item: #1 of 20 id: 14986 author: Faraday, Michael title: Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1 date: None words: 230342 flesch: 61 summary: A drop of _water_ placed at _a_ instead of the fused chlorides, showed as in the former case (970.), that it could conduct a current unable to decompose it, for decomposition of the solution of iodide at _b_ occurred after some time. _induction by_ other currents, 6, 1089. keywords: acid; action; air; apparatus; ball; battery; bodies; cases; chemical; condition; conductor; contact; copper; current; decomposition; direction; discharge; effect; electrical; electricity; electro; experiments; force; form; galvanometer; gas; hydrogen; inch; induction; inductive; intensity; magnetic; metal; needle; negative; oxygen; particles; place; plates; platina; point; pole; positive; power; quantity; relation; results; solution; spark; state; surface; time; voltaic; water; wire; zinc cache: 14986.txt plain text: 14986.txt item: #2 of 20 id: 19735 author: Stringer, Arthur title: Phantom Wires: A Novel date: None words: 65294 flesch: 81 summary: Until then he had blocked out his path of action only crudely; there had been little time for the weighing of consequences and the anticipation of contingencies. ONE YEAR LATER--AN EPILOGUE PHANTOM WIRES CHAPTER I THE END OF THE TETHER Durkin folded the printed pages of the newspaper with no outward sign of excitement. keywords: arm; body; breath; chance; day; door; durkin; end; eyes; face; feeling; feet; floor; frank; good; half; hand; head; jim; keenan; key; knew; life; light; like; little; look; macnutt; man; mind; moment; office; open; past; penfield; pobloff; pocket; room; safe; saw; second; sense; silence; sound; steel; street; things; thought; time; turn; voice; want; way; white; woman; work; world cache: 19735.txt plain text: 19735.txt item: #3 of 20 id: 21716 author: Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael) title: The Battery and the Boiler: Adventures in Laying of Submarine Electric Cables date: None words: 90943 flesch: 79 summary: The gale in which little Robin Wright was thus launched upon the sea of Time blew the sails of that emigrant ship--the Seahorse--to ribbons. Now, Sam, being himself possessed of strongly scientific tendencies, took a great fancy to little Robin, and sought to enlighten his young mind on many subjects where musser's knowledge failed. keywords: boy; cable; captain; course; cut; day; deck; deep; eastern; electricity; england; eyes; face; friend; good; half; hand; head; hold; home; house; jim; lay; left; letta; life; little; look; madge; man; miles; mind; moment; mother; night; pirates; poor; raft; rik; robin; robin wright; room; rope; round; sam; sea; ship; shipton; shore; sir; slagg; stumps; surprise; telegraph; tell; things; thought; time; uncle; vessel; water; way; work; wright cache: 21716.txt plain text: 21716.txt item: #4 of 20 id: 29789 author: Richmond, Leigh title: Poppa Needs Shorts date: None words: 2151 flesch: 87 summary: Little Oley watched in fascination. Little Oley watched. keywords: momma; oley; shorts cache: 29789.txt plain text: 29789.txt item: #5 of 20 id: 34221 author: Gray, Elisha title: Electricity and Magnetism date: None words: 54420 flesch: 66 summary: Notwithstanding its universal use it is not free from serious difficulties in transmission unless it is repeated back to the sender for correction; and then in some cases it is impossible to be sure, owing to difficulties of punctuation and capitalizing, and the further difficulty of running the signals together, caused, it may be, by faulty transmission, induced currents from other wires, swinging crosses or atmospheric electricity. In the early days of telephony great difficulty was experienced in using a single wire grounded at each end in the ordinary way, if it ran near other wires that were in active use. keywords: air; battery; chapter; circuit; current; distance; earth; electricity; end; energy; ether; force; form; heat; iron; light; line; magnet; magnetic; man; message; morse; needle; point; power; resistance; system; telegraph; telephone; time; transmission; use; water; way; wire; work; years cache: 34221.txt plain text: 34221.txt item: #6 of 20 id: 36456 author: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert) title: The Autobiography of an Electron Wherein the Scientific Ideas of the Present Time Are Explained in an Interesting and Novel Fashion date: None words: 26165 flesch: 72 summary: How it is other electrons that enable man to read the messages. He maintained that he had jumped all the way from a cloud to the earth, along with a crowd of other electrons. keywords: atoms; chapter; earth; electric; electricity; electrons; iron; light; man; matter; rays; time; waves; way; wire; æther; æther waves cache: 36456.txt plain text: 36456.txt item: #7 of 20 id: 38028 author: Griffith, George Chetwynd title: The World Masters date: None words: 87670 flesch: 77 summary: My dear prince, the liberty that I am going to ask your permission to take is a very great one, because it is a liberty of anticipation; and few men, even the most chivalrous, care to be anticipated, especially when they have an interesting story to tell. CHAPTER XXII While the captain and the chief engineer were mustering such men as were in any way fit to work the ship, or to help in getting the port engine into running order, Chrysie and her father paid a visit to the staterooms. keywords: adelaide; american; author; board; captain; chrysie; count; course; daughter; day; days; dear; doctor; english; europe; eyes; fact; fargeau; father; france; french; general; german; good; great; guns; half; hand; hardress; lady; lamson; land; left; life; long; lord; love; man; marquise; matter; miss; moment; mrs; nadine; night; olive; orrel; president; prince; room; russian; scheme; sophie; time; vandel; victor; viscount; vlodoya; want; war; way; woman; works; world cache: 38028.txt plain text: 38028.txt item: #8 of 20 id: 38036 author: Wilson, Eric B. title: Electricity for the 4-H Scientist date: None words: 21528 flesch: 82 summary: It seems that fuses usually blow at night, and it doesn't pay to stumble or fumble around electric wires in the dark. | Later Years 10-11 | 13 | 15 | | 12-13 | 15 | 17 | 19 | 20 14-15 | 17 | 19 | 21 | 21 16 & over | 19 | 21 | 21 | 21 keywords: battery; circuit; compass; cord; current; electricity; end; figure; heat; home; illustration; iron; lamp; light; motors; needle; points; pole; power; size; switch; use; way; wire; work; | | cache: 38036.txt plain text: 38036.txt item: #9 of 20 id: 436 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Master Key An Electrical Fairy Tale Founded Upon the Mysteries of Electricity date: None words: 35614 flesch: 78 summary: Rob Makes a Resolution When Rob opened the front door he came face to face with Nell, who gave an exclamation of joy and threw herself into his arms. Rob Loses His Treasures 14. keywords: air; boy; chief; day; demon; earth; electricity; eyes; fellow; good; head; indicator; machine; man; men; moment; people; pocket; record; right; rob; room; thought; time; traveling; tube; turk; world cache: 436.txt plain text: 436.txt item: #10 of 20 id: 44462 author: Bennett, R. A. R. (Reginald Arthur Renaud) title: How to Make Electrical Machines Containing Full Directions for Making Electrical Machines, Induction Coils, Dynamos, and Many Novel Toys to Be Worked by Electricity date: None words: 24363 flesch: 75 summary: It now only remains to fasten several small pieces of brass wire about a quarter of an inch long, filed to a point, to the sides of the rod nearest the glass plate, as shown in Fig. 6, so that the plate revolves between a double row of points, which can be done with solder, and the machine is complete. PART V. Take two small pieces of brass wire about an inch long, and turn up the ends of each into a hook. keywords: armature; battery; brass; coil; current; drum; end; ends; fig; hole; illustration; inch; inches; iron; magnet; piece; screw; wire cache: 44462.txt plain text: 44462.txt item: #11 of 20 id: 44665 author: St. John, Thomas M. (Thomas Matthew) title: Things a Boy Should Know About Electricity Second Edition date: None words: 5020 flesch: 69 summary: The author has been working along this line for several years, and he has been able, _with the help of boys_, to devise a complete line of simple electrical apparatus. =_THE APPARATUS IS SIMPLE because the designs and methods of construction have been worked out practically in the school-room, absolutely no machine-work being required._= =_THE APPARATUS IS PRACTICAL because it has been designed for real use in the experimental study of elementary electricity._= =_THE APPARATUS IS CHEAP because most of the parts can be made of old tin cans and cracker boxes, bolts, screws, wires and wood._= =Address, THOMAS M. ST. keywords: apparatus; book; boys; complete; electric; electricity; fun; outfit; steel; wire cache: 44665.txt plain text: 44665.txt item: #12 of 20 id: 45331 author: Woodhull, John F. (John Francis) title: The Library of Work and Play: Electricity and Its Everyday Uses date: None words: 68815 flesch: 78 summary: VIII APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRIC HEATING The programme committee decided that each member of the Science Club should busy himself looking for _applications of electric heating_ and should consult me freely about the matter. Electric currents from Chemical Action and Chemical Action from Electric Currents 248 XVI. keywords: ammeter; ampere; armature; battery; bell; boys; carbon; cell; chemical; circuit; coil; current; dynamo; electric; electric current; electricity; electro; end; field; fig; half; heat; illustration; iron; lamp; light; magnet; motor; ohms; power; pressure; resistance; second; spark; telephone; time; use; volt; volt current; voltage; water; waves; wheel; wire cache: 45331.txt plain text: 45331.txt item: #13 of 20 id: 45347 author: Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank) title: The Master Key An Electrical Fairy Tale Founded Upon the Mysteries of Electricity date: None words: 36632 flesch: 77 summary: [Illustration] [Illustration] _CHAPTER FIVE_ THE CANNIBAL ISLAND Doubtless the adventures of the day had tired Rob, for he slept throughout the night as comfortably as if he had been within his own room, lying upon his own bed. [Illustration: Rob was surrounded by a group of natives] THE MASTER KEY _ keywords: air; boy; chief; day; demon; earth; electricity; eyes; good; head; illustration; indicator; left; machine; man; men; moment; people; pocket; record; right; rob; room; thought; time; traveling; tube; turk; world cache: 45347.txt plain text: 45347.txt item: #14 of 20 id: 45446 author: Potamian, Brother title: Makers of Electricity date: None words: 118211 flesch: 53 summary: Perhaps the most striking thing is that everyone of the men described was of the Catholic faith, and the dominant idea is that great scientific work is not incompatible with devout adherence to the tenets of the Catholic religion. With literature, poetry, love and settling down in life to occupy him, it is hard to think of Ampère as a young man doing great work in science, but he did; and his work deservedly attracted attention even from his very early years. keywords: age; ampère; attention; book; cable; century; character; compass; coulomb; course; current; discoveries; discovery; earth; effect; electricity; end; experiments; fact; faraday; father; field; force; franklin; french; friend; galvani; genius; gilbert; good; hand; idea; illustration; influence; interest; iron; knowledge; law; life; light; lightning; lodestone; london; magnetic; magnetism; man; mathematical; matter; maxwell; means; men; mind; nature; needle; new; oersted; ohm; order; peregrinus; phenomena; philosophy; physics; place; position; power; problems; professor; purpose; regard; rod; royal; science; scientist; second; set; simple; sir; study; subject; success; theory; things; thomson; thought; time; university; use; volta; way; work; world; years; young cache: 45446.txt plain text: 45446.txt item: #15 of 20 id: 45515 author: Franklin, Benjamin title: Experiments and Observations on Electricity Made at Philadelphia in America date: None words: 23645 flesch: 68 summary: After the second, the upper part will have 22, the lower 18, and so on 'till after 20 strokes, the upper part will have a quantity of electrical fire equal to 40, the lower part none: and then the operation ends: for no more can be thrown into the upper part, when no more can be driven out of the lower part. But here we have a bottle containing at the same time a _plenum_ of electrical fire, and a _vacuum_ of the same fire; and yet the equilibrium cannot be restored between them but by a communication _without_! keywords: air; body; bottle; distance; electrical; end; fire; fluid; glass; non; particles; quantity; shock; spark; surface; water; wire cache: 45515.txt plain text: 45515.txt item: #16 of 20 id: 45955 author: Meadowcroft, Wm. H. (William Henry) title: A-B-C of Electricity date: None words: 23279 flesch: 69 summary: Instead of taking one piece of iron, as we would for an ordinary electromagnet, we take a bundle of iron wires in making an induction-coil, as these give a stronger effect. If iron were used, there would be a current of electricity generated, but it would be much less in quantity, because iron wire has much greater resistance to the passage of electricity than the same size of copper wire. keywords: battery; carbon; circuit; current; dynamo; electricity; fig; iron; light; magnet; pressure; water; wire cache: 45955.txt plain text: 45955.txt item: #17 of 20 id: 46168 author: Watson, William, Sir title: Experiments and Observations Tending to Illustrate the Nature and Properties of Electricity In One Letter to Martin Folkes, Esq; President, and Two to the Royal Society date: None words: 9201 flesch: 57 summary: Let a Man, standing upon electrical Cakes, hold this Plate in his Hand with the bits of Glass, Wire, _&c._ detached from each other, as much as conveniently may be; when he is electrified, let him cause a Person standing upon the Ground to bring another Plate, his Hand, or any other Non-Electric, exactly over the Plate containing these Bodies. When his Hand, _&c._ is about eight Inches over them, let him bring it down gently: As it comes near, in proportion to the Strength of the Electricity, he will observe the bits of Glass first raise themselves upright; and then, if he brings his Hand nearer, dart directly up and stick to it without snapping. keywords: electricity; fire; glass; hand; non; power; spirit; substances; tube; water cache: 46168.txt plain text: 46168.txt item: #18 of 20 id: 48041 author: St. John, Thomas M. (Thomas Matthew) title: The Study of Elementary Electricity and Magnetism by Experiment Containing Two Hundred Experiments Performed with Simple, Home-made Apparatus date: None words: 72549 flesch: 81 summary: | 13.6 | 3.172 | 16.7 | .320 | 16|.05082 | 2583. | CURRENT IN | | | | | | CELL FROM | keywords: = =; = experiment; acid; action; apparatus; cell; circuit; coil; copper; current; directions.=; e c; electricity; end; ends; fig; force; illustration; iron; lines; magnet; magnetic; magnetism; needle; paper; pass; piece; place; pole; resistance; study; use; wire; zinc; | | cache: 48041.txt plain text: 48041.txt item: #19 of 20 id: 48136 author: Franklin, Benjamin title: The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 1 [of 3] date: None words: 141592 flesch: 66 summary: Franklin at first entertained the same idea; but upon repeating the experiments, he perceived that Mr. Kinnersley was right; and that the _vitreous_ and _resinous_ electricity of du Faye were nothing more than the _positive_, and _negative_ states which he had before observed; and that the glass globe charged _positively_ or increased the quantity of electricity on the prime conductor, while the globe of sulphur diminished its natural quantity, or charged _negatively_. In order to this, let it first be considered, _that we cannot by any means we are yet acquainted with, force the electrical fluid through glass_. keywords: account; air; america; atmosphere; balls; bodies; body; bottle; business; clouds; conductor; cork; distance; dry; earth; effect; electric; electricity; electrified; end; england; experiments; find; finger; fire; fluid; force; franklin; general; glass; globe; good; great; half; hand; house; iii; inches; iron; letter; life; lightning; long; manner; matter; means; money; negative; new; non; number; observations; order; paper; particles; parts; phial; philadelphia; place; point; power; quantity; read; rod; round; sea; shock; sir; small; spark; state; stroke; surface; thunder; time; tube; water; wax; way; wire; years cache: 48136.txt plain text: 48136.txt item: #20 of 20 id: 48138 author: Franklin, Benjamin title: The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 3 [of 3] date: None words: 173307 flesch: 65 summary: They reflected how lightly the interest of _all_ America had been estimated here, when the interests of a _few_ of the inhabitants of Great Britain happened to have the smallest competition with it. But _envy_ seems to have taken possession of their hearts, and to have eaten out and destroyed every generous, noble, public-spirited sentiment. keywords: account; act; advantage; america; assembly; bills; body; britain; british; business; case; colonies; colony; commerce; common; constitution; council; country; crown; england; english; expence; franklin; french; general; good; government; governor; great; having; house; iii; increase; indians; inhabitants; interest; kind; king; laws; letter; life; long; majesty; man; manufactures; means; money; nation; new; number; occasion; opinion; order; paper; parliament; particular; pay; pensylvania; people; persons; place; plan; poor; power; present; proprietaries; proprietary; province; public; right; shall; sir; state; subjects; tax; taxes; thing; thought; time; trade; union; value; war; years cache: 48138.txt plain text: 48138.txt