item: #1 of 164 id: A00426 author: Estwick, Nicolas. title: A learned and godly sermon preached on the XIX. day of December, anno Dom. MDCXXXI. at the funerall of Mr. Robert Bolton Batchelour in Divinity and minister of Broughton in Northampton-Shire. By Mr. Nicolas Estvvick, Batchelour in Divinity, and sometimes fellow of Christs College in Cambridge, and now minister of Warkton in Northampton-Shire. Revised and somewhat enlarged by the author, and now at the importunity of some friends published date: 1639.0 words: 23280 flesch: 67 summary: To which I answer , that the Apostle doth not compare these together , I meane the enjoying of GOD and CHRIST , as though his chiefe happinesse did consist rather in beholding the body of CHRIST then the face of GOD , but his being with CHRIST , and that estate in glory is compared to his being in this present world , and he mentioneth CHRIST because he in his humane nature had purchased this great happinesse for him , which consisteth principally in the vision of divine excellency : our happinesse is chiefely in GOD , but by CHRIST his merit : do we not thinke that many poore exiles stripped out of their inheritance , and banished out of their native soile ; do desire to see that day , and that blessed man that should bring them out of their captivity , and settle them in their former habitations , and rejoyce in him as the author of their happinesse ? hence I note , A life in heaven with CHRIST , is farre better then a life on earth with men . I grant to desire death simply , as death , is against the Law of GOD and the law of nature , death is our enemie , and is not from GOD creationes by creation , though it be truly from him ultione to revenge the sins of man , saith Florus de praedest : or as others say , it is from him ordinatione , because in justice he ordained death corporall as one part of the punishment which was due for the sinne of man , and hence our Saviour CHRIST himselfe who knew no sin at all , viewing death as it is in it selfe considered , declined it , let this cup passe , and so did Saint Paul too , we will not ( saith he ) be uncloathed , the parting of these good friends body and soule without some further end , is a grievous separation ; this harmelesse innocent nature teacheth ; and as death is further a meanes to cut off all possibility to profit others , and to helpe the poore Church of CHRIST with our labours ●●…us piety and grace may move them to pray with David , LORD let my soule live . keywords: alwaies; angels; apostle; assurance; basil; batchelour; benefit; best; better; blessed; body; bolton; brethren; brother; cause; children; christ; christians; chrysostome; church; city; comfort; cor; daies; danger; david; day; dead; death; degree; desire; divell; divinity; doctrine; doe; doth; duty; earth; eebo; english; esay; evill; experience; eyes; face; faithfull; far; farre; father; feare; fire; flesh; friends; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospell; grace; gracious; great; greater; hand; happinesse; happy; hast; hath; heart; heaven; hell; helpe; high; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; house; humane; husband; iob; joy; judgement; king; land; law; learned; life; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; losse; love; luk; maist; man; manner; martyr; mat; meanes; men; ministers; mourne; naturall; nature; nay; need; northampton; outward; owne; parts; passe; paul; people; persons; place; point; poore; power; pray; prayers; preaching; presence; present; profitable; psal; purgatory; reason; regard; respect; rest; returne; riches; righteous; rom; saint; saith; salvation; saviour; sea; seene; selves; sheweth; shire; short; sight; sin; sinne; sinners; sins; soule; speake; spirit; spirituall; state; strong; subject; sweet; tabernacle; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; time; torment; true; truth; unto; vanity; vse; way; wee; wicked; wife; wilt; wisdome; wise; words; work; world; yeares cache: A00426.xml plain text: A00426.txt item: #2 of 164 id: A00510 author: Fletcher, Joseph, 1577?-1637, attributed name. title: A sermon preached at Ashby De-la-zouch in the countie of Leicester at the funerall of the truely noble and vertuous lady Elizabeth Stanley one of the daughters and coheires of the Right Honourable Ferdinand late Earle of Derby, and late wife to Henrie Earle of Huntingdon the fifth earle of that familie. The 9. of February. Anno Dom. 1633. By I.F. date: 1635.0 words: 8433 flesch: 66 summary: She was not like those which esteeme themselves onely members , and others but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 apostems congenite and connaturall partes with themselves , her zeale was farre from being 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a bitter zeale , such as we see in some , like a salt-light , which burnes indeed but spits withall ; while she had health she made advantage therof thus to demeane her selfe , not deferring the taking up of good purposes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 &c. Greg : 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . &c. keywords: able; advantage; againe; apostle; assent; beleeve; beleeveth; bodies; books; characters; children; christ; condition; copies; creation; day; dead; death; doth; dust; earle; earth; eebo; elizabeth; encoding; end; english; face; faith; father; flesh; god; goodnesse; grave; great; greg; hath; hearts; heaven; himselfe; hope; house; huntingdon; iesus; images; knowledge; late; law; life; light; lord; man; men; nature; naz; neere; new; noble; non; obiect; online; owne; oxford; partnership; phase; power; promise; reason; redeemer; respect; resurrection; satan; second; selfe; sermon; sinne; soule; spirit; strength; tcp; tei; text; things; thou; thy; truth; understanding; unto; voice; world; xml cache: A00510.xml plain text: A00510.txt item: #3 of 164 id: A01347 author: Fuller, William, 1579 or 80-1659. title: The mourning of Mount Libanon: or, The temples teares A sermon preached at Hodsocke, the 20. day of December, anno Domini, 1627. In commemoration of the right honourable and religious lady, the Lady Frances Clifton, daughter to the Right Honourable the Earle of Cumberland: and wife to the truly noble Sir Geruas Clifton of Clifton, in the county of Nottingham, Knight and Baronet, who deceased the 20. Nouember, 1627. By William Fuller Doctor of Diuinity, one of his Maiesties chapleines in ordinary. date: 1628.0 words: 12627 flesch: 73 summary: And God we know doth often cloath his will in parables , vt noua minùs fastidiat variet as , that variety may delight and make a deepe impression in him that heareth : Nathans tale of the poore mans sheepe that was his whole flocke , went to the quicke with Dauid : nor is there a more piercing passage in the whole booke of God , then Iothams parable of the trees choosing their king , and all refused the troublesome honour , but onely the ambitious bramble , meaning Abimelech the vsurper . And yet in this we must not sorrow as men without hope : for with God there is mercy that hee might be feared : keywords: abies; angels; armes; augustine; bed; bee; better; betwixt; blessed; body; books; cap; cause; cedars; characters; childe; children; christ; christian; church; clifton; comfort; course; cyprian; danger; daughter; dauid; day; dead; death; desire; difference; diuine; doe; doth; early; earth; eebo; english; est; euen; euery; excellent; eyes; eyther; faith; fallen; father; feare; firre; frances; friends; fuller; giue; god; gods; good; grace; great; griefe; happy; hath; haue; head; heart; heauen; hee; hic; himselfe; holy; honourable; hope; house; howle; howling; humane; ioy; iudgement; iust; lady; leaue; lib; libanon; life; lions; little; liues; long; lord; losse; loue; man; mans; maruell; meat; mee; members; men; mens; mercy; mount; mourning; nature; necessity; neighbour; neuer; noble; non; occasion; open; ouer; owne; pardon; passion; people; pitty; place; poore; practise; prayers; presence; present; prophet; prouidence; quare; quia; quid; quod; reason; religion; right; sad; saint; sam; sayd; saynts; sayth; second; sed; seene; selfe; serm; sermon; shame; shee; sonne; sorrow; soule; sure; tcp; teares; tei; temples; text; themselues; thou; thy; time; trees; true; truth; vertue; vnder; vntill; vnto; vpon; wee; weepe; weeping; whilest; wife; william; words; world; ● ● cache: A01347.xml plain text: A01347.txt item: #4 of 164 id: A01523 author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. title: Abrahams decease A meditation on Genesis 25.8. Deliuered at the funerall of that worthy seruant of Christ, Mr. Richard Stock, late pastor of All-Hallowes Bread-street: together with the testimonie then giuen vnto him. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith. date: 1627.0 words: 29491 flesch: 93 summary: d Quod de arc●● Herac●●t . l. i 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . keywords: a01523; ab ●; abel; able; abraham; account; act; adde; age; al ●; ambr; ancient; anima; answer; ante; apostle; apud; art; atque; au ●; aug; august; aut; bad; bane; basil; bee; benefit; bern; best; better; betweene; blessed; blessing; body; bon; books; breath; brother; bus; c. 2; cap; care; carefull; casus; cause; characters; children; christ; christian; chron; chrysost; church; cic; clem; co ●; commeth; common; condition; congregation; cor; corpore; corpus; course; cu ●; cum; d ●; daies; data; dauid; day; de sen; dead; death; decease; dedit; desire; deus; die; diem; diest; diogenes; disease; doe; dom; doth; dreame; drop; dum; dust; dying; eadem; early; eccles; eebo; eius; end; english; enim; eos; epist; es ●; esai; esse; est; estate; etiam; euen; euery; euill; eurip; exposition; eye; f ●; fab; facit; faciunt; faithfull; farre; fathers; fauour; feare; fill; fit; flesh; followeth; frailtie; free; friends; gataker; gen; generall; ghost; giuen; god; godly; gods; goe; goeth; good; goodnesse; graue; gray; great; greater; greg; h ●; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; health; heathen; heauen; hebr; hee; helpe; hieron; himselfe; hinc; hoc; holy; hom; home; honour; horat; house; iacob; ibid; idem; ier; illa; inter; ioan; iob; iohn; ioseph; isid; itaque; iust; iuuen; keepe; kinde; king; l. 1; l. 2; labours; late; leaue; length; lib; life; light; like; little; liue; liueth; long; longer; lord; lucret; luke; magis; maist; man; manner; mans; marc; maruell; matter; matth; max; meanes; men; mercy; mi ●; ministery; mo ●; mor ●; moritur; mors; mortem; mortis; natura; naturall; naz; nec; nemo; nepot; neuer; nihil; nisi; nobis; nom; non; nos; notes; nulla; ob ●; obserue; old; omnes; omnia; ordinary; owne; page; paines; painfull; particular; pastor; pel; people; pet; philip; phrase; pl ●; place; plin; plut; point; pol; potest; pr ●; present; priuate; proofe; prope; prophet; prou; psal; psalmist; publike; puffe; qu ●; qua ●; quae; quaest; quam; quasi; quem; qui; quia; quicquid; quid; quidem; quis; quod; quos; reason; receiue; regard; religious; respect; returne; richard; rom; s ●; saith; sam; samuel; satis; saue; sauiour; se ●; second; sed; seeme; selfe; sen; senectus; seruant; set; seu; shadow; sic; sicut; sinne; sit; small; smoake; solum; soone; soule; speake; speciall; spirituall; stay; stob; stock; strange; strength; strom; sua; suis; sum; sunt; sup; sure; syr; tam; tamen; tanquam; tcp; tei; temp; tempus; terra; tertul; text; thee; themselues; thereunto; thine; things; thomas; thou; thy; tibi; time; true; v ●; val; vanitie; vel; verb; vi ●; vid ●; vide; vitae; viuere; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; want; water; way; wee; whereof; wicked; willing; wind; wit; withall; word; worke; worthy; yea; yeeres; younger; ● e; ● eth; ● ibus; ● il; ● n; ● o; ● ra; ● rit; ● st; ● t; ● tur; ● u; ● ● cache: A01523.xml plain text: A01523.txt item: #5 of 164 id: A01528 author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. title: Christian constancy crovvned by Christ A funerall sermon on Apocalyps 2.10. preached at the buriall of M. VVilliam Winter, citizen of London; together with the testimonie then giuen vnto him. By Thomas Gataker, B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith. date: 1624.0 words: 14057 flesch: 88 summary: 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ; Ly●●macl● apud Plut. In which respect this funerall Sermon preached out of loue and honour of the graces of God in a poore , yet well esteemed Christian ( Master WINTER ) may gaine acceptan●● , as being not onely for matter sound , for handling cleere , but for the times seasonable . keywords: againe; apoc; apostle; aug; backe; bee; bern; better; books; branch; carefull; characters; christ; christian; chrysost; confidence; conscience; cor; couenants; counterfeit; course; crowne; cum; death; desire; dicitur; doe; doth; dutie; early; eebo; end; english; enim; ephes; epist; ere; est; eternall; euen; euer; euerlasting; euill; extent; faithfull; faithfulnesse; fall; farre; feare; fidelitie; fides; free; fresh; friend; galat; gataker; gift; giue; god; gods; good; grace; great; greater; greg; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heb; hee; heed; himselfe; hold; holy; hope; ibid; idem; iesus; iohn; keepe; kinde; lesse; life; light; like; little; london; long; lord; luke; man; master; matth; meanes; men; mor; necessitie; nihil; non; obserue; occasions; ouer; particular; parts; paul; perseuerance; pet; peter; plut; point; power; precept; profession; promises; psal; quae; quam; qui; quid; quod; reason; regard; respect; rom; saith; sauiour; sed; selfe; selues; sen; sermon; seruant; seruice; set; shew; short; sinne; sit; soule; sound; sunt; sure; tcp; tei; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thomas; thou; thy; tim; time; true; trust; vers; vita; vnto; vpon; vse; waies; walke; way; wee; william; willing; winter; worke; world; yea; ● ● cache: A01528.xml plain text: A01528.txt item: #6 of 164 id: A01531 author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. title: The decease of Lazarus Christ's friend A funerall sermon on Iohn. chap. 11. vers. 11. preached at the buriall of Mr. John Parker merchant and citizen of London. By Tho. Gataker B. of D. and rector of Rotherhith. date: 1640.0 words: 22380 flesch: 89 summary: C●lo● . ●p● . keywords: abraham; adde; affection; againe; ambr; amicitia non; amity; amor; amor non; apoc; apostle; appeare; apud; arist; aug; august; aut; awake; bern; better; betweene; blessed; body; branch; brother; c. 2; cap; carefull; chap; charge; charity; christ; christian; comfort; common; condition; constant; cor; course; cum; d ●; daily; david; day; dead; death; decease; desire; di ●; disposition; dom; doth; dye; early; earth; english; enim; enim non; ephes; epist; es ●; esay; esse; esse non; est; estate; eurip; eye; f ●; faithfull; father; favour; favourites; feare; fieri non; friend; friendship; gataker; gen; god; godly; gods; good; goodnesse; grace; grave non; great; greatest; greg; griefe; h ●; hand; hast; hath; head; heart; heb; himselfe; hoc; hom; honour; iames; ibi non; ibid; idem; imp; ioan; iob; iohn; ionathan; ita; j ●; john; kings; l. 1; l. 2; lazarus; leave; lib; life; like; london; long; lord; love; loveth; lud non; luke; manifest; manner; marc; matter; matth; mayest; men; merchant; minde; mors; mutuall; naz; need; nihil; non; non agit; non bonum; non casu; non computantur; non constat; non contractu; non contri; non diligit; non dixit; non eget; non ei; non est; non excitas; non expedit; non la; non magis; non oblivis; non omnibus; non persoratum; non poena; non poterant; non potest; non praes; non priu; non projicare; non remedia; non selū; non sit; non sunt; non volumus; nos; obedience; occasion; omnes; opus non; orat; ordinary; parker; paul; people; phil; piety; place; pleased; plin; plut; po ●; point; poore; posse; pounds; pr ●; praeceptis non; present; private; prov; psal; publick; qae; qae non; qam; qid; qis non; qod; qod non; ratio non; reason; religious; rest; roman; s ●; saith; sam; saviour; se ●; sect; sed; selves; senec; service; sic; sleepe; sleepeth; soule; speciall; spirituall; sunt; sure; suscitare non; tantum non; temp; text; thee; thes; thine; things; thou; thy; tibi; time; true; u non; u ●; use; verb; vers; vse; words; work; world; worldly; yea; ● e; ● g; ● m; ● n; ● o; ● r; ● ri; ● t; ● ur; ● ● cache: A01531.xml plain text: A01531.txt item: #7 of 164 id: A01538 author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. title: Ieroboams sonnes decease a funerall sermon on part of 1 Kings 14. 17. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith. date: 1627.0 words: 18407 flesch: 88 summary: i 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Pet. 1.13 . i 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . keywords: able; act; affection; age; ales; alex; answer; ante; apud; art; aug; bad; bee; bern; best; better; birth; blessing; bodies; books; borne; branch; c. 2; cases; cause; characters; childe; children; comfort; course; crosse; cum; cure; dauid; day; death; decease; descents; deut; die; doe; doth; doubt; dum; early; eebo; english; enim; esai; est; euen; euer; euill; exception; exod; exposition; ezech; ezek; facit; family; father; filius; free; gataker; generall; giuen; god; godly; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; grace; great; greg; hand; hath; haue; hauing; hee; hieron; himselfe; hoc; holy; home; horat; house; howsoeuer; iam; ibid; idem; ierem; ieroboams; impious; iniquitie; iob; iohn; ita; iudgement; iun; iustice; kinde; king; l. 1; l. 2; law; leg; length; lesse; life; light; like; little; liue; long; lord; man; manner; mans; marc; matter; matth; meanes; men; mercie; mors; nascitur; naturall; nature; nec; need; nemo; new; nihil; nisi; non; nurse; occasion; offence; oft; old; ones; ouer; ought; owne; parents; parentum; passe; peccato; peccatum; people; pet; place; plut; point; possessions; posteritie; power; practice; present; prophet; prouid; psal; punisheth; punishment; purpose; quaest; quam; qui; quia; quod; quomodo; quos; reason; regard; rest; rom; saith; sam; second; sed; sen; set; shew; sic; sicknesse; signes; sinne; siue; sonnes; soone; soueraigne; soules; speciall; standeth; state; strong; subiect; sum; sunt; tamen; tcp; tei; temporall; tertull; text; thee; themselues; theodoret; things; thinke; thomas; thou; thy; time; troubled; true; vbique; verb; verie; vers; vide; vita; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; wicked; world; worse; wrath; yea; yeeres; young; youth; ● r; ● ● cache: A01538.xml plain text: A01538.txt item: #8 of 164 id: A01547 author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. title: Saint Stevens last will and testament A funerall sermon on Acts 7. ver. 59. preached at the enterrement of the remaines of Mris Joice Featly. Together with the testimonie then given unto her by Tho. Gataker, B. of D. and rector of Rotherhith. date: 1638.0 words: 13278 flesch: 86 summary: In the former respect the Apostle Paul was but m once a Martyr , in the latter respect , he was oft , yea , n every day a Martyr : o I dye ( saith he ) every day ; to wit , p in regard of disposition , propens●tie , q purpose , readinesse , and resolution so to doe ; r expectation of it , and ſ preparation sor it . In like manner , when matter of pleasure is tendred to thee , that may be compassed by some sinfull or uncleane act , matter of profit and gaine , that may be attained by some indirect course , m by deceit , lying , perjurie , oppression , extortion , and the like : that pleasure , that profit , if upon such tearmes thou ad●● and accept of it , thou receivest from Satan , thou sellest thy soule away for it . keywords: able; act; acts; apostle; apud; assurance; august; aut; bequeath; bern; bernard; better; blessed; body; books; carefull; characters; charge; charitie; christ; course; cum; danger; david; day; death; desire; disposition; distresse; doe; doubt; early; eccles; eebo; end; english; enim; epist; est; exchange; faithfull; father; free; gataker; god; gods; good; grace; greater; ground; hand; hast; hath; heart; hebr; himselfe; hope; ibid; idem; iesus; iohn; keepe; kind; life; livest; long; lord; man; martyrs; matter; matth; nec; non; notes; occasion; onely; ought; owne; people; pet; piece; place; point; poore; potest; power; precious; present; private; prov; psal; publike; purpose; quam; question; qui; quid; quod; reason; regard; request; rom; safetie; saint; saith; satan; saviour; selfe; sight; sinne; slave; soule; spirit; stevens; tcp; tei; telleth; testament; text; thee; things; thou; time; true; trust; use; ver; vse; way; willing; wit; words; worke; world; wouldest; yea; ● ● cache: A01547.xml plain text: A01547.txt item: #9 of 164 id: A02414 author: Guy, Nicholas, b. 1587 or 8. title: Pieties pillar: or, A sermon preached at the funerall of mistresse Elizabeth Gouge, late wife of Mr. William Gouge, of Black-friers, London With a true narration of her life and death. By Nicholas Guy, pastor of the church at Edge-ware in Middlesex. date: 1626.0 words: 10587 flesch: 73 summary: Hee abode two dayes in the place where hee was , till Lazarus was dead : from whence wee may note , that Christ suffers the euill of affliction to come vpon his seruants whom hee loues , rather then preuents it with grace ; and then also he doth not presently relieue them , but suffers them to send and pray , as these Sisters did here : and as Iacob wrestled with God , and Saint Paul prayed thrice . In what age of the world soeuer hee liueth , in what place soeuer he liueth , from what stocke soeuer hee is deriued , and in what condition of life soeuer he liueth , the rich and the poore ( saith Salomon ) meete together , and God is the maker of them both : so is Christ the Sauiour of both . keywords: bee; beleeue; beleeueth; black; brother; children; christ; church; condition; day; dead; death; desire; doe; dye; eebo; elizabeth; english; eternall; euen; euery; faith; faithfull; father; friers; funerall; giue; glory; god; gods; good; gospell; gouge; grace; great; hath; haue; heart; heauen; hee; home; honour; hope; house; husband; iesus; israel; king; large; law; lazarus; life; light; like; liueth; liuing; london; lord; loue; man; master; meanes; men; naturall; nature; neuer; onely; ouer; owne; particular; people; place; power; priuiledge; promise; respect; saint; sauiour; selfe; sermon; set; shee; sleepe; sonne; soule; spirituall; tcp; text; time; true; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; whosoeuer; wife; william; words; world; worth cache: A02414.xml plain text: A02414.txt item: #10 of 164 id: A02735 author: Harrison, William, d. 1625. title: Deaths aduantage little regarded, and The soules solace against sorrow Preached in two funerall sermons at Childwal in Lancashire at the buriall of Mistris Katherin Brettergh the third of Iune. 1601. The one by William Harrison, one of the preachers appointed by her. Maiestie for the countie palatine of Lancaster, the other by William Leygh, Bachelor of Diuinitie, and pastor of Standish. Whereunto is annexed, the Christian life and godly death of the said gentlevvoman. date: 1602.0 words: 53217 flesch: 81 summary: ●●ist . And yet I hope it wil not be hurtful to any , but profitable to sor●e . keywords: a02735; able; abraham; absolom; acts; aduantage; affection; afflictions; againe; alwaies; amisse; angels; anothers; apostle; appeare; assault; august; augustine; away; balme; beasts; bee; beginning; beleeue; best; better; bin; birth; blessed; blessing; bloud; bodie; body; booke; brethren; brettergh; cap; care; cause; children; christ; christian; church; citie; come; comfort; comfortable; conclusion; condition; conscience; cor; course; crosse; dauid; day; dayes; dead; deale; death; desire; die; diuell; diuinitie; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; dust; dwell; dye; earth; eccles; eebo; end; enemies; english; ere; eternall; euen; euerie; euerlasting; euermore; euery; euill; example; exod; eyes; face; faith; faithfull; fall; farre; father; feare; feele; feeling; fire; flesh; forth; foure; foxe; free; friends; frō; funerall; future; gaue; gen; generall; gentlewoman; ghost; gifts; giue; glorie; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; gold; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; grieuous; hand; happie; harrison; hast; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heauen; heauenly; heb; hee; hell; help; himselfe; hold; holie; holy; honour; hope; house; husband; iacob; iesus; increase; indeede; iob; iohn; ioy; isai; israel; iudgement; iust; katherin; keepe; king; kingdome; knowledge; knowne; labour; land; late; law; learne; leaue; lib; life; light; like; little; liue; liuing; long; lord; lord god; lost; loue; luk; maister; man; manner; mans; matter; matth; meane; mee; members; men; mercie; mercifull; mercy; miseries; mistris; morning; mother; mouth; nature; nay; neere; neuer; new; non; number; obedience; occasion; oftentimes; ouer; outward; owne; p ●; paine; papists; pardons; particular; passion; paul; peace; people; perfect; perish; persons; pet; phil; places; pleasure; point; poore; pope; popish; practise; praise; pray; prayer; precious; prepared; present; princes; prison; profession; profit; prophet; psal; psalme; punishment; purgatorie; reade; reading; reason; receiued; regard; regarded; reioyce; religion; remaine; repentance; respect; rest; reuel; righteous; righteous man; righteousnes; rise; rom; sacrifice; saints; sake; salomon; saluation; sam; sanctified; satan; saue; sauiour; saw; sayd; saying; scripture; sea; second; secret; seene; selfe; sense; sermons; seruant; serue; set; shall; shee; shew; shewed; sicknes; sinne; sins; sleepe; solace; sonnes; soone; sorrow; soule; sound; speake; speciall; speeches; spirit; spirituall; strange; strength; strong; sweete; tcp; teares; temptation; text; thee; themselues; thē; thine; things; thou; thought; thy; time; tongue; tree; true; truth; verse; vertuous; vnder; vnto; voyce; vpon; vse; vvilliam; vvoodward; walke; walking; want; water; weake; wee; whereunto; whē; whilest; whosoeuer; wicked; wife; william; wise; wofull; woman; wonderfull; words; worke; world; worthie; y ●; yea; yee; yeeld; ● d; ● e; ● n; ● o; ● s; ● ● cache: A02735.xml plain text: A02735.txt item: #11 of 164 id: A04165 author: Jackson, Thomas, d. 1646. title: Sinnelesse sorrow for the dead a comfortable sermon, preached at the funerall of Mr. Iohn Moyle, of Buckwell, in the countie of Kent, Esquire, the sixt of Ianuarie, 1614 / by Thomas Iackson, Batchelor in Diuinitie, and preacher of Gods word, at Wye in Kent. date: 1614.0 words: 8180 flesch: 79 summary: Secondly , and also that faithlesse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , and excessiue mourning , as an extreame on the other side : and directeth all Christians to the true 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 v , mourning for the dead , but not as the Heathen which haue no hope x . Howsoeuer 〈◊〉 neuer erring wisedome 〈…〉 , nothing 〈…〉 Iohn the Baptist a , the Centurion , b and others c ; yet is it freest from 〈…〉 errour for 〈◊〉 who are but of yesterday , and know not what shall be tomorrow , in 〈◊〉 the dead ; the periode and compl●●n●●● of whose dayes , wee have seene expired , and the 〈◊〉 as well discharged as 〈…〉 neither the praiser , can be moued with flattery , nor the praised , with vaine-glory d being perpetually seperate , from sight , hearing , and report : praise the Marriner when he ariueth ; the Souldier when he triumpheth : and Man when hee is dead e . keywords: best; blessed; body; books; cap; characters; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; dauid; dayes; dead; death; doct; doe; doth; dutie; early; eebo; end; english; esay; euen; euer; eyes; farre; father; friend; gen; god; godly; gods; good; great; hath; haue; heart; heauen; heb; hee; himselfe; holy; house; iackson; ierusalem; iesus; iewes; iohn; ioy; kent; lazarus; lib; life; like; liuing; lord; loue; luk; man; martha; mary; matth; men; miserie; mourning; moyle; nature; pag; passion; psal; reioyce; remembrance; saith; sauiour; seruice; sicknesse; sinne; sorrow; soule; speake; tcp; teares; tei; text; things; thomas; thou; time; true; viz; vnto; vpon; wee; weepe; weeping; words; world; yea; yeeres; ● ● cache: A04165.xml plain text: A04165.txt item: #12 of 164 id: A10033 author: Preston, John, minister of East Ogwell. title: The patriarchs portion or, the saints best day Deliuered in a sermon at the funerall of Sir Thomas Reynell of Ogwell in Deuon. Knight, Aprill. 16. 1618. Wherein may be seene, 1 The shortnesse of mans life. 2 A Christians combat against 1 Sathan. 2 The world. 3 The flesh. 4 Sinne. 3 A preparation to die well. 4 The reward of glory after warfare. By Iohn Preston, preacher of Gods word at East-Ogwell, in Deuon. date: 1619.0 words: 15516 flesch: 75 summary: Wherein may be seene, 1 The shortnesse of mans life. Wherein may be seene, 1 The shortnesse of mans life. keywords: apostle; bee; best; better; cause; christ; christians; come; comfort; couetousnesse; crowne; cut; dauid; day; dayes; death; determined; deuon; die; diuell; doe; doth; earth; eebo; end; enemies; enemy; english; euen; euery; euill; eyes; fall; farre; feare; fight; fire; flesh; gen; giue; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; grace; great; greater; hand; hath; haue; heart; heauen; heb; hee; helpe; himselfe; hope; house; iesus; iob; ioh; keepe; kingdome; labour; leaue; life; like; little; liue; long; lord; loue; luk; man; mans; mat; meanes; men; nature; neuer; ogwell; old; ouercome; passe; peace; people; point; poore; prayer; prison; psal; purpose; reason; rest; reu; reward; reynell; rom; saith; sathan; second; secure; serue; short; sinne; sorrow; souldier; soule; spirit; stand; tcp; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thy; time; true; vnto; vpon; vse; warfare; watch; way; wee; words; workes; world; worldly; worthy; yea; yeares; yong; ● ● cache: A10033.xml plain text: A10033.txt item: #13 of 164 id: A10034 author: Preston, John, minister of East Ogwell. title: A sermon preached at the funerall of Mr. Iosiah Reynel Esquire, the 13. of August 1614. in East-Ogwell in Deuon. By Iohn Preston Minister of Gods word in East-Ogwell date: 1615.0 words: 8997 flesch: 87 summary: Seeing the life of man is but as an hand bredth , it affoordeth this doctrine , that mans life is short , and of no long continuance . 1. 2. and Dauid saith , The children of men are vanity , the chiefe men are lies ; to lay them vpon a ballance they are altogether lighter then vanity . Psal. 62. 9. And man is like to vanity ▪ Psal. keywords: age; bee; better; birth; borne; bredth; christ; come; commeth; company; cor; daies; dauid; day; dead; death; doth; dye; earth; east; eccles; eebo; end; english; esay; euery; feare; foure; gen; glory; god; godly; gods; good; great; hand; haue; heart; heauen; heauenly; hee; iob; ioh; ioy; king; learning; leaue; life; light; liue; liuing; long; lord; loue; luk; luke; man; math; men; note; ogwell; old; place; preston; prophet; psal; psalme; respect; reynel; saith; sam; sermon; seruice; short; soone; sting; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; time; vanity; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; wee; world; yeares cache: A10034.xml plain text: A10034.txt item: #14 of 164 id: A15393 author: Spencer, John, d. 1680. title: Eliah's vvish a prayer for death. A sermon preached at the funerall of the Right Honourable Viscount Sudbury, Lord Bayning. By Ro: Willan D.D. Chaplaine to his Maiesty. date: 1630.0 words: 9113 flesch: 64 summary: Elias was the first man , vnto whom God resigned his key of life , and gaue him power to raise the dead . The life which God gaue had fiue prerogatiues ; two without man ; three within him ; without him God and his blessed Angels to protect him ; keywords: 1630; abraham; agaynst; ancient; angels; animam; away; bayning; bee; best; better; blessed; body; bookes; characters; chrysostome; colledge; common; condition; countrey; creation; dauid; dayes; death; desire; deuotion; doth; dye; early; earth; eebo; elements; elias; encoding; english; epist; estate; euill; eyes; fathers; feare; free; funerall; gaue; giuen; god; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; great; hand; hath; haue; heauen; hee; himselfe; holy; honourable; images; iohn; left; library; life; like; little; liues; liuing; long; lord; man; mee; memory; men; mercy; minde; moses; motiues; neuer; noble; old; online; owne; oxford; partnership; paul; people; phase; piety; place; power; prayer; predecessor; priuate; prophets; quality; religion; right; sad; sauiour; second; selfe; sermon; seuerall; short; sinne; small; soule; subiect; sudbury; sweete; syon; tcp; teares; tei; text; themselues; thinke; thy; time; title; tolle; tree; true; vertues; viscount; vita; vnder; vntill; vnto; vpon; way; weary; wee; willan; wish; works; xml cache: A15393.xml plain text: A15393.txt item: #15 of 164 id: A15453 author: Williams, John, 1582-1650. title: Great Britains Salomon A sermon preached at the magnificent funerall, of the most high and mighty king, Iames, the late King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. At the Collegiat Church of Saint Peter at Westminster, the seuenth of May 1625. By the Right Honorable, and Right Reuerend Father in God, Iohn, Lord Bishop of Lincolne, Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of England, &c. date: 1625.0 words: 17226 flesch: 82 summary: 7. h Regn●m ●●ssit 〈…〉 vix ●redecin ▪ m●●s●s ●ato . Solon apud Plutarch . a So his Maiestie had done before , sying , that it was Apost●●●●all , , and a very good ordinance , in that it was giuen 〈…〉 name of 〈…〉 th●● de 〈…〉 it , and vpon the clearing of his con 〈…〉 e Con●er ▪ at 〈◊〉 . Court. keywords: actions; acts; alexander; aliue; augustus; bee; best; better; blessed; bodies; body; booke; britaine; cambd; capitall; characters; christ; chron; church; churches; circumstance; citie; comfort; con ●; daies; dauid; day; dead; death; desire; discipline; doctrine; doe; doings; doth; dye; dying; early; ecclesiastes; eebo; eius; eliz; eloquence; empire; end; england; english; euery; europe; excellent; fall; fathers; france; funerals; generall; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; graue; great; greater; h ●; happinesse; happy; hath; haue; head; hee; hierusalem; high; himselfe; historie; houre; iames; images; ireland; israel; iust; iustice; kinde; king; king iames; king salomon; kingdome; l ●; large; late; leaue; lib; life; like; little; long; lord; ma ●; maiestie; maintenance; man; master; men; mighty; mother; multitude; n ●; neuer; new; non; old; onely; orat; ouer; owne; p ●; pag; parts; people; person; pineda; place; plutarch; point; pr ●; princes; proportion; prouerbs; qu ●; quae; quam; queene; qui; quod; raigne; reade; reg; regis; religion; reliquum; repraesentation; rest; right; s ●; saint; saith; salomon; sayings; scholler; scotland; scripture; second; sermon; set; seuenth; seuerall; short; sleepe; sleeping; sonne; soueraigne; soule; space; speake; speech; statue; t ●; tacitus; tcp; tei; text; themselues; time; tongue; traian; true; turne; twentie; verborum; verse; vertues; vita; vnto; vpon; vse; want; warre; wee; wisedome; wit; words; world; yeares; ▪ ●; ● d; ● e; ● en; ● g; ● m; ● o; ● r; ● st; ● ● cache: A15453.xml plain text: A15453.txt item: #16 of 164 id: A16906 author: Abbot, George, 1562-1633. title: A sermon preached at Westminster May 26. 1608 at the funerall solemnities of the Right Honorable Thomas Earle of Dorset, late l. high treasurer of England by George Abbot ... ; now published at the request of some honourable persons, very few things being added, which were then cut off by the shortnesse of the time. date: 1608.0 words: 13647 flesch: 75 summary: Dauid vseth the same comparison : g The daies of man are as grasse : as a flower of the field , so flourisheth he . Lastly , other haue likened our being heere in the world vnto a game at chesse , where there be degrees of men , Kings , and Knights and common Pawnes , amongst whom , one is caught away , and by and by another : but howsoeuer on the boord they differ in their degree , yet when the game is ended , and they are swept all into the bagge , there is none better than other , the meanest lieth aboue , and the greatest is vnderneath . keywords: abbot; againe; age; betweene; books; characters; children; christ; christian; citie; common; course; daies; dauid; day; dead; death; desire; diamonds; doe; dorset; doth; downe; dutie; early; earth; eccl; eebo; emperour; england; english; epist; eternall; euen; euer; example; faithfull; field; flesh; flower; gaue; george; giue; glorious; god; good; goodnesse; grace; grasse; great; greatest; hand; hath; haue; hee; heire; high; highnesse; himselfe; hist; holy; honorable; house; iudgement; keepe; king; late; lib; life; like; liue; liuing; long; lordship; maiestie; male; man; matter; men; mortalitie; mouth; nature; nay; noble; old; onely; ouer; oxford; parts; persons; place; pleased; princes; prophet; psal; rare; reason; religion; remaine; request; right; ring; rule; said; saint; saith; sauiour; sayd; sermon; seruant; set; sonne; soueraigne; soule; speake; speech; spirit; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; time; touching; treasurer; true; vnto; voice; vpon; vse; way; westminster; whereof; words; world; yea; yeeres cache: A16906.xml plain text: A16906.txt item: #17 of 164 id: A19568 author: Abbot, Robert, 1588?-1662? title: The young-mans warning-peece, or, A sermon preached at the buriall of William Rogers, apothecary with an history of his sinfull life and woefull death, together with A post-script of the use of examples : dedicated to the young-men of the parish, especially his companions / by Robert Abbot ... date: 1639.0 words: 17816 flesch: 84 summary: 3. But how doth the wicked mans way become to bee darknesse ? As outward darknesse doth grow upon men three wayes , so doth this , First naturally , by some defect in naturall generation . Thirdly , penally , when it is inflicted as a punishment : as when Zedechias his eyes were pulled out as a just punishment upon his wicked life ; so when GOD sees the courses of men to be foule and detestable , contrary to the light of the word , and checke of Conscience , which he hath given them ; then GOD justly , shuts their eyes , stoppes their eares , and takes away the key of knowledge : and so they are in darknesse , walke in darknesse , and know not whither they goe , because that darknesse hath blinded their eyes . keywords: age; bee; better; bloud; cause; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; companions; conscience; course; danger; darke; darknesse; day; dead; death; despaire; devill; doe; doth; earth; eebo; end; english; esa; estate; examples; eyes; faith; fall; farewell; farre; father; feare; fearefull; fire; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; grace; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hee; hell; himselfe; hope; house; ignorance; ioh; judgement; justice; keepe; knowledge; life; light; like; little; looke; lord; love; man; mans; mee; men; mercy; millions; miserable; misery; neglect; owne; parish; peace; people; pleasure; poore; power; present; psal; repentance; rich; righteousnesse; salvation; satan; selves; set; shame; sinne; sinners; sins; soules; stand; strength; sure; sweet; tcp; text; things; thou; time; true; use; walke; warning; way; wayes; wee; wicked; wicked men; wickednesse; willing; wine; words; worke; world; wrath; yea; yee; young; youth cache: A19568.xml plain text: A19568.txt item: #18 of 164 id: A20169 author: Denison, Stephen, d. 1649 or 50. title: The monument or tombe-stone: or, A sermon preached at Laurence Pountnies Church in London, Nouemb. 21. 1619 at the funerall of Mrs. Elizabeth Iuxon, the late wife of Mr. Iohn Iuxon. By Stephen Denison minister of Gods word, at Kree-Church in the honourable citie of London. date: 1620.0 words: 21742 flesch: 77 summary: A●d you M. Thomas Iuxon , let me admonish you , not to turne the grace of God into wantonnesse : vse that capacity which God hath giuen vnto you , for the glory of God : be carefull to giue your minde vnto learning , and to know God : be obedient to your parents ; feare God and keepe his commandements , for this is the whole duty of man , as Salomon saith , Eccles . 12. And otherwise , if you will not hearken vnto this , then must I say with the same Salomon : Reiòyce ● yong man in thy youth , and let thine bea rt cheere thee in the dayes of thy youth , and walke in the wayes of thine heart , and in the sight of thine eyes . 2 The second thing which Io● endured in the night as well as by day , it was anguish of mind and trouble of conscience : For his calamiti● was heauier then the sand of the sea , th● arrowes of God Almightie were within him , the poison thereof drunke vp his spirit , yea the terrors of God set themselues in aray again●● him , keywords: able; afflictions; answer; apostle; bed; bene; best; blessed; brethren; calling; cause; children; christ; christian; church; citie; comfort; conscience; consideration; content; dauid; day; dayes; dead; deare; death; desire; doth; earthly; elect; end; english; especiall; estate; euen; euery; euident; euill; example; excellent; experience; eyes; faithfull; farre; father; fraile; friends; giue; god; godly; gods; good; grace; great; greater; grieuous; hand; hath; haue; health; heart; heauen; hell; helpe; himselfe; holy; hope; iob; iohn; ioy; iudge; iust; iuxon; kingdome; knowledge; labour; learne; life; like; liue; london; long; lord; loue; man; mans; marke; meanes; men; mind; moneths; neuer; nights; obiect; obserue; old; onely; owne; paines; peace; people; poore; practise; prayer; present; psal; reade; reason; respect; rest; riches; saith; secret; seeke; selfe; selues; set; sicknesse; sight; signe; sister; sonne; soule; speake; spirit; spirituall; strength; subiect; sure; tcp; tedious; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thy; time; triall; true; truth; vanitie; vanity; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; wit; woman; word; worke; worthy; yea; yeares cache: A20169.xml plain text: A20169.txt item: #19 of 164 id: A20734 author: Downame, George, d. 1634. title: A funerall sermon preached at Watton in Hertfordshire, at the buriall of the ancient and worthy knight, Sir Philip Boteler, Decemb. 9. 1606 date: 1607.0 words: 15503 flesch: 74 summary: This doth teach vs , that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 good 〈◊〉 cannot merit ●ny thing 〈◊〉 t●e 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God ( as Christ himselfe hath t●ld 〈◊〉 Luke 17. ) and ●ch 〈◊〉 eternall 〈◊〉 and therefore 〈◊〉 are not said to go before our acceptation to eternall 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 cause , but follow as fruits : The other argument expressing the blessed estate of those that die , not in the religion of Antichrist ( which the Papists doe ) but in the true saith of Christ , opposed to the religion of Antichrist , and professed in the Churches , which are reformed by the preaching of the eternall Gospell , is contained in these word● which I haue read vnto you . keywords: antichrist; apostle; assurance; assured; bee; beleeue; blessed; blood; body; cause; charitie; christ; church; communion; cor; day; dead; death; desire; doe; doth; doubt; eebo; effectuall; end; english; eternall; euery; faith; faithfull; gal; generall; ghost; giue; god; good; gospell; grace; great; happie; happinesse; hath; haue; head; heart; heauen; hee; himselfe; holy; hope; iesus; ioh; iohn; iustification; iustifie; iustifying; law; life; lord; loue; man; members; men; merits; obedience; onely; owne; papists; philip; receiue; religion; respect; rest; righteousnes; rom; saluation; sauiour; seeme; selues; shew; sinne; soules; spirit; tcp; text; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; true; true faith; truth; vnion; vntill; vnto; vnto christ; vpon; wee; word; workes cache: A20734.xml plain text: A20734.txt item: #20 of 164 id: A26788 author: Bates, William, 1625-1699. title: A funeral-sermon for the reverend, holy and excellent divine, Mr. Richard Baxter who deceased Decemb. 8, 1691 : with an account of his life / by William Bates ... date: 1692.0 words: 20110 flesch: 66 summary: David when he was in pressing Peril , addresses to God , Into thy Hands I commend my Spirit , to be preserved as a precious Depositum ; thou hast redeemed me , O Lord God of Truth . Mr. Baxter was conversant in the invisible World : his Mind was constantly applied to understand the harmonious Agreement of the Divine Attributes in the Oeconomy of our Salvation , and to restore Men to the Favour and Image of God. keywords: account; act; adoption; affections; angels; apostle; assurance; bates; baxter; bishops; blessed; blood; bodies; body; books; carnal; cause; characters; children; christ; christians; church; comfortable; covenant; creature; danger; day; dead; dear; death; desires; divine; duty; earth; eebo; end; enemies; english; entire; esteem; eternal; evil; excellent; eye; faith; fall; father; favour; felicity; filial; friends; funeral; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; hands; happiness; heart; heaven; heavenly; high; holy; honour; hopes; house; image; infinite; interest; jesus; john; joy; judgment; kingdom; law; life; light; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; man; means; men; mercy; mind; ministers; nature; new; obedience; octavo; onely; order; original; peace; people; persons; power; precious; presence; present; privilege; promises; psal; reason; receiving; reconciled; redemption; relation; religion; respect; reverend; reward; richard; righteous; saints; salvation; saving; saviour; scripture; secure; self; sense; separate; sermon; short; sincere; sinners; sins; son; sons; souls; spirit; spiritual; state; sure; tcp; tender; testimony; text; things; thou; time; title; treasure; true; trust; truth; understanding; union; use; william; wisdom; words; work; world cache: A26788.xml plain text: A26788.txt item: #21 of 164 id: A26790 author: Bates, William, 1625-1699. title: A funeral sermon preached upon the death of the reverend and excellent divine Dr. Thomas Manton who deceas'd the 18th of October 1677 / by William Bates. date: 1678.0 words: 14510 flesch: 66 summary: For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven , with a Shout , with the Voice of an Arch-Angel , and with the Trump of God ; and the Dead in Christ shall rise first . God is most gloriously present in Heaven . keywords: affection; angels; apostle; appearance; bates; beauty; beloved; blessed; blessedness; blood; body; books; causes; characters; christ; church; clear; compleat; dead; dear; death; degrees; delight; desires; divine; earth; eebo; end; english; entire; equal; eternal; evils; excellencies; excellent; eye; eyes; face; faith; father; felicity; flesh; friends; fruition; glorified; glorious; glory; god; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; greater; hand; happiness; happy; heart; heaven; heavenly; highest; holiness; holy; immortal; infinite; jesus; joy; joyful; kingdom; knowledg; life; light; lord; love; low; majesty; man; men; mercy; mind; minister; nature; necessary; object; order; parts; peace; perfection; person; pleasant; pleasure; power; powerful; preaching; precious; presence; present; proper; pure; reason; redemption; remains; requisite; respect; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; self; sense; sensible; sermons; short; sin; sleep; sorrows; soul; spiritual; state; strong; sufferings; sun; tcp; tears; text; things; thou; thoughts; time; triumphant; true; union; universal; visible; voice; william; wisdom; words; work; world; worthy cache: A26790.xml plain text: A26790.txt item: #22 of 164 id: A26800 author: Bates, William, 1625-1699. title: A sermon preached upon the much lamented death of our late gracious sovereign Queen Mary to which is added The address of condolence to His Majesty by the dissenting ministers / by William Bates ... date: 1695.0 words: 7912 flesch: 64 summary: Every change in the substance of things is either perfective or corruptive , and both are equally impossible in God. From this Consideration he turns his Thoughts to the immutable Constancy and Eternity of God , But thou art the same ; thy Compassionate Favour and Power never decline ; and thy years shall have no end . keywords: absolute; address; angels; attributes; bates; beings; best; blessed; books; change; characters; children; church; creatures; day; death; decrees; desires; divine; early; earth; eebo; end; english; eternal; eternity; everlasting; excellent; existence; foundation; glory; god; good; goodness; government; grace; gracious; great; heaven; high; holy; hope; immutability; infinite; jehovah; late; life; light; lord; love; majesty; mary; mercy; mind; ministers; nature; necessary; new; original; people; perfection; person; power; present; princes; proper; quality; queen; reason; religion; saviour; self; sermon; sovereign; spirit; state; strength; tcp; tei; text; things; thou; thy; time; title; truth; unchangeable; william; wisdom; works; world cache: A26800.xml plain text: A26800.txt item: #23 of 164 id: A26816 author: Bates, William, 1625-1699. title: The way to the highest honour a funeral sermon, on John XII, 26, preach'd upon the decease of the Rnd Tho. Jacomb ... April 3, 1687 / by William Bates ... date: 1687.0 words: 20270 flesch: 60 summary: Election is the first Fountain of Water springing up to eternal Life : For what could induce God when all Mankind was equally involved in Guilt and Misery , to choose some to be Vessels of Grace and of Glory , but his soveraign Pleasure and pure Grace ? The Elect were in the Eye and Heart of God from Eternity , appointed to supernatural Happiness , but that free and insuperable Decree is accomplished according to the Law of Faith , the unchangeable Order of the Gospel ; and that is , that Heaven shall be the Reward of the faithful Servants of Christ ; not for the true Desert of their Service , but the most gracious and rich Bounty of God. 3. The Service of Christ is more eminently performed in some special Offices ordained for the Glory of God and the publick Good. keywords: account; actions; affections; angels; apostle; bates; blessed; blood; body; calling; carnal; christ; christians; clear; commands; conscience; consent; conspicuous; contrary; covenant; creation; darkness; day; dead; dear; death; degrees; desire; diligence; direct; divine; doctrine; duties; duty; earth; eebo; end; english; entire; eternal; everlasting; example; excellent; eye; eyes; faithful; father; favour; fear; folly; free; general; glorious; glory; god; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; guilt; hand; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; highest; holiness; holy; honour; humble; image; jesus; joy; judg; judgment; justice; kingdom; knowledg; law; left; life; like; lively; lives; living; long; lord; love; lusts; man; manner; master; men; mercy; mind; minister; ministry; natural; nature; necessary; new; obedience; obligation; office; order; passions; person; pleasure; power; prayer; precious; presence; present; princes; promise; pure; reason; redemption; requisite; respect; reward; right; righteousness; rule; sacred; saints; salvation; saving; saviour; secret; selves; sense; sermons; servants; service; set; short; sin; sinners; sins; solemn; son; souls; spirit; spiritual; springs; state; strength; sufferings; tcp; text; things; tho; thou; thy; time; title; true; truth; universal; vain; vertue; way; wisdom; words; work; world; zeal cache: A26816.xml plain text: A26816.txt item: #24 of 164 id: A27044 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of that faithful minister of Christ, Mr. John Corbet with his true and exemplary character / by Richard Baxter. date: 1680.0 words: 14463 flesch: 76 summary: And to begin to know our selves , our souls , and how Man differs from a Beast , is the first part of recovering knowledge , leading up towards the knowledge of God , which is the highest . It awakeneth the Soul to serious expectations of Eternity , and keepeth us as within the sight or hearing of another World , and tells us to the quick that we must make ready to Die , and to be judged , and that we have much more to do with God than with man , and for Heaven than Earth ; It taketh down Pride , and all excessive respects to humane approbation , and keeping us still in the sight of the Grave , doth tell us what mans body is , Mors solae fatetur , Quantula sunt hominum Corpuscula , Juv. keywords: angels; best; better; bodily; body; books; christ; christians; church; cross; danger; death; desire; divine; doth; earth; ease; eebo; end; english; evil; exalted; faith; faithful; fear; fit; flesh; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; hath; head; health; heart; heavenly; holiness; holy; hope; hurt; inconveniencies; interest; joy; know; knowledge; life; light; like; little; live; long; lord; love; lust; man; matter; means; measure; meet; men; ministry; nature; observ; pain; paradise; paul; peace; power; prayer; preaching; pride; revelations; satan; self; selves; sin; sinful; souls; spirits; state; strength; sufferings; sufficient; sun; tcp; teachers; text; things; think; thorn; thoughts; thrice; time; true; unutterable; use; vse; vve; weakness; words; work; world; worldly; yea cache: A27044.xml plain text: A27044.txt item: #25 of 164 id: A27048 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A treatise of death, the last enemy to be destroyed shewing wherein its enmity consisteth and how it is destroyed : part of it was preached at the funerals [sic] of Elizabeth, the late wife of Mr. Joseph Baker ... / by Rich. Baxter ; with some few passages of the life of the said Mrs. Baker observed. date: 1660.0 words: 45535 flesch: 68 summary: THE Introduction , p. 1 What is meant by [ an Enemy , ] and how death is an Enemy to Nature , p. 6 , 7 How Death is an Enemy to Grace , and to our salvation : discovered in ten particulars , p. 15 How Christ conquereth this Enemy , p. 35 Four Antidotes given us against the Enmity of Death , at our Conversion , p. 39. DEATH is the occasion of this dayes meeting : and Death must be the Subject of our present meditations . keywords: able; adam; affections; afraid; age; appearing; baker; believers; best; better; blessed; blood; bodies; body; bondage; books; brethren; cause; children; christ; christians; church; comfort; coming; common; communion; company; conquered; conquest; conscience; conversion; cor; course; cross; daily; darkness; day; dead; dear; death; degree; desire; destruction; difficulty; direct; direction; divisions; dost; doth; doubt; dreadfull; dust; duty; earth; end; endless; enemies; enemy; enemy death; english; enmity; everlasting; evil; exceeding; experience; eyes; face; faith; faithfull; fathers; fear; felicity; fire; flesh; fore; friends; gain; ghost; glorified; glorious; glory; god; godliness; godly; gods; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; grievous; hadst; hand; happiness; hath; head; hearts; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; help; holiness; holy; home; honour; hope; house; image; interest; jesus; jesus christ; john; joy; joyes; joyfull; judgement; justice; kingdom; labour; late; life; light; like; little; live; living; london; long; look; lord; love; man; matter; means; meet; members; men; mercies; mercy; mind; ministers; misery; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; obedience; passages; patience; peace; people; perfect; pet; phil; poor; power; praise; precious; presence; present; pride; promise; ready; redeemer; rejoyce; religion; rest; resurrection; rev; rich; said; saints; salvation; second; sect; self; selves; separated; set; shew; short; sin; sins; sorrows; soul; spirit; state; strength; sufferings; sure; tcp; temptations; terms; terrible; terrors; text; thee; thes; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; trouble; true; truth; turn; unbelief; ungodly; unwilling; use; vain; victory; vse; walk; waters; way; wayes; wife; willing; wisdom; words; work; world; yea; years; ● ● cache: A27048.xml plain text: A27048.txt item: #26 of 164 id: A27055 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A true believer's choice and pleasure Instanced in the exemplary life of Mrs Mary Coxe, the late wife of Doctor Thomas Coxe. Preached for her funeral by Richard Baxter. date: 1680.0 words: 13736 flesch: 71 summary: But it is not like the powerless word of man , but the Holy Spirit of the Father and the Son undertaketh to accompany it , and as the Arm of God to set it home , and make it effectual to its proper ends : We have not only heard this word , but felt it : God spake not like man when he said , Let there be light , Gen. 1. keywords: belief; believers; best; better; blessed; children; choice; christ; comfort; constant; covenant; coxe; david; death; deceased; delight; desire; doth; eebo; end; english; everlasting; exemplary; experience; faith; faithful; fears; flesh; food; friend; funeral; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; grace; great; greater; hath; health; heart; heaven; heavenly; heritage; holiness; holy; hope; inheritance; joy; law; laws; life; like; little; lord; loss; love; man; men; mercy; mind; nature; need; peace; persons; pleasure; power; promises; reason; rejoycing; security; self; sin; sinful; souls; speak; spirit; sweet; tcp; testimonies; text; things; time; true; trust; truth; use; vain; want; wisdom; word; work; worldly cache: A27055.xml plain text: A27055.txt item: #27 of 164 id: A27364 author: Bellers, Fulk, b. 1605 or 6. title: Abrahams interment, or, The good old-mans buriall in a good old age opened in a sermon at Bartholomews Exchange, July 24, 1655, at the funerall of the worshipfull John Lamotte, Esq., sometimes alderman of the city of London / by Fulk Bellers ... ; unto which is added a short narrative of his life and death. date: 1656.0 words: 16759 flesch: 63 summary: Now if words cannot to the life hold out that satisfaction that man findeth in his converse with man , like unto himself , is it any wonder , if I am not able fully to display that heart-ravishing delight , which the renewed soul meeteth withall , whilest it nourisheth humble and holy Communion with God , the high and lofty one that inhabiteth Eternity ? It is agreed on by all , that holy familiarity with him is full of spirituall solace ; though all my language be too short , compleatly to describe before you , how satisfactory and contentfull it is . 2 Besides , if we do but look unto the nature of this peace , it is that peace that doth transcend all the Ken of Nature ; Nature may take notice of peace with man , but for that peace with God , and peace with Conscience , it is out of Natures Horizon . keywords: abraham; account; age; alderman; bee; beholding; beleevers; bellers; best; blessed; bodies; body; books; burial; care; children; christ; church; city; common; communion; conscience; covenant; daughter; david; day; days; death; doth; dye; earth; eebo; eminent; end; english; esq; estate; eternity; eyes; faith; fathers; fear; fulk; gen; god; gods; good; good old; gospel; grace; gracious; grand; gray; great; hath; heart; heaven; hee; holy; house; interment; jesus; job; john; king; lamotte; land; law; life; like; living; london; long; lord; love; man; mans; mee; men; mercy; miseries; moses; narrative; nature; old; old age; old man; paul; peace; people; persons; piety; priviledge; promise; prov; psal; ready; righteousness; saints; sea; self; set; short; sight; sin; sins; sol; son; soul; spirit; spring; strength; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; trouble; true; viz; way; wee; whereof; words; work; world; years; young; youth cache: A27364.xml plain text: A27364.txt item: #28 of 164 id: A27497 author: Bernard, Nicholas, d. 1661. title: The penitent death of a woefull sinner, or, The penitent death of John Atherton, late Bishop of Waterford in Ireland who was executed at Dublin the 5. of December, 1640 : with some annotations upon severall passages in it : as also the sermon, with some further enlargements, preached at his burial / by Nicolas Barnard ... date: 1642.0 words: 36553 flesch: 73 summary: ACcording to my directions in some circumstances thou hast here presented this pensive Relatio● finished indeed long agone , but delayed the Presse hitherto , by some unusuall miscarriage . And had it not bin in so busie a time , it may be ●t might have appeared more refined . keywords: a27497; able; act; acts; admonitions; affectionate; againe; alwayes; ambrose; angels; ante; apostles; application; apt; apud; assurance; atherton; aug; august; augustine; barnard; bed; bee; best; better; bin; bishop; blessed; blessing; blind; body; books; bread; broken; brother; building; buriall; burthen; businesse; calling; cals; cap; care; castle; catechizing; cause; chamber; characters; charge; children; christ; chrys; chrysost; church; churches; city; clock; coach; come; comfort; comfortable; command; commission; common; company; conclusion; condemnation; condition; conscience; conscientia; consecration; constant; content; continuance; continued; contrary; conversion; converting; cor; corinthians; counsell; countenance; creation; cum; custome; d ●; daily; darknesse; david; day; dead; death; debet; december; degree; dei; deo; desire; deum; deus; difference; dignity; diligent; disciples; discourses; divell; divers; divines; doctor; doctrine; doe; domini; doth; double; doubt; drawne; dry; dublin; duty; early; earnest; earth; eccles; ecclesiae; edition; eebo; eius; end; enemies; english; enim; entrance; epist; est; estate; etiam; evident; evill; example; execution; exhortation; exod; experience; expressions; eyes; face; fall; family; farre; father; feare; fit; forgivenesse; foure; friends; fruit; function; generall; ghost; glorious; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; greatest; greg; ground; habet; hand; happinesse; happy; hath; having; head; hearers; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hee; heed; hell; hier; hieron; high; himselfe; hold; holy; honour; hope; house; howsoever; husband; iam; ibid; ille; image; instant; inward; ioh; iohn; ipse; ireland; isa; john; joy; judgement; judges; justice; king; kingdome; knees; knowledge; knowne; large; late; law; lay; leave; left; length; lib; liberty; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; lost; love; luk; man; mans; mar; martyrs; mat; matter; meanes; measure; mee; memory; men; mens; mercy; message; messengers; mind; ministers; ministry; mirth; mooved; morning; mother; nature; nay; nec; necessary; necessity; needs; neglect; nicolas; nigh; nihil; nisi; non; notice; observable; office; old; omnia; onely; open; ordination; outward; owne; pardon; particular; parts; passages; paul; penitent; people; person; peter; place; power; prayer; preacher; preaching; presence; present; priests; prius; private; profession; prophet; psal; publike; punishment; purpose; quae; quam; quasi; quā; qui; quia; quid; quod; quomodo; quos; reading; ready; reason; regard; relation; religion; repentance; respect; rest; returne; rev; reverence; rod; rom; rule; said; saint; saith; satan; saviour; scandall; sea; seale; seasonable; second; sed; seene; selves; sense; sensible; sermon; servants; service; set; severall; shame; shepheards; sheriffe; sicknesse; sinnes; sins; sit; small; soone; sorrow; sorts; soule; speake; speciall; speech; spirit; spirituall; strong; subject; sum; summe; sunne; sunt; sweetnesse; tcp; teares; tei; temple; text; thee; things; thirdly; thou; thought; thy; time; timothy; titus; troubled; true; usefull; verbum; vita; vitâ; viz; vow; waterford; way; wee; weeping; wife; willing; wisdome; wise; witnesse; word; works; worthy; years; yee; youth; zach; ● e; ● m; ● n; ● o; ● ● cache: A27497.xml plain text: A27497.txt item: #29 of 164 id: A30416 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: A sermon preached at St. Dunstans in the West at the funeral of Mrs. Anne Seile, the 18th of July, 1678 by Gilbert Burnet. date: 1678.0 words: 6937 flesch: 64 summary: It is not only to be so far good as to live without scandal in the world , nor to quiet the clamours of Conscience which may rise upon us after some more notorious sins ; but it imports somewhat beyond all these : That a man should dedicate himself to Religion , making it his business ▪ and as the bloud circulates over the whole body , in greater vessels thorough the nobler parts , and in smaller ones even thorough the remotest members ; so the true spirit of Christianity runs through a mans whole life , with a due proportion of care and application : Not putting his whole strength to lesser matters , and doing the greatest slightly and carelesly , but applying his greatest Industry to things of chief concernment , yet so as not to be too remiss in the smallest matters . If men therefore do so carefully manage their fortunes , that they set off large portions of their time either daily , weekly , or yearly , to examine their accounts : How can it be imagined that a thing of that importance , upon which all the hopes of our eternal state depends , should be so easily transacted ? keywords: actions; age; better; body; books; burnet; care; characters; christians; conscience; days; early; eebo; english; eternal; eternity; evil; folly; gilbert; god; good; gospel; great; greater; greatest; hand; hearts; ill; life; light; little; lives; man; men; mind; nature; necessary; past; plain; possible; progress; psal; reason; religion; rules; second; selves; sense; set; sin; tcp; tei; text; things; time; true; turn; walk; way; wisdom; wise; work; world cache: A30416.xml plain text: A30416.txt item: #30 of 164 id: A30437 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Right Honourable Anne, Lady-Dowager Brook, who was buried at Breamor, the 19th day of February, 1690/1 by the Right Reverend Father in God Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum. date: 1691.0 words: 8431 flesch: 45 summary: Upon the whole Matter , it must be acknowledged , from the Observation of all Ages , that this Sex has produced the Eminentest , the most Exact , and unblemished , the most Charitable and Bountiful , and the most Serious and Devout Fearers and Servers of God , that the World has yet had , and that Religion has never shined brighter than in their whole Deportment . She said , she was naturally passionate ; but she came to be early under the Power of Religion , and broke herself so entirely from it , that those who have known her the longest , do affirm they never saw her at any one time under the Power of it : She was more particularly gentle to those who were immediately about her , so that neither her Grief for those great Afflictions , with which it pleased God to visit her , nor the sharp Pains , nor lingring Disease of which she died , ever drew an indecent Expression from her . keywords: age; ages; beauty; books; brook; care; character; charity; chief; children; church; countrey; course; custom; day; early; eebo; effect; end; english; family; favour; fear; fruit; funeral; gates; general; gilbert; god; good; great; hands; husband; instances; joy; life; little; lord; loss; manner; memory; mind; nature; noble; parts; person; power; praise; reason; religion; right; self; sense; set; sex; subject; tcp; tei; text; things; thoughts; time; true; vain; vanity; virtue; way; woman; works; world; years cache: A30437.xml plain text: A30437.txt item: #31 of 164 id: A30441 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Honourable Robert Boyle at St. Martins in the Fields, January 7, 1691/2 by the Right Reverend Father in God, Gilbert Lord Bishop of Sarum. date: 1692.0 words: 11981 flesch: 51 summary: And tho the errors of this good man's conduct may in some things give advantages to bad men , who are always severe censurers ; yet his unspeakable comfort is , That he can make his secret Appeals to God , who knows the whole of his heart as well as the whole of his life ; and tho here and there , things may be found that look not quite so well , and that do indeed appear worst of all to himself , who reflects the oftenest , and thinks the most heinously of them ; yet by measuring Infinite Goodness with his own proportion of it , and by finding that he can very gently pass over many and great defects in one whose principles and designs seem to be all pure and good , he from that concludes , That those allowances must be yet infinitely greater , where the Goodness is infinite ; so being assured within himself , that his vitals , his inward principles , and the scheme and course of his life are good , he from thence raises an humble confidence in himself , which tho it does not , as indeed it ought not , free him from having still low thoughts of himself , yet it delivers him from all dispiriting fear and sorrow , and gives him a firm confidence in the love and goodness of God , out of which he will often feel an incredible source of satisfaction and joy , springing up in his mind . The capacity of our Powers , and the disposition of our Minds are in a great measure born with us : The circumstances and accidents of our lives depends so immediately upon Providence , that in all these respects , Knowledge comes , at least in the preparations to it , from God : There are also many happy openings of thought , which arise within the minds of the Searchers after it , to which they did not lead themselves by any previous inferences , or by the comparing of things together . keywords: account; age; article; author; best; better; body; books; boyle; capable; care; characters; charity; christian; church; compass; concerns; constant; course; designs; discoveries; early; eebo; english; general; gilbert; god; good; good man; goodness; great; greatest; happy; heart; humane; instances; joy; knowledge; language; large; life; little; lives; long; lord; man; mankind; men; mind; nature; new; noble; observation; observed; occasion; particular; parts; persons; pleasure; powers; principles; pure; reason; religion; robert; secret; sense; sensible; share; sight; soever; soul; strength; study; subject; tcp; tei; temper; text; things; thought; time; true; truth; use; variety; vast; view; way; wisdom; works; world; years cache: A30441.xml plain text: A30441.txt item: #32 of 164 id: A30620 author: Burroughes, Thomas, b. 1611 or 12. title: A soverain remedy for all kinds of grief opened and applyed in a sermon at the funeral of Mr. John Langham, the eldest son of Sr. James Langham, knight, a child of five years and an half old, who dyed at Cottesbrook in Northhamptonshire, July 29, 1657 : with a narrative of sundry remarkable passages concerning him before and in the time of his sickness / by Thomas Burroughes. date: 1662.0 words: 20446 flesch: 81 summary: But who made your thought the rules that God must go by in the ways of his providence ? Must things either be ordered as we judge fit , or else will we deny or doubt of Gods having any hand in them ? Meer chance , I call that , when things come to pass , not only in such a way , of which we are able to give no account , and by such means as we are not aware of , but in such a way also , that God hath nothing , by his providence to do in the ordering or disposing of them . keywords: able; account; affliction; afflicts; age; answer; apprehension; arguments; best; better; blessed; book; burroughes; calm; case; catechism; causes; chance; child; children; christ; comfort; consideration; counsel; creatures; cum; cup; daughters; david; day; deal; dear; death; didst; dominion; doth; dumb; dumbness; early; earth; eebo; end; english; esa; evil; father; fear; find; fit; glory; god; gods; gods hand; good; grace; great; grief; half; hand; hard; hath; heart; heaven; hell; holy; hope; hopeful; interest; job; john; kinds; king; knight; lam; langham; law; leave; left; life; like; little; long; lord; loss; love; man; mat; means; meer; meet; men; mercy; mind; misery; mouth; nature; new; non; obedience; occasion; old; parents; pass; patience; people; persons; place; pleased; point; power; prayer; present; prophet; providence; psa; psalm; quae; reason; remedy; right; rod; sad; saepe; saith; saviour; scripture; second; self; selves; set; sic; silence; silent; sin; sine; sins; small; son; sons; sorrow; soul; spirits; sufferings; sure; sweet; tcp; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; thoughts; thy; time; title; tongue; truth; use; verse; way; wayes; wisdome; words; work; world; worthy; years; young cache: A30620.xml plain text: A30620.txt item: #33 of 164 id: A31997 author: Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. title: The Godly mans ark, or, City of refuge, in the day of his distresse discovered in divers sermons, the first of which was preached at the funerall of Mistresse Elizabeth Moore : the other four were afterwards preached, and are all of them now made publick, for the supportation and consolation of the saints of God in the hour of tribulation : hereunto are annexed Mris. [sic] Moores evidences for heaven, composed and collected by her in the time of her health, for her comfort in the time of sickness / by Ed. Calamy ... date: 1658.0 words: 50931 flesch: 79 summary: That God would fulfil that blessed Promise , Isa. 54. 13. verses ) in this long Psalm , wherein there is not mention made of the Law of God , under the name of Law , or Statutes , or Precepts , or Testimonies , or Commandements , or Ordinances , or Word , or Promises , or Wayes , or Judgements , or Name , or Righteousness , or Truth , &c. keywords: able; absolute; account; act; adde; adversity; afflictions; answ; apostle; application; ark; assurance; beauty; bee; behold; beleeve; best; better; blessed; blessings; body; book; brethren; brother; canst; catalogue; cause; childe; children; christ; christ hath; christian; church; come; comfort; commandements; commanding; commands; condition; conscience; consolation; contrary; cor; correction; covenant; creatures; cross; david; day; dead; death; deep; delight; delighted; design; desire; devil; distress; divine; doe; doth; duties; duty; dye; earth; end; english; eternal; everlasting; evidences; excellency; eyes; faithful; father; fear; fire; flesh; flye; foundation; free; friends; fruit; glorious; glory; god; god bee; godly; gods; gold; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; ground; guide; hand; happy; hath; health; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hee; hee bee; hee hath; hee saith; heed; hell; help; himselfe; hold; holiness; holy; hope; hour; house; humble; iniquity; instruction; interest; iob; ioh; iohn; isa; israelites; jesus; joy; judgement; king; labour; law; leave; life; like; little; long; look; lord; love; luke; man; mat; matth; means; measure; meditate; meditation; mee; men; mercy; minister; moses; nature; necessity; need; new; non; open; ordinances; outward; owne; pardon; particular; patience; paul; people; pet; pleased; pleasure; poor; portion; power; prayer; precious; promises; promising; prophet; prosperity; providence; psal; publick; pure; purpose; quest; read; reading; real; reason; repentance; rev; riches; right; righteousness; rod; rule; said; saints; saith; salvation; sam; saying; school; scripture; second; self; selves; sense; sermons; shee; sickness; sin; sinner; sins; soul; speak; spiritual; stock; strength; study; sun; support; sure; sweet; sweetness; taste; tcp; testament; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thought; thy; time; treasure; tribulation; true; truth; use; voyce; vvord; watch; waters; way; wayes; wee; wicked; willing; wilt; woman; word; work; worthy; yea; years; yee; ● ● cache: A31997.xml plain text: A31997.txt item: #34 of 164 id: A32022 author: Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. title: The happinesse of those who sleep in Jesus, or, The benefit that comes to the dead bodies of the saints even while they are in the grave, sleeping in Jesus delivered in a sermon preached at the funeral of ... Lady Anne Waller, at the new church in Westminst[er], Oct. 31, 1661 : together with the testimony then given unto her / by Edm. Calamy ... date: 1662.0 words: 15996 flesch: 78 summary: This makes Death very terrible to those who have the guilt of sin upon them unrepented of , and who are under the just fear of Everlasting Burnings , and indeed to all men out of Christ , death is of all terrible things most terrible , as you shall hear in the next Use. He hath disarmed Death , and taken away the Sting of it , so as to a man in Christ , death is a Serpent without a Sting . keywords: account; answ; apostle; austin; awake; bed; benefit; best; blessed; bodies; body; calamy; child; children; christ; christ hath; christian; church; comfort; comfortable; condition; day; dead; death; dieth; divine; doth; dust; early; earth; earthly; eebo; end; english; eternal; everlasting; father; fear; flesh; friends; funeral; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; grave; great; happiness; happy; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; holy; hope; house; husband; iesus; iesus christ; interest; job; judgment; lady; life; like; little; long; lord; love; man; member; men; miserable; misery; morning; mors; nature; new; people; perfect; place; power; prison; qui; rest; resurrection; rev; rom; saints; saith; scripture; self; sermon; serpent; set; sin; sins; sleep; sleeping; sorrow; soul; spirit; spiritual; substance; tcp; terrible; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; understanding; union; united; use; vertue; waller; wicked; words; work; world cache: A32022.xml plain text: A32022.txt item: #35 of 164 id: A32058 author: Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. title: The saints transfiguration, or, The body of vilenesse changed into a body of glory a sermon preached at Martins Ludgate, October 19, 1654, at the funerall of that reverend and faithfull minister of Jesus Christ, Dr. Samuel Bolton, late master of Christs College in Cambridg : with a short account of his death / by Edmund Calamy ... ; to which are annexed verses upon his death, composed by divers of his friends and acquaintance. date: 1655.0 words: 14375 flesch: 73 summary: The holy Apostle foresaw how prone men and women would be to be proud of their bodies , to pamper them , to spend all their time , and lay out all their strength to provide for their bodies , even with the neglect of their more pretious souls : And therefore that he might wean people from the immoderate love of their bodies , he purposely calls them vile bodies : and 1 Cor. 15. 43 , he calls them dishonourable bodies , or bodies of dishonour , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} . It is with the soul and body as it was with Abraham and Lot , Abraham had his servants and cattell , and Lot his , and the country was too little for them . keywords: able; account; answ; apostle; ashes; beautifull; best; blessed; bodies; body; bolton; books; brother; calamy; cambridg; carcass; change; christ; colledge; comfort; comparison; condition; conversation; day; dayes; dead; dear; death; diseases; doctrine; doth; dust; earth; earthly; edmund; english; excellent; fear; fit; flesh; funerall; glorious; glorious body; glory; god; godly; gods; gold; good; great; half; happiness; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; holy; house; immortall; jesus; jesus christ; job; judgment; late; lesson; life; light; like; little; lord; love; master; mean; members; men; minde; minister; mysticall; mysticall body; non; power; prayer; present; pretious; proud; purpose; reall; resurrection; reverend; righteousness; roman; sad; saints; saith; samuel; saviour; self; sermon; set; sinne; soul; spirit; spiritual; stone; subject; text; thee; things; thou; time; transfiguration; united; vile bodies; vile body; vilenesse; voice; way; wicked; words; working; world; worst cache: A32058.xml plain text: A32058.txt item: #36 of 164 id: A32062 author: Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. title: A sermon preached by Mr. Edmund Calamy at Aldermanbury, London, Aug. 24, 1651 being a funeral sermon for Mr. Love on the Sabbath-day following after he was executed ... also four excellent doctrines and proposition to the Presbyterians and others to be by them practiced and meditated upon both morning and evening. date: 1651.0 words: 5826 flesch: 79 summary: Death is terrible to many of Gods children , because they are but infants in grace , and because they do not know the benefit of death . The body of man is animae {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} vestiment●m , It is the souls cloathing ; and death is nothing else but the uncloathing of the soul ; it is just like a man going to bed , and putting off his cloths ; St. Peter cals it , The putting off our earthly tabernacle , 2 pet. keywords: awake; bed; body; calamy; child; children; christ; day; death; die; edmund; english; funeral; god; gods; grave; happy; hath; heaven; heed; jesus; labour; life; london; lord; man; men; morning; naked; people; prayer; putting; resurrection; scripture; sermon; sin; sleep; soul; stephen; text; thou; time; wicked; world cache: A32062.xml plain text: A32062.txt item: #37 of 164 id: A32083 author: Calamy, Edmund, 1671-1732. title: A funeral sermon preach'd at the internment of Mr. Samuel Stephens for some time employ'd in the work of the ministry, in this city : who departed life the fifth of January, 1693/4 in the twenty eighth year of his age / by Edmund Calamy. date: 1694.0 words: 8660 flesch: 68 summary: Let 's work therefore for God , without Self-seeking : Let 's take care to recommend Religion to others by our Lives : Let 's love as Brethren , and studiously strengthen , and no ways weaken one anothers hands : Let 's apply our selves diligently to our Work , and let this Instance of our Mortality quicken us : Let 's often think this Work of ours will soon be at an end ; in which , if we have been faithful , we shall be amply rewarded ; for we shall shine as Stars in God's Right Hand . In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: account; age; awful; blessed; books; calamy; care; case; characters; creation; day; days; death; discourse; divine; early; eebo; end; english; free; friends; funeral; general; god; good; great; great work; hands; hope; improvement; life; like; little; live; long; look; man; mind; ministry; natural; need; night; noble; order; present; providence; purpose; reason; self; selves; sense; sermon; set; short; state; stephens; strength; tcp; tei; text; things; thoughts; time; uncertain; use; wise; words; work; working; world; year; young cache: A32083.xml plain text: A32083.txt item: #38 of 164 id: A32087 author: Calamy, Edmund, 1671-1732. title: A funeral sermon preached upon occasion of the decease of the eminently pious Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, late wife of Mr. Daniel Williams, who departed this life, June the 10th, 1698, Ætat 62 with some account of her exemplary character taken for the most part out of her own papers / by Edmund Calamy. date: 1698.0 words: 19194 flesch: 68 summary: And although , while they persist in this Course , I am well assur'd they are doing the Devils Work , yet all the Hurt I wish them is , that they may not in the Event fall short of Her , whose Character is here faithfully though imperfectly given , and others of the like Stamp , to whom GOD is pleas'd so remarkably to bless that sort of Ministry , which they with so much bitterness Censure and Condemn . If it be the Will of GOD , shine the Brighter the more others study to Eclipse you : keywords: abraham; account; asham'd; best; better; better countrey; bin; blessed; bliss; body; calamy; care; case; character; christ; city; comfort; comfortable; common; consider'd; conversation; countrey; course; covenant; days; death; desir'd; desire; difference; difficulties; discourse; divine; duty; early; earnest; earth; earthly; eebo; end; english; entertainment; eternal; everlasting; faith; faithful; fixt; free; funeral; future; general; glory; god; good; grace; great; greater; grounds; happiness; happy; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; holy; home; honour; hope; iacob; interest; intimated; isaac; land; late; life; like; little; lives; living; london; long; lord; love; matter; men; mind; nature; nay; papers; patriarchs; persons; pilgrims; pious; place; portion; prepar'd; present; promise; prospect; provision; purpose; ready; reason; reflection; relation; respect; rest; reward; self; selves; sense; sermon; servants; service; set; shame; short; sin; souls; special; spirit; state; strangers; suitable; tcp; temper; text; thee; theirs; things; thought; time; troubles; truth; use; way; williams; work; world cache: A32087.xml plain text: A32087.txt item: #39 of 164 id: A36326 author: Doolittle, Thomas, 1632?-1707. title: The saints convoy to heaven a discourse occasioned by (and in part preached upon) the death and funeral of Mr. Benjamin Lindsey, who deceased the 21st of February, 1697 / by Tho. Doolittle ... date: 1698.0 words: 25846 flesch: 73 summary: If for these ye should bless God , ought you not thankfully to acknowledge God's Love to , and Care of your Souls , when separated , in sending Angels to be their Convoy to Heaven ? 1. Because evil Spirits would be too strong for the Soul , without a Guard. The Convoy of Angels shews us the Dignity and Honour that God puts upon the separated Soul. Lazarus was much despised , slighted and neglected , when Body and Soul remained united , and whatsoever Contempt his dead Body was exposed to , his separated Soul was honoured with the Company of Angels . keywords: abraham; angels; bad; bed; believers; better; blessed; bodies; body; bosom; care; charge; christ; comfort; coming; company; convoy; cry; day; death; delight; devils; doth; earth; earthly; eternal; eternity; father; fear; friends; gen; glorious; glory; god; good; grace; great; guard; hands; happiness; haste; hath; heart; heaven; hell; help; highest; holy; holy angels; home; hope; host; house; journey; joy; king; kingdom; life; live; long; lord; love; luke; man; mat; men; mercy; ministration; motion; night; paradise; passage; people; place; pleasure; poor; power; praise; prepared; presence; present; principalities; psal; ready; reason; rejoice; rest; rich; saints; salvation; saviour; saying; self; separated; separated soul; servants; set; short; sin; sins; son; soul; spirits; state; tcp; text; thee; things; tho; thou; time; way; weary; words; world cache: A36326.xml plain text: A36326.txt item: #40 of 164 id: A39578 author: Fisher, Samuel, 1616 or 17-1681. title: A love-token for mourners teaching spiritual dumbness and submission under Gods smarting rod : in two funeral sermons / by Samuel Fisher M.A., late preacher at Brides London, now at Thornton in Cheshire ; unto which is added, An antidote against the fear of death, being the meditations of the same author in a time and place of great mortality. date: 1655.0 words: 27742 flesch: 79 summary: Something I think I saw before I left you , I shall be glad if yet they may contribute any thing further towards your help , and the satisfaction of those dear Friends that were in near relation to he● that is with God , who in regard of the manner of her death , seemed more dis-satisfied , and therefore as they have need , so possibly they may gain some advantag● by the reading o● what they heard . Leaving suppositions , that it might referre to Sauls persecution , to Amnons Incest , to Absolons murther first , or treason after , or to any grievous sicknesse , occasioned by his g●ief upon any or all of these : It is certain David ( notwithstanding his love to God , and Gods to him ) was exercised with ●ariety of great and sore troubles ; with afflictions repeated , and of long continuance : And to such a season wherein he was thus exercised , it appears by the scope and whole contexture of the Song he doth referre . keywords: able; account; advantage; affections; affliction; author; best; better; blessed; body; burthen; case; childe; children; christ; clear; comfort; consideration; creature; crosse; cure; david; deal; dear; death; desire; discontent; disease; dost; doth; dumb; duty; earth; eebo; end; enemy; english; evil; exceeding; faith; farre; fear; fire; free; friend; glorious; glory; god; god doth; gods; good; grace; great; ground; hand; hath; heart; heaven; help; holy; hope; hos; house; humble; inordinate; instrument; isa; jesus; job; jonah; judgement; kinde; kingdom; lam; leave; lesse; lie; life; like; little; london; long; longer; lord; love; man; mans; mean; measure; men; mercy; mouth; natural; nature; need; notes; open; ordinary; passion; patience; place; pleasure; poor; power; present; pride; promise; psal; quarrel; quiet; reason; relations; right; rod; rom; saints; sam; second; self; selves; sense; set; sharp; sicknesse; silence; silent; sinne; sorrow; soul; spirit; subject; submission; sufferings; tcp; text; thee; thing; thou; thoughts; thy; time; trouble; use; viz; way; weaknesse; weight; whatsoever; whiles; wicked; wife; willing; wilt; wise; work; world; yea; ● ● cache: A39578.xml plain text: A39578.txt item: #41 of 164 id: A39658 author: Flavel, John, 1630?-1691. title: The balm of the covenant applied to the bleeding wounds of afflicted saints First composed for the relief of a pious and worthy family, mourning over the deaths of their hopeful children; and now made publick for the support of all Christians, sorrowing on the same or any other account. To which is added, A sermon preached for the funeral of that excellent and religious gentleman John Upton of Lupton esq; by John Flavell, preacher of the gospel at Dartmouth in Devon. date: 1688.0 words: 30714 flesch: 72 summary: How many such wretched F●●milies can England shew this da● how hath Atheism and Debauc●●ry ruin'd and subverted ma●● great and once famous There may remai● ●ome lineament or property of in●ividuation whereby the acute ●lorified eye may possibly discover ●ho they were ; or if not , yet ●one can doubt but it may be dis●overed to us by revelation from God : and that one way or other ●t will be discovered , is highly pro●able , because nothing will be denied to that perfect State which may contribute to , or compleat ●he joy and happiness thereof , as ●e cannot but think this know●edge will do . keywords: able; account; advantage; affliction; alas; angels; argument; believers; best; better; betwixt; blessed; bodies; body; care; cause; characters; children; choice; christ; christian; church; comfort; compleat; condition; consolation; counsel; course; covenant; covenant god; creature; david; day; days; dead; dear; death; deep; desire; divine; doth; doubt; duty; earth; earthly; ease; eebo; end; english; enjoyment; eternal; everlasting; everlasting covenant; evil; excellent; fall; families; family; father; flesh; foundation; frame; free; fruits; funeral; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; ground; hand; happiness; happy; hath; heart; heaven; heb; hell; high; holy; honour; hope; house; hurt; ierusalem; iii; interest; iob; iosiah; isai; israel; john; joy; king; know; lamentations; life; like; long; lord; loss; losses; love; madam; man; matter; measure; men; mercies; mercy; mind; mourning; natural; nature; needs; new; o ●; order; pardon; people; perfect; person; personal; pious; place; pleasure; point; prayers; presence; promise; proper; properties; property; prophet; providence; psal; publick; reason; relations; relief; religion; religious; remedy; respect; righteous; rod; sad; safe; saints; saith; salvation; sam; scriptures; sea; security; seed; self; selves; set; sin; sins; son; sorrows; sorts; soul; spake; special; spirit; state; stroke; strong; support; sure; sweet; tcp; tender; text; th ●; thee; things; thou; thoughts; time; troubles; true; truth; unto; vain; vertue; viz; want; way; wi ●; wisdom; words; work; world; worthy; wounds; yea; ● ● cache: A39658.xml plain text: A39658.txt item: #42 of 164 id: A39777 author: Fairfax, John, 1623-1700. title: Presvyteros diplēs timēs axios, or, The true dignity of St. Paul's elder exemplified in the life of ... Mr. Owen Stockton ... with a collection of his observations, experiences and evidences recorded by his own hand : to which is added his funeral sermon / by John Fairfax ... date: 1681.0 words: 52861 flesch: 79 summary: When being desired to Preach at the Charterhouse both parts of the day : In the Afternoon one put up a Bill to him , wherein the person that put it up acknowledged , that he had long lain under the guilt of a known Sin , and was convinced of it by the morning Sermon , and desired Prayers to God for help against it . Though God hath opened a Fountain for sin and for uncleanness to wash in , and I find my Soul exceedingly polluted , yet I am not able to step into this Fountain that I may be healed . keywords: able; account; act; affected; afflictions; afraid; apostle; assurance; believers; best; blessed; blessing; blood; bodies; body; cambridge; care; case; charge; children; christ; christian; church; colchester; colledge; cometh; comfort; coming; communion; condition; conscience; cor; corruption; course; covenant; danger; darkness; david; day; days; dead; death; desire; determined; deut; divine; doth; doubt; duties; duty; earth; eminent; encouraged; encouragement; end; enemies; enemy; eph; eternal; everlasting; evidences; evil; exercise; experiences; ezek; face; faith; faithful; family; father; fear; flesh; free; friends; funeral; gal; gen; generation; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; greater; ground; guilt; hand; hast; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; help; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; hos; house; instruction; isa; jer; jesus; jesus christ; job; joh; judgment; king; labours; law; left; life; like; little; live; living; long; lord; lord god; love; luk; man; manner; math; means; meet; men; mercies; mercy; mind; ministers; ministry; morning; natural; nature; new; night; office; overcome; pardon; paul; people; pet; phil; place; pleased; poor; power; practice; prayer; preaching; precious; presence; present; private; promise; providence; psal; publick; reading; reason; religion; resolved; rest; resurrection; return; righteousness; rom; sabbath; saints; salvation; sam; satan; satisfaction; satisfied; scripture; self; sense; sent; sermon; servant; service; set; sheep; sin; sinful; sinner; sins; son; soul; spake; special; spirit; spiritual; state; sting; stockton; strength; study; subject; tcp; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; town; true; truth; uncleanness; victory; viz; voice; want; way; ways; week; willing; word; work; worthy; yea; years cache: A39777.xml plain text: A39777.txt item: #43 of 164 id: A39839 author: Flower, Christopher, 1621 or 2-1699. title: The passion-flower a sermon preached on the 30th day of January, being the day of the martyrdom of King Charls the I. / by Christopher Flower ... date: 1666.0 words: 8130 flesch: 67 summary: That I have made a good Choice in putting this weak child of my weaker brain , under your Patronage , none will or can deny ; you having obtained one of the chiefest places among those 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , breathing Gods ; who enrich dayly the world with wonders , in raising infirm mortals from sickness to health , & as it were from death it self . I. From the Competition precedaneous , to the Choice presum'd heere , but exprest in Saint Matthew , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , which of the two will ye that I release unto you , for so run the words , Math. 27. 17. keywords: barabbas; base; better; books; characters; charls; choice; christ; christopher; day; death; doth; early; eebo; encoding; english; envy; flower; glorious; god; good; great; hands; hath; high; hunc; images; innocent; january; jesus; jewes; judge; king; kingdom; law; lest; life; little; lord; malefactor; malice; man; men; mind; multitude; nation; non; online; oxford; partnership; passion; people; person; phase; pilat; question; release; saith; saviour; self; sermon; set; sufferings; sure; tcp; tei; text; thee; thing; thou; time; water; way; witness; words; work; world; worthy; xml cache: A39839.xml plain text: A39839.txt item: #44 of 164 id: A39934 author: Ford, Thomas, d. 1656. title: Grace and mercy to a sinner in a time of afflictions, or, The serious meditations of M. Tho. Ford of Rochester during the time of his imprisonment, before his execution, faithfully delivered from his own copie : together with his funeral sermon, preached by Mr. Wil. Sandbrook, P.M. Rochester / set forth for the strengthning of our faith in Jesus Christ ... ; published for the satisfaction of his friends ... by John Plasse. date: 1657.0 words: 14145 flesch: 73 summary: 2. That by this means man●● may see his own frailty and miserable condition by nature , and that seeing his wretched and lost estate in himself , he might be deeply humbled before God , that thereby he might rest in no performances of his own ; for our best performances are full of sin and corruption . ●re●t is mens readiness , chiefly in 〈…〉 and giddy times , to gaze upon strange and uncouth sights , to run to see things that are rare ▪ and are seldom seen ; therefore now let me quicken your desire , to behold a thing without comparison , such a thing as we may with a kind of astonishment and amazedness admire , but the eloquence of no man alive is able fully and effectually to express : keywords: act; behold; best; better; blessed; blood; business; care; christ; church; comfort; condition; corruption; david; death; desire; doth; enemies; eternal; evil; execution; faith; faithfull; fall; father; ford; friend; gentlemen; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greatest; guilt; hath; heart; heaven; holy; house; ioab; ioh; israel; jesus; jesus christ; king; law; life; light; like; long; lord; lord jesus; love; man; mat; meditations; men; mercy; ministers; misery; moses; nature; new; notes; original; pardon; people; person; pleased; power; price; reason; redemption; repentance; rest; return; rochester; saints; salvation; saviour; scriptures; self; selves; service; set; sin; sinner; sins; son; sons; soul; spirit; strong; text; thee; thine; things; thomas; thou; thy; time; transgressions; true; vers; vriah; way; word; work; ● ● cache: A39934.xml plain text: A39934.txt item: #45 of 164 id: A40687 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A sermon preached at St. Clemens Danes at the funeral of Mr. George Heycock by Thomas Fuller ... date: 1657.0 words: 6436 flesch: 67 summary: God hath forgotten it , why should man remember it ? God hath cast it behind his back , why should we cast it in the teeth of Davids memory ; let us never mention it to his disgrace , but for our own direction ; Partly to teach us not to trust in our selves , lest we fall into sin ; partly to comfort us , that after sin committed , pardon is obtainable on our unfeigned repentance . Men opprobriously taint and term people by the obliquity of one irregular act , which with uncharitable tongues is enough to ecclipse yea extinguish the credit of all other graces in him ; but God doth Denominate and Epithite persons from the rectitude of the general habit of their lives ; yea by him such shall be reputed , accepted , received to serve our generation . keywords: a40687; age; bad; betwixt; body; brethren; brother; corpse; corruption; daies; david; day; desire; die; doth; dutifull; earth; english; fathers; friend; fuller; funeral; generation; george; god; gods; good; grave; hath; heart; heycock; husband; king; left; life; like; lord; man; men; old; parts; paul; people; persons; place; said; saint; saith; sam; scripture; self; selves; sermon; set; son; soul; sweet; taste; text; thee; thomas; thou; time; true; truth; wicked; wives; words; world; years cache: A40687.xml plain text: A40687.txt item: #46 of 164 id: A41485 author: Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. title: The Christians engagement for the Gospell opened in foure sermons on part of the third verse of the Epistle of Jude : also, Christ's approbation of Maries choyce, or, A sermon preached at the funerall of Mris Abbott in Saint Stephens Colman-street, London / by Iohn Goodwin ... date: 1641.0 words: 37795 flesch: 57 summary: Neither doe I conceive , wherein any mans worth or wisdome can do him better service , than by strengthening others to lay on himselfe to beare greater weights of this treasure , than men of an under-sufficiencie are able to stand under . §. 4. 4. Thirdly , another sort like to prove enemies to the truth of the Gospel ; and to seeke the destruction of it , are men led away by a spirit of vaine-glory ; and being indeed little or nothing , desire to make themselves something in the world : either first in a way of popularity by seeking to please generalities , and multitudes ; and desire to fill their sailes with vulgar breath , and that all men should speak well of them : they run a great hazard also of accommodating the Scriptures , and making them a nose of waxe , as the Papists comparison is , to turne every way , and to turne into every mans humour , a multitude can seldome be followed or seconded , but it will bee to evill ; which made our Saviour to pronounce a woe to such as whom all should speake well of , or whether : keywords: able; advantage; againe; angels; answer; apostle; approbation; base; bee; beleeve; best; better; blessed; bloud; cap; care; cause; children; choyce; christ; christians; church; close; consciences; contend; contending; cor; course; creature; credit; crowne; dangerous; darknesse; david; day; death; defence; delight; desire; destruction; divell; doctrine; doe; doth; doubtlesse; dutie; earth; effect; ends; enemies; english; errour; eternall; eternity; evill; exhortation; eye; face; faith; fall; farre; feare; fire; flesh; foote; foure; generall; generation; ghost; glorious; glory; god; god himselfe; godlinesse; goe; good; gospel; grace; great; great god; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hath; hearts; heaven; hee; helpe; high; highest; himselfe; hold; holy; honour; iohn; israel; jesus; judgement; keepe; kinde; kingdome; knowes; knowledge; labour; life; light; like; little; lives; long; lord; losse; love; maine; making; man; manner; mans; martha; mary; matter; meanes; meaning; measure; mee; men; men bee; mens; motive; nation; naturall; nature; necessity; need; neere; new; occasion; onely; opinion; opportunities; opportunity; owne; particulars; paul; people; perfect; place; point; power; precious; present; psal; purpose; reason; religion; resolution; respect; rich; righteousnesse; rule; runne; saints; salvation; sathan; saviour; saying; scarce; scriptures; second; seeke; selves; sense; service; set; shee; sinne; soule; speake; speaketh; speciall; spirit; spirituall; stand; strength; striving; strong; tcp; termes; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; treasure; true; truth; turne; understanding; way; wayes; wee; wicked; willing; wine; wisedome; words; worke; world; worth; yea cache: A41485.xml plain text: A41485.txt item: #47 of 164 id: A41541 author: Goodwin, Thomas, 1650?-1716? title: Of the Happiness of princes led by divine counsel a sermon occasioned by the death of that most excellent princess, our late sovereign, Queen Mary / by Thomas Goodwin. date: 1695.0 words: 5719 flesch: 63 summary: But when he consider'd that the wicked Counsels by which they acted , would not always be prosperous , for God would blast and confound them ; that all their Arts of Policy would fail for want of God's Direction and Blessing ; that all their Supports of Power would be suddenly broken , and that the Ground on which they stood was uncertain and slippery , and so they would tumble into unexpected Destruction : When this good King entertain'd himself with these wise and sober Thoughts , the Hurries of his Mind were presently compos'd , and he no longer envied at the Prosperity of the Wicked , nor complain'd that God was pleas'd to fill his own Life with Difficulties and Troubles . The Wicked fly when no Man pursues : They startle at the least Appearance of Danger , and fly from those terrible Shadows which their own Phancies have frightfully drawn : They have no Interest in the Care and Counsel of God , which only can help a forlorn abandon'd Creature , and relieve him in the most deplorable Extremities : They have no Strength to oppose against the dreaded Danger , no Refuge to fly unto for Security . keywords: affairs; best; books; care; characters; condition; conduct; counsel; country; course; crown; danger; death; difficulties; direction; divine; early; earth; eebo; english; eternal; excellent; fears; glory; god; good; goodwin; government; great; greater; greatest; happiness; happy; kind; kings; life; lives; love; man; mind; nations; people; person; power; present; princes; queen; reign; ruin; sad; soul; tcp; tei; text; things; thomas; thoughts; wicked; wisdom; wise cache: A41541.xml plain text: A41541.txt item: #48 of 164 id: A41543 author: Goodwin, Thomas, d. 1658. title: A fair prospect shewing clearly the difference between things that are seen & things that are not seen, in a sermon preached at the funeral of the Honourable Lady Judith Barrington at Knebworth in Hertfordshire / by Tho. Goodwin ... date: 1658.0 words: 14129 flesch: 68 summary: Gods knowledg comprehends things a thousand years distant one from another more exactly the● ours can doe things of yesterday Things come to our knowledg , som● before , some after others ; 't is not so with God's : This , some schoolemen have Illustrated by such a similitude , A man standing on the to● of some high mountain , or hill to se● an army marching , he sees the whole body of it at once , thoug● possibly one part of it be many mile● distant from another ; another ma● standing on the ground sees but very little at a time , first one ra●● of men then another , one troo● after another , one Regiment afte● another , some before , some behind some coming , others going , other gone . The right improvement to b● made of this knowledg of the difference between things that are see● and things that are not seen , implye● in that word {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , which signifi● so to look , as the Archer at the 〈◊〉 he aims at : we make not these worldly things that are seen our aime , 〈◊〉 catch not at them , we linger no● after them , we trouble not our selve● much about them , our aimes ar● higher , we look at things that are not seen , that are Eternal . keywords: affections; ark; arks; barrington; beginning; believers; better; body; children; christ; christians; chuse; concern; cor; day; dayes; death; difference; doctrine; duration; dye; early; earth; eccles; end; english; estate; eternal; eternal good; eternity; everlasting; evil; evil things; eye; fair; faith; flesh; friends; funeral; glory; god; gods; gold; good; good things; goodwin; gospel; grace; great; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; high; holy; home; honourable; house; jesus; john; joy; judith; knowledg; labour; lady; left; life; light; little; living; long; lord; love; meditation; men; misery; moment; natural; nature; new; non; pains; place; pleasures; present; profit; prospect; psal; regeneration; religion; roman; sad; saints; season; selfe; selves; sermon; set; shew; short; sin; sins; sion; soul; soules; spirit; spiritual; stone; sun; temporal; text; things; things eternal; things temporal; thou; thoughts; thy; time; treasure; true; water; weight; wicked; wise; words; world; worldly; years; ● ● cache: A41543.xml plain text: A41543.txt item: #49 of 164 id: A42143 author: Griffith, Evan, A.M., Minister of Alderly. title: A sermon preached at Alderly in the country of Gloucester, January IV, 1676/7 at the funeral of Sir Matthew Hale, kt, late Chief Justice of His Majestie's court of the King's bench / by E.G. ... date: 1677.0 words: 6925 flesch: 71 summary: If Man should dye no manner of Death , how could the Truth of God appear ? and if that Death due to Sin had been inflicted on Man , how should the Mercy of God have been manifested ? Sin is the Mother , and Death is the Daughter , and the Daughter shall become the destroyer of her own Mother : Unto the Christian Death is a perfect mortification of all his earthly members , and the destruction of the whole Body of Sin. 2. The Good which Death brings to the Righteous Man is manifold ; 1. It brings him into the presence of God , the Father , Son , and Holy Ghost ; our Father , Redeemer , and Comforter , an immediate communion and fellowship with the Sacred Trinity . keywords: angels; blessed; body; books; cause; characters; christ; country; day; dead; death; doth; dust; dye; early; earth; earthly; eccles; eebo; end; english; evils; fear; flesh; friends; funeral; glory; god; godly; good; grace; great; hale; hath; heart; heaven; holy; jesus; job; judgment; justice; king; life; long; lord; man; matthew; men; mercy; nature; perish; place; righteous; righteous man; righteousness; saints; saith; set; sin; sins; soul; spiritual; tcp; tei; text; thou; time; way; works; world; yea cache: A42143.xml plain text: A42143.txt item: #50 of 164 id: A42350 author: Gurnall, William, 1617-1679. title: The Christians labour and reward, or, A sermon, part of which was preached at the funeral of the Right Honourable the Lady Mary Vere, relict of Sir Horace Vere, Baron of Tilbury, on the 10th of January, 1671, at Castle Heviningham in Essex by William Gurnall ... date: 1672.0 words: 32060 flesch: 68 summary: Oh no ; Blessed art thou O Land , when thy Princes eat for strength , and not for drunkenness ; and , blessed art thou O Emanuels Land , when thy Saints feed on the priviledges and promises of the Gospel , not to make them drunk with Pride , nor to lay them asleepin Sloth ; but to rèfresh them to run the Race set before them , and the Joy of the Lord becomes their strength ; the Apostle therefore goes on to improve and close up his discourse on this subject with an Exhortation to Duty ; Therefore , my beloved brethren , be ye stedfast , always abounding in the work of the Lord , that is , be stedfast in the faith of the Gospel , and especially in the belief of this particular Article of our Christian faith , the Resurrection of the dead , and then live up unto this belief ; walk and work as for God while you live , as believing you shall , when dead , rise again . First , the Nature and Quality of the service or work of God , it is a Labour ; the Apostle changeth the the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , i. e. Work , which he had used in the Exhortation immediately preceding into this of Labour , and that not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , which signifies any ordinary labour but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , which imports the hardest of labour ; Negotium , quod nos caedit & quasi vires frangit , saith an Etymoligist , and this we may conceive to pre-occupate an Objection of such that could be willing to do some work , but afraid of meeting with too much labour . keywords: able; act; afraid; age; apostle; apprehensions; believers; best; better; blessed; body; books; care; carnal; cause; certainty; charity; children; christian; christians labour; church; cold; comfort; conscience; cor; course; crown; day; days; dead; death; desire; divine; doth; doubt; duty; dye; early; earth; easie; eebo; end; enemy; english; eternal; exercise; eye; eyes; face; fair; faith; faithful; fall; false; family; father; fear; feast; field; flesh; free; friends; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hath; having; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; heavy; heb; hell; high; hold; holiness; holy; home; honour; honourable; hope; house; image; infinite; jesus; joy; judgment; kingdom; knows; laborious; labour; lady; land; law; leave; life; light; like; little; lives; long; lord; loss; lost; love; low; lusts; man; mans; master; men; misery; nature; necessary; needs; noble; obedience; object; old; pains; past; patience; paul; people; person; piety; place; pleasure; point; poor; power; praise; present; pretious; promise; proportion; psalm; ready; reason; religion; rest; resurrection; reward; rich; saints; salvation; saviour; scripture; sea; self; selves; sense; servants; service; set; shame; short; sin; sinners; sins; sorrow; soul; sound; spirit; spiritual; state; strange; strength; sun; sure; sweet; tcp; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thought; thy; time; trouble; true; truth; vain; vera; vere; victory; way; ways; weak; wicked; william; willing; wilt; wisdom; wonder; work; world; worldly; worship; worth; yea; zeal cache: A42350.xml plain text: A42350.txt item: #51 of 164 id: A42696 author: Gibbs, John, 1627?-1699. title: A funeral sermon preached at Newport-Pagnell, April 11, 1697 on the occasion of the sudden death of William Maxwell, a pious and hopeful young scholar belonging to Harvard-Colledge, in Cambridge, New-England. date: 1697.0 words: 5377 flesch: 78 summary: Christian Reader , THIS Sermon not being intended to come into publick view , I shall only advertise thee , That the Objection about unlawful Ways of getting the good Things of this World , with the Answers thereunto , not being suited unto a Funeral Discourse , were a Digression designed to Cure , or Prevent a great Transgression , which some worldly Auditors fall into , or may be in danger so to do , unto the dishonour of God , and the hazarding of the Eternal Destruction of their Immortal Souls . What , shall we receive good at the hand of God , and shall we not receive evil ? keywords: affliction; books; chap; characters; children; christ; death; doth; early; eebo; english; evil; father; funeral; gain; god; good; good things; great; hand; hath; heart; job; life; lord; love; man; men; need; patience; pet; pious; providence; psal; reason; rich; rod; sermon; tcp; tei; text; things; tho; thou; use; ver; ways; work; world cache: A42696.xml plain text: A42696.txt item: #52 of 164 id: A42701 author: Gibbs, William. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Edward Reynolds, D.D. Arch-Deacon of Norfolk and Rector of Kings-Thorp near Northampton / by William Gibbs ... date: 1699.0 words: 9580 flesch: 43 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. This is a brief Description of the Christian's Hope , the great Foundation upon which all his Comforts are built , and indeed nothing below this can vanquish the fears of Death , or scatter all those black and melancholly Thoughts that are apt to seize us , either at our own or our Friend 's approaching Fate . keywords: apostle; arch; asleep; bodies; body; books; certainty; characters; christian; common; consideration; dead; death; deceased; doth; dye; early; eebo; english; excessive; faith; friends; funeral; future; gibbs; god; good; gospel; grave; great; greater; griefs; happy; hath; higher; hope; humane; ignorant; immortality; inordinate; jesus; jews; life; like; little; long; lord; loss; man; manner; men; moderate; nature; nay; need; notions; passions; paul; person; place; reason; religion; resurrection; reynolds; right; saviour; self; son; sorrow; soul; spirit; state; tcp; tei; text; thing; thoughts; time; true; use; william; words; work; world cache: A42701.xml plain text: A42701.txt item: #53 of 164 id: A43127 author: Hayley, William, 1657-1715. title: A sermon preached in the parish church of St. Giles in the Fields at the funeral of Bernard Connor, M.D., who departed this life, Oct. 30, 1698 : with a short account of his life and death / by William Hayley ... date: 1699.0 words: 9119 flesch: 44 summary: Does the numbring of our days then afford us the most moving and prevalent arguments to a pious course of living , and does the shortness and uncertainty of life and other reflections drawn from it , naturally excite us to caution and vigilance ; let us then for our own interest , and for the glory of God , be perswaded to fix it in our minds , and meditate upon it . 4. The last suggestion I shall offer from the numbring our days , which carries with it one of the strongest motives to a true use of life ; is , that the same moment that terminates our days , puts an end likewise to all opportunities of conversion or reconciliation to God. keywords: account; age; applying; books; care; characters; church; connor; consideration; conversion; days; death; design; doctor; early; eebo; end; english; eternity; excellent; folly; funeral; future; god; good; great; hayley; hearts; holy; hopes; joy; judgment; life; like; long; man; men; minds; motives; nature; necessity; numbring; occasion; opportunity; parish; peace; piety; pious; possible; present; reason; religion; selves; sense; sermon; short; sins; state; sure; tcp; tei; text; thing; thought; time; true; uncertain; use; useful; vain; william; wisdom; work; world; years cache: A43127.xml plain text: A43127.txt item: #54 of 164 id: A44540 author: Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697. title: A sermon preached at the solemnity of the funeral of Mrs. Dorothy St. John, fourth daughter of the late Sir Oliver St. John, Knight and Baronet, of Woodford in Northamptonshire, in the parish church of St. Martins in the Fields, on the 24th of June, 1677 by Anthony Horneck ... date: 1677.0 words: 15022 flesch: 62 summary: In the vanity of the Creature , let us take notice of the odiousness of sin , and it 's large demeri●s ▪ when God for mans sin hath subjected the Creature unto van●●y , it shews what an abhorrency he hath from sinful actions , and how displeased he is with transgression of his Laws , in that he confines not the punishment to Man alone , but extends it to the Creatures , or to his Servants too . And indeed , he will soon be convinced , that the Creature was made subject unto vanity , that shall observe how much its gloss , and beauty decay'd after the fall of Adam ; how the Earth , that before was a stranger to all noxious herbs and plants , brought forth Thistles and thorns now ; how her former fertility was lost in a dismal barrenness , and the ground that before required no labour , would yield little now , but what Men forced and squeezed out of it by the sweat of their brows ; how the Blessing that enrich'd and adorn'd it before , exspir'd into a Curse ; and Nature , which before knew no poison , no enmity to Man , degenerated now into Hostility , and from a friend became a foe ; how her former lovely face is all disfigured with spots and freckles now , and that which was all charm to a rational soul before , is now become an object , keywords: adam; affections; age; air; angels; anthony; attempt; bed; behold; better; blessed; blood; body; books; care; cause; change; characters; children; christ; christians; church; content; creation; creature; crown; curious; darkness; day; dead; death; delight; deliver'd; desires; doth; dust; early; earnest; earth; eebo; english; eyes; face; fancy; fire; friend; glorious; glory; god; gods; gold; good; gospel; great; greater; greatest; happy; hath; health; heart; heaven; hell; holy; home; hope; horneck; house; images; immortal; jesus; john; kind; king; kingdom; labour; large; late; lib; liberty; life; light; like; little; long; love; man; manner; means; men; mighty; mind; misery; mother; nature; new; objects; order; outward; pain; persons; place; pleasure; plenty; reason; rest; riches; saith; satisfaction; self; sense; sensual; set; sin; sinner; solid; soul; spirit; strength; subject; tcp; tears; tei; text; things; thorns; thou; time; trouble; true; understanding; use; vain; vanity; vid; water; way; weakness; wish; works; world cache: A44540.xml plain text: A44540.txt item: #55 of 164 id: A44673 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A discourse concerning the Redeemer's dominion over the invisible world, and the entrance thereinto by death some part whereof was preached on occasion of the death of John Hoghton Esq, eldest son of Sir Charles Hoghton of Hoghton-Tower in the county of Lancaster, Baronet / by John Howe ... date: 1699.0 words: 35944 flesch: 66 summary: Whence therefore , nothing is more obvious , than to conceive , that whosoever is adjoyned to them , ascending out of our Wo●ld , presently hath his Station assigned him , is made to know his post ▪ and how he is to be employed , in the se●vice and adoration of the Sovereign Lord of all , and in paying the most regular homage , to the Th●one of God and the Lamb. He praises the young Person , deceased , for his Comliness , Sobriety , Piety , dutifulness towards Parents , obligingness towards Friends , acknowledges that Sorrow in the case of losing such a Son , hath ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) a principle in Nature , and is of the things that are ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) not in our Power , or which we cannot help ; That to be destitute of it is neither possible , nor fit . keywords: abode; account; act; age; angels; apostle; apt; authority; bear; best; better; blessed; blessedness; blessing; blood; body; books; business; capable; case; christ; christian; col; common; compass; conceive; considerable; country; course; covenant; creation; creatures; darkness; day; days; dead; death; design; difference; dignity; discourse; dispensation; divers; divine; dominion; doth; doubt; early; earth; eebo; effect; end; endeavour; english; enquiry; entrance; equal; eternal; everlasting; evil; excellent; express; extent; eye; eyes; faith; far; father; fear; felicity; final; fit; flesh; following; form; friends; future; general; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; ground; hades; hand; happy; hath; having; hearts; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; hereto; high; higher; hoghton; holy; honour; hope; house; image; immortality; import; inhabitants; instances; interest; invisible; jesus; joh; john; judgment; keys; kind; kingdom; knowledge; known; law; leave; life; like; little; lives; liveth; living; long; longer; look; lord; loss; lost; love; man; matter; mean; measure; meet; men; merciful; mercy; methods; mighty; mind; misery; nature; necessary; notice; notion; occasion; ones; open; order; original; parents; parts; person; pious; place; pleasant; pleasure; possible; power; present; prince; principal; providence; psal; purpose; reason; reasonable; redeemer; reference; regions; relation; religion; remain; right; rom; second; self; selves; sense; service; set; signifie; sorrow; sort; soul; special; spirit; state; subject; tcp; terms; text; thee; things; think; thought; time; true; turn; unseen; use; valuable; vast; view; viz; way; whereof; wisdom; wise; wish; words; work; world; worthy; years; young cache: A44673.xml plain text: A44673.txt item: #56 of 164 id: A44677 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A funeral sermon for that very reverend, and most laborious servant of Christ, in the work of the ministry, Mr. Matthew Mead who deceased Oct. 16, 1699 / by John Howe ... date: 1699.0 words: 13280 flesch: 73 summary: 2. That it is not within the compass of any created , no not of angelical power , to change the hearts of men , and turn them to God. Yet if God should put forth his own power , by such a Ministration : If Angels should appear in glorious aray among us , and speak to men with greater advantage , and more perswasive eloquence , than we can conceive ; and marvellous effects , by divine concurrence , should ensue ; Those great effects , among a sort of creatures led by sense , and who judge by the sight of the eye , would all be ascribed to the visibly glorious Instrument , not to the supreme Agent , who is invisible and out of sight ; even as in effects of another kind , the invisible Power and Godhead , that do all , are little regarded by stupid man , whose dull eye stays , and rests in the visible outside , and fixes his mind there too . keywords: act; angels; blessed; books; business; case; christ; common; cor; course; creatures; day; death; design; divine; doth; doubt; early; earth; eebo; end; endeavour; english; eph; excellent; faith; flesh; funeral; glorious; god; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; hath; hearers; heaven; help; hope; howe; jesus; john; knowledge; labour; law; like; little; lord; lost; love; man; matter; mead; mean; men; mens; mind; ministers; ministry; nature; need; obligation; office; ones; order; power; present; purpose; reference; rom; salvation; saved; saving; saviour; self; selves; sense; sermon; servant; set; souls; spirit; state; tcp; text; things; thou; thy; time; use; way; words; work; world cache: A44677.xml plain text: A44677.txt item: #57 of 164 id: A44678 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A funeral sermon for Mrs. Esther Sampson the late wife of Henry Sampson, Dr. of Physick, who died Nov. 24. 1689 / by John Howe ... date: 1690.0 words: 13151 flesch: 67 summary: That would have been to invert the order of things , to dethrone God , and deifie man , and had been , it self , a real sort of that Idolatry , which was one , among the many horrid evils , which he purposely came to redress , and give remedy to in this apostate degenerate World. He redeemed us to God by his blood , Rev. 5. 9. ) Or for the glory of God , as he summ'd it up , in the case of Lazarus , when he was told of his being sick , Jon. 11. 4. This sickness is not unto death ( i. e. it was not to terminate in a continuing death ) but for the Glory of God , that the Son of man might be Glorifi'd , the same account which this Evangelist gives of all these his great works , and why they were recorded , that we might believe that Jesus was the Christ , the Son of God. &c. chap. keywords: abraham; account; advantage; affliction; apt; bodies; bodily; bound; case; children; christ; common; compassion; compassionate; course; cure; daughter; day; death; design; devil; distempers; divine; doth; early; earth; eebo; end; english; father; flesh; god; gods; good; great; greater; hand; heaven; higher; influence; jesus; john; kind; life; long; lord; love; man; matter; means; men; mercy; mind; natural; nature; people; place; power; present; purpose; real; reason; relation; release; relief; sabbath; sampson; satan; self; selves; shew; son; soul; spirit; state; subject; tcp; temper; text; things; tho; time; true; use; way; woman; works; world; wrought; years cache: A44678.xml plain text: A44678.txt item: #58 of 164 id: A44679 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A funeral sermon for that faithful and laborious servant of Christ Mr. Richard Fairclough (who deceased July 4, 1682 in the sixty first year of his age) by John Howe. date: 1682.0 words: 12469 flesch: 65 summary: 'T is the same thing with being Gods workmanship , ( Ephes. 2.10 . ) created unto good works ; and with that readines to every good work , ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , ) If any of their own private Inclination , would have the necessary work of their Lord hindered , and take Pleasure in the exclusion of industrious Labourers , for their conscientious disuse of things , by their own Confession , not necessary . keywords: acceptance; account; best; better; blessed; business; character; christ; common; creatures; death; deceased; delight; divine; doth; duty; earth; eebo; eminent; english; excellent; expression; fairclough; faithful; faithful servant; family; father; friend; god; gods; good; goodness; grateful; great; hath; heart; heaven; high; holy; howe; interest; john; joy; judgment; kind; law; life; little; living; lord; love; man; master; mean; men; mind; mourn; nature; necessary; need; parts; peculiar; people; perfect; person; pleasure; possible; power; present; psal; reason; reference; religion; reward; richard; right; rom; rule; self; selves; sence; sermon; servant; service; soul; spirit; state; tcp; text; thee; thing; thou; thought; thô; time; true; trust; truth; use; value; way; whereof; words; work; world; worthy cache: A44679.xml plain text: A44679.txt item: #59 of 164 id: A44680 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A funeral sermon on the death of that pious gentlewoman Mrs. Judith Hamond Late wife of the Reverend Mr. George Hamond, minister of the Gospel in London. By John Howe, minister of the same Gospel. date: 1696.0 words: 10442 flesch: 70 summary: Death I mean , as it was so heavily incumbent upon the Minds and Spirits of Good Men themselves , and was their most intolerable burden ; extorting from them such groans as that Rom. 7. 24. O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death . Upon the whole , I cannot , indeed , conceive , that since Death is often taken , and that most reasonably , in so great a latitude , as to admit of comprehending this sense ; and since , in these latter verses , the Apostle is speaking of a final deliverance from it , as the special priviledge of such as are in union with Christ , not of what is common to all men , but that victory over death in this respect , as it imports aversion from God , or indisposition towards him , must be within his meaning , and that he was far from confining it to bodily death only , or from intending , in reference to the Soul , the meer natural immortality of that alone . keywords: agreeable; books; case; christ; christians; common; creation; creatures; darkness; dead; death; divine; dye; earth; eebo; end; enemy; english; eternal; felicity; final; future; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hamond; hath; holy; hope; howe; immortality; jesus; john; judith; late; length; life; light; like; little; live; lord; man; men; mind; minister; nature; perfect; perpetual; power; present; reason; reference; reverend; rom; saying; self; selves; sense; sin; sort; spirit; spiritual; state; subject; swallow'd; tcp; text; thing; tho; time; true; ver; victorious; victory; words; world cache: A44680.xml plain text: A44680.txt item: #60 of 164 id: A44681 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A funeral sermon on the decease of that worthy gentlewoman Mrs. Margaret Baxter, who died the 28th of June, 1681 by John Howe. date: 1681.0 words: 14554 flesch: 71 summary: for this cause , as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 often signifies causality , ( not in this House , for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 will not agree ) we groan earnestly , desiring to be clothed upon with our House which is from Heaven , i. e. of Heaven , or sutable to Heaven , ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 denotes here , as often , the Matter whereof a thing is formed and made ) a Body made up of an heavenly material ; Or , ( which is all one ) an earthly Body refined and transformed into such a One. We see the Apostle speaks by way of comparison , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , we are willing rather . keywords: absence; absent; apostle; best; better; blessed; bodies; bodily; body; case; christ; common; comparison; course; creatures; day; dead; death; design; desire; die; divine; doth; dwell; earthly; eebo; end; english; evil; faith; fear; fit; flesh; general; glorious; glory; god; good; great; greater; hand; hath; heavenly; holy; hope; inclination; interest; john; kind; life; like; little; living; long; lord; love; man; matter; mean; men; mind; nature; occasion; people; perfect; place; pleased; pleasure; power; presence; present; reason; reference; religion; self; selves; sense; service; shew; sort; soul; spirit; state; tcp; temper; text; thee; thing; thoughts; time; true; union; vers; viz; way; whereof; willing; words; work; world cache: A44681.xml plain text: A44681.txt item: #61 of 164 id: A44880 author: Hall, Edmund, 1619 or 20-1687. title: A sermon preached at Stanton-Harcourt Church in the county of Oxford, at the funerall of the Honourable the Lady Ann Harcourt, who deceased Aug. 23, 1664 together with her funerall speech. date: 1664.0 words: 16699 flesch: 69 summary: But that must not be , Heaven's decree must be as well obey'd as fear'd , which speaks this day , as it did to this holy man of God here in my text ; Son of man behold I take away the desire of thine eyes with a stroak . 1. Of the Title given to this eminent servant of God , Son of man , in the Hebrew tis ben Adam . keywords: abraham; adam; afflictions; ann; bed; behold; beloved; ben; bene; best; better; blessed; body; books; calls; cap; cause; certain; characters; choisest; christ; christians; church; comfort; confident; creature; crown; daughter; david; day; death; dei; delight; desire; doe; doth; dream; dye; early; earth; eebo; eminent; end; english; eternall; eyes; fall; family; father; fear; flesh; fruit; funeral; glory; god; gods; goe; good; grace; gracious; great; greatest; habit; half; hand; harcourt; hard; hath; head; heart; heathen; heaven; hierom; high; holy; honour; honourable; house; husband; iob; joy; judgments; kind; king; lady; language; law; life; little; long; lord; losse; love; lusts; man; men; mother; mutable; nature; noble; non; obs; order; oxford; parts; person; pleasures; power; praise; pride; privative; prophet; prosperity; quod; reason; rich; right; sad; saints; saith; scripture; selfe; selves; sermon; servants; set; sharp; sheep; short; sick; sin; sinners; son; sons; sorrow; soul; speech; spirituall; stand; stanton; strength; stroak; strong; sudden; tcp; teares; tei; text; thee; thine; things; thou; time; title; true; truth; wealth; wicked; wife; words; work; world; worth; young cache: A44880.xml plain text: A44880.txt item: #62 of 164 id: A45343 author: Hall, Timothy, 1637?-1690. title: A sermon preached at St. Botolphs Aldersgate, at the funeral of Robert Huntington, Esq., who died April 21 and was buried April 30, 1684 by Timothy Hall ... date: 1684.0 words: 13056 flesch: 73 summary: It is a Judgment to be cast into a sleep like death , but a Mercy that Death is like a sleep : Nay , death is not a perpetual sleep : A good man when he has done his work , falls asleep , and awakes in the great morning of the Resurrection to receive his wages . The Proto-Martyr Stephen triumphed over Death , when he saw the Heavens opened , and the Son of man standing on Gods right hand . keywords: account; adam; age; apostle; april; bed; best; better; blessed; body; bondage; books; captain; characters; children; christ; christian; condition; conquered; creation; day; days; dead; death; desire; direct; dissolution; doth; dreadful; dye; dying; early; eebo; end; enemy; english; estate; evils; eyes; face; faith; father; fear; fearful; friends; funeral; glory; god; gods; good; grave; great; hall; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heavy; holy; hope; house; images; jesus; john; life; like; little; lives; living; loath; long; lord; man; mankind; mean; men; mens; natural; nature; nay; night; passage; peace; poenal; prop; psal; reason; rest; robert; rom; self; selves; sentence; sermon; serpent; short; sin; sinful; sinner; sins; sleep; soul; spirit; sting; subject; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; timothy; true; ver; viz; way; wise; words; work; world cache: A45343.xml plain text: A45343.txt item: #63 of 164 id: A45388 author: Hamond, George, 1620-1705. title: A good minister of Jesus Christ a funeral sermon for the Reverend Richard Steel, a faithful and useful minister of the Gospel, delivered Novemb. 27, 1692 / by George Hamond ... date: 1693.0 words: 14031 flesch: 72 summary: 4. They are frequently stiled Ministers or Servants ; but by a Word , differing very much in the Original from the former , which also doth engage them to much Diligence and hard Labour ; and that is , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . i 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . keywords: account; acts; apostle; approbation; ashamed; better; books; brother; calling; care; character; charge; christ; church; contentions; cor; day; desire; discourse; doctrine; doth; duty; eebo; elders; employment; endeavour; english; evil; faithful; flock; funeral; god; good; good minister; gospel; grace; great; hamond; hath; hearers; holy; honour; industrious; instances; jesus; jesus christ; john; labour; lies; life; like; little; look; lord; love; man; men; minister; ministry; morning; need; office; oxford; pastor; paul; people; person; preaching; present; proper; property; reason; religion; reverend; richard; rom; saith; samuel; scripture; self; selves; sense; sermon; servant; set; sincerity; special; spirit; steel; studious; study; tcp; text; things; thou; thoughts; tim; time; titles; truth; unprofitable; use; vain; vvord; way; word; work cache: A45388.xml plain text: A45388.txt item: #64 of 164 id: A45544 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: Cardvvs benedictvs, the advantage of affliction, or, The reward of patience unfolded in a sermon preached at the funeralls of Mr. Thomas Bowyer, merchant, who died the 8th day of February 1659, and was buried the 22th of the same moneth, in the parish church of St. Olaves Jewry / by Nath. Hardy ... date: 1659.0 words: 11688 flesch: 68 summary: By the Apostle Peter it is called {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , a Crown made as it were of the flower {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} which never fadeth : and to this notion the phrase in the text may be referd ; it is a Crown of life , that is such a Crown which can not die , nor wither . James 1. Ver. 12. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation : for when he is tried , he shall receive the Crown of life , which the Lord hath promised to them that love him . keywords: advantage; adversity; affliction; answer; apostle; beloved; blessed; blessedness; bliss; body; bowyer; charity; christ; christian; church; confer; confirmation; cross; crown; day; death; desire; doth; doubt; earth; endure; enduring; english; estate; esteem; evill; eye; flower; friend; glory; god; gods; gold; good; grace; great; hand; happiness; happy; hardy; hath; head; heaven; honour; hope; joy; life; light; like; long; lord; love; men; merchant; nay; non; patience; paul; pleased; poor; power; promise; reason; respect; reward; roman; saints; saith; sake; second; self; sermon; set; severall; soul; sufferings; sure; temptation; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; thy; time; troubles; true; truth; tryed; verse; way; whilest; wit; words; world; worthy; yea cache: A45544.xml plain text: A45544.txt item: #65 of 164 id: A45546 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: Faiths victory over natvre, or, The unparallel'd president of an unnaturally religious father delivered in a sermon preached at the funerals of the hopefull young gentleman Master John Rushout : son and heire to Master John Rushout merchant and citizen of London / by Nathanael Hardy ... date: 1648.0 words: 9219 flesch: 58 summary: And now worthy Sir , what bitter counsell could I prescribe you then this of Faith ? what fuller example of faiths energie could I set before you then that of Abraham , who by faith gave up that Isaac to God , whom God had conferr'd on him in love . 3 It assures us of great good by obedientiall submission , and that there is no losse in giving up all to God , its good for mee to enjoy this comfort , sayth sense , its better to part with it , saith faith , since there is no better way to retein a comfort then in a faithfull carelesnesse to surrender it up to God , witnesse Abraham in the text , hee offers and God spares his Isaac . keywords: abraham; act; affection; answer; apostle; art; better; bloud; bosome; childe; children; comforts; command; day; death; desires; divine; doe; doth; end; english; eyes; faith; father; god; gods; good; grace; gracious; great; hands; hardy; hath; himselfe; hope; isaac; john; law; life; like; london; look; lord; losse; love; master; means; naturall; nature; nay; non; obedience; obedient; offering; onely; pleased; president; promise; religious; roman; rushout; sacrifice; saint; sence; sermon; servants; son; sons; strange; strength; strong; support; temptation; text; thee; thou; thy; times; true; truth; tryall; tryed; use; victory; wee; wisdome; words; work; young cache: A45546.xml plain text: A45546.txt item: #66 of 164 id: A45553 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: A looking-glasse of hvmane frailty set before us in a sermon preached at the funerals of Mris. Anne Calquit, late wife of Mr. Nicholas Calquit, draper, who died on the 7. day of April 1659 and was interr'd the 19. of the said month, at the parish church of Alhallows the Less in Thames Street / by Nath. Hardy ... date: 1659.0 words: 9959 flesch: 65 summary: Indeed this metaphor may very justly take in the whole latitude of life which men attain in this world , the four fingers bredth representing the four ages of man , to wit , Childhood , Youth , Manhood , Old age : the life of a childe is scarce an inch , of an old man but a span ; of the one it may be said , his dayes are but a fingers bredth , and of the other it can but be said , his dayes are as an hands bredth . Such is mans best estate , he seemeth to be setled as the earth , but he vanisheth with the winde , changeth with the moon , and ebeth with the water , Homo Bulla is true of man , at his best estate he is like the bubble which swels up by the rain falling upon the water , and fals presently , or which the child causeth with the breath of his mouth at the end of the reed , and vanisheth with the least shaking of his hand . keywords: aeternity; afflictions; age; anne; behold; best; body; bredth; calquit; comparison; condition; david; dayes; death; degree; doctrine; doth; duration; earth; end; english; estate; eyes; fingers; frailty; funerals; glasse; god; gods; good; great; hands; hands bredth; hardy; hath; hebrew; high; holy; hope; job; lesse; lesson; life; like; little; long; longer; lord; mans; measure; men; nicholas; non; number; particular; psal; psalmist; reason; respect; roman; saith; selves; set; short; sin; subject; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; true; truth; use; vain; vanity; verse; wise; words; world; years cache: A45553.xml plain text: A45553.txt item: #67 of 164 id: A45557 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: Mans last journey to his long home a sermon preached at the funerals of the Right Honourable Robert Earl of Warwick, who died in London, May the 30th and was interr'd at Felstead in Essex, June the 9th 1659 / by Nath. Hardy ... date: 1659.0 words: 9562 flesch: 71 summary: 2004-06 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2004-06 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2004-07 Rachel Losh Sampled and proofread 2004-07 Rachel Losh Text and markup reviewed and edited 2004-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion MANS LAST JOURNEY TO HIS LONG HOME : A SERMON Preached at the FUNERALS Of the Right Honourable ROBERT EARL of VVARVVICK ; Who died in London , May the 30th and was Interr'd at Felstead in Essex , June the 9th 1659. 1. 1 , 7. I have said you are Gods , — But ye shall die like Men . — Aug. l. de Nat. & Grat. keywords: account; answer; better; bodies; body; breath; church; cometh; common; day; dead; death; divine; doth; double; dust; dyeth; dying; earl; earth; end; english; family; father; fear; flesh; forth; funerals; gen; god; goeth; good; grave; great; greatest; hardy; hath; hebrew; high; home; honour; honourable; house; job; journey; king; life; little; loc; london; long; lord; mans; men; mind; noble; non; person; pride; princes; psal; psalmist; purposes; reason; respect; return; right; robert; roman; saith; sense; sermon; set; signifieth; son; soul; spirit; strength; subject; text; thing; thoughts; time; true; trust; truth; warwick; whereof; wonder; words; world; yea cache: A45557.xml plain text: A45557.txt item: #68 of 164 id: A45559 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: The pilgrims wish, or, The saints longing discussed in a sermon preached in St. Bennet Grace Church at the funeral of Mrs. Anne Dudson ... who departed this life the 4th day of January, 1658 ... / by Nath. Hardy ... date: 1659.0 words: 9315 flesch: 73 summary: But let St. Chrysostome suffice instead of all , and that in this place , where he saith , the just after Death are with Christ , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , or as a late Writer conceiveth it should be , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , Not beholding him through a glass by faith , but face to face . My work now is not the Confutation of Errors , but a Consolation of the Mourners ; nor can there be a better ground of comfort then this Meditation that our godly friends , being departed are with Christ , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , saith St. Chrysostome , Let us rejoyce over the just not only living but dying . keywords: affection; afraid; anne; apostle; bed; best; better; blessed; body; christ; christians; church; content; cum; cypr; day; dead; death; depart; departure; desire; doth; dudson; dye; dying; earth; english; farre; father; flesh; followeth; friends; funeral; glory; god; gods; good; great; greek; hardy; hath; heaven; holy; home; ibid; leave; life; longing; lord; love; men; mrs; nay; non; object; paul; person; pilgrims; place; presence; prison; reason; respect; rest; rev; roman; saints; saith; self; sermon; set; shee; soul; sweet; text; thou; thy; time; truth; use; verse; willing; wish; words; world; yea cache: A45559.xml plain text: A45559.txt item: #69 of 164 id: A45563 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: The royal common-wealth's man, or King David's picture represented in a sermon preached at the solemnity of the funeral of Sir Tho. Adams, knight and baronet, and alderman of London ; in St. Katherine Creechurch, on the 10th of March, 1667 / by Nath. Hardy ... date: 1668.0 words: 14026 flesch: 64 summary: Which words in the Greek are capable of a double translation whilst 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may be rendred in the Dative and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Ablative case , and so have our Translators construed it , he served his own Generation by the will of God , or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may be rendred in the Ablative case , and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Dative , and so it is translated in the Margin , in his own generation he served the will of God. This saith St. Chrysostom , is the property of a servant of God to be well pleased with his severe as well as gracious dispensations 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ▪ not only when he smileth but when he frowneth , when he delivereth but when he afflicteth , as to say with Ely , Dominus est , It is the Lord let him do what seemeth him good , and as that Nobleman answered his king when he said , You must go on hunting with me , non oportet nam Lubens volo , It is not I must , but I will with all readiness : so did David , saying , keywords: account; acts; adams; age; alderman; awake; best; better; blessed; body; books; capable; character; children; church; city; command; commandments; common; corruption; counsel; david; day; dead; death; decree; discourse; divine; doth; double; early; earth; eebo; eminent; end; english; excellent; eyes; far; fathers; fear; funeral; generation; god; gods; good; grave; great; hand; hardy; hath; heart; high; honour; house; job; king; knight; known; language; law; life; like; london; long; lord; luke; man; mayor; men; nay; notion; old; paul; people; person; place; power; providence; psal; publick; read; reason; respect; rest; riches; right; righteous; saint; saith; saying; self; sence; servant; service; serviceable; set; ship; short; sir; sleep; small; soul; statutes; tcp; tei; text; things; tho; thy; time; true; truth; use; way; wealth; whereof; wit; words; work; world; worthy; yea; years cache: A45563.xml plain text: A45563.txt item: #70 of 164 id: A45685 author: Harrison, Thomas, fl. 1700. title: A funeral sermon on Mordecai Abbott Esq. preach'd at Lorimers Hall, April the 7th, 1700 / by Thomas Harrison. date: 1700.0 words: 7634 flesch: 71 summary: They who are mystically one with Christ , must ●eeds be interested in his Mediatory Righteousness , and so perfectly justified in the sight of God. The faithful Servants of Christ are conform'd to his Image : The Law of God is first written in their Hearts , and then copied out in their Lives . keywords: abbott; account; actions; believers; body; books; characters; christ; day; death; early; earth; eebo; english; eternal; faithful; father; felicity; general; glorious; glory; god; good; grace; great; happiness; happy; harrison; hath; heaven; holy; honour; image; improvement; interest; joy; joyful; judgment; life; lord; love; man; master; mordecai; nature; perfection; person; presence; present; respects; ruler; second; servants; service; short; soul; spiritual; state; supreme; talents; tcp; tei; text; things; tho; thomas; thou; time; triumphant; vast; works; world cache: A45685.xml plain text: A45685.txt item: #71 of 164 id: A45686 author: Harrison, Thomas, fl. 1700. title: A funeral sermon preached upon the death of Mrs. Rebecka Goddard, November the 13th. 1692 At Joyners-Hall. By Tho. Harrison. date: 1692.0 words: 8840 flesch: 68 summary: By blessing God , we are to understand , either what we express in Words concerning God , or what we think concerning him . Many worthy Men having written largely and excellently upon Subjects of a like Nature , I was unwilling to cast in my Mite among their larger Summs , and feared it would look like a piece of Conceited Folly to thrust my slender unpolish'd Discourse into the vast croud of substantial and elegant Treatises which have already appear'd upon the Publick Stage : But seeing you desire that what God hath Bless'd to your selves , may be Publish'd to others , I thought I might look upon your Request as a Call from God to that which was always contrary to my own Inclination , therefore I hope none will Censure me for Complying with it : God works sometimes by small means , for he is not tyed to any ; he hath sometimes rendered mean Discourses preach'd or penn'd more successful than those of a more excellent Composure . keywords: afflictions; blessing; books; cause; characters; children; christ; comforts; condition; creatures; death; divine; early; eebo; endeavour; english; enjoyments; evil; excellent; following; funeral; general; gift; god; goddard; good; goodness; great; hand; harrison; hath; heart; holy; job; like; long; lord; loss; love; man; men; natural; nature; necessary; outward; outward comforts; perfections; person; place; praise; present; prop; propositions; propriety; providence; rebecka; relations; right; second; selves; souls; taking; tcp; temporal; text; things; thou; time; wife; words; work; world cache: A45686.xml plain text: A45686.txt item: #72 of 164 id: A45688 author: Harrison, Thomas. title: A sermon preach'd at the funeral of Capt. John Briggs at Dunstable, March 23, 1694/5 by Thomas Harrison. date: 1695.0 words: 9444 flesch: 68 summary: The Soul dwells in the Body as an Inhabitant in an House , only with this difference , there is a formal Union between the Soul and Body , which there is not between a Man and the House wherein he dwells . Thirdly ; A Description of the blessed State and Habitation of the Saints after the Dissolution of their Bodies : We have a Building of God , an House not made with Hands , eternal in the Heavens . keywords: account; apostle; assurance; blessed; bodies; body; briggs; building; characters; children; christ; clay; condition; day; death; description; dissolution; divine; dust; dwell; earthly; earthly house; eebo; english; eternal; everlasting; excellency; father; funeral; glorious; glory; god; ground; habitation; hands; harrison; hath; heaven; heavenly; holy; hope; house; human; image; inhabitant; jesus; job; john; knowledg; life; like; living; long; lord; man; matter; men; mortal; place; power; present; saints; sermon; short; souls; spirits; state; strength; structure; tabernacle; tcp; text; things; tho; time; title; viz; words; world cache: A45688.xml plain text: A45688.txt item: #73 of 164 id: A45689 author: Harrison, Thomas, 1619-1682. title: Old Jacobs accompt cast up and owned by one of his seed, a young lady &c., or, A sermon preached at Laurance Jury, Feb. 13, 1654 at the funerall of the honorable and most virtuous lady Susanna Reynolds wife to the Honorable Commiss. Gen. Reynolds / by Thomas Harrison. date: 1655.0 words: 9570 flesch: 70 summary: But why do thoughts 'gainst him arise and mount Who of his matters giveth no account : Death like the Serpent's dieted and must Meddle no further , onely feed on dust : And give up that at last , as he that 's bold , To chop up morsels , too too hot to hold , That part which you were Organs to convey , Shall be restored in that glorious day . 3. These few days of our Pilgrimage are evil . keywords: a45689; accompt; account; best; better; birth; books; child; christ; comparison; condition; conjux; corpore; country; david; days; dead; death; doth; dust; early; earth; end; english; ere; estate; eternity; evil; eyes; face; fair; fathers; feb; field; find; flower; flying; funerall; gen; glory; god; good; grace; great; hard; harrison; hast; hath; head; hearts; heaven; hold; holy; home; honorable; house; israel; jacobs; job; joy; jury; lady; land; length; life; like; little; live; long; lord; loss; love; man; men; mind; misery; morning; mourn; nature; nay; nec; night; nil; non; onely; ones; parents; peter; pilgrimage; place; pleasure; post; psal; quae; quid; rest; reynolds; saints; saith; sed; seed; self; selves; sepulchre; sermon; set; short; sic; sins; sorrow; souls; spirit; strangers; susanna; sweet; tabernacle; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; time; travellers; troubles; tua; virtuous; vita; vivere; way; wife; wil; wives; words; work; world; worth; years; young cache: A45689.xml plain text: A45689.txt item: #74 of 164 id: A46911 author: Johnson, John, M.A. title: Eklampsis tōn dikaiōn, or, The shining forth of the righteous a sermon preached partly upon the death of that reverend and excellent divine, Mr. Stephen Charnock, and in part at the funeral of a godly friend / by John Johnson. date: 1680.0 words: 20663 flesch: 73 summary: Whereas the first , the worst sort of hearers are all ignorant , careless , willfully ignorant hearers , such as hear the Word without attention , affect on , understanding ; do not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , in their minds go along with the Word till they understand it , and get grace , spiritual light , and wisdom by it ; they resisting the motions of the good Spirit , God suffers the evil one to beguile them of it , by casting vain , at least unseasonable thoughts into their minds . He did 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , which as Plato affirms , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , or rather as the Apostle exhorts , he did study to be quiet , and to mind and do his own business ; and all his care was to work out the salvation of himself , and of his people . keywords: able; account; acts; adam; angels; aug; best; better; blessed; body; books; care; characters; charnock; children; christ; church; civ; clear; comfort; constant; conversation; corn; corruption; covenant; creation; darkness; day; days; death; dei; deo; desire; dispositions; divine; doth; duty; earth; eebo; end; english; est; eternal; eternity; everlasting; evil; excellent; eye; eyes; faith; fall; father; fear; fire; fruits; gen; ghost; glorified; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; hand; happiness; hath; head; hearers; heart; heaven; hell; holiness; holy; hopes; humane; hypocrites; image; iniquity; jesus; joh; john; johnson; judgment; justice; kingdom; knowledg; law; lay; lib; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; man; mat; men; mercy; ministers; nature; new; non; obedience; original; people; perfect; perfection; persons; pet; phil; place; power; presence; prince; profession; promise; psal; pure; regenerate; regeneration; religion; reputation; righteousness; rom; saints; salvation; second; seed; self; selves; sermon; set; shine; shining; sin; sincere; sincerity; sinners; sins; souls; spake; spirit; spiritual; stars; stephen; sun; tcp; text; things; thoughts; time; true; truth; upright; view; viz; way; ways; word; works; yea cache: A46911.xml plain text: A46911.txt item: #75 of 164 id: A46992 author: Jole, William, d. ca. 1702. title: Comfortable words to afflicted consciences together with a short advice to ministers how to handle them : and also Mansio Christiana, or, The Christians mansion-house, being a sermon preached on the Lords-day, 7th Feb., Anno Dom. 1668 at the funeral of Mrs. Martha Walmisley, the wife of Mr. Charles Walmisley, minister of Chesham magna in the county of Bucks / by William Jole ... date: 1671.0 words: 21922 flesch: 68 summary: I look upon my condition as d●sperate as one that is condemned to eternal darkn●ss , as if my name were ent●●● among that cursed crue already , as if I were ready to drop into ●●at deep and bottomless pi● of darkne●s ; and so the 7 th . All that are brought into Heaven at last , are brought near Hell-gates at first ; I do not mean all universally , but generally , the greatest part of those that are saved , apprehend themselves for a time to be damned ; the Spi●i● of Bondage worketh fear and horror ; A malefac●or , whose Conscience within , and the Witnesses without , convince of Murder , when he h●ars the Sentence passed against him , and sees the Fetters on his legs , and himself thrust into the Dungeon , he knows that Execution follows ; what fear and horror must needs seize on such a condenmed person , ( unless he be a despera●e Rogue ? ) That poor Soul that is convinced of Murdering the Lord of Life , and of many thousand Sins against God , and heareth his Sentence of condemna ion read out of the word of God , and sees the Fetters on its Soul , ( namely the terror of Consc●ence , ) and Satan standingready to to●ment him , & finds himself already in danger of despair , what fear and horror must needs surprize such a poor Soul ? this is that which makes so many under the Spirit of Bondage , to fear that God will cast them off for ever , and to complain as though they were in Hell already . keywords: able; advice; answer; better; blind; bondage; books; broken; cause; chap; chief; children; christ; christians; church; comfortable; complain; condition; conscience; conversion; cry; cure; damned; dangerous; david; day; deal; death; despair; despairing; devil; die; doctrine; doth; dwell; dwelling; earth; earthly; eebo; end; english; eye; eyes; faith; father; fear; fit; free; gen; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; hand; hath; hearted; heaven; heavenly; hell; high; home; hope; house; iohn; israel; jesus; jesus christ; kingdom; land; law; life; like; little; long; lord; lost; love; man; mansions; matter; men; mercy; mind; ministers; nature; need; pardon; pattern; paul; person; peter; place; poor; power; pray; prepared; promises; psalm; ready; reason; repentance; righteousness; room; saints; satan; saviour; scripture; self; sermon; set; shew; sight; sign; sin; sinners; sins; sorrow; soul; spirit; sure; tcp; tears; text; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; troubled; true; unbelief; ver; voice; walmisley; way; welcom; words; work; world; wrath; ● ● cache: A46992.xml plain text: A46992.txt item: #76 of 164 id: A47043 author: Jones, Henry, 1605-1682. title: A sermon at the funeral of James Margetson, D.D. late Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland preached at Christ Church, Dublin, Aug. 30, 1678 / by the R.R. Father in God, Henry, Lord Bishop of Meath ; whereunto is added a funeral oration on that occasion, in the name of the University of Dublin, at the herse of him their Vice Chancellor. date: 1679.0 words: 17029 flesch: 67 summary: Whence is groundlesly inferred , That Christ as to his person is less , and the Father great● or than he , being to him subject and Christ but his substi●tute , that his Kingdom being delivered up to the Father● his Reign shall thenceforth cease , and God the Father onl● shall be all in all , Christ being thenceforth of no farthe● use for dependance on him . 3. 14. ) ; ye● is not the State of the Dead to be in all that esteeme● unhappy , but blessed to them that dy in the Lord , tha● being so declared by a Voice from Heaven , and com●manded to be Written , and so to be understood . keywords: adeò; angels; answer; arch; armagh; army; aug; aut; bin; bishop; blessed; blessing; body; books; care; cease; chancellor; characters; charge; chief; children; christ; christ church; christs kingdom; church; city; colledge; cometh; constant; contrary; cor; country; creation; cum; daily; day; dead; death; dependance; desire; dominion; doth; dublin; early; earth; ecclesiae; eebo; eminent; encoding; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; erat; est; eternity; evil; face; famous; far; father; feet; filling; funeral; general; glory; god; gods; good; government; grace; great; greatness; hand; happiness; happy; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; henry; herse; high; honour; house; illius; illum; images; immediate; inter; ireland; james; job; john; kingdom; kings; lamb; late; learned; learning; left; lessening; library; life; light; like; london; long; lord; lord god; majesty; man; manner; mediatorship; midst; militant; mouth; nature; necessary; need; nemo; neque; non; number; observed; occasion; oft; old; online; oration; order; outward; oxford; partnership; parts; people; person; phase; piety; place; poor; power; prelat; present; private; prophet; psal; publique; quam; qui; quod; quàm; reign; reigning; resurrection; return; rev; risen; sacred; saith; satan; second; seeing; self; sermon; set; shew; short; son; sons; soul; special; spirit; spoken; standing; state; subject; sufferings; sum; suo; tcp; teaching; tei; temple; testament; text; thenceforth; things; thou; throne; time; tàm; university; vice; vitae; way; whereunto; wicked; words; work; world; worthy; xml; years; ● ● cache: A47043.xml plain text: A47043.txt item: #77 of 164 id: A47237 author: Ken, Thomas, 1637-1711. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Right Honourable the Lady Margaret Mainard, at Little Easton in Essex, on the 30th of June, 1682 by Tho. Ken ... date: 1682.0 words: 10415 flesch: 49 summary: Beauty , gratifies only our outward sense , 't is a mixture of Colour , and Figure , and Feature , and Parts , all in a due Proportion , and Symmetry ; or indeed , 't is a well shap'd Frame of dust and ashes , belov'd by fond Men only , who like the most stupid of Idolaters , worship the bare Statue , without regard to the Deity there enshrin'd : But Grace , is a confluence of all Attractives , which approves it self to our own most d●liberate judgments , and is belov'd by God : Do but imagine you were in the Spouse's Garden , where , when the South-wind blows , the several Spices , and Gumms , the Spikenard and the Cinamon , the Frankincense and the Myrrhe , send forth their various smells , which meeting together , and mixing in the Air , make a compounded Odour ; Such a composition , of all Vertues , such an universal and uniform Agreeableness , is there in a gracious Soul , which in a manner , whether we will or no , engages our affections . Thus as Goodness and Adorableness are co-eternal in God , so are Sanctity and Venerableness coeval , in gracious Persons . Nor are we only by Grace made like to God , but he is also pleas'd actually to dwell in us , and to consecrate our Souls to be his Temples ; and as God commanded the Iews to reverence his Sanctuary , the place of his residence among them , where he sat between the Cherubims , and a glorious Light that shin'd on the Propiti●to●y , was the Symbol of his Presence : So when in gracious Souls , we discover all the fruits of the Spirit , a kind of glory brightning their Conversation , and a sacred Amiablen●ss breath'd on them from Heaven , we are sure that God inhabits there , and cannot but reverence his Temples . keywords: alms; beauty; blessed; blessing; books; care; characters; charity; children; church; common; court; daily; day; death; divine; early; eebo; end; english; esteem; example; express; eyes; father; funeral; general; glory; god; good; goodness; grace; gracious; gracious woman; great; hand; happy; heart; heaven; heavenly; holy; honour; honour'd; honourable; humble; images; ken; kind; lady; life; like; little; long; lord; loss; love; luke; mainard; margaret; matt; men; mercy; mother; persons; piety; pleas'd; praise; prayers; private; prov; publick; reason; right; saint; saviour; self; sense; sermon; service; sex; shew; solomon; soul; spirit; sure; tcp; tei; text; things; thought; time; true; use; vertue; vvas; vvith; wicked; wise; woman; works; world; years cache: A47237.xml plain text: A47237.txt item: #78 of 164 id: A47239 author: Ken, Thomas, 1637-1711. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Right Honourable the Lady Margaret Mainard, at Little Easton in Essex, on the 30th of June, 1682 by ... Thomas, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells. date: 1688.0 words: 10397 flesch: 50 summary: Beauty gratifies only our outward sense , 't is a mixture of Colour , and Figure , and Feature , and Parts , all in a due Proportion and Symmetry ; or indeed , 't is a well shap'd Frame of dust and ashes , belov'd by fond men only , who like the most stupid of Idolaters , worship the bare Statue , without regard to the Deity there enshrin'd : But Grace is a confluence of all Attractives , which approves it self to our own most deliberate judgments , and is belov'd by God : Do but imagine you were in the Spouse's Garden , where , when the South-wind blows , the several Spices and Gumms , the Spikenard and the Cinamon , the Frankincense and the Myrrhe , send forth their various smells , which meeting together , and mixing in the Air , make a compounded Odour ; Such a composition of all Vertues , such an universal and uniform Agreeableness is there in a gracious Soul , which in a manner , whether we will or no , engages our affections . Thus as Goodness and Adorableness are co-eternal in God , so are Sanctity and Venerableness co-eval in gracious Persons . Nor are we only by Grace made like to God , but he is also pleas'd actually to dwell in us , and to consecrate our Souls to be his Temples ; and as God commanded the Jews to reverence his Sanctuary , the place of his residence among them , where he sat between the Cherubims , and a glorious Light that shin'd on the Propitiatory , was the Symbol of his Presence : So when in gracious Souls , we discover all the fruits of the Spirit , a kind of glory brightning their Conversation , and a sacred Amiableness breath'd on them from Heaven , we are sure that God inhabits there , and cannot but reverence his Temples . keywords: alms; beauty; bishop; blessed; blessing; books; care; characters; charity; children; church; common; court; daily; day; days; death; divine; early; edition; eebo; end; english; esteem; example; express; eyes; father; funeral; general; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; grace; gracious; gracious woman; great; hand; happy; heart; heaven; heavenly; holy; honour; honour'd; honourable; humble; images; kind; lady; life; like; little; long; lord; loss; love; luke; mainard; margaret; men; mercy; mother; persons; piety; praise; prayers; private; prov; publick; reason; right; saint; saviour; self; sense; sermon; service; sex; shew; solomon; soul; spirit; sure; tcp; tei; text; things; thomas; thought; time; true; use; vertue; wicked; wise; woman; works; world cache: A47239.xml plain text: A47239.txt item: #79 of 164 id: A47257 author: Kennett, White, 1660-1728. title: The righteous taken away from the evil to come applied to the death of the late excellent Queen, in a sermon preach'd at St. Martin's Church, on Sunday, January the twentieth, 1694/5, before the mayor, baliffs, and commonalty of the city of Oxford / by White Kennett ... date: 1695.0 words: 7444 flesch: 73 summary: Yet in a qualify'd sence , and with that allowance which Religion and Language make , those Persons who are Exemplary for Goodness and Vertue , they are justly call'd Righteous : Partly for their own love , and their own practice of all Equity , and Honesty ; but chiefly for the Merits of the Holy JESUS , by which they are justify'd , or accepted as Righteous , in the sight of GOD : For he is said to cover us with a Robe of Righteousness , Isa. 61.10 . Two Men of Religious Order and Habit appear'd in his Chamber , and declar'd themselves the Messengers of GOD , and deliver'd this Express to him : Your Nobility , Clergy , and People of England have fill'd up the measure of their Iniquities : keywords: affected; age; blessing; books; calamity; characters; church; city; common; country; day; days; dead; death; destruction; divine; early; eebo; english; evil; example; excellent; fall; fatal; god; good; great; grief; hand; heart; judgment; kennett; king; land; living; lord; loss; lost; love; man; men; merciful; mercy; mourning; nation; nature; oxford; peace; people; perisheth; perishing; persons; prince; prophet; providence; publick; queen; reign; religion; righteous; righteousness; scarce; sence; sorrow; soul; sure; tcp; tei; text; true; ver; vertue; white; wicked; world cache: A47257.xml plain text: A47257.txt item: #80 of 164 id: A47258 author: Kennett, White, 1660-1728. title: Some remarks on the life, death, and burial of Mr. Henry Cornish, B.D., an eminent dissenting teacher who died on Sunday, Dec. 18, and was interr'd on Thursday, Dec. 22, 1698, in the church of Bisiter in the county of Oxford as received in a letter from a friend. date: 1699.0 words: 5962 flesch: 60 summary: Some remarks on the life, death, and burial of Mr. Henry Cornish, B.D., an eminent dissenting teacher who died on Sunday, Dec. 18, and was interr'd on Thursday, Dec. 22, 1698, in the church of Bisiter in the county of Oxford as received in a letter from a friend. Some remarks on the life, death, and burial of Mr. Henry Cornish, B.D., an eminent dissenting teacher who died on Sunday, Dec. 18, and was interr'd on Thursday, Dec. 22, 1698, in the church of Bisiter in the county of Oxford as received in a letter from a friend. keywords: age; better; bisiter; bodies; books; brethren; burial; cause; character; charity; christ; church; common; communion; cornish; county; dead; death; dec; early; eebo; england; english; friend; funeral; god; good; great; henry; holy; interest; interr'd; john; life; like; love; man; means; meeting; men; occasion; office; old; online; oxford; oxon; partnership; party; people; person; phase; place; preacher; said; sermons; service; sir; spirit; tcp; teacher; tei; text; things; times; work; years cache: A47258.xml plain text: A47258.txt item: #81 of 164 id: A47297 author: Kettlewell, John, 1653-1695. title: A funeral sermon for the Right Honourable, the Lady Frances Digby, who deceased at Coles-Hall in Warwickshire, on the 29th of September, 1684 by John Kettlewell ... date: 1684.0 words: 9620 flesch: 70 summary: And , which shew'd how sincerely she resorted thither , not at all to set off her self , but purely for Pious Ends , at Church she did affect plainness of Dress , and would not seek there to recommend her self to others , no not in the most publick Places , by elaborate Attire and outward adorning ; but only to God by the Devotion of her Mind , and the Ornament of an humble and a meek Spirit , ( things wherein she is was hardly be equall'd ) , which in the sight of God , as St. * Peter says , are of great Price . What those Blessings are , was not so well known in old times , when God led men on by more dark , and indefinite expectations of the Future Happiness . keywords: almighty; best; books; careful; cause; characters; coles; constant; death; desire; digby; doth; dying; early; easie; eebo; english; example; excellent; fear; friends; funeral; god; gods; good; goodness; great; grief; happy; honour; honourable; hope; ill; imitation; instance; john; kettlewell; kind; lady; life; like; little; lord; loss; love; man; men; mind; modesty; nature; noble; person; place; practice; reason; religion; righteous; righteousness; self; selves; sermon; set; shew; soul; spirit; sure; tcp; tei; text; thing; tho; time; true; virtues; warwickshire; wicked; wise; world cache: A47297.xml plain text: A47297.txt item: #82 of 164 id: A47311 author: Kettlewell, John, 1653-1695. title: A sermon preached at Coles-hill in Warwickshire, January 24, 1685, on occasion of the death of the Right Honourable Simon Lord Digby, Baron Digby of Geashil in Ireland, who deceased at Coles-Hall, Jan. 19, 1685, on Heb. 6. 12 by John Kettlewell ... date: 1686.0 words: 11678 flesch: 64 summary: And this he did out of a Generous Contempt of worldly Show and Pomp , and a fixt inclination of expressing his Liberality , which indeed was Great , in Pious and Charitable Works , which are things of solid use : Chusing such Methods of Expence , as were like to bring most Glory to God , and Good to Men , not such as were only empty and unprofitable signs of Honour to himself . God grant your Lordship a lasting Continuance , and daily increase of those Noble Endowments , which make you Brothers in Virtue as well as in Blood , that you may not only equal , but exceed him in all those Excellencies and Pious Qualities , which set him out for a rare Pattern , and injoy a much longer Life , wherein to display , and do good to the World with them . keywords: accounts; actions; argument; benefit; books; care; careful; characters; charity; christian; church; circumstances; coles; constant; daily; death; deceased; devotion; digby; doth; duties; duty; early; eebo; end; english; examples; excellent; faith; followers; general; god; good; great; heb; help; hill; holy; honour; honourable; hope; imitation; instances; january; john; judge; kettlewell; law; laws; life; like; lord; lordship; man; men; mens; mind; noble; occasion; parish; particular; patience; paul; person; pious; point; poor; practice; praise; prayers; price; promises; publick; quality; quarto; reason; religion; right; rules; saints; saviour; scripture; sense; sermon; service; set; shew; spirit; state; subject; tcp; tei; text; thing; time; true; use; virtues; warwickshire; way; world; worthy cache: A47311.xml plain text: A47311.txt item: #83 of 164 id: A47417 author: King, John, D.D. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of Sir Willoughby Chamberlain, Kt. who died at his house at Chelsey, Dec. 6 and was interred at the parish church of St. James Garlick Hith, London, Dec. 12, 1697 / by John King, rector of Chelsey. date: 1697.0 words: 6850 flesch: 66 summary: To reflect how the Providence of God ( who takes care of the meanest of his Creatures , so that not a Sparrow falls to the ground without his advertency ) determines the frail lives of men : How strangely different and various are the means and works of his Justice in this particular ; we may use the Apostle's Exclamation , How unsearchable are his Jugdments , and his ways past finding out ? Indeed so short sighted are we in what may come , or happen , that we are non-pluss'd in our desires , and puzzled in our choice of things in this World. And may God's Grace , which maketh small things Instruments of great Good , improve what thou shalt meet with here to thy Spiritual Benefit , and then , with me , give God the Glory . keywords: afflictions; best; better; books; chamberlain; characters; charitable; charity; chelsey; children; christian; church; day; death; dec; distemper; divine; early; eebo; end; english; evil; excellent; faith; father; funeral; god; good; great; greater; happy; hearts; hope; humane; john; judgments; justice; king; knowledge; life; london; long; lord; man; means; men; mercy; mighty; need; online; oxford; particular; place; providence; reason; repentance; righteous; severe; short; sickness; sincerity; sins; suffer; sufferings; tcp; tei; temporal; text; things; thou; time; tryal; use; wicked; works; world cache: A47417.xml plain text: A47417.txt item: #84 of 164 id: A47489 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The everlasting covenant, a sweet cordial for a drooping soul, or, The excellent nature of the covenant of grace opened in a sermon preached January the 29th, at the funeral of Mr. Henry Forty, late pastor of a Church of Christ, at Abingdon, in the county of Berks, who departed this life Jan. 25th 1692/3 and was interr'd at Southwark ... : to which is added, An elegy on the death of the said minister / by Benjamine Keach ... date: 1693.0 words: 28904 flesch: 59 summary: If this Covenant be not the Covenant of Grace , where shall we find it ; God's actual taking us into Covenant , 't is but that we might drink of this Fountain , or rather , that we might have actual Interest in this Covenant , and whatsoever Christ did in time ; or when the fulness of time was come , it was but to put into Execution this Covenant , and to ratifie and visibly confirm this blessed Covenant , that God had made with us in him , before the World began . 2. I would know whether in the Covenant of Grace God is said to enter into Covenant with Man , simply considered as in himself ; or whether 't is not with Christ , and so in him with us ; if Christ be the Surety of the Covenant of Grace , then God doth not take Christ distinct from us into Covenant with himself : and certainly , our credit was so lost and gone with God , that he would not trust us , with any Covenant-Transaction any more without a Surety , they continued not in my Covenant , and I regarded them not saith the Lord , Heb. 8.9 . keywords: act; angels; answer; believers; blessed; blessings; blood; body; breach; cause; christ; church; comfort; condition; consolation; cor; covenant; curse; david; day; dead; death; desire; distinct; distinct covenant; divine; doth; elect; end; eternal; eternity; everlasting covenant; faith; father; fear; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; hands; hath; head; heart; heb; holiness; holy; hope; house; infinite; isa; jesus christ; joh; justice; justification; justified; king; law; life; like; lord; lost; love; man; mediator; mediatory covenant; men; mercy; merits; nature; nay; new covenant; obedience; office; peace; people; perfect; person; poor; power; promise; psal; redeemer; redemption; respect; reward; righteousness; said; salvation; satan; saved; saviour; seed; self; shew; sin; sinners; sins; son; soul; spirit; surety; sweet; tcp; text; thee; things; tho; thou; time; true; truth; unto; viz; way; wisdom; witness; works; world; wrath cache: A47489.xml plain text: A47489.txt item: #85 of 164 id: A47613 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: A summons to the grave, or, The necessity of a timely preparation for death demonstrated in a sermon preached at the funeral of that most eminent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ Mr. John Norcot who departed this life March 24, 1675/6 / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1676.0 words: 17666 flesch: 79 summary: Thirdly , the Scripture shews , that at death the body goes one way , and the spirit goes another , namely , to God that gave it : we may judge also of the nature of the spirit or soul of man , if we consider how nothing but God himself can satisfie it , lives upon divine and immortal food , and therefore sure must be of like nature : what does shew more clearly that our bodies are earthly , or made of earth , as the consideration of their being fed , and sustained from the earth , so say I on the contrary hand in respect of the soul ; 't is sed with spiritual and immortal food , ergo such is its nature ; but not to trouble you with things of this kinde further , Reader , let it be thy Chief care to prepare for thy eternal state , for be sure it will be but a little while , and thou wilt find either to thy everlasting joy and comfort , or else to thy everlasting wo and sorrow : the truth of this doctrine of the Souls ; Immortality , and the effects thereof ; And that this broken Sermon may prove , through Gods blessing , someways for thy Souls advantage and profit , is the sincere desire of Thy Affectionate and Cordial Friend and Servant in the Lord Jesus B. K. An ELEGY on the Death of that most Laborious and Painful Minister of the Gospel Mr. JOHN NORCOT , who fell asleep in the Lord the 24th of this instant March 1675-76 . When you read of soul as that which rejoyceth in God , delights in God , longs and thirsts after God , lives and feeds upon God and Christ , and united to and hath communion with God , cloathed and adorned with the holy Spirit ; it alwayes holds forth the glorious spirit or soul of man : let me onely direct you to one or two Scriptures upon this account , Luke 1. 46. keywords: able; account; beloved; better; blessed; body; broken; brother; care; cause; christ; comfort; conscience; cry; david; day; dayes; dead; dear; death; desire; dost; doth; dust; earth; eebo; english; eternal; evil; face; faithful; father; free; friend; fruit; gain; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grave; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; holy; house; israel; jesus; jesus christ; job; john; joy; judgement; king; labour; lamentation; life; like; little; live; long; lord; loss; love; man; measure; men; ministers; mourn; nature; nay; norcot; onely; paul; place; poor; power; precious; prepared; present; psal; ready; rest; righteous; sad; saith; sake; scripture; self; sermon; sight; sin; sinners; sins; soul; spirit; strength; sure; sweet; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; use; way; wilt; word; work; wrath; yea; years cache: A47613.xml plain text: A47613.txt item: #86 of 164 id: A48438 author: Lamb, Philip, d. 1689. title: A funeral sermon after the interment of Mrs. Sarah Lye. The late wife of Mr. Thomas Lye of Clapham. By Phil. Lamb, minister of the Word. Together with the scriptual evidence and experiences of the grace of God towards, and in her, left under her own hand date: 1679.0 words: 19044 flesch: 72 summary: This true love is a fire that makes all things like it self ; true love to God is of an assimilating vertue , it will make us like to God , and like to Christ , whom we love : Love is like a Looking-glass , if you turn the Glass downward , there will appear nothing but the representation of earth , and terrestrial creatures , all earth ; but if you turn it upward , then there will appear Heaven , and celestial , and the urseen glory of another world , unseen as to our bodily eyes , but visible to the eye of faith : If God hath vouchsafed this grace to you , as he hath made you partakers of his love , and given you the transcript or reflection thereof , be you sure that you love him again , and be you sure also to keep off every thing that may stifle or quench the heat of your love ; take heed of those strong blasts , those wicked and cursed temptations that arise from Hell ; take heed also of those damps that arise from the world ; if you set your affections there , those cold vapours arising thence , will either abate or extinguish the heat of this pure heavenly fire of love ; take heed of being Servants , with the World , to the lusts of the flesh ; beware of these things : Sin , the lusts of the flesh , the love of the World , and Christ , are , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , inconsistent , they cannot dwell together in one Soul. keywords: age; apostle; better; children; christ; comfort; communion; day; days; dear; death; delight; desire; doth; duty; dye; early; eebo; english; experiences; father; forth; friend; funeral; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heed; hell; hope; house; isa; jesus; jesus christ; joh; joy; knowledg; late; life; like; little; long; lord; lord jesus; love; lusts; lye; man; men; mercy; mind; morning; neglect; old; ordinances; peace; persons; phil; pleased; poor; precious; psal; saints; scripture; second; seeking; self; selves; sermon; set; sin; soul; spirit; tcp; text; things; thou; thoughts; time; true; true love; truth; understanding; vers; voice; way; wisdom; wonderful; words; work; world; yea; young cache: A48438.xml plain text: A48438.txt item: #87 of 164 id: A48732 author: Littleton, Adam, 1627-1694. title: A sermon at the funeral of the Right Honourable the Lady Jane eldest daughter to His Grace, William, Duke of Newcastle, and wife to the Honourable Charles Cheyne, Esq, at Chelsey, Novemb. I, being All-Saints day by Adam Littleton ... date: 1669.0 words: 10724 flesch: 59 summary: However , notwithstanding this deceitfulness and vanity , Those Advantages of good Carriage and a Courteous Behaviour , of Beauty , and a graceful Aspect , are not absolutely to be condemn'd , or to be at all disparaged by us , where God gives them ; they being Blessings , as they come from his Hand . For to look upon her as a Supernumerary Creature , and one brought into the world by the By , besides the Creator's first Intention , upon second Thoughts ( though Those too amongst us Men , with whose methods it pleases God out of condescension to comply , pass for the Wisest ) is to lay a foul Imputation upon Divine Wisdom , as if it had been at a stand , and were to seek . keywords: adam; advantages; beauty; best; better; blessed; books; care; carriage; characters; chearful; chelsey; cheyne; children; church; close; constant; daughter; day; dead; dear; death; discretion; duke; duty; dye; early; eebo; eldest; english; example; eyes; fair; family; father; favour; fear; fit; funeral; glory; god; good; goodness; grace; great; greater; greatest; hath; heart; heaven; holy; home; honourable; husband; ill; jane; joy; kindness; king; lady; left; life; like; littleton; living; look; lord; love; memory; men; mind; mother; natural; nature; newcastle; noble; offices; passions; person; piety; pious; place; praise; pride; principle; quality; reason; right; saints; self; sex; sickness; soul; spirit; tcp; tears; tei; text; things; time; vain; verse; vertue; vertuous; vertuous woman; way; wife; william; wisdom; woman; works; world; worthy cache: A48732.xml plain text: A48732.txt item: #88 of 164 id: A48733 author: Littleton, Adam, 1627-1694. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of Mrs. Mary Alston, wife to Joseph Alston Esq; who dyed, Jan. 25. and was interred at Chelsey, Feb. 7. 1670. By Adam Littleton, D.D. Recton of Chelsey. date: 1671.0 words: 7583 flesch: 59 summary: Yet when ye well consider the purport of the words I have now read to you , that Faith is the great instrument and advantage of a Christians life ; for the just shall live by his faith : and that Justification or forgiveness of sins is the main comfort , any Christian can have at his death ; inasmuch as he that believes , shall not die for ever , and though he die , yet shall he live ; and over and above , that the Gospel-state affords us Christians that help towards these ends , which the Jewish oeconomy could not do to them : ye must acknowledge with me , there cannot be a more effectual Exhortation for us that survive , then that of Faith ; nor a fuller Consolation over our deceased Friends , then that of being justified ; whereby at our departure hence we have a prospect of ensuing bliss in the other world , by being assured through faith in Christ , of pardon and acceptance , and of escaping the wrath to come . Thus have I given you a short Analysis , and Survey of the Apostles whole discourse , the sense and main design whereof lies in the Text , that Jesus Christ was the expected Messias , the Saviour of the world , by whom and by him alone Justification through Faith in him , and forgiveness of sins , which is the proper notion and importance of salvation , is to be obtained . keywords: adam; alston; apostle; art; believers; body; books; ceremonial; characters; chelsey; christ; conscience; covenant; day; death; early; eebo; end; english; extent; faith; forgiveness; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; holy; jesus; jews; justification; justified; law; legal; life; littleton; love; man; mary; men; merit; moral; moses; nature; obedience; pardon; peace; person; righteousness; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; self; sense; sins; spirit; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thou; true; word; works cache: A48733.xml plain text: A48733.txt item: #89 of 164 id: A48835 author: Lloyd, William, 1627-1717. title: A sermon at the funeral of Sr. Edmund-Bury Godfrey, one of His Majesties justices of the peace, who was barbarously murthered preached on Thursday the last day of October 1678, in the parish church of St. Martin in the Fields / by William Lloyd ... date: 1678.0 words: 10447 flesch: 82 summary: For the First , that is , Men of Atheistical Principles ; they follow only their Lust , or their Interest ; Which will scarce unite any number of men to carry on such a formed design as this was . But when they had Strangled him , they had not done with him so , he must be cast forth to the Birds & Beasts : and that with the formality of a Sword thrust through his body , that if men came to find him , they might judge that he had killed himself ; Whether it were to save themselves from Suspicion , or whether out of malice to him , or whether both these together , God knows . keywords: abner; authors; best; better; blood; books; business; cause; church; david; day; death; discovery; doctrines; doubt; durst; duty; eebo; english; fact; family; father; fear; friend; funeral; god; godfrey; good; government; great; hands; hath; iii; interest; ishbosheth; king; lawful; laws; lessius; life; like; loss; man; matter; men; murther; parish; people; person; place; poor; possible; public; reason; religion; saith; sam; scarce; sect; self; shew; tcp; text; things; thou; thought; time; tokens; true; way; wicked cache: A48835.xml plain text: A48835.txt item: #90 of 164 id: A48837 author: Lloyd, William, 1627-1717. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Francis Mitchel, who dyed the 19th, and was buried the 24th of July, 1671 date: 1671.0 words: 6272 flesch: 75 summary: There says Balaam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Let my soul go out of this world as the Righteous doth , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and let my latter end be like his . Him they called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is , Perfect , wanting nothing to make him a holy or a righteous man. keywords: age; books; characters; children; comparison; david; death; doth; early; earth; eebo; end; english; funeral; god; good; gospel; hath; heaven; law; life; lord; man; mark; means; men; peace; perfect; perfection; promise; righteous; sayes; sense; sin; spiritual; sure; tcp; tei; temporal; text; things; time; upright; words; work; world; years cache: A48837.xml plain text: A48837.txt item: #91 of 164 id: A48839 author: Lloyd, William, 1627-1717. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Right Reverend Father in God John late Lord Bishop of Chester, at the Guildhal Chappel London, on Thursday the 12 of December, 1672 by William Lloyd ... date: 1672.0 words: 8549 flesch: 70 summary: In their Traditional Language they call one of our Bishops 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which in effect is the word in my Text. Lastly , Remembrance in Action is the other duty enjoyn'd in my Text , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Imitate their Faith , that is , their Christian profession and practise , their whole Life and Conversation , according to their own belief of that word which they have spoken . keywords: affections; apostle; better; bishops; cause; christ; church; conversation; days; dead; death; design; desire; duty; eebo; end; english; epistle; faith; father; friend; god; good; great; hath; holy; hope; john; life; like; little; living; long; lord; man; memory; men; mind; natural; ought; persons; place; pleased; praise; present; reason; remembrance; scripture; tcp; text; things; thou; thought; time; timothy; true; use; verse; way; word; work; years cache: A48839.xml plain text: A48839.txt item: #92 of 164 id: A48948 author: Loe, William, d. 1645. title: A sermon preached at Lambeth, April 21, 1645, at the funerall of that learned and polemicall divine, Daniel Featley, Doctor in Divinity, late preacher there with a short relation of his life and death / by William Leo [sic] ... date: 1645.0 words: 11870 flesch: 72 summary: The third beast was like a Leopard , a mongrell beast comming of a Lion and a Pard , and this is the covetous wretch , who being neither fish , nor flesh , nor good red-herring , neither good to God , nor to man , nor to himselfe . The Royall Preacher tells us , that God hath set the world in the heart of man , to the end that he should consider the deceitfulnesse and uncertainty of it . keywords: a48948; april; beast; behold; blessed; book; brittle; brother; children; christ; christian; church; colledge; conference; crystall; dangerous; daniel; day; death; divine; divinity; doctor; doctrinall; doctrine; doe; doth; early; earth; end; english; evill; experience; eyes; fall; farre; father; favour; featley; fit; foure; friends; funerall; glasse; glorious; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hee; himselfe; holy; hope; house; ille; iron; jesuites; jesus; john; king; knowledge; lambeth; learning; leave; left; life; like; little; living; loe; lord; love; lust; mammonists; manner; men; muck; nathanael; need; night; non; open; owne; oxford; passages; paul; people; piece; place; polemicall; poore; preacher; present; pride; prophet; proposition; proud; psal; ready; relation; respect; restlesse; roman; rome; saint; saith; sands; sea; second; selves; sermon; set; ship; short; sic; silver; slippery; soule; spirit; state; storme; suae; text; thee; things; thou; throne; time; truth; vision; wee; wicked; william; wind; words; world; worthy; yea; yeeres cache: A48948.xml plain text: A48948.txt item: #93 of 164 id: A49252 author: Love, Christopher, 1618-1651. title: The naturall mans case stated, or, An exact map of the little world man considered in both his capacities, either in the state of nature or grace / as is laid down in XVII sermons by that late truely orthodox divine, Mr. Christopher Love ... ; whereunto is annexed The saints triumph over death, being his funeral sermon, by that painful labourer in the Lords vineyard, Mr. Tho. Manton ... date: 1652.0 words: 76608 flesch: 65 summary: 1 If you respect the eternall decree and determination of God , so they were in Christ , for God did purpose to make Jesus Christ a Mediatour between God and man , by whose bloud they should be saved . so Christ he is our Sun of righteousnesse , take away Christ from a man , and there wil no blossomes of grace bud forth in that mans heart : Adams stock is a barren root , upon which no branch of grace will spring forth ; you can never bring forth any fruit unto God , unlesse you be graffed not upon Adams Stock , but upon the Stock of the root of Jesse ; a man during his unconverted estate , he is the Devils slave , and he never brings forth fruit , till he come to be in Christ ; only in and through Christ , we are enabled to bring forth acceptable fruit unto God. keywords: able; actions; adam; afflictions; aliens; answ; answer; apostle; atheisme; atheist; bad; base; bee; beleever; beloved; better; blessings; bloud; bodies; body; break; broken; canst; care; case; characters; children; christ; christ god; christ hath; christ thou; christlesse man; church; claim; comfort; coming; command; common; commonwealth; complacency; conclusion; condition; conscience; consolation; conversion; cor; covenant; creatures; curse; david; day; dead; deal; death; delight; devill; die; difference; discoveries; doctrine; doe; doth; drink; duties; duty; dye; end; ephes; eternall; evidence; eyes; ezek; face; faith; fall; false; father; fear; fire; flesh; foundation; free; fruit; generall; glory; god; god doth; godly; godly man; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; great; greatest; ground; guilty; hands; happinesse; hast; hath; having; head; heart; heaven; heb; hell; holy; hope; house; ignorant; interest; inward; ioh; israel; jesus christ; job; joh; joy; judgement; knowledge; known; labour; law; leave; life; like; little; live; living; long; look; lord; lord god; love; luk; lusts; man; man hath; manner; mans; matter; meaning; men; mercies; mercy; minde; miserable; misery; naturall; nature; needs; new; obedience; object; old; onely; outward; pardon; particulars; parts; paul; people; perfect; performance; person; pet; place; point; poor; power; practicall; practise; prayer; present; presumptuous; priviledges; promise; prop; propriety; prov; psal; question; ready; reall; reason; regard; remembrance; rev; riches; righteousnesse; rule; sabbath; sacrifice; sad; saies; saints; salvation; sayes christ; sayes god; scripture; second; secret; seeing; self; selves; sense; sermon; shew; sin; sinne; sins; small; soul; speak; speciall; spirit; spirituall; state; strangers; strength; strong; sufferings; sun; sure; tels; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; title; trouble; true god; truth; unconverted; unlesse; unregenerate; use; verse; victory; walk; want; water; way; wayes; wee; wicked; wicked man; wil; words; work; world; world man; yea cache: A49252.xml plain text: A49252.txt item: #94 of 164 id: A49716 author: Laud, William, 1573-1645. title: The Arch-bishop of Canterburie his speech, or, His funeral sermon preached by himself on the scaffold on Tower-hill on Friday the tenth of January, 1645, upon Hebrews 12, 1, 2 also, the prayers which he used at the same time and place before his execution / all faithfully written by Iohn Hinde, whom the archbishop beseeched that hee would not let any wrong be done him by any phrase in false copies. date: 1645.0 words: 4302 flesch: 54 summary: Upon Heb. 12. 1 , 2. Let us run with patience that race that is set before us , looking unto Iesus the Author and finisher of our Faith , who for the joy that was set before him , endured the Crosse , despiside the shame , and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God . I have been long in my race , and how I have looked unto Jesus the Author and finisher of my faith , is best knowne to him : I am now come to the end of my race and here I finde the Crosse , a death of shame , but the shame must be despised , or there is no comming to the right hand of God ; Jesus despis'd the shame for me , and God-forebid but I should despise the shame , for him ; I am going apace , as you see towards the Red-sea , and my feet are upon the very brinks of it , an Argument , I hope that God is bringing me to the Land of promise , for that was the way by which of old he led his people : keywords: arch; bee; beseech; bishop; bloud; christ; death; desire; english; god; good; great; hath; hebrews; hee; hill; hinde; iohn; kingdome; law; lord; man; mee; men; people; place; poore; religion; saint; scaffold; sea; self; sermon; set; shame; text; thou; thy; time; tower; way; world; wrong cache: A49716.xml plain text: A49716.txt item: #95 of 164 id: A50418 author: Croft, Herbert, 1603-1691. title: A sermon preached at the consecration of the Right Reverend Father in God, Herbert, Lord Bishop of Hereford by Jasper Mayne ... date: 1662.0 words: 12076 flesch: 60 summary: Next , his Qualification for that divine and sacred Office : he was a Gifted man , a man fitted for that Honour ; exprest in this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , The Gift that is in thee . Thirdly , his Conge D'Eslire , or Designation to that Office by the Holy Ghost , Author of that Gift : 't was given him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , by the prediction of the Prophets . keywords: able; apostles; bishop; book; building; business; chapter; characters; christ; christian; church; common; consecration; corinthians; creation; early; eebo; english; epistle; faith; father; fire; fit; forme; gentiles; ghost; gift; god; gods; good; gospel; great; greater; greek; hands; head; healing; heaven; high; holy; house; jasper; jews; knowledge; law; laying; left; light; like; little; lord; man; mayne; men; miracles; nations; nay; new; number; office; old; onely; order; parts; paul; people; persons; place; power; preachers; presbytery; priest; prophecy; prophets; publick; reason; religion; reverend; rulers; saint; saviour; sayes; scripture; self; sermon; set; short; spirit; stones; tcp; tei; temple; text; thee; things; times; timothy; tongues; true; verse; way; wonders; words; work; world cache: A50418.xml plain text: A50418.txt item: #96 of 164 id: A51833 author: Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677. title: Advice to mourners under the loss of dear relations in a funeral sermon long since preach'd / by the late Reverand Dr. Thomas Manton ... And now occasionally published on the much lamented death of Mrs. Ann Terry, who died the 9th of November, 1693. With a short account of some passages of her life, and papers left under her own hand. date: 1694.0 words: 29036 flesch: 74 summary: Though you cannot say God has chosen you , and that he is yours , yet you will chuse him : Do you by an Holy importunate Faith thus fasten your selves upon God , and say , Lord , if thou wilt not honour me , love me , bless me as thine , for I am resolved to be thine ; and if I perish , one must perish that desires to be thine . 5. My Son , despise not thou the Chastening of the Lord ; because it is from God. keywords: 1st; account; affections; angels; apostle; best; better; blessed; blessing; blood; body; care; cast; cause; children; christ; christian; comfort; comfortable; condition; conscience; day; days; dear; death; desire; didst; die; dost; doth; duty; earthly; end; english; eternal; eternity; evil; eyes; faith; father; fear; find; fit; friends; glorious; glory; god; godly; good; good god; goodness; grace; great; grief; hand; happiness; happy; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; help; hold; holy; honour; hope; house; husband; inheritance; interest; iob; jesus; judgment; kingdom; lamb; late; leave; left; life; like; little; long; lord; lord god; loss; love; man; manton; meet; men; mercies; mercy; mind; misery; mother; mourn; nature; new; o lord; occasion; outward; overcome; paper; patience; peace; people; pleased; poor; portion; power; prayer; precious; presence; private; providence; psal; reason; relations; respect; right; saints; sake; salvation; saviour; self; selves; sense; sermon; set; short; sinners; sins; sit; son; sorrow; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; strength; tcp; tears; temper; tender; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; throne; thy; time; troubles; true; trust; use; vain; water; way; white; wife; wilt; work; world; worldly; worthy cache: A51833.xml plain text: A51833.txt item: #97 of 164 id: A51834 author: Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677. title: The blessed estate of them that die in the Lord opened in a sermon at the funerals of Mistres Jane Blackwel, wife of Master Elidad Blackwel, pastor of Andrew Undershaft, London / by Tho. Manton. date: 1656.0 words: 12488 flesch: 70 summary: As Adam knew Eve , and in the transfiguration Peter knew Moses and Elias , dead many hundred yeers before ; so shall we know one another , we shall not go to a strange people , where we know no body : As men at a Feast are social and familiar one with another ; we shall be discoursing of Gods wisdom , mercy , justice in the work of Redemption : So did Moses and E●ias with Christ , Luke 9.31 . of the wonderful Providence of God in conducting us to glory ; as travellers in their Inn take pleasure to discourse with one another of the dyrtiness and dangers of the way . They delight in the good of men ; when man was created , the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy , Job 38.7 . keywords: angels; blackwel; blessed; blessedness; bodies; body; cause; christ; christian; come; comfort; company; condition; conscience; day; dead; death; doth; dye; earth; english; estate; eternal; evil; face; father; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; great; happiness; happy; heart; heaven; heb; jane; joh; knowledge; labours; lay; life; light; like; little; london; long; lord; loss; love; luke; manner; manton; master; mat; men; nature; need; non; old; onely; open; paul; place; presence; present; psal; rest; roman; saints; saith; scripture; self; sin; sleep; sorrow; soul; spirit; text; things; thou; time; true; union; way; wicked; words; world; yea cache: A51834.xml plain text: A51834.txt item: #98 of 164 id: A52175 author: Mason, John, 1646?-1694. title: The waters of Marah sweetned A sermon preached at the funeral of Mrs. Clare Wittewronge, eldest daughter to Joseph Alston Esq; and late wife to John Wittewronge Esq;: who was interred at Stantonbury in the county of Bucks. Octob. 22. 1669. By Mr. John Mason, minister. date: 1671.0 words: 7799 flesch: 82 summary: If ye are Christs , death is yours ; but if you are not Christs , you are Deaths , you are deaths prisoners ; but in Christ we are deaths Masters . For what is death , but the curse of the great God upon rebellious man , the bitter fruit of sin , a period to all earthly comforts , and the beginning of an everlasting Hell ? Death destroys vital union , dissolves the knot of natural Relations , divorces the wife from her husband , pulls the child out of his fathers bosom ; it marrs the greatest beauties , stains the pride of earthly glory ; it degrades the Honourable , binds the strong , beggars ▪ the rich ; it casts us out of our houses and possessions , disappoints our earthly expectations ; In a word , it rends a man asunder , and sends part of him into the prison of the Grave ; and the other part into the dungeon of Hell. keywords: afraid; appearance; art; blessed; blood; body; books; characters; christ; christian; comfort; covenant; curse; day; death; early; eebo; english; esq; everlasting; faith; fire; funeral; glory; god; gods; good; great; happy; hath; heaven; heb; hell; jesus; jesus christ; john; judge; judgment; justice; life; lord; man; mason; new; night; peace; people; presence; rest; sacrifice; salvation; second; sin; sins; soul; state; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thou; wittewronge; words; work; world cache: A52175.xml plain text: A52175.txt item: #99 of 164 id: A52250 author: Newton, George, 1602-1681. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Joseph Aleine by George Newton ... date: 1672.0 words: 11031 flesch: 78 summary: In the dayes of his flesh he offered up strong cries and tears to God , Heb. 5. 7. He wept for his beloved Lazarus , John 11. 35. That when God comes to visit , he may find the sighs breathing from your hearts , the drops runing down your cheeks , and all about you wet with tears . keywords: able; abominations; affections; affliction; beloved; best; better; blessed; brethren; brother; cause; children; christ; daughters; david; day; dead; death; doth; early; eebo; end; english; eyes; father; glory; god; good; grace; great; greater; grief; hath; hearts; holy; house; israel; jerusalem; joy; judgments; laughter; life; light; little; look; lord; loss; love; man; men; merry; ministers; mirth; misplace; naked; object; occasion; passions; people; poor; rest; saith; sam; saviour; seed; selves; sinning; sins; sorrow; souls; subject; tcp; tears; text; thee; things; thou; times; troubled; weep; weeping; word; work; yea cache: A52250.xml plain text: A52250.txt item: #100 of 164 id: A53897 author: Pearson, John, 1613-1686. title: The patriarchal funeral, or, A sermon preached before the Right Honourable George Lord Berkeley upon the death of his father by John Pearson. date: 1658.0 words: 7234 flesch: 67 summary: This was the paternal love of Iacob , and this was answered with as high a filial respect in Ioseph ; which after death could not otherwise be expressed then in tears ; And therefore he made a mourning for his Father , who loved him . THere are two great names concealed in this Text , but express'd by the Prophet David in a peculiar and eminent manner : Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people , the Sons of Iacob and Ioseph . keywords: absalom; action; affection; benediction; berkeley; blessed; blessing; body; brethren; children; comfort; connexion; daies; days; dead; death; duty; father; filial; funeral; gen; george; god; great; grief; happy; honourable; iacob; ioseph; john; land; leave; life; lord; loss; love; man; men; mourning; natural; nature; number; occasion; parents; patriarchal; person; power; respect; rest; self; sermon; son; sons; sorrow; soul; tears; text; time cache: A53897.xml plain text: A53897.txt item: #101 of 164 id: A53926 author: Peck, Samuel. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of Sir Henry Johnson, Kt. who was interr'd in the chappel at Popler, November the 19th. 1683 / by Samuel Peck ... date: 1684.0 words: 7578 flesch: 68 summary: For did men firmly believe , and frequently consider , That for all these things God will bring them to judgment ; and that an unalterable Weal or Wo will follow upon it , according as their works shall be ; it must needs excite them ( unless they are hardned to destruction ) to a Religious life , a Godly conversation ; yea , it would make them serve the Lord , and work out their salvation with fear and trembling . But let us spend them upon better Objects , upon a better Inheritance , a more durable and lasting Estate than this World can afford us ; seeking to make him our Portion , who will be a living Comfort in a dying Hour , the ever Blessed and Glorious God ; spend more Strength and Time in his Service : Let us have our conversation in heaven , here , as the Apostle exhorts ; that we may obtain an Assurance our Habitation shall be there , when we go hence , as the Apostle tells us he had , saying — We know that if this earthly house of our tabernacle were dissolved , we have a building of God , an house not made with hands , eternal in the heavens . Which Words are both an Illustration and Confirmation of the reason which our Apostle gives his Corinthians , why he did so couragiously and valiantly labour in the Work of the Ministry , notwithstanding the many Difficulties and dangers , the continual Trouble and Opposition he met withal on every side , for commending himself to every mans conscience in the sight of God. keywords: angels; apostle; better; blessed; bodies; body; books; building; characters; continuance; daily; day; death; dissolution; divine; dust; early; earthly; earthly house; eebo; end; english; estate; eternal; faithful; flesh; frail; funeral; glorious; glory; god; good; great; habitation; hands; heavens; henry; holy; hope; house; infinite; johnson; judgment; king; life; like; lord; man; men; peck; place; poor; reason; religion; saith; samuel; sickness; sin; sir; soul; subject; tabernacle; tcp; tei; text; things; tho; thou; time; works; world cache: A53926.xml plain text: A53926.txt item: #102 of 164 id: A54841 author: Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691. title: Empsychon nekron, or, The lifelessness of life on the hether side of immortality with (a timely caveat against procrastination) briefly expressed and applyed in a sermon preached at the funerall of Edward Peyto of Chesterton ... / by Thomas Pierce ... date: 1659.0 words: 14522 flesch: 74 summary: By Thomas Pierce Rector of Brington . — — {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Sophocles {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} . {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} . Eurip. Insomuch that to expire , is no more in effect , then to be honest : 't is to restore a Life , which we did but borrow . a {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} . keywords: able; advantage; answer; author; better; bliss; bodies; body; breath; chesterton; christ; cor; course; david; day; dayes; dead; death; doth; dye; early; earth; edward; end; english; eternity; eyes; farther; fear; form; frailty; god; good; great; greatest; hath; heart; heaven; hell; hether; holy; honour; house; immortality; iob; job; kind; king; knowledge; life; little; lives; living; long; lord; luk; manner; mark; mat; matter; men; mind; morrow; nature; nay; night; non; number; old; particular; person; peyto; pierce; place; power; present; psal; reason; remembrance; repentance; rest; righteous; roman; saith; second; self; selves; sermon; set; short; short time; sickness; sin; sins; soul; state; sure; text; things; thomas; time; timely; trouble; true; truth; unto; use; usefull; vers; want; way; wisd; words; work; world; years; young cache: A54841.xml plain text: A54841.txt item: #103 of 164 id: A54873 author: Abbott, Mordecai, d. 1700? title: A funeral sermon upon the sad occasion of the death of Mordecai Abbott, Esq. preach'd the 17th of March 1699-1700 by John Piggott. date: 1700.0 words: 13332 flesch: 66 summary: Had not the Apostle believ'd this , we cannot imagine that he would have esteem'd Death to be gain to him ; or that he would have been in any strait to determine and fix his choice , for present Death or longer Life : for the latter would have been much more eligible , if he had believ'd that his Soul at death would have been as insensible and unactive as his Body ; and no doubt but he would rather have desir'd to continue in this World , where he had enjoy'd Communion with Christ , and often seen him by a steddy eye of Faith , than to be hurried out of it by Death , and render'd utterly incapable of any enjoyment of his Redeemer till the Resurrection . I confess that his own Exaltation and Triumphs began with his Resurrection ; but if there had not been an infinite satisfying Merit in his Death , he had been so fast fetter'd with the bonds of Death , that he could never have burst 'em : but having offer'd a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling savour to God , which was of infinite worth and consideration , the pains of death were loos'd , for 't was impossible he should be held by 'em : naturally impossible ▪ because of his irresistible Power as God ; legally impossible , because he had paid the full Demands of the Law and Justice . keywords: abbott; air; apostle; assurance; best; betwixt; bodies; body; books; brethren; cause; certain; character; christ; christians; coming; cor; day; dead; death; degree; divine; doctrine; early; earth; eebo; english; excessive; eyes; faith; father; friends; funeral; glory; god; good; grave; great; grief; hand; happiness; head; heaven; hope; ignorant; immoderate; impossible; instance; jesus; job; john; kind; law; life; little; lord; loss; man; matter; men; mention; mind; mordecai; mortal; mourning; nature; necessary; new; occasion; old; original; parts; paul; person; philosophy; piggott; place; power; publick; rais'd; reason; remov'd; resurrection; righteous; sad; saints; saviour; scripture; second; set; sin; sleep; sorrow; soul; spirit; state; sting; strength; tcp; text; things; tho; thou; thought; time; united; words; work; world cache: A54873.xml plain text: A54873.txt item: #104 of 164 id: A55143 author: Pleydell, Josiah, d. 1707. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Jos. Glanvil late rector of Bath, and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty, who dyed at his rectory of Bath, the fourth of November, 1680, and was buried there the ninth of the same month / by Jos. Pleydell ... date: 1681.0 words: 6214 flesch: 58 summary: For as the plurality of the Hebrew word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 [ Ashrei ] ostendit omnigenam beatitudinem ; so more expresly does the Etymology of the Greek word answer hereunto , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 either from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 immunity from evil , or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 extremity of joy ; and accordingly 't is describ'd in my Text , first Privatively , and then Positively . So that while our Appetites , those 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , as they are call'd in Scripture , that are to be the receptacles of all this Glory , are , either replenish'd with the vain and sinful objects of this Life , or , are straitned and contracted by the weakness and imperfection of this dull and lumpish matter , they must be rid of the one and devested of the other , and then , we should be instantly happy . keywords: assur'd; bath; body; books; characters; christian; christianity; consideration; creation; death; divine; early; eebo; english; evidence; evil; excellency; future; general; glory; god; goodness; great; greater; happiness; happy; heaven; hereof; holy; hope; imperfect; instances; jos; kind; knowledge; life; light; like; man; men; mind; natural; nature; necessary; obedience; pleydell; present; principles; reason; religion; rewards; saith; scriptures; spirit; tcp; tei; testimony; text; things; truth; way; works; world cache: A55143.xml plain text: A55143.txt item: #105 of 164 id: A55741 author: Preston, John, b. 1598 or 9. title: Christ's revvard of a Christians watch and ward, or, A sermon preached at the burial of Mr. John Berry of Thorverton in the countie of Devon, Aug. 23, 1654 by John Preston ... date: 1655.0 words: 8397 flesch: 80 summary: I will not accuse you for Pride and haughtiness , for trampling under foot the glory of England , the Preaching of the Gosple of Righteousness , nor for Blasphemy , Heresie , Apostasie , Oppression , self-love , and self-seeking , serving your selves upon Christ and upon his Gosple , for I have often heard you , upon your publick fasting-daies and daies of humiliation , to accuse and condemn your selves for these and the like City sins , onely I grieve to see these Rebels and Traitors against God to get a Reprieve , and I heartily wish that the day of their Execution were come : for , the putting of these to death will be your life . 1. So distracted thoughts , worldly mindedness , and earthly talke and business upon the Lords day , will cause all thy prayers and services to stink in the nostrils of God . keywords: account; berry; better; blessed; christ; christian; city; cometh; coming; condition; conscience; danger; day; death; duty; earth; end; enemies; english; eternal; evil; fear; fit; glory; god; gods; good; great; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; john; joy; judgement; kingdom; life; light; long; lord; love; man; master; men; parts; pearl; people; perfect; preston; psal; reas; self; selves; sermon; servants; service; set; sin; soul; spirit; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; use; waking; ward; watch; watchfull; watching; work; world cache: A55741.xml plain text: A55741.txt item: #106 of 164 id: A56470 author: Parsons, Robert, 1647-1714. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Rt Honorable John Earl of Rochester, who died at Woodstock-Park, July 26, 1680, and was buried at Spilsbury in Oxford-shire, Aug. 9 by Robert Parsons ... date: 1680.0 words: 12731 flesch: 43 summary: 3. For the sincerity of it : that what was thus possible to be good and true , probably was so ; which though none but God that sees the heart , can tell certainly , yet man even also may and ought to believe it ; not only in the judgment of Charity , but of moral Justice , from all evident signs of it , which were possible to be given by one in his condition . And truly t is one good sign , that God is now taking men into the number of his children , when he is fixing upon them one of the greatest badges and characters of them ; for therefore saith the Apostle , we are chastened of the Lord , that we should not be condemned with the world ; whilst those who are reserv'd for destruction hereafter , do usually in this life come into no misfortune , nor are plagued like other men . keywords: bed; better; blessed; books; characters; children; christ; condition; conscience; conversion; danger; day; dead; death; divine; early; earth; eebo; end; english; everlasting; example; excellent; extraordinary; father; god; gods; good; goodness; grace; great; greater; greatness; hand; heart; heaven; hell; holy; honorable; hope; jesus; john; joy; king; kingdom; life; like; little; long; lord; love; man; means; men; mercy; mind; need; old; oxford; parsons; penitent; person; piety; place; pleased; possible; power; present; quality; reason; rejoyce; religion; remarkable; repentance; right; robert; rochester; salvation; saviour; self; sense; sickness; sinner; sins; soul; spirit; subject; tcp; tei; text; things; tho; thou; thoughts; thy; time; true; truth; use; utmost; virtue; way; wicked; wise; wit; works; world cache: A56470.xml plain text: A56470.txt item: #107 of 164 id: A57133 author: Reynolds, Edward, 1599-1676. title: The churches triumph over death opend in a sermon preached Septemb. 11, 1660, at the funeral of the most religious and vertuous lady, the Lady Mary Langham / by Edward Reynolds ... date: 1662.0 words: 11433 flesch: 76 summary: whereas holy men have complain'd of dying daily , 1 Cor. 15. 31. of being in deaths often , 2 Cor. 11. 23. of being compassed about with death , Psal. 18. 4. The wicked have no bands in their death , Psal. 73. 4. they are at an agreement with it , have as it were hired it not to disquiet them , Isa. 28. 15. they put it far from them , Amos 6. 3. Now God hath more care of us then of herbs , and his spirit more efficacy then the dew , and therefore however we may be withered and consumed with calamity and death , yet he will raise us up again , and cloath us with beauty and glory . keywords: act; awake; bodies; body; calamity; carcasse; child; christ; church; churches; col; comfort; condition; dead; dead men; death; deliverance; dew; doth; dust; earth; eebo; enemies; english; faith; fall; funeral; general; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grave; great; hath; head; heaven; heavenly; heb; herbs; holy; honour; hope; husband; isa; isai; jer; job; john; lady; life; like; lord; love; man; men; mortui; nature; onely; pain; people; power; prison; psal; regard; resurrection; rom; salvation; seed; self; sense; sin; sleep; spirit; subject; tcp; text; things; thy; time; travel; triumph; unto; way; wicked; woman; words; work; world cache: A57133.xml plain text: A57133.txt item: #108 of 164 id: A57163 author: Reynolds, Edward, 1599-1676. title: A sermon touching the use of humane learning preached in Mercers-Chappel at the funeral of that learned gentleman, Mr. John Langley, late school-master of Pauls School in London, on the 21 day of September, 1657 / by Ed. Reynolds ... date: 1658.0 words: 9981 flesch: 72 summary: For ●esides that debt of Honor which I owe to ●our Family , not onely for the favors received from your self , but from your noble Father and Grandfather , n●w with God ; When I consider the ve●y great love , and high esteem which your Father did bear to that good man , at whose Funeral this Sermon was preached ▪ unto whose care ●e in●●usted the Two ●rops of his Family , your Self , and your most hopeful Brother ( whom God took from that School to a celestial Academy ▪ ) and with al , your own hereditary possession of the same love and esteem , as a grateful return unto this learned man for his special care in your education ; and when I further remember the noble thoughts and singular honor which this worthy man ever had towards your Father , your self , and all the Relations of your Family ; it was not possible for me to look further for a name to inscribe before this smal Book . I have therefore assumed the boldness to put so poor a testimony of those honorable affections which I owe unto you , and of that great love which I bear to the nam● of that good man , who was so dear unto you , into your hands ; as knowing withal how much the Argument of this Sermon would be acceptable unto you , who can experimentally subscribe to the excellency and use of that Learning which it pleadeth for , and as an eye and ear witness can attest the Character of that worthy pe●son , to whose Obsequ●es this last office of love was performed . keywords: act; apostle; argument; aug; austin; blasphemy; books; cap; care; children; christ; christian; church; customs; david; death; divine; doctrine; doth; education; egyptians; enemies; english; epist; excellent; family; fathers; funeral; gentleman; god; godliness; gods; gold; good; great; greater; hath; heathen; holy; honor; honorable; humane; humane learning; ignorant; ioseph; jews; john; knowledge; langley; law; learned; learning; lib; life; like; london; lord; love; man; master; men; mighty; moses; non; onely; particular; parts; patient; paul; people; philosophers; philosophy; place; pleased; prophane; prophet; providence; reason; regard; religion; religious; reynolds; roman; saith; salvation; school; scripture; sect; self; sermon; service; set; special; spoils; temple; tertullian; text; things; time; tree; true; truth; use; useful; vid; way; wisdom; wise; word; works; worship; worthy; writers; ● ● cache: A57163.xml plain text: A57163.txt item: #109 of 164 id: A57375 author: Roberts, Francis, 1609-1675. title: The checqver-work of God's providences, towards His own people, made up of blacks and whites, viz., of their abasements, and advancements, their distresses, and deliverances, their sullying tribulations, and beautifying relaxations represented in a sermon preached at the funeral of that faithful servant of the Lord, Mary the late wife of Joseph Jackson esq, alderman of the city of Bristol, on the 5 day of May, Anno Dom. 1657 / by Francis Roberts ... date: 1657.0 words: 17185 flesch: 82 summary: 4. Hence , How unsafe and imprudent is it to Despise , Abhor or Censure others of Hypocrisie , or of a null●●y of grace , because of their sad , doleful and strange afflictions ! So live in love together on E●rth , as those that look to live in ravishments together in Heaven . keywords: acts; afflictions; alwaies; ashes; beauteous; best; better; black; blessed; bright; canaan; captivity; cast; children; christ; christian; chron; church; condition; consolation; contrary; cor; daies; dan; daniel; david; day; dear; death; deepest; deformed; deliverance; despised; distresses; dove; earth; egypt; end; enemies; escape; eternal; exod; extream; extremities; faith; faithful; feathers; felicities; felicity; fire; francis; friends; furnace; gen; general; glory; god; godly; gods; gold; golden; good; grace; gracious; great; hand; happy; hath; heaven; heb; holy; hope; inter; iob; iohn; isa; israel; jesus; job; joseph; king; kingdom; know; late; lazarus; lie; lien; life; like; long; lord; lost; love; low; luke; lying; lyons; matter; mercies; mercy; miseries; misery; non; particular; patience; people; pots; presence; present; prison; promise; prosperity; psal; read; rest; rev; rich; roberts; roman; sad; saints; sam; scripture; sea; self; sense; set; silver; sin; sorrows; spiritual; sufferings; sullying; sun; sweet; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; tribulation; triumph; trouble; true; viz; way; white; wicked; wife; wilderness; wings; words; work; world; yea; yeallow; ● ● cache: A57375.xml plain text: A57375.txt item: #110 of 164 id: A57376 author: Roberts, Francis, 1609-1675. title: The Christians advantage both by life and death discovered in a sermon preached at the funeral of that faithful and eminent servant of the Lord, Joseph Jackson, late Esq. and alderman of the city of Bristol, on the 17th day of January, an. Dom. 1661, by Fran. Roberts ... date: 1662.0 words: 13430 flesch: 83 summary: They that are Christ's , are Abraham's seed , and heirs according to the Promise , Gal. 3.28 , 29. & 4.28 , whilst all others are strangers from the Covenant'● of Promise , Ephes. 2.12 . — Then th●y also which are fallen asleep in Christ , are perished , 1 Cor. 15.18 . keywords: abraham; advantage; best; blessed; bodies; body; books; bruits; change; characters; children; christ; christian; christless; city; covenant; day; dead; death; depart; die; earth; earthly; eccles; eebo; eminent; end; enemies; english; enjoyments; ephes; epitaph; est; eternal; evil; excellent; faith; faithful; father; friends; fruit; funeral; gain; gal; gifts; glory; god; gods; gold; good; grace; great; happy; hath; heaven; heavenly; heb; holy; hope; immediate; isa; jackson; jesus; jesus christ; job; joh; joseph; late; life; like; little; live; living; long; lord; loss; love; luk; man; matth; mercy; ministers; motion; natural; non; old; paul; perfect; pet; phil; plants; poor; precious; present; promise; psal; pure; qui; red; rest; resurrection; rev; rich; roberts; rom; said; saints; salvation; sanctified; sea; season; seed; self; selves; sermon; servant; sleep; soul; spiritual; sweet; tcp; temporal; text; theirs; things; thou; time; tit; tom; treasure; true; tryed; viz; way; wicked; works; world; yea cache: A57376.xml plain text: A57376.txt item: #111 of 164 id: A57957 author: Rust, George, d. 1670. title: A funeral sermon preached at the obsequies of the right reverend father in God, Jeremy, Lord Bishop of Down who deceased at Lysburne August 13th, 1667 / by Dr. George Rust. date: 1668.0 words: 10319 flesch: 48 summary: Being fill'd with all the fulness of God , An exceeding eternal weight of Glory , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Words strangely emphatical , that can't be put into English ; and if they could , they would not be able to convey to our minds the Notion that they design : for it is too big for any Expressions ; and , after all that can be said , we must resolve with our Apostle , It does not yet appear what we shall be . But there is no such 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , or resistance , amongst spiritual Beings ; and we are estranged from God ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) not by distance of place , but by difference and diversity of Nature ; and when that is remov'd , He becomes present to us , and we to Him : 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 &c. like the Magnitudines congruae in Mathematicks , Quando prima primis , media mediis , extrema extremis , partes denique partibus usquequaque respondent , each of whose parts do exactly answer one to the other . keywords: able; ages; angels; beauty; best; better; bishop; bodies; body; books; characters; christ; christian; church; company; countrey; day; death; desires; discourse; divine; dwell; early; earth; eebo; english; eternal; excellent; fancy; father; funeral; general; george; glorious; glory; god; good; goodness; great; greater; greatest; happiness; happy; hath; hearts; heaven; heavenly; holy; house; image; jeremy; jesus; joy; kingdom; knowledge; land; life; like; little; living; london; long; lord; love; man; men; minds; nature; needs; new; objects; obsequies; oxford; parts; passions; perfection; person; pleasant; pleasure; portion; reason; rest; right; righteousness; rust; schools; self; selves; sermon; soul; spirit; spring; state; subject; sun; tcp; tei; text; things; time; touch; truth; university; way; wit; words; work; world cache: A57957.xml plain text: A57957.txt item: #112 of 164 id: A58814 author: Scott, John, 1639-1695. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of Dr. William Croun on the 23d of October, 1684, at St. Mildred Church in the Poultrey by John Scott ... date: 1685.0 words: 10641 flesch: 30 summary: 4. Fourthly and lastly , Hence I infer , what unspeakable incouragement we have to endeavour after that Universal Righteousness , which intitles us to this blessed state of eternal life ; since God hath proposed such a vast reward to encourage and animate our industry , how can we account any work hard , of which Heaven is the wages ? how can we faint in our Christian race when we see the Crown of Glory hang over the Goal ? IN the foregoing verses of this Chapter our Saviour describes the process of the day of Judgment , and the different Fates to which good and bad men ( whom he describes under the Characters of Sheep and Goats ) shall then be sentenced and consigned , and then he summs up the whole discourse in the words of the Text , These , that is , the Goats , or the Wicked , of whom he had been discoursing in the verses immediately preceding , These shall go away into everlasting punishment , but the Righteous into life eternal ; where by the Righteous we are to understand the truly Pious , and Vertuous , that is , they who render to God , to Men , and to themselves all that duty they owe in their respective Relations and Circumstances : for all our Duties being Dues , our performance of them is nothing but the discharging of our Debts , or being strictly Righteous in rendring to God , and Men , and our selves , what we owe to each by an immutable obligation : and hence the whole Duty of Man is in Scripture very often called by the name of Righteousness , and those who comply with their whole Duty , are frequently styled Righteous , because , to be Righteous , is to render to every one his due , and to render every one his due , is the whole Duty of Man ; so that the meaning of the words is this , they who have been good Men in all their respective Relations , and Circumstances , who have made it the business of their lives to render to God all that Piety and Devotion , to their Neighbours all that Justice and Charity , to themselves all that Sobriety and Temperance which is due from them , both by the command of God , and the judgment of right reason , they , as a reward of this their universal Righteousness , shall by this final judgment be transmitted unto life eternal . keywords: angels; best; blessed; blessings; blissfull; books; characters; conversation; creation; croun; day; death; degree; discourse; early; eebo; endless; english; eternal; eternal life; eternity; everlasting; everlasting life; eyes; father; friends; funeral; glories; glorified; glorious; glory; god; good; goodness; great; happiness; happy; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; hope; infinite; john; joys; knowledge; leave; life; light; little; living; long; lord; love; lovers; man; men; minds; misery; nature; new; pain; paradise; perfect; place; pleasure; present; prospect; pure; reason; reward; righteous; scott; scripture; self; selves; sense; sermon; short; society; sorrowfull; souls; spirits; state; tcp; tei; temper; text; thing; thou; thy; time; unspeakable; vast; viz; work; world cache: A58814.xml plain text: A58814.txt item: #113 of 164 id: A58818 author: Scott, John, 1639-1695. title: A sermon preach'd at the funeral of Sir John Buckworth, at the parish-church of St. Peter's le Poor in Broadstreet, December 29, 1687 by John Scott. date: 1688.0 words: 7973 flesch: 49 summary: For alas , what is vain Man , that he should talk of Repenting hereafter , when perhaps while the words are in his mouth , the earnest of Death is in his Head , or Heart , or Bowels ; when for all he knows , he may be inflamed with a Fevor with what he hath drank to day , or stifled with a Surfeit with what he shall eat to morrow ; when he may expire his Soul with his next Breath , or suck in his bane with the next Air ; and so many unlooked for accidents may presently put an end to all his talk of Repenting hereafter , and render it impossible for ever ? Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: able; affections; approaches; apt; bed; best; books; buckworth; characters; church; circumstances; company; condition; considerations; continuance; darkness; days; death; desires; early; ease; eebo; english; ere; eternal; eternity; everlasting; eyes; fatal; frequent; funeral; future; gay; god; good; grave; great; happiness; happy; heart; hope; hour; john; leave; life; light; little; long; man; men; minds; mortality; nature; necessary; poor; power; present; remembrances; repentance; scott; self; selves; soul; state; sun; tcp; tei; terrors; text; things; thoughts; thy; time; vanity; wealth; wise; works; world; years cache: A58818.xml plain text: A58818.txt item: #114 of 164 id: A59276 author: Dominican fryer. title: A sermon preached on the occasion of a funeral at Gabuly in Ireland by a Dominican fryer. date: 1689.0 words: 1772 flesch: 74 summary: Thou hast poured out like Milk , and crudled me as Cheese . BEloved , you see here what Job says of himself , yea Job , that holy Man ; he compared himself to Cheese , yes , he doth you Sirs , he doth to Cheese like Cheese , Thou hast curdled me or framed me . keywords: books; characters; cheese; day; dominican; early; eebo; english; fryer; funeral; good; images; job; occasion; online; oxford; partnership; phase; soul; tcp; tei; text; thou; yea cache: A59276.xml plain text: A59276.txt item: #115 of 164 id: A59876 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Benj. Calamy, D.D. and late minister of St. Lawrence Jewry, London, Jan. 7th, 1686 by William Sherlock ... date: 1686.0 words: 8298 flesch: 60 summary: Now to Feed , signifies to instruct men in the Knowledge of Christ , for Knowledge is the proper food and nourishment of the Soul , by which it grows in Spiritual Wisdom , and all Vertue and Goodness ; and is as necessary to our Spiritual Life , as natural food is to the Life of our Bodies . Christ is the Head of the Church , the Husband , the Shepherd , the Lord , which are all names of Authority and Power ; and the Church is his Body , his Spouse , his Flock , his Houshold , and Family , which are names of Subjection , and denote a regular and orderly Society ; but Christ has now left this World , and does not visibly appear among us , to direct and govern the Affairs of his Church ; he is ascended into Heaven , where he sits at the right hand of God , and exerciseth an invisible Power and Providence for the defence and preservation of his Church on Earth : He governs us by his Laws , and by his Spirit , and by his Ministers : for when he ascended on high , he led captivity captive , and gave gifts to men . keywords: advice; age; apostles; authority; bishops; blessed; calamy; care; christ; christian; church; coming; discharge; divine; duty; earth; eebo; english; faithful; faithfulness; flock; god; good; gospel; great; greater; guide; heaven; holy; houshold; john; judge; knowledge; life; like; lord; man; meat; men; mind; ministers; necessary; office; onely; power; private; prudence; religion; reward; rulers; saviour; season; sermon; servant; sherlock; souls; stewards; tcp; text; things; thought; time; true; trust; use; william; wise; work; world cache: A59876.xml plain text: A59876.txt item: #116 of 164 id: A59884 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Richard Meggot D.D. and late Dean of Winchester, Decemb. 10th, 1692 at Twickenham by William Sherlock ... date: 1693.0 words: 5561 flesch: 63 summary: Church of England -- Sermons. Gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. keywords: 4to; better; books; care; characters; christ; christian; church; dean; death; decemb; desire; different; difficulties; doctrine; early; ease; edition; eebo; english; faithful; funeral; god; good; gospel; great; happiness; heaven; images; labours; life; lord; loss; love; man; men; ministers; needful; paul; place; reason; rest; reverend; self; sermon; sherlock; souls; state; tcp; tei; text; things; time; true; truth; william; work; world cache: A59884.xml plain text: A59884.txt item: #117 of 164 id: A59887 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A sermon preach'd at the Temple-Church, December 30, 1694, upon the sad occasion of the death of our gracious Queen by William Sherlock ... date: 1694.0 words: 5177 flesch: 63 summary: But if we may say , that some things are more peculiarly the care of Providence , than others , Life and Death are certainly so ; no man can be Born or Die , without the particular Order and Appointment of God : Our Saviour tells us , not a sparrow falls to the ground without our Father , much less men ; and assures his Disciples , that all the hairs of their head are numbred ; and their Lives are more sacred than their Hairs . Our good Queen did not think so , who knew what an Earthly Crown meant , but was willing to part with it for Heaven ; who saw Death approaching without fear , and prepared to receive its Stroke with that calmness and sedateness of Mind , as nothing could give but an innocent Conscience , and much greater Hopes But as for our selves , though we must acknowledge that we have received a very great Loss , in the Death of an excellent Queen , yet we have no reason to quarrel at Providence , while God preserves our King to go in and out before us . keywords: 8vo; affairs; books; care; characters; church; dean; death; december; discourse; divine; doings; dumb; early; edition; eebo; england; english; excellent; friend; god; good; government; gracious; great; greatest; hope; king; life; lord; loss; man; mankind; men; mind; mouths; nature; occasion; particular; prince; providence; queen; reason; religion; sermon; sherlock; submission; sufferings; tcp; tei; temple; text; things; thoughts; william; wise; world cache: A59887.xml plain text: A59887.txt item: #118 of 164 id: A59930 author: H. S. title: The great treaty of peace: or, A serious exhortation upon a sad occasion to double diligence about making peace with God Part whereof was preached at the funeral of Mrs. Anne Kyrl, April 6. 1677. To which is added, the character of that worthy gentlewoman. By H. S. minister of the Gospel. date: 1677.0 words: 17163 flesch: 87 summary: 1. In Peace , In peace with God , reconciled to him by Jesus Christ , Col. 1. 20. Rom. 5. 10. 2. 2007-12 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2007-12 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2008-02 John Latta Sampled and proofread 2008-02 John Latta Text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-09 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion THE GREAT TREATY OF PEACE : OR A Serious Exhortation upon a sad occasion to double Diligence about making Peace with God. keywords: absalom; blessed; christ; col; coming; counsel; david; day; diligence; diligent; enemies; enemy; enmity; eph; estate; face; faith; father; favour; fear; friend; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; heart; heb; hope; isa; jesus; joab; job; john; judgment; law; life; lord; love; luke; making; man; mat; means; new; paul; peace; pet; phil; poor; prayer; reconciled; reconciliation; righteousness; rom; sam; season; self; selves; set; sin; sinners; son; soul; spirit; sure; tcp; text; thee; thine; things; thou; time; use; way; work; world; yea cache: A59930.xml plain text: A59930.txt item: #119 of 164 id: A60346 author: Slater, Samuel, d. 1704. title: A funeral sermon. Delivered upon occasion of the death of that worthy gentleman John Marsh, Esq; who lived at Garston-Hall in Watford Parish in the county of Hartford; and died in the Lord, and was buried Septemb. 16, 1681. By Samuel Slater, late minister of the Gospel at Edmunds-Bury in Suffolk. date: 1682.0 words: 17270 flesch: 74 summary: This is my plague , but whence or by whom cometh my deliverance ? And when he considers that deliverance is wrought by Christ , he blesseth God for him , and since a perfect deliverance is to be brought to him by death , he thanks God for it , and this is one thing that makes this grim Messenger so lovely and acceptable to him , because he knows by that all the shackles of corruption shall be knocked off , and he shall be troubled with sin no more . 1. They did see Gods Salvation before they did depart , and so they dyed not under terrour , nor in doubt , nor at any uncertainty , but in peace ; before Death closed the Eyes of their Bodies , God had opened the Eyes of their Faith , and shewn Christ to them , and his love in Christ ; and you have reason to be perswaded good things concerning them , even such as do accompany Salvation , nay , to be now perswaded of their Salvation it self . keywords: answer; assurance; better; blessed; body; christ; christians; comforts; david; day; dead; death; delights; depart; desire; doct; doth; dye; earth; eebo; enemies; english; enjoyments; eternal; eye; eyes; face; faith; father; fear; flesh; friends; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; gracious; great; hand; hast; hath; heart; heaven; high; hold; holy; hope; image; jesus; john; lettest; life; long; longer; lord; love; man; matter; men; mind; order; patience; paul; peace; people; pleased; pleasures; prayer; present; promises; reason; rejoyce; righteousness; saints; salvation; saviour; self; selves; servant; set; sight; simeon; sin; sins; soul; spirit; spiritual; strength; sun; sure; tcp; text; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; use; vse; way; wicked; willing; words; work; world; worth; yea cache: A60346.xml plain text: A60346.txt item: #120 of 164 id: A60347 author: Slater, Samuel, d. 1704. title: A funeral sermon occasioned by the death of Mr. William Rathband an aged and learned servant of Christ, and preached Octob. 13. 1695. at Highgate. By Samuel Slater, M.A. minister of the gospel. date: 1695.0 words: 14908 flesch: 70 summary: it meliorates and raiseth , and spiritualizeth the Soul ; it never is with him , but it comes away better from him ; and how sweet is it , God being pleasant for delights ; for certain you will find and judge it so , when you do once come by experience to know what it is , you will then say as Peter did upon the Mount of Transfiguration , It is good , Lord , to be here . Oh that you would , remembring that you your selves must one day go to God , and let that influence you to such a demeanour of your selves toward him now , as that you may not at last find the Door shut against you , and be forced to stand without calling and crying in the bitterness of your Souls , Lord , Lord , open to us , but may have an entrance ministred to you abundantly into the glorious kingdom of your God and Saviour ; Know for certain , the very same measure you mete out , shall be meted into you again ; with the pure he will shew himself pure , and with the froward he will shew himself froward . keywords: angels; best; better; blessed; body; christ; comfort; company; day; death; delight; departure; desire; die; doth; early; earth; eebo; english; eternal; everlasting; far; father; friends; fulness; glad; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; greatest; hand; happiness; hath; heart; heaven; holy; home; hope; house; joy; kingdom; known; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; man; men; mind; old; order; paul; peace; people; perfect; persons; pleasant; poor; power; precious; presence; present; reason; relations; return; saints; saith; saviour; self; selves; sermon; servant; set; short; souls; spirit; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; verse; way; weary; welcome; wicked; willing; wise; work; world; yea cache: A60347.xml plain text: A60347.txt item: #121 of 164 id: A60348 author: Slater, Samuel, d. 1704. title: A funeral-sermon upon occasion of the death of Mrs. Lobb late wife of Mr. Stephen Lobb. Preached by Samuel Slater, minister of the Gospel date: 1691.0 words: 18175 flesch: 66 summary: He had no such thoughts as these , that it wo●●● make more for his interest to continue where he was ; or that the● move which he was to make at death , would be to a more uncom●●●●table place ; he had felt the burden of sin , and met with the unk●●●●ness of the world , and had a great deal of hard usage . If you ask , W●●● these two things were , you will easily understand by consulting 〈◊〉 context , take it thus : One thing was Dying , and thereupon a go●●● to Christ , and being with him , which he knew would be gain to 〈◊〉 the other was an abiding here , and continuing yet longer in 〈◊〉 Flesh to attend upon his Office as an Apostle and Servant of Je●●● Christ , and to engage yet further in the work of the Gospel ; w●●● he knew would through a concurrence of the Divine Spirit and ●●●sing turn to the gain and advantage of the Church , by bringing in 〈◊〉 that were without , to the acceptance and obedience of Faith ; 〈◊〉 also by strengthning , comforting , establishing and building up 〈◊〉 higher in Knowledge and Grace , those that had been alre●● brought in . keywords: abode; account; apostle; best; better; body; books; care; case; changes; child; christ; church; chuse; com ●; comforts; company; con ●; condition; cor; creatures; david; day; days; de ●; deal; dear; death; delight; depart; departure; desirable; desire; die; divine; doth; duty; dye; dying; earth; eebo; english; eye; face; faith; father; fear; fit; flesh; free; future; g ●; gain; glory; god; good; goodness; gospel; grace; gracious; great; greater; hand; happiness; hath; heart; heaven; holy; house; interest; jesus; joy; law; leave; life; like; little; lo ●; lobb; long; longer; look; lord; loss; love; man; matter; men; mind; moses; need; o ●; order; paul; people; perfect; place; present; psalm; reason; rejoyce; relations; saints; samuel; satisfied; self; selves; sermon; set; sin; sorrow; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; strait; strength; sun; sure; tcp; text; th ●; thee; things; thou; thoughts; time; way; wicked; willing; wisdom; words; work; world; yea; young; ● d; ● e; ● f; ● n; ● nd; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A60348.xml plain text: A60348.txt item: #122 of 164 id: A60351 author: Slater, Samuel, d. 1704. title: A sermon preached (May 16. 1680.) at the funeral of Mr Tho. Gilson, late minister of the Gospel. By Samuel Slater, minister of the Gospel. date: 1680.0 words: 14559 flesch: 73 summary: B●… your estate here never so large , your advancemen●… never so high , your comforts never so many , they ar●… u●…certain at the best . Thirdly , Heaven is a secure and safe place , ther●… you shall be out of gun shot ; upon this account it i●… far better and more desirable than this world . keywords: angels; beloved; best; better; body; cause; children; christ; christians; comfort; company; crown; david; day; dear; death; delight; desire; devil; doth; earth; eebo; english; eternal; everlasting; faith; father; fear; friends; glorified; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; hand; happiness; hath; heart; heaven; high; highest; holiness; holy; honour; house; image; jesus; jesus christ; joh; joy; king; kingdom; late; life; light; like; little; lord; love; man; mansions; master; men; mind; minister; paul; people; perfect; place; portion; presence; present; promise; psal; read; reason; relations; righteousness; saints; samuel; saviour; self; selves; servants; set; short; sin; soul; spirit; sun; sweet; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; throne; thy; time; troubles; true; way; wicked; work; world; yea cache: A60351.xml plain text: A60351.txt item: #123 of 164 id: A60352 author: Slater, Samuel, d. 1704. title: A sermon preach'd at Crosby-Square, Jan. 8, 1692 upon the funeral of that faithful servant of Christ, Mr. John Reynolds, who died in the Lord the preceding 25 Decemb. / by Samuel Slater ... date: 1693.0 words: 14638 flesch: 68 summary: David was a good Man , a godly Man , a man after Gods own Heart , a Man of War , a man of Mettal and courage ; when but a Stripling , he did not fear Goliah an huge and mighty Gyant , before whom all Israel trembled ; yet when God was pleased to deprive him of his Friend and Brother , to take from him his Ionathan , he was distressed . David did not know how to bear the Death of Absalom , but went up and down like a Bedlam , wringing his hands , and crying , Would God I had died for thee , O Absalom , my Son , my Son , 2 Sam. 18. keywords: able; affliction; best; better; brethren; brother; case; changes; children; christ; comfort; david; day; dear; death; didst; distressed; divine; doth; duty; earth; eebo; english; excellent; faithful; father; friend; god; good; gospel; gracious; great; hand; hast; hath; heart; heaven; holy; honour; husband; interest; ionathan; israel; king; leave; life; like; little; look; lord; loss; love; man; meet; men; mind; peace; people; person; pleasant; poor; prayer; precious; present; providence; ready; reason; relation; sam; samuel; saul; self; selves; servant; set; slain; son; sorrow; soul; spake; spirit; state; sure; sweet; tcp; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; time; true; vanity; verse; want; way; wife; words; work; world; yea cache: A60352.xml plain text: A60352.txt item: #124 of 164 id: A60355 author: Slater, Samuel, d. 1704. title: The souls return to its God, in life, and at death A funeral sermon, preached upon occasion of the death of Mr. John Kent, late of Crouched Friars, who departed this life Decem. 16. 1689. By Samuel Slater, minister of the Gospel. date: 1690.0 words: 18630 flesch: 67 summary: God grant that it may be accompanied , where-ever it shall come , with the Divine Spirit and Blessing , that being so backt and in●…uenced , it may accomplish the thing for which it is thus sent abroad , ●…nd prove a singular means of good to precious and immortal Souls . My hearts desire and prayer t●… God for you and yours , is , that ye may be saved , and so follo●… those blessed Souls that are gone before , and have through Fait●… and Parience enter'd into the possession of those glorious thing●… which are contained in the Promises , and an intimate Communi●… with that God who made them , as that you may be comportioner●… & fellow-sharers with them . keywords: able; beams; best; better; blessed; body; children; christ; christians; comfort; comfortable; coming; communion; company; compleat; darkness; david; day; dead; deal; death; desire; distance; divine; doth; duty; earth; eebo; enemies; english; enjoy; enjoyments; eternal; everlasting; exceeding; face; faith; far; father; fear; friends; fulness; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; holiness; holy; home; hope; house; iesus; john; joy; land; law; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; man; measure; men; mercy; midst; mind; nay; nearer; new; occasion; peace; people; perfect; possession; power; presence; present; psal; reason; rest; return; returning; saints; samuel; saviour; self; selves; set; sin; slater; sleep; sorrow; soul; spirit; state; strength; sun; sure; sweet; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; threefold; throne; time; trouble; way; wilderness; words; work; world; yea cache: A60355.xml plain text: A60355.txt item: #125 of 164 id: A60357 author: Slater, Samuel, d. 1704. title: Vincentius redivivus, a funeral sermon preached Octob. 27, 1678 upon the occasion of the much bewailed death of that reverend and eminent servant of Christ, Mr. Thomas Vincent ... / by Samuel Slater. date: 1679.0 words: 19769 flesch: 71 summary: I would be very , very low in mine own eyes yet I do neither dread the censures of men , nor am I 〈◊〉 vain as to court their applause by making Apologies ▪ What I have here presented you with , are the Truths o● God , which deserve your acceptance ; I desire you to tr●● them , and having seen their Fathers name in their fore● head , give them a ready admission , a most friendl● and honourable entertainment . My dear Friends , wisely ●●d graciously improve this dispensation , submit to the ●●od pleasure of a taking God ; be much in the study of ●ur hearts and ways ; be you sincere and thriving Chri●●ians . keywords: act; age; apostle; best; better; blessed; brethren; care; cause; children; christ; christians; church; comfort; company; consideration; conversation; crown; day; days; dear; death; deceased; desire; devil; divine; doctrine; doth; duty; dye; earth; eebo; end; england; english; excellent; faith; faithful; father; fear; friends; glorious; glory; god; godliness; gods; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; greater; hand; happiness; hath; having; head; heart; heaven; hell; high; highest; holiness; holy; honour; iesus; israel; joy; king; left; life; light; like; little; lives; long; look; lord; loss; love; man; matter; means; men; mercies; mighty; mind; ministers; nay; need; pastors; paul; peace; people; persons; places; pleased; portion; power; precious; rejoyce; rejoycing; religion; remembrance; rest; righteousness; rule; saints; salvation; samuel; self; selves; servant; set; sin; sins; sorrow; souls; spirit; strength; sun; sure; sweet; tcp; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; thoughts; time; true; truth; vain; vincent; want; way; welcome; wicked; words; work; world; worthy; yea; ● ● cache: A60357.xml plain text: A60357.txt item: #126 of 164 id: A60568 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: The life and death of Mr. William Moore, late fellow of Caius Colledge, and keeper of the University-Library as it was delivered in a sermon preached at his funeral-solemnity, April 24, 1659, in St Maries Church in Cambridge / by Tho. Smith ... date: 1660.0 words: 5811 flesch: 60 summary: Cardinal Bellarmin ( in his second book of Dying well , and eighth chapter ) is so ingenuous as to blame those Romanists , who begin with their Sacraments when they have done with their Physick ; and saith , Sacramentum conferretur aegrotis quando periculosè aegrotare incipiunt ; that 't is a very dangerous custome ( though it is seldome otherwise ) that men send not for the Priest till the Physician hath given them over . He would oft say , That if men would generally take courage , and shew themselves bare-faced ( without mask or vizard ) and profess what they do indeed beleeve ; it were the onely way to secure themselves and all others , and make those few that be factiously bent unable to hurt them ; but that foolish fear hath always betrayed , and brought evil upon men , from the time of the Gnosticks till now . keywords: a60568; age; april; blessed; books; caius; cambridge; christ; christian; church; colledge; day; days; death; early; english; fellow; friend; funeral; god; good; grant; great; hammond; hand; hath; hearts; holy; keeper; late; library; life; like; lord; manner; men; moor; nation; non; o lord; onely; peace; pleased; prayers; pupils; religion; roman; self; sermon; sins; smith; soul; spirit; text; thine; things; thou; times; true; university; william; wing; words cache: A60568.xml plain text: A60568.txt item: #127 of 164 id: A62597 author: Tillotson, John, 1630-1694. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Mr Thomas Gouge, the 4th of Novemb. 1681 at S. Anne's Blackfriars with a brief account of his life / by John Tillotson ... date: 1682.0 words: 14038 flesch: 62 summary: Contrary to common account , he esteemed every advantage of being usefull and serviceable to God and men a rich Benefice , and those his best Patrons and Benefactors , not who did him good , but who gave him the opportunity and means of doing it . For if the Souls of men be extinguished by death ( as the Sadduces believed ) what did it signifie to Abraham , Isaac and Jacob to have God called their God after they were dead ? But surely for God to be any ones God doth signifie some great benefit and advantage ; which yet ( according to the notion which the Jews had of this Phrase ) could not respect this life , because , according to them , God is not said to be any ones God till after he is dead : But it is thus said of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob after their death , and therefore our Saviour infers very strongly against them , that Abraham , Isaac and Jacob were not extinguished by death , but do still live somewhere : for God is not the God of the dead , but of the living . keywords: abraham; account; advantage; apostle; argument; best; better; body; books; charity; children; church; consideration; day; dead; death; doe; doth; eebo; english; everlasting; extraordinary; fathers; force; foundation; future; general; god; good; good men; great; greater; happiness; hath; hope; isaac; jacob; jews; john; kind; law; life; live; living; london; lord; man; matter; men; moses; occasion; octavo; old; onely; peculiar; persons; poor; present; promise; providence; reason; resurrection; reverend; reward; right; sadduces; said; saviour; scripture; security; self; selves; sermon; signifie; state; tcp; temporal; testament; text; things; thomas; thou; tillotson; time; true; wales; way; wicked; words; work; world; worthy; years cache: A62597.xml plain text: A62597.txt item: #128 of 164 id: A62598 author: Tillotson, John, 1630-1694. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Benjamin Whichcot, D.D. and minister of S. Lawrence Jewry, London, May 24th, 1683 by John Tillotson ... date: 1683.0 words: 8154 flesch: 60 summary: And then it follows , For we that are in this tabernacle do groan being burthened ( that is , with the afflictions and pressures of this life ) not that we would be unclothed ( that is , not that we desire by death to be devested of these bodies ) but clothed upon ( that is , if God see it good we had rather be found alive , and changed , and without putting off these bodies have immortality as it were superinduced ) that so mortality might be swallowed up of life . 5. This Consideration should wean us from the love of life ; and make us not onely contented but willing and glad to leave this world , whenever it shall please God to call us out of it . keywords: absent; age; apostle; argument; best; better; blessed; bodies; body; cambridge; christ; christians; church; clear; clothed; college; coming; consideration; contented; dead; death; dye; earthly; eebo; english; excellent; fear; general; god; good; great; happiness; happy; heaven; house; jesus; john; judgment; life; london; long; longer; lord; love; man; men; mind; place; pounds; present; purgatory; reason; resurrection; reverend; scripture; sleep; soul; state; tabernacle; tcp; text; things; time; university; whichcot; willing; words; work; world cache: A62598.xml plain text: A62598.txt item: #129 of 164 id: A63941 author: Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. title: A funerall sermon preached at the obsequies of the Right Hon[oura]ble and most vertuous Lady, the Lady Frances, Countesse of Carbery who deceased October the 9th, 1650, at her house Golden-Grove in Carmarthen-shire / by Jer. Taylor ... date: 1650.0 words: 12721 flesch: 48 summary: Childhood is so tender , and yet so unwary ; so soft to all the impressions of chance , and yet so forward to run into them , that God knew there could be no security without the care and vigilance of an Angel-keeper : and the eies of Parents and the armes of Nurses , the provisions of art , and all the effects of Humane love and Providence are not sufficient to keep one child from horrid mischiefs , from strange and early calamities and deaths , unlesse a messenger be sent from heaven to stand sentinell , and watch the very playings and the sleepings , the eatings and the drinkings of the children ; and it is a long time before nature makes them capable of help : for there are many deaths , and very many diseases to which poor babes are exposed ; but they have but very few capacities of physick ; to shew , that infancy is as liable to death as old age , and equally exposed to danger , and equally uncapable of a remedy : with this onely difference , that old age hath diseases incurable by nature , and the diseases of childhood are incurable by art ; and both the states are the next heirs of death . And to this Catalogue of mortality Man is inrolled with a [ Statutum est ] It is appointed for all men once to die , and after death comes judgment ; and if a man can be stronger then nature , or can wrestle with a decree of Heaven , or can escape from a Divine punishment by his own arts , so that neither the power nor the providence of God , nor the laws of nature , nor the bands of eternall predestination can hold him , then he may live beyond the fate and period of flesh , and last longer then a flower : keywords: actions; age; art; arts; beauty; better; blessed; bodies; body; books; carbery; certain; children; christ; circumstances; common; condition; day; dead; dear; death; die; diseases; doe; duty; early; end; english; eternall; evil; excellent; fair; family; fit; fortune; frances; funerall; glory; god; gods; good; grave; great; greatest; ground; guide; hath; health; heaven; holy; honour; honourable; house; instrument; judgement; lady; life; little; live; living; long; lord; love; man; memory; men; mercy; naturall; nature; needs; new; noble; non; old; onely; paul; person; piety; present; proper; providence; purposes; rare; reason; religion; rest; resurrection; right; roman; saints; self; separation; sermon; servants; sins; sorrow; soul; spilt; spirit; spirituall; state; strange; taylor; tender; text; things; thought; time; tree; violence; water; weak; wicked; words; world; youth cache: A63941.xml plain text: A63941.txt item: #130 of 164 id: A64130 author: Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. title: A sermon preached at the funerall of that worthy knight Sr. George Dalston of Dalston in Cumberland, September 28. 1657. By J.T. D.D. date: 1658.0 words: 15068 flesch: 48 summary: But to us Christians {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ( as Platoes expression is ) we have a necessity to declare and a demonstration to prove it , when we read that Abel died by the hands of Cain , who was so ignorant , that though he had malice and strength , yet he had scarce art enough to kill him ; when we read that Iohn the Baptist , Christ himselfe and his Apostles and his whole army of martyrs died under the violence of evil men ; when vertue made good men poor , and free speaking of brave truths made the wise to lose their liberty ; when an excellent life hastened an opprobrious death , and the obeying God destroyed our selves ; it was but time to look about for another state of things where justice should rule and vertue finde her own portion : where the men that were like to God in mercy and justice should also partake of his felicity : and therefore men cast out every line , and turned every stone , and tried every argument , and sometimes proved it well , and when they did not , yet they believed strongly , and they were sure of the thing even when they were not sure of the argument . And true it is , that although God was pleased in all times to communicate to mankind notices of the other world sufficient to encourage vertues , and to contest against the rencontres of the world , yet he was ever sparing in telling the secrets of it ; and when St. Paul had his rapture into Heaven , he saw fine things and heard strange words , but they were {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , words that he could not speak , and secrets that he could not understand , and secrets that he could not communicate . keywords: abraham; account; alive; angels; argument; best; better; blessed; blessings; bodies; body; bosome; care; certain; christ; church; comfort; conscience; cumberland; dalston; damned; day; dead; death; divine; doctrine; duty; early; eden; end; eternal; evil; excellent; faith; family; fear; garden; george; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; good men; great; greatest; hands; happy; hath; heaven; hell; holy; hopes; iohn; jesus; jews; joy; judgment; justice; life; little; lord; love; meaning; men; midst; miserable; nature; new; non; notices; old; opinion; paradise; patience; paul; perfect; piety; place; poor; portion; prayers; proper; reason; regions; religion; rest; resurrection; reward; roman; saints; saviour; sayes; scripture; separate; separation; sermon; servants; signifie; souls; spirit; state; strange; sure; text; things; thou; time; tree; trouble; true; use; way; wise; words; world; worthy cache: A64130.xml plain text: A64130.txt item: #131 of 164 id: A64132 author: Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. title: A sermon preached in Christs-Church, Dublin, July 16, 1663, at the funeral of the most Reverend Father in God John, late Lord Archbishop of Armagh and primate of all Ireland with a succint narrative of his whole life / by the Right Reverend Father in God Jeremy, Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. date: 1663.0 words: 15471 flesch: 53 summary: If he believ'd God , he believ'd this ; and therefore S. Paul sayes that they who were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , were also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , they who had no hope ( meaning of the Resurrection ) were also Atheists , and without God in the world . A sermon preached in Christs-Church, Dublin, July 16, 1663, at the funeral of the most Reverend Father in God John, late Lord Archbishop of Armagh and primate of all Ireland with a succint narrative of his whole life / by the Right Reverend Father in God Jeremy, Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. 1663 Approx. keywords: abilities; affairs; alwayes; archbishop; arguments; armagh; article; ashes; best; bishop; blessed; bodies; body; books; care; cause; characters; christ; christians; church; churches; coming; conduct; courage; day; dayes; dead; death; demonstration; derry; discourses; divine; dust; early; earth; edition; eebo; enemies; england; english; envy; eternal; excellent; eyes; face; faith; fall; fame; father; fit; fortune; fruits; funeral; glories; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; grave; great; great man; great things; greater; hands; hard; hath; head; heart; heaven; holiness; holy; honour; hopes; infinite; ireland; jeremy; jesus; john; king; labour; late; learned; life; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; low; majesty; man; mankind; matter; memory; men; mighty; natural; nature; new; non; old; onely; order; oxford; particular; paul; people; person; philosophy; piety; poor; portion; power; preacher; prelate; priests; primate; publick; reason; religion; restor'd; resurrection; return; reverend; reward; right; roman; sacred; sad; second; self; sermon; servants; service; shame; sleep; soul; spirit; story; tcp; tei; testimony; text; things; time; title; true; truth; voice; way; wicked; wise; words; work; world; worthy; york cache: A64132.xml plain text: A64132.txt item: #132 of 164 id: A64379 author: Tenison, Thomas, 1636-1715. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of Her late Majesty Queen Mary of ever blessed memory in the abbey-church in Westminster upon March 5, 1694/5 by His Grace Thomas Lord Archibishop of Canterbury. date: 1695.0 words: 5911 flesch: 68 summary: She owned also that God had been Good to Her beyond her Expectation , though in a circumstance of smaller Importance ; She having without any Indecence or Difficulty taken down That Bread , when it had not been so easie for her some for time to swallow any other . God , also hath set one over against the other . keywords: age; blessed; books; characters; charity; christian; church; consideration; day; death; duty; early; eebo; end; english; funeral; god; good; grace; great; greater; greatness; grief; holy; hopes; humility; joy; justice; king; knowledge; known; late; life; like; little; lord; loss; majesty; mary; memory; mind; people; person; piety; pious; prayers; princess; publick; queen; second; self; sermon; set; subject; tcp; tei; text; things; thomas; time; true; wisdom; wise; world cache: A64379.xml plain text: A64379.txt item: #133 of 164 id: A65295 author: Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. title: The fight of faith crowned, or, A sermon preached at the funeral of that eminently holy man Mr. Henry Stubs by Tho. Watson ... date: 1678.0 words: 10024 flesch: 79 summary: 1. We can no more bear a sight of this Crown till God enlarge our capacities , than a weak eye can bear the dazling beams of the Sun. That which merits must be a gift , not a debt , whatever service we do for God is a due debt ; nay , we cannot pay all ; nay , that which we pay is not in currant money , our duties are stained with sin , where then is merit ? but it is called a Crown of Righteousness , because it is purchased by Christs righteousness , and because God having promised this Crown , it is righteous in him to bestow it . keywords: armour; believers; better; blessed; blood; body; books; characters; christ; christian; course; crown; day; death; delights; devil; doth; double; early; eebo; elect; end; enemy; english; ephes; eye; faith; fear; field; fight; fighting; fire; flesh; funeral; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; great; happiness; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; helmet; henry; hold; holy; hope; job; joy; labour; land; life; living; long; lord; love; man; minister; non; paul; pay; pet; prayer; ready; religion; rev; righteousness; rom; saints; salvation; satan; sea; second; sermon; sets; shield; sin; soldier; soul; spirit; spiritual; strength; stubs; sweet; tcp; tears; tei; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; use; war; watson; way; work; world cache: A65295.xml plain text: A65295.txt item: #134 of 164 id: A65312 author: Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. title: A sermon preached July 2, at the funeral of Mr. John Wells late pastor of Olave-Jury, London by Thomas Watson ... date: 1676.0 words: 7554 flesch: 84 summary: If Time be so short , and winged , take heed of mispending this short time ; to mispend time is the worst prodigality . It is but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Vapour or puff of Wind , Jam. 1. 4 * . keywords: account; blessed; books; brethren; characters; christians; cor; day; days; death; diamond; doth; early; eebo; end; english; est; eternity; fall; funeral; gen; god; godly; gods; gold; good; grace; great; head; heart; heaven; hell; job; john; july; late; lease; life; light; little; london; long; love; man; mans; meditation; men; ministers; non; online; oxford; partnership; phase; prayer; psal; repentance; rev; satan; sea; selves; sermon; short; short time; shortness; silver; sin; soul; spirit; sun; sweet; swift; tcp; tei; text; thee; thomas; thoughts; time; use; watson; way; wells; wicked; work; world cache: A65312.xml plain text: A65312.txt item: #135 of 164 id: A66346 author: Williams, Daniel, 1643?-1716. title: The excellency of a publick spirit set forth in a sermon preach'd (since much enlarged) at the funeral of that late reverend divine Dr. Samuel Annesley, who departed this life Dec. 31, 1696 in the 77th year of his age : with a brief account of his life and death / by Daniel Williams. date: 1697.0 words: 34823 flesch: 63 summary: To this End , 1. You must duly address your selves to God , to engage his Help . Be much in Prayer to , and dependance on God through Christ our Mediator . Ask it daily of God through Christ , who giveth liberally ( for direction to do as well as suffer ) and upbraideth not , Iames 1. keywords: abilities; ability; account; acts; advantage; age; annesley; answer; ashamed; attempts; authority; benefit; best; better; blessed; blessing; body; business; capable; care; carnal; cause; character; charge; christ; christian; church; comfortable; common; common good; conscience; contrary; course; danger; david; day; dead; death; degree; designs; divine; doth; duty; earth; easie; eminent; end; endeavours; english; estate; eternal; evidence; excellency; faithful; fear; fire; general; generation; gifts; glory; god; good; good man; gospel; graces; great; greater; greatest; guilty; hand; happy; hath; head; heart; heaven; help; honour; hope; hurt; influence; instances; interest; jesus; judge; labours; life; light; like; little; living; long; lord; loss; love; luke; lusts; man; manner; mat; means; meer; men; mind; ministers; ministry; mischief; misery; narrow; nation; nature; nay; need; needful; neglects; office; ones; order; pardon; parts; paul; people; persons; phil; place; poor; power; prayer; prepared; present; private; profitable; proportion; publick; publick good; publick service; purposes; reason; regard; reproach; respect; rom; satan; self; selfish; selfishness; selves; service; set; shame; sinners; sorrow; souls; spirit; strength; success; sure; talents; tcp; text; thee; things; tho; thou; thy; time; title; true; trust; truth; turn; unuseful; useful; useful man; usefulness; vain; viz; want; way; ways; whiles; wisdom; words; work; world; yea; years; zeal cache: A66346.xml plain text: A66346.txt item: #136 of 164 id: A66424 author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709. title: A sermon preach'd at the funeral of the Reverend Thomas Jekyll, D.D. late preacher at the New Chappel, Westminster, October 7, 1698 / by John Lord Bishop of Chichester. date: 1698.0 words: 8424 flesch: 69 summary: Of this kind was Canaan , a Land of Rest , which God promised to their Forefathers : And yet notwithstanding , for their Unbelief and Disobedience , he swore that none of that Generation ( except Caleb and Joshua ) should enter into it , and so their carcases fell in the Wilderness . So that whatever Proof we have of the Goodness of God in revealing such a State of Rest and Happiness to us ; yet as the meer Revelation of such a State will not entitle us to it without a Promise , so neither will the Promise alone alter the case , as long as it is confined and limited by certain Conditions to those that are duly qualified for it . keywords: apostle; bishop; books; canaan; caution; characters; chichester; christian; church; comfort; conditions; divine; doth; early; eebo; english; eternal; fear; friend; funeral; god; good; gospel; happiness; hath; heaven; hebr; jekyll; john; land; late; left; life; like; lord; luk; man; mat; men; mind; miserable; possibility; preaching; present; promis'd; promise; reason; rest; revelation; saith; selves; sermon; short; souls; state; tcp; tei; text; thing; thomas; time; title; unbelief; wilderness; works; world cache: A66424.xml plain text: A66424.txt item: #137 of 164 id: A67164 author: Wright, John, 1665 or 6-1719. title: A sermon preached at the parish church of Solihull in Warwickshire, December 21. 1690 On occasion of the death of Anne, the wife of the reverend and worshipful Henry Greswold; precentor of the Cathedral of Lichfield, &c. and rector of Solihull aforesaid. By John Wright Master of Arts. date: 1691.0 words: 11693 flesch: 72 summary: And there are many Promises in the Gospel to encourage us in so doing † If any man sin , saith St. John , we have an Advocate with the Father , Jesus Christ the righteous , and he is the propitiation for our sins * So God loved the world , that he gave his only begotten Son , to the end that all that believe in him should not perish , but have everlasting Life . Indeed Men may so far harden themselves in Sin , and reject all the means which God uses for their amendment , as that at last he may before Death withdraw his Spirit from them , give them up to their own Counsels , and the Government of Evil Spirits . keywords: 12o; 4to; 8vo; affections; blessed; blood; bodies; body; books; care; church; comfort; condition; country; day; days; death; desires; dust; dye; early; earthly; eebo; end; english; evil; flesh; glories; glorious; glory; god; going; good; grave; great; happiness; happy; hath; heaven; heb; holy; job; john; latin; life; light; like; little; live; lord; man; mankind; mat; meet; men; mind; natural; nature; necessary; needs; new; pass; persons; place; pleasures; present; price; religion; reports; return; saith; saviour; self; selves; sense; sermon; set; sin; solihull; soul; spirits; state; tcp; text; things; think; tho; time; true; wicked; wife; willing; works; world; worldly; wright; years cache: A67164.xml plain text: A67164.txt item: #138 of 164 id: A67488 author: Wanley, Nathaniel, 1634-1680. title: Peace and rest for the upright being a sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Dr. John Bryan, sometime minister of Trinity in Coventry / by that worthy preacher of Gods Word, Mr. Nath. Wanley ... date: 1681.0 words: 5610 flesch: 76 summary: 4. Death giveth them peace and rest from the violence of men . The time of life is so inconsiderable , that Solomon the wisest of men would grant him none at all . keywords: account; apostle; beds; benefit; body; books; bryan; characters; christ; day; death; doth; dye; early; eebo; end; english; funeral; god; gods; good; great; hand; hath; heaven; john; life; man; men; nature; online; oxford; partnership; peace; perfect; phase; priviledg; prophet; quiet; rest; righteous; saith; set; sin; son; soul; tcp; tei; text; things; time; true; upright; wanley; work; world cache: A67488.xml plain text: A67488.txt item: #139 of 164 id: A67564 author: Ward, Seth, 1617-1689. title: The Christians victory over death a sermon at the funeral of the Most Honourable George Duke of Albemarle, &c. : in the Collegiate Church of S. Peter, Westminster, on the XXXth of April M.DC.LXX / by Seth, Lord Bishop of Sarum. date: 1670.0 words: 9178 flesch: 67 summary: The true determination of the Question betwixt the Christian Theory and others ( especially that of Epicurus ) concerning the state after Death ( the Mortality or Immortality of the Soul , the Account and Iudgment after Death , the Resurrection of the Body , and the Rewards of Eternity : ) will decide the Questions of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 & , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Good or Evil , Prudent or Imprudent , Brave or Contemptible in the Lives or Actions of Men. Now the Assertion of the truth of this Proposition , the Explication and particular tractation of the Causes , and the Deduction , and enforcement of the Consequences of it in reference to God and Man , is so Apparently the entire Argument of the Gospel , that it is needless , among Christians , to insist on the proof of the Observation : Briefly ; the Gospel hath delivered to us both the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of it . keywords: actions; albemarle; blessed; body; books; capacity; characters; christ; christian; christianity; church; conscience; contempt; country; courage; day; dead; death; deep; doctrine; duke; early; eebo; eminent; england; english; eternal; general; george; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heroical; honour; honourable; immortality; king; law; life; light; lord; man; men; mind; nature; observation; particular; paul; performance; perils; person; personal; pleased; powers; principles; punishments; rational; reference; religion; resurrection; rewards; salvation; seth; sin; soul; state; strength; support; tcp; tei; text; thanks; theory; things; time; true; truth; understanding; victory; way; westminster; wicked; work; world cache: A67564.xml plain text: A67564.txt item: #140 of 164 id: A68088 author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. title: Tvvo funeral sermons much of one and the same subiect; to wit, the benefit of death. The former on Philip. 1. 23. The latter on Eccles. 7. 1. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith. date: 1620.0 words: 15983 flesch: 87 summary: And doubtles that is the greatest honour we can doe to our religious Auncestors deceased , if we endeuour so to resemble them in good●●s and godlinesse , that by our religious courses and cariage we may be knowne to haue come of them , and they may seeme to surviue in vs. The manner of her end , so sweet , so cheerefull , so comfortable , should the rather encite you hereunto , that , if you desire to finde that comfort then that she did , and to giue that comfort to others , that you had then in her , you take that course that you saw shee did , lay a sure foundation in life for comfort in death , and be continually building vpon it when it is once surely laid . i 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . keywords: able; afflictions; againe; apoc; apostle; apud; assurance; aug; benefit; bern; best; better; blessing; books; cap; cause; characters; children; christ; christian; comfort; comfortable; commeth; content; cor; courses; crisp; cum; day; death; departure; desire; desireth; desirous; disease; dissolution; doe; draw; dye; early; eccles; eebo; end; english; enioy; ephes; epist; esai; esse; est; eternall; euen; euils; examples; eye; eyes; faith; far; feare; finis; freeth; gataker; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; good; grace; gratious; great; griefe; ground; hath; haue; heart; heauen; hebr; himselfe; hoc; holy; home; hope; ibid; idem; idē; ioh; ioy; kinde; king; kingdome; labour; leaue; lib; life; like; litle; liue; long; loue; luk; magis; man; manner; marc; math; matter; meanes; meditation; men; mercy; mori; mors; mortal; mortis; naturall; nec; neede; neuer; nobis; non; nos; notes; nō; ought; owne; paine; patience; philip; piety; place; plato; point; posse; presence; present; psal; qui; quid; quod; quàm; reason; rebekka; regard; religious; rest; rom; saints; sed; seene; selfe; sen; sex; shee; shew; sight; sinne; small; soule; spirituall; tcp; tei; text; thee; themselues; thess; things; thou; tim; time; togither; true; vbi; vita; viuere; vnto; vnwilling; vpon; vse; want; way; weary; wit; worke; world; yea; ● ● cache: A68088.xml plain text: A68088.txt item: #141 of 164 id: A68607 author: Preston, John, minister of East Ogwell. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Arthur Vpton Esquire in Deuon. By Iohn Preston, minister of Gods word date: 1619.0 words: 12015 flesch: 89 summary: The ingresse into life is lamentable , because an infant begins his life with teares , as it were foreseeing the euils to come , the progresse weake , because many diseases afflict vs , and many woes vexe vs , and the egresse fearefull if we be not in Christ , and haue put him on , Rom. 13. 14. man beginneth his race with crying , and endeth it with grieuing , nay all mans dayes are sorrowes , Eccles. Is there not an appointed time to man vpon earth , and are not his dayes as the dayes of an hireling , Iob 7. 1. Are not mans dayes determined , the number of his moneths are with thee , thou hast appointed his bounds , which ( if he would ) hee cannot passe , Iob. keywords: act; beautie; bee; birth; bodies; body; borne; christ; condition; cor; dayes; dead; death; die; doe; doth; dust; earth; eccles; eebo; ende; english; esa; euery; euill; fall; feare; field; flesh; flower; fraile; gen; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; goeth; good; grasse; graue; great; hath; haue; hearbe; heauen; hee; honour; house; humaine; ier; iob; ioh; iohn; iudg; king; leaue; life; light; litle; liue; liuing; long; lord; loue; luk; man; mans; mat; men; nature; nay; neuer; ouer; pet; place; power; psal; returne; reuel; riches; saith; sam; second; selfe; set; shadow; short; sicknesse; sinne; soone; soule; speake; strength; tcp; text; things; thou; time; true; vaine; vanitie; vpon; vse; weake; wee; winde; world; wormes; yeares; yee cache: A68607.xml plain text: A68607.txt item: #142 of 164 id: A69531 author: Basier, Isaac, 1607-1676. title: The dead mans real speech a funeral sermon preached on Hebr. xi. 4, upon the 29th day of April, 1672 : together with a brief of the life, dignities, benefactions, principal actions, and sufferings, and of the death of the said late Lord Bishop of Durham / published (upon earnest request) by Isaac Basire ... date: 1673.0 words: 22971 flesch: 64 summary: 3. Man by his Apostasie from God , through the first original sin of willful incogitancy , and through pride , did soon deprive himself of all these three Lives at once , and so according to the just sentence of God , pronounced upon man aforehand ( for a fair warning ) The Vulgar Translation renders it statutum est , Death is an universal Statute , Law to all mankind ; and so it is both for authority of coaction , and certainty of execution , for it is grounded upon two of the greatest Attributes of God , which are , First , God's infallible Truth ; for the Commination was directed unto man , and that also in mercy , to forwarn him that he might not sin . keywords: abel; abner; actions; adam; age; alive; anno; answer; antient; antiquity; apostles; apostolical; arch; atque; authority; benefactions; best; better; birth; bishop; blessed; blessing; blood; body; book; brief; brother; burial; cain; canon; case; catholick; charity; children; christian; church; churches; clear; clergy; common; communion; confession; conscience; constant; contrary; cosin; countrey; county; current; curse; daily; david; day; dead; dead man; death; deceased; dei; die; dignities; diocess; divine; doctor; doctrine; doth; durham; early; earnest; earth; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; eebo; eminent; end; endeavour; england; english; envy; episcopal; eternal; eve; evil; example; execution; experience; express; faith; faithful; false; family; famous; father; final; fore; form; free; friends; funeral; general; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; gracious; great; great man; greater; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hebr; high; holy; home; honest; honour; hope; houses; interpreters; james; jesus; job; john; kind; king; kingdome; large; late; laws; learning; leave; left; life; like; lives; living; london; long; looking; lord; lord bishop; love; majesty; man; mankind; manner; mans; matter; mean; men; mercy; moral; mother; natural; nature; near; necessity; new; noble; non; number; observation; offer; office; old; omnibus; order; ordination; original; outward; palatine; parents; particular; patience; paul; person; pious; place; pleased; poor; power; practice; praise; prayer; prelate; present; priest; private; providence; psal; publick; quae; qui; quod; real; reason; relations; religion; repentance; request; respect; resurrection; reward; right; rom; rome; royal; rule; sacred; sacrifice; sad; saints; scripture; second; self; sence; sentence; sermon; sin; sins; solemn; soul; sound; speaketh; speech; spiritual; state; sufferings; sure; tcp; temporal; text; things; thou; time; true; universal; use; vanity; vel; vertues; voice; want; way; wife; wise; wish; works; world; worship; worthy; years cache: A69531.xml plain text: A69531.txt item: #143 of 164 id: A69538 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The last work of a believer his passing prayer recommending his departing spirit to Christ to be received by Him / prepared for the funerals of Mary the widow first of Francis Charlton Esq. and after of Thomas Hanmer, Esq., and partly preached at St. Mary Magdalens Church in Milk-Street, London, and now, at the desire of her daughter, reprinted by Richard Baxter. date: 1682.0 words: 26931 flesch: 68 summary: How noble a Nature is that which is capable of knowing not only all things in the World ( in its measure ) but God himself , and the things of the world that is to come ; and capable of loving and enjoying God , and of seeking and serving him in order to that Enjoyment ! Christ thought not basely ▪ of a Soul , that redeemed Souls at such a price , when he made his soul an offering for sin , Isa . He liveth not by Faith ( though he may be a hanger on that keepeth up some profession for fear of being damned ) who chooseth not rather to suffer affliction with the people of God , than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season , and esteemeth not the very reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of the world , as having respect to the recompence of reward , Heb. 11. 25. 26. keywords: acts; angels; art; away; better; blessed; blood; body; care; cast; cause; change; children; christ; christian; church; confidence; covenant; cross; cry; day; dead; death; depart; desire; doct; door; doth; duty; dying; earth; eebo; english; entertainment; eph; everlasting; example; faith; father; fear; felicity; flesh; friends; glory; god; good; grace; great; greater; hands; hast; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; holy; honour; hope; hour; image; jesus; jesus christ; john; joy; kingdom; labour; left; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; loveth; luke; man; matter; matth; members; men; mercy; mind; nature; near; necessary; need; new; open; parents; passing; past; place; pleasure; poor; power; prayer; presence; promise; ready; reason; receiving; saints; salvation; satan; saviour; self; selves; sense; set; sin; sinful; sinner; sleep; son; soul; spirit; state; stephen; suffering; tcp; terrible; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thoughts; thy; time; true; trust; ungodly; use; vain; way; wilt; words; work; world cache: A69538.xml plain text: A69538.txt item: #144 of 164 id: A69991 author: Evans, John, 17th cent. title: Some thoughts on the character of Solomon's vertuous woman preach'd in a sermon at the parish-church of Croydon, on the ocacasion of Q. Mary's death, January the 6th, 1694-5 / printed at the request of those that heard it by John Evans. date: 1695.0 words: 12707 flesch: 55 summary: But that Work of Supererogation is too much , as well as bare Remembrance is too little : there is a safe Medium between these Extremes , and that is Thankfulness to God for , and Imitation of her matchless Piety and Vertue : This is all the Honour , and the highest Respect , either she is capable of receiving , or we of paying to her Merits ; which Debt is so religiously discharged by your Ladiship 's ingenuous Deportment ; to whose genuine Candor I humbly submit these Papers , to over-look those Faults , which are too palpable to bear the examination of exact , impartial Judgment . She is tender and loyal to her Husband ; indefatigably diligent and industrious in Business ; prudent and discreet in the government of her Family ; charitable to the Poor , bountifully dispensing of her store , to supply the indigencies of all wanting People ; affable and courteous to every Person ; pious and devout towards God ; in each of these respects , and in every instance of a vertuous Woman , acquitting her self with popular applause , and the highest commendation . keywords: admirable; affairs; affections; almighty; best; blessed; books; capable; character; charity; christian; church; condescention; condition; court; crown; death; deep; design; dignity; divine; early; earth; eebo; english; esteem; evans; example; excellent; eyes; faith; favour; foundation; free; general; glory; god; good; goodness; government; grace; great; greatest; greatness; hands; hath; heaven; high; higher; highest; honour; honourable; human; humble; humility; image; imitation; instances; john; judgment; king; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; loss; love; majesty; man; mankind; mary; means; measure; men; mercy; mind; nation; natural; nature; necessary; noble; order; ordinary; original; pattern; people; perfections; person; piety; pious; power; practice; praise; present; princess; principle; providence; quality; queen; reason; religion; religious; request; respect; royal; self; sence; set; solomon; soul; spirit; state; tcp; tei; temper; text; things; tho; thro; time; true; useful; utmost; vertue; vertuous; way; whereof; wise; woman; works; world; worth; years; zeal cache: A69991.xml plain text: A69991.txt item: #145 of 164 id: A70131 author: Gould, Robert, d. 1709? title: The mourning swain a funeral eclogue [sic] humbly offer'd to the memory of the Right Honourable James Earl of Abingdon / written by Mr. Robert Gould ... date: 1700.0 words: 6327 flesch: 81 summary: What un-foreseen and sudden stroak of Fate Is this , that Nature sinks beneath the Weight ? That Life retiring , shuns th' unequal Fight , And if it Conquers , must o'ercome by Flight ! Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: abingdon; aid; alexis; bertudor; best; blood; books; breath; care; characters; cou'd; country; damon; day; dead; dear; death; divert; e'er; early; eebo; english; ev'ry; eyes; fame; fatal; fate; friend; funeral; god; good; great; grief; hero; honourable; hope; human; image; james; life; like; lives; long; loss; love; menalcas; moan; mourning; nature; ne'er; new; noble; o'er; peace; poor; praise; providence; race; rage; rest; right; robert; sad; self; shou'd; soul; state; swain; tcp; tears; tei; text; thought; thô; time; truth; vertue; vice; woe; works; wou'd cache: A70131.xml plain text: A70131.txt item: #146 of 164 id: A70654 author: Marshall, Stephen, 1594?-1655. title: Threnodia, the churches lamentation for the good man his losse delivered in a sermon to the Right Honourable the two Houses of Parliament and the reverend Assembly of Divines at the funerall of that excellent man John Pym, Esquire, late a Member of the Honourable House of Commons : preached in the Abbey-Church of Westminster / by Stephen Marshall ... date: 1644.0 words: 14415 flesch: 61 summary: There were Princes that were oppressours , Iudges who received bribes , great men uttering their mischievous desires , a world of people who lay in wait for bloud , who could hunt every man his brother with a net , that could doe evill with both hands earnestly , the best of them as a briar , the most upright sharper then a thorne hedge ; but such a thin scattering of men willing and fit for the service of God and his Church , that if one searched as diligently as Diogenes did in Athens at noon day for an honest man , hee was hardly to be found . Other Kings and Princes are compelled to preserve their chief Instruments , because when they are gone they know not where to find a supplie , but God ( as he needs none so ) when he pleaseth to use any , can raise up stones to be children , and children to doe the worke of men , and yet all these empty Pipes , further then he fills them , bubbles , easily broken , further then he supports them . keywords: assembly; bee; better; brother; cause; children; christ; church; churches; commons; day; dead; death; die; divines; doe; doth; dye; earth; enemies; english; esa; everlasting; excellent; eyes; fall; family; father; feare; friends; funerall; glory; god; godly; gods; good; good man; great; greater; greatest; hand; hath; heart; heaven; himselfe; holy; honourable; house; instruments; iohn; israel; john; king; lamentation; land; left; life; little; long; lord; losse; man; marshall; master; men; midst; minister; moses; mourne; mourning; need; non; onely; owne; parliament; people; place; power; prophet; publike; pym; reason; rest; reverend; reward; right; righteous; roman; sad; saints; selves; sermon; service; set; soule; speake; spirit; stephen; strength; tell; text; thee; things; thinke; thou; thought; time; true; usefull; way; wee; wicked; wisdome; woe; words; worke; world; worth; wrath; yea cache: A70654.xml plain text: A70654.txt item: #147 of 164 id: A78767 author: Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. title: The doctrine of the bodies fragility: with a divine project, discovering how to make these vile bodies of ours glorious by getting gracious souls. Represented in a sermon preached at Martins Ludgate at the funerall of that worthy and reverend minister of Jesus Christ, Dr. Samuel Bolton, Master of Christ College in Cambridge, who died the 15 of Octob. 1654. and was buried the 19 day of the same month. / By that painfull and pious minister of Gods Word Mr. Edmund Calamy, B.D. date: None words: 7865 flesch: 61 summary: READER , WEE live in such times wherein most men in the world cry out with those the Psalmist speaks of in the 4. Psalme , Who will shew us any good ? inquiring and listening after the pleasures and profits and preferments of the world , spending all their time , and improving all their parts , abilities , and opportunities , for the promoting their temporall interests , and providing for their frail bodies , subject to diseases , infirmities , and corruptions ; and which ere long must be laid down in the dust : and in the mean time neglecting the concernments of their precious and never dying souls ; never valuing , or at least not labouring after the light of Gods countenance , which is better then life , and the joyes of his salvation which are unspeakable and glorious ; but preferre their bodies before their souls , greedily pursuing the world , and only minding earthly things , whose end ( as the Apostle saies ) will be destruction , both of soul and body , if they still run on without repentance . WEE are here met at this time to perform the last office of love for a worthy , reverend , and godly Minister of Jesus Christ , Dr. Samuel Bolton Master of Christs Colledge in Cambridge ; and this Text that I have chosen , will afford us many sutable and seasonable considerations for such a meeting : for here you have , first , the condition that the bodies of men ( even the best of men , the Saints of God ) are in , in this life , they are vile bodies , the Greek is very emphaticall {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , corpus vilitatis , that is , bodies of vilenesse , or a vile body , the Greek {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} signifies abjectam conditionem , a vile and abject condition , such as is the condition of slaves or bondmen . keywords: able; answ; art; bodies; body; bolton; brother; cambridge; change; christ; comfort; condition; day; death; doctrine; dust; fear; glorious; glorious body; glory; god; good; gracious; great; hath; heaven; holy; jesus; jesus christ; judgement; lesson; life; like; little; lord; members; minister; mysticall; non; precious; resurrection; roman; saies; saints; samuel; soul; sowen; subject; text; things; thou; time; vile; vile bodies; vile body; vilenesse; world; worthy cache: A78767.xml plain text: A78767.txt item: #148 of 164 id: A79008 author: Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. title: A patterne for all, especially for noble and honourable persons, to teach them how to die nobly and honourably. Delivered in a sermon preached at the solemne interment of the corps of the Right Honourable Robert Earle of Warwick. Who aged 70 years 11. months, died April 19. And was honorably buried, May 1. 1658. at Felsted in Essex. By Edmund Calamy B.D. and pastor of the church at Aldermanbury. date: 1658.0 words: 15459 flesch: 81 summary: These all dyed {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} . 2. It is said , That they dyed in faith , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} . keywords: abraham; againe; apostacy; apostle; april; aug; austin; blessed; body; book; calamy; cap; cause; children; christ; christian; church; copy; cor; day; dayes; dead; death; dei; doctrine; doth; dust; dye; earle; earth; earthly; edmund; elect; end; english; est; estate; eternal; everlasting; example; faith; family; father; feare; funeral; gen; ghost; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; grand; great; greatnesse; hand; happinesse; happy; hath; heart; heaven; heb; heire; hell; himselfe; hoc; holinesse; holy; honourable; hope; house; inference; isaac; jacob; jesus; job; john; judgement; justified; king; labour; learned; life; like; lives; living; long; lord; lordship; love; luk; manner; men; need; noble; non; old; patterne; perseverance; persons; pet; place; power; prayer; prince; psalm; qui; quod; religion; religious; rev; rich; right; righteousnesse; robert; roman; sad; said; saints; salvation; saying; scripture; sermon; servants; sin; sins; sonne; soul; sunt; sure; text; things; thomason; thou; time; true; true faith; truth; use; voyce; warwick; way; wife; words; world; years; ● ● cache: A79008.xml plain text: A79008.txt item: #149 of 164 id: A79887 author: Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. title: An antidote against immoderate mourning for the dead. Being a funeral sermon preached at the burial of Mr. Thomas Bewley junior, December 17th. 1658. By Sa. Clarke, pastor in Bennet Fink, London. date: None words: 18012 flesch: 76 summary: Secondly , if we observe them , that they labour to keep a conscience void of offence both towards God , and towards men , as Saint Paul professeth that he did , Act. 24. 16. If they have had respect to all Gods commandments , as David , Psal. 119. 6. If they have made conscience of the duties of both Tables , serving God in holinesse and righteousnesse all the days of their lives , Luke 1. 75. hiring themselves unto him for term of life , not desiring to change their Master , knowing that they cannot mend themselves neither for fairnesse of work , nor fulnesse of wages , whereas an Hypocrite is versutulus & versatilis , he casts about how to deceive God and man with meer shews of devotion , being not afraid to be damned , so he may seem to be saved , and seeking so long to deceive others , that in fine he deceives his own soul . keywords: able; abraham; act; answ; apostle; better; bewley; blessed; bodies; body; brethren; care; careful; children; christ; christian; church; city; clarke; comfort; condition; conscience; david; day; dayes; dead; dear; death; deceased; desire; divine; doct; door; doth; duties; earth; estate; evil; experience; eyes; father; fourthly; free; friends; fulnesse; funeral; gen; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; great; greatest; grief; hand; happinesse; hath; head; heart; heathen; heaven; heb; holy; home; hope; house; immoderate; isa; jesus; job; joh; joy; junior; law; life; light; like; lives; long; look; lord; losse; love; man; mean; measure; members; men; mercy; mind; ministers; mourning; need; non; old; onely; parents; patience; paul; pet; place; poor; prayer; present; priviledge; prov; psal; reason; resurrection; righteous; roman; saints; saith; saviour; self; selves; sin; sins; sleep; sorrow; soul; spirit; tears; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; time; tree; truth; tutor; way; wicked; wise; words; work; world; yea; young cache: A79887.xml plain text: A79887.txt item: #150 of 164 id: A85403 author: Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. title: Mercy in her exaltation. Or, A soveraigne antidote against fear of the second death. In a sermon preached at the funeral of Daniel Taylor Esq; in Stephens Colemanstreet London, on the twentieth day of April, an. 1655. date: 1655.0 words: 21428 flesch: 60 summary: So then the poorest sort of men , that are but able to give a Cup of cold water , or to speak a good word of a man , or to conceive a prayer for him , or to forgive injuries , or to minister with the hand to any mans outward occaosins , when desired , or the like , may be mreciful to what degree they please in their way , and consequently are as capable of that high priviledge , a glorious securitie from condemnation , as rich men themselves . His heart was up very high in desires after knowledge of the Truth , and this in the most profound Questions controverted between men of greatest judgements in these days . keywords: able; account; affection; afraid; apostle; better; blessed; brethren; children; christ; christian; comfort; compassion; condemnation; condition; conscience; considerable; consideration; david; day; dead; death; degree; desire; disposition; doctrine; doth; enemies; estate; eternal; evil; eyes; fall; father; fear; fire; form; friends; fruits; glory; god; good; goodness; gospel; grace; gracious; great; greatest; ground; hand; hath; heart; heavenly; high; holy; honour; hurt; import; john; judgement; justification; kind; know; knowledge; law; life; like; little; lord; love; manner; mat; meaning; means; measure; men; merciful; mercy; motive; nature; necessities; need; non; occasions; onely; peace; persons; poor; praise; present; reason; rejoyceth; respect; rich; right; righteousness; roman; said; saith; salvation; scripture; secure; security; self; sense; sermon; set; sin; soul; spirit; stand; strength; taylor; terms; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; understanding; unto; use; viz; way; ways; women; works; world; worthy; yea cache: A85403.xml plain text: A85403.txt item: #151 of 164 id: A85510 author: Chambers, Humphrey, 1598 or 9-1662. title: A modest vindication of the doctrine of conditions in the Covenant of Grace, and the defenders thereof, from the aspersions of arminianism & popery, which Mr. W. E. cast on them. By the late faithful and godly minister Mr. John Graile, minister of the gospel at Tidworth in the county of Wilts. Published with a preface concerning the nature of the Covenant of Grace, wherein is a discovery of the judgment of Dr. Twisse in the point of justification, clearing him from antinomianism therein. By Constant Jessop, minister of the Gospel at Wimborn minister in the county of Dorset. Whereunto is added, a sermon, preached at the funeral of the said Mr. John Grail. By Humphrey Chambers, D.D. and pastor of the church at Pewsie. date: None words: 47360 flesch: 67 summary: 3. That this is the will of God , that none should enjoy remission of sins , but on condition of faith . And the reason is , because they are not annexed as any part of the price , to make up it complete : But only as the way and manner in which , the means and instrument by which , the terms and condition on which , and according to which God doth give , and man receives salvation purchased : keywords: ability; able; abraham; absolute; absolutenesse; account; acts; actual; adam; ames; answer; antecedent; apostle; application; argument; arminians; author; aver; baptism; bee; believe; believers; believeth; believing; benefit; better; betweene; blessed; brother; calls; cap; cause; chamier; chap; chapter; charge; children; christ; christ hath; christians; christum; church; circumcision; comfort; command; conceive; condition; conditionality; confesse; consent; consequent; contract; contrary; cor; counsel; covenant; covenant doth; covenant god; creature; cum; damnation; day; dead; dear; death; dei; deo; depend; desire; deus; difference; distinction; divines; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; duty; eebo; effect; elect; election; end; english; enjoyment; ephesians; ephesus; ergo; errors; est; eternal; etiam; evangelical; everlasting; evil; expresse; expressions; faith; faith doth; faithful; faithfulnesse; fathers; fear; fidem; final; flesh; foederis; foedus; follow; free; freenesse; friend; gen; ghost; gift; glory; god; god doth; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; ground; haec; hand; hath; having; heart; high; himselfe; hoc; hold; holy; hope; imputed; inheritance; instrument; jesus; jesus christ; john; joy; judgment; junius; justification; justified; kind; large; law; leave; legal; life; like; little; live; long; lord; lord christ; love; luther; maintain; making; man; manner; mans; mark; marriage; martyr; matter; matth; mean; men; mercy; merit; meritorious; method; mind; ministerial; ministers; ministry; moses; mourning; mouth; mutual; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; new; new covenant; nobis; non; nonsense; nos; obedience; obtaining; open; opinion; order; owne; pag; page; papists; paraeus; pardon; particular; parties; parting; parts; passage; passe; paul; peccatorum; people; perfect; person; place; plead; pleased; power; practice; precious; preparations; presence; present; preston; price; promise; promiseth; promissiones; propter; purchase; purpose; quam; question; quia; quod; reason; reconciliation; redemption; regard; remission; repentance; required; requireth; respect; right; righteousnesse; sad; sake; saltmarsh; salvation; saviour; saying; scripture; seal; second; sed; seed; self; selves; sense; sermon; servants; set; shewed; sine; sinners; sins; sir; sorrow; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; stipulation; strength; substance; sure; tcp; tenent; termes; testament; text; thee; thereto; thing; thou; time; title; true; truth; ungodly; unlesse; unto; vel; vitam; viz; way; wayes; wee; wil; withal; word; works; worth; wrath; yea; zanchy cache: A85510.xml plain text: A85510.txt item: #152 of 164 id: A85734 author: Grosse, Alexander, 1596?-1654. title: Christ the Christians choice. Or A sermon preached at the funerall of Mr John Cavvs one of the magistrates of the famous corporation of Plymouth. March the 29. Anno Dom. 1645. By Alexander Grosse. B.D. and pastor of Bridfoad. date: 1645.0 words: 11552 flesch: 62 summary: Secondly in his feare , men give preheminence in their feare to their Soveraigne , above the subject , children to their fathers above the houshold servants : wives to their husbands above strangers : good men feare Christ as their Soveraigne as their fathers , as their husband with an awfull , a spirituall , a filiall , an affectionate and submissive feare , choosing rather to offend all the world then to offend Christ : they feare the command of Christ , more then the command of man : the wrath of Christ more then the wrath of men : the losse of Christ favour , more then the losse of any , or all men whatsoever : they chuse rather to expose themselves to mans greatest rage and indignation , then to provoke Christ in the least sillable of voluntary and witting deviation from the rule which Christ hath prescribed to them . But how shall we work our hearts to this , to be willing to suffer for Christ to work for Christ to lay down , & leave all for Christ . Be experienced in the bitternes of sin , how it breakes the bones How it causeth man to abborre his bread , and his soul , dainty meat , how it makes his flesh to fail : that it cannot be seen , and his bones to shiver , How it strikes with sorrow , and makes man to cry , O miserable man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death , be experienced in the misery of this bondage , and thou shalt not much fear any prison whereinto man can cast thee ; be sensible of the weight of this burthen , and the imposition of Pharaohs burthens shall not much molest thee : know thou the hidiousnesse of a tempestuous and accusing consciences , and all the accusations of men shall not much perplex thee , be sensible of the bitternesse of Gods wrath against sin , and the declination of the wrath of men shall never prevail with thee to draw thee to do evill , be acquainted with the losse which commeth by sin , and thou shall be willing to loose all rather then fall into any sin , be sensible of the troublesomnesse of this Inmate sinne , and thou shalt be willing to go out of this house of thy flesh that thou mayest cease from sinne , the more the soul is afflicted with the burthen of its own corruption , the more it is experienced in the bitternesse of the fruits of sinne the more it longs to depart from this tabernacle of the flesh and to be with Christ . keywords: alexander; best; better; body; bread; burthen; cause; children; christ; commeth; communion; comparison; condition; corruption; crowne; david; day; death; desire; doe; doth; dust; egypt; enjoyment; everlasting; evill; faith; faithfull; farre; fathers; feare; flesh; fruition; future; gaine; gideon; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gracious; greatest; grosse; hands; having; heart; honour; house; husband; ioh; israel; jesus; john; knowledge; liberty; life; lord; losse; love; man; mans; mat; men; motion; onely; owne; paul; pearle; people; peter; pleasures; possessions; precious; present; prison; psal; ready; rest; riches; sake; sam; satan; selfe; servants; set; soule; spirit; spirituall; sun; sweet; text; thee; things; thornes; thou; true; union; united; waters; way; wildernesse; willing; words; world; ● ● cache: A85734.xml plain text: A85734.txt item: #153 of 164 id: A86062 author: Godman, Henry, 1629 or 30-1702. title: A funeral sermon preached at Deptford June 3. 1688 Upon the occasion of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Kilbury, late wife of Mr. John Kilbury. By Henry Godman, minister of the gospel. With allowance. date: 1688.0 words: 11287 flesch: 73 summary: It 's that preaching which the world counts foolish , and which men being vain in their imaginations are ready to despise ; that is made mighty through God for the casting down the Devils Kingdom , and the setting up the Kingdom of Christ in the Souls of men . In the first verse of the Psalm , the sweet Singer of Israel lays down a Consolatory Proposition for the whole Israel of God , to cheer up and refresh their Souls withal in their darkest and most cloudy seasons of trouble and affliction — Truly God is good to Israel , even to such as are of a clean heart : As if he should say , though God may seem by his Providence to neglect the ways of men , and the worst in the view and judgment of sense may seem to prosper most , and the best be of all men the most miserable ; yet for all this , I am sure that this is a faithful saying , and worthy of all acceptation , That God is good to his Israel , and will do them good . keywords: affliction; application; better; body; cause; christ; comfort; creature; day; days; death; desire; doth; earth; eebo; end; english; eternal; everlasting; evil; failing; fall; father; flesh; glory; god; godly; good; hath; heart; heaven; help; jesus; john; joy; kilbury; kingdom; life; little; live; long; lord; love; man; mans; men; miseries; near; peace; people; poor; portion; portion god; power; present; psal; reason; rich; riches; rock; saith; self; selves; sin; soul; spirit; strength; strong; sure; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; time; use; verse; vse; water; words; work; world cache: A86062.xml plain text: A86062.txt item: #154 of 164 id: A87089 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: Death's alarum: or, Security's vvarning-piece. A sermon preached in S. Dionis Back-Church, at the funerall of Mrs. Mary Smith (daughter of Mr. Isaac Colfe, formerly minister of Gods Word at Chadwell in Essex, and late wife of Mr. Richard Smith of London, draper) who dyed the 9th. day of Novemb. 1653. and was buried the 16th of the same moneth. By Nath: Hardy, Mr. of Arts, and preacher to that parish. date: 1653.0 words: 11879 flesch: 65 summary: Significatur inextectata & improvisa Chald●●orum in Jerusalem irrup●io ●● ▪ pot● qui n●● per portas , in quibu● sunt vigiles , fed per ●urorum foenestras clan ▪ culum instar furis irrumpant Lapid in H●er . To unfold this riddle , therefore , you must know , that this expression is parabolicall ; and parables , like knives , cut onely in the edge , to wit , the scope : now his aime in likening this advent●o that of a thief is onely to take in the consideration of the time . keywords: account; advent; age; alwayes; approach; art; bee; best; blessed; burning; care; chapter; christ; christians; church; cometh; comfort; coming; condition; daughter; day; dayes; death; disciples; doore; doth; doubt; duty; end; endeavour; english; est; feare; fit; god; gods; goe; good; grave; great; hand; hardy; hath; hearts; high; himselfe; hope; houre; job; judgement; life; like; little; lives; london; long; lord; loynes; mary; math; men; minister; moment; moneth; nath; nature; nay; night; non; old; onely; order; owne; particular; past; paul; person; pious; pleased; practise; preacher; preparation; present; purpose; qui; readinesse; ready; reason; respect; roman; saith; security; selves; semper; sense; sermon; set; sodaine; son; sonne; spirit; strength; text; thee; thief; thing; thomason; thou; thoughts; time; title; true; unprepared; use; verse; watch; whilest; wit; words; work; world; worldly; yea; ● ● cache: A87089.xml plain text: A87089.txt item: #155 of 164 id: A87090 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: A divine prospective: representing the just mans peacefull end. In a funerall sermon preached at Katharine Creechurch, Aug. 14. 1649. at the enterrement of the remaines of the Right Worshipfull and truly religious, Sir John Gayr, Knight: deceased July 20. 1649. / By Nathaniel Hardy, M.A. and preacher to the parish of Dionis Back-Church. date: 1649.0 words: 14013 flesch: 67 summary: Others referre the first word to God , the latter to Man ; restraining the sense of this word upright , to the integrity of our dealings with those , among whom we converse : And thus 't is an undoubted truth , The good Man is both perfect towards God , and upright towards Men ; giving as God , his right , so Man his due . Hence it is , that he 's the same Man at all times , in all places : what the Phylosopher sayes of a good Man is true of him , he is {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , like a Cube , or square , or like a Die , that falls alike every way , because at all times , and in all societies , he acts by one and the same Rule ; 'T is a good saying of one that pretends to be Saint Cyprian , Ea non est religio , sed dissimulatio , qua per omnia non constat sibi ; that is not Piety , but Hypocrisie , which is not in all things like it selfe , since the upright Man measures every action by the straight line of Divine Prescript . keywords: actions; afflictions; age; answer; aug; bad; behold; bernard; best; blessed; blessing; blisse; carnall; character; children; christ; christian; church; construction; david; day; dayes; death; defects; desire; die; divine; doe; doth; double; doubt; duty; end; english; est; esteeme; expression; eye; eyes; father; fit; friend; funerall; generall; glory; god; gods; good; good man; grace; hand; hardy; hath; heart; heaven; heb; hebrew; himselfe; holinesse; honour; hope; hypocrisie; integrity; james; job; john; knight; law; life; light; like; little; loc; lord; love; mans; marke; men; nathaniel; nihil; non; observable; onely; owne; particular; parts; patience; paul; peace; peaceable; peacefull; people; perfect; perfect man; perfection; piety; pleased; present; prophet; prosperity; prov; psal; psalmist; quiet; quod; reason; reference; religion; religious; remainder; respect; rest; reward; riches; righteousnesse; roman; saint; saith; scripture; sed; selves; sense; sermon; set; sincerity; singular; solomon; spirit; sun; sure; text; things; thomason; time; true; truth; unjust; upright; upright man; uprightnesse; use; view; vulgar; way; wicked; wisdome; wit; word; workes; worthy; ● ● cache: A87090.xml plain text: A87090.txt item: #156 of 164 id: A87092 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: Divinity in mortality, or The Gospels excellency and the preachers frailty, represented in a sermon preached at the funerals of Mr Richard Goddard late minister of the parish of St Gregories by Pauls; who died on Thursday the 12th of May 1653. and was buried on Moonday [sic] the 16th day of the same moneth. By Nath. Hardy Master of Arts, and preacher to the parish of St Dyonis Back-Church. date: 1653.0 words: 13963 flesch: 68 summary: Secondly , Others take the reference of Treasure here as remote as that {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Ministery , mentioned in the first verse . The Greek word in its Etimology signifieth as much , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} quasi {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , and in the Hebrew {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} à {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} abscondit , the nown for Treasure cometh from a verb that signifieth to hide , there being nothing men more secretly and carefully lay up then their Treasures , yea what content do they take in viewing and recounting their bags , Populus me sibilat at mihi plaudo ipse domi , said he in the Poet , The covetous wretch whilest scorned abroad pleaseth himself at home in his heaps of wealth . keywords: account; apostle; best; better; bodies; body; brethren; choice; christ; church; committed; cor; day; death; desire; discourse; divine; divinity; doth; earthen; earthen vessels; earthly; end; english; excellency; expression; eyes; farre; fathers; fit; food; frailty; friend; funerals; gifts; glory; god; goddard; gods; gold; golden; good; gospel; great; greater; greek; gregory; hand; hardy; hath; heavenly; honour; hope; house; knowledge; law; lesse; life; light; like; little; lives; loc; lord; maketh; men; metaphor; ministers; mortality; mouth; nature; nay; nazianzen; need; new; non; non quod; onely; parish; paul; people; persons; pieces; pleased; plenty; poor; preachers; precious; present; priests; profit; prophets; psal; reason; reference; regard; respect; richard; riches; roman; saith; savour; selves; sense; sent; sermon; set; silver; soul; speaketh; spiritual; subject; term; text; things; thomason; thou; times; treasure; true; truth; use; value; verse; vessels; way; whilest; wisdom; wit; word; work; worth; yea cache: A87092.xml plain text: A87092.txt item: #157 of 164 id: A87093 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: The epitaph of a godly man, especially a man of God or, The happines by death of holines in life. Delineated in a sermon preached at the funerall of Mr Adam Pemberton late minister of the parish of St Fosters Foster-lane : who ended this mortall, April the 8th, 1655. and was buried in hope of an immortal life the 11th of the same moneth. / By Nath: Hardy M.A. and preacher to the parish of St Dionis Back Church. date: 1655.0 words: 13064 flesch: 74 summary: I finde among Expositors a double Version of this Verse : 1. Some Modern , both Protestant and Popish Interpreters ; and one among the Antients , read this verse as if it were one intire Proposition , whereof Christ is the subject , and gain the predicate : Christ is to me gain both in life and death . It was S. Paul's hope , first , that Christ should be magnified by him : And next , that he he should be comforted by Christ , both in life and death : Unus est Christus qut tam in morte quam in vita nos facit beatos , saith Calvin upon the place . keywords: 4to; adam; ambrose; apostle; benefit; blessed; body; cap; cause; children; christ; christians; church; comfort; cor; corruption; david; day; dead; death; deliverance; delivereth; desire; die; divine; doe; doth; dye; earth; ego; end; epitaph; est; evils; expression; eyes; farre; father; fear; friend; fruit; funerall; gain; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hardy; hath; heaven; holy; honour; hope; job; joy; labours; life; like; little; lord; losse; love; mans; men; minister; mort; naturall; nature; nay; non; onely; parish; paul; pemberton; place; pleased; poor; preacher; present; psal; qui; reason; respect; rest; righteous; roman; saint; saith; self; selves; sense; sermon; sin; sinne; sorrow; souls; spirituall; sweet; tears; text; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; verse; way; wit; words; work; world; yea cache: A87093.xml plain text: A87093.txt item: #158 of 164 id: A87103 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: A sermon, preached at St. Gregories church by St. Paul's on Sunday the 13th. day of Iune, 1658. Intended for the funeral solemnization of Iohn Hewit, Dr. of divinity, and late minister there date: 1658.0 words: 6902 flesch: 61 summary: When the sinfull neglect of any known duty , being judgement , as soon as the doing of a known sin , I say it is the not doing of our known duty makes us culpable , and that sin here charged on us is not the rejoycing , and triumphing when the godly are taken away , but the not laying it to heart that argues a man to be in the depth of wickedness , to come to sit in the seat of the scorners , to deride at the calamities of the godly , and make their tears his drink , and their ruins his play and sport , this is the depth of wickednesse when men rejoyce at the miseries and ruins of the righteous , but it is not considering , or laying to heart the miseries of the servants of God that is here onely meant , though you will find that a great sin , the not laying to heart their being taken away . Thus they are righteous because justified , and not onely so , but also because their natures are renewed after the Image of God , that is cretaed in righteousnesse and true holinesse , in which respect they are partakers of the Divine nature : and also righteous in ordering their lives according to the rule of the word , which all Gods servants sets before them , and seek to live according thereunto , that they may give God his due , and men their due ; and thus it is true of the servant ▪ of God , they are righteous really . keywords: befalls; church; complaint; day; death; earth; evil; faithfull; god; godly; gods; good; great; hand; hath; heart; judgement; life; lord; man; men; mercifull; mercifull men; mercy; non; ones; paul; people; perish; perisheth; perishing; prophet; righteous; righteous perish; roman; saith; selves; servants; sin; taking; text; time; use; violent; wicked; word; work cache: A87103.xml plain text: A87103.txt item: #159 of 164 id: A89505 author: Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677. title: A sermon preached at the funerall of M. Christopher Love, in St. Laurence church, August, 25. 1651. By Thomas Manton, minister of the gospell at Stoak-Newington near London. date: 1651.0 words: 3763 flesch: 73 summary: When God justifieth a sinner , he takes away the condemning power of sinne ; when he sanctifieth , he takes away the reigning power of sinne ; but when he takes him away by death unto himselfe , he takes away the very being of sinne : Death is our cure , sinne brings in death , and death by way of revenge destroyeth sin . Death is the King of terrors , Morral Phylosophy could never finde any remedy against the fear of death . keywords: august; better; body; christ; christopher; death; dye; dyeth; fear; friends; funerall; god; godly; grave; great; hath; heaven; hell; jesus; jesus christ; life; lord; love; man; manton; men; power; righteous; sermon; sinne; sins; soul; terror; text; thomas; victory; way; wicked cache: A89505.xml plain text: A89505.txt item: #160 of 164 id: A90272 author: Owen, John, 1616-1683. title: The labouring saints dismission to rest. A sermon / preached at the funeral of the Right Honourable Henry Ireton Lord Deputy of Ireland: in the Abbey Church at Westminster, the 6th. day of February 1651. By John Owen, minister of the Gospel. Licensed and entered according to order. date: 1652.0 words: 10401 flesch: 62 summary: It is the wisdom of a man , to see the name of God , to be acquainted with his will , his minde , his aime in things , when his providentiall voice crieth to the City . This carnall policie enquires not into , but is wholly swallowed up in the concatenation of things among themselves , applying secondary causes unto events , without once looking to the Name of God , like Swine following Acorns under the tree , not at all looking up to the tree from whence they fall . keywords: abilities; accomplishment; account; aime; art; bloud; christ; close; condition; daniel; dayes; desire; dismission; doth; duty; eminent; employment; end; following; generation; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; great; hand; hath; henry; industry; issue; john; kingdome; labour; labouring; life; like; lord; lot; love; man; men; minde; moses; nature; obs; occasion; oftentimes; onely; owen; particular; peace; people; persons; principles; providence; rest; righteousnesse; saints; saith; season; self; sermon; service; sin; spirit; state; text; things; thou; time; utmost; visions; way; whereof; wisdome; words; work; world cache: A90272.xml plain text: A90272.txt item: #161 of 164 id: A92746 author: Scott, John, 1639-1695. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of the Lady Newland. At Alhallows Barkin, London By John Scott, D.D. date: 1690.0 words: 6524 flesch: 56 summary: One priding it self in a gay Suit , another hugging a Bag of glistering Earth , and a third stewing in Luxury and Voluptuousness ; and all employ'd at that sordid rate , as if they had nothing to do with Heaven . But why should I grieve at parting with my Friends below , when I shall go to the best Friends I have in all the World ; to God my Father , to Jesus my Redeemer , to the Holy Ghost my constant Comforter and Assistant : and what though that state , and the Laws and Customs of it , be in a great measure unknown to me ; yet what I know is infinitely desirable : from whence I may reasonably infer , that what I know not , is so too ; and if I have but the Temper of Heaven , I am sure I shall easily comply with the Heavenly Laws and Customs . keywords: actions; aim; beings; blessed; books; characters; christian; city; constant; course; doth; early; eebo; end; english; eternal; eternity; everlasting; existence; eyes; faith; far; friends; funeral; future; glory; god; good; great; happiness; heaven; heavenly; hope; john; joys; lady; leave; life; little; london; lord; man; men; newland; piety; present; scott; seeking; self; selves; soul; spirit; state; sure; tcp; tei; temper; text; things; thou; time; vertue; works; world cache: A92746.xml plain text: A92746.txt item: #162 of 164 id: A96098 author: Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. title: The crown of righteousness. Set forth in a sermon preached at Stephens Walbrook, May 1. 1656. At the funeral of Thomas Hodges Esquire. / By Thomas Watson, minister of Stephens Walbrook, in the citie of London. date: 1656.0 words: 12081 flesch: 84 summary: Some render the word {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , he hath made us favorites ; * here is the Crown of acceptance , and in the life to come a Crown of Righteousnesse . d How should we {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} provoke our selves to holiness ? How should we spend , and be spent for Christ , how should we strive to bring in some Crown-revenews to our Lord and Master , when we consider , how infinitly it shall be rewarded . keywords: a96098; amor; answ; apostle; aug; bee; believers; bern; better; blood; body; branch; change; christ; christian; citie; corona; crosse; crown; crown'd; cum; cup; day; death; deceased; desire; die; doctrine; doth; earthly; english; envy; fire; fit; free; friend; funeral; glorie; glory; god; gods; golden; good; grace; great; greg; haec non; happinesse; hard; hath; head; hearts; heaven; hebr; hee; heirs; hell; henceforth; hierom; hodges; holy; honour; isa; job; john; joy; justice; kings; lib; life; light; little; london; long; lord; losse; love; luke; men; mercie; merit; motion; new; non; onely; paul; person; pet; place; poor; prov; psal; quest; quid; religion; rev; reward; righteousnesse; roman; saints; saith; satan; scripture; sed; selves; sence; sermon; set; shew; sin; somtimes; soul; spirit; stephens; sun; sure; sweet; tears; temple; text; thes; thing; thomas; thomason; thou; time; true; truth; use; vse; wages; walbrook; walking; water; watson; way; ways; wee; weighty; white; wine; words; work; world cache: A96098.xml plain text: A96098.txt item: #163 of 164 id: A96103 author: Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. title: The holy longing: or, The saints desire to be with Christ: delivered in a sermon at Al-hallows Lumbard-street, Aug. 24. 1658. At the funeral of Mr. Jacob Stock. / By Thomas Watson minister of Stephens Walbrook in the city of London. date: 1659.0 words: 9235 flesch: 81 summary: {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , a believer is no looser by death . 1. Paul doth not say I desire to depart and be in heaven , but to be {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} with Christ ; it is Christs presence makes heaven , * as the Kings presence makes the Court . keywords: answ; apostle; austin; away; bed; believer; best; better; body; care; child; children; christ; christian; comfort; david; dead; death; depart; departing; desertion; desire; doth; dye; earthly; end; est; eyes; faith; fear; flesh; friend; funeral; glory; god; good; grace; great; hath; head; heart; heaven; hezekiah; holy; jacob; jesus; job; joy; knowledge; life; light; london; longing; lord; love; mat; mors; mortal; nature; non; pain; paul; psal; quest; rest; ring; roman; sad; saints; sed; sermon; service; set; sinne; soul; stock; stone; street; sweet; tears; tentation; text; thee; things; thomas; thomason; thou; time; true; use; vertue; watson; wicked; willing; wonder; words; world cache: A96103.xml plain text: A96103.txt item: #164 of 164 id: A96652 author: Wilson, John, of Breedon, Leicestershire. title: A good and seasonable caveat for Christians. Delivered in a sermon at the funerall of the right worshipfull Sir Charles Shirley, Knight and baronet, in the parish church of Breedon, in Leicester-Shire. / By John Wilson, Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word in the sayd parish. 7. Octob. 1646. Imprimatur, Jo. Downame. date: 1646.0 words: 14208 flesch: 70 summary: 6. l ●e exhortor moneoque libelle , ut docto placeas Apolli●●● . ●●ject . keywords: actions; advice; againe; apostle; appeare; art; beauty; bee; best; better; body; breedon; care; cause; caveat; charles; christ; christians; church; circumspect; comfort; counsell; covetous; danger; david; day; deale; death; deliberation; desire; devill; difference; doe; doth; duty; earth; end; enemies; enemy; english; estate; eternall; excellency; exhortation; eyes; farre; field; fire; funerall; god; gods; goe; good; grace; great; greater; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; heede; hell; himselfe; honours; horse; israel; jesus; john; judgement; keepe; king; kingdome; knight; labour; lib; life; like; little; lord; lost; malice; manner; mat; matter; meane; men; ministers; moses; nay; non; onely; owne; parish; paul; people; play; pleasures; power; prayer; preaching; precept; precious; psal; pulpit; purpose; qui; reason; regard; respect; riches; right; roman; saith; salomon; salvation; sam; saviour; seeke; selves; sermon; set; shirley; short; sin; sir; soule; speake; spirit; spirituall; strange; sure; terrible; text; things; thomason; thou; thy; time; true; unlesse; verse; waies; walke; want; wee; wilson; wise; words; world; ● ● cache: A96652.xml plain text: A96652.txt