illustration: (front cover)] [illustration: (frontispiece)] charles edward putney an appreciation published by the charles e. putney memorial association what delightful hosts are they- life and love! lingeringly i turn away, this late hour, yet glad enough they have not withheld from me their high hospitality. so, with face lit with delight and all gratitude, i stay yet to press their hands and say, "thanks,--so fine a time! good night." --_james whitcomb riley_ foreword this memorial to a great vermont educator is the happy thought of one of his pupils, miss caroline s. woodruff. the idea immediately found favor wherever it was known that such a tribute was contemplated. an organization was perfected known as "the charles e. putney memorial," to arrange for the publication of this book. hon. charles w. gates of franklin, vermont, was selected as chairman, and the preliminary expenses of the enterprise were taken care of by a finance committee consisting of hon. f. w. plaisted of augusta, me., mrs. fletcher d. proctor of proctor, and j. f. cloutman of farmington, n. h. the committee in charge of securing the material for the book and its publication were miss caroline s. woodruff of st. johnsbury, rolfe cobleigh of boston, and arthur f. stone of st. johnsbury. the publication committee realize that there are many former pupils of mr. putney who would have been glad to have contributed to this memorial, but believe that the tributes in the following pages are representative of the sentiments of all who sat under his inspiring teaching, and are stronger and better men and women because of his marked influence upon their lives. to charles e. putney on his seventy-fifth birthday february 26, 1915 still, still a summer day comes to my call,- a room wide-windowed, bright with girls and boys, a wrinkled homer craning from the wall, a bee-like murmuring of _ai's_ and _oi's_; and you, a king, dark-bearded, on your throne,- a king of gentle bearing and soft speech, no scepter ringing and no trumpet blown, but nature's own authority to teach. a stranger-lad i steal into my place and five and thirty years are quickly gone. the same sweet balsam breathes upon my face, the old hellenic brook is purling on. see with how bright a chain you hold us true: we that would think of youth must think of you. wendell phillips stafford. biographical charles edward putney, the son of david and mary putney, was born at bow, new hampshire, february 26, 1840. he was one of fourteen children, of whom ten lived to grow to manhood and womanhood. david putney was a farmer, and mr. putney's early years were spent on the farm. he attended district school and went later to colby academy, teaching district schools from time to time, and preparing himself to enter dartmouth college, which he was about to do when the civil war broke out. he enlisted in the thirteenth new hampshire volunteers, and later became a sergeant. he was in the war over three years and took part in the battles of fredericksburg, siege of suffolk, port walthal, swift creek, kingsland creek, drewrys bluff, cold harbor, petersburg, fort mcconhie, fort harrison, and richmond. he was one of the first four men to enter richmond after the surrender. at the conclusion of the war he entered dartmouth college, and was graduated with high rank in 1870. directly after his graduation he was married to abbie m. clement of norwich, vermont, who died in 1901. he taught in norwich until 1873, when he became assistant principal in st. johnsbury academy under mr. homer t. fuller, whom he succeeded in the principalship. in 1896 he resigned on account of ill health. he went to massachusetts and became superintendent of schools in the templeton district, where he remained until the spring of 1901, when he took up his work in the burlington high school. he died in burlington at the home of his daughter, february 3, 1920, after an illness of two weeks. dr. smart at college st. church at the funeral of mr. putney it takes a man to adorn any calling; callings require or bring special fitness, but manhood crowns the fitness, gives it added scope, completeness, power and beauty--rejoicing the heart. good doctors, good lawyers, good men of affairs, good teachers, are better if they are beyond reckoning. wisdom is an intellectual thing, a property of the mind, but when it is perfect the heart pours through it as the rivers flowed through paradise. a poem in the scriptures says that wisdom created the world, not as a task, but as a pastime. speaking of god, wisdom says, "i was daily his delight, sporting before him, sporting in his habitable earth." when one sees a man investing his work with personal charm, one knows the difference between a photograph and a painting--a photograph with its hard, incisive fidelities, and a painting with its living colors, its appeal to feeling, its lovely beauty, something luxuriously human in it. a teacher has a special reason for floating his service, if it may be, upon a stream of personal worth and personal charm, because he deals with children and youth who respond to what he is, as well as to what he teaches. daniel says, "the teachers shall shine as the stars." our friend here had much of the oak, much of the granite in his make-up; something also of the morning scattered upon the hills, something of the son of consolation. he mellowed with the years. he planted climbing roses beside his strength, and in the heart of it a tender and delicate consideration; some of you loved him more and more to the end. in his early youth he had the happy fortune to serve his country during the civil war. the ardors of that crisis glowed in his heart to the end; the scorching heat gone, the flashing lightning gone, but never the remaining glory of those years when he ennobled his young manhood by risking his life for his country. he might have said what galahad said of the holy grail, "... never yet hath ... this holy thing fail'd from my side nor come covered, but moving with me night and day." he was a faithful member of stannard post, and long its commander. he kept the friday night of the post meeting for the post. every sunday afternoon he passed my house, going to visit a comrade whom illness kept at home. and he was a religious man--a christian man. faith was mixed with his life. god strengthened him with strength in his soul. he was a deacon of this church, and while his strength permitted, a teacher in the sunday school. he lived by his faith, and he thought about it. it was one of the great interests of his mind. there is plenty in every man's experience to limit him, to confine him, to make him small and petty. this man had at least two enthusiasms which lifted and broadened his spirit, his patriotism and his religion. the last word he spoke was the name of his native town in new hampshire, bow. a great light came into his eyes with the name, as if he saw the place in a vision. he loved his old home and visited it when he could. he went back at last in imagination and desire to the roothold of his life, and that was well and fair, for he represented the fineness of that new england inheritance. one perhaps should not boast, but at least one may say that it is a goodly inheritance of solidity, fidelity, seriousness, fitness to live in a community and take part in its affairs. it is said of elisha that he took up the mantle of elijah. the mantle was a symbol of the spirit; it had become almost a personal thing. elijah had wrapped his face in it when he stood in the cave's mouth and heard the small, still voice of the lord. he cast it upon elisha when he called him from his plow to be a prophet. he smote the waters with it, when he went to the place where he was to go up in the whirlwind, and they were divided hither and thither so that they went over on dry ground. when he went up in the storm, his mantle fell on elisha. that mantle lay close to the secrets of the prophet's heart; he wrapped his face in it when god spoke to him. it was the symbol of his influence; he called elisha with it. it was the symbol of his power; he divided the waters with it. a mantle lies upon the shoulders. it may fit another as well as its owner. if it could be said that the mantle of this man has fallen upon the teachers of burlington, he would need, he could desire, no other memorial. letter to mr. putney's granddaughter, mary lane south weymouth, mass., february 6, 1920. dear mary: may i tell you a little story? it has largely to do with one whom you loved and who loved you very much. you called him "grandpa." the story begins sixty-four years ago this coming spring, when two brothers, a big brother of sixteen years and a little brother of eight years, started out together one morning for school. they were going to attend a private school, for a few weeks, in a strange district about two miles from their home. the little brother would have been afraid to go that long distance alone; but he had all confidence in his big brother, whom he loved very dearly. they had not been in that school very long when the teacher discovered that the big brother was the best scholar he had. very soon the teacher asked him to help him in his work. do you think the big brother refused? one day the teacher was ill and could not attend school. he sent word by one of his pupils that he wanted his best scholar to take charge of the school for the day. well, that was a trying experience for a boy of sixteen; but that boy commanded the respect of all the pupils of that school; so he undertook the task and with wonderful success. he had no difficulty with any of the pupils although some of them were older than himself. perhaps the little brother wasn't proud to have such a big brother! it was about this time that the little fellow began to notice how earnestly his older brother was trying to do right in every way; it made a great impression upon him. the few weeks of private school ended and the big brother soon opened the summer term of school in his home district. in spite of his youth he was appointed teacher and all the people of the district seemed very glad. among his pupils were little brother, two other brothers, and a sister. the teacher was so successful in his work that the parents in the district wanted him to teach another and another term. he did so; but all the time he was studying to prepare himself for larger work. he took advantage of every opportunity to attend school for a term or two at a time in some academy, until he became fitted for college. meanwhile he was deeply interested in his younger brothers and sister and doing all he could to help them along in their studies. about the time he was sixteen years old he heard a voice that seemed to say to him, "go, work in my vineyard!" that voice meant everything to him; he was eager, therefore, to obey it. to work in the vineyard meant doing good, helping others, being unselfish, giving strength and cheer when needed. we all know how well he did his work in the master's vineyard and through how many years he sowed the good seed. a few weeks ago, the little brother, to whom i have referred, was looking forward to the coming of big brother's eightieth birthday and wishing that he could give expression to something worthy of the brother and his wonderful life-work. while he knew that he was not equal to an ideal accomplishment of such a pleasant task, he made one of his attempts and wrote the few lines enclosed, finishing them a very few days before the sad news of grandpa's fatal illness reached him. he has made no change in them, realizing that you will understand that he was fondly hoping that his eightieth birthday would find big brother in his usual health and strength. so, with a heart heavy with grief, yet full of loving and grateful memories of my dear big brother, i am telling you this little story and sending you the accompanying tribute to one of the best men that ever lived. and now, with much love to yourself and all the members of your home, the little brother of sixty-four years ago wishes to sign himself your affectionate uncle freeman. and the sheaves are still coming in "go, work in my vineyard!" the master spoke to the list'ning heart of youth; "the world is my vineyard; go forth and sow the life-giving seed of truth!" and forth to the sowing, with ardent zeal and a love for mankind akin to the master's own, he joyfully went,- and the sheaves are still coming in. he quickened ambition's sluggish soil, and freely scattered the seeds; the blades spring up, and life takes on a passion for worthy deeds. new visions catch the opening eye, fresh purposes begin; the sower sowed with a lavish trust,- and the sheaves are still coming in. he turned deep furrows in shadowed soil, where the weeds of dark despair were the only growth; the seeds of hope he patiently planted there. a harvesting of wheat appears where lately tares had been; the sower in love had graciously sown,- and the sheaves are still coming in. the years speed on; in manhood's glow he is sowing with vigilant care; there are fields that call for the seed of life,- he is finding them everywhere. he is steadfastly doing the master's work, unheeding the clamor and din of a restless world; he quietly sows,- and the sheaves are still coming in. at threescore years: does he stay his hand in token of lessening powers? he takes no note of vanishing time save to honor its golden hours. he only kens 'tis the master's wish that his strength be given to win the harvests of truth; he scatters the seed,- and the sheaves are still coming in. threescore and ten: he has surely laid the burden of sowing down? he is far afield and with glow of soul is wearing the years' bright crown. in his zeal for service he does not ask when the days of rest begin; enough to know there is seed to sow; and the sheaves are still coming in. and what of the sower at fourscore years? has the vineyard a place for him still? in joy of service and glow of zeal he is sowing with marvelous skill. he has sown in faith through many years, and rich have the harvests been; his forward look is a look of trust, for the sheaves are still coming in. ah! brother, thy summons to riches' quest was the call of the voice divine; thou hast shaped thy will to the master's word, and infinite wealth is thine. 'twas thy constant aim, from the fields of time, eternal treasures to win; that aim was blessed; to thy lasting joy the sheaves are still coming in. and when thou art called from the toil of earth to the larger service above, and shalt hear the master's questioning voice, in accents of infinite love, "what is the measure of golden grain thou didst wrest from the fields of sin?" the angel of record will testify, "the sheaves are still coming in." * * * * * "call him not old, although the flight of years has measured off the allotted term of life! call him not old, since neither doubts nor fears have quenched his hope throughout the long, long strife! they are not old though days of youth have fled, who quaff the brimming cup of peace and joy! they are not old who from life's hidden springs find draughts which still refresh but never cloy." letters received on mr. putney's seventy-fifth birthday i am glad you are to have a birthday tomorrow. i feel sure that it will be a happy birthday. your children and grandchildren will see to it that the day is properly celebrated. it is a great pleasure to look back on the days spent in st. johnsbury when your influence meant so much to us. you can never know how strongly your personality and your life influenced the boys and girls in the academy, especially those of us who were away from home. many of the things which you said to us, the time or occasion of saying them and the place too are very vividly recalled after thirty years. you in st. johnsbury, four or five professors at dartmouth and perhaps a half dozen other men, make up a small group of men who have given me most in the way of stimulation and encouragement. to express adequately my gratitude is impossible, but out of a full heart i do thank you and am glad of this opportunity to extend my best wishes to you for continued health and happiness. yours very sincerely, david n. blakely, '85. you have been living in my life all these long years since the old st. johnsbury academy days. that wonderful kindness with which you looked upon all our shortcomings has been the great example of kindness i have looked to all these days. that wonderful equality of judgment with which you decided all our cases, has always remained unquestioned in my heart. and that which most of all has influenced my life has been that wonderful quietness with which you have possessed your soul. i am more grateful to you every day i live and more thankful for the years spent under your influence. we are all to be congratulated because of this birthday. may you have many, many more and may you know better every year how much we all love you. yours most sincerely, mary drew, '87. believing that the only real satisfaction to a teacher after all is the knowledge that somewhere down the years there sounds an echo of his effort, i am venturing to add my word of appreciation to you on your birthday. there in your office and classroom i received, as have hundreds of others, the inspiration--the vision, if you will, of what life means--and there are no memories more hallowed than those of the associations at st. johnsbury academy. year after year for thirty years i've watched the groups of young men and women leave the institution but never without a keener appreciation of what the years had meant to us. not for the first time do i say that whatever little success i may have had with young people is due in large measure to the help received at your hand, and with all my heart i thank you for your firm and gentle guidance, your paternal influence over us all, and most of all for your exemplary christian character that never failed. the best wish i can offer you today on your seventy-fifth birthday is that you may realize more and more what a mighty power for good you have been and are in the lives of an army of men and women today who once fell under your influence. very sincerely, caroline s. woodruff, '84. i wonder how many of us you can remember and whether any of our failings are still in your mind? you only had me for a short time, but such as it was it completed my school work. in fact it was my only schooling away from home. i am therefore able to recall vividly many impressions made on my mind during the time i was under your charge. i formed the impression that you were absolutely fair and honest with your scholars and that you expected no higher standard of conduct from them than you were practising every day. i can see you as you were then and wonder why, with such an example, we did not do better. i do not say this because it is your seventy-fifth birthday but because it is true and i wish you to know that i realized it. seventy-five years of upright living comes to but very few and is a crown of glory more valuable than great wealth or political advancement and i most sincerely congratulate you on having achieved this end. may your remaining days be filled with content and happiness and may the expressions of appreciation and love that you are sure to receive at this time, bring to you a partial reward for all you have done in the past for your fellows. sincerely and lovingly yours, g. h. prouty. patey and i were speaking and writing some time ago about the seventy-fifth birthday. as the boys would say, "that is some birthday," and it is fitting that more than ordinary notice should be taken of it. i expressed a belief that expressions of loyalty and grateful remembrance were more to you than material things would be. i hope the expression will be as spontaneous at this time as it has been from year to year all through your service. i have never known in any other case such a continued and universal loyalty as the students of st. johnsbury academy have given to you. by reflex action it has been inspiring to me and cultivated in me the same desire to serve my pupils which you have shown. with best wishes, franklin a. dakin. words are after all poor substitutes for the genuine feelings of the heart but i know you will be able to brush aside the words and get at the sentiment back of them. in three more days from this date you will be rounding out seventy-five years of a very useful life. i am sure you will let an old pupil and one who has received so much inspiration and good cheer from your life tell you so at this time. your boys and girls are in many lands but they are still your boys and girls. never have i seen a man retain the affection and esteem of those who have come under his influence to a greater extent than you have. may the good lord continue to bless you and yours is the sincere wish of your former pupil and friend, hedley philip patey, '86. as i look back on my years in st. johnsbury academy i know that i appreciated to some extent what you were doing for the young people in your charge, and especially the many kindnesses that you showed to me in assisting me to prepare for college. it was not until the close of my second year at the academy that i made any definite plans to go farther, but i appreciate very much more today than i did then the character of the work you were doing. it was my good fortune to be brought into touch with able teachers and educators during my entire education, but i can truthfully say that not one of them took time out of a busy life to arouse and assist a growing ambition for a broader education as you did, and i shall always look back to the three years spent under you at st. johnsbury academy as the time when my ambitions clarified themselves and i began to look out toward a broader field. very sincerely, matt b. jones, '86. as one of the many students who in st. johnsbury academy had the pleasure and advantage of your instruction, i am glad to acknowledge the obligation i personally feel to you for the kindly and patient direction given me at such an important period in a young man's life. it seems to me that the knowledge that one has wisely directed the education and lives of so many young men and women as you have, must constitute one of the crowning and most satisfying joys possible, and i am sure that all the youth who have felt the influence of your teaching sincerely wish that you may live long to enjoy the happiness which you deserve for service so conscientiously and cheerfully performed. very sincerely yours, edwin a. bayley, '81. i am sending this letter hoping it may be opened by you on february 26, which i am told is your birthday. i want you to be sure of the love of an old pupil who never forgets you, and never will cease to be grateful for your gifts to him during the three years that we were together in st. johnsbury. the lord richly bless you with all good things. yours loyally and affectionately, ozora s. davis, '85. i wish to take this opportunity to write to you to extend congratulations on your seventy-fifth birthday, and further to express my appreciation for the service you rendered me back in st. johnsbury academy. you will recall that when i entered the academy i told you i wanted to become a teacher and to that end i have always striven. * * * * * i must not weary you with too much of my own history, only enough to let you know that after eighteen years of service i can still look back with appreciation to the man who above all others in the academy made a lasting impression on my life. may the years that are before you be full of sunshine and happiness. yours sincerely, arthur f. o'malley, '93. some one tells me that you are to have a birthday tomorrow and i desire to join with the host of your former students in sending you good wishes on that day. there are many of us who still feel in our lives what a factor st. johnsbury was, and of all those in the old school you were the one who meant the most to each one of us. when i think of my experiences at the academy--and st. johnsbury meant more to me than college or anything else--i always think of you and the great help that you were to us boys in the time when we needed help. the pleasures of my classes in greek and all the other things in which you were of such valuable assistance, will always be remembered. i only wish i might do for some boy as much as you did for me. i send you my sincerest greetings and best wishes for a happy birthday. yours for '85, jay b. benton, '85. it hardly seems possible that you are reaching your seventy-fifth birthday, but such, i am informed, is the case. i have really known you quite a while; because you will remember that you were the normal school examiner, and i was in one of the classes graduating from the randolph normal school in 1882. i presume that as you think over the factors which have led to such a hale and hearty old age, you will agree with mark twain who attributed his seventy years to, among other things, never having smoked but one cigar at a time, never having smoked during sleep, and not always at his meals. i hope that on this auspicious day you will take out the gold-headed cane presented you by the class of '86 and, at least, wave it in the air a few times; for, as i think i told you on the day of its presentation, we hoped you might never need it for walking purposes. i can never forget your many acts of kindness rendered me personally during my course at st. johnsbury. were i to attempt to recount them as they occur to me i am sure i should make this letter, which is intended to be simply one of warm congratulations, far too long. among the many things upon which i think you are to be congratulated, i would mention first the spirit which inspires you to still love your work at seventy-five, and again the nervous and physical energy which permits you to stay, as roosevelt might say, "in the ring." no less are you to be congratulated on the consciousness, which i know must be yours, of the love and devotion of hundreds, yes, thousands by this time, of your pupils throughout the world. * * * * * i am sure i have imperfectly expressed the love, gratitude, and admiration which i always cherish toward you, but you can be sure there is much of it here, as there is in the hearts of all who have come in contact with you. with cordial best wishes i am, sincerely, george e. may, '86. tribute written by mr. roland e. stevens for the _hartford gazette_, a paper printed by mr. stevens' small boy. editor of the _hartford gazette_: every day in every year, i suppose, has a special meaning and interest for some one or more of the great human family. the day of the present week that has a particular interest and meaning for me (and without doubt for many others whom i know) is friday the twenty-six. why? because nearly thirty years ago when i was an awkward, spindling boy, thirsty and hungry for an education, without means and not in very good health, i wrote a letter to the principal of st. johnsbury academy, telling him of my ambition to enter the academy as a student and asking him if he thought i could find work by means of which i could earn enough to pay my way at the academy. when i was writing the letter i was half discouraged and rather feared and expected that i wouldn't receive an answer, because i knew the letter was not very well written or expressed, and i was almost sure that so great a man as i supposed the principal of st. johnsbury academy to be, wouldn't pay much attention to such a letter. in a short time, however, i received a very encouraging reply expressing a friendly interest in me and advising me to come to st. johnsbury in season to take an entrance examination and stating that a willing boy could most always find work. the letter was not dictated nor was it typewritten. it was written in long hand and by the principal himself. the spelling, grammar, and punctuation were, i felt sure, absolutely perfect; but the handwriting, to my great joy, was no handsomer than mine. this and the kindly tone of the letter helped me to a quick and firm determination to pack all of my worldly possessions, including some cookies, loaves of bread, etc., into a rough wooden box and start for st. johnsbury in season for the opening of the fall term. within an hour after my arrival i found myself in the home of the principal sitting quite near him, hearing him say in a quiet, sincere voice, that he was glad i came; that he had found work for me; that he wanted me to know that he was interested in all boys who came to the academy with a desire to work and to learn. i went from him to the family where i was to live and work, inspired with confidence in him and respect for him. master editor, these things happened nearly twenty years before your birth, and in all these years the only change in my feelings toward this principal of st. johnsbury academy that i am conscious of, is an increased and unbounded faith in him as a christian gentleman, love and respect for him as a true friend, gratitude and admiration for him as a teacher and wise counsellor who has ministered generously to the physical and spiritual needs of many besides myself. you know, of course, that i refer to prof. c. e. putney who was principal of st. johnsbury academy in the days when it ranked with andover and exeter and for a number of years has been teaching latin and greek in the burlington, vermont, high school. february 26, will be his seventy-fifth birthday. this is why that day has a particular meaning and interest for me and many others. roland e. stevens. hartford, vermont, february 22, 1915. on mr. putney's seventy-fifth birthday the teachers of edmunds high school presented him with a beautiful loving cup. this note accompanied the cup: to our honored friend and co-worker, mr. charles e. putney. the teachers of the high school, with the superintendent and his wife, wish to send you hearty congratulations on your birthday and the many years of usefulness that lie in its wake. they wish to emphasize their appreciation of what it means to the whole school to have in their midst a loyal old soldier, a kindly and genial friend, and a real gentleman of "the old school." they hope this loving cup will be to you a substantial evidence of their appreciation in the past, as also of their good wishes for the future. tributes upon other birthdays at seventy with a step elastic, vigorous of mind, strenuous of purpose, casting doubts behind,- vigilant for duty, strong to banish fears,- what a wealth of tribute to your seventy years. backward glance disclosing many a service field, to whose faithful tilling bounteous harvests yield,- priceless treasures, wrested from the soil of truth, treasures from rich sowing in the lives of youth; treasures from the valley, where the shadows lay till your voice of comfort whispered them away; treasures from the hillside, whose ascent seemed drear till your note of courage fell upon the ear. treasures from the garden, where the graces bloom, lavishly exuding breaths of rich perfume; treasures from the vineyard, to whose soil were given streams of gracious influence born of hope and heaven; treasures from the hilltop, where the eternal love fell in showers of blessing from the fount above; treasures gleaned from sorrow, when to longing eyes came a glimpse of mansions reared in paradise. ten and threescore cycles are complete today; loving benedictions speed you on your way. age has no forebodings,- clouds and shadows fly from the glow and radiance of your western sky. peaceful, glad and trustful is your forward glance,- faith begetting vision as the years advance. is the sight entrancing? do you long to go? list! the father speaketh, lovingly and low: "safe are all the treasures for which you have wrought; safe the precious jewels prayer and love have bought; all your aspirations- incense of the soul- with the seal eternal, safe in my control. "heaven awaits your coming with a warmth that cheers; but the earth-friends need you for a few more years; tarry yet a season, that my will may be, through the twilight hour, perfected in thee." mrs. a. l. hardy. of late we have heard much on the subject of preparedness. we have been told that the prepared man is the man who achieves the thing he goes after. he is happy. he is satisfied with himself. on the twenty-sixth of february, seventy-six years ago, there was born into the world a man who now holds a very high place in the thoughts of hundreds of men and women. that man was charles edward putney, our beloved and respected teacher. the lives of great men, it has been said, are the greatest teachers. let us then take the life of mr. putney and see what a lesson it teaches us in preparedness. at the early age of seventeen, mr. putney was teaching school. if he had not studied and prepared himself could he have filled such a position at the early age? the answer is plainly "no." mr. putney had moreover the moral and the physical courage as well as mental ability. in 1861 he answered lincoln's call for volunteers and fought bravely for the union. he had prepared to do the right and when duty called he responded. after the great war was over he entered dartmouth college. he was graduated from the institution as "honor man." and since then wherever he has gone he has been the "honor man." men, now old themselves, speak with fondest regard of their teacher and state that he showed them the right way to success. he prepared not only himself but others. isn't that a glorious thing? what greater hero is there than the fashioner of the thoughts and character of the young? let us then, as i have said before, set up mr. putney's life as a life to live by. prepare ourselves as he did and then when we have reached the autumn of our lives, we can look back with pride on a life well spent, on a character that was prepared for all that was right. if we can do that, surely we shall be happy, we shall be satisfied with ourselves.--_burlington high school register._ there are many people who are seventy-one years old, but there are very few who can claim the distinction of being seventy-one years young which belongs to our respected greek teacher. we rejoice with mr. putney in his undimmed triumph over time and congratulate him on his many years of constant usefulness. as the philosophic greeks once honored one of their race with the words "not who but what" so we honor and esteem mr. putney for his faithful service to old edmunds and for the great good he has done for her sons. we love him for his splendid personality, his patience, his fortitude and the kindly interest that he always shows in our welfare. after we leave this school, when we turn and recall the many bright days we have spent in the burlington high school, the memory of mr. putney will ever awake affection and make our heart glow with its warmth.--_burlington high school register._ february 24, 1912. here are my congratulations and best wishes for you. another year of service is added to your enviable list. it must be a great satisfaction to look back upon a life so well spent and to realize how many lives have been benefited because you have been here all these years. you cannot but know the honor and respect with which the teachers look up to you, and how we are trying to reach something like the high standard which you have attained; but i wonder if you realize the love which your pupils have for you. some of them come into my room every day at the close of school for an hour's uninterrupted study and i am going to tell you some of the things which they have said to me about you. "mr. putney is such a lovable man." "i thought i should be afraid of him, but he makes us feel he is interested in us and i don't feel one bit afraid even though he does know so much." "he is full of fun too. there is no one in the class who sees anything funny quicker than he." "i am so glad he is in the school while i am here. i shall always feel it to have been a great privilege to have had him for a teacher." and i want to say that i, too, feel it to be a great privilege to be in the school with you and to have felt your quiet presence and to have known your ready sympathy and interest. may the coming year be a happy one. very sincerely yours, harriet towne. one of the "boys of seventy-six" he's just a boy, a lively boy, who notes no years, i ween; he might be six and seventy, or he might be "sweet sixteen." he's done a marv'lous work, and still is putting in his licks to prove the staying powers of a "boy of seventy-six." "his hair is white?" of course it's white! he's white, all through and through! his soul is white, has always been; his heart is white and true. but in life's battle has he shown whiteness of feather? nix!! his whiteness adds new glory to the "boys of seventy-six." "what great things has he done?" ah! if the querist only knew it, greatness concerns not what we do, but, rather, how we do it. and every deed well done is great; and that is just his fix! say! isn't that some record for a "boy of seventy-six"? "but doesn't he take time to play?" why, bless your anxious soul! he's always played,--too hard to note how fast the seasons roll! he's playing yet; but work and play in him so closely mix you don't know which to call him, man or "boy of seventy-six." "his favorite game?" no need to ask; that in which good is rife; the game that tests all human worth,- the glorious game of life. he never "stacks the cards," and yet he takes his share of tricks; competitors have nothing on this "boy of seventy-six." "but when does he intend to stop? he's surely done his share; give him some nook and let him play a game of solitaire." methinks i see you try it on! there'd be some vigorous kicks; you'd feel them, too, though coming from a "boy of seventy-six." a "quitter," he? not on your life! he's built on different lines; he'll never be a quitter while the sun of priv'lege shines! as long as he can serve the needs of harrys, toms and dicks who look his way, he'll be "on call," this "boy of seventy-six." freeman putney. a birthday reminder of gallant service performed in the war charles e. putney was happily surprised at the opening of the sunday school of the college street church when the rev. i. c. smart, pastor of the church, in a most delightful manner, presented him with the insignia of the first brigade, first division (general stannard's), eighteenth army corps, the gift of his friends in the church. the badge was pinned to the left breast of mr. putney's coat by his little granddaughter, mary p. lane, and gen. theodore s. peck explained to the children the use of the corps badge of the army. although overcome with surprise, mr. putney responded most feelingly. the presentation was witnessed by a large number of members of the school and of the grand army of the republic. the medal bears the following inscription: "prof. c. e. putney, from friends in the college street church, burlington, vermont, february 26, 1916, in remembrance of his gallant service in the war for the union, as sergeant, co. c, thirteenth new hampshire, first brigade, first division, eighteenth army corps." on the two gold bars from which the medal is suspended by a red, white and blue ribbon, are inscribed the eleven battles in which his regiment participated: first fredericksburg, siege of suffolk, port walthal, swift creek, kingsland creek, drewrys bluff, cold harbor, petersburg, fort mcconhie, fort harrison and richmond. the badge was originally intended as a birthday gift to mr. putney, but its arrival was delayed so the presentation was made on the anniversary of the death of abraham lincoln. the badge was accompanied by a letter from mr. putney's friends stating that the gift was intended as a slight token of their esteem and affection and a birthday reminder of the gallant service performed by him as a soldier in the army of the union, 1861-1865.--_national tribune._ * * * * * sleep on, o brave-hearted, o wise man that kindled to flame- to live in mankind is far more than to live in a name, to live in mankind, far, far more than to live in a name! --nicholas vachel lindsay. tributes from friends at st. johnsbury academy i take special pleasure in sending to mr. putney's memorial an appreciative testimony to the long tried friendship which we had for each other. i was with him as fellow teacher under mr. fuller's principalship and after that worked with and under him as principal until his resignation. was with him a longer time than any other teacher, always with the kindest and most uniform relations both in educational and social respects, and more than all else in the higher spiritual relationships. in a letter from him a very short time before he passed away he hoped he might still be in the work of teaching when he reached his eightieth birthday. i thought he was to be much rejoiced with that he came so near it and was called up higher while in the joy of his chosen life work. it is very pleasant to remember also the close friendships between wives and daughters of our two families. solomon h. brackett. none of mr. putney's pupils were more devoted and loyal to him, none had more sincere love and affection for him, than the teachers who were privileged to work with him. mr. putney's great aim was to make true men and noble women and all those who were fortunate to be called his pupils will bear his mark with them in their accomplishments, in their graces, and in their power. many of his pupils will be inclined to virtue, holiness and peace, because the teacher was the embodiment of these qualities. in all things he had charity. tolerance was of his nature. he respected in others the qualities he himself possessed, sincerity of conviction and frankness of expression. his power over his pupils was marked and abiding because of his own example, his profound scholarship, his humility, his absolute justice, yet accompanied with sympathy and respect. his impulses were great, earnest, simple, unostentatious. his is the old story of devotion to duty, a religious sentiment and faith, serious determination, cheerfulness and untiring effort. "for he was a faithful man and feared god above many." a. l. hardy. when you speak of mr. putney you will find my loyalty as strong as ever. we kept up our correspondence to the last. i am glad to express again my debt to him, and i certainly should not wish to be omitted from any group of mr. putney's friends. when i went to st. johnsbury academy at mr. putney's invitation i was inexperienced and needed a good deal of friendly advice. he had a rare gift in that way. his own devotion, unselfishness and conscientiousness were contagious. he was a good teacher and still better trainer. but the moral effect of living and working with him was the best thing about the academy. i believe all the excellent staff of teachers felt just as i did. so much so that our intimate association gave us more than the pupils could get. some of us enjoyed too the fine, generous neighborliness of both mr. and mrs. putney. in administrative councils his judgment never lost sight of the central object--the cultivation of each pupil to the most effective christian manhood and womanhood. what higher mark than that can be set by any of the theorists and innovators of the present day education? the typical "new england academy"--and st. johnsbury was the ideal among them--can bear comparison with the latest and best of schools in the highest object of education. probably it needed its own environment which could not be duplicated elsewhere. all honor to it and to him who was its exponent during my own years so happily given to its service. sincerely yours, franklin a. dakin. the first impression which mr. putney made upon me when he joined our circle of teachers in the academy was that of a man of strength, high moral purpose and rare teaching ability, an impression which grew to a certainty as the years went on and he became our principal. his courtesy, unfailing kindness and good fellowship made it a pleasure to work with and under him, and i shall always remember him as a true and valued friend and a great teacher. "what more can we desire for our friends than this," as was said of that other beloved teacher, edward bowen of england, "that in remembering them there should be nothing to regret, that all who came under their influence should feel themselves for ever thereafter the better for that influence." l. jennie colby. it is difficult to put in words my estimate of mr. putney. he was a loyal friend to everyone he knew, always looking for ways of encouragement and help. many a scholar can testify to the truth of this. we know his thoroughness as a teacher, we remember his reverence for the bible, his prayers, his loyalty to church and its organizations, his devotion to his heavenly father. i think his influence for good will extend to the ends of the earth. it has been a great blessing to know him. i have been so glad he could keep up his work to the last. mary cummings clark. if i were to put into one word what seems to me the keynote of mr. putney's life as i knew him, it would be service. there was never a moment that i was not conscious that even when he was in physical suffering, which, alas! was often, he was ready to help in every way possible. this patience and kindness were unfailing, and his sense of humor, which must have helped him as well as us, often pricked our difficulties, and showed us how unimportant they really were. i was with him only two years, but his character, and the lessons learned from him have been a very real influence in my life ever since. elizabeth washburn worthen. the distance of time (now forty years) since those academy days does not dim the fond recollection and appreciation of my teachers at st. johnsbury academy. and of them all, before or since, there is no one who holds a higher place in my esteem than mr. putney. though engaged in teaching mathematics and astronomy during the greater part of this time, i have not forgotten, nor ever shall, the essentials he taught--some things even in latin and greek, but far more in earnestness and sincerity and purpose. and i prize also the closer touch with his sensitive, kindly, sterling personality afforded by the few months when i was privileged to teach as a substitute at the academy. would that we had more such men now in the ranks of the profession. f. b. brackett, '82. with high reverence for what men had known as wisdom and beauty in the past, with sane and clear-eyed understanding of the shifting needs of the present, with confident faith in the ultimate good, whatever the future, he taught many lessons which we did not know until long afterwards that we had learned. margaret bell merrill, '94. it is a great pleasure for me to add my word of appreciation with respect to the splendid influence that mr. putney exerted at st. johnsbury academy. he was always fair, always friendly, and his sense of humor was a delight. a thorough scholar himself, he was not satisfied with superficial work. he was able to sympathize with the pupil's view of life and yet he knew how to enlarge that view. the branches of latin and greek which he taught did not afford him full scope for expressing the originality that was a remarkable part of his character; but i remember a course of reading in english literature which our class took under him as an extra, and there he was able to disclose the poetic part of his nature, and we were able to know him as a thinker and a seer. i look back with gratitude to the days at "st. jack." george r. montgomery, '88. i first saw mr. putney in august, 1881, when i came alone and somewhat homesick to seek admission to the academy. he was standing on the steps of south hall ready to greet new students with his quiet friendly manner and sincere expression of interest. he made us feel at once that we had in him a friend, one who understood us and expected the best from us. i like to recall this picture of him for it gave me an impression of the man that i have never had occasion to change. mr. putney was a great teacher. thorough in detail and wise in daily drill that he knew was necessary for our success, he showed a love for the literature that he taught and an enthusiasm that was contagious. fortunate the boy or girl who learned virgil under his wise guidance. always sympathetic and encouraging, he could detect the bluffer and discourage one who tried to get through his lessons without adequate preparation. he corrected our mistakes, but encouraged our attempts to succeed, even though we often failed. he appealed to our ambition, to our sense of obligation, and to our pride; and thus he led rather than drove us to our work. and work we did; we did not dare to disappoint him, we did not wish to disappoint him. later in college we had occasion more than once to be thankful for the wise and sound training we had had under his leadership. it is, however, the personality of the man that lives with us, whether we remember him best in the classroom or in the chapel exercises, in the dormitory or in some other phase of his active life. he was quiet, even-tempered, but forceful. his voice was not often raised, but it carried conviction. his directions were accepted without protest or question; or if, as i remember well, on one occasion we did protest, he had a firm, convincing manner that made us accept his word as final. and yet there was no rancor left, we felt that mr. putney was right. as a rule he was serious, but he had a merry twinkle in his eye that told of a sense of humor and an ability to join with his students in their good times. in a very real sense he entered into the lives of all of us and made upon us that impression that makes us rise and say with one voice, "he was a christian gentleman." gilbert s. blakely, '84. the personality of mr. putney has stayed with me during all these years with singular distinctness. many other teachers, whose influence has been undoubted and deeply felt, shape themselves in memory somewhat vaguely. but mr. putney stands out clearly and vividly, as if the days under him at st. johnsbury academy were but yesterday. here was a man quiet and unassuming, and yet i am conscious, and always have been conscious, of a certain power that flowed from him into the lives of his pupils. such a force does not lend itself readily to analysis. like most fundamental things, it is subtle, undefinable. but some elements in the character of mr. putney in the retrospect are clear as air. in the first place, he was a born teacher. his scholarship was backed by thoroughness of application in the classroom. a part of his painstaking self passed into the mental processes, and so into the equipment, of those who sat under him. his instruction went deep. it was thorough plowing of the mind. slip-shod methods were repugnant to his nature. then, too, how patient he was! for every student he seemed to carry in his mind an ideal of development that made every effort on his part toward that end a real joy, and so he first grounded him in basic things and then built on that foundation. with poise and self-control, though not physically robust, he managed a large school in such a way that it ran as smoothly as a well-oiled machine. we took it all for granted then. but we see now, especially those of us who are teachers ourselves, the meaning and the reason of it all, and we trace the fact to its source in an able and inspiring personality. mr. putney had a quiet glow of humor, and many an incident comes to mind to show how large and wholesome a part this characteristic played in his career. but most of all i would pay tribute to the christian gentleman. his idealism was not too lofty for "human nature's daily food." rather it expressed itself in practical devotion to the best interests of his pupils, to good things, and to noble causes. he was a leader because he allowed himself humbly to be led by something above him. he moulded character because he was himself being moulded by spiritual forces. not ambitious in the worldly sense, he came into his own long before his gentle life passed from among us. i fancy that, could he do so, he would tell us that his real ambition has been realized. in mr. putney we are gratefully aware of that gracious thing, the distribution of a rare personality through the lives of others, the multiplication of self in terms of helpfulness to the world. henry d. wild, '84. those were days of exceptional privilege in the eighties and nineties for the shy but eager boys and girls of rural vermont who found their way to st. johnsbury academy, there, under mr. putney and the able and friendly faculty of his choice, to catch enlarged vision and the preparation to fulfill it. the quiet, unobtrusive life of such as mr. putney lends itself to fewer striking, outstanding memories than more brilliant careers, yet how positive the impression and far-reaching the influence, and how sweet the incidents one does recall! my first acquaintance revealed his friendly interest and thoughtfulness. discovering that i, a timid new-comer, was the only girl enrolled for greek with twenty young men, he sent a kindly word of encouragement and the hope that i would not let the fact discourage me in my purpose. that pledge of sympathy on the part of one of my first male instructors had large weight in deciding me to brave the ordeal. it was, too, a pledge fully and most wisely carried out, so discriminatingly administered by daily, tactful consideration as to set me wholly at ease and to establish the most natural, unconscious comradeship with the class. the only visible evidence of his thought came in occasional approving comments upon the little rivalry in scholarship in the class and the requests that i conduct the class sometimes when he was necessarily absent. thus he made of the experience, by his fine tact and wisdom, a happy and fruitful one. i was early inspired with a confidence that the ideals he held for us were but those of his own life. the urgent suggestions to drill and review our lessons thoroughly were the more forceful when i learned that it had been a habit of all his own student life to review each saturday the entire daily work of the week. a trying epidemic of colds and coughs was prevailing one winter, disturbing school exercises greatly. at the close of chapel one morning mr. putney told us in his quiet, earnest manner the dangers of allowing a cough to become aggravated and the possibility of entirely controlling it. skeptical of this, i well remember with what gleeful malice i scoffed at it in the hearing of a teacher who made the lesson one of life-long practice by telling me of the heroic, thorough treatment to which mr. putney had in early life subjected himself, so that he had spoken out of personal experience again. when his life had been despaired of because of supposedly fatal illness he had effected a complete recovery by checking the deep-seated cough. when in later years i found that his benign presence and quiet influence was bearing daily fruit in the same, or even greater respect and reverence with a younger generation of students, i realized afresh under what a rare teacher i had had the privilege of coming, and how profoundly true it is that such a personality teaches constantly, often when least suspected, the finest and most profound lessons. the vision which he communicated is one of the most precious treasures. bertha m. terrill, '91. i appreciate exceedingly this opportunity to add my words of tribute to the memory and worth of mr. putney. to him i am indebted beyond measure for the incentive, encouragement, aid and inspiration which he gave me while a student at the academy. his was a life long in years, ripe in scholarship, and rich in unselfish and generous service. in him were combined the qualities of the best type of teacher. his clearness of vision, and straight thinking made him a leader whose influence was broad and lasting; while by the gentleness of his manners and by the broadness of his sympathies he won and held the affection of all who knew him. his loyal devotion to the cause of education was such that he desired nothing more earnestly than to serve and aid those who sought his instruction, and he ever held before the student the highest ideals of a fine, clean, strong and christian manhood. his influence continues, and will widen in the years yet to come. george e. miner, '83. all the way along, from the days when, in the absence of my own father, he initiated me, a little girl of five, into the joys of a dip in the atlantic to the almost equally happy days in number ten when i learned through him to know the wonder and beauty of virgil and cicero, mr. putney seemed to me one of the best and finest men in the world. how considerate he always was! during the years of my father's pastorate, mr. putney was among those who gave unsparingly at all times just the help and cheer that the minister needed. i think of him as one whose life was a beautiful mingling of gentleness and strength. cornelia taylor fairbanks, '97. march 26, 1913. it would be a genuine and great pleasure to us to be with you at the doings of the alumni association and to meet again all the famous characters expected there, especially the guest of honor. we are glad of this opportunity to renew our profession of allegiance to him. he was our principal during the final year we passed at the beloved academy, the year when, because of mr. fuller's absence abroad, he was the acting principal as he afterwards came to be the titular principal as well. we have always cherished the sincerest regard and affection for mr. putney,--not only because he was our competent and faithful teacher and our respected principal, but because he was in the truest sense our friend. we owe him a great debt of gratitude which, like honest though insolvent creditors, we can acknowledge though we cannot hope to pay. ours was the first graduating class that knew him as principal, and we always cherished the fond conceit, that, as he was peculiarly dear to us, so we were a little more to him than any other class could be. i hope he will not say or do anything upon this occasion to banish that happy thought from our minds. he will probably try to appear as fond of you as he is of us. he always did have a way of letting you down easy when he didn't want to hurt your feelings. you cannot have forgotten how, when you answered his questions in classroom, he always said, "yes, yes," as though your answer was all that could be desired, even when he followed it by some quiet correction, which when you had taken your seat and thought it over, gradually let you see that you had missed the mark by about a mile. we wish that we could do anything as well as mr. putney could teach! happy is the school that has him for a teacher! happy are the boys and girls--of whatever age--who have him for a friend! sincerely and fraternally yours, florence and wendell stafford, '80. being both a paternal and maternal grandson of the academy, i subscribe to the above with duty as well as pleasure. edward stafford, '07. i hardly know what to say. there is such a mingling of emotions--sorrow for the loss, joy that he has been with us so long, gratitude that it has been my privilege to keep in so close touch with him during most of the years since i, a school girl, first came under the influence that has never lost its hold for a minute. no one individual has ever had more to do with the shaping of my life than he and whatever little good i have been able to do for boys and girls is largely attributable to the influence that has helped me for so long. my experience can be multiplied a thousand times and then the story has not been told. we all shall hold his memory in love, and in reverence. generations to come will still feel indirectly the help that we have had from him. i've always seen mr. putney as i read those words of tennyson in his dedication to the "idylls." "indeed he seems to me scarce other than my king's ideal knight, who reverenced his conscience as his king, whose glory was redressing human wrong, who spake no slander, no nor listened to it, we have lost him, he is gone- we know him now--and we see him as he moved, how modest, kindly, all accomplished, wise, with what sublime repression of himself- and in what limits, and how tenderly- now swaying to this faction or to that- but through all this tract of years wearing the white flower of a blameless life, before a thousand peering littlenesses. where is he who dares foreshadow for an only son a lovelier life, a more unstained than his?" very sincerely, caroline s. woodruff, '84. among the many valuable and valued possessions which were mine when i left st. johnsbury academy was a clear-cut impression of mr. putney as a man, as a friend, and as a teacher. he stood for standards, high standards of behavior and of scholarship. after all these years this image is still clear and vivid. simple, sincere, and single-minded in his life work, his standards of living have always been a challenge to the best in his associates, a challenge which has, consciously or unconsciously, helped us all to higher levels of service. this is our tribute to his memory. elizabeth hall, '86. i look back on the old academy days under mr. putney with ever increasing appreciation of him and of his influence over my life. i am glad to add my tribute to his memory and i do so most heartily. charles e. putney was a kindly, courtly, christian gentleman. he was a wonderful teacher, leading his students through the classics by ways that made latin and greek no longer "dead" languages but very much alive; and so were the thrilling narratives of the old worthies who almost seemed to speak again in mr. putney's classrooms. meantime, character building was going on and his insistence of high standards of honor and strict discipline made most of the boys more manly and most of the girls more womanly, and they are grateful to him, as i am, for it all. devotion to duty was characteristic of him in school and church, in home and public life. he was a good soldier and to him citizenship meant service. he was a true friend and that meant the helping hand. i honor and revere his memory. my humble tribute is one of gratitude for his noble life, which, touching mine, revealed more clearly for my stumbling feet the shining pathway that he trod to worthy self-investment, to truth and god. rolfe cobleigh, '86. from that first day when i went into the academy office to consult with mr. putney as a new student, i have been and shall continue to be under the deepest obligation to one of the noblest spirits and finest teachers whose influence ever has been exerted upon young men and women. his scholarship was accurate and he made greek interesting. his moral standards were lofty and he made honor and truth beautiful. his soul was sincere and devoted and he made christ attractive to the mind and will of a boy. he knew how to give encouragement at the critical moment and how to exercise discipline justly so that no sting remained. he influenced me more deeply than any other teacher of my youth, and my love and gratitude grew as the years passed. mr. putney did not disappoint me as my ideal of a christian teacher and lover of young men. it was a great life. ozora s. davis, '85. a teacher projects himself through the lives of his pupils and an institution of learning speaks through the voice of its scholars. st. johnsbury academy has been a formative force in the educational life of new england and beyond, and her leadership has been buttressed upon sound learning. charles e. putney was a great principal and an inspiring teacher. in the classics his well-ordered mind found a congenial field for interpretation and elucidation. frail of physique, with all the scholar's nerves and sensitiveness, he yet day after day ploughed through the hesitating minds of his pupils with patience and thoroughness. particularly as a teacher of greek did he excel. he led his pupils through the necessary technique of parasangs to the mastery of the sublime secrets of this imperial mother of tongues. he possessed the capacity of taking infinite pains and played no favorites among his scholars. i imagine the responsibility of administration irked his gentle spirit and the rawness of self-centered youth must have tried his conscientious soul. i never thought of him in those days as a veteran of the civil war, in fact, did not then know of his martial service, but i can see now how that experience must have fed his hatred of disobedience and disloyalty and increased his zeal for the proper development of the minds of his boys and girls in order that they too might become dependable citizens of the republic. his was a kindly nature, though to the pupil who first fronted him he seemed stern, yet this was but the shell, in which daily duty encased him. it was always a pleasure to watch his sense of humor expand itself in friendly smile and expend itself in his low chuckle as some particularly atrocious translation fell from lips unused to expressing ancient thought. it is hard to measure his personal influence by a sentence but it seems to me as principal and teacher, by precept and practice, he showed how desirable a thing it is to perform the daily task conscientiously and patiently. frederick g. fleetwood, '86. to me mr. putney was a great teacher. i knew him as a friend, my friend and the life-time friend of my father. i knew him as an active member of the south church, and a devoted leader of religious life and activity in the academy. but it was as a teacher that he had a formative power on my life. as i look back on those classes in "beginning greek," and in cicero, i recognize his painstaking thoroughness. the fundamentals were clear to him, and it was his work to make them clear, definite, and lasting in the minds of his pupils. if he made a mistake it was in his conscientious care that no dull or backward or thoughtless pupil should fail to have these fundamentals of the subject drilled into his mind. how many hundreds of pupils owe their sense of accurate and clear thought to his persistent efforts day in and day out, i have no idea. he was primarily a great teacher because he never relaxed his effort to make every pupil know the essentials of the subject he taught. but he was more than a drillmaster, fundamental as that is. he was not without a sense of humor. i remember once he came to the door of a room in south hall where, one saturday afternoon, some boys were not very quiet in their recreation. some one answered his knock by asking, "who's there?" when the answer came, "it's me, mr. putney," the boy said, "no, mr. putney would have said, 'it is i'"; and i can almost hear his quiet chuckle as he went away. a great teacher depends for his success on his moral character. no one could ever question the sincerity and force of mr. putney's character. with clear vision of the work he wanted to accomplish, with a devotion to his high purpose which never wavered, with a simplicity and straightforwardness which showed in every action, he impressed on the students his high ideals. at the same time he won their complete confidence and made them feel his sympathy. such a man leaves a widespread heritage in his pupils. he leaves also a heritage of fine tradition for the academy he served. arthur fairbanks, '82. a college professor, at an alumni gathering, in conversation with one of his former students who had been obliged to work his way through college, said to him, "i always had a feeling that you took life too seriously,--that you had too little diversion." the thought expressed in that remark suggests one of the dominant impressions of mr. putney that comes to me after these many years. teaching was to him a serious matter, and the student's part, in his judgment, both in preparation and in classroom, demanded likewise faithful and not superficial performance. the basis of this characteristic in his life-work was his christian faith. it naturally made his objective the development of christian character, over and above the impartation and reception of information. i have always felt a deep sense of personal gratitude for a service rendered during a special period of study at the academy. members of my class who took the classical course will recall that greek was not included among my studies. nearly four years after graduation from the academy, having decided to enter college as a classical student, i returned to st. johnsbury for ten weeks of intensive study of greek alone. mr. putney not only made my membership in the class in "middle" greek possible, and practically free from embarrassment at being a late comer, but gave me many regular hours of private instruction in homeric greek, enabling me during the last weeks of the time to join the senior class in the study of the latter form of the language. this i believe to be illustrative of his devotion and self-denying service to any who are ready to respond to the forth-putting of time, strength and knowledge on his part. his home was open, if needed, to receive students or others who were sick and in need of attention impossible to be given in the academy dormitory or other rooming building. some cases of illness were of many weeks duration, but this mattered not. the tender ministrations of mrs. putney were not lessened until all necessity was passed. mr. putney's influence was not due to his public utterances, for he did not seek platform prominence. but his constant adherence to high ideals of faithfulness, conscientiousness, and efficiency outside and in the classroom, and his personal helpfulness to many an individual student are among the legacies which many of us have been privileged to share from his long and abundantly fruitful life. george l. leonard, '83. a human humanist "are you willing to write an appreciation of what his influence in those early days meant to you?" so the letter read, telling me of the charles e. putney memorial. and shall i be frank enough to add that for a moment the question rather floored me? for while youth is very susceptible to influences, of many sorts, youth is not much more conscious of them than the beanstalk of the pole. yet almost immediately it came back to me that a few days before that letter arrived, a group of men were chatting in a washington club--among other things, about the value and results of formal education. and, agreeing that few people ever pick up at school or college anything which in later life they can put their finger on, that for many people the so-called higher education is a pure waste of time, i added, "the only man who ever taught me anything was a greek teacher i had at a preparatory school in vermont." that greek teacher was mr. putney. perhaps greek is no longer taught at the academy. i don't know. it is not the fashion nowadays. but i am somewhat concerned that it has ceased to be the fashion. and the foundation of the feeling i have about it was laid, in great part, at st. johnsbury. on that, at any rate, i can put my finger. it may not have been mr. putney who first sowed in the mind of one of his pupils the consciousness that history is a very long drawn out affair; that it did not begin in a. d. 1776, or in a. d. 1492, or even in a. d. 1. for before that pupil trod the banks of the passumpsic he happened to have visited the shores of the ã�gean. to him, consequently, the anabasis and homer were more real than otherwise they might have seemed--though mr. putney had the gift of making those old stories real. but of one thing i am quite sure. mr. putney gave me my first sense of language as a living and growing organism, come from far beginnings; and he first made me see in the english language, in particular, a stream of many confluents. this is the chief reason why it seems to me a disaster that the classics are passing out of fashion. for with them all true understanding of our rich and noble tongue seems fated to pass out of fashion. to be too much bound to the past is of course an unhappy thing. each generation must live by and largely for itself. yet does it not profit a man to be aware that knowledge is an ancient and gradual accumulation, to gain an outlook upon the cycles of history and upon the human experiments that have succeeded or failed, to be able to trace the sources of this or that element in science, in law, in art? and how shall he really know the language he speaks without some acquaintance with the languages which have chiefly enriched it--not only french and german, but latin and greek as well? this mr. putney had the art of making his pupils feel. i remember how he used to pick words to pieces and squeeze out for us the inner essence of their meaning. one example in particular has always stuck in my memory: pernicious. and i can still hear mr. putney's voice translating it for us: "most completely full of that which produces death." that word has had an interest for me ever since--akin to the respect which henry james later instilled into me for the adjective poignant, which he declared should be used only once or twice in a lifetime. what is more, i have never lost the habit mr. putney enticed us to form, of picking words to pieces for ourselves. there is no better way of extracting shades of meaning. but that way is closed to those who have no greek. mr. putney was, in short, my first humanist--though that word didn't come to me till another day, when i began to read about the renaissance. but he was more than a humanist. he was humane. he was human. that underlay the fact that, with the affectionate disrespect of youth, he was known among ourselves as "put." disrespect, however, was never what we felt toward the principal of the academy. indeed, the first time i ever saw him, when i was a new boy of sixteen, he impressed me as being a rather awesome person. as long as i knew him his dignity and his firmness never failed to impress me. yet about that dignity there was nothing aloof. that firmness was not hardness; it had no cutting edge. he meant what he said. that was all. no idle or disobedient boy flattered himself that "put" was to be trifled with. every boy felt, however, that "put" was just. firm as he was, he had too a great gentleness. and i think he had the kindest and most patient eyes i ever looked into. they were very shrewd. they could look through a boy as if he were made of glass. but they were also very wise, and they knew how to overlook a great deal of folly and thoughtlessness. moreover there was in the bottom of them a twinkle--of a most individual kind. it was no broad irish twinkle, nor yet an ironic latin twinkle. you saw it sometimes when you had made a particularly egregious translation; but it didn't dishearten you. i have never forgotten that quiet, that comprehending, that rare twinkle. after all, what happier light could a man cast on the cloudy ways of youth--or shed upon his own character? h. g. dwight, '94. coming east from dubuque to chicago, it is inspiring to an eastern man to see how the life of this busy metropolis of the west is guided and influenced by the eastern-trained man and woman. on the same street with the great university of chicago is chicago theological seminary. i had a delightful interview with the man who presides over this institution, training the virile young men of the west for the work of the christian ministry and also for work in the mission field. this man is dr. ozora s. davis, a graduate of st. johnsbury academy and of dartmouth college. dr. davis attended st. johnsbury academy during the principalship of that gifted and consecrated christian gentleman, charles e. putney, ph. d. a powerful influence for righteousness exerted by the quiet but inspiring personality of this educational leader is now felt throughout the world. truly the fourth verse of the nineteenth psalm is applicable to this former principal of a new england academy: "their line is gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world." h. philip patey, '86. _journal of education._ it is fitting that mr. putney's work and influence as an officer in the church in whose service he was so constant and faithful should receive some mention. while serving as principal of st. johnsbury academy during some of its most prosperous years and largest enrollment, he found time to serve actively on the board of deacons of the south church, to teach a large class of students in the sunday school, and to be unfailing in attendance upon the mid-week meeting. he was a pillar in the church he loved. and while in the academy he maintained the religious traditions on which it was founded, he recognized that it was in the church that these traditions found their source and inspiration. on his removal to burlington he took up similar relations with the college street church, and continued them to the end of his career, loyal to its interests and liberal in its support. if fine distinctions are to be made between vocation and avocation it would be difficult to determine to which institution the terms should be applied as his life is reviewed. c. h. merrill, _vermont missionary._ it was not my privilege to sit at the feet of mr. putney as a student. in about the year 1870, i attended prize-speaking at the high school of norwich, vermont, and was told that the young principal was a mr. putney. something about the man appealed to my boyish senses and i wished that i might know him, but lack of confidence prevented my making myself known. an acquaintance was formed three or four years later at st. johnsbury. for a time, i was associated with mr. putney in certain lay-religious work and came to know him well, if not intimately,--a friendship which ever after continued. after the death of mrs. hazen, i received a beautiful letter from mr. putney, written laboriously by a shaking hand, but it expressed so much in a few words, characteristic of his genuineness, it is a letter that will ever be preserved among my most cherished possessions. what was the subtle something that so appealed to me that long-ago evening at norwich? it seems to me it was the unspoken sympathy of the man which touched the lives of all who came in contact with him even as the fragrance of a flower permeates the atmosphere. surely he lived a life that is well "worth the telling." perley f. hazen. i want to join in the chorus of love and tender remembrance which you are hearing from all sides in regard to your father. he was my first teacher, at norwich, when for the first time i went to school, and his kindness and consideration helped me over the strangeness and discomfort of the new experience. he taught me latin and i began greek with him. he was a most delightful principal of the school, and thought of the pleasantest things for us boys and girls to do, in and out of the classrooms; for instance, long walks together in which he accompanied us. all my life i have thought of him with warmth and pleasure, and on the few occasions when i have seen him the old gratitude and confidence have been renewed. he was so good and so delightful all at once. sincerely yours, katherine morris cone. charles e. putney one lately dying--though alas i deem myself unfit to praise his high, clear faith- followed his master till the darkling stream was bravely crossed, sure that in life or death nothing could separate from the love of christ. so faithfully he kept with god his long, last tryst. j. a. bellows, dartmouth, '70. from his brother freeman. the hearts of all your father's brothers were terribly wrung by his death. for it has not often been given to a household to have a leading member who commanded such reverently affectionate esteem as did our brother charles. his life, his spirit, his purposes, his exemplary attitude toward worthy living, his generously helpful thought--always expressed in action--how could they well be other than a constant challenge to his brothers and sisters? we all have rare cause for deep gratitude that he was ours for so many years; we cannot express our gratitude for our memories of him. from a friend. there is just one mind and one expression regarding your dear father--"one of the grand old men has gone to his reward." the presence of mr. putney has been a benediction to our high school. how thankful you must be that he had no lingering illness but just laid down his books and entered into the fuller life. we thank god for such a presence in our midst. from an associate teacher. in the years in school mr. putney was always ready with good counsel to the younger men. he never seemed to lose his courage nor even to grow old. the last time i saw him, his smile was as bright and his voice as cheery as i remember it always to have been. from another associate teacher. i count myself very fortunate to have known your father, and to have been his friend for a short time. he was one of the finest christian gentlemen i ever knew. his influence in the city, the church and the school is certainly past all measuring. from a friend. a man whom literally thousands love and revere in memory, and whose work and influence are still going on. from a former pupil. i need not tell you that his going is, as was the death of your blessed mother, like the loss of one of my own parents. the kindness of those two good people to me when i needed help of just the kind they so finely and unselfishly gave has always been a most helpful influence in my life. to grow old looking upon his advancing years and the future with grace and an abiding faith, as mr. putney did, is in itself an inspiration to us all. from a more recent pupil. i do not need to tell you how we all loved him--everyone did who ever knew him. he was everybody's favorite teacher, and instead of hating to go to his classes we loved to do so. somehow i always felt better after having talked with him, and i only wish everyone in the world could have known him. he was a real gentleman and a scholar. * * * * * he is not dead, this friend; not dead, but on some road by mortals tread, got some few trifling steps ahead; and nearer to the end; so that you too once past the bend, shall meet again, as face to face this friend you fancy dead. --robert louis stevenson. appreciative words from teachers and pupils of burlington high school, 1920 to live to old age; to keep one's physical health and mental vigor to the very end; to work at one's chosen task with undiminished enthusiasm; to know one's self greatly useful and greatly beloved; to go, at last, swiftly, and to be mourned by many friends;--what could one ask, of all the gifts of life, better than that? the impression left by mr. putney is that of a singularly serene and happy old age. and surely, if ever a man had reason to look upon his life with serenity and quiet satisfaction, mr. putney had reason to do so. it is a touching and also an inspiring thought, how the successive generations of young boys and girls passed through his life, each one receiving something of the rich gift which mr. putney had to share with all, but then too, each returning something of the fresh outlook and untarnished faith of youth to keep his old age green. mr. putney lived long but never grew old. perhaps because of his very association with the young, he tasted the fountain of perpetual youth. how valuable and how prized was the gift which he imparted, is best known to those who best knew the man himself. no pupil of his seems to think of him primarily as a teacher, but as a wise and kindly friend, whom to know was, somehow, to become one's self wiser and of a more human spirit. and yet he was a superb teacher. it is simply that this phase of him is lost in the totality of the man. one thinks instinctively of a phrase of cicero's--cicero whose orations mr. putney taught for so many years--"vir amplissimus." it means something much more, something quite other than simply "great man." it means one adequate for the occasion, whatever that occasion might be. that is the final verdict to be pronounced, as it is the highest praise to be bestowed. from whatever angle mr. putney was regarded, and to whatever test he was brought, he measured up; he sufficed. john e. colburn. when mr. putney died, we could not at first realize our loss. he had been so much a part of the school life that it seemed hardly possible that, while that life went on, he could be away. we all loved and admired him, but we seldom stopped to measure him. we accepted him, like any other accustomed gift, without realizing quite fully how much he meant to us. as we remember him now, what impresses us most strongly is the thought how little in him we could have wished to change--how extraordinarily well he measured up as a man. there was a fine serenity about him, and a kind of soundness and sweetness of character like the autumnal ripeness of a perfect apple. it was tonic and wholesome to be under his influence. there have been great teachers who could not teach. nevertheless they were great teachers because a virtue went out from them which touched the lives of their pupils and was better than all instruction. there have been great instructors who could not be respected, because along with intellectual brilliancy and clearness went a narrow, or a low, or a selfish outlook on life. mr. putney measured up in both respects--he was a large-minded man, he was a great teacher. the very nature of his profession precluded any wide or ringing fame. his work was done quietly, unobtrusively, one might almost say, obscurely. a teacher's work is always so. his memory rests with us who knew him, but with us it is very secure. it is the memory of a man whom we could respect without coldness, and love without making allowances.--_burlington high school register._ in these days when the so-called practical side of life has seemed to crowd out the humanities, so that in many schools latin and greek are not included in the curriculum, mr. putney has held high the torch of classical learning. to him much credit should be given for keeping alive a real interest in greek, and for giving thorough and inspiring work in latin. moreover, in all school relations mr. putney has been not only ready but glad to co-operate. whether for a social gathering of the teachers requiring a tax, for tickets to the many ball games, or for thanksgiving baskets to be filled, mr. putney's purse was always open. not many, indeed, know how often he overpaid his subscription so as to be sure to do his part. but, of course, it is the personality of mr. putney, so elusive and yet so real, that has impressed us all. in the hurry and rush of modern days, he never failed to be truly kind, to be warmly sympathetic, and at all times to be wholly unselfish. so with the poet we say, "and thus he bore without abuse the grand old name of gentleman." effie moore. the thing which impressed me the most about mr. putney was the way he saluted the flag in assembly every morning. one could tell by his manner in saluting that he loved the flag and would fight for it again, anywhere, any time. i. a. mr. putney was a man who always found the best in every one; who proved himself such a sympathetic teacher that he inspired all to try to please him. his name will always bring to mind most tender remembrances. l. b. mr. putney has always been to his students the highest ideal of man and of teacher. he has been a true friend. his generosity to faults and the encouragement he has given us all to live better lives will bear fruit. he had a whole-hearted smile which none of us will ever forget. he is, and always will be, the outstanding figure in my school life. e. c. with the passing away of this most venerable character burlington high school has lost a shining star,--a star that shone in the hearts of all his students and of all of those who knew him. he was a friend of all creeds and was always ready to lend a willing hand to them. religious to the utmost and a real american in the full sense of the word,--such is the character of the soul which will no longer cheer us in our daily tasks, but which will remain in our memories forever. a. f. of all mr. putney's most striking attributes, his smile always impressed me greatly. every time he smiled we looked up and just naturally smiled, too. and when he laughed it was contagious--a ripple of happiness sounded through the class. his smile always drove away the blues and encouraged us; not only in our latin lessons, but in every way it made life brighter. e. l. mr. putney's love and friendship for the pupils and the respect which they had for him stand out most strongly in my mind. never did he hesitate when asked to help some of his pupils out of hours. never did a cross word pass his lips, and a nod was all that was needed to stop any disturbance in the hall or room. he will be missed as the most loved, most able, and most respected teacher and companion that ever entered "old edmunds." c. k. mr. putney, the most perfect man i have ever known. only a few words are necessary to say that though i knew him only for a short while, he stood as a symbol of my utmost ideal in man. justice, kindness, love and brotherhood were living in his heart. his most beautiful characteristic and the most precious was his consideration for others. g. e. r. what especially appealed to me in mr. putney was his love for his pupils. he always tried to help them in every possible way. he even stayed at school an hour or so after the school had closed to help those "who might wish to come for help," as he always said in his pleasing tone. i shall never forget his words, "well, you will have it to-morrow?" when some person was not prepared with his lesson. no greater loss could be sustained by the school than this giving up of mr. putney. d. r. mr. putney was a man dearly loved by all who knew him. his gentle ways, his remarkable whole-heartedness and his polished manners are characteristics of a man who was a great but modest hero in the great civil war. he had no favorites among the pupils but he was the favorite of the pupils. thus we mourn the loss of mr. putney next to the loss of a near relative. c. t. when i first saw mr. putney i was impressed by his dignity and his kind face. after knowing him better, what appealed to me most forcibly was the absolute confidence and trust he had in his pupils. this trust in us made us want to do our work well, and made us feel that we must do our work well so that we would deserve his trust. "build thee more stately mansions, o my soul." when we heard of mr. putney's passing all was silence; that was the only tribute one could give. mere words, mere music,--nothing reaches the summit of a life given over to service. his creed was, what do we live for if it is not to make life a little less difficult for others. surely that is the highest goal of any human soul. he lived so that to come into his presence was to be warmed and cheered as by the sun. by a life heroic he conquered death. whenever i looked at mr. putney and the flag in assembly, i could not help connect him in some way with abraham lincoln and the great struggle for freedom. he used to carry himself in such a soldierly manner. whenever he spoke to us it was a rare treat. h. m. b. address of dr. smart at the burlington high school you have not asked me to speak to you this morning about mr. putney because i can tell you anything about him which you do not already know. in fact it does not matter very much who speaks to you about him. you only wish to have an occasion to recall a familiar and delightful and impressive teacher. you wish someone to do what mark antony did for the romans and tell you what you yourselves do know and enable you to repeat the experience of samson's mother in the scriptures who said about the angel's visit, "the man came to me who came to me the other day." you have set me a difficult and an easy task. difficult because you knew the man and open your ears for words good enough to speak about him, and easy because you knew the man and can yourselves supply what i may miss, and smooth my awkwardness by the harmony of your own recollections. you might be interested to hear something about thomas arnold of rugby, tom brown's teacher, or about bronson alcott who had such strange ways in discipline, requiring an offending pupil to punish him, holding out his own hand for the ferrule; or about tagore in india who requires his boys to go out early in the morning to sit for half an hour under some bush or tree for quiet meditation. talk about these men might perhaps appeal to your general interest in teachers and teaching, but what you crave this morning is different. you wish to repeat the experience of achilles who slept beside the many-voiced sea, the _polu phloisboio thalasses_, and dreamed that his slain friend patroclus came back to him: "like him in all things--stature, beautiful eyes and voice and garments which he wore in life a marvellous semblance of the living man." or the experience of peter when his master appeared to him and freshened the old love and admiration and moved him to carry on the master's service in his own life. you have set me a very difficult task but when i give you an inch you will take an ell. where i stumble you will walk with sure step. if i am too much like hamlet with old polonius saying this cloud is like an elephant or a camel, you will see a cloud like that which went before the israelites in the desert--a high spiritual presence to guide them. a few days ago he was here. the memory is full of life. his stalwart figure clothed with gentlemanly care and taste, his bearing and movement so fine, so dignified, so courteous and so pleasant. his voice so special to him, with all harshness fined out of it, tuned as their voices are who have in their spirits the accent and habit of good will. and that fine face, the out-of-doors sign of good thinking and good feeling, practiced long and become a second nature. that shapely, well-proportioned, roomy head with its glory of white hair. he had, it seemed to me, in his physical presence the charm of old age without its weakness. he was not a sentimental, flowery man. he was naturally perhaps like the rock in the desert which moses struck and drew water from it. the rock did not look as if it hid a fountain of living water, but he took duty to wife. he loved to do his duty. he could not be comfortable in any other course and doing his duty became his joy, his life. wherever you found him, in school, in church, in the state, in the grand army, he was at his post, on guard, awake, alert, devoted. he did not go with the crowd into the civil war. he thought alone and deeply. he weighed the matter by himself. he compared his obligation to his father on the old farm with the call of the union and concluded that he ought to go. after a long life of fidelity to obligation he could not breathe easily in any other atmosphere. he went simply and straight to his post with his whole gift and might. duty- "stern lawgiver! yet thou dost wear the godhead's most benignant grace; nor know we anything so fair as is the smile upon the face, flowers laugh before thee on their beds, and fragrance in thy footing treads. thou dost preserve the stars from wrong, and the most ancient heavens through thee are fresh and strong." mr. putney was an instructive teacher. some of you know it. many old pupils gratefully acknowledge his service. both in the classroom and in private personal contact he had an enthusiasm for teaching. he managed to secure knowledge of what he taught. he was interested in his pupils and he was interested in his subject and interested in bringing the two together. teaching i should think would be difficult without all of those interests. no doubt mr. putney had a gift for teaching, but in teaching as in other kinds of work one does much to make one's own gift. barring conspicuousness for a calling, this creative energy is the man himself. i like to remind young people of this fact because they are wondering what they will do in life; what they are fitted to do. with some reservations it may be said that one becomes fitted to do whatever one determines to do with one's whole mind and soul and strength. think how hit or miss our choices often are. accidental circumstances or chance openings when we are looking around for a job, something which happens to be in the air when we come on the stage have more to do with our first choices than any supposed genius for this or that. when men and women who have begun their career in this quite casual manner succeed, then people say they have a remarkable gift for their work. the gift in a very real and large sense is the creation of their own energy. i believe that it was so with mr. putney. he was diligent and faithful in his calling and his calling opened its treasures to him. you remember what the scripture says: "no man having tasted old wine straightway desireth the new for he saith the old is better." mr. putney illustrated the saying. there was a graciousness, a consideration, a pleasantness and good will in his ripe age which made it beautiful and drew warm personal feeling to him. a custom of the heart grew up about his name. some of you loved him. that feeble old soldier whom he visited every sunday afternoon is lonely without him. he had "that which should accompany old age, as honor, love, obedience, troops of friends." not a few boys and girls have reason to remember with tenderness his delicate and patient sympathy. i received a circular the other day signed by my old teacher of mathematics. i have not seen him for nearly forty years but reading his words, seeing his name i lifted him again before my mind as if i sat again before him in the albany academy. i recall his bodily presence, his voice, his manner. i am grateful for his clear, and to me inescapably conclusive teaching, and something i cannot analyze came back to me--perhaps i should better say, came over me for my debt to him has been growing all these years. something of him has taken root in my life and grown and borne fruit. in youth we take such influences for granted. we are careless about them. we absorb them without thanks. but the years bring thought and thought reveals service and we are grateful. "all my best is dressing old words new spending again what is already spent for as the sun is daily new and old so is my love still telling what is told." in coming years some of you will be thinking and saying about mr. putney with growing appreciation what some who are now in the thick of life are already saying in the words of scripture "demetrius hath good report of all men and of the truth itself: yea, and we also bear record." making life a benediction whatever our path in life or the aim of our ambition, the real measure of our service and success is the influence we exert upon the present generation and those who come after us. we may do this through our everyday life, through our individual service, through our benefactions. when our lives are summed up, we are asked not what we gained, but what we gave, not how much wealth we accumulated, but how much good we did through our service and the means at our disposal. to grow old beautifully in service for humanity has been named the height of human achievement. it falls to few men to do this in the measure reached by professor putney, who has just passed out from this community mourned by all. his long life joined generations far separated. those who paid tribute to his life and individual service included the rapidly thinning "blue line" of the veterans of the war for the preservation of the union, for human freedom, of nearly three-quarters of a century ago as well as hundreds of school children who had learned to love him through the close association of teacher and pupil. it is given to only one man in ten thousand thus to link close to his own personality the genuine affections of organizations representing extreme youth and advanced age. to have done all this is proof that professor putney in every sense of the expression "grew old beautifully." the human interest element serves to bring out this side of his life still more impressively. it was his ambition that he might teach on his eightieth birthday. a few more days would have witnessed the consummation of this allowable wish. his conscientiousness was supreme however. he remarked to his granddaughter that if he did not recover in two weeks it would not be right for him to retain his position as a teacher in the burlington high school, great as was his desire to celebrate his fourscore anniversary "in harness." he continued to the end one of the youngest of aged men. he kept in touch with youth and was thus able to reflect the spirit and intense interest of youth. he was constantly aiding boys in his home who needed help in their studies. he gave of himself ungrudgingly in this way and refused recompense. it was with him a labor of love. if he had frailties, and who of us has not, he governed them instead of letting them have dominion over him, thereby showing himself better "than he that taketh a city." for his pupils and his associates as well as for those who associated with him in his christian work in the college street church he was always the gentleman of the old school and the embodiment of unobtrusive beneficence combined. all boys and girls who may be inclined to bewail the impossibility of being of service under present conditions or limitations will establish their privilege of serving as he served, if they bear thoroughly in mind that professor putney did what he did, not through the aid of wealth or position or the favor of powerful friends, but solely through his own individual service to others. of such it is written "that he shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him." in the years to follow the sheaves of influence of professor putney's life will come many times to the youth whose privilege it has been to be associated with him, and they will rejoice that his influence entered their careers. who shall measure the influences for good that he has set in motion in the young lives and in the life of our community? happy the man to whom it is thus given to grow old beautifully! thrice happy that man who in thus growing old beautifully is able to bring down to the latest generations the best traditions of the past and through them to make his life a benediction to many generations to come.--_burlington free press._ the epilogue he toiled long, well, and with good cheer in the service of others giving his whole, asking little enduring patiently, complaining not at all with small means effecting much * * * he had no strength that was not useful no weakness that was not lovable no aim that was not worthy no motive that was not pure * * * ever he bent his eye upon the task undone ever he bent his soul upon the stars his heart upon the sun * * * bravely he met his test richly he earned his rest --herbert putnam. transcriber's notes: 1. page scan source: 2. greek text [greek: ] is transliterated. 3. diphthong oe represented by and [oe] [illustration: thomas platter.] the autobiography of thomas platter, a schoolmaster of the sixteenth century. translated from the german, by mrs. finn. second edition. with fac-simile engravings. london: b. wertheim, aldine chambers, paternoster row. 1847. london: c. f. hodgson, printer, 1 gough square fleet street. contents. chapter i. master thomas becomes a goatherd chapter ii. master thomas becomes a travelling scholar chapter iii. master thomas begins to study chapter iv. master thomas becomes a rope-maker and hebrew professor chapter v. master thomas becomes armour-bearer and then schoolmaster chapter vi. master thomas in the war, and professor in basle chapter vii. master thomas turns printer chapter viii. master thomas becomes professor again--dies original maxims for the young. by j. c. lavater. translated from the german, by mrs. finn. cloth lettered, 1s. "we cannot enough recommend this unpretending volume to those who have charge of the rising generation."--_monthly mag_. "an epitome of moral duties for children, drawn up with considerable ability by the original author.... the translation does great credit to the daughter of a clergyman."--_british mag_. autobiography. chapter i. master thomas becomes a goatherd. [illustration: i had drawn myself up by the grass about a step but could get no farther.] i came into this world on the shrove-tuesday of the year 1499, just as they were coming together for mass. from this circumstance, my friends derived the confident hope that i should become a priest, for at that time that sort of superstition was still every where prevalent. i had one sister, named christina; she alone was with my mother when i was born, and she afterwards told it me. my father's name was anthony platter, of the old family of platter, who have their name from a house which stands on a broad plat (platte). this plat is a rock on a very high mountain, near a village of the name of grenchen, in the district and parish of visp, a considerable village of the canton of st. gall. my mother, however, was named anteli summermatter, of the very great family of that name. her father attained the age of 126. i conversed with him six years before his death; and then he told me that he knew ten more men in the parish of visp who were all older than he. when he was 100 years old he married a woman who bore him one son. by his first wife he left sons and daughters, of whom some were white-headed and some grey before he died. they called him old hans summermatter. the house in which i was born is near the village of grenchen, and is called am graben. my mother could not nurse me herself, therefore i was obliged to drink cow's milk through a small horn, as is the custom in that country when they wean a child: because they give the children nothing to eat, but only milk to drink, till they are four or five years old. my father died when i was so young that i do not remember ever to have seen him. it is usual in that country for almost all women to be able to weave and sew. before the winter, almost all the men go into the territory of berne to buy wool: this the women spin, and make rustic cloth of it for coats and trowsers for the peasants. so also my father was in the district of thun, in the territory of berne, buying wool. there he was attacked by the plague and died, and was buried at staffisburg, a village near thun. soon after, my mother married a man of the name of heintzmann, who lived in a house between stalden and visp, that was called am grunde. so the children were all separated from her: i do not exactly know how many of them there were. of my sisters, i knew only two;--one, whose name was elizabeth, died in entlibuch, where she was married;--the name of the other was christina, and she died above stalden, at burgen, of the plague, with eight persons of her family. of my brothers, i knew three: the first was called simeon, the other hans, the third theodore. simeon and hans fell in battle. theodore died at oberhofen, on the lake of thun: for the usurers had mined my father, so that my brothers were obliged to go to service almost as soon as they could do any thing; and as i was the youngest, some of my aunts, my father's sisters, had me with them for a while. i can still well remember that i was with one whose name was margaret. she carried me to a house that was called "in der wilde," near grenchen. one of my aunts was there also: she wrapped me up in a truss of straw that was accidentally in the room, and laid me on the table, and went to the other women. once in the night, after my aunts had laid me down, they went to the mass at candle-mass time. then i got up, and had run through the snow in winter, naked, to a house. when they came back, and did not find me, they were in great distress, but found me at last in that house, between two men, who were warming me, for i was frozen in the snow. afterwards when i was also for a while with the same aunts, at "in der wilde," my eldest brother arrived from the savoy war, and brought me a little wooden horse, which i drew along by a thread before the door. i still remember well that i really thought the little horse could walk, and can therefore well explain to myself how the little children often think that their dolls, and what they have, are alive. my brother also strode over me with one leg, as i still perfectly remember, and said, "oho! tommy, now you will never grow any more." when i was about three years old. cardinal matthew schinner passed through the country to hold a visitation and confirm every where, as is the custom in the catholic church, and came to grenchen also. at this time there was a priest in grenchen, whose name was anthony platter; he was a relation of mine; to him they brought me, that he should act as godfather at my confirmation. when however the cardinal had dined, and was gone again into the church to confirm, (i do not know what my uncle had to do), i ran without his knowledge into the church, that i might be confirmed, and that my godfather might give me a crown piece, as it is the custom to give the children something. the cardinal sat in an arm chair waiting till they brought him the children. i still recollect very well that i ran up to him. as my godfather was not with me, he spoke to me: "what do you want, my child?" i said, "i should like to be confirmed." then he said, smiling, "what is your name?" i answered, "my name is master thomas." then he laughed, murmured something with his hand laid on my head, and gave me a gentle slap on the cheek. at this moment mr. anthony came, and excused himself by saying that i had run away without his knowledge. then the cardinal related to him what i had said, and said to that gentleman, "certainly that child will become something wonderful,--probably a priest." and because i was born just as they were ringing for mass, many people supposed that i should become a priest; on which account also they sent me to school earlier than usual. when i was about six years old they sent me to eisenthal behind stalden, where my mother's sister had a husband, called thomas of rüdi, who lived on a farm called am boden. for him i was obliged to keep the goats near the house. i can remember how i often stuck in the snow, so that i could scarcely get out, and my shoes remained behind, so that i came home barefoot and shivering. this farmer had about eighty goats, which i had to tend in my seventh and eighth years. when therefore i opened the stable, and did not immediately get out of the way, the goats, as i was still so little, knocked me down, ran over me, and trod on my head, arms, and back; for i usually fell on my face. when i drove them over the bridge, then the foremost ran past me into the corn field; and when i drove these out, the others ran in. then i used to cry and lament; for i knew well that in the evening i should be beaten. when, however, other goatherds came to me from other farmers, they helped me; particularly one, called thomas of leidenbach. he had pity on me, and shewed me much kindness. then we all sat together, when we had led the goats up the high and frightful mountains, and ate our supper. each one had a shepherd's basket on his back, with cheese and rye-bread in it. one day when we had dined we set about shooting for a trial of skill. on the top of a high rock there was a flat piece of ground. as one after the other now shot at the mark, one stood before me who wished to shoot. i endeavoured to get out of his way, that he should not strike me on the head; but as i stepped back a few paces i fell backwards from off the rock. the shepherds all cried out, "lord jesus! lord jesus!" till i was out of sight; for i had fallen under the rock, so that they could not see me; and they fully believed that i was killed. i however soon got up again, and climbed up by the side of the rock to them. if they wept before for grief, they now wept for joy. six weeks after a goat belonging to one of them fell down at the same spot, and was killed! so carefully had god watched over me. about half a year after, i led out my goats early in the morning before the other shepherds, (for i was the nearest,) over a point of rock, called white point, when my goats turned to the right over a piece of rock that was a good foot wide, but below which there was, in a frightful abyss more than 1000 fathoms deep, nothing but rocks. from the ledge of the rock one goat went up after the other, over one where they had scarcely room to put their feet on the little roots of grass which had grown on the rock. as soon as they were up, i wished to get after them. when, however, i had drawn myself up by the grass about a step, i could get no farther; neither did i dare to step upon the rock again, much less to jump backwards, for i was afraid if i did so that i should jump too far, and so fall over the dreadful precipice. i remained therefore a good while in this position, and waited for the help of god, for i could not help myself; except that i held myself with both hands by a little tuft of grass, and supported myself by turns with my great toes on another tuft of grass. in this predicament i suffered extreme anxiety; for i was afraid that the great vultures that flew about in the air below me, would carry me away, as it sometimes does happen in the alps, that they take away children and lambs. whilst i stood there and the wind blew about my garment behind--for i had no trowsers on--my comrade thomas perceived me from a distance, but did not know what it was. when he saw my coat fluttering in the wind, he supposed that it was a bird. when, however, he recognised me, he was so terrified that he became quite pale, and called to me, "now, tommy, stand still!" then he hurried upon the ledge of rock, took me in his arms, and carried me down again to where we could get after the goats another way. some years after, when i came home from the schools in distant lands, and my companion heard of it, he came, and reminded me how he had rescued me from death (as indeed is true, for which i give the glory to god). he said to me, that when i became a priest i should remember him, and pray to god for him. the master, however, with whom i served at that time, afterwards told my wife, "that he had never had a better little servant, as young and small as i was." amongst other sisters of my father, was one of the name of frances, who was unmarried, and my father had particularly recommended me to her care, as being the youngest child. when therefore the people told her in what a dangerous employment i was engaged, and that i should certainly kill myself some day by a fall, she came to my master and declared to him that she would not have me there any longer. at this he was dissatisfied; still she took me away again to grenchen, where i was born, and placed me with a rich old farmer who was called "hans im boden." for him i was also obliged to mind the goats; when it happened one day that i and a little girl (who also minded her father's goats) were playing by an artificial channel, whereby the water was conducted down the mountain to the grounds, and had forgotten ourselves in play. we had made little meadows, and watered them as children do. in the mean while the goats had gone up the mountain, we knew not whither. then i left my little coat lying there, and ascended the mountain up to the very top; the little girl however went home without the goats. i, on the contrary, as a poor servant, would not venture to go home unless i had the goats. up very high i saw a kid that was just like one of my young goats, and this i followed at a distance till the sun went down. when i looked back to the village and saw that at the houses it was quite night, i began to descend again; but it was soon quite dark. in the mean time i climbed from one tree to another, and held myself by the loose roots from which the earth had fallen off. when however it became quite dark, i would not venture any farther, but held myself by my left hand on a root; with the other i scratched the earth loose under the trees and roots, to hollow out a place to lie in, and listened how the lumps of earth rolled down into the abyss. thereupon i forced myself into the opening which was made between the earth and roots, in order to lie firmly, and not to fall down in my sleep. i had nothing on except a little shirt, neither shoes nor hat; for the little coat, in my anxiety at having lost the goats, i had left by the watercourse. as i lay under the tree the ravens became aware that i was there, and made a noise on the tree; so that i was in great terror, being afraid that a bear was at hand. i crossed myself, however, and fell asleep, and slept till the morning, when the sun was shining over all the mountains. when however i awoke, and saw where i lay, i do not know that i was ever more frightened in my life: for had i in the night gone four yards deeper, i must have fallen down, a frightfully steep precipice many thousand feet deep. i was in great trouble too about the mode of getting away from thence. i drew myself from one root to the other, till i again got to the place from whence i could run down the mountain to the houses. when i was just out of the wood, near the farms, the little maid met me with the goats which she was driving out again; for they had run home of themselves the night before, and the people in whose service i was, were very much frightened on account of my not having come home with the goats. they believed that i had fallen and killed myself, and asked my aunt and the people in that house in which i was born (for that stood next to the house in which i served) whether they knew any thing of me, for that i had not come home with the goats. from that time on they would not allow me to mind goats any more, because they had to endure so much anxiety on my account. whilst i was with this master and tended his goats, i once fell into a boiler of hot milk which stood on the fire, and scalded myself, so that one could see the scars all my life after. i was also in two other perils besides this while i was with him. once there were two of us little goatherds in the wood, and were talking of various childish things: amongst others we wished that we could fly, for then we would fly out of the mountain to germany (for so switzerland was called in st. gall). on a sudden came a frightfully large bird darting down upon us, so that we thought it was going to carry one or both of us away. at this we both began to scream, and to defend ourselves with our shepherd's crooks, and to cross ourselves, till the bird flew away; then we said to one another, "we have done wrong in wishing to be able to fly; god did not create us for flying, but for walking." another time i was in a very deep fissure looking for crystals, of which many were found in it. all at once i saw a stone as large as an oven starting from the side, and as i had no time to get out of the way, i stooped down upon my face. the stone fell several fathoms down to a spot above me, and from thence it made a spring away over me, so that i escaped with a whole skin. i had plenty of such joys and happiness on the mountains among the goats, of which i now remember nothing more. this i well know, that i seldom had whole toes, but often great bruises; had many bad falls; without shoes for the most part in summer, or else wooden ones; and endured great thirst. my food was in the morning, before day, a rye-broth, that is, a soup made of rye-meal. cheese and rye-bread are given in a little basket to be carried at one's back; at night cheese-milk; of all however there was a fair allowance. in summer, lying on hay; in winter, on a straw mattrass full of all sorts of vermin. such are the resting-places of the poor little shepherds who serve the farmers in the wildernesses. chapter ii. master thomas becomes a travelling scholar. [illustration: "the urchin has robbed me of a goose."] as they would not any longer allow me to tend the goats, i entered the service of a farmer who had one of my aunts to wife, and was a fiery passionate man. i had to keep his cows; for at most places in st. gall they have not shepherds in common, to mind the cows for all; but whoever has a mountain whither he can send them during the summer, has a little shepherd who watches them upon his own property. when i had been with them a while my aunt frances came, who wished to send me to my uncle, mr. anthony platter, that i should learn _the writings_ (such was their phrase when they wished to send any one to school). that gentleman was at that time no longer in grenchen, but was become an old man at st. nicholas, in the village that is called gasse. when my farmer, whose name was the "antsche," or "anthony an der habzucht," was aware of my aunt's intention, he was much dissatisfied: and said, "that i would learn nothing notwithstanding;" and added, putting the forefinger of his right hand into the palm of the left, "the urchin will learn just as much as i can drive my finger through." that i saw and heard myself. my aunt answered, "oh! who knows? god has not refused him his gifts: he may yet become a pious priest." and so she led me to the spiritual gentleman, when i was about nine and a half years old. then it was that my sufferings really began, for the gentleman was a very passionate man, but i a little awkward peasant boy. he beat me barbarously; often took me by the ears and dragged me from the ground. i screamed like a goat that had the knife sticking into it, so that often the neighbours came screaming in to him to know whether he would kill me out and out. i did not remain long with him. just at this time there came one who had travelled to the schools at ulm and munich in bavaria, a grandson of my old grandfather. this student's name was paul summermatter. my friends had told him of me, and he promised them that he would take me with him, and in germany take me to school. as soon as i heard of this i fell on my knees, and besought god almighty to help me away from the priest, who taught me sheer nothing, but on the contrary beat me unmercifully. i had scarcely learned to sing the "salve" a little, and to go about the village with other scholars who were also with the priest, and were obliged to sing before the houses for eggs. once, when we were about to celebrate mass, the other boys sent me into the church to fetch a taper. this i thrust alight into my sleeve and burnt myself so, that i still bear about me the scar of it. when paul wished to wander again, i was to come to him to stalden. behind stalden is a house called "zum müllibach;" there my mother's brother, simon summermatter, lived; he was to be my guardian, and gave me a golden florin: which i carried in my hand to stalden, and on the way often looked at it to see whether i had it, and then gave it to paul. thus we left the country. i was then obliged to beg for the necessary money on the road, and also to share it with paul my bacchant. schools were not then established in all places; and young persons who wished to learn any thing, or to prepare themselves for any religious office, which at that time required but little knowledge, went, either singly or in greater numbers, after renowned teachers. as they were for the most part poor people, they lived on alms by the way. and when the thing degenerated the grown ones were called bacchants, because they lived well on what was obtained by begging, and led a wild and dissolute life: the little ones were called _a-b-c_ fags.[1] they, when the begging was not sufficient, did not make any scruple about stealing, which was called "sharp-shooting." they were, however, usually called scholastics, or travelling scholars. so bad were the school-arrangements; until the reformation made improvements in this department also. on account of my simplicity and provincial dialect, people gave very liberally to me. when i crossed over the grimsel, and came into an inn at night, i saw a stove made of tiles of white delft for the first time, and the moon shone on the tiles. i thought it was a large calf, for i saw only two tiles shining, and believed them to be the eyes. in the morning i saw geese, of which i had never seen any before. when therefore they set on me hissing, as geese are accustomed to do, i ran away from them with a loud cry, for i thought it was the devil who wanted to devour me. in lucerne i saw the first tiled roofs, and wondered very much at the red colour. hereupon we came to zurich: there paul waited for several comrades who wished to go with us to meissen. in the mean time i went for alms, with which i was obliged almost entirely to support paul: for when i came into an inn the people liked to hear me speak the st. gall dialect, and gave me liberally. at that time there was in zurich a certain fellow, a great rogue, out of leak in st. gall: his name was carle. he once came to me--for we lodged in the same house--and said to me, that i should allow him to give me one blow on the bare back, and that he would give me a zurich sixer (sixpence) for it. i allowed myself to be persuaded. he then laid hold of me stoutly, laid me across a chair, and beat me very sorely. when i had borne that, he asked me to lend him the sixer again, for he wished to sup with the landlady at night, and could not pay the reckoning. i gave him the sixpence, but never got it again. thus were my innocency and inexperience abused. after we had waited for company about eight or nine weeks, we set out for meissen; for me, a very long journey, because i was not accustomed to travel so far, and besides that, i was obliged to provide my provisions on the way. we travelled eight or nine together--three little fags, and the rest great bacchants, as they were called, and i was the smallest and youngest of the fags. when i could not get on vigorously, my relation paul walked behind me with a rod or stick, and beat me on the bare legs; for i had no hose on, but bad shoes. i cannot now remember all that befel us on the road; but some adventures i have not yet forgotten. when we were upon the journey, and were speaking of all sorts of things, the bacchants narrated to one another how it was the custom in meissen and silesia for the fags to be allowed to steal geese and ducks, and other articles of provision, and that nothing was done to them on that account if they could only escape from the owner. in my simplicity i believed every thing, for i knew nothing of the commandments of god, and had had no experience of the world. we were one day not far from a village; there was a great flock of geese there, and the herdsman was not at hand, but pretty far off with the cowherds. then i asked my comrades, the fags, "when shall we be in meissen, that i may throw at the geese and kill them?" they said, "we are there already." then i took a stone, threw it, and hit one on the foot. the others fled away, but the lame one could not follow. i took another stone, threw, and hit it on the head, so that it fell down; for when with the goats, i had learned to throw well, so that no shepherd of my age was superior to me: could also blow the shepherd's horn, and leap with the pole; for in such arts i exercised myself with my fellow-shepherds. i then ran to it, and caught the goose by the neck, and put it under my little coat, and went along the road through the village. then the gooseherd came running after, shouting through the village, "the urchin has robbed me of a goose." i and my fellow fags ran off, and the feet of the goose hung out from under my little coat. the peasants came out of their houses with halberds, and followed us. when i now saw that i could not escape with the goose, i let it fall. i jumped aside into a thicket outside the village; but my two comrades ran along the road and were overtaken by two peasants. they then fell down on their knees and begged for mercy, for that they had done them no harm. the peasants therefore seeing that he was not there who had let the goose fall, went back into the village and took the goose along with them. when i saw how they ran after my companions, i was in a great fright, and said to myself, "o god! i believe that i have not blessed myself to-day:" as i had been taught that i should bless myself every morning. when the peasants came into the village they found our bacchants in the public-house; for they had gone before, and we came after. then the peasants thought that they ought to pay for the goose, which would have made about two bats (four-pence), but i do not know whether they paid it or not. when they came to us again they laughed, and asked how it had happened. i excused myself with saying, that i thought such was the custom of the country; but they said that it was not yet time. when, however, some of the bacchants behaved themselves very rudely towards us, some of us, with paul, determined to run away from the bacchants, and go by way of dresden to breslau. on the way we had to suffer much from hunger, so that several days we ate nothing but raw onions with salt; some days roasted acorns, crab-apples, and wild pears. many a night we lay in the open air, because no one would suffer us in the houses, no matter how early we might ask for lodging. now and then the dogs were set at us. when however we came to breslau there was an abundance of every thing; yes, every thing was so cheap that the poor fags used to eat too much, and often made themselves sick. at first we went to school in the cathedral of the holy cross; when however we heard that in the principal parish of st. elizabeth there were several swiss, we went thither. there were there two from bremgarten, two from mellingen, and others, besides a number of suabians. there was no difference made between the suabians and the swiss; they addressed one another as countrymen, and protected one another. the city of breslau has seven parishes, each a separate school: and no scholar was allowed to go singing into another parish; else they immediately shouted "ad idem! ad idem!" then the fags ran together, and beat one another very sorely. there were, as was said at that time, several thousand bacchants and fags in the city at once, who all lived upon alms. it was said also that there were some that had been there twenty, thirty, or more years, who had had their fags that were obliged to wait upon them. i have often in one evening carried my bacchants five or six loads of provisions home to the school where they lived. people gave to me very willingly, because i was little, and a swiss; for they were uncommonly fond of the swiss. they also felt great compassion with the swiss, because just at that time they had suffered sorely in the great battle at milan; so that the common people said, "the swiss have now lost their pater-noster." for before that, they imagined that the swiss were quite invincible. i one day went up to two gentlemen or country squires in the market-place, (i heard afterwards that the one was called benzenauer, the other tucker,) who were walking there, and asked alms from them, as poor fags were accustomed to do. tucker said to me, "from whence are you?" and when he heard that i was a swiss, he was surprised, together with benzenauer, and said to me, "but are you really a swiss? if that is the fact, i will adopt you as a son, and i will assure you of that here before the council in breslau; but, in return, you must promise to remain with me, and accompany me wherever i go." i answered, "in my native place i was given in charge to a certain person; i will ask him about it." but when i asked my relation paul about it, he said, "i have conducted you out of your own native place, and i will conduct you to your own friends again, and then whatever they bid you, that you can do." i therefore declined this offer. but whenever i came before the house i was not allowed to go empty away. thus i remained for a time in breslau; was also three times ill in one winter, so that they were obliged to bring me into the hospital, for the travelling scholars had a particular hospital and physicians for themselves. sixteen hellers were also paid weekly from the town-house for each sick person, by which one person could be well supported. care was then taken of the patients, and they had good beds, only they were not clean; so that i rather lay upon the floor than in the beds. during the winter the fags lay upon the floor in the school; but the bacchants in small chambers, of which there were several hundreds at st. elizabeth's. but in summer, when it was hot, we lay in the church-yard: collected grass, such as is spread in summer before the doors on sunday in the gentlemen's streets,[2] and lay in it, like pigs in the straw. when however it rained we ran into the school; and when there was thunder we sang responsories and other sacred music the whole night, with the subcantor. now and then after sapper, in summer, we went into the beer-houses to beg for beer. and the drunken polish peasants would then give us so much, that i was often unable to find my way to the school again, though only a stone's throw from it. in short, there was plenty to eat here, but there was not much study; and of true piety no one had an idea. in the school at st. elizabeth's, indeed, nine bachelors of arts read lectures at the same hour, and in the same room; still the greek language had not yet made its way anywhere in the country; neither had any one printed books, except the preceptor, who had a printed terence. what was read had first to be dictated, then pointed, then construed, and at last explained; so that the bacchants had to carry away thick books of notes when they went home. from breslau eight of us migrated again to dresden; had however to suffer much from hunger on the way. we then determined to separate for one day; some went to see after geese; some after turnips, and carrots, and onions; some about a pot; we little ones however were to procure bread and salt in the neighbouring town of neumark. in the evening we intended to assemble again outside the city, and there take up our lodging, and cook what we might have. about a gunshot distant from the city there was a well, by which we wished to remain during the night; but when the fire was seen, they fired at us; still no one was hit. we therefore took ourselves off behind a ridge to a little rivulet and thicket. the bigger companions hewed branches down, and made a hut; others plucked the geese, of which they had managed to get two; others cut the turnips into the pot, and put the head and feet and the like in also; others made two wooden spits, and began to roast; and as soon as it was a little brown, we took it from the spit and ate it, and the turnips too. to none of us did it occur that we were partaking of stolen provisions, and so were worthy of punishment in the sight of god and man. in the night we heard something making an odd noise. there was a wear near us from which the water had been let off the day before, and the fish were springing up to the wall; we therefore took as many as we could carry in a shirt, and on a stick, and set off for the nearest village. there we gave part of them to a peasant, that, in return, he should boil the others in beer for us. from dresden we went to nuremberg. on the way, not far from dresden, it happened that i went into a village to request alms, and came before a peasant's house. then the peasant asked me where i came from. when he heard that i was a swiss, he asked, if i had any companions. i answered, "my companions are waiting for me outside the village." "desire them to come hither," said he, and he got a good meal ready for us; also beer enough to drink. when we were comfortable, and the peasant with us, he said to his mother, who was lying in bed in the room, "mother, i have often heard from you, that you would like to see a swiss before you die: there you see several; i have invited them for your sake." then the mother raised herself up, thanked the son for bringing such guests, and said, "i have heard so much good of the swiss, that i very much desired to see one: methinks that i will now die more willingly; therefore make yourselves merry." whereupon she laid herself down again, and we set out again after we had thanked the peasant. from thence we came to munich, where paul and i found lodging with a soap-boiler of the name of hans schräll, who was a master of arts of vienna, but an enemy to the clerical state. him i helped to make soap, rather more than i went to school; and travelled about with him to the villages to buy ashes. paul at length determined to pay a visit to our home, for we had not been at home during five years. accordingly, we went home to st. gall. my friends were then unable to understand me, and said, "our tommy speaks so profoundly, that no one can understand him:" for, being young, i had learned something of the language of every place where i had been. chapter iii. master thomas begins to study. my stay at home was not long. we soon set out again towards ulm. paul then took another boy with him, whose name was hildebrand kälbermatter; he was also very young. some cloth, such as was made in that country, was given to him for a little coat. when we came to ulm, paul desired me to go about with the cloth, and beg the money to pay for the making. with it i earned a great deal of money; for i understood begging well, because the bacchants had always kept me to it. to the schools on the contrary, they did not draw me, not even so much as to teach me to read. thus it was at ulm too: when i ought to have gone to school, i was obliged to run about with the cloth. i suffered great hunger at this time; for all that i got i had to bring to the bacchants, and did not dare, for fear of stripes, to eat even a morsel. paul had taken another bacchant to live with him, of the name of achatius, a native of mayence; and i, with my companion hildebrand, had to wait on them both. but my companion ate almost all that was given him at the houses himself. the bacchants on that account went after him into the street, and found him eating: thereupon they threw him on a bed, covered his head with a pillow, so that he could not cry, and beat him with all their might. that made me afraid, so that i brought home all that i got. they had often so much bread that it became mouldy; they then cut off the mouldy outside, and gave it to us to eat. i was often very hungry, and frost-bitten too, because i had to go about in the dark till midnight, to sing for bread. now there was at that time a pious widow at ulm, who had a son, paul reling, and two daughters. this widow during the winter often wrapt my feet in a warm fur, which she laid behind the stove, to warm them when i came; gave me also a basin full of vegetables, and then allowed me to go home. i was indeed sometimes so hungry, that i drove the dogs in the street away from their bones, and gnawed them; i also sought together the last crumbs out of the bags, and eat them. from ulm we went to munich, where i still had to beg for money to make up the cloth, which however was not mine. a year after we came again to ulm, intending to go once more to our native place. i brought the cloth again with me, however, and was obliged again to beg for money to make it up. i can still well remember that some said to me, "what! has the coat never been made? i believe that you are playing tricks." what became of the cloth, and whether the coat was ever made, i know not. from thence we made a visit to our native place, and after that returned again to munich. as three of us little fags had no lodging, we intended to go at night to the corn-market, and sleep upon the corn sacks. there were several women in the street standing before the salt-house, who asked where we were going. a butcher's widow was of the number, who, when she understood that we were swiss, said to her maid, "run, hang the pot with the soup and the remainder of the meat over the fire; they must lodge with me to-night; i am friendly to all swiss. i served in an inn at inspruck at the time the emperor maximilian held his court there. the swiss had much dealing with him then, and were such good people, that i will be friendly to them all my life long." she gave us enough to eat and drink, and a good place to rest in. in the morning she said to us, "if one of you will stay with me, i will give him lodging, and meat and drink." we were all willing, and because i looked a little sharper than the others, she chose me. i helped her with her household and field occupations; but was still obliged, however, to wait on my bacchant. the woman did not like to see that, and said, "let the bacchant alone, and stay with me, then you need not beg." for eight days, therefore, i went neither to the bacchant nor to the school. he then came and knocked at the house-door. she said to me, "your bacchant is there, say that you are sick." i did what she desired me, for i did not know that a lie of that kind was a sin. when paul came she said to him, "you are truly a fine gentleman, and should have looked after thomas: he has been sick, and is so still." he said then, "i am sorry for it, boy: when you can go out again, come to me." afterwards, on a sunday, i went to vespers; then he said to me after vespers, "you fag, you do not come to me, i will trample you under foot some day." then i resolved that he should not trample on me, for that i would run away. on sunday i said to the butcher's widow that i wanted to go into the school and wash my shirt. i went, however, over the iser, for i was afraid that if i went to switzerland paul would follow me. at the other side of the iser is a hill; there i sat down, looked at the city, and cried bitterly, because i had now no longer any one to help me. i thought of going to saltzburg or vienna in austria. as i sat there, a peasant came by with his waggon. he had brought salt to munich, and was already drunk, although the sun had only just risen. i asked him to allow me to get up, and rode with him till he stopped to get something for himself and his horses to eat. in the mean time i begged in the village; and not far from the village i waited for him, and fell asleep. on awaking i cried heartily; for i thought that the peasant had driven away, and felt as if i had lost a father. however he soon came, quite drunk; told me to get up again, and asked whither i wished to go? i said to saltzburg. when it was evening he drove side-ways off the highroad, and said, "now you can get down, there is the road to saltzburg." we had driven eight miles that day. i came into a village; when i got up in the morning there was a hoar frost, as if it had snowed, and i had no shoes, only torn socks; no cap, and a jacket without folds. i therefore went to passau, and wished there to get a passage, and sail on the danube to vienna. in passau they would not let me in. then i determined to go to switzerland, and asked the gatekeeper which was the nearest road to switzerland. "by munich," said he. "to munich!" i answered, "i will not go. i would rather go out of my way ten miles to avoid it." he then directed me to freissing, where there was a high-school or university. there i found swiss. but before many days had elapsed paul arrived with an halberd. the fags said to me, "the bacchant from munich is here, and is looking for you." then i ran out at the gate as if he had been behind me, and went to ulm, where i came to my saddler's widow, who had formerly warmed my feet by wrapping them in fur. after several weeks, one came to me who had been a companion of paul's, and said to me, "your relation paul is here, and looking for you." so he had come eighteen miles after me; for in me he had lost a good benefice, because i had supported him several years. when however i heard this, although it was nearly night, i ran out at the gate, on the road to constance; but lamented in my soul, for it was very grievous to me on account of the dear woman who had taken care of me like a mother. so i crossed the lake to constance, and went over the bridge, and saw some little swiss peasants in white jackets. oh how glad i was! i imagined i was in the kingdom of heaven. from thence i came to zurich, where i found some fellow-countrymen, natives of st. gall, great bacchants; to them i offered my services, if in return they would instruct me; but that they did as little as the others. after several months paul sent his fag hildebrand from munich, to tell me that if i would return he would pardon me; but i would not, but stayed in zurich, though indeed without studying. there was one anthony benetz there, out of visp in st. gall, who persuaded me to accompany him on a tour to strasburg. when we arrived, there were a great many poor scholars there, and, as was said, not even one good school; we therefore went to schlestadt. a gentleman met us, and asked, "where are you going?" when he heard that we wished to go to schlestadt he dissuaded us from it, by saying that there were many poor scholars there, and no rich people. whereupon my comrade began to cry bitterly, because he did not know any other place to go to. i comforted him, and said, "be of good courage! if there is one in schlestadt who makes shift to live alone, i will manage to support us both." whilst in a village outside of schlestadt, where we got lodging in a mill, i got such a pain that i thought i must choke, and scarcely could get breath; for i had eaten a great many green nuts, which fall off about that season. anthony then cried again; for he thought that he should lose his companion, and then not know how to help himself any more: and yet he had ten crowns secretly about him, and i not a halfpenny. when we came into the town, and had found lodging in the house of an aged married couple, of whom the man was stone blind, we went to the preceptor, mr. john sapidus, and begged of him to receive us. he asked us whence we came; when we said, "from switzerland, from. st. gall." he said, "there are wicked peasants there; they drive all their bishops away out of the country. if you intend to study properly you need not give me any thing; but if not, you must pay me, or i will pull your coats off your back." that was the first school which seemed to me to go on well. at that time the study of languages and sciences came into fashion. it was the same year that the diet was held at worms. sapidus had at one time nine hundred scholars, amongst whom were several fine learned fellows, who afterwards became celebrated men. when i entered the school i could do nothing, not even read the donatus,[3] and was nevertheless already eighteen years old. i seated myself among the little children, but was like the clucking hen among the chickens. when we had been there from autumn till whitsuntide, and there was a continual influx of scholars from all quarters, i was no longer able to procure sustenance for us both; we therefore went away to solothurn, where there was a tolerably good school, and also a maintenance easier to be found. but as a set-off against this, we had to stay much in church, and lose time: so we went again to our native place, where i remained awhile, and went to school to a priest who taught me a little writing, and other things i know not what. here i got the ague, and was nursed by my aunt frances in grenchen. at the same time i taught the little son of my other aunt, simon steiner, his a b c. he came to zurich a year after, and studied by degrees: then he came to strasburg, where he became dr. bucer's famulus: and because he was attentive to his studies, he was made teacher of the thirds and afterwards of the second, class; and was very much regretted by the scholars at strasburg when he died. in the following spring i left the country again, with two brothers. when we took leave of our mother, she cried and said, "god have mercy upon me, that now i must see three sons go into misery." excepting that time i never saw my mother cry, for she was a courageous stout-hearted woman, but rather rough. when her third husband died, whom she had married in my absence, she remained a widow, and did all manner of work like a man, in order that she might be better able to bring up her youngest children. hewing wood, hay-making, threshing, and other work which belongs more to men than women, were not too much for her. she had also buried three of her children herself, who had died in a time of very great pestilence; for in time of pestilence it costs a great deal to get persons buried by the gravediggers. towards us her first children she was very harsh, for which reason we seldom entered the house. once when i came to her again, after an absence of five years, in which i had travelled much in far distant lands, the first word she said to me was, "has the devil carried you hither once more?" i answered, "the devil has not carried me, but my feet; i will not however be a burden to you long." she then said, "you are not a burden to me; but it grieves me that you go strolling backwards and forwards in this manner, and doubtless learn nothing at all. if you learned to work, as your late father did, that would be better;--you will never be a priest: i am not so lucky as to be the mother of a priest." so i remained with her two or three days. she was otherwise a respectable, honest, and pious woman, as was admitted by every body. on my departure with my two brothers, as we were crossing the letshi mountain towards gestelen, my brothers sat down upon the slopes on the snow, and so slid down the mountain. i wished to imitate them, but because i did not instantly put my feet asunder the snow threw me over, so that i slid down the mountain head over heels. it would have been no wonder if i had killed myself by knocking my head against a tree; for there were no rocks. three times i had the same mishap, for i always thought that i should be able to do it as well as my brothers; but they were more used to the mountains than i. thus we travelled on together. they both remained in entlibuch, but i went on to zurich. there i lodged with the mother of the far famed, pious, and learned mr. rudolph gwalther, who is now pastor at st. peter's. he was then in the cradle, and i used often to rock him. i now visited the school in frauenmünster, in which wolfgang knaüel, a pious master of arts, taught. i was quite in earnest in my desire to study, for i perceived that it was high time. they said at that time, that a teacher would come from einsiedeln, a learned and faithful man, but extremely old. so i made a seat for myself in a corner not far from the teacher's seat, and said to myself, "in this corner you will study or die." when he came into the school for the first time, he said, "this is a nice school, but methinks there are stupid boys: still we shall see; only be industrious." this i know, that had my life depended on it i could not have declined a noun of the first declension, although i had learned donatus off by heart to a nicety. for when i was at schlestadt, sapidus had a certain bachelor of arts, george von andlau, a very learned man: he plagued the bacchants so grievously with the donatus, that i thought, "if it be such a good book, then you must learn it by heart," and as i learned to read it i learned it by heart at the same time. that turned to good account for me in the opinion of father myconius, my new teacher in zurich; for he began at once to read terence with us, and then we had to decline and conjugate every little word of a whole comedy. he used often to deal with me until my shirt was wet with perspiration through fear, and my eyes grew dim; and yet he never gave me a blow, except on one single occasion with the left hand on my cheek. he also read lectures upon the holy scriptures, which were attended by many of the laity; for at that time the light of the gospel was just beginning to dawn, although mass and the idolatrous pictures in the churches were continued for a long time after. whenever he was rough towards me, he afterwards took me to his house, and gave me a meal; for he liked to hear me relate how i had travelled through all the countries in germany, and what i had suffered every where, which i could much better remember then than now. myconius without doubt was already acquainted with the pure doctrine; but was obliged, notwithstanding, to go to church at frauenmünster with his scholars to sing the vesper, matins, and masses, and to direct the singing. once he said to me, "custos,"[4] (for i was his custos), "i would now rather read four lessons than sing one mass; do me a favour, and sometimes attend to an easy mass, a requiem, and such like for me: i will not let it be unrewarded." with that i was well content, for i was accustomed to that sort of thing, not only at zurich, but also at solothurn and elsewhere; for everything was still popish. many a one was to be found who could sing better than expound a gospel; and it was daily to be seen in the schools that wild bacchants went off and were ordained, if they could only sing a little, though they understood nothing either of grammar or gospel. during the time that i was custos, i was often in want of wood for heating the school. one morning zuinglius was to preach before day in frauenmünster; and as they were ringing the bell for service, there being no wood for heating the school, i thought in my simplicity, "you have no wood, and there are so many idols in the church!" as no one was there i went into the church to the nearest altar, seized a wooden st. john, hurried with him into the school, put him into the stove, and said to him, "johnny, now bend yourself; you must go into the stove, even though you do represent a st. john." when he began to burn, there were nasty great blisters from the oil paint. i thought, "now hold still; if you stir, which you however will not do, i will shut-to the door of the stove, and you dare not come out, unless the evil one fetches you." in the mean time the wife of myconius came, intending to go to church to the sermon, and said, "god give you a good day, my son; have you heated the stove?" i closed the stove door, and said, "yes, mother; i am quite ready." i would not however tell it to her; for if it had been known, it would have cost me my life at that time. in the school myconius said, "custos, you have had famous wood to-day," i thought, "st. john deserves the most praise." when we were to sing the mass two priests were quarrelling together, and one said to the other, "you lutheran knave, you have robbed me of a st. john." this they continued a good while. myconius did not know what the matter was, but st. john was never found again. of course i never told it to any one, till several years after, when myconius was preacher at basle; i then told it to him, and he wondered very much, and remembered well how the priests had quarrelled together. although it appeared to me then that popery was mere mummery, yet i still had it in my mind to become a priest, and to do the duties of my office faithfully, and deck out my altar smartly. for of real piety i understood at that time nothing; all rested merely on outward ceremonies. when, however, ulrich zuinglius preached severely against it, my scruples increased more and more in course of time. otherwise i had prayed much, and fasted rather more than was agreeable to me; had also my saints and patrons, to whom i prayed: our lady, the virgin mary, that she would be my intercessor with her son; st. catherine, that i might become learned; st. barbara, that i might not die without the sacrament; st. peter, that he would open heaven to me. what i neglected i wrote in a little book, and when there was a holiday at school, as on thursday and saturday, i went to frauenmünster to a school: began and wrote all my offences upon a chair, and paid one debt after the other with prayers, blotting them out one after the other, and thought then that i had done right. six times i went with processions from zurich to einsiedeln; was diligent in confession, and have often fought with my companions for popery. one day, however, ulrich zuinglius preached in söllnau upon the gospel of st. john x., "i am the good shepherd," &c.: that he explained so pointedly, that i felt as if some one had pulled me up into the air by the hair of my head, and made known to me how god would require the blood of the lost sheep at the hands of the shepherds who are guilty of their destruction. then i thought to myself, "if that be the meaning, then adieu to the priest's office! a priest i will never be!" i continued however in my studies; began also to dispute with my comrades; attended the sermons diligently, and was fond of hearing my preceptor myconius. mass and the idolatrous pictures, however, were still continued at zurich. chapter iv. master thomas becomes rope-maker and hebrew professor. [illustration: i read as i went backwards and forwards when i twisted.] at that time six of us went home to st. gall: and on our arrival at glyss, one saturday, we heard that the priests were singing vespers. after vespers one of them came and asked, "whence do you come?" i, as the boldest, replied, "from zurich." on this the priest said, "what have you done in that heretic city?" i became angry and said, "why heretic city?" the priest replied, "because they have put away the mass, and removed the pictures from the church." thereupon i said, "that is not so, for they still celebrate mass there; they have also pictures; why are they then heretics?" "for this reason," he replied, "because they do not consider the pope as the head of the christian church, and do not call upon the saints." i went on, "why is the pope the head of the christian church?" he said, "because st. peter was pope at rome, and has given the popedom there to his successors." i said, "st. peter very likely was never at rome;" pulled my new testament out of the bag, and shewed him how in the epistle to the romans the apostle salutes so many, and yet never mentions st. peter, who, according to his assertion, was the most eminent among the christians of that place. thereupon he said, "how could that be true, then, that christ met st. peter outside the city of rome, and was asked by him where he was going to? whereupon he answered. to rome, to allow myself to be crucified." i asked, "where have you read this story?" he said, "i have often heard it from my grandmother." thereupon i answered, "so, then, i perceive that your grandmother is your bible! and why should we call upon the saints?" answer--"because it is written, god is wonderful in all his works." then i stooped down, plucked a little plant, and said, "if one were to collect all men together, they would not be able to make a plant like this." he then became angry, and so our conversation ended. we had besides more than an hour's walk before us that night. early on sunday we came to visp, where a lazy ignorant priest was to celebrate his first mass; for which reason a great many priests and scholars, and a great crowd of other people, came together. we scholars helped the priest to sing the mass. then one who passed for the most eminent preacher preached from a window, and said amongst other things, to the young priest, "o thou noble knight! thou holy knight! thou art holier than the mother of god herself: for she only bore christ once, but thou shalt hear him every day of thy life henceforth." then one on the bridge, a basle master of arts, out of sitten, said a little too loud, "priest! you lie like a miscreant." the priests had all an eye upon me;--i knew not why, till i saw the priest with whom i had disputed the day before; then i could well imagine that he had complained of me. when the mass was over, all the priests and scholars were invited to dinner; but no one invited me. no man can believe how happy i then was, and how willing i was to fast for christ's sake. when however my mother saw me, she said, "how comes it that they have not invited you also?" and she put bread and cheese into a bowl, and prepared me some porridge. once when i was there at home, i visited my uncle (my mother's brother) who was at that time castellan (that is, chief person in the visper tenth), and said to him after supper, "uncle, tomorrow i shall set out again." he asked "whither?" i said: "to zurich." he: "pray do not go to that place, at your peril; for the confederates will invade it; and have sent deputies from all places. they will be taught to give up the heretic faith." i: "and is no one here from zurich?" he: "there is a messenger here with a letter." i: "have they read the letter before the deputies and country people?" he: "yes." i: "and what does the letter contain?" he: "in the letter they declare that they have adopted a doctrine by which they intend to abide! but if any one can convince them of another out of the old or new testament, then they will give it up." i: "is not that right?" upon that he said distinctly, and in these very words, "let the devil take them and the new testament together." i was horrified, and said, "o god! how you speak! it would be no wonder if god were to punish you both in body and soul. what then is the new testament?" "it is their new heretic doctrine," said he; "so the deputies have acquainted us, particularly the one from berne." thereupon i said, "the new testament is the new covenant which christ established with the faithful, and sealed with his blood. that is recorded in the four gospels and in the epistles of the holy apostles." then he said, "is that so?" "yes," i answered; "and if you will, i will go with you to-morrow to visp, and, if they will let me speak openly, i shall not let myself be restrained either by shame or by fear." he then said, "if the matter stands thus, i will not give my voice for making war upon them." on the following day the country people consulted together, and determined that this was a religious matter, and because the people of zurich desired to be taught by the holy scriptures, the learned should be left to fight it out together. so nothing came of it, and i went again to zurich, and pursued my studies in great poverty. i lodged in the house of an old woman of the name of hutmacherinn, and had a room in company with a good and tolerably clever companion. there god knows that i often suffered great hunger, and many days had not a mouthful of bread to eat. more than once i put some water into a pan, begged of the woman a little salt to put into the water, and then drank it from sheer hunger. i had to give a zurich shilling to the woman every week for the room; i therefore went now and then with messages across the country, for i got a bat (two-pence) for a mile; or i helped to carry wood, or to do other work of which many a student would be ashamed, and got something to eat for it, of which i was very glad and well satisfied. i was also custos, for which i got at every quarterly fast a zurich angster from each of the boys, of whom there were nearly sixty, sometimes more. zuinglius and myconius used also often to employ me to carry letters to the lovers of the truth in the allied districts. in this service i have often ventured my life with joy, that the doctrine of the truth might be spread, and several times narrowly escaped. so i remained in poverty in zurich till mr. henry werdmüller engaged me as tutor to his sons; one of whom, otho werdmüller, afterwards became master of arts in wittenberg, and then preacher at zurich; the other, however, was killed in the battle of kappel. my sufferings from want were now at an end, for i got my dinner every day, but was near over-doing myself with study. i wished to study latin, greek, and hebrew, all at the same time; and many a night slept very little, but tormented myself grievously with struggling against sleep; often i took cold water, raw turnips, or sand into my mouth, that the grating of my teeth might awake me. my dear father myconius often warned me against it, and said nothing to me if it sometimes happened that sleep overpowered me during the lesson. though i never had the fortune to hear lectures on latin, greek, and hebrew grammar, yet i began to read them with others, in order to practise myself in them; for myconius only drilled us diligently in the latin language; not being himself thoroughly master of the greek, as this was something very rare at that time. in private i occupied myself with lucian and homer, of which i had translations. now also it happened that father myconius took me to live in his house. he had several boarders, among whom was the late dr. gessner, with whom i was to work donatus and the declensions: this exercise was uncommonly useful to me. at that time myconius had the very learned theodore bibliander as assistant, who was extraordinarily well versed in all languages, but particularly in the hebrew, and had written a hebrew grammar. he also boarded at myconius's table, and instructed me, at my request, in hebrew. i used to get up early every morning, made a fire in the stove in myconius's little apartment, seated myself before the stove, and copied the grammar as long as bibliander slept, and he never found it out. in this year damian irmi, of basle, wrote to pellican in zurich, that he was going to venice, and that if there were any poor fellows who might like to have hebrew bibles, he would bring some with him as cheap as possible. dr. pellican told him to bring twelve. when they came a copy cost a crown. i had still a crown left of a legacy which i had received a short time before; that i gave with joy for one, and then began to compare the original hebrew bible with the translation, and so to make myself acquainted with the meaning of the words. one day conrad pur, preacher at mettmenstetten, in the canton of zurich, came; and when he saw me sitting at work over the hebrew bible, he said, "are you a hebrew? you must teach it to me also." i said, "i know nothing;" but he would not let himself be put off his purpose, till i promised him; for i also thought that by staying there longer i might become a burden to myconius. i therefore went with him to mettmenstetten, instructed him in hebrew, had plenty to eat and to drink, and remained seven-and-twenty weeks with him. from him i came to hedingen, to pastor weber, who likewise desired instruction in hebrew, and remained about twenty weeks with him. after that i came to another pastor at rifferswyl; he was eighty years old, and wished to begin to learn hebrew. from him i came again to zurich. in the mean time there came a very learned young man from lucern, of the name of rudolph collin; he was to go to constance to receive priest's orders. zuinglius, however, and myconius, persuaded him to learn the rope-making trade with his money instead. after he had married, and become a master, i asked him to teach me the rope-making trade also. he said he had no hemp. now just at that time a small legacy had fallen to me from my mother; with that i bought the master a cwt. of hemp, and learned as much as possible, till it was used up; but had, at the same time, always a desire for study, i used to get up quietly when the master thought i was asleep, and strike a light, and had a homer, and secretly my master's translation, out of which i made notes into my homer. when i was working at my trade, i took homer with me. when the master discovered that, he said, "platere! pluribus intentus, minor est ad singula sensus:" (either study or follow your trade!) once as we were eating our supper, and drinking water to it, he said, "platere! how does pindar begin?" i answered, "[greek: ariston men to hudor]," (water is the best). he then laughed and said, "then we will follow pindar's advice and drink water, because we have no wine." when i had used up the cwt. of hemp my apprenticeship was over, and i intended to go to basle. i therefore took leave of my master, as if i was going early next morning; but i went to my old lodging at the house of the hatter's widow, and remained there six weeks privately, and wrote a gloss upon euripides, that i might be able to take it as well as homer with me; for i intended also to study on the way. i then took my bundle and left zurich at day-break, came in one day as far as muttentz, and the next morning to basle. here i inquired after a master, and came to hans stäheli at the ox-market, whom they called the red rope-maker. they said that he was the rudest master on the whole length of the rhine, on which account the rope-making journeymen did not like to be with him, and i found a place open the sooner. when he first employed me i could scarcely hang up the hemp, and could twist it very little. then the master shewed me his manners, began to be abusive and to curse, and said, "go stick out the eyes of the master that taught you; what shall i do with you? you can do nothing!" he did not however know that i had not worked up more than one cwt. of hemp in my whole life. that i did not dare to tell him; for he had a very bad apprentice who could work better than i, and who treated me very contemptuously, and insulted me. after the master had tried me eight days, i spoke to him in a friendly manner, and said that he should have patience with me; and whether he gave me wages or not, that i would render him faithful service, and write down every thing punctually; for no one in the house could write. "i have," said i, "learned little--that i clearly perceive;--my master had seldom any hemp." so he allowed himself to be persuaded to keep me, and gave me two-pence a week wages. with this money i bought candles and studied at night although i was obliged to work till the trumpet sounded in the evening and to get up again in the morning at the sound of the trumpet. yet i was willing to bear that, if i could only stay and learn the trade. in the course of half a year i was able to twist a day's work, and act as foreman. i also worked often, when we made the large ropes or cables, in the sweat of my brow. then the master used to laugh at me, and say, "had i studied so much as you, and had such a love for it, i would let the rope-making go where it liked;" for he saw well that i had a singular love for books. i had made acquaintance with a pious printer, andrew cratander; he presented me with a plautus, which he had printed in octavo. as it was not yet bound, i took one sheet after the other, and stuck it in a little wooden fork split at the bottom, and the little fork i stuck in the hemp. this i read as i went backwards and forwards when i twisted, and then when the master came i threw the hemp over it. once, however, he caught me in the act, and behaved very wildly. "if you wish to study," said he, "follow it, or follow the trade. is it not enough that i allow it you by night, or on a holiday, that you must also read while you twist?" on holidays, as soon as i had eaten my dinner, i took my little book, went into a summer-house, and read the whole day, till the watchman at the city gate called. by degrees i made acquaintance with a few students, particularly with the scholars of dr. beatus rhenanus. these and others often passed my shop, and wished me to give up the rope-making trade, and they would recommend me to erasmus of rotterdam, who at that time lived at basle. but it was all of no use, although erasmus himself came to me once, as i was helping to make a great rope on the peter's-place; although with great exertion and labour i only got bad food, and not enough of that, and in winter had to suffer sadly from cold. i became acquainted with dr. oporinus, amongst others. he requested me to instruct him in hebrew; but i excused myself, saying that i myself knew but little of it, and also that i had not time. as however he left me no peace, i made my master the offer, that if he would only let me have some time free, i would serve him for nothing, or else take less wages than hitherto. he then allowed me every day one hour in the afternoon, from four to five. now oporinus put up a notice on the church, that a certain person intended to give lessons in the elements of the hebrew language, about four o'clock on monday, at st. leonard's. when i came there at the appointed hour, thinking that i should find oporinus alone,--for i had not seen the bill on the church door,--there were eighteen very learned gentlemen there. i wished directly to run away; but dr. oporinus called to me, "do not run away; these are also good fellows." although i was ashamed of being seen in my little apron which ropemakers are in the habit of wearing, yet i allowed myself to be persuaded, and began to read them "munster's hebrew grammar," which had not yet come to basle, also the prophet jonah, as well as i was able. the same year a frenchman came from basle, whom the queen of navarre had sent that he should learn hebrew. he also came into the school; and when i went in with my poor clothes, i seated myself behind the stove, where i had a comfortable little seat, and allowed the students to sit at the table. the frenchman now asked, "when does our professor come?" oporinus pointed to me. at this he looked at me, and without doubt felt surprise, because he thought such an one ought to be otherwise dressed, and not so badly. when the lesson was over, he took me by the hand, led me over the little bridge, and asked me how it happened that i was so badly clothed; and offered to write respecting me to the queen, saying that she would make me a great man if i would only follow him. this person was expensively dressed, had a golden cap, and a servant who carried his hat and cloak after him. he also attended my lectures till he left the place; but i had no wish to follow him. chapter v. master thomas becomes armour-bearer and then schoolmaster. when for the first time they took the field against the five cantons, (lucern, schwyz, uri, unterwalden, and zug,) my master was also summoned, and i carried his armour to mettmenstetten. when however a truce was concluded, i remained a while in zurich with myconius; and studied. he and his wife recommended me to marry their housekeeper anne, and give up the wandering hither and thither, and then they would make us their heirs. i allowed myself to be persuaded, and after a few days we went to dübendorf, to myconius's brother-in-law, to church, and celebrated the wedding with such pomp, that there were people at table with us who did not know that it was a wedding. myconius owed my wife fourteen florins wages, of which he gave her two florins. with these we went away the first day to mettmenstetten to the gentleman whom i had taught hebrew, by way of lucern, and sarnen, to visp in st. gall. at first we visited my sister christina in bürgendorf; she had there a husband and nine children. he had two aunts, who were so old that they did not know how old they were, and no one else did. with her we remained until st. gall's day. i had inherited some household furniture, which my sister had kept for me; and she lent me her ass, that i might bring it to visp. there happened to be an empty house there with a bed that was not wanted, and we got it lent to us rent free. it was almost the best house in the village, with nice windows that had panes. there all went on well at first. i began to prepare my rope-making trade, and to keep a school. in winter i had about thirty scholars; in summer scarcely six. each had to pay a penny every quarterly fast; besides which, i got many presents. i had many relations; one brought me eggs, another cheese, or a ball of butter. also others, whose children came to me to school, brought the like; some a quarter of a sheep; those who were at home in the village gave milk, vegetables, jugs of wine; so that seldom a day passed in which something was not given to us. at times we have reckoned at night, that in one day eight or nine different presents had been sent to us. a few weeks before my arrival, several women in eisterthal, who were in a room together, had spoken of me, how magnificent the first mass would be that i should celebrate, and how large the offerings which i should receive. for of the summermatters alone, the family of my mother, i had seventy-two cousins, not one of whom was yet married, and who therefore would have been able to carry their offerings to the altar themselves. through my marrying, however, all these splendid hopes were disappointed. when we began our housekeeping i borrowed fifteen swiss bats of my uncle, anthony summermatter. with this we began to trade--bought wine, and sold it again retail; bought apples also, which, my wife sold again to the boys who would have them; so that we did very well, and had no want. i had never been so well off. the priests however were not very friendly to me, although they did me an occasional kindness, and often invited me as a guest, that i might not take too much to the lutheran ways. but when i had to go to church, and help to sing the mass, it was a burden to me, and against my conscience to be obliged to help in the commission of idolatry,--to be present, and not to be able to speak my mind freely at all times. i therefore began to think over the matter, what i should do in order to get out again, and went to zurich to consult with father myconius. he advised me to leave the place, for that i had prospects of being able to go to basle again. when i set out on the journey home, i had a scholar with me, who was not able to keep up with me on the grimsel. it began to snow and to rain, and was very cold; so that we were almost frozen. as however i was acquainted with the manner of living upon the mountains, i told the boy that he should not sit down, but keep going forward. now and then i went on far before him to warm myself, and then ran back to the boy; till at last, by the help of god, we came to the hospital, a good inn on the mountain, where one can find good victuals and drink. that was before the middle of august. it happened once before, that i went over the same mountain, and because i was alone, and did not know the method of travelling over the mountains, becoming faint and tired i sat down, and wished to rest. i then suddenly felt an odd sensation about my heart; i became delightfully warm, and fell asleep with my arms laid on my knees; when a man came to me, laid his hands upon both my shoulders, awoke me, and said, "hey! why do you sit there; stand up and walk?" what became of the man i know not; but whithersoever i looked, above or below, i could see no one. i then stood up, took out of my bag a bit of bread, and ate it. when i related that to several people who were acquainted with the life on the mountains, they said i had been good as dead; for if any one feels excessively cold on the mountains, and sits down from weakness, the blood rushes from the heart into the face and extremities, and the person must die. i cannot think otherwise than that god preserved my life in a wonderful manner, as the people also assured me, for there is no easier death than freezing. on that account persons are sometimes found upon the mountains sitting as though they slept, and they are dead. when however the inhabitants of the mountains, who are acquainted with this danger, are overtaken by night, they take each other's hands and move round and round in a circle, if it be ever so dark, till it becomes day again. my wife was glad when i came home; for the pastor of the village had been seized with the plague, and no one would attend on him. she was also anxious as to how it might fare with herself, if she should become sick. i had experienced the same thing several years before; for whilst going to school at zurich, there was a terrible plague there; so that in the great minster they laid nine hundred persons in one grave, and in another seven hundred. at that time i went home with others of my countrymen, and had a boil on my leg, which i looked upon as a plague boil; by reason of which they would scarcely let us in any where. i went to grenchen to my aunt frances, and between galpentran (a little village at the foot of the mountain) and grenchen, i fell asleep eighteen times in half a day. my aunt, however, put on a bandage of herb-leaves, and no evil consequence ensued to me or others; yet neither i nor my aunt was allowed to go near any one for six weeks. being now desirous to leave the country, when the bishop baron adrian you rietmatt heard of it he sent his cousin john von rietmatt to me with a message that i should come to him at sitten, and become schoolmaster of the whole country; and that a good salary should be given me. i thanked his grace, but begged several years' more leave of absence, for that i was still young and unlearned, and should like to study more. at this he shook his finger at me, and said, "o platter! you would be old and clever enough, but you have something else in your mind; but when we call upon you at some future time we hope that you will be more ready to serve your native country than a foreign land." so i took my baby that had been born meanwhile, the cradle suspended from a hook on my back, and left the place. the child's godmother gave it at parting a double ducat. besides that, from twelve to fifteen pieces of money had also been given to us. the little household furniture which we took with us i carried, and the mother followed after as a calf the cow. the books, however, i had sent by way of berne to basle; thither we also went by way of zurich. i carried the child, and a scholar went with us who helped the mother to carry her bundle. after looking for a dwelling for a long time, we at last got a small house which was called the sign of the lion's head. dr. oporinus was living in the great court by the bishop's palace (where afterwards the baroness von schönau lived), and was schoolmaster at the castle. through the solicitation of some pious people i was appointed assistant to dr. oporinus, and the gentlemen deputies fixed my salary at forty pounds. so much, they said, they had never given to any one before me. out of this i had to pay ten pounds house-rent; at that time too every thing was dear; for a quartern of corn cost six pounds, and a quart of wine eight rapps. the scarcity however did not last long. i went to the market and bought a little cask of wine--i think it was an aulm--which i carried home upon my shoulder. during the drinking of this wine my wife and i had many disputes; for we had no drinking vessel but an anker, and as soon as we went into the cellar with the anker, there was a quarrel. i said, "do you drink; you have to nurse." my wife said, "drink you; you have to study, and to work yourself to death in the school." afterwards a good friend bought us a glass, in shape something like a boot; with which we went into the cellar when we had bathed. this glass held rather more than the anker. the cask lasted long; and when it was out we bought another. i went into the hospital, and bought a little kettle and a tub, both of which had holes in them. i also bought a chair, and a tolerably good bed, for five pounds. we had not much superfluous furniture; but god be praised, poor, as we were from the beginning, i cannot remember we ever had a meal without bread and wine. i studied every day,--got up early, and went to bed late;--in consequence of which i often had the headache, and great dizziness; so that at times i had to hold by the benches. the physicians would gladly have helped me by bleeding and the like, but it was all in vain. at that time a famous physician--epiphanius, a native of venice--came to bruntrut, who cured me in a very simple manner; so that i never had dizziness again, except when i stayed up too long, and remained fasting. chapter vi. master thomas in the war--becomes professor in basle. not long after that, the inhabitants of zurich and the five cantons went to war again. the event was very lamentable, for many a worthy and honest man met his death there; amongst others that eminent man, ulrich zuinglius. i was at that time in zurich. when the battle was lost, and the report reached zurich, they sounded an alarm on the great bell, just about the time the candles were lighted. then many people ran out of the town towards the sihlbridge, lower down on the albis. i also snatched up a halberd and sword in myconius's house, and ran out with the others: but when we had proceeded some distance, the sight was so dreadful that i thought to myself, "better for you to have staid at home;" for many met us who had only one hand; others held their head with both hands, grievously wounded and bloody; others suffering still more dreadfully, and men with them who lighted them along, for it was dark. when we came to the bridge they let every one out over the bridge; but into zurich they would let no man; for there were armed men standing on the bridge to hinder it;--otherwise i believe the most would have fled into the city. they then exhorted each other not to be disheartened. there was one man out of the zurich territory, a very stout-hearted fellow, who spoke with a loud voice, so that every one could hear, and reminded them how it often happened that at the beginning the prospect was gloomy, and yet afterwards matters turned out well; he also advised that during the night they should march towards the albis, for the purpose of receiving the enemy should they come on the morrow. when we reached that place no captain was any where to be found; for they had all been shot in the night. besides this, it was excessively cold at that time: for in the morning there was a severe frost. we then made fires; and i seated myself close to one of the fires, and pulled off my shoes to warm my feet. there was also one fuchsberger at my fire, at that time trumpeter of the states of zurich; he had neither shoes nor cap, nor any sort of weapon. as we sat there an alarm was sounded to see how the people would behave themselves; and while i was going to draw on my shoes, fuchsberger snatched up my halberd, and was going into the ranks with it. i said to him, "hold, comrade! leave me my weapon:" when he gave it back instantly, and said, "well, in god's name they knocked me about so grievously yesterday, they may kill me outright to-day;" and with these words he laid hold of a large hedge-stake, and placed himself in the rank directly before me. then i thought, "what a fine fellow that is! and there he stands quite unarmed!" i repented very much that i had not let him keep my halberd. otherwise i had given myself up to my unalterable fate, and thought, "now it must be." i was not at all frightened; but thought i would defend myself stoutly with my halberd; and if i lost my halberd, then i would defend myself vigorously with my sword. when however they saw that no enemy was at hand, they allowed the ranks to disband themselves; and i was not less glad than many another whom i knew, and who used to walk about very haughtily in zurich, but trembled there like an aspen leaf. then i heard a brave man, who stood on an elevated place, call out aloud, "where are our captains? o god of heaven! is there then no one here to direct us what to do?" although several thousands of us were assembled, yet no one knows what would have happened if the enemy had come up. when it was about nine o'clock in the morning the chief captain was seen coming across a meadow; he had lost his way in the flight: the other captain, william vom rothen hause, had been killed. the third, however, george göldin, had so conducted himself, that afterwards in zurich he was convicted of treachery, and had to leave the country. what further happened there i know not: for i was not equipped like the others; and having nothing to eat, i went back again to zurich. my old teacher myconius asked me, "what is the news? has ulrich zuinglius been killed?" when i said "yes," he said, with a grieved heart, "my god! have mercy upon us: now i have no wish to remain any longer in zurich;" for zuinglius and myconius had been good friends for many years. when i had got something to eat; we went out together into a chamber, and myconius said, "where shall i now go to? i have no desire to remain longer in zurich." hearing a few days after, that the preacher hieronymus bodanus, of st. alban's in basle, had also been killed in the battle, i said to myconius, "go to basle, and become preacher there." he answered, "what preacher would give way to me, and let me occupy his place?" i now acquainted him that the preacher of st. alban's had been killed, and that i believed he would be received there: there was however nothing more said about it. after the peace was concluded, four hundred swiss came, who were desirous to get into the town at night. this caused a tumult among the citizens, who feared that they were going to make a murderous night of it; for there were but too many traitors in the town, who could have pointed out which were to be murdered. they then locked the gate, and the whole rennway was filled with people. the traitorous blockhead escher, who had become colonel in lavater's place, rode out to the swiss at the sihl, and gave them lodging--whoever would not let them into his house he forced the door, and was very friendly to them. when every one had gone home from the rennway, dr. ammianus came to myconius, and said to him, "mr. myconius, i will not allow you to sleep in your house to-night. no one knows what may happen, and they will certainly not spare you; come therefore with me." several of his scholars escorted him to dr. ammianus's house, and i amongst them. myconius said to me, "thomas, do you sleep with me to-night;" so we both slept in one bed, and each had a halberd lying beside him in the bed. on the following day the swiss went up along the lake of zurich towards home. when all was quiet again, and as i was losing my time, i determined to go again to basle to my studies. i studied in the college, and slept in my own bed; i had my board at the sign of the pilgrim's staff, for my wife was still in zurich. there i have often dined for threepence; so that one can well imagine what sort of plenty i had. at that time i said to henry billing, the son of the burgomaster, that i had heard from myconius that he did not like to stay longer in zurich now that ulrich zuinglius had been killed. he said, "do you think that he could be persuaded to come here to us?" i related my conversation with him respecting the preacher's office at st. alban's. he informed his father, the burgomaster, of it; and he in turn told it to the gentlemen deputies, who sent for me to come to the convent of the augustines, in order to converse with me. after they had heard me they sent me to zurich to fetch myconius. the travelling expences i had however to bear myself. on the journey to basle, four horsemen met us in the field above mumpf, and as that was not in the jurisdiction of the confederacy myconius said, "what if those men should take us prisoners, and carry us to ensen?" i comforted him however when they came nearer, by saying, "do not be afraid, they are baslers." they were the cadets wolfgang von landenberg, eglin offenberg, landenberg's son, and a horse-soldier. when they were come nearer i said, "i know that they are baslers, for i have often seen them at [oe]colompadius's sermons." at mumpf they turned in at the bell inn, for it was near night, and we also turned in there. when we came into the room, cadet wolfgang asked, "whence do you come?" myconius answered, "from zurich." the cadet said, "what news in zurich?" myconius replied, "they are in great trouble because master ulrich zuinglius has been killed." cadet wolfgang continued, "who are you?" myconius answered, "my name is myconius, and i am schoolmaster in zurich, at the frauenmünster." thereupon he also asked him who he was? he said, "i am wolfgang von landenberg." a little while afterwards myconius taking me by the coat, led me aside, and said, "now i see how industriously you go to church in basle: it appears to me that this cadet did not take up much room in the church." this he said because he had heard him much talked of. whilst we sat, the cadet eglin also came into the room, together with the two others. after supper they began to drink immoderately, and the horseman brought myconius a glass full to the brim. myconius drank a little out of the glass; then the horseman said, "o, sir, you must not put me off so." as he continued importuning him, myconius became angry, and said, "hark ye, comrade, i was able to drink before you were able to count five--leave me alone." the cadet eglin, who sat at the top of the table, heard that, and asked, "what is the matter with you there?" myconius answered, "that young fellow there wants to force me to drink." on that eglin became very angry with the horseman; so that we thought that he would beat him; he spoke very sharply to him: "thou miserable fellow, wilt thou force an old man to drink?" and the like. thereupon he asked myconius, "dear sir, who are you?" "my name is oswald myconius." "were you not once schoolmaster at st. peter's in basle?" "yes." the cadet said, "my dear sir, then you were my preceptor: had i minded you then i should have become an honest man; whereas at present i can scarcely say what i am." they then went on drinking immoderately. the cadet wolf, however, had not taken any part whatever in the quarrel. when elgin had had enough, he laid himself down with his elbows on the table. on this his father began to scold him harshly, as if he had committed the greatest crime. after supper myconius and i went to bed: they however drank more before they went to bed, and made an abominable noise with singing and shouting. we heard afterwards that they had been about fourteen days in zurich, and had, with those who felt rather joy than sorrow, assisted at the funeral of zuinglius, and others who had been killed. next morning, as we were going over the melifeld, myconius said to me, "how did you like the education of those gentlemen yesterday? to make a person drink till he is sick, is no shame; but to lay the elbows a little on the table deserves all that cursing and scolding!" on our arrival in basle, myconius went to dr. oporinus, but i to the college. several days after, myconius was to preach the council-sermon. i do not know whether he had been told of it or not. when i came to him he was still in bed; i said, "father, get up; you are to preach." "what," replied he, "must i preach?" and raising himself up quickly, he turned to me with these words: "tell me what i shall preach." "i do not know," i said. he continued, "i am determined you shall tell me." thereupon i proposed to him to shew in his sermon whence and wherefore the misfortune came that had befallen us. he required me to make a note of it on a slip of paper. that i did, and gave him my little testament, into which he put the slip of paper, and so entered the pulpit; and expounded the question to the learned people who had assembled to hear him, as one who had never before preached a sermon. they were however all so surprised at his sermon, that i heard amongst others dr. grynäus say to a student of the name of sultzer, after the sermon, "o simon, let us pray to god that _that_ man may be spared to us, for that man can teach." so then he was received as preacher at st. alban's. i accompanied him again to zurich, and then went back again to basle to my studies. after he had received his honourable dismissal he came with his wife to basle, and my wife also came with him. when however he began to preach at st. alban's, so many people went to hear him, that it was determined to elect him, in place of dr. [oe]colompadius, to the office of antistes, or chief pastor, of which situation mr. thomas gyrenfalk had hitherto done the duties. i immediately got the professorship of the greek language in the pædagogium, and lectured upon ceporins' grammar and lucian's dialogues: but oporinus received the professorship of poetry. not long after, there was an attack of an infectious disease, and dr. heerwag's corrector of the press--jacob rubert, the beloved friend of oporinus and myself--died; thereupon dr. sultzer came for a while in his stead into dr. heerwag's service: but when he saw that the work rather hindered than helped him in his studies, he persuaded me to undertake it. i was indeed fearful that it would be too much for me; but dr. heerwag never ceased to press me, until i complied with his request. this business i attended to for four years, with much trouble and labour; for there never was a burden taken off my shoulders but another was laid on in its place. chapter vii. master thomas turns printer. in the mean time it happened that at the diet at sitten, in st. gall, it was resolved to call me to the situation of chief teacher; and the captain, "simon in alben," was commanded to write to me, and tell me to come. it was christmas-time that the resolution was passed, the execution was delayed till shrovetide. now at that time there was one herbert, provost in the lower college: he had been first at basle, and then went to friburg, where he gave out that he could not hold out any longer among the heretics in basle. after that he came again to basle, where they were unwilling to receive him, unless he assured them on oath that he was devoted heartily to the reformed confession. this oath he took at once, and said he could not endure the idolatrous doings at friburg. this man had boarders from st. gall, from whom he learned that they wished to have me there as teacher. as i had to superintend dr. heerwag's printing-office while he was in frankfort at the fair, and could not therefore immediately obey the call i had received, herbert availed himself of the opportunity and hastened to sitten to the bishop, whom he informed falsely that i would not come; for that i had said that i should not like to plunge into the midst of idolatry; and also that i was in the habit of eating meat on forbidden days, and the like. the bishop readily believed it; for i was already suspected by him as to my religion: so herbert was received. when he came again to basle i went to him into the college, and asked him, "what have you been doing in st. gall?" (for i already knew of the matter.) he answered, that he had had private business. then i said, "you have had the business of a rogue, and a wicked fellow. you have no doubt slandered me; but i will also go there, and if you have lied about me i will convict you of your wickedness." i really took the journey to st. gall, for i had private business besides. when i arrived at visp, the bishop happened to be there just then for the purpose of confirming. i also met the captain, simon, who had a house in visp, and visited him. at first he expressed his dissatisfaction that i had not come at the right time, and told me that on that account another had been already appointed. he also told me what crooked artifices herbert had employed with the bishop, and how only the day before, he had written and sent a messenger to say that i was coming, and that they should not believe me. the captain finished with these words: "well! the priests have chosen for themselves a teacher, and him they shall have." i would gladly have waited on the bishop, but could not manage it till he came to gusten. there he gave me an audience, and as i entered said, "thomas, while esau was following the chase jacob took his blessing away." i answered, "has then your princely grace only one blessing?" he then bade me welcome, and said that he had been informed that i would not come, also that i was suspected as to my faith; and that at basle i was in the habit of eating meat on forbidden days. thereupon i answered, "yes, my lord, and he that has told that of me has also eaten meat often enough on forbidden days;" which was true, for we had very often dined at dr. phrygius's when the doctor invited me, and the little man came to see what he could get. also when i said that, there were three canons standing by, and the governor, anthony venetz, and they intimated that if that was the case with the little man, they would let him go about his business and take me. but i said, "no; for then between two stools he would fall to the ground, and i have a good service already;" so i went back to basle. and here it occurs to me, that some time before, my very faithful and dear friend henry billing, son of the burgomaster in basle, had requested me to take a journey with him into the country of the confederacy, and then he would go with me into st. gall. we went therefore first to shaffhousen, constance; after that to lindau, where he had business; and from thence to st. gall, toggenburg, rapperschwyl, zuge, schweitz, and uri. we were treated with great respect, when it was known that we were from basle. after that we went into the valley of urseron to realp; but when in the evening henry saw the mountains he was terrified, and hesitated about crossing the mountain on the morrow. he was so cast down, that the landlady said, "if the baslers are all so faint-hearted, they will not go to war with the st. gallians. i am a feeble woman, yet i would take the child to-morrow by the hand and go over the mountains with him." henry did not sleep much during the night. we had engaged a strong alpine guide to shew us the way: he took a staff over his shoulder, went forward in the snow, and sang so loud that the mountains echoed again. he however slipped a little in the plain, as it was pretty dark; and henry seeing him fall, would not go a single step farther, but said, "do you go to st. gall, i will go back to basle." i would not however separate from him in the wilds, but determined to accompany him out again. this made me so spiritless that we conversed but little together that day. we came again to uri, and from thence to the lake. there a little wind arose, so that henry was very much afraid, and said to the boatman, "get ashore, i will not sail any further." the boatman said, "there is no danger." but henry behaved himself so outrageously that we were obliged to get to land not far from the place where william tell sprang on shore. we came to a little village, where we slept on straw. in the morning we went to berkenried, then to unterwalden, and over the brünig into the valley of hasli. then i said to him, "now you have a good road to thun, and from thence to berne and basle." so we parted, and i crossed the grimsel to st. gall. when i came to visp, captain simon was there, who was very favourably inclined towards me. he was master of arts at cologne; had read cicero's officia at the academy at basle; afterwards had business ten years in rome with the pope, and was well versed in the latin language. he said to me, "i shall take the bath at briegen to cure the gout; bathe with me, and i will pay for you." i went with him; for the bath is not half a mile distant from visp. at first several of us had to carry him into the bath; but when he had bathed about two hours he could walk out on two crutches. there came thither also the captain of the guard of the duke of milan, who had physicked away nine hundred ducats on one leg without being any the better: he also bathed, and in three days his ankle was well, and remained so from that hour. that i saw with my own eyes, and other things besides; so that i could relate wonders enough concerning it. the bath did me a great deal of good, except that i lost all appetite, and could scarcely eat any thing but rye bread; neither could i drink any wine, for it was too strong for me. i complained of that to the host. captain peter oweling, who was a wonderfully fine man, and had also studied in milan; and he said to him, "oh! if you only had sour wine!" he ordered wine for me from morrill, which was dreadfully sour; for it is there very wild, and is the highest wine that grows in that country. when the wine came, the host said to me, "platter, i will make you a present of that wine." it was about two saum. he then gave me a pretty crystal glass, which held nearly a measure of wine: with this i went into the cellar, and drank the largest draught i ever remember to have swallowed in my life before, for i had been a long time very thirsty, because i drank nothing but warm bath water, and there was also an eruption on my skin. when i had taken that draught i lost all wish for any more of that wine; but my appetite for eating and drinking had returned again. captain simon received many presents in the bathing place, and amongst others seventy and odd pheasants, some feathers of which i brought to basle. as i had no opportunity of sending letters to basle, and remained away nine weeks, they said that i had certainly perished on the mountain. when the bath cure was over i went again to basle, and became, as before, corrector of the press to dr. heerwag, and professor at the pædagogium. i afterwards, in partnership with dr. oporinus, balthasar ruch, and ruprecht winter, bought the printing establishment of andrew cratander, and became a master-printer. that trade i followed several years with much sorrow and trouble, particularly on account of the debts i had to contract, because i had no property of my own to advance. one day, as oporinus and i were still professors, it happened that the town secretary invited me into his house, and asked me how it was that the university did not rightly prosper. i said, "methinks that there are too many professors; for there are often more of them than students. it would be enough if there were four eminent men, who must however be well remunerated, and four with inferior salaries, that would be eight persons; if each were to read industriously only one lecture a day, there would be students enough." he then said, "what shall we do with our baslers?" i said, "if you will attend to that, and not rather care for the youth, then i can advise nothing more; i have always had the idea that the baslers should be preferred if they can be found; but if not, then the best that can be had ought to be taken, in order that youth may be assisted." this advice was at once followed with respect to me and dr. oporinus; for as we had engaged in the printing, it was expected either that we should give up the printing, and apply ourselves to the professorship, or else give up the professorship. the latter happened; for we were so deeply engaged in that trade, that we could not have given it up without great loss. chapter viii. master thomas becomes professor again--dies. [illustraton: i went on with the printing.] i therefore went on with the printing, and had a bad time of it, as also my wife and children; for the children were often obliged to fold paper till their little fingers bled. but yet my circumstances were improved; for with the printing alone i was able to gain 200 florins a year, improve my printing-office and household furniture, and always found people to advance me money when i wanted it. notwithstanding, from various circumstances, i got tired of my business after some time;--and was also requested from different quarters to become schoolmaster again: for in a few years they had had i several schoolmasters, and the school had almost entirely fallen into decay. i one day called on mr. rudolph frey; he was chief deputy, and constable in the town. he said, "pray become schoolmaster; by so doing you will oblige the council, and serve god and the world." dr. grynæus said to me, "become schoolmaster! there is no office more heavenly! there is nothing i would rather be, if only i had not to say a thing twice over." they went on persuading me, until at last i consented. i got a salary of 200 florins, of which i had to pay 100 to the assistants; and thus i turned professor again; but i had to get through a great deal of disputing with the university, because they did not wish me to be independent, and to read lectures, the right to which they claimed for themselves exclusively. when my wife and i had attained a considerable age, a dreadful sickness came, which spared no age, and also seized us both. but our heavenly father allowed us to remain yet a little longer here below on earth. the lord grant us grace that it may serve to the glory of god and salvation of our souls! amen! and to the glory of god i cannot conceal, that during the whole of my sickness i did not experience the least pain; although my wife and others had to bear great suffering. that also i ascribe to the mercy of god! may he deliver us all from everlasting torment, through his son jesus christ. amen. * * * the close of this history, which thomas wrote for his son felix, runs as follows: "now i have, according to your desire, dear son felix, written the beginning and continuation of my life up to the present time, as well as i could remember it after so many years; but certainly not _all_, for who would be able to do that? for i have often been in great dangers on the mountains and waters, as on the lakes of constance and lucerne; and others also on the rhine; likewise on land in poland, hungary, silesia, meissen, swabia, and bavaria, where in my youth (besides what is noted in this book) i suffered very much; so that i often thought, how is it possible that i am still alive, and can stand or walk so long a time, and have neither broken nor injured a limb? god protected me by his angels; and however mean my beginning, and however full of danger my life has been, i have notwithstanding, as you see, arrived at a tolerably comfortable position; for although i had as good as nothing of private property, and my wife possessed nothing, still in time we have arrived at this point, that i, by great application to business, have acquired, in the town of basle, four houses, with tolerable furniture: also, through the blessing of god, possess an estate with house and farm, besides the official residence at the school; whilst at first i had not a hut in basle to afford me refuge. and, notwithstanding my mean descent, yet god has granted me the honour of having been now thirty-and-one years professor in the head-school next the university, in the far famed city of basle, and of having instructed the child of many an honourable man, of whom many have become doctors, or otherwise learned men: several, and indeed not a few, of the nobility, who now possess and rule over land and people, and others who sit on the judgment seat, and in the council. also, at all times, i have had many boarders, both of noblemen and other people of consequence, who speak well of me, and shew me all manner of kindness; so that the worshipful town of zurich, and other places, have sent me presents of their wine of honour. likewise, in strasburg, eleven doctors have appeared to my honour, because i brought up my dear brother simon, who is preceptor of the second class there. at sitten, when they sent me the wine of the city, the curate said, 'this wine the city of sitten sends to our dear countryman, thomas platter, as to a father of the children of the province of st. gall.' what shall i then say of thee also, felix, of thy honour and prosperity, that god has granted thee the honour, that thou hast already lived long and happily with thy wife, and hast been known to princes and lords, noblemen and commons. this all, dear felix, thou wilt acknowledge and own, ascribing nothing to thyself, but giving god alone honour and glory all thy life long: thus thou wilt attain to everlasting life.--written by thomas platter, the 14th of february 1573, the seventy-third year of my age. god grant me a happy end, through jesus christ. amen." in the year 1582, the 26th january, my dear father died happily. almighty god grant that he may rise again joyfully at the coming of our saviour jesus christ. amen. dr. felix platter. footnotes: [footnote 1: literally "sharp-shooters;" but the office is probably the same as that known still in england by the name of "fag."] [footnote 2: it is still not unusual in poland, on certain festival days or public occasions, to strew a sort of reed or coarse grass in the streets.] [footnote 3: the latin grammar of ælius donatus, a famous latin scholar and teacher of the 14th century, which was then in general use.] [footnote 4: school-servant in fact.] * * * * * printed by c. f. hodgson, 1 gough square, london. more bed-time stories. by louise chandler moulton, author of "bed-time stories," and "some women's hearts." _with illustrations by addie ledyard._ [illustration: logo] boston: roberts brothers. 1875. [illustration: missy.--page 50.] entered according to act of congress, in the year 1874, by louise chandler moulton, in the office of the librarian of congress, at washington. _cambridge: press of john wilson & son._ _to my daughter florence._ [after a twelvemonth.] _"more bed-time stories," sweetest heart,_ _and all to you belong:_ _all that i have and am, my dear,_ _i give you with my song._ _all that i have and am, my dear,_ _is not too much to pay_ _as tribute to the fair, young queen_ _who rules my heart to-day;_ _as tribute to the dear, blue eyes,_ _and to the golden hair,_ _and sweet, new grace of maidenhood_ _that wraps you everywhere,--_ _the shy surprise of maidenhood,_ _that still turns back to hear_ _the tales i tell at shut of day:--_ _so these are yours, my dear._ _l. c. m._ _october, 1874._ contents. page against wind and tide 5 blue sky and white clouds 20 the cousin from boston 34 missy 50 the head boy of eagleheight school 68 agatha's lonely days 82 thin ice 100 my lost sister: a confession 114 what came to olive haygarth 128 uncle jack 143 nobody's child 159 my little gentleman 175 ruthy's country 191 job golding's christmas 210 my comforter 224 more bed-time stories. against wind and tide. jack ramsdale was a bad boy. he had been a bad boy so long that secretly he was rather tired of it; but he really did not know how to help himself. it was his reputation, and it is a curious thing how naturally we all live up to our reputations; that is to say, we do the things which are expected of us. there is a deal of homely sense in the old proverb, "give a dog a bad name and hang him." give a boy a bad name, and he is reasonably sure to deserve one. not but that jack ramsdale had fairly earned his bad name. his mother had died before he was old enough to remember her, so he had never known what a home was. once, when his father was unusually good-natured, he had asked him some questions about his mother. "she was one of god's saints, if ever there was one," the man answered, half reluctantly. "everybody wondered that she took up with me, but maybe it was because she saw i needed her more than anybody else did. she might have made a different man of me if she'd lived; at least, i've always thought so. i never drank so much when she was alive but what i kept a comfortable home over her head. but when she was gone, it didn't appear to me there was any thing left to live for. i lacked comfort sorely, and i don't say but what i've sought for it in by-paths,--by and forbidden paths, as she used to say." "i wish i could ha' seen her," said jack. "she was a dreadful motherly creetur, and was always hangin' over you. cold nights i've known her get up half-a-dozen times, often, to see if the clothes was all up over your shoulders; and sometimes i've seen her stand there looking down at you in the biting cold till i thought she'd freeze; but i didn't dare to say any thing, for her lips were movin', and i knew she was prayin' for you. she was a prayin' woman, your mother was. i used to think her prayers would save both of us." "i can't make out how she looked," jack persisted. he was so anxious to hear something about this dead mother who had loved him so. ever since she died, he had been knocked round from pillar to post, as they say, with his father. sam ramsdale was good help, as all the farmers knew, when he was sober; but he was not reliable, and then he had the disadvantage of always being incumbered with the boy, whom he took with him everywhere,--an unkempt, undisciplined little fellow whom no one liked. now, as his father talked, it seemed to him so strange a thing to think that some one used to stand beside his bed in cold winter nights and pray for him, that he could hardly believe it; and he said again, out of his desolate longing,-"i wish i could ha' seen how she looked." "i don't suppose folks would ha' said she was much to look at." his father spoke, in a musing sort of way. "she was a little pale slip of a woman, with soft yellow hair droopin' about her white face, and eyes as blue as them blue flowers you picked up along the road. but there, i can't talk about her, and i ain't a goin' to, what's more; and don't you ever ask me again!" from that time jack never dared to ask any more questions about his mother, but all through his troublesome, turbulent boyhood he remembered the meagre outlines of the story which had been told him. no matter how bad he had been through the day, the nights were few when he failed to think how once a pale slip of a woman, with soft yellow hair around her white face, and eyes blue as the blue gentians, had bent above his slumbers and said prayers for him. when he was ten years old his father died in the poor-house. drink had enfeebled his constitution; a sudden cold did the rest. there were a few weeks of terrible suffering, and then the end came. jack was with him to the last. there was nowhere else for him to be, and the father liked to have him in his sight. one day, just before the end, when they were all alone, the man called the boy to his bedside. "i can't tell you to follow my example, jack; that's the shame of it. i've got to hold myself up as a warnin', and not as an example. just you steer as clear o' my ways as you can; but remember that your mother was a prayin' woman. i s'pose nobody'd believe it, jack; but since i've been lyin' here i've kinder felt nearer to her than i ever did before since she died. seems as if i could a'most hear her prayin' for me; and i think, by times, that the god she lived so close to won't say no. it's the 'leventh hour, jack, the 'leventh hour, i know that as well as anybody; but she used to sing a hymn about while the lamp holds out to burn. when i get there i shall get rid of this awful thirst for drink. it's been an _awful_ thirst; no hunger that i know of can match it; but i shall get rid of that when this old body goes to pieces. and what does a saviour mean, if it ain't that he'll save us from our sins if we ask him?" as he said these last words he seemed sinking into a sort of stupor, but he started out of it to say once more,-"never follow my example, jack, boy. remember your mother was a prayin' woman." those were the last connected words any one ever heard him speak. after that the night came on,--the double night of darkness and of death. once or twice the woman who acted as nurse, bending over him, heard him mutter, "the 'leventh hour, jack!" and afterwards she wondered whether it was a presentiment, for it was just at eleven o'clock that he died. jack had been sent to bed a little before, and when he got up in the morning, he knew that he was all alone in the world. after the funeral deacon small took him home. he wouldn't be of much use for two or three years to come, the deacon said. maybe he could drive up the cows, and ride the horse to plough, and scare the crows away from the corn, but he couldn't earn his salt for a number o' years to come. however, somebody must take him, and he guessed _he_ would. it would be a good spell before the "creetur" would come of age, and the last part of the time he might be smart enough to pay off old scores. but surely jack ramsdale must have eaten more salt than ever boy of ten ate before if he did not work enough for it, for it was jack here, and jack there, all day long. jack did everybody's errands; jack drew mrs. small's baby-grandchild in its little covered wagon; jack scoured the knives; jack brought the wood; jack picked berries; jack weeded flower-beds. from being an idle little chap, in everybody's way, as he had been in his father's time, he was pressed right into hard service, for more hours in the day than any man worked about the place. now work is good for boys, but all work and no play--worse yet, all work and no love--is not good for any one. jack grew bitter; and where he dared to be cruel, he was cruel; where he dared to be insolent, he was insolent. not toward deacon small, however, were these qualities displayed. the deacon was a hard master, and the boy feared, and hated, and obeyed him. but as the years went on, five of them, he grew to be generally considered a bad boy. at fifteen he was strong of his age, a man, almost, in size. his schooling had been confined to the short winter terms, and he had always been the terror of every successive schoolmaster. when he was fifteen, a new teacher came,--a handsome, graceful young man, just out of college. he was slight rather than stout, well-dressed, well-mannered, fit, you would have said, for a lady's drawing-room, rather than the country schoolhouse in winter, with its big boys, tough customers, many of them, and jack ramsdale the toughest customer of all. after mr. garrison had passed his examination, one of the committee, impressed by what he thought a certain-fine-gentleman air in the young man, warned him of the rough times in store for him, and especially of the rough strength and insubordination of jack ramsdale. ralph garrison smiled a calm smile, but uttered no boasts. he had been a week in the school before he had any especial trouble. jack was taking his measure. the truth was, the boy had a certain amount of taste, and garrison's gentlemanliness impressed him more than he would have cared to own. it is possible that he might have gone on, quietly and obediently, but that now his bad name began to weigh him down. the boys who had looked up to him as a leader in evil grew impatient of his quiet submission to rules. "got your match, jack?" said one. "goin' to own beat without giving it a try?" said another. and jack began to think that the evil laurels he had won, as the bravo and bully of the school, would fall withered from his brow if he didn't make some effort to fasten them. so one morning, midway between recess and the close of school, he took out an apple and began paring it with a jack-knife and eating it. for a moment mr. garrison looked at him; then he remarked, with ominous quietness, in a tone lower and more gentle than usual,-"jack, this is not the place or time for eating." "my place and time to eat are when i am hungry," jack answered, with cool insolence, cutting off a mouthful, and carrying it deliberately to his mouth. "you will put up that apple instantly, if you please." still the teacher spoke very gently, and turned a little pale. the persuasive words and the slight paleness misled jack. he thought his victory was to be so easily won, there would not even be any glory in it. he smiled and ate, quite at his ease. "you will come here whether you please or not," was the next sentence from the teacher's desk. jack cut off another mouthful and sat still. then, he never knew how it was, but suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye, he felt himself pulled from his seat out into the middle of the floor while knife and apple flew from his hand. he kicked, he struggled, he tried to strike; but an iron grasp held his wrists. the strong muscles of the stroke-oar at harvard did good service. the handsome face was pale, but the lips were set like steel, and the cool eyes never wavered as they fixed and held those of the young bully. then suddenly he whipped from his pocket a ball of strong fish-line and bound the struggling wrists tightly, and, pushing a chair toward his captive, said, coolly,-"i want nothing more of you till after school. you can sit or stand, as you please. now i will hear the first class in arithmetic." there was a strange hush in the school, and every scholar knew who was master. when all the rest had gone, the teacher turned to jack ramsdale. "i took you a little by surprise," he said. "perhaps you are not yet satisfied that i am stronger than you." "yes, i'm satisfied," jack answered. "i ain't so mean but what i'm willing to own beat when it's done fair and square." mr. garrison, meanwhile, was untying his wrists. as he unwound the last coil, he said,-"the forces of law and order are what rule the world. i think if you fight against them, you'll always be likely to find yourself on the losing side." a great bitter wave of defiance swelled up in jack's heart; not against mr. garrison as an individual, but against such as he,--handsome, graceful, cultured; against his own hard lot; against a prosperous world; against, it almost seemed, god, himself. "what do _you_ know about it?" he said sullenly. "you never had to fight. it was all on your side. god did it. he made you handsome and strong, and had you go to school and college, and grow up a gentleman. and he made me"--how the face darkened here--"what you see. he took my mother, who did love me and pray for me, away from me when i wasn't more than three years old. he gave me to a father who drank hard and taught me nothing good. and then he took even him from me, and handed me over to deacon small; and i tell you, teacher, you don't know what a tough time is till you've summered and wintered with deacon small. i've got a bad name, and who wonders? and i feel like living up to it. i hadn't any thing against you, specially; but if i'd given in peaceably to all your rules, the boys would have said i had grown chicken-hearted, and a little name for pluck is all the name i have got." mr. garrison looked at him a few moments, steadily. then he said,-"it does seem as if fate had been hard on you. but do you know what i think god has been doing for you, in giving you all these hard knocks; for things don't _happen_; god never lets go the reins." the boy looked the question he did not speak, and mr. garrison went on. "i think he has been making you strong, just as rowing against wind and tide made my wrists strong, until now you could fight all your enemies if you would. "the thing we are put here for," he continued, "is to do our best; and if we are doing that, in god's sight, there is nothing that can prevail against us; not fate, or foes, or poverty, or any other creature. there is nothing in all the universe that is strong enough to stand against a soul that is bound to go up and not down. you may go home, now." it was one of mr. garrison's merits that he knew when to stop. jack ramsdale went home with that last sentence ringing in his ears,-"there is nothing in all the universe that is strong enough to stand against a soul that is bound to go up and not down." the words went with him all the rest of the day. they lay down with him at night, and he looked out of his window and fixed his eyes on a bright, far-off star, and thought of them. what if he should turn all the strength that was in him to going up and not down? if he did right, who could make him afraid? if he served willingly, he need fear no master. it was very late, and the star, obedient to the law which rules the worlds, had marched far on, out of his sight, before he went to sleep. he had made a resolve. in the strength of that resolve he awoke to the new day. "i will not go down," he said to himself; "i will go up and on!" he was not all at once transformed from sinner to saint. such sudden changes do not belong to this slow world. but the purpose and aim of his life was changed. never again did he lose sight of the shining heights he meant to climb. if the mother in the heavenly home could look down on the world below, she knew that not in vain had she been "a praying woman." to mr. garrison the boy's devotion was something wonderful,--humble, loyal, faithful, and never ceasing. from being the teacher's terror, jack had become the teacher's friend. blue sky and white clouds. "say yes, and you'll be such a dear papa." papa bent down and kissed his girl, before he asked, half reproachfully,-"and how if i say 'no'? shan't i be dear, then?" kathie blushed, and then laughed. "why, of course you'll be dear, any way; but may be it's partly because you are so good, and hate so to say no to your own little daughter, that i love you so much." "to my little daughter as tall as her mother? do you know, small person, that i've often thought it might be better for that same little daughter if i said no to her oftener? i couldn't love you more, but i'm afraid i might love you more wisely. a hundred and twenty-five dollars for a new party dress! bring your own mature judgment to bear on it, and tell me if it appears quite sage, even to you." kathie thought so hard for a moment that she fairly scowled with earnestness; then she answered,-"yes, on the whole, i think it will be eminently judicious. you see, i shall be going out a good deal now, and i can do so many different things with a handsome silk, and if i got a tarleton, or any of those cheap, thin goods, it would be used up at once." papa smiled. "well, if you are quite sure you're right, i'll bring the check home this noon, and you and mamma can begin your search for this wonderful yellow gown." "yellow!" kathie clapped her hands to her ears. "what did i ever do to make you think i would wear a horrid yellow gown?" "oh, was it red you said you wanted?" "worse and worse. you talk like a hottentot. my gown is to be blue, soft, and lustrous, like a summer sky, and i am to look in it,--well, you shall see on christmas eve." then, with half a dozen good-by kisses, the father of this only child--happy, easy-going, and too indulgent--took himself off down town, and kathie danced away to the sewing-room to find her mother and inform her of her success. kathie mason, at sixteen, was a girl bright, and sweet, and bonny enough to tempt any parent to a little over-indulgence. she had soft, sunny, yellow hair; and lovely, dark brown eyes; with a look in them that kept saying, "oh, be good to me!"; a delicate, flower-like face; and a mouth red as fair rosamond's, which has long been dust now, but which poets and painters raved about centuries ago. she had a graceful little figure, and a clear, fresh young voice; and she had a heart, too, which was in the right place, though she herself was almost a stranger to it. she loved beauty dearly, whether in books, or nature, or human faces, or blue silk gowns, and it was just as natural to her to be a picture, whatever way she looked or moved, as it was to be kathie. as she danced along she was humming a verse of a gay little french _chanson_, where some lover said his love was like a rose; and you thought it might have been written about herself, only kathie had no thorns. as she drew near the sewing-room she stopped, for her mother and the dress-maker were talking busily. miss atkinson was a pathetic little woman, with eyes which looked as if the color had been washed out of them by many tears, a thin, frail body, and a voice not complaining, but simply plaintive. somehow kathie hated to break in upon the slow pathos of those tones with her blue silk ecstasy, so she stood leaning against the door for a few moments and waited. "you see," the little woman was saying, "it was a great pull-back, my being sick two months in the summer, and then my brother being so much worse. but it will all come right, somehow. if i can manage to get alice clothed up so she can go to school, i shall be thankful; for she's a bright child, and it's too bad to have her wasting her time. but then, food and fire must come first, and if people are sick they are sick, and two hands can't do any more than they can." there was nothing to oppose to this mild fatalism; so kathie's mother only said, very sympathizingly, that it was hard, and that it seemed as if, with her sister and her sister's child to support, miss atkinson had all she could do before, without undertaking any new responsibilities for the ailing brother and his family. "oh! but there's no one else to do it if i don't, you see," quoth the little dress-maker, almost cheerfully--as cheerfully, that is, as her voice could be made to speak; but kathie noticed that a moment after she pressed her hand on her side and drew a sharp, hard breath. "does your side pain you, miss atkinson?" she asked, kindly. "not much more than usual. it's rather bad, most days. i went to work too soon after i was sick, the doctor said. but he didn't tell me how the rest were going to live if i laid by any longer; and, dear me, i'm thankful enough to be able to work at all." kathie thought she should be ashamed to have this poor little woman, who had two people besides herself to provide for, entirely, and no knowing how many more, in part, work on her blue silk superfluity. clearly _that_ must be made by some other dress-maker; and she could not even speak to her mother about it now; so she just asked for some work, and sat down with it, thinking more seriously than, perhaps, she had ever thought in her gay, butterfly life before. "how old is your little niece, alice?" she asked, after a while. "ten, and she is as far along in her studies now as a good many girls of twelve. i did mean to have sent her straight through, normal school and all, and let her prepare to be a teacher; but it doesn't look much like it, now william's taken so poorly. i expect i shall have to pretty much clothe his three children besides alice." "can't your sister, little alice's mother, help you at all?" "well, yes, she does help. she does all she's able to, and more; for, you see, she's feeble, too. she keeps house for us, and cooks, and washes and makes our things after i fit them, and keeps us mended; but there's nothing she can do to bring in any thing. but there, i beg your pardon ten times over, apiece. it's against my principles to go out sewing, and harrow up folks' minds with my troubles; only, you see, i'm a little nervous and unsettled to-day on account of alice's crying pretty hard this morning because she hadn't any thing to wear to school." papa mason took kathie aside when he came home to dinner, and with a little fun, and teasing, and pretence of mystery, produced the check. there it was, one hundred and twenty-five dollars, all right, and three weeks between now and christmas eve to get her blue silk gown made. while she ate her roast beef she began to think again. one question kept asking itself over in her mind,--why should some people have blue silk gowns, and others have no gowns at all? i rather think we have all asked ourselves this same thing, in one form of words or another. since the great father made and loves us all, why should one be queen victoria and another little alice staying at home from school for want of a few yards of woollen and a pair of boots? political economists have ciphered it all out, beautifully; but kathie did not know that, and so the vexing question puzzled her. what if it was done just to give us a chance to help each other? she asked herself, at last, and the text of a sermon she heard once came into her mind,--"bear ye one another's burdens." if all fared just alike there would be no chance for helpfulness, or charity, or self-denial; so may be clothes would be put on people's backs at the expense of better things in their hearts. it must be that god knew best. oh! if one couldn't think that, the world might as well fall to pieces at once. "will you have pudding, dear? i have asked you three times," said mrs. mason's voice, with a little extra energy in it; and kathie looked up out of her dream with a certain vagueness in her eyes, and answered,-"a hundred and twenty-five," whereat they all laughed. "i can't give you a hundred and twenty-five puddings; but, if you'll please make a beginning with this one, no doubt the rest will come before the year is over." whereupon kathie roused herself from her speculations, ate her pudding, and sent her plate for more, with a good, healthy, girlish appetite. that afternoon she sewed quite diligently, and talked little; but her eyes were bright, and her face all the time eager with some thought. after tea was over, and miss atkinson had gone, and papa had stepped out to see a business friend, kathie sat down, as was one of her habits, on a low stool beside her mother, and laid her head in her lap. mrs. mason knew that all the afternoon's thinking would come out before the child got up again; so she just smoothed the fluffy, yellow hair with her hand and waited. "don't you think, mamma, that miss atkinson must be a good deal better christian than the rest of us, she's such a patient burden-bearer? she never seemed to think for one moment that it was hard she should have to work so, or that she couldn't have what she wanted herself. all that troubled her was because she couldn't do what she had planned for alice." then, when mrs. mason had made some slight answer, there was silence again for a time; and then kathie cried impulsively,-"mamma, what a perfect good-for-nothing i am. i never carried a burden for any one in my life. i have just been a dead weight on some one else's hands." "not a _dead_ weight, by any means," and mrs. mason laughed, "and really, papa and i have found it rather a pleasure than otherwise to carry you." the loving girl kissed the hand that had been stroking her hair, but she was quite too much in earnest to laugh. "well, mamma, you know it doesn't say,--'bear ye one another's burdens, all of you but kathie, and she needn't.' i think this rule without any exceptions means me, just as much as it does any one; and i shan't feel quite right in my own mind till i begin to follow it. i want to bear part of alice." kathie was talking very fast by this time, and her cheeks were very pink, and her brown eyes very bright. "you see i've thought it all out, this afternoon. if miss atkinson will feed her and house her, i do think i might undertake to clothe her until she is through school and ready to teach; and don't you think i'd feel better when i came to die to have done some little thing for somebody? you see it would come very easy. my dresses, and cloaks, and hats would all make over for her. there wouldn't be much to buy outright, except boots, and stockings, and under clothes, generally." "and wouldn't you find all that rather a heavy drain on your pocket-money? i don't ask to discourage you, childie; only i want you to consider it all thoroughly, for if you should once undertake this thing and lead miss atkinson and alice to depend on it, there could be no drawing back then." "yes, i have thought about it all. didn't you see me working it out in my head this afternoon, like a sum in arithmetic? i think half the money papa gives me for lunches, and presents, and the other things pocket-money goes for, would be just as good for me as the whole; and i am sure with half of it i could keep alice along nicely after i once got her started; and its just about this start i want to speak to you now. papa gave me a hundred and twenty-five dollars to-day to buy me a blue silk gown for aunt jane's christmas-eve party. now fifty dollars will get me a lovely white muslin, and a blue sash, and all the fresh little fixings i should need; and that would leave seventy-five dollars, with which i could buy flannels, and boots, and water-proof, and a good, warm, strong outfit altogether, for alice to commence with. now do you think papa would be willing? i don't want to ask him, for he doesn't understand silks and muslins, or what alice needs; but would you answer for him? just think, mamma, what burdens poor miss atkinson has to bear." mrs. mason started to say,--"it is all for her own relations,"--but stopped, for the command didn't read, "relations, bear _ye_ one another's burdens." had she any right to interfere between kathie and this first work of charity the child had ever been inspired to undertake? would not this object of interest outside herself, apart from blue silk gowns, and flounces, and furbelows, do something for her girl that was likely to be left undone otherwise? what a very cold loving-one-another we were most of us doing in this world, after all? so she bent over and kissed the eager, lovely, upturned face that waited for her words, and said fondly,-"yes, i will answer for papa, my darling. i approve your plan heartily, but i will not offer help. this shall be all your own good work." the next morning miss atkinson was told of the new plan. her faded eyes opened twice as widely as usual. she was not sure she heard aright. "do you mean to say miss kathie, that you undertake, with your mamma's full consent, to clothe alice until she is through school?" "that is precisely what i bind myself to do," kathie answered, gravely copying the solemnity of the little dress-maker. "then all i have to say is, bless you, and bless the lord. you never can tell what good you're doing." and then the poor little woman began to cry, just for pure joy; and she sobbed till mamma mason felt her eyes growing misty, and kathie ran away out of the room. be sure that miss atkinson made up kathie's muslin lovingly. it would not be her fault if it were not prettier than any silk. and truly, when christmas eve came and kathie was dressed for aunt jane's party, there could hardly have been a more radiant vision than this white-robed shape with the sunny, soft hair, the gleaming brown eyes, and the wild-rose cheeks, where the color came and went. her father looked her over with all his heart in his eyes, and a tenderness which quivered in his voice, though he tried to speak jestingly. "so there wasn't blue sky enough for any thing but your sash, and you had to take white clouds for the rest." "_just_ that. don't you like the clouds?" he bent and kissed her. "yes, i like the clouds; and i think the sunshine struck through them for somebody." the cousin from boston. we had been friends ever since i could remember, nelly and i. we were just about the same age. our parents were neighbors, in the quiet country town where we both lived. i was an only child; and nelly was an only daughter, with two strong brothers who idolized her. we were always together. we went to the same school, and sat on the same bench, and used the same desk. we learned the same lessons. i had almost said we thought the same thoughts. we certainly loved the same pleasures. we used to go together, in early spring, to hunt the dainty may-flowers from under the sheltering dead leaves, and to find the shy little blue-eyed violets. we went hand in hand into the still summer woods, and gathered the delicate maiden-hair, and the soft mosses, and all the summer wealth of bud and blossom. gay little birds sang to us. the deep blue sky bent over us, and the happy little brooks murmured and frolicked at our feet. in autumn we went nutting and apple gathering. in the winter we slid, and coasted, and snowballed. for every season, there was some special pleasure,--and always nelly and i were together,--always sufficient to each other, for company. we never dreamed that any thing could come between us, or that we could ever learn to live without each other. we were thirteen when nelly's cousin from boston--lill simmonds, her name was--came to see her. it was vacation then, and i had not seen nelly for two days, because it had been raining hard. so i did not know of the expected guest, until one morning nelly's brother tom came over, and told me that his aunt simmonds, from boston, was expected that noon, and with her his cousin lill. "she'll be a nice playmate for you and nelly," he said. "she's only a year older than you two, and she used to have plenty of fun in her. nelly wants you to come over this afternoon, sure." that was the beginning of my feeling hard toward nelly. i was unreasonable, i know, but i thought she might have come to tell me the news, herself. i felt a sort of bitter, shut-out feeling all the forenoon, and after dinner i was half minded not to go over,--to let her have her boston cousin all to herself. my mother heard some of my speeches, but she was wise enough not to interfere. when she saw, at last, that curiosity and inclination had gotten the better of pique and jealousy, she basted a fresh ruffle in the neck of my afternoon dress, and tied a pretty blue ribbon in my hair, and i looked as neat and suitable for the occasion as possible. at least i thought so, until i got to nelly's. she did not watch for my coming, and run to the gate to meet me, as usual. of course it was perfectly natural that she should be entertaining her cousin, but i missed the accustomed greeting; and when she heard my voice at the door, and came out of the parlor to speak to me, i know that if my face reflected my heart, it must have worn a most sullen and unamiable expression. "i'm so glad you've come, sophie," she said cheerfully. "lill is in the parlor. i want you to like her. but you can't help it, i know, she's so lovely; such a beauty." "perhaps i shan't see with your eyes," i answered, with what i imagined to be most cutting coldness and dignity. "oh yes! i guess you will," she laughed. "we have thought alike about most things, all our lives." i followed her into the parlor, and i saw lill. if you are a country girl who read, and have ever been suddenly confronted with a city young lady in the height of fashion, to whom you were expected to make yourself agreeable, you can, perhaps, understand what i felt; particularly if by nature you are not only sensitive, but somewhat vain, as i am sorry to confess i was. i had been used to think myself as well-dressed, and as well-looking as any of my young neighbors; i was neither as well-dressed nor as well-looking as lill simmonds. nelly was right. she was a beauty. she was a little taller than nelly or i,--a slender, graceful creature, with a high-bred air. it was years before they had begun to crimp little girls' hair, but i think lill's must have been crimped. it was a perfect golden cloud about her face and shoulders, and all full of little shining waves and ripples. then what eyes she had--star bright and deep blue and with lashes so long that when they drooped they cast a shadow on the pale pink of her cheeks. her features were all delicate and pure; her hands white, with one or two glittering rings upon them; and her clothes! my own gowns had not seemed to me ill-made before; but now i thought nelly and i both looked as if we had come out of the ark. it was the first of september, and her dress had just been made for fall,--a rich, glossy, blue poplin, with soft lace at throat and wrists, and a pin and some tiny ear jewels of exquisitely cut pink coral. "yes," i thought to myself bitterly, "no wonder nelly was dazzled. _she_ may like to be the contrast, to help miss fine-airs show off; but i object to that character, and i shall keep pretty clear of this house while miss lill is in it." i spoke to her politely enough, i suppose; and she answered me, it might have been either shyly or haughtily: i chose in my then mood to think the latter. decidedly the afternoon was not a success. nelly did her best to make it pleasant; but she and i couldn't go poking about into all sorts of odd places, as we did when we were alone, and we did not know what the boston cousin would like to do; so we put on our company manners and _talked_, and for an illustration of utter dulness and dreariness commend me to a "talk" between three girls in their early teens, who have nothing of the social ease which comes of experience and culture, and where two of them have nothing in common with the other, as regards daily pursuits and habits of life. lill talked a little about burnham's--it was before loring's day--but we had read no novelists but scott and dickens, and we couldn't discuss with her whether it wasn't too bad that gerald married isabel and did not marry margaret. we might have brightened a little over the supper, but then mrs. simmonds, who had been sitting upstairs with nelly's mother, was present,--a stately dame, in rustling silk and gleaming jewels, who overawed me completely. i was glad to go home; but the little root of bitterness i had carried in my heart had grown, until, for the time, it choked out every thing sweet and good. while the boston cousin stayed, i saw little of nelly. i am telling the truth, and i must confess it was my fault. i know now that nelly was unchanged; but, of course, she was very much occupied. whenever i saw her she was so full of lill's praises that i foolishly thought i was nothing to her any more, and lill was every thing. if i had chosen to verify her words, instead of chafe at them, i, too, might have enjoyed lill's grace and beauty, and learned from her a great many things worth knowing. but i took my own course, and if the cup i drank was bitter, it was of my own brewing. at last, one afternoon, nelly came over by herself to see me. i was most ungracious in my welcome. "i don't see how you could tear yourself away from your city company," i said, with that small, hateful sarcasm, which is so often a girl's weapon. "they say self-denial is blest: i hope yours will be." perhaps nelly guessed that my hatefulness had its root in pain; or it may have been that her own heart was too full of something else for her to notice my mood. "lill is going to-morrow," she said, gently. "indeed!" i answered; "i don't know how the town will support the loss of so much beauty and grace. i suppose i shall see more of you then; but i must not be selfish enough to rejoice in the general misfortune." nelly's gentle eyes filled with tears at last. "sophie," she said, "how can you be so unkind, you whom i have loved all my life? i am going, too, with lill, and that is what i came to tell you. ever since she has been here, aunt simmonds has been trying to persuade mother to let me go back for a year's schooling with lill, but it was not decided until last night. mother thought, at first, that i must wait to have my winter things made; but aunt simmonds said she could get them better in boston, and the same woman would make them for me who makes lill's." "indeed! how well dressed you will be!" i said bitterly. "how you will respect yourself!" "sophie, i don't _know_ you," nelly burst out, indignantly. "the hardest of all was to leave you, for we've been together all our lives; but you are making it easy. good-by." she put her arms round me, even then, and kissed me, and i responded coldly. oh how could i, when i loved her so? i watched her out of sight, and then i sank down upon the grass, and laid my head upon a little bench where we had often sat together, and sobbed and cried till i could scarcely see. i was half tempted to go over to nelly's, and ask her to forgive me; but my wicked pride and jealousy wouldn't let me. lill would be there, i thought, and she wouldn't want me while she had lill. so i stayed away. the next morning they all went off. when i heard the car-whistle at the little railroad station a mile and a half away, i began to cry again. then, if it had not been too late, i would have gone and implored my friend to forgive me, and not shut me out of her heart. but the day for repentance was over. the slow months went on. i missed nelly at school, at home, everywhere. i longed for her with an incurable longing. it was to me almost as if she were dead. people wrote many less letters in those days than they do now, and neither nelly nor i had learned to express any thing of our real selves on paper. we exchanged three or four letters, but they amounted to little more than the statement that we were well, and the list of our studies. one look into nelly's eyes would have been worth a thousand such. there were other pleasant girls in town, but i took none of them into nelly's vacant place: how could i? who of them would remember all my past life, as she did,--she who had shared with me so many perfect days of june, so many long, bright summers and melancholy autumns, and winters white with snow? i was, as i have shown you, jealous and hateful and cruel, but never for a moment fickle. at last nelly came again. it was a day in the late june, and she found me just where she had left me, under the old horse-chestnut tree in the great old-fashioned garden. i knew it must be almost time for her coming, but i had not asked any one about it. somehow i couldn't. i very seldom even spoke her name in those days. so she stole upon me unawares, and the first i knew her arms were round me,--her warm, tender lips against my own,--and her sweet, unchanged voice cried,-"o sophie, this is good, this is coming home, indeed!" i cried like a very child. nell didn't quite understand that; but then she had not had, like me, a hard place in her heart, which needed happy tears to melt it away. i think, in spite of the tears, i was more glad of the meeting even than she. after a little while she said,-"come, i want you to go home with me now, and see lill." will you believe that even then the old, bitter jealousy began to gnaw again at my heart? she had been with lill almost a year; could she not be content to give me a single hour without her? perhaps she saw my thought in my face; for she added, in such a sad, pitiful tone, "poor lill!" "poor lill," indeed! with her beautiful golden hair, and her eyes like stars, and her lovely gowns, and her city airs, "poor lill!" "i should never think of calling miss simmonds poor," i said, with the old hardness back in my voice. "you will when you see her, now," nelly answered gently. "she had a hard fall on the icy pavement, last winter, and she hurt her hip, and it's been growing worse and worse. she can hardly walk at all, now, and she has suffered awfully. but she has been, oh so patient!" and how i had dared to envy that girl! i was shocked and silenced. i walked along by nelly's side very quietly. when we got there she took me up into her room, and there i saw lill simmonds. i should hardly have known her. the golden glory of hair floated about her still. the eyes were star-bright yet, but the cheeks which the long lashes shaded were pink no longer, and they were so thin and hollow that it was pitiful to see them. she wore a wrapper of some soft blue stuff, and on her lap lay her frail, transparent hands. she started up to meet us with a smile which for a moment gave back some of the old brightness to her face, but which faded almost instantly. i sat down beside the lounging-chair where she was lying, but i could not talk to her. the sight of her wasted loveliness was all too sad. after a little while she said to nelly,-"won't you, you are always so good to me, go and fetch me a glass of the cool water from the spring at the foot of the garden?" nelly went instantly, and then lill turned to me and put her hand on my arm. "i asked her to go, sophie," she said, "because i wanted to speak to you. i wanted to say something to you which it would hurt her to hear. i used to be very jealous of you, sophie. i wanted nelly to love me best, but she never did. she had loved you so long that i could see you were always first in her heart. and now i am glad. i shall never be well again, and when i am gone i would not like nelly to be so unhappy as she would be if she had loved me first and best. she will miss me, and she will be very sorry for me; but she will have you, and you can comfort her. i am ashamed now of that old jealousy. i think it made me not nice to you last summer." lill jealous of me! i was dumb with sheer amazement. and i, how much bitterness and injustice i had to confess! but before i could put it into words nelly had come back, and a look from lill kept me silent. that night, when i went away, i put my arms round my darling and kissed her with my whole heart, as i had not done for a year. she never knew how much went into that kiss, of sorrow and shame and self-reproach. what months those were which followed! i was constantly with nelly and her cousin. mrs. simmonds was there, but lill spent most of her day-time hours with us girls; to spare her mother, probably, who was with her every night, and also because she loved us both. sometimes, on fine days, she would walk a little under the trees; and i have knelt unseen, in a passion of loving humility, and kissed the grass over which she had dragged after her her helpless foot. growing near to death, she grew in grace. as nelly said, one day,-"her wings are growing. she will fly away with them soon." and so she did. through the summer she lingered, suffering much at times, but always patient and gentle and uncomplaining. and when the dead leaves of autumn went fluttering down the wind, she died with the dead summer, and upborne on the wings of some messenger of god her soul went home. even her mother hardly dared mourn for her,--her life had been so pure and so peaceful,--her death was so tranquil and so happy. i had ceased, long before, to be jealous of her. no one could love her too much. she was my saint; and her memory has hallowed many a thought during the long, world-weary years since. i need but to close my eyes to see a pale, patient face, with its glory of golden hair and its eyes bright as stars; and often, on some soft wind, i seem to hear her voice, speaking again the last words i ever heard her speak,-"love each other always, my darlings, and remember i loved you both." we have obeyed her faithfully, nelly and i. through the long years since, no coldness or estrangement has ever come between us. my first and last jealousy was buried in lill's grave; and nelly and i have proved, to our own satisfaction at least, that a friendship between two girls may be strong as it is sweet, faithful as it is fond,--the inalienable riches of a whole life. missy. miss hurlburt had wandered farther into the woods than was her habit, beguiled by the wonderful loveliness overhead, underfoot, all about her. it was an afternoon in early october, but warm as june. the leaves were of a thousand brilliant hues; for one or two nights of keen frost, a week before, had seemed to set them on fire. there were boughs as scarlet as the burning bush before which moses wondered and worshipped. there were others of deep orange; and others, still, of variegated leaves, where the green lingered and was mixed with scarlet and brown and yellow, till some of them looked like patterns in a kaleidoscope. underfoot was the delicate, fresh woodland moss. sometimes pine needles made the path soft; and sometimes, leaves, which had died earlier than their mates, rustled under miss hurlburt's tread. above, high over the flaming tree boughs, was the deep, lustrous, blue sky, with all its heavenly secrets. the air was full of that wonderful, radiant haze of autumn which makes the distance vague with beauty. and the temperature, as i said, was of june; so warm that miss hurlburt had taken off her hat, and let the scarlet mantle fall from her shoulders. she herself, had a painter been there to study the scene, would have been no unworthy wood nymph. her figure was full, but not too full for grace. health and strength were in every line of it. her fine, abundant hair, like that of which lowell wrote, "outwardly brown, but inwardly golden," was brushed back from her low, broad forehead, and coiled in a great heavy knot, from which a stray curl or two had escaped, at the back of her proud little head. she had great brown eyes, full of thought and feeling; cheeks, in which the rich, warm color glowed; bright, full, half-parted lips. she carried herself with grace, regal though unstudied. she never consciously remembered that she was eleanor hurlburt,--whose father owned the two great factories in the valley, and all the lands far and near, even these royal woods through which she walked,--but, unconsciously to herself, the fact gave firmness and elasticity to her step, and self-possession to her air. she very seldom wandered alone so far away from home. the factory hands were a necessary part of the great wealth which surrounded miss hurlburt's life with ease and luxury; but some of them might not be altogether pleasant to meet in lonely places,--so she usually was driven out in the elegant victoria, with the spanking bays which were her father's pride, by the decorous family coachman; or drove herself in her jaunty little pony phaeton, with her own man, all bands and buttons, seated in the rumble behind. but to-day it happened that she was walking. i said "it happened," because we speak in that way before we think; though nothing is farther from my belief than that any thing ever _happens_ in this world which god has made, and in which he never loses sight of the smallest or poorest thing. at any rate, miss hurlburt was walking, and she wandered on, until at last she heard a tender little voice singing a tender little song. it was so fine and clear, it might almost have been the carol of a bird, only birds have not yet learned the english language, and _this_ voice sang: "your brother has a falcon, your sister has a flower; but what is left for manikin, born within an hour? "i'll nurse you on my knee, my knee, my own little son; i'll rock you, rock you in my arms, my least little one." such a quaint little song, such a quaint little voice! miss hurlburt wondered for a moment who it could possibly be. then she remembered hearing that, while she was away in the summer, an elderly english woman and a little girl had been allowed to take possession of the cabin in the woods which her father owned. it was a little house with two rooms, which had been built, long ago, as a lodge for hunters; but which had for several years stood vacant, being too far from the factories to be a convenient residence for any of the hands. miss hurlburt went on a few steps farther, and saw the singer. it was a pretty picture. a little creature, who looked about five or six years old, sat in the door-way tending a battered doll. she was almost as brown as a gypsy, this small waif, but there was a singular grace about her. her black hair hung in thick, short curls. she had great, bright, black eyes; lips as red as strawberries; and teeth as white as pearls. miss hurlburt moved on softly, so as not to disturb her; and the waif took up her doll, and talked to it wisely and soberly, after the manner of some mothers. "now, pinky, me love, i have singed you a song. now you must be good for a whole week of hours, or i shan't sing to you, never no more. i mean any more, pinky. be very careful how you speak, always; no good children ever go wrong in their talking." by this time miss hurlburt had almost reached her side. "does your child give you much trouble?" she said, in a tone friendly and inviting confidence. the mite shook her head, with all its black curls. "pinky, me love? no; she only gives me trouble when she is bad. she is good most always, unless it rains." "is she bad then?" with an air of anxious interest. "certain she is: who wouldn't be? she has to stay in the house then; and she doesn't like it. would you? how can persons be good when they don't have what they want?" by this time a nice, motherly-looking old english woman had heard the talk, and came forward to the door. "missy," she said, "always thinks pinky is bad when she is bad herself; and missy is most always cross when it rains." "what is your name?" miss hurlburt asked, bending to smooth the black curls. "berenice ashford," the child answered, in a slow, painstaking manner, as if the words had been taught her with care; "but they don't call me that,--they call me 'missy.'" "is she your grandchild?" was the next question, addressed to the elderly woman, who had set a chair near the door and asked the young lady to sit down. "no, that she isn't, and i would like much to find out whose child she is. to be sure, i should miss her more than a little, if i had to part with her: but, all the same, i should like to find her kindred. she belongs to gentle-folks, and i can't do for her what ought to be done." a few more questions drew out the whole story. the woman, mrs. smith, had a son in america, who was doing well at his trade of dyeing; and he had sent for her to come out to him. he had sent money enough for her expenses, and she had taken passage in the second cabin of a steamer. among her fellow-passengers were missy and her mother,--the latter a beautiful young lady, mrs. smith said, but very pale and sad. she had complained sometimes of a keen and terrible pain in her heart; but she had made little conversation with any one. when they were five days out, she had been found in the morning dead in her berth, with missy sound asleep beside her. there was no possible clew to her history. in her trunk, full of her own clothes and missy's, was no scrap of handwriting, no address. the one or two books which were there, bore on their fly-leaves only the inscription "e. forsyth." she had taken passage as mrs. forsyth, but the captain knew nothing more about her. mrs. smith had somehow taken possession of missy. she had played with the child and amused her a good deal, before her mother died; and now the little creature clung to her as her only friend. there was something over a hundred dollars in the mother's trunk, but as yet mrs. smith said she had not used it. when she reached new york, instead of being met by her son, an old neighbor came for her to the steamer, brought her the news of his death, and gave her the money--nearly a thousand dollars in all--which he had been saving to make the new home they were to have together comfortable. it was an awful blow, and she clung to missy, then, for it seemed as if the child was all she had left in the world. the captain said that he would advertise for the little one's friends; but, meantime, he was evidently very glad to be relieved of the responsibility of her. "how happened you to come here?" miss hurlburt asked. "i had always lived in the country, miss, and i didn't want to stay any longer than i could help in new york; and my son had been meaning to bring me here. it seemed a little comfort, to come where i should have come with him. he had engaged with mr. hurlburt--the one who owns the big factories--to come here and see to the dyeing; and mr. hurlburt was so good as to give me this little house rent-free, for a while. by and by i want to get something to do. if i could be housekeeper somewhere where i could keep missy, or head-nurse, or something of that sort, it would suit me,--but there's no hurry." "mr. hurlburt is my father," the young lady said, when she had heard the story through. "we must see what can be done. missy, should you like to live with me?" the child considered. then she addressed her doll, inquiringly. "pinky, me love, should _you_ like to live with the lady? i guess she's good. would you go, if your mother went?" then she pretended to listen. "'no, i thank you,' pinky says; 'she couldn't go without grandma smith.'" "of course pinky couldn't," miss hurlburt said, laughing. "well, then, i'll come again to see you, and bring pinky's new gown." that evening, at dinner, miss hurlburt was radiant. she knew her father liked to see her well dressed, and she made a handsome toilet. she coaxed him into his very best humor by all the arts only daughters of widowed fathers are wont to use; and then, when he was seated comfortably before the open fire, which tempered the chill of the october evening, she unfolded her plan and her wishes. the beginning and the end were that she wanted missy,--she must have missy,--and the middle was that she couldn't be so cruel as to take from mrs. smith her one comfort, so she wanted mrs. smith. she represented herself as fearfully overworked, in keeping the establishment in order. now how nice it would be if mrs. smith could take all the troublesome details of that off her hands; could see that the house was clean, and the washing well done, and the buttons on. she had needed just such a person a long time, but she hadn't known where to find her; and now here she was, really made to order, as it seemed. of course she had her way. the world called jonathan hurlburt a stern man, but it was not often he could say "no" to his motherless daughter. the very next day miss hurlburt went with her proposition to the little cabin in the wood; and, before a week was over, missy and grandma smith were duly installed as members of the hurlburt household. as for the business part of the experiment, mrs. smith proved worth her weight in gold, as they say. before three months were over, mr. hurlburt discovered that she saved him five times her wages in money, and added immeasurably to the household comfort,--indeed, he concluded that she was, as eleanor had said, really made to order. as for missy, with her quaint ways, her odd, old-fashioned speeches, and the little songs she sang, she was speedily the delight of the household. she lost no whit of her affection for grandma smith, but it was miss hurlburt who was her idol. "pinky, me love," she used often to say to her faithful doll friend, "did you ever see any miss so nice as our miss hurlburt? you had better not say you did, pinky, me love; because then it would be me very sorrowful duty to whip you for telling lies." miss hurlburt's delight in her little waif was unbounded. she dressed her up, like a child in a story-book. when she drove in her victoria, missy always sat beside her, gorgeous in velvet suit and soft ermine furs; and at home missy was never far away. before spring, another strange event took place. i will not say happened, for no chapter of accidents would ever have read so strangely. a young english manufacturer came over to america. mr. hurlburt had had, by letter, various dealings with the firm which he represented; and, on hearing of his arrival in new york, wrote, begging a visit of some length from him. the young man, whose object in his american journey was partly business and partly pleasure, saw an opportunity to combine both in this visit, and accepted the invitation. he amused himself more or less with missy, as did every one who came to the house; but he had been a member of the household for several days before it occurred to him that she was not miss hurlburt's young sister. under this impression he remarked one night,-"how curiously slight is the resemblance between yourself and your little sister, miss hurlburt!" "oh! missy is not my sister," was the smiling answer. "she is treasure-trove, mr. goring." and a little later, when missy had danced away in search of pinky, she told him the whole story. he listened with intense interest. "and do you know her name?" he asked, at last. "she says it is berenice ashford. you would laugh to hear the slow, painstaking way in which she pronounces it." mr. goring had turned pale as she spoke. "excuse me, miss hurlburt, but i truly believe your missy is my niece. my half-brother married against the wishes of his family, and i was the only one of them who ever made the acquaintance of his poor, pretty young wife. even when he died, last year, the rest would not have any thing to do with her. she had a brother in america, and she wanted to come here, so i took passage for her in the "asia." she insisted on coming in the second cabin, because it was quieter, she said; but i think it was to save expense, as well. tom had left her nothing; and, after the rest of the family had rejected her, i could see that it hurt her pride cruelly to let me help her. she should be all right, she said, when she reached her brother. she was to write me when she got there, but i have never heard a word. i confess that the hope to hear of her was one motive for my coming to this country." "but she was mrs. forsyth," miss hurlburt said, in a curiously bewildered state of mind. "certainly: forsyth was my brother's name. berenice ashford is the child's christian name. it was the name of tom's mother and mine." "but i wonder you did not know missy at once." "of course to find her here was the very last thing i could have expected. then i had not seen her for two or three years. i had communicated with my sister-in-law chiefly by letter; and it was my man of business, and not myself, who put her on board the steamer." "but her brother? why has he never looked for his sister nor her child?" goring smiled. "you are bent on making me prove my title to missy, as one does to stolen goods. i think mrs. forsyth must have gone on without writing to him in what steamer she was coming, and he probably did not know my address. nor do i think he had ever shown any especial interest in his sister. it was only her indomitable pride which made her so determined to go to him, when the family of her husband rejected her. now, i think, i have proved property, and i'm ready to pay the cost of advertising." just then missy's voice was heard in the hall, addressing a solemn exhortation to "pinky, me love," on the duty of never being greedy at table. miss hurlburt called her in. "missy," she said, "what was your papa's name?" "i never knew; did you ever know, pinky, me love? mamma called him tom." "and did you ever hear mamma speak of uncle richard?" mr. goring broke in, eagerly. "you do remember, pinky, me love. it is wicked to look as if you didn't. she said we couldn't go to america and find uncle john, if uncle richard had not given us the money. _i_ remember that, but i had 'most forgotten; so if you forgot, too, i shall not whip you, pinky, me love." "i am your uncle richard," the englishman said with entire calmness of manner and gesture, but with tears in his voice and his eyes. perhaps he expected the child to come at once to his arms; but she stood there, the same composed, self-poised little mite as ever. "_your_ great-uncle, pinky, me love," she announced,--manifesting an unexpectedly clear knowledge of degrees of kinship. "i think maybe we shall like him." "and you will go with me back to england?" he asked, eagerly; for the little creature's likeness to his dead brother stirred his heart. "does _she_ say i must?" missy asked, shyly, looking at miss hurlburt. "i will never say you must, missy." "then, please, uncle richard, i am afraid going in a ship wouldn't agree with pinky; and we'd rather stay here, unless our miss hurlburt will go too." "soh, soh!" and mr. goring smiled a quizzical smile, "i see i have a heart to storm." whose heart he did not say. but he lingered some time in america, coming back at frequent intervals to visit missy, as he said. the result was that when he returned to england little missy had become ready to go with him, even at the risk of exposing "pinky me love," to the perils of the sea; and miss hurlburt, thinking she needed something other than masculine oversight, concluded to go with her and take care of her, having first changed her own name to mrs. goring. and they all said what a fortunate thing it was that mrs. smith was there to keep house. the head boy of eagleheight school. the boys in eagleheight school made up their minds before the first fortnight of max grenoble's stay among them was over that he had no spirit. the truth was, they didn't exactly understand him. they began when he first came to exercise upon him their usual arts of torture,--the initiation ceremonies for all new boys,--and found him practically a non-resistant. they could not, indeed, be quite sure that they even succeeded in vexing him: he was so imperturbable. at last hal somers, goaded to a degree of exasperation by the quiet calmness of the new boy, struck him, with the outcry,-"there, boys, see how this suits the quaker." it was a sound, ringing blow; but max only laughed a laugh which had a good deal of scorn in it, and said,-"that's very little to take." then regarding hal curiously, "i looked for a tougher blow than that. to see you, somers, one would think you had a good deal of strength in your arms; but a bad cause is always weak." hal would have liked then to "pitch into him" with whatever of strength he had; but i think he was afraid. so he only turned on his heel, muttered something about a fellow not worth fighting with, and walked away. from that time those who did not vote max grenoble a coward pronounced him a mystery. he did not look at all as if he were wanting in spirit. he was a great strong saxon of a fellow, with the head of a young greek, covered with thick, short golden curls. i wish i could photograph him for you: he was such an embodiment of fresh, vigorous life, with his clear, fearless blue eyes, his short, smiling upper lip, his well-cut features. he was just the fellow to be popular, if only he had not been misunderstood in the first place, and especially if he had not happened to incur hal somers's enmity. hal had been there two years, and was a positive force in the school. he had a large capacity in several other directions besides mischief. he had been the best scholar at eagleheight before max came to dispute his laurels with him; a favorite, therefore, with the teachers, who always passed over his escapades, which were not few, as lightly as they could. in fact he was a sort of ringleader of the faster boys, and he found time, in spite of his never failing in class, to plan out and head the execution of most of the jollifications which were the terror of the quiet villagers around eagleheight. he seldom had any of his offences positively brought home and proven, it is true, and the faculty of the institution liked him too well to condemn him on suspicion, or even to try very hard to strengthen suspicion into certainty. they, the aforesaid faculty, were not at all too ready to give max grenoble his due when he first came. he was not, like hal, of their own training. he had come to them from a rival school, and they were secretly ill pleased to find in him a dangerous competitor with their best scholar. but before six months were over they were obliged to recognize his claims, and had even come to heartily like him. and, indeed, he was a fellow, as edmund sparkler would have said, with no nonsense about him, and likely to make his own way anywhere. whenever he had the opportunity to show his skill he was found to excel in all athletic sports; but this was not often, for the boys rather shunned him, and if there were enough for an undertaking without him he was usually left out of it. he had one friend, however,--a poor little weakling of a fellow, named molyneux bell, who had been friendless before max came. hal somers and his roystering set had always shoved poor little "miss molly," as they called young bell, to the wall; and it opened paradise to him when great, strong, bright, cheery max grenoble took him under his protecting wing. he gave as much as he received too; for max had a strongly affectionate nature, and would have found himself desolate enough without some one to be fond of. only "miss molly" knew the secret of his friend's non-resistance. one day max had carried him in his arms across a stream they came to in one of their walks, and set him gently down on the other side. molyneux looked up gratefully. "what great strong arms you have, max! why, you carry me as gently as a cradle. i believe you could whip hal somers himself, just as easy as nothing. honest, now, don't you think you could? o, i _wish_ you would! the boys wouldn't dare then to call us 'miss molly and her sister.'" max laughed heartily. "i shouldn't be much afraid to try it," he said. "the truth is, i have been awfully tempted to pitch in, sometimes. but last year i made up my mind that the bible meant what it said when it forbade us to return evil for evil and railing for railing. it comes tough on human nature, though, boy human nature at any rate; but there'd be no merit if there was no struggle, and we're put here to fight with the old man in us, as my father calls it." "but if you'd tell 'em _why_ you never knock a fellow down when he sauces you." max's face crimsoned like a girl's. "don't you understand that a fellow _couldn't_ tell such things? at least, i couldn't. i should feel like the pharisee in the bible." at the end of the school year there was to be a competitive examination. the credits for conduct and for recitations were to be taken into account, and the boy who stood highest on the books, and passed the best examination also, was to be the head boy of the school for the next year. from the first the field was abandoned to two competitors,--hal somers and max grenoble. all hal's emulation was aroused. he _would_ succeed. he even forsook his old ways, and for weeks together engaged in nothing that was contraband. he had really fine abilities. he learned some things more readily than max himself, and he felt that all his prestige depended on his securing this leadership. max took the matter more coolly, but still he worked with all diligence. and so, till within ten days of the examination, they were neck and neck. just then there came a dark night,--a warm, tempting june night,--when the moon was old, and only the stars shone, like very far-away lamps indeed, through the dusk. a friend of hal somers was night monitor, and doubtless the temptation afforded by such apparent security was too much for mischief-loving hal. it chanced that max grenoble had received permission from one of the tutors to go to the neighboring village of an errand, and this fact was known only to his own room-mate, molyneux bell. about half-past nine he was returning, and for greater speed crossed a lot belonging to the president of the institution, which saved him an extra quarter of a mile of road. half way across the lot he met hal somers with three other boys behind him, face to face. hal carried a small lantern, and a great pair of shears such as are used to shear sheep. the light from the lantern struck upon the shears with a glitter which led max to notice them. in the hands of one of hal's followers he saw the long, silvery tail of a white horse, and another carried a bunch of hair of a similar hue, evidently the mane of the same animal. "hal somers!" he spoke in his first moment of surprise, without consideration; but there came no answer. the lantern was blown out in a moment, and the boys made the best of their way toward eagleheight. as max walked on more slowly he heard a pitiful neigh, and following the sound, he found president king's pet horse, utterly denuded of mane and tail. it was a joke carried a little too far even for hal somers's effrontery, he thought to himself. if there was any thing outside of his school that president king loved and prided himself on more than another, it was snowflake. he gave her something of the fond care a family man bestows upon his children. every afternoon she was the companion of his solitude, to whom he talked, with a sort of grave humor of his own, as he took his constitutional upon her back. he would not be likely to have much toleration for the young rascals who had shorn her of all her glory. max went on, reported himself to professor vane, from whom he had obtained his leave of absence, and went to bed without hinting what he had seen, even to his room-mate. the next morning when the school went to chapel, there was a sense of thunder in the air. president king had seen his favorite, as those who were guilty did not need to be told, after one look at his lowering face. he conducted the devotions with more than his usual solemnity, and then detained the school a little longer. he uttered a few withering sentences, setting forth what had been done, and commenting satirically upon the invention, the gentlemanliness, the good sense of young men whose brains could originate nothing more brilliant or entertaining than the disfigurement of an unlucky quadruped, and an annoyance and insult to a teacher who had at least this claim upon their respect, that their parents had put them under his charge. then he gave them the opportunity to confess their folly, assuring them that confession was good for the soul, and adding that he should take it as a favor if any one who knew any thing of the affair, whether personally concerned in it or not, would give him all the information in his power. it was not the practice at eagleheight to ask any individual boy whether or not he had been guilty. it was one of president king's notions that to ask such a question of any one who had not manliness enough to confess his fault voluntarily was only leading him into temptation, offering safety as a premium for lying. as the fellows filed out of chapel, hal somers said to his chum,-"it's all up with me about the leadership. of course grenoble will tell, especially now the prex makes a merit of it." "fool if he wouldn't," was the reply, "after the way we fellows have all treated him, too." all day hal was in hourly expectation of being sent for to an interview solemn and awful in the president's room. but the hours went on and no summons came. about four o'clock he saw max grenoble go into the dreaded chamber of audience. now, he thought, all would come out. of course max had gone to tell all he knew. would he be suspended, or expelled, he wondered, or would the prex be satisfied with giving him black marks enough to put the leadership altogether beyond his reach? then a plan came to him. the president's room was on the lower floor, and over one of its windows grew a grape vine large enough to conceal him from observation. he would go there and listen. that it was a very mean thing to do he knew as well as any body, but temptation was too strong for him, and giving one look to make sure that he was not observed he hid himself away under the open window. the first words he heard were in the voice of the president: "as soon as vane told me you were out last evening, it occurred to me that you would know who was at the bottom of the affair, and it seems you do." "yes, sir," firmly and quietly. "then there can be no possible doubt that it is your duty to tell." "it cannot be my duty, sir, to be a sneak. this secret came into my hands by accident. if i had been monitor for the evening, it would, of course, be my duty to make it known. not having been in any such capacity, _i_ think were i to turn telltale i should be no gentleman." "it's a new order of things when fifty must come to fifteen to be told what it is to be a gentleman," the president said, hotly. "perhaps you don't know, sir, that if you persist in your resolution you lose all hope of the leadership? you will be considered an accessory in the crime, and you will lose as many credit marks as would be taken from the ringleader were he detected." "i can afford to lose those better than my own self-respect," max said, stoutly, and then added, "i think _you_ would have done the same, president king, when you were at my age." hal waited to hear no more, but edged cautiously from his place of concealment. he thought he was not above profiting by max's generosity. he tried to think max was a fool, but there was an inner voice in his heart which whispered that there was something sublime in such folly, and, try as he might, this inner voice would not altogether be silenced. the days went on swiftly. max kept his scholarship up to the highest standard, but the twenty credit marks taken from his list put all hope of his attaining the leadership out of the question. it was the very night before the examination when president king answered a tap on his door with his well known, resonant "come in." his visitor was hal somers. the next morning, after prayers, the president said, very quietly,-"young gentlemen, before the examination commences i have to detain you long enough to perform a simple act of justice. i acquit max grenoble of all complicity in the misdemeanor committed on the night of the 14th of june; the entire burden of the same having been assumed by henry somers, in behalf of himself, william graves, george saunders, and john morse. and as this confession was voluntary, i shall visit upon the offenders no severer penalty than the loss of all their credit marks for the last quarter." poor little molyneux bell forgot time and place, and threw his handkerchief into the air with one glad shout:-"i knew max would come out right at last; i knew he would." so max went back the next year to eagleheight, as the head boy; and under his leadership a new state of affairs was brought about. he led them not only in class, and in athletic exercises, but in all true manliness. they had found out at length that he had plenty of "pluck and grit," even though he might not emulate sayers or heenan. one of his warmest friends was hal somers, in whose character enough nobility was latent to recognize at last the sterling worth even of his rival. agatha's lonely days. they had buried agatha's mother,--put her away under a sheltering tree, beloved of bird and breeze, which waved its boughs between her and the bending, changeful summer sky. agatha thought no other spot in the world could be so pleasant or so dear; and she longed, from the depths of her little, ten-years-old heart, to stay there with bird, and breeze, and tree, and the buried mother, who must hear her voice, she thought, even though she could never reply to it again in all the years. her father, pale with sorrow himself, had never come near enough to his child to be her comforter now. he talked little to any one of either his joys or his sorrows. agatha loved him, partly because she had always been taught to love and have faith in him; and, partly, too, because she knew well, with that childish and intuitive perception which discovers every thing, how dear he was to her mother; but she did not feel near to him, and she could not possibly have told him how she longed to stay there beside that grave. she made no protest when he took her hand to lead her away, though it seemed to her that she left her heart behind her, and that the lump in her breast was a cold stone to which warmth would never come back any more. she went home, and some one took off her little black hat, and put on an apron over her mourning gown, and then she was left in peace to sit at the window, and look out toward the spot where they had laid her mother, and wonder what was to become of _her_. they called her to supper, but she was not hungry,--she thought she never should be again,--and there was no mother to beguile her with dainty morsels. when they found she did not want to come they let her alone, and still she sat there and wondered. at last the twilight fell, and in the dusk her father came to her. he loved her very dearly; and especially now, that her mother was gone, and only she was left to him, he felt for her an unspeakable tenderness; literally unspeakable, for he did not know how to utter one word of it to his child. he longed to comfort her,--to tell her how dear she was to him,--but he could not. he sat down beside her, and looked at her little pale face, outlined against the western window, with such a depth of pity that it seemed to make his voice quieter and colder than ever when he spoke, because it required such an effort to speak at all. "to-morrow, agatha, i shall take you to your aunt irene. every girl needs a woman's care, and she will watch over you as faithfully as if you were her own." agatha never dreamed of objecting. she tried to think that she might as well be in one place as another, for she shouldn't live long anywhere without her mother. but she dreaded aunt irene's watching, as she dreaded few things in the world. she had made visits now and then at the quiet old homestead of which this aunt was mistress, and it seemed to her, on such occasions, that aunt irene did nothing but watch her from the time she entered the house; and in those days it had taken all the sunshine of her mother's joyous nature to gild the visits into some substitute for the pleasures other children took in their vacations. now, to go without her mother--all alone--and be "watched over" by her aunt! she began to know that she had a heart, after all, by its frightened fluttering. aunt irene was her father's sister, with all the raymond peculiarities of pride, and reserve, and silence, which made him half a stranger to his own child, intensified in her by her life of seclusion and of absolute authority over herself and her possessions. her experiences had been narrow, and her aims had been narrow also. mr. raymond saw this, his one sister, always at her best; and, through long knowledge of her, he understood her really trustworthy and excellent qualities. he felt that he was doing for agatha the best which fate now permitted him to do, in confiding her to this guidance, so sure to be wise, as he believed, even if not loving. the long car-ride next day was almost a silent one. agatha would have rejected with hot juvenile scorn, the idea that the presence or absence of any material comforts could affect her grief; and yet she would have felt a little less desolate, i think, if the heat had not been so intense, the dust so choking, and the seat so hard and straight. when she had made the journey in other years with her mother, how much shorter the way had seemed. the fresh linen frocks she used to wear were so much easier and cooler than the stifling black gown she had on to-day; and somehow her mother knew just when to open the windows and when to shut them, and if the seat was straight and hard, there was always mamma's lap or shoulder to lean against; and she forgot to be weary when mamma beguiled the time by poem or story. but her father rode silently, looking into vacancy for a face he would never see again; and after he had once bought agatha's ticket, and seated her beside him, it did not occur to him to do any thing to relieve the monotony of the long, dusty ride. it was dusk when the stage from the railway station set them down at aunt irene's door. agatha walked up the path timidly. it was a long, straight path, and either side of it grew thoroughly well-disciplined flowers; a rosebush on one side, just opposite to a rosebush on the other,--agatha wondered if either of them would have dared to bear one rose more than the other did,--a peony on one side and its mate opposite; so of a syringa bush, a flowering almond, and a root of lilies. between the well-marshalled ranks of flowers, which somehow made the child think of soldiers on guard, she followed her father up to the door, where aunt irene waited, grim chatelaine. mr. raymond shook hands with his sister, and then said gravely,-"irene, i have brought you my poor, motherless little girl," and aunt irene put out her firm, strong, unyielding hand and took the child's into it, then bent and--not kissed her, kisses belonged to the dead days--but laid her lips on her cheek, and so agatha went in. every thing was good and substantial in aunt irene's house. you found there no frail stands which a careless touch might throw over, no brittle ornaments, no egg-shell china. the carpets were dark and rich and sombre. the tables and chairs were all of solid wood, and stood high and square. the sofas were heavy and firm, and the whole air of the place was grave and respectable, as aunt irene's surroundings should have been. i am not sure that any light, modern, fancy articles, suggestive of elegant idleness, had they been placed in her rooms, would not themselves have perceived their unsuitableness, and trundled off on their own castors. the supper which awaited the travellers followed the prevailing fashion of the house. the biscuits were three times as large as the biscuits on other tea-tables. there were no frisky rolls, no light-minded whips or wafers. but there were good old-fashioned preserve, serious-looking cake, and substantial slices of cold meat. aunt irene herself, sitting behind the tea-urn--solid silver, of course--comported with all the rest. she was a solid woman, with no superfluous flesh, and yet with a well-fed, well-to-do aspect, which was unmistakable. her head was high and narrow, her features good, her strong hair had disdained to turn gray, and her eyes were keen if cold. her lips, which had never cooed over babies, or soothed the sorrows of little children, or talked nonsense to any listener, were thin, as to such seldom-used lips seemed natural. they shut tightly over all her secrets. agatha's head began to ache furiously, and she could not eat. the room swam round and round till she felt as if she were the centre of a rolling ball, and her chair rocked, she thought, and she was slipping off it, when her father saw her white, strange face and wavering figure, and sprang up just in time to catch her in his arms. "she is sick, irene," he said. "where is her room? let me carry her there." while he went upstairs with her she revived, and lifted her tired head from his shoulder to look into his eyes. "i wish you were not going away, papa," she ventured to say. "i can't stay on in the old places, where i have lived with your mother, without her," was the answer which came, and which was like giving her a key wherewith to unlock her father's heart, and so made the two nearer to each other than they had ever been before. "some time will you come back, and let me live with you?" she whispered, wondering at her own rashness. "if you are good, dear, and learn to be womanly and helpful, and to take care of yourself, i will come back for you, or you shall come to me, and we will be together always." no one knew with what passionate yet timid hope agatha's little heart beat as she lay there alone on her strange, high bed. womanly and helpful,--that was what he had said, and she would be just that. she would do all aunt irene said, and never mind how much she was watched, since watching might help to make her nearer right, and get her ready all the sooner to go to her father and be his comfort. the very next day he left her. the death of his wife had seemed to sweep away all his old landmarks. he had been, hitherto, a quiet unadventurous man contented with his narrow routine of daily duty, which always brought him back to the tenderness of her welcoming smile. now that smile was frozen for ever on her cold lips, and a strange restlessness possessed him. he had meant to stay a few days with agatha in her new home, but he felt as if the inaction would drive him mad, so he hurried away; and a week afterward aunt irene showed agatha his name in the passenger list of a european steamer. it was june then, and the gay summer went on working its daily miracles round agatha's quiet home. bright birds sang to her, and gay flowers bloomed for her picking; and nature ran riot in a wood a quarter of a mile away, where the flowers asked no leave of aunt irene to blow, or the birds to sing. the child used to go there when her daily tasks were done, but she carried with her so sad a heart that nothing seemed to cheer her. she wondered what all the growing things were so glad about, in the summer weather, and, remembering an old phrase she had heard, she concluded it was because nature was their mother, and nature never died. "oh, mother nature, i wish you were a relative of mine!" she used to cry, sometimes, with unconscious quaintness; but before the summer was over, leaning her head so much on the mosses, a sense of kinship began to thrill in her pulses, and before she knew it the pain in her heart was eased a little, and she began to think of her mother, not as buried up and hidden away from her, but as near to her and waiting for her. meantime she never forgot her father's words,--"womanly and helpful,"--they were the keynote of her life. aunt irene wondered at her. she had thought her a mischievous little elf in the old days, but there was no mischief in her now. she herself respected no more religiously the rules of the household than did this little quiet child. as for trouble, why the creature gave none,--she was learning to do every thing for herself. at last even aunt irene grew half frightened at this still patience, which she felt must be unnatural to childhood. she began to wish that she could hear agatha laugh or shout,--that sometimes the child would tear her gowns, when she had on her oldest ones, at least,--that she would show some self-will, some little trace of her descent from apple-eating adam of the old time. she wrote to her brother how good and quiet his little girl was; but her heart misgave her. she did not know what more she could do to make her small inmate comfortable, but she had a vague sense that agatha was living an unchildlike life, and was less happy than in the old days when the little girl and her mother came there together. mother nature has her own methods of exacting compensation, and for agatha's overstrained and unnatural life pay-day came in the autumn. it had grown too cold to lie with her ear on the mosses, listening to the earth's pulse-beats, and the child sat quietly within doors, until one day she turned very pale and rolled off her stiff, straight chair to the carpet, and aunt irene picked her up, a lighter weight now than in the spring-time, and carried her to her room. dr. greene was sent for at once, and he looked at his little patient very gravely, and then whispered "typhoid" to her aunt. aunt irene wrote a hurried line to agatha's father, and then took up her post at the bedside, which for five weeks she scarcely left. she had a heart, only long ago she had concluded it was an inconvenience and locked it up; but now it broke loose from its confinement and half frightened her by its throbbings. her brother was very dear to her. she had loved him all his life, after the deep, silent, undemonstrative fashion of those who love but few; and now if this fresh grief was to come upon him how could she bear to see him suffer? but she did not allow these thoughts to interfere with her usefulness at agatha's bedside. day and night she watched over the child, who never once knew her, but who constantly mistook her for her mother, and clung to her passionately in the delirium of her fever. "o mother!" she would say, "i thought i never, never should see you again. no one was cross to me, mamma darling; but no one loved me since you went away. i've been trying to grow womanly and helpful, so papa would be glad to have me with him by and by; but now you've come and you'll love me whether i'm good or not." then again she seemed roaming through the woods. "hark," she would say, "hear how the birds sing, and see the gay flowers swing in the wind! their mother doesn't die, and they have no aunts. o birdies! you don't know how cold aunt irene's lips are." and aunt irene, listening, bent over the bed with tears blinding her eyes. had her life been all a failure? she asked herself. she had tried to do her duty: was it all nothing, because she hadn't loved? oh! if agatha would but get well she would find some way to make her happy. before the crisis of the child's fever came, her father had arrived. the letter found him in paris, and he had set out in twenty-four hours upon his homeward journey. "is she alive?" he asked, when his sister met him at the door, and started back, shocked by his haggard face. "yes, she lives, and the doctor says her fever must turn soon. come and see her." the little flushed face had never been so beautiful in its brightest days of health and joy, as now, with the clustering rings of hair framing in scarlet cheeks and large, strangely brilliant eyes. the father's heart almost broke as he stood there, unable to make her recognize his presence. while he watched, she said what she had said so often during the hours of that wasting sickness,-"i have tried to be womanly and helpful. i think papa will want me after awhile. i hope so for aunt irene's lips are cold." how keenly he reproached himself then for having left her, only god knew. he was a silent man, as i have said, and silently he shared aunt irene's vigil without even thinking of rest after his journey. the next night dr. greene waited also by that bedside for the crisis he foresaw. at last the child slept. "when she wakes we shall know what to expect," he said, and went away into the next room for a little rest. but the father and the aunt never moved. it was midnight, and every thing was strangely, unnaturally still, as it always seems to watchers in the middle of the night, when they heard agatha call out of the hush and the stillness, with a sudden, glad cry of recognition,-"o mamma! mamma!" "is she dying?" mr. raymond's look asked, for his lips refused to speak, and his sister's face made answer, "not yet." the hours, the long, slow hours went on. the night grew darker and deeper. then above the hills there stretched a faint line of dawn-light which deepened at length to rose, and then was shot through by a golden arrow from the rising sun. and then, as the dawning glory touched the little white, still face upon the pillows, the eyes opened, and a voice--agatha's own natural voice, but oh, so faint and low!--said, softly but gladly,-"i have seen mamma. i wanted to go with her, but she said papa and aunt irene both needed me, and i was to stay here and grow well and happy. and so i shall." "and so, please god, you shall," dr. greene said, cheerily, having come in from the next room; and the father sank upon his knees by the bedside, with some murmured words, which only the father in heaven understood, upon his lips; and aunt irene hurried off, she said, to get something for the child to take, but she stopped a long time upon the way. "i knew you were here, papa," and agatha reached out her thin little fingers to touch the bowed head beside her. "i knew, because mamma told me." strangely enough, all her timidity had vanished. mamma had said that papa and aunt irene needed her, and that was enough. soon her aunt came in, and she looked up, gratefully. "you have been so good to me, aunt irene," she said, "so good that i thought it was mamma who was tending me, but i know now it was you, and i think you must love me, because you have kept me alive." and so my story of agatha's lonely days ends; for after this she never was lonely any more. her father and aunt had learned that little hearts need something more than to be clothed and fed; and agatha had learned, by their care for her, their love for her, and never doubted again that she had her own place in their hearts. but had she seen her own mamma? you ask. ah, who knows the mysteries of the border land between life and death? some of you will believe that she but dreamed a dream; and others, perchance, will think the father, who has so often sent his angels to comfort his earthly children, sent to her the home-faced angel whom her heart loved. i cannot tell. i only know that agatha believed always that a beloved voice not of this world had spoken to her. thin ice. the little village of westbrook seemed to have been standing still, while all the rest of the world had gone on. the people lived very much as their fathers and grandfathers had lived before them. they were all farmers except the doctor and the minister. the doctor was a very skilful man; but he had been reared on a westbrook farm, and when he went out into the world to get his medical education he had brought back with him, to quiet westbrook, only the knowledge he sought, and none of the airs and graces of town life. the minister, too, was westbrook born and bred, and his wife had scarcely ever been outside the town in all her days, so that there was no one in the simple community to set extravagant fashions, or turn foolish heads by gayety or splendor. [illustration: thin ice.--page 100.] it was, therefore, as much of an event as if queen victoria herself were to come and spend the winter in boston, when it became generally known that a rich widow lady and her son were to come, the last of september, and very probably stay on through the winter under dr. simms's roof. a famous city physician, with whom dr. simms had studied once, had recommended him and westbrook to mrs. rosenburgh, when it became necessary for her to take her puny boy into some still, country retreat. they came during the last golden days of september, and all westbrook was alive with interest about them. the lady looked delicate, but she was as pretty as she was pale, and her boy was curiously like her,--as pale, as pretty, almost as feminine. there was plenty of opportunity to see them, for the city doctor had given orders that the young gentleman should keep out of doors all the time; so, mornings, he and his mother were always to be seen in their low, luxurious carriage, drawn by high-stepping bay horses, and driven by a faithful, careful, middle-aged man, with iron-gray hair and an impenetrable face. sometimes, in the afternoons, they would all be out again, but oftener mrs. rosenburgh remained at home, and her son drove, for himself, a pair of pretty black ponies, while the impenetrable, iron-gray man sat behind, ready to seize the reins in case of accident. at first the boy's face seemed often drawn by pain, or white with weariness, and he would look round him listlessly, as he drove, with eyes that saw nothing, or at least failed to find any object of interest. but the clear autumn air proved invigorating, and when the glorious, prismatic days of late october came he looked as if, indeed, he had been re-created. and now one could see that he began to take a natural, human interest in what went on around him. he would drive up his little pony carriage to the wall, and look over it to watch the apple-pickers and the harvesters. no one spoke to him, and he spoke to no one. the lads of his own age, who watched his ponies with boyish envy, never dreamed that the owner of these fairy coursers could be as shy as one of themselves, and, indeed, as much more shy as delicate weakness naturally is than rosy strength. they thought his silence was pride, and felt a half-defiant hatred of him accordingly. yet many and many a day he went home to his mother, and sitting beside her with his head upon her knee, cried out, in very bitterness,-"oh if i only could be like one of those healthy boys! how gladly i'd give up pease-blossom and mustard-seed, to be able to run about as they do! shall i never, never be strong, mamma?" and she would comfort him with the happy truth that every day he was growing stronger, and that she expected him to be her great, brave boy, by and by, who would take care of her all the days of her life. meantime, other boys, in other homes, talked to other mothers. for the very first time the evil spirit of envy had crept into quiet westbrook. why should ralph rosenburgh have every thing he wanted, and they nothing? what clothes he wore,--and a watch, a real gold watch they had seen him take out of his pocket,--and those ponies; for wherever they began they always ended with those ponies. and, as not all the mothers in westbrook were wise, any more than elsewhere in the world, while the wise ones would say that strong boy-legs were worth more than horses' legs, the weak ones would foster the evil spirit, and answer,-"he ain't a bit better than you are, with all his watches and ponies. pride will have a fall some day, see if it don't, and he may be glad enough to stand in your shoes yet, before he dies." jack smalley was the son of one of these injudicious mothers, and so his envy grew, unchecked; till he nourished a vigorous hatred for ralph rosenburgh in his heart, without ever having exchanged a single word with him. it was a hatred, however, of which its object never could have dreamed. he had been so accustomed to be petted and pitied, and he was so very sorry for himself, that he could not be a wide-awake, vigorous, ball-playing, leaping, running boy, it would never have occurred to him that any one else could fail to see his condition in the same light. so he went steadily on the even tenor of his way, gaining something day by day and week by week, and hoping--how earnestly no one knew--for the happy time when pease-blossom and mustard-seed might stand idle in their stalls, and he go about on his own feet with the rest. the cold weather came on early that year. before the middle of december westbrook pond was frozen over, and then began the winter's fun. every afternoon ralph rosenburgh drove his ponies down to the very edge of the pond, and sat there for awhile, a patient looker-on at the frolics he could not share. with christmas, however, there came to him from the fond, maternal santa claus, a chair constructed on purpose for pushing over the ice, and then he became a daily partaker in the festivities upon the pond. the chair was modelled after a certain kind of invalid, garden chair, which is arranged to be either propelled by some one else from behind, or by the occupant turning a kind of crank at the sides. ralph soon learned to manage it for himself, and finding himself strong enough to do so, he used to make the iron-gray man stay with the ponies, while he himself moved round among the skaters. and, now that he seemed really one of themselves, the young people, all except jack smalley, began to feel a kindly interest in him. jack alone went on hating him more and more, finding daily fresh causes of offence in this boy who wore velvet and fur in place of his own coarse gray cloth, and woollen, hand-knit comforter. what was he, this puny wretch, without pluck enough to stand on his own legs, that he should wear the garments of a young prince? you see that master smalley had the primitive idea of young princes, and supposed them clad in everlasting velvet and ermine. but there were no princes in america, thank heaven, and nobody in westbrook wanted fools round who tried to look like king's sons. very innocent of trying to look like any one was poor ralph, if the truth had been known,--this mother's darling of a boy, who took no more thought of his attire than a weed, but whom mrs. rosenburgh wrapped assiduously in all that was softest and warmest, as she had, all his life, surrounded him with warmth and softness. after a while there came a january afternoon, over which a gray, moist sky brooded. already the ice had shown some symptoms of breaking up, and everybody was out, making the most of it while it lasted. among the rest ralph rosenburgh came down to the pond,--left pease-blossom and mustard seed in the iron-gray man's charge, as usual, and began to propel himself over the ice, with arms whose increasing vigor was a daily and happy astonishment to himself. at last he wandered away a little from most of the skaters. he felt himself and his chair rather in their way, they were wheeling and zigzagging so swiftly, and he moved along the pond quite rapidly toward the eastern end. it chanced that no one noticed his course except jack smalley, and jack knew that he was going directly toward a place where the ice had been recently cut, and where it was thin and treacherous now. slowly jack followed him. "i'd like to see him and that fine chair of his get a good ducking," jack muttered. "it would serve him right. i guess all them prince's feathers and fineries would look a little more like common folks', after they'd been soused." i do not think another and darker possibility crossed jack's mind. hating ralph rosenburgh though he did, i do not think one wish for his death had ever entered his heart. he himself had been in the water, time and again, and got no other harm from it than perhaps a hard cold. he did not realize what a different thing it would be for this delicate invalid, seated in his heavy chair. and so ralph propelled himself along toward destruction, and jack, with an evil sneer on his face, skated slowly after him. suddenly a third figure shot from the group of skaters,--the fastest skater of them all, and the one boy in the world whom jack smalley loved,--his own cousin, nelson smalley. he, too, had turned his eyes and seen in what fatal direction the chair with the delicate, golden-haired invalid in it was tending. he did not speak a word: he had but one thought,--to reach ralph rosenburgh in time to save him. he skated on, with the swiftness of light. and jack smalley saw him coming, nearing him, passing him, on toward the thin ice. now, indeed, he shrieked at the top of his voice,-"nell, nell, come back. the ice out there is thin. come back--come back. don't you hear?" "i hear," floated backward on the wind from the flying figure; "i hear, but don't you see rosenburgh? i must save him." then jack himself skated after, making what speed he might. but he seemed to himself slow as a snail; and already rosenburgh was very near the treacherous ice, and nelson was almost up with him, flying like the wind. he heard nelson's voice: "stop, rosenburgh, stop. the ice beyond you is just a crust. stop, you will be drowned." and then he heard a plash, and looked. it was nelson, who had gone on, and gone under, unable to arrest, in time, his own headlong speed. and then, while he himself was shrieking madly for help, he saw rosenburgh, prince's feathers and all, just throw himself out of his chair, and down into the cold, seething water where nelson smalley had gone under. the ice grew thin suddenly, just where the saw had cut it squarely away, so the chair stood still upon the solid ice, and by that rosenburgh held with one hand, while with the other he grasped the long hair of nelson smalley, who was rising for the first time. excitement was giving him unnatural strength, but for how long could he hold on? now, at last, the skaters had perceived the real state of the case, and such a wail as one might hear afterwards through his dreams for ever, went up to the bending sky. hurry, all who can. run, iron-gray man, as you never ran before, or how shall you drive home to that boy's waiting mother? how was it done? how is it ever done? who can ever tell in such a crisis? i do not know how long they were in reaching the thin ice, for at such times moments seem hours, and seconds are bits of eternity. but rosenburgh held on, and the iron-gray man threw himself flat upon the cracking ice, with the boys holding fast to him, and drew them both out, and then rosenburgh turned limp and white on his hands, and whether he was dead or not he could not tell. there were enough others to care for smalley, and already the older ones had begun trying to restore him, and some of the younger were running in various directions for wiser aid. so the iron-gray man just lifted his own young master in his arms, and got him straight into the pony wagon, and drove pease-blossom and mustard-seed home as they had never been driven before. at the gate he met dr. simms coming out, and told his story in a few words. it was almost an hour before the blue eyes opened again, and the mother felt sure that her boy was still hers to have and to hold, to love and to cherish. indeed, it was many days before she felt altogether safe and sure about him. she was constantly expecting some after consequences from his exposure,--some fever, or cough, or terrible nervous prostration. but, strangely enough, he seemed to be none the worse; and one day, after a careful examination of him, dr. simms said to her,-"i venture to tell you, now, what i have thought all along. this has been the very best thing for him that could possibly have happened. the severe shock was exactly what he needed, though certainly it was what i should not have dared to take the responsibility of subjecting him to. he is going to be the better and stronger for it." "and the brave, splendid fellow who was risking his own life to save him?" "is all right too. duckings are good for boys, not a doubt of it. trust me, this cold bath will go far to make a man of yours." and the doctor was right. the languid pulses which that awful peril had quickened never throbbed so languidly again. it was ralph rosenburgh's awakening to a new life. somehow the shyness in him passed away with the weakness, and he became a general favorite. the boys no longer envied him his ponies, when one or other of them was always asked to share his drives; and their cure was completed when he grew strong enough to take part in all their sports, when pease-blossom and mustard-seed were left to "eat their heads off" in their stall, and ralph rosenburgh and his chosen and dearest friend, nelson smalley, scaled rocks and climbed hills with the best of them. this strong friendship would have cost jack smalley some envious pangs, perhaps, if the awful terror of that january afternoon had not made him afraid of the evil in his own soul. my lost sister: a confession. i have a confession to make. when i went home from my grandmother's,--being set down at the home-door by the stage-driver, in whose care i had been placed,--and found my little sister in my mother's arms, a quick growing hate of her struck its black roots in my heart. i know that this seems unnatural. in most houses the baby is the very light and joy of them,--the little idol to whom, from the least to the greatest, the whole family do willing homage. but remember that i had grown to be ten years old, with no rival near the throne, accustomed to be the first object with my father and mother, petted, indulged, as much "the baby" as if i had worn white long clothes. it was not strange that it should come hard to be deposed from my throne of babyhood in one moment. when i went into the house, nurse sikes met me with a smile which struck me like a blow. "somebody's got her nose broke, i guess," she said, with a tantalizing laugh. before this, no one had spoken to me about the new-comer, and there, i think, was where the wrong began; but the woman's meaning flashed into my mind in a moment, and i tossed my head scornfully, without speaking. nurse sikes was probably not an ill-natured woman,--she could not have been, since no face was so welcome as hers in the sick rooms of all the neighborhood,--but she was a very injudicious one. i suppose my idle, vain contempt and indignation amused her, and so she went on provoking me. "ho, ho, miss fine airs! doesn't want to see her baby sister, don't she? well, to tell the truth, i don't think you'll be much missed. papa and mamma are pretty well wrapped up in miss baby. _she's_ a novelty, you know, and i guess she'll be taken care of, even if you don't trouble yourself." i would not for worlds have let her see the passion of grief and rage which shook me. i went out of her sight, and fled, not to my own room, which opened from my mother's, but to a remote spare chamber, and there i bore my pain alone. to cry would have infinitely relieved me, but my evil pride restrained me from that. they should not see my eyes red, and know how i felt; i would die first, i said, bitterly, to myself, i, who had cried out every sorrow of my life, hitherto, on my mother's tender bosom. after a while i heard them calling me,-"annie! annie! annie! why, the child came in half an hour ago. where is she?" then i knew i must go down. so i looked at myself in the glass, and saw a face which, indeed, no tears stained, but which was disfigured by pride and passion; and thinking to myself,--'no one will notice how _i_ look, now,' i went to my mother's room. "come here, my darling," her gentle voice said, "come and look at baby." baby! could she not say a fond word to me, after i had been away from home two weeks, without bringing in baby! i moved reluctantly toward her. "baby is twelve days old," she went on, wistfully, seeing my sullen mien. "i wouldn't let any one tell you, for i thought it would be such a surprise." "a surprise, indeed!" i echoed her word with a scorn in my voice, which must have pained that gentle heart sorely. "isn't she sweet?" and, still trying to win my love for her new treasure, mamma uncovered the little, dimpled, rosy face, and held it toward me. "i suppose so; i don't think i care for babies," i said, ungraciously. "but you do care for mamma, and you haven't so much as kissed _me_ yet, my darling." perhaps if, even then, she could have put her arms around me, and held me fast against her loving heart, as she used to when i was grieved or naughty, it might have driven away the evil spirit, and made me her own child again; but she could not, for there, in her lap, was baby. so i took her kiss passively, returned it coldly, and then went away. it seems so incredible to my grown-up self, looking back upon it, that i could have gone on hating my baby sister more and more, that i can scarcely expect you to believe it; and i think i would hardly write out this, my confession, did i not hope it might lead some other, tempted as i was, to examine her heart in time, and root out from it the evil weed of jealousy, which bears always such bitter fruit. from the first, little lilias, or lily, as they all called her, was a singularly lovely child. as a baby, she cried very little, and never in anger. nothing but real pain ever made the red lips quiver, or filled the violet eyes with tears. she never could see any face more grave than usual without trying, in her baby fashion, to brighten it. i can remember, oh, how distinctly, times when my father would come home, worn and tired, and she would, quite untold, go through her little _rã´le_ of accomplishments till she won a smile from him, clapping her fairy hands, nodding her gleaming, golden head, showing her two small teeth,--all the little winning wiles she had. she was a very frail, delicate child, always, and she did not walk nearly as early as other children. but she talked very soon indeed. she was scarcely ten months old, when she learned to call us all by our names; and, strangely enough, mine was the first name she spoke. "nan! nan! nan!" she would call me, half the day, like a little silver-voiced parrot. she was very fond of me, in a certain way. i never tended her unless i was obliged, and my mother, noticing with deep grief my spirit toward my little sister, waited for the evil feeling to wear itself out, and seldom called on me to amuse the child, or to give up for her sake any whim or fancy of my own. lily was not used, therefore, to have me hold or play with her. perhaps she thought i _could_ not, but it seemed to afford her infinite satisfaction just to have me in her sight. it may be she felt, in some vague way, that i was nearer babyhood than the rest, and so more of her kind. at any rate, she always seemed perfectly happy and content when she could watch me, at any of my pursuits; and when i left the room, the little silvery voice would call after me,-"nan! nan! nan!" she was a full year and a half old before she began to walk, and then she was so small and delicate that she looked as you might fancy a baby out of fairy land would look, flitting round on her tiniest of feet, her yellow hair glinting goldenly in every chance sunbeam, and her wistful eyes blue as a blue flower. how could i help loving her? ay, how could i? i fancy i must have loved her a little, even then, only i had grown so in the habit of regarding her as an interloper, a rival, an alien, who was taking from me all which had formerly been mine, that i never owned, even in the silence of my own heart, to any softening toward her. father and mother were good to me beyond my deserts, and beyond my poor words to describe. i have known, since, with what infinite love and grief they sorrowed over me, while waiting for this evil growth in my heart to be uprooted, as they felt sure it would be, some time. they had the wisdom to know that reproof would be vain, and simply to love me and be silent. but if they loved _me_, and were to me most patient and kind, they were devoted to little lily, as was natural. she was so frail and so fair, so needed their constant watchfulness, that it is not strange she had it. one day, when she was two years old and i was twelve, i sat in a corner of the sitting-room, putting a dissected map together, while a lady was calling upon my mother. she looked earnestly and long at lily; but that was not uncommon; the child's dainty beauty was a pleasant thing to watch. at last, after she had risen to go, she said, as if she couldn't help saying it,-"take good care of that little one, mrs. allen. she looks to me like one of the children the angels love." i saw the quick dew suffuse my mother's eyes, as she made some answer which i failed to hear, and then went to the door with her guest. am i to tell all the sad and bitter truth? i understood, as well as they did, that they thought our lily so frail we should have hard work to make her flourish in the cold soil of the earth; and for one moment a feeling of evil triumph swelled my heart. when she was gone, i should be _all_ to my father and mother, as i used to be before she came. they would love me, when they had no one else to love. i felt a guilty flush mounting to my cheeks, and i swept my map into its box hastily, and got up to leave the room. as i went out of the door lily's voice followed me, sweetly shrill,--"nan! nan! nan!" and, for the very first time in my life, a conviction smote me that there would be a sense of loss when that voice could never follow me again, with its soft calling, through all the years. the next summer was a strange, warm, oppressive summer,--the summer of '56. with its july heats our lily began to droop. such care as she had, such nursing, such love! but she had been always like a blossom from heaven, sprung up by mistake in the rough soil of this world, and she needed for her healing the wind which blows for ever through the leaves of the tree of life. she soon grew so weak that she could not run about any more, but would lie all day, except when, for a change, my mother held her in her arms, in a little rose-curtained crib, out from which the blue, wistful eyes followed all our movements, with a sweet, loving, lingering look, which i cannot describe. on me, in especial, that long gaze used to rest; and never could i leave the room without that sweet, small voice calling after me plaintively. there came a day, at last, when the doctor sat half an hour by lily's side, watching her with grave, silent face, and then went into another room alone with my mother. he came out first, and went away, and when she followed him, her eyes were very red. i knew afterwards, what i suspected the moment i saw her face, that he had been telling her that she must make up her mind to part with her little darling. my heart was not quite stone, after all, for it grew strangely soft and strangely afraid then. she was going home to god, this little lily of heaven; and would she tell him that i had hated, all through, the baby sister he had given me? i went away by myself and prayed. i had said my prayers night and morning, all my life, but this was quite another thing, this cry of the child's heart becoming conscious of its guilt and woe, to the pitying father. at last, i went to my mother. lily was asleep, and mamma sat by her side, pale as death, but with face that made no complaint. i knelt down beside her. "o mother!" i cried, "i have been so wicked,--and now i cannot undo it! oh, if i could! oh, if i could only die,--i who am not fit to live,--and let you keep lily!" she bent over me, and drew me into her arms, against her bosom. "if you are not fit to live, my darling, you are not fit to die," she said gently. "i can better part with lily, for she is pure yet as when god gave her to me. i have seen your sin and your suffering, and i have known your repentance would come." "oh, it has, it has! mother, how can i bear it? _will_ she go home to god, and tell him i have hated her?" "do you think she could tell _him_ any thing which he does not know? but lily has never found out what hate means. she has always loved you, and she does not know but that all the world loves her. the pain which your sin has caused has not rested on lily,--thank god for that." "but i might have made her happier,--i might have been good to her,--and now, perhaps i shall never have any little sister any more in all the world." just then the child awoke, and put out her frail little hands, with a low, sweet call i was destined to listen for in vain through all the empty, after years. i ran to her, and took her in my arms. she saw the tears upon my face, and touched them with her mites of fingers. "naughty nan," she said, in fond reproach, "naughty nan, to cry,--make lily cry too." and then i wiped away my tears, and tried to be cheerful; but, oh, how heavy my heart was! and, mourn as i would, i could not bring back the dead months and days wherein i might have loved my little sister, and had hated her instead. what else? nothing, but that, with the fading summer flowers, she, too, faded and died. in her case was wrought no miracle of healing. "we all do fade as the leaf;" but she had never been a strong, green leaf, tossed by summer winds, freshened by summer rains, gay in summer sunshine. just a pale, sweet day-lily, that lived her little life, and died with the sunset. and the first words she ever spoke, were the last words, also. she opened her tender eyes after a long silence, during which she had scarcely seemed to breathe, and they rested on me. "nan! nan! nan!" she cried, as if it were a call to follow her into the strange, new life, the strange, new world, whither, a moment after, she was gone. if there has been any good in my life since then, if i have striven at all to be tender and gentle and unselfish, let me offer such struggles as a tribute to her memory, as one lays flowers upon an altar or a grave. whither she has gone, i pray god to guide my feet also, in his own good time and way; and i shall know that i have reached the place whither my longings tend, when i hear, soft falling through the eternal air, her low, sweet call,-"nan! nan! nan! welcome, nan!" what came to olive haygarth. a christmas story. it was the afternoon of the 24th of december, a dull, gray afternoon, with a sky frowning over it which was all one cloud, but from which neither rain nor snow fell. a certain insinuating breath of cold was in the air, more penetrating than the crisp, keen wind of the sharpest january day. olive haygarth shivered as she walked along the bleakest side of harrison avenue, down town. she was making her way to dock square, to carry home to a clothing store some vests which she and her mother had just completed. after a while she turned and walked across into washington street, for an impulse came over her to see all the bright christmas things in the shop windows, and the gay, glad people, getting ready to keep holiday. she had meant, when she set out on her walk, to avoid them, for she knew that her mood was bitter enough already. she had left no brightness behind her at home. there were but two of them, herself and her mother, and they were poor people, with only their needles between them and want. they had never known actual suffering, however, for mrs. haygarth had worked in a tailor's shop in her youth, and had taught olive so much of the intricacies of the business as sufficed to make her a good workwoman. accordingly they did their sewing so well as to command constant employment and fair prices. but after all it was ceaseless drudging, just to keep body and soul together. what was the use of it all? not enjoyment enough in any one day to pay for living,--why not as well lie down and die at once? she walked on sullenly, thinking of these things. an elegant carriage stopped just in front of her, and a girl no older than herself got out, trailing her rich silk across the sidewalk, and went into a fashionable jeweller's. olive stopped, and looking in at the window, ostensibly at the vases and bronzes, watched the girl with her dainty, high-bred air. she noted every separate item of her loveliness,--the delicate coloring, the hair so tastefully arranged, the pure, regular features. then she looked at the lustrous silk, the soft furs, the bonnet, which was a pink and white miracle of blonde and rosebuds. how much of the beauty was the girl's very self, and how much did she owe to this splendid setting? olive had seen cheeks and lips as bright and hair as shining when she tied on her own unbecoming dark straw bonnet before her own dingy looking-glass. she went on with renewed bitterness, asking herself, over and over again, why? why? why? did not the bible say that god was no respecter of persons? but why did he make some, like that girl in there, to feed on the roses and lie in the lilies of life,--to wear silks, and furs, and jewels, and laces, and then make _her_ to work buttonholes in butler & co.'s vests? was there any god at all? or, if there was, did he not make some people and forget them altogether, while he was heaping good things on others whom he liked better? she could not understand it. and then to be told to _love_ god after all; and that he pitied her as a father pitied his children! why! that girl in the silk dress could love god, easily,--that command must have been meant for her. going on she caught a glimpse of an illumination in the window of a print shop. "peace on earth and good-will toward men" was the legend set forth by the brilliantly colored letters. what a mockery those words seemed to be! there had never been peace or good-will in their house, even in the old days when they were tolerably prosperous, before her father went away. she walked very slowly now, for she was thinking of that old time. she had loved her father more than she had ever loved any one else. to her he had always been kind; he had never found fault with her, and had smoothed all the rough places out of her life. her mother had been neat and smart and _capable_, as the new england phrase is. higher praise than this mrs. haygarth did not covet. but like many capable women, she had acquired a habit of small faultfinding, a perpetual dropping, which would have worn even a stone, and george haygarth was no stone. the woman loved her husband, doubtless, in some fashion of her own, but to save her life she could not have kept from "nagging" him. she fretted if he brought mud upon his shoes over her clean floor, if he spent money on any pleasure for himself, any extra indulgence for olive; above all, if he ever took a fancy to keep holiday. just five years ago things had come to a climax. olive was thirteen years old then, and he had brought her home for christmas some ornaments,--a pin and earrings, not very expensive, but in mrs. haygarth's eyes useless and unnecessary. she assailed him bitterly, and for a marvel he heard her out in dumb silence. when she was all through, he only said,-"i think i can spare the eight dollars they cost me, since i am not likely to give the girl any thing again for some time. it will be too far to send christmas gifts from colorado." mrs. haygarth's temper was up, and she answered him with an evil sneer,-"colorado, indeed! colorado is peopled with wide-awake men. it's no place for you out there." he made no reply, only got up and went out; and, going by olive, he stooped and kissed her. how well she remembered that kiss! through the week afterward he went to his work as usual, but he spent scarcely any time at home, and when there made little talk. all his wife's accustomed flings and innuendoes fell on his ears apparently unheeded. the night before new year's he was busy a long time in his own room. when he came out he handed mrs. haygarth a folded paper. "there," he said, "is the receipt for the next year's house rent, and before that time is out i shall send you the money, if i am prospered, to pay for another year. i have taken from the savings-bank enough to carry me to colorado and keep me a little while after i get there; and the bank book, with the rest of the five hundred dollars, i have transferred to you. if i have any luck you shall never want,--you and olive. you'll be better off without me. i think i've always been an aggravation to you, martha,--only an aggravation." he went back again into his room, and came out with a valise packed full. "i think i'll go away now," he said. "the train starts in an hour, and there is no need of my troubling you any longer." then he had taken olive into his arms, and she had felt some sudden kisses on her cheek, some hot tears on her face; but he had said nothing to her, only the one sentence, gasped out like a groan,-"father's little one! father's little one!" olive shivered and then grew hot again, as she remembered it; and remembered how wistfully he had looked afterwards at his wife, reading no encouragement in her sharp, contemptuous face. "i guess you'll see colorado about as much as i shall," said martha haygarth, sneeringly. "your courage may last fifty miles." he did not answer. he just shut the door behind him and went out into the night,--and she had never seen him since, never heard his voice since that last cry,--"father's little one!" she felt the thick-coming tears blinding her eyes, but she brushed them resolutely away, and looked up at the old south clock just before her. almost five. the sun had set nearly half an hour ago, and the night was falling fast. how long a time she had spent in walking the short distance since she came into washington street! how late home she should be! she quickened her steps almost to a run, went to the clothing store, where she had to wait a little while for her work to be looked over and paid for, and heard the clocks strike six just as she reached the corner of essex street, on her homeward way. the dense, hurrying crowd jostled and pressed her, and she turned the corner. she would find more room on the avenue, she thought. she had not noticed that two young men were following her closely. they would have been gentlemen if they had obeyed the laws of god and man. as it was, there was about them the look which nothing expresses so well as the word "fast." their very features had become coarse and lowered in tone by the lives they led; and yet they were the descendants of men whose names were honored in the state, and made glorious by traditions of true christian knighthood. on the other side of the way, alike unnoticed by olive and her pursuers, a man walked on steadily, never losing sight of them for a moment. at last, as she came into a quiet portion of the street, the two young men drew near her. they were simply what i have said, "fast." they perhaps meant no real harm, and thought it would be good fun to frighten her. "'where are you going, my pretty maid?'" said one, the bolder and handsomer of the two. "'my face is my fortune, sir, she said,'" responded the other, in a voice which the wine he had taken for dinner made a little thick and unsteady. "you ought not to be out alone," the first began again. "you are quite too young and too pretty." "that she is," a loud, stern voice answered, "when there are such vile hounds as you ready to insult an unprotected girl." surely it was a voice olive knew, only stronger and more resolute than she had ever heard it before. she turned suddenly, and the gas light struck full on her flushed, frightened, pretty face, which the drooping hair shaded. the man, who had crossed the street to come to her rescue, looked at her a moment, and then, as if involuntarily, came to his lips the old, fond words, the last she had ever heard him speak,-"father's little one!" he opened his arms, and she, poor tired girl crept into their shelter. the two young men stood by waiting, enough of the nobility of the old blood in them to keep them from running away, though their nerves tingled with shame. george haygarth spoke to them with quiet, manly dignity. "when i saw you following this girl i had no idea she was _my_ girl, whom i had not seen for five years. it was enough for me that she was a woman. to my thinking it's a poor manhood that insults women instead of protecting them. i meant to look out for her, and, be she who she might, you should not have harmed her." "we never meant her any real harm," the elder of the two said humbly; "but we have learned our lesson, and i think we shall neither of us forget it. young lady, we beg your pardon." then they lifted their hats and went away; and george haygarth drew his daughter's hand through his arm and walked on, telling his story as he walked. he had been unsuccessful at first. for more than eighteen months he had scarcely been able to keep himself alive. fever had wasted him, plans had failed him, hope had deserted him. the very first money he could possibly spare he had sent home, with a long loving letter to the absent, over whom his heart yearned. but money and letter had both come back to him after a while, from the dead-letter office. "yes," olive said, "we were too poor to keep on there after the year for which you paid was out, and we have moved two or three times since then. the postman did not know where to find us, and after the first year we gave up asking for letters at the office." her father's hand clasped hers tighter, in sympathy, and then he told the rest of his story. he had never been very prosperous, never seen any such golden chances as the mining legends picture, but he had come home better off than he ever should have been if he had stayed in the east. for a whole week he had been in boston searching for them everywhere, and no knowing how much longer he might have had to wait but for this accident. "don't say accident, father," olive answered, softly. "it was god's way of bringing us together. i begin to see now what it means when the bible says, 'he is touched by our infirmities, and pities our necessities.' and yet, only this afternoon i was losing all my faith, and thinking that if he cared for all the rest of the world. he had forgotten me. here we are,--the next house is home." "your mother--how will she receive me, olive?" olive's heart seemed to stand still. her mother had been so bitter through all these years; had said such cruel things about this man, whom she accused of deserting his family and leaving them to starve, of caring only for himself. she did not speak,--she did not know what to say. "you must go in and break it to her," george haygarth said, as they climbed the stairs of the humble tenement house, the third story of which the mother and daughter occupied. "i will stay outside and wait. it won't be coming home at all if martha doesn't bid me welcome." olive went in, trembling. "here is the money, mother." mrs. haygarth reached out her hand for it and looked at it. "yes, it's all right; but i thought you were never coming home. what kept you?" "i looked into the windows a good deal as i went down, and then i had to wait at the store, and i've been thinking, mother. it will be five years next week since father went away. what if we could see him again?" she paused, expecting to hear some of the old bitter words about her father; but, instead, her mother's voice fell softly upon her ear. "_i've_ been thinking too, olive, and i believe he is dead. i don't think i used to be patient enough with him, and perhaps i wore his love out. but he _did_ care for _you_, and seems to me nothing short of death could have kept him away so long." "but if you _could_ see him, mother?" olive persisted, with trembling voice. some new thought pierced martha haygarth's brain. a strange thrill shook her. she looked an instant into olive's eyes. then, without a word, she sprang to the door and threw it open. olive heard a low, passionate cry. "george! george! if i was cross i _did_ love you!" and olive saw a figure come out of the shadow and take her mother close in its arms. and then she hid her eyes, and said a little prayer, she never knew what. so, after all, god had not forgotten them. just when their want was sorest their help had come. and they needed all they had suffered, perhaps, to teach her mother what love was worth, and what forbearance signified. "peace on earth and good-will toward men!" from the very sky the words seemed to drop down to her, like an angelic blessing; and now to their home the reign of peace had come, and she understood what the benediction meant. [illustration: uncle jack.--page 143.] uncle jack. "what young bears most boys are!" said my uncle jack, watching his oldest hope pushing his sister in the swing so vigorously that she almost fell out, and then pulling one side of the rope at a time, making her fairly dizzy with swaying from side to side while she alternately screamed and entreated. "just about the same, all of them," uncle jack went on. "talk about boyish chivalry, i never found it, especially toward a boy's own kith and kin. there may be some highland marys with juvenile adorers, but nine times out of ten a boy would rather frighten a girl than kiss her. my john here's just a specimen. come here, sir," raising his voice. "do you want to hear a story about the days when i was just such another cub as yourself?" this suggestion brought john and his sister both in from the swing. when uncle jack began to "spin a yarn," as he often called it, all the family were sure to want to be present at its unravelling. "you see," he began, "my sister nelly wasn't my sister at all; but it was all the same, as far as my feeling for her went. when i was only three years old my mother's best friend died, and left nelly, a little, wailing, two-months-old baby, to my mother's care. her father had been killed before she was born, in a railroad accident, so there was no one but my mother to see to her; and she brought the little thing home and adopted her, thankfully enough, for though she had four good stout boys, of whom i was the youngest, there was never a girl in the family till nelly came. "we all loved her, as she grew older. she was a pretty little blossom as you would want to see, with her black eyes, and the crisp, black hair falling about her rosy cheeks. she had a funny little rose-bud of a mouth, too, and the daintiest little figure,--well-made all through, and no mistake about it. "i think i loved her, if any thing, better than the rest did, considering that she was nearer my age, and so we were more continually together, but, bless you, there wasn't any chivalry in it. it didn't keep me from painting her doll's face black, or hiding its shoes, or from listening when she was talking with her girl cronies, and then bursting out among them, and yelling their choicest secret to the four winds. "i would have knocked any boy down, from the time i was big enough to use my fists, who had said a saucy word to nelly; but i said plenty of them myself. i believe i liked to tease her for the sake of hearing her beg me not to; just as i've seen you tease your sister a hundred times, master john. "you would think she would have hated me: but that's one curious thing about girls and women; they don't always hate where you would naturally expect them to; and nelly cared a good deal more about me than i deserved. she seemed to be proud of me, because i was a great, strong, roystering fellow, and she never bore malice for any of the tricks i served her. "i have wondered many a time since how i could have had the heart to torment her, for she never once tried to revenge herself on me, nor can i recollect her ever being angry with me. when i got myself into disgrace with parents or teachers, it was always her gentle voice which pleaded for me, and hard enough folks found it to say no to her, whether it was the dark eyes and bright cheeks, or a little winning, coaxing way she had. "when i was fourteen and nelly was eleven we went one day to a huckleberry picnic. we had great fun all the afternoon, and stayed a good deal later than we meant to, so that it was almost dark when we started to go home. we had two miles to walk, and the first half of the distance our way lay with the rest of the company. i had got well stirred up by the general merriment, and wasn't half satisfied with the frolic ending there. "nelly, i remembered afterwards, was very quiet, and seemed tired. she was a delicate little thing, any way, and got worn out with fatigue or excitement a good deal sooner than most of her mates. finally our road turned off away from the rest, and led through a long pine wood. as we went on under the thick trees it grew darker and darker, and nelly cuddled up closer to my side. "you'd have thought that at fourteen i was old enough for chivalry, and that sort of thing, if i was ever going to be; but not a bit of it,--i was just a great, strong, rollicking boy, with some heart, to be sure, but liking fun better than any thing, and headstrong and inconsiderate to an extent which i am ashamed to remember. full still of unexhausted animal spirits, and, as i said, not half satisfied with the frolic i had had, i began, in default of other amusement, to tease nelly. "i told her a ghastly story or two, and then i would rush away from her among the thick trees, as if in pursuit of something, and come back again to her side, in a few minutes. i wanted her to scream after me, but she didn't. she was so still that i actually thought she didn't care; and after a while i grew vexed because i couldn't vex her, and make her implore me to stay with her, and confess her dependence upon me. "at last, when we were about a third of a mile from home, a path led through the woods, branching off from the main path on which we were, to the farm where my greatest crony lived. i thought of something i wanted to say to him. here was a chance, to tease nelly well,--let her see whether she was just as comfortable without me as with me. "you look at me as if you didn't believe i could have been such a brute; but i was, and what is more, i did not at all realize at the time that i was doing any harm. that nelly would have a little scare, and hurry home somewhat faster than usual, was the most i apprehended; so i said, with a sort of boyish swagger,-"'it just occurs to me that there is something i want to say to hal somers, and we are so near home now that you won't be afraid, so i'll just branch off there. tell mother i had supper enough at the picnic, and she needn't wait for me.' "it was too dark to look at nelly, or perhaps her white face, sad and frightened as i know it must have been, would have turned me from my purpose. she did not speak one word, and i struck off at a tearing pace through the woods. "by the time i had reached hal somers's place, i began to get sobered down a little, and to feel somewhat uncomfortable about what i had done. i had to wait a few minutes before i could see him, but i did my errand briefly, and it was not more than an hour after i had left nelly before i myself was at home. i found mother in the porch, looking out anxiously. "'i'm so glad you've come, children,' she cried, when she heard my footsteps, and then, as i drew nearer, 'why, jack, where is nelly?'" "'here, i suppose,' i answered, trying to face the music boldly. 'i left her about an hour ago in the woods, where the path branches off to go to hal somers's, and she had nothing to do but to come straight home.' "'you left nelly in the woods, an hour ago!' my mother cried, in a tone which made my heart stand still, and then turn over with a great leap. and then she sprang by me like some wild creature, and called through the darkness to my father to come with his lantern, quick, quick, for nelly had been alone in the dark woods for an hour. "instantly, as it seemed to me, my father and my oldest brother were following mother along the woodland path, and i stole after them, feeling like a second cain. it was but a very few minutes before we came up to nelly, for there she was, just where i left her. she had sunk to the ground, and was half sitting there, her back leaning against a tree beside the path. the light from the lantern flashed on her face, a face white and set as death, but with the wide-open eyes glaring fearfully into the dark beyond. "it was my mother who touched her first; and felt to see whether her heart had stopped beating. "'is she dead?' my father asked huskily. "'i don't know. it seems to me i can feel the very faintest throb, but i cannot tell until we get her home. if she isn't dead, i am afraid she is worse,--frightened out of her senses, for ever.' "then father and william made preparations to carry her. i asked, timidly, if i could help. i think none of them had noticed before that i was there. "'you!' my father said, with such concentrated scorn and wrath in his voice as i cannot describe; and then mother said, more mildly, but so sadly it was worse than any anger,-"'no, i trusted her to you once. i supposed you loved her.' "so i saw them move off, carrying her between them, and i followed after like an outcast, until it occurred to me that, at least, i could call a physician. so i flew by them like the wind, and off on the road to town. by some singular good fortune, if we ought not always to say providence and never fortune, before i had gone forty rods i met dr. greene, who was coming in our direction to visit a patient. so i had him with me on the door-stone when they brought nelly in. "i did not dare to go into the room where they carried her; but i waited outside in an agony which punished me already for my sin. at last my mother had pity on me and looked out. "'she is not dead, jack,' she said, 'but she is still insensible, and until she is restored to consciousness there is no telling what the result will be.' "then an awful terror came over me, which i cannot put into words. what if she died, or what if she never had her reason again? who in that house would ever bear to look at me? when cain had murdered his brother he had to go forth alone,--what was left for me, another cain, but to go also alone into the world? "we lived nine miles away from a seaport town from which whaling vessels were continually starting, and it came into my mind that i might ship on board one for a three years' cruise; and, by the time it was over, the folks at home might have learned to forgive me for being in the world. so off through the night i hurried. "how strangely our ways seem made ready for us, often, in the great moments, big with fate, of our lives! i found a whaler which was to sail in the early morning, a captain disappointed in one of his green hands, whose place i could have, and before i had been half an hour in the town my bargain was made, i had been fitted out with necessaries, and i went into a tavern to write a note to my mother. "a strange, incoherent note it was; but it told her where i was gone and why, and begged her, whatever came, to forgive her boy, who loved her, and who might never see her again. "never mind about the long, long days, and weeks, and months which followed,--the empty hours of solemn nights and gusty days, during which i was face to face with my own soul. "of course before a week had gone by i was sorry enough for the rash step i had taken. it seemed to me i could not live for three years and not know what had become of nelly. i would have gone barefoot to the ends of the earth to find out about her, but i could not walk the sea. i was growing so wild with grief and anxiety that i sometimes think i should have walked overboard some night, and so ended all my pain for this world, if providence had not raised me up a friend in my need--only a common sailor, and a man whose strange history i never knew, but a gentleman and a scholar, in whose locker were milton, and shakespeare, and don quixote. "i had studied pretty well at school; and was rather forward than otherwise, for a boy of fourteen; and i have sometimes thought no course of study in any school would have been so much to me as was the entire absence of frivolous and worthless literature, and the constant companionship of these great minds. besides these, i read daily in my pocket testament; and i owed a great deal also to the instructions and explanations of the friend who was, as it has always seemed to me, god's especial gift to my needs. "our voyage appeared destined, at first, to be a highly successful one; but just as we were nearly ready to return, we encountered a storm which strewed the sea with wrecks. we saw our vessel go down, but we were fortunate enough to escape in our boats; my friend and i, and two or three more, were with the second mate in his boat, and we were soon separated from the others. we made land on a fruitful island, peopled by savages who were not unfriendly; but it was many months before, at last, we got away in an east indiaman, and while we were on the island my friend had died suddenly, leaving untold the story of his life. "i will not enter into the particulars of my return home,--how from port to port and ship to ship i made my way, until, at length, after five years of absence, i sighted the well-known landmarks of the old town from whence i embarked. "how familiar it all looked to me! i knew every field through which the homeward road led, and i walked the nine miles between the town and my father's farm in the night, as i had done before. it was three o'clock of a september morning when i reached the old place, and i had nearly two hours to wait before there were any signs of life about it. for now, after all these years, i had not the courage to summon them from their rest. how i passed those waiting hours, divided betwixt hope and fear, you can guess. i lived over in them all the torturing anxieties of the last five years. was nelly dead or alive? should i ever see my mother again? what had changed, while the old house among the trees had stood so still? "at last i heard a sound. a door opened, and my mother, who of old always used to be the first to move, looked out. her hair was white, and her thin cheeks were pale; but i knew the kind eyes that looked forth to meet the morning, and should have known them despite any amount of change. i sprang forward to greet her. "'mother,' i said. she knew my voice and turned toward me trembling. "'o jack, jack! i thought you were dead long ago. o my boy, my own boy!' "and her arms were round my neck, her tender lips were kissing me; and so she drew me in, into peace, shelter, home. "'and nelly?' i asked, half afraid to call the name. "'nelly is well. oh, if you had but waited to see. she was ill for awhile, but no serious harm came to her; and, instead, it was my own boy who went away to break my heart.' "'and has come back to heal it,' i cried, growing bold and merry with my relief and joy. "by this time the rest heard us, and came to the scene,--father, brothers, and last of all, nelly; such a beautiful nelly of sweet sixteen, ten times fairer and brighter than my brightest memories of her, and all ready to forgive me, and make much of me. "_then_ was when the chivalry began. _then_ i was ready enough to fetch and carry for miss nelly of the dark eyes and the bright cheeks." "oh," said john, laughing, "then when a fellow is nineteen he can be chivalrous to his own sister?" "very likely he can," uncle jack answered, "but my experience doesn't prove it; for i began to be glad, very soon indeed, that nelly was only my adopted sister, after all. it was a good while before i got my courage up to ask her whether she would trust herself to me on the long home stretch through life. be sure that i promised her, if she would, that i'd never leave her in any dark places." "and what did she say?" "oh! i mustn't tell her secrets. go and ask her. there she comes, with her first grandchild in her arms. her cheeks are not bright now, she says, but somehow they look to me just as they used to look; and i know her eyes are as dark and deep as ever; and though i call her 'mother,' with the rest of you, when you are all round, there is never a night that i don't say to her, before she goes to sleep, 'god bless you, nelly!'" nobody's child. the summer sun was warm in the five-acre lot, and the east porch was cool and pleasant, so the owner of the lot lingered in the porch and talked awhile with his wife. he had married her only the april before, and to live with her and love her had not yet grown to be an old story. it would be her fault if it ever did grow to be one; for he was a tender, kindly man, this marcus grant, with a gentle and clinging nature, and a womanly need of loving. his wife, though she was young and pretty, with bright eyes, and bright lips, and soft, waving hair, was harder than he, and colder, and more selfish. but she had given him all the heart she had, and in these early days she cared very much indeed about pleasing him, and keeping him satisfied with her; or, rather, making him continue to admire her, for quiet satisfaction on his part would not have been enough. he had thrown himself down on the door-stone, and his head was leaning against her lap, as she sat on her low chair in the porch, and ran her fingers in and out of his thick chestnut hair, thinking to herself what a fortunate woman she was to be the wife of this manly, handsome fellow, whom so many girls wanted, and the mistress of his well-filled, comfortable house. from this east porch where they sat they could see down the long line of dusty road that led to the church and the few houses clustered round it, which passed for a village. the farmhouse stood on the top of a high hill; and up this hill they now saw a woman toiling slowly. the summer sun burned fiercely down on her, the dust rose with every step in a choking cloud about her, but still she struggled on. little events are full of interest in country solitudes, and both grant and his wife watched the wanderer with curiosity. "well, i never saw her before, that's certain," the husband said, after a long look as she drew nearer. "nor i," returned his wife. "but see, mark, she has a baby in her arms. she's trying to keep the sun off it with that shawl; and, sure as you live, she is turning in here." "why, so she is;" and grant rose to his feet. "may i sit down in the shade and rest?" asked the stranger, drawing nigh. she spoke in a clear, silvery voice, which betrayed some of her secrets, since it was the voice of a lady, and also it was the utterance of despair, for its hopeless monotone was unvarying. "certainly," and mrs. grant rose and offered her own low chair, for clearly this was no common tramp. "and might i trouble you for a glass of water?" "i'll go for some fresh," grant said, full of hospitable intent. but before he got back with the water he heard his wife calling him, and hurrying forward at the sound, he found her holding the stranger's head, on her shoulder, and the baby, who was just opening sleepy eyes, in her arms. "quick, mark, do something. i think she is dying. she must be sun-struck." and so it proved. no one ever knew how far she had toiled in that intense heat, with the baby in her arms,--no one ever knew any thing more about her, for when the sun set, which had scorched and withered her life, she, too, was gone to unknown shores. she spoke only once after she asked for the glass of water, and that was just before she died. the baby, in another room, uttered a cry, and she tried to turn her head toward the sound. "it is your baby," mrs. grant said, kindly, "but she is all right. what do you call her?" the strangest change came over the dying face: it may have been only a foreshadowing of death, but it seemed more like a mortal agony of renunciation and of despair. "nothing," she said, as evenly and with as little change of inflection as if she were already a ghost; "nothing: she is nobody's child." but in half an hour after that she was dead, and mrs. grant, who was very literal in her ideas, always thought that the stranger had not known what she said; but, she used to add, the child _was_ nobody's child, for all they should ever know about it. after the mother was buried, she began to think it was time to dispose of this child, which was nobody's. she was not without heart, and she had worked diligently to fashion small garments enough to make the little creature comfortable; but now, she thought, her duty was done, and she wondered mark said nothing about taking the baby to the alms-house. at last, one evening, she herself proposed it. her husband looked at her in mild surprise. he supposed all women loved babies by instinct, and he took it for granted that of course his wife wanted this one, only she probably thought he wouldn't like it round. "why, did you think i wouldn't let you keep it?" he asked quietly. "i think god has sent it to us, and we've really no right to turn it over to any one else, to say nothing of the pleasure it is to have the little bundle." as i said, mrs. grant was still in a state of mind not to be satisfied without her husband's admiration. she would not have fallen short of his ideal of her for any thing; she would, at least, _seem_ all that he desired her to _be_. she was quick enough to understand that he _would_ think less of her if he saw her unwilling to keep the baby, so she smiled on him with what cheerfulness she could summon, and treated the matter as settled. thus the child, which was nobody's, grew up in the grant household. she had been six months old, apparently, when she came there, and by midwinter she began to totter round on her little feet, and to say short words. but no one ever taught her to say papa or mamma, those lovely first words of childhood. what had nobody's child to do with such names? it might have seemed strange to most people that julia grant did not love this little thing, so thrown upon her mercy in its tender babyhood. but, despite theories, all women are not fond of children. every woman is, perhaps, fond, in a blind, instinctive way, of her own; but the more heavenly love which takes all children in its arms and blesses them is not by any means universal. the most powerful trait in mrs. grant's character was a silent, unobtrusive selfishness. the whole world revolved, to her thought, about _her_. rains fell, dews dropped earthward, winds blew and suns shone for julia grant. she had consented with secret reluctance to keep the child, and from that moment a root of bitterness and jealousy had sprung up in her heart. if her husband had thought much of _her_ comfort, she used to say to herself, he would not have wanted to put all this care upon her. she was quite ready, therefore, to be jealous, and to feel as if something was taken from her every time he tossed the little one in his arms, or called it a pet name; and after a while--not at once, for he was naturally the most unsuspicious of men--some instinct revealed this to him, and made him, lover of peace as he was, very chary of manifesting in his wife's presence any especial tenderness for the little stranger within his gates. but summer and winter came and went, and with their sun and shade nobody's child grew on toward girlhood. she had a great deal of beauty, of a shadowy, delicate kind. she was seldom ill, but she was a very frail-looking child. the quick, changeful color in her cheeks, the depth of feeling in her dark eyes, the tremulous curves about her mouth, all indicated an organization of extreme sensitiveness; a nature to which love would be as the very breath of life, but which was too shrinking and timid ever to put forth any claims for it, or make any advances. for ten years she was the only little one in the grant household. their affairs prospered, they grew richer every year, as if nobody's child had brought a blessing with her; but it was a constant source of bitterness to mrs. grant that they were laying up for strangers, or perhaps for this waif, whom no one else claimed, and who seemed likely to remain in their house for ever, like some noiseless, unwelcome shadow. but at last, when the child had been for ten years her unwelcome housemate, to mrs. grant herself was given a little baby girl, god's messenger of love, as i think every child must be, to every mother. never had baby a warmer welcome. the preparations made for her were worthy of a little queen, and she opened her eyes on a world of love and of summer. but perhaps no one, not even her mother, lavished upon her such a passion of devotion as the poor little waif, nobody's child, who had never in her life before had any one whom she dared to caress. perhaps her devotion to baby touched mrs. grant's heart; at any rate she saw that she could trust the little one to her without fear, and so nobody's child became a self-constituted but most faithful nurse and body-guard to this other child, whom loving hearts were so proud and glad to own. and little rose--for so they named the summer baby--clung to her young nurse with a fond tenacity, very exacting and wearing, indeed, but unutterably sweet to the shy girl whom no one else loved. she began to feel that she was of some use,--even she had her own name and place in the world; and this reminds me that i have not yet told you her name. she had been christened annette soon after she came under the grant roof, but little rose called her "nanty," and this odd title was the very first word that small person ever spoke. she was a lovely baby, one of the rosy, fat, dimpled, laughing kind, and so thoroughly healthy that she seldom cried, except when "nanty" disappeared for a moment from her sight. the touch of her baby fingers seemed to make marcus grant and his wife both young again. day by day some line of care faded out of their faces, which time had begun to harden. the mother smiled, as she had never smiled before, on her baby; and here, at last, was an object on which the father's great, loving heart could lavish itself, unblamed, and unquestioned. rose was a year and a half old, when one cold winter night her father and mother were persuaded to go to a house warming, a mile away. mrs. grant was seldom willing to leave her baby, but this gay company was to assemble at the new house of one of her best friends, and she took a fancy to be present. "'nanty' will be just as careful of rose, to do her justice, as i should," she said; "and i think it's only neighborly to go." her husband, always sociable in his nature, assented readily enough; and eight o'clock saw them well tucked in under the buffalo robes of their sleigh, and started for the scene of festivities. "nanty," for her part, was well content. rose was already asleep, her little cheek, pink as the heart of one of her namesake flowers, resting on one dimpled hand, while the other was tossed above her head, as we have all seen babies sleep. the maid-of-all-work went off early to her bed in the next chamber, and the man, who had a family of his own not far away, took his departure, and then "nanty" raked up the fire, and crept softly into bed beside little rose. it was nearly midnight when she woke, roused from her slumber by a light, a vivid, red light, brighter than day. in one moment she realized her position. the house was on fire, and the flames were already far advanced. she sprang to the door and opened it, but it was only to be met and driven back by a sheet of fire. there was no hope of escape that way. rose was her only thought. if she could save the child, she did not care for herself. she opened the chamber window. the leap seemed desperate to her timid gaze, but the snow underneath the window might break the fall. then she thought of something better. she caught the blankets from the bed, and rolled rose in them hurriedly, then dragged off the feather-bed, by an effort of uttermost strength, and forced it through the window; and then, reaching out as far as she could, she dropped rose, closely wrapped in the blankets, upon the bed, and sprang herself from another window, lest she might fall upon the child. for her there was no bed underneath, and no wrapping of soft woollens. heavily she fell to the ground, and a violent shock, followed by deadly pain, told her that she had broken her arm. she thanked god, in that breathless moment, that it was not her leg, for somehow she must move rose to a place of safety, out of reach, at least, of falling timbers. how she did it she never could have told, but in thirty seconds rose and the bed were out of the yard and across the street, and then she sank down beside her charge, utterly unconscious. mr. and mrs. grant were driving home after the festival when they caught the gleam of a wild, strange light in the direction of their own home. "the house is on fire!" mrs. grant cried, with white lips. "rose!" the father answered hoarsely, and whipped his horse into a run. a quarter of a mile away from home they met the maid. "master, mistress," she screamed after them, "the house is on fire, and i'm going for help." they did not stop for questions. had "nanty" also forsaken little rose? but they found "nanty" at her post, though at first they thought she was dead. the mother pulled away the blankets from the little bundle beside her, and baby rose rubbed her chubby hands into her sleepy eyes. "where is i?" she said, "and what for you make morning so soon?" "o mark, mark! she's all right," the mother cried, in a passion of joy. "'nanty' has saved her;" and then she bent over the little girl in her thin night-gown, and took her by the arm. "nanty, nanty!" she had seized the broken arm, and the pain roused the fainting girl. "yes'm," she said, starting up. "i'm so sorry to be good for nothing just now, when you want me so much, but i broke my arm jumping out." afterwards, when the family had found a new shelter, the whole story came out. the maid, judith, had read herself to sleep, and her candle had tipped over and set the bed on fire. the flames had aroused her to a terror which utterly swept away whatever presence of mind she might have had under other circumstances, and without one thought for rose or "nanty" she had hurried off to call the neighbors to the scene of action. one might have feared that the fright and exposure would prove fatal to one so frail and delicate as "nanty" had always been; but by the time her arm was well healed she was stronger than ever before, drawing new life, as it seemed, from the love and care lavished on her so freely; for now even mrs. grant's heart had opened and taken her in. one day marcus grant said to his wife,-"but for 'nanty' we should have had no child at all. it seems hard that she, who saved our darling, should be nobody's child herself." "you think we ought to adopt her, and make her ours legally?" his wife answered, smiling cheerfully. "i have been thinking the same thing myself. we will do it when you please, for i believe god sent her to us, to be our own, just as much as ever he sent rose." so it came about, before another spring, that "nanty" was no longer nobody's child. father, mother, and little sister all belonged to her, and she had name and place in life, and a happy home where love smiled for ever. my little gentleman. for a year the great house rising on the summit of prospect hill had been an object of interest and observation, and a chief subject for talk to the quiet country neighborhood surrounding it. hillsdale was an old town--a still, steady-going farming place--where the young men ploughed the unwilling fields, and coaxed reluctant crops out of the hard-hearted new england soil, as fathers and grandfathers had done before them. but in all the generations since the town was settled, no one had ever thought of building on prospect hill. it had been used as pasture ground, until now, when a man from boston had bought it, and had had a road made to its top, and a house built on its very brow. this house was a wonder of architectural beauty. "with its battlements high in the hush of the air, and the turrets thereon." it was built of a kind of mixed stone; so that its variegated coloring had an air of brightness and gayety very unusual. the farmers about were exercised in mind over the amount of ox-flesh and patience required to drag stone enough for the great building up the high hill; but that did not trouble the architect, who gave his orders composedly, and went on with his business, quite unheeding comment. the house, itself, puzzled the neighbors, with its superb, arched dining-hall, its lovely, frescoed drawing-room, its wide passages, its little music-room, and its great library all lined with carven oak. then, why there should be so many chambers, unless, indeed, mr. shaftsbury had a very large family. but it was when the furniture began to come in that wonder reached its height. such plenishings had never been seen before in hillsdale. the carpet on the drawing-room must have been woven in some loom of unheard-of size; for it seemed to be all in one piece, with a medallion in the centre, a border round the edge, and all over its soft velvet--into which your feet sank as into woodland moss--the daintiest flowers that ever grew. marble statues gleamed in front of the great mirrors; and pictures of lovely landscapes, and radiant sunsets, and handsome men, and fair women, hung upon the walls. in the music-room were placed a grand piano, a harp and a guitar. the shelves which ran round the library on all sides, half way from floor to ceiling, were filled with substantially bound books; and above them were busts of great men by whom immortal words had been written. it was a dream of beauty all through,--and when it was finished, and a troop of servants, men and women, came to make all things ready, expectation reached its height. a presidential progress could hardly have excited more interest than did the arrival of a quiet, gentlemanly-looking man, dressed in gray, with iron-gray hair and beard, at the little railroad station, where a carriage had been sent down from prospect hill to meet him. this, of course, was mr. shaftsbury. he was accompanied, in spite of the many chambers, by a family of only two,--a lady much younger than himself, dressed with elegant simplicity, with a face full of all womanly sweetness, and a boy, about twelve or thirteen, apparently,--a high-bred little fellow in his appearance, but somewhat pale and delicate, and in need of the bracing air of prospect hill. they drove home in the sunset,--this little family of three,--and looked for the first time on their new abode. mr. shaftsbury had selected the location, and bought the land, somewhat more than a year before; and then had put the whole matter into the hands of a competent architect, while he took his family to europe, so that the new residence had as entirely the charm of novelty for him as for the others. for a month after that he was to be seen busily superintending matters about his place in the forenoon, while his wife and boy sauntered along, never far away from him, or driving with them in the pleasant may afternoons,--always these three only, and always together. the first of june, the summer term of the district school began. it was an intense surprise to the scholars to find, first of all in his place, young shaftsbury, from the hill. "robert shaftsbury, thirteen years old," he replied to the teacher, who asked his name and age. he studied quietly till recess, and even then lingered in his seat, with evident shyness, though he watched the others with a look of interest on his face. they stood apart, and talked of him among themselves, instead of rushing out at once to play, as was their wont. at last, after a good deal of wonderment and talk, one boy, bolder or more reckless than the rest, marched up to him. "i say, velvet jacket, how came you here?" was his salutation. "seems to me you're too much of a gentleman for our folks." a slight flush warmed young shaftsbury's pale cheeks; but he answered, with frankness as absolute as his courtesy was perfect:-"i have been taught at home, up to now, but my father wants me to be with other boys of my own age; and he says a true gentleman belongs everywhere." the boys all heard what he said; and, in spite of their boyish rudeness, it inspired them with a certain respect. that was the beginning of the title which they gave him, among themselves, of "little gentleman,"--_only_ among themselves, at first; though afterwards, when they grew more familiar with him, they used to address him by it, more often than by his name. if there had been a philosophical observer to take note of it, it would have been curious to watch how unconsciously the boys were influenced by my little gentleman,--how their manners grew more gentle,--how they avoided coarse or unclean or profane words in his presence, as if he had been a woman. he led his classes, easily, in their studies. the teacher had never to reprove him for carelessness in his duties, or for broken rules. his father had said, "a true gentleman belongs everywhere;" and he was quietly proving it. the scholars liked him,--they could not help it, for his manner was as courteous as his nature was unselfish and kindly; and yet in their feeling for him there was a little strain of envy,--a slight disposition to blame him for the luxury and elegance to which he was born; and, because of his very courtesy, to underrate his courage and the real manliness of his character. but there was one in whose eyes he was, from first to last, a hero. jamie strong was yet more delicate than young shaftsbury. he had something the matter with one of his ankles, and could not join in the rough sports of the others. he was the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. her husband and her other three children had all died of typhoid fever, and been, one after another, carried out of the little, lonesome cottage at the foot of the hill, where the sun seldom came, and now jamie was the last. he would never be strong enough to do hard work. sowing, ploughing, mowing, harvesting,--he could never manage any of these; so for his weak limbs his quick brain must make up; and widow strong had determined that he should be a scholar,--a minister, if it pleased the lord to call him to that; if not a teacher. so she quietly struggled on to keep him at school, and to earn money to provide for future years of academy and college. she sewed, she washed, she picked berries,--she did any thing by which she could add a dollar to her hoard. jamie understood and shared her ambition, and studied with might and main. he was used to harshness and rudeness from stronger boys, and he had grown shy and shrunk into himself. to him the coming of my little gentleman was as grace from heaven. here was one who never mocked at his feebleness, or his poverty,--who was always kind, always friendly, and who did many a little thing to make him happy. young shaftsbury on his part was quick to perceive the tender and loyal admiration of the other; and there grew between them the tie of an interest which had never been put into words. it had been a damp and strange summer, intensely warm, even in that hilly region. it had rained continually, but the rains, which kept the fields green and made vegetation so unusually lush and ripe, had seemed scarcely to cool at all the fervid heat of the air. wiseacres predicted much sickness. indeed, several cases of slow fever were in the town already. one day my little gentleman looked about in vain for his friend jamie, and finally asked for him anxiously, and found that the boy was ill of typhoid fever. at recess he heard the boys talking of it. "he'll never get well," one said. "his father died just that way, and his three brothers. you see it's damp, down in that hollow, and the sun hardly ever touches the house. i heard dr. simonds say it was ten to one against anybody who was sick there." when school was over robert shaftsbury hurried home. he found his mother sitting, dressed all in white, in the music-room, playing a symphony on the piano, while his father sat a little distance off, listening with half-closed eyes. he waited until the piece was over, and then he told his story and preferred his request. the doctor had said it was ten to one against any one who was sick in that little damp house in the hollow; and he wanted jamie brought up the hill to their own home. he watched the faces of his father and mother as he spoke; and it seemed to him that a refusal was hovering upon their lips, and he said, earnestly,-"don't speak, just yet. remember that he is his mother's only son, as i am yours. if i lay sick where there was no hope for me, and some one else might, perhaps, save me by taking me in, would you think they ought to try it, or to let me die?" mr. shaftsbury looked into his wife's eyes. "robert is right," she said, with the sudden, sweet smile which always seemed to make the day brighter when it came to her lips. "if the poor boy can be helped by being brought here, we must bring him." "i will go and see," mr. shaftsbury answered, at once. "and i, too, papa," said my little gentleman. "not you, i think. i fear contagion for you." "i think there is no danger for me, living on this bright hill-top, in these great, airy rooms,--but even if there were, i am sure you would let me go if you knew how much jamie loves me." "come, then," his father said, quietly. he had been, all his son's life, preaching to him of heroism and self-sacrifice and devotion. he dared not interfere with almost his first opportunity for any real exercise of them. so the two went down the hill together. it chanced that they met dr. simonds coming away from the house, and proposed to him the question of the removal. it would not do, the doctor declared at once,--the disease had made too much progress. to remove him now would be more dangerous than to leave him where he was. "then i must go and see him," robert said, resolutely. "you know he has only his mother, and i must spend all the time i can spare from school with him." "but i will send an excellent nurse, my son. do you not see that i cannot have you expose yourself?" "send the nurse, too, please, papa; but do not keep me from going. he will not care for the nurse, and he does care very much for me. i do not believe in the danger, and i know how glad he will be to see me." mr. shaftsbury hesitated. this boy was as the apple of his eye. must he indeed begin so soon to look danger in the face, for the sake of others? but dared he withhold him, when the boy felt that honor and duty called? it ended by his walking in with him quietly. it was something to see how jamie's face brightened. he had been very dull and stupid all day, his mother said, and some of the time his mind had been wandering. but now a glad, eager light came into his eyes, and a smile curved his parched lips. he put out his hot hands. "oh! is it you, my little gentleman?" he said: "i had rather see you than any thing else in the world." "well, then, i will come every day as soon as i am through school," robert shaftsbury answered. "do you know what you have done?" his father asked, when, at last, they stood outside the house together. "yes, papa. i have promised that poor, sick, helpless little fellow all the comfort i can give him. i have promised to do by him as i should want him to do by me if i were jamie strong, and he was robert shaftsbury." mr. shaftsbury was silenced. this, indeed, was the rule of living he had taught. should he venture to interfere with its observance? so my little gentleman had his way. he took every precaution which his mother's anxiety suggested, such as going home to lunch before he went to the little cottage where the sick boy lay and longed for him. but he went regularly. and no matter how wild jamie might be, his presence would bring calmness. the dim eyes would kindle; the poor, parched lips would smile; and mrs. strong said the visit did jamie more good than his medicines. at school the boys looked upon my little gentleman with a sort of wondering reverence. they all knew of his daily visits to the fever-haunted place, which they themselves shunned, and they marvelled at his courage. this was the boy they had fancied to be lacking in manliness, because he was slight and fair,--because he was carefully dressed and tenderly nurtured! they said nothing; but in a hundred subtile ways they showed their changed estimate. the days went on, and with them jamie strong's life went toward its end. the doom of his house had come upon him; and love and prayers and watching were all, it seemed, of none avail. one night the fever reached its crisis, and the doctor, who watched him through it, knew that the end was near. jamie knew it, also. when the morning dawned he whispered faintly to his mother,-"i shall never see another morning; but oh, if i can only live till night, and see my little gentleman!" she proposed to send for him; but that was not what the boy wished. "no," he said, feebly, "i want to see him coming in, at the old time, with some flowers in his hand, 'and make a sunshine in a shady place.' somebody said that, mother, i forget who; i forget every thing now; but that's what _he_ does; he makes a sunshine in this shady place." a dozen times that day it seemed as if the breath coming so faintly must be his last; but he clung to life with a strange, silent tenacity. at last, just a few moments before it was time for the accustomed visit, he said,-"kiss me good-by, mother. i want to save the rest of my strength for him." she kissed him, with her bitter tears falling fast. he put up a hand so thin that you could almost see through it, and brushed the tears away. "don't cry," he said; "it hurts me. life here was hard, and up above christ says it will be all made easy." then he was silent, and presently robert came with a great bunch of white lilies in his hand. "the lilies of heaven," murmured jamie, in a low, strange tone. then into his eyes broke once more the light which never failed to respond to robert's coming, and a wan smile fluttered over his lips, as a soul might flutter before it flies away. "i am going now," he said. "i waited to say good-by, my little gentleman. do you think they are all gentlemen up there?" with this question his life went out, and voices we could not hear made answer. this was the beginning of robert shaftsbury's career. no harm came to him through his presence in the fever-tainted house,--but he had learned a lesson there. the one thing for which he has striven in life is to be a gentleman; and his interpretation of that much-abused phrase he finds in the book which tells us to do unto others as we would that they should do unto us. [illustration: ruthy's country.--page 191.] ruthy's country. it was such a strange, sad, old face to be on such a young, slight form, that you could not help looking at it again and again. otherwise there was nothing remarkable about her. she was just a girl sweeping a crossing, in a bustling, dirty street, on a muddy, sloppy march day. she was thinly clothed, but not more so than others of her class; and there was nothing in particular to make me notice her except this queer, expressive, melancholy, unyouthful countenance. she wore a worsted hood which left the whole face visible. you could see the forehead, broad and low, and lined with puzzled thinking; the dusky, tumbled hair; the wishful, pathetic mouth with its drooping corners; and the great, strange, olive-colored eyes, which looked as if they had asked for something they could never find for such a weary while that now they would never ask again,--eyes dark with despair, and yet with a suggestion of something else in them which set you questioning. patiently she swept on. sometimes she had to spring aside from the rapid passage of cart or carriage, sometimes she made clean the way of some dainty foot passenger, who rewarded her with a penny; but all the time the hopeless, unchildlike visage never betrayed the slightest gleam of interest. i was dabbling in art a little, just then; and i stood in the window of a picture store and watched her, thinking that her strange, impassive face ought to fit, somewhere, in the illustrations i was making for a book of ballads, but not knowing quite how to use it. all at once, as i watched, i saw a singular change pass over her. she held her broom motionless, her lips parted, a light as if at midnight the sun should rise, lighted the darkness of her eyes, her whole expression kindled with something,--interest, surprise, expectation,--i hardly knew what, but something that transformed it as by a spell. i stepped to the door then, and followed her eyes up the street. it takes ten times as long to tell this as it was in happening. it all came in an instant,--the change in her face, my going out to look for its cause, and the sight which, following her eyes, i saw,--a carriage coming swiftly down street, an elegant open barouche, in which sat a lady dressed in furs and velvet, and a wonderfully beautiful, golden-haired child. it was at the child that my little crossing-sweeper was looking, with a gaze which seemed to me to say,-"so this, then, is childhood? _this_ is what we ought to be when we are young; and how beautiful it is!" she looked so intently that she forgot she was standing in the way, until the coachman shouted out to her, while he tried with all his strength to pull up his horses. she had looked one moment too long. somehow the pole knocked her down, and the horses stepped over or on her, which i could not see; but in another moment they were drawn up a rod farther on, the lady was getting out of her carriage, and i myself was in the heart of the crowd which gathered at once, as usual. "her arm is broken," one cried. "she has fainted," said another. "where is her home; can any one tell?" asked the lady in the furs and the velvet, standing now beside her. a ragged little newsboy stepped from the ranks and pulled at some ghost of a cap. "please, ma'am, i know," he said. "it's down here in moonstone court, with old sally." "hey for sally, in our alley," sang another little limb of evil, vexed that he had not been the one who knew the local habitation aforesaid. newsboy no. 1 was elevated to the coachman's box, and was desired to show the way. the lady got into the carriage herself, and received the injured and swooning girl, whom there were strong arms enough to lift,--the golden-haired child looked on with the compassion of an angel in her angelic face,--newsboy no. 2 hung on behind dexterously, making sure that his offence would pass unnoticed in the general _mãªlã©e_, and the carriage rolled away toward moonstone court. presently the golden-haired child spoke. "what if they haven't any good place for her there, mamma?" mrs. brierly, for that was the lady's name, bent forward and addressed newsboy no. 1, on the box. "is the old sally you spoke of the girl's mother?" "no, ma'am. she ain't no relation to her. i've heard folks say, ruthy's father and mother died, and old sally took her in to beg for her; to be a sufferin' orphin, you know; and lately ruthy won't beg any more, and they say the old un do beat her awful." "o mamma!" it was all the pitiful, childish lips said; but the blue eyes full of tears finished the prayer. "don't be afraid, gracie," the lady answered, smiling; "she shall not go there." then she turned to newsboy no. 1. "here is some money for you. you can tell old sally that the girl got hurt, and has been taken to the hospital. you had better go and let her know at once." so newsboy no. 1 got down from his unwonted elevation, pulled again at the phantom of a cap, and, looking curiously at the fresh, crisp currency in his hand, walked away. newsboy no. 2, correctly divining that nothing was to be gained by remaining, while, by following his comrade he might perhaps come in for a treat, let go his hold on the carriage, and went after the other. "now, james," mrs. brierly said to the coachman, "you may drive to the children's hospital, on rutland street." "we shall go right by home, shan't we, mamma?" "yes, dear." "i suppose we couldn't be a hospital, could we?" "not very conveniently, i think. it is better to help keep up a hospital outside than to turn our own house into one." "yes'm," gracie said, thoughtfully, "only this once, when we did the hurting, i didn't know but it would be nice if we did the curing." just then, before mrs. brierly answered, the swooning girl revived, and opened for an instant her curious, olive-colored eyes. there was something in their look, perhaps, which went farther than gracie's argument. at any rate, the lady said,-"after all, james, you may as well leave us at home, and go at once for dr. cheever." in five minutes more the carriage had stopped before a substantial, prosperous-looking house, the coachman had carried the poor, suffering little waif upstairs in his arms, and mrs. brierly had summoned mrs. morris, the good, motherly woman who had been gracie's nurse, to her councils. when dr. cheever came, he found his patient in clean, pure clothes, in a fresh, lovely room, waiting for him with a piteous, silent patience which it was pathetic to see. she suffered cruelly from her hurt, a compound fracture of the wrist, but she was not used to making moans or receiving sympathy; and it would have seemed to her a sort of sacrilege to cry out with human pain in this paradise to which she had been brought. one could only guess at her suffering by her compressed lips, with the white pallor round them, and the dark rings about her eyes. dr. cheever listened to the account of the accident, while he dressed the poor hurt wrist with a gentleness which soothed the pain his touch caused. when he had done all he could, he followed mrs. brierly from the room. "this will be an affair of several weeks," he said. "would it not have been better to take the girl to one of the hospitals?" "i thought so, at first; but, as gracie said, we did the hurting, and it seemed right we should do the healing. besides, the child's face interested me strangely, and i think it will not be a bad thing for us to have a little experience of this sort." meantime ruthy lay and looked about her, as we have all fancied ourselves looking when, the death sleep over, we shall open our eyes to a new morning in some one of the father's "many mansions." to a denizen of moonstone court this peaceful spot in which ruthy found herself might well seem no unworthy heaven. the walls were tinted a soft, delicate gray, with blue borderings. on the drab carpet blue forget-me-nots blossomed. blue ribbons tied back the white muslin curtains, and all the little china articles for use or ornament were blue and gilt. only one picture was in the room, and that hung over the mantel, directly opposite the pure white bed where ruthy lay. it was a landscape by gifford,--one of those glorified pictures of his which paint nature as only a poet sees her. soft meadows sloped away into dreamy distance on one side, and, on the other, into the green enchantment of a wood a winding path beguiled you. in the centre, with her raised foot upon a stile by which she was about to cross into the peaceful meadows, a young girl stood with morning in her eyes. just as she raised her foot she had paused and turned her head to look over her shoulder, as if she heard a voice calling her, and was hesitating whether to go on her appointed way or back into the green wood's enchantment. there was a wonderful suggestion for a story in the girl's face, her attitude, her questioning eyes. but if ruthy felt this at all, it was very vaguely and unconsciously; yet the picture revealed to her a new world. somewhere, then, meadows bloomed like these meadows, and woods were green, and light flickered through tender leaves, and over all the great, glorious blue sky arched and smiled. somewhere! that must be country,--outside of the pavements and the tall, frowning houses. oh, if she _could_ go! oh, but she _would_ go! let her wrist but get well, and then! she had never had these dreams before. the vision of the country, the true country, had never dawned on her till now. and yet she must have seen pictures of it in the windows of print shops; but her eyes had not been anointed, or gifford had not painted the pictures. all through the quiet weeks in which her sore hurt was healing, she watched that painted landscape, and her longing to find it grew and grew. but she never said a word about it. indeed, she seldom spoke at all except to answer some question. mrs. brierly became strangely interested in her in spite of this silence, which piqued and disappointed gracie. the child could not understand what the mother guessed at,--the sense of isolation which tormented ruthy. she was among them, but not of them, the girl felt. she had been injured by an accident for which these people in some wise held themselves responsible, and so they were good to her, and gave her this glimpse of heaven. but they were of the chosen people, and she a gentile, an outcast at their gates. if she could but go away from every thing she had ever known, and follow that winding path into the still wood, she should be happy. who knew what she might not find there,--love, may be, and friends, and home,--perhaps, even, the father and mother who, as old sally said, were dead? who knew? one day mrs. brierly came in to sit with her. ruthy could sit up now, and she was in a low rocking-chair, still facing the picture. the lady saw the direction of her eyes, and said, gently,-"i think you must like pictures very much, ruthy?" the olive-colored eyes gleamed, and a flickering flush came and went in the thin cheeks, but the girl answered shyly and guardedly, as her wont was. "i don't know, ma'am; i have never seen any. i like this one. it is the country; isn't it?" mrs. brierly smiled. "yes; it is the country as gifford, the man who made the picture, saw it. country means ploughed fields and potatoes to some people, and paradise to others. i think _you_ could find gifford's country, ruthy." the girl's heart gave a great, sudden bound. that was just what she meant to do; but she was silent. soon mrs. brierly asked,-"do you remember your father and mother, ruthy? i think they must have been very different people from old sally." "yes, ma'am, i remember my mother. father died so long ago i have forgotten all about him, and mother and i grew poorer and poorer, until one day i woke up, as it seemed, from a long dream, with my hair all gone, and very weak; and the neighbors said mother and i had both had a fever, and she was dead. then sally took me and sent me out to beg, until i wouldn't beg any more; and since then i've sold matches and swept crossings, and done any thing else i could. my wrist is getting so i can use it now, and i must go to work again. i am very thankful to you, ma'am. i would have my wrist broke twenty times to come once into this house and lie in this white bed, and see that picture. but to-morrow i shall be well enough to put on my own clothes again and go to work, and i will, please, ma'am." "these are your own clothes that you have on, ruthy, your very own. and here are more changes for you in this drawer, and here in the closet are your shawl and hat. you must not go away yet, till you are much stronger; but when you do go, all these things are your own." "my very own!" it was a sort of glad cry which came from the girl's quivering lips. her eyes filled, and the flickering color came into her cheeks. mrs. brierly got up and went away. she had never heard ruthy speak so many words before, and she began to feel that she should get to the girl's heart in time, but she would not let her excite herself any more, now. and ruthy sat and looked at the picture, and thought. the next morning rose bright and clear,--a summer morning, which had slipped away from its kindred and stolen on in advance to brighten the last week in april. nurse morris went first into ruthy's room, and found the little white bed empty, and the room empty also. she called the maid who had been sweeping down the steps and washing the sidewalk, and asked if she had seen any one go out. no one, the girl said, but she had left the door unfastened while she just chatted a bit with katy, next door, and some one might have gone, and she not know it. mrs. morris went next to mrs. brierly with her tale, and mrs. briefly came in dressing-gown and slippers to look at the empty room. the hat and shawl she had put in the closet for ruthy were gone, but the changes of clothes in the drawer were untouched; and upon them lay a piece of paper on which the girl had printed laboriously, in great capital letters,- "i am going to find the country. i did not tell, for fear i would not be let to go. god bless you, ma'am, i'm very thankful." it seemed useless to try to follow her on her unknown road. no one could guess in what direction she had gone. tender-hearted little gracie cried over her departure; mrs. brierly felt very anxious and uneasy, but they could only wait. and it was three days before any news came. it was brought, at last, by an odd messenger. a market-man stopped with his wagon before the house, and, ringing the bell, asked to see the mistress, and was shown upstairs. "did a young girl, sort of delicate lookin', leave you lately, ma'am?" "yes, on tuesday morning. can you tell me any thing of her?" "well, you see, i get up nigh about in the middle of the night to get things ready for market, and wednesday morning i found a girl lying in a dead faint on my barn floor. i called my wife, and we brought her to, and wife asked her where she came from. 'mrs. brierly's, no. 775 tremont street,' she answered, straight enough; and then she went off again, and the next time we brought her to there was no more sense to be got out of her. she just kept saying over something about finding the country, and 'it ain't there.' "i had to come off to market, but we carried her into the house, and in the middle of the forenoon wife see the doctor goin' by, and she jest called to him. he said it was brain fever; and she don't get any better; and wife said i'd better stop at 775, and if there was a mrs. brierly here, why, i could let her know. we live at highville, about fifteen miles from boston; and if you ask for job smith's you'll find my house." so poor little ruthy had walked all those lonesome miles to find the country that gifford saw, and had found, instead, pain and weariness, and who knew what more? that day mrs. brierly drove out there, and took nurse morris with her; ruthy recognized neither of them, and at length mrs. brierly drove sadly away, leaving nurse morris behind to care for the sick child, as busy mrs. job smith, with all her kindliness, was unable to do. and after a while the fever wore itself out, and ruthy, a white wraith of a girl, was carried back into the chamber of peace, where the country gifford saw was hanging on the wall. but the days went by, and the spring came slowly up that way, and the young summer followed, and ruthy was still a pale, white wraith, and grew no rosier and no stronger. "do get well, ruthy," loving little gracie used to say, "and we'll take you to find the country." but ruthy would shake her head with a slow, mournful motion, and answer,-"no use, miss gracie, it is in the picture, but it ain't anywhere else." and by and by they began to know that ruthy would never go where pleasant paths led through the wood's green enchantment, or peaceful meadows smiled in the summer sunshine. sorrow and privation and weariness had done their work too well, and the little heart, that beat so much too fast now, would stop beating soon. but ruthy was very happy. the unrest that had possessed her before she went to find the country was all over. she had tried her experiment, and found out, as she thought, that the true country was not to be reached by earthly winding ways, and she was content to watch it as gifford painted it, and dream her silent dreams, which no one knew, as she watched. one night when gracie bade her good-night and danced away, she looked after her with the old, wistful wonder in her eyes, and then looked up at mrs. brierly. "how beautiful god can make children, ma'am. i think they'll _all_ be so, in the true country." then reaching forward she took mrs. brierly's hand and touched it for the first time with her humble, grateful lips. "oh, ma'am," she said, "you are so dear and good." the next morning, when they found her lying still, she was whiter than ever. she would never speak again to tell her disappointment or her joy, but a wonderful smile, a smile of triumph, was frozen on her young, wistful mouth, and mrs. brierly, looking at her, stooped to kiss gracie's tears away, and said,-"do not cry, my darling,--i think, at last, ruthy has found the true country." job golding's christmas. it was very strange, thought old job golding, that he couldn't be master of his own mind. he had lived a great many years, and neither remorse nor memory had ever been in the habit of disturbing him; but now it seemed to him as if the very foundations of his life were breaking up. he was through with his day's work,--he had dined comfortably,--he sat in an easy-chair, in a luxurious room whose crimson hangings shut out the still cold of the december afternoon,--for the 24th of december it was. he was all ready to enjoy himself. how singular that this state of things should remind him of a coming time when his life work would be all done,--even as his day's work was all done now,--when he would be ready to sit down in the afternoon and look over the balance sheet of his deeds. how curiously the old days came trooping in slow procession before him. his dead wife; he had not loved her much when she was with him, but how vivid was his memory of her now! he could see her moving round the house, noiseless as a shadow, never intruding on him, after he had once or twice answered her gruffly, but going on her own meek, still ways, with her face growing whiter every day. he began to understand, as he looked back, why her strength had failed and she had been ready, when her baby came, to float out on the tide and let it drift her into god's haven. she had had enough to eat and to drink, but he saw now that he had left her heart to starve. he seemed to see her white, still face, as he looked at it the last time before they screwed down the coffin lid, with the dumb reproach frozen on it, the eyes, that would never again plead vainly, closed for ever. he recalled how passionately the three-days-old baby cried in another room, just at that moment, moving all the people gathered at the funeral with a thrill of pity for the poor little motherless morsel. she _was_ a passionate, wilful baby, all through her babyhood, he remembered. she wanted--missed without knowing what the lack was--the love which her mother would have given her, and protested against fate with all the might of her lungs. but, as soon as she grew old enough to understand how useless it was, _she_ had grown quiet, too; just like her mother. he recalled her, all through her girlhood, a shy, still girl, always obedient and submissive, but never drawing very near him. did she have tastes, he wondered--wants, longings? she never told him. but suddenly, when she was eighteen, the old, passionate spirit that had made her cry so when she was a baby must have awakened again, he thought; for she fell in love then, and married in defiance of his wishes. he remembered her standing proudly before him, and asking,-"father, do you know any thing against harry church?" "yes," he had answered wrathfully; "i know that he is as poor as job was when he sat among the ashes; he can't keep a wife." "any thing else, father?" looking him steadily in the eye. "no, that's enough," he had thundered; "and i'll tell you, besides, that if you marry him you must lie in the bed you will make. my doors will never open to you again, never." he met with a will as strong as his own that time. she _did_ marry harry church, and went away with him from her father's house. she had written home more than once afterwards, but he had sent the letters all back unopened. he wished, to-day, that he knew what had been in them; whether she had been suffering for any thing. he wondered why he had opposed the marriage so much. harry church had been a clerk in his store; faithful, intelligent, industrious, only--poor. in that word lay the head and front of his offending. he, job golding, was rich,--had been rich all his lifetime,--but what special thing had riches done for him? he was an old man now, and all alone. "all alone;" he kept saying that over and over, with a sort of vague self-pity. and all this time a message was on its way to him. he heard a ring at the door, but he went on with his thoughts, and did not trouble himself about it. meantime, two persons had been admitted into the hall below; a man and a little girl, eight years old, perhaps. her companion took off her hood and her warm wrappings, and the child stood there,--a dainty, delicate creature,--her golden curls drooping softly round her face, with its large blue eyes and parted scarlet lips. the housekeeper had come into the hall, and she turned pale as she saw that little face. "miss amy's child," she said to the man, nervously. "it is as much as my place is worth to let her come in here." "you are mrs. osgood, are you not?" said the little girl, looking at her. "hear the blessed lamb! who in this world told you there _was_ a mrs. osgood?" "mamma. you loved mamma, didn't you? she said you were always so kind to her." "loved your ma? well, i _did_ love her. the old house has never been the same since she went out of it." "then you'll let me go up alone and see grandpa? that is what mamma said i was to do." mrs. osgood hesitated a moment, then love and memory triumphed over fear, and she said,-"yes, you shall. heaven forbid i should hinder you! go right upstairs and open the first door." the man who had come with her sat down in the hall to wait, and the little figure, with its gleaming, golden hair, tripped on alone. she opened the door softly, and went in. she did not speak; perhaps the stern-looking old man sitting there awed her to silence. she just stepped up to him and handed him a letter. he took it, scarcely noticing, so busy was he with his thoughts, at the hand of what strange messenger. he looked at the outside. it was his daughter's writing. ten years ago he had sent her last letter back unopened; but this one,--what influence apart from himself moved him to read it? it was not long, but it commenced with "dear father." he had never been a dear father to her, he thought. she had waited all these silent years, she told him, because she was determined never to write to him again until they were rich enough for him to know that she did not write from any need of his help. they had passed these ten years in the west, and heaven had prospered them. her husband was a rich man, now; and she wanted from her father only his love,--wanted only that death should not come between them, and either of them go to her mother's side without having been reconciled to the other. "let _her_ lips speak to you from the grave," she wrote; "her lips, which you must have loved once, and which never grew old or lost their youth's brightness,--let them plead with you to be reconciled to her child. surely, you will not turn away from the messenger i send,--your own grandchild." the messenger,--he had forgotten about her. he turned and she was standing there, like a spirit, on his hearthstone, with her white face and her gleaming golden hair. he looked at her, and saw her father's broad, full brow and thoughtful eyes, and below them the sweetness of her mother's smile. his grandchild--his! his heart throbbed chokingly. he grew hungry to clasp her,--to feel her soft arms clinging round his neck, her tender lips kissing away the furrows of his hard life from his face. but he feared to startle her. he tried to speak gently,--he, to whom gentleness was so new and strange. "come here, little girl," he said; and she went up to him fearlessly. "can you tell me how old you are, and what your name is?" "i am eight, grandpapa, and my name is amy." another amy! he felt the great sobs rising up from his heart, but he choked them back. "what have they told you about me?" he asked her anxiously. could it be possible, he wondered, that they had not taught her to hate him? "they always told me that you were far away toward where the sun rose; and if i were good they would fetch me to see you some day. and every night i say in my prayers, 'god bless papa and mamma, and god bless grandpapa.'" "why _didn't_ they fetch you; what made them let you come alone?" "mamma said she would surprise you with your big grandchild. they are waiting at the hotel, and john is down-stairs. they want you to come back with me. will you, grandpapa?" mrs. osgood looked on in wonder, as her master came downstairs and put on his overcoat,--came down holding the child's hand in his, her golden hair floating beside him. was that old job golding? he stepped into the carriage in which careful mistress amy had sent her messenger. the horses did not go fast enough. he would have been in a fever of impatience, but the child's hand in his quieted him. through it all he was wondering vaguely what it meant,--whether he were his own old self, or some one else. at last they were there, and the child led him in,--up the long hotel stairs, across hall and corridor,--until, at length, she opened a door and said cheerily,-"mamma, here's grandpapa." his head swam. he was fain to sit down, and there were his own amy's arms about his neck. why had he never known what he lost, in losing the sweetness of her love, through all these vanished years? he held her fast now, and he heard her voice close to his ear:-"father, are we reconciled at last?" "i don't know, daughter, until you've told me whether you've forgiven me." "there need be no talk about forgiveness," she said. "you went according to your own light. it is enough that god has brought us together again in peace. i thought that no one could resist my little amy, least of all her grandpapa." he looked up, and the child stood by, silently; the firelight glittering in her golden hair, her face shining strangely sweet. he put out his arms and drew her into them, close--where no child, not even his own, had ever nestled before. oh, how much he had missed in life! he thought. he felt her clinging hold round his neck,--her kisses dropped upon his face like the pitying dew from heaven, and he--_was_ it himself, or another soul in his place? "here, father," amy's voice had a cheerful ring to it, and her happy married life had made of her a fine, contented, matronly-appearing woman, "here are harry and the boys waiting to speak to you." he shook his son-in-law's hand heartily. old feuds, old things, were over now, and all was become new. then he looked at the boys,--six-years-old hal, three-years-old geordie,--brave, merry little fellows, of whom he should be proud some day; only they could never be to him quite like this girl in his arms,--his first-found grandchild. he sat there among them, surrounded by the peace and warmth of their household love, and felt as if a new life had come. he did not go away until long after, by the rules of any well-ordered nursery, those three pairs of bright little eyes should have been closed in sleep; but they must sit up to see the last of grandpapa. when, at length, he went, he told them that they must all come home to him on the morrow,--there must be no more staying at hotels, when his big, lonesome house was waiting for them. "to-morrow is christmas," his daughter said, half doubtfully. "all the better. if christmas was never kept in my house, it ought to be. come round to dinner,--three o'clock sharp,--and bring all the boxes with you. that will give you time to pack up, and mrs. osgood time to get your rooms ready." "boxes and boys,--won't they be too much for you, father?" "when they are i'll tell you,"--with a last touch of the old gruffness. then he went out on the street, and began looking for christmas gifts. it was new business for him, but he went into it earnestly and anxiously. it was so late, and every one seemed so busy, he thought it would never do to trust to the shopmen for sending things home. so he perambulated the streets like a bewildered santa claus,--and went home, at last, laden with books and toys and jewels and bon-bons,--with a doll that could walk, and a parrot that could talk, and no end of sweets and confections. he called mrs. osgood to help him put them away, and when they were all disposed of he said, with a curious attempt at maintaining his old sternness and dignity, which caused the good woman a secret smile,-"mrs. osgood, i hope you will do yourself and me credit to-morrow. my daughter, mrs. church, is coming home with her husband and children, and i want the best christmas dinner you can get up, to be on the table at a quarter-past three." mrs. osgood had always loved miss amy, in the old days, and had been hoping against hope, all these years, for the reconciliation which had come now. so her heart was in her task, and the dinner was a master-piece,--a real work of genius, as she used to say, when she told the story afterwards. amy, and amy's husband, and the roystering boys, and, best of all, the little girl close at grandpapa's side, with her happy eyes shining, and her golden hair gleaming, and her quiet, womanly little ways,--what a jubilant party they were! and among them all job golding saw, or fancied that he saw, another face, over which, almost thirty years ago, he had seen the grave-sod piled,--a face sad and wistful no longer, but bright with a strange glory. no one else saw _her_, he knew, for the gay laughs were going round, but close at his side she seemed to stand; and he heard, or fancied that he heard, a whisper from her parted lips, which only his ear caught,--the christmas anthem,- "peace on earth and good will toward men." my comforter. i got up and hung a shawl over the canary's cage to keep him quiet. he had been singing all day, till it seemed to me i could not bear it any longer. that morning the doctor had told me that my mother would never be any better. she was liable, he said, to die at any time. at the longest, it was only a question of days or weeks. and my mother was all i had in the world. my father had been dead a year. in his lifetime we had lived in a pleasant country home. he had been employed in the county bank, and we had lived most comfortably, and even with some pretensions to elegance. i had been sent to school, and learned a little french, a little music, and something of art. i had, too, a great deal of skill in fancy work, and had been used to find in that and my painting my amusements. indeed, we all had what are called elegant tastes,--tastes which suited a much larger income than ours, and we indulged them. this was unwise, perhaps. people said so, at any rate, when my father died suddenly, and left us with no property and no dependence save our home. it was to escape alike their censure and their pity, as much as because i fancied i could find more openings for employment, that i persuaded mother to join me in selling our little place, and remove to new york. she was willing enough to do this. i think that it was a relief to her to go away from all the familiar sights and sounds which kept so constantly before her the memory of the dead husband who had made her life among them so blessed. she fancied, perhaps, that when she was among unfamiliar things the first bitterness of her grief would wear away. but with her, as it proved, change of place was only change of pain. she was not made of the stuff to which forgetfulness is possible. our home and furniture brought us a little over three thousand dollars, and with this sum we went to new york. in spite of my mourning for my father i had the elasticity of youth, and i did not make this removal, enter into this wide, strange, new life, without my share of the high hopes and brilliant anticipations of youth. we went first to a hotel, and then looked up a boarding-place in a quiet, unpretentious street, suited to our means. we expected to use two or three hundred dollars before we got well established; and then i hoped to earn enough to keep us, with the help of the interest of the three thousand we should still have remaining, without encroaching upon the principal. i might have succeeded, perhaps,--for i was not long in procuring fancy work from two fashionable trimming stores,--if, when we had been there a little while, my mother's health had not begun seriously to decline. i think she made an effort to live on, after all the joy of her life was dead, for my sake; but she failed, and by and by she grew weary and gave up the struggle. of course her illness brought upon us new expenses. i would have for her the best medical advice, however she might protest against it as useless; and there were various little comforts and luxuries that i could not and would not deny myself the pleasure of procuring for her. so we were gradually going behindhand all the time. this had troubled me a little; but now that the doctor had spoken my mother's doom, the matter of dollars and cents faded into utter insignificance. there would be more than enough to take care of her to the last, and after that i could not bring myself to think. i would have shuddered at the thought of self-destruction, but i believe the prayer was in my mind, every moment in the day, that god would let me care for her till the end, and then lie down and die beside her. so i carried back the work i had from richmond's and la pierre's, and spent all my time with her,--my darling. often when i tried to talk with her, the thought how soon she would be past all hearing would rise up and choke me, and i would turn away to hide the sudden rush of tears. it was on wednesday the doctor had told me what i must expect; and up to saturday night i had kept it from her, trying my poor best to wear a cheerful face. that night i sat beside her in the twilight. she was on the lounge, bolstered up with pillows, and i on a low hassock, which brought my face on a level with hers. we had been silent a long time, since the last ray of sunset touched our western windows, and now the dusk had fallen so that we could see each other no longer. at last out of the shadows came her voice, clear and sweet,- "beyond the sowing and the reaping, beyond the watching and the weeping, beyond the waking and the sleeping, i shall be soon." then she put out her hand and touched my wet face. "do not grieve, my darling," she said,--oh, how tenderly,--"because i am going home. the only pang i feel is for you, and it will not be long before you come." "it may be years," i said, bitterly. "i am young and strong. oh, i wish i wasn't,--if god would only take me too, and not make me stay in this great, empty world without you!" "i think, darling, he will send you a comforter." "oh, i am not so bad that i do not want his spirit. i do believe; i do try to follow the dear lord; but i want a human comforter,--something to see and feel,--tender lips, gentle fingers. the flesh is so weak." "and i meant a human comforter. i believe he will send you one in his own time and way,--when you learn, perhaps, to forget yourself in helping some one still more desolate." "as if that could be. o, mother, when you are gone there won't be in the whole wide world such a lonesome, aching heart as mine." "people always say that, dear; always think there is no sorrow like their sorrow, until god teaches them better, either by making their own burden heavier, or by showing them how to help some one else. god grant it may be this last with you, bessie." "but is there no hope, mother?" i said, with a wild longing for a little of the comfort a doubt would give. "i think none. dr. west told you so wednesday, did he not? and you have been trying to keep it from me,--as if i could not read it in your face, every time you looked at me." all reserve broke down then. i was in her arms, sobbing and crying on her bosom; i that so soon would have no mother's bosom for my refuge any more for ever. the doctor had said her life was a question of days or weeks. she lived four weeks after he told me that, and then one night she talked with me a long, long time. at last she said she was tired, and would go to sleep. then she kissed me, as she always did, and turned her gentle face toward the wall. she awoke again in another world than ours. but by the calm blessedness of the smile on the dead face i knew that her soul had departed in peace. it was a smile that made her young and fair again, as the mother i remembered away back in my childhood. oh, what a desolate funeral that was! i had no friends near enough to give them any claim to be sent for, and i wanted no one. i made all the arrangements myself, and the third day i buried my dead. i remember the minister, after the funeral rites were over, stopped a moment beside the grave to speak a few words of sympathy to me, sole mourner. but i was deaf with sorrow. i made no answer, and presently he turned away. i don't know how long i stood there. after a while my driver came up, touching his hat, respectfully, and asked,-"would ye plaise to start soon, miss?" and mechanically i went toward the carriage, and he put me in and shut the door. so i went back to the desolate room where she had died. some one had been in during my absence and made it all bright and tidy, but i would rather have found it dark, and gloomy, and comfortless, as when i went away. the days which followed were sad and evil. my soul rose in revolt. i asked why i, of all others, should be so set apart by sorrow,--left so lonely and so desolate. for a whole week i had been thus mutinous. i had seen in my god no father, but an avenger. all the promises of love and joy were sealed from me. i passed through the very valley and shadow of death, and in its darkness the powers of evil did battle for my soul; until at last i slept, one night, and dreamed of mother, for the first time since she died. in the dream she seemed beside me, but not as of old. a spiritual beauty sat upon her face, a blessedness such as mortals never know looked from her eyes, but her voice came, low and sweet, as it used: "i think, darling, the father will send you a comforter." i woke refreshed, as i had not been before by any slumber. the voice of my dream lingered with me, and calmed me, as my mother's words used to. i began to have faith. i remembered _how_ she had thought my comforter was to come. but when and where should i find some one more desolate than myself to help? at any rate, not by sitting still to nurse my woe, an idler in the vineyard. i must go to work. i put on my deep mourning bonnet and went out. if i could get my old work from the trimming stores, i could earn enough now to take care of myself, and keep what money i had left as surety against the proverbial rainy day. i made my way first to richmond's. as i went in i noticed a little lame girl with her crutch sitting beside the door. one sees such objects of charity often enough in new york. i doubt if this one would have attracted me but for her singular beauty. she had the fairest skin i ever saw, with large, dark eyes, and hair of a pure auburn tint. it was a face full of contrasts, and yet of the most exquisite loveliness. i noticed she attracted others as well as myself, for while i stood a few moments looking at her, no one went into the store who did not drop a few pennies in the little outstretched hand. i followed the universal example as i went in, and at my gift, as at every other, a deep blush crimsoned the sensitive little face. i made my arrangements to resume my old employments, and then went out, and down the street to la pierre's. when i came back, half an hour later, the child was still sitting there; and i looked at her again, wondering anew at her delicate beauty. then a thrill of compassion warmed my heart for the poor little waif. it was a cold day in the autumn, and she was very thinly clad; sitting, poor little morsel, upon the cold stone, too lame, it seemed, to move about and warm herself, even if she wished; evidently, too, ashamed and miserable over her occupation. i went up to her and spoke to her. "what is your name?" "jennie green." "whose little girl are you?" "nobody's, ma'am." oh, perhaps i should not have understood the wail of sadness in those words if i, too, had not been nobody's girl. "have you no friends?" i asked, putting my question in a new form. "no, ma'am. mother died last spring, and i've had no friends since." "but you live somewhere?" "oh, yes; there was a woman in the next room to mother, and she took me when mother died, and every day she sends me out like this, and she takes the money i get to pay for my keeping." "do you like to live with her?" i pursued, getting strangely interested. a quick shudder of repugnance answered me before her words,-"oh, no, no!" a sudden impulse moved me. i beckoned to a policeman who stood near by watching us. "do you know any thing of this child?" i inquired. "not much. she seems a quiet, well-disposed young one. a woman brings her here, a pretty rough customer, and leaves her here, and comes back after her toward night. i've seen her use her pretty hard, sometimes." "that woman is no relation to her," i said, "only a person in the house, that kept her when her mother died,--to make money out of her, i suppose. would it be against any law if i took her home with me, without letting any one know where she was gone, and took care of her? could that woman claim her again?" the policeman whistled, by which token proving himself yankee born, and considered a moment. then he answered, deliberately,-"no, it ain't agin no law, as i knows of. i don't think the woman would dare to take her from you, and 'tain't likely any one would disturb you. all i'm thinking on is,--you're young, miss,--would your folks like it, and wouldn't you get tired on her?" "i have no folks," i said, with the old sadness rising up and choking me. "will you kindly call a carriage, and put her in?" i had given my direction without at all consulting the child. when he was gone for the hack i went up to her and asked her if she would go home with me, and have it for her home. "do you mean me to leave mrs. mcguire?" she cried, with wide eyes. "yes, if you want to." "and not--not come out for money any more?" "not, please god, while i have strength to work for us both." "oh, i do want to go, i do!" she cried, wild with eagerness. and then she drew her little crutch toward her, and painfully raised herself and stood there waiting. "oh, can't we go now?" she asked, in an eager whisper. "it's almost time for mrs. mcguire." just then the carriage came up to the sidewalk, and i carried my poor little foundling home. * * * * * yesterday was the anniversary of my dear mother's death, and i lived over again the old sorrow, tasted its bitterness anew. i laid my head on the pillow where she died, and sobbed out the passion of desolation which swept over me. and as i lay there crying i heard gentle footsteps, and then felt soft lips on my cheek, and heard a voice,-"oh, can't i comfort you, miss bessie? can't i do any thing for you, now you've made my life all new and bright?" and i opened my arms, and took into them my little dark-eyed, bright-haired girl, and realized that god indeed had sent me my comforter,--a comforter found, as my mother had predicted, when i forgot myself in trying to comfort one yet more desolate. i should never have dared to act upon the impulse which led me to bring the child home, had i been less utterly alone in the world. but i have never regretted it. i found that her parents had brought her up in the fear of god, and all the rude and rough associations, which had worked their worst on her after her mother's death, had never soiled her innate purity. my care and tenderness have made of her all i hoped. dr. west's skill has almost cured her lameness, and she walks without a crutch now, and with only the slightest suggestion of a limp. she helps me at my tasks, and for her sake i have recalled my old pencil craft, and here i foresee that the pupil is soon to surpass her teacher; and some day i fancy you may see on the walls of the academy a picture by a girl artist with brown eyes and auburn hair,--the child who was my comforter. cambridge: press of john wilson and son. _messrs. roberts brothers' publications._ bed-time stories. by louise chandler moulton. with illustrations by addie ledyard. square 16mo. price $1.50. "mrs. moulton's 'bed-time stories' are tender and loving, as the last thoughts of the day should be. they are told simply and sweetly. all of them teach unselfishness, faithfulness, and courage. 'what jess cotrell did,' and 'paying off jane,' are perhaps the best; although 'mr. turk, and what became of him,' is such a sympathetic revelation of a bit of child life, that we are half inclined to give it the first place. the stories are not for very young children, but for those old enough to think for themselves; and the influence they exert will be pure, gentle, and decidedly religious. the dedication is very graceful."--_boston daily advertiser._ "it is long years since we were a lad; but, as we have read these tales, we have dreamed ourself a boy again, have exulted with some of the young heroes and heroines of mrs. moulton's coinage, and have wept sweet tears with others, just as, we have no doubt, many a boy and girl will do who takes our advice and secures this delightful budget of stories out of their first savings. parents, who appreciate the difficulty of providing suitable reading for young people when they are at the doubtful age which burns describes as being ''twixt a man and a boy,' will find mrs. moulton one of the most graceful and thoughtful purveyors of an elevated literature, especially adapted to the wants and tastes of their bright-eyed and quick-witted sons and daughters."--_christian intelligencer._ "very delicately and prettily are these stories for children told.... children, the kindest and sharpest of critics, will willingly read them too. and not on the other side of the atlantic only, but on this, and in every land where the english language is spoken. real stories these for real children, not namby-pamby, teachy-teachy little tales, but regular stories, full of life, told in the good old-fashioned, diffuse, delightful manner."--_the london bookseller._ _in preparation._ more bed-time stories. _sold by all booksellers. mailed, postpaid, by the publishers_, roberts brothers, boston. what katy did. by susan coolidge. author of "the new year's bargain." with illustrations, by addie ledyard. one vol. square 16mo. cloth. price $1.50. _from the lady's book._ "the new years bargain" was one of our pleasantest juvenile books for the last holidays. now we have by the same author a story of child-life so natural and so charming that the authoress has fairly earned a foremost place among her class. it takes a great deal to write a good story for children. women who think it easy, and sit down with a stock of platitudes and worn-out incidents, always fail miserably. this book tells "what katy did" in a way that will make all its readers long to hear about her again. _from the christian register._ it must have been with a smile of rare complacency that roberts brothers sent forth such a brace of volumes as susan coolidge's "what katy did" and miss alcott's "shawl-straps." not only will the children "cry for them," but the grown-up people will laugh over them until they too shall have tears in their eyes. two books so bright, wise, and every way delightful, are seldom given to the public at once by a single firm. _from the woman's journal._ since "little women" we have not seen a more charming book than this for children. it possesses the crowning merit of all story books,--that of being perfectly natural without becoming tedious. the author has the happy gift of knowing what to leave out; and describes the amusing or sorrowful incidents of child-life in the pleasantest manner, while unobtrusively instilling lessons of courtesy, patience, and kindness. illustrations by addie ledyard add to the attractions of the story. _from the buffalo courier._ none who take it up will want it to leave their hands until they reach the last page. as to the author, she is one of the few lucky mortals who know how to write for the little ones,--and that is saying a great deal. _from hearth and home._ the author of that delightful book, "the new year's bargain," has prepared another rare treat for her young friends. it is a story of child-life; and is so perfect in its delineations, so sweet and tender at times, and again so irresistibly funny, that it starts both tears and laughter. _sold everywhere. mailed, postpaid, by the publishers_, roberts brothers, boston. volunteer, and dan muller up from slavery: an autobiography by booker t. washington this volume is dedicated to my wife margaret james washington and to my brother john h. washington whose patience, fidelity, and hard work have gone far to make the work at tuskegee successful. preface this volume is the outgrowth of a series of articles, dealing with incidents in my life, which were published consecutively in the outlook. while they were appearing in that magazine i was constantly surprised at the number of requests which came to me from all parts of the country, asking that the articles be permanently preserved in book form. i am most grateful to the outlook for permission to gratify these requests. i have tried to tell a simple, straightforward story, with no attempt at embellishment. my regret is that what i have attempted to do has been done so imperfectly. the greater part of my time and strength is required for the executive work connected with the tuskegee normal and industrial institute, and in securing the money necessary for the support of the institution. much of what i have said has been written on board trains, or at hotels or railroad stations while i have been waiting for trains, or during the moments that i could spare from my work while at tuskegee. without the painstaking and generous assistance of mr. max bennett thrasher i could not have succeeded in any satisfactory degree. introduction the details of mr. washington's early life, as frankly set down in "up from slavery," do not give quite a whole view of his education. he had the training that a coloured youth receives at hampton, which, indeed, the autobiography does explain. but the reader does not get his intellectual pedigree, for mr. washington himself, perhaps, does not as clearly understand it as another man might. the truth is he had a training during the most impressionable period of his life that was very extraordinary, such a training as few men of his generation have had. to see its full meaning one must start in the hawaiian islands half a century or more ago.* there samuel armstrong, a youth of missionary parents, earned enough money to pay his expenses at an american college. equipped with this small sum and the earnestness that the undertaking implied, he came to williams college when dr. mark hopkins was president. williams college had many good things for youth in that day, as it has in this, but the greatest was the strong personality of its famous president. every student does not profit by a great teacher; but perhaps no young man ever came under the influence of dr. hopkins, whose whole nature was so ripe for profit by such an experience as young armstrong. he lived in the family of president hopkins, and thus had a training that was wholly out of the common; and this training had much to do with the development of his own strong character, whose originality and force we are only beginning to appreciate. * for this interesting view of mr. washington's education, i am indebted to robert c. ogden, esq., chairman of the board of trustees of hampton institute and the intimate friend of general armstrong during the whole period of his educational work. in turn, samuel armstrong, the founder of hampton institute, took up his work as a trainer of youth. he had very raw material, and doubtless most of his pupils failed to get the greatest lessons from him; but, as he had been a peculiarly receptive pupil of dr. hopkins, so booker washington became a peculiarly receptive pupil of his. to the formation of mr. washington's character, then, went the missionary zeal of new england, influenced by one of the strongest personalities in modern education, and the wide-reaching moral earnestness of general armstrong himself. these influences are easily recognizable in mr. washington to-day by men who knew dr. hopkins and general armstrong. i got the cue to mr. washington's character from a very simple incident many years ago. i had never seen him, and i knew little about him, except that he was the head of a school at tuskegee, alabama. i had occasion to write to him, and i addressed him as "the rev. booker t. washington." in his reply there was no mention of my addressing him as a clergyman. but when i had occasion to write to him again, and persisted in making him a preacher, his second letter brought a postscript: "i have no claim to 'rev.'" i knew most of the coloured men who at that time had become prominent as leaders of their race, but i had not then known one who was neither a politician nor a preacher; and i had not heard of the head of an important coloured school who was not a preacher. "a new kind of man in the coloured world," i said to myself--"a new kind of man surely if he looks upon his task as an economic one instead of a theological one." i wrote him an apology for mistaking him for a preacher. the first time that i went to tuskegee i was asked to make an address to the school on sunday evening. i sat upon the platform of the large chapel and looked forth on a thousand coloured faces, and the choir of a hundred or more behind me sang a familiar religious melody, and the whole company joined in the chorus with unction. i was the only white man under the roof, and the scene and the songs made an impression on me that i shall never forget. mr. washington arose and asked them to sing one after another of the old melodies that i had heard all my life; but i had never before heard them sung by a thousand voices nor by the voices of educated negroes. i had associated them with the negro of the past, not with the negro who was struggling upward. they brought to my mind the plantation, the cabin, the slave, not the freedman in quest of education. but on the plantation and in the cabin they had never been sung as these thousand students sang them. i saw again all the old plantations that i had ever seen; the whole history of the negro ran through my mind; and the inexpressible pathos of his life found expression in these songs as i had never before felt it. and the future? these were the ambitious youths of the race, at work with an earnestness that put to shame the conventional student life of most educational institutions. another song rolled up along the rafters. and as soon as silence came, i found myself in front of this extraordinary mass of faces, thinking not of them, but of that long and unhappy chapter in our country's history which followed the one great structural mistake of the fathers of the republic; thinking of the one continuous great problem that generations of statesmen had wrangled over, and a million men fought about, and that had so dwarfed the mass of english men in the southern states as to hold them back a hundred years behind their fellows in every other part of the world--in england, in australia, and in the northern and western states; i was thinking of this dark shadow that had oppressed every large-minded statesman from jefferson to lincoln. these thousand young men and women about me were victims of it. i, too, was an innocent victim of it. the whole republic was a victim of that fundamental error of importing africa into america. i held firmly to the first article of my faith that the republic must stand fast by the principle of a fair ballot; but i recalled the wretched mess that reconstruction had made of it; i recalled the low level of public life in all the "black" states. every effort of philanthropy seemed to have miscarried, every effort at correcting abuses seemed of doubtful value, and the race friction seemed to become severer. here was the century-old problem in all its pathos seated singing before me. who were the more to be pitied--these innocent victims of an ancient wrong, or i and men like me, who had inherited the problem? i had long ago thrown aside illusions and theories, and was willing to meet the facts face to face, and to do whatever in god's name a man might do towards saving the next generation from such a burden. but i felt the weight of twenty well-nigh hopeless years of thought and reading and observation; for the old difficulties remained and new ones had sprung up. then i saw clearly that the way out of a century of blunders had been made by this man who stood beside me and was introducing me to this audience. before me was the material he had used. all about me was the indisputable evidence that he had found the natural line of development. he had shown the way. time and patience and encouragement and work would do the rest. it was then more clearly than ever before that i understood the patriotic significance of mr. washington's work. it is this conception of it and of him that i have ever since carried with me. it is on this that his claim to our gratitude rests. to teach the negro to read, whether english, or greek, or hebrew, butters no parsnips. to make the negro work, that is what his master did in one way and hunger has done in another; yet both these left southern life where they found it. but to teach the negro to do skilful work, as men of all the races that have risen have worked,--responsible work, which is education and character; and most of all when negroes so teach negroes to do this that they will teach others with a missionary zeal that puts all ordinary philanthropic efforts to shame,--this is to change the whole economic basis of life and the whole character of a people. the plan itself is not a new one. it was worked out at hampton institute, but it was done at hampton by white men. the plan had, in fact, been many times theoretically laid down by thoughtful students of southern life. handicrafts were taught in the days of slavery on most well-managed plantations. but tuskegee is, nevertheless, a brand-new chapter in the history of the negro, and in the history of the knottiest problem we have ever faced. it not only makes "a carpenter of a man; it makes a man of a carpenter." in one sense, therefore, it is of greater value than any other institution for the training of men and women that we have, from cambridge to palo alto. it is almost the only one of which it may be said that it points the way to a new epoch in a large area of our national life. to work out the plan on paper, or at a distance--that is one thing. for a white man to work it out--that too, is an easy thing. for a coloured man to work it out in the south, where, in its constructive period, he was necessarily misunderstood by his own people as well as by the whites, and where he had to adjust it at every step to the strained race relations--that is so very different and more difficult a thing that the man who did it put the country under lasting obligations to him. it was not and is not a mere educational task. anybody could teach boys trades and give them an elementary education. such tasks have been done since the beginning of civilization. but this task had to be done with the rawest of raw material, done within the civilization of the dominant race, and so done as not to run across race lines and social lines that are the strongest forces in the community. it had to be done for the benefit of the whole community. it had to be done, moreover, without local help, in the face of the direst poverty, done by begging, and done in spite of the ignorance of one race and the prejudice of the other. no man living had a harder task, and a task that called for more wisdom to do it right. the true measure of mr. washington's success is, then, not his teaching the pupils of tuskegee, nor even gaining the support of philanthropic persons at a distance, but this--that every southern white man of character and of wisdom has been won to a cordial recognition of the value of the work, even men who held and still hold to the conviction that a mere book education for the southern blacks under present conditions is a positive evil. this is a demonstration of the efficiency of the hampton-tuskegee idea that stands like the demonstration of the value of democratic institutions themselves--a demonstration made so clear in spite of the greatest odds that it is no longer open to argument. consider the change that has come in twenty years in the discussion of the negro problem. two or three decades ago social philosophers and statisticians and well-meaning philanthropists were still talking and writing about the deportation of the negroes, or about their settlement within some restricted area, or about their settling in all parts of the union, or about their decline through their neglect of their children, or about their rapid multiplication till they should expel the whites from the south--of every sort of nonsense under heaven. all this has given place to the simple plan of an indefinite extension among the neglected classes of both races of the hampton-tuskegee system of training. the "problem" in one sense has disappeared. the future will have for the south swift or slow development of its masses and of its soil in proportion to the swift or slow development of this kind of training. this change of view is a true measure of mr. washington's work. the literature of the negro in america is colossal, from political oratory through abolitionism to "uncle tom's cabin" and "cotton is king"--a vast mass of books which many men have read to the waste of good years (and i among them); but the only books that i have read a second time or ever care again to read in the whole list (most of them by tiresome and unbalanced "reformers") are "uncle remus" and "up from slavery"; for these are the great literature of the subject. one has all the best of the past, the other foreshadows a better future; and the men who wrote them are the only men who have written of the subject with that perfect frankness and perfect knowledge and perfect poise whose other name is genius. mr. washington has won a world-wide fame at an early age. his story of his own life already has the distinction of translation into more languages, i think, than any other american book; and i suppose that he has as large a personal acquaintance among men of influence as any private citizen now living. his own teaching at tuskegee is unique. he lectures to his advanced students on the art of right living, not out of text-books, but straight out of life. then he sends them into the country to visit negro families. such a student will come back with a minute report of the way in which the family that he has seen lives, what their earnings are, what they do well and what they do ill; and he will explain how they might live better. he constructs a definite plan for the betterment of that particular family out of the resources that they have. such a student, if he be bright, will profit more by an experience like this than he could profit by all the books on sociology and economics that ever were written. i talked with a boy at tuskegee who had made such a study as this, and i could not keep from contrasting his knowledge and enthusiasm with what i heard in a class room at a negro university in one of the southern cities, which is conducted on the idea that a college course will save the soul. here the class was reciting a lesson from an abstruse text-book on economics, reciting it by rote, with so obvious a failure to assimilate it that the waste of labour was pitiful. i asked mr. washington years ago what he regarded as the most important result of his work, and he replied: "i do not know which to put first, the effect of tuskegee's work on the negro, or the effect on the attitude of the white man to the negro." the race divergence under the system of miseducation was fast getting wider. under the influence of the hampton-tuskegee idea the races are coming into a closer sympathy and into an honourable and helpful relation. as the negro becomes economically independent, he becomes a responsible part of the southern life; and the whites so recognize him. and this must be so from the nature of things. there is nothing artificial about it. it is development in a perfectly natural way. and the southern whites not only so recognize it, but they are imitating it in the teaching of the neglected masses of their own race. it has thus come about that the school is taking a more direct and helpful hold on life in the south than anywhere else in the country. education is not a thing apart from life--not a "system," nor a philosophy; it is direct teaching how to live and how to work. to say that mr. washington has won the gratitude of all thoughtful southern white men, is to say that he has worked with the highest practical wisdom at a large constructive task; for no plan for the up-building of the freedman could succeed that ran counter to southern opinion. to win the support of southern opinion and to shape it was a necessary part of the task; and in this he has so well succeeded that the south has a sincere and high regard for him. he once said to me that he recalled the day, and remembered it thankfully, when he grew large enough to regard a southern white man as he regarded a northern one. it is well for our common country that the day is come when he and his work are regarded as highly in the south as in any other part of the union. i think that no man of our generation has a more noteworthy achievement to his credit than this; and it is an achievement of moral earnestness of the strong character of a man who has done a great national service. walter h. page. up from slavery chapter i. a slave among slaves i was born a slave on a plantation in franklin county, virginia. i am not quite sure of the exact place or exact date of my birth, but at any rate i suspect i must have been born somewhere and at some time. as nearly as i have been able to learn, i was born near a cross-roads post-office called hale's ford, and the year was 1858 or 1859. i do not know the month or the day. the earliest impressions i can now recall are of the plantation and the slave quarters--the latter being the part of the plantation where the slaves had their cabins. my life had its beginning in the midst of the most miserable, desolate, and discouraging surroundings. this was so, however, not because my owners were especially cruel, for they were not, as compared with many others. i was born in a typical log cabin, about fourteen by sixteen feet square. in this cabin i lived with my mother and a brother and sister till after the civil war, when we were all declared free. of my ancestry i know almost nothing. in the slave quarters, and even later, i heard whispered conversations among the coloured people of the tortures which the slaves, including, no doubt, my ancestors on my mother's side, suffered in the middle passage of the slave ship while being conveyed from africa to america. i have been unsuccessful in securing any information that would throw any accurate light upon the history of my family beyond my mother. she, i remember, had a half-brother and a half-sister. in the days of slavery not very much attention was given to family history and family records--that is, black family records. my mother, i suppose, attracted the attention of a purchaser who was afterward my owner and hers. her addition to the slave family attracted about as much attention as the purchase of a new horse or cow. of my father i know even less than of my mother. i do not even know his name. i have heard reports to the effect that he was a white man who lived on one of the near-by plantations. whoever he was, i never heard of his taking the least interest in me or providing in any way for my rearing. but i do not find especial fault with him. he was simply another unfortunate victim of the institution which the nation unhappily had engrafted upon it at that time. the cabin was not only our living-place, but was also used as the kitchen for the plantation. my mother was the plantation cook. the cabin was without glass windows; it had only openings in the side which let in the light, and also the cold, chilly air of winter. there was a door to the cabin--that is, something that was called a door--but the uncertain hinges by which it was hung, and the large cracks in it, to say nothing of the fact that it was too small, made the room a very uncomfortable one. in addition to these openings there was, in the lower right-hand corner of the room, the "cat-hole,"--a contrivance which almost every mansion or cabin in virginia possessed during the ante-bellum period. the "cat-hole" was a square opening, about seven by eight inches, provided for the purpose of letting the cat pass in and out of the house at will during the night. in the case of our particular cabin i could never understand the necessity for this convenience, since there were at least a half-dozen other places in the cabin that would have accommodated the cats. there was no wooden floor in our cabin, the naked earth being used as a floor. in the centre of the earthen floor there was a large, deep opening covered with boards, which was used as a place in which to store sweet potatoes during the winter. an impression of this potato-hole is very distinctly engraved upon my memory, because i recall that during the process of putting the potatoes in or taking them out i would often come into possession of one or two, which i roasted and thoroughly enjoyed. there was no cooking-stove on our plantation, and all the cooking for the whites and slaves my mother had to do over an open fireplace, mostly in pots and "skillets." while the poorly built cabin caused us to suffer with cold in the winter, the heat from the open fireplace in summer was equally trying. the early years of my life, which were spent in the little cabin, were not very different from those of thousands of other slaves. my mother, of course, had little time in which to give attention to the training of her children during the day. she snatched a few moments for our care in the early morning before her work began, and at night after the day's work was done. one of my earliest recollections is that of my mother cooking a chicken late at night, and awakening her children for the purpose of feeding them. how or where she got it i do not know. i presume, however, it was procured from our owner's farm. some people may call this theft. if such a thing were to happen now, i should condemn it as theft myself. but taking place at the time it did, and for the reason that it did, no one could ever make me believe that my mother was guilty of thieving. she was simply a victim of the system of slavery. i cannot remember having slept in a bed until after our family was declared free by the emancipation proclamation. three children--john, my older brother, amanda, my sister, and myself--had a pallet on the dirt floor, or, to be more correct, we slept in and on a bundle of filthy rags laid upon the dirt floor. i was asked not long ago to tell something about the sports and pastimes that i engaged in during my youth. until that question was asked it had never occurred to me that there was no period of my life that was devoted to play. from the time that i can remember anything, almost every day of my life had been occupied in some kind of labour; though i think i would now be a more useful man if i had had time for sports. during the period that i spent in slavery i was not large enough to be of much service, still i was occupied most of the time in cleaning the yards, carrying water to the men in the fields, or going to the mill to which i used to take the corn, once a week, to be ground. the mill was about three miles from the plantation. this work i always dreaded. the heavy bag of corn would be thrown across the back of the horse, and the corn divided about evenly on each side; but in some way, almost without exception, on these trips, the corn would so shift as to become unbalanced and would fall off the horse, and often i would fall with it. as i was not strong enough to reload the corn upon the horse, i would have to wait, sometimes for many hours, till a chance passer-by came along who would help me out of my trouble. the hours while waiting for some one were usually spent in crying. the time consumed in this way made me late in reaching the mill, and by the time i got my corn ground and reached home it would be far into the night. the road was a lonely one, and often led through dense forests. i was always frightened. the woods were said to be full of soldiers who had deserted from the army, and i had been told that the first thing a deserter did to a negro boy when he found him alone was to cut off his ears. besides, when i was late in getting home i knew i would always get a severe scolding or a flogging. i had no schooling whatever while i was a slave, though i remember on several occasions i went as far as the schoolhouse door with one of my young mistresses to carry her books. the picture of several dozen boys and girls in a schoolroom engaged in study made a deep impression upon me, and i had the feeling that to get into a schoolhouse and study in this way would be about the same as getting into paradise. so far as i can now recall, the first knowledge that i got of the fact that we were slaves, and that freedom of the slaves was being discussed, was early one morning before day, when i was awakened by my mother kneeling over her children and fervently praying that lincoln and his armies might be successful, and that one day she and her children might be free. in this connection i have never been able to understand how the slaves throughout the south, completely ignorant as were the masses so far as books or newspapers were concerned, were able to keep themselves so accurately and completely informed about the great national questions that were agitating the country. from the time that garrison, lovejoy, and others began to agitate for freedom, the slaves throughout the south kept in close touch with the progress of the movement. though i was a mere child during the preparation for the civil war and during the war itself, i now recall the many late-at-night whispered discussions that i heard my mother and the other slaves on the plantation indulge in. these discussions showed that they understood the situation, and that they kept themselves informed of events by what was termed the "grape-vine" telegraph. during the campaign when lincoln was first a candidate for the presidency, the slaves on our far-off plantation, miles from any railroad or large city or daily newspaper, knew what the issues involved were. when war was begun between the north and the south, every slave on our plantation felt and knew that, though other issues were discussed, the primal one was that of slavery. even the most ignorant members of my race on the remote plantations felt in their hearts, with a certainty that admitted of no doubt, that the freedom of the slaves would be the one great result of the war, if the northern armies conquered. every success of the federal armies and every defeat of the confederate forces was watched with the keenest and most intense interest. often the slaves got knowledge of the results of great battles before the white people received it. this news was usually gotten from the coloured man who was sent to the post-office for the mail. in our case the post-office was about three miles from the plantation, and the mail came once or twice a week. the man who was sent to the office would linger about the place long enough to get the drift of the conversation from the group of white people who naturally congregated there, after receiving their mail, to discuss the latest news. the mail-carrier on his way back to our master's house would as naturally retail the news that he had secured among the slaves, and in this way they often heard of important events before the white people at the "big house," as the master's house was called. i cannot remember a single instance during my childhood or early boyhood when our entire family sat down to the table together, and god's blessing was asked, and the family ate a meal in a civilized manner. on the plantation in virginia, and even later, meals were gotten by the children very much as dumb animals get theirs. it was a piece of bread here and a scrap of meat there. it was a cup of milk at one time and some potatoes at another. sometimes a portion of our family would eat out of the skillet or pot, while some one else would eat from a tin plate held on the knees, and often using nothing but the hands with which to hold the food. when i had grown to sufficient size, i was required to go to the "big house" at meal-times to fan the flies from the table by means of a large set of paper fans operated by a pulley. naturally much of the conversation of the white people turned upon the subject of freedom and the war, and i absorbed a good deal of it. i remember that at one time i saw two of my young mistresses and some lady visitors eating ginger-cakes, in the yard. at that time those cakes seemed to me to be absolutely the most tempting and desirable things that i had ever seen; and i then and there resolved that, if i ever got free, the height of my ambition would be reached if i could get to the point where i could secure and eat ginger-cakes in the way that i saw those ladies doing. of course as the war was prolonged the white people, in many cases, often found it difficult to secure food for themselves. i think the slaves felt the deprivation less than the whites, because the usual diet for slaves was corn bread and pork, and these could be raised on the plantation; but coffee, tea, sugar, and other articles which the whites had been accustomed to use could not be raised on the plantation, and the conditions brought about by the war frequently made it impossible to secure these things. the whites were often in great straits. parched corn was used for coffee, and a kind of black molasses was used instead of sugar. many times nothing was used to sweeten the so-called tea and coffee. the first pair of shoes that i recall wearing were wooden ones. they had rough leather on the top, but the bottoms, which were about an inch thick, were of wood. when i walked they made a fearful noise, and besides this they were very inconvenient, since there was no yielding to the natural pressure of the foot. in wearing them one presented an exceedingly awkward appearance. the most trying ordeal that i was forced to endure as a slave boy, however, was the wearing of a flax shirt. in the portion of virginia where i lived it was common to use flax as part of the clothing for the slaves. that part of the flax from which our clothing was made was largely the refuse, which of course was the cheapest and roughest part. i can scarcely imagine any torture, except, perhaps, the pulling of a tooth, that is equal to that caused by putting on a new flax shirt for the first time. it is almost equal to the feeling that one would experience if he had a dozen or more chestnut burrs, or a hundred small pin-points, in contact with his flesh. even to this day i can recall accurately the tortures that i underwent when putting on one of these garments. the fact that my flesh was soft and tender added to the pain. but i had no choice. i had to wear the flax shirt or none; and had it been left to me to choose, i should have chosen to wear no covering. in connection with the flax shirt, my brother john, who is several years older than i am, performed one of the most generous acts that i ever heard of one slave relative doing for another. on several occasions when i was being forced to wear a new flax shirt, he generously agreed to put it on in my stead and wear it for several days, till it was "broken in." until i had grown to be quite a youth this single garment was all that i wore. one may get the idea, from what i have said, that there was bitter feeling toward the white people on the part of my race, because of the fact that most of the white population was away fighting in a war which would result in keeping the negro in slavery if the south was successful. in the case of the slaves on our place this was not true, and it was not true of any large portion of the slave population in the south where the negro was treated with anything like decency. during the civil war one of my young masters was killed, and two were severely wounded. i recall the feeling of sorrow which existed among the slaves when they heard of the death of "mars' billy." it was no sham sorrow, but real. some of the slaves had nursed "mars' billy"; others had played with him when he was a child. "mars' billy" had begged for mercy in the case of others when the overseer or master was thrashing them. the sorrow in the slave quarter was only second to that in the "big house." when the two young masters were brought home wounded, the sympathy of the slaves was shown in many ways. they were just as anxious to assist in the nursing as the family relatives of the wounded. some of the slaves would even beg for the privilege of sitting up at night to nurse their wounded masters. this tenderness and sympathy on the part of those held in bondage was a result of their kindly and generous nature. in order to defend and protect the women and children who were left on the plantations when the white males went to war, the slaves would have laid down their lives. the slave who was selected to sleep in the "big house" during the absence of the males was considered to have the place of honour. any one attempting to harm "young mistress" or "old mistress" during the night would have had to cross the dead body of the slave to do so. i do not know how many have noticed it, but i think that it will be found to be true that there are few instances, either in slavery or freedom, in which a member of my race has been known to betray a specific trust. as a rule, not only did the members of my race entertain no feelings of bitterness against the whites before and during the war, but there are many instances of negroes tenderly caring for their former masters and mistresses who for some reason have become poor and dependent since the war. i know of instances where the former masters of slaves have for years been supplied with money by their former slaves to keep them from suffering. i have known of still other cases in which the former slaves have assisted in the education of the descendants of their former owners. i know of a case on a large plantation in the south in which a young white man, the son of the former owner of the estate, has become so reduced in purse and self-control by reason of drink that he is a pitiable creature; and yet, notwithstanding the poverty of the coloured people themselves on this plantation, they have for years supplied this young white man with the necessities of life. one sends him a little coffee or sugar, another a little meat, and so on. nothing that the coloured people possess is too good for the son of "old mars' tom," who will perhaps never be permitted to suffer while any remain on the place who knew directly or indirectly of "old mars' tom." i have said that there are few instances of a member of my race betraying a specific trust. one of the best illustrations of this which i know of is in the case of an ex-slave from virginia whom i met not long ago in a little town in the state of ohio. i found that this man had made a contract with his master, two or three years previous to the emancipation proclamation, to the effect that the slave was to be permitted to buy himself, by paying so much per year for his body; and while he was paying for himself, he was to be permitted to labour where and for whom he pleased. finding that he could secure better wages in ohio, he went there. when freedom came, he was still in debt to his master some three hundred dollars. notwithstanding that the emancipation proclamation freed him from any obligation to his master, this black man walked the greater portion of the distance back to where his old master lived in virginia, and placed the last dollar, with interest, in his hands. in talking to me about this, the man told me that he knew that he did not have to pay the debt, but that he had given his word to the master, and his word he had never broken. he felt that he could not enjoy his freedom till he had fulfilled his promise. from some things that i have said one may get the idea that some of the slaves did not want freedom. this is not true. i have never seen one who did not want to be free, or one who would return to slavery. i pity from the bottom of my heart any nation or body of people that is so unfortunate as to get entangled in the net of slavery. i have long since ceased to cherish any spirit of bitterness against the southern white people on account of the enslavement of my race. no one section of our country was wholly responsible for its introduction, and, besides, it was recognized and protected for years by the general government. having once got its tentacles fastened on to the economic and social life of the republic, it was no easy matter for the country to relieve itself of the institution. then, when we rid ourselves of prejudice, or racial feeling, and look facts in the face, we must acknowledge that, notwithstanding the cruelty and moral wrong of slavery, the ten million negroes inhabiting this country, who themselves or whose ancestors went through the school of american slavery, are in a stronger and more hopeful condition, materially, intellectually, morally, and religiously, than is true of an equal number of black people in any other portion of the globe. this is so to such an extent that negroes in this country, who themselves or whose forefathers went through the school of slavery, are constantly returning to africa as missionaries to enlighten those who remained in the fatherland. this i say, not to justify slavery--on the other hand, i condemn it as an institution, as we all know that in america it was established for selfish and financial reasons, and not from a missionary motive--but to call attention to a fact, and to show how providence so often uses men and institutions to accomplish a purpose. when persons ask me in these days how, in the midst of what sometimes seem hopelessly discouraging conditions, i can have such faith in the future of my race in this country, i remind them of the wilderness through which and out of which, a good providence has already led us. ever since i have been old enough to think for myself, i have entertained the idea that, notwithstanding the cruel wrongs inflicted upon us, the black man got nearly as much out of slavery as the white man did. the hurtful influences of the institution were not by any means confined to the negro. this was fully illustrated by the life upon our own plantation. the whole machinery of slavery was so constructed as to cause labour, as a rule, to be looked upon as a badge of degradation, of inferiority. hence labour was something that both races on the slave plantation sought to escape. the slave system on our place, in a large measure, took the spirit of self-reliance and self-help out of the white people. my old master had many boys and girls, but not one, so far as i know, ever mastered a single trade or special line of productive industry. the girls were not taught to cook, sew, or to take care of the house. all of this was left to the slaves. the slaves, of course, had little personal interest in the life of the plantation, and their ignorance prevented them from learning how to do things in the most improved and thorough manner. as a result of the system, fences were out of repair, gates were hanging half off the hinges, doors creaked, window-panes were out, plastering had fallen but was not replaced, weeds grew in the yard. as a rule, there was food for whites and blacks, but inside the house, and on the dining-room table, there was wanting that delicacy and refinement of touch and finish which can make a home the most convenient, comfortable, and attractive place in the world. withal there was a waste of food and other materials which was sad. when freedom came, the slaves were almost as well fitted to begin life anew as the master, except in the matter of book-learning and ownership of property. the slave owner and his sons had mastered no special industry. they unconsciously had imbibed the feeling that manual labour was not the proper thing for them. on the other hand, the slaves, in many cases, had mastered some handicraft, and none were ashamed, and few unwilling, to labour. finally the war closed, and the day of freedom came. it was a momentous and eventful day to all upon our plantation. we had been expecting it. freedom was in the air, and had been for months. deserting soldiers returning to their homes were to be seen every day. others who had been discharged, or whose regiments had been paroled, were constantly passing near our place. the "grape-vine telegraph" was kept busy night and day. the news and mutterings of great events were swiftly carried from one plantation to another. in the fear of "yankee" invasions, the silverware and other valuables were taken from the "big house," buried in the woods, and guarded by trusted slaves. woe be to any one who would have attempted to disturb the buried treasure. the slaves would give the yankee soldiers food, drink, clothing--anything but that which had been specifically intrusted to their care and honour. as the great day drew nearer, there was more singing in the slave quarters than usual. it was bolder, had more ring, and lasted later into the night. most of the verses of the plantation songs had some reference to freedom. true, they had sung those same verses before, but they had been careful to explain that the "freedom" in these songs referred to the next world, and had no connection with life in this world. now they gradually threw off the mask, and were not afraid to let it be known that the "freedom" in their songs meant freedom of the body in this world. the night before the eventful day, word was sent to the slave quarters to the effect that something unusual was going to take place at the "big house" the next morning. there was little, if any, sleep that night. all as excitement and expectancy. early the next morning word was sent to all the slaves, old and young, to gather at the house. in company with my mother, brother, and sister, and a large number of other slaves, i went to the master's house. all of our master's family were either standing or seated on the veranda of the house, where they could see what was to take place and hear what was said. there was a feeling of deep interest, or perhaps sadness, on their faces, but not bitterness. as i now recall the impression they made upon me, they did not at the moment seem to be sad because of the loss of property, but rather because of parting with those whom they had reared and who were in many ways very close to them. the most distinct thing that i now recall in connection with the scene was that some man who seemed to be a stranger (a united states officer, i presume) made a little speech and then read a rather long paper--the emancipation proclamation, i think. after the reading we were told that we were all free, and could go when and where we pleased. my mother, who was standing by my side, leaned over and kissed her children, while tears of joy ran down her cheeks. she explained to us what it all meant, that this was the day for which she had been so long praying, but fearing that she would never live to see. for some minutes there was great rejoicing, and thanksgiving, and wild scenes of ecstasy. but there was no feeling of bitterness. in fact, there was pity among the slaves for our former owners. the wild rejoicing on the part of the emancipated coloured people lasted but for a brief period, for i noticed that by the time they returned to their cabins there was a change in their feelings. the great responsibility of being free, of having charge of themselves, of having to think and plan for themselves and their children, seemed to take possession of them. it was very much like suddenly turning a youth of ten or twelve years out into the world to provide for himself. in a few hours the great questions with which the anglo-saxon race had been grappling for centuries had been thrown upon these people to be solved. these were the questions of a home, a living, the rearing of children, education, citizenship, and the establishment and support of churches. was it any wonder that within a few hours the wild rejoicing ceased and a feeling of deep gloom seemed to pervade the slave quarters? to some it seemed that, now that they were in actual possession of it, freedom was a more serious thing than they had expected to find it. some of the slaves were seventy or eighty years old; their best days were gone. they had no strength with which to earn a living in a strange place and among strange people, even if they had been sure where to find a new place of abode. to this class the problem seemed especially hard. besides, deep down in their hearts there was a strange and peculiar attachment to "old marster" and "old missus," and to their children, which they found it hard to think of breaking off. with these they had spent in some cases nearly a half-century, and it was no light thing to think of parting. gradually, one by one, stealthily at first, the older slaves began to wander from the slave quarters back to the "big house" to have a whispered conversation with their former owners as to the future. chapter ii. boyhood days after the coming of freedom there were two points upon which practically all the people on our place were agreed, and i found that this was generally true throughout the south: that they must change their names, and that they must leave the old plantation for at least a few days or weeks in order that they might really feel sure that they were free. in some way a feeling got among the coloured people that it was far from proper for them to bear the surname of their former owners, and a great many of them took other surnames. this was one of the first signs of freedom. when they were slaves, a coloured person was simply called "john" or "susan." there was seldom occasion for more than the use of the one name. if "john" or "susan" belonged to a white man by the name of "hatcher," sometimes he was called "john hatcher," or as often "hatcher's john." but there was a feeling that "john hatcher" or "hatcher's john" was not the proper title by which to denote a freeman; and so in many cases "john hatcher" was changed to "john s. lincoln" or "john s. sherman," the initial "s" standing for no name, it being simply a part of what the coloured man proudly called his "entitles." as i have stated, most of the coloured people left the old plantation for a short while at least, so as to be sure, it seemed, that they could leave and try their freedom on to see how it felt. after they had remained away for a while, many of the older slaves, especially, returned to their old homes and made some kind of contract with their former owners by which they remained on the estate. my mother's husband, who was the stepfather of my brother john and myself, did not belong to the same owners as did my mother. in fact, he seldom came to our plantation. i remember seeing him there perhaps once a year, that being about christmas time. in some way, during the war, by running away and following the federal soldiers, it seems, he found his way into the new state of west virginia. as soon as freedom was declared, he sent for my mother to come to the kanawha valley, in west virginia. at that time a journey from virginia over the mountains to west virginia was rather a tedious and in some cases a painful undertaking. what little clothing and few household goods we had were placed in a cart, but the children walked the greater portion of the distance, which was several hundred miles. i do not think any of us ever had been very far from the plantation, and the taking of a long journey into another state was quite an event. the parting from our former owners and the members of our own race on the plantation was a serious occasion. from the time of our parting till their death we kept up a correspondence with the older members of the family, and in later years we have kept in touch with those who were the younger members. we were several weeks making the trip, and most of the time we slept in the open air and did our cooking over a log fire out-of-doors. one night i recall that we camped near an abandoned log cabin, and my mother decided to build a fire in that for cooking, and afterward to make a "pallet" on the floor for our sleeping. just as the fire had gotten well started a large black snake fully a yard and a half long dropped down the chimney and ran out on the floor. of course we at once abandoned that cabin. finally we reached our destination--a little town called malden, which is about five miles from charleston, the present capital of the state. at that time salt-mining was the great industry in that part of west virginia, and the little town of malden was right in the midst of the salt-furnaces. my stepfather had already secured a job at a salt-furnace, and he had also secured a little cabin for us to live in. our new house was no better than the one we had left on the old plantation in virginia. in fact, in one respect it was worse. notwithstanding the poor condition of our plantation cabin, we were at all times sure of pure air. our new home was in the midst of a cluster of cabins crowded closely together, and as there were no sanitary regulations, the filth about the cabins was often intolerable. some of our neighbours were coloured people, and some were the poorest and most ignorant and degraded white people. it was a motley mixture. drinking, gambling, quarrels, fights, and shockingly immoral practices were frequent. all who lived in the little town were in one way or another connected with the salt business. though i was a mere child, my stepfather put me and my brother at work in one of the furnaces. often i began work as early as four o'clock in the morning. the first thing i ever learned in the way of book knowledge was while working in this salt-furnace. each salt-packer had his barrels marked with a certain number. the number allotted to my stepfather was "18." at the close of the day's work the boss of the packers would come around and put "18" on each of our barrels, and i soon learned to recognize that figure wherever i saw it, and after a while got to the point where i could make that figure, though i knew nothing about any other figures or letters. from the time that i can remember having any thoughts about anything, i recall that i had an intense longing to learn to read. i determined, when quite a small child, that, if i accomplished nothing else in life, i would in some way get enough education to enable me to read common books and newspapers. soon after we got settled in some manner in our new cabin in west virginia, i induced my mother to get hold of a book for me. how or where she got it i do not know, but in some way she procured an old copy of webster's "blue-back" spelling-book, which contained the alphabet, followed by such meaningless words as "ab," "ba," "ca," "da." i began at once to devour this book, and i think that it was the first one i ever had in my hands. i had learned from somebody that the way to begin to read was to learn the alphabet, so i tried in all the ways i could think of to learn it,--all of course without a teacher, for i could find no one to teach me. at that time there was not a single member of my race anywhere near us who could read, and i was too timid to approach any of the white people. in some way, within a few weeks, i mastered the greater portion of the alphabet. in all my efforts to learn to read my mother shared fully my ambition, and sympathized with me and aided me in every way that she could. though she was totally ignorant, she had high ambitions for her children, and a large fund of good, hard, common sense, which seemed to enable her to meet and master every situation. if i have done anything in life worth attention, i feel sure that i inherited the disposition from my mother. in the midst of my struggles and longing for an education, a young coloured boy who had learned to read in the state of ohio came to malden. as soon as the coloured people found out that he could read, a newspaper was secured, and at the close of nearly every day's work this young man would be surrounded by a group of men and women who were anxious to hear him read the news contained in the papers. how i used to envy this man! he seemed to me to be the one young man in all the world who ought to be satisfied with his attainments. about this time the question of having some kind of a school opened for the coloured children in the village began to be discussed by members of the race. as it would be the first school for negro children that had ever been opened in that part of virginia, it was, of course, to be a great event, and the discussion excited the wildest interest. the most perplexing question was where to find a teacher. the young man from ohio who had learned to read the papers was considered, but his age was against him. in the midst of the discussion about a teacher, another young coloured man from ohio, who had been a soldier, in some way found his way into town. it was soon learned that he possessed considerable education, and he was engaged by the coloured people to teach their first school. as yet no free schools had been started for coloured people in that section, hence each family agreed to pay a certain amount per month, with the understanding that the teacher was to "board 'round"--that is, spend a day with each family. this was not bad for the teacher, for each family tried to provide the very best on the day the teacher was to be its guest. i recall that i looked forward with an anxious appetite to the "teacher's day" at our little cabin. this experience of a whole race beginning to go to school for the first time, presents one of the most interesting studies that has ever occurred in connection with the development of any race. few people who were not right in the midst of the scenes can form any exact idea of the intense desire which the people of my race showed for an education. as i have stated, it was a whole race trying to go to school. few were too young, and none too old, to make the attempt to learn. as fast as any kind of teachers could be secured, not only were day-schools filled, but night-schools as well. the great ambition of the older people was to try to learn to read the bible before they died. with this end in view men and women who were fifty or seventy-five years old would often be found in the night-school. some day-schools were formed soon after freedom, but the principal book studied in the sunday-school was the spelling-book. day-school, night-school, sunday-school, were always crowded, and often many had to be turned away for want of room. the opening of the school in the kanawha valley, however, brought to me one of the keenest disappointments that i ever experienced. i had been working in a salt-furnace for several months, and my stepfather had discovered that i had a financial value, and so, when the school opened, he decided that he could not spare me from my work. this decision seemed to cloud my every ambition. the disappointment was made all the more severe by reason of the fact that my place of work was where i could see the happy children passing to and from school mornings and afternoons. despite this disappointment, however, i determined that i would learn something, anyway. i applied myself with greater earnestness than ever to the mastering of what was in the "blue-back" speller. my mother sympathized with me in my disappointment, and sought to comfort me in all the ways she could, and to help me find a way to learn. after a while i succeeded in making arrangements with the teacher to give me some lessons at night, after the day's work was done. these night lessons were so welcome that i think i learned more at night than the other children did during the day. my own experiences in the night-school gave me faith in the night-school idea, with which, in after years, i had to do both at hampton and tuskegee. but my boyish heart was still set upon going to the day-school, and i let no opportunity slip to push my case. finally i won, and was permitted to go to the school in the day for a few months, with the understanding that i was to rise early in the morning and work in the furnace till nine o'clock, and return immediately after school closed in the afternoon for at least two more hours of work. the schoolhouse was some distance from the furnace, and as i had to work till nine o'clock, and the school opened at nine, i found myself in a difficulty. school would always be begun before i reached it, and sometimes my class had recited. to get around this difficulty i yielded to a temptation for which most people, i suppose, will condemn me; but since it is a fact, i might as well state it. i have great faith in the power and influence of facts. it is seldom that anything is permanently gained by holding back a fact. there was a large clock in a little office in the furnace. this clock, of course, all the hundred or more workmen depended upon to regulate their hours of beginning and ending the day's work. i got the idea that the way for me to reach school on time was to move the clock hands from half-past eight up to the nine o'clock mark. this i found myself doing morning after morning, till the furnace "boss" discovered that something was wrong, and locked the clock in a case. i did not mean to inconvenience anybody. i simply meant to reach that schoolhouse in time. when, however, i found myself at the school for the first time, i also found myself confronted with two other difficulties. in the first place, i found that all the other children wore hats or caps on their heads, and i had neither hat nor cap. in fact, i do not remember that up to the time of going to school i had ever worn any kind of covering upon my head, nor do i recall that either i or anybody else had even thought anything about the need of covering for my head. but, of course, when i saw how all the other boys were dressed, i began to feel quite uncomfortable. as usual, i put the case before my mother, and she explained to me that she had no money with which to buy a "store hat," which was a rather new institution at that time among the members of my race and was considered quite the thing for young and old to own, but that she would find a way to help me out of the difficulty. she accordingly got two pieces of "homespun" (jeans) and sewed them together, and i was soon the proud possessor of my first cap. the lesson that my mother taught me in this has always remained with me, and i have tried as best as i could to teach it to others. i have always felt proud, whenever i think of the incident, that my mother had strength of character enough not to be led into the temptation of seeming to be that which she was not--of trying to impress my schoolmates and others with the fact that she was able to buy me a "store hat" when she was not. i have always felt proud that she refused to go into debt for that which she did not have the money to pay for. since that time i have owned many kinds of caps and hats, but never one of which i have felt so proud as of the cap made of the two pieces of cloth sewed together by my mother. i have noted the fact, but without satisfaction, i need not add, that several of the boys who began their careers with "store hats" and who were my schoolmates and used to join in the sport that was made of me because i had only a "homespun" cap, have ended their careers in the penitentiary, while others are not able now to buy any kind of hat. my second difficulty was with regard to my name, or rather a name. from the time when i could remember anything, i had been called simply "booker." before going to school it had never occurred to me that it was needful or appropriate to have an additional name. when i heard the school-roll called, i noticed that all of the children had at least two names, and some of them indulged in what seemed to me the extravagance of having three. i was in deep perplexity, because i knew that the teacher would demand of me at least two names, and i had only one. by the time the occasion came for the enrolling of my name, an idea occurred to me which i thought would make me equal to the situation; and so, when the teacher asked me what my full name was, i calmly told him "booker washington," as if i had been called by that name all my life; and by that name i have since been known. later in my life i found that my mother had given me the name of "booker taliaferro" soon after i was born, but in some way that part of my name seemed to disappear and for a long while was forgotten, but as soon as i found out about it i revived it, and made my full name "booker taliaferro washington." i think there are not many men in our country who have had the privilege of naming themselves in the way that i have. more than once i have tried to picture myself in the position of a boy or man with an honoured and distinguished ancestry which i could trace back through a period of hundreds of years, and who had not only inherited a name, but fortune and a proud family homestead; and yet i have sometimes had the feeling that if i had inherited these, and had been a member of a more popular race, i should have been inclined to yield to the temptation of depending upon my ancestry and my colour to do that for me which i should do for myself. years ago i resolved that because i had no ancestry myself i would leave a record of which my children would be proud, and which might encourage them to still higher effort. the world should not pass judgment upon the negro, and especially the negro youth, too quickly or too harshly. the negro boy has obstacles, discouragements, and temptations to battle with that are little known to those not situated as he is. when a white boy undertakes a task, it is taken for granted that he will succeed. on the other hand, people are usually surprised if the negro boy does not fail. in a word, the negro youth starts out with the presumption against him. the influence of ancestry, however, is important in helping forward any individual or race, if too much reliance is not placed upon it. those who constantly direct attention to the negro youth's moral weaknesses, and compare his advancement with that of white youths, do not consider the influence of the memories which cling about the old family homesteads. i have no idea, as i have stated elsewhere, who my grandmother was. i have, or have had, uncles and aunts and cousins, but i have no knowledge as to where most of them are. my case will illustrate that of hundreds of thousands of black people in every part of our country. the very fact that the white boy is conscious that, if he fails in life, he will disgrace the whole family record, extending back through many generations, is of tremendous value in helping him to resist temptations. the fact that the individual has behind and surrounding him proud family history and connection serves as a stimulus to help him to overcome obstacles when striving for success. the time that i was permitted to attend school during the day was short, and my attendance was irregular. it was not long before i had to stop attending day-school altogether, and devote all of my time again to work. i resorted to the night-school again. in fact, the greater part of the education i secured in my boyhood was gathered through the night-school after my day's work was done. i had difficulty often in securing a satisfactory teacher. sometimes, after i had secured some one to teach me at night, i would find, much to my disappointment, that the teacher knew but little more than i did. often i would have to walk several miles at night in order to recite my night-school lessons. there was never a time in my youth, no matter how dark and discouraging the days might be, when one resolve did not continually remain with me, and that was a determination to secure an education at any cost. soon after we moved to west virginia, my mother adopted into our family, notwithstanding our poverty, an orphan boy, to whom afterward we gave the name of james b. washington. he has ever since remained a member of the family. after i had worked in the salt-furnace for some time, work was secured for me in a coal-mine which was operated mainly for the purpose of securing fuel for the salt-furnace. work in the coal-mine i always dreaded. one reason for this was that any one who worked in a coal-mine was always unclean, at least while at work, and it was a very hard job to get one's skin clean after the day's work was over. then it was fully a mile from the opening of the coal-mine to the face of the coal, and all, of course, was in the blackest darkness. i do not believe that one ever experiences anywhere else such darkness as he does in a coal-mine. the mine was divided into a large number of different "rooms" or departments, and, as i never was able to learn the location of all these "rooms," i many times found myself lost in the mine. to add to the horror of being lost, sometimes my light would go out, and then, if i did not happen to have a match, i would wander about in the darkness until by chance i found some one to give me a light. the work was not only hard, but it was dangerous. there was always the danger of being blown to pieces by a premature explosion of powder, or of being crushed by falling slate. accidents from one or the other of these causes were frequently occurring, and this kept me in constant fear. many children of the tenderest years were compelled then, as is now true i fear, in most coal-mining districts, to spend a large part of their lives in these coal-mines, with little opportunity to get an education; and, what is worse, i have often noted that, as a rule, young boys who begin life in a coal-mine are often physically and mentally dwarfed. they soon lose ambition to do anything else than to continue as a coal-miner. in those days, and later as a young man, i used to try to picture in my imagination the feelings and ambitions of a white boy with absolutely no limit placed upon his aspirations and activities. i used to envy the white boy who had no obstacles placed in the way of his becoming a congressman, governor, bishop, or president by reason of the accident of his birth or race. i used to picture the way that i would act under such circumstances; how i would begin at the bottom and keep rising until i reached the highest round of success. in later years, i confess that i do not envy the white boy as i once did. i have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. looked at from this standpoint, i almost reached the conclusion that often the negro boy's birth and connection with an unpopular race is an advantage, so far as real life is concerned. with few exceptions, the negro youth must work harder and must perform his tasks even better than a white youth in order to secure recognition. but out of the hard and unusual struggle through which he is compelled to pass, he gets a strength, a confidence, that one misses whose pathway is comparatively smooth by reason of birth and race. from any point of view, i had rather be what i am, a member of the negro race, than be able to claim membership with the most favoured of any other race. i have always been made sad when i have heard members of any race claiming rights or privileges, or certain badges of distinction, on the ground simply that they were members of this or that race, regardless of their own individual worth or attainments. i have been made to feel sad for such persons because i am conscious of the fact that mere connection with what is known as a superior race will not permanently carry an individual forward unless he has individual worth, and mere connection with what is regarded as an inferior race will not finally hold an individual back if he possesses intrinsic, individual merit. every persecuted individual and race should get much consolation out of the great human law, which is universal and eternal, that merit, no matter under what skin found, is, in the long run, recognized and rewarded. this i have said here, not to call attention to myself as an individual, but to the race to which i am proud to belong. chapter iii. the struggle for an education one day, while at work in the coal-mine, i happened to overhear two miners talking about a great school for coloured people somewhere in virginia. this was the first time that i had ever heard anything about any kind of school or college that was more pretentious than the little coloured school in our town. in the darkness of the mine i noiselessly crept as close as i could to the two men who were talking. i heard one tell the other that not only was the school established for the members of any race, but the opportunities that it provided by which poor but worthy students could work out all or a part of the cost of a board, and at the same time be taught some trade or industry. as they went on describing the school, it seemed to me that it must be the greatest place on earth, and not even heaven presented more attractions for me at that time than did the hampton normal and agricultural institute in virginia, about which these men were talking. i resolved at once to go to that school, although i had no idea where it was, or how many miles away, or how i was going to reach it; i remembered only that i was on fire constantly with one ambition, and that was to go to hampton. this thought was with me day and night. after hearing of the hampton institute, i continued to work for a few months longer in the coal-mine. while at work there, i heard of a vacant position in the household of general lewis ruffner, the owner of the salt-furnace and coal-mine. mrs. viola ruffner, the wife of general ruffner, was a "yankee" woman from vermont. mrs. ruffner had a reputation all through the vicinity for being very strict with her servants, and especially with the boys who tried to serve her. few of them remained with her more than two or three weeks. they all left with the same excuse: she was too strict. i decided, however, that i would rather try mrs. ruffner's house than remain in the coal-mine, and so my mother applied to her for the vacant position. i was hired at a salary of $5 per month. i had heard so much about mrs. ruffner's severity that i was almost afraid to see her, and trembled when i went into her presence. i had not lived with her many weeks, however, before i began to understand her. i soon began to learn that, first of all, she wanted everything kept clean about her, that she wanted things done promptly and systematically, and that at the bottom of everything she wanted absolute honesty and frankness. nothing must be sloven or slipshod; every door, every fence, must be kept in repair. i cannot now recall how long i lived with mrs. ruffner before going to hampton, but i think it must have been a year and a half. at any rate, i here repeat what i have said more than once before, that the lessons that i learned in the home of mrs. ruffner were as valuable to me as any education i have ever gotten anywhere else. even to this day i never see bits of paper scattered around a house or in the street that i do not want to pick them up at once. i never see a filthy yard that i do not want to clean it, a paling off of a fence that i do not want to put it on, an unpainted or unwhitewashed house that i do not want to paint or whitewash it, or a button off one's clothes, or a grease-spot on them or on a floor, that i do not want to call attention to it. from fearing mrs. ruffner i soon learned to look upon her as one of my best friends. when she found that she could trust me she did so implicitly. during the one or two winters that i was with her she gave me an opportunity to go to school for an hour in the day during a portion of the winter months, but most of my studying was done at night, sometimes alone, sometimes under some one whom i could hire to teach me. mrs. ruffner always encouraged and sympathized with me in all my efforts to get an education. it was while living with her that i began to get together my first library. i secured a dry-goods box, knocked out one side of it, put some shelves in it, and began putting into it every kind of book that i could get my hands upon, and called it my "library." notwithstanding my success at mrs. ruffner's i did not give up the idea of going to the hampton institute. in the fall of 1872 i determined to make an effort to get there, although, as i have stated, i had no definite idea of the direction in which hampton was, or of what it would cost to go there. i do not think that any one thoroughly sympathized with me in my ambition to go to hampton unless it was my mother, and she was troubled with a grave fear that i was starting out on a "wild-goose chase." at any rate, i got only a half-hearted consent from her that i might start. the small amount of money that i had earned had been consumed by my stepfather and the remainder of the family, with the exception of a very few dollars, and so i had very little with which to buy clothes and pay my travelling expenses. my brother john helped me all that he could, but of course that was not a great deal, for his work was in the coal-mine, where he did not earn much, and most of what he did earn went in the direction of paying the household expenses. perhaps the thing that touched and pleased me most in connection with my starting for hampton was the interest that many of the older coloured people took in the matter. they had spent the best days of their lives in slavery, and hardly expected to live to see the time when they would see a member of their race leave home to attend a boarding-school. some of these older people would give me a nickel, others a quarter, or a handkerchief. finally the great day came, and i started for hampton. i had only a small, cheap satchel that contained a few articles of clothing i could get. my mother at the time was rather weak and broken in health. i hardly expected to see her again, and thus our parting was all the more sad. she, however, was very brave through it all. at that time there were no through trains connecting that part of west virginia with eastern virginia. trains ran only a portion of the way, and the remainder of the distance was travelled by stage-coaches. the distance from malden to hampton is about five hundred miles. i had not been away from home many hours before it began to grow painfully evident that i did not have enough money to pay my fare to hampton. one experience i shall long remember. i had been travelling over the mountains most of the afternoon in an old-fashion stage-coach, when, late in the evening, the coach stopped for the night at a common, unpainted house called a hotel. all the other passengers except myself were whites. in my ignorance i supposed that the little hotel existed for the purpose of accommodating the passengers who travelled on the stage-coach. the difference that the colour of one's skin would make i had not thought anything about. after all the other passengers had been shown rooms and were getting ready for supper, i shyly presented myself before the man at the desk. it is true i had practically no money in my pocket with which to pay for bed or food, but i had hoped in some way to beg my way into the good graces of the landlord, for at that season in the mountains of virginia the weather was cold, and i wanted to get indoors for the night. without asking as to whether i had any money, the man at the desk firmly refused to even consider the matter of providing me with food or lodging. this was my first experience in finding out what the colour of my skin meant. in some way i managed to keep warm by walking about, and so got through the night. my whole soul was so bent upon reaching hampton that i did not have time to cherish any bitterness toward the hotel-keeper. by walking, begging rides both in wagons and in the cars, in some way, after a number of days, i reached the city of richmond, virginia, about eighty-two miles from hampton. when i reached there, tired, hungry, and dirty, it was late in the night. i had never been in a large city, and this rather added to my misery. when i reached richmond, i was completely out of money. i had not a single acquaintance in the place, and, being unused to city ways, i did not know where to go. i applied at several places for lodging, but they all wanted money, and that was what i did not have. knowing nothing else better to do, i walked the streets. in doing this i passed by many food-stands where fried chicken and half-moon apple pies were piled high and made to present a most tempting appearance. at that time it seemed to me that i would have promised all that i expected to possess in the future to have gotten hold of one of those chicken legs or one of those pies. but i could not get either of these, nor anything else to eat. i must have walked the streets till after midnight. at last i became so exhausted that i could walk no longer. i was tired, i was hungry, i was everything but discouraged. just about the time when i reached extreme physical exhaustion, i came upon a portion of a street where the board sidewalk was considerably elevated. i waited for a few minutes, till i was sure that no passers-by could see me, and then crept under the sidewalk and lay for the night upon the ground, with my satchel of clothing for a pillow. nearly all night i could hear the tramp of feet over my head. the next morning i found myself somewhat refreshed, but i was extremely hungry, because it had been a long time since i had had sufficient food. as soon as it became light enough for me to see my surroundings i noticed that i was near a large ship, and that this ship seemed to be unloading a cargo of pig iron. i went at once to the vessel and asked the captain to permit me to help unload the vessel in order to get money for food. the captain, a white man, who seemed to be kind-hearted, consented. i worked long enough to earn money for my breakfast, and it seems to me, as i remember it now, to have been about the best breakfast that i have ever eaten. my work pleased the captain so well that he told me if i desired i could continue working for a small amount per day. this i was very glad to do. i continued working on this vessel for a number of days. after buying food with the small wages i received there was not much left to add on the amount i must get to pay my way to hampton. in order to economize in every way possible, so as to be sure to reach hampton in a reasonable time, i continued to sleep under the same sidewalk that gave me shelter the first night i was in richmond. many years after that the coloured citizens of richmond very kindly tendered me a reception at which there must have been two thousand people present. this reception was held not far from the spot where i slept the first night i spent in the city, and i must confess that my mind was more upon the sidewalk that first gave me shelter than upon the recognition, agreeable and cordial as it was. when i had saved what i considered enough money with which to reach hampton, i thanked the captain of the vessel for his kindness, and started again. without any unusual occurrence i reached hampton, with a surplus of exactly fifty cents with which to begin my education. to me it had been a long, eventful journey; but the first sight of the large, three-story, brick school building seemed to have rewarded me for all that i had undergone in order to reach the place. if the people who gave the money to provide that building could appreciate the influence the sight of it had upon me, as well as upon thousands of other youths, they would feel all the more encouraged to make such gifts. it seemed to me to be the largest and most beautiful building i had ever seen. the sight of it seemed to give me new life. i felt that a new kind of existence had now begun--that life would now have a new meaning. i felt that i had reached the promised land, and i resolved to let no obstacle prevent me from putting forth the highest effort to fit myself to accomplish the most good in the world. as soon as possible after reaching the grounds of the hampton institute, i presented myself before the head teacher for an assignment to a class. having been so long without proper food, a bath, and a change of clothing, i did not, of course, make a very favourable impression upon her, and i could see at once that there were doubts in her mind about the wisdom of admitting me as a student. i felt that i could hardly blame her if she got the idea that i was a worthless loafer or tramp. for some time she did not refuse to admit me, neither did she decide in my favour, and i continued to linger about her, and to impress her in all the ways i could with my worthiness. in the meantime i saw her admitting other students, and that added greatly to my discomfort, for i felt, deep down in my heart, that i could do as well as they, if i could only get a chance to show what was in me. after some hours had passed, the head teacher said to me: "the adjoining recitation-room needs sweeping. take the broom and sweep it." it occurred to me at once that here was my chance. never did i receive an order with more delight. i knew that i could sweep, for mrs. ruffner had thoroughly taught me how to do that when i lived with her. i swept the recitation-room three times. then i got a dusting-cloth and dusted it four times. all the woodwork around the walls, every bench, table, and desk, i went over four times with my dusting-cloth. besides, every piece of furniture had been moved and every closet and corner in the room had been thoroughly cleaned. i had the feeling that in a large measure my future depended upon the impression i made upon the teacher in the cleaning of that room. when i was through, i reported to the head teacher. she was a "yankee" woman who knew just where to look for dirt. she went into the room and inspected the floor and closets; then she took her handkerchief and rubbed it on the woodwork about the walls, and over the table and benches. when she was unable to find one bit of dirt on the floor, or a particle of dust on any of the furniture, she quietly remarked, "i guess you will do to enter this institution." i was one of the happiest souls on earth. the sweeping of that room was my college examination, and never did any youth pass an examination for entrance into harvard or yale that gave him more genuine satisfaction. i have passed several examinations since then, but i have always felt that this was the best one i ever passed. i have spoken of my own experience in entering the hampton institute. perhaps few, if any, had anything like the same experience that i had, but about the same period there were hundreds who found their way to hampton and other institutions after experiencing something of the same difficulties that i went through. the young men and women were determined to secure an education at any cost. the sweeping of the recitation-room in the manner that i did it seems to have paved the way for me to get through hampton. miss mary f. mackie, the head teacher, offered me a position as janitor. this, of course, i gladly accepted, because it was a place where i could work out nearly all the cost of my board. the work was hard and taxing but i stuck to it. i had a large number of rooms to care for, and had to work late into the night, while at the same time i had to rise by four o'clock in the morning, in order to build the fires and have a little time in which to prepare my lessons. in all my career at hampton, and ever since i have been out in the world, miss mary f. mackie, the head teacher to whom i have referred, proved one of my strongest and most helpful friends. her advice and encouragement were always helpful in strengthening to me in the darkest hour. i have spoken of the impression that was made upon me by the buildings and general appearance of the hampton institute, but i have not spoken of that which made the greatest and most lasting impression on me, and that was a great man--the noblest, rarest human being that it has ever been my privilege to meet. i refer to the late general samuel c. armstrong. it has been my fortune to meet personally many of what are called great characters, both in europe and america, but i do not hesitate to say that i never met any man who, in my estimation, was the equal of general armstrong. fresh from the degrading influences of the slave plantation and the coal-mines, it was a rare privilege for me to be permitted to come into direct contact with such a character as general armstrong. i shall always remember that the first time i went into his presence he made the impression upon me of being a perfect man: i was made to feel that there was something about him that was superhuman. it was my privilege to know the general personally from the time i entered hampton till he died, and the more i saw of him the greater he grew in my estimation. one might have removed from hampton all the buildings, class-rooms, teachers, and industries, and given the men and women there the opportunity of coming into daily contact with general armstrong, and that alone would have been a liberal education. the older i grow, the more i am convinced that there is no education which one can get from books and costly apparatus that is equal to that which can be gotten from contact with great men and women. instead of studying books so constantly, how i wish that our schools and colleges might learn to study men and things! general armstrong spent two of the last six months of his life in my home at tuskegee. at that time he was paralyzed to the extent that he had lost control of his body and voice in a very large degree. notwithstanding his affliction, he worked almost constantly night and day for the cause to which he had given his life. i never saw a man who so completely lost sight of himself. i do not believe he ever had a selfish thought. he was just as happy in trying to assist some other institution in the south as he was when working for hampton. although he fought the southern white man in the civil war, i never heard him utter a bitter word against him afterward. on the other hand, he was constantly seeking to find ways by which he could be of service to the southern whites. it would be difficult to describe the hold that he had upon the students at hampton, or the faith they had in him. in fact, he was worshipped by his students. it never occurred to me that general armstrong could fail in anything that he undertook. there is almost no request that he could have made that would not have been complied with. when he was a guest at my home in alabama, and was so badly paralyzed that he had to be wheeled about in an invalid's chair, i recall that one of the general's former students had occasion to push his chair up a long, steep hill that taxed his strength to the utmost. when the top of the hill was reached, the former pupil, with a glow of happiness on his face, exclaimed, "i am so glad that i have been permitted to do something that was real hard for the general before he dies!" while i was a student at hampton, the dormitories became so crowded that it was impossible to find room for all who wanted to be admitted. in order to help remedy the difficulty, the general conceived the plan of putting up tents to be used as rooms. as soon as it became known that general armstrong would be pleased if some of the older students would live in the tents during the winter, nearly every student in school volunteered to go. i was one of the volunteers. the winter that we spent in those tents was an intensely cold one, and we suffered severely--how much i am sure general armstrong never knew, because we made no complaints. it was enough for us to know that we were pleasing general armstrong, and that we were making it possible for an additional number of students to secure an education. more than once, during a cold night, when a stiff gale would be blowing, our tent was lifted bodily, and we would find ourselves in the open air. the general would usually pay a visit to the tents early in the morning, and his earnest, cheerful, encouraging voice would dispel any feeling of despondency. i have spoken of my admiration for general armstrong, and yet he was but a type of that christlike body of men and women who went into the negro schools at the close of the war by the hundreds to assist in lifting up my race. the history of the world fails to show a higher, purer, and more unselfish class of men and women than those who found their way into those negro schools. life at hampton was a constant revelation to me; was constantly taking me into a new world. the matter of having meals at regular hours, of eating on a tablecloth, using a napkin, the use of the bath-tub and of the tooth-brush, as well as the use of sheets upon the bed, were all new to me. i sometimes feel that almost the most valuable lesson i got at the hampton institute was in the use and value of the bath. i learned there for the first time some of its value, not only in keeping the body healthy, but in inspiring self-respect and promoting virtue. in all my travels in the south and elsewhere since leaving hampton i have always in some way sought my daily bath. to get it sometimes when i have been the guest of my own people in a single-roomed cabin has not always been easy to do, except by slipping away to some stream in the woods. i have always tried to teach my people that some provision for bathing should be a part of every house. for some time, while a student at hampton, i possessed but a single pair of socks, but when i had worn these till they became soiled, i would wash them at night and hang them by the fire to dry, so that i might wear them again the next morning. the charge for my board at hampton was ten dollars per month. i was expected to pay a part of this in cash and to work out the remainder. to meet this cash payment, as i have stated, i had just fifty cents when i reached the institution. aside from a very few dollars that my brother john was able to send me once in a while, i had no money with which to pay my board. i was determined from the first to make my work as janitor so valuable that my services would be indispensable. this i succeeded in doing to such an extent that i was soon informed that i would be allowed the full cost of my board in return for my work. the cost of tuition was seventy dollars a year. this, of course, was wholly beyond my ability to provide. if i had been compelled to pay the seventy dollars for tuition, in addition to providing for my board, i would have been compelled to leave the hampton school. general armstrong, however, very kindly got mr. s. griffitts morgan, of new bedford, mass., to defray the cost of my tuition during the whole time that i was at hampton. after i finished the course at hampton and had entered upon my lifework at tuskegee, i had the pleasure of visiting mr. morgan several times. after having been for a while at hampton, i found myself in difficulty because i did not have books and clothing. usually, however, i got around the trouble about books by borrowing from those who were more fortunate than myself. as to clothes, when i reached hampton i had practically nothing. everything that i possessed was in a small hand satchel. my anxiety about clothing was increased because of the fact that general armstrong made a personal inspection of the young men in ranks, to see that their clothes were clean. shoes had to be polished, there must be no buttons off the clothing, and no grease-spots. to wear one suit of clothes continually, while at work and in the schoolroom, and at the same time keep it clean, was rather a hard problem for me to solve. in some way i managed to get on till the teachers learned that i was in earnest and meant to succeed, and then some of them were kind enough to see that i was partly supplied with second-hand clothing that had been sent in barrels from the north. these barrels proved a blessing to hundreds of poor but deserving students. without them i question whether i should ever have gotten through hampton. when i first went to hampton i do not recall that i had ever slept in a bed that had two sheets on it. in those days there were not many buildings there, and room was very precious. there were seven other boys in the same room with me; most of them, however, students who had been there for some time. the sheets were quite a puzzle to me. the first night i slept under both of them, and the second night i slept on top of them; but by watching the other boys i learned my lesson in this, and have been trying to follow it ever since and to teach it to others. i was among the youngest of the students who were in hampton at the time. most of the students were men and women--some as old as forty years of age. as i now recall the scene of my first year, i do not believe that one often has the opportunity of coming into contact with three or four hundred men and women who were so tremendously in earnest as these men and women were. every hour was occupied in study or work. nearly all had had enough actual contact with the world to teach them the need of education. many of the older ones were, of course, too old to master the text-books very thoroughly, and it was often sad to watch their struggles; but they made up in earnest much of what they lacked in books. many of them were as poor as i was, and, besides having to wrestle with their books, they had to struggle with a poverty which prevented their having the necessities of life. many of them had aged parents who were dependent upon them, and some of them were men who had wives whose support in some way they had to provide for. the great and prevailing idea that seemed to take possession of every one was to prepare himself to lift up the people at his home. no one seemed to think of himself. and the officers and teachers, what a rare set of human beings they were! they worked for the students night and day, in seasons and out of season. they seemed happy only when they were helping the students in some manner. whenever it is written--and i hope it will be--the part that the yankee teachers played in the education of the negroes immediately after the war will make one of the most thrilling parts of the history off this country. the time is not far distant when the whole south will appreciate this service in a way that it has not yet been able to do. chapter iv. helping others at the end of my first year at hampton i was confronted with another difficulty. most of the students went home to spend their vacation. i had no money with which to go home, but i had to go somewhere. in those days very few students were permitted to remain at the school during vacation. it made me feel very sad and homesick to see the other students preparing to leave and starting for home. i not only had no money with which to go home, but i had none with which to go anywhere. in some way, however, i had gotten hold of an extra, second-hand coat which i thought was a pretty valuable coat. this i decided to sell, in order to get a little money for travelling expenses. i had a good deal of boyish pride, and i tried to hide, as far as i could, from the other students the fact that i had no money and nowhere to go. i made it known to a few people in the town of hampton that i had this coat to sell, and, after a good deal of persuading, one coloured man promised to come to my room to look the coat over and consider the matter of buying it. this cheered my drooping spirits considerably. early the next morning my prospective customer appeared. after looking the garment over carefully, he asked me how much i wanted for it. i told him i thought it was worth three dollars. he seemed to agree with me as to price, but remarked in the most matter-of-fact way: "i tell you what i will do; i will take the coat, and will pay you five cents, cash down, and pay you the rest of the money just as soon as i can get it." it is not hard to imagine what my feelings were at the time. with this disappointment i gave up all hope of getting out of the town of hampton for my vacation work. i wanted very much to go where i might secure work that would at least pay me enough to purchase some much-needed clothing and other necessities. in a few days practically all the students and teachers had left for their homes, and this served to depress my spirits even more. after trying for several days in and near the town of hampton, i finally secured work in a restaurant at fortress monroe. the wages, however, were very little more than my board. at night, and between meals, i found considerable time for study and reading; and in this direction i improved myself very much during the summer. when i left school at the end of my first year, i owed the institution sixteen dollars that i had not been able to work out. it was my greatest ambition during the summer to save money enough with which to pay this debt. i felt that this was a debt of honour, and that i could hardly bring myself to the point of even trying to enter school again till it was paid. i economized in every way that i could think of--did my own washing, and went without necessary garments--but still i found my summer vacation ending and i did not have the sixteen dollars. one day, during the last week of my stay in the restaurant, i found under one of the tables a crisp, new ten-dollar bill. i could hardly contain myself, i was so happy. as it was not my place of business i felt it to be the proper thing to show the money to the proprietor. this i did. he seemed as glad as i was, but he coolly explained to me that, as it was his place of business, he had a right to keep the money, and he proceeded to do so. this, i confess, was another pretty hard blow to me. i will not say that i became discouraged, for as i now look back over my life i do not recall that i ever became discouraged over anything that i set out to accomplish. i have begun everything with the idea that i could succeed, and i never had much patience with the multitudes of people who are always ready to explain why one cannot succeed. i determined to face the situation just as it was. at the end of the week i went to the treasurer of the hampton institute, general j.f.b. marshall, and told him frankly my condition. to my gratification he told me that i could reenter the institution, and that he would trust me to pay the debt when i could. during the second year i continued to work as a janitor. the education that i received at hampton out of the text-books was but a small part of what i learned there. one of the things that impressed itself upon me deeply, the second year, was the unselfishness of the teachers. it was hard for me to understand how any individuals could bring themselves to the point where they could be so happy in working for others. before the end of the year, i think i began learning that those who are happiest are those who do the most for others. this lesson i have tried to carry with me ever since. i also learned a valuable lesson at hampton by coming into contact with the best breeds of live stock and fowls. no student, i think, who has had the opportunity of doing this could go out into the world and content himself with the poorest grades. perhaps the most valuable thing that i got out of my second year was an understanding of the use and value of the bible. miss nathalie lord, one of the teachers, from portland, me., taught me how to use and love the bible. before this i had never cared a great deal about it, but now i learned to love to read the bible, not only for the spiritual help which it gives, but on account of it as literature. the lessons taught me in this respect took such a hold upon me that at the present time, when i am at home, no matter how busy i am, i always make it a rule to read a chapter or a portion of a chapter in the morning, before beginning the work of the day. whatever ability i may have as a public speaker i owe in a measure to miss lord. when she found out that i had some inclination in this direction, she gave me private lessons in the matter of breathing, emphasis, and articulation. simply to be able to talk in public for the sake of talking has never had the least attraction to me. in fact, i consider that there is nothing so empty and unsatisfactory as mere abstract public speaking; but from my early childhood i have had a desire to do something to make the world better, and then to be able to speak to the world about that thing. the debating societies at hampton were a constant source of delight to me. these were held on saturday evening; and during my whole life at hampton i do not recall that i missed a single meeting. i not only attended the weekly debating society, but was instrumental in organizing an additional society. i noticed that between the time when supper was over and the time to begin evening study there were about twenty minutes which the young men usually spent in idle gossip. about twenty of us formed a society for the purpose of utilizing this time in debate or in practice in public speaking. few persons ever derived more happiness or benefit from the use of twenty minutes of time than we did in this way. at the end of my second year at hampton, by the help of some money sent me by my mother and brother john, supplemented by a small gift from one of the teachers at hampton, i was enabled to return to my home in malden, west virginia, to spend my vacation. when i reached home i found that the salt-furnaces were not running, and that the coal-mine was not being operated on account of the miners being out on "strike." this was something which, it seemed, usually occurred whenever the men got two or three months ahead in their savings. during the strike, of course, they spent all that they had saved, and would often return to work in debt at the same wages, or would move to another mine at considerable expense. in either case, my observations convinced me that the miners were worse off at the end of the strike. before the days of strikes in that section of the country, i knew miners who had considerable money in the bank, but as soon as the professional labour agitators got control, the savings of even the more thrifty ones began disappearing. my mother and the other members of my family were, of course, much rejoiced to see me and to note the improvement that i had made during my two years' absence. the rejoicing on the part of all classes of the coloured people, and especially the older ones, over my return, was almost pathetic. i had to pay a visit to each family and take a meal with each, and at each place tell the story of my experiences at hampton. in addition to this i had to speak before the church and sunday-school, and at various other places. the thing that i was most in search of, though, work, i could not find. there was no work on account of the strike. i spent nearly the whole of the first month of my vacation in an effort to find something to do by which i could earn money to pay my way back to hampton and save a little money to use after reaching there. toward the end of the first month, i went to a place a considerable distance from my home, to try to find employment. i did not succeed, and it was night before i got started on my return. when i had gotten within a mile or so of my home i was so completely tired out that i could not walk any farther, and i went into an old, abandoned house to spend the remainder of the night. about three o'clock in the morning my brother john found me asleep in this house, and broke to me, as gently as he could, the sad news that our dear mother had died during the night. this seemed to me the saddest and blankest moment in my life. for several years my mother had not been in good health, but i had no idea, when i parted from her the previous day, that i should never see her alive again. besides that, i had always had an intense desire to be with her when she did pass away. one of the chief ambitions which spurred me on at hampton was that i might be able to get to be in a position in which i could better make my mother comfortable and happy. she had so often expressed the wish that she might be permitted to live to see her children educated and started out in the world. in a very short time after the death of my mother our little home was in confusion. my sister amanda, although she tried to do the best she could, was too young to know anything about keeping house, and my stepfather was not able to hire a housekeeper. sometimes we had food cooked for us, and sometimes we did not. i remember that more than once a can of tomatoes and some crackers constituted a meal. our clothing went uncared for, and everything about our home was soon in a tumble-down condition. it seems to me that this was the most dismal period of my life. my good friend, mrs. ruffner, to whom i have already referred, always made me welcome at her home, and assisted me in many ways during this trying period. before the end of the vacation she gave me some work, and this, together with work in a coal-mine at some distance from my home, enabled me to earn a little money. at one time it looked as if i would have to give up the idea of returning to hampton, but my heart was so set on returning that i determined not to give up going back without a struggle. i was very anxious to secure some clothes for the winter, but in this i was disappointed, except for a few garments which my brother john secured for me. notwithstanding my need of money and clothing, i was very happy in the fact that i had secured enough money to pay my travelling expenses back to hampton. once there, i knew that i could make myself so useful as a janitor that i could in some way get through the school year. three weeks before the time for the opening of the term at hampton, i was pleasantly surprised to receive a letter from my good friend miss mary f. mackie, the lady principal, asking me to return to hampton two weeks before the opening of the school, in order that i might assist her in cleaning the buildings and getting things in order for the new school year. this was just the opportunity i wanted. it gave me a chance to secure a credit in the treasurer's office. i started for hampton at once. during these two weeks i was taught a lesson which i shall never forget. miss mackie was a member of one of the oldest and most cultured families of the north, and yet for two weeks she worked by my side cleaning windows, dusting rooms, putting beds in order, and what not. she felt that things would not be in condition for the opening of school unless every window-pane was perfectly clean, and she took the greatest satisfaction in helping to clean them herself. the work which i have described she did every year that i was at hampton. it was hard for me at this time to understand how a woman of her education and social standing could take such delight in performing such service, in order to assist in the elevation of an unfortunate race. ever since then i have had no patience with any school for my race in the south which did not teach its students the dignity of labour. during my last year at hampton every minute of my time that was not occupied with my duties as janitor was devoted to hard study. i was determined, if possible, to make such a record in my class as would cause me to be placed on the "honour roll" of commencement speakers. this i was successful in doing. it was june of 1875 when i finished the regular course of study at hampton. the greatest benefits that i got out of my my life at the hampton institute, perhaps, may be classified under two heads:-first was contact with a great man, general s.c. armstrong, who, i repeat, was, in my opinion, the rarest, strongest, and most beautiful character that it has ever been my privilege to meet. second, at hampton, for the first time, i learned what education was expected to do for an individual. before going there i had a good deal of the then rather prevalent idea among our people that to secure an education meant to have a good, easy time, free from all necessity for manual labour. at hampton i not only learned that it was not a disgrace to labour, but learned to love labour, not alone for its financial value, but for labour's own sake and for the independence and self-reliance which the ability to do something which the world wants done brings. at that institution i got my first taste of what it meant to live a life of unselfishness, my first knowledge of the fact that the happiest individuals are those who do the most to make others useful and happy. i was completely out of money when i graduated. in company with other hampton students, i secured a place as a table waiter in a summer hotel in connecticut, and managed to borrow enough money with which to get there. i had not been in this hotel long before i found out that i knew practically nothing about waiting on a hotel table. the head waiter, however, supposed that i was an accomplished waiter. he soon gave me charge of the table at which there sat four or five wealthy and rather aristocratic people. my ignorance of how to wait upon them was so apparent that they scolded me in such a severe manner that i became frightened and left their table, leaving them sitting there without food. as a result of this i was reduced from the position of waiter to that of a dish-carrier. but i determined to learn the business of waiting, and did so within a few weeks and was restored to my former position. i have had the satisfaction of being a guest in this hotel several times since i was a waiter there. at the close of the hotel season i returned to my former home in malden, and was elected to teach the coloured school at that place. this was the beginning of one of the happiest periods of my life. i now felt that i had the opportunity to help the people of my home town to a higher life. i felt from the first that mere book education was not all that the young people of that town needed. i began my work at eight o'clock in the morning, and, as a rule, it did not end until ten o'clock at night. in addition to the usual routine of teaching, i taught the pupils to comb their hair, and to keep their hands and faces clean, as well as their clothing. i gave special attention to teaching them the proper use of the tooth-brush and the bath. in all my teaching i have watched carefully the influence of the tooth-brush, and i am convinced that there are few single agencies of civilization that are more far-reaching. there were so many of the older boys and girls in the town, as well as men and women, who had to work in the daytime and still were craving an opportunity for an education, that i soon opened a night-school. from the first, this was crowded every night, being about as large as the school that i taught in the day. the efforts of some of the men and women, who in many cases were over fifty years of age, to learn, were in some cases very pathetic. my day and night school work was not all that i undertook. i established a small reading-room and a debating society. on sundays i taught two sunday-schools, one in the town of malden in the afternoon, and the other in the morning at a place three miles distant from malden. in addition to this, i gave private lessons to several young men whom i was fitting to send to the hampton institute. without regard to pay and with little thought of it, i taught any one who wanted to learn anything that i could teach him. i was supremely happy in the opportunity of being able to assist somebody else. i did receive, however, a small salary from the public fund, for my work as a public-school teacher. during the time that i was a student at hampton my older brother, john, not only assisted me all that he could, but worked all of the time in the coal-mines in order to support the family. he willingly neglected his own education that he might help me. it was my earnest wish to help him to prepare to enter hampton, and to save money to assist him in his expenses there. both of these objects i was successful in accomplishing. in three years my brother finished the course at hampton, and he is now holding the important position of superintendent of industries at tuskegee. when he returned from hampton, we both combined our efforts and savings to send our adopted brother, james, through the hampton institute. this we succeeded in doing, and he is now the postmaster at the tuskegee institute. the year 1877, which was my second year of teaching in malden, i spent very much as i did the first. it was while my home was at malden that what was known as the "ku klux klan" was in the height of its activity. the "ku klux" were bands of men who had joined themselves together for the purpose of regulating the conduct of the coloured people, especially with the object of preventing the members of the race from exercising any influence in politics. they corresponded somewhat to the "patrollers" of whom i used to hear a great deal during the days of slavery, when i was a small boy. the "patrollers" were bands of white men--usually young men--who were organized largely for the purpose of regulating the conduct of the slaves at night in such matters as preventing the slaves from going from one plantation to another without passes, and for preventing them from holding any kind of meetings without permission and without the presence at these meetings of at least one white man. like the "patrollers" the "ku klux" operated almost wholly at night. they were, however, more cruel than the "patrollers." their objects, in the main, were to crush out the political aspirations of the negroes, but they did not confine themselves to this, because schoolhouses as well as churches were burned by them, and many innocent persons were made to suffer. during this period not a few coloured people lost their lives. as a young man, the acts of these lawless bands made a great impression upon me. i saw one open battle take place at malden between some of the coloured and white people. there must have been not far from a hundred persons engaged on each side; many on both sides were seriously injured, among them general lewis ruffner, the husband of my friend mrs. viola ruffner. general ruffner tried to defend the coloured people, and for this he was knocked down and so seriously wounded that he never completely recovered. it seemed to me as i watched this struggle between members of the two races, that there was no hope for our people in this country. the "ku klux" period was, i think, the darkest part of the reconstruction days. i have referred to this unpleasant part of the history of the south simply for the purpose of calling attention to the great change that has taken place since the days of the "ku klux." to-day there are no such organizations in the south, and the fact that such ever existed is almost forgotten by both races. there are few places in the south now where public sentiment would permit such organizations to exist. chapter v. the reconstruction period the years from 1867 to 1878 i think may be called the period of reconstruction. this included the time that i spent as a student at hampton and as a teacher in west virginia. during the whole of the reconstruction period two ideas were constantly agitating in the minds of the coloured people, or, at least, in the minds of a large part of the race. one of these was the craze for greek and latin learning, and the other was a desire to hold office. it could not have been expected that a people who had spent generations in slavery, and before that generations in the darkest heathenism, could at first form any proper conception of what an education meant. in every part of the south, during the reconstruction period, schools, both day and night, were filled to overflowing with people of all ages and conditions, some being as far along in age as sixty and seventy years. the ambition to secure an education was most praiseworthy and encouraging. the idea, however, was too prevalent that, as soon as one secured a little education, in some unexplainable way he would be free from most of the hardships of the world, and, at any rate, could live without manual labour. there was a further feeling that a knowledge, however little, of the greek and latin languages would make one a very superior human being, something bordering almost on the supernatural. i remember that the first coloured man whom i saw who knew something about foreign languages impressed me at the time as being a man of all others to be envied. naturally, most of our people who received some little education became teachers or preachers. while among those two classes there were many capable, earnest, godly men and women, still a large proportion took up teaching or preaching as an easy way to make a living. many became teachers who could do little more than write their names. i remember there came into our neighbourhood one of this class, who was in search of a school to teach, and the question arose while he was there as to the shape of the earth and how he could teach the children concerning the subject. he explained his position in the matter by saying that he was prepared to teach that the earth was either flat or round, according to the preference of a majority of his patrons. the ministry was the profession that suffered most--and still suffers, though there has been great improvement--on account of not only ignorant but in many cases immoral men who claimed that they were "called to preach." in the earlier days of freedom almost every coloured man who learned to read would receive "a call to preach" within a few days after he began reading. at my home in west virginia the process of being called to the ministry was a very interesting one. usually the "call" came when the individual was sitting in church. without warning the one called would fall upon the floor as if struck by a bullet, and would lie there for hours, speechless and motionless. then the news would spread all through the neighborhood that this individual had received a "call." if he were inclined to resist the summons, he would fall or be made to fall a second or third time. in the end he always yielded to the call. while i wanted an education badly, i confess that in my youth i had a fear that when i had learned to read and write very well i would receive one of these "calls"; but, for some reason, my call never came. when we add the number of wholly ignorant men who preached or "exhorted" to that of those who possessed something of an education, it can be seen at a glance that the supply of ministers was large. in fact, some time ago i knew a certain church that had a total membership of about two hundred, and eighteen of that number were ministers. but, i repeat, in many communities in the south the character of the ministry is being improved, and i believe that within the next two or three decades a very large proportion of the unworthy ones will have disappeared. the "calls" to preach, i am glad to say, are not nearly so numerous now as they were formerly, and the calls to some industrial occupation are growing more numerous. the improvement that has taken place in the character of the teachers is even more marked than in the case of the ministers. during the whole of the reconstruction period our people throughout the south looked to the federal government for everything, very much as a child looks to its mother. this was not unnatural. the central government gave them freedom, and the whole nation had been enriched for more than two centuries by the labour of the negro. even as a youth, and later in manhood, i had the feeling that it was cruelly wrong in the central government, at the beginning of our freedom, to fail to make some provision for the general education of our people in addition to what the states might do, so that the people would be the better prepared for the duties of citizenship. it is easy to find fault, to remark what might have been done, and perhaps, after all, and under all the circumstances, those in charge of the conduct of affairs did the only thing that could be done at the time. still, as i look back now over the entire period of our freedom, i cannot help feeling that it would have been wiser if some plan could have been put in operation which would have made the possession of a certain amount of education or property, or both, a test for the exercise of the franchise, and a way provided by which this test should be made to apply honestly and squarely to both the white and black races. though i was but little more than a youth during the period of reconstruction, i had the feeling that mistakes were being made, and that things could not remain in the condition that they were in then very long. i felt that the reconstruction policy, so far as it related to my race, was in a large measure on a false foundation, was artificial and forced. in many cases it seemed to me that the ignorance of my race was being used as a tool with which to help white men into office, and that there was an element in the north which wanted to punish the southern white men by forcing the negro into positions over the heads of the southern whites. i felt that the negro would be the one to suffer for this in the end. besides, the general political agitation drew the attention of our people away from the more fundamental matters of perfecting themselves in the industries at their doors and in securing property. the temptations to enter political life were so alluring that i came very near yielding to them at one time, but i was kept from doing so by the feeling that i would be helping in a more substantial way by assisting in the laying of the foundation of the race through a generous education of the hand, head, and heart. i saw coloured men who were members of the state legislatures, and county officers, who, in some cases, could not read or write, and whose morals were as weak as their education. not long ago, when passing through the streets of a certain city in the south, i heard some brick-masons calling out, from the top of a two-story brick building on which they were working, for the "governor" to "hurry up and bring up some more bricks." several times i heard the command, "hurry up, governor!" "hurry up, governor!" my curiosity was aroused to such an extent that i made inquiry as to who the "governor" was, and soon found that he was a coloured man who at one time had held the position of lieutenant-governor of his state. but not all the coloured people who were in office during reconstruction were unworthy of their positions, by any means. some of them, like the late senator b.k. bruce, governor pinchback, and many others, were strong, upright, useful men. neither were all the class designated as carpetbaggers dishonourable men. some of them, like ex-governor bullock, of georgia, were men of high character and usefulness. of course the coloured people, so largely without education, and wholly without experience in government, made tremendous mistakes, just as many people similarly situated would have done. many of the southern whites have a feeling that, if the negro is permitted to exercise his political rights now to any degree, the mistakes of the reconstruction period will repeat themselves. i do not think this would be true, because the negro is a much stronger and wiser man than he was thirty-five years ago, and he is fast learning the lesson that he cannot afford to act in a manner that will alienate his southern white neighbours from him. more and more i am convinced that the final solution of the political end of our race problem will be for each state that finds it necessary to change the law bearing upon the franchise to make the law apply with absolute honesty, and without opportunity for double dealing or evasion, to both races alike. any other course my daily observation in the south convinces me, will be unjust to the negro, unjust to the white man, and unfair to the rest of the state in the union, and will be, like slavery, a sin that at some time we shall have to pay for. in the fall of 1878, after having taught school in malden for two years, and after i had succeeded in preparing several of the young men and women, besides my two brothers, to enter the hampton institute, i decided to spend some months in study at washington, d.c. i remained there for eight months. i derived a great deal of benefit from the studies which i pursued, and i came into contact with some strong men and women. at the institution i attended there was no industrial training given to the students, and i had an opportunity of comparing the influence of an institution with no industrial training with that of one like the hampton institute, that emphasizes the industries. at this school i found the students, in most cases, had more money, were better dressed, wore the latest style of all manner of clothing, and in some cases were more brilliant mentally. at hampton it was a standing rule that, while the institution would be responsible for securing some one to pay the tuition for the students, the men and women themselves must provide for their own board, books, clothing, and room wholly by work, or partly by work and partly in cash. at the institution at which i now was, i found that a large portion of the students by some means had their personal expenses paid for them. at hampton the student was constantly making the effort through the industries to help himself, and that very effort was of immense value in character-building. the students at the other school seemed to be less self-dependent. they seemed to give more attention to mere outward appearances. in a word, they did not appear to me to be beginning at the bottom, on a real, solid foundation, to the extent that they were at hampton. they knew more about latin and greek when they left school, but they seemed to know less about life and its conditions as they would meet it at their homes. having lived for a number of years in the midst of comfortable surroundings, they were not as much inclined as the hampton students to go into the country districts of the south, where there was little of comfort, to take up work for our people, and they were more inclined to yield to the temptation to become hotel waiters and pullman-car porters as their life-work. during the time i was a student at washington the city was crowded with coloured people, many of whom had recently come from the south. a large proportion of these people had been drawn to washington because they felt that they could lead a life of ease there. others had secured minor government positions, and still another large class was there in the hope of securing federal positions. a number of coloured men--some of them very strong and brilliant--were in the house of representatives at that time, and one, the hon. b.k. bruce, was in the senate. all this tended to make washington an attractive place for members of the coloured race. then, too, they knew that at all times they could have the protection of the law in the district of columbia. the public schools in washington for coloured people were better then than they were elsewhere. i took great interest in studying the life of our people there closely at that time. i found that while among them there was a large element of substantial, worthy citizens, there was also a superficiality about the life of a large class that greatly alarmed me. i saw young coloured men who were not earning more than four dollars a week spend two dollars or more for a buggy on sunday to ride up and down pennsylvania avenue in, in order that they might try to convince the world that they were worth thousands. i saw other young men who received seventy-five or one hundred dollars per month from the government, who were in debt at the end of every month. i saw men who but a few months previous were members of congress, then without employment and in poverty. among a large class there seemed to be a dependence upon the government for every conceivable thing. the members of this class had little ambition to create a position for themselves, but wanted the federal officials to create one for them. how many times i wished then, and have often wished since, that by some power of magic i might remove the great bulk of these people into the county districts and plant them upon the soil, upon the solid and never deceptive foundation of mother nature, where all nations and races that have ever succeeded have gotten their start,--a start that at first may be slow and toilsome, but one that nevertheless is real. in washington i saw girls whose mothers were earning their living by laundrying. these girls were taught by their mothers, in rather a crude way it is true, the industry of laundrying. later, these girls entered the public schools and remained there perhaps six or eight years. when the public school course was finally finished, they wanted more costly dresses, more costly hats and shoes. in a word, while their wants have been increased, their ability to supply their wants had not been increased in the same degree. on the other hand, their six or eight years of book education had weaned them away from the occupation of their mothers. the result of this was in too many cases that the girls went to the bad. i often thought how much wiser it would have been to give these girls the same amount of maternal training--and i favour any kind of training, whether in the languages or mathematics, that gives strength and culture to the mind--but at the same time to give them the most thorough training in the latest and best methods of laundrying and other kindred occupations. chapter vi. black race and red race during the year that i spent in washington, and for some little time before this, there had been considerable agitation in the state of west virginia over the question of moving the capital of the state from wheeling to some other central point. as a result of this, the legislature designated three cities to be voted upon by the citizens of the state as the permanent seat of government. among these cities was charleston, only five miles from malden, my home. at the close of my school year in washington i was very pleasantly surprised to receive, from a committee of three white people in charleston, an invitation to canvass the state in the interests of that city. this invitation i accepted, and spent nearly three months in speaking in various parts of the state. charleston was successful in winning the prize, and is now the permanent seat of government. the reputation that i made as a speaker during this campaign induced a number of persons to make an earnest effort to get me to enter political life, but i refused, still believing that i could find other service which would prove of more permanent value to my race. even then i had a strong feeling that what our people most needed was to get a foundation in education, industry, and property, and for this i felt that they could better afford to strive than for political preferment. as for my individual self, it appeared to me to be reasonably certain that i could succeed in political life, but i had a feeling that it would be a rather selfish kind of success--individual success at the cost of failing to do my duty in assisting in laying a foundation for the masses. at this period in the progress of our race a very large proportion of the young men who went to school or to college did so with the expressed determination to prepare themselves to be great lawyers, or congressmen, and many of the women planned to become music teachers; but i had a reasonably fixed idea, even at that early period in my life, that there was a need for something to be done to prepare the way for successful lawyers, congressmen, and music teachers. i felt that the conditions were a good deal like those of an old coloured man, during the days of slavery, who wanted to learn how to play on the guitar. in his desire to take guitar lessons he applied to one of his young masters to teach him, but the young man, not having much faith in the ability of the slave to master the guitar at his age, sought to discourage him by telling him: "uncle jake, i will give you guitar lessons; but, jake, i will have to charge you three dollars for the first lesson, two dollars for the second lesson, and one dollar for the third lesson. but i will charge you only twenty-five cents for the last lesson." uncle jake answered: "all right, boss, i hires you on dem terms. but, boss! i wants yer to be sure an' give me dat las' lesson first." soon after my work in connection with the removal of the capital was finished, i received an invitation which gave me great joy and which at the same time was a very pleasant surprise. this was a letter from general armstrong, inviting me to return to hampton at the next commencement to deliver what was called the "post-graduate address." this was an honour which i had not dreamed of receiving. with much care i prepared the best address that i was capable of. i chose for my subject "the force that wins." as i returned to hampton for the purpose of delivering this address, i went over much of the same ground--now, however, covered entirely by railroad--that i had traversed nearly six years before, when i first sought entrance into hampton institute as a student. now i was able to ride the whole distance in the train. i was constantly contrasting this with my first journey to hampton. i think i may say, without seeming egotism, that it is seldom that five years have wrought such a change in the life and aspirations of an individual. at hampton i received a warm welcome from teachers and students. i found that during my absence from hampton the institute each year had been getting closer to the real needs and conditions of our people; that the industrial teaching, as well as that of the academic department, had greatly improved. the plan of the school was not modelled after that of any other institution then in existence, but every improvement was made under the magnificent leadership of general armstrong solely with the view of meeting and helping the needs of our people as they presented themselves at the time. too often, it seems to me, in missionary and educational work among underdeveloped races, people yield to the temptation of doing that which was done a hundred years before, or is being done in other communities a thousand miles away. the temptation often is to run each individual through a certain educational mould, regardless of the condition of the subject or the end to be accomplished. this was not so at hampton institute. the address which i delivered on commencement day seems to have pleased every one, and many kind and encouraging words were spoken to me regarding it. soon after my return to my home in west virginia, where i had planned to continue teaching, i was again surprised to receive a letter from general armstrong, asking me to return to hampton partly as a teacher and partly to pursue some supplementary studies. this was in the summer of 1879. soon after i began my first teaching in west virginia i had picked out four of the brightest and most promising of my pupils, in addition to my two brothers, to whom i have already referred, and had given them special attention, with the view of having them go to hampton. they had gone there, and in each case the teachers had found them so well prepared that they entered advanced classes. this fact, it seems, led to my being called back to hampton as a teacher. one of the young men that i sent to hampton in this way is now dr. samuel e. courtney, a successful physician in boston, and a member of the school board of that city. about this time the experiment was being tried for the first time, by general armstrong, of educating indians at hampton. few people then had any confidence in the ability of the indians to receive education and to profit by it. general armstrong was anxious to try the experiment systematically on a large scale. he secured from the reservations in the western states over one hundred wild and for the most part perfectly ignorant indians, the greater proportion of whom were young men. the special work which the general desired me to do was to be a sort of "house father" to the indian young men--that is, i was to live in the building with them and have the charge of their discipline, clothing, rooms, and so on. this was a very tempting offer, but i had become so much absorbed in my work in west virginia that i dreaded to give it up. however, i tore myself away from it. i did not know how to refuse to perform any service that general armstrong desired of me. on going to hampton, i took up my residence in a building with about seventy-five indian youths. i was the only person in the building who was not a member of their race. at first i had a good deal of doubt about my ability to succeed. i knew that the average indian felt himself above the white man, and, of course, he felt himself far above the negro, largely on account of the fact of the negro having submitted to slavery--a thing which the indian would never do. the indians, in the indian territory, owned a large number of slaves during the days of slavery. aside from this, there was a general feeling that the attempt to educate and civilize the red men at hampton would be a failure. all this made me proceed very cautiously, for i felt keenly the great responsibility. but i was determined to succeed. it was not long before i had the complete confidence of the indians, and not only this, but i think i am safe in saying that i had their love and respect. i found that they were about like any other human beings; that they responded to kind treatment and resented ill-treatment. they were continually planning to do something that would add to my happiness and comfort. the things that they disliked most, i think, were to have their long hair cut, to give up wearing their blankets, and to cease smoking; but no white american ever thinks that any other race is wholly civilized until he wears the white man's clothes, eats the white man's food, speaks the white man's language, and professes the white man's religion. when the difficulty of learning the english language was subtracted, i found that in the matter of learning trades and in mastering academic studies there was little difference between the coloured and indian students. it was a constant delight to me to note the interest which the coloured students took in trying to help the indians in every way possible. there were a few of the coloured students who felt that the indians ought not to be admitted to hampton, but these were in the minority. whenever they were asked to do so, the negro students gladly took the indians as room-mates, in order that they might teach them to speak english and to acquire civilized habits. i have often wondered if there was a white institution in this country whose students would have welcomed the incoming of more than a hundred companions of another race in the cordial way that these black students at hampton welcomed the red ones. how often i have wanted to say to white students that they lift themselves up in proportion as they help to lift others, and the more unfortunate the race, and the lower in the scale of civilization, the more does one raise one's self by giving the assistance. this reminds me of a conversation which i once had with the hon. frederick douglass. at one time mr. douglass was travelling in the state of pennsylvania, and was forced, on account of his colour, to ride in the baggage-car, in spite of the fact that he had paid the same price for his passage that the other passengers had paid. when some of the white passengers went into the baggage-car to console mr. douglass, and one of them said to him: "i am sorry, mr. douglass, that you have been degraded in this manner," mr. douglass straightened himself up on the box upon which he was sitting, and replied: "they cannot degrade frederick douglass. the soul that is within me no man can degrade. i am not the one that is being degraded on account of this treatment, but those who are inflicting it upon me." in one part of the country, where the law demands the separation of the races on the railroad trains, i saw at one time a rather amusing instance which showed how difficult it sometimes is to know where the black begins and the white ends. there was a man who was well known in his community as a negro, but who was so white that even an expert would have hard work to classify him as a black man. this man was riding in the part of the train set aside for the coloured passengers. when the train conductor reached him, he showed at once that he was perplexed. if the man was a negro, the conductor did not want to send him to the white people's coach; at the same time, if he was a white man, the conductor did not want to insult him by asking him if he was a negro. the official looked him over carefully, examining his hair, eyes, nose, and hands, but still seemed puzzled. finally, to solve the difficulty, he stooped over and peeped at the man's feet. when i saw the conductor examining the feet of the man in question, i said to myself, "that will settle it;" and so it did, for the trainman promptly decided that the passenger was a negro, and let him remain where he was. i congratulated myself that my race was fortunate in not losing one of its members. my experience has been that the time to test a true gentleman is to observe him when he is in contact with individuals of a race that is less fortunate than his own. this is illustrated in no better way than by observing the conduct of the old-school type of southern gentleman when he is in contact with his former slaves or their descendants. an example of what i mean is shown in a story told of george washington, who, meeting a coloured man in the road once, who politely lifted his hat, lifted his own in return. some of his white friends who saw the incident criticised washington for his action. in reply to their criticism george washington said: "do you suppose that i am going to permit a poor, ignorant, coloured man to be more polite than i am?" while i was in charge of the indian boys at hampton, i had one or two experiences which illustrate the curious workings of caste in america. one of the indian boys was taken ill, and it became my duty to take him to washington, deliver him over to the secretary of the interior, and get a receipt for him, in order that he might be returned to his western reservation. at that time i was rather ignorant of the ways of the world. during my journey to washington, on a steamboat, when the bell rang for dinner, i was careful to wait and not enter the dining room until after the greater part of the passengers had finished their meal. then, with my charge, i went to the dining saloon. the man in charge politely informed me that the indian could be served, but that i could not. i never could understand how he knew just where to draw the colour line, since the indian and i were of about the same complexion. the steward, however, seemed to be an expert in this manner. i had been directed by the authorities at hampton to stop at a certain hotel in washington with my charge, but when i went to this hotel the clerk stated that he would be glad to receive the indian into the house, but said that he could not accommodate me. an illustration of something of this same feeling came under my observation afterward. i happened to find myself in a town in which so much excitement and indignation were being expressed that it seemed likely for a time that there would be a lynching. the occasion of the trouble was that a dark-skinned man had stopped at the local hotel. investigation, however, developed the fact that this individual was a citizen of morocco, and that while travelling in this country he spoke the english language. as soon as it was learned that he was not an american negro, all the signs of indignation disappeared. the man who was the innocent cause of the excitement, though, found it prudent after that not to speak english. at the end of my first year with the indians there came another opening for me at hampton, which, as i look back over my life now, seems to have come providentially, to help to prepare me for my work at tuskegee later. general armstrong had found out that there was quite a number of young coloured men and women who were intensely in earnest in wishing to get an education, but who were prevented from entering hampton institute because they were too poor to be able to pay any portion of the cost of their board, or even to supply themselves with books. he conceived the idea of starting a night-school in connection with the institute, into which a limited number of the most promising of these young men and women would be received, on condition that they were to work for ten hours during the day, and attend school for two hours at night. they were to be paid something above the cost of their board for their work. the greater part of their earnings was to be reserved in the school's treasury as a fund to be drawn on to pay their board when they had become students in the day-school, after they had spent one or two years in the night-school. in this way they would obtain a start in their books and a knowledge of some trade or industry, in addition to the other far-reaching benefits of the institution. general armstrong asked me to take charge of the night-school, and i did so. at the beginning of this school there were about twelve strong, earnest men and women who entered the class. during the day the greater part of the young men worked in the school's sawmill, and the young women worked in the laundry. the work was not easy in either place, but in all my teaching i never taught pupils who gave me much genuine satisfaction as these did. they were good students, and mastered their work thoroughly. they were so much in earnest that only the ringing of the retiring-bell would make them stop studying, and often they would urge me to continue the lessons after the usual hour for going to bed had come. these students showed so much earnestness, both in their hard work during the day, as well as in their application to their studies at night, that i gave them the name of "the plucky class"--a name which soon grew popular and spread throughout the institution. after a student had been in the night-school long enough to prove what was in him, i gave him a printed certificate which read something like this:-"this is to certify that james smith is a member of the plucky class of the hampton institute, and is in good and regular standing." the students prized these certificates highly, and they added greatly to the popularity of the night-school. within a few weeks this department had grown to such an extent that there were about twenty-five students in attendance. i have followed the course of many of these twenty-five men and women ever since then, and they are now holding important and useful positions in nearly every part of the south. the night-school at hampton, which started with only twelve students, now numbers between three and four hundred, and is one of the permanent and most important features of the institution. chapter vii. early days at tuskegee during the time that i had charge of the indians and the night-school at hampton, i pursued some studies myself, under the direction of the instructors there. one of these instructors was the rev. dr. h.b. frissell, the present principal of the hampton institute, general armstrong's successor. in may, 1881, near the close of my first year in teaching the night-school, in a way that i had not dared expect, the opportunity opened for me to begin my life-work. one night in the chapel, after the usual chapel exercises were over, general armstrong referred to the fact that he had received a letter from some gentlemen in alabama asking him to recommend some one to take charge of what was to be a normal school for the coloured people in the little town of tuskegee in that state. these gentlemen seemed to take it for granted that no coloured man suitable for the position could be secured, and they were expecting the general to recommend a white man for the place. the next day general armstrong sent for me to come to his office, and, much to my surprise, asked me if i thought i could fill the position in alabama. i told him that i would be willing to try. accordingly, he wrote to the people who had applied to him for the information, that he did not know of any white man to suggest, but if they would be willing to take a coloured man, he had one whom he could recommend. in this letter he gave them my name. several days passed before anything more was heard about the matter. some time afterward, one sunday evening during the chapel exercises, a messenger came in and handed the general a telegram. at the end of the exercises he read the telegram to the school. in substance, these were its words: "booker t. washington will suit us. send him at once." there was a great deal of joy expressed among the students and teachers, and i received very hearty congratulations. i began to get ready at once to go to tuskegee. i went by way of my old home in west virginia, where i remained for several days, after which i proceeded to tuskegee. i found tuskegee to be a town of about two thousand inhabitants, nearly one-half of whom were coloured. it was in what was known as the black belt of the south. in the county in which tuskegee is situated the coloured people outnumbered the whites by about three to one. in some of the adjoining and near-by counties the proportion was not far from six coloured persons to one white. i have often been asked to define the term "black belt." so far as i can learn, the term was first used to designate a part of the country which was distinguished by the colour of the soil. the part of the country possessing this thick, dark, and naturally rich soil was, of course, the part of the south where the slaves were most profitable, and consequently they were taken there in the largest numbers. later, and especially since the war, the term seems to be used wholly in a political sense--that is, to designate the counties where the black people outnumber the white. before going to tuskegee i had expected to find there a building and all the necessary apparatus ready for me to begin teaching. to my disappointment, i found nothing of the kind. i did find, though, that which no costly building and apparatus can supply,--hundreds of hungry, earnest souls who wanted to secure knowledge. tuskegee seemed an ideal place for the school. it was in the midst of the great bulk of the negro population, and was rather secluded, being five miles from the main line of railroad, with which it was connected by a short line. during the days of slavery, and since, the town had been a centre for the education of the white people. this was an added advantage, for the reason that i found the white people possessing a degree of culture and education that is not surpassed by many localities. while the coloured people were ignorant, they had not, as a rule, degraded and weakened their bodies by vices such as are common to the lower class of people in the large cities. in general, i found the relations between the two races pleasant. for example, the largest, and i think at that time the only hardware store in the town was owned and operated jointly by a coloured man and a white man. this copartnership continued until the death of the white partner. i found that about a year previous to my going to tuskegee some of the coloured people who had heard something of the work of education being done at hampton had applied to the state legislature, through their representatives, for a small appropriation to be used in starting a normal school in tuskegee. this request the legislature had complied with to the extent of granting an annual appropriation of two thousand dollars. i soon learned, however, that this money could be used only for the payment of the salaries of the instructors, and that there was no provision for securing land, buildings, or apparatus. the task before me did not seem a very encouraging one. it seemed much like making bricks without straw. the coloured people were overjoyed, and were constantly offering their services in any way in which they could be of assistance in getting the school started. my first task was to find a place in which to open the school. after looking the town over with some care, the most suitable place that could be secured seemed to be a rather dilapidated shanty near the coloured methodist church, together with the church itself as a sort of assembly-room. both the church and the shanty were in about as bad condition as was possible. i recall that during the first months of school that i taught in this building it was in such poor repair that, whenever it rained, one of the older students would very kindly leave his lessons and hold an umbrella over me while i heard the recitations of the others. i remember, also, that on more than one occasion my landlady held an umbrella over me while i ate breakfast. at the time i went to alabama the coloured people were taking considerable interest in politics, and they were very anxious that i should become one of them politically, in every respect. they seemed to have a little distrust of strangers in this regard. i recall that one man, who seemed to have been designated by the others to look after my political destiny, came to me on several occasions and said, with a good deal of earnestness: "we wants you to be sure to vote jes' like we votes. we can't read de newspapers very much, but we knows how to vote, an' we wants you to vote jes' like we votes." he added: "we watches de white man, and we keeps watching de white man till we finds out which way de white man's gwine to vote; an' when we finds out which way de white man's gwine to vote, den we votes 'xactly de other way. den we knows we's right." i am glad to add, however, that at the present time the disposition to vote against the white man merely because he is white is largely disappearing, and the race is learning to vote from principle, for what the voter considers to be for the best interests of both races. i reached tuskegee, as i have said, early in june, 1881. the first month i spent in finding accommodations for the school, and in travelling through alabama, examining into the actual life of the people, especially in the court districts, and in getting the school advertised among the class of people that i wanted to have attend it. the most of my travelling was done over the country roads, with a mule and a cart or a mule and a buggy wagon for conveyance. i ate and slept with the people, in their little cabins. i saw their farms, their schools, their churches. since, in the case of the most of these visits, there had been no notice given in advance that a stranger was expected, i had the advantage of seeing the real, everyday life of the people. in the plantation districts i found that, as a rule, the whole family slept in one room, and that in addition to the immediate family there sometimes were relatives, or others not related to the family, who slept in the same room. on more than one occasion i went outside the house to get ready for bed, or to wait until the family had gone to bed. they usually contrived some kind of a place for me to sleep, either on the floor or in a special part of another's bed. rarely was there any place provided in the cabin where one could bathe even the face and hands, but usually some provision was made for this outside the house, in the yard. the common diet of the people was fat pork and corn bread. at times i have eaten in cabins where they had only corn bread and "black-eye peas" cooked in plain water. the people seemed to have no other idea than to live on this fat meat and corn bread,--the meat, and the meal of which the bread was made, having been bought at a high price at a store in town, notwithstanding the fact that the land all about the cabin homes could easily have been made to produce nearly every kind of garden vegetable that is raised anywhere in the country. their one object seemed to be to plant nothing but cotton; and in many cases cotton was planted up to the very door of the cabin. in these cabin homes i often found sewing-machines which had been bought, or were being bought, on instalments, frequently at a cost of as much as sixty dollars, or showy clocks for which the occupants of the cabins had paid twelve or fourteen dollars. i remember that on one occasion when i went into one of these cabins for dinner, when i sat down to the table for a meal with the four members of the family, i noticed that, while there were five of us at the table, there was but one fork for the five of us to use. naturally there was an awkward pause on my part. in the opposite corner of that same cabin was an organ for which the people told me they were paying sixty dollars in monthly instalments. one fork, and a sixty-dollar organ! in most cases the sewing-machine was not used, the clocks were so worthless that they did not keep correct time--and if they had, in nine cases out of ten there would have been no one in the family who could have told the time of day--while the organ, of course, was rarely used for want of a person who could play upon it. in the case to which i have referred, where the family sat down to the table for the meal at which i was their guest, i could see plainly that this was an awkward and unusual proceeding, and was done in my honour. in most cases, when the family got up in the morning, for example, the wife would put a piece of meat in a frying-pan and put a lump of dough in a "skillet," as they called it. these utensils would be placed on the fire, and in ten or fifteen minutes breakfast would be ready. frequently the husband would take his bread and meat in his hand and start for the field, eating as he walked. the mother would sit down in a corner and eat her breakfast, perhaps from a plate and perhaps directly from the "skillet" or frying-pan, while the children would eat their portion of the bread and meat while running about the yard. at certain seasons of the year, when meat was scarce, it was rarely that the children who were not old enough or strong enough to work in the fields would have the luxury of meat. the breakfast over, and with practically no attention given to the house, the whole family would, as a general thing, proceed to the cotton-field. every child that was large enough to carry a hoe was put to work, and the baby--for usually there was at least one baby--would be laid down at the end of the cotton row, so that its mother could give it a certain amount of attention when she had finished chopping her row. the noon meal and the supper were taken in much the same way as the breakfast. all the days of the family would be spent after much this same routine, except saturday and sunday. on saturday the whole family would spent at least half a day, and often a whole day, in town. the idea in going to town was, i suppose, to do shopping, but all the shopping that the whole family had money for could have been attended to in ten minutes by one person. still, the whole family remained in town for most of the day, spending the greater part of the time in standing on the streets, the women, too often, sitting about somewhere smoking or dipping snuff. sunday was usually spent in going to some big meeting. with few exceptions, i found that the crops were mortgaged in the counties where i went, and that the most of the coloured farmers were in debt. the state had not been able to build schoolhouses in the country districts, and, as a rule, the schools were taught in churches or in log cabins. more than once, while on my journeys, i found that there was no provision made in the house used for school purposes for heating the building during the winter, and consequently a fire had to be built in the yard, and teacher and pupils passed in and out of the house as they got cold or warm. with few exceptions, i found the teachers in these country schools to be miserably poor in preparation for their work, and poor in moral character. the schools were in session from three to five months. there was practically no apparatus in the schoolhouses, except that occasionally there was a rough blackboard. i recall that one day i went into a schoolhouse--or rather into an abandoned log cabin that was being used as a schoolhouse--and found five pupils who were studying a lesson from one book. two of these, on the front seat, were using the book between them; behind these were two others peeping over the shoulders of the first two, and behind the four was a fifth little fellow who was peeping over the shoulders of all four. what i have said concerning the character of the schoolhouses and teachers will also apply quite accurately as a description of the church buildings and the ministers. i met some very interesting characters during my travels. as illustrating the peculiar mental processes of the country people, i remember that i asked one coloured man, who was about sixty years old, to tell me something of his history. he said that he had been born in virginia, and sold into alabama in 1845. i asked him how many were sold at the same time. he said, "there were five of us; myself and brother and three mules." in giving all these descriptions of what i saw during my month of travel in the country around tuskegee, i wish my readers to keep in mind the fact that there were many encouraging exceptions to the conditions which i have described. i have stated in such plain words what i saw, mainly for the reason that later i want to emphasize the encouraging changes that have taken place in the community, not wholly by the work of the tuskegee school, but by that of other institutions as well. chapter viii. teaching school in a stable and a hen-house i confess that what i saw during my month of travel and investigation left me with a very heavy heart. the work to be done in order to lift these people up seemed almost beyond accomplishing. i was only one person, and it seemed to me that the little effort which i could put forth could go such a short distance toward bringing about results. i wondered if i could accomplish anything, and if it were worth while for me to try. of one thing i felt more strongly convinced than ever, after spending this month in seeing the actual life of the coloured people, and that was that, in order to lift them up, something must be done more than merely to imitate new england education as it then existed. i saw more clearly than ever the wisdom of the system which general armstrong had inaugurated at hampton. to take the children of such people as i had been among for a month, and each day give them a few hours of mere book education, i felt would be almost a waste of time. after consultation with the citizens of tuskegee, i set july 4, 1881, as the day for the opening of the school in the little shanty and church which had been secured for its accommodation. the white people, as well as the coloured, were greatly interested in the starting of the new school, and the opening day was looked forward to with much earnest discussion. there were not a few white people in the vicinity of tuskegee who looked with some disfavour upon the project. they questioned its value to the coloured people, and had a fear that it might result in bringing about trouble between the races. some had the feeling that in proportion as the negro received education, in the same proportion would his value decrease as an economic factor in the state. these people feared the result of education would be that the negroes would leave the farms, and that it would be difficult to secure them for domestic service. the white people who questioned the wisdom of starting this new school had in their minds pictures of what was called an educated negro, with a high hat, imitation gold eye-glasses, a showy walking-stick, kid gloves, fancy boots, and what not--in a word, a man who was determined to live by his wits. it was difficult for these people to see how education would produce any other kind of a coloured man. in the midst of all the difficulties which i encountered in getting the little school started, and since then through a period of nineteen years, there are two men among all the many friends of the school in tuskegee upon whom i have depended constantly for advice and guidance; and the success of the undertaking is largely due to these men, from whom i have never sought anything in vain. i mention them simply as types. one is a white man and an ex-slaveholder, mr. george w. campbell; the other is a black man and an ex-slave, mr. lewis adams. these were the men who wrote to general armstrong for a teacher. mr. campbell is a merchant and banker, and had had little experience in dealing with matters pertaining to education. mr. adams was a mechanic, and had learned the trades of shoemaking, harness-making, and tinsmithing during the days of slavery. he had never been to school a day in his life, but in some way he had learned to read and write while a slave. from the first, these two men saw clearly what my plan of education was, sympathized with me, and supported me in every effort. in the days which were darkest financially for the school, mr. campbell was never appealed to when he was not willing to extend all the aid in his power. i do not know two men, one an ex-slaveholder, one an ex-slave, whose advice and judgment i would feel more like following in everything which concerns the life and development of the school at tuskegee than those of these two men. i have always felt that mr. adams, in a large degree, derived his unusual power of mind from the training given his hands in the process of mastering well three trades during the days of slavery. if one goes to-day into any southern town, and asks for the leading and most reliable coloured man in the community, i believe that in five cases out of ten he will be directed to a negro who learned a trade during the days of slavery. on the morning that the school opened, thirty students reported for admission. i was the only teacher. the students were about equally divided between the sexes. most of them lived in macon county, the county in which tuskegee is situated, and of which it is the county-seat. a great many more students wanted to enter the school, but it had been decided to receive only those who were above fifteen years of age, and who had previously received some education. the greater part of the thirty were public-school teachers, and some of them were nearly forty years of age. with the teachers came some of their former pupils, and when they were examined it was amusing to note that in several cases the pupil entered a higher class than did his former teacher. it was also interesting to note how many big books some of them had studied, and how many high-sounding subjects some of them claimed to have mastered. the bigger the book and the longer the name of the subject, the prouder they felt of their accomplishment. some had studied latin, and one or two greek. this they thought entitled them to special distinction. in fact, one of the saddest things i saw during the month of travel which i have described was a young man, who had attended some high school, sitting down in a one-room cabin, with grease on his clothing, filth all around him, and weeds in the yard and garden, engaged in studying a french grammar. the students who came first seemed to be fond of memorizing long and complicated "rules" in grammar and mathematics, but had little thought or knowledge of applying these rules to their everyday affairs of their life. one subject which they liked to talk about, and tell me that they had mastered, in arithmetic, was "banking and discount," but i soon found out that neither they nor almost any one in the neighbourhood in which they had lived had ever had a bank account. in registering the names of the students, i found that almost every one of them had one or more middle initials. when i asked what the "j" stood for, in the name of john j. jones, it was explained to me that this was a part of his "entitles." most of the students wanted to get an education because they thought it would enable them to earn more money as school-teachers. notwithstanding what i have said about them in these respects, i have never seen a more earnest and willing company of young men and women than these students were. they were all willing to learn the right thing as soon as it was shown them what was right. i was determined to start them off on a solid and thorough foundation, so far as their books were concerned. i soon learned that most of them had the merest smattering of the high-sounding things that they had studied. while they could locate the desert of sahara or the capital of china on an artificial globe, i found out that the girls could not locate the proper places for the knives and forks on an actual dinner-table, or the places on which the bread and meat should be set. i had to summon a good deal of courage to take a student who had been studying cube root and "banking and discount," and explain to him that the wisest thing for him to do first was thoroughly master the multiplication table. the number of pupils increased each week, until by the end of the first month there were nearly fifty. many of them, however, said that, as they could remain only for two or three months, they wanted to enter a high class and get a diploma the first year if possible. at the end of the first six weeks a new and rare face entered the school as a co-teacher. this was miss olivia a. davidson, who later became my wife. miss davidson was born in ohio, and received her preparatory education in the public schools of that state. when little more than a girl, she heard of the need of teachers in the south. she went to the state of mississippi and began teaching there. later she taught in the city of memphis. while teaching in mississippi, one of her pupils became ill with smallpox. every one in the community was so frightened that no one would nurse the boy. miss davidson closed her school and remained by the bedside of the boy night and day until he recovered. while she was at her ohio home on her vacation, the worst epidemic of yellow fever broke out in memphis, tenn., that perhaps has ever occurred in the south. when she heard of this, she at once telegraphed the mayor of memphis, offering her services as a yellow-fever nurse, although she had never had the disease. miss davidon's experience in the south showed her that the people needed something more than mere book-learning. she heard of the hampton system of education, and decided that this was what she wanted in order to prepare herself for better work in the south. the attention of mrs. mary hemenway, of boston, was attracted to her rare ability. through mrs. hemenway's kindness and generosity, miss davidson, after graduating at hampton, received an opportunity to complete a two years' course of training at the massachusetts state normal school at framingham. before she went to framingham, some one suggested to miss davidson that, since she was so very light in colour, she might find it more comfortable not to be known as a coloured women in this school in massachusetts. she at once replied that under no circumstances and for no considerations would she consent to deceive any one in regard to her racial identity. soon after her graduation from the framingham institution, miss davidson came to tuskegee, bringing into the school many valuable and fresh ideas as to the best methods of teaching, as well as a rare moral character and a life of unselfishness that i think has seldom been equalled. no single individual did more toward laying the foundations of the tuskegee institute so as to insure the successful work that has been done there than olivia a. davidson. miss davidson and i began consulting as to the future of the school from the first. the students were making progress in learning books and in developing their minds; but it became apparent at once that, if we were to make any permanent impression upon those who had come to us for training we must do something besides teach them mere books. the students had come from homes where they had had no opportunities for lessons which would teach them how to care for their bodies. with few exceptions, the homes in tuskegee in which the students boarded were but little improvement upon those from which they had come. we wanted to teach the students how to bathe; how to care for their teeth and clothing. we wanted to teach them what to eat, and how to eat it properly, and how to care for their rooms. aside from this, we wanted to give them such a practical knowledge of some one industry, together with the spirit of industry, thrift, and economy, that they would be sure of knowing how to make a living after they had left us. we wanted to teach them to study actual things instead of mere books alone. we found that the most of our students came from the country districts, where agriculture in some form or other was the main dependence of the people. we learned that about eighty-five per cent of the coloured people in the gulf states depended upon agriculture for their living. since this was true, we wanted to be careful not to educate our students out of sympathy with agricultural life, so that they would be attracted from the country to the cities, and yield to the temptation of trying to live by their wits. we wanted to give them such an education as would fit a large proportion of them to be teachers, and at the same time cause them to return to the plantation districts and show the people there how to put new energy and new ideas into farming, as well as into the intellectual and moral and religious life of the people. all these ideas and needs crowded themselves upon us with a seriousness that seemed well-nigh overwhelming. what were we to do? we had only the little old shanty and the abandoned church which the good coloured people of the town of tuskegee had kindly loaned us for the accommodation of the classes. the number of students was increasing daily. the more we saw of them, and the more we travelled through the country districts, the more we saw that our efforts were reaching, to only a partial degree, the actual needs of the people whom we wanted to lift up through the medium of the students whom we should educate and send out as leaders. the more we talked with the students, who were then coming to us from several parts of the state, the more we found that the chief ambition among a large proportion of them was to get an education so that they would not have to work any longer with their hands. this is illustrated by a story told of a coloured man in alabama, who, one hot day in july, while he was at work in a cotton-field, suddenly stopped, and, looking toward the skies, said: "o lawd, de cotton am so grassy, de work am so hard, and the sun am so hot dat i b'lieve dis darky am called to preach!" about three months after the opening of the school, and at the time when we were in the greatest anxiety about our work, there came into market for sale an old and abandoned plantation which was situated about a mile from the town of tuskegee. the mansion house--or "big house," as it would have been called--which had been occupied by the owners during slavery, had been burned. after making a careful examination of the place, it seemed to be just the location that we wanted in order to make our work effective and permanent. but how were we to get it? the price asked for it was very little--only five hundred dollars--but we had no money, and we were strangers in the town and had no credit. the owner of the land agreed to let us occupy the place if we could make a payment of two hundred and fifty dollars down, with the understanding that the remaining two hundred and fifty dollars must be paid within a year. although five hundred dollars was cheap for the land, it was a large sum when one did not have any part of it. in the midst of the difficulty i summoned a great deal of courage and wrote to my friend general j.f.b. marshall, the treasurer of the hampton institute, putting the situation before him and beseeching him to lend me the two hundred and fifty dollars on my own personal responsibility. within a few days a reply came to the effect that he had no authority to lend me the money belonging to the hampton institute, but that he would gladly lend me the amount needed from his own personal funds. i confess that the securing of this money in this way was a great surprise to me, as well as a source of gratification. up to that time i never had had in my possession so much money as one hundred dollars at a time, and the loan which i had asked general marshall for seemed a tremendously large sum to me. the fact of my being responsible for the repaying of such a large amount of money weighed very heavily upon me. i lost no time in getting ready to move the school on to the new farm. at the time we occupied the place there were standing upon it a cabin, formerly used as a dining room, an old kitchen, a stable, and an old hen-house. within a few weeks we had all of these structures in use. the stable was repaired and used as a recitation-room, and very presently the hen-house was utilized for the same purpose. i recall that one morning, when i told an old coloured man who lived near, and who sometimes helped me, that our school had grown so large that it would be necessary for us to use the hen-house for school purposes, and that i wanted him to help me give it a thorough cleaning out the next day, he replied, in the most earnest manner: "what you mean, boss? you sholy ain't gwine clean out de hen-house in de day-time?" nearly all the work of getting the new location ready for school purposes was done by the students after school was over in the afternoon. as soon as we got the cabins in condition to be used, i determined to clear up some land so that we could plant a crop. when i explained my plan to the young men, i noticed that they did not seem to take to it very kindly. it was hard for them to see the connection between clearing land and an education. besides, many of them had been school-teachers, and they questioned whether or not clearing land would be in keeping with their dignity. in order to relieve them from any embarrassment, each afternoon after school i took my axe and led the way to the woods. when they saw that i was not afraid or ashamed to work, they began to assist with more enthusiasm. we kept at the work each afternoon, until we had cleared about twenty acres and had planted a crop. in the meantime miss davidson was devising plans to repay the loan. her first effort was made by holding festivals, or "suppers." she made a personal canvass among the white and coloured families in the town of tuskegee, and got them to agree to give something, like a cake, a chicken, bread, or pies, that could be sold at the festival. of course the coloured people were glad to give anything that they could spare, but i want to add that miss davidson did not apply to a single white family, so far as i now remember, that failed to donate something; and in many ways the white families showed their interest in the school. several of these festivals were held, and quite a little sum of money was raised. a canvass was also made among the people of both races for direct gifts of money, and most of those applied to gave small sums. it was often pathetic to note the gifts of the older coloured people, most of whom had spent their best days in slavery. sometimes they would give five cents, sometimes twenty-five cents. sometimes the contribution was a quilt, or a quantity of sugarcane. i recall one old coloured women who was about seventy years of age, who came to see me when we were raising money to pay for the farm. she hobbled into the room where i was, leaning on a cane. she was clad in rags; but they were clean. she said: "mr. washin'ton, god knows i spent de bes' days of my life in slavery. god knows i's ignorant an' poor; but," she added, "i knows what you an' miss davidson is tryin' to do. i knows you is tryin' to make better men an' better women for de coloured race. i ain't got no money, but i wants you to take dese six eggs, what i's been savin' up, an' i wants you to put dese six eggs into the eddication of dese boys an' gals." since the work at tuskegee started, it has been my privilege to receive many gifts for the benefit of the institution, but never any, i think, that touched me so deeply as this one. chapter ix. anxious days and sleepless nights the coming of christmas, that first year of our residence in alabama, gave us an opportunity to get a farther insight into the real life of the people. the first thing that reminded us that christmas had arrived was the "foreday" visits of scores of children rapping at our doors, asking for "chris'mus gifts! chris'mus gifts!" between the hours of two o'clock and five o'clock in the morning i presume that we must have had a half-hundred such calls. this custom prevails throughout this portion of the south to-day. during the days of slavery it was a custom quite generally observed throughout all the southern states to give the coloured people a week of holiday at christmas, or to allow the holiday to continue as long as the "yule log" lasted. the male members of the race, and often the female members, were expected to get drunk. we found that for a whole week the coloured people in and around tuskegee dropped work the day before christmas, and that it was difficult for any one to perform any service from the time they stopped work until after the new year. persons who at other times did not use strong drink thought it quite the proper thing to indulge in it rather freely during the christmas week. there was a widespread hilarity, and a free use of guns, pistols, and gunpowder generally. the sacredness of the season seemed to have been almost wholly lost sight of. during this first christmas vacation i went some distance from the town to visit the people on one of the large plantations. in their poverty and ignorance it was pathetic to see their attempts to get joy out of the season that in most parts of the country is so sacred and so dear to the heart. in one cabin i notice that all that the five children had to remind them of the coming of christ was a single bunch of firecrackers, which they had divided among them. in another cabin, where there were at least a half-dozen persons, they had only ten cents' worth of ginger-cakes, which had been bought in the store the day before. in another family they had only a few pieces of sugarcane. in still another cabin i found nothing but a new jug of cheap, mean whiskey, which the husband and wife were making free use of, notwithstanding the fact that the husband was one of the local ministers. in a few instances i found that the people had gotten hold of some bright-coloured cards that had been designed for advertising purposes, and were making the most of these. in other homes some member of the family had bought a new pistol. in the majority of cases there was nothing to be seen in the cabin to remind one of the coming of the saviour, except that the people had ceased work in the fields and were lounging about their homes. at night, during christmas week, they usually had what they called a "frolic," in some cabin on the plantation. that meant a kind of rough dance, where there was likely to be a good deal of whiskey used, and where there might be some shooting or cutting with razors. while i was making this christmas visit i met an old coloured man who was one of the numerous local preachers, who tried to convince me, from the experience adam had in the garden of eden, that god had cursed all labour, and that, therefore, it was a sin for any man to work. for that reason this man sought to do as little work as possible. he seemed at that time to be supremely happy, because he was living, as he expressed it, through one week that was free from sin. in the school we made a special effort to teach our students the meaning of christmas, and to give them lessons in its proper observance. in this we have been successful to a degree that makes me feel safe in saying that the season now has a new meaning, not only through all that immediate region, but, in a measure, wherever our graduates have gone. at the present time one of the most satisfactory features of the christmas and thanksgiving season at tuskegee is the unselfish and beautiful way in which our graduates and students spend their time in administering to the comfort and happiness of others, especially the unfortunate. not long ago some of our young men spent a holiday in rebuilding a cabin for a helpless coloured women who was about seventy-five years old. at another time i remember that i made it known in chapel, one night, that a very poor student was suffering from cold, because he needed a coat. the next morning two coats were sent to my office for him. i have referred to the disposition on the part of the white people in the town of tuskegee and vicinity to help the school. from the first, i resolved to make the school a real part of the community in which it was located. i was determined that no one should have the feeling that it was a foreign institution, dropped down in the midst of the people, for which they had no responsibility and in which they had no interest. i noticed that the very fact that they had been asking to contribute toward the purchase of the land made them begin to feel as if it was going to be their school, to a large degree. i noted that just in proportion as we made the white people feel that the institution was a part of the life of the community, and that, while we wanted to make friends in boston, for example, we also wanted to make white friends in tuskegee, and that we wanted to make the school of real service to all the people, their attitude toward the school became favourable. perhaps i might add right here, what i hope to demonstrate later, that, so far as i know, the tuskegee school at the present time has no warmer and more enthusiastic friends anywhere than it has among the white citizens of tuskegee and throughout the state of alabama and the entire south. from the first, i have advised our people in the south to make friends in every straightforward, manly way with their next-door neighbour, whether he be a black man or a white man. i have also advised them, where no principle is at stake, to consult the interests of their local communities, and to advise with their friends in regard to their voting. for several months the work of securing the money with which to pay for the farm went on without ceasing. at the end of three months enough was secured to repay the loan of two hundred and fifty dollars to general marshall, and within two months more we had secured the entire five hundred dollars and had received a deed of the one hundred acres of land. this gave us a great deal of satisfaction. it was not only a source of satisfaction to secure a permanent location for the school, but it was equally satisfactory to know that the greater part of the money with which it was paid for had been gotten from the white and coloured people in the town of tuskegee. the most of this money was obtained by holding festivals and concerts, and from small individual donations. our next effort was in the direction of increasing the cultivation of the land, so as to secure some return from it, and at the same time give the students training in agriculture. all the industries at tuskegee have been started in natural and logical order, growing out of the needs of a community settlement. we began with farming, because we wanted something to eat. many of the students, also, were able to remain in school but a few weeks at a time, because they had so little money with which to pay their board. thus another object which made it desirable to get an industrial system started was in order to make it available as a means of helping the students to earn money enough so that they might be able to remain in school during the nine months' session of the school year. the first animal that the school came into possession of was an old blind horse given us by one of the white citizens of tuskegee. perhaps i may add here that at the present time the school owns over two hundred horses, colts, mules, cows, calves, and oxen, and about seven hundred hogs and pigs, as well as a large number of sheep and goats. the school was constantly growing in numbers, so much so that, after we had got the farm paid for, the cultivation of the land begun, and the old cabins which we had found on the place somewhat repaired, we turned our attention toward providing a large, substantial building. after having given a good deal of thought to the subject, we finally had the plans drawn for a building that was estimated to cost about six thousand dollars. this seemed to us a tremendous sum, but we knew that the school must go backward or forward, and that our work would mean little unless we could get hold of the students in their home life. one incident which occurred about this time gave me a great deal of satisfaction as well as surprise. when it became known in the town that we were discussing the plans for a new, large building, a southern white man who was operating a sawmill not far from tuskegee came to me and said that he would gladly put all the lumber necessary to erect the building on the grounds, with no other guarantee for payment than my word that it would be paid for when we secured some money. i told the man frankly that at the time we did not have in our hands one dollar of the money needed. notwithstanding this, he insisted on being allowed to put the lumber on the grounds. after we had secured some portion of the money we permitted him to do this. miss davidson again began the work of securing in various ways small contributions for the new building from the white and coloured people in and near tuskegee. i think i never saw a community of people so happy over anything as were the coloured people over the prospect of this new building. one day, when we were holding a meeting to secure funds for its erection, an old, ante-bellum coloured man came a distance of twelve miles and brought in his ox-cart a large hog. when the meeting was in progress, he rose in the midst of the company and said that he had no money which he could give, but he had raised two fine hogs, and that he had brought one of them as a contribution toward the expenses of the building. he closed his announcement by saying: "any nigger that's got any love for his race, or any respect for himself, will bring a hog to the next meeting." quite a number of men in the community also volunteered to give several days' work, each, toward the erection of the building. after we had secured all the help that we could in tuskegee, miss davidson decided to go north for the purpose of securing additional funds. for weeks she visited individuals and spoke in churches and before sunday schools and other organizations. she found this work quite trying, and often embarrassing. the school was not known, but she was not long in winning her way into the confidence of the best people in the north. the first gift from any northern person was received from a new york lady whom miss davidson met on the boat that was bringing her north. they fell into a conversation, and the northern lady became so much interested in the effort being made at tuskegee that before they parted miss davidson was handed a check for fifty dollars. for some time before our marriage, and also after it, miss davidson kept up the work of securing money in the north and in the south by interesting people by personal visits and through correspondence. at the same time she kept in close touch with the work at tuskegee, as lady principal and classroom teacher. in addition to this, she worked among the older people in and near tuskegee, and taught a sunday school class in the town. she was never very strong, but never seemed happy unless she was giving all of her strength to the cause which she loved. often, at night, after spending the day in going from door to door trying to interest persons in the work at tuskegee, she would be so exhausted that she could not undress herself. a lady upon whom she called, in boston, afterward told me that at one time when miss davidson called her to see and send up her card the lady was detained a little before she could see miss davidson, and when she entered the parlour she found miss davidson so exhausted that she had fallen asleep. while putting up our first building, which was named porter hall, after mr. a.h. porter, of brooklyn, n.y., who gave a generous sum toward its erection, the need for money became acute. i had given one of our creditors a promise that upon a certain day he should be paid four hundred dollars. on the morning of that day we did not have a dollar. the mail arrived at the school at ten o'clock, and in this mail there was a check sent by miss davidson for exactly four hundred dollars. i could relate many instances of almost the same character. this four hundred dollars was given by two ladies in boston. two years later, when the work at tuskegee had grown considerably, and when we were in the midst of a season when we were so much in need of money that the future looked doubtful and gloomy, the same two boston ladies sent us six thousand dollars. words cannot describe our surprise, or the encouragement that the gift brought to us. perhaps i might add here that for fourteen years these same friends have sent us six thousand dollars a year. as soon as the plans were drawn for the new building, the students began digging out the earth where the foundations were to be laid, working after the regular classes were over. they had not fully outgrown the idea that it was hardly the proper thing for them to use their hands, since they had come there, as one of them expressed it, "to be educated, and not to work." gradually, though, i noted with satisfaction that a sentiment in favour of work was gaining ground. after a few weeks of hard work the foundations were ready, and a day was appointed for the laying of the corner-stone. when it is considered that the laying of this corner-stone took place in the heart of the south, in the "black belt," in the centre of that part of our country that was most devoted to slavery; that at that time slavery had been abolished only about sixteen years; that only sixteen years before no negro could be taught from books without the teacher receiving the condemnation of the law or of public sentiment--when all this is considered, the scene that was witnessed on that spring day at tuskegee was a remarkable one. i believe there are few places in the world where it could have taken place. the principal address was delivered by the hon. waddy thompson, the superintendent of education for the county. about the corner-stone were gathered the teachers, the students, their parents and friends, the county officials--who were white--and all the leading white men in that vicinity, together with many of the black men and women whom the same white people but a few years before had held a title to as property. the members of both races were anxious to exercise the privilege of placing under the corner-stone some momento. before the building was completed we passed through some very trying seasons. more than once our hearts were made to bleed, as it were, because bills were falling due that we did not have the money to meet. perhaps no one who has not gone through the experience, month after month, of trying to erect buildings and provide equipment for a school when no one knew where the money was to come from, can properly appreciate the difficulties under which we laboured. during the first years at tuskegee i recall that night after night i would roll and toss on my bed, without sleep, because of the anxiety and uncertainty which we were in regarding money. i knew that, in a large degree, we were trying an experiment--that of testing whether or not it was possible for negroes to build up and control the affairs of a large education institution. i knew that if we failed it would injure the whole race. i knew that the presumption was against us. i knew that in the case of white people beginning such an enterprise it would be taken for granted that they were going to succeed, but in our case i felt that people would be surprised if we succeeded. all this made a burden which pressed down on us, sometimes, it seemed, at the rate of a thousand pounds to the square inch. in all our difficulties and anxieties, however, i never went to a white or a black person in the town of tuskegee for any assistance that was in their power to render, without being helped according to their means. more than a dozen times, when bills figuring up into the hundreds of dollars were falling due, i applied to the white men of tuskegee for small loans, often borrowing small amounts from as many as a half-dozen persons, to meet our obligations. one thing i was determined to do from the first, and that was to keep the credit of the school high; and this, i think i can say without boasting, we have done all through these years. i shall always remember a bit of advice given me by mr. george w. campbell, the white man to whom i have referred to as the one who induced general armstrong to send me to tuskegee. soon after i entered upon the work mr. campbell said to me, in his fatherly way: "washington, always remember that credit is capital." at one time when we were in the greatest distress for money that we ever experienced, i placed the situation frankly before general armstrong. without hesitation he gave me his personal check for all the money which he had saved for his own use. this was not the only time that general armstrong helped tuskegee in this way. i do not think i have ever made this fact public before. during the summer of 1882, at the end of the first year's work of the school, i was married to miss fannie n. smith, of malden, w. va. we began keeping house in tuskegee early in the fall. this made a home for our teachers, who now had been increased to four in number. my wife was also a graduate of the hampton institute. after earnest and constant work in the interests of the school, together with her housekeeping duties, my wife passed away in may, 1884. one child, portia m. washington, was born during our marriage. from the first, my wife most earnestly devoted her thoughts and time to the work of the school, and was completely one with me in every interest and ambition. she passed away, however, before she had an opportunity of seeing what the school was designed to be. chapter x. a harder task than making bricks without straw from the very beginning, at tuskegee, i was determined to have the students do not only the agricultural and domestic work, but to have them erect their own buildings. my plan was to have them, while performing this service, taught the latest and best methods of labour, so that the school would not only get the benefit of their efforts, but the students themselves would be taught to see not only utility in labour, but beauty and dignity; would be taught, in fact, how to lift labour up from mere drudgery and toil, and would learn to love work for its own sake. my plan was not to teach them to work in the old way, but to show them how to make the forces of nature--air, water, steam, electricity, horse-power--assist them in their labour. at first many advised against the experiment of having the buildings erected by the labour of the students, but i was determined to stick to it. i told those who doubted the wisdom of the plan that i knew that our first buildings would not be so comfortable or so complete in their finish as buildings erected by the experienced hands of outside workmen, but that in the teaching of civilization, self-help, and self-reliance, the erection of buildings by the students themselves would more than compensate for any lack of comfort or fine finish. i further told those who doubted the wisdom of this plan, that the majority of our students came to us in poverty, from the cabins of the cotton, sugar, and rice plantations of the south, and that while i knew it would please the students very much to place them at once in finely constructed buildings, i felt that it would be following out a more natural process of development to teach them how to construct their own buildings. mistakes i knew would be made, but these mistakes would teach us valuable lessons for the future. during the now nineteen years' existence of the tuskegee school, the plan of having the buildings erected by student labour has been adhered to. in this time forty buildings, counting small and large, have been built, and all except four are almost wholly the product of student labour. as an additional result, hundreds of men are now scattered throughout the south who received their knowledge of mechanics while being taught how to erect these buildings. skill and knowledge are now handed down from one set of students to another in this way, until at the present time a building of any description or size can be constructed wholly by our instructors and students, from the drawing of the plans to the putting in of the electric fixtures, without going off the grounds for a single workman. not a few times, when a new student has been led into the temptation of marring the looks of some building by leadpencil marks or by the cuts of a jack-knife, i have heard an old student remind him: "don't do that. that is our building. i helped put it up." in the early days of the school i think my most trying experience was in the matter of brickmaking. as soon as we got the farm work reasonably well started, we directed our next efforts toward the industry of making bricks. we needed these for use in connection with the erection of our own buildings; but there was also another reason for establishing this industry. there was no brickyard in the town, and in addition to our own needs there was a demand for bricks in the general market. i had always sympathized with the "children of israel," in their task of "making bricks without straw," but ours was the task of making bricks with no money and no experience. in the first place, the work was hard and dirty, and it was difficult to get the students to help. when it came to brickmaking, their distaste for manual labour in connection with book education became especially manifest. it was not a pleasant task for one to stand in the mud-pit for hours, with the mud up to his knees. more than one man became disgusted and left the school. we tried several locations before we opened up a pit that furnished brick clay. i had always supposed that brickmaking was very simple, but i soon found out by bitter experience that it required special skill and knowledge, particularly in the burning of the bricks. after a good deal of effort we moulded about twenty-five thousand bricks, and put them into a kiln to be burned. this kiln turned out to be a failure, because it was not properly constructed or properly burned. we began at once, however, on a second kiln. this, for some reason, also proved a failure. the failure of this kiln made it still more difficult to get the students to take part in the work. several of the teachers, however, who had been trained in the industries at hampton, volunteered their services, and in some way we succeeded in getting a third kiln ready for burning. the burning of a kiln required about a week. toward the latter part of the week, when it seemed as if we were going to have a good many thousand bricks in a few hours, in the middle of the night the kiln fell. for the third time we had failed. the failure of this last kiln left me without a single dollar with which to make another experiment. most of the teachers advised the abandoning of the effort to make bricks. in the midst of my troubles i thought of a watch which had come into my possession years before. i took the watch to the city of montgomery, which was not far distant, and placed it in a pawn-shop. i secured cash upon it to the amount of fifteen dollars, with which to renew the brickmaking experiment. i returned to tuskegee, and, with the help of the fifteen dollars, rallied our rather demoralized and discouraged forces and began a fourth attempt to make bricks. this time, i am glad to say, we were successful. before i got hold of any money, the time-limit on my watch had expired, and i have never seen it since; but i have never regretted the loss of it. brickmaking has now become such an important industry at the school that last season our students manufactured twelve hundred thousand of first-class bricks, of a quality suitable to be sold in any market. aside from this, scores of young men have mastered the brickmaking trade--both the making of bricks by hand and by machinery--and are now engaged in this industry in many parts of the south. the making of these bricks taught me an important lesson in regard to the relations of the two races in the south. many white people who had had no contact with the school, and perhaps no sympathy with it, came to us to buy bricks because they found out that ours were good bricks. they discovered that we were supplying a real want in the community. the making of these bricks caused many of the white residents of the neighbourhood to begin to feel that the education of the negro was not making him worthless, but that in educating our students we were adding something to the wealth and comfort of the community. as the people of the neighbourhood came to us to buy bricks, we got acquainted with them; they traded with us and we with them. our business interests became intermingled. we had something which they wanted; they had something which we wanted. this, in a large measure, helped to lay the foundation for the pleasant relations that have continued to exist between us and the white people in that section, and which now extend throughout the south. wherever one of our brickmakers has gone in the south, we find that he has something to contribute to the well-being of the community into which he has gone; something that has made the community feel that, in a degree, it is indebted to him, and perhaps, to a certain extent, dependent upon him. in this way pleasant relations between the races have been stimulated. my experience is that there is something in human nature which always makes an individual recognize and reward merit, no matter under what colour of skin merit is found. i have found, too, that it is the visible, the tangible, that goes a long ways in softening prejudices. the actual sight of a first-class house that a negro has built is ten times more potent than pages of discussion about a house that he ought to build, or perhaps could build. the same principle of industrial education has been carried out in the building of our own wagons, carts, and buggies, from the first. we now own and use on our farm and about the school dozens of these vehicles, and every one of them has been built by the hands of the students. aside from this, we help supply the local market with these vehicles. the supplying of them to the people in the community has had the same effect as the supplying of bricks, and the man who learns at tuskegee to build and repair wagons and carts is regarded as a benefactor by both races in the community where he goes. the people with whom he lives and works are going to think twice before they part with such a man. the individual who can do something that the world wants done will, in the end, make his way regardless of race. one man may go into a community prepared to supply the people there with an analysis of greek sentences. the community may not at the time be prepared for, or feel the need of, greek analysis, but it may feel its need of bricks and houses and wagons. if the man can supply the need for those, then, it will lead eventually to a demand for the first product, and with the demand will come the ability to appreciate it and to profit by it. about the time that we succeeded in burning our first kiln of bricks we began facing in an emphasized form the objection of the students to being taught to work. by this time it had gotten to be pretty well advertised throughout the state that every student who came to tuskegee, no matter what his financial ability might be, must learn some industry. quite a number of letters came from parents protesting against their children engaging in labour while they were in the school. other parents came to the school to protest in person. most of the new students brought a written or a verbal request from their parents to the effect that they wanted their children taught nothing but books. the more books, the larger they were, and the longer the titles printed upon them, the better pleased the students and their parents seemed to be. i gave little heed to these protests, except that i lost no opportunity to go into as many parts of the state as i could, for the purpose of speaking to the parents, and showing them the value of industrial education. besides, i talked to the students constantly on the subject. notwithstanding the unpopularity of industrial work, the school continued to increase in numbers to such an extent that by the middle of the second year there was an attendance of about one hundred and fifty, representing almost all parts of the state of alabama, and including a few from other states. in the summer of 1882 miss davidson and i both went north and engaged in the work of raising funds for the completion of our new building. on my way north i stopped in new york to try to get a letter of recommendation from an officer of a missionary organization who had become somewhat acquainted with me a few years previous. this man not only refused to give me the letter, but advised me most earnestly to go back home at once, and not make any attempt to get money, for he was quite sure that i would never get more than enough to pay my travelling expenses. i thanked him for his advice, and proceeded on my journey. the first place i went to in the north, was northampton, mass., where i spent nearly a half-day in looking for a coloured family with whom i could board, never dreaming that any hotel would admit me. i was greatly surprised when i found that i would have no trouble in being accommodated at a hotel. we were successful in getting money enough so that on thanksgiving day of that year we held our first service in the chapel of porter hall, although the building was not completed. in looking about for some one to preach the thanksgiving sermon, i found one of the rarest men that it has ever been my privilege to know. this was the rev. robert c. bedford, a white man from wisconsin, who was then pastor of a little coloured congregational church in montgomery, ala. before going to montgomery to look for some one to preach this sermon i had never heard of mr. bedford. he had never heard of me. he gladly consented to come to tuskegee and hold the thanksgiving service. it was the first service of the kind that the coloured people there had ever observed, and what a deep interest they manifested in it! the sight of the new building made it a day of thanksgiving for them never to be forgotten. mr. bedford consented to become one of the trustees of the school, and in that capacity, and as a worker for it, he has been connected with it for eighteen years. during this time he has borne the school upon his heart night and day, and is never so happy as when he is performing some service, no matter how humble, for it. he completely obliterates himself in everything, and looks only for permission to serve where service is most disagreeable, and where others would not be attracted. in all my relations with him he has seemed to me to approach as nearly to the spirit of the master as almost any man i ever met. a little later there came into the service of the school another man, quite young at the time, and fresh from hampton, without whose service the school never could have become what it is. this was mr. warren logan, who now for seventeen years has been the treasurer of the institute, and the acting principal during my absence. he has always shown a degree of unselfishness and an amount of business tact, coupled with a clear judgment, that has kept the school in good condition no matter how long i have been absent from it. during all the financial stress through which the school has passed, his patience and faith in our ultimate success have not left him. as soon as our first building was near enough to completion so that we could occupy a portion of it--which was near the middle of the second year of the school--we opened a boarding department. students had begun coming from quite a distance, and in such increasing numbers that we felt more and more that we were merely skimming over the surface, in that we were not getting hold of the students in their home life. we had nothing but the students and their appetites with which to begin a boarding department. no provision had been made in the new building for a kitchen and dining room; but we discovered that by digging out a large amount of earth from under the building we could make a partially lighted basement room that could be used for a kitchen and dining room. again i called on the students to volunteer for work, this time to assist in digging out the basement. this they did, and in a few weeks we had a place to cook and eat in, although it was very rough and uncomfortable. any one seeing the place now would never believe that it was once used for a dining room. the most serious problem, though, was to get the boarding department started off in running order, with nothing to do with in the way of furniture, and with no money with which to buy anything. the merchants in the town would let us have what food we wanted on credit. in fact, in those earlier years i was constantly embarrassed because people seemed to have more faith in me than i had in myself. it was pretty hard to cook, however, without stoves, and awkward to eat without dishes. at first the cooking was done out-of-doors, in the old-fashioned, primitive style, in pots and skillets placed over a fire. some of the carpenters' benches that had been used in the construction of the building were utilized for tables. as for dishes, there were too few to make it worth while to spend time in describing them. no one connected with the boarding department seemed to have any idea that meals must be served at certain fixed and regular hours, and this was a source of great worry. everything was so out of joint and so inconvenient that i feel safe in saying that for the first two weeks something was wrong at every meal. either the meat was not done or had been burnt, or the salt had been left out of the bread, or the tea had been forgotten. early one morning i was standing near the dining-room door listening to the complaints of the students. the complaints that morning were especially emphatic and numerous, because the whole breakfast had been a failure. one of the girls who had failed to get any breakfast came out and went to the well to draw some water to drink and take the place of the breakfast which she had not been able to get. when she reached the well, she found that the rope was broken and that she could get no water. she turned from the well and said, in the most discouraged tone, not knowing that i was where i could hear her, "we can't even get water to drink at this school." i think no one remark ever came so near discouraging me as that one. at another time, when mr. bedford--whom i have already spoken of as one of our trustees, and a devoted friend of the institution--was visiting the school, he was given a bedroom immediately over the dining room. early in the morning he was awakened by a rather animated discussion between two boys in the dining room below. the discussion was over the question as to whose turn it was to use the coffee-cup that morning. one boy won the case by proving that for three mornings he had not had an opportunity to use the cup at all. but gradually, with patience and hard work, we brought order out of chaos, just as will be true of any problem if we stick to it with patience and wisdom and earnest effort. as i look back now over that part of our struggle, i am glad to see that we had it. i am glad that we endured all those discomforts and inconveniences. i am glad that our students had to dig out the place for their kitchen and dining room. i am glad that our first boarding-place was in the dismal, ill-lighted, and damp basement. had we started in a fine, attractive, convenient room, i fear we would have "lost our heads" and become "stuck up." it means a great deal, i think, to start off on a foundation which one has made for one's self. when our old students return to tuskegee now, as they often do, and go into our large, beautiful, well-ventilated, and well-lighted dining room, and see tempting, well-cooked food--largely grown by the students themselves--and see tables, neat tablecloths and napkins, and vases of flowers upon the tables, and hear singing birds, and note that each meal is served exactly upon the minute, with no disorder, and with almost no complaint coming from the hundreds that now fill our dining room, they, too, often say to me that they are glad that we started as we did, and built ourselves up year by year, by a slow and natural process of growth. chapter xi. making their beds before they could lie on them a little later in the history of the school we had a visit from general j.f.b. marshall, the treasurer of the hampton institute, who had had faith enough to lend us the first two hundred and fifty dollars with which to make a payment down on the farm. he remained with us a week, and made a careful inspection of everything. he seemed well pleased with our progress, and wrote back interesting and encouraging reports to hampton. a little later miss mary f. mackie, the teacher who had given me the "sweeping" examination when i entered hampton, came to see us, and still later general armstrong himself came. at the time of the visits of these hampton friends the number of teachers at tuskegee had increased considerably, and the most of the new teachers were graduates of the hampton institute. we gave our hampton friends, especially general armstrong, a cordial welcome. they were all surprised and pleased at the rapid progress that the school had made within so short a time. the coloured people from miles around came to the school to get a look at general armstrong, about whom they had heard so much. the general was not only welcomed by the members of my own race, but by the southern white people as well. this first visit which general armstrong made to tuskegee gave me an opportunity to get an insight into his character such as i had not before had. i refer to his interest in the southern white people. before this i had had the thought that general armstrong, having fought the southern white man, rather cherished a feeling of bitterness toward the white south, and was interested in helping only the coloured man there. but this visit convinced me that i did not know the greatness and the generosity of the man. i soon learned, by his visits to the southern white people, and from his conversations with them, that he was as anxious about the prosperity and the happiness of the white race as the black. he cherished no bitterness against the south, and was happy when an opportunity offered for manifesting his sympathy. in all my acquaintance with general armstrong i never heard him speak, in public or in private, a single bitter word against the white man in the south. from his example in this respect i learned the lesson that great men cultivate love, and that only little men cherish a spirit of hatred. i learned that assistance given to the weak makes the one who gives it strong; and that oppression of the unfortunate makes one weak. it is now long ago that i learned this lesson from general armstrong, and resolved that i would permit no man, no matter what his colour might be, to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him. with god's help, i believe that i have completely rid myself of any ill feeling toward the southern white man for any wrong that he may have inflicted upon my race. i am made to feel just as happy now when i am rendering service to southern white men as when the service is rendered to a member of my own race. i pity from the bottom of my heart any individual who is so unfortunate as to get into the habit of holding race prejudice. the more i consider the subject, the more strongly i am convinced that the most harmful effect of the practice to which the people in certain sections of the south have felt themselves compelled to resort, in order to get rid of the force of the negroes' ballot, is not wholly in the wrong done to the negro, but in the permanent injury to the morals of the white man. the wrong to the negro is temporary, but to the morals of the white man the injury is permanent. i have noted time and time again that when an individual perjures himself in order to break the force of the black man's ballot, he soon learns to practise dishonesty in other relations of life, not only where the negro is concerned, but equally so where a white man is concerned. the white man who begins by cheating a negro usually ends by cheating a white man. the white man who begins to break the law by lynching a negro soon yields to the temptation to lynch a white man. all this, it seems to me, makes it important that the whole nation lend a hand in trying to lift the burden of ignorance from the south. another thing that is becoming more apparent each year in the development of education in the south is the influence of general armstrong's idea of education; and this not upon the blacks alone, but upon the whites also. at the present time there is almost no southern state that is not putting forth efforts in the direction of securing industrial education for its white boys and girls, and in most cases it is easy to trace the history of these efforts back to general armstrong. soon after the opening of our humble boarding department students began coming to us in still larger numbers. for weeks we not only had to contend with the difficulty of providing board, with no money, but also with that of providing sleeping accommodations. for this purpose we rented a number of cabins near the school. these cabins were in a dilapidated condition, and during the winter months the students who occupied them necessarily suffered from the cold. we charge the students eight dollars a month--all they were able to pay--for their board. this included, besides board, room, fuel, and washing. we also gave the students credit on their board bills for all the work which they did for the school which was of any value to the institution. the cost of tuition, which was fifty dollars a year for each student, we had to secure then, as now, wherever we could. this small charge in cash gave us no capital with which to start a boarding department. the weather during the second winter of our work was very cold. we were not able to provide enough bed-clothes to keep the students warm. in fact, for some time we were not able to provide, except in a few cases, bedsteads and mattresses of any kind. during the coldest nights i was so troubled about the discomfort of the students that i could not sleep myself. i recall that on several occasions i went in the middle of the night to the shanties occupied by the young men, for the purpose of confronting them. often i found some of them sitting huddled around a fire, with the one blanket which we had been able to provide wrapped around them, trying in this way to keep warm. during the whole night some of them did not attempt to lie down. one morning, when the night previous had been unusually cold, i asked those of the students in the chapel who thought that they had been frostbitten during the night to raise their hands. three hands went up. notwithstanding these experiences, there was almost no complaining on the part of the students. they knew that we were doing the best that we could for them. they were happy in the privilege of being permitted to enjoy any kind of opportunity that would enable them to improve their condition. they were constantly asking what they might do to lighten the burdens of the teachers. i have heard it stated more than once, both in the north and in the south, that coloured people would not obey and respect each other when one member of the race is placed in a position of authority over others. in regard to this general belief and these statements, i can say that during the nineteen years of my experience at tuskegee i never, either by word or act, have been treated with disrespect by any student or officer connected with the institution. on the other hand, i am constantly embarrassed by the many acts of thoughtful kindness. the students do not seem to want to see me carry a large book or a satchel or any kind of a burden through the grounds. in such cases more than one always offers to relieve me. i almost never go out of my office when the rain is falling that some student does not come to my side with an umbrella and ask to be allowed to hold it over me. while writing upon this subject, it is a pleasure for me to add that in all my contact with the white people of the south i have never received a single personal insult. the white people in and near tuskegee, to an especial degree, seem to count it as a privilege to show me all the respect within their power, and often go out of their way to do this. not very long ago i was making a journey between dallas (texas) and houston. in some way it became known in advance that i was on the train. at nearly every station at which the train stopped, numbers of white people, including in most cases of the officials of the town, came aboard and introduced themselves and thanked me heartily for the work that i was trying to do for the south. on another occasion, when i was making a trip from augusta, georgia, to atlanta, being rather tired from much travel, i rode in a pullman sleeper. when i went into the car, i found there two ladies from boston whom i knew well. these good ladies were perfectly ignorant, it seems, of the customs of the south, and in the goodness of their hearts insisted that i take a seat with them in their section. after some hesitation i consented. i had been there but a few minutes when one of them, without my knowledge, ordered supper to be served for the three of us. this embarrassed me still further. the car was full of southern white men, most of whom had their eyes on our party. when i found that supper had been ordered, i tried to contrive some excuse that would permit me to leave the section, but the ladies insisted that i must eat with them. i finally settled back in my seat with a sigh, and said to myself, "i am in for it now, sure." to add further to the embarrassment of the situation, soon after the supper was placed on the table one of the ladies remembered that she had in her satchel a special kind of tea which she wished served, and as she said she felt quite sure the porter did not know how to brew it properly, she insisted upon getting up and preparing and serving it herself. at last the meal was over; and it seemed the longest one that i had ever eaten. when we were through, i decided to get myself out of the embarrassing situation and go to the smoking-room, where most of the men were by that time, to see how the land lay. in the meantime, however, it had become known in some way throughout the car who i was. when i went into the smoking-room i was never more surprised in my life than when each man, nearly every one of them a citizen of georgia, came up and introduced himself to me and thanked me earnestly for the work that i was trying to do for the whole south. this was not flattery, because each one of these individuals knew that he had nothing to gain by trying to flatter me. from the first i have sought to impress the students with the idea that tuskegee is not my institution, or that of the officers, but that it is their institution, and that they have as much interest in it as any of the trustees or instructors. i have further sought to have them feel that i am at the institution as their friend and adviser, and not as their overseer. it has been my aim to have them speak with directness and frankness about anything that concerns the life of the school. two or three times a year i ask the students to write me a letter criticising or making complaints or suggestions about anything connected with the institution. when this is not done, i have them meet me in the chapel for a heart-to-heart talk about the conduct of the school. there are no meetings with our students that i enjoy more than these, and none are more helpful to me in planning for the future. these meetings, it seems to me, enable me to get at the very heart of all that concerns the school. few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him, and to let him know that you trust him. when i have read of labour troubles between employers and employees, i have often thought that many strikes and similar disturbances might be avoided if the employers would cultivate the habit of getting nearer to their employees, of consulting and advising with them, and letting them feel that the interests of the two are the same. every individual responds to confidence, and this is not more true of any race than of the negroes. let them once understand that you are unselfishly interested in them, and you can lead them to any extent. it was my aim from the first at tuskegee to not only have the buildings erected by the students themselves, but to have them make their own furniture as far as was possible. i now marvel at the patience of the students while sleeping upon the floor while waiting for some kind of a bedstead to be constructed, or at their sleeping without any kind of a mattress while waiting for something that looked like a mattress to be made. in the early days we had very few students who had been used to handling carpenters' tools, and the bedsteads made by the students then were very rough and very weak. not unfrequently when i went into the students' rooms in the morning i would find at least two bedsteads lying about on the floor. the problem of providing mattresses was a difficult one to solve. we finally mastered this, however, by getting some cheap cloth and sewing pieces of this together as to make large bags. these bags we filled with the pine straw--or, as it is sometimes called, pine needles--which we secured from the forests near by. i am glad to say that the industry of mattress-making has grown steadily since then, and has been improved to such an extent that at the present time it is an important branch of the work which is taught systematically to a number of our girls, and that the mattresses that now come out of the mattress-shop at tuskegee are about as good as those bought in the average store. for some time after the opening of the boarding department we had no chairs in the students' bedrooms or in the dining rooms. instead of chairs we used stools which the students constructed by nailing together three pieces of rough board. as a rule, the furniture in the students' rooms during the early days of the school consisted of a bed, some stools, and sometimes a rough table made by the students. the plan of having the students make the furniture is still followed, but the number of pieces in a room has been increased, and the workmanship has so improved that little fault can be found with the articles now. one thing that i have always insisted upon at tuskegee is that everywhere there should be absolute cleanliness. over and over again the students were reminded in those first years--and are reminded now--that people would excuse us for our poverty, for our lack of comforts and conveniences, but that they would not excuse us for dirt. another thing that has been insisted upon at the school is the use of the tooth-brush. "the gospel of the tooth-brush," as general armstrong used to call it, is part of our creed at tuskegee. no student is permitted to retain who does not keep and use a tooth-brush. several times, in recent years, students have come to us who brought with them almost no other article except a tooth-brush. they had heard from the lips of other students about our insisting upon the use of this, and so, to make a good impression, they brought at least a tooth-brush with them. i remember that one morning, not long ago, i went with the lady principal on her usual morning tour of inspection of the girls' rooms. we found one room that contained three girls who had recently arrived at the school. when i asked them if they had tooth-brushes, one of the girls replied, pointing to a brush: "yes, sir. that is our brush. we bought it together, yesterday." it did not take them long to learn a different lesson. it has been interesting to note the effect that the use of the tooth-brush has had in bringing about a higher degree of civilization among the students. with few exceptions, i have noticed that, if we can get a student to the point where, when the first or second tooth-brush disappears, he of his own motion buys another, i have not been disappointed in the future of that individual. absolute cleanliness of the body has been insisted upon from the first. the students have been taught to bathe as regularly as to take their meals. this lesson we began teaching before we had anything in the shape of a bath-house. most of the students came from plantation districts, and often we had to teach them how to sleep at night; that is, whether between the two sheets--after we got to the point where we could provide them two sheets--or under both of them. naturally i found it difficult to teach them to sleep between two sheets when we were able to supply but one. the importance of the use of the night-gown received the same attention. for a long time one of the most difficult tasks was to teach the students that all the buttons were to be kept on their clothes, and that there must be no torn places or grease-spots. this lesson, i am pleased to be able to say, has been so thoroughly learned and so faithfully handed down from year to year by one set of students to another that often at the present time, when the students march out of the chapel in the evening and their dress is inspected, as it is every night, not one button is found to be missing. chapter xii. raising money when we opened our boarding department, we provided rooms in the attic of porter hall, our first building, for a number of girls. but the number of students, of both sexes, continued to increase. we could find rooms outside the school grounds for many of the young men, but the girls we did not care to expose in this way. very soon the problem of providing more rooms for the girls, as well as a larger boarding department for all the students, grew serious. as a result, we finally decided to undertake the construction of a still larger building--a building that would contain rooms for the girls and boarding accommodations for all. after having had a preliminary sketch of the needed building made, we found that it would cost about ten thousand dollars. we had no money whatever with which to begin; still we decided to give the needed building a name. we knew we could name it, even though we were in doubt about our ability to secure the means for its construction. we decided to call the proposed building alabama hall, in honour of the state in which we were labouring. again miss davidson began making efforts to enlist the interest and help of the coloured and white people in and near tuskegee. they responded willingly, in proportion to their means. the students, as in the case of our first building, porter hall, began digging out the dirt in order to allow the laying of the foundations. when we seemed at the end of our resources, so far as securing money was concerned, something occurred which showed the greatness of general armstrong--something which proved how far he was above the ordinary individual. when we were in the midst of great anxiety as to where and how we were to get funds for the new building, i received a telegram from general armstrong asking me if i could spend a month travelling with him through the north, and asking me, if i could do so, to come to hampton at once. of course i accepted general armstrong's invitation, and went to hampton immediately. on arriving there i found that the general had decided to take a quartette of singers through the north, and hold meetings for a month in important cities, at which meetings he and i were to speak. imagine my surprise when the general told me, further, that these meetings were to be held, not in the interests of hampton, but in the interests of tuskegee, and that the hampton institute was to be responsible for all the expenses. although he never told me so in so many words, i found that general armstrong took this method of introducing me to the people of the north, as well as for the sake of securing some immediate funds to be used in the erection of alabama hall. a weak and narrow man would have reasoned that all the money which came to tuskegee in this way would be just so much taken from the hampton institute; but none of these selfish or short-sighted feelings ever entered the breast of general armstrong. he was too big to be little, too good to be mean. he knew that the people in the north who gave money gave it for the purpose of helping the whole cause of negro civilization, and not merely for the advancement of any one school. the general knew, too, that the way to strengthen hampton was to make it a centre of unselfish power in the working out of the whole southern problem. in regard to the addresses which i was to make in the north, i recall just one piece of advice which the general gave me. he said: "give them an idea for every word." i think it would be hard to improve upon this advice; and it might be made to apply to all public speaking. from that time to the present i have always tried to keep his advice in mind. meetings were held in new york, brooklyn, boston, philadelphia, and other large cities, and at all of these meetings general armstrong pleaded, together with myself, for help, not for hampton, but for tuskegee. at these meetings an especial effort was made to secure help for the building of alabama hall, as well as to introduce the school to the attention of the general public. in both these respects the meetings proved successful. after that kindly introduction i began going north alone to secure funds. during the last fifteen years i have been compelled to spend a large proportion of my time away from the school, in an effort to secure money to provide for the growing needs of the institution. in my efforts to get funds i have had some experiences that may be of interest to my readers. time and time again i have been asked, by people who are trying to secure money for philanthropic purposes, what rule or rules i followed to secure the interest and help of people who were able to contribute money to worthy objects. as far as the science of what is called begging can be reduced to rules, i would say that i have had but two rules. first, always to do my whole duty regarding making our work known to individuals and organizations; and, second, not to worry about the results. this second rule has been the hardest for me to live up to. when bills are on the eve of falling due, with not a dollar in hand with which to meet them, it is pretty difficult to learn not to worry, although i think i am learning more and more each year that all worry simply consumes, and to no purpose, just so much physical and mental strength that might otherwise be given to effective work. after considerable experience in coming into contact with wealthy and noted men, i have observed that those who have accomplished the greatest results are those who "keep under the body"; are those who never grow excited or lose self-control, but are always calm, self-possessed, patient, and polite. i think that president william mckinley is the best example of a man of this class that i have ever seen. in order to be successful in any kind of undertaking, i think the main thing is for one to grow to the point where he completely forgets himself; that is, to lose himself in a great cause. in proportion as one loses himself in the way, in the same degree does he get the highest happiness out of his work. my experience in getting money for tuskegee has taught me to have no patience with those people who are always condemning the rich because they are rich, and because they do not give more to objects of charity. in the first place, those who are guilty of such sweeping criticisms do not know how many people would be made poor, and how much suffering would result, if wealthy people were to part all at once with any large proportion of their wealth in a way to disorganize and cripple great business enterprises. then very few persons have any idea of the large number of applications for help that rich people are constantly being flooded with. i know wealthy people who receive as much as twenty calls a day for help. more than once when i have gone into the offices of rich men, i have found half a dozen persons waiting to see them, and all come for the same purpose, that of securing money. and all these calls in person, to say nothing of the applications received through the mails. very few people have any idea of the amount of money given away by persons who never permit their names to be known. i have often heard persons condemned for not giving away money, who, to my own knowledge, were giving away thousands of dollars every year so quietly that the world knew nothing about it. as an example of this, there are two ladies in new york, whose names rarely appear in print, but who, in a quiet way, have given us the means with which to erect three large and important buildings during the last eight years. besides the gift of these buildings, they have made other generous donations to the school. and they not only help tuskegee, but they are constantly seeking opportunities to help other worthy causes. although it has been my privilege to be the medium through which a good many hundred thousand dollars have been received for the work at tuskegee, i have always avoided what the world calls "begging." i often tell people that i have never "begged" any money, and that i am not a "beggar." my experience and observation have convinced me that persistent asking outright for money from the rich does not, as a rule, secure help. i have usually proceeded on the principle that persons who possess sense enough to earn money have sense enough to know how to give it away, and that the mere making known of the facts regarding tuskegee, and especially the facts regarding the work of the graduates, has been more effective than outright begging. i think that the presentation of facts, on a high, dignified plane, is all the begging that most rich people care for. while the work of going from door to door and from office to office is hard, disagreeable, and costly in bodily strength, yet it has some compensations. such work gives one a rare opportunity to study human nature. it also has its compensations in giving one an opportunity to meet some of the best people in the world--to be more correct, i think i should say the best people in the world. when one takes a broad survey of the country, he will find that the most useful and influential people in it are those who take the deepest interest in institutions that exist for the purpose of making the world better. at one time, when i was in boston, i called at the door of a rather wealthy lady, and was admitted to the vestibule and sent up my card. while i was waiting for an answer, her husband came in, and asked me in the most abrupt manner what i wanted. when i tried to explain the object of my call, he became still more ungentlemanly in his words and manner, and finally grew so excited that i left the house without waiting for a reply from the lady. a few blocks from that house i called to see a gentleman who received me in the most cordial manner. he wrote me his check for a generous sum, and then, before i had had an opportunity to thank him, said: "i am so grateful to you, mr. washington, for giving me the opportunity to help a good cause. it is a privilege to have a share in it. we in boston are constantly indebted to you for doing our work." my experience in securing money convinces me that the first type of man is growing more rare all the time, and that the latter type is increasing; that is, that, more and more, rich people are coming to regard men and women who apply to them for help for worthy objects, not as beggars, but as agents for doing their work. in the city of boston i have rarely called upon an individual for funds that i have not been thanked for calling, usually before i could get an opportunity to thank the donor for the money. in that city the donors seem to feel, in a large degree, that an honour is being conferred upon them in their being permitted to give. nowhere else have i met with, in so large a measure, this fine and christlike spirit as in the city of boston, although there are many notable instances of it outside that city. i repeat my belief that the world is growing in the direction of giving. i repeat that the main rule by which i have been guided in collecting money is to do my full duty in regard to giving people who have money an opportunity for help. in the early years of the tuskegee school i walked the streets or travelled country roads in the north for days and days without receiving a dollar. often as it happened, when during the week i had been disappointed in not getting a cent from the very individuals from whom i most expected help, and when i was almost broken down and discouraged, that generous help has come from some one who i had had little idea would give at all. i recall that on one occasion i obtained information that led me to believe that a gentleman who lived about two miles out in the country from stamford, conn., might become interested in our efforts at tuskegee if our conditions and needs were presented to him. on an unusually cold and stormy day i walked the two miles to see him. after some difficulty i succeeded in securing an interview with him. he listened with some degree of interest to what i had to say, but did not give me anything. i could not help having the feeling that, in a measure, the three hours that i had spent in seeing him had been thrown away. still, i had followed my usual rule of doing my duty. if i had not seen him, i should have felt unhappy over neglect of duty. two years after this visit a letter came to tuskegee from this man, which read like this: "enclosed i send you a new york draft for ten thousand dollars, to be used in furtherance of your work. i had placed this sum in my will for your school, but deem it wiser to give it to you while i live. i recall with pleasure your visit to me two years ago." i can hardly imagine any occurrence which could have given me more genuine satisfaction than the receipt of this draft. it was by far the largest single donation which up to that time the school had ever received. it came at a time when an unusually long period had passed since we had received any money. we were in great distress because of lack of funds, and the nervous strain was tremendous. it is difficult for me to think of any situation that is more trying on the nerves than that of conducting a large institution, with heavy obligations to meet, without knowing where the money is to come from to meet these obligations from month to month. in our case i felt a double responsibility, and this made the anxiety all the more intense. if the institution had been officered by white persons, and had failed, it would have injured the cause of negro education; but i knew that the failure of our institution, officered by negroes, would not only mean the loss of a school, but would cause people, in a large degree, to lose faith in the ability of the entire race. the receipt of this draft for ten thousand dollars, under all these circumstances, partially lifted a burden that had been pressing down upon me for days. from the beginning of our work to the present i have always had the feeling, and lose no opportunity to impress our teachers with the same idea, that the school will always be supported in proportion as the inside of the institution is kept clean and pure and wholesome. the first time i ever saw the late collis p. huntington, the great railroad man, he gave me two dollars for our school. the last time i saw him, which was a few months before he died, he gave me fifty thousand dollars toward our endowment fund. between these two gifts there were others of generous proportions which came every year from both mr. and mrs. huntington. some people may say that it was tuskegee's good luck that brought to us this gift of fifty thousand dollars. no, it was not luck. it was hard work. nothing ever comes to me, that is worth having, except as the result of hard work. when mr. huntington gave me the first two dollars, i did not blame him for not giving me more, but made up my mind that i was going to convince him by tangible results that we were worthy of larger gifts. for a dozen years i made a strong effort to convince mr. huntington of the value of our work. i noted that just in proportion as the usefulness of the school grew, his donations increased. never did i meet an individual who took a more kindly and sympathetic interest in our school than did mr. huntington. he not only gave money to us, but took time in which to advise me, as a father would a son, about the general conduct of the school. more than once i have found myself in some pretty tight places while collecting money in the north. the following incident i have never related but once before, for the reason that i feared that people would not believe it. one morning i found myself in providence, rhode island, without a cent of money with which to buy breakfast. in crossing the street to see a lady from whom i hoped to get some money, i found a bright new twenty-five-cent piece in the middle of the street track. i not only had this twenty-five cents for my breakfast, but within a few minutes i had a donation from the lady on whom i had started to call. at one of our commencements i was bold enough to invite the rev. e. winchester donald, d.d., rector of trinity church, boston, to preach the commencement sermon. as we then had no room large enough to accommodate all who would be present, the place of meeting was under a large improvised arbour, built partly of brush and partly of rough boards. soon after dr. donald had begun speaking, the rain came down in torrents, and he had to stop, while someone held an umbrella over him. the boldness of what i had done never dawned upon me until i saw the picture made by the rector of trinity church standing before that large audience under an old umbrella, waiting for the rain to cease so that he could go on with his address. it was not very long before the rain ceased and dr. donald finished his sermon; and an excellent sermon it was, too, in spite of the weather. after he had gone to his room, and had gotten the wet threads of his clothes dry, dr. donald ventured the remark that a large chapel at tuskegee would not be out of place. the next day a letter came from two ladies who were then travelling in italy, saying that they had decided to give us the money for such a chapel as we needed. a short time ago we received twenty thousand dollars from mr. andrew carnegie, to be used for the purpose of erecting a new library building. our first library and reading-room were in a corner of a shanty, and the whole thing occupied a space about five by twelve feet. it required ten years of work before i was able to secure mr. carnegie's interest and help. the first time i saw him, ten years ago, he seemed to take but little interest in our school, but i was determined to show him that we were worthy of his help. after ten years of hard work i wrote him a letter reading as follows: december 15, 1900. mr. andrew carnegie, 5 w. fifty-first st., new york. dear sir: complying with the request which you made of me when i saw you at your residence a few days ago, i now submit in writing an appeal for a library building for our institution. we have 1100 students, 86 officers and instructors, together with their families, and about 200 coloured people living near the school, all of whom would make use of the library building. we have over 12,000 books, periodicals, etc., gifts from our friends, but we have no suitable place for them, and we have no suitable reading-room. our graduates go to work in every section of the south, and whatever knowledge might be obtained in the library would serve to assist in the elevation of the whole negro race. such a building as we need could be erected for about $20,000. all of the work for the building, such as brickmaking, brick-masonry, carpentry, blacksmithing, etc., would be done by the students. the money which you would give would not only supply the building, but the erection of the building would give a large number of students an opportunity to learn the building trades, and the students would use the money paid to them to keep themselves in school. i do not believe that a similar amount of money often could be made go so far in uplifting a whole race. if you wish further information, i shall be glad to furnish it. yours truly, booker t. washington, principal. the next mail brought back the following reply: "i will be very glad to pay the bills for the library building as they are incurred, to the extent of twenty thousand dollars, and i am glad of this opportunity to show the interest i have in your noble work." i have found that strict business methods go a long way in securing the interest of rich people. it has been my constant aim at tuskegee to carry out, in our financial and other operations, such business methods as would be approved of by any new york banking house. i have spoken of several large gifts to the school; but by far the greater proportion of the money that has built up the institution has come in the form of small donations from persons of moderate means. it is upon these small gifts, which carry with them the interest of hundreds of donors, that any philanthropic work must depend largely for its support. in my efforts to get money i have often been surprised at the patience and deep interest of the ministers, who are besieged on every hand and at all hours of the day for help. if no other consideration had convinced me of the value of the christian life, the christlike work which the church of all denominations in america has done during the last thirty-five years for the elevation of the black man would have made me a christian. in a large degree it has been the pennies, the nickels, and the dimes which have come from the sunday-schools, the christian endeavour societies, and the missionary societies, as well as from the church proper, that have helped to elevate the negro at so rapid a rate. this speaking of small gifts reminds me to say that very few tuskegee graduates fail to send us an annual contribution. these contributions range from twenty-five cents up to ten dollars. soon after beginning our third year's work we were surprised to receive money from three special sources, and up to the present time we have continued to receive help from them. first, the state legislature of alabama increased its annual appropriation from two thousand dollars to three thousand dollars; i might add that still later it increased this sum to four thousand five hundred dollars a year. the effort to secure this increase was led by the hon. m.f. foster, the member of the legislature from tuskegee. second, we received one thousand dollars from the john f. slater fund. our work seemed to please the trustees of this fund, as they soon began increasing their annual grant. this has been added to from time to time until at present we receive eleven thousand dollars annually from the fund. the other help to which i have referred came in the shape of an allowance from the peabody fund. this was at first five hundred dollars, but it has since been increased to fifteen hundred dollars. the effort to secure help from the slater and peabody funds brought me into contact with two rare men--men who have had much to do in shaping the policy for the education of the negro. i refer to the hon. j.l.m. curry, of washington, who is the general agent for these two funds, and mr. morris k. jessup, of new york. dr. curry is a native of the south, an ex-confederate soldier, yet i do not believe there is any man in the country who is more deeply interested in the highest welfare of the negro than dr. curry, or one who is more free from race prejudice. he enjoys the unique distinction of possessing to an equal degree the confidence of the black man and the southern white man. i shall never forget the first time i met him. it was in richmond, va., where he was then living. i had heard much about him. when i first went into his presence, trembling because of my youth and inexperience, he took me by the hand so cordially, and spoke such encouraging words, and gave me such helpful advice regarding the proper course to pursue, that i came to know him then, as i have known him ever since, as a high example of one who is constantly and unselfishly at work for the betterment of humanity. mr. morris k. jessup, the treasurer of the slater fund, i refer to because i know of no man of wealth and large and complicated business responsibilities who gives not only money but his time and thought to the subject of the proper method of elevating the negro to the extent that is true of mr. jessup. it is very largely through this effort and influence that during the last few years the subject of industrial education has assumed the importance that it has, and been placed on its present footing. chapter xiii. two thousand miles for a five-minute speech soon after the opening of our boarding department, quite a number of students who evidently were worthy, but who were so poor that they did not have any money to pay even the small charges at the school, began applying for admission. this class was composed of both men and women. it was a great trial to refuse admission to these applicants, and in 1884 we established a night-school to accommodate a few of them. the night-school was organized on a plan similar to the one which i had helped to establish at hampton. at first it was composed of about a dozen students. they were admitted to the night-school only when they had no money with which to pay any part of their board in the regular day-school. it was further required that they must work for ten hours during the day at some trade or industry, and study academic branches for two hours during the evening. this was the requirement for the first one or two years of their stay. they were to be paid something above the cost of their board, with the understanding that all of their earnings, except a very small part, were to be reserved in the school's treasury, to be used for paying their board in the regular day-school after they had entered that department. the night-school, started in this manner, has grown until there are at present four hundred and fifty-seven students enrolled in it alone. there could hardly be a more severe test of a student's worth than this branch of the institute's work. it is largely because it furnishes such a good opportunity to test the backbone of a student that i place such high value upon our night-school. any one who is willing to work ten hours a day at the brick-yard, or in the laundry, through one or two years, in order that he or she may have the privilege of studying academic branches for two hours in the evening, has enough bottom to warrant being further educated. after the student has left the night-school he enters the day-school, where he takes academic branches four days in a week, and works at his trade two days. besides this he usually works at his trade during the three summer months. as a rule, after a student has succeeded in going through the night-school test, he finds a way to finish the regular course in industrial and academic training. no student, no matter how much money he may be able to command, is permitted to go through school without doing manual labour. in fact, the industrial work is now as popular as the academic branches. some of the most successful men and women who have graduated from the institution obtained their start in the night-school. while a great deal of stress is laid upon the industrial side of the work at tuskegee, we do not neglect or overlook in any degree the religious and spiritual side. the school is strictly undenominational, but it is thoroughly christian, and the spiritual training of the students is not neglected. our preaching service, prayer-meetings, sunday-school, christian endeavour society, young men's christian association, and various missionary organizations, testify to this. in 1885, miss olivia davidson, to whom i have already referred as being largely responsible for the success of the school during its early history, and i were married. during our married life she continued to divide her time and strength between our home and the work for the school. she not only continued to work in the school at tuskegee, but also kept up her habit of going north to secure funds. in 1889 she died, after four years of happy married life and eight years of hard and happy work for the school. she literally wore herself out in her never ceasing efforts in behalf of the work that she so dearly loved. during our married life there were born to us two bright, beautiful boys, booker taliaferro and ernest davidson. the older of these, booker, has already mastered the brick-maker's trade at tuskegee. i have often been asked how i began the practice of public speaking. in answer i would say that i never planned to give any large part of my life to speaking in public. i have always had more of an ambition to do things than merely to talk about doing them. it seems that when i went north with general armstrong to speak at the series of public meetings to which i have referred, the president of the national educational association, the hon. thomas w. bicknell, was present at one of those meetings and heard me speak. a few days afterward he sent me an invitation to deliver an address at the next meeting of the educational association. this meeting was to be held in madison, wis. i accepted the invitation. this was, in a sense, the beginning of my public-speaking career. on the evening that i spoke before the association there must have been not far from four thousand persons present. without my knowing it, there were a large number of people present from alabama, and some from the town of tuskegee. these white people afterward frankly told me that they went to this meeting expecting to hear the south roundly abused, but were pleasantly surprised to find that there was no word of abuse in my address. on the contrary, the south was given credit for all the praiseworthy things that it had done. a white lady who was teacher in a college in tuskegee wrote back to the local paper that she was gratified, as well as surprised, to note the credit which i gave the white people of tuskegee for their help in getting the school started. this address at madison was the first that i had delivered that in any large measure dealt with the general problem of the races. those who heard it seemed to be pleased with what i said and with the general position that i took. when i first came to tuskegee, i determined that i would make it my home, that i would take as much pride in the right actions of the people of the town as any white man could do, and that i would, at the same time, deplore the wrong-doing of the people as much as any white man. i determined never to say anything in a public address in the north that i would not be willing to say in the south. i early learned that it is a hard matter to convert an individual by abusing him, and that this is more often accomplished by giving credit for all the praiseworthy actions performed than by calling attention alone to all the evil done. while pursuing this policy i have not failed, at the proper time and in the proper manner, to call attention, in no uncertain terms, to the wrongs which any part of the south has been guilty of. i have found that there is a large element in the south that is quick to respond to straightforward, honest criticism of any wrong policy. as a rule, the place to criticise the south, when criticism is necessary, is in the south--not in boston. a boston man who came to alabama to criticise boston would not effect so much good, i think, as one who had his word of criticism to say in boston. in this address at madison i took the ground that the policy to be pursued with references to the races was, by every honourable means, to bring them together and to encourage the cultivation of friendly relations, instead of doing that which would embitter. i further contended that, in relation to his vote, the negro should more and more consider the interests of the community in which he lived, rather than seek alone to please some one who lived a thousand miles away from him and from his interests. in this address i said that the whole future of the negro rested largely upon the question as to whether or not he should make himself, through his skill, intelligence, and character, of such undeniable value to the community in which he lived that the community could not dispense with his presence. i said that any individual who learned to do something better than anybody else--learned to do a common thing in an uncommon manner--had solved his problem, regardless of the colour of his skin, and that in proportion as the negro learned to produce what other people wanted and must have, in the same proportion would he be respected. i spoke of an instance where one of our graduates had produced two hundred and sixty-six bushels of sweet potatoes from an acre of ground, in a community where the average production had been only forty-nine bushels to the acre. he had been able to do this by reason of his knowledge of the chemistry of the soil and by his knowledge of improved methods of agriculture. the white farmers in the neighbourhood respected him, and came to him for ideas regarding the raising of sweet potatoes. these white farmers honoured and respected him because he, by his skill and knowledge, had added something to the wealth and the comfort of the community in which he lived. i explained that my theory of education for the negro would not, for example, confine him for all time to farm life--to the production of the best and the most sweet potatoes--but that, if he succeeded in this line of industry, he could lay the foundations upon which his children and grand-children could grow to higher and more important things in life. such, in brief, were some of the views i advocated in this first address dealing with the broad question of the relations of the two races, and since that time i have not found any reason for changing my views on any important point. in my early life i used to cherish a feeling of ill will toward any one who spoke in bitter terms against the negro, or who advocated measures that tended to oppress the black man or take from him opportunities for growth in the most complete manner. now, whenever i hear any one advocating measures that are meant to curtail the development of another, i pity the individual who would do this. i know that the one who makes this mistake does so because of his own lack of opportunity for the highest kind of growth. i pity him because i know that he is trying to stop the progress of the world, and because i know that in time the development and the ceaseless advance of humanity will make him ashamed of his weak and narrow position. one might as well try to stop the progress of a mighty railroad train by throwing his body across the track, as to try to stop the growth of the world in the direction of giving mankind more intelligence, more culture, more skill, more liberty, and in the direction of extending more sympathy and more brotherly kindness. the address which i delivered at madison, before the national educational association, gave me a rather wide introduction in the north, and soon after that opportunities began offering themselves for me to address audiences there. i was anxious, however, that the way might also be opened for me to speak directly to a representative southern white audience. a partial opportunity of this kind, one that seemed to me might serve as an entering wedge, presented itself in 1893, when the international meeting of christian workers was held at atlanta, ga. when this invitation came to me, i had engagements in boston that seemed to make it impossible for me to speak in atlanta. still, after looking over my list of dates and places carefully, i found that i could take a train from boston that would get me into atlanta about thirty minutes before my address was to be delivered, and that i could remain in that city before taking another train for boston. my invitation to speak in atlanta stipulated that i was to confine my address to five minutes. the question, then, was whether or not i could put enough into a five-minute address to make it worth while for me to make such a trip. i knew that the audience would be largely composed of the most influential class of white men and women, and that it would be a rare opportunity for me to let them know what we were trying to do at tuskegee, as well as to speak to them about the relations of the races. so i decided to make the trip. i spoke for five minutes to an audience of two thousand people, composed mostly of southern and northern whites. what i said seemed to be received with favour and enthusiasm. the atlanta papers of the next day commented in friendly terms on my address, and a good deal was said about it in different parts of the country. i felt that i had in some degree accomplished my object--that of getting a hearing from the dominant class of the south. the demands made upon me for public addresses continued to increase, coming in about equal numbers from my own people and from northern whites. i gave as much time to these addresses as i could spare from the immediate work at tuskegee. most of the addresses in the north were made for the direct purpose of getting funds with which to support the school. those delivered before the coloured people had for their main object the impressing upon them the importance of industrial and technical education in addition to academic and religious training. i now come to that one of the incidents in my life which seems to have excited the greatest amount of interest, and which perhaps went further than anything else in giving me a reputation that in a sense might be called national. i refer to the address which i delivered at the opening of the atlanta cotton states and international exposition, at atlanta, ga., september 18, 1895. so much has been said and written about this incident, and so many questions have been asked me concerning the address, that perhaps i may be excused for taking up the matter with some detail. the five-minute address in atlanta, which i came from boston to deliver, was possibly the prime cause for an opportunity being given me to make the second address there. in the spring of 1895 i received a telegram from prominent citizens in atlanta asking me to accompany a committee from that city to washington for the purpose of appearing before a committee of congress in the interest of securing government help for the exposition. the committee was composed of about twenty-five of the most prominent and most influential white men of georgia. all the members of this committee were white men except bishop grant, bishop gaines, and myself. the mayor and several other city and state officials spoke before the committee. they were followed by the two coloured bishops. my name was the last on the list of speakers. i had never before appeared before such a committee, nor had i ever delivered any address in the capital of the nation. i had many misgivings as to what i ought to say, and as to the impression that my address would make. while i cannot recall in detail what i said, i remember that i tried to impress upon the committee, with all the earnestness and plainness of any language that i could command, that if congress wanted to do something which would assist in ridding the south of the race question and making friends between the two races, it should, in every proper way, encourage the material and intellectual growth of both races. i said that the atlanta exposition would present an opportunity for both races to show what advance they had made since freedom, and would at the same time afford encouragement to them to make still greater progress. i tried to emphasize the fact that while the negro should not be deprived by unfair means of the franchise, political agitation alone would not save him, and that back of the ballot he must have property, industry, skill, economy, intelligence, and character, and that no race without these elements could permanently succeed. i said that in granting the appropriation congress could do something that would prove to be of real and lasting value to both races, and that it was the first great opportunity of the kind that had been presented since the close of the civil war. i spoke for fifteen or twenty minutes, and was surprised at the close of my address to receive the hearty congratulations of the georgia committee and of the members of congress who were present. the committee was unanimous in making a favourable report, and in a few days the bill passed congress. with the passing of this bill the success of the atlanta exposition was assured. soon after this trip to washington the directors of the exposition decided that it would be a fitting recognition of the coloured race to erect a large and attractive building which should be devoted wholly to showing the progress of the negro since freedom. it was further decided to have the building designed and erected wholly by negro mechanics. this plan was carried out. in design, beauty, and general finish the negro building was equal to the others on the grounds. after it was decided to have a separate negro exhibit, the question arose as to who should take care of it. the officials of the exposition were anxious that i should assume this responsibility, but i declined to do so, on the plea that the work at tuskegee at that time demanded my time and strength. largely at my suggestion, mr. i. garland penn, of lynchburg, va., was selected to be at the head of the negro department. i gave him all the aid that i could. the negro exhibit, as a whole, was large and creditable. the two exhibits in this department which attracted the greatest amount of attention were those from the hampton institute and the tuskegee institute. the people who seemed to be the most surprised, as well as pleased, at what they saw in the negro building were the southern white people. as the day for the opening of the exposition drew near, the board of directors began preparing the programme for the opening exercises. in the discussion from day to day of the various features of this programme, the question came up as to the advisability of putting a member of the negro race on for one of the opening addresses, since the negroes had been asked to take such a prominent part in the exposition. it was argued, further, that such recognition would mark the good feeling prevailing between the two races. of course there were those who were opposed to any such recognition of the rights of the negro, but the board of directors, composed of men who represented the best and most progressive element in the south, had their way, and voted to invite a black man to speak on the opening day. the next thing was to decide upon the person who was thus to represent the negro race. after the question had been canvassed for several days, the directors voted unanimously to ask me to deliver one of the opening-day addresses, and in a few days after that i received the official invitation. the receiving of this invitation brought to me a sense of responsibility that it would be hard for any one not placed in my position to appreciate. what were my feelings when this invitation came to me? i remembered that i had been a slave; that my early years had been spent in the lowest depths of poverty and ignorance, and that i had had little opportunity to prepare me for such a responsibility as this. it was only a few years before that time that any white man in the audience might have claimed me as his slave; and it was easily possible that some of my former owners might be present to hear me speak. i knew, too, that this was the first time in the entire history of the negro that a member of my race had been asked to speak from the same platform with white southern men and women on any important national occasion. i was asked now to speak to an audience composed of the wealth and culture of the white south, the representatives of my former masters. i knew, too, that while the greater part of my audience would be composed of southern people, yet there would be present a large number of northern whites, as well as a great many men and women of my own race. i was determined to say nothing that i did not feel from the bottom of my heart to be true and right. when the invitation came to me, there was not one word of intimation as to what i should say or as to what i should omit. in this i felt that the board of directors had paid a tribute to me. they knew that by one sentence i could have blasted, in a large degree, the success of the exposition. i was also painfully conscious of the fact that, while i must be true to my own race in my utterances, i had it in my power to make such an ill-timed address as would result in preventing any similar invitation being extended to a black man again for years to come. i was equally determined to be true to the north, as well as to the best element of the white south, in what i had to say. the papers, north and south, had taken up the discussion of my coming speech, and as the time for it drew near this discussion became more and more widespread. not a few of the southern white papers were unfriendly to the idea of my speaking. from my own race i received many suggestions as to what i ought to say. i prepared myself as best i could for the address, but as the eighteenth of september drew nearer, the heavier my heart became, and the more i feared that my effort would prove a failure and a disappointment. the invitation had come at a time when i was very busy with my school work, as it was the beginning of our school year. after preparing my address, i went through it, as i usually do with those utterances which i consider particularly important, with mrs. washington, and she approved of what i intended to say. on the sixteenth of september, the day before i was to start for atlanta, so many of the tuskegee teachers expressed a desire to hear my address that i consented to read it to them in a body. when i had done so, and had heard their criticisms and comments, i felt somewhat relieved, since they seemed to think well of what i had to say. on the morning of september 17, together with mrs. washington and my three children, i started for atlanta. i felt a good deal as i suppose a man feels when he is on his way to the gallows. in passing through the town of tuskegee i met a white farmer who lived some distance out in the country. in a jesting manner this man said: "washington, you have spoken before the northern white people, the negroes in the south, and to us country white people in the south; but atlanta, to-morrow, you will have before you the northern whites, the southern whites, and the negroes all together. i am afraid that you have got yourself in a tight place." this farmer diagnosed the situation correctly, but his frank words did not add anything to my comfort. in the course of the journey from tuskegee to atlanta both coloured and white people came to the train to point me out, and discussed with perfect freedom, in my hearings, what was going to take place the next day. we were met by a committee in atlanta. almost the first thing that i heard when i got off the train in that city was an expression something like this, from an old coloured man near by: "dat's de man of my race what's gwine to make a speech at de exposition to-morrow. i'se sho' gwine to hear him." atlanta was literally packed, at the time, with people from all parts of the country, and with representatives of foreign governments, as well as with military and civic organizations. the afternoon papers had forecasts of the next day's proceedings in flaring headlines. all this tended to add to my burden. i did not sleep much that night. the next morning, before day, i went carefully over what i planned to say. i also kneeled down and asked god's blessing upon my effort. right here, perhaps, i ought to add that i make it a rule never to go before an audience, on any occasion, without asking the blessing of god upon what i want to say. i always make it a rule to make especial preparation for each separate address. no two audiences are exactly alike. it is my aim to reach and talk to the heart of each individual audience, taking it into my confidence very much as i would a person. when i am speaking to an audience, i care little for how what i am saying is going to sound in the newspapers, or to another audience, or to an individual. at the time, the audience before me absorbs all my sympathy, thought, and energy. early in the morning a committee called to escort me to my place in the procession which was to march to the exposition grounds. in this procession were prominent coloured citizens in carriages, as well as several negro military organizations. i noted that the exposition officials seemed to go out of their way to see that all of the coloured people in the procession were properly placed and properly treated. the procession was about three hours in reaching the exposition grounds, and during all of this time the sun was shining down upon us disagreeably hot. when we reached the grounds, the heat, together with my nervous anxiety, made me feel as if i were about ready to collapse, and to feel that my address was not going to be a success. when i entered the audience-room, i found it packed with humanity from bottom to top, and there were thousands outside who could not get in. the room was very large, and well suited to public speaking. when i entered the room, there were vigorous cheers from the coloured portion of the audience, and faint cheers from some of the white people. i had been told, while i had been in atlanta, that while many white people were going to be present to hear me speak, simply out of curiosity, and that others who would be present would be in full sympathy with me, there was a still larger element of the audience which would consist of those who were going to be present for the purpose of hearing me make a fool of myself, or, at least, of hearing me say some foolish thing so that they could say to the officials who had invited me to speak, "i told you so!" one of the trustees of the tuskegee institute, as well as my personal friend, mr. william h. baldwin, jr. was at the time general manager of the southern railroad, and happened to be in atlanta on that day. he was so nervous about the kind of reception that i would have, and the effect that my speech would produce, that he could not persuade himself to go into the building, but walked back and forth in the grounds outside until the opening exercises were over. chapter xiv. the atlanta exposition address the atlanta exposition, at which i had been asked to make an address as a representative of the negro race, as stated in the last chapter, was opened with a short address from governor bullock. after other interesting exercises, including an invocation from bishop nelson, of georgia, a dedicatory ode by albert howell, jr., and addresses by the president of the exposition and mrs. joseph thompson, the president of the woman's board, governor bullock introduce me with the words, "we have with us to-day a representative of negro enterprise and negro civilization." when i arose to speak, there was considerable cheering, especially from the coloured people. as i remember it now, the thing that was uppermost in my mind was the desire to say something that would cement the friendship of the races and bring about hearty cooperation between them. so far as my outward surroundings were concerned, the only thing that i recall distinctly now is that when i got up, i saw thousands of eyes looking intently into my face. the following is the address which i delivered:-mr. president and gentlemen of the board of directors and citizens. one-third of the population of the south is of the negro race. no enterprise seeking the material, civil, or moral welfare of this section can disregard this element of our population and reach the highest success. i but convey to you, mr. president and directors, the sentiment of the masses of my race when i say that in no way have the value and manhood of the american negro been more fittingly and generously recognized than by the managers of this magnificent exposition at every stage of its progress. it is a recognition that will do more to cement the friendship of the two races than any occurrence since the dawn of our freedom. not only this, but the opportunity here afforded will awaken among us a new era of industrial progress. ignorant and inexperienced, it is not strange that in the first years of our new life we began at the top instead of at the bottom; that a seat in congress or the state legislature was more sought than real estate or industrial skill; that the political convention or stump speaking had more attractions than starting a dairy farm or truck garden. a ship lost at sea for many days suddenly sighted a friendly vessel. from the mast of the unfortunate vessel was seen a signal, "water, water; we die of thirst!" the answer from the friendly vessel at once came back, "cast down your bucket where you are." a second time the signal, "water, water; send us water!" ran up from the distressed vessel, and was answered, "cast down your bucket where you are." and a third and fourth signal for water was answered, "cast down your bucket where you are." the captain of the distressed vessel, at last heading the injunction, cast down his bucket, and it came up full of fresh, sparkling water from the mouth of the amazon river. to those of my race who depend on bettering their condition in a foreign land or who underestimate the importance of cultivating friendly relations with the southern white man, who is their next-door neighbour, i would say: "cast down your bucket where you are"--cast it down in making friends in every manly way of the people of all races by whom we are surrounded. cast it down in agriculture, mechanics, in commerce, in domestic service, and in the professions. and in this connection it is well to bear in mind that whatever other sins the south may be called to bear, when it comes to business, pure and simple, it is in the south that the negro is given a man's chance in the commercial world, and in nothing is this exposition more eloquent than in emphasizing this chance. our greatest danger is that in the great leap from slavery to freedom we may overlook the fact that the masses of us are to live by the productions of our hands, and fail to keep in mind that we shall prosper in proportion as we learn to dignify and glorify common labour and put brains and skill into the common occupations of life; shall prosper in proportion as we learn to draw the line between the superficial and the substantial, the ornamental gewgaws of life and the useful. no race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. it is at the bottom of life we must begin, and not at the top. nor should we permit our grievances to overshadow our opportunities. to those of the white race who look to the incoming of those of foreign birth and strange tongue and habits of the prosperity of the south, were i permitted i would repeat what i say to my own race: "cast down your bucket where you are." cast it down among the eight millions of negroes whose habits you know, whose fidelity and love you have tested in days when to have proved treacherous meant the ruin of your firesides. cast down your bucket among these people who have, without strikes and labour wars, tilled your fields, cleared your forests, builded your railroads and cities, and brought forth treasures from the bowels of the earth, and helped make possible this magnificent representation of the progress of the south. casting down your bucket among my people, helping and encouraging them as you are doing on these grounds, and to education of head, hand, and heart, you will find that they will buy your surplus land, make blossom the waste places in your fields, and run your factories. while doing this, you can be sure in the future, as in the past, that you and your families will be surrounded by the most patient, faithful, law-abiding, and unresentful people that the world has seen. as we have proved our loyalty to you in the past, nursing your children, watching by the sick-bed of your mothers and fathers, and often following them with tear-dimmed eyes to their graves, so in the future, in our humble way, we shall stand by you with a devotion that no foreigner can approach, ready to lay down our lives, if need be, in defence of yours, interlacing our industrial, commercial, civil, and religious life with yours in a way that shall make the interests of both races one. in all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress. there is no defence or security for any of us except in the highest intelligence and development of all. if anywhere there are efforts tending to curtail the fullest growth of the negro, let these efforts be turned into stimulating, encouraging, and making him the most useful and intelligent citizen. effort or means so invested will pay a thousand per cent interest. these efforts will be twice blessed--"blessing him that gives and him that takes." there is no escape through law of man or god from the inevitable:- the laws of changeless justice bind oppressor with oppressed; and close as sin and suffering joined we march to fate abreast. nearly sixteen millions of hands will aid you in pulling the load upward, or they will pull against you the load downward. we shall constitute one-third and more of the ignorance and crime of the south, or one-third its intelligence and progress; we shall contribute one-third to the business and industrial prosperity of the south, or we shall prove a veritable body of death, stagnating, depressing, retarding every effort to advance the body politic. gentlemen of the exposition, as we present to you our humble effort at an exhibition of our progress, you must not expect overmuch. starting thirty years ago with ownership here and there in a few quilts and pumpkins and chickens (gathered from miscellaneous sources), remember the path that has led from these to the inventions and production of agricultural implements, buggies, steam-engines, newspapers, books, statuary, carving, paintings, the management of drug-stores and banks, has not been trodden without contact with thorns and thistles. while we take pride in what we exhibit as a result of our independent efforts, we do not for a moment forget that our part in this exhibition would fall far short of your expectations but for the constant help that has come to our education life, not only from the southern states, but especially from northern philanthropists, who have made their gifts a constant stream of blessing and encouragement. the wisest among my race understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is the extremest folly, and that progress in the enjoyment of all the privileges that will come to us must be the result of severe and constant struggle rather than of artificial forcing. no race that has anything to contribute to the markets of the world is long in any degree ostracized. it is important and right that all privileges of the law be ours, but it is vastly more important that we be prepared for the exercises of these privileges. the opportunity to earn a dollar in a factory just now is worth infinitely more than the opportunity to spend a dollar in an opera-house. in conclusion, may i repeat that nothing in thirty years has given us more hope and encouragement, and drawn us so near to you of the white race, as this opportunity offered by the exposition; and here bending, as it were, over the altar that represents the results of the struggles of your race and mine, both starting practically empty-handed three decades ago, i pledge that in your effort to work out the great and intricate problem which god has laid at the doors of the south, you shall have at all times the patient, sympathetic help of my race; only let this be constantly in mind, that, while from representations in these buildings of the product of field, of forest, of mine, of factory, letters, and art, much good will come, yet far above and beyond material benefits will be that higher good, that, let us pray god, will come, in a blotting out of sectional differences and racial animosities and suspicions, in a determination to administer absolute justice, in a willing obedience among all classes to the mandates of law. this, this, coupled with our material prosperity, will bring into our beloved south a new heaven and a new earth. the first thing that i remember, after i had finished speaking, was that governor bullock rushed across the platform and took me by the hand, and that others did the same. i received so many and such hearty congratulations that i found it difficult to get out of the building. i did not appreciate to any degree, however, the impression which my address seemed to have made, until the next morning, when i went into the business part of the city. as soon as i was recognized, i was surprised to find myself pointed out and surrounded by a crowd of men who wished to shake hands with me. this was kept up on every street on to which i went, to an extent which embarrassed me so much that i went back to my boarding-place. the next morning i returned to tuskegee. at the station in atlanta, and at almost all of the stations at which the train stopped between that city and tuskegee, i found a crowd of people anxious to shake hands with me. the papers in all parts of the united states published the address in full, and for months afterward there were complimentary editorial references to it. mr. clark howell, the editor of the atlanta constitution, telegraphed to a new york paper, among other words, the following, "i do not exaggerate when i say that professor booker t. washington's address yesterday was one of the most notable speeches, both as to character and as to the warmth of its reception, ever delivered to a southern audience. the address was a revelation. the whole speech is a platform upon which blacks and whites can stand with full justice to each other." the boston transcript said editorially: "the speech of booker t. washington at the atlanta exposition, this week, seems to have dwarfed all the other proceedings and the exposition itself. the sensation that it has caused in the press has never been equalled." i very soon began receiving all kinds of propositions from lecture bureaus, and editors of magazines and papers, to take the lecture platform, and to write articles. one lecture bureau offered me fifty thousand dollars, or two hundred dollars a night and expenses, if i would place my services at its disposal for a given period. to all these communications i replied that my life-work was at tuskegee; and that whenever i spoke it must be in the interests of tuskegee school and my race, and that i would enter into no arrangements that seemed to place a mere commercial value upon my services. some days after its delivery i sent a copy of my address to the president of the united states, the hon. grover cleveland. i received from him the following autograph reply:-gray gables, buzzard's bay, mass., october 6, 1895. booker t. washington, esq.: my dear sir: i thank you for sending me a copy of your address delivered at the atlanta exposition. i thank you with much enthusiasm for making the address. i have read it with intense interest, and i think the exposition would be fully justified if it did not do more than furnish the opportunity for its delivery. your words cannot fail to delight and encourage all who wish well for your race; and if our coloured fellow-citizens do not from your utterances gather new hope and form new determinations to gain every valuable advantage offered them by their citizenship, it will be strange indeed. yours very truly, grover cleveland. later i met mr. cleveland, for the first time, when, as president, he visited the atlanta exposition. at the request of myself and others he consented to spend an hour in the negro building, for the purpose of inspecting the negro exhibit and of giving the coloured people in attendance an opportunity to shake hands with him. as soon as i met mr. cleveland i became impressed with his simplicity, greatness, and rugged honesty. i have met him many times since then, both at public functions and at his private residence in princeton, and the more i see of him the more i admire him. when he visited the negro building in atlanta he seemed to give himself up wholly, for that hour, to the coloured people. he seemed to be as careful to shake hands with some old coloured "auntie" clad partially in rags, and to take as much pleasure in doing so, as if he were greeting some millionaire. many of the coloured people took advantage of the occasion to get him to write his name in a book or on a slip of paper. he was as careful and patient in doing this as if he were putting his signature to some great state document. mr. cleveland has not only shown his friendship for me in many personal ways, but has always consented to do anything i have asked of him for our school. this he has done, whether it was to make a personal donation or to use his influence in securing the donations of others. judging from my personal acquaintance with mr. cleveland, i do not believe that he is conscious of possessing any colour prejudice. he is too great for that. in my contact with people i find that, as a rule, it is only the little, narrow people who live for themselves, who never read good books, who do not travel, who never open up their souls in a way to permit them to come into contact with other souls--with the great outside world. no man whose vision is bounded by colour can come into contact with what is highest and best in the world. in meeting men, in many places, i have found that the happiest people are those who do the most for others; the most miserable are those who do the least. i have also found that few things, if any, are capable of making one so blind and narrow as race prejudice. i often say to our students, in the course of my talks to them on sunday evenings in the chapel, that the longer i live and the more experience i have of the world, the more i am convinced that, after all, the one thing that is most worth living for--and dying for, if need be--is the opportunity of making some one else more happy and more useful. the coloured people and the coloured newspapers at first seemed to be greatly pleased with the character of my atlanta address, as well as with its reception. but after the first burst of enthusiasm began to die away, and the coloured people began reading the speech in cold type, some of them seemed to feel that they had been hypnotized. they seemed to feel that i had been too liberal in my remarks toward the southern whites, and that i had not spoken out strongly enough for what they termed the "rights" of my race. for a while there was a reaction, so far as a certain element of my own race was concerned, but later these reactionary ones seemed to have been won over to my way of believing and acting. while speaking of changes in public sentiment, i recall that about ten years after the school at tuskegee was established, i had an experience that i shall never forget. dr. lyman abbott, then the pastor of plymouth church, and also editor of the outlook (then the christian union), asked me to write a letter for his paper giving my opinion of the exact condition, mental and moral, of the coloured ministers in the south, as based upon my observations. i wrote the letter, giving the exact facts as i conceived them to be. the picture painted was a rather black one--or, since i am black, shall i say "white"? it could not be otherwise with a race but a few years out of slavery, a race which had not had time or opportunity to produce a competent ministry. what i said soon reached every negro minister in the country, i think, and the letters of condemnation which i received from them were not few. i think that for a year after the publication of this article every association and every conference or religious body of any kind, of my race, that met, did not fail before adjourning to pass a resolution condemning me, or calling upon me to retract or modify what i had said. many of these organizations went so far in their resolutions as to advise parents to cease sending their children to tuskegee. one association even appointed a "missionary" whose duty it was to warn the people against sending their children to tuskegee. this missionary had a son in the school, and i noticed that, whatever the "missionary" might have said or done with regard to others, he was careful not to take his son away from the institution. many of the coloured papers, especially those that were the organs of religious bodies, joined in the general chorus of condemnation or demands for retraction. during the whole time of the excitement, and through all the criticism, i did not utter a word of explanation or retraction. i knew that i was right, and that time and the sober second thought of the people would vindicate me. it was not long before the bishops and other church leaders began to make careful investigation of the conditions of the ministry, and they found out that i was right. in fact, the oldest and most influential bishop in one branch of the methodist church said that my words were far too mild. very soon public sentiment began making itself felt, in demanding a purifying of the ministry. while this is not yet complete by any means, i think i may say, without egotism, and i have been told by many of our most influential ministers, that my words had much to do with starting a demand for the placing of a higher type of men in the pulpit. i have had the satisfaction of having many who once condemned me thank me heartily for my frank words. the change of the attitude of the negro ministry, so far as regards myself, is so complete that at the present time i have no warmer friends among any class than i have among the clergymen. the improvement in the character and life of the negro ministers is one of the most gratifying evidences of the progress of the race. my experience with them, as well as other events in my life, convince me that the thing to do, when one feels sure that he has said or done the right thing, and is condemned, is to stand still and keep quiet. if he is right, time will show it. in the midst of the discussion which was going on concerning my atlanta speech, i received the letter which i give below, from dr. gilman, the president of johns hopkins university, who had been made chairman of the judges of award in connection with the atlanta exposition:-johns hopkins university, baltimore, president's office, september 30, 1895. dear mr. washington: would it be agreeable to you to be one of the judges of award in the department of education at atlanta? if so, i shall be glad to place your name upon the list. a line by telegraph will be welcomed. yours very truly, d.c. gilman i think i was even more surprised to receive this invitation than i had been to receive the invitation to speak at the opening of the exposition. it was to be a part of my duty, as one of the jurors, to pass not only upon the exhibits of the coloured schools, but also upon those of the white schools. i accepted the position, and spent a month in atlanta in performance of the duties which it entailed. the board of jurors was a large one, containing in all of sixty members. it was about equally divided between southern white people and northern white people. among them were college presidents, leading scientists and men of letters, and specialists in many subjects. when the group of jurors to which i was assigned met for organization, mr. thomas nelson page, who was one of the number, moved that i be made secretary of that division, and the motion was unanimously adopted. nearly half of our division were southern people. in performing my duties in the inspection of the exhibits of white schools i was in every case treated with respect, and at the close of our labours i parted from my associates with regret. i am often asked to express myself more freely than i do upon the political condition and the political future of my race. these recollections of my experience in atlanta give me the opportunity to do so briefly. my own belief is, although i have never before said so in so many words, that the time will come when the negro in the south will be accorded all the political rights which his ability, character, and material possessions entitle him to. i think, though, that the opportunity to freely exercise such political rights will not come in any large degree through outside or artificial forcing, but will be accorded to the negro by the southern white people themselves, and that they will protect him in the exercise of those rights. just as soon as the south gets over the old feeling that it is being forced by "foreigners," or "aliens," to do something which it does not want to do, i believe that the change in the direction that i have indicated is going to begin. in fact, there are indications that it is already beginning in a slight degree. let me illustrate my meaning. suppose that some months before the opening of the atlanta exposition there had been a general demand from the press and public platform outside the south that a negro be given a place on the opening programme, and that a negro be placed upon the board of jurors of award. would any such recognition of the race have taken place? i do not think so. the atlanta officials went as far as they did because they felt it to be a pleasure, as well as a duty, to reward what they considered merit in the negro race. say what we will, there is something in human nature which we cannot blot out, which makes one man, in the end, recognize and reward merit in another, regardless of colour or race. i believe it is the duty of the negro--as the greater part of the race is already doing--to deport himself modestly in regard to political claims, depending upon the slow but sure influences that proceed from the possession of property, intelligence, and high character for the full recognition of his political rights. i think that the according of the full exercise of political rights is going to be a matter of natural, slow growth, not an over-night, gourd-vine affair. i do not believe that the negro should cease voting, for a man cannot learn the exercise of self-government by ceasing to vote, any more than a boy can learn to swim by keeping out of the water, but i do believe that in his voting he should more and more be influenced by those of intelligence and character who are his next-door neighbours. i know coloured men who, through the encouragement, help, and advice of southern white people, have accumulated thousands of dollars' worth of property, but who, at the same time, would never think of going to those same persons for advice concerning the casting of their ballots. this, it seems to me, is unwise and unreasonable, and should cease. in saying this i do not mean that the negro should truckle, or not vote from principle, for the instant he ceases to vote from principle he loses the confidence and respect of the southern white man even. i do not believe that any state should make a law that permits an ignorant and poverty-stricken white man to vote, and prevents a black man in the same condition from voting. such a law is not only unjust, but it will react, as all unjust laws do, in time; for the effect of such a law is to encourage the negro to secure education and property, and at the same time it encourages the white man to remain in ignorance and poverty. i believe that in time, through the operation of intelligence and friendly race relations, all cheating at the ballot-box in the south will cease. it will become apparent that the white man who begins by cheating a negro out of his ballot soon learns to cheat a white man out of his, and that the man who does this ends his career of dishonesty by the theft of property or by some equally serious crime. in my opinion, the time will come when the south will encourage all of its citizens to vote. it will see that it pays better, from every standpoint, to have healthy, vigorous life than to have that political stagnation which always results when one-half of the population has no share and no interest in the government. as a rule, i believe in universal, free suffrage, but i believe that in the south we are confronted with peculiar conditions that justify the protection of the ballot in many of the states, for a while at least, either by an education test, a property test, or by both combined; but whatever tests are required, they should be made to apply with equal and exact justice to both races. chapter xv. the secret of success in public speaking as to how my address at atlanta was received by the audience in the exposition building, i think i prefer to let mr. james creelman, the noted war correspondent, tell. mr. creelman was present, and telegraphed the following account to the new york world:-atlanta, september 18. while president cleveland was waiting at gray gables to-day, to send the electric spark that started the machinery of the atlanta exposition, a negro moses stood before a great audience of white people and delivered an oration that marks a new epoch in the history of the south; and a body of negro troops marched in a procession with the citizen soldiery of georgia and louisiana. the whole city is thrilling to-night with a realization of the extraordinary significance of these two unprecedented events. nothing has happened since henry grady's immortal speech before the new england society in new york that indicates so profoundly the spirit of the new south, except, perhaps, the opening of the exposition itself. when professor booker t. washington, principal of an industrial school for coloured people in tuskegee, ala. stood on the platform of the auditorium, with the sun shining over the heads of his auditors into his eyes, and with his whole face lit up with the fire of prophecy, clark howell, the successor of henry grady, said to me, "that man's speech is the beginning of a moral revolution in america." it is the first time that a negro has made a speech in the south on any important occasion before an audience composed of white men and women. it electrified the audience, and the response was as if it had come from the throat of a whirlwind. mrs. thompson had hardly taken her seat when all eyes were turned on a tall tawny negro sitting in the front row of the platform. it was professor booker t. washington, president of the tuskegee (alabama) normal and industrial institute, who must rank from this time forth as the foremost man of his race in america. gilmore's band played the "star-spangled banner," and the audience cheered. the tune changed to "dixie" and the audience roared with shrill "hi-yis." again the music changed, this time to "yankee doodle," and the clamour lessened. all this time the eyes of the thousands present looked straight at the negro orator. a strange thing was to happen. a black man was to speak for his people, with none to interrupt him. as professor washington strode to the edge of the stage, the low, descending sun shot fiery rays through the windows into his face. a great shout greeted him. he turned his head to avoid the blinding light, and moved about the platform for relief. then he turned his wonderful countenance to the sun without a blink of the eyelids, and began to talk. there was a remarkable figure; tall, bony, straight as a sioux chief, high forehead, straight nose, heavy jaws, and strong, determined mouth, with big white teeth, piercing eyes, and a commanding manner. the sinews stood out on his bronzed neck, and his muscular right arm swung high in the air, with a lead-pencil grasped in the clinched brown fist. his big feet were planted squarely, with the heels together and the toes turned out. his voice range out clear and true, and he paused impressively as he made each point. within ten minutes the multitude was in an uproar of enthusiasm--handkerchiefs were waved, canes were flourished, hats were tossed in the air. the fairest women of georgia stood up and cheered. it was as if the orator had bewitched them. and when he held his dusky hand high above his head, with the fingers stretched wide apart, and said to the white people of the south on behalf of his race, "in all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress," the great wave of sound dashed itself against the walls, and the whole audience was on its feet in a delirium of applause, and i thought at that moment of the night when henry grady stood among the curling wreaths of tobacco-smoke in delmonico's banquet-hall and said, "i am a cavalier among roundheads." i have heard the great orators of many countries, but not even gladstone himself could have pleased a cause with most consummate power than did this angular negro, standing in a nimbus of sunshine, surrounded by the men who once fought to keep his race in bondage. the roar might swell ever so high, but the expression of his earnest face never changed. a ragged, ebony giant, squatted on the floor in one of the aisles, watched the orator with burning eyes and tremulous face until the supreme burst of applause came, and then the tears ran down his face. most of the negroes in the audience were crying, perhaps without knowing just why. at the close of the speech governor bullock rushed across the stage and seized the orator's hand. another shout greeted this demonstration, and for a few minutes the two men stood facing each other, hand in hand. so far as i could spare the time from the immediate work at tuskegee, after my atlanta address, i accepted some of the invitations to speak in public which came to me, especially those that would take me into territory where i thought it would pay to plead the cause of my race, but i always did this with the understanding that i was to be free to talk about my life-work and the needs of my people. i also had it understood that i was not to speak in the capacity of a professional lecturer, or for mere commercial gain. in my efforts on the public platform i never have been able to understand why people come to hear me speak. this question i never can rid myself of. time and time again, as i have stood in the street in front of a building and have seen men and women passing in large numbers into the audience room where i was to speak, i have felt ashamed that i should be the cause of people--as it seemed to me--wasting a valuable hour of their time. some years ago i was to deliver an address before a literary society in madison, wis. an hour before the time set for me to speak, a fierce snow-storm began, and continued for several hours. i made up my mind that there would be no audience, and that i should not have to speak, but, as a matter of duty, i went to the church, and found it packed with people. the surprise gave me a shock that i did not recover from during the whole evening. people often ask me if i feel nervous before speaking, or else they suggest that, since i speak often, they suppose that i get used to it. in answer to this question i have to say that i always suffer intensely from nervousness before speaking. more than once, just before i was to make an important address, this nervous strain has been so great that i have resolved never again to speak in public. i not only feel nervous before speaking, but after i have finished i usually feel a sense of regret, because it seems to me as if i had left out of my address the main thing and the best thing that i had meant to say. there is a great compensation, though, for this preliminary nervous suffering, that comes to me after i have been speaking for about ten minutes, and have come to feel that i have really mastered my audience, and that we have gotten into full and complete sympathy with each other. it seems to me that there is rarely such a combination of mental and physical delight in any effort as that which comes to a public speaker when he feels that he has a great audience completely within his control. there is a thread of sympathy and oneness that connects a public speaker with his audience, that is just as strong as though it was something tangible and visible. if in an audience of a thousand people there is one person who is not in sympathy with my views, or is inclined to be doubtful, cold, or critical, i can pick him out. when i have found him i usually go straight at him, and it is a great satisfaction to watch the process of his thawing out. i find that the most effective medicine for such individuals is administered at first in the form of a story, although i never tell an anecdote simply for the sake of telling one. that kind of thing, i think, is empty and hollow, and an audience soon finds it out. i believe that one always does himself and his audience an injustice when he speaks merely for the sake of speaking. i do not believe that one should speak unless, deep down in his heart, he feels convinced that he has a message to deliver. when one feels, from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head, that he has something to say that is going to help some individual or some cause, then let him say it; and in delivering his message i do not believe that many of the artificial rules of elocution can, under such circumstances, help him very much. although there are certain things, such as pauses, breathing, and pitch of voice, that are very important, none of these can take the place of soul in an address. when i have an address to deliver, i like to forget all about the rules for the proper use of the english language, and all about rhetoric and that sort of thing, and i like to make the audience forget all about these things, too. nothing tends to throw me off my balance so quickly, when i am speaking, as to have some one leave the room. to prevent this, i make up my mind, as a rule, that i will try to make my address so interesting, will try to state so many interesting facts one after another, that no one can leave. the average audience, i have come to believe, wants facts rather than generalities or sermonizing. most people, i think, are able to draw proper conclusions if they are given the facts in an interesting form on which to base them. as to the kind of audience that i like best to talk to, i would put at the top of the list an organization of strong, wide-awake, business men, such, for example, as is found in boston, new york, chicago, and buffalo. i have found no other audience so quick to see a point, and so responsive. within the last few years i have had the privilege of speaking before most of the leading organizations of this kind in the large cities of the united states. the best time to get hold of an organization of business men is after a good dinner, although i think that one of the worst instruments of torture that was ever invented is the custom which makes it necessary for a speaker to sit through a fourteen-course dinner, every minute of the time feeling sure that his speech is going to prove a dismal failure and disappointment. i rarely take part in one of these long dinners that i do not wish that i could put myself back in the little cabin where i was a slave boy, and again go through the experience there--one that i shall never forget--of getting molasses to eat once a week from the "big house." our usual diet on the plantation was corn bread and pork, but on sunday morning my mother was permitted to bring down a little molasses from the "big house" for her three children, and when it was received how i did wish that every day was sunday! i would get my tin plate and hold it up for the sweet morsel, but i would always shut my eyes while the molasses was being poured out into the plate, with the hope that when i opened them i would be surprised to see how much i had got. when i opened my eyes i would tip the plate in one direction and another, so as to make the molasses spread all over it, in the full belief that there would be more of it and that it would last longer if spread out in this way. so strong are my childish impressions of those sunday morning feasts that it would be pretty hard for any one to convince me that there is not more molasses on a plate when it is spread all over the plate than when it occupies a little corner--if there is a corner in a plate. at any rate, i have never believed in "cornering" syrup. my share of the syrup was usually about two tablespoonfuls, and those two spoonfuls of molasses were much more enjoyable to me than is a fourteen-course dinner after which i am to speak. next to a company of business men, i prefer to speak to an audience of southern people, of either race, together or taken separately. their enthusiasm and responsiveness are a constant delight. the "amens" and "dat's de truf" that come spontaneously from the coloured individuals are calculated to spur any speaker on to his best efforts. i think that next in order of preference i would place a college audience. it has been my privilege to deliver addresses at many of our leading colleges including harvard, yale, williams, amherst, fisk university, the university of pennsylvania, wellesley, the university of michigan, trinity college in north carolina, and many others. it has been a matter of deep interest to me to note the number of people who have come to shake hands with me after an address, who say that this is the first time they have ever called a negro "mister." when speaking directly in the interests of the tuskegee institute, i usually arrange, some time in advance, a series of meetings in important centres. this takes me before churches, sunday-schools, christian endeavour societies, and men's and women's clubs. when doing this i sometimes speak before as many as four organizations in a single day. three years ago, at the suggestion of mr. morris k. jessup, of new york, and dr. j.l.m. curry, the general agent of the fund, the trustees of the john f. slater fund voted a sum of money to be used in paying the expenses of mrs. washington and myself while holding a series of meetings among the coloured people in the large centres of negro population, especially in the large cities of the ex-slaveholding states. each year during the last three years we have devoted some weeks to this work. the plan that we have followed has been for me to speak in the morning to the ministers, teachers, and professional men. in the afternoon mrs. washington would speak to the women alone, and in the evening i spoke to a large mass-meeting. in almost every case the meetings have been attended not only by the coloured people in large numbers, but by the white people. in chattanooga, tenn., for example, there was present at the mass-meeting an audience of not less than three thousand persons, and i was informed that eight hundred of these were white. i have done no work that i really enjoyed more than this, or that i think has accomplished more good. these meetings have given mrs. washington and myself an opportunity to get first-hand, accurate information as to the real condition of the race, by seeing the people in their homes, their churches, their sunday-schools, and their places of work, as well as in the prisons and dens of crime. these meetings also gave us an opportunity to see the relations that exist between the races. i never feel so hopeful about the race as i do after being engaged in a series of these meetings. i know that on such occasions there is much that comes to the surface that is superficial and deceptive, but i have had experience enough not to be deceived by mere signs and fleeting enthusiasms. i have taken pains to go to the bottom of things and get facts, in a cold, business-like manner. i have seen the statement made lately, by one who claims to know what he is talking about, that, taking the whole negro race into account, ninety per cent of the negro women are not virtuous. there never was a baser falsehood uttered concerning a race, or a statement made that was less capable of being proved by actual facts. no one can come into contact with the race for twenty years, as i have done in the heart of the south, without being convinced that the race is constantly making slow but sure progress materially, educationally, and morally. one might take up the life of the worst element in new york city, for example, and prove almost anything he wanted to prove concerning the white man, but all will agree that this is not a fair test. early in the year 1897 i received a letter inviting me to deliver an address at the dedication of the robert gould shaw monument in boston. i accepted the invitation. it is not necessary for me, i am sure, to explain who robert gould shaw was, and what he did. the monument to his memory stands near the head of the boston common, facing the state house. it is counted to be the most perfect piece of art of the kind to be found in the country. the exercises connected with the dedication were held in music hall, in boston, and the great hall was packed from top to bottom with one of the most distinguished audiences that ever assembled in the city. among those present were more persons representing the famous old anti-slavery element that it is likely will ever be brought together in the country again. the late hon. roger wolcott, then governor of massachusetts, was the presiding officer, and on the platform with him were many other officials and hundreds of distinguished men. a report of the meeting which appeared in the boston transcript will describe it better than any words of mine could do:-the core and kernel of yesterday's great noon meeting, in honour of the brotherhood of man, in music hall, was the superb address of the negro president of tuskegee. "booker t. washington received his harvard a.m. last june, the first of his race," said governor wolcott, "to receive an honorary degree from the oldest university in the land, and this for the wise leadership of his people." when mr. washington rose in the flag-filled, enthusiasm-warmed, patriotic, and glowing atmosphere of music hall, people felt keenly that here was the civic justification of the old abolition spirit of massachusetts; in his person the proof of her ancient and indomitable faith; in his strong thought and rich oratory, the crown and glory of the old war days of suffering and strife. the scene was full of historic beauty and deep significance. "cold" boston was alive with the fire that is always hot in her heart for righteousness and truth. rows and rows of people who are seldom seen at any public function, whole families of those who are certain to be out of town on a holiday, crowded the place to overflowing. the city was at her birthright _fãªte_ in the persons of hundreds of her best citizens, men and women whose names and lives stand for the virtues that make for honourable civic pride. battle-music had filled the air. ovation after ovation, applause warm and prolonged, had greeted the officers and friends of colonel shaw, the sculptor, st. gaudens, the memorial committee, the governor and his staff, and the negro soldiers of the fifty-fourth massachusetts as they came upon the platform or entered the hall. colonel henry lee, of governor andrew's old staff, had made a noble, simple presentation speech for the committee, paying tribute to mr. john m. forbes, in whose stead he served. governor wolcott had made his short, memorable speech, saying, "fort wagner marked an epoch in the history of a race, and called it into manhood." mayor quincy had received the monument for the city of boston. the story of colonel shaw and his black regiment had been told in gallant words, and then, after the singing of mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord, booker washington arose. it was, of course, just the moment for him. the multitude, shaken out of its usual symphony-concert calm, quivered with an excitement that was not suppressed. a dozen times it had sprung to its feet to cheer and wave and hurrah, as one person. when this man of culture and voice and power, as well as a dark skin, began, and uttered the names of stearns and of andrew, feeling began to mount. you could see tears glisten in the eyes of soldiers and civilians. when the orator turned to the coloured soldiers on the platform, to the colour-bearer of fort wagner, who smilingly bore still the flag he had never lowered even when wounded, and said, "to you, to the scarred and scattered remnants of the fifty-fourth, who, with empty sleeve and wanting leg, have honoured this occasion with your presence, to you, your commander is not dead. though boston erected no monument and history recorded no story, in you and in the loyal race which you represent, robert gould shaw would have a monument which time could not wear away," then came the climax of the emotion of the day and the hour. it was roger wolcott, as well as the governor of massachusetts, the individual representative of the people's sympathy as well as the chief magistrate, who had sprung first to his feet and cried, "three cheers to booker t. washington!" among those on the platform was sergeant william h. carney, of new bedford, mass., the brave coloured officer who was the colour-bearer at fort wagner and held the american flag. in spite of the fact that a large part of his regiment was killed, he escaped, and exclaimed, after the battle was over, "the old flag never touched the ground." this flag sergeant carney held in his hands as he sat on the platform, and when i turned to address the survivors of the coloured regiment who were present, and referred to sergeant carney, he rose, as if by instinct, and raised the flag. it has been my privilege to witness a good many satisfactory and rather sensational demonstrations in connection with some of my public addresses, but in dramatic effect i have never seen or experienced anything which equalled this. for a number of minutes the audience seemed to entirely lose control of itself. in the general rejoicing throughout the country which followed the close of the spanish-american war, peace celebrations were arranged in several of the large cities. i was asked by president william r. harper, of the university of chicago, who was chairman of the committee of invitations for the celebration to be held in the city of chicago, to deliver one of the addresses at the celebration there. i accepted the invitation, and delivered two addresses there during the jubilee week. the first of these, and the principal one, was given in the auditorium, on the evening of sunday, october 16. this was the largest audience that i have ever addressed, in any part of the country; and besides speaking in the main auditorium, i also addressed, that same evening, two overflow audiences in other parts of the city. it was said that there were sixteen thousand persons in the auditorium, and it seemed to me as if there were as many more on the outside trying to get in. it was impossible for any one to get near the entrance without the aid of a policeman. president william mckinley attended this meeting, as did also the members of his cabinet, many foreign ministers, and a large number of army and navy officers, many of whom had distinguished themselves in the war which had just closed. the speakers, besides myself, on sunday evening, were rabbi emil g. hirsch, father thomas p. hodnett, and dr. john h. barrows. the chicago times-herald, in describing the meeting, said of my address:-he pictured the negro choosing slavery rather than extinction; recalled crispus attucks shedding his blood at the beginning of the american revolution, that white americans might be free, while black americans remained in slavery; rehearsed the conduct of the negroes with jackson at new orleans; drew a vivid and pathetic picture of the southern slaves protecting and supporting the families of their masters while the latter were fighting to perpetuate black slavery; recounted the bravery of coloured troops at port hudson and forts wagner and pillow, and praised the heroism of the black regiments that stormed el caney and santiago to give freedom to the enslaved people of cuba, forgetting, for the time being, the unjust discrimination that law and custom make against them in their own country. in all of these things, the speaker declared, his race had chosen the better part. and then he made his eloquent appeal to the consciences of the white americans: "when you have gotten the full story of the heroic conduct of the negro in the spanish-american war, have heard it from the lips of northern soldier and southern soldier, from ex-abolitionist and ex-masters, then decide within yourselves whether a race that is thus willing to die for its country should not be given the highest opportunity to live for its country." the part of the speech which seems to arouse the wildest and most sensational enthusiasm was that in which i thanked the president for his recognition of the negro in his appointments during the spanish-american war. the president was sitting in a box at the right of the stage. when i addressed him i turned toward the box, and as i finished the sentence thanking him for his generosity, the whole audience rose and cheered again and again, waving handkerchiefs and hats and canes, until the president arose in the box and bowed his acknowledgements. at that the enthusiasm broke out again, and the demonstration was almost indescribable. one portion of my address at chicago seemed to have been misunderstood by the southern press, and some of the southern papers took occasion to criticise me rather strongly. these criticisms continued for several weeks, until i finally received a letter from the editor of the age-herald, published in birmingham, ala., asking me if i would say just what i meant by this part of the address. i replied to him in a letter which seemed to satisfy my critics. in this letter i said that i had made it a rule never to say before a northern audience anything that i would not say before an audience in the south. i said that i did not think it was necessary for me to go into extended explanations; if my seventeen years of work in the heart of the south had not been explanation enough, i did not see how words could explain. i said that i made the same plea that i had made in my address at atlanta, for the blotting out of race prejudice in "commercial and civil relations." i said that what is termed social recognition was a question which i never discussed, and then i quoted from my atlanta address what i had said there in regard to that subject. in meeting crowds of people at public gatherings, there is one type of individual that i dread. i mean the crank. i have become so accustomed to these people now that i can pick them out at a distance when i see them elbowing their way up to me. the average crank has a long beard, poorly cared for, a lean, narrow face, and wears a black coat. the front of his vest and coat are slick with grease, and his trousers bag at the knees. in chicago, after i had spoken at a meeting, i met one of these fellows. they usually have some process for curing all of the ills of the world at once. this chicago specimen had a patent process by which he said indian corn could be kept through a period of three or four years, and he felt sure that if the negro race in the south would, as a whole, adopt his process, it would settle the whole race question. it mattered nothing that i tried to convince him that our present problem was to teach the negroes how to produce enough corn to last them through one year. another chicago crank had a scheme by which he wanted me to join him in an effort to close up all the national banks in the country. if that was done, he felt sure it would put the negro on his feet. the number of people who stand ready to consume one's time, to no purpose, is almost countless. at one time i spoke before a large audience in boston in the evening. the next morning i was awakened by having a card brought to my room, and with it a message that some one was anxious to see me. thinking that it must be something very important, i dressed hastily and went down. when i reached the hotel office i found a blank and innocent-looking individual waiting for me, who coolly remarked: "i heard you talk at a meeting last night. i rather liked your talk, and so i came in this morning to hear you talk some more." i am often asked how it is possible for me to superintend the work at tuskegee and at the same time be so much away from the school. in partial answer to this i would say that i think i have learned, in some degree at least, to disregard the old maxim which says, "do not get others to do that which you can do yourself." my motto, on the other hand, is, "do not do that which others can do as well." one of the most encouraging signs in connection with the tuskegee school is found in the fact that the organization is so thorough that the daily work of the school is not dependent upon the presence of any one individual. the whole executive force, including instructors and clerks, now numbers eighty-six. this force is so organized and subdivided that the machinery of the school goes on day by day like clockwork. most of our teachers have been connected with the institutions for a number of years, and are as much interested in it as i am. in my absence, mr. warren logan, the treasurer, who has been at the school seventeen years, is the executive. he is efficiently supported by mrs. washington, and by my faithful secretary, mr. emmett j. scott, who handles the bulk of my correspondence and keeps me in daily touch with the life of the school, and who also keeps me informed of whatever takes place in the south that concerns the race. i owe more to his tact, wisdom, and hard work than i can describe. the main executive work of the school, whether i am at tuskegee or not, centres in what we call the executive council. this council meets twice a week, and is composed of the nine persons who are at the head of the nine departments of the school. for example: mrs. b.k. bruce, the lady principal, the widow of the late ex-senator bruce, is a member of the council, and represents in it all that pertains to the life of the girls at the school. in addition to the executive council there is a financial committee of six, that meets every week and decides upon the expenditures for the week. once a month, and sometimes oftener, there is a general meeting of all the instructors. aside from these there are innumerable smaller meetings, such as that of the instructors in the phelps hall bible training school, or of the instructors in the agricultural department. in order that i may keep in constant touch with the life of the institution, i have a system of reports so arranged that a record of the school's work reaches me every day of the year, no matter in what part of the country i am. i know by these reports even what students are excused from school, and why they are excused--whether for reasons of ill health or otherwise. through the medium of these reports i know each day what the income of the school in money is; i know how many gallons of milk and how many pounds of butter come from the dairy; what the bill of fare for the teachers and students is; whether a certain kind of meat was boiled or baked, and whether certain vegetables served in the dining room were bought from a store or procured from our own farm. human nature i find to be very much the same the world over, and it is sometimes not hard to yield to the temptation to go to a barrel of rice that has come from the store--with the grain all prepared to go in the pot--rather than to take the time and trouble to go to the field and dig and wash one's own sweet potatoes, which might be prepared in a manner to take the place of the rice. i am often asked how, in the midst of so much work, a large part of which is for the public, i can find time for any rest or recreation, and what kind of recreation or sports i am fond of. this is rather a difficult question to answer. i have a strong feeling that every individual owes it to himself, and to the cause which he is serving, to keep a vigorous, healthy body, with the nerves steady and strong, prepared for great efforts and prepared for disappointments and trying positions. as far as i can, i make it a rule to plan for each day's work--not merely to go through with the same routine of daily duties, but to get rid of the routine work as early in the day as possible, and then to enter upon some new or advance work. i make it a rule to clear my desk every day, before leaving my office, of all correspondence and memoranda, so that on the morrow i can begin a new day of work. i make it a rule never to let my work drive me, but to so master it, and keep it in such complete control, and to keep so far ahead of it, that i will be the master instead of the servant. there is a physical and mental and spiritual enjoyment that comes from a consciousness of being the absolute master of one's work, in all its details, that is very satisfactory and inspiring. my experience teaches me that, if one learns to follow this plan, he gets a freshness of body and vigour of mind out of work that goes a long way toward keeping him strong and healthy. i believe that when one can grow to the point where he loves his work, this gives him a kind of strength that is most valuable. when i begin my work in the morning, i expect to have a successful and pleasant day of it, but at the same time i prepare myself for unpleasant and unexpected hard places. i prepared myself to hear that one of our school buildings is on fire, or has burned, or that some disagreeable accident has occurred, or that some one has abused me in a public address or printed article, for something that i have done or omitted to do, or for something that he had heard that i had said--probably something that i had never thought of saying. in nineteen years of continuous work i have taken but one vacation. that was two years ago, when some of my friends put the money into my hands and forced mrs. washington and myself to spend three months in europe. i have said that i believe it is the duty of every one to keep his body in good condition. i try to look after the little ills, with the idea that if i take care of the little ills the big ones will not come. when i find myself unable to sleep well, i know that something is wrong. if i find any part of my system the least weak, and not performing its duty, i consult a good physician. the ability to sleep well, at any time and in any place, i find of great advantage. i have so trained myself that i can lie down for a nap of fifteen or twenty minutes, and get up refreshed in body and mind. i have said that i make it a rule to finish up each day's work before leaving it. there is, perhaps, one exception to this. when i have an unusually difficult question to decide--one that appeals strongly to the emotions--i find it a safe rule to sleep over it for a night, or to wait until i have had an opportunity to talk it over with my wife and friends. as to my reading; the most time i get for solid reading is when i am on the cars. newspapers are to me a constant source of delight and recreation. the only trouble is that i read too many of them. fiction i care little for. frequently i have to almost force myself to read a novel that is on every one's lips. the kind of reading that i have the greatest fondness for is biography. i like to be sure that i am reading about a real man or a real thing. i think i do not go too far when i say that i have read nearly every book and magazine article that has been written about abraham lincoln. in literature he is my patron saint. out of the twelve months in a year i suppose that, on an average, i spend six months away from tuskegee. while my being absent from the school so much unquestionably has its disadvantages, yet there are at the same time some compensations. the change of work brings a certain kind of rest. i enjoy a ride of a long distance on the cars, when i am permitted to ride where i can be comfortable. i get rest on the cars, except when the inevitable individual who seems to be on every train approaches me with the now familiar phrase: "isn't this booker washington? i want to introduce myself to you." absence from the school enables me to lose sight of the unimportant details of the work, and study it in a broader and more comprehensive manner than i could do on the grounds. this absence also brings me into contact with the best work being done in educational lines, and into contact with the best educators in the land. but, after all this is said, the time when i get the most solid rest and recreation is when i can be at tuskegee, and, after our evening meal is over, can sit down, as is our custom, with my wife and portia and baker and davidson, my three children, and read a story, or each take turns in telling a story. to me there is nothing on earth equal to that, although what is nearly equal to it is to go with them for an hour or more, as we like to do on sunday afternoons, into the woods, where we can live for a while near the heart of nature, where no one can disturb or vex us, surrounded by pure air, the trees, the shrubbery, the flowers, and the sweet fragrance that springs from a hundred plants, enjoying the chirp of the crickets and the songs of the birds. this is solid rest. my garden, also, what little time i can be at tuskegee, is another source of rest and enjoyment. somehow i like, as often as possible, to touch nature, not something that is artificial or an imitation, but the real thing. when i can leave my office in time so that i can spend thirty or forty minutes in spading the ground, in planting seeds, in digging about the plants, i feel that i am coming into contact with something that is giving me strength for the many duties and hard places that await me out in the big world. i pity the man or woman who has never learned to enjoy nature and to get strength and inspiration out of it. aside from the large number of fowls and animals kept by the school, i keep individually a number of pigs and fowls of the best grades, and in raising these i take a great deal of pleasure. i think the pig is my favourite animal. few things are more satisfactory to me than a high-grade berkshire or poland china pig. games i care little for. i have never seen a game of football. in cards i do not know one card from another. a game of old-fashioned marbles with my two boys, once in a while, is all i care for in this direction. i suppose i would care for games now if i had had any time in my youth to give to them, but that was not possible. chapter xvi. europe in 1893 i was married to miss margaret james murray, a native of mississippi, and a graduate of fisk university, in nashville, tenn., who had come to tuskegee as a teacher several years before, and at the time we were married was filling the position of lady principal. not only is mrs. washington completely one with me in the work directly connected with the school, relieving me of many burdens and perplexities, but aside from her work on the school grounds, she carries on a mothers' meeting in the town of tuskegee, and a plantation work among the women, children, and men who live in a settlement connected with a large plantation about eight miles from tuskegee. both the mothers' meeting and the plantation work are carried on, not only with a view to helping those who are directly reached, but also for the purpose of furnishing object-lessons in these two kinds of work that may be followed by our students when they go out into the world for their own life-work. aside from these two enterprises, mrs. washington is also largely responsible for a woman's club at the school which brings together, twice a month, the women who live on the school grounds and those who live near, for the discussion of some important topic. she is also the president of what is known as the federation of southern coloured women's clubs, and is chairman of the executive committee of the national federation of coloured women's clubs. portia, the oldest of my three children, has learned dressmaking. she has unusual ability in instrumental music. aside from her studies at tuskegee, she has already begun to teach there. booker taliaferro is my next oldest child. young as he is, he has already nearly mastered the brickmason's trade. he began working at this trade when he was quite small, dividing his time between this and class work; and he has developed great skill in the trade and a fondness for it. he says that he is going to be an architect and brickmason. one of the most satisfactory letters that i have ever received from any one came to me from booker last summer. when i left home for the summer, i told him that he must work at his trade half of each day, and that the other half of the day he could spend as he pleased. when i had been away from home two weeks, i received the following letter from him: tuskegee, alabama. my dear papa: before you left home you told me to work at my trade half of each day. i like my work so much that i want to work at my trade all day. besides, i want to earn all the money i can, so that when i go to another school i shall have money to pay my expenses. your son, booker. my youngest child, ernest davidson washington, says that he is going to be a physician. in addition to going to school, where he studies books and has manual training, he regularly spends a portion of his time in the office of our resident physician, and has already learned to do many of the duties which pertain to a doctor's office. the thing in my life which brings me the keenest regret is that my work in connection with public affairs keeps me for so much of the time away from my family, where, of all places in the world, i delight to be. i always envy the individual whose life-work is so laid that he can spend his evenings at home. i have sometimes thought that people who have this rare privilege do not appreciate it as they should. it is such a rest and relief to get away from crowds of people, and handshaking, and travelling, to get home, even if it be for but a very brief while. another thing at tuskegee out of which i get a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction is in the meeting with our students, and teachers, and their families, in the chapel for devotional exercises every evening at half-past eight, the last thing before retiring for the night. it is an inspiring sight when one stands on the platform there and sees before him eleven or twelve hundred earnest young men and women; and one cannot but feel that it is a privilege to help to guide them to a higher and more useful life. in the spring of 1899 there came to me what i might describe as almost the greatest surprise of my life. some good ladies in boston arranged a public meeting in the interests of tuskegee, to be held in the hollis street theatre. this meeting was attended by large numbers of the best people of boston, of both races. bishop lawrence presided. in addition to an address made by myself, mr. paul lawrence dunbar read from his poems, and dr. w.e.b. du bois read an original sketch. some of those who attended this meeting noticed that i seemed unusually tired, and some little time after the close of the meeting, one of the ladies who had been interested in it asked me in a casual way if i had ever been to europe. i replied that i never had. she asked me if i had ever thought of going, and i told her no; that it was something entirely beyond me. this conversation soon passed out of my mind, but a few days afterward i was informed that some friends in boston, including mr. francis j. garrison, had raised a sum of money sufficient to pay all the expenses of mrs. washington and myself during a three or four months' trip to europe. it was added with emphasis that we must go. a year previous to this mr. garrison had attempted to get me to promise to go to europe for a summer's rest, with the understanding that he would be responsible for raising the money among his friends for the expenses of the trip. at that time such a journey seemed so entirely foreign to anything that i should ever be able to undertake that i did confess i did not give the matter very serious attention; but later mr. garrison joined his efforts to those of the ladies whom i have mentioned, and when their plans were made known to me mr. garrison not only had the route mapped out, but had, i believe, selected the steamer upon which we were to sail. the whole thing was so sudden and so unexpected that i was completely taken off my feet. i had been at work steadily for eighteen years in connection with tuskegee, and i had never thought of anything else but ending my life in that way. each day the school seemed to depend upon me more largely for its daily expenses, and i told these boston friends that, while i thanked them sincerely for their thoughtfulness and generosity, i could not go to europe, for the reason that the school could not live financially while i was absent. they then informed me that mr. henry l. higginson, and some other good friends who i know do not want their names made public, were then raising a sum of money which would be sufficient to keep the school in operation while i was away. at this point i was compelled to surrender. every avenue of escape had been closed. deep down in my heart the whole thing seemed more like a dream than like reality, and for a long time it was difficult for me to make myself believe that i was actually going to europe. i had been born and largely reared in the lowest depths of slavery, ignorance, and poverty. in my childhood i had suffered for want of a place to sleep, for lack of food, clothing, and shelter. i had not had the privilege of sitting down to a dining-table until i was quite well grown. luxuries had always seemed to me to be something meant for white people, not for my race. i had always regarded europe, and london, and paris, much as i regarded heaven. and now could it be that i was actually going to europe? such thoughts as these were constantly with me. two other thoughts troubled me a good deal. i feared that people who heard that mrs. washington and i were going to europe might not know all the circumstances, and might get the idea that we had become, as some might say, "stuck up," and were trying to "show off." i recalled that from my youth i had heard it said that too often, when people of my race reached any degree of success, they were inclined to unduly exalt themselves; to try and ape the wealthy, and in so doing to lose their heads. the fear that people might think this of us haunted me a good deal. then, too, i could not see how my conscience would permit me to spare the time from my work and be happy. it seemed mean and selfish in me to be taking a vacation while others were at work, and while there was so much that needed to be done. from the time i could remember, i had always been at work, and i did not see how i could spend three or four months in doing nothing. the fact was that i did not know how to take a vacation. mrs. washington had much the same difficulty in getting away, but she was anxious to go because she thought that i needed the rest. there were many important national questions bearing upon the life of the race which were being agitated at that time, and this made it all the harder for us to decide to go. we finally gave our boston friends our promise that we would go, and then they insisted that the date of our departure be set as soon as possible. so we decided upon may 10. my good friend mr. garrison kindly took charge of all the details necessary for the success of the trip, and he, as well as other friends, gave us a great number of letters of introduction to people in france and england, and made other arrangements for our comfort and convenience abroad. good-bys were said at tuskegee, and we were in new york may 9, ready to sail the next day. our daughter portia, who was then studying in south framingham, mass., came to new york to see us off. mr. scott, my secretary, came with me to new york, in order that i might clear up the last bit of business before i left. other friends also came to new york to see us off. just before we went on board the steamer another pleasant surprise came to us in the form of a letter from two generous ladies, stating that they had decided to give us the money with which to erect a new building to be used in properly housing all our industries for girls at tuskegee. we were to sail on the friesland, of the red star line, and a beautiful vessel she was. we went on board just before noon, the hour of sailing. i had never before been on board a large ocean steamer, and the feeling which took possession of me when i found myself there is rather hard to describe. it was a feeling, i think, of awe mingled with delight. we were agreeably surprised to find that the captain, as well as several of the other officers, not only knew who we were, but was expecting us and gave us a pleasant greeting. there were several passengers whom we knew, including senator sewell, of new jersey, and edward marshall, the newspaper correspondent. i had just a little fear that we would not be treated civilly by some of the passengers. this fear was based upon what i had heard other people of my race, who had crossed the ocean, say about unpleasant experiences in crossing the ocean in american vessels. but in our case, from the captain down to the most humble servant, we were treated with the greatest kindness. nor was this kindness confined to those who were connected with the steamer; it was shown by all the passengers also. there were not a few southern men and women on board, and they were as cordial as those from other parts of the country. as soon as the last good-bys were said, and the steamer had cut loose from the wharf, the load of care, anxiety, and responsibility which i had carried for eighteen years began to lift itself from my shoulders at the rate, it seemed to me, of a pound a minute. it was the first time in all those years that i had felt, even in a measure, free from care; and my feeling of relief it is hard to describe on paper. added to this was the delightful anticipation of being in europe soon. it all seemed more like a dream than like a reality. mr. garrison had thoughtfully arranged to have us have one of the most comfortable rooms on the ship. the second or third day out i began to sleep, and i think that i slept at the rate of fifteen hours a day during the remainder of the ten days' passage. then it was that i began to understand how tired i really was. these long sleeps i kept up for a month after we landed on the other side. it was such an unusual feeling to wake up in the morning and realize that i had no engagements; did not have to take a train at a certain hour; did not have an appointment to meet some one, or to make an address, at a certain hour. how different all this was from the experiences that i have been through when travelling, when i have sometimes slept in three different beds in a single night! when sunday came, the captain invited me to conduct the religious services, but, not being a minister, i declined. the passengers, however, began making requests that i deliver an address to them in the dining-saloon some time during the voyage, and this i consented to do. senator sewell presided at this meeting. after ten days of delightful weather, during which i was not seasick for a day, we landed at the interesting old city of antwerp, in belgium. the next day after we landed happened to be one of those numberless holidays which the people of those countries are in the habit of observing. it was a bright, beautiful day. our room in the hotel faced the main public square, and the sights there--the people coming in from the country with all kinds of beautiful flowers to sell, the women coming in with their dogs drawing large, brightly polished cans filled with milk, the people streaming into the cathedral--filled me with a sense of newness that i had never before experienced. after spending some time in antwerp, we were invited to go with a part of a half-dozen persons on a trip through holland. this party included edward marshall and some american artists who had come over on the same steamer with us. we accepted the invitation, and enjoyed the trip greatly. i think it was all the more interesting and instructive because we went for most of the way on one of the slow, old-fashioned canal-boats. this gave us an opportunity of seeing and studying the real life of the people in the country districts. we went in this way as far as rotterdam, and later went to the hague, where the peace conference was then in session, and where we were kindly received by the american representatives. the thing that impressed itself most on me in holland was the thoroughness of the agriculture and the excellence of the holstein cattle. i never knew, before visiting holland, how much it was possible for people to get out of a small plot of ground. it seemed to me that absolutely no land was wasted. it was worth a trip to holland, too, just to get a sight of three or four hundred fine holstein cows grazing in one of those intensely green fields. from holland we went to belgium, and made a hasty trip through that country, stopping at brussels, where we visited the battlefield of waterloo. from belgium we went direct to paris, where we found that mr. theodore stanton, the son of mrs. elizabeth cady stanton, had kindly provided accommodations for us. we had barely got settled in paris before an invitation came to me from the university club of paris to be its guest at a banquet which was soon to be given. the other guests were ex-president benjamin harrison and archbishop ireland, who were in paris at the time. the american ambassador, general horace porter, presided at the banquet. my address on this occasion seemed to give satisfaction to those who heard it. general harrison kindly devoted a large portion of his remarks at dinner to myself and to the influence of the work at tuskegee on the american race question. after my address at this banquet other invitations came to me, but i declined the most of them, knowing that if i accepted them all, the object of my visit would be defeated. i did, however, consent to deliver an address in the american chapel the following sunday morning, and at this meeting general harrison, general porter, and other distinguished americans were present. later we received a formal call from the american ambassador, and were invited to attend a reception at his residence. at this reception we met many americans, among them justices fuller and harlan, of the united states supreme court. during our entire stay of a month in paris, both the american ambassador and his wife, as well as several other americans, were very kind to us. while in paris we saw a good deal of the now famous american negro painter, mr. henry o. tanner, whom we had formerly known in america. it was very satisfactory to find how well known mr. tanner was in the field of art, and to note the high standing which all classes accorded to him. when we told some americans that we were going to the luxembourg palace to see a painting by an american negro, it was hard to convince them that a negro had been thus honoured. i do not believe that they were really convinced of the fact until they saw the picture for themselves. my acquaintance with mr. tanner reenforced in my mind the truth which i am constantly trying to impress upon our students at tuskegee--and on our people throughout the country, as far as i can reach them with my voice--that any man, regardless of colour, will be recognized and rewarded just in proportion as he learns to do something well--learns to do it better than some one else--however humble the thing may be. as i have said, i believe that my race will succeed in proportion as it learns to do a common thing in an uncommon manner; learns to do a thing so thoroughly that no one can improve upon what it has done; learns to make its services of indispensable value. this was the spirit that inspired me in my first effort at hampton, when i was given the opportunity to sweep and dust that schoolroom. in a degree i felt that my whole future life depended upon the thoroughness with which i cleaned that room, and i was determined to do it so well that no one could find any fault with the job. few people ever stopped, i found, when looking at his pictures, to inquire whether mr. tanner was a negro painter, a french painter, or a german painter. they simply knew that he was able to produce something which the world wanted--a great painting--and the matter of his colour did not enter into their minds. when a negro girl learns to cook, to wash dishes, to sew, or write a book, or a negro boy learns to groom horses, or to grow sweet potatoes, or to produce butter, or to build a house, or to be able to practise medicine, as well or better than some one else, they will be rewarded regardless of race or colour. in the long run, the world is going to have the best, and any difference in race, religion, or previous history will not long keep the world from what it wants. i think that the whole future of my race hinges on the question as to whether or not it can make itself of such indispensable value that the people in the town and the state where we reside will feel that our presence is necessary to the happiness and well-being of the community. no man who continues to add something to the material, intellectual, and moral well-being of the place in which he lives is long left without proper reward. this is a great human law which cannot be permanently nullified. the love of pleasure and excitement which seems in a large measure to possess the french people impressed itself upon me. i think they are more noted in this respect than is true of the people of my own race. in point of morality and moral earnestness i do not believe that the french are ahead of my own race in america. severe competition and the great stress of life have led them to learn to do things more thoroughly and to exercise greater economy; but time, i think, will bring my race to the same point. in the matter of truth and high honour i do not believe that the average frenchman is ahead of the american negro; while so far as mercy and kindness to dumb animals go, i believe that my race is far ahead. in fact, when i left france, i had more faith in the future of the black man in america than i had ever possessed. from paris we went to london, and reached there early in july, just about the height of the london social season. parliament was in session, and there was a great deal of gaiety. mr. garrison and other friends had provided us with a large number of letters of introduction, and they had also sent letters to other persons in different parts of the united kingdom, apprising these people of our coming. very soon after reaching london we were flooded with invitations to attend all manner of social functions, and a great many invitations came to me asking that i deliver public addresses. the most of these invitations i declined, for the reason that i wanted to rest. neither were we able to accept more than a small proportion of the other invitations. the rev. dr. brooke herford and mrs. herford, whom i had known in boston, consulted with the american ambassador, the hon. joseph choate, and arranged for me to speak at a public meeting to be held in essex hall. mr. choate kindly consented to preside. the meeting was largely attended. there were many distinguished persons present, among them several members of parliament, including mr. james bryce, who spoke at the meeting. what the american ambassador said in introducing me, as well as a synopsis of what i said, was widely published in england and in the american papers at the time. dr. and mrs. herford gave mrs. washington and myself a reception, at which we had the privilege of meeting some of the best people in england. throughout our stay in london ambassador choate was most kind and attentive to us. at the ambassador's reception i met, for the first time, mark twain. we were the guests several times of mrs. t. fisher unwin, the daughter of the english statesman, richard cobden. it seemed as if both mr. and mrs. unwin could not do enough for our comfort and happiness. later, for nearly a week, we were the guests of the daughter of john bright, now mrs. clark, of street, england. both mr. and mrs. clark, with their daughter, visited us at tuskegee the next year. in birmingham, england, we were the guests for several days of mr. joseph sturge, whose father was a great abolitionist and friend of whittier and garrison. it was a great privilege to meet throughout england those who had known and honoured the late william lloyd garrison, the hon. frederick douglass, and other abolitionists. the english abolitionists with whom we came in contact never seemed to tire of talking about these two americans. before going to england i had had no proper conception of the deep interest displayed by the abolitionists of england in the cause of freedom, nor did i realize the amount of substantial help given by them. in bristol, england, both mrs. washington and i spoke at the women's liberal club. i was also the principal speaker at the commencement exercises of the royal college for the blind. these exercises were held in the crystal palace, and the presiding officer was the late duke of westminster, who was said to be, i believe, the richest man in england, if not in the world. the duke, as well as his wife and their daughter, seemed to be pleased with what i said, and thanked me heartily. through the kindness of lady aberdeen, my wife and i were enabled to go with a party of those who were attending the international congress of women, then in session in london, to see queen victoria, at windsor castle, where, afterward, we were all the guests of her majesty at tea. in our party was miss susan b. anthony, and i was deeply impressed with the fact that one did not often get an opportunity to see, during the same hour, two women so remarkable in different ways as susan b. anthony and queen victoria. in the house of commons, which we visited several times, we met sir henry m. stanley. i talked with him about africa and its relation to the american negro, and after my interview with him i became more convinced than ever that there was no hope of the american negro's improving his condition by emigrating to africa. on various occasions mrs. washington and i were the guests of englishmen in their country homes, where, i think, one sees the englishman at his best. in one thing, at least, i feel sure that the english are ahead of americans, and that is, that they have learned how to get more out of life. the home life of the english seems to me to be about as perfect as anything can be. everything moves like clockwork. i was impressed, too, with the deference that the servants show to their "masters" and "mistresses,"--terms which i suppose would not be tolerated in america. the english servant expects, as a rule, to be nothing but a servant, and so he perfects himself in the art to a degree that no class of servants in america has yet reached. in our country the servant expects to become, in a few years, a "master" himself. which system is preferable? i will not venture an answer. another thing that impressed itself upon me throughout england was the high regard that all classes have for law and order, and the ease and thoroughness with which everything is done. the englishmen, i found, took plenty of time for eating, as for everything else. i am not sure if, in the long run, they do not accomplish as much or more than rushing, nervous americans do. my visit to england gave me a higher regard for the nobility than i had had. i had no idea that they were so generally loved and respected by the classes, nor had i any correct conception of how much time and money they spent in works of philanthropy, and how much real heart they put into this work. my impression had been that they merely spent money freely and had a "good time." it was hard for me to get accustomed to speaking to english audiences. the average englishman is so serious, and is so tremendously in earnest about everything, that when i told a story that would have made an american audience roar with laughter, the englishmen simply looked me straight in the face without even cracking a smile. when the englishman takes you into his heart and friendship, he binds you there as with cords of steel, and i do not believe that there are many other friendships that are so lasting or so satisfactory. perhaps i can illustrate this point in no better way than by relating the following incident. mrs. washington and i were invited to attend a reception given by the duke and duchess of sutherland, at stafford house--said to be the finest house in london; i may add that i believe the duchess of sutherland is said to be the most beautiful woman in england. there must have been at least three hundred persons at this reception. twice during the evening the duchess sought us out for a conversation, and she asked me to write her when we got home, and tell her more about the work at tuskegee. this i did. when christmas came we were surprised and delighted to receive her photograph with her autograph on it. the correspondence has continued, and we now feel that in the duchess of sutherland we have one of our warmest friends. after three months in europe we sailed from southampton in the steamship st. louis. on this steamer there was a fine library that had been presented to the ship by the citizens of st. louis, mo. in this library i found a life of frederick douglass, which i began reading. i became especially interested in mr. douglass's description of the way he was treated on shipboard during his first or second visit to england. in this description he told how he was not permitted to enter the cabin, but had to confine himself to the deck of the ship. a few minutes after i had finished reading this description i was waited on by a committee of ladies and gentlemen with the request that i deliver an address at a concert which was to begin the following evening. and yet there are people who are bold enough to say that race feeling in america is not growing less intense! at this concert the hon. benjamin b. odell, jr., the present governor of new york, presided. i was never given a more cordial hearing anywhere. a large proportion of the passengers were southern people. after the concert some of the passengers proposed that a subscription be raised to help the work at tuskegee, and the money to support several scholarships was the result. while we were in paris i was very pleasantly surprised to receive the following invitation from the citizens of west virginia and of the city near which i had spent my boyhood days:-charleston, w. va., may 16, 1899. professor booker t. washington, paris, france: dear sir: many of the best citizens of west virginia have united in liberal expressions of admiration and praise of your worth and work, and desire that on your return from europe you should favour them with your presence and with the inspiration of your words. we must sincerely indorse this move, and on behalf of the citizens of charleston extend to your our most cordial invitation to have you come to us, that we may honour you who have done so much by your life and work to honour us. we are, very truly yours, the common council of the city of charleston, by w. herman smith, mayor. this invitation from the city council of charleston was accompanied by the following:-professor booker t. washington, paris, france: dear sir: we, the citizens of charleston and west virginia, desire to express our pride in you and the splendid career that you have thus far accomplished, and ask that we be permitted to show our pride and interest in a substantial way. your recent visit to your old home in our midst awoke within us the keenest regret that we were not permitted to hear you and render some substantial aid to your work, before you left for europe. in view of the foregoing, we earnestly invite you to share the hospitality of our city upon your return from europe, and give us the opportunity to hear you and put ourselves in touch with your work in a way that will be most gratifying to yourself, and that we may receive the inspiration of your words and presence. an early reply to this invitation, with an indication of the time you may reach our city, will greatly oblige, yours very respectfully, the charleston daily gazette, the daily mail-tribune; g.w. atkinson, governor; e.l. boggs, secretary to governor; wm. m.o. dawson, secretary of state; l.m. la follette, auditor; j.r. trotter, superintendent of schools; e.w. wilson, ex-governor; w.a. maccorkle, ex-governor; john q. dickinson, president kanawha valley bank; l. prichard, president charleston national bank; geo. s. couch, president kanawha national bank; ed. reid, cashier kanawha national bank; geo. s. laidley, superintended city schools; l.e. mcwhorter, president board of education; chas. k. payne, wholesale merchant; and many others. this invitation, coming as it did from the city council, the state officers, and all the substantial citizens of both races of the community where i had spent my boyhood, and from which i had gone a few years before, unknown, in poverty and ignorance, in quest of an education, not only surprised me, but almost unmanned me. i could not understand what i had done to deserve it all. i accepted the invitation, and at the appointed day was met at the railway station at charleston by a committee headed by ex-governor w.a. maccorkle, and composed of men of both races. the public reception was held in the opera-house at charleston. the governor of the state, the hon. george w. atkinson, presided, and an address of welcome was made by ex-governor maccorkle. a prominent part in the reception was taken by the coloured citizens. the opera-house was filled with citizens of both races, and among the white people were many for whom i had worked when i was a boy. the next day governor and mrs. atkinson gave me a public reception at the state house, which was attended by all classes. not long after this the coloured people in atlanta, georgia, gave me a reception at which the governor of the state presided, and a similar reception was given me in new orleans, which was presided over by the mayor of the city. invitations came from many other places which i was not able to accept. chapter xvii. last words before going to europe some events came into my life which were great surprises to me. in fact, my whole life has largely been one of surprises. i believe that any man's life will be filled with constant, unexpected encouragements of this kind if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day of his life--that is, tries to make each day reach as nearly as possible the high-water mark of pure, unselfish, useful living. i pity the man, black or white, who has never experienced the joy and satisfaction that come to one by reason of an effort to assist in making some one else more useful and more happy. six months before he died, and nearly a year after he had been stricken with paralysis, general armstrong expressed a wish to visit tuskegee again before he passed away. notwithstanding the fact that he had lost the use of his limbs to such an extent that he was practically helpless, his wish was gratified, and he was brought to tuskegee. the owners of the tuskegee railroad, white men living in the town, offered to run a special train, without cost, out of the main station--chehaw, five miles away--to meet him. he arrived on the school grounds about nine o'clock in the evening. some one had suggested that we give the general a "pine-knot torchlight reception." this plan was carried out, and the moment that his carriage entered the school grounds he began passing between two lines of lighted and waving "fat pine" wood knots held by over a thousand students and teachers. the whole thing was so novel and surprising that the general was completely overcome with happiness. he remained a guest in my home for nearly two months, and, although almost wholly without the use of voice or limb, he spent nearly every hour in devising ways and means to help the south. time and time again he said to me, during this visit, that it was not only the duty of the country to assist in elevating the negro of the south, but the poor white man as well. at the end of his visit i resolved anew to devote myself more earnestly than ever to the cause which was so near his heart. i said that if a man in his condition was willing to think, work, and act, i should not be wanting in furthering in every possible way the wish of his heart. the death of general armstrong, a few weeks later, gave me the privilege of getting acquainted with one of the finest, most unselfish, and most attractive men that i have ever come in contact with. i refer to the rev. dr. hollis b. frissell, now the principal of the hampton institute, and general armstrong's successor. under the clear, strong, and almost perfect leadership of dr. frissell, hampton has had a career of prosperity and usefulness that is all that the general could have wished for. it seems to be the constant effort of dr. frissell to hide his own great personality behind that of general armstrong--to make himself of "no reputation" for the sake of the cause. more than once i have been asked what was the greatest surprise that ever came to me. i have little hesitation in answering that question. it was the following letter, which came to me one sunday morning when i was sitting on the veranda of my home at tuskegee, surrounded by my wife and three children:-harvard university, cambridge, may 28, 1896. president booker t. washington, my dear sir: harvard university desired to confer on you at the approaching commencement an honorary degree; but it is our custom to confer degrees only on gentlemen who are present. our commencement occurs this year on june 24, and your presence would be desirable from about noon till about five o'clock in the afternoon. would it be possible for you to be in cambridge on that day? believe me, with great regard, very truly yours, charles w. eliot. this was a recognition that had never in the slightest manner entered into my mind, and it was hard for me to realize that i was to be honoured by a degree from the oldest and most renowned university in america. as i sat upon my veranda, with this letter in my hand, tears came into my eyes. my whole former life--my life as a slave on the plantation, my work in the coal-mine, the times when i was without food and clothing, when i made my bed under a sidewalk, my struggles for an education, the trying days i had had at tuskegee, days when i did not know where to turn for a dollar to continue the work there, the ostracism and sometimes oppression of my race,--all this passed before me and nearly overcame me. i had never sought or cared for what the world calls fame. i have always looked upon fame as something to be used in accomplishing good. i have often said to my friends that if i can use whatever prominence may have come to me as an instrument with which to do good, i am content to have it. i care for it only as a means to be used for doing good, just as wealth may be used. the more i come into contact with wealthy people, the more i believe that they are growing in the direction of looking upon their money simply as an instrument which god has placed in their hand for doing good with. i never go to the office of mr. john d. rockefeller, who more than once has been generous to tuskegee, without being reminded of this. the close, careful, and minute investigation that he always makes in order to be sure that every dollar that he gives will do the most good--an investigation that is just as searching as if he were investing money in a business enterprise--convinces me that the growth in this direction is most encouraging. at nine o'clock, on the morning of june 24, i met president eliot, the board of overseers of harvard university, and the other guests, at the designated place on the university grounds, for the purpose of being escorted to sanders theatre, where the commencement exercises were to be held and degrees conferred. among others invited to be present for the purpose of receiving a degree at this time were general nelson a. miles, dr. bell, the inventor of the bell telephone, bishop vincent, and the rev. minot j. savage. we were placed in line immediately behind the president and the board of overseers, and directly afterward the governor of massachusetts, escorted by the lancers, arrived and took his place in the line of march by the side of president eliot. in the line there were also various other officers and professors, clad in cap and gown. in this order we marched to sanders theatre, where, after the usual commencement exercises, came the conferring of the honorary degrees. this, it seems, is always considered the most interesting feature at harvard. it is not known, until the individuals appear, upon whom the honorary degrees are to be conferred, and those receiving these honours are cheered by the students and others in proportion to their popularity. during the conferring of the degrees excitement and enthusiasm are at the highest pitch. when my name was called, i rose, and president eliot, in beautiful and strong english, conferred upon me the degree of master of arts. after these exercises were over, those who had received honorary degrees were invited to lunch with the president. after the lunch we were formed in line again, and were escorted by the marshal of the day, who that year happened to be bishop william lawrence, through the grounds, where, at different points, those who had been honoured were called by name and received the harvard yell. this march ended at memorial hall, where the alumni dinner was served. to see over a thousand strong men, representing all that is best in state, church, business, and education, with the glow and enthusiasm of college loyalty and college pride,--which has, i think, a peculiar harvard flavour,--is a sight that does not easily fade from memory. among the speakers after dinner were president eliot, governor roger wolcott, general miles, dr. minot j. savage, the hon. henry cabot lodge, and myself. when i was called upon, i said, among other things:-it would in some measure relieve my embarrassment if i could, even in a slight degree, feel myself worthy of the great honour which you do me to-day. why you have called me from the black belt of the south, from among my humble people, to share in the honours of this occasion, is not for me to explain; and yet it may not be inappropriate for me to suggest that it seems to me that one of the most vital questions that touch our american life is how to bring the strong, wealthy, and learned into helpful touch with the poorest, most ignorant, and humblest, and at the same time make one appreciate the vitalizing, strengthening influence of the other. how shall we make the mansion on yon beacon street feel and see the need of the spirits in the lowliest cabin in alabama cotton-fields or louisiana sugar-bottoms? this problem harvard university is solving, not by bringing itself down, but by bringing the masses up. * * * * * if my life in the past has meant anything in the lifting up of my people and the bringing about of better relations between your race and mine, i assure you from this day it will mean doubly more. in the economy of god there is but one standard by which an individual can succeed--there is but one for a race. this country demands that every race shall measure itself by the american standard. by it a race must rise or fall, succeed or fail, and in the last analysis mere sentiment counts for little. during the next half-century and more, my race must continue passing through the severe american crucible. we are to be tested in our patience, our forbearance, our perseverance, our power to endure wrong, to withstand temptations, to economize, to acquire and use skill; in our ability to compete, to succeed in commerce, to disregard the superficial for the real, the appearance for the substance, to be great and yet small, learned and yet simple, high and yet the servant of all. as this was the first time that a new england university had conferred an honorary degree upon a negro, it was the occasion of much newspaper comment throughout the country. a correspondent of a new york paper said:-when the name of booker t. washington was called, and he arose to acknowledge and accept, there was such an outburst of applause as greeted no other name except that of the popular soldier patriot, general miles. the applause was not studied and stiff, sympathetic and condoling; it was enthusiasm and admiration. every part of the audience from pit to gallery joined in, and a glow covered the cheeks of those around me, proving sincere appreciation of the rising struggle of an ex-slave and the work he has accomplished for his race. a boston paper said, editorially:-in conferring the honorary degree of master of arts upon the principal of tuskegee institute, harvard university has honoured itself as well as the object of this distinction. the work which professor booker t. washington has accomplished for the education, good citizenship, and popular enlightenment in his chosen field of labour in the south entitles him to rank with our national benefactors. the university which can claim him on its list of sons, whether in regular course or honoris causa, may be proud. it has been mentioned that mr. washington is the first of his race to receive an honorary degree from a new england university. this, in itself, is a distinction. but the degree was not conferred because mr. washington is a coloured man, or because he was born in slavery, but because he has shown, by his work for the elevation of the people of the black belt of the south, a genius and a broad humanity which count for greatness in any man, whether his skin be white or black. another boston paper said:-it is harvard which, first among new england colleges, confers an honorary degree upon a black man. no one who has followed the history of tuskegee and its work can fail to admire the courage, persistence, and splendid common sense of booker t. washington. well may harvard honour the ex-slave, the value of whose services, alike to his race and country, only the future can estimate. the correspondent of the new york times wrote:-all the speeches were enthusiastically received, but the coloured man carried off the oratorical honours, and the applause which broke out when he had finished was vociferous and long-continued. soon after i began work at tuskegee i formed a resolution, in the secret of my heart, that i would try to build up a school that would be of so much service to the country that the president of the united states would one day come to see it. this was, i confess, rather a bold resolution, and for a number of years i kept it hidden in my own thoughts, not daring to share it with any one. in november, 1897, i made the first move in this direction, and that was in securing a visit from a member of president mckinley's cabinet, the hon. james wilson, secretary of agriculture. he came to deliver an address at the formal opening of the slater-armstrong agricultural building, our first large building to be used for the purpose of giving training to our students in agriculture and kindred branches. in the fall of 1898 i heard that president mckinley was likely to visit atlanta, georgia, for the purpose of taking part in the peace jubilee exercises to be held there to commemorate the successful close of the spanish-american war. at this time i had been hard at work, together with our teachers, for eighteen years, trying to build up a school that we thought would be of service to the nation, and i determined to make a direct effort to secure a visit from the president and his cabinet. i went to washington, and i was not long in the city before i found my way to the white house. when i got there i found the waiting rooms full of people, and my heart began to sink, for i feared there would not be much chance of my seeing the president that day, if at all. but, at any rate, i got an opportunity to see mr. j. addison porter, the secretary to the president, and explained to him my mission. mr. porter kindly sent my card directly to the president, and in a few minutes word came from mr. mckinley that he would see me. how any man can see so many people of all kinds, with all kinds of errands, and do so much hard work, and still keep himself calm, patient, and fresh for each visitor in the way that president mckinley does, i cannot understand. when i saw the president he kindly thanked me for the work which we were doing at tuskegee for the interests of the country. i then told him, briefly, the object of my visit. i impressed upon him the fact that a visit from the chief executive of the nation would not only encourage our students and teachers, but would help the entire race. he seemed interested, but did not make a promise to go to tuskegee, for the reason that his plans about going to atlanta were not then fully made; but he asked me to call the matter to his attention a few weeks later. by the middle of the following month the president had definitely decided to attend the peace jubilee at atlanta. i went to washington again and saw him, with a view of getting him to extend his trip to tuskegee. on this second visit mr. charles w. hare, a prominent white citizen of tuskegee, kindly volunteered to accompany me, to reenforce my invitation with one from the white people of tuskegee and the vicinity. just previous to my going to washington the second time, the country had been excited, and the coloured people greatly depressed, because of several severe race riots which had occurred at different points in the south. as soon as i saw the president, i perceived that his heart was greatly burdened by reason of these race disturbances. although there were many people waiting to see him, he detained me for some time, discussing the condition and prospects of the race. he remarked several times that he was determined to show his interest and faith in the race, not merely in words, but by acts. when i told him that i thought that at that time scarcely anything would go farther in giving hope and encouragement to the race than the fact that the president of the nation would be willing to travel one hundred and forty miles out of his way to spend a day at a negro institution, he seemed deeply impressed. while i was with the president, a white citizen of atlanta, a democrat and an ex-slaveholder, came into the room, and the president asked his opinion as to the wisdom of his going to tuskegee. without hesitation the atlanta man replied that it was the proper thing for him to do. this opinion was reenforced by that friend of the race, dr. j.l.m. curry. the president promised that he would visit our school on the 16th of december. when it became known that the president was going to visit our school, the white citizens of the town of tuskegee--a mile distant from the school--were as much pleased as were our students and teachers. the white people of this town, including both men and women, began arranging to decorate the town, and to form themselves into committees for the purpose of cooperating with the officers of our school in order that the distinguished visitor might have a fitting reception. i think i never realized before this how much the white people of tuskegee and vicinity thought of our institution. during the days when we were preparing for the president's reception, dozens of these people came to me and said that, while they did not want to push themselves into prominence, if there was anything they could do to help, or to relieve me personally, i had but to intimate it and they would be only too glad to assist. in fact, the thing that touched me almost as deeply as the visit of the president itself was the deep pride which all classes of citizens in alabama seemed to take in our work. the morning of december 16th brought to the little city of tuskegee such a crowd as it had never seen before. with the president came mrs. mckinley and all of the cabinet officers but one; and most of them brought their wives or some members of their families. several prominent generals came, including general shafter and general joseph wheeler, who were recently returned from the spanish-american war. there was also a host of newspaper correspondents. the alabama legislature was in session in montgomery at this time. this body passed a resolution to adjourn for the purpose of visiting tuskegee. just before the arrival of the president's party the legislature arrived, headed by the governor and other state officials. the citizens of tuskegee had decorated the town from the station to the school in a generous manner. in order to economize in the matter of time, we arranged to have the whole school pass in review before the president. each student carried a stalk of sugar-cane with some open bolls of cotton fastened to the end of it. following the students the work of all departments of the school passed in review, displayed on "floats" drawn by horses, mules, and oxen. on these floats we tried to exhibit not only the present work of the school, but to show the contrasts between the old methods of doing things and the new. as an example, we showed the old method of dairying in contrast with the improved methods, the old methods of tilling the soil in contrast with the new, the old methods of cooking and housekeeping in contrast with the new. these floats consumed an hour and a half of time in passing. in his address in our large, new chapel, which the students had recently completed, the president said, among other things:-to meet you under such pleasant auspices and to have the opportunity of a personal observation of your work is indeed most gratifying. the tuskegee normal and industrial institute is ideal in its conception, and has already a large and growing reputation in the country, and is not unknown abroad. i congratulate all who are associated in this undertaking for the good work which it is doing in the education of its students to lead lives of honour and usefulness, thus exalting the race for which it was established. nowhere, i think, could a more delightful location have been chosen for this unique educational experiment, which has attracted the attention and won the support even of conservative philanthropists in all sections of the country. to speak of tuskegee without paying special tribute to booker t. washington's genius and perseverance would be impossible. the inception of this noble enterprise was his, and he deserves high credit for it. his was the enthusiasm and enterprise which made its steady progress possible and established in the institution its present high standard of accomplishment. he has won a worthy reputation as one of the great leaders of his race, widely known and much respected at home and abroad as an accomplished educator, a great orator, and a true philanthropist. the hon. john d. long, the secretary of the navy, said in part:-i cannot make a speech to-day. my heart is too full--full of hope, admiration, and pride for my countrymen of both sections and both colours. i am filled with gratitude and admiration for your work, and from this time forward i shall have absolute confidence in your progress and in the solution of the problem in which you are engaged. the problem, i say, has been solved. a picture has been presented to-day which should be put upon canvas with the pictures of washington and lincoln, and transmitted to future time and generations--a picture which the press of the country should spread broadcast over the land, a most dramatic picture, and that picture is this: the president of the united states standing on this platform; on one side the governor of alabama, on the other, completing the trinity, a representative of a race only a few years ago in bondage, the coloured president of the tuskegee normal and industrial institute. god bless the president under whose majesty such a scene as that is presented to the american people. god bless the state of alabama, which is showing that it can deal with this problem for itself. god bless the orator, philanthropist, and disciple of the great master--who, if he were on earth, would be doing the same work--booker t. washington. postmaster general smith closed the address which he made with these words:-we have witnessed many spectacles within the last few days. we have seen the magnificent grandeur and the magnificent achievements of one of the great metropolitan cities of the south. we have seen heroes of the war pass by in procession. we have seen floral parades. but i am sure my colleagues will agree with me in saying that we have witnessed no spectacle more impressive and more encouraging, more inspiring for our future, than that which we have witnessed here this morning. some days after the president returned to washington i received the letter which follows:-executive mansion, washington, dec. 23, 1899. dear sir: by this mail i take pleasure in sending you engrossed copies of the souvenir of the visit of the president to your institution. these sheets bear the autographs of the president and the members of the cabinet who accompanied him on the trip. let me take this opportunity of congratulating you most heartily and sincerely upon the great success of the exercises provided for and entertainment furnished us under your auspices during our visit to tuskegee. every feature of the programme was perfectly executed and was viewed or participated in with the heartiest satisfaction by every visitor present. the unique exhibition which you gave of your pupils engaged in their industrial vocations was not only artistic but thoroughly impressive. the tribute paid by the president and his cabinet to your work was none too high, and forms a most encouraging augury, i think, for the future prosperity of your institution. i cannot close without assuring you that the modesty shown by yourself in the exercises was most favourably commented upon by all the members of our party. with best wishes for the continued advance of your most useful and patriotic undertaking, kind personal regards, and the compliments of the season, believe me, always, very sincerely yours, john addison porter, secretary to the president. to president booker t. washington, tuskegee normal and industrial institute, tuskegee, ala. twenty years have now passed since i made the first humble effort at tuskegee, in a broken-down shanty and an old hen-house, without owning a dollar's worth of property, and with but one teacher and thirty students. at the present time the institution owns twenty-three hundred acres of land, one thousand of which are under cultivation each year, entirely by student labour. there are now upon the grounds, counting large and small, sixty-six buildings; and all except four of these have been almost wholly erected by the labour of our students. while the students are at work upon the land and in erecting buildings, they are taught, by competent instructors, the latest methods of agriculture and the trades connected with building. there are in constant operation at the school, in connection with thorough academic and religious training, thirty industrial departments. all of these teach industries at which our men and women can find immediate employment as soon as they leave the institution. the only difficulty now is that the demand for our graduates from both white and black people in the south is so great that we cannot supply more than one-half the persons for whom applications come to us. neither have we the buildings nor the money for current expenses to enable us to admit to the school more than one-half the young men and women who apply to us for admission. in our industrial teaching we keep three things in mind: first, that the student shall be so educated that he shall be enabled to meet conditions as they exist now, in the part of the south where he lives--in a word, to be able to do the thing which the world wants done; second, that every student who graduates from the school shall have enough skill, coupled with intelligence and moral character, to enable him to make a living for himself and others; third, to send every graduate out feeling and knowing that labour is dignified and beautiful--to make each one love labour instead of trying to escape it. in addition to the agricultural training which we give to young men, and the training given to our girls in all the usual domestic employments, we now train a number of girls in agriculture each year. these girls are taught gardening, fruit-growing, dairying, bee-culture, and poultry-raising. while the institution is in no sense denominational, we have a department known as the phelps hall bible training school, in which a number of students are prepared for the ministry and other forms of christian work, especially work in the country districts. what is equally important, each one of the students works half of each day at some industry, in order to get skill and the love of work, so that when he goes out from the institution he is prepared to set the people with whom he goes to labour a proper example in the matter of industry. the value of our property is now over $700,000. if we add to this our endowment fund, which at present is $1,000,000, the value of the total property is now $1,700,000. aside from the need for more buildings and for money for current expenses, the endowment fund should be increased to at least $3,000,000. the annual current expenses are now about $150,000. the greater part of this i collect each year by going from door to door and from house to house. all of our property is free from mortgage, and is deeded to an undenominational board of trustees who have the control of the institution. from thirty students the number has grown to fourteen hundred, coming from twenty-seven states and territories, from africa, cuba, porto rico, jamaica, and other foreign countries. in our departments there are one hundred and ten officers and instructors; and if we add the families of our instructors, we have a constant population upon our grounds of not far from seventeen hundred people. i have often been asked how we keep so large a body of people together, and at the same time keep them out of mischief. there are two answers: that the men and women who come to us for an education are in earnest; and that everybody is kept busy. the following outline of our daily work will testify to this:-5 a.m., rising bell; 5.50 a.m., warning breakfast bell; 6 a.m., breakfast bell; 6.20 a.m., breakfast over; 6.20 to 6.50 a.m., rooms are cleaned; 6.50, work bell; 7.30, morning study hours; 8.20, morning school bell; 8.25, inspection of young men's toilet in ranks; 8.40, devotional exercises in chapel; 8.55, "five minutes with the daily news;" 9 a.m., class work begins; 12, class work closes; 12.15 p.m., dinner; 1 p.m., work bell; 1.30 p.m., class work begins; 3.30 p.m., class work ends; 5.30 p.m., bell to "knock off" work; 6 p.m., supper; 7.10 p.m., evening prayers; 7.30 p.m., evening study hours; 8.45 p.m., evening study hour closes; 9.20 p.m., warning retiring bell; 9.30 p.m., retiring bell. we try to keep constantly in mind the fact that the worth of the school is to be judged by its graduates. counting those who have finished the full course, together with those who have taken enough training to enable them to do reasonably good work, we can safely say that at least six thousand men and women from tuskegee are now at work in different parts of the south; men and women who, by their own example or by direct efforts, are showing the masses of our race now to improve their material, educational, and moral and religious life. what is equally important, they are exhibiting a degree of common sense and self-control which is causing better relations to exist between the races, and is causing the southern white man to learn to believe in the value of educating the men and women of my race. aside from this, there is the influence that is constantly being exerted through the mothers' meeting and the plantation work conducted by mrs. washington. wherever our graduates go, the changes which soon begin to appear in the buying of land, improving homes, saving money, in education, and in high moral characters are remarkable. whole communities are fast being revolutionized through the instrumentality of these men and women. ten years ago i organized at tuskegee the first negro conference. this is an annual gathering which now brings to the school eight or nine hundred representative men and women of the race, who come to spend a day in finding out what the actual industrial, mental, and moral conditions of the people are, and in forming plans for improvement. out from this central negro conference at tuskegee have grown numerous state and local conferences which are doing the same kind of work. as a result of the influence of these gatherings, one delegate reported at the last annual meeting that ten families in his community had bought and paid for homes. on the day following the annual negro conference, there is the "workers' conference." this is composed of officers and teachers who are engaged in educational work in the larger institutions in the south. the negro conference furnishes a rare opportunity for these workers to study the real condition of the rank and file of the people. in the summer of 1900, with the assistance of such prominent coloured men as mr. t. thomas fortune, who has always upheld my hands in every effort, i organized the national negro business league, which held its first meeting in boston, and brought together for the first time a large number of the coloured men who are engaged in various lines of trade or business in different parts of the united states. thirty states were represented at our first meeting. out of this national meeting grew state and local business leagues. in addition to looking after the executive side of the work at tuskegee, and raising the greater part of the money for the support of the school, i cannot seem to escape the duty of answering at least a part of the calls which come to me unsought to address southern white audiences and audiences of my own race, as well as frequent gatherings in the north. as to how much of my time is spent in this way, the following clipping from a buffalo (n.y.) paper will tell. this has reference to an occasion when i spoke before the national educational association in that city. booker t. washington, the foremost educator among the coloured people of the world, was a very busy man from the time he arrived in the city the other night from the west and registered at the iroquois. he had hardly removed the stains of travel when it was time to partake of supper. then he held a public levee in the parlours of the iroquois until eight o'clock. during that time he was greeted by over two hundred eminent teachers and educators from all parts of the united states. shortly after eight o'clock he was driven in a carriage to music hall, and in one hour and a half he made two ringing addresses, to as many as five thousand people, on negro education. then mr. washington was taken in charge by a delegation of coloured citizens, headed by the rev. mr. watkins, and hustled off to a small informal reception, arranged in honour of the visitor by the people of his race. nor can i, in addition to making these addresses, escape the duty of calling the attention of the south and of the country in general, through the medium of the press, to matters that pertain to the interests of both races. this, for example, i have done in regard to the evil habit of lynching. when the louisiana state constitutional convention was in session, i wrote an open letter to that body pleading for justice for the race. in all such efforts i have received warm and hearty support from the southern newspapers, as well as from those in all other parts of the country. despite superficial and temporary signs which might lead one to entertain a contrary opinion, there was never a time when i felt more hopeful for the race than i do at the present. the great human law that in the end recognizes and rewards merit is everlasting and universal. the outside world does not know, neither can it appreciate, the struggle that is constantly going on in the hearts of both the southern white people and their former slaves to free themselves from racial prejudice; and while both races are thus struggling they should have the sympathy, the support, and the forbearance of the rest of the world. as i write the closing words of this autobiography i find myself--not by design--in the city of richmond, virginia: the city which only a few decades ago was the capital of the southern confederacy, and where, about twenty-five years ago, because of my poverty i slept night after night under a sidewalk. this time i am in richmond as the guest of the coloured people of the city; and came at their request to deliver an address last night to both races in the academy of music, the largest and finest audience room in the city. this was the first time that the coloured people had ever been permitted to use this hall. the day before i came, the city council passed a vote to attend the meeting in a body to hear me speak. the state legislature, including the house of delegates and the senate, also passed a unanimous vote to attend in a body. in the presence of hundreds of coloured people, many distinguished white citizens, the city council, the state legislature, and state officials, i delivered my message, which was one of hope and cheer; and from the bottom of my heart i thanked both races for this welcome back to the state that gave me birth.