item: #1 of 13 id: 17981 author: Gregory, Jackson title: Under Handicap A Novel date: None words: 91364 flesch: 88 summary: Certainly his intellect had been trained, in a fashion, by great men, by learned university professors. And the man who fights here successfully a winning fight, not stopping to ask at what odds, must be endowed with a great strength, a rugged physical and moral constitution, self-reliance, a true, deep insight into the natures of other men. keywords: argyl; big; brayley; conniston; crawford; dam; day; days; desert; eyes; face; father; feet; garton; going; greek conniston; half; hand; hapgood; head; horse; lark; left; look; man; men; miles; miss; moment; new; pete; right; roger; room; saw; swinnerton; table; thing; thought; time; tommy; truxton; valley; voice; want; water; way; work cache: 17981.txt plain text: 17981.txt item: #2 of 13 id: 18154 author: Webster, Henry Kitchell title: Calumet "K" date: None words: 66722 flesch: 91 summary: So while they stared at the second hands of their watches the minutes crept away--Pete wound his watch up tight in the vain hope of making it go a little faster--and at last Bannon turned with a nod to the superintendent. You're Mr. Bannon, ain't you? keywords: bannon; big; boss; business; cribbing; day; elevator; eyes; feet; floor; good; grady; guess; hand; head; hilda; house; job; laborers; look; macbride; man; max; men; moment; morning; office; peterson; right; talk; things; thought; time; way; work cache: 18154.txt plain text: 18154.txt item: #3 of 13 id: 21361 author: Fenn, George Manville title: Patience Wins: War in the Works date: None words: 101415 flesch: 89 summary: My father was Russell--Alexander--and Uncle Dick, Uncle Jack, and Uncle Bob were Company. But I was not six feet two like Uncle Bob, nor six feet one like Uncle Jack, nor six feet three like Uncle Dick. keywords: big; boy; cob; dam; dick; dog; door; end; face; fellow; gentles; going; good; great; half; hand; head; hear; hold; lad; left; look; man; men; mester; pannell; piter; place; right; round; saw; set; steel; tell; thought; time; trap; uncle; uncle bob; uncle jack; want; water; way; wheel; works cache: 21361.txt plain text: 21361.txt item: #4 of 13 id: 29266 author: Bindloss, Harold title: Thurston of Orchard Valley date: None words: 101058 flesch: 80 summary: A REVELATION Thurston of Orchard Valley CHAPTER I THURSTON'S FOLLY It was a pity that Geoffrey Thurston was following in his grandfather's footsteps, the sturdy dalefolk said, and several of them shook their heads solemnly as they repeated the observation when one morning the young man came striding down the steep street of a village in the North Country. Though several raised their hands half-way to their caps in grudging salute, Geoffrey Thurston, who appeared preoccupied, looked at none of them. keywords: answer; away; black; business; camp; come; country; day; end; english; eyes; face; father; feel; geoffrey; geoffrey thurston; girl; going; good; hand; head; helen; helen savine; help; hope; husband; late; left; leslie; life; long; look; man; men; millicent; minutes; miss; moment; money; mrs; night; old; place; question; rest; river; rock; rose; savine; saw; set; shackleby; snow; speaker; things; think; thomas; thurston; time; tom; voice; want; water; way; wife; woman; work cache: 29266.txt plain text: 29266.txt item: #5 of 13 id: 30431 author: Merwin, Samuel title: Calumet 'K' date: None words: 66877 flesch: 91 summary: So while they stared at the second hands of their watches the minutes crept away--Pete wound his watch up tight in the vain hope of making it go a little faster--and at last Bannon turned with a nod to the superintendent. You're Mr. Bannon, ain't you? keywords: bannon; big; boss; business; cribbing; day; elevator; eyes; feet; floor; good; grady; guess; hand; head; hilda; house; job; laborers; look; macbride; man; max; men; moment; morning; office; peterson; right; talk; things; thought; time; way; work cache: 30431.txt plain text: 30431.txt item: #6 of 13 id: 30767 author: Neville, Kris title: New Apples in the Garden date: None words: 3655 flesch: 91 summary: Eddie dialed home to let his wife, Lois, know he would be late again. Eddie climbed down the manhole with the foreman of the maintenance crew. keywords: eddie; forester; larry; lois; time; today; work cache: 30767.txt plain text: 30767.txt item: #7 of 13 id: 30990 author: Stevenson, Robert Louis title: The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 16 date: None words: 162682 flesch: 65 summary: Other men pay, and pay dearly, for pleasures less desirable. I have come to grief over the moon in Prince Otto, and, so soon as that was pointed out to me, adopted a precaution which I recommend to other men--I never write now without an almanac. keywords: air; appearance; artificers; artist; author; beacon; bell; bell rock; board; boat; book; building; business; case; character; course; crew; day; days; dear; deck; evening; experience; eye; eyes; face; fact; family; feet; god; good; grandfather; half; hand; head; heart; high; hope; hours; house; human; kind; landing; leave; letter; life; light; lighthouse; literature; little; look; love; man; mankind; manner; master; men; mind; money; morning; nature; new; number; o'clock; operations; past; people; place; pleasure; point; poor; present; public; rock; room; sea; seamen; second; sense; service; set; ship; smeaton; smith; society; soul; spirit; state; stevenson; stone; story; sunday; tender; thing; thought; tide; time; truth; verse; vessel; view; water; way; weather; wind; words; work; world; writer; years; young cache: 30990.txt plain text: 30990.txt item: #8 of 13 id: 31113 author: Smith, Gustavus Woodson title: Company 'A', corps of engineers, U.S.A., 1846-'48, in the Mexican war date: None words: 27734 flesch: 67 summary: The Chief Engineer, Colonel Joseph G. Totten, in his report of operations against Vera Cruz, says: The obligation lies upon me also to speak of the highly meritorious deportment and valuable services of the Sappers and Miners, [engineer company] attached to the expedition. There ought to be more companies of engineer soldiers in this army. keywords: army; battery; captain; city; enemy; engineer company; fire; general; left; lieutenant; men; officers; order; position; report; road; sergeant; smith; time; worth cache: 31113.txt plain text: 31113.txt item: #9 of 13 id: 33343 author: Munroe, Kirk title: Campmates: A Story of the Plains date: None words: 70945 flesch: 78 summary: Boys, this is Mr. Glen Matherson, our new-- Fortunately, the leveller was able to answer most of them, and thus she learned, what Glen had never attempted to conceal, that he was an adopted son of Luke Matherson, of Brimfield, Pennsylvania, who had saved him from a railroad wreck in Glen Eddy creek when he was a baby. keywords: bank; billy; binney; boy; boys; brackett; brimfield; camp; day; end; engineer; father; feet; general; gibbs; glen; glen eddy; good; half; hand; head; hobart; indians; left; life; line; man; matherson; miles; moment; mule; new; night; party; place; river; thought; time; train; wagon; water; way; white; work; young cache: 33343.txt plain text: 33343.txt item: #10 of 13 id: 46634 author: Trevithick, Francis title: Life of Richard Trevithick, with an Account of His Inventions. Volume 2 (of 2) date: None words: 137727 flesch: 66 summary: Ill health, 1830--Hot-house boiler--Heating rooms--Discharging coal-ships by steam--Hot-water stoves for France--Patent for heating apparatus, 1831--Marine portable engines--Boat propeller--Wheal Towan--Discharging coal by steam at Hayle--Proposal to the Common Council of London--Every vessel to carry a steam-engine--Mr. George Rennie--Proposal to the Admiralty--Surface condensation--Locomotives supplying their own feed-water--Petition in Trevithick's favour--Davies Gilbert's suggestion--His comparison of the Watt and Trevithick engines--Maudslay on Trevithick's proposals--Patent of 1832--Superheating steam--Cylinder placed in flue from boiler--Expansive steam--Tubular boiler--Water propulsion--Superheating and surface condensation for locomotives--Detail of engine--Proposal to send steamboats to Buenos Ayres--Waterwitch Company--Messrs. Hall and Sons--Hall's condenser--Rennie and the Admiralty--'Syria' steamboat--Compound engines--Watt on high-pressure steam--Trevithick on compound engines--Tubular boiler and variable blast-pipe--Refusal of Trevithick's petition to Government--Ill health--Davies Gilbert's statement to Spring Rice--Meeting on proposed Reform Column--Trevithick's description--Means of ascent and descent--Placed before the King--Death--Funeral--His last letter Page 363-396 ILLUSTRATIONS TO VOLUME II. PAGE AËRATED STEAM-BOILER 7 ROCK SPLITTING 25 STEAM THRASHING ENGINE 37 AGRICULTURAL MACHINE 58 WHEAL PROSPER HIGH-PRESSURE STEAM POLE-ENGINE 70 CYLINDRICAL HIGH-PRESSURE STEAM-BOILERS 71 EXPANSIVE STEAM POLE-ENGINE 81 CARN BREA CASTLE 147 TREVITHICK'S DOLCOATH ENGINE OF 1816 168 TREVITHICK'S DOLCOATH BOILERS OF 1811 169 STEAM DIAGRAM 185 'LA BELLE MACHINE' 190 CARRIAGE-WHEELS 207 WINDING ENGINES 208 PENZANCE IN OLDEN TIME 228 MARKET, JEW STREET, PENZANCE 243 MULE TRACK FROM LIMA TO CERRO DE PASCO 258 MAP OF COSTA RICA MINES Uville, who had heard of the wonderful ability of English engineers to construct steam pumping engines, was utterly downhearted at this decision of the great Soho engineers, and while dejectedly wandering through the streets of London, unconsciously gazed into the shop window of Mr. Roland in Fitzroy Square, near the spot on which Trevithick had run his railway locomotive three years before.[120] Rumour of passed events may have led him to visit the ground on which had worked a new kind of steam-engine. keywords: air; boiler; boulton; captain; captain trevithick; case; coal; condenser; cornwall; cost; cylinder; cylinder engine; day; diameter; dolcoath; dolcoath engine; double; duty; engine; feet; fire; footnote; half; heat; high; inch; inch cylinder; inch engine; inches; iron; lbs; letter; lima; london; making; man; millions; mines; minute; new; patent; piston; place; pole; power; pressure engine; pressure steam; pumping engine; purpose; said; sides; sir; steam; steam vacuum; stroke; surface; time; tons; trevithick; trevithick engine; tube; use; uville; vacuum engine; valve; vessel; vol; water; watt engine; way; wheal; work; working; years cache: 46634.txt plain text: 46634.txt item: #11 of 13 id: 51167 author: Keith, Donald title: Butterfly 9 date: None words: 7387 flesch: 97 summary: The reporters quizzed Jeff gleefully. It read: 4-D TRAVEL BEURO Greet Snader, Traffic Ajent Mr. Snader's bureau is different, Jeff said to his wife. keywords: ann; bullen; door; jeff; know; man; room; snader; time cache: 51167.txt plain text: 51167.txt item: #12 of 13 id: 51362 author: Haggert, W. T. title: Lex date: None words: 7891 flesch: 84 summary: Or are you one of these birds that had the shot paid for him? I worked my way through, said Peter stiffly. Clay, at the Association of Professional Engineers, who had set up the appointment, hadn't eased Peter's nervousness by admitting, I don't know what in hell he's looking for. keywords: door; lexington; machine; man; materials; peter; things; time; voice; way cache: 51362.txt plain text: 51362.txt item: #13 of 13 id: 61826 author: Bond, Nelson S. title: Beyond Light date: None words: 8033 flesch: 92 summary: What have you got against me? What, growled Captain Lane. * * * Captain Lane did not need her warning. keywords: captain; dorothy; eyes; gun; heat; lane; mallory; man; space; thing; tim; time cache: 61826.txt plain text: 61826.txt