This is an automatically generated bibliography describing the content of this study carrel.
- A25315
- author: Amyraut, Moïse, 1596-1664.
- title: A discourse concerning the divine dreams mention'd in Scripture together with the marks and characters by which they might be distinguish'd from vain delusions : in a letter to Monsieur Gaches / by Moses Amyraldus ; translated out of French by Ja. Lowde ...
- date: 1676
- words: 33041
- flesch: 29
- summary: It is clear from these very words of the Prophet , without any need of producing others , that at the coming of the Messias , God would pour out a great abundance of his Spirit upon his Church , which should render the extraordinary and miraculous gifts of prophesy , of visions and of dreams almost common to all the faithful , which God before did but sparingly communicate to some particular persons : and indeed , the Apostles have apply'd this passage to the sending of the holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost , and the experience of things at that time did very authentically testify the truth of this Prophesy ; for the abundance and variety of gifts , which God poured upon Christians , at the first establishment of Christianity , is a thing much to be wondered at ; in as much as he did not only inspire the Apostles , and Prophets & Evangelists , the Pastors , Doctors and Deacons , and generally all those who had any publick Office or charge in the Chruch , but also many particular persons without any difference of Age , Sex or Condition . 2. In sleep , by dreams , such as I have already mention'd , and others of the like nature ; and there is little difference betwixt Extasies and Dreams , only that , though in both there was a Cessation of the Functions of the bodily senses , yet in an Extasie , it was not altogether so entire and absolute , as in sleep , nor did it proceed from the same cause ; for in sleep this cessation proceeded from natural causes , from whence it usually comes ; but in an Extasie , it was caus'd by the extraordinary and miraculous power of the Spirit of God , which drew a way the Souls of his Servants from the Organs of their External Senses , and hinder'd it from displaying its power and efficacy .
- keywords: able; actions; admiration; angels; appearance; arguments; author; authority; bad; bear; belief; better; betwixt; body; books; caus'd; cause; certain; chance; chap; characters; christian; church; circumstances; clear; command; common; consideration; constitution; contrary; deal; delusions; design; design'd; different; discourse; dispensation; divers; divine; divine dreams; divine revelation; divinity; doth; doubt; dream'd; dreams; earth; effect; egypt; end; enemies; english; event; evil; external; extraordinary; faculties; faculty; faith; false; free; future; general; gifts; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; hand; hath; heat; heaven; house; humane; idea; images; imagination; impression; intelligent; interpretation; ioseph; kind; knowledge; known; law; life; light; like; little; long; man; manner; marks; matters; means; meer; memory; men; mention'd; mind; miracles; miraculous; moses; motion; mysteries; natural; natural dreams; nature; necessary; need; object; occasion; ones; operation; opinion; order; particular; parts; phansie; pharaoh; place; plato; power; present; principle; private; proper; prophesie; prophesy; prophets; providence; question; rational; real; reason; religion; remarkable; representations; respect; revelation; salvation; scripture; second; self; selves; sense; sensible; servants; set; sleep; soul; spirit; strange; sufficient; tcp; testimony; text; things; time; trinity; true; truth; understanding; vain; vertue; visions; viz; voice; way; ways; whereof; work; world; years
- versions: original; plain text
- A25906
- author: Artemidorus, Daldianus.
- title: The interpretation of dreams digested into five books by that ancient and excellent philosopher, Artimedorus / compiled by him in Greek, and translated afterwards into the Latine, the Italian, the French, and Spanish tongues, and now more exactly rendered into English ...
- date: 1644
- words: 36348
- flesch: 76
- summary: FOr a man to dream he hath gold is not bad , because of the matter ; as every one will say , but contrariwise it is good , as I have known by experience : but oftentimes when one hath dreamt , that he hath too much or an excesse , and ill agreeing to the sex by reason of the fashion and figure : as to men , billiments , chains , and caxquenets , in like manner : as to poore me ▪ to dream of a crown of gold , and plate and great piec●s of gold . Far●●●ll , and such like .
- keywords: abundance; accustomed; affairs; affayres; affinity; age; alwayes; artimedorus; arts; authority; bad; beard; beasts; betokeneth; better; birds; bloud; body; book; bread; brethren; broken; burning; businesse; captivity; care; cause; certain; change; childe; children; clothes; comming; common; company; contrary; country; crosse; crown; cut; danger; daughter; day; dead; death; debt; deceit; desire; dignity; divers; doth; doubt; dream; dreames; dung; dye; eares; earth; eebo; effect; enemies; english; estate; evill; experience; exposition; eyes; eyther; fall; familiar; farre; father; feare; fire; fish; flesh; flye; folks; force; foretels; friends; generall; glasse; god; gold; good; good dream; good issue; great; greater; hand; hath; hayr; head; health; heaven; heavinesse; hee; high; himselfe; hinderance; hold; honour; hope; hot; house; hurt; husband; ibid; ill; images; impeachment; inne; interpretation; issue; joy; judge; kindred; king; knowne; labour; law; left; letters; liberty; life; lightning; like; little; long; losse; lost; love; maid; man; married; master; meanes; men; money; mother; naturall; nature; near; new; night; nose; oftentimes; onely; ones; order; owne; pag; pain; parents; people; persons; place; play; pleasant; pleasure; poore; possessions; poverty; present; profit; prosperity; quality; reason; rest; return; revealing; rich; riches; river; said; saw; sea; second; secrets; servant; set; ship; sick; sicknesse; signe; signifieth; signifye; silver; sister; small; soever; sonne; sort; soul; speake; spirit; stones; strange; strong; successe; suit; sun; sée; séene; tcp; tempest; text; theyr; things; time; town; travaile; trees; trouble; téeth; vain; vessels; voyages; water; weddings; whereof; wicked; wife; wilde; woman; work; worthy; yong; yron; ● ●
- versions: original; plain text
- A63809
- author: Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703.
- title: Pythagoras his mystick philosophy reviv'd, or, The mystery of dreams unfolded wherein the causes, natures, and uses of nocturnal representations ... are theosophically unfolded ... / by Tho. Tryon ...
- date: 1691
- words: 45320
- flesch: 31
- summary: THE matters we propose to handle in this Treatise , are abstruce , various , profound and mysterious , since man has so far Eclipsed those glorious Intellectual Beams planted in his nature by the Father of Lights ; since he has interposed such a Chaos of gross Imaginations and Earthly Affections , and Clouds of Bituminous Smoke , fetcht from the Infernal pit , so that he seems altogether inveloped with a pithy Darkness , Dismal as that of Egypt , which might be felt , and is forced ( as the Prophet speaks ) to grope even at noonday , being become almost an utter stranger to himself , and all the marvellous Works of his Creator , insomuch that the most Towering Mortals , that call themselves Philosophers , feed their halffamisht intellectuals with Airy Notions , instead of Solid Speculations ; blunder on , Hoodwinckt by Tradition , in a constant flesh-pleasing Rood of Error , and a Contentious Sophistry of Words , whilst in Truth , they know nothing , as they ought to know of Themselves or their Maker ; of the principals themselves are composed of , or what makes them Men ; much less are they acquainted with the Sympathetical Harmony of the Universe , that true Musick of the Sphears , that Golden Chain which unites Heaven and Earth ; nor indeed do they ken the Reason of the most obvious operations of Nature . For all the time the Body sleepeth , it is as it were dead , and ten hours is but as one minute , but the spirit and soul liveth and acteth , and seeth and apprehendeth things as if it had not any earthly Body , but were already in Eternity ; for near and afar off is all a like unto it , it can as easily visit remote Countries and Regions beyond the Equinoctial or Tropicks , as a mans own House or Garden ; it can sink it self into the deepest of Depths , and also sore aloft and range through all the Coelestial sphears ; the Etherial Spirits of men being thus volatile , and busie when the outward body or senses are dead , or , ( which is all one for the time ) asleep , the Immaterial Beeings , or seperated Souls being of an homogenial Nature , and like state , can easily hold communication therewith by such means as are proper for the intercourse of such spirituous Essences , especially if before the Death of the Body there was something strongly impressed on the Spirit of the deceased , which proves very burthensome until they have by some means revealed it to those to whom they had a desire to impart it before their Death , but by some accident were prevented , or where there is some great sympathy or similitude between the Soul of the deceased , and the Living , and for this last reason , the Souls of strangers sometimes do make application to such sympathizing Souls of the Living whilst the Body lies asleep , and reveal great secrets , or foretel them of things sometimes good , and sometimes evil , that are likely to befal them .
- keywords: actions; active; acts; advantage; affections; affinity; ages; alwayes; angels; animal; antients; apostle; apparitions; awake; bad; beasts; beeings; beginning; birth; blessed; blood; bodies; body; books; brain; calls; capable; captivated; cause; center; certain; chapter; chief; children; christ; christians; city; cleanness; common; communications; complexion; condition; confused; constitution; contrary; converse; creation; creator; creatures; cruel; cure; daniel; dark; darkness; david; day; days; dead; death; deceased; degree; delight; deprived; desires; diet; discourse; diseases; dispositions; divine; dominion; doth; dreams; drinks; earth; earthly; eebo; effects; elements; english; error; essential; eternity; evil; evil angels; evil spirits; external; eye; eyes; faculties; faculty; fall; fear; fierce; figures; fire; fit; flesh; forms; fountain; free; frequent; friendly; friends; gate; general; genij; genius; gifts; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; good angels; good spirits; government; grand; great; greater; gross; hand; hath; health; heart; heavenly; heavy; help; hideous; high; highest; holy; humane; hurt; idle; image; imaginations; inclinations; incorporeal; influences; innocency; innocent; intellectual; internal; inward; iudgment; joy; judge; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; law; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; lord; love; lying; madness; man; manifest; mankind; manner; mans; material; matter; measure; meats; melancholy; memory; men; mens; mind; motion; multitude; mysteries; mystery; natural; nature; near; new; nocturnal; number; objects; observed; occasion; old; ones; open; operation; oppression; original; outward; pag; particular; parts; passions; people; perfect; persons; phrensie; place; pleasure; power; powerfully; poysonous; predominate; present; principle; proceeds; properties; property; prophet; pure; purity; quality; radix; ready; real; reason; religious; representations; rest; said; saith; saturnine; savage; saw; saying; scripture; secrets; section; seed; self; senses; sensible; sensual; separated; set; shapes; simile; sin; sleep; sober; sobriety; sorrow; sorts; soul; species; spirits; spiritual; state; strange; strength; strong; subject; sublime; suitable; tcp; temperance; text; thee; things; thoughts; thy; time; true; truth; unclean; understanding; universal; upper; useful; usual; vain; vanities; vanity; vapours; variety; vast; vertue; violence; visions; viz; voice; waking; water; way; ways; wicked; wisdom; wise; wonderful; words; work; world; wrathful; years; young
- versions: original; plain text
- A63812
- author: Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703.
- title: A treatise of dreams & visions wherein the causes, natures, and uses, of nocturnal representations, and the communications both of good and evil angels, as also departed souls, to mankind. Are theosophically unfolded; that is according to the Word of God, and the harmony of created beings. To which is added, a discourse of the causes, natures, and cure of phrensie, madness or distraction. By Tho. Tryon, student in physick.
- date: 1689
- words: 45699
- flesch: 30
- summary: But if once such shall set up their rest in External F●●ms and Modes of R●●gion , and therein begin as it were to stand still and satisfie themselves with their former Attainments and Separations , which migh● be excellent in their day and time , and the only means the Lord then used to 〈◊〉 the soul to vertue ; I say , when any shall fall into such a slothful state , they will in a little time find that saying ve●●fied in their souls . That not to go forwards , is to go backwa●ds and lose all their inward sp●●itual strength , which is divinely signified by our Lord in that parable of the Servan●● , and the in●rusted Talent , he that care esly laid it up in a Napkin , set up his Rest with such a portion o● Grace or L●ght , and indeavour'd not to augment it , is cond●●●●d ; and ' as added , that from su●● an one shall be taken , even tha● which he seem'd to have , and so Christians came to wither and languish , like a Tree that is sapped at the Root ; and then they sensibly decline and Apostatize , or at best do only retain the Complemental outside of Religion , and do indeed keep in memory their first good state , which can no more nourish their Souls to a Spiritual Life and Growth , then a mans bare thinking upon or boasting of a good wholesom meal he made a week or fortnight agon , can support his outward Body in strength and vigour .
- keywords: actions; active; acts; advantage; affections; affinity; ages; alwayes; angels; animal; antients; apostle; awake; bad; beasts; beeings; beginning; birth; blessed; blood; bodies; body; books; brain; calls; capable; captivated; cause; center; certain; chapter; chief; children; christ; city; cleanness; coelestial; commit; common; communications; companions; complexion; conceit; condition; confused; constitution; contrary; converse; creation; creator; creatures; cruel; cure; danger; daniel; dark; darkness; david; day; days; dead; death; deceased; degree; delight; deprived; desires; diet; discourse; diseases; dispositions; distraction; divine; dominion; doth; dreams; drinks; dye; earth; eebo; effects; elements; english; error; essential; eternity; evil; evil angels; evil spirits; external; eye; eyes; faculties; faculty; fall; fear; fierce; figures; fire; fit; flesh; forms; fountain; free; frequent; friendly; friends; gate; general; genij; genius; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; good angels; good spirits; government; grand; great; greater; gross; hand; hate; hath; health; heart; heavenly; heavy; help; hideous; high; highest; holy; humane; hurt; idle; illuminated; image; imaginations; inclinations; incorporeal; influences; inhabitants; innocency; innocent; intellectual; internal; inward; iudgment; joy; judge; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; law; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; lord; love; lying; madness; man; manifest; mankind; manner; mans; material; matter; measure; meats; melancholy; memory; men; mens; mind; motion; multitude; mysteries; natural; nature; near; new; nocturnal; number; objects; observed; occasion; old; ones; open; operation; oppression; original; outward; pag; particular; parts; passions; people; perfect; persons; phrensie; physick; place; pleasure; power; powerfully; poysonous; predominate; present; pride; principle; proceeds; prompt; properties; property; prophet; pure; purity; quality; radix; ready; real; reason; religious; representations; respective; rest; revelations; said; saith; saturnine; savage; saw; saying; scripture; secrets; section; seed; self; senses; sensible; sensual; separated; set; shapes; simile; sin; sleep; sober; sobriety; sorrow; sorts; soul; species; spirits; spiritual; state; strange; strength; strong; subject; sublime; suitable; tcp; temperance; text; thee; things; thoughts; thy; time; true; truth; unclean; understanding; universal; upper; useful; usual; vain; vanities; vanity; vapours; variety; vast; vertue; violence; violent; visions; viz; voice; waking; water; way; ways; whatsoever; wicked; wisdom; wise; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; wrathful; years; young; ● e; ● s; ● ●
- versions: original; plain text
- A66550
- author: Wilson, John, 1588-1667.
- title: A seasonable vvatch-vvord unto Christians against the dreams & dreamers of this generation delivered in a sermon November 16th. 1665 / and being the last lecture, which was preached by that reverend, faithful and eminent man of God Mr. John Wilson ...
- date: 1677
- words: 6229
- flesch: 40
- summary: ●s I remember there were those that came to Aaron , and would have a Calf m●de , &c. and ▪ I remember there was one that came to the Prophet M●caia● , and told him of these and those Prophets that did declare good to the King with one mouth : and let thy word be like the word of one , of them , and s●●●k that which is good : but they were a company of Dreame●● and Ahab doth not love M●●●●b : and he doth never speak a good word to me , wherefore I hate him : and the messenger that goes to him tells him that there were so many hundreds of them that do speak pleasing things to the King , and I pray thee do thou speak such like things to him , that may be matter of contentment to him ; but that Prophet of the Lord would not turn to the right hand , or to the left , for the King , or for any other ; but what God did put into his mouth , that he would speak : and so it is generally , that when the false Prophet doth arise among the People of God , it is because of Gods people that are the cause of it : and it is they that do set them up , and maintain them , and would have pillows laid under their elbows : and why is it so ? why ( my Brethren ) even since it was that Eve did hearken to the voice of the Serpent : And also the children of God are much given to novelties ; these are things that they never heard of before : and if they may have these and those things spoken which they never heard of before , this is all many care for , though they are such things as came not cut of the mouth of God : yet because they are new things , and that please their ●u●ors , therefore they affect them : thus the Apostle Paul , one would think an Apostle good enough ; yet there were many that were unsatisfied with him , as in the Epistle to the Galatians we read , & bewitched with the false Teachers ; these give us ( say they ) the Gospel in this and that way ▪ &c. however they did once look at the Apostle Paul as an Angel of God , even as Christ Iesus : but now the case was altered : and now Paul was no body : and come of him what would , he might st●rve for all them : they were carried away after those that ven●●d their new things . The Devil himself of Hell cannot propos● to them 〈◊〉 lye more abominable then other , but th●● will receive th●●am● , and God is just in this Judgement upon them for d●llying with his truth : and for their not receiving of it ; Satan is an enemy to God , and an enemy to the truth : and when the Co●● 〈◊〉 sow● in the field , then that enemy comes , and ●e sow● his ●ar●s : he hath a great hand in stirring up such men as these , and 〈◊〉 these Dreams into their heads , and he will set up his Kingdome to pull down the blessed Kingdome of the Lord Jesus Christ thereby : and he will have his Ministers , and he will have deceiver● ( transforming himself into an Angel of light ) and he will come in the Name of God , and in the name of Christ also ▪ even 〈◊〉 the ●agabond Jews Act. 19. and the sons of St●●a are said to do so .
- keywords: blessed; books; cause; characters; children; christ; day; doth; dreamers; dreams; early; eebo; english; faithful; god; good; great; hea; holy; jesus; john; ken; king; kingdome; like; lord; love; man; men; ministers; new; ordinances; people; prophet; repent; saith; seasonable; sermon; set; tcp; text; things; time; trust; truth; voice; wilson; word; work; ● ●
- versions: original; plain text
- A81567
- author: Gonzalo.
- title: The divine dreamer: or, a short treatise discovering the true effect and power of dreames; confirmed by the most learned and best approved authors. Whereunto is annexed the dreame of a young gentleman, immediatly before the death of the late earle of Strafford.
- date: 1641
- words: 4067
- flesch: 54
- summary: The divine dreamer: or, a short treatise discovering the true effect and power of dreames; confirmed by the most learned and best approved authors. The divine dreamer: or, a short treatise discovering the true effect and power of dreames; confirmed by the most learned and best approved authors.
- keywords: a81567; bad; bee; best; body; causes; day; dayes; death; divers; divine; doe; dreame; effect; english; galen; gentleman; god; gonzalo; good; great; head; hee; humours; king; late; like; lord; man; meates; men; naturall; nature; orleance; people; place; power; shee; short; soone; strafford; text; things; thomas; thomason; treatise; true; wentworth; wife; wit; words; world; young
- versions: original; plain text