item: #1 of 5 id: 11077 author: Doctorow, Cory title: Ebooks: Neither E, Nor Books Paper for the O'Reilly Emerging Technologies Conference, 2004 date: None words: 7662 flesch: 72 summary: It's ironic, because one of the frequently cited reasons for preferring paper to ebooks is that paper books confer a sense of ownership of a physical object. The distinctive value of ebooks is orthagonal to the value of paper books, and it revolves around the mix-ability and send-ability of electronic text. keywords: ability; attention; authors; best; better; bible; book; chart; collection; commons; copies; copyright; cover; creative; dedicator; different; domain; download; ebooks; electronic; end; failure; fewer; fiction; file; free; good; gutenberg; hand; hell; ideas; infringement; kind; kingdom; license; little; long; look; lot; luther; magic; music; need; ness; new; non; novel; number; old; pages; paper; paper books; people; percent; person; practice; press; priests; printing; public; quote; radio; readers; reading; reasons; rights; run; science; screengrab; series; store; stuff; sure; talk; text; thing; time; today; use; way; words; work; world; writers; wrong cache: 11077.txt plain text: 11077.txt item: #2 of 5 id: 181 author: Perathoner, Marcello title: The Project Gutenberg RST Manual date: None words: 3035 flesch: 84 summary: Fields In the DC Scheme ──────────────────────────────────────────────── Name Contents ──────────────────────────────────────────────── DC.Creator Author. Fields In the PG Scheme ──────────────────────────────────────────────── Name Contents ──────────────────────────────────────────────── PG.Id The ebook number. keywords: accusam; amet; consetetur; diam; dolor; duo; editor ─; elitr; erat; ipsum; item; lorem; nonumy; rebum; sadipscing; sed; sit; voluptua; ─ dc.title; ─ marcrel.ill cache: 181.txt plain text: 181.txt item: #3 of 5 id: 33460 author: Lebert, Marie title: Booknology: The eBook (1971-2010) date: None words: 16516 flesch: 57 summary: In March 2001, Palm users could also use the Mobipocket Reader, and Palm bought, a company specializing in digital books for PDA, with its Peanut Reader and 2,000 titles that were transferred to Palm's digital bookstore, called Palm Digital Media. Editions 00h00, a pioneer in online publishing Editions 00h00 (pronounced zéro heure) was created in May 1998 by Jean-Pierre Arbon and Bruno de Sa Moreira, as a pioneer in commercial online publishing, to sell digital books through the internet. keywords: access; acrobat; adobe;; april; archive; articles; audiobooks; august; author; available; barnes; books; bookstore; british; browser; california; catalog; center; common; company; computer; consortium; content; copyleft; copyright; course; database; december; device; dictionaries; dictionary; digital; digital books; digital library; digitized; documents; domain; early; ebook; ebook reader; edition; electronic; encyclopedia; english; european; example; february; files; following; format; founder; france; free; french; german; global; google; gutenberg; image; information; ink; institute; international; internet; interview; italian; january; japanese; july; june; languages; later; libraries; library; linguistic; links; logos; main; major; march; materials; media; memory; microsoft; mit; mobile; mobipocket; month; multilingual; multimedia; music; national; nef; new; non; november; number; october; online; online books; open; organization; original; page; palm; pdas; pdf; people; personal; plos; pocket; portal; press; print; program; project; psion; public; publishers; publishing; quote; reader; reading; research; resources; sales; science; screen; search; second; september; short; smartphones; softbook; software; sony; spanish; standard; states; system; technology; terminology; text; time; tools; translation; u.s; united; universal; university; users; version; way; web; webpages; website; wikipedia; words; work; world; worldwide; years cache: 33460.txt plain text: 33460.txt item: #4 of 5 id: 4742 author: Vaknin, Samuel title: TrendSiters Digital Content and Web Technologies date: None words: 30 flesch: 86 summary: RTF is Rich Text Format, and is readable in nearly any modern word processing program. Please see the corresponding RTF file for this eBook. keywords: rtf cache: 4742.txt plain text: 4742.txt item: #5 of 5 id: 53 author: Library of Congress title: Workshop on Electronic Texts: Proceedings, 9-10 June 1992 date: None words: 70889 flesch: 51 summary: She placed the phenomenon of electronic texts within the context of broader trends in information technology and scholarly communication. Electronic texts are one key to these sophisticated applications, MICHELSON reported, and more and more scholars in the humanities now work in an on-line environment. keywords: + +; + anne; + baronas; + besser; + brownrigg; + carl; + clifford; + discussion; + edwin; + eric; + freeman; + george; + gifford; + kenney; + lebron; + lynne; + michelson; + pamela; + patricia; + personius; + peters; + robert; + ronald; + sperberg; + stuart; + susan; + veccia; + waters; + weibel; + zidar; ability; access; accessible; accuracy; additional; advantages; agricultural; aiim; american; analysis; applications; archival; archives; area; ascii; associate; assumption; attempt; audience; author; available; basic; battin; beginning; best; better; bibliographic; bit; board; books; brittle; browsing; building; bureaus; calaluca; california; campus; capabilities; capture; case; catalogue; center; century; certain; chadwyck; changes; character; chemical; class; collections; color; common; communication; community; complete; compression; computer; computing; concept; concerned; conclusion +; congress; context; contrast; control; conversion; converted; converting; coordinator; copies; copyright; core; cornell; costs; course; current; cxp; daly; data; database; david; deal; definitions; delivery; demonstration; design; development; different; difficult; digital; digitizing; director; disk; display; dissemination +; distributed; distribution; dithering; division; document; domain; dpi; earlier; economic; editing; edition; editor; education; effects; effort; electronic; electronic library; electronic text; elements; encoding; end; english; entire; environment; equipment; erway; evaluation; example; exchange; exists; experience; fact; factors; fathers; fax; features; field; files; final; fleischhauer; focus; focused; following; formats; forms; future; general; goal; good; graphics; gray; great; greater; greek; group; growth; hardware; harvard; help; high; historical; history; hockey; humanities; illustrated; image; imaging; important; inc; indexing; information; instance; institution; intellectual; interest; interface; international; internet; issues +; journal; key; kind; language; large; larsen; latin; law; lesk; level; librarian; libraries; library; like; likely; limited; line; little; local; long; look; lynch; machine; macintosh; mail; major; management; manuscript; markup; material; matter; mcqueen; means; medium; megabyte; memory; methods; microfilm; model; moderator; multifunctional +; multimedia; multiple; mylonas; natdp; national; necessary; need; network; networked; networking; new; number; numerous; oclc; ocr; office; ojcct; online; open; optical; options; order; original; overview; packard; page; paper; participants; particular; past; people; percent; period; perseus; personal; phone; photocopy; photographs; pictures; place; planning; pld; pob; point; possible; potential; present; preservation; previous; primary; printed; printing; problems; process; processes; production; products; program; project; public; publication; publishers; publishing; purposes; quality; questions; radio; range; readable; real; recognition; record; related; report; representation; requirements; research; researchers; resolution; resources; results; retrieval; rights; role; rom; room; run; scale; scanned; scanning; scholarly; scholars; scholarship; school; science; screen; searchable; searching; second; sense; server; service; session; set; sets; sgml; significant; single; situation; size; small; society; software; sound; special; speed; staff; standards; states; storage; structure; students; study; support; system; tag; tagging; talk; teachers; technical; technologies; technology; tei; terms; test; texts +; textual; things; thinking; thoma; thought; tiff; time; today; tools; topics; traditional; transmission; trends; twohig; type; united; university; use; useful; users; value; variety; versions; viewing; volumes; washington; way; ways; windows; words; workshop; workstation; world; xerox; yale; years cache: 53.txt plain text: 53.txt