item: #1 of 13 id: 10769 author: Lucas, E. V. (Edward Verrall) title: A Wanderer in Florence date: None words: 115248 flesch: 66 summary: By Michelangelo, in the New Sacristy of S. Lorenzo Christ and S. Thomas. No dome to the cathedral, first of all; no S. Lorenzo church or cloisters; no S. Croce cloisters or Pazzi chapel; no Badia of Fiesole. keywords: accademia; account; addition; adoration; adoring; affairs; age; air; aisle; alberti; albizzi; alessandro; alessio; altar; ambition; ancient; andrea; angelico; angels; annunciation; antonio; archbishop; arches; architect; architecture; arms; arnolfo; art; artist; arts; attention; attractive; author; authorities; babies; baby; bacchus; background; badia; baldovinetti; bandinelli; banishment; baptistery; bardi; bargello; bartolommeo; base; battle; beatrice; beautiful; beauty; beginning; benedetto; bernardo; bertoldo; best; better; bianca; birth; black; blood; blue; boccaccio; body; bologna; book; borgo; born; botticelli; botticini; boy; boys; bridge; broken; bronze; bronzino; brother; browning; brunelleschi; brush; brutus; building; bust; busy; calzaioli; campanile; cantoria; cardinal; care; carlo; carmine; cartoon; carved; casa; case; castagno; cathedral; catherine; ceiling; cellini; central; centre; centuries; century; certain; certosa; change; chapel; chapter; character; charles; charming; chief; child; children; choir; christ; church; churches; cimabue; circular; circumstance; city; clement; cloisters; close; collection; colour; coloured; columns; comely; commission; companion; company; competition; complete; conspiracy; constantinople; convent; corner; coronation; cosimo; cosimo de; cotta; council; country; course; courtyard; credi; cronaca; crowded; crucifix; crucifixion; curious; cypresses; dante; dark; daughter; david; day; days; dead; death; deep; degli; delicate; delight; delightful; della; desiderio; design; di s.; different; difficult; distance; distinguished; divine; dome; domenico; dominican; donatello; door; doubt; drawing; dress; duke; duomo; earlier; early; earth; easel; easy; effect; emperor; england; english; entrance; escape; etruscan; evening; example; excellent; execution; exile; exquisite; extraordinary; extreme; eyes; face; fact; fall; family; famous; far; fascinating; father; favourite; façade; feeling; feet; ferdinand; fiesole; fifteenth; figure; filippino; filippo; fine; finest; fire; floor; florence; florentine; flowers; foot; form; fourteenth; fra; francesco; franciabigio; francis; free; french; frescoes; friend; frieze; gaddi; galileo; galleries; gallery; garden; gates; gay; genius; gentle; george; ghiberti; ghirlandaio; gian; giorgione; giotto; giovanni; giovanni de; girl; giuliano; giulio; glass; gloom; glorious; glory; god; golden; goldsmith; good; government; gozzoli; grand; grave; great; greater; greatest; green; grey; group; guido; habit; half; hall; hand; happy; hard; head; heart; heaven; high; highest; hill; historical; history; holy; home; honour; hospital; hour; house; human; husband; idea; iii; important; influence; innocenti; interesting; ippolito; iron; italian; italy; jacopo; john; joy; judith; kind; king; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; landor; landscape; lanzi; large; later; leads; left; leonardo; library; life; like; line; lippi; little; little room; lives; living; loggia; loggia de; long; longer; look; lorenzo de; loss; louvre; lovely; luca; lucrezia; madonna; magi; magnificent; maiano; making; man; marble; marked; married; marsilio; mary; masaccio; mass; master; masterly; masterpiece; means; medici; medici family; medici palace; medium; melancholy; memorable; memorial; memory; men; mercato; michelangelo; michele; michelozzo; middle; midst; milan; mind; mino; miracle; mirandola; model; modern; moment; monastery; money; monks; monument; mother; mrs; museum; music; names; narrow; national; natural; nature; near; need; nephew; new; niccolò; niche; noble; notable; note; notice; novella; number; nuova; old; ones; open; opposite; orcagna; order; original; outside; painter; painting; palace; palazzo; palazzo vecchio; palmieri; panels; paolo; paris; particular; passage; passion; past; patron; pazzi; peculiarly; people; perfect; perfection; period; perseus; personal; persons; perugino; peter; piazza; piazza s.; pico; picture; piece; piero; piero de; pillars; pisano; pitti; pleasant; pleasure; poem; poet; point; political; poliziano; pollaiuolo; ponte; poor; pope; popular; portrait; position; possible; power; powerful; predella; presence; present; pretty; pride; primavera; princes; principal; private; procession; progress; proportions; proud; pulpit; pupil; purpose; quarter; question; quiet; radiant; raphael; rate; reach; ready; real; reason; relief; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; renaissance; republic; return; riccardi; rich; richness; ridolfo; right; rival; river; road; robbia; rome; roof; room; rossellino; round; rubens; rucellai; runs; ruskin; s. croce; s. francis; s. george; s. john; s. lorenzo; s. marco; s. maria; s. miniato; s. trinità; sacred; sacristy; saint; sala; san; sarto; satisfying; save; savonarola; scene; school; sculptor; sculpture; seat; second; sense; series; set; settignano; sforza; short; shows; siege; siena; signorelli; signoria; similar; simonetta; simple; size; sky; small; smaller; society; soft; son; south; special; spedale; spirit; spirited; splendid; splendour; spring; square; stairs; stands; statuary; statue; steps; stone; straight; strange; streets; strong; strozzi; structure; student; study; subject; superb; sweet; sweetness; tabernacle; tablet; taddeo; task; tender; terra; thing; thought; time; titian; tomb; tommaso; tornabuoni; touch; tournament; towers; tram; treasures; tribuna; true; tuscan; type; uccello; uffizi; unfinished; unknown; upstairs; urbino; usual; vallombrosa; valuable; vasari; vecchio; venetian; venice; venus; verrocchio; vespucci; view; vii; viii; villa; vinci; virgin; visible; visitors; volume; walk; walking; wall; war; warm; way; wealth; west; white; wife; windows; wish; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; worth; wrong; years; yellow; young; younger; youthful; zenobius cache: 10769.txt plain text: 10769.txt item: #2 of 13 id: 1125 author: Shakespeare, William title: All's Well That Ends Well date: None words: 38 flesch: 94 summary: ********************************************************************** THIS EBOOK WAS ONE OF PROJECT GUTENBERG'S EARLY FILES PRODUCED AT A TIME WHEN PROOFING METHODS AND TOOLS WERE NOT WELL DEVELOPED. keywords: ebook cache: 1125.txt plain text: 1125.txt item: #3 of 13 id: 15772 author: Machiavelli, Niccolò title: Machiavelli, Volume I date: None words: 131082 flesch: 56 summary: Thei ought then (as I firste tolde you, nor now me thynkes no labour to rehearse it againe) to cause their men to exercise them selves in these battailes, whereby thei maie knowe how to kepe the raie, to knowe their places, to tourne quickly, when either enemie, or situacion troubleth them: for that, when thei knowe how to do this, the place is after easely learned, which a battaile hath to kepe, and what is the office thereof in the armie: and when a Prince, or a common weale, will take the paine, and will use their diligence in these orders, and in these exercisyng, it shall alwaies happen, that in their countrie, there shall bee good souldiours, and thei to be superiours to their neighbours, and shalbe those, whiche shall give, and not receive the lawes of other men: but (as I have saied) the disorder wherein thei live, maketh that thei neclecte, and doe not esteme these thynges, and therefore our armies be not good: and yet though there were either hed, or member naturally vertuous, thei cannot shewe it. This, a bande of menne ordered, cannot dooe; bicause if thesame marche hastely, it goweth out of order: if it go scattered, the enemie shall have no paine to breake it, for that it breaketh by it self: and therfore, I ordered the armie after soche sorte, that it might dooe the one thyng and the other: for as moche as havyng set in the corners thereof, a thousande Veliti, I appoincted that after that our ordinaunce had shotte, thei should issue out together with the light horsemen, to get the enemies artillerie: and therfore, I made not my ordinance to shoote again, to the intente, to give no tyme to the enemie to shoote: Bicause space could not be given to me, and taken from other men, and for thesame occasion, where I made my ordinaunce not to shoote the seconde tyme, was for that I would not have suffered the enemie to have shot at al, if I had could: seyng that to mynde that the enemies artillerie be unprofitable, there is no other remedie, but to assaulte it spedely: for as moche as if the enemies forsake it, thou takeste it, if thei will defende it, it is requisite that thei leave it behind, so that being possessed of enemies, and of frendes, it cannot shoote. keywords: .urru; able; aboute; accordyng; account; accustomed; actions; advantage; affaires; afore; afraied; againste; alexander; alledge; almoste; alwaies; ambition; aniball; anie; ansigne; answer; antiquitie; appoincted; apte; armes; armie; armours; army; armyng; artillerie; asdruball; asia; aske; asmoche; assaulte; assured; attaind; auncient; aunswere; author; authority; avoide; aware; backe; bad; bandes; baptiste; battaile; bee; bee able; bee moste; beginning; behinde; beleve; ben; besieged; best; better; betwene; beware; beyng; bicause; blame; blood; bodie; body; booke; borgia; borne; bothe; breadth; breake; bridge; broken; campe; canst; capitaine; care; carriages; case; causes; causeth; centurion; certaine; chance; chap; charge; charles; chaunge; chief; choise; chosen; church; chuse; citee; citezeins; cities; citizens; city; civil; close; colonies; come; commaunde; commeth; commoditie; common; commyng; concernyng; conditions; conestable; conjecture; conquered; conquest; consideration; consideryng; contempt; content; contented; continuall; contrarie; contrary; convenient; corner; corrupted; cosimo; countrey; countrie; courage; course; credit; crosse; cruelty; cunning; cyrus; cæsar; daies; danger; dante; day; death; declare; deede; defence; defendeth; degree; desire; devided; devise; diche; difference; difficultie; diligence; disarmed; discipline; discorsi; discourse; disorder; disposed; distaunces; divers; dkb; doe; doen; doeth; dominion; dooe; double; doubt; doynges; duchemen; duke; easely; easie; emong; emongest; emperours; empire; end; ende; enemie; enemy; entente; enterprise; europe; evill; examples; excellent; excepte; excuse; exercise; experience; extraordinarie; eyes; fabius; fabricio; face; facion; faight; faightyng; fained; faith; faithful; falangi; fall; family; father; favour; feare; fewe; fielde; fiftene; fiftie; fighte; figure; finding; fire; firste; flancke; flankes; flie; florence; florentine; folowe; footemen; forc'd; force; forrein; fortresse; fortune; forward; fought; foundation; founde; fowerth; france; free; french; frenchemen; frendes; friends; fronte; furie; gaind; gate; generall; givyng; glorie; glory; god; goe; good; gotten; governe; government; goyng; great; great men; greater; greatest; greatness; greece; grekes; grewe; ground; halfe; hande; happeneth; hard; hath; hatred; havyng; head; heart; hedde; helpe; high; himselfe; hinder; history; hold; honour; hope; horsebacke; horsemen; horses; howe; humane; hurte; hym; hymself; idell; impedimentes; importaunce; importeth; impossible; incampe; incounter; incurre; industrie; infinite; insample; instructed; intent; italian; italie; italy; john; judge; julius; juste; justice; kepe; kind; king; kingdome; knowe; knowledge; knowyng; labour; large; laste; laws; learne; leave; leavyng; left; legions; length; lesse; let; letters; lewis; liberality; liberty; life; like; little; live; living; lodge; lodgynges; long; lord; love; luigi; lxxx; machiavelli; maie; maie bee; maiest; maintaine; makyng; man; maner; marche; marchyng; marcus; market; matter; maximus; maye; meanes; medici; mee; memory; men; men bee; men maie; menne; mens; mercenary; mete; middest; mighty; milan; military; minde; mindyng; miserable; mmmm; mmmmmmmm; moche; modern; money; moste; multitude; naples; national; naturall; nature; naughtie; near; necessarie; necessity; nede; need; nere; neverthelesse; new; newe; nexte; nicholas; noble; nomber; northe; nothyng; notice; notwithstandyng; obedience; occasion; occupie; office; ones; open; opinion; ordeined; order; orderyng; ordinarie; ordinary; ordinaunce; orsini; oughte; oughtest; overcome; overthrowen; owne; paie; pains; papacy; parte; parthians; particular; passe; pay; people; perceive; perill; person; peter; peticapitaines; philip; pikes; place; plain; pleasure; policie; policy; political; politics; pope; power; practise; praise; prencipi; prepared; present; prevaile; prince; principalities; principality; principall; private; profitable; proper; provide; province; provision; prudence; publike; purpose; putte; qualities; quality; quarter; question; r,,,; rankes; reason; reasonyng; regard; religion; remaine; remedie; remedy; repulced; reputation; requisite; respecte; rest; retire; retourne; right; river; romaines; romania; romans; rome; ruine; rule; run; safe; saie; satisfied; save; science; scipio; sea; seconde; secretary; secure; seke; self; selves; senate; servant; serve; service; set; seventh; severus; sforza; shalbe; shame; shewed; shoote; short; shoulde; sidenote; sides; silla; situacion; sixe; slaine; small; soldiers; sone; sorte; souldiours; soundes; space; spain; spaniardes; speake; square; stande; state; stoode; straight; straungers; strength; strong; stronger; strongest; studies; subjects; succour; suche; suffice; sufficient; suffiseth; suizzers; sunne; sure; taking; targaettes; termes; tharmie; thee; thei; theirs; thenemie; thereof; thesame; thesame whiche; thing; thinke; thirde; thirtie; thone; thorough; thother; thou; thought; thousande; thy; thynges; time; toke; tolde; tounes; tourne; towardes; trenche; triarii; trouble; true; trust; truth; twentie; twoo; tyme; unarmed; understande; understanding; united; uvvu; valour; vdk; veliti; venetians; verie; vertue; victorie; victualles; view; violence; voice; waie; walle; warfare; warlike; warre; watche; water; way; wayes; weak; weale; weapons; wee; wel; weste; wherby; whereunto; wherfore; wherin; wherof; whiche; whiche bee; whiche maie; whiche thou; whiche thyng; whome; wil; winne; winter; wisdome; wise; withstande; work; world; worthy; woulde; writers; xxii; xxv; yardes; years; yeres; yong; zanobi cache: 15772.txt plain text: 15772.txt item: #4 of 13 id: 1791 author: Shakespeare, William title: All's Well That Ends Well date: None words: 38 flesch: 94 summary: ********************************************************************** THIS EBOOK WAS ONE OF PROJECT GUTENBERG'S EARLY FILES PRODUCED AT A TIME WHEN PROOFING METHODS AND TOOLS WERE NOT WELL DEVELOPED. keywords: ebook cache: 1791.txt plain text: 1791.txt item: #5 of 13 id: 2363 author: Congreve, William title: Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd date: None words: 22503 flesch: 55 summary: So, Reader, having now discharg'd my Conscience of a small Discovery which I thought my self obliged to make to Thee, I proceed to tell thee, that our Friend Aurelian had by this time danced himself into a Net which he neither could, nor which is worse desired to untangle. While they were upon their way, Hippolito pray'd heartily that his Friend Aurelian might be at the Lodging, to satisfie Don Mario and Leonora of his Circumstances and Quality, when he should be obliged to discover himself. keywords: able; account; air; answer; appearance; aurelian; beautiful; beauty; begg'd; behaviour; body; breath; cavaliers; chamber; choice; claudio; company; condition; convenient; cousin; daughter; day; design; discourse; discovery; don; door; doubt; duke; extraordinary; eyes; fabio; fabritio; face; fair; fancy; father; favour; florence; fortune; friend; garden; gentleman; good; great; habit; hand; happy; head; heart; help; highness; hippolito; honour; hope; house; ill; incognita; joy; juliana; knees; knowledge; lady; large; leave; leonora; letter; life; light; like; little; lodging; long; look; lorenzo; love; madam; man; mario; marquess; matter; means; mistake; morning; near; noise; occasion; old; opinion; opportunity; pardon; particular; passion; person; place; pleased; power; present; purpose; reader; ready; reason; relation; rest; return; room; scarce; seem'd; self; servant; set; short; sigh; soul; stairs; story; stranger; suddain; sure; surprize; sword; thee; thing; thought; time; tis; town; voice; way; wit; woman; world; wound; young cache: 2363.txt plain text: 2363.txt item: #6 of 13 id: 2464 author: Machiavelli, Niccolò title: History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy From the Earliest Times to the Death of Lorenzo the Magnificent date: None words: 159869 flesch: 49 summary: Those which became extended were Florence, Genoa, Pisa, Milan, Naples, and Bologna; to all of which may be added, the ruin and restoration of Rome, and of many other cities not previously mentioned. From these causes proceeded the ruin as well as the origin and extension of many cities. keywords: acciajuoli; account; acquisition; admonished; advantage; adversaries; advice; affairs; afterward; agnolo; agreement; aid; alarmed; alberti; albizzi; alfonso; alliance; ambassadors; ambition; ancient; animosity; anjou; antonio; anxious; apprehension; approach; archbishop; armed; armies; arms; army; arrangement; arrival; arts; assistance; assured; attack; attempt; authority; aware; balia; banished; bardi; battle; beginning; benedetto; bernardo; besieged; best; better; bianchi; blood; body; bologna; book; borgo; brescia; bridge; brother; calabria; camp; capitano; captain; cardinal; care; carlo; castle; castruccio; cause; cerchi; certain; change; chapter; character; charles; children; church; circumstances; cities; citizens; city; civil; close; colleagues; coming; command; commissaries; commissary; common; companies; conclusion; condition; conduct; confidence; conquest; consent; consequence; consideration; conspiracy; conspirators; contrary; corso; cosmo; council; count; country; courage; course; cremona; custom; danger; dangerous; daughter; days; dead; death; defeat; defend; defense; degli; degree; delay; della; departure; deprived; design; desire; desirous; destruction; determined; differences; different; difficulties; difficulty; direction; discourse; disgrace; disposed; disposition; dissensions; distinguished; disturbance; divided; dominion; donati; duke; effect; emperor; empire; encamped; endeavored; enemies; enemy; engaged; engagement; enmity; enterprise; entire; escape; events; evil; excited; exile; expedition; expense; external; faction; faenza; faith; families; family; father; favor; favorable; fear; federigo; fell; ferrando; ferrara; field; filippo; florence; florentines; followers; following; foot; forces; form; fortified; fortress; fortune; francesco; frederick; free; french; fresh; friends; friendship; furli; future; gain; galeazzo; general; genoa; genoese; germany; ghibellines; giorgio; giovanni; girolamo; giuliano; glory; god; gonfalonier; good; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; greatness; guelphs; hands; hatred; having; head; henry; highest; hold; home; honor; hope; hostilities; house; iii; immediate; importance; increase; indignation; individuals; influence; inhabitants; injuries; injurious; injury; insolence; intention; italy; jacopo; john; justice; kind; king; kingdom; known; large; law; laws; leaders; league; leave; left; legate; length; liberty; life; little; lodovico; lombardy; long; longer; lord; lorenzo; loss; lost; louis; lowest; lucca; lucchese; machiavelli; magistracy; magistrates; man; manner; mantua; marca; marquis; marriage; matter; means; meantime; measures; medici; michael; milan; milanese; miles; military; minds; minor; mode; moment; money; months; multitude; names; naples; nature; near; necessary; necessity; neri; new; niccolo; nobility; number; numerous; obedience; observed; occasion; offensive; office; old; open; opinion; opportunity; opposed; oppressed; order; origin; orsini; palace; parties; party; pass; past; pay; pazzi; peace; people; period; persons; perugia; piazza; piccinino; piero; pisa; places; plebeians; pontiff; pope; popular; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; prato; prepared; presence; present; pride; princes; principal; prisoners; private; proceedings; progress; property; province; prudence; purpose; queen; ravenna; ready; reason; recourse; reform; refuge; regard; relief; relieved; remedy; rené; reply; repose; republic; reputation; request; resolution; respect; rest; result; return; ricci; rinaldo; river; robert; romagna; roman; rome; routed; ruin; safety; salvestro; san; santa; satisfied; secure; security; seeing; serezana; service; set; sforza; short; sicily; sides; sienna; siennese; signory; similar; situation; slain; slew; small; soderini; son; sovereignty; state; strength; strong; strozzi; subject; success; sufficient; suitable; support; suspicion; taking; taxes; terms; territories; territory; things; thinking; thought; time; title; tommaso; trades; treaty; troops; troubles; true; tumult; tuscany; tyranny; uguccione; unable; undertaking; united; universal; unwilling; usual; utmost; valor; vanquished; venetians; venice; verona; victorious; victory; views; violence; virtue; visconti; volterra; want; war; wars; way; wealth; wife; winter; wish; words; years; young cache: 2464.txt plain text: 2464.txt item: #7 of 13 id: 33022 author: Villani, Giovanni title: Villani's Chronicle Being Selections from the First Nine Books of the Croniche Fiorentine of Giovanni Villani date: None words: 151181 flesch: 68 summary: § 12.--_How the Emperor Frederick I. took their territory from the city of Florence, and many other cities of Tuscany._ [Sidenote: Inf. x. 83, 84.] After the same fashion that the Guelfs of Florence departed, so did those of Prato and of Pistoia, and of Volterra, and of Samminiato, and of San Gimignano, and of many other cities and villages of Tuscany, which all returned to the party of the Ghibellines save the city of Lucca, the which held to the party of the Guelfs for a time, and was a refuge for the Guelfs of Florence, and for the other exiles of Tuscany, the which Guelfs of Florence took their stand in Lucca in the quarter around San Friano; and the loggia in front of San Friano was made by the Florentines. keywords: 107; a.d; able; abode; account; adimari; aforesaid; alexander; allies; ambassadors; ancient; answer; apulia; aragon; archbishop; aretines; arezzo; armed; arms; army; arno; arts; attack; august; authority; barons; battle; beautiful; beginning; benivento; best; better; bishop; black; blessed; body; bologna; boniface; book; bore; borgo; brescia; bridge; brother; camp; campagna; cane; captain; cardinal; castle; catiline; cause; cavalcanti; cerchi; certain; changes; chief; christ; christians; church; churches; cities; citizens; city; clement; colle; coming; command; commonwealth; company; conradino; constance; constantinople; consuls; convivio; coronation; corso; council; counsel; count; count charles; countess; country; cremona; cross; crown; cæsar; dante; dardanus; daughter; day; days; dead; death; defeat; defence; degli; dei; della; depart; deposed; descendants; desire; destruction; discomfited; discomfiture; divers; divided; doings; donati; drave; drew; duke; duomo; dwell; edward; election; emperor; emperor frederick; emperor henry; empire; end; enemies; enemy; england; ensign; events; evil; exiles; expedition; factions; faithful; families; family; fashion; father; favour; fear; february; field; fierce; fiesolans; fiesole; fighting; fine; fiorinus; fire; flanders; fleet; flight; florence; florence great; florentines; florins; folk; followers; following; foot; forasmuch; force; form; fortress; france; frederick; free; french; friars; friends; gain; galleys; gate; general; genoa; genoese; germany; gherardini; ghibellines; giordano; giovanni; giving; god; going; golden; good; good king; government; great; great city; great honour; great host; great king; great things; great war; greater; greatest; gregory; guard; guelfs; guido; guiscard; hand; head; hearing; held; henry; high; hill; history; hold; holy; holy church; honour; horse; horsemen; host; houses; hugh; hurt; iii; ill; imperial; inf; inhabitants; innocent; intent; island; italians; italy; john; judgment; july; june; justice; king; king charles; king frederick; king louis; king philip; king robert; kingdom; knights; known; lady; land; large; law; leaders; league; leave; left; legate; letters; life; like; lineage; little; lombardy; long; lordship; loss; lost; love; lucca; lucchese; m. charles; maffeo; magnates; manfred; manner; march; maria; marquis; marshal; master; matilda; means; men; mention; mercato; merchants; messer; milan; miles; miracle; moats; money; montefeltro; month; mother; mountains; naples; near; new; news; nigh; noble; nought; novello; number; office; old; oltrarno; open; order; ordered; ordinances; orsini; otho; padua; paduans; papal; paris; parties; party; pass; pay; pazzi; people; person; peter; philip; piazza; piero; pisa; pisans; pistoia; place; pleased; plot; podestà; poggibonizzi; pope; pope boniface; popolani; popolo; porta; possessions; power; powerful; prato; present; pride; prince; priors; prison; prisoner; promise; provence; purg; purpose; queen; realm; reason; rebel; rebuilt; refugees; region; rest; return; rich; riches; right; river; road; roger; romagna; romans; rome; rose; round; rule; said; said charles; said city; said count; said emperor; said frederick; said gate; said henry; said king; said m.; said pope; said time; said year; san; santa; saracens; save; saw; saying; scheraggio; sea; seas; second; secret; sentence; september; service; sesto; set; shame; short; sicily; sick; sidenote; siege; siena; sienese; sins; sister; slain; small; soldiers; sons; standard; state; straightway; strength; strife; strong; strongholds; suabia; suburbs; succour; sword; taking; tancred; tell; temple; territory; thereto; thing; thither; thou; thought; tidings; time; took; totila; towers; treachery; treasure; troops; troy; true; truth; tunis; tuscany; uberti; uguccione; valiant; valois; vecchio; venice; vicar; victorious; victory; victuals; vii; viii; villani; visconti; viterbo; walls; war; waste; water; way; whereof; white; whosoever; wife; william; wise; wit; words; work; world; worthy; xii; xix; xvi; xxvii; year; young; æneas cache: 33022.txt plain text: 33022.txt item: #8 of 13 id: 3694 author: Jonson, Ben title: Every Man in His Humour date: None words: 46658 flesch: 87 summary: Ben Jonson came of the stock that was centuries after to give to the world Thomas Carlyle; for Jonson's grandfather was of Annandale, over the Solway, whence he migrated to England. Francis Meres -- well known for his Comparative Discourse of our English Poets with the Greek, Latin, and Italian Poets, printed in 1598, and for his mention therein of a dozen plays of Shakespeare by title -- accords to Ben Jonson a place as one of our best in tragedy, a matter of some surprise, as no known tragedy of Jonson from so early a date has come down to us. keywords: 4to; able; account; act; admirable; affected; affections; alchemist; an't; ancient; anger; angry; apollo; arms; arrest; assure; base; bear; beauty; ben; best; better; bia; biancha; black; bob; bobadilla; body; book; brave; breeches; brother; business; cap; care; caricature; case; cast; certain; chapman; character; charge; charles; cheat; chief; city; clear; clem; clement; cloak; close; coat; cob; coin; colour; comedy; comes; company; conceit; condition; contempt; content; control; course; court; cousin; credit; cross; cup; cut; dance; day; days; dear; death; dekker; device; devil; dice; disease; disposition; divers; doctor; dog; dost; doth; dozen; drama; dramatic; drummond; drunk; duty; e'en; ears; earth; elder; english; entertainment; ere; excellent; exeunt; exit; eyes; face; fair; faith; familiar; famous; fashion; father; favour; fear; feed; fellow; fencing; fine; fire; fish; fit; flesh; florence; fol; fool; foot; form; free; friend; gallants; game; general; gentleman; gifford; giu; giuliano; glad; god; gold; gone; good; good sir; grace; great; ground; guest; half; hand; happy; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; henslowe; herring; hesperida; hold; honest; honour; hope; horace; horn; hour; house; humour; husband; i'faith; iii; ingenious; invention; italian; james; jest; jesu; jonson; judgment; kind; king; knave; lady; large; late; law; leave; left; leg; lid; lie; life; light; like; lines; list; literary; little; lodging; london; long; look; loose; lor; lord; lorenzo; love; mad; man; manner; mark; marry; marston; masques; mass; master; mat; match; matheo; mean; measure; melancholy; men; mere; message; mind; mistress; money; morning; motion; mouth; mus; musco; n.e.d; nares; nature; nay; ne'er; need; new; note; old; open; opinion; particular; parts; passion; patience; peace; peculiar; person; personages; personal; peto; phoebus; piece; piso; plague; plain; play; pleasure; plot; poet; poetaster; poetry; point; poor; popular; power; pox; practise; precious; presence; private; property; pros; prospero; protest; proud; public; quality; question; rapier; rare; rascal; reading; ready; reason; regard; respect; return; rogue; room; rude; satire; save; sblood; scarce; scene; scholar; second; secret; seek; self; sense; servant; service; shakespeare; shot; signior; silence; silent; silk; silver; similar; simple; sir; sirrah; sister; skill; small; smooth; soldier; sort; soul; spirit; stand; state; step; stephano; stick; story; straight; strange; strong; study; stuff; subject; success; suit; sweet; taking; tale; talk; tavern; term; thee; thing; tho; thorello; thou; thought; thy; tib; time; tis; tobacco; toledo; tragedy; trick; troth; trow; true; trust; turn; tut; uncle; varlet; verses; vessel; villain; warrant; wars; water; way; welcome; whalley; wife; wine; wit; witty; woman; wonder; word; work; worse; worship; worth; wrong; year; young cache: 3694.txt plain text: 3694.txt item: #9 of 13 id: 37793 author: Gardner, Edmund G. title: The Story of Florence date: None words: 122014 flesch: 65 summary: Podestà, Palazzo del_. Borgo Allegri, Via_, 66, 243, 244. Boccaccio, 31, 32, 55, 60, 61, 69, 70, 198, 204, 213, 248, 259, 346, 347, 360, 410. keywords: academy; acciaiuoli; adam; adherents; adimari; admirable; adoration; age; ages; agnolo; albertinelli; albizzi; alessandro; alighieri; alla; allegorical; alliance; altar; ancient; andrea; andrea del; angelico; angels; anne; annunciation; antoninus; antonio; apostles; apostoli; april; aquinas; architect; architecture; arezzo; armed; arms; army; arno; arnolfo; art; arte; artistic; artists; arts; assumption; athens; attempt; august; authentic; baccio; background; badia; banco; band; baptist; baptistery; bardi; bargello; bartolommeo; bas; battle; bearing; beatrice; beautiful; beauty; beginning; benedetto; benedict; benvenuto; bernardo; best; better; bianchi; bicci; birth; bishop; black; blessed; blood; boccaccio; body; bologna; book; borgo; botticelli; boy; bridge; broken; bronze; brother; browning; brunelleschi; bruni; building; burghers; bust; cacciaguida; calimala; cambio; campanile; canto; cappella; capponi; captain; cardinal; careggi; carlo; carmine; carraia; cartoon; casentino; cast; cathedral; catherine; cause; cavalcanti; cellini; cells; central; centre; century; cerchi; certain; chapel; chapter; characteristic; charity; charles; charming; chief; child; children; choir; christ; christian; church; churches; cimabue; cinquecento; ciompi; circa; circle; cities; citizens; city; clement; cloisters; close; closing; collection; colour; coloured; columns; come; coming; commedia; commune; compagnacci; compagni; complete; conspiracy; consuls; contemporary; conti; convent; copy; corner; coronation; corridor; corruption; corso; cosimo; council; country; course; court; credi; croce; cross; crowd; crucifix; crucifixion; curious; damaged; dante; dark; daughter; david; day; days; dead; death; defence; degli; dei; dei medici; del; della; democratic; descent; desiderio; design; devotion; di cosimo; di san; different; dino; divided; divine; domenico; dominican; donatello; donati; door; duchess; duke; duomo; dying; earlier; earliest; early; earth; east; elder; eleonora; emperor; end; engaged; entrance; epoch; eugenius; evening; example; excellent; exception; exile; expression; expulsion; exquisite; extent; face; faction; fair; faith; fall; families; family; famous; farinata; father; façade; feet; fellow; ferdinand; ficino; field; fierce; fiesole; fifteenth; fifth; figures; filippino; filippo; fine; finest; finished; fire; florence; florentine; flowers; foes; followers; following; foot; forces; foreign; form; fourteenth; fourth; fra; francesco; francis; franciscans; frediano; french; frescobaldi; frescoes; friars; friend; future; gaddi; gallery; gallo; garden; gate; general; genuine; german; ghibellines; ghiberti; ghirlandaio; giorgio; giorgione; giotto; giovanni; giovanni di; girl; girolamo; giuliano; giulio; glorious; glory; god; golden; gonfaloniere; good; gorgeous; gothic; government; grace; grand; great; greater; greatest; greek; group; guelfs; guido; guilds; habit; half; hall; hand; hard; head; headed; heart; heaven; hell; henry; heroic; high; hill; historical; history; hold; holy; honour; house; human; ideal; illustration; imperial; important; inferior; influence; inscription; instance; intended; interesting; ippolito; italian; italy; jacopo; jerusalem; john; judgment; julius; july; june; justice; kind; king; kneeling; lady; lana; landscape; landucci; large; later; law; lawrence; leaders; leave; left; legend; leonardo; letters; liberty; library; lies; life; like; lilies; lily; lippi; little; living; loggia; long; lord; lorenzo; lorenzo di; lost; love; lovely; luca; lucrezia; luigi; lunette; machiavelli; madonna; magdalene; maggiore; magi; magnates; magnificent; magnifico; maiano; man; mantegna; marble; marco; maria; mark; marriage; married; mars; marsilio; martyr; martyrdom; mary; masaccio; maso; masolino; mass; master; masterpieces; matteo; means; medicean; medici; mediæval; meeting; members; mercato; mercenaries; merchants; mercy; mere; messer; michelangelo; michele; michelozzo; middle; milan; miniato; minor; miracles; miraculous; model; modern; moment; money; monks; months; monument; morning; mother; mountain; murder; music; mutilated; mystical; nanni; naples; nativity; nature; nave; nere; neri; new; niccolò; noble; noblest; non; north; northern; note; noteworthy; novella; november; number; nuovo; occasion; october; office; old; old florence; opening; opposite; orcagna; ordeal; order; ordinances; organised; original; orto; outside; painter; painting; palace; palazzo; paolo; papal; paradiso; parliament; party; pass; passion; past; patron; pazzi; peace; people; perfect; period; persons; perugino; peter; petrarch; piazza; piazza di; pico; picture; piero; piero di; pisano; pistoia; pitti; più; platonic; podestà; poet; poetry; poggio; point; political; poliziano; pollaiuolo; ponte; poor; pope; popolani; popolo; populace; popular; porta; porta san; portinari; portion; portrait; position; possession; powerful; powers; prato; preaching; precious; predella; prepared; presence; present; prince; priors; procession; prophet; pulpit; pupil; pure; quarter; quattrocento; queen; raising; raphael; rare; ready; reality; reason; red; reliefs; religious; remains; renaissance; rendering; reparata; republic; rest; restoration; result; return; riccardi; rich; right; rinaldo; rise; rival; river; road; robbia; roman; rome; room; rose; rossellino; round; royal; rubaconte; rucellai; rulers; runs; ruskin; sacchetti; sacrament; sacred; sacristy; said; saints; sala; salviati; san; san giovanni; san lorenzo; san marco; san michele; san piero; santa; santa maria; sarto; savonarola; scale; scenes; scholars; school; sculptor; sculpture; sea; second; september; series; sermon; sesto; settignano; seventeenth; sforza; share; short; shows; shrine; siege; siena; signorelli; signoria; similar; simone; simple; single; sixteenth; small; smaller; soderini; soldiers; solemn; son; sons; soul; southern; spanish; special; spini; spirit; spiritual; spite; splendid; stand; standard; state; statues; stephen; steps; stone; streets; strozzi; struggle; study; style; subject; successors; sunday; supposed; supreme; sway; sweet; sword; tabernacle; taddeo; taking; talenti; temple; terracotta; terrible; thee; things; thirteenth; thomas; thou; thought; throne; time; titian; tomb; tondo; tower; tradition; transept; translation; trecento; trinità; triumph; troops; true; truth; tuscany; twelfth; typical; tyrant; uberti; uffizi; united; urbino; vain; valori; vasari; vast; vecchio; venetian; venice; venus; verrocchio; victory; viii; villani; vinci; virgin; virtue; vision; visit; vita; voice; walls; war; warrior; way; wealth; west; white; wife; wild; windows; women; wonderful; words; work; world; worthy; years; young; younger; youth; zenobius cache: 37793.txt plain text: 37793.txt item: #10 of 13 id: 4520 author: Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert) title: Aaron's Rod date: None words: 116595 flesch: 92 summary: It was so sudden that Aaron _heard_ nothing any more. She tried to find out what sort of wife Aaron had--but, except that she was the daughter of a publican and was delicate in health, she could learn nothing. keywords: aaron; aaron sisson; accepted; afraid; afternoon; air; algy; amused; amusing; anger; angry; angus; answer; anxious; apart; argyle; arm; arms; arthur; attention; awake; awful; baby; bad; bag; balcony; bank; bare; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; bedroom; bell; best; better; big; bird; bit; black; blood; blue; boat; body; book; bottle; box; boy; break; breaking; breast; breath; bricknell; bridge; brilliant; british; broken; brows; burst; business; busy; candles; care; carriage; case; cathedral; central; centre; certain; chair; change; chapter; charming; childish; children; choice; christmas; cigarette; city; clariss; clean; closed; clothes; coffee; cold; colonel; coloured; come; coming; common; company; conscious; consciousness; conversation; corner; country; course; cross; crowd; crowded; cry; cup; curious; cut; cyril; damned; dark; darkness; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; deep; del; delicate; desire; devil; difference; dinner; direction; distance; doctor; dog; dogs; door; doorway; doubt; drawing; dream; dressed; drink; drinking; drop; early; earth; edge; egg; electric; elegant; end; england; english; evening; evident; excited; excitement; experience; eyed; eyes; face; fact; faint; fair; fall; false; family; far; fate; father; fault; fear; feeling; feet; fellow; female; figure; finding; fine; fingers; finished; fire; fixed; flag; flat; floor; florence; flowers; flute; fool; foot; force; fortune; frail; francis; franks; free; french; fresh; friend; frightened; funny; game; garden; girls; glad; glanced; glass; glasses; goal; god; gold; good; great; green; grey; grin; half; hall; hand; handsome; happy; hard; hate; head; heart; heavy; hell; help; herbertson; hero; high; hill; hold; home; hope; horrible; horror; hostess; hot; hotel; hour; house; human; hung; hurried; husband; idea; important; impossible; indifferent; individual; indoors; inevitable; inside; instrument; intense; interesting; invisible; iron; italian; italy; jim; job; josephine; judas; julia; kind; kitchen; knees; knowing; lady; lamp; landlady; large; late; laugh; laughing; leave; left; legs; length; levison; lie; lies; life; lights; like; lilly; limbs; lips; little; live; living; london; long; look; looking; loose; lost; lot; lottie; love; lovely; lunch; mad; major; making; male; malta; man; manfredi; manner; marchesa; marjory; market; married; marvellous; mass; matter; mean; men; middle; millicent; mind; minute; miss; modern; moment; money; morning; mother; mouth; mrs; music; naked; natural; nature; nay; near; neck; need; nervous; new; nice; north; nose; note; notice; novara; o'clock; obstinate; odd; officer; old; old man; open; opera; opposite; orchestra; order; outside; overcoat; pale; party; passion; past; patient; pause; peculiar; people; personal; piano; piece; pipe; pit; place; play; playing; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; pocket; point; policeman; poor; porter; power; providence; public; pure; queer; question; quick; quiet; ready; real; reason; red; remote; repeated; responsibility; rest; right; river; road; robert; rod; room; rose; round; run; sacred; satisfied; saying; scene; scott; seat; seated; second; seeking; self; sense; set; shadow; sharp; shop; shoulders; sick; silence; silent; silk; silver; sing; singing; single; sir; sisson; sitting; sky; slavery; sleep; slow; small; smile; snow; social; sofa; soft; soldiers; song; sorry; sort; soul; space; speech; spirit; square; stairs; stand; standing; start; state; station; steps; stone; stop; stout; straight; strange; stream; street; strong; sudden; sun; sunday; sure; sweet; table; talk; talking; tall; tanny; taxi; tea; teeth; tension; terrible; things; think; thinking; thought; throat; time; tiny; tomorrow; tonight; torre; touch; town; train; tram; tray; trees; true; try; turning; ugly; uneasy; upper; upstairs; urge; venice; voice; wait; walk; wall; war; warm; watch; water; way; weak; week; wet; whiskey; white; wide; wife; wild; william; window; wine; wisdom; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; worse; wrong; years; yield; young cache: 4520.txt plain text: 4520.txt item: #11 of 13 id: 45469 author: Villari, Pasquale title: The Two First Centuries of Florentine History The Republic and Parties at the Time of Dante. Fourth Impression. date: None words: 189526 flesch: 62 summary: Florence gradually extended as time went on, and _borghi_ were built outside the walls, the largest of these suburban quarters being the _Borgo_, connected with the city proper by the Ponte Vecchio. But _forensis_ does not signify an absent person, _i.e._, one who _extra civitatem manet_, but, on the contrary, signifies--according to the statute--one having no domicile either in the city, _contado_, or district. keywords: able; absolute; account; action; activity; acts; actual; addition; adherents; administration; advance; advantage; adversaries; advice; affairs; ages; agreement; aim; alarm; alighieri; aliquo; alliance; allies; alterations; altered; ambassadors; ambition; ambitious; ammirato; ancient; angevins; anjou; annales; anno; annum; apparent; appendix; april; archbishop; archives; archivio; aretines; arezzo; aristocracy; aristocratic; armed; arms; army; arno; arnolfo; arrangement; arrival; arrogance; artisans; arts; assault; assembly; asserting; associates; associations; assured; attack; attempt; attention; attitude; august; authorities; authority; banished; bankers; banks; barbarian; barons; basis; battle; beginning; belief; benedetto; best; better; bianchi; birth; bishop; black; blood; bloodshed; blow; blunders; body; bologna; bolognese; bonaini; boniface; book; bore; branch; bridge; brother; brunetto; buildings; buondelmonti; burghers; burning; business; calimala; campaign; canon; capital; capponi; capraia; captain; capture; cardinal; care; careful; carroccio; case; castle; catiline; causes; cavalcanti; cavalry; central; centre; centuries; century; cerchi; certain; change; changers; chapter; character; characteristic; charlemagne; charles; check; chief; children; choice; christian; chroniclers; church; churches; cities; citizens; city; civil; civilisation; civitatis; class; classes; clause; clear; clement; clergy; close; cloth; codex; collection; combat; combined; coming; command; commerce; commercial; committed; common; commonwealth; communal; commune; compagni; companies; compilation; complete; comunis; conception; concerned; condition; conduct; conflict; confusion; connected; conquered; conquerors; conquest; conradin; consent; consequence; considerable; constant; constantinople; constituted; constitution; consular; consulibus; consuls; consulte; consulum; contado; contemporary; contingent; continual; contract; contrary; copied; copy; corso; cost; council; councillors; count; countess; country; courage; course; craft; crime; criminal; cronica; crown; cruel; culture; custom; daily; danger; daring; date; day; days; dead; death; december; declared; decline; decreed; deeds; defeat; defeated; defence; definite; degli; degree; dei; delay; delizie; della; democracy; democratic; descendants; descent; desire; despotism; destruction; details; determined; developed; development; devoted; different; difficult; difficulties; dino; direct; direction; discord; discussion; disorder; disposed; disputes; distance; distant; distinct; divided; division; documentary; documents; domestic; domination; domini; donati; doubt; dowry; duke; duties; duty; earlier; earliest; early; east; eastern; easy; edition; effect; efforts; elders; election; elements; eleventh; embassy; emperor; empire; enactments; end; enemies; enemy; energy; england; enormous; entire; envoys; eorum; equal; equality; escape; established; estates; etiam; europe; events; evidence; evil; exact; examination; example; exchange; excited; exercise; exiles; existence; expedition; expense; explanation; extended; extent; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; factions; faith; faithful; fall; false; families; family; far; farinata; fashion; fatal; fate; father; favour; favourable; fear; february; feeling; fellow; feudal; feudalism; ficker; fief; field; fiesole; fifteenth; fighting; final; find; fine; fire; firenze; fixed; flag; fleet; flight; florence; florence archives; florentine; florentine commune; florentine history; florentine people; florentinorum; florins; foes; fol; followers; following; foot; force; foreign; form; formidable; formula; fortress; fortune; forward; fourteenth; fragments; france; franks; frederic; freedom; french; frequent; fresh; friendly; friends; functions; fury; future; gain; galleys; gates; general; genoa; genoese; genuine; german; germanic; gesta; ghibellines; giano; giordano; giovanni; giudici; god; gold; gonfalonier; good; goths; government; grandi; grant; grasp; grave; great; greater; greek; gregory; ground; groups; guelph; guido; guilds; guilty; half; hand; hard; hartwig; hatred; head; heavy; heirs; help; henry; hereditary; high; higher; highest; historians; historical; history; hold; holy; honour; hope; horse; hostile; hostilities; houses; human; humble; husband; ibid; idea; identical; iii; illustration; imperial; importance; impossible; inasmuch; increased; independence; indispensable; individual; industry; inevitable; infantry; influence; information; inhabitants; inheritance; innocent; instance; institutions; intention; interdict; interests; investigation; issue; italian; italy; iure; iuris; january; jealousy; john; judges; judgment; judicial; july; junction; juncture; june; juridical; jurisdiction; jurisprudence; justice; justinian; kind; king; kingdom; kinsmen; knights; knowledge; known; labours; lami; land; large; lastra; later; latin; law; laws; leader; leading; league; learned; learning; leave; left; legal; legend; legislation; legitimate; letters; levi; liberty; library; libro; life; like; limited; limits; lire; list; literary; literature; little; living; local; lombardy; long; longer; longobard; lord; loss; lost; lucca; lucchese; lungo; machiavelli; magistrates; magnates; majority; malespini; manfred; manner; march; maria; market; marquises; marriage; martin; mass; masters; material; matilda; matter; meaning; means; measures; mediæval; members; mention; mercato; merchandise; merchants; messer; method; middle; midst; milan; miles; military; mind; miniato; modern; moment; monarch; money; montaperti; monte; montepulciano; months; moral; mother; mugello; mundium; municipal; murder; names; naples; narrative; national; native; natural; nature; neapolitan; near; necessary; necessity; need; negotiations; neighbouring; neighbours; neri; new; new law; news; nobility; nobles; non; notable; notaries; notary; note; novella; november; number; numerous; nuova; oath; obedience; object; obligations; obscure; obstacles; occasion; october; office; officials; old; open; opening; operation; opinion; opportunity; opposed; oppressed; order; organisation; organised; origin; original; outside; overthrow; page; pagnini; palace; paoli; paolino; papacy; papal; papers; parliament; particular; parties; party; passage; passerini; passions; past; patent; patricians; pay; pazzi; peace; penalties; penalty; people; period; permission; perpetual; perrens; personal; persons; petty; piazza; pieces; pieri; pietro; pisa; pisans; pistoia; places; plan; podestà; poggibonsi; point; policy; political; politics; polono; pontiff; pope; popolani; popolo; populace; popular; population; porto; position; possessions; post; potestas; power; powerful; practical; prato; precise; predicta; predictis; predominance; preference; prelates; prepared; prescribed; presence; present; previous; pride; primary; primitive; prince; principal; principles; priors; prisoners; private; privileges; probable; problem; prof; professor; profit; progress; prolonged; pronounced; proofs; property; proposal; protection; proved; provisions; pseudo; punishment; purpose; question; qui; quod; race; radical; rapid; ravenna; ready; real; reason; recall; recent; reciprocal; records; rectors; reforms; refuge; regard; regular; relations; religious; remains; remarkable; remarks; repeated; reply; representative; republic; request; requisite; researches; resistance; respect; respected; respective; responsible; result; return; revenge; revival; revolt; revolution; rich; right; rise; rival; river; road; robert; romagna; roman; roman law; rome; rosso; rough; royal; rubric; ruin; rule; rulers; safety; said; san; sanction; sanguinary; santa; santini; sanzanome; satisfied; save; savigny; saying; scheme; scholars; school; science; sea; seat; second; secret; secure; self; semifonte; sense; sentence; separate; september; series; service; sestiere; set; severe; share; short; sicily; sides; siege; sienna; siennese; signory; signs; silk; similar; single; skill; slaughter; small; social; societies; society; soil; soldiers; source; southern; special; species; speedily; spirit; spite; split; spread; state; statuta; statutes; step; storia; storico; strange; streets; strength; strife; strongholds; struggle; study; stuffs; style; subject; subjection; submission; subsequent; success; successful; succession; sufficient; sum; sunt; super; superior; support; supposed; supremacy; supreme; surrender; sway; sword; system; taking; tale; task; taxes; temper; tendency; terms; territories; territory; text; theodoric; theory; things; thirteenth; thought; threatened; threatening; throne; time; title; tosa; toscani; total; totila; towers; town; trade; traders; traditions; treaties; treating; treaty; tribes; tribunal; triumph; troops; true; truth; turn; tuscany; tutelage; twelfth; tyranny; ubaldini; uberti; ugolino; unable; union; united; unity; universal; university; unknown; usage; use; useful; usual; utmost; vain; valley; valois; value; vassals; vast; vecchio; vel; vengeance; venice; version; vicar; victory; vide; view; vigorous; vigour; viii; villani; violence; voice; vol; volterra; walls; war; warfare; wars; way; wealth; weight; west; white; wife; wise; witnesses; women; wool; woollen; words; work; world; worst; worthies; worthy; writers; xii; year; zeal cache: 45469.txt plain text: 45469.txt item: #12 of 13 id: 4956 author: Ballou, Maturin M. (Maturin Murray) title: The Duke's Prize; a Story of Art and Heart in Florence date: None words: 58533 flesch: 81 summary: Here was poor Carlton but lately struggling along the chequered field, now moving literally towards the king-row. Now was poor Carlton cornered on the chequer-board of life, and he must play boldly, if he would reach the desired goal. keywords: able; achmet; admiration; advantage; affection; american; answer; apartment; appearance; arms; artist; assembly; attempt; band; bearing; beautiful; beauty; beneath; bent; best; bettina; black; blood; board; boat; borelloni; brandini; brave; bright; broad; burst; business; captain; care; carlton; carriage; cartillos; castle; cause; certain; chapter; character; child; city; close; coming; companion; complete; connection; continued; corsair; count; countenance; country; course; crowded; dark; daughter; day; dearest; death; deep; delight; design; determined; distance; door; dress; dressed; duke; egbert; emily; evening; evil; excellenza; expression; eyes; face; fact; faint; fair; fame; father; favorite; fear; fearful; features; feeling; feet; fellow; female; figure; fine; fire; flag; florence; florinda; following; food; form; fortune; forward; fresh; friends; future; gallery; gates; generous; genius; gentle; gentleman; geraldi; girl; glance; god; gold; good; grand; great; grecian; ground; hair; half; hall; hand; handsome; happiness; happy; hard; head; heart; heaven; high; hold; holy; home; honor; hope; horses; hour; house; humble; inglis; inn; instant; interest; iona; italian; italy; jew; joan; joy; kind; know; lady; lake; land; large; late; latrezzi; leave; left; length; letter; life; like; lips; little; live; living; lofty; long; longer; look; looking; love; lovely; maiden; man; manager; manly; manner; mario; matter; means; meeting; melbourne; melville; merchant; miles; mind; minutes; moment; monarch; money; months; morning; morrow; mountain; nature; nay; near; necessary; need; nephew; new; night; noble; noise; note; object; observed; old; open; opposite; order; painter; painting; pale; palmer; passion; past; peculiar; people; perfect; period; person; personal; petard; petro; picture; piece; pistol; pitti; place; plan; pleased; pleasure; point; poor; possible; prepared; present; private; prize; proposed; proud; purpose; question; rage; ranadar; reader; ready; reply; respect; return; rich; room; saw; scene; sea; secret; servant; set; ship; short; signor; silent; single; sir; situation; skill; sky; small; smile; soul; sound; speed; spirit; spot; state; steel; stella; steps; story; stranger; streets; strength; strong; sum; sun; sure; surprise; sweet; sword; tale; tall; taste; templar; tender; teresa; terms; thee; things; think; thou; thought; time; tone; trees; true; turkish; turks; turning; uncle; unknown; vessel; view; villani; voice; walls; want; water; way; wealth; weeks; wife; wild; wind; wish; words; work; world; years; young; youth cache: 4956.txt plain text: 4956.txt item: #13 of 13 id: 54199 author: Richards, Fred title: Florence: A Sketch-Book date: None words: 341 flesch: 77 summary: 'PONTE VECCHIO' FROM THE LUNGARNO ACCIAJOLI (title page) [Illustration: PONTE VECCHIO FROM THE LUNGARNO ACCIAJOLI (title page)] keywords: arno; boboli; illustration; piazza; ponte; vecchio cache: 54199.txt plain text: 54199.txt