incolis; incolæ; inconueniences; increase; incredible; inde; india; indies; indigenæ; industrie; industry; infernall; inferni; infidels; infinite; informed; infra; ingenio; inhabitants; inhabited; inhabiting; inheritance; initio; innocent; inopia; inquam; inquisition; inquit; insomuch; instant; instantiam; instar; instruments; insula; insulis; intelligence; intended; intent; inter; interea; interuallo; inueniri; inuincible; iohannes; iohn; ionas; ioseph; iournals; iourney; ioyned; ipsa; ipse; ipsius; ipsorum; ipsos; ipsum; ireland; irish; island; island vnto; islanders; islandia; islandorum; islandos; isle; isleif; istis; ita; ita vt; italian; italy; itaque; item; iterum; iudge; iudgement; iugum; iumentis; iune; iustice; iustitiam; iustitiæ; iuxta; jenkinson; jeruslaus; john; kalends; keepe; keeping; kent; kind; kindled; king; king arthur; king edward; king henry; king iohn; king reginald; king richard; kingdome; kingly; knight; knowen; knowen vnto; knowledge; knowne; krantzius; krantzius et; labour; lacy; laden; lady; lagman; lake; lambert; lands; language; lapides; lapland; large; late; latine; latitude; laudem; lawe; lawfull; league; learne; learning; lector; lecture; leerboord; left; lege; length; lenne; leo; letters; lettowe; leue; lewis; lib; libel; libenter; liberalitie; libere; liberos; liberties; libro; licence; licentia; liche; lie; lieutenant; life; lifland; like; likely; limites; lines; lingua; linna; list; literas; little; littora; liue; liuing; loca; locis; loco; locum; lombards; london; long; longer; looking; lord; lord king; lordship; losse; loue; lubek; luke; lying; magis; magistrate; magna; magnus; maiestie; maiesty; maine; maior; maiorem; maius; maketh; malgo; malice; man; mandatum; maner; manifest; manifold; mannians; mans; map; mappe; marchandises; marchandy; marchants; mare; marginal; marriages; marries; mart; martyr; marueilous; maruell; mary; masters; materiam; matter; matth; maxime; meane; measure; meat; media; mee; mei; member; memorable; memorie; memory; men; men haue; mendacia; mendacium; mens; mercandisis; mercatores; mercatoribus; merchandize; mercibus; mercimonia; meritò; messengers; middle; midst; mightie; mighty; mihi; miles; milke; millia; mind; mindes; minimè; minister; minus; miracles; miracula; miraculis; mirum; mischiefe; miserable; misit; modo; modò; moment; monarchie; moneths; money; mons; monstrous; monte; montibus; montis; montium; monuments; moreouer; moritur; mother; mountaines; mox; multa; multis; multitude; multorum; multum; mundi; munster; munsterus; naddocus; nam; nam et; narratives; narrow; nation; nationes; nationum; natiue; naturall; naturam; nature; naues; nauibus; nauie; nauigation; nauium; nay; nec; necessary; necesse; necessitie; neede; negociatorum; neighbors; nemo; nempe; nepos; nequaquam; neque; nero; neuer; new; newe; nialus; nicholas; nicholas de; nights; nihil; nihilominus; nimis; nisi; nobis; noble; noctu; nolo; nomen; nomine; nominis; non; non ad; non enim; non modò; non sine; norfolke; normandie; north; northeasterne; northerly; northern; northren; northumberland; noruagian; noruagiæ; norwaie; norway; norwegienses; norwegiæ; nos; noster; nostra; nostrates; nostratium; nostris; nostrorum; nostrum; notable; notes; notice; notum; noua; nouember; nowe; nulla; nullis; nullum; number; numero; nunc; nunquam; obscure; obseruation; obserued; obteined; occasion; ocean; octher; octo; october; offa; offence; offer; officers; oftentimes; oile; olauus; olauus king; old; olde; oldys; olim; omnes; omnia; omnibus; omnium; omniúmque; onely; open; opinion; opprobrium; optimè; opus; orbe; orbis; ordeined; order; ordinance; ordinarie; ordinatur; original; orkney; otto; ouer; outlandish; owne; oxford; pacem; pacificus; pacis; page; paines; papists; parish; pariter; parliament; partem; partibus; particular; parties; partium; parts; parum; pasquill; passage; passe; passing; past; pastimes; patents; patrem; patriam; patriæ; patrocinium; patronage; pauca; paulò; pay; payment; peaceable; peaceable king; pecorum; pelles; pellibus; pence; people; people haue; peraduenture; peregrè; perfect; perfection; performe; permit; perpetuall; perpetuum; perpetuò; persia; persons; perteine; peter; philip; philosophers; pietatis; pietie; pilot; piscibus; piscium; pitch; place; pleasant; pleasure; pledges; plentie; plinie; plinius; plures; plurima; plurimum; plusquam; point; pole; policie; politicæ; poore; pope; populos; porrò; port; portes; portion; portugal; portum; possession; possible; possit; possumus; possunt; post; postea; posteritie; posterum; postquam; poterit; poterunt; potestatem; potius; power; practise; praise; preacher; precious; predecessors; preface; premisses; prepared; present; preserue; primi; primùm; prince; prince king; princely; princeps; principall; principi; prison; prisoner; priuate; priuie; priuileges; prius; pro; probable; proceede; proceeding; processe; procul; profectò; profession; profitable; profite; progenitors; promise; promontorium; proofe; properties; propria; propter; prorsus; prosperous; protection; prouide; prouident; prouinces; prouoked; prout; prussia; præcipuè; prædictam; prædictis; prædictorum; prædictæ; præest; præsentium; præterea; publike; publique; puissance; pure; purpose; putant; quadraginta; qualibet; qualities; quam; quamuis; quantitie; quantity; quantum; quare; quarters; quas; quatenus; quatuor; queen; quem; quemadmodum; quendam; qui; qui cum; quia; quibus; quibusdam; quicquam; quicquid; quicunque; quidem; quiet; quin; quippe; quis; quod; quod ad; quod cum; quod de; quod etiam; quod si; quomodo; quoniam; quoque; quorum; quorundam; quos; quosdam; quoties; quàm; quæ; quæ ad; quæ de; quædam; quòd; raleigh; ramsa; rare; ratione; reader; reading; ready; realme; reason; reasonable; rebus; receiued; receiuing; reckoning; records; recouer; recourse; referre; regale; regard; regem; reginald; regions; regis; regni; regnorum; regnum; reigne; relation; religion; reliquis; rem; remaine; remedy; remembrance; remote; renowmed; reperiuntur; report; reporteth; reproches; reputation; request; rerum; residue; respect; rest; returne; returneth; reuenge; reuerence; reuerend; rex; richard; riches; right; rimes; rising; riuer; robert; romanes; romanorum; rome; romenal; romulus; royal; rude; rule; rumney; runneth; rursus; russin; sacred; safe; safetie; said; saieth; saile; sailing; sake; salomon; salt; saluation; salutem; sanctorum; sanctum; sandwich; sanè; saporem; satis; satisfie; saw; sawe; saxa; saxo; saxons; sayd; sayd king; saying; sayth; scarborough; scarce; schalholt; sciatis; scilicet; scirings; scotland; scots; scribere; scripta; scriptis; scriptores; scriptoribus; sea; seale; search; seas; seasons; second; secret; section; secum; secundum; secure; securitie; sed; sed de; sed et; seeme; seldome; sell; semel; semper; sending; seneca; sentence; seruants; seruice; setting; seu; seuenth; seuerall; sexto; shalbe; shame; sharpe; sheepe; sherife; shew; shewing; shillings; shippes; shipping; ships; shipwey; shore; sibi; sic; sicilia; sicque; sicut; sidenote; sidney; siege; siluer; similiter; simon; simple; simplicitie; sincere; sine; singular; singulis; sint; siquidem; sir; sirnamed; sister; sit; sita; sithens; situation; siue; sixe; sixt; skilfull; skill; skinnes; slaine; slue; small; snow; socijs; solent; solstitium; solùm; sommer; sonne; sort; soueraigne; souldiers; soules; sound; south; southerne; space; spaniards; spanish; speake; speciall; speculum; speech; speedie; spirit; spirituall; spiritum; springs; standeth; standing; staple; state; stately; statim; statuimus; status; statute; stay; stead; steereboord; stephen; stones; stoppe; stories; strabo; strange; strangers; streight; strength; stretcheth; strife; strong; student; studio; studium; study; sua; suam; suas; subditis; subiection; subiects; substance; successe; sudden; suffice; sufficient; suis; sulphur; sumerled; summe; summum; sundrie; sundry; sunt; sunt de; suo; suos; super; superius; supra; suum; suæ; sweden; sword; sæpe; sæpius; sæpè; taking; tale; tamen; tandem; tanquam; tanta; tantum; tartars; tecto; teeth; tempest; temple; templum; tempore; temporibus; tempus; tenebris; terra; terrarum; terris; territories; tertia; tertius; teste; testifie; testimonie; text; thanks; thee; thein; theirs; themselues; thereat; thereunto; therewith; therfore; therof; thine; things; things haue; thirde; thomas; thorlacius; thorowout; thou; threescore; thrise; thyle; tibi; timber; time; title; tongue; tops; totam; toti; toto; touch; townes; trade; traffike; traffique; transire; translation; trauaile; trauels; treasure; treaties; treatise; treaty; tres; triall; tribus; tribute; trinitie; triumphant; true; trueth; trust; tum; tunc; tunne; twelue; twentie; twentieth; useful; valiant; value; variance; vbi; vbique; vehement; vel; velitis; velle; velut; venientium; venit; vera; verbis; verie; veritatem; veritatis; vero; verses; vertues; verè; verò; verùm; vessels; vestris; vestrum; vestræ; veterum; vicecomiti; vices; vicount; victorious; victory; victuals; victus; videlicet; videtur; view; viginti; vii; viii; villæ; vim; violence; viri; viros; virtute; vitam; vitæ; viuere; vix; viz; vlster; vlterius; vltra; vna; vncle; vncleane; vnder; vnderstand; vndertake; vnitie; vnknowen; vnlesse; vno; vntill; vnto; vnto christ; vnto english; vnto king; vnto man; vnto norway; vnto vs; vnum; vnus; vocatur; voiages; voice; volentes; volga; volume; volumus; vos; vouchsafed; voyage; vpon; vrget; vse; vsed; vses; vsque; vsu; vsually; vsus; vt ad; vt de; vt et; vt etiam; vt non; vt qui; vt si; vti; vtter; vulgi; vultures; vxore; walles; walsingham; waltero; want; wanting; wares; warlike; warrelike; water; wealth; wee; wee haue; wel; wenedland; werre; west; westerne; westminster; whales; whatsoeuer; whereof; white; wicked; wide; wife; wild; william; willing; winchelsey; wine; winning; wise; wisedome; wit; withouten; witnesse; witte; wiues; wixel; wol; wolle; wonderfull; wood; woodstock; wooll; woollen; woonder; words; worke; world; worship; worthie; worthy; wouldest; writers; writers haue; writeth; writing; xiii; xvii; yarmouth; yea; year; yeelded; yeere; yerely; yeres; yoke; yong; yron; zieglerus; ædgarus; æstiuo cache: 7182.txt plain text: 7182.txt item: #30 of 35 id: 7476 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 03 date: None words: 140340 flesch: 65 summary: Here it is to bee noted that from this place of Pouensa vnto the village of Soroka downe those dangerous riuers which wee came through, at no time of the yeere can or may any man cary or transport any goods that come from Nouogrod, or the Narue, and such other places: for in the Sommer it is impossible to cary downe any wares by reason of the great fals of water that doe descend from the rockes. The Russes begin their Lent alwaies 8 weekes before Easter: the first weeke they eate egs, milke, cheese and butter, and make great cheare with pancakes and such other things, one friend visiting another, and from the same Sunday vntil our Shrofesunday there are but few Russes sober, but they are drunke day by day, and it is accompted for no reproch or shame among them. keywords: abide; able; aboord; aboue; absence; abundance; accompt; account; adioyning; admirall; aduenture; aduise; affaires; aforesaid; afternoone; againe; agents; alexander; almightie; altines; alwayes; ambassadour; ancient; andrew; anker; anno; answere; anthonie; anthony; apparell; appeare; appeareth; april; arriuall; arthur; articles; assistants; astracan; aswell; atque; august; authoritie; barbarous; barke; barter; basilius; batman; bay; beare; bee; beeing; beginning; behalfe; beleeue; beloued; bene; benefite; best; better; betweene; betwixt; blacke; boates; body; boghar; bonauenture; booke; bowes; bread; breake; brethren; broken; brother; building; businesse; cabota; calme; camels; cape; captaine; carauan; caried; cary; casbin; caske; caspian; castle; cathay; cause; cazan; ceremonies; certaine; chamber; chanceler; charge; cheape; chiefe; chiefest; childe; children; christian; christopher; church; churches; citie; city; clocke; close; cloth; clothes; coast; cola; colmogro; colours; come; comfort; commandement; commendations; commeth; comming; commission; committed; commodities; common; communaltie; companie; company; conduct; consent; consuls; contrary; conuenient; copie; corne; corporation; couered; countrey; countries; course; court; credite; creeke; crosse; crowne; cup; custome; cut; daily; danger; dangerous; danske; daughter; day; dayes; dead; death; debts; december; declare; defendant; degrees; deliuer; depart; departure; description; desire; desirous; determined; die; dinner; discharged; discouerie; discretion; dishes; distance; distant; diuers; doe; dogs; doings; dominions; doth; doubt; drinke; drinking; driuen; duetie; duke; dutch; dwell; dwina; earth; east; eastnortheast; eastwards; ebbe; edward; effect; emperors; emperour; empire; end; ende; enemies; england; english; enterprise; entertained; estate; estimation; euening; euery; euill; example; excellent; expedition; factors; fadome; faire; faith; faithfull; fall; falleth; famous; fashion; fast; father; fauour; fellowship; field; fiftie; finding; fine; fish; fiue; flaxe; fleete; flesh; floweth; following; foote; footnote; force; foresayd; fortune; forward; foure; fourth; foxe; free; frequented; friday; friendly; friendship; furnished; furniture; furres; gabriel; garments; gaue; generall; gentiles; gentlemen; george; gifts; gilan; gilt; giue; giueth; glad; god; gods; goe; goeth; gold; good; good order; goodly; goodnesse; gouernour; grace; gracious; grauesend; graunt; gray; great; great duke; great number; great riuer; greater; greatest; ground; habitation; halfe; hand; happen; harborough; harbour; hath; haue; hauing; head; headland; heartie; heauen; hee; heires; helpe; henrie; henry; hides; high; higher; highnesse; hill; himselfe; holy; home; honest; honour; honourable; hope; horses; houres; house; howbeit; howe; hugh; ienkinson; iesus; images; increase; india; informed; inhabitants; instructions; intended; intent; iohn; iohnson; iourney; island; isles; item; iuan; iudge; iuly; iune; iustice; karsies; keepe; keeping; kegor; killingworth; kind; kindes; king; kingdome; knight; knowen; knowledge; labour; laden; lading; lady; lake; lampas; land; landes; lane; language; lappians; large; late; latitude; lawe; lay; leagues; learne; leaue; left; length; lesse; letters; libertie; licence; lieth; life; like; little; liue; liuing; lodging; lodias; london; long; longer; lord; loue; lying; maiestie; maiesty; maine; maior; making; man; maner; marchants; marginal; marie; mariners; married; mary; master; mate; matters; meade; meanes; measure; mee; meete; men; merchandise; messenger; metropolitan; mightie; miles; mind; minister; minutes; mist; mistie; monasterie; moneth; money; moone; moreouer; morning; mosco; moscouie; mountaines; names; napea; narue; nation; nauigation; necessaries; necessary; neede; neuer; neuerthelesse; new; newe; nicholas; nigh; noble; non; north; northeast; northerly; northnortheast; northwards; northwest; norway; nos; nose; nostris; notable; notes; nouogrod; number; obserue; occasion; october; offenders; officers; oftentimes; olde; onely; open; opinion; order; ordinance; osep; ouer; owne; oxus; oyle; partie; parts; passage; passe; past; patents; pearles; pechora; pence; people; perceiue; perceiuing; perfect; persia; persians; person; philip; pieces; pilot; pinnesse; place; pleased; pleasure; plentie; plenty; point; poore; pouensa; pound; power; pray; precious; presence; present; prices; priest; prince; principall; prison; priuate; priuie; priuiledges; proceeding; profit; profitable; promise; prosper; prouide; prouince; prouision; publike; purpose; quantitie; queenes; questions; raw; readie; readinesse; ready; realme; reason; reasonable; receiued; reds; regions; religion; religious; remaine; report; request; requisite; respect; rest; returne; reuerence; richard; ride; riding; right; riuer; roade; robert; robles; rockes; roome; ropes; rose; rubbles; rule; runneth; russes; russia; russians; sables; safetie; said; saile; sailing; saint; salt; samoeds; sand; sate; saturday; sawe; sayd; saying; scotland; sea; seale; search; seas; sebastian; second; secretary; seene; sell; september; seruants; serue; seruice; set; seuen; seuenth; seuerall; shal; shalbe; shammaki; shaughs; shewed; shillings; shippes; ships; shoare; shot; shoulde; sidenote; silke; siluer; singular; sit; sixe; sixt; skiffe; skinnes; slaine; sleds; small; snow; societie; soltan; sonnes; sophie; sophy; sort; sortes; south; southeast; southsouthwest; southwest; space; speake; speciall; spices; spring; square; standeth; standing; statutes; stones; stoode; store; strange; strangers; strong; stuffe; subiects; successe; successors; sufficient; summer; sunday; sunne; talke; tallowe; tartars; tenth; terrible; territories; thanks; theeues; themselues; thereabout; therof; things; thinke; thirtie; thither; thomas; thorow; thursday; thwart; timber; time; tongue; touching; townes; trade; traffique; traine; trauaile; trauell; trees; trinitie; true; trueth; trust; tuesday; tunnes; turkes; twelue; twentie; twentieth; value; veluet; vendible; verstes; vessels; vestra; victuals; villages; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnknowen; vntill; vnto; volga; vologda; voyage; vpon; vrgence; vse; walles; wardhouse; wares; warre; water; waxe; way; wealth; weather; wednesday; wee; wee haue; weeke; weight; wel; west; westwards; weyed; whale; whatsoeuer; whereof; whereunto; white; wife; willed; william; willing; willoughby; winde; winter; wise; withall; wiues; women; wood; words; worke; world; worshipfull; worships; worthy; writing; wrought; yard; yea; yeere; yeerely; yeraslaue; yeres; yong cache: 7476.txt plain text: 7476.txt item: #31 of 35 id: 7769 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 04 date: None words: 136717 flesch: 67 summary: This being done in Mosco, great men of birth and accompt were also presently sent to the bordering Townes, as Smolensko, Vobsko, Kasan, Nouogorod &c. with fresh garrison, and the old sent vp. ELIZABETHA, Dei gratia Angliæ Franciæ, et Hiberniæ Regina, fidei defensatrix, &c. Serenissimo Principi ac Domino, Ioanni Basilio, keywords: abbey; aboord; aboue; abundance; accesse; account; accustomed; addendum; aduantage; affaires; aforesaid; afternoone; againe; agent; agreement; alderman; alexander; ali; allowance; alongst; altitude; alwayes; ambassadour; ambassage; amitie; amos; ample; ancient; ancre; andrew; anker; anno; anthony; apparell; appeare; archangel; armenian; armie; armour; arriuall; arriue; arrowes; arthur; articles; asia; assured; astracan; aswell; atque; attire; august; authorised; authoritie; away; bachu; backe; bad; baie; banister; barkes; barrels; barter; basha; bashaes; basilius; bathy; bay; bealozera; beare; bee; beginning; behalfe; behauiour; bene; benefit; best; better; betweene; betwixt; bildih; black; boat; boates; bodies; body; boghar; booke; borders; boris; bougori; bowes; breadth; breake; briefe; bringing; broad; broken; brother; browne; building; burghley; burrough; calme; cambalu; camels; cape; captaine; care; carpenter; carpini; cary; casbin; caspian; cassaks; castle; cathay; cause; cazan; certaine; chamber; chancellor; chapman; charge; charles; charter; chernigo; chetera; chiefe; chiefest; children; christians; christopher; church; citie; city; cleare; clocke; close; cloth; clothes; coast; cola; colde; colmogro; coloured; colours; come; command; commandement; commander; commeth; comming; commission; commodities; common; companie; company; company haue; compasse; conduct; conference; conferre; conquest; continuall; continued; contrary; conuenient; copie; corne; coronation; counsell; countreis; countrey; countries; course; court; credite; crim; crimme; crosse; cum; custome; cut; danger; dangerous; day; dayes; dead; death; debt; declare; declination; dee; defence; degrees; deliuered; denmarke; depart; departure; deputies; derbent; description; desire; desirous; determined; diet; dinner; direction; discoueries; discouery; dispatch; displeasure; distance; distant; diuers; doe; dominions; doth; double; doubt; drawen; drawing; drinke; driuen; ducket; duke; dutch; dutie; dwelling; dwina; earth; east; easterly; eastwards; edward; effect; elizabeth; els; emperors; emperour; empire; empresse; end; ende; enemies; england; english; english merchants; englishmen; esquire; euery; euill; europe; excellent; exchange; expedition; experience; face; factors; fadoms; faith; falleth; false; famous; farre; farthest; fashion; fast; father; fathoms; fauour; field; fiftie; finding; fine; fire; fish; fit; fiue; flats; fluuium; fogge; following; foote; footnote; force; fortie; foure; fourth; france; francis; free; freebooters; fresh; friend; friendly; friendship; frost; frozen; furnished; furniture; furres; gale; garland; garments; garrard; gaue; general; gentleman; george; gerardus; ghost; giuen; giueth; glad; glasses; glouer; god; gods; goe; goeth; gold; golden; golding; gone; good; goodly; goodnesse; gouernment; gouernour; grace; gracious; graine; grant; great; great duke; great good; great lord; great number; great riuer; great store; greater; greatest; ground; guide; gunners; haire; hakluyt; hald; halfe; hand; handes; hath; haue; haue giuen; hauing; head; health; hee; helpe; henrie; henry; highnesse; himselfe; hinderance; hold; holy; home; honest; honourable; hope; horsemen; horses; houres; house; howe; hudson; huge; hugh; hull; hurt; iackman; ianuary; ice; ierome; iii; inclosed; india; inhabitants; inheritance; instructions; intended; iohn; iourney; ioyne; ireland; island; item; itinere; iuanowich; iudge; iuly; iune; iustice; ivan; jenkinson; john; karsies; keepe; keeping; kegor; khan; killingworth; kind; kindes; king; kingdome; knez; knowen; knowledge; laden; lady; lake; land; lane; language; lapland; lappes; lappia; large; late; latitude; laurence; law; lawe; lay; layd; lead; leagues; learne; leaue; left; length; lesse; letters; libertie; liberty; licence; lie; liefland; lieth; life; like; liking; lionel; litle; lituania; lodging; london; long; longer; lord; lordship; losses; lots; loue; louing; lying; magno; mahumet; maiestie; maiesty; maine; man; maner; mans; mappe; marchant; mare; marginal; mariners; market; marueilous; mary; master; matters; matthew; mead; meanes; meaning; meat; media; mee; meete; meeting; men; mercator; merchandize; merchants; merchants haue; meridian; message; messenger; michael; mightie; mighty; miles; mind; minutes; mistresse; moneth; money; morning; mortus; mosco; moscouia; moscouites; mountaines; mouthes; muscovy; names; narue; nation; naturall; nauigation; necessaries; necessary; need; needfull; neuer; new; newes; nicholas; night; nobilitie; nobility; nobis; noble; noblemen; non; north; northeast; northnortheast; northwards; northwest; norway; nos; nose; notable; notes; noting; noua; nouember; nouogrod; number; obseruations; obserued; occasion; ocean; october; offence; offer; officers; oftentimes; oile; old; olgush; onely; open; opinion; order; ordinance; ormus; ouer; owne; oyle; oze; paper; partie; parts; passage; passe; past; patriarch; pauoses; pay; payd; pearle; pechingo; pechora; people; perceiue; perfect; persia; persians; persons; pet; peter; petzora; pheodorowich; philip; piece; place; plant; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; plesko; plumtree; points; poland; pole; polonian; poore; port; possible; post; power; practise; pray; precious; presence; present; preserue; prince; princely; principall; prison; priuate; priuilege; proceeding; procure; proofe; prophet; proue; prouince; prouision; prã; purpose; quantitie; queene; quem; qui; quod; quã; randolfe; ranne; reaches; readinesse; ready; realme; reason; reca; receiue; regard; regions; reigne; religion; remaine; remembrance; repaire; report; request; require; resident; respect; rest; returne; rezan; riall; richard; riuer; robert; robles; rode; roome; rose; rostoue; rowland; royall; rubbles; rubruquis; ruler; runneth; running; russe; russia; rutter; safetie; safety; said; said english; said merchants; saile; sailing; saint; sake; sales; salt; samoyeds; sand; satisfied; saue; sayd; sea; seale; search; seas; seat; second; secretary; section; seene; september; seruant; serue; seruice; set; seuen; seuerall; shalbe; shalkan; shamaky; shape; shaugh; sheepe; shew; shewed; ship; shippe; shires; shoare; shot; siberia; sidenote; sides; signifie; silke; siluer; singular; sir; sister; sit; sitting; sixe; sixt; skiffe; small; smith; smolensko; societie; sommer; sonne; sophie; sophy; sort; souldiers; sound; south; southeast; southerly; southsouthwest; southwest; space; speake; speciall; speech; speed; spices; spring; standeth; standing; state; stay; stead; stephen; stones; store; straight; strangers; strength; stroog; stuffe; sub; subiects; successe; sudden; sufficient; summe; sundry; supposed; sute; sweden; sword; tabin; taking; talke; tanais; tartars; tell; tenth; territories; teueris; thee; themselues; theodore; thereabouts; thereunto; things; thinke; thither; thomas; thou; thy; time; tongue; towardes; townes; tract; trade; traffike; traffique; trauell; treasure; tree; trend; troubled; true; trueth; trust; turkes; turkie; turkish; turnbull; twelue; twentieth; vaigats; value; variation; vasilowich; veluet; venetians; vent; verie; versts; vertue; vessels; victuals; view; village; visits; viz; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vobsko; volga; vologda; voyage; vpon; vse; want; wardhouse; wares; warme; waste; watch; water; waxe; way; weather; wee; weekes; west; westwards; whale; whatsoeuer; whereof; white; wife; william; willing; willoughbies; willoughby; winde; winter; wintering; wise; withall; wiues; women; wood; words; worke; world; worshipfull; worthy; writing; wrought; yaks; yard; yce; yeeld; yeere; yeerely; yeraslaue; yeres; yong; zembla cache: 7769.txt plain text: 7769.txt item: #32 of 35 id: 7900 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 05 Central and Southern Europe date: None words: 133611 flesch: 63 summary: Augustissime et inuictissime Cæesar, accepimus inuicttissimæ Cæsareæ vestræ celsitudinis literas, die decimoquinto Martij currentis anni ad nos scriptas Constantinopoli, ex quibus intelligimus quàm benignè quámque clementer, literæ supplices quæ Cæsareæ vestræ celsitudini a quodam subdito nostro Guilielmo Hareborno in Imperiali Celsitudinis vestræ ciuitate Constantinopoli commorante offerebantur, literæ profectionis pro se et socijs eius duobus hominibus mercatoribus subditis nostris cum mercibus suis ad terras ditionésque Imperio vestro subiectas iam per mare quàm per terras, indéque reuersionis veniæ potestatísque humillimam complexæ petitionem, ab inuictissima vestra Cæsarea celsitudine, acceptæ fuerunt. Mandamus igitur, vt literæ nostræ Cæsareæ, quàm primum tibi exhibitæ fuerint, has in persona propria cures, secundum quod conuenit, videasque ex Anglia Baliabadram cum mercibus venientibus mercatoribus, et alias ob causas venientibus hominibus, in summa Angliensibus et nauibus eorum, et in nauibus existentibus mercibus et rebus contra foedus et priuilegium, iniuria, vis aut damnum non inferatur: sed, vt conuenit, defendas, vt naues, mercatores, et homines, nostri velut proprij subditi, liberi ab omni vi et iniuria permaneant; et negotijs suis incumbant. keywords: 1405; aboord; aboue; accesse; accustomed; achon; acmek; administrators; admirall; admit; aduantage; aduenture; aduise; affaires; affection; aforesayd; africa; againe; agaynst; agreement; aide; alexandria; alijs; alleage; almightie; alwayes; ambassadours; amends; amitie; amity; ample; ancient; andrew; andruzzi; angliã; anker; anno; antonio; appeare; appointment; approue; april; apud; arabia; armenia; armes; armie; armour; army; arnold; arrest; arriuall; arriue; arsenall; articles; artillery; asia; assault; assistance; aswell; atque; aucher; august; autem; authoritie; auuergne; backe; bade; baglione; baker; banners; baptist; barbarie; barbican; bare; basha; battell; battered; batteries; battery; beasts; bed; bee; beganne; beginning; behalfe; behinde; bene; benefit; berengaria; best; better; betweene; bey; bishop; blood; boate; body; booke; bound; bragadino; brake; brasse; breach; breaches; breaking; brey; bringing; britaine; broad; broken; brother; bulwarke; businesse; campe; campion; candia; capo; captaine; captiues; care; cary; castle; cause; celsitudinis; celsitudo; certaine; certaine time; certified; chancelor; charge; charles; charter; chaunce; chiefe; children; chio; christendome; christian; church; citie; citizens; city; clays; cleane; clerke; clocke; clothes; clothing; coast; colours; come; comfort; commandement; commander; comming; commissioners; committed; commodities; commodity; common; companie; company; complaints; complete; complices; composition; concerning; conclusion; concord; condition; confederates; conference; conradus; consent; consideration; constantinople; consul; contented; contents; continuall; continuance; contrarie; contrary; conuenient; conuersation; corne; couered; councell; counterscharfe; countrey; courage; course; court; crayer; creator; credite; crosse; crowne; cui; cum; curtesie; custodie; custome; customers; cyprus; damages; damnified; danger; dangerous; dantzik; dart; date; datum; daughter; day; dayes; dead; dealing; death; deceased; december; decreed; deede; defence; dei; del; delay; deliuer; demaunded; depart; departing; deputies; desire; desirous; determined; deuise; diligence; diligent; dinner; ditches; ditiones; diuers; diuine; doe; doings; dominions; dordract; doth; double; doubt; drawen; drinke; driuen; ducats; duke; durst; dutch; dying; eam; earle; earth; easter; ech; edward; effect; egypt; eius; eke; elbing; elburg; eleuen; elizabeth; emperour; empire; end; ende; endeuour; enemies; england; english; english marchants; english men; enioy; ensuing; enterprise; eorum; esset; estate; esturmy; etiam; euen; euery; euill; europe; exceeding; excellent; execution; executors; exercise; expedient; expenses; extreme; eye; eyes; faith; faithfull; fall; false; famagusta; famous; father; fauour; feare; feast; february; fell; fellowes; fift; fifteene; fine; fire; fishes; fiue; flanckers; flie; flight; foedus; folke; following; foorth; footnote; forasmuch; force; forenamed; foresaid; foresaid marchants; foresayde; forren; forthwith; foure; france; francesco; free; french; french king; frenchmen; fresh; friendly; friendship; fuit; furie; furniture; gabriel; gallies; gan; garret; gate; gaue; generall; genouois; gentlemen; george; germanie; ginnie; giuen; glorious; god; god king; godekin; goe; goeth; golde; gonson; goodnesse; goods; gouernment; gouernour; grace; gracious; grand; gratia; graunt; great; great bombards; great commander; great damage; great danger; great hinderance; great king; great losse; great master; great men; great number; great pieces; great quantity; great ships; great store; great towne; great turke; greater; greatest; grecians; greeke; greeting; gresham; grieuances; grieuous; ground; grã; guard; gunners; gunpowder; gunshot; hage; hakluyt; hale; hamburgers; hand; handes; hans; happy; harbour; hareborne; harme; hast; hath; haue; haue bene; hauing; head; hearing; heart; hee; heires; helena; helpe; henrie; henry; herbe; higher; highnesse; himselfe; hinderance; hoc; hold; holden; holland; holy; home; homines; honest; honourable; hope; horsebacke; hospitall; hostages; hoste; houses; howbeit; howsoeuer; huius; humble; hundreth; hurt; ierusalem; iesu; iland; illis; impediment; imperator; imperiall; imperij; increase; infidels; infinite; informed; inhabitants; iniuries; insomuch; instant; intent; intention; inter; intreated; inuincible; inuiolable; iohn; iourney; ioyned; ireland; isle; italian; italie; italy; item; iudge; iudgement; iuly; iune; iungingen; iustice; keepe; keepers; keeping; kind; king; king henry; king richard; kingdome; kington; knights; knowen; knowledge; kunigsberg; labour; laboured; laden; lande; large; late; latine; lawes; lawfull; learne; leaue; left; length; lenne; letters; leuant; libertie; liberty; licence; liege; life; like; limisso; limited; literas; little; liue; liuing; liuonia; liuonians; lodging; london; long; lord great; lord master; lorde; lordship; losse; lost; loue; mahomet; maiestatis; maiestie; maiesty; maine; maior; maister; malefactors; man; mandatum; maner; mans; mantellets; marchandise; marchants; mare; marginal; marienburgh; mariners; marks; marques; martiningo; maruell; master generall; master william; masters; materials; mathew; matter; meane time; meanes; meaning; meete; meeting; memory; men; mens; mensis; mention; merall; mercatores; merces; merchant; mercibus; messana; messengers; messire; michael; mightie; mighty; mighty lord; miles; minde; miserie; molestations; moneth; money; mooued; moreouer; morning; mother; motion; murad; mustafa; mutuall; naked; names; nappa; nation; natolia; naturall; nature; nauie; necessary; necessitie; need; negros; nemo; neuer; neuerthelesse; new; newes; nicholas; nicosia; night; ninth; nobis; nobles; non; north; norway; nos; nostras; nostri; nostrorum; nostrum; notable; nouember; number; obedience; obserued; obtaine; occasion; october; offer; officers; offred; oft; oile; omnes; omnia; omnibus; onely; open; order; ordinance; osborne; ouerthrowen; owner; partibus; particular; parties; parts; passage; passe; passin; past; patents; pauillion; pay; payment; pence; people; perceiued; perfect; perfection; permit; perpetuall; personages; persons; peter; petition; philip; pieces; pilot; place; plant; pleasant; pleasure; pledges; poland; polonians; poloniã; poore; port; portes; portugale; possession; possible; posterne; pounds; power; practise; pray; premisses; prepared; presence; present; prince; principall; principibus; prisoner; priuilege; priuilegium; procurators; procure; profitable; profite; promise; promising; proofes; propounded; proroged; prosperous; prouence; prouided; prouision; prussia; prussians; prã; purpose; purser; quam; quantitie; quantity; queene; quello; qui; quibus; quod; quã; quã²d; ransome; readie; ready; realme; reason; reasonable; receiued; recompense; reformation; regard; regem; reginã; regions; regis; regni; reigne; relation; religion; religious; remaine; remedie; remedy; remembrance; renowmed; repaires; report; request; requested; required; requisite; respect; rest; restitution; returne; returne vnto; reuerence; reuerend; reuerend lord; rex; rhodes; riuer; robberies; robert; roger; roome; rostok; royall; sacred; safe; safeconduct; saffron; said; said company; said edward; said marchants; said ship; said terme; said trade; saile; sailing; saint; sake; saladine; salt; sangiaccho; santa; saracens; sareã; saris; sate; satisfaction; saue; sawe; sayd; sayd ambassadours; sayd articles; sayd bulwarke; sayd english; sayd goods; sayd great; sayd king; sayd letter; sayd lord; sayd master; sayd moneth; sayd place; saying; sea; seale; seas; second; secret; seed; seene; semper; sending; sentence; september; serenitatis; seruant; serue; seruice; set; setting; shalbe; shew; shillings; ship; shippe; shipping; shooting; shore; shot; shoulde; sicilia; sidenote; sides; signes; signified; signior; siluer; simon; singular; sir; sister; sithens; sixe; skilfull; skirmish; slaine; slaues; slaughter; sleepe; slew; small; smith; societie; society; sonne; sort; soueraigne; soueraigne king; soueraigne lord; souldiers; soules; south; space; speake; speciall; speech; speedy; standing; staper; statute; stay; stertebeker; stones; straight; strangers; strength; strike; strokes; strong; sua; subditi; subditorum; subditos; subiects; successe; successors; succours; sudden; sufficient; suis; sultan; summe; sundry; sunt; suo; supplication; suretie; suã; sword; syria; taking; tam; tancredus; tenor; terme; terrible; territories; thee; themselues; thereunto; therewith; therfore; things; thinke; thither; thomas; thorow; thought; throwen; tidings; time; toppe; towne; trade; traffike; traffique; trauell; trauerses; treasurer; treatie; treaty; trees; trenches; tripolis; trouble; true; trueth; trumpets; trust; tunnes; turkes; turkie; turkish; twaine; twelue; twentie; twentieth; valiant; value; van; vbi; venetians; venice; vent; vertue; vessels; vestram; vestrã; viceroy; victorie; victory; victuals; villages; vitailes; vlricus; vncles; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnlesse; vnquam; vntill; vnto; vnto captaine; vnto dordract; vnto iohn; vnto king; vnto master; vnto richard; vnto themselues; vouchsafe; voyage; vpon; vse; wall; walles; wals; want; wares; warre; watch; water; waxe; way; wealth; weather; wee; welbeloued; west; westminster; whatsoeuer; whereof; white; wife; wilde; william; willing; wine; winning; wise; wismer; witnesse; wiues; women; wonted; wood; wooll; woollen; woont; words; worke; world; worshipfull; worthy; writeth; writing; written; wrong; yard; yea; yeeld; yeelded; yeere; yeerely; yeres cache: 7900.txt plain text: 7900.txt item: #33 of 35 id: 8107 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 06 Madiera, the Canaries, Ancient Asia, Africa, etc. date: None words: 89793 flesch: 73 summary: So that in disobeyinge of his commaundemente, thei thoughte thei should not haue disobeied a king but God him selfe. But for the fore knowledge of thynges, thei come to the Graues of their kyndreade, and there when thei haue praied their stinte, laye them doune vpon them to slepe: and loke what thei dreame, that, doe thei folowe. keywords: abissinorum; able; aboorde; aboundance; aboute; abrode; absteine; acordinge; acordyng; action; admirall; aduenturers; aforesaid; africa; afrike; afterwarde; aftre; againe; aire; alcorane; almoste; altare; althoughe; america; amonge; amsterdam; anchors; ancient; anye; aphrique; apostles; apparell; appoincted; arabia; armes; armie; armour; arriued; articles; artificiall; asia; asie; asmuche; assone; aswell; atque; attempt; attende; aucthoritie; august; aunciente; autem; awaie; ayre; bare; battell; bealy; beareth; beastes; beautie; bee; beginning; behinde; beinge; beleue; belief; bene; benefit; best; bestowe; better; bettre; betweene; betwixte; bewrie; beyng; beyonde; birdes; bishoppe; blessed; bloud; boates; bodie; body; booke; borders; borne; bothe; bought; bowe; brasse; breade; brieders; bring; bringeth; broad; broughte; buriall; calle; canaria; canaries; canes; cape; captaines; caput; care; caried; cary; castle; catteile; cause; ceremonies; certaine; certein; chapitre; charge; chase; chaunge; chiefe; childe; children; china; christe; christendome; christian; churche; citie; city; cleane; clergie; close; cloth; coast; coastes; cold; colours; come; cometh; commaundemente; comming; commodities; common; commune; compaignie; companies; company; compasse; compte; conquest; conscience; consecrate; consent; consideracion; continent; continuall; continuaunce; contrary; cornelius; corps; couered; countrie; country; courage; course; cowe; creatures; credite; crosse; cum; curious; custome; cut; cutte; daie; daily; dartmouth; daye; dead; death; defence; degrees; delight; deliuer; deserta; desertum; desire; desolation; deuine; dicta; diede; difference; dignitie; diligence; discharged; disciples; discoueries; discouery; diseases; disposed; distance; distant; diuers; diuided; doctrine; doe; dogges; doth; double; doubt; doune; drincke; driuen; dukes; dwell; dwelling; eares; earth; eate; eche; edition; egipte; egiptians; elephantes; elles; emong; emperour; emporium; ende; enemies; enemy; england; english; englishman; enterprise; entre; equall; erle; estieme; ethiope; euen; euening; euerlasting; euery; euery man; euill; europe; excellent; excepte; exercise; experience; eye; eyes; eyther; face; facion; facioned; faithe; fall; falleth; false; famous; farre; fasting; father; fauour; feare; felte; fertile; fewe; fieldes; fine; fire; firste; fisshe; fiue; fiueth; flag; fleet; fleshe; floude; folowe; foorth; foote; footnote; force; forteuentura; fortune; founde; foure; france; free; french; friday; friendes; fro; frozen; fruictes; fruit; furthe; gale; ganges; garmentes; gaue; generall; gens; gentlemen; ghoste; giftes; giuen; giuing; glorious; glory; goa; god; goddes; goddesse; gods; goe; golde; gomera; good; goodly; gospelle; gouernaunce; gouernour; graine; grand; great; greater; greatest; grecians; grekes; grewe; grounde; groweth; hakluyt; hallowed; hande; hath; haue; haue great; haue thei; hauing; haulfe; heade; heapes; heard; heauen; hebrues; helpe; henry; herbes; hercules; herodotus; hide; high; highest; hill; hils; himselfe; hoc; holie; holy; home; honestie; hongre; honour; honourable; hope; horsebacke; horses; houres; house; housebande; howe; hurte; hym; iauelines; iesus; iewes; ihon; iii; iland; ile; images; increase; incredible; india; indies; inferiour; inhabitants; inhabited; instant; interior; iohn; ioyne; ipsa; iron; islands; isles; issue; iudgement; iudges; iune; iupiter; iuste; iustice; kepe; kille; kinde; king; kingdome; knowen; knowledge; knowne; kyng; kynges; labour; laboured; lacke; laden; laie; language; large; late; latitude; lawe; lawfull; laye; leagues; learne; leaste; leaue; left; length; lesse; letters; lettres; libertie; libya; lieth; life; like; linnen; litle; liue; liuyng; loke; londe; london; long; longer; lord; lordes; loue; lye; lyfe; lyke; macham; madera; maie; maiestie; maigne; making; man haue; maner; manifest; mankinde; mannes; mare; mariage; marshe; mary; master; matier; matters; maye; meanes; measure; medes; memorie; men; menne; mens; mercy; meridie; middes; middle; mighte; miles; milke; mill; miserable; moche; moe; money; monomotapa; morning; moses; moste; mother; mountaines; mounte; mounteigne; mouthe; multitude; myne; nacions; naked; names; nation; naturall; nature; nauigable; nauigation; necessitie; necke; neere; neighbours; neuer; newe; nexte; nicolas; night; nilus; nobilitie; noble; nombre; nones; north; northeast; northerly; northwest; norwest; notable; nothyng; nowe; number; nunc; obedience; obserue; occasion; occean; occupie; offence; office; officers; offre; olim; omnium; onely; open; opinion; ordenance; ordenarie; ordenary; order; ordre; original; ouer; owne; oyle; palma; parentes; parte; parties; passage; passe; past; peeces; people; perceiued; perfection; persians; persone; peter; piece; place; pleasaunte; pleased; pleasure; plentie; plenty; pole; pope; portugall; possible; postea; posteritie; power; practise; praise; precious; presence; present; priestes; princes; principall; prisoners; processe; profite; promise; prouidence; pure; purpose; qua; quae; quam; quantitie; quantity; quarter; quartre; quas; quicke; quod; quondam; quæ; raither; rate; rawe; reader; ready; realme; reason; receiue; redde; refuse; regard; regio; regions; regna; regnum; relation; religion; remaineth; remembraunce; reserue; residewe; residue; respecte; rest; returne; reuerence; richard; ride; riuer; romaines; romans; rome; ronneth; rootes; rule; sacrament; sacrifice; sages; said; saie; saie thei; saieth; saincte; saint; salt; santa; saracenes; saw; sawe; sayd; saye; sayling; sciences; scithians; sea; search; seas; second; selfe; selues; sene; sentence; september; septemtrione; serue; seruice; set; sette; setting; seuenth; seuerall; shalbe; sharpe; shewe; sheweth; shiepe; shippes; shipping; ships; shoes; shold; shore; shot; shoulde; sicke; sidenote; sides; sieme; signes; siluer; simple; siria; sith; sive; sixe; skante; skinnes; slaine; slaue; slea; small; snow; soile; solempne; somer; sometyme; sondrie; sondry; sonne; sorowe; sorte; souldiours; soules; south; southwest; sowe; space; spaniards; spanish; speache; speake; speciall; spirites; square; standeth; standing; state; steade; stones; straight; straunge; strength; strike; strond; stuffe; subdeacon; subiecte; substaunce; successe; suche; sufficient; sugar; sunt; syr; tartarres; teache; temperate; tempest; temple; tenerif; tentes; terme; terrible; thee; thei; themselues; thende; ther; thereof; thether; thincke; thinges; thirde; thirtie; thomas; thought; thousande; thre; thrise; throughe; throwe; thursday; thyng; time; token; tollerable; tongue; toppe; touching; tounes; tourne; towarde; town; trade; transcriber; trauell; treatise; tree; trinitie; troubled; true; truthe; turkes; twaine; twelue; twentie; tyme; urbs; usque; valley; vel; venus; verie; versus; vertue; violence; violent; virgine; vnder; vndre; vnited; vnlike; vntill; vntle; vnto; voide; voyage; vpon; vpon whiche; vs.; vse; vsed; vulgo; walles; wan; ware; warres; waste; water; waxe; waxeth; way; waye; wealth; weapon; weather; wednesday; wee; west; whatsoeuer; wher; wherby; wherin; wherof; wherwith; whiche; whiche haue; whilest; white; wicked; wife; wilde; william; wind; windes; wine; winter; wise; wisedome; withoute; witte; wiues; wollen; women; wondrefull; wonte; wood; woorde; worke; worlde; worshipfull; worshippe; worthie; worthy; writers; writeth; wrong; wyfe; xii; yce; yea; yeeldeth; yeeres; yere; yerely; yndians; yse; zone; ægypto; ægyptus; æthiopia cache: 8107.txt plain text: 8107.txt item: #34 of 35 id: 9148 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 07 England's Naval Exploits Against Spain date: None words: 103962 flesch: 58 summary: Fiue of them were great ships of Biskay, whereof 4. About this time was the Marchant Royall, with three or foure other ships, sent to Peniche, to fetch away the companies that were left there; but Captaine Barton hauing receiued letters from the Generals that were sent ouerland, was departed before not being able by reason of the enemies speedy marching thither either to bring away the artillery, or all his men, according to the direction those letters gaue him; for he was no sooner gone than the enemy possessed both town and castle, and shot at our ships as they came into the road. keywords: --his; --mentioned; --taken; --their; able; aboord; aboue; accidents; account; action; admirall; aduantage; aduenture; aduise; afternoone; againe; agreement; aliue; alwayes; ambassador; ancient; ancre; angra; anker; anthony; antonio; appeare; approch; approching; april; armada; armes; armie; army; artillery; assault; assistance; assured; attempt; august; azores; aã§ores; backe; bands; bare; base; battell; battery; bay; bayon; bee; beganne; beginning; behinde; bene; best; betooke; better; betweene; betwixt; bin; bishop; blood; boate; body; boorded; breach; bread; breake; bridge; briefe; broken; brother; bullets; burden; burthen; cables; cadiz; caleis; canary; candia; canon; cape; captaine; captiues; carauel; care; caried; cary; cascais; castle; cause; centurion; certaine; charge; charles; chase; chaunce; chiefe; chio; church; citie; city; clocke; cloister; close; coast; colonell; colours; come; commandement; commanders; comming; commission; commoditie; common; companies; company; conde; conduct; conflict; conquest; conradus; constantinople; continued; contrary; conuenient; corne; coruo; counsell; countrey; countries; courage; course; crosse; cruz; cumberland; cut; damned; danger; dangerous; dauis; day; dayes; dead; death; deed; defence; degrees; depart; departure; description; desire; desmond; determined; diego; direction; discourse; dispersed; diuers; doe; domingo; don; doth; double; doubt; drake; drew; drinke; driuen; duke; dunkerk; durst; dutch; eares; earle; earth; east; ech; edward; effect; egypt; elizabeth; els; emperor; encounter; end; ende; enemie; enemy; england; english; english ships; englishmen; ensignes; entertaine; entrance; escape; essex; esteemed; euen; euening; euery; excellent; execution; expedient; expedition; experience; extremitie; eyes; fall; false; famagusta; fame; famous; farther; fayal; feare; fewe; fier; fifteene; fiftie; fight; fighting; finding; fire; fish; fit; fiue; flanders; fleet; fleming; flie; flores; foes; following; foorth; foote; forces; foresight; fortune; forward; foster; foure; france; francis; francisco; french; fresh; friday; friendly; friends; furnished; furniture; galeons; galliasses; gallies; gates; gaue; generall; gentlemen; george; gibraltar; giue; glad; glorious; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gouernour; graciosa; grand; great; great danger; great good; great master; great number; great ordinance; great pieces; great ships; great shot; great store; great turke; greater; greatest; grinuile; groine; ground; guard; gunner; hakluyt; halfe; hand; hanged; happy; harme; hart; haste; hath; hauana; haue; hauing; hazard; head; hearing; hearts; heauen; hee; hell; helpe; henry; high; hill; himselfe; hinder; hold; holland; home; honour; honourable; hope; horsemen; houses; howard; huge; hulks; hundreth; hurt; ilands; immortall; indian; indies; inhabitants; insomuch; instant; intelligence; intent; inuade; inuasion; inuincible; iohn; iourney; ioyned; ireland; irish; island; isle; iuan; iuly; iune; iungingen; iust; john; keepe; keeping; king; knight; knowen; labour; laden; landing; large; late; latine; lay; leagues; leaue; left; length; lesse; letters; levant; lieutenant; life; like; lisbon; lister; little; liues; liuing; london; long; longer; loose; lord; lord great; lost; loue; lowe; lucar; maiestie; maine; man; maner; manners; mans; march; marchants; margaret; mariners; marques; mary; master; masts; matters; meane; meaning; medina; meet; men; men haue; mens; messenger; michael; mightie; mighty; miles; mind; mischance; misfortune; moneth; money; moreouer; morning; munition; musket; names; narrow; nation; naturall; nature; nauie; nauy; necessaries; necessary; neere; neuer; new; newes; noble; norris; north; nos; notable; nouember; number; obedience; occasion; ocean; october; offer; officers; onely; open; opinion; order; ordinance; ouer; ouerboord; ouerthrow; parma; particular; parts; passage; passe; past; pay; pedro; peniche; people; perceiued; perceiuing; performe; perill; persons; peter; philip; pieces; pinnesse; pittie; place; platforme; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; plimmouth; poore; portugall; possible; power; praise; pray; preparation; prepared; present; preston; primrose; prince; principall; prisoner; priuate; prize; promised; proud; prouinces; prouision; prussia; puente; purpose; quantitie; queene; quã; raleigh; ransome; readie; readinesse; ready; realme; reason; reasonable; receiued; recouer; recouered; regard; regiment; religion; remaine; repaire; report; reputation; residue; resolute; respect; rest; returne; reuenge; rhodes; richard; riches; riuer; road; robert; roger; runne; running; sacred; safe; safetie; said; saile; saint; saith; sake; san; santa; saue; sayd; saying; sayles; scotland; scottish; sea; seas; second; seeing; seene; send; september; serue; seruice; seruing; set; setting; seuerall; shame; shee; shew; shippes; shipping; ships; shooting; shore; shot; sicke; sidenote; sides; sidonia; siege; siluer; sir; sir edward; sir francis; sir iohn; sir richard; siuil; sixe; slaues; small; small ships; soone; sort; souldiers; soule; sound; space; spaine; spaniards; spanish; spanish fleet; spanish ships; speake; speed; spoile; squadron; standing; state; stay; sterne; stones; storme; straight; strange; strength; strong; successe; succour; sufficient; sugar; sundry; sunke; supply; sweete; swimming; sword; taking; tempest; teneriffe; tercera; terrible; thee; themselues; thereabout; thereunto; things; thinke; thinking; thomas; thorow; thought; thy; time; toppe; towardes; towne; trade; triumph; true; trueth; trust; tuesday; tunnes; turke; twelue; twentie; valdez; valiant; valure; vantgard; vertue; vessels; vice; viceadmirall; victorie; victory; victuals; vii; viii; vnder; vnderstand; vnited; vntill; vnto; vol; voyage; vpon; vse; wall; walles; want; warlike; warre; wars; watch; water; way; wealth; weather; wee; wel; west; whereof; william; willing; winde; wingfield; wings; withall; woe; women; wonderfull; wood; words; worke; world; worthy; wounded; wounds; yea; yeeld; yeelded; yeelding; yeeres; yong; zante; zeland cache: 9148.txt plain text: 9148.txt item: #35 of 35 id: 9815 author: Hakluyt, Richard title: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 08 Asia, Part I date: None words: 108165 flesch: 70 summary: 29 De quibusdam meridionalibus insulis, et farina et melle. gradibus, qui et ipse columnis vndíque est stipatus: et secundum quatuor mundi plagas habet templum quatuor introitus per portas Cypressinas artificiosè compositas, nobiliterque sculptas, et excisas. keywords: a.d; abbas; abbeye; abbot; aboute; aboute hem; aboven; aboveseyd; abraham; abrahames; absque; abundantia; ac de; accord; acharon; acon; acra; acres; ad non; adam; adhuc; aegypti; aforesayd; aftre; aftre hem; aftre men; agmina; akoun; albo; alexandria; alia; alii; alijs; aliqua; aliquibus; aliquid; aliquos; alisandre; alium; alkaron; alle; alle aboute; alle blody; alle fulle; alle maner; alle myghty; alle othere; alle thinges; alle tho; alle thoughe; alle tymes; alle weys; alle white; allone; almayne; als; altare; altera; alwayes; alweys; amazoyne; ambulant; amico; amonges; amonges hem; andrew; angel; angelus; angliam; angliæ; anglorum; animo; anno; annum; anon; answerde; antartyk; ante; antequam; antè; apostles; apostoli; apostolorum; apparet; appellant; appellatur; apples; appulle; apud; aqua; aquæ; arabes; arabiam; arabiæ; arabye; arbores; arboribus; archbishop; arke; armenia; armes; armie; armour; army; ascalon; ascendit; asia; aske; athos; atque; attamen; aula; aulæ; aungeles; aungelle; auri; auro; austrum; autem; author; awey; awtere; awtier; azen; azenst; babylonia; babyloyne; backe; bad; baldwine; baldwinus; balsami; balsamum; baptist; bare; barouns; bataylle; battell; bawme; beati; beatus; becomen; befelle; beforn; beginning; begynnethe; beholde; behovethe; beleeve; beleven; bello; ben; ben alle; ben betwene; ben blake; ben clept; ben comen; ben cristene; ben folk; ben fulle; ben gode; ben grete; ben holden; ben knowen; ben manye; ben mo; ben non; ben obedyent; ben obeyssant; ben righte; ben undre; ben white; bene; benethen; berethe; bersabee; berynge; besiege; bestes; bestiarum; bestiæ; besyde; besyde hem; bethania; betheleem; better; betwene; betwene hem; bezonde; bibunt; birthe; bishop; blessed; blode; blood; body; bona; bones; bonorum; bonum; booke; borne; boston; bouis; brachium; braunches; bred; breke; breke hem; brenne; brennynge; bretheren; breui; briddes; brother; broughte; bryngen; buryed; caldee; callen; cam; cambalu; canes; capella; capharnaum; capite; capitis; caput et; capvt; castelle; castellum; casten; castle; castro; castrum; cathay; catherinæ; cause; cave; caydo; cayphas; cayr; centur; certaine; certeyn; certeyn men; certo; certum; chambre; chane; chanouns; chapelle; chaungethe; chester; chiefe; chiefest; children; children ben; chirche; chorosaym; christi; christian; christianorum; christus; chronicon; church; cipre men; circa; circiter; circuitu; citie; city; ciuitas; ciuitatem; ciuitatis; claruit; cleer; clepen; clepen hem; clept; clere; clothes; coeli; coelo et; coelum; cold; coloris; colour; comen; comethe; comitatu; commandement; comming; common; communiter; comounly; companye; compas; comynge; conductu; confessioun; conseille; constantinopoli; continet; contra; contree; contree ben; contree men; contreyes; copia; coram; corde; cordis; corpore; corpore et; corporis; corpus; costantynoble; costes; counsell; countie; countrey; court; cowardly; craft; credentes; creditur; credunt; crescite et; cristalle; cristene men; croceo et; cros; crosse; croune; cruce; crucis; cubytes; cuius; cum; cuman; cumque; cunctis; curia; currit; cursed; curson; custom; cypre; cyprus; cytee; cytee ben; cùm; damasce; damiata; damyete; damysele; danger; danorum; dar; david; day; dayes; de auro; de facili; de qua; de quibus; dead; death; decem; ded; dede; dede men; defaute; degrees; dei; deo; depe; dere; desert; desertes; desertum; desire; desirous; dethe; deum; deuotione; deus; devocioun; dew; dextram; diabolica; diamantibus; dicebatur; dicere; dicitur; dicta; dictum; dicunt; dicuntur; dide; die; diebus; dierum; dies; dietas; differentia; disciples; distans; distat; diuers; diuersis; diuina; diuinum; dixit; doctryne; doe; domini; dominus; domus; don; donec; dong; doom; double; doun; dragoun; drawen; drawethe; drye; drynken; duas; duci; duellen; duellethe; duelte; duke; dum; duo; duobus; duodecim; durethe; dux; dyamandes; dyches; dye; dyverse; eam; earle; ebron; ecclesia; edgar; edward; ego; egypt; eius; eiusdem; eldest; elephantes; elles; emaus; emperour; ende; enemies; england; english; english men; enim; entent; entre; entrethe; eodem; eorum; eos; ephesus; episcopus; ergo; ergò; ermonye; erthe; esse; est; est autem; est ciuitas; est et; est ibi; est mons; estate; et absque; et ad; et adhuc; et aegypti; et alia; et alijs; et aliorum; et aliqui; et aliud; et amicum; et anima; et ante; et aqua; et argento; et aues; et benè; et bona; et bonorum; et circa; et continet; et corpus; et creditur; et cum; et de; et diamantibus; et dicitur; et dicunt; et diuersas; et dominus; et ecce; et ecclesia; et ego; et eius; et eorum; et erat; et ex; et factis; et ferè; et fit; et fortis; et fratre; et fructus; et fundamentum; et grandis; et hijs; et hinc; et hoc; et huiusmodi; et ille; et illic; et incipit; et instituit; et inter; et intrinsecus; et ipsi; et ipsum; et ita; et lapidibus; et lunam; et lunæ; et magnis; et maior; et mari; et minorem; et mirabilis; et moribus; et multa; et mundi; et ne; et non; et notandum; et nunc; et ob; et omnes; et omnibus; et oportet; et post; et potens; et poterit; et pro; et præcedunt; et præcipuè; et pulchra; et quasi; et quicunque; et quidam; et quoniam; et reliquijs; et retrò; et samaria; et sancta; et sanguinis; et sciatis; et sciendum; et semita; et sic; et sicut; et sine; et singulis; et specialiter; et sub; et sunt; et super; et tandem; et terram; et tertius; et totidem; et tum; et velut; et venit; et verum; et vestigia; et villas; et vinum; et vltra; et vno; et volucrum; et vsque; et vt; eten; eten hem; ethiope; etiam; euery; eum; evaungelist; evermore; everyche; evylle; excellent; excepto; exercitu; expedition; extra; eyr; face; facere; facili; faciunt; factus; fadir; faire; faith; fame; family; famous; farina; faste; father; fayr; fecit; fedres; feet; feld; fertur; ferè; fewe; fidei; fieri; filio; filius; finem; finibus; firmament; firste; fissches; fit; fiunt; fleete; flesche; flight; flom; flumen; fluuius; folk; following; fond; fons; foorth; footemen; footnote; formam; forme; forsaken; forthe; fortis; fortè; fote; foule; founden; france; franciæ; francorum; french; frenchmen; frendes; frequenter; fro; fro hem; fro jerusalem; fructus; frutes; fruyt; fuerit; fuisse; fuit; fulle; fulle gret; fulle wel; furlonges; fuyr; fynden; galilee; gardyn; gedre; gelboe; gemmis; generacioun; genere; generis; genibus; gentes; gentiles; george; gestis; giuen; glorious; god; god alle; god hathe; goddes; gode; gode contree; gode cytee; gods; gold; gon; gon men; good; goon; gost; gothe; goynge; grace; gradibus; gradus; grand; grandis; gratia; gravelle; greater; greciæ; greece; greek; grene; gret; gret contree; gret cytee; gret lord; gret plentee; grettere; grettest; greynes; griefe; growen; growethe; græcorum; habent; haberi; habetur; habetur et; hac; hadde; hadde ben; hakluyt; half; halfondelle; han alle; han ben; han gret; hanc; hand; hardy; harm; hathe; hathe ben; haud; haue; hauing; havenes; head; hearing; hedes; hee; heed; heighte; helpe; hem; hem alle; hem anon; hem men; hem self; henrico; henry; herd; heremyte; heresie; heritage; heroude; hevene; hierosolymam; hierosolymitanum; hierosolymorum; highe; highnesse; hille; himselfe; hinc; hinc ad; hire; hoc; hodie; holden; holdethe; holt; holy; holy lond; homines; hominum; hond; hondes; honorem; honourable; hony; hool; hoost; horrible; hors; horsemen; horses; hour; hous; houshold; huge; hugh; huic; huiusmodi; humani; hunc; hungariæ; husbonde; hyeme; hym; hyt; hæc; iaphet; ibi; ibidem; iconium; idolum; iesu; igitur; ile; illa; illic; illius; illo; illorum; illud; imago; immortalle; imo; imperator; imperiall; imperio; imperium; imò; incarnationis; inclinant; inde; india; indè; infidels; ingredi; ingulphus; inhabitants; inne; inne ben; insomuch; instrumentes; insula; insularum; insulis; inter; interdum; intra; intratur; inueniuntur; inuicem; ioanne; ioannis; iohn; ioppa; iordanis; iosaphat; iourney; ipsa; ipse; ipsius; ipso; ipsum; iren; israel; ista; istis; isto; istud; itaque; item; itinerarium; itinere; iudeæ; iudæi; iudæorum; iudæos; iugiter; iuly; iuxta; jacob; jaffe; jerico; jerusalem; jesu; jewes; job; john; jordan; josaphathe; josephe; journeyes; joye; judas; kateryne; kepen; king; kingdome; knees; knelen; knife; knight; knowen; knowethe; knowledge; knyghte; kth; kyndely; kyng; kyngdom; kyngdomes; kynges; lacus; lady; ladyes; lake; lampe; lande; langage; lapides; large; lastethe; latere; lateribus; latyn; lawe; learning; leet; left; legum; lengthe; leodij; lete; letters; lettres; leucarum; leucas; leucæ; leve; liber; libro; licèt; life; like; lingua; list; literarum; literis; litylle; liuing; loca; locis; loco; loco et; locum; lombardye; lond; lond ben; lond men; longe; longespee; longitudinis; longum; lord; lord god; lord jesu; lordes; loue; love; lowe; lybye; lyf; lyke; lyknesse; lynage; lyouns; lytel; lythe; lytille; lyve; machomete; magdaleyne; magna; magna et; magnitudinis; magnus; mahometi; maiestie; maine; maior; maiorem; maioribus; maken; makethe; malmesburie; man; mandeuil; manducant; maner; mangi; manibus; mannes; manu; manuel; manye; marble; marchauntes; marches; marchethe; mare; margaritis; marginal; maris; marvaylle; marveyle; materia; matter; matth; maxima; mayden; maydenes; meane; meche; medio; medium; meetynge; melodye; men; men ben; men bryngen; men comen; men fynden; men gothe; men gret; men han; men holden; men knowen; men myghte; men ne; men passen; men schulle; men seyn; men speken; men thorghe; men y; mensis; mention; mercatores; mercy; meridiem; meridionalibus; messenger; mete; meus; mighty; mihi; miles; miliaria; millia; millium; minorem; mira; miraculum; mirum; misit; missus; modica; modicum; modo; modre; modum; modò; monachorum; monethes; money; monkes; mons; monstratur; monstre; monte; montis; morabatur; moratur; mores; morning; mortem; mortuum; morwe; mount; mountayne; mowen; moyses; mulieres; multa; multis; multitude; multorum; multum; mundi; myddes; myghte; myle; myle fro; mylk; mynstralle; myracle; mysteria; nacyouns; naked; nam et; names; nascuntur; natheles; nation; nationibus; natiuitatis; nature; natus; nauigio; nayles; nazareth; nec; necessaria; nekke; neque; nevere; nihil; nimis; nisi; nobilibus; nobilis; nobilium; nobis; noble; noble men; nocte; noe; noes; noght; nombre; nomine; nominibus; nominis; non; nonnulli; normandie; nos; noster; nostris; nostrum; nostræ; notandum; noughte; nouther; nouzt; nulla; number; numero; numerum; nunc; nunquam; nyghe; nyghtes; nyle; nys; occasion; occean; octo; oculis; odericus; odour; offe; ogerus; olim; olyvete; omnes; omnia; omnibus; omnium; onely; ony; ony man; open; operatus; opere; operis; opynyoun; orbe; order; ordeyned; ordinis; ordre; oreb; orientem; oriundus; oryent; ossa; othere; ouer; oure; oure contree; oure lady; oure lord; outen; overthwart; owne; oxen; oyle; paas; pag; paganorum; palatium; palays; palestyne; palme; paradisi; paradisum; paradys; parentage; pariter; pars; partes; partibus; partie; passage; passe; passethe; passioun; passum; passynge; past; pater; patriam; patriarch; patriarke; patris; paucis; paynemes; pece; pedibus; pedum; pees; pelagius; penitus; peper; peple; perceiuing; peregrinationem; peregrinis; peregrinorum; perles; persarum; persie; persones; petre; petrus; peyne; phaaran; philosophres; pilgrymes; piperis; piscium; place; pleased; plentee; plenè; plures; pluribus; pope; populi; populus; pore men; porrò; portum; possible; possit; possunt; post; posteà; postquam; potens; poterit; potest; poul; power; pray; precyous; prelate; present; presoun; preved; preyeres; prima; primum; prince; princeps; principes; principibus; princypalle; prior; prius; pro; processione; procul; profite; promissionis; promyssioun; prophecyes; prophete; propre; proprio; propter; propè; protinus; prouinciam; prout; provynces; prædicta; prædictis; prædictum; præfatam; præter; præterea; pulchra; pure; purpose; putatur; putten; pyleres; quam; quamuis; quando; quandoque; quasi; quatuor; queen; quem; quem et; quemadmodum; quemadmodum et; qui; qui et; quia; quibus; quibusdam; quicunque; quidem; quilibet; quincy; quinquaginta; quinque; quis; quod; quod ad; quod de; quod et; quod non; quondam; quoque; quorum; quorundam; quos; quot; quàm; quæ; quædam; quòd; ranulph; rarò; ready; realme; reason; receiued; reddit; rede; rediens; reed; regem; regina; regiones; regionibus; regis; regnante; regni; regnum; reigne; religious men; relikes; reme; remotis; remotè; rennethe; report; residet; rest; restat; resurrexioun; returne; reuerentia; reuersus; reverence; rex; richard; richardus; richely; righte; riuer; robert; robertus; roche; rodes; rome; round; roundnesse; rubye; rupe; rupis; ryvere; saba; sacrement; sacrifice; sacris; saer; saf; sagitta; sahaladyn; said; salomon; salomonis; samaria; samaritanes; sanctam; sancti; sanctorum; sanctus; saracens; sarazines; sarisburie; sarraceni; sarracenorum; satis; saughe; sauiour; savour; saxon; sayd; sayth; schalle; schalt; schapp; sche; schewen; schewethe; schippes; scholde; scholde ben; sciendum; scilicet; scripsit; scriptum; scriptures; sea; seas; second; secret; seculi; secum; secunda; secundum; sed et; sege; self; sellen; semel; semethe; semper; sending; septem; sepulchri; sepulcre; sepulturæ; sepultus; serpentes; seruatur; servage; sett; setten; seu; seuen; sex; seyd; seyden; seye; seyenge; seyn hem; seynt; seyntes; seythe; shippe; shipping; ships; sibi; sicilia; sicut; sidenote; sides; sighelmus; sight; sigillum; signes; signum; siloe; similiter; simul; simul et; sinay; sine; singula; singulis; sint; sit; sithe; siue; sixe; skylle; skynnes; slaine; slayn; sle; sleen; sleepers; slew; sloughe; smale; smelle; sola; soldani; soldanorum; soldanus; solebat; solem et; solempne; solet; solis; solis et; solum; somer; somtyme; sone; sophiæ; sore; soudan; souldiers; soules; source; southe; sovereyn; space; spacio; spacium; spak; specialiter; speke; spekethe; spices; spiritus; square; stadia; statim; stature; stede; sterre; stetit; stones; stont; straight; strange; strengthe; strong; studies; studio; sua; suam; suas; sub; subieccioun; successe; successor; succour; suffre; sui; suis; sum; sum men; summam; summe; summe men; sumus; sundry; sunt; sunt de; suo; suos; super; suprà; surname; surrye; suum; suæ; swerd; swete; syde; sylver; symulacres; syngen; synne; syon; syria; sytt; sæpè; tabaria; tabernacle; table; taking; tamen; tandem; tanquam; tantum; tartariæ; tartarorum; tartarye; taughte; tempest; temple; temple ben; templum; tempore; temporis; tempus; tendit; tendunt; tenet; tenetur; tents; terra; terrarum; terrestre; territorio; tertia; tertius; text; thabor; thanne; thanne thei; thare; thare men; thei; thei seyn; theise; theise ben; themselues; thens; thens men; ther ben; thereof; therfore; therfore men; thidre; thing; thinges; thinking; thither; tho; tho ben; thomas; thomæ; thorewe; thorghe; thorn; thou; thridde; tibi; tilney; time; toke; tokene; tolde hem; tombe; tot et; tota; tother; totius; toto; totum; toun; tour; towardes; townes; townes ben; transire; transitur; trauailes; trees; treuly; tribus; tribute; triginta; trium; trouble; trowe; trust; tuam; tumba; tunc; turcorum; turkes; turkye; turneham; turnen; turnethe; tyme; tyre; tyrus; undirstonde; undre; unto; uppon; upward; usen; valdè; vale; valeye; valiant; vallem; vallis; vasis; vbi; vbi de; vbi et; vel; vel ad; velut; venitur; venym; venyse; vera; veri; vero; verry; version; versus; vertue; vertuous; verum; verò; vesselle; vestigia; viam; videlicet; videns; videre; videtur; vidi; viginti; villas; vina; vir; virgine; virginis; virgo; viri; virtus; vita; vitæ; vix; vltrà; vna; vnam; vnde et; vnder; vndique; vndè; vniuerso; vno; vntill; vnto; vnum; vnus; vocant; vocatur; volucrum; volunt; voyage; voys; vpon; vrbem; vsque; vsque ad; vtuntur; vult; vynes; walles; walles ben; warlike; warres; watre; way; weapons; wee; wee ben; wel; welle; wente; weren; werre; west; wexe; weye; whan; whan god; whan hem; whan men; whan oure; whan sche; whan thei; whiche; whiche men; whiche oure; white; whiteman; whoso; wif; wife; wil; william; william de; winchester; wise; withouten; wolde; woman; wommen; wonnen; woord; worcester; world; wormes; worschipe; worthi; worthi men; woundes; writen; writt; wrong; wyfes; wyn; wytethe; wytt; ydole; yea; yeere; yle ben; yles; ymage; ynde; ysaac; zaf; zate; zee; zeer; zere; zeven; zevethe; zif; zif men; zif thei; zit; zou; ægypti cache: 9815.txt plain text: 9815.txt