item: #1 of 6 id: A16679 author: Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. aut title: A solemne ioviall disputation, theoreticke and practicke; briefely shadowing the lavv of drinking together, with the solemnities and controversies occurring: fully and freely discussed according to the civill lavv. Which, by the permission, priviledge and authority, of that most noble and famous order in the Vniversity of Goddesse Potina; Dionisius Bacchus being then president, chiefe gossipper, and most excellent governour, Blasius Multibibus, aliàs Drinkmuch ... hath publikely expounded to his most approved and improved fellow-pot-shots; touching the houres before noone and after, usuall and lawfull. ... Faithfully rendred according to the originall Latine copie. date: 1617 words: 19590 flesch: 64 summary: MY FRIEND , as thou ascribest , the cause of thy present misery , to thy forepast impiety , and as thou wishest Neptune might censure-thee according : o thy demerits , having deserved the worst of men : so I would have thee know I am neither Neptune that can or will censure , nor shee Tethis that should shew thee rigour ; Two Ilanders we are that will shew thee our best of welcome , and hospitality shall be the worst punishment we will inflict upon thee : onely , as thou ex : pressest thy owne sorrow for the contempt of thy profession : redeeme the time thou hast lost , and retire with us ; if we can yeeld thee comfort use us : for never past misery by this shore unpitied , if we could either remedy it , or redresse it . O , if Iohn a Styles , or Iohn an Oakes had knowne thee in their dayes , what cases couldst thou have put thē ? for by thee ( and none but thee ) keywords: age; answer; apothecary; appeare; argument; art; author; bacchus; bastard; bed; bee; best; better; birth; blasius; blessing; books; brave; burmudoes; candle; canst; captaine; care; cause; censure; chamber; characters; child; children; citie; come; comfort; compassion; complaint; content; countries; court; creatures; cuckold; cure; dayes; death; decree; delights; deserved; desire; discourse; distaste; divers; doe; early; earth; edition; eebo; elements; english; entertaine; ere; excellent; expence; exquisite; eyes; face; fall; farre; father; fire; flourishing; friend; fume; gallants; generall; generous; glasse; goe; good; great; greatest; griefe; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; hell; herbe; higher; himselfe; hold; honest; honestie; honour; hope; hospitality; houres; house; humane; ilanders; ilands; iles; ill; indian; ioves; issue; iupiter; joy; judicious; knowledge; knowne; labour; late; lawyer; leaves; lesse; life; light; like; little; long; love; making; man; mans; master; meanes; mee; men; mercurie; mind; minister; miserable; misery; multibibus; nature; nepenthes; neptune; new; noble; nose; occasion; old; onely; open; owne; passions; pipe; place; plant; pleasing; pluto; poet; poore; power; praise; present; profession; proportion; proserpina; queene; quoth; rare; reason; remaine; remedy; respect; returne; said; scholler; sea; second; seeme; seldome; selfe; set; shame; shee; shew; shop; smoake; smoaking; snuffe; soone; sort; soveraigne; speech; state; subject; sure; tcp; teares; tei; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thought; time; tobacco; tongue; trinidadan; true; use; vanitie; vapour; varinan; verie; vertue; want; water; way; wealth; wee; whiffe; wife; wilt; wits; woman; worke; world; worst; worth; yea; young; youth cache: A16679.xml plain text: A16679.txt item: #2 of 6 id: A25262 author: Ames, Richard, d. 1693. title: Fatal friendship, or, The Drunkards misery being a satyr against hard drinking / by the author of The search after Claret. date: 1693 words: 5337 flesch: 74 summary: Oft to a Tavern have I known go in , A knot of Friends to drink a Glass of Wine , In Love and Unity they all sit down , Now doubly welcome to each other grown ; To each Man's Health the Glass goes briskly round , And nought but Mirth and Jollity is found ; But when one Bottle ushers in another , And this Half Flask brings in his younger Brother : A Scene quite different appears , For now with Wine inflam'd each petty Jar , Will 'mongst these Friends create a Civil War ; Wine spilt by accident , an Health forgot , Or a Glass fill'd too full upon the Spot , Can set 'em altogether by the Ears ; Rascal , and Rogue , are words they use by turns , And each with Wine and Fury doubly burns ; Which , if too high wound up , perhaps proceeds , To throwing Bottles at each others Heads ; Then Swords from Scabbards are lugg'd out . But our bold Sons of Bacchus , here , Do in their practice openly appear ; Who , on you , when they force the Glass , or Cup , Pale Poyson , in Disguise of Wine you sup ; Yet think not Poyson from the Grape they press ; No , Wine 's a Cordial , till by lewd Excess , It does its kind refreshing Nature lose , And Death lies lurking in the noble Juyce : And can that Man be then my Friend , Who , because , Mithridates-like , He Poysons can digest ( for Wine 's no less , When swallow'd to a vast Excess ) Will unto me the fatal Draught commend . keywords: appears; author; blood; body; books; bottle; characters; claret; company; drink; drinking; drunkards; drunken; early; eebo; encoding; english; estate; excess; fall; fatal; friendship; glass; good; gout; hard; health; house; images; kind; large; leave; life; like; lot; man; men; mighty; money; nature; nay; ne're; old; online; oxford; page; partnership; phase; reason; satyr; self; sin; sober; spark; tavern; tcp; tei; tell; text; tho; time; vice; wine; works; xml cache: A25262.xml plain text: A25262.txt item: #3 of 6 id: A42198 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: One come from the dead, to awaken drunkards and whoremongers being a sober and severe testimony against the sins and the sinners, in an exact description of the nature and danger of these two soul-destroying evils : together with proper and sovereign remedies / by Richard Garbut ... ; with epistles to the reader, by Mr. R. Baxter, and Mr. William Jenkins. date: 1675 words: 45288 flesch: 65 summary: Does not the Scripture make him to be in any thing as bad , ( ●…y worse too ) that takes pleasure in others that d●…e a sin , than him th●…t do●…s the 〈◊〉 himself ? They do n●…t onely do such 〈◊〉 , b●…t take pleasure in them th●…t do th●…m . We use to say of a Drunkard in drink , that he is well bit ; and it is true indeed , he is Serpent-bit , he is b●…t with that biting that bites wealth out of his Purse , for the Drunkard and the Glut●…on shall come to poverty , Proverbs 23. 21. Which bites Health out of his body , for who within a while have commonly less Health , than they that still are drinking Healths ? Which bites Wit and naturall Parts out of the Head ; For Wine is a mocker , and whoever is deceived thereby sh●…ll not be wise , Prov. 20. 1. Which bites Grace and Gods Spirit out of the heart ; Be not drunk with Wine but be filled with the Spirit , Eph. 5. 18. To be filled with the Spirit of wine and with the Holy Spirit are made opposites , & such as cannot stand together ; he is therefore bit indeed , Serpent-bit in this manner as you have heard ; and therefore what holdest thou in thy hand , thou Drunkard , what holdest thou in thy hand ? Is not the Glass often-times thou drinkest in born up with a couple , and sometimes with a cluster of Snakes or Serpents ? Let the Serpent on the out-side put thee in mind of the Serpent within ; the Serpents without are toothless Serpents , and cannot bite ; but the Serpent within is a toothed , and a venom-toothed Serpent , bites , and bites deadly , deriving poyson to the state of thy Wealth , to the state of thy Health , to the s●…ate of thy Naturals , impairing Wit and Endowments Natural ; and to the state most of all of thy supernat●…rals , leaving thy heart as empty of grace as thou the Cup of Liquor , or at most but some very snusss in it . keywords: abimelech; account; act; adul ●; adulterers; adultery; ag ●; ale; ap ●; apostle; apt; author; aye; b ●; begot; belial; belly; beloved; best; better; bites; blind; blood; bodies; body; books; bread; c ●; carnal; cause; ch ●; children; chri ●; christ; church; co ●; com ●; committed; common; company; conscience; consideration; contrary; conv ●; cor; cr ●; creatures; cry; cup; d ●; danger; daughter; david; day; days; dead; death; delights; devil; di ●; difference; dis ●; dishonour; divine; doth; doubt; dr ●; dri ●; drinking; dru ●; drunk ●; drunkard; drunkenn ●; drunkenness; duties; duty; eebo; end; english; eph; ev ●; example; excellent; excess; eyes; fall; far; fath ●; father; fe ●; filthiness; fir ●; fire; fl ●; flesh; foot; fornication; fornicators; fruit; g ●; gen; general; ghost; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; gre ●; great; great sin; gross; ground; half; hand; hard; harlots; hath; hav ●; head; heart; heaven; heed; hell; hims ●; ho ●; hold; holy; hope; house; husband; ill; image; impure; increase; j ●; job; john; ju ●; judge; judgment; kind; king; kingdom; kn ●; know; l ●; law; li ●; life; like; liquor; little; live; living; long; look; lord; love; lu ●; luke; lusts; m ●; ma ●; man; manner; mans; marriage; marvel; matter; meer; meet; members; men; mens; mind; morrow; morti ●; mother; mouth; n ●; nature; new; non; nose; o ●; old; onely; ones; ordinary; oss ●; oth ●; outward; p ●; parents; paul; people; person; pet; picture; pl ●; place; plain; pleasure; po ●; poor; power; pr ●; preaching; present; pride; pro ●; proper; property; prov; psal; qu ●; r ●; reader; reason; regard; religion; remedy; respect; richard; right; righteousness; ring; riot; rom; rule; s ●; sa ●; saint; sayes; scripture; second; seed; self; selves; sensu ●; sensual; sensuality; serpent; set; sets; severe; sh ●; shews; si ●; sin; single; sinners; sins; sl ●; sober; somewhat; sons; sor; sort; sots; soul; sp ●; special; speech; spirit; spiritual; st ●; stand; state; strange; strong; su ●; sun; t ●; table; tak ●; tcp; temple; text; th ●; thee; ther ●; thi ●; things; thirdly; tho ●; thos ●; thou; thought; time; true; turn; un ●; uncle ●; uncleanness; understanding; universal; use; v ●; vice; vomit; w ●; wa ●; walk; way; wh ●; whi ●; whoredom; whoremongers; wi ●; wickedness; wife; wine; wise; woman; words; work; world; worldling; worse; wrong; young cache: A42198.xml plain text: A42198.txt item: #4 of 6 id: A43604 author: Beaumont, Francis, 1584-1616. title: A Preparative to studie, or, The vertue of sack date: 1641 words: 1223 flesch: 76 summary: [no entry] 1641 911 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 C The rate of 11 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. A Preparative to studie, or, The vertue of sack This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A43604 of text R22858 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing H1790). keywords: a43604; books; cup; doe; early; earth; english; fire; h1790; images; london; online; preparative; r22858; sack; selfe; studie; tcp; text; thinke; thou; vertue; wing cache: A43604.xml plain text: A43604.txt item: #5 of 6 id: A67520 author: Ward, Edward, 1667-1731. title: Sot's paradise, or, The humours of a Derby-ale-house with a satyr upon the ale. date: 1698 words: 2922 flesch: 79 summary: eng Ale -- Anecdotes Drinking of alcoholic beverages -- Anecdotes Hotels -- England -- Derbyshire -- Anecdotes Bars (Drinking establishments) -- Poor Slime , thou art not Ale , for why ? keywords: -anecdotes; ale; available; bear; books; brains; characters; creation; data; derby; drouth; dull; early; edition; edward; eebo; elements; encoding; english; fit; general; great; house; humours; images; keying; little; man; mortal; old; online; oxford; page; paradise; partnership; phase; project; satyr; sot; sots; tankards; tcp; tei; text; thou; wits; words; work; xml cache: A67520.xml plain text: A67520.txt item: #6 of 6 id: A67741 author: Younge, Richard. title: The blemish of government, the shame of religion, the disgrace of mankind, or, A charge drawn up against drunkards and presented to His Highness the Lord Protector, in the name of all the Sober Party in the three nations, humbly craving that they may be kept alone by themselves from infecting others ... / by R. Younge of Roxwell in Essex. date: 1658 words: 10872 flesch: 67 summary: But I were as good knock at a deaf mans door , as press or perswade the most to the duty , though thus necessary : for those two Idols , Discretion and cursed Covetousn●●bear a greater sway with the common Professors of this age , than either their Ma●●or Redeemer : Though confident I am , others will do more than I●say , Philem. 7. Br. How they are so pernicious , that to damn their own souls , is the least part of their mischief ; and that they draw vengeance upon thousands , by seducing s●●e , and giving ill example to others . keywords: act; aim; ale; beasts; blind; books; case; charge; children; christians; common; company; conscience; custom; day; dead; death; devils; disgrace; door; drink; drinking; drunkards; drunkenness; english; fear; fire; gen; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heads; healths; hearts; heaven; hell; house; joh; land; law; let; life; like; long; lord; love; luk; man; mankind; mat; means; men; mouths; oaths; pleasure; poor; prov; reason; religion; satan; self; sellers; set; shame; sin; sins; sober; souls; speak; spend; swear; tap; tavern; text; thou; thousands; time; turn; vice; way; wealth; wickedness; wife; wine; words; work; worse; yea; younge; ● ● cache: A67741.xml plain text: A67741.txt