item: #1 of 15 id: 32637 author: Fyfe, H. B. (Horace Bowne) title: The Envoy, Her date: None words: 4520 flesch: 84 summary: A few hours later, Wilkins found Vyrtl and a small retinue resting beside a pool at the edge of the forest. With some difficulty, Vyrtl kept his eyes front as he strode from the hall with Wilkins and his personal guards at his heels. keywords: daphne; emperor; envoy; jursan; vyrtl; wilkins; woman cache: 32637.txt plain text: 32637.txt item: #2 of 15 id: 4250 author: Saltus, Edgar title: Imperial Purple date: None words: 27172 flesch: 74 summary: It was on a peak such as that the young emperors of old Rome balanced themselves, a precipice on either side. Slender, graceful, handsome, as were all the young emperors of old Rome, his blue, troubled eyes took pleasure, if at all, only in the sight of blood. keywords: arena; army; augustus; caesar; caligula; caracalla; city; claud; day; death; domitian; emperor; empire; eyes; father; god; gods; gold; hadrian; hand; history; life; man; moment; mother; nero; palace; people; prince; purple; rome; senate; tiberius; time; trajan; vespasian; way; women; world cache: 4250.txt plain text: 4250.txt item: #3 of 15 id: 6386 author: Suetonius title: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 01: Julius Caesar date: None words: 30488 flesch: 59 summary: This conjecture is rendered highly probable by Asinius Pollio, who informs us that Caesar, upon viewing the vanquished and slaughtered enemy in the field of Pharsalia, expressed himself in these very words: This was their intention: I, Caius Caesar, after all the great achievements I had performed, must have been condemned, had I not summoned the army to my aid! None of them, so far as appears, lost their lives but in battle, excepting only Afranius, Faustus, and young Lucius Caesar; and it is thought that even they were put to death without his consent. keywords: account; army; caesar; caius; cicero; city; consulship; day; days; death; enemy; father; general; house; julius; life; lucius; marcus; men; number; occasion; office; order; people; period; person; place; pompey; province; public; republic; roman; rome; senate; state; subject; time; war; work; year cache: 6386.txt plain text: 6386.txt item: #4 of 15 id: 6387 author: Suetonius title: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 02: Augustus date: None words: 51758 flesch: 59 summary: During his consulships, he commonly walked the streets on foot; but at other times, rode in a close carriage. [214], but at other times, and upon all days, whether festivals or not. keywords: account; age; agrippa; antony; augustus; author; battle; caesar; caius; city; country; daughter; day; days; death; emperor; family; father; form; friends; games; general; gods; government; greek; hand; history; honour; horace; house; julia; julius; jupiter; left; life; lucius; manner; mecaenas; nature; night; number; occasion; office; order; ovid; people; period; person; place; poetry; power; provinces; public; purpose; rank; roman; rome; sea; second; senate; soldiers; state; subject; temple; theatre; tiberius; time; virgil; war; wars; way; years cache: 6387.txt plain text: 6387.txt item: #5 of 15 id: 6388 author: Suetonius title: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 03: Tiberius date: None words: 24393 flesch: 61 summary: Next year he went again to Germany, where finding that the defeat of Varus was occasioned by the rashness and negligence of the commander, he thought proper to be guided in everything by the advice of a council of war; whereas, at other times, he used to follow the dictates of his own judgment, and considered himself alone as sufficiently qualified for the direction of affairs. Afterwards, addressing the senate in general, he said: Conscript Fathers, I have often said it both now and at other times, that a good (212) and useful prince, whom you have invested with so great and absolute power, ought to be a slave to the senate, to the whole body of the people, and often to individuals likewise: nor am I sorry that I have said it. keywords: a.u.c; age; augustus; authority; caius; city; day; days; death; drusus; emperor; family; father; germanicus; good; government; house; life; livia; man; mother; nero; people; person; public; rome; sejanus; senate; son; state; tiberius; time; way; years cache: 6388.txt plain text: 6388.txt item: #6 of 15 id: 6389 author: Suetonius title: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 04: Caligula date: None words: 18392 flesch: 64 summary: At other times, he would march so slow and luxuriously, that he was carried in a litter by eight men; ordering the roads to be swept by the people of the neighbouring towns, and sprinkled with water to lay the dust. XLIV. A soldier, who was an adept in the art of beheading, used at such times to take off the heads of prisoners, who were brought in for that purpose. keywords: a.u.c; augustus; body; caesar; caius; caligula; city; day; days; death; emperor; father; germanicus; hand; night; order; people; person; place; public; rank; rome; senate; tiberius; time; years cache: 6389.txt plain text: 6389.txt item: #7 of 15 id: 6390 author: Suetonius title: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 05: Claudius date: None words: 17817 flesch: 62 summary: The principal were an aqueduct, which had been begun by Caius; an emissary for the discharge of the waters of the Fucine lake [507], and the harbour of Ostia; although he knew that Augustus had refused to comply with the repeated application of the Marsians for one of these; and that the other had been several times intended by Julius Caesar, but as often abandoned on account of the difficulty of its execution. He disgraced many, and some that little expected it, and for a reason entirely new, namely, for going out of Italy without his license; (308) and one likewise, for having in his province been the familiar companion of a king; observing, that, in former times, Rabirius Posthumus had been prosecuted for treason, although he only went after Ptolemy to Alexandria for the purpose of securing payment of a debt [496]. keywords: a.u.c; account; augustus; city; claudius; day; death; emperor; father; freedmen; honour; life; occasion; office; order; people; person; public; roman; rome; senate; soldiers; tiberius; time; way cache: 6390.txt plain text: 6390.txt item: #8 of 15 id: 6391 author: Suetonius title: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 06: Nero date: None words: 26687 flesch: 61 summary: The inimitable character of Trimalchio, which exhibits a person sunk in the most debauched effeminacy, was drawn for Nero; and we are assured, that there were formerly medals of that emperor, with these words, C. Nero August. It appears to me proper to give a short account of several of the family, to show that Nero so far degenerated from the noble qualities of his ancestors, that he retained only their vices; as if those alone had been transmitted to him by his descent. II. keywords: a.u.c; account; age; augustus; author; caesar; city; claudius; day; death; emperor; empire; family; father; games; house; life; man; manner; men; mother; nero; order; people; person; petronius; place; poison; public; rome; senate; seneca; stage; theatre; time; way; years cache: 6391.txt plain text: 6391.txt item: #9 of 15 id: 6392 author: Suetonius title: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 07: Galba date: None words: 6478 flesch: 64 summary: Three sides of the Atrium were supported by pillars, which, in later times, were marble. The import of the verses was, That in time, Spain should give the world a lord and master. keywords: a.u.c; death; emperor; family; galba; hand; man; nero; person; soldiers; spain; time cache: 6392.txt plain text: 6392.txt item: #10 of 15 id: 6393 author: Suetonius title: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 08: Otho date: None words: 4537 flesch: 66 summary: After his father's death, to make his court the more effectually to a freedwoman about the palace, who was in great favour, he pretended to be in love with her, though she was old, and almost decrepit. It was kept with great care in the sanctuary of his temple, as a symbol of the perpetuity of the Roman empire; and that it might not be stolen, eleven others were made exactly similar to it. keywords: camp; day; emperor; father; galba; nero; otho; time cache: 6393.txt plain text: 6393.txt item: #11 of 15 id: 6394 author: Suetonius title: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 09: Vitellius date: None words: 5672 flesch: 64 summary: In the subsequent part of his life, being still most scandalously vicious, he rose to great favour at court; being upon a very intimate footing with Caius [Caligula], because of his fondness for chariot-driving, and with Claudius for his love of gaming. [713] The Chaldaeans also decree that Vitellius Germanicus shall be no more, by the day of the said calends. keywords: brother; day; death; emperor; family; man; otho; soldiers; time; vitellius cache: 6394.txt plain text: 6394.txt item: #12 of 15 id: 6395 author: Suetonius title: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 10: Vespasian date: None words: 10346 flesch: 61 summary: He purified the senatorian and equestrian orders, which had been much reduced by the havoc made amongst them at several times, and was fallen into disrepute by neglect. At supper, and, indeed, at other times, he was extremely free and jocose. keywords: account; army; day; death; emperor; empire; family; judaea; man; nero; person; rome; suetonius; temple; time; titus; vespasian cache: 6395.txt plain text: 6395.txt item: #13 of 15 id: 6396 author: Suetonius title: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 11: Titus date: None words: 5999 flesch: 60 summary: Of Pliny's talents as a writer, it might be deemed presumptuous to form a decided opinion from his Natural History, which is avowedly a compilation from various authors, and executed with greater regard to the matter of the work, than to the elegance of composition. In every public character, he acquitted himself with great reputation, and enjoyed the esteem of the several emperors under whom he lived. keywords: a.u.c; emperor; empire; father; great; number; people; pliny; public; rome; time; titus cache: 6396.txt plain text: 6396.txt item: #14 of 15 id: 6397 author: Suetonius title: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 12: Domitian date: None words: 11078 flesch: 62 summary: He came at an early age to Rome, where he declaimed for many years, and, pleaded causes in the forum with great applause; but at last he betook himself to the writing of satires, in which he acquired great fame. Not to go into details, after he had made free with the wives of many men of distinction, he took Domitia Longina from her husband, Aelias Lamia, and married her; and in one day disposed of above twenty offices in the city and the provinces; upon which Vespasian said several times, he wondered he did not send him a successor too. keywords: age; augustus; bed; brother; city; day; death; domitian; emperor; father; man; people; person; public; reign; rome; senate; statius; time; vespasian; years cache: 6397.txt plain text: 6397.txt item: #15 of 15 id: 6672 author: De Quincey, Thomas title: The Caesars date: None words: 71187 flesch: 51 summary: and it deserves to be mentioned, that this staff, or cudgel, which was the official engine and cognizance of the Centurion's dignity, was meant expressly to be used in caning or cudgelling the inferior soldiers: _propterea_ vitis in manum data, says Salmasius, _verberando scilicet militi qui deliquisset_. From such vestiges of _derivative_ grandeur, propagated to ages so remote from itself, and sustained by manners so different from the spirit of her own,--we may faintly measure the strength of the original impulse given to the feelings of men by the _sacred_ majesty of the Roman throne. keywords: age; army; augustus; body; case; character; circumstances; city; civil; commodus; condition; cæsar; day; days; death; doubt; effect; emperor; empire; fact; family; father; favor; footnote; general; good; great; hand; head; history; human; instance; interest; king; life; marcus; means; men; military; mind; moment; mother; murder; nature; nero; notice; occasion; office; people; persian; person; point; policy; power; present; prince; public; purpose; reign; roman; rome; senate; sense; son; spirit; state; strength; throne; time; war; way; world; years cache: 6672.txt plain text: 6672.txt