item: #1 of 7 id: 12035 author: Fowler, Thomas title: Progressive Morality: An Essay in Ethics date: None words: 33792 flesch: 41 summary: It is the function of these classes not only to give expression to the thoughts which are working obscurely in the minds of other men, but also to detect those aspects and bearings of conduct which are not obvious to the general intelligence. Vulgarity to such men is a worse reproach than hardness of heart or indifferent morality. keywords: action; acts; case; character; circumstances; conduct; feelings; good; individual; interests; life; man; means; men; morality; nature; reflexion; sanction; self; sentiment; social; society; test cache: 12035.txt plain text: 12035.txt item: #2 of 7 id: 28901 author: Stephen, Leslie title: Social Rights And Duties: Addresses to Ethical Societies. Vol 1 [of 2] date: None words: 59472 flesch: 57 summary: With much that such men have said I could, of course, agree heartily; for, indeed, it expresses the strongest feelings which have caused religious revolt. Nothing would be easier than to make out a catena of testimonies from great men at every stage of the world's history, declaring each in turn that the cup of iniquity was now at last overflowing, and that corruption had reached so unprecedented a step that some great catastrophe must be approaching. keywords: case; competition; course; day; doctrine; equality; example; existence; fact; general; good; human; justice; man; means; men; moral; nature; new; people; point; principles; problems; question; reason; right; science; sense; social; society; state; struggle; system; theory; truth; view; way cache: 28901.txt plain text: 28901.txt item: #3 of 7 id: 36957 author: Stephen, Leslie title: Social Rights And Duties: Addresses to Ethical Societies. Vol 2 [of 2] date: None words: 62400 flesch: 57 summary: If we compare the number of great men at Athens in its best period with the number of free Athenians, we shall get one ratio; if we admit the Athenian slaves, or add Boeotia and other Greek States to our population, we get quite a different ratio. The smaller the population, the higher the excellence indicated by a given number of great men; but, also, the smaller the population, the less is the wonder that it should have died out or been swallowed up in the whirlpools of political, religious, and social convulsions. keywords: argument; case; course; crime; desire; doctrine; doubt; example; fact; general; good; great; human; knowledge; law; life; man; means; men; moral; nature; people; place; pleasure; point; power; punishment; question; real; sense; set; society; theory; thought; time; truth; view; wealth; work; world cache: 36957.txt plain text: 36957.txt item: #4 of 7 id: 37998 author: Nordau, Max Simon title: Morals and the Evolution of Man date: None words: 75466 flesch: 53 summary: According to him, a man would be acting conscientiously if, despising what all others hold good, right and sacred, he wallows in the satisfaction of his selfish instincts, as long as his conscience approves or even bids him do so; on the other hand, he is a sinner if, in opposition to his inner voice, but according to moral law, that is in obedience to extraneous authority, he practices all the virtues. Is the mob, incapable of thought, ignorant, swayed by momentary and shifting impulses, to make moral laws for the select few who are its natural guides? keywords: actions; aim; bad; civilization; community; conduct; conscience; consciousness; development; duty; evil; existence; fact; force; form; god; good; human; individual; inhibition; instinct; law; laws; life; living; man; mankind; matter; means; men; morality; nature; order; organism; people; place; pleasure; point; power; progress; punishment; reason; right; self; society; state; thought; time; universe; view; virtue; world cache: 37998.txt plain text: 37998.txt item: #5 of 7 id: 39155 author: Williams, Cora May title: A Review of the Systems of Ethics Founded on the Theory of Evolution date: None words: 247903 flesch: 52 summary: Though in a warlike state, where courage is especially necessary to tribal existence, the bravest men would perish in larger numbers than other men, and the survival of the unfittest would seem thus to be secured, the influence of their bravery on others might excite the latter to imitation and do far more good than the begetting of offspring who would inherit their bravery. Two elements, a positive and a negative, constitute the idea of justice--that of man's recognition of his claims to unimpeded activities and the results they bring, and that of the limits which the presence of other men necessitate. keywords: action; acts; animals; beings; case; change; character; conception; conditions; conduct; consciousness; degree; desire; development; direction; duty; end; ends; environment; ethics; evil; evolution; existence; experience; fact; feeling; force; form; function; general; good; habit; hand; happiness; human; ideal; increase; individual; influence; instinct; knowledge; law; life; like; love; man; matter; means; men; mind; moral; morality; motion; nature; new; order; organic; organism; pain; physical; place; pleasure; point; power; present; principle; process; progress; punishment; question; reason; regard; relations; result; right; science; self; sense; social; society; species; state; struggle; sympathy; system; tendency; theory; things; thought; time; view; world cache: 39155.txt plain text: 39155.txt item: #6 of 7 id: 46129 author: Spencer, Herbert title: The Data of Ethics date: None words: 93933 flesch: 47 summary: For though the accompanying creed may negative a deliberate shortening of life that is miserable, it cannot justify a gratuitous lengthening of such life. Suppose that each, instead of enjoying such pleasures as come to him, or such consumable appliances to pleasure as he has worked for, or such occasions for pleasure as reward his efforts, relinquishes these to a single other, or adds them to a common stock from which others benefit, what will result? keywords: actions; activities; acts; altruism; altruistic; cases; conditions; conduct; consciousness; effects; end; ends; ethics; evolution; feelings; form; general; good; happiness; human; ideal; individual; kind; life; man; means; men; moral; nature; operation; pains; pleasures; relations; results; right; self; social; society; state; things; time; truth; view; way; welfare; wrong cache: 46129.txt plain text: 46129.txt item: #7 of 7 id: 56721 author: Guthrie, Malcolm (Writer on Herbert Spencer) title: On Mr. Spencer's Data of Ethics date: None words: 36487 flesch: 47 summary: To say that when men act ethically they act from egoism is only to include ethical action in a statement of a more general biological law, and takes the mind off from the special ethical study altogether. This certainly accords to the subjective factor a commanding position in the physical action of organisms; it also implies a foresight of the results of actions, and a certain degree of advance in psychology but throws no light upon the lower stages of biological action. keywords: actions; conduct; development; environment; ethics; evolution; factors; growth; individual; law; laws; life; moving; organism; power; relations; self; society; spencer; study; system; theory; view cache: 56721.txt plain text: 56721.txt