Philomythie, or, Philomythologie wherin outlandish birds, beasts, and fishes, are taught to speake true English plainely / by Tho: Scot ... Scot, Tho. (Thomas), fl. 1605. 1622 Approx. 343 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 116 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2006-06 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A68703 STC 21871 ESTC S1126 21426511 ocm 21426511 23968 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A68703) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 23968) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1735:11) Philomythie, or, Philomythologie wherin outlandish birds, beasts, and fishes, are taught to speake true English plainely / by Tho: Scot ... Scot, Tho. (Thomas), fl. 1605. The second edition, much inlarged. 186 p. : ill. For Francis Constable at the white Lyon in Paules Churchyard, London : 1622. In verse. Signatures: [pi]¹ A-L⁸ M⁴. Title in engraved illustrated border. Contains: Certaine pieces of this age parabolized / by Thomas Scot. London : Printed for Francis Constable, 1616. Bound with: The second part of Philomythie, or, Philomythologie, 1625. Imperfect: tightly bound and cropped with slight loss of print. Reproduction of original in the British Library. Includes bibliographical references. Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford. 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Emblems. 2005-10 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2005-11 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2006-01 Andrew Kuster Sampled and proofread 2006-01 Andrew Kuster Text and markup reviewed and edited 2006-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion PHILOMYTHIE or PHILOMYTHOLOGIE wherin Outlandish Birds , Beasts , and Fishes , are taught to speake true English plainely . By Tho : Scot Gent. Philomithus est aliquo modo philosophus : fabula enim ex miris constituitur . The second edition much inlarged . LONDON for Francis Constable at the white Lyon in Paules church : yard . 1622 TORTI TOTO MVNDO A PRAEMONITION TO THE INTELLIGENT READER . Lest hee finding his affection or opinion crost in the praise or dispraise of some particular , should thereby be drawn to reade or reiect the rest with Praeiudice . WHO safely in the streame would swim , Must free from weeds keepe euery lym ; Lest sl●●e vnto himselfe he grow , And vulgar humour drawes him low ; Or v●n●ring in the deeps ( too weake ) , Opinions windie bladder breake . " We ought both in our selues and friends , " To hate all acts with doubtfull ends ; " And loue euen in our foes the good " Which may be seuer'd from their blood . And if the times mislead vs so , To sooth those sinnes we would not do ; At least ( like free-men ) let vs thinke What 's good and bad , although we winke . To this free nature if you finde These busie papers much inclinde ; Yet pardon them , and i●dge ar●ght , A free man ( not a slaue ) did write . Reade for your pleasure , close the Booke , On th' innocent out side all may looke . Th' intelligent within may prie : But barre th' Intelligencers eye . THOMAS SCOT . SARCASMOS MVNDO : OR , The Frontispice explaned . HOw apt is Man to erre ? Antiquitie Thinks it sees right , and yet sees all awry . Our sight is impot●nt , the helpe we haue By a Art-full sp●ctacles , doth much d●praue The truth of obiects ; And tradition saith Bookes vse to ly● , And b Bookes d●ny her faith . Ecclipses of the Sunn● were wonders thought , Till sage Milesi●● the cause out-sought . And man had not the wit to make a doubt Of halfe the world , till fortune found it out . But what this Age hath s●ene , makes that s●eme truth The laughing wiseman wrote , which made the youth Shed teares to reade it ; that more worlds remaine Still vndiscouer'd then are yet made plaine . De●pe diuing Paracel●us findes the ground With minerals and mettals to abound ; More proper for our humors then the weed●s● Hearbs , plants , & flowers , which spring from weaker seeds● This earth we liue on and do stedfast call , Copernicus proues gid●y-brainde , and all Those other bodies whose swift motions we So wonder at , he setled finds to be . Till sanctifi'd c Ignatius and his brood Found out the lawfull way of shedding blood , And prou'd it plainly that a s●bi●ct might Murther ●is Prince we fondly vsde t' indite Such persons of high treason : Now before them We kneele , we pray , we worship and adore them . For with their merits now w'ar● mor● acquaint●d And know for zealous Pa●riot● they are s●incted . His power that doth it , till of lat● we do●bted But now who qu●stions it to death are flout●d . Th●n l●t what I propound no wonder s●eme , Though doting age new truthes do disesteeme , For time may mak● it plaine , and reason too May beare it out , though sure with much adoe . Causes for●g●●●ff●cts by course of kinde , Yet first th' ●ff●ct and then the cause we finde . And so much I do here , propound the thing , But strong●r reason af●●r-times may bring . Attend my Doctrine then . I say this Earth On which we tread , from whence we take our birth , Is not , as some haue thought proportion'd round , And Globe-li●e with s●ch zon●s , and girdles bound , As Poets or ( more lyer● ) Tr●u●ll●rs s●y , But shap●d awry , and lookes another way . It is a monstrous Creature like a M●n , Thrust altog●ther on a heape , we can Distinguis● no part , goggle cyes , wide mouth , Eares that reach both the poles from north to south , Crump-shouldr●d , breast , & back , & thighs together , The legs and feet all one , if it hath ●ither . In breefe it is the greatest Master D●uill Thro●ne downe from heauen , in whose womb● euery cuill Is radically fixt , and from thence springs Infusing natiu● euill , in all such things As it doth bre●d and nourish . The place of H●ll Is in his wombe , there lesser deuils dwell . And when he stirres a limme , or break●th winde , We call 't an earth-quake , and the danger finde . Kings , Emperours , and mighty m●n that tread In ●ighest state , are l●ce vpon his head . The Pope and all his traine are skipping ●leas That know no bounds , but l●ape lands-law and seas● The r●st are nits or body-lyc● , that craule Out of his sweat , s●ch vermin are we all . From heauen this monster fell , and now doth lye Bruzde with the fall , past all recouery . Neither aliue , nor dead , nor whole , nor sound , Sinking , and swimming , in a sea profound Of sinn● , and punishment , of paine , and terror , Of learn●d ignorance , and knowing error . No wonder then , that we who liu● and dye On curs●d earth , do all things thus awry , Being monstrous in our mann●rs , and our minds , And mixing in the lust-full change of kinds . That we are full of passions , doubts , and feares , And daily f●ll together by the eares . No wonder that the Cl●rgie would be Kings , Kings Church-men ; Lords and Ladies equall things ; So like in painting , spotting , starching , all , That Ladies Lo●ds , and Lords we Madams call . For euen as Hares change shape and sex , some s●y Once ●uery yeare ; these whores do eu●ry day , So that Hirquittall and his wife were waken By Succubus and Incubus , mistaken . No wonder that Diuines the Parasites play In ieast and earnest ; Actors euery way . No wond●r that some the●ues doe Lawyers proue , Since all these euils by course of nature moue , So f●rre ; that it is question●d ' mongst the wise Which now is vertue , and which now is vice . Two Croo●backs ( not the third Dick Gloster , hight , We will haue none of him , for he would fight ) Debate this question , each assumes his part . Aesope for vertue stands , and all his art , Is to instruct the world to leaue the sinne , And folly , which it lyes incompast in ; We●ps to behold it circled so with vices , Whose serpentine and poysond sting , intic●s To f●ding pleasure , and to deadly paine , By vse soone caught , but hardly left again● . He wries his necke at earth ; but 't is to see How out of order euery part will bee . He wills each R●●der if my tales be darke , To iudge the best , the morall still to marke . And w●ere they finde a doubtfull meaning , there To hold an eu●n course , and with compass● stere . But where strict rigor might inforce a doubt , T●incline to ●auour , and to helpe me out . On th' other side doth learned ●ort●s stand Concomitant , and beares the world in hand That Aesope and some Stigmaticks beside , ( In shape and wit ) did call well-fauour'd Pride A vice , because themselues were so deform'd , At euery pleasure they with malice storm'd ; But wiser much , he doth with better face , With equall wit , worth , knowledge ( but lesse grace ) Confront such fond assertions , lookes awry On all the world of vertue , giues the lye To iudgement , and with crooked minde and backe ( T●●●sites-like ) vnloades this learned packe . He teacheth first that Aesope was a slaue , " But Man 's free borne , and freedome ought to haue , " To worke h●s owne good pleasure , fayre content ; " Who liues not thus , hath his whole life mis-spent . This rule he followes , and laies violent hands On all ; that his pride , lust , and will , with-stands . Calls his affection reason ; his desire And appetite , sets all his world on fire . His childe , his wife , his neighbour , or his friend , Is for his pleasure lou'd ; without that end No King , no great Lord , can forget so soone , And slight d●sert ; as he hath often done . Bastards are true legitimates , he ●aith : And enemies then fri●nds , haue far more faith . His n●ighbors are most strangers , and before A modest wife , he likes a shamel●sse whore . For many whores ( he ●aith ) he often kept Without disturbance ; but one night , hauing slept In twenty yeares with his true wife , th' assault Of many Sumners did correct the fault . What we terme cowardice , he doth valure call , And in that valure he exceedeth all . An oyster-wife once beat him ; brauely hee Bore all her blowes , but wanted heart to ●lec . He will on Sundaies with an Abbot dine , On Frydaies , with a brother Libert●ne . And euery day drinke health 's vp to the eye : He treads not right vnlesse he treads awry . The Maa of sinne himselfe , is not more free In doing all forbidd●n sinnes then hee . For what he spea●es or te●cheth , writes or reads , Only speaks p●easu●e , aud to pleasure leads . Had d Ner●'● froward Tutor too precise ) Been like our Philo●●rch●● , ple●sure wise , And pliant to all humors but the good , He had with ●ur●●ts dyd'e , not lac●e of blood● Learn'd A●●tine he reads , and can expound His modest pictures with a touch profound . That part is his of ●uery tongue , and ar●e , Which stricter Ia●●●● tremble at , and starte To hear● recited . This , this man is h●e Who on the forefront you with Ae●ope see . Ae●op● that loo●es awry on all m●ns vice ; But this on vertue casteth scornefull eyes . Ae●ope m●kes birds , beasts , fishes , sp●ake and liue As if t●eir liues should M●n example giue To pr●ctis● vertu● . This ( with apt beheasts ) Doth teach all men how to becom● li●e beasts . And 〈◊〉 w●ose life these creatures m●st res●mble Comesn●●rest tru●● , and s● doth lea●● di●●emble● Th●t Nature is the best g●ide , if w● pl●●se To follow her , then we must ●ollow 〈◊〉 For these obser●● her rules , and are not spoyl'd By arte , nor haue their able organ● foyl'd With abstinence and lac●e of vse , but still Dir●cted are by appetite and will. e In Kings he would no other vertue see Then what in Lyons , and in Eagles b●e : To prey on all , to make their will a law , To tyr●nnize , to rule by force and awe , To feare no higher powers , to do no good , But liue to gl●t themselues with guiltl●sse blood . Courtiers he would h●ue fas●ion'd like to apes , So fond their gestures , so d●formde t●eir shapes : So full of idle imitation found , That scorne in them , our stages might confound . That they should starch & paint white , red , blew , yellow And then all blacke , that other fooles might follow . Diuines of Owl●s he would haue learne to shrieke , As if they hated all the world did like ; But hauing got a tree and Iuy bush , He then would haue them mute , and dumbe , and hush , To serue all purposes , to hate the light , And prooue right Blackbirds , childr●n of the night . Men that want wit , yet haue great place in State , He woul● haue like to Parrots , learne to prate Of others , till with Almonds they w●re fed . The rest lik● Foxes he would still haue bred Clos● , cr●ftie , indir●ct , to get by stealth The goods both of the Church and Common-wealth . All sub●ects and inferiors he would haue Thems●lues like G●●●e , and Asses to behaue . Rich men and ●●●rers to swallow all Dir●cted by the Dolphine , and the Wh●le . f All m●n like Dogs to flatter , and to bite , And mi●int●rpret what we speake or write . He wills all those that on my payers looke , To make each line a libell in my booke : To poyson with their eyes what●'ere they see , And make themselues sport , and make worke for me . Not to beleeue the morall , but to seeke Another meaning whatsoe're they like , And call it mine ; and sweare I meant the same , Although I would not persons plainly name . And then he wils them laugh to seeke the ieast . " Anothers mischiefe , makes a merry feast . This Doctor is our Ages guide and Tutor , The world his Schoole , the flesh his Coadiutor . No wonder then if we liue all awry , When on our Master we cast steady eye . For g ● Alex●nder● necke can teach vs this , " The Schoole and Court by greatnes fashio●'d is . Thus our great Masters crookednesse is spide In vs his followers , who no good parts hide That he hath learn'd vs , but proclaime aloud The cause which makes our vertuous Tutor proud . If any seeke his name , and list to come To schoole , enquire for M●rus & Antrum . A SVPPLY OF THE description of * MONSIER PANDORSVS WALDOLYNNATVS , that merry American Philosopher , or the Wiseman of the New World ; being Antipode to Aesop , placed with him as parallel in the front . Done according to the simple truth of his owne naked deliuery . And dedicated to THOMAS THVRSBY Esquire , no lesse fit to be publicke , then desirous of retirement and priuacie . YOV shun all office , though your state and wit With long experience makes you truly fit ; Wherefore Pandorsus wils me pricke you heere Shriefe in my booke , who might be in the Sheere . AS the East and West are opposite , so stand These Wise-●en in the front on either hand . Aesope well known an Easterne witty thing : But our Pandorsus Westerne fame I sing ; Whose picture in the Front , whose markes before , Behinde , within , without , I late did score ; Yet lest that picture , nor these markes , should make His worth enough apparant , briefely take His life anatomiz'de , but chiefly where It may our sucklings with example rer● . The lines are drawne euen by his owne true light , From partiall flattery free , and enuious spight . Within that S●i●re where Hyndes with dumplings fed , Beget best Lawyers , was Pandors●s bread : But for his P●r●nts were of better ranke , And in a Co●ste Town● dwelt , they Clarret dranke , And wrie-mouth'd Pl●i●● br●ts butts● and 〈◊〉 did eate , And crooked Crabs with such prodigious mea●e . Thus for a wonder they prepar●d in feeding : And such he prou'd , who from that root● had breeding . Though no P●n lora yet P●ndorsus he , For vice as famous , as for vertu● shee . Each God gaue her a grace , and g●ue so much As more then Momus thought there was no such . But what to her they gaue , from him they tooke , And now in vaine for grace in earth we looke . Looke for effects according to the cause : " Our childrens faults a●e moulded in our mawes . T●is salt-water-daintie diet f●d The parts concupiscible , and there bred An itching humor , whence extracted was This quint essence of contraries , this masse Of Natures shreds and parcels , who partakes A part of all , which imperf●ction makes . A Foxes brain●s , knowing m●ch wrong , no right ; Gote-bearded , sweete-fac'd , like a Catamite ; Toung'de Lawyer-like , all terme without vacation ; A Baboon●s loyn●s , desiring occupation ; Crumpe-Cammell-shoulder'd , neckt as straight as ●ynx , One eye like to a Moll 's , t'other like Lynx ; A Lyons stomack ; not to fight but feede ; A Hare in heart , and yet a Snaile in speede . This is the man whom we Pandorsus call . Whose armes or Rebus thus we blasen shall . Vpon a stat●ly wall Saint George doth ride ( Wanting a horse ) in pompe and armed pride ; Beneath there is a Den , in that the Dragon . This tells his name , whose worthy parts we brag on . It is his owne deuice , let all men know : So is the rest which we in order show . His Mothers Husband ( who reputed was His Father ) being rich and well to passe , A wealthy Merchant and an Alderman , On forraigne shores did trau●ll now and than : The whilst a Gallant Souldier , new come forth From warre b●got this man of mickle worth . This gallant Souldier , then from ●Belgia brought A wondrous Mandrake ( with much perill bought ) Sprung ( though some thin●e it fabulous ) from seed The gallow●s drop ( for so this roote doth breed , ) Which whilst his mother did in pl●asure eye , Our Mo●nsurs shape , she did conc●iue thereby . Much like that Mandrake , writ●en , turning round , As from the gallow●s he had dropt to ground . And l●t no dou●tfull Reader much admire , A Myrmidon should be Pandorsus Syre , For as there 's none with vs get brauer men Then Lawyers , or the tender Citizen , So none more cowards g●t , then those which are Our brauest Spirits , most renownde in warre . The cause I know not , or I list not tell , But so it often falles , and heere so fell . None bolder then Pandorsus Syre , then he None fearefuller ; and yet he needs would be A Souldier , where the Muster-booke he fild , But fought with none , nor ne're saw any kild . Artemon was more hardy though afraid Of his owne shadow . Wagers haue beene laid , That let an enemie fart , he would out-run An Irishman , for feare t 'had been a gun . Where learned Spencer maketh harna'st Feare Afraid the clashing of his armes to heare , That apprehension he from hence did gaine , Our Monsieur did , what Spencer did but faine . But stay , I haue forgot to let you know His education , and to shew you how ( Being nusled vp in Letters ) he in sport His time wore out at Schoole and Innes of Court , Yet so as once a Gipsie , who did looke Vpon his Palme , said he , should liue by 's booke ; Which fortune some conceiue hath doubtfull scope , As if his booke should saue him from the rope : But since he proues , it meant another thing , That teaching Tongues , he should liue like a King ; And so he now doth , liuing as he lust , And by his owne will measuring what is iust . For being set to Schoole when he was young , He of all knowledge learn'd both taile and tongue . Th' Italian , Latin , Spanish and the French , He grew as cunning in , as at a Wench . A Dictionary of all words of Art , And Lullies old-ends , he hath got by heart . Th' apparrell of all knowledge he doth weare , And 'bout him Bias-like ) his wealth doth beare . And now ( growne ripe ) he doth religion choose That 's most in fashion , as our great ones vse : But otherwise for truth hee 'le neuer burne , Th' aduantage of his wry-necke helps him turne : He knowes the way , and wills the world ne're doubt , That comming raw in , hee 'le go rosted out . In youth he tooke to Wife a louely Dame , Not hight the chast Penelope by name ; But worthy such an attribute , for shee Her wandring loose Vlisses did not see In twenty yeeres , and yet t' is thought her bed Shee kept vnstain'd , and vn-ad-horn'd his head . But what a blessing was , he thought a curse , His wife had better beene , had shee been worse , Her goodnesse made him hate her ; she had dide But that a dozen must be kil'd beside . He knew not then ( as I haue heard him say ) Th' Italian tricke , but the plaine English way , Of simple Country poysoning , now he knowes To do t by inches ; Court perfection growes . Lopus and Squire , are not so skil'd as hee , And scarce Romes Conclaue in that mysterie . He can a Nullitie worke , diuorce the life Twixt soule and body , sooner then some wife . And if his ricke be knowne , men ne're will seeke A doubtfull way by law , but do the like . His wife thus scap'd a scouring , so did he , When being merry once in company And passing Smith-field ( then vnpau'd ) too late With rich Canary hauing linde his pate , The owle-eyde Sharkers spi'd him , how he felt To finde a post ; his meaning soone they smelt : And then the sturdiest knaue , with sodain'd rush , Our wauering Monsieur on his knees did push , The whil'st another kindly to him spoke ; Help't him out of the durt , and chang'd his cloke . This cloke he wore next day , and passing by A Brokers shop , the prentice lowde gan cry Sirs stop the theefe , the cloake this fellow weares Is mine : with that they swarm'd about his eares , Conuayde him to a Iustice , where one swore He had been branded stagmaticke before . Another said , he was the man that hung Three dayes beyond Seas , as the ballad sang ; The cause why he his necke awry , did hold , Was for he hang'd long , and was ta'ne downe cold But to the Iustice being throughly knowne , For carrying letters where 't must not be showne , And for his skill , each moderne language speaking , And wondrous Art , to silence doores from squeaking , With losse of his good cloke , he slipt the hooke , And thus he once was saued by his booke . Thus farre I stretch my lines , thus farre he liues , And more I 'le write , when he direction giues . But if I die , these lines shall be the glasse His worth to shew , and how I thankfull was . To the ouer-wise , ouer-wilfull , ouer-curious , or ouer-captious Readers . I Faine would tell some Tales , but I 'de be loth , To haue men be so wise to thinke them troth . This is● wondrous witty age that sees Beyond the truth of things , forty degrees , Each Riddle now hath Poyson in 't ; each Rime On the blancke Almanak points at guilty time . Aesope must mak no Lyons roare , nor Eagles Shrike loude , nor wolues r●●in , nor swift Beagles Yelpe with their slauering lips after the Foxe , Nor must he meddle with the Asse , or Oxe , For feare some querke ●e found , to proue he men● Vnder those shapes , a priuate spleene to vent Against wise vigilant Statists , who like Ianus , Looke both waies squint , and both waies guard and sa●e v● . Or that he closely would great Lawyers yerke , Who build their neasts , with ruines of the kirke : Or that he toucht some Church-man , who to rise One Steeples height , would tell Canonicall lies . The Ghost of Virgils Gnat would no● sting so● That great men durst not in the City go For feare of petty-Chapmen , with a Serieant , And a sly Yeoman , noted in the Marg●ant . If Spencer now were liuing , to report His Mother Hubberts tale , there would be sport : To see him in a blanket tost , and mounted Vp to the starres , and yet no starre acco●nted . I dare not for my l●se in all my tale , Vse any English Bird , Beast , worme , or Snaile , Or fish that in the narrow Seaes do trauell , ( Al●hough each Pyrat dares ) le●t some should cauell , And finde it did belong in times of yore To some blew sleeue , ( but shall do so no more ) Or that the Maker of new blood , the Marrold , ( Cleped in our w●lch-Scotch and English Harrold ) Had ( too too cheape ) for fiue pounds it entailed On some bold Britaine , and by warrant nailed , To him and to his house , and double voucher , Fine and recouery ; and then who dare touch her ? Not I , I loue my ease too well , my money , My eare● , my liberty ; he longs for hony , That mo●gst the angry Wh●spes thrusts his bo'd fingers , And from their neas●s in Summer , hunts those stingers . My valour is lesse hardy , my desire Lesse hot I le bl●sse and blow , not kisse the fire . Therefore auant all ca●h●like Lo●●sts , ●●me Into my tale nothing one this side Rome , Nor in Virginia , though 't be ours by lot , And yet p●rhaps it may , perchaun●'t maynot . I would not● if it lay in me to chuse , Meddle with any thing we Christians vse : But would all dealing with our owne eschew , If other world , and elements I knew . But since that Nature doth some gifts disperse Alike to all within the Vniuerse ; And in a cicular globe , tye those to these ; Mixt vs ●n common with th' Antipodes : I ca●not choose but do as nature doth , Mixe many names and things well knowne to both . Thus if by chance I vse Bird , Fish , or beast , Which is no daintie at a Mayors feast : But oft familiar food for euery Swaine , That in our Countr●y , Coast , and Wood remaine . Yet still concei●● ( I pray ) those names I take Not properly , but for your ignorance sake . Or if they proper be , of all one kinde , Yet difference in their place of birth we finde . And in the●● natures . For though man be man , Yet sure an Indian is no English man , And so an Indian Asse , or ` Daw , or Trout , Though we haue such , are none of ours no doubt : But would we wonder here , and purses pick● , Since none but trauellers ●uer s●y the like . Excuse me then though with such names you meete● They are not those that trauell in our streete , But forreiners to vs and to our Nation , Except by trade , commerce , or transplantation Made our acquaintance . Hence thou subtile spies Streach out my tailes to iustifie your lies . If ought beside the morall you in●ent , Call it your owne● By me'twas neuer ment . My tale shall sort all Atheists well , and be Of their religion , heathenish and free . It shall make lust a Gospell and a Law , ( Not for the truth ) but to keepe fooles in awe , That when our Gospell or else Law doth thware O ur willes , we then may neither reck a f — . Come Ibis , Lead the way ; eat one snake more And by my fury ; vsher on before 1. IBIS . DEDICATED To the religious KNIGHT Sr EDMVND MONDEFORD , and his Lady a true louer of LEARNING . KNowledge and Grace , are antidotes to you , Who killing Serpents , do not Serpents grow . EGYPT opprest with Serpents , either growing F●om slimie NILVS fruitfull ouerflowing , Or from the enuious bankes of Tyber sent To tell what farther harme the Romans ment : Or by the foggy Southern winds brought o're From sandy Lybia to this fertile shore : Made ●bis Keeper of their liues and states , VVho like a watchfull Porter , kept the gates VVhere this infected Crue did vse to enter : And ( as they came in poysoned troopes ) did venter Mauger their sting , and teeth , and venome too , To swallow th' enuious Aspes with small adoe . So long shefed , that Egypt now seem'd free , And scarce a Serpent in the land could see . " But ouer●f●eding hurts● as some men say , " ●hough food be good then surf●t soone we may " B● poyson●d bits . And Ibis found it true . So that her glutted gorge sh●e's ●orc't to spue ; The noysome stinke wher● of inf●ct●d more Then by these Serpents had bin stung before , And Ibis selfe ( corrupted with the food ) Grew Serpentine , and did more harme then good , Shee ke●ps no ●ntrance now , but lets them passe , And of their faction , and their treason , was A cunning aider , and a close contriuer ; Al-gate Shee se●m'd a diligent , faithfull , diuer Into their darker holes to search them out : But truth it was to put them out of doubt , That Shee their friend , they need not feare a foe , But might at pleasure through the kingdome goe , VVhilst all neglect●d their increase , supposing , Ibis their trusty warden , had been closing The lands strong Ports , with skill to keepe thesein , And others out , till all had eaten bin . But she had other aimes , and vnder hand , Plac'd Cockat●ices all about the land : And such as these ( who kin to serpents were ) Did she make Captains , and to place preferre Of chiefe command in warre : with hope to bring , The Basiliske to be th' Egyptian king ; The Basiliske that at the head of Nile , VVith deadly poyson doth the spring defile . Thus Ibis faild them , and betraide their trust , And now or die themselues , or kill they must . And scarc● was 't in their choice . Such quick increase " Hath bad things more then good , in time of peace . Yet the Egyptians from securer sleepe , Of foolish pitty , and remisnesse deepe , Or fond c●edulity , and easie faith , At last aw●k't , wha●s'euer Ibis saith , Suspects of ●r●ud , of double-meaning , doubt , And with qui●ke search do finde the treason out . Whic● Ibis●eeing ●eeing to be past preuention , Past skill ●o cloke and coner with inuention : With ●alice , enuie , feare , and horror swelling , And other poyson in her bosome dwelling , Shee burst asunder , and pre●eut● the paine Her cri●e de●er●'d , but not the shame and staine : That the E●●ptians left for a●ter tim●s , To reade and wonder at in these few rimes . " Whom nature made good , custome made vniust ; We tr●sted Ibis , but shee faild our trust . Let Reason rule , and Reason thus exhorts , ●Make not your will wardon of your Cinque Ports . Epimythium . PLutarch in the life of Alexander the Great , writes of a Woman brought to a Serpentine and poysonous natur● , by feeding ordinarily on Serpents . This hath so●e r●s●mblance with this tale , whose Morall is● that man should carefully , guard himselfe from others , and from himselfe : From others , because though we come neere sin , with a purpose to punish it ; yet being full of contagion , the effect is hazardous : much more when wee conuerse with it daily ; as they witnesse , who keeping company with prophane , dissolute , and blasphemou● persons , doe often come out such themselues , seldome otherwise . Beware therefor● of euill company , and euill custome . To walke in the counseil of the wicked , leads you to stand in the way of sinners , and caus●th you to sit in the seate of scorners . To conuerse with Hereticks vnder whatsoeuer pretence is dangerous . Thus therefore guard your selfe from outward inuasion , from others ; but keepe one eye to looke inward . The worst company is at home , within a mans selfe . His senses stirred vp to pleasure , are so many Serpents in his bosome , seeking his destruction : neither will they easily bee charmed . The sting of sinne is sweet , but deadly● Set your vnsanctified app●tite and will to gouerne these , and you are vndone . The flesh will let in the world and the deuill , in stead of God and Heauen . But let your sanctified Reason bee your gouernour , and you are safe at home and abroad . Mortifie therefore your members which are on the earth ; fornication , vncleannesse , the inordinate aff●ction , euill concupiscence , and couetousnesse , which is Idolatry , &c. The place of greatest danger where your foe may land and enter , is the Cinque-ports , the fiue senses : watch therefore ouer these , and ouer our affections , and you are safe . 2. Venaticum Iter. Dedicated To the example of Temperance , Sr HENRY BEDINGFEILD Knight , and to his LADY the example of Loue. You hunting loue , your fields are spread with sheepe , Looke that your hounds , your folds from foxes keepe . Foxes and Wolues in sheepskins range about : Within ●pinions ; Parasites without . TH' Egyptian Shepheard arm'd at all assayes With Dogs and Sheephookes , sat vpon the Layes , At pleasure piping many a lear●ed sonnet Of fixed starres , and each course keeping plann●t : Of thunder , lightning , meteors , and the c●use Of changing kingdomes , and translating law●s : Why pestilence did rage , why good men di● , Why Nilu● ouerflowes the bankes so hie , Why killing frosts , and such aboundant snow , That ruine falling , ●uine as they thaw : Why th' earth should barren be , and famine breede In the fat soil● , though ●owne with better seede . Why water , ayre , the earth , and cheerefull fire Should ( being made for man ) gainst man conspire , And of themselues ( by nature neuer bidden , ) Bring forth such crosse effects , vnheard and hidden , To plague poore man , and liuing him t'intombe In his one ruines , e're the day of doome . The cause of this , they wisely found to be Mans open sins , and close Hypocrisie . And of this Theame discoursing too and fro , Prouing it was , wishing it were not so . The King came by , and with him many Nobles , Whose pestred traine the sheep and shephead troubles . Poore Country , thou find'st this in corne and cattle , When most remote f●ō Court , thou most dost battle The King a hunting rides ; the shepheards dogs Would needs a hunting too , and onward iogs These iolly Currs : the Shepheards whoope amaine , Hollow and whistle too , but all in vaine . The Hunts-men rate , and like to mad men ride ; The Currs suppose they cheere them when they chid● : So on they go , and doe as others doo , Throw vp their curld tailes , spend their wesands too , And when thy cannot top the rest , run after ●o ●ong , till anger now is turn'd to lafter ; And now the King delights the Currs to heare . For they are euer busie in his eare ; And comming home to trencher-food they fall , ●rouing good blood-hounds some , good harriers all . ●hey can draw dry-foot to the harmlesse game , Whil'st Wolues and Foxes passe their noses tame . ●hus fed by fat sweet bones , they all proue gluttons , ●nd where they wont to guard , now kill our muttons , They learned haue Court lore , and nothing failes ; Can fawne and flatter , nimbly wag their tailes ; And snarle , and bite , and beat ●he better hound Out of the Court , who their false hunting found . And now the time drawes on , the King againe Rides out to hunt , and with him all his traine . These dogs are fore-most , and pursue the chace With eager stomackes and with equall pace . But being trencher-fed , the weather ho● , Themselu's vnbreath'd , to hunting vsed not , They soone are shaken off , and waxing slacke Become the lag and hindmost of the packe ; And straight lose ●ight , sent , hearing of the rest . So then to Nilus-ward they hold it best To turne their course , with the coole waues to slacke The heat they got , for double diligence ●ake . The roughest , rudest , curstest Curr of all , Which wont vpon the gentlest Dogs to fall , ( And neither being Hound nor Mastiffe bred , But of a mongrill kinde , by shee-Wolues fed , Did silence such as spent their sweeter voice In turnefull tones , which Hunters eares reioyce , Whil'st he nor at the fold would watch in darke , Nor bite the Wolfe , nor with his harsh voyce barke , Nor here amongst the Hounds once open wide His monstrous chaps , except , to bite , or chide , Or rauin and deuour the daintyest meat Which the industrious , not the slug should eat : And in despite of whips , though crouch and cry , Would neuer mend , nor better grow thereby ) Led on the way , for he would still be fi●st , His impudence was such , and such his thirst . ●or would he suffer auy their to drinke ●ill he had done . Ambitions eye doth thinke To swallow all , and all too little to , For him that least deserues , and least can doo . ●ut see a iust reward , whil'st thus he lies ●ending his pleasure , from the waues doth rise 〈◊〉 cruell subtle Crocodile , who snatcheth ●t him with her sharpe sangs , quickly catcheth ●he lazie Curre ; which struggles , cryes , and str●ues . ●ut all too late . Th' amphibious monster diues ●nder the waues ; the Dog r●sists in vaine , ●eath swallowes him , the rest run home amaine ; ●ome to the Sheepfolds , and attend the trade ●hey were by Art traind to , by Nature made . ●nd fearing now the like , fore-warn'd by this , ●hen hot and dry they waxe● their custome is , ●t banks of Nile nere to rest and stay , ●ut here and there to lap , and so away ; ●est otherwise some Crocodile being hid , ●hould serue their sloth , like as the other did . Epimythium . This tale doth teach , each man himselfe t' apply To his Vocation ; not to looke awry At Honors , Riches , Pleasures , which are baites The deuill layes in our way , and in them waites To swallow vs , whilest eagerly we seeke To swallow and ingrosse what●'ere we like : Without respect what 's honest●iust , and fit , ●o we by any meanes can compasse it . Each hath his element , his toyle , and sport . The clowne the country , and the King his Court. The Nobles in the Councell or the field , The Sea , and Burse , doth like to Marchants yeeld . Each trades-man in his shop , house-wiues at home● " They range too far , that o're the threshold rome . Lawyers vpon the bench , Diuines within their studies , schooles or pulpits ; else they sinne● Who takes the plow in hand , must neuer s●acke , " Nor looke about , for then ●e looketh backe , Who takes the Crowne and Scepter , still must thin● " When others soundly sleep , he must but winke , Who goes to warre , or counsell must aduise " The shame or honor on the Noblest lies . Who guides the Helme must still his compas minde , " And cheere his mates , and saile with eu●ry winde . Who by Mechanicke Arts doth hope to thriue , " Must be a Bee , and make his shop his Hiue . Who sits to Iudge , the Person must neglect , " Not looke asquint , but to the truth direct . Who will Episcopize , must watch , fast , pray , " And see to worke , not ou●rsee to play . They haue a double charge , to rule , and teach , " Whil'st they neglect to preach , negl●ct they preach● Each must his Diocesse tend ; or if at Court , What others dare not he must still report . Yet nought but truth , ●or all truthes but the good : ( So Mos●s in the gap of vengance stood ) What others dare not whisper he must sing , And like a golden trumpet ●ouze the King , VVith wise alarums from securer sleepe , VVherein fraile flattring flesh doth greatnesse keep● ●or greatnesse , both in state , wit , strength , and all ●hat wee call great one earth , is apt to fall● ●Vith greatest danger , greatest violence , ●nlesse vpheld by greatest diligence . ●nd he is only worthy to be great , ●Vho with a vertuous freedom holds the seat Of Moses , and inclines to neither hand , But both vpright only for truth doth stand , ●uch tend their flocks ; whil'st they attend the Court , Their pastime'tis to moderate each sport . They season all raw humors . Seldome glance On honours or on pleasurs , but by chance : And then to recreate their spirits they do it , Taking a snatch , and fall the harder to it . GRYPS . DEDICATED To the Courtly and accomplisht Knight , Sr. HENRY RICH , and his most equall Lady . ALL Men seeke greatnes : goodnesse is the way . Hee 's oft lesse King that rules , then doth obay . Add● to Gods worke your owne , his image then Shall be repayr'd , for that 's the crowne of Men. THe Griffon ( well alli'd , and great in power ) Made challenge to be generall Emperour Of beasts , and birds ; whose title to decide , A generall Councell was proclaimed wide Through all the world , and euery bird and beast Together met , the greatest , and the least . Mongst these some crawling serpents , some with feet , And some with wings did at this Councell meet , And claim'd the place of beasts , and did alledge Full many ancient lawes of priuiledge ●or their high honour ; b●t the chiefe was this ; ●hey prou'd themselues beasts , out of Genesis . ●ut when that Law was read , and it was found , ●heir treason brought a curse vpon the ground ; ●hat euer since their poyson did annoy ●oth birds an●●●●sts , and oft did both destroy ; Cloking their ●●aud , guilding their villanie With ancient vniuersall-vnity ; Betraying truth with darke a●biguous lies , And cosening man of blessed Paradise : Adulterating , purging of the sence Of holy Writ , vnder a good pretence : They had by generall voice , strict banishmen● ●rom comming nere this Court of Parliament . And now the rest proceed ; but by the way Arose another cause of some delay , Comming to choose a Speaker , bolde Iack daw Would interpose his skill , and vouch a Law , ( The law of Para●ites ) that each one might Speake what him list , gainst reason or gainst right . And that no Speaker needed , ought to be , Where such a mixture was ; for if quoth he , We choose a bird , the beasts will all dissent ; If they a beast , we shall be discontent . This speech , though true in pa●t , did all offend , B●cause they saw his busie tongue did bend To c●osse all businesse , and his wit de●ise To change the firmest knots to nullities . So they agreed toge●her in this sort , To cut his nimble tongue a little short , For sa●cie tatling , where he should not teach● And being silent where he ought to preach . But he aueides his sentence with a quirke , Pleading of old he longed to the Kirke , Though seldom he came there ; and each one tooke Him for no Clarke , vntill he claim'd his booke Then they perceiu'd his skill ; and soone discerned How he to flatter and backbite was learned ; Could mount a steeples top and with the winde Turne like a weather-cocke his ready minde , Seruing the time . Therefore they onward passe To choose a Speaker ; some would haue the Asse , Because he could diminish nought nor adde , But truth deliuer , were it good or bad : Yet most mislik'd that choice , and those pronounce The Parrot fit , and some the nimble Ounce ; Some the sweet Nightingale , and some the Dog , And some the Fox , the Baboone , some the Hog ; Some Robin red-brest , or the speckled Thrush , Some Chantecleere , and some the VVoodcock flush . Some chose the Ape , and some mislike his voice , So sundry factions rise from his heard choice . At last the Elephant perswades with all , To take an equall course , and Man to call As Speaker , Iudge , and Vmpire in this thing , Being by nature the worlds generall King , And the most fit t' appoint and to depute His owne Emperiall bird beast substitute . To this they all consent , and to this end In humble wise to Man this Message send , That he their Patron , Gouernor and Lord , VVould daigne this mighty difference to accord VVith reason and authority . His consent Is soone obtain'd : now gins the Parliament . In which the Griffon thus begins his plea. Grand Emperour , of Ayre , Earth , and Sea ; I challenge by prerogatiue , and birth , To be your Vicar generall on the Earth , O're birds and beasts : The beasts I ought command , Because vpon foure feet like them I stand . The birds I ought to rule , cause I can flie With these my wings like them , and soare as hie . I doe surpasse the beasts in hauing wings , The birds in legs , in taile , and other things : My force doth match the Lyons , and my heart The Eagle , or excels them in each part . Your doome I therefore claime , that I may be Plac'd equall to my worth in soueraigntie : And next your selfe the Emperour be of Earth , According to the priuiledge of my birth . Then spake the Elephant , and said , that he Ought ouer beasts the only Lord to be . His strength was great , and more then others farre , His honours purchasde more in manly warre : His le●rning more , the letters vnderstanding , And aptly doing all , wise Man commanding . Gainst him vp rose the Syre of Ban●es his horse , And challeng'd him to try , wit , worth , and force . This grew to heate , but then the mighty Rucke Soone parts the fray , each did from other plucke ; Desires she might be heard , her challenge was To rule all birds , since she all ●●rds did passe . The Wren straight hopt about , and said , his ●ame Did shew from what a royall stocke he came . And euery bird and beast , the great and small , Had his ambitious ayme to gouerne all● Which hauing made , in silence all sate downe Being ouer-aw'd with mans Emperiall frowne . Each fear'd , each hop'd , vntill at length the Man Rose vp , and to determine thus began . I was your Master made , you made for me , And whatsoeuer in the Globe there be Hid or reueal'd , t' is mine . And I alone Sole Emperouram , vnder that onely One. Nor doubt you this ; the question now in hand Is for the vnder-king-ship of my land ; For t' is not fit that I should troubled be With euery toy , when subiects dis●gree : But that my Presiden● should still be nigh , Your doubts and iarrest ' appease and rectifie . It only rests to shew what parts are fit For gouernment . That 's courage , strength and wit , Mercy and iustice , and the guard to those , Awe to command , dexteritie to dispose . If any part of these be separate , The rule is most imperfect , and the State Falls to con●empt ; the lawes are trodden downe , The Scepter broken , and despi●'d the Crowne . This shewes how many her● haue vainly sought For one good part , the wreath that many ought . That nor the Ruck , the Elephant nor Ho●se , Are fit to gouerne for their matchlesse force ; Nor for their wit alone ; for then the Oxe Might make his claime too , and subtle Foxe : Much lesse the silly Wren for honor'd house , Nor the catt-fearing , Elephant-frighting Mouse . For these would breed contempt , and Athens Owle Might challenge so night-rule of eu'ry Fowle . Nor is it meet this Griffon should obtaine What by pret●nce of right he seeks to gaine . Because his title halts on either side , Except in halues , himselfe he will deuide . He is no beast : his talents , wings , and head Conclude against his challenge in my stead . Nor yet a bird : his body , legs , and tayle With euidence his garments all do quaile . But if where proofe lyes hid , we may proceede By probabilities ; from spurious ●eede He tooke his being , and would neither loue , Being like to neither , but a Tyrant proue . And where he boasts his wondrous strength and hart , It 's false he doth pretend , because that part Which shewes him Lyon-like in shape , hide , haire , Doth of the kingly-Lyon stand in feare . And that birds part which he from th' Eagle tooke , On the sky-towring Eagle dares not looke . The Lyon therefore I ordaine and make The King of beasts ; his awfull voice shall shake The proudest spirit . And the Eagle shall Be King of Birds , and ouer-looke them all . This sentence past , the Parlament arose , And with these rules of truth the Sessions close . Epimythium . Who seeks two swords to sway , hath right to none● Who seeks two offices , is not fit for one : Who seeks two callings , takes too much in hand : Who hath two faiths , doth true to neither stand . One sword , one office●calling , and one faith , Is fit for one Man ; so this storie saith . Who seekes two swords to sway , hath right to none . The Pope challengeth not onely Peters keyes and Pauls sword , but hath found two swords in Peters hand , with which he ( like another Alexander ) cuts asunder the knots hee cannot vndoe . The band of marriage betwixt man and woman : The hand of loyall obedience betwixt subiects and Soueraignes ; The band of conscience betwixt God and man ; hee cuts asunder by dispensing with marriages , allegeance , and others , &c. By his behauiour therefore in these things , it may bee iudged whether hee be fit to haue many swords that cannot vse one well . Edged tooles are not to bee put into the hands of drunkards : Hee is scarce sober that makes all other drunke with the c●p of his abhominations . Who seekes two offices , is not fit for one . To the late Queene of famous memory , a Courtier who had great place about her Maiestie , made suite for an office belonging to the Law. Sh●e told him he was vnfit for the place . He confest as much , but promised to finde out a sufficient Deputy . Do ( saith she ) and then I may bestow it vpon one of my Ladies , for they by deputation may execute the office of Chancellor , chiefe Iustice , and others , as well as you . This answered him , and I would it could answer all others : that ●it men might be placed in euery office , and none how great soeuer suff●red to keepe two . They should take offices for the Common-wealths benefit ; but they take them like Farmes for to inrich themselues . This discourageth all professions , both in the Church and Common-wealth : one place is fit for one man. Who seekes two Callings , takes too much in hand . The Church hath some of these , who are better Phisitions , Lawyers , Merchants , or Handicrafts-men , then Diuines . The Common-wealth hath many of these , some who receiue tythes , buy and sell Church-liuings , retaine Deanryes , and Prebenda●ies . and are well seene in all occupations , but in that which they were bound to professe . To be a Marchant , a Maultster , a Brewer , a Grasier , a Sheepe-master , a Farmemonger , an Vsurer , a Diuell and all , is ordinari● in e●ery Country , and hee is thought no good husband that is not all or the most of these . Who hath two faiths , doth true to neither stand . Our miraculous example in these our dayes , hath demonstrated this beyond deniall , which but lately though wee knew , yet wee durst not v●ter for feare of censure . With what Tyranny doth vice guard it selfe from knowledge ? How rankly doth that Fame stinke now , against which but lately we durst not stop our noses ? This is a maxime grounded from this example . No honor , preferment , or respect can assure our ●aith , if the band of faith , religion , be not intire with vs. 4. SPHINX , HYENA . DEDICATED To the wise and valiant Souldier , Sr. IOHN POOLY Knight , and to his good Lady . YOu lou'd my Brother , he is gone , I stay , T' acknowledge first a debt , and then to pay : Loue lookes vpon the will , which easily can Proue ther 's no bankrupt but the thanklesse Man. HY●n● was a subtle beast and bloudy ; To ruine man was his whole trade and study . He scorn'd the sheep , the shepheard was his prey , His nightly plots got , what he mist by day . The shepheards of Arcadia , beguil'd By his fain'd voice , were murther'd oft and spoil'd . For in the night he wont like some good friend , To call them out , and then a peeces rend . One onely wiser shepheard thought it best Hire Sphinx to watch his house whil'st he did rest : Whose subtiltie foresaw , and still preuented , What else his Master had too late repented . For when the false Hyena went about Calling for helpe , to train● the Shepheard out , Faining distresse as if he robbed were , Or mist his way ( a weary traueller ) ; Sphinx soone perceiu'd his counterfeit complayning , And laught out-right to heare his craftie fayning ; But would not let the credulous shepheard goe , ( Whose tender heart pittied his mortall foe ) Till day appear'd , and that the Sunne shone bright . Together with the Sphinx full many a night , An Indian Asse and Musk. cat , safely slept , Whil'st Sphinx the shepheards house & houshold kept . Nor did they alwaies sleep but often heard What at the first to thinke vpon they fear'd ; But custome at the length bere●t all awe , And they afrayd were when they nothing saw . So enuy wrought , and Ignorance , and Pride , That they the wiser Sphinx dare now deride . And mou'd the Shepheard , to preuent the charge Of keeping more , to let the Sphinx at large . Perswading there was no such cause of dread , But they might well supply the Sphinx his stead : Who fain'd those feares , and did imagine treason , To win th' opinion of much wit and reason . The Sheapheard fondly credits this ; and straight Le ts loose the Sphinx , and these in order waite . The Indian Ass● he trusted being plaine , Supposing he would nei●herlye , nor faine . And the Musk-cat , was pleasant to the smell , And very watchfull ; needs must these do well . The night is come , the Shepheard soundly sleeps As he had wont , no skar his conscience keeps . These two stand Sentinel , and now ere long , Comes the Hyena , and with smoothing tongue Saith ; Is your Master waking , gentle swaines ? If not , a●ere him , tell him all the Plaines Are vp in armes against our common foe , The false Hyena that beguil'd vs so . He cannot scape their hands , for they haue found The Caue he keeps in , closely vnder ground . Bid him awake and rise and come away , For all the Shepheards for his comming stay . This tale beleeu'd , the Asse and Musk-cat hye , To make their Master to make hast to dye . He r●seth rashly , opes the doore , goes out , And is de●our'd ere he can looke about . Nor can the watch-men scape , but both are slaine : Though one be sweet , the other true and plaine . Epimythium . " Not simple truth alone can make vs fit , " To beare great place in State without great wit. " For when the Serpent comes to circumuent vs , " We must be Serpents too , or els repent vs. HIPPOPOTAMVS . DEDICATED To the magnificent KNIGHT Sr. HVGH SMITH , and his worthy LADY . YOur Auon's quiet , no such Monsters feede 'Bout sandy Seuerne , as in Nilus breede : ●t Nilus-like your bountie o●erflowes , ●●ence good report , and ●ame , and honour growes . THe Sea-horse , and the famous Crocodile , Both challeng'd to be Kings of fruitfull Nile ; ●nd sundry fields they fought , where many dyed ●f either ●action , still the cause vntried . ●et often had they single , hand to hand , ●ncountred in the flood , and on the land : ●nd parted still with equall harme away , ●or both the blowes bore thence , but not the day ; Yet each inuincible himselfe did call , And so they were , but to themselues , to all . But when they cop'd , successe did thus conclude ; Courage remayn'd , strength only was subdu'd . And so for want of strength they often sundred , Though at their wondrous strength al other wondre● Thus o●t they met , and o●t assay'd in vaine , Who should th' Emperiall crowne of Nilus gaine : Till both grew weary of these warres at length , And gan lay by the vse of armes and strength . And truce proclaim'd a while on either part , A fained truce , no friendship from the heart . For vnder-hand by stratagems , and friends , And secret plots , each sought their seuerall ends . But much more noble was the Crocodile , And wiser much , though not so full of guile As Hippopotamus , so th' other hight , Who car'd not what he did , or wrong or right , By falshood , bribes , or treason ; so he could , The foulest fact , to his aduantage mould , And thus he call'd Chameleon on a day , With Polypus , and vnto them gan say : You two my bosome-fri●nds , my Minions are , My p●iuie Counsellers in peace and warre . And I haue found you plyant to my will , Faithfull to me , but false to others still . And now I craue , your vtmost Art and reason , In conquering of the Crocodile by treason ; Which thus I purpose : Both of you are made , By nature apt to colour and to shade , With fit resemblance all the obiects nye , On which you shall reflect a steady eye , ●ou can seeme otherwise , then what you be , ●nd couer hate with close hypocrisie , ●ou can take any shape , any disguise , ●nd soone beguile the most inquisitiue eyes ; ●eare any Liuery , all companies fit , ●nd to each humour change your ready wit. ●his you haue done before , and oft made plaine ●eightie intelligence , and can so againe . ●ut each his proper element retayning , ●hameleon in the ayre , and earth remaining , ●ou Polypus at sea . To sea then hye , ●nd with rich promises Torpedo buy ●o our close seruice : he in Counsell is ●o our great ●oe , a greater friend of his . ●But wealth is our best friend , and that corrupts ●The purest minde , and friendship interrupts . ●ith gifts and promises peruert him so , ●hat he may call vs friend , count him a foe : ●ill him he would , when fitting time doth come , ●ith his slowe touch , secure , bewitch , benumme , ●ur aduersary , and his sense astonish , ●hat it may seeme a crime him to admonish ●f our apparant practises preparing , ●hilst he attends his sports , no danger fearing . ●hen to the Water-rat Ichneumon go● , ●nd you to Cuschill●● and will them too , ●hen next they picke his teeth , and scratch his head , For they are neere him still at euery stead , ●nd highly fauor'd , ( chiefly Cuschi●●us ) , ●hough both in fee and pension be withvs ) , ●hat they would ioyne their wits and force together ●o murther him ; and for reward come hither . So when your plots he closely thus conuey'd , And all your traines and tew in order laid , Then mixe your selues in either element With the profuse , the needy , discontent , The desperate , the bloody , and the bold , Whom nought but feare do from rebellion hold ; Of such you shall finde many in this State. For hee 's remisse , and doth all businesse hate , Whereby he gets contempt , and opens wide A ready way of entrance vnespide To our high aimes . Full many you shall finde Of our close faction , fitting to our minde . Those that are such encourage , others frame , A●d what you will speake largely in our name ; Promise , and sweare , and lye , to make things fit , That our designes may prosper by our wit. ●way , and for the rest leaue that to m● . The spies instructed thus fit agents be , And post with speede , and with a speed too good Dispatch all Scenes fit for the Act of blood . And now the wise , learn'd , valiant Crocodile , A hunting hies vnto the bank●s of Nile : Where hauing sported long , and fully fed , The slow Torpedo strokes him on tbe head , Whisp●rs within his eare , and charmes him so That in the Sun-shine he to rest must go . But as he goes drowsie and reeling thus , Meets him the Indian Rat , and Cu●chillus , And lowting low with musicke him presents , And antique she●es , and mas●ing meriments ; Striuing to hide their treason with such Art , That their true care almost betraid their heart , ●his wise Alcedo ( one that many a dish ●ad for his King prepar'd , of dantiest fish ) , ●id soone suspect , and with shrill voice gan crie , ●ir King beware , for enemies are nie ; ●eware of him that 's busie with your eare , ●nd tells you lies , that truth you may not heare : ●eware of him that 's s●ratching of your head , ●eware of him that 's making of your bed . ●eware of ●im that doth extoll you so , ●nd like a God adores you as you go : ●eware of him that doth so humbly fall On his false ●nee ; good King beware of all . With that the Crocodile gan looke about , Being halfe asleep , from a sweet dreame wak●d ou● , ●nd would haue heard more , but the charmers kept The bird away by force ; and so he slept . ●e slept , and Cuschillus did sing the while , And pickt his ●eeth , and vsed many a wile To ope his ouer-chap ( for onely he ●oth moue his ouer-chap , the nether we ) : At last he tickled him , and forc't him so ●o yawne and gape : then Cuschillus doth go ●nto his belly , and the Indian Rat ●eapes quic●ly after ; where they first search what ●lose counsels , secret purposes did fill His darker bosome , were they good or ill . But were they good or ill , it matters not , For they pursue and prosecute their plot : They gin to gnaw his bowels , and to rake ●is entrailes with their nailes ; which paine doth wake ●im from his latest sleepe , and makes him crie Aloud this counsell : Princes see ye trie● Before ye trust , Those seruants that be ill " At your commaund , for others money will " Betray you too : he easly will dispense " With greatest sinnes , who hath of small no sence . " Beware of such as flatter by traduction , " Thei le first be others , then be your destruction . " Beware of priuie whisperers and spies , " The truth they tell is but a sauce for lies . Beware of Ledgers , for legerdemaine With others beside Iuglers doth remaine : " And cheating and crosse-biting Great ones may " In great things vse , as Little ones at play . Beware of Clergie men their colour changing , And in each place with lawlesse freedome ranging . Take heede of Pensions , they haue often slept , In priny Chambers , and at Counsell kept . And if it be a truth which some haue told , Good men haue had large sleeues to put vp gold . With that he dies , and those that were within , Striuing who first should greatest credit win , By carrying newes of this accursed deede , Hinder each other in their hasty speede : And issuing out iust as his chaps did close , Did their reward , life , fame , together lose . " Yet ill report findes wings in euery place ; And this vnto the Sea-horse flies apace ; Who ( making too much hast ) in top of pride , Nothing before , behinde , nor bout him spide , And so , for lacke of care , himselfe betraide Into a pit-fall which th' Egyptians laid . There he doth pine to death , and dying cries , " Who liues by treason , thus by treason dies . Epimythium . THe Crocodile is a Hieroglyphicke of Honour or Nobility . The Hippopotame , of Impietie , Ingratitude , and ●enesse . 1. These two haue continuall warre : and in that ●melion and Pol●pus ( the types of subtill dissimu●ion , and craftie hypocrisie ) , ioyne with Hippopotam●●ainst ●ainst the Crocodile ; it giues honour warning to be●re of such who adapt themselues to please humors , sooth grosse follies : for these though perhaps they ●me of their colour , weare their liueries , follow 〈◊〉 religion whom they depend vpon , will notwith●nding for gaine , Iudas like , kisse and betray ●em . 2. In that the time when this was done , is said to in peace after sport : it shewes that Honor which ●ings from action , decaies with affectation of peace , ●d sleepes to death with immoderate pleasure in the ●mes or bed of securitie . 3. The touch of Torpedo warnes Greatnesse from ●oth , and to beware of such charming Counsellours hide the truth of dangers from the eyes of States . 4. Alcedos warning the Crocodile , tels vs no danger ●mes without a●monition : Wisedome cries out in ●e streetes , it is our owne fault if stopping our eares ●e perish wilfully . 5. In that Ch●schillus sings the Crocodile asleepe , tels vs , flatterie is the ruine of honour ; yet the flat●rers note is sweeter , and wel-commer to the eare , then the admonition of friendship and true loue . 6. In that Ichneumon and Cuschillus leape into belly , it shewes Treason will pursue the blackest p●iect with most bloody and bold violence ; and 〈◊〉 striue to double that sinne with slander and misrepo● which once they contriued , applauded , and perh● perswaded Greatnesse to commit . 7. In that Hippopotame falls into the Aegypti● trap , it shewes what the Psalmist saith , Who dig● pit for another , falls therein himselfe . Treason e● betrayes the Traytor , else it were not right treason . If any man enquire farther after this tale , let h● call to minde the late death of that renowned King France , whose life was terrible to Rome and her a● her●nts . He had many admonitions to beware of Iesuitic● practises , but would not take heede , his confiden● might rather be tearmed presumption then courage . I haue heard a story of him which may be as true its strange : the probabilitie is great . Monsieur D. Plessis ( that glorious starre of o● age ) being euer bold with the King , because the ki● knew him honest , and durst trust him farther then Protestant Prince may trust a Popish Catholike wi● safety , told his Master that all the world did wond● at the sodaine repeale of that edict of banishment solemnly made by the Parliament against all ●esuit● vpon so iust an occasion as the wounding of his sacr● person by one of their disciples . He humbly besoug● him to giue him licence to put him in minde ho● once professing the reformed religion , euen in arme● he had been defended from the treacheries of his enemies by that God whose cause hee fought for . But now in the armes of peace , hee was endangered by them who pretend his protection , for that they thought that howsoeuer for some respects he carried himselfe , he could not be in loue with their darkenesse who had beene acquainted with the true light : And the Protestants thought so likewise , the rather induced hereunto by Gods miraculous deliuerance of him ●rom the horror of that bloody attempt , not suffering any part to be punished but his mouth with which hee had offended . But hee besought him to remember that the hearts of Kings are in the hands of God aswell as their heads ; and if they forsake or forget him and what he hath done for them , hee in Iustice often giues them ou●r into the hands of their enemies . I enforce no man to beleeue this Narration ; the ●robability , with the credit of the Relator , and the ●uccesse , haue preuailed with me to accept and repor●●t . As his death was the damnable act of a Iesuiticall Assasinat of the Romish religion , so this admonition ●eares the shape of a true Israelit● and one of the house of peace . PHAENIX . DEDICATED To the honorable KNIGHT Sr. ROBERT RICHE , and his noble LADY . THere 's but one Phaenix , is there had been more , Your names had stood within , but now before . TH' Arabian Phaenix , being noble , young , And newly from his fathers ashes sprung , Seeing how other birds did louers take Of their owne kind , would needs like tr●● ma●● And thought by what good course he might preuent His doubted ruine , and seeme prouident , Where nature ( as he iudg'd ) defectiue stood , In leauing single , such an absolute good . His meanes was marriage , married he would be , But where to choose a Mate he could not see : For choose hee might and please his curious eyne , Each bird made suite to be his Valantine . The Pehen drest her selfe and spred her taile , The Turkey●hen aduanc'd her spotted saile . The Turtle left her mate to ioyne with him , The Siluer-Swan , in ruffled pride did Swim , The Parakite , and Goldfinch , , Citie heires , Offer'd him loue , and what besides was theirs : The courtly Pheasant gaudy Pop●niay , In varied coloures drest themselues that day : The sweet Canary singer stroue t' excell The merry-making mournefull Ph●lomel ; Who left deploring , and did mirth preferre● Wishing the Phaenix would haue rauish't her . All these , with all besides the rest excelling , Did woo him , proffer loue , their passions telling . But all in vaine ; the bird of Paradise , Had with her pleasing forme bewitcht his eyes . He wooes , and winnes her too , with small adoe , " Where both desire , both parties seeme to wooe : And who would not desire so rare a one , Whom ●ll desire , him to enioy alone ? They married are . Opinions equall voice , Say both are happy in each others choice . For she was faire , and rare , and rich , and young , And wise , and noble , and full sweetly sung ; In ●ll complete she was , only did faile , Hauing too small a body for her t●ile . This fault she tooke by kinde , it cost her nought , From her birth place the frai●tie first she brought . And though by all good meanes she stroue to hide This naturall blemi●h , still it was espide . And spied the more , because this corporall ill , Being single here , did each mans fancy fill . " That disproportion doubles in the minde , " Where we it single in the body finde . And so it fell out here ; not long they dwelt In peace , but loues fire alteration felt , And gan to slake and coole , where it should not , And where it should be coole , it waxed hot . Shee now did hate and loath , the sweet she had , And linger after something that was bad . Her taile was too too large for him to tread , He too too little her to ouer-spread . To ouerspread her body was not much , But her insatiate taile , and minde was such . So weakest stomacks strongest meates desire . So greatest smoke riseth from smallest fire . So slender wits great matters vndertake . So swift pursuite , doth slow performance make . So th' appetite , by impotence is mou'd . So shee ( though little ) eu'ry great thing lou'd . She lou'd all great things , and all rare things sought , But what she had that she esteemed nought . She had what others long'd for , and enioyde What all desir'd : and that enioying cloyde . And now she ginnes to hate , and wish in heart , A fit occasion offer'd were to part . But wanting such , shee frames one : doth traduce , And wound his honour for her owne excuse . And still pretending modesty a cause , Immodestly , she triall claimes by lawes . Although the Phaenix her with teares did woo , She separation sought , and gets it too . The sentence past , she Cynosure doth wed , An vnknowne fowle , by th' ayre begot and bred . He ( following kind ) trod oft , and quencht her heate , And she laid oft , fild many a neast and seate With addle egges ; but neuer bird did spring● Out of those ●hells , nor other liuing thing . Yet some in their opinions counted wise , Say that such egges do hatch the Cockatrice . Yet nothing from these spurious Embrions came But naked promises , and open shame . In memory of whose vnhappy wombe , That brought dead fruit forth , like a liuing tombe , ( Dead fruit , much like faire apples all of smoake , Which grow in Sodome , and the eaters choake , ) Each courtly lady now vpon their head , Do weare a bird of Paradise , instead Of a light feather ; which doth warning giue , How free from lightnesse , Ladies ought to liue : How constant they should be , how firme in loue : Not feather-like , apt with each breath to moue . How well proportion'd , not so great below , But lesse in shew , and more in truth to know . To fit the bottome with an equall saile , And not to ouer-top the head with taile . All this it tells them , and doth shew beside , " How addle egges spring out of lust , and pride . " How noble houses by ignoble deeds , " Bury themselues and their owne ruine br●eds . " How beautie and all vert●es of the minde , " Conioynde with wealth , adorne not woman kinde : " Except with these , true chastitie be plac'd , " And that againe , by modesty be grac'd . And now I will proceede to tell my story , How sad the Phaenix was in minde , how sory To be so sleighted and so ill respected , By her for whose sake , he had all neglected . This wounds his heart , and he resolues too late , All second matches for the first to hate ; To liue alone , and neuer mor● to minde Fond alteration , in the course of kinde . But griefe perp●ex't him so , he fear'd to die , E●●●e were fitted for posteritie . And so his neast vnmade , he quickly might , Both life , and nam● , and memory loose out-right This to pre●ent , his ●light he nimbly takes O're hill●s and dales , o're desarts , riu●rs , lakes , O're kingdomes , countries , bounding East and West , And spices gathers vp to build his neast . Which made , and finding still ●is former griefe , Not cur'd but growing desperate of reliefe , Him better seem'd by p●iuiledge of kinde , To kill his body , and renue his minde : To leaue g●iefe where it breeds with earth on earth , And ●ecr●ate his spirit with spritly birth , ( Li●●●re , which touching powder straight resolues T●● grosser parts ; and eac● it selfe inuolues In its owne element ) then so t' out weare And tyre away with griefe sixe hundred yeare , ( For so long liues the Phae●ix ) but thought he , " So long ●e dies that liues in miserie . And ●herefore soone betakes him to his neast , Wherefore-prep●r'd he finds his funerall drest . The Sun shi●es bright and hot , he with his wings Makes more the heate : & sparkling diamond brings , Whose strong reflection , or retention rather Either beates backe the heate , or heate doth gather . Which kindled ( like dri'd leaues with burning glasses ) Consumes the neast , and bird , and all to ashes . Vpon these ashes fruitfull dewes descend , And the hot Sun his actiue beames do b●nd . So heate and moisture twixt them procreate , A silly worme vnlike the bird in state . But time doth giue it growth , and shape , and feathers , And still perfection from each houre it gathers . Till to the former equall it appeares , Or rather all one bird , except in yeares . The rauenous Vulture wondring long had stood To marke all this , within a neighbour wood . Which hauing seene , ambition pricks her so , That she resolues what'euer power saith no , Example and direction hence to take , Her selfe and hers all Phaenixes to make . So calls she first the Hee , and then the young : And thus gan speake to them with rauisht tounge . How much my power hath done , how much my wit , You know , yet know some repetition fit . I do the Eagle rule , ( the birds braue King ) And worke him to my minde in euery thing . He preyes on whom I list ; still on the best ; Eates what I stint him , and leaues you the rest . I gouerne euery Hawke , or bird of prey ; Such as confront the Eagle , me obay ; And make me sharer in their richest prize , And how to please me best , best meanes deuise . I that despise Religion , scorne all law , Do binde all other birds to both by awe : To both for my aduantage , else you know I can prophane the Temple well enough ; Pollute the Altar ; search the graue , each tombe , And dig out of the priuiledged wombe Of hallow'd earth , dainties for you to lurch , Mans flesh , enshrined in the sacred Church . You know I foster Souldiers not for loue , But to breed warres ; the slaine my prey still proue . All sorts , professions , kinds , I prey vpon , When their sweete slesh is turn'd to carrion . For carrion is my food , let others kill And hazzard life for life , we safely will Eate the vnfortunate , the weake , distressed , Whom want enfeebled , mightie power oppressed . This is our practise . But I cald ye now For higher aimes : to giue you notice how We may aspire in royaltie and pride Aboue the Eagle , and all birds beside . Much time , much study , with full large ●xpence , Haue I bestowed , to gain● intelligence Of a rare secret , which exceedeth farre Th' Alchi●isters Idol , call'd th' Elixar . This is , to vnderstand and know aright , What course to take , and how we compasse might The glorious eminence , the singular grace , The famous Phaenix hath in euery place : How to attaine her nature , beauty , state ; And without copulatio● procreate . At l●ngth my wit , my industry , and chance Concurring , did this happinesse aduance● For watching lately , as I often did , In desart vast , among thicke bushes hid , I saw ( vnseene ) the mysterie throughout , And can resolue each rite , each scrupulous doubt . The circumstance were needlesse , whil'st the fact Shall manifest each seuerall Scene , and act , With happy issue ; and accomplish so Our wishes , that we shall amazed goe ; Amazed goe , to see our selues so low , So soone to such a pitch of glory grow : So soone translated , metamorphosed , And new created from the foot to head : Beyond our hopes , report , the present station Of other birds , almost to adoration . Enquire not how , but each prepare t' obay , What I command ; performance leads the way . Hie on , hie all , to seuerall quarters flie , And through the whole world make a scrutinie For aromatick drugges , perfuming spices , Rare pretious stones , rich iewels , strange deuices . Bring them together , lay them on this hill , And the successe refer to my deep skill . The young ones all obayde , but then the Male Staid long t' enquire the reason of this tale . Yet long he durst not stay , lest shee from thence Should beate him for his arrogant offence : For females of all rauening fowles beare sway , And the blacke Vulture is a bird of prey . The male ne're meddles with young , meat , or nest : But shee commands , and he sits like a guest . He seeing her incenst , away doth post Ore many Seas , and many an vnknowne Coast , And all the world surueyes from East to West , From North to South , and gathers what is best ; Sweet odoriferous spices , amber-greece , The Castors stones , the Ermins spotted fleene , Rich Luzerns , Sables , Martins , and the horee Of the most precious-seld-seen V●icorne . The Musk-cats cod , with Rubies blushing red , Quick-sparkling Diamonds cutting glasse like lead ; Bright shining Carbuncles , and Saphires blew , With Iasp●r , Iacynth ; Emerals greene in view ; Perspicuous Christall , orient Pearles large , round , And Gold , for which man doth the Center sound ; Blacke , white , greene , marble ; in-laid Porphyrie , With Alablasters for Imagerie : Truth-trying Touch-stones , making things distinct , And what rariety else within precinct Of ample Nature dwels , they hither brought ; With which a curious neast shee neatly wrought , To match whose wealth remaining earth was base . Her s●lfe , Mate , yong , each by themselues had place In this most royall building . Then in state Her selfe sate downe , and next her musing Mate . Her young ones , then in orde● , One by One , And now the Sunne shin'd hot on euery stone The spice gan kindle . Now quoth shee I finde My selfe halfe made immortall changing kinde . The fire flam'd fiercer then , and sing'd their wings : Be constant Sirs quoth shee , you shall be Kings . " Gold crownes are heauy , toyle is hard but gainfull ; " There is no excellent sweet but first is painfull . They would haue flowne away , but 't was too late . Quoth shee the Phaenix dies to liue in state . With that she sinkes , her neast and all combust Her glorious hopes , and proiects turn'd to dust . Which tells vs this : Pride still doth ouer-build . ●Folly is not in architecture skill'd . ●Wit frames his Plot according to his state , ●And to a small house makes no lofty gate . ●But ouer-bold Ambition fires her neast , ●And proues her houses shame , her house a ieast . Epimythium . The Phaenix betokens vnitie in Religion . This was proper to the Iew●s , but they forsooke it , as the bird of Paradice did the Phaenix . Then it came to the Gentiles and seemed to returne to its owne nature to be vniuersall , not tyed to place , or Nation , or person . The Phaenix died , and out of the ashes arose a new Phae●ix . Christ came not to destroy but fulfill the Law. The old faith remaines which was first preached in Paradice , the ceremonies only are abolish●d by the pr●sence of the thing signified . That seems another , which is the same truth . Wee Christians possesse what the Iewes expected . They are diuorced ( with the bird of Paradice ) for their vnfaithfulnesse and vnbeleefe ; now they are wedded to the Cynosure their owne wils and stiffe-necked opinions and traditions . They tread and cac●le , and lay egges ; addle egges or rather adders egges , egges of winde without fruit , which neuer proue birds . They expect in vaine an other Messias to saue them , till the true Messias is ready to come to iudge them . They are a scattred people , hatefull to all where they inhabite . The ●Vulture and her brood is the Clergie of Rome ; where the shee or female preuailes . Shee will be called the Mother Church , which is truly the whore of Babylon , the malignant Church , the Aduersarie , the Antichrist . Shee builds to her owne ruine , her power and policie shall ouerthrow it selfe . Shee shall burne in her owne nest . Let all such therefore as loue the truth , and would saue their soules , come out of her . VNIO . DEDICATED TO THE TRVE LOVER OF HIS COVNTRY Sr. ARTHVR HEVENINGHAM Knight , and his truly Religious LADY . YOV know the moodes of Men , the tempers too Of Climes , of States , of Elements ; Then who May better read this tale ? The minde that 's free Can iudge diseases , and distempers see . THE Mole , Chamelion , and the Salamander , As neere the Ocean they together wander , Spying at sea the Lamprey , haild him thus● Good day my friend to you and eke to vs. We three are met to argue and debate Which of vs liueth in the happiest state ; Whether the ayre , the earth , or fire doth giue To what they breed best sustenance to liue . And we would gladly heare how farre the sea May with fire , ayre , and earth compared be . You happily we met as we would wish , Being a prompt , deep diuing , subtle fish , And ablest to resolue vs. Come then show The life you lead , and learne our liues to know . The Lamprey soone consents . And first the Mole Doth thus begin . Deare friends I left my hole To breath the open ayre ( whose light I hate ) T' acquaint yee with the blessings of my state . And to perswade ye , if you loue your rest To liue with me in peace , and plenty blest . It fits me first to speake , for I had first My being , long before the earth was curst . Darkenesse was not created ; t is as old As that great workeman which the whole doth mold But light was made long after , and doth show , That ignorance is elder then to know . The workmans selfe in cloudy darknes keeps ; For no eye sees or when he wakes or sleepes . He loues not euery curious foole should see What ioyes , what treasures , in obliuion bee . The worthy Grecian would haue learn'd that Art , For ignorance is wisdoms better part . When all was Chaos first the Center stood , And all the solide parts , call'd Earth . The flood Was next being ponderous . The ayre flew higher ; And as a hedge to all was placed fire . What first was plac'd was worthiest , & brought fort● The first of creatures , and best things of worth . And first it brought forth things that were below ; The roote had life , before the fruit did g●ow . And we ( earths darlings ) had our shape within Ere you without . Nor doe th' effects of sin ( Ambitious sin which light and'knowledge sought And ( fondly curious ) blinde obedience thought A base director ) so afflict and kill Vs h●re within ; as you who share in ill Of punishment and guilt , with foolish man ; Yet no way from his rule acquit ye can . You dwell with him , and dye with him . But we Are earth by nature , procreated free . And our forefathers customes still obay , Doe as they did , and follow their blind way . Not striuing busily our wits t' approue By searching doubts , but rather shew our loue , By louing eu●n their errors that are gone , Or reuerently beleeuing they had none . Our dyet is most choice , on rootes to feed , And rellish first the sweet of euery seed . You liue on th' excrement , and do not know , That fundamentall vertue springs below . Besides you liue like slaues , but I am free , Though bloudy-minded Man oft seeks for me . The Lyo● did pretend because I haue Foure feet , that I by nature was his slaue : He call'd for this a Councell , sent for me To sweare to his seruile supremacie . But I ( refusing th' othe ) to spite him more Did vndermine his Councell-chamber flore And had not light ( damn d light ) my plot bewraide● He had to hell s●nke by the traine I laide . But light discouered me , and since that deed I loath light more , and so in darknesse breed . Darknes thou sweet companion , friend of sleepe , How I delight in thee . With thee doth keepe All that man seeks for , euery secret plot , Darke mysterie , close sttatagem ; what not ? Inuisible wealth , with treasures manifold , But chiefe Mans soule , his god , almighty gold . This Man knowes well , and knowing learnes of me To dig and delue till in his graue he be . Then all proclaime him happy : say he is At peace and rest , and doth emoy all blisse . And such say truth : for he returnes againe To his first being , and doth so remaine . " Contentment with darke ignorance doth dwell , " And light and knowledge only maketh hell . Then without farther strife liue all with mee , If you will taste no paines , nor errors see . The changeable Chamelion laught out-right , To heare the blinde Mole raile so much at light . And said ; Your darker spirits can't conceiue , The blessed fruit , that we from light receiue . Let fooles depend on faith implicatiue , Wise-men into the depth of truth will diue . Darknesse and ignorance , which you suppose Had an eternall being , are the foes Of all eternall beings ; and indeed Are voide in nature without fruit , root , seed . Darknesse is but the absence of cleare light . As error is the ignorance of right . So these two are vacuities , want being ; Not seene by others , nor yet others seeing . From nothing , nothing springs ; something there was From whence this vniuersall frame , this Masse Of strange agreeing contrarieties , Had essence : and 't was something that had eyes : For sure it was not ignorance , nor night , They could not see to order things so right . But it was knowledge , wisedome , light , and truth , Figur'd in mature age , and actiue youth . The priuiledge you plead , Antiquitie , Proues onely , that of old you vs de to lye ; And that all truth you hate , for truth doth run Still to the light , and you the light do shun . And where you challenge your creation first ; It is not like , Nature would make the worst Before the best ; except this can preferre Your claime , that as young workemen vse to erre In their first workes ; so Nature first did try To make right eyes , by making yours awry . Much rather truth it is , she did bestow , Labour in framing others ; but for you , She left you to corruption , night , and chance , Which made you● eies such , such your countenance . And your tame-blinde obedience well befits Such earth-bred , doltish , dull , and sluggish wits . But ayerie Spirits acquainted with the light , Will not be led by custome from the right . No loue , no friends , no predecessor shall Peruert their iudgements ; they examine all . And for the food ye boast to eat boast still ; No root , herbe , fruit of yours , I handle will. They are corr●pted . Ayre doth only giue True nourishment , and happiest meanes to liue . The sick-man shewes this , who the weather fayre , Remooues for health , from close to th' open ayre . And for the light , your death doth it approoue ; When onl● then your eyes are seen to moue . Then you begin to see , and loath the kinde Which being blind themselues brought you vp blind , Bereauing you of many a bles●ed sight , Which we enioy , ●ho loue and liue in light . Your freedom from all beasts I like . T' is ill ●o be s●bi●cted to anothers will : B●t that to your superiors I do hate , And therefore am exilde from euery state : I liue a poore thin creature , by the ayer ; My selfe I feed with hopes , others with prayer . My eyes I oft lift vp , and roole about , D●siring to be s●en to be d●uout . But neither with my bulke , nor with my backe Supply the l●ast defect of others lacke . I beare no Wooli to clothe , no flesh to feed ; Let sh●ep , and Calues , relecue the poore that need . I rauisht go with a distracted looke , A●d turne my mind , still , as I turne my booke , My will doth lead my conscience , not my wit. And euery riddle for my purpose fit : Hating whats'ere is old , I loue the new And to all purposes , change my ready hue . My flesh is low , my spirit high and prowd Doth contradict what order hath allow'd . I fast when others feast , feast when they fast , And with Angelicall food , I do out-last All Gormandiz●rs . Come then , liue with me All that loue life , and light , and would be free . The Salamander hearing this discourse , Sayd . Sure you both do argue without force . Darke ignorance our nature doth contemne : And curious search wise Magistrates condemne By blindnesse we our wants and dotage shew : To those , not reuerence but reproch is due . Not priuatiue blindn●sse , our antiquitie showes , But onely that which by long seeing growes . But you blinde Mole do ignorance affect , Which breeds derision , scorne and dis-respect . For what a sensel●sse part is this in you , Your fathers ●aults and errours to allow ? And not much rather to reforme your owne , By shunning the defects , which they haue showne ? Your food is grosse and earthly ; dirt and mould Mixt with old roots , do much corruption hold . Yet ( though they gin to die , with age and wither ) The good with bad ( being old ) you cram togither . This makes my fiery spirit scorne to keep I● your darke celles , where knowledge seems to sleep . But you Chameleon with a hand too bold , Oppose , contemne , and scorne , whats'ere is old . You onely loue to see , but not to doo , You dote on knowledge and on error too . " T' is error , in our sight to ou●r●eene , " And but our owne , all iudgements dis-esteeme : " T' is error to be fondly ouer-wise , " Too pure , too iust , too perfect , too precise . There is a meane● For knowledge sure doth liue " Onely , where it doth good to others giue . You too too sawcie hidden secrets handle , And too too fond your o●ne conceits doe dandle , And cocker with obseruance : being so A friende to superstition , though a foe . The light you vse , is borrowed not your owne , The colours that you see , their ground vnknowne . Your darke imperfect , double glimmering sight , Is but th' extended beames of greater light . Arising from vicinitie of fire , To which the purest elements aspire In their refined parts ; the earth in gold And pretious stones , doe most resemblance hold ; The sea in salt , in Pearles , in dewes that rise , And to the Sonne-ward with ambition flies ; The Ayre in colous and in Meteors bright , Which the Sunnes place vsurpe in darkest night . T is fire alone that searcheth and refines , And doth diuide the grosse from purer mines . T is fire that makes grasse , herbe , andtree to grow : Meltes the seas Icie chaines , and th' earths cold snow . It cheares the young , it cherisheth the old , Reuiues the dying , makes the Coward bold . Nothing without it can be said to liue , Whats'ere hath being , it doth glory giue . Which makes me to determine , that the light Which you inuisible call , is but a sprite Made by your feare , and strong imagination , Without true being , essence , or foundation . For light the greater 't is , doth more appeare ; So should that light of lights , if such there were . My indgement therefore in this rule doth runne , There 's nothing greater then the glorious Sunne , Here I set downe my rest . And for the schooles , That teach beleefe , let them still tutor fooles . From your contention , my instruction sprung ; And thus I learn'd to thinke when I was young . The Mole doth feede too much on earthly meat , And the Chameleon nought but ayre doth eat . I neither like your fast , nor yet your feasting , For twixt you two all earnest turnes to ieasting . And doth perswade me thinke , there is no food , In earth or ayre , that doth or hurt , or good . So all my knowledge , practise , life , doth chime , According to the current , state , and time . I thinke they 'r only gulls that liue in awe Of any thing but want , death , and the law . I quench all fiery zeal wheres'ere I co●e ; And would haue Policie speake , Religion dumbe . I poyson with my breath , both foe and friend , And to my pleasuredo● each proiect bend : In briefe I onely am a freeman borne , Who loue my s●lfe alone , and others scorne . The Lamprey hearing this damn'd Atheist tell , A tale befitting none b●t Machiuael , Thrust his eye-guarded h●ad aboue the brim , Of the rug'd waues● and to the shore did swim . And on his slippery belly gan to slide , Till he came neere the Salamanders side . Thou cursed slaue ( q●oth he ) though I proceed From some of thy neere kin , of serpents seed . And am halfe serpent , as thou wholly art , Yet I am halfe a fish ; and euen that part Prouokes me contradict the cursed note , Which thou didst vomit from thy venomd throat . Thy Pedigree is lineally detiued From that great Serpent , which at first depriued The rest of feet ; and being ouer-wise Gull'd credulous man of glorious paradise . Still thou partak'st that nature , and each tree , Thy tongue or teeth touch , so infected be In root and fruit , that who so eats doth die , Poyson'd b'accurst , cold infidelitie . Too light beleefe , and too too earnest thirst Of curious knowledge , causde de●th enter first : But now thy skill hath brought it so about , That hearing , seeing , feeling , still we doubt . And flying one extreame , we fondly fall Into the contrary ; wise , fooles , and all . " Yet blindnesse better is , then hauing eyes , " Not t' acknowledge truthes , but count them lye● . " T' is better to be doubtfull what we know , " Then to be Truthes profest and open foe . The Mole and the Chameleon better are , And neerer truth , then thou thy selfe by farre . Yet the Cham●leon somewhat doth resemble Thy nature , but he can more close dissemble . He is not so prophane , so impious , bold , To call all truth in doubt , both new and old ; Though he giues darknesse not the praise he ought , And too too curious , after knowledge sought : Yet he confesseth that there is a light He cannot see , through th' impotence of sight . But you all light and knowledge do confine Within the Sunne , as if it were diuine : And like a desperate traytor , foolish theefe , From art and nature steale , to kill beleefe . Come then good fellowes ( quoth the Lamprey ) take This monster vp against vs ; let vs make Him an exampl● of our iustice showne , Vpon Truthes foe , so manifestly knowne . With that he nimbly twines himselfe about The Salamander ( being quicke and stour : ) Chameleon and the Mole , the Lampr●y aide Which makes the Salamander much disinay'd . Yet he doth lay about with tongue , teeth , nailes , And bites them all , but oddes at length pr●uailes . And they remaining victors cast him downe F●om the steepe cliffe , and so the Atheist drowne . Then comming backe , they two the Lamprey pray His wi●e opinion of their st●ife to say : That they may know to which part he enclines Whether to darknesse , or where spl ndor shines . He soone consents , and tells how he ( by kinde B●ed and brought vp in ●u● ) is of the minde The Mole spake truth . For happinesse ( quoth he ) " Consists in what we haue , not what we see . And sight prouokes vs wish , and couet change And so in boundl●sse , endlesse , toyle we range . " He that knowes most , knowes best what he doth misse , " The losse of Parad●se is only this . " Th● simple innocent truth this instance fameth ; " Man in the darke being naked nothing shameth . Thus he discourst , then tells how he behaues Himselfe in darkn●sse , vnder●eath the waues . How he prefers old gnorance , before N●w K●owledge , and ( I wot ) knowes cause therefore . Shewes how for this opinion he was brought Before the Whale , yet lo●g in vaine was sought : Tells how he scapes the sear●h b● many creeks And winding holes , when Hipp●a him seeks : For they ( Phoenician Cre●ishes being swift ) Are Purseuants which he can hardly shift : Yet he hath learned counsell , who directs His whole proceeding when he ought suspects . First subtle Polypus to whom he cleaues , And seeming part of him the search deceaues . The turbulent Cuttle , who doth raise the mud , Aud such a colour mingle with the flood , That no eye can discouer where he lies , And so he often scapes the craftie spies . Then creepes to stones that lye on silt and sand , ( Not to the corner-stone on stedfast land● ) And if by chance they finde him spite of these , And so attach him , then he can with ease Slip through their fingers , or himselfe vnwinde , By leauing some part of his slime behinde . He can equiuocate , and double so , That ●uery way at once he seemes to go . Yet once he taken was , and brought to triall , Where with his doubtfull answer● , stif●e deniall , Low crowching , smoth conueyance , flattering guise He scap't th' Exchequer , Prison , and th' A●s ; si●e . Then being askt , why darker ignorance Before the light he did in speech aduance . He answers , first it was to try his wit ; Not that he held it , to be true or fit . Againe , because ●inall vse of light he had , He to make some fooles like himselfe was glad● With these slye answers , and great friends beside , And faithfull bribes , he did from danger glide : And such fe●'d friends he had in euery Court , And euery office , at the least report Of threatned danger rounded him in th' eare To shift ●is scat , before the storme came neare . ●en shewes he how the better to disguise ●is double face , he had two rowes of eyes : ●s though he lou'd all knowledge , and all light . ●ut ( quoth he ) only two of these haue ●ight ; ●he rest are hypocriticall and blind : ●et their appearance calmes the Whales fierce mind ●hose easie nature open to abuse , ●akes shew for substance , colour for excuse . ●hus adapt and frame my selfe to follow ●he Whales command , although my hea●t be hollow , ●iue at quiet , offices obtaine , ●ace in the warres , and in the Coram gaine . ●ll which shall turne vnto the Whales destruction : ●euer great fish , mooue but insurrection : ●or I 'le discouer all when time shall fit ; Who trusts a halfe friend , hath not halfe his wit. ●hil'st thus he argu'd , and the Mol● grew proud , ●o heare affected ignorance allow'd : ●nd that so many in that large dominion , ●emain'd vpholders of his stiffe opinion . ●he thinne Cham●le●n gan looke bigge and swell , ●nd each complain'd himselfe he was not well , ●ut then too late , they found how they were stung ●nd poyson'd by the Salamanders toung . ●here was no helpe , but die they must . In vaine ●hey weepe ; and each to other shew their paine , ●ill Iustice did by death their paine conclude , ●ith tragicke end closing their interlude . Epimythium . The Mole is the blinde , obstinate , refractary Romish Catholike , who hath no other answere or reason for any article of faith , or point of religion , but this : My predecessors were of this opinion , and they were wiser then I am . His Positions are . 1. Ignorantia est mater de●otionis . 2. Caeca obedientia meruit ex condigno . 3. ●ides implicatiua sufficit . He obeyes that which he calls the mother Church , before God , who is his heauenly Father . For he had rather breake ten of his commandements then one of hers . Gods Sabboth day is his play●day , and euery Saints day , his Sabboth . What hee spends on Christmas day , hee spares on Ashwednesday , and Goodfriday . And this is his generall rule , two fasting dayes , makes the third a glutton . The Chameleon is in England a Familist , at Amsterdam a Brownist , further on an anabaptist He liues by the aire , and there builds Castles and Churches● none on the earth will please him . He would be of the triumphant and glorious Church , but not of the terrene militant Church , which is subject to stormes , deformities , and many violences and alterations of time ; he must findeout Sr. Thomas Mores Vtopia , or rather Platoes Communitie , & be an Elder there : In this point , and in that of r●●isting ciuill gouernours , he seems the same with the Romish Catholicke . But they are tide onely by the tailes , like Sampsons foxes , their heads like Ianus looke diuers wayes . They are Boutefewes & carry betwixt them a fire-brand to inflame all Christendome . They haue in the imagination an Idea of ●uch a Church , and such keyes as the Romanists mad● boast they poss●sse : but they will not haue them the ●me , nor to resemble theirs . Foolish Alchimisters●hey ●hey are both , seeking a Ph●●osophers stone , and neg●ecting the true Elixar , the Corn●r-stone . They boast ●o build golde on the foundation , when what they ●aube on is adulterate stuffe , laid b●side the founda●ion . They beggar themselues in s●●king for wealth ●broad , whil'st at home they neglect that Pearle of in●●tinable price , for which the wise M●rchant giues al ●hat he is worth . If euer I could heare Papist cleare ●he Pope from being Antichrist and proue he must bee ●ne singular person , I would then beleeue that hee ●hould not spring from a ●ew of the tribe of Dan , as ●hey fable , but ●rom a promiscuous coniunction be●wixt two fugitiues , to Amsterdam , and Rome . The Salamander is the Atheist , hee is contrary to himselfe , and hatefull to others ; he poysons all with whom he con●erseth , and knowes some Philosophy ●no Diuinity . Hee seekes all wisdome in himselfe , where the Tutor is the Master foole ; and is so inquisitiue after the cause , that he forge●s both the ●nd and the causer . His reason is his god , and that being false , is not able to direct him to search & see the true God. Thus he is drown'd in the sea of his own foolish and boundlesse imaginations● and being 〈◊〉 a pretty childe , is brought vp for his mo●hers Cocknie , spends his youth like a witie foole , his Manhood like a reasonable beast , and his age ( if iudgement cut him not off ) like ● deuill incarnate . The Lamprey is the subtill shotten Catholike or Church Papist . He coosins the law and his owne sou● too . He is worse to trust then the open and profest 〈◊〉 cusant . He hath no good conscience , for Conscientia 〈◊〉 scien●ia cum alia scientia . N● good zeale , for zeale 〈◊〉 Intentio virtutu● theologicarum ( An opposite to Hypocrisi● , with which h● clokes himselfe from all pena● statutes ) . H● is neither fish nor fle●h ; but halfe fish , an● halfe Serpent , as they s●y which write of the generation of the Lamprey . A man m●y easily surfet of such meate , and a S●ate so ●ne indanger it selfe by suffering such to increase . There is no law can meete with thei● fraud . The Churchwarden is the Coppiholder . The Parson is his Chaplaine . These dare not present him . A fine will vndoe the first , and a prohibition begge● the other : yet these the law presumes must first speak or none . If these do their office , the I wery are perhaps his tenants ; he is a Iustice of peace , a great man their neighbour . If they finde him guiltie , there are pillars in the Excheaquer : or if these faile , a friend or kinsman in Court makes all sure . These scape thus themselues , and shelter others in their houses and abroad . Because the State through conniuence accepting a weake and imperfect shew of conformitie , giues credite to their conuersions , and intru●ts them in place where they may doe much hurt . The goods , leases and monies of the meaner and more resolute sort are past ouer to thes● , and passe free vnder their priuiledges and protections . The Character to know these is this . They come to Church once a moneth , and then when Prayers are done and the Psalmes sung , p●rhaps at the beginning of the Sermon . They are prag naticall , and haue for the most part trauail'● and ●rought home ignorance : They are stiffe and inflexi●le , and call it strength to oppose truth and reason . They extoll forraigne gouernment , and slight all domesticke graces . They magnifie the Infanta , the Archduke , and Spinola ; but vilifie his Excellence and the States . They will dispu●e scandalls● or what may seem scandalous , and that only at tables , where if you stop their mouthes with argument , they pretend they could say more , but that their mouthes are stopt with meat . They trauaile still on Sundaies , and remooue against Easter . Struthiocamelus . DEDICATED To the vertuous Knight , Sir Iohn Heueningham , and his charitable Lady . VVHat on our selues we spend , doth through vs pa● And leaue vs ●aked , as this Ostrich was : This makes you on the poore bestow so much , And no expence but owne your selues to grutch . A Wealthy Marchant late in Barbary , Through sandy desarts passing ; chanc't to sp● An Ostrich eating iron which he found , By Trauellers scattered vpon the ground : Quoth then this Merchant ; prithee let me know , What nourishment , can from those mettals grow ? Th● Ostrich answers ; Sir I do not eat This iron , as you thinke I do , for meate . I only keepe it , lay it vp in store , To helpe my needy friends , and friendlesse poore . I often meere ( as farre and neere I goe ) Many a fow●dred horse that wants a shooe : Se●uing a Master that is money-lesse : Such I releeue and helpe in their distresse . With trauellers I meete that are beset By theeues and ●obbers often . Then I beget My selfe a●ong the thickest , and present Out of my ●aw a pistoll ready bent , A sword and dagger , or some such like toole , To help the true man , and the theefe to coole . The Merchant mus'de ( as well he might ) at this , And thought within himselfe ; this fellow is Most fit for my imployment , I will straight Hire him to be my Bailiefe . No deceit Lurkes in his simple shew ; he 'le surely keepe , My plow-yrons , when my lazie hindes do sleepe . This to the Ostrich motion'd , he agrees , The wages are set downe , the vailes , the fees , The liuory , with circumstance enough , And they come home● And now God speed the 〈◊〉 The Ostrich carefully laies vp the rakes , The pitch-forke teines , the yron-pointed stakes , The wedges , hammer , hatchet , and the nailes , Th● sithe , the sickle , and the biles of pailes , The share , the coulter , heele-yorne , and the cocke , The whip , the horse● shooe , with the key and locke . He needs no locke and key to keepe them vnder , But keeps both lock & key , where you wold wonder . Then comes into the house , puts vp the gun , The sword and dagger ; and when this is done , Deuoures the dripping-pan , the cob-irons , spit , And swallowes all the iron bit by bit . The Merchant prais'd his fortune , that he had Got one so good , ' mongst many seruants bad . Told him he shortly would his state preferre , From being Bailiffe , to be Treasurer ; For he could not inuent a surer hold , Then th' Ostrich had for siluer , or for gold . And now the Merchant leauing one at home , That he may well trust , goes abroad to rome : Neglects his house and lands , thinkes all is well , And as he wont to doe , doth buy and sell . Mongst other things he sold , because the warres Began afresh , he truct for yron barres . For he was one of those that would for gaine : Sell bullets , where they were shot home againe , And did our Mines and Woods on Ordnance wast , Which spite of lawes , he to the Enemie past , Much yrone he had at home , and sold beside All kinde of armour fit for such a tide . So home he comes glad of so good a mart , For here he knowes the Ostrich playes the part Of a good Bailiffe . He may easily thriue , When such a full winde doth his fortune driue . His land he finds vntill'd , he wonders then And thinkes the fault rests on his lazy Men. They say they wanted yrons for the plough , He wonders , for the Bailiffe had enough . He findes his house all naked , not a bit Of meate prepar'd , the Cooke wants pot , and spit● He goes to bed , the theeues assault his house : He hath no weapon to resist a Mouse . H● riseth early , lookes for his munition , The place remaines , no yron in fruition . His barres are gone , his houshold-stuffe , and all , Now to account his Bayliffe he doth call . The Seruants ioyne in their petition first , And shew their griefes , ●ow hard he was , and curst . How he kept backe their wages and their meate , And gaue them worke , but gaue them not to eate . How he neere hand had made a monstrous neast , Where whilst they fasted , he and his did feast . And thither he conuaide the yron worke Where the she Ostrich and his young did lurke ; Who swallow'd all : for they haue mawes as large As culuerings , which would as soone discharge The yron loade ; and sooner farre would spend , And bring a world of wealth to lauish end . The Ostrich to excuse himselfe bewraies The place where safely he this yron layes . Carries him to a priuate hole , where still He dung'd , when he his maw did ouer-fill . Quoth he if you can good distinction make , Each seuerall peece you may from hence vptake . The plow-geares , cart-geares , and the toole for war , Spits , pots , and cobirons , here together are . Each wedge , knife , hammer , and the smallest naile , Drawne lymbick wise through stomacke , guts & taile It 's a rare chymicall extraction now , Better then all the drugs the Mount-bankes show . It passeth our elixar , or the stone● Sought for by many , but attaind by none . Th' obstruction of the Liuer , and the spleene , It opens , mollifies , and purgeth cleane . A secret t' is assured , for madnesse , folly , Wild i●alousie , and cloudy melancholly , It cures the Gout , and qualifies the cause , Suppling a hide-bound purse like th' oile of lawes : It dries vp humours , humours that a bound , And mans weake body it makes safe and sound . The merchant stood amaz'd , but at the last , He seazde vpon the Ostrich , held him fast : Made him be tide be●inde a horse , and stript , ( His buttocks bare as now they be ) and whipt . Ransackt his neast , and brake before his face His egs , though his poore Hen in hope of grace , Did sue for their repriuall . But in vaine , He look●s to finde his Iron there againe . Which missing he proceedes , exiles him quite , And then vpon his gate this note doth write . Let Rich-men wisely feare , All such as feathers weare , It 's lost whats'ere they borrow , And soone their mawes goes thorow : The substance they consume To nought but smoke and rheume ; But th' vse they neuer faile To pay with tongue and taile . The Ostrich euer since his breeches lost , Goes like a naked rogue at whipping post . He hates a horse to death since he was stript , And for his fault , ti'de at his taile and whipt . He hides his egges , and couers them from sight , Lest man should find & break them . Thus they write . Epimythium . THe Merchant . figur●th Parsimony , the Ostricl prodigalitie ; what the one gathers , the other spends . Ages , nations , and particular persons haue their alternall variations and vicissitudes , euen in gathering and expence , as in all other passages . ●There bee few scraping fathe●s , but their children proue witty scatterers , or foolish retainers : experience of many ages scarce produce one contradiction to this generall obseruation . The father vs●th no more diligence in damning his soule by getting goods vnlawfully , then the sonne doth in sp●nding them prodigally : Let this therefore learne Vsurers , Ingrossers , and Oppressors of all professions , ( if they loue their wealth , and would not haue it wasted ; or loue their children , and would not haue them vndone ) to secure their estates rather from their children , then for them . It is not the want , but the enioying of aboundance that vndoes many men . The rich father who dares bestow nothing on himselfe ; and the prodigall sonne that spends all on others , and keepes nothing for himselfe , are the miserablest beggers in the world . Others haue pitty and prouision to helpe them , t●ese nothing but derision and scorne . No Hospitall will entertaine them ; only the father finds roome in Bedlame , and the sonne a hole in the Counter , or a dungeon in Newgate . ONOCROTALVS . DEDICATED TO THE RIGHT hopefull KNIGHT , Sir THOMAS SOVTHVVELL . YOur name hath long been mist , now fairely rise And make your Country flourish . All our eyes Are cast vpon your actions ; then on vs Reflect your loue . Shun Onocrotalus . VVHilome within the Persian gulfe did haunt A fowle much like our greedy Cormorant , Cal'd Onocrotalus , who vsde to prey , On fish , or fowle , or beast which past his way . He had a crop vnder his bosome wide , In compasse like a sacke , and thereto side . Much harme and spoile he did , for none could passe But fild his pouch , if bird , beast , fish , it was . At length th' oppressed birds , with fish , and beast , Petition to their Soueraignes , and request Aide and protection gainst the open wrong , This tyrant daily did , and had done long . The beasts vnto the Lyon made complaint . Birds to the Eagle . Fishes did acquaint The Seas great Emperour the Whale . with griefe , They all sustain'd , and all implor'd reliefe . Long was it ere they could be heard , for still , The Cormorant , ( for so we call him will ) Had many friends in euery Court , which he Maintainde with large shares , and full liberall fee. For still his gorge full laden , ready stood , And when they mist else-where they here had food : Food of each kinde , for euery stomacke fit , And such as fauorites were , had part of it . Long thus he put them off , yet at the last , By counter-bribes , their weake petitions past . The Eagle first did seeke him , and he found , The theefe where he would wish , vpon the ground , Quoth he , well met , are you the fowle that prey , Vpon our harmlesse subiects night and day , That none can this way passe and vse his trade , But is a subiect to your fury made ? Not I sir ( quoth the Cormorant ) I am one , That liue in contemplation all alone . This poke I begge with , to sustaine my need , And I no fowle am but a beast indeed . Quoth then the Eagle , wherefore serue thy wing ? O ( quoth the Cormorant ) thou mighty king Of feathered fowles , these two are my forefeet , Held vp to honor thee , with reuerence meete . And that thou maist be full resolu'd , and know That I vnto the Lyon duty owe , As subiects to their Soueraignes , not to thee , Without thou wilt vsurpe authoritie , And into other neighbour Realmes incroch ( Which to thy Iustice were a fowle reproch ) Heare but my voice . With that he steps aside , And in the water thrusts his wezand wide , And like an Asse gan bray . The Eagle straight Hearing his voice , suspected no deceit , But p●●● away to seeke what now he saw . When the late noyse he made did thither draw The kingly Lyon , who did hunt about , As th' other did to finde th' oppressor out . And when he spide him ; What art thou quoth he The beast gainst whom so many plaine to me ? O noble Lyon , quoth the Cormorant , I am a fish , the water still I hant . And here I take my food , and lead my life , Free from oppression , and each cause of strife . Why , quoth the Lyon , now I heard thee bray Like to an Asse . True , True , my Lord ye say , ( Quoth this smooth hypocrite ) for I would faine Be like an Asse , so innocent and plaine . I loue beasts well , and next your excellence , The humble Asse , for still his patience . And now to put your highnesse out of doubt , Behold me swimme and diue , ( so launcht he out Far from the Lyons reach ) If beasts quoth he , Can swimme and diue thus , I a beast may be . With that he diues , saying , Sir fare you well , Your faire commends to the King Whale I 'le tell . The Lyon parted thence ; the Whale that way Had sought this Monster all the liue-long day ; And seeing such an vn●outh thing glide past , Within his Kingdome , with such nimble hast ; He call'd and bad him stay , and will'd him tell , If he were Onocrotalus , that fell And cruell murtherer , who hauocke made Of all that in that wealthy Rode did trade ? O mighty Emperour ( aloud he cri'de ) I hardly scap't euen now his cursed pride For being by my noble Master sent , ( The Eagle King of fowles ) you to present With birds and other iunkets in my crop , He needs would me from your glad presence stop ; And but he heard you comming , I surmise , His lawlesse force had made me lawfull prize . Quoth then the Whale , I search to meete that slaue . But what art thou that canst so well behaue , Thy tayle and nimble fins ? Art not a fish ? That I were such ( quoth he ) it is my wish . I like thy milder reigne where subiects say , For loue , and not for dread , they thee obey . And would arm'd in white scales , if I might choose Serue thee a fish , and my blacke feathers loose . But Nature this forbids ; yet still I striue , Euen from my youth , fish-like to swim and diue : And vnderstand their language , and conuerse With them whose ciuill manners , are lesse fierce Then beasts or birds be . For they drinke far more And eat much lesse , then we doe on the shore . This drinking I delight in , and haue tride , By all good meanes to make my belly wide . Yet see , I am a fowle . So vp he hies , And takes his wings with speede , and far thence flies ? The Whal● then found his cunning and straight sent A priuy letter of his close intent , Both to the Eagle and the Lyon stout , To meet and ioyne , and finde this Out-law out . They met , and ioynd , and then this Out-law found Nor in the Sea , nor yet vpon the ground : Nor flying in the aire , but in a hold , A hollow tree , whose strength made braggard bold . They spoke him faire , but he discerned plaine , Their drift , and cride● Faire words make Idiots faine . They threatned him , but threats he doth deride , And saith , by threatning words none euer dyde . The Eagle would haue ventred on his neast , But he his bill held right vpon his breast , Like a stiffe souldi●rs pike , sharpe , long , and armd ; And no way but right downe he could be harmd . The Lyo● would haue torne with teeth and nailes The tree vp by the roote , but wanted sailes To swim so farre , for it in waters stood . The Wh●le then thought to tosse it in the flood , But in a rocke it grew , and growing so , He bad them do their worst , he fear'd no foe . They saide , they would besiedge and starue him out ; He laught amaine , and shew'd how gainst that doub● He was prouided , hauing store to serue So long , till if they staid , they all would starue . Then each bethought himselfe of many a wile And war-like stratagem , how to beguile This politique Rebell , and to force him yield Or starue within , or venter to the field . All workes the ayre , the water , or the land Did ere produce , these Captaines vnderstand : B●t none found able to enforce his strength : The warlike Ly●n yet conceiu'd at length How to effect it . Great confederates heare , ( Quoth he ) what I propound . There 's uought I feare But what I speake of . Once I did rebell Against out Generall Soueraigne Man : to tell This fault doth touch my honour , but you all , I ●now haue been co-partners in my fall , And his most gracious pardon . Then , O then I kept within my fort , a hideous den Caru'd out of rocke it was ; and no way he Could force me out , or make assault on me . At last with indignation mou'd , he takes A mighty flint vp , and with hurling , breakes The same against a rocke , which flying sings , And sparkles from the ayre betwixt them springs As from a red-hot yron , when a Smith With heauy hammer beats it on a stith . Neere hand he had before laid leaues with rosse From Okes torne with a Northern blast , and mosse Dride in the parching Sun : and wood which dide By killing age , and stood my den beside . The sparks inflam'd this stuffe , which in the mouth Of my darke Caue he plac'd : the winde then South Forc'd in the smoke , and this ayre-thickning smoke Infor'd me thus , either come out or choke . The issue you remember : this alone Must be our proiect now ; or Art hath none . Hie therefore braue-bird brother , quickly take Twixt your strong tallents this great flint , and make Experience of my plot . Mount with it hie And let it fall , that fire may from it flie : Which kindled once , fan gently with your wing , And cherish with soft breath : then let the king Of fishes with his mighty nostrels puffe Till it ●lames fiercely , and burnes hot enough . This counsell they applaud ; but th' Eagle thought How purer , hotter , flames might soone be ●ought : And vp he nimbly fores the milke-white way , Where ( being a minion knowne ) he findes no stay ; Each dore ●●ies ope alone , till to the eare Of mighty loue he gets , and let him heare His businesse and his suite , which was for fire And thunderbolts ; loue grants his full desire . Downe quickly he descends and makes a traine About the place where this theefe doth remaine : Then powder he applies vnto the root Of t'hollow tree , and thence the slaue doth shoot . He shoots him thence into the ayre as hye , As th' Eagles selfe could follow with his eye . And downe he comes and doth descend the deep , Where the still Center doth no motion keep . Then vp againe aboue the swelling maine , He bounds , there floting without sense or paine . And ere he can recouer labouring breath , That 's lo●h to part , the Whal● from vndern●ath The traytor doth attach , and straightway brings To be arrayn'd before the other Kings . Him they examine , but he will confesse No truth , but what they know as he doth gh●sse . Then they doe racke him ( being rent before ) Yet he no truth , but many a lye doth rore . Till with the violent torture and constraint , Life almost failing , and with sufferings faint , His gorge he vomits and bewraies with paine The truth , for which they sought so long in vaine . And first ( preposterously ) he casteth out , All slimy lubricke meats , Eele , Gudgeon , Trout ; The Citie heires , Gilt-head and Golden●eye , Belonging to the Sea-kings soueraignty . And with this euidence conuict , the tryall Proceeds to proue him guilty in denyall Of farther wrongs done . The Wood-cocke , Parret , The Goose , the Dotterell , lack●daw prone to parret , The Sea●gull and the Cinclos weake and friendlesse , And of poore widdow - Turtles numbers endlesse , With diuers subiects to the royall Eagle , He doth as easily voide , as erst inueagle . Yet still vnto the Lyon he denies Himselfe a trespasser , but all those lyes He lately made , and late was taken in , Afford presumption of his farther sinne . For which againe they racke him one pin higher , And then he vtters more then they desire . A foolish Cony , and an innocent Lambe , A credulous Cal●● new weaned from the dam , And yet in wardship ; a ridiculous M●use For feare of Cats leauing her sheltring house : And last of all , ( for which the Lyon greeued ) A Hare , from execution oft repreeued . All these with easie vtterance , doth declare That he did fowle , nor beast , nor fishes spare But preide on all , and so became a prey To the Eagle , Whale , and Lyon , eu'ry way . Which prou'de and made by demonstration plaine , Beyond the power of impudence to faine : He then excepts against th'vndue proceeding , They in his apprehension vsde , not heeding The law of Nations , but by force constraining ( Himselfe ) an others subiect , remaining In peace , and league with them , to be arrayn'd Like to a Traytor , and with tortures payn'd . He saith the place he kept in was without Their iurisdiction , and he made no doubt To proue it with large priuiledges blessed A sanctuarie for the poore distressed . They slight his cauils ; And the Whale demands In whose vnknowne , strange gouernment it stands If not in one of theirs ? For ayre , earth , sea , And all they haue ( but Man and what Mans be ) , Doe properly belong to one of these , Who may dispose of all , as they best please . I pray then ( quoth the Corm●rant ) relate To whose Emperiall crowne , and to whose state , My enuy'd neast belongs ? which of you three Claime th' interest as Lord by right of fee ? For if it proper be to one , the rest Haue done much wrong , t' vsurp his interest Whose it should be . This question he did make Hoping thereby their setled loues to shake ●y couetous ambition , whilst they all ●ould make their claimes , and so asunder fall . ●ut the foreseeing Eagle bids him minde ●is owne affaires , and not to thinke t'vnwinde ●he snares true Iustice laies about his life , ●ut interposing such slight cause of strife ●etwixt such firme friends , in strong league combinde And with all strength of entercourse entwinde . And yet to satisfie this curious doubt , Know ( quoth the Eagle ) that being hem'd about With floting waters , it belongs to him Who gouerns all that in the waters swim . But as it on the stedfast earth doth stand , It longs to him that is the king of land . And the large tree which spreads his spacious bowes In th' open ayre , within my kingdome growes . Thy neast thus longs to all of vs , thy food Stolne from our subiects , in th' ayre , earth , flood : And thou thy selfe must needs , if thou beest either Beast , bird , or fish , be one of ours ; if neither , Say what thou art , or whose thou art ; for all But Man and Monsters in this number fall . Then ( quoth the Cormorant ) I doe belong Vnto the fearefull Dragon , whose blacke tongue Threats death to each of you , and keeps in awe Your humbler spirits , making his will your law , He is the king of serpents , whose strong breath Confounds your strength with all-subduing death . He rules the vpper region , purging fire Which searcheth hell , and doth to heau'n aspire . This , this alone it was which I obay'd When that strong law vnto my neast you layd . But you that sprightly power by int●usion Falsely vsurpt to my deuout confusion . Fire onely to the Dragon doth belong ; To him , and vnto me , you haue done wrong . To him I doe appeale ; and haue resort In this great cause to his infallible Court. This speech inflam'd their hearts with heat & scorne To be confronted thus , thus ouerborne By a base villaine who did proudly brag on The free protection of their foe the Dragon . So with a full resolue , they all agree Each for himselfe and his reueng to bee . The Lyon takes , feet , head and throat away : With those he walk't and like an Ass● did bray . The Eagle seaseth on his wings and taile , With these he bird-like in the ayre did saile . The Whale his body swallowes at a bit Which he vs'de fish-like , diu'd and swam with it . Thus Traytor-like hee 's quarter'd out and caru'd ; Would land and water Pyrats were so s●ru'd . Epimythium . The water Pyrat euery one doth know They rob our Marchants , and allegeance owe To no command ; dutie to none will giue , But out-lawes , like the sea wherein they liue . Our Pyrats on the land haue sundry kinds , And sundry obiects . Our goods , bodies , minds . Law-state-Church Pyrats , when no Church , state , law , Can their irregular liues to fashion draw . The first pretending gouernment of all , And freeing such as into danger fall ; Doe kill in curing , and oppresse with easing Both the delinquent , and the free displeasing . The second guard our land from forraigne force , Whilst they themselues ( perhaps ) afflict vs worse . Strangers may not deuoure vs , yet we are By peace eat vp , more then we wont by warre . The third are of two kinds ; our owne and others , Who not in doctrine , but in fact are brothers . Our owne feed few ( for the dumb dog still lurches ) They 'le not teach one , but swallow many Churches : They vnto ignorance our soules betray ; And to seducing diuells giue silent way . The other knowes , no king , but knowes their subiects , And faines to reconcile , but make them abiects . No place is priuileg'd , no law , no Nation : For all the world his parish is and station . Rome giues him licence , and although he swim In the whole sea , there is no roome for him . He cries where s'ere he comes ; Al 's mine , giue room ; And if it be oppos'de a fatall doom Becomes his vsher . Kings must kisse his foot , If curses , pistolls , poyson , hell can doo 't ; But if nor these , nor hell , then Faux more skilfull Will charme the open earth , blow vp the wilfull . These Cormorants my bleare-eyde Muse hath spide : But there are many Cormorauts beside . If any man seeke a true body for this shadow , let him read Commines his fourth booke ; where hee shall see Lewis of Luxe●b●rgh Earle of S. Paul & Constable of France , playing the right part of Onocrotalus with Le●is the XI . King of France ( shadowed by the Eagle● because hee ouer-sored the other Princes in wisedome and policie , and because that kingdome hath been honored with ●he Emperiall crowne and armes ) As also with the King of England Ed●ard the fourth shadowed by the Lyon ( both in regard the Lyon is part of the Armes of England , and for that the said King was a most valiant Prince , hauing been personally present in nine set battailes , and remaining Conquerour in all . And lastly with Charles Duke of Burgu●die , shadowed by the Whale ( both in regard he was strong by Sea , as also for that he was terrible and cumbersom to all his neighbour Princes ) If any seeke farther they seeke without mee , and must be their owne guides . The ASSE . DEDICATED . TO THE LEARNED and iudicious KNIGHT Sr. HAMOND LE-STRANGE . Some beasts are ●minous some birds are so , But Massolanus and ●our selfe say no. Hee slew the Augurs bird● My ●illy Asse . May ●o a wise-man without perill passe . ALthough in ●taly , in France , and Spaine , And all those hotter Regions , there remaine Great store of Asses ? and with vs but few , Saue some that our late Trauellers do shew . And though the Pope and Romane Clergie ride In euery lowly , patient , humble pride Vpon these beasts , or on their bastards rather , As fits each single , simple , holy father . I would not haue you thinke my meaning such A beast of theirs or of our owne to touch . The Asse I talke of , bred in Thess●ly Came to a country man , a neighbour by And made great mone , that euery sauage beast In woods and fields , the greatest and the least Misus de him , wrongd him , made it all their sport To trouble him , who had no remedy for 't . The Man seemde pit●ifull , enclind to good , And gaue the Asse aduice to leaue the wood , To dwell with him who able was and strong , His weake Retainers to protect from wrong . True ( quoth the Asse ) your wit , your strength I know , But how can I deserue the grace and shew ? What benefit or pleasure whilst I liue Can I doe you , who must my liuelyhoood giue ? Quoth Man , for my protection , and my meat You shall affoard me but your dung and sweat , Those excrements t' inrich and lust my ground , That it with corne and vintage may abound . And when I chance to trauell farre and nye , You like a friend , shall beare me company . The Asse was glad the cou●nants were so good , And straight agrees , nor long consulting stood . The articles were drawne● read openly , Sealed and deliuered interchangable . And homethey goe , and long together dwelt Without repentance ; neither greeuance felt . But man in innocence remain'd not long , And since is apt to doe all innocence wrong . Sure here it fell out so . The crafty Man Wo say and vnsay , lye , and cauill can , Went to the Asse , and ( all inrag'd ) demands ? Why all that while he had not dung'd his lands ? Sir ( quoth the Asse ) such compasse as I yield I haue with daiely care laid in your field . True ( quoth the Man ) but that will not suffice To dung my ground , that plenty may arise ; Yet so you vndertooke . Then out of hand See you prouide enough to serue my land . And yeeld what you keepe backe good store of sweat Or I le giue store of blowes , but not of meat . The Asse finds he is wrong'd , but sees not how To right himselfe ; weake men to stronger bow . He does what man commands , and rather more Till Man grows rich , and so grows proud , with store . Then man must trauaile , must his kinsfolke see And other countries how they fashion'd be . The Asse must goe with him , so 't was agreed To beare him company . Well mote they speed , The Man a saddle sets vpon his backe , A hal●er on his head , which wit doth lacke . What meane you master ( quoth the simple Asse ) These will but make me weary as I passe ? Foole ( quoth the Man ) thinke you I le haue my Page● Not suited to the fashions of this age ? I should be sham'd to s●e you neere me stand , Without a cloake , and bout your neck a band . Proud was the silly Asse , to heare he stood So high in fauour , and doth onward skud With willing pace , not like a sleepy snaile , But tossing of his eares , winching his taile . Long trauailde they , till to a brook they came , Wherein a many siluer fishes swam . A bridge was n●●re , but Man withheld his eye , And would not see the bridge , some reason why . The Asse went through the water : quoth he then , All beasts are far more happier than all Men. You are by nature safely cloth'd , and armde , Gainst cold , heat , drought , and wet ; we easly harmde With any small annoyance . You are free , And gainst all these extreames must patient be . The Asse being prais'd , vpon no ground stood still , But must turne backe againe to shew his skill , To boast his valour , let his Master know All his good parts , and s●ruices arow . Now sir , quoth he , you on my backe I 'le beare , Safe o're this water● G●t vp , nothing fear● . The Man leapt lightly vp . Dissimulation " Doth neither stirrup n●●d , nor great perswasion . The Asse doth quickly passe the Ri●er . Then He stayes , and prayes him light . No , ( s●ith the Man ) Proceed vpon your iourney you can beare , I dare not light , to fall I stand in fear● . I 'le kneele then ( quoth the Asse ) and down he kneels , The Man straight raisde him with his whip and heels . O Master ( quoth the Ass●● you promisde meat , You● cou●nant giues no liberty to b●at . ●oole ( quoth the Man ) the word expresly meant , Wages for worke impli●s a punishm●nt For sluggishnesse and sloth ; make haste away , Our busin●sse and the time permits no stay . So on they goe , till the Asse now almost tyred , Askt pitty of the Man , and ease desired , Th●t the would daigne a little while to light . The Man denide it , and then laught out-right . And doubled blowes with whip , with heele , & staffe . O tyrant ( quoth the Asse ) dost fight and laugh ? Are these th' effects of promises and words ? Is this the peace your law , bond , faith , affords ? Keep you your couenants thus ? O man thinke how You make vs traytors , when you , breake your vow . Why ( quoth the Man ) my couenants are vnbroke , I haue performde whatsere I wrote or spoke . I giue you meat , my meaning likevvise vvas , To giue you blovves , if that you plaide the Asse . I was to haue your ex●rem●nts and sweat . I cannot haue those but by vvorke and heat , Therefore I ride you . You were to attend In all my iourneyes on me like a friend . And vvhat is liker to a friend I pray , Then a mans drudge , that toyles both night & day ? That carries him through thicke and thin vvith paine , And a sure stud for all turnes doth remaine● O ( quoth the Ass● ) the vvorld vvas neuer good , Since other on mentall reseruation stood . I only vvas to beare you company , True ( quoth the Man ) to beare , that 's carry me . O damn'd equiuocation , vvho at first , ( quoth the poore Asse ) this double Doctrine nurst ? No Merchant , Tradesman , Lavvyer , nor Diuine , Though much frō truth they warp , frō grace decline , Could be the a●thors of this ample euill , But truthes professed foe , that i●gling deuill . That Diuell who taught it first , and practiz'd too , In paridise , vnto our generall woe . That Diuell which doth renue in euery age , By this alone his kingdome and image . For without this his kingdome would decay , And without this his image weare away . This onely murthers truth , opposeth faith , Deceiuing , whether true or false it saith . If true we dare not trust it fearing ill . If false , like truth it looks , and tempts vs will. Quoth Man , thou preachest well ; and well mightst passe Couldst thou speake Latin too , to say a Masse . Thy folly was in fault rashly to draw , Thy articles without aduice at law . There wanted stops , pricks , letters , here and there , And by your leaue some words the truth to cleere . Nay quoth the Asse , had euery word , stop , letter , Been left vnwritten my estate were better . This is the plague , when power expoundeth lawes Not as the truth requires , but as the cause . When euery letter may an error breed , To helpe the rich , and begger such as need . When tyrants do capitulate and treat Not to conclude , but to deceiue and cheat . When your false minds are candi'de ore with words As your gay sheathes conceale your bloody swords . Now ( quoth the Man ) I thinke that Balaams Asse , Or golden Apuly's , thy Tutor was . Thou art so eloquent , so learned , witty , As if thou hadst been taught in Athens Citty . In Athens ? ( quoth the Asse ) now I espie , You speake no truth , but when yee thinke to lie . I was a Cockny once , of noble blood , Traind vp in Athens Court , and in the flood of pleasure , bathde my youth , ( but not in Art , ) Which causde this transformation , teares , and smart . Yet went our Master , and was well allowde● ( With many of my kin ) in that thicke crowde , When Philip did so learnedly dispute , And made Demost ●enes with wonder mute . I was in fauour then , and then did passe , For braue and wise , though now I be an Asse . For no Man ought to iudge by forme , or face , By fauour , or imployment , or by place , Which are the wise and foolish . Dunces oft ●Passe by great doctors . Baboones leap aloft . And they may proue like me , ( li●e to be switcht , ) If they my fortune meet , to be bewitcht . How I bewitched was , you now shall heare . There is no true accomplisht Caualere , That hath not trauailde . And the'rs few of these , Which scape bewitching , passing ouer Seas . When I first trauail'd , my braue Spirit did moue , T' attempt great Ladies and to purchace loue . I purcha'st loue so long , till all I had , Was purcha'st from me , and my selfe full glad , To leaue both Court and Citie , and to try , A better Country fortune to espie . With much much toyle , and many courtly shifts , At length I did arriue mongst craggy clifts , And barraine rocks , t' a smoaky house which stood Alone , besides a fearefull desart wood . There with a wither'd witch I long time staid , A Bel-dame that had been Mede●es maid . She turn'd me to an Asse that very day , Th' Odcombian wit , did odly scape away , He may his good shooes praise , pray for his heeles , By those he scap't . And yet I feare he feeles , His braine , was turning , if he euer passe That way againe , he will turne perfect Asse . And so will many more as well as I , Except they stop their eares , as they passe by . No ( quoth the Man ) this is a pretty fable , Fitting the end , so neere vnto the stable . I le now alight , we two are perfect friends , My iourney and thy tale together ends . So they went in to rest , but euer since , The Man mounts on the Asse , although he wince . There is no remedy , and he must obay , That 's sadled , bridell'd , and bound euery way . He might haue look'd before he made his match : Now ti 's too late , when time was past to watch . Yet euer since he letters hates and learning , When ther 's no fault in them , but his discerning . He shunneth water too , all that he can , The cause which made him first a slaue to Man. Epimythium . We must learne from hence these lessons . 1. First to beware with whome wee deale : for if hee be stronger either in person , or by friends , wee shall become his prey : if hee be richer , hie gold will weigh dow one siluer : if he be more eloquent , his lies will be belecued before our truths : if hee bee the Iudge , he will giue sentence according to his honour , or at least according to his owne profit . This is seene by generall ●xperience , and ●sp●cially in that man of sinne , who pretends to Iudge of all controu●rsies , and expounder of all doubts ; d●termin●s the darkest things to be cleere in his owne b●half● ; and the most clecre and pregnant proofes brought against him , to be darke and obscure . 2. Secondly , we must beware of whom wee take counsell ; they may be our enemies to morrow , that are our friends to day ; we often shew our euid●nces to such , who for a larger free giuen by our aduers●ries , know how to betray vs , and open a gap for the ouerthrow of our cause . 3. Thirdly , to whom we slee for protection from wrongs , lest shunning the Buzzard , wee become a prey of the Sparhauke . Many poore men are swallowed in this pit-fall : we make lawes to tye our owne winges . So much of euery act is taken as will scrue for lime-twigs to take vs ; the rest which should reforme , lies vse lesse . We receiue strength into a towne , which beeing once in possession , hold for themselues , and plague vs worse the then enemies would haue done . So the Brittai●es ( our fellowes ) call'd in the S●x●ns ( our fathers ) and all histories are full of like examples . We●el might the last yeere haue looked into this glasse , now it is too late . The hand which holdes it , hath practised the Falcone●s first prou●rbe in many places before . It knowes how to holde fast : and knowes no other honour , but profit . But C●llis was wiser , who would rather yeeld it selfe to the Archduke then expect profferd deliuerance by vs. The French durst not let vs haue footing againe in France , we had taught them too well before how hardly we are intreated to let goe our hold in so good a Countrey . Let this then teach vs to beware . 4. Fourthly , let vs take heede to whom wee giue And what we giue . A talent is too much for a Cynicke to receiue ; a groat too little for a King to giue : discretion must guide liberality . Many bounties haue miscarried , and been lost , vndoing both the giuer and receiuer , whil'st they were not proportioned according to the worth and respect of both parties . Our age may looke in this glasse . Who giues some the first peny , giues him earnest mony to begge still , encouraging rather then releeuing . Giue such the whip . We often giue presents to our betters , & they expect the custome still : power demands that of duty , which was first granted by way of bencuolence . Lastly let vs beware what we receiue from others and what we put on . It may be a saddle , which wee thinke an ornament , and a bridle which we thinke a grace . Diuers forraigne ouertures shew this , and at home the inu●stitures of Ireland , made by the Pope to Henry the second whereby that Sea challengeth right in Ireland . All other titles and prerogatiues●which come from thence , are of this nature ; and were sent to this end , to be witnesses of their interest . Doubtlesse the Diuell pretends thus to bee author of our knowledge ; & saith but for him we had neuer known good and euill asunder . Our lawes and priuiledges written in the Norm●n● tongue are euidences to prooue our subiection to William of Norm●ndy ; as the vniuersall speech of the Latin proued the worlds slauery to Rome , though none were thought free men , and braue fellowes , but such slaues as spake that tongue ; the rest Barbari●●s . Merchants will trust vs to draw vs into their book es ; they bridle and saddle vs with gay clothes , ( like foot-clothes to Asses ; ) then they girt vs vp sure , and mount our backs , whil'st we can walke free in no ground , not in the streets . Our stable is the Counter , where we are mad● right Asses : Hither many Courtly Gallants make hast to come , and to stand at liuery in the HOLE . CVRIALE . DEDICATED TO the good acceptance of Master FLYODE , Admirall to the Queenes Maiestie , and of her Counsell . The Court from Flies and fleas you cannot free , Whilst such sweet meates , good fires , soft beds there be : Yet guard your eyes and eares well , for we know , Princes both heare and see by such as you . THe Flie and Flea hauing in Court got place , Saw all such Courtiers as were chi●fe in grace . Still present with the King : how in his eare For being busie , some rewarded were : Others they saw get wealth with standing nie : But none did thriue that were not in his Eye . They thought since these alone grew rich and braue , They would as nimbly too themselues behaue . ●hat they were black could be no hindrance thought , ●or many blacke gownes their pre●erment sought . ●ut their ambition reacht t' ingrosse all grace , ●nd shoulder others from so wisht a place● ●nd thus resolu'd , the Flea leapes vp alo●t , ●nd in the Kings eare falls with footing soft . ●he foolish Flie did mount with speedy wing ●etwixt the Eye-lids of th' amazed King ; ●ho with his nimble hand did apprehend ●he rusticke Courtiers , and their hopes soon end . Quoth he , Ye saucy Traytors , Dare ye thus ●resume our presence neuer cald by vs ? Or being come , Is there no other place ●n all our Court to please you , but our face ? And in our face no roome can you espie , ●ut our reserued ●are ? our tender eye ? ●n all my kingdomes you might freely range , And varied pleasures euery minute change Without my perturbation : only heere Your boldnesse you shall both with life buy deere . And though the Eagle takes no Fleaes nor Flyes Y●t for pre●umption both by th' Eagle dyes . Epimythium . THis tells inferiours that they must not aspire too high , nor presume too far●e . All persons are not ●it for all places : fooles mistake , and ouer-doe ; wise●en warme themselues at the fire , where children ●urne their fingers : many seeking to be in grace , disgrace themselues . None was thought fitter to bee Emperour then Galba , till being made Emperour he prooued himselfe vnfit . Or age hath seene many of these Babels , whose ruines seeme greater farre of● then at hand . In a darke night each Mete●r , each I gnis fatuus seemes a Sunne ; but the day , comming neere the Sunne , they cannot bee seene . There bee many ofthese , who if they had not attained preferment , would haue thought themselues wronged , and the world would haue thought them vnfortunate ; as if enuy had crost honour from beholding them with equiualence : when now hauing attained what their ambitions desire , they see their owne insufficiencies , and the world iudging them vnworthy of such eminence , say they serue for nothing but to keepe out better Men. Their high flight rather helpt by the winds strength , ( by fauour and grace ) then by their owne wings ( vertue and true worth , ) serues onely to shew the world it s owne blindnesse , and their weakenesse ; for being aloft in the top and pride of their pitch , they make many plaines , and dare not come freely at all occasions ; but they soone stoop to the lure of the dead quarry , hauing good stomackes , but bad hearts ; what they speake , what they doe , as not out of their owne strength and sufficiency , but from others direction . They are french souldiers and Statesmen ; their horses , their seruants must be Knighted , for these did the seruice ; It was not the Rider , his care was only to keepe the saddle warme and to sit sure . Againe , it tells Superiours that the poorest and most despised creatures may annoy them . Lice presume into ●●araohs bed-chamer , in spite of the Guard , the Vshers , and Pensioners , the Squires of the body , the Gentleman , and the Groomes ; where none durst come before but Minions and Fauorits . Wormes craule into Herods wombe , euen then when his flatterers and all the people crie out , vox De● & non hom●nis . Hee spake well but he did nothing : he vsed eloquence and learning to his owne glory not to Go ds : God therefore shew'd him that he was a worme and no man , who a little befote did both in place and voice shew himselfe like a god . A ●lie skips into Pope Alexanders cup and into his throat and kils him , who a little before chalenged to haue the keyes of life and death in his hands , and with his cup of abominati on s poysoned not only the poore flies ( the subiects ) but the Eagles ( the kings ) of the earth . Despise not therefore litle ones . Remember how Sisera and Abimelech fell by the hand of women . And Sigebert king of the West-saxons was slaine by a swine-heard of Combra●●s , euen in that place where Sigebert had slaine Combranus before , for the good and wholsome counsell he gaue the vnthankfull King. SOLARIVM . DEDICATED . To the absolute and open enemies of Ignorance and Darknesse , and the true Louers and Followers of Light and Knowledge , Sr. Iohn Crofts and his happy LADY . THe Clock that chim'de your praise , went right for still The Diall rulde his tongue the Sunne his Will. And as these led him right , you follow may , To heauenly glory , through the Milk-white-way . IN some part of the World , I know not where , But sure S● . Thomas Mard●uile was there . Betwixt a Clocke and a Sunne-dyall fell A difference which I with sorrow tell . With sorrow , for this error calls to minde Th' vncertainty , which we in Story finde ; Where computations crosse , and make vs doubt Of what we all seeke , cannot one finde out . How to agree , and reconcile th' obscure , The fabulous , and c●rtain● Age of our . The Age obscure ; is that before the Floud : The Fabulous , on fained Wonders stood The race of gods , on gold●n Legends told , Where for sad truths , mad ●ictions were enrold . This latter Age more plaine and cleere , we call The certaine Age , or th' Age Historicall . Yet houres , and day●s , and yeeres haue sure been lost In some of these , which our accounts haue crost . And so they easily might , when from the Sunne To lying Clocks for our accounts we runne . This tale makes all apparant , or at least , Makes probable , what some haue thought a ieast . Within a Churchyard once a Dyall stood Vpon a square hewne Marble , which the Flood In vaine with enuious waues had often sought To spoile , when it the whole world vnder brought . But Seth's wise sonnes had fastned it so sure , It could all stormes● and stre●●e of times endure . And thereon they had caru'd the Art , and lore They learned of their Grandsire long before● Vpon a Church or steeples side neere hand A goodly Clocke of curious worke did stand ; Which ouer paysde with lead or out of frame , Did time miscall , and euery houre misname . Th● Dyall hearing this , aloud gan cry Kinde neighbour Clocke your glib tongue tells a lye . Reforme your error , for my Gnomon●aith ●aith You gad too fast , and misse an houres faith . Foole ( quoth the Clocke ) reforme thy selfe by me , The fault may rather in thy Gnomon be . Had'st thou tould euer truth , to what end then Was I plac'de here , by th' art of cunning Men ? The weather-Cocke vpon the steeple standing And with his sharpe eye all about commanding , Heard their contention , wil'd them to appeale To him the Chiefe of all that Common-weale . Told them that he was set to Ouersee And to appease , to guide and to agree All diff'rence in that place ; and whatso'ere He setteth downe from Iustice cannot erre . For from the winde he information takes Which searcheth through the world , & swiftly make● A true suruay of euery proofe and cause , And doth of Reason know the ground , and lawes . He bids them boldly speake , and bring their pleas , And hee 'le define th' infallible truth with ease . The Dial then beginnes . The globe-like world From Center to Circumf rence being whorl'd In neuer-resting motion , maketh ●ime In sundry reuolutions fall and clime . This Time the measure of all mutable things Comes with lead-heeles , flies hence with fiery wings ; Sleepes with two eyes , hath two eyes euer waking , Twixt minuts , hours , daies , nights , distinction making And though the diff'rence and degrees of change , In seuerall yeares , be wonderfull and strange ; Some by the Moone , some reckoning by the Sunne , And some the great yeare , whē th' heauens hauing ru● Their compleat course , doe to that point arriue Whence the first mouer , them did motion giue ; Yet the most generall certaine count of all Is measur'd by the Sunne , whose rise and fall Makes day , and night , and noone , and midnight too , Spring , Summer , Winter , Autumne , and the two Solsticiums , Equinoctials , and the houres Now naked , and then deck't in gaudy flowers . This Adam to his Grandsons hauing told , With other Arts , and wonders manifold , How all the world both fire and flood should try ; They plac'd me here , to tell posterity Such hidden mysteries ; And to direct The wiser Soules deep-diuing intellect . About me they haue grau'd seauen liberall Arts , The Sciences , with their diuiner parts , A circle and a Gnomon set aboue With Characters ; which as the Sunne doth moue In his ascent , or low declension , tells The certaine houre , degree , and all things else . But for my speech was slow , and cause the Sunne Did often vnder clouds for pleasure runne , Succeeding ages did this C●ocke out finde T' attend on me , and to declare my minde , From me intelligence and rules ro gather To measure night , close stormes , and cloudy weather : And in the Morne , finding his reckoning wrong , By my straight rule , to tune and set his song . But this forgetfull Clocke at randome strikes , Not as I bid , but fondly what it likes : Robs short-liu'de Man of his most precious time , And orderlesse , doth others orders chime . It will not follow me , but wanting wit , VVould haue the Sunne and Me to waite on it . This matter so apparant , though I might Wild Weather-Cocke , except against your right To iudge , and thinke you partiall at the least , Since you o're-cloude me when the Sun comes West , And will take part with it , that 's in the name , In nature , and in sight , almost the same With you ; yet know I'l● not refuse Thy censure , but high place with honour vse . Thus did the Dyal end , and then the Clocke Low-louting to the powder Weather - Cocke , Began his pl●a . Thou mighty Soueraigne VVhich doest the vniuer●all ●udge remaine In all those places , where thy pearcing eye Can see , or my shrill voice be he●rd to cry . Behold this impudent , poore , negl●ct●d post How it gainst me , and gainst thy sta●● doth bost Embasingthy great wo●th , n●gl●cting mine ; As if the glorious Sunne did n●uer shine , Nor his sweet influence on vs l●t fall , But that the Dial had ingrost vp all . VVhen all the world knowes thou wer 't placed there The sleepy Hind● vp to his worke to reare , To call the Scholler to his booke , and wake The The●●e which at thy shrill voice gins to shake . Thou art the cheerefull dayes Embassador , In whose praise once these lines composed were . A crowned King , a compleat Knight , An armed Captaine , fit to fight , A plumed Courtier , fairely clad , A louer that was neuer sad , A Trumpetter● the house wifes Mate , Who riseth early , sleepeth late , A Querister , the poore mans Clocke , All this is our great Weather-Cocke . This sacred Antheme all the world doth sing● To thee the Suns bird , ●ho doth tidings bring , O● his approch and rising : as for me I heere was seated , next thee in degree To giue thee ease , to tell the wondring people What thou discouer'st from that lo●tie steeple , The whil'st thou keep'st thy voice from ●ub●les , And art for silence honour'd with large fees . The Dial is my ward , first placed there That Common Persons who presume not neere Thy hallow'd thron● , may haue intelligence And learne from me the close and hidden sence Of all those Characters , and not expound As list themselues , darke riddles , so profound : Nor contradict , nor yet correct by force , According to the Gnomon , my true course ; But the false Gnomon rather to correct By my aduice , whose way is still direct . Who knowes not , that the Sun in his round race , Many degr●es is gone from his first place , And like a drunkard reeling to and fro , With giddy steps doth shift his circle so ; That where he was euen now , he comes no more , His course is all confusde , behin'ds before ? Needs must the Dial then deceiued be , Which trusts a Guide that doth so disagree Within it selfe , and without iudgement shines Alike on all , making of fooles Diuines . And teaching Fishermen to see as farre , As learned Shepheards , without other starre . Too common in this Guide , to guide aright ; Or if he could , where is the Guide for night ? I then am present still at euery neede Poore erring man , in ignorant night to leade . Then why should this bold Dial , dare to speake Against my greatnesse , or the orders breake Of custome and consent ? since all make choice To feede , fast , pray , or play , led by my voice ? And that all bargaines made , all wagers laide , Not by the Dial but the Clocke are paide ? Which truth , whilst all the world dare neuer doubt , This Dial seemes to question , and ( growne stout ) Exc●pts against thy iudgement too , that thus He might be free and seeme to gouerne vs. But since our causes are so neere of kinne , Let that respect some grace and fauour winne With thy high holinesse , that thou maist see To giue iust sentence for your selfe and me . The weather-Cocke thrice turn'd himselfe about , As taking care to minde the matter out ; And thrice return'd , as if he were as free From preiudice , as from integritie . Then thrice hee claps his wings ( which courage showes ) And thrice aloude his senslesse sentence crowes . To giue a reason , wherefore , how , and what , When , where , by whom , or fondly this or that , Might argue reference to higher power ; But what is he whose place doth equall our ? We are the rule of reason , truths cleare law . Heare then with reuerence , and obey with awe . Without more question , argument , or triall , The iudgement I pronounce against the Dial. The Dial shall be guided by the Clock● This is the sentence of the weather - Cock. Which when the Cl●ck had heard ( puftvp withp●ide ) He ginnes the wronged Dial to deride ; And sits his tongue at large , too much , too soone ; Twelu times he fetch'd his breath , & laugh'd out none . The Dial then with indignation moued By this inuectiue speech their fault reproued . Poore silly Clock ( quoth he ) reioyce thy ●ill , Time will reforme thy ignorant zeale with s●ill , Stay thy distempered course , which hurried now , By mad-braind humor , goes it knowes not how . Time that 's my pupill , shall thy Tutor be , And teach a diff'rence twixt thy selfe and me ; Then thou wilt know thy error , and recant That euer thou wert proud of so much want . But as for thee ( thou iudge corrupt and base , Who bindst all knowledge Prentise to thy place ) Know this , th' all-seeing Sunne thy folly knowes , And to each vulgar eye thy shaddow showes , That they may plainly see how poore thou at Thy head deform'd , defectiue euery part . And that those high prerogatines of state You challenge proper to your selfe , are late Vpstart intrusions , vsurpations new ; Forg'd by the force or flattery of some few . The promise which you boast , to haue the winde Blow where you list , and alte● when you minde , Is false , and foolish ; but 't was promisde still To blow and guide you right , if that you will. And so it doth , so it doth others too , If they consent , not whether they will or no. For when they would the point and quarter know Where it doth breath , on me they looke ; I show The truth to them and thee , if you looke right , If not , you are misled by your owne sight . But how can'st thou others from error keepe When as thy selfe foulded in error deepe , Shun'st reformation , and wilt neither minde , My graue directions , nor the powerfull wind ? I can remember , long before thou Wert When wise Alcedo stood where as thou art . He calm'd all stormes , and pacified the wind To patient sufferance , bent his humble minde . He to the fisher , and the Seaman gaue Directions , how their storme-tost barke to saue . When by the Lee-shore , when to lanch the Maine , And when to lie at Hull , when to remaine In harbour Anchor-fast , and when to saile With a full winde , and when againe to vaile : How , where and when , to cast their nets , and lay Their hidden hookes , where all the skull do play . Some of each kinde , yet at each corner stand , Who still loue truth ; in spite of thy command : Their heads look south , because the wind blows there , Thy taile stands south , thy head the winde doth feare● Ill might he fare that in Alcedos place , Set thee , who springest from a bloudy rac● . His error , and thy pedigree behold As it in ancient story is inrould . A trayt'rous Slaue , his Master hauing slaine Did sole Commander of the world remaine . But whilst he slept ; a chickin of that Cocke Which Cephas check't when he denyde the rocke , And forc't him to repent , to sigh , and weep , Did with his voyce the murtherer wake from sleep , And would not suffer him to rest in sin , But he would rouse his conscience still within● This Murtherer , a Cocke of kinde did get , And him to kill this kinder Cocke did set , Who soone perform'd the taske he tooke in hand : For Chauntecleer would ●uffer , not withstand . He watchfull was and tended his vocation , To stirre vp others to their occupation : He lou'd the pearle more then the barley corne ; To crow , and not to quarrell he was borne . So he was slam● , and slaine by one of those From whence thy proud succession strangely rose Who hight Alectrion , and while-ere had bin The Pandor vnto Mars and Venus sin , And then ( being Captaine of great Mars his guard ) , Stood Sentinel , and kept both watch and ward , For feare that Phoebus all discouering eye , Should them vnwares at their stolne pleasure spie . But ouert'ane with sleep , he did not wake Till Vulcans net did both the lechers take ; For which the angry God ( inrag●d and mad ) His sleeping souldier , all in feathers clad , His sword turn'd spurr●s , himselfe a Cocke of kinde , His armes and body changde , but not his minde ; That 's bloody still , and too far prone to sight Without respect of persons , cause , or right . Els● would he ne're haue been so mad to kill , A harmeles Cocke , who had no thought of ill . But him he falsely slew , and hauing ●●aine Did for this murther , of a murtherer gaine Too great preferment , to be set vp heere In t iumph t'ouersee all , farre and neere ; To be ador'de with vniuersall praise And triple crownd with Oliue , Oake , and Bayes . Him thou succeed'st both in thy minde and place , An armed Champion , of that yron race , A Souldier , none of his whose badge thou bear'st ; But rather one of his whose crowne thou wear'st ; Thy narrow heeles are sharpe , thy tongue is short : To prey , and not to prayer fit t'exhort . Thou wilt not crow to ro●se the world from sleep , But with thy silent charmes , it drunken keepe . When thou most seruant-like thy head dost beare Downe to the ground , then Cockes their crownes ma● feare . Thou seek'st a fained quarrell then to pick , And wilt with both wings mount , with both heeles strick● At euery feather come , stab either spur Vp to the hilts ; and furiously bestur Thy ready parts , t' attaine thy bloody end , And all the world to thy owne scope to bend . Thou trumpet'st warres and curses ouer all , And ouer-c●owes , but wilt not crow to call Thy selfe and others of thy ranke , and place , From looking on the Earth , to view the f●ce Of the all-searching Sunne , and by his light To measure truly what is wrong and right . The Cock is kil'd that Peter caus de to weepe , Th● Petrean Pastor now may safely sleep . ●leepe though he hath deni'd his master too ; ●or none t●admonish him hath ought to doo . Crauen awake , behold how I deride ●●y mutabilitie , thy sloth , thy pride , ●●ou stand'st where he stood who claim'd all the world , ●●d shalt with him from that steep heigh● be hurld . ●bout thy head each prating bird that perks , ●a●e take the name and place of learned Clerks , And vn●o royall Eagles offer lawes , ●Vhen each eye sees , they are but iangling dawes . And though all Lyons in the desart feare , And crouch , when they thy crowing voice do heare● Our Lyon scornes thee , when he heares thee crow ; And with his ●oaring voice the world doth show , How poore thou art , how cowardly , how weake , Who shak'st & trēblest when thou hear'st him speak . And yet how proud art thou , t' vsurpe a place Of iudgement ouer me , in this darke case , And to prefer the Clock for want of wit , VVhen I should be the iudge of thee and it ? The Sexton comes , hee 'le mend all this anone . VVith that the angry Clocke in rage strooke one . The Sexton came indeed , and one did tell , Look't on the Diall , saw all was not well . For that said twelue , the Clock said one and past . He tooke the weights off , which caus●d too much hast , Suruaide the wheeles , for there the fault might be , And found some cog supply the place of three . Some whe●les were taken off , and borne to Court , To trundle vp and downe , and there make sport . And some with dust , and rust , were duld and foild , And some stood vselesse , so the Clocke was spoild . Which to reforme , he mends the wheels forthwit● Files , oyles , and beats them throughly on a stith : Makes weights and wyere fit , then by the Sunne Sets the new course , which it doth truly runne . Then going vp the steeples top he spies The weather-cocke how palpably it lies . For at each Corner the Kings-fishers stood , Full South ; and that the Dial prooued good . But the fond Weather-cocke ( being w●ather-wise ) From the Calme blast turn'd his scornefull eyes . The Sexton tooke him downe , and straight did see An easie way how he might mended be , His head was too too great , with 3. combes crownde Which euer when the wind blew turn'd him round . His taile was too too weake , when euery feather Was bent with storms , and broken with the weather The Sexton cut his crownes , and gaue more saile With them and with the spurs vnto his tayle So humbled now in habite , looke and minde , He waites with due obedience on the winde : Knowes his high place was not to rule , but serue , And means no more from this strict course to swerue● This tale no mortall needs , it is not darke , But points a worke fit for our learned Clarke Who by the Dyal may reforme the Clocke , And by kings fishers turne the Weather-cocke . We haue the winde to helpe vs and the Sunne , And works are halfe accomplisht when begun . Then who 'le begin ? who is on our side , who ? Where words , winde , writings faile , resolue to Doe . I had thought this Tale should haue needed no other ●ongue then it s owne to bee rightly vnderstood . But because I see it too misty for some apprehensions , whose wills are as desirous as others to know truth , I haue added this by way of illustration to enlighten such as accept well of my good meaning , which is to informe others according to that which I haue recei●ed , and to be reformed where I erre my selfe . 1. First the teaching part of the militant Church , which consists of the Clergie , I haue vayled vnder the Cl●cke● . The wheeles are the distinct degrees and offices they en●oy of superioritie , and inferioritie ; wherein the Harmonie of the whole consisteth . The weights are the priuiledges , immunities , prerogatiues and donations of seuerall kinds , bestowed vpon the Church in seuerall ages , by good Kings , liberall professors and benefactors . The challenge the Clocke seemes to make h●ere to rule the Dyal , resembleth the controuersie the Church of Rome raiseth in the Catholicke Church about the exposition , the restrayning or publishing of the Scriptures . 2. The Dyal is the written word , which is of it selfe dead and vnprofitable , without farther illumination . Since none of the Philosophers , nor Salomon himselfe by the me●re strength of Nature , could from thence draw sauing knowledge , without sauing grace . But as the Dyal hath reference to the Sunne ; so hath this to the Sonne of righteousnesse . Neither am I without warrant for vsing this bold Allegorie , since the sweet Singer of Israel compares the same word to a lanterne , and the spirit to a light , when he saith elegantly , and like a Diuine POET , Thy word is a lanterne vnto my feet , and a light vnto my path . Now as it is absurd that the Dyal should bee set by the vncertaine gadding of the Clock : So is it more absurd that the Clergy should so iudge of the Scriptures , as to conclude o● teach any thing by w●●● pretence soeuer against it , or to vouch vnwritten veri●●es ( as some call them ) or traditions contradictorie to the written word . But much rather as the 〈◊〉 ought to be set by the Dyal ; so ought the Church to subiect it selfe to bee directed by the Scriptures . and to prooue and examine it selfe by the same rule whether it be in the faith or no. And finding i● sel●● in the right , it ought by manifest proofes and arg●●ents from thence to shew forth the same faith 〈…〉 3. Thirdly , the Weather-cocke who 〈◊〉 himselfe as iudge in this controuersie betweene the Dyal and the Clocke , is that Pope of Rome , who challengeth the same prerogatiue iure diuino , oue● the Church and Scriptures . How falsely he doth this , and yet how impudently , is well knowne to all . For I know not what the Pope hath more to doe with the rule of the Catholique Church , then the Weather-cocke ( because he stands vpon the top of the steeple ) hath to doe with the gouernment of the Clock and Dyal . I haue heard and read the reasons vpon which the contrary opinion is grounded , but for my owne part can see no strength in them able to turne any but Weather-cock● . The prioritie of place , the whole Church perhaps would bee content to yeeld him for the generall peace , and to expresse the true humilitie of holy Pastors , who follow the example and doctrine of their master Christ . But for him ( that turnes and returnes as vncertainely with euery blast of humor or occasion , as any Weathercocke at ●e change of the winde ) to challenge not onely the ●mmunitie from errors , and the infallibilitie of iudge●ent , but also to be Christs Vicar Generall vpon earth , 〈◊〉 Peters Successor , the Apostolicall Prince , and Vniuersall Bishop of the whole Church , to haue all power in Heauen and on Earth , and all iurisdiction both temporall and spirituall , impropriated to his Cha●re , and ●nnexed to his place , this seemes strange ; and they ●ustly deny it him , who are not giddy with standing ●oo neere him , or troubled with the same vertigo , by ●eason of the height of place , from whence they looke ●pon the rest of the poore afflicted and distressed ●ocke of Christ Iesus . But for this proud challenge ●hey know truly how to style him the great Antichrist , and crowne him with this triple Crowne ; the Man of sinne , the Whore of Babylon , the Vicar Generall of HELL . CERTAINE PIECES OF THIS AGE PARABOLIZD . viz. Duellum Britannicum . Regalis Justitia Iacobi . Aquignispicium . Antidotum Cecillianum . By THOMAS SCOT Gentleman . Scire tuum nihil est . LONDON , Printed for Francis Constable . 1616. DVELLVM BRITANNICVM . DEDICATED To the eternall memorie of that admirable Combat performed by two valorous Knights , Sir Robert Mansell appellant , and Sir Iohn Heydon Defendant ; where both equally expressing fortitude and skill in giuing and receiuing wounds , scaped death , notwithstanding by the onely fauour of Prouidence . SInce you haue done more then I can relate ( A miracle in conquering Death ) what hat● Is that , then death more deadly , which suruiues To cloude the glory of your after liues ? Be reconcilde ; we shew most strength and skill In mastering our strong frailtie , our weake will. Duellum Britannicum . HOMO HOMINI DAEMON Man may Man perswade amisse , But the skill and cunning is , To rule him right , to cause him do● What true wisedom●●o●gs ●nto . See how the busie Lawyers throng Twixt Man and Man for right and wrong● Those Papers , all those bookes are writ , To reconcile Mans iarring wit. Pistols , Muskets , Rapiers , Swords , All the Engines war affords● Are for Man prepar'd , not hell : There no foe like Man doth dwell . " Man for sport baites Lyons , Beares , " Man alone Man hates , and feares . GReat Volumes in few lines epitomiz'd Are easiest apprehended , and so priz'd . Large Countries in small Maps are best suruaide , Because the sense ( in these abridgments staid ) Keeps company with Reason , neuer flitting From that firme obiect their ioynt powers fitting . Thus the whole world is in one Man exprest , And euery part describ'd and iudged best . Then noble Britain● do not scorne to see Thy owne face in this Glasse I proffer thee : Two of thy children , whose fortune tels , What danger and assur'd destruction dwels In thy dis-vnion ; and how fond they are , Who with false reasons nurse thy ciuill warre . The two ( two Worthies , nobly borne and bred ; Inrich'd with vertue , and vpon the head Of Court and Kingdome plac●d , ( as Iewels worne For vse and ornament ) now rent and torne , Remaine sad spectacles ; and cry aloud O Man , why , being mortall , art thou proud ? Why art thou proud of beauty ? Roses blast ; Or of thy wealth ? the mines of India waste ; Or of thy strength ? since sicknes , age , or wounds Let loose the stiff-strung ioynts , and spirit confounds . Or of thy honour , and thy high-borne blood ? Since to be great is not worth praise , but good : Or of all these ? since all these , and much more Wh●rton and Steward had , lost , and di'd poore . Much more they had ; so much , that hard it is To tell what either wanted . Earths chiefe blisse , ( Their Princes fauour ) like the Sunne aboue In his hot Solstice stood , and did improue Their blooming youth's with ripened fruit , before Their thoughts could hope : ô what could they wish more ? Friends sought thē , fortune blest thē ; blest them so , That which might happiest seeme was hard to know , Neither had cause of Enuie ; except thus , As th'eies● hands , feet , which guide , guard , carry vs ; Whose selfe like shape , and equall vse admits No warre , but fellow-feeling of such fits , Griefes , and diseases , and each part sustaines ; So shar'd they in all pleasures , toyles , sports , paines . Nor had these other cause of warre at all , " And causelesse warre is most vnnaturall . Yet ( oh ) that subtle Spirit incens'd rash blood With franticke rage , that enery ill seem'd good . They first must pray ; so vndeserued gold " Ill got , we waste , and haue no power to hold● Then they proceed to words , from words to blowes ; " The way to ill is easie ; but who knowes The Clue that we returne by ? hence proceeds A Challenge from wrong'd Wharton : Steward needs No such stale prouocation : Mischiefes feet " Are swift to blood : their quicke desires soon meet , And ( met ) soone fight ; bold Steward falls by Fate ; Wharton by Chance : those powers each other hate . So I haue seene from th' Indies East and West , Two Ships well rigg'd and mann'd vpon the brest Of Thetis d●ncing , spreading flags abroad For ioy of their long-wisht-for English roade ; Past now all dangerous Ro●ks● Gulphs , Pyrats , Sand , Ready t'vnlade their rich fraught on firme land , And tell the story of their perils past , And frolicke with glad friends in peace , at last . When spying each other so bedeckt , adorn'd , With outward pomp : ones pride the other scorn'd , And from that enuious scorn some word proceeding , And from that word some blow , from that blow bleeding . Then giuing way to fury , all inrag'd , Both are in desp'rate tearmes of fight ingag'd . The fire in water , Lead in th' ayre , their center Doe madly seeke ; and both these r●dely enter The strong ships wombe , and ransac●e euery hold , For pretious life , neglecting Indi●n gold . The shot seems thunder , but the dying grones Of slaughtered soules , shrike louder , deeper tones Then roring Cannons , whose thicke charging rout Le ts water freely in , and poures bloud out . In this hot fight both firmly doe defend , Both nimbly do assault , both madly spend , Strength , skill , and all to hurt . Conquest inclines To neither part as partiall . Equall lines Are drawne betwixt them both by Fate and Chance ; Till th' one his topsaile fairely doth aduance To win the winde , and in that vantage flies With force and fury on his foe ; who plies All meanes to salue this losse , and to regaine Faire ods , or equall standing once againe . But all in vaine , fortune , the winde , and sea , Con●ederate with the aduerse seeme to be . So this to sinke ( rather then yeeld ) resolues , And halfe his tatter'd sides the Sea inuolues . When th' other ( couetous ) grapples with his foe , To bourd and rob him : and ( being chained so ) The s●ip that leaks sinks , and with his weight drawes The Conqueror with Conquest , to deaths iawes . So fares it with these noble Combatants Both equally of blood and honor vaunts : Both enui'd and belou'd alike , both friends , Both yong , both valiant , and their life and ends So paralell , and twin-like like in all That they obtain'd one graue , one ●unerall . One graue , one funerall , they obtain'd , yet lost The ●ame and honor their youth thirsted most . Because their quarrell on false grounds begun , Could not produce true praise , nor true blame shun . The wounds thou gau'st stout Wharto● had bin good Against thy Kings or faiths foe ; and thy blood Heroicke Steward , had been nobly shed , Against such slaues ; so both had brauely bled . And your brasse Monuments had spoke the fame Of Whartons noble , Stewards royall name . Then the fierce challenger for his quicke charge , And stout assault with wounds giuen deepe and large ; His apt command of euery part soone shunning , All wounds saue one , giuen more by chance then cunning And the Defendant , who so long time stood Drownd ( yet vndanted ) in his owne life blood ; And deadly wounded , past all hope of liuing , Death in his death to his haile fooeman giuing ; Had filld the largest leaues of Fames faire story , And both worne wreath of triumph , conquest , glory● And then like patterns ●o both Realms , set out By vertue for example ; the wise and stout Had been your schollers , and their lessons read , In those greene fields , where both so boldly bled . Bnt now ( aye me ! ) as rocks , bars , sands , at sea , Or marks set vp to shew ships where they bee , Or rather as some wrack'd ships selfe , whose mast Ore-looks the waues , and yet still sticking fast In th' eating silt , bids the wise Pilot flye The tracklesse path , where such hid dangers lye . So stand these two , the signes of woe , and ruth , Of shipwrackt honor , fortune , valour , youth ; And by their deaths confirme this speech for good , " Vertue hath greater priuiledge then blood . " Our soules are Gods , our bodies are the Kings , " And he that in his priuate quarrell brings " Either of these in question doth betray " The Kings part , and giues Gods part cleane away . England , behold in Wharton what thou art , And Scotland see in Steward euery part Of thy best power ; shun enmitie and strife , None but your selues haue power of eithers life . Let no slight toyes ( the snares and traines of hell ) Breed war betwixt you two ; but kindly dwell Within this I le as in one house , the rather Being thereto wooed by your good King , kind father . If not , peruse this glasse , and let not me The fatall Prophet of such ill newes be To your succeeding times ; but choose you whether You 'le still liue friends , or like these die together . DVELLI FINIS : A cast of Falcons ( in their pride At passage scouring ) fowle e●pide Securely feeding from the spring , At one both ayme with nimble wing . They first mount vp abou● Mans sight , Plying for life this emulou● flight In equall compasse , and maintaine Their pitch without a lazie plaine . Then stooping freely ( lightning like ) They ( counter ) dead each other strike . The ●owle escapes● and with her wings Their funerall dirge , this lesson sings . " Who aimes at glory not aright , " Meet●s death , but Glorie takes her flight . Epitaphium Georgii Whartoni Milit. TH' offence was great , worse the report , The ini●r●e Reuenge acquitting , And life with many wounds ta'ne for 't Arg●'de a minde true honour fitting . " For sluggish Cowardice doth shame " Anoble Stocke , and ●onour'd name● Epitaphium Iacobi Stewardi Armigeri . VVIth an vndaunted heart I fought , Reuenge and Choller me assailing , In fight I fell , with courage sto●t , My life and ●oes , together failing● I dig'de my graue out with my sword , And stroke , whilst life would strength afford . IVSTITIA IACOBI . Dedicated to the graue , reuerend , and iudicious Knight , Sr. ROBERT GARDINER , sometime Lord Iustice of Ireland . SO many men presse now for place in State , Deseart and Worth cannot come neere the gate : ●ut happy were it for the State and Vs , ●f we ( as Rome did ) sought for Curius . ●here should we finde him , farre from Court , with you ●erhaps a Gardiner , or perhaps at Plow . ●et euen the same which Pyrrhus did withstand , ●amnites , and Sabines ruld , as you Ireland . ●hen should our Kings cleare Iustice shine too brigh● ●o suffer potent wrong , cloude impotent right . ●hen should this act of Iustice so aboue ●ll presidents , make others like it moo●e . But wretched we , whilst few the doore can passe Of high pre●erment , but the L●den Asse . Regalis Justitia IACOBI . DEVS VIDET . Man , Angell , nor the Fiend of Hell , Can Mans heart see , search , and tell , That God alo●e doth vnderstand , Closing all thoughts within his hand , He better knowes then Priest , Iudge , Scribe , Who gaue the last cause-carrying bribe . He sees , when sentence goes aw●y , Where the hidden ground doth lie . He kno●es if it be true or no , The doubtfull witnesse sweares vnto● He markes the Iewrie and their leader , And obserues the lying Pleader . He notes the Councell what they doe , And the Kings heart searcheth too . HOw hatefull is this silence ? I haue stood Wishing , expecting , musing long , who wou'd With honest thrift , this faire aduantage take To fame himselfe for euer , and to make This sencelesse age conceiue ( perhaps commend ) The good we now enioy , not apprehend . Time was , Kings words were like to apples , snatch'd From t' Hesper●des , so obs●ru'd● , so watch'de . None ●●ffer'd to drop downe ; all highly prizde Preser●ed , recorded , apothegmatizde . But now their words ( though Or●cle● to those Of former times , though verse vnto their prose ) Are slighted by this lip-wise age of ours ; Whose rootles knowledge bears no fruits but flow'rs Where is the Man whose better fate , admits Him place , time , meanes , to heare the King of wits . Discourse like Salomon , of euery thing , Begot betwixt the winter and the spring ? Determine euery doubt that doth arise Twixt heauen and earth , the ●diot and the wise ? That doth for priuate vse , or publike good Make knowne how Sab●-like , he vnderstood ? And did not ( like the pictures ) waite for show To fill place only , but to learne to know . This man is yet no Courtier , or at least No daily waiter ; scarce s●●ne at a feast . Too poore and plaine to trauaile , and bring backe The ●ongue and heart of treason ; he doth lacke A face t' outface his wants , and doth bewr●y His ignorance in euery arrogant way . He meanes good faith and speakes it , though the lip Of censuring law , his state and body stript Of coyne , and eares , and freedome ; it 's no crime , To speake truth ( he thinks ) though 't be out of time . He is no chamber Traytor from hell sent , To v●dermine the Soules high Parliament . He cannot candy poyson ; wants the waies To tickle truth to death , with her owne praise . He dares not weare a desperat● suite t' vndoe Himselfe , a Mercer , and a Taylor too : And then make that the preface how to aske Towards his vnknowne losse in the last maske . But such as can those Court-lie Mysteries Want time for this . Themselues are histories Not easely learn'd ; t' will aske a perfect Man To read them daily o're , do what he can . And ere he learns by heart each attribute Appropriate to the body , and the suite , Himselfe growes old , or a new-fashion springs : Which shifts the Scene , the forme , and face of things . Thus silk-worms spend their times , & schollers too Haue idle worke enough to turne them to . Perhaps a paire of feete and a tongue stroue Who should walke fastest , and most countries roue . In fewest howers to smallest purpose ; these At length returne ( their trauailes finisht ) please To publish their fond Iournall . But ( alasse ! ) Neither themselues , nor their huge worke can passe Our presse vnpraisde . O Courtiers thither hie , Gallants , Wits , Poets ; Let your Muses flie Not to reforme , or settle this light braine , But render him more wilde . Your selues shall gaine Much wonder by 't ; extol'd shall be your skill , For writing well in ieast , in ●●rnest ill . Or if not this , some other witty taske Staies your continuall leisures , and doth aske Inke from your pens , t'asperge , deforme , defile , States and their instruments , with libells vile . No man must liue without your fawning praise , Nor no man die without your rounddelaies . Death maks you sport , & stroks which force the State , Stagger and reele ; your humors eleuate . " Vice liuing , is preferd to Vertue dead , " The present , no time els , is honored . If you attend on Kings , it 's to obserue Their imperfections , where their frailties swerue In rash attempts or passionate words vnstaid , From iuster rules , their intemperate bloods once laide As if Kings were not men , weake , fraile , and poore , Like to their Subiects , and subiected more . As if at Rome ( whether you send this newes ) All there were Saints , & your Popes Court no stewes● As if that you a Patent had from Hell All things to say or doe , but nothing well . O! if you yet retaine a graine of that , Which your high aimes would seeme to leuell at : Or if no faith ( but that you Atheists be , And nothing but vnhallow'd Reason see ) If but a sparke of that remaine intire , Which you seeme to monopolize ( the fire Prometheus filch'd from lou● ) let that bright flame Kindle your zeales for selfe , kings , countries fame , To vse those opportunities , parts , pl●ces , Intelligences , meanes , friends , fortunes , graces , You haue ' boue other , for the publique good , That we may vnderstand you vnderstood . Learne Saba - like to heare , obserue , report , The good our Salomon speakes , doth at Court. Not Shemei - like to slander , curse , deride , Religions Nurse , Arts glory , vertues pride , Bnt you contemne my admonition . Goe Feed ●at for hell , the place you co●et so . And let my humble Muse , applaud , admire And celebrate he●uens grant to our desire . Tell what thou seest and feel'st . Ingratitude " Receiues , craues swallowes , a whole multitude " Of gifts and graces , without thanks or cense , " And with dul silence beats heauens blessings hence● " It is D●traction to conceale due praise , " When good related , might more goodnesse raise . " It is not flattery to report truth well ; " True glasses both our faults and fauours tell . Here then receiue this one worke royall ●ames , Which now reflects vpon thee , and more fames This Church and ●ingdom , then thy birth , crown , pen , Or ●hat else makes thee the good King of men . I sing thy Iustice , whose cleere raies giues light , To neighbour Princes in this ignorant night Of mistie error , and corrupt Respect , How to informe aright their intellect . And ( hauing here on earth , mongst Christian Kings And Pagans shone ) it mounts the winds swift wings Calming the sea , bounding her ebs and tides , And in her monthly change the moist Moone guides● Then sores vp higher , and informes the Sunne , How mongst the signes in an euen line to run ; How to make daies , and nights ; and higher yet Mounts , till it be in the first Mouer set . Two warlike kingdomes linck't in happy peace . When they beheld how common fewdes did ●●ase And saw how strongly blest that concord stands , Where brethren ioyne first hearts , and after hands , Resolu'd that course ; turn'd matches into Maskes , And reuelling tissues wore for massier Caskes : Steeds traind for ready fight , learnd now to peace , And knew no foes but Buckes and Hares ; nor race But on smooth plaines for wagers , or for sport , Not for lou'd life ; where Campes lay , lay the Court. Keene swords that bit the bone , abated now Kist without making skars , or help'd the plow To draw long furrowes on the fruitfull earth , Least Peace should ( breeding teeth too fast ) breed ( dearth . Blunt foiles were on sharpe pointed Rapiers set , And so Lord Sanquier and poore Turner met . They met to play : there Sanqu●er lost an eie . O Brittaine ! canst thou nothing further spie , In this then his losse ? Looke vp now and see ; Securitie hath ta'ne an eye from thee . Ill didst thou ward that blow ; If sport hurt so , O what will open force and malice do ? Thy King rides , hunts and falls . Are horses then Turn'd traitors too ? will beasts proue like to men ? Can Kings finde sportfull peace so hazardous ? To armes then Caesar , shun the Senate house . Like poison , ponyards , pistols , Death a●oue Attends on ' Pr●nces when they feed , sleep , moue ; B●neath like powder , that the ground they tread , Seemes all one continent , to quicke and dead . And is 't not so with others too ? behold , This silly Fencer , in his ignorance bold Think 's his submissiue sorrow will suffice For that vnhappy thrust at Sanquiers eyes ; And begging pardon , seemes to haue it then . What foole dares trust the vnseald words of men ? Yet Turner will. A reconciled foe " Seemes a true friend , to him would haue him so . He thinks ( now Dunne is dead ) to die in peace . " but blood cries out for blood , and doth not cease " Till vengeance followes . Vengeance euen at hand Whaits like a treacherous Groome of Sanquiers ; and ( When Turner nothing of his neere death thinkes , But laughes , & plaies , & to his deaths-man drinkes . ) Let 's his charg'd pistoll flie , whose mouth spits lead With fire-wing'd speede , striking the Fencer dead . " No ward auoides that blow : Pal● Death we see " A fellow-gamester in all sports will be . The Murtherers flee ; Iusti●e pursues with speede , Th' Abettor , Actor , Author of this deede ; Who ( apprehended ) apprehend too late ( If friends helpe not ) , the issue of their fate . But friends will help . One steps vnto the King , Kneeles and thus pleads . Leige Lord , you are the spring , From whence Nobilitie flowes . And all our blood The neerer yours it comes , the neerer good : As you first gaue , so let your power preserue Those that are set a part the Crowne to serue● Others by fit election , these by fate Are made hereditarie to the State ; Distinguish'd from the common ranke of those Who only know they are not , when they rose And priuiled●ge aboue the raskall rout , Whose words and deeds haue reference to account . Else why did our bold fathers , with the losse , Of lymmes and liues , honors for vs ingrosse ? O why do these new Nobles de●r●ly buy Those attributes for which they dare not die ? Or why should land or gold● which all things can Be giuen for ●itles , if they mend not man , And something adde besides an emptie sound , To recompence the glosse of gold and ground ? If honour doth nought but a name afford , A Lordship then is bette● then a Lord. " Nobilitie this priuiledge doth bring , " It makes the owner something like a king ; " Exempting him from penall lawes , which crack " With heauy pressure the poore Commons back . This ( Sir ) I speake t' excite your royall power To rescue Noble Sanquir , who this houre Is by the too-strick't vnrespectiu● lawes Condemn'd to die a villa ines d●ath . The cause And quarrell this . The Barron chanc'd to play With a rude Fencer ; where both did bewray Their best ability at Rapier foyles . The ●encer to vphold his credit toyles , But wanteth skill ; which makes his hate arise ; And with an enuious thrust at Sanquirs eyes , The wicked and inchant●d foyle depriu●s An eye of sight ; worth many Fencers liues . The suffering Lord forbeares to kill him then But being after scorn'de by watermen , Fidlers , and such base instruments of hell For this foule blemish , his great heart did swell . And ( full of noble courage ) loth to do So blacke a de●de himselfe he puts it to His mans performance , who obaide too soone , Repentan●e came before the deede was done . The equall lawes to equalls doth appoint An eye should haue an eye , ioynt answere ioynt . But where suc●●ddes of persons be , I ghesse An eye should haue a life to boote , no lesse . Yet not on this or that doth Sanquir stand ; His death , his life , his doome is in your hand . He doth confesse the foulnesse of his guilt : He sorrowes for the blood that he hath spilt . Your mercy ( royall Sir ) he doth implore For this rash act , who neuer beg'd before . Scarce had he don● , and e're the king could speake , An other thus begins . If you should wreake Each English peasants life with bloud so hie As noble Sanquir is , No memorie Of your faire traine , of Natiue Scots , should stand , To let times know the glory of that land . Souldiers must doffe their armes , and gowns put on , If villaines so foule may passe vpon Lords vnreueng'de ; or if those antique names , Those honors , trophees , and eternall fames , We got by killing many Englishmen , Be for the death of one , thus lost agen . If thus to quench the fewde you pleased are , You thereby quench the heart of lawfull warre . Remember what a souldier he hath bin ; How easly might forget it was a sinne . And thinke he did but chastice one of those Who'gainst his Leader muteni'de , and rose . Many of th' English haue been pardoned For treasons capitall . Some honored For their knee-seruice , and no other merit . Then ( Sir ) let vs who lineally inherit Allegeance , worth , and honours ; sometime finde You left not all your Scottish blood behinde : Nor meane to leaue vs in the hands of ●hose Who kill with law more friends , then fewdes kil foes . Thus ended he ; And then as in a Queere Of solemne singers , one shall euer heare● After the Trebles hath the Antheme sung , ( And their diuisions with shrill vtterance ●ung ) ; The Base , the Tenor , Counter-tenor sweet , With Howboyes , Cornets , Trumpets , Organs meet , And ioyne their hye-stretcht notes , that all the ring Seemes Eccho-like , their sonnets to resing : So did the graue and gallant troope , which stood About the King ( like a dew-dropping wood ) Conuey their powres to make this consort full And cryed ; Be stil'd King ●ames the mercifull . Or ( if to satisfie the course of law , And stop Opinions wide-gull swallowing iaw ) Life must haue life , take Carlis●e , one for one , And one to boote too ; so this Lord be none . With that ( as if all aymes would this aduance ) Comes from the Regent and the King of France , Letters , intreating for their Pensioners life ; And last , as if the difference of a wife Should from this fact take characters , to know A true good wife , from a good wife in show : Comes his forsaken Lady all in blacke , ( W●ose youth from him did due beneuolence lacke ) Weeping , intreating , for her lost Lords sinne , And then like fullomes that run euer in A baile of Gossips ( some true beggars borne , Pittying this Lord more then the Lord of Lorne ) Beg his remission with obstreperous voice : But mongst the rest , she that made lowdest noise , Was Turners Widdow , whose shrill throat did yell , That she was satisfied , and all was well . The king abhord it , and his vpright heart , Beholding these assaults on euery part , Made it his glory to be onely good , And from his crowne to wipe those staines of blood . Thus he replies● " The crowne for Iustice sake , " Heau'n plac'd vpon our head ; which none can shake " Or touch , till with vniustice we make way , " And ( for respect ) that strict rule disobay . " God is our Guard of proofe , that we may be " A guard to you vnpartiall , iust , and free . " And this stands firme ; If one hand goes about " To signe a croock't line , th' other blurs it out . O magnanimitie , aboue a Man ! O Iustice more confirm'd then that which wan Zeleuchus so much fame ! Corrupt with gold States , Cour●iers , Law , or Wi●es that will be sold . Peruert with passion euery solid heart , Moue Stoickes , or melt marble with thy Art , Iustice sits still vntouch'd , with kingly care , Not pardoning till true mercy bids him spare . And then not striking , though the life he giues , Repines , and enuies that the giuer liues . Deni'de they vanish , as the cloudes disperse , When the hot-shining Sunne lookes red and fierce . The law proceeds ; the Actors suffer first , A death too-good , too-bad ; the best the worst . The Author then submits him to his doome , And dies a Catholike ; That 's a man of Rome● O Rome ! Liues yet that Wolfe which was thy Nurse When ( growing great ) thou grewst the whole worlds curse ? May none yet leap thy wals , or leaue thy Sea Vnslayne , though he a King and brother be ? Retain'st thou yet that sauage kinde , to pray On the distressed flocke which shuns thy way ? Do all that sucke thy brests , for milke sucke blood ? Dare not that spring from thee die well , doe good ? Must Gibbets onely rocke them to their rest ? Doe they desire that death ? become they't best ? Must Traytors , Murtherers , only be thy Saints ? Weare none white robes but such as scarlet paints ? Else why doe all euill men so soone drinke vp The deadly lees of thy inchaunted cup ? Or why doe fooles so credit what Rome sayth , But for they easely learne implicit faith ? If Rome keep heauens keyes , ( as'tis out of doubt ) , None dare barre Lambert , or Lord Sanquir out : Nor neede they feare , where Iesuits haue to doe , Garnet shall be a Saint , and ●udas too : Their writings and examples murther teach ; They 'l not condemne the doctrine which they preach . This makes our desperate Ru●●ins , Romanes dye . And our crack'd Virgins seeke a Nunnery . Iustice rise Lyon-like out of thy sleepe , The Westerne Wolues worry the ●rish sheepe : And here at home thy borders swarme with those Who doe imitate , breed , beget thee foes . The t scar thou thinkst to close , these make more wide , " True faith vnites , but their faith doth deuide . The Grimes are banish'd , but worse Foxes earth In those vast places , through the Gospels dearth . The Hu●our that feeds these , affects the heart , And doth dilate it selfe through euery part By secret influence , though it closely lurkes , " Causes are best discouered by their workes . " Examples though they doe no other ill , " Rebell against the Lawes in being still . " They count'nance giue to error , and curbe in " Bold reprehension , making truth a sinne . " Who hides his question'd faith he ought reueale , " Will vtter what perhaps he should conceale . Hunt out these Foxes then ; it is a sport Fitting a King , a Councell , and a Court. Vse Hounds that lie not , or flie out ; for such Spend freely , sweetly , but thee ground ne're touch , They please the eare and eye , but neuer minde To kill the Game . Those Cubs are of their kinde . But stay , take off , we ryot : leaue the sent : " Plaine Truth cannot be slaine , but may be shent . Aquignispicium . DEDICATED TO THE FREE and bountifull House-keeper , Sr. Le-strange Mordant , Knight Baronet . THou that are almost onely left to tell , Wherein our ancient Gentry did excell , These vpstart plants , be still thy selfe , till we , For shame reforme our liues , and wax like thee . So plaine , free , vpright , honest , open , iust : But sure first die , and rise againe we must . Aquignispicium . A CAPITE , VSQUE AD CALCEM The State is cast ; God doth behold Eyes blinde , eares deafe , tongues dumbe with cold . Dayes care to get , gets nightly cares , Which memorie foyles , and iudgment marrs . The faint hearts ( slowly beating ) tells Dull spirits in the slacke ner●e dwells , The Liuer boyles with l●stfull blood , Weake stomacke brookes no meat that 's good . Loose palsie makes the hands to tr●mble , When they for loue shake , they dissemble . The gowty knees doe stifly bend ; The feete walke flow to all good end . The Doctor saith ; Repent , fast , pray , Die , or this diet take we may . GOd bends his bowe but shoots not ; see , it stands As if the stiffe string were in Mans owne hands . For God first plac'd it so , that Man might know How prone to peace he is , to warre how slow , That couenant which he made with Noah , he keeps , His Mercy euer wakes , his Iustice sleeps . And though our sins a second Deluge craues , Hee 'l drench the world no more in those salt waues . " What hurt frō heauē fals , first frō th' earth proceeds● " And Mans misfortune , springs from mans misdeeds● Misdeeds that from our selues , friends , country come , And where they should on all , light but on some . The snow , haile , raine , are by the Suns pure beames Exhalde from standing Marishes , whose streames Infect the ayre with foggy mists , and then Are botteld vp in clouds for sinfull men . And for Mans good , in season they distill Or out of season , to amend the ill . The plagues we feele fall at the head and foot , Are shafts gainst God our hands first vpward shoot . Presumptuous sins in Country and at Court , Creatnesse , and Grace , and Fauour do support . The Pulpit flatters ; Iustice sits and smiles , Making a gainefull skill , of lingring wiles . " Who hath great friends liues free , & wanteth faults , " But without friends the vpright innocent haults . Vice now prouides vs rayment , meat and drinke , So how 't increas't not how to curb't we thinke . Old men waxe impudent , lasciuious , wilde , That fits them best , which scarce becomes a childe . Young men are stubborne , disobedient , stout , And rule , and teach , euen from the swathing clout , They all things know and can but ( what they ought ) Themselues and vertue . These they neuer sought . Fashions from Spaine , France , Germanie , and Rome , And Turkie too , wi●h their Religions come . So they are suited faire from top to toe , And each new suite in a new faith they goe . Matrons that are not dead nor yet aliue . But betwixt both , in some part vegetiue , Crown their smooth scalps with haire , 〈◊〉 now makes A second Mistres ready for the graue Young Maids ( that goe for such ) are Mothers known b●aue And such as should be none , are Virgins showne . O modesty where dwelst thou ? Womanhood Is scarce by our high English vnder stood Vice growes so common , tha● it is far more Opprobrious , to be chaste , then be a whore . All things are out of order . Lawes are made Strong meanes not to defend , but to invade . Then why should we limit the sea , or fire Within their bounds , and not our owne desire ? Southward th' Armado , and the fleetes of Spaine , ( Oft beat●n ) s●eme to threaten vs againe . And East and West the Seas would meet we see : But that ( O wonder ! ) Northward blest we bee . The want of water was the cause before Those huge built hulkes , could not approch our sho●e , VVho came resolu'de of conquest : and did stand As if they ment to beare away our land . Poore I le so small thou wert , and they so great Too scant a sea for them that was thy seat . But had they staide till now , now might they ride On the swolne waues at ease in all their pride . Andinto euery heauen their bold Ships steere , As if no sands , barres , shallowes , had bin there . We know whens'ere they come , God can prouide Such seas , so high , so vncontrold a tide , Able without their Enuie , or their ayde To bury vs ; for see how he hath layde Our workes all leuell ; draines , dikes , sluces , bankes , Fields , pastures , gardens , mannors , farmes , and frank● With man their owner , and what Man doth feed , Are buried with a sea of teares indeed . Nouember did we scape thy fift day thus , That euery day thou should'st be ominous ? Doe we so soone forget ●he sixt day last , And worst of all daies to our Iland past , That thus we should so oft remembred be , From what strange thraldom , we were once set free ? Or do the waters thus breake in , to show How humorous and irregular vices flow ? How Sai●●-like Sacriledge doth impropriate ? And calme Oppression swallowes Church and State ? How close Hypocrisie bends his courtly knee , And ( wanting all faith ) would haue all faith 's free ? How holy Hymen● sacreds band are broken , His torch extinguish'd , and his rites fore-spoken ? How Gotish lusts needs all those waues to slake His scorching flames , hot as th' infernall lake ? Or is 't for all these crimes , and more vntold , The faithfull Sea , which wont our Ile to hold In his moist armes , from strange a●●aults secure , Hath chang'd his loue to this sad ouerture ? And ( for our sinnes ) learnes vs to fast and pray . Bringing in fish , sweeping our flesh away ? That land which Goshen-like ) did flow whil-ere , With all that Man desires or life holds deere , So that no spot in all this Iles large field , The sythe more hay , sickle more corne did yield : Where sweetnes was the sawce , and fatnes fed , Whil'st Dearth , and Famine from the confines fled : Where the stiffe-vdder'd Cow long'd twice a day , To meet the merry milke-maide on the way : And missing her by chance , wrot on the ground With milke-white letters where she would be found , Now prostrate lyes ; the goodly beauty foil'd , The welth wash'd thence , the gards & trēches spoil'd . O what assurance haue we then in clay Which ( if not Lawyers ) Seas thus eat away ? Build farre from waters , that secures thy feare , Though lesse thy profit be , safe dwelling there . O no ; what 's that I see ? a raging flame ●ounts vp in yonder plaine , and none can tame His hot misgouern'd furie . Water heere Some cry , but no such element is neere . Like a mad-Dog that through the thronged streets Ranging with rage snatcheth at all he meets , And all that bitten are , as mad as he , Runne raging too , that few or none scape free : The cry is vp , and euery man stands arm'd , To do he knowes not what till he be harm'd ; And then to saue himselfe neglects the rest , And madly mischiefe does when he meanes best . Or as a towne of strength , at dead of night , Surpriz'd ( by sodaine stratagem or slight , ) The people ( with the allarum bell awak'd ) Run out to see what newes amaz'd and nak'd ; And meeting death abroad , for life run home , And finde their houses s●ck'd before they come . Then turning backe againe they know not whither , Flocke all on heaps and dye like freinds together : So far'de it there ; the fire flew vp and downe Snatching at euery house within the towne . And whilst one thought his neighbors house to saue● He sees his owne doth instant succour craue . Here stands an Al●house tosting , and the Hostis Swearing her false-s●or'de tally burn'd or lost is . The T●pster ( wanting water ) plies with ale The thirstie fire which drinks both new and stale , And by that oyly-liquor is not quenched But rather Drunkard-like ) inrag'd , incensed . The Host ( instead of pailes ) fils pots and sweares H●e'le vse no penny-pots that wants their eares . Wisheth his Iuggs were bigger , he would fill them , And ( but in vaine ) on the wilde fire doth spill them . Here stares an Ostler whil'st the flame makes c●asure● On his small bottles and his ostry measure , And here a Chamberlaine giues quicke attendance To saue his pretty faggots with a vengeance . Those pretty faggots which fire-hot being eat In a cold morning , scarce would make one sweat . Here runs a rauening Vsurer dog-like tyred Betwixt his owne house and the mort-gagde fired . Here flames a barne of some ingrossing Farmer . And here the study burnes of some false Termer . Here stands a kennell , there a rack and manger For running horses , but both stay the danger . A Baude houles here , and here a ●east of whores Burnde oft within , are now burnde out of dores . Heere 's a Tobacco shop , and in the Celler Th' Indian Deuil , our baud , witch , whore , man-queller , That spirit waster , and that Liuer heater , Of t'humor radicall that greedy eater , That breath corrupter , and quick-eye-sight spoyler , That wit confounder , and strong Memorie foyler , That pickpurse , theefe , time●cheater , connycatcher , That alehouse haunter , and fell mischiefe hatcher , That all compounded euill of euery Nation● Too bad ( almost ) for th' English imitation● Tobacco by the fire was there caroused With large pettounes , in pisse perfum'd and soused . Thus what full many thrifty yeeres erected , One prodigall flame hath wasted and dei●cted . And now ( behold ) the prouder Chimnies stand As heires left well● who wasted haue their land , Of whom the common people vse to say , It 's pitty proper men should thus decay ; Yet none releeues them , or build vp their state To such an eminent fortune as of late . Mongst these one Chimney stands , where passers by May reade this sentence with a running eye , ●othing is so close carried or concealde , ●hich shall not be in his due timere●eal'd . Whether by chance or by diuine decree , ( For so all humane actions ordr'ed bee ) This object stands ; that all may make good vse Of what they see , or quit them from excuse , He not d●termine . L●t it bee my folly Rather than bee profane , to bee too holy . H● t●at once drown'd the world , can if he please , Drowne part or the whole world againe with ease : But since his word is past , though we abound With that which caus'd the former world be drown'd Hee 'le keep his promise , and the Sea restraine From ouer flowing sinfull slesh againe . Yet is it in his power the whole t'mmerse In variable woes ; plagues to disperse In the most frequent stre●tes , most fragrant fields , That th' ayre may breath out death , ●helth now yields Or thin cheek'd 〈◊〉 ( though a stranger borne ) Who now to know on Fridayes th' English scorn , Who of all forrainers is worst in●reated , His fashion left , himselfe in prison seated , May be familiar with our countreymen ( Like a post● Natus , or free Denizen ) And that without an act , if God thinke good , Though a●l the Peeres and Commons it withstood . Fire , aire , earth , water , all are his : he can With or without these , saue or punish Man. No place is free from him , no thing is hid , He knowes what Fauk●s , Persi● , and Cate Vnder the ground ; and what new plots doe come bie did From hell , or from hels Councel-chamber ( Rome ) . And this , ( and all els ) his blest hand reueales To his elect , and with deliuerance seales . Attend his pleasure then ; first we shall see Rome burne , and all with Rome that lynked bee . Then the whole world ; and that fire shall disclose Each truth , each falshood , and each cause of those . Till then , these waters doe but wash the slime Of Babel from this too indifferent time . These petty fires , kindle our loue and zeale , ( Halfe-dead ) to King , the Church , & cōmon-weale , Affliction profits . Strike vs ( Lord ) in loue ; Let thy milde hand each way our firme faith proue . But let not Babel triumph in our fall , Nor any that on Baal , or Dag●n call . ANTIDOTVM CECILLIANVM . DEDICATED To the Common-wealth . DEsert hath no true follower after death But En●y ; others flatter with their breath . Jn vaine I sought particular Patrons ; they When life left greatnesse , ran with life away . Blood , kindred , friends , forsooke him ; so 't was ●it , We might haue doubted else his worth and wit. Their compasse was too narrow to ●ield shade To him that both their rootes and fortu●es made : But gentle England , since he quiet gaue To thee by his cares , giue his corps a graue . And since his wisdome did renowne thy name , Be thou a Sanctuary to his fame . And since he gaue for thee his life and health , Giue him protection , thankefull Common wealth . TO THE HONOVR of the illustrious Familie of the CECILLS , deseruing of this Commmon-wealth , all the Romane wreaths of triumph : The memorable Pyramids of Egypt : And all other Trophes of Eternitie . AS by one mouer , motion , doth commence , Euen from the Center , to circumference : So from one good Man , many may arise , Like-good , like-apt , like-faithfull , and like-wise . This now is verified ; The Cecills are Statesmen in time of p●ace , Souldiers in warre . Epicedium . What needs , thy Monument be rais'd ? What needs , the Muses singthy worth ? What needs , thy memory be prais'd ? Or what needs Art , thy fame set forth ? Let Art , time , gold , the Muse , and Men , Guild falshood , folly , ignorance : Let them conspire gainst thee ; and then , The more they shall thy worth aduance . They worke , write , raile , or praise to please , " But Truth giues vertue , life , not these . Antidotum Cecillianum . THESAVRVS INTVS . Darius on a Graue . stone found This Epitaph : Who digs this ground Shall treasure finde . The greedy King Dig'd there , but found another thing . Within was written ; Had'st not been A beastly-minded man , I ween The harm●lesse bones of the deceast Had in their quiet tombes tane rest . Who rips the coffins of the dead , Finds same and honour thence are f●ed With life , the Subiect of their Ire ; Stench onely stayes to pay their hire . " Worth hath his Epicedium sung " By enuies shrill and slandrous tongue . WHen this rich soule of thine ( now s●inted ) kept Her State on earth , my humble Mu●● nere stept Out of that sweete content wherein shee dwelt , To sing thy worth , th' eff●cts wher● of we felt . But now since death hath freedome giuen to thee , To see thy scorne made others flatterie , And that each mouse on the dead Lyon leaps , And euery riming ●en , forg'd matter heaps On thy bright frame , casting their owne base durt Vpon thy honour'd hearse , ( minding more hurt To thee then ` Death or He●● can doe ) I may And must be bold ( or sinne ) this truth to say . Each euidence thy foes bring , speakes thy praise : For what can more thy fame and glory raise , Then to be rail'd on by the worst of men● Such as like out-lawes liue , not in the ken Of Iustice , or communitie ? Base slaues Whose crimes & sins make their own nest their graus . T' was meet thy vertues eminent and hie Should not vn-en●ied liue , vnslandred dye : For then we might haue fear'd thou had●st not been So absolute a man ; now it is seen Euen by those many shadowes Enu● throwes , That thy worth was substantiall , and not showes . De●rac●ion●s ●s perplext , aud f●ies about Ouer a world of Acts to single out Some one or two in thy whole life to scan , And proue by the ( what Death did ) thou wer't man : Yet s●eing that past credit , she descends To view thy body , and her venom spends Not again●t it but nature , which did shroud So great a sunne vnder so small a cloud . But we that plainly see men sildome rise Though they be learn'd , iudicious , daring wise , Except the body somewhat ●uites the minde , And good cloathes sute the body too ; are blinde And mad with enuie if we yeeld not thee ●orth aboue thought , who to that high degree Rose through the eminent parts of thy blest soule , Aboue contempt , disgrace , scorne or controule . Nature did recompence thy want of clay With heauenly fire ; thy body could not stay Thy acti●e soule heere longer , t' was too light A clog to keepe from Hean●n so strong a spright . Well might thy body be a soule to those Whose more grosse earthen soules did late compose Blacke libels gainst thy fame , and rak'd so low Into thy purged excrements to know What foule disease durst kill thee , and then found Many were guilty : for it could not sound They thought like truth , that one disease slue thee When they hauing all yet scape to Deddick free . By this they shew that whatsoe're we thinke , They know all these diseases by th' instinck , They are familiar with them and of kin , To their first causes of being deadly sinne , And of the elders house too . For the diuell ( Chiefe libeller formes all degrees of euill And like good boies of his , these labour too ( More then disease , or Death , or Hell can doe ) To kill the soule , and to bely a fame Which laughes to scorn , all scorn , & shames all shame . You that stand next the helme and thinkey're free From their sharpe viperous tongues , it cannot be ; If death comes , these Rauens follow , and perchance ( Time fauouring their desires ) th'eile leade the d●nce And raile at you too . T is not you they hate But our blest King , Religion , and the State. And if ( which God forefend ) so stood the time Y 'ould see they could do worse , then they can rime . Now I haue throwne my selfe into the way To meete their rage , and ( if I can ) to stay Their dog-like malice rather on my head Then suffer it pollute and wrong the dead . If they alledge I giue him more then due , You know their custome , they cannot speake true . But if they say I gaue him lesse , their spite Shewes neither I nor they can do him right . Antidotum Cecillianum . OPPORTVNE TIBI IN TEMPESTIVE NOBIS The Sunne past by degrees those signes Which to his sotherne seate inclines , And now in Leo sate aloft . The s●eating labourer bans him ost , The Shepheard melts , and ore the Plaine His new shorne-sheepe seeke shades in vaine . The Marchant , Sea man , euery T●ade They say by him are Banckrupt made . He heares it and ( at height of noone , Hides his bright beames behinde the Moone . They sadly know that d●th presage Dearth , death , warre , want to euery age And then his late wisht absence mone ; " Fooles wisemen misse , when they are gone . SInce it s decreed in heauen , found true on earth , That all things haue an end which had a birth ; That no estate is fixed , nights follow noone , Ebs second floods , change fils the horned Moone Which wanes againe at full , and shewes the glory Of Earths best essence to be transitory : How happy is that Man whose fate expires Before declension crowned with his desires . And hath his daies by vertuous actions told , Guessing how much he would had he been old , Since yong , his noted deeds out-vied his daies And he lack't not true worth but rather praise . Few touch this point , yet hither seeme to bend Preuenting ruine with a violent end . So Otho , and the Persian Monarch fell , But this steepe way precipitates to Hell Flattering with seeming help our wretched state Not curing woes , but making desperate . Our way is holy , white , and leades to blisse Not by oblique attempts . For nature is Made priuy with our passage , and we stay Till she leades gently on , Grace making way . Not euery common President can fit This golden rule , all aime ; but few can hit This narrow passage which more fames the man , Then sayling twise through fatall Magelan : Or girding all the earth with one small bote , Discouering gold , new worlds , things of rare note . From hence the ground of thy great praises spring O Cecill lou'd of God , good men , the King , Borne vp not by stolne imps or borrowed plumes , Which lets them fall who with high flight presumes Neere the suns scorching beames ; thy natiue worth Vertue , and actiue knowledge , set thee forth ●is Kingdomes Pilot , where no storme or stresse ●ould make thee lose thy compasse or expresse ●hew of doubt , but firmely guide our state ●s th' adst beene ruler both of chance and fate . This well thy Master saw , who therefore plac'd ●ee next himselfe , and with high honors grac'd ●y great deserts : more could'st thou not desire ●or earth afford , yet that which we admire ●as aboue this , euen in the top of these , ●ing neerer heauen thither to mount with ease , ●s if th' adst● tane th' aduantage of the time ●n Gre●tnesse staires , helpt by good deeds to clime . O happy thou , but wretched creatures wee ●o s●e thy flight , and yet to slander thee : ●o f●ele the fruite of thy life wasting care , ●hich zealous for our good , no time would spare , ●o cherish nature , that we thus being free ●hould onely freedome vse to raile at thee . ●ur idlenesse proclaimes thy well spent time , ●ince by thy meanes we leisure haue to rime , ●hil'st neighbour States are acting it in blood , ●hich we scarce heare of , neuer vnderstood . The benefite the Sunne gi●es to our sight , We see not halfe so well by day as night . Want giues a grace to goodnesse , when th' inioying ●onfounds and dazells sense like honny cloying . ●ome needes no target till the sword be lost : Whil'st Nestor wakes , well may Thirsites boast . ●ishers and expert Masters are all one ●n calmes and deepes , the ship there goes alone . ●ut when the winds , seas , rocks , and sands do fight , ●he skilfull Master then keepes all vpright . We feare no stormes the Porpuses do play , The Dolphins dance , and Prot●us flocks do stray O're Neptunes watry Kingdome safe and free , None casting doubts , or fearing what may be . May this calme last perpetuall , and faith then We ne're shall need thee Cecil nor such men : Others we haue to fill thy roome thou gone , So Aristippus saith , stone sits on stone . We yet are senselesse of thy losse , and find No danger in 't . Like some within the winde Of a great shot , whose violent thunder driues , The sense into distraction , and depriues The eare of present vse : so did report Of thy death make vs mad to raile and sport , To temporise , lye , flatter ; so defaming Our selues , state , manners , law , religion shaming : But now the fit being past , t is plaine to fense " Though man for beares Heauen pleads for innocenc● " Vertue o'recomes by sufferance , and good deeds " Are fen●'d by Calum●y , as herbes by weeds . Antidotum Cecillianum . BACVLVM TANTVM The Cynicke sicke and like to die , To such as askt where he would lie , Made answere where you will ; the field Is large , and roome enough doth yeeld . But they reply'de , the fields are wide ; Rauenous beasts and vermine vilde Haunt those places ; Kites and Crowes Who to dead men no mercy showes . True ( quoth he ) but if you please Lay a staffe to driue hence these . T is only man I feare ali●e , From my graue beasts only driue . " Though ( liuing ) we haue staues for dogs , " Dead w' are rooted vp by hogs . EPITAPHIVM . ROmes poison , Spaines coplots , the French designes Thy skill foresees , discouers , vndermines . D●g like they lick'd the dust , crouch't low , and faund When ( liuing ) thy skil'd power did ought command : But ( de●d ) they madly rage , grin , some for spite ; For toothlesse curres will bark that cannot bite . TO THE RIGHT WORTHY , Henry Doile , Esquire . THe folly which in man with wit is fixt , Must needes haue pleasant things with wholesome mixt ; Else Nature loath it . Homers frogs and mise Instructs Achilles : Virgil is not nice Totue an Oten pipe . These toyes I send : Accept ; to please , and profit is my end . Sic paruis componere magna solebam . Virgi . SATYRA AVLICA . VVHo ( weary of contentfull Countries rest ) Repaires to Court , with patience had best Fore● arme himselfe , both Fate and Fortune proofe ' Gainst all assaults , or wisely stand aloofe : For plainnesse is despisde , and honestie Is fellow Shakerag with simplicitie . To be a Scholler , is to be a foole : Rude impudencie is the Courtiers Schoole . Arts are but Lackies to attend and waite On Ignorance , Apparance , and Deceite . Canst thou seeme wise ? Enough . This followes then , " Vizards haue fairer vizages then men . To be a Souldier is to be a slaue , Danger abroad , reproach at home to haue . Deepe furrow'd wounds fresh bleeding in the wars Findes lesse reliefe and pittie then the scars Of muskey Courtiers , when their smooth slicke skin , Is bramble-scratched with a Ladies pinne . Nor do they now , ( as er'st they did ) delight , The stubborne Steedes to mannage to the fight ; To tilt and turnay with strong staues of oake , To fight at barriars with a Brandons stroake , To dance in compleat armour , ( but alas ! ) To tilt , fight , dance and turnay with a lasse . The Schollership they vse , is to discourse Of my Lords bloud-hound , and his Honors horse : To tell how well the one pursued the chase , The other swiftly ranne a lustie race . Or if more high their heauy wits aspire , It 's to dispute of lust , and loose desire . Their Soulderie is swaggering in the Court , Where none may strike the vrger but in sport : To offer strangers , strange and foule disgraces , Presuming on their priuiledged places , Which oft-times is repaide them , when they come Abroad from Court , they 'r w●lcom'd like Iack drum Their idle houres , ( I meane all houres beside Their houres to eate , to drinke , drab , sleepe and ride● They spend at shooue-boord , or at penny pricke , At dice , cards , tennis ; or they will not sticke Rather then not be idle , to delay At shittle-cocke the precious time away . O slaues ! regard what slander doth arise From your effeminate slow cowardise . Haue you no Soules ? no pens ? no swords in hand ? Behold where cursed Mahom●t doth stand , Triumphing o're the Crosse ; he Iew beside And Heathen do our holy faith deride . For shame vnsheath your swords , let not reproch You sluggish ease is forraine kingdomes broch . Cast painted Puppets from your yeelding neckes And scorne to stoope when the stale Strumpet beckes : Let stallians serue to squench the scorching hea●e Of such as marrow , oysters , Ringoes , eate . You that are Scholers , souldiers , or such men Whose soules seeke knowledge , flee this shady den Of ignorance ; let thither none resort But Taylors , Bauds , Perfumers , fooles for sport , Cookes , Painters , Barbers , Fidlers ; these may hap To sleepe in for●unes net , and honors lap . In honors lap ? auaunt base dunghell groomes You are but shadowes : honors lo●ty roomes Must be supplide with men . Though Isis Asse Thinke men adore his greatnesse as they passe . Yet Isis knowes t is false ; then hence be gon And let desert be honored alone . For●une vsurpe no more , permit not fooles To triumph ouer Souldiers , Arts , and Schooles . Let not the wit for higher actions able , Attend for scraps at ●gnoramu● table . Faire Cynthia fill thy horne , at length arise And chase these blacke clouds from our troubled skies AN IRISH BANQVET , OR THE Mayors feast of Youghall . TAles many haue been told by men of yore , Of Giants , Dragons , and of halfe a score Worthies saue one , of Castles , kings and knights , Of Ladies loues , of Turnaies , and such sights As Mandeuile ne're saw ; yet none like this Which my Mu●e howles : then listen what it is . a Saturne grew old , and the gods did agree , That b Ioue should him depriue of Soueraigntie , And become chiefe himselfe . A solemne day Appointed was , when all the c Gods most gay , Attired in mantles faire , and truses strange , Came to behold this Lecher-like lou'd change . The frie of all the Gods was there beside , And each his bastard had , his Whore and Bride . The milk-white path which to ●oues Pallace leades , In comely order all this rich troope treades . d Ceres threw wheate vpon Ioues face most daintie , Presaging and forespeaking future plenty . The well-instructed swine did follow after , And for the whe●t left something that was softer , e Ciuet , like Irish sope . Sweete naturde beasts , Fit waiters at such ciuill solemne feasts . At length the traine reach't the high Hall of Ioue . The Gods sat downe , the f Goddesses then stroue For place and state : but Iun● most demurely , Plac'de and displac'de that day , as pleasde her surely , The tables stood full crownde with dainty dishes , Enough to satisfie the idle wishes Of longing Wiues , or Maids grown green and sickly , With eating fruit , and doing nothing quickly . Huge h hands of butter not yet fully blue , With quiuering custards of a doubtfull hue . Stewde prune , and bread that passeth i Malahane . And honny sweeter farre then sugar cane . Greene apples and such plenty of small Nuts . That there with safely one might fill his guts , Though he were sure the Cookes were Irish sluts . The goblets sweld with pride , themselues to see , So full of French and Spanish wines to be . Nectar-like Vsqua-bath , or Aqua-vitae , And browne Ale growne in yeeres and strength most mighty Was there as a k Bonniclabbar , That euery guest his cleane lickt lips might slabbar In full satiety , till they were crownde With Bacchus wreathes● and in still slumber drownde . The fidling l Spheeres made musicke all the while . And riming m Bardes braue meeter did compile To grace this feast : when n Phoebus standing vp Tooke in his greasie fist a greasier cup And drunke to Daphnes health . Bacchus replide And straightway quaft another to the bride Of Mulciber . This health past all along . Then Mars his feather wagde amongst the throng Carowsing Pallas health ( braue wench and wise ) Which draught cost bonny o Cupid both his eyes , Straining to pledge it . Maias sonne stood still , And stilly mark't how Ganimed did ●ill The seuerall healths , which swiftly past around Till all the Gods , and Goddesses had bound p Their browes with wreathes of Iuy leaues and vines , And each his forehead to his knee enclines . q Apollo then slipt thence , and being halfe drunke His burning bonnet doft , and slily sunke His head in Thetis lap . So heauen lost light , And cheerefull day was damp't with irksome night . r Ioue yet disposde to mirth , bad Iuno spread Her Starry mantle or'e the worlds blacke head . But ſ she inrag'de with plumpe Lyeus iuice , And mad with iealousie , without excuse Refusde to guild the then vnspangled skie , With th' eyes of Argus her cow-keeping spie . t And aided by Necessitie , and Fate , And all the shrewder Goddesses , Ioues state She durst assume , and boldly presse as ●arre As all the Gyants in their ciuill warre . They first bound Ioue , then all the other Gods , Who were constrain'd by darknes , drinke , and th'ods Of this conspiracie , to condescend To hard conditions for a quiet end . u Ioue granted ●uno power of all the ayre , Her frowne or smile makes weather fowle or faire . His thunderbolts and lightning she may take , And with her tongue the worlds firmes axtree shake● From hence do women their free charter hold , To rule gainst reason , or else cry and scold . Proserpina obtained of her Pluto , That such should only speed , who she-saints sue to : That all affaires of man in state or purse His wife should sway , or women that are worse . From whence this custome springs in towne and city , The wife growes rich , the bankerout begs for pitty . 〈◊〉 go● leaue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And that no sawcy god should once reproue her : That Mars and she might dally , whil'st Don Vulcan Should freely to their pleasures drinke a full can . Fro whence this vse proceeds , that wiues once wātons Wage seruants , as the French the Swizzers Cantons . You that are Statists looke vnto this geare , Do not Tyrone and his rash striplings feare ; Feare not Tirconnel , nor those Galliglasses That cut , and hacke , and carue men as it passes : Feare those which all these feare , those fathers holy Which make the whole world their sole monopoly : That crowne & vncrowne Kings , when as they please , Play fast and loose like Iuglers with slight ease ; Dissolue all othes , though made with hand and heart , And pardon all sinnes , x yea an Irish fart . Feare these , and y those they ioyne with , lest too late We finde our ●le an Amazonian state , Where none but women , Priests and Cocknies keepe As close as young z Papiriu● , and as deepe , And none but these state mysteries may know , Lest they to more fooles then themselues should show The a treasons , stratagems , and b golden fables Which are proiected at their Councell tables . If this aduice be good , crie , Ioue be thanked , And with that short grace close my Irish banquet , To all those Knights , Ladies , and Gentlemen , to whom my Dedications are made , a true reason and excuse why I haue not placed them in their rankes and distances . IF any of you now be discontented , To haue your names found here , it is repented On my part too : for I would no man wrong Nor honour , but for merit in my song . If here yon finde your vertues be not proude , But thinke you are by me and truth allowde To weare Fames liuery , which if y'abuse , Shee 'l soone pull off againe ; and as you vse To deale with your euill seruants , put ye forth Naked of honour , if you be of worth : But whilst you be what now I know and write , Your fames guard me , and I giue you your right ; Yet not in place , for I my selfe professe To be no Harold ; but if worthinesse Had as much power , as many hath , to grace , You should not ( hauing so much worth ) want place . FINIS . THE SECOND PART OF PHILOMYTHIE , OR PHILOMYTHOLOGIE . CONTAINING CERTAINE TALES OF True Libertie . False Friendship . Power Vnited . Faction and Ambition . By THOMAS SCOT Gent. LONDON , Printed by Iohn Legatt for Francis Constable . 1625. MONARCHIA . DEDICATED To all the worthy professors of the Law , who make not priuate-wealth , but the good and peace of the Common-wealth the end of their studies and practise . Though you ( perhaps ) be Clyentlesse and few , Friendlesse and poore , yet 't is to you I sue For kinde acceptance . You alone are they Who by example guide vs in our way . You looke not on the fee , but on the cause , And follow truth , as truth doth lead the Lawes . The rest , with vice , and wealths ill-gotten load , Passe on to death , in glories beaten road . TH' inhabitants of the I le of Wight did bost , No vermin vs'd to harbour in their coast . For they no hooded Monkes , nor Foxes had , Nor Law * Retriuers who make fooles run mad , With their strife-stirring tongues ; but liu'd as free , From these , as by them others combred be . And though our whole land cannot boast so farre , That we from all such vermin quitted are : Yet happy is our Ile , that 's hemd about With water-walles , to keepe our enemies out ; Whilst we ( as Adam did ) in Eden dwell , And scarce of famine in an age heare tell . Where hils are clad with woods , and vales with corn Whose laden eares doe listen to be shorne . Where shephearde neither Lyon doubt , nor Beare , Nor rauening Wolfe which sheep & shepheard teare ; But each in safety dwell , and sillie sheepe From all but Man , doe one the other keepe . O happy are we if we know our good , And if our state be rightly vnderstood : To liue thus free vnder so blest a King , Iust Magistrates and Cleargy-men , that sing , The songs of Syon in the holy tongue Conuerting old men , and informing yong . No spirit-tyrant , Pope , State , Tyrant , Turke . Can here their bloudy ends and proiects worke ; But each in safety may his owne possesse , More free then Kings , because our cares be lesse . But most vnhappy are those neighbour lands , Where Peace , and Plenty , as two strangers stands ; Where bloodie war , and bloodlesse famine ride Vpon the ruin'd top of thanklesse Pride : Where Law destroies , Diuinity deceiues , And where the crowne the care of kingdome leaues . Where men eate men , as beast deuourd by beast , The strong the weaker kill , the great the least . Where tyrannie in triumph mounted hie , Makes truth and innocence in dungeon lie . This tale the difference shewes , that weemay know How much to God for our good king we owe. An aged Hart , vpon mount Carmel bred , Hauing as Admirall the Nauy led From Syria through the Seas , to Cyprus shore , Where all the I le with greene is couered o're . Hapt by a Parke to trauaile , where he spide A yonger sad Hart , standing close beside Th' imprisoning pale , and vsing all his skill To free himselfe from thence , to larger ill . Good brother ( quoth the stranger ) let me know , What heauy thoughts they are that vex you so ? Why do you sadly so your selfe bemone ? Why hauing friends within come you alone To feed sad melancholly , and inuent To doe a rash act , which you le soone repent ? The younger Deere made answer , Can ye muse Why I am sad , and wherefore I doe vse All meanes to free my selfe , from being thus A slaue to him that 's foe to all of vs ? Know brother , I endure more sorrowes here , In one halfe day , then you in one whole yeere . For you haue liberty to come and goe , Though forrester and wood-man both say no. But I by cru●ll man , imprisond keepe , Within this woodden walls , where none but sheepe Hares , Conyes , Cowes , and other of my kinne Are my associates , simple soules within . I haue no beast of worth , of birth , or wit , With whom I may conuerse ; but faine to fit My lofty spirit to the lowly straine , Of base companions , sluggish , fearefull , vaine . No Wolues or Dogs come here whereby decaies The exercise of valure and the praise . The traps for vermin , are so thicke beset , That oftentimes they some of vs doe get . The watchfull keeper , euery night and morne , Commands me rise , and rest with his shrill horne , He with his Lymehound rounds the pale about , For feare least we be stolne or broken out . He feeds vs cheerefully , and doth prouide Sufficient meat that 's fit for euery tide ; But being fat , he chooseth which he likes , And through our sides , deaths forked arrow strikes . Thus all he doth , is his owne turne to serue , And for his owne life doth our liues pres●rue . Then gentle brother helpe to free me hence , And my swift thanks shall yeeld you recompence . Stay brother mad-brain stay , quoth Light foot thē If you were out , you 'ld wish you in agen . I was in Syria borne , and euery yeere A dangerous voyage make , for what you here Enioy with proud cont●mpt . We cannot find " Content on earth , without a thankfull mind . You slight your ease and plenty ; we , alas ! With toyle seeke that which you with scorne let passe . Our meat is grutchd , we like to robbers watcht , So what we feed on , here and there is snatcht . The pale you call your prison rather may , Be tearmd your Castle , Garden , Closet , Stay , To keepe ou● others from those ioyes of yours , Or to preserue you from these woes of ours . Whilst we without by Lyons , Leopards , Beares , Wolues , Eagles , Serpents , and a thousand feares , Are howrely vext , beset , besieged so , That as our shadowes , death doth next vs goe . Yet none our deaths reuenge , nor craues account , How our neglected blood is lauisht out . For euen that Man ( which is your guard ) to vs Proclaimes himselfe a foe , most dangerous . He hunts for our destruction cheeres the hound , Rides , runs , whoopes , hollowes , and at euery sound , Rings our shrill deaths bell with so fearefull blast , As charmes our ioynts to heare , whilst hounds make hast To finish our desired death , and glut VVith our sweet flesh , each vermins maw and gut . Thus doe we die abroad , for euery man Claimes right in vs , and labors all they can , Our weary feet in toyles , nets , snares t' inclose , VVhen you haue friends , to guard you from your foes If therefore you haue told me truth that there You doe no creature but your keeper feare ; O bring me to this prison , shew me how I may obtaine a blessed life with you . Direct me to a leape , I le soone leape in . " T is happinesse , vnhappy to haue been . VVith that he mounts the pale , adue quoth he , Vaine , wide , wild world ; who serues the law is free . Epimythium . There ●ath been long disputation to finde out the true freedome . The world holds opinion that Libertines who doe what they list , and lust what soeuer is vnlawfull are onely free men . Cain was founder of this brotherhood . He might doo what he list , he was a vagabond exempt from lawes , he had a marke of priuiledge set vpon him to keep● him from punishment here . Our Iesuits and King-killers being exempt from the tempor all sword are free of this company● But the child of God whose affections are mortified , who obeyes law for conscience sake , who is a law vnto himselfe , is the onely freeman ; for him the Magistrate beares the sword in vaine . He would be honest without law , and will be honest if the la● should ●orbid him . Yet would he not resist , but submit himselfe to power . Hee is free of that company whereof S. Paul professeth himselfe one when hee saith , I haue learned in all estates to bee contented . How much more happy are they who liue vnder the protection of a good King , and wholesome lawes , then these are who liuing here like outlawes , goe without contradiction out of momentary pleasure and liberty into eternall slauery and punishment . The Cony-burrow . Dedicated to the louers of worth , and friends of vertue , who follow truth with a single heart , and speake it with a single tongue . Be inn●cent , but circumspect withall , The Turtles mate may be the Turtles stall . 〈◊〉 wise yet trust not wit. The traps we make For others , first doe our false fingers take . What we delight to vse , take pride to weare , Take vs ; as Absalon hangd with his haire . Then walke vpright , to neither hand encline , There 's nought frees innocence , but grace di●ine . THe Polcat , Ferret , Lobstar , Weasell , made A secret match , the Cony to inuade : VVhich no way they could compasse , whilst he kept Himselfe abroad , when as hee fed or slept . At last the Polcat to the Cony went , With this smooth speech . Good cousen my intent Hath been long since t' acquaint you with our kin , And tell ye how our cousenage came in . Your Grandame was my carefull fostermother , To your kind S●re , I was a fosterbrother ; My education , nurture , and my foode , I from my youth receiued from your sweet brood . In recompence whereof , my thankfull mind , A fitte requitall long desired to finde . The time is come , for I haue lately found , A secret plot , wherein the cunning hound The close dissembling Tumbler , Lurcher swift , With Raynard that knowes many a subtill shift . The Eagle and the Goshauke , haue agreed , Their stomacke with your d●inty ●lesh to feed . First they intend the hound shall hunt you out , And by your footing heate ye once about . Then shall that hypocrite , the Tumbler tri● , To cheate you of your life , with his false ●ie . But if he faile , the Lurcher with his speed , Will snatch yee vp ( they hope ) and do the deed . If not the Eagle , Fox , and Goshauke , sweare , To eat no meat , till on your lims they teare . The harmlesse Cony ; at this dir● report , Ready to sound , besought in humble sort The wary Polcat him t'inst●uct and teach A way , how he might s●ape his foes long reach . Faith ( quoth the Polcat ) you perhaps might hide , Your selfe among thicke bushes vnespide , But that the Hounds and Lurcher both are ●here , whose sents will quickly find ye out , I feare . Againe vpon the rocks , you might remaine , But that the Eagle , Fox , and Goshauke saine Thei 'l watch ye there ; so that no other way Remaines to scape with life , but night and day To scrape and grate with your forefeet , a den , Within the earth , where safe from beasts and men , And foule , and euery bloody foe you shall , Your life securely lead in spite of all . The simple Cony doubting no deceit , Thought treason had not councell for a bait● And therefore thanks his foe , and ( glad at heart ) To dig his owne graue vseth all his art . A sandy place he seeks , and finding one , Free from all clay , or flint , o● other stone , He with his forefeet grates , and makes a burrow , As deepe , as if he ment to trauaile thorow , The body of the earth , and meet the Sunne , When it vnto the Antipodes doth run . Which hauing finisht , he prepares a feast , And there the Polcat is the chiefest guest . The Lobster , Ferret , Weasel too must goe , To ioy him in his house , they loue him so ; And their great friend , the ●iluer-suited Snake , Must needs along with them , and merry make . He welcomes them , and do●h before them set , What iunckets he with purse or paines could get . The Lyons Court hath not a dainty dish , But he prouides it , euen beyond their wish . " Yet they that long for blood , till blood be shed , " Cannot be satisfied , though fully feed . Ingratitude ! thou monster of the minde● Art thou not only proper to mankind ? Is there a beast that can forget his friend , And for his owne ends , worke his fellowes end ? Is there a beast whose lust prouokes him kill The beast that did him good , nere wisht him ill ? Is there a beast who vnder kindnesse can Dissemble hate ? O then thrice happy man ! Thou art not only he that kilst ●hy brother , Some beasts there are that murther one another . Some foules , some fishes , Serpents some there are VVho pray vpon their kind in open war. And some that vnder friendship fal●ly faind , VVith fellowes murther haue their natures staind . Nay there is one who can so couer ●uill , That man may iudge him Angell , find him diuell . He first with sweet meats poysond Adams seed , Since when of sweet meats wisest men take heed . So need not these bold gu●sts , they eat and drink And then rise vp to play ; but neuer thinke Ought fadgeth right , till they haue brought to passe The purposde plot for which this meeting was● Theref●re ( dissemblingly ) the Polcat gins , To licke and catch the Cony , and so wins Hold vnderneath his throat , which hauing fast , The tragedy begins , the sport is past . For all assault him then on euery part , Some at his sides , some at his head and heart . Some at his belly , but the poisonous Snake , Doth at his tayle a deadly issue make . The helplesse Cony ●ues , intreat● , ●nd striues , But he must die had he ten thousand liues . Each foe his greedy go●ge with blood doth glut And with his sweet flesh cram each hollow gut . " But blood that 's sweet in tast , is not so sound , " To feed vpon , as milke that 's easier found . The Snake with poisonous touch had venome spred , Through all the swelling vaines , from taile to head . And they had suckt the blacke infection in ; A fitting vengeance for their crying sinne . Straight they their stomacke find not well at ●ase , And something feele , that doth their minds displease . The VVeasel first suspects the Snake , for he Can neuer with a Serpent well agree ; Saies , they are poisond all by one base slaue , VVhose company the Ferret needs would haue . The Snake replies , he did no more but what He was appointed to performe by plot . And if they foolishly had eat their last , He could not mend with sorrow what was past . They find it true , but find it now too late , Each rauing dies , and yeelds constraind by fate . Yet ere they die , all doe their farewell take , By shaking teeth together on the S●ake . VVho deadly wounded , crawles but faintly thence , Confounded with the guilt of his offence . And heeding not his way , by good mishap , Became a prisoner to the warriners trap . This feast was ended thus , death tooke away , And where they did not well we mend it may . Epimythium . Some are of opinion that wisedome consisteth i● the abilitie to giue good counsell . But I thinke the knowledge how to take good counsell and how to discerne the differences of ad●ise , is the principallpart of wisedome . That Frog in Aesope which in a great drought spying water i● a deep pit aduised his fellow to leape downe● that they might be satisfied and liue there , gaue good counsell and seemed to be a patterne of the first wisedome spoken of● But the other Frogge that refused his aduise , and diued deeper then the present time , then the bott●me of the pit with this question ; But if the water faile vs there , how shall we get out , or how shall we liue there● was a figure of the second wisedome , and teacheth vs that it is harder to take good counsell then to giue it . Let vs therefore beware in this point , and learne to looke a little beyond that good which is first and most apparant in euery proiect , The second and third good is that which we must rest on● for truth is often most remote and neorest the bottome● all that swims vppermost is the froth and false good and fraud . The House of Fame . Dedicated to all the noble atten dants of Royaltie in the Campe of Vertue , who fight for the honor of the Church , and Common-wealth . Till now of late we feard that loud report , Of Cressy field , Poicters , and Agincourt , Fought by our Kings and Princes heretofore , Had not been true , or should be told no more . We wondred if those Nobles euer were Who●●ame for armes and bounty did prefer● We doubted all our Countries had forgot . The deede of Audely or beleeu'd it not● we thought our Nation was of worth ●eref● , When bowes and arrowes and browne bills were left . But see● occasion now hath turnd our eyes , To inward wars where greater wonders rise . To see affection couquerd , l●st chastisd'e , Priae humbled , Murther slaine , all vice despisd'e . And all old vert●es freshly now reneude , By fa●re examples as the Sun ere vewd . In which bra●e war of wonders ( passing far All other conflicts that compounded are ( Of loue and hate ) each Lord who lends a hand To fight against vice for vertue , doth this land More ●onor then his ancestors before In conquering France , and shall be famd for 't more . Some for their Prudence who found out and led , Others for zeale through whom the enemy fled● Others for Art , whose skill the squadrons placed Others for Iustice who the e●emy chased , And some for Constancie● who held it out . And still vnwearied , not v●w●unded fought . But none more ●ame attaind then mercies squire , Who begd to giue , all sa●ing i● desire , He Audely-like taught Courtiers how to craue What they might giue aw●y● and giuing s●ue , Saue free from feare of forfeiture or losse , Or there-begging or the next y●●res crosse : Or enuies eye sore , or the Commons ●ate , Or poores complaint , or grieuance of the state , To him and to the rest , this tale is sent , Howsoeuer taken with a good i●tent . FAme that in Homer●s time a vagrant was , Without a house and home , did after passe In stately structures all the mixed race Of S●mdeities , and euery place Built her a Court , assisted by the Rages Of s●ndry Poets i●succe●ding ages . For euery one did something adde , to frame More space and roome for their friends narrow fame . Which as they purchast , still to her they gaue And that 's the cause , themselues so little haue . This Fame hath now her house glazde all with eies , The rafts , beames , balkes , nerues , sinewes , arteries ; The dores wide open , eares ; hangd round about With nimble tongues , and couerd so without . All things are seene and heard the wide world ore Which touch that place , and farthest off the mo●● . The House of Fame built vp foure stories hie , Stands in an open pl●ine , in which doth lie Foure sister twins , True ●ame , and good the first , And eldest are ; false and had fame the worst . And youngest payre , yet swiftest are in flight And though last borne , yet oft come first to light . These last dwell in two darker roomes below , Among the thicke Crowdes where all errors grow . There keepe they Court , where Scandals , Libels , lies , Rumors , Reports , Suspicions , c●lumnies , Are fauorites and Go●ernors of State , Whose practise 't is true worth to ruina●e . False fame liues lowest , and true Fame aboue , Bad Fame next false , good fame next , true doth moue● Yet good fame somtime doth with false fame stay , And bad fame sometime doth with true fame play . But false and true ( opposd ) will neuer meete , Nor bad and good fame , one the other greete . It so fell out ( as oft strange things befall ) A gallant Knight , ariued at that faire Hall , Attended on with such a noble sort , Of warlike squires , as fild this spatious Court. Who curiously enquiring of the rout , Whose Court it was , could no waies find it out . For contradictions crosse each other so , As truth from falshood he could no waies know . Bad fame did call it hers , and said , she was A guide to such as vnto glo●y passe . False Fame did call it hers ; he saw they lide , For ' boue their heads , two brighter Queens he spide . True fame spake to him then , and let him know , That ●he and good fame did the building owe , Being eldest borne , to Titan and the Earth , Before the Gyants war : when th' others birth Long since was subiect to their p●rents sinne , And heauens curse which now they liued in . For as those Gyants gainst the Gods did war , So these to t●uth professed enemies are ; Had by strong hand , and fraud , vsurpd her state● And to expresse to vertue v●most hate , Had bard all passage other houses hie , That mor all men might in obliuion die Or haue their memories blasted , glories kild By eating time , wi hlies and slanders fild . She wisht him then if he his good desired To haue repeated , or his spi● it aspired To worthy honor as old knights had wont , ( Whose swords not rust , but too much vse did blunt ) That he would vse some meanes to set them f●ee , Whereby his blest name might ●ternizd be . Good Fame then told him , that the only way , How he this enterprize accomplish may , Was by the helpe of mercy , prudence , art , Iustic● and zeale , and Constancy of heart . All their knowne friends to summon vp in armes , To force the place , and to disperse those swarmes Of idle vagabonds ; who kept below And hated good Fame , would not true fame know . Then ( since the stayres of fame were broken downe , And do es stopt vp to glory and renowne ) She wild him make an engine where withall , He might her lodging and her sisters scale . And so himselfe in spite of perill , raise Aboue the reach of enuy , or dispraise . The Knight ( in spirit rauisht with delight To heare their speech , to see their goodly sight ) Mounts his fierce Coursers backe , with which at hand His Squires attend vpou his strict command . Wils euery one of them to take a dame , Such as the Ladies of the house did name , Who there attended that they might direct This high attempt , with order and respect . The Squires with willing minds the knight obaide , And each behind them tooke a louely maide . Prudence directs her Squires to lead the way , ( Who followes her direction cannot stray , ) At length they come vnto a fruitfull wood , Wherein a world of vpright timber stood ; Tall Cedars , Cypres , Pine and royall Okes , With country Elmes , and Ash for plow and yokes . The lea ned Laurell , and the weeping Mirrh , The smarting Birch , and the sweet smelling Firr Grew there in order , and all trees beside , Where in the thrifty Woodreeue taketh pride , The knight suruaies all this , yet ●inds not one Fit to be feld ; till Prudence lights upon A proud straight Aspe , whose wauing top did leane On a slight Poplar , with some shrubs betweene . The cursed Eldar , and the fatall Yewe , With W●●ch and Nightshade in their shadowes grew ; Whose saples tops , with mildewes often stood , And grew self-seare , and ouertopt the wood . The Rauen & Shreikeowle there did build their neasts , And at their roots did harbour harmefull beasts , Which Pruden●e saw , but mercy would not see , Till she perceiu'd how euery other tree Droop'd vnderneath the height of these alone , And could not thriue , or grow till these were gone . She therefore ( ioynd with Constancie and Zeale ) Besought sharpe ●●stice , who doth euenly deale Her warie blowes , to fell all these with speed ; Who soone consents , and soone , performes the deed . At euery stroke she fetcht , the trees did grone , The rest did eccho laughter to their mone . And now they lye along , their branches topt , Their barke pild off , their trunks asunder chopt . Then Art with rule and line , these vselesse payer Frames ( ●ngine-lik● ) a straight clowd climing stayer To mount Fames house ; this euery Squire doth reare● And brauely on their backs do thi her beare . But Mercy seeing all the other ment To burne the C●ips , to saue them she is bent . And , with her Squire , the knight praies , let them lye , For he shall gaine , and glory g●t thereby . Since chips which cut from Aspe and Poplar bee , Do soone take roote , each growes a goodly tree . The knight co●●ents , and fenceth round the spring . Whose forward growth doth hope of profit bring . And now , together to the house of Fame With speede they passe , where first the falsest Dame Salutes them with a lye , and ●aith she heares Her Sisters are together by the eares , And haue destroyde each other ; this she had From her Twin sister , who tells rumors bad . They slight her leasings , and with speedy assay To raise the lather , where bold Zeale makes way ; But false Fame and her Sister , lay about To hinder her , with all their rascall route . Slander , foole-hardines and heartles fear● , With foolish Pittie , and false Lou● was there , Damnde In●idelitie , and secret Hate , And treason ●oo , that close d●ss●mbling mate . Who all with open mouth , and open lyes , All waies to stop his honord worke deuise . They raile , and fight , intreat , and curse and ban . The Knight proceedes , in scorne of what they can . And mounts the ladder , with his sword in hand , Which soone disparkles , such as dare withstand . Zeale hales him vp , and Prudence guides him right , True Constancie encourageth the fight , Mercy saues all the inno●ent , who swarme For companie , not with intent of harme ; Art orders euery act , the engine staies And helpes the Knight step after step , to praise The lusty squires below , with sword and lance , Withstand bad fame , whilst Iustice doth aduance Her heauy hatchet , and strikes off the head Of both the leaders , and there leaues them dead . Which when their troopes discouer , they forsake Th' vsurped fortress● , and themselu●s betake . To heady flight , into a marsh neere hand , Where many whispering reeds and Osiars stand . There they like out-lawes do themselues inclose , In wilfull banishment , with all the foes Of this good knight , whose valure vndertooke This high attempt , that Fame might rightly looke On all deseruers , and that man might finde , Like freedome for his tongue , as for his mind . That vertue migh be crowned by true fame , And honest meaning liue with honored name . Which promise gladly both the sisters swore , In solemne forme ; and now as heretofore The freedome of their tongues they both possesse ; And worth is knowne from base vnworthinesse . The knight they humbly thanke , and him they crowne The Soueraigne of glory and renowne . Which stile , Fames trumpetters the foure winds blow Through th' earths foure quarters , that the world may know Th' extent of vertuous actions ; how no power Can stop their passage , nor lanke time deuoure Their sweet remembrance ; which shall liue as long As nature hath an eare , or eye , or tongue . To euery Squire then they this fauour giue , That after death their Fames shall euer liue ; For still those Ladies , whose imploiment they So well aduanc't'shall duly night and day Repeate heir labors , and prefer them far Beyond Alcides workes , as peace doth war Surpasse in glory , or those works we doe , When others wills , and ours we conquer too . Now 't is proclaimd that if we tell no lies , We may with boldnesse speake and feare no spies . That what this age hath done , this age may heare , As well repeated now as the next yeere . That all our words our selues shall first expound , And that no forc't construction shall confound Our honest meaning , but bee 't ill or well , We may with freedome our opinions t●ll . Since no man dares to doe the thing which he , Would haue all the world both heare and see . These orders ratified , they fall to sport , And fill with maskes and reuells all the Court. The sequel I refer to Fames relation , Whose golden trumpe sounds vs a blessed nation . Satellitium . Dedicated to all that stand Sen inell , that watch and ward in defence of this kingdome , especially to the strength and guard of the State. Be of one minde ; Religion tyes a knot , Which none vndoes , by practise or by plot . But if in that we differ , be our breed Within one house , or wombe , of all one seede . 'T is seuerd soone by hate , respect , or gold , Which Law can neuer soulder , art make hold . 'Faith only ioynes , what nothing sunder can . ' Beasts loue for benefits , for vertue Man. VVHo guarded round about , with Parthian bowes , Or Spanish pikes ; or hedg'd and dikt with rowes Of sturdie Ianisaries , or the shot Of hardy Swizzars , or the valiant Scot● And after these with walles of steele and brasse , Hemd in so close that scarce the ayre may passe Betwixt the cliffes , is not so free from doubt , As is that King whom loue doth guard about . Whom subiects loue doth guard , because that he Guards them from all oppression , and makes free His noble fauourers to desert and worth , Spreading his valiant vertues frankly forth , That both his owne may finde , and neighbors know , What glorious fruit doth from religion grow . How sweet an odor Iustice sends to heauen , How rare example is to Princes giuen , By vertuous deeds , to stop the mouthes of those , Who vnreform'de are reformations foes . Such one sleepes safe within the armes of loue , Diuine regard doth all his subiects moue To due obedience ; and with sacred awe Binds conscience , with a stronger bond then lawe . Such heauen informes , whilst hell doth vndermine , And spit● of darkest plots with grace diuine Doth hedge about , that naked in the armes Of en●mies he is preseru'd from harmes . They sleepe securely , feed on holsome cates , Angels their beds make , cookes their delicates Giues Antidotes gainst poysons , doth defend Gainst d●mned w●tches and their God the fiend , No ●esuits at their elbowes can do hurt , Nor t●oopes of Papists that their courts ingirt . For God doth them in his blest armes inclose , Safe , though their chiefest fauourites were foes . O happy then good Kings proceed , ride on , Grow vp in glory , as you haue begun . Ride on for truths sake , looke on either hand , how you are guarded with a heauenly band Of blessed spirits , who shall lead you still ●n holy paths , and guid● your steps from ill . These being with you , you shall boldly tread Vpon the Lyon , and the Dragons head , And trample danger vnderneath your feete , As men tread stones , or dirt within the street , Which only spraids them ; your heauen-garded state ●s safer far , then that of Mithridate , The King of Pontus , vnto whom befell , VVhat strange aduenture in this tale I tell . This King perceiuing well there was no band , Of duty , loue , or nature , could withstand The strong inticement of corrupting gold , Or baser lust , or humor ouerbold , Or fond ambition ( which makes empty slaues Swim bladder borne vpon the floting waues Of false Opinion , with the arme of pride , Of borrowed power , and ignorance beside ) But that these would peruert the faith they had , And cause them after farther hopes run mad ; Did to preuent all this , a guard prouide Of faithfull beasts , whose strength had oft been tried . A Bull , a Horse , a Hare , the Captaines were , Of this strong guard , whose force did nothing feare But falshood , and Ingra●itude , and Treason , From which they were as free , as man from reason VVhy knowing more then beasts , he should not hate As they doe , to be treacherous , and ingrate . These three together being put to feed , And sport themselues till there were farther need Of their knowne faith , together long did dwell In peace and loue , till on a time it fell That they with rest and ease full fed and fa● , Had time to play , to dally , and to chat . Then did the wanton Hart propound a course , Betwixt himselfe and the couragious Horse . The warlike Horse did dare the horned Bull To make one in the race , who straight way full Of burning choller , and adusted blood , Bad cowards run , hee for no footman stood . T was meet for them that durst not stand it out , To vse their heeles , his heart was too too stout . The angry Hart replies , ther 's none of you , But may to me as to your better bow , I swifter then the Horse , my feet can vse , And for my head , the Bull I le not refuse To combat with , my courage I am sure Is like my strength as able to indure , And doe , as either of you dare or can , And more I am esteemd by royall man. Those Serpents which you run from , I seeke forth , And teare them with my teeth as nothing worth . And as my life to man is sweet and pleasing , So is my death , each part some sorrow easing . My hornes all mortall poyson can expell , My marrow makes stiffe-ioynted misers well . My fat yeelds strength and sweetnesse ; that fierce lad Achilles , neuer other spoonemeat had . Which made him such a Captaine , euery part Is physicall and comforteth the heart . Yea euen my excrements the dropsie cures , My teares , like precious Iewels , man allures . To seek them vp , wheresoeuer they be shed . My skin great Captaines weare when I am dead ; And boast that they haue such a coat of proofe , Which wounds withstands , whence venome stands aloofe . Then why ) O baser creatures ) dare you brag And match your selues with the long liuing Stag ? My life is long , cause I with cost am wrought , But nature slights your liues , as good for nought . The crested Horse , with fiery eyes did show , What inward rage did in his hot blood flgw To heare this bold speech vttered , and with head Tost in the ayre his hardned hoofes doth tread The scornd earth with contempt , then thus breaks out ; O thou fearefull of all the rout Of hunted beasts , how haps it that you dare With me your master and your Lord compare ? Forget ye my preheminence ? the loue Man beares me ? how one spirit seemes to mo●e Me and my rider ? that we start and run , Stop , turne , trot , amble , as we were but one ? Haue you at any time been calld to war , Where none but Captaines and great Souldiers are ? Trusted to heare their Councels ? on your backe Borne the Commander of that royall packe ? I haue done this and more , borne him about Through worlds of danger , and then borne him out He trusts me when his legs he dare not trust , And when his hand , faile them performe I must . Nay when he failes himselfe in euery part , I adde another life , another heart . In war I thus befriend him , in his need , And so in peace , I helpe his wants to feed . I till this land that else would barren be , Beare all his carriage , and am seldome free From some imploiment , but must neere him stand As being fit , and apt for his command . If he to visit friends abroad doth fare , I must along with him , true friends we are . If he intends to hunt such beasts as you , For sport , or hate , or need , he lets me know The time , the place , the end , and we agree● I see the sport , and hunt as well as he . How often haue I seene some fearefull Hart , Perhaps your ●ire , at my dread presence start ; Fly hence with vtmost speed , and neuer slacke His willing pace , when I vpon my backe Bearing my noble master haue at length O'retane the lubber , hauing lost his strength ? VVhilst I still foming courage , breathing sprite , Haue sought another conquest long ere night ; And after that a third , vnwearied yet , Yet you your selfe as Paralell will set To match and ouermatch my worth , my force ; As if weake Stags might braue the peerelesse Horse . For physicall receipts easily yeeld , Aliue I profit man , you being ●ild , This makes him seeke your death , my life to saue , Yet being dead my parts their vertues haue . VVhich I refer to others to relate● As scorning Hog-like to doe good so late . This only I conclude , If man should choose To saue but one , hee 'd both of you refuse . The armed Bull sweld , pu●t and roard alowd , To heare ●he Hart so bold , the Horse so proud . And all the while they spake , he tost about With hornes and hoofes the dust ; then bellowd out This bolder braue ; What ignorance is this , That causeth both of you , so much amis●e To boast your false worths , and neglect the true , Which res●s in me , belongs to none of you ? The Wolfe , the Greyhound , and ●ach questing cur , Makes thee poore trembling Hart keepe such a stir . To shift thy layer , as if thy life were lost , With euery faint blast , that the leaues downe tost● And this couragious Horse , that makes a quoile , Of wounds in war , and tilling o● the soyle , With many other vses fit for man , ( As they that least can doe , best cauill can ) Let this his answer be , the spur and bit Shewes man trusts not his courage , nor his wit. For if he tyre or faint , his spur prouokes , And prickes him forward , with continuall strokes . And if with head-strong heat , he madly rides , The bridle curbes him , and his folly guides . " All voluntary acts the actors praise , " Not such as others by constraint doe raise . " Out of our natures , whilst we easily are " Made instruments either of peace , or war● Else might our horned Heards , the rescue boast Of Hannibal and his distressed hoast , When he with lights and torches tyde to vs , Escapt the trap , of lingring Fabius . But truth is far from such ostents , those deeds We call our owne , which from our choice proceeds . The yoke we beare , and wherewithall we till The earth for man , is by constraint , not will● What comfort from our flesh , or from our Cowes , By calues , or milke , or Cheese or Butter flowes , Or physicall receipts , as they are more , And vsefuller , then what you both before Haue mentioned , so freely I confesse Man hath in them the glory more or lesse . His wit and industry , in them is seene , And th' Authors goodnesse from whom first we been , War is the good you glory in , which springs From mans ambitious ignorance , and brings Wants , woe , and death , with many ills beside , To scourge vs all , through ou● great masters pride . Then at the best , you are but slaues to such , As feeding you , foode to thei● like doe grutch . And through your force , their owne reuengements take , Whilst you to stout men ; cowards equall make● For what from you they borrow , they must grant They feare their foes enioy , whilst they doe want . Thus therefore all the nobler nations vse To sight on foot , whilst coward rather choose To share with beasts in glory , and to get Themselues a name , through your foole hardy heat . So you on them , and they on you depend , Such seruice iudgement neuer did commend . And thus in sportiue war , and warlike sport , You doe your rider from himselfe transport . Whilst you not man-li●e grow , but beast-like he Resembles you , in all these sports we see . Yea often to mischance you doe betray Your heedlesse rider , and in midst of play Pr●cipitate his soddaine fortune so , That who hath you a fai●nd , shall need no 〈◊〉 But may himselfe , a happy man proclaime , If by your meanes he scapes without a maime . But now if either of you , thinke you can , Out of your owne worthes , proue more fit for man , And better able to defend , and guard , Him whom we serue , from whom we haue reward , Then I can with my hornes , and harnast hide , Proceed to triall , I defie your pride ; And with bold challenge summon you to fight , A triple combat , to decide the right . They both with eager appetite accept These wisht conditions , and by this haue stept For from each other ; all prepard doe stand At full carere , to ioyne this treble band . The field triangle wise they euenly cast , And each with rage expects , that dreadly blast , Which warnes them charge . Each roreth out his wrath , Nor other need of drums or trumpe●s hath . The Hart doth bray , the bounding Steed doth neigh , The Bull doth bellow , deepe , and lowde and high . The earth doth tremble , and the ayre doth shun , This dreadfull thunder ; as when laden gun Spits forth its load , in scorne to be restraind , The ayre giues way vnto the bullets chaind , As dreading to resist so mighty force , Thus meet the valiant Bull , the Hart and Horse . The Hart and Horse first touch tha'ppointed place Being more swift , and apter for the race . And let each other , with much dange● feele The force of horned head , and armed heele . But ere a second bout they can performe , In comes the boystrous Bull , like winters storme , And seuers them with such a violent push , That they amazde , turne giddy with the rush . But ( nimble both and actiue they repay The sturdie Bull , with all the speed they may . The Hart with his broadhornes , doth make him reel● But the kinde Horse , vpholds him with his heele . The Bull thanks neither , for the one did pearce His hollow flanke , the other much more fearce , Did breake a rib , and bruise his shoulder blade , And taught him with lesse choller to inuade . Yet th'ods is soone recouer'd with his horne , Which hath the belly of the Courser torne . And rent one weaker beame , from branched Hart , As trees by thunder riuen , or clouen athwart . The subtle Hart , then shuns those ruder blowes , And tho'ds of handistrokes too dearely knowes● The Horse taught by his wounds , doth keepe aloofe , And stands vpon defence , with hardned hoofe . The Bull assaults them both with watchfull eye , And seeks how he aduantages may spie . The Horse and Hart vpon their guard do stand , In doubt and iealousie , on either hand . The Bull assaults the Hart , but he giues way , And slips his furie with what slight he may . Yet turnes not head , as fearefull cowards will , But wefes aside , to tyre his foe with skill . The Bull then strikes the Horse a deadly cuff , But he requites him with a counterbuff . The Hart strikes in betwixt , the Bull turnes rownd , The Horse leaps right vp , doth coruet , and bownd ; So at one instant , fatally they me●te ; The Bull his death meets from the Horses feet . The Hart th' aduantage takes , the ●orse aloft Strikes his one horne into his belly soft , Which there hangs fast ; the Horse doth with his fall . Breakes the Harts necke , this is the end of all None hath the conquest , all of them are slaine . Their death 's not doubted , long they there remaine , Till that the King their Master , hauing neede Of their attendance , goes his guard to feed , For none might tend them else , least they acquainted With others bribes , by treason should be tainted . So enters he the place , and there he spies What doth affright him , all his comfort lies Dead at his feet , then sadly going neere Their carrion corpes , he doth a murmur heare , As armed souldiers in a Citie sound , Or fire in th' ayre , or wind within the ground . And doubting the successe , three seuerall swarmes He sees prepar'd for fight , and vp in armes . Bees from the Bull , Waspes from the Hors● do start , And Hornets from the melancholly Hart. He motions peace , and hopes to part the fray , They send three souldiers , who sends him away . For each of them doth fix his venomd sting , Wit●in the flesh of the amazed King. He flies with speed from thence , they fight it out ; The conq●est all expect , all feare and doubt . But what befell I know not ; this I know , The King cride out aloud . The euils that grow From pride , ambition , and excesse of grace , " Like thanklesse curs , flie in their masters face . " Beasts will be beasts , doe bounty what it can , " T is cast away , that 's giuen to worthlesse man. O Princes banish faction from the Court , It sowres all actions , leauens euery sport . And at the last , when it should sweetly close , From one false friend riseth a thousand foes . FINIS . Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A68703-e420 a Ar●s are Natures sp●ctacles to be● imperfection● If ●hey be n● whole and 〈◊〉 for the part● that vs●th them , th●● rather ●ure then inlight● ind●ement . b The Romi● Catholicks o●pose the wri●●en word wit traditions , 〈◊〉 unwritte●● v●●ities , as the ●alsly ca●● them . Thales . Columbus . Democr . Alex. Ma● . c The f ●e● o● the e●uits . ●e mireris ●bsecro , s●ationes de ●s ●●fe●re ●on po●i●a : saris ●ctu● pu●re debes , i non mi●us proba●les quam ●u●uis ali●s , ●ationes ●ttuler●m . ●e●uum●●st memi●s●e & m●●ui disierā , & vos qu● udicabitis ●omines ●ste : vt s●●●●babilia 〈◊〉 ●●hil 〈◊〉 req●●●tis . ●la●● in ●imaeo . d ●he ●ault Seneca ● Sir ●●as ●erbury . e Looke on 〈◊〉 front . f Many of his sch●ll●r haue learned this le●●on . g Regu ad ex●mplum . &c. Notes for div A68703-e3310 * Quasi d●rsus pandus . Notes for div A68703-e6640 in . lib. 8. ●spae ●iunt corporibus ●uorum ortuorum : ●es ranarū iortuarum : ●nae ver● & ●gues ex● utrefactioe aquae . ●omment . 〈◊〉 lib● 1● Arist M●aphy . bis ●erpentibus ●st inimica ●ostro enim , ●os percuti● nterficit & leuorat . Arist . Diod● Sicul● lib● 3. Plin. lib. cap● 22. Cacoble alias . Ca● cotheph● ut . in vit● ex● mag . Psal . 1 p Colo c● 3. v. Notes for div A68703-e7650 Lyci●ca . A●lianus I. ● . Praet●rc●rrunt autem ripam , & suffurantes bibunt , quant●● est capere : iterum aeque iterum . Ps●l . 106. 13. Notes for div A68703-e9430 Gryp● animal pennatum & quadrupes . Hae belluae di●untur ess● in S●ythia● & cum Arimaspis qui vnicum haben● oculum , auri causa quod custodiunt● assiduè bellu● g●rere . Plin. lib● 10. Gen. 3 1. Serpens enim erat as●utus , astu●●or quauis bestia agri . Goodmatters may be propounded with an ill minde . Gryps quadru Gryps ter vol● recitat● Deut. 1● Elephas animal quod ma nitudine inter om nia anim lia quadr● pedia excellit : I● . tellectu & memoria multum vigens . Plin. Solit. Regulus , or , Reg●liolu● Gryph● Capite●● alis Aqu similis● 〈◊〉 quo cor● re simili● Leoni . Isid . l. 1●● Aquil● mas● Vnum opus optim● fi● ab vno● Arist . l. 2. Politic. Notes for div A68703-e11650 ena cru●is es● be●similis ●o , &c. ●cuit do●g per no●m & hu●nà prout ●est ●ingi●●em Isid . ●icuiusque ●men ●n●●it , quem ●ca●●●o●laceret . ●d : Notes for div A68703-e12660 Hippopotamus in Nilo editur , Crocodilo inimicus . Pli. lib. 8. c. 25. Crocodilus animal quadrupes in terra & in aquis valens . Seruo enim non ●as est ve●um dicere , quod Hero suerit incommodum Enti● Chameleo● mutat s●●m ●olorem infl●tus A●ist , Hist . Animal● lib. 11. cap. 11. Phi●● lib. 8 , cap● 26● Regnum potius ab assentatoribus quam ab hostibus euertitur●F . Patr. Seu. Comm de Inst . Princ● lib. 5. Solus inter animali● superiorem maudibulā mouet Crocodilus . Isid . Philip Cōmineus . lib. ● . c●p . 2 , Notes for div A68703-e15200 Phaenix vnica dicitur este , auis , & in toto orbe terrarum singularis . Isid . Notes for div A68703-e18510 Demogorgon omnium Deorum primus , in media terra degen● , crassissima n●bula circumdatus , situ obductus est . Ima Deorum ex Boccacio . Q●od non e●t cognitum est ens . Arist lib. 8 de gener . & corr . Impossibile ●st scire quid est ignorare , si est . Posterior . lib● 2. Plut●rch . vita The●istocl . Socra . Hoc scio me n●hil scire . Ouid. Met-lib 1. ● Omne quod fit a natu●a ●it secu●dum ordinem . Arist lib. 16. Animal . Humnm degerit Talpa , & radices subt●a comedit & corrodit . Isid●● . 12. Omnia corrumpuntur in ea ex quibus sunt . Ar● lib. 3. Metaphy . Tenebrae sunt priuatio luminis . Arist . l. 2. de anima● Arist● de gener . & corrup . lib. 1. Talpa sol● odit & fugit Isid . Omne animal generans ; sibi similes habet oculos praeter talpam , &c. Arist .. Talpa non hab●t oculos quia in generatione e●us naturale editur . Arist● l. 4. de animal● Talpa rostrum habe●●d modum porci . Talpa . Cor●um rump●tur qu●●do incipit mo●i , & ●um ●●●pit ap●rire oc●los● A●●st . A●r fit Cam leonti cibus . Chameleon gyrat oculos ●uos frequenter circumqueque . Arist . Illud . quod est in corpore ●uo est modicae carnis . Corpus pellucidum illum inatur per reflectionem , corpus coeleste solum per se . Com. in Arist . lib. 1. Met. Lux est visibilis per se : color verò mediaute luce . Com. in Ar. l. 2. de Anima . Omnia elementa putresiunt preter ignem . Arist . l. 4. Meteo . Stellae e●●● non vidatur de die propter lumen solis ●om . Ar. l. 2. de Anima . Salamar● drae tantus est rigor , vr ignem tactu extingu●t sicut glacies . P●●n l. 10. fructus arborum inficit , aquas corrumpit . Ex gu●bus s● quis comederit vel . biberi● mox necatur . Plin. l. 10. Murena non à suo simili concip●tur , sed à serpente . I sid . l. 12. cap. 6. Dubitato . ●um solummodo ●st veritatis inquisit●o . A●stot . Me● . l. 3. L●mprey quasi Lampetra● Of licking rocks . Camden . Bribes are faithfull friends , for gifts corrupt the wise . Lamprey , quasi Lampetra Of li●●ing the r●ck● . Camden in Worstershire . Notes for div A68703-e23540 Tantae caliditatis est Stru●hiocamelus quod ferrum deglutit , dirigit & co●sumit Isisid . Stercusferri eximium rarumque medicamentum ad omnesiocineris & splenis obstructiones . Mathiol● Medicamētum ex●ccacatorium . Idem Mathiol . They are called his egges , because hee trod the hen that laid them . Naturaliter equum odit Aren●m fodit & ibi ponit oua ●ua quae fabulocooperit & regi● Notes for div A68703-e25310 ●nocrotaus est auis luos ha●ens vte●os . In vno ●ecipit , in 〈◊〉 deco●uit . Isid . ●strum ●aquam ergens ●rridum● cit ●o●m , Asino mor● . id . ●in litoquies●ēs ●rum su●uper ●um eri●Et sui us acu●e con●nsul●um ●ipitris ●raemu●s●d . Draco maximus est cunctorum serpentium à spelnuci● abstractu● sertur in aerem . Excitatur propter ●um aer , & mare contra eius ventu● contumescet . Isid . lib. 12. Solum habet venenum in lingua & in felle . Plin. ● Notes for div A68703-e29980 Pol. Virg. lib. 1 c. 19. de inuent . rer ▪ Asinus est● animal maxim● frigoris● impatiens . Plin. lib. 8. cap. 4● Tria● ver● cùm sint● opus , cibus . & cast●gatio . &c. Arist . O●conomi● lib. cap. ● . Verberās● absque ira peior , est verberā●e cum ●ra● Com. in Arist● 1. 6. Metaph. You be ●s Gods knowing good ●u euill . ●hat is a comnon cas● . Aquas transire & pedes in eis figere multum horret . Ari. 5. de Animal . Eccles . 8. 13. Ca●den . Hist● Antiq. Ir●● . G●● . ● . 5. Notes for div A68703-e33090 Principatu● virum o●tendit . Ari●t . l. 5. Metaphys . Tacit● Hist● lib. 1. cap. 7. Exod. 8● 17 Act● 12 23. Psal . 82. ● . Reu. 17. 2. Iudg● cap. 4. 17. cap. 9 53. Gra●ton . Notes for div A68703-e33840 Cambden in his Brit. Alluding to the ages of the ●hurch . 1. The Prin●●tiue , by ●●ason of ou●ward● persecution , being obscure . 2. The second vnder the Spiritu●ll persecution of Antichrist , being fabulous . 3. The third being our Age , where Cōtrouersies are tried by the cleare Sun-shine of Gods Word , and so certaine and Histo●icall . Pol. Virg. Rer. ●nuen . Cap. 14. lib. 1. Motus ●raec●d●t e●pus ●aturali●er , & Tempus consequi●u● mot●m . A●ist . Ph●sic . lib. 4. Causatur autem motus primo & princ●pal●ter à circumuolutione Coel● . A●ist . Motus est transitus à termino ad terminum . Tem●us ●st re●um mu●abilium men●u●● . A●ist . Vigila● tempus cum dormire videtur : dumque vigilat s●mul dormire Idem . que cum si● stit , volat ; & cum volat , consistit . Vince Chartarius . Sunt anno●um diuersa genera . 1. Annus Lunaris . 2. Annus Solarus . 3. Annus Magnus . Persecutions are l●ke clouds and stormes , which benight the Gospel● The Morning is deliueranc● from e●●o● . and darknesse by the Gospel ; which obtaines free passage , and cleares and reformes the abuses of superstitious times . Pausanias ●cribit Grae cos gallu●● generatos e●●e , vt Apollini sacrum ; Is enim ca●tu mane ●olis aduentum anuncia● Vin. Cha●● . ●hocas . Luk. 22. 〈◊〉 . Luc●an . Pho●as ha●ing slaine Mauritiu● ga●● the title of vniuer●all Bishop to Boniface then Bishop of Rome . The Crosse● Omnia haec tibi d●bo . Math. 4. 9● Servus Seruorum . Culpas huius redarguere prae●umit mor●●lium nullus● Diabolus st●tit super pinnas Templi . Math. 4. 5. Epimythium . Prin●ipium plus ●st quam dimidium totius . Ari●t . ● . 5. Pol. 2. King. 9. 32. Psal . ●16 . v. 105. Notes for div A68703-e42400 Romulus & Remus nur●ed by a Wolfe , ●omulus●ew ●ew his ●rother R●nus for lea●ing ouer ●he walls of ●is Citie ●ome . Vnion . ●nno 1. ●acob . Notes for div A68703-e47590 Alluding to the Rainbow . Ann. Dom. 1588 The seas broke in before West , now East . Marshland in Norfolke . New-market burned with many other notable town● in England Notes for div A68703-e51050 Plutar in vita Fabii . Notes for div A68703-e55550 9 Worthics a The old Maior● b New Maior . c Aldermen● d An old wi●e . e Smell out the meaning . f Aldermens w●●es . Mistres Maiores . h So they call their butter cakes● i Bread of crud● . k Common Irish drinke . l Two fidlers and a blind boy with a bagpipe . m Their poer● Chroniclers . n One of the Aldermen . o The fidlers boy . p They were almost all drunke . q The Sun went down . r Master Maior cald to his wife for candles . ſ She was drunke and would none . t She took Master M ior a box on the care . u Mistris Maiores might doe what she would . x The eight deadly sin , and more shunned of the Irishmen then the other seuen . y Their crosses , their wiues . z His history is wel knowne . a They plot and consult of nothing else . b Stories out of the Legend whi●h they beleeue aboue Gods Word . Notes for div A68703-e57730 Cambden Insula vectis . This title is giuen them by our worthy L. chiefe Iustice of Eng. Notes for div A68703-e63940 Psal . 91. Aelianus . ●sal . 54● Plut●r● in vita Han. Cunctando restitui● rem Enniu● Epimithiū .