item: #1 of 6 id: 34094 author: Various title: Journal of Entomology and Zoology, Vol. 11, No. 2, June 1919 date: None words: 4479 flesch: 72 summary: _Naineris longa_ Moore? _ Claremont. keywords: aboral; alimentary; arrangement; base; beach; biology; body; book; brown; canal; cells; central; ciliated; circumoral; claremont; collar; college; columnar; connective; cornell; cross; dorsal; drawing; epithelium; fibers; fig; figs; figures; general; gill; heart; johnson; journal; laguna; lantern; longitudinal; mfrs; modified; moore; muscle; nerve; nervous; network; notochord; number; opening; parts; pomona; proboscis; radial; region; section; special; surface; system; tissue; university; var; vessel; yellow; zoological; zoology; ×400 cache: 34094.txt plain text: 34094.txt item: #2 of 6 id: 37632 author: Various title: Journal of Entomology and Zoology, Vol. 11, No. 4, December 1919 date: None words: 7915 flesch: 71 summary: The ganglia of _Nucula_ are easily studied in section. 6. Section through the body of _Nucula_ showing the position of the cerebro-pleural ganglion cut through the center. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; alex; antennæ; appearance; aspect; basal; biology; black; blunt; body; book; breathing; broad; cell; cephalic; cerebral; cerebro; college; cornell; dicranoptycha; disk; distinct; dorsal; fig; figures; flies; ganglia; ganglion; general; genus; head; horns; hours; illustration; instinct; journal; july; labrum; large; larvæ; lateral; left; legs; life; little; lobes; long; malletia; margin; mark; mass; mfrs; microscopic; minima; nerves; nest; notes; nucula; observations; opposite; page; pair; pedal; pleural; position; pronotal; pupa; second; section; segment; sheaths; short; similar; small; smaller; species; specimen; spiracles; spiracular; surface; teeth; time; triangular; university; ventral; visceral; wasp; wings; winnemana; work; zoology; ×300; ×70 cache: 37632.txt plain text: 37632.txt item: #3 of 6 id: 45597 author: Various title: Journal of Entomology and Zoology, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 1919 date: None words: 15407 flesch: 71 summary: _All subscriptions should be forwarded to_ Messrs. Dulau & Co., Ltd. 37 Soho Square, London, W., England ====================================================================== GRIFFITH Incubators [Illustration] A simple, well constructed bacteriological incubator ====================================================================== GAGE--The Microscope An Introduction to Microscopic Methods and to Histology By SIMON H. GAGE. Twelfth Edition. Whole and fractional parts of numbers: 1-2/3 VOLUME ELEVEN NUMBER ONE =============================================================== JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY MARCH, 1919 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY POMONA COLLEGE DEPARTMENT _of_ ZOOLOGY CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA, U. S. A. =============================================================== CONTENTS Page New Polychaetous Annelids from Laguna Beach, Cal.--_Ralph V. Chamberlin_ 1 The Nervous System of Cæcum Californicum--_W. A. Hilton_ 24 Amphipods from Laguna Beach 26 =============================================================== Entered Claremont, Cal., Post-Office Oct. 1, 1910, as second-class matter, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 Journal of Entomology and Zoology EDITED BY POMONA COLLEGE, DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY _ keywords: = =; = class; = pomona; a. =; anterior; application =; articles; base; beach; black; body; branchial; branchiæ; broad; brown; caudal; change =; cirri; close; collar; color; conical; convex; curved; dark; differing; distal; distally; dorsal; dorsum; edge; elongate; elytra; ends; england =; exclusive; eyes; farther; figures; fine; form; free; ganglia; general; greatest; green; half; iii; illinois =; incubator =; large; lateral; left; length; life; light; line; little; lobes; long; longer; longitudinal; margin; median; mesad; middle; narrowed; narrowing; neurocirri; notocirri; nov; number; numerous; ones; pairs; pale; palpi; papillæ; parapodia; plates; pointed; posterior; present; process; processes; prostomium; radioles; red; region; rounded; second; segments; series; setae; setigerous; setæ; short; shorter; sides; similar; simple; single; slender; small; smaller; somewhat; somites; species; stout; surface; teeth; tentacles; tentacular; thick; thoracic; tip; tips; tooth; total; transverse; tubercles; type; uncini; usual; ventral; white; width; y. =; yellow cache: 45597.txt plain text: 45597.txt item: #4 of 6 id: 48031 author: Various title: Journal of Entomology and Zoology, Vol. 06, No. 4, December 1914 date: None words: 12998 flesch: 75 summary: The Comstock Publishing Company Cornell Heights, Ithaca, N. Y. ==================================================== Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. 154 Sutter Street San Francisco, California Factories: Rochester, N. Y. and Frankfort, a/M, Germany Use a =PROJECTION LANTERN= in your home. College, Amherst, Mass. ==================================================== Journal of Entomology and Zoology--_Advertising Section_ ==================================================== Ward's Natural Science Establishment Founded 1862 Incorporated 1890 Natural Science Supplies =Mineralogy=: Prepared collections; Blowpipe and Laboratory material; Museum specimens, etc. keywords: 243; = =; = bacon; = banks; = bean; = catalogues; = class; = cockerell; = equal; = essig; = gardner; = hilton; = king; = kuwana; = moles; = pomona; = projection; = reichert; = sponges=; = wang; = ward; a. =; abdomen; abdominal; abundant; american; animal; antennæ; application =; armed; barnacles; base; beach; body; brain; broad; brown; california =; canyon; cells; cephalothorax; claremont; claw; collections; college; color; common; concave; convex; dark; description; edge; eggs; england =; entomology; evenly; exchange; feet; femur; fibrils; fifth; figure; finger; flagellum; forms; fourth; general; geometrica; gnathopod; habitat; hairs; half; hand; holdfasts; illustration; incubator =; inner; johnson; joint; journal; july; laboratory; laguna; laguna beach; large; legs; length; light; like; little; long; longer; mandibles; margin; marine; nebalia; nerve; nervous; new; notes; number; numerous; outer; palm; parts; pedicellate; pedipalps; plate; red; region; sand; schools =; sea; seaweed; second; segments; short; shorter; sides; simple; size; slender; small; smaller; smooth; special; species; specimens; spine; starfish; stones; stout; straight; study; summer; superior; system; teeth; tibia; tide; tooth; trochanter; volume; water; work; y. =; yellow; york =; young; zoological; zoology cache: 48031.txt plain text: 48031.txt item: #5 of 6 id: 48101 author: Various title: Journal of Entomology and Zoology, Vol. 09, No. 1, March 1917 date: None words: 11715 flesch: 75 summary: Ross-Gould Mailing Lists St. Louis =================================================================== Pomona College Located in one of the most healthful and beautiful parts of the west coast. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. =================================================================== CLASS WORK MATERIAL CAN BE PROCURED AT ANY TIME OF THE YEAR FROM C. S. BRIMLEY, Zoologist 1135 Newberne Avenue RALEIGH, N. C., U. S. A. Twenty-one years' experience Price List on Application =================================================================== To Entomologists I can supply Entomologists with all orders of insects from all parts of the world, as I am continually receiving fresh consignments from my own collectors. keywords: = =; = aurichalcite=; = beryl=; = betafite=; = class; = comstock; = hopeite=; = magnetite=; = neptunite=; = nova; = pomona; = reinite=; = rhodesia=; = riley; = stibnite=; = tourmaline=; = willemite=; a. =; abdomen; adult; animal; apex; application =; baker; beach; beetles; biology; birds; body; brain; brown; california =; catalogue; cells; cephalothorax; cheliceræ; claremont; college; color; common; cord; cornell; course; crystals; days; determined; distinct; dozen; drawing; eggs; end; entomological; entomology; female; fibers; field; fig; figure; following; fore; form; france =; general; girault; hairs; half; hills; hours; illustration; journal; laboratory; laguna; large; larvae; leaf; legs; length; little; long; longer; louis =; margin; marine; median; mfrs; mountains; museum; national; nerve; new; notes; number; ovipositor; parts; region; ritter; rose; santa; second; sections; segment; short; simple; single; small; special; species; specimens; study; stylus; summer; surface; system; time; university; upper; valuable; vein; ventral; water; width; wings; work; y. =; years; yellow; young; zoological; zoology cache: 48101.txt plain text: 48101.txt item: #6 of 6 id: 48122 author: Various title: Journal of Entomology and Zoology, Vol. 09, No. 3, September 1917 date: None words: 8661 flesch: 84 summary: Ross-Gould, 1027A Olive Street, St. Louis. Ross-Gould Mailing Lists St. Louis =================================================================== Pomona College Located in one of the most healthful and beautiful parts of the west coast. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. =================================================================== CLASS WORK MATERIAL CAN BE PROCURED AT ANY TIME OF THE YEAR FROM C. S. BRIMLEY, Zoologist 1135 Newberne Avenue RALEIGH, N. C., U. S. A. Twenty-one years' experience Price List on Application =================================================================== To Entomologists I can supply Entomologists with all orders of insects from all parts of the world, as I am continually receiving fresh consignments from my own collectors. keywords: = =; = aurichalcite=; = beryl=; = betafite=; = class; = comstock; = hopeite=; = magnetite=; = neptunite=; = nova; = pomona; = reinite=; = rhodesia=; = riley; = stibnite=; = tourmaline=; = willemite=; abundant; acmaea; andrena; anthophora; application =; april; baker; baldy; beach; bees; brain; bray; brown; brush; cactus; cal; california; californicus; canyon; chiton; ckll; claremont; collection; college; common; conr; cornell; cpr; craw; crystals; dall; der; det; diandrena; feet; fig; figures; forms; france =; general; glaber; gld; good; gray; great; halictus; hds; high; hole; illustration; intermedia; journal; laguna; land; large; lateral; limpet; list; little; lotus; louis =; lower; macoma; mellisodes; mfrs; mountains; mouse; n. ckll; nerves; nervous; new; nomada; notes; number; osmia; pages; paper; parts; phacelia; plate; poppy; price; prov; red; region; san; sby; sheep; shell; slipper; small; sonoran; southern; species; specimens; study; system; tanacætifolia; turban; university; v. fig; valley; ventral; vier; volume; white; work; y. =; years; zone; zoological; zoology; ×10 cache: 48122.txt plain text: 48122.txt