item: #1 of 6 id: 16106 author: Bastiat, Frédéric title: What Is Free Trade? An Adaptation of Frederic Bastiat's "Sophismes Éconimiques" Designed for the American Reader date: None words: 36921 flesch: 64 summary: If we examine closely and in detail the phenomena of society and the private interests of men _as modified by the division of labor_, we perceive, without difficulty, how it has happened that wants have been confounded with riches, and the obstacle with the cause. Countries, therefore, which do not enjoy these advantages, must gain by commerce with those which do; because the exchanges of commerce are between _labor and labor_, subtraction being made of all the natural advantages which are combined with these labors; and it is evidently the most favored countries which can incorporate into a given labor the largest proportion of these _natural advantages_. keywords: chapter; country; dollars; exchange; good; iron; labor; man; men; national; nature; new; order; price; principle; produce; production; profit; public; result; system; theory; time; trade; value; work; worth; york; | | cache: 16106.txt plain text: 16106.txt item: #2 of 6 id: 20161 author: Bastiat, Frédéric title: Sophisms of the Protectionists date: None words: 93793 flesch: 71 summary: It was immediately evident to me that this was the result of _obstacles_ of various kinds existing between Brussels and Paris. Countries therefore which do not enjoy these advantages, must gain by commerce with those which do; because the exchanges of commerce are between _labor and labor_; subtraction being made of all the natural advantages which are combined with these labors; and it is evidently the most favored countries which can incorporate into a given labor the largest proportion of these _natural advantages_. keywords: article; capital; cloth; competition; country; day; economy; end; exchange; francs; free; general; good; industry; interest; iron; labor; law; man; means; men; national; natural; nature; order; paris; pay; people; political; price; principle; produce; production; proportion; public; question; result; right; service; society; spoliation; state; system; theory; things; time; trade; use; value; wages; work; world; year cache: 20161.txt plain text: 20161.txt item: #3 of 6 id: 36038 author: Graham, Harry title: Fiscal Ballads date: None words: 6873 flesch: 86 summary: An' their armies o' militia-men is hexcellent--but small, When the Colonies 'eld out their 'ands to us, It wasn't for British gold; But who 'll vouch for the love o' the Britisher-born, When 'e bargains 'is honour for tariffs on corn, An' 'is loyalty's bartered an' sold? (A 'appy 'armonious fam'ly we'll make, A-arguing who shall 'ave most o' the cake!) keywords: ave; british; day; joe; little; ome; pay; rhymes; trade; wot cache: 36038.txt plain text: 36038.txt item: #4 of 6 id: 44144 author: Bastiat, Frédéric title: Protection and Communism date: None words: 15904 flesch: 61 summary: There are numerous workmen fully convinced of the _right of labour_, and consequently Communists also without knowing or wishing it, and who would not acknowledge the title. But the word 'free-trade' implies the _free disposal of the produce of labour_, in other terms '_property_' keywords: communism; justice; labour; men; national; principle; produce; property; protection; public; right; state; system; trade cache: 44144.txt plain text: 44144.txt item: #5 of 6 id: 44145 author: Bastiat, Frédéric title: Economic Sophisms date: None words: 84459 flesch: 69 summary: If, then, it is politic to protect _national labour_ against the competition of _foreign labour_, it is not less so to protect _human labour_ against the rivalry of _mechanical labour_. Undoubtedly; there is _highway robbery_, which wants only to be legalized, and made a monopoly of, or, in the language of the present day, _organized_. keywords: capital; case; cloth; commodities; competition; corn; cost; country; demand; duty; employment; exchange; force; francs; free; general; good; human; industry; interest; iron; jacques; john; labour; law; liberty; man; means; men; national; nature; order; paris; people; place; present; price; principle; products; protection; public; question; reason; result; state; system; tax; theory; things; time; trade; way; wealth; work cache: 44145.txt plain text: 44145.txt item: #6 of 6 id: 89 author: Canada title: North American Free Trade Agreement, 1992 Oct. 7 Tariff Phasing Descriptions date: None words: 101673 flesch: 95 summary: A 9019.20 Oxygen therapy, artificial respiration or other therapeutic 9019.20.00 D 9019.20.00 A 9019.20.01 A 9020.00 Breathing appliances and gas masks, exc protective masks havin 9020.00.00 D 9020.00.40 D 9020.00.01 A 9020.00.60 A 0101.19.02 keywords: 0709.90.0p b; 4012.20.10 d; 6103.31.00 c; 7019.90.10 c; 7210.60.00 c; 7228.20.10 c; 7306.90.10 c; accessories nes; acid; acids nes; aircraft nes; alcohols nes; alloy; aluminium; animal; animal hair; antibiotics nes; apparatus nes; appliances nes; articles nes; artificial; bars; base; boilers nes; boys; c 2710.00.10; c 3823.90.50; c 3921.90.19; c sect; c staging; c tariff; c10; chloride nes; circ c; cntg; coil; compounds nes; copper; cotton; cotton fabrics; cotton yarn; derivatives; derivatives nes; dtex; electric; engines nes; equipment nes; etc; fabrics; fibres; filaments; film; fish nes; forms nes; fresh; frozen nes; garments nes; girls; glass; glass nes; goods nes; hair; hand; headgear nes; heading; hormones nes; hoses nes; hosiery nes; hydrocarbons nes; incl; instruments nes; iron; january; juice nes; leather; like; livers; mach nes; machinery; machines nes; man; mat nes; mches nes; metals nes; motors nes; nas; natural; nes; nes o; nickel; non; oil; oils; oils nes; oxides nes; paper; parts nes; pipe; plastics nes; polyester; polyesters nes; polymers nes; preparations nes; prepared; prod; prod nes; products nes; refined; rods; rolls; rubber nes; salts; salts nes; scrap; self; semi; sheets; sheets nes; stainless; staple; staple fibres; steel; stone nes; sug; synthetic; t b; tariff; textile; textile fabrics; textile materials; tubes; turbines nes; type nes; unwrought; use; waste; weave; weave cotton; weighing; weight; width; wire; womens; wood nes; wool; yarn nes; zinc cache: 89.txt plain text: 89.txt