item: #1 of 7 id: A07653 author: Montenay, Georgette de, 1540-ca. 1581. title: A booke of armes, or remembrance wherein ar one hundered godly emblemata, in péeces if brasse very fine graven, and adorned pleasant to bé séen; first by the noble, and industrious minde Georgetta de Montenay, invented and only in the Frenchtongve [sic] elabourated; bot [sic] now, in severall langvages, as; Latin, Spanish, Italian, Highdutch, English, and Lovedutch, meetre or verse wys, of the same manner declared, and augmented. date: 1519 words: 46101 flesch: 82 summary: SI Priscarum rerum Ethnici Scriptores , Nobiles viri-luuenes , cognati , atque affines ●uauissimi priuigneque dilectissime , singuli , Romanorum veretes MATRONAS singulas , singulis laudibus ad coelum vsque attollunt , vt ex multis quidem ( dictis siquidem hîc fieri volo Compendium ) LVCRETIAE pud●citiam ; MARTIAE grauitatem : VETVRIAE pium ampetum : PORTIAE coniugalis amoris ardorem : CLAVDIAE h●laritatem sobriam : IVLIAE facetias & mullebrem eloquent●am : CAECILIAE vrbanitatem : LIVIAE maiestatem : CORNELIARVM alteri generosum roburanimi , & alteri morum ver boru●que dulcedinem , rectè & prudentet attribuant : an no● , CHRISTO nomen qui dedimus , Christianas nostras heroicas , docta●que ; foeminas sicco heîc pede praeteribimus ? NOBILIVM AMPLISSIMORVM , CLARISSIMORVM , DOCTISSIMORVM , PRVDENtissimorum , vsuue rerum praestantissimorum , honestissimorumque viroru● Filiis dilectissimis , suauissimisue : IOHANNI-ERNESTO FRIDERICO & ADOLPHO à Münster , haereditariis in Vortlage , Praenob●lis & literat●smi viri Dn. Iohannis à Münster , hareditarij in Vortlage , Illuss●●● Dom. Comitum Nassouiensis & Lippiensis , Consiliarij necnon Iudicii aulici Teckleburgensis Vice-Iudi●is , &c. Mecoenatis summè colendi , Filiis . keywords: aber; adam; aen; affinis; ainsi; aliter; alle; alon; alwayes; amor; anchor; anglice; assi; auch; auff; aut; aux; auß; bas; belgice; ben; bien; bon; c'est; car; ceste; che; che di; che la; chi; chrestien; christ; christus; ciel; coeur; comme; como; con; coraçon; cossi; creist; cum; cùm; d'iddio; d'vn; daer; dal; dan; dar; das; dat; dat den; dat hy; day; daß; de christ; de dieu; de dios; de la; de montenay; de son; de su; dei; del; dem; den; denn; deo; der; des; desen; deus; deß; dich; die; die van; dieser; dieu; dios; dir; dit; diß; doch; doen; donc; door; durch; dus; dóo; e il; een; eenen; ehr; ein; el que; elck; elle; emblema; en ce; en el; en la; en su; en syn; end; english; esse; est; estre; faire; fait; fall; faut; fides; filio; fin; fine; fort; foy; fuer; gallice; gar; germanice; gheen; ghoet; ghy; gleich; god; godly; gods; godt; goe; gott; gottes; gran; grande; gut; góod; haec; haer; hand; hat; haut; heeft; hell; hem; hertz; het; hier; hispanice; hoc; iamas; il ne; iohanni; ira; ist; italice; jhm; jhn; jhr; kan; kein; l'autre; l'homme; la man; las; latine; les; leur; lieu; long; los; los que; lui; lumbre; luy; macht; maer; main; mais; mal; mas; mas en; meer; men; menschen; mit; moet; monde; montenay; morte; mundo; mus; muy; n'a; n'est; nam; nec; nel; nicht; niet; niet en; niet te; nisi; noch; non; non si; nostre; nous; nulla; nur; oft; ont; oock; opon; par; para; pas; perche; petit; peut; point; por; porque; pour; puede; pues; puis; qu'elle; qu'il; qu'on; quae; qual; quand; que; que de; que dieu; que la; que son; que su; quel; quel che; qui; qui en; qui te; quid; quien; quo; quod; recht; rien; s ●; sainct; sal; sans; satan; schon; sed; sein; seinen; selbst; selfs; semper; senza; sera; ses; seul; shal; sic; sich; sie; sien; siet; sin; soit; solo; son; sonder; sont; soo; sous; soy; stil; sua; suis; suo; sur; sus; syn; sée; tant; tcp; tel; terre; text; thou; thut; thy; tibi; tiene; todo; ton; tot; tous; tousiours; tout; tua; tutto; uyt; van; van den; vana; vano; veel; venir; vera; veut; viel; vien; vier; vita; vnd; vns; von; voor; vor; vous; vray; waer; war; wat; weil; weirelt; wel; welt; wenn; wer; wercken; wher; wie; wiked; wil; wilt; wird; woort; world; wée; y de; y el; y en; y la; y que; y su; ● e; ● ● cache: A07653.xml plain text: A07653.txt item: #2 of 7 id: A35217 author: Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. Majesty in misery. title: Delights for the ingenious, in above fifty select and choice emblems, divine and moral, ancient and modern curiously ingraven upon copper plates : with fifty delightful poems and lots for the more lively illustration of each emblem, whereby instruction and good counsel may be promoted and furthered by an honest and pleasant recreation : to which is prefixed an incomparable poem, entituled Majesty in misery, or, An imploration to the King of Kings, written by His late Majesty K. Charles the First, with his own hand, during his captivity in Carisbrook Castle, in the Isle or Wight, 1648 : with an emblem / collected by R.B., author of the History of the wars of England, Remarks of London, and Admirable curiosities, &c. date: 1684 words: 21830 flesch: 79 summary: But this I know a Foe thou art ; To what thine Emblem , hath in part , Expressed by a Mimick Shape ; Or thou they self art such an ape . But by thine Emblem thou maist see , That when restrain'd thy Power shall be , Offenders will thereof be glad , And Scoff the Power which thou hast had ; Observe it , & be so upright , That thou maist laugh at their despight . keywords: art; cause; chance; death; doth; earth; emblem; ev'ry; fear; gain; god; grace; hast; hath; heart; hopes; king; life; lord; lot; love; man; men; mind; nature; power; self; thee; thine; things; thou; time; vain; way; wit; world; yea cache: A35217.xml plain text: A35217.txt item: #3 of 7 id: A38677 author: Blount, Thomas, 1618-1679. title: The art of making devises treating of hieroglyphicks, symboles, emblemes, ænigma's, sentences, parables, reverses of medalls, armes, blazons, cimiers, cyphres and rebus / first written in French by Henry Estienne ... ; translated into English by Tho. Blount ... date: 1646 words: 30362 flesch: 56 summary: See here my particular opinion against that of Bargagli , who doth not regard the number of figures , so they have some relation to each other , and serve to the comparison : He holds also , that that Devise ( whereof the body is composed of three figures , necessary to the comparison ) hath a better apparence , then that where there is onely one ; besides that , it is more difficult to appropriate the quality of divers bodies to one onely soule , then to animate one sole body by one Motto . We read that Hen. the 3. ( as liking well of Remuneration ) commanded to be written ( by way of Devise ) in his Chamber at Woodstock , Qui non dat quod amat , non accipit ille quod optat . keywords: armes; art; author; avg; bargagli; body; chap; comparison; conceptions; devise; doe; doth; end; expresse; figure; hath; hieroglyphicks; kind; lesse; like; man; motto; naturall; nature; neverthelesse; non; number; opinion; perfect; person; quality; saith; selfe; soule; subject; symboles; things; time; use; way; whereof; wit; words cache: A38677.xml plain text: A38677.txt item: #4 of 7 id: A44991 author: Hall, John, 1627-1656. title: Emblems with elegant figures newly published by J.H. date: 1648 words: 10583 flesch: 80 summary: ●o have I seen a painter when his eyes ●ere wearied with intentive poaring rise ●nd leave his curious labor , and refrain Till that his eyes might gather life again ; Thus did I out-run time , nor did I know ●ow to complain that any hour went slow . I am bold thus to present them , that as Chappell 's ( which before were but Lime and Stone ) they may grow venerable by their Dedication : and Likewise be an Emblem of the humble respect and services of MADAM Your most obedient Servant R. D. The Preface To the READER THese Emblems falling under my perusall , I could d● no lesse then acknowled● what I find to be trut● which is , that Helicon h●●● found another Channell in a full stra● to glide to Heaven , Virtue is embalmed Verse , and Divine love so enamored w● humane Wit and Art , that by an holy co●●lation they have both together broug●● forth ( without adultry , ) this happie Ch● of such heavenly beauty , that it wounds 〈◊〉 Reader not as other Poesies with da●● of wanton sensuality , but with 〈◊〉 influence of that Divine love where w●●● it self is so replenished , and feeds the 〈◊〉 with excesse of appetite . keywords: art; aug; cap; doth; earth; epigram; ere; eye; fall; heart; lie; light; lord; love; man; self; sun; thee; thine; thou; thy; ● ● cache: A44991.xml plain text: A44991.txt item: #5 of 7 id: A56969 author: Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644. title: Emblemes by Francis Quarles. date: 1643 words: 43216 flesch: 83 summary: Illuminate , O illuminate my blind soul , which ●…itteth in darknesse , and the sh●…dow of death : and direct my feet in the way of peace . EPIG. Broad and spatious is the road to infernal li●… : there are enticements and death-bringing pleasures . keywords: alas; august; bloud; breath; canst; cap; crown; day; death; delight; desire; die; doth; earth; epig; ev'ry; eyes; face; fear; find; fire; flames; flesh; glory; god; good; grief; hand; hast; hath; heart; heav'n; honour; life; light; look; lord; love; man; men; pleasure; rest; self; snares; soul; t ●; tears; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thoughts; thy; turn; vain; way; wings; world; ● ● cache: A56969.xml plain text: A56969.txt item: #6 of 7 id: A68256 author: Jenner, Thomas, fl. 1631-1656. title: The soules solace, or Thirtie and one spirituall emblems date: 1626 words: 9409 flesch: 82 summary: When one shall wisely see what God desires , What himselfe wants , and what the Law requires , Hee 's strucken blind , who did before behold Such graces in himselfe , he grew so bold To vaunt of them ▪ This rule to make thee humble be sure thou take , and then thou shalt not stumble Vpon the Rock of thine owne haughty mind , If thou 'lt see what thou wantest , and what 's behind . Then though thou say ▪ I am by him sore foyld , from day to day , Wounded I haue my soule , no hope haue I To goe to heaven , I must despaire , and die , Yet art thou well . keywords: christ; day; doe; doth; god; gods; goe; good; grace; hath; haue; heart; man; men; sinne; soule; thee; thou; thy cache: A68256.xml plain text: A68256.txt item: #7 of 7 id: A68703 author: Scot, Tho. (Thomas), fl. 1605. title: Philomythie, or, Philomythologie wherin outlandish birds, beasts, and fishes, are taught to speake true English plainely / by Tho: Scot ... date: 1622 words: 52454 flesch: 83 summary: De●rac●ion●s ●s perplext , aud I enforce no man to beleeue this Narration ; the ●robability , with the credit of the Relator , and the ●uccesse , haue preuailed with me to accept and repor●●t . keywords: age; asse; ayre; b ●; beasts; bee; bird; blood; c ●; cause; church; court; day; de ●; death; doe; doth; eagle; earth; euery; eye; f ●; faith; fame; feare; fire; fit; friends; g ●; giue; god; good; h ●; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; hee; himselfe; house; ill; iustice; king; l ●; law; li ●; life; light; like; liue; lo ●; looke; loue; m ●; man; master; men; minde; nature; neuer; ouer; owne; p ●; pl ●; place; quoth; r ●; rest; s ●; sea; soone; stand; state; strength; sunne; tell; th ●; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thought; thy; time; truth; vnto; vpon; vse; w ●; way; wit; world; worth; ● ame; ● ct; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● es; ● hat; ● lib; ● ll; ● n; ● nd; ● o; ● rs; ● sse; ● st; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A68703.xml plain text: A68703.txt