item: #1 of 9 id: 10587 author: Somerville, William title: The Poetical Works of Addison; Gay's Fables; and Somerville's Chase With Memoirs and Critical Dissertations, by the Rev. George Gilfillan date: None words: 99188 flesch: 80 summary: On the 2d of January 1711, the last _Tatler_ came forth; and on the 1st of the following March appeared the _Spectator_, which is now the main pillar of Addison's fame, and the fullest revelation of his exquisite genius. Joseph Addison, the _Spectator_, the true founder of our periodical literature, the finest, if not the greatest writer in the English language, was born at Milston, Wiltshire, on the 1st of May 1672. keywords: addison; age; air; arms; bear; blood; breast; bright; care; chase; course; court; cries; day; death; deep; dog; earth; eyes; fable; face; fair; fame; fate; fear; fields; find; fire; fly; foe; friend; gay; god; gods; good; great; half; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; high; jove; joy; kind; king; know; lay; length; lies; life; light; lord; loud; love; man; men; mind; muse; nature; o'er; pack; place; plain; play; poet; poor; power; praise; prey; pride; race; rage; rest; rise; round; shore; skies; soul; state; strength; sun; sure; swift; thee; thou; thought; thy; time; tis; tongue; train; vain; view; voice; war; way; woods; world; year; youth cache: 10587.txt plain text: 10587.txt item: #2 of 9 id: 23464 author: Lee, Sidney, Sir title: A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles date: None words: 150274 flesch: 65 summary: {26} Halliwell-Phillipps, ii. 11-13. {27} Cf. Ellacombe, _Shakespeare as an Angler_, 1883; J. E. Harting, _Ornithology of Shakespeare_, 1872. It is now the property of Frau Oberst Becker, the discoverer's daughter-in-law, Darmstadt, Heidelbergerstrasse 111. {296b} Some account of Shakespeare's portraits will be found in the following works: James Boaden, _Inquiry into various Pictures and Prints of Shakespeare_, 1824; Abraham Wivell, _Inquiry into Shakespeare's Portraits_, 1827, with engravings by B. and W. Holl; George Scharf, _Principal Portraits of Shakespeare_, 1864; J. Hain Friswell, _Life-Portraits of Shakespeare_, 1864; William Page, _ keywords: actors; author; barnes; book; career; century; character; chief; collection; comedy; common; company; contemporary; copies; copy; court; daniel; date; day; death; dedication; doubtless; dramatic; dramatist; drayton; earl; edition; elizabethan; england; english; evidence; family; father; folio; form; french; friend; george; hall; hamlet; hand; henry; history; house; i.e.; iii; interest; italian; james; john shakespeare; jonson; juliet; king; labour; lady; letters; life; lines; literature; london; long; lord; love; man; manuscript; marlowe; marriage; men; mistress; mrs; new; night; note; original; page; parts; patron; pembroke; period; petrarch; piece; place; players; plays; poems; poet; portrait; pounds; property; publication; publisher; queen; references; relations; richard; richard shakespeare; rival; robert; romeo; second; seq; series; shakespeare; shakespeare society; sidney; sir; sonnets; sonnetteers; southampton; spenser; stage; story; stratford; text; theatre; theory; thomas; thorpe; thou; thy; time; title; tragedy; translation; verse; version; volume; wife; william shakespeare; wit; words; work; years; young; youth cache: 23464.txt plain text: 23464.txt item: #3 of 9 id: 33080 author: Cibber, Colley title: A Letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. Pope date: None words: 18306 flesch: 78 summary: Pope_ intended them as a Compliment to _ Pope_ laments the Decay of Poetry; though the Impoliteness of the Piece is his only insinuated Objection against it. keywords: author; cibber; colley; dunciad; good; great; ill; juror; letter; line; lord; man; new; non; play; pope; sir; stage; time; university; verse; wit; world; years cache: 33080.txt plain text: 33080.txt item: #4 of 9 id: 34214 author: Gayley, Charles Mills title: Francis Beaumont: Dramatist A Portrait, with Some Account of His Circle, Elizabethan and Jacobean, And of His Association with John Fletcher date: None words: 115185 flesch: 66 summary: I object, in the second place, to the grouping of the six plays said to constitute a distinctly new type of drama under the denomination dramatic romances of Beaumont _and_ _Cambridge English Classics_, edition of _Beaumont and Fletcher_, 244, 263-270, _et passim_ Camden, William, 137, 149, 178, 182 _Camden Miscellany, The_, 66 Campion, Father, 46 _Capricious Lady, The_, 377 _Captaine, The_, 98, 111, 176, 236, 240, 306, 378, 383 _ keywords: act; amintor; art; author; authorship; beaumont; ben; blackfriars; brother; chapter; children; comedy; company; composition; countess; court; date; day; death; dieu; dramatic; dramatist; drayton; earl; edward; elizabeth; english; family; father; field; find; fletcher; folio; francis beaumont; friend; george; good; grace; hand; hater; henry; house; iii; inner; james; john beaumont; john fletcher; jonson; king; knight; lady; life; lines; little; london; lord; love; maides; man; march; marriage; massinger; master; men; new; philaster; plays; plot; poems; poet; poetry; quarto; queen; revels; richard; says; scenes; second; shakespeare; sir; sir john; sister; stage; style; temple; thee; thomas; thou; thy; time; tragedy; vaux; verse; way; wife; william; wit; woman; work; world; writing; years; young; | +; | john; | | cache: 34214.txt plain text: 34214.txt item: #5 of 9 id: 44064 author: Cibber, Colley title: An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Volume 1 (of 2) Written by Himself. A New Edition with Notes and Supplement date: None words: 125334 flesch: 70 summary: I accepted the Part, and was ready in it before I slept; next Day the Queen was present at the Play, and was receiv'd with a new Prologue from the Author, spoken by Mrs. _Barry_, humbly acknowledging the great Honour done to the Stage, and to his Play in particular: Two Lines of it, which tho' I have not since read, I still remember. There they continued for a Year or two, and then removed to the _Theater Royal_ in _Drury-lane_, where they first made use of Scenes, which had been a little before introduced upon the publick Stage by Sir _William Davenant_ at the _Dukes Old Theater_ in _Lincolns-Inn-fields_, but afterwards very much improved, with the Addition of curious Machines, by Mr. _ keywords: account; acting; actor; actress; applause; audience; author; bellchambers; betterton; booth; character; charles i.; cibber; colley; company; court; day; death; drury; end; english; equal; favour; fields; following; footnote; fortune; good; history; house; humour; i. 1; i. 157; i. 98; i. xlix; i. xxiv; i. xxvi; i. xxviii; i. xxxii; john; judgment; king; lady; lane; late; life; little; london; lord; love; man; manner; master; memoir; men; merit; mrs; nature; note; oldfield; opinion; parts; patent; people; person; place; play; power; publick; queen; right; royal; second; sense; set; shall; share; sir; sort; stage; success; theatre; theatrical; tho; thought; time; voice; way; wilks; william; wit; years; young cache: 44064.txt plain text: 44064.txt item: #6 of 9 id: 44065 author: Cibber, Colley title: An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Volume 2 (of 2) Written by Himself. A New Edition with Notes and Supplement date: None words: 120365 flesch: 68 summary: That his late Collegue, Sir _Thomas Skipwith_, had trusted too much to his Capacity for this sort of Business, and was treated by him accordingly, without ever receiving any Profits from it for several Years: Insomuch that when he found his Interest in such desperate Hands he thought the best thing he could do with it was (as he saw) to give it away. Brett_ being himself conscious that, as the World knew he had paid no Consideration for it, his keeping it might be misconstrued, or not favourably spoken of; or perhaps finding, tho' the Profits were great, they were constantly swallowed up (as has been observ'd) by the previous Satisfaction of old Debts, he grew so tir'd of the Plague and Trouble the whole Affair had given him, and was likely still to engage him in, that in a few Weeks after he withdrew himself from all Concern with the Theatre, and quietly left Sir _Thomas_ to find his better Account in it. keywords: account; acting; actors; audience; author; benefit; betterton; booth; chamberlain; character; charles i.; cibber; colley; collier; comedy; company; court; day; death; dogget; drury; duke; favour; fields; following; footnote; gentleman; good; great; having; house; i. 1; i. 98; i. p.; i. xxiv; i. xxvi; i. xxviii; i. xxxii; inn; interest; john; king; lady; lane; life; little; london; lord; love; man; manner; mentioned; merit; mrs; nature; new; note; occasion; oldfield; opinion; order; parts; patent; play; pope; power; publick; reason; richard; share; sir; stage; steele; success; theatre; theatrical; think; thought; till; time; tragedy; way; wilks; william; years cache: 44065.txt plain text: 44065.txt item: #7 of 9 id: 46756 author: Fleay, Frederick Gard title: A Chronicle History of the Life and Work of William Shakespeare Player, Poet, and Playmaker date: None words: 84586 flesch: 78 summary: -------------+-------------------+---------+------------------------- 1607 April 10|Francis Burton | B. |The tragical life and | | | death of Claudius | | | Tiberius Nero. April 20|{Nathanael Butter }| B. |The Whore of Babilon. |{John Trundell }| | April 24|Henrie Rockett | B. |The Fair Maid of the | | | Exchange. July 13| John Oakes |The Seven Champions of | | Christendom, with the life and | | death of Jack Straw and Wat | | Tyler, by John Kirke. keywords: actors; admiral; april; august; author; c. |; chamberlain; children; comedy; company; cooke |; court; date; death; december; dekker; doubt; duke; earl; evidence; february; folio; globe; greene; henry; history; iii; james |; january; john shakespeare; john |; jonson; july; june; king; lodge; london; lord; love; man; marlowe; men; merry; nov; oct; october; original; peele; play; players; quarto; queen; richard; shakespeare; stage; strange; stratford; thomas |; time; version; waterson |; william; work; written; year; | b.; | bardolph; | h.; | j.; | p.; | r.; | s.; | shirley; | sir; | t.; | tragedy; | |; | |a; | |by; | |the; | ||; || | cache: 46756.txt plain text: 46756.txt item: #8 of 9 id: 6741 author: Moore, Thomas title: Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan — Volume 01 date: None words: 111397 flesch: 66 summary: _Sir B._ Never fear, he does not love well enough to be quick sighted; for just now he taxed me with eloping with his sister. Mr. Sheridan, who owed to this liberal conduct not only the possession of the woman he loved, but the means of supporting her during the first years of their marriage, spoke invariably of Mr. Long, who lived to a very advanced age, with all the kindness and respect which such a disinterested character merited. keywords: account; answer; bath; bill; brother; burke; character; comedy; country; course; day; dear; doubt; england; eyes; father; following; footnote; fox; friend; garrick; general; genius; gentleman; good; government; hand; heart; house; interest; ireland; lady; letter; life; linley; long; lord; love; man; manner; mathews; means; men; mind; miss; mrs; music; nature; new; occasion; old; opinion; party; people; period; person; pitt; place; plan; play; point; power; present; public; question; respect; richard; right; scandal; scene; school; second; sheridan; sir; sort; speech; state; style; subject; success; talents; thee; thing; thought; time; way; wit; words; world; writing; year; young cache: 6741.txt plain text: 6741.txt item: #9 of 9 id: 7775 author: Moore, Thomas title: Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan — Volume 02 date: None words: 129882 flesch: 55 summary: To the conduct of Mr. Sheridan, during the last moments of his father, a further testimony has been kindly communicated to me by Mr. Jarvis, a medical gentleman of Margate, who attended Mr. Thomas Sheridan on that occasion, and whose interesting communication I shall here give in his own words:-- On the 10th of August, 1788, I was first called on to visit Mr. Sheridan, who was then fast declining at his lodgings in this place, where he was in the care of his daughter. Illness of the King.--Regency.--Private Life of Mr. Sheridan. keywords: account; answer; brother; burke; cause; character; circumstances; conduct; confidence; country; course; day; dear; death; degree; duke; england; father; feelings; following; footnote; fox; france; french; friend; general; gentleman; good; government; hand; hastings; having; heart; highness; honor; honorable; hope; house; justice; king; letter; life; lord; love; majesty; man; manner; means; mind; minister; moment; mrs; nature; object; occasion; opinion; parliament; party; people; period; person; pitt; place; power; present; prince; principles; private; public; question; respect; right; royal; sheridan; sir; situation; sort; speech; spirit; state; subject; theatre; thing; thought; time; truth; way; words; world; year cache: 7775.txt plain text: 7775.txt