item: #1 of 13 id: 13923 author: Ziemann, Hugo title: The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) Cooking, Toilet and Household Recipes, Menus, Dinner-Giving, Table Etiquette, Care of the Sick, Health Suggestions, Facts Worth Knowing, Etc., Etc. The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home date: None words: 227696 flesch: 85 summary: Put two or three ounces of oil of peppermint into a pail of boiling hot water and pour down the pipe. Have ready thirty pounds of clean grease, upon which pour one pailful of the lye, adding another pail of water to the potash; let it stand three or four hours, stir it well; then pour a gallon of the lye upon the grease, stir it well; and in half an hour another gallon of the lye, stir it thoroughly; in half an hour repeat the process, and thus proceed until you have poured off all the lye; then add two pails of boiling hot water to the remainder of the potash, and let it stand ten hours; then stir the mixture, and if it has become stiff and the grease has disappeared from the surface, take out a little and see whether the weak lye will thicken it; if it does, add the lye; if it does not, try water, and if that thickens it, let it stand another day, stirring it well five or six times during the day; if the lye does not separate from the grease you may fill up with water. keywords: acid; addition; air; alcohol; allspice; almonds; alum; ammonia; appearance; apple; article; asparagus; bacon; bake; baking; balls; basin; bass; basting; beans; beat; beating; beef; beefsteak; beets; berries; best; birds; biscuit; bits; black; blood; blue; board; boat; body; boiled; boiling water; boils; bones; boston; bottle; bowl; box; brandy; bread; breakfast; breast; bright; brine; broil; broken; brown; brown sugar; browned; brush; burning; butter; buttered; cabbage; cake; candy; canned; care; careful; carrots; carving; case; catsup; cauliflower; cayenne; celery; centre; charlotte; cheese; cherries; chicken; chocolate; chop; cider; cinnamon; citron; clams; clean; clear water; close; cloth; cloves; coarse; cochineal; cocoanut; codfish; coffee; colander; cold butter; cold cream; cold milk; cold place; cold roast; cold water; color; colored; coloring; common; consistency; convenient; cook; cooked; cookies; cooking; cool; cork; corn; corned; cornstarch; cotton; cover; covered; covering; crabs; cracker; cranberry; cream; cream sauce; crisp; croquettes; crumbs; crust; crême; cucumbers; cup butter; cupful; cups; cure; currant; custard; cut; cutlets; cutting; dark; day; days; deep; delicate; delicious; dessert; dice; dinner; dip; dish; dishes; dissolved; double; dough; dozen; drain; dredge; dressing; drink; dripping; drop; dry; duck; dumplings; dust; dye; earthen; edges; eggs; ends; english; equal; evenly; excellent; extract; family; fat; feet; filling; fine; fine sugar; fingers; fire; firm; fish; fit; flannel; flat; flavor; flavoring; flour; floured; fold; following; food; fork; form; fowls; free; french; fresh; fresh butter; fried; fritters; frosting; froth; frozen; fruit; fry; frying; gallon; game; garnish; gelatine; general; gill; ginger; glass; good; graham; grains; grape; grated; gravy; grease; great; green; griddle; ground; gum; hair; half; half cup; half cupful; half hour; half pint; half pound; half teaspoonful; halibut; halves; ham; handful; hands; hard; harden; hash; head; heaping; heat; heated; heavy; herbs; home; hominy; hot butter; hot dish; hot milk; hot oven; hot water; hour; house; icing; illustration; inch; inches; indian; ingredients; inside; iron; jam; jars; jelly; joint; juice; keeping; kettle; kind; kitchen; knife; lamb; lard; large; lay; layer; leaves; left; leg; legs; lemon; lettuce; level; lid; light; like; lime; line; liquid; liquor; little; little butter; little cold; little flour; little hot; little milk; little pepper; little salt; little sugar; little water; liver; loaf; loaf sugar; lobster; loin; long; longer; look; lump; luncheon; macaroni; mace; mackerel; manner; mashed; mayonnaise; meal; meat; medium; meringue; method; middle; milk; mince; minutes; mix; mixed; mixing; mixture; mock; moderate; moisten; molasses; mold; moment; morning; muffins; mushrooms; muslin; mutton; napkin; near; necessary; neck; new; nice; nutmeg; nuts; oatmeal; omelet; onion; open; orange; ordinary; ounce; outside; oven; oysters; pan; pans; paper; parsley; parsnips; parts; paste; pastry; patties; peaches; peas; peel; pepper; person; pickled; pie; piece; pies; pigeons; pineapple; pink; pint; pitcher; place; placing; plain; plant; plates; platter; plenty; plum; pork; possible; potatoes; poultry; pound; pounded; pour; powder; powdered; powdered sugar; preferred; preparation; prepared; preserved; preserving; press; pressed; process; proper; proportion; pudding; puff; pulp; pumpkin; pure; purpose; quantity; quart; quarter; quick; quinces; radish; raisins; raspberries; raspberry; raw; ready; recipe; remainder; remedy; remove; rest; rhubarb; ribs; rice; rich; rich milk; rind; ripe; rise; roast; roasted; roasting; roll; root; rose; run; russe; sage; salad; salmon; salt; salt pork; salt water; salted; sandwiches; sauce; saucepan; savory; scald; scalloped; scrape; scum; seal; season; seasoning; second; seed; select; separate; set; shad; shake; shallow; sharp; shell; short; shoulder; sides; sieve; sifted; sifted flour; silk; silver; similar; simmer; size; skim; skin; slaw; slices; slip; slow; small; smoked; smooth; snow; soap; soda; soft; soup; sour; spiced; spinach; split; sponge; spoonfuls; spread; sprinkle; squares; squash; squeeze; stains; stale; stand; steak; steamed; stewed; stewpan; stiff; stir; stirred; stirring; stock; stove; strain; strained; strawberries; strawberry; strips; strong; stuffing; suet; sufficient; sufficient water; sugar; suitable; sun; superior; sure; surface; sweet; sweet cream; sweet milk; sweeten; syrup; tablespoonful; tapioca; tartar; teacupful; teaspoonful; tender; thick; thickens; thickly; thickness; thin; thirds; tie; tightly; time; tin; tins; tomatoes; tongue; tops; towel; tureen; turkey; turn; turnips; turpentine; turtle; upper; use; usual; vanilla; veal; vegetables; venison; vessel; vinegar; walnut; warm water; warmed; wash; washing; water; way; weeks; weight; wet; whip; whisk; white; white sugar; wide; wild; wine; winter; wooden; work; years; yeast; yellow; yolks; young cache: 13923.txt plain text: 13923.txt item: #2 of 13 id: 15019 author: Anonymous title: A Queens Delight The Art of Preserving, Conserving and Candying. As also, A right Knowledge of making Perfumes, and Distilling the most Excellent Waters. date: None words: 19185 flesch: 82 summary: _ Take white Wine one pottle, Rosemary and Cowslip flowers, of each one handful, as much Betony leaves, Cinamon and Cloves grosly beaten, of both one ounce; steep all these three dayes, stirring it often; then put to it Mithridate four ounces, and stir it together, and distil it in an ordinary still. _ Take Water drawn off the Vine dropping, the flowers of white Thorn, Bean-flowers, Water Lilly-flowers, Garden Lilly-flowers, Elder-flowers, and Tansie-flowers, Althea-flowers, the whites of Eggs, French Barley. keywords: apricocks; aqua; best; boil; cakes; candy; cherries; clear; close; cloves; cold; colour; conserve; cover; day; dayes; dish; drams; dry; earthen; fair; fair water; fine; fire; flowers; gelly; glass; good; green; half; handful; height; hot; hour; juyce; lay; leaves; lemons; like; liquor; liquorish; little; morning; mortar; musk; night; oranges; ounce; oven; pan; pare; paste; pint; pippins; plums; pot; pound; powder; pulp; quarter; quinces; red; roots; rose; rosemary; small; spoonfuls; stirring; stomach; stone; sugar; sun; sweet; syrup; tender; thick; thin; time; use; vitã; warm; water; way; weigh; white; wine cache: 15019.txt plain text: 15019.txt item: #3 of 13 id: 17439 author: Ritter, Thomas Jefferson title: Mother's Remedies Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remedies from Mothers of the United States and Canada date: None words: 7716 flesch: 57 summary: Skin, Inflammation of the 62 Skin, Inflammation of the (Herb Remedies) 412 Skinner's Dandruff Cure 485 Sleep 603 Sleeplessness 299 Sleeplessness (Herb Remedies} 426, 430, 439 Smallpox, Diagnosis of 4 Smallpox 201 Causes 201 Symptoms 201 Eruptions 201 Confluent Form 201 Varioloid 201 Treatment 202 Diet 202 Nursing 202 General Rule for Disinfection 203 Hands, Body, etc 203 Vaccination and Re-vaccination and its Prevention of Smallpox 203 A Good Time to be Vaccinated 203 Why Vaccinate? Onions and Salt for 681 Snake Bite (Herb Remedies) 434 Soda (Medical Use) 669 Salt Water Bath, Tonic Action 630 Softening of the Brain 298 Soft Diet 644 Soothing Syrup, Overdose of 622 Sore Eyes (Rare Prescription) 470, 549 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 681 1. keywords: abortion; acute; apple; baby; candy; care; causes; cervix; chaperon; children; chocolate; chronic; clean; common; cure; diagnosis; diet; diseases; dress; duties; etiquette; fever; form; furniture; general; girls; good; grape; hair; herb; herb remedies; home; index; inflammation; jam; jelly; kitchen; linen; making; manners; medical; menstruation; method; month; mothers; mourning; mustard; oil; old; paint; peaches; physicians; pickles; poison; poultice; powder; pregnancy; prescription; prevention; quotation; rare; remedies; remedy; salt; second; sewing; simple; smallpox; social; sore; spiced; squint; stage; stains; stomach; sweet; symptoms; table; tea; teeth; throat; time; tincture; tomato; tonic; tonsilitis; tooth; treatment; tuberculosis; tumors; turpentine; ulcer; unclassified; vaccination; vinegar; vomiting; vulva; wash; water; wedding; week; white; womb; worm; wounds cache: 17439.txt plain text: 17439.txt item: #4 of 13 id: 18432 author: Fowler, Arthur L. title: Fowler's Household Helps Over 300 Useful and Valuable Helps About the Home, Carefully Compiled and Arranged in Convenient Form for Frequent Use date: None words: 18537 flesch: 75 summary: For Sagging Chair Seats--When cane-seated chairs sag they can be tightened by washing the bottom of the cane in hot water and soap; then rinse in clean water and dry out-of-doors. When the burners become greasy, remove and wash them thoroughly in soap and hot water. keywords: alcohol; ammonia; appliances; article; baking; bed; best; better; black; boiling; bowl; brass; bread; broiler; broken; brown; brush; burners; burning; cake; care; carpet; ceiling; cellar; clean; cleaning; cloth; clothes; cold; color; cooking; cream; curtains; cut; dishes; dry; dust; eggs; electric; fine; fish; flat; floor; following; food; fresh; fruit; furniture; gas; gasoline; glass; good; grease; half; hands; hard; heat; hint; hot; hot water; house; household; ink; iron; juice; kerosene; kitchen; lamps; large; leather; lemon; light; lighting; like; linen; little; longer; machine; makes; meat; method; mildew; minutes; new; odor; old; open; oven; paint; pan; pans; paper; parts; peel; piece; place; plaster; polish; possible; press; rack; range; remedy; rinse; room; run; rust; salt; sewing; silver; small; soap; soft; soften; sponge; spots; stains; stand; starch; steam; stove; sweet; table; tender; time; turn; turpentine; use; vegetables; vinegar; wall; warm; wash; washing; water; watt; wax; way; wet; white; wood cache: 18432.txt plain text: 18432.txt item: #5 of 13 id: 26754 author: Bogardus, C. A. title: One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed date: None words: 72874 flesch: 77 summary: Put up in ounce bottles, and retail for 25 cents. adverb_ | examination row | part of speech | cramming boat | part of a man | _fagging_ steamer | TAYLOR | laborer _the funnel_ | measurer | hay field windpipe | theodolite | HAYES throat | _ keywords: acid; add; agreement; alcohol; alum; america; ammonia; animal; answer; appearance; applause; application; arabic; article; attention; author; b.c; balls; balsam; banking; bark; barrel; bathe; beautiful; beeswax; benefit; bergamot; best; better; bimetallism; bird; black; bleeding; blood; blue; body; bogardus; boil; boiling; boiling water; book; borax; bottle; box; boy; bricks; broken; brown; brush; burn; business; camphor; candy; capsicum; care; castor; cause; cement; center; cents; century; certain; chain; chalk; change; chapter; children; chloroform; cholera; cinnamon; city; clear; close; cloth; cloves; coinage; coins; cold; cold water; color; common; conditions; congress; consent; consistency; contract; control; cool; copper; cork; corn; corner; cost; cotton; country; course; court; cover; cream; cure; cut; daily; dark; date; day; days; dead; death; debt; deep; democratic; department; die; different; dip; directions; disease; dish; dissolve; dollar; dose; doubt; drachm; draw; drm; drms; drops; dry; eagle; earth; easy; eggs; england; english; equal; essence; ether; excellent; extract; eye; eyes; fact; fair; fall; far; farmer; fear; feed; feet; field; fillet; fillet head; filter; fine; fire; flavor; flour; fluid; following; foreigner; form; fortune; fourth; fourth ounce; frame; franklin; free; french; fresh; friends; gallons; gelatine; general; gentleman; glass; glucose; glue; glycerine; god; gold; gold standard; good; government; grains; grease; great; green; ground; gum; hair; half; half ounce; half oz; half pint; half pound; hand; hard; head; healthy; heat; heavy; help; high; history; hog; hogs; hold; home; hope; horse; hot; hours; icing; idea; illustration; inches; industry; ink; interest; international; iron; issue; john; july; june; justice; kind; knife; knowledge; labels; labor; lamp; lard; large; largest; law; laws; lead; leaf; leaves; left; legal; lemon; length; liberty; life; like; lime; lincoln; line; liniment; linseed; liquid; little; little water; live; living; loisette; long; longer; look; making; man; mankind; manner; mark; masses; match; matter; means; measure; memory; mental; mexico; miles; milk; mill; mind; minutes; mix; mixed; mixture; molasses; money; months; morning; mother; mouth; nations; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; newspaper; nickel; nose; notice; number; office; oil; ointment; ones; open; opium; orange; order; ordinary; ounce; ounce oil; outside; ozs; pain; pan; paper; parts; paste; patent; pay; payment; peel; people; peppermint; perfect; person; philadelphia; piece; pint; pipe; place; plank; plaster; platform; polish; poor; position; possible; potash; pounds; pour; powdered; power; practice; preparation; prepared; present; press; price; process; produce; proof; property; public; pulverized; pure; purpose; quantity; quart; quarter; question; read; reader; reason; recipe; remedy; reply; republicans; repudiation; resin; richard; rifle; right; rise; room; root; rubber; rubbing; said; salt; sand; sassafras; score; second; seed; self; sense; set; sheep; shellac; shooting; shot; silver; simple; size; slow; small; soap; soda; soft; soft water; solution; sound; speech; spirits; spread; square; standard; starch; stars; states; steel; stephens; stick; stir; stirring; stone; stop; strain; strips; strong; students; subject; substance; sufficient; sugar; sulphate; sure; surface; sweet; syrup; system; table; tablespoonful; tariff; tartar; tax; taxes; teaspoonful; teeth; tender; thee; thick; thing; thought; thy; time; tincture; tis; today; trade; treatment; trouble; true; tub; turn; turpentine; united; united states; use; useful; valuable; value; vessel; vinegar; violet; vitriol; volume; want; warm; warm water; washington; water; wax; way; weak; wealth; week; weight; wet; white; wide; wine; wise; wolcott; wood; words; work; world; worth; writing; years; yellow; york; young; zinc; | | cache: 26754.txt plain text: 26754.txt item: #6 of 13 id: 28452 author: Anonymous title: The American Housewife Containing the Most Valuable and Original Receipts in all the Various Branches of Cookery; and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner date: None words: 61240 flesch: 89 summary: Keep a tea kettle of boiling water to turn in as the water boils away--cold water makes the crust heavy. Drawn Butter._ Mix two or three tea spoonsful of flour with a little cold water--stir it till free from lumps thin it and stir it into half a pint of boiling water--let it boil two or three minutes then cut up about a quarter of a pound of butter into small pieces and put it with the flour and water--set it where it will melt gradually. keywords: add; alum; apples; bag; bake; baking; beef; best; black; boil; boiled; boiling water; bone; bottle; brandy; bread; brown; brown sugar; butter; buttered; cake; cinnamon; clean; cloth; cloves; coffee; cold water; color; common; cooked; cool; couple; course; cover; cream; crust; cup; cups; currants; cut; days; deep; directions; dish; drain; dressing; dry; dye; eggs; fair water; fat; fine; fire; fish; flavor; flour; following; fresh; fried; froth; fruit; fry; ginger; glass; good; grated; gravy; green; half; hard; head; heat; hot; hot water; hour; inch; indian; jelly; juice; kinds; knife; lard; large; layer; leaves; leg; lemon; line; liquor; little; little butter; little flour; little salt; little water; long; lukewarm; lukewarm water; mace; manner; meal; meat; milk; minutes; mix; mixed; molasses; mutton; necessary; nice; nutmeg; ounces; oven; oysters; pan; pans; paper; peaches; peel; pepper; pie; pieces; pies; pint; place; plain; plates; pork; pot; potatoes; pound; powdered; preserve; proportion; pudding; quantity; quart; quarter; quick; raisins; rice; rich; rind; ripe; rosewater; rub; rubbed; saleratus; salt; salt pepper; sauce; season; set; sifted; size; slices; small; soap; soft; soup; spoonful; sprinkle; stew; stiff; stir; strain; strong; sufficient; sugar; sweet; sweeten; syrup; table; taste; tea; tea cup; tea spoonful; tender; thick; thin; tight; time; turn; use; veal; vinegar; warm; wash; water; water butter; way; weather; white; white sugar; wine; yeast; yelks cache: 28452.txt plain text: 28452.txt item: #7 of 13 id: 29084 author: Eaton, Mary, active 1823-1849 title: The Cook and Housekeeper's Complete and Universal Dictionary; Including a System of Modern Cookery, in all Its Various Branches, Adapted to the Use of Private Families date: None words: 341998 flesch: 80 summary: Mix it into a stiffish paste, with as little water as possible; beat it well, and roll it thin. If your tarts are made of apricots, green almonds, nectarines, or green plums, they must be scalded before you use them, and observe to put nothing to them but sugar, and as little water as possible; make use of the syrup they were scalded in, as you did for your apples, &c. Cherries, currants, raspberries, and all ripe fruits need not be scalded; and if you make your tarts in china, or glass patties, lay the sugar at bottom, then the fruit, with a little more sugar on the top; put no paste at the bottom, only lid them over, and bake them in a slack oven. keywords: account; acid; addition; advantage; affected; agreeable; air; ale; allspice; almonds; alum; anchovies; anchovy; animal; appearance; apples; application; approved; apricots; apt; article; ashes; asparagus; attention; august; bacon; bad; bake; balls; bark; barley; barrel; basin; bay; beat; beautiful; beds; beef; beer; bees; beet; beginning; beneficial; best; birds; biscuits; bit; bits; black; blade; blanch; blanched; blood; blue; board; boat; body; boil; boiled; boiling water; bone; borders; bottle; bottoms; bowels; bowl; box; boxes; branches; brandy; bread; breaking; breast; brewing; brick; bright; brine; broken; broth; brown; browned; bruised; brush; bunch; bung; burning; bushel; butter; buttered; cabbage; cakes; calf; camphor; candied; candy; capers; care; careful; carp; carraway; carrots; case; cask; causes; cayenne; celery; cement; centre; certain; change; charcoal; cheap; cheese; cherries; chickens; children; chimney; china; chopped; cider; cinnamon; circumstances; citron; clarified; clean; clean water; cleaning; cleanliness; close; cloth; clothes; cloves; coarse; coat; cod; coffee; cold butter; cold water; collared; collops; colour; coloured; combs; comfort; common; common salt; complaint; composition; consequence; considerable; consistence; constant; constitution; convenient; cooking; cool; copper; cork; country; cover; covered; covering; cow; cows; cream; crisp; crop; crumbs; crust; cucumbers; cullender; cupful; cups; curd; cure; currants; currie; cut; cutting; daily; damp; danger; day; days; deal; deep; degrees; delicate; depth; description; diet; different; difficult; digestion; dinner; dip; direction; disagreeable; diseases; dish; dishes; disorder; dissolved; distance; distress; divide; domestic; door; double; dough; downwards; dozen; drain; dram; draw; drawing; dredge; dressed; dressing; drink; drinking; dripping; drops; dry; drying; duck; dumplins; dung; dust; dutch; dye; early; ears; earthen; easy; eating; economy; edge; eels; effect; effectual; eggs; elder; elegant; ends; equal; essence; essential; esteemed; evening; evident; excellent; exercise; expense; extract; eyes; fall; families; family; fast; fat; fatal; feathers; fed; feed; feet; fermentation; fillet; fine; fine butter; fine flour; fine sugar; finest; fins; fire; firm; fish; fit; flannel; flat; flavour; flies; flour; floured; flower water; flowering; flowers; fly; following; follows; food; foot; forcemeat; foreign; form; fortnight; fowl; free; french; frequent; fresh; fresh butter; fresh water; fricassee; fried; frost; fruit; fry; fryingpan; funnel; furniture; gallon; game; garden; garlic; garnish; geese; general; gentle; gill; ginger; giving; glass; glasses; good; good gravy; goodness; goose; gooseberries; gooseberry; grains; grapes; grated; gravy; great; greater; greatest; green; ground; growth; gruel; gum; habit; hair; half; ham; hand; handful; hard; hare; head; health; heat; heated; heavy; help; herbs; high; higher; hive; hog; hold; hollow; home; honey; hops; horseradish; hot; hot water; hour; house; human; hung; importance; improper; improvement; inches; incorporated; increase; inferior; inflammation; infusion; ingredients; injured; injurious; injury; insects; inside; intended; iron; isinglass; ivory; jam; jar; jars; jelly; joint; juice; july; june; keeping; kernels; ketchup; kettle; kind; kitchen; knife; knuckle; lamb; landlord; lard; large; layer; laying; lead; leaf; leaves; left; leg; legs; lemon; lemon peel; length; lettuce; liable; lid; lie; life; light; like; likely; lime; lime water; linen; linseed; liquid; liquor; little butter; little cold; little cream; little fine; little flour; little fresh; little gravy; little lemon; little mace; little milk; little nutmeg; little pepper; little salt; little sugar; little time; little vinegar; little warm; little water; little white; liver; loaf; lobster; loin; london; long; longer; look; lukewarm; lump; mace; machine; malt; management; manner; marble; march; marjoram; marrow; mash; mass; materials; matter; means; measure; meat; medicine; method; middle; middling; mild; milk; mince; mint; minutes; mix; mixed; mixing; mixture; moderate; moist; moisten; moisture; moment; months; morels; morning; mortar; mould; mouth; mushrooms; muslin; mustard; mutton; napkin; natural; nature; near; necessary; neck; need; new; nice; notice; nourishing; nourishment; number; numerous; nutmeg; nutricious; oatmeal; object; occasion; offensive; ointment; ones; onion; open; opening; operation; orange; order; ounces; outside; oven; oysters; pack; page; pale; pan; paper; parsley; parsnips; particular; parts; paste; patient; patties; pattipans; pearl; peas; peck; peel; people; pepper; peppercorns; perfection; period; pernicious; persons; perspiration; pickle; piece; pies; pig; pigeons; pint; pipe; place; plain; plants; plaster; plates; pleasant; plenty; poor; pork; porter; possible; potatoes; pots; potted; poultry; pound; pounded; pour; powder; powdered; practice; preferable; preferred; preparation; prepared; present; preserve; preserving; press; pretty; principal; process; produce; proper; proportion; pudding; puff; pulp; pure; purpose; quality; quantities; quantity; quarter; quarts; quick; rabbits; raisins; raspberries; rats; ready; refined; regular; relief; relish; remainder; remains; remedy; rennet; rest; return; rhubarb; ribs; rice; rich; rind; ripe; rise; roast; roasted; roasting; roll; rolling; room; roots; rose water; rosin; rows; rub; rubbed; rubbing; rump; run; sack; sage; said; salad; salmon; salt; salt butter; salted; saltpetre; sauce; saucepan; sausages; savoury; scalded; scale; scent; scotch; scrag; scrape; scum; season; seasoned; seasoning; second; sediment; seed; separate; set; setting; seville; shake; shallow; shalot; sharp; shell; sherry; shoes; shoots; shoulder; shred; sides; sieve; sifted; silk; silver; similar; simmer; simple; sippets; situation; size; skewer; skim; skin; slices; slow; small; small quantity; smaller; smoke; smooth; soaked; soap; soft; soil; soles; solid; solution; sorrel; sort; soup; sour; sow; sown; space; spanish; species; spinach; spirits; spit; sponge; spoonful; spread; sprig; spring water; sprinkled; square; squeeze; stains; stalks; stand; standing; starch; state; steaks; steam; steep; stems; stew; stewed; stewpan; stick; stiff; stirred; stirring; stomach; stone; stop; strain; strained; straw; strength; strong; stronger; stuffing; subject; substance; substitute; suet; sufficient; sugar; sulphur; sun; superior; supply; surface; sweet; sweetbreads; sweeten; sweetmeats; syrup; table; taking; tammis; tape; tartar; tea; tenant; tender; thick; thicken; thickened; thickness; thin; things; throat; thyme; time; tin; tincture; tins; tongue; tops; treacle; trees; trouble; truffles; tub; turbot; tureen; turkey; turn; turnips; turpentine; turtle; upper; use; useful; usual; valuable; variety; vat; veal; vegetables; venison; vermin; vessel; vinegar; vitriol; wall; walnut; want; warm water; warmed; wash; washed; washing; water; water gruel; water sufficient; wax; way; weak; weather; weeds; week; weight; wet; whey; whisk; white; white pepper; white sugar; white wine; wholesome; wide; wild; wine; winter; wipe; wood; wooden; work; working; wort; writing; year; yeast; yellow; yolks; young cache: 29084.txt plain text: 29084.txt item: #8 of 13 id: 35123 author: Hartley, Florence title: The Ladies' Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness A Complete Hand Book for the Use of the Lady in Polite Society date: None words: 87016 flesch: 71 summary: Yet, in spite of the universal need, and almost universal habit, there are really but very few persons who write a _good_ letter; a letter that is, at the same time long enough to interest, yet not long enough to tire; sufficiently condensed to keep the attention, and not tedious, and yet detailed enough to afford satisfaction; that is correct in grammatical construction, properly punctuated, written in a clear, legible hand, with the date, address, signature, all in the proper place, no words whose letters stand in utter defiance to spelling-book rules; in short, a well-written letter. One good rule can be always followed by young ladies; to converse with a lady friend as if there were gentlemen present, and to converse with a gentleman as if in the room with other ladies. keywords: acquaintance; action; address; advantage; agreeable; almonds; amusement; answer; appearance; arms; arrangement; article; attention; awkward; bad; ball; ball room; bath; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; best; black; blue; body; boiling; bonnet; book; bottle; bow; bread; breakfast; breeding; bride; brush; business; callers; calls; cap; card; careful; carriage; case; centre; certain; chain; change; chapter; character; cheerful; children; church; circumstances; city; clean; cloak; close; cloth; clothes; cold; collar; color; comfort; common; companion; company; conduct; confidence; consideration; conspicuous; conversation; converse; cool; correct; correspondence; costume; country; course; courtesy; cover; crape; cream; cut; daily; dance; dancing; dark; day; days; decline; deep; degree; delicate; deportment; desire; details; different; difficult; dinner; directions; dish; display; domestic; door; doubt; drachm; drawing; dress; dresses; dressing; drops; dry; duties; duty; early; ease; easy; education; effect; effort; elegant; endeavor; engagement; equal; escort; etiquette; evening; evil; excellent; exercise; extreme; eyes; face; fair; fall; familiar; family; fancy; fashion; father; favor; feelings; feet; figures; fine; fingers; finished; fire; fit; flannel; flowers; following; food; foot; form; forward; frame; french; fresh; friend; fruit; general; gentleman; german; girl; glass; gloves; good; graceful; great; green; guests; habit; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; head; health; heart; high; hints; hold; home; hospitality; hostess; hotel; hour; house; household; human; husband; ill; important; information; insult; interest; interesting; introduce; invitation; iron; judgment; juice; keeping; kind; kindness; knife; knit; knitting; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; language; large; late; lead; leave; leaving; left; lemon; letter; life; light; like; linen; literature; little; long; look; loud; love; manner; married; material; matter; means; mere; milk; mind; minutes; miss; mix; mixture; mode; morning; mortar; mother; mouth; mrs; music; muslin; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; needle; new; note; notice; number; object; occasion; offer; oil; ones; open; opera; opinion; order; otto; ounces; paper; parents; parlor; parties; partner; party; pass; passing; pattern; pearl; people; perfect; person; personal; piano; picture; piece; place; plain; play; pleasant; pleasure; point; politeness; poor; position; possible; power; practice; present; pretty; private; proper; propriety; public; pure; purpose; question; quiet; reach; reading; ready; real; reason; reception; regard; remarks; removed; repeat; request; respect; return; ribbon; rich; rise; room; root; rose; round; row_--knit; rows; rude; rudeness; rule; run; salt; seat; seated; second; self; sense; servants; service; set; shawl; sheet; short; silence; silk; simple; skin; sleeves; small; smooth; soap; social; society; soft; sorrow; speak; spermaceti; spirits; spoon; stand; standing; state; stitches; strain; stranger; street; strong; study; style; subject; suffering; sufficient; suitable; summer; supper; sympathy; table; taking; talk; tartar; taste; tea; thin; things; time; tone; tooth; traveling; trimmed; trouble; true; use; useful; usual; veil; velvet; visit; voice; vulgar; waiters; walk; walking; want; wardrobe; warm; wash; washing; water; wax; way; wear; wedding; wet; white; windows; wine; winter; wishes; women; wool; words; work; world; worse; writing; wrong; years; young cache: 35123.txt plain text: 35123.txt item: #9 of 13 id: 36689 author: Anonymous title: The New England Cook Book, or Young Housekeeper's Guide Being a Collection of the Most Valuable Receipts; Embracing all the Various Branches of Cookery, and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner date: None words: 37734 flesch: 90 summary: Put soap into boiling water and beat it till it is all dissolved and forms a strong lather when at a hand heat put in the article that is to be washed and if strong it may be rubbed hard; when clean squeeze out the water without wringing and rinse it in warm water. When meat is frozen it should be put in cold water and remain in it till the frost is entirely out if there is any frost in it when put to the fire it will be impossible to cook it well. keywords: apples; bake; beat; beef; best; black; boil; boiled; boiling; boiling water; bottle; brandy; bread; brown; butter; buttered; cake; cinnamon; clean; cloth; cloves; cold water; cool; couple; cover; cream; crust; cup; cut; days; deep; dish; dressing; dry; eggs; essence; fat; fine; fire; fish; flour; fresh; froth; fruit; fry; ginger; glass; good; grated; gravy; half; hot; hour; inch; indian; jelly; juice; lard; lay; layer; lemon; light; liquor; little; little butter; little flour; little salt; little water; loaf; long; lukewarm; mace; manner; meat; milk; minutes; mix; mixed; molasses; nice; nutmeg; ounces; oven; oysters; pan; peel; people; pepper; pie; piece; pies; pint; place; plates; pork; pot; potatoes; pound; pour; pudding; quantity; quart; quarter; rice; roll; rub; saleratus; salt; salt pepper; sauce; season; set; size; slices; small; soap; soft; soup; spoonful; sprinkle; stew; stir; strain; strips; sugar; sweet; syrup; table; table spoonful; taste; tea; tea cup; tea spoonful; tender; thick; thin; turn; use; veal; vinegar; warm; wash; water; way; white; wine; yeast cache: 36689.txt plain text: 36689.txt item: #10 of 13 id: 38067 author: Unknown title: A Select Collection of Valuable and Curious Arts and Interesting Experiments, Which are Well Explained and Warranted Genuine and may be Performed Easily, Safely, and at Little Expense. date: None words: 26608 flesch: 70 summary: THE ART OF MANUFACTURING PAPER HANGINGS.--This business, which has been usually, though improperly termed paper staining, consists principally in stamping or painting various figures in water colours on paper. _District Clerk's Office. keywords: acid; alcohol; ammonia; best; black; blue; boiling; brilliant; bronze; brown; brush; carbonate; cloth; cold; colour; coloured; common; composition; compound; copper; cut; design; different; diluted; distance; dry; end; equal; figures; fine; fire; flame; flask; form; fourth; galls; gas; glass; gold; green; ground; gum; hair; half; hard; heat; inches; ink; iron; lbs; lead; leather; letters; light; lime; lines; little; manner; marble; means; mercury; metal; metallic; mixed; mixture; moistened; mould; muriate; muriatic; nitrate; nitric; ochre; oil; ounce; paint; paper; parts; pencil; phial; picture; piece; plate; polished; potass; powder; prepared; proper; purple; purpose; quantity; red; requisite; set; silk; silver; similar; size; sizing; small; smooth; soda; soft; solution; spirits; steel; stone; strong; sub; sufficient; sulphate; sulphuric; super; surface; thick; time; tin; transparent; turpentine; use; varnish; vessel; warm; water; wax; wet; white; wood; work; writing; yellow; zinc cache: 38067.txt plain text: 38067.txt item: #11 of 13 id: 43418 author: Unknown title: Our Knowledge Box; or, Old Secrets and New Discoveries. date: None words: 30592 flesch: 77 summary: To boil for eating, put into boiling water; for soups, into cold water. To Cover Brass with beautiful Luster Colors._--One ounce of cream of tartar is dissolved in one quart of hot water, to which is added half an ounce of tin salt (protochloride of tin) dissolved in four ounces of cold water. keywords: acetic; acid; alcohol; alum; ammonia; arabic; article; ashes; barrel; bergamot; best; black; boiling; boiling water; book; bottle; box; brass; brown; bruised; brush; butter; camphor; candy; cement; cents.=; charcoal; cherry; cider; cinnamon; clean; close; cloth; cloves; cold; cold water; color; common; complete; cool; copper; cork; cover; covered; cream; cure; cut; dark; days; dip; dissolve; distilled; drachms; draw; drops; dry; effect; eggs; equal; essence; etc; excellent; extract; eyes; files; fine; fire; fish; fit; flavor; flowers; fluid; following; form; french; fresh; gallons; ginger; glass; glue; gold; good; grains; grease; great; green; ground; gum; hair; half; hands; hard; head; heat; hole; honey; horse; hot; hot water; hours; inches; ink; iron; juice; kind; lard; large; lavender; lbs; lead; leaves; lemon; ley; lime; linen; linseed; liquid; liquor; little; little water; loaf; long; manner; mercury; metal; method; milk; minutes; mix; mixed; mixture; molasses; necessary; new; night; oil; orange; otto; ounce; paper; parts; paste; peel; peppermint; piece; pills; pint; place; potash; pounds; pour; powdered; preparation; prepared; press; process; proof; pulverized; pure; quantity; quarter; quarts; ready; rectified; root; rose; rosemary; rubbed; rubbing; rum; salt; set; shade; silver; simple; size; small; soap; soda; soft; solution; spirits; spot; stand; starch; state; steel; stir; stirring; strain; strained; strength; strong; sufficient; sugar; sulphate; surface; sweet; syrup; tablespoonful; tallow; tartar; teaspoonful; thick; thin; time; tincture; trap; turpentine; use; useful; valuable; vessel; vinegar; warm; warm water; wash; water; wax; way; week; wet; white; wine; wonders; wood; work; writing; yeast; yellow; zinc cache: 43418.txt plain text: 43418.txt item: #12 of 13 id: 5763 author: Young, Daniel title: Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets Or, A Collection of Above 500 Useful Receipts on a Variety of Subjects date: None words: 51998 flesch: 79 summary: This tortoise-shell ground it not less valuable for its great hardness, and enduring to be made hotter than boiling water without damage, than for the superior beauty and brilliancy of its appearance. TO MAKE CLOTH, SILK &c., WATER-PROOF Mix equal quantities of alum and acetate of lead, and dissolve the mixture in 1-1/2 gallons of boiling water. keywords: acid; age; alcohol; alum; ammonia; antimony; appearance; application; arabic; article; barrel; beautiful; beer; best; better; bit; black; blood; blue; boil; boiling; borax; bottle; brandy; brass; brown; bruised; brush; camphor; carmine; cases; cement; cheese; cider; clean; cloth; coat; coating; cold; cold water; colour; coloured; colouring; common; composition; compound; cool; copper; copperas; cork; cotton; cream; curd; cure; cut; cyanide; dark; day; days; deep; degrees; different; dissolved; distilled; dose; drachms; drink; drm; drms; drops; dry; dye; edges; effect; eggs; end; equal; excellent; feet; fine; fire; fit; flavour; flour; fluid; flux; foil; following; form; french; fresh; gallon; galls; gamboge; general; gilding; gill; ginger; glass; glue; gold; good; grains; grams; great; green; ground; gum; hair; half; hand; hard; head; heat; hold; honey; horse; hot; hot water; hours; imitation; indigo; ingredients; ink; iodine; iron; juice; kettle; kind; lake; lamp; lard; large; lbs; lead; leaf; left; lemon; light; lime; linen; linseed; liquid; liquor; little; little water; loaf; long; making; manner; masticot; means; metal; method; milk; minutes; mix; mixed; mixture; morning; mouth; necessary; neck; new; ochre; oil; ointment; opium; orange; ounce; oxide; ozs; painting; paper; parts; paste; pencil; persuader; picture; piece; pink; pint; place; plating; polish; potash; potassium; pound; pour; powder; powdered; precipitate; prepared; press; process; proof; proper; pure; purple; quantity; quart; quarter; quicksilver; ready; receipt; red; resin; root; rose; rubber; run; salt; second; set; shaded; shake; shell; short; sienna; silver; silvering; size; skin; small; smooth; soap; soda; soft; solder; solution; spanish; spirits; sponge; stand; state; steel; stick; stirring; stone; strain; straw; strong; sufficient; sugar; sulphate; sun; surface; sweet; syrup; tablespoonful; tallow; tartar; tartaric; teaspoonful; thick; thin; time; tincture; transparent; true; tub; turn; turpentine; umber; use; useful; varnish; varnished; vase; vermilion; vessel; vinegar; vitriol; want; warm; warm water; wash; water; wax; way; wet; whiskey; white; white lead; white sugar; whiting; wine; wish; wood; work; years; yeast; yellow; zinc cache: 5763.txt plain text: 5763.txt item: #13 of 13 id: 9101 author: Lea, Elizabeth E. (Elizabeth Ellicott) title: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers date: None words: 86701 flesch: 76 summary: If they are not of a fine green color, change the water and leaves; when they are green enough, put them in cold soft water for three days, changing the water twice a day; then make a syrup of rather more than a pound of sugar to a pound of melon, some sliced ginger, the peel of a lemon, and a little mace; let them boil slowly fifteen minutes, take them up, and boil them again at the end of a week. Cantelopes, Cucumbers, or Melons. Take young watermelons, cucumbers or cantelopes; scrape the melons, and cut the rinds in shapes--leave the cucumbers whole; put them in a preserving kettle with alum and water; cover them, and let them boil till they are transparent; take them out, wash them in cold water, and wipe each piece separately; have your kettle nicely cleaned, and give them rather more than their weight in sugar; put a layer of sugar, and a layer of melon, some slices of green ginger, and the rind and juice of a lemon; let them stew over the fire till the syrup is rich; take them up, and stew them over again in about a week. Cranberries. Take a pint of corn meal; pour over it sufficient boiling water to make a very stiff dough, then add a table-spoonful of salt, and permit it to stand until about milk-warm; work it well with the hand, then make out the rolls, of an oblong shape, and bake them from half to three-quarters of an hour, according to their size. keywords: air; alum; apples; bacon; bag; bake; bark; barrel; beat; bed; beef; best; biscuit; black; boil; boiled; boiling water; bottle; brandy; bread; breakfast; brick; brown; burn; butter; cabbage; cake; care; careful; cheese; cherries; chicken; children; cider; clean; close; cloth; clothes; cloves; coals; coarse; coffee; cold; cold water; color; common; cook; cooked; cool; corn; cotton; cover; cream; crust; cucumbers; cup; cups; currant; custard; cut; day; days; deep; dinner; dip; dish; dishes; dough; drain; drink; drop; dry; dumplings; dust; dutch; dye; early; eggs; family; fat; feet; fine; fire; fish; flannel; flavor; flour; fresh; fruit; fry; gallon; ginger; glass; good; gravy; grease; great; green; half; ham; hard; head; heat; hot; hot water; hour; house; indian; iron; jar; jars; jelly; juice; kettle; kind; lard; large; layer; leaves; left; lemon; light; lime; liquor; little; little salt; little water; loaf; long; longer; lump; mace; making; mash; meal; meat; milk; minutes; mix; mixed; mixture; molasses; morning; muffins; mush; mutton; new; nice; nutmeg; ointment; onions; ounce; oven; oysters; pan; pans; paper; pare; parsley; peaches; peel; pepper; persons; pickle; piece; pies; pint; place; plates; pork; pot; potatoes; poultice; pound; pounded; pour; powdered; preserve; pudding; quantity; quart; quarter; quick; raisins; ready; relief; remedy; rice; rich; ripe; roll; root; rose; rub; salaeratus; salt; sauce; sausage; scald; season; seed; set; sick; size; skim; skin; slice; small; soap; soft; soup; sour; spirits; spoonful; stand; starch; stew; stewed; stiff; stir; stirring; stomach; stove; strain; strong; suet; sufficient; sugar; summer; sun; sweet; syrup; table; tallow; taste; tea; thick; thin; thyme; time; tin; toast; tomatoes; tub; use; useful; veal; vinegar; want; warm; warm water; wash; washed; washing; water; way; weather; weeks; weight; wet; white; wine; winter; wood; work; years; yeast; yelks; yellow; young cache: 9101.txt plain text: 9101.txt