Light in darkness, or, Deliverance proclaimed unto the church in the midst of all her despondencies and discouragements in a sermon / preached by Thomas Watson. Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. 1679 Approx. 42 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 19 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2004-05 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A65301 Wing W1132 ESTC R38516 17542823 ocm 17542823 106549 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A65301) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 106549) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1108:6) Light in darkness, or, Deliverance proclaimed unto the church in the midst of all her despondencies and discouragements in a sermon / preached by Thomas Watson. Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. [2], 5-38 p. Printed for Hen. Bettenham ..., London : 1679. Reproduction of original in the Union Theological Seminary Library, New York. Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford. Re-processed by University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. Gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. 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Bettenham , at the Still-Yard in Thames-Street . 1679. Light in Darkness , &c. Psal. 112. v. 4. Unto the Upright there ariseth Light in the Darkness . THE Scripture ( as Chrysostome says ) is a Spiritual Paradise . The Book of Psalms is placed in the midst of this Paradise . The Psalms are not only for Delight , but for Use : like those Trees of the Sanctuary in Ezekiel , which were both for Food , and for Medicine . The Psalms of David are commensurate and exactly fitted to every Christians condition ; If his Affections are frozen , here he may fetch Fire ; if his Grace be weak , here he may fetch Arniour ; If his Spirits are ready to faint , here he may fetch Cordials for his Soul : Amongst other Divine Consolations , the Text is not the least , — Unto the Upright there ariseth Light in the Darkness . Which words are calculated for the Comfort of the Godly , in all Ages and Centuries of the Church . This Text is like Israel's Pillar of Fire in the Wilderness : or , like the Mariners Lanthorn , that gives Light in a Dark Night . Unto the Upright there ariseth Light in the Darkness . Let me Explain the Words e're I come to the Proposition . 1. To the Upright . ] Who are here meant by the Upright ? The Hebrew word for Upright , signifies Plainness of Heart . The Upright Man is without Collusion or Fraud ; In whose Spirit there is no Guile , Psal. 32. 2. He that is Upright , his Heart and his Tongue go together , as a well-made Dial , goes exactly by the Sun. The Words following in the Text , may serve for a short Paraphrase to shew us , who this Upright Man is , the Text sayes . He is Gracious , Full of Compassion , Righteous . First , The Upright Man is Gracious : That implies his Holiness . Secondly , He is Full of Compassion : That implies his Charitableness . And , Thirdly , He is Righteous : That implies his Justness . He is Gracious , therefore he fears God. He is Full of Compassion , therefore he feeds the Poor . He is Righteous , therefore he does to others as he would have them do to him . This is the Upright Man. In short ; He is one that does act from a right Principle , and that is Faith : By a right Rule , and that is Scripture : To a right End , and that is , God's glory . Here 's a man downright Upright . 2. The second thing in the Text is , There ariseth [ Light ] to the Upright . What 's meant by Light here ? By Light metaphorically is meant Delight and Comfort , or Joy. That 's here meant by Light. Esther 8. 16. The Jews had Light , and Gladness , and Joy. Light when it springs in , doth much revive . Light is sweet . Joy is to the Heart , as Light is to the Eye , Exhilarating and Refreshing . That 's the second Word : There ariseth [ Light ] that is , Joy and Comfort . 3. There ariseth Light in [ Darkness ] What 's meant here by Darkness ? By Darkness is meant Trouble and Sorrow , Res adversae . In Isa. 8. 22. They shall look unto the Earth , and behold Trouble , and Darkness . By Darkness is meant Trouble . Darkness is very Disconsolate and Afrighting : It makes every thing like the Terrors of the Night ; Such is Trouble ; Such is Affliction ; 't is Affrighting : It makes every thing like the Terrours of the Night . So much for the Explaining of the Words . To the Upright ariseth Light in the Darkness . The Observation that results from the Words is this ; ( Pray observe it : ) Doct. That when the Condition of God's People is Darkest , God causes a Light to shine ●nto them . To the Upright ariseth Light in Darkness . This Proposition has two Branches ; I shall speak of them distinctly . 1. That the Upright may have their Night : it may be a Dark season . 2. That a Morning-light arises to them in the midst of all their Darkness . First , That the Upright , those whom God loves , they may have their Night , they may have a very Dark season : They may have a two-fold Night . They may have 1. A Night of Affliction . 2. A Night of Desertion . 1. They may have a Night of Affliction : ( for Godliness does not exempt from Trouble . ) A Dark Cloud may set upon their Name , upon their Estate : God may lay an Embargo upon all their Outward Comforts . In Ruth 1. 20. Call me not Naomi ( that is , Fair , or Pleasant : ) call me Mara : For the Almighty hath dealt very [ bitterly ] with me . 2. The Godly may have not only a Night of Affliction , but they may have a Night of Desertion . God may with-draw the smiling Beams of his Favour , and then 't is Night with them indeed , then nothing follows but Darkness . In Job 6. 4. The Arrows of the Almighty are within me , the poison whereof drinketh up my Spirit . It alludes ( saies Drusius ) unto the Custom of the Persians , who in their Warrs did dip their Arrows in Poison , that they might shoot their Enemies with the more deadly Wound . Thus the God of Heaven , he may sometimes shoot the poisoned Arrow of Desertion , and then the Soul is Benighted , it is in the Dark . Though God has the Heart of a Father , yet he may sometimes have the Face of an Enemy . And ; the Lord may cause a Cloud of Darkness upon the Soul , and suspend the Beams of Spiritual Comfort , for these two Reasons . Reason 1. The Darkness of Desertion , it is , to quicken the exercise of Grace . For Grace sometimes acts highest , when Comfort is lowest . In Jonah 2. 4. I said I am cast out of thy sight , yet will I look again towards thy Holy Temple . That is , I will look to Christ , of whom the Temple was but a Type . Faith and Patience , like two Stars , shine brightest in a dark Night of Desertion . We are taken with the Comforts , but God is more taken with the Actings of our Grace . Reason 2. The Lord may cause a Dark Cloud to be upon the Righteous , a Cloud of Desertion , That he may hereby awaken , excite , and stir up in them a Spirit of Prayer . If ever the Soul will pray to purpose , 't is now , in an hour of Desertion . Fathers may hide their Faces from their Children , to make them cry after them the more ; God sometimes hides the light of his Face , that we may cry after him the louder : As David , in Pfal . 143. 7. Hear me speedily , O Lord , my Spirit faileth : O! hide not t●y Face from me . My Beloved , ●esertion , it is a short Hell. Jonah called the Whales belly , the belly of Hell ; Why so ? Because he was Deserted there . And if ever Jonah would Pray to purpose , it was now , that he might get out of the belly of Hell. Jonah 2. 2. Out of the belly of Hell I cryed unto thee , and thou heardest my voice . And that 's the first Branch of the Doctrine , That God's People , they may have a dark Night : A Night of Affliction , when God lays an Embargo upon all their Comforts : And a Night of Desertion , which is a short Hell. Secondly , The second Branch of the Proposition is this , That now a Morning Light shines upon the Righteous . — Unto the Upright there ariseth Light in the Darkness . Lux oritur , A Morning Light shines . The Philosopher says , Non dantur purae tenebrae . When 't is Darkest , when there 's Midnight , God will cause Light some way or other , to break forth to the Upright in Heart . In Psal. 18. 28. The Lord will light my Candle . As if David had said , Though at present all my Comforts seem to be blown out , and I am left in the dark , yet the Lord will light my Candle : he will make Light to arise in Obscurity . There is a twofold Light that God causes to arise upon the Upright when they are in the dark . There is 1. An Outward Light that he makes to shine . 2. An Inward Light that he makes to shine . 1. There is an Outward Light shines ; that is , God does oftentimes cause a Light of Prosperity to arise upon his People : that 's a Light in Darkness . When God by his Providence alters the Face of things , and causes Peace and Prosperity in the Tabernacles of the Righteous , here 's Light arising in Darkness . In Psal. 29. 3. When his Candle shined upon my Head. — What was this Candle ? It was nothing else but the Candle of Prosperity that shined upon him . And in Psal. 132. 17. I have ordained a Lamp for mine Anointed : That is , Outward Blessings , Gracious Prosperity , shall shine as a Lamp upon David's Successor . I have ordained a Lamp for mine Anointed ; I will give outward Glory in the Kingdom ; Here 's an outward Light. The Lord can on a sudden alter the Scene of Providence , and turn the shadow of Death , into the Light of the Morning . 2. God causes an Inward Light to arise upon the Upright , when they are in the dark , — 1. A Light of Grace . 2. A Light of Joy. First , The Light of Grace , he makes that shine . In the midst of Darkness , let the Darkness be what it will , a dram of Faith in the Soul , is a spark of Light. When the Tree has no Leaves nor Blossoms to be seen , but seems dead in Autumn , yet there may be sap in the Root of the Vine : When our Outward Comforts are as it were dead , there may be a Seed of Grace preserved in the Heart : and this Grace in the darkest condition , it is the dawning of Light in the Soul. Secondly , God causes a Light of Spiritual Joy and Comfort to arise upon his Saints . And truly , this Light of Spiritual Joy , it is somewhat of the glimmering of the Light of Heaven , this is some glimpse of the Light of Paradise . In Isa. 12. 1. — Thine Anger is turned away , and thou comfortedst me . The Light of Divine Joy in the Soul , it is sweet and ravishing : it makes all dark Shadows flee away . Spiritual Joy , causes a Jubilation , and does as far exceed all earthly Comforts , as Heaven does Earth . Thus you see , that in Midnight , in the darkest Cloud of Providence , God causes some Light or other to arise upon the Upright . My Brethren , 't is only God can make it lightsome in a dark troubled Soul As when the Sun is set , none can make it rise again but God : So , ( My Beloved , ) when 't is Sun-set in the Soul , and the Dew of Tears fall from the Eye , none can make Day-light in the Soul but only God. Ministers they may Preach Comfort to us , but God only can make us feel Comfort ; Ministers they may bring a Cordial to us , and set it by us , but none but God can pour this Cordial into the Heart ; in Psal. 4. 7. Thou hast put Gladness in my Heart . Before I come to the Application , here 's a Question arises , — Why does God make Light to arise to his People , in an hour of Darkness ? I answer : for three Reasons , — 1. That God may hereby fulfil his Promise : He has said it , that he will enlighten his People In Isa. 42. 16. I will make Darkness Light before them . God's Honour lies upon it , to make good his Promise , and to cause Light to arise to his People in Obscurity . The Lord's Promise , it is his Bond. When one has given Bond to another , he cannot go back . Though sometimes God's Promise may be long in Travail , yet at last it brings forth Deliverance . Two things in God never fail , — First , His Compassions fail not , Lam. 3. 22. Secondly , His Faithfulness fails not , Psal. 82. 33. God may sometimes delay a Promise , but he will not deny his Promise : God may sometimes change his Promise , turn a Temporal Promise into a Spiritual , and so pay us in a better Coin , but will never break his Promise . He has said he will cause a Light to go before his People in all their Darkness . 2. God may cause Light and Joy to arise to his People , because they help to enlighten others . When other Christians are in the dark of Ignorance , they enlighten them with Knowledg ; when they are in the dark of Affliction , ready to perish , they feed them , and they relieve them , and their Almes minister Light of Joy and Comfort to the Poor ; when they are in Desertion , why God's People , they speak a word of Comfort to their Hearts : They enlighten those that sit in Darkness , and therefore surely God will not let those want Light , who help to enlighten others ; if they should come to be benighted with Sorrow , why God will be sure to spring in with some Light to them , who have given Light to others . 3. God will cause Light to arise in Darkness to his People , either he will support them in Trouble , or deliver them out of Trouble , because God sees that they have great need of some dawnings of Light , they need some Morning-Star now to appear ; they would faint away , they would be discouraged in serving God , if sometimes he did not turn the Shadow of Death into the Light of the Morning . Should the sick Patient always have purging Physick given him , why surely if he had no Cordials he would soon faint away . God knows our frame , he sees our Spirits would fail before him , if he did always let a dark Cloud dwell upon us ; and therefore , in Judgment he remembers Mercy , and causes the Day-Star of Comfort and Joy to spring up in a Gracious Soul. God will not fuffer it always to be dark in the Hearts of his People , lest they should touch upon the Rock of Despair . The Musician , he will not stretch the Strings of his Viol too hard , left they should chance to break . Thus you see why the wise God sees it fittest to cause Light to arise unto his People , in the midst of all their Clouds of Darkness . And so much briefly for the Doctrinal part . I proceed now to the Application : 1. By way of Information . 2. By way of Consolation . 1. Use of Information . First , By way of Information ; Here are several Inferences . — Inference 1. 1. See from this Text , the Infinite Goodness of God to his Children in all cases that may fall out in this World , whether Affliction or Desertion . O the goodness of God! in the midst of darkness he causes some Light or other to break forth . God does checker his work of Providence ; with dark Clouds he intermixes bright Stars . Just like the Limner who mingles with dark and black Colours , bright Colours ; thus does God in his Providence : the condition of the Saints on Earth is never so black and cloudy , but some Rain-bow appears in the Cloud of Providence . In Psal. 138. 7. Though I walk in the midst of Trouble , thou wilt revive me . Every step I take , I tread upon Thorns , I walk in the midst of Trouble , among Clouds , but thou wilt , Lord , revive me . Joseph , he was in the Prison , there was Darkness ; but ( the Text saies ) the Lord was with Joseph , there was Light ; Gen. 39. 2. Jacob had the Hollow of his Thigh put out of joint in Wrestling : there was a dark Providence ; but he saw God's Face at that very time , and there the Lord blessed him : here was Light arising to him , Gen. 32. 30. Job lost all that ever he had , he was Rough-cast with Boils and Sores ; there was a dark Providence : Ay but hereby Job's Grace was proved , and improved , and God gave him an honourable testimony , That he was upright ; and God gave him double the Estate that ever he had before : here was Light arising to him in his Darkness , Job 42. 10. And thus God does mix Light with his Peoples Darkness . As in the Ark there was Manna laid up with the Rod ; so 't is in God's Providences to his People : with the Rod of Affliction , there 's some Manna , some Light , some Comfort that God causes to spring up : Manna with the Rod. O the goodness of God! who would not serve this God ? in the darkest Night that is , he keeps alive some sparks of Light in the Hearts of his People , which may suppress their Murmuring , and may minister matter of Thanksgiving . That 's the first Inference . Inference 2. 2. If it be God's work and design to cause Light and Comfort to arise to the Righteous : why then , how contrary do they act to God , whose work it is to cause Darkness and Sorrow to the Righteous ? God's design and theirs cross each other . There is a Woe belongs to them that make the Hearts of the Righteous sad , In Ezek. 13. 22. God is creating Light for his People , and the Enemies of the Church , they are laying snares for them ; God he is pouring Wine and Oil into his Peoples Wounds , and the Enemies of Sion , they are pouring Vinegar into the Wounds ; how contrary do these act to God ? the Children of Romish Babylon , they are at this day plotting the Ruine of God's People : they would turn the Church of God into an Aceldama , a Field of Blood. The Lord , he makes Light to arise to the Godly , and the Wicked , they labour to make Darkness and Sorrow arise to them . But , such as lay snares for the Righteous , God will rain snares upon them : Psal. 11. 6. Upon the wicked he shall rain snares , Fire and Brimstone . The Wicked Enemies of the Church , they strike at Christ through his Members Sides ; and let them know that 't is kicking against a Rock . Christ will be too hard for all his Enemies ; he will be victorious at last : the Enemies , they may bid defiance to Heaven , they may set up their Standards against Heaven : but God always comes off Conqueror , and sets up his Trophies . If there be either Justice in Heaven , or Fire in Hell , the Enemy shall not go unpunished . Psal. 11. 13. He hath ordained his Arrows against the Persecutors . God has his Arrow upon the String to shoot at Persecutors , and be assured God never misseth his mark . Dioclesian rased down the Christians Temples , and burnt their Bibles : but God was avenged on him ; he was afterwards stricken with Phrency , and poisoned himself . Persecutors never thrive upon that bloody Trade . Inference 3. See here the Great Difference between the Wicked and the Godly ; there 's a vast Difference ; The Godly in all their Darkness that befalls them , they have some Light arising to them ; the Wicked in all their outward Comforts , they have some Darkness arising to them ; in the middst of all their Jollity and mirth , why still there 's a Dark Cloud hangs over them : Conscience chides them , Scripture threatens them , ( which is like the Hand-writing upon the Wall ; ) In Psal. 68. 21. God shall wound the Head of his Enemies , and the hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on still in his Trespasses . A sinner still , in all his lightsom condition , his outward Mirth , his Joy , he may see some Clouds of Darkness : God's Threatnings are against him : God's Curse hangs over him , and that Curse it blasts wherever it comes . A wicked man , an impenitent hardned sinner , he goes every day in fear of Arresting ; Death may Arrest him . There remains nothing for him , but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 : A fearful looking for of Judgment , and fiery indignation , as the Apostle saies , in Heb. 10. 27. A hardned impenitent sinner is in an ill case ; if he dies , he drops into the Grave and into Hell both at once . God is brewing for him a Deadly Cup. In Psal. 75. 8. In the hand of the Lord there is a Cup , and the Wine is Red : it is full of mixture , and he poureth out the same : but the Dregs thereof all the Wicked of the Earth shall wring them out , and drink them . What 's this Red Wine in the Cup ? 'T is nothing else but the Fiery Wrath of God : that 's the Red Wine ; Wine burnt with his Wrath. And ( the Text saies ) this Cup is full of mixture , it 's a mixed Cup the sinner must drink . What 's the mixed Cup ? The Worm of Conscience , and the Fire of Hell : here 's a mixed cup ; and the wicked shall be ever drinking of this Cup : God will never say , Transeat — Let this Cup pass away from the Damned : No , they must be ever drinking the dregs of this Cup of Wrath. Methinks this Scripture should be a Cooling Card unto all wicked men , and damp all their Mirth and Jollity : Doomsday Darkness is coming upon them . It was sad news brought to Saul ( and no wonder when the Devil brought the news : ) In the 1 Sam. 28. 19. saies Satan there in Samuel's Mantle , to Saul , To morrow shalt thou be with me . O dreadful news , to take up a mans Quarters among the Damned ! To day a sinner is among his Cups , he is Sporting with his Lusts : now he is in his Mirth : and perhaps to morrow he may be with the Devil and his Angels , where Saul is . Inference 4. The fourth Inference is this : Does God cause Light to spring up to the Upright in all their Darknes ? Why then see from hence the difference between Earth and Heaven . Here in this World there 's a Mixture of Darkness and Light : there 's Clouds mixt with their Stars : Dark Providences as well as Light. But now , in Heaven it is otherwise , there 's no Darkness there : nothing but pure Light , pure Bliss : and therefore Heaven it is call'd an Inheritance in Light , Col. 1. 12. The Philosopher saies , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 : Light is the most glorious Creature , 't is the Beauty of the World. What were the World without Light , but a Dark Prison ? Here 's the Beauty of Heaven , 't is an Inheritance in Light. Heaven it is a Diaphanum , or a bright-Body , all over embroidered with Light and Glory : There are no Eclipses there ; There are no dark shadows to be seen , but all is Orient Brightness , Celestiall Glory . In Heaven , Christ , the Son of Righteousness , will alwayes be shining with his illustrious Beams : In Rev. 21. 23. The Lamb is the Light thereof . O how should we long to be in that blessed place , that Paradise of God , that is so Adorned with the bright illustrious Rays of Celestial Glory ! There 's nothing but pure Light , nothing but Glory shining in its perfection . So much for the first Use. Use 2. The second Use is of Consolation for the Church and People of God. This Text is a Pillar of Light , a Breast of Consolation , Unto the Upright there ariseth Light in the Darkness . Does God make Light , and Joy , and Peace , to arise to the Righteous ? Why then should we despond , or throw away our Anchor ? Why should we despair ? Why may we not hope that the Morning-Star of Deliverance and Mercy may yet appear unto this Island ? Why ( I say ) should we despond , when 't is God's great Project and Design , to lighten his Peoples Darkness ? I confess , things have a bad Aspect , a dark Face at present , Gray hairs are here and there . My Brethren , we see how things go : Sin grows higher : Enemies grow bolder : Divisions grow wider . These are bad Symptoms of a dying Patient . England is like that Ship in the Gospel , which was almost covered over with Waves . Here 's that may humble us , and set our Eyes abroach with Tears . Yet , that we may not mourn without hope , let me tell you , there are some sparks of Light , that do seem to arise to us in the Dark . Unto the Upright there ariseth Light in the Darkness . Let me come as a Dove with an Olive-branch of Peace in my mouth , that that is some spark of Light to us . 1. That there are many Upright ones in this Nation : That 's a Spark of Light. The Text saies , Light ariseth to the Upright : 'T is to be hoped there are many such in this Island . Were the Godly removed , ( as 't is the design of some to destroy them : ) God would make Quick work with the Nation , he would soon break up House here , God would quickly sink the Ship of Church and State , if he had not some of his Elect in it . But for the sake of those that are Upright , God may be pleased yet a while to Reprieve the Nation , and Adjourn Englands Funeral a while longer . In Isa. 65. 8. As the new Wine is found in the Cluster , and one saith , Destroy it not , for a Blessing is in it : So will I do f●r my Servants sakes , that I may not destroy them all . Though it cannot be denied but our Vine , in this Land planted , bears much very bad fruit , yet doubtless there are some good Clusters in the Vine , and for these God may spare the Vine , and say , Is t●ere not a blessing in it ? The Saints of God stay his Hand when he is going to strike . In Gen. 19. 22. Haste thee ( saies the Angel to Lot , Haste thee to Zoar ) escape thither ; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither . q. d. Thou holdest my hand , I cannot strike till thou art gone . The Saints of God , though others look upon them with a contemptible eye , they are the Safety of the Land , God will do much for their sakes . The Upright , they are the Excellent of the Earth , Psal. 16. 3. Others are but the Lumber , God knows bad Lumber : These are the Jewels . Mal. 3. 17. The Saints of God , they are the Chariots and Horsmen of Israel : They are the very Flower and Cream of the Creation ; they are the Glory of Christ , 2 Cor. 8. 23. And for their sakes God may yet cause Light to arise , and he may be propitious , and his Arm may bring Salvation . 2. Another Spark of Light arising in Englands Darkness , is this , That yet God is pleased wonderfully to keep up in his People a Spirit of Prayer ; They cry mightily : Certainly God will not say to us , Seek ye me i● vain . The Spartans Walls were their Spears . The Wall and Bullwark of a Land is Devout Prayer . Whole Vollies of Sighs and Groans are every day sent up to Heaven for Mercy ; here 's a Spark of Light in our Darkness : God hears these Sighs . Pray observe , when the Lord intends to pour out the Vial of his Indignation , and to bring wrath upon a People , he presently stops all the sluces of Prayer , no more Prayer to be made . In Jer. 7. 16. Pray not for this People . God has not said so yet concerning England . Prayer is a powerful Orator for Mercy , and may cause Light to spring up yet . The Key of Prayer , oyled with Tears , and turn'd with the Hand of Faith , unlocks God's Bowels . Prayer , when 't is importunate , it staves off Wrath from a Land. In Exod. 32. 10. Saies God to Moses , Let me alone , that my Wrath may wax hot against them . Why , what did Moses do ? He only Prayed . Fervent Prayer it overcomes the Omnipotent , as Luther saies . Prayer it finds God Free , but it leaves him Bound . Haec Domina Mundi fructuat Solum . — Prayer ties God's Hands : It staves off Judgment . This ( my Brethren ) lets in some dawning of Light to this Land this day , in the mid'st of all our Clouds of Obscurity : Prayer is made for the Church . This gives us some ground to hope , that God will not wholly leave us . Especially when we consider , Christ is our Advocate ; He prays over our Prayers again , sprinkles them with his Blood , and perfumes them with his blessed Odours : and so they go up to Heaven as sweet Incense . In Rev. 8. 4. The smoke of the Incense which came with the Prayers of the Saints , ascended up before God , out of the Angels hand . 3. And lastly , Another spark of Light arising in our Dark Hemisphere , it is this , God's Compassions , his Bowel-Mercies . Mercy , it is God's Darling Attribute , that he loves most of all to magnifie : Mercy pleaseth him , Micah 7. 18. Though We don't please God , yet Mercy pleases him . Justice is God's strange Work , Isa. 28. 21. He is not so much used to that : But Mercy it is his proper Work , it flows naturally from him , as the Honey from the Bee , or as the Myrrhe drops from the Myrrhe-tree . While God so delights in this Darling Attribute of Mercy , why should we despair ? Why may not Mercy give the casting Voice for this Nation ? In Isa. 63. 9. In his Love and in his Pity he Redeemed them . O! Love and Pity will do great things . — In his Love and in his Pity he Redeemed them . God's Mercy 't is not only Free , sending out Pardons where it pleases ; but here 's the Comfort , God's Mercy can as well Heal as it can Save : 'T is a Healing Mercy . In Hosea 14. 4. I will heal their Backslidings . Pray observe : Mercy , what can't it do ? it can reclaim the Stubborn : it can soften the Impenitent : it can bring back those that are g●ue astray from God. God's Mercy , it can as well give Repentance to a Nation as Deliverance ; Mercy can destroy the Sins of the Nation , and yet save the Nation . 'T is a Healing Mercy : — I will heal their Backslidings . Why , these are then some Dawnings , some sparks of Light , that God causes to arise in the midst of all our Darkness . Quest. But here 's a Question , ( and so I hasten to an end . ) You will say unto me , But things they still look very bad and dark , and we would have more Light ; now what must we do , how must we carry our selves , till God makes Light to arise to us in our Darkness ? till Mercy comes riding to England in the Chariot of Salvation ? Answ. I answer in these two or three things : — 1. In this time of our Darkness and Cloudiness , the first thing we do , let us go into our Chambers . In Isa. 26. 20. Come , my People , enter thou into thy Chambers , and shut thy doors about thee : hide thy self . There are two Chambers that we must now go into : — 1. The Chambers of our Hearts . 2. The Chambers of the Promises . First , Let us go in this time of Darkness into the Chambers of our Hearts , by serious Meditation , and Self-examination . Let us in the first place search our Evidences for Heaven , cast up our Accounts , see how the case stands between God and our Souls . Let 's bring our Graces to the Touch-Stone : What Faith have we ? are we hid by Faith in the bleeding Wounds of Christ ? What Love to God have we ? does Conscience witness that we not only serve him , but love him ? Our Heart and Flesh cry out for the Living God ? Are we carried every day up to Heaven in a fiery Chariot of Love ? Is it thus with us ? O let us enter into these Chambers of our Hearts , set our House in order , our Souls : that 's our great work now . My Beloved , when things are dark without , we had need have all clear within , to have Conscience smile . Secondly , Let us go into the Chambers of God's Promises , and there let 's a while hide our selves , during this black Cloud of Providence . O the sweet Promises of God , where our Souls may take Sanctuary ! God has promised Comfort to all his Mourners , Matth. 5. 4. God has promised that he will strengthen the infirm ; Isa 40. 29. to them that have no might , he increases strength . God has promised a Crown of Glory to the Conqueror , Rev. 2. 10. He has given it under Hand and Seal , he will never leave us , nor forsake us . Heb. 13. 5. O my Brethren , here 's our Wisdom : let us now by Faith go and hide our selves , in the Chambers of these Divine Promises . And that 's the first thing we must do in this Dark Hour : Go into our Chambers . 2. Having done this , if you ask me yet further , what we must do in this time of Darkness , till God makes Light spring up to us ? I answer : having got into our Chambers , let us Commit our selves and our Case to God , that he would safe-guard and keep us . And this I ground upon that Scripture , in Psal. 37. 5. Commit thy way unto the Lord ; he will bring it to pass . In the Hebrew it is Roll thy way upon the Lord. This is now our work : Even as the Client commits himself and his Cause to his Counsel that he imploys , to plead for him : or as the Orphan commits himself unto the Care and Tutilage of his Guardian ; so should we commit our selves to God , and devolve all our cares upon him . — Commit thy way unto the Lord. Let us do our Duty , and trust God with our Safety . Brethren , it is our work to cast Care : it is God's work to take Care. 3. In this time of Darkness , having got into our Chambers , and committed our selves unto God ; let us now patiently wait God's time , till he shall make a Light to arise in our Horizon : wait on God , till he turns our Darkness into the Light of the Morning . God can on a sudden , with a word of his Mouth , scatter and disperse the blackest Clouds that do appear ; God can create Light. God can strike a streight stroke with a crooked Instrument : He can bring Good out of Evil. God can deliver his People by means unthought of : nay , he can deliver them that very way that they think he will destroy them in . Who would ever have thought that God should have made a Caus● way for his People to have marched through on , in the midst of the Sea ? that God should have made Heaven a Grainary , to drop down Manna for his People to feed on ? O wait till Light spring up . God he can make use of the Enemy to do his Work : he can play his Game by his Enemies hand . In short : God is able to remove the Mountains that lie in our way , or else ( if he please ) he can leap over the Mountains : In Cant. 2. 8. He cometh leaping upon the Mountains . Therefore , my Brethren , till Light spring up , let us wait with Patience : Light will arise unto the Upright . My Brethren , I will say but this : The Mercies we pray for , and are in expectation of , they are worth waiting for . To see the Golden Fleet of Prayer come home laden with large and rich returns of Mercy : to see the Lilly and the Rose united , Truth and Peace : To see Popery abandoned , and not one Stone left upon another : To see Prophaneness discountenanced and disgraced : to see the Beauty of Holiness shine forth in our Hemisphere : To see Jesus Christ ride in Triumph in the Chariot of his Gospel : To see the Righteous had in Honour and Renown , and be like the Wings of a Dove covered with Silver ; Surely these are Mercies so eminent , that they are well worth waiting for . And therefore , let not Patience be out of breath . Having got into your Chambers , and committed your Cause to God , now get into a waiting posture : wait till some Light spring up to God's Church . I will shut up all with one Scripture , ( which may encourage humble waiting : ) In Isa. 30. 18. The Lord is a God of Judgment ; Blessed are all they that wait for him . FINIS . Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A65301-e100 A twofold Light arising to the Upright . Reasons of the Point . Grounds of Hope for England .