item: #1 of 10 id: A06144 author: Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. title: The tragicocomedie of serpents. By Lodowik Lloid Esquier. date: 1607.0 words: 29258 flesch: 76 summary: Torquin the proud , after he was put out of his kingdome , would say , that he neuer knew his friends while he was King in Rome . Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: achab; affrica; againe; alcibiades; alexander; ancient; answere; antigonus; antiochus; antonius; apes; apollo; aquinas; aristotle; armes; armie; armors; asia; athenians; athens; augustus; babilon; backe; barbarous; beasts; bee; bernard; best; better; betweene; blood; bodie; booke; borne; brazen; bring; britane; britania; caesar; caligula; camillus; cap; captaines; cato; cause; certaine; chiefe; children; christ; christians; church; cicero; cities; colour; countrey; court; crownes; cruell; cum; cursed; cyrus; daniel; daughter; dauid; daunce; day; dead; death; demades; dionisius; dissemblers; diuels; doe; double; doubt; dragons; dreame; dreamers; drinke; drunken; earth; eebo; egipt; egiptians; elias; embassadors; emperour; enemies; england; english; esse; ethiop; euen; euerie; euery; eyes; face; faine; faithfull; fall; false; farre; father; feared; feast; feet; fire; fit; foot; forgat; forsooke; fraunce; friends; garments; generall; giue; god; godly; gods; goe; gold; good; graecis; great; great britane; great king; greater; grecians; greece; greekes; ground; halfe; hand; hanibal; hanniball; hard; hath; haue; hauing; heads; hearts; heauen; hee; heliogabalus; hierusalem; himselfe; honour; horses; house; hypocrites; iacob; idolatrous; idols; ieremie; iesuits; iewes; images; india; ioshua; ioy; israel; italy; iudah; kind; king; kingdomes; kinges; labyrinths; late; latine; law; lawes; left; letters; lib; like; little; liue; lloid; long; lord; loue; macedonians; magistrates; maister; man; mariage; meane; meat; meeting; memorie; men; mens; middest; mightie; milites; monsters; moses; mount; mouth; nations; nature; nec; neuer; night; noble; non; nostra; number; old; onely; oracles; ouer; ouerthrow; owne; oxford; papists; parents; paul; people; persia; persians; peter; philip; philosopher; place; plato; plin; plinie; plut; policie; poore; pope; potuit; practise; priests; princes; prophet; punishment; quae; quam; queene; qui; quibus; quid; rebels; reg; religion; returne; rex; rich; riuer; romanes; rome; sacrifice; saint; saith; sampson; saul; sawe; sayd; saying; schollers; schoole; scythia; secret; sectio; sedition; seeke; seminaries; serpents; serue; set; silla; siluer; sine; slaine; socrates; sonne; souldiers; sound; spaniards; speake; speech; starres; stones; strange; stratagems; studie; superstitious; sweet; sword; table; tanquam; tcp; terra; text; themistocles; themselues; thē; thou; thy; time; tongue; townes; traytors; treacherous; tree; true; trust; truth; tyrannie; tyrant; verie; victorie; vita; vlisses; vna; vnder; vntill; vnto; vpon; vsed; vti; watch; water; way; wealth; wee; whome; wicked; wife; wild; willed; wine; wise; wish; wiues; woman; wood; words; world; worse; xerxes; yea; young; yron cache: A06144.xml plain text: A06144.txt item: #2 of 10 id: A08375 author: Aesop. title: Esops eables [sic] translated grammatically, and also in propriety of our English phrase; and, euery way, in such sort as may bee most profitable for the grammar-schoole date: 1617.0 words: 15642 flesch: 91 summary: That mischiefe also * is added vnto the heape of their vnhappinesse , that they shall bee contemned of th●se , whom * they haue contemned and those will mock them whom they themselues haue r laughed at . In which when she had r b●n well fed , * and afterward trying to goe forth againe , her belly beeing ouermuch stretched out hindered her . keywords: againe; age; alwaies; ant; art; asse; beast; bee; beeing; belly; better; birds; body; cause; certaine; commodity; common; counsell; countrie; cruelty; cub; danger; day; deceit; desire; doe; dogge; doth; eebo; enemies; enemy; english; estate; euen; euery; fable; faire; fall; feare; feathers; flesh; fly; foolish; foolishnesse; forth; fox; friends; friendship; frogs; giue; goe; goeth; good; grammar; great; greedinesse; hath; haue; hauing; hee; heed; help; himselfe; home; horace; horse; hurt; idlenesse; iupiter; kinde; king; kite; labour; latine; lawfull; learning; left; length; life; like; lion; little; long; loue; man; master; mee; men; mor; mother; mouse; nature; need; neuer; olde; onely; open; ouer; owne; past; perill; phrase; place; pleasure; pouerty; praise; precious; present; prey; profitable; prosperity; quoth; returne; reward; riches; right; running; safe; saith; saying; schoole; set; sets; shee; sluggish; small; snake; stag; tcp; teaching; text; thee; themselues; things; thou; time; trust; vaine; viz; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; whenas; wisedome; wolfe; wolues; words; yea; young cache: A08375.xml plain text: A08375.txt item: #3 of 10 id: A11384 author: Saltonstall, Wye, fl. 1630-1640. title: The country mouse, and the city mouse. Or a merry morrall fable enlarged out of Horace. Serm. lib. 2. Sat. 6. date: 1637.0 words: 5832 flesch: 72 summary: These Latine words I once by chance did eate , While I a booke did gnaw , since that I speake These words by rote , and as some doe , so I On all occasions bring forth and apply , Because I have no more ; but to the matter My friend and Country Mouse I would not flatter Your understanding , for beleeve me death Will one day stop the pipes of our weake breath , If we were nere so great , yet you and I Must yeeld to time , for men and Mice must dye . 6. Rusticus urbanum murem , mus paupere fertur , Accepisse cavo , veterem vetus hospes amicum ▪ In former time a Country Mouse That in a Cave did live : keywords: bacon; belly; books; cave; characters; cheare; citty; citty mouse; complement; content; country; country mouse; delight; dishes; doe; doth; dry; early; eate; edition; eebo; encoding; english; fable; feare; feast; friend; good; great; horace; images; large; man; mayd; men; merry; mice; miser; morrall; mouse; night; old; online; oxford; partnership; phase; pleasure; plenty; poore; quoth; rich; roome; seeme; set; stomacke; store; talke; tcp; tei; text; thought; time; vnto; way; works; xml; yeeld cache: A11384.xml plain text: A11384.txt item: #4 of 10 id: A15692 author: Woodhouse, Peter, poet. title: The flea sic parua componere magnis. date: 1605.0 words: 8405 flesch: 86 summary: I Will neither call thee gentle nor vngentle reader , for I knowe not thy disposition● neither will I terme thee learned nor vnlearned , for I was not acquainted with thy education : Nor yet will I praise this Pamphlet ( as contayning pleasure or profit ) for if thou beest wise , thou canst perceiue it better then I ; if otherwise , it will be in vaine , for I shall neuer be able to make thee conceiue it . If thou doost reap any profit by it , the more is thy discretion● if none at all , the worsse is thy fortune . keywords: agree; art; backe; beast; bee; better; body; books; cause; censure; characters; dayes; democritus; doe; dog; doost; doth; dreame; early; earth; eebo; elephant; encoding; english; entertaine; euen; eyes; fauour; feare; flea; force; free; gaine; giue; gods; good; great; hath; haue; heere; hope; images; king; knowe; laugh; life; like; little; liue; long; lords; man; men; meruaile; need; neuer; nobler; ones; online; owne; oxford; partnership; peter; phase; place; plaine; pleasure; poore; proue; quoth; right; selfe; seruice; set; sleep; small; speake; speech; stand; start; strength; tcp; tei; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thought; thy; time; tree; true; valour; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wise; woodhouse; works; worth; wrong; xml; ● e; ● t; ● ● cache: A15692.xml plain text: A15692.txt item: #5 of 10 id: A26488 author: Aesop. title: Æsops fables, with the fables of Phaedrus moralized, translated verbatim, according to the Latine, for the use of grammar schooles, and for children ... / published by H.P. date: 1646.0 words: 10653 flesch: 79 summary: Wherefore didst thou make this water muddy for me a drinking ? the Lambe or Woollbearer being afraid , inferred thus , How could I pray you good Master Wolfe doe that which you complain of ? the water runneth down from you unto my draughts . THe Horse waged warre with the Hart , at length driven from his pastures , requested mans help : he returneth with the man , he cometh into the field , though overcommed before , now is made the conquerour : but notwithstanding his enemy being overcome , and captivated , the conquerour must of necessitie serve man ; for he beareth the rider on his backe ; and a bit in his mouth . keywords: aesop; answer; ape; asse; battell; beasts; belly; birds; boare; body; bull; certaine; chance; citie; counsell; countrey; crane; crow; danger; death; deceit; desire; doe; dogge; doth; drinke; eagle; emmet; english; fab; fables; feare; fixon; flesh; flie; foolish; fox; frogs; good; great; hart; head; himselfe; hornes; horse; jupiter; king; kite; labour; lambe; length; life; lion; little; long; man; mans; master; men; mother; mouse; mouth; old; onely; oxe; place; poore; rest; running; saith; selfe; sheep; sicke; snake; storke; table; text; thing; thou; thy; time; vaine; vvhen; water; whilest; wolfe; wood; words; young cache: A26488.xml plain text: A26488.txt item: #6 of 10 id: A26524 author: Aesop. title: Mythologia ethica, or, Three centuries of Æsopian fables in English prose done from Æsop, Phædrus, Camerarius, and all other eminent authors on this subject : illustrated with moral, philosophical, and political precepts : also with aphorisms and proverbs in several languages, and adorned with many curious sculptures cut on copper plates / by Philip Ayres, Esq. date: 1689.0 words: 74583 flesch: 77 summary: Then laughing at his own mistake and vain Suspition ; Well , Said he in his Heart , I could not have believed , that so great a Cry , could have come out of so small a Body . Now as certain Medicines are used , as well for keeping Men in Health , as for Curing the Sick ; so , to excite and preserve Vertue , as well as to cure the Diseases of the Mind , good and sound Precepts of Morality are requisite , which are always esteemed its properest Medicaments . keywords: account; accustomed; actions; admirable; advantage; adversary; advice; aesop; aesopian; affairs; affrighted; afraid; alas; alwaies; ancient; answer; ape; apes; approach; arms; army; art; ass; assembly; assistance; author; bad; bear; beasts; beautiful; beauty; bees; beginning; beloved; benefit; beseech; best; better; betwixt; birds; bit; boar; boasting; body; book; boy; break; brother; bull; business; calling; camel; capable; care; careful; cat; cause; century; certain; change; characters; charitable; children; city; clear; cock; cold; colour; come; coming; common; companion; company; condition; considerable; content; continual; corn; counsel; countries; country; countryman; courage; course; covetous; crane; creature; credit; crime; crow; cruel; cry; cum; daily; danger; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; delightful; desire; destruction; difference; discourse; dispute; distance; distress; divers; divine; dog; dogs; dolphin; dost; dragon; drew; drink; dull; dye; eagle; earth; easie; eebo; effect; elephant; eminent; enemies; enemy; english; escape; esse; est; esteem; ethica; example; excellent; expected; experience; express; eyes; fab; fable; faith; fall; false; family; fast; father; faults; favour; fear; feathers; feet; fellow; fields; fierce; fire; fishes; fit; flattery; flight; flocks; flowers; fly; folly; food; foolish; fools; force; forrest; fortune; fowler; fox; friends; friendship; frogs; fruit; fury; gain; general; generous; glorious; goat; gods; gold; good; good man; government; grave; great; great men; greater; greatest; greatness; ground; guilty; half; hands; happy; hard; hast; hawk; head; hearing; heart; heaven; heavy; help; hens; high; hog; hold; hole; home; honour; hopes; horns; house; hungry; hunter; husband; idle; ill; image; impossible; industry; injury; innocent; intended; intention; italians; iupiter; journey; judg; judges; kill'd; kind; king; kite; know; labour; lamb; language; large; late; laughing; law; laws; learned; learning; leave; left; liberty; life; like; lion; little; live; living; loaded; locman; long; longer; looking; loss; love; lye; lying; lyon; man; manner; mans; master; mean; meat; meeting; members; men; mens; mercury; mice; mighty; mind; mischief; miserable; misery; misfortune; mole; money; moral; morality; mother; mountain; mouth; mule; mythologia; nature; nay; near; necessary; needs; neglect; neighbours; nest; nets; new; news; night; nightingale; noble; noise; non; notice; number; oak; occasion; octavo; offer; old; old man; ones; open; opinion; opportunity; order; oxen; pains; pardon; parents; parrot; parts; pass; passion; past; pay; peacock; people; perceiving; persons; phaedrus; pieces; pine; place; plain; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; poet; poor; poor man; power; powerful; precepts; prepared; present; pretence; prey; pride; prince; profit; promised; proper; proud; proverb; prudence; prudent; punishment; purpose; quam; que; qui; quiet; quod; ready; reason; relations; request; respect; rest; return; revenge; reward; rich; riches; river; road; ruin; running; safety; saies; sake; satisfaction; satisfied; saying; scarce; sea; search; second; secure; seeing; self; selves; sense; sensible; sentence; serpent; servant; service; set; shadow; share; sheep; shepherd; short; shows; sick; sides; sir; skill; skin; small; son; sooner; sound; sow; spring; stag; stomach; stone; storm; strength; subjects; success; sudden; summer; sunt; swallow; swan; sweet; tail; tale; tcp; teeth; temper; tempest; terrible; text; thee; thief; things; thinking; thou; thought; threw; time; tortois; traveller; treacherous; treasure; tree; trouble; true; truth; understanding; ungrateful; vain; valiant; value; variety; venture; vertue; violent; voice; vvolf; want; war; water; way; weather; wicked; wife; wild; wine; winter; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; wolf; wolves; woman; wonder; wood; words; work; world; worse; wretch; years; young cache: A26524.xml plain text: A26524.txt item: #7 of 10 id: A45463 author: Aesop. title: The fables of young Æsop, with their morals with a moral history of his life and death, illustrated with forty curious cuts applicable to each fable. date: 1700.0 words: 14613 flesch: 75 summary: Besides , who knows , whilst thou ●●t Vindicating thy Friend , but thou ●ay'st receive a Wound thrô thy Body 〈◊〉 a Hector ? Let this be thy Rule in all thy Recreation , and thou wilt Discern him plain enough to Shun him . keywords: aesop; affection; age; ambition; art; bear; beast; beauty; better; beware; birds; body; brother; canst; care; child; children; christianus; common; coney; conscience; content; course; creature; danger; day; death; delight; desire; dog; dost; doth; drink; duty; earth; eebo; elements; end; enemy; english; estate; evil; excess; fables; fall; family; fate; father; fear; fine; fire; fly; food; fortune; free; friend; god; good; great; hand; happy; hawk; head; heart; heaven; honour; house; idea; ill; immortal; joy; king; lady; lamb; law; leave; length; life; like; little; live; long; lord; love; lyon; man; master; men; mind; misery; moral; mortals; mother; nature; nay; neighbour; nest; old; parents; passion; poor; prey; ready; reason; rest; road; run; saith; sea; self; set; sight; son; soul; spirits; strait; sun; tcp; text; thee; thine; thou; thou art; thro; thy; thô; time; true; turn; unnatural; use; vertuous; vice; want; way; wealth; wilt; wings; wisdom; wise; work; world; wou'd; years; young; youth; ● ● cache: A45463.xml plain text: A45463.txt item: #8 of 10 id: A55424 author: Pope, Walter, d. 1714. title: Moral and political fables, ancient and modern done into measured prose intermixed with ryme by Dr. Walter Pope. date: 1698.0 words: 21897 flesch: 86 summary: The Pye and Peacock . OF Birds the general Assembly met , To elect a King , the chiefest Candidate The Peacock , popular for his great Estate , His beauteous shape , and glorious painted Train , Had gaind the greatest part upon his side , And certainly would have been chosen King , Had it been put to th' Vote , which when the Pye Perceivd , he stood up , and cravd leave to speak , Turning his Face to th' Peacock , Beauteous Sir , Said he , if th' Eagle should with us wage War , How would you lead us on ? and bring us off ? 'T is true thou' rt handsome , but thou hast no Wit. keywords: able; act; aen; air; aloud; answerd; ape; appeard; art; askd; ass; asses; bad; bat; bear; beasts; bed; best; better; birds; bit; blood; boar; books; boy; bramble; break; breath; cat; change; characters; cheese; child; city; cock; cold; command; cook; corn; cost; country; court; courteous; crow; cryd; dat; day; dead; dear; death; deep; den; design; desire; die; dog; dogs; door; eagle; early; eebo; een; eens; enemy; english; estate; eyes; fab; fables; face; fate; father; fear; feast; fed; feet; fields; fit; flesh; flie; flight; food; fool; foot; force; fortune; foul; fox; foxes; friend; geen; general; ghy; gods; gold; good; grapes; great; greater; ground; grown; guest; half; hand; hard; hart; hast; head; hear; heaven; heavy; help; het; hid; high; hold; hole; home; hope; hour; house; hungry; ill; image; interest; iove; iron; joy; killd; kind; king; known; lamb; land; lark; late; leave; length; lie; life; like; lion; little; livd; lives; long; look; lord; loss; lost; love; maer; man; master; meat; men; mercury; mice; mind; moet; moral; morrow; mother; mouth; nature; near; need; new; niet; night; noble; nose; old; olive; ones; open; ore; pain; perceivd; place; poor; pope; pot; power; prayers; prey; raven; ready; replyd; resolvd; rest; return; rich; rivers; road; room; root; royal; run; sad; sate; satyr; secure; seizd; self; selves; set; shape; short; sir; skin; sleep; snake; solemn; son; sons; soo; stay; strange; stream; sun; swallow; tail; tcp; tei; text; thanks; thee; thine; things; thou; thought; thro; throne; thy; time; trees; true; trust; turnd; vain; van; voice; want; water; way; wel; wie; wife; wil; wise; wolf; woman; wood; words; work; world; worst; young cache: A55424.xml plain text: A55424.txt item: #9 of 10 id: A68703 author: Scot, Tho. (Thomas), fl. 1605. title: Philomythie, or, Philomythologie wherin outlandish birds, beasts, and fishes, are taught to speake true English plainely / by Tho: Scot ... date: 1622.0 words: 52454 flesch: 83 summary: De●rac●ion●s ●s perplext , aud I enforce no man to beleeue this Narration ; the ●robability , with the credit of the Relator , and the ●uccesse , haue preuailed with me to accept and repor●●t . keywords: a68703; able; aboue; act; ae ●; againe; age; ages; al ●; ambition; animal; apt; ar ●; ari ●; arist; armes; ass ●; asse; awry; ayre; b ●; backe; bad; band; base; beasts; bee; behold; belly; best; better; betwixt; beware; bird; birth; blinde; blood; blow; blowes; boast; body; bold; borne; bound; br ●; braue; breath; breed; bright; bring; brother; build; bull; c ●; cap; care; cast; cause; certaine; challenge; chameleon; change; characters; chiefe; choice; choose; church; cl ●; clock; close; co ●; cocke; command; comming; common; company; compasse; conscience; cony; counsell; countries; country; courage; course; court; courtiers; crocodile; crosse; crowne; cry; cunning; curious; custome; danger; dare; darknesse; day; de ●; dead; deadly; death; dedicated; den; desire; di ●; dial; die; div; doe; dogs; doth; double; doubt; doubtfull; drinke; durst; dwell; dyal; eagle; eares; early; earth; ease; eebo; egges; emperour; en ●; enemies; english; epimythium; equall; error; eu ●; euen; euery; euill; ex ●; example; excuse; eye; eyes; f ●; face; faile; faith; faithfull; fall; false; fame; farther; fast; fate; fault; fauour; fe ●; feare; fearefull; fed; feed; feet; field; fill; fire; fish; fishes; fit; fitting; flesh; flie; foe; foes; folly; fond; food; fooles; foolish; foot; force; fortune; fowle; france; free; freedome; friends; fruit; g ●; gallow ●; gan; gaue; generall; giue; glad; glorious; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; greatnesse; ground; growes; guard; guide; h ●; halfe; hand; happy; hate; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heauen; hee; hell; helpe; hide; hie; high; higher; himselfe; hist ●; hold; holy; home; honest; honors; honour; hope; hot; house; humble; hurt; ibis; ignorance; indian; int ●; ioyne; isid; iudge; iudgement; iustice; keepe; king; kingdome; knight; knowes; knowledge; knowne; l ●; lac ●; ladies; lady; lamprey; land; large; late; law; lawes; lawyers; lea ●; lead; learn'd; learned; leaue; length; lesse; letters; li ●; lies; life; light; like; list; little; liue; liuing; lo ●; long; looke; lord; lou'd; loue; low; lust; lye; lyon; m ●; ma ●; mad; man; mans; master; mate; meanes; meaning; meat; meet; men; merchant; mercy; mi ●; mighty; minde; mo ●; mole; mongst; mor ●; moue; mount; mu ●; murther; naked; nature; neast; needs; neere; neighbour; neuer; new; nimble; noble; non; notes; nought; o're; office; oft; onely; open; opinion; order; ostrich; ou ●; ouer; owne; p ●; pa ●; parts; past; persons; ph ●; phae ●; phaenix; pl ●; plac'd; place; plaine; play; pleasure; plot; poore; pope; power; poyson; pr ●; praise; pray; pre ●; present; prey; pride; princes; proper; protection; proue; qu ●; question; quoth; r ●; rare; ready; reason; religion; remaine; report; res ●; respect; rest; rich; rise; ro ●; rome; royall; ruine; rule; run; s ●; sa ●; sad; safe; said; saue; scarce; scorne; scot; sea; search; seas; second; secret; seeke; seemes; sent; sentence; serpents; serue; set; seuerall; sh ●; shape; shee; shepheard; shew; shewes; shrill; shun; si ●; simple; single; skill; slaues; sleepe; small; soone; souldiers; soules; sp ●; speake; speech; speed; sphinx; spies; spirit; spite; sport; spring; stand; standing; state; stay; stiffe; stop; stout; straight; strange; strength; strong; subiects; subtle; sunne; sweet; swift; swim; sword; tale; tcp; teeth; tell; text; th ●; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thomas; thou; thought; thy; time; title; tongue; touch; traine; tread; tree; true; trust; truth; turn'd; turne; tutor; v ●; vaine; valiant; vertue; vn ●; vnder; vnto; voice; vpon; vpright; vse; vvho; vvith; w ●; want; ward; warre; watch; water; waues; way; weake; wealth; weather; west; wh ●; whale; whil'st; white; wi ●; wide; wife; wings; wise; wisedome; wish; wit; wits; wolues; wonder; wood; words; worke; world; worst; worth; wounds; wrong; yeeld; young; youth; yron; zeale; ● ad; ● ake; ● ame; ● ape; ● ath; ● bi; ● ch; ● ct; ● ction; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● eir; ● eme; ● ent; ● ere; ● es; ● et; ● ff; ● hat; ● hen; ● hey; ● ho; ● hough; ● ies; ● ill; ● ing; ● ion; ● ist; ● ith; ● ix; ● ke; ● lfe; ● lib; ● ll; ● ly; ● n; ● nd; ● nds; ● ne; ● ns; ● nts; ● o; ● om; ● ong; ● ope; ● oth; ● pit; ● rers; ● rhaps; ● rom; ● rs; ● ry; ● sse; ● st; ● sts; ● t; ● ter; ● ts; ● u; ● ues; ● um; ● ur; ● use; ● y; ● ● cache: A68703.xml plain text: A68703.txt item: #10 of 10 id: A75953 author: Cross, Thomas, fl. 1632-1682, engraver. title: The Phrygian fabulist or, The fables of Æsop: extracted from the Latine copie, and moraliz'd. By Leonard Willan Gent. date: None words: 38634 flesch: 79 summary: Xanthus ( not knowing what els well to saie ) replied , this , as other things was in the Government of Divine Providence : at which Aesop laughing ; Xanthus incenst , ask't , if in it , hee had derided him ? Aesop replied ; not him , but who him taught : For what was by Divine Providence don , by wise men onely should bee scrutable : desiring that the resolution might bee left to him ; which granted , Aesop thus answered it ; A Woman having children by the first , became the Wife unto a second Husband , who children also by a former had : unto the children shee brought forth , the Wife a most indulgent Mother was ; but unto those of which shee found her Husband prepossest , a churlish stepdame , whose rights shee often them abridg'd , to cherish more her own : So the Earth , to those that were her proper Issue , as Legitimate , plentifully administred : But unto those that planted were by Art , as Bastards , scarce afforded Nourishment . Aesop said to the King ( with great Humilitie ) hee nor by force , nor by necessitie was compel'd to his Presence , but of his own Accord ; therefore desir'd his Pardon and Libertie to speak : which granted ; Aesop said ; A certain man , who Locust sought to slaie , by chance had took a Grashopper , whom hee about to kil ; the Grashopper desired him , not to destroie him without anie Caus : shee did the Ear no hurt , nor yet in other Action injure him ; the motion of her little tongue did but delight the Passenger . keywords: act; actions; addrest; advantage; adviz'd; aesop; aesop repli'd; age; aid; answer; ape; apollo; art; ask't; ass; avoid; bad; bat; bear; beast; becom; bee; beeing; beetle; betraie; bird; bit; black; blinde; blows; bodie; bore; bramble; bring; cal'd; care; cast; cat; caus; chance; charge; citie; close; clown; coat; cock; common; conclude; countrie; cours; craft; cri'd; crow; crueltie; curious; daie; dam; danger; dead; death; delight; demand; desir'd; die; disgrace; divide; dog; dogs; don; doth; dove; draw; e're; eagle; earth; els; emptie; end; enemie; enterprize; equal; error; escape; ev'n; ev'rie; excess; fables; faculties; fair; fall; fame; farther; fate; favor; fear; fed; feed; feet; fellows; finde; finding; fire; flie; foes; food; foot; force; form; forthwith; fortune; fowler; fox; frail; free; freedom; friends; friendship; frog; fruit; furie; gain; gifts; glorie; goat; god; gods; gold; good; grace; great; greater; greedie; grief; ground; guest; hand; hare; hart; haste; hath; head; heav'n; hee; heedless; heeron; hen; hide; high; hold; home; honor; hors; hous; humane; husband; husbandman; ill; ils; implie; industrie; injurie; innocent; invite; issue; joie; jove; judg; kid; king; laie; lamb; late; leav; left; length; libertie; licerus; life; like; lion; little; long; lord; loss; love; man; manie; master; mean; meat; mee; meet; men; mercurie; mindes; moral; mother; mous; mov'd; nature; need; neglect; nest; net; new; nigh; noble; non; o're; object; onely; open; pain; parents; partridg; passion; past; patient; perceiving; physician; place; poor; potent; pow'r; preie; presence; present; prize; procure; proper; publick; punishment; purpos'd; purpose; pursu'd; pursue; rage; reach; reason; remov'd; repli'd; replie; requir'd; rest; return'd; revenge; rich; right; roman; ruine; run; safetie; samians; scarce; scorn; sea; secret; secure; securitie; self; sens; serpent; set; shadow; shame; sharp; shee; shepherd; shew; shun; sick; simple; skin; slain; slight; small; smiling; som; sow; speed; sport; stag; state; stone; storm; strait; strange; stream; strength; strife; subject; success; succour; sudden; supplie; swallow; teeth; text; thee; themselvs; thereto; therewith; things; think; thither; thou; thought; thy; til; time; tongues; travel; treasure; tree; trembling; true; truth; twixt; use; vain; violence; voice; waie; want; war; water; weak; wee; weezel; whereat; whereon; wife; willan; wilt; win; wisdom; wise; wolf; wonder; words; work; xanthus; yield; young; youth cache: A75953.xml plain text: A75953.txt