item: #1 of 5 id: A25927 author: Berkeley, John, Sir, d. 1678. title: The Articles of Exeter made on the rendition thereof : with the vote of the Honourable House of Commons in the approbation of them of the 6 of May, 1646 : with the order and ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled for the approbation, publication, and observation of them by all committees, judges, and officers, aud [sic] others concerned in them of the 4 of this instant Novemb, 1647. date: 1647 words: 3055 flesch: 58 summary: The articles made and agreed upon between Sir Thomas Fairfax, Generall, and Sir Iohn Berkley, Governour of Exeter ... Exeter (England) Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671. keywords: articles; city; exeter; officers; parliament; sir cache: A25927.xml plain text: A25927.txt item: #2 of 5 id: A32908 author: Chudleigh, George, Sir, ca. 1578-1657. title: A letter from Exceter, sent to the deputy-lievtenants of Sommersetshire subscribed George Chudley, and Nich. Martin ; shewing how Colonell Ruthen sallyed out of Plymouth, and hath taken Sir Edward Fortescue, Sir Edward Seymore, and divers other gentlemen of note prisoners ; with the covenant entred into by the mayor, deputy-lievtenants, and common-councell of the city and county of Exceter ; also the true copy of a letter sent from Bristoll declaring the manner and means how that city was secured from the cavaliers. date: 1642 words: 1466 flesch: 63 summary: Martin ; shewing how Colonell Ruthen sallyed out of Plymouth, and hath taken Sir Edward Fortescue, Sir Edward Seymore, and divers other gentlemen of note prisoners ; with the covenant entred into by the mayor, deputy-lievtenants, and common-councell of the city and county of Exceter ; also the true copy of a letter sent from Bristoll declaring the manner and means how that city was secured from the cavaliers. Martin ; shewing how Colonell Ruthen sallyed out of Plymouth, and hath taken Sir Edward Fortescue, Sir Edward Seymore, and divers other gentlemen of note prisoners ; with the covenant entred into by the mayor, deputy-lievtenants, and common-councell of the city and county of Exceter ; also the true copy of a letter sent from Bristoll declaring the manner and means how that city was secured from the cavaliers. keywords: deputy; edward; exceter; sir; text cache: A32908.xml plain text: A32908.txt item: #3 of 5 id: A46586 author: England and Wales. Sovereign (1685-1688 : James II) title: By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Exeter Fair, and other fairs thereabouts, for some time date: 1688 words: 1208 flesch: 64 summary: By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Exeter Fair, and other fairs thereabouts, for some time Proclamations. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1926:26) By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Exeter Fair, and other fairs thereabouts, for some time Proclamations. keywords: eebo; exeter; tcp; text cache: A46586.xml plain text: A46586.txt item: #4 of 5 id: A79022 author: Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. title: By the King. A proclamation of His Majesties grace, favour, and pardon to the inhabitants of his county of his citty of Exceter. date: 1642 words: 1109 flesch: 64 summary: WHEREAS We have taken notice , that by the Malice , Industry and Importunity of severall ill-affected and seditious persons in Our County of Exceter , very many of Our weake and seduced Subjects of that Our County have not only been drawne to exercise the Militia , under colour of a pretended Ordinance , without and against Our Consent ( a Crime of a very high nature , if We would strictly enquire thereinto ) but have made Contributions of Plate , Money and Horses towards the maintenance of the Army now in Rebellion against Vs ; We doe hereby publish and declare , That We are graciously pleased to attribute the Crimes and Offences of Our said Subjects of that County to the power and Faction of their seducers , Who , We beleeve , by Threates , Menaces , and false Informations compelled and led them into these actions of undutifullnesse and disloyalty towards Vs ; And We doe therefore hereby offer Our free & gracious Pardon to all the Inhabitants of Our said County of Our City of Exceter , for all Offences concerning the premises committed against Vs before the publishing of this Our Proclamation ( except Sir George Chudleigh , and Sir Iohn Northcote Baronets , Sir Samuell Rolle , and Sir Nicholas Martyn Knights , ) against whom We shall proceed according to the Rules of the Law , as against Traitours and Stirrers of sedition against Vs , And whom Wee doe hereby require all Our Officers and Ministers of Iustice , and all Our loving Subjects whatsoever , to apprehend and cause to be kept in safe Custody till Our Pleasure be further knowne . Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 160812) keywords: county; proclamation; sir; text cache: A79022.xml plain text: A79022.txt item: #5 of 5 id: A79303 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: A proclamation, for all persons within our quarters in the county of Devon able to bear arms, not being otherwise imployed by His Highnesse, or dispenced withall, to attend His Highnesse now advancing in person to meet the rebels As also for a generall supplication to be made in all churches of Devon and Exeter, on Sunday the 4. of Ianuary, for Gods blessing on His Highnesse, and his forces. / By His Highnesse the Prince of Great Brittain, Duke of Conwall [sic] and Albany, highest captain generall of all His Majesties forces raised and to be raised within the kingdom of England, dominion of VVales and town of Berwick, &c. date: 1645 words: 1143 flesch: 65 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A79303 of text R212271 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.9[49]). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A79303) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 161147) keywords: forces; highnesse; text cache: A79303.xml plain text: A79303.txt