item: #1 of 10 id: 1409 author: Lowell, Percival title: The Soul of the Far East date: None words: 44246 flesch: 65 summary: The North American Indian tracks his foe through the forest by signs unrecognizable to a white man, and he reasons most astutely upon them, and still that very man turns out to be a mere child when put before problems a trifle out of his beaten path. For with most men the promptings of personal advantage only afford sufficient incentive to effort. keywords: art; case; civilization; day; eastern; effect; existence; fact; family; form; great; human; idea; imagination; impersonal; impersonality; individual; individuality; japanese; lies; life; love; man; matter; mind; nature; past; people; place; present; science; second; self; sense; soul; spirit; state; subject; thing; thought; time; way; world cache: 1409.txt plain text: 1409.txt item: #2 of 10 id: 26707 author: Reese, A. M. (Albert Moore) title: Wanderings in the Orient date: None words: 15674 flesch: 68 summary: Whether the increased demands for rubber will justify the thousands of young trees that are still being planted, not only on the Malay Peninsula but on Borneo and other islands of the Far East, remains to be seen; but, judging from the opinions of several rubber experts of Singapore, this is quite doubtful. VII. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE.] Like other cities in the East Singapore is a mixture of beauty and squalor. keywords: american; canton; chinese; city; course; day; harbor; illustration; island; manila; men; native; people; place; rubber; singapore; streets; tay; time; town; village; water; white; world cache: 26707.txt plain text: 26707.txt item: #3 of 10 id: 26924 author: Stidger, William L. (William Le Roy) title: Flash-lights from the Seven Seas date: None words: 43610 flesch: 83 summary: The well-trained Geisha girl has, for centuries, because of her superior education, received the confidences of Japanese men; while a Japanese man would scorn to talk things over with his wife. From Japanese Obies, which clasp the waists of Japanese girls, to Javanese Sarongs, the flame and flash of crimson predominates in the gowns of both men and women. keywords: american; black; boy; children; china; chinese; crimson; day; english; eyes; faith; fear; fire; flame; flash; girl; home; japanese; korea; life; lights; man; men; missionaries; missionary; morning; mother; new; night; orient; people; sea; thing; thought; time; way; white; woman; world; years cache: 26924.txt plain text: 26924.txt item: #4 of 10 id: 27014 author: Davidson, G. F. title: Trade and Travel in the Far East or Recollections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia and China. date: None words: 75998 flesch: 63 summary: New South Wales had been for many years a British Colony, before any Israelites found their way thither as _free_ men; and I have heard, that it was the return of a Jewish convict with well-lined pockets, that first attracted their attention to his place of exile. In the neighbourhood of Bathurst, and in many other parts of the Colony where rain is very uncertain, there are thousands of acres of alluvial land lying waste, which, upon my plan, would yield tens of thousands of bushels of wheat and maize. keywords: australia; batavia; british; calcutta; cattle; china; chinese; coast; colony; country; day; days; dutch; england; english; european; good; government; half; harbour; hong; house; inhabitants; island; java; kong; macao; man; men; miles; money; native; neighbourhood; new; opium; people; place; river; sea; ship; singapore; sir; south; state; straits; sugar; sydney; thing; time; town; trade; vessels; wales; water; way; work; years; | | cache: 27014.txt plain text: 27014.txt item: #5 of 10 id: 27233 author: Fitch, George Hamlin title: The Critic in the Orient date: None words: 56260 flesch: 71 summary: As in many cities of India, all the work of the shops goes on in plain view from the street. Lucknow, scene of the most famous siege in the Indian mutiny, 106-109; ruins of the Residency, 106; story of the siege, 107-108; memorial tablets to British heroes, 108 Luxor, with ruins of the finest temple in Egypt, 143-146; built by Amenophis III; restored and enlarged by Rameses II, 143-144; plan of the temple, 144-145; Rameses exposed by Egyptologists, 146; temple of Karnak, 147-149 Manila, capital of Philippines and American naval base in Far East, 51-62; hospitality of Americans, 52; reenforced concrete favorite building material, 52; its splendid docks, 52; the Escolta, 52; the Bridge of Spain, 53; the carabao or water buffalo, 53; old walled city, 54; historical gates, 54; famous churches, 55; doors open to the ambitious Filipino youths, 56; influence of American schools, 56-57; Dr. George W. Wright on religious work in Philippines, 56-57; sanitary reforms which have made Manila healthy port, 57; work of the Constabulary Guard, 58; scenes on the Luneta, 60; nipa huts of natives, 61-62; fondness of people for music, 62; American gramophones in native huts, 62 Nana Sahib, the evil genius of the Indian mutiny, who broke faith with prisoners at Cawnpore, shot the men, and ordered 125 women and children butchered and cast into a well, 109 Nara, seat of oldest temples in Japan, 26-27; tame deer in park, 26 Nicholson, John, Brigadier-General, the ablest man the Indian mutiny produced, 121; he led the British march on Delhi and fell at the storming of the Lahore gate, 122 Nagasaki, great Japanese seaport, 30-33; girls coaling steamers, 31-32; trip to Mogi, 33 Nikko, the Japanese city of temples, 16-21; eighth century Buddhist temple, 17; Sacred Red Bridge, 17; imperial tombs, 17-19; school pilgrimages, 19; famous cryptomeria avenue to Imaichi, 20-21 Nile, sailing down the, 156-160; importance of river to Egypt, 156; ancient method of irrigation by shadouf, 157-158; poor pay for hard work, 158; prevalence of eye diseases, 159; squalid homes of the natives, 160; beauty of views along the Nile, 160 Osaka, Japan's chief manufacturing city, 29; Hideyoshi's castle, 29 Parsees, importance in municipal life of Bombay, 129; religion that of Zoroaster, 129-130; gifts by rich Parsee merchants, 131; quaint marriage customs, 132; towers of silence where dead are exposed, 133-135 Pyramids, among the oldest human work on earth, 161-163; size and cost of construction, 162-163; ascent of Gizeh, 163; features of the Sphinx, 164; rock tombs of Sakkara, 164 Raffles, Sir Stamford, the maker of Singapore and founder of great Malayan museum, 81 Rangoon, Burma's largest city, 89-92; elephants piling teak, 89-90; Shwe Dagon Pagoda, center of the Buddhist faith in Orient, 90-91; splendid decoration of shrines, 91-92 Shah Jehan, the greatest builder among the Mogul Emperors of India, who immortalized his name by erecting the Taj Mahal, 112 Singapore, gateway to the Far East, 80-88; humidity of atmosphere, 80; world's largest dry dock, 81; Sir Stamford Raffles, 81; great mixture of races, 81-82; traits of the Malay, 83; importance of Chinese, 84-85; night scenes in Malay and Chinese quarters, 85-87; large opium dens, 87; fine botanical gardens, 88 Taj Mahal, the world's most beautiful building at Agra, India, 111-116; built by Shah Jehan as memorial to favorite wife, 112; cost in money and human life, 112; its perfect architecture, 114; lavish decoration, 115; restoration by Lord Curzon, 116 Thebes, tomb city of the ancient Egyptian kings, 150-155; desolate site across the Nile from Luxor, 150-151; electric-lighted tombs, 151; rock-hewn tomb of Rameses IV, 152; tombs of other monarchs, 152-153; only one contains royal mummy, 154; fine temple of Queen Hatasu, 153; the Ramessium, with largest statue found in Egypt, 154; Colossi of Memnon, 154; why one of the statues was musical, 155 Tokio, the Japanese capital, 10-15; its splendid parks, 11-13-14; imperial palace, 13; tombs of six shoguns, 14; night work in shops, 15 Wheeler, General, whose confidence in his native troops, cost the lives of all the garrison of Cawnpore, 109 Yokohama, much Europeanized Japanese city, 3; good tourist outfitting point, 4 AND SO ENDS THE CRITIC IN THE ORIENT, CONTAINING THE IMPRESSIONS OF GEORGE HAMLIN FITCH ON THE FIRST HALF OF HIS TRIP AROUND THE WORLD. keywords: american; ancient; art; beauty; bombay; building; business; cairo; children; chinese; cities; city; country; day; days; dead; delhi; egypt; feet; fine; general; good; great; half; hongkong; houses; illustration; india; japanese; life; manila; marble; men; miles; native; new; night; nile; orient; oriental; parsee; people; places; plate; river; road; shops; singapore; stone; streets; temple; time; tombs; tourist; trees; view; walls; water; way; white; women; work; world; years cache: 27233.txt plain text: 27233.txt item: #6 of 10 id: 27260 author: Penfield, Frederic Courtland title: East of Suez Ceylon, India, China and Japan date: None words: 62390 flesch: 60 summary: The grand-stand bears a minor importance to the betting ring, for the latter holds a surging, throbbing medley of humanity--society folk from India's innermost official set, sleek Parsees wearing gold rimmed eye-glasses, rajahs from all parts, wealthy merchants and bankers, fez-wearing Mohammedans from the world of Islam, men from the Persian Gulf in astrachan head-gear, Pathans from beyond the Himalayas, Sikhs from the Punjab--as can be gathered in great India, the museum of the human race. Again, I witnessed a tottering and sobbing old man place with every expression of tenderness a garland of yellow and white flowers about the neck of a corpse swathed in red, and imagined it the last office of love to an idolized daughter. keywords: american; asia; boat; bombay; britain; british; building; business; calcutta; canal; canton; capital; caste; ceylon; china; chinese; city; colombo; commercial; country; day; earth; east; eastern; empire; england; english; europe; european; fact; feet; germany; good; government; great; half; hindu; home; hong; illustration; india; interest; island; japan; japanese; jeypore; kandy; kong; macao; man; miles; money; nation; native; new; number; official; oysters; panama; pearl; people; place; population; port; present; public; rule; russia; sea; states; suez; taj; tea; temple; time; trade; united; war; water; way; work; world; years cache: 27260.txt plain text: 27260.txt item: #7 of 10 id: 27347 author: Dickinson, G. Lowes (Goldsworthy Lowes) title: Appearances: Being Notes of Travel date: None words: 52088 flesch: 77 summary: Their hold on life is certainly less than that of Western men. Many men, I know, sincerely think that this destruction of beauty is a small matter, and that only decadent æsthetes would pay any attention to it in a world so much in need of sewers and hospitals. keywords: america; art; beauty; blood; business; children; china; chinese; civilisation; come; country; course; day; doubt; east; england; english; europe; fact; feet; form; god; good; human; india; japanese; kind; life; man; matter; men; mind; mollycoddle; nature; new; night; people; place; point; public; question; reason; red; religion; round; sense; spirit; sun; things; time; view; way; west; western; women; work; world cache: 27347.txt plain text: 27347.txt item: #8 of 10 id: 27452 author: Strong, Augustus Hopkins title: A Tour of the Missions: Observations and Conclusions date: None words: 53106 flesch: 65 summary: We have able and devoted representatives on this foreign field, and I believe that God will make them mighty to dethrone Buddhism, and to crown Christ Lord of all. And yet, even the Theosophical Society, with all its absurdities of levitation and the astral body, has been compelled to bear some witness to Jesus Christ. keywords: british; buddha; burma; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; city; day; education; english; faith; feet; god; gospel; government; heathen; hindu; human; india; influence; japan; knowledge; life; light; lord; man; men; method; miles; missionaries; missionary; missions; native; nature; new; old; people; place; power; religion; schools; scripture; self; sin; spirit; temple; time; truth; way; work; world; worship; years cache: 27452.txt plain text: 27452.txt item: #9 of 10 id: 29546 author: Poe, Clarence Hamilton title: Where Half The World Is Waking Up The Old and the New in Japan, China, the Philippines, and India, Reported With Especial Reference to American Conditions date: None words: 86393 flesch: 62 summary: About 10 per cent of the male population seems to be hauling other men, but 50 per cent, of the female population seems hardly enough to carry the wise and happy-looking little Jap babies--not in go-carts (a go-cart or a hired nurse is almost never seen), but on the back. Most of what he has he owes to his racial heritage; it is only because other men prosper that he prospers. keywords: american; average; boy; cases; caste; cent; children; china; chinaman; chinese; city; conditions; cotton; country; course; day; days; earth; education; empire; english; example; fact; family; farm; farmers; father; feet; general; girls; good; government; half; hand; hindu; home; human; illustration; india; industrial; industry; japanese; korea; labor; land; life; line; little; living; man; manchuria; matter; men; miles; money; nations; new; number; opium; peking; people; place; population; power; rice; saw; school; states; system; things; thousands; time; wages; war; way; white; wife; women; work; world; years; young cache: 29546.txt plain text: 29546.txt item: #10 of 10 id: 39474 author: Field, Henry M. (Henry Martyn) title: From Egypt to Japan date: None words: 147785 flesch: 73 summary: We have since spent three days at Thebes, the great centre of historical interest, and have made a regular campaign of sight-seeing, starting on excursions every morning, and thus have explored the ruins on both sides of the river--for Thebes, like many other great cities--like London and Paris--was built on two sides of a river, but one much greater than the Thames or the Seine, yet not so great Such a society as that of London or Paris, composed of men eminent in government, in science and literature--a society refined and elevated by the presence of women of such education and manners and knowledge of the world as to be the fit companions of such men--could not possibly exist in Constantinople. keywords: air; american; asia; blood; children; china; chinese; christian; city; come; country; course; day; days; dead; death; desert; dutch; earth; east; egypt; end; england; english; europe; eyes; feet; god; good; government; great; ground; half; hand; head; heart; hills; hindoos; holy; home; house; human; idea; india; interest; island; java; kind; law; left; life; look; man; men; miles; morning; mountains; native; nature; new; night; nile; number; people; place; point; power; pyramid; race; religion; river; sacred; sea; set; state; streets; sun; system; temples; think; time; valley; visit; war; water; way; women; work; world; worship; years cache: 39474.txt plain text: 39474.txt