the traytors unvailed, or a brief account of that horrid and bloody designe intended by those rebellious people, known by the names of anabaptists and fifth monarchy being upon sunday the 14th. of april 1661. in newgate on purpose to oppose his majesties person and laws. 1661 approx. 8 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 4 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2008-09 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a84389 wing e606 thomason e1087_10 estc r208541 99867486 99867486 119799 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a84389) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 119799) images scanned from microfilm: (thomason tracts ; 162:e1087[10]) the traytors unvailed, or a brief account of that horrid and bloody designe intended by those rebellious people, known by the names of anabaptists and fifth monarchy being upon sunday the 14th. of april 1661. in newgate on purpose to oppose his majesties person and laws. ellis, thomas, attributed name. 7, [1] p. s.n.], [london : printed in the year, 1661. place of publication from wing. annotation on thomason copy: "apr. 18". reproduction of the original in the british library. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database ( the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative ( the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng conspiracies -england -early works to 1800. anabaptists -early works to 1800. fifth monarchy men -early works to 1800. treason -england -early works to 1800. 2007-05 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2007-06 apex covantage keyed and coded from proquest page images 2008-01 john pas sampled and proofread 2008-01 john pas text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion the traytors vnvailed , or a brief and true account of that horrrid and bloody designe intended by those rebellious people , known by the names of anabaptists and fifth monarchy being vpon svnday the 14 th . of april 1661. in nevvgate on purpose to oppose his majesties person and laws . printed in the year , 1661. the traytors vnvailed or a brief relation of that horrid and bloody design intended by the anabaptists and fifth monarchy . it is unknown to all well disposed christian people of the late traiterous insurections and actions in broadstreet , and woodstreet , and had not the lord out of his great goodness timely supprest them , it would certainely ( accordingly to their intents ) involved the whole nation in warrs and blood , but finding their devillish plots not to take effect , thoy have ever since ( for the beter promoting the same ) held conference and correspondency with their deluding spirits , and taking and observing all opertunities of advantage for accomplishing their bloody designs , in a secreet & obscure manner , they sent divers letters of advice and counsel from one to the other at several places , which was to give them notice that on munday last ( at the time when his majesty should be at windsor according to his majesties ancestors custome ) they should unanimosly meet to carry on their work by violence of the sword , but gods great mercy attending his majesty and this poor nation , providentially gave foreknowledge thereof to his majesty and counsel , to prevent the same , his majesty counselled with god in his prayers and meditations , and afterwards according to gods decree and his honorable counsels advice and serious judgment , he sent his special warrant to examine all suspicious houses for papers , letters &c. the which was accordingly executed in several houses by one of the lord general monks captains , with his officers and souldiers , and to their satisfaction divers letters were taken which were received from several persons of great concernment , and large returns in folio of most horrid counsel , their seditious sects in all places both neer and remote , the persons having them in custodywere immediatly secured , but to further prosecute their good success and future hopes of timely preventing their cursed atcheivments , the noble captain made it his next only business to go to new-gate were very many and dangerous persons are together , and therefore thought that there they should be better satisfied and obtain a further and more ample discovery , by taking more of the like letters of black advice ( which according happened ) the particulars in the searching as followes , being observed by a spectator who was so much in danger of his own life that he committed his soul to god and never thought to go out again alive , but their included mallice and desire of blood was by providence unexpectedly and mercifully diverted . about three of the clock , at which time they were at the height of their pretended devotion in several roomes and corners of the house , at which convention the captain judged it the best opportunity to go up . he demanded the keepers to admitt him and his assistance up , by shewing them his authority and intent , of his loving the person . who was first acquainted with the business and the authority thereof was mr. knolls , a prisoner speaker to the anabaptists , who civilly requested to shew what letters & papers he had in his custody , but contrary to the civillity used to him , he insollently disobeyed his majesties warrant , and violently resisted the search both by his hands & tongue , first crying out to his associats that they should secure the keepers and take away the keys , mr. hicks a turnkey would moderatly have pacified and rationally discust the inconveniency that would but follow like a head-strong people void of reason , carried him up the staires upon the leads , and had not his much intreaty preserved him , they had imediately threw him off into the street ; some others in the intrim beat one of the keepers , threw him down staires , took away the keys and kept them ; others were upon one of the turnkeys who was basely misused , and had not some pirsoners that lay for debt secured him , they had certainly ended his daies by a stab , their mallice was so invetterate towards him , however with one voice they all cryed lets through the rogue off from the leads . the captaine in the time of this hurly burly was below , expecting a civill reply of his demandes , but notice being given him by the uproares he with his sword drawn assisted by another turnkey who at that punct of time came with the right worshipfull sheriff boulton to see the warrant executed hearing of their perverness to it , they went to squench the fire whilst it was in its begining that though they saw them appear & the sheriff comanded mr knowlls to go down into his chamber , and obey his majesties orders , yet still they persisted in their folly , by securing the captain in their own chamber , and forcibly knowlls laid hands on mr. lowman with a great stick as if it were purposely prepared , and the rest of his companions seized themselves upon other , but mr. lowman being not at all daunted with the assistance of his prisoners , by degrees overpowered them , and afterwards for present punishment he committed iohn smith into the hoale ( who is a convicted person for the late murder committed by the insurrection in broadstreet ) and was one of the most violent in the house being desirous by his attempts to have stopt mr. lowmans breath by laying his cruel merciless , and bloody hands upon his throat . mr. portman was also put into the hoale , being a chief and principal actor , and desperately strook all that did oppose him or his fellows , and had it not happily fell out that the fift monarchy men were all lockt in their chamber where they were at their meeting , it had certainly been a terrible and cruel day to all that had been in their way . but finding their plots were discovered and their hopes frustrated of their desired ends which should have been brought forth the next day . then to preserve their decaying reputation , and respects and good words amongst the common people , they suddainly sent their messengers abroad to make complaint first , to have their guilt seem less . but on purpose to undeceive the people , and to give them better satisfaction of the reason and truth thereof i have taken the pains as to acquaint all that are desirous of the same , that they may no longer be deceived by their specious pretences , for the fift monarchy men are a people that a true character of their malitious principles cannot be demonstrated , but their actions make them appear to be a blood-thirsty and rebellious people against god and the king. whom god preserve . an examination of the essay, or, an answer to the fifth monarchy by edward iohnson ... johnson, edward, gent. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a46899 of text r13321 in the english short title catalog (wing j770a). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 13 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a46899 wing j770a estc r13321 12539562 ocm 12539562 62933 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a46899) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 62933) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 671:7) an examination of the essay, or, an answer to the fifth monarchy by edward iohnson ... johnson, edward, gent. johnson, edward, 1599?-1672. 8 p. printed for w. thomas, london : 1659. wrongly ascribed by wing to the american edward johnson (1599?-1672). reproduction of original in huntington library. eng fifth monarchy men. a46899 r13321 (wing j770a). civilwar no an examination of the essay: or, an answer to the fifth monarchy. by edward iohnson, gent. johnson, edward, gent 1659 2351 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 b the rate of 9 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the b category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. 2000-00 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2001-10 apex covantage keyed and coded from proquest page images 2001-11 tcp staff (michigan) sampled and proofread 2001-11 tcp staff (michigan) text and markup reviewed and edited 2001-12 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion an examination of the essay : or , an answer to the fifth monarchy . revel. behold , he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him ; and they also which peirced him , and all kindreds of the earth shall wayl because of him ; even so , amen . jam. 5. 8. be ye also patient , establish your hearts ; for the coming of the lord draweth nigh . by edward iohnson , gent. london , printed for w. thomas , 1659. an examination of the essay , or , an answer to the fifth monarchy . the proof of the essay , and the essay-masters pursuant to the invitations ; judg. 19. 30. who having considered of it , and taken advice , let me speak my mind . i account it a great unhappinesse this nation groans under , not onely that it is broken into many factions , but that whilst each of them imposeth the other upon , all ( or at least the most of them ) pretend to righteousnesse , ( and amongst those the late essay ) . how much men ( under this notion ) have shrouded their own errors and designes , by this means , exposing the name of the lord to blasphemy ; i leave every serious christian to consider , i shall not censure the authors of this paper , they being ( in a great measure ) strangers to me : but wish that whilst we are contending about ( what least becomes one that ought to be a pilgrime in this world , viz. ) the civil-government of this nation , ( to which there are many pretended titles on foot ) we may not , as a house divided against it self , fall into confusion ; nay , into the hands of the common enemy . for preventing which , by moderating and helping the considerations of these essay-masters ; i propose these following queries . i. whether the late single person were not incited to the putting a force upon this parliament , and the set●ing up a power contrary to law , by you or some of you ? or at least wise , whether you did not , or do not approve the action , by owning of , and contending for , the short convention and turning out of this parliament ; all but a few of which you judge qualified for trust and rule , &c. and if so , whether you are not accessary to his evil , in taking the government ; as an apt medium is , to a necessary consequence ? ii. whether your apprehensions of christ's kingdom had it's beginning in our late revolutions ( without assigning , in which of them , and when , and where it began ) be a sufficient ground to debarr the nation from their share in government ? and why our revolutions of late years are more an evidence of christ's kingdom , then those in former years ; or the revolutions in other nations , viz. holland in the change of their government the troubles lately in poland , formerly in germany and france , & c ? and whether men had not as good grounds for such conclusions formerly , as you have now for yours ? and whether the jews by the same ground are not justified in their conclusions against christians ; and the pope in his pretended infallibillity . they both having their apprehensions to justifie their actions , as well as you yours for your conclusions ? iii. in what speciall sense can it be said , that the government of this nation , more then other nations is given to christ , since his government , whether considered personall , or spirituall , is to be universall ; and his coming to his government ( when he takes it into his hands ) being in respect of certainty and speed , like lightning from the east to the west , or by what promise or prophesie so inconsiderable a part of the world ( as england ) , shall be the seat of christ's kingdom , when all other nations shall remain under the government of men , if not the worst of men ? iv. whose work is it to take the government from men , and give it to christ , whether the work of men , or of god ? if of god , what is man that he should interpose in it ? if of man or men ? at what time and times ? and by what commission doth he or they do it ? that we may know how to obey : many having formerly pretended to this work , when designing onely a crown for themselves ? v. what person or persons are they , that in your sense are so qualified for government , and by what right do they so stand ? if by the law of the land , by what law ? if by god's word , where , and how doth it appear ? since the reference to the laws of new-haven in new england is no more binding then the laws of new-boston there ? vi . whether the plat-form of the commonwealth of israel suited for the government of a select people , under a special profession and covenant , and for the most part typical and allegorical ; will , in all things suit england ; and whether the scriptures doth condemn all civil government in other nations , differing from that ? vii . if the government of the commonwealth of israel ( besides which we have no example of a popular government in scripture ) be to us onely a plat form for our government , what need then is there of any qualified persons , for making laws , those laws being already in the word of god , which yet ( not to derogate from the scripture ) it is humbly conceived , will hardly extend to the determination of controversies in this common-wealth , about titles of land , raising of assessements , securing the peace thereof from the common enemy , & c ? viii . whether at the same time , you say , you witnesse against future violence , in the foundations of it you do not own the violence ; putt on part of this parliament ; and impose on most of this nation the greatest violence imaginable , the being excluded ( for ever as well as at the present ) from all right of government ? and whether , at what instant it becomes practicable , are the governed any way beuer related to the governours , than the gibeonitcs were to the israelites ? ix . whether the debarring and bereaving the nation of their just rights , in matters civil , as well for future , as at present , tends not to the provoking them , to deprive you of both civil and spiritual ; all men desiring ( as lawfully they may ) to be delivered from those by whom they are captivated : and thus whilst you are pleading for the freedome and rule of christians , you adventure their utmost vassallage , giving the nation a just plea for it ; as also to blaspheme your holy profession , and to say , that the spirit of munster hath got footing in england ? x. whether you , or some of you , in former times were not forward disciples of john lilburn , and active in asserting the freedom of the people , and promoting their then intended agreement ; and if you run into so great extreams about civil government , what security can the nation have of your constancy to any government , though by your selves proposed ? xi . whether seeing , as you say , this parliament have been honoured in god's work , the benefit of which we this day reap ; we may not hope god will honour them further , in their cleaving to him and his , seeing after six years preparation , by affliction , and when under the height of contempt , they were unexpectedly brought together again ; without any projection , or contrivance of their own ? xii . whether you , or the most of you , have not been as active as most men , in supporting the power of the late single person , by holding and executing places of special trust and profit for several years , untill difference arose betwixt him and you , or till it fell in course to you to be disbanded : and whether you , or some of you have not received extraordinary rewards under that government ; and if so , whether you own your selves qualified for government , the chief and chargeable part of repentance being yet wanting , viz. restitution ? xiii . since obedience to the late government is lookt upon as so great a crime , that repentance is required in the most godly , and best qualified that acted under it ; you are desired to shew out of the word of god , where ever any people are required to examine the right and legality of a power , under which they live , and have protection , before they yield obedience in things morally lawful ; and whether such being possest with the seat of government , are not to be looked upon as the powers that are ; to which , the apostle directs obedience , even under the government of caesar augustus , who got the empire by blood , treachery , rapine , and oppression . xiv . whether , by the same ground , if your government essayed , were setled , we ought not as well to dispute our obedience thereunto , as you , to former or present powers , since this hath no more of the suffrage of the people ( if so much ) as that had : neither can you hold out more specious pretences of freedom and godlinesse than hath been formerly pretended to ; and the great offence , taken at the former government , arose from subsequent actions , and no man can foresee what the best of men will be , till tryed ; and therefore , what security shall the nations have , that your essayed government and governours shall be better than the last form , surnamed the apostacy ? xv . whether , since repentance is required for former obedience , works will not serve as well as words , ( especially , being joyned with words ) ? if so , whether our chief commanders in the army , that adventured lives and all , ( when you were in a great measure secure , ) to restore this nation to its present freedom ; whether these , i say , ought not to be looked on , as specily qualified for government , ( god having been with them ; and owned them , ) and so to be the subject of commendation , and not of reproach ? xvi . that since in all repentance some must judge the truth thereof , that you would be pleased to assign your judges , otherwise we are left without government , all ( or almost all ) being in your sense transgressours ; and that herein you would be pleased to consider , that if you pitch upon the baptized or independent churches , as they ( as such ) have nothing to do to judge any thing that is without , so it is to be feared they will judge favourably each for his own party : and being your triers ( you denying communion each with other , and therein differing ) would hardly , by your own principles , find some of you , that signed the essay , qualified for government . the presby●er , you will hardly set him up to judge , being byassed also by contrary principles and narrow spirit : the magistrate ( if any there be in your account ) cannot judge ; they onely by your essay , are to meddle with things meerly civill : so that it is humbly conceived , your essay is felo de se , and ought forthwith to be interred , and the testimony thereunto , since published , may serve for its winding-sheet . xvii . whether there be not more of the serpentine subtilty and craft , than of the simplicity and innocency of the dove , in so placing the names of the subscribers , that one john owen is the first in the paper , thereby misleading the reader to conceive it to be dr. john owen , in order to the giving reputation to your paper ? xviii . wherefore consider of it , take advice , and speak your minds , whether it be not the duty of all that meddle with governments , seriously to weigh the apostle's words , jud. 8 , 9 , 10. verses . and whether it be not better for you , and all christians , to study more their and your own duties , and how to obey , and heartily pray for our rulers , that god would spirit them for their great work , and so fill them with wisdom , to establish both our spiritual and civill liberty ; that neither any christlan be debarred in spiritual or civil liberty ; and that no prophaneness , atheism , or injustice be in our land ; but justice run down as a stream , which ; if the lord have any pleasure in us , will be our portion ? finis . a narrative wherein is faithfully set forth the sufferings of john canne, wentworth day, john clarke, john belcher, john richard, robert boggis, petter kidd, richard bryenton, and george strange, called, as their news book saith, fift monarchy men that is, how eight of them were taken in coleman street, moneth second, called aprill, day first, 1658, as they were in the solemn worship of god, and by the lord mayor sent prisoners to the counter in the poultrey : also of the arraignment of wentworth day and john clarke at the sessions in the old baily, and how the rest after three weeks imprisonment and more were discharged in their court / published by a friend to the prisoners and the good old cause they suffered for. friend to the prisoners and the good old cause they suffered for. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a52658 of text r9702 in the english short title catalog (wing n231a). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 36 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 9 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a52658 wing n231a estc r9702 13542967 ocm 13542967 100102 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a52658) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 100102) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 796:20) a narrative wherein is faithfully set forth the sufferings of john canne, wentworth day, john clarke, john belcher, john richard, robert boggis, petter kidd, richard bryenton, and george strange, called, as their news book saith, fift monarchy men that is, how eight of them were taken in coleman street, moneth second, called aprill, day first, 1658, as they were in the solemn worship of god, and by the lord mayor sent prisoners to the counter in the poultrey : also of the arraignment of wentworth day and john clarke at the sessions in the old baily, and how the rest after three weeks imprisonment and more were discharged in their court / published by a friend to the prisoners and the good old cause they suffered for. friend to the prisoners and the good old cause they suffered for. 16 p. [s.n.], london : 1658. reproduction of original in huntington library. eng canne, john, d. 1667? fifth monarchy men -early works to 1800. great britain -history -commonwealth and protectorate, 1649-1660. a52658 r9702 (wing n231a). civilwar no a narrative; wherein is faithfully set forth the sufferings of john canne, wentworth day, john clarke, john belcher, john richard, robert bo [no entry] 1658 6851 33 0 0 0 0 0 48 d the rate of 48 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the d category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. 2006-12 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2006-12 apex covantage keyed and coded from proquest page images 2007-01 robyn anspach sampled and proofread 2007-01 robyn anspach text and markup reviewed and edited 2007-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion a narrative wherein is faithfully set forth the sufferings of john canne , wentworth day , john clarke , john belcher , john ricard , robert boggis , petter kidd , richard bryenton , and george strange , called ( as their news book saith ) fift monarchy men . that is , how eight of them were taken in coleman street , moneth second , ( called aprill ) day first , 1658. as they were in the solemn worship of god , and by the lord mayor sent prisoners to the counter in the poultrey . also , of the arraignment of wentworth day and john clarke , at the sessions in the old bailey : and how the rest after three weeks imprisonment and more were discharged in their court . published by a friend to the prisoners , and the good old cause , they suffered for . acts 5. 38 , 39. and now i say unto you , refrain from these men , and let them alone : for if this counsell 〈◊〉 this work be of men , it will come to nought . but if it be of god , ye cannot overthrow it least happily ye be sound even to fight against god . london , printed in the year , 1658. an impartiall narrative , &c. whereas it is probable the late imprisonment and publick triall , will be by some misreported of our brethren and friends unto the nation : and very many no doubt do desire to have the passages of the busines truly related . i have thought it necessary ( howsoever briefly ) to set forth an impartial & faithful narrative of it ; without any stretching of things , either for our selves , or against our persecutors . neither shall i say more ( our enemies themselves being judges ) than the plain truth soberly and modestly , leaving every man to make his own application . upon the first day of the second moneth commonly called april , 1658. many of the lords people being assembled together in swan alley in coleman street ( a publick place where saints have met many years ) as they were there waiting upon the lord in prayer and other holy duties , on a sudden the marshall of the city , with severall other officers , rushed in with great violence upon them . the which sight for the suddennesse and strangnesse of it , occasioned some amazement among the people ; who were there peaceably worshipping god in spirit and truth : having no other weapons but faith and prayer . old brother cann was then in the pulpit , and had read a place of scripture but spoken nothing to it , the scripture was numb. 16. 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26. now he perceiving that they came in at both doores with their halberts , pikes , staves , &c. and fearing least there might be some hurt done to the lords poor and naked people : he desired the brethren and sisters to be all quiet , and to make no stir : for his part he feared them not , but was assured the lord would eminently stand by them . whilest he was thus speaking to the people , exhorting them to patience , one of the officers ( breaking through the croud ) came furiously upon him , and with great violence pluckt him out of the pulpit , and when he had so done , hurled him over the benches or forms , in a very barbarous manner . some brethren being nigh endeavoured to have saved brother cann from falling , but the rage of the officers was such , as they fell in upon him , although through mercy he had not much hurt by it . having thus a while pull'd and halled him , at last they brought him to the mayor of the city , who was without the doore ( with one of the sheriffs on horse-back ) waiting for the brethren to be taken and brought to him . the brother asked the mayor , what he had against him , telling him , withall , for his part , he desired no more favour at his hands , than was allowed to thieves and murtherers , that is , to know what they had to charge him with , and who were his accusers . to which the mayor answered , mr. cann ( saith he ) i have nothing against you , neither do i know any evill you have done ; but think you are an honest man , onely you must appear before his highnesse , and i will send you thither presently . no saith the sheriff , keep him till tomorrow morning , and then send him . and so the mayor bid one of his officers to carry our brother to the counter . afterward they brought seven more to the mayor , of which number , five had never spoken in that meeting place , but came onely to hear : now that which occasioned their apprehending and sending to prison , it was because they spake against the cruelty and inhumane dealing exercised upon brother cann , saying , aloud , he is an old man and do not use him so barbarously . having brought eight of them to the counter with halberts , staves : here presently begun a new trouble , for the keeper having neither a warrant for their commitment , nor knowing who they were ; comes to enquire for their names , all refused to tell him their names except brother cann ( whose name they knew before ) whereupon they were all seven thrust into the cold stinking hole , and would not allow them any beds to lie on ▪ nor any other place in the prison , though they offered them any reasonable content . in this noisome place , they were kept all night , neither suffered the next day to come forth ( though the rest of the prisoners did ) till they were all sent for by the mayor to come before him , which was about 3 , or 4. of the clock in the afternoon . when they came to the mayors house , he sent for them one by one into a private room ; some of the brethren desired that they might be heard openly , and that their freinds might be witnesses to what was spoke : but this would not be granted . the first that they called , was brother cann ; the mayor asked him , what he thought of the present government ? his answer was : for the present goverment , i am not ( saith he ) satisfied with it . but this concerns not you : neither shall i speak now any thing to you about it : but if you send me to the protector , i shall tell him what i think concerning this government . for i have a great deal to say to his face , if in such a way as this , i may be brought before him . but for you sir , this is not our businesse now . many words passed too and fro , not worth the mentioning here : onely i shall note a little , concerning the marshall . he had been a little before in coleman street ▪ and having heard brother cann exercise there ▪ gave him thanks before the people , for his good sermon : he being now with the mayor , brother cann told him what he had said , his answer was , i confesse ( saith he ) it was a good sermon , but i knew who you meant , even the lord protector : thus he acknowledged the matter to be good , onely the meaning of the brother , that he presumed to know , and could tell how to apply it . having nothing to lay to the charge of ▪ the first prisoner , nor could ensuare him in his words , they desired him to withdraw , and so he was brought into another room . then brother day was called in , and the same question put to him , viz. what he thought of the present government ? many words passed between the mayor and him , but nothing could they draw from him to serve their turn , till he told them , that he would give it under his hand , to prove oliver cromwell a jugler by his own confession : and so much he did leave with the mayor in a piece of paper ; which was the great charge that he was afterward arraigned for . having done with two , and putting them both aside , brother clark is called ; who is asked ( as the former were ) what he thought of the present government ? he told them plainly , he thought it was not of god , and gave some scriptures why he thought o , as hos. 8. 3 , 4 , i sam. 8. 6 , 7. am. 6. 13. he did acknowledge this government was of god permissive , but not by approbation . these words were written down , and made the ground of his indictment afterward : for till now though they had imprisoned him , yet they had not so much as any shew of matter against him . this being done , they were all three brought before the mayor , who demanded baile for their appearance at the next sessions ; they told him they were not free to give him any baile : then he told them , they must go back from whence they came , and so sent them again to the counter , not charging them with any guilt or crime . for the other five , they were likewise called one after another , and the same question put to them , viz. what they thought of the present government ? but our freinds said little to it : but askt the mayor what he had against them , and wherefore he had committed them to prison ? to which he gave no answer , but that they had been at the meeting in coleman street . in short , he askt whether they would give baile , &c. they refusing it , were likewise sent back to the counter , after the other three . onely brother ricard was baild by his master , not that he desired it , but his master did it of his own accord . among other brethren which accompanied the prisoners to the mayors house , brother belcher was one , now as he was returning back , the city marshall met him , and askt him if he were not one of their company ; yes , saith he ( blessed be god for it ) i am one of them : then said he , you must go with me , and so brought him to the mayor , who presently askt him , what he thought of the present government ? i am not ( said he , bound to accuse my self , yet i do confesse to be one that holds forth a publick testimony against the present apostacy ▪ and came hither to stand with the prisoners at their first answer : do you so saith the mayor , then you shall keep them company in prison , and so committed him to the counter with the rest ; no cause or crime objected to him , nor had he any thing to accuse him off . having kept them about three weeks in prison , upon the 22. of the second moneth towards evening , brother day was sent for , and brought to their sessions , coming before them , with his hat on , they caused it to be pulled off , and commanded him to be put into the goale among the thieves and murtherers : but the keeper was more civill to him , and allowed him a better place : a little while after ▪ he was brought again to the bar , and keeping his hat on ( as before ) they took it off : whereupon he told them , he was no quaker , but could very well give them civill respect : and therefore what he did now , in refusing to put off his hat , it was to shew he could not own their authority , and that they had basely and unworthily betrayed a most glorious and noble cause ; yea and the rights and liberties of the whole nation . having thus spoken , they read his charge , which was to this effect ; having no fear of god before his eyes , nor in his heart , he had maliciously and devillishly with an open mouth , said that the protector was a jugler , and that he would prove it : and that the protector was a traitor , and no lawfull magistrate either by god or man , unlesse by the lord mayor and court of aldermen , &c. and then they asked him , guilty , or not guilty ? his answer was that he did not well understand the quirts and punctilio's of their law ; and in that respect being ignorant of their tricks , he knew not how to answer them ; but by that light and grace which the lord had given him in his holy word , he would answer them ; which word ▪ said he must judge both you and me : you pretend your selves to be christians , and will yee deny me that which heathens did grant unto paul ; then he produced acts 23. 35. whereupon they had some debate about the scriptures , which judge newdegate called bibble , babble ; bibble ▪ babble ; and commanded him to be silent : but he would not ▪ then he bid them to gag him two or three times , the brother for ▪ all that spoke boldly to them , and told them he was not guilty ▪ of any treason 〈◊〉 towards 〈…〉 men , neither to his countrey ; nor had he betrayed his trust as they had done , and so were not competent judges to try him : for , saith he , you are not such as fear god , men of truth , hating coveteousnesse , according to exod. 18. 21. for if you were , you would not have betrayed so noble a cause : for which thousands of gods children have laid down their lives , besides many thousands of our dear country-men have spilt their blood . and in this regard , he told them , that it was more fit that they should come down from the bench and stand at the bar where he was ; and he and such as had been faithfull to the interest of christ and his people , sit there and judge them . moreover , he told them , that he was not their match , being a very ignorant creature as to the knowledge of their laws ; but mr. prin who is known to be an able lawyer ( as most men in the nation ) hath lately written a book , and set his name to it , printed in this year 1658. in which book he saith , that you and the court are all vsurpers , have set up a new vsurped power , are thieves and robbers , have committed the highest treason , and do act against all laws both of god and the land . and whereas you pretend to charge me by act of parliament , he tels you in the same book , it was but a pretended parliament and a mock parliament , and by the acts of lawfull parliaments they were all traitors ; withall he desired them ▪ that he might read some part of the book to them ( for he had the book in his hand at the bar ) but they would not suffer him : moreover he told them , he was perswaded ▪ that they themselves did know in their consciencies that cromwell was a jugler , but self interest had blinded them . in conclusion , he told them , if he knew his own heart , he could freely be hanged upon a gallows as high as hamon was ( the lord assisting him ) for this glorious cause which they had betrayed . but here they put a stop , and did run with violence upon him , and one endeavoured to stop his mouth ▪ whereupon he was fain to give him a blow upon the breast , his name was brisco ( as they say ) one of the jaylors : then the bench caused some to search his pockets , and took away m. prins book ; they asked him sundry questions , but he told them he came not there to answer questions : neverthelesse ( saith he ) seeing you are so full of questions : i pray answer me this question : whether you that stand for a single person , and own him in his government : or i that am against a single person , are by acts of parliament the greatest traitors ? but instead of answering this question , they cryed , take him away from the bar , away with him . the next day in the morning called friday , our brother day was brought again to the bar , the charge being read , they askt him guilty or not ? he told them ( as before ) he understood not their punctilios in the law ; and therefore knew not whether it might be safe for him to answer them in their way , because it was so contrary to the scriptures ? some of them replied , it was the manner and custome of the court to proceed in such away . to which he made answer , that customs and wayes , contrary to the holy scriptures , among christians ought not to stand : and i would rather ( said he ) loose my life , than own any of your proceedings or laws , that are against the word of god ; if the lord stand by me . now when he perceived the court to act so contrary and opposite to the laws of god ; and seeing alderman titchbourn upon the bench , he called him by name and spake to him ; you are ( saith he ) a church member and one of the bench , how durst you deny me the way of scriptures ? to which he replyed , you ought to own the powers , for all powers are of god : the other made answer out of hosea 8. 4. you set up kings but not by me , and make princes but i knew it not ▪ further he told him of his new upstart lordship , and what a fearfull apostacy he and others were fallen into : titchbourn told him there were fifteen sworn men to do him right . then , said he , i require that my accusers may come face to face , and i will answer to my charge , that is , prove oliver cromwell a jugler by his own confession . but they prest him still to say guilty or not ? and then he should plead . when he saw they would not bring forth any ▪ witnesses against him , he told them he had much to say against the mayor , for false imprisoning him ; and how he fetcht him away from a meeting ▪ with bils and staves , being peaceably together in worshipping the lord ; and so broke the peace of the nation , and not he , nor the brethren with him ; for which he expected satisfaction . besides , for that warrant whereby they kept him three weeks in prison , it had no more law in it than a horse ; and having the warrant by him , he desired to read it in their open court ; but they would not suffer him to read one word of it . whereupon he told them that they proceeded not onely against him contrary to the scriptures , but also against the poore prisoners , and that they sate there not like judges , but rather as murtherers ; and to prove this , he desired that he might read some scriptures to them ; for by the strength of god ( said he ) i will make this , which i affirm most clear , by the word of god : but they would not suffer him to read that scripture in exod. 22. 1 , 2 , 3. when he saw they would not indure to have any thing mentioned to them from the scriptures ; he told them , he desired to have nothing to do with them , seeing they would not take the word of god for their rule and guide : and did wonder for what end they sate there ? it was answered by some ▪ they sate there to maintain the laws of the nation , and to do justice . if it be so , said he , will ye give me under your hands , if i prove oliver cromwell a jugler by substantiall witnesses , will ye bring him here to the bar , and do justice upon him . he told them withall , he did wonder they were not ashamed to read such a pack of lies against him : then they bid take him away . his third and last triall was on the seventh day : at this time brother rogers went with him and stood by him at the bar : and because some friends had been with him that morning , desiring him to plead , and that they would come in as witnesses to prove oliver cromwell a jugler by his own confession : his purpose was to joyn issue with them as to the inditement : being at the bar , he desired that he might have liberty to read a scripture to them ▪ but it was denied ▪ and judge glyn told him , he might do that privately at home : hereupon he askt what was the name of that gentleman which spoke to him . it was answered , the lord chief justice glyn. then he desired to know how he came to sit there ; for i can ( saith he ) prove him a traitor by a * declaration , exhibited against him , by sir thomas fairfax and the army ; and desired that he might read it ; ( for he had it in his hand ) and he told him to his face , that he ought to stand where he was , meaning at the bar , for betraying his trust and countrey , as it is in the impeachment . but this would not be born ; and therefore they cryed ▪ take him away . afterward he was brought again to the bar , and was about to read the impeachment of high treason against glyn ; but they would not suffer him : then he told them he had * twelve witnesses to prove oliver cromwell a jugler ; and desired some of them might be called into the court , they being there to give in their evidence for him upon oath . but the recorder presently pronounceth sentence against him , which was , five hundred pound fine , and twelve moneths imprisonment , without bail or mainprise , and then not to come out without giving security for his good behaviour . he told them it was very strange , that they would give judgment against him , before they had heard him ; neither suffer him to plead for himself , nor admit that he should have the copy of his indictment . but they commanded the officers to take him away , and would not suffer him to speak any more to them . it is observable in all their proceedings , they never produced any one witnesse against him , though he called often upon them for it ; neither was there a jury that past upon his cafe , but onely gave sentence upon him by their own will and power . for the other 7. prisoners , which remained in the counter , they were all sent for to appear at the sessions , upon the 23 day called friday : these were carried from the counter to the three cranes ▪ a tavern neer the sessions house : they had not been there above one hour or two , but brother clark was sent for , who coming into court with his hat on ▪ they caused it to be taken off ; after a little space , he was called to the bar , and having his hat on again , it was taken from him as before : then they read his charge , which was to this purpose ; having not the fear of god before his eyes , nor in his heart , he had devillishly and maliciously said that the present government is not of god , and that he was called of god to witnesse against it ; and that he endeavoured to draw away the good affections of the people from the present government , &c. then they asked him , guilty or not ? his answer was , he knew not what they meant : they asked him again , guilty or not guilty ? then he replyed , if i should say i am guilty , i should tell you a lye : again , if i should say i am not guilty ( that is , have not spoken some words which are in the charge ) i should also tell a lye : and therefore told them plainly , if they would take out something , which was in the indictment ; for the rest he would own , namely , that this present power was not of god , and that he is called of god to witnesse against it . having so said , it was read , for that time , apart from the rest ; whereupon he tels them presently : now saith he i will prove by scripture what i have affirmed : here the recorder stops him , and tels him he will save him that labor , unto which the prisoner replies , what i say , you in your consciences know to be so ? then they bid him to stand by . after a while , he was called again , and his charge read again ; and they asked him ( as before ) guilty or not guilty ? he told them according to severall acts of parliament , they were guilty of high treason : he had the acts in his hand , and would have read them in the open court : at this they seemd to be extreamly troubled ▪ and turned about , and whispered one to another . but putting the best face they could upon it , they come into their old way again , asking him guilty or not guilty ? he kept still to his former plea , namely , as for the bulk of the indictment he was not guilty ; for through grace he had the fear of god both before his eys and in his heart : but for the rest , what he had spoken , he would stand to : then they told him he should come to a tryall ; and so for the present dismissed him , and he was brought to the presse-yard . he was no sooner come to that prison , but immediately they sent for him again by the common hang-man ▪ and was brought to the bar : then they called forth their witnesses to swear against him , which was the marshall of the city , whose name they say is marshall , and the other the mayors clerk as was reported : the cause being now left with the jury ; the prisoner takes occasion to inform them how the matter stood between his persecutors and him ; and speaks to them to this purpose : i was ( saith he ) fetcht away from coleman street with haldberts and staves , where we were peaceably met together , & solemnly calling upon the name of the lord ; as for these words , which they now charge me with , they were spoken at the mayors house a day and a night after my imprisonment . i do confesse when i was brought before the mayor , he asking me what i thought of the present government ? i told him i might chuse whether i would answer him in this particular or no : yet this i would say to him , what their own declarations do speak out to the world , and their two engagements do say , and what their acts of parliaments do say , which i have here in my hands , that do i say and witnesse for . and further i told the mayor , that this power was not of gods approbation , and gave these scriptures for it , hos. 8. 2 , 4. 1 sam. 8. 6 , 7. am. 6. 13. after this he began to touch upon the rise of their government , how their instrument was drawn up by 5. or 6. persons , and was he proclamed protector unknown to the nation ; neither had the army or people of god knowledge of it , or consented to it . and for those which went to westminster hall at the same time , most of them knew nothing of the matter till they came thither : besides what was there done , was contrary to their own oaths , declarations and acts of parliaments . at this the recorder startled , and was much troubled , that he touched upon the rise of their government ; but he went on mentioning the words of moses , who wished that all the lords people were prophets : now howsoever , said he , you are pleased to say , that i have not the fear of god , yet through mercy i know otherwise ; to wit , that i have in some measure the spirit of god in me ▪ by which spirit i am both allowed , and enabled to bear my witnesse against the great wickedness and abominations of this apostatising generation . thus far he spake without much interruption : then begun the recorder to speak to the jury , and told them howsoever the prisoner had spoken so and so for himself ; yet they were to consider , that under a pretence of conscience , a great deal of wickednesse is committed : to which the prisoner replied , let baal speak for himself : what do you say , said the recorder ? i say ( said he ) let baal pleade for himself . after this the jury went aside , and in a very little time returned again , and brought in their verdict ▪ which was , that they found not the prisoner guilty of the indictment , but for two or three words ▪ which he had spoken and brought scripture for it , that they did not quit him off , for he had confest them , and stood to the justification of them . the bench at this were much dissatisfied , and a great stir there was , but the jury stood to it ; and some of them openly said , if ye like not this verdict , then looke some where else , for we have no more to say to you , nor any thing more against the prisoner ; & so broke up : the bench-men and the jury seeming very much displeased each with other . the next day being the 24 of the same moneth , he was brought again to the bar : and howsoever the night before he was quitted by the jury , as to the indictment ; yet the recorder pronounced this sentence against him , viz. a fine of two hundred marks , and to lie six moneths in prison without bail or mainprise , and afterward not to come forth without giving security for his good behaviour . something he would have spoken , but could not be suffered ▪ as to know how mr. glyn came to sit there , but they carried him away immediately to prison . the other six remained all satturday in newgate till about eight or nine of the clock at night , and then they were all sent for to the sessions , brother feake , brother goodgroom and severall more of their christian friends , went with the prisoners to the court : being there , they made proclamation , that if any man in city or country had any thing against john cann , and others then named as either treason , murther , fellony ( and severall other things ) should appear , &c. no sooner had they read it , but presently , they cryed out , ye are discharged of the court . mr. cann desired that he might have liberty to speak a few words . the mayor told him , he was quitted , and desired him to forbear . i pray you sir , said he , give me the liberty which the heathen gave paul , when he was before them . but by no means would they suffer him to speak , though he earnestly entreated them three or foure severall tunes : but still told him the court had discharged them ; and so there was nothing more to be said . one of the prisoners seeing they would not suffer mr. cann to speak , asked of the mayor wherefore they had imprisoned them above three weeks , and now told them they had nothing against them : if ye were men ( said he ) fearing god , and hating coveteousnesse , you would not have dealt so with us ; but i see you are corrupt and your courses too : for speaking thus , the mayor commanded that he should be stayed , and to carry him to the baledock , where he was kept a while , and having some of the armies declarations about him , ( published at muscleborrow in scotland ) he dispersed them as he stood there : with this alderman titchbourn was presently made acquainted , and calls for the prisoner , asking him how he durst disperse such seditious books ? the other replyed , how seditious ! i am sure your self did once own them : but that is nothing now ; they are seditious , and to prison he must go ; and indeed was carried to newgate , where he is kept a prisoner to this day . i had ended here the narrative , but that the weekly pamphleteer occasions me to speak a little more . in his sessions news , he tells us of eight men which were brought from the counter , called fift monarchy men : the chief of which faction were wentworth day and john clarke , both which were indicted for speaking reproachfull malicious and scandalous words against his highness the lord protector upon which they were found guilty , &c. had there been any conscience or honesty in the man , he would not have abused the nation as he hath done ; but given a true intelligence : as 1. have told us where they were taken and how ? but this he durst not do . 2. how they were cast into prison without any offence or crime committed . 3. why had he not set down what their reproachfull and malitious words were , and where they were spoken ? 4. how durst he say , they were found guilty , seeing the one was quitted by the jury , and the other had no jury passed upon him , nor any witnesses produced ? 5. why had he not put it into his news , how the lord mayor came with halberts and staves and pluckt a minister out of the pulpit , as he was in the worship of god , and having kept him more than three weeks in prison , dismisseth him by proclamation in open court , telling him that he had nothing against him . but for this needham mr. john goodwin hath given a sufficient character of him . he is ( saith he ) faex hominum & faex causarum , an infamous and unclean person , next to the hangman ; a man that curseth whatsoever god blesseth , & blesseth whatsoever god curseth ; this witnesse is true : but a person the more fit for the imployment he hath , and the master he serves . thus reader , thou hast heard the narrative ; and as i told thee at first , so i say again ▪ i have dealt candidly and faithfully in it : it is true , i might have been more large . as how brother cann was likewise indicted , but the grand jury found not the bill exhibited against him . how the mayor to excuse himself , told some of our friends , he was threatened to do it , and could not be at rest till he had done it : besides , whereas they were kept twenty four hours in prison without any warrant , afterward they sent a warrant to the counter , and dated it a day before it was made ▪ all that they pretended in the warrant was , the prisoners were disaffected to the present government , and had reviled the same , and wanted security for their good behaviour . so likewise , i have forborn to speak any thing of alderman titchbourn , who was ( as we have good ground to report it ) the greatest stickler to have this persecution raised against the saints : and was one of the three ( for there were but the mayor and he , and alderman atkins then on the bench ) which would not suffer old father cann to speak a word at the bar. but there is enough said to satisfie all such as desire to know the truth in the love of it . for others , who are malicious and devise lies and falshood , the lord rebuke them . finis . notes, typically marginal, from the original text notes for div a52658e-280 query , whether in point of law or conscience judge glyn recorder long , or any of their lawyers , could give sentence against day and clark , they wel knowing that m prin hath pubblished ten times more against the present government , than ever was laid to their charge ; see his book demophilos , the appendex to the premises . * the charge against him was june 14. 1647. at albons enquire after it . * i believe there are more than twelve witnesses yet living that will make good ( at least can ) what cornet day said , as to the word jugler ; some were present at the sessions , and desired that they might be cah'd . there is master jesse , mr. lanfeere , eman , middleton , captain palmer , captain sherman , mr. n●s● . mr. johns , george barrer , and severall others . trium viri preface sect. 5. a brief description of the future history of europe, from anno 1650 to an. 1710. treating principally of those grand and famous mutations yet expected in the world, as, the ruine of the popish hierarchy, the final annihilation of the turkish empire, the conversion of the eastern and western jews, and their restauration to their ancient inheritance in the holy land, and the fifth monarchie of the universall reign of the gospel of christ upon earth. with principal passages upon every of these, out of that famous manuscript of paul grebner, extant in trinity-colledge library in cambridge. composed upon the occasion of the young kings arrival into scotland, to shew what will in probability be the event of the present affairs in england and scotland. this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a77422 of text r9126 in the english short title catalog (thomason e616_13). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 162 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 26 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a77422 wing b4570 thomason e616_13 estc r9126 99873475 99873475 165767 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a77422) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 165767) images scanned from microfilm: (thomason tracts ; 94:e616[13]) a brief description of the future history of europe, from anno 1650 to an. 1710. treating principally of those grand and famous mutations yet expected in the world, as, the ruine of the popish hierarchy, the final annihilation of the turkish empire, the conversion of the eastern and western jews, and their restauration to their ancient inheritance in the holy land, and the fifth monarchie of the universall reign of the gospel of christ upon earth. with principal passages upon every of these, out of that famous manuscript of paul grebner, extant in trinity-colledge library in cambridge. composed upon the occasion of the young kings arrival into scotland, to shew what will in probability be the event of the present affairs in england and scotland. grebner, paul. [12], 38, [2] p. s.n.], [london : printed in the year, 1650. attributed to paul grebner. cf. bm. annotation on thomason copy: "nou: 23". early english books microfilm copy (yale university library) appears at reel 223:10, is bound after p4058. reproductions of the originals in british library (early english books 146:5; thomason tracts e.616[13]) and the yale university library (early english books 223:10). eng fifth monarchy men -early works to 1800. apocalyptic literature -early works to 1800. europe -politics and government -1648-1715 -early works to 1800. europe -history -prophecies -early works to 1800. great britain -history -prophecies -early works to 1800. a77422 r9126 (thomason e616_13). civilwar no a brief description of the future history of europe, from anno 1650 to an. 1710.: treating principally of those grand and famous mutations grebner, paul. 1650 27441 9 15 0 0 0 0 9 b the rate of 9 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the b category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. 2007-10 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2007-10 apex covantage keyed and coded from proquest page images 2007-12 emma (leeson) huber sampled and proofread 2007-12 emma (leeson) huber text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion a brief description of the future history of europe , from anno 1650 to an. 1710. treating principally of those grand and famous mutations yet expected in the world , as , the ruine of the popish hierarchy , the final annihilation of the turkish empire , the conversion of the eastern and western jews , and their restauration to their ancient inheritances in the holy land , and the fifth monarchie of the universall reign of the gospel of christ upon earth . with principal passages upon every of these , out of that famous manuscript of pavl grebner extant in trinity-colledge library in cambridge . composed upon the occasion of the young kings arrival into scotland , to shew what will in probability be the event of the present affairs in england and scotland . ludit in humanis divina potentia rebus . printed in the year , 1650. to the ingenuous and wel-affected readers . gentlemen , i here present you with a mishapen embryo , having neither had time for perfection , nor life to actuate acception . a meer chaos and disordered discourse is it , yet for matter treating of wonderfull and famous events , which in this european world are quickly to be performed . it is true , that primi foetus sunt horridiores , as commonly defective in mature conceptions and ripenesse of judgement . yet they that reade this pamphlet seriously , will finde those passages opened ( i will not say fully explained ) in scripture , which commentator never yet disclosed , nor divine unfolded . in such an intricate labyrinth it is easie to stray : therefore i am confident , charity will usher your iudgements , and your love cover mine infirmities . i know i have slipt in many places , but for the present can neither tell where , nor how : some ariadne might do well to lead the way , and i shall be as ready to follow : secundae cogitationes sunt meliores : if i finde those non-entities to be accepted with , but as much respect as worse ware every day is , it shall not irk me to bestow a week or two in licking it over into a better form and putting a handsomer coat upon it 's back . there are several passages in it , which ( i know ) will not resent with our great ones : but amicus plato , amicus socrates , yet magis amica veritas , which shall prevail , though all the world gather in battalia against it . i must confesse it is too too abortive : for it came into the world in fewer hours , then tostatus bestowed in translating the five first chapters of genesis out of greek into latine . i wish it may obtain the end for which i made it : that is , to move us all with repentance to meet god in these great mutations and changes he is bringing upon us in this land ; that every one would strive to reform one from heresies , sects and schisms ; to suffer the scriptures to be our rule , and the holy ghost our guide both in faith , religion and discipline , that so god may put out his hand in amending the body-politick in the whole , that judgement may depart from us , destruction flee far from us ; that peace may dwell within our wals and plenteousness within our palaces . i study multum in parvo , and hope to give satisfaction to all , but such as are wedded more to their wils then reasons . for these i have no more but this , a good winde at their backs to the anticyra's , that they may drink hellebor lustily to purge their brains , that they may be more quick , and their eye-sight clearer . i quote strange authors in this work ; and good reason , for the work it self is strange . yet they in whose hands these authors are ( and they are not in every library ) shall finde i have both dealt with them truly , and cited them faithfully . and for the tractate it self , it will with the learned be either laudatus aut saltem excusatus ; either of which shall content me at this time . farewel . a brief description of the future history of europe , from anno 1650 , to an. 1710. i. the occasion of writing this treatise . having with silence and admiration beheld these ten years , the horrid broyls and civil tumults in these western coasts of europe , i cannot but adore the justice of god upon his enemies , and his paternall chastisements upon his church for sin . it hath made me often wonder , to behold how virulently and barbarously protestants could oppose and massacre one another , when the romish froggs can live in an established amity among themselves , and laugh at our follies . i will not say , it is jesuiticall projects which sets us by the ears together , so much as our own seditious and schismaticall spirits , and want of charity . if we would but ponder , how much popery hath won upon us by these warres and divisions , what fearfull occasions we have given to the professed enemies of christ to blaspheme his name , and deride our religion , it would much provoke us to end our controversies , and band against the common enemy . the empire hath got but a wofull booty , by her 30 years warres , having weakned her self with the losse of six millions of valiant souldiers , and enticed that imp of mahomet to prepare an army of 200000 , now in the field , and ready to march within the bowels of germany . we in england have gained no better by our civil warre , but in stead of one tyrant to advance a douzen over us , and from the height of liberty to runne the broad way up the next hill , to the height of slavery . our western sun is set , on whom the eies of all protestants were fixt , to have composed their differences , and united them into a mutuall league against the romish dragon , and the false prophet . nor was any insufficiency in him to the performance of so glorious an enterprize , had not the sins of his own subjects , hastned his untimely fate . behold then what profits our warre hath brought us ! and what a blessing our sins have deprived us of ! how fearfull are the judgements of god and his anger against sin , when the church is dilacerated , the commonwealth disjoynted and dismembred in every part thereof , the lust of tyrants , the pleasure of pesants , the barbarousnes of souldiers , dissentions of churchmen , sad and tragicall ends of nobles , confusions in families , countenancing of heresies , and applauding of blasphemies are so rife and ripe amongst men ! on the contrary , how happy are kingdomes , how blessed be commonwealths , when princes , magistrates , and other subordinate officers , each in their severall place and calling , strive to promote the glory of god , with the liberty , honour and tranquillity of subjects ; where the ministry is incouraged , universities countenanced , courts of judicature upholden , subjects be unanimous and accustomed to the exercise of piety and godlinesse : lastly when both prince and people aim joyntly at the advancement of the gospel and mutuall commodity of one another , so that there be no decay , no leading into captivity , nor complaining in their streets ! ii. the subject matter of this ensuing discourse . the disparity of these two contradictory conditions , and the fearfull effects , which they in all ages have wrought in the consciences of men , have made me at length after a long time of silence put pen to paper , and through the intricate labyrinth of those portions of scripture which never commentator yet ever medled with ( i mean , the twelve last chapters of ezekiel , the three last of the revelation , the last of daniel , with some passages in hosea and zechary ) to descry when we people of england with all protestants in europe shall see an end of these our warres and tumults , what shall be the estate of our churches , stares and kingdomes , from this present year 1650 , to the beginning of the fifth and last universall monarchy of the gospel of christ upon earth , which shall begin in the year of our lord 1710 ; and in what year we may expect the downfals of the beast of rome , the red dragon of constantinople , the totall conversion and restauration both of the eastern and western jews within their holy land of jury : all which must most certainly be falfilled before the end of the world . of these high points and mysteries , i finde nothing in any commentator upon the last of daniel and the revelations , save only brightman , who being acquainted in leiden with joseph scaliger , got some ( but those very imperfect ) notes of grebner concerning those numbers in ezekiel and daniel . but that excellent manuscript , which johannes baudensis writ of the life and writings of grebner , declareth all these things most plainly and punctually , how that greater troubles , fearfuller combustions , direfuller devastations shall come upon the western . kingdomes of europe , then yet ever did , before they can expect the downfall either of turk or pope , or the universall monarchy of the gospel of christ upon earth . in which incomparable work the learned astrologer bringeth divine and heavenly reasons , why europe ( for the space of thirty seven years , after that fearfull blazing comet in 1618. ) should with amazed eyes behold the infinite and sudden mutations and downfals of flourishing states and potent kingdomes , the deformity of empires , and mournfull faces of commonwealths ( as is lately happened in england , portugall , swethland , bohemia , and denmark ) the devastations of whole kingdoms at a clap , and burning six or seven nations at once in their ashes and cinders ( as of late in germany ) not to make them ask whether there be a god , heaven and providence , or not ? or whether empires and states depend wholly upon the will and power of man , or upon secret and hidden causes beyond the thoughts and expectations of the world ? but to praise god for his paternall corrections , seeing by this they know he remembreth them , and that through this fire and water of affliction he will bring his church to a finall conquest over her enemies , and both the congregations of jews and gentiles to an universall monarchy over the face of the whole earth . severall passages of which manuscript i will insert here and there in this ensuing discourse , as method and matter shall require . iii. the confutation of the wicked opinions of the millenaries of the personall reign of christ upon earth after an. 1700. since the spirituall sword was sheathed in england ( which lopt off the serpentine heads of heresie and schisme , while they were yet growing ) it is a wonder to see how all sects and schismaticall opinions in the world have ( like devouring weed ) overgrown and choked the seed of the word . above the rest , the millenaries have exalted themselves , whose abominable pamphlets have flown abroad like atomes , wherein they dream of a personall reign of christ upon earth , how he shall descent from heaven an. 1666 , destroy all the works of darknesse in every corner of the earth , make an easie passage to men from earth to heaven , so that they may ascend into heaven , and leap down to earth again , as oft as they list : how he shall keep a quarter sessions or goal-delivery in his own person upon mount olivet , call all nations before him , rebuke them of sin face to face , and shall cut out of them their stony hearts , and shall sew in their bellies hearts of flesh in stead thereof : that an. dom. 1700 shall be the day of judgement , and that the judgement shall last other 1700 years , because otherwise the glorious attributes of christ's mercy and justice cannot be sufficiently explained to the world and the consciences of men . all which fopperies with many mo too horrid to relate , are contained in m. archers personall reign of christ upon earth , rich. stirreys kingdome of king jesus , and in a.r. his caelestis hierusalem , printed a. 1642 , 1644 , and 1645. now having unmasked the vanity of this error ( ut contraria juxtà se posita magis elucescant ) i will epitomize in this section the truth of the future estate of the world , from this time to the end , which afterward i intend ( god willing ) further to dilate and prosecute in this treatise . this year 1650 all europe are in civil warres . these civill warres shall not cease till they have mustered out a great army of the true worshippers of god to ruine rome , which shall be about anno 1666. rome thus destroyed , the western jews shall begin to learn the waies of god , and believe his gospel ( which they cannot do so long as rome standeth ) and shall anno 1683. enter upon the conversion of their eastern brethren ( the 10. tribes now invisibly hid in tartaria and india ) and they two ( none else ) shall ruine the mahumetan empire about an. 1698. and so shall be restored to the holy land to reinhabit jerusalem . then must begin a comparative felicity of the church of god upon earth , because after these times both turk and pope shall be destroyed . neverthelesse this felicity must be mingled with internall troubles and persecutions , within the bowels of the church , because the church shall never be wholly at rest , while the world standeth . lo , here the difference betwixt truth and heresie , betwixt the opinions of the millenaries and right sense of scriptures . the millenaries say , christ must descend personally feom heaven : the scriptures on the contrary say , he shall not come from heaven personally till the last day , when he shall descend with his holy angels in flaming fire to judge the quick and the dead . he shall send power and strength from heaven to his true worshipppers ( as he hath done hitherto ) to destroy turk and pope , from heaven he shall give power to his ancient people the jews , to regain their ancient land of judea , and not by his corporeall presence upon earth : from heaven about an. 1700. he shall transferre his gospel from europe , as he hath done from asia , and raise up and inspire godly ministers after his own will , who shall implant his holy word in all and every of the kingdomes and provinces of america , and in all countries of the southern and eastern india , china , tartaria , and in all the regions of the north unto the worlds end , and make it shine in as great purity and glory as ever it hath done in england or germany . this is the felicity of the church , the fifth monarchy in nebuchadnezzars image , the ministeriall ( not personall ) reign and kingdom of christ upon earth , which must not endure for ever ( as archer would have it ) nor for a 1000 years ( as alsted dreams ) but for a very short time , that all nations ( none excepted ) may professe gods worship , and none plead ignorance before his tribunall , presently after which the dissolution of the world shall come , after which time shall be no more . iv. a declaration of the effects of the blaving comet , anno 1618. this digression made , i return to my purposed method . that fearfull and ominous night-torch , which prognosticated all that misery to germany and great brittain , which they have now suffered , was the forerunner of all our evils . this comet longomontanus and d. bambridge say appeared but 28. dayes , indeed it was neither observed in denmark nor at london before novemb. 18. or 21. but erycius puteanus observed it novemb. 11. the first time , as he testifies in the first book of his learned paradoxologie , pag. 33. 38. so it appeared for the space of 37. or 38. dayes , foreshewing that first germany , livonia , swethland , with other north-parts of europe , then scotland , england and ireland , should feel the terrible effects thereof in warre and famine , for the space of 37. or 38. years , even from an. 1618. till an. 1656. this comet was strengthned by a fearfull conjunction of saturn and jupiter , an. 1616. july 18. the effects of both which were not to be confined in those terrible concomitants of war perpetrated in germany ( which l.b. and d. vincent so pathetically delineate ) but were to end in the judgements of god upon europe for neglecting the downfall of antichrist , ruine of rome , annihilation of the sodomiticall order of the society of jesuites , and in the extirpation of all kingdoms and free states of papists , to make way for the lion of the north to erect his fifth monarchie in the ashes of germany , wherein shall be established the eternall felicity of the church , by the conversion of the jews and fulnesse of the gentiles . m. shirley fellow of trinity-colledge in cambridge , once shewed me a letter from his learned friend buxtorf , dared an. 1624. may 3. wherein was contained a prognostique prophecy of the before-mentioned comet and conjunction , sent him from that incomparable astrologer , johannes baudensis nephew to paul grebner , which for the strangenesse and rarity of it , i will here insert . caeterùm , quòd de patriae nostrae afflictissimae statu consilesco , indignaris ; nihil profectò seribendum nunc habeo , nisi omnia ( ut poetae verhis utor ) in pejus ruere , & retrò sublapsa referri . tam'danus quàm caesar enixè laborant , ut miseram germaniam quamprimùm pessum iri spectent : nec milites utriusqùe qui●quam aliud meditantur , nisi strages & vastitatem . accepi nudiustertius à johanne baudensi ( amico mihi multimodis charissimo ) sententias nostratium astrologorum de horribili illo cometà , qui anno 1618. apparuit , & nuperrimâ saturni & jovis conjunctione . en tibi vaticinium , si non apostolicum , at longè ( ni fallor ) plusquàm astrologicum . surrexit deus & gladium eduxit . clades magnorum imperatorum , strages populorum , regum funera , rerum-publicarum eversiones , monarchiarum mut●●iones , assassinationes principum & ducum illustriorum , vivienta & superba consi●ia , proditiones & rebelliones inter subditos in hoc coelo nostro europico exorientur . experientur religiosi à potentioribus legum & institutorum ecclesiasticorum mutationem , à plebeijs novarum rerum inexplebilem cupiditatem . boreales europae partes ferro , morbo & peste laborabunt , depauperabuntur divites , principes dominijs exuti erunt , exulabunt patres & filij post longum turbarum inter capedinem in integrum restituentur . hie quoque cometa terribilem romae ruinam , singulisque europae civitatibus incendia minitatur , clerici papicolae praecipuè cardinales de gradibus si●is dejicientur , lowlistae ubique ad mortem rapientur , nec gallis aut hispanis animus erit carnificum laqueos evitare . quinimò cernimus etiam in terrâ sanct a àveteribus incolis oriturum regnum , quod erit christianis miraculum , & orbi terricul●mentum . novique imperij revolutio istis succedet , sub quo generale gaudium , laetitia & voluptas humano generi subministrabitur , improbis ubique de medio sublatis . haec omnia per regem quendam borealem peragentur , qui pacem , religionem , & securitatem per totum orbem miraculosè stabilibit . whereas you are angry that i keep silence concerning the estate of our most distressed countrey . truly i have nothing now to write , but that all things ( that i may use the words of the poet ) grow worse and woese . as well the king of denmark as the emperour earnestly endeavour to see miserable germany destroyed as soon as may be ; neither do the souldiers of either of them , think of any other thing then slaughter and desolation . i received the other day , from my dear friend john baudensis , the opinions of our astrologers concerning that terrible comet which appeared anno 1618 , and about the later conjunction of saturn and jupiter . behold thou then a prophecie ( if not apostolical ) yet ( if i mistake not ) far beyond astrological . god hath arisen and drawn his sword : there shall happen in these our european regions , the destruction of great emperours , the slaughter of people , funerals of kings , subversions of common-wealths , mutations of monarchies , massacres of princes and illustrious commanders , violent and proud counsels , treasons and rebellions amongst subjects : clergie-men shall finde a change of laws and ecclesiastical constitutions , by those of greater power , and an insatiable desire of new things amongst common people . the northern parts of europe shall be greatly oppressed with warre , sicknesse and pestilence . rich men shall be impoverished , princes cast out of their dominions ; the fathers shall be banished , and after a long space of trouble their children shall be restored to their former condition . this comet also threatneth the terrible ruine of rome and burnings in all the cities of europe . the papistical clergy , especially the cardinals , shall be cast down from their dignities , the jesuites every where shall be drawn to death , neither shall the french-men or spaniards have courage to save their necks from the halters . furthermore , we discern a kingdom to arise of the most ancient inhabitants in the holy land , which to christians shall be a miracle , and to the world a terrour ; and these shall obtain the revolution of a new empire , under which shall be administred universal gladnesse , joy and delight to mankinde ( the wicked being every where taken away . ) all these things shall be effected by a certain northern king who shall miraculously establish peace , religion and security throughout the whole world . thus far the words of this letter . and how punctually all these things are come to passe , let the world judge . we in england have felt the misery of the one , and are ready stript to suffer the calamities of the other , having for the present lost what is impossible to be regained , and seeing a new storm of devastations hanging over our heads by the young kings late arrival in scotland ( where he is received as absolute soveraign ) which fils mens hearts with pensive thoughts and doubtings what will be the end of these wofull beginnings . for my part , i am a zealous adoret of a parliament , nor deserve i to censure the actions of our representatives , yet will i not promise the term of an age to our novel government , but think verily , a change to the old model is nigh at hand . it is casual to the best kingdoms to have interregnums , but as we stand now , we shall neither be for six years together a body politique , nor a true church of god . that excellent astrologer of misnia , paul grebner , was more then an inquisitour into the effects of starres , being questionlesse indued from above with a prophetick spirit , not to be desired , much lesse expected of all . he plainly affirms , that as england ever was a monarchy within it self , since it was discovered by the romans , so shall it so continue and remain , even then when all other kingdoms and states in europe are swallowed up of the fifth monarchie of the lion of the north . his prophecie of our civil wars , of the fate of our late king , and the restauration of his son to his fathers dominions , runneth thus in ban . 72. per idem tempus rex quidam borealis ( nomine carolus ) mariam ex papisticâ religione fibi assumptam in matrimonium conjunxerit , ex quo evadet regum infelicissimus . unde populus ejus , ipso abdicato , comitem quendam perantiquae familiae regno praeponet , qui tres annos , aut circitèr durabit ; & hoc quoque remoto , equitem quendam bellicosum in ejus locum assumet , qui paulo ampliùs regnabit . post hunc eliget nullum . interea , unus è stirpe caroli in littore regni patres sui cum gallicis , suevicis , danicis , hollandicis , burgurdicis & germanicis auxiliis stabit , omnes inimicos suos cruentissimo praelio superabit , & posteà regnum suum felicissimè administrabit , eritque cerolo magno major . and in ban . 74. he saith , circà anno 1663 brittaniarum rex antiquum cum belgarum ordinibus foedus & amicitiam rumpet , ob ereptas sibi ab ipsorum piratis naviculas quasdam , qui pertrepidi ad novum danorum regem ( nomine christiernum ) confugient , qui utrosque primò compositissimis orationibus , deinde muneribus in concordiam alliciet . about the same time a certain northern king ( named charles ) who shall marry mary of the popish religion to his great unhappinesse , so that his people ( rejecting him ) shall set up an earl of a very ancient family , who shall continue three years or thereabouts , he dying they shall elect in his stead a warlike knight , who shall rule a little longer : after him they elect none ; but in the mean one of charles his stock shall land on the sea-coasts of his fathers kingdom , and with french , swedish , danish , hollandian , burgonian and german forces , in a most cruel battell shall vanquish all his enemies , and afterward most happily govern his kingdom , and be greater then charls the great . and about the year 1663 , the king of the most ancient brittains for the losse of some ships at sea shall break his league and amity with the states of holland , who fearing , shall to the new king of danes ( named christiernus ) for succour , and he by fair intreaties and large gifts shall win either side to agreement . nor ever doth he speak of england in all that famous manuscript , but as of the most warlike and potent kingdome in europe . therefore all good christians ought to wish the new warre were concluded rather by an happy agreement and composition , then by sword and musket , and the king placed on his throne rather with the hands of his loving and and rejoyce all subjects , than with the swords of forreigners . for if the beginning of his restauration be in bloud , and tumbling of garments in bloud , the accomplishment of it will be with burning and fuel of fire . that this future history of europe , may be more fully and clearly understood , i intend to set it down by way of chronology upon the principall passages in ezekiel and the revelations , as i lately collected it out of the two m s s. of grebner and ioannes baudensis , and afterward subscribed certain notes and animadversions upon the same . anno christi . 1 anno mundi . 3947 the woman travelleth , viz. the jewish synagogue bringeth forth christ , whereupon ensueth the battel between michael and the dragon ( christ and the devil ) christ being persecuted of the devil by herod in his infancy , flieth into aegypt , anno christi . 34 anno mundi . 3981 in his appointed time of 34 years , suffereth and ascendeth into heaven ; anno christi . 65 anno mundi . 4012 the devil enraged that he could no more persecute christ , raiseth persecutions against the primitive church by nero and others , revel. 12. per tot . anno christi . 70 anno mundi . 4017 the first seal opened , the white horse and his rider , with the crowned bow , signifieth the purity of the gospel in the primitive church , revel. 6. 2. anno christi . 71 anno mundi . 4018 satan is bound for a 1000 years from raging against the church , pevel . 20. 2. 8. anno christi . 65 anno mundi . 4020 the second seal opened , the red horse is the massacre of christians in the ten general persecutions about anno 65 , to an. 330. revel. 6. 3 , 4. anno christi . 104 anno mundi . 4051 the third seal opened , simon magus , ebion and cerinthus trouble the church with damnable and infectious heresies , revel. 6. 5 , 6. anno christi . 173 anno mundi . 4120 the fourth seal opened , horrid famine , devouring pestilences and outragious wars , waste and depopulate the roman empire for cruelty to christians , revel. 6. 7 , 8. anno christi . 194 anno mundi . 4141 the fifth seal opened , mutual massacres of the wretched caesars , beginning at pertinax , and ending at licinius , slain by constantine the great , revel. 6. 9 , 10 , 11. anno christi . 288 anno mundi . 4235 the sixth seal opened , dioclesian and maximilian give over their caesarships , because they could not eradicate christianity . constantine strengthened with their armies and provinces , warreth upon licinius , slayeth him , destroyeth the pretorian-camp , abolisheth heathenism , and setteth up the true worship of god , revel. 6. 12. to the end . anno mundi . 4255 anno christi . 308 the seventh seal opened , and silence in heaven for half an hour , viz. the church enjoyeth rest thirty years , all the time that constantine the great reigned , revel. 8. 1. anno mundi . 4286 anno christi . 339 yet clouds of persecution arise in the interim in the sky of the church ; and the seven angels prepare themselves to blow the seven trumpets for the space of 23 years , even all the reign of constantines three sons , revel. 8. 2 , 3. anno mundi . 4310 anno christi . 363 julian that wretched apostata bending his utmost endeavours to ruine the gospel , licenceth 17000 jews to return to jerusalem to rebuild their temple ; but god destroyeth them all by lightnings and pestilences : horrible earthquakes cast up into the air the foundations which had been buried in rubbish till then . therefore daniels compute of the temples finall ruine must but begin then ; there begin his two numbers ( chap. 12. ver. 11 , 12. ) of 1290 , and 1335 , which in all must but make 1335 years , which added to 363 , make up and point to anno christi 1698 , the joyfull jubile of the churches deliverance from all adversity . anno mundi . 4373 anno christi . 426 the first trumpet blown . fire and hail ( war and bloudshed ) cast into the troublesome sea of the roman-western-empire by valentinian , and the succeeding emperours , untill the end of the western-empire , the savage inundations of goths , huns , vandals and bulgarians into italy , revel. 8. 7. anno mundi . 4553 anno christi . 606 the second trumpet blown , boniface that mountain of fiery combustions obtaineth of phocas the popish supremacy . hence wars betwixt the emperours and popes , revel. 8. 8 , 9. anno mundi . 4613 anno christi . 666 the third trumpet blown , the romish bishop ( the great star of the western christian clergy ) falleth from the heaven of truth and godlinesse , and of a vigilant pastour becomes a ravenous robber of the church , and the gifts thereof , revel. 8. 10 , 11. anno mundi . 4946 anno christi . 999 the fourth trumpet blown , the pope fallen from piety , and his clergy from the pulpits , christ the sun of righteousness with his merits , the church the moon , and the ministers the stars thereof are eclipsed , and vilified by sylvester ii , revel. 8. 12 , 13. anno mundi . 5018 anno christi . 1071 satan loosed out of prison beginneth to rage by gregory vii against the gospel of christ , revel. 20. 4. anno mundi . 5140 anno christi . 1195 the fifth trumpet blown , the vicar of christ with his keyes openeth hel's mouth to let out his cloister-fiends and satanical locusts to overspread the earth of christendome , described by john most graphically , revel. 9. 9. to 13. anno mundi . 5245 anno christi . 1300 the sixth trumpet blown , the ottoman empire ariseth , invadeth first the eastern-empire of constantinople , and winneth it : then flieth upon the germane emperour with barbarous millions of invincible armies , revel. 9. 13. to the end . the saying , revel. 9. 15. of the turks preparation for a day , a moneth , and a year , beginneth now . which number allegorically taken maketh 398 years : which added to a. 1300 , the year of the original of the turkish empire , sheweth that a. 1698. shall be the final downfal of the same . anno mundi . 5462 anno christi . 1517 the last trumpet is blown , the thrones , principalities and dominions in heaven rejoyce , that god would now at length take his churches cause in hand , and raise up luther , and other sons of thunder to vindicate the quarrel thereof against the romish antichrist to the ruine of his kingdom , revel. 11. from ver. 15. to the end . by eating of the book , chap. 10. measuring the temple and slaying the witnesses , chap. 11. is understood the reformation by luther , and downfall of the papacy under charles the fifth . anno mundi . 5504 anno christi . 1559 the first vial poured-out , england , scotland and ireland by the reign of queen elizabeth , renounce the papacy ; which generates the ulcers of spight and malice in the romish church against england , revel. 16. 2. anno mundi . 5518 anno christi . 1572 the second vial poured out , martin chemnitius and others , pronounce the vengeance of god against the mortiferous sea of the councel of trent , revel. 18. 3. anno mundi . 5528 anno christi . 1583 the third vial poured out , the stinking waters of the papacy are infected with bloud in murthering of the popes and romanists in rome , the slaughters of the spaniards in the low-countreys , and the discomfiture of the spanish-armado in anno 1588. revel. 16. 5 , 6 , 7. anno mundi . 5540 anno christi . 1605 the fourth vial poured out , the protestant champions pareus , polanus , whitakers , perkins , andrews , king james and others , pour light upon the sunne of the gospel , in writing against bellarmine , stapleton , campian , and other papists , revel. 16. 8 , 9. anno mundi . 5565 anno christi . 1630 the fifth vial is now pouring out , the swedes in germany , an. 1632. the english in england , 1640 , combine against the papists , jesuites proscribed in poland and swethland , anno 1648. this vial shall end in the ruine of rome , anno 1666. revel. 16. 10 , 11. anno mundi . 5594 anno christi . 1659 the sixth vial beginneth to be poured out , three barbarous nations sack hydruntum in apulia , made enrodes into the eastern coasts of italy , and sack them with fire and sword . factions and massacres in rome and tuskany . the pope contemned and invaded , the western christians make an army , and fire rome in the 2419 year after romulus laid the foundation thereof , as sibylla prophesied . oracul . lib. 4. revel. 16. from ver. 12. to 17. anno mundi . 5595 anno christi . 1660 the faithfull and true warriour riding upon a white horse descendeth from heaven with his souldiers riding upon white horses , to fight against the enemies of his church . the angel in the sun calleth to all the fowles of heaven , to come to the feast of god , to eat the flesh of kings , captains , mighty men and horses . rev. 19. 11 , 17 , 18. and i saw the beast , and the kings of the earth , and the warriours gathered together , to warre against him that sate on the horse , and against his souldiers . but the beast was taken , and with him the false prophet , that worketh miracles before him , whereby he deceived them that have received the beasts mark , and them that worship his image : these two were cast alive into the lake burning with fire and brimstene , &c. ibid. 19 , 20. anno mundi . 5601 anno christi . 1666 vrbs antiqua ruit , multos dominata per annos : destruiturque armis gens scelerata suis . go out of her my people , that ye be not partakers of her sins , nor receive of her plagues forasmuch ( o rome ) as thou glorifiedst thy self , and livedst in pleasure , saying , i sit a queen , am no widdow , and shall see no sorrow : therefore shall thy plagues come upon thee in one day , death , sorrow and famine , and thou shalt be burnt with fire ; for strong is the lord god that judgeth thee . the kings of the earth shall bewail thee , and thou shalt never more be inhabited , the light of a candle shall shine no more in thee , and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more in thee . rejoyce ( o heavens ! ) for righteous are gods judgements , he hath condemned the great whore . then they sung hallelujah , and her smoak arose up for evermore rev. 18. 7 , 8 , 20. & 19. 3. anno mundi . 5614 anno christi . 1679 rome being destroyed , jews dwell amongst protestants , and begin to search into the scriptures , and learn the waies of god . anno mundi . 5618 anno christi . 1684 a great conjunction of saturn and jupiter in leo . the jews converted in the west , prepare to unite with their brethren in the east , and raise a combination to propagate the gospel and destroy the headless-turks . anno mundi . 5622 anno christi . 1687 praise our god all ye his saints and servants , and ye that fear him both small and great . and i heard the voice of a great multitude both small and great , as it were the sound of many waters , and as the voice of strong thundrings , saying , hallelujah , for the lord our god reigneth . let us rejoice and be glad and give glory to him , for the marriage of the lamb is come , and his wife hath made her self ready . rev 19. 5 , 6 , 7. anno mundi . 5633 anno christi . 1698 the dreadfull and terrible battell of the jews with the enraged turks in the land of judea , where the turks are destroyed with an eternall destruction . ezech. 38. & 39. chap. all . gog and magog , ( viz. turks and tartarians ) gather themselves together to battell , whose number is as the sand of the sea , and they went up into the plain of the earth , and incompassed the tents of the saints about , even the beloved city , but fire came down from god out of heaven , and destroyed them . revelat. 20. 8 , 9. anno mundi . 5635 anno christi . 1700 the fifth monarchy . anno mundi . 5645 anno christi . 1710 and i saw a new heaven and a new earth , for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away , and there was no more sea . the new jerusalem came down from god out of heaven , trimmed like a bride to meet her husband . and i heard a great voice out of heaven saying , behold the glory and tabernacle of god with men , and he shall dwell with them , and they shall be his people , and god himself shall be their god with them : and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes , and there shall be no more death , neither sorrow , neither crying , neither shall there be any more pain , for the first things are passed away . rev. 21. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , &c. anno mundi . 5698 anno christi . 1763 no more germany , no more any western empire or any footstep thereof ; for god hath now transplanted his gospel from europe unto a more gratefull and pregnant soyl , which will bring forth the fruits thereof in due season . anno mundi . 5699 anno christi . 1764 jam nova progenies coelo demittitur alto , exoriturque atris lucifer albus equis . anno mundi . 5702 anno christi . 1767 the holy temple restored at jerusalem : the holy utensils prepared : the glory of god filseth the house , god lovingly upbraideth the israelites for their infidelity and idolatry , for which they were vagabonds in all coasts of the world 2400 years , without king , law , priest and temple , and rehearseth their blessed and joyfull estate now being converted and victorious over all their enemies . ezech. 12. last chap. per tot . anno mundi . 5705 anno christi . 1770 behold i make all things new . rev. 21. 5. anno mundi . 5728 anno christi . 1793 the jewish magistrates and ministers labour in the conversion of the world to the gospel of god . ezech. 46. per tot . anno mundi . 5765 anno christi . 1830 the seventh viall powred out , and now are all things fulfilled which are contained in the scriptures . after which all nations may expect the comming of the great judge , to render to every man according to his works . thus farre reacheth the observations of grebner and baudensis . vi . a true explication of that number in rev. 20. 8. before i come to comment upon this chronologicall index , it will not be amisse to deliver that saying , revel. 20. 8. ( and the saints shall reign with christ a thousand years ) from all those false interpretations which have been fastned upon it , by papias , bucholcherus , scaliger , brightman , alsted and others , and declare the true sense of it , as remotest from innovation , and coming nearest the intention of the h. ghost . there is in this 20 chap. two severall epoches of a 1000 years , which are two severall waies to be interpreted . the first is in vers. 2. of satan being bound for a 1000 years ; which must begin either at the instant of our saviours incarnation , and end at an. 1000 , in the 2d year of the popedome of sylvester ii , that infamous sodomite , necromancer , and conjurer , under whom the filthinesse and idolatry of the romish church was brought to the height : or rather they must begin at the destruction of the 2d temple by titus , which was an. 71 , and end in an. 1071 , in the popedome of gregory vii , aliàs hildebrand , who first broke bonds of allegiance with henry the emperour , excommunicated him , set the gospel in a totall eclipse , and europe in the mournfull flames of a civil warre : but of this in the chronology . but this in the 8 vers. of the saints reigning with christ a 1000 years , alsted , bucholcherus and others expound of a comparative felicity of the church on this earth , for a 1000 years , beginning . an. 1694 , when they say all visible enemies of the church shall be overthrown , and must end an. ch. 2694. after which shall be the warre of gog and magog against the church , which shall be prevented by the coming of christ to judgement . but in this alsted is wide from the right mark : for this number must begin an. 1072 , at the expiration of the former , and must be interpreted for all that time that the world shall last after the aforesaid an. 1072. and the holy ghost doth term this indefinite and unlimited time by the number of a 1000 years , for three speciall reasons : 1 because a 1000 years are the number of perfection and of eternity , and doth most aptly serve to expresse the end of these earthly troubles , and the beginning of that time which never shall have end . 2 because those things which the holy ghost in the scriptures affirmeth are yet to come , must not be plenarily accomplished till after an. 1830 , it may please god that the glorious and flourishing estate of the church and gospel here upon earth , may continue much of 200 years longer , to increase the number of them who shall be saved , and to amplifie more the heavenly attributes of gods mercy , righteousnesse , truth , holinesse and omnipotency in the salvation of the just : and his equity , judgement and uprightnesse in the firebrands of destruction . 3 because a vicissitudinary time of affliction and ease , persecution and rest , pure doctrine and heresies , is signified to be the whole continuance or most part of a 1000 years , wherein those who are to suffer for the testimony of the word of god , and the truth of jesus christ , shall have their reward after the expiration of that time , which cannot be till after the last generall judgement . the fearfull and terrible warre of gog and magog ( viz. the bloudy warre of turks and tartarians with the jews newly converted in the land of jury , in which the very name of turks shall be rooted from off the earth ) must be before the beginning of this glorious estate and felicity of the church of god here upon earth , and therefore the 7 , 8 , 9 , and 10 verses , are in order of time before the 5 and the 6. the devil and antichristianity must be chained up in the dungeon of hell for the space of a 1000 years after the incarnation of christ . an. 1000 must the devil and romish idolatry by the popedome of sylvester the second , be let loose to range upon earth , and tyrannize over the church for the most part of another 1000 , ever till an. 1698 ( numorus completus being put here pro incompleto ) before an happy and comfortable estate of the gospel can be brought forth to the world . therefore all christendome from this year 1650 , must expect very sad and wofull daies , much persecution , bloodshed and savadge tyranny in every kingdom of europe ( especially in france , spain , italy , swethland , germany and england ) untill an. 1698. some of thosekingdoms which have abandoned the superstition of the beast , shall by subtle allurements be perswaded to readmit and reestablish the same . wofull and unsupportable afflictions shall besall both the european jews ( which are the two tribes of benjamin and judah , now resident in christendom and turkie ) as likewise the ten tribes , the kingdom of israel ( who shall insensibly and miraculously arise out of the bowels of tartaria and india , about an. 1669. ) who neverthelesse shall be so extraordinarily supported by god , that they shall stand in little or no need at all of the christians . because from this time of the conversion of the israelites for the space of 30 years , these 12 tribes shall suffer much trouble , heathens , papists and mahometans , shall strive to eradicate their name from under heaven , and yet all in vain ; for an illustrious and heroick prince ( è tribu nephtali oriundus ) shall be their valiant and fortunate commander , called michael , not proprio nomine , but because he dan. 12. 1. shall stand up and shew himself the assertor and protector of their religion and liberty . in which time shall be such troubles as never were , no , nor ever shall be to the end of the world . for like as the christians had rest 30. years from the ascension of christ , and now have endured the fiery triall almost these 1600. years , since that time from the heathen emperors , and the beast ; so the israelites , which shall 1600. years till anno 1668. live without prince , law , temple , sacrifice , and true religion ( as hosea prophesied ch. 3. v. 4 , 5. ) beginning now to be converted to christ , shall have savage times of affliction and butcheries for other 30. years ( to welcome their conversion withall ) till anno 1698. when god shall grant rest from their enemies , and begin a peaceable estate of the church . vii . certain remarkable nambers in scripture , whereby the epoch's of the ruine of turk , pope , and the corversion of the iews are more fully strengthned . entring at length upon my notes on the afore-said chronology , i think it meet first to strengthen the former epoch's of the ruine of rome , downfall of the turk and tartar , and the conversion of the jews by the conduct of certain memorable numbers in holy scriptures . grave and judicious authours have with wonder and admiration observed the heavenly and inimitable method of holy scrjptures , how all the mysteries and memorable occurrences in the same are comprized in numbers , how within the compasse of such a quantity of years , god alwayes divulged his counsels , and manifested what he purposed should be wrought among the children of men . so that in considering the admirable consent and agreement of times by things past , we may probably conjecture of things to come . from the creation to the floud was 1656 years : the floud was a sign of the consummation of all those things which are to be fulfilled before the conclusion of time . anno christi 1656 , let the church of god expect with joy and comfort , the acting of the first scene of the tragedies of all those european kingdoms , which have been implacable persecutours of the gospel of christ . the whole government of moses ( who was a second noah to the church ) is a shadow of the kingdom of christ . the law continued in force 1529 years to the passion of christ : but 1598 years to the destruction of the temple by titus : the destruction of the temple by titus was according to the accompt of dionyfius exiguus , a. c. 69. from thence reckon the number of 1598 years , and you come to a. 1667 ; which is the year which shall smoke with the ascending up of the flames which consume the kingdom of the beast . from the nativity of christ to his re-nativity in the preaching of his gospel by luther and other eminent ministers are 1517 years : and from the beginning of the reign of the maccabees untill the birth of christ are 169 years : put these two sums together , and you come to anno 1686 , in which god having 18 years before enlightned the eyes of those who for almost 2000 years have sit in darknesse , and in the shadow of death , and having laid the kingdom of the beast and the false prophet in the lowest dust , shall bring that people into the bosome of the true church , which within 13 years after shall deliver his children from all adversity . from the universal deluge of man-kinde by the floud to the beginning of the universal captivity of the church under nebuchadnezzar beleaguering jerusalem are numbered 1698 years : so likewise from the birth of the king of kings unto the final consummation of the miseries , and restauration of the felicity of the church by the destruction of gog and magog , shall be reckoned the very same number of 1698 years . from the confusion of the tower of babel to the return of the jews from babel , are 1666 years : and from prophane pompey's spoiling of the temple at jerusalem ( when the kingdom was taken from the house of david , and superstition and gentilism began to spring up amongst the jews ) to the birth of of antichrist and apostasie in the church of god are 666 years ; from thence reckon a 1000 years wherein the saints must suffer persecution and martyrdom for the testimony of jesus christ , and the truth of a good conscience , revel. 20. 4. and you come to a. 1666 , in which shall be fulfilled all those things which are mentioned , revel. 18 , and the 19 chapter . so likewise from the departure out of aegypt , untill the death of christ , are numbered 1542 years : to these adde those 169 years , which are from the beginning of the reign of the assomonaei or macchabees to the birth of christ , and you come to anno 1711 ; which year shall be wonderfull and terrible to all the world , because that in the year next going before ( viz. anno 1710. ) the abominable names and mention of papists , turks and tartars being eradicated from the memories of men , the glorious estate of the gospel , and the terrestial felicity of the church of god shall begin over the face of the whole earth . from the birth of moses untill the destruction of jerusalem by titus ( which typifies the end of the world ) are 1646 years : so many from the incarnation of our saviour , denoted that year , whose influence hath begun , and shall prove fatal to most of the kingdoms of europe : adde to these 20 years to come after , from that time ( which 980 years ago were prophesied of , to be those years , in which the kingdom and the dominion , and the greatness of kingdoms under the whole heaven , shall be given to the saints of the most high , whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom , and all dominions shall serve and obey him , dan. 7. 17. ) and it will amount to the year of the fatal ●uine of the beast , anno 1666. from these few particulars of the consent and agreement of times in the holy scriptures , i infer thus much . about the year 1657 shall be great changes and alterations in government in every kingdom in europe , as well protestant as papist , attended and accompanied with such horrid combustions and massacres , as hath not been before since the memory of man . this shall make way ( as i said before ) for the protestants to unite in a general combination to send forces under the conduct of an invincible cyrus over the alps to harrow italy with fire and sword , and after level the wals of rome with the lowest dust , anno 1666. for as in the year of grace 666 , popery was brought to a full maturity in the womb by vitalian ( who ordained latin-service in the church , contrary to christs institution , and the precedent primitive times ) and as 1000 the number of perfection and eternity is seldom used in our ordinary computes , but left out for brevity sake ( as we use to say , the spanish-armado was in 588 for 1588 , and the powder-plot in 605 for 1605. ) so it is most certain and indubitable , that as the birth of antichrist was in anno 666 , so the death of it shall be anno 1666 , though the carkasse of it may lie unburied for 30 years after , yet questionlesse it shall with gog and magog be cast into the lake of gods wrath at one and the same time . this ruine of rome shall make way within ten years after to the conversion of the jews : for seeing the kingdom of antichrist ( as now it is ) is the only let to their conversion ( for all the jews that now are , live within the papacy , and are prohibited from turning christians , partly because of the idolatry they see amongst the papists in their worshipping of images ( the jews being zealots in the second commandment . ) partly because at their conversion with the papists they must renounce all their goods as ill gotten , which rigid condition a worldly people will never yield to ) therefore till the very name and power of popery be destroyed , and they admitted amongst protestant kingdoms , there can be small hope of their conversion . but now antichrist totally destroyed , they begin to see into their errours and ignorances , endeavour to learn the wayes of god , and that the saviour of the world ( whom they so long expected ) is come so many years since and suffered . this conversion of the western jews shall be compleated in that fatall and terrible year 1683. and six years after that shall they be united with their eastern-brethren the 10 tribes captivated by salmanasser , who have for 2433 years lien invisible in the bowels of the kingdoms of turks and tartarians . the christian world neither must nor ought to enquire , how this people which have lien hid and obscured so long a space , shall in so small a time as a year and an half , so visibly , so powerfully , and so magnificently arise to the terrour and conquest of the whole earth . the holy ghost declareth , ezek. 37. 8. by the dry bones , fleshed and indued with life in an instant , so that they stood upon their feet , and became a great army ; what a strange , horrid and wonderfull thing this shall be , and how terrible it shall appear to the sight of the world in that year ; which within 15 years after ( viz. anno 1698. ) shall fight that famous and fearfull pitcht-field with the united forcs of turks and tartarians , which shall prove the deliverance of the church of god from all adversity . thrice shall europe within this time strive to establish that power , which superstition and tyranny first procreated : thrice shall the children of this world raise innumerable forces to destroy the saints of the most high : thrice shall the power of godliness prevail in the hearts and arms of those , who shall make the land thrice drunk with the bloud of the enemies of christ ; and whose grand ancestours stew'd it so oft with the bloud of the prophets and apostles . preparatives to these fearfull wonders shall be those horrid and ominous eclipses preceding the year 1660 , fatall and conspicuous to europe ; signs both of god's paternal chastizements for sects and schisms in the church , and of his confuming judgements impending upon the implacable enemies thereof . in the year 1654 , august 2. shall happen a fearfull and lamentable total eclipse of the sun in the 39 degree of leo , about half an hour before high noon , where shall be seen the mighty hand of god working wonders in italy , sicily , bohemia , greece , armenia and syria , the kingdoms subject to leo . the body of the sun in this eclipse will be totally darkned for the space of two hours and 29 minutes : it will be so great , the like hath not been before , nor after shall be : greater then that eclipse of the sun which was feb. 25. 1597. commonly called the dark saturday . of this eclipse thus baudenfis m. s. fol. 105. exercit. 59. papa , dum petripatrimonium dilaturies , italicum quendam ducem possessionibus spoliabit-avitis , &c. the pope attempting to enlarge peter's patrimony by seizing upon the ancient estate of an italian duke deceased without issue , sets his own nest on fire , and rome in a combustion . this year shall a new sect of sodomitical monks arise , which being tollerated by the pope , sets that quarrel betwixt him and the duke of florence , which shall prove the downfall of both in a few years . this is affirmed likewise by grebner , ban . 75. yet in the interim ( saith baudenfis ) god shall promote the happiness of jerusalem , peace shall be within her wals , and plenteousness within her palaces . and fol. 134. exerc. 67. he saith , the years 1657 , 1658 , 1661 , 1663 , shall be formidable to austria , silesia , hungary , holland , france and portugal , because that every one of those years shall be attended with four eclipses apiece , portending the mutations of all those several states , and that the revolution of time is come , wherein they must give place to the lion of the north , whose scepter shall bruise their power to nothing , and his gauntlet lay their forces prostrate at his feet . at which time all europe shall sing this mournfull ditty ; " heu mala progenies fatis servata nefandis , " gensque nefandarum domitrix altrixque ferarum , " quid fueras , quid fisque vide : tua prima propago " bella gerit , fibolémque pctet lues atra secundam . " at leo terribilis borealibus cduus oris " fammifcram ex orco & pelagiplangentibus undis " educens aciem , pecudes urbésque virósque " sternet , & antiquis solem lunámque movebit " sedibus ; ille etiam patrie jure infima summa " reddet , & occasum sub leges mittet inermem . thus englished . alas ill race , to dismall fates reserv'd , by whom dire beasts are tamed and preserv'd , see what thou wert and art : thy first issue inclines to war , plague doth the next subdue . but lion fierce sprung from the northern shore shall bring from deepest hell and waves that rore a blasing army , he shall men o'rerun , cities and cattel , yea the moon and sun shall he remove ; and father-like the least make highest , and give laws to the weak west . yet he that returns back in reviewall of the conjunctions and fiery triplicities , may see how they have in part prognosticated the present troubles and and distractions of europe , with the common-wealths of england and scotland . anno 1603 in the first great conjunction of saturn and jupiter , in the fiery triplicity , k. james came to the crown of england , and so was fulfilled that prophecie which an holy anchoret made 890 years agoe , english men for that they wonneth them to drunkeinesse , to treakson , and rechlesenesse of got's house , firsten by dancs , thenth by nortmans , and the thrid time by scots , whom they holden lest worthen of all , they shallen be overcompn . then the world shallen be unstable , and so various and diversable , that the unstablenesse of thoughts shallen be betookeineid by many manner diversity of cloathing . this could never be fulfilled but by a scottish king swaying the english-scepter ; and therefore never came to passe till the union of the two kingdoms under the said king . as the second conjunction , anno 1623. found germany and most of the west involved in civil wars , and as the third an. 1643. found the king and subjects of england in the field one against the other ; so the fourth conjunction , an. 1663 in sagitarius shall begin those destructive combustions in italy , which shall allure the protestant armies to make a third all-conquering party in the same ; and the fifth an. 1683 in leo shall bring forth the conversion of the jews : but the sixth conjunction happening in taurus , an. 1703 , shall behold that which many glorious saints and children of god have read of , and rejoyced and desired to see , and yet could not see them . for now revel. 22. 1. shall the sea ( that is , the miserable estate of the world by wars , desolations and sicknesses ) be destroyed , and no more extant . now shall the time of tribulation , war and desolation , the time of torments , temptation , heresie and persecution be utterly abolished from the memory of men for a new heaven and a new earth , a renovated church , purified saints shall succeed in the room of those wolves , who in sheeps-cloathing devoured the flock of christ . these are the dayes , for the hope of which the stones of sion cry day by day , though little esteeming seven thousand deaths in regard of that precious assurance graven in their brests , that they shall then , and in that day behold the lord , which hath mercifully gathered them from all nations , and hath so wonderfully preserved them from the sorcery of babylon ( which hath destroyed all the earth ) that leadeth them in and out before pagans , hereticks and idolaters , before the covetous and foolish-wise of this world , so prudently and so invisibly , that they seeing are not seen , and living are not known . but from these low things let us ascend up to scripture further to prove the certainty thereof . daniels image as it gave the first , so it gave the fullest knowledge of this great mystery of the church of god , dan. 2. per tot . in which image is described in brief the estate of the world , from the very day god revealed this to damel , and he to nebuchadnezzar , to the full and final end and conclusion of time . by the golden head , silver arms , brazen belly , and iron legs , we must understand the chaldean , persian , macedouian and roman monarchies , which successively one after another , tyrannized over mankinde by cruelty , and by cruelty came to as miserable destructions in the end . the feet part of iron , and part of clay , denoted the declining estate of the roman empire ( after that indiscreet division of it under charles the great into the eastern and western ) under the present papacy , and now-vulturizing house of austria , which hitherto doth and shall continue until an. 1694. therefore the stone cut without hands ( in the 34 verse ) ( which smote the image on his feet , that were part of iron , part of clay , and so brake them to pieces , that the iron , brasse , clay , silver and gold became as chaff of the summer-flowers that the winde carried them away , and no more place was found for them ; and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain , and filled the earth ) must needs be understood of a glorious monarchy of the church of god upon earth , which by the conversion of the universal nation of the jews shall overcome all her enemies , and reign triumphantly in all nations under heaven , in universality , uniformity , integrity and innocency of life and conversation . this blessed and happy estate of christs church upon earth ( after the aforesaid battel of gog and magog described ezech. 38. and 39 chap. of which enough before ) is graphically deciphered in the nine last chapters of the same prophet , beginning at the 40 ; where under a specious and large type of restoring the old jewish temple with the sacrifices ( chap. 40. ) the measuring , ordering and disposing of it in every thing thereto belonging ( chap. 41. ) as the chambers of the priests in the temple , the holy utensils ( chap. 42. ) the glory of god filling the house ( chap. 43. ) his paternall upbraiding the israelites for their antient idolatry , and demonstrating his great and affectionate love to them for the present ( chap. 44. ) is contained ( as i said before ) a pithy discourse how powerfull and magnificent these new converted christians shall be ; how holy , learned and unanimous their ministers should be , how ardent and studious they shall be in communicating the gospel of christ to such as yet sit in darknesse and in the shadow of death ( chap. 45. ) how vigilant their princes and magistrates shall be in being keepers of the house of god , that is in incouraging the ministers , tam praemio quàm paenâ , to inftruct the people in the knowledge of the truch , that so both ministers and people may render due obedience to their common saviour , in love to god , and charity toward men . and again , the reserved portions of land for the temple , city , priests and princes all in just measures and dimensions , the waters issuing out of the temple , ever increasing in latitude and profundity , the severall divisions of the particular lots of priests , temple , levites , the city and the princes secondarily repeated in the 45 , 46 , 47 , and the last chapters , evidently declare the undoubted certainty and verity of this wonderfull mystery , that the jews shall repossesse their antient possessions and severall inheritances in the land of judea ; how devout , pious and chearfull they shall be in the worship and service of god , intimated by the frequent performing of spirituall sacrifices and oblations : how potent and spatious their church shall be , how great and infinite the priviledges , and never decreasing graces of god shall be to it , signified by the depth and latitude of the spiritual waters of life . thirdly , daniel in the end of his 11 chap. doth above all other , most plainly and specifiquely picture the two grand preparations to this spirituall monarchy of christs church in the end of the world : viz. 1 the {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} of the enemies of god , and 2. the conversion of the jews . for in the 40 , 41 , 42 , and 43 verses of the said 11 chapter , declaring first , what victories the saracens should get over the roman empire , by saying , that the king of the south should push at him ( viz. the saracens should invade the emperour ) and secondly , what lamentable havock the turk should make of the roman monarchy by conquering and subduing from them all the eastern empire of constantinople , in these words , and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwinde , with charets and horsemen and many ships , and shall enter into the countries , and shall overflow and passe thorow ; which was verified in the turks conquering all greece , scythia , moldavia , servia , asia , syria , mesopotamia and the isles of the aegean sea : and he shall enter into the pleasant land , and many countries shall be overthrown , but these shall escape out of his hands , edom and moab ; and the chief of the children of ammon , which also came to passe when selimus i. invaded egypt , slew tomumbey the sultan thereof , eradicated the very name of the mamalucks , and so got all the wealth and treasures of memphis and grand-cairo , and added also judca as a member of egypt to the turkish empire , an. 1517. his son solymon the magnificent , awed india and ethiopia , and his grandchilde selimus ii. conquered tunis and algiers in afrique , yet neither of them medled with the arabians , edomites or moabites , as thinking them a people not worth conquering . in the 44 verse , daniel saith , but tydings out of the east and west shall trouble him ; the conversion of the eastern and western jews , shall so inrage the turke , that he shall levy innumerable forces , and march forth in great fury to destroy and root them out : and he shall pitch the tabernacle of his palace between the seas in the glorious and holy mountain , shall fight a most terrible and bloudy pitcht field with them in their own land of jury , and yet shall he come to his end , his power , by god's providence , shall be overthrown , and totally eradicated by them from off the earth , and none shall help him . lastly , s. john in revel. 9. 15. setteth down in plain and evident numbers , the very beginning , increase and downfall of this hellish generation . for in saying the turkish armies shall be prepared at an hour , a day , a moneth , and a year , he analogically declareth the very time of their birth , and the year when they shall come to a finall annihilation . here a day is to be taken prophetically for a year , a moneth for 31 daies , which likewise make so many years , and a year for the daies of a bissextile julian year ( which are 366 ) making in the same manner as many propheticall years as in the former epoch's of daniel and ezekiel : so the sum's of 366 , 31 and 1 , make a compleat product of 398 years , which added to an. 1300 ( the year in which the ottoman empire first saw light in the world ) plainly demonstrates , that as the turkish empire began an. christi 1300 , so in an. 1698 shall be the fatall end and finall downfall of the same . thus it is evident , that as the downfall and captivity of the jewish nation fell in the building and birth of that city , which was afterward the fourth monarchy ; so in the buriall and ruine of the same city and monarchy shall be their conversion to the gospel of truth , and the institution of the fifth monarchy ; in which all power , and earthly magnificence must submit to the kingdom of the saints of god , and all sccpters bow to the authority of the church of christ . viii . the cōmon objection of divines against the v , monarchy and the universall kingdom of the gospel here upon earth , crawn from the badnesse of the times , answered . against these former assertions it is thus objected : that these are but the dreams of idle headedmen , considering the sad method of the world in the continuall increase of sin and wickednesse , and degeneration of all sublunary things daily more and more to worse ; and because our saviour said , at his second coming he should scarce finde faith upon earth . but to this i answer ; no time is god's time for the propogation of the gospel , and enlargement of his church , but in the deluge of sin and inundation of impiety : then is his power most manifest , when man is weakest ; his decrees most effectible , when-we think him the furthest off ; and his providence nearest execution , then , when the world is most irregular , and incapable of a reformation . when the abominations and paganismes of the old world had destroyed all true worship of god , and an 120 years of repentance did no good , then was god's time to separate the wheat from the chaffe , and by saying of noahs family to preserve a seed for the implantation of a new . so in the new world , when idolatry had overspread all , the judgement and mercy of god most appeared-in abrahams vocation , by selecting his church from the rest of mankinde , and continuing it above 2000 years in the house of heber , the true heir to grace and salvation . thus was it in the destruction of sodome and gomorrha , in the babylonish captivity , in the reformation by luther , when all the world were become apostates , god's providence shone out brightest , and was most conspicuous in propagating religion , maugre all the opposition the devil and the world could invent or devise : so shall it be in this prefixed time : though the world must degenerate more and more in civility and humanity ; christianity be eclipsed in a higher measure , and the true worshippers of god decrease above what ever yet hath been done : though protestantisme in many coasts and kingdoms shall be totally swallowed up of popery and mahumetanisme ; more lamentable warres and fearfull massacres rage through england , germany , france , spain , italy , and all european monarchies , then we have yet beheld ; and though some of these kingdoms wholly revolt to popery , others be luke-warm and at a stand , untill an. 1686 ; yet all these shall but make way for the finall eradication of the enemies of the church , and the glorious and wonderfull birth , and erection of the fifth monarchie universall , which by these pangs and sorrows of christendome shall be brought forth about the time of the totall conversion of the jews . for the season is now come , when judgement must begin ( not at the temple of antichrist ) but at the house of god ; and what bloud soever is shed upon the soyl of the church , shall be no other then fruitfull showers and warm seasons , to make the field of christmore pregnant in production of that glorious harvest of saints , which shall cover the earth . for as it shall be in the end of the world , this old , decrepit , and corrupt world must be purged and refined with the fire of the lord , before there can be placed in stead thereof a new heaven and a new earth : so in the finall conclusion of the troubles of the church , warres , apostasies , alternations and changes in kingdoms and states , the {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} of gog and magog , and all the enemies of christ , the amputation of unprofitable trees , and eradication of noxious weeds out of the garden of the church , shall facilitate and prepare the way for the ingresse of the monarchy of the gospel into the eyes of the world . far wide therefore is the surmise of those christians , how this doctrine of the universall regiment of the church upon earth is a vain glorious and fantastick dream , considering the hopes of it now are small , and like to be lesser , because charity and devotion daily decreaseth : nay rather this is the most evident sign that it speedily approacheth , because the malice of the devil with the corruption of mankinde , hourly augmenteth and strives to stifle and prevent it . if god be known to be god by bringing light out of darknesse , and manifesting his power in weaknesse ; then certainly shall these warres and schismes among christians , the barbarous invasions and conquests of turks and tartars , the encreasing idolatry of the western and eastern indians , be an axe in the hand of god , to lop off all superfluous branches from his vine , to make it overspread with nourishing fruit , the globe of the whole earth . ix . certain epigrams of petrus damiani of the ruine of turk and pope , &c. never yet before printed . and that these are no novell opinions , these following testimonies may give sufficient evidence , petrus damiani flourished anno 1060. a laborious divine , an acute philosopher , and a witty poet . gesner and other bibliothecaries say nothing of him is extant . yet i have seen in the library of trinity-colledge in cambridge certain latine epigrams of his , of the conversion of the jews , of the destruction of the world by fire in the last day , of the ruine of rome , and of the last judgement , which latine epigrams i finde translated into english stanza's in an old manuscript of l. b. intituled the dove . 1. of the burning of the world by fire . primum foedavit mundum scelerata libido , cujus quàm ad coelum flammea massa venit , diluvium immissum est , immensumque obruit orbem , vt mala tanta pijs eluerentur aquis : o dira ebrietas mundi faex prima secundi , te opposita interiment atque elementa prement . justitiam domini in cunctis sic cernimus actis , vnda lavat venerem , pocula flamma bibet . thus englished . as the first world did first by lust offend , whose burning rage to such a height did win , that god to quench the same a floud did send , o drunkennesse , the second world's first sin ! the course of vice that element must end , which is opposed to that which did begin . in every thing gods justice we may spie , as flouds drown lust , flames drunkennesse must dry . 2. of the ruine of rome . effuge , grex christi , peccati à gurgite diro , cui meretrix odio est , atque corona triplex , effuge , dum tempus datur , & fera praelia cessant ; ne ut tu delitias , sic sua damna feras . quum jam funestos agnus superaverit hostes , pingue gregique epulum militibusque dabit . se mentem metet haec meretrix , quam sevit , eandent : jam sathanae sedes , quae domina orbis erat . thus englished . fly , faithfull christians , from that sea of sin , who hate the whore , and the two-horned beast ; fly , fly , in time before their griefs begin , lest as their pleasures , so their plagues you taste . when once the lamb the victory doth win , he of fat things will make his flock a feast . who as she sowed , so shall she reap those evils , once the worlds mistresse , now a cage of devils . 3. of the conversion of the jews . postquam evangelium toto narretur in orbe , fulget & ignotis nostris genitoribus oris , quum gentes christum agnoscunt generalitèr omnes . quas deus aeternùm aetherea dignabitur aulâ , tunc amplectetur verum solynaea propago , quod priùs invidiâ tam aversabatur iniquâ : vltima evangelium , legem quae prima recepit , quos docuit primos , postremos christus habebit . thus englished . the gospel once being preacht in every place , to lands of which our fathers could not tell , and when the gentiles all are drawn to grace , which in the new jerusalem should dwell . then shall the stubborn jews the truth embrace , from which with such disdain they did rebell : who first the law , last shall the gospel have , christ whom he first did call , shall last receive . 4. of the last judgement . indictum tempus , quod totum territet orbem , per praedicta homines signa monere solet . praelia , evangelium mundo vulgatur , adorant judaei christum , cognita jam meretrix : zelus hebet , stellaeque cadunt , fera crimina regnant , aegra fides languet , daemonis ira furit : vltima jam genus omne malorum buccina clangit , supremamque diem signa tremenda notant . thus englished . that threatned time which must the world appall , is that all may amend by signs foreshown . wars rumor'd are , the gospel preach'd o're all , the jews convert , the antichrist is known . devils rage , vice reigns , zeal cools , faith fails , stars fall , all sorts of plagues hath the last trumpet blown . and by prodigious signs 't may plain appear , that of the son of man the time draws near . thus by this great divine living in the mistiest times of popery , it may plain appear , that it was a received opinion that the total destruction of rome , the conversion of the jews , and the fifth monarchy should precede the end of the world . and this is also confirmed by hieronymus savanarola ( who died a martyr at florence , a. 1498. ) whose prophesies are extant in the works of franciscus mirandula . that in the last times jews , turks and moors should be converted to christ , a man like cyrus with a numerous army of true professors should come over the alpes and destroy rome , and ruinate all the kingdoms and states of italy . that grievous wars , bloud-sheddings and massacres should arise in the world by a northern king for a happy reformation , who should carry the gospel out of europe into a vast and unknown world in the end of time . that an eastern king should blow the trumpet of god from tartaria , which should reform all the islands of the indian infidels . he likewise prophesied in particular of julio the second , of the troubles of the duke of mirandula , of luthers reformation , of the persecutions of merindol , chabriers , angrogne , the valtoline , and other places of france , all which most evidently came to passe . thirdly , a prophecie of the estate and condition of the times unto the end of the world , was found written in hebrew under the foundation of the church of s. denis in france , a. 1616. by the sexton of the place , as he digged for the erecting of a monument for the lord teligni . he gave it unto the popes nuncio ( who rewarded him with 200 dollars for his pains ) from him it was sent to the cardinall of bruges , who presented it unto the young k. lewis xiii . it was written in parchment , and wrapped in lead in the form of an heart : hebrew numericall letters were set at the side of every line , signifying in what year of our lord every accident should come to passe , and be manifested to the world . out of hebrew it was translated into latine by johannes parmarino secretary to the said cardinall . the prophesie runs thus . anno christi . 1661 obruit italiam saevo mars impius aestu . anno christi . 1665 vnica sint christo pascua , campus , oves . anno christi . 1666 totum operit mundum terror & ira dei . anno christi . 1667 pauci jehovam venerantur . anno christi . 1678 inclytus exurgit factis heros . anno christi . 1686 europatremit : asiā urget metus . anno christi . 1693 generalis terrae motus ruit . anno christi . 1699 agnoscunt omnes gentes deum . anno christi . 1700 flumina siccentur ubique . anno christi . 1710 pastor & ecclesia unica . אאא 3 alephs . text contained within heart-shaped outline the heat of war doth italy surround , let christ's pasture be one , his sheep and ground . gods wrath and terrour doth the world confound . but few that god do reverence . a prince shall rise of eminence . asia doth tremble , europe shake . now is a generall earthquake . all nations gods knowledge partake . rivers are dried every where . pastor and church only one are . by this prophecy great troubles must arise in italy within this small time , cruell wars afflicting every state thereof , which must be preparations to the eternall destruction and ruine of rome the head city thereof : rome can never be destroyed except protestants lay aside their unnecessary civill contentions , which may ( god so disposing ) come to them about anno 1665. after which great commotions are like to arise in europe , till a noble hero arise , which shall quench those evils by imploying christians in mutuall leagues against the turk . suddenly after which comes troublesome daies in asia and africk . then follows universall peace and quietnesse of nations , prophesied of by ezechiel and s. john in the revelations , which must bring forth the purity and perfection of the gospel over the whole earth . x. the true explanation of the prophecy of the cōtinuance of the turkish empire , found in m. fox's acts and monuments , pag , 746. of how large an extent the turkish empire should be , how far it should prevail against christendome , when it should be at the height , and when christians should begin to cry quits with them by victories and conquests , is long since extant in ancient prophesies . one whereof m. fox in his first volume of acts and monuments , pag. 746. antiq. edit. relates he found in the persian language in a manuscript of bartholomary georgienitz : the substance whereof in latine is this . imperator noster veniet , ethnici principes regnum capiet , rubrum quoque pomum capiet , inque suam potestatem rediget . quod si inseptimum usque annum christianorum gladius non insurrexerit , usque ad duodecimum annum eis dominabitur . domos aedificabit , vineas plantabit , hortos sepibus muniet , liberos procrebit , & post duodecimum annum christianorum gladius apparebit , & turcam quaque versum in fugam aget . our emperour shall come , he shall take the kingdom of a heathen prince , he shall also take the red apple , and subdue it to himself . but if the christians sword shall not arise by the seventh year , he shall reign over them to the twelfth year , he shall build houses , plant vineyards , hedge in orchards , and beget children , and after the twelfth year shall the christians sword appear , and put the turk to flight on every side . m. fox expounds these 12 years to be 12 turkish emperours prevailing against christians , beginning at the first emperour ottoman an. 1300. and so solyman the magnificent to be the twelfth emperour , and the last that should prevail against christians ; who began his reign an. 1519. and died an. 1567. but i think rather it must begin at mahomet the ii. winning of constantinople ( called here rubrum pomum ) an. 1452. and must end at the late emperour mahomet the iv. his death the last august , 1649. my reason is this : other emperours have prevailed against christians , since solyman the magnificent . for selimus the ii. his son wan cyprus from the venetians . armurath iii. took the fort guiermo from the hungarians , and his son mahomet iii. took agria in hungary , and had he pursued his victory , had won that whole kingdom in lesse them a year : so the late mahomet is the 12 emperour from mahomet the ii. and now after his death shall the turks prevail no more against christians . for fourty years agoe that kingdom was at a stand , and is declining to an eternall destruction . the sword of the christians shall now arise and prevail against the turks till an. 1696. when the converted jews shall gather head to overcome them in a bloudy pitcht field , and root out their name from off the earth . by this young emperours decease without issue , the ottoman line is extinct , and none left . one sultan hali ( a persian by birth ) is now steward of the ottoman house , and the crim-tartar by old composition and agreement layeth claim to the turkish empire , which at present is in combustion because of this . and though above 200000 turks are in the field , with an intent ( as is thought ) to invade germany , yet if christians could but leave off their unnecessary divisions , they might soon ruinate the turkish , empire . for since armurath iv. his death , an. 1642. ( who began to reign , an. 1623. ) all the time of this late mahomet's reign , since there hath been continuall contentions and mussacres amongst the turks , the jannizaries eluding and despising the young and weak emperour , which terrified the mufti and the bassa's sore , because they had a prophecy , that as a mahomet wan constantinople , so a mahomet should lose it again to the christians . however the matter goes for the present , the year 1698 shall be fatall both to them and to the pope in both their ruines , and the beginning of the comparative felicity of the church of god , as may be further manifested by an excellent prophecy , which the learned erasmus received from reuchlinus , and was found in the study of justus lypsius by janus douza the younger , running thus . post mille expletos à partu virginis annos , et post sexcentos rursus ab orbe datos , nonagefimus octavus mirabilis annus ingruet , is secum gaudia laeta faeret . corruet hoc anno turcarum invisa propago ; roma , tuum in libris fabula nomen erit . omnia tunc mundi sursum ibunt atque retrorsum imperia , ut populos sceptra novella premant : vtque suum cunctas verbum diffundat in oras . christus , & imperitet nomine ubique suo . thus englished . six thousand years from virgins birth expir'd , six hundred after that acquir'd , the famous ninety eighth year shall come on , full of great contentation . this year the turkish hatefull race shall rue , rome shall a fable be , not true . then shall be tost all kingdoms of the world , and into a new kingdom hurl'd : that into all coasts christ his word may spred , and be alone the peoples head . xi . a true exposition of 2 esdr. 11. ch. the two books of esdras are thought ( and that by none of the least learned , as augustine , hierome , ambrose , tostatus , scaliger the elder , melancthon , arrias montanus , bucer , and bibliander ) to be canonicall , because of the most evident fulfilling of many predictions in them contained . in the 11 chap. of the second of those books , there is under the type of an eagle , a manifest prophecie both of the roman heathenish empire , as likewise of the papacy with her chief leagurers to this present time throughout the whole chapter . this eagle is that roman heathenish empire ; her twelve feathered wings are the twelve first emperours from julius cesar to nerva coccejus . the three heads are the three kingdoms of france , spain and germany , preordained of god to uphold and maintain the power of her pride , when all her wings ( her heathenish and tyrannicall cesars ) should fail her . neverthelesse , under her 12 first cesars are comprehended in generall all the emperours which reigned in her from julius cesar ( who first crackt the strings of her liberty ) to augustulus momyllus ( her last roman cesar ) for the space of 474 years . her 8 contrary feathers are the 8 terrible inundations of severall nations from the north ( god's scourges ) which over-whelmed her fairest provinccs , sunk her state in bloud , and by fire and sword humbled her as low as the dust she trod on ; viz. 1 alaricus and his west-gothes , 2 attilas and his hunnes , 3 gensericus and his vandals , 4 odoacer , 5 theodoricus and his east-goths , 6 totilas and his spaniards , 7 alboinus and his longobards ( who deposed her diminitive cesar augustulus momyllus ) 8 and lastly , the intestine homebred faction and conspiracy , which proved more pernitious then the rest ( as all included diseases are the worst ) which in the reigns of otho the great , otho iii , and frederique ii , so often strove to eradicate the papall superiority , and reedifie her s. p. q. r. buried so many ages ago out of the ruines of the city . the head in the midst is the germane empire , begun an. 801 on christmas day , by charles the great , which though vers. 32. it long did and yet doth put the earth in great fear , yet vers. 33. must vanish in an instant , as did the wings , and come to nought . the germane empire thus destroied , vers. 35. the head on the right side ( the kingdom of spain ) must devour the head on the left side , which is the kingdom of france . therefore it is manifest , that the kingdom of france , though now it flourisheth in what glory and magnificence earth can afford , must ere long be humbled by the power of spain , with many discomfitures , and brought to dolefull streights and great perplexities . i my self have observed one remarkable adjunct of that kingdome in particular , how that year ( in which the figures of the golden number were equall to the figures of the year of christ ) hath ever proved fatall to that monarchy for warre , bloudshed , pestilence and famine . it was so with them from an. 1570 to an. 1576. in all which seven years , the guisian faction made lamentable havock of the church of god and the kingdom ; so shall it be in that year in which the finall tragedy of that kingdom shall be acted , six years after which france shall be no more . but when that shall be , no sign of europe shall remain , nor remembrance where the wals of rome stood . the lion ( which vers . 37. and chap. 12. v. 31. came roaring out of the wood speaking to the eagle , and rebuking her for her wickednesse ) is the wind which the most high god hath kept for rome and her wickednesse till the end , even the lion of the north ( of which you shall hear anon a prophesie of the true merlin ) which shall reprove the roman empire , and cast before her her spoils ; he shall set her alive in judgement , rebuke and correct her , and deliver the residue of gods people by affliction which are preserved upon his borders and make them joyfull untill the day of judgement . in the 13 chapter , esdras beholds a vision of a man rising out of the sea , and devouring the multitudes of fighters that came against him , neither with sword , spear nor any instrument of warre , but only with the fire and storm that came out of his mouth ; which is christ the son of man , who through a sea of bloudy persecutions and tribulations propagated his gospel over the earth , confounding and devouring the multitudinous pagans and idolaters fighting against christians , by the invincible force of the gospel . after a long time of the obstinate wilfulnesse and fulnesse of the gentiles , he shall call to himself another peaceable multitude , vers. 12 , 40. even the whole nation of the jews , out of armenia , tartaria , and the eastern india , whom god shall defend and convert to the gospel , when he shall destroy all other nations upon earth . these are called the peaceable people , because after the conversion of the jews , shall come that ministeriall monarchy of the church over the whole world ; that peaceable and still time , when all kingdoms under heaven shall forget fighting one against another , warres shall cease in all the world , and swords and spears shall be beaten into plowshares and pruning hooks . when the seventh angel blew the trumpet , luther began his reformation , then it is , when the multitude stood before the lamb , and sung the new song of moses ; and then neverthelesse is but the vail only of the tabernacle opened in heaven , and a great cloud and smoak covered that glory . but it must be 180 years after , when the kingdomes of this world become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ , and those be destroyed that destroyed the earth . for then and not till then shall the temple of god be fully opened in heaven , and the ark of his testament ( the very same modell , which god shewed to moses in the mount ) shall be seen in jerusalem , not in a tabernacle , but in that temple , which the power of god shall make . then shall lastly , the four beasts , the elders , with all the angels of heaven , and all the creatures of heaven and earth , and of the sea and under the earth fall down before the throne , and give glory , honour , blessing and praise unto him that sitteth on the throne , and to the lamb for ever , and the four beasts shall say , amen . xii . evidences out of scripture that the ten tribes shall be brought out of tartaria & india , and converted to the gospel , as well as our western iews . i have heard many jews discoursing of this their glorious restauration and religion to come . they say , they never possessed ( no not in the time of david and solomon , when their kingdom was largest ) an half of that which god promised in deuteronomy and joshua . indeed it is said in joshua , no good thing failed of what god promised , but this is to be understood of their peaceable settlement in what joshua then conquer'd , not of the utmost bounders of what they were to possesse towards the end of time . from euphrates to the red sea , all the coasts on the west to the great mediterranean sea , with tyrus and sydon , on the north hemath and celosyria , even in length from lebanon to egypt , was to be the confines of this sacred commonwealth . now if we consider , what a moity of this was possessed by lot , ammon , esau , the kings of tyrus and sidon , the philistines with syria , we may plainly see , that more then an half was never their own , of what god promised . in confidence of possessing which , and all the world beside in time to come , in their great hosanna they shake palmes in their hands , in triumph towards the four coasts of heaven , to intimate that in their universall empire every tree of the wood shall clap hands , and sing for joy . it is strange , and makes me give more credit to esdras then otherwise i would , to see how pat he goes with our saviour christ , in affirming the second captivity of the jews to be long , and that their return should be about the ruine of the roman empire . he relates how the ten tribes ( soon after their captivity by salmanasser ) travelled through a great river or strait ( perhaps the streits of anian ) in a long journey of many moneths or years to a country not inhabited . yea many good authors , who write of the histories of america , relate how the maxicans have a tradition ( delivered from father to son , time out of minde ) of a great multitude coming a great journey into those parts with an ark carried before them on mens shoulders , with their god inclosed therein . these people certainly were jews , from whom they learned circumcision ( which our travellers finde in most of their coasts ) with other rites of tribes , heads of tribes and families , with some handsome ceremonies of marriages , funerals and washings , directly the same with the jews or israelites . but to prove , that the israelites were first placed in media and carmania , and from thence removed into india , let us return a little back , and survey scriptures and some approved authors . when salmanasser king of assyria carried the ten tribes into captivity ( in the fifth year of the reign of hezekiah king of judah ) he was a prince of spacious dominions and invincible forces , as comprizing within his empire all media and persia , mesepotamia , assyria , all arabia and ethiopia inferiour to the confines of egypt , all syria and palestine ( save only the poor exhausted kingdom of judah ) and lastly armenia with all the coasts bordering upon the caspian and euxine sea , as farre as tartaria . by this it will be hard to define in which province of his empire he placed them , out of his dominions we may well think he would not abandon them . in the 2 king. 17. 6. it is said that he placed them in hala and habor by the river of gozan , and in the cities of the medes . which hala ( or rather chala ) and habor by affinity of pronuntiation , can be no other then colchies and iberia , two provinces of armenia , the first bordering upon the euxine , the latter upon the caspian sea and the confines of the tartars . east of armenia lies media , in the cities of which , a great part of the israelites were likewise placed to inhabit . north of armenia is the entrance into those immense and indiscoverable nations of muscovites and tartars , the utmost limits of whose kingdoms were never yet fully known . the chief river of which countries arising farre beyond the hyperborian territories , after a wearisome travel through many nations and provinces , disburthens it self at last into the caspian sea , at the very entrance into armenia , where it is called zolga ( though our mariners call it wolga ) which is nothing else but a metathesis or a bad pronunciation of the word gozan . so that that saying of ben-gorion is true ( if that manuscript be his which gallo-belgicus fathers upon him , yet visible in bibliothecâ florentinâ ) salbumadzar ( saith he ) rex assyrius , exciso samariae regno , decem illas tribus , quae à divino cultu tandiu ante desciverant ad idololatriam , abductas in captivitatem conlocavit in fasso , alvati , loride , & bascapante civitatibus colchidos & iberiae armenicarum provinciarum , & in ecbatana & bocchu urbibus mediae juxta pontum euxinum , & mare caspium . thus by the testimony of this great rabbi it is manifest that the opinion of those men is fond who think the ten tribes to be utterly lost ; thus likewise is it plain that the jews conversion must first arise out of the east , and that fassum , alvatis , loris , and bascapan cities of colchis and iberia , and ecbatana and bocchu cities of media were the places , where salmanasser ( called here salbumadzar ) placed these israelites in name , but pagans in nature . and john lunclay in this pandects of the turkish history , fol. 769. writes , how there are certain hoords ( troops or families ) of people near the more northern parts of tartaria , which retain the names of dan , zebulun and nepthali , and in the vicinity of rega there is a certain barbarous nation of letti , which for three moneths in the year perpetually wander up and down the fields , having these words jure-shele-mashalom continually in their mouth , as a kinde of lamentable tune or mournfull ditty : by which words authours credibly suppose are meant jerusalem and damascus the two head cities of judah and israel . he that diligenrly reades the history of these x. tribes in scripture , after their revolt from the house of david , and combination with jeroboam in erecting idolatry , may see that they were a nation quickly overgrown with heathenism , cruelty , and barbarousnesse , wholly become abominable pagans in nature , manners , life , condition and conversations ; as if they had had numa pomphilius to their father , and not abraham the faithfull : they only kept circumcision and the names of their progenitors in remembrance , but had quite forgotten the stories of their religion and piety , thence it came to passe that in this their captivity , being transported and implanted among those nations , they quickly conjoyned and counited with them in marriage and affinity ( being already long before coupled with them in idolatry ) and so ceased to be called israelites , but being now all one people , were called by the names of armenians and medes . that these israeltes likewise inhabited part of tartaria , and from thence spread into india and the east , and that they likewise possessed a part of the caucasian mountains mingled with a people , which herodotus calls {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} {non-roman} ( a word not unakin to turks ) is manifest by these undeniable reasons . 1. because the colchians , iberians , and a great part of tartaria used circumcision in most ancient times , long before the building of rome , which they could not have received from any people else but from these israelites , who 30. years before the foundation of rome were sent to inhabit among them . 2. the crim-tartars derive their progeny from sampson ( hence so many of them have been called camson , an obscure notion of sampson ) and in imitation of him wear long hair ; which could not have been , except they had had their originall from those people from whom they had the memory of sampson . 3. the names likewise of moses , aharon , cham , selim , or solyman ( a vitious pronunciation of shlemo or solomon ) were proper names of men amongst the turks long before ever they broke into asia . now what times the turks first broke into asia , chronologers agree not among themselves : some say they broke through the caspian streits into armenia major ( now turcomannia ) an. 844. but i rather suppose their first irruption into asia was 20. years after the death of alexander the great , about an. m. 3718. when the parthians shook off the macedonian yoke , and began their empire : for in those times we reade in mela , pliny and herodotus , that a barbarous and savage people from the north had invaded and possessed carmania , which could be no other then this nation of the turks . thus it is plainly manifest , that when these israelites passed into america , they left a great part of their brethren behinde them in asia , tartaria , and india . millions of them are in persia , and their domineering at this present day in carmania , is rightly observed by benjamin the jew in eyre , by mercator , ortelius , and other geographers . xiii . other excellent proofs of the future conversion and monarchy of the iews . i. from abraham . abraham was told in genesis , his seed must thrice be like dust , and then afterward like stars ( stars not for multitude , but for piety and glory ) once in aegypt ; se●●ndly in babel ; thirdly throughout the world in the roman empire , and afterward in the beginning of the fifth monarchy must enlighten the whole world with the glory of god . and the jews themselves have an ancient tradition , that they must have two messiahs ; the first should come about what time the government was taken from judah ; he should lay the foundation of their redemption , afterwards be betrayed , crucified , and die by their own hands , and leave them in a dolefull plight in the jaws of destruction by the gentiles : him they called ben-joseph or ben-ephraim , alluding to sorrowful joseph , who endured so much hardship , being sold by his brethren into aegypt , and estranged from his fathers house ; and to the unfortunate attempt of the tribe of ephraim ( soon after that barbarous edict of murthering male infants came forth ) to deliver themselves and the israelites by force of arms from pharaoh some 12 years before the birth of moses ; when pharaoh levying an huge army , made fearful slaughters of them , forcing them to return to their old obedience , of which you may reade in psal. 78. 9. in this doleful misery they should remain so long till their second messiah came and delivered them from the hands of all their enemies , restored them to their native land of judea , and reigned over them in equal fame and prosperity with david their father . him therefore they call ben-david . ii. from isaac . secondly , isaac was moe wayes then in his immolation a figure of christ . he had two sons esau and jacob , of whom it is said , the elder shall serve the younger . edom ( which jews interpret to be the roman christian church , the first-born to christ from isaac ) must come to serve the younger , the jewish converted church in the end of time , when it is once come up . iii. from jacob . thirdly , jacob a type of christ in his descent to aegypt had two wives , leah a type of the visible church of carnal jews using and leaning upon ceremonious shadows in stead of the true sacrifice from moses to the end of the second temple : as likewise of the church of the gentiles , which from the ascension of christ was to continue in vicissitudinary fortune to it's end , full 1668 years . thus leah was blear-ey'd , but fruitfull in her posterity , yet not so acceptable and lovely in the eyes of her husband as rachel ( a type of the glorious jewish church in the end of monarchies ) who was to be many dayes barren , even from the end of the second temple , till anno 1683 , then brings forth joseph , leaves her fathers idolatrous house , within a few years after travels again , and brings forth the staff of jacobs old age with the losse of her own life . iv. from the new testament , act. 1. fourthly , that the jews were to have a temporal monarchy in the end of the roman empire , is evident likewise out of the new testament . in the first of acts our saviour christs disciples shewed how greatly the jews expected for this time , when their messiah should deliver them from the yoke of the romans , and restore them to their temporal kingdom in judea ; as likewise how near they thought the season and period to be in our saviours time , when they came to him , saying , lord , wilt thou at this time restore the kingdom to israel ? our saviour in his answer doth not deny but that such a time was to be , when the jews should be restored to their temporal kingdom in their own land ( which should exceed davids and solomons in magnificence , and should extend over the whole world ) but only blames and checks his apostles for enquiring of that which neither was needful for them to know , neither should be in their dayes ; as likewise for being too inquisitive in the times and seasons when it should be , and was to begin , which ( said he ) the father hath put in his own power . and whoso reads hos. 3. 4 , 5. the four last chapters of zechary , mich. 7. 15 , 16 , 17. esa. 2. 2 , 3 , 4. and chapter 27. 12 , 13. with jer. 24. 6 , 7. with divers other passages in scripture , may plainly see that neither solomons house nor the maccabees ever obtained their full propriety , nor were those prophecies of their universall soveraignty ever fulfilled in the old testament . v from moses song , deut. 32. fifthly , the song of moses in the 32. of deuteronomy , is clear , that many and great afflictions shall befall them in the latter daies , even all the time of their first messiah , and the roman empire . no jew in the world ever expounded otherwise from the 36. verse to the 43. of that song . and to this place they referre their afflictions which they have , and shall suffer all the time of the roman empire till their restauration . there is but few of them now , but will confesse that their messiah ben-joseph , is come already , but their ben-david is yet hid in the depth of the sea , and will arise from thence about the finall end of the destruction of the gentiles . vi from the history and life of ioseph sixthly , the life of joseph in genesis hath in it more then history . at 17. years of age he was sold by his brethren , and stood before pharaoh to expound him his dreams at thirty . so he lived above 12. years in misery and irons . and for those 12. years god rewarded him with 80. years of government in and over all the land of aegypt . his brethren came and bowed to him according to his dream of the sheaves ; his father also was inferiour and subjected to him as he was viceroy in the government of aegypt : and was nourished and maintained by him according to his second dream of the sun , moon , and the eleven stars crouching and making obeisance . though his brethren pitied him not in the anguish of his soul , yet he forgiveth and preserveth them in aegypt , and at their deliverance thence marcheth triumphantly before them to canaan in his coffin . but yet neverthelesse jacob was to stay in canaan , and joseph was to be unknown to his brethren till aegypt be destroied by famine , and yeeld it self to joseph . and the bones of joseph too must stay in aegypt till 600000 men besides women and children be delivered them by the hands of moses and aaron . no departure from aegypt , no passage through the red-sea without the bones of joseph . edom in the dayes of moses , and babylon in daniels time suffered the severest punishments god could inflict upon a people , and all for afflicting eber. and here is a mystery not so observed as observable in scripture . as aegypt was broken before the first tabernacle was set up by moses : as edom was harrowed by david before the first temple was erected by solomon : and thirdly , as babel was brought to nothing by cyrus before the second temple was built by zorubbabel and jehoshuah : so shall both edom and babel , turk , pope , and all monarchies in the earth be brought to dust , before the third temple be built by the converted jews in their native land of judea and jerusalem . jerusalem now inhabited by turks and hereticall christians shall at that time be purged from filth , and be the only receptacle of the children of god . but when that time shall be , i have abundantly shewn in the sections before . and in that season shall benjamin be sent down from his good father in the power of his right arm , and joseph ( even ben-joseph ) shall make himself known to his brethren , who did hate him , shoot at him , cast him into the pit , and delivered him to the gentiles . which excellent parallels of joseph and christ are fully explained in the massorch , zoar , and in rabbi-asse , besides ezechiel and s. john in the revelations . notwithstanding in citing these jewish traditions , i would not be mistaken , as if i maintained a second descention of our saviour christ from heaven , as the millenaries do ; or that the jews must have him come personally down from heaven to destroy the whole world , and restore them to their land of judea , i mean no such thing . god hath other means to bring his purposes to passe then , by sending his sonne christ to sojourn the second time upon earth . a second moses , yet a king , must work all this for them : yet not a moses of their own bloud , but a captain from the north ; who shall work the works of god in righteousnesse , and make peace like a mighty stream overflow the whole earth . xiv . what uses protestants ought to make of this blessing of the conversion of the iews . the consideration of these future great blessings of god towards this nation of the jews , and in them to all the world in the advancement of the gospel ; as likewise the laying to heart the grievous calamities which have so long tossed the kingdomes and free-states of europe , should move all men with repentance to prepare themselves to meet those great and fearfull mutations which god is bringing upon all the european coasts of the world . historians have made their four monarchies according to the rise or fall of severall particular nations . 1. assyrians . 2. persians . 3. grecians . and 4. romans : but this is a lame division , and comes far short of that transcendent metamorphosis of humane affairs , which ( by comparing of histories , observation of new starres and comets of late , with the consideration of the manners and conditions of the sonnes of men ) we may easily perceive must within these few years be brought upon the world . the learned mathematicians and philosophers ( who have more throughly searched into the secrets of astrology ) rightlier place their four monarchies according to the four coasts of heaven . 1. the eastern monarchy of the assyrians . 2. the two southern monarchies of the persians and grecians , bounded within the circumference of 3600 miles , or 11 degrees of latitude . 3. the western monarchy of the romans . 4. and lastly , the northern monarchy ( but in right accompt the fifth ) must be of the northern lion , which to the amazement of christendome , shall arise from the northern sea , and pitch his tents in the ashes of the eastern and western monarchies . but now having made mention so oft of this v. monarchy in this pamphlet , i think it meet to produce two or three reasons of the truth and certainty of it , deduced out of the holy scriptures and humane authority . reasons of the v. monarchy . i first , the jews have a tenet among them , that their messias must not come in the flesh till the destruction of the fourth monarchy in daniel , which is the roman : and so will not beleeve christians professing him to ●e come already : but say , this coming is deferred till the roman empire be totally abolished ; which because it is not nor must be yet , they will not beleeve he hath appeared . but the jews are deceived in this , for dan. 2. 44. and 7. 9 , 22. the incarnation of our saviour christ was promised to be in the very nick of the constitution and establishment of the roman empire , and not after the ruine of it ( which was performed accordingly ) else should there have been six monarchies before the end of the world . for the dispersion and rejection of the jews , the revelation of antichrist with the fulnesse of the gentiles , was prophesied to be accomplished in the fourth monarchy , all which we see are punctually fulfilled . none of which should yet have come to passe , if our saviour christ was not to be incarnate before the end of the roman empire . therefore as the rejection of the jews with these other signs and things was to be in the fourth monarchy ; so their conversion and remission into the church , and the glorious estate of the gospel upon earth must be in another fifth monarchy , which is yet to come . reasons of the v. monarchy . ii secondly , so many empires as are comprized in nebuchadnezzars image ( dan. 2. ) must come to passe before the end of the world : but five monarchies are comprehended in that image , ergò . the major is manifest , the minor is thus proved : nebuchadnezzar himself was the golden head of this image , as he was in another respect the feet of the old decrepit assyrian monarchy , which by his chaldean empire and the ruine thereof ( which was approaching ) should totally be annihilated . the armes and brests of silver are the empire of the medes and persians . the belly of brasse is the empire of the grecians by alexander the great . lastly , the iron leggs and the clay toes depictured the roman empire , with the present declining house of austria , and the breathlesse papacy . therefore the stone cut without hands which brake this image in pieces , and became a mountain and filled the earth , must be understood ( as i touched before ) of a fifth monarchy yet to come , in which , by the conversion of the jews and fulnesse of the gentiles the gospel shall shine in majesty over all kingdoms upon earth . reasons of the v. monarchy . iii thirdly , if the rejection and dispersion of the jews were to be in the fourth monarchy , as is apparent by gen. 49. 10. and numb. 24. 24. then was their conversion not to be till the beginning of the fifth , and towards the end of the world , as is manifest by the apostle , rom. 11. 25. but the first is true and therefore the latter also . reasons of the v. monarchy . iv fourthly , the conversion and restauration of the jews to their antient inheritances in the holy land ( which ezekiel hath so largely described in his twelve last chapters ) and the glorious felicity of the gospel of christ proceeding from their conversion , must either be in the fourth monarchy , or not untill the fifth . but in the fourth monarchy it cannot be , for among the turks the jews are kept in extream slavery , idolatry and ignorance : and under the papacy they are not permitted to use the new testament ( by which only they must be saved ) and besides they are so inraged against christianity , by the papists image-worship , that there is a flat impossibility ( much lesse any hopes ) of their conversion , so long as either the turkish empire or the papacy stands in force . ergò their conversion and restauration cannot be , till both turk and pope eternally be destroyed , and so the fourth monarchy finally ended . thus having delivered the reasons of a fifth monarchy , i come to describe the lion of the north , as i finde it in an antient prophecie of the true merlin , and by grebner . first of merlin . many scholars have often disputed what merlin should be , who he was , what time he lived in , whether those prophecies be true , and his , which go under his name , or not : how he came by them , and lastly , what reckoning is to be made of them . of every of which somewhat . it hath fared with merlin , as with tostatus in spain , and many learned in our times ; who for the eminency of their learning , and approbation of their writings , became so famous , that pedlar authors father'd bastar'd ware upon them in every corner for easier vent . merlins there were severall of old ; one a welsh-man in the daies of edgar the monarch , of an austere living and monkish conversation . he lived for the most part in the isle of anglesey , where he had familiarity and acquaintance with the bards and druides then not wholly extinct , who had incomparable skill in divination by birds , and other kinde of magique . he was an excellent astrologer and a great chymist : so that many think those prophecies , that are like his , to be deducted from no more then naturall reason . all those prophecies which i have seen of his ( some of which i have ) i cannot see how they smell any whit of a prophetique spirit ; they speak him a great scholar in astrology , but no prophet . but there was living in k. lucius daies another merlin ( called the first ) a scottish man , and he is the true merlin , and if any prophecies could be found of his , great credit was to be given to them . he was a great friend of k. lucius himself , and his daily companion . of his there is but one prophecie extant , which i found in that antient chronicle of nennius of bangor of the saxons ( who yet lives in manuscript ) k. lucius being as yet unconverted from paganisme to christianity , would needs joyn in confederacy with santoline a king of the scutti ( now scots ) to raise warre against the roman emperour ; to which purpose he asked councel of merlin what he should do in this matter ; who earnestly dehorted him from his purpose ; and in the end prevailed . merlin prophesied to him , that within lesse then a sesquidecumane period of time , the eagles head should be cloven in two ; one part whereof agar should burn with fire , and japhet the other after the grand revolution of daies . mark ( o king ) saith he , and consider , samothea shall be quickly overflown with a vagabond army of an unknown originall , spued out of a land toward the east , which a floud from the north shall quickly possesse . i know thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart ; thou seekest friendship from a people , whose weaknesse shall be thy glory , and their greatnesse thy ruine . a squadron of fishers are risen up from the east , which shall ascend unarmed upon the world without spear and shield , to whom all nations shall in time obey . they shall destroy the temples of thy gods ( o lucius ) and convert them to the service of their eternall king , who only can rescue from the grave , and deliver from the snares of death . behold i see a great sun arise insensibly upon us brittanes ! but ( woe is me ! ) what black seas of darknesse , and rivers of bloud pursue after it ? hast thou not heard of the valiant angles , of barbarous neustria , of yonder terrible picts thy perfidious enemies ? these shall overflow thy land , and possess the cities thereof , till the old age of empires , and government shall flow upon the world . ill is autem temporibus revolutis , cauda virginis leonem intrabit , & sagittarii dorsum scorpius ascendet . borealia regna à mossoribus obterentur , australes principatus in statum pulvereum desinent , & insulanarum monarchiarum potestates sine fraeno aut milite ephippiabuntur ; bella atrocia vent is dissipabuntur , & pessum ibunt judiciali grandine , quae per baculum ortum habuerunt , per spurios juventutem . sol ipse tympanizabit miniato clamyde indutus , & luna cineritiis cothurnis ad nundinas tolutabit . rides , o rex ? at quibus haec supervenient , luctu & maerore contabescent . haec omnia vix plenè peragentur , quùm princeps regali origine coronatus ex borealibus plagis proveniet , suis inexpectatus , alienigenis desideratus ; qui eò quòd leone ferociente infignietur , leo nuncupabitur , non conquiescet , donec synodo per eum convocatâ minisque dissolutâ , victricia arma in hostes transferat , & lamentabili successu vicinorum principum ditiones pessundet . alexandrum magnum virtute , cyrum felicitate superabit : freta transnavigabit ; à multis regibus imperator salutabitur ; & urbem quandam vetustam solo aequabit . intereà ex oriente princeps bellipotens illum praelio lacesset , contr à quem leo cum omnibus copiis procedet , & cis euphratem positis castris illum expectabit . si princeps flumen transibit , leo superabitur ; at ipse exercitu fluvium transducto hostem cruento conflictu superabit , & universum orientem in potestatem rediget . dum haec agentur , complures reguli ex india in suriam cum ingentibus irrumpent excercitibus , & circà vallem jehosaphat praeliabundi leonem opperibunt , ubi ab ipso ad internecionem omnes delebuntur . nec multò post , leo ipse fatis concedet , postquàm regnum transfugarum mirand à pietate in perpetuum fundavit . those times being past , the tail of the virgin shall enter the lion , and scorpio shall ascend the back of sagittary : the northern kingdoms shall be wasted by reapers , the southern principalities shall end in dust , and the powers of the iland-monarchies without either bridle or souldier shall be harnessed . cruell warres shall be scattered by the windes , and quell'd by a revengefull hail , whose beginning were by a staff , their growth and continuance by bastards . the sun it self shall play on the timbrell clad with a vermilion coat , and the moon with dunne buskins shall amble to the fair . laugh'st thou , o king ? but those on whom these things shall come , for grief and sorrow shall pine away . all these things shall scarce be accomplisht , when a prince of royall stock shall come forth crowned from the northern parts , as to his own people unexpected , but desired by forreigners , who because he shall bear a rampant lion , shall therefore be called a lion . he shall not rest , till having called a synod and after dissolved it by threats , he shall advance his conquering arms against his enemies , and by wofull successe shall harrase the territories of neighbour princes . he shall exceed alexander the great in vertue , and cyrus in successe . he shall passe the seas and be saluted emperour by many kings : a certain antient city shall he lay even with the ground . in the mean while a powerfull prince out of the east shall provoke him to battel , against whom the lion shall march with all his forces , and pitching his camp on this side euphrates , shall expect him . if the prince shall come over the river , the lion shall be overcome : but he shall passe his army over the river , and give his enemy a bloudy defeat , and be master of all the east . while these things are in action , divers petty kings from india shall break into syria with mighty armies , and provided for battel shall wait for the lion about the valley of jehoshaphat , where they shall by him be all wholly cut off . not long after shall the lion himself decease , after that with eminent piety he shall have established the kingdome of fugitives . this is all that is extant of this former merlin , whose glorious works and inestimable prophecies are utterly lost to the great detriment of learning . not much unlike this , is that of grebner , ban . 73. europae labes & imbecillitas singulorum ejusdem regnorum sedem mirabilitèr struet qvintae monarchiae , quae sub tempus exitii imperii romani ad terrorem totius mundi ex ruinis germaniae refulgebit . haec triennii spatio caetera europae regna aut vi perdomitabit , aut belli metu ad societatem perpellet : quò universalem ligam & unionem omnium protestantium efficiet sub specie bellum poloniae inferendi , re autem verâ imperium austriacum italiamque invadendi . nec eum spes fesellerit . nam circà hoc tempus secta quaedam manachorum adeò abominabilis , obscaena , & seditiosa in papatûs sinu orietur ; ut compellet tam protetestantes quàm italiae principes extremum romae exitium moliri . the corruption of europe , and the weaknesse of her several kingdoms shall strangely make way for the fifth monarchy , which about the time of the fall of the roman empire to the terrour of the whole world shall appear out of the ruines of germany . she within three years shall either subdue by force the rest of the kingdoms of asia , or for fear of war shall bring them to a league , whereby she shall conclude an universal confederacy , under colour of making warre against polonia , but in deed to invade the austrian empire and italy . neither shall her hope fail her : for about this time a certain sect of monks shall arise in the bosome of the papacy , so abominable , obscene and seditious ; that it shall urge both the protestants and princes of italy to endeavour the utter subversion of rome . thus having shewed the seat and certainty of this v. monarchie ; i come to declare what people or kingdom in europe shall obtain and rule it , and whose it shall soly be . of the european christians two several kingdoms long since , and of late have mainly striven for the fifth monarchy . first , the kingdom of spain hath alwayes for a matter of 170 years ago by incorporating it self with the house of austria , and the most potent families of germany and italy by strange marriages and odde medlies laboured extremely to bring all europe under her wings , that so she might become the glorious sun of the west . on the other side , the swede of late by keeping an high hand over the king of poland , and fixing his glorious trophies of conquest in all corners of germany ; hath brought the emperour to so low an ebb , and hath of late become so terrible to the pope and spaniard : and lastly can in an instant enleague himself with all protestant kingdoms and states , either for fear or favour upon any necessary occasion , that many account him the man that both goeth the directest way , and whom heaven hath ordained to sway the imperial scepter within the limits of the church . but neither of these are they who are ordained to the empire of the fifth monarchy . not the spaniard , because he is for his inhumane cruelty so generally hated of christians , all men avoiding him and flying from him , as the serpent from the ash : his indian plantations both thrive not , and likewise for their barbarousnesse are so detested of the savages worse than vipers , and upon opportunities are accordingly massacred . yea , those places of italy which are under his protection , as florence , genoa , millain and other cities afford him as much affection , as the spider doth the serpent . thus is he the universal odium of all the world , thrives in no place , and like oyl over-swiming all other liquids , and can hardly incorporate with any ; so seldom is he conjoyned but in natural antipathy with all nations . adde hereunto the austerity and unpleasantnesse of his government , chusing rather to domineer over subdued countries by rapine and cruelty , than to govern them by love and piety . and lastly , his governours in every province aim at their own ends , pilling and squeezing the subjects , so that his name and government is every where abominated , no province continuing loyal any longer then they can get arms and stoutly rebel . the injustice of which hath caused portugal to be rent from him , which while the world standeth shall never be his again . and moreover the oracle tels him , that naples , navar , his reconciled provinces in belgia , with his indian plantations ( the best jewels he hath ) shall be pluckt within 30 years to come from his ambitious crown , never to be recovered again . secondly , the swede cannot be paramount in this monarchy , because of the various sects and schisms he is pestered with , so inveterate and so predominant , that no reformation can purge him of them . the male line of that royal pedegree is extinct , and only a weak young princess surviving ; the whole kingdom shared and governed by factious nobles and covetous generals , and while every one sucks from the veins of the body politique to cram his own , it will be soon evacuated , both of life and nourishment . besides , it hath been since prophesied to sweden , that he shall not be so much as a tributary kingdom to this great soveraignty , but shall be the first , that shall be made a slave to that famous northern lion , who shall wear the crown of that transcendent monarchy . as for france , denmark , england , and the free cantons of germany , they make account for the present they do valiantly if they can well husband what is got already . and for england in particular , if it chance that she make war upon any neighbour enemy , and enlarge their dominions by conquest , it is more to secure her self , and prevent the invasion of the great eagle , and her chief feathers , then any grecdinesse of extending her bounders by the conquest and ruine of others . if she keep her ancient soil and possessions in those times , it is as much as heaven hath ordained her , and more she shall not have . who then must be lord of this monarchy ? or what people shall be parts and members thereof ? even a nation which at this day is hid invisibly within the bowels of europe , which seeing are not seen , and living are not known : which shall by a miraculous resurrection ( like the jews from india and tartaria ) be raised to destroy all idolatry and abomination out of every corner of the north , with the weapons of an holy warfare tending to the glory of god , and the honour of their king . his sword shall be religion , and his ensigns righteousnesse and piety . all the godly in every kingdom and state in europe , the converted jews conjoyned and united with them in spirit and habitation , shall ( as i said before ) root out all names of iniquity , and be this monarchy , which shall only consist of , and subsist by holinesse , and an unquenchable desire of propagating the glory and gospel of god : according to that of daniel , chap. 7. ver. 27. and the kingdom , and dominion , and the greatnesse of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high , whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom , and all dominions shall serve and obey him . the first preparation to the birth of which , was that ominous and fatal starre which appeared in the head of cassiopea , an. 1572 , the effects of which shall begin to operate upon europe , and the eastern coasts of america , an. 1699 , in bringing a mystery to light which all the sons of adam are not able to effect . of this fatal and ominous starre ( or comet , chuse you whether ) i finde several tractates written . one nuntius propheticus in print : magell de quintâ monarchiâ , & openheims ephemeris caelica , both manuscripts , both excellently discoursing of the effects thereof : how that , quo tempore accidet septima & ultima-maxima superiorum planetarum conjunctio , princeps erit monarchia prima , quae caput ex ruinis quarti imperii erexerit . currus lunae zodiacum perturbabit , cauda draconis coget plciades in fletum prorumpere , dorsum delphini ascendet , & flores virgineos obfuscabit : continuaeturbae , seditiones , bella civilia , strages , panolethriae luctuosissimae omnia illa regua & illustres familias persequentur , ex quibus ista monarchia orta est , aut ei ullo modo obviabunt . burgundiae domus finera accipiet , silesiae libertas gallico neroni prostituetur . belgarum ordinespotentiae & aristocratiae suae finem videbunt , &c. openheim fol. 86. but magel is most plain above all three , fol. 67. col . 8. fatcor majorum lumiuarium deliquia sine insigni hominnm pernicie pecorumque strage nunquam extitisse : regnorum mutationes etiam , populorum clades , regum funera , bella & incendia in ipsorum deliquiorum a●ticulis , aut paulò post evidentèr apparuisse . fateor etiam superiorum erronum coitum malorum ut plurimùm iliadc comitari : atque hanc stellam ( quae hoc an. 1572 in vertice cassiopeae illuxit ) suprà omnem elementarem regionem collocatam novi imperij revolutionem dominiumque significasse . quae tamen effecta haec aetas nostra minimè perspiciet : reservanda nihil-ominùs in gentem quandam etiamnum invisibilem , cujus magnitudinis radij in universum caeli terraeque ambitum extendentur . at what time the 7th , the last and greatest conjunction of the chief planets shall happen , the first monarchy shall reign , which shall lift up her head out of the ruines of the iv empire . the chariot of the moon shall disturb the zodiack . the tail of the dragon shall force the pleiades to break out into weeping , shall ascend the back of the dolphin , and shall darken the lustre of the virgin : daily troubles , seditions , civil wars , slaughters , and most lamentable universal destructions shall vex all those kingdoms and eminent families , from whence that monarchy sprang , or which shall any way crosse it . the house of burgundie shall be at an end : the liberty of silesia shall be prostituted to a french nero . the estates of belgia shall see an end of their power and aristocracy . i confesse eclipses of the great luminaries never hapned without the notable destruction of men and slaughter of cattel : the changes also of kingdoms , the deaths of people , funerals of kings , wars and fires have broke forth either in the very time of their eclipses , or within a little after . i confesse also the conjunction of the higher wandring starres is for the most part attended with an iliad of mischiefs : and that this star ( which this year 1572 appeared on the top of cassiopaea ) being placed above the whole elementary region , did signifie the revolution and dominion of a new empire . which effects shall not yet be seen by this our age ; yet are they reserved for a certain nation , as yet invisible , the beams of whose greatness shall be extended through the whole verge of heaven and earth . in that same year shall the kingdom of salvation be preached by the ministry of the saints the most high , to those immense and unknown american coasts , to whom as yet the name of christ was never yet revealed . and that people who from the creation till that time were the empire of satan , shall be called the specious and spacious church of god . the gates of which shall be open continually , neither day nor night shall they be shut , that men may bring unto them the riches of the gentiles , and the treasures of the kings of the earth . all nations and kingdoms , that will not serve her , shall perish and be destroyed for ever . within whose land shall be heard no violence nor destruction , nor desolation within her borders ; but salvation shall be her wals , and praise her gates . her government shall be peace , and her exaactors righteousnesse . her sun shall never go down , nor her moon ever be hid , for the lord shall be her everlasting light , and the dayes of her sorrow shall be ended . the people within her shall be all righteous ; for ever shall they possesse their proper inheritances , for god shall make them an everlasting glory , and a joy from generation to generation . therefore ought no man to be sorrowfull for the calamities of europe , or the afflictions of the times ; nor grieved with the mutations and downfals of kingdoms and empires , neither should he be afraid because wars and miseries rage in all coasts of the world . for this is the eternal law of creatures ( which the creator imposed upon them at first ) that the birth of one thing should be the death of another , and that the order of nature should be preserved by the vicissitudinary course of alternate mutability . and why should we be offended at warres amongst men , when there are daily and continual conflicts between the elements themselves ? cities , republiques , empires and families are mortal as men , have their states of birth , infamy , growth and old-age as well as they . glory , majesty , arts and soveraignty began in asia by the assyrians ; from them departed to the medes and persians ; and from them ( before they had well tasted the sweetnesse of them ) translated to the grecians , and next to the romans : the glory of the roman empire was eclipsed and humbled by the barbarous inundations of goths , huns , vandals , and other savage nations , who being themselves once civilized and mollified by the effeminacies of italy and the west , were in 560 years space overthrown by the potency of charlemain and the germans . germany hath now fully possessed the imperial dignity 790 years ; and before fifty years moe be past , shall be made a scorned servitor of the king of the north , whose power and religion shall transcend the utmost confines of east and west . in the beginning of which empire , venice shall not brag of being inaccessible by the circumfluent ocean , and london , paris , antwerp and prague , the iv ladies of europe shall be humbled to sit in the dust of eternal destruction . the consideration of this must teach men humility in prosperity , carefulnesse to know god and keep his commandments , seeing every plant which he hath not planted shall be plucked up , and nothing can be permanent but by his favour and protection . xv . a prayer to god to unite his church , end the afflictions of it , and to hasten the conversion of the iews , with the monarchy of the gospel . thou therefore the eternall and incomprehensible father of lights , the indivisible god of peace and unity , look down at length upon the afflicted estate of thy gospel and mournfull face of thy church , clouded with sects and schisms , rent by civill combustions , dying by the wounds which her sons have given , and wallowing in that gore which was shed by the hands of her own children . though our sins have deserved that we should for ever be cast out of the sight of thy countenance , yet respect thou the bloud of thy sonne , crying better things then that of abel , and be once at one again with thy inheritance abraham knows us not , israel is ignorant of us , but thou art our father , and in thee shall be all our affiance , with whom even the worst of men have found mercy . extend the light of thy loving-kindenes to the tribes of jacob , and return to the many thousands of israel , for the time to build up zion is come , and the daies of restoring jerusalem cannot be prolonged . for why ? thy servants think upon her stones , and favour the very dust thereof . but remember edom , o lord , as thou remembredst babel , which have cryed so oft , down with it , down with it to the very earth . pour thy vengeance down upon the beast of rome , and the red dragon of constantinople , who never knew thy name , that so the sorrowfull sighings of the prisoners may come before thee . and thy servants be preserved that are appointed to die . let thy work be upon the man of thy right hand , and upon the son of man whom thou hast made so strong for thy self , that pharaoh , elam , mesheck , with the sonnes of tubal may fall in the midst of them that are slain by the sword , and may descend into the midst of hell with all that help them , even the whole multitude of the uncircumcised , whose lot is to goe into the nether parts of the earth . there shall they have their beds with the uncircumcised near those valiants , which are gone down to the grave , with their weapons of war , and have laid their swords under their heads , because they were the fear of the mighty in the land of the living . but what shall be said to the captain of the nations , or to the angell destroying edom and babylon ? even this , that the lord hath founded zion , and the poor of his people shall trust in it . he will leave an afflicted people , and they shall trust in the name of the lord : he shall give them a pure law , that they may pray to him with one consent . he shall open the doors of darknesse , the gates of obscurity shall he break down , that the world may be filled with the knowledge of the lord as the waters cover the sea . o thou sower of discord , and captain of iniquity , how long wilt thou delight to murther , spoil and pursue the distressed ? knowest thou not that it will be bitternesse in the end ? command the people to return every man from pursuing his brother : for lo , a nation is risen against you , a mighty nation and terrible from the east , whose horses aee fire and his chariots flames of fire to devour : his men are as swift as the eagle , who will have no compassion on the fruit of the womb , nor shall their eye pity : they shall encompasse thy tents with an intent to lay all waste before them , but neverthelesse be confident and bold in the lord of hosts : for fire shall come down from heaven and return their wickednesse upon their heads , and their doings upon their own pates . o thou worship of israel ! how wonderfull art thou in thy doings toward the children of men ! bringing light out of darknesse , strength out of weaknesse , and making justice the mean to the manifestation of thy goodnesse and glory ! as for me , i will expect him who is as well the king of salem , peace , as melchisedeck , the king of justice , all my daies : and will heartily pray for his coming , who shall bring every work into judgement , and every thing to a legall triall , whether it be good or evill . he is the lamb upon the white throne , before whose face heaven and earth shall fly away , and the sea be no more found : death and hell shall give up the dead that are in them , and every name that is not written in the book of life , shall be cast into the lake of fire . for which time all the creation groaneth , crying out to be delivered from the bondage of corruption , and restored to the glorious liberty of the sons of god . even so , come lord jesus , come quickly , that sin may be destroyed for ever , and righteousnesse eternally established in stead thereof , amen . finis . forsitan hunc aliquis verbosum dicere librum non dubitet : forsan multo proestantior alter pauca reperta putet , quum plura invenerit ipse : deses & impatiens nimis haec obscura probabit : pro captu lectoris habent sua fata libelli . sed me juditij non poenitet : haec benè vobis commisi , quibus est amor & sapientia juxtà , et labor in studijs ijsdem celebratus inhaeret : vos sequar : investro satis est examine cautum . notes, typically marginal, from the original text notes for div a77422e-920 grebners prophecie of our late king , and his son now king . notes for div a77422e-1530 ☜ ☜ notes for div a77422e-4890 the estate of england with other provinces of europe from anno 1650. to an. 1698. notes for div a77422e-5480 a prognostick of the estates of certain years of an. 1657 of the eclipse in an. 1654. baudenfis prognostication of anno 1657 , 1658 , 1661 , 1663. a description of the 7 fiery triplicities . the exposition of nebuchadnezzars image , in dan. 2. the exposition of the 12 last chapters of ezechiel . the exposition of the end of daniels 11 chap. the exposition of rev. 9. 15. notes for div a77422e-7910 prophesies of hieronymus savanarola . a prophecy lately found in france , of the future estate of the world till an. 1710. notes for div a77422e-9620 a prophecy of the year 1698 , found in the study of iustus lypsius . notes for div a77422e-10940 a large discourse of a probable conjecture that the ten tribes of israel were placed by salmanasser in armenia and media , & that from thence they passed into tartaria , and so into india . notes for div a77422e-13390 description of the four monarchies . prophecies of the lion of the north . 1. of the true merlin in k. lucius daies , an. ch. 130. ii. of grebner . who shall be king of this v monarchy . not the spaniard . nor the swede . object . answ . of the effects of that fatal star , which appeared in the head of cassiopea , an. 1572. the description of the flourishing monarchy of the gospel in america and india about anno 1710 , and a. 1763. saints no smiters, or, smiting civil powers not the work of saints being a treatise, shewing the doctrine and atempts of quinto-monarchians, or, fifth-monarchy-men about smiting powers, to be damnable and antichristian / by john tombes ... tombes, john, 1603?-1676. 1664 approx. 333 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 63 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2005-12 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a62873 wing t1816 estc r6979 12193388 ocm 12193388 55931 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. 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were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng fifth monarchy men. 2004-11 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2005-02 apex covantage keyed and coded from proquest page images 2005-04 john latta sampled and proofread 2005-04 john latta text and markup reviewed and edited 2005-10 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion ex aed. lamb. feb. 29. 1663. imprimatur geo. stradling s. t. p. rever . in christo pat. d. gilb. archiep. cant. à sac. domest . saints no smiters : or , smiting civil powers not the work of saints . being a treatise , shewing the doctrine and atempts of quinto-monarchians , or , fifth-monarchy-men about smiting powers , to be damnable and antichristian . by john tombes , b. d. matth. 26. 52. then said jesus unto him ; put up again thy sword into his place : for all they that take the sword , shall perish with the sword. london , printed by r. d. for henry eversden at the greyhound in st. paul's church-yard . 1664. to the right honourable , edward earl of clarendon , lord chancellor of england . by divine providence declared in my writings upon his majesties return into this kingdom , i was engaged in the asserting the oath of his majesty's supremacy , which drew upon me a necessity of arguing the point of taking any oath at all , in somewhat an ample treatise about swearing , which being presented to him it pleased his majesty to accept of . since which time i have employed much of my study in a treatise of the kingdom of god , and the seeking it : but having made some entrance into it , and finding it likely to become too large for the end intended , to wit , the undeceiving of those , who under pretence of setting up the kingdom of god , think it their duty to demolish all present powers as antichristian , they being persons averse from reading any thing that is prolix , i have chosen rather to cut this part out of the whole piece , than to stay the finishing of the rest . such as it is i presume to present it to your honour , ( in humble gratitude for that voluntary unthought of favour towards me , which moved you of your own accord and goodness to insinuate to his majesty your ancient knowledge , and later apprehensions of me , by which means i have enjoyed that peace , which is through his majesties goodness yet vouchsafed me ) which i humbly crave your honour to accept of from your honours devoted , and deeply obliged servant in our lord , john tombes . the contents . § 1. the occasion of this treatise is declared . § 2. the words of quinto-monarchians expressing their opinions about seeking christs kingdom in this age are recited . § 3. their doctrine about smiting civil powers is proved from scripture precepts to be wicked . § 4. the exceptions of fifth-monarchy-men and others against the first argument are refelled . § 5. suppositions implied in the quinto-monarchians exceptions about the stone and its smiting , dan. 2. 34 , 35 , 44 , 45. are shewed to be mistakes , or uncertainties . § 6. quinto-monarchians hypotheses about the civil governments being from the 4th monarchy , rome and the dragon are shewed to be groundless . § 7. more arguments are urged against quinto-monarchians doctrine from precepts and examples of holy persons . § 8. more arguments are urged from censures and determinations in the new testament . § 9. quinto-monarchians doctrine of smiting civil powers inciteth to resisting of evil and self-revenging , forbidden by christ and his apostles . § 10. quinto-monarchians doctrine tends to murder and ruine of humane society . § 11. the 9th and 10th arguments from the meekness , peaceableness and patience of saints are urged , against the smiting work of quinto-monarchians . § 12. the 11th and 12th arguments from the contrariety of the martyrs example and agreement with papists doctrine and practice , are urged against the quinto-monarchians . § 13. the smiting work of quinto-monarchians is grounded on falsities or uncertainties concerning the agents , means , and time of the smiting , dan. 2. 34 , 35 , 44 , 45. § 14. many things are groundless and false , which the quinto-monarchians suppose and take for articles of their faith , concerning the fifth monarchy and its setting up . § 15. the claim which the quinto-monarchians make to civil government on earth in the saints afore christ's coming is false . § 16. the reasons and arguments of fifth-monarchy men for their separation and engaging against civil powers , are shewed to be vain . saints no smiters : smiting civil powers not the work of saints . or , a treatise shewing the doctrine and attempts of quinto-monarchians to be damnable and antichristian . § 1. the occasion of this writing is declared . it was our saviors injunction to his disciples , matth. 6. 33. that they should first seek the kingdom of god ; & it was his care to direct how they were to seek it ; to wit , by prayer for its coming , preaching the gospel of the kingdom , suffering patiently for it , and living holily according to his precepts and example : and accordingly the holy apostles , martyrs , confessors and believers in christ have in the several ages since christs appearing in the flesh promoted the kingdom of god by these means . nevertheless ( to omit other instances , whether of former or later times ) there hath been a company of men in this nation , noted by the name of fifth-monarchy-men , or quinto-monarchians , who have in sermons and in printed writings asserted another way , which is like the barbarous proceedings of turks , or bloudy papists , of setting up the supposed visible kingdom of god by bodily weapons , fighting against all the present civil powers on earth as antichristian , and in most cruel manner killing all that oppose them , and determining this to have been the generation work they were to prosecute in this age. by what degrees and means they came to such monstrous opinions they can best tell , who have been acquainted with them . the cursed effects of such opinions as have been hatched and vented by the men of that perswasion , after sundry other attempts before that time frustrated , brake out in the beginning of january 1660. in the city of london , a small number of men dementate by those conceits in a most horrid furious manner , making a most bloudy insurrrection , in a most violent audacious way not to be parallel'd . those principles by which they acted and their practises , were , to my knowledge , opposed some years before in some of the congregations to which some of the assertors had joined themselves , and they thence solemnly ejected , and their doctrine in the confessions of faith of those congregations , and some other apologetical and polemical writings rejected and impugned . and after that insurrection presently those persons who were obnoxious to suspition and obloquy as abettting or fomenting that attempt , by reason of their dissent from the received way of ecclesiastical rites and government , did by humble apologies and otherwise acquit themselves from that crimination . nevertheless , having met with some of the writings of the men , whose principles animated that rising ; and fearing , that there may yet some sparks of that fire lie unquenched , after the publishing of some writings against the papists , to shew the insufficiency of their proofs for the truth , visibility , holiness , infallibility of their church , supremacy of their pope , the certainty of their unwritten traditions ▪ necessity of receiving the trent faith , and joining to the roman church as it is now governed ; and some other against quakers about the light within each man , as an insufficient rule to guide us to god ; about the oaths of the king's supremacy and allegiance to him ; and upon that occasion somewhat an ample treatise about swearing ; asserting , that under the gospel there is yet a lawfull use of swearing ; being now debarred of other ministerial imployment , i have conceived it a necessary work to shew the weakness of those suppositions , upon which the quinto-monarchians have been drawn to such an hideous practice , as that accursed action forementioned was . § 2. the words of quinto-monarchians expressing their opinions about seeking christ's kingdom in this age are recited . there was a book printed , made in the year 1656. as is noted pag. 18. bearing this title , the banner of truth displayed ; or a testimony for christ , and against antichrist , being the substance of several consultations , holden and kept by a certain number of christians , who are waiting for the visible appearance of christs kingdom in and over the world , and residing in and about the city of london . in the first page of the epistle dedicatory are these words : and truly it evidently appeareth , that rome and the nations of europe ( commonly called the protestant , but are the antichristian countries ) which are the streets of the great city , and rome-babylon , are the akeldama , or field of bloud . and some pages after mentioning powers since the rise of the beast with ten horns and ten crowns , and their success , it is said : now for that we apprehend , that the present generation in which we live , is that time in which this great work of reformation ( rending and tearing the very foundations of the beasts civil power up by the roots ; the fall of the tenth part of rome's dominions ; a great slaughter amongst the great men and implacable enemies of christ ; and the final result , the kingdoms of the world becoming christ's possession ) will begin ; and that time in which the first dispensation of our lord's kingdom shall take place ; and that it shall not pass before these things be fulfilled : therefore we are against these governments as now constituted , and growing upon the old root of wickednesse and bitternesse , that ( time out of mind ) have brought forth and produced nothing but bloud-monsters ; and to rule by those laws that bastards tyrants and conquerors have made for their lusts sake , in opposition to the law and the testimony , isay 8. 20. we cannot contend for any government whatsoever that is of mans erecting , building and planting , where any thing of this old foundation may remain and be left ; and which good men , moral men , civil men may exercise upon a meerly civil accompt , ( for all men as they are men have lost their rights and priviledges in respect of government in the first adam ; but saints have regained them in the second adam , or lord from heaven ) and by force and vertue of mens laws ( though but the best of those laws , & those called fundamental , so they are where no more righteous is found ) for the lord will pluck up and destroy root and branch ; and the lord will not have a stone of babels confused building for a corner , nor a stone for a foundation . we cannot therefore but ( as in duty by our allegiance to this king bound ) proclaim , that jesus christ is the only lawful and true begotten heir , and lawful king and potentate of these three nations , and of all the nations of the earth , and ( as he is the seed of abraham ) shall possesse the earth ; yea , and the very gates of his enemies ; and that the sole legislative power of the nations is , and doth of right appertain and belong to him , and shall be exercised by him , dan. 7. 27. jer. 10. 7. isa. 9. 6 , 7. gal. 3. 16. &c. hence then it necessarily follows , that those beast-like powers now in being in the world , and those ( if any ) which shall succeed upon that bottom that rebel-like will not assign their said power , crowns and scepters to this great monarch , are , and shall be deemed and adjudged traytors , and proceeded against accordingly , by vertue of this kings laws . and truly we are soberly and humbly bold in the lord jehovah's strength to assert , that the saints of the most high ( be they who or where they will ) and faithfull remnant , are a people distinct from the world , and formal professors , and are but pilgrims and strangers in this state of affairs , men of another kingdom and world ; and are by themselves a common-wealth , and free-state : and therefore 't is to be desired , from good and sound grounds , that they would exercise that royal authority which god has given unto them , and invested them with , as they are saints by calling . and upon this accompt we humbly conceive , that 't is lawful for them to use all honest and just means to defend themselves and offend their enemies ; and to contend against those that do or shall oppose them in their work and business , which is according to the pattern shewed unto them in the mount , and law of christ , ordained and declared throughout the scriptures . it is observable , that we are even already arrived the overturning daies ; we mean those times in which god will begin to smite the governments and powers of the great image : which is a little after expressed thus ; the total annihilation and subversion of all the powers of this world , of what quality soever , ruling either in antichrists earth , or civil state , or in his heaven , or christ-state , by the first dispensation of christs visible kingdom , which we have spoken of , or that of the stone . hence it is , that we bear a constant and publick testimony against powers , as the subject of gods displeasure , and that which must be plucked up . we expect the gentile saints shall begin this great work . in the book it self , having p. 1. said they were resolved to proceed in their way of consultation for the clearing up these matters of their faith , and principles of their hope , they thus write , that there is oppression in the earth in all nations , as also in england at this present time , is undeniable : for , no man can say , that there is no oppression , unless we will also affirm , that there is no dragon in power , no antichrist , beast , babylon , whore , nor false prophet ; which how absurd a thing it is let all judge . but the man of sin is still in the seat of authority , & the governments of these nations are antichristian , therefore oppression is not ceased : neither will there be any lasting cessation of cruelty , untill the fifth kingdom be set up ; when the whole earth shall be at rest , and the fourth kingdom , which divides it self into two iron legs ; ten toes and a little horn , be wholy destroyed in all the laws , constitutions , governments and reliques thereof ; for the spirit and life that is in that beast , or kingdom , is the spirit of the old dragon , who is the devil and satan , that old serpent , whose seed do continually war against the woman , which is christs mystical body ; there being great enmity between them two ▪ p. 4. that dispensation which jehovah , by his providence hath cast us under , is , the overturning dispensation , the time of war , and beating of plough-shares into swords , which christ , and the scriptures speak of ; that day in which christ will appear in his stone , the stone of israel , against the powers of the world , to the end he may be invested in his possessions , which is the kingdom and dominions , and their greatness under the whole heavens ; and therefore we conclude that it is an unlawful thing , and therefore men ought not to contribute to the upholding , and maintaining of those powers which shall be broken by this dispensation , left happily they be found fighters against god. p. 6. the will of man having been corrupted ever since the fall of man , the lawes that proceed from that will must need be so . p. 11. we say the oppressor which makes us to groan is babylon , in her several parts and powers in england : rulers , lawyers , priests and soldiers ; for the present government in england must of necessity be confessed to be either a part of the ten horns of the ravenous fourth beast , or else that wicked little horn dan. 7. because they are the last evil powers that shall be over the nations of europe , and therefore we may safely conclude this to be an assyrian , else we must conclude him to be a part of that kingdom , set up by the god of heaven ; but that cannot be , because he rules by the lawes of his predecessors , and shall christ be beholding to antichrist for lawes ? no certainly ; he is of the fourth , and therefore we need not run far to look this oppressor , having already found him to be the present government , with its dependents , and appurtenances , being a piece of that monstrous beast , whom the dragon ( i. e. the devil revel . 20. 2. ) assignes power and seat , and great authority unto , who branches himself into so many monarchical governments in the nations of europe , and which men would perswade us to submit to as being lawful , and of god , but they execute the laws of antichrist , and rule for him in tyranny ; oppression and persecution by politick laws which they make , and for which the priests and lawyers plead , and mercinary soldiers and officers execute . p. 12. the persons oppressed , we take it , are the most spiritual enlightned saints in these nations , whose spirits and affections are stirred up to follow christ in the work of the generation , the good interest now contended for , whom we call the generation of publick spirited saints . the administration of christs visible kingdom and rule over the nations is endeavoured to be suppressed in this juncture of time . and not only the thing it self is opposed as dangerous , and endeavoured by matchiavil's principle , argument and power , as heretical , as monstrous ; but the doctrine and gospel of that kingdom and office of christ , ( which shall be preached for a witness to all nations ) is slighted and rejected by self-interested men , and contemned by most . p. 13. they have made a law that those that shall speak against the powers must be traytors , which in effect is to make those traytors that speak for this kingdom . the conversion of the gentiles and poor ignorant sinners to the faith of christs visible kingdom is opposed . and p. 14 the establishment of justice and righteousness in the world : and therfore with us arise for the lot of our inheritance ; prepare therefore your victuals , your purse , and your scrip , but especially your sword , though you sell your coat for it . p. 23. the parliament as being built upon the old foundation was a part of the beast . p. 24. it is clear that the dispensation of the stone shall begin to smite the power of the beast , or civil power , and that quarrel is begun and taken up and continued chiefly against that power . p. 25. found to be from hell and not from heaven . p. 27. the glass of the beasts powers being almost run out in these nations , what remains but that the saints take into their own possession the kingdom and power ( which is their birth-right , as freemen of the common-wealth of israel , and heirs of the whole world with christ , gal. 3. 29. ) which the beast and his powers hath unjustly detained from them some hundreds of years . p. 28. that the work of this stone is a smiting work , or a work wherein the saints imployed shall visibly appear in a military posture for christ , which we call the great combat between christ and the kings and rulers of the world . for the saints shall fall upon , or smite that great image , the feet and toes thereof , and the whole roman monarchy , as now divided , or all those powers , whose derivation is from rome ( others not excepted nor freed ) shall be thereby smitten , we mean the kingdoms of the romish iron-legs , or the roman kingdom divided into the eastern , and western monarchies , ( wherein the whole dominion , power and monarchy of the ottoman family , or that of the turks , is comprehended ) and the beasts ten horns , or antichrists civil powers ( equivalent to the ten toes ) and also the little horn , together with all powers whatsoever that shall be found opposers of the lords kingdom , whether they be of the golden babylonish , silver persian , brasen grecian , or iron roman dan. 2. and ch . 7. revel . 13. ch . 17. so that we comprehend the whole kingdom of antichrist in the civil ecclesiastical parts thereof made up of persons and things . p. 29. the fifth kingdom , which is christs , with its holy , just and righteous lawes and officers must arise with destruction to , and stand up in place of the 4th . kingdom , and the lawes and officers thereof . p. 30. because it is the purchase of the blood , and death of our lord jesus christ. p. 15. now then we say , that called the ordinance of god , proves the ordinance of the devil , and though the powers of the great image might be taken for the ordinance of god , so long as they kept their pure , civil and unmixed state ; so saith paul , the powers that be ( i. e. the civil powers of old rome , tho a bloody persecutor , and devourer of the creation and good heritage ) are ordained of god ; yet when the power of rome adulterated from its pure civil state , and becomes a mixt antichristian state , the beast and a whore then it is said of that beastly , antichristian power , that the dragon , or satan gave him his power , and seat , and great authority ; and what then is this save the ordinance of hell ? god hath revealed this by his spirit from his word , unto a little remnant , who see the rottenness and hellish foundation of all the civil powers of the beast . and how great an argument is this also to us that the rise and work of the stone is near ? which is principally against the civil power . p. 52. it is certain , that it is a duty in saints to hate gods enemies ; yea , and more particularly to hate the civil , or beast-like power , because it is that which upholds the great whore , and is a fighter against christs kingly office , even with a perfect hatred , as we see and find a remnant do at this day . p. 55. the lord will use , and engage his people to act in , and perform such a destroying work upon the world , as this work of the stone is , namely the total commotion and dissolution of the old heavens , and old earth , and all the created powers ruling therein ; because it is the decree , determination , promise and appointment of the father . p. 56. the lord by these figurative expressions , holds forth the dissolution of all old things formal antichristian church-state , ordinances , worship , discipline , and doctrine , all beast-like , wordly governments , institutions , laws , politick constitutions , powers , &c. in a word , the heavens , and the earth of all the nations isai. 5. 30. p. 57. so that jesus christ will admit of no competitors , but will have the sole legislative power , and exercise of the chief magistracy , and be lord paramount over the whole earth ; and therefore god is engaged to appear with his smiting stone , to make way for this glorious mountain of peace . p. 59. that all the blood of gods people is found in babylon : for they ( i. e. her civil powers revel . 16. 6 , 7. ) have shed the blood of the saints and prophets revel . 17. 6. ch . 18. 24. & 19. 1. jer. 50. 14. now therefore god by way of recompence & retaliation hath ordained , that the saints shall be his instruments by which he will execute his vengeance upon the powers of the world , who are all of them murtherers : accordingly god commands his people ( & 't is their duty to obey ) to reward babylon double as she rewarded them revel . 18. 6. and they shall give her blood to drink . p. 62. the call which the stone shall have to act in its smiting work , is for the greatest part thereof now pertinent and fitly applicable to a faithful remnant now extant in england , and fulfilled in and upon them , and also seeing that the signes laid down in the word of god , for the time of the end , are in a gr●at measure now fulfilled , and accomplished in englands remnant ; therefore we conclude , and assert , that 't is lawful and warrantable , and is a duty incumbent for captivated sion ; and oppressed saints , to stand up in gods name and fear , and deliver themselves , and that glorious gospel of the kingdom ; now by them declared to the world from persecution , oppression , and that long captivity and bondage , which she hath remained in ; and to break the yoak of the oppressor , which is now upon her neck , according to the word & commandment of the lord. zach. 2. 7. isai. 52. 2. we are perswaded that the work of the stone is the present work of this generation , and our present work , and do accordingly exhort the saints , to arise to fall upon the enemy . p. 63. the saints in order to this smiting work shall be converted from all the civil power and rule of antichrist ; and the ten horned beast , upon which the mystery harlot sitteth . p. 65. that it is their duty to withdraw their hands , hearts , affections , purses , and prayers from the civil power , or power of the beast ; that they shall quit all their interest , and claim , in , and to the old heavens , and earth , and state of things ; shall forsake father mother , &c. and shall convert houses , lands , possessions and enjoyments ( commanded to be prudently beat into swords and spears ) into one common stock , to be consecrated for the management of this great affair . p. 66. and in such a practise they shall be no loosers , christ will give them an hundred fold ; even the spoile of all their great and rich enemies , who are his opposers , and in the end an eternal crown . the saints are , with moses , to refuse court honour , and favor , and preferment , egyptians wisdom , learning , revenues and great riches : with david , to leave their common duties ( as matters of small value , and little concernment , in comparison of this noble , and worthy imployment ) to fight against the philistines ( so are the civil powers ) or common enemy to the common-wealth of israel . p. 71 we do profess we cannot be content , or satisfied until christs kingdom flourish , but will ( in gods name and strength ) press forward till we come to the mark , which is the state of the true rest ( so we call that kingdom and power ) where the saints shall cease from all their labours , in and with christ. p. 69. doth not the lord call the saints to arise also unto the prey ? p. 71. the work of god against nations , provinces , universities , corporations , cities , townes , kings , rulers , chief captains , mighty men , in church and common-wealth , enemies of christ's kingly office , shall be the lesson of faithful saints ; the true way will be discovered and made plain , all rebels , and traitors , open and prophane , more close pretenders , and formally godly , discovered , hatred , in and among his saints against those several parts , forms , powers of babylon ; doleful howling , and mourning among the merchants of babylon , who are the great and rich men whose hearts dwell on the earth . p. 75. the saints must separate not only from the romish universal , national , provincial , and diocesan church-state of babylon , and antichrist ; together with their discipline , doctrine , worship and ceremonies : but also and more particularly ( which is most properly a work precedent to be done by the saints in order to the smiting work of the stone ) from the national , and parochial parish church state and assemblies , forms and classes , of this and other antichristian nations ; which we call the politick ( and no more than civil ) stratagem , and cunning invention of antichrist : to divide unto himself the whole land for gain , whereby all men to the lowest ranck , are compelled forcibly to contribute to the maintenance of his false prophet , and so wickedness is established by a law : again further from those churches that are select , & more pure as being seemingly refined , which are the gathered in a pastoral way ( reducing things to primitive practise ) so far as they are corrupted and adulterated and found opposers of the kingly office of jesus christ , in and over the whole world ; and more especial in the administration of this part , or dispensation of that kingdom , to wit , that of the stone , or war against his enemies ( for even in this generation there be a sort of people , and those we hope godly , that do acknowledge and wait in the expectation of the later , yea , and hold forth the personal appearance of our lord as king , yet nevertheless oppose and deny , and quite leap over this stone and its work , thereby endeavouring to render the saints useless and uncapable of destroying babylon ) which must make ●way and without which we cannot attain to the peaceable and more glorious administration of this kingdom , by removing those mountains , hils , and powers of darkness , which do oppose and hinder it p. 76. and from those humane , heathenish and antichristian wayes , means and helps , for the attainment , whereof men study , & which they practise in the schools , and universities of these nations , as things necessary for the fitting , preparing and qualifying a man ( how carnal soever ) to be a preacher of the gospel ( as they say ) and this , together with the offer of some large stipend or yearly salary , and fat benefice is their call to preach : therefore we disown and abominate their qualifications , and their call as an accursed thing : yet mistake us not , we are not against humane learning , and the knowledge of the languages , but do repute it honourable , good , and commendable ; yet when it is abused , and the plea of necessity put upon it , in that habit we utterly declaim against it , as a derogation to the holy spirit , and its office ; who gave out the scripture , and imprints them in the hearts of the godly ; for all scripture is given by the inspiration of god , and cannot be convincingly and profitably expounded by mans art and learning . p. 77. separation is to be from the parochial church , and hireling ministry of england , their ordination and institution : after they have for some time been trained up in the arts and sciences of egypt , in the universities , they take their several degrees and commencements , masters of art , batchelors of divinity , or godliness , and in case they sit long under the skirts of the great whore , she makes them doctors in divinity , men skilful , and perfect in heavenly mysteries : these are those that during the defection and apostacy , are the rabbies which look more after the fleece , than the sheep ; lording it over gods heritage : we therefore are against those degrees , offices , places , and their vain ( which are indeed blasphemous ) titles , which they arrogate from god , and jesus christ , the great prophet and teacher of his people . gal. 1. 1. matth. 23. 8. joh. 3 9 , 10. rev. 1. 9. p 79. the enlightened saints , or the more pure and holy part of those called the gathered ( and which are corrupted ) churches in these nations , or elsewhere ought to separate and withdraw from the more grosse , dark defiled , and corrupted part of the said churches , because there are no churches ( or at leastwise very few ) of the pastoral way in these nations , or elsewhere , but have something of antichrist in them ; having forsaken & apostatized from the primative and first love ; and have , and do in many principles & practise strike hands with the interest of antichrist , and mystery of iniquity . 2 thes. 2 , 3 , 4. p. 83. our position we give thus , that in this ending time of the mystical numbers , wherein the stone shall arise , the saints must disown , and in the strength of god separate from , and ( according to that power which god shall give unto them by his spirit ) engage against all , and all manner of civil power of what quality soever ; now lift up over the whole earth , or any part , kingdom , nation , or corner thereof ; together with all its dependents , upholders , lawes and appurtenances whatsoever , whose derivation has been from satan , ruling in all the several parts , powers and forms of the devouring fourth beast : and which are of and belonging to that beast , though descended into the very lowest , last and most refined and pretended christian-like power of that beast : as having their root , and foundation upon satan the great dragon . p. 81 , 82. we accompt it a duty for the saints to separate from all the forms , practises , doctrines , and spirit of the antichrist in the world , in their bretheren in the churches , &c. and to be plain , we accompt him , and that spirit , which either in act , or deed , wilfully , and obstinately denies the smiting work of our lords kingdom antichristian ; inasmuch as that such would alwaies have christ , his saints , his cause in and on the earth a sufferer : but the scripture clearly manifests the contrary . agreeably to these positions , or rather exceeding them , are the speeches of some whether levellers , or quinto-monarchians , in the first and second part of pamphlets printed . 1648 , 1649. p. 1. the creature man was priviledged with being lord over other inferior creatures , but not over his own kind ; for all men being alike priviledged by birth , so all men were to enjoy the creatures alike without propriety , one more than another . p. 3. the beast hath its power from the dragon . revel . 13. 4. and the dragon . revel . 20. 2. is the devil : so that it is plain , that kings are of the beast , and the beast is of the devil ; and it is as plain , they that worship the king , worship the beast ; and they that worship the beast , worship the devil . revel . 13. 4. now let us a little behold our english powers , all that which is called magistracy , is from the kings patent ; and his is from the devil : for the kings predecessors , the outlandish bastard william , came to be king by conquest and murther , now murtherers are , saith jesus , the devils children ; for , saith he , the devil was a murtherer from the beginning , and he abode not in the truth : now kings are utterly against the truth , and persecutors of the saints ; for saith jesus , they shall bring you before kings , so that kings are enemies unto the kingdom of christ ; taking licenses and grants , patents and charters from the king , is taking the beasts mark . p. 8. we take this power of william the conqueror , to be that little horn in dan. 7. 24. p. 13. kings , lords , and commons the little horn. part. 2. p. 5. titles of honour are termed vain titles , forbidden by our saviour as heathenish , although some good men were kings , yet it was not in regard to their office , but persons , for in that they were kings , they were tyrants . p. 6. it was wickedness in the israelites , in advancing a man , one of their own kind , in the place of a god , and so to idolize their own flesh above god. p. 7. kings are the worst of men . p. 8. lawyers being worse than the devil , who scorns to take a penny fees , to torment any , but will do it freely . p. 9. pharaoh-like , they have their juglers , who can play the hocus pocus , and invent a thing they call religion , like jereboams calves , who the first invented state worship . p. 10. all those oppressors before named , do live altogether out of gods way , and in rebellion to his lawes : first , because they live without a calling , and so are idle , being vagabonds , and wasters of the creatures by drunkenness , pride , gluttony , and so but vermin in a commonwealth , and by their own law ought to be put into a house of correction , and to be made work . jesus christ alone is lord and king , over man , and all men are equals . p. 11. all men are to enjoy alike freedoms , and none more than another ; so that they are equal , and none have to do to command another , no more than another him ; but in a joynt union and agreement : that any be set up , it is but a trusted humane power ; and they but servants to the whole , and may be removed at pleasure . p. 13. there are vice-kings , viz. those that are deputies , as mayors in cities and towns corporate , that are kings of patents , which patents are meer monopolies , and serve to inhance trading and commodities , in a few mens hands , to beggar the whole ; these take towls and customs of their brethren . p. 14. why may not the soldiers pull the judges out of westminster hall , and take all their rusty records , laws ▪ &c. and make a fire on them ? that so we may have honest , godly laws , according to the scriptures and reason . in the preface to the 8 last sermons of mr. tillinghast , who was much for the fifth-monarchy , are these words ; let none take offence at this language , for i cannot forbear vilifying the kingdoms of the fourth beast , when my thoughts are upon the magnifying of the kingdom , power and glory of jesus christ our lord. and if the virgin daughter of sion ( without any disparagement to her holy modesty ) might of old , be allowed by god himself , to dispise the great king of assyria , and to laugh him to scorn ; i know no reason to the contrary , but one of the lambs followers , may without breach of rule , in an holy triumph of faith , express contempt of the kings of the earth , who are all of them the lovers of the mother of harlots and abomination of the earth . in the first sermon . p. 2. of the third edition 1659. mr. tillinghast saith ; davids kingdom was a type of christs kingdom , and indeed , whereas this kingdom here jerem. 33. 20 , 21. promised is shadowed forth by that of david , it doth hold thus much , that the kingdom is not only a spiritual kingdom , but an outward visible kingdom ; for such a throne and kingdom davids was ▪ p. 14. yet the woman hath not had her day upon the serpent , but there is a time wherein the woman must have a day upon the serpent to break his head : therefore there is such a kingdom wherein the saints of jesus christ shall crush all the enemies of jesus christ in the world . p. 39. the devil plays his game ; thus in the new testament times , he made men to look for an outward kingdom only , when christ was about to set up a spiritual kingdom ; & now that christ would set up an outward kingdom saith the devil , look only to the spiritual kingdom . p. 41. gods peoples faith is not grounded on fancies , but they see and know that god is doing some glorious thing in the world , he is overturning kingdoms , and setting up the kingdom of his son. serm. 3. p. 57. he conceives the work of christs visible kingdom over the world the work of the present time , one great article of our faith , the work that god doth call his children to at this day ( and he calls upon them from heaven to attend to ) & that they are to expect it before christ come forth , & bring his kingdom with him . p. 60 , 61. he distinguisheth in christs visible kingdom , between the kingdom of the stone , and of the mountain ; this he calls the kingdom of glory , wherein the saints shall not work but receive , that the working kingdom of the saints wherein saints are by the lord imployed to do some notable service against his coming ; which is , the breaking down the great image , the bringing down all his enemies , that when he comes , he may find them his footstool ; for he is to fit at the fathers right hand , until all his enemies be made his footstool ; it 's a kingdom wherein plow-shaers are to be beaten into swords , there shall be wonderful use of swords , weapons of war , out of daniel 12. 12 , 13. he gathers the beginning of each of these . p. 62. truly i look upon it as being a main and principal part of that faith once delivered to the saints , as touching the fifth kingdom . p. 63. though this stone fundamentally is christ himself , yet considered as smiting the great image , it can be no other but christ mystical , christ in his members ; and the cutting out of this stone , cannot be meant , as some would have it , of christs first coming . p. 65. now if it can be made appear , that that , with which the fifth kingdom doth begin , the work of the great image , the over-turning the thrones of the kings , is to be performed by the saints , as chief instruments in the management of it ; then it follows of necessity , there must be such a thing as the civil and military power , to be in the hands of the saints , and that before the day of christs appearance , they must have this power in their hands , for the performance of that work : and if so , then it 's not evil for the saints and people of god to seek for it , to pray for it , to plead for it , for it 's to come into their hands for the doing of their work before the day of christs appearance . and then endeavours to prove , that this work , with which the fifth kingdom doth begin , is a work to be performed by saints , as the chief and principal instruments in the doing of it . p. 74. there 's the coming forth of christ , when his enemies by his saints are made his footstool . p. 79. he gives some figues that this work is near at hand , and p. 82. he makes this to be a general sign ; that never was there a principle , that did run so much among the churches of christ , as this hath done within these twelve months . i have set down the words of those persons , that i shall oppose in their positions , that i may not be thought to impose upon them . out of them it is manifest , that they assert , that all the powers , not only ecclesiastical , but also civil and military of the nations , even the protestant , as well as the turkish , and romish kingdoms , are antichristian ; and all their laws , officers , schools , corporations , titles , priviledges , degrees , and ranks of men in their politick and military , as well as ecclesiastical state , babylonish , from the fourth monarchy , & that those that they call publick spirited saints of this age , distinct from notional professors , and formally godly ; are to hate , separate from them , deny any assistance to them , rise up against them to destroy them utterly , to smite them , in order to the setting up a fifth monarchy of christ's visible kingdom on earth , that the saints may be a free common-wealth of themselves , subject to no laws but christ's , and free from all oppressions of men . § 3. the doctrine of smiting powers is proved from scripture precepts to be wicked . this doctrine is damnable and antichristian , as is proved by these arguments following ; whereof the first is taken from those precepts of the new testament and the old , which forbid such disobedience , vilifying , refusing assistance , smiting of powers over us , dignities , officers ; but command honour , obedience , assistance , fear , to powers , dignities , and their laws , and may be thus formed . that doctrine is damnable and antichristian which commendeth and urgeth practises and actions contrary to the precepts of christ , his holy apostles , and other holy men in the holy scriptures . this proposition is of it self manifest , unlesse that be not acknowledged damnable which is condemned by so holy persons ; nor antichristian in a large sense which is flatly opposite to christ's and his holy apostles expresse doctrine . but the doctrine , which commendeth and urgeth such disobedience , vilifying , refusing assistance , smiting of powers , as the words of the fore-cited authors , called usually fifth-monarchy-men do , is contrary to the precepts of christ , his holy apostles , and other holy men in the holy scriptures : therefore that doctrine is damnable and antichristian . the minor is proved from those precepts which expresly command subjection , fear , honour , assistence to them . whereof the first is that of our saviour matth. 22. 21. mark 12. 18. luke 20. 27. where our lord christ being by the disciples of the pharisees and herodians , posed with this captious question , tending to intangle him in his talk ; is it lawful to give tribute to caesar , or not ? after the shewing of tribute money , and the acknowledgment that it had caesars image and inscription , our lord christ thence inferring , that it was due to him whose image and inscription it bare ; resolves them , that they were to render to caesar , the things that were caesars ; to wit , tribute , honour , and that subjection which was then given to him as emperor . now it is known , that the emperor , or caesar , then reigning was tiberius caesar , luke 3. 1. who came to the empire by wicked practises , and not only led a most vitious and wicked life in uncleanness , and irreligion , but also was a bloody oppressor of the senate and people of rome , as may be seen in tacitus his annals , suetonius in the relation of his life and other historians . therefore the doctrine , that teacheth disobedience , denying of tribute , honours , subjection to kings and princes , as being oppressors , enemies to christ , that urgeth hatred , smiting of them is contrary to christs precept , which requires tribute , honours , and subjection to be given them , though by wicked waies obtaining empire , and most wickedly ruling , and putting christ himself to death . the next text is that full and plain precept of the apostle paul , rom. 13. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7. where st. paul requires of every soul , therefore of the most inlightned saints , to be subject to the higher , or supreme powers ; who are termed v. 3. rulers , or princes , such as bear the sword. v. 4. therefore civil magistrates , who had power of punishing even with death , who were revengers unto wrath upon him that doth evil , and might praise them that did well ; therefore they were the persons who had rule , who are meant by powers ; for such actions are only of persons : it is not said the powers that should be , but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , the powers that are in being , though by evil means attaining it , and be that beareth the sword , not he only that ought to bear the sword , but he that hath it in possession , though perhaps not rightly acquired ; nor is it said , every soul is to be subject to the powers that are such as they should be , but which are , nor to be good rulers only , but rulers , nor he that useth or beareth it aright , but he that beareth the sword , unto these the apostle requireth subjection of necessity . v. 5. and that necessity he explaineth to be not only , because they can inflict wrath or punishment as is expressed . v. 4. but also for conscience sake , that is , as st. peter speaks , 1 pet. 2. 19. for conscience towards god , out of regard to gods ordinance . v. 1 , 2. who by his providence for mans good sets up and disposeth of those powers , and also commandeth them to be owned as by his appointment ; for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies precept as well as providence , like as compound nouns of the same theme do . 1 cor. 9. 14 heb. 11. 23. &c. and to these powers , or rulers , the apostle supposeth the paying of tribute , as the constant use of christians , that then were , and that of right ; for they were gods ministers , or servants attending continually , unto this self same thing , that is , their good. v. 4. and therefore due to them , as wages for their service to them , and wages that god assignes them , as being his servants in keeping peace , order , righteousness among men , instead of god , who claims this to be his office , and substitutes civil rulers to do it for him , and to receive their tributes and customs , as his receivers . and therefore the apostle requires . v. 7. christians to render to all their dues : tribute , to whom tribute is due , custome , or toll , to whom custome is due ; fear , to whom fear belongeth , honour , to whom honour appertains ; whom the series of the context plainly shewes to be the higher powers , rulers , that bear the sword , which can be meant of no other than civil magistrates , and governours , such as emperors , kings , senates , and officers , which either make or execuse lawes , belonging to the civil state . now sure if subjection , tribute , or poll-mony , custome , or toll for commodities , imported , or exported , fear , or reverence of their persons and authority , and honour , in respect of their preeminence and dignity , be to be given to them ; then it is contrary to the apostles doctrine to teach disobedience , contempt , withdrawing assistence from them . the reasons which the apostle gives of subjection to powers , are also of much importance for the confirmation of the obligation that lies on christians to yield them obedience , tribute , fear of offending them , and honour of their persons and place ; 1. because they are powers : now if there be no subjection , they are not powers . 2. they are higher , supreme , or excelling power , therefore those over whom they are , are to be subject to them , or ordered under them ; or else they usurp anothers place . 3. they are of god , and what is of god should be owned , not opposed . 4. they are ordained , or ordered of god , both by his wise providence disposing of such imparity , that there may be good order in humane society , if all were equals , nothing sooner bringing confusion , and hindering common good , as is apparent in armies ( from whence that word we translate ordained , seems to be taken ) all right order requiring first and last , highest and lowest , without which no useful frame , either artificial , or natural , can be erected , or made ; and also by his holy and just command , which requires superiors in place and power to be honoured , feared , assisted and served by inferiors . 5. hence the apostle infers , that resistence of them is resisting of gods ordinance , & therefore it must needs be a great sin , not only to destroy them , smite them , but also to withstand their power , or by contempt , or subtraction of due aid or subsidie to weaken them ; or to provoke them to anger , because it is contending against god. 6. the apostle upon the same reason denounceth damnation , or judgment from god , on them that do resist . for , as it is the ordinance of god that is resisted , so is it the judgment or damnation of god which is threatned to be inflicted , in which respect as the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , or jugment is used . rom. 3. 8. without mentioning god , so it is expressed . rom. 2. 2 , 3. with mentioning of him . 7. subjection is further urged , and resistence is condemned . v. 3. from the use of the powers , or rulers , who are not only by office , but also in act , not a terror to good works , but to evil . for though it were true those rulers that then were , in matters of religion , and in things that pertained to their own profit and lust , were towards some a terror to good works , and abettors of many wicked and injurious practises ; yet in the general , they did not terrifie sober , industrious , and peaceable persons , but those who did actions contrary to them , and did reward and praise them that were useful for the common-wealth ; and therefore they that did well , as saints , or christians should do , they had no reason out of fear to resist them , but in well doing to expect praise from them . 8. from their deputation from god to do justice , v. 4 , 6. the apostle argues further the necessity of subjection to them , and the impiety of resisting them , telling them , that the ruler was god's minister 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , three times he gives him these titles , and that to do justice for him ; and therefore he that resists him , resists god , and this cannot be with impunity , god not permitting his bearing the sword for him to be in vain ; but so ordering it , that he is , and shall be an avenger unto wrath unto him that doth evil . all these arguments whereby the apostle enforceth his precept , both for the positive part , requiring subjection , and the negative denying resistence , do shew , that the apostle was very earnest in pressing this duty of subjection to civil magistrates : which it is probable he did the more importunately urge in this epistle , because it was written to the romans , who were inhabitants in that city , where were most oppressions and villainies committed of any part of the world ; and in that time , whether in claudius or nero's reign , in which the powers that were , the caesars , or emperors and rulers under them , were as monstrously vitious , wicked , unrighteous , tyrannous and cruel enemies to christians , as in any time ; and therefore the roman christians might be tempted to think , that sure they were not to be subject to such , but were to resist them . nor doth the apostle only in this place urge the duties of subjection , and non-resistence of civil powers , but also strictly injoins titus in his epistle to him c. 3. 1. to put the christians over whom he was , in mind of this , that they should be subject to principalities and powers , to obey magistrates ; intimating thereby , that christians had need to be minded of it , because it was a necessary duty , notwithstanding provocations to the contrary . to these precepts of the apostle paul i shall add the plain precepts of s. peter , 1 epist. c. 2. v. 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17. where he thus chargeth christians : submit yours●lves to every ordinance of man , or humane creature , for the lords sake : whether it be to the king as supreme , or unto governors , as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evil doers , and for the praise of them that do well . for so is the will of god , that with well-doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men . as free and not using your liberty for a cloak of malic●ousness , but as the servants of god. honour all men ; love the brotherhood ; fear god , honour the king. in which words s. peter commands subjection to every ordinance of man , where as the adversaries forbid subjection to any humane creature or ordinance , any government whatsoever that is of mans erecting , building and planting . the apostle bid , be subject for the lord , as jehosaphat said to the judges , 2 chron. 19. 6. take heed what ye do , for ye judge not for man , but for the lord , who is with you in the judgement ; but the adversaries say , subjection is against the lord : the apostle bids submit to the king as supreme , or excelling ; they say , submit not to the king , he is not supreme , nor excels ; none hath any just title to rule now ; kings are from the dragon , the worst of men ; the saints are to smite them : he saith , submit to governors , as unto them that are sent by him ; they say , submit not to them , because sent by him , for they and all that own them are antichristian : the apostle saith , they are sent by him for the punishment of evil d●ers , and the praise of them that do well ; these say , they are sent to oppresse the saints , and to uphold babylon : the apostle saith , that so is the will of god , that ye submit to kings and governors sent by him ; they say , it is the will of god , that ye oppose , smite them : the apostle saith , that ye may so put to silence the ignorance of foolish men ; they say , by so doing ye shall promote the interest of babylon : the apostle joins these , fear god , honour the king ; and in like manner solomon , prov. 24. 21. my son fear thou the lord and the king ; they say , fear god , vilifie , destroy the king. now it is to be observed , that the caesars , powers , rulers , principalities , who then bare the sword , the kings and governors then sent by the king , were the roman emperors , kings and governors under them , who were all of them great idolaters , took the title of pontifex maximus , as being chief about the idol service of jupiter and other heathen gods , none of them christians by profession , or jews , but enemies to both , and fierce and cruel persecutors of christians , and some of them so unrighteous , and vitious , that one of them , particularly nero , was adjudged by the senate hostis patriae the enemy of his countrey , in whose time st. paul and st. peter are thought to have written their epistles , yet did they require subjection to them , and therefore to teach , they are to be resisted , and smitten for those qualities , to whom the apostles notwithstanding them require subjection , honour , and payment of tribute , is with most impudent face to gainsay the apostles doctrine . and because that it seems out of doubt to them , that ecclesiastical rulers should be vilified , opposed , as being antichristian , being conceived to be against their imagined fifth-monarchy , i will add the words of st. paul upon occasion of the high priest ananias his commanding them that stood by him to smite him on his mouth for saying , i have lived in all good conscience before god unto this day , whereupon he said to him god shall smite thee , th●u whited wall : for sittest thou to judge me after the law , and commandest thou me to be smitten contrary to the law ? which occasioned them that stood by to say , revilest thou gods high priest ? in reply whereto correcting himself , st. paul said , i wist not brethren , that he was the high priest , for it is written , thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people . i acknowledge there is not a little difficulty to acquit st. paul from falsehood , or dissembling in saying , he knew not that ananias was the high priest ; sundry waies are conceived which may be seen in mr. gataker's cinnus lib. 1. c. 6. i rest on that , on which after chrysostom , cajetan , isidor clarius , aretius , mountagu , gataker and heinsius exercit : sacr : lib. 5. c. 13. pitch , that by reason of the confusion , that then was in the government , the high priests then not succeeding according to the law of god in the family of aaron , nor continuing during life , but by bribes and evil arts being promoted and removed by the kings , and governors at pleasure , insomuch that ( as heinsius speaks ) it is manifest there was then such anarchy , that d●ily as it were they were and were not high priests : besides paul's long absence from jerusalem , his unacquaintance with affairs there , especially in the government of the temple , and council of the jews ( the place , manner of sitting , habit not distinguishing him from the rest ) it may well be conceived that he did not then distinctly know ananias to be the high priest , nor perhaps one of the council regularly constituted : though it be said v. 1. he earnestly beheld the council . and it to me seems the more likely , that he did not perceive him to be high priest , because he directs his speech to them with the same compellations as he did acts 22. 1. under the titles of men and brethren , without distinguishing him from the rest , or any respective speech to them as a regular court of justice , but as a company gathered together by the chief captain to accuse and examine him , not to judge him . which is the more likely , by reason of what he did v. 6. in bespeaking them under the title of men brethren ; and , perceiving them to be of different parties , he used art to set them at variance , and to break up the assembly in a confused manner , which he would not have done , had it been a court legally set . however we determin of st. pauls knowledge of ananias , it is clear that he doth not impute his speech v. 3. to prophetick liberty , as grotius imagines when he saith in his annot. on acts 23. 3. utitur jure prophetae , nor justify it , but corrects it , and imputes it to his ignorance , and adds the command of the law , exod. 22. 28. for it is written thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people , following therein the greek version , the whole verse being , thou shalt not revile the gods , that is , as is conceived , judges , or god , nor curse the ruler of thy people . which being alledged by st. paul as in force , and applyed to himself , as thereby condemning his speech of opprobrious and threatning language , if it were not excused by his ignorance , doth plainly prove , that a ruler of the people , though an ecclesiastick , and climbing to the place by indirect means , unrighteously judging , opposing the truth , the kingdom and apostle of christ , yet should not be reviled , or with menaces terrified , or cursed , but being in the possession of a rulers place be regarded in words and actions as a ruler . to which i shall add some more passages of the old testament , st. pauls allegation of this shewing , that they are moral , and still binding christians . eccl. 10. 20. curse not the king , no not in thy thought , or conscience , and curse not the rich in thy bed-chamber : for a bird of the ayr shall carry the voice , and that which hath wings shall tell the matter . eccles. 8. 2. i counsel thee to keep the kings commandment , and that in regard of the oath of god. out of all which i conclude , that the minor of my argument is sufficiently proved , that the doctrine which commendeth and urgeth such disobedience , vilifying , refusing assistance , smiting of powers , whether civil or ecclesiastical , or military , as th● words cited by me do , is contrary to the precepts of christ , his holy apostles , and other holy men in the holy scriptures , and consequently damnable and antichristian . § 4. the exceptions of fifth-monarchy-men and others against the first argument are refelled . against this argument which overthrows also the doctrines of jesuited pontificians and other opposers , deposers , and smiters of kings and other rulers , there are sundry exceptions taken . one exception is , that those precepts were for that time , when the christians were unable to resist . but this is prevented by the apostles words , rom. 13. 5. ye must needs be subject , not only for wrath , but also for conscience sake . another , that these precepts tie us to submit to these rulers , and not to resist them , till they cease to be rulers , which they do when excommunicate , deprived by the pope . but if the pope be comprehended under every soul , as chrysostom conceived even the apostles were , then the pope himself is to be subject to rulers , and consequently cannot depose them ; nor hath the scripture given this power to the pope , or man , to depose them , it being god's prerogative , as is said psal. 75. 7. god is the judge , he putteth down one , and setteth up another . another evasion is , that subjection is required to rulers , while they are a terror to evil works , & not to good , but not when they oppresse , are enemies to gods people , christ's kingdom , then they cease to be rulers ; but this is prevented by the apostle , who saith , the powers that be are ordained of god , and therefore to them , as they are , subjection is to be given ; and resistence is forbidden by s. paul. but the chief exception is that which p. 51 of the banner displayd is in these words : now then we say , that called the ordinance of god , proves the ordinance of the devil ; and though the powers of the great image might be taken for the ordinance of god , so long as they kept their pure , civil , and unmixed state ; so saith paul , the powers that be ( i. e. the civil powers of old rome , tho a bloudy persecutor , and devourer of the creation , and god's heritage ) are ordained of god ; yet when the power of rome adulterated from its pure civil state , and becomes a mixt antichristian state , the beast , and a whore , then it is said of that beastly , antichristian power , that the dragon , or satan gave him his power , and his seat , and great authority ; and what then is this save the ordinance of hell ? to which i reply , if i understand them aright , this is their meaning , that the powers of the great image that is the kings , emperors and rulers of the world then ceased to be gods ordinance , and became the ordinance of hell , when that was fulfilled , which we read revel . 13. 2. which they take for granted was , when the empire of rome , or the ten kings that arose out of the division of it , did give their power and strength , as it is revel . 17. 13. unto the beast mentioned v. 11. which it 's without doubt with them to be the bishop of romes pretended supremacy , dominion , oecumenieal vicarship , by which christian religion was corrupted , mixed with paganish , and jewish rites , and the ten kings and their kingdoms made dependent on the pope . and consequently subjection , and assistance is not due to the civil , or ecclesiastical , or military powers or laws that now are , being built or erected upon the old foundation of the fourth monarchy in this supposed mixt estate , but they are warranted and bound , as being the stone expressed dan. 2. 34 , 44 , 45. to smite , destroy , utterly dissolve the powers of the fourth monarchy ( which they conceive to be all the present ) in their persons , offices , laws , titles , priviledges and whole constitution , and to take to themselves all the power and dominion in the earth in order to the erecting of the fifth-monarchy , which they call christs visible kingdom upon earth . now surely such a monstrous giant-like claim as this , exceeding any of the proud claims of nebuchadnezzar , or any of the persian , roman turkish monarchs , had need of very good cards for it , some unquestionable charter or grant of heaven , especially when it so flatly opposeth such plain precepts as i have alledged to the contrary , which unless they be proved to be relaxed or repealed by a divine sentence , testified by some infallible evidence of miracles or otherwise , such as christ and his apostles had , do prove , that this claim , and the doctrine that teacheth such practises , as they incite men to , is from the devil himself , who is the great abaddon , or destroyer of the world. sure christ , when he bid his disciples teach men to observe all that he had commanded , promising , to be with them all daies unto the end of the world , matth. 28. 20. and s. paul , when he thus wro●● to timothy , 1 epist. ch . 6. 13 , 14. i give thee charge in the sight of god , who quickeneth all things , and before jesus christ , who before pontius pilate witn●ssed the good confession , that thou keep this commandment ( whereof prayer and thanksgiving for kings and all that are in authority , 1 tim. 2. 1 , 2 , 3. obedience to masters , 1 tim. 6. 1. are a part ) without spot , unrebukeable , until the appearing of our lord jesus christ , did conceive their commands to be binding until christs second coming . and sith he only hath power to repeal , release , dispense with a law , who hath a power , either legislative , or declarative of law superiour or equal to his ; who gave , or at first authoritatively declared it , it can be no less than pope-like , or dictator-like arrogance in some persons , upon pretence of a peculiar revelation to them , no way demonstrated , but in an obscure claucular meeting for consultation imagined to be communicated to them , determin , that which st. paul said was the ordinance of god , to be the ordinance of hell , because they say it , and to exceed the pharisees in arrogance , whom our saviour chargeth with hypecrisie for making the commandment of god of none effect by their tradition ; though it were the tradition of their elders , or chief rabbins , or doctors . matth. 15. 6 , 7. this bidding defiance to all the powers of the earth ; and this taking on them , to make void so plain precepts of christ and his apostles , without any other proof than they bring , is in my apprehension , one of the greatest pieces of pride and arrogancy that i have met with , and as great a delusion as i think this age hath afforded . § 5. suppositions implyed in the quinto-monarchians exceptions are shewed to be uncertain , as those about the stone & it's smiting . dan. 2. 34. 44. nevertheless let us examine what they say , of which some things are supposed , some things are inferred . the things supposed and inferred are these : 1. that the fourth kingdom mentioned . dan. 2. and 7. is the roman empire ; which i will not deny , though there be not a few very learned men , that take the fourth monarchy to be the empire of the successors of alexander the great , and that upon such reasons , as might make sober men not too peremptory in the contrary opinion , much less to make the future smiting of it an article of faith , and the visible kingdom of christ to succeed it . 2. that the kingdom mentioned to be set up dan. 2. 44. shall be an external visible kingdom on earth ; which is yet more doubtful , being more controverted among godly learned men : and that upon such weighty considerations on both sides , as may make considerate men , if not to suspend their judgement , yet not too resolutely to assert it , nor obtrude it with such zeal , as the quinto-monarchians do , as an article of faith , and build such mighty attempts , commotions in the world , and hopes on so uncertain a foundation . 3. that , in the daies of these kings must be meant at the end of the fourth monarchy , when all the materials of the image shall be broken in pieces , and scattered so as no place was found for them : whereas it is far more probable , that it was set up when christ began to preach the gospel , as john baptist and our lord intimated , when he invited men to repent and believe the gospel , for the kingdom heaven was at hand ; very likely alluding to those places in daniel ch . 2. 44. in their daies the god of heaven shall set up a kingdom , which shall never be destroyed , and therefore called the kingdom of heaven to distinguish it from the kingdoms of men set up by them , not by the god of heaven ; whereto the like is dan. 7. 14. and seems to be referred to the spiritual kingdom of christ , which the saints of the most high do take , as the author to the hebrews ch . 12. 28. saith , wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken , let us have , or hold fast , grace , whereby we may serve god acceptably , with reverence and godly fear ; which no man doubts , to be meant of the receiving the kingdom of christ , by faith in him , upon the preaching of the gospel . 4. there is a distinction made between the kingdom of the stone , and the kingdom of the mountain , as if they were either several kingdoms , or at least of several conditions and qualifications ; whereas the text doth distinguish them no otherwise than in their extent , not one spiritual , the other visible & external , the one the working kingdom , the other the kingdom of glory . 5. that the stone , which must do the smiting and breaking work , is not christ personal only , but also christ mystical with his members , or to use the words of mr. tillinghast , though this stone fundamentally is christ himself , yet considered as smiting the great image , it can be no other but christ mystical , christ in his members . but sure in this they are mistaken , this work being made in scripture christs own peculiar work , matth. 21. 42 , 43 , 44. jesus saith unto them , did ye never read in the scriptures , the stone which the builders rejected , the same is become the head of the corner ? this is the lords doing , and it is marvellous in our eyes . therefore i say unto you , the kingdom of god shall be taken from you , and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof . and whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken ; but on whomsoever it shall fall , it will grind him to powder , or dash him to pieces . in which passage it is apparent that by the kingdom of god ( which is to be conceived the same with that dan. 2. 44. ) is meant the kingdom which was then among the jews , which was no other than the spiritual kingdom of christ , and the stone , whose work is to grind to powder , or dash to pieces , ( which is to be conceived to be the same , with the smiting and breaking , dan. 1. 34. 44. ) is that stone , which was rejected by the builders , and should become the head of the corner ; which is no other but christ personal , who was crucified by the rulers of the jews , but raised up from death and set at gods right hand ; and so became the corner stone of gods spiritual house or church , as it is expresly expounded by peter , acts. 4. 11. 1 pet. 2. 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8. and of him it is said , that he shall change our vile body , that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body , according to the working , whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself , philip. 3. 21. 6. it is supposed , that this smiting work shall be by military power , or by fighting : whereas , if the cutting of the stone out of the mountain , be the setting up of the kingdom , it must be without hands , dan. 2. 34. 44 , 45. by the god of heaven , and therefore to be done some other way , as zech. 4. 6. the return of the jews , and their establishing in their land under zerubbabel should be not by might , or army , nor by power , but by gods spirit , or , as it is said , isai. 11. 4. of christ , that he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth , and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked . by his preaching , or by his angels , or by his creatures , as by flaming fire he may smite , as when it is said , 2 thes. 1. 7 , 8 , 9 , 10. the lord jesus shall be revealed from heaven , with his mighty angels in flaming fire , taking vengence on them that know not god , and that obey not the gospel of our lord jesus christ ; who shall be punished with everlasting destruction , from the presence of the lord , and the glory of his power , when he shall come to be glorified in his saints ; and to be admired in all them that believe . and thus shall gog and magog be smitten , revel . 20. 9. when they shall go up on the breadth of the earth , and compass the camp of the saints about , and the beloved city , fire shall come down from god out of heaven and devour them . by these and other means , the stone may smite the feet of the great image , without swords , and such like military weapons , and fighting , and that be fulfilled , which is promised psal. 2. 9. thou shalt break them with a rod of iron , thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potters vessels . as he is described revel . 1. 16. that out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword , so he warneth , revel . 2. 16. repent ; or else i will come unto thee quickly , and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth . yea , when it is promised , v. 26 , 27. he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end , to him will i give power over the nations ( and he shall rule them with a rod of iron : as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers ) even as i received of my father : it is to be understood of their prayers , as revel . 6. 10. revel . 8. 4 , 5. revel . 11. 5 , 6. as james 5. 17. revel . 12. 11. not of arms , and armies , he that reads revel . 16 and 19. chapters , wherein is foretold the destruction of the beast , and the false prophet , may see more reason to conceive that christ will do it by plagues , as god did the egyptians by moses , or some other invisible way without the saints ; or if he use the saints , he will do it by their prayers and testimonie , without other fighting . and therefore if it were granted ; that that , with which the fifth kingdom doth begin , the work of the great image , the overturning the thrones of the kings is to be performed by the saints , as chief instruments in the mannagement of it ; yet it is not true , which mr. tillinghast saith in his 3. sermon p. 65. then it follows of necessity , there must be such a thing as the civil and military power to be in the hands of the saints , and that before the day of christs appearance , they must have this power in their hands , for the performance of that work . so that notwithstanding this pretence , it is evil and horribly wicked , for them that have called themselves , the saints and people of god , to seek for it , to pray for it , to plead for it , as the fifth monarchy men have done , contrary to the plain precepts of christ and his apostles , seeking for it by killing innocent men , under pretence of praying to god , and keeping fasts , cursing their governors , and pleading by revilings , and false accusations , and most horrid pervertings of holy scripture , and self magnifyings for a power , not belonging to them . 7. it is supposed , that if the smiting work be to be done by men , it must be by saints in their notion . but there is no proof of this , or rather the words of scripture do plainly tell us ; that the work is to be done by those kings , which they conceive , they should destroy as antichristian , in order to the setting up of the fifth monarchy . for thus we read revel . 17. 16 , 17. and the ten horns , which thou sawest upon the beast , these shall hate the whore , and shall make her desolate , and naked , and shall eat her flesh , and burn her with fire . for god hath put in their hearts , to fulfil his will , and to agree , and give their kingdom unto the beast , until the words of god shall be fulfilled . so that whereas these men imagin such an inconsistency with gods purpose and glory to use the kings and governments , which have supported the whore of babylon for her ruine , and therefore incite men to such hatred , and emnity against them , and with much disdain , stomack , and bitter zeal ; not knowing what spirit they are of , do vilify , inveigh against , and curse them , and seek their total abolition , glorying , like frantick men , in their own satanical spirit and designs , they should rather endeavour to do such things as might make princes favour them , and hate the whore ; and rather admire , bless and magnify the providence and work of god , in using them as instruments to pull her down , whose predecessors out of their blind devotion , set up the whore , and to protect the servants of god , who were by their ancestors destroyed . 8. it is supposed that this smiting work is to be done by gentile saints , who are such as they have characterized them . but this hath no evidence to prove it . for though i will not exclude the gentile saints from being meant dan. 7. 18. 21 , 22 , 25 , 27. yet it is very probable ( which junius , piscator and others observe ) that by saints in those places are specially meant the jewish people , called , ch . 8. 10. the host of heaven v. 24. the holy people , or people of the holy ones ch . 9. 15 , 16 , 19 , 24. gods people , and their city jerusalem called by gods name , his sanctuary , the holy city , ch . 11. 28. 30. the holy covenant , ch . 12. 7. the holy people . yea sundry of those , that are much followed in this argument ( as mr. mede comment . on revel . 16. 12. ) do conceive , that by the kings of the east who shall have their way prepared for expedition against the beast ; are meant the jews . and sundry prophecies there are in the old and new testament , which do seem to foretel the kingdom to be restored to israel , according to the question acts 1. 6. and therefore the more likely , when they are converted to christ , if any saints on earth , to be chief instruments of destroying babylon , which hath oppressed them , or that fourth kingdom , which hath been as strong as iron , and broken in pieces and subdued all . 9. it is supposed , that this smiting work is the work of this generation , and to be begun by the pretended publick spirited saints of this nation . whereas mr. tillinghast himself serm. 1. p. 25. saith , the work of christs kingdom , the glorious beginning of it , it shall be about the time of the jews coming in : and indeed the coming in of the jews , shall be a very great advancement of this kingdom . i omit what mr. parker conceives of the waldenses , and others , as long since beginning and carrying it on . there is nothing yet appears , but a violent , heady , presumptuous spirit in those persons , who have thought themselves fit to begin the work , nor in the times , but the commotions that have been , which gives colour to this supposition . § 6. quinto-monarchians hypotheses about the civil governments , being from the fourth monarchy , rome and the dragon , are shewed to be groundless . 10. it is supposed , that the civil powers that be are of old rome , or the fourth monarchy , or ( as they speak ) growing upon the old root of wickednesse and bitternesse , or being a remnant of the old foundation , which is their expressions in the banner displayd , [ p. 1. there will be no rest till the fourth kingdom , which divides it self into two iron legs , ten toes , and a little horn be wholly destroyed , in all the laws , constitutions , governments , and reliques thereof . p. 29. the fifth kingdom which is christs , with its holy , just , and righteous laws , and officers must arise , with destruction to , and stand up in the place of the fourth kingdom , and the laws and officers thereof ] shew to be the laws , constitutions , governments and orders of the roman empire ; and they assert a legislative power , to make laws to govern the nations only in christ , and his laws and officers only are to have place ; and in the book entituled the standard set up , printed 1657. p. 15. they say that the scriptures ( being given by inspiration of god with his holy spirit ) are the revealed will and rule of this legislator , to be constantly owned , and submitted unto in times of war and peace , as a constant standing rule for the inward and outward man ( wherein are laws , statues , precepts , and judgments for all cases , conditions , and actions of civil , military , and spiritual concerns , either in particular , or more general terms ; ) for so they were to the common-wealth of israel , the only type of the lambs government . but these suppositions in a great part are notoriously false . for the government by king , lords , and commons , as it is constituted in england , is quite different from old rome , whether under the caesars or popes , not derived from them , but from the saxons of normans , or some other of the ancient rulers of this island ; nor are the laws of england , by which it is governed in civil affairs , the laws of the emperors , which are that which we call the civil law , consisting of the edicts and constitution of roman emperors ; nor the canon law , consisting of popes decrees and decretals : but the common and statute laws of these nations , which he that reads the chronicles of england , the writings of sir thomas smith of the common-wealth of england , mr. cambdens britannia , sir edward cookes institutes , the preface of sir john davis to his irish reports , the book of statutes , may easily perceive to have another original , and to be much different from them . if there were no more but the daily practice of the courts of justice , and the manner of choosing & making judges and officers to refute this calumny , it were enough to shew the grosse falshood of this supposition . and yet , were the laws and form of government the same with old rome , they were not therefore antichristian , and we released from obedience to them : for , not only christ and his apostles required obedience to them , but also s. paul both made use of them , and commended them , acts 16. 37. and 22. 25. and 25. 10 , 11 , 16. which if they had been antichristian , ( as they give out clamorously , but ignorantly ) and to be opposed with greatest hatred , doubtlesse they would not have done . as for the other part of the supposition , though we grant , that our lord christ is the supreme legislator , and wherein he hath determined any thing his laws are to stand in force , above and against all constitutions and laws of men , yet we find not that christ did , or intended to make any particular laws for thousands of things which pertain to civil government , no , nor for many things pertaining to gods worship and church-government , which yet require a determination by some laws or rules for good order to be kept thereabout . when one of the company said unto him , master , speak to my brother , that he divide the inheritance with me ; he said unto him , man , who made me a judge or divider over you ? luk. 12. 13 , 14. nor did the apostles , or the governors after them , or christians , as such , intermeddle with making laws or judging civil affairs , any farther than they were intrusted either by the roman governors , or according to christs appointment , matth. 18. 15 , 16 , 17. or the apostles directions about composing differences between christians . 1 cor. 6. 1. &c. or the exercise of ecclesiastical censure , or miraculous power did require . though it is not to be denied that in aftertimes too much of this work was either commited by christian emperors , or assumed by the rulers , and governors of christian churches , especially by popes of rome to the great detriment of christianity . as for the holy scriptures , though we acknowledge their sufficiency for a rule in matters of faith and holy life , in order to the end wherefore they were inspired of god , to wit , the honouring and serving of god , and our own salvation : yet we do not find in them sufficient laws in particular for the governing of all civill commonwealths , but that judges and officers ( notwithstanding what we find in the books of m●ses and the prophets , and other holy writings ) would be to seek how to pass sentence , and to administer justice in thousands of cases that occur about lands , wills , trades , and other actions , which concern human affairs and society ; yea , they that have perused the talmuds , and writings of the jewish doctors , do find , that notwithstanding the body of laws given by god himself , yet by reason of the varying of cases , many resolutions there are added by their judges , or lawyers , which they receive as laws . and this was thought so necessary , that god erected a senate among them , with strict injunction to the jews to do according to the sentence , which they of that place ( which the lord shall choose ) should shew them , and to observe to do according to all that they informed them , deut. 17. 10. which was in effect all one as to impower them to make laws for them . sure notwithstanding the written laws of moses , solomon had been at a stand how to give sentence in the case of the two harlots , had not god given him an extraordinary spirit of wisdom to do judgment , 1 kings 3. 28. nor can the mosaical or jewish laws fit the government of this nation , unless there were the same distribution of lands , the same state of people , and neighbour nations , the same manner of trade and living as they had . and it is to be considered , whether this asserting of the laws of the jews as a constant standing rule to us gentiles , be not indeed the same error of judaism , which was condemned by the synod at jerusalem , acts 15. and the writings of the apostles , and counted as an heresy , which did evacuate the benefit of our christian liberty , which christ hath purchased , by losing of which we may forfeit our interest in christ , and their lawes be so far from being the only lawes fit for the government of christs kingdom , that they may in many things be most unfit , and contention for them to be imposed on gentile belivers more justly to be counted antichristian , than the civil lawes of the nations , which they so much oppose as antiehristian , nor can those lawes be fitted for the kingdom of christ , which they look for : for that kingdom will be , when all christs enemies shall be made his footstool , christ shall personally raign , as they conceive , on earth , it shall be a kingdom , which shall have a s●at , s●nless , sorrowless , deathless , superiorless , having no humane ruling majesty , no church censures , no superiority of persons ; no fears ; no wants ; no desertions ; no painful labour ; no decay ; no procreation of children , as dr. homes reckons them in his resurrection revealed , lib. 5. c. 4. and therefore this supposition , and the inference that is made thereupon , is false , and insufficient , and it would be not only a sin against god , but also a most extream degree of wickedness to destroy our lawes , records , government upon this pretence , and all men are truly bound in conscience to defend them , and to oppose those as antichristian , and enemies to christs kingdom , who would disanul them . as for the common-wealth of israel , its being the only type of the lambs government , gal. 6. 16. it is so in respect of the spiritual kingdom of christ , in which believers are an holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god through jesus christ , a royal preisthood to shew forth gods praises , 1 pet. 2. 5. 9. and , if this reason be of validity to tie us to their lawes , it will tie us to the lawes about the jewish temple , priesthood , sacrifices , and the rest of the ceremonial lawes ; which were to reduce us from christ to moses , and compleat judaism . as then it was a pretious benefit , which the gospel brought , that the gentiles were not tied to those particular lawes of religious service , which were required of the jews , that the yoke was not put upon the neck of the disciples , which neither the fathers , nor the apostles were able to bear , acts , 15. 10. but that many things even in gods worship were to be determined by prudence of rulers , according as might best fit the service of god , with respect to the condition of several people : so much more in civil affairs , it was the great goodness of god , and a great advantage to the furthering of christs kingdom , among the gentiles ▪ that the gospel did not impose on the nations , either the mosaical , or any other particular lawes , or civil government : but left them to their own lawes and government in such things ; and required christians to submit to them , without which there is no likelihood , christianity had been embraced as it was , nor christians to have subsisted , and been multiplied among infidels , as they were . and therefore whereas the quinto-monarchians , have made such great stirs , as they have done , not only for a reformation in ecclesiastical discipline , and worship , but also to bring the government and lawes civil to the jewish platform in the holy scriptures , ( which is their diana ) they have therein followed their own fancy , not the holy scriptures , but to the great wrong of the church of god , and injury to his name and truth , caused many to follow their pernicious ways , by reason of whom the way of truth is evil spoken of ; so that of them may be verified , which we read , rom. 3. 14 , 15 , 10 , 17. their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness , their feet are swift to shed blood , destruction and misery are in their ways , and the way of peace have they not known . 11. it is granted by them , that the powers of the great image might be taken for the ordinance of god , so long as they kept their pure , civil and unmixed estate , so saith paul , the powers that be ( i. e. the civil powers of old rome tho a bloody persecutor , and devourer of the creation , and gods heritage ) are ordained of god. in which passage they intimate , 1. that the civil powers of old rome , were a bloody persecutor and devourer of the creation , and gods heritage . 2. that then they kept their pure civil , and unmixed estate . 3. that so long , though they were the powers of the great image , yet they might be taken for the ordinance of god ; according to st. paul , rom. 13. 1. 4. that therefore so long they were to be obeyed , and not resisted . for discovery of the fallacy , that is in these speeches , it is needful , that it should be inquired into , what they mean by the civil powers of old rome , keeping their pure civil and unmixed estate . the opposite estate is thus expressed , when the power of rome adulterated from it's pure civil state , became a mixt antichristian state , the beast and a whore : the power of rome , was in the apostle pauls time , the power of the emperors , whether caius , caligula , claudius , nero , and the senate , and consuls of rome , the praetors , kings , presidents , such as herod , agrippa , pilate , felix , festus , and others under them . the unmixed estate , seems to be their not taking upon them that , which after the emperors , or popes did , when they became antichristian . now sure what ever it were , that after the civil powers of rome assumed , or did , it is certain , that they were , as it is confessed , the powers of the great image , bloody persecutors , and devourers of the creation , and gods heritage , and i may add , as wicked and impure in their lives , as they were afterwards , yea and as monstrously idolatrous , as afterwards . the emperors then took to themselves the title of pontifex , maximus , which was kept till the christian emperors time , and that title imported their power and inspection about the idolatrous rites of the romans , whereby they took charge of the worship of jupiter , and other roman deities , and were zealous for it so as to persecute them to death with extream cruelty , who would not offer incense to their idols , nor swear by them ; yea they did some of them urge jews and other people to worship either themselves or their statues as gods , as caligula , domitian , and caused the abomination and desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet , to stand in the holy place , of which our saviour foretels , matth. 24. 15. and though the popish idolatry in the worshiping of the host , bowing down to crucifixes , images , praying to deceased saints , creeping to crosses , adoring of reliques and other superstitions of the romanists be horribly impious , and their cruelty in destroying them that will not adore their consecrated host , be very satanical , and so their power and the exercise of it whereby they take on them to condemn as hereticks them that will not worship their idols , and whereby princes at their beck do execute their sentences cruelly , be from satan , or the dragon in the use of it in these things , yet it is doubted whether the popish idolatry be greater , or so bad as the heathenish idolatry of the romans in st. paul's time . yea dr. john burges in his answer rejoined to the reply to dr. morton's defence of the ceremonies , ch . 4. sect . 28. hath maintained against mr. parker , that the popish idolatry is not as vile in it self as ever was any of turks or pagans . and it is plain , that in the revelation the power of the emperors , as they used it in persecution of christians for not worshipping idols , is ascribed to the divel before the pretended mixt antichristian state , as well as after . revel . 2. 10. behold the divel shall cast some of you into prison , when he did it by the pagan emperors and their officers . v. 13. i know thy works and where thou dwellest , even where satans throne is ; and thou holdest fast my name , and hast not denied my faith , even in those daies wherein antipas was my faithfull martyr , who was slain among you where satan dwelleth . on which saith brightman , it is not obscure why it is called the throne of satan . for the city where the heathen emperors had their seat , who professedly warred against the lamb , is called the throne of the dragon , ch . 13. 2. so of the daughters and lower cities those which come nearer to the mind of this prince , because they yield a palace more prepared for the divel , are notified by the same name . and revel . 12. 3. where it is said , behold a great red dragon having seven heads & ten horns , & seven crowns upon his head , on its saith mede , a wonder or representation of the empire of rome heathen worshiping the dragon ; the large annotations on the bible . a great red dragon , the heathen roman emperors succeeding one another , who did the divel service , as in other things , so chiefly in persecuting the church v. 9. ch . 2. 10. the like , if need were , might be shewed to be the opinion of brightman , diodat● , pareus , piscator and others . by which and many other passages in holy scripture it may appear , that the heathen emperors had that power , whereby they persecuted the church of christ from satan , and were as great idolaters as those under the papacy , and were as serviceable to the divel , and yet are granted to be the ordinance of god , and though the powers of the great image even the iron legs , yet were not to be resisted , but the saints , even every soul , the holy apostles themselves not excepted , were to be subject to them under pain of damnation , whence it follows , that there is no warrant for english pretended , or real saints to smite the present powers , to oppose , resist , overthrow the present laws , government and governors , though it were yielded ( which is not ) that they were part of the fourth monarchy , kept not their pure civil and unmixed state , were oppressors , shed the blood of the saints , and what ever else the quinto-monarchians do object against them . doubtless however sir walter raleigh have aggravated the cruelties of king henry the 8th of england , and perhaps others may represent in the most odious manner the government of other princes , yet they exceed not nero , domitian and other of the roman heathen emperors in cruelty to the christian believers , nor in uncleanness , and unrighteousness , and yet st. paul and st. peter and our lord christ himself command subjection even to such . and therefore these things cannot release the quinto-monarchians from subjection , but their pleas for their smiting work are proved to be damnable and antichristian . 12. it is supposed , when the power of rome was adulterated from its pure civil state , and becomes a mixt antichristian state , the beast and a whore , ( which they conceive of the present civil powers of the nations even the protestant , and particularly those of england ) then it is said of that beastly antichristian power , that the dragon or satan gave him his power , & his seat and great authority , and what then is this save the ordinance of hell ? to examine this it is to be observed , 1. that they suppose it was the civil power of rome which is meant , revel . 13. 1. 2. by the beast , and that it is meant of the civil powers , since they became in name christian. which i will not gainsay , because of the words of the angel revel . 17. 12. and the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings , which have received no kingdom as yet , but receive power as kings one hour with the beast , though there are , or have been , that understand by it heathen emperors , afore they embraced christianity , or an emperor not yet extant , that i may omit other conjectures : and therefore this is not to be taken as so certain , that on it should be grounded so strange a work as the smiting of all the civil powers of europe , which is deduced from it . 2. it is supposed , that then the civil powers were adulterated from their pure civil and unmixed estate . by pure civil and unmixed estate they must mean ( if i be not mistaken ) that afore that time the roman emperors did not meddle with the matters of religion or of the church : ( which is most notoriously false , for they took the title of pontifex maximus , ruled in the business of the worship of their gods , did forbid christian worship , and persecuted christians to the death ) and that they did afterwards , which is also false . for the emperors christian did reject that title , and demolished the temples of idols , promoted the christian worship , contended with the bishops that did set up images in the churches , and if by the mixture be meant their assuming ecclesiastical power , i suppose these objectors will not charge them with this , it being to their great vexation , that the bishops , especially the bishops of rome claimed , and usurped authority over emperors and kings ( as he doth at this day ) to excommunicate them , & if they reconciled not themselves to them to depose them , and many of the emperors and kings did contend against this usurpation in many sore wars . if by mixture of state be meant the assisting of the popes to destroy the opposers of the papacy , i acknowledge it true , that there were too many that did so . but in this there was no mixture of civil & ecclesiastical power , but rather a concurrence , the ecclesiastical keeping to themselves the judgment of heresies , and putting upon the secular power the execution of their sentence , whereby they did debase the civil power in making it subservient to them , but made no mixture of state. which appeared in that some of the civil powers , that kept their civil government as before , yet did oppose this usurpation in popes and prelates in making them their executioners to destroy those who were judged hereticks by them , and therefore this act of theirs was the evil of those persons that did it , but not of the civil government it self . 3. it is supposed that then the civil powers were the beast and a whore . which no doubt alludes to that which we read revel . 17. 1 , 2 , &c. of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters , and v. 3. 7. the whore is resembled by a woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured beast , and v. 18. it is said , and the woman which thou sawest , is that great city , which reigneth over the kings of the earth . which few do deny to be meant of rome , some of the learned papists themselves granting it to be meant of rome , though they would have it believed , that rome is so called the whore while it was heathen , not since it became christian. others there are , chiefly those of the protestant churches , who do conceive by the whore is meant rome papal , as conceiving the descriptions ofher and her practises , cannot be applied to rome as it was paganish , or ethnick . whether this , or the other , or any other opinion be right , it is not needful now to discuss : it is sufficient , that the civil powers of rome , whether ethnick , or christian , or in a future estate cannot well be termed the beast and a whore too , sith the text makes them distinct , or , if they may , yet sure the civil powers are not the whore , sith it is said . v. 2. the kings of the earth have committed fornication with the whore , and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication ; therefore , the kings of the earth , and inhabiters of the earth , must not be confounded , with the whore. and v. 16. it is said , and the ten horns ( who are ten kings , which had received no kingdom then . v. 12. and therefore not while rome was ethnick , but after it's being christian ) which thou sawest upon the beast , these shall hate the whore , and shall make her desolate , and naked , and shall eat her flesh , and burn her with fire : therefore the kings ( which are the civil powers ) are not the same with the whore , but , though at first beguiled by her shall at last hate , and consume her , when they shall be undeceived . 4. it is supposed , that then the power of rome , when adulterated from its pure civil estate became a mixt antichristian state , or a beastly antichristian power . what is meant by antichristian state , or antichristian power is not easy to resolve . it is true the apostle john makes mention of many antichrists that should come in the last time , among which his words intimate , that there should be a special antichrist , that they had heard should come , 1 john 2. 18. and v. 22. he saith , he is antichrist that denieth the father and the son , and ch . 4. v. 3. he saith , and every spirit , that confesseth not that jesus christ is come in the flesh , is not of god : and this is that spirit of antichrist , whereof ye have heard that it should come , and even already is it in the world . and in his second epistle v. 7. for many deceivers are entered into the world , who confess not that jesus christ is come in the flesh . this is a , or the deceiver , and an , or the antichrist , which words seem to import , that those erroneous seducing teachers , whether gnosticks , or other , who were risen in that time , when these epistles were written , were , it is likely , called antichrists from their opposition to the true doctrine concerning the coming of jesus christ in the flesh-nevertheless many of the ancients , in after ages , did often give hints of the expectation of christians , commonly entertained , whether from st. johns words , or some other tradition , that there would arise some more remarkable antichrist , who should , whether by power , or deceit , corrupt , or infest the church of christ , beyond what was done in his daies . and this hath been imagined by some of them , should be a roman , the same with the man of sin , 2 thes. 2. 3. that wicked , or lawless one , v. 8. the beast , revel . 13. 11. and the whore of babylon , revel . 17. 5. which in many ages the great corruptions in the popes of rome , and their courts , caused to be applied ever and anon , by some or other of the best and learnedst of their times , to the popes and papacy . and since the time of luther , it hath been almost generally received by protestant writers of all sorts , that the popes , and papacy , especially since pope boniface the third , usurped the title of oecumenical bishop , as proper to his see , and gregory the seventh , the power of deposing emperors , and boniface the eight , the welding of both swords , civil and ecclesiastical , are the antichrist , man of sin , beast , and whore of babylon foretold , that he should come , by st. paul , and st. john. and not a few very learned , and sober godly men , both of bishops and presbyters in england , ireland , france , and other nations have asserted it by preaching and writing ; and have made it one of their chief pleas , for their refusing communion with , and enmity against the late bishops of rome , and the papal church , although some of late have thought otherwise , and have endeavoured to apply those passages to some other , whether rightly , or not , i do not now determin . whence it hath come to pass , that as the papists , who still adhere to the bishop of rome , as christs vicar , and st. peters successor , swallow down all that comes from rome , be it never so vain and erroneous : so on the other side those , who have been induced by the arguments inforced from the places of holy scripture alledged to conceive , that the popes , or papacy , or roman synagogue have been , and are the antichrist , man of sin , babylon , the whore therein mentioned , have been apt to abhor any thing , sometimes that which is otherwise right , which they conceive to come from rome , or the pope , being terrified with the threatnings , revel . 14. 9. 10 , 11. against those , who worship the beast , and his image , and recieve his mark in their forehead , or in their hand , and warned by the voice from heaven , revel . 18. 4. come out of her , my people , that ye be not partakers of her sins , and that ye receive not of her plagues . which having been found by experience , to be a very taking way , especially with the vulgar , and common sort of schollars , who are little versed in antiquity , and know not the true state of the roman church in former ages , nor by what degrees , the corruptions thereof came to that height they are now attained to , it is now a very common course with them , who endeavour to render their opposites , their doctrine , or practise odious , and so to uphold their faction , to fasten on them , by clamour or calumnies , or any other way they can , the name of antichristian , babylon , the mark of the beast , and to perswade men , that what they dislike , is from rome , as being sufficient without any other proof to make them abominable , and to be destroyed . thus in our daies with us some have cried down prelacy , their liturgy , ceremonies , ordination , national church , it 's government , ministry , titles , and whatever belongs thereto as antichristian ; others have done the like to the presbyterial , classical , parochial churches , their ministery , directory , government , maintenence : others have done the same to the congregational , and in general , seekers and quakers , have in a clamorous way like scolds bespattered all that 's opposit to them , with this reproach of antichristian , and at last these fifth-monarchy men have furiously battered civil powers , & all that belongs to them , with the engine of this odious brand of antichristian and babylonish , whereby much irreconcileable hatred , enmity and opposition is raised among christians , to the great dammage of christian protestant churches , and states , and , without the great power and goodness of god , making way for some accommodation of these differences , likely so to weaken and wast us by intestine broiles , that we shall at last become a prey to the common adversary . for my part it was still opposed by me long since when saltmarsh wrote , that i had proved infant-baptism antichristian , i made him alter it , and when a meeting was for union between dissenters , i urged th●s as one thing necessary , that the term antichristian should be forborn , and when richard hubberthorn entituled his book against my serious consideration of the oath of the kings supremacy , antichristianism reproved , in my epistle to the reader before my supplement i not only shewed the falsehood of his calumny , but also endeavoured briefly to shew the evil of that course of defaming opposites , and their tenents by that title . i deny not but that there is sufficient cause given to protestant divines to charge the present romanists with antichristianism in the arrogant title given to the pope of universal bishop , in the assertion of his supremacy over all churches , his infallibility , in their worship of saints , angels , images , in their doctrines of invocation of saints , humane merits and satisfactions for sin : nor shall i deny but that there may be found some practises , or doctrines among others , which may in a qualified sense be termed antichristian . but to make the protestant churches or their government antichristian in state , and to be separated from , and to be destroyed , when they hold the faith of christ aright , because of some corruptions in points of doctrine , or worship , or discipline , which overthrow not the foundation of christian religion , is intollerable , much more to make civil powers , who reject the roman popes supremacy , and their doctrine and idolatrous worship to be antichristian , from rome , babylon , from an imagined mixture , that is not , or perhaps justifiable , shews either phrensie , or a meer proud arrogant factious and quarrelsome humor in them , not to be born , the title of antichrist being ( as may appear by st. johns words ) to be applyed to seducing teachers , not to civil powers though persecutors , as the roman emperors then were , yet by st. paul termed the ordinance of god. 5. it is supposed , that then , when the power of rome adulterated from its pure civil state , became a mixt antichristian state , the beast & a whore , a beastly antichristian power , that the dragon , or satan , gave him his power , and his seat and great authority . it is true that it is said , that st. john saw a beast arise out of the sea , having seven heads and ten horns , and upon his horns ten crowns , and upon his heads the name of blasphemy , and that the beast which he saw was like unto a leopard , and his feet were as the feet of a bear , & his mouth as the mouth of a lion : and the dragon gave him his power , and his seat and great authority . which description being like that , whereby the babylonian persian , and greek monarchies are characterized , gives occasion to judge , that the beast mentioned , revel . 13. 1. 2. was to be some future civil empire like to them , and the having seven heads and ten horns , and upon his horns ten crowns , because of the descriptions , daniel 7. 23 , 24 , 25. and revel . 17. 3. 9. 12. argnes , that it was to be the roman empire divided into ten kingdoms ; nor is it to be denied , that satan gave to this beast his power , that is his forces , and his seat , that is , rome , and the dominions belonging to it , & great authority , that is , power to command , whereby the idolatry termed blasphemy , which the christian emperors had cast down , was revived and the persecution that for a time ceased , was renewed : but that this power and seat , and great authority was not given before by the dragon to the civil powers of old rome tho a bloody persecuter , and devourer of the creation , and gods heritage ; is to be denied . for by comparing , revel . 13. 1 , 2. with rev. 12. 3 , 4. 7. it may be rather gathered , that satan had given the same power , seat , and great authority to the roman emperors before , as he did to the kings after , though it were exercised in another manner , and upon other pretences . the power and seat , and authority given by the dragon , is not to be meant of civil power to make laws , and to execute them for the well-ordering of common-wealths , and civil states , but the power , force , or authority , which was usurped by nebuchadnezzar , when he set up a golden image to be worshipped , and cast the three jews into the fiery furnance , and this may be gathered from , v. 4 , 5. and they worshipped the dragon , which gave power unto the beast ; and they worshipped the beast , saying , who is like unto the beast ? who is able to make warr with him ? and there was given unto him a mouth , speaking great things and blasphemies , and power was given unto him , to continue , or to make war forty and two months . whereby may be perceived , that the power and authority given by satan , was to speak great things , and blasphemies , and to make war with the saints . and again of the two horned beast , v. 12. it is said , that he exerciseth all the power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the first beast before him , and causeth the earth , and them that dwel therein , to worship the first beast , whose deadly wound was healed ; which cannot be understood of legal power , such as we are required to be subject to , but such wicked and unrighteous power , as is used in requiring adoration of idols , and urging it either by meer force without any law , or by devellish acts , to entice men thereto . which was in the roman heathen emperors from satan , who is said to cast the christians into prison , revel . 2. 10. by stirring up the pagan emperors and their subordinate rulers to do it , and yet their civil power , as is confessed , was the ordinance of god. 6. it is supposed , that then when the powers of the great image , or old rome , became a mixt antichristian estate , and not before , they became the ordinance of hell , to which there is no subjection due . but they do not tell us when this was , nor can tell . and is it not then blind fury , that hurries men to such frantick determinations as to date the relaxation of so plain a precept , as that rom. 13. 1. is , from such a time , as they know not when it begins , and to infer thence a warrant for some supposing themselves saints upon no better evidence , than their conceit of gods revelation of this by his spirit from his word , to attempt the smiting of all the powers of the great image civil and ecclesiastical ; whose derivation is from rome ( others not excepted nor freed ) the kingdoms of the romish iron legs , or the roman kingdom divided into the eastern and western monarchies ( wherein the whole dominion , power and monarchy of the ottoman family , or that of the turkes is comprehended ) and the beasts , ten horns or antichrists civil powers ( equivalent to the ten toes ) and also the little horn , together with all powers whatsoever , that shall be found opposers of the lords kingdom , whether they be of the golden babylonish , silver persian , brasen grecian , or iron roman , dan. 2. and ch . 7. revel . 13. comprehending the whole kingdom of antichrist in the civil and ecclesiastical parts thereof made up of persons and things , though they grant that some of these were the ordinance of god , to whom every soul was to be subject , and those only to cease to be , to whom the dragon gives his power , revel . 13. 2. which who they are , and when this power was given by the dragon , they are not able to give any assurance of ? 7. it is supposed , that the civil powers now , even in this nation , are a mixt antichristian state , and that their power is from the dragon , since this mixture , though not before . but with what colour can they make those powers antichristian , who do maintain the faith of christ ? to have their power from rome , who have denied obedience to the bishop of rome ? to be a mixt antichristian state , who cause their subjects to abjure the popes supremacy ? to have their power from the dragon , who do by their lawes & the execution of them , pull down the worship of idols , and punish with death diabolical arts ? quarrels perhaps are against the kings supremacy , over ecclesiastical persons , and in ecclesiastical causes , as if it made a mixt antichristian state , so as that what is denied to the pope , is given to the king : but this objection was so fully answered by dr. john rainold , in his conference with hart the jesuite in the tower , ch . 10. that hart himself was satisfied , that it was not so . perhaps some others imagin , that in the making of bishops there is an adulterating of the pure civil power , and an antichristian mixture of civil and ecclesiastical power ; but this also is but a mistake , that which is meerly ecclesiastical , therein being left to ecclesiastiques to do . yet , were it granted there were some mixture of civil and ecclesiastical power , that this should make the civil powers antichristian , is without all reason affirmed . were the fathers of the family , or the first-born sons , both rulers oeconomical , and priests to offer sacrifice , melchizedec , a king and a priest , david a king and a prophet , therefore antichristian ? will they count all preachers who are masters , and parents , and husbands by reason of this conjunction of these different functions in their persons therefore antichrian ? are not , or have not there been many of them , who perhaps have been of the fraternity of the quinto-monarchians themselves , who have had commands in the army , and yet have been preachers , yea taken upon them to be elders in the churches , and to have had ordination by laying on of hands , who yet have not been judged by reason of this mixture antichristian ? are not then these men very partial , who condemn that in one , which they do not in another , conniving at , if not approving that in such as favour their party , which they do count , & inveigh against , as a most heinous crime , deserving extermination in them that side not with them ? much more abominable is it , that they should impute that power , by which peace is kept , justice is done , humane society is preserved , to the dragon , and not see it to be from the devil , that they stir up hatred in the world , and practise murthering of innocent men , yea of those who are by god made rulers over them , whom they should obey , assist , and defend . 8. it is supposed , that the mixture of civil powers by them imagined makes them , who otherwise had been the ordinance of god , to be the ordinance of hell , and their power from the dragon , though promoting idolatry and persecuting christianity by the roman ethnick emperors , did not make void their being the ordinance of god , nor the duty of christians subjection to them . as if the shedding of the blood of the saints , and setting up idols were not more from satan , and more inconsistent with civil powers than an usurpation of an ecclesiastick office , or uzziahs presumption to burn incense : god would not have david build him a temple , because he had shed blood , not because he was , as it is likely , author of fetching the ark to him in a cart ; & he and all israel attended the carrying of it , playing before the lord on all manner of instruments . sure this doctrine smells rank of pharisaism to break the commandments of god for mens traditions , to disanul the duty of subjects to their civil parents , because of some supposed inordinate mixture . yea is not this the very venom of antichristian papal listing up of themselves above all that is called god , not only to excommunicate , and depose emperors for simony ( as the popes termed it ) because they gave bishops investiture into their bishopricks , or for heresy , or favouring hereticks in not destroying them , but also to proclaim war against them , and attempt to kill them by reason of mixture , or not furthering , or opposing their fifth-monarchy ? lastly , these men , by allowing only this smiting work on the civil powers , since their imagined mixture , do evacuate all the rest of their arguments for justifying it , whether from the stones smiting dan. 2. or taking the kingdom , dan. 7. or such other , whether just or unjust , accusations , or exclamations against civil powers which they make the reason of their smiting without this , and though the scriptures , make not at all this to be any of the evils in them , or the reasons of gods , or mans hostility against them . to conclude them , though much more might be said against this hellish doctrine of smiting civil powers , it is sufficiently demonstrated , that the suppositions and inferences of fifth-monarchy-men , against the first argument are false and venemous , and the conclusion stands good , their smiting is damnable and antichristan . § 7. more arguments are urged against quinto-monarchians doctrine , from precepts and examples of holy persons . a second argument against the smiting of civil powers , i draw from those words of st. paul 1 tim. 2. 1 , 2 , 3. i exhort therefore , that first of all supplications , prayers , intercessions , and giving of thanks be made for allmen : for kings , & for all that are in authority , or excellency , or eminent place , or sovereign dignity ; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness & honesty . for this is good & acceptable in the sight of god our savior . therefore , it is likely , hath reference to what he had said before . chap. 1. 18. because of the prophecies that went before of thee , that by them thou mightest war a good warfare , i charge thee , and exhort thee , and first of all i exhort thee ; being to add other exhortations , or , as we read it , that first of all , that is , as the chief or prime thing of all other ; supplications against evils , prayers for good things , intercessions for others , thanksgivings be made for all men ; all sorts of men , even for kings , or emperors ( who were then persecutors of christians and promoters of idol service ) and all their under-governours , to the intent we may lead a quiet and peacable life free from invasions , robberies , and injuries in all godliness , and honesty , gravity , or seemliness : for this is good and acceptable in the sight of god our saviour . whence may be inferred , 1. that intercessions are to be made for the worst of kings , even the persecuting emperors of the fourth monarchy , and for all that are in authority , or dignity . 2. that there should be thanksgivings for them . 3. that this is good and acceptable in the sight of god or saviour . 4. that this is a benefit to christians , that they may lead a quiet and peaceable life by means of kings and persons in authority . 5. that to this christian teachers are to exhort . 6. that first of all they should do this , or exhort them to do this first of all , or as chiefest of all . whence i argue , that work , and the inciting to it , must needs be damnable and antichristian , which is directly contrary to that , which st. paul exhorts in the first place , or chiefly to be done ; this i should think none should deny , who acknowledgeth st. paul to have been an apostle of christ , and to have known and delivered in this epistle the mind of christ : but the work of smiting civil powers , and the doctrine of quinto-monarchians , inciting thereto by accursing them , stirring up hatred against them , exposing them to disobedience , contempt , opposition of such as are under them , is directly contrary to that , which st. paul exhorts in the first place , or chiefly to be done . which no man that is well in his wits can deny , cursing , stirring up hatred against civil powers , exposing them to disobedience , contempt , opposition of such as are under them , being as directly contrary to praying , and giving thanks for them , as black to white , bitter to sweet , and raising war , and taking up arms , and smiting them being diametrally opposite to leading a quiet and peaceable life under them , or by their means , and counting this to tend to the promoting of christs kingdom , contrary to the apostle who makes it a hinderance of godliness and honesty , and judging that to be the generation work of illuminated , and the most sincere saints , which is contrary to what st. paul saith is good , and to expect , that god should reward , and highly regard men for doing that smiting work , is contrary to what st. paul makes acceptable in the sight of god our saviour . now that doctrine which is thus contrary to st. paul , must needs be damnable and antihristian , and therefore the conclusion followes , that the doctrine of the quinto-monarchians smiting work of civil powers , is damnable and antichristian . i know no exception against this , but what was against the former argument , and is refelled , and therefore i pass on to a third argument . the third argument i shall urge against the doctrine of smiting eivil powers is from the examples of christ , his apostles , the holy martyrs and saints of the first and best ages of the christian church , which should be as a rule to the succeeding . concerning the example of our lord christ it is manifest , that our lord christ was subject to his parents , his mother mary , and his reputed father joseph , luke 2. 51. that though he pleaded immunity from paying the didrachms , or shekles translated tribute money , matth. 17. 25. yet he paid it , that he might not offend the collectors , or rulers who imployed them , who , whether they were the officers of the romans , or of the high priest ; and the mony paid for the use of the temple , as cameron in his prelection on that scripture argues ; yet it shewes he was voluntarily , though not necessitated , resolved to have regard to rulers of every sort , that he might therein be an example to us of subjection . which is more fully proved by his answer to the high priest adjuring him , matth. 26. 63. by his confession before pontius pilate , 2 tim. 6. 13. mentioned as imitable by timothy v. 12. and most of all by his sufferings even unto death , in which the apostle peter 1 epistle 2. 21. tells us , that christ also suffered fo us , leaving us an example , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a copy or written description , or impression , that ye should follow his steps , and this is applied as an argument , why they should submit themselves to every ordinance of man for the lords sake ; not meerly out of fear of punishment , but in obedience to christs command , or conformity to his pattern , and these humane ordinances are named to be kings , governours sent by them , masters not only good and gentle , but also froward . whereby it is plain , that our lord christ by his subjection , both active and passive , imposeth on all saints subjection to all sorts of rulers , whether houshold , or ecclesiastical , or civil in the common-wealth , as a necessary duty , and therefore the doctrine of quinto-monarchians teaching it as an incumbent duty , on the most illuminated ( as they fancy it ) saints to disclaim not only ecclesiastical rulers , but also civil powers in order to their smiting work , and also to smite them is damnable and antichristian . nor can here the pretences of their being of the fourth monarchy , from rome , oppressors , idolaters , antichristian , salve the matter , fith those priests of the jewes , and roman governours , to whom christ yeiled subjection , were as bad , and every way as obnoxious to their criminations of the present governours , as any now be . assuredly the present governours in these nations , cannot be charged with such things as pilate , caiaphas , and the rest of those governors , to whom christ was subject , were chargable wth without extream impudence . this argument is further confirmed from the examples of all the holy apostles , martyrs , and confessors in the primative times of christianity . instances might be given in james , peter , paul , who doubtless could as easily have killed their persecutors as ananias , and sapphira , or strucken them blind , as st. paul did elymas the sorcerer , yet submitted themselves to imprisonment , pleaded their cause before roman rulers , appealed to caesar , suffered even to death . in the times following the christians served under the persecuting roman emperors in their wars , and though they were in number many , dispersedover their empire , and had arms in their hands , whereby they might in appearance have been able to have defended themselves against the violence of their persecutors , yet they chose to suffer under the tyrannous emperors , that then were , rather than to rise up against them to revenge themselves , because their christian profession did forbid them , as tertullian , apolog. c. 37. ad scapulam . c. 2. cyprian ad demetr . and others plead for them . out of these and other examples , which might be produced , we may argue thus . that doctrine which teacheth men to do contrary to the examples and profession of our lord christ jesus , his apostles , martyrs , confessors , saints in the first and best ages of christianity , is damnable and antichristian . but such is the doctrine of the quinto-monarchians , concerning their smiting of civil powers , as is manifest by comparing them , therefore it is damnable and antichristian . § 8. more arguments are urged from censures , and determinations in the new testament . a fourth argument i deduce from those places of holy scripture which censure , condemn and denounce woe unto those practises , which the doctrine of the quinto-monarchians incites men to , and they magnify as the fruits of gods spirit . the apostle peter 2 epist. 2. 9 , 10 , 11. the lord knowes how to deliver the godly out of temptations , and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment , to be punished . but chiefly them that walk after the flesh , in the lust of uncleanness , and dispise government , or dominion , presumptuous are they , self-willed : they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities : whereas angels , which are greater in power and might , bring not a railing accusation against them before the lord. which is seconded by st. jude v. 8 , 9 , 10. likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh , despise dominion , and speak evil of dignities . yet michael the arch-angel , when contending with the devil , he disputed about the body of moses , durst not bring against him a railing accusation , but said , the lord rebuke thee . but these speak evil of the things they know not . in which passages those holy apostles rank , the despisers of dominion , those that speak evil of dignities , not among the saints , but amongst the most accursed reprobates ( though those dominions and dignities were as bad as might be , in respect of their personal qualities and actions ) yea the arch-angels example is brought in as not daring to bring against the devil himself , when there was a contention about moses his body , a railing accusation ; but referred it to the lord to rebuke him , teaching thereby , that such terms , as contain threatning , contempt , reproach of governors , and dignities , are altogether unsuteable to saints , and such as they should not dare to utter , though they contended with the devil himself , much less with men , that are in power and authority , much less to smite them , and directing how to deal with them , when they be injurious , to wit , to defer their cause to god for his suppression of them , and threatning wo to the practisers of contempt of dominion , and speaking evil of dignities . all which are contrary to the doctrine of quinto-monarchians , who revile , dispise , threaten them , commend the smiting of them , as the generation work , promise rewards to them that do it . whence i infer that doctrine which animates men to such practises , as are damned by the holy apostles st. peter and st. jude , is damnable and antichristian . but such is the doctrine of quinto-monarchians , concerning their vilifying and smiting civil powers : therefore it is damnable and antichristian . if any object our saviours answer , luk. 13. 32. to some pharisees , who said to him , get thee out and depart hence , for herod will kill thee , bidding them , go ye and tell that fox , behold i cast out devils , and i do cures to day and to morrow , and the third day i shall be perfected ; i answer , these words do not at all contain any vilifying of the kingdoms of the fourth beast , or contempt of the kings of the earth : but a reproof of herods evil qualities of craft and crueltie , and a professed resolution of his going on in his work with undanted magnanimity , till the time came of his laying down his life , with a prediction , that it should not be where herod had jurisdiction , but at jerusalem . as for that which we read , isai. 37. 22. this is the word of the lord which he hath spoken concerning sennacherib king of assyria , the virgin the daughter of sion hath despised thee , and laughed thee to scorn , the daughter of jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee , it gives no allowance for one of the lamb's followers to express contempt of the kings of the earth ; though they were all of them ( as they are unjustly charged ) the lovers of the mother of harlots , and abominations of the earth ; this being a breach of a plain rule in the new testament , requiring subjection to them , and condemning contempt of them , which is not in a holy triumph of faith , but rather in a proud self magnifying , or factious animosity , not a deriding of their threats , and blasphemous desparaging of god , as was that which the prophet from god fore-told the jews should do to a king , that had no authority over them , but was an hostile invader of them , and by express warrant from god , but a vilifying of the powers that are termed the kingdom of the fourth beast , as opposite to the kingdom , power and glory of jesus christ our lord ; though the apostle peter expressely bid , honour the king , even then when the king was of the fourth beast , as they speak , and opposite to the kingdom , power , and glory of christ jesus . the prophet isaiah never taught the jewes to vilify manasseh his kingdom , or authority , notwithstanding his reprehension of his wickedness , and prediction of his calamity : and in like manner , though preachers called to that office , may in a fit way shew princes their sins , and declare their danger : yet in no sort are they to vilify their authority , or contemn their persons . nor may men pretend the imitation of the holy prophets boldness , unless they can shew their commission , and are endowed with their spirit and power : nor may men , who are but private persons , take upon them to do as christ did when he drove the buyers and sellers out of the temple . which will be more fully proved by a fifth argument taken from some resolutions , or determinations of our lord christ , which condemn such attempts & practises , as the quinto-monarchians doctrine animates to , upon pretence of zeal for christ and his kingdom . luke , 9. 54 , 55 , 56. when christ was to go to jerusalem , he sent messengers before his face , and they went and entered into a village of the samaritans to make ready for him . and they did not receive him , because his face was asthough he would go to jerusalem , and when his desciples james and john , saw this , they said , lord wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven , and consume them , even as elias did ? but he turned , and rebuked them and said , ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of . for the son of man is not come to destroy mens lives , but to save them . in which resolution our saviour condemns the motion of james and john , to have fire come down from heaven , to destroy the samaritans , for their not entertaining of christ , in imitation of elias , out of zeal for christ ; because it was not out of the same spirit that elijah had , nor agreeable to the end of christs coming , and his gospel , which were not to destroy mens lives , but save them . now then the doctine of quinto-monarchians , which urgeth their smiting work , which tends to the destroying of mens lives , and not the saving of them , out of a zeal , as they conceive , for christ and his kingdom , though there be no other then a private , or rather an haughty factious spirit in them , is contrary to christs resolution , and therefore indeed damnable and antichristian . nor hath it indeed in christ , or his apostles doctrine , or example any warrant ; but is an imitation of that pernicious use of the later jewes , which was taken up in a perverse imitation of phinehas his act numb . 25. of elias , 1 kings 18. 40. 2 kings 1. 10. and some others , out of zeal for their law , without authority , to destroy those things and persons , which they judged contrary thereto , as in the stoning of stephen , act. 7. st. paul acts , 14. 19. &c. in which they were carried furiously , and violently without any legal judicial proceeding , hearing and sentence by authorized judges ; which caused so many seditions , and such outrages , as at last provoked the romans to make a most horrid destruction of that people , and ruin of that state . to which the quinto-monarchians opinon , and practise hath been too like , and , if not stayed , would bring the like effect on church and state with us . the other determination is that of our saviour in the case of peters drawing his sword to rescue christ in the garden from the soldiers , which came to take him , and striking a servant of the high priests and smiting off his ear , which our saviour disallowed , bidding him to put up his sword again into his place : for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword , matth. 26. 52. where our lord , who had bid them buy swords , luke , 22. 36. a little before , yet forbids the drawing of it , and smiting off the ear of a servant of the high priest , though it were out of zeal for him , it being against an officer by a person without authority declaring the evil consequence , which would follow on such usage of it . now the quinto-monarchians smiting civil powers out of pretended zeal for christs kingdom without any authority in a furious heart of spirit is much more apparently contrary to christs resolution in peters case , and therefore is censured justly to be damnable and antichristian . § 9. quinto-monarchians doctrine of smiting civil powers urgeth to resisting of evil and self-revenging forbidden by christ and his apostles , and to most horrid murthers , and great confusions . a sixth argument against the doctrine of smiting civil powers , in order to the setting up of the fifth-monarchy , is taken from those texts of scripture , which forbid resisting of evil and avenging our selves . our lord christ. matth. 5. 38 , 39. reciting out of the law of moses words interpreted , as allowing retaliation of wrongs with the like , as those who threaten to others , that they will give them as good as they bring , he on the contrary tels his disciples , but i say unto you , resist not evil : but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek , turn to him the other also . which is not to be understood simply and absolutely , as if that turning the cheek were to be done alwayes in the act it self : but in a comparative sense , rather than make a brawl or fight , take further injury signified by the proverbial phrase of turning the check : now if christians be forbidden to fight , when they are injured , to recompense evil for evil , then much more are they forbidden , being private persons , to whom the sword is not commited , of their own accord to begin a war even with superiors , and to proclaim it in order to procuring of good , as the quinto-monarchians doctrine moves saints to . likewise st. paul , rom. 12. 17. recompense to no man evil for evil v. 19. dearly beloved avenge not your selves , but rather give place unto wrath : for it written , vengeance is mine , i will repay it saith the lord , v. 21. be not overcome of evil , but overcome evil with good . 1 peter , 3. 9. not rendering evil for evil , or railing for railing : but contrariwise blessing ; knowing that ye are thereunto called , that ye should inherit a blessing : when david had cut off sauls skirt , his heart smote him , and he said unto his men , the lord forbid that i should do this thing unto my master the lords annointed , to stretch forth mine hand against him , seeing he is the anointed of the lord , 1 sam. 24. 5 , 6. the lord judge between me and thee , and the lord avenge me of thee , but mine hand shall not be upon thee . as saith the proverb of the ancients , wickedness proceeedeth from the wicked : but mine hand shall not be upon thee . v. 12. 13. and david said to abigail , blessed be the lord god of israel , which sent thee this day to meet me , and blessed be thy advice , and blessed be thou , which hast kept me this day from coming to shed blood , and from avenging my self with mine own hand , 1 sam. 25. 32 , 33. which shew , that herein both in the old and new testament holy persons agree , that a king is not to be smitten though in hostility without cause , by any of his subjects , though he were anointed to be king after him , that revenge of injury , oppression or persecution , though it extended to the slaying the lords priests , & to an endeavour to slay the annointed captain of the lords host , is not to be attempted by a private person or subject , but to be referred to the lord. therefore the doctrine of quinto-monarchians , urging subjects and private persons to smite their superior civil powers , and to avenge the supposed injuries and persecutions of saints by their own hands , is contrary to christ's , his apostles , and davids determinations in the holy scriptures , and consequently damnable and antichristian . that which i find alledged for their practise , is in these words , the banner of truth displayed , p. 59. all the blood of gods people is found in babylon : for they ( i. e. her civil powers revel . 16. 6 , 6. ) have shed the blood of the saints and prophets , rev. 17. 6. ch . 18. 24. and 19. 1. jer. 50. 14. now therefore god by way of recompence and retalliation , hath ordained , that the saints shall be his instruments by which he will execute his vengeance upon the powers of the world , who are all of them murtherers : accordingly god commands his people ( and 't is their duty to obey ) to reward babylon double as she rewarded them ; yea , and double unto her all those plagues , deaths and stripes , that she hath inflicted on you , revel . 18. 6. and they shall give her blood to drink , and she shall be burnt with fire , for strong is the lord that judgeth her . wherein many things are taken as granted which are false , and the whole ( if it were granted ) would be insufficient to acquit them from guilt of opposing christs precepts in that way of recompence and retaliation , which they incite to . 1. that all the powers of the world are murtherers . which proposition contains such a crimination as god only is fit to charge them with , if it were true , sith he only knows all the powers of the world , and is privy to all their thoughts , designs and actions . 2. that the civil powers of the world are babylon , or her civil powers . now babylon is termed the great , which shall become the habitation of divels , rev. 18. 2. and , i think , it is undoubted with all sorts of writers and intelligent persons , that babylon the great there meant is the same with the woman , rev. 17. 4. termed v. 1. the great whore , upon whose forehead was a name , written , mystery , babylon the great , the mother of hariots , and abominations of the earth v. 5. which is interpreted v. 18. and the woman which thou sawest , is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth . which commonly those who are acquainted with the histories of the times , in which st. john received his revelation , even papists themselves , do take to be rome , known to be the only city which sate on seven mountains as v. 9. is expressed and reigned then over the kings of the earth . but how all the powers of the world now in being , or the nations of europe , even the protestant should be babylon or her civil powers , or , as elsewhere they say , the streets of that great city , and rome-babylon , is unintelligible to me . rome it self , and that which is called the patrimony of st. peter , and the territories in italy now subject to the pope may be termed babylon , and the civil powers therein may be termed her civil powers , and perhaps all the territories subject to the pope in ecclefiastical affairs may be meant by the streets of the great city mentioned revel . 11. 8. because they yield subjection to the roman pope in spirituals . but how the states which do reject the pope's power in temporals , as the king of france , or the duke and senate of venice , who stood out against pope paul the fifth , when he interdicted them , because they would not repeal their laws , or release their prisoners though ecclesiasticks , should be termed the civil powers of rome-babylon is not easie to be understood ; much less , how the kings of england , denmark , sweden and such other protestant states , nations and princes as have rejected the popes jurisdiction and authority , both in civil , and church matters , and impose oaths of disclaiming the popes supremacy in spirituals , and their authority in temporals through their dominions on their subjects , should be nevertheless the civil powers of babylon , and their countries the streets of the great city rome-babylon , is it conceiveable by me . if the predecessors of these did subject themselves to the pope in former ages , yet they are not therefore termed babylon , but kings of the earth who commit fornication with her , and give their power to her ; but neither of these can be said of those princes , though successors to them , who have abandoned the popes errors and corruptions in religion , and his jurisdiction wholly . 3. it is suggested , that all the blood of gods people is found in babylon : for they ( i. e. her civil powers rev. 16. 6 , 7. ) have shed the blood of the saints and prophets , rev. 17. 6. ch . 18. 24. and 19. 1. jer. 50. 14. and it is true that jer. 50. 14. it is said , put your selves in array against babylon round about ; all ye that bend the bow , shoot at her , spare no arrows , for she hath sinned against the lord. but this is not meant of rome-babylon , nor of her civil powers , but of babylon in chaldaea many thousand miles distant from rome , and long before these daies , or st. johns , wasted . and yet it is not said of that babylon that it shed the blood of the saints and prophets , though i deny not she is charged with the blood of the inhabitants of zion , jerusalem-israel , jer. 51. 35. 49. it is rather charged on jerusalem by christ , that she killed the prophets and stoned them that were sent unto her , that upon her might come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth , from the blood of righteous abel , unto the blood of zacharias son of barachias , whom ye , saith christ , slew between the temple and the altar , matth. 23. 34 , 35. 37. it is said rev. 16. 4 , 5 , 6. and the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters and they became blood . and i heard the angel of the waters say , thou art righteous , o lord , which wast , art , and shalt be , because thou hast judged thus : for they have shed the blood of saints and prophets , and thou hast given them blood to drink , for they are worthy . and it is most probable ( though there be that conceive the rivers and fountains of water to have been the cities and provinces of the roman empire under the pagan emperors , and that to them is ascribed the sheding of the blood here mentioned ) that this is meant of the papal empire , sith it is the same which is charged on the woman , revel . 17. 6. and babylon rev. 18. 24. who must be different from rome pagan , by reason of the things said rev. 17. 10 , 11 , 12. concerning the ten kings , which had then received no kingdom , when st. john received this revelation , but should receive power as kings one hour with the beast , &c have one mind , & give their power and strength unto the beast : which could not be understood of the roman pagan emperors , who received not power and strength from kings , but gave power to them so , as that they ruled under them by their power , and therefore is to be interpreted of later times ; which the event shews to be most probable to have been the times , wherein the kings of europe having divided the roman empire into ten kingdoms did yet all of them sooner or later adhere to and support the papal dominion ; which brought in errors , heresies , idolatries and superstitions , which have , and yet do corrupt the western churches , and for maintenance of which a sea of blood hath been shed by the instigations of friers , jesuites and other emissaries of rome . upon these especially brightman , mede , and some others , conceived the third vial to be poured out . but all are so far from making the rivers which shed the blood of the saints and prophets , to whom blood was given to drink to be the civil powers ; that brightman makes the pouring out of this vial to have been begun by q. elizabeth and the parliament 1581. making the reconciling of the english subjects to rome a capital offence , and makes the then lord treasurer william cecil the angel of the rivers , by reason of the book put forth by him termed the english justice , wherein the putting to death of romish emissaries is defended . which is also the opinion of mede , though he add also the memorable overthrow of the spaniard in 1588. the english and the dutch ( whom robert parker conceives resembled by the angel of the waters as seated in a watery country ) by sea and land , abundantly pouring out the cup of the mighty hand of god. but be the civil powers the shedders of the blood rev. 16. 6. and 17. 6. and 18. 24. and 19. 2. yet it can with no colour be charged on those civil powers , that have not in obedience to the pope acted this tragedy , but have opposed it , and avenged the blood of the saints by execution of just laws made against the instigators and actors in the shedding of the blood of protestants . i cannot take upon me to absolve the civil powers from the guilt of shedding the blood of saints and prophets , as being ignorant how far any have been actors therein , or connived thereat ; nor do i know what gods way may be of imputing the blood-shedding of saints and martyrs , though by ancestors hundreds of years ago , upon the posterity succeeding . christs sentence against jerusalem , matth. 23. 34 , 35. 37. makes me astonished , and to say as david ps. 119. 120. my flesh trembleth for fear of thee , and i am afraid of thy judgments , and with daniel ch . 9. 8 : to say , o lord to us belongeth confusion of face to our kings , to our princes , and to our fathers , because we sinned against thee ; yet hoping that the princes and people of these nations have been humbled , and are before god at this day for the evils committed by their forefathers under the papacy , i trust i may add with daniel v. 9. to the lord our god belong mercies and forgivenesses , though we have rebelled against him . sure i am it is a bold presumption which the quinto-monarchians have no warrant for , to charge the blood of martyrs , shed long before their times , on the civil powers of this generation , unless they were privy to some overt act , whereby they have shewed their approbation of it , and their readiness to tread in the same steps . 4. it is said , that therefore god by way of recompence and retaliation , hath ordained , that the saints shall be his instrument by which he will execute his vengeance upon the powers of teh world , who are all of them murtherers : accordingly god commands his people ( and t is their duty to obey ) to reward babylon double , as she rewarded them ; yea , and double unto her with all those plagues , deaths and stripes , that she hath inflicted on you , revel . 18. 6. and they shall give her blood to drink , and she shall be burnt with fire , for strong is the lord that judgeth her . to which i reply . 1. that all this runs upon a palpable mistake , that the powers of the world , or the civil powers , are the babylon , which is to be rewarded double , rev. 18. 6. whereas it is manifest that the babylon to be rewarded double , is that great mighty city . v. 10. out of which gods people are to come . v. 4. which is to be utterly burnt with fire ; though the inhabitants are also included , whose sins reached up to heaven . v. 5. glorified her self . v. 7. yet the civil powers of the world cannot be meant there , sith it is said . v. 9. and the kings of the earth , who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her , shall bewail her , and lament for her , when they shall see the smoke of her burning , standing a far off , for the fear of her torments . 2. it is another mistake as if god had ordained that the saints , or gods people , without any other circumscription should be his instrument , by which he will execute his vengeance upon babylon . for though it be spoken to the people of god , revel . 18. 5. to reward babylon as she rewarded them , in the cup she hath filled , fill her double , yet it be said , revel . 17. 16. and the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast , these shall hate the whore and shall make her desolate , and naked , and shall eat her flesh , and burn her with fire . for god hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will , and to agree , and give their kingdom unto the beast , until the words of god shall be fulfilled . whence it appears , that it is so far from truth , that the civil powers of the world are babylon , and are to be destroyed in order to babylons downfall , that they are distinct from babylon , so as to stand a far off and lament her some of them , and others are to be instruments of burning her with fire . and therefore although the people of god , which are to come out of babylon , those who are with the lambe , called faithful and chosen , rev. 17. 14 may be with the kings that burn her , and being escaped out of babylon , may be instrumental to its destruction , being joyned with the kings , yet it doth not appear , that god hath ordained the saints , who are only private men , and no kings , shall do it by themselves , by their own power , but in conjunction with them or subordination to them , and therefore in the executing of vengeance on babylon , there will be execution by the civil powers of the world , not upon them , and saints are bound in order to this smiting work , to maintain civil powers , not to smite them , or separate from them . 3. though the words , revel . 18. 6. be in the imperative mood , yet it doth not thence necessarily follow , that it is gods command to his people , which it is their duty to obey , or else they sin against god , to reward babylon , but it may be understood as a prediction of what should be , not as a command of what ought to be done by them as their duty , as the like expressions , jerem. 50. 2. 14 , 15. 21. 26 , 27 , 28 , 29. ( which are imitated rev. 18. 4. 6. revel . 19. 17. isai. 56. 9. ) are to be expounded , or as a permission allowing a person to do it , as when st. paul saith , 1 cor. 10. 27. whatsoever is set before you , eat , asking no question for conscience sake : which doth not injoyn them to eat whatsoever was set before them , so as that , if they did not eat , it would be their sin ; for then they should be required to be gluttons ; but is an indulgence to them , allowing them liberty to eat as a thing not unlawful , but indifferent , which , unless further admonished , they might eat without scruple of conscience . 4. that it is not a command to the people , who did come out of babylon , nor their act to reward double to babylon , and fill to her double , but a prediction of what shall be done by others , may be gathered in that the reward to them , is to be construed to have been the slaughter of them , and the cup , which babylon filled , was the cup of blood , which she was to drink of , revel . 16. 6. now then those persons who were rewarded , to whom this cup was filled by babylon , are such as had been put to death by babylon , and therefore could not reward her double , or fill her double in the cup which she hath filled , unless they were raised from the dead , and consequently could not be the same individuals , who are invited to come out of babylon , revel . 18. 4. 5. upon this consideration it is also probable , that the rewarding , and filling , revel . 18. 6. is ascribed to the martyrs killed , because god did it by reason of the cry of their blood , which is intimated by the words , v. 20. rejoyce over her , thou heaven , and ye holy apostles and prophets , for god hath avenged you on her , and other words , revel . 11. 18. do intimate the same . which , if true , is nothing to the smiting work of the quinto-monarchians , by military power turning their plow-shares into swords : but only intimates the efficacy of the blood of martys to bring divine vengeance on babylon . 6. but were it granted ; that the people of god invited to come out of babylon , revel . 18. 4. were the same numerical persons , who are commanded to reward babylon double , and to fill her double in the cup , which she hath filled , and they are to do this by smiting with the sword ; yet this is nothing to the fifth-monarchy-men in england , unless they should be in babylon at that time , when gods people should come out of her , and did so come out of her . and therefore there is no command , revel . 18. 6. for them to smite till then , but they are to put up their sword into the sheath , and to lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty under their governors , else they will be guilty of resisting and self-revenging condemned by christ and his apostles , which was to be proved . § 10. quinto-monarchians doctrine tends to murder , and ruine of humane society . hence also a seventh argument is deduced , that the smiting work , to which the doctrine of quinto-monarchians incites , is wilful murder , yea the most horrible murder that ever was , except his , who was a murderer from the beginning , john 8. 44. or theirs , who crucified the lord of glory ; for it incites to a professed smiting , and spoyling of all the civil powers on earth , even those to whom they are bound to be subject by all lawes of religion , nature , country , and reason , and to act these things with all extremity , out of imagined zeal for christ , which if it be not according to knowledge , is a fire of hell , which will hardly be ever quenched , and in prosecution thereof to smite those who resist them , which must of necessity be all those who adhere to civil powers , who will be doubtless the most conscientious saints on earth , and the greatest part of mankind , which must needs be wilful murder and robbery , if they have no warrant to do it . but they have none ; neither , revel . 18. 6. nor any other scripture , or revelation of god , that we or they do know , nor lawes of nature , or men do in the least warrant , or permit it , but all condemn it . and therefore if they should be permitted to act their design ( which god forbid ) there would be more destruction and wasting , than ever yet was made by men since the world began , and more truly they might be termed babylon , in whom the blood of the saints is found , than any civil powers yet extant ; now murder-makes persons the children of the divil , there being no sin more resembling him , john 8. 44. whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer ; and ye know ( saith st. john , 1 epist. ch . 3. 15. ) that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him , therefore such are no saints , but antichristian , and the doctrine moving to it is damnable and antichristan . to which i shall add an eighth argument taken from the direful effects , to which the quinto-monarchians doctrine of overturning and smiting civil powers and lawes tends , which are all the miseries which anarchy and confusion brings on the world , even to the destruction of the church of christ on earth , or rather according to the project they propound , humane society , if not the extirpation of mankind . for by taking away civil powers , safety of persons , and all comforts of life are either taken away or much endangered . when the prophet isaiah threatned calamity to the people of the jewes , isai. 3. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5. he tels them , the lord , the lord of hosts doth take away the mighty man , and the man of war , the judge , and the prophet , and the prudent , and the ancient , the captain of fifty , and the honourable man , and the counsellor , and the cunning artificer , and the eloquent orator , and i will give children to be their princes , and babes shall rule over them , and the people shall be oppressed , every one by another , and every one by his neighbour : the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient , and the base against the honourable . whereby it may be perceived that god took it to be a curse next after the taking away the stay , and the staff , the whole stay of bread , and the whole stay of water to take from the jewes their rulers , teachers , nobles , scholars , and therefore there cannot be a greater calamity to a people , after the destruction of the fruits of the earth , whereby famine comes than to smite time their civil powers , and eminent persons , who have been the protectors , and guides of the people . for then people become murderers and robbers one of another , and all places are filled with fears , dangers , cries , and miseries of all sorts . the evils we have felt in our own civil wars , shew what misery it is to have soldiers rule , and not princes and judges . and yet the evils we have seen are small , in comparison of what the jewes felt by the factions there , when jerusalem was besieged by titus ; but the evils , which would come on the world by the insurrection of the quinto-monarchians , if their project did take place , would far exceed them , their design being an universal destruction of them that oppose them in all the world , and when the conscience is perverted , there being no stay to mens furious zeal . if any say , that they would only smite oppressors of the saints , i reply , by their own rules they are bound to , separate from those churches which are select and more pure , as being seemingly refined , which are the gathered in pastoral way ( reducing things to primitive practise ) so far as they are corrupted and adulterated , and found opposers of the kingly office of jesus christ , in and over the whole world , and more especial in the administration of this part or dispensation of that kingdom , to wit , that of the stone , or war against his enimies ( for even in this generation there be a sort of people , and those we hope godly , that do acknowledge & wait in the expectation of the later , yea and hold forth the personal appearance of our lord as king , yet nevertheless oppose , and deny , and quite leap over this stone and its work , thereby endeavouring to render the saints useless and uncapable of destroying babylon ) which must make way , and without which we cannot attain to the peaceable , and more glorious administration of this kingdom , by removing those mountains , hills , and powers of darkness , which do oppose and hinder it . banner displayed p. 75. there are no churches , ( or at leastwise very few ) of the pastoral way in these nations , or elsewhere , but have something of antichrist in them , having forsaken and apostatized from the primitive and first love , and have , and do in many principle : and practises , strike hands with the interest of antichrist , and mystery of iniquity , 2 thes. 2. 3 , 4. p. 79. we accompt it a duty for the saints to separate from all the forms , practises , doctrines , and spirit of the antichrist in the world , in their brethren , in the churches , &c. and to be plain , we accompt him , and that spirit which either in act or deed wilfully and obstinately denies the smiting work of our lords kingdom antichristian ; inasmuch as that such would alwaies have christ , his saints , his cause , in , and on the earth a sufferer : but the scripture clearly manifests the contrary , p. 81 , 82. now then , if men be they never so holy , as they hope a sort of people be who oppose , deny , and quite leap over the stone and its smiting ; ( as they confess there are no churches , or very few of the pastoral way in these nations and elsewhere , but have opposed them ) yet are antichristian , they by their principles are to smite them , and so must oppress saints as well as others . and if any saints be civil powers , ecclesiastical rulers , governors in corporations , graduates in universities , pastors in churches , ( as no doubt thousands are who love the lord jesus , and wait for his appearing and kingdom ) yet these must be smitten too . and who can secure in such confusions as would arise upon the quinto-monarchians smiting work , any man , yea of their own party , from violence , and slaughter , when there is nothing but rage in private persons , whose proceedings are in heat of mad zeal , without any distinction by legal trial and just judgment , or certain rule ? sure no tyrants have ever done more mischief than this way of the fifth-monarchy-men would do , if it were prosecuted , nor is any doctrine more hellish , antichristian and damnable than this , that tends to overthrow all the civil powers , lawes , doctrines , forms , degrees , offices in church and state , which these term the spirit of antichrist in the world . and if it were supposed , that these furious zelots should accomplish their design , after the mixture of hypocrites , and the rabble of the worst , & most foolish men , who could hope there would be any peace , good order or justice in the world , or any remainder of sober men ? the world would be an acheldama , or field of blood ( which they impute to the nations of europe , even the protestant ) and the prevailing persons ( to use their own phrase ) blood-monsters , and instead of a visible kingdom of christ in the earth a solitude , chaos , tohu vebohu , as was afore the first creation , and the kingdom of antichrist , or the devil would be set up under pretence of making christs enemies his footstool . what lawes , order , or rule , tending to further religion , or righteousness , can any expect from men of such cauterized consciences as not to discern the mischievousness of such doctrine and practises as these have vented , especially after they have inured themselves to shedding of blood and rapine with extremity ? § 11. the 9th and 10th arguments against the smiting work of quinto-monarchians from the meekness , peaceableness , and patience of saints . to these arguments , which have been confirmed , i shall add a ninth taken from the opposition of spirit and practise , which their doctrine begets to the precepts of meekness and peaceablness , which the gospel requires of christians , and to which it assigns blessedness . our lord christ in his sermon on the mount , matth. 5. 5. saith , blessed are the meek : for they shall inherit the earth . v. 9. blessed are the peace-makers : for they shall be called the children of god. v. 22. he forbids rash anger , contemptuous speech and opprobrious language . v. 23 , 24 , 25. requires speedy endeavours of reconciliation with adversaries ; nor is it any thing against this precept of christ that he tels us , luke , 12. 49. 51. i am come to send fire on the earth , and what will i , if it be already kindled ? suppose ye that i am come to give peace on earth ? i tell you , nay ; but rather division . for these expressions do not shew his approbation of division , but his foresight of it , not as a thing which he affected , or as a thing desirable of it self , or which he studied to promote , but as a thing which he knew was unavoidable in the event , that while he endeavoured to promote the truth of the gospel by accident divisions would follow , not from his doctrine , which was the gospel of peace , but through the perversness of mens spirits , who would oppose it . but that it was the will of christ , that all christian saints should be meek , and peaceable appears from the many precepts injoyning them in the apostles writings , rom. 12. 18. if it be possible as much as lieth in you live peaceably with all men , rom. 14. 17. for the kingdom of god is not meat and drink , but righteousness and peace , and joy in the holy ghost . v. 19. let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace . gal. 5. 19 , 20. the workes of the flesh are hatred , enmities , variance , wrath , strise , seditions , divisions or factions . v. 22. 23. the fruit of the spirit is love , joy , peace , meekness . heb. 12. 14. follow peace with all men . james 3. 17. the wisdom that is from above is first pure , then peaceable . v. 18. and the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace . 1 pet. 3. 10 , 11. he that will love life and see good daies , let him seek peace and ensue it . from hence i argue , that doctrine is damnable and antichristian , which is opposire to christs , and his apostles commands , approbation , and beatification concerning meekness and peaceableness : but such is the doctrine of the quinto-monarchians , which stirs up enmities and hostility among men , teacheth separations from men , even such as they hope are godly , from churches , gathered in a pastoral way , reducing things to primitive practise ; and breaths out nothing but wars , and smiting of all that denie or oppose their smiting work , which are as contrary to meekness and peaceableness , as hot to cold , black to white . therefore their doctrine is damnable and antichristian . nor can they be acquitted by alleging such texts as , psal. 139. 21 , 22. and 137. 9. amos. 5. 15. hab. 2. 6 , 7 , 8. revel . 17. 16. unless they can shew all civil powers extant , and those , whom they hope to be godly , churches gathered in a pastoral way reducing things to primitive practise , yet count enemies to christs kingdom , because they oppose that which these call the smiting work of the stone , to be indeed haters of god , and babylon , and also that these are the stone , or the ten horns that are to hate the whore , and make her desolate . till this be done ( which i expect to be done at later lammas ) we may say as christ did , ye know not what spirit ye are of : or rather determin , that they are indeed of an antichristian , or diabolical spirit . for a further inforcing of this argument i shall adjoyn a tenth , taken from those many texts of scripture , especially in the new testament , which both require patience in the saints , and assigne blessedness to it , and make suffering the portion of the saints , and necessary to their entrance into the kingdom of god , & that to continue till christs coming , matth. 5. 10 , 11 , 12. blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven . blessed are ye when men shall revile you , and persecute you , and shall say all manner of evil against you falsly for my sake , rejoyce and be exceeding glad : for great is your reward in heaven , luke 21. 19. in your patience possess your souls , acts 14. 22. paul and barnabas confirmed the souls of the disciples , and exhorted them to continue in the faith , and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of god. 2 thes. 1. 4 , 5. so that we our selves glory in you in the churches of god for your patience and faith in all your persecutions , and tribulations that ye endure , which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of god , that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of god , for which ye also suffer . 2 tim. 3. 12. yea and all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution . heb. 12. 6. whom the lord loveth he chasteneth , and scourgeth every son whom he receives james . 1. 4. let patience have her perfect work , that ye may be perfect and entire , wanting nothing . james . 5. 7. be patient therefore , brethren , unto the coming of the lord. hence i argue , those who teach smiting , when christ and his apostles teach patience , those who count them antichristian , who would have christ , his saints , his cause in and on the earth a sufferer , though christ , and his apostles call it christian to suffer , and require patience until the coming of the lord , these teach doctrine , which is indeed damnable and antichristian . but so do the quinto-monarchians , as may be seen before sest . 2. therefore the doctrine of their smiting work is damnable and antichristian . § 12. the eleventh and twelfth arguments from contrariety to the martyrs agreement with papists . this also leads us to an eleventh argument , which is from the constant profession of the saints and martyrs , in all ages , that they were to suffer for the kingdom of god , not to fight for it , so speaks st. john , revel . 1. 9. i john who also am your brother , and companion in tribulation , and in the kingdom and patience of jesus christ , was in the isle that is called patmos , for the word of god , and for the testimony of jesus christ. where he makes these conjunct the kingdom and patience of jesus christ , and styles himself their brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdom and patience of jesus christ , therefore he took all that were brethren to be companions therein , and these to be conjoyned together . this was the profession of the saints , in the times of the ten great persecutions , as may be seen in the writings of justin martyr , tertullian , cyprian , and such as wrote apologies for the christians , and the acts and monuments of the church ; which relate their practise suteable to their profession ; even when they were armed , and were a considerable part of the emperors armies , yet exposed themselves rather to butchery , than they would attempt to fight . yea when the beast was risen , to whom the dragon gave his power , and his seat and great authority , from which time , as is shewed before . sect. 4. the quinto-monarchians make civil powers not to be the ordinance of god , but antichristian , and the ordinance of hell ; yet the holy ghost foretels not the smiting work of the stone , or turning their plow-shares into swords , for the pulling down civil powers , and setting up the fifth kingdom on earth , but saith , revel . 13. 10 he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. here is the patience , and the faith of the saints . which shewes that even they were not to set up the kingdom of christ by fighting , but by patience and faith . and revel . 14. 12. after the prediction of the fall of babylon , and the daughter of those who worship the beast and his image , and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name , it is added , here is the patience of the saints : here are they that keep the commandments of god , & the faith of j●sus , shewing that even in those times the saints would patiently suffer , not avenge themselves by smiting , or by destroying civil powers seek to set up christs kingdom on earth , the contrary whereto is taught by the quinto-monarchians , and thereby the generation of the just even the holy martyrs their profession and practise , is condemned , which is damnable and antichristian . on the other side ( which yeilds a twelfth argument ) these ●enents of the smiting of civil powers to set up christs kingdom tend to the justifying , or countenancing of the popish , former and later doctrine and practises , wherein they have challenged and usurped a power over emperors , and kings , to depose , and deprive them of life , when they have opposed the popes authority , or the roman church and religion , which opposition was counted by them to be against the kingdom of christ , and thought in ordine ad spiritualia , as they spake , they might dispose of their kingdoms as the vicars of christ , and visible monarchs of the universal church . which things these fifth-monarchy-men count antichristian ; and therefore their teaching and doing the like upon pretence of setting up of christs kingdom on earth , is by parity of reason , there being not better proof for the one than for the other , damnable and antichristian . § 13. the smiting work of quinto-monarchians is grounded on falsities , or uncertainties concerning the agents , means and time of smiting mentioned , dan ▪ 2. 34. 44 , 45. hitherto i have prosecuted those arguments against the quinto-monarchians doctrine and practise which shew it to be damnable and antichristian in respect of the act it self of smiting civil powers ; i shall add further more arguments against them , shewing the falsity and uncertainty of those grounds and principles , on which their determinations concerning separation from & smiting of civil powers rest . the first whereof is , that afore the fifth-monarchy be set up , and in order thereto , afore christs coming all civil powers , that are now extant as part of the fourth monarchy , are to be disannulled . which hath no foundation but in their own fancy , or hatred of the civil powers as withstanding their design . for it is said , revel . 17. 16 , 17. that the kings , which formerly supported babylon shall hate the whore , and shall make her desolate and naked , and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire . for god hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will , and to agree , and give their kingdom unto the beast , until the words of god be fulfilled , and revel . 18. 9. it is said , that the kings of the earth , who have committed fornication , and lived deliciously with her , shall be wail her and lament for her , when they shall see the smoke of her burning : which shewes , that kings , even those that have joyned with babylon , shall remain after her fall , yea and some kings shall be the instruments of her destruction . and the apostle 1 cor. 15. 24. tells us , then cometh the end , when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to god , even the father ; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power . which words plainly intimate that afore the end , when christ shall deliver up the kingdom to god even the father , all rule and authority and power shall not be put down . which may be also gathered from revel . 11. 15. where it is said , and the seventh angel sounded , and there were great voices in heaven saying , the kingdoms of the world are become the kingdoms of the lord and of his christ , and he shall reign for ever and ever , which is said v. 18. to be the time of the dead that they should be judged ; and therefore till that time there shall be the kingdoms of this world , and consequently civil powers . a second is , that civil powers are to be dissolved by men . whereas this is still asserted in scripture as gods prerogative , that the most high ruleth in the kingdom of men , and giveth it to whomsoever he will , dan. 4. 25. 32. 34 , 35. and 5. 21. and even in the business of the fourth monarchy , the stone that is said to smite the image upon his feet , is said to be cut out of the mountain without hands , dan. 2. 34. 45. which is more likely to be meant of christ , who was cut without hands out of the mountain , that is , without natural generation as other men , whether by the mountain be meant eternity , or heaven , or the roman empire , or the universe of human kind , as i conceive , then of any other man or men . and if it be meant of the kingdom , as v. 44. doth expound it , that it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms , it must be meant in respect of christ the king , whose dominion is set up by the god of heaven , and not by men , and therefore take it any way agreeable to the text , the stones breaking in pieces and consuming all the kingdoms must not be expounded of subjects , now calling themselves saints , destroying civil powers , to which they are subject . a third is , that men shall dissolve civil powers by fighting with swords , which is very false : for the stone that smote the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth ; which if it be understood of christs spiritual kingdom , it smote the image by preaching the gospel , by which the power of the idols , who ruled in those kingdoms , was cast down , and by it the stone became a great mountain and filled the whole earth ; if it be meant of smiting hereafter , it is to be , as 2 thes. 2. 8. it is said , that wicked one the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth , and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming ; or if it be meant of the saints , as mr. thomas parker conceives , they are thus cut out by professed separation and victorious exemption without hands , that is , by the only power and finger of almighty god , as it is interpretted , dan. 2. v. 44 , 45. thus , saith he in his exposition of that vision , they began to be cut out anno 1160 in the waldenses , and continue so unto this day . and the extraordinary hand of god was seen therein , as the strange arising , growth , prevailing of them doth manifestly declare . but their absolute cutting out an exemption from the power of antichrist , is that which is to be expected at the term of the slaughter of the two prophets : when their rising by the power alone of god almighty , without the help of man is thus described , revel . 11. 11. and after three daies and an half , the spirit of life from god entered into them , and they stood upon their feet ; and great fear fell upon them that saw them : & they ascended up to heaven in a cloud , and their enemies beheld them . and the same hour was there a great earth-quake , and the tenth part of the city fell , and in the earth-quake were slain of men , or names of men ( as in the greek expounded by mr. mede , men of name ) seven thousand , presently after which it followes , the kingdoms of the world , are become the kingdoms of the lord and his christ. now be the earth-quake , as mr. mede thinks , a great commotion of the nations , and alteration of politique affairs , or some thing else , it is caused by gods power either without man , or only by the witnesses and their testimony , and if the falling , and slaughter thereby be in whole , or in part , the smiting of the stone , dan. 2. 34. 44 , 45. ( as it is probable ) it is not by fighting , sure not by such as overthrowes civil powers ; for they shall be altered and be instrumental to destroy babylon , revel . 17. 16 , 17. and therefore this ( which is the hinge on which the smiting work of quinto-monarchians turns ) being very uncertain , or rather very false , all their inferences thereupon must of necessity be groundless and unwarrantable . a fourth is , that the smiting work ascribed to the stone , shall be by the saints , even those who are private persons , and that the civil powers shall be smitten by them , to which they are subject , but for this they having nothing but an obscure prophecy to rely upon , and it not agreeing with plain precepts , which forbid resistence to the higher powers that are , this their impious collection is deservedly to be exploded and detested . a fifth is , that this smiting work shall be done by the saints afore christs coming , and in preparation thereto . but this agrees not with the apostles words 1 cor. 15. 24. where it is made christs work to put down all rule , and all authority and power , which will not be till the end , and then christ , or his father shall put all his enemies under his feet , which cannot be the work of the saints . for one of the enemies is death v. 26. which none in his wits will say can be destroyed by quinto-monarchian saints ; they perhaps may bring death on themselves and others , but sure they cannot destroy death , who cannot raise from the dead . besides the scripture makes the coming of christ and his kingdom comtemporary 2. tim. 4. 1. therefore not to be effected by the saints on earth , by any preparatory work of theirs . a sixth uncertainty or falsehood , which moves them to so much zeal for their smiting work , is , that they have fancied it to be the work of the present generation , which mr. tillinghast much insists on in his sermon on matth. 16. 3. concerning the signs of the times ; but upon how slender reasons may be shewed in what followes : sure when our lord christ made the time of his coming unknown to angels and the son of man , and known only to the father , mark 13. 32. he would have us not be curious to know it , but watch , that we be not surprised by it . and sith after all the labours of the learnedst and most prying inquisitors all the prophetical numbers about this thing of the ruin of babylon , and christs personal kingdom on earth have been so uncertainly calculated , that mens expectations have been deluded , it is great rashness for any to pitch on a certain year or age , much more to attempt such audacious and horrid things , as the smiting of civil powers in a preposterous way which attempt of theirs becomes the more inexcusable , in that their own writing entituled , the banner of truth displayed , shewed their uncertainty , and unresolvedness both in the manner , extent and time of this smiting work . for whereas they apply that of dan. 2. 34 , 35. 44 , 45. concerning the stones smiting of the great image so that the iron , the clay , the brass , the silver , and the gold was broken to pieces together , and became like the chaff of the sommer threshing-floors , and the wind carried them away , that no place was found for them : unto the saints , even gentile saints smiting of all parts of the fourth monarchy , all the civil powers of europe , which they count roman , babylon , and antichristian , yet p. 40 , 41. they make the conversion of the ten horns , rev. 17. 16 , 17. to be one gradation of the stones growth , which although they would not have to be the present powers of the ten horns , nor yet multitudes of people in the ten horns , but some out of all the ten horns , whom the lord will have mercy on , shall be chosen by christ , in which respect it is said the ten horns ; yet they admit that the powers of the ten horns ( which the text expresly v. 12. 13. terms ten kings , which had received then no kingdom , but receive power as kings one hour with the beast , who have one mind , and shall give their power and strength unto the beast , and are according to them part of the fourth monarchy to be utterly destroyed ) shall be subdued by the saints ; and as now they are antichristian , and fight for the beast against the lamb , so shall they become christians , and fighters for the lamb against the beast , which is utterly inconsistent with the being broken in pieces together by the stones smiting , so as to become like the chaff of the sommer threshing-floor , and the wind carry them away , that no place be found for them , if the stones smiting them be their subduing by the saints . and for the time of the beginning of their smiting work , which p. 46. they make the ending time of the mystical numbers spoken of by daniel and john for the accomplishment of those great things which god hath declared by the mouth of all his holy prophets to be brought to pass in these later daies , dan. 12. 11. rev. 11. 2 , 3. 12. 6. and 13. 5. which they make a great argument and quickning motive to the saints to look about them , and for the stone to arise and smite the compleated image , and break in pieces the iron teeth of the ravenous beast , that so deliverance may be brought , they grant , this thing which they lay down as a call to the stone is doubtful to most , and p. 47. tell us , that in this particular their judgment and opinion do most accord with mr. tillinghast his calculation , according to which those things named & spoken of to come to pass at the end of those numbers , would in all likelyhood have their accomplishment together with the said numbers the year of christ 1656. but the event disproving it , they will not engage further therein , but set down other signs , which are signs only from themselves , and not from any divine revelation , and yet p. 52. conclude , this present generation in which we live is the ending time of those mystical numbers forementioned , & the expiring time of antichrist , wherein god will begin to put a period to the beasts tyranny and powers : and therefore cannot but assert , that the consideration of these things is a great call and motive to the stone to arise , and be doing , which work we call the fifth kingdom in its first dispenspensation , preparing way for the second and more glorious dispensation ; but after mentioning the compleat and effectual call that the stone shall have to be a clear light into that time it shall smite , and into the work of that time , together with power from on high , whereby it shall be emboldened and fitted to smite as aforesaid ; and also a fit and leading providence or opportunity preparing way for its breaking forth , with these golden characters of power , wisdom and glory : and then adding some examples of gods former providence , they say , let the stone wait for the accomplishment of these particulars afore it smite , & add their humble conceit , & then mind those who at present are the gainsayers and imbittered opposers ( of this work , and yet hope and believe they are godly ) of this their faith and hope , lest they split themselves upon this stone , becoming their rock of offence , and so their bodies and lives perish upon such an account in this day of common calamity that hasteth upon the whole world . by which may be perceived their uncertainties in that , which they call their faith and hope , wherein those whom they believe to be godly oppose them , and their violence of spirit beyond all sobriety in moving persons so earnestly to that smiting work in this age upon no better grounds than their own conjecture , though they foresaw it would bring common calamity , and the bodies and lives of godly persons perish by reason of their opposition to this stone , which shewes they were resolved to smite all that stood in their way though godly , as it fell out in the year 1660. mr. tillinghast in his first sermon p. 26. saith , the work of christs kingdom , the glorious beginning of it , shall be about the time of the jewes coming in , and p. 39. saith , the lord make us wait on him for his own time , and yet , serm. 3. gives signes of its being near even in this generation , which he makes it the duty of saints to observe , though not one of the signes is from any revelation of god , but from things which may happen and have without such signification , as he would put upon them . i omit what mr. mede in his letter to arch-bish●p usher , and in other writings and many others write of the mystical numbers in daniel and in the revelation , which i would not have slighted so as to give no heed to them , it being not in vain , that the holy ghost hath delivered them to us : only this i conceive it very dangerous and unsafe to make them the warrant or motive to such an attempt , as the smiting of civil powers , or the beginning of any war against the known rules of scripture and lawes of civil government , it being in it self wicked , shewing bitter furious zeal without the wisedome from above , and likely hereafter , as it hath done formerly to others , to bring destruction of soul and body on the agents , and much misery on others whether opponents or neuters . § 14. many things are groundless and false , which the quinto-monarchians suppose and take as articles of their faith concerning the fifth-monarchy , and its setting up . to the uncertainties and falsities about the smiting work of the stone , whereby the evil of their attempt is demonstrated , i shall next add the uncertainties or falsities of those things , which th●y make as articles of their faith about the stones , becoming a mountain , and filling the whole earth . where . 1. they shew their inadvertency in making gentile saints , who are but subjects , the stone meant dan. 3. 34 , 35. excluding the jewes from being the stone in the beginning ; whereas the stone is expresly termed the kingdom , which shall stand for ever v. 44 , 45. which cannot be understood of the saints , who are subject , they are not the kingdom , nor do they stand for ever ; though they receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken , heb. 12. 28. but the stone is christ the king , and his dominion , which must fill the whole earth with subjects , lawes and administrations of rule and justice , which cannot be said of the saints gentile or jewish . which inadvertency causeth them to speak confusedly p. 19 , 20. and throughout their book termed the baaner of truth displayed , sometimes terming the stone christ , sometimes his kingdom , sometime the gentile saints sometimes the jewes joyned to the gentiles . now the same stone which smites the great image becomes a great mountain and fils the whole earth ; but this is not true of the gentile saints , or jew and gentile joyned together , they become not a great mountain , nor fill the whole earth , therefore they smite not the image . 2. that the stone , or fifth kingdom is an outward visible kingdom , not the spiritual kingdom , which was begun by christ in the days of his flesh is much insisted on , as the chief ground of their faith and hope in this matter . but in the banner of truth displayed p. 20. in answer to the question what this stone is ? they say , this stone is called in scripture the kingdom of christ , and the kingdom of christ this stone , dan. 2. 44 , 45. matth. 21. 43 , 44. which , they say , hath a twofold dispensation , i. e. 1. an internal dispensation , or the inward kingdom , which is the kingdom of christ in the hearts of his saints , and in and over his church . 2. an external dispensation , 1. of war , in subduing and conquering his stubborn enemies and opposers in the world , whereby they shall be compelled to yield , and shall become subjects though kings and princes . 2. of peace upon the earth , in and over the whole world ; which is the new creation and restitution of all things , where will be perfection & no sin ; among the saints immortality , & no mortal nor corruptible thing , where death shall have no sting , nor grave victory ; but all shall be swallowed up in christs fulness , which is victory . and for this they cite many scriptures in the margin . now 1. i grant that the stone , dan. 2. 44 , 45. is the kingdom of christ or of god , mat. 21. 43 , 44. 2. the distinction of the internal & external kingdom is not denied . 3. nor do i oppose the double dispensation of this kingdom . 4. nor do i deny the description of either dispensation . but 1. hence i infer , that the stone , dan. 2. 44 , 45. notes the internal kingdom , or the dominion christ had by the preaching of the gospel , termed the gospel of the kingdom , matth. 24. 14. meant matth. 21. 43 , 44. for 1. that kingdom is meant there , and no other , which was to be taken from the jews , but that could be no other than the internal kingdom , for no other kingdom was then among them but it , therefore no other is there meant . 2. that kingdom was there meant which was to be given to another nation , meaning the gentiles , but that was no other but the internal . 3. that kingdom is there meant , whose fruits were to be brought forth by the nation , to whom it was to be given : now the fruits of the kingdom are expressed to be righteousness , peace and joy in the holy ghost , rom. 14. 17. which belong to the internal kingdom , and therefore no other there meant . which thing is also confirmed by other passages of scripture , as namely that of our saviour , luk. 17. 20. when he was demanded when the kingdom of god should come , he answered them and said , the kingdom of god cometh not with observation , or with outward shew , therefore the kingdom of god meant in the gospel , is not the outward visible kingdom , which the quinto-monarchians expect , which is also proved from v. 21. where it is added , neither shall they say lo here , or lo there : for behold , the kingdom of god is within you or among you , which could be no other than the kingdom set up by the preaching of the gospel . to which is to be added christs good confession before pontius pilate , john 18. 36. kingdom is not of this world : if my kingdom were of this world , then would my servants fight that i should not be delivered to the jews : but now is my kingdom not from hence . wherein our lord christ declares his kingdom foretold by the prophets , not to be of this world , that is an earthly kingdom , but a heavenly , which is opposed to that which is of this world , john 8. 23. the same thing might be gathered from the speeches of christ , john baptist , and the apostles in many places , especially the parables of christ , which shew that by the kingdom of god , or of heaven , is meant that dominion christ hath over his church by his word and spirit , which being the same with the stone , dan. 2. 44. 45. it follows that it began in christs daies on earth , and that the smiting and filling the whole earth by the stone was effected by the preaching of the gospel , which prevails against the power of darkness , and brings into the kingdom of the son of gods love , col. 1. 13. which i say not to exclude the kingdom of christ by such external discipline or rule as is meant 1 cor. 4. 20. when the apostle saith , for the kingdom of god is not in word , but in power ; but to shew what kind of kingdom is meant , dan. 2. 44. 45. by the stone , which , i may truly say , is become a stone of stumbling and rock of offence to the quinto-monarchians , instead of the corner st●ne of the kingdom of christ , on which they might be built to salvation . 2. i add , that christ doth smite his enemies by the material sword and by war , and that there is such an external dispensation of it , in respect of which some passages , which in the new testament , speak of the coming of his kingdom in power are to be understood , as when he miserably destroyed those wicked men which slew the son of god and cast him out of the vineyard , which is expressed by the stones grinding to powder or dashing to pieces matth. 21. 41. 44. which to be meant of the jews , and their destruction by the romans appears from luke 20. 16. 18 , 19. matth. 21. 45. the like is to be said of christs kingdom in destroying the persecuting emperors and roman empire by the sword of their own soldiers , and chiefly by constantine the great his victories over maxentius and licinius , to whose time that is applyed by mr. mede which we read revel . 12. 10 , 11. and i heard a loud voice saying in heaven , now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our god , and the power of his christ. and the like is to be conceived at the making the whore desolate , rev. 17. 16. it is not denied , that this shall be by war , but none of these wars were or are to be managed by saints as saints , of private persons subjects to other lords . the saints overcame the dragon , rev. 12. 11. not by war , but by the blood of the lamb , and by the word of their testimony , and they loved not their lives unto the death . it is said rev. 17. 14. that the ten kings shall make war with the lamb , which is most likely to be meant of their persecuting the lamb's followers unto the death , and the lamb shall overcome them , for he is lord of lords , and king of kings , and therefore hath all power in his hands of angels and men to execute his purpose , and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful , as appears by their adhering to the lamb unto the death , rev. 2. 10. by which they are conquerors , and are crowned : no where are they said to overcome by fighting with the sword . as for the rewarding double by gods people to babylon , rev. 18. 6. it is answered before sect. 9. 3. the description made of the external dispensation of the kingdom in peace may be allowed : but then it will not agree to the thousand years reign mentioned , rev. 20. 6. for in that time there shall not be such a reign over the whole world , as that there shall be no enemies , nor sin ; if so , how should satan , when he is loosed out of prison at the expiration of the thousand years , deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth , gog and magog , to gather them to battel : the number of whom is as the sand of the sea , and they go up on the breadth of the earth , and compass the camp of the saints about , and the beloved city , and then fire comes down from god out of heaven and devours them , rev. 20. 7 , 8 , 9 ? sure these things shew , that in the thousand years reign the kingdom of christ shall not be so universal and entire , but that in the four quarters of the earth , the indians in the east , the tarters in the north , the americans in the west , and the moors in the south shall remain a wicked people , and at last be raised up by the divel to destroy the people of god ( which it is likely shall have a reign on the earth a thousand years , when the jews shall be converted , and the turkish tyranny , and papal cruelty and delusions shall cease by such waies as divine providence shall order ) and then by divine vengeance from heaven shall be destroyed . but for the external dispensation of the kingdom of god in peace as they describe it , it can agree to no time , but the universal resurrection , and last judgment ; in which alone is nothing mortal , no ▪ sin , which follows after the thousand years reign and gogs and magogs destruction , rev. 20. 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15. 3. the quinto-monarchians suppose , that towards the end of the fourth monarchy , the stone , that is christ in the gentile saints shall smite the iron legs & toes of the roman empire , & then begin the fifth monarchy , which after the smiting of them , the saints shall take , and so be universal monarchs , or have the universal kingdom , which shall stand for ever . now they are quite mistaken in the time and means of the stones smiting and the saints taking the kingdom . for the smiting was to begin , as mr. mede observes in his discourse on mark. 1. 14 , 15. in the daies of christ on earth , when the fourth monarchy was at the heighth , not in its declining : for the stone , that is the fifth kingdom , was begun in the daies of these kings , that is the last of them , not after them , and that our saviour plainly declares , when , after that john was put in prison , he came into galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of god and saying , the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of god is at hand ; repent ye and believe the gospel . in which words our saviour declaring the time to be fulfilled , and the kingdom of god to be approaching plainly shewes , that then was the time of which daniel said ch . 2. 44. and in the daies of these kings shall the god of heaven set up a kingdom , which shall never be destroyed ; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people , it shall not have any successor , but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms , and it shall stand for ever ; it shall be unshaken , though the earth and the heavens be once more shaken , heb. 12. 26 , 27 , 28. and for the time of the saints of the most high taking the kingdom , and possessing the kingdom for ever , even for ever and ever , dan. 7. 18. it is expressed , v. 13. to be when one like the son of man came with the clouds of heaven , and came to the ancient of days , and they brought him near before him . which in the new testament is applied to christs second coming , matth. 24. 30. and 26. 64. mark 13. 26. and 14. 62. luke 21. 27. revel . 1. 7. acts 1. 11. 1 thes. 4. 17. which mr. mede in his fourth letter to mr. hayn proves to be at christs second coming by the brightness of which shall be the consumption of the man of sin , 2 thes. 2. 8. and at his appearing shall be his kingdom , 2 tim. 4. 1. and then shall the saints of the most high , which overcome sit with him in his throne , even as he also overcame , and is set down with his father in his throne , revel . 3. 21. to them he will give power over the nations , to rule them with a rod of iron , so that as a potters vessel they shall be broken to shivers , even as he received of his father revel . 2. 26. 27. then the kingdoms of the world shall be the lords and his christs , and he shall reign for ever and ever , the lord god almighty takes to him his great power and reigns , and the nations were angry , and his wrath was come , and the time of the dead that they should be judged , and that he should give the reward unto his servants the prophets , and to the saints , and to them that fear his name , small and great , and should destroy them which destroy the earth , revel . 11. 15. 17 , 18. and revel . 20. 4. the thrones are said to be set as dan. 7. 9. and they sate upon them and judgment was given to them as dan. 7. 26. & then the dominion or kingdom given . to the saints who are troubled rest shall be given by god with the apostles when the lord jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels , 2 th. 1. 7. the saints shall judge the world , 1 cor. 6. 2. and jesus said unto them , verily i say unto you , that ye which have followed me , in the regeneration , when the son of man shall fit in the throne of his glory , ye shall also fit upon twelve thrones , judging the twelve tribes of israel , matth. 19. 28. ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations : and i appoint unto you a kingdom , as my father hath appointed unto me : that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom , and fit on thrones judging the tribes of israel , luke 22. 28 , 29 , 30. and for the means of obtaining this kingdom as it is said , the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands , that is human help , so it is said , in the daies of these kings shall the god of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed , dan. 2. 44 , 45. which therefore our lord called the kingdom of heaven , and gives the reason , because his kingdom was not of this world , nor from hence , john 18. 36. but from heaven . and where it is said , that the saints of the most high shall take the kingdom , and possess the kingdom for ever , even for ever and ever , dan. 7. 18. it is added v. 21 , 22. i beheld and the same horn made war with the saints and prevailed against them ; until the ancient of daies came , and judgment was given to the saints of the most high ; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom . v. 26 , 27. but the judgment shall fit , and they shall take away his dominion , to consume and to destroy it unto the end . and the kingdom , and dominion , and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high , whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom , and all dominions shall serve and obey him . the saints take it not by their getting it , but by gift , not by conquest , but donation . suteably in the new testament , luk. 12. 32. fear not little flock , for it is your fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom : matth. 25. 24. come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world . out of which passages we may well infer 1. that it is great temerity in the quinto-monarchians to be so peremptory as they are , in setting down the time of the saints taking the kingdom : especially , if we consider , that when our lord christ was asked immediately afore his ascension into heaven , lord , wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to israel ? he said unto them , it is not for you to know the times or the seasons , which the father hath put in his own power , acts 1. 6 , 7. wherein he gives us to understand , that the times and seasons of restoring the kingdom to israel are put by the father in his own peculiar power , and therefore were not to be then known to the apostles , nor to us , till by the events shewing the foregoing signs , and the special instinct of gods spirit was shewed the just period of the mystical numbers , in which they are to be fulfilled . 2. we may infer , that it is very great folly , pride and arrogant presumption for a number of gentile saints in an island or continent to think to smite the fourth monarchy by arms , which is to be destroyed by the spirit of the lords mouth , and the brightness of his coming , and to take to themselves a kingdom which god only can give , and to set up christs kingdom , which god makes his prerogative , ps. 2. 6. yet have i set my king upon my holy hill of zion , ps. 110. 1 , 2. the lord said unto my lord , sit thou at my right hand , until i make thine enemies thy footstool . the lord shall send the rod of thy strengh out of zion : rule thou in the mids of thine enemies ; and to think to do this by armes a feeble means , which is to be done not by might , nor by power , but by his spirit . the monstrous arrogance of this attempt is made the more hainous 1. because , when it hath been begun heretofore by any , they have found god against them , the lord by his providence dissipating their counsels and frustrating their attempts , so as that in fine they have only brought ruin to themselves , and occasioned hatred of the wayes of god , and a hard hand in civil powers on the innocent . which argument , although it do not universally hold , that what succeeds not well in the event pleaseth not god , yet is good against these men , who have no other ground or warrant to their attempts , but the opinion they have of gods putting it into their heart and assurance of his help , this being their own speech banner displayed , p. 89. so that we make our conclusion ( with manoahs wife of old ) if the lord were pleased to kill us ( or suffer our enemies to kill us ) he would not have received a burnt offering , and a meat offering at our hands ; neither would he have shewed us all these things , nor would [ as at this time ] have told us such things as these , judges 13. 23. which shewes that the chief thing animating them to that bloody attempt was the opinion they had , that their determinations were of god , and that they were assured of help from him ; which was the very thing that thomas muncer , and hacket , and such like unquiet spirits were of satan incited by , and ended in nothing but blasphemy of god , and reproach of religion . 2. their abuse of scriptures wrested by unstable and unlearned persons to their destruction , arguing from obscure passages against plain precepts doth aggravate their evil acts , it being no small evil to make the holy scriptures , which are for humility , meekness , patience , trust in god , peaceableness , an instrument to commotions , disobedience to superiors , shedding blood , & such like horrid wickedness . so in the banner desp●ayed p. 19. mal. 3. 3. rev. 14. 4 , 5. are alledged to prove the stone , dan. 2. 34 , 35. is christ jesus in the pure sanctified and refined gentile christians ; when the former speaks of the sons of levi , and the other mentions the 144000. who it is likely are the same with 144000. revel . 7. 4. sealed of all the tribes of israel : and p. 59. the words of the prophet jerem. 51. 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23. spoken either of cyrus , or the king of babel are alleged to prove , that the lord hath elected and made choice of zion his people to act in this work and service ( of smiting civil powers ) unto whom he saith thus , thou art my battle-axe and weapon of war. so extremely are they deceived and deceive others . 3. which is the worse in them , in that they urge their notions as matters of their faith , when yet they use conjectural expressions , p. 40. probable conjecture , p. 41. seems to favour , p. 42. we do not ascertain or determin , only suppose , p. 44. this our opinion . p. 48. we may probably conclude , p. 55. humbly conceive about them ; and sometimes vent inconsistencies , as that the stone is christ , and yet the gentile saints , the jewes excluded , though they shall be the stone when made a mountain , with many more uncertainties about the stone , the little horn , dan. 7. and other things too tedious to be insisted on . 4. to these we may add the uncharitable conceits of their governors , their revilings of them , their unquietness in separating from those that concur not with them , their contention , and ejection from their society , such as do oppose them in their heady and violent practises , all which shew , that they are animated by the infernal spirit , and not from above , and in all likelihood have received their opinions and practises from jesuites and emissaries of rome , who have crept into societies of zealous christians and sown their tares among them . the tenents about civil powers being too near of kin to one another . § 15. the claim which quinto-monarchians make to civil government on earth in the saints afore christs coming is false . having shewed the sinfulness of smiting civil powers , the vanity of the conceits about the stone , dan. 2. 34 , 35. the falsity of the notions about the fifth-monarchy , i shall now examin their assertions about the saints right to the kingdom on earth before christs coming ; about which are held many false and pernicious positions which i shall now discuss . the first is , that before cited by me sect . 2. in these words , the creature man was priviledged with being lord over inferior creatures , but not over his own kind ; for all men being alike priviledged by birth , so all men were to enjoy the creatures alike without propriety one more than another . which position is manifestly false even concerning the state of nature uncorrupt . for even then the man was the head of the woman , as the apostle asserts 1 cor. 11. 3. and proves v. 8. 9. from the womans creation : for the man is not of the woman , but the woman of the man : neither was the man created for the woman , but the woman for the man ; which plainly proves a dominion and propriety of the man over and in the woman , who is of his own kind , and the contrary doctrine would infer not only polygamy , but also community of wives , which was the very doctrine of the nicolaitanes , of which christ saith in two epistles , rev. 2. 6. 15. which thing i bate . the same also may be said concerning father and child even in nature uncorrupt , if there had been any child born in that state , they would not have been all alike priviledged by birth , but the creature man was priviledged with being lord over his own kind , nor were all men to enjoy the creatures alike without propriety but one more than another , the father being priviledged by birth above his child , so as to be lord over his child , and enjoy him with propriety , and not another his child , nor he anothers : nor is it to be conceived , but that in goods , cattel and fruits of the earth , there would have been propriety in them so , as that the wife was to be at the husbands disposing and allowance concerning them , and the child at the fathers . 2. the second ( which is the quinto-monarchians opinion cited sect. 2. ) is that all men , as they are men have lost their rights and priviledges in respect of government in the first adam . which is false . for , 1. our lord christ in the point of divorce doth determin , that divorces allowed by the jewes were not right , because they agreed not with the law of marriage in the beginning , matth. 19. 4 , 5 , 6. which argument of our lord rests on this proposition , that what law was made in the beginning was in force still , and consequently the right of government , which a husband had above his wife , a father above his child , continue still . 2. if all rights and priviledges in respect of government in the first adam were lost , then they are still lost to them that are not in christ , which if it were true , all unbelievers would be usurpers : but this is false . for 1. the government of husbands over wives remains to infidels , the author to the hebrewes ch . 13. 4. tels us , that marriage is honourable in all , therefore in infidels . if not , then the apostle 1 cor. 7. 13. did not rightly determine , that the woman , which had a husband that believed not , if he were pleased to dwell with her , was not to put him away , or leave him ; which supposeth , that the right and power of a husband remained in him , though an infidel ; for , where the bond of marriage continues , the right and priviledge in government belonging to it still continues . the same also is to be said concerning the right & priviledge of a parent in respect of the child , it remains as well to infidels as believers , and also masters over servants . for even such as were evil or froward , from whom they were likely to suffer , yet the apostle 1 peter 3. 18 , 19. would have christians to be subject to them for conscience towards god ; therefore they had a right of government over them , who were infidels , even by gods appointment . ▪ yea the fifth-monarchy-men themselves in the banner displayd p. 51. acknowledge , that the powers of old rome the a bloody persecutor were ordained of god , rom. 13. 1. and therefore even infidel powers have right and priviledge of government by their own concession . and indeed the apostles determinations 1 cor. 7. 17 , 18 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 24. are plain resolutions , that the christian calling , doth neither make men free , nor servants , nor alter their civil relations , but that the christian is , as he was , neither better nor worse in that regard . 2. if infidels were usurpers of government , then what ever sentence they past , it was unjust , though it were never so right in respect of the cause , it being done by him that was no judge , whereas the scripture makes even the infidel powers gods ministers revengers , or doers of right unto wrath unto him that doth evil . rom. 13. 4. 3. if they were usurpers , then did christ ill to bid to pay tribute to caesar , to acknowledge pilates power given him from above , john 19. 11. paul to appeal to caesar , and to say , he stood before caesars judgment seat , where he ought to be judged , acts 25. 10 , 11. he should not have said , i think my self happy king agrippa , because i shall answer for my self before thee this day , acts 26. 2. nor to felix , acts 24. 10. forasmuch as i know , that thou hast been of many years a judge unto this nation , i do the more chearfully answer for my self , he should have declined his audience , or sentence , as being coram non judice , or have termed him a man , without any shew of reverence , or respect , as the quakers are wont to do , or have termed him antichristian , or babylon , as the quinto-monarchians do the civil powers now extant . in a word no honour should be due to an unblieving prince , though st. peter bids , honour the king 1 pet. 3. 17. and the arguments urged before sect : 3. should be evacuated . 4. if all right and privledges in respect of government in the first adam were lost among infidels , so as that all infidel judges were usurpers , then among them judges were not unjust , though they did not right to the wronged , because they had no power , and so the judge , who feared not god , nor regarded man , had not been rightly termed by our lord christ , an unjust judge , luke 18. 6. for not avenging the widdow . nor pharoah , or abimelech , justly punished for not restoring abrams wife , nor any just war between the king of sodom and other kings , nor had ephron the hittite any just possession of the cave abraham bought , nor any just contract between isaac and abimelech , nor did david justly defend toi against hadadezer , nor is there any justice in contracts , or comerce with infidels to be observed , nor they capable of doing right , or wrong , if there be no just legislative power , or power of judicatory among them , but they bear the sword , if not in vain , yet unjustly , and therefore are ill charged by st. paul , rom. 1. 28. to be filled with all unrighteousness . a third position , which with inconsiderate men takes , as being in shew agreeable with scripture , and tending to christs honour , though as they mean and use it , it is both false and pernicious , is , that jesus christ is the only lawful and true begotten heir , and lawful king , and potentate of these three nations , and of all the nations of the earth , and ( as he is the seed of abraham ) shall possess the earth : yea and the very gates of his enemies ; and that the sole legislative power of the nations , is and doth of right appertain and belong to him , and shall be exercised by him , dan. 7. 27. jerem. 10. 7. isai. 9. 6 , 7. gal. 3. 16. &c. from whence it hath been usual with the men of this persuasion , not only to style christ king jesus ( which is his right ) but also to disavow any other king but king jesus , as if the owning of any other as king in these nations were indeed a renouncing christ from being their king. now it is to be granted . 1. that the lord jesus christ not only as he is the son of god , but also as man , is of right , and is to be acknowledged the prince of the kings of the earth , revel . 1. 5. to whom all power in heaven and earth is given , matth. 28. 18. god hath made him lord and christ , acts 2. 36. he is lord of all , acts 10. 36. nor is it denyed that the texts quoted do belong to him : or that he is the heir of all the nations of the earth , as he is the seed of abraham , to whom the promises were spoken . yet the words , daniel 7. 27. mention his kingdom not till the judgment sit , and they shall take away the dominion of the little horn , to consume and to destroy it unto the end ; and therefore assert not the exercise of the kingdom there meant as yet . the words jerem. 10. 7. are impertinently alledged concerning christs being king of nations as the seed of abraham ; sich they are spoken only of the divine nature in opposition to the idols of the nations . the words isai. 9. 6 , 7. foretold christs kingdom in the daies of his flesh , which christ himself saith , was not of this world , but such as belonged to him as the child born , of the increase of whose government there should be no end . the words , gal. 3. 16. are true of christ personal , but so also , as that they have respect to all believers as abrahams seed by faith v. 7. 29. and that they are not to be understood of a visible monarchy acquired by fighting ( of which the quinto-monarchians dream ) but of the inheritance of the righteousness , by faith , which should be to all nations v. 28. in which respect abraham also is said to be the heir of the world , rom. 4. 13. 2. it is not to be denied , that all kings ought to acknowledge christ their superiour , and themselves to be subordinate to him , and that those , who will not acknowledge the holding of their power , crownes and scepters under this great monarch , and for him , shall be deemed and adjudged by christ as traitors to him , and proceeded against accordingly by him , according to his lawes ; and the threatning , luke 19. 27. but 1. this will be done by him in such way as he thinks good , he hath not made any saints on earth judges over kings , whether they be traitors to christ or not , nor allowed them to proceed against them , nor hath he assigned any time wherein he will proceed against them afore the great day of judgment , in which he will judge the saints as well as kings , and will damn them that pretending themselves saints , shall take upon them christs peculiar office to judge their kings , and execute judgment ( that is outrage and murder ) on their governours to whom christ requires their subjection . sure paul , when he reasoned with felix , acts 24. 25. did nor go about to terrify him with threatning of any judgment , he , or the saints on earth had , but minded him of the judgment to come . nor did our lord christ himself , either to pilate , or the high priest use any menacing speeches , but only told the high priest , matth. 26. 64. hereafter ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power , and coming on the clouds of heaven . 2. this will nothing concern the king of these three nations , nor any other kings , or rulers , who do acknowledge they rule under christ , and rule for christ , and therefore cannot with any colour be adjudged as enemies to christ by those , who have no cognizance of the secrets of mens hearts , nor any way or power of judicature in such things , but must leave them to the trial of the universal judge . 3. we grant , that , so far as christ hath made any lawes pertaining to civil , or church government , kings have no power to abrogate or alter them , but are bound , according to that authority they have , to see them executed and observed ; yea and to repress them , that pretend themselves saints , as traitors both to them and christ , from whom they have authority , who appose their power , and hinder their actings in that which is agreeable to christs lawes . for if they be not officers under christ as mediator ( which i assert not ) yet they are rulers under christ as the son of god , and will be owned and assisted by him , in doing his work against any that pretends himself christs vicar , or lurks under the vizour of a saint . but as i said before , sect. 6. 1. the lawes of christ are not sufficient without other lawes to settle and order thousands of particulars whether belonging to the church , or common-wealth , but that there is need of humane lawes to determin them . 2. that the jewish lawes are not fitted for the government of christian states , and churches of the gentiles , except in some few . 3. that the lord christ and his apostles did of purpose leave us at liberty concerning them , lest the gospel should be hindered by them , and permitted all nations to order their own lawes and civil government according to general precepts of the word and the exigence of civil affairs . 4. that to tie men to mosaical civil precepts , any further than the general equity of them requires , would be to judaize . 5. that the most holy saints that are on earth , are and will be bound to observe humane lawes of their civil seperiors under pain of god ; wrath till christ at his coming put down all rule and all authority and power . 6. that it no whit detracts from christs supreme dominion to have kings to be rulers under him , and therefore we abhor that speech cited sect . 2. jesus christ alone is lord and king , and all men are equals . a fourth position deduced from the third , is , that the saints of the most high are by themselves a common-wealth and free-state , which is somewhat like the opinion of papists who exempt men in holy orders from the secular power , and it is not unlikely to have been instilled into the minds of quinto-monarchians by some of the popish party ; but is a false and foolish conceit , refuted by all the arguments before produced , requiring subjection to civil powers , even such as are evil , and proving , even agreeably to the state of mankind corrupt , that civil power and natural power of government belongs to infidels over saints , and therefore saints cannot without injury shake off the yoke of allegiance and obedience , which is upon them by the imposition of civil and natural powers , though unbelievers . it is also foolish , for 1. it supposeth saints may be by themselves , which is contrary to the express doctrine of our lord , matth. 13. 30. which tels us , that the tares and the wheat are to grow together until the harvest , which he expounds after v. 40 , 41. that it shall be the end of the world afore the wicked and the children of the kingdom shall be separated : which he also teacheth by another parable v. 47 , 48 , 49 , 50. all those who are for gathered churches , though they would have none in church communion but visible saints , yet are forced to acknowledge from these scriptures , that they must live together , whether they will or no , in the world , and therefore this , and indeed the whole project of the quinto-monarchians , is but a fond dream , and too like the donatists and circumcellions of old in africa . but were it granted , that there may be , or have been plantations of godly persons unmixt : yet experience hath shewed , that even amongst them differences quickly arise , by reason of different apprehensions , and divisions and enmities , and in a little time heats , animosities , factions , oppositions and other corruptions follow . besides , who can secure the generation following from corruption ? moses and joshuah settled the common-wealth of israel with order , laws , rites of religion , and all by immediate direction from god : yet quickly did they corrupt themselves . the like may be said of the times succeeding david and solomon . our own times yield like instances , that the posterity of the best and holiest planters , though free from many provocations , which the people have from whom they remove , yet in an age do degenerate from their predecessors holiness , and in their manners and government become like other people . and what we have seen in our daies , of the giddiness , shallowness , instability , selfishness of the choicest men for government , and holiness , whom men could find in a nation , should me thinks awaken men from continuing in that dream , no better than the fancy of a golden mountain , as if they might have a common-wealth or free-state or gathered church by themselves on earth of pure saints . 2. but were this feasible , that there were a common-wealth or free state of uncorrupt saints by themselves on earth afore christs appearing , yet without such promise and provision made for them by christ , as we yet have no assurance of , they would not subsist long , but perhaps be , as the historians phrase is , populus unius aetatis , a people of one age , by reason of the weakness they would have to resist their enemies , which would be more in number than themselves , perhaps a thousand fold , and their enmity be encreased as pharaoh's was to the children of israel , and either oppress them or destroy them . if after the thousand years reign the divel could go out to deceive the nations , which are in the four quarters of the earth , gog and magog , to gather them to battel , their number being as the sand of the sea , and they go up on the breadth of the earth , and compass about the camp of the saints and the beloved city , rev. 20. 8 , 9. it is much more likely , while satan is at liberty and millions of enemies infidel pagans , cruel mahometans , bloody papists , profane and vitious protestants , unquiet and unruly members in the gathered churches , loose libertines , and erroneous revolters from pure worship , true doctrine , and true christian conversation in duties of love and righteousness , walk on every side , that a small number of saints in profession should have more enemies against them , if they did live by themselves on earth , as an entire and independent common-wealth . if in christs retinue there were a judas , can any company of saints secure themselves from hypocritical members , and their treachery ? sure the little flock of christ is more beholding to kings and rulers , and laws , and government , though with some rigour and persecution , than they are sensible of , or thankful for as they should be . we have seen how unsuccessful endeavours have been to reform churches , to rectify governments as we desire , how like tinkers work alterations in them have been , that while one hole is stopped two are made , how many various forms of government have been devised , whereof one hath opposed the other , that while they have been hammering on a new frame all hath fallen to pieces , every one likely agreeing about what they would not have , few about what they would have . and therefore it would be more agreeable to the mind of god , for christians now though under many grievances and pressures to subject themselves peaceably even to hard rulers , and as god admonished the jews in babylon to pray for their peace , for in their peace they should have peace , and to seek the peace of them , jer. 29. 7. till god call them out of babylon by his providence , and not either by flying from them as enemies desert their station ( wherein by their abiding they might perhaps through their good conversation amend them , or by their patience pacify them ) or by reviling provoke them , or by conspiracies or tumults incense them against them , much less after the quinto-monarchians furious manner take up arms to make themselves a free-state , and lords of the world . the fifth position is , that saints regained the rights and priviledges in respect of government in the second adam or lord from heaven , which position is deduced out of the former , but is false and pernicious . for 1. it supposeth that the rights and priviledges in respect of government were lost in the first adam , which is before proved false . 2. that the second adam , or lord from heaven , hath regained them : whereas there is no text of scripture that doth mention , that this was the end of his coming into the world to get for himself or for his disciples the actual regiment or government of the natitions of the world in an outward manner by making and executing laws about civil affairs , nor was this ever claimed by christ or his apostles , but when he perceived that they would come and take him by force , to make him a king , he departed again into a mountain himself alone , john 6. 15. and when one of the company said unto him , master , speak to my brother , that he divide the inheritance with me , he said unto him , man , who made me a judge or divider over you ? luke 12. 13. 14. which plainly shews christs refusal of medling with civil affairs , though it were but by speaking for one brother to another , yea and his disclaiming any civil office or judicature as not belonging unto him . and his whole estate of life , and deportment in the daies of his flesh was altogether incongruous to a civil government , or rule ; nor did he ever disturb herod , pilate , the high priests or elders of the jews about their government , but only he once drave the buyers and sellers out of the temple by special instinct , and rode on an asse into jerusalem , to shew his right as the son of david , and freely reproved the wickedness of the jewish rulers and pharisees , yet still requiring those that were healed of leprosy , to go to the priests and shew themselves to them for a testimony to them , that he was not against the observance due by the law to them . it is indeed said rom. 14. 9. that to this end christ both died , and rose and revived , that he might be lord both of the dead and living . but this cannot be meant in respect of civil government on earth , and the rights and priviledges thereof , but the spiritual rule he hath over them now , and the great dominion he shall have at the universal judgment , when at the name of jesus every knee shall bow of things in heaven and things in earth , and things under the earth , and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord , to the glory of god the father , phil. 2. 10. 11. yea this thing was the very stumbling block of the pharisees , by reason of which they denied his kingdom , and his being the messiah ; because he did not take upon him civil rule , nor by human forces subdue the romans , as david the philistines , but by invisible power cast out divels , healed diseases , rebuked storms , and multiplyed loaves , and did such other acts , and gave such laws as were altogether unsutable to the king and kingdom which they fancied and expected . so that this conceit of christs regaining the rights and priviledges in respect of government , which was lost in the first adam , meaning the outward visible government of the world in respect of civil affairs , is but a jewish opinion altogether disagreeing with christian doctrine . it is true , that the apostles minds did oftentimes hanker after it , contending sundry times who should be chiefest among them , and the two brethren james and john by their mother asking the two nearest places to christ in his kingdom : but they were checked by christ expresly telling them , that to sit at his right hand or his left was not his to give , but for whom it was prepared of his father , matth. 20. 23. shewing thereby that in his present state he had no such kingdom , or throne as they dreamed of , nor was to have ; nor the disposal of such places as they ambitiously sought , but told them of their suffering afflictions , and to all his apostles said , ye know that the princes of the gentiles exercise dominion over them , and they that are great exercise authority upon them , but it shall not be so among you v. 25 , 26. yea when they would know , who should be greatest in the kingdom of heaven , he called a little child unto him , and set him in the midst of them , and said , verily i say unto you , except ye be converted , and become as little children , ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven , whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven , matth. 18. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. declaring plainly , that all affecting government , and superiority in this world was contrary to his kingdom , and therefore the monstrous ambition of quinto-monarchians , of getting into their hands the kingdoms of this world , is as contrary to christianity as bitter to sweet , darkness to light , or rather indeed antichristian , or babylonish , being under another disguise the same with the popes claim of universal monarchy , as vicar of christ , of having both swords spiritual and temporal , therein lifting himself above all that is caled god , or is worshipped 2 thes. 2. 4. it is true that it is said , heb. 1. 2. god hath in these last dayes spoken unto us by his son , whom he hath appointed heir of all things ; but this inheritance is either as he is the son of god , according to his divine nature , or his inheritance at his exaltation into heaven , in that sense , in which he is said to be made head over all things , to , or for the church , ephes. 1. 22. which is to be understood in respect of that power over angels and men , so far as concerns their administation of all things , for the welfare of his church , in neither of which are the saints heirs with him . but in neither of these senses , nor in any other sense , or place of scripture is he said to be the heir of the world so , as that he should regain the rights and priviledges in respect of civil government lost in adam , nor where abraham is promised to be heir of the world , rem . 4. 13. is it meant in respect of the civil government of the world , but as the text shews , that he should be heir of the world , that is the blessing of righteousness should be to jewes and gentiles throughout the world , walking in the steps of his examplary faith , whereby they become his seed . 3. it asserteth , that saints regained the rights and priviledges , in respect of government in the second adam , or lord from heaven ; which is a false and a most arrogant presumptuous position . for , 1. if christ have not regained it for them , then they have not regained them in him . but that christ hath not regained it for them , is already proved in overthrowing the second supposition ; therefore saints have not regained in christ the rights and priviledges , in respect of government civil . 2. if government civil were not lost in adam , then it is not regained in christ , but civil government and natural were not lost in adam , as is before proved in this section ; therefore they were not regained in christ. 3. if the rights and priviledges of civil governments were not regained in christ to the apostles , then they were not regained in christ to any saints ; for none had more regained for them by christ than the apostles , nor any of the saints excelled them ; if any can shew better charters , or patents from christ for such rights and priviledges , then the apostles , let them shew them ; the holy scripture tells us , that god hath set in the church first apostles , 1 cor. 13. 28. they are in the foundations , eph. 2. 20 ▪ revel . 21. 14. but , that the apostles had not the rights and priviledges in respect of civil government on earth , afore christ's coming in the clouds , is proved before from christs words , matth. 20. 25 , 26. from rom. 13. 1. where every soul , even an apostle , saith chrysostome , is to be subject to the higher powers , from st. paul his acknowledgments and example of subjection , from st. peters precept and example . whence we account the popes of rome to have the forehead of and impudent whore , when they claim in st. peters right , the universal monarchy of the whole church , and superiority above emperors and kings , and directly , or indirectly in order to spirituals , power to dispose of civil governments , to translate the empire , depose princes , give away kingdoms , command emperors to make an expedition to the holy land , and many more things , as if they were his right , as successor to st. peter , to whom christ promised the keys of the kingdom of heaven , not of earth . if this claim be justly , as it is , judged to be an antichristian , babylonish usurpation , it is by parity of reason . more antichristian , and babylonish for the quinto-monarchans to challenge the rights and priviledges in respect of government to be gained to them under the name of saints , when they can shew no such donation from christ , or any act of acquisition , whereby he obtained it for them , or any conveyance of it to them , or any saints till christs appearing ; the apostles shall sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of israel , but not till the regeneration , when the son of man shall sit in the throne of his golory , matth. 19. 28. termed his kingdom , luke . 22. 30. the saints shall judge the world , but not till the time come they shall judge angels , 1 cor. 6. 2 , 3. in the interim their condition is to be humbled under the mighty hand of god , that he may exalt them in due time 1 pet. 5. 6. james 4. 10. 4. if the portion of the saints which is regained for them by christ be in spiritual blessings in heavenly things , and no where in temporal dominion in this life , then it is false , that saints regained the rights and priviledges in respect of government in the second adam , or lord from heaven , but the antecedent is true ▪ as appears by the many promises to them , which assign spiritual blessings to them as their portion . where the apostle paul mentions the blessings given to the faithful in christ jesus he saith , ephes ▪ 1. 3. blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ , who hath blessed us with all spiritural blessings in heavenly places , or things in christ , and then recites them without mention of any earthly power or preferment . in the new covenant set down , heb. 8. 10 , 11 , 12. spiritual grace is promised , but not earthly greatness , and riches as in the old . where our lord christ , matth. 5. assignes blessedness to holy persons , he placeth it in other things , then the kingdoms of this world . he saith , v. 5. blessed are the meek , for they shall inherit the earth , but no where the dominions of the earth . the apostle saith , 1 tim. 4. 8. bodily exercise profiteth little , or for a little time , but godliness is profitable for all things , or for every time , having the promise of the life that now is , and that which is to come . but how to understand this our saviour tells us , mark 10. 29 , 30. there is no man that hath left house , or brethren , or sisters , or father , or mother , or wife , or children , or lands for my sake and the gospels , but he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time , houses , and brethren , and sisters , and mothers ( which cannot be understood in the same kind , but in that which is equivalent ) & children , and lands , with persecutions , and in the world to come , eternal life . we are heirs with christ , but 't is , if so be that we suffer with him , that we may be glorified together , rom. 8. 17. whether paul , or apollos , or cephas , or the world , or life , or death , or things present , or things to come , all are yours ; and ye are christs , and christ is gods , 1 cor. 3. 23 , 24. but all are not theirs to dispose them , or to rule over them , they cannot dispose of life , or death , things to come , nor have rule over paul , or cephas . but god doth order and dispose them for their benefit in the event , as it is said , rom. 8. 28. and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god , to them who are the called according to purpose . the saints shall inherit all things , but they must overcome first , revel . 21. 7. by the blood of the lamb , and by the word of their testimony , not loving their lives unto the death , revel . 12. 11. no where is there a promise of the rights and priviledges of civil government to the saints on earth . 5. if the holy scripture makes it an ill character of a man , and an accursed condition to have his treasure on earth , his portion in this life , his good things here , to be his danger , and an ill foreboding sign to be rich , that the desire and care of these things intangle and insnare men , choke the word of god , that it becomes unfruitful , then sure they have not regained the rights and priviledges in respect of government in the second adam . but the former is true , as is manifest in these scriptures , matth. 6. 19 , 20 , 24 , 25. and 13. 22. mark 10. 22 , 23 , 24. psal. 17. 14. luke 6. 24 , 25. and 16. 25. 1 tim. 6. 9 , 10. therefore also the later ; and therefore we may more truly say , that the men who make this claim , do indeed unsaint themselves . 6. if it be gods design to have , for the most part the holy saints to be of the meanest sort , then sure they have not regained the rights and priviledges in respect of civil government and possessions in this life . but the former is true , as appears by these scriptures , 1 cor. 1. 26 , 27 , 28 , 29. you see your calling , brethren , how that not many wise men after the flesh , not many mighty , not many , noble are called : but god hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the things that are mighty ; and base things of the world , and things which are despised hath god chosen ; and things which are not to bring to nought things which are , that no flesh should glory in his presence . jam. 2. 5. hath not god chosen the poor of this world rich in faith , and heirs of that kingdom which god hath promised to them that love him . therefore the saints regain not priviledges of government in this life , if the saints and princes of this world are often distinguished , then saints as such have not regained the rights and priviledges in respect of government in this life ; but they are so distinguished , 1 cor. 2 , 6 , 8. therefore the consequent is right . 8. if saints receive that kingdom which cannot be shaken , then their interest is not in the kingdoms of this world that come to nought , 1 cor. 2. 6. but the former is true , heb. 12. 28. therefore also is the later . 9. if christ have made the saints kings and priests to his father , not to men , a royal priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god by jesus christ , then that which christ hath effected for the saints is not the gaining of the rights and priviledges in respect of civil government . but the former is true , rev. 1. 6. and 5. 10. 1 pet. 2. 5. 9. therefore also the later is true . 10. if the saints be exceeded in wisdom and power fit for civil government by the men of this world , then sure christ did not regain for them the rights and priviledges in respect of civil government in this world : for sure , if he had gained the end he would have provided and ordered the means , as is done by him in respect of the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven or eternal life . but the antecedent is true , as appears by our saviours words , luk. 16. 8. the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light , and all experience in all ages , which shews how few of them are fit for managing of civil government , therefore the rights and priviledges in respect of civil government in this life are not provided for them . 11. if the rights and priviledges in respect of civil government were gained for the saints , then doubtlesse christ would have directed them in the way and means to have attained them , but that he hath no where done , but left all nations to their own constitutions and waies of government , therefore christ hath not gained for the saints the right to civil government . 12. if the rights and priviledges in respect of civil government were gained by christ for the saints , then they that are not saints are not governors of right , then no king is rightly a king , no master rightly a master , no husband rightly a husband , or father rightly a father , or tutor rightly a tutor , but a saint . but this is false as hath been shewed abundantly before , the scripture acknowledging , yea the quinto-monarchians themselves acknowledging even the powers that were the emperors of rome , though bloudy persecutors of the saints , the ordinance of god , therefore government civil is not the saints right and priviledge . 13. if the saints had regained by christ the rights and priviledges in respect of government then they had right to require tribute and service of men , and consequently what they impose is due to them , and then they should not be guilty of unrighteousness , theft , purloining , though they took from infidel masters or other unbelievers . but the scriptures make believers or saints culpable for extortion , theft , purloining , covetousness , defrauding as well as others 1 cor. 5. 11. ephes. 4. 28. 1 thes. 4. 6. 2 thes. 3. 6. 10. 12 tit. 2. 10. therefore they have not the rights and priviledges in respect of government . 14. if the saints have regained the priviledges and rights in respect of civil government in christ , then either as saints , or under some other consideration ; if under some other consideration , then it is not by reason of their sanctity or their interest in christ ; if as saints , then all saints have these rights of government ; and if so , a child that is a saint , a wife , a servant , over an infidel father , husband , master , which would invert all order , and make voyd all the precepts of obeying parents , ephes. 6. 1. submitting to husbands , eph. 5. 22. obedience to masters , eph. 6. 5. all which are grosly absurd making void the commandments of god for human traditions . 15. if the saints have the rights and priviledges in respect of government regained in christ , then either saints by profession or real only : not the former , for such are hypocrites , children of hell more than others , and therefore christ hath purchased nothing for them by his death or intercession ; not the later , for then rights and priviledges in respect of government should be a nemo scit , a thing which no man can judge of , but he who can search the heart and try the reigns ; but rights and priviledges in respect of government are things necessary to be known , that we may know to whom we are bound to be subject , to pay tribute , to address our selves to for justice , and other ends and uses of empire . 16. if saints have the rights and priviledges in respect of government , then those only have power to make governors , as kings and their officers , who make saints , especially preachers , ministers , and pastors of churches . but the scripture makes this no part of a ministers work , he is not to intangle himself in affairs of this life , 2 tim. 2. 4. this is never intimated to have been done , or that it should be done : they are said to be of god , his ministers , not the ministers of the saints or pastors of churches , nor did ever any pretend it to be the right of church officers to constitute kings and civil governors , till the popes of rome usurped that power to create the emperors , whose predecessor gregory the great acknowledged the emperor mauricius to be his lord , and the like was done by other popes to the emperors of rome , until the time of hildebrand named gregory the seventh , whom becket in england followed taking upon him to annul the english laws , and asserting the kings power to be from the church . 17. if the rights and priviledges in respect of government be the saints , then they cease to be governors when they cease to be saints , and so the opinion heretofore charged unjustly on wickleff , that a prelate or prince falling into mortal sin should be disavowed , which is even by romanists decried ; then might those that have power to excommunicate and to declare them hereticks , apostates depose them , yea then should princes be at the mercy , not only of popes , but also of every ecclesiastical consistory , yea they themselves should be bound in such cases to lay down their government , and ecclesiastical rulers and godly persons to abandon them as being no governors of right , because no saints : which would make governments , which are the great supporters of human society , to be the weakest and silliest invention among men , not like the ordinance of god , by whom kings reign and princes decree justice , prov. 8. 15. but rather a device of idiots , bring the greatest confusions and mischiefs incident to human affairs , deter infidel princes to become christians , if they see they must possesse their dominion at the will of ecclesiasticks , with many other great absurdities . we find in scripture kings have deposed priests , as solomon did abiathar by gods allowance , but no where priests to have deposed kings with any approbation : this hath been but of late , a thing hatch'd at rome , and fetch'd from hell. 17. if the saints have the rights and priviledges in respect of government regained in christ , then is temporal dominion founded in grace , but that is not true , sith it is given out of common providence for the good of human society , not out of special love to the saints : for it is one of the things that is for the benefit of the bad as well as the good , as the shining of the sun , and the falling of the rain , matth. 5. 45. and therefore the benefit of it is sometimes denied to the good , and granted to the bad , so that in these things all are alike , one event is to the righteous and the wicked , eccles. 9. 2. 18. if government of others were the saints right , god would not have made saul king , nor david acknowledged him king over israel , nor adjudged him to death that slew him , nor would god have termed cyrus his shepheard , isa. 44. 28. his anointed , isa. 45. 1. nor daniel have said to nebuchadnezzar dan. 2. 37. thou o king art a king of kings , for the god of heaven hath given thee a kingdom power and strength and glory , or to darius , o king live for ever , dan. 6. 21. 19. if the saints have regained in christ the rights and priviledges in respect of government , then all offices of government , or some only ; if all , then every saint is of right a king , and so a king by inheritance , succession or election , is no more a king than the meanest saint , yea than a child , if a saint , and so no wo when the king is a child contrary to eccles. 10. 16. then one person hath no more right to an office than another , which would introduce anarchy , and take away all government , which is indeed the event to which fifth-monarchy-mens principles and actings tend , under shew of the saints right to put power into the hands of the most violent spirits , whereby all orderly government will be demolished , and tyranny of a few , with the common robbery of all , promoted . if some only have rights to some offices and priviledges in respect of government , who shall distinguish ? how shall the right of each be tried ? what court shall there be to decide controversies of this kind ? is there any that hath discerning of spirits to find out each ones fitness ? is there any oracle of god , any priest by urim and thummim , who can declare what is to be done ? sure such devices are not of god , but of satan , which tend to unsettle things placed in order , and involve men in inextricable difficulties not to be avoided without a miracle . lastly , if the saints have regained rights and priviledges in respect of government in christ , then are those unjustly debarred from them who are saints . but the quinto-monarchians in their banner of truth displayed do not only declare the saints are to separate from the romish , universal , national prelatical , parochial presbyterian churches , but also from the congregational churches , though they hope godly , if they oppose them or concur not with them in their smiting work , though they be brethren in the churches , yet they accompt him and that spirit which either in act or deed wilfully and obstinately ( as blessed be the almighty they did both before by the quinto-monarchians own confession and in the year 1660 ) denies the smiting work of our lords kingdom ( as they pretend it to be , though it be but their own work , and for themselves moved by their own phrenetick fury or intemperate blind zeal ) antichristian , terming them formally godly , if they be not as violent as themselves , and degrading them as if they had no sanctity , who are not s●●dementate as themselves , which shews that they account them only for saints , that are of their spirit and mind , and appropriate the rights and priviledges in respect of government to those of their party , excluding those who join not with them , though confessedly godly and brethren , for whom , they cannot deny , christ hath regained as much as for themselves , which shews their injustice , if not hypocrisy , and overthrows their assertion , that the saints as saints have regained in christ the rights and priviledges in respect of government , sith they will have no saints , but their own party to have regained them . the sixth position to which all their consultation and doctrine tends , and which is indeed the venom and poyson of all their tenents boyled up to the heigth , is , that the kingdom and power in these nations is the saints birthright as freemen of the common-wealth of israel and heirs of the whole world with christ , gal. 3. 29. whence 't is that they say , 't is to be desired from good and sound grounds that they would exercise that royal authority which god has given unto them and invested them with as they are saints by calling , which is to defend themselves and offend their enemies , and to contend against those that do or shall oppose them in their work and businesse , which is to smite powers and to take the kingdoms of the world into their own possession , the glass of the beasts power being almost run out in these nations , p. 27. the call which the stone shall have to act in its smiting work , is for the greatest part thereof now pertinent and fitly applicable to a faithful remnant now extant in england , and fulfilled in and upon them ; and also seeing that the signs laid down in the word of god for the time of the end are in a great measure now fulfilled and accomplished in england's remnant : therefore we conclude and assert , that 't is lawful and warrantable , and is a duty incumbent for captivated sion and oppressed saints to stand up in gods name , and fear , and deliver themselves and that glorious gospel of the kingdom now by them declared to the world , from persecution , oppression , and that long captivity and bondage , which she hath remained in , and to break the yoke of the oppressor , which is now upon her neck according to the word and commandment of the lord , zech. 2. 7. isa. 52. 2. we are perswaded that the work of the stone is the present work of this generation , and our present work , and do accordingly exhort the saints to arise , to fall upon the enemy , p. 62. now these positions , conceits , and exhortations are impious and vain . for , 1. it is proved before , that their separation from their brethren , deserting their superiors to whom they owe subjection , their reviling and speaking evil of powers , their taking up arms against them are not honest and just means . 2. it is not proved that the smiting work dan. 2. 34 , 35. is that work which they exhort to . 3. nor is it proved to be the work of saints as saints . 4. nor is there any thing they produce , that shews it to be the work of this generation . 5. nor any thing that shews that it is pertinent and fitly applicable to a faithful remnant now extant in england . 6. nor can any thing be deduced from the signs laid down in the word of god ( which they only say are in a great measure fulfilled and accomplished in england 's remnant ) for the time of the end to warrant their acting , sith no signs are sufficient for acting against plain precepts without a clear commission by extraordinary revelation or miraculous power , much lesse when they are not wholly fulfilled , and that accomplishment they are encouraged by is taken either from conjectural calculations of mystical numbers , or from the heat of some ( perhaps real saints ) excited by the oratory and confidence of their magnified teachers and leaders , opposed by other sober and considerate persons as godly , though not so hot-spirited as themselves , which heat hath cooled much , and many have been withdrawn from them , as themselves complain and experience shews , which also hath proved , that they have much deluded themselves and others who have rested upon their calculation of mystical numbers . 7. nor is there any thing deprehended in those , whom they call the faithful remnant in england , why they should be called to this work rather than others of former time or in other countries . for though they magnify them that are of their party as pretious saints , publick-spirited , self-deniers , illuminated ; disparaging others as formal professors , leavers of their first love , and the like , yet experience hath proved them to be but as other men , or rather many of them to have been worse than others , far from saints and a faithful remnant , and by their uncharitablenesse , rashnesse , cruelty , contempt of and disobedience to their governors , to have been more like divels than saints . 8. the falling off of many , who perhaps inclined to them and favoured their design , apprehending it to have been at first out of good meaning and to a good end , but since finding it to have been out of a factious spirit , and tending to blood and rapin , likely to beget ( when the rabble of loose persons , agents for rome , and men of desperate fortunes should with a shew of sanctity and zeal for christ join with them ) an horrible wasting and depraedation of mens estates ( which these men as holy as they would be taken to be , its likely aimed at , when they used those words p. 66. in such a practise they shall be no losers , christ will give them an hundred fold , even the spoil of their great and rich enemies , who are his opposers and in the end an eternal crown ) together with an universal enmity and dreadful anarchy , have deserted them , is a good evidence of the madnesse and impiety of their assertion and exhortation . 9. it is evident , that they have been deluded in their conceits , and their wild positions and attempts by the want of power and authority , which are necessary for that work , which they imagined the faithful remnant in england called to . for as the apostle saith 1 cor. 4. 20. the kingdom of god is not in word but in power , and therefore there being no such power of calling down fire from heaven , of smiting the earth with plagues , or any other extraordinary power , such as is foretold of the two witnesses rev. 11. or in the prophets , judges , or apostles sent by god , we cannot take their attempts or call to be any other than heady & rash , not from gods spirit , but fond opinion of the power of their prayers , because of their vehemency ( as hackets was in q. elizabeths daies ) and satans delusion of them . 10. it is a very great delusion they are transported with , which makes them imagin they shall by their arms subdue all the enemies of christ , make them the footstool of christ , and take the kingdom ; which is made the work of god , when he sends the rod of his strength , in the day of his power , in the day of his wrath , psal. 110. 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6. which to attempt by themselves is a most monstrous giant-like enterprise . 11. nor is it a small vanity and folly in them to presume to antedate the saints exaltation afore christs appearing , which is to be accomplished at his coming and in his kingdom . 12. it shews the want of sobriety in these men , that they abuse holy scriptures and scripture expressions , altogether impertinent to their purpose , for so evil purposes as they alledge them . as for instance in applying those words zech. 2. 7. isa. 52. 2. which are spoken of the people of the jews , and their delivery from the captivity of babylon in chaldaea , or some other dispersion proper to them , to the people of england , which were never under such captivity , making their subjection to civil rulers babylon , which is gods ordinance , and exhorting them to deliver themselves by arms in the imitation of them , who delivered themselves from exile by voluntary embracing of the allowance of cyrus and other persian kings . their claim also of the kingdom and power in these nations as the saints birthright as freemen of the common-wealth of israel and heirs of the whole world with christ , gal. 3. 29. is alike ridiculous . for they are no otherwise freemen of the common-wealth of israel , than in a metaphor taking the church of god for the israel of god , and church members freemen of the common-wealth : but this belongs to every christian , at least who is really such in the whole world , and then if freedom should infer soveraignty , they should be kings because freemen , which is a meer non sequitur . gal. 3. 29. speaks not of the inheritance of the whole world , but of the promise , which is of the spirit v. 14. not of the dominion of the whole world . the rest of their arguings are like these , as will appear in that which follows . § 16. the reasons and arguments of fifth-monarchy men for their separation and smiting civil powers , are shewed to be vain . it remains now , that i consider what i meet with in the writings i have seen for the quinto-monarchians separation from , and smiting civil powers , and acting in the behalf of the fifth-monarchy , or visible kingdom of christ on earth , as they term it , and the saints taking it into their possession . the reasons of their separation and engaging against all civil powers , are in the banner of truth displayed . p. 84 , 85 , 86 , 87 , 88. whereof the first is this , because the fifth kingdom , which is jesus christ's and the saints , together with the lawes and ordinances thereof , is to take place of the roman kingdom , which is the kingdom of the beast and antichrist ( with destruction thereto ) together with all the lawes and ordinances thereof , dan. 2. 44. ch . 7. 18. 26 , 27. isa. 2. 3. 1 cor. 6. 2. heb. 12. 28. answ : this is granted , and it is in part fulfilled by the setting up of christs kingdom by preaching the gospel , and is yet to be fulfilled at christs appearing ; of the former of which , dan. 2. 44. isai. 2. 3. heb. 12. 28. are meant , of the later , daniel 7. 18. 26 , 27. 1 cor. 6. 2. none of the texts term civil powers in england the kingdom of the beast and antichrist , or the roman kingdom , nor prove the fifth kingdom , is to be set up by separation from civil powers , or engaging against them ; which were to be proved , and therefore , if that which is said to be an undeniable truth among the saints , yet sith those saints are not infallible , and other saints perhaps doubt of it , as judicious as themselves , it should have been proved , and also their inference thence cleared , unless they had been resolved to deceive , or remain deceived . 2. because the civil power is that which doth oppose the righteous kingdom of jesus christ , not only deteining his right interest , title and birthright of inheritance from him ( as much as in them lies , which is as great an evil as if they should effectually accomplish their wicked design ) but also do make war against the lamb christ jesus , and the saints his followers , rev. 17. 14. psal. 2. 1 , 2 , 3. are we the friends and subjects of jesus christ ? why then are we found the friends and subjects of men ? how can this be ? can we serve christ and belial ? let saints therefore be convinced of this , namely , that the civil powers are christs enemies , it is they that labour to prevent the rise and breaking forth of that kingdom , and neer unto the time of its firm establishment , their combination will be very high & great , i saw the beast ( which all grant to be the civil , or at leastwise the civil and ecclesiastcal power ) and the kings of the earth , and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sate on the horse , and against his army , rev. 19. 19. if so , then it consequently follows , that 't is the saints great duty to withdraw from this beast , the kings of the earth their armies , strength and power , neither are they ( upon pain of his highness great displeasure ) to maintain , or help , and abet , or assist any such armies , or powers who are raised , or continued to make war against him , lest they be found traitors secretly assisting his enemies , and so fighters against his glory , power , crown and scepter . answer . this is a very deep charge , but so confused and in generals , that it serves the more fitly to hide the deceit of the accusers , it being true , dolus versatur in generalibus , their 's guile in accusations , which are only in generals tending to make any suspected , or accused , against whom they have a prejudice , and the more defficult for the accused to defend himself . if it be meant of the popish prelates and princes , or mahometan , or pagan , it is not denied ; if it be meant of the protestant , civil and ecclesiastical powers , it should be shewed , which of them , and in what facts they do those things here charged on them . perhaps they that are accused , are not guilty , or if they be guilty , yet not of such facts as amount to what is here imputed to them . sure every injurious act to a saint makes not the power an enemie to christ , nor every unrighteous law , or act , which may hinder the progress of christs kingdom , doth so oppose the righteous kingdom of christ , as to be construed , not only the deteining of his right , interest , title and birth-right of inheritance from him , but also making war against the lamb christ jesus , and the saints his followers , much less to be taken for an opposition to christs kingdom , as much as in them lies , and as great an evil , as if they should accomplish their wicked design . possibly this opposition , which they accuse powers of , is nothing else , but an opposition to the wild and frantick actings of fifth-monarchy men ; which if so , they rather are to be said to further the righteous kingdom of christ , than oppose it , and the fifth-monarchy men be more truly chargeable with the making war against the lamb christ jesus , and the saints his followers . possibly the quinto-monarchians do charge powers with these things only , out of uncertain rumors and reports , yea perhaps only out of prejudice , which is too too frequent , though it be but a divelish practice , in many that are reputed saints . surely these consulters in a secret conventicle , where the powers cannot be heard speak for themselves , are not competent accusers to arraign , and judges too to condemn their superiors , if i may not be allowed to call them their betters . this is indeed an intolerable and damnable presumption both to god and man. nor is there any thing in the texts that is for their purpose , the former , revel . 17. 14. being meant only of those kings who received power as kings one hour with the beast , and give their power and strength to the beast , which sure cannot be meant of the protestant princes , or prelates , or powers , it being expresly declared by the apostles , acts 4. 25 , 26 , 27. to have been fulfilled in the conspiracy of herod , and pontius pilate , the gentiles and princes of israel , putting christ to death . the other text , revel . 19. 19. is confessedly meant of christs enemies that shall be near the time of the rise of the kingdom of christ ; and therefore is madly applied to a duty of non-assisting , or ressisting present powers . it 's against all rules , but those of frayes , when tinkers and pedlers , and the rabble rout fall to fighting , to strike richard for robert , to oppose the present powers in this generation , the civil and ecclesiastical , because the beast and the kings of the earth , and their armies shall be gathered together , to make war against him that sate on the horse , and his army . no marvel men that thus argue , should hate lawyers and universities , which would hisse out such law and logick ; no marvel godly brethren desert them , when they vent such things , as befit devils rather than saints , and better agree with the doctrine of hell , than of the church of christ ; to whom that may be applied , which christ saith , revel . 2. 9. i know the blasphemy of them which say they are jewes , and are not , but are the synagogue of satan . as for us who have not known the depths of satan as they speak , we judge we may be friends and subjects of men , even such as do oppose the righteous kingdom of jesus christ ; if we do not concur with them , nor love , nor favour , nor yeild obedience to them in that opposition , we may be subject to them in the things of men , though we oppose them according to our duty , as did the three children , dan. 3. 16 , 17 , 18. in the things of god , when they act contrary thereto . nor need we fear to be charged with serving christ and belial , or being found secret , or open traitors to christ , while we assist them in matters of civil government , and good order of churches , though they be adversaries to some truths we hold , or some practises , which we conceive , and perhaps are , our duty . the power is not belial alwaies , when those that have the power be men of belial : a believing servant may serve with a good conscience an unbelieving master : enough hath been said of this before . i am ashamed that any that hath the name of a protestant , or saint , should thus argue , and it is altogether inexcusable in these men , who acknowledge in this their writing that the persecuting powers in the apostles dayes , were the ordinance of god , to which christians should be subject , rom. 13. 1. 3. say they , because the very life , well-being , rest and happiness of the saints both in the external and internal sence consisteth , and is laid and wrapt up in the kingdom of christ , which is granted ; they add , and not in this kingdom of antichrist , and babylonish state , which is a filthy and polluted thing , heb. 11. 26 , 27. 2 pet. 3. 13. but how doth it appear that the present civil powers are the kingdom of antichrist , and babylonish state , or that owning or assisting them is resting in such a kingdom or state ? sure heb. 11. 26 , 27. 2 pet. 3. 13. there 's not a word to prove that , which they take for granted ; yea , we may perhaps better retort this reason , and say , it is the happiness of saints to separate from these fifth-monarchy-men , who , instead of the kingdom of christ , would bring us into the kingdom of antichrist and babylonish state , by inciting us to separate from , and smite civil powers , and charge them as denying the power and authority of christ ( who would have to caesar the things of caesar given ) even from this their own speech of forbidding us to be under the power of men , which is , gods ordinance , rom. 13. 1. and though the followers of christ ought to travel and cry , and be restless , until the man-child be brought forth to rule the nations , and until zions righteousness go forth as brightness , and her salvation as a lamp that burneth , mic. 4. 10. isa. 62. 1. &c. yet are they not to give their goods , or to use their endeavours to further the quinto-monarchians project : nor do the words , micah 2. 10. warrant them to relinquish powers which be over them ; but we may justly exhort all holy persons in the words of moses , numb . 16. 24 , 26. get you up from about the tabernacle of the quinto-monarchians , who are seditious against their governors , as corah , dathan , and abiram were , depart , i pray you , from the tents of these wicked men ( though pretended saints ) and touch nothing of theirs , lest ye be consumed in all their sins . 4. say they , because 't is prophesied of the saints , that they shall take the kingdom , power and dominion from the beast , dan. 7. 18. 26. we therefore conclude , that 't is a duty incumbent upon the saints of the later daies , to endeavour the translation of the kingdom and power , from the beast , to jesus christ : else how shall they fulfil the word of god , which is a sure word of prophecy ? now how can saints be instrumental in this great work , except they first perform this act of separation ? which being done renders them in a great measure ready for that which follows . answ : it is prophesied of the saints of the most high , that they shall take the kingdom , and possess the kingdom for ever , even for ever and ever ; but it is not said , that the kingdom they shall take shall be the visible kingdom on earth , after or towards the time of the end of the fourth , or roman monarchy , or that the saints are the gentile saints , or the gentile saints of this age , or this island , or of the city of london , or that they shall take it from the beast , or that the beast is the civil power of england , or that they shall take it by their separation , or smiting work , or that the saints shall take away the dominion of the horn to consume , and to destroy it unto the end , by some fighting act of theirs , or any such , as the quinto-monarchians design . but in the reading and meaning of those words , there is so much difficulty , and uncertainty , that no sober person would ever have made such an inference as these men make from it . for first , it is not very certain whether the fourth beast be the kingdom of the seleucidae , or the roman kingdom , though i incline to the later . 2. it is uncertain whether the little horn be antiochus epiphanes , or the roman papacy , though i incline to the later . 3. nor is it certain , that it is to be read , the saints of the most high shall take the kingdom ( which i follow with our interpreters , the same persons being to take the kingdom who are to possess it for ever ) and not , as some read , they shall take the kingdom of the saints of the most high ; meaning , the four beasts shall take the kingdom of the jewes . 4. nor is it certain , that v. 26. when it is said , they shall take away his dominion , is meant of the saints . for , 1. it may be read , as junius reads it , impersonally auferetur , it shall be taken away , not they shall take away . 2. nor is it likely , that this should be attributed to the gentile , or jewish saints . 1. because it is an act beyond the power of saints to take away the dominion , to consume , and to destroy it to the end , it being the same with the slaying of the beast , the destroying of his body and giving it to the burning flame , v. 11 , which is to be conceived to be done by the fiery stream , which issued and came forth from before the ancient of daies , v. 10. and therefore by the immediate hand of god , or his mighty angels . and in all likelihood it is then when he shall put down all rule and all authority and power , 1 cor. 15. 24. which is made the act of god the father , v. 28. 2. this is confirmed , because it is said , but the judgment shall sit , and they shall take his dominion away : now the sitting of the judgment was , when the books were opened , the thrones were cast down , and the ancient of daies did sit , v. 9 , 10. which the comparing it with revel . 20. 12. doth evince to be at the last judgment . 3. this is also further proved , in that the dominion given to the son of man after the destruction of the fourth beast is said to be v. 13. 14. when one like the son of man came with the clouds of heaven , and came to the ancient of daies , and they brought him near before him : which is to be understood , as mr. mede proves in his answer to mr. hayne , ( and then the taking away shall be by christ ) of the time , when he shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire , 2 thess. 1. 7 , 8. and shall consume the wicked one with the spirit of his mouth , and shall destroy him with the brightness of his coming , 2 thess. 2. 8. which is a work beyond the power of saints with bodily weapons , or any might of theirs to effect . 4. where it is said , dan. 7. 27. that the people of the saints of the most high shall have the kingdom , it is said , it shall be given them , not , they shall acquire it , or take it by their forcible or any other acting . and therefore it is a most vain conceit , that this thing is to be done by the saints endeavour , or that they are to fulfil the word of god , or to imagine , the word of god could not be fulfilled without them , or they could be instrumental in this great work , or that their act of separation from civil powers were necessary to it , or it or their smiting work did render them in any measure ready for that which follows . there are other uncertainties concerning the saints , whether they be not peculiarly the jewish people , or the kingdom taken , the spiritual kingdom of christ , which the hebrew christians received , heb. 12. 28. of which i have spoken somwhat before , and now omit that which i have said , being sufficient to shew the futility of this fourth reason . 5. their fifth reason is as vain as the former , yet because it is the engine , whereby perhaps well-meaning and tender consciences are frighted or drawn into their way , it is necessary to be considered . because , say they , there are dreadful judgements pronounced in particular against those that shall be found owning , submitting unto , and supporting of the civil power in the daies of the lords more glorious manifestation of himself , and when he gives notice & warning to all , of those judgments which then he is about to bring upon his enemies , & by his instrument proclaims the overthrow and down-fall of babylon , rev. 14. 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10. if any man worship the beast and his image , and receive his mark in his forehead , or in his hand , the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of god , &c. and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone , which is the plague and pains of hell. now we apprehend that this scripture will be fulfilled upon those who shall be found worshippers of the beast , &c. in the last ages of the world , and not long before our king begin to take the power : for ( mark it ) upon the rise of the first beast rev. 13. 1 , 2. with seven heads and ten horns , ten crowns , &c. all the world wondred after the beast , v. 3. or as in v. 8. all that dwell upon the earth , whose names are not written in the lambs book of life , worship the dragon and the beast , v. 4. hitherto there 's no mention of image and mark ; but upon the rise of the second beast that comes out of the earth , and has two horns like a lamb , &c. v. 11. the case is changed and grows more difficult and dangerous , for he doth not only v. 12. cause the earthlings to worship the first beast , but in processe of time ( after he hath deceived them by his great wonders and miracles ) he makes them that dwell on the earth make an image to the first beast , into which he infuses life , and causes all that will not worship that image to be killed ; proceeding further also , he causes all small and great , rich and poor , free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead , and no man is permitted to buy or sell save he that has the mark , or the name of the beast , or the number of his name , v. 13 , 14 , 15 , 16. now by this time we are come somewhat near the end of his reign and the beginning of christs kingdom . now then we observe from hence , 1. that the image , mark , name , and number of the beast , are of a later date than the first beast , and his ten horns , and so consequently men in former ages and generations might have worshipped the beast , and yet not his image , nor receive his mark , &c. 2. by how much the nearer his end is , by so much the more dangerous it is to worship him , &c. 3. that those who in the last daies near unto christs coming , shall have all these marks , denotations , and characters found upon them ( that is to say , those that worship the beasts , and ) ( mark the emphasis of the words ) his image , and receive his mark in his forehead , or right hand shall drink the wine of gods wrath , and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone : so that we conceive 't is the duty of saints to consider these things , and to separate from the beast , his image , mark , number , &c. and to have no relation , affection , subjection to the beast , and civil power , or any of its appertainers , though they lose their lives for it . and then adds encouragements to adventure the losse of life , rather than incur the danger of gods wrath , with assurance of glory to such , as in doing that , which they make the saints duty , lose their lives , which is a device too like that of the jesuites , when they animate their assassins to regicide by promise of absolution , merit , martyrdom and heaven . answ , i should not think it worth while to make any answer to this reason , which proves that which is granted , that the worshipping the beast and his image , the receiving the mark of the beast in his forehead or in his hand , or the name of the beast , or number of his name , or the mark of his name makes men obnoxious to gods wrath , and proves not at all that which is to be proved , that to have relation , affection , subjection to civil power or any of its appertainers is to worship the beast and his image , to receive the mark of the beast in the forehead or hand , to receive the mark of his name , his name , or the number of his name , but that i find this is made commonly the pretence of separations of every party , and their oppositions thereupon . thus not only the protestants separate from the papists , counting subjection to the pope receiving the mark of the beast ; but also among protestants dissenters term the practice they dislike and are averse from , the mark of the beast ; whence , especially the common sort , who have most heat and least light , as they are prejudiced , so they inveigh against their opposites as the beast , and the owning them as the re-receiving his mark . so brownists count any acknowledgment of bishops , receiving ordination from them , using the cross , surplice , kneeling and such ceremonies as they injoin , going to common-prayer , paying tythes , being of a national or parish church , with many more things , which they except against in prelatical , yea and presbyterian and congregational government , the worshiping the beast and receiving his mark : which being got once into the heads of the common sort , who usually talk much against that which they understand little , inflames them with hatred against those they judge to be the beast , and that which they think is his mark ; so as that without measure they inveigh against them , delighting in satyrical scotts and jests put upon them , in tales that disparage them , are averse from any conference with them , or hearing of them speak , and altogether irreconcileable to them . this fashion which heretofore was only used against ecclesiasticks , the fifth-monarchy-men it seems have here taken up against the civil powers as useful for their demagogical design , to affright the people and to hold them to their party . but to shew the vanity of it , it is to be observed , that they apply the threatnings rev. 14. 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10. to the worshipping of the second beast described revel . 13. 11. and to the times near unto christs coming ; now that beast by all the descriptions of it appears not to have gotten his power by the sword , as civil powers have , but by deceit , as by pretended miracles v. 13. 14. whence he is termed the false prophet , rev. 16. 13 , 14. which stirred up the kings of the earth to make war against the rider on the white horse , rev. 19. 19 , 20. the whore with whom the kings of the earth committed sornication , revel . 17. 1 , 2. which being plainly expressed to be rome or at rome v. 18. cannot be applyed with any shew or colour to the civil powers of england , or other countries besides rome , especially the protestants , they being no prophets , nor using any arts or devices to draw men to the worship of the first beast , or dragon , or to set up any forreign power , but seeking to uphold their own civil power , and requiring the subjects to renounce the popes supremacy , and power to depose them ▪ and therefore it is a most impudent false accusation to make the protestant civil powers to be either the beast , or the kings that commit fornication with the whore , or the having relation , affection , subjection to them and their appertainers the worshiping the beast or his image , or the receiving his mark , name or number of his name . but they say , 6. we might also further add , because the civil power is that which enforces and compels the consciences and spirits of men to the antichristian forms and worship of babylon : accordingly the great harlot , or mystery of iniquity ( i. e. antichristian worship and church state ) rides upon the beast , rev. 17. 3. that is , she has the preheminence , and makes the beast use his sword for her advantage , upon pain of excommunication , curses , and such like baubles . answ. the beast which carrieth the woman , rev. 17. 3 , 7. is said to have seven heads and ten horns , and so is not the beast with two horns like a lamb , rev. 13. 11. but the first beast , rev. 13. 1. of which they say , that the image , mark , name , and number of the beast are of a later date than the first beast and his ten horns , and so consequently men in former generations might have worshiped the beast , and yet not his image , nor receive his mark , &c. but if the beast might be then worshiped , then might the beast be worshiped , when the dragon gave him his seat and power and great authority , rev. 13. 2. at which time they term the power of rome the ordinance of hell , p. 51. and if then the civil power of rome might be owned as the ordinance of god , rom. 13. 1. when they compelled men to worship their idols ; in like manner the civil powers now should be owned as gods ordinance , though they should compell men to the antichristian forms and worship of babylon , which though idolatrous are not worse than the pagan worship , to which the persecuting emperors did compell the christians . but however , this reason may give some colour for separating from those kings and states which use the roman inquisition , and force their subjects to go to the masse , and to worship the consecrated wafer cake , which they call the hoste , and the body of christ , and to acknowledge the pope as the head of the universal church , & the roman church as the mother of all churches , which may be truly termed the antichristian forms and worship of babylon , the mystery of iniquity , the antichristian worship and church-state : yet this doth not at all reach the protestant kings and civil powers , who do not enforce and compell men to these antichristian forms and worship of babylon , nor support the great harlot , nor let her have the preheminence , nor use their sword for her advantage , nor regard her excommunication , curses , and such like baubles , but use their power and sword against her , deride her excommunications , curses , indulgences , and threats , and urge their subjects to disclaim her jurisdiction and worship . if any say that the civil powers in england do compel men to be under diocesan bishops and priests , who have their succession and ordination from rome , and to be present at the common prayer , which is nothing but the masse translated out of latine into english , and to be members of a national church , which is antichristian ; i answer , that neither do the bishops derive their succession from rome , nor is their consecration as the roman , with any oath to the pope , though mr. francis mason have pleaded against champney the validity of their succession by the ancient canons , which the papists allow ; nor are the ministers ordained by the bishops , priests to offer sacrifice for the quick and dead , as popish priests ; nor hath the common prayer book , the sacrifice properly so called , the adoration of the host , invocation of saints , and other rites which make the masse abominable , nor is the church of england made national as subject to the pope or communicating with the roman church in the trent doctrine , and therefore are not chargeable with the antichristian forms , church state and worship of babylon , nor the civil powers , which require conformity thereto , to be judged to compel mens persons to antichristianism . but perhaps we shall find mr. tillinghast arguing to better purpose . that which i meet with , as tending to the justifying of the quinto-monarchians way is in the 3. of the 8. sermons published since his death . p. 57. of the 3. edition ; in which he tels his auditors , that he did conceive it to be one great article of his and their faith , that the work that god doth call his children to at this day ( and he calls upon them from heaven to attend to ) had been the work of christs visible kingdom over the world ; which he takes for granted , nor in that do i at present oppose him , though i do not assert such a visible kingdom , as he believes ; nor do i gainsay his distinction . p. 59. of two parts of christs kingdom , one of the stone , the other of the mountain , used before by mr. mede ; but deny , that in the kingdom of the stone , the saints are imployed in a glorious work for christ to pluck down all , that jesus christ when he comes may have his enemies his footstool , and that the command is , beat your plow-shares into swords , intimating that in the time of this kingdom , there shall be wonderful use of swords , weapons of war. p. 60. but that which i oppose is his speech . p. 63. and though this stone , dan. 2. 34. fundamentally is christ himself , yet considered as smiting the great image , it can be no other but christ mystical , in his members ; and the cutting out of this stone , cannot be meant as some would have it , of christs first coming , for these reasons ; first because the kingdom of the stone , it doth arise in the dayes of the ten antichristian kings ; and in the dayes of these kings shall the god of heaven set up a kingdom . what kings are these ? these kings are not the four monarchies , for the kingdom of god was not set up in the time of those monarchies , but in the fourth and last only ; and here is spoken of kings in the plural number ; those kings therefore , are the ten antichristian kings , which are set forth by ten toes , where the work begins , and the first stroak is struck ; and are called the ten horns in another place ; and in dan. 7. those ten horns are interpreted ten kings , and in the time of those kings the stone is cut out , they are the ten antichristian kings ; and if so , the stone cannot be so early cut out , as the birth of christ , for that was long before the ten antichristian kings had being , or existence in the world , therefore the kingdom of the stone must be cut out later . answ : these kings cannot be meant of any other than the kings and kingdoms , which the kingdom of the stone shall break in pieces , which are . v. 45. the iron , the brass , the clay , the silver , and the gold , and not the toes only ; and therefore must be meant of the four monarchies , and not only of the ten antichristian kings . and in the days must be understood synecdochically one of them , as when jephthab is said , judg. 12. to be buried in the cities of gilead , that is , in one of them , jonah was gon down into the sides of the ship , jonah 1. 5. that is , one of the sides ; and of which mr. mede in his answer to mr. hayn , hath given more instances , and proved it to be meant of the last of those kings , which he determines to be the roman , against mr. haynes holding it to be the kings of alexanders successors , and that it must needs be referred to christs incarnation , or preaching , which he shewes in his exercitation on mark 1. 15. to have been by christ himself signifyed , when he said , the time is fulfilled , that is , the time foretold , dan. 2. 44. and the kingdom of god is at hand , which the god of heaven will set up . the plural number notes not the ten horns , for these kings can be meant of no other than the four monarchies , or kings ; which are mentioned in the plural number , not because the kingdom was set up in all their dayes , but in the dayes of the last , into which the power of the rest came , and by smiting of it they were all broken to pieces . secondly , saith he , because daniel doth not see the stone to smite , until such time as he had a view and representation of the great image in all the parts of it before him : he saw it all come forth and exist in its state , before the stone smites ; therefore i conclude that the cutting out of the stone , was not until every part of it was come forth , and was in being in the world . but if so be we conceive the cutting out of the stone to be as high as christs coming ; then was the stone cut out long before the last part of the great image ( the iron and the clay ) was in being ; and if the stone was cut out so long before , then did the stone lye still , and not do its work for many hundred years , for the very first stroke the stone strikes , is upon the feet of iron and clay , which it could not do before they were in being . answ : if the argument be good from the seeing together of all the parts of the image to the coexistence of the things represented , then all the four monarchies should exist together , because they were represented and viewed together , which is absurd . 't is true , the stone was not cut out till all the monarchies were in being , yet it was cut out afore every state of the last monarchy was in being . the stone is said to smite the image in the feet , not because it began not to smite till the last state and period of the fourth-monarchy : but because the former monarchies were brought under the power of the fourth , and rested upon the fourth as the head and other parts of the body do upon the feet , and so by smiting it , the whore is cast down . if this reason were good , christs kingdom should not begin till every part , or state of the fourth-monarchy were existent , and then the saints should not begin to smite till the existence of the last of the ten kings , which is unknown to them , and then he could not conclude it must be the work of this generation . thirdly , saith he , because daniels smiting stone that he speaks of in the 2. ch . and his ancient of daies siting , that he speaks of in the 7. ch . they must of necessity be one and the same , they are contemporary , for they do one and the same work ; the very work that is done by the one is done by the other . the stone smites the toes of the fourth monarchy , and daniels ancient of daies sitting , casts down the thrones , and judges and destroys the fourth beast : here 's one and the same work , therefore they are one and the same time , the time of the cutting out of the stone , is the same with the time of the sitting of the ancient of daies . now if they are the same in time , the stone cannot be cut out so high as christs first coming , for the ancient of daies sitting it's clear it is not till the ending time of the fourth monarchy ; then comes the ancient of daies and sits in judgment , and casts down and destroys the beast , and not before ; therefore the cutting out of the stone cannot be the first time , but at the close of the fourth monarchy . answ. the casting down of the thrones is not the putting down of the thrones of the ten kings , but in allusion to the manner of settling or placing seats for the sanhedrin to sit on , it is said the thrones were set ( as it is observed by mr. mede comment . on re● . 20. ) and the ancient of daies did sit , or v. 26. but the judgment shall sit , which is the same with rev. 20. 4. and i saw thrones and they sat upon them , and judgment was given unto them . now the time of the sitting dan. 7. 9. is the time , when one like the son of man came with the clouds of heaven , and came to the ancient of days , and they brought him near before him : and there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom , that all people , nations and languages should serve him , which to be referred to the time of christs second coming when all rule and authority & power shall be put down , and every knee shall bow to him , is intimated by our lord christ himself allusively to this of daniel expressing his second coming by the coming in a cloud , luke 21. 24. in the clouds of heaven matth. 26. 64. if then the stone be not cut out till then , it will not be cut out till christs second coming , and so no smiting work till then , which is absurd and contrary to this authors own tenet . but neither is it true , that the ancient of days sitting , and the stones smiting do one and the same work , if by the same work be meant the same numerical action , the agents being not the same , the sitting is of the ancient of daies , who is not the same with the stone , but he that cuts out the stone , or the god that sets up the kingdom : if it be meant of the same work that is the same event , fact or accomplishment , then there 's no necessity , that they should be contemporary , that is in the same age , as the building of the temple was the same work , yet not the time of laying the foundation and finishing it the same ; the raising up the fourth monarchy was the same work , yet not the several governments of it contemporary , and in like manner the demolishing of it is the same work , yet part of it to be done by christ at his first coming and part at his second , and so the cutting out of the stone may be at his first coming and the sitting of the ancient of daies at his second , and it 's not necessary that the fifth-monarchy should begin at the later end of the fourth monarchy , or the smiting work be the overturning the thrones of the kings to be performed by the saints as chief instruments in the management thereof , nor doth it follow of necessity there must be such a thing , as the civil and military power to be in the hands of the saints , and that before the day of christs appearance for the performance of that work , which is the thing he contends for , and endeavours to prove by these eight reasons . first , because the work of breaking the great image is done by the stone cut out of the mountain ; it 's not done by mountains considered as mountains , it 's not done by nations considered as nations , kingdoms considered as kingdoms : for then it would be done by the mountain ; but it 's done by a stone cut out of the mountain , by a people pickt out by god himself out of the nations and kingdoms of this world , formed and united together by god himself , which shall fall upon the great image and break it to pieces ; i'ts these that do this work ; and further it 's cut out without hands , dan. 2. 34. 45. that is without worldly powers , but more immediately by god without the hands of men . it s clear it shall be by the saints as chief , principal and leading instruments , because they are called the stone in relation to the lord jesus christ called a stone , of whose nature and image the saints are partakers , not so the nations between whom and christ there 's no agreement . answ. this reason proves not the saints to be meant by the stone , nor that they are to break the image , but the contrary ; for they are not cut out with●ut hands , but are begotten by men in the ordinary way of generation , nor , if this authors way should be meant of smiting the image by civil or military power , should they break the image without hands , but with hands : not is there a word in the text that shews the saints to be meant by the stone , much lesse the saints of the later times of the fourth monarchy or of this nation , or that it excludes kings , who may be saints and christs instruments to break the image , for they may be saints ; and if not , instruments of christ , as cyrus was , to break the babyloman monarchy , and to restore the jews , and therefore there is no consequence in this reasoning , which is out of figurative expressions to proper , though the thing be not interpreted so , but only imagined by this arguer without any cogent reason : it 's done by a stone cut out of the mountain , therefore by a people pickt out by god out of the nations , for neither doth the text expound mountain , by the nations and kingdoms of this world , nor by the stone a people pickt out , but the stone may be meant of christ personal , or his kingdom , as the text explains it , and he be cut out , that is , formed without hands in his mothers womb , as when david said , he was curiously wrought in the lower parts of the earth , psal. 139. 15. and the kingdom cut out of the mountain , that is , set up among men without hands by the god of heaven , by the preaching of the gospel and by the power of his spirit , zech. 4. 6. the 2. reason from , dan , 7. 21 , 22 , 25 , 26 , 27 , is the same with the 4. in the banner displayed , and is fully answered before in this section . the 3. reason is , that generation of men shall destroy the kingdom of the beast , in the time when his kingdom is to be destroyed , that did bear witness against the beast for christ , all the time his kingdom stood . this is grounded upon revel . 11. which tels us that the witnesses for 1260 dayes prophefied , in the end of this time they are kil'd by the beast , they rise up again , and rising up they knock the beast down , for immediately thereupon the tenth part of the city fell , and there was a great earth-quake , & there were slain of men seven thousand , and great fear fell upon all the rest , and they gave glory to the god of heaven , this is not done by worldly powers , but the witnesses , therefore they that have born witness against the beast , shall give the deadly blow to the beast . answ. if this reason were good , it should be done by the saints , that have been , not by those that shall be , by them risen again , not to be born hereafter , by them that have born witness all the time the beasts kingdom stood , not by them , that only stand up near the time of the end , it shall be done by supernatural , or prophetical power , not by civil and military , which this author contends for . in a word , in all this there is nothing but uncertainty concerning these witnesses who they are , whether already existent , or future , the beast meant , the time of their prophesying , and the event , and the manner and means of its accomplishing , and therefore this proof is ignoti per ignotius , of a thing unknown by that which is more unknown , which is vain . fourthly , saith he , the angel that enlightens the earth with the glory of the truth of the lord , that is , that angel , or instrument that shall ruin babylon , rev. 18. 1. but the earth hath not been enlightened with the glory of god , by the generation of the world , but the world hath been enlightened by the generation of the faithful , that god hath revealed his truth to , and this angel that enlighteneth the earth with the glory of god , gives the deadly blow unto the beast , there where light comes forth , god will carry on the work by those hands . answ. the angel is another angel , therefore not the generation of the faithful , coming down from heaven , therefore not a man , having great power , therefore not using humane weapons , enlightens the earth with his glory , it is not said , with the truth or glory of god , nor enlightening men by revealing gods truth to them , nor that he gives the deadly blow to the beast , but only that he cried mightily with a strong voyce , saying , babylon is fallen , therefore this proves not , that a company of private saints in the ending time of the fourth-monarchy shall destroy it by a military , or civil power , yea if where light comes forth , god will carry on the work by those hands , all the preachers of the truth shall be instrumental to the ruin of babylon , and that by preaching , not a company of private saints by fighting . the fifth reason from revel . 18. 6. is fully answered before , sect . 9. the 6. is , the work of god against rome , shall be so mannaged as there may be singing of hallelujabs in the churches , for the carrying it on : this is clear from revel . 19. 1. but now if this should be done only by the clattering of a company of nations falling upon the beast , and ruining him , what singing would there be in the churches for this ? what would there be more in this , then in the work of cyrus destroying babylon , or in alexanders destroying the medes and persians monarchy , or in the romans destroying the grecians monarchy ? for that was a part of gods decree , as well as this , what should the people therefore now sing hallelujahs more for , more than in those times ? but because of the difference of the instruments , things done in a more holy sanctified way to a more pure end ; and there shall be more of the image of god appear upon those that shall do this work now , and therefore they shall sing hallelujahs ; otherwise , the work did not go beyond the work that had been done before . answ. when the work of destroying babylon was done by cyrus , there was singing of hallelujahs , as was foretold , jerem. 51. 1. and that because it was the work of god , who ever were the instruments . and indeed that is the reason expresly given , revel . 19. 1 , 2. not this , which is here imagined contrary to the express text , revel . 17. 16 , 17. yea it is more joyous to the saints , and more redounds to gods glory , that he ruines babylon , by those that did support her , as that by death , procured by satan , god destroyed him that had the power of death . and this was gods way in destroying the former monarchies , and therefore is more likely to be his way in destroying this , not a work by other meanes then the former , though exceeding , or going beyond it in the conspicuity of it , and consequents of it , and therefore occasioning more praise to god , and not for the holiness of the instruments , which the text mentions not . seventhly , saith he , the kingdom of the stone , when it comes to smite rome , then shall be in it a resemblance ( as it were ) of the reign of christ and the glory of the kingdom of the mountain , therefore it is said in v. 6. for the lord god omnipotent raigneth , which could not be said if the work were done by a company of carnal nations ; and yet this is before the end , before christs coming : for after this appearance , we have the bride making her self ready , and the kings of the earth come together to destroy the bride preparing for her husband , and then you have christ coming forth in his fury , destroying his enemies and rescuing his bride : but before that day there shall be such a glorious appearance in the world , and such power in the hands of the people of god , that it shall be said when men look upon it , the lord god omnipotent raigneth , the lord jesus christ , who is king of the world , and king of saints raigneth ; therefore it shall be done by saints as leading instruments . answ. such an acclamation is usual upon any glorious work of god , as exod. 15. 18. and in the psalms often , and therefore it is but a vain conceit , as if that speech could not be used unlesse the saints were leading instruments . in this book of the revelation we have acclamations where no act is expressed of the saints , as rev. 4. 8 , 9 , 11. and 5. 9 , 10 , 12 , 13. and 7. 12. and 11. 15 , 17. and 12 , 10. and 15. 3 , 4. and 16. 5 , 7. 't is granted that before christs coming upon the ruin of babylon there will be occasion of the acclamation rev. 19. 6. but not because private saints shall destroy babylon by their smiting work , but because gods power and might is thereby manifested , and the dominion of god will be thereby promoted . eighthly , saith he , look through the old and new testament , where ever we have a description of the persons that shall do the glorious work of god at the last day , and you shall ever find them described and characterized as saints , as zech. 9. 13 against thy sons o greece , that is , against the turkish power . obad. 18. 21. when all his enemies are brought down , and become his footstool , then shall he come forth , and take the kingdom , and the kingdom shall be the lords ; sit thou at my right hand until i make thine enemies thy footstool : then the lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of zion , rule thou in the midst of thine enemies , there 's the coming forth of christ , when his enemies by his saints are made his foot-stool . micah . 4. 11 , 12. thou shalt beat in pieces many people . jacob is his battle ax , jer. 51. 20. rev. 15. 2 , 6. rev. 14. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5. answ. psal. 110. 1 , 2. it is not said , by the saints christs enemies are made his foot-stool , nor jer. 51. 20. is meant of jacob , but of cyrus , or the king of babylon , as mr. gataker in his annot. zech. 9. 13. obad. 18. 21. micah . 4. 11 , 12. if meant of a time to come , is to be verified of the jews and not of gentile saints , rev. 14. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5. if the same with revel . 7. 4. is meant also of the jews , if of others , neither there , nor rev. 15. 2. is any act ascribed to them , but acclamation to god for his work : why the seven angels rev. 15. 7. should be any other than holy spirits i see no reason , and therefore this reason is impertinent , and none of them prove , that which he undertook . to the objection from rev. 17. 16. that the horns shall do it , he answers , the meaning is this , that the ten horns as conquered to the lamb , and the power of them being gotten into the power of the lamb , so shall the horns be turned against the whore , which we cannot see at present . i reply , this is enough to prove that they be not saints as saints that shall burn the whores flesh with fire , that saints shall not do it without kings , and therefore are not to attempt it without them , much less to destroy them , that they are rather to serve them , and to acknowledge what they have done , and may see , though they see not all done they would have done . if for present they see not the horns ruled by the lamb ( the seeing of which only prejudice hinders ) neither do we see such saintship in the quinto-monarchians as by their own rules should qualify them for the smiting work , or setting up christs kingdom , but rather such a spirit as tends to ruine it . to the objection from john 18. 36. he saith , my kingdom is not of this world , that is , of this monarchy , all the world being put for the roman monarchy , luke 2. 1. whereto i reply , christ saith his kingdom is not of this world in opposition to from above , as is manifest from john 8. 23. and the phrase not from hence , and his proof from his servants not fighting for his rescue , which is sufficient to shew that his kingdom should not be from his servants , nor by fighting , nor is the particle now used to intimate that either his kingdom should be from hence , or his servants fight , but only is used to declare his present state without intimation of any thing concerning the future , as john 9. 41 , &c. he then adds something about the signs of the nearness of the kingdom , and omitting the computation of the time from the numbers left us in scripture ( which i have considered before sect . 13. ) there are ten signs set down of the nearness of it taken from accidents and observations of men favourers of his opinion and opponents of it , with his judgment concerning them , and their signification , none of which , but may happen , and have happened concerning other things , which have failed , and been found mistakes in the conclusion ; and being not certain evidences , or prognosticks as miracles , prophesying and such like signs , i therefore let them pass as things either false , and perhaps unrighteous censures , or uncertain , and unfit for mine or any mans examination or judgment but gods only , and contenting my self to have demonstrated that the holy scriptures yield them no warrant to separate from or engage against the civil powers set over them , i shall commend this work to the lord for his blessing , praying god to teach those who have been or are led away with the quinto-monarchians opinion , to prove all things , and to hold fast that which is good , 1 thes. 5. 21. finis . errata . pag. 7. l. 39. r. and god's , p. 17. l. 2. d. to , p. 19. l. 4. r. judge , p. 25. l. 7. r. to determin , p. 27. l. 3. r. dan. 2. p. 45. l. 13. r , then , p. 45. l. 7. r. our , p. 51. l. 39. r. heat , p. 57. l. 25. r. it is , p. 60. l. 28. d. time , p. 65. l. 2. r. and agreement , l. 32. r. danger , p. 84. l. 22. r. oppose , p. 90. l. 10. r. an , l. 41. r. spiritual , p. 94. l. 6. r. reins , p. 111. l. 10. r. there 's , p. 102. l. 4. these words are to be inserted , who oppose the beast , if the beast be the pope and papacy . the next psal. 2. 1 , 2 , 3. cannot be meant of the protestant princes or prelates , p. 111. l. 40. r. whole . notes, typically marginal, from the original text notes for div a62873-e800 see dr. homes resur . reveal . lib 7. ch . 3. ●ee bp. ●aveant's ●eterin . 30. p. an●rew's esp . ad ●ellarm . polog . 13. p. 99.