item: #1 of 10 id: 11587 author: Pack, Charles Lathrop title: The School Book of Forestry date: None words: 29112 flesch: 75 summary: Fires wound the base and trunks of forest trees severely so that they are exposed to serious destruction by heartrot. Campers, tourists, hunters, and fishermen are responsible for many forest fires by neglecting to extinguish their campfires. keywords: acres; cent; country; cut; cutting; farm; feet; fire; forest; forest fires; forest trees; forestry; future; growth; lands; lumber; material; national; national forest; new; pine; state forests; states; supply; timber; time; trees; united; use; water; white; wood; work; years cache: 11587.txt plain text: 11587.txt item: #2 of 10 id: 26935 author: Fairbanks, Harold W. (Harold Wellman) title: Conservation Reader date: None words: 50094 flesch: 83 summary: The lumberman finds his work where the climate favors the growth of forest trees. It is far more difficult to destroy completely most of the species of forest trees than it is to destroy the species of animals and birds. keywords: animals; away; birds; care; country; creatures; cut; earth; fire; fish; food; forests; ground; home; illustration; land; little; men; mountains; nature; new; parts; people; plants; river; soil; supply; things; time; trees; use; vegetation; water; wild; wood; work; years cache: 26935.txt plain text: 26935.txt item: #3 of 10 id: 31367 author: Pinchot, Gifford title: The Training of a Forester date: None words: 20886 flesch: 56 summary: Twenty-nine States make appropriations for forest work. Forest Supervisors, practically all of whom are men of long experience in forest work, receive from $1600 to $2700 per annum. keywords: fire; forest; forest schools; forest service; forest work; forester; forestry; good; knowledge; land; man; men; methods; national; profession; public; states forest; timber; time; trees; united; use; work cache: 31367.txt plain text: 31367.txt item: #4 of 10 id: 31994 author: Allen, G. F. (Grenville F.) title: The Forests of Mount Rainier National Park date: None words: 7589 flesch: 78 summary: 6-8, _7_, _8_, _9_, _10_, _12_, _13_ grand (_Abies grandis_) 20, _21_ noble (_Abies nobilis_) 17-19, _17_, _18_ silver. _See_ Fir, amabilis; Fir, grand. keywords: feet; fig; fir; forest; hemlock; illustration; mountain; park; rainier; tree; western cache: 31994.txt plain text: 31994.txt item: #5 of 10 id: 32141 author: Various title: Garden and Forest Weekly, Volume 1 No. 1, February 29, 1888 date: None words: 23028 flesch: 74 summary: and _C. prostratus_, two common species of the region. But while many of their leaves have the abrupt three-toothed apex of _C. prostratus_, all gradations can be found from this form to the spatulate, toothless leaves of _C. cuneatus_. keywords: american; beauty; book; botany; color; country; cts; dozen; europe; feet; flowers; forest; garden; gray; green; growth; house; illustration; large; little; new; pine; plants; roses; seeds; soil; states; time; trees; water; white; wood; work; years; york cache: 32141.txt plain text: 32141.txt item: #6 of 10 id: 35419 author: Noyes, William title: Wood and Forest date: None words: 62545 flesch: 78 summary: Shakes are splits of various forms as: _star shakes_, Fig. 41, _a_, splits which radiate from the pith along the pith rays and widen outward; _heart shakes_, Fig. 41, _b_, splits crossing the central rings and widening toward the center; and _cup_ or _ring shakes_, Fig. 41, _c_, splits between the annual rings. A_, fir; _B_, hard pine; _C_, soft pine; _ar_, annual ring; _o.e._, outer edge of ring; _i.e._, inner edge of ring; _s.w._, summer wood; _sp.w. keywords: appearance; bark; black; book; branches; brown; cells; cent; characteristics; color; common; cross; diameter; fig; forest; grain; growth; habitat; illustration; leaf; leaves; life; light; list; long; lumber; maple; medium; oak; pine; pith; pores; qualities; radial; rays; red; refers; rings; sap; section; service; shrinkage; size; spruce; summer wood; tangential; timber; trees; uses; weight; white; wood; work; yellow cache: 35419.txt plain text: 35419.txt item: #7 of 10 id: 41175 author: Tyas, Robert title: Woodland Gleanings: Being an Account of British Forest-Trees date: None words: 60922 flesch: 74 summary: It is seldom found mixed with other trees, even when they are coeval with it in point of age. It is admirably calculated to diversify the scene, forming a pleasing variety among other trees, either in summer or winter. keywords: appearance; ash; bark; base; beauty; beech; beneath; boughs; branches; catkins; colour; country; diameter; effect; elm; england; feet; fir; flowers; foliage; following; forest; form; fruit; good; green; ground; growth; half; head; height; illustration; inches; leaf; leaves; light; nature; north; oak; parts; picturesque; plants; scales; seeds; shade; size; smooth; soil; species; spring; thou; thy; timber; time; tree; trunk; white; wild; willow; wood; years cache: 41175.txt plain text: 41175.txt item: #8 of 10 id: 42391 author: Boerker, Richard H. D. (Richard Hans Douai) title: Our National Forests A Short Popular Account of the Work of the United States Forest Service on the National Forests date: None words: 63389 flesch: 64 summary: Some of the smaller watersheds in these mountains are said to irrigate orchards valued at $10,000,000.] APPENDIX TABLE OF LAND AREAS WITHIN THE NATIONAL FOREST BOUNDARIES June 30, 1917 Key: DN=District Number -------------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+----------- | Headquarters | National | Patented | Total State and | of | Forest | and other | area Forest | Forest | Land | lands | (acres) George, | | | | Utah | 17,680 | | 17,680 Kaibab 4 |Kanab, Utah | 1,072,375 | 525 | 1,072,900 Manzano[1] 3 |Albuquerque, | | | | N. M. | 27,708 | 29,724 | 57,432 Prescott 3 |Prescott | 1,433,366 | 186,589 | 1,619,955 Sitgreaves 3 |Snowflake | 659,337 | 234,883 | 893,720 Tonto 3 |Roosevelt | 1,994,239 | 39,521 | 2,033,760 Tusayan 3 |Williams | 1,602,750 | 186,068 | 1,788,818 ARKANSAS | | | | Arkansas 7 |Hot Springs | 626,746 | 331,544 | 958,290 Ozark 7 |Harrison | 291,840 | 237,338 | 529,178 CALIFORNIA | | | | Angeles 5 |Los Angeles | 820,980 | 240,723 | 1,061,703 California 5 |Oriental | 807,444 | 255,178 | 1,062,622 Cleveland 5 |Escondido | 547,981 | 265,635 | 813,616 Crater[1] 6 |Medford, Ore. | 46,977 | 10,045 | 57,022 Eldorado[1] 5 |Placerville | 549,392 | 286,408 | 835,800 Inyo[1] 5 |Bishop | 1,269,980 | 67,800 | 1,337,780 Klamath[1] 5 |Yreka | 1,470,841 | 263,824 | 1,734,665 Lassen 5 |Red Bluff | 936,877 | 384,466 | 1,321,343 Modoc 5 |Alturas | 1,182,986 | 399,873 | 1,532,859 Mono[1] 5 |Gardnerville, | | | | Nev. | 784,620 | 90,241 | 874,861 Monterey 5 |King City | 316,058 | 44,436 | 360,494 Plumas 5 |Quincy | 1,144,835 | 288,025 | 1,432,860 Santa Barbara 5 |Santa Barbara | 1,688,571 | 239,723 | 1,928,294 Sequoia 5 |Bakersfield | 2,194,926 | 274,344 | 2,469,270 Shasta 5 |Sisson | 803,448 | 783,432 | 1,586,880 Sierra 5 |Northfork | 1,489,934 | 172,626 | 1,662,560 Siskiyou[1] 6 |Grants Pass, | | | | Ore. | 349,069 | 52,726 | 401,795 Stanislaus 5 |Sonora | 810,399 | 294,013 | 1,104,412 Tahoe 5 |Nevada City | 542,226 | 666,851 | 1,209,077 Trinity 5 |Weaverville | 1,430,547 | 315,600 | 1,746,147 COLORADO | | | | Arapaho 2 |Hot Sulphur | | | | Springs | 634,903 | 46,371 | 681,274 Battlement 2 |Collbran | 651,227 | 26,113 | 677,340 Cochetopa 2 |Saguache | 905,723 | 24,497 | 930,220 Colorado 2 |Fort Collins | 847,328 | 302,266 | 1,149,594 Durango 2 |Durango | 614,129 | 89,871 | 704,000 Gunnison 2 |Gunnison | 908,055 | 43,255 | 951,310 Hayden[1] 2 |Encampment, | | | | Wyo. | 65,598 | 6,402 | 72,000 Holy Cross 2 |Glenwood | | | | Springs | 576,905 | 28,795 | 605,700 La Sal[1] 4 |Moab, Utah | 27,444 | 176 | 27,620 Leadville 2 |Leadville | 934,017 | 122,503 | 1,056,520 Montezuma 2 |Mancos | 700,082 | 112,018 | 812,100 keywords: area; california; conditions; cut; district; feet; figure; fires; forest assistant; forest conservation; forest cover; forest destruction; forest experiment; forest fire; forest guards; forest homestead; forest improvements; forest lands; forest management; forest officers; forest policy; forest products; forest protection; forest ranger; forest region; forest resources; forest service; forest supervisor; forest timber; forestry; forests; government; grazing; illustration; lassen national; methods; national forest; new; people; power; sale; seed; states; states forest; stock; studies; supply; time; trees; use; value; water; wood; work; year; | | cache: 42391.txt plain text: 42391.txt item: #9 of 10 id: 482 author: Hardy, Thomas title: The Woodlanders date: None words: 138848 flesch: 79 summary: She followed his gaze, and saw walking across to him a flexible young creature in whom she perceived the features of her she had known as Miss Grace Melbury, but now looking glorified and refined above her former level. This had been tied across the gig; and as it would be left behind in the town, it would cause no inconvenience to Miss Grace Melbury coming home. keywords: charmond; creedle; daughter; day; days; doctor; door; evening; eyes; face; father; fire; fitzpiers; garden; giles; giles winterborne; girl; gone; good; grace; grace melbury; grammer; half; hand; having; head; heart; hintock; home; hour; house; husband; left; life; little; looking; love; man; marty; matter; melbury; mind; miss; moment; morning; mrs; new; night; people; place; position; present; room; round; saw; south; things; thought; timber; time; tis; tree; voice; want; way; wife; window; winterborne; wish; woman; wood; words; work; years; young cache: 482.txt plain text: 482.txt item: #10 of 10 id: 62686 author: Fernow, B. E. (Bernhard Eduard) title: Forestry for Farmers date: None words: 21999 flesch: 68 summary: How trees grow 3 Food materials and conditions of growth 3 Soil conditions 4 Light conditions 6 Physiology of tree growth 9 Sap up and sap down 10 Progress of development 11 Growth in length and ramification 11 Growth in thickness 14 Form development 17 Rate of growth 19 Reproduction 21 How to plant a forest 22 This process of food preparation, called assimilation, can be carried on only in the green parts, and in these only when exposed to light and air; hence foliage, air, and light at the top are essential prerequisites for tree growth, and hence, other conditions being favorable, the more foliage and the better developed it is, and the more light this foliage has at its disposal for its work, the more vigorously will the tree grow. keywords: conditions; cover; crop; crown; development; forest; growth; kinds; light; planting; shade; soil; species; time; trees; water; wood; years cache: 62686.txt plain text: 62686.txt