item: #1 of 13 id: A29436 author: Carew, George, Esq. title: A Brief deduction of the case between George Carew Esqr. administrator of the goods and chattels, rights, debts and credits of Sr. William Courten, knight deceased unadministred with his will annexed, plaintiff and [I]acob Pergens, bewinthebber of the West-India Company at their chamber in Amsterdam, defendant : as it was delivered in low-Dutch to the scheepens and iudges in Amsterdam, in the month of October 1676. date: 1676.0 words: 3371 flesch: 59 summary: administrator of the goods and chattels, rights, debts and credits of Sr. William Courten, knight deceased unadministred with his will annexed, plaintiff and [I]acob Pergens, bewinthebber of the West-India Company at their chamber in Amsterdam, defendant : as it was delivered in low-Dutch to the scheepens and iudges in Amsterdam, in the month of October 1676. administrator of the goods and chattels, rights, debts and credits of Sr. William Courten, knight deceased unadministred with his will annexed, plaintiff and [I]acob Pergens, bewinthebber of the West-India Company at their chamber in Amsterdam, defendant : as it was delivered in low-Dutch to the scheepens and iudges in Amsterdam, in the month of October 1676. keywords: administrator; amsterdam; boeve; books; buys; carew; cats; cause; company; courten; debts; deceased; early; eebo; england; english; executor; george; goods; hague; holland; iacob; india; iudges; law; lords; moneth; money; pergens; pounds; process; right; said; scheepens; tcp; text; unadministred; william; william courten; year cache: A29436.xml plain text: A29436.txt item: #2 of 13 id: A34133 author: Carew, George, Esq. title: A vindication of the severall actions at law, brought against the heires of Sr. Peter Courten, Knight, and Peter Boudaen, merchants deceased by George Carew, Esqr., James Boeve, merchant, and Hester de Weyer ; with the arraignment of a most scandalous pamphlet called, De quade Minees en practiken van seeckeren George Carew, ontdeckt en opengeleght, tot onderrichtingh en waerschouw aen Nederlandt, door d'Erfgenamen van P.B.C., Zalr. 1675, privately given out to the magistrates in Zeeland. date: 1675.0 words: 25717 flesch: 53 summary: Peter Courten, Knight, and Peter Boudaen, merchants deceased by George Carew, Esqr., James Boeve, merchant, and Hester de Weyer ; with the arraignment of a most scandalous pamphlet called, De quade Minees en practiken van seeckeren George Carew, ontdeckt en opengeleght, tot onderrichtingh en waerschouw aen Nederlandt, door d'Erfgenamen van P.B.C., Zalr. 1675, privately given out to the magistrates in Zeeland. Carew, George, Esq. 1675 Approx. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 58:6) A vindication of the severall actions at law, brought against the heires of Sr. Peter Courten, Knight, and Peter Boudaen, merchants deceased by George Carew, Esqr., James Boeve, merchant, and Hester de Weyer ; with the arraignment of a most scandalous pamphlet called, De quade Minees en practiken van seeckeren George Carew, ontdeckt en opengeleght, tot onderrichtingh en waerschouw aen Nederlandt, door d'Erfgenamen van P.B.C., Zalr. 1675, privately given out to the magistrates in Zeeland. Carew, George, Esq. keywords: abraham; accounts; achtb; achtbaerheden; actien; actions; additione; administrateur; administration; adventura; advocates; aen de; aengaende; aensprekelijck; aforesaid; al de; aldaer; alhier; alle; alle de; alsoo; amsterdam; andere; appeares; april; banckrupts; bekent; betaelt; betalen; bewinthebberen; binnen; blijckt; blijven; boecken; boedel; boedel van; boeve; bona; books; boudaen; boudaen courten; boven; brengen; brieven van; brother; burgemeesters; capitael; carew; carew van; cas van; cause; characters; charge; charles; children; city; commissarisen; commissioners; common; compagnie; company; contra; copye; copye van; county; courten; courten de; courten niet; courten ridder; courten tot; cousin; cousin courten; crediten; crediteuren; crediteuren van; creditors; cum; d'heer; daer; daer op; daer van; dagh; dan; dat; dat de; dat hy; dat ick; dat u; date; daughter; david; de boecken; de brieven; de compagnie; de erfgenamen; de gemelte; de goederen; de heeren; de jonge; de middelen; de moncy; de quade; de rekeningen; de ridder; de schulden; de selve; de voorsz; de welcke; de wetten; de ●; death; debts; deceased; den; den iare; den prerogativen; den procureur; den suppliant; den voornoemden; deponent; derhalven; dese; die; dien; dienende; diversche; doen; doende; door; door den; droit; duysent; earle; east; edward; eebo; een; eenige; eenige van; effecten; effecten van; en al; en zijn; ende; engelandt; england; english; equity; erfgenaem; erfgenamen van; esperanza; esqr; estate; exceptie; executeur; executeur van; executor; eygen; eyscher; false; family; father; february; friends; geadmitteert; gedaen; geen; gehadt; gehouden; gekomen; gelijck; gemaeckt; gemeene; gemelte; generall; george; george carew; gestelt; geteyckent; geweest; goederen; goederen van; good; goubard; graefschap van; great; groot; hadde; haer; handen; handen van; hare; hath; hebben; hebben de; hebbende; heeft; heeren; heires; hem; henry; hester; het; hier; highnes; himselfe; hof; holland; hondert; hoogen; hope; house; hove van; hun; iare; ick; inde; india; indien; indische; insolvent; interest; iohn; issue; iustice; jacob; jaer; james; jan; jegens; jegenstaende; john; justitie; kamer; kamer van; kan; kennisse; kinderen; king; knight; komen; konde; koninckrijck van; konnen; koopluyden; koopman; kosten; lands; laten; law; laws; les; letters; leven; littleton; londen; long; lord; luyden; maer; magistrates; majesteyts; majesties; maken; margrieta courten; maried; matter; mede; meer; mencioned; merchant; middelburgh; middelen; middelen van; mijn; mitsgaders; moet; moeten; mogen; moncy; monies; monsr; moone; mother; naer; negotie; netherlands; niet; niet en; niet te; noch; nochtans; notaris; obligations; ofte; omme; omme de; omme te; onder; onderdanen; onderdanen van; ontrent; oock; oost; op de; overlijden; owne; parliament; parthyen; particular; particuliere; partnership; paul; payment; penningen; pergens; persons; persoonen; peter; pieter boudaen; pieter courten; possible; pound; prerogativen; present; principall; proceedings; proces; procureur; pyndar; qualiteyt; qualiteyt van; quality; qui; quod; rakende; rakende de; recht; rechten; redenen; rekeningen; respective; rextoot; ridder; right; robert; rolle; rushout; saecke; said; said sr; sake; sal; sale; satisfaction; schaden; schepenen; schilt; schip; schulden; schulden van; schuldigh; second; seer; selfs; selve; selve te; sententie; september; ses; set; severall; ships; sich; sijn; sijnen; sir; sir pieter; sir william; somme van; sommen; son; sonen; soo; soude; stadt; statutes; stellen; sterlinex; sterling; stock; subjects; suis; suite; sulcke; sullen; suppliant; tcp; te doen; te hebben; te werden; te zijn; tenements; text; thereunto; things; thomas; tijt; time; toe; tot; tot middelburgh; tot sijn; touching; trade; tusschen; twee; unto; uyt; uyt de; vader; van administratie; van alle; van andere; van de; van dese; van dien; van diversche; van een; van engelant; van groot; van het; van penningen; van pieter; van richmond; van sijn; van sir; van surrey; van wijlen; van zijn; vande; veel; vele; versocht; vindication; voor; voor de; voor het; vooren; voornoemde; voorsz; vvilliam; waer; waer van; waren; wat; weduwe; weduwe van; welcke; werden; wesen; west; wettelijck; wetten; wetten van; white; widdow; wife; willem; william courten; woonende; worcester; world; writ; yeare; zaliger; zeelandt; zegel; zijn; zijnde; ● en; ● ● cache: A34133.xml plain text: A34133.txt item: #3 of 13 id: A43190 author: England and Wales. Court of Chancery. title: The heads of the judges arguments for the deceased Duke of Norfolk, in the case between him and his brother Mr. Charles Howard, with some observations on the Lord Chancellor Nottingham's arguments. date: 1685.0 words: 2811 flesch: 62 summary: This is a stretch farther than ever before was endeavoured , the Judges have gone as far as is fit in indulging mens dispositions of Terms to take effects by Limitations after Lives — If this Limitation should be admitted ( if Thomas dye without Issue in the Life of Henry , then the next strain would be to limit a Term over upon ones dying without Issue during the Lives of two or three , and then of twenty men : and then if he should dye without Issue within seven years , for that is equal to a Life , and then within twenty years , then why not within a hundred years , and then why not within a thousand , or during the term , &c. for all these are less Interests in the eye of the Law , than a Freehold , and where should we end or stop ; for it must be confessed that there is the same reason for all these , as it was by experience found upon the Judgment of Mathew Manning's Case , when it was once allowed that a term for years might be limited to one , and if he died within the term then to another ; it was soon found that there was the same reason to allow a Limitation of it after two as twenty Lives , which hath been the occasion of Fettering Estates exceedingly by such Limitations of terms to take effect after Lives , and made the Judges often repine at that Judgment , and declare that if it were now a new Case , since they have seen the Inconveniencies of it ) it would never have been so adjudged . 4. It 's agreed on all hands that there is the same reason and ground of allowing Limitations of terms for years at Law , as there is for allowing Limitations of trusts of terms for years in Equity and no other : Now there hath never been any Judgment that the Limitation of a Term to one , after anothers dying without Issue was good — It hath been often endeavoured , and ( if it could have gained the Precedent of such a solemn Resolution ) would no doubt of it , be too often practiced . keywords: arguments; books; case; chancellor; charles; duke; dying; early; eebo; effect; english; estates; hath; howard; issue; judges; judgment; law; life; limitation; lives; lord; reason; tcp; term; text; thomas; works; years cache: A43190.xml plain text: A43190.txt item: #4 of 13 id: A56798 author: Pearle, Richard. title: Richard Pearle gent. plaintiff Sir William Powel alias Hinson Baronet, Dame Mary his wife, & al. defendants. date: 1665.0 words: 1623 flesch: 71 summary: plaintiff Sir William Powel alias Hinson Baronet, Dame Mary his wife, & al. defendants. plaintiff Sir William Powel alias Hinson Baronet, Dame Mary his wife, & al. defendants. keywords: books; characters; common; covin; defendants; early; eebo; english; estate; force; ideot; john; mary; online; pearle; phase; plaintiff; recovery; res; richard; sir; tcp; tei; text; works cache: A56798.xml plain text: A56798.txt item: #5 of 13 id: A67889 author: Irby, Anthony, Sir, d. 1682. title: The vindication of Sr. John Stawells remonstrance, against a scurrilous pamphlet written by Mr. John Ash; entituled An answer to divers scandalls mentioned in the humble remonstrance of Sr. John Stawell. As also an answer to a petition of William Lawrence of Edenburgh, Esq; whereunto certain reasons are annexed, directed to the honourable the referrees of his highness most honourable council. With a conclusion humbly offered unto his highnesse the Lord Protector. / Written by Sr. John Stawell. Wherunto are annexed, a letter of Sir Anthony Irbyes, and a short reply of Sr. David Watkins relating unto some parts of the said pamphlet. date: 1655.0 words: 43711 flesch: 37 summary: The vindication of Sr. John Stawells remonstrance, against a scurrilous pamphlet written by Mr. John Ash; entituled An answer to divers scandalls mentioned in the humble remonstrance of Sr. John Stawell. The vindication of Sr. John Stawells remonstrance, against a scurrilous pamphlet written by Mr. John Ash; entituled An answer to divers scandalls mentioned in the humble remonstrance of Sr. John Stawell. keywords: account; act; acts; aforesaid; answer; anthony; appear; appearance; armes; articles; ash; ashe; august; authority; behalf; benefit; breach; business; care; cause; certificate; charge; coming; commissioners; committee; commons; commonwealth; composition; compound; compounding; concerned; confirmed; consideration; contrary; copy; country; court; covenant; david; day; delinquents; desire; discourse; divers; doth; edward; engagements; estate; evidence; examination; exeter; false; farm; father; fines; general; gentlemen; god; goldsmiths; good; great; hall; hand; hath; having; hearing; hee; high; highness; hollis; honorable; house; humble; interest; iohn; iohn stawell; irby; john; judgement; justice; lands; late; law; lawrence; letter; life; london; long; lord; making; man; manner; matter; money; negative; newgate; notice; notwithstanding; november; oath; occasion; onely; opinion; order; ordinance; pamphlet; parliament; particular; payment; persons; petition; petitioner sir; petitioners; pleased; pounds; power; present; private; proceedings; publick; purchasers; purpose; pursuance; question; reader; reasons; record; regard; relating; relation; relief; remonstrance; report; respect; right; said; saith; sale; satisfaction; second; self; service; set; severall; short; sir; sir anthony; sir iohn; sitting; stawell; stephens; subscription; testimony; text; therin; therof; thing; time; town; treason; trial; true; trust; trustees; truth; value; warrant; watkins; way; whereof; witnesses; words; years cache: A67889.xml plain text: A67889.txt item: #6 of 13 id: A78257 author: Jeffreys of Wem, John Jeffreys, Baron, 1673-1702. title: The case of the Lord Jeffreys, and the Lady Charlotte, his wife, sole daughter and heir of Philip Earl of Pembroke, deceased, in relation to a bill entituled, an Act to set aside several amendments and alterations made in the records and writs of a fine and two recoveries in the Grand Sessions, held for the county of Glamorgan. date: 1693.0 words: 2265 flesch: 56 summary: The case of the Lord Jeffreys, and the Lady Charlotte, his wife, sole daughter and heir of Philip Earl of Pembroke, deceased, in relation to a bill entituled, an Act to set aside several amendments and alterations made in the records and writs of a fine and two recoveries in the Grand Sessions, held for the county of Glamorgan. The case of the Lord Jeffreys, and the Lady Charlotte, his wife, sole daughter and heir of Philip Earl of Pembroke, deceased, in relation to a bill entituled, an Act to set aside several amendments and alterations made in the records and writs of a fine and two recoveries in the Grand Sessions, held for the county of Glamorgan. keywords: amendments; bill; books; characters; charlotte; county; earl; eebo; english; fine; glamorgan; grand; jeffreys; john; lady; lord; pembroke; philip; records; recoveries; recovery; said; sessions; set; tcp; text; works; writs cache: A78257.xml plain text: A78257.txt item: #7 of 13 id: A81325 author: Derby, Charles Stanley, Earl of, 1628-1672. title: To the supream authority of this nation, the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England. The humble petition of Charles Earle of Derby date: 1651.0 words: 823 flesch: 67 summary: The humble petition of Charles Earle of Derby Derby, Charles Stanley, Earl of, 1628-1672. The humble petition of Charles Earle of Derby. keywords: charles; common; derby; earle; england; english; estate; humble; parliament; petitioner; said; text; wealth cache: A81325.xml plain text: A81325.txt item: #8 of 13 id: A83141 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: 8. Septembr. 1645. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for taking away the fifth part of delinquent estates formerly granted by an ordinance of Parliament for maintaining of the vvives and children of delinquents. date: None words: 859 flesch: 70 summary: An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament , For taking away the Fifth part of Delinquents Estates , formerly granted by an Ordinance of Parliament for maintaining of the VVives and Children of Delinquents . WHereas by a late Ordinance of Sequestration it is amongst other things Declared and Ordained , That the Committees of the severall counties shall have power to assign maintenance out of the Lands of Delinquents , to their severall Wives and Children , so as the same exceed not the Fifth part of the Lands or Goods so Sequestred : And whereas by occasion hereof , divers Wives and Children of Delinquents may resort hither , onely to obtain the said Fifth part , and may be ready to do ill offices to the Parliament ; The Lords and Commons , to prevent the said mischief , and other of like nature , Do Ordain , That no Wife , Childe or Children of any Delinquent , who shall come from their own habitation into the Parliament Quarters , with or without their Fathers or Husbands , from the Kings Quarters , shall have , hold and injoy any Fifth part by the said Ordinance : And therefore they do Ordain , That all such Allowances hereafter to be made to such Wife or Children , shall be utterly void . keywords: children; commons; delinquents; england; estates; fifth; lords; ordinance; parliament; septembr; text; wales cache: A83141.xml plain text: A83141.txt item: #9 of 13 id: A83580 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: A vote of the Parliament touching delinquents. Die Martis, 26 Martii, 1650. date: 1650.0 words: 632 flesch: 71 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A83580 of text R211373 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.15[24]). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A83580) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 163099) keywords: a83580; delinquents; england; english; london; martis; parliament; text; thomason; vote; wales cache: A83580.xml plain text: A83580.txt item: #10 of 13 id: A83703 author: England and Wales. Parliament. Committee for Sequestration of Delinquents' Estates. title: From the Committee of Sequestrations, sitting at Cambden House in Mayden lane, London It is desired by the Committee for Sequestrations of the estates of Papists and Delinquents within the jurisdiction of the Lord Maior, that for the ease of those who have liberally contributed to the Parliament, ... date: 1643.0 words: 910 flesch: 65 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A83703 of text R211979 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.7[40]). [London : 1643] Title from caption and first lines of text. keywords: cambden; committee; delinquents; estates; house; london; maior; ordinances; papists; parliament; said; sequestrations; text cache: A83703.xml plain text: A83703.txt item: #11 of 13 id: A83780 author: England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. title: Die Jovis, 8. Julii, 1646. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that all such persons as have presented their petitions at Goldsmiths-Hall, ... date: 1646.0 words: 612 flesch: 73 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A83780 of text R212299 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.9[64]). [London : 1646] Title from heading and first lines of text. keywords: commons; england; goldsmiths; hall; jovis; julii; parliament; persons; petitions; text; wales cache: A83780.xml plain text: A83780.txt item: #12 of 13 id: A83887 author: England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. title: A declaration of the Lords in Parliament assembled concerning the committee sitting at Goldsmiths Hall for composition of delinquents estates. Die Lunæ 1 Februarii 1646. date: None words: 766 flesch: 63 summary: A declaration of the Lords in Parliament assembled concerning the committee sitting at Goldsmiths Hall for composition of delinquents estates. Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 245:669f9[77]) A declaration of the Lords in Parliament assembled concerning the committee sitting at Goldsmiths Hall for composition of delinquents estates. keywords: committee; composition; declaration; delinquents; england; estates; goldsmiths; hall; lords; parliament; text; wales cache: A83887.xml plain text: A83887.txt item: #13 of 13 id: A93837 author: Stawell, John, Sir, 1599-1662. title: To the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland the humble petition of Sir Iohn Stawell. date: 1654.0 words: 698 flesch: 65 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A93837 of text R212138 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.19[51]). no To the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland; the humble petition of Sir Iohn Stawell Stawell, John, Sir 1654 311 0 0 0 keywords: common; england; humble; ireland; john; parliament; petition; scotland; sir; stawell; text; thomason; wealth cache: A93837.xml plain text: A93837.txt