item: #1 of 5 id: A19058 author: Coeffeteau, Nicolas, 1574-1623. title: A table of humane passions With their causes and effects. Written by ye Reuerend Father in God F.N. Coeffeteau, Bishop of Dardania ... Translated into English by Edw. Grimeston Sergiant at Armes. date: 1621 words: 84372 flesch: 55 summary: Men also Loue famous persons , who by their vertue haue attained to an eminent glory , and an extraordinary reputation , bee it generally in the world , or only among good men , or among such as they haue in admiration , or by whom they themselues are admired ; and they especially make great shew of their affection , when as they presume , that these Persons in all their dignity and greatnes disdaine them not , but are wel pleased with the testimonies of their Passion ; so wee haue seene people runne by whole troupes from all the corners of the world , to see conquerours & such as did triumph ; men of holy life , and Persons indued with rare knowledge or wisedome , aboue the common sort of men . Aboue all , they haue an inclination to loue their like , being a thing which nature teacheth vs dayly , that resemblance ingenders Loue , not onely among men , but also among other creatures : for euery creature loues his like : Tygers & Panthers troop together with beasts of their owne kind : And birds of one fether fly willingly together ; such power hath resemblāce to vnite affectiōs : the which we must beleue is more powerful in man , who can haue no sweeter conuersatiō thē with his like . keywords: bee; body; cause; choler; content; desire; doe; doth; enuy; euill; feare; friends; giue; glory; good; great; griefe; hath; hatred; haue; hauing; hee; himselfe; hope; ioy; knowledge; life; like; loue; makes; man; manner; meanes; men; men haue; moreouer; motions; nature; neuer; obiect; passions; pleasure; power; reason; selfe; senses; shee; shew; soule; subiect; themselues; things; vertue; vnto; vpon; wee; whereof; world cache: A19058.xml plain text: A19058.txt item: #2 of 5 id: A19292 author: Cooper, Thomas, fl. 1626. title: The mysterie of the holy government of our affections Contayning their nature, originall, causes, and differences. Together with the right ordering, triall, and benefit thereof: as also resoluing diuers cases of conscience, incident hereunto. Very necessarie for the triall of sinceritie, and encreasing in the power of Godlinesse. The first booke. date: 1620 words: 17083 flesch: 64 summary: Thus as the Stoike and Libertine placed their happinesse in meere stupiditie and blockishnesse , so the Epicure on the contrary , placing happinesse in the sense , and in such things as might best affect the same , for the enioying of present delight , and car●all appetite , as esteeming it no happinesse , which is ●ot by sense enioyed : ●onceiued therefore so ●nely of the soule , that it ●erued onely as salt , to keepe the body from pu●rifying , and make it sen●ible of delight , and so ●oncluded of the Affecti●ns , as to be onely the ef●ects of the Complexions ●nd Humors of the body , ●eruing onely to expresse ●heir naturall inclinations ●nd operations , to the sa●isfying of the Flesh : Wherein , as they plainely discouered their estranging from the life of God , through the ignorance that was in them , in their confining their Affections to 〈◊〉 carnall and senselesse pa●● of nature : I meane , th● body , separated from th● soule , whereby they v●terly excluded themselue● from all true notion o● the Deitie , from all tru● fellowship with Him which is onely attayne● by the Mind and Affect●ons thereof : so in thi● their prostituting of thes● noble affects of the diuin● soule to the guide & lur● of corruptible flesh : eue● wherein they seemed t● bee wise , they becam● fooles , cōfounding themselues in their owne imaginations , and ouerthrowing that sensuall happinesse which they fancied herein . And therefore , whereas the Ground , next vnto Faith , as of our worship of God , and dueties vnto Men , is Loue ; howsoeuer our affections are different in themselues , yet they must all be deriued from this principall affection of Loue : Wee must hope , grieue , reioyce , &c. because wee loue ; and loue must be the end and ayme of ●ll : Therefore wee are angrie , we feare , we hope , we ioy , that we may still loue , and make better way for the manifestation thereof . keywords: affections; bee; doe; feare; flesh; god; good; haue; lord; loue; right; rule; selues; sinne; soule; things; vnto; wee; ● ● cache: A19292.xml plain text: A19292.txt item: #3 of 5 id: A42026 author: Greenwood, Will. title: [Apographē storgēs], or, A description of the passion of love demonstrating its original, causes, effects, signes, and remedies / by Will. Greenwood, [Philalethēs]. date: 1657 words: 38855 flesch: 64 summary: To conclude this Chapter ; It may be , that some will expect , that I should prescribe some things to cause love ; as to teach them how to temper and spice an amatorious cup , and what time may be elected for the administring of it ; or how Love may be caused by natural Magick : but not knowing into whose hands the Book might come , neither do I write it to be an instrument ready tun'd for every wanton eye , tongue , and hand to play upon ; I forbear , lest more hurt then good come thereby : Love causeth him that doth love , to ingrave and imprint in his heart , that face and image which he loveth ; so that the heart of him that loveth is like unto a looking-glasse , in which the image of the party beloved shineth and is represented ; and doth as it were deprive himself of himself , and giveth himself to whom he loveth ; for the delights of love are commonly more in the imagination , then in the thing it self ; and the soul doth cast her eye upon those images which remain in the fancy , and looks upon them as if they were present . keywords: absence; affection; age; beauty; body; cause; desire; discourse; doth; effects; eyes; face; fire; force; good; hath; heart; ibid; jealousie; life; look; love; lovers; making; man; melancholy; men; minde; mistresse; money; nature; non; object; party; passion; poor; power; presence; reason; saith; self; selves; set; sex; signes; soul; spirits; subject; things; thou; thoughts; time; venus; way; women; world cache: A42026.xml plain text: A42026.txt item: #4 of 5 id: A50023 author: G. R. title: Man without passion, or, The wife stoick, according to the sentiments of Seneca written originally in French, by ... Anthony Le Grand ; Englished by G.R. date: 1675 words: 77386 flesch: 50 summary: If men account Exile cruel because it separates us from all the delights of our own Countrey , who will not own that the Tyranny of our Passions is the most severe of our torments , since they violently take us from our selves , deprive us of the power of Reason , and rob us of that liberty which the most unfortunate retain under a load of Irons ? Fortune , which hath set up that unjust distinction amongst men , and created Lords and Vassals , hath no influence upon Passions ; as she abandons great men to the fidelity of their Servants , she commits the meaner sort to the discretion of their Superiours , and she is so little absolute in her Government , that we often see the Slaves give Laws to them that command : some find ways to be their Masters Companions by the assiduity of their services , and others have been made free for their fidelity : some others are comforted in their bondage that they have but one Master to satisfie , and do easily perswade themselves that an ordinary ingenuity will serve to please a mans humor with whom we daily converse . For although men are seldom in one mind , that novelty robs us of that happiness , and that we change our opinions as often as the objects vary ; yet is it certain in this point that Gold is profitable to man , that it assists him in his wants , that it opens him the Gates of publique employment , and that he raiseth his fortunes by honorable Alliances . keywords: actions; advantages; anger; body; cap; cause; condition; content; contrary; courage; day; death; delights; desire; discourse; doth; earth; enemies; enemy; est; esteem; evil; fear; felicity; fine; fortune; friends; fury; glory; god; good; grief; hath; heaven; hope; judg; judgment; justice; knowledg; laws; liberty; life; love; man; men; mind; miserable; nature; non; number; opinion; passions; persons; philosophers; pleasure; power; reason; rest; self; selves; sen; seneca; set; sin; slaves; soul; subject; things; thought; time; truth; vertue; vice; wealth; works; world cache: A50023.xml plain text: A50023.txt item: #5 of 5 id: A59161 author: Charleton, Walter, 1619-1707. title: Natural history of the passions date: 1674 words: 47576 flesch: 52 summary: I will conclude then , that I commit Errors in passion , not because I am naturaly prone to Passions , nor because I want an omniscious Understanding : but only because I make not a right use of that finite indeed , yet sufficient Vnderstanding God hath given me , in the conduct of that Cupidity my passions excite in me . In no other thing ( saith he ) but in the repugnancy that is between the motions which the Body by its spirits , and those which the Soul by her will , do at the same time endeavour to excite in the Glandula Pinealis in the brain , consist all the Conflicts which Men commonly imagin betwixt the inferior part of the Soul , which is named the Sensitive , and the Superior , which is called the Rational , or betwixt the appetites natural and the will. keywords: actions; animal; art; blood; body; brain; cause; contrary; corporeal; desire; doth; evil; fear; flame; good; grief; hath; heart; imagination; life; love; man; men; mind; motions; nature; nerves; objects; parts; passions; reason; self; sense; sensitive; simple; soul; spirits; things; time cache: A59161.xml plain text: A59161.txt