the magical mimics in oz by jack snow, founded on and continuing the famous oz stories by l. frank baum illustrated by frank kramer the reilly & lee co. chicago * * * * * the magical mimics in oz copyright 1946 by the reilly & lee co. printed in the u. s. a. [transcriber's note: extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the u.s. copyright on this publication was renewed.] * * * * * to the children as long as i can remember, i have been reading oz books, and now i am very proud and happy to have been permitted to write a book about the latest happenings in the land of oz. mr. kramer has made many delightful illustrations for this book, and i know you will enjoy the fun and life that he has so skillfully put into his pictures. as for the magical mimics, i think you will agree with me that these surprising creatures made things pretty exciting for our oz friends while they were in the emerald city. nevertheless, now that the mimics are powerless, i am inclined to forgive them; since, had it not been for them, dorothy and the wizard would not have discovered winsome little ozana and her story blossom garden. i hope this story pleases you and that you will write me many letters--all of which i promise to answer as soon as possible. i am sure that your suggestions and ideas will be of great help to me in writing future oz books, and i am looking forward with much pleasure to receiving them. jack snow. january 10, 1946. * * * * * _this book is dedicated to_ _my mother_ _roselyn hyde snow_ "_... to please a child is a sweet and lovely thing that warms one's heart and brings its own reward._" --l. frank baum. * * * * * list of chapters 1. toto carries a message 2. ozma and glinda go away 3. mount illuso 4. the mimics mean mischief 5. prisoners of the mimics 6. dorothy and the wizard speak strangely 7. in the cavern of the doomed 8. toto makes a discovery 9. mr. and mrs. hi-lo 10. the village of pineville 11. princess ozana 12. story blossom garden 13. the three swans 14. the mimic monarchs lock themselves in 15. in the chamber of magic 16. a web is woven 17. the mimics in the emerald city 18. the return of ozma and glinda 19. ozana's fairy arts 20. in the mirrored ballroom 21. the shattering of the mirrors 22. what the magic picture revealed 23. the grand banquet chapter 1 toto carries a message "toto," called princess ozma of oz, as a small black dog trotted down the corridor past the open door of her study in the royal palace of the emerald city, "toto, will you do me a favor?" "certainly," answered the little dog, his bright eyes regarding the princess questioningly. "what can i do for your majesty?" ozma smiled. "i wonder if you would go to dorothy's rooms and ask her to join me here as soon as possible." "that'll be easy, ozma," said toto, "i was just on my way to see dorothy. it's time for our morning romp in the garden." "well," laughed ozma, "i shall keep dorothy for only a few minutes, then she can join you in the garden for your play." "thank you, ozma," replied toto as he turned and trotted down the corridor leading to dorothy's suite of rooms. as the little dog disappeared, the smile slowly faded from ozma's face, and the lovely little ruler of the world's most beautiful fairyland looked unusually serious. the truth was that ozma was thinking of events that had happened many years before in the history of the land of oz. not always had oz been a fairy realm. in those olden times oz had been nothing more than a remarkably beautiful country of rolling plains, wooded hills and rich farm lands. indeed, oz had not been so much different from our own united states, except that it was surrounded on all sides by a deadly desert. it was this desert which prevented curious men from the great outside world from finding their way to oz. for the fumes and gasses that rose from the shifting sands of the desert were deadly poison to all living things, and for a human to have set foot on the desert would have meant instant and terrible death. consequently, all living things avoided the deadly desert, and it is no wonder that oz was so entirely secluded and went unnoticed by the rest of the world for so many long years. meanwhile, the oz people were happy and contented, living their simple carefree lives without worries or troubles. the soil of oz was fertile and the people naturally industrious, so there was always an abundance of everything for everyone. hence destructive and terrible wars were unknown in oz even in the olden days. one fine day queen lurline, ruler of all the fairies in the world, chanced to be flying over the land of oz with her fairy band. she was greatly impressed with the beauty of the hidden country. the fairy queen paused, flying in wide circles over the peaceful land. here was a country so entirely beautiful and charming that it deserved to be a fairy realm. queen lurline sought out the king of this favored land and found him to be an old man with no son or daughter to whom he could pass on his crown. with great joy the old king accepted the tiny, baby fairy whom queen lurline placed in his care. when the baby fairy attained her full age of girlhood (no fairy ever appears to be older than a young girl of fourteen or fifteen) she was to be crowned princess ozma of oz. from the time of lurline's visit, oz became a fairyland, abounding in enchantments and strange happenings. indeed, several of the inhabitants of oz fell to studying the magic arts and became witches and magicians, very nearly preventing ozma from becoming the rightful ruler of the fairyland. ozma was fully aware that she was a member of queen lurline's fairy band, and she was justly proud of her immortal heritage. she knew, too, that she owed allegiance to the powerful fairy queen, and that was the reason she appeared so thoughtful this morning as she awaited princess dorothy. ozma's reverie was broken by a gentle rap on the open door. looking up, she saw dorothy standing in the doorway. "come in, my dear," said ozma, "there is something i must discuss with you." chapter 2 ozma and glinda go away "what is it, ozma?" dorothy asked, as she sat down beside her friend. "dorothy," ozma began, thoughtfully, "you have heard me tell the story of how the good queen lurline left me here as a baby to become the ruler of the land of oz." "of course, ozma, and how you were stolen by old mombi, the witch, and--" "yes," interrupted ozma, smiling, "all that is true, but the important fact is that now the day has arrived when i must answer the summons of the great fairy queen. you see," continued the girlish ruler seriously, "every 200 years all the members of queen lurline's fairy band gather for a grand council in the beautiful forest of burzee which lies just across the deadly desert to the south of oz." "isn't that the forest where santa claus was found as an infant and adopted by the forest nymph?" asked dorothy eagerly. "yes," replied ozma, "burzee is indeed a famous forest. for untold centuries its cool groves have been the meeting place of queen lurline and her subjects. they gather to discuss and plan the work they will do during the next two centuries. "in the old days," ozma's voice was musing and thoughtful as she continued, "when mankind was simpler and gentler of nature, it was easier for the fairies to do their good works and to aid the helpless humans. but today few humans believe in fairies." "the children do," dorothy suggested. "yes," said ozma, "but unfortunately as the children grow older and become men and women, they forget all they ever knew about fairies. i wish," she added wistfully, "that the men and women of the world would keep a bit of their childhood with them. they would find it a valuable thing." "when will you be going, ozma?" dorothy asked softly. "tomorrow morning," ozma replied. "and so important is this meeting that i have asked glinda the good to accompany me, although she is not a member of queen lurline's fairy band." "ozma," said dorothy seriously, her chin cupped in her hand, "there is one thing i have often wondered about. what did queen lurline do _after_ she left you here to become the ruler of oz?" "there is a story," ozma began with a far-away look in her eyes, "that after she made oz a fairyland, queen lurline flew away to the land of the phanfasms, that strange realm lying southeast of oz, across the deadly desert and bordering the kingdom of the nomes." "i remember the phanfasms," dorothy nodded. "they are the wicked creatures who came with the nome king through his tunnel under the deadly desert to conquer oz." "yes, and thanks to the wisdom of our famous scarecrow, we were able to render them harmless," ozma recalled with a smile. "did queen lurline go to see the phanfasms after she left oz?" asked dorothy. "no," replied ozma. "it seems that instead of going to mount phantastico, where the phanfasms dwell, queen lurline flew to the second of the twin peaks--to mount illuso, home of the dread mimics." "i don't remember hearing about the mimics before. just who are they, ozma," asked dorothy with interest. "not a great deal is known about them," replied ozma seriously, "and what we do know is so unpleasant that the mimics are avoided as a subject of conversation. they are not humans, nor are they immortals. like the phanfasms, to whom they are closely related, they belong to the ancient race of erbs--creatures who inhabited the earth long before the coming of mankind. both the mimics and the phanfasms hate all humans and immortals, for they feel that mankind, aided by the immortals, has stolen the world from them." "they don't sound very nice to me," said dorothy with a shudder. "why did queen lurline go to see such dreadful creatures?" ozma's voice was grave as she answered. "queen lurline knew that the mimics bitterly hated all that was good and happy and just in the world. the wise queen fully realized that now that oz was so beautiful and favored and its people so happy and contented a fairy folk, the mimics would lose no time in seeking to bring unhappiness to oz. it was to prevent this, that queen lurline paid her visit to mount illuso." "and did she succeed?" asked dorothy. "yes, my dear," replied ozma. "queen lurline placed a fairy spell on the mimics to make it impossible for them to attack the inhabitants of oz. but let's not discuss the unpleasant mimics any further," ozma concluded. "thanks to good queen lurline we don't even have to think about the creatures. let us return to our conversation about you." "about me?" asked dorothy. "yes," replied ozma. "can't you guess why i asked you to see me this particular morning?" "why, to tell me about the trip you and glinda are planning," said dorothy. "and something more, too," continued ozma. "who do you think will rule the emerald city and the land of oz, while both glinda and i are absent?" "i suppose either the little wizard or the scarecrow," ventured dorothy, remembering that in the past both the wizard and the scarecrow had ruled the land of oz. "no," replied ozma calmly. "you, dorothy, will be the ruler of the emerald city and the land of oz in my absence." "i?" cried dorothy. "oh, ozma, i'm only a little girl! i don't know the first thing about ruling!" "you are a princess of oz," stated ozma with dignity. "i shall appoint the wizard as your counselor and advisor. with his wisdom and your honesty of heart and sweetness of nature, i am confident the land of oz will be well ruled." dorothy was silent, considering. "come, my dear," said ozma with a smile. "i shall be gone only three short days. i am sure once you have become accustomed to the idea, you will enjoy the novel experience of being a real ruler, so do not worry." rising from the divan, ozma concluded: "i must go now to inform the courtiers and lords and ladies of my journey. i will instruct them in the regular affairs of state to be carried on in my absence, so that you will not be annoyed with these routine matters." ozma kissed dorothy on the cheek and the two girls left the room arm in arm, parting a few minutes later as ozma went about making preparations for her journey. dorothy joined toto who was waiting patiently for her in the lovely gardens of the royal palace. the little dog quickly noticed that his mistress was not nearly so carefree in her play as usual, but seemed more serious and thoughtful. he wondered if this had anything to do with her conversation with ozma, but since dorothy didn't mention the subject to him and seemed to be so busy with her own thoughts, toto, being a wise little dog, refrained from troubling her with questions. dorothy had a long talk with the wizard later in the day. the little man pointed out that dorothy's duties as a ruler would be very slight, so well-governed was oz and so well-behaved were the oz people. nevertheless, dorothy was greatly cheered and relieved when the wizard promised to help her, should any problem arise that she found troubling. ozma's time was so entirely taken up with affairs of state and the many preparations for her absence from her beloved country, that dorothy saw nothing of the girlish ruler during the remainder of the day. * * * * * the morning of ozma and glinda's departure dawned bright and clear, with the sunlight shining brilliantly on the beautiful city of emeralds. breakfast had been over for several hours when glinda the good sorceress arrived from her castle far to the south in the quadling country of the land of oz. glinda and ozma went immediately to the royal throne room where the famous oz personages waited to witness their departure. at exactly 10 o'clock princess ozma seated herself in her emerald throne, while the stately glinda stood at her right. before them was as strange and impressive an assemblage of nobles, courtiers and old friends as ever gathered together in any fairy realm. among those present were: the famous scarecrow of oz with his highly polished companion, nick chopper, the nickel-plated tin woodman; comical jack pumpkinhead astride the wooden sawhorse who was ozma's personal steed and earliest companion; scraps, the jolly patchwork girl; sweet little trot and her faithful sailor friend, grizzled old cap'n bill; betsy bobbin and her mule, hank; the cheerful shaggy man looking shaggier than ever; the highly magnified and thoroughly educated woggle bug wearing his wisest expression for this important occasion; the stately cowardly lion who was one of dorothy's oldest friends and his companion the hungry tiger who longed to devour fat babies but never did because his conscience wouldn't permit him to; that strange creature the woozy whose eyes flashed real fire when he became angry; button bright, the boy from philadelphia who had been dorothy's companion on several wonderful adventures; ojo the lucky and his unc nunkie; dorothy's beloved aunt em and uncle henry, and of course the little wizard, and many, many others. ozma stood before her throne and raised her hand. immediately silence settled over the assemblage in the vast throne room. "as you all know," the princess said, "glinda and i are about to attend an important fairy conference in the distant forest of burzee. we shall be gone from oz for a period of three days. during that time, princess dorothy will be your sovereign and ruler." ozma removed her dainty fairy wand from the folds of her gown and lifted it into the air. for a moment she smiled on all, then, with a graceful wave of the wand and before the onlookers realized what was happening, both she and glinda had vanished. but dorothy knew that even at that moment queen lurline was greeting the lovely ozma and the stately glinda in the depths of the enchanted forest of burzee. chapter 3 mount illuso on that far away day those many years ago, when queen lurline had left the baby ozma to become the ruler of oz, queen lurline did not pause, for she knew the most important part of her work was still to be done. if the land of oz was to be the happy fairyland she hoped it would be, she must protect it from the evil of the mimics. with this thought in mind, the good queen left oz and flew straight to the bleak land of the phanfasms. signalling to one of her fairy maidens to accompany her, queen lurline flew down to grim mount illuso, home of the dread mimics. pausing at the entrance to the great hollow mountain queen lurline bade her fairy companion await her return. then, taking the precaution to make herself invisible to the eyes of the mimics, the fairy queen stepped into the enchanted mountain. the sight that met her eyes caused even the good queen lurline to chill and falter momentarily on the rocky ledge on which she stood. above her rose the vast, cavernous walls of the hollow mountain. spread out below were the corridors burrowed into the rock by the mimics. in dark caverns deep below these corridors the monsters made their homes. all of this scene was lighted by flaming torches set at intervals in the walls of the cavern. the torches flared deep red, casting lurid, flickering shadows and adding to the weird unreality of the scene. as queen lurline gazed, the mimics were moving through the rough-hewn corridors or flying through the air. the most unusual thing about the creatures was their strange habit of constantly changing their shapes. they shifted restlessly from one form to another. since they were creatures of evil, the shapes they assumed were all forms of the blackest evil and dread. even as queen lurline watched, fascinated by the strange spectacle, the mimics shifted and changed and flitted from one loathsome shape to another. a monster bird with leathery wings and a horned head dropped to the ground, and in another second assumed the squat body of a huge toad with the head of a hyena, snarling with laughter. a crawling red lizard, all of ten feet in length, turned into a giant butterfly with black wings and the body of a serpent. a great, green bat with wicked talons alighted on a ledge not far from queen lurline and in an instant changed to a mammoth, hairy creature with the body of a huge ape and the head of an alligator. the good queen shuddered in spite of herself. what she had seen had only served to strengthen her resolution to protect the oz people for all time against the mimics. immediately she began weaving a powerful incantation. in a few minutes the enchantment was completed. queen lurline breathed a sigh of relief, for she knew that the mimics were now powerless to harm any of the fairy inhabitants of the land of oz. queen lurline was well aware that the mimics' strange habit of changing their shapes was the least of their evil characteristics. much more dreadful was the power possessed by these creatures to _steal_ the shapes of both mortals and immortals. a mimic accomplished this simply by casting himself on the shadow of his victim. instantly the mimic arose, a perfect double in outward appearance of the person whose shadow he had stolen. as for the unfortunate victim, he fell into a spell of enchantment, unable to move or speak, but conscious of all that was taking place about him. no wonder queen lurline sighed with relief when she thought that her powerful magic had made the oz people secure against the dread evil of the mimics! queen lurline slipped from the cavern through the stone portal of mount illuso. for a moment she paused, breathing deeply and gratefully of the fresh air. but she must not tarry now. she still had other important work to do here. when she returned to her fairy companion, queen lurline gave her brief instructions concerning the important part she was to play at mount illuso in the coming years. then they both spread their fairy wings and flew straight to the very summit of the hollow mount. chapter 4 the mimics mean mischief on the same morning that ozma and glinda left the land of oz for the forest of burzee, events of equal importance were happening in mount illuso, home of the mimics. the mimics were ruled over by two sovereigns--king umb and queen ra. it is a question which was the more wicked and dangerous of this pair. king umb was bold and brutal, while his wife, queen ra, was clever and cunning. together they made a fitting combination to rule so wicked a horde as the mimics. on this particular morning king umb and queen ra secluded themselves in a hidden cavern, deep in the underground caves that honeycombed the depths of hollow mount illuso. roughly hewn from the grey rock, this cavern was circular in shape and was filled with ancient books and strange and weird implements of sorcery and enchantment. king umb possessed little skill in magic arts, but queen ra was powerful in the practice of conjuring and evil incantation. after the visit of queen lurline to mount illuso and the casting of the powerful enchantment that prevented king umb and queen ra from leading their mimic subjects in the destruction of oz, queen ra had at first raged and fumed and wildly vowed vengeance on queen lurline and princess ozma. then, as the years passed by, the evil queen spent more and more time lurking in the secret cavern, studying the ancient sorcery of the erbs, employing her black arts to follow events in the history of oz and plotting the destruction of the fairyland. of course the mimic king and queen were free to lead their hordes in attacks on people of other lands, and you may wonder why they didn't forget all about oz and content themselves with bringing misery to other countries. the reason was that the wicked king and queen of the mimics despised all that was good, and they could not endure the thought of the oz people living in peace and contentment, safe from their evil-doing. so long as the oz inhabitants remained the happiest people in all the world, king umb and queen ra could derive no satisfaction in bringing misery to other less happy lands. queen ra was well aware that princess ozma was one of the most powerful fairy rulers in existence, and that her loyal friend, glinda the good, was the mightiest and wisest of all sorceresses. nevertheless, through her own dark magic, queen ra had recently made two important discoveries that raised her hopes so high that she believed she might be able soon to defy both ozma and glinda. first, she had discovered that ozma and glinda were about to depart on a journey that would take them away from the land of oz. second, she had learned that in one of ozma's books of magic records in the royal palace of the emerald city was written the charm that would break the spell queen lurline had cast on the mimics to protect oz! this morning queen ra had assumed the shape of a huge woman--almost a giantess--with the head of a grey wolf. king umb wore the form of a black bear with an owl head. the queen held in her hands a circlet of dully gleaming metal. the red eyes of her wolf head gazed at it steadily, while she muttered an incantation. as the wolf-headed woman spoke, a wisp of grey mist appeared in the center of the metal ring. the mist expanded into a ball, growing denser in appearance. next it became milky in hue, then opalescent, finally glowing as with an inner light. slowly a scene appeared in the metal-bound ball of shimmering opal mist. while king umb and queen ra watched, the throne room of the royal palace in the emerald city grew distinct in the milky depths of the captive ball. princess ozma stood by her throne with glinda the good at her side. the lips of the little ruler were moving, forming words, although the mimic monarchs could distinguish no sound. ozma was addressing her subjects. then the girl ruler smiled and raised her wand. in an instant both ozma and glinda had vanished. the ball of glowing mist disappeared. with a clatter queen ra threw the metal circlet to the stone floor of the cave and triumphantly faced the owl-headed bear. "they have gone!" she cried. "you are positive that now is the time for us to act?" asked king umb. "absolutely," said the wolf-headed woman. "we know that one of ozma's magic record books holds the secret of the enchantment cast on us. we know that ozma and glinda will be absent from oz for three days, leaving the country and the emerald city unprotected by their magic arts. we know that those people who have in recent years come from the great outside world to live in oz, were not inhabitants of oz when lurline made it a fairyland. thus they are not protected by the enchantment she cast on us. it will be simple for us to assume the shapes of these people--of course they are mere mortals--" the queen added with a sneer, "but even so they will serve our purpose." "you have a plan then?" asked the owl-headed king. "a plan that will result in the utter destruction of oz and the enslavement of the oz people," asserted the queen with grim relish. "listen!" the wolf-headed woman commanded. "tonight you and i, with styg and ebo, will fly swiftly across the deadly desert to the land of oz. we will go directly to the emerald city. there we will seek out the two mortals from the great outside world whose shapes will admit us to every part of the royal palace. my magic arts have told me that at a certain hour tomorrow morning these two mortals will be together with no one else about to witness or interfere with our deed. after we have stolen their shapes, the helpless mortals will be seized by styg and ebo and returned here, where they will be our prisoners. then we will be free to search through ozma's magic record books. as soon as we locate the magical antidote to lurline's enchantment, we will break the spell binding our subjects. by the time ozma and glinda return, oz will be overrun by mimics, and we shall be ready to give their royal highnesses a proper reception!" queen ra smiled wickedly as she finished this recital. the owl eyes of king umb had been regarding queen ra intently as she revealed her plan. when she had finished, an evil leer spread over the king's furry features. "ra," said king umb, "you are the most wicked queen who ever ruled the mimics!" and that, by mimic standards, was the highest compliment king umb could pay his queen. * * * * * several hours after midnight, king umb and queen ra, followed by the two mimics, styg and ebo, slipped outside the entrance of the hollow mountain. immediately all four assumed the shapes of giant birds, black of plumage and with powerful wings. during the creatures' long flight over the deadly desert to oz, they changed shapes a number of times, but always to another form of powerful bird. as they mounted into the air and soared through the dark night over the peak of mount illuso, king umb cast a backward glance toward the summit of the mountain. "what about the guardian?" he asked queen ra uneasily. "bah!" the giant bird that was queen ra croaked derisively. "who cares about her? let her go on dreaming over her foolish flowers and sticks of wood--that's all she has done all these years!" chapter 5 prisoners of the mimics high in the top of the tallest tower of the royal palace was the wizard's apartment. in this secluded spot, the little man kept his magical tools and apparatus and could work undisturbed for long hours over difficult feats of magic. the morning after ozma and glinda had left, dorothy had climbed the stair to the wizard's quarters, and she and the wizard were deep in a discussion of matters of state. two sides of the room they occupied were composed of tall french windows, rising from the floor to the ceiling and opening onto a spacious veranda. the windows were flung wide open to admit the refreshing breeze and the welcome sunlight. suddenly the air was filled with the flutter of powerful wings, and four large, black-plumed birds, settled on the veranda and stepped into the room. glancing up in surprise at this sudden interruption, the wizard exclaimed with annoyance, "here, what's the meaning of this intrusion?" (since all birds and animals in the land of oz possess the power of human speech, the wizard naturally addressed the birds as he would have spoken to human beings.) but the birds made no reply. instead, two of them stepped swiftly toward dorothy and the wizard, who had risen in surprise and were standing beside their chairs. the two birds flung themselves on the shadows cast by the girl and the man. instantly the birds vanished, and dorothy and the wizard found themselves staring in amazement at exact duplicates of themselves! sensing that he was confronted by some sort of evil magic, the wizard made an effort to reach his black bag of magic tools which rested on a nearby table, but it was too late. caught in the mimic spell, the little man was powerless to move. dorothy's plight was the same; she could not so much as lift her little finger. all this had happened in much less time than i have taken to tell it, and it was so sudden and unexpected that our friends had not even had time to cry out. now the mimic form of dorothy, speaking in dorothy's own voice, said to the two remaining birds, "seize them, ebo and styg, and see that my commands are fulfilled!" one black bird grasped the form of the helpless wizard, the other that of dorothy. then, flapping their powerful wings, the two birds passed through the windows and soared aloft, bearing their captives high into the heavens. swiftly they left the emerald city. in a few minutes it was no more than a lovely jewel set in the farmlands around it. the birds headed southeast in the direction of the deadly desert. at times in their flight, when the captives were able to exchange glances, dorothy read in the wizard's kindly eyes a mute expression of concern for his little comrade. the girl tried to reassure him, but it was difficult to look brave when she was unable to move even an eyelash--and besides, dorothy had to admit to herself, she didn't feel at all brave just now. in another minute when dorothy was gazing at the bird that was carrying her so swiftly through the air, she was startled to see the form of the creature shift and change. from a huge, eagle-like bird it changed to an enormous condor. strange birds these were, dorothy thought, which went about changing their shapes and stealing little girls and wizards. as they flew over the yellow land of the winkies, the motion of the bird's body occasionally permitted dorothy to look downward. once she glimpsed, sparkling in the sunlight, the highly polished towers and minarets of a handsome tin castle. this, she knew, was the home of her old friend nick chopper the tin woodman, emperor of the winkies. dorothy found herself wondering what the kind-hearted nick chopper would say if he could know that at this moment his dear friends were being carried high in the air over his castle, prisoners of two giant black birds! but there was no use speculating in this fashion. the tin woodman was powerless to aid them, even if he had known their plight. with a start dorothy realized that the birds had crossed the border of oz and were now flying over the deadly desert. the fact that they had left the land of oz behind them disturbed dorothy greatly. yet the little girl did not give way to fright. she had experienced so many strange and sometimes dangerous adventures in her lifetime, that she had wisely learned never to despair. the journey over the desert seemed endless. despite the great height at which the birds flew, dorothy was beginning to feel faint and ill from the evil fumes of the sands by the time they reached the border of the land of the phanfasms. however, once past the desert, she was revived by the fresh air. where were these great birds taking them? and why? as dorothy pondered, she noted a sharp mountain peak jutting suddenly out of the grey, grim land of desolate waste and stone that lay below. straight for the mountain flew the birds. in a few more minutes they descended with their victims to the entrance of the mountain. passing through the stone portal, the mimics retained their bird shapes, circling through the vast cavern of the hollow mountain. the cavern and corridors were deserted now that the sun was in the heavens, and the mimics had returned to their underground caverns to rest after the night of revelry. styg and ebo flew to a ledge of rock that jutted out from the mountain wall. ebo muttered a magic word, and a rude stone door swung open, revealing a lightless cavern. dorothy was thrust into the cave, and a moment later the wizard was deposited beside her in the darkness. until now dorothy had entertained a vague hope that in some way the wizard's magic powers would come to their rescue. but since the little man had none of his magic tools with him, and could not speak to utter an incantation, nor move to make the motions of a charm, dorothy realized that he was quite as powerless as she. chapter 6 dorothy and the wizard speak strangely "ooomph!" puffed the scarecrow. "whooosh!" gasped the patchwork girl. colliding suddenly as they met headlong at a sharp turn in the garden path, both the scarecrow and the patchwork girl tumbled in a heap on the garden walk. a moment later they had risen to sitting positions and were regarding each other comically. the patchwork girl was a sorry sight. the high-grade cotton in her patchwork or "crazy quilt" body was bunched together in all the wrong places. after running and dancing a great deal that morning--as she always did--the patchwork girl's body had sagged and she had grown dumpy in appearance. when this happened she always lay down and rolled about until she had resumed her original plump shape. now after her abrupt meeting with the scarecrow her figure was in bad need of attention. the pointed toes of the red leather shoes sewn on her feet stood straight up. her fingers, carefully formed and fitted with gold plates for finger nails, dug into the path on which she sat. her shock of brown yarn hair hung down over her suspender button eyes and over her ears, which were made of thin plates of gold. between the two rows of pearls sewn in her mouth for teeth, her scarlet plush tongue stuck out impudently at the scarecrow. the patchwork girl's brains were slightly mixed, containing among other qualities a dash of poesy, which accounted for her habit of breaking into rhymes and jingles when it was least expected. now she was too surprised to speak. she had been brought to life in the first place by a magic powder, and since she was always jolly and good-natured, the patchwork girl was a prime favorite among the oz folks. nicknamed scraps, the queer girl laughed at dignity and liked nothing better than to dance and sing. it was impossible to be downcast for long in the company of this merry, carefree creature. "why don't you look where you're going, scraps?" said the scarecrow ruefully, as he brushed his blue munchkin farmer trousers. "now that you mention it," replied the patchwork girl reprovingly, "i don't have x-ray eyes, so i couldn't see through to the other side of the hedge where i was going." "all right," said the scarecrow, as he rose to his feet. "please accept my humble apologies." the straw man gallantly assisted the patchwork girl to stand. "there's no harm done. the spill was as much my fault as it was yours. i was thinking so deeply that i didn't see you." "what were you thinking about?" asked scraps. "dorothy," replied the scarecrow with a sigh. "tell me, scraps, have you seen her today?" "not once," answered the patchwork girl, combing her yarn hair with her fingers. "until a few minutes ago, i've spent the entire day with aunt em who sewed tight some of my stitches that were coming loose, sewed on my eyes with new thread, so i wouldn't lose 'em, and sewed on a new pair of red shoes, as i'd worn holes in my old ones. now i'm as good as new!" "well," replied the scarecrow, with his broad smile, "that may be true, but i'd say no matter in how good condition you are, you're always just sew-sew." the smile quickly faded from the straw man's painted face as he continued seriously, "scraps, i'm worried about dorothy." "don't worry about dorothy; she's able to take care of herself," said practical scraps. "you don't understand," explained the scarecrow. "you see, yesterday after ozma and glinda left for the forest of burzee, dorothy asked me to help her plan a banquet to celebrate their return. dorothy wanted me to think up some ideas for the entertainment to accompany the dinner. i agreed to set my famous brains to work on the problem and spent all last night in deep thought. this morning, bright and early, i rushed to dorothy and started to tell her the ideas i had. you can imagine my surprise when dorothy stared at me as though she hadn't the faintest idea what i was talking about, and then turned and walked away from me." the scarecrow paused, his brow wrinkled with perplexity. "i don't understand it," he continued. "it isn't like our sweet little dorothy to be rude or absent-minded. she and the wizard have been in ozma's chamber of magic all day and i tried twice to see her, but each time she said she couldn't be disturbed." "come to think of it," replied scraps quickly, "aunt em remarked that she couldn't understand why dorothy hadn't been in to see her. dorothy always visits her aunt em and uncle henry at least once a day. but maybe she's busy ruling while ozma's away." this explanation failed to satisfy the scarecrow. he was gazing in the distance down the garden path. "isn't that trot and cap'n bill sitting on that bench over there?" "whoop ti doodle who? cap'n bill and trot it is as like as not!" sang the patchwork girl, turning a handspring and dancing toward the bench. the scarecrow followed, and he and scraps were warmly greeted by little trot and old cap'n bill. the scarecrow repeated his story of the strange manner in which dorothy had been acting, but neither trot nor cap'n bill had seen dorothy that day. the old sailor was silent for a moment, considering. then he said: "you know, it's funny; but i was tellin' trot only a minute ago that the wizard had me puzzled by the curious way he was behavin'." "what do you mean?" asked the scarecrow. "well," went on cap'n bill, "fer some time past i've been workin' on a boat fer ozma an' her friends, so they could go sailin' on that lake jest outside the emerald city. i had everythin' i needed 'cept fer some tools, so the wizard lent me some o' his thet get the work done extra fast, 'cause they're magic tools. the boat's nearly finished--a handsome craft if i do say so myself. all she needs to make 'er trim is a coat o' paint. i thought it would be nice to have 'er finished as a sort of surprise fer ozma when she returns from this here fairy conclave, so i asked the wizard to lend me his magic paint bucket and brush--the bucket always stays full, no matter how much paint you use from it, an' the brush paints any color you want from the same bucket o' paint. well, the wizard jest gave me a funny sort o' look and walked away, mumblin' somethin' about bein' busy and havin' somethin' important to do. 'tain't like the wizard at all. somethin' ailin' him," concluded cap'n bill, wagging his grizzled head. "then it's the same thing that's ailing dorothy," remarked the scarecrow sagely. the four old friends were silent, each turning over the problem in his own mind. the bench on which trot and cap'n bill were sitting was in front of a high hedge--so high that none of them could see over it. on the other side of the thick hedge ran another garden path. suddenly they heard footsteps, as if several people were hurrying down the garden path which was hidden from their view. while they listened, wondering who it could be, the footsteps halted just opposite them on the other side of the hedge. before they could call out a greeting, they recognized the voice of the wizard saying: "we can talk here. there's no one about. now tell me; why are we wasting time in the garden?" "because," it was the voice of dorothy replying, "it would look suspicious if we did not leave the chamber of magic occasionally." "have you found the spell yet?" asked the wizard's voice. "not yet," replied dorothy's voice. "i've been through only half of ozma's magic record books. give me time--it's there. and i'll find it!" "time!" replied the wizard's voice, raised in excitement. "we have no time to lose! do you realize that ozma and glinda will be back in a day and a half? we must find the spell before then if we don't want ozma to wreck our plans and rob us of the chance we have waited for!" "never fear," asserted dorothy's voice. "i'll find the spell long before ozma and glinda return. we'll be ready for those two when they do come back!" gradually the voices subsided, as the two walked slowly down the garden path toward the royal palace. on the other side of the hedge, trot, cap'n bill, scraps and the scarecrow stared at one another in bewilderment. what could this mean? it was incredible that dorothy and the wizard could be plotting against their dearest friends, ozma and glinda. chapter 7 in the cavern of the doomed neither dorothy nor the wizard could tell how long they lay in their cavern prison deep in hollow mount illuso, but it is certain that minutes seemed like hours to them. while the wizard had recognized the country to which he and dorothy had been carried as the land of the phanfasms, he was not aware of the existence of mount illuso and its mimic dwellers. he was sure, however, that the creatures who had captured dorothy and him were not phanfasms. he had seen the phanfasms when those evil creatures had once attempted to invade oz, and they bore no resemblance to the beings who had made dorothy and him captives. dorothy found some comfort in telling herself that as soon as ozma and glinda returned to the emerald city the imposters would be detected and she and the wizard speedily rescued. but what if ozma and glinda were deceived? how long would she and the wizard be kept in the cave? what wicked plot was behind all this? and just how powerful and clever were the creatures who had captured her and the wizard? suddenly something happened that banished all these puzzling questions. there was a light in the cavern! the two prisoners could see each other! true, the light was feeble, but it was increasing steadily in strength. as the light grew more brilliant, dorothy felt pleasantly warm and glowing, as though she were lying in the bright sunlight. and then to her intense joy the little girl realized that the spell cast on her was broken. the light had released her. she was free to move about as she pleased. dorothy jumped happily to her feet. the wizard, too, was freed from the spell, and a moment later was standing, smiling broadly with satisfaction. "was the light your magic, wizard?" asked dorothy eagerly. "no, my dear, i had nothing to do with the light," replied the wizard. "but i wonder who or what turned it on?" said dorothy. "could it be a trick, do you think?" she asked after a moment's hesitation. "no, i believe not," replied the wizard. "there would be no point in our captors' troubling themselves to enchant us and make us prisoners, and then releasing us from the enchantment. i believe we will find this light is a part of a greater mystery than we know anything about." "well, seems to me there's plenty of mystery about everything that's happened today," said dorothy. "what are we going to do now, wizard?" "explore our prison," answered the little man promptly. dorothy looked about her. they were entirely surrounded by the solid stone walls of the cavern, which was about one-hundred feet square. she could detect no sign of the door by which they had entered. "look, wizard," dorothy exclaimed. "see how the light shines from one small point in the far end of the cavern?" "yes," agreed the wizard, "it's almost as if someone had built a powerful flashlight into the stone wall. come, let's examine the light more closely." the two walked to the opposite side of the cavern and found that, as dorothy had observed, the flood of light originated from one small point. this point was a circular bit of stone, round and polished, and no larger than a small button. "why," exclaimed dorothy, "it looks 'zactly like the button of an electric light switch! wonder what would happen if i pressed it?" impulsively dorothy reached out and pressed the button of rock with her finger. in the deep silence that filled the cave, the two adventurers detected a far-away humming sound, like the whirring of wheels in motion. as dorothy and the wizard listened, the sound grew louder. "what do you suppose it is?" whispered dorothy. "i haven't the faintest idea," said the wizard, "but i don't think we'll have to wait long to find out." at last the whirring noise seemed to be just opposite them on the other side of the stone wall. it stopped completely and there was silence. a second later a section of the stone wall swung outward, and dorothy and the wizard found themselves staring into a small room--much like the car of an elevator. the car was painted bright blue, trimmed with red and gold, and sitting on a small stool was a curious little man. chapter 8 toto makes a discovery "where's dorothy?" toto asked pretty little jellia jamb, ozma's maid, as he paused outside the door of dorothy's apartment early in the morning of the day after ozma and glinda departed. "she's gone up to the wizard's rooms in the tower," replied jellia jamb. "thanks," said toto. "i imagine dorothy will have her hands full while ozma is gone." with this, the little dog trotted down the corridor, philosophically seeking some other amusement. he hadn't gone very far before he was hailed by betsy bobbin, who appeared with a small wicker basket on her arm. "hello, toto!" betsy called. "want to go with hank and me? i'm going to pick wild flowers in the green fields outside the emerald city and hank's coming along. i have a nice picnic lunch packed," the girl added, indicating the basket she carried. now there were few things toto liked better than to get out in the country and frolic in the fields, so the little dog accepted the invitation gratefully. a short time later betsy, her devoted companion, hank the mule, and toto arrived at the gates of the emerald city and were greeted by omby amby, the soldier with the green whiskers. he was very tall and wore a handsome green and gold uniform with a tall plumed hat. his long, green beard fell below his waist making him look even taller. in addition to being the keeper of the gates, omby amby was also the royal army of oz, princess ozma's body-guard and the police force of the emerald city. you might suppose that, holding all these offices, omby amby was a very busy man. to the contrary, so seldom was there ever any breaking of the oz laws--which were all just and reasonable--that it had been many years since the soldier with the green whiskers had acted in any of his official capacities other than that of keeper of the gates. as omby amby unlocked the gates for them, betsy promised to bring him a bouquet of flowers for his wife, tollydiggle. outside the emerald city lay pleasant, gently rolling fields in which buttercups and daisies grew in profusion. sniffing the fresh country air, toto ran happily across the field. hank hee-hawed loudly and fell to munching the tall field grass. betsy was delighted with the hundreds of pretty flowers and gathered several large bouquets. shortly after noon the happy trio sought the shade of a large tree. nearby, a spring of cool, crystal-clear water bubbled from a mossy bank and flowed across the field as a tiny brook. betsy opened her basket and took out sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, potato salad and other picnic delicacies, which she and toto shared. betsy offered hank a peanut butter sandwich, but the mule refused disdainfully, saying, "no, thank you, betsy, i much prefer this fresh green grass." "well, don't eat too much of it," advised the girl, "or you'll get the colic." the mule winked one eye at toto and replied, "i'd be much more likely to get the colic if i ate your strange human foods." after they had eaten and refreshed themselves with the water of the spring, they rested for a time in the cool shade of the tree, and then leisurely made their way back to the emerald city. at the city's gates, omby amby welcomed them back and gratefully accepted the bouquet betsy gave him for tollydiggle. arriving at the palace, the three friends said good-bye, betsy going to her apartment, while hank made his way to the royal stables to talk with his cronies, the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger. jellia jamb tripped down the palace steps on an errand, and toto called to her, "is dorothy still busy?" "yes," answered jellia jamb, "she and the wizard have been in ozma's chamber of magic all afternoon." this did not strike the little dog as strange. he knew ozma might have left instructions for dorothy and the wizard to carry out in the chamber of magic. as it was now nearly mid-afternoon, toto decided to have a nap in the garden. curling up in the cool earth under a large rose bush, he fell asleep, telling himself that he would awaken in time for dinner, when he would surely see dorothy. toto knew that however busy dorothy and the wizard might be, they would leave the chamber of magic and appear for dinner--always a festive occasion in the grand dining room of the royal palace. promptly at seven o'clock, the inhabitants of the royal palace began to gather in the grand dining room. cap'n bill and trot took their accustomed places at the table, as did betsy bobbin, button bright, the shaggy man, aunt em and uncle henry. while the scarecrow, the patchwork girl and tik-tok the machine man were non-flesh and could not partake of the food, nevertheless they had their places at the table. for these dinners were as much occasions for the enjoyment of merry conversation, as they were for satisfying hunger and thirst. at the far end of the room was a separate table, shared by the animal companions of the oz people. at this table were set places with the proper foods for hank the mule, the cowardly lion, the hungry tiger, billina the yellow hen, eureka the pink kitten, the woozy, toto and the sawhorse. although the sawhorse was made of wood and required no food and seldom took part in the conversation, nevertheless the odd steed enjoyed listening to the table talk of the others. everyone was at his place except dorothy, the wizard and toto--and of course ozma's chair at the head of the table was vacant. dorothy's place was at ozma's right, while the wizard sat at her left. a few minutes later, king umb and queen ra, having decided that it would arouse too much comment if they were absent from the dinner, entered the sumptuous dining room and took their places on either side of ozma's vacant chair. now only toto remained absent. the truth was that the little dog had overslept and had awakened from his nap to find the shadows lengthening across the garden. realizing he was late for dinner, toto hurried to the nearest palace entrance and ran as quickly as he could to the grand dining room. as he entered, the first course of the meal was being served, and a ripple of conversation rose from the two tables. the scarecrow and scraps were chatting together. betsy was telling trot about the lovely wild flowers she had found, and the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger were discussing a visit they planned to their old jungle home in the forest far to the south in the quadling country. in spite of the apparent atmosphere of gayety, this gathering was not at all like the merry company that usually assembled in the dining room for the evening meal. first of all, the absence of the radiant ozma was keenly felt by the entire gathering, and this automatically subdued the spirit of the occasion. next, no one at the table had failed to note and wonder at the fact that dorothy and the wizard--usually so cheerful and cordial--had merely nodded unsmilingly to their assembled friends as they had taken their places at the head of the table. finally, scraps, the scarecrow, trot and cap'n bill, unable to forget the strange conversation they had overheard in the garden earlier in the day, stole curious glances at dorothy and the wizard, seeking some clue to their unusual behavior. as toto trotted into the dining room, his bright little eyes immediately sought out his mistress. toto stopped short; his body became tense with excitement. he barked loudly and then growled, "where's dorothy?" in the silence that fell over the dining room at the dog's unusual actions, toto repeated his question. "where's dorothy?" he demanded. the scarecrow was staring earnestly at toto. "why, here's dorothy," the straw man answered. "right here, where she always sits." "you're wrong--all of you are wrong," growled toto ominously. the little dog was quivering with excitement. "whoever that is sitting there might fool the rest of you, but she can't deceive me. she's not dorothy at all. something's happened to dorothy!" chapter 9 mr. and mrs. hi-lo "step right in, folks! watch your step, miss. we're on our way up--next stop the top! only two stops--bottom and top. next stop's the top!" the little man spoke with an air of importance, as he smiled at dorothy and the wizard from the stool on which he was perched in the car which the opening in the stone wall had revealed. they peered at him curiously. "shall we go in?" asked dorothy, drawing a deep breath. "to be sure," said the wizard. "anything is better than this stone prison." "ah, a philosopher, and a wise one, too," remarked the little man. as soon as dorothy and the wizard were in the elevator--for such it proved to be--the stone door swung shut. at once the little man pressed one of several buttons on the side of the car and again they heard the whirring sound which had puzzled them in the cavern. dorothy concluded it was caused by the machinery that operated the elevator. the little car was shooting upward with a speed that caused her ears to ring. "just swallow several times," advised the wizard, sensing dorothy's discomfort. "that will make equal the air pressure inside and outside your body. it's a trick i learned when i went up in my balloon to draw crowds to the circus back in omaha." dorothy did as the wizard suggested and found the ringing sensation disappeared. "who are you?" asked the wizard gazing curiously at the little man. "and where are you taking us?" "you don't know who i am?" exclaimed the little man with surprise. "after all, you know you did ring for the elevator, and since i am the elevator operator, naturally i answered. allow me to introduce myself. my name is hi-lo and i am taking you to the only other place the elevator goes except for the bottom--and that's to the top of mount illuso. i assure you it's a far better place than the bottom!" while he spoke, dorothy had been regarding the little man who called himself hi-lo. he was very short, his head coming only to dorothy's waist. he was dressed in a bright blue uniform with big, gold buttons. a red cap was perched at a jaunty angle on his head. his face was round and his cheeks as rosy as two apples. his blue eyes were very bright and friendly. but the oddest thing about him was that his clothes appeared to be a part of his body--as though they were painted on. and dorothy concluded he was most certainly made of some substance other than flesh and blood. "ah, i see i've aroused your interest," remarked the little man with satisfaction. "well, i'm proud to tell you that i am made of the finest white pine and painted with quick-drying four-hour enamel that flows easily from the brush and is guaranteed not to chip, crack, craze or peel. i'm easily washable, too; spots and stains wipe off in a jiffy with a damp cloth or sponge--no rubbing or scrubbing for me! and i suppose," hi-lo concluded vainly, "you've already admired my rich, glossy finish and beautiful rainbow colors." dorothy smiled at this speech, and the wizard asked, "tell me, hi-lo, do people live on the top of mount illuso?" "of course," hi-lo replied in his cheerful voice. "we have a thriving community of folks--pineville it's called. but we're all very happy and contented," he went on hastily. "there's not a lonesome pine among us, although there are several trails on the mountain top." "but are there no flesh and blood folks, like us?" queried the wizard. before hi-lo could answer, the elevator came to an abrupt stop. "well, here we are!" announced hi-lo cheerily. he pressed another button. the door of the elevator swung open and hi-lo called, "all out! all out! top floor--all kinds of wooden goods, the best pine to be had--pine tables, pine chairs, pine houses and pine people!" dorothy and the wizard stepped from the elevator and surveyed the scene before them. yes, this was certainly the top of mount illuso. the elevator exit was in a large stone wall, at least ten feet in height, that appeared to circle the edge of the mountain top. before them spread a dense pine forest, while a small path led from the elevator to a tiny cottage that stood nearby. the cottage was painted bright blue with trim white shutters, and smoke was rising cheerily from its red brick chimney. "right this way! just follow me, folks," said hi-lo, trotting along the path to the cottage, his little wooden legs moving with surprising speed. "mrs. hi-lo will certainly be surprised to see you. you are a real event--the very first visitors we have ever had from down below." as they approached the tiny cottage, the front door swung open, and a little woman stood in the doorway. she was even smaller than hi-lo, and like him was made of wood and painted with the same bright enamels. she wore a blue and white apron over a red polka-dot dress. on her head was a trim little lace cap. "my goodness!" she beamed. "visitors at last! do come in and make yourselves comfortable." the wizard found it necessary to bend over to get in the doorway, so small was the cottage. once inside, his head nearly touched the ceiling. the cottage was neatly and attractively furnished with comfortable pine chairs, tables and a large davenport drawn before a fireplace on which a log fire crackled cheerfully. the air was sharp on the mountain top, so the bright fire was a welcome sight to the two wanderers. all the furniture glowed with the cheerful, gaudy hues of glossy enamel. dorothy thought that the wholesome aroma of pine scent that filled the cottage was especially delightful. "great pine cones!" exclaimed mrs. hi-lo. "you must be half starved. i'll get you something to eat in no time at all. tell me, would you like a delicious cross cut of pine steak with pine-dust pudding, fresh, crisp pine-needle salad with turpentine dressing and a strawberry pine cone for dessert?" dorothy almost laughed aloud at this strange food, but the little wizard answered courteously, "you are most kind, madame, but i fear our systems would not be able to digest the delicacies you suggest. perhaps you have something that meat folks like us could eat?" "of course!" cried mrs. hi-lo. "how stupid of me! you are meat folks--too bad," she added critically. "it must be a terrible bother to take off and put on all those clothes and to keep your hair trimmed and your nails pared." "now, mother, let's not draw unkind comparisons," cautioned hi-lo diplomatically, as he settled himself into a comfortable chair. "none of us is perfect, you know. remember that spring when you sprouted a green twig on your right shoulder?" "you are right," said mrs. hi-lo with a laugh. "we all have our weak points." and with that the little lady bustled off into the kitchen. dorothy and the wizard sat down gingerly on two of the largest chairs the room contained. but small as the chairs were, they proved quite sturdy and readily supported their weight. "is there any way," asked the wizard, "that we can leave this mountain top?" hi-lo sat bolt upright in his chair and stared at the wizard in amazement. "leave the mountain top?" he repeated as if he couldn't believe his own ears. "do i understand you to say that you want to leave this delightful place--this most favored spot in the universe?" "we do," said the wizard emphatically. "our home is in the land of oz, and we desire to return there as quickly as possible." "but why?" asked hi-lo. "no place could be as delightful as this mountain top. just wait until you have become acquainted with it--our healthful, refreshing climate, our beautiful pine forest, our handsome village of pineville and its delightful people!" "have you ever been anywhere else?" asked the wizard quietly. "no, never--but--" "then permit me to say," replied the wizard, "that you are not qualified to judge. little dorothy and i have traveled in many strange lands all over the world, and we prefer the land of oz for our home." "well, everyone to his own taste, of course," muttered hi-lo, unconvinced and a trifle crestfallen. just then mrs. hi-lo re-entered the room bearing a tray laden with steaming hot foods. at her invitation dorothy and the wizard pulled their chairs up to a table, and mrs. hi-lo served the food on gleaming white enameled pine platters and dishes. there was savory vegetable soup, scrambled eggs, cheese, lettuce and tomato salad, chocolate layer cake and lemonade. the food was delicious and as dorothy and the wizard had not eaten since breakfast, and it was now nearly evening, they did full justice to the meal. mr. and mrs. hi-lo looked on with polite curiosity, marveling that the strangers could enjoy such odd food. when they had finished the wizard sighed with satisfaction and sat back in his chair. "where did you get this excellent food, if there are no human beings on the mountain top?" he asked. "oh, but there is one meat person like yourselves on mount illuso," said mrs. hi-lo. "she is our ruler, and many years ago she gave me the magic recipe for the preparation of human food. as you are the first human visitors we have ever had, this is the first time i have had occasion to use the recipe." "who is this ruler of yours?" inquired dorothy. "she is a beautiful fairy princess, named ozana," hi-lo replied. "ozana!" exclaimed dorothy. "wizard, did you hear that? ozana--doesn't that sound an awful lot like an oz name?" "it certainly does," agreed the little man. "may we see this princess ozana of yours?" he asked hi-lo. "i was about to mention," replied hi-lo, "that it was ozana's orders when she appointed me keeper of the elevator that i was to instruct any passengers i might have to seek her out at her home in pineville." "oh, let's go see her right away!" exclaimed dorothy excitedly. "not tonight," objected hi-lo. "you would never find your way through the pine forest in the dark. you may stay with us tonight and be on your way to see princess ozana early in the morning." dorothy and the wizard could offer no objection to this sensible and kindly offer of hospitality. since it was now quite dark outside, and the little cottage was cheerful and cozy with the log fire casting dancing reflections in the brightly enameled furniture, they were quite content to spend the night there. after several more questions about the ruler who called herself ozana, dorothy and the wizard decided that hi-lo and his wife knew nothing more beyond the facts that princess ozana had created the pine folks and built the village for them to live in. "have you and hi-lo always lived here alone?" dorothy asked mrs. hi-lo. the little woman's expression was sad as she answered, "no. once we had a son. he was not a very good boy and was continually getting into mischief. he was the only one of our wooden folks who ever was discontented with life here on mount illuso. he wanted to travel and see the world. we could do nothing at all with him." mrs. hi-lo sighed and continued, "one day a friendly stork paused in a long flight to rest on mount illuso, and the naughty boy persuaded the stork to carry him into the great outside world. from that time on we have never heard anything more of him. i often wonder what happened to our poor son," the little woman concluded in a sorrowful tone. "how big was your boy?" asked the wizard. "was he just a little shaver?" "oh, no," replied mrs. hi-lo. "he was almost fully grown--a young stripling, i should call him." "and was his name charlie?" inquired the wizard thoughtfully. "yes! yes, it was! oh, tell me, sir," implored mrs. hi-lo, "do you, perchance, know my son?" "not personally," replied the wizard. "but i can assure you, madame, that you have nothing to worry about where your son charlie is concerned. that friendly stork knew his business and left charlie on the right doorstep." the wizard had a small radio in his apartment in the royal palace in the emerald city, which he sometimes turned on and listened to with much curiosity. but he never listened for long, as he was subject to headaches when listening to anything but good music. "oh, thank you!" exclaimed mrs. hi-lo. "it is such a relief to know that our charlie turned out all right after all. there were times," the woman confessed, "when i had a horrible suspicion that he was made from a bad grade of pine--knotty pine, you know." "there are those who share that opinion," murmured the wizard. but mrs. hi-lo was so overjoyed to hear of her son that she paid no attention to the wizard's words. hi-lo, who seemed totally uninterested in this conversation concerning his wayward son, merely muttered, "a bad one, that youngster," and then yawned somewhat pointedly and remarked that since their beds were far too small for their guests to occupy, he and his wife would retire to their bedrooms and dorothy and the wizard could pass the night in the living room. mrs. hi-lo supplied them with warm blankets and soft pillows, and then she and hi-lo bid them a happy good night. dorothy made a snug bed on the davenport, while the wizard curled up cozily before the fire. just before dorothy dropped off to sleep she asked, "do you suppose this princess ozana has any connection with oz, wizard?" "it is possible, and then again, the name may be merely a coincidence, my dear," the little man answered sleepily, "so don't build your hopes too high." a moment later dorothy's eyes closed and she was sound asleep, dreaming that toto, in a bright blue uniform with big gold buttons and a little red cap, was operating the elevator and saying, "right this way, dorothy! step lively, please. going up--next stop, princess ozana!" chapter 10 the village of pineville dorothy and the wizard awakened bright and early the next morning, eager to pursue their adventures. mrs. hi-lo prepared a hearty breakfast for them from her magic recipe and, as they made ready to leave the pretty little cottage, hi-lo advised them: "just follow the trail that leads through the pine forest and you will come to the village of pineville where princess ozana lives. you can't miss it, and if you walk steadily you should be there by noon." stepping from the cottage, dorothy and the wizard found the morning sun bright and warm and the air filled with the pungent aroma of pine from the forest. "good-bye!" called mrs. hi-lo from the door of the cottage. "good-bye!" called mr. hi-lo. "don't forget to remember us to the princess!" "we won't," promised dorothy. "we'll tell her how kind you've been to us." in a short time the cottage was lost to their view, and the two travelers were deep in the cool shade of the pine forest. the trail over which they walked was carpeted with pine needles, making a soft and pleasant path for their feet. once when they paused to rest for a few moments a red squirrel frisked down a nearby tree and, sitting on a stump before dorothy, asked saucily, "where to, strangers?" "we're on our way to see princess ozana," said dorothy. "oh, are you indeed!" exclaimed the squirrel with a flirt of his whiskers. "well, you are just halfway there. if you walk briskly you'll find yourselves out of the forest in another two hours." "how do you know we are just halfway there?" asked dorothy. "because i've measured the distance many times," replied the squirrel. "i should think you would prefer to live nearer the village of pineville," remarked dorothy. "it must be very lonesome here in this deep pine forest." "oho! that shows how unobserving you mortals are!" exclaimed the red squirrel. "my family and i wouldn't think of living anywhere but here, no matter how lonely it is. know why?" "no, i must say i don't," confessed the girl. "look at my tree--look at my tree!" chattered the squirrel, flirting his big bushy tail in the direction of the tree from which he had appeared. "of course!" chuckled the wizard. "it's a hickory tree!" "but i don't see--" began dorothy in perplexity. "what do squirrels like best of all, my dear?" asked the wizard, smiling with amusement. "oh, wizard, why didn't i think of that? they like nuts, of course!" "exactly!" snapped the little red squirrel. "and since pine trees do not bear nuts and hickory trees do--well, city life and fine company may be all right for some folks, but i prefer to remain here in comfort where i know my family will be well provided for." and with that the wise little creature gave a leap and a bound and darted up the trunk of the one and only nut tree in all the pine forest. dorothy and the wizard followed the pine-needle trail on through the pine forest until finally the trees thinned and they stepped out into an open meadow, bright with yellow buttercups. the sun was almost directly overhead by this time. below the two travelers, in a pretty green valley that formed the center of the mountain top, lay a small village of several hundred cottages, all similar to hi-lo's. the buildings were painted with glossy blue enamel and shone brilliantly in the sun. they were grouped in a circle about one large central cottage that differed from the others in that it was considerably larger, and, from where dorothy and the wizard stood, appeared to be surrounded by rather extensive gardens and grounds. dorothy and the wizard followed the trail over the meadow to a point where it broadened into a street that led among the houses. the two travelers set out on this street, which was wide and pleasant and paved with blocks of white pine. as dorothy and the wizard walked through the village, they saw that the cottages were occupied by wooden folks, much like hi-lo and his wife. a wooden woman was washing the windows of her cottage. a wooden man with wooden shears was trimming the hedge around his house. another was repairing the white picket fence around his cottage. tiny wooden children, almost doll-like they were so small, played in the yards. from one cottage a spotted wooden dog ran into the road and barked at the strangers. "i suppose he's made of dog-wood," observed dorothy with a smile. dorothy and the wizard aroused much curiosity among the little wooden folk, most of whom paused in their work to stare at the strangers as they passed. but none of them seemed to fear the meat people. a wooden lady approached them, walking down the street with quick, lively steps. on her arm was a market basket full of green pine cones. pausing, the wizard removed his hat and in his most polite manner addressed her. "pardon me, madame. can you tell me if this street leads to the palace of princess ozana?" "palace? what's that?" asked the woman with a puzzled expression on her face. "i don't know what a palace is, sir, but if you follow this street you will come to the cottage where our princess ozana dwells." "thank you, madame," said the wizard, and the little woman trotted busily down the street. in a few minutes more dorothy and the wizard had reached the central part of pineville. here a trim, white picket fence encircled a large area that seemed to be one huge flower garden with every sort of flower imaginable growing in it. in the exact center of this enclosure stood an attractive blue cottage, large enough to accommodate comfortably full-sized human beings. just in front of the cottage was a pond of placid blue water. in the pond grew water lilies and all sorts of flowering plants that one finds in lakes and ponds. the path that led from the entrance of the cottage divided at the pond's edge and encircled the water, meeting on the opposite side of the pond and running again as a single path to a gate in the fence before which dorothy and the wizard stood. forming a bower over the gate was a white wooden trellis covered with roses. from the center of the pretty trellis hung a blue sign with these words in white enameled letters: welcome cottage of princess ozana walk in "well, i guess that means us," said the wizard with a smile, as he read the sign and pushed open the gate. chapter 11 princess ozana dorothy exclaimed with delight as they stepped through the garden gate. she had no idea any garden could be so beautiful. flowers of every known variety grew in profusion. save for the mossy paths that wound through the garden, there was not a spot of ground that was without blossoming plants. as for the pond, it was like a small sea of lovely blossoming water plants. at the far edge of the pond dorothy noted three graceful white swans, sleeping in the shade of a large flowering bush that grew at the edge of the pond and trailed its blossoms into the water. the air was sweet with the perfume of thousands and thousands of flowers. "oh, wizard," gasped dorothy, "did you ever see anything so lovely?" "it is indeed a beautiful sight," replied the little man admiringly. here and there, throughout the garden, a score or more of little wooden men were busily at work. some were watering plants from blue wooden pails, others were trimming blossoming bushes and hedges, some were digging out weeds, and others were building trellises for climbing vines. none of them took the slightest notice of dorothy and the wizard, so absorbed were they in their work. not far from where dorothy and the wizard stood, was a little maid, on her knees, digging with a trowel in the soft earth about a beautiful rambling rose bush that climbed above her on a blue trellis. "let's ask her where we can find princess ozana," suggested dorothy. a few steps brought them to the side of the maiden who wore a pretty blue apron with a pink petal design. on her hands were gardening gloves and her golden hair fell loosely down her back. "i wonder," began the wizard, "if you can tell us if the princess ozana is in?" the little maid looked up, regarding the strangers with friendly curiosity. dorothy saw that she was very lovely. her eyes were as soft as shy woodland violets, and of the same purple hue; her skin as delicately colored as fragile petals, and her lips were like rosebuds. "no," the maid replied with a suspicion of a smile in her voice, "princess ozana is not in her cottage at the moment." "perhaps you know where we can find her," suggested the wizard. at this the little maid gave a silvery laugh and exclaimed, "you _have_ found her--i am princess ozana!" "of course, wizard," said dorothy, "princess ozana is the only flesh and blood person on mount illuso 'cept for us, so this just must be she. besides," she added, "no one else could be so beautiful." "thank you, my dear," said ozana graciously, as she rose to her feet. "and you, sir," she continued, turning to the wizard and sweetly easing the little man's embarrassment, "could scarcely be blamed for failing to recognize a princess garbed so simply and digging in a garden." "i most humbly ask your pardon," murmured the wizard. "come," said ozana, "let us go into my cottage, where we can talk at ease. i must know all about you." as they started for the cottage, a small voice called after them, "wait! wait for me! don't leave me here! it's time for my milk!" dorothy glanced behind her and saw, scrambling from under a bush, a tiny kitten with pure white fur and china blue eyes. "oh, what a darling!" she cried. "this is felina, my pet kitten," announced ozana as she knelt and gathered the small bundle of fur into her arms. ozana led her guests to the living room of the cottage, an attractive room, fragrant with pine scent and comfortably furnished with pine chairs, divans and tables. pressing a button set in the pine-paneled wall, ozana bid her guests make themselves comfortable while she ordered lunch. a moment later a little wooden maid in a blue dress and spotless white pinafore, followed closely by a small wooden boy in a page's livery, appeared smiling in the doorway. the maid curtsied gracefully and the boy bobbed his head as ozana said, "this is dolly and poppet, my maid and page. dolly, will you and poppet please prepare sandwiches and refreshments for us--my guests have traveled far and must be quite hungry." "we are happy to serve your highness," answered the wooden girl and boy in unison. with another curtsy and bow the maid and page disappeared from the room. ozana seated herself beside dorothy and taking the little girl's hand in her own, while she smiled warmly at the wizard, the fairy princess said, "now, let us become acquainted." "well," began dorothy, "this is the famous wizard of oz, and i am--" "princess dorothy of oz," ozana finished for her. "you know us?" asked dorothy eagerly. "to be sure, i know you," replied ozana. "by my fairy arts i keep myself informed of all that goes on in the emerald city. i recall when our wizard first visited the land of oz in his balloon, and when the cyclone lifted your house into the air and carried you, dorothy, all the way from kansas to oz." "why do you say 'our' wizard?" asked the wizard. "because i consider myself very close to the land of oz. i have a great fondness for all its inhabitants and especially for the wizard who built the emerald city and united the four countries of oz," replied ozana earnestly. the wizard blushed modestly. "as for building the emerald city," he remarked, "i have said many times before that i only bossed the job--the oz people themselves did all the work." dorothy nodded. "when i first heard your name, ozana, i suspected it was connected in some way with oz." "i am called ozana," stated the violet-eyed maid simply, "because i am a member of queen lurline's fairy band and first cousin of princess ozma of oz." "wizard, did you hear that? princess ozana is ozma's cousin!" at this moment dolly and poppet reappeared bearing trays heaped with sandwiches and glasses of cool, fresh milk. dorothy was so excited over the revelation ozana had just made that she could scarcely eat. while they enjoyed their food, ozana and her guests exchanged stories. first dorothy and the wizard related their adventures. "i have no doubt at all," said ozana, "that the two strange birds who took your forms were none other than king umb and queen ra, the mimic monarchs." "did you say mimics?" exclaimed dorothy. "yes, my dear, mount illuso is the home of the dread mimics." "oh," said dorothy thoughtfully, "that explains a lot of things. why, only the day before she left the land of oz, ozma and i were discussing the mimics." the wizard, who knew nothing of the mimics, listened with interest as ozana described the creatures. "i don't understand," said the wizard when ozana had finished, "why you should be living alone on the top of this mountain in which such evil creatures as the mimics dwell." "that question is easily answered," replied ozana. "immediately after queen lurline enchanted the mimics so that they could not attack the oz inhabitants, she flew with me, her fairy companion, to the top of mount illuso. here she left me, giving me certain fairy powers over the mimics and instructing me that i was to remain here at all times as the guardian of oz to prevent the mimics from doing any harm to the oz people should the evil creatures ever succeed in lifting queen lurline's spell. i was not even permitted to leave the mountain to attend queen lurline's fairy councils in the forest of burzee." "then it must have been your fairy light that freed us from the mimic enchantment in the cavern prison," surmised dorothy. "yes, it was," ozana admitted. "you see, after queen lurline departed from mount illuso and i was left alone, the first thing i did was to place the button of light in that cavern which the mimics call their cavern of the doomed. i enchanted the light so that it would appear soon after prisoners were placed in the cave. i gave the light power to overcome the spell cast by the mimics on their victims." "then you are responsible for the elevator and hi-lo, too," said the wizard. "yes," replied ozana. "i placed the elevator in the mountain and stationed hi-lo there to operate it. i did all this by my fairy arts. of course the mimics have no knowledge of my arrangements to bring about the release of their victims. i knew the escaped prisoners would find their way to me and i could aid them if i judged them worthy. but i never expected to find inhabitants of the land of oz in the mimic cavern of the doomed!" "how is it," asked the wizard, "that the mimics were able to capture dorothy and me, despite the fact that we are inhabitants of the land of oz?" "you must remember," said ozana, "that both you and dorothy came to oz from the great outside world and neither of you was an inhabitant of oz when queen lurline cast her spell over the mimics. hence you were not protected by that spell. it was for just such an unlooked-for development as this that the wise queen lurline left me on this mountain top." "may i ask then," said the wizard, "why you knew nothing of the flight of the mimic king and queen to the emerald city?" ozana's face flushed slightly at this question, and she replied hesitatingly. "i must admit that i am fully responsible for all your troubles. but i plead with you to consider my side of the story. i have dwelt on this forsaken mountain top with no human companions for more than two hundred years. at first i amused myself by creating the little wooden people and building their pine village for them. but it was too much like playing with dolls, and i soon tired. then i busied myself with my garden, growing in it every variety of flower that exists. this occupied me for many long years. "please remember i had taken many precautions against the mimics. i believed i could rely on my fairy light to free any prisoners in the cavern of the doomed, but apparently the mimics took no captives they thought important enough to occupy the cavern of the doomed until they made you prisoners. and then my fairy light served me well. can you find it in your hearts to forgive me that i did not spend all my time keeping guard over the mimics through all those long years?" "of course. we understand, ozana," said dorothy, pressing the fairy maid's hand affectionately. "and i must confess," continued ozana with a grateful smile at dorothy, "that had i not been so completely absorbed in my garden during the last few days, i would surely have known of ozma and glinda's departure from the emerald city and your own plight." the wizard had been very thoughtful while ozana was speaking. now he asked, "just what do you believe to be the plans of the two mimics who are now masquerading as dorothy and me in the emerald city?" ozana was grave at this question. "it is evident," she replied, "that king umb and queen ra hope to take advantage of the absence of ozma and glinda to search for the counter-charm that would release the mimics from queen lurline's enchantment and permit them to overrun oz. "queen ra must have discovered by her black arts that queen lurline had given the secret of the magical antidote into ozma's keeping, knowing it would be safest with ozma. "it may be," added ozana thoughtfully, "that if king umb and queen ra have not discovered the spell by the time ozma and glinda return, they would even be so bold as to remain in the emerald city, hoping they could deceive ozma and glinda as they have the rest of the oz folks." "what do you think they will do if they find the magic spell?" asked dorothy fearfully. the violet depths of ozana's eyes darkened as she considered. "i don't like to think about that, my dear," she answered slowly. after a moment's silence princess ozana brightened. "come, now, let's not borrow trouble. the mimic monarchs have had so little time that i am sure they could not have succeeded in their search! we have nothing to fear now. however, i will spend the entire afternoon and evening in study, and by use of my fairy arts i will be able to discover just what king umb and queen ra's plot is. with that knowledge we can act wisely and quickly to defeat the mimic monarchs." "do you think we should wait that long?" asked the wizard. "it is necessary," replied ozana firmly. "i must have time to study ra and umb's actions during the past few days and to prepare myself to fight them. remember, they are powerful enemies. unless i am mistaken we shall be on our way to the emerald city in the morning, and i shall be fully armed with whatever knowledge is necessary to defeat the mimic monarchs completely. do not worry, my friends. i am confident i can bring about the downfall of king umb and queen ra before ozma and glinda return to the emerald city tomorrow." "of course you are right," assented the wizard slowly. "now," said ozana rising, "let me show you my garden of which i am quite proud. i am sure you will find it so interesting that you will regret you have only one short afternoon to spend in it. i have passed countless days in it and found it ever more fascinating." the white kitten, felina, had finished lapping up the milk from the bowl placed on the floor for her by the little wooden maid. dorothy knelt, cuddling the tiny creature in her arms. "may i take felina in the garden with us?" dorothy asked. "to be sure," replied ozana. "i shall be far too occupied this afternoon to give her my attention." as they stepped from ozana's cottage into the garden, the fairy princess said, "i believe you will find my garden different from any you have ever seen. i call it my story blossom garden." chapter 12 story blossom garden "now i will show you why i call my garden story blossom garden," began ozana as she advanced toward a rose tree laden with lovely blooms. "you see, these are not ordinary flowers. they are fairy flowers that i created with my fairy arts. and the soil in which they grow is magic soil. take this rose, for instance." here ozana cupped a large red rose in her hands. "look into its petals, dorothy, and tell me what you see." "why, the petals form a lovely girl's face!" dorothy exclaimed in delight. "and so it is with all the blossoms in my garden," said ozana. "if you look closely into them, you will see a human face. now, dorothy, put your ear close to the rose and listen." dorothy did as she was bid and quite clearly she heard a small but melodious voice say pleadingly, "pick me, pick me, little girl, and i will tell you the sweetest story ever told--a love story." dorothy looked at the rose in awe. "what does it mean?" she asked ozana. "simply that all the flowers in my garden are story blossom flowers. pick a blossom and hold it to your ear, and it will tell you its story. when the story is done, the blossom will fade and wither." "oh, but i shouldn't like any of the beautiful flowers to die," protested dorothy, "even to hear their lovely stories." "they do not die," replied ozana. "as i said, these are no ordinary flowers. they do not grow from seeds or bulbs. instead, as soon as a blossom has told its story it fades and withers. then one of my gardeners plants it, and in a few days it blooms afresh with a new story to tell. the flowers are all eager to be picked so that they may tell their stories. just as ordinary flowers give off their perfumes freely and graciously, so my flowers love to breathe forth the fragrance of their stories. a poet once said that perfumes are the souls of flowers. i have succeeded in distilling those perfumes into words." "can't the flowers tell their stories while they are still growing?" asked dorothy. "no," replied ozana. "only when they are separated from their plants can they tell their stories." "do all the roses tell the same love story?" dorothy asked. "no indeed," said ozana. "while it is true that all the roses tell love stories--for the rose is the flower of love--all roses do not tell the _same_ love story. since no two rose blossoms are identical, no two blossoms tell the same story. it was my purpose in creating the garden to supply myself with a never-ending source of amusement as an escape from the boredom of living alone on this desolate mountain top. i was reminded of the princess in the arabian nights tales. you will recall that she told her stories for a thousand-and-one nights. my story blossoms," ozana concluded with a smile, "can tell many, many more than a thousand-and-one stories. there are many thousands of blossoms in my garden, and each blossom has a different story." "you are certainly to be congratulated on your marvelous garden," said the wizard. "it is a miraculous feat of magic," he added admiringly. "thank you," replied ozana graciously. "and now i will leave you, as i must form our plans for tomorrow. i must ask you to excuse me from the evening meal. dolly and poppet will serve you, and when you are ready they will show you to your sleeping rooms. good-bye, for the present, my friends." dorothy and the wizard bid their lovely hostess good-bye and then turned to the wonderful garden of story blossoms. putting felina on the ground to romp beside her, dorothy dropped to her knees before a cluster of pansies. as she bent her ear over one of the little flower faces, it murmured, "pick me, little girl, pick me! i'll tell you an old-fashioned story of once-upon-a-time about a wicked witch and a beautiful princess." the wizard found himself admiring the flaming beauty of a stately tiger-lily. placing his ear close to the blossom, he listened and heard the flower say in a throaty voice, "pick me, o man, and hear a thrilling story of splendid silken beasts in their sultry jungle lairs." now dorothy was listening to a purple thistle that spoke with a rich scotch burr, "pick me, little girrrl, an' ye'll make naw mistake, for i'll tell ye a tale of a highland lassie for auld lang syne." noticing a tawny blossom with gay purple spots, dorothy placed her ear close to it. this was a harlequin flower and it said, "pick me, child, and i'll tell you a wonder tale about merryland and its valley of clowns, where dwell the happy, fun-loving clowns who delight in making children laugh." dorothy remembered reading in a story book about merryland and the valley of clowns. next was a black-eyed-susan that murmured to dorothy, "pick me, and i will tell you the story of three things that men love best--black eyes and brown and blue. men love them all, but oh, black eyes--men love and die for you!" dorothy smiled and moved on to a daisy which whispered to her in halting, doubtful tones, "does he really love her? i shouldn't tell, but i know, i know--and i will tell if only you'll pick me, little girl." "and i thought daisies didn't tell," dorothy said to herself. she stopped before a rambling rose that spoke in a rapid, excited voice and wanted to relate a story of vagabond adventure in far-away places. then a bright red tulip whispered about a tale of wind-mills and holland canals and pretty dutch girls. at last the little girl came to a sunflower so tall that she had to stand on tip-toe to hear its words. "pick me," the sunflower urged, "and hear my story of sun-baked prairies and western farm homes and great winds that sweep across the plains." "i wonder," thought dorothy, "if the sunflower would tell me a story about my old home in kansas. there used to be a great many sunflowers on uncle henry's farm back there." a tiny violet growing in a mossy bed caught the girl's eye, and as she knelt to hear its words, a shrill, unpleasant voice exclaimed, "pick me! pick me! pick me immediately! i'll tell you a story that will burn your ears off! all about dick superguy--greatest detective in the world! he can't be killed--he's all-powerful!" dorothy was sure the shy little violet hadn't uttered these words. while she looked about to see where the rude voice was coming from, one of the little wooden gardeners stepped up and said apologetically, "beg your pardon, miss, it's just a weed. they're always loud and noisy, and while we don't care much for their stories, we feel they have as much right to grow as any other plants. even a magic fairy garden has its weeds." the wizard had strolled over to the pond of placid blue water, and placing his ear close to a green pad on which nestled an exquisite water lily, he heard these words, "pick me, o man, and i'll tell you a tale of a magic white ship that sails the jeweled seas and of the strange creatures that dwell in the blue depths." turning to a lotus blossom, the wizard heard a sleepy voice murmur, "pick me, pick me. i'll carry you afar to the secret islands of the never-ending nights, where the winds are music in the palm trees and the hours are woven of delights." now that they had listened to the pleading voices of so many of the blossoms, dorothy and the wizard decided to pick some of them and hear their stories. dorothy's first selection was a jack-in-the-pulpit, which proved to be an unfortunate choice as the story the blossom told was preachy and sermon-like. she decided the blossom was a trifle green. next she tried a daffodil. the story this blossom whispered to her in silver tones was about a lovely spring maiden who went dancing around the earth, and at her approach all ugliness and coldness and bitterness vanished. in the spring maiden's wake appeared a trail of anemones and violets and daffodils and tulips, and gentle winds that caused new hopes to arise in the hearts of the winter-weary people. the wizard selected a pink carnation. this spicily-scented blossom told him an exciting story of intrigue and adventure in high places. it was a romantic, dashing story, full of cleverness and surprises. then the wizard plucked a cluster of purple lilacs. each of the tiny blossoms growing on the stem joined in a chorus to sing him a story of home and love, of patience and virtue and all the common things of life in which the poorest may find riches and happiness. almost before dorothy and the wizard realized it, the shadows of evening were lengthening over the garden, and dolly and poppet appeared to inform them the evening meal was awaiting them. dorothy picked up the white kitten which had fallen asleep in the shadow of a nearby hedge, and she and the wizard followed the maid and the page back to the cheery comfort of ozana's cottage. they chatted happily over the good food served them by dolly and poppet. felina had her bowl of milk on the floor, near dorothy's chair. then, since they realized the next day was likely to be a busy and exciting one, they followed dolly and poppet to the rooms ozana had prepared for them and said good-night at their doors. the rooms were delightfully furnished with deep, soft beds and everything to make them comfortable for the night. as dorothy pulled the covers over her, and felina snuggled into a small, furry ball at the girl's feet, dolly reappeared with a poppy blossom in her hand. "here, princess dorothy," the thoughtful little maid said, "listen to the story of the poppy blossom and you'll be sure to sleep well." so dorothy listened to the soft, slumbrous voice of the poppy and was asleep almost before the tale was finished. what kind of a story did the sweet poppy tell? why, a bedtime story, of course. chapter 13 the three swans dorothy was awakened by the sunlight streaming through the windows of her bedroom. refreshed and eager for the adventures that lay ahead, she bathed and dressed and, with felina in her arms, knocked on the door of the wizard's room. the man was already awake and in excellent spirits as he greeted dorothy. a moment later dolly and poppet came to lead them to the living room where ozana was awaiting them for breakfast. the fairy princess, radiant with loveliness, was dressed in a simple, blue dress with a circlet of roses set in her golden hair. dorothy thought this an excellent crown for the princess of story blossom garden. when the meal was finished, ozana said, "it will please you to learn that my studies which i completed late last night revealed that the mimic king and queen have accomplished no real harm in the emerald city. however, queen ra has succeeded in doing something that has surprised me. she has thrown up a magic screen about her activities which has made it impossible for me to discover whether she has found the spell that would release the mimics from queen lurline's enchantment. it is logical to believe ra has failed, since, if she had discovered the spell, she would surely have used it to permit the mimic hordes to overrun oz." "but you cannot be sure. is that it, ma'am?" asked the wizard. "yes, i am afraid so," ozana admitted, frowning slightly. "this magic screen that queen ra has devised baffles me and resists all my efforts to penetrate it. for this reason i think it would be wise for us to go as quickly as possible to the emerald city. as you know, ozma and glinda will return from the forest of burzee this morning at ten o'clock. i would like to be present to greet them and to explain what has happened. there is no use causing them undue alarm. after all, i am responsible for the mimics in regard to the land of oz," ozana concluded thoughtfully. "well," said dorothy, "i'm ready to go. how about you, wizard?" the little man's expression was grave as he answered. "the quicker we get back to oz the better. i have an uneasy feeling that we are not finished with the mimics by any means." "then it is settled," announced ozana. "come, my friends, let us make all possible haste. we have no time to lose." "may i take felina to oz with us?" asked dorothy. ozana smiled. "certainly, my dear. only let us hurry." dorothy and the wizard followed ozana to the cottage door and down the path that led to the edge of the pond. the garden was fresh and lovely in the early morning. the side of the cottage that faced the morning sun was covered with blue morning glories. dorothy regretted that there was no time for her to pick one of the delicate blossoms and listen to its story. standing at the edge of the pond, ozana uttered a soft, musical whistle. from under the low-hanging branches of a large bush that trailed into the water on the far shore of the pond, emerged the three graceful swans which dorothy and the wizard had admired the day before. the snow white birds moved swiftly across the water in answer to ozana's summons. "these are my swans which will carry us over the deadly desert to the emerald city," said ozana. "they don't look big enough to carry even you or me, let alone the wizard," said dorothy doubtfully. ozana laughed. "of course they are not large enough now, dorothy, but soon they will be." the three swans were now at the pond's edge, just at ozana's feet. the fairy princess bent, touching the head of each of the birds gently with a slender wand which she drew from the folds of her blue dress. while dorothy and the wizard watched, the birds grew steadily before their wondering eyes. in a few seconds they were nearly five times the size of ordinary swans. the fairy princess placed a dainty foot on the back of one of the swans, and then settled herself on the bird's downy back, motioning to dorothy and the wizard to do likewise. dorothy stepped gingerly to the back of the swan nearest her. she found the great bird supported her easily. holding felina in her lap, the little girl nestled comfortably among the feathers. the wizard had already mounted the third swan. seeing that the passengers were all aboard, ozana signaled the swans, and with mighty strokes of their great wings the birds soared into the air. dorothy looked behind her and saw ozana's cottage growing smaller as the birds climbed higher and higher into the heavens. in a short time, they had left mount illuso so far in the distance that it was no longer visible. the soft feathers of the bird that carried her, and the gentle motion with which it sped through the air made dorothy think of riding through the sky on a downy feather bed. "isn't it grand, wizard!" dorothy called. "it certainly beats any traveling i ever did," admitted the wizard. "it's even better than my balloon back in omaha." ozana's bird flew in advance, with the swans bearing dorothy and the wizard slightly to her rear on either side of her. they crossed the border of the land of the phanfasms and soared high over the deadly desert. the swans flew even higher over the desert than had the mimic birds. for this reason none of the travelers suffered from the poisonous fumes that rose from the shifting sands of the desert. as they approached the yellow land of the winkies, dorothy noticed that ozana cast several anxious glances at the sun which was rising higher and higher in the heavens. it seemed to the little girl that the fairy princess was disturbed and anxious. "is anything wrong, ozana?" called dorothy. "i cannot say for sure," replied ozana. "something has taken place in oz of which i was not aware. i can feel the change now that we are actually over the land of oz. i am trying to discover what has happened by means of my fairy powers. i am afraid, too, that the journey is taking longer than i expected, and we shall not be able to arrive before ozma and glinda." at a signal from their mistress the three swans quickened their already swift flight. again and again ozana consulted the sun, and her appearance became more grave and worried as they approached the emerald city. suddenly the fairy princess's expression changed. a look of anger and dismay clouded her face, and the next instant she cried out beseechingly: "forgive me, my friends! i now understand all that has happened. the mimics have cunningly outwitted me!" chapter 14 the mimic monarchs lock themselves in back in the emerald city a great deal had been happening while dorothy and the wizard were adventuring on mount illuso. you will recall that toto had startled the oz people by trotting into the grand dining room and declaring that it was not dorothy who sat at the head of the table. you see, in some ways animals are wiser than human beings. king umb and queen ra were able to fool the oz people just by _looking_ like dorothy and the wizard, but they couldn't deceive the keen senses of the little dog so easily. toto's animal instinct warned him that this was not his beloved mistress dorothy nor his old friend the wizard. when toto made his astonishing assertion every eye in the dining room turned questioningly upon the mimic king and queen. suddenly queen ra leaped to her feet. grasping king umb by the arm and hissing, "hurry, you fool!" she pulled the mimic king after her and the two dashed from the dining room. for a moment everyone was too startled to move--except toto. he sped like an arrow after the fleeing monarchs. the quick-witted scarecrow broke the spell by leaping to his feet and following with awkward haste after the dog. instantly there rose a clamor of startled exclamations and bewildered questions from the oz people who were thrown into confusion by these strange happenings. by the time the scarecrow had reached the corridor, king umb, queen ra and toto were nowhere in sight. but the straw man could hear toto's excited barking. following in the direction of the sound, down one corridor and up another, the scarecrow arrived in the wing of the palace usually occupied by ozma, and found toto barking before a closed door. the little dog's eyes flashed angrily. when toto saw the scarecrow, he stopped barking and said, "i was just too late. they slammed the door in my face and now i suppose it is locked." the scarecrow attempted to turn the knob with his stuffed hand and found that, as toto suspected, the door was locked. "do you know what room this is?" toto asked. "of course," replied the scarecrow, "it's ozma's chamber of magic." "yes," went on the little dog, "the same room where the imitation dorothy and wizard have shut themselves in all day. why? i want to know! i tell you, scarecrow, there's something awfully funny going on here." the straw man was thoughtful. "i agree with you, toto. something is happening that we don't understand. we must find out what it is. i believe the wisest thing we can do is to return to the dining room and hold a council to talk this thing over. maybe we will be able to find an explanation." silently the little dog agreed, and a short time later a group of the best-loved companions of dorothy and the wizard was gathered in a living room adjoining the grand dining room. the scarecrow presided over the meeting. "all we really know," he began, "is that dorothy and the wizard have been acting very strangely today--the second day of the absence of ozma and glinda. toto insists that they are not dorothy and the wizard at all." "lan' sakes!" exclaimed dorothy's aunt em, "i'll admit the child ain't been herself today, but it's down-right silly to say that our dorothy's someone else. i ought to know my own niece!" "em, you're a-gittin' all mixed up," cautioned uncle henry. "you jest now said dorothy ain't been herself today--that means she must be somebody else." "but who could look so much like dorothy and the wizard?" queried betsy bobbin with a frown. "and why should anyone wish to deceive us?" asked tiny trot. now cap'n bill spoke up. "s'posin'," began the old sailor gruffly, "that we admit fer the moment that this _ain't_ the real dorothy and the wizard. then the most important thing is--where _are_ the real dorothy and the wizard?" "that's the smartest thing that's been said yet," declared toto earnestly, with an admiring glance at cap'n bill. "here we are, wasting time in talk, when something dreadful may be happening to dorothy and the wizard. let's get busy and find them quickly." "maybe they're lost," suggested button bright. "if that's the case there's nothing to worry about, 'cause i've been lost lots of times and i always got found again." but no one paid any attention to the boy. with her yarn hair dangling before her eyes, the patchwork girl danced to the front of the gathering. "the trouble with you people," she asserted, "is that you don't know how to add two and two and get four." "what do you mean by that, scraps?" asked the scarecrow. "just this," retorted the stuffed girl, saucily making a face at the scarecrow. "what did we overhear dorothy and the wizard discussing today in the garden? magic! they were talking about a magic spell which they hoped to find before ozma and glinda returned. all right. now where did dorothy and the wizard spend most of the day and where have they fled just now to lock themselves in? to ozma's chamber of _magic_!" the patchwork girl concluded triumphantly, "mark my words there's magic behind all this, and the secret is hidden in ozma's chamber of magic." with his chin in his hand, the scarecrow was regarding scraps in silent admiration. "sometimes," he said, "i almost believe your head is stuffed with the same quality of brains the wizard put in mine." "nope!" denied scraps emphatically. "it's not brains--just a little common sense." and with that the irrepressible creature leaped to the chandelier suspended from the ceiling and began chinning herself. "yes," agreed the scarecrow with a sigh as he regarded her antics, "i guess i was wrong about your brains." "but what are we going to _do_? that's what i want to know," demanded toto impatiently. "i believe," declared the scarecrow finally, "there is only one thing we _can_ do. we must go to ozma's chamber of magic and try to persuade this strange dorothy and the wizard to admit us. if they refuse, then we shall be obliged to break open the door and demand an explanation of their mysterious behavior." "good!" exclaimed toto. "let us go at once." they all filed out of the room and made their way to ozma's chamber of magic. the door was still locked. several times the scarecrow called to dorothy and the wizard to open the door and admit them, but there was no response. then cap'n bill stepped forward. he knew what was expected of him as the biggest and strongest of the group. he placed a shoulder against the door and pushed. the door creaked and yielded. again cap'n bill pushed. this time the door yielded more noticeably. upon the third trial the door suddenly gave way before the old sailor man's weight, and the scarecrow followed by scraps, trot, betsy bobbin, button bright and the rest crowded into ozma's chamber of magic. chapter 15 in the chamber of magic when queen ra seized king umb by the arm and fled with him from the dining room, the mimic queen was alarmed. she realized it was useless to attempt to deceive toto, and she greatly feared the little dog would succeed in convincing the scarecrow and the others that something had happened to dorothy and the wizard. fear lent speed to the queen's feet as she ran down the corridor, dragging king umb after her, with toto in close pursuit. she slammed the door of the chamber of magic and locked it just in time to prevent toto's entry. then she flung herself in a chair, gasping for breath. when king umb, who was even more frightened than his queen, had got his breath and could speak, he said raspingly, "so this is the way your plan works--a miserable dog robs us of success!" "silence!" commanded queen ra angrily. "we are far from defeated. we still have time to find the magic spell. and we will! we were fools to give up the search and go to that silly dinner," she concluded bitterly. she turned to ozma's magic books and began feverishly leafing through them. for perhaps ten minutes she continued her search fruitlessly. flung carelessly on the floor at her side was a great pile of books through which she had previously looked in vain for the magic spell. only four books remained to be searched through. while king umb watched nervously, the queen continued her frantic quest. now only two books remained. the magic spell must be in one of these two volumes. suddenly queen ra leaped to her feet with a cry of triumph. "i have found it!" she announced with exultation. she tore a page from the book and cast the volume to the floor. "come," she urged, "let us return to mount illuso as speedily as possible. soon we will come again to oz. but we will not be alone!" both ra and umb laughed with wicked satisfaction. just then the scarecrow called to dorothy and the wizard to open the door and admit them. "fools!" muttered queen ra. "in a short time you will all be my slaves." pausing to pick up dorothy's magic belt, queen ra walked to a large french window that looked down on the palace court-yard. turning to king umb, she said, "these hateful shapes can serve us no longer, so let us discard them and be on our way." instantly the figures of dorothy and the wizard vanished and in their places appeared two great, black birds with huge, powerful wings. just as cap'n bill burst open the door, and the scarecrow and the rest crowded into the room, the birds flew from the window. the little group hurried to the window and looked out. high above the palace and swiftly disappearing in the night, flew two enormous bat-like birds. the night was too dark and the birds too far away for any of the oz people to see that one of the creatures clutched dorothy's magic belt. while queen ra had not yet learned how to command the many wonderful powers of the magic belt (or she would most certainly have used the belt to transport herself and umb to the mimic land in the twinkling of an eye), nevertheless she had no intention of leaving the valuable talisman behind to be used by the oz people. more bewildered than ever, the scarecrow and his companions turned from the window. "i told you so!" declared toto excitedly. "you see--those creatures were not dorothy and the wizard at all." "you are right," said the scarecrow, "those great birds must be the same beings that we thought were dorothy and the wizard." "certainly," replied toto. "you can see for yourself that dorothy and the wizard are not here." it was true enough. there was no trace of dorothy or the wizard in the chamber of magic. "but who were those creatures? and why did they want us to believe they were dorothy and the wizard? and what has happened to the real dorothy and the wizard?" the scarecrow asked helplessly. "why not look in the magic picture and find out?" asked the patchwork girl, as she danced about the room. "of course, the very thing!" exclaimed the scarecrow. "why didn't i think of that myself?" "because your brains are of an extraordinary quality," retorted scraps, "and you can't be expected to think common-sense thoughts." the magic picture which hung on a wall in ozma's boudoir was one of the rarest treasures in all oz. ordinarily the picture presented merely an attractive view of a pleasant countryside with rolling fields and a forest in the background. but when anyone stood in front of the picture and asked to see a certain person--anywhere in the world--the painted picture faded and was replaced by the moving image of the person named and his or her surroundings at that exact time. the scarecrow and his companions gathered about the magic picture and the straw man said solemnly, "i want to see dorothy and the wizard." instantly the painted scene faded and in its place appeared the interior of hi-lo's little cottage. dorothy and the wizard were just about to sit down to the food mrs. hi-lo had prepared for them. "i wonder who those two funny little people are?" murmured trot, fascinated by the quaint appearance of mr. and mrs. hi-lo. "they are not familiar to me," observed the scarecrow reflectively, "nor have i ever seen a cottage quite like that one in the land of oz." for a time the group watched in silence while dorothy and the wizard ate their food and conversed with mr. and mrs. hi-lo. but at length, as nothing of importance occurred, the scarecrow said: "even though we don't know where dorothy and the wizard are, at least the magic picture has shown us they are safe for the moment and we don't need to worry about them." "why not use dorothy's magic belt to wish dorothy and the wizard back here in the palace?" trot asked suddenly as she stared at the images in the magic picture. "an excellent suggestion!" agreed the scarecrow, his face beaming. "trot, i believe you have solved our problem," he said admiringly. the scarecrow knew that when dorothy was not wearing her magic belt on a journey, it was always kept in ozma's chamber of magic. so the straw man went there himself to get the belt. a few minutes later he returned and announced gloomily, "it's gone. the magic belt is nowhere in the chamber of magic. either ozma took it with her, or it has been stolen. the magic picture has shown us that dorothy is not wearing the belt." disappointment was reflected on everyone's face, and for a moment no one spoke. then the scarecrow declared, "my friends, there remains only one more thing for us to do." "what is that?" asked cap'n bill. "one of us must leave immediately for glinda's castle in the quadling country to consult glinda's great book of records. the book will provide us with a complete account of all that has happened to dorothy and the wizard." "a wise suggestion," agreed cap'n bill. "who will go?" "i will," volunteered dorothy's uncle henry quickly. "i want to do everything possible to bring dorothy back to us and it 'pears to me we can't do much of anything until we know what has happened to her." "good!" exclaimed the scarecrow. "you can leave at once. i will order ozma's wooden sawhorse to carry you to glinda's castle and back. but even though the sawhorse is swift and tireless, you will not be able to make the journey, consult the great book of records and return to the emerald city before ozma and glinda come back day after tomorrow. that is too bad. the disappearance of dorothy and the wizard and all this mystery will not provide a very cheerful homecoming for ozma and glinda. but at least we shall have the information contained in the great book of records, and then ozma and glinda will know best what to do." uncle henry kissed aunt em good-bye and hurried to the royal stable where the sawhorse was waiting for him. "i understand," said the queer steed, whose body and head were made from a tree trunk, "that we're going to glinda's castle in the quadling country." "that's right," nodded uncle henry. "and this is no pleasure trip, so go as fast as you can." glancing at uncle henry for a moment from one of his eyes which were knots in the wood, the sawhorse turned, as soon as uncle henry was mounted, and dashed down the stable driveway into the street leading to the gates of the emerald city. once outside the city, the sawhorse ran so swiftly that its legs, which were merely sticks of wood which ozma had caused to be shod with gold, fairly twinkled. it sped with a rolling, cradle-like motion over fields and hills, and uncle henry had to hold on for dear life. perhaps i should explain that glinda's great book of records is a marvelous book in which everything that happens, from the slightest detail to the most important event taking place anywhere in the world, is recorded the same instant that it happens. no occurrence is too trivial to appear in the book. if a naughty child stamps its foot in anger, or if a powerful ruler plunges his country into war, both events are noted in the book, as of equal importance. the huge book lies open on a great table, occupying the center of glinda's study and is bound to the table by large chains of gold. next to ozma's magic picture, glinda's great book of records is the most valuable treasure in oz. the scarecrow knew that by consulting this wonderful book, uncle henry would be able to discover exactly what had happened to dorothy and the wizard. the scarecrow and scraps, having no need for sleep, sat before the magic picture all night long conversing quietly and occasionally glancing at the images of dorothy and the wizard as the picture showed them sleeping in hi-lo's cottage. the rest of the oz people retired to their bedrooms, but none of them slept well that night. they were far too worried over the plight of dorothy and the wizard to rest easily. chapter 16 a web is woven arriving at mount illuso early the following morning, king umb and queen ra passed the day secluded in the secret cavern where the queen was accustomed to study the dark sorcery of the erbs and practice her evil magic. this cavern was so well hidden, far in the depths of mount illuso, and its location was so closely guarded, that only a few of the most faithful subjects of the mimic king and queen were aware of its existence. while queen ra's shape was that of a woman, her body was covered with a heavy fur of a reddish-brown color, and her head was that of a fox with a long snout and sharply pointed ears. two green eyes blazed with a fierce light from her furry face. in her hand the fox-woman held a brass whistle on which she blew a shrill blast. in answer to this summons came the mimic known as ebo. ebo wore the body of a jackal with the head of a serpent. "go to the cave of the doomed and bring the two prisoners to me at once," the queen commanded. "yes, your highness," hissed ebo as he swayed his serpent head in obeisance and left the cavern. "we might as well have a little fun while we wait for midnight," grinned the fox head of the woman evilly. king umb appeared as a great, grey ape with cloven hoofs and the head of a man. from the center of his forehead projected a single horn. the man-face was covered with a shaggy, black beard which fell to the hairy chest of the ape-body. "what do you intend doing with the girl and the man?" asked the grey ape. "i shall practice transformations on the man, giving him a number of unusual shapes and then perhaps combine them all into one interesting creature. it is amazingly easy to change the shapes of humans, so it will not be much of a feat of magic. then, just before we leave for the emerald city, i shall change him into a salamander--a green salamander instead of the ordinary red kind, of course, since he is from the emerald city--and then when we are over the deadly desert i shall drop him into the sands. salamanders are the only creatures that can exist in the desert, so it will really be a merciful fate, since it will not stop him from living." "and the girl?" prompted king umb. "i think i shall keep the girl chained in my cavern to amuse me when the excitement of conquering and devastating oz is over and i am in need of diversion," said queen ra. while the queen was relating her wicked plans, ebo made his way to the cave of the doomed and was amazed and terrified to find it empty. how could there be an escape from the cave from which there was no exit save the single stone door which was always closely guarded? the jackal body of ebo trembled with fear of the punishment he knew queen ra would be quick to inflict on him. but there was nothing else for him to do but to report the mysterious disappearance of the prisoners to the mimic king and queen. queen ra received the news with a scream of rage. blowing on her brass whistle, she summoned two other mimics. pointing to ebo who cringed with fear, she cried, "carry him away and cast him into the pit of forked flames." king umb was uneasy. "i don't like this," he said. "how do we know that the two mortals will not interfere with our plans to conquer oz?" "bah! what can two weak mortals do in the face of our might?" demanded the queen derisively. knowing his wife's temper, king umb refrained from reminding ra that the mortals had somehow miraculously succeeded in escaping from the cave of the doomed. instead, he merely shrugged his ape shoulders and said, "just the same, i wish we were on our way to oz now, instead of waiting until midnight." queen ra glared at her husband. "i have told you that lurline's enchantment can be broken only at midnight. tonight at twelve, i will cast the spell which lurline foolishly left in ozma's possession. since it is the antidote to the enchantment which protects oz from the mimics, lurline knew ozma would guard it most carefully. but we succeeded in stealing it. once the spell is cast, the mimics will be free in all their power to attack oz and enslave its people. i tell you, umb, the famous land of oz is doomed. in a few short hours it will be a shambles. nothing can save it!" * * * * * a few minutes before the hour of midnight, the mimic hordes assembled in the vast domed cavern which forms that portion of hollow mount illuso that towers above the earth. in the center of the cavern on a stone dais stood king umb and queen ra. the mimic queen lifted her arms and immediately silence fell over the shifting mass of evil beings. the queen held in her hand a small box of black enameled wood. placing the box on the stone dais before her, she raised the lid and muttered an incantation. immediately there crawled from the box a scarlet spider as large as the queen's hand. at the first word of the incantation the spider began to grow. in a few seconds its body was four feet in thickness, and its hairy legs sprawled to a distance of fifteen feet from its body which was covered with a crimson fur. "now go," queen ra commanded the spider, "and weave the web that will enmesh the fairy enchantment that hangs over us!" the mimic hordes parted to make a path through their midst for the spider. the loathsome creature scuttled first to the wall of the cavern, and then climbed up the side of the wall. in a few seconds it had reached the top of the cavern. then, moving with incredible speed, it wove a monster spider web of crimson strands as thick and tough as heavy rope cables. queen ra watched silently until the fashioning of the scarlet web was completed. at that moment she cried aloud for all to hear: "so long as this web remains unbroken, the mimics are freed from the enchantment cast on them by lurline! the web is a snare and a net for lurline's fairy enchantment and holds every remnant of it caught fast in its coils." the queen spoke triumphantly, and well she might, for the magic spell she had stolen from ozma had worked perfectly. "come!" shouted queen ra. "let us tarry no longer. we have waited too many years for this hour!" with this the mimic king and queen assumed the shapes of giant birds and soared through the cavern to the stone portal. the throngs of their mimic subjects followed, beating the air with great, leathery wings as they passed from the cavern into the night. soon the sky above mount illuso was darkened with the great numbers of the mimic horde, and the light of the moon was blotted from the earth by the flapping wings. following the lead of king umb and queen ra, they headed straight for the deadly desert and the land of oz. chapter 17 the mimics in the emerald city on the morning when the mimic hordes swept over the border of the deadly desert and the winkie country and on to the emerald city, button bright and the patchwork girl were playing leap-frog in the garden of the royal palace. cap'n bill was sitting nearby on a bench in the sun, carving on a block of wood with his big jack-knife. the old sailor man worked slowly and painstakingly, but when he finished he knew he would have a good likeness of princess ozma's lovely features carved in the wood. this he planned to mount as a figurehead on the prow of the boat he was building as a surprise for ozma. suddenly button bright, who had tumbled flat on his back, cried out: "look! look at those birds!" scraps swept her yarn hair out of her button eyes and tilted her head back. the sky was darkening with a great cloud of birds. and what beautiful creatures those birds were! "birds of a feather flock together. red, blue, green and gold match my patches, bold. "not a grey topknot in the whole lot! see the popinjay flirt its colors gay..." cried the patchwork girl, dancing about in wild excitement. "stop it, scraps!" commanded button bright who was nearly as excited as the stuffed girl. "trot, betsy, ojo, scarecrow!" the boy called. "come out and see the pretty birds!" of course this taking the forms of gorgeous plumed birds was a clever part of queen ra's cunning scheme. she knew the beauty of the birds, instead of alarming the oz people, would fascinate them. the queen hoped by this wily stratagem to take the oz inhabitants completely by surprise with no thought of danger in their minds. the scheme worked even better than queen ra dared dream. ojo the lucky, aunt em, the scarecrow, betsy bobbin, trot, jellia jamb, and all the others came hurrying from the royal palace, while from the royal stable came the cowardly lion, the hungry tiger, hank the mule, the woozy and others of the animal friends of the palace residents. gathering in the gardens and court-yard, they all stared up in wonder at the beautiful birds. outside the grounds of the royal palace, much the same thing was happening throughout the emerald city. those people who were out of doors witnessing the spectacle called to those who were indoors, urging them to hurry out and see the lovely visitors. it was no time at all until every building in the city was emptied of its curious inhabitants. this was just what the mimics wanted. with the people of the emerald city standing in the daylight, plainly casting their shadows, queen ra gave a signal and the mimic birds ceased their slow circling in the sky for the enjoyment of the oz people and dropped down to the city. king umb and queen ra led those birds which settled in the palace court-yard and gardens. a bird with brilliant scarlet and royal purple feathers and a topknot of gleaming gold alighted close to trot. the little girl stepped forward with delight to stroke the bird's lovely plumage. instantly the creature vanished and in its place stood a perfect duplicate of trot, while the real trot was frozen in her tracks, unable to move. mystified at suddenly seeing _two_ trots before him, cap'n bill rose from his bench and started toward them. but he was confronted by one of the giant birds and an instant later the old sailor man was unable to move. he could only stare with amazement at an exact double of himself--wooden leg and all. button bright was about to leap playfully on the back of another bird when he fell to the ground powerless to move. at the same moment the bird vanished and the boy's double appeared in its place. and so it went throughout the emerald city. the friendly oz people were delighted that the lovely birds should approach so near that they might be treated to a closer view of their gorgeous plumage, which, it must be admitted, was exceedingly beautiful. only the eyes of the birds betrayed their true natures. they flamed a fierce red. one or two of the oz people, upon meeting the glare of those piercing eyes, were alarmed and would have turned and fled. but it was too late. in a few minutes, all the human inhabitants of the emerald city were made captives. however, the mimics were able to steal the shapes only of human beings. the scarecrow, the patchwork girl, tik-tok, the glass cat, billina the yellow hen, the woozy, toto, hank the mule, the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger remained unchanged. fearing the mule, the lion and the tiger might prove dangerous because of their size, queen ra quickly placed a magic spell on the three beasts that caused them to fall on the court-yard lawn in a deep sleep. the scarecrow, scraps, tik-tok and the others who had escaped the magic of the mimics were completely confused by these sudden and baffling events. the stuffed girl rubbed her suspender button eyes and gazed with disbelief at _two_ button brights--which one was it she had been playing with only a few minutes before? and there were _two_ aunt ems and _two_ jellia jambs! wondering if the world had somehow suddenly become double, the bewildered patchwork girl looked about for her own twin. of all the horde of beautiful birds that had settled on the emerald city, only two remained in the royal gardens. these were king umb and queen ra. at this point the mimic king and queen cast off their bird forms. a strange man and woman suddenly appeared in the midst of the oz people and the mimic-oz-people. the woman was big, raw-boned and red-skinned. her hair was twisted on her head in a hard black knot, on which was set a small golden crown. the scarecrow started with surprise when he saw that the strange woman was wearing dorothy's magic belt. (until now the belt had been concealed by the plumage of ra's bird form.) queen ra had brought the magic belt with her because of its wonderful powers which she had been studying and which she felt would be useful in carrying out the conquest of oz. beside the woman stood a giant man with a flowing black beard and tangled black hair. his eyes were fierce and hawklike. quickly queen ra uttered a command, at which a number of the mimic-oz-people leaped forward and proceeded to bind the non-human ozites with strong ropes, which the magic of queen ra placed in their hands. to his amazement, the scarecrow found himself being made captive by cap'n bill and ojo the lucky. the straw man was wise enough to know that these twin likenesses were not really his old friends, cap'n bill and ojo, so he resisted with all his might. but the poor scarecrow's body was so light that the mimics had no difficulty in fastening the ropes about him and pinning his arms to his sides. scraps was more of a problem. it required the combined efforts of the mimic jellia jamb, aunt em, betsy bobbin and button bright to bind her. but even with these odds none of the mimics escaped without scratches on his face from scraps' gold plated finger nails. tik-tok, the woozy, the glass cat and the rest were all securely bound in a few more seconds. while our friends were being made prisoners, king umb and queen ra hastened away to the throne room of the royal palace. there the prisoners of the mimics were carried into the presence of the mimic king and queen. the scarecrow and the others were shocked and outraged at the spectacle of the harsh-looking woman brazenly occupying ozma's throne, while at her side stood the fierce-visaged man. the mimic ojo and button bright lined up the captives before the throne, while queen ra regarded them scornfully. "a pair of stuffed dummies, an animated washing machine, and a menagerie," she commented derisively. "i demand," shouted the scarecrow boldly, "that you release us immediately!" "ah! the famous scarecrow of oz!" gloatingly exclaimed queen ra. "and as brave as ever! i believe i will have your body destroyed by fire, first removing your head so that you will be able to entertain me with your wise thoughts. it would be a shame," she added with sarcasm, "if such great brains were lost to the world." now the one thing in the world the scarecrow feared was a lighted match, so it is no wonder that, brave as he was, he shrank before so terrible a fate as that proposed by the wicked queen. "you will not get a-way with this," warned tik-tok in his mechanical voice. "you will sure-ly be pun-ish-ed for your wick-ed-ness and e-vil do-ing." "and you are tik-tok the machine man," said queen ra. "as useless a pile of rubbish as was ever assembled. i shall have you carefully taken apart, piece by piece, and amuse myself in my spare time by trying to put you back together again like a jig-saw puzzle." "my ma-chin-er-y does not per-mit me to fear," replied tik-tok calmly, "e-ven when i am thor-ough-ly wound up, so you are wast-ing your threats on me." the evil queen went down the line of captives, plotting terrible fates for each of them. billina, she predicted, would soon be roasted for dinner. the patchwork girl would become a combination pin-cushion and personal slave. the glass cat would be melted down into marbles. finally she came to the last of the prisoners--the square shaped woozy--whom ra promised to have chopped into cubes for building blocks. it was at this moment that the scarecrow became aware that with the exceptions of hank the mule and the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, who lay sleeping in the court-yard, all the animals of the royal palace were present--save the sawhorse, who was at that moment swiftly bearing uncle henry back to the emerald city from glinda's castle in the quadling country--and one other. that other was--toto! chapter 18 the return of ozma and glinda after his first sense of joy at finding that toto had somehow escaped capture, the scarecrow reflected more soberly that even though the little dog was free there was nothing he could do to rescue his friends from their desperate plight. but the scarecrow had been in dangerous situations before, so he did not give up hope by any means. while queen ra was gloating over her prisoners, the scarecrow's famous brains were hard at work. suddenly it occurred to the straw man that ozma and glinda were to return to the emerald city at ten o'clock this morning. it was almost that time now. if only he could engage the wicked queen in conversation until ozma and glinda appeared, then the royal ruler and the good sorceress might take their enemies by surprise. the scarecrow was confident that ozma would be able to deal with these usurpers to her throne. with this plan in mind, the scarecrow cried out in a bold voice: "i demand to know what you have done with dorothy and the wizard!" when he had witnessed the peculiar manner in which the gaudily plumed birds had assumed the shapes of his human friends in the garden, the scarecrow had first suspected that these creatures were responsible for the disappearance of dorothy and the wizard. then the sight of dorothy's magic belt about the waist of the big woman had convinced him of the truth of his suspicions. queen ra answered the scarecrow with a scornful laugh. "you are quite brave, my blustering, straw-stuffed dummy, but your braveness will do you no good. as for your princess dorothy and the man who calls himself a wizard, you will never see them again. furthermore," the queen went on, "as soon as i have suitably disposed of you and the rest of these animated creatures and beasts, i will use the magic belt to transport the helpless bodies of all the oz people in the emerald city to mount illuso, where they will share the same fate as your dorothy and her wizard friend." in spite of the assurance with which she spoke, the evil queen was uneasy when she recalled the disappearance of dorothy and the wizard from the cave of the doomed. had she underestimated the wizard's powers of magic? queen ra shrugged this thought from her mind. what had she to fear from two mere mortals? what had she to fear from anyone now? the emerald city was hers and oz was as good as conquered! "do not heed the threats of this wicked woman!" the scarecrow called to his captive companions. "she is boasting too soon!" at these words queen ra turned angrily upon the scarecrow. "enough of your insolence, miserable wretch!" she cried. "i will show you who is boasting. since you dare challenge me, i will destroy you immediately!" her eyes flashing with rage, queen ra leaped from the throne and moved toward the scarecrow. when she was about six feet from him, ra paused and muttered an incantation. instantly dancing flames of fire leaped from the marble floor of the throne room, making a circle around the scarecrow. with a smile of satisfaction, queen ra resumed her place on ozma's throne to enjoy the spectacle in comfort. the dancing circle of fire moved swiftly inward. as the blazing circle grew smaller in circumference, the flames leaped ever higher and closer to the helpless scarecrow, who stood in the circle's exact center. the leaping fire had moved so close to the scarecrow that it almost scorched his stuffed clothing. the friends of the scarecrow watched in horror. prisoners themselves, there was nothing they could do to save their old comrade from this terrible fate. "whish!" there was a sudden rush of air, and in the center of the throne room stood princess ozma and glinda the good on the exact spot from which they had vanished three days before. ozma swept the throne room with a glance that instantly comprehended the scarecrow's great danger. in another moment her old friend would be reduced to a pile of smoldering ashes. quick as a flash, the little princess pointed her fairy wand at the flames that were licking the straw man's boots. while the onlookers blinked, the flames vanished. a long sigh of relief went up from the scarecrow's friends. queen ra was glaring with terrible rage at the royal ozma, who advanced calmly toward the wicked queen with an expression of stern dignity on her girlish features. "who are you, and what are you doing on my throne?" ozma asked. "_your_ throne no longer!" replied ra harshly. "for you are no longer ruler of the land of oz. instead you are my prisoner, and soon i will make it impossible for you to interfere with my plans as you have just done." the stately glinda spoke now, her voice grave and thoughtful. "i believe i know who you are," she said. "you must be the queen of the evil mimics. i have read about you in my great book of records." "if this is true," said ozma sorrowfully, "then your mimic hordes are these creatures who so closely resemble my own beloved subjects, while the true oz people are robbed of the power of motion by your evil spell." "good!" sneered ra. "i am glad you understand everything so well. you have not a friend in the emerald city to aid you. everyone of your subjects in the city is a victim of the mimic magic. soon this will be true of all the land of oz. i am sure you will agree with me," queen ra went on mockingly, "that it is only fair and just that you should share your subjects' fate. indeed i know you are so foolishly loyal that you would not escape and leave your people to suffer even if you could. so king umb and i, ourselves, will oblige you by making it possible for you to join your beloved subjects. owing to your high rank as the two most powerful persons in the land of oz, we will do you the honor of taking your shapes." concluding this triumphant speech, queen ra grinned with malicious satisfaction and said gloatingly, "at last the royal ozma and the great glinda bow to a power greater than their own! come," she called to king umb, "you take the form of glinda, i will take that of ozma." with this the mimic monarchs advanced on ozma and glinda. the little ruler and glinda the good were silent. both realized that queen ra had spoken the truth when she had declared their powers to be useless against the mimics. therefore the girl ruler and the sorceress made no effort to combat their enemies, but stood bravely and proudly awaiting their fate. at that very moment when king umb and queen ra were about to seize the shadows of ozma and glinda, a small, black form streaked with the speed of light from underneath ozma's throne straight to the menacing figures of the mimic king and queen. it was toto! with fierce growls and barks he began worrying and snapping at the ankles of the mimic monarchs. the sudden appearance of the little dog and his desperate attack took ra and umb completely by surprise. for a moment they entirely forgot ozma and glinda and devoted all their efforts to freeing themselves from the snapping jaws of the furiously snarling little dog. this respite which toto had so bravely won saved ozma and glinda from sharing the fate of their subjects. a few seconds after toto's attack, there suddenly appeared in the entrance of the throne room three figures, two of whom the scarecrow joyfully recognized as dorothy and the little wizard. they were accompanied by a maiden who was unknown to the scarecrow but whose beauty was quite evident. for an instant the trio stood in the doorway, surveying the strange scene that met their eyes in ozma's royal throne room. chapter 19 ozana's fairy arts swiftly princess ozana--for the maiden was she--advanced to the center of the throne room. she was followed closely by the wizard and dorothy, who bore in her arms the sleeping form of a tiny, white kitten. at the appearance of dorothy, toto stopped worrying the ankles of king umb and queen ra and ran to meet the little girl. so happy was the excited little dog to see his beloved mistress that he even ignored the presence of the sleeping kitten. dorothy knelt and caressed him. meanwhile, queen ra, recognizing ozana, paled and gasped: "the guardian of oz!" "yes," admitted ozana calmly, "it is i, princess ozana." king umb was so terrified at the appearance of the little maiden that the big fellow's knees knocked together and his face turned a sickly, green hue. but it cannot be said that queen ra lacked courage. after the first shock of ozana's appearance, the queen summoned her spirits and faced the fairy maid defiantly. ra had determined not to give up her triumph without a struggle. clasping her palms to dorothy's magic belt, the mimic queen whispered a command to it. but nothing happened. ozana divined what the queen was about, but she only smiled. in a rage, queen ra tore the useless belt from her waist and flung it to the throne room floor. "you should know better," ozana gently chided the infuriated queen, "than to attempt to work such simple magic on me. even if you had succeeded in transforming me into a wooden doll, i would still have retained my fairy powers and been able to defeat you." fright and realization that she was defeated mingled in queen ra's eyes as she stared at ozana. the unhappy queen said not a word. she sat spellbound, gazing with fearful fascination at the serene features of her girlish opponent. ozana was speaking with an air of calm justice. "because i appeared absorbed in my own occupations," she addressed queen ra, "you counted me harmless. you believed i would be unaware of your evil-doing. you thought you could attack oz without my knowing it. but you were wrong. and now the time has come for me to fulfill the trust placed in me by queen lurline when she made me guardian of oz. at that time she imparted to me the same powers over the race of mimics that only she, of all fairies, possesses. i shall use those powers as queen lurline would wish me to. i shall place her enchantment once more on the mimics so that they will be powerless to steal the shapes of all who dwell in the land of oz. at the same time, the re-weaving of this fairy enchantment will release all those oz people whose shapes are now held by the mimics." as ozana completed this speech, she described a large circle in the air before her with her fairy wand. immediately that space was filled with a silvery, cloud-like radiance that glowed and shimmered. then, while ozma and the rest watched, a scene appeared in the cloud of silver mist. dorothy and the wizard recognized it as the interior of the mimic cavern inside hollow mount illuso. far in the top of the cavern they saw a scarlet spider web, in the center of which squatted a huge crimson spider. while those in the throne room watched with fascinated interest, the spider, seeming to sense that it was being observed, scuttled with a sudden, crab-like motion to the outer edge of the web. there it squatted, its eyes glowing like dull, red coals. with the tip of her wand, ozana touched the head of the image of the spider. instantly, the creature leaped into the air and trembled convulsively, as though it had received an electric shock. then it began slowly to dissolve before their eyes. first its legs wilted, grew shapeless and melted away. next its body collapsed inwardly, like an over-ripe melon, finally shriveling and disappearing altogether. now the spellbound spectators in the throne room saw a spot of silver light appear on the outermost strand of the crimson web. the light raced over every coil of the immense web, progressing swiftly to the web's center. as fast as the silver light flashed along the scarlet coils, they vanished. in a few seconds more not a trace remained of the vast web or its loathsome occupant. the point of cleansing silver light winked out; the image of the mimic cavern faded; and the silver mist vanished from the throne room. at this same instant, shouts of joy and exchanges of affectionate greetings rang through the royal palace and were echoed throughout the emerald city. the sound of these happy voices told princess ozma that her beloved subjects were no longer under the spell of the mimics. in the throne room itself, the mimic-oz people, who had bound the scarecrow and his companions and brought them before king umb and queen ra, vanished. in their places stood mimics in their variety of repulsive animal and bird shapes. while the startled oz people watched, the mimics flitted and shifted about the royal throne room, changing their forms in the manner peculiar to these creatures. but for the moment the mimics were forgotten, as all eyes were fastened with admiration and gratitude on princess ozana. ozana smiled happily. "queen ra," she said, "you are now quite powerless to harm the people of oz." queen ra, who had watched ozana's fairy magic with fascinated interest, knew she was utterly defeated. all her old arrogance and overbearing manner vanished. with bowed head, she refrained from meeting the eyes of ozana or those of any of her former victims. chapter 20 in the mirrored ballroom now ozma stepped forward. with happy tears of gratitude sparkling in her eyes, she grasped the hands of princess ozana. "how can i ever thank you for what you have done?" ozana seemed embarrassed. "the truth is," she admitted, "had i done my duty, as queen lurline instructed, and watched the mimics more closely, the creatures would never have dared to invade oz. i owe all of you my humblest apology for this neglect of duty. the least i could do," she added soberly, "was to right the wrongs already committed." "well," said dorothy happily, "all's well that ends well, an' we think you're fine, ozana." "thank you, my dear," smiled ozana, affectionately stroking the little girl's hair. "i think we owe toto a great debt of thanks," observed the wise glinda. "had it not been for the little dog's bravery, you and i, ozma, would have undergone the unpleasant experience of becoming mimic victims." "you are right," agreed ozma, turning to the dog. "i had not forgotten your brave action, toto. nothing glinda and i can say or do will properly reward you. nevertheless i shall have made for you a handsome new collar studded with emeralds and bearing your name in gold letters as a slight token of our gratitude." "thank you, your highness," said toto shyly. "it was nothing, really. when i saw the big birds stealing the shapes of trot and betsy and button bright and all the others out in the garden, i was frightened so i ran and hid under your throne. i could peep out and see everything that was going on, and when the mimic king and queen threatened you and glinda i became so angry that i just forgot about everything else." "good dog!" said the wizard, patting toto's head. dorothy beamed proudly at her little pet. "dear me!" exclaimed ozma, gazing at the mimics in the throne room. "how are we ever to transport all these creatures to their cavern home? we can't have them here to overrun oz, even though they are now harmless," she added, shuddering with revulsion at the shifting shapes of evil assumed by the mimics. "that is simple," said ozana. "is there a room in the palace with a great many mirrors?" "yes," replied ozma, "the grand ballroom which adjoins the throne room--its walls and ceiling are composed entirely of mirrors." "then let us go to the ballroom," said ozana. ozma and glinda led ozana to the entrance of the grand ballroom. dorothy and the wizard and toto followed. ozana paused before the great door which was flung wide open. in her bell-like voice she murmured the words of a powerful fairy spell. immediately king umb and queen ra, followed by the other mimics in the throne room, advanced as though they were in a trance to the portal of the mirrored ballroom. then they passed into the room itself. ozana continued to chant her fairy spell. now came a whole procession of the mimic creatures, first from all over the royal palace and finally from every part of the emerald city. they came trooping in by the hundreds, wearing a myriad of fantastic shapes and forms. at length the very last mimic had entered the ballroom, and, huge though the room was, it seemed to the onlookers that it must surely be filled to overflowing with the mimic horde. by this time, the scarecrow, scraps, tik-tok and the rest who had been bound with ropes by the mimics were freed and they with trot, cap'n bill, betsy bobbin, button bright and the others all crowded about the entrance to look curiously into the ballroom. even the cowardly lion, the hungry tiger and hank the mule crowded into the throne room. the three beasts had awakened from the sleep cast on them by queen ra when ozana had re-woven the spell that protected the oz inhabitants. "why," rumbled the cowardly lion, "the room's empty!" in a sense the lion was right. there was no one in the grand ballroom, it was true. but dorothy and the others could plainly see the flitting, shifting shadow shapes of the mimics in the mirrors that paneled the walls and ceiling of the great room--shadow creatures caught and confined in the depths of the mirrors! "i wonder," dorothy whispered, "what will become of them." chapter 21 the shattering of the mirrors "now we can send the mimics back to mount illuso at will," said ozana in answer to dorothy's question. "all we need to do is shatter the mirrors and the mimics will return to their gloomy realm, banished forever from oz." it was ozma who followed ozana's suggestion and brought about the breaking of the mirrors. the dainty ruler lifted her wand and murmured a fairy charm. instantly every mirror in the grand ballroom shivered and shattered with a vast, tinkling sound. not one of the scores of mirrors in the great chamber was left whole. "it would be too bad," ozana remarked, "to mar permanently the beauty of your lovely ballroom." she lifted her wand, and while the onlookers blinked the mirrors were whole again. in their gleaming depths was no trace of the mimic horde. the grand ballroom was as splendid as ever. as it was now nearing noon, ozma graciously invited ozana to join her and glinda with dorothy and the wizard, aunt em, trot, cap'n bill, betsy bobbin, button bright, the scarecrow, scraps and others of her friends for luncheon in the dining room of her own royal suite. dorothy and the wizard related their adventures on mount illuso, and then the scarecrow tried to make clear to ozma, glinda and dorothy and the wizard everything that had happened in the emerald city during their absence. scraps helped him out, and betsy bobbin reminded him of things he had forgotten, while trot chimed in, and button bright wanted to tell the story his way. there was such a chatter it was a wonder ozma and the rest understood anything. just as the meal was about to end, there was a knock on the door and uncle henry breathlessly entered the room. after aunt em and dorothy had hugged and kissed uncle henry, dorothy told him how she had got back to the emerald city. (he had read an account of the rest of her adventures in glinda's great book of records the night before.) scraps, helped out by aunt em, filled in the details of what had happened in the palace since he and the sawhorse had left. when they had finished, uncle henry exhibited several sheets of paper closely filled with writing. "here's the whole story of the mimics. i copied everything the great book of records had to say about 'em, and then i left glinda's castle last night, travelin' all night long so as to get here as early today as possible. but i guess," he concluded, gazing ruefully at the papers he carried, "these ain't much use anymore." "not one of us could have done better than you did, uncle henry," ozma consoled him. "instead of regretting your trip," she added wisely, "let us instead be grateful that there is no longer any need for us to concern ourselves with what the great book of records has to say about the mimics." glinda announced that she must return to her castle in the quadling country, from which she had been absent too long. bidding good-bye to all her friends, the great sorceress was transported in the twinkling of an eye by her magic art to her far-away castle. with glinda's departure the rest of ozma's guests began to take their leave, until finally the girl ruler was alone with only dorothy and ozana. ozma had noticed that throughout the merry luncheon, ozana had appeared quiet and subdued, as though she were deeply occupied with thoughts of her own. "tell me," ozma said gently, taking princess ozana's hand in her own, "is there something troubling you, my dear?" with a smile, ozana replied, "yes, ozma, there is. truthfully, i dread returning to lonely mount illuso. in the short time i have been privileged to enjoy the companionship of dorothy and the wizard, and the society of the oz people here in the emerald city, i have come to realize more than ever what a terribly lonely life i lead on mount illuso. and," she added, gazing affectionately at dorothy, "i have become very fond of little dorothy. i shall be very sorry indeed to leave her and all the rest of you for that forsaken mountain top." ozma laughed softly. "everyone loves our princess dorothy. but," and the little ruler's expression grew serious as she continued, "i sympathize with you, ozana. perhaps there is a way out of your predicament. is there any real reason why you should return to mount illuso? the mimics are harmless enough now. we can follow their actions in the magic picture and the great book of records. and you can use your fairy powers to control the mimics from the land of oz as easily as you could from the top of mount illuso." "you mean--?" exclaimed ozana eagerly. "that we would like nothing better than to have you make your home here in the land of oz," said ozma warmly. "furthermore it is my belief that through your long years of lonely vigil on mount illuso, and your courageous rescue of the people of oz from the mimics, you have more than earned a home in oz." "oh, ozma, thank you!" exclaimed ozana. and then she added doubtfully, "do you think queen lurline will give her consent?" "i see no reason why she should not," answered ozma. "it so happens that i am to speak with queen lurline within the hour. we made arrangements to confer this afternoon on some important happenings in the great outside world. during our conversation i will ask her about your remaining in oz." "thank you, ozma," murmured ozana. "i can't begin to tell you how grateful i am." "now if you will excuse me," said ozma, "i must prepare to establish communication with queen lurline." arm in arm, dorothy and ozana made their way to dorothy's rooms, where they spent the next hour in conversation. dorothy was well pleased with the prospect of ozana's making her home in oz, for she believed the princess would be a delightful companion. at last there came a gentle rap on the door, and princess ozma entered dorothy's room. ozana and dorothy rose to their feet and looked questioningly at ozma. "it is all settled," the girl ruler announced with her brightest smile. "queen lurline readily gave her consent. from this moment on, dear cousin, you are no longer ozana of mount illuso, but ozana, princess of oz." chapter 22 what the magic picture revealed after the first happy excitement over ozma's news had subsided ozana grew serious and dorothy thought she detected a note of sadness in the fairy maid's voice as she said: "there is one duty i must perform, ozma, before i can begin my new existence as an inhabitant of your lovely fairyland." "what is that?" asked ozma. "i must restore the pine folk and their village to their original forms, as part of the pine forest that covers the top of mount illuso. likewise, story blossom garden must be returned to its original state, that is, ordinary wild flowers blossoming in the forest." "why must you do that?" asked dorothy. "since i am not to return to mount illuso, the pine folk and the garden are left entirely to the mercy of the mimics and other wicked creatures who dwell in the land of the phanfasms. quick transformation of the mountain top to its original state is far better than destruction of the village and the garden by creatures of evil." ozana's voice was tinged with real regret. "ozma, may i look into your magic picture to see the garden and the village just once more, before i cause them to vanish forever?" ozma made no reply other than to nod and lead the way to her boudoir where hung the magic picture. dorothy was mystified by the expression on the little ruler's face. she was sure ozma was repressing a smile and was secretly amused at something. on the way to ozma's boudoir, dorothy, who had grown fond of felina the white kitten, asked, "what about felina, ozana? did you find her on mount illuso?" "no, indeed," ozana explained. "felina accompanied me when i first went to mount illuso. she is my own pet. she is a fairy kitten and is as old as i am--and that is many hundreds of years." standing before the magic picture, ozana said quietly, "i wish to see the story blossom garden on mount illuso." instantly the magic picture's familiar country scene faded. in its place appeared, not the lovely story blossom garden, but a barren, desert waste. even the blue pond had disappeared. there was no sign of any living thing in the dreary, desert scene. "what can it mean?" dorothy cried. "ozma, do you think something's gone wrong with the magic picture?" ozana paled slightly and her eyes were troubled as she spoke again, "i wish to see the village of pineville on mount illuso." this time the magic picture shifted only slightly to show a second expanse of grey wasteland as gloomy and forbidding as the first. "they are gone," cried ozana in dismay. "the garden and the village are gone!" to the amazement of ozana and dorothy, ozma met their consternation by laughing merrily. "of course they are gone," the little ruler said, "because they are here!" "what do you mean?" asked ozana. "first of all," began ozma, "you didn't think, did you, ozana, that no matter how much we wanted you to make your home with us, we would ask you to sacrifice your lovely story blossom garden and the quaint people of your village of pineville? queen lurline and i discussed this matter seriously and agreed we could not permit the garden and the village to be destroyed. so, after i finished my conversation with queen lurline, i consulted a map of the land of oz prepared by professor woggle bug and found just what i was looking for--a small mountain in the quadling country, only a short distance to the south from the emerald city and not far from miss cuttenclip's interesting village. the top of this mountain was about the same in area as the top of mount illuso, and it was an uninhabited sandy waste. while you and dorothy talked, i worked a powerful fairy spell that transported the pine forest, the village of pineville and the story blossom garden to the oz mountain top. hereafter that mountain will be known as story blossom mountain. that is why my magic picture showed only a desert waste when you asked to see the pine village and the story blossom garden on mount illuso. the magic picture couldn't show them to you _on mount illuso_ for they are no longer there! "instead," ozma concluded, "they are here in the land of oz." turning to the magic picture, she said, "i wish to see story blossom garden on story blossom mountain." the image of the desert waste faded and in the frame of the magic picture appeared the beautiful fairy garden. the vision was so real that dorothy could almost hear the blossoms whispering among themselves. bright tears of joy and gratitude sparkled in ozana's violet eyes. "what happened to hi-lo and his elevator?" dorothy asked. "they were transported, too," replied ozma quickly. "i imagine," the girl ruler went on, "that hi-lo will be a very busy little man, carrying visitors up and down in his elevator. and you, ozana, will be able to live in your pretty cottage and work in your wonderful garden without fear of ever becoming lonely. every day will bring you visitors from the emerald city and all parts of the land of oz who will be eager to see the pine folk and their village and to enjoy story blossom garden. really, ozana, it is we who are indebted to you," ozma concluded. dorothy beamed lovingly at ozma. then, turning to ozana, the little girl said, "now i guess you understand ozana, why you're just about the luckiest person in the whole world to be invited to live in the land of oz." chapter 23 the grand banquet the next day was given over entirely to welcoming ozana to oz. early in the morning, the sawhorse was hitched to the red wagon, and a merry company of travelers rode out of the emerald city to be the first visitors to story blossom mountain. in the front seat of the red wagon rode ozma, ozana, dorothy and trot. in the rear seat were betsy bobbin, cap'n bill, the wizard and the scarecrow. the sawhorse needed no reins to guide him, as this intelligent horse responded to spoken commands. being tireless and having no need for oats or water, he was in many ways superior to ordinary horses. as the red wagon pulled up near the entrance to hi-lo's elevator, the party was met by flaxen-haired miss cuttenclip. not far distant was a pretty little paper village of paper people, ruled over by miss cuttenclip, who had skillfully cut out the entire village and all its inhabitants from "live" paper furnished her by glinda the good. ozma had communicated with miss cuttenclip before the journey, inviting her to meet them and visit story blossom mountain and afterwards to accompany them to the emerald city for the grand banquet to be given that evening in ozana's honor. ozana and miss cuttenclip became friends at once. hi-lo greeted ozana and the rest joyfully, but it was necessary for him to make two trips to carry this large party to the mountain top. ozana showed the visitors around the village of pineville and story blossom garden. on the surface of the blue pond floated the three swans. knowing that ozana would no longer need them to carry her back to mount illuso, ozma had thoughtfully transported the swans from the court-yard of her palace to their pond when she had worked the fairy spell that had brought the story blossom garden to oz. after passing several happy hours in the story blossom garden, ozana and her guests returned to the bottom of the mountain, where the sawhorse and the red wagon waited to carry them back to the emerald city. the rest of the day was devoted to preparing for the grand banquet to be given in ozana's honor that evening in the grand dining room of the royal palace. all of ozma's old friends and companions were invited. late in the afternoon the guests began arriving. the tin woodman journeyed from his glittering tin castle in the winkie country. jack pumpkinhead left his house, a huge, hollowed-out pumpkin in the middle of a pumpkin field. the highly magnified and thoroughly educated woggle bug traveled from the royal athletic college of oz, of which he was principal. among other guests who came from great distances were glinda the good, the giant frogman, cayke the cookie cook, dr. pipt--the crooked magician who was no longer crooked nor a magician, his wife margolotte, the good witch of the north and lady aurex queen of the skeezers. dorothy transported all of these visitors to the emerald city by means of her magic belt, except glinda, who arrived by her own magic. the grand banquet proved to be one of the most brilliant and delightful occasions ever to be enjoyed in the emerald city, and was long remembered by all who were present. in addition to the delicious food, there was music and special entertainment for the guests. the scarecrow made a gallant speech of welcome to which ozana charmingly replied. the woggle bug could not be restrained from reading an "ode to ozana," which he claimed he had composed on the spur of the moment, writing it on the cuff of his shirt sleeve. a number of the guests thought the composition sounded suspiciously like an "ode to ozma," which the woggle bug had written some years before, but they were all too kind-hearted to mention this. the tin woodman sang a love song, which he had written especially for the occasion, and which he had titled "you're my tin type." while the song was only moderately good, the tin woodman sang in a metallic tenor with great feeling and the company applauded politely. then the little wizard made them all gasp with a truly wonderful display of magic. the wizard opened his show by causing a fountain of many colored flames of fire to appear in the center of the banquet table. at his command, streamers of fire of different colors--red, green, blue, rose, orange, violet--leaped out from the burning fountain to touch the unlighted candles that stood at the place of each guest. after this the fountain of fire vanished while the now-lighted candles continued to burn throughout the banquet, each shedding the light imparted to it by the colored fire. the wizard concluded his entertainment by tossing a napkin into the air above the banquet table. instantly the napkin disappeared and a storm of confetti showered down on the guests, while band after band of what appeared to be brightly colored paper ribbon fell over the party. but it didn't take button bright long to discover and announce with shouts of glee to the rest of the guests, that the confetti and the many colored paper ribbons were really the most delicious of spearmint, peppermint, clove, licorice, lime, lemon, orange and chocolate candies and mints. this, of course, provided the perfect ending for the dinner. at the table occupied by the animals, there was a great deal of talking and merry-making. toto received many compliments on his handsome new red leather collar, embellished with clusters of emeralds and his own name in solid gold letters. princess ozma, herself, had fitted the collar about the proud little dog's neck that very afternoon as a tribute to toto's loyalty and bravery. just as the happy banquet was about to end, toto, who had been so absorbed in all the excitement and the wizard's marvelous tricks, that he had scarcely tasted his food, turned to his bowl of milk. he found the tiny white kitten felina daintily lapping the last of the milk from the bowl with her little, pink tongue. toto sniffed. "i never could understand," he growled, "what it is that witches and fairies and little girls see in cats!" the end the wonderful wizard of oz by l. frank baum w. w. denslow. [illustration] geo. m. hill co. new york. introduction. folk lore, legends, myths and fairy tales have followed childhood through the ages, for every healthy youngster has a wholesome and instinctive love for stories fantastic, marvelous and manifestly unreal. the winged fairies of grimm and andersen have brought more happiness to childish hearts than all other human creations. yet the old-time fairy tale, having served for generations, may now be classed as "historical" in the children's library; for the time has come for a series of newer "wonder tales" in which the stereotyped genie, dwarf and fairy are eliminated, together with all the horrible and blood-curdling incident devised by their authors to point a fearsome moral to each tale. modern education includes morality; therefore the modern child seeks only entertainment in its wonder-tales and gladly dispenses with all disagreeable incident. [illustration] having this thought in mind, the story of "the wonderful wizard of oz" was written solely to pleasure children of today. it aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heart-aches and nightmares are left out. l. frank baum. chicago, april, 1900. [illustration] copyright 1899 by l. frank baum and w. w. denslow. all rights reserved [illustration] list of chapters. chapter i.--the cyclone. chapter ii.--the council with the munchkins. chapter iii.--how dorothy saved the scarecrow. chapter iv.--the road through the forest. chapter v.--the rescue of the tin woodman. chapter vi.--the cowardly lion. chapter vii.--the journey to the great oz. chapter viii.--the deadly poppy field. chapter ix.--the queen of the field mice. chapter x.--the guardian of the gates. chapter xi.--the wonderful emerald city of oz. chapter xii.--the search for the wicked witch. chapter xiii.--how the four were reunited. chapter xiv.--the winged monkeys. chapter xv.--the discovery of oz the terrible. chapter xvi.--the magic art of the great humbug. chapter xvii.--how the balloon was launched. chapter xviii.--away to the south. chapter xix.--attacked by the fighting trees. chapter xx.--the dainty china country. chapter xxi.--the lion becomes the king of beasts. chapter xxii.--the country of the quadlings. chapter xxiii.--the good witch grants dorothy's wish. chapter xxiv.--home again. _this book is dedicated to my good friend & comrade. my wife l.f.b._ chapter i. the cyclone. [illustration] [illustration] [illustration] dorothy lived in the midst of the great kansas prairies, with uncle henry, who was a farmer, and aunt em, who was the farmer's wife. their house was small, for the lumber to build it had to be carried by wagon many miles. there were four walls, a floor and a roof, which made one room; and this room contained a rusty looking cooking stove, a cupboard for the dishes, a table, three or four chairs, and the beds. uncle henry and aunt em had a big bed in one corner, and dorothy a little bed in another corner. there was no garret at all, and no cellar--except a small hole, dug in the ground, called a cyclone cellar, where the family could go in case one of those great whirlwinds arose, mighty enough to crush any building in its path. it was reached by a trap-door in the middle of the floor, from which a ladder led down into the small, dark hole. when dorothy stood in the doorway and looked around, she could see nothing but the great gray prairie on every side. not a tree nor a house broke the broad sweep of flat country that reached the edge of the sky in all directions. the sun had baked the plowed land into a gray mass, with little cracks running through it. even the grass was not green, for the sun had burned the tops of the long blades until they were the same gray color to be seen everywhere. once the house had been painted, but the sun blistered the paint and the rains washed it away, and now the house was as dull and gray as everything else. [illustration: "_she caught toto by the ear._"] when aunt em came there to live she was a young, pretty wife. the sun and wind had changed her, too. they had taken the sparkle from her eyes and left them a sober gray; they had taken the red from her cheeks and lips, and they were gray also. she was thin and gaunt, and never smiled, now. when dorothy, who was an orphan, first came to her, aunt em had been so startled by the child's laughter that she would scream and press her hand upon her heart whenever dorothy's merry voice reached her ears; and she still looked at the little girl with wonder that she could find anything to laugh at. uncle henry never laughed. he worked hard from morning till night and did not know what joy was. he was gray also, from his long beard to his rough boots, and he looked stern and solemn, and rarely spoke. it was toto that made dorothy laugh, and saved her from growing as gray as her other surroundings. toto was not gray; he was a little black dog, with long, silky hair and small black eyes that twinkled merrily on either side of his funny, wee nose. toto played all day long, and dorothy played with him, and loved him dearly. [illustration] to-day, however, they were not playing. uncle henry sat upon the door-step and looked anxiously at the sky, which was even grayer than usual. dorothy stood in the door with toto in her arms, and looked at the sky too. aunt em was washing the dishes. from the far north they heard a low wail of the wind, and uncle henry and dorothy could see where the long grass bowed in waves before the coming storm. there now came a sharp whistling in the air from the south, and as they turned their eyes that way they saw ripples in the grass coming from that direction also. suddenly uncle henry stood up. "there's a cyclone coming, em," he called to his wife; "i'll go look after the stock." then he ran toward the sheds where the cows and horses were kept. aunt em dropped her work and came to the door. one glance told her of the danger close at hand. "quick, dorothy!" she screamed; "run for the cellar!" toto jumped out of dorothy's arms and hid under the bed, and the girl started to get him. aunt em, badly frightened, threw open the trap-door in the floor and climbed down the ladder into the small, dark hole. dorothy caught toto at last, and started to follow her aunt. when she was half way across the room there came a great shriek from the wind, and the house shook so hard that she lost her footing and sat down suddenly upon the floor. a strange thing then happened. the house whirled around two or three times and rose slowly through the air. dorothy felt as if she were going up in a balloon. the north and south winds met where the house stood, and made it the exact center of the cyclone. in the middle of a cyclone the air is generally still, but the great pressure of the wind on every side of the house raised it up higher and higher, until it was at the very top of the cyclone; and there it remained and was carried miles and miles away as easily as you could carry a feather. it was very dark, and the wind howled horribly around her, but dorothy found she was riding quite easily. after the first few whirls around, and one other time when the house tipped badly, she felt as if she were being rocked gently, like a baby in a cradle. toto did not like it. he ran about the room, now here, now there, barking loudly; but dorothy sat quite still on the floor and waited to see what would happen. once toto got too near the open trap-door, and fell in; and at first the little girl thought she had lost him. but soon she saw one of his ears sticking up through the hole, for the strong pressure of the air was keeping him up so that he could not fall. she crept to the hole, caught toto by the ear, and dragged him into the room again; afterward closing the trap-door so that no more accidents could happen. hour after hour passed away, and slowly dorothy got over her fright; but she felt quite lonely, and the wind shrieked so loudly all about her that she nearly became deaf. at first she had wondered if she would be dashed to pieces when the house fell again; but as the hours passed and nothing terrible happened, she stopped worrying and resolved to wait calmly and see what the future would bring. at last she crawled over the swaying floor to her bed, and lay down upon it; and toto followed and lay down beside her. in spite of the swaying of the house and the wailing of the wind, dorothy soon closed her eyes and fell fast asleep. [illustration] chapter ii. the council with the munchkins. [illustration] [illustration] she was awakened by a shock, so sudden and severe that if dorothy had not been lying on the soft bed she might have been hurt. as it was, the jar made her catch her breath and wonder what had happened; and toto put his cold little nose into her face and whined dismally. dorothy sat up and noticed that the house was not moving; nor was it dark, for the bright sunshine came in at the window, flooding the little room. she sprang from her bed and with toto at her heels ran and opened the door. the little girl gave a cry of amazement and looked about her, her eyes growing bigger and bigger at the wonderful sights she saw. the cyclone had set the house down, very gently--for a cyclone--in the midst of a country of marvelous beauty. there were lovely patches of green sward all about, with stately trees bearing rich and luscious fruits. banks of gorgeous flowers were on every hand, and birds with rare and brilliant plumage sang and fluttered in the trees and bushes. a little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green banks, and murmuring in a voice very grateful to a little girl who had lived so long on the dry, gray prairies. while she stood looking eagerly at the strange and beautiful sights, she noticed coming toward her a group of the queerest people she had ever seen. they were not as big as the grown folk she had always been used to; but neither were they very small. in fact, they seemed about as tall as dorothy, who was a well-grown child for her age, although they were, so far as looks go, many years older. [illustration: "_i am the witch of the north._"] three were men and one a woman, and all were oddly dressed. they wore round hats that rose to a small point a foot above their heads, with little bells around the brims that tinkled sweetly as they moved. the hats of the men were blue; the little woman's hat was white, and she wore a white gown that hung in plaits from her shoulders; over it were sprinkled little stars that glistened in the sun like diamonds. the men were dressed in blue, of the same shade as their hats, and wore well polished boots with a deep roll of blue at the tops. the men, dorothy thought, were about as old as uncle henry, for two of them had beards. but the little woman was doubtless much older: her face was covered with wrinkles, her hair was nearly white, and she walked rather stiffly. when these people drew near the house where dorothy was standing in the doorway, they paused and whispered among themselves, as if afraid to come farther. but the little old woman walked up to dorothy, made a low bow and said, in a sweet voice, "you are welcome, most noble sorceress, to the land of the munchkins. we are so grateful to you for having killed the wicked witch of the east, and for setting our people free from bondage." [illustration] dorothy listened to this speech with wonder. what could the little woman possibly mean by calling her a sorceress, and saying she had killed the wicked witch of the east? dorothy was an innocent, harmless little girl, who had been carried by a cyclone many miles from home; and she had never killed anything in all her life. but the little woman evidently expected her to answer; so dorothy said, with hesitation, "you are very kind; but there must be some mistake. i have not killed anything." "your house did, anyway," replied the little old woman, with a laugh; "and that is the same thing. see!" she continued, pointing to the corner of the house; "there are her two toes, still sticking out from under a block of wood." dorothy looked, and gave a little cry of fright. there, indeed, just under the corner of the great beam the house rested on, two feet were sticking out, shod in silver shoes with pointed toes. "oh, dear! oh, dear!" cried dorothy, clasping her hands together in dismay; "the house must have fallen on her. what ever shall we do?" "there is nothing to be done," said the little woman, calmly. [illustration] "but who was she?" asked dorothy. "she was the wicked witch of the east, as i said," answered the little woman. "she has held all the munchkins in bondage for many years, making them slave for her night and day. now they are all set free, and are grateful to you for the favour." "who are the munchkins?" enquired dorothy. "they are the people who live in this land of the east, where the wicked witch ruled." "are you a munchkin?" asked dorothy. "no; but i am their friend, although i live in the land of the north. when they saw the witch of the east was dead the munchkins sent a swift messenger to me, and i came at once. i am the witch of the north." "oh, gracious!" cried dorothy; "are you a real witch?" "yes, indeed;" answered the little woman. "but i am a good witch, and the people love me. i am not as powerful as the wicked witch was who ruled here, or i should have set the people free myself." "but i thought all witches were wicked," said the girl, who was half frightened at facing a real witch. "oh, no; that is a great mistake. there were only four witches in all the land of oz, and two of them, those who live in the north and the south, are good witches. i know this is true, for i am one of them myself, and cannot be mistaken. those who dwelt in the east and the west were, indeed, wicked witches; but now that you have killed one of them, there is but one wicked witch in all the land of oz--the one who lives in the west." "but," said dorothy, after a moment's thought, "aunt em has told me that the witches were all dead--years and years ago." "who is aunt em?" inquired the little old woman. "she is my aunt who lives in kansas, where i came from." the witch of the north seemed to think for a time, with her head bowed and her eyes upon the ground. then she looked up and said, "i do not know where kansas is, for i have never heard that country mentioned before. but tell me, is it a civilized country?" "oh, yes;" replied dorothy. "then that accounts for it. in the civilized countries i believe there are no witches left; nor wizards, nor sorceresses, nor magicians. but, you see, the land of oz has never been civilized, for we are cut off from all the rest of the world. therefore we still have witches and wizards amongst us." "who are the wizards?" asked dorothy. "oz himself is the great wizard," answered the witch, sinking her voice to a whisper. "he is more powerful than all the rest of us together. he lives in the city of emeralds." dorothy was going to ask another question, but just then the munchkins, who had been standing silently by, gave a loud shout and pointed to the corner of the house where the wicked witch had been lying. [illustration] "what is it?" asked the little old woman; and looked, and began to laugh. the feet of the dead witch had disappeared entirely and nothing was left but the silver shoes. "she was so old," explained the witch of the north, "that she dried up quickly in the sun. that is the end of her. but the silver shoes are yours, and you shall have them to wear." she reached down and picked up the shoes, and after shaking the dust out of them handed them to dorothy. "the witch of the east was proud of those silver shoes," said one of the munchkins; "and there is some charm connected with them; but what it is we never knew." dorothy carried the shoes into the house and placed them on the table. then she came out again to the munchkins and said, "i am anxious to get back to my aunt and uncle, for i am sure they will worry about me. can you help me find my way?" the munchkins and the witch first looked at one another, and then at dorothy, and then shook their heads. "at the east, not far from here," said one, "there is a great desert, and none could live to cross it." "it is the same at the south," said another, "for i have been there and seen it. the south is the country of the quadlings." "i am told," said the third man, "that it is the same at the west. and that country, where the winkies live, is ruled by the wicked witch of the west, who would make you her slave if you passed her way." "the north is my home," said the old lady, "and at its edge is the same great desert that surrounds this land of oz. i'm afraid, my dear, you will have to live with us." dorothy began to sob, at this, for she felt lonely among all these strange people. her tears seemed to grieve the kind-hearted munchkins, for they immediately took out their handkerchiefs and began to weep also. as for the little old woman, she took off her cap and balanced the point on the end of her nose, while she counted "one, two, three" in a solemn voice. at once the cap changed to a slate, on which was written in big, white chalk marks: "let dorothy go to the city of emeralds." [illustration] the little old woman took the slate from her nose, and, having read the words on it, asked, "is your name dorothy, my dear?" "yes," answered the child, looking up and drying her tears. "then you must go to the city of emeralds. perhaps oz will help you." "where is this city?" asked dorothy. "it is exactly in the center of the country, and is ruled by oz, the great wizard i told you of." "is he a good man?" enquired the girl, anxiously. "he is a good wizard. whether he is a man or not i cannot tell, for i have never seen him." "how can i get there?" asked dorothy. "you must walk. it is a long journey, through a country that is sometimes pleasant and sometimes dark and terrible. however, i will use all the magic arts i know of to keep you from harm." "won't you go with me?" pleaded the girl, who had begun to look upon the little old woman as her only friend. "no, i cannot do that," she replied; "but i will give you my kiss, and no one will dare injure a person who has been kissed by the witch of the north." she came close to dorothy and kissed her gently on the forehead. where her lips touched the girl they left a round, shining mark, as dorothy found out soon after. "the road to the city of emeralds is paved with yellow brick," said the witch; "so you cannot miss it. when you get to oz do not be afraid of him, but tell your story and ask him to help you. good-bye, my dear." [illustration] the three munchkins bowed low to her and wished her a pleasant journey, after which they walked away through the trees. the witch gave dorothy a friendly little nod, whirled around on her left heel three times, and straightway disappeared, much to the surprise of little toto, who barked after her loudly enough when she had gone, because he had been afraid even to growl while she stood by. but dorothy, knowing her to be a witch, had expected her to disappear in just that way, and was not surprised in the least. chapter iii how dorothy saved the scarecrow. [illustration] when dorothy was left alone she began to feel hungry. so she went to the cupboard and cut herself some bread, which she spread with butter. she gave some to toto, and taking a pail from the shelf she carried it down to the little brook and filled it with clear, sparkling water. toto ran over to the trees and began to bark at the birds sitting there. dorothy went to get him, and saw such delicious fruit hanging from the branches that she gathered some of it, finding it just what she wanted to help out her breakfast. then she went back to the house, and having helped herself and toto to a good drink of the cool, clear water, she set about making ready for the journey to the city of emeralds. dorothy had only one other dress, but that happened to be clean and was hanging on a peg beside her bed. it was gingham, with checks of white and blue; and although the blue was somewhat faded with many washings, it was still a pretty frock. the girl washed herself carefully, dressed herself in the clean gingham, and tied her pink sunbonnet on her head. she took a little basket and filled it with bread from the cupboard, laying a white cloth over the top. then she looked down at her feet and noticed how old and worn her shoes were. "they surely will never do for a long journey, toto," she said. and toto looked up into her face with his little black eyes and wagged his tail to show he knew what she meant. at that moment dorothy saw lying on the table the silver shoes that had belonged to the witch of the east. "i wonder if they will fit me," she said to toto. "they would be just the thing to take a long walk in, for they could not wear out." she took off her old leather shoes and tried on the silver ones, which fitted her as well as if they had been made for her. finally she picked up her basket. "come along, toto," she said, "we will go to the emerald city and ask the great oz how to get back to kansas again." she closed the door, locked it, and put the key carefully in the pocket of her dress. and so, with toto trotting along soberly behind her, she started on her journey. there were several roads near by, but it did not take her long to find the one paved with yellow brick. within a short time she was walking briskly toward the emerald city, her silver shoes tinkling merrily on the hard, yellow roadbed. the sun shone bright and the birds sang sweet and dorothy did not feel nearly as bad as you might think a little girl would who had been suddenly whisked away from her own country and set down in the midst of a strange land. [illustration] she was surprised, as she walked along, to see how pretty the country was about her. there were neat fences at the sides of the road, painted a dainty blue color, and beyond them were fields of grain and vegetables in abundance. evidently the munchkins were good farmers and able to raise large crops. once in a while she would pass a house, and the people came out to look at her and bow low as she went by; for everyone knew she had been the means of destroying the wicked witch and setting them free from bondage. the houses of the munchkins were odd looking dwellings, for each was round, with a big dome for a roof. all were painted blue, for in this country of the east blue was the favorite color. towards evening, when dorothy was tired with her long walk and began to wonder where she should pass the night, she came to a house rather larger than the rest. on the green lawn before it many men and women were dancing. five little fiddlers played as loudly as possible and the people were laughing and singing, while a big table near by was loaded with delicious fruits and nuts, pies and cakes, and many other good things to eat. the people greeted dorothy kindly, and invited her to supper and to pass the night with them; for this was the home of one of the richest munchkins in the land, and his friends were gathered with him to celebrate their freedom from the bondage of the wicked witch. dorothy ate a hearty supper and was waited upon by the rich munchkin himself, whose name was boq. then she sat down upon a settee and watched the people dance. when boq saw her silver shoes he said, "you must be a great sorceress." "why?" asked the girl. "because you wear silver shoes and have killed the wicked witch. besides, you have white in your frock, and only witches and sorceresses wear white." [illustration: "_you must be a great sorceress._"] "my dress is blue and white checked," said dorothy, smoothing out the wrinkles in it. "it is kind of you to wear that," said boq. "blue is the color of the munchkins, and white is the witch color; so we know you are a friendly witch." dorothy did not know what to say to this, for all the people seemed to think her a witch, and she knew very well she was only an ordinary little girl who had come by the chance of a cyclone into a strange land. when she had tired watching the dancing, boq led her into the house, where he gave her a room with a pretty bed in it. the sheets were made of blue cloth, and dorothy slept soundly in them till morning, with toto curled up on the blue rug beside her. she ate a hearty breakfast, and watched a wee munchkin baby, who played with toto and pulled his tail and crowed and laughed in a way that greatly amused dorothy. toto was a fine curiosity to all the people, for they had never seen a dog before. "how far is it to the emerald city?" the girl asked. [illustration] "i do not know," answered boq, gravely, "for i have never been there. it is better for people to keep away from oz, unless they have business with him. but it is a long way to the emerald city, and it will take you many days. the country here is rich and pleasant, but you must pass through rough and dangerous places before you reach the end of your journey." this worried dorothy a little, but she knew that only the great oz could help her get to kansas again, so she bravely resolved not to turn back. she bade her friends good-bye, and again started along the road of yellow brick. when she had gone several miles she thought she would stop to rest, and so climbed to the top of the fence beside the road and sat down. there was a great cornfield beyond the fence, and not far away she saw a scarecrow, placed high on a pole to keep the birds from the ripe corn. dorothy leaned her chin upon her hand and gazed thoughtfully at the scarecrow. its head was a small sack stuffed with straw, with eyes, nose and mouth painted on it to represent a face. an old, pointed blue hat, that had belonged to some munchkin, was perched on this head, and the rest of the figure was a blue suit of clothes, worn and faded, which had also been stuffed with straw. on the feet were some old boots with blue tops, such as every man wore in this country, and the figure was raised above the stalks of corn by means of the pole stuck up its back. [illustration: "_dorothy gazed thoughtfully at the scarecrow._"] while dorothy was looking earnestly into the queer, painted face of the scarecrow, she was surprised to see one of the eyes slowly wink at her. she thought she must have been mistaken, at first, for none of the scarecrows in kansas ever wink; but presently the figure nodded its head to her in a friendly way. then she climbed down from the fence and walked up to it, while toto ran around the pole and barked. "good day," said the scarecrow, in a rather husky voice. "did you speak?" asked the girl, in wonder. "certainly," answered the scarecrow; "how do you do?" "i'm pretty well, thank you," replied dorothy, politely; "how do you do?" "i'm not feeling well," said the scarecrow, with a smile, "for it is very tedious being perched up here night and day to scare away crows." "can't you get down?" asked dorothy. "no, for this pole is stuck up my back. if you will please take away the pole i shall be greatly obliged to you." dorothy reached up both arms and lifted the figure off the pole; for, being stuffed with straw, it was quite light. "thank you very much," said the scarecrow, when he had been set down on the ground. "i feel like a new man." dorothy was puzzled at this, for it sounded queer to hear a stuffed man speak, and to see him bow and walk along beside her. "who are you?" asked the scarecrow, when he had stretched himself and yawned, "and where are you going?" "my name is dorothy," said the girl, "and i am going to the emerald city, to ask the great oz to send me back to kansas." "where is the emerald city?" he enquired; "and who is oz?" "why, don't you know?" she returned, in surprise. "no, indeed; i don't know anything. you see, i am stuffed, so i have no brains at all," he answered, sadly. [illustration] "oh," said dorothy; "i'm awfully sorry for you." "do you think," he asked, "if i go to the emerald city with you, that the great oz would give me some brains?" "i cannot tell," she returned; "but you may come with me, if you like. if oz will not give you any brains you will be no worse off than you are now." "that is true," said the scarecrow. "you see," he continued, confidentially, "i don't mind my legs and arms and body being stuffed, because i cannot get hurt. if anyone treads on my toes or sticks a pin into me, it doesn't matter, for i cant feel it. but i do not want people to call me a fool, and if my head stays stuffed with straw instead of with brains, as yours is, how am i ever to know anything?" "i understand how you feel," said the little girl, who was truly sorry for him. "if you will come with me i'll ask oz to do all he can for you." "thank you," he answered, gratefully. they walked back to the road, dorothy helped him over the fence, and they started along the path of yellow brick for the emerald city. toto did not like this addition to the party, at first. he smelled around the stuffed man as if he suspected there might be a nest of rats in the straw, and he often growled in an unfriendly way at the scarecrow. "don't mind toto," said dorothy, to her new friend; "he never bites." "oh, i'm not afraid," replied the scarecrow, "he can't hurt the straw. do let me carry that basket for you. i shall not mind it, for i can't get tired. i'll tell you a secret," he continued, as he walked along; "there is only one thing in the world i am afraid of." "what is that?" asked dorothy; "the munchkin farmer who made you?" "no," answered the scarecrow; "it's a lighted match." chapter iv. the road through the forest. [illustration] after a few hours the road began to be rough, and the walking grew so difficult that the scarecrow often stumbled over the yellow bricks, which were here very uneven. sometimes, indeed, they were broken or missing altogether, leaving holes that toto jumped across and dorothy walked around. as for the scarecrow, having no brains he walked straight ahead, and so stepped into the holes and fell at full length on the hard bricks. it never hurt him, however, and dorothy would pick him up and set him upon his feet again, while he joined her in laughing merrily at his own mishap. [illustration] the farms were not nearly so well cared for here as they were farther back. there were fewer houses and fewer fruit trees, and the farther they went the more dismal and lonesome the country became. at noon they sat down by the roadside, near a little brook, and dorothy opened her basket and got out some bread. she offered a piece to the scarecrow, but he refused. "i am never hungry," he said; "and it is a lucky thing i am not. for my mouth is only painted, and if i should cut a hole in it so i could eat, the straw i am stuffed with would come out, and that would spoil the shape of my head." dorothy saw at once that this was true, so she only nodded and went on eating her bread. "tell me something about yourself, and the country you came from," said the scarecrow, when she had finished her dinner. so she told him all about kansas, and how gray everything was there, and how the cyclone had carried her to this queer land of oz. the scarecrow listened carefully, and said, "i cannot understand why you should wish to leave this beautiful country and go back to the dry, gray place you call kansas." [illustration: "_'i was only made yesterday,' said the scarecrow._"] "that is because you have no brains," answered the girl. "no matter how dreary and gray our homes are, we people of flesh and blood would rather live there than in any other country, be it ever so beautiful. there is no place like home." the scarecrow sighed. "of course i cannot understand it," he said. "if your heads were stuffed with straw, like mine, you would probably all live in the beautiful places, and then kansas would have no people at all. it is fortunate for kansas that you have brains." "won't you tell me a story, while we are resting?" asked the child. the scarecrow looked at her reproachfully, and answered, "my life has been so short that i really know nothing whatever. i was only made day before yesterday. what happened in the world before that time is all unknown to me. luckily, when the farmer made my head, one of the first things he did was to paint my ears, so that i heard what was going on. there was another munchkin with him, and the first thing i heard was the farmer saying, "'how do you like those ears?' "'they aren't straight,' answered the other. "'never mind,' said the farmer; 'they are ears just the same,' which was true enough. "'now i'll make the eyes,' said the farmer. so he painted my right eye, and as soon as it was finished i found myself looking at him and at everything around me with a great deal of curiosity, for this was my first glimpse of the world. "'that's a rather pretty eye,' remarked the munchkin who was watching the farmer; 'blue paint is just the color for eyes.' "'i think i'll make the other a little bigger,' said the farmer; and when the second eye was done i could see much better than before. then he made my nose and my mouth; but i did not speak, because at that time i didn't know what a mouth was for. i had the fun of watching them make my body and my arms and legs; and when they fastened on my head, at last, i felt very proud, for i thought i was just as good a man as anyone. "'this fellow will scare the crows fast enough,' said the farmer; 'he looks just like a man.' "'why, he is a man,' said the other, and i quite agreed with him. the farmer carried me under his arm to the cornfield, and set me up on a tall stick, where you found me. he and his friend soon after walked away and left me alone. "i did not like to be deserted this way; so i tried to walk after them, but my feet would not touch the ground, and i was forced to stay on that pole. it was a lonely life to lead, for i had nothing to think of, having been made such a little while before. many crows and other birds flew into the cornfield, but as soon as they saw me they flew away again, thinking i was a munchkin; and this pleased me and made me feel that i was quite an important person. by and by an old crow flew near me, and after looking at me carefully he perched upon my shoulder and said, [illustration] "'i wonder if that farmer thought to fool me in this clumsy manner. any crow of sense could see that you are only stuffed with straw.' then he hopped down at my feet and ate all the corn he wanted. the other birds, seeing he was not harmed by me, came to eat the corn too, so in a short time there was a great flock of them about me." "i felt sad at this, for it showed i was not such a good scarecrow after all; but the old crow comforted me, saying: 'if you only had brains in your head you would be as good a man as any of them, and a better man than some of them. brains are the only things worth having in this world, no matter whether one is a crow or a man.' "after the crows had gone i thought this over, and decided i would try hard to get some brains. by good luck, you came along and pulled me off the stake, and from what you say i am sure the great oz will give me brains as soon as we get to the emerald city." "i hope so," said dorothy, earnestly, "since you seem anxious to have them." "oh yes; i am anxious," returned the scarecrow. "it is such an uncomfortable feeling to know one is a fool." [illustration] "well," said the girl, "let us go." and she handed the basket to the scarecrow. there were no fences at all by the road side now, and the land was rough and untilled. towards evening they came to a great forest, where the trees grew so big and close together that their branches met over the road of yellow brick. it was almost dark under the trees, for the branches shut out the daylight; but the travellers did not stop, and went on into the forest. "if this road goes in, it must come out," said the scarecrow, "and as the emerald city is at the other end of the road, we must go wherever it leads us." "anyone would know that," said dorothy. "certainly; that is why i know it," returned the scarecrow. "if it required brains to figure it out, i never should have said it." after an hour or so the light faded away, and they found themselves stumbling along in the darkness. dorothy could not see at all, but toto could, for some dogs see very well in the dark; and the scarecrow declared he could see as well as by day. so she took hold of his arm, and managed to get along fairly well. "if you see any house, or any place where we can pass the night," she said, "you must tell me; for it is very uncomfortable walking in the dark." soon after the scarecrow stopped. "i see a little cottage at the right of us," he said, "built of logs and branches. shall we go there?" "yes, indeed;" answered the child. "i am all tired out." so the scarecrow led her through the trees until they reached the cottage, and dorothy entered and found a bed of dried leaves in one corner. she lay down at once, and with toto beside her soon fell into a sound sleep. the scarecrow, who was never tired, stood up in another corner and waited patiently until morning came. [illustration] chapter v. the rescue of the tin woodman [illustration] [illustration] when dorothy awoke the sun was shining through the trees and toto had long been out chasing birds and squirrels. she sat up and looked around her. there was the scarecrow, still standing patiently in his corner, waiting for her. "we must go and search for water," she said to him. "why do you want water?" he asked. "to wash my face clean after the dust of the road, and to drink, so the dry bread will not stick in my throat." "it must be inconvenient to be made of flesh," said the scarecrow, thoughtfully; "for you must sleep, and eat and drink. however, you have brains, and it is worth a lot of bother to be able to think properly." they left the cottage and walked through the trees until they found a little spring of clear water, where dorothy drank and bathed and ate her breakfast. she saw there was not much bread left in the basket, and the girl was thankful the scarecrow did not have to eat anything, for there was scarcely enough for herself and toto for the day. when she had finished her meal, and was about to go back to the road of yellow brick, she was startled to hear a deep groan near by. "what was that?" she asked, timidly. "i cannot imagine," replied the scarecrow; "but we can go and see." just then another groan reached their ears, and the sound seemed to come from behind them. they turned and walked through the forest a few steps, when dorothy discovered something shining in a ray of sunshine that fell between the trees. she ran to the place, and then stopped short, with a cry of surprise. one of the big trees had been partly chopped through, and standing beside it, with an uplifted axe in his hands, was a man made entirely of tin. his head and arms and legs were jointed upon his body, but he stood perfectly motionless, as if he could not stir at all. dorothy looked at him in amazement, and so did the scarecrow, while toto barked sharply and made a snap at the tin legs, which hurt his teeth. "did you groan?" asked dorothy. "yes," answered the tin man; "i did. i've been groaning for more than a year, and no one has ever heard me before or come to help me." "what can i do for you?" she enquired, softly, for she was moved by the sad voice in which the man spoke. [illustration] "get an oil-can and oil my joints," he answered. "they are rusted so badly that i cannot move them at all; if i am well oiled i shall soon be all right again. you will find an oil-can on a shelf in my cottage." dorothy at once ran back to the cottage and found the oil-can, and then she returned and asked, anxiously, "where are your joints?" "oil my neck, first," replied the tin woodman. so she oiled it, and as it was quite badly rusted the scarecrow took hold of the tin head and moved it gently from side to side until it worked freely, and then the man could turn it himself. "now oil the joints in my arms," he said. and dorothy oiled them and the scarecrow bent them carefully until they were quite free from rust and as good as new. the tin woodman gave a sigh of satisfaction and lowered his axe, which he leaned against the tree. "this is a great comfort," he said. "i have been holding that axe in the air ever since i rusted, and i'm glad to be able to put it down at last. now, if you will oil the joints of my legs, i shall be all right once more." so they oiled his legs until he could move them freely; and he thanked them again and again for his release, for he seemed a very polite creature, and very grateful. "i might have stood there always if you had not come along," he said; "so you have certainly saved my life. how did you happen to be here?" "we are on our way to the emerald city, to see the great oz," she answered, "and we stopped at your cottage to pass the night." "why do you wish to see oz?" he asked. "i want him to send me back to kansas; and the scarecrow wants him to put a few brains into his head," she replied. the tin woodman appeared to think deeply for a moment. then he said: "do you suppose oz could give me a heart?" "why, i guess so," dorothy answered; "it would be as easy as to give the scarecrow brains." [illustration: "_'this is a great comfort,' said the tin woodman._"] "true," the tin woodman returned. "so, if you will allow me to join your party, i will also go to the emerald city and ask oz to help me." "come along," said the scarecrow, heartily; and dorothy added that she would be pleased to have his company. so the tin woodman shouldered his axe and they all passed through the forest until they came to the road that was paved with yellow brick. the tin woodman had asked dorothy to put the oil-can in her basket. "for," he said, "if i should get caught in the rain, and rust again, i would need the oil-can badly." it was a bit of good luck to have their new comrade join the party, for soon after they had begun their journey again they came to a place where the trees and branches grew so thick over the road that the travellers could not pass. but the tin woodman set to work with his axe and chopped so well that soon he cleared a passage for the entire party. dorothy was thinking so earnestly as they walked along that she did not notice when the scarecrow stumbled into a hole and rolled over to the side of the road. indeed, he was obliged to call to her to help him up again. "why didn't you walk around the hole?" asked the tin woodman. "i don't know enough," replied the scarecrow, cheerfully. "my head is stuffed with straw, you know, and that is why i am going to oz to ask him for some brains." "oh, i see;" said the tin woodman. "but, after all, brains are not the best things in the world." "have you any?" enquired the scarecrow. "no, my head is quite empty," answered the woodman; "but once i had brains, and a heart also; so, having tried them both, i should much rather have a heart." "and why is that?" asked the scarecrow. "i will tell you my story, and then you will know." so, while they were walking through the forest, the tin woodman told the following story: "i was born the son of a woodman who chopped down trees in the forest and sold the wood for a living. when i grew up i too became a wood-chopper, and after my father died i took care of my old mother as long as she lived. then i made up my mind that instead of living alone i would marry, so that i might not become lonely. [illustration] "there was one of the munchkin girls who was so beautiful that i soon grew to love her with all my heart. she, on her part, promised to marry me as soon as i could earn enough money to build a better house for her; so i set to work harder than ever. but the girl lived with an old woman who did not want her to marry anyone, for she was so lazy she wished the girl to remain with her and do the cooking and the housework. so the old woman went to the wicked witch of the east, and promised her two sheep and a cow if she would prevent the marriage. thereupon the wicked witch enchanted my axe, and when i was chopping away at my best one day, for i was anxious to get the new house and my wife as soon as possible, the axe slipped all at once and cut off my left leg. "this at first seemed a great misfortune, for i knew a one-legged man could not do very well as a wood-chopper. so i went to a tin-smith and had him make me a new leg out of tin. the leg worked very well, once i was used to it; but my action angered the wicked witch of the east, for she had promised the old woman i should not marry the pretty munchkin girl. when i began chopping again my axe slipped and cut off my right leg. again i went to the tinner, and again he made me a leg out of tin. after this the enchanted axe cut off my arms, one after the other; but, nothing daunted, i had them replaced with tin ones. the wicked witch then made the axe slip and cut off my head, and at first i thought that was the end of me. but the tinner happened to come along, and he made me a new head out of tin. "i thought i had beaten the wicked witch then, and i worked harder than ever; but i little knew how cruel my enemy could be. she thought of a new way to kill my love for the beautiful munchkin maiden, and made my axe slip again, so that it cut right through my body, splitting me into two halves. once more the tinner came to my help and made me a body of tin, fastening my tin arms and legs and head to it, by means of joints, so that i could move around as well as ever. but, alas! i had now no heart, so that i lost all my love for the munchkin girl, and did not care whether i married her or not. i suppose she is still living with the old woman, waiting for me to come after her. [illustration] "my body shone so brightly in the sun that i felt very proud of it and it did not matter now if my axe slipped, for it could not cut me. there was only one danger--that my joints would rust; but i kept an oil-can in my cottage and took care to oil myself whenever i needed it. however, there came a day when i forgot to do this, and, being caught in a rainstorm, before i thought of the danger my joints had rusted, and i was left to stand in the woods until you came to help me. it was a terrible thing to undergo, but during the year i stood there i had time to think that the greatest loss i had known was the loss of my heart. while i was in love i was the happiest man on earth; but no one can love who has not a heart, and so i am resolved to ask oz to give me one. if he does, i will go back to the munchkin maiden and marry her." both dorothy and the scarecrow had been greatly interested in the story of the tin woodman, and now they knew why he was so anxious to get a new heart. "all the same," said the scarecrow, "i shall ask for brains instead of a heart; for a fool would not know what to do with a heart if he had one." "i shall take the heart," returned the tin woodman; "for brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world." dorothy did not say anything, for she was puzzled to know which of her two friends was right, and she decided if she could only get back to kansas and aunt em it did not matter so much whether the woodman had no brains and the scarecrow no heart, or each got what he wanted. [illustration] what worried her most was that the bread was nearly gone, and another meal for herself and toto would empty the basket. to be sure neither the woodman nor the scarecrow ever ate anything, but she was not made of tin nor straw, and could not live unless she was fed. chapter vi. the cowardly lion. [illustration] [illustration: "_you ought to be ashamed of yourself!_"] [illustration] all this time dorothy and her companions had been walking through the thick woods. the road was still paved with yellow brick, but these were much covered by dried branches and dead leaves from the trees, and the walking was not at all good. there were few birds in this part of the forest, for birds love the open country where there is plenty of sunshine; but now and then there came a deep growl from some wild animal hidden among the trees. these sounds made the little girl's heart beat fast, for she did not know what made them; but toto knew, and he walked close to dorothy's side, and did not even bark in return. "how long will it be," the child asked of the tin woodman, "before we are out of the forest?" "i cannot tell," was the answer, "for i have never been to the emerald city. but my father went there once, when i was a boy, and he said it was a long journey through a dangerous country, although nearer to the city where oz dwells the country is beautiful. but i am not afraid so long as i have my oil-can, and nothing can hurt the scarecrow, while you bear upon your forehead the mark of the good witch's kiss, and that will protect you from harm." "but toto!" said the girl, anxiously; "what will protect him?" "we must protect him ourselves, if he is in danger," replied the tin woodman. just as he spoke there came from the forest a terrible roar, and the next moment a great lion bounded into the road. with one blow of his paw he sent the scarecrow spinning over and over to the edge of the road, and then he struck at the tin woodman with his sharp claws. but, to the lion's surprise, he could make no impression on the tin, although the woodman fell over in the road and lay still. little toto, now that he had an enemy to face, ran barking toward the lion, and the great beast had opened his mouth to bite the dog, when dorothy, fearing toto would be killed, and heedless of danger, rushed forward and slapped the lion upon his nose as hard as she could, while she cried out: "don't you dare to bite toto! you ought to be ashamed of yourself, a big beast like you, to bite a poor little dog!" "i didn't bite him," said the lion, as he rubbed his nose with his paw where dorothy had hit it. "no, but you tried to," she retorted. "you are nothing but a big coward." "i know it," said the lion, hanging his head in shame; "i've always known it. but how can i help it?" "i don't know, i'm sure. to think of your striking a stuffed man, like the poor scarecrow!" "is he stuffed?" asked the lion, in surprise, as he watched her pick up the scarecrow and set him upon his feet, while she patted him into shape again. "of course he's stuffed," replied dorothy, who was still angry. "that's why he went over so easily," remarked the lion. "it astonished me to see him whirl around so. is the other one stuffed, also?" "no," said dorothy, "he's made of tin." and she helped the woodman up again. "that's why he nearly blunted my claws," said the lion. "when they scratched against the tin it made a cold shiver run down my back. what is that little animal you are so tender of?" "he is my dog, toto," answered dorothy. "is he made of tin, or stuffed?" asked the lion. "neither. he's a--a--a meat dog," said the girl. "oh. he's a curious animal, and seems remarkably small, now that i look at him. no one would think of biting such a little thing except a coward like me," continued the lion, sadly. "what makes you a coward?" asked dorothy, looking at the great beast in wonder, for he was as big as a small horse. [illustration] "it's a mystery," replied the lion. "i suppose i was born that way. all the other animals in the forest naturally expect me to be brave, for the lion is everywhere thought to be the king of beasts. i learned that if i roared very loudly every living thing was frightened and got out of my way. whenever i've met a man i've been awfully scared; but i just roared at him, and he has always run away as fast as he could go. if the elephants and the tigers and the bears had ever tried to fight me, i should have run myself--i'm such a coward; but just as soon as they hear me roar they all try to get away from me, and of course i let them go." "but that isn't right. the king of beasts shouldn't be a coward," said the scarecrow. "i know it," returned the lion, wiping a tear from his eye with the tip of his tail; "it is my great sorrow, and makes my life very unhappy. but whenever there is danger my heart begins to beat fast." "perhaps you have heart disease," said the tin woodman. "it may be," said the lion. "if you have," continued the tin woodman, "you ought to be glad, for it proves you have a heart. for my part, i have no heart; so i cannot have heart disease." "perhaps," said the lion, thoughtfully, "if i had no heart i should not be a coward." "have you brains?" asked the scarecrow. "i suppose so. i've never looked to see," replied the lion. "i am going to the great oz to ask him to give me some," remarked the scarecrow, "for my head is stuffed with straw." "and i am going to ask him to give me a heart," said the woodman. "and i am going to ask him to send toto and me back to kansas," added dorothy. "do you think oz could give me courage?" asked the cowardly lion. "just as easily as he could give me brains," said the scarecrow. "or give me a heart," said the tin woodman. "or send me back to kansas," said dorothy. "then, if you don't mind, i'll go with you," said the lion, "for my life is simply unbearable without a bit of courage." "you will be very welcome," answered dorothy, "for you will help to keep away the other wild beasts. it seems to me they must be more cowardly than you are if they allow you to scare them so easily." "they really are," said the lion; "but that doesn't make me any braver, and as long as i know myself to be a coward i shall be unhappy." so once more the little company set off upon the journey, the lion walking with stately strides at dorothy's side. toto did not approve this new comrade at first, for he could not forget how nearly he had been crushed between the lion's great jaws; but after a time he became more at ease, and presently toto and the cowardly lion had grown to be good friends. during the rest of that day there was no other adventure to mar the peace of their journey. once, indeed, the tin woodman stepped upon a beetle that was crawling along the road, and killed the poor little thing. this made the tin woodman very unhappy, for he was always careful not to hurt any living creature; and as he walked along he wept several tears of sorrow and regret. these tears ran slowly down his face and over the hinges of his jaw, and there they rusted. when dorothy presently asked him a question the tin woodman could not open his mouth, for his jaws were tightly rusted together. he became greatly frightened at this and made many motions to dorothy to relieve him, but she could not understand. the lion was also puzzled to know what was wrong. but the scarecrow seized the oil-can from dorothy's basket and oiled the woodman's jaws, so that after a few moments he could talk as well as before. [illustration] "this will serve me a lesson," said he, "to look where i step. for if i should kill another bug or beetle i should surely cry again, and crying rusts my jaw so that i cannot speak." thereafter he walked very carefully, with his eyes on the road, and when he saw a tiny ant toiling by he would step over it, so as not to harm it. the tin woodman knew very well he had no heart, and therefore he took great care never to be cruel or unkind to anything. "you people with hearts," he said, "have something to guide you, and need never do wrong; but i have no heart, and so i must be very careful. when oz gives me a heart of course i needn't mind so much." chapter vii. the journey to the great oz. [illustration] [illustration] they were obliged to camp out that night under a large tree in the forest, for there were no houses near. the tree made a good, thick covering to protect them from the dew, and the tin woodman chopped a great pile of wood with his axe and dorothy built a splendid fire that warmed her and made her feel less lonely. she and toto ate the last of their bread, and now she did not know what they would do for breakfast. "if you wish," said the lion, "i will go into the forest and kill a deer for you. you can roast it by the fire, since your tastes are so peculiar that you prefer cooked food, and then you will have a very good breakfast." "don't! please don't," begged the tin woodman. "i should certainly weep if you killed a poor deer, and then my jaws would rust again." [illustration] but the lion went away into the forest and found his own supper, and no one ever knew what it was, for he didn't mention it. and the scarecrow found a tree full of nuts and filled dorothy's basket with them, so that she would not be hungry for a long time. she thought this was very kind and thoughtful of the scarecrow, but she laughed heartily at the awkward way in which the poor creature picked up the nuts. his padded hands were so clumsy and the nuts were so small that he dropped almost as many as he put in the basket. but the scarecrow did not mind how long it took him to fill the basket, for it enabled him to keep away from the fire, as he feared a spark might get into his straw and burn him up. so he kept a good distance away from the flames, and only came near to cover dorothy with dry leaves when she lay down to sleep. these kept her very snug and warm and she slept soundly until morning. when it was daylight the girl bathed her face in a little rippling brook and soon after they all started toward the emerald city. this was to be an eventful day for the travellers. they had hardly been walking an hour when they saw before them a great ditch that crossed the road and divided the forest as far as they could see on either side. it was a very wide ditch, and when they crept up to the edge and looked into it they could see it was also very deep, and there were many big, jagged rocks at the bottom. the sides were so steep that none of them could climb down, and for a moment it seemed that their journey must end. "what shall we do?" asked dorothy, despairingly. "i haven't the faintest idea," said the tin woodman; and the lion shook his shaggy mane and looked thoughtful. but the scarecrow said: "we cannot fly, that is certain; neither can we climb down into this great ditch. therefore, if we cannot jump over it, we must stop where we are." "i think i could jump over it," said the cowardly lion, after measuring the distance carefully in his mind. "then we are all right," answered the scarecrow, "for you can carry us all over on your back, one at a time." "well, i'll try it," said the lion. "who will go first?" "i will," declared the scarecrow; "for, if you found that you could not jump over the gulf, dorothy would be killed, or the tin woodman badly dented on the rocks below. but if i am on your back it will not matter so much, for the fall would not hurt me at all." [illustration] "i am terribly afraid of falling, myself," said the cowardly lion, "but i suppose there is nothing to do but try it. so get on my back and we will make the attempt." the scarecrow sat upon the lion's back, and the big beast walked to the edge of the gulf and crouched down. "why don't you run and jump?" asked the scarecrow. "because that isn't the way we lions do these things," he replied. then giving a great spring, he shot through the air and landed safely on the other side. they were all greatly pleased to see how easily he did it, and after the scarecrow had got down from his back the lion sprang across the ditch again. dorothy thought she would go next; so she took toto in her arms and climbed on the lion's back, holding tightly to his mane with one hand. the next moment it seemed as if she was flying through the air; and then, before she had time to think about it, she was safe on the other side. the lion went back a third time and got the tin woodman, and then they all sat down for a few moments to give the beast a chance to rest, for his great leaps had made his breath short, and he panted like a big dog that has been running too long. [illustration] they found the forest very thick on this side, and it looked dark and gloomy. after the lion had rested they started along the road of yellow brick, silently wondering, each in his own mind, if ever they would come to the end of the woods and reach the bright sunshine again. to add to their discomfort, they soon heard strange noises in the depths of the forest, and the lion whispered to them that it was in this part of the country that the kalidahs lived. "what are the kalidahs?" asked the girl. "they are monstrous beasts with bodies like bears and heads like tigers," replied the lion; "and with claws so long and sharp that they could tear me in two as easily as i could kill toto. i'm terribly afraid of the kalidahs." "i'm not surprised that you are," returned dorothy "they must be dreadful beasts." the lion was about to reply when suddenly they came to another gulf across the road; but this one was so broad and deep that the lion knew at once he could not leap across it. so they sat down to consider what they should do, and after serious thought the scarecrow said, "here is a great tree, standing close to the ditch. if the tin woodman can chop it down, so that it will fall to the other side, we can walk across it easily." "that is a first rate idea," said the lion. "one would almost suspect you had brains in your head, instead of straw." the woodman set to work at once, and so sharp was his axe that the tree was soon chopped nearly through. then the lion put his strong front legs against the tree and pushed with all his might, and slowly the big tree tipped and fell with a crash across the ditch, with its top branches on the other side. they had just started to cross this queer bridge when a sharp growl made them all look up, and to their horror they saw running toward them two great beasts with bodies like bears and heads like tigers. "they are the kalidahs!" said the cowardly lion, beginning to tremble. "quick!" cried the scarecrow, "let us cross over." [illustration: "_the tree fell with a crash into the gulf._"] so dorothy went first, holding toto in her arms; the tin woodman followed, and the scarecrow came next. the lion, although he was certainly afraid, turned to face the kalidahs, and then he gave so loud and terrible a roar that dorothy screamed and the scarecrow fell over backwards, while even the fierce beasts stopped short and looked at him in surprise. but, seeing they were bigger than the lion, and remembering that there were two of them and only one of him, the kalidahs again rushed forward, and the lion crossed over the tree and turned to see what they would do next. without stopping an instant the fierce beasts also began to cross the tree, and the lion said to dorothy, "we are lost, for they will surely tear us to pieces with their sharp claws. but stand close behind me, and i will fight them as long as i am alive." "wait a minute!" called the scarecrow. he had been thinking what was best to be done, and now he asked the woodman to chop away the end of the tree that rested on their side of the ditch. the tin woodman began to use his axe at once, and, just as the two kalidahs were nearly across, the tree fell with a crash into the gulf, carrying the ugly, snarling brutes with it, and both were dashed to pieces on the sharp rocks at the bottom. "well," said the cowardly lion, drawing a long breath of relief, "i see we are going to live a little while longer, and i am glad of it, for it must be a very uncomfortable thing not to be alive. those creatures frightened me so badly that my heart is beating yet." "ah." said the tin woodman, sadly, "i wish i had a heart to beat." [illustration] this adventure made the travellers more anxious than ever to get out of the forest, and they walked so fast that dorothy became tired, and had to ride on the lion's back. to their great joy the trees became thinner the further they advanced, and in the afternoon they suddenly came upon a broad river, flowing swiftly just before them. on the other side of the water they could see the road of yellow brick running through a beautiful country, with green meadows dotted with bright flowers and all the road bordered with trees hanging full of delicious fruits. they were greatly pleased to see this delightful country before them. "how shall we cross the river?" asked dorothy. "that is easily done," replied the scarecrow. "the tin woodman must build us a raft, so we can float to the other side." so the woodman took his axe and began to chop down small trees to make a raft, and while he was busy at this the scarecrow found on the river bank a tree full of fine fruit. this pleased dorothy, who had eaten nothing but nuts all day, and she made a hearty meal of the ripe fruit. but it takes time to make a raft, even when one is as industrious and untiring as the tin woodman, and when night came the work was not done. so they found a cozy place under the trees where they slept well until the morning; and dorothy dreamed of the emerald city, and of the good wizard oz, who would soon send her back to her own home again. [illustration] chapter viii. the deadly poppy field. [illustration] [illustration] our little party of travellers awakened next morning refreshed and full of hope, and dorothy breakfasted like a princess off peaches and plums from the trees beside the river. behind them was the dark forest they had passed safely through, although they had suffered many discouragements; but before them was a lovely, sunny country that seemed to beckon them on to the emerald city. to be sure, the broad river now cut them off from this beautiful land; but the raft was nearly done, and after the tin woodman had cut a few more logs and fastened them together with wooden pins, they were ready to start. dorothy sat down in the middle of the raft and held toto in her arms. when the cowardly lion stepped upon the raft it tipped badly, for he was big and heavy; but the scarecrow and the tin woodman stood upon the other end to steady it, and they had long poles in their hands to push the raft through the water. they got along quite well at first, but when they reached the middle of the river the swift current swept the raft down stream, farther and farther away from the road of yellow brick; and the water grew so deep that the long poles would not touch the bottom. "this is bad," said the tin woodman, "for if we cannot get to the land we shall be carried into the country of the wicked witch of the west, and she will enchant us and make us her slaves." "and then i should get no brains," said the scarecrow. "and i should get no courage," said the cowardly lion. [illustration] "and i should get no heart," said the tin woodman. "and i should never get back to kansas," said dorothy. "we must certainly get to the emerald city if we can," the scarecrow continued, and he pushed so hard on his long pole that it stuck fast in the mud at the bottom of the river, and before he could pull it out again, or let go, the raft was swept away and the poor scarecrow left clinging to the pole in the middle of the river. "good bye!" he called after them, and they were very sorry to leave him; indeed, the tin woodman began to cry, but fortunately remembered that he might rust, and so dried his tears on dorothy's apron. of course this was a bad thing for the scarecrow. "i am now worse off than when i first met dorothy," he thought. "then, i was stuck on a pole in a cornfield, where i could make believe scare the crows, at any rate; but surely there is no use for a scarecrow stuck on a pole in the middle of a river. i am afraid i shall never have any brains, after all!" [illustration] down the stream the raft floated, and the poor scarecrow was left far behind. then the lion said: "something must be done to save us. i think i can swim to the shore and pull the raft after me, if you will only hold fast to the tip of my tail." [illustration] so he sprang into the water and the tin woodman caught fast hold of his tail, when the lion began to swim with all his might toward the shore. it was hard work, although he was so big; but by and by they were drawn out of the current, and then dorothy took the tin woodman's long pole and helped push the raft to the land. they were all tired out when they reached the shore at last and stepped off upon the pretty green grass, and they also knew that the stream had carried them a long way past the road of yellow brick that led to the emerald city. "what shall we do now?" asked the tin woodman, as the lion lay down on the grass to let the sun dry him. "we must get back to the road, in some way," said dorothy. "the best plan will be to walk along the river bank until we come to the road again," remarked the lion. so, when they were rested, dorothy picked up her basket and they started along the grassy bank, back to the road from which the river had carried them. it was a lovely country, with plenty of flowers and fruit trees and sunshine to cheer them, and had they not felt so sorry for the poor scarecrow they could have been very happy. they walked along as fast as they could, dorothy only stopping once to pick a beautiful flower; and after a time the tin woodman cried out, "look!" then they all looked at the river and saw the scarecrow perched upon his pole in the middle of the water, looking very lonely and sad. "what can we do to save him?" asked dorothy. the lion and the woodman both shook their heads, for they did not know. so they sat down upon the bank and gazed wistfully at the scarecrow until a stork flew by, which, seeing them, stopped to rest at the water's edge. "who are you, and where are you going?" asked the stork. "i am dorothy," answered the girl; "and these are my friends, the tin woodman and the cowardly lion; and we are going to the emerald city." "this isn't the road," said the stork, as she twisted her long neck and looked sharply at the queer party. "i know it," returned dorothy, "but we have lost the scarecrow, and are wondering how we shall get him again." "where is he?" asked the stork. "over there in the river," answered the girl. "if he wasn't so big and heavy i would get him for you," remarked the stork. "he isn't heavy a bit," said dorothy, eagerly, "for he is stuffed with straw; and if you will bring him back to us we shall thank you ever and ever so much." "well, i'll try," said the stork; "but if i find he is too heavy to carry i shall have to drop him in the river again." so the big bird flew into the air and over the water till she came to where the scarecrow was perched upon his pole. then the stork with her great claws grabbed the scarecrow by the arm and carried him up into the air and back to the bank, where dorothy and the lion and the tin woodman and toto were sitting. when the scarecrow found himself among his friends again he was so happy that he hugged them all, even the lion and toto; and as they walked along he sang "tol-de-ri-de-oh!" at every step, he felt so gay. "i was afraid i should have to stay in the river forever," he said, "but the kind stork saved me, and if i ever get any brains i shall find the stork again and do it some kindness in return." "that's all right," said the stork, who was flying along beside them. "i always like to help anyone in trouble. but i must go now, for my babies are waiting in the nest for me. i hope you will find the emerald city and that oz will help you." "thank you," replied dorothy, and then the kind stork flew into the air and was soon out of sight. [illustration: "_the stork carried him up into the air._"] they walked along listening to the singing of the bright-colored birds and looking at the lovely flowers which now became so thick that the ground was carpeted with them. there were big yellow and white and blue and purple blossoms, besides great clusters of scarlet poppies, which were so brilliant in color they almost dazzled dorothy's eyes. "aren't they beautiful?" the girl asked, as she breathed in the spicy scent of the flowers. "i suppose so," answered the scarecrow. "when i have brains i shall probably like them better." "if i only had a heart i should love them," added the tin woodman. "i always did like flowers," said the lion; "they seem so helpless and frail. but there are none in the forest so bright as these." they now came upon more and more of the big scarlet poppies, and fewer and fewer of the other flowers; and soon they found themselves in the midst of a great meadow of poppies. now it is well known that when there are many of these flowers together their odor is so powerful that anyone who breathes it falls asleep, and if the sleeper is not carried away from the scent of the flowers he sleeps on and on forever. but dorothy did not know this, nor could she get away from the bright red flowers that were everywhere about; so presently her eyes grew heavy and she felt she must sit down to rest and to sleep. but the tin woodman would not let her do this. "we must hurry and get back to the road of yellow brick before dark," he said; and the scarecrow agreed with him. so they kept walking until dorothy could stand no longer. her eyes closed in spite of herself and she forgot where she was and fell among the poppies, fast asleep. "what shall we do?" asked the tin woodman. "if we leave her here she will die," said the lion. "the smell of the flowers is killing us all. i myself can scarcely keep my eyes open and the dog is asleep already." it was true; toto had fallen down beside his little mistress. but the scarecrow and the tin woodman, not being made of flesh, were not troubled by the scent of the flowers. [illustration] "run fast," said the scarecrow to the lion, "and get out of this deadly flower-bed as soon as you can. we will bring the little girl with us, but if you should fall asleep you are too big to be carried." so the lion aroused himself and bounded forward as fast as he could go. in a moment he was out of sight. "let us make a chair with our hands, and carry her," said the scarecrow. so they picked up toto and put the dog in dorothy's lap, and then they made a chair with their hands for the seat and their arms for the arms and carried the sleeping girl between them through the flowers. on and on they walked, and it seemed that the great carpet of deadly flowers that surrounded them would never end. they followed the bend of the river, and at last came upon their friend the lion, lying fast asleep among the poppies. the flowers had been too strong for the huge beast and he had given up, at last, and fallen only a short distance from the end of the poppy-bed, where the sweet grass spread in beautiful green fields before them. "we can do nothing for him," said the tin woodman, sadly; "for he is much too heavy to lift. we must leave him here to sleep on forever, and perhaps he will dream that he has found courage at last." "i'm sorry," said the scarecrow; "the lion was a very good comrade for one so cowardly. but let us go on." they carried the sleeping girl to a pretty spot beside the river, far enough from the poppy field to prevent her breathing any more of the poison of the flowers, and here they laid her gently on the soft grass and waited for the fresh breeze to waken her. [illustration] chapter ix. the queen of the field mice. [illustration] [illustration] "we cannot be far from the road of yellow brick, now," remarked the scarecrow, as he stood beside the girl, "for we have come nearly as far as the river carried us away." the tin woodman was about to reply when he heard a low growl, and turning his head (which worked beautifully on hinges) he saw a strange beast come bounding over the grass towards them. it was, indeed, a great, yellow wildcat, and the woodman thought it must be chasing something, for its ears were lying close to its head and its mouth was wide open, showing two rows of ugly teeth, while its red eyes glowed like balls of fire. as it came nearer the tin woodman saw that running before the beast was a little gray field-mouse, and although he had no heart he knew it was wrong for the wildcat to try to kill such a pretty, harmless creature. so the woodman raised his axe, and as the wildcat ran by he gave it a quick blow that cut the beast's head clean off from its body, and it rolled over at his feet in two pieces. the field-mouse, now that it was freed from its enemy, stopped short; and coming slowly up to the woodman it said, in a squeaky little voice, "oh, thank you! thank you ever so much for saving my life." "don't speak of it, i beg of you," replied the woodman. "i have no heart, you know, so i am careful to help all those who may need a friend, even if it happens to be only a mouse." "only a mouse!" cried the little animal, indignantly; "why, i am a queen--the queen of all the field-mice!" "oh, indeed," said the woodman, making a bow. "therefore you have done a great deed, as well as a brave one, in saving my life," added the queen. at that moment several mice were seen running up as fast as their little legs could carry them, and when they saw their queen they exclaimed, [illustration: "_permit me to introduce to you her majesty, the queen._"] "oh, your majesty, we thought you would be killed! how did you manage to escape the great wildcat?" and they all bowed so low to the little queen that they almost stood upon their heads. "this funny tin man," she answered, "killed the wildcat and saved my life. so hereafter you must all serve him, and obey his slightest wish." "we will!" cried all the mice, in a shrill chorus. and then they scampered in all directions, for toto had awakened from his sleep, and seeing all these mice around him he gave one bark of delight and jumped right into the middle of the group. toto had always loved to chase mice when he lived in kansas, and he saw no harm in it. but the tin woodman caught the dog in his arms and held him tight, while he called to the mice: "come back! come back! toto shall not hurt you." at this the queen of the mice stuck her head out from a clump of grass and asked, in a timid voice, "are you sure he will not bite us?" "i will not let him," said the woodman; "so do not be afraid." [illustration] one by one the mice came creeping back, and toto did not bark again, although he tried to get out of the woodman's arms, and would have bitten him had he not known very well he was made of tin. finally one of the biggest mice spoke. "is there anything we can do," it asked, "to repay you for saving the life of our queen?" "nothing that i know of," answered the woodman; but the scarecrow, who had been trying to think, but could not because his head was stuffed with straw, said, quickly, "oh, yes; you can save our friend, the cowardly lion, who is asleep in the poppy bed." "a lion!" cried the little queen; "why, he would eat us all up." "oh, no;" declared the scarecrow; "this lion is a coward." "really?" asked the mouse. "he says so himself," answered the scarecrow, "and he would never hurt anyone who is our friend. if you will help us to save him i promise that he shall treat you all with kindness." "very well," said the queen, "we will trust you. but what shall we do?" "are there many of these mice which call you queen and are willing to obey you?" "oh, yes; there are thousands," she replied. "then send for them all to come here as soon as possible, and let each one bring a long piece of string." the queen turned to the mice that attended her and told them to go at once and get all her people. as soon as they heard her orders they ran away in every direction as fast as possible. "now," said the scarecrow to the tin woodman, "you must go to those trees by the river-side and make a truck that will carry the lion." so the woodman went at once to the trees and began to work; and he soon made a truck out of the limbs of trees, from which he chopped away all the leaves and branches. he fastened it together with wooden pegs and made the four wheels out of short pieces of a big tree-trunk. so fast and so well did he work that by the time the mice began to arrive the truck was all ready for them. they came from all directions, and there were thousands of them: big mice and little mice and middle-sized mice; and each one brought a piece of string in his mouth. it was about this time that dorothy woke from her long sleep and opened her eyes. she was greatly astonished to find herself lying upon the grass, with thousands of mice standing around and looking at her timidly. but the scarecrow told her about everything, and turning to the dignified little mouse, he said, "permit me to introduce to you her majesty, the queen." dorothy nodded gravely and the queen made a courtesy, after which she became quite friendly with the little girl. the scarecrow and the woodman now began to fasten the mice to the truck, using the strings they had brought. one end of a string was tied around the neck of each mouse and the other end to the truck. of course the truck was a thousand times bigger than any of the mice who were to draw it; but when all the mice had been harnessed they were able to pull it quite easily. even the scarecrow and the tin woodman could sit on it, and were drawn swiftly by their queer little horses to the place where the lion lay asleep. [illustration] after a great deal of hard work, for the lion was heavy, they managed to get him up on the truck. then the queen hurriedly gave her people the order to start, for she feared if the mice stayed among the poppies too long they also would fall asleep. [illustration] at first the little creatures, many though they were, could hardly stir the heavily loaded truck; but the woodman and the scarecrow both pushed from behind, and they got along better. soon they rolled the lion out of the poppy bed to the green fields, where he could breathe the sweet, fresh air again, instead of the poisonous scent of the flowers. dorothy came to meet them and thanked the little mice warmly for saving her companion from death. she had grown so fond of the big lion she was glad he had been rescued. then the mice were unharnessed from the truck and scampered away through the grass to their homes. the queen of the mice was the last to leave. "if ever you need us again," she said, "come out into the field and call, and we shall hear you and come to your assistance. good bye!" "good bye!" they all answered, and away the queen ran, while dorothy held toto tightly lest he should run after her and frighten her. after this they sat down beside the lion until he should awaken; and the scarecrow brought dorothy some fruit from a tree near by, which she ate for her dinner. [illustration] chapter x. the guardian of the gate. [illustration] [illustration] it was some time before the cowardly lion awakened, for he had lain among the poppies a long while, breathing in their deadly fragrance; but when he did open his eyes and roll off the truck he was very glad to find himself still alive. "i ran as fast as i could," he said, sitting down and yawning; "but the flowers were too strong for me. how did you get me out?" then they told him of the field-mice, and how they had generously saved him from death; and the cowardly lion laughed, and said, "i have always thought myself very big and terrible; yet such small things as flowers came near to killing me, and such small animals as mice have saved my life. how strange it all is! but, comrades, what shall we do now?" "we must journey on until we find the road of yellow brick again," said dorothy; "and then we can keep on to the emerald city." so, the lion being fully refreshed, and feeling quite himself again, they all started upon the journey, greatly enjoying the walk through the soft, fresh grass; and it was not long before they reached the road of yellow brick and turned again toward the emerald city where the great oz dwelt. [illustration] the road was smooth and well paved, now, and the country about was beautiful; so that the travelers rejoiced in leaving the forest far behind, and with it the many dangers they had met in its gloomy shades. once more they could see fences built beside the road; but these were painted green, and when they came to a small house, in which a farmer evidently lived, that also was painted green. they passed by several of these houses during the afternoon, and sometimes people came to the doors and looked at them as if they would like to ask questions; but no one came near them nor spoke to them because of the great lion, of which they were much afraid. the people were all dressed in clothing of a lovely emerald green color and wore peaked hats like those of the munchkins. [illustration] "this must be the land of oz," said dorothy, "and we are surely getting near the emerald city." "yes," answered the scarecrow; "everything is green here, while in the country of the munchkins blue was the favorite color. but the people do not seem to be as friendly as the munchkins and i'm afraid we shall be unable to find a place to pass the night." "i should like something to eat besides fruit," said the girl, "and i'm sure toto is nearly starved. let us stop at the next house and talk to the people." so, when they came to a good sized farm house, dorothy walked boldly up to the door and knocked. a woman opened it just far enough to look out, and said, "what do you want, child, and why is that great lion with you?" "we wish to pass the night with you, if you will allow us," answered dorothy; "and the lion is my friend and comrade, and would not hurt you for the world." "is he tame?" asked the woman, opening the door a little wider. "oh, yes;" said the girl, "and he is a great coward, too; so that he will be more afraid of you than you are of him." "well," said the woman, after thinking it over and taking another peep at the lion, "if that is the case you may come in, and i will give you some supper and a place to sleep." so they all entered the house, where there were, besides the woman, two children and a man. the man had hurt his leg, and was lying on the couch in a corner. they seemed greatly surprised to see so strange a company, and while the woman was busy laying the table the man asked, "where are you all going?" "to the emerald city," said dorothy, "to see the great oz." "oh, indeed!" exclaimed the man. "are you sure that oz will see you?" "why not?" she replied. "why, it is said that he never lets any one come into his presence. i have been to the emerald city many times, and it is a beautiful and wonderful place; but i have never been permitted to see the great oz, nor do i know of any living person who has seen him." "does he never go out?" asked the scarecrow. "never. he sits day after day in the great throne room of his palace, and even those who wait upon him do not see him face to face." "what is he like?" asked the girl. "that is hard to tell," said the man, thoughtfully. "you see, oz is a great wizard, and can take on any form he wishes. so that some say he looks like a bird; and some say he looks like an elephant; and some say he looks like a cat. to others he appears as a beautiful fairy, or a brownie, or in any other form that pleases him. but who the real oz is, when he is in his own form, no living person can tell." "that is very strange," said dorothy; "but we must try, in some way, to see him, or we shall have made our journey for nothing." [illustration] "why do you wish to see the terrible oz?" asked the man. "i want him to give me some brains," said the scarecrow, eagerly. "oh, oz could do that easily enough," declared the man. "he has more brains than he needs." "and i want him to give me a heart," said the tin woodman. "that will not trouble him," continued the man, "for oz has a large collection of hearts, of all sizes and shapes." "and i want him to give me courage," said the cowardly lion. "oz keeps a great pot of courage in his throne room," said the man, "which he has covered with a golden plate, to keep it from running over. he will be glad to give you some." "and i want him to send me back to kansas," said dorothy. "where is kansas?" asked the man, in surprise. "i don't know," replied dorothy, sorrowfully; "but it is my home, and i'm sure it's somewhere." "very likely. well, oz can do anything; so i suppose he will find kansas for you. but first you must get to see him, and that will be a hard task; for the great wizard does not like to see anyone, and he usually has his own way. but what do you want?" he continued, speaking to toto. toto only wagged his tail; for, strange to say, he could not speak. [illustration: "_the lion ate some of the porridge._"] the woman now called to them that supper was ready, so they gathered around the table and dorothy ate some delicious porridge and a dish of scrambled eggs and a plate of nice white bread, and enjoyed her meal. the lion ate some of the porridge, but did not care for it, saying it was made from oats and oats were food for horses, not for lions. the scarecrow and the tin woodman ate nothing at all. toto ate a little of everything, and was glad to get a good supper again. the woman now gave dorothy a bed to sleep in, and toto lay down beside her, while the lion guarded the door of her room so she might not be disturbed. the scarecrow and the tin woodman stood up in a corner and kept quiet all night, although of course they could not sleep. the next morning, as soon as the sun was up, they started on their way, and soon saw a beautiful green glow in the sky just before them. "that must be the emerald city," said dorothy. as they walked on, the green glow became brighter and brighter, and it seemed that at last they were nearing the end of their travels. yet it was afternoon before they came to the great wall that surrounded the city. it was high, and thick, and of a bright green color. in front of them, and at the end of the road of yellow brick, was a big gate, all studded with emeralds that glittered so in the sun that even the painted eyes of the scarecrow were dazzled by their brilliancy. there was a bell beside the gate, and dorothy pushed the button and heard a silvery tinkle sound within. then the big gate swung slowly open, and they all passed through and found themselves in a high arched room, the walls of which glistened with countless emeralds. before them stood a little man about the same size as the munchkins. he was clothed all in green, from his head to his feet, and even his skin was of a greenish tint. at his side was a large green box. when he saw dorothy and her companions the man asked, "what do you wish in the emerald city?" "we came here to see the great oz," said dorothy. the man was so surprised at this answer that he sat down to think it over. "it has been many years since anyone asked me to see oz," he said, shaking his head in perplexity. "he is powerful and terrible, and if you come on an idle or foolish errand to bother the wise reflections of the great wizard, he might be angry and destroy you all in an instant." [illustration] "but it is not a foolish errand, nor an idle one," replied the scarecrow; "it is important. and we have been told that oz is a good wizard." "so he is," said the green man; "and he rules the emerald city wisely and well. but to those who are not honest, or who approach him from curiosity, he is most terrible, and few have ever dared ask to see his face. i am the guardian of the gates, and since you demand to see the great oz i must take you to his palace. but first you must put on the spectacles." "why?" asked dorothy. "because if you did not wear spectacles the brightness and glory of the emerald city would blind you. even those who live in the city must wear spectacles night and day. they are all locked on, for oz so ordered it when the city was first built, and i have the only key that will unlock them." [illustration] he opened the big box, and dorothy saw that it was filled with spectacles of every size and shape. all of them had green glasses in them. the guardian of the gates found a pair that would just fit dorothy and put them over her eyes. there were two golden bands fastened to them that passed around the back of her head, where they were locked together by a little key that was at the end of a chain the guardian of the gates wore around his neck. when they were on, dorothy could not take them off had she wished, but of course she did not want to be blinded by the glare of the emerald city, so she said nothing. then the green man fitted spectacles for the scarecrow and the tin woodman and the lion, and even on little toto; and all were locked fast with the key. then the guardian of the gates put on his own glasses and told them he was ready to show them to the palace. taking a big golden key from a peg on the wall he opened another gate, and they all followed him through the portal into the streets of the emerald city. chapter xi. the wonderful emerald city of oz. [illustration] even with eyes protected by the green spectacles dorothy and her friends were at first dazzled by the brilliancy of the wonderful city. the streets were lined with beautiful houses all built of green marble and studded everywhere with sparkling emeralds. they walked over a pavement of the same green marble, and where the blocks were joined together were rows of emeralds, set closely, and glittering in the brightness of the sun. the window panes were of green glass; even the sky above the city had a green tint, and the rays of the sun were green. there were many people, men, women and children, walking about, and these were all dressed in green clothes and had greenish skins. they looked at dorothy and her strangely assorted company with wondering eyes, and the children all ran away and hid behind their mothers when they saw the lion; but no one spoke to them. many shops stood in the street, and dorothy saw that everything in them was green. green candy and green pop-corn were offered for sale, as well as green shoes, green hats and green clothes of all sorts. at one place a man was selling green lemonade, and when the children bought it dorothy could see that they paid for it with green pennies. there seemed to be no horses nor animals of any kind; the men carried things around in little green carts, which they pushed before them. everyone seemed happy and contented and prosperous. the guardian of the gates led them through the streets until they came to a big building, exactly in the middle of the city, which was the palace of oz, the great wizard. there was a soldier before the door, dressed in a green uniform and wearing a long green beard. "here are strangers," said the guardian of the gates to him, "and they demand to see the great oz." "step inside," answered the soldier, "and i will carry your message to him." so they passed through the palace gates and were led into a big room with a green carpet and lovely green furniture set with emeralds. the soldier made them all wipe their feet upon a green mat before entering this room, and when they were seated he said, politely, "please make yourselves comfortable while i go to the door of the throne room and tell oz you are here." they had to wait a long time before the soldier returned. when, at last, he came back, dorothy asked, "have you seen oz?" [illustration] "oh, no;" returned the soldier; "i have never seen him. but i spoke to him as he sat behind his screen, and gave him your message. he says he will grant you an audience, if you so desire; but each one of you must enter his presence alone, and he will admit but one each day. therefore, as you must remain in the palace for several days, i will have you shown to rooms where you may rest in comfort after your journey." "thank you," replied the girl; "that is very kind of oz." the soldier now blew upon a green whistle, and at once a young girl, dressed in a pretty green silk gown, entered the room. she had lovely green hair and green eyes, and she bowed low before dorothy as she said, "follow me and i will show you your room." so dorothy said good-bye to all her friends except toto, and taking the dog in her arms followed the green girl through seven passages and up three flights of stairs until they came to a room at the front of the palace. it was the sweetest little room in the world, with a soft, comfortable bed that had sheets of green silk and a green velvet counterpane. there was a tiny fountain in the middle of the room, that shot a spray of green perfume into the air, to fall back into a beautifully carved green marble basin. beautiful green flowers stood in the windows, and there was a shelf with a row of little green books. when dorothy had time to open these books she found them full of queer green pictures that made her laugh, they were so funny. in a wardrobe were many green dresses, made of silk and satin and velvet; and all of them fitted dorothy exactly. "make yourself perfectly at home," said the green girl, "and if you wish for anything ring the bell. oz will send for you to-morrow morning." she left dorothy alone and went back to the others. these she also led to rooms, and each one of them found himself lodged in a very pleasant part of the palace. of course this politeness was wasted on the scarecrow; for when he found himself alone in his room he stood stupidly in one spot, just within the doorway, to wait till morning. it would not rest him to lie down, and he could not close his eyes; so he remained all night staring at a little spider which was weaving its web in a corner of the room, just as if it were not one of the most wonderful rooms in the world. the tin woodman lay down on his bed from force of habit, for he remembered when he was made of flesh; but not being able to sleep he passed the night moving his joints up and down to make sure they kept in good working order. the lion would have preferred a bed of dried leaves in the forest, and did not like being shut up in a room; but he had too much sense to let this worry him, so he sprang upon the bed and rolled himself up like a cat and purred himself asleep in a minute. the next morning, after breakfast, the green maiden came to fetch dorothy, and she dressed her in one of the prettiest gowns--made of green brocaded satin. dorothy put on a green silk apron and tied a green ribbon around toto's neck, and they started for the throne room of the great oz. [illustration] first they came to a great hall in which were many ladies and gentlemen of the court, all dressed in rich costumes. these people had nothing to do but talk to each other, but they always came to wait outside the throne room every morning, although they were never permitted to see oz. as dorothy entered they looked at her curiously, and one of them whispered, "are you really going to look upon the face of oz the terrible?" "of course," answered the girl, "if he will see me." "oh, he will see you," said the soldier who had taken her message to the wizard, "although he does not like to have people ask to see him. indeed, at first he was angry, and said i should send you back where you came from. then he asked me what you looked like, and when i mentioned your silver shoes he was very much interested. at last i told him about the mark upon your forehead, and he decided he would admit you to his presence." just then a bell rang, and the green girl said to dorothy, "that is the signal. you must go into the throne room alone." she opened a little door and dorothy walked boldly through and found herself in a wonderful place. it was a big, round room with a high arched roof, and the walls and ceiling and floor were covered with large emeralds set closely together. in the center of the roof was a great light, as bright as the sun, which made the emeralds sparkle in a wonderful manner. but what interested dorothy most was the big throne of green marble that stood in the middle of the room. it was shaped like a chair and sparkled with gems, as did everything else. in the center of the chair was an enormous head, without body to support it or any arms or legs whatever. there was no hair upon this head, but it had eyes and nose and mouth, and was bigger than the head of the biggest giant. as dorothy gazed upon this in wonder and fear the eyes turned slowly and looked at her sharply and steadily. then the mouth moved, and dorothy heard a voice say: "i am oz, the great and terrible. who are you, and why do you seek me?" it was not such an awful voice as she had expected to come from the big head; so she took courage and answered, "i am dorothy, the small and meek. i have come to you for help." the eyes looked at her thoughtfully for a full minute. then said the voice: "where did you get the silver shoes?" "i got them from the wicked witch of the east, when my house fell on her and killed her," she replied. "where did you get the mark upon your forehead?" continued the voice. "that is where the good witch of the north kissed me when she bade me good-bye and sent me to you," said the girl. again the eyes looked at her sharply, and they saw she was telling the truth. then oz asked, "what do you wish me to do?" "send me back to kansas, where my aunt em and uncle henry are," she answered, earnestly. "i don't like your country, although it is so beautiful. and i am sure aunt em will be dreadfully worried over my being away so long." the eyes winked three times, and then they turned up to the ceiling and down to the floor and rolled around so queerly that they seemed to see every part of the room. and at last they looked at dorothy again. "why should i do this for you?" asked oz. "because you are strong and i am weak; because you are a great wizard and i am only a helpless little girl," she answered. "but you were strong enough to kill the wicked witch of the east," said oz. "that just happened," returned dorothy, simply; "i could not help it." "well," said the head, "i will give you my answer. you have no right to expect me to send you back to kansas unless you do something for me in return. in this country everyone must pay for everything he gets. if you wish me to use my magic power to send you home again you must do something for me first. help me and i will help you." "what must i do?" asked the girl. "kill the wicked witch of the west," answered oz. "but i cannot!" exclaimed dorothy, greatly surprised. "you killed the witch of the east and you wear the silver shoes, which bear a powerful charm. there is now but one wicked witch left in all this land, and when you can tell me she is dead i will send you back to kansas--but not before." the little girl began to weep, she was so much disappointed; and the eyes winked again and looked upon her anxiously, as if the great oz felt that she could help him if she would. "i never killed anything, willingly," she sobbed; "and even if i wanted to, how could i kill the wicked witch? if you, who are great and terrible, cannot kill her yourself, how do you expect me to do it?" [illustration] "i do not know," said the head; "but that is my answer, and until the wicked witch dies you will not see your uncle and aunt again. remember that the witch is wicked--tremendously wicked--and ought to be killed. now go, and do not ask to see me again until you have done your task." sorrowfully dorothy left the throne room and went back where the lion and the scarecrow and the tin woodman were waiting to hear what oz had said to her. "there is no hope for me," she said, sadly, "for oz will not send me home until i have killed the wicked witch of the west; and that i can never do." her friends were sorry, but could do nothing to help her; so she went to her own room and lay down on the bed and cried herself to sleep. the next morning the soldier with the green whiskers came to the scarecrow and said, "come with me, for oz has sent for you." so the scarecrow followed him and was admitted into the great throne room, where he saw, sitting in the emerald throne, a most lovely lady. she was dressed in green silk gauze and wore upon her flowing green locks a crown of jewels. growing from her shoulders were wings, gorgeous in color and so light that they fluttered if the slightest breath of air reached them. when the scarecrow had bowed, as prettily as his straw stuffing would let him, before this beautiful creature, she looked upon him sweetly, and said, "i am oz, the great and terrible. who are you, and why do you seek me?" now the scarecrow, who had expected to see the great head dorothy had told him of, was much astonished; but he answered her bravely. "i am only a scarecrow, stuffed with straw. therefore i have no brains, and i come to you praying that you will put brains in my head instead of straw, so that i may become as much a man as any other in your dominions." "why should i do this for you?" asked the lady. "because you are wise and powerful, and no one else can help me," answered the scarecrow. "i never grant favors without some return," said oz; "but this much i will promise. if you will kill for me the wicked witch of the west i will bestow upon you a great many brains, and such good brains that you will be the wisest man in all the land of oz." "i thought you asked dorothy to kill the witch," said, the scarecrow, in surprise. [illustration] "so i did. i don't care who kills her. but until she is dead i will not grant your wish. now go, and do not seek me again until you have earned the brains you so greatly desire." the scarecrow went sorrowfully back to his friends and told them what oz had said; and dorothy was surprised to find that the great wizard was not a head, as she had seen him, but a lovely lady. "all the same," said the scarecrow, "she needs a heart as much as the tin woodman." on the next morning the soldier with the green whiskers came to the tin woodman and said, "oz has sent for you. follow me," so the tin woodman followed him and came to the great throne room. he did not know whether he would find oz a lovely lady or a head, but he hoped it would be the lovely lady. "for," he said to himself, "if it is the head, i am sure i shall not be given a heart, since a head has no heart of its own and therefore cannot feel for me. but if it is the lovely lady i shall beg hard for a heart, for all ladies are themselves said to be kindly hearted." but when the woodman entered the great throne room he saw neither the head nor the lady, for oz had taken the shape of a most terrible beast. it was nearly as big as an elephant, and the green throne seemed hardly strong enough to hold its weight. the beast had a head like that of a rhinoceros, only there were five eyes in its face. there were five long arms growing out of its body and it also had five long, slim legs. thick, woolly hair covered every part of it, and a more dreadful looking monster could not be imagined. it was fortunate the tin woodman had no heart at that moment, for it would have beat loud and fast from terror. but being only tin, the woodman was not at all afraid, although he was much disappointed. "i am oz, the great and terrible," spake the beast, in a voice that was one great roar. "who are you, and why do you seek me?" [illustration: "_the eyes looked at her thoughtfully._"] "i am a woodman, and made of tin. therefore i have no heart, and cannot love. i pray you to give me a heart that i may be as other men are." "why should i do this?" demanded the beast. "because i ask it, and you alone can grant my request," answered the woodman. oz gave a low growl at this, but said, gruffly, "if you indeed desire a heart, you must earn it." "how?" asked the woodman. "help dorothy to kill the wicked witch of the west," replied the beast. "when the witch is dead, come to me, and i will then give you the biggest and kindest and most loving heart in all the land of oz." so the tin woodman was forced to return sorrowfully to his friends and tell them of the terrible beast he had seen. they all wondered greatly at the many forms the great wizard could take upon himself, and the lion said, [illustration] "if he is a beast when i go to see him, i shall roar my loudest, and so frighten him that he will grant all i ask. and if he is the lovely lady, i shall pretend to spring upon her, and so compel her to do my bidding. and if he is the great head, he will be at my mercy; for i will roll this head all about the room until he promises to give us what we desire. so be of good cheer my friends for all will yet be well." the next morning the soldier with the green whiskers led the lion to the great throne room and bade him enter the presence of oz. the lion at once passed through the door, and glancing around saw, to his surprise, that before the throne was a ball of fire, so fierce and glowing he could scarcely bear to gaze upon it. his first thought was that oz had by accident caught on fire and was burning up; but, when he tried to go nearer, the heat was so intense that it singed his whiskers, and he crept back tremblingly to a spot nearer the door. then a low, quiet voice came from the ball of fire, and these were the words it spoke: [illustration] "i am oz, the great and terrible. who are you, and why do you seek me?" and the lion answered, "i am a cowardly lion, afraid of everything. i come to you to beg that you give me courage, so that in reality i may become the king of beasts, as men call me." "why should i give you courage?" demanded oz. "because of all wizards you are the greatest, and alone have power to grant my request," answered the lion. the ball of fire burned fiercely for a time, and the voice said, "bring me proof that the wicked witch is dead, and that moment i will give you courage. but so long as the witch lives you must remain a coward." the lion was angry at this speech, but could say nothing in reply, and while he stood silently gazing at the ball of fire it became so furiously hot that he turned tail and rushed from the room. he was glad to find his friends waiting for him, and told them of his terrible interview with the wizard. "what shall we do now?" asked dorothy, sadly. "there is only one thing we can do," returned the lion, "and that is to go to the land of the winkies, seek out the wicked witch, and destroy her." "but suppose we cannot?" said the girl. "then i shall never have courage," declared the lion. "and i shall never have brains," added the scarecrow. "and i shall never have a heart," spoke the tin woodman. "and i shall never see aunt em and uncle henry," said dorothy, beginning to cry. "be careful!" cried the green girl, "the tears will fall on your green silk gown, and spot it." so dorothy dried her eyes and said, "i suppose we must try it; but i am sure i do not want to kill anybody, even to see aunt em again." "i will go with you; but i'm too much of a coward to kill the witch," said the lion. "i will go too," declared the scarecrow; "but i shall not be of much help to you, i am such a fool." "i haven't the heart to harm even a witch," remarked the tin woodman; "but if you go i certainly shall go with you." therefore it was decided to start upon their journey the next morning, and the woodman sharpened his axe on a green grindstone and had all his joints properly oiled. the scarecrow stuffed himself with fresh straw and dorothy put new paint on his eyes that he might see better. the green girl, who was very kind to them, filled dorothy's basket with good things to eat, and fastened a little bell around toto's neck with a green ribbon. they went to bed quite early and slept soundly until daylight, when they were awakened by the crowing of a green cock that lived in the back yard of the palace, and the cackling of a hen that had laid a green egg. [illustration: "_the soldier with the green whiskers led them through the streets._"] chapter xii. the search for the wicked witch. [illustration] [illustration] the soldier with the green whiskers led them through the streets of the emerald city until they reached the room where the guardian of the gates lived. this officer unlocked their spectacles to put them back in his great box, and then he politely opened the gate for our friends. "which road leads to the wicked witch of the west?" asked dorothy. "there is no road," answered the guardian of the gates; "no one ever wishes to go that way." "how, then, are we to find her?" enquired the girl. [illustration] "that will be easy," replied the man; "for when she knows you are in the country of the winkies she will find you, and make you all her slaves." "perhaps not," said the scarecrow, "for we mean to destroy her." [illustration] "oh, that is different," said the guardian of the gates. "no one has ever destroyed her before, so i naturally thought she would make slaves of you, as she has of all the rest. but take care; for she is wicked and fierce, and may not allow you to destroy her. keep to the west, where the sun sets, and you cannot fail to find her." they thanked him and bade him good-bye, and turned toward the west, walking over fields of soft grass dotted here and there with daisies and buttercups. dorothy still wore the pretty silk dress she had put on in the palace, but now, to her surprise, she found it was no longer green, but pure white. the ribbon around toto's neck had also lost its green color and was as white as dorothy's dress. the emerald city was soon left far behind. as they advanced the ground became rougher and hillier, for there were no farms nor houses in this country of the west, and the ground was untilled. in the afternoon the sun shone hot in their faces, for there were no trees to offer them shade; so that before night dorothy and toto and the lion were tired, and lay down upon the grass and fell asleep, with the woodman and the scarecrow keeping watch. now the wicked witch of the west had but one eye, yet that was as powerful as a telescope, and could see everywhere. so, as she sat in the door of her castle, she happened to look around and saw dorothy lying asleep, with her friends all about her. they were a long distance off, but the wicked witch was angry to find them in her country; so she blew upon a silver whistle that hung around her neck. at once there came running to her from all directions a pack of great wolves. they had long legs and fierce eyes and sharp teeth. "go to those people," said the witch, "and tear them to pieces." "are you not going to make them your slaves?" asked the leader of the wolves. "no," she answered, "one is of tin, and one of straw; one is a girl and another a lion. none of them is fit to work, so you may tear them into small pieces." "very well," said the wolf, and he dashed away at full speed, followed by the others. it was lucky the scarecrow and the woodman were wide awake and heard the wolves coming. "this is my fight," said the woodman; "so get behind me and i will meet them as they come." he seized his axe, which he had made very sharp, and as the leader of the wolves came on the tin woodman swung his arm and chopped the wolf's head from its body, so that it immediately died. as soon as he could raise his axe another wolf came up, and he also fell under the sharp edge of the tin woodman's weapon. there were forty wolves, and forty times a wolf was killed; so that at last they all lay dead in a heap before the woodman. then he put down his axe and sat beside the scarecrow, who said, "it was a good fight, friend." they waited until dorothy awoke the next morning. the little girl was quite frightened when she saw the great pile of shaggy wolves, but the tin woodman told her all. she thanked him for saving them and sat down to breakfast, after which they started again upon their journey. [illustration] now this same morning the wicked witch came to the door of her castle and looked out with her one eye that could see afar off. she saw all her wolves lying dead, and the strangers still travelling through her country. this made her angrier than before, and she blew her silver whistle twice. straightway a great flock of wild crows came flying toward her, enough to darken the sky. and the wicked witch said to the king crow, "fly at once to the strangers; peck out their eyes and tear them to pieces." the wild crows flew in one great flock toward dorothy and her companions. when the little girl saw them coming she was afraid. but the scarecrow said, "this is my battle; so lie down beside me and you will not be harmed." so they all lay upon the ground except the scarecrow, and he stood up and stretched out his arms. and when the crows saw him they were frightened, as these birds always are by scarecrows, and did not dare to come any nearer. but the king crow said, "it is only a stuffed man. i will peck his eyes out." the king crow flew at the scarecrow, who caught it by the head and twisted its neck until it died. and then another crow flew at him, and the scarecrow twisted its neck also. there were forty crows, and forty times the scarecrow twisted a neck, until at last all were lying dead beside him. then he called to his companions to rise, and again they went upon their journey. when the wicked witch looked out again and saw all her crows lying in a heap, she got into a terrible rage, and blew three times upon her silver whistle. [illustration] forthwith there was heard a great buzzing in the air, and a swarm of black bees came flying towards her. "go to the strangers and sting them to death!" commanded the witch, and the bees turned and flew rapidly until they came to where dorothy and her friends were walking. but the woodman had seen them coming and the scarecrow had decided what to do. "take out my straw and scatter it over the little girl and the dog and the lion," he said to the woodman, "and the bees cannot sting them." this the woodman did, and as dorothy lay close beside the lion and held toto in her arms, the straw covered them entirely. the bees came and found no one but the woodman to sting, so they flew at him and broke off all their stings against the tin, without hurting the woodman at all. and as bees cannot live when their stings are broken that was the end of the black bees, and they lay scattered thick about the woodman, like little heaps of fine coal. then dorothy and the lion got up, and the girl helped the tin woodman put the straw back into the scarecrow again, until he was as good as ever. so they started upon their journey once more. the wicked witch was so angry when she saw her black bees in little heaps like fine coal that she stamped her foot and tore her hair and gnashed her teeth. and then she called a dozen of her slaves, who were the winkies, and gave them sharp spears, telling them to go to the strangers and destroy them. the winkies were not a brave people, but they had to do as they were told; so they marched away until they came near to dorothy. then the lion gave a great roar and sprang toward them, and the poor winkies were so frightened that they ran back as fast as they could. when they returned to the castle the wicked witch beat them well with a strap, and sent them back to their work, after which she sat down to think what she should do next. she could not understand how all her plans to destroy these strangers had failed; but she was a powerful witch, as well as a wicked one, and she soon made up her mind how to act. [illustration] there was, in her cupboard, a golden cap, with a circle of diamonds and rubies running round it. this golden cap had a charm. whoever owned it could call three times upon the winged monkeys, who would obey any order they were given. but no person could command these strange creatures more than three times. twice already the wicked witch had used the charm of the cap. once was when she had made the winkies her slaves, and set herself to rule over their country. the winged monkeys had helped her do this. the second time was when she had fought against the great oz himself, and driven him out of the land of the west. the winged monkeys had also helped her in doing this. only once more could she use this golden cap, for which reason she did not like to do so until all her other powers were exhausted. but now that her fierce wolves and her wild crows and her stinging bees were gone, and her slaves had been scared away by the cowardly lion, she saw there was only one way left to destroy dorothy and her friends. [illustration] so the wicked witch took the golden cap from her cupboard and placed it upon her head. then she stood upon her left foot and said, slowly, "ep-pe, pep-pe, kak-ke!" next she stood upon her right foot and said, "hil-lo, hol-lo, hel-lo!" after this she stood upon both feet and cried in a loud voice, "ziz-zy, zuz-zy, zik!" now the charm began to work. the sky was darkened, and a low rumbling sound was heard in the air. there was a rushing of many wings; a great chattering and laughing; and the sun came out of the dark sky to show the wicked witch surrounded by a crowd of monkeys, each with a pair of immense and powerful wings on his shoulders. one, much bigger than the others, seemed to be their leader. he flew close to the witch and said, "you have called us for the third and last time. what do you command?" "go to the strangers who are within my land and destroy them all except the lion," said the wicked witch. "bring that beast to me, for i have a mind to harness him like a horse, and make him work." "your commands shall be obeyed," said the leader; and then, with a great deal of chattering and noise, the winged monkeys flew away to the place where dorothy and her friends were walking. [illustration] some of the monkeys seized the tin woodman and carried him through the air until they were over a country thickly covered with sharp rocks. here they dropped the poor woodman, who fell a great distance to the rocks, where he lay so battered and dented that he could neither move nor groan. others of the monkeys caught the scarecrow, and with their long fingers pulled all of the straw out of his clothes and head. they made his hat and boots and clothes into a small bundle and threw it into the top branches of a tall tree. the remaining monkeys threw pieces of stout rope around the lion and wound many coils about his body and head and legs, until he was unable to bite or scratch or struggle in any way. then they lifted him up and flew away with him to the witch's castle, where he was placed in a small yard with a high iron fence around it, so that he could not escape. but dorothy they did not harm at all. she stood, with toto in her arms, watching the sad fate of her comrades and thinking it would soon be her turn. the leader of the winged monkeys flew up to her, his long, hairy arms stretched out and his ugly face grinning terribly; but he saw the mark of the good witch's kiss upon her forehead and stopped short, motioning the others not to touch her. [illustration: "_the monkeys wound many coils about his body._"] "we dare not harm this little girl," he said to them, "for she is protected by the power of good, and that is greater than the power of evil. all we can do is to carry her to the castle of the wicked witch and leave her there." so, carefully and gently, they lifted dorothy in their arms and carried her swiftly through the air until they came to the castle, where they set her down upon the front door step. then the leader said to the witch, "we have obeyed you as far as we were able. the tin woodman and the scarecrow are destroyed, and the lion is tied up in your yard. the little girl we dare not harm, nor the dog she carries in her arms. your power over our band is now ended, and you will never see us again." then all the winged monkeys, with much laughing and chattering and noise, flew into the air and were soon out of sight. [illustration] the wicked witch was both surprised and worried when she saw the mark on dorothy's forehead, for she knew well that neither the winged monkeys nor she, herself, dare hurt the girl in any way. she looked down at dorothy's feet, and seeing the silver shoes, began to tremble with fear, for she knew what a powerful charm belonged to them. at first the witch was tempted to run away from dorothy; but she happened to look into the child's eyes and saw how simple the soul behind them was, and that the little girl did not know of the wonderful power the silver shoes gave her. so the wicked witch laughed to herself, and thought, "i can still make her my slave, for she does not know how to use her power." then she said to dorothy, harshly and severely, "come with me; and see that you mind everything i tell you, for if you do not i will make an end of you, as i did of the tin woodman and the scarecrow." dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle until they came to the kitchen, where the witch bade her clean the pots and kettles and sweep the floor and keep the fire fed with wood. dorothy went to work meekly, with her mind made up to work as hard as she could; for she was glad the wicked witch had decided not to kill her. with dorothy hard at work the witch thought she would go into the court-yard and harness the cowardly lion like a horse; it would amuse her, she was sure, to make him draw her chariot whenever she wished to go to drive. but as she opened the gate the lion gave a loud roar and bounded at her so fiercely that the witch was afraid, and ran out and shut the gate again. "if i cannot harness you," said the witch to the lion, speaking through the bars of the gate, "i can starve you. you shall have nothing to eat until you do as i wish." so after that she took no food to the imprisoned lion; but every day she came to the gate at noon and asked, "are you ready to be harnessed like a horse?" and the lion would answer, "no. if you come in this yard i will bite you." the reason the lion did not have to do as the witch wished was that every night, while the woman was asleep dorothy carried him food from the cupboard. after he had eaten he would lie down on his bed of straw, and dorothy would lie beside him and put her head on his soft, shaggy mane, while they talked of their troubles and tried to plan some way to escape. but they could find no way to get out of the castle, for it was constantly guarded by the yellow winkies, who were the slaves of the wicked witch and too afraid of her not to do as she told them. the girl had to work hard during the day, and often the witch threatened to beat her with the same old umbrella she always carried in her hand. but, in truth, she did not dare to strike dorothy, because of the mark upon her forehead. the child did not know this, and was full of fear for herself and toto. once the witch struck toto a blow with her umbrella and the brave little dog flew at her and bit her leg, in return. the witch did not bleed where she was bitten, for she was so wicked that the blood in her had dried up many years before. dorothy's life became very sad as she grew to understand that it would be harder than ever to get back to kansas and aunt em again. sometimes she would cry bitterly for hours, with toto sitting at her feet and looking into her face, whining dismally to show how sorry he was for his little mistress. toto did not really care whether he was in kansas or the land of oz so long as dorothy was with him; but he knew the little girl was unhappy, and that made him unhappy too. now the wicked witch had a great longing to have for her own the silver shoes which the girl always wore. her bees and her crows and her wolves were lying in heaps and drying up, and she had used up all the power of the golden cap; but if she could only get hold of the silver shoes they would give her more power than all the other things she had lost. she watched dorothy carefully, to see if she ever took off her shoes, thinking she might steal them. but the child was so proud of her pretty shoes that she never took them off except at night and when she took her bath. the witch was too much afraid of the dark to dare go in dorothy's room at night to take the shoes, and her dread of water was greater than her fear of the dark, so she never came near when dorothy was bathing. indeed, the old witch never touched water, nor ever let water touch her in any way. but the wicked creature was very cunning, and she finally thought of a trick that would give her what she wanted. she placed a bar of iron in the middle of the kitchen floor, and then by her magic arts made the iron invisible to human eyes. so that when dorothy walked across the floor she stumbled over the bar, not being able to see it, and fell at full length. she was not much hurt, but in her fall one of the silver shoes came off, and before she could reach it the witch had snatched it away and put it on her own skinny foot. the wicked woman was greatly pleased with the success of her trick, for as long as she had one of the shoes she owned half the power of their charm, and dorothy could not use it against her, even had she known how to do so. [illustration] the little girl, seeing she had lost one of her pretty shoes, grew angry, and said to the witch, "give me back my shoe!" "i will not," retorted the witch, "for it is now my shoe, and not yours." "you are a wicked creature!" cried dorothy. "you have no right to take my shoe from me." "i shall keep it, just the same," said the witch, laughing at her, "and some day i shall get the other one from you, too." this made dorothy so very angry that she picked up the bucket of water that stood near and dashed it over the witch, wetting her from head to foot. instantly the wicked woman gave a loud cry of fear; and then, as dorothy looked at her in wonder, the witch began to shrink and fall away. "see what you have done!" she screamed. "in a minute i shall melt away." "i'm very sorry, indeed," said dorothy, who was truly frightened to see the witch actually melting away like brown sugar before her very eyes. "didn't you know water would be the end of me?" asked the witch, in a wailing, despairing voice. "of course not," answered dorothy; "how should i?" "well, in a few minutes i shall be all melted, and you will have the castle to yourself. i have been wicked in my day, but i never thought a little girl like you would ever be able to melt me and end my wicked deeds. look out--here i go!" with these words the witch fell down in a brown, melted, shapeless mass and began to spread over the clean boards of the kitchen floor. seeing that she had really melted away to nothing, dorothy drew another bucket of water and threw it over the mess. she then swept it all out the door. after picking out the silver shoe, which was all that was left of the old woman, she cleaned and dried it with a cloth, and put it on her foot again. then, being at last free to do as she chose, she ran out to the court-yard to tell the lion that the wicked witch of the west had come to an end, and that they were no longer prisoners in a strange land. [illustration] chapter xiii. the rescue [illustration] [illustration] the cowardly lion was much pleased to hear that the wicked witch had been melted by a bucket of water, and dorothy at once unlocked the gate of his prison and set him free. they went in together to the castle, where dorothy's first act was to call all the winkies together and tell them that they were no longer slaves. there was great rejoicing among the yellow winkies, for they had been made to work hard during many years for the wicked witch, who had always treated them with great cruelty. they kept this day as a holiday, then and ever after, and spent the time in feasting and dancing. "if our friends, the scarecrow and the tin woodman, were only with us," said the lion, "i should be quite happy." "don't you suppose we could rescue them?" asked the girl, anxiously. "we can try," answered the lion. so they called the yellow winkies and asked them if they would help to rescue their friends, and the winkies said that they would be delighted to do all in their power for dorothy, who had set them free from bondage. so she chose a number of the winkies who looked as if they knew the most, and they all started away. they travelled that day and part of the next until they came to the rocky plain where the tin woodman lay, all battered and bent. his axe was near him, but the blade was rusted and the handle broken off short. the winkies lifted him tenderly in their arms, and carried him back to the yellow castle again, dorothy shedding a few tears by the way at the sad plight of her old friend, and the lion looking sober and sorry. when they reached the castle dorothy said to the winkies, "are any of your people tinsmiths?" "oh, yes; some of us are very good tinsmiths," they told her. "then bring them to me," she said. and when the tinsmiths came, bringing with them all their tools in baskets, she enquired, [illustration: "_the tinsmiths worked for three days and four nights._"] "can you straighten out those dents in the tin woodman, and bend him back into shape again, and solder him together where he is broken?" the tinsmiths looked the woodman over carefully and then answered that they thought they could mend him so he would be as good as ever. so they set to work in one of the big yellow rooms of the castle and worked for three days and four nights, hammering and twisting and bending and soldering and polishing and pounding at the legs and body and head of the tin woodman, until at last he was straightened out into his old form, and his joints worked as well as ever. to be sure, there were several patches on him, but the tinsmiths did a good job, and as the woodman was not a vain man he did not mind the patches at all. when, at last, he walked into dorothy's room and thanked her for rescuing him, he was so pleased that he wept tears of joy, and dorothy had to wipe every tear carefully from his face with her apron, so his joints would not be rusted. at the same time her own tears fell thick and fast at the joy of meeting her old friend again, and these tears did not need to be wiped away. as for the lion, he wiped his eyes so often with the tip of his tail that it became quite wet, and he was obliged to go out into the court-yard and hold it in the sun till it dried. "if we only had the scarecrow with us again," said the tin woodman, when dorothy had finished telling him everything that had happened, "i should be quite happy." "we must try to find him," said the girl. so she called the winkies to help her, and they walked all that day and part of the next until they came to the tall tree in the branches of which the winged monkeys had tossed the scarecrow's clothes. it was a very tall tree, and the trunk was so smooth that no one could climb it; but the woodman said at once, "i'll chop it down, and then we can get the scarecrow's clothes." now while the tinsmiths had been at work mending the woodman himself, another of the winkies, who was a goldsmith, had made an axe-handle of solid gold and fitted it to the woodman's axe, instead of the old broken handle. others polished the blade until all the rust was removed and it glistened like burnished silver. as soon as he had spoken, the tin woodman began to chop, and in a short time the tree fell over with a crash, when the scarecrow's clothes fell out of the branches and rolled off on the ground. dorothy picked them up and had the winkies carry them back to the castle, where they were stuffed with nice, clean straw; and, behold! here was the scarecrow, as good as ever, thanking them over and over again for saving him. now they were reunited, dorothy and her friends spent a few happy days at the yellow castle, where they found everything they needed to make them comfortable. but one day the girl thought of aunt em, and said, "we must go back to oz, and claim his promise." "yes," said the woodman, "at last i shall get my heart." "and i shall get my brains," added the scarecrow, joyfully. "and i shall get my courage," said the lion, thoughtfully. "and i shall get back to kansas," cried dorothy, clapping her hands. "oh, let us start for the emerald city to-morrow!" [illustration] this they decided to do. the next day they called the winkies together and bade them good-bye. the winkies were sorry to have them go, and they had grown so fond of the tin woodman that they begged him to stay and rule over them and the yellow land of the west. finding they were determined to go, the winkies gave toto and the lion each a golden collar; and to dorothy they presented a beautiful bracelet, studded with diamonds; and to the scarecrow they gave a gold-headed walking stick, to keep him from stumbling; and to the tin woodman they offered a silver oil-can, inlaid with gold and set with precious jewels. every one of the travellers made the winkies a pretty speech in return, and all shook hands with them until their arms ached. dorothy went to the witch's cupboard to fill her basket with food for the journey, and there she saw the golden cap. she tried it on her own head and found that it fitted her exactly. she did not know anything about the charm of the golden cap, but she saw that it was pretty, so she made up her mind to wear it and carry her sunbonnet in the basket. then, being prepared for the journey, they all started for the emerald city; and the winkies gave them three cheers and many good wishes to carry with them. chapter xiv. the winged monkeys [illustration] [illustration] you will remember there was no road--not even a pathway--between the castle of the wicked witch and the emerald city. when the four travellers went in search of the witch she had seen them coming, and so sent the winged monkeys to bring them to her. it was much harder to find their way back through the big fields of buttercups and yellow daisies than it was being carried. they knew, of course, they must go straight east, toward the rising sun; and they started off in the right way. but at noon, when the sun was over their heads, they did not know which was east and which was west, and that was the reason they were lost in the great fields. they kept on walking, however, and at night the moon came out and shone brightly. so they lay down among the sweet smelling yellow flowers and slept soundly until morning--all but the scarecrow and the tin woodman. the next morning the sun was behind a cloud, but they started on, as if they were quite sure which way they were going. "if we walk far enough," said dorothy, "we shall sometime come to some place, i am sure." but day by day passed away, and they still saw nothing before them but the yellow fields. the scarecrow began to grumble a bit. "we have surely lost our way," he said, "and unless we find it again in time to reach the emerald city i shall never get my brains." "nor i my heart," declared the tin woodman. "it seems to me i can scarcely wait till i get to oz, and you must admit this is a very long journey." "you see," said the cowardly lion, with a whimper, "i haven't the courage to keep tramping forever, without getting anywhere at all." [illustration] then dorothy lost heart. she sat down on the grass and looked at her companions, and they sat down and looked at her, and toto found that for the first time in his life he was too tired to chase a butterfly that flew past his head; so he put out his tongue and panted and looked at dorothy as if to ask what they should do next. "suppose we call the field mice," she suggested. "they could probably tell us the way to the emerald city." "to be sure they could," cried the scarecrow; "why didn't we think of that before?" dorothy blew the little whistle she had always carried about her neck since the queen of the mice had given it to her. in a few minutes they heard the pattering of tiny feet, and many of the small grey mice came running up to her. among them was the queen herself, who asked, in her squeaky little voice, "what can i do for my friends?" "we have lost our way," said dorothy. "can you tell us where the emerald city is?" [illustration] "certainly," answered the queen; "but it is a great way off, for you have had it at your backs all this time." then she noticed dorothy's golden cap, and said, "why don't you use the charm of the cap, and call the winged monkeys to you? they will carry you to the city of oz in less than an hour." "i didn't know there was a charm," answered dorothy, in surprise. "what is it?" "it is written inside the golden cap," replied the queen of the mice; "but if you are going to call the winged monkeys we must run away, for they are full of mischief and think it great fun to plague us." "won't they hurt me?" asked the girl, anxiously. "oh, no; they must obey the wearer of the cap. good-bye!" and she scampered out of sight, with all the mice hurrying after her. dorothy looked inside the golden cap and saw some words written upon the lining. these, she thought, must be the charm, so she read the directions carefully and put the cap upon her head. "ep-pe, pep-pe, kak-ke!" she said, standing on her left foot. "what did you say?" asked the scarecrow, who did not know what she was doing. "hil-lo, hol-lo, hel-lo!" dorothy went on, standing this time on her right foot. "hello!" replied the tin woodman, calmly. [illustration: "_the monkeys caught dorothy in their arms and flew away with her._"] "ziz-zy, zuz-zy, zik!" said dorothy, who was now standing on both feet. this ended the saying of the charm, and they heard a great chattering and flapping of wings, as the band of winged monkeys flew up to them. the king bowed low before dorothy, and asked, "what is your command?" "we wish to go to the emerald city," said the child, "and we have lost our way." "we will carry you," replied the king, and no sooner had he spoken than two of the monkeys caught dorothy in their arms and flew away with her. others took the scarecrow and the woodman and the lion, and one little monkey seized toto and flew after them, although the dog tried hard to bite him. the scarecrow and the tin woodman were rather frightened at first, for they remembered how badly the winged monkeys had treated them before; but they saw that no harm was intended, so they rode through the air quite cheerfully, and had a fine time looking at the pretty gardens and woods far below them. dorothy found herself riding easily between two of the biggest monkeys, one of them the king himself. they had made a chair of their hands and were careful not to hurt her. "why do you have to obey the charm of the golden cap?" she asked. "that is a long story," answered the king, with a laugh; "but as we have a long journey before us i will pass the time by telling you about it, if you wish." "i shall be glad to hear it," she replied. "once," began the leader, "we were a free people, living happily in the great forest, flying from tree to tree, eating nuts and fruit, and doing just as we pleased without calling anybody master. perhaps some of us were rather too full of mischief at times, flying down to pull the tails of the animals that had no wings, chasing birds, and throwing nuts at the people who walked in the forest. but we were careless and happy and full of fun, and enjoyed every minute of the day. this was many years ago, long before oz came out of the clouds to rule over this land. "there lived here then, away at the north, a beautiful princess, who was also a powerful sorceress. all her magic was used to help the people, and she was never known to hurt anyone who was good. her name was gayelette, and she lived in a handsome palace built from great blocks of ruby. everyone loved her, but her greatest sorrow was that she could find no one to love in return, since all the men were much too stupid and ugly to mate with one so beautiful and wise. at last, however, she found a boy who was handsome and manly and wise beyond his years. gayelette made up her mind that when he grew to be a man she would make him her husband, so she took him to her ruby palace and used all her magic powers to make him as strong and good and lovely as any woman could wish. when he grew to manhood, quelala, as he was called, was said to be the best and wisest man in all the land, while his manly beauty was so great that gayelette loved him dearly, and hastened to make everything ready for the wedding. "my grandfather was at that time the king of the winged monkeys which lived in the forest near gayalette's palace, and the old fellow loved a joke better than a good dinner. one day, just before the wedding, my grandfather was flying out with his band when he saw quelala walking beside the river. he was dressed in a rich costume of pink silk and purple velvet, and my grandfather thought he would see what he could do. at his word the band flew down and seized quelala, carried him in their arms until they were over the middle of the river, and then dropped him into the water. "'swim out, my fine fellow,'" cried my grandfather, "'and see if the water has spotted your clothes.'" quelala was much too wise not to swim, and he was not in the least spoiled by all his good fortune. he laughed, when he came to the top of the water, and swam in to shore. but when gayelette came running out to him she found his silks and velvet all ruined by the river. [illustration] "the princess was very angry, and she knew, of course, who did it. she had all the winged monkeys brought before her, and she said at first that their wings should be tied and they should be treated as they had treated quelala, and dropped in the river. but my grandfather pleaded hard, for he knew the monkeys would drown in the river with their wings tied, and quelala said a kind word for them also; so that gayelette finally spared them, on condition that the winged monkeys should ever after do three times the bidding of the owner of the golden cap. this cap had been made for a wedding present to quelala, and it is said to have cost the princess half her kingdom. of course my grandfather and all the other monkeys at once agreed to the condition, and that is how it happens that we are three times the slaves of the owner of the golden cap, whomsoever he may be." "and what became of them?" asked dorothy, who had been greatly interested in the story. "quelala being the first owner of the golden cap," replied the monkey, "he was the first to lay his wishes upon us. as his bride could not bear the sight of us, he called us all to him in the forest after he had married her and ordered us to always keep where she could never again set eyes on a winged monkey, which we were glad to do, for we were all afraid of her. "this was all we ever had to do until the golden cap fell into the hands of the wicked witch of the west, who made us enslave the winkies, and afterward drive oz himself out of the land of the west. now the golden cap is yours, and three times you have the right to lay your wishes upon us." as the monkey king finished his story dorothy looked down and saw the green, shining walls of the emerald city before them. she wondered at the rapid flight of the monkeys, but was glad the journey was over. the strange creatures set the travellers down carefully before the gate of the city, the king bowed low to dorothy, and then flew swiftly away, followed by all his band. "that was a good ride," said the little girl. "yes, and a quick way out of our troubles." replied the lion. "how lucky it was you brought away that wonderful cap!" [illustration] chapter xv. the discovery of oz, the terrible. [illustration] [illustration] the four travellers walked up to the great gate of the emerald city and rang the bell. after ringing several times it was opened by the same guardian of the gate they had met before. "what! are you back again?" he asked, in surprise. "do you not see us?" answered the scarecrow. "but i thought you had gone to visit the wicked witch of the west." "we did visit her," said the scarecrow. "and she let you go again?" asked the man, in wonder. "she could not help it, for she is melted," explained the scarecrow. "melted! well, that is good news, indeed," said the man. "who melted her?" "it was dorothy," said the lion, gravely. "good gracious!" exclaimed the man, and he bowed very low indeed before her. then he led them into his little room and locked the spectacles from the great box on all their eyes, just as he had done before. afterward they passed on through the gate into the emerald city, and when the people heard from the guardian of the gate that they had melted the wicked witch of the west they all gathered around the travellers and followed them in a great crowd to the palace of oz. the soldier with the green whiskers was still on guard before the door, but he let them in at once and they were again met by the beautiful green girl, who showed each of them to their old rooms at once, so they might rest until the great oz was ready to receive them. the soldier had the news carried straight to oz that dorothy and the other travellers had come back again, after destroying the wicked witch; but oz made no reply. they thought the great wizard would send for them at once, but he did not. they had no word from him the next day, nor the next, nor the next. the waiting was tiresome and wearing, and at last they grew vexed that oz should treat them in so poor a fashion, after sending them to undergo hardships and slavery. so the scarecrow at last asked the green girl to take another message to oz, saying if he did not let them in to see him at once they would call the winged monkeys to help them, and find out whether he kept his promises or not. when the wizard was given this message he was so frightened that he sent word for them to come to the throne room at four minutes after nine o'clock the next morning. he had once met the winged monkeys in the land of the west, and he did not wish to meet them again. the four travellers passed a sleepless night, each thinking of the gift oz had promised to bestow upon him. dorothy fell asleep only once, and then she dreamed she was in kansas, where aunt em was telling her how glad she was to have her little girl at home again. promptly at nine o'clock the next morning the green whiskered soldier came to them, and four minutes later they all went into the throne room of the great oz. of course each one of them expected to see the wizard in the shape he had taken before, and all were greatly surprised when they looked about and saw no one at all in the room. they kept close to the door and closer to one another, for the stillness of the empty room was more dreadful than any of the forms they had seen oz take. [illustration] presently they heard a voice, seeming to come from somewhere near the top of the great dome, and it said, solemnly. "i am oz, the great and terrible. why do you seek me?" they looked again in every part of the room, and then, seeing no one, dorothy asked, "where are you?" "i am everywhere," answered the voice, "but to the eyes of common mortals i am invisible. i will now seat myself upon my throne, that you may converse with me." indeed, the voice seemed just then to come straight from the throne itself; so they walked toward it and stood in a row while dorothy said: "we have come to claim our promise, o oz." "what promise?" asked oz. "you promised to send me back to kansas when the wicked witch was destroyed," said the girl. "and you promised to give me brains," said the scarecrow. "and you promised to give me a heart," said the tin woodman. "and you promised to give me courage," said the cowardly lion. "is the wicked witch really destroyed?" asked the voice, and dorothy thought it trembled a little. "yes," she answered, "i melted her with a bucket of water." "dear me," said the voice; "how sudden! well, come to me to-morrow, for i must have time to think it over." "you've had plenty of time already," said the tin woodman, angrily. "we shan't wait a day longer," said the scarecrow. "you must keep your promises to us!" exclaimed dorothy. the lion thought it might be as well to frighten the wizard, so he gave a large, loud roar, which was so fierce and dreadful that toto jumped away from him in alarm and tipped over the screen that stood in a corner. as it fell with a crash they looked that way, and the next moment all of them were filled with wonder. for they saw, standing in just the spot the screen had hidden, a little, old man, with a bald head and a wrinkled face, who seemed to be as much surprised as they were. the tin woodman, raising his axe, rushed toward the little man and cried out, [illustration] "who are you?" "i am oz, the great and terrible," said the little man, in a trembling voice, "but don't strike me--please don't!--and i'll do anything you want me to." our friends looked at him in surprise and dismay. "i thought oz was a great head," said dorothy. "and i thought oz was a lovely lady," said the scarecrow. "and i thought oz was a terrible beast," said the tin woodman. "and i thought oz was a ball of fire," exclaimed the lion. "no; you are all wrong," said the little man, meekly. "i have been making believe." "making believe!" cried dorothy. "are you not a great wizard?" "hush, my dear," he said; "don't speak so loud, or you will be overheard--and i should be ruined. i'm supposed to be a great wizard." "and aren't you?" she asked. "not a bit of it, my dear; i'm just a common man." "you're more than that," said the scarecrow, in a grieved tone; "you're a humbug." "exactly so!" declared the little man, rubbing his hands together as if it pleased him; "i am a humbug." "but this is terrible," said the tin woodman; "how shall i ever get my heart?" "or i my courage?" asked the lion. "or i my brains?" wailed the scarecrow, wiping the the tears from his eyes with his coat-sleeve. [illustration: "_exactly so! i am a humbug._"] "my dear friends," said oz, "i pray you not to speak of these little things. think of me, and the terrible trouble i'm in at being found out." "doesn't anyone else know you're a humbug?" asked dorothy. "no one knows it but you four--and myself," replied oz. "i have fooled everyone so long that i thought i should never be found out. it was a great mistake my ever letting you into the throne room. usually i will not see even my subjects, and so they believe i am something terrible." "but, i don't understand," said dorothy, in bewilderment. "how was it that you appeared to me as a great head?" "that was one of my tricks," answered oz. "step this way, please, and i will tell you all about it." he led the way to a small chamber in the rear of the throne room, and they all followed him. he pointed to one corner, in which lay the great head, made out of many thicknesses of paper, and with a carefully painted face. "this i hung from the ceiling by a wire," said oz; "i stood behind the screen and pulled a thread, to make the eyes move and the mouth open." "but how about the voice?" she enquired. "oh, i am a ventriloquist," said the little man, "and i can throw the sound of my voice wherever i wish; so that you thought it was coming out of the head. here are the other things i used to deceive you." he showed the scarecrow the dress and the mask he had worn when he seemed to be the lovely lady; and the tin woodman saw that his terrible beast was nothing but a lot of skins, sewn together, with slats to keep their sides out. as for the ball of fire, the false wizard had hung that also from the ceiling. it was really a ball of cotton, but when oil was poured upon it the ball burned fiercely. "really," said the scarecrow, "you ought to be ashamed of yourself for being such a humbug." "i am--i certainly am," answered the little man, sorrowfully; "but it was the only thing i could do. sit down, please, there are plenty of chairs; and i will tell you my story." so they sat down and listened while he told the following tale: "i was born in omaha--" "why, that isn't very far from kansas!" cried dorothy. "no; but it's farther from here," he said, shaking his head at her, sadly. "when i grew up i became a ventriloquist, and at that i was very well trained by a great master. i can imitate any kind of a bird or beast." here he mewed so like a kitten that toto pricked up his ears and looked everywhere to see where she was. "after a time," continued oz, "i tired of that, and became a balloonist." "what is that?" asked dorothy. "a man who goes up in a balloon on circus day, so as to draw a crowd of people together and get them to pay to see the circus," he explained. [illustration] "oh," she said; "i know." "well, one day i went up in a balloon and the ropes got twisted, so that i couldn't come down again. it went way up above the clouds, so far that a current of air struck it and carried it many, many miles away. for a day and a night i travelled through the air, and on the morning of the second day i awoke and found the balloon floating over a strange and beautiful country. "it came down gradually, and i was not hurt a bit. but i found myself in the midst of a strange people, who, seeing me come from the clouds, thought i was a great wizard. of course i let them think so, because they were afraid of me, and promised to do anything i wished them to. "just to amuse myself, and keep the good people busy, i ordered them to build this city, and my palace; and they did it all willingly and well. then i thought, as the country was so green and beautiful, i would call it the emerald city, and to make the name fit better i put green spectacles on all the people, so that everything they saw was green." "but isn't everything here green?" asked dorothy. "no more than in any other city," replied oz; "but when you wear green spectacles, why of course everything you see looks green to you. the emerald city was built a great many years ago, for i was a young man when the balloon brought me here, and i am a very old man now. but my people have worn green glasses on their eyes so long that most of them think it really is an emerald city, and it certainly is a beautiful place, abounding in jewels and precious metals, and every good thing that is needed to make one happy. i have been good to the people, and they like me; but ever since this palace was built i have shut myself up and would not see any of them. "one of my greatest fears was the witches, for while i had no magical powers at all i soon found out that the witches were really able to do wonderful things. there were four of them in this country, and they ruled the people who live in the north and south and east and west. fortunately, the witches of the north and south were good, and i knew they would do me no harm; but the witches of the east and west were terribly wicked, and had they not thought i was more powerful than they themselves, they would surely have destroyed me. as it was, i lived in deadly fear of them for many years; so you can imagine how pleased i was when i heard your house had fallen on the wicked witch of the east. when you came to me i was willing to promise anything if you would only do away with the other witch; but, now that you have melted her, i am ashamed to say that i cannot keep my promises." "i think you are a very bad man," said dorothy. "oh, no, my dear; i'm really a very good man; but i'm a very bad wizard, i must admit." "can't you give me brains?" asked the scarecrow. "you don't need them. you are learning something every day. a baby has brains, but it doesn't know much. experience is the only thing that brings knowledge, and the longer you are on earth the more experience you are sure to get." "that may all be true," said the scarecrow, "but i shall be very unhappy unless you give me brains." the false wizard looked at him carefully. "well," he said, with a sigh, "i'm not much of a magician, as i said; but if you will come to me to-morrow morning, i will stuff your head with brains. i cannot tell you how to use them, however; you must find that out for yourself." [illustration] "oh, thank you--thank you!" cried the scarecrow. "i'll find a way to use them, never fear!" "but how about my courage?" asked the lion, anxiously. "you have plenty of courage, i am sure," answered oz. "all you need is confidence in yourself. there is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty." "perhaps i have, but i'm scared just the same," said the lion. "i shall really be very unhappy unless you give me the sort of courage that makes one forget he is afraid." "very well; i will give you that sort of courage to-morrow," replied oz. "how about my heart?" asked the tin woodman. "why, as for that," answered oz, "i think you are wrong to want a heart. it makes most people unhappy. if you only knew it, you are in luck not to have a heart." "that must be a matter of opinion," said the tin woodman. "for my part, i will bear all the unhappiness without a murmur, if you will give me the heart." [illustration] "very well," answered oz, meekly. "come to me to-morrow and you shall have a heart. i have played wizard for so many years that i may as well continue the part a little longer." "and now," said dorothy, "how am i to get back to kansas?" "we shall have to think about that," replied the little man, "give me two or three days to consider the matter and i'll try to find a way to carry you over the desert. in the meantime you shall all be treated as my guests, and while you live in the palace my people will wait upon you and obey your slightest wish. there is only one thing i ask in return for my help--such as it is. you must keep my secret and tell no one i am a humbug." they agreed to say nothing of what they had learned, and went back to their rooms in high spirits. even dorothy had hope that "the great and terrible humbug," as she called him, would find a way to send her back to kansas, and if he did that she was willing to forgive him everything. [illustration] chapter xvi. the magic art of the great humbug. [illustration] [illustration] next morning the scarecrow said to his friends: "congratulate me. i am going to oz to get my brains at last. when i return i shall be as other men are." "i have always liked you as you were," said dorothy, simply. "it is kind of you to like a scarecrow," he replied. "but surely you will think more of me when you hear the splendid thoughts my new brain is going to turn out." then he said good-bye to them all in a cheerful voice and went to the throne room, where he rapped upon the door. "come in," said oz. the scarecrow went in and found the little man sitting down by the window, engaged in deep thought. "i have come for my brains," remarked the scarecrow, a little uneasily. "oh, yes; sit down in that chair, please," replied oz. "you must excuse me for taking your head off, but i shall have to do it in order to put your brains in their proper place." "that's all right," said the scarecrow. "you are quite welcome to take my head off, as long as it will be a better one when you put it on again." so the wizard unfastened his head and emptied out the straw. then he entered the back room and took up a measure of bran, which he mixed with a great many pins and needles. having shaken them together thoroughly, he filled the top of the scarecrow's head with the mixture and stuffed the rest of the space with straw, to hold it in place. when he had fastened the scarecrow's head on his body again he said to him, "hereafter you will be a great man, for i have given you a lot of bran-new brains." the scarecrow was both pleased and proud at the fulfillment of his greatest wish, and having thanked oz warmly he went back to his friends. dorothy looked at him curiously. his head was quite bulging out at the top with brains. "how do you feel?" she asked. [illustration: "_'i feel wise, indeed,' said the scarecrow._"] "i feel wise, indeed," he answered, earnestly. "when i get used to my brains i shall know everything." "why are those needles and pins sticking out of your head?" asked the tin woodman. "that is proof that he is sharp," remarked the lion. "well, i must go to oz and get my heart," said the woodman. so he walked to the throne room and knocked at the door. "come in," called oz, and the woodman entered and said, "i have come for my heart." "very well," answered the little man. "but i shall have to cut a hole in your breast, so i can put your heart in the right place. i hope it won't hurt you." "oh, no;" answered the woodman. "i shall not feel it at all." [illustration] so oz brought a pair of tinners' shears and cut a small, square hole in the left side of the tin woodman's breast. then, going to a chest of drawers, he took out a pretty heart, made entirely of silk and stuffed with sawdust. "isn't it a beauty?" he asked. "it is, indeed!" replied the woodman, who was greatly pleased. "but is it a kind heart?" "oh, very!" answered oz. he put the heart in the woodman's breast and then replaced the square of tin, soldering it neatly together where it had been cut. "there," said he; "now you have a heart that any man might be proud of. i'm sorry i had to put a patch on your breast, but it really couldn't be helped." "never mind the patch," exclaimed the happy woodman. "i am very grateful to you, and shall never forget your kindness." [illustration] "don't speak of it," replied oz. then the tin woodman went back to his friends, who wished him every joy on account of his good fortune. the lion now walked to the throne room and knocked at the door. "come in," said oz. "i have come for my courage," announced the lion, entering the room. "very well," answered the little man; "i will get it for you." he went to a cupboard and reaching up to a high shelf took down a square green bottle, the contents of which he poured into a green-gold dish, beautifully carved. placing this before the cowardly lion, who sniffed at it as if he did not like it, the wizard said, "drink." "what is it?" asked the lion. "well," answered oz, "if it were inside of you, it would be courage. you know, of course, that courage is always inside one; so that this really cannot be called courage until you have swallowed it. therefore i advise you to drink it as soon as possible." the lion hesitated no longer, but drank till the dish was empty. "how do you feel now?" asked oz. "full of courage," replied the lion, who went joyfully back to his friends to tell them of his good fortune. oz, left to himself, smiled to think of his success in giving the scarecrow and the tin woodman and the lion exactly what they thought they wanted. "how can i help being a humbug," he said, "when all these people make me do things that everybody knows can't be done? it was easy to make the scarecrow and the lion and the woodman happy, because they imagined i could do anything. but it will take more than imagination to carry dorothy back to kansas, and i'm sure i don't know how it can be done." chapter xvii. how the balloon was launched. [illustration] for three days dorothy heard nothing from oz. these were sad days for the little girl, although her friends were all quite happy and contented. the scarecrow told them there were wonderful thoughts in his head; but he would not say what they were because he knew no one could understand them but himself. when the tin woodman walked about he felt his heart rattling around in his breast; and he told dorothy he had discovered it to be a kinder and more tender heart than the one he had owned when he was made of flesh. the lion declared he was afraid of nothing on earth, and would gladly face an army of men or a dozen of the fierce kalidahs. thus each of the little party was satisfied except dorothy, who longed more than ever to get back to kansas. on the fourth day, to her great joy, oz sent for her, and when she entered the throne room he said, pleasantly: "sit down, my dear; i think i have found the way to get you out of this country." "and back to kansas?" she asked, eagerly. "well, i'm not sure about kansas," said oz; "for i haven't the faintest notion which way it lies. but the first thing to do is to cross the desert, and then it should be easy to find your way home." "how can i cross the desert?" she enquired. "well, i'll tell you what i think," said the little man. "you see, when i came to this country it was in a balloon. you also came through the air, being carried by a cyclone. so i believe the best way to get across the desert will be through the air. now, it is quite beyond my powers to make a cyclone; but i've been thinking the matter over, and i believe i can make a balloon." "how?" asked dorothy. "a balloon," said oz, "is made of silk, which is coated with glue to keep the gas in it. i have plenty of silk in the palace, so it will be no trouble for us to make the balloon. but in all this country there is no gas to fill the balloon with, to make it float." "if it won't float," remarked dorothy, "it will be of no use to us." "true," answered oz. "but there is another way to make it float, which is to fill it with hot air. hot air isn't as good as gas, for if the air should get cold the balloon would come down in the desert, and we should be lost." "we!" exclaimed the girl; "are you going with me?" "yes, of course," replied oz. "i am tired of being such a humbug. if i should go out of this palace my people would soon discover i am not a wizard, and then they would be vexed with me for having deceived them. so i have to stay shut up in these rooms all day, and it gets tiresome. i'd much rather go back to kansas with you and be in a circus again." [illustration] "i shall be glad to have your company," said dorothy. "thank you," he answered. "now, if you will help me sew the silk together, we will begin to work on our balloon." so dorothy took a needle and thread, and as fast as oz cut the strips of silk into proper shape the girl sewed them neatly together. first there was a strip of light green silk, then a strip of dark green and then a strip of emerald green; for oz had a fancy to make the balloon in different shades of the color about them. it took three days to sew all the strips together, but when it was finished they had a big bag of green silk more than twenty feet long. then oz painted it on the inside with a coat of thin glue, to make it air-tight, after which he announced that the balloon was ready. "but we must have a basket to ride in," he said. so he sent the soldier with the green whiskers for a big clothes basket, which he fastened with many ropes to the bottom of the balloon. when it was all ready, oz sent word to his people that he was going to make a visit to a great brother wizard who lived in the clouds. the news spread rapidly throughout the city and everyone came to see the wonderful sight. oz ordered the balloon carried out in front of the palace, and the people gazed upon it with much curiosity. the tin woodman had chopped a big pile of wood, and now he made a fire of it, and oz held the bottom of the balloon over the fire so that the hot air that arose from it would be caught in the silken bag. gradually the balloon swelled out and rose into the air, until finally the basket just touched the ground. then oz got into the basket and said to all the people in a loud voice: "i am now going away to make a visit. while i am gone the scarecrow will rule over you. i command you to obey him as you would me." the balloon was by this time tugging hard at the rope that held it to the ground, for the air within it was hot, and this made it so much lighter in weight than the air without that it pulled hard to rise into the sky. "come, dorothy!" cried the wizard; "hurry up, or the balloon will fly away." "i can't find toto anywhere," replied dorothy, who did not wish to leave her little dog behind. toto had run into the crowd to bark at a kitten, and dorothy at last found him. she picked him up and ran toward the balloon. [illustration] she was within a few steps of it, and oz was holding out his hands to help her into the basket, when, crack! went the ropes, and the balloon rose into the air without her. [illustration] "come back!" she screamed; "i want to go, too!" "i can't come back, my dear," called oz from the basket. "good-bye!" "good-bye!" shouted everyone, and all eyes were turned upward to where the wizard was riding in the basket, rising every moment farther and farther into the sky. and that was the last any of them ever saw of oz, the wonderful wizard, though he may have reached omaha safely, and be there now, for all we know. but the people remembered him lovingly, and said to one another, "oz was always our friend. when he was here he built for us this beautiful emerald city, and now he is gone he has left the wise scarecrow to rule over us." still, for many days they grieved over the loss of the wonderful wizard, and would not be comforted. chapter xviii. away to the south. [illustration] [illustration] dorothy wept bitterly at the passing of her hope to get home to kansas again; but when she thought it all over she was glad she had not gone up in a balloon. and she also felt sorry at losing oz, and so did her companions. the tin woodman came to her and said, "truly i should be ungrateful if i failed to mourn for the man who gave me my lovely heart. i should like to cry a little because oz is gone, if you will kindly wipe away my tears, so that i shall not rust." [illustration] "with pleasure," she answered, and brought a towel at once. then the tin woodman wept for several minutes, and she watched the tears carefully and wiped them away with the towel. when he had finished he thanked her kindly and oiled himself thoroughly with his jewelled oil-can, to guard against mishap. the scarecrow was now the ruler of the emerald city, and although he was not a wizard the people were proud of him. "for," they said, "there is not another city in all the world that is ruled by a stuffed man." and, so far as they knew, they were quite right. the morning after the balloon had gone up with oz the four travellers met in the throne room and talked matters over. the scarecrow sat in the big throne and the others stood respectfully before him. "we are not so unlucky," said the new ruler; "for this palace and the emerald city belong to us, and we can do just as we please. when i remember that a short time ago i was up on a pole in a farmer's cornfield, and that i am now the ruler of this beautiful city, i am quite satisfied with my lot." "i also," said the tin woodman, "am well pleased with my new heart; and, really, that was the only thing i wished in all the world." "for my part, i am content in knowing i am as brave as any beast that ever lived, if not braver," said the lion, modestly, [illustration: "_the scarecrow sat on the big throne._"] "if dorothy would only be contented to live in the emerald city," continued the scarecrow, "we might all be happy together." "but i don't want to live here," cried dorothy. "i want to go to kansas, and live with aunt em and uncle henry." "well, then, what can be done?" enquired the woodman. the scarecrow decided to think, and he thought so hard that the pins and needles began to stick out of his brains. finally he said: "why not call the winged monkeys, and asked them to carry you over the desert?" "i never thought of that!" said dorothy, joyfully. "it's just the thing. i'll go at once for the golden cap." when she brought it into the throne room she spoke the magic words, and soon the band of winged monkeys flew in through an open window and stood beside her. "this is the second time you have called us," said the monkey king, bowing before the little girl. "what do you wish?" "i want you to fly with me to kansas," said dorothy. but the monkey king shook his head. "that cannot be done," he said. "we belong to this country alone, and cannot leave it. there has never been a winged monkey in kansas yet, and i suppose there never will be, for they don't belong there. we shall be glad to serve you in any way in our power, but we cannot cross the desert. good-bye." and with another bow the monkey king spread his wings and flew away through the window, followed by all his band. dorothy was almost ready to cry with disappointment. "i have wasted the charm of the golden cap to no purpose," she said, "for the winged monkeys cannot help me." "it is certainly too bad!" said the tender hearted woodman. the scarecrow was thinking again, and his head bulged out so horribly that dorothy feared it would burst. "let us call in the soldier with the green whiskers," he said, "and ask his advice." [illustration] so the soldier was summoned and entered the throne room timidly, for while oz was alive he never was allowed to come further than the door. "this little girl," said the scarecrow to the soldier, "wishes to cross the desert. how can she do so?" "i cannot tell," answered the soldier; "for nobody has ever crossed the desert, unless it is oz himself." "is there no one who can help me?" asked dorothy, earnestly. "glinda might," he suggested. "who is glinda?" enquired the scarecrow. "the witch of the south. she is the most powerful of all the witches, and rules over the quadlings. besides, her castle stands on the edge of the desert, so she may know a way to cross it." "glinda is a good witch, isn't she?" asked the child. "the quadlings think she is good," said the soldier, "and she is kind to everyone. i have heard that glinda is a beautiful woman, who knows how to keep young in spite of the many years she has lived." "how can i get to her castle?" asked dorothy. "the road is straight to the south," he answered, "but it is said to be full of dangers to travellers. there are wild beasts in the woods, and a race of queer men who do not like strangers to cross their country. for this reason none of the quadlings ever come to the emerald city." the soldier then left them and the scarecrow said, "it seems, in spite of dangers, that the best thing dorothy can do is to travel to the land of the south and ask glinda to help her. for, of course, if dorothy stays here she will never get back to kansas." "you must have been thinking again," remarked the tin woodman. "i have," said the scarecrow. "i shall go with dorothy," declared the lion, "for i am tired of your city and long for the woods and the country again. i am really a wild beast, you know. besides, dorothy will need someone to protect her." "that is true," agreed the woodman. "my axe may be of service to her; so i, also, will go with her to the land of the south." "when shall we start?" asked the scarecrow. "are you going?" they asked, in surprise. "certainly. if it wasn't for dorothy i should never have had brains. she lifted me from the pole in the cornfield and brought me to the emerald city. so my good luck is all due to her, and i shall never leave her until she starts back to kansas for good and all." "thank you," said dorothy, gratefully. "you are all very kind to me. but i should like to start as soon as possible." "we shall go to-morrow morning," returned the scarecrow. "so now let us all get ready, for it will be a long journey." [illustration] chapter xix. attacked by the fighting trees. [illustration] [illustration] the next morning dorothy kissed the pretty green girl good-bye, and they all shook hands with the soldier with the green whiskers, who had walked with them as far as the gate. when the guardian of the gate saw them again he wondered greatly that they could leave the beautiful city to get into new trouble. but he at once unlocked their spectacles, which he put back into the green box, and gave them many good wishes to carry with them. "you are now our ruler," he said to the scarecrow; "so you must come back to us as soon as possible." "i certainly shall if i am able," the scarecrow replied; "but i must help dorothy to get home, first." as dorothy bade the good-natured guardian a last farewell she said, "i have been very kindly treated in your lovely city, and everyone has been good to me. i cannot tell you how grateful i am." "don't try, my dear," he answered. "we should like to keep you with us, but if it is your wish to return to kansas i hope you will find a way." he then opened the gate of the outer wall and they walked forth and started upon their journey. the sun shone brightly as our friends turned their faces toward the land of the south. they were all in the best of spirits, and laughed and chatted together. dorothy was once more filled with the hope of getting home, and the scarecrow and the tin woodman were glad to be of use to her. as for the lion, he sniffed the fresh air with delight and whisked his tail from side to side in pure joy at being in the country again, while toto ran around them and chased the moths and butterflies, barking merrily all the time. "city life does not agree with me at all," remarked the lion, as they walked along at a brisk pace. "i have lost much flesh since i lived there, and now i am anxious for a chance to show the other beasts how courageous i have grown." [illustration: "_the branches bent down and twined around him._"] they now turned and took a last look at the emerald city. all they could see was a mass of towers and steeples behind the green walls, and high up above everything the spires and dome of the palace of oz. "oz was not such a bad wizard, after all," said the tin woodman, as he felt his heart rattling around in his breast. "he knew how to give me brains, and very good brains, too," said the scarecrow. "if oz had taken a dose of the same courage he gave me," added the lion, "he would have been a brave man." dorothy said nothing. oz had not kept the promise he made her, but he had done his best, so she forgave him. as he said, he was a good man, even if he was a bad wizard. the first day's journey was through the green fields and bright flowers that stretched about the emerald city on every side. they slept that night on the grass, with nothing but the stars over them; and they rested very well indeed. in the morning they travelled on until they came to a thick wood. there was no way of going around it, for it seemed to extend to the right and left as far as they could see; and, besides, they did not dare change the direction of their journey for fear of getting lost. so they looked for the place where it would be easiest to get into the forest. the scarecrow, who was in the lead, finally discovered a big tree with such wide spreading-branches that there was room for the party to pass underneath. so he walked forward to the tree, but just as he came under the first branches they bent down and twined around him, and the next minute he was raised from the ground and flung headlong among his fellow travellers. this did not hurt the scarecrow, but it surprised him, and he looked rather dizzy when dorothy picked him up. "here is another space between the trees," called the lion. [illustration] "let me try it first," said the scarecrow, "for it doesn't hurt me to get thrown about." he walked up to another tree, as he spoke, but its branches immediately seized him and tossed him back again. "this is strange," exclaimed dorothy; "what shall we do?" "the trees seem to have made up their minds to fight us, and stop our journey," remarked the lion. "i believe i will try it myself," said the woodman, and shouldering his axe he marched up to the first tree that had handled the scarecrow so roughly. when a big branch bent down to seize him the woodman chopped at it so fiercely that he cut it in two. at once the tree began shaking all its branches as if in pain, and the tin woodman passed safely under it. "come on!" he shouted to the others; "be quick!" they all ran forward and passed under the tree without injury, except toto, who was caught by a small branch and shaken until he howled. but the woodman promptly chopped off the branch and set the little dog free. the other trees of the forest did nothing to keep them back, so they made up their minds that only the first row of trees could bend down their branches, and that probably these were the policemen of the forest, and given this wonderful power in order to keep strangers out of it. the four travellers walked with ease through the trees until they came to the further edge of the wood. then, to their surprise, they found before them a high wall, which seemed to be made of white china. it was smooth, like the surface of a dish, and higher than their heads. "what shall we do now?" asked dorothy. "i will make a ladder," said the tin woodman, "for we certainly must climb over the wall." chapter xx. the dainty china country. [illustration] [illustration] while the woodman was making a ladder from wood which he found in the forest dorothy lay down and slept, for she was tired by the long walk. the lion also curled himself up to sleep and toto lay beside him. the scarecrow watched the woodman while he worked, and said to him: "i cannot think why this wall is here, nor what it is made of." "rest your brains and do not worry about the wall," replied the woodman; "when we have climbed over it we shall know what is on the other side." after a time the ladder was finished. it looked clumsy, but the tin woodman was sure it was strong and would answer their purpose. the scarecrow waked dorothy and the lion and toto, and told them that the ladder was ready. the scarecrow climbed up the ladder first, but he was so awkward that dorothy had to follow close behind and keep him from falling off. when he got his head over the top of the wall the scarecrow said, "oh, my!" "go on," exclaimed dorothy. so the scarecrow climbed further up and sat down on the top of the wall, and dorothy put her head over and cried, "oh, my!" just as the scarecrow had done. then toto came up, and immediately began to bark, but dorothy made him be still. the lion climbed the ladder next, and the tin woodman came last; but both of them cried, "oh, my!" as soon as they looked over the wall. when they were all sitting in a row on the top of the wall they looked down and saw a strange sight. [illustration: "_these people were all made of china._"] before them was a great stretch of country having a floor as smooth and shining and white as the bottom of a big platter. scattered around were many houses made entirely of china and painted in the brightest colours. these houses were quite small, the biggest of them reaching only as high as dorothy's waist. there were also pretty little barns, with china fences around them, and many cows and sheep and horses and pigs and chickens, all made of china, were standing about in groups. but the strangest of all were the people who lived in this queer country. there were milk-maids and shepherdesses, with bright-colored bodices and golden spots all over their gowns; and princesses with most gorgeous frocks of silver and gold and purple; and shepherds dressed in knee-breeches with pink and yellow and blue stripes down them, and golden buckles on their shoes; and princes with jewelled crowns upon their heads, wearing ermine robes and satin doublets; and funny clowns in ruffled gowns, with round red spots upon their cheeks and tall, pointed caps. and, strangest of all, these people were all made of china, even to their clothes, and were so small that the tallest of them was no higher than dorothy's knee. no one did so much as look at the travellers at first, except one little purple china dog with an extra-large head, which came to the wall and barked at them in a tiny voice, afterwards running away again. "how shall we get down?" asked dorothy. they found the ladder so heavy they could not pull it up, so the scarecrow fell off the wall and the others jumped down upon him so that the hard floor would not hurt their feet. of course they took pains not to light on his head and get the pins in their feet. when all were safely down they picked up the scarecrow, whose body was quite flattened out, and patted his straw into shape again. "we must cross this strange place in order to get to the other side," said dorothy; "for it would be unwise for us to go any other way except due south." they began walking through the country of the china people, and the first thing they came to was a china milk-maid milking a china cow. as they drew near the cow suddenly gave a kick and kicked over the stool, the pail, and even the milk-maid herself, all falling on the china ground with a great clatter. dorothy was shocked to see that the cow had broken her leg short off, and that the pail was lying in several small pieces, while the poor milk-maid had a nick in her left elbow. "there!" cried the milk-maid, angrily; "see what you have done! my cow has broken her leg, and i must take her to the mender's shop and have it glued on again. what do you mean by coming here and frightening my cow?" "i'm very sorry," returned dorothy; "please forgive us." but the pretty milk-maid was much too vexed to make any answer. she picked up the leg sulkily and led her cow away, the poor animal limping on three legs. as she left them the milk-maid cast many reproachful glances over her shoulder at the clumsy strangers, holding her nicked elbow close to her side. [illustration] dorothy was quite grieved at this mishap. "we must be very careful here," said the kind-hearted woodman, "or we may hurt these pretty little people so they will never get over it." a little farther on dorothy met a most beautiful dressed young princess, who stopped short as she saw the strangers and started to run away. dorothy wanted to see more of the princess, so she ran after her; but the china girl cried out, "don't chase me! don't chase me!" she had such a frightened little voice that dorothy stopped and said, "why not?" "because," answered the princess, also stopping, a safe distance away, "if i run i may fall down and break myself." "but couldn't you be mended?" asked the girl. "oh, yes; but one is never so pretty after being mended, you know," replied the princess. "i suppose not," said dorothy. "now there is mr. joker, one of our clowns," continued the china lady, "who is always trying to stand upon his head. he has broken himself so often that he is mended in a hundred places, and doesn't look at all pretty. here he comes now, so you can see for yourself." indeed, a jolly little clown now came walking toward them, and dorothy could see that in spite of his pretty clothes of red and yellow and green he was completely covered with cracks, running every which way and showing plainly that he had been mended in many places. the clown put his hands in his pockets, and after puffing out his cheeks and nodding his head at them saucily he said, "my lady fair, why do you stare at poor old mr. joker? you're quite as stiff and prim as if you'd eaten up a poker!" "be quiet, sir!" said the princess; "can't you see these are strangers, and should be treated with respect?" "well, that's respect, i expect," declared the clown, and immediately stood upon his head. "don't mind mr. joker," said the princess to dorothy; "he is considerably cracked in his head, and that makes him foolish." [illustration] "oh, i don't mind him a bit," said dorothy. "but you are so beautiful," she continued, "that i am sure i could love you dearly. won't you let me carry you back to kansas and stand you on aunt em's mantle-shelf? i could carry you in my basket." "that would make me very unhappy," answered the china princess. "you see, here in our own country we live contentedly, and can talk and move around as we please. but whenever any of us are taken away our joints at once stiffen, and we can only stand straight and look pretty. of course that is all that is expected of us when we are on mantle-shelves and cabinets and drawing-room tables, but our lives are much pleasanter here in our own country." "i would not make you unhappy for all the world!" exclaimed dorothy; "so i'll just say good-bye." "good-bye," replied the princess. they walked carefully through the china country. the little animals and all the people scampered out of their way, fearing the strangers would break them, and after an hour or so the travellers reached the other side of the country and came to another china wall. it was not as high as the first, however, and by standing upon the lion's back they all managed to scramble to the top. then the lion gathered his legs under him and jumped on the wall; but just as he jumped he upset a china church with his tail and smashed it all to pieces. "that was too bad," said dorothy, "but really i think we were lucky in not doing these little people more harm than breaking a cow's leg and a church. they are all so brittle!" "they are, indeed," said the scarecrow, "and i am thankful i am made of straw and cannot be easily damaged. there are worse things in the world than being a scarecrow." chapter xxi. the lion becomes the king of beasts. [illustration] [illustration] after climbing down from the china wall the travellers found themselves in a disagreeable country, full of bogs and marshes and covered with tall, rank grass. it was difficult to walk far without falling into muddy holes, for the grass was so thick that it hid them from sight. however, by carefully picking their way, they got safely along until they reached solid ground. but here the country seemed wilder than ever, and after a long and tiresome walk through the underbrush they entered another forest, where the trees were bigger and older than any they had ever seen. "this forest is perfectly delightful," declared the lion, looking around him with joy; "never have i seen a more beautiful place." "it seems gloomy," said the scarecrow. "not a bit of it," answered the lion; "i should like to live here all my life. see how soft the dried leaves are under your feet and how rich and green the moss is that clings to these old trees. surely no wild beast could wish a pleasanter home." "perhaps there are wild beasts in the forest now," said dorothy. "i suppose there are," returned the lion; "but i do not see any of them about." they walked through the forest until it became too dark to go any farther. dorothy and toto and the lion lay down to sleep, while the woodman and the scarecrow kept watch over them as usual. when morning came they started again. before they had gone far they heard a low rumble, as of the growling of many wild animals. toto whimpered a little but none of the others was frightened and they kept along the well-trodden path until they came to an opening in the wood, in which were gathered hundreds of beasts of every variety. there were tigers and elephants and bears and wolves and foxes and all the others in the natural history, and for a moment dorothy was afraid. but the lion explained that the animals were holding a meeting, and he judged by their snarling and growling that they were in great trouble. as he spoke several of the beasts caught sight of him, and at once the great assemblage hushed as if by magic. the biggest of the tigers came up to the lion and bowed, saying, [illustration] "welcome, o king of beasts! you have come in good time to fight our enemy and bring peace to all the animals of the forest once more." "what is your trouble?" asked the lion, quietly. "we are all threatened," answered the tiger, "by a fierce enemy which has lately come into this forest. it is a most tremendous monster, like a great spider, with a body as big as an elephant and legs as long as a tree trunk. it has eight of these long legs, and as the monster crawls through the forest he seizes an animal with a leg and drags it to his mouth, where he eats it as a spider does a fly. not one of us is safe while this fierce creature is alive, and we had called a meeting to decide how to take care of ourselves when you came among us." the lion thought for a moment. "are there any other lions in this forest?" he asked. "no; there were some, but the monster has eaten them all. and, besides, they were none of them nearly so large and brave as you." "if i put an end to your enemy will you bow down to me and obey me as king of the forest?" enquired the lion. "we will do that gladly," returned the tiger; and all the other beasts roared with a mighty roar: "we will!" "where is this great spider of yours now?" asked the lion. "yonder, among the oak trees," said the tiger, pointing with his fore-foot. "take good care of these friends of mine," said the lion, "and i will go at once to fight the monster." he bade his comrades good-bye and marched proudly away to do battle with the enemy. the great spider was lying asleep when the lion found him, and it looked so ugly that its foe turned up his nose in disgust. its legs were quite as long as the tiger had said, and it's body covered with coarse black hair. it had a great mouth, with a row of sharp teeth a foot long; but its head was joined to the pudgy body by a neck as slender as a wasp's waist. this gave the lion a hint of the best way to attack the creature, and as he knew it was easier to fight it asleep than awake, he gave a great spring and landed directly upon the monster's back. then, with one blow of his heavy paw, all armed with sharp claws, he knocked the spider's head from its body. jumping down, he watched it until the long legs stopped wiggling, when he knew it was quite dead. the lion went back to the opening where the beasts of the forest were waiting for him and said, proudly, "you need fear your enemy no longer." then the beasts bowed down to the lion as their king, and he promised to come back and rule over them as soon as dorothy was safely on her way to kansas. chapter xxii. the country of the quadlings [illustration] [illustration: "_the head shot forward and struck the scarecrow._"] [illustration] the four travellers passed through the rest of the forest in safety, and when they came out from its gloom saw before them a steep hill, covered from top to bottom with great pieces of rock. "that will be a hard climb," said the scarecrow, "but we must get over the hill, nevertheless." so he led the way and the others followed. they had nearly reached the first rock when they heard a rough voice cry out, "keep back!" "who are you?" asked the scarecrow. then a head showed itself over the rock and the same voice said, "this hill belongs to us, and we don't allow anyone to cross it." "but we must cross it," said the scarecrow. "we're going to the country of the quadlings." "but you shall not!" replied the voice, and there stepped from behind the rock the strangest man the travellers had ever seen. he was quite short and stout and had a big head, which was flat at the top and supported by a thick neck full of wrinkles. but he had no arms at all, and, seeing this, the scarecrow did not fear that so helpless a creature could prevent them from climbing the hill. so he said, "i'm sorry not to do as you wish, but we must pass over your hill whether you like it or not," and he walked boldly forward. as quick as lightning the man's head shot forward and his neck stretched out until the top of the head, where it was flat, struck the scarecrow in the middle and sent him tumbling, over and over, down the hill. almost as quickly as it came the head went back to the body, and the man laughed harshly as he said, "it isn't as easy as you think!" a chorus of boisterous laughter came from the other rocks, and dorothy saw hundreds of the armless hammer-heads upon the hillside, one behind every rock. the lion became quite angry at the laughter caused by the scarecrow's mishap, and giving a loud roar that echoed like thunder he dashed up the hill. again a head shot swiftly out, and the great lion went rolling down the hill as if he had been struck by a cannon ball. dorothy ran down and helped the scarecrow to his feet, and the lion came up to her, feeling rather bruised and sore, and said, "it is useless to fight people with shooting heads; no one can withstand them." "what can we do, then?" she asked. "call the winged monkeys," suggested the tin woodman; "you have still the right to command them once more." "very well," she answered, and putting on the golden cap she uttered the magic words. the monkeys were as prompt as ever, and in a few moments the entire band stood before her. "what are your commands?" enquired the king of the monkeys, bowing low. "carry us over the hill to the country of the quadlings," answered the girl. "it shall be done," said the king, and at once the winged monkeys caught the four travellers and toto up in their arms and flew away with them. as they passed over the hill the hammer-heads yelled with vexation, and shot their heads high in the air; but they could not reach the winged monkeys, which carried dorothy and her comrades safely over the hill and set them down in the beautiful country of the quadlings. "this is the last time you can summon us," said the leader to dorothy; "so good-bye and good luck to you." "good-bye, and thank you very much," returned the girl; and the monkeys rose into the air and were out of sight in a twinkling. the country of the quadlings seemed rich and happy. there was field upon field of ripening grain, with well-paved roads running between, and pretty rippling brooks with strong bridges across them. the fences and houses and bridges were all painted bright red, just as they had been painted yellow in the country of the winkies and blue in the country of the munchkins. the quadlings themselves, who were short and fat and looked chubby and good natured, were dressed all in red, which showed bright against the green grass and the yellowing grain. the monkeys had set them down near a farm house, and the four travellers walked up to it and knocked at the door. it was opened by the farmer's wife, and when dorothy asked for something to eat the woman gave them all a good dinner, with three kinds of cake and four kinds of cookies, and a bowl of milk for toto. "how far is it to the castle of glinda?" asked the child. "it is not a great way," answered the farmer's wife. "take the road to the south and you will soon reach it." thanking the good woman, they started afresh and walked by the fields and across the pretty bridges until they saw before them a very beautiful castle. before the gates were three young girls, dressed in handsome red uniforms trimmed with gold braid; and as dorothy approached one of them said to her, "why have you come to the south country?" "to see the good witch who rules here," she answered. "will you take me to her?" "let me have your name and i will ask glinda if she will receive you." they told who they were, and the girl soldier went into the castle. after a few moments she came back to say that dorothy and the others were to be admitted at once. [illustration] chapter xxiii. the good witch grants dorothy's wish. [illustration] [illustration: "_you must give me the golden cap._"] [illustration] before they went to see glinda, however, they were taken to a room of the castle, where dorothy washed her face and combed her hair, and the lion shook the dust out of his mane, and the scarecrow patted himself into his best shape, and the woodman polished his tin and oiled his joints. when they were all quite presentable they followed the soldier girl into a big room where the witch glinda sat upon a throne of rubies. she was both beautiful and young to their eyes. her hair was a rich red in color and fell in flowing ringlets over her shoulders. her dress was pure white; but her eyes were blue, and they looked kindly upon the little girl. "what can i do for you, my child?" she asked. dorothy told the witch all her story; how the cyclone had brought her to the land of oz, how she had found her companions, and of the wonderful adventures they had met with. "my greatest wish now," she added, "is to get back to kansas, for aunt em will surely think something dreadful has happened to me, and that will make her put on mourning; and unless the crops are better this year than they were last i am sure uncle henry cannot afford it." glinda leaned forward and kissed the sweet, upturned face of the loving little girl. "bless your dear heart," she said, "i am sure i can tell you of a way to get back to kansas." then she added: "but, if i do, you must give me the golden cap." "willingly!" exclaimed dorothy; "indeed, it is of no use to me now, and when you have it you can command the winged monkeys three times." "and i think i shall need their service just those three times," answered glinda, smiling. dorothy then gave her the golden cap, and the witch said to the scarecrow, "what will you do when dorothy has left us?" "i will return to the emerald city," he replied, "for oz has made me its ruler and the people like me. the only thing that worries me is how to cross the hill of the hammer-heads." "by means of the golden cap i shall command the winged monkeys to carry you to the gates of the emerald city," said glinda, "for it would be a shame to deprive the people of so wonderful a ruler." "am i really wonderful?" asked the scarecrow. "you are unusual," replied glinda. turning to the tin woodman, she asked: "what will become of you when dorothy leaves this country?" he leaned on his axe and thought a moment. then he said, "the winkies were very kind to me, and wanted me to rule over them after the wicked witch died. i am fond of the winkies, and if i could get back again to the country of the west i should like nothing better than to rule over them forever." "my second command to the winged monkeys," said glinda, "will be that they carry you safely to the land of the winkies. your brains may not be so large to look at as those of the scarecrow, but you are really brighter than he is--when you are well polished--and i am sure you will rule the winkies wisely and well." then the witch looked at the big, shaggy lion and asked, "when dorothy has returned to her own home, what will become of you?" "over the hill of the hammer-heads," he answered, "lies a grand old forest, and all the beasts that live there have made me their king. if i could only get back to this forest i would pass my life very happily there." "my third command to the winged monkeys," said glinda, "shall be to carry you to your forest. then, having used up the powers of the golden cap, i shall give it to the king of the monkeys, that he and his band may thereafter be free for evermore." the scarecrow and the tin woodman and the lion now thanked the good witch earnestly for her kindness, and dorothy exclaimed, [illustration] "you are certainly as good as you are beautiful! but you have not yet told me how to get back to kansas." "your silver shoes will carry you over the desert," replied glinda. "if you had known their power you could have gone back to your aunt em the very first day you came to this country." "but then i should not have had my wonderful brains!" cried the scarecrow. "i might have passed my whole life in the farmer's cornfield." "and i should not have had my lovely heart," said the tin woodman. "i might have stood and rusted in the forest till the end of the world." "and i should have lived a coward forever," declared the lion, "and no beast in all the forest would have had a good word to say to me." "this is all true," said dorothy, "and i am glad i was of use to these good friends. but now that each of them has had what he most desired, and each is happy in having a kingdom to rule beside, i think i should like to go back to kansas." "the silver shoes," said the good witch, "have wonderful powers. and one of the most curious things about them is that they can carry you to any place in the world in three steps, and each step will be made in the wink of an eye. all you have to do is to knock the heels together three times and command the shoes to carry you wherever you wish to go." "if that is so," said the child, joyfully, "i will ask them to carry me back to kansas at once." she threw her arms around the lion's neck and kissed him, patting his big head tenderly. then she kissed the tin woodman, who was weeping in a way most dangerous to his joints. but she hugged the soft, stuffed body of the scarecrow in her arms instead of kissing his painted face, and found she was crying herself at this sorrowful parting from her loving comrades. glinda the good stepped down from her ruby throne to give the little girl a good-bye kiss, and dorothy thanked her for all the kindness she had shown to her friends and herself. dorothy now took toto up solemnly in her arms, and having said one last good-bye she clapped the heels of her shoes together three times, saying, "take me home to aunt em!" * * * * * [illustration] instantly she was whirling through the air, so swiftly that all she could see or feel was the wind whistling past her ears. the silver shoes took but three steps, and then she stopped so suddenly that she rolled over upon the grass several times before she knew where she was. at length, however, she sat up and looked about her. "good gracious!" she cried. for she was sitting on the broad kansas prairie, and just before her was the new farm-house uncle henry built after the cyclone had carried away the old one. uncle henry was milking the cows in the barnyard, and toto had jumped out of her arms and was running toward the barn, barking joyously. dorothy stood up and found she was in her stocking-feet. for the silver shoes had fallen off in her flight through the air, and were lost forever in the desert. [illustration] chapter xxiv. home again. aunt em had just come out of the house to water the cabbages when she looked up and saw dorothy running toward her. "my darling child!" she cried, folding the little girl in her arms and covering her face with kisses; "where in the world did you come from?" "from the land of oz," said dorothy, gravely. "and here is toto, too. and oh, aunt em! i'm so glad to be at home again!" [illustration] transcriber's notes: obvious punctuation and spelling errors have been fixed throughout. glinda of oz in which are related the exciting experiences of princess ozma of oz, and dorothy, in their hazardous journey to the home of the flatheads, and to the magic isle of the skeezers, and how they were rescued from dire peril by the sorcery of glinda the good. by l. frank baum "royal historian of oz" illustrated by john r. neill this book is dedicated to my son robert stanton baum to our readers glinda the good, lovely sorceress of the land of oz and friend of princess ozma and dorothy, has lots of personal acquaintances who want to know more about her. so, in the new oz story, mr. l. frank baum, royal historian of oz, has written a whole book about how glinda and the wizard worked with all their might to save the princess and dorothy from the dire dangers which threatened them when they went among the warring tribes of the flatheads and skeezers. the wicked queen coo-ee-oh, a vain and evil witch, was really to blame for all the trouble. she surely succeeded in getting every one on the magic, glass-domed island of the skeezers into amazing difficulties. when mr. baum tells you how worried everybody in the land of oz felt about the princess ozma and dorothy and what wonderful sorcery glinda had to perform to save them, you'll be thrilled with excitement and admiration. he reveals the most hidden mysteries of magic. mr. baum did his best to answer all the letters from his small earth-friends before he had to leave them, but he couldn't answer quite all, for there were very many. in may, nineteen hundred nineteen, he went away to take his stories to the little child-souls who had lived here too long ago to read the oz stories for themselves. we are sorry he could not stay here and we are sad to tell you this is his last complete story. but he left some unfinished notes about the princess ozma and dorothy and the oz people and we promise that some day we will put them all together like a picture puzzle and give you more stories of the wonderful land of oz. cordially, your friends, the publishers. list of chapters 1 the call of duty 2 ozma and dorothy 3 the mist maidens 4 the magic tent 5 the magic stairway 6 flathead mountain 7 the magic isle 8 queen coo-ee-oh 9 lady aurex 10 under water 11 the conquest of the skeezers 12 the diamond swan 13 the alarm bell 14 ozma's counsellors 15 the great sorceress 16 the enchanted fishes 17 under the great dome 18 the cleverness of ervic 19 red reera, the yookoohoo 20 a puzzling problem 21 the three adepts 22 the sunken island 23 the magic words 24 glinda's triumph [illustration: glinda of oz] chapter 1 the call to duty glinda, the good sorceress of oz, sat in the grand court of her palace, surrounded by her maids of honor--a hundred of the most beautiful girls of the fairyland of oz. the palace court was built of rare marbles, exquisitely polished. fountains tinkled musically here and there; the vast colonnade, open to the south, allowed the maidens, as they raised their heads from their embroideries, to gaze upon a vista of rose-hued fields and groves of trees bearing fruits or laden with sweet-scented flowers. at times one of the girls would start a song, the others joining in the chorus, or one would rise and dance, gracefully swaying to the music of a harp played by a companion. and then glinda smiled, glad to see her maids mixing play with work. presently among the fields an object was seen moving, threading the broad path that led to the castle gate. some of the girls looked upon this object enviously; the sorceress merely gave it a glance and nodded her stately head as if pleased, for it meant the coming of her friend and mistress--the only one in all the land that glinda bowed to. then up the path trotted a wooden animal attached to a red wagon, and as the quaint steed halted at the gate there descended from the wagon two young girls, ozma, ruler of oz, and her companion, princess dorothy. both were dressed in simple white muslin gowns, and as they ran up the marble steps of the palace they laughed and chatted as gaily as if they were not the most important persons in the world's loveliest fairyland. the maids of honor had risen and stood with bowed heads to greet the royal ozma, while glinda came forward with outstretched arms to greet her guests. "we've just come on a visit, you know," said ozma. "both dorothy and i were wondering how we should pass the day when we happened to think we'd not been to your quadling country for weeks, so we took the sawhorse and rode straight here." "and we came so fast," added dorothy, "that our hair is blown all fuzzy, for the sawhorse makes a wind of his own. usually it's a day's journey from the em'rald city, but i don't s'pose we were two hours on the way." "you are most welcome," said glinda the sorceress, and led them through the court to her magnificent reception hall. ozma took the arm of her hostess, but dorothy lagged behind, kissing some of the maids she knew best, talking with others, and making them all feel that she was their friend. when at last she joined glinda and ozma in the reception hall, she found them talking earnestly about the condition of the people, and how to make them more happy and contented--although they were already the happiest and most contented folks in all the world. this interested ozma, of course, but it didn't interest dorothy very much, so the little girl ran over to a big table on which was lying open glinda's great book of records. this book is one of the greatest treasures in oz, and the sorceress prizes it more highly than any of her magical possessions. that is the reason it is firmly attached to the big marble table by means of golden chains, and whenever glinda leaves home she locks the great book together with five jeweled padlocks, and carries the keys safely hidden in her bosom. i do not suppose there is any magical thing in any fairyland to compare with the record book, on the pages of which are constantly being printed a record of every event that happens in any part of the world, at exactly the moment it happens. and the records are always truthful, although sometimes they do not give as many details as one could wish. but then, lots of things happen, and so the records have to be brief or even glinda's great book could not hold them all. glinda looked at the records several times each day, and dorothy, whenever she visited the sorceress, loved to look in the book and see what was happening everywhere. not much was recorded about the land of oz, which is usually peaceful and uneventful, but today dorothy found something which interested her. indeed, the printed letters were appearing on the page even while she looked. "this is funny!" she exclaimed. "did you know, ozma, that there were people in your land of oz called skeezers?" "yes," replied ozma, coming to her side, "i know that on professor wogglebug's map of the land of oz there is a place marked 'skeezer,' but what the skeezers are like i do not know. no one i know has ever seen them or heard of them. the skeezer country is 'way at the upper edge of the gillikin country, with the sandy, impassable desert on one side and the mountains of oogaboo on another side. that is a part of the land of oz of which i know very little." "i guess no one else knows much about it either, unless it's the skeezers themselves," remarked dorothy. "but the book says: 'the skeezers of oz have declared war on the flatheads of oz, and there is likely to be fighting and much trouble as the result.'" "is that all the book says?" asked ozma. "every word," said dorothy, and ozma and glinda both looked at the record and seemed surprised and perplexed. "tell me, glinda," said ozma, "who are the flatheads?" "i cannot, your majesty," confessed the sorceress. "until now i never have heard of them, nor have i ever heard the skeezers mentioned. in the faraway corners of oz are hidden many curious tribes of people, and those who never leave their own countries and never are visited by those from our favored part of oz, naturally are unknown to me. however, if you so desire, i can learn through my arts of sorcery something of the skeezers and the flatheads." "i wish you would," answered ozma seriously. "you see, glinda, if these are oz people they are my subjects and i cannot allow any wars or troubles in the land i rule, if i can possibly help it." "very well, your majesty," said the sorceress, "i will try to get some information to guide you. please excuse me for a time, while i retire to my room of magic and sorcery." "may i go with you?" asked dorothy, eagerly. "no, princess," was the reply. "it would spoil the charm to have anyone present." so glinda locked herself in her own room of magic and dorothy and ozma waited patiently for her to come out again. in about an hour glinda appeared, looking grave and thoughtful. "your majesty," she said to ozma, "the skeezers live on a magic isle in a great lake. for that reason--because the skeezers deal in magic--i can learn little about them." "why, i didn't know there was a lake in that part of oz," exclaimed ozma. "the map shows a river running through the skeezer country, but no lake." "that is because the person who made the map never had visited that part of the country," explained the sorceress. "the lake surely is there, and in the lake is an island--a magic isle--and on that island live the people called the skeezers." "what are they like?" inquired the ruler of oz. "my magic cannot tell me that," confessed glinda, "for the magic of the skeezers prevents anyone outside of their domain knowing anything about them." "the flatheads must know, if they're going to fight the skeezers," suggested dorothy. "perhaps so," glinda replied, "but i can get little information concerning the flatheads, either. they are people who inhabit a mountain just south of the lake of the skeezers. the mountain has steep sides and a broad, hollow top, like a basin, and in this basin the flatheads have their dwellings. they also are magic-workers and usually keep to themselves and allow no one from outside to visit them. i have learned that the flatheads number about one hundred people--men, women and children--while the skeezers number just one hundred and one." "what did they quarrel about, and why do they wish to fight one another?" was ozma's next question. "i cannot tell your majesty that," said glinda. "but see here!" cried dorothy, "it's against the law for anyone but glinda and the wizard to work magic in the land of oz, so if these two strange people are magic-makers they are breaking the law and ought to be punished!" ozma smiled upon her little friend. "those who do not know me or my laws," she said, "cannot be expected to obey my laws. if we know nothing of the skeezers or the flatheads, it is likely that they know nothing of us." "but they _ought_ to know, ozma, and _we_ ought to know. who's going to tell them, and how are we going to make them behave?" "that," returned ozma, "is what i am now considering. what would you advise, glinda?" the sorceress took a little time to consider this question, before she made reply. then she said: "had you not learned of the existence of the flatheads and the skeezers, through my book of records, you would never have worried about them or their quarrels. so, if you pay no attention to these peoples, you may never hear of them again." "but that wouldn't be right," declared ozma. "i am ruler of all the land of oz, which includes the gillikin country, the quadling country, the winkie country and the munchkin country, as well as the emerald city, and being the princess of this fairyland it is my duty to make all my people--wherever they may be--happy and content and to settle their disputes and keep them from quarreling. so, while the skeezers and flatheads may not know me or that i am their lawful ruler, i now know that they inhabit my kingdom and are my subjects, so i would not be doing my duty if i kept away from them and allowed them to fight." "that's a fact, ozma," commented dorothy. "you've got to go up to the gillikin country and make these people behave themselves and make up their quarrels. but how are you going to do it?" "that is what is puzzling me also, your majesty," said the sorceress. "it may be dangerous for you to go into those strange countries, where the people are possibly fierce and warlike." "i am not afraid," said ozma, with a smile. "'tisn't a question of being 'fraid," argued dorothy. "of course we know you're a fairy, and can't be killed or hurt, and we know you've a lot of magic of your own to help you. but, ozma dear, in spite of all this you've been in trouble before, on account of wicked enemies, and it isn't right for the ruler of all oz to put herself in danger." "perhaps i shall be in no danger at all," returned ozma, with a little laugh. "you mustn't _imagine_ danger, dorothy, for one should only imagine nice things, and we do not know that the skeezers and flatheads are wicked people or my enemies. perhaps they would be good and listen to reason." "dorothy is right, your majesty," asserted the sorceress. "it is true we know nothing of these faraway subjects, except that they intend to fight one another, and have a certain amount of magic power at their command. such folks do not like to submit to interference and they are more likely to resent your coming among them than to receive you kindly and graciously, as is your due." "if you had an army to take with you," added dorothy, "it wouldn't be so bad; but there isn't such a thing as an army in all oz." "i have one soldier," said ozma. "yes, the soldier with the green whiskers; but he's dreadful 'fraid of his gun and never loads it. i'm sure he'd run rather than fight. and one soldier, even if he were brave, couldn't do much against two hundred and one flatheads and skeezers." "what then, my friends, would you suggest?" inquired ozma. "i advise you to send the wizard of oz to them, and let him inform them that it is against the laws of oz to fight, and that you command them to settle their differences and become friends," proposed glinda. "let the wizard tell them they will be punished if they refuse to obey the commands of the princess of all the land of oz." ozma shook her head, to indicate that the advice was not to her satisfaction. "if they refuse, what then?" she asked. "i should be obliged to carry out my threat and punish them, and that would be an unpleasant and difficult thing to do. i am sure it would be better for me to go peacefully, without an army and armed only with my authority as ruler, and plead with them to obey me. then, if they prove obstinate i could resort to other means to win their obedience." "it's a ticklish thing, anyhow you look at it," sighed dorothy. "i'm sorry now that i noticed the record in the great book." "but can't you realize, my dear, that i must do my duty, now that i am aware of this trouble?" asked ozma. "i am fully determined to go at once to the magic isle of the skeezers and to the enchanted mountain of the flatheads, and prevent war and strife between their inhabitants. the only question to decide is whether it is better for me to go alone, or to assemble a party of my friends and loyal supporters to accompany me." "if you go i want to go, too," declared dorothy. "whatever happens it's going to be fun--'cause all excitement is fun--and i wouldn't miss it for the world!" neither ozma nor glinda paid any attention to this statement, for they were gravely considering the serious aspect of this proposed adventure. "there are plenty of friends who would like to go with you," said the sorceress, "but none of them would afford your majesty any protection in case you were in danger. you are yourself the most powerful fairy in oz, although both i and the wizard have more varied arts of magic at our command. however, you have one art that no other in all the world can equal--the art of winning hearts and making people love to bow to your gracious presence. for that reason i believe you can accomplish more good alone than with a large number of subjects in your train." "i believe that also," agreed the princess. "i shall be quite able to take care of myself, you know, but might not be able to protect others so well. i do not look for opposition, however. i shall speak to these people in kindly words and settle their dispute--whatever it may be--in a just manner." "aren't you going to take _me_?" pleaded dorothy. "you'll need _some_ companion, ozma." the princess smiled upon her little friend. "i see no reason why you should not accompany me," was her reply. "two girls are not very warlike and they will not suspect us of being on any errand but a kindly and peaceful one. but, in order to prevent war and strife between these angry peoples, we must go to them at once. let us return immediately to the emerald city and prepare to start on our journey early tomorrow morning." glinda was not quite satisfied with this plan, but could not think of any better way to meet the problem. she knew that ozma, with all her gentleness and sweet disposition, was accustomed to abide by any decision she had made and could not easily be turned from her purpose. moreover she could see no great danger to the fairy ruler of oz in the undertaking, even though the unknown people she was to visit proved obstinate. but dorothy was not a fairy; she was a little girl who had come from kansas to live in the land of oz. dorothy might encounter dangers that to ozma would be as nothing but to an "earth child" would be very serious. the very fact that dorothy lived in oz, and had been made a princess by her friend ozma, prevented her from being killed or suffering any great bodily pain as long as she lived in that fairyland. she could not grow big, either, and would always remain the same little girl who had come to oz, unless in some way she left that fairyland or was spirited away from it. but dorothy was a mortal, nevertheless, and might possibly be destroyed, or hidden where none of her friends could ever find her. she could, for instance, be cut into pieces, and the pieces, while still alive and free from pain, could be widely scattered; or she might be buried deep underground, or "destroyed" in other ways by evil magicians, were she not properly protected. these facts glinda was considering while she paced with stately tread her marble hall. finally the good sorceress paused and drew a ring from her finger, handing it to dorothy. "wear this ring constantly until your return," she said to the girl. "if serious danger threatens you, turn the ring around on your finger once to the right and another turn to the left. that will ring the alarm bell in my palace and i will at once come to your rescue. but do not use the ring unless you are actually in danger of destruction. while you remain with princess ozma i believe she will be able to protect you from all lesser ills." "thank you, glinda," responded dorothy gratefully, as she placed the ring on her finger. "i'm going to wear my magic belt which i took from the nome king, too, so i guess i'll be safe from anything the skeezers and flatheads try to do to me." ozma had many arrangements to make before she could leave her throne and her palace in the emerald city, even for a trip of a few days, so she bade good-bye to glinda and with dorothy climbed into the red wagon. a word to the wooden sawhorse started that astonishing creature on the return journey, and so swiftly did he run that dorothy was unable to talk or do anything but hold tight to her seat all the way back to the emerald city. chapter 2 ozma and dorothy residing in ozma's palace at this time was a live scarecrow, a most remarkable and intelligent creature who had once ruled the land of oz for a brief period and was much loved and respected by all the people. once a munchkin farmer had stuffed an old suit of clothes with straw and put stuffed boots on the feet and used a pair of stuffed cotton gloves for hands. the head of the scarecrow was a stuffed sack fastened to the body, with eyes, nose, mouth and ears painted on the sack. when a hat had been put on the head, the thing was a good imitation of a man. the farmer placed the scarecrow on a pole in his cornfield and it came to life in a curious manner. dorothy, who was passing by the field, was hailed by the live scarecrow and lifted him off his pole. he then went with her to the emerald city, where the wizard of oz gave him some excellent brains, and the scarecrow soon became an important personage. ozma considered the scarecrow one of her best friends and most loyal subjects, so the morning after her visit to glinda she asked him to take her place as ruler of the land of oz while she was absent on a journey, and the scarecrow at once consented without asking any questions. ozma had warned dorothy to keep their journey a secret and say nothing to anyone about the skeezers and flatheads until their return, and dorothy promised to obey. she longed to tell her girl friends, tiny trot and betsy bobbin, of the adventure they were undertaking, but refrained from saying a word on the subject although both these girls lived with her in ozma's palace. indeed, only glinda the sorceress knew they were going, until after they had gone, and even the sorceress didn't know what their errand might be. princess ozma took the sawhorse and the red wagon, although she was not sure there was a wagon road all the way to the lake of the skeezers. the land of oz is a pretty big place, surrounded on all sides by a deadly desert which it is impossible to cross, and the skeezer country, according to the map, was in the farthest northwestern part of oz, bordering on the north desert. as the emerald city was exactly in the center of oz, it was no small journey from there to the skeezers. around the emerald city the country is thickly settled in every direction, but the farther away you get from the city the fewer people there are, until those parts that border on the desert have small populations. also those faraway sections are little known to the oz people, except in the south, where glinda lives and where dorothy has often wandered on trips of exploration. the least known of all is the gillikin country, which harbors many strange bands of people among its mountains and valleys and forests and streams, and ozma was now bound for the most distant part of the gillikin country. "i am really sorry," said ozma to dorothy, as they rode away in the red wagon, "not to know more about the wonderful land i rule. it is my duty to be acquainted with every tribe of people and every strange and hidden country in all oz, but i am kept so busy at my palace making laws and planning for the comforts of those who live near the emerald city, that i do not often find time to make long journeys." "well," replied dorothy, "we'll prob'bly find out a lot on this trip, and we'll learn all about the skeezers and flatheads, anyhow. time doesn't make much diff'rence in the land of oz, 'cause we don't grow up, or get old, or become sick and die, as they do other places; so, if we explore one place at a time, we'll by-an'-by know all about every nook and corner in oz." dorothy wore around her waist the nome king's magic belt, which protected her from harm, and the magic ring which glinda had given her was on her finger. ozma had merely slipped a small silver wand into the bosom of her gown, for fairies do not use chemicals and herbs and the tools of wizards and sorcerers to perform their magic. the silver wand was ozma's one weapon of offense and defense and by its use she could accomplish many things. they had left the emerald city just at sunrise and the sawhorse traveled very swiftly over the roads towards the north, but in a few hours the wooden animal had to slacken his pace because the farm houses had become few and far between and often there were no paths at all in the direction they wished to follow. at such times they crossed the fields, avoiding groups of trees and fording the streams and rivulets whenever they came to them. but finally they reached a broad hillside closely covered with scrubby brush, through which the wagon could not pass. "it will be difficult even for you and me to get through without tearing our dresses," said ozma, "so we must leave the sawhorse and the wagon here until our return." "that's all right," dorothy replied, "i'm tired riding, anyhow. do you s'pose, ozma, we're anywhere near the skeezer country?" "i cannot tell, dorothy dear, but i know we've been going in the right direction, so we are sure to find it in time." the scrubby brush was almost like a grove of small trees, for it reached as high as the heads of the two girls, neither of whom was very tall. they were obliged to thread their way in and out, until dorothy was afraid they would get lost, and finally they were halted by a curious thing that barred their further progress. it was a huge web--as if woven by gigantic spiders--and the delicate, lacy film was fastened stoutly to the branches of the bushes and continued to the right and left in the form of a half circle. the threads of this web were of a brilliant purple color and woven into numerous artistic patterns, but it reached from the ground to branches above the heads of the girls and formed a sort of fence that hedged them in. "it doesn't look very strong, though," said dorothy. "i wonder if we couldn't break through." she tried but found the web stronger than it seemed. all her efforts could not break a single thread. "we must go back, i think, and try to get around this peculiar web," ozma decided. so they turned to the right and, following the web, found that it seemed to spread in a regular circle. on and on they went until finally ozma said they had returned to the exact spot from which they had started. "here is a handkerchief you dropped when we were here before," she said to dorothy. "in that case, they must have built the web behind us, after we walked into the trap," exclaimed the little girl. "true," agreed ozma, "an enemy has tried to imprison us." "and they did it, too," said dorothy. "i wonder who it was." "it's a spider-web, i'm quite sure," returned ozma, "but it must be the work of enormous spiders." "quite right!" cried a voice behind them. turning quickly around they beheld a huge purple spider sitting not two yards away and regarding them with its small bright eyes. then there crawled from the bushes a dozen more great purple spiders, which saluted the first one and said: "the web is finished, o king, and the strangers are our prisoners." dorothy did not like the looks of these spiders at all. they had big heads, sharp claws, small eyes and fuzzy hair all over their purple bodies. "they look wicked," she whispered to ozma. "what shall we do?" ozma gazed upon the spiders with a serious face. "what is your object in making us prisoners?" she inquired. "we need someone to keep house for us," answered the spider king. "there is sweeping and dusting to be done, and polishing and washing of dishes, and that is work my people dislike to do. so we decided that if any strangers came our way we would capture them and make them our servants." "i am princess ozma, ruler of all oz," said the girl with dignity. "well, i am king of all spiders," was the reply, "and that makes me your master. come with me to my palace and i will instruct you in your work." "i won't," said dorothy indignantly. "we won't have anything to do with you." "we'll see about that," returned the spider in a severe tone, and the next instant he made a dive straight at dorothy, opening the claws in his legs as if to grab and pinch her with the sharp points. but the girl was wearing her magic belt and was not harmed. the spider king could not even touch her. he turned swiftly and made a dash at ozma, but she held her magic wand over his head and the monster recoiled as if it had been struck. "you'd better let us go," dorothy advised him, "for you see you can't hurt us." "so i see," returned the spider king angrily. "your magic is greater than mine. but i'll not help you to escape. if you can break the magic web my people have woven you may go; if not you must stay here and starve." with that the spider king uttered a peculiar whistle and all the spiders disappeared. "there is more magic in my fairyland than i dreamed of," remarked the beautiful ozma, with a sigh of regret. "it seems that my laws have not been obeyed, for even these monstrous spiders defy me by means of magic." "never mind that now," said dorothy; "let's see what we can do to get out of this trap." they now examined the web with great care and were amazed at its strength. although finer than the finest silken hairs, it resisted all their efforts to work through, even though both girls threw all their weight against it. "we must find some instrument which will cut the threads of the web," said ozma, finally. "let us look about for such a tool." so they wandered among the bushes and finally came to a shallow pool of water, formed by a small bubbling spring. dorothy stooped to get a drink and discovered in the water a green crab, about as big as her hand. the crab had two big, sharp claws, and as soon as dorothy saw them she had an idea that those claws could save them. "come out of the water," she called to the crab; "i want to talk to you." rather lazily the crab rose to the surface and caught hold of a bit of rock. with his head above the water he said in a cross voice: "what do you want?" "we want you to cut the web of the purple spiders with your claws, so we can get through it," answered dorothy. "you can do that, can't you?" "i suppose so," replied the crab. "but if i do what will you give me?" "what do you wish?" ozma inquired. "i wish to be white, instead of green," said the crab. "green crabs are very common, and white ones are rare; besides the purple spiders, which infest this hillside, are afraid of white crabs. could you make me white if i should agree to cut the web for you?" "yes," said ozma, "i can do that easily. and, so you may know i am speaking the truth, i will change your color now." she waved her silver wand over the pool and the crab instantly became snow-white--all except his eyes, which remained black. the creature saw his reflection in the water and was so delighted that he at once climbed out of the pool and began moving slowly toward the web, by backing away from the pool. he moved so very slowly that dorothy cried out impatiently: "dear me, this will never do!" catching the crab in her hands she ran with him to the web. she had to hold him up even then, so he could reach with his claws strand after strand of the filmy purple web, which he was able to sever with one nip. when enough of the web had been cut to allow them to pass, dorothy ran back to the pool and placed the white crab in the water, after which she rejoined ozma. they were just in time to escape through the web, for several of the purple spiders now appeared, having discovered that their web had been cut, and had the girls not rushed through the opening the spiders would have quickly repaired the cuts and again imprisoned them. ozma and dorothy ran as fast as they could and although the angry spiders threw a number of strands of web after them, hoping to lasso them or entangle them in the coils, they managed to escape and clamber to the top of the hill. chapter 3 the mist maidens from the top of the hill ozma and dorothy looked down into the valley beyond and were surprised to find it filled with a floating mist that was as dense as smoke. nothing in the valley was visible except these rolling waves of mist, but beyond, on the other side, rose a grassy hill that appeared quite beautiful. "well," said dorothy, "what are we to do, ozma? walk down into that thick fog, an' prob'bly get lost in it, or wait till it clears away?" "i'm not sure it will clear away, however long we wait," replied ozma, doubtfully. "if we wish to get on, i think we must venture into the mist." "but we can't see where we're going, or what we're stepping on," protested dorothy. "there may be dreadful things mixed up in that fog, an' i'm scared just to think of wading into it." even ozma seemed to hesitate. she was silent and thoughtful for a little while, looking at the rolling drifts that were so gray and forbidding. finally she said: "i believe this is a mist valley, where these moist clouds always remain, for even the sunshine above does not drive them away. therefore the mist maids must live here, and they are fairies and should answer my call." she placed her two hands before her mouth, forming a hollow with them, and uttered a clear, thrilling, bird-like cry. it floated far out over the mist waves and presently was answered by a similar sound, as of a far-off echo. dorothy was much impressed. she had seen many strange things since coming to this fairy country, but here was a new experience. at ordinary times ozma was just like any little girl one might chance to meet--simple, merry, lovable as could be--yet with a certain reserve that lent her dignity in her most joyous moods. there were times, however, when seated on her throne and commanding her subjects, or when her fairy powers were called into use, when dorothy and all others about her stood in awe of their lovely girl ruler and realized her superiority. ozma waited. presently out from the billows rose beautiful forms, clothed in fleecy, trailing garments of gray that could scarcely be distinguished from the mist. their hair was mist-color, too; only their gleaming arms and sweet, pallid faces proved they were living, intelligent creatures answering the call of a sister fairy. like sea nymphs they rested on the bosom of the clouds, their eyes turned questioningly upon the two girls who stood upon the bank. one came quite near and to her ozma said: "will you please take us to the opposite hillside? we are afraid to venture into the mist. i am princess ozma of oz, and this is my friend dorothy, a princess of oz." the mist maids came nearer, holding out their arms. without hesitation ozma advanced and allowed them to embrace her and dorothy plucked up courage to follow. very gently the mist maids held them. dorothy thought the arms were cold and misty--they didn't seem real at all--yet they supported the two girls above the surface of the billows and floated with them so swiftly to the green hillside opposite that the girls were astonished to find themselves set upon the grass before they realized they had fairly started. "thank you!" said ozma gratefully, and dorothy also added her thanks for the service. the mist maids made no answer, but they smiled and waved their hands in good-bye as again they floated out into the mist and disappeared from view. chapter 4 the magic tent "well," said dorothy with a laugh, "that was easier than i expected. it's worth while, sometimes, to be a real fairy. but i wouldn't like to be that kind, and live in a dreadful fog all the time." they now climbed the bank and found before them a delightful plain that spread for miles in all directions. fragrant wild flowers were scattered throughout the grass; there were bushes bearing lovely blossoms and luscious fruits; now and then a group of stately trees added to the beauty of the landscape. but there were no dwellings or signs of life. the farther side of the plain was bordered by a row of palms, and just in front of the palms rose a queerly shaped hill that towered above the plain like a mountain. the sides of this hill were straight up and down; it was oblong in shape and the top seemed flat and level. "oh, ho!" cried dorothy; "i'll bet that's the mountain glinda told us of, where the flatheads live." "if it is," replied ozma, "the lake of the skeezers must be just beyond the line of palm trees. can you walk that far, dorothy?" "of course, in time," was the prompt answer. "i'm sorry we had to leave the sawhorse and the red wagon behind us, for they'd come in handy just now; but with the end of our journey in sight a tramp across these pretty green fields won't tire us a bit." it was a longer tramp than they suspected, however, and night overtook them before they could reach the flat mountain. so ozma proposed they camp for the night and dorothy was quite ready to approve. she didn't like to admit to her friend she was tired, but she told herself that her legs "had prickers in 'em," meaning they had begun to ache. usually when dorothy started on a journey of exploration or adventure, she carried with her a basket of food, and other things that a traveler in a strange country might require, but to go away with ozma was quite a different thing, as experience had taught her. the fairy ruler of oz only needed her silver wand--tipped at one end with a great sparkling emerald--to provide through its magic all that they might need. therefore ozma, having halted with her companion and selected a smooth, grassy spot on the plain, waved her wand in graceful curves and chanted some mystic words in her sweet voice, and in an instant a handsome tent appeared before them. the canvas was striped purple and white, and from the center pole fluttered the royal banner of oz. "come, dear," said ozma, taking dorothy's hand, "i am hungry and i'm sure you must be also; so let us go in and have our feast." on entering the tent they found a table set for two, with snowy linen, bright silver and sparkling glassware, a vase of roses in the center and many dishes of delicious food, some smoking hot, waiting to satisfy their hunger. also, on either side of the tent were beds, with satin sheets, warm blankets and pillows filled with swansdown. there were chairs, too, and tall lamps that lighted the interior of the tent with a soft, rosy glow. dorothy, resting herself at her fairy friend's command, and eating her dinner with unusual enjoyment, thought of the wonders of magic. if one were a fairy and knew the secret laws of nature and the mystic words and ceremonies that commanded those laws, then a simple wave of a silver wand would produce instantly all that men work hard and anxiously for through weary years. and dorothy wished in her kindly, innocent heart, that all men and women could be fairies with silver wands, and satisfy all their needs without so much work and worry, for then, she imagined, they would have all their working hours to be happy in. but ozma, looking into her friend's face and reading those thoughts, gave a laugh and said: "no, no, dorothy, that wouldn't do at all. instead of happiness your plan would bring weariness to the world. if every one could wave a wand and have his wants fulfilled there would be little to wish for. there would be no eager striving to obtain the difficult, for nothing would then be difficult, and the pleasure of earning something longed for, and only to be secured by hard work and careful thought, would be utterly lost. there would be nothing to do, you see, and no interest in life and in our fellow creatures. that is all that makes life worth our while--to do good deeds and to help those less fortunate than ourselves." "well, you're a fairy, ozma. aren't you happy?" asked dorothy. "yes, dear, because i can use my fairy powers to make others happy. had i no kingdom to rule, and no subjects to look after, i would be miserable. also, you must realize that while i am a more powerful fairy than any other inhabitant of oz, i am not as powerful as glinda the sorceress, who has studied many arts of magic that i know nothing of. even the little wizard of oz can do some things i am unable to accomplish, while i can accomplish things unknown to the wizard. this is to explain that i am not all-powerful, by any means. my magic is simply fairy magic, and not sorcery or wizardry." "all the same," said dorothy, "i'm mighty glad you could make this tent appear, with our dinners and beds all ready for us." ozma smiled. "yes, it is indeed wonderful," she agreed. "not all fairies know that sort of magic, but some fairies can do magic that fills me with astonishment. i think that is what makes us modest and unassuming--the fact that our magic arts are divided, some being given each of us. i'm glad i don't know everything, dorothy, and that there still are things in both nature and in wit for me to marvel at." dorothy couldn't quite understand this, so she said nothing more on the subject and presently had a new reason to marvel. for when they had quite finished their meal table and contents disappeared in a flash. "no dishes to wash, ozma!" she said with a laugh. "i guess you'd make a lot of folks happy if you could teach 'em just that one trick." for an hour ozma told stories, and talked with dorothy about various people in whom they were interested. and then it was bedtime, and they undressed and crept into their soft beds and fell asleep almost as soon as their heads touched their pillows. chapter 5 the magic stairway the flat mountain looked much nearer in the clear light of the morning sun, but dorothy and ozma knew there was a long tramp before them, even yet. they finished dressing only to find a warm, delicious breakfast awaiting them, and having eaten they left the tent and started toward the mountain which was their first goal. after going a little way dorothy looked back and found that the fairy tent had entirely disappeared. she was not surprised, for she knew this would happen. "can't your magic give us a horse an' wagon, or an automobile?" inquired dorothy. "no, dear; i'm sorry that such magic is beyond my power," confessed her fairy friend. "perhaps glinda could," said dorothy thoughtfully. "glinda has a stork chariot that carries her through the air," said ozma, "but even our great sorceress cannot conjure up other modes of travel. don't forget what i told you last night, that no one is powerful enough to do everything." "well, i s'pose i ought to know that, having lived so long in the land of oz," replied dorothy; "but _i_ can't do any magic at all, an' so i can't figure out e'zactly how you an' glinda an' the wizard do it." "don't try," laughed ozma. "but you have at least one magical art, dorothy: you know the trick of winning all hearts." "no, i don't," said dorothy earnestly. "if i really can do it, ozma, i am sure i don't know _how_ i do it." it took them a good two hours to reach the foot of the round, flat mountain, and then they found the sides so steep that they were like the wall of a house. "even my purple kitten couldn't climb 'em," remarked dorothy, gazing upward. "but there is some way for the flatheads to get down and up again," declared ozma; "otherwise they couldn't make war with the skeezers, or even meet them and quarrel with them." "that's so, ozma. let's walk around a ways; perhaps we'll find a ladder or something." they walked quite a distance, for it was a big mountain, and as they circled around it and came to the side that faced the palm trees, they suddenly discovered an entrance way cut out of the rock wall. this entrance was arched overhead and not very deep because it merely led to a short flight of stone stairs. "oh, we've found a way to the top at last," announced ozma, and the two girls turned and walked straight toward the entrance. suddenly they bumped against something and stood still, unable to proceed farther. "dear me!" exclaimed dorothy, rubbing her nose, which had struck something hard, although she could not see what it was; "this isn't as easy as it looks. what has stopped us, ozma? is it magic of some sort?" ozma was feeling around, her hands outstretched before her. "yes, dear, it is magic," she replied. "the flatheads had to have a way from their mountain top from the plain below, but to prevent enemies from rushing up the stairs to conquer them, they have built, at a small distance before the entrance a wall of solid stone, the stones being held in place by cement, and then they made the wall invisible." "i wonder why they did that?" mused dorothy. "a wall would keep folks out anyhow, whether it could be seen or not, so there wasn't any use making it invisible. seems to me it would have been better to have left it solid, for then no one would have seen the entrance behind it. now anybody can see the entrance, as we did. and prob'bly anybody that tries to go up the stairs gets bumped, as we did." ozma made no reply at once. her face was grave and thoughtful. "i think i know the reason for making the wall invisible," she said after a while. "the flatheads use the stairs for coming down and going up. if there was a solid stone wall to keep them from reaching the plain they would themselves be imprisoned by the wall. so they had to leave some place to get around the wall, and, if the wall was visible, all strangers or enemies would find the place to go around it and then the wall would be useless. so the flatheads cunningly made their wall invisible, believing that everyone who saw the entrance to the mountain would walk straight toward it, as we did, and find it impossible to go any farther. i suppose the wall is really high and thick, and can't be broken through, so those who find it in their way are obliged to go away again." "well," said dorothy, "if there's a way around the wall, where is it?" "we must find it," returned ozma, and began feeling her way along the wall. dorothy followed and began to get discouraged when ozma had walked nearly a quarter of a mile away from the entrance. but now the invisible wall curved in toward the side of the mountain and suddenly ended, leaving just space enough between the wall and the mountain for an ordinary person to pass through. the girls went in, single file, and ozma explained that they were now behind the barrier and could go back to the entrance. they met no further obstructions. "most people, ozma, wouldn't have figured this thing out the way you did," remarked dorothy. "if i'd been alone the invisible wall surely would have stumped me." reaching the entrance they began to mount the stone stairs. they went up ten stairs and then down five stairs, following a passage cut from the rock. the stairs were just wide enough for the two girls to walk abreast, arm in arm. at the bottom of the five stairs the passage turned to the right, and they ascended ten more stairs, only to find at the top of the flight five stairs leading straight down again. again the passage turned abruptly, this time to the left, and ten more stairs led upward. the passage was now quite dark, for they were in the heart of the mountain and all daylight had been shut out by the turns of the passage. however, ozma drew her silver wand from her bosom and the great jewel at its end gave out a lustrous, green-tinted light which lighted the place well enough for them to see their way plainly. ten steps up, five steps down, and a turn, this way or that. that was the program, and dorothy figured that they were only gaining five stairs upward each trip that they made. "those flatheads must be funny people," she said to ozma. "they don't seem to do anything in a bold, straightforward manner. in making this passage they forced everyone to walk three times as far as is necessary. and of course this trip is just as tiresome to the flatheads as it is to other folks." "that is true," answered ozma; "yet it is a clever arrangement to prevent their being surprised by intruders. every time we reach the tenth step of a flight, the pressure of our feet on the stone makes a bell ring on top of the mountain, to warn the flatheads of our coming." "how do you know that?" demanded dorothy, astonished. "i've heard the bell ever since we started," ozma told her. "you could not hear it, i know, but when i am holding my wand in my hand i can hear sounds a great distance off." "do you hear anything on top of the mountain 'cept the bell?" inquired dorothy. "yes. the people are calling to one another in alarm and many footsteps are approaching the place where we will reach the flat top of the mountain." this made dorothy feel somewhat anxious. "i'd thought we were going to visit just common, ordinary people," she remarked, "but they're pretty clever, it seems, and they know some kinds of magic, too. they may be dangerous, ozma. p'raps we'd better stayed at home." finally the upstairs-and-downstairs passage seemed coming to an end, for daylight again appeared ahead of the two girls and ozma replaced her wand in the bosom of her gown. the last ten steps brought them to the surface, where they found themselves surrounded by such a throng of queer people that for a time they halted, speechless, and stared into the faces that confronted them. dorothy knew at once why these mountain people were called flatheads. their heads were really flat on top, as if they had been cut off just above the eyes and ears. also the heads were bald, with no hair on top at all, and the ears were big and stuck straight out, and the noses were small and stubby, while the mouths of the flatheads were well shaped and not unusual. their eyes were perhaps their best feature, being large and bright and a deep violet in color. the costumes of the flatheads were all made of metals dug from their mountain. small gold, silver, tin and iron discs, about the size of pennies, and very thin, were cleverly wired together and made to form knee trousers and jackets for the men and skirts and waists for the women. the colored metals were skillfully mixed to form stripes and checks of various sorts, so that the costumes were quite gorgeous and reminded dorothy of pictures she had seen of knights of old clothed in armor. aside from their flat heads, these people were not really bad looking. the men were armed with bows and arrows and had small axes of steel stuck in their metal belts. they wore no hats nor ornaments. chapter 6 flathead mountain when they saw that the intruders on their mountain were only two little girls, the flatheads grunted with satisfaction and drew back, permitting them to see what the mountain top looked like. it was shaped like a saucer, so that the houses and other buildings--all made of rocks--could not be seen over the edge by anyone standing in the plain below. but now a big fat flathead stood before the girls and in a gruff voice demanded: "what are you doing here? have the skeezers sent you to spy upon us?" "i am princess ozma, ruler of all the land of oz." "well, i've never heard of the land of oz, so you may be what you claim," returned the flathead. "this is the land of oz--part of it, anyway," exclaimed dorothy. "so princess ozma rules you flathead people, as well as all the other people in oz." the man laughed, and all the others who stood around laughed, too. some one in the crowd called: "she'd better not tell the supreme dictator about ruling the flatheads. eh, friends?" "no, indeed!" they all answered in positive tones. "who is your supreme dictator?" answered ozma. "i think i'll let him tell you that himself," answered the man who had first spoken. "you have broken our laws by coming here; and whoever you are the supreme dictator must fix your punishment. come along with me." he started down a path and ozma and dorothy followed him without protest, as they wanted to see the most important person in this queer country. the houses they passed seemed pleasant enough and each had a little yard in which were flowers and vegetables. walls of rock separated the dwellings, and all the paths were paved with smooth slabs of rock. this seemed their only building material and they utilized it cleverly for every purpose. directly in the center of the great saucer stood a larger building which the flathead informed the girls was the palace of the supreme dictator. he led them through an entrance hall into a big reception room, where they sat upon stone benches and awaited the coming of the dictator. pretty soon he entered from another room--a rather lean and rather old flathead, dressed much like the others of this strange race, and only distinguished from them by the sly and cunning expression of his face. he kept his eyes half closed and looked through the slits of them at ozma and dorothy, who rose to receive him. "are you the supreme dictator of the flatheads?" inquired ozma. "yes, that's me," he said, rubbing his hands slowly together. "my word is law. i'm the head of the flatheads on this flat headland." "i am princess ozma of oz, and i have come from the emerald city to----" "stop a minute," interrupted the dictator, and turned to the man who had brought the girls there. "go away, dictator felo flathead!" he commanded. "return to your duty and guard the stairway. i will look after these strangers." the man bowed and departed, and dorothy asked wonderingly: "is _he_ a dictator, too?" "of course," was the answer. "everybody here is a dictator of something or other. they're all office holders. that's what keeps them contented. but i'm the supreme dictator of all, and i'm elected once a year. this is a democracy, you know, where the people are allowed to vote for their rulers. a good many others would like to be supreme dictator, but as i made a law that i am always to count the votes myself, i am always elected." "what is your name?" asked ozma. "i am called the su-dic, which is short for supreme dictator. i sent that man away because the moment you mentioned ozma of oz, and the emerald city, i knew who you are. i suppose i'm the only flathead that ever heard of you, but that's because i have more brains than the rest." dorothy was staring hard at the su-dic. "i don't see how you can have any brains at all," she remarked, "because the part of your head is gone where brains are kept." "i don't blame you for thinking that," he said. "once the flatheads had no brains because, as you say, there is no upper part to their heads, to hold brains. but long, long ago a band of fairies flew over this country and made it all a fairyland, and when they came to the flatheads the fairies were sorry to find them all very stupid and quite unable to think. so, as there was no good place in their bodies in which to put brains the fairy queen gave each one of us a nice can of brains to carry in his pocket and that made us just as intelligent as other people. see," he continued, "here is one of the cans of brains the fairies gave us." he took from a pocket a bright tin can having a pretty red label on it which said: "flathead concentrated brains, extra quality." "and does every flathead have the same kind of brains?" asked dorothy. "yes, they're all alike. here's another can." from another pocket he produced a second can of brains. "did the fairies give you a double supply?" inquired dorothy. "no, but one of the flatheads thought he wanted to be the su-dic and tried to get my people to rebel against me, so i punished him by taking away his brains. one day my wife scolded me severely, so i took away her can of brains. she didn't like that and went out and robbed several women of _their_ brains. then i made a law that if anyone stole another's brains, or even tried to borrow them, he would forfeit his own brains to the su-dic. so each one is content with his own canned brains and my wife and i are the only ones on the mountain with more than one can. i have three cans and that makes me very clever--so clever that i'm a good sorcerer, if i do say it myself. my poor wife had four cans of brains and became a remarkable witch, but alas! that was before those terrible enemies, the skeezers, transformed her into a golden pig." "good gracious!" cried dorothy; "is your wife really a golden pig?" "she is. the skeezers did it and so i have declared war on them. in revenge for making my wife a pig i intend to ruin their magic island and make the skeezers the slaves of the flatheads!" the su-dic was very angry now; his eyes flashed and his face took on a wicked and fierce expression. but ozma said to him, very sweetly and in a friendly voice: "i am sorry to hear this. will you please tell me more about your troubles with the skeezers? then perhaps i can help you." she was only a girl, but there was dignity in her pose and speech which impressed the su-dic. "if you are really princess ozma of oz," the flathead said, "you are one of that band of fairies who, under queen lurline, made all oz a fairyland. i have heard that lurline left one of her own fairies to rule oz, and gave the fairy the name of ozma." "if you knew this why did you not come to me at the emerald city and tender me your loyalty and obedience?" asked the ruler of oz. "well, i only learned the fact lately, and i've been too busy to leave home," he explained, looking at the floor instead of into ozma's eyes. she knew he had spoken a falsehood, but only said: "why did you quarrel with the skeezers?" "it was this way," began the su-dic, glad to change the subject. "we flatheads love fish, and as we have no fish on this mountain we would sometimes go to the lake of the skeezers to catch fish. this made the skeezers angry, for they declared the fish in their lake belonged to them and were under their protection and they forbade us to catch them. that was very mean and unfriendly in the skeezers, you must admit, and when we paid no attention to their orders they set a guard on the shore of the lake to prevent our fishing. "now, my wife, rora flathead, having four cans of brains, had become a wonderful witch, and fish being brain food, she loved to eat fish better than any one of us. so she vowed she would destroy every fish in the lake, unless the skeezers let us catch what we wanted. they defied us, so rora prepared a kettleful of magic poison and went down to the lake one night to dump it all in the water and poison the fish. it was a clever idea, quite worthy of my dear wife, but the skeezer queen--a young lady named coo-ee-oh--hid on the bank of the lake and taking rora unawares, transformed her into a golden pig. the poison was spilled on the ground and wicked queen coo-ee-oh, not content with her cruel transformation, even took away my wife's four cans of brains, so she is now a common grunting pig without even brains enough to know her own name." "then," said ozma thoughtfully, "the queen of the skeezers must be a sorceress." "yes," said the su-dic, "but she doesn't know much magic, after all. she is not as powerful as rora flathead was, nor half as powerful as i am now, as queen coo-ee-oh will discover when we fight our great battle and destroy her." "the golden pig can't be a witch any more, of course," observed dorothy. "no; even had queen coo-ee-oh left her the four cans of brains, poor rora, in a pig's shape, couldn't do any witchcraft. a witch has to use her fingers, and a pig has only cloven hoofs." "it seems a sad story," was ozma's comment, "and all the trouble arose because the flatheads wanted fish that did not belong to them." "as for that," said the su-dic, again angry, "i made a law that any of my people could catch fish in the lake of the skeezers, whenever they wanted to. so the trouble was through the skeezers defying my law." "you can only make laws to govern your own people," asserted ozma sternly. "i, alone, am empowered to make laws that must be obeyed by all the peoples of oz." "pooh!" cried the su-dic scornfully. "you can't make _me_ obey your laws, i assure you. i know the extent of your powers, princess ozma of oz, and i know that i am more powerful than you are. to prove it i shall keep you and your companion prisoners in this mountain until after we have fought and conquered the skeezers. then, if you promise to be good, i may let you go home again." dorothy was amazed by this effrontery and defiance of the beautiful girl ruler of oz, whom all until now had obeyed without question. but ozma, still unruffled and dignified, looked at the su-dic and said: "you did not mean that. you are angry and speak unwisely, without reflection. i came here from my palace in the emerald city to prevent war and to make peace between you and the skeezers. i do not approve of queen coo-ee-oh's action in transforming your wife rora into a pig, nor do i approve of rora's cruel attempt to poison the fishes in the lake. no one has the right to work magic in my dominions without my consent, so the flatheads and the skeezers have both broken my laws--which must be obeyed." "if you want to make peace," said the su-dic, "make the skeezers restore my wife to her proper form and give back her four cans of brains. also make them agree to allow us to catch fish in their lake." "no," returned ozma, "i will not do that, for it would be unjust. i will have the golden pig again transformed into your wife rora, and give her one can of brains, but the other three cans must be restored to those she robbed. neither may you catch fish in the lake of the skeezers, for it is their lake and the fish belong to them. this arrangement is just and honorable, and you must agree to it." "never!" cried the su-dic. just then a pig came running into the room, uttering dismal grunts. it was made of solid gold, with joints at the bends of the legs and in the neck and jaws. the golden pig's eyes were rubies, and its teeth were polished ivory. "there!" said the su-dic, "gaze on the evil work of queen coo-ee-oh, and then say if you can prevent my making war on the skeezers. that grunting beast was once my wife--the most beautiful flathead on our mountain and a skillful witch. now look at her!" "fight the skeezers, fight the skeezers, fight the skeezers!" grunted the golden pig. "i _will_ fight the skeezers," exclaimed the flathead chief, "and if a dozen ozmas of oz forbade me i would fight just the same." "not if i can prevent it!" asserted ozma. "you can't prevent it. but since you threaten me, i'll have you confined in the bronze prison until the war is over," said the su-dic. he whistled and four stout flatheads, armed with axes and spears, entered the room and saluted him. turning to the men he said: "take these two girls, bind them with wire ropes and cast them into the bronze prison.". the four men bowed low and one of them asked: "where are the two girls, most noble su-dic?" the su-dic turned to where ozma and dorothy had stood but they had vanished! chapter 7 the magic isle ozma, seeing it was useless to argue with the supreme dictator of the flatheads, had been considering how best to escape from his power. she realized that his sorcery might be difficult to overcome, and when he threatened to cast dorothy and her into a bronze prison she slipped her hand into her bosom and grasped her silver wand. with the other hand she grasped the hand of dorothy, but these motions were so natural that the su-dic did not notice them. then when he turned to meet his four soldiers, ozma instantly rendered both herself and dorothy invisible and swiftly led her companion around the group of flatheads and out of the room. as they reached the entry and descended the stone steps, ozma whispered: "let us run, dear! we are invisible, so no one will see us." dorothy understood and she was a good runner. ozma had marked the place where the grand stairway that led to the plain was located, so they made directly for it. some people were in the paths but these they dodged around. one or two flatheads heard the pattering of footsteps of the girls on the stone pavement and stopped with bewildered looks to gaze around them, but no one interfered with the invisible fugitives. the su-dic had lost no time in starting the chase. he and his men ran so fast that they might have overtaken the girls before they reached the stairway had not the golden pig suddenly run across their path. the su-dic tripped over the pig and fell flat, and his four men tripped over him and tumbled in a heap. before they could scramble up and reach the mouth of the passage it was too late to stop the two girls. there was a guard on each side of the stairway, but of course they did not see ozma and dorothy as they sped past and descended the steps. then they had to go up five steps and down another ten, and so on, in the same manner in which they had climbed to the top of the mountain. ozma lighted their way with her wand and they kept on without relaxing their speed until they reached the bottom. then they ran to the right and turned the corner of the invisible wall just as the su-dic and his followers rushed out of the arched entrance and looked around in an attempt to discover the fugitives. ozma now knew they were safe, so she told dorothy to stop and both of them sat down on the grass until they could breathe freely and become rested from their mad flight. as for the su-dic, he realized he was foiled and soon turned and climbed his stairs again. he was very angry--angry with ozma and angry with himself--because, now that he took time to think, he remembered that he knew very well the art of making people invisible, and visible again, and if he had only thought of it in time he could have used his magic knowledge to make the girls visible and so have captured them easily. however, it was now too late for regrets and he determined to make preparations at once to march all his forces against the skeezers. "what shall we do next?" asked dorothy, when they were rested. "let us find the lake of the skeezers," replied ozma. "from what that dreadful su-dic said i imagine the skeezers are good people and worthy of our friendship, and if we go to them we may help them to defeat the flatheads." "i s'pose we can't stop the war now," remarked dorothy reflectively, as they walked toward the row of palm trees. "no; the su-dic is determined to fight the skeezers, so all we can do is to warn them of their danger and help them as much as possible." "of course you'll punish the flatheads," said dorothy. "well, i do not think the flathead people are as much to blame as their supreme dictator," was the answer. "if he is removed from power and his unlawful magic taken from him, the people will probably be good and respect the laws of the land of oz, and live at peace with all their neighbors in the future." "i hope so," said dorothy with a sigh of doubt. the palms were not far from the mountain and the girls reached them after a brisk walk. the huge trees were set close together, in three rows, and had been planted so as to keep people from passing them, but the flatheads had cut a passage through this barrier and ozma found the path and led dorothy to the other side. beyond the palms they discovered a very beautiful scene. bordered by a green lawn was a great lake fully a mile from shore to shore, the waters of which were exquisitely blue and sparkling, with little wavelets breaking its smooth surface where the breezes touched it. in the center of this lake appeared a lovely island, not of great extent but almost entirely covered by a huge round building with glass walls and a high glass dome which glittered brilliantly in the sunshine. between the glass building and the edge of the island was no grass, flowers or shrubbery, but only an expanse of highly polished white marble. there were no boats on either shore and no signs of life could be seen anywhere on the island. "well," said dorothy, gazing wistfully at the island, "we've found the lake of the skeezers and their magic isle. i guess the skeezers are in that big glass palace, but we can't get at 'em." chapter 8 queen coo-ee-oh princess ozma considered the situation gravely. then she tied her handkerchief to her wand and, standing at the water's edge, waved the handkerchief like a flag, as a signal. for a time they could observe no response. "i don't see what good that will do," said dorothy. "even if the skeezers are on that island and see us, and know we're friends, they haven't any boats to come and get us." but the skeezers didn't need boats, as the girls soon discovered. for on a sudden an opening appeared at the base of the palace and from the opening came a slender shaft of steel, reaching out slowly but steadily across the water in the direction of the place where they stood. to the girls this steel arrangement looked like a triangle, with the base nearest the water. it came toward them in the form of an arch, stretching out from the palace wall until its end reached the bank and rested there, while the other end still remained on the island. then they saw that it was a bridge, consisting of a steel footway just broad enough to walk on, and two slender guide rails, one on either side, which were connected with the footway by steel bars. the bridge looked rather frail and dorothy feared it would not bear their weight, but ozma at once called, "come on!" and started to walk across, holding fast to the rail on either side. so dorothy summoned her courage and followed after. before ozma had taken three steps she halted and so forced dorothy to halt, for the bridge was again moving and returning to the island. "we need not walk after all," said ozma. so they stood still in their places and let the steel bridge draw them onward. indeed, the bridge drew them well into the glass-domed building which covered the island, and soon they found themselves standing in a marble room where two handsomely dressed young men stood on a platform to receive them. ozma at once stepped from the end of the bridge to the marble platform, followed by dorothy, and then the bridge disappeared with a slight clang of steel and a marble slab covered the opening from which it had emerged. the two young men bowed profoundly to ozma, and one of them said: "queen coo-ee-oh bids you welcome, o strangers. her majesty is waiting to receive you in her palace." "lead on," replied ozma with dignity. but instead of "leading on," the platform of marble began to rise, carrying them upward through a square hole above which just fitted it. a moment later they found themselves within the great glass dome that covered almost all of the island. within this dome was a little village, with houses, streets, gardens and parks. the houses were of colored marbles, prettily designed, with many stained-glass windows, and the streets and gardens seemed well cared for. exactly under the center of the lofty dome was a small park filled with brilliant flowers, with an elaborate fountain, and facing this park stood a building larger and more imposing than the others. toward this building the young men escorted ozma and dorothy. on the streets and in the doorways or open windows of the houses were men, women and children, all richly dressed. these were much like other people in different parts of the land of oz, except that instead of seeming merry and contented they all wore expressions of much solemnity or of nervous irritation. they had beautiful homes, splendid clothes, and ample food, but dorothy at once decided something was wrong with their lives and that they were not happy. she said nothing, however, but looked curiously at the skeezers. at the entrance of the palace ozma and dorothy were met by two other young men, in uniform and armed with queer weapons that seemed about halfway between pistols and guns, but were like neither. their conductors bowed and left them, and the two in uniforms led the girls into the palace. in a beautiful throne room, surrounded by a dozen or more young men and women, sat the queen of the skeezers, coo-ee-oh. she was a girl who looked older than ozma or dorothy--fifteen or sixteen, at least--and although she was elaborately dressed as if she were going to a ball she was too thin and plain of feature to be pretty. but evidently queen coo-ee-oh did not realize this fact, for her air and manner betrayed her as proud and haughty and with a high regard for her own importance. dorothy at once decided she was "snippy" and that she would not like queen coo-ee-oh as a companion. the queen's hair was as black as her skin was white and her eyes were black, too. the eyes, as she calmly examined ozma and dorothy, had a suspicious and unfriendly look in them, but she said quietly: "i know who you are, for i have consulted my magic oracle, which told me that one calls herself princess ozma, the ruler of all the land of oz, and the other is princess dorothy of oz, who came from a country called kansas. i know nothing of the land of oz, and i know nothing of kansas." "why, _this_ is the land of oz!" cried dorothy. "it's a _part_ of the land of oz, anyhow, whether you know it or not." "oh, in-deed!" answered queen coo-ee-oh, scornfully. "i suppose you will claim next that this princess ozma, ruling the land of oz, rules me!" "of course," returned dorothy. "there's no doubt of it." the queen turned to ozma. "do you dare make such a claim?" she asked. by this time ozma had made up her mind as to the character of this haughty and disdainful creature, whose self-pride evidently led her to believe herself superior to all others. "i did not come here to quarrel with your majesty," said the girl ruler of oz, quietly. "what and who i am is well established, and my authority comes from the fairy queen lurline, of whose band i was a member when lurline made all oz a fairyland. there are several countries and several different peoples in this broad land, each of which has its separate rulers, kings, emperors and queens. but all these render obedience to my laws and acknowledge me as the supreme ruler." "if other kings and queens are fools that does not interest me in the least," replied coo-ee-oh, disdainfully. "in the land of the skeezers i alone am supreme. you are impudent to think i would defer to you--or to anyone else." "let us not speak of this now, please," answered ozma. "your island is in danger, for a powerful foe is preparing to destroy it." "pah! the flatheads. i do not fear them." "their supreme dictator is a sorcerer." "my magic is greater than his. let the flatheads come! they will never return to their barren mountain-top. i will see to that." ozma did not like this attitude, for it meant that the skeezers were eager to fight the flatheads, and ozma's object in coming here was to prevent fighting and induce the two quarrelsome neighbors to make peace. she was also greatly disappointed in coo-ee-oh, for the reports of su-dic had led her to imagine the queen more just and honorable than were the flatheads. indeed ozma reflected that the girl might be better at heart than her self-pride and overbearing manner indicated, and in any event it would be wise not to antagonize her but to try to win her friendship. "i do not like wars, your majesty," said ozma. "in the emerald city, where i rule thousands of people, and in the countries near to the emerald city, where thousands more acknowledge my rule, there is no army at all, because there is no quarreling and no need to fight. if differences arise between my people, they come to me and i judge the cases and award justice to all. so, when i learned there might be war between two faraway people of oz, i came here to settle the dispute and adjust the quarrel." "no one asked you to come," declared queen coo-ee-oh. "it is _my_ business to settle this dispute, not yours. you say my island is a part of the land of oz, which you rule, but that is all nonsense, for i've never heard of the land of oz, nor of you. you say you are a fairy, and that fairies gave you command over me. i don't believe it! what i _do_ believe is that you are an impostor and have come here to stir up trouble among my people, who are already becoming difficult to manage. you two girls may even be spies of the vile flatheads, for all i know, and may be trying to trick me. but understand this," she added, proudly rising from her jeweled throne to confront them, "i have magic powers greater than any fairy possesses, and greater than any flathead possesses. i am a krumbic witch--the only krumbic witch in the world--and i fear the magic of no other creature that exists! you say you rule thousands. i rule one hundred and one skeezers. but every one of them trembles at my word. now that ozma of oz and princess dorothy are here, i shall rule one hundred and three subjects, for you also shall bow before my power. more than that, in ruling you i also rule the thousands you say you rule." dorothy was very indignant at this speech. "i've got a pink kitten that sometimes talks like that," she said, "but after i give her a good whipping she doesn't think she's so high and mighty after all. if you only knew who ozma is you'd be scared to death to talk to her like that!" queen coo-ee-oh gave the girl a supercilious look. then she turned again to ozma. "i happen to know," said she, "that the flatheads intend to attack us tomorrow, but we are ready for them. until the battle is over, i shall keep you two strangers prisoners on my island, from which there is no chance for you to escape." she turned and looked around the band of courtiers who stood silently around her throne. "lady aurex," she continued, singling out one of the young women, "take these children to your house and care for them, giving them food and lodging. you may allow them to wander anywhere under the great dome, for they are harmless. after i have attended to the flatheads i will consider what next to do with these foolish girls." she resumed her seat and the lady aurex bowed low and said in a humble manner: "i obey your majesty's commands." then to ozma and dorothy she added, "follow me," and turned to leave the throne room. dorothy looked to see what ozma would do. to her surprise and a little to her disappointment ozma turned and followed lady aurex. so dorothy trailed after them, but not without giving a parting, haughty look toward queen coo-ee-oh, who had her face turned the other way and did not see the disapproving look. chapter 9 lady aurex lady aurex led ozma and dorothy along a street to a pretty marble house near to one edge of the great glass dome that covered the village. she did not speak to the girls until she had ushered them into a pleasant room, comfortably furnished, nor did any of the solemn people they met on the street venture to speak. when they were seated lady aurex asked if they were hungry, and finding they were summoned a maid and ordered food to be brought. this lady aurex looked to be about twenty years old, although in the land of oz where people have never changed in appearance since the fairies made it a fairyland--where no one grows old or dies--it is always difficult to say how many years anyone has lived. she had a pleasant, attractive face, even though it was solemn and sad as the faces of all skeezers seemed to be, and her costume was rich and elaborate, as became a lady in waiting upon the queen. ozma had observed lady aurex closely and now asked her in a gentle tone: "do you, also, believe me to be an impostor?" "i dare not say," replied lady aurex in a low tone. "why are you afraid to speak freely?" inquired ozma. "the queen punishes us if we make remarks that she does not like." "are we not alone then, in this house?" "the queen can hear everything that is spoken on this island--even the slightest whisper," declared lady aurex. "she is a wonderful witch, as she has told you, and it is folly to criticise her or disobey her commands." ozma looked into her eyes and saw that she would like to say more if she dared. so she drew from her bosom her silver wand, and having muttered a magic phrase in a strange tongue, she left the room and walked slowly around the outside of the house, making a complete circle and waving her wand in mystic curves as she walked. lady aurex watched her curiously and, when ozma had again entered the room and seated herself, she asked: "what have you done?" "i've enchanted this house in such a manner that queen coo-ee-oh, with all her witchcraft, cannot hear one word we speak within the magic circle i have made," replied ozma. "we may now speak freely and as loudly as we wish, without fear of the queen's anger." lady aurex brightened at this. "can i trust you?" she asked. "ev'rybody trusts ozma," exclaimed dorothy. "she is true and honest, and your wicked queen will be sorry she insulted the powerful ruler of all the land of oz." "the queen does not know me yet," said ozma, "but i want you to know me, lady aurex, and i want you to tell me why you, and all the skeezers, are unhappy. do not fear coo-ee-oh's anger, for she cannot hear a word we say, i assure you." lady aurex was thoughtful a moment; then she said: "i shall trust you, princess ozma, for i believe you are what you say you are--our supreme ruler. if you knew the dreadful punishments our queen inflicts upon us, you would not wonder we are so unhappy. the skeezers are not bad people; they do not care to quarrel and fight, even with their enemies the flatheads; but they are so cowed and fearful of coo-ee-oh that they obey her slightest word, rather than suffer her anger." "hasn't she any heart, then?" asked dorothy. "she never displays mercy. she loves no one but herself," asserted lady aurex, but she trembled as she said it, as if afraid even yet of her terrible queen. "that's pretty bad," said dorothy, shaking her head gravely. "i see you've a lot to do here, ozma, in this forsaken corner of the land of oz. first place, you've got to take the magic away from queen coo-ee-oh, and from that awful su-dic, too. _my_ idea is that neither of them is fit to rule anybody, 'cause they're cruel and hateful. so you'll have to give the skeezers and flatheads new rulers and teach all their people that they're part of the land of oz and must obey, above all, the lawful ruler, ozma of oz. then, when you've done that, we can go back home again." ozma smiled at her little friend's earnest counsel, but lady aurex said in an anxious tone: "i am surprised that you suggest these reforms while you are yet prisoners on this island and in coo-ee-oh's power. that these things should be done, there is no doubt, but just now a dreadful war is likely to break out, and frightful things may happen to us all. our queen has such conceit that she thinks she can overcome the su-dic and his people, but it is said su-dic's magic is very powerful, although not as great as that possessed by his wife rora, before coo-ee-oh transformed her into a golden pig." "i don't blame her very much for doing that," remarked dorothy, "for the flatheads were wicked to try to catch your beautiful fish and the witch rora wanted to poison all the fishes in the lake." "do you know the reason?" asked the lady aurex. "i don't s'pose there _was_ any reason, 'cept just wickedness," replied dorothy. "tell us the reason," said ozma earnestly. "well, your majesty, once--a long time ago--the flatheads and the skeezers were friendly. they visited our island and we visited their mountain, and everything was pleasant between the two peoples. at that time the flatheads were ruled by three adepts in sorcery, beautiful girls who were not flatheads, but had wandered to the flat mountain and made their home there. these three adepts used their magic only for good, and the mountain people gladly made them their rulers. they taught the flatheads how to use their canned brains and how to work metals into clothing that would never wear out, and many other things that added to their happiness and content. "coo-ee-oh was our queen then, as now, but she knew no magic and so had nothing to be proud of. but the three adepts were very kind to coo-ee-oh. they built for us this wonderful dome of glass and our houses of marble and taught us to make beautiful clothing and many other things. coo-ee-oh pretended to be very grateful for these favors, but it seems that all the time she was jealous of the three adepts and secretly tried to discover their arts of magic. in this she was more clever than anyone suspected. she invited the three adepts to a banquet one day, and while they were feasting coo-ee-oh stole their charms and magical instruments and transformed them into three fishes--a gold fish, a silver fish and a bronze fish. while the poor fishes were gasping and flopping helplessly on the floor of the banquet room one of them said reproachfully: 'you will be punished for this, coo-ee-oh, for if one of us dies or is destroyed, you will become shrivelled and helpless, and all your stolen magic will depart from you.' frightened by this threat, coo-ee-oh at once caught up the three fish and ran with them to the shore of the lake, where she cast them into the water. this revived the three adepts and they swam away and disappeared. "i, myself, witnessed this shocking scene," continued lady aurex, "and so did many other skeezers. the news was carried to the flatheads, who then turned from friends to enemies. the su-dic and his wife rora were the only ones on the mountain who were glad the three adepts had been lost to them, and they at once became rulers of the flatheads and stole their canned brains from others to make themselves the more powerful. some of the adepts' magic tools had been left on the mountain, and these rora seized and by the use of them she became a witch. "the result of coo-ee-oh's treachery was to make both the skeezers and the flatheads miserable instead of happy. not only were the su-dic and his wife cruel to their people, but our queen at once became proud and arrogant and treated us very unkindly. all the skeezers knew she had stolen her magic powers and so she hated us and made us humble ourselves before her and obey her slightest word. if we disobeyed, or did not please her, or if we talked about her when we were in our own homes she would have us dragged to the whipping post in her palace and lashed with knotted cords. that is why we fear her so greatly." this story filled ozma's heart with sorrow and dorothy's heart with indignation. "i now understand," said ozma, "why the fishes in the lake have brought about war between the skeezers and the flatheads." "yes," lady aurex answered, "now that you know the story it is easy to understand. the su-dic and his wife came to our lake hoping to catch the silver fish, or gold fish, or bronze fish--any one of them _would_ do--and by destroying it deprive coo-ee-oh of her magic. then they could easily conquer her. also they had another reason for wanting to catch the fish--they feared that in some way the three adepts might regain their proper forms and then they would be sure to return to the mountain and punish rora and the su-dic. that was why rora finally tried to poison all the fishes in the lake, at the time coo-ee-oh transformed her into a golden pig. of course this attempt to destroy the fishes frightened the queen, for her safety lies in keeping the three fishes alive." "i s'pose coo-ee-oh will fight the flatheads with all her might," observed dorothy. "and with all her magic," added ozma, thoughtfully. "i do not see how the flatheads can get to this island to hurt us," said lady aurex. "they have bows and arrows, and i guess they mean to shoot the arrows at your big dome, and break all the glass in it," suggested dorothy. but lady aurex shook her head with a smile. "they cannot do that," she replied. "why not?" "i dare not tell you why, but if the flatheads come to-morrow morning you will yourselves see the reason." "i do not think they will attempt to harm the island," ozma declared. "i believe they will first attempt to destroy the fishes, by poison or some other means. if they succeed in that, the conquest of the island will not be difficult." "they have no boats," said lady aurex, "and coo-ee-oh, who has long expected this war, has been preparing for it in many astonishing ways. i almost wish the flatheads would conquer us, for then we would be free from our dreadful queen; but i do not wish to see the three transformed fishes destroyed, for in them lies our only hope of future happiness." "ozma will take care of you, whatever happens," dorothy assured her. but the lady aurex, not knowing the extent of ozma's power--which was, in fact, not so great as dorothy imagined--could not take much comfort in this promise. it was evident there would be exciting times on the morrow, if the flatheads really attacked the skeezers of the magic isle. chapter 10 under water when night fell all the interior of the great dome, streets and houses, became lighted with brilliant incandescent lamps, which rendered it bright as day. dorothy thought the island must look beautiful by night from the outer shore of the lake. there was revelry and feasting in the queen's palace, and the music of the royal band could be plainly heard in lady aurex's house, where ozma and dorothy remained with their hostess and keeper. they were prisoners, but treated with much consideration. lady aurex gave them a nice supper and when they wished to retire showed them to a pretty room with comfortable beds and wished them a good night and pleasant dreams. "what do you think of all this, ozma?" dorothy anxiously inquired when they were alone. "i am glad we came," was the reply, "for although there may be mischief done to-morrow, it was necessary i should know about these people, whose leaders are wild and lawless and oppress their subjects with injustice and cruelties. my task, therefore, is to liberate the skeezers and the flatheads and secure for them freedom and happiness. i have no doubt i can accomplish this in time." "just now, though, we're in a bad fix," asserted dorothy. "if queen coo-ee-oh conquers to-morrow, she won't be nice to us, and if the su-dic conquers, he'll be worse." "do not worry, dear," said ozma, "i do not think we are in danger, whatever happens, and the result of our adventure is sure to be good." dorothy was not worrying, especially. she had confidence in her friend, the fairy princess of oz, and she enjoyed the excitement of the events in which she was taking part. so she crept into bed and fell asleep as easily as if she had been in her own cosy room in ozma's palace. a sort of grating, grinding sound awakened her. the whole island seemed to tremble and sway, as it might do in an earthquake. dorothy sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes to get the sleep out of them, and then found it was daybreak. ozma was hurriedly dressing herself. "what is it?" asked dorothy, jumping out of bed. "i'm not sure," answered ozma "but it feels as if the island is sinking." as soon as possible they finished dressing, while the creaking and swaying continued. then they rushed into the living room of the house and found lady aurex, fully dressed, awaiting them. "do not be alarmed," said their hostess. "coo-ee-oh has decided to submerge the island, that is all. but it proves the flatheads are coming to attack us." "what do you mean by sub-sub-merging the island?" asked dorothy. "come here and see," was the reply. lady aurex led them to a window which faced the side of the great dome which covered all the village, and they could see that the island was indeed sinking, for the water of the lake was already half way up the side of the dome. through the glass could be seen swimming fishes, and tall stalks of swaying seaweeds, for the water was clear as crystal and through it they could distinguish even the farther shore of the lake. "the flatheads are not here yet," said lady aurex. "they will come soon, but not until all of this dome is under the surface of the water." "won't the dome leak?" dorothy inquired anxiously. "no, indeed." "was the island ever sub-sub-sunk before?" "oh, yes; on several occasions. but coo-ee-oh doesn't care to do that often, for it requires a lot of hard work to operate the machinery. the dome was built so that the island could disappear. i think," she continued, "that our queen fears the flatheads will attack the island and try to break the glass of the dome." "well, if we're under water, they can't fight us, and we can't fight them," asserted dorothy. "they could kill the fishes, however," said ozma gravely. "we have ways to fight, also, even though our island is under water," claimed lady aurex. "i cannot tell you all our secrets, but this island is full of surprises. also our queen's magic is astonishing." "did she steal it all from the three adepts in sorcery that are now fishes?" "she stole the knowledge and the magic tools, but she has used them as the three adepts never would have done." by this time the top of the dome was quite under water and suddenly the island stopped sinking and became stationary. "see!" cried lady aurex, pointing to the shore. "the flatheads have come." on the bank, which was now far above their heads, a crowd of dark figures could be seen. "now let us see what coo-ee-oh will do to oppose them," continued lady aurex, in a voice that betrayed her excitement. * * * * * the flatheads, pushing their way through the line of palm trees, had reached the shore of the lake just as the top of the island's dome disappeared beneath the surface. the water now flowed from shore to shore, but through the clear water the dome was still visible and the houses of the skeezers could be dimly seen through the panes of glass. "good!" exclaimed the su-dic, who had armed all his followers and had brought with him two copper vessels, which he carefully set down upon the ground beside him. "if coo-ee-oh wants to hide instead of fighting our job will be easy, for in one of these copper vessels i have enough poison to kill every fish in the lake." "kill them, then, while we have time, and then we can go home again," advised one of the chief officers. "not yet," objected the su-dic. "the queen of the skeezers has defied me, and i want to get her into my power, as well as to destroy her magic. she transformed my poor wife into a golden pig, and i must have revenge for that, whatever else we do." "look out!" suddenly exclaimed the officers, pointing into the lake; "something's going to happen." from the submerged dome a door opened and something black shot swiftly out into the water. the door instantly closed behind it and the dark object cleaved its way through the water, without rising to the surface, directly toward the place where the flatheads were standing. * * * * * "what is that?" dorothy asked the lady aurex. "that is one of the queen's submarines," was the reply. "it is all enclosed, and can move under water. coo-ee-oh has several of these boats which are kept in little rooms in the basement under our village. when the island is submerged, the queen uses these boats to reach the shore, and i believe she now intends to fight the flatheads with them." the su-dic and his people knew nothing of coo-ee-oh's submarines, so they watched with surprise as the under-water boat approached them. when it was quite near the shore it rose to the surface and the top parted and fell back, disclosing a boat full of armed skeezers. at the head was the queen, standing up in the bow and holding in one hand a coil of magic rope that gleamed like silver. the boat halted and coo-ee-oh drew back her arm to throw the silver rope toward the su-dic, who was now but a few feet from her. but the wily flathead leader quickly realized his danger and before the queen could throw the rope he caught up one of the copper vessels and dashed its contents full in her face! chapter 11 the conquest of the skeezers queen coo-ee-oh dropped the rope, tottered and fell headlong into the water, sinking beneath the surface, while the skeezers in the submarine were too bewildered to assist her and only stared at the ripples in the water where she had disappeared. a moment later there arose to the surface a beautiful white swan. this swan was of large size, very gracefully formed, and scattered all over its white feathers were tiny diamonds, so thickly placed that as the rays of the morning sun fell upon them the entire body of the swan glistened like one brilliant diamond. the head of the diamond swan had a bill of polished gold and its eyes were two sparkling amethysts. "hooray!" cried the su-dic, dancing up and down with wicked glee. "my poor wife, rora, is avenged at last. you made her a golden pig, coo-ee-oh, and now i have made you a diamond swan. float on your lake forever, if you like, for your web feet can do no more magic and you are as powerless as the pig you made of my wife!" "villain! scoundrel!" croaked the diamond swan. "you will be punished for this. oh, what a fool i was to let you enchant me!" "a fool you were, and a fool you are!" laughed the su-dic, dancing madly in his delight. and then he carelessly tipped over the other copper vessel with his heel and its contents spilled on the sands and were lost to the last drop. the su-dic stopped short and looked at the overturned vessel with a rueful countenance. "that's too bad--too bad!" he exclaimed sorrowfully. "i've lost all the poison i had to kill the fishes with, and i can't make any more because only my wife knew the secret of it, and she is now a foolish pig and has forgotten all her magic." "very well," said the diamond swan scornfully, as she floated upon the water and swam gracefully here and there. "i'm glad to see you are foiled. your punishment is just beginning, for although you have enchanted me and taken away my powers of sorcery you have still the three magic fishes to deal with, and they'll destroy you in time, mark my words." the su-dic stared at the swan a moment. then he yelled to his men: "shoot her! shoot the saucy bird!" they let fly some arrows at the diamond swan, but she dove under the water and the missiles fell harmless. when coo-ee-oh rose to the surface she was far from the shore and she swiftly swam across the lake to where no arrows or spears could reach her. the su-dic rubbed his chin and thought what to do next. near by floated the submarine in which the queen had come, but the skeezers who were in it were puzzled what to do with themselves. perhaps they were not sorry their cruel mistress had been transformed into a diamond swan, but the transformation had left them quite helpless. the under-water boat was not operated by machinery, but by certain mystic words uttered by coo-ee-oh. they didn't know how to submerge it, or how to make the water-tight shield cover them again, or how to make the boat go back to the castle, or make it enter the little basement room where it was usually kept. as a matter of fact, they were now shut out of their village under the great dome and could not get back again. so one of the men called to the supreme dictator of the flatheads, saying: "please make us prisoners and take us to your mountain, and feed and keep us, for we have nowhere to go." then the su-dic laughed and answered: "not so. i can't be bothered by caring for a lot of stupid skeezers. stay where you are, or go wherever you please, so long as you keep away from our mountain." he turned to his men and added: "we have conquered queen coo-ee-oh and made her a helpless swan. the skeezers are under water and may stay there. so, having won the war, let us go home again and make merry and feast, having after many years proved the flatheads to be greater and more powerful than the skeezers." so the flatheads marched away and passed through the row of palms and went back to their mountain, where the su-dic and a few of his officers feasted and all the others were forced to wait on them. "i'm sorry we couldn't have roast pig," said the su-dic, "but as the only pig we have is made of gold, we can't eat her. also the golden pig happens to be my wife, and even were she not gold i am sure she would be too tough to eat." chapter 12 the diamond swan when the flatheads had gone away the diamond swan swam back to the boat and one of the young skeezers named ervic said to her eagerly: "how can we get back to the island, your majesty?" "am i not beautiful?" asked coo-ee-oh, arching her neck gracefully and spreading her diamond-sprinkled wings. "i can see my reflection in the water, and i'm sure there is no bird nor beast, nor human as magnificent as i am!" "how shall we get back to the island, your majesty?" pleaded ervic. "when my fame spreads throughout the land, people will travel from all parts of this lake to look upon my loveliness," said coo-ee-oh, shaking her feathers to make the diamonds glitter more brilliantly. "but, your majesty, we must go home and we do not know how to get there," ervic persisted. "my eyes," remarked the diamond swan, "are wonderfully blue and bright and will charm all beholders." "tell us how to make the boat go--how to get back into the island," begged ervic and the others cried just as earnestly: "tell us, coo-ee-oh; tell us!" "i don't know," replied the queen in a careless tone. "you are a magic-worker, a sorceress, a witch!" "i was, of course, when i was a girl," she said, bending her head over the clear water to catch her reflection in it; "but now i've forgotten all such foolish things as magic. swans are lovelier than girls, especially when they're sprinkled with diamonds. don't you think so?" and she gracefully swam away, without seeming to care whether they answered or not. ervic and his companions were in despair. they saw plainly that coo-ee-oh could not or would not help them. the former queen had no further thought for her island, her people, or her wonderful magic; she was only intent on admiring her own beauty. "truly," said ervic, in a gloomy voice, "the flatheads have conquered us!" * * * * * some of these events had been witnessed by ozma and dorothy and lady aurex, who had left the house and gone close to the glass of the dome, in order to see what was going on. many of the skeezers had also crowded against the dome, wondering what would happen next. although their vision was to an extent blurred by the water and the necessity of looking upward at an angle, they had observed the main points of the drama enacted above. they saw queen coo-ee-oh's submarine come to the surface and open; they saw the queen standing erect to throw her magic rope; they saw her sudden transformation into a diamond swan, and a cry of amazement went up from the skeezers inside the dome. "good!" exclaimed dorothy. "i hate that old su-dic, but i'm glad coo-ee-oh is punished." "this is a dreadful misfortune!" cried lady aurex, pressing her hands upon her heart. "yes," agreed ozma, nodding her head thoughtfully; "coo-ee-oh's misfortune will prove a terrible blow to her people." "what do you mean by that?" asked dorothy in surprise. "seems to _me_ the skeezers are in luck to lose their cruel queen." "if that were all you would be right," responded lady aurex; "and if the island were above water it would not be so serious. but here we all are, at the bottom of the lake, and fast prisoners in this dome." "can't you raise the island?" inquired dorothy. "no. only coo-ee-oh knew how to do that," was the answer. "we can try," insisted dorothy. "if it can be made to go down, it can be made to come up. the machinery is still here, i suppose. "yes; but the machinery works by magic, and coo-ee-oh would never share her secret power with any one of us." dorothy's face grew grave; but she was thinking. "ozma knows a lot of magic," she said. "but not that kind of magic," ozma replied. "can't you learn how, by looking at the machinery?" "i'm afraid not, my dear. it isn't fairy magic at all; it is witchcraft." "well," said dorothy, turning to lady aurex, "you say there are other sub-sub-sinking boats. we can get in one of those, and shoot out to the top of the water, like coo-ee-oh did, and so escape. and then we can help to rescue all the skeezers down here." "no one knows how to work the under-water boats but the queen," declared lady aurex. "isn't there any door or window in this dome that we could open?" "no; and, if there were, the water would rush in to flood the dome, and we could not get out." "the skeezers," said ozma, "could not drown; they only get wet and soggy and in that condition they would be very uncomfortable and unhappy. but _you_ are a mortal girl, dorothy, and if your magic belt protected you from death you would have to lie forever at the bottom of the lake." "no, i'd rather die quickly," asserted the little girl. "but there are doors in the basement that open--to let out the bridges and the boats--and that would not flood the dome, you know." "those doors open by a magic word, and only coo-ee-oh knows the word that must be uttered," said lady aurex. "dear me!" exclaimed dorothy, "that dreadful queen's witchcraft upsets all my plans to escape. i guess i'll give it up, ozma, and let _you_ save us." ozma smiled, but her smile was not so cheerful as usual. the princess of oz found herself confronted with a serious problem, and although she had no thought of despairing she realized that the skeezers and their island, as well as dorothy and herself, were in grave trouble and that unless she could find a means to save them they would be lost to the land of oz for all future time. "in such a dilemma," said she, musingly, "nothing is gained by haste. careful thought may aid us, and so may the course of events. the unexpected is always likely to happen, and cheerful patience is better than reckless action." "all right," returned dorothy; "take your time, ozma; there's no hurry. how about some breakfast, lady aurex?" their hostess led them back to the house, where she ordered her trembling servants to prepare and serve breakfast. all the skeezers were frightened and anxious over the transformation of their queen into a swan. coo-ee-oh was feared and hated, but they had depended on her magic to conquer the flatheads and she was the only one who could raise their island to the surface of the lake again. before breakfast was over several of the leading skeezers came to aurex to ask her advice and to question princess ozma, of whom they knew nothing except that she claimed to be a fairy and the ruler of all the land, including the lake of the skeezers. "if what you told queen coo-ee-oh was the truth," they said to her, "you are our lawful mistress, and we may depend on you to get us out of our difficulties." "i will try to do that," ozma graciously assured them, "but you must remember that the powers of fairies are granted them to bring comfort and happiness to all who appeal to them. on the contrary, such magic as coo-ee-oh knew and practiced is unlawful witchcraft and her arts are such as no fairy would condescend to use. however, it is sometimes necessary to consider evil in order to accomplish good, and perhaps by studying coo-ee-oh's tools and charms of witchcraft i may be able to save us. do you promise to accept me as your ruler and to obey my commands?" they promised willingly. "then," continued ozma, "i will go to coo-ee-oh's palace and take possession of it. perhaps what i find there will be of use to me. in the meantime tell all the skeezers to fear nothing, but have patience. let them return to their homes and perform their daily tasks as usual. coo-ee-oh's loss may not prove a misfortune, but rather a blessing." this speech cheered the skeezers amazingly. really, they had no one now to depend upon but ozma, and in spite of their dangerous position their hearts were lightened by the transformation and absence of their cruel queen. they got out their brass band and a grand procession escorted ozma and dorothy to the palace, where all of coo-ee-oh's former servants were eager to wait upon them. ozma invited lady aurex to stay at the palace also, for she knew all about the skeezers and their island and had also been a favorite of the former queen, so her advice and information were sure to prove valuable. ozma was somewhat disappointed in what she found in the palace. one room of coo-ee-oh's private suite was entirely devoted to the practice of witchcraft, and here were countless queer instruments and jars of ointments and bottles of potions labeled with queer names, and strange machines that ozma could not guess the use of, and pickled toads and snails and lizards, and a shelf of books that were written in blood, but in a language which the ruler of oz did not know. "i do not see," said ozma to dorothy, who accompanied her in her search, "how coo-ee-oh knew the use of the magic tools she stole from the three adept witches. moreover, from all reports these adepts practiced only good witchcraft, such as would be helpful to their people, while coo-ee-oh performed only evil." "perhaps she turned the good things to evil uses?" suggested dorothy. "yes, and with the knowledge she gained coo-ee-oh doubtless invented many evil things quite unknown to the good adepts, who are now fishes," added ozma. "it is unfortunate for us that the queen kept her secrets so closely guarded, for no one but herself could use any of these strange things gathered in this room." "couldn't we capture the diamond swan and make her tell the secrets?" asked dorothy. "no; even were we able to capture her, coo-ee-oh now has forgotten all the magic she ever knew. but until we ourselves escape from this dome we could not capture the swan, and were we to escape we would have no use for coo-ee-oh's magic." "that's a fact," admitted dorothy. "but--say, ozma, here's a good idea! couldn't we capture the three fishes--the gold and silver and bronze ones, and couldn't you transform 'em back to their own shapes, and then couldn't the three adepts get us out of here?" "you are not very practical, dorothy dear. it would be as hard for us to capture the three fishes, from among all the other fishes in the lake, as to capture the swan." "but if we could, it would be more help to us," persisted the little girl. "that is true," answered ozma, smiling at her friend's eagerness. "you find a way to catch the fish, and i'll promise when they are caught to restore them to their proper forms." "i know you think i can't do it," replied dorothy, "but i'm going to try." she left the palace and went to a place where she could look through a clear pane of the glass dome into the surrounding water. immediately she became interested in the queer sights that met her view. the lake of the skeezers was inhabited by fishes of many kinds and many sizes. the water was so transparent that the girl could see for a long distance and the fishes came so close to the glass of the dome that sometimes they actually touched it. on the white sands at the bottom of the lake were star-fish, lobsters, crabs and many shell fish of strange shapes and with shells of gorgeous hues. the water foliage was of brilliant colors and to dorothy it resembled a splendid garden. but the fishes were the most interesting of all. some were big and lazy, floating slowly along or lying at rest with just their fins waving. many with big round eyes looked full at the girl as she watched them and dorothy wondered if they could hear her through the glass if she spoke to them. in oz, where all the animals and birds can talk, many fishes are able to talk also, but usually they are more stupid than birds and animals because they think slowly and haven't much to talk about. in the lake of the skeezers the fish of smaller size were more active than the big ones and darted quickly in and out among the swaying weeds, as if they had important business and were in a hurry. it was among the smaller varieties that dorothy hoped to spy the gold and silver and bronze fishes. she had an idea the three would keep together, being companions now as they were in their natural forms, but such a multitude of fishes constantly passed, the scene shifting every moment, that she was not sure she would notice them even if they appeared in view. her eyes couldn't look in all directions and the fishes she sought might be on the other side of the dome, or far away in the lake. "p'raps, because they were afraid of coo-ee-oh, they've hid themselves somewhere, and don't know their enemy has been transformed," she reflected. she watched the fishes for a long time, until she became hungry and went back to the palace for lunch. but she was not discouraged. "anything new, ozma?" she asked. "no, dear. did you discover the three fishes?" "not yet. but there isn't anything better for me to do, ozma, so i guess i'll go back and watch again." chapter 13 the alarm bell glinda, the good, in her palace in the quadling country, had many things to occupy her mind, for not only did she look after the weaving and embroidery of her bevy of maids, and assist all those who came to her to implore her help--beasts and birds as well as people--but she was a close student of the arts of sorcery and spent much time in her magical laboratory, where she strove to find a remedy for every evil and to perfect her skill in magic. nevertheless, she did not forget to look in the great book of records each day to see if any mention was made of the visit of ozma and dorothy to the enchanted mountain of the flatheads and the magic isle of the skeezers. the records told her that ozma had arrived at the mountain, that she had escaped, with her companion, and gone to the island of the skeezers, and that queen coo-ee-oh had submerged the island so that it was entirely under water. then came the statement that the flatheads had come to the lake to poison the fishes and that their supreme dictator had transformed queen coo-ee-oh into a swan. no other details were given in the great book and so glinda did not know that since coo-ee-oh had forgotten her magic none of the skeezers knew how to raise the island to the surface again. so glinda was not worried about ozma and dorothy until one morning, while she sat with her maids, there came a sudden clang of the great alarm bell. this was so unusual that every maid gave a start and even the sorceress for a moment could not think what the alarm meant. then she remembered the ring she had given dorothy when she left the palace to start on her venture. in giving the ring glinda had warned the little girl not to use its magic powers unless she and ozma were in real danger, but then she was to turn it on her finger once to the right and once to the left and glinda's alarm bell would ring. so the sorceress now knew that danger threatened her beloved ruler and princess dorothy, and she hurried to her magic room to seek information as to what sort of danger it was. the answer to her question was not very satisfactory, for it was only: "ozma and dorothy are prisoners in the great dome of the isle of the skeezers, and the dome is under the water of the lake." "hasn't ozma the power to raise the island to the surface?" inquired glinda. "no," was the reply, and the record refused to say more except that queen coo-ee-oh, who alone could command the island to rise, had been transformed by the flathead su-dic into a diamond swan. then glinda consulted the past records of the skeezers in the great book. after diligent search she discovered that coo-ee-oh was a powerful sorceress, who had gained most of her power by treacherously transforming the adepts of magic, who were visiting her, into three fishes--gold, silver and bronze--after which she had them cast into the lake. glinda reflected earnestly on this information and decided that someone must go to ozma's assistance. while there was no great need of haste, because ozma and dorothy could live in a submerged dome a long time, it was evident they could not get out until someone was able to raise the island. the sorceress looked through all her recipes and books of sorcery, but could find no magic that would raise a sunken island. such a thing had never before been required in sorcery. then glinda made a little island, covered by a glass dome, and sunk it in a pond near her castle, and experimented in magical ways to bring it to the surface. she made several such experiments, but all were failures. it seemed a simple thing to do, yet she could not do it. nevertheless, the wise sorceress did not despair of finding a way to liberate her friends. finally she concluded that the best thing to do was to go to the skeezer country and examine the lake. while there she was more likely to discover a solution to the problem that bothered her, and to work out a plan for the rescue of ozma and dorothy. so glinda summoned her storks and her aerial chariot, and telling her maids she was going on a journey and might not soon return, she entered the chariot and was carried swiftly to the emerald city. in princess ozma's palace the scarecrow was now acting as ruler of the land of oz. there wasn't much for him to do, because all the affairs of state moved so smoothly, but he was there in case anything unforeseen should happen. glinda found the scarecrow playing croquet with trot and betsy bobbin, two little girls who lived at the palace under ozma's protection and were great friends of dorothy and much loved by all the oz people. "something's happened!" cried trot, as the chariot of the sorceress descended near them. "glinda never comes here 'cept something's gone wrong." "i hope no harm has come to ozma, or dorothy," said betsy anxiously, as the lovely sorceress stepped down from her chariot. glinda approached the scarecrow and told him of the dilemma of ozma and dorothy and she added: "we must save them, somehow, scarecrow." "of course," replied the scarecrow, stumbling over a wicket and falling flat on his painted face. the girls picked him up and patted his straw stuffing into shape, and he continued, as if nothing had occurred: "but you'll have to tell me what to do, for i never have raised a sunken island in all my life." "we must have a council of state as soon as possible," proposed the sorceress. "please send messengers to summon all of ozma's counsellors to this palace. then we can decide what is best to be done." the scarecrow lost no time in doing this. fortunately most of the royal counsellors were in the emerald city or near to it, so they all met in the throne room of the palace that same evening. chapter 14 ozma's counsellors no ruler ever had such a queer assortment of advisers as the princess ozma had gathered about her throne. indeed, in no other country could such amazing people exist. but ozma loved them for their peculiarities and could trust every one of them. first there was the tin woodman. every bit of him was tin, brightly polished. all his joints were kept well oiled and moved smoothly. he carried a gleaming axe to prove he was a woodman, but seldom had cause to use it because he lived in a magnificent tin castle in the winkie country of oz and was the emperor of all the winkies. the tin woodman's name was nick chopper. he had a very good mind, but his heart was not of much account, so he was very careful to do nothing unkind or to hurt anyone's feelings. another counsellor was scraps, the patchwork girl of oz, who was made of a gaudy patchwork quilt, cut into shape and stuffed with cotton. this patchwork girl was very intelligent, but so full of fun and mad pranks that a lot of more stupid folks thought she must be crazy. scraps was jolly under all conditions, however grave they might be, but her laughter and good spirits were of value in cheering others and in her seemingly careless remarks much wisdom could often be found. then there was the shaggy man--shaggy from head to foot, hair and whiskers, clothes and shoes--but very kind and gentle and one of ozma's most loyal supporters. tik-tok was there, a copper man with machinery inside him, so cleverly constructed that he moved, spoke and thought by three separate clock-works. tik-tok was very reliable because he always did exactly what he was wound up to do, but his machinery was liable to run down at times and then he was quite helpless until wound up again. a different sort of person was jack pumpkinhead, one of ozma's oldest friends and her companion on many adventures. jack's body was very crude and awkward, being formed of limbs of trees of different sizes, jointed with wooden pegs. but it was a substantial body and not likely to break or wear out, and when it was dressed the clothes covered much of its roughness. the head of jack pumpkinhead was, as you have guessed, a ripe pumpkin, with the eyes, nose and mouth carved upon one side. the pumpkin was stuck on jack's wooden neck and was liable to get turned sidewise or backward and then he would have to straighten it with his wooden hands. the worst thing about this sort of a head was that it did not keep well and was sure to spoil sooner or later. so jack's main business was to grow a field of fine pumpkins each year, and always before his old head spoiled he would select a fresh pumpkin from the field and carve the features on it very neatly, and have it ready to replace the old head whenever it became necessary. he didn't always carve it the same way, so his friends never knew exactly what sort of an expression they would find on his face. but there was no mistaking him, because he was the only pumpkin-headed man alive in the land of oz. a one-legged sailor-man was a member of ozma's council. his name was cap'n bill and he had come to the land of oz with trot, and had been made welcome on account of his cleverness, honesty and good-nature. he wore a wooden leg to replace the one he had lost and was a great friend of all the children in oz because he could whittle all sorts of toys out of wood with his big jack-knife. professor h. m. wogglebug, t. e., was another member of the council. the "h. m." meant highly magnified, for the professor was once a little bug, who became magnified to the size of a man and always remained so. the "t. e." meant that he was thoroughly educated. he was at the head of princess ozma's royal athletic college, and so that the students would not have to study and so lose much time that could be devoted to athletic sports, such as football, baseball and the like, professor wogglebug had invented the famous educational pills. if one of the college students took a geography pill after breakfast, he knew his geography lesson in an instant; if he took a spelling pill he at once knew his spelling lesson, and an arithmetic pill enabled the student to do any kind of sum without having to think about it. these useful pills made the college very popular and taught the boys and girls of oz their lessons in the easiest possible way. in spite of this, professor wogglebug was not a favorite outside his college, for he was very conceited and admired himself so much and displayed his cleverness and learning so constantly, that no one cared to associate with him. ozma found him of value in her councils, nevertheless. perhaps the most splendidly dressed of all those present was a great frog as large as a man, called the frogman, who was noted for his wise sayings. he had come to the emerald city from the yip country of oz and was a guest of honor. his long-tailed coat was of velvet, his vest of satin and his trousers of finest silk. there were diamond buckles on his shoes and he carried a gold-headed cane and a high silk hat. all of the bright colors were represented in his rich attire, so it tired one's eyes to look at him for long, until one became used to his splendor. the best farmer in all oz was uncle henry, who was dorothy's own uncle, and who now lived near the emerald city with his wife aunt em. uncle henry taught the oz people how to grow the finest vegetables and fruits and grains and was of much use to ozma in keeping the royal storehouses well filled. he, too, was a counsellor. the reason i mention the little wizard of oz last is because he was the most important man in the land of oz. he wasn't a big man in size, but he was a big man in power and intelligence and second only to glinda the good in all the mystic arts of magic. glinda had taught him, and the wizard and the sorceress were the only ones in oz permitted by law to practice wizardry and sorcery, which they applied only to good uses and for the benefit of the people. the wizard wasn't exactly handsome but he was pleasant to look at. his bald head was as shiny as if it had been varnished; there was always a merry twinkle in his eyes and he was as spry as a schoolboy. dorothy says the reason the wizard is not as powerful as glinda is because glinda didn't teach him all she knows, but what the wizard knows he knows very well and so he performs some very remarkable magic. the ten i have mentioned assembled, with the scarecrow and glinda, in ozma's throne room, right after dinner that evening, and the sorceress told them all she knew of the plight of ozma and dorothy. "of course we must rescue them," she continued, "and the sooner they are rescued the better pleased they will be; but what we must now determine is how they can be saved. that is why i have called you together in council." "the easiest way," remarked the shaggy man, "is to raise the sunken island of the skeezers to the top of the water again." "tell me how?" said glinda. "i don't know how, your highness, for i have never raised a sunken island." "we might all get under it and lift," suggested professor wogglebug. "how can we get under it when it rests on the bottom of the lake?" asked the sorceress. "couldn't we throw a rope around it and pull it ashore?" inquired jack pumpkinhead. "why not pump the water out of the lake?" suggested the patchwork girl with a laugh. "do be sensible!" pleaded glinda. "this is a serious matter, and we must give it serious thought." "how big is the lake and how big is the island?" was the frogman's question. "none of us can tell, for we have not been there." "in that case," said the scarecrow, "it appears to me we ought to go to the skeezer country and examine it carefully." "quite right," agreed the tin woodman. "we-will-have-to-go-there-any-how," remarked tik-tok in his jerky machine voice. "the question is which of us shall go, and how many of us?" said the wizard. "i shall go of course," declared the scarecrow. "and i," said scraps. "it is my duty to ozma to go," asserted the tin woodman. "i could not stay away, knowing our loved princess is in danger," said the wizard. "we all feel like that," uncle henry said. finally one and all present decided to go to the skeezer country, with glinda and the little wizard to lead them. magic must meet magic in order to conquer it, so these two skillful magic-workers were necessary to insure the success of the expedition. they were all ready to start at a moment's notice, for none had any affairs of importance to attend to. jack was wearing a newly made pumpkin-head and the scarecrow had recently been stuffed with fresh straw. tik-tok's machinery was in good running order and the tin woodman always was well oiled. "it is quite a long journey," said glinda, "and while i might travel quickly to the skeezer country by means of my stork chariot the rest of you will be obliged to walk. so, as we must keep together, i will send my chariot back to my castle and we will plan to leave the emerald city at sunrise to-morrow." chapter 15 the great sorceress betsy and trot, when they heard of the rescue expedition, begged the wizard to permit them to join it and he consented. the glass cat, overhearing the conversation, wanted to go also and to this the wizard made no objection. this glass cat was one of the real curiosities of oz. it had been made and brought to life by a clever magician named dr. pipt, who was not now permitted to work magic and was an ordinary citizen of the emerald city. the cat was of transparent glass, through which one could plainly see its ruby heart beating and its pink brains whirling around in the top of the head. the glass cat's eyes were emeralds; its fluffy tail was of spun glass and very beautiful. the ruby heart, while pretty to look at, was hard and cold and the glass cat's disposition was not pleasant at all times. it scorned to catch mice, did not eat, and was extremely lazy. if you complimented the remarkable cat on her beauty, she would be very friendly, for she loved admiration above everything. the pink brains were always working and their owner was indeed more intelligent than most common cats. three other additions to the rescue party were made the next morning, just as they were setting out upon their journey. the first was a little boy called button bright, because he had no other name that anyone could remember. he was a fine, manly little fellow, well mannered and good humored, who had only one bad fault. he was continually getting lost. to be sure, button bright got found as often as he got lost, but when he was missing his friends could not help being anxious about him. "some day," predicted the patchwork girl, "he won't be found, and that will be the last of him." but that didn't worry button bright, who was so careless that he did not seem to be able to break the habit of getting lost. the second addition to the party was a munchkin boy of about button bright's age, named ojo. he was often called "ojo the lucky," because good fortune followed him wherever he went. he and button bright were close friends, although of such different natures, and trot and betsy were fond of both. the third and last to join the expedition was an enormous lion, one of ozma's regular guardians and the most important and intelligent beast in all oz. he called himself the cowardly lion, saying that every little danger scared him so badly that his heart thumped against his ribs, but all who knew him knew that the cowardly lion's fears were coupled with bravery and that however much he might be frightened he summoned courage to meet every danger he encountered. often he had saved dorothy and ozma in times of peril, but afterward he moaned and trembled and wept because he had been so scared. "if ozma needs help, i'm going to help her," said the great beast. "also, i suspect the rest of you may need me on the journey--especially trot and betsy--for you may pass through a dangerous part of the country. i know that wild gillikin country pretty well. its forests harbor many ferocious beasts." they were glad the cowardly lion was to join them, and in good spirits the entire party formed a procession and marched out of the emerald city amid the shouts of the people, who wished them success and a safe return with their beloved ruler. they followed a different route from that taken by ozma and dorothy, for they went through the winkie country and up north toward oogaboo. but before they got there they swerved to the left and entered the great gillikin forest, the nearest thing to a wilderness in all oz. even the cowardly lion had to admit that certain parts of this forest were unknown to him, although he had often wandered among the trees, and the scarecrow and tin woodman, who were great travelers, never had been there at all. the forest was only reached after a tedious tramp, for some of the rescue expedition were quite awkward on their feet. the patchwork girl was as light as a feather and very spry; the tin woodman covered the ground as easily as uncle henry and the wizard; but tik-tok moved slowly and the slightest obstruction in the road would halt him until the others cleared it away. then, too, tik-tok's machinery kept running down, so betsy and trot took turns in winding it up. the scarecrow was more clumsy but less bother, for although he often stumbled and fell he could scramble up again and a little patting of his straw-stuffed body would put him in good shape again. another awkward one was jack pumpkinhead, for walking would jar his head around on his neck and then he would be likely to go in the wrong direction. but the frogman took jack's arm and then he followed the path more easily. cap'n bill's wooden leg didn't prevent him from keeping up with the others and the old sailor could walk as far as any of them. when they entered the forest the cowardly lion took the lead. there was no path here for men, but many beasts had made paths of their own which only the eyes of the lion, practiced in woodcraft, could discern. so he stalked ahead and wound his way in and out, the others following in single file, glinda being next to the lion. there are dangers in the forest, of course, but as the huge lion headed the party he kept the wild denizens of the wilderness from bothering the travelers. once, to be sure, an enormous leopard sprang upon the glass cat and caught her in his powerful jaws, but he broke several of his teeth and with howls of pain and dismay dropped his prey and vanished among the trees. "are you hurt?" trot anxiously inquired of the glass cat. "how silly!" exclaimed the creature in an irritated tone of voice; "nothing can hurt glass, and i'm too solid to break easily. but i'm annoyed at that leopard's impudence. he has no respect for beauty or intelligence. if he had noticed my pink brains work, i'm sure he would have realized i'm too important to be grabbed in a wild beast's jaws." "never mind," said trot consolingly; "i'm sure he won't do it again." they were almost in the center of the forest when ojo, the munchkin boy, suddenly said: "why, where's button bright?" they halted and looked around them. button bright was not with the party. "dear me," remarked betsy, "i expect he's lost again!" "when did you see him last, ojo?" inquired glinda. "it was some time ago," replied ojo. "he was trailing along at the end and throwing twigs at the squirrels in the trees. then i went to talk to betsy and trot, and just now i noticed he was gone." "this is too bad," declared the wizard, "for it is sure to delay our journey. we must find button bright before we go any farther, for this forest is full of ferocious beasts that would not hesitate to tear the boy to pieces." "but what shall we do?" asked the scarecrow. "if any of us leaves the party to search for button bright he or she might fall a victim to the beasts, and if the lion leaves us we will have no protector. "the glass cat could go," suggested the frogman. "the beasts can do her no harm, as we have discovered." the wizard turned to glinda. "cannot your sorcery discover where button bright is?" he asked. "i think so," replied the sorceress. she called to uncle henry, who had been carrying her wicker box, to bring it to her, and when he obeyed she opened it and drew out a small round mirror. on the surface of the glass she dusted a white powder and then wiped it away with her handkerchief and looked in the mirror. it reflected a part of the forest, and there, beneath a wide-spreading tree, button bright was lying asleep. on one side of him crouched a tiger, ready to spring; on the other side was a big gray wolf, its bared fangs glistening in a wicked way. "goodness me!" cried trot, looking over glinda's shoulder. "they'll catch and kill him sure." everyone crowded around for a glimpse at the magic mirror. "pretty bad--pretty bad!" said the scarecrow sorrowfully. "comes of getting lost!" said cap'n bill, sighing. "guess he's a goner!" said the frogman, wiping his eyes on his purple silk handkerchief. "but where is he? can't we save him?" asked ojo the lucky. "if we knew where he is we could probably save him," replied the little wizard, "but that tree looks so much like all the other trees, that we can't tell whether it's far away or near by." "look at glinda!" exclaimed betsy. glinda, having handed the mirror to the wizard, had stepped aside and was making strange passes with her outstretched arms and reciting in low, sweet tones a mystical incantation. most of them watched the sorceress with anxious eyes, despair giving way to the hope that she might be able to save their friend. the wizard, however, watched the scene in the mirror, while over his shoulders peered trot, the scarecrow and the shaggy man. what they saw was more strange than glinda's actions. the tiger started to spring on the sleeping boy, but suddenly lost its power to move and lay flat upon the ground. the gray wolf seemed unable to lift its feet from the ground. it pulled first at one leg and then at another, and finding itself strangely confined to the spot began to bark and snarl angrily. they couldn't hear the barkings and snarls, but they could see the creature's mouth open and its thick lips move. button bright, however, being but a few feet away from the wolf, heard its cries of rage, which wakened him from his untroubled sleep. the boy sat up and looked first at the tiger and then at the wolf. his face showed that for a moment he was quite frightened, but he soon saw that the beasts were unable to approach him and so he got upon his feet and examined them curiously, with a mischievous smile upon his face. then he deliberately kicked the tiger's head with his foot and catching up a fallen branch of a tree he went to the wolf and gave it a good whacking. both the beasts were furious at such treatment but could not resent it. button bright now threw down the stick and with his hands in his pockets wandered carelessly away. "now," said glinda, "let the glass cat run and find him. he is in that direction," pointing the way, "but how far off i do not know. make haste and lead him back to us as quickly as you can." the glass cat did not obey everyone's orders, but she really feared the great sorceress, so as soon as the words were spoken the crystal animal darted away and was quickly lost to sight. the wizard handed the mirror back to glinda, for the woodland scene had now faded from the glass. then those who cared to rest sat down to await button bright's coming. it was not long before he appeared through the trees and as he rejoined his friends he said in a peevish tone: "don't ever send that glass cat to find me again. she was very impolite and, if we didn't all know that she had no manners, i'd say she insulted me." glinda turned upon the boy sternly. "you have caused all of us much anxiety and annoyance," said she. "only my magic saved you from destruction. i forbid you to get lost again." "of course," he answered. "it won't be _my_ fault if i get lost again; but it wasn't my fault _this_ time." chapter 16 the enchanted fishes i must now tell you what happened to ervic and the three other skeezers who were left floating in the iron boat after queen coo-ee-oh had been transformed into a diamond swan by the magic of the flathead su-dic. the four skeezers were all young men and their leader was ervic. coo-ee-oh had taken them with her in the boat to assist her if she captured the flathead chief, as she hoped to do by means of her silver rope. they knew nothing about the witchcraft that moved the submarine and so, when left floating upon the lake, were at a loss what to do. the submarine could not be submerged by them or made to return to the sunken island. there were neither oars nor sails in the boat, which was not anchored but drifted quietly upon the surface of the lake. the diamond swan had no further thought or care for her people. she had sailed over to the other side of the lake and all the calls and pleadings of ervic and his companions were unheeded by the vain bird. as there was nothing else for them to do, they sat quietly in their boat and waited as patiently as they could for someone to come to their aid. the flatheads had refused to help them and had gone back to their mountain. all the skeezers were imprisoned in the great dome and could not help even themselves. when evening came, they saw the diamond swan, still keeping to the opposite shore of the lake, walk out of the water to the sands, shake her diamond-sprinkled feathers, and then disappear among the bushes to seek a resting place for the night. "i'm hungry," said ervic. "i'm cold," said another skeezer. "i'm tired," said a third. "i'm afraid," said the last one of them. but it did them no good to complain. night fell and the moon rose and cast a silvery sheen over the surface of the water. "go to sleep," said ervic to his companions. "i'll stay awake and watch, for we may be rescued in some unexpected way." so the other three laid themselves down in the bottom of the boat and were soon fast asleep. ervic watched. he rested himself by leaning over the bow of the boat, his face near to the moonlit water, and thought dreamily of the day's surprising events and wondered what would happen to the prisoners in the great dome. suddenly a tiny goldfish popped its head above the surface of the lake, not more than a foot from his eyes. a silverfish then raised its head beside that of the goldfish, and a moment later a bronzefish lifted its head beside the others. the three fish, all in a row, looked earnestly with their round, bright eyes into the astonished eyes of ervic the skeezer. "we are the three adepts whom queen coo-ee-oh betrayed and wickedly transformed," said the goldfish, its voice low and soft but distinctly heard in the stillness of the night. "i know of our queen's treacherous deed," replied ervic, "and i am sorry for your misfortune. have you been in the lake ever since?" "yes," was the reply. "i--i hope you are well--and comfortable," stammered ervic, not knowing what else to say. "we knew that some day coo-ee-oh would meet with the fate she so richly deserves," declared the bronzefish. "we have waited and watched for this time. now if you will promise to help us and will be faithful and true, you can aid us in regaining our natural forms, and save yourself and all your people from the dangers that now threaten you." "well," said ervic, "you can depend on my doing the best i can. but i'm no witch, nor magician, you must know." "all we ask is that you obey our instructions," returned the silverfish. "we know that you are honest and that you served coo-ee-oh only because you were obliged to in order to escape her anger. do as we command and all will be well." "i promise!" exclaimed the young man. "tell me what i am to do first." "you will find in the bottom of your boat the silver cord which dropped from coo-ee-oh's hand when she was transformed," said the goldfish. "tie one end of that cord to the bow of your boat and drop the other end to us in the water. together we will pull your boat to the shore." ervic much doubted that the three small fishes could move so heavy a boat, but he did as he was told and the fishes all seized their end of the silver cord in their mouths and headed toward the nearest shore, which was the very place where the flatheads had stood when they conquered queen coo-ee-oh. at first the boat did not move at all, although the fishes pulled with all their strength. but presently the strain began to tell. very slowly the boat crept toward the shore, gaining more speed at every moment. a couple of yards away from the sandy beach the fishes dropped the cord from their mouths and swam to one side, while the iron boat, being now under way, continued to move until its prow grated upon the sands. ervic leaned over the side and said to the fishes: "what next?" "you will find upon the sand," said the silverfish, "a copper kettle, which the su-dic forgot when he went away. cleanse it thoroughly in the water of the lake, for it has had poison in it. when it is cleaned, fill it with fresh water and hold it over the side of the boat, so that we three may swim into the kettle. we will then instruct you further." "do you wish me to catch you, then?" asked ervic in surprise. "yes," was the reply. so ervic jumped out of the boat and found the copper kettle. carrying it a little way down the beach, he washed it well, scrubbing away every drop of the poison it had contained with sand from the shore. then he went back to the boat. ervic's comrades were still sound asleep and knew nothing of the three fishes or what strange happenings were taking place about them. ervic dipped the kettle in the lake, holding fast to the handle until it was under water. the gold and silver and bronze fishes promptly swam into the kettle. the young skeezer then lifted it, poured out a little of the water so it would not spill over the edge, and said to the fishes: "what next?" "carry the kettle to the shore. take one hundred steps to the east, along the edge of the lake, and then you will see a path leading through the meadows, up hill and down dale. follow the path until you come to a cottage which is painted a purple color with white trimmings. when you stop at the gate of this cottage we will tell you what to do next. be careful, above all, not to stumble and spill the water from the kettle, or you would destroy us and all you have done would be in vain." the goldfish issued these commands and ervic promised to be careful and started to obey. he left his sleeping comrades in the boat, stepping cautiously over their bodies, and on reaching the shore took exactly one hundred steps to the east. then he looked for the path and the moonlight was so bright that he easily discovered it, although it was hidden from view by tall weeds until one came full upon it. this path was very narrow and did not seem to be much used, but it was quite distinct and ervic had no difficulty in following it. he walked through a broad meadow, covered with tall grass and weeds, up a hill and down into a valley and then up another hill and down again. it seemed to ervic that he had walked miles and miles. indeed the moon sank low and day was beginning to dawn when finally he discovered by the roadside a pretty little cottage, painted purple with white trimmings. it was a lonely place--no other buildings were anywhere about and the ground was not tilled at all. no farmer lived here, that was certain. who would care to dwell in such an isolated place? but ervic did not bother his head long with such questions. he went up to the gate that led to the cottage, set the copper kettle carefully down and bending over it asked: "what next?" chapter 17 under the great dome when glinda the good and her followers of the rescue expedition came in sight of the enchanted mountain of the flatheads, it was away to the left of them, for the route they had taken through the great forest was some distance from that followed by ozma and dorothy. they halted awhile to decide whether they should call upon the supreme dictator first, or go on to the lake of the skeezers. "if we go to the mountain," said the wizard, "we may get into trouble with that wicked su-dic, and then we would be delayed in rescuing ozma and dorothy. so i think our best plan will be to go to the skeezer country, raise the sunken island and save our friends and the imprisoned skeezers. afterward we can visit the mountain and punish the cruel magician of the flatheads." "that is sensible," approved the shaggy man. "i quite agree with you." the others, too, seemed to think the wizard's plan the best, and glinda herself commended it, so on they marched toward the line of palm trees that hid the skeezers' lake from view. pretty soon they came to the palms. these were set closely together, the branches, which came quite to the ground, being so tightly interlaced that even the glass cat could scarcely find a place to squeeze through. the path which the flatheads used was some distance away. "here's a job for the tin woodman," said the scarecrow. so the tin woodman, who was always glad to be of use, set to work with his sharp, gleaming axe, which he always carried, and in a surprisingly short time had chopped away enough branches to permit them all to pass easily through the trees. now the clear waters of the beautiful lake were before them and by looking closely they could see the outlines of the great dome of the sunken island, far from shore and directly in the center of the lake. of course every eye was at first fixed upon this dome, where ozma and dorothy and the skeezers were still fast prisoners. but soon their attention was caught by a more brilliant sight, for here was the diamond swan swimming just before them, its long neck arched proudly, the amethyst eyes gleaming and all the diamond-sprinkled feathers glistening splendidly under the rays of the sun. "that," said glinda, "is the transformation of queen coo-ee-oh, the haughty and wicked witch who betrayed the three adepts at magic and treated her people like slaves." "she's wonderfully beautiful now," remarked the frogman. "it doesn't seem like much of a punishment," said trot. "the flathead su-dic ought to have made her a toad." "i am sure coo-ee-oh is punished," said glinda, "for she has lost all her magic power and her grand palace and can no longer misrule the poor skeezers." "let us call to her, and hear what she has to say," proposed the wizard. so glinda beckoned the diamond swan, which swam gracefully to a position near them. before anyone could speak coo-ee-oh called to them in a rasping voice--for the voice of a swan is always harsh and unpleasant--and said with much pride: "admire me, strangers! admire the lovely coo-ee-oh, the handsomest creature in all oz. admire me!" "handsome is as handsome does," replied the scarecrow. "are your deeds lovely, coo-ee-oh?" "deeds? what deeds can a swan do but swim around and give pleasure to all beholders?" said the sparkling bird. "have you forgotten your former life? have you forgotten your magic and witchcraft?" inquired the wizard. "magic--witchcraft? pshaw, who cares for such silly things?" retorted coo-ee-oh. "as for my past life, it seems like an unpleasant dream. i wouldn't go back to it if i could. don't you admire my beauty, strangers?" "tell us, coo-ee-oh," said glinda earnestly, "if you can recall enough of your witchcraft to enable us to raise the sunken island to the surface of the lake. tell us that and i'll give you a string of pearls to wear around your neck and add to your beauty." "nothing can add to my beauty, for i'm the most beautiful creature anywhere in the whole world." "but how can we raise the island?" "i don't know and i don't care. if ever i knew i've forgotten, and i'm glad of it," was the response. "just watch me circle around and see me glitter!" "it's no use," said button bright; "the old swan is too much in love with herself to think of anything else." "that's a fact," agreed betsy with a sigh; "but we've got to get ozma and dorothy out of that lake, somehow or other." "and we must do it in our own way," added the scarecrow. "but how?" asked uncle henry in a grave voice, for he could not bear to think of his dear niece dorothy being out there under water; "how shall we do it?" "leave that to glinda," advised the wizard, realizing he was helpless to do it himself. "if it were just an ordinary sunken island," said the powerful sorceress, "there would be several ways by which i might bring it to the surface again. but this is a magic isle, and by some curious art of witchcraft, unknown to any but queen coo-ee-oh, it obeys certain commands of magic and will not respond to any other. i do not despair in the least, but it will require some deep study to solve this difficult problem. if the swan could only remember the witchcraft that she invented and knew as a woman, i could force her to tell me the secret, but all her former knowledge is now forgotten." "it seems to me," said the wizard after a brief silence had followed glinda's speech, "that there are three fishes in this lake that used to be adepts at magic and from whom coo-ee-oh stole much of her knowledge. if we could find those fishes and return them to their former shapes, they could doubtless tell us what to do to bring the sunken island to the surface." "i have thought of those fishes," replied glinda, "but among so many fishes as this lake contains how are we to single them out?" you will understand, of course, that had glinda been at home in her castle, where the great book of records was, she would have known that ervic the skeezer already had taken the gold and silver and bronze fishes from the lake. but that act had been recorded in the book after glinda had set out on this journey, so it was all unknown to her. "i think i see a boat yonder on the shore," said ojo the munchkin boy, pointing to a place around the edge of the lake. "if we could get that boat and row all over the lake, calling to the magic fishes, we might be able to find them." "let us go to the boat," said the wizard. they walked around the lake to where the boat was stranded upon the beach, but found it empty. it was a mere shell of blackened steel, with a collapsible roof that, when in position, made the submarine water-tight, but at present the roof rested in slots on either side of the magic craft. there were no oars or sails, no machinery to make the boat go, and although glinda promptly realized it was meant to be operated by witchcraft, she was not acquainted with that sort of magic. "however," said she, "the boat is merely a boat, and i believe i can make it obey a command of sorcery, as well as it did the command of witchcraft. after i have given a little thought to the matter, the boat will take us wherever we desire to go." "not all of us," returned the wizard, "for it won't hold so many. but, most noble sorceress, provided you can make the boat go, of what use will it be to us?" "can't we use it to catch the three fishes?" asked button bright. "it will not be necessary to use the boat for that purpose," replied glinda. "wherever in the lake the enchanted fishes may be, they will answer to my call. what i am trying to discover is how the boat came to be on this shore, while the island on which it belongs is under water yonder. did coo-ee-oh come here in the boat to meet the flatheads before the island was sunk, or afterward?" no one could answer that question, of course; but while they pondered the matter three young men advanced from the line of trees, and rather timidly bowed to the strangers. "who are you, and where did you come from!" inquired the wizard. "we are skeezers," answered one of them, "and our home is on the magic isle of the lake. we ran away when we saw you coming, and hid behind the trees, but as you are strangers and seem to be friendly we decided to meet you, for we are in great trouble and need assistance." "if you belong on the island, why are you here?" demanded glinda. so they told her all the story: how the queen had defied the flatheads and submerged the whole island so that her enemies could not get to it or destroy it; how, when the flatheads came to the shore, coo-ee-oh had commanded them, together with their friend ervic, to go with her in the submarine to conquer the su-dic, and how the boat had shot out from the basement of the sunken isle, obeying a magic word, and risen to the surface, where it opened and floated upon the water. then followed the account of how the su-dic had transformed coo-ee-oh into a swan, after which she had forgotten all the witchcraft she ever knew. the young men told how in the night when they were asleep, their comrade ervic had mysteriously disappeared, while the boat in some strange manner had floated to the shore and stranded upon the beach. that was all they knew. they had searched in vain for three days for ervic. as their island was under water and they could not get back to it, the three skeezers had no place to go, and so had waited patiently beside their boat for something to happen. being questioned by glinda and the wizard, they told all they knew about ozma and dorothy and declared the two girls were still in the village under the great dome. they were quite safe and would be well cared for by lady aurex, now that the queen who opposed them was out of the way. when they had gleaned all the information they could from these skeezers, the wizard said to glinda: "if you find you can make this boat obey your sorcery, you could have it return to the island, submerge itself, and enter the door in the basement from which it came. but i cannot see that our going to the sunken island would enable our friends to escape. we would only join them as prisoners." "not so, friend wizard," replied glinda. "if the boat would obey my commands to enter the basement door, it would also obey my commands to come out again, and i could bring ozma and dorothy back with me." "and leave all of our people still imprisoned?" asked one of the skeezers reproachfully. "by making several trips in the boat, glinda could fetch all your people to the shore," replied the wizard. "but what could they do then?" inquired another skeezer. "they would have no homes and no place to go, and would be at the mercy of their enemies, the flatheads." "that is true," said glinda the good. "and as these people are ozma's subjects, i think she would refuse to escape with dorothy and leave the others behind, or to abandon the island which is the lawful home of the skeezers. i believe the best plan will be to summon the three fishes and learn from them how to raise the island." the little wizard seemed to think that this was rather a forlorn hope. "how will you summon them," he asked the lovely sorceress, "and how can they hear you?" "that is something we must consider carefully," responded stately glinda, with a serene smile. "i think i can find a way." all of ozma's counsellors applauded this sentiment, for they knew well the powers of the sorceress. "very well," agreed the wizard. "summon them, most noble glinda." chapter 18 the cleverness of ervic we must now return to ervic the skeezer, who, when he had set down the copper kettle containing the three fishes at the gate of the lonely cottage, had asked, "what next?" the goldfish stuck its head above the water in the kettle and said in its small but distinct voice: "you are to lift the latch, open the door, and walk boldly into the cottage. do not be afraid of anything you see, for however you seem to be threatened with dangers, nothing can harm you. the cottage is the home of a powerful yookoohoo, named reera the red, who assumes all sorts of forms, sometimes changing her form several times in a day, according to her fancy. what her real form may be we do not know. this strange creature cannot be bribed with treasure, or coaxed through friendship, or won by pity. she has never assisted anyone, or done wrong to anyone, that we know of. all her wonderful powers are used for her own selfish amusement. she will order you out of the house but you must refuse to go. remain and watch reera closely and try to see what she uses to accomplish her transformations. if you can discover the secret whisper it to us and we will then tell you what to do next." "that sounds easy," returned ervic, who had listened carefully. "but are you sure she will not hurt me, or try to transform me?" "she may change your form," replied the goldfish, "but do not worry if that happens, for we can break that enchantment easily. you may be sure that nothing will harm you, so you must not be frightened at anything you see or hear." now ervic was as brave as any ordinary young man, and he knew the fishes who spoke to him were truthful and to be relied upon, nevertheless he experienced a strange sinking of the heart as he picked up the kettle and approached the door of the cottage. his hand trembled as he raised the latch, but he was resolved to obey his instructions. he pushed the door open, took three strides into the middle of the one room the cottage contained, and then stood still and looked around him. the sights that met his gaze were enough to frighten anyone who had not been properly warned. on the floor just before ervic lay a great crocodile, its red eyes gleaming wickedly and its wide open mouth displaying rows of sharp teeth. horned toads hopped about; each of the four upper corners of the room was festooned with a thick cobweb, in the center of which sat a spider as big around as a washbasin, and armed with pincher-like claws; a red-and-green lizard was stretched at full length on the window-sill and black rats darted in and out of the holes they had gnawed in the floor of the cottage. but the most startling thing was a huge gray ape which sat upon a bench and knitted. it wore a lace cap, such as old ladies wear, and a little apron of lace, but no other clothing. its eyes were bright and looked as if coals were burning in them. the ape moved as naturally as an ordinary person might, and on ervic's entrance stopped knitting and raised its head to look at him. "get out!" cried a sharp voice, seeming to come from the ape's mouth. ervic saw another bench, empty, just beyond him, so he stepped over the crocodile, sat down upon the bench and carefully placed the kettle beside him. "get out!" again cried the voice. ervic shook his head. "no," said he, "i'm going to stay." the spiders left their four corners, dropped to the floor and made a rush toward the young skeezer, circling around his legs with their pinchers extended. ervic paid no attention to them. an enormous black rat ran up ervic's body, passed around his shoulders and uttered piercing squeals in his ears, but he did not wince. the green-and-red lizard, coming from the window-sill, approached ervic and began spitting a flaming fluid at him, but ervic merely stared at the creature and its flame did not touch him. the crocodile raised its tail and, swinging around, swept ervic off the bench with a powerful blow. but the skeezer managed to save the kettle from upsetting and he got up, shook off the horned toads that were crawling over him and resumed his seat on the bench. all the creatures, after this first attack, remained motionless, as if awaiting orders. the old gray ape knitted on, not looking toward ervic now, and the young skeezer stolidly kept his seat. he expected something else to happen, but nothing did. a full hour passed and ervic was growing nervous. "what do you want?" the ape asked at last. "nothing," said ervic. "you may have that!" retorted the ape, and at this all the strange creatures in the room broke into a chorus of cackling laughter. another long wait. "do you know who i am?" questioned the ape. "you must be reera the red--the yookoohoo," ervic answered. "knowing so much, you must also know that i do not like strangers. your presence here in my home annoys me. do you not fear my anger?" "no," said the young man. "do you intend to obey me, and leave this house?" "no," replied ervic, just as quietly as the yookoohoo had spoken. the ape knitted for a long time before resuming the conversation. "curiosity," it said, "has led to many a man's undoing. i suppose in some way you have learned that i do tricks of magic, and so through curiosity you have come here. you may have been told that i do not injure anyone, so you are bold enough to disobey my commands to go away. you imagine that you may witness some of the rites of witchcraft, and that they may amuse you. have i spoken truly?" "well," remarked ervic, who had been pondering on the strange circumstances of his coming here, "you are right in some ways, but not in others. i am told that you work magic only for your own amusement. that seems to me very selfish. few people understand magic. i'm told that you are the only real yookoohoo in all oz. why don't you amuse others as well as yourself?" "what right have you to question my actions?" "none at all." "and you say you are not here to demand any favors of me?" "for myself i want nothing from you." "you are wise in that. i never grant favors." "that doesn't worry me," declared ervic. "but you are curious? you hope to witness some of my magic transformations?" "if you wish to perform any magic, go ahead," said ervic. "it may interest me and it may not. if you'd rather go on with your knitting, it's all the same to me. i am in no hurry at all." this may have puzzled red reera, but the face beneath the lace cap could show no expression, being covered with hair. perhaps in all her career the yookoohoo had never been visited by anyone who, like this young man, asked for nothing, expected nothing, and had no reason for coming except curiosity. this attitude practically disarmed the witch and she began to regard the skeezer in a more friendly way. she knitted for some time, seemingly in deep thought, and then she arose and walked to a big cupboard that stood against the wall of the room. when the cupboard door was opened ervic could see a lot of drawers inside, and into one of these drawers--the second from the bottom--reera thrust a hairy hand. until now ervic could see over the bent form of the ape, but suddenly the form, with its back to him, seemed to straighten up and blot out the cupboard of drawers. the ape had changed to the form of a woman, dressed in the pretty gillikin costume, and when she turned around he saw that it was a young woman, whose face was quite attractive. "do you like me better this way?" reera inquired with a smile. "you _look_ better," he said calmly, "but i'm not sure i _like_ you any better." she laughed, saying: "during the heat of the day i like to be an ape, for an ape doesn't wear any clothes to speak of. but if one has gentlemen callers it is proper to dress up." ervic noticed her right hand was closed, as if she held something in it. she shut the cupboard door, bent over the crocodile and in a moment the creature had changed to a red wolf. it was not pretty even now, and the wolf crouched beside its mistress as a dog might have done. its teeth looked as dangerous as had those of the crocodile. next the yookoohoo went about touching all the lizards and toads, and at her touch they became kittens. the rats she changed into chipmunks. now the only horrid creatures remaining were the four great spiders, which hid themselves behind their thick webs. "there!" reera cried, "now my cottage presents a more comfortable appearance. i love the toads and lizards and rats, because most people hate them, but i would tire of them if they always remained the same. sometimes i change their forms a dozen times a day." "you are clever," said ervic. "i did not hear you utter any incantations or magic words. all you did was to touch the creatures." "oh, do you think so?" she replied. "well, touch them yourself, if you like, and see if you can change their forms." "no," said the skeezer, "i don't understand magic and if i did i would not try to imitate your skill. you are a wonderful yookoohoo, while i am only a common skeezer." this confession seemed to please reera, who liked to have her witchcraft appreciated. "will you go away now?" she asked. "i prefer to be alone." "i prefer to stay here," said ervic. "in another person's home, where you are not wanted?" "yes." "is not your curiosity yet satisfied?" demanded reera, with a smile. "i don't know. is there anything else you can do?" "many things. but why should i exhibit my powers to a stranger?" "i can think of no reason at all," he replied. she looked at him curiously. "you want no power for yourself, you say, and you're too stupid to be able to steal my secrets. this isn't a pretty cottage, while outside are sunshine, broad prairies and beautiful wildflowers. yet you insist on sitting on that bench and annoying me with your unwelcome presence. what have you in that kettle?" "three fishes," he answered readily. "where did you get them?" "i caught them in the lake of the skeezers." "what do you intend to do with the fishes?" "i shall carry them to the home of a friend of mine who has three children. the children will love to have the fishes for pets." she came over to the bench and looked into the kettle, where the three fishes were swimming quietly in the water. "they're pretty," said reera. "let me transform them into something else." "no," objected the skeezer. "i love to transform things; it's so interesting. and i've never transformed any fishes in all my life." "let them alone," said ervic. "what shapes would you prefer them to have? i can make them turtles, or cute little sea-horses; or i could make them piglets, or rabbits, or guinea-pigs; or, if you like i can make chickens of them, or eagles, or bluejays." "let them alone!" repeated ervic. "you're not a very pleasant visitor," laughed red reera. "people accuse _me_ of being cross and crabbed and unsociable, and they are quite right. if you had come here pleading and begging for favors, and half afraid of my yookoohoo magic, i'd have abused you until you ran away; but you're quite different from that. _you're_ the unsociable and crabbed and disagreeable one, and so i like you, and bear with your grumpiness. it's time for my midday meal; are you hungry?" "no," said ervic, although he really desired food. "well, i am," reera declared and clapped her hands together. instantly a table appeared, spread with linen and bearing dishes of various foods, some smoking hot. there were two plates laid, one at each end of the table, and as soon as reera seated herself all her creatures gathered around her, as if they were accustomed to be fed when she ate. the wolf squatted at her right hand and the kittens and chipmunks gathered at her left. "come, stranger, sit down and eat," she called cheerfully, "and while we're eating let us decide into what forms we shall change your fishes." "they're all right as they are," asserted ervic, drawing up his bench to the table. "the fishes are beauties--one gold, one silver and one bronze. nothing that has life is more lovely than a beautiful fish." "what! am _i_ not more lovely?" reera asked, smiling at his serious face. "i don't object to you--for a yookoohoo, you know," he said, helping himself to the food and eating with good appetite. "and don't you consider a beautiful girl more lovely than a fish, however pretty the fish may be?" "well," replied ervic, after a period of thought, "that might be. if you transformed my three fish into three girls--girls who would be adepts at magic, you know they might please me as well as the fish do. you won't do that of course, because you can't, with all your skill. and, should you be able to do so, i fear my troubles would be more than i could bear. they would not consent to be my slaves--especially if they were adepts at magic--and so they would command _me_ to obey _them_. no, mistress reera, let us not transform the fishes at all." the skeezer had put his case with remarkable cleverness. he realized that if he appeared anxious for such a transformation the yookoohoo would not perform it, yet he had skillfully suggested that they be made adepts at magic. chapter 19 red reera the yookoohoo after the meal was over and reera had fed her pets, including the four monster spiders which had come down from their webs to secure their share, she made the table disappear from the floor of the cottage. "i wish you'd consent to my transforming your fishes," she said, as she took up her knitting again. the skeezer made no reply. he thought it unwise to hurry matters. all during the afternoon they sat silent. once reera went to her cupboard and after thrusting her hand into the same drawer as before, touched the wolf and transformed it into a bird with gorgeous colored feathers. this bird was larger than a parrot and of a somewhat different form, but ervic had never seen one like it before. "sing!" said reera to the bird, which had perched itself on a big wooden peg--as if it had been in the cottage before and knew just what to do. and the bird sang jolly, rollicking songs with words to them--just as a person who had been carefully trained might do. the songs were entertaining and ervic enjoyed listening to them. in an hour or so the bird stopped singing, tucked its head under its wing and went to sleep. reera continued knitting but seemed thoughtful. now ervic had marked this cupboard drawer well and had concluded that reera took something from it which enabled her to perform her transformations. he thought that if he managed to remain in the cottage, and reera fell asleep, he could slyly open the cupboard, take a portion of whatever was in the drawer, and by dropping it into the copper kettle transform the three fishes into their natural shapes. indeed, he had firmly resolved to carry out this plan when the yookoohoo put down her knitting and walked toward the door. "i'm going out for a few minutes," said she; "do you wish to go with me, or will you remain here?" ervic did not answer but sat quietly on his bench. so reera went out and closed the cottage door. as soon as she was gone, ervic rose and tiptoed to the cupboard. "take care! take care!" cried several voices, coming from the kittens and chipmunks. "if you touch anything we'll tell the yookoohoo!" ervic hesitated a moment but, remembering that he need not consider reera's anger if he succeeded in transforming the fishes, he was about to open the cupboard when he was arrested by the voices of the fishes, which stuck their heads above the water in the kettle and called out: "come here, ervic!" so he went back to the kettle and bent over it. "let the cupboard alone," said the goldfish to him earnestly. "you could not succeed by getting that magic powder, for only the yookoohoo knows how to use it. the best way is to allow her to transform us into three girls, for then we will have our natural shapes and be able to perform all the arts of magic we have learned and well understand. you are acting wisely and in the most effective manner. we did not know you were so intelligent, or that reera could be so easily deceived by you. continue as you have begun and try to persuade her to transform us. but insist that we be given the forms of girls." the goldfish ducked its head down just as reera re-entered the cottage. she saw ervic bent over the kettle, so she came and joined him. "can your fishes talk?" she asked. "sometimes," he replied, "for all fishes in the land of oz know how to speak. just now they were asking me for some bread. they are hungry." "well, they can have some bread," said reera. "but it is nearly supper-time, and if you would allow me to transform your fishes into girls they could join us at the table and have plenty of food much nicer than crumbs. why not let me transform them?" "well," said ervic, as if hesitating, "ask the fishes. if they consent, why--why, then, i'll think it over." reera bent over the kettle and asked: "can you hear me, little fishes?" all three popped their heads above water. "we can hear you," said the bronzefish. "i want to give you other forms, such as rabbits, or turtles or girls, or something; but your master, the surly skeezer, does not wish me to. however, he has agreed to the plan if you will consent." "we'd like to be girls," said the silverfish. "no, no!" exclaimed ervic. "if you promise to make us three beautiful girls, we will consent," said the goldfish. "no, no!" exclaimed ervic again. "also make us adepts at magic," added the bronzefish. "i don't know exactly what that means," replied reera musingly, "but as no adept at magic is as powerful as yookoohoo, i'll add that to the transformation." "we won't try to harm you, or to interfere with your magic in any way," promised the goldfish. "on the contrary, we will be your friends." "will you agree to go away and leave me alone in my cottage, whenever i command you to do so?" asked reera. "we promise that," cried the three fishes. "don't do it! don't consent to the transformation," urged ervic. "they have already consented," said the yookoohoo, laughing in his face, "and you have promised me to abide by their decision. so, friend skeezer, i shall perform the transformation whether you like it or not." ervic seated himself on the bench again, a deep scowl on his face but joy in his heart. reera moved over to the cupboard, took something from the drawer and returned to the copper kettle. she was clutching something tightly in her right hand, but with her left she reached within the kettle, took out the three fishes and laid them carefully on the floor, where they gasped in distress at being out of water. reera did not keep them in misery more than a few seconds, for she touched each one with her right hand and instantly the fishes were transformed into three tall and slender young women, with fine, intelligent faces and clothed in handsome, clinging gowns. the one who had been a goldfish had beautiful golden hair and blue eyes and was exceedingly fair of skin; the one who had been a bronzefish had dark brown hair and clear gray eyes and her complexion matched these lovely features. the one who had been a silverfish had snow-white hair of the finest texture and deep brown eyes. the hair contrasted exquisitely with her pink cheeks and ruby-red lips, nor did it make her look a day older than her two companions. as soon as they secured these girlish shapes, all three bowed low to the yookoohoo and said: "we thank you, reera." then they bowed to the skeezer and said: "we thank you, ervic." "very good!" cried the yookoohoo, examining her work with critical approval. "you are much better and more interesting than fishes, and this ungracious skeezer would scarcely allow me to do the transformations. you surely have nothing to thank _him_ for. but now let us dine in honor of the occasion." she clapped her hands together and again a table loaded with food appeared in the cottage. it was a longer table, this time, and places were set for the three adepts as well as for reera and ervic. "sit down, friends, and eat your fill," said the yookoohoo, but instead of seating herself at the head of the table she went to the cupboard, saying to the adepts: "your beauty and grace, my fair friends, quite outshine my own. so that i may appear properly at the banquet table i intend, in honor of this occasion, to take upon myself my natural shape." scarcely had she finished this speech when reera transformed herself into a young woman fully as lovely as the three adepts. she was not quite so tall as they, but her form was more rounded and more handsomely clothed, with a wonderful jeweled girdle and a necklace of shining pearls. her hair was a bright auburn red, and her eyes large and dark. "do you claim this is your natural form?" asked ervic of the yookoohoo. "yes," she replied. "this is the only form i am really entitled to wear. but i seldom assume it because there is no one here to admire or appreciate it and i get tired admiring it myself." "i see now why you are named reera the red," remarked ervic. "it is on account of my red hair," she explained smiling. "i do not care for red hair myself, which is one reason i usually wear other forms." "it is beautiful," asserted the young man; and then remembering the other women present he added: "but, of course, all women should not have red hair, because that would make it too common. gold and silver and brown hair are equally handsome." the smiles that he saw interchanged between the four filled the poor skeezer with embarrassment, so he fell silent and attended to eating his supper, leaving the others to do the talking. the three adepts frankly told reera who they were, how they became fishes and how they had planned secretly to induce the yookoohoo to transform them. they admitted that they had feared, had they asked her to help, that she would have refused them. "you were quite right," returned the yookoohoo. "i make it my rule never to perform magic to assist others, for if i did there would always be crowds at my cottage demanding help and i hate crowds and want to be left alone. "however, now that you are restored to your proper shapes, i do not regret my action and i hope you will be of use in saving the skeezer people by raising their island to the surface of the lake, where it really belongs. but you must promise me that after you go away you will never come here again, nor tell anyone what i have done for you." the three adepts and ervic thanked the yookoohoo warmly. they promised to remember her wish that they should not come to her cottage again and so, with a good-bye, took their departure. chapter 20 a puzzling problem glinda the good, having decided to try her sorcery upon the abandoned submarine, so that it would obey her commands, asked all of her party, including the skeezers, to withdraw from the shore of the lake to the line of palm trees. she kept with her only the little wizard of oz, who was her pupil and knew how to assist her in her magic rites. when they two were alone beside the stranded boat, glinda said to the wizard: "i shall first try my magic recipe no. 1163, which is intended to make inanimate objects move at my command. have you a skeropythrope with you?" "yes, i always carry one in my bag," replied the wizard. he opened his black bag of magic tools and took out a brightly polished skeropythrope, which he handed to the sorceress. glinda had also brought a small wicker bag, containing various requirements of sorcery, and from this she took a parcel of powder and a vial of liquid. she poured the liquid into the skeropythrope and added the powder. at once the skeropythrope began to sputter and emit sparks of a violet color, which spread in all directions. the sorceress instantly stepped into the middle of the boat and held the instrument so that the sparks fell all around her and covered every bit of the blackened steel boat. at the same time glinda crooned a weird incantation in the language of sorcery, her voice sounding low and musical. after a little the violet sparks ceased, and those that had fallen upon the boat had disappeared and left no mark upon its surface. the ceremony was ended and glinda returned the skeropythrope to the wizard, who put it away in his black bag. "that ought to do the business all right," he said confidently. "let us make a trial and see," she replied. so they both entered the boat and seated themselves. speaking in a tone of command the sorceress said to the boat: "carry us across the lake, to the farther shore." at once the boat backed off the sandy beach, turned its prow and moved swiftly over the water. "very good--very good indeed!" cried the wizard, when the boat slowed up at the shore opposite from that whence they had departed. "even coo-ee-oh, with all her witchcraft, could do no better." the sorceress now said to the boat: "close up, submerge and carry us to the basement door of the sunken island--the door from which you emerged at the command of queen coo-ee-oh." the boat obeyed. as it sank into the water the top sections rose from the sides and joined together over the heads of glinda and the wizard, who were thus enclosed in a water-proof chamber. there were four glass windows in this covering, one on each side and one on either end, so that the passengers could see exactly where they were going. moving under water more slowly than on the surface, the submarine gradually approached the island and halted with its bow pressed against the huge marble door in the basement under the dome. this door was tightly closed and it was evident to both glinda and the wizard that it would not open to admit the under-water boat unless a magic word was spoken by them or someone from within the basement of the island. but what was this magic word? neither of them knew. "i'm afraid," said the wizard regretfully, "that we can't get in, after all. unless your sorcery can discover the word to open the marble door." "that is probably some word only known to coo-ee-oh," replied the sorceress. "i may be able to discover what it is, but that will require time. let us go back again to our companions." "it seems a shame, after we have made the boat obey us, to be balked by just a marble door," grumbled the wizard. at glinda's command the boat rose until it was on a level with the glass dome that covered the skeezer village, when the sorceress made it slowly circle all around the great dome. many faces were pressed against the glass from the inside, eagerly watching the submarine, and in one place were dorothy and ozma, who quickly recognized glinda and the wizard through the glass windows of the boat. glinda saw them, too, and held the boat close to the dome while the friends exchanged greetings in pantomime. their voices, unfortunately, could not be heard through the dome and the water and the side of the boat. the wizard tried to make the girls understand, through signs, that he and glinda had come to their rescue, and ozma and dorothy understood this from the very fact that the sorceress and the wizard had appeared. the two girl prisoners were smiling and in safety, and knowing this glinda felt she could take all the time necessary in order to effect their final rescue. as nothing more could be done just then, glinda ordered the boat to return to shore, and it obeyed readily. first it ascended to the surface of the water, then the roof parted and fell into the slots at the side of the boat, and then the magic craft quickly made the shore and beached itself on the sands at the very spot from which it had departed at glinda's command. all the oz people and the skeezers at once ran to the boat to ask if they had reached the island, and whether they had seen ozma and dorothy. the wizard told them of the obstacle they had met in the way of a marble door, and how glinda would now undertake to find a magic way to conquer the door. realizing that it would require several days to succeed in reaching the island, raising it and liberating their friends and the skeezer people, glinda now prepared a camp half way between the lake shore and the palm trees. the wizard's wizardry made a number of tents appear and the sorcery of the sorceress furnished these tents all complete, with beds, chairs, tables, rugs, lamps and even books with which to pass idle hours. all the tents had the royal banner of oz flying from the centerpoles and one big tent, not now occupied, had ozma's own banner moving in the breeze. betsy and trot had a tent to themselves, and button bright and ojo had another. the scarecrow and the tin woodman paired together in one tent and so did jack pumpkinhead and the shaggy man, cap'n bill and uncle henry, tik-tok and professor wogglebug. glinda had the most splendid tent of all, except that reserved for ozma, while the wizard had a little one of his own. whenever it was meal time, tables loaded with food magically appeared in the tents of those who were in the habit of eating, and these complete arrangements made the rescue party just as comfortable as they would have been in their own homes. far into the night glinda sat in her tent studying a roll of mystic scrolls in search of a word that would open the basement door of the island and admit her to the great dome. she also made many magical experiments, hoping to discover something that would aid her. yet the morning found the powerful sorceress still unsuccessful. glinda's art could have opened any ordinary door, you may be sure, but you must realize that this marble door of the island had been commanded not to open save in obedience to one magic word, and therefore all other magic words could have no effect upon it. the magic word that guarded the door had probably been invented by coo-ee-oh, who had now forgotten it. the only way, then, to gain entrance to the sunken island was to break the charm that held the door fast shut. if this could be done no magic would be required to open it. the next day the sorceress and the wizard again entered the boat and made it submerge and go to the marble door, which they tried in various ways to open, but without success. "we shall have to abandon this attempt, i think," said glinda. "the easiest way to raise the island would be for us to gain admittance to the dome and then descend to the basement and see in what manner coo-ee-oh made the entire island sink or rise at her command. it naturally occurred to me that the easiest way to gain admittance would be by having the boat take us into the basement through the marble door from which coo-ee-oh launched it. but there must be other ways to get inside the dome and join ozma and dorothy, and such ways we must find by study and the proper use of our powers of magic." "it won't be easy," declared the wizard, "for we must not forget that ozma herself understands considerable magic, and has doubtless tried to raise the island or find other means of escape from it and failed." "that is true," returned glinda, "but ozma's magic is fairy magic, while you are a wizard and i am a sorceress. in this way the three of us have a great variety of magic to work with, and if we should all fail it will be because the island is raised and lowered by a magic power none of us is acquainted with. my idea therefore is to seek--by such magic as we possess--to accomplish our object in another way." they made the circle of the dome again in their boat, and once more saw ozma and dorothy through their windows and exchanged signals with the two imprisoned girls. ozma realized that her friends were doing all in their power to rescue her and smiled an encouragement to their efforts. dorothy seemed a little anxious but was trying to be as brave as her companion. after the boat had returned to the camp and glinda was seated in her tent, working out various ways by which ozma and dorothy could be rescued, the wizard stood on the shore dreamily eying the outlines of the great dome which showed beneath the clear water, when he raised his eyes and saw a group of strange people approaching from around the lake. three were young women of stately presence, very beautifully dressed, who moved with remarkable grace. they were followed at a little distance by a good-looking young skeezer. the wizard saw at a glance that these people might be very important, so he advanced to meet them. the three maidens received him graciously and the one with the golden hair said: "i believe you are the famous wizard of oz, of whom i have often heard. we are seeking glinda, the sorceress, and perhaps you can lead us to her." "i can, and will, right gladly," answered the wizard. "follow me, please." the little wizard was puzzled as to the identity of the three lovely visitors but he gave no sign that might embarrass them. he understood they did not wish to be questioned, and so he made no remarks as he led the way to glinda's tent. with a courtly bow the wizard ushered the three visitors into the gracious presence of glinda, the good. chapter 21 the three adepts the sorceress looked up from her work as the three maidens entered, and something in their appearance and manner led her to rise and bow to them in her most dignified manner. the three knelt an instant before the great sorceress and then stood upright and waited for her to speak. "whoever you may be," said glinda, "i bid you welcome." "my name is audah," said one. "my name is aurah," said another. "my name is aujah," said the third. glinda had never heard these names before, but looking closely at the three she asked: "are you witches or workers in magic?" "some of the secret arts we have gleaned from nature," replied the brownhaired maiden modestly, "but we do not place our skill beside that of the great sorceress, glinda the good." "i suppose you are aware it is unlawful to practice magic in the land of oz, without the permission of our ruler, princess ozma?" "no, we were not aware of that," was the reply. "we have heard of ozma, who is the appointed ruler of all this great fairyland, but her laws have not reached us, as yet." glinda studied the strange maidens thoughtfully; then she said to them: "princess ozma is even now imprisoned in the skeezer village, for the whole island with its great dome, was sunk to the bottom of the lake by the witchcraft of coo-ee-oh, whom the flathead su-dic transformed into a silly swan. i am seeking some way to overcome coo-ee-oh's magic and raise the isle to the surface again. can you help me do this?" the maidens exchanged glances, and the white-haired one replied "we do not know; but we will try to assist you." "it seems," continued glinda musingly, "that coo-ee-oh derived most of her witchcraft from three adepts at magic, who at one time ruled the flatheads. while the adepts were being entertained by coo-ee-oh at a banquet in her palace, she cruelly betrayed them and after transforming them into fishes cast them into the lake. "if i could find these three fishes and return them to their natural shapes--they might know what magic coo-ee-oh used to sink the island. i was about to go to the shore and call these fishes to me when you arrived. so, if you will join me, we will try to find them." the maidens exchanged smiles now, and the golden-haired one, audah, said to glinda: "it will not be necessary to go to the lake. we are the three fishes." "indeed!" cried glinda. "then you are the three adepts at magic, restored to your proper forms?" "we are the three adepts," admitted aujah. "then," said glinda, "my task is half accomplished. but who destroyed the transformation that made you fishes?" "we have promised not to tell," answered aurah; "but this young skeezer was largely responsible for our release; he is brave and clever, and we owe him our gratitude." glinda looked at ervic, who stood modestly behind the adepts, hat in hand. "he shall be properly rewarded," she declared, "for in helping you he has helped us all, and perhaps saved his people from being imprisoned forever in the sunken isle." the sorceress now asked her guests to seat themselves and a long talk followed, in which the wizard of oz shared. "we are quite certain," said aurah, "that if we could get inside the dome we could discover coo-ee-oh's secrets, for in all her work, after we became fishes, she used the formulas and incantations and arts that she stole from us. she may have added to these things, but they were the foundation of all her work." "what means do you suggest for our getting into the dome?" inquired glinda. the three adepts hesitated to reply, for they had not yet considered what could be done to reach the inside of the great dome. while they were in deep thought, and glinda and the wizard were quietly awaiting their suggestions, into the tent rushed trot and betsy, dragging between them the patchwork girl. "oh, glinda," cried trot, "scraps has thought of a way to rescue ozma and dorothy and all of the skeezers." the three adepts could not avoid laughing merrily, for not only were they amused by the queer form of the patchwork girl, but trot's enthusiastic speech struck them as really funny. if the great sorceress and the famous wizard and the three talented adepts at magic were unable as yet to solve the important problem of the sunken isle, there was little chance for a patched girl stuffed with cotton to succeed. but glinda, smiling indulgently at the earnest faces turned toward her, patted the children's heads and said: "scraps is very clever. tell us what she has thought of, my dear." "well," said trot, "scraps says that if you could dry up all the water in the lake the island would be on dry land, an' everyone could come and go whenever they liked." glinda smiled again, but the wizard said to the girls: "if we should dry up the lake, what would become of all the beautiful fishes that now live in the water?" "dear me! that's so," admitted betsy, crestfallen; "we never thought of that, did we trot?" "couldn't you transform 'em into polliwogs?" asked scraps, turning a somersault and then standing on one leg. "you could give them a little, teeny pond to swim in, and they'd be just as happy as they are as fishes." "no indeed!" replied the wizard, severely. "it is wicked to transform any living creatures without their consent, and the lake is the home of the fishes and belongs to them." "all right," said scraps, making a face at him; "i don't care." "it's too bad," sighed trot, "for i thought we'd struck a splendid idea." "so you did," declared glinda, her face now grave and thoughtful. "there is something in the patchwork girl's idea that may be of real value to us." "i think so, too," agreed the golden-haired adept. "the top of the great dome is only a few feet below the surface of the water. if we could reduce the level of the lake until the dome sticks a little above the water, we could remove some of the glass and let ourselves down into the village by means of ropes." "and there would be plenty of water left for the fishes to swim in," added the white-haired maiden. "if we succeed in raising the island we could fill up the lake again," suggested the brown-haired adept. "i believe," said the wizard, rubbing his hands together in delight, "that the patchwork girl, has shown us the way to success." the girls were looking curiously at the three beautiful adepts, wondering who they were, so glinda introduced them to trot and betsy and scraps, and then sent the children away while she considered how to carry the new idea into effect. not much could be done that night, so the wizard prepared another tent for the adepts, and in the evening glinda held a reception and invited all her followers to meet the new arrivals. the adepts were greatly astonished at the extraordinary personages presented to them, and marveled that jack pumpkinhead and the scarecrow and the tin woodman and tik-tok could really live and think and talk just like other people. they were especially pleased with the lively patchwork girl and loved to watch her antics. it was quite a pleasant party, for glinda served some dainty refreshments to those who could eat, and the scarecrow recited some poems, and the cowardly lion sang a song in his deep bass voice. the only thing that marred their joy was the thought that their beloved ozma and dear little dorothy were yet confined in the great dome of the sunken island. chapter 22 the sunken island as soon as they had breakfasted the next morning, glinda and the wizard and the three adepts went down to the shore of the lake and formed a line with their faces toward the submerged island. all the others came to watch them, but stood at a respectful distance in the background. at the right of the sorceress stood audah and aurah, while at the left stood the wizard and aujah. together they stretched their arms over the water's edge and in unison the five chanted a rhythmic incantation. this chant they repeated again and again, swaying their arms gently from side to side, and in a few minutes the watchers behind them noticed that the lake had begun to recede from the shore. before long the highest point of the dome appeared above the water. gradually the water fell, making the dome appear to rise. when it was three or four feet above the surface glinda gave the signal to stop, for their work had been accomplished. the blackened submarine was now entirely out of water, but uncle henry and cap'n bill managed to push it into the lake. glinda, the wizard, ervic and the adepts got into the boat, taking with them a coil of strong rope, and at the command of the sorceress the craft cleaved its way through the water toward the part of the dome which was now visible. "there's still plenty of water for the fish to swim in," observed the wizard as they rode along. "they might like more but i'm sure they can get along until we have raised the island and can fill up the lake again." the boat touched gently on the sloping glass of the dome, and the wizard took some tools from his black bag and quickly removed one large pane of glass, thus making a hole large enough for their bodies to pass through. stout frames of steel supported the glass of the dome, and around one of these frames the wizard tied the end of a rope. "i'll go down first," said he, "for while i'm not as spry as cap'n bill i'm sure i can manage it easily. are you sure the rope is long enough to reach the bottom?" "quite sure," replied the sorceress. so the wizard let down the rope and climbing through the opening lowered himself down, hand over hand, clinging to the rope with his legs and feet. below in the streets of the village were gathered all the skeezers, men, women and children, and you may be sure that ozma and dorothy, with lady aurex, were filled with joy that their friends were at last coming to their rescue. the queen's palace, now occupied by ozma, was directly in the center of the dome, so that when the rope was let down the end of it came just in front of the palace entrance. several skeezers held fast to the rope's end to steady it and the wizard reached the ground in safety. he hugged first ozma and then dorothy, while all the skeezers cheered as loud as they could. the wizard now discovered that the rope was long enough to reach from the top of the dome to the ground when doubled, so he tied a chair to one end of the rope and called to glinda to sit in the chair while he and some of the skeezers lowered her to the pavement. in this way the sorceress reached the ground quite comfortably and the three adepts and ervic soon followed her. the skeezers quickly recognized the three adepts at magic, whom they had learned to respect before their wicked queen betrayed them, and welcomed them as friends. all the inhabitants of the village had been greatly frightened by their imprisonment under water, but now realized that an attempt was to be made to rescue them. glinda, the wizard and the adepts followed ozma and dorothy into the palace, and they asked lady aurex and ervic to join them. after ozma had told of her adventures in trying to prevent war between the flatheads and the skeezers, and glinda had told all about the rescue expedition and the restoration of the three adepts by the help of ervic, a serious consultation was held as to how the island could be made to rise. "i've tried every way in my power," said ozma, "but coo-ee-oh used a very unusual sort of magic which i do not understand. she seems to have prepared her witchcraft in such a way that a spoken word is necessary to accomplish her designs, and these spoken words are known only to herself." "that is a method we taught her," declared aurah the adept. "i can do no more, glinda," continued ozma, "so i wish you would try what your sorcery can accomplish." "first, then," said glinda, "let us visit the basement of the island, which i am told is underneath the village." a flight of marble stairs led from one of coo-ee-oh's private rooms down to the basement, but when the party arrived all were puzzled by what they saw. in the center of a broad, low room, stood a mass of great cog-wheels, chains and pulleys, all interlocked and seeming to form a huge machine; but there was no engine or other motive power to make the wheels turn. "this, i suppose, is the means by which the island is lowered or raised," said ozma, "but the magic word which is needed to move the machinery is unknown to us." the three adepts were carefully examining the mass of wheels, and soon the golden-haired one said: "these wheels do not control the island at all. on the contrary, one set of them is used to open the doors of the little rooms where the submarines are kept, as may be seen from the chains and pulleys used. each boat is kept in a little room with two doors, one to the basement room where we are now and the other letting into the lake. "when coo-ee-oh used the boat in which she attacked the flatheads, she first commanded the basement door to open and with her followers she got into the boat and made the top close over them. then the basement door being closed, the outer door was slowly opened, letting the water fill the room to float the boat, which then left the island, keeping under water." "but how could she expect to get back again?" asked the wizard. "why the boat would enter the room filled with water and after the outer door was closed a word of command started a pump which pumped all the water from the room. then the boat would open and coo-ee-oh could enter the basement." "i see," said the wizard. "it is a clever contrivance, but won't work unless one knows the magic words." "another part of this machinery," explained the white-haired adept, "is used to extend the bridge from the island to the mainland. the steel bridge is in a room much like that in which the boats are kept, and at coo-ee-oh's command it would reach out, joint by joint, until its far end touched the shore of the lake. the same magic command would make the bridge return to its former position. of course the bridge could not be used unless the island was on the surface of the water." "but how do you suppose coo-ee-oh managed to sink the island, and make it rise again?" inquired glinda. this the adepts could not yet explain. as nothing more could be learned from the basement they mounted the steps to the queen's private suite again, and ozma showed them to a special room where coo-ee-oh kept her magical instruments and performed all her arts of witchcraft. chapter 23 the magic words many interesting things were to be seen in the room of magic, including much that had been stolen from the adepts when they were transformed to fishes, but they had to admit that coo-ee-oh had a rare genius for mechanics, and had used her knowledge in inventing a lot of mechanical apparatus that ordinary witches, wizards and sorcerers could not understand. they all carefully inspected this room, taking care to examine every article they came across. "the island," said glinda thoughtfully, "rests on a base of solid marble. when it is submerged, as it is now, the base of the island is upon the bottom of the lake. what puzzles me is how such a great weight can be lifted and suspended in the water, even by magic." "i now remember," returned aujah, "that one of the arts we taught coo-ee-oh was the way to expand steel, and i think that explains how the island is raised and lowered. i noticed in the basement a big steel pillar that passed through the floor and extended upward to this palace. perhaps the end of it is concealed in this very room. if the lower end of the steel pillar is firmly embedded in the bottom of the lake, coo-ee-oh could utter a magic word that would make the pillar expand, and so lift the entire island to the level of the water." "i've found the end of the steel pillar. it's just here," announced the wizard, pointing to one side of the room where a great basin of polished steel seemed to have been set upon the floor. they all gathered around, and ozma said: "yes, i am quite sure that is the upper end of the pillar that supports the island. i noticed it when i first came here. it has been hollowed out, you see, and something has been burned in the basin, for the fire has left its marks. i wondered what was under the great basin and got several of the skeezers to come up here and try to lift it for me. they were strong men, but could not move it at all." "it seems to me," said audah the adept, "that we have discovered the manner in which coo-ee-oh raised the island. she would burn some sort of magic powder in the basin, utter the magic word, and the pillar would lengthen out and lift the island with it." "what's this?" asked dorothy, who had been searching around with the others, and now noticed a slight hollow in the wall, near to where the steel basin stood. as she spoke dorothy pushed her thumb into the hollow and instantly a small drawer popped out from the wall. the three adepts, glinda and the wizard sprang forward and peered into the drawer. it was half filled with a grayish powder, the tiny grains of which constantly moved as if impelled by some living force. "it may be some kind of radium," said the wizard. "no," replied glinda, "it is more wonderful than even radium, for i recognize it as a rare mineral powder called gaulau by the sorcerers. i wonder how coo-ee-oh discovered it and where she obtained it." "there is no doubt," said aujah the adept, "that this is the magic powder coo-ee-oh burned in the basin. if only we knew the magic word, i am quite sure we could raise the island." "how can we discover the magic word?" asked ozma, turning to glinda as she spoke. "that we must now seriously consider," answered the sorceress. so all of them sat down in the room of magic and began to think. it was so still that after a while dorothy grew nervous. the little girl never could keep silent for long, and at the risk of displeasing her magic-working friends she suddenly said: "well, coo-ee-oh used just three magic words, one to make the bridge work, and one to make the submarines go out of their holes, and one to raise and lower the island. three words. and coo-ee-oh's name is made up of just three words. one is 'coo,' and one is 'ee,' and one is 'oh.'" the wizard frowned but glinda looked wonderingly at the young girl and ozma cried out: "a good thought, dorothy dear! you may have solved our problem." "i believe it is worth a trial," agreed glinda. "it would be quite natural for coo-ee-oh to divide her name into three magic syllables, and dorothy's suggestion seems like an inspiration." the three adepts also approved the trial but the brown-haired one said: "we must be careful not to use the wrong word, and send the bridge out under water. the main thing, if dorothy's idea is correct, is to hit upon the one word that moves the island." "let us experiment," suggested the wizard. in the drawer with the moving gray powder was a tiny golden cup, which they thought was used for measuring. glinda filled this cup with the powder and carefully poured it into the shallow basin, which was the top of the great steel pillar supporting the island. then aurah the adept lighted a taper and touched it to the powder, which instantly glowed fiery red and tumbled about the basin with astonishing energy. while the grains of powder still glowed red the sorceress bent over it and said in a voice of command: "coo!" they waited motionless to see what would happen. there was a grating noise and a whirl of machinery, but the island did not move a particle. dorothy rushed to the window, which overlooked the glass side of the dome. "the boats!" she exclaimed. "the boats are all loose an' sailing under water." "we've made a mistake," said the wizard gloomily. "but it's one which shows we are on the right track," declared aujah the adept. "we know now that coo-ee-oh used the syllables of her name for the magic words." "if 'coo' sends out the boats, it is probable that 'ee' works the bridge," suggested ozma. "so the last part of the name may raise the island." "let us try that next then," proposed the wizard. he scraped the embers of the burned powder out of the basin and glinda again filled the golden cup from the drawer and placed it on top the steel pillar. aurah lighted it with her taper and ozma bent over the basin and murmured the long drawn syllable: "oh-h-h!" instantly the island trembled and with a weird groaning noise it moved upward--slowly, very slowly, but with a steady motion, while all the company stood by in awed silence. it was a wonderful thing, even to those skilled in the arts of magic, wizardry and sorcery, to realize that a single word could raise that great, heavy island, with its immense glass dome. "why, we're way _above_ the lake now!" exclaimed dorothy from the window, when at last the island ceased to move. "that is because we lowered the level of the water," explained glinda. they could hear the skeezers cheering lustily in the streets of the village as they realized that they were saved. "come," said ozma eagerly, "let us go down and join the people." "not just yet," returned glinda, a happy smile upon her lovely face, for she was overjoyed at their success. "first let us extend the bridge to the mainland, where our friends from the emerald city are waiting." it didn't take long to put more powder in the basin, light it and utter the syllable "ee!" the result was that a door in the basement opened and the steel bridge moved out, extended itself joint by joint, and finally rested its far end on the shore of the lake just in front of the encampment. "now," said glinda, "we can go up and receive the congratulations of the skeezers and of our friends of the rescue expedition." across the water, on the shore of the lake, the patchwork girl was waving them a welcome. chapter 24 glinda's triumph of course all those who had joined glinda's expedition at once crossed the bridge to the island, where they were warmly welcomed by the skeezers. before all the concourse of people princess ozma made a speech from a porch of the palace and demanded that they recognize her as their lawful ruler and promise to obey the laws of the land of oz. in return she agreed to protect them from all future harm and declared they would no longer be subjected to cruelty and abuse. this pleased the skeezers greatly, and when ozma told them they might elect a queen to rule over them, who in turn would be subject to ozma of oz, they voted for lady aurex, and that same day the ceremony of crowning the new queen was held and aurex was installed as mistress of the palace. for her prime minister the queen selected ervic, for the three adepts had told of his good judgment, faithfulness and cleverness, and all the skeezers approved the appointment. glinda, the wizard and the adepts stood on the bridge and recited an incantation that quite filled the lake with water again, and the scarecrow and the patchwork girl climbed to the top of the great dome and replaced the pane of glass that had been removed to allow glinda and her followers to enter. when evening came ozma ordered a great feast prepared, to which every skeezer was invited. the village was beautifully decorated and brilliantly lighted and there was music and dancing until a late hour to celebrate the liberation of the people. for the skeezers had been freed, not only from the water of the lake but from the cruelty of their former queen. as the people from the emerald city prepared the next morning to depart queen aurex said to ozma: "there is only one thing i now fear for my people, and that is the enmity of the terrible su-dic of the flatheads. he is liable to come here at any time and try to annoy us, and my skeezers are peaceful folks and unable to fight the wild and wilful flatheads." "do not worry," returned ozma, reassuringly. "we intend to stop on our way at the flatheads' enchanted mountain and punish the su-dic for his misdeeds." that satisfied aurex and when ozma and her followers trooped over the bridge to the shore, having taken leave of their friends, all the skeezers cheered them and waved their hats and handkerchiefs, and the band played and the departure was indeed a ceremony long to be remembered. the three adepts at magic, who had formerly ruled the flatheads wisely and considerately, went with princess ozma and her people, for they had promised ozma to stay on the mountain and again see that the laws were enforced. glinda had been told all about the curious flatheads and she had consulted with the wizard and formed a plan to render them more intelligent and agreeable. when the party reached the mountain ozma and dorothy showed them how to pass around the invisible wall--which had been built by the flatheads after the adepts were transformed--and how to gain the up-and-down stairway that led to the mountain top. the su-dic had watched the approach of the party from the edge of the mountain and was frightened when he saw that the three adepts had recovered their natural forms and were coming back to their former home. he realized that his power would soon be gone and yet he determined to fight to the last. he called all the flatheads together and armed them, and told them to arrest all who came up the stairway and hurl them over the edge of the mountain to the plain below. but although they feared the supreme dictator, who had threatened to punish them if they did not obey his commands, as soon as they saw the three adepts they threw down their arms and begged their former rulers to protect them. the three adepts assured the excited flatheads that they had nothing to fear. seeing that his people had rebelled the su-dic ran away and tried to hide, but the adepts found him and had him cast into a prison, all his cans of brains being taken away from him. after this easy conquest of the su-dic, glinda told the adepts of her plan, which had already been approved by ozma of oz, and they joyfully agreed to it. so, during the next few days, the great sorceress transformed, in a way, every flathead on the mountain. taking them one at a time, she had the can of brains that belonged to each one opened and the contents spread on the flat head, after which, by means of her arts of sorcery, she caused the head to grow over the brains--in the manner most people wear them--and they were thus rendered as intelligent and good looking as any of the other inhabitants of the land of oz. when all had been treated in this manner there were no more flatheads at all, and the adepts decided to name their people mountaineers. one good result of glinda's sorcery was that no one could now be deprived of the brains that belonged to him and each person had exactly the share he was entitled to. even the su-dic was given his portion of brains and his flat head made round, like the others, but he was deprived of all power to work further mischief, and with the adepts constantly watching him he would be forced to become obedient and humble. the golden pig, which ran grunting about the streets, with no brains at all, was disenchanted by glinda, and in her woman's form was given brains and a round head. this wife of the su-dic had once been even more wicked than her evil husband, but she had now forgotten all her wickedness and was likely to be a good woman thereafter. these things being accomplished in a satisfactory manner, princess ozma and her people bade farewell to the three adepts and departed for the emerald city, well pleased with their interesting adventures. they returned by the road over which ozma and dorothy had come, stopping to get the sawhorse and the red wagon where they had left them. "i'm very glad i went to see these peoples," said princess ozma, "for i not only prevented any further warfare between them, but they have been freed from the rule of the su-dic and coo-ee-oh and are now happy and loyal subjects of the land of oz. which proves that it is always wise to do one's duty, however unpleasant that duty may seem to be." transcriber's note archaic and inconsistent spelling, punctuation, and syntax retained. the magic of oz a faithful record of the remarkable adventures of dorothy and trot and the wizard of oz, together with the cowardly lion, the hungry tiger and cap'n bill, in their successful search for a magical and beautiful birthday present for princess ozma of oz by l. frank baum "royal historian of oz" contents --to my readers- 1. mount munch 2. the hawk 3. two bad ones 4. conspirators 5. a happy corner of oz 6. ozma's birthday presents 7. the forest of gugu 8. the li-mon-eags make trouble 9. the isle of the magic flower 10. stuck fast 11. the beasts of the forest of gugu 12. kiki uses his magic 13. the loss of the black bag 14. the wizard learns the magic word 15. the lonesome duck 16. the glass cat finds the black bag 17. a remarkable journey 18. the magic of the wizard 19. dorothy and the bumble bees 20. the monkeys have trouble 21. the college of athletic arts 22. ozma's birthday party 23. the fountain of oblivion to my readers curiously enough, in the events which have taken place in the last few years in our "great outside world," we may find incidents so marvelous and inspiring that i cannot hope to equal them with stories of the land of oz. however, "the magic of oz" is really more strange and unusual than anything i have read or heard about on our side of the great sandy desert which shuts us off from the land of oz, even during the past exciting years, so i hope it will appeal to your love of novelty. a long and confining illness has prevented my answering all the good letters sent me--unless stamps were enclosed--but from now on i hope to be able to give prompt attention to each and every letter with which my readers favor me. assuring you that my love for you has never faltered and hoping the oz books will continue to give you pleasure as long as i am able to write them, i am yours affectionately, l. frank baum, "royal historian of oz." "ozcot" at hollywood in california 1919 1. mount munch on the east edge of the land of oz, in the munchkin country, is a big, tall hill called mount munch. one one side, the bottom of this hill just touches the deadly sandy desert that separates the fairyland of oz from all the rest of the world, but on the other side, the hill touches the beautiful, fertile country of the munchkins. the munchkin folks, however, merely stand off and look at mount munch and know very little about it; for, about a third of the way up, its sides become too steep to climb, and if any people live upon the top of that great towering peak that seems to reach nearly to the skies, the munchkins are not aware of the fact. but people do live there, just the same. the top of mount munch is shaped like a saucer, broad and deep, and in the saucer are fields where grains and vegetables grow, and flocks are fed, and brooks flow and trees bear all sorts of things. there are houses scattered here and there, each having its family of hyups, as the people call themselves. the hyups seldom go down the mountain, for the same reason that the munchkins never climb up: the sides are too steep. in one of the houses lived a wise old hyup named bini aru, who used to be a clever sorcerer. but ozma of oz, who rules everyone in the land of oz, had made a decree that no one should practice magic in her dominions except glinda the good and the wizard of oz, and when glinda sent this royal command to the hyups by means of a strong-winged eagle, old bini aru at once stopped performing magical arts. he destroyed many of his magic powders and tools of magic, and afterward honestly obeyed the law. he had never seen ozma, but he knew she was his ruler and must be obeyed. there was only one thing that grieved him. he had discovered a new and secret method of transformations that was unknown to any other sorcerer. glinda the good did not know it, nor did the little wizard of oz, nor dr. pipt nor old mombi, nor anyone else who dealt in magic arts. it was bini aru's own secret. by its means, it was the simplest thing in the world to transform anyone into beast, bird or fish, or anything else, and back again, once you know how to pronounce the mystical word: "pyrzqxgl." bini aru had used this secret many times, but not to cause evil or suffering to others. when he had wandered far from home and was hungry, he would say: "i want to become a cow--pyrzqxgl!" in an instant he would be a cow, and then he would eat grass and satisfy his hunger. all beasts and birds can talk in the land of oz, so when the cow was no longer hungry, it would say: "i want to be bini aru again: pyrzqxgl!" and the magic word, properly pronounced, would instantly restore him to his proper form. now, of course, i would not dare to write down this magic word so plainly if i thought my readers would pronounce it properly and so be able to transform themselves and others, but it is a fact that no one in all the world except bini aru, had ever (up to the time this story begins) been able to pronounce "pyrzqxgl!" the right way, so i think it is safe to give it to you. it might be well, however, in reading this story aloud, to be careful not to pronounce pyrzqxgl the proper way, and thus avoid all danger of the secret being able to work mischief. bini aru, having discovered the secret of instant transformation, which required no tools or powders or other chemicals or herbs and always worked perfectly, was reluctant to have such a wonderful discovery entirely unknown or lost to all human knowledge. he decided not to use it again, since ozma had forbidden him to do so, but he reflected that ozma was a girl and some time might change her mind and allow her subjects to practice magic, in which case bini aru could again transform himself and others at will,--unless, of course, he forgot how to pronounce pyrzqxgl in the meantime. after giving the matter careful thought, he decided to write the word, and how it should be pronounced, in some secret place, so that he could find it after many years, but where no one else could ever find it. that was a clever idea, but what bothered the old sorcerer was to find a secret place. he wandered all over the saucer at the top of mount munch, but found no place in which to write the secret word where others might not be likely to stumble upon it. so finally he decided it must be written somewhere in his own house. bini aru had a wife named mopsi aru who was famous for making fine huckleberry pies, and he had a son named kiki aru who was not famous at all. he was noted as being cross and disagreeable because he was not happy, and he was not happy because he wanted to go down the mountain and visit the big world below and his father would not let him. no one paid any attention to kiki aru, because he didn't amount to anything, anyway. once a year there was a festival on mount munch which all the hyups attended. it was held in the center of the saucer-shaped country, and the day was given over to feasting and merry-making. the young folks danced and sang songs; the women spread the tables with good things to eat, and the men played on musical instruments and told fairy tales. kiki aru usually went to these festivals with his parents, and then sat sullenly outside the circle and would not dance or sing or even talk to the other young people. so the festival did not make him any happier than other days, and this time he told bini aru and mopsi aru that he would not go. he would rather stay at home and be unhappy all by himself, he said, and so they gladly let him stay. but after he was left alone kiki decided to enter his father's private room, where he was forbidden to go, and see if he could find any of the magic tools bini aru used to work with when he practiced sorcery. as he went in kiki stubbed his toe on one of the floor boards. he searched everywhere but found no trace of his father's magic. all had been destroyed. much disappointed, he started to go out again when he stubbed his toe on the same floor board. that set him thinking. examining the board more closely, kiki found it had been pried up and then nailed down again in such a manner that it was a little higher than the other boards. but why had his father taken up the board? had he hidden some of his magic tools underneath the floor? kiki got a chisel and pried up the board, but found nothing under it. he was just about to replace the board when it slipped from his hand and turned over, and he saw something written on the underside of it. the light was rather dim, so he took the board to the window and examined it, and found that the writing described exactly how to pronounce the magic word pyrzqxgl, which would transform anyone into anything instantly, and back again when the word was repeated. now, at first, kiki aru didn't realize what a wonderful secret he had discovered; but he thought it might be of use to him and so he took a piece of paper and made on it an exact copy of the instructions for pronouncing pyrzqxgl. then he folded the paper and put it in his pocket, and replaced the board in the floor so that no one would suspect it had been removed. after this kiki went into the garden and sitting beneath a tree made a careful study of the paper. he had always wanted to get away from mount munch and visit the big world--especially the land of oz--and the idea now came to him that if he could transform himself into a bird, he could fly to any place he wished to go and fly back again whenever he cared to. it was necessary, however, to learn by heart the way to pronounce the magic word, because a bird would have no way to carry a paper with it, and kiki would be unable to resume his proper shape if he forgot the word or its pronunciation. so he studied it a long time, repeating it a hundred times in his mind until he was sure he would not forget it. but to make safety doubly sure he placed the paper in a tin box in a neglected part of the garden and covered the box with small stones. by this time it was getting late in the day and kiki wished to attempt his first transformation before his parents returned from the festival. so he stood on the front porch of his home and said: "i want to become a big, strong bird, like a hawk--pyrzqxgl!" he pronounced it the right way, so in a flash he felt that he was completely changed in form. he flapped his wings, hopped to the porch railing and said: "caw-oo! caw-oo!" then he laughed and said half aloud: "i suppose that's the funny sound this sort of a bird makes. but now let me try my wings and see if i'm strong enough to fly across the desert." for he had decided to make his first trip to the country outside the land of oz. he had stolen this secret of transformation and he knew he had disobeyed the law of oz by working magic. perhaps glinda or the wizard of oz would discover him and punish him, so it would be good policy to keep away from oz altogether. slowly kiki rose into the air, and resting on his broad wings, floated in graceful circles above the saucer-shaped mountain-top. from his height, he could see, far across the burning sands of the deadly desert, another country that might be pleasant to explore, so he headed that way, and with strong, steady strokes of his wings, began the long flight. 2. the hawk even a hawk has to fly high in order to cross the deadly desert, from which poisonous fumes are constantly rising. kiki aru felt sick and faint by the time he reached good land again, for he could not quite escape the effects of the poisons. but the fresh air soon restored him and he alighted in a broad table-land which is called hiland. just beyond it is a valley known as loland, and these two countries are ruled by the gingerbread man, john dough, with chick the cherub as his prime minister. the hawk merely stopped here long enough to rest, and then he flew north and passed over a fine country called merryland, which is ruled by a lovely wax doll. then, following the curve of the desert, he turned north and settled on a tree-top in the kingdom of noland. kiki was tired by this time, and the sun was now setting, so he decided to remain here till morning. from his tree-top he could see a house near by, which looked very comfortable. a man was milking a cow in the yard and a pleasant-faced woman came to the door and called him to supper. that made kiki wonder what sort of food hawks ate. he felt hungry, but didn't know what to eat or where to get it. also he thought a bed would be more comfortable than a tree-top for sleeping, so he hopped to the ground and said: "i want to become kiki aru again--pyrzqxgl!" instantly he had resumed his natural shape, and going to the house, he knocked upon the door and asked for some supper. "who are you?" asked the man of the house. "a stranger from the land of oz," replied kiki aru. "then you are welcome," said the man. kiki was given a good supper and a good bed, and he behaved very well, although he refused to answer all the questions the good people of noland asked him. having escaped from his home and found a way to see the world, the young man was no longer unhappy, and so he was no longer cross and disagreeable. the people thought him a very respectable person and gave him breakfast next morning, after which he started on his way feeling quite contented. having walked for an hour or two through the pretty country that is ruled by king bud, kiki aru decided he could travel faster and see more as a bird, so he transformed himself into a white dove and visited the great city of nole and saw the king's palace and gardens and many other places of interest. then he flew westward into the kingdom of ix, and after a day in queen zixi's country went on westward into the land of ev. every place he visited he thought was much more pleasant than the saucer-country of the hyups, and he decided that when he reached the finest country of all he would settle there and enjoy his future life to the utmost. in the land of ev he resumed his own shape again, for the cities and villages were close together and he could easily go on foot from one to another of them. toward evening he came to a good inn and asked the inn-keeper if he could have food and lodging. "you can if you have the money to pay," said the man, "otherwise you must go elsewhere." this surprised kiki, for in the land of oz they do not use money at all, everyone being allowed to take what he wishes without price. he had no money, therefore, and so he turned away to seek hospitality elsewhere. looking through an open window into one of the rooms of the inn, as he passed along, he saw an old man counting on a table a big heap of gold pieces, which kiki thought to be money. one of these would buy him supper and a bed, he reflected, so he transformed himself into a magpie and, flying through the open window, caught up one of the gold pieces in his beak and flew out again before the old man could interfere. indeed, the old man who was robbed was quite helpless, for he dared not leave his pile of gold to chase the magpie, and before he could place the gold in a sack in his pocket the robber bird was out of sight and to seek it would be folly. kiki aru flew to a group of trees and, dropping the gold piece to the ground, resumed his proper shape, and then picked up the money and put it in his pocket. "you'll be sorry for this!" exclaimed a small voice just over his head. kiki looked up and saw that a sparrow, perched upon a branch, was watching him. "sorry for what?" he demanded. "oh, i saw the whole thing," asserted the sparrow. "i saw you look in the window at the gold, and then make yourself into a magpie and rob the poor man, and then i saw you fly here and make the bird into your former shape. that's magic, and magic is wicked and unlawful; and you stole money, and that's a still greater crime. you'll be sorry, some day." "i don't care," replied kiki aru, scowling. "aren't you afraid to be wicked?" asked the sparrow. "no, i didn't know i was being wicked," said kiki, "but if i was, i'm glad of it. i hate good people. i've always wanted to be wicked, but i didn't know how." "haw, haw, haw!" laughed someone behind him, in a big voice; "that's the proper spirit, my lad! i'm glad i've met you; shake hands." the sparrow gave a frightened squeak and flew away. 3. two bad ones kiki turned around and saw a queer old man standing near. he didn't stand straight, for he was crooked. he had a fat body and thin legs and arms. he had a big, round face with bushy, white whiskers that came to a point below his waist, and white hair that came to a point on top of his head. he wore dull-gray clothes that were tight fitting, and his pockets were all bunched out as if stuffed full of something. "i didn't know you were here," said kiki. "i didn't come until after you did," said the queer old man. "who are you?" asked kiki. "my name's ruggedo. i used to be the nome king; but i got kicked out of my country, and now i'm a wanderer." "what made them kick you out?" inquired the hyup boy. "well, it's the fashion to kick kings nowadays. i was a pretty good king--to myself--but those dreadful oz people wouldn't let me alone. so i had to abdicate." "what does that mean?" "it means to be kicked out. but let's talk about something pleasant. who are you and where did you come from?" "i'm called kiki aru. i used to live on mount munch in the land of oz, but now i'm a wanderer like yourself." the nome king gave him a shrewd look. "i heard that bird say that you transformed yourself into a magpie and back again. is that true?" kiki hesitated, but saw no reason to deny it. he felt that it would make him appear more important. "well--yes," he said. "then you're a wizard?" "no; i only understand transformations," he admitted. "well, that's pretty good magic, anyhow," declared old ruggedo. "i used to have some very fine magic, myself, but my enemies took it all away from me. where are you going now?" "i'm going into the inn, to get some supper and a bed," said kiki. "have you the money to pay for it?" asked the nome. "i have one gold piece." "which you stole. very good. and you're glad that you're wicked. better yet. i like you, young man, and i'll go to the inn with you if you'll promise not to eat eggs for supper." "don't you like eggs?" asked kiki. "i'm afraid of 'em; they're dangerous!" said ruggedo, with a shudder. "all right," agreed kiki; "i won't ask for eggs." "then come along," said the nome. when they entered the inn, the landlord scowled at kiki and said: "i told you i would not feed you unless you had money." kiki showed him the gold piece. "and how about you?" asked the landlord, turning to ruggedo. "have you money?" "i've something better," answered the old nome, and taking a bag from one of his pockets he poured from it upon the table a mass of glittering gems--diamonds, rubies and emeralds. the landlord was very polite to the strangers after that. he served them an excellent supper, and while they ate it, the hyup boy asked his companion: "where did you get so many jewels?" "well, i'll tell you," answered the nome. "when those oz people took my kingdom away from me--just because it was my kingdom and i wanted to run it to suit myself--they said i could take as many precious stones as i could carry. so i had a lot of pockets made in my clothes and loaded them all up. jewels are fine things to have with you when you travel; you can trade them for anything." "are they better than gold pieces?" asked kiki. "the smallest of these jewels is worth a hundred gold pieces such as you stole from the old man." "don't talk so loud," begged kiki, uneasily. "some one else might hear what you are saying." after supper they took a walk together, and the former nome king said: "do you know the shaggy man, and the scarecrow, and the tin woodman, and dorothy, and ozma and all the other oz people?" "no," replied the boy, "i have never been away from mount munch until i flew over the deadly desert the other day in the shape of a hawk." "then you've never seen the emerald city of oz?" "never." "well," said the nome, "i knew all the oz people, and you can guess i do not love them. all during my wanderings i have brooded on how i can be revenged on them. now that i've met you i can see a way to conquer the land of oz and be king there myself, which is better than being king of the nomes." "how can you do that?" inquired kiki aru, wonderingly. "never mind how. in the first place, i'll make a bargain with you. tell me the secret of how to perform transformations and i will give you a pocketful of jewels, the biggest and finest that i possess." "no," said kiki, who realized that to share his power with another would be dangerous to himself. "i'll give you two pocketsful of jewels," said the nome. "no," answered kiki. "i'll give you every jewel i possess." "no, no, no!" said kiki, who was beginning to be frightened. "then," said the nome, with a wicked look at the boy, "i'll tell the inn-keeper that you stole that gold piece and he will have you put in prison." kiki laughed at the threat. "before he can do that," said he, "i will transform myself into a lion and tear him to pieces, or into a bear and eat him up, or into a fly and fly away where he could not find me." "can you really do such wonderful transformations?" asked the old nome, looking at him curiously. "of course," declared kiki. "i can transform you into a stick of wood, in a flash, or into a stone, and leave you here by the roadside." "the wicked nome shivered a little when he heard that, but it made him long more than ever to possess the great secret. after a while he said: "i'll tell you what i'll do. if you will help me to conquer oz and to transform the oz people, who are my enemies, into sticks or stones, by telling me your secret, i'll agree to make you the ruler of all oz, and i will be your prime minister and see that your orders are obeyed." "i'll help do that," said kiki, "but i won't tell you my secret." the nome was so furious at this refusal that he jumped up and down with rage and spluttered and choked for a long time before he could control his passion. but the boy was not at all frightened. he laughed at the wicked old nome, which made him more furious than ever. "let's give up the idea," he proposed, when ruggedo had quieted somewhat. "i don't know the oz people you mention and so they are not my enemies. if they've kicked you out of your kingdom, that's your affair--not mine." "wouldn't you like to be king of that splendid fairyland?" asked ruggedo. "yes, i would," replied kiki aru; "but you want to be king yourself, and we would quarrel over it." "no," said the nome, trying to deceive him. "i don't care to be king of oz, come to think it over. i don't even care to live in that country. what i want first is revenge. if we can conquer oz, i'll get enough magic then to conquer my own kingdom of the nomes, and i'll go back and live in my underground caverns, which are more home-like than the top of the earth. so here's my proposition: help me conquer oz and get revenge, and help me get the magic away from glinda and the wizard, and i'll let you be king of oz forever afterward." "i'll think it over," answered kiki, and that is all he would say that evening. in the night when all in the inn were asleep but himself, old ruggedo the nome rose softly from his couch and went into the room of kiki aru the hyup, and searched everywhere for the magic tool that performed his transformations. of course, there was no such tool, and although ruggedo searched in all the boy's pockets, he found nothing magical whatever. so he went back to his bed and began to doubt that kiki could perform transformations. next morning he said: "which way do you travel to-day?" "i think i shall visit the rose kingdom," answered the boy. "that is a long journey," declared the nome. "i shall transform myself into a bird," said kiki, "and so fly to the rose kingdom in an hour." "then transform me, also, into a bird, and i will go with you," suggested ruggedo. "but, in that case, let us fly together to the land of oz, and see what it looks like." kiki thought this over. pleasant as were the countries he had visited, he heard everywhere that the land of oz was more beautiful and delightful. the land of oz was his own country, too, and if there was any possibility of his becoming its king, he must know something about it. while kiki the hyup thought, ruggedo the nome was also thinking. this boy possessed a marvelous power, and although very simple in some ways, he was determined not to part with his secret. however, if ruggedo could get him to transport the wily old nome to oz, which he could reach in no other way, he might then induce the boy to follow his advice and enter into the plot for revenge, which he had already planned in his wicked heart. "there are wizards and magicians in oz," remarked kiki, after a time. "they might discover us, in spite of our transformations." "not if we are careful," ruggedo assured him. "ozma has a magic picture, in which she can see whatever she wishes to see; but ozma will know nothing of our going to oz, and so she will not command her magic picture to show where we are or what we are doing. glinda the good has a great book called the book of records, in which is magically written everything that people do in the land of oz, just the instant they do it." "then," said kiki, "there is no use our attempting to conquer the country, for glinda would read in her book all that we do, and as her magic is greater than mine, she would soon put a stop to our plans." "i said 'people,' didn't i?" retorted the nome. "the book doesn't make a record of what birds do, or beasts. it only tells the doings of people. so, if we fly into the country as birds, glinda won't know anything about it." "two birds couldn't conquer the land of oz," asserted the boy, scornfully. "no; that's true," admitted ruggedo, and then he rubbed his forehead and stroked his long pointed beard and thought some more. "ah, now i have the idea!" he declared. "i suppose you can transform us into beasts as well as birds?" "of course." "and can you make a bird a beast, and a beast a bird again, without taking a human form in between?" "certainly," said kiki. "i can transform myself or others into anything that can talk. there's a magic word that must be spoken in connection with the transformations, and as beasts and birds and dragons and fishes can talk in oz, we may become any of these we desire to. however, if i transformed myself into a tree, i would always remain a tree, because then i could not utter the magic word to change the transformation." "i see; i see," said ruggedo, nodding his bushy, white head until the point of his hair waved back and forth like a pendulum. "that fits in with my idea, exactly. now, listen, and i'll explain to you my plan. we'll fly to oz as birds and settle in one of the thick forests in the gillikin country. there you will transform us into powerful beasts, and as glinda doesn't keep any track of the doings of beasts we can act without being discovered." "but how can two beasts raise an army to conquer the powerful people of oz?" inquired kiki. "that's easy. but not an army of people, mind you. that would be quickly discovered. and while we are in oz you and i will never resume our human forms until we've conquered the country and destroyed glinda, and ozma, and the wizard, and dorothy, and all the rest, and so have nothing more to fear from them." "it is impossible to kill anyone in the land of oz," declared kiki. "it isn't necessary to kill the oz people," rejoined ruggedo. "i'm afraid i don't understand you," objected the boy. "what will happen to the oz people, and what sort of an army could we get together, except of people?" "i'll tell you. the forests of oz are full of beasts. some of them, in the far-away places, are savage and cruel, and would gladly follow a leader as savage as themselves. they have never troubled the oz people much, because they had no leader to urge them on, but we will tell them to help us conquer oz and as a reward we will transform all the beasts into men and women, and let them live in the houses and enjoy all the good things; and we will transform all the people of oz into beasts of various sorts, and send them to live in the forests and the jungles. that is a splendid idea, you must admit, and it's so easy that we won't have any trouble at all to carry it through to success." "will the beasts consent, do you think?" asked the boy. "to be sure they will. we can get every beast in oz on our side--except a few who live in ozma's palace, and they won't count." 4. conspirators kiki aru didn't know much about oz and didn't know much about the beasts who lived there, but the old nome's plan seemed to him to be quite reasonable. he had a faint suspicion that ruggedo meant to get the best of him in some way, and he resolved to keep a close watch on his fellow-conspirator. as long as he kept to himself the secret word of the transformations, ruggedo would not dare to harm him, and he promised himself that as soon as they had conquered oz, he would transform the old nome into a marble statue and keep him in that form forever. ruggedo, on his part, decided that he could, by careful watching and listening, surprise the boy's secret, and when he had learned the magic word he would transform kiki aru into a bundle of faggots and burn him up and so be rid of him. this is always the way with wicked people. they cannot be trusted even by one another. ruggedo thought he was fooling kiki, and kiki thought he was fooling ruggedo; so both were pleased. "it's a long way across the desert," remarked the boy, "and the sands are hot and send up poisonous vapors. let us wait until evening and then fly across in the night when it will be cooler." the former nome king agreed to this, and the two spent the rest of that day in talking over their plans. when evening came they paid the inn-keeper and walked out to a little grove of trees that stood near by. "remain here for a few minutes and i'll soon be back," said kiki, and walking swiftly away, he left the nome standing in the grove. ruggedo wondered where he had gone, but stood quietly in his place until, all of a sudden, his form changed to that of a great eagle, and he uttered a piercing cry of astonishment and flapped his wings in a sort of panic. at once his eagle cry was answered from beyond the grove, and another eagle, even larger and more powerful than the transformed ruggedo, came sailing through the trees and alighted beside him. "now we are ready for the start," said the voice of kiki, coming from the eagle. ruggedo realized that this time he had been outwitted. he had thought kiki would utter the magic word in his presence, and so he would learn what it was, but the boy had been too shrewd for that. as the two eagles mounted high into the air and began their flight across the great desert that separates the land of oz from all the rest of the world, the nome said: "when i was king of the nomes i had a magic way of working transformations that i thought was good, but it could not compare with your secret word. i had to have certain tools and make passes and say a lot of mystic words before i could transform anybody." "what became of your magic tools?" inquired kiki. "the oz people took them all away from me--that horrid girl, dorothy, and that terrible fairy, ozma, the ruler of oz--at the time they took away my underground kingdom and kicked me upstairs into the cold, heartless world." "why did you let them do that?" asked the boy. "well," said ruggedo, "i couldn't help it. they rolled eggs at me--eggs--dreadful eggs!--and if an egg even touches a nome, he is ruined for life." "is any kind of an egg dangerous to a nome?" "any kind and every kind. an egg is the only thing i'm afraid of." 5. a happy corner of oz there is no other country so beautiful as the land of oz. there are no other people so happy and contented and prosperous as the oz people. they have all they desire; they love and admire their beautiful girl ruler, ozma of oz, and they mix work and play so justly that both are delightful and satisfying and no one has any reason to complain. once in a while something happens in oz to disturb the people's happiness for a brief time, for so rich and attractive a fairyland is sure to make a few selfish and greedy outsiders envious, and therefore certain evil-doers have treacherously plotted to conquer oz and enslave its people and destroy its girl ruler, and so gain the wealth of oz for themselves. but up to the time when the cruel and crafty nome, ruggedo, conspired with kiki aru, the hyup, all such attempts had failed. the oz people suspected no danger. life in the world's nicest fairyland was one round of joyous, happy days. in the center of the emerald city of oz, the capital city of ozma's dominions, is a vast and beautiful garden, surrounded by a wall inlaid with shining emeralds, and in the center of this garden stands ozma's royal palace, the most splendid building ever constructed. from a hundred towers and domes floated the banners of oz, which included the ozmies, the munchkins, the gillikins, the winkies and the quadlings. the banner of the munchkins is blue, that of the winkies yellow; the gillikin banner is purple, and the quadling's banner is red. the colors of the emerald city are of course green. ozma's own banner has a green center, and is divided into four quarters. these quarters are colored blue, purple, yellow and red, indicating that she rules over all the countries of the land of oz. this fairyland is so big, however, that all of it is not yet known to its girl ruler, and it is said that in some far parts of the country, in forests and mountain fastnesses, in hidden valleys and thick jungles, are people and beasts that know as little about ozma as she knows of them. still, these unknown subjects are not nearly so numerous as the known inhabitants of oz, who occupy all the countries near to the emerald city. indeed, i'm sure it will not be long until all parts of the fairyland of oz are explored and their peoples made acquainted with their ruler, for in ozma's palace are several of her friends who are so curious that they are constantly discovering new and extraordinary places and inhabitants. one of the most frequent discoverers of these hidden places in oz is a little kansas girl named dorothy, who is ozma's dearest friend and lives in luxurious rooms in the royal palace. dorothy is, indeed, a princess of oz, but she does not like to be called a princess, and because she is simple and sweet and does not pretend to be anything but an ordinary little girl, she is called just "dorothy" by everybody and is the most popular person, next to ozma, in all the land of oz. one morning dorothy crossed the hall of the palace and knocked on the door of another girl named trot, also a guest and friend of ozma. when told to enter, dorothy found that trot had company, an old sailor-man with one wooden leg and one meat leg, who was sitting by the open window puffing smoke from a corn-cob pipe. this sailor-man was named cap'n bill, and he had accompanied trot to the land of oz and was her oldest and most faithful comrade and friend. dorothy liked cap'n bill, too, and after she had greeted him, she said to trot: "you know, ozma's birthday is next month, and i've been wondering what i can give here as a birthday present. she's so good to us all that we certainly ought to remember her birthday." "that's true," agreed trot. "i've been wondering, too, what i could give ozma. it's pretty hard to decide, 'cause she's got already all she wants, and as she's a fairy and knows a lot about magic, she could satisfy any wish." "i know," returned dorothy, "but that isn't the point. it isn't that ozma needs anything, but that it will please her to know we've remembered her birthday. but what shall we give her?" trot shook her head in despair. "i've tried to think and i can't," she declared. "it's the same way with me," said dorothy. "i know one thing that 'ud please her," remarked cap'n bill, turning his round face with its fringe of whiskers toward the two girls and staring at them with his big, light-blue eyes wide open. "what is it, cap'n bill?" "it's an enchanted flower," said he. "it's a pretty plant that stands in a golden flower-pot an' grows all sorts o' flowers, one after another. one minute a fine rose buds an' blooms, an' then a tulip, an' next a chrys--chrys--" "--anthemum," said dorothy, helping him. "that's it; and next a dahlia, an' then a daffydil, an' on all through the range o' posies. jus' as soon as one fades away, another comes, of a different sort, an' the perfume from 'em is mighty snifty, an' they keeps bloomin' night and day, year in an' year out." "that's wonderful!" exclaimed dorothy. "i think ozma would like it." "but where is the magic flower, and how can we get it?" asked trot. "dun'no, zac'ly," slowly replied cap'n bill. "the glass cat tol' me about it only yesterday, an' said it was in some lonely place up at the nor'east o' here. the glass cat goes travelin' all around oz, you know, an' the little critter sees a lot o' things no one else does." "that's true," said dorothy, thoughtfully. "northeast of here must be in the munchkin country, and perhaps a good way off, so let's ask the glass cat to tell us how to get to the magic flower." so the two girls, with cap'n bill stumping along on his wooden leg after them, went out into the garden, and after some time spent in searching, they found the glass cat curled up in the sunshine beside a bush, fast sleep. the glass cat is one of the most curious creatures in all oz. it was made by a famous magician named dr. pipt before ozma had forbidden her subjects to work magic. dr. pipt had made the glass cat to catch mice, but the cat refused to catch mice and was considered more curious than useful. this astonished cat was made all of glass and was so clear and transparent that you could see through it as easily as through a window. in the top of its head, however, was a mass of delicate pink balls which looked like jewels but were intended for brains. it had a heart made of blood-red ruby. the eyes were two large emeralds. but, aside from these colors, all the rest of the animal was of clear glass, and it had a spun-glass tail that was really beautiful. "here, wake up," said cap'n bill. "we want to talk to you." slowly the glass cat got upon its feed, yawned and then looked at the three who stood before it. "how dare you disturb me?" it asked in a peevish voice. "you ought to be ashamed of yourselves." "never mind that," returned the sailor. "do you remember tellin' me yesterday 'bout a magic flower in a gold pot?" "do you think i'm a fool? look at my brains--you can see 'em work. of course i remember!" said the cat. "well, where can we find it?" "you can't. it's none of your business, anyhow. go away and let me sleep," advised the glass cat. "now, see here," said dorothy; "we want the magic flower to give to ozma on her birthday. you'd be glad to please ozma, wouldn't you?" "i'm not sure," replied the creature. "why should i want to please anybody?" "you've got a heart, 'cause i can see it inside of you," said trot. "yes; it's a pretty heart, and i'm fond of it," said the cat, twisting around to view its own body. "but it's made from a ruby, and it's hard as nails." "aren't you good for anything?" asked trot. "yes, i'm pretty to look at, and that's more than can be said of you," retorted the creature. trot laughed at this, and dorothy, who understood the glass cat pretty well, said soothingly: "you are indeed beautiful, and if you can tell cap'n bill where to find the magic flower, all the people in oz will praise your cleverness. the flower will belong to ozma, but everyone will know the glass cat discovered it." this was the kind of praise the crystal creature liked. "well," it said, while the pink brains rolled around, "i found the magic flower way up in the north of the munchkin country where few people live or ever go. there's a river there that flows through a forest, and in the middle of the forest there is a small island on which stands the gold pot in which grows the magic flower." "how did you get to the island?" asked dorothy. "glass cats can't swim." "no, but i'm not afraid of water," was the reply. "i just walked across the river on the bottom." "under the water?" exclaimed trot. the cat gave her a scornful look. "how could i walk over the water on the bottom of the river? if you were transparent, anyone could see your brains were not working. but i'm sure you could never find the place alone. it has always been hidden from the oz people." "but you, with your fine pink brains, could find it again, i s'pose," remarked dorothy. "yes; and if you want that magic flower for ozma, i'll go with you and show you the way." "that's lovely of you!" declared dorothy. "trot and cap'n bill will go with you, for this is to be their birthday present to ozma. while you're gone i'll have to find something else to give her." "all right. come on, then, cap'n," said the glass cat, starting to move away. "wait a minute," begged trot. "how long will we be gone?" "oh, about a week." "then i'll put some things in a basket to take with us," said the girl, and ran into the palace to make her preparations for the journey. 6. ozma's birthday presents when cap'n bill and trot and the glass cat had started for the hidden island in the far-off river to get the magic flower, dorothy wondered again what she could give ozma on her birthday. she met the patchwork girl and said: "what are you going to give ozma for a birthday present?" "i've written a song for her," answered the strange patchwork girl, who went by the name of "scraps," and who, through stuffed with cotton, had a fair assortment of mixed brains. "it's a splendid song and the chorus runs this way: i am crazy; you're a daisy, ozma dear; i'm demented; you're contented, ozma dear; i am patched and gay and glary; you're a sweet and lovely fairy; may your birthdays all be happy, ozma dear!" "how do you like it, dorothy?" inquired the patchwork girl. "is it good poetry, scraps?" asked dorothy, doubtfully. "it's as good as any ordinary song," was the reply. "i have given it a dandy title, too. i shall call the song: 'when ozma has a birthday, everybody's sure to be gay, for she cannot help the fact that she was born.'" "that's a pretty long title, scraps," said dorothy. "that makes it stylish," replied the patchwork girl, turning a somersault and alighting on one stuffed foot. "now-a-days the titles are sometimes longer than the songs." dorothy left her and walked slowly toward the place, where she met the tin woodman just going up the front steps. "what are you going to give ozma on her birthday?" she asked. "it's a secret, but i'll tell you," replied the tin woodman, who was emperor of the winkies. "i am having my people make ozma a lovely girdle set with beautiful tin nuggets. each tin nugget will be surrounded by a circle of emeralds, just to set it off to good advantage. the clasp of the girdle will be pure tin! won't that be fine?" "i'm sure she'll like it," said dorothy. "do you know what i can give her?" "i haven't the slightest idea, dorothy. it took me three months to think of my own present for ozma." the girl walked thoughtfully around to the back of the palace, and presently came upon the famous scarecrow of oz, who has having two of the palace servants stuff his legs with fresh straw. "what are you going to give ozma on her birthday?" asked dorothy. "i want to surprise her," answered the scarecrow. "i won't tell," promised dorothy. "well, i'm having some straw slippers made for her--all straw, mind you, and braided very artistically. ozma has always admired my straw filling, so i'm sure she'll be pleased with these lovely straw slippers." "ozma will be pleased with anything her loving friends give her," said the girl. "what i'm worried about, scarecrow, is what to give ozma that she hasn't got already." "that's what worried me, until i thought of the slippers," said the scarecrow. "you'll have to think, dorothy; that's the only way to get a good idea. if i hadn't such wonderful brains, i'd never have thought of those straw foot-decorations." dorothy left him and went to her room, where she sat down and tried to think hard. a pink kitten was curled up on the window-sill and dorothy asked her: "what can i give ozma for her birthday present?" "oh, give her some milk," replied the pink kitten; "that's the nicest thing i know of." a fuzzy little black dog had squatted down at dorothy's feet and now looked up at her with intelligent eyes. "tell me, toto," said the girl; "what would ozma like best for a birthday present?" the little black dog wagged his tail. "your love," said he. "ozma wants to be loved more than anything else." "but i already love her, toto!" "then tell her you love her twice as much as you ever did before." "that wouldn't be true," objected dorothy, "for i've always loved her as much as i could, and, really, toto, i want to give ozma some present, 'cause everyone else will give her a present." "let me see," said toto. "how would it be to give her that useless pink kitten?" "no, toto; that wouldn't do." "then six kisses." "no; that's no present." "well, i guess you'll have to figure it out for yourself, dorothy," said the little dog. "to my notion you're more particular than ozma will be." dorothy decided that if anyone could help her it would be glinda the good, the wonderful sorceress of oz who was ozma's faithful subject and friend. but glinda's castle was in the quadling country and quite a journey from the emerald city. so the little girl went to ozma and asked permission to use the wooden sawhorse and the royal red wagon to pay a visit to glinda, and the girl ruler kissed princess dorothy and graciously granted permission. the wooden sawhorse was one of the most remarkable creatures in oz. its body was a small log and its legs were limbs of trees stuck in the body. its eyes were knots, its mouth was sawed in the end of the log and its ears were two chips. a small branch had been left at the rear end of the log to serve as a tail. ozma herself, during one of her early adventures, had brought this wooden horse to life, and so she was much attached to the queer animal and had shod the bottoms of its wooden legs with plates of gold so they would not wear out. the sawhorse was a swift and willing traveler, and though it could talk if need arose, it seldom said anything unless spoken to. when the sawhorse was harnessed to the red wagon there were no reins to guide him because all that was needed was to tell him where to go. dorothy now told him to go to glinda's castle and the sawhorse carried her there with marvelous speed. "glinda," said dorothy, when she had been greeted by the sorceress, who was tall and stately, with handsome and dignified features and dressed in a splendid and becoming gown, "what are you going to give ozma for a birthday present?" the sorceress smiled and answered: "come into my patio and i will show you." so they entered a place that was surrounded by the wings of the great castle but had no roof, and was filled with flowers and fountains and exquisite statuary and many settees and chairs of polished marble or filigree gold. here there were gathered fifty beautiful young girls, glinda's handmaids, who had been selected from all parts of the land of oz on account of their wit and beauty and sweet dispositions. it was a great honor to be made one of glinda's handmaidens. when dorothy followed the sorceress into this delightful patio all the fifty girls were busily weaving, and their shuttles were filled with a sparkling green spun glass such as the little girl had never seen before. "what is it, glinda?" she asked. "one of my recent discoveries," explained the sorceress. "i have found a way to make threads from emeralds, by softening the stones and then spinning them into long, silken strands. with these emerald threads we are weaving cloth to make ozma a splendid court gown for her birthday. you will notice that the threads have all the beautiful glitter and luster of the emeralds from which they are made, and so ozma's new dress will be the most magnificent the world has ever seen, and quite fitting for our lovely ruler of the fairyland of oz." dorothy's eyes were fairly dazed by the brilliance of the emerald cloth, some of which the girls had already woven. "i've never seen anything so beautiful!" she said, with a sigh. "but tell me, glinda, what can i give our lovely ozma on her birthday?" the good sorceress considered this question for a long time before she replied. finally she said: "of course there will be a grand feast at the royal palace on ozma's birthday, and all our friends will be present. so i suggest that you make a fine big birthday cake of ozma, and surround it with candles." "oh, just a cake!" exclaimed dorothy, in disappointment. "nothing is nicer for a birthday," said the sorceress. "how many candles should there be on the cake?" asked the girl. "just a row of them," replied glinda, "for no one knows how old ozma is, although she appears to us to be just a young girl--as fresh and fair as if she had lived but a few years." "a cake doesn't seem like much of a present," dorothy asserted. "make it a surprise cake," suggested the sorceress. "don't you remember the four and twenty blackbirds that were baked in a pie? well, you need not use live blackbirds in your cake, but you could have some surprise of a different sort." "like what?" questioned dorothy, eagerly. "if i told you, it wouldn't be your present to ozma, but mine," answered the sorceress, with a smile. "think it over, my dear, and i am sure you can originate a surprise that will add greatly to the joy and merriment of ozma's birthday banquet." dorothy thanked her friend and entered the red wagon and told the sawhorse to take her back home to the palace in the emerald city. on the way she thought the matter over seriously of making a surprise birthday cake and finally decided what to do. as soon as she reached home, she went to the wizard of oz, who had a room fitted up in one of the high towers of the palace, where he studied magic so as to be able to perform such wizardry as ozma commanded him to do for the welfare of her subjects. the wizard and dorothy were firm friends and had enjoyed many strange adventures together. he was a little man with a bald head and sharp eyes and a round, jolly face, and because he was neither haughty nor proud he had become a great favorite with the oz people. "wizard," said dorothy, "i want you to help me fix up a present for ozma's birthday." "i'll be glad to do anything for you and for ozma," he answered. "what's on your mind, dorothy?" "i'm going to make a great cake, with frosting and candles, and all that, you know." "very good," said the wizard. "in the center of this cake i'm going to leave a hollow place, with just a roof of the frosting over it," continued the girl. "very good," repeated the wizard, nodding his bald head. "in that hollow place," said dorothy, "i want to hide a lot of monkeys about three inches high, and after the cake is placed on the banquet table, i want the monkeys to break through the frosting and dance around on the table-cloth. then, i want each monkey to cut out a piece of cake and hand it to a guest." "mercy me!" cried the little wizard, as he chuckled with laughter. "is that all you want, dorothy?" "almost," said she. "can you think of anything more the little monkeys can do, wizard?" "not just now," he replied. "but where will you get such tiny monkeys?" "that's where you're to help me," said dorothy. "in some of those wild forests in the gillikin country are lots of monkeys." "big ones," said the wizard. "well, you and i will go there, and we'll get some of the big monkeys, and you will make them small--just three inches high--by means of your magic, and we'll put the little monkeys all in a basket and bring them home with us. then you'll train them to dance--up here in your room, where no one can see them--and on ozma's birthday we'll put 'em into the cake and they'll know by that time just what to do." the wizard looked at dorothy with admiring approval, and chuckled again. "that's really clever, my dear," he said, "and i see no reason why we can't do it, just the way you say, if only we can get the wild monkeys to agree to it." "do you think they'll object?" asked the girl. "yes; but perhaps we can argue them into it. anyhow it's worth trying, and i'll help you if you'll agree to let this surprise cake be a present to ozma from you and me together. i've been wondering what i could give ozma, and as i've got to train the monkeys as well as make them small, i think you ought to make me your partner." "of course," said dorothy; "i'll be glad to do so." "then it's a bargain," declared the wizard. "we must go to seek those monkeys at once, however, for it will take time to train them and we'll have to travel a good way to the gillikin forests where they live." "i'm ready to go any time," agreed dorothy. "shall we ask ozma to let us take the sawhorse?" the wizard did not answer that at once. he took time to think of the suggestion. "no," he answered at length, "the red wagon couldn't get through the thick forests and there's some danger to us in going into the wild places to search for monkeys. so i propose we take the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger. we can ride on their backs as well as in the red wagon, and if there is danger to us from other beasts, these two friendly champions will protect us from all harm." "that's a splendid idea!" exclaimed dorothy. "let's go now and ask the hungry tiger and the cowardly lion if they will help us. shall we ask ozma if we can go?" "i think not," said the wizard, getting his hat and his black bag of magic tools. "this is to be a surprise for her birthday, and so she mustn't know where we're going. we'll just leave word, in case ozma inquires for us, that we'll be back in a few days." 7. the forest of gugu in the central western part of the gillikin country is a great tangle of trees called gugu forest. it is the biggest forest in all oz and stretches miles and miles in every direction--north, south, east and west. adjoining it on the east side is a range of rugged mountains covered with underbrush and small twisted trees. you can find this place by looking at the map of the land of oz. gugu forest is the home of most of the wild beasts that inhabit oz. these are seldom disturbed in their leafy haunts because there is no reason why oz people should go there, except on rare occasions, and most parts of the forest have never been seen by any eyes but the eyes of the beasts who make their home there. the biggest beasts inhabit the great forest, while the smaller ones live mostly in the mountain underbrush at the east. now, you must know that there are laws in the forests, as well as in every other place, and these laws are made by the beasts themselves, and are necessary to keep them from fighting and tearing one another to pieces. in gugu forest there is a king--an enormous yellow leopard called "gugu"--after whom the forest is named. and this king has three other beasts to advise him in keeping the laws and maintaining order--bru the bear, loo the unicorn and rango the gray ape--who are known as the king's counselors. all these are fierce and ferocious beasts, and hold their high offices because they are more intelligent and more feared then their fellows. since oz became a fairyland, no man, woman or child ever dies in that land nor is anyone ever sick. likewise the beasts of the forests never die, so that long years add to their cunning and wisdom, as well as to their size and strength. it is possible for beasts--or even people--to be destroyed, but the task is so difficult that it is seldom attempted. because it is free from sickness and death is one reason why oz is a fairyland, but it is doubtful whether those who come to oz from the outside world, as dorothy and button-bright and trot and cap'n bill and the wizard did, will live forever or cannot be injured. even ozma is not sure about this, and so the guests of ozma from other lands are always carefully protected from any danger, so as to be on the safe side. in spite of the laws of the forests there are often fights among the beasts; some of them have lost an eye or an ear or even had a leg torn off. the king and the king's counselors always punish those who start a fight, but so fierce is the nature of some beasts that they will at times fight in spite of laws and punishment. over this vast, wild forest of gugu flew two eagles, one morning, and near the center of the jungle the eagles alighted on a branch of a tall tree. "here is the place for us to begin our work," said one, who was ruggedo, the nome. "do many beasts live here?" asked kiki aru, the other eagle. "the forest is full of them," said the nome. "there are enough beasts right here to enable us to conquer the people of oz, if we can get them to consent to join us. to do that, we must go among them and tell them our plans, so we must now decide on what shapes we had better assume while in the forest." "i suppose we must take the shapes of beasts?" said kiki. "of course. but that requires some thought. all kinds of beasts live here, and a yellow leopard is king. if we become leopards, the king will be jealous of us. if we take the forms of some of the other beasts, we shall not command proper respect." "i wonder if the beasts will attack us?" asked kiki. "i'm a nome, and immortal, so nothing can hurt me," replied ruggedo. "i was born in the land of oz, so nothing can hurt me," said kiki. "but, in order to carry out our plans, we must win the favor of all the animals of the forest." "then what shall we do?" asked kiki. "let us mix the shapes of several beasts, so we will not look like any one of them," proposed the wily old nome. "let us have the heads of lions, the bodies of monkeys, the wings of eagles and the tails of wild asses, with knobs of gold on the end of them instead of bunches of hair." "won't that make a queer combination?" inquired kiki. "the queerer the better," declared ruggedo. "all right," said kiki. "you stay here, and i'll fly away to another tree and transform us both, and then we'll climb down our trees and meet in the forest." "no," said the nome, "we mustn't separate. you must transform us while we are together." "i won't do that," asserted kiki, firmly. "you're trying to get my secret, and i won't let you." the eyes of the other eagle flashed angrily, but ruggedo did not dare insist. if he offended this boy, he might have to remain an eagle always and he wouldn't like that. some day he hoped to be able to learn the secret word of the magical transformations, but just now he must let kiki have his own way. "all right," he said gruffly; "do as you please." so kiki flew to a tree that was far enough distant so that ruggedo could not overhear him and said: "i want ruggedo, the nome, and myself to have the heads of lions, the bodies of monkeys, the wings of eagles and the tails of wild asses, with knobs of gold on the ends of them instead of bunches of hair--pyrzqxgl!" he pronounced the magic word in the proper manner and at once his form changed to the one he had described. he spread his eagle's wings and finding they were strong enough to support his monkey body and lion head he flew swiftly to the tree where he had left ruggedo. the nome was also transformed and was climbing down the tree because the branches all around him were so thickly entwined that there was no room between them to fly. kiki quickly joined his comrade and it did not take them long to reach the ground. 8. the li-mon-eags make trouble there had been trouble in the forest of gugu that morning. chipo the wild boar had bitten the tail off arx the giraffe while the latter had his head among the leaves of a tree, eating his breakfast. arx kicked with his heels and struck tirrip, the great kangaroo, who had a new baby in her pouch. tirrip knew it was the wild boar's fault, so she knocked him over with one powerful blow and then ran away to escape chipo's sharp tusks. in the chase that followed a giant porcupine stuck fifty sharp quills into the boar and a chimpanzee in a tree threw a cocoanut at the porcupine that jammed its head into its body. all this was against the laws of the forest, and when the excitement was over, gugu the leopard king called his royal counselors together to decide how best to punish the offenders. the four lords of the forest were holding solemn council in a small clearing when they saw two strange beasts approaching them--beasts the like of which they had never seen before. not one of the four, however, relaxed his dignity or showed by a movement that he was startled. the great leopard crouched at full length upon a fallen tree-trunk. bru the bear sat on his haunches before the king; rango the gray ape stood with his muscular arms folded, and loo the unicorn reclined, much as a horse does, between his fellow-councillors. with one consent they remained silent, eyeing with steadfast looks the intruders, who were making their way into their forest domain. "well met, brothers!" said one of the strange beasts, coming to a halt beside the group, while his comrade with hesitation lagged behind. "we are not brothers," returned the gray ape, sternly. "who are you, and how came you in the forest of gugu?" "we are two li-mon-eags," said ruggedo, inventing the name. "our home is in sky island, and we have come to earth to warn the forest beasts that the people of oz are about to make war upon them and enslave them, so that they will become beasts of burden forever after and obey only the will of their two-legged masters." a low roar of anger arose from the council of beasts. "who's going to do that?" asked loo the unicorn, in a high, squeaky voice, at the same time rising to his feet. "the people of oz," said ruggedo. "but what will we be doing?" inquired the unicorn. "that's what i've come to talk to you about." "you needn't talk! we'll fight the oz people!" screamed the unicorn. "we'll smash 'em; we'll trample 'em; we'll gore 'em; we'll--" "silence!" growled gugu the king, and loo obeyed, although still trembling with wrath. the cold, steady gaze of the leopard wandered over the two strange beasts. "the people of oz," said he, "have not been our friends; they have not been our enemies. they have let us alone, and we have let them alone. there is no reason for war between us. they have no slaves. they could not use us as slaves if they should conquer us. i think you are telling us lies, you strange li-mon-eag--you mixed-up beast who are neither one thing nor another." "oh, on my word, it's the truth!" protested the nome in the beast's shape. "i wouldn't lie for the world; i--" "silence!" again growled gugu the king; and somehow, even ruggedo was abashed and obeyed the edict. "what do you say, bru?" asked the king, turning to the great bear, who had until now said nothing. "how does the mixed beast know that what he says is true?" asked the bear. "why, i can fly, you know, having the wings of an eagle," explained the nome. "i and my comrade yonder," turning to kiki, "flew to a grove in oz, and there we heard the people telling how they will make many ropes to snare you beasts, and then they will surround this forest, and all other forests, and make you prisoners. so we came here to warn you, for being beasts ourselves, although we live in the sky, we are your friends." the leopard's lip curled and showed his enormous teeth, sharp as needles. he turned to the gray ape. "what do you think, rango?" he asked. "send these mixed beasts away, your majesty," replied the gray ape. "they are mischief-makers." "don't do that--don't do that!" cried the unicorn, nervously. "the stranger said he would tell us what to do. let him tell us, then. are we fools, not to heed a warning?" gugu the king turned to ruggedo. "speak, stranger," he commanded. "well," said the nome, "it's this way: the land of oz is a fine country. the people of oz have many good things--houses with soft beds, all sorts of nice-tasting food, pretty clothes, lovely jewels, and many other things that beasts know nothing of. here in the dark forests the poor beasts have hard work to get enough to eat and to find a bed to rest in. but the beasts are better than the people, and why should they not have all the good things the people have? so i propose that before the oz people have the time to make all those ropes to snare you with, that all we beasts get together and march against the oz people and capture them. then the beasts will become the masters and the people their slaves." "what good would that do us?" asked bru the bear. "it would save you from slavery, for one thing, and you could enjoy all the fine things of oz people have." "beasts wouldn't know what to do with the things people use," said the gray ape. "but this is only part of my plan," insisted the nome. "listen to the rest of it. we two li-mon-eags are powerful magicians. when you have conquered the oz people we will transform them all into beasts, and send them to the forests to live, and we will transform all the beasts into people, so they can enjoy all the wonderful delights of the emerald city." for a moment no beast spoke. then the king said: "prove it." "prove what?" asked ruggedo. "prove that you can transform us. if you are a magician transform the unicorn into a man. then we will believe you. if you fail, we will destroy you." "all right," said the nome. "but i'm tired, so i'll let my comrade make the transformation." kiki aru had stood back from the circle, but he had heard all that was said. he now realized that he must make good ruggedo's boast, so he retreated to the edge of the clearing and whispered the magic word. instantly the unicorn became a fat, chubby little man, dressed in the purple gillikin costume, and it was hard to tell which was the more astonished, the king, the bear, the ape or the former unicorn. "it's true!" shorted the man-beast. "good gracious, look what i am! it's wonderful!" the king of beasts now addressed ruggedo in a more friendly tone. "we must believe your story, since you have given us proof of your power," said he. "but why, if you are so great a magician, cannot you conquer the oz people without our help, and so save us the trouble?" "alas!" replied the crafty old nome, "no magician is able to do everything. the transformations are easy to us because we are li-mon-eags, but we cannot fight, or conquer even such weak creatures as the oz people. but we will stay with you and advise and help you, and we will transform all the oz people into beasts, when the time comes, and all the beasts into people." gugu the king turned to his counselors. "how shall we answer this friendly stranger?" he asked. loo the former unicorn was dancing around and cutting capers like a clown. "on my word, your majesty," he said, "this being a man is more fun than being a unicorn." "you look like a fool," said the gray ape. "well, i feel fine!" declared the man-beast. "i think i prefer to be a bear," said big bru. "i was born a bear, and i know a bear's ways. so i am satisfied to live as a bear lives." "that," said the old nome, "is because you know nothing better. when we have conquered the oz people, and you become a man, you'll be glad of it." the immense leopard rested his chin on the log and seemed thoughtful. "the beasts of the forest must decide this matter for themselves," he said. "go you, rango the gray ape, and tell your monkey tribe to order all the forest beasts to assemble in the great clearing at sunrise to-morrow. when all are gathered together, this mixed-up beast who is a magician shall talk to them and tell them what he has told us. then, if they decide to fight the oz people, who have declared war on us, i will lead the beasts to battle." rango the gray ape turned at once and glided swiftly through the forest on his mission. the bear gave a grunt and walked away. gugu the king rose and stretched himself. then he said to ruggedo: "meet us at sunrise to-morrow," and with stately stride vanished among the trees. the man-unicorn, left alone with the strangers, suddenly stopped his foolish prancing. "you'd better make me a unicorn again," he said. "i like being a man, but the forest beasts won't know i'm their friend, loo, and they might tear me in pieces before morning." so kiki changed him back to his former shape, and the unicorn departed to join his people. ruggedo the nome was much pleased with his success. "to-morrow," he said to kiki aru, "we'll win over these beasts and set them to fight and conquer the oz people. then i will have my revenge on ozma and dorothy and all the rest of my enemies." "but i am doing all the work," said kiki. "never mind; you're going to be king of oz," promised ruggedo. "will the big leopard let me be king?" asked the boy anxiously. the nome came close to him and whispered: "if gugu the leopard opposes us, you will transform him into a tree, and then he will be helpless." "of course," agreed kiki, and he said to himself: "i shall also transform this deceitful nome into a tree, for he lies and i cannot trust him." 9. the isle of the magic flower the glass cat was a good guide and led trot and cap'n bill by straight and easy paths through all the settled part of the munchkin country, and then into the north section where there were few houses, and finally through a wild country where there were no houses or paths at all. but the walking was not difficult and at last they came to the edge of a forest and stopped there to make camp and sleep until morning. from branches of trees cap'n bill made a tiny house that was just big enough for the little girl to crawl into and lie down. but first they ate some of the food trot had carried in the basket. "don't you want some, too?" she asked the glass cat. "no," answered the creature. "i suppose you'll hunt around an' catch a mouse," remarked cap'n bill. "me? catch a mouse! why should i do that?" inquired the glass cat. "why, then you could eat it," said the sailor-man. "i beg to inform you," returned the crystal tabby, "that i do not eat mice. being transparent, so anyone can see through me, i'd look nice, wouldn't i, with a common mouse inside me? but the fact is that i haven't any stomach or other machinery that would permit me to eat things. the careless magician who made me didn't think i'd need to eat, i suppose." "don't you ever get hungry or thirsty?" asked trot. "never. i don't complain, you know, at the way i'm made, for i've never yet seen any living thing as beautiful as i am. i have the handsomest brains in the world. they're pink, and you can see 'em work." "i wonder," said trot thoughtfully, as she ate her bread and jam, "if my brains whirl around in the same way yours do." "no; not the same way, surely," returned the glass cat; "for, in that case, they'd be as good as my brains, except that they're hidden under a thick, boney skull." "brains," remarked cap'n bill, "is of all kinds and work different ways. but i've noticed that them as thinks that their brains is best is often mistook." trot was a little disturbed by sounds from the forest, that night, for many beasts seemed prowling among the trees, but she was confident cap'n bill would protect her from harm. and in fact, no beast ventured from the forest to attack them. at daybreak they were up again, and after a simple breakfast cap'n bill said to the glass cat: "up anchor, mate, and let's forge ahead. i don't suppose we're far from that magic flower, are we?" "not far," answered the transparent one, as it led the way into the forest, "but it may take you some time to get to it." before long they reached the bank of a river. it was not very wide, at this place, but as they followed the banks in a northerly direction it gradually broadened. suddenly the blue-green leaves of the trees changed to a purple hue, and trot noticed this and said: "i wonder what made the colors change like that?" "it's because we have left the munchkin country and entered the gillikin country," explained the glass cat. "also it's a sign our journey is nearly ended." the river made a sudden turn, and after the travelers had passed around the bend, they saw that the stream had now become as broad as a small lake, and in the center of the lake they beheld a little island, not more than fifty feet in extent, either way. something glittered in the middle of this tiny island, and the glass cat paused on the bank and said: "there is the gold flower-pot containing the magic flower, which is very curious and beautiful. if you can get to the island, your task is ended--except to carry the thing home with you." cap'n bill looked at the broad expanse of water and began to whistle a low, quavering tune. trot knew that the whistle meant that cap'n bill was thinking, and the old sailor didn't look at the island as much as he looked at the trees upon the bank where they stood. presently he took from the big pocket of his coat an axe-blade, wound in an old cloth to keep the sharp edge from cutting his clothing. then, with a large pocket knife, he cut a small limb from a tree and whittled it into a handle for his axe. "sit down, trot," he advised the girl, as he worked. "i've got quite a job ahead of me now, for i've got to build us a raft." "what do we need a raft for, cap'n?" "why, to take us to the island. we can't walk under water, in the river bed, as the glass cat did, so we must float atop the water." "can you make a raft, cap'n bill?" "o' course, trot, if you give me time." the little girl sat down on a log and gazed at the island of the magic flower. nothing else seemed to grow on the tiny isle. there was no tree, no shrub, no grass, even, as far as she could make out from that distance. but the gold pot glittered in the rays of the sun, and trot could catch glimpses of glowing colors above it, as the magic flower changed from one sort to another. "when i was here before," remarked the glass cat, lazily reclining at the girl's feet, "i saw two kalidahs on this very bank, where they had come to drink." "what are kalidahs?" asked the girl. "the most powerful and ferocious beasts in all oz. this forest is their especial home, and so there are few other beasts to be found except monkeys. the monkeys are spry enough to keep out of the way of the fierce kalidahs, which attack all other animals and often fight among themselves." "did they try to fight you when you saw 'em?" asked trot, getting very much excited. "yes. they sprang upon me in an instant; but i lay flat on the ground, so i wouldn't get my legs broken by the great weight of the beasts, and when they tried to bite me i laughed at them and jeered them until they were frantic with rage, for they nearly broke their teeth on my hard glass. so, after a time, they discovered they could not hurt me, and went away. it was great fun." "i hope they don't come here again to drink,--not while we're here, anyhow," returned the girl, "for i'm not made of glass, nor is cap'n bill, and if those bad beasts bit us, we'd get hurt." cap'n bill was cutting from the trees some long stakes, making them sharp at one end and leaving a crotch at the other end. these were to bind the logs of his raft together. he had fashioned several and was just finishing another when the glass cat cried: "look out! there's a kalidah coming toward us." trot jumped up, greatly frightened, and looked at the terrible animal as if fascinated by its fierce eyes, for the kalidah was looking at her, too, and its look wasn't at all friendly. but cap'n bill called to her: "wade into the river, trot, up to your knees--an' stay there!" and she obeyed him at once. the sailor-man hobbled forward, the stake in one hand and his axe in the other, and got between the girl and the beast, which sprang upon him with a growl of defiance. cap'n bill moved pretty slowly, sometimes, but now he was quick as could be. as the kalidah sprang toward him he stuck out his wooden leg and the point of it struck the beast between the eyes and sent it rolling upon the ground. before it could get upon its feet again the sailor pushed the sharp stake right through its body and then with the flat side of the axe he hammered the stake as far into the ground as it would go. by this means he captured the great beast and made it harmless, for try as it would, it could not get away from the stake that held it. cap'n bill knew he could not kill the kalidah, for no living thing in oz can be killed, so he stood back and watched the beast wriggle and growl and paw the earth with its sharp claws, and then, satisfied it could not escape, he told trot to come out of the water again and dry her wet shoes and stockings in the sun. "are you sure he can't get away?" she asked. "i'd bet a cookie on it," said cap'n bill, so trot came ashore and took off her shoes and stockings and laid them on the log to dry, while the sailor-man resumed his work on the raft. the kalidah, realizing after many struggles that it could not escape, now became quiet, but it said in a harsh, snarling voice: "i suppose you think you're clever, to pin me to the ground in this manner. but when my friends, the other kalidahs, come here, they'll tear you to pieces for treating me this way." "p'raps," remarked cap'n bill, coolly, as he chopped at the logs, "an' p'raps not. when are your folks comin' here?" "i don't know," admitted the kalidah. "but when they do come, you can't escape them." "if they hold off long enough, i'll have my raft ready," said cap'n bill. "what are you going to do with a raft?" inquired the beast. "we're goin' over to that island, to get the magic flower." the huge beast looked at him in surprise a moment, and then it began to laugh. the laugh was a good deal like a roar, and it had a cruel and derisive sound, but it was a laugh nevertheless. "good!" said the kalidah. "good! very good! i'm glad you're going to get the magic flower. but what will you do with it?" "we're going to take it to ozma, as a present on her birthday." the kalidah laughed again; then it became sober. "if you get to the land on your raft before my people can catch you," it said, "you will be safe from us. we can swim like ducks, so the girl couldn't have escaped me by getting into the water; but kalidahs don't go to that island over there." "why not?" asked trot. the beast was silent. "tell us the reason," urged cap'n bill. "well, it's the isle of the magic flower," answered the kalidah, "and we don't care much for magic. if you hadn't had a magic leg, instead of a meat one, you couldn't have knocked me over so easily and stuck this wooden pin through me." "i've been to the magic isle," said the glass cat, "and i've watched the magic flower bloom, and i'm sure it's too pretty to be left in that lonely place where only beasts prowl around it and no else sees it. so we're going to take it away to the emerald city." "i don't care," the beast replied in a surly tone. "we kalidahs would be just as contented if there wasn't a flower in our forest. what good are the things anyhow?" "don't you like pretty things?" asked trot. "no." "you ought to admire my pink brains, anyhow," declared the glass cat. "they're beautiful and you can see 'em work." the beast only growled in reply, and cap'n bill, having now cut all his logs to a proper size, began to roll them to the water's edge and fasten them together. 10. stuck fast the day was nearly gone when, at last, the raft was ready. "it ain't so very big," said the old sailor, "but i don't weigh much, an' you, trot, don't weigh half as much as i do, an' the glass pussy don't count." "but it's safe, isn't it?" inquired the girl. "yes; it's good enough to carry us to the island an' back again, an' that's about all we can expect of it." saying this, cap'n bill pushed the raft into the water, and when it was afloat, stepped upon it and held out his hand to trot, who quickly followed him. the glass cat boarded the raft last of all. the sailor had cut a long pole, and had also whittled a flat paddle, and with these he easily propelled the raft across the river. as they approached the island, the wonderful flower became more plainly visible, and they quickly decided that the glass cat had not praised it too highly. the colors of the flowers that bloomed in quick succession were strikingly bright and beautiful, and the shapes of the blossoms were varied and curious. indeed, they did not resemble ordinary flowers at all. so intently did trot and cap'n bill gaze upon the golden flower-pot that held the magic flower that they scarcely noticed the island itself until the raft beached upon its sands. but then the girl exclaimed: "how funny it is, cap'n bill, that nothing else grows here excep' the magic flower." then the sailor glanced at the island and saw that it was all bare ground, without a weed, a stone or a blade of grass. trot, eager to examine the flower closer, sprang from the raft and ran up the bank until she reached the golden flower-pot. then she stood beside it motionless and filled with wonder. cap'n bill joined her, coming more leisurely, and he, too, stood in silent admiration for a time. "ozma will like this," remarked the glass cat, sitting down to watch the shifting hues of the flowers. "i'm sure she won't have as fine a birthday present from anyone else." "do you 'spose it's very heavy, cap'n? and can we get it home without breaking it?" asked trot anxiously. "well, i've lifted many bigger things than that," he replied; "but let's see what it weighs." he tried to take a step forward, but could not lift his meat foot from the ground. his wooden leg seemed free enough, but the other would not budge. "i seem stuck, trot," he said, with a perplexed look at his foot. "it ain't mud, an' it ain't glue, but somethin's holdin' me down." the girl attempted to lift her own feet, to go nearer to her friend, but the ground held them as fast as it held cap'n bill's foot. she tried to slide them, or to twist them around, but it was no use; she could not move either foot a hair's breadth. "this is funny!" she exclaimed. "what do you 'spose has happened to us, cap'n bill?" "i'm tryin' to make out," he answered. "take off your shoes, trot. p'raps it's the leather soles that's stuck to the ground." she leaned down and unlaced her shoes, but found she could not pull her feet out of them. the glass cat, which was walking around as naturally as ever, now said: "your foot has got roots to it, cap'n, and i can see the roots going into the ground, where they spread out in all directions. it's the same way with trot. that's why you can't move. the roots hold you fast." cap'n bill was rather fat and couldn't see his own feet very well, but he squatted down and examined trot's feet and decided that the glass cat was right. "this is hard luck," he declared, in a voice that showed he was uneasy at the discovery. "we're pris'ners, trot, on this funny island, an' i'd like to know how we're ever goin' to get loose, so's we can get home again." "now i know why the kalidah laughed at us," said the girl, "and why he said none of the beasts ever came to this island. the horrid creature knew we'd be caught, and wouldn't warn us." in the meantime, the kalidah, although pinned fast to the earth by cap'n bill's stake, was facing the island, and now the ugly expression which passed over its face when it defied and sneered at cap'n bill and trot, had changed to one of amusement and curiosity. when it saw the adventurers had actually reached the island and were standing beside the magic flower, it heaved a breath of satisfaction--a long, deep breath that swelled its deep chest until the beast could feel the stake that held him move a little, as if withdrawing itself from the ground. "ah ha!" murmured the kalidah, "a little more of this will set me free and allow me to escape!" so he began breathing as hard as he could, puffing out his chest as much as possible with each indrawing breath, and by doing this he managed to raise the stake with each powerful breath, until at last the kalidah--using the muscles of his four legs as well as his deep breaths--found itself free of the sandy soil. the stake was sticking right through him, however, so he found a rock deeply set in the bank and pressed the sharp point of the stake upon the surface of this rock until he had driven it clear through his body. then, by getting the stake tangled among some thorny bushes, and wiggling his body, he managed to draw it out altogether. "there!" he exclaimed, "except for those two holes in me, i'm as good as ever; but i must admit that that old wooden-legged fellow saved both himself and the girl by making me a prisoner." now the kalidahs, although the most disagreeable creatures in the land of oz, were nevertheless magical inhabitants of a magical fairyland, and in their natures a certain amount of good was mingled with the evil. this one was not very revengeful, and now that his late foes were in danger of perishing, his anger against them faded away. "our own kalidah king," he reflected, "has certain magical powers of his own. perhaps he knows how to fill up these two holes in my body." so without paying any more attention to trot and cap'n bill than they were paying to him, he entered the forest and trotted along a secret path that led to the hidden lair of all the kalidahs. while the kalidah was making good its escape cap'n bill took his pipe from his pocket and filled it with tobacco and lighted it. then, as he puffed out the smoke, he tried to think what could be done. "the glass cat seems all right," he said, "an' my wooden leg didn't take roots and grow, either. so it's only flesh that gets caught." "it's magic that does it, cap'n!" "i know, trot, and that's what sticks me. we're livin' in a magic country, but neither of us knows any magic an' so we can't help ourselves." "couldn't the wizard of oz help us--or glinda the good?" asked the little girl. "ah, now we're beginnin' to reason," he answered. "i'd probably thought o' that, myself, in a minute more. by good luck the glass cat is free, an' so it can run back to the emerald city an' tell the wizard about our fix, an' ask him to come an' help us get loose." "will you go?" trot asked the cat, speaking very earnestly. "i'm no messenger, to be sent here and there," asserted the curious animal in a sulky tone of voice. "well," said cap'n bill, "you've got to go home, anyhow, 'cause you don't want to stay here, i take it. and, when you get home, it wouldn't worry you much to tell the wizard what's happened to us." "that's true," said the cat, sitting on its haunches and lazily washing its face with one glass paw. "i don't mind telling the wizard--when i get home." "won't you go now?" pleaded trot. "we don't want to stay here any longer than we can help, and everybody in oz will be interested in you, and call you a hero, and say nice things about you because you helped your friends out of trouble." that was the best way to manage the glass cat, which was so vain that it loved to be praised. "i'm going home right away," said the creature, "and i'll tell the wizard to come and help you." saying this, it walked down to the water and disappeared under the surface. not being able to manage the raft alone, the glass cat walked on the bottom of the river as it had done when it visited the island before, and soon they saw it appear on the farther bank and trot into the forest, where it was quickly lost to sight among the trees. then trot heaved a deep sigh. "cap'n," said she, "we're in a bad fix. there's nothing here to eat, and we can't even lie down to sleep. unless the glass cat hurries, and the wizard hurries, i don't know what's going to become of us!" 11. the beasts of the forest of gugu that was a wonderful gathering of wild animals in the forest of gugu next sunrise. rango, the gray ape, had even called his monkey sentinels away from the forest edge, and every beast, little and big, was in the great clearing where meetings were held on occasions of great importance. in the center of the clearing stood a great shelving rock, having a flat, inclined surface, and on this sat the stately leopard gugu, who was king of the forest. on the ground beneath him squatted bru the bear, loo the unicorn, and rango the gray ape, the king's three counselors, and in front of them stood the two strange beasts who had called themselves li-mon-eags, but were really the transformations of ruggedo the nome, and kiki aru the hyup. then came the beasts--rows and rows and rows of them! the smallest beasts were nearest the king's rock throne; then there were wolves and foxes, lynxes and hyenas, and the like; behind them were gathered the monkey tribes, who were hard to keep in order because they teased the other animals and were full of mischievous tricks. back of the monkeys were the pumas, jaguars, tigers and lions, and their kind; next the bears, all sizes and colors; after them bisons, wild asses, zebras and unicorns; farther on the rhinoceri and hippopotami, and at the far edge of the forest, close to the trees that shut in the clearing, was a row of thick-skinned elephants, still as statues but with eyes bright and intelligent. many other kinds of beasts, too numerous to mention, were there, and some were unlike any beasts we see in the menageries and zoos in our country. some were from the mountains west of the forest, and some from the plains at the east, and some from the river; but all present acknowledged the leadership of gugu, who for many years had ruled them wisely and forced all to obey the laws. when the beasts had taken their places in the clearing and the rising sun was shooting its first bright rays over the treetops, king gugu rose on his throne. the leopard's giant form, towering above all the others, caused a sudden hush to fall on the assemblage. "brothers," he said in his deep voice, "a stranger has come among us, a beast of curious form who is a great magician and is able to change the shapes of men or beasts at his will. this stranger has come to us, with another of his kind, from out of the sky, to warn us of a danger which threatens us all, and to offer us a way to escape from that danger. he says he is our friend, and he has proved to me and to my counselors his magic powers. will you listen to what he has to say to you--to the message he has brought from the sky?" "let him speak!" came in a great roar from the great company of assembled beasts. so ruggedo the nome sprang upon the flat rock beside gugu the king, and another roar, gentle this time, showed how astonished the beasts were at the sight of his curious form. his lion's face was surrounded by a mane of pure white hair; his eagle's wings were attached to the shoulders of his monkey body and were so long that they nearly touched the ground; he had powerful arms and legs in addition to the wings, and at the end of his long, strong tail was a golden ball. never had any beast beheld such a curious creature before, and so the very sight of the stranger, who was said to be a great magician, filled all present with awe and wonder. kiki stayed down below and, half hidden by the shelf of rock, was scarcely noticed. the boy realized that the old nome was helpless without his magic power, but he also realized that ruggedo was the best talker. so he was willing the nome should take the lead. "beasts of the forest of gugu," began ruggedo the nome, "my comrade and i are your friends. we are magicians, and from our home in the sky we can look down into the land of oz and see everything that is going on. also we can hear what the people below us are saying. that is how we heard ozma, who rules the land of oz, say to her people: 'the beasts in the forest of gugu are lazy and are of no use to us. let us go to their forest and make them all our prisoners. let us tie them with ropes, and beat them with sticks, until they work for us and become our willing slaves.' and when the people heard ozma of oz say this, they were glad and raised a great shout and said: 'we will do it! we will make the beasts of the forest of gugu our slaves!'" the wicked old nome could say no more, just then, for such a fierce roar of anger rose from the multitude of beasts that his voice was drowned by the clamor. finally the roar died away, like distant thunder, and ruggedo the nome went on with his speech. "having heard the oz people plot against your liberty, we watched to see what they would do, and saw them all begin making ropes--ropes long and short--with which to snare our friends the beasts. you are angry, but we also were angry, for when the oz people became the enemies of the beasts they also became our enemies; for we, too, are beasts, although we live in the sky. and my comrade and i said: 'we will save our friends and have revenge on the oz people,' and so we came here to tell you of your danger and of our plan to save you." "we can save ourselves," cried an old elephant. "we can fight." "the oz people are fairies, and you can't fight against magic unless you also have magic," answered the nome. "tell us your plan!" shouted the huge tiger, and the other beasts echoed his words, crying: "tell us your plan." "my plan is simple," replied ruggedo. "by our magic we will transform all you animals into men and women--like the oz people--and we will transform all the oz people into beasts. you can then live in the fine houses of the land of oz, and eat the fine food of the oz people, and wear their fine clothes, and sing and dance and be happy. and the oz people, having become beasts, will have to live here in the forest and hunt and fight for food, and often go hungry, as you now do, and have no place to sleep but a bed of leaves or a hole in the ground. having become men and women, you beasts will have all the comforts you desire, and having become beasts, the oz people will be very miserable. that is our plan, and if you agree to it, we will all march at once into the land of oz and quickly conquer our enemies." when the stranger ceased speaking, a great silence fell on the assemblage, for the beasts were thinking of what he had said. finally one of the walruses asked: "can you really transform beasts into men, and men into beasts?" "he can--he can!" cried loo the unicorn, prancing up and down in an excited manner. "he transformed me, only last evening, and he can transform us all." gugu the king now stepped forward. "you have heard the stranger speak," said he, "and now you must answer him. it is for you to decide. shall we agree to this plan, or not?" "yes!" shouted some of the animals. "no!" shouted others. and some were yet silent. gugu looked around the great circle. "take more time to think," he suggested. "your answer is very important. up to this time we have had no trouble with the oz people, but we are proud and free, and never will become slaves. think carefully, and when you are ready to answer, i will hear you." 12. kiki uses his magic then arose a great confusion of sounds as all the animals began talking to their fellows. the monkeys chattered and the bears growled and the voices of the jaguars and lions rumbled, and the wolves yelped and the elephants had to trumpet loudly to make their voices heard. such a hubbub had never been known in the forest before, and each beast argued with his neighbor until it seemed the noise would never cease. ruggedo the nome waved his arms and fluttered his wings to try to make them listen to him again, but the beasts paid no attention. some wanted to fight the oz people, some wanted to be transformed, and some wanted to do nothing at all. the growling and confusion had grown greater than ever when in a flash silence fell on all the beasts present, the arguments were hushed, and all gazed in astonishment at a strange sight. for into the circle strode a great lion--bigger and more powerful than any other lion there--and on his back rode a little girl who smiled fearlessly at the multitude of beasts. and behind the lion and the little girl came another beast--a monstrous tiger, who bore upon his back a funny little man carrying a black bag. right past the rows of wondering beasts the strange animals walked, advancing until they stood just before the rock throne of gugu. then the little girl and the funny little man dismounted, and the great lion demanded in a loud voice: "who is king in this forest?" "i am!" answered gugu, looking steadily at the other. "i am gugu the leopard, and i am king of this forest." "then i greet your majesty with great respect," said the lion. "perhaps you have heard of me, gugu. i am called the 'cowardly lion,' and i am king of all beasts, the world over." gugu's eyes flashed angrily. "yes," said he, "i have heard of you. you have long claimed to be king of beasts, but no beast who is a coward can be king over me." "he isn't a coward, your majesty," asserted the little girl, "he's just cowardly, that's all." gugu looked at her. all the other beasts were looking at her, too. "who are you?" asked the king. "me? oh, i'm just dorothy," she answered. "how dare you come here?" demanded the king. "why, i'm not afraid to go anywhere, if the cowardly lion is with me," she said. "i know him pretty well, and so i can trust him. he's always afraid, when we get into trouble, and that's why he's cowardly; but he's a terrible fighter, and that's why he isn't a coward. he doesn't like to fight, you know, but when he has to, there isn't any beast living that can conquer him." gugu the king looked at the big, powerful form of the cowardly lion, and knew she spoke the truth. also the other lions of the forest now came forward and bowed low before the strange lion. "we welcome your majesty," said one. "we have known you many years ago, before you went to live at the emerald city, and we have seen you fight the terrible kalidahs and conquer them, so we know you are the king of all beasts." "it is true," replied the cowardly lion; "but i did not come here to rule the beasts of this forest. gugu is king here, and i believe he is a good king and just and wise. i come, with my friends, to be the guest of gugu, and i hope we are welcome." that pleased the great leopard, who said very quickly: "yes; you, at least, are welcome to my forest. but who are these strangers with you?" "dorothy has introduced herself," replied the lion, "and you are sure to like her when you know her better. this man is the wizard of oz, a friend of mine who can do wonderful tricks of magic. and here is my true and tried friend, the hungry tiger, who lives with me in the emerald city." "is he always hungry?" asked loo the unicorn. "i am," replied the tiger, answering the question himself. "i am always hungry for fat babies." "can't you find any fat babies in oz to eat?" inquired loo, the unicorn. "there are plenty of them, of course," said the tiger, "but unfortunately i have such a tender conscience that it won't allow me to eat babies. so i'm always hungry for 'em and never can eat 'em, because my conscience won't let me." now of all the surprised beasts in that clearing, not one was so much surprised at the sudden appearance of these four strangers as ruggedo the nome. he was frightened, too, for he recognized them as his most powerful enemies; but he also realized that they could not know he was the former king of the nomes, because of the beast's form he wore, which disguised him so effectually. so he took courage and resolved that the wizard and dorothy should not defeat his plans. it was hard to tell, just yet, what the vast assemblage of beasts thought of the new arrivals. some glared angrily at them, but more of them seemed to be curious and wondering. all were interested, however, and they kept very quiet and listened carefully to all that was said. kiki aru, who had remained unnoticed in the shadow of the rock, was at first more alarmed by the coming of the strangers than even ruggedo was, and the boy told himself that unless he acted quickly and without waiting to ask the advice of the old nome, their conspiracy was likely to be discovered and all their plans to conquer and rule oz be defeated. kiki didn't like the way ruggedo acted either, for the former king of the nomes wanted to do everything his own way, and made the boy, who alone possessed the power of transformations, obey his orders as if he were a slave. another thing that disturbed kiki aru was the fact that a real wizard had arrived, who was said to possess many magical powers, and this wizard carried his tools in a black bag, and was the friend of the oz people, and so would probably try to prevent war between the beasts of the forest and the people of oz. all these things passed through the mind of the hyup boy while the cowardly lion and gugu the king were talking together, and that was why he now began to do several strange things. he had found a place, near to the point where he stood, where there was a deep hollow in the rock, so he put his face into this hollow and whispered softly, so he would not be heard: "i want the wizard of oz to become a fox--pyrzqxgl!" the wizard, who had stood smilingly beside his friends, suddenly felt his form change to that of a fox, and his black bag fell to the ground. kiki reached out an arm and seized the bag, and the fox cried as loud as it could: "treason! there's a traitor here with magic powers!" everyone was startled at this cry, and dorothy, seeing her old friend's plight, screamed and exclaimed: "mercy me!" but the next instant the little girl's form had changed to that of a lamb with fleecy white wool, and dorothy was too bewildered to do anything but look around her in wonder. the cowardly lion's eyes now flashed fire; he crouched low and lashed the ground with his tail and gazed around to discover who the treacherous magician might be. but kiki, who had kept his face in the hollow rock, again whispered the magic word, and the great lion disappeared and in his place stood a little boy dressed in munchkin costume. the little munchkin boy was as angry as the lion had been, but he was small and helpless. ruggedo the nome saw what was happening and was afraid kiki would spoil all his plans, so he leaned over the rock and shouted: "stop, kiki--stop!" kiki would not stop, however. instead, he transformed the nome into a goose, to ruggedo's horror and dismay. but the hungry tiger had witnessed all these transformations, and he was watching to see which of those present was to blame for them. when ruggedo spoke to kiki, the hungry tiger knew that he was the magician, so he made a sudden spring and hurled his great body full upon the form of the li-mon-eag crouching against the rock. kiki didn't see the tiger coming because his face was still in the hollow, and the heavy body of the tiger bore him to the earth just as he said "pyrzqxgl!" for the fifth time. so now the tiger which was crushing him changed to a rabbit, and relieved of its weight, kiki sprang up and, spreading his eagle's wings, flew into the branches of a tree, where no beast could easily reach him. he was not an instant too quick in doing this, for gugu the king had crouched on the rock's edge and was about to spring on the boy. from his tree kiki transformed gugu into a fat gillikin woman, and laughed aloud to see how the woman pranced with rage, and how astonished all the beasts were at their king's new shape. the beasts were frightened, too, fearing they would share the fate of gugu, so a stampede began when rango the gray ape sprang into the forest, and bru the bear and loo the unicorn followed as quickly as they could. the elephants backed into the forest, and all the other animals, big and little, rushed after them, scattering through the jungles until the clearing was far behind. the monkeys scrambled into the trees and swung themselves from limb to limb, to avoid being trampled upon by the bigger beasts, and they were so quick that they distanced all the rest. a panic of fear seemed to have overtaken the forest people and they got as far away from the terrible magician as they possibly could. but the transformed ones stayed in the clearing, being so astonished and bewildered by their new shapes that they could only look at one another in a dazed and helpless fashion, although each one was greatly annoyed at the trick that had been played on him. "who are you?" the munchkin boy asked the rabbit; and "who are you?" the fox asked the lamb; and "who are you?" the rabbit asked the fat gillikin woman. "i'm dorothy," said the woolly lamb. "i'm the wizard," said the fox. "i'm the cowardly lion," said the munchkin boy. "i'm the hungry tiger," said the rabbit. "i'm gugu the king," said the fat woman. but when they asked the goose who he was, ruggedo the nome would not tell them. "i'm just a goose," he replied, "and what i was before, i cannot remember." 13. the loss of the black bag kiki aru, in the form of the li-mon-eag, had scrambled into the high, thick branches of the tree, so no one could see him, and there he opened the wizard's black bag, which he had carried away in his flight. he was curious to see what the wizard's magic tools looked like, and hoped he could use some of them and so secure more power; but after he had taken the articles, one by one, from the bag, he had to admit they were puzzles to him. for, unless he understood their uses, they were of no value whatever. kiki aru, the hyup boy, was no wizard or magician at all, and could do nothing unusual except to use the magic word he had stolen from his father on mount munch. so he hung the wizard's black bag on a branch of the tree and then climbed down to the lower limbs that he might see what the victims of his transformations were doing. they were all on top of the flat rock, talking together in tones so low that kiki could not hear what they said. "this is certainly a misfortune," remarked the wizard in the fox's form, "but our transformations are a sort of enchantment which is very easy to break--when you know how and have the tools to do it with. the tools are in my black bag; but where is the bag?" no one knew that, for none had seen kiki aru fly away with it. "let's look and see if we can find it," suggested dorothy the lamb. so they left the rock, and all of them searched the clearing high and low without finding the bag of magic tools. the goose searched as earnestly as the others, for if he could discover it, he meant to hide it where the wizard could never find it, because if the wizard changed him back to his proper form, along with the others, he would then be recognized as ruggedo the nome, and they would send him out of the land of oz and so ruin all his hopes of conquest. ruggedo was not really sorry, now that he thought about it, that kiki had transformed all these oz folks. the forest beasts, it was true, had been so frightened that they would now never consent to be transformed into men, but kiki could transform them against their will, and once they were all in human forms, it would not be impossible to induce them to conquer the oz people. so all was not lost, thought the old nome, and the best thing for him to do was to rejoin the hyup boy who had the secret of the transformations. so, having made sure the wizard's black bag was not in the clearing, the goose wandered away through the trees when the others were not looking, and when out of their hearing, he began calling, "kiki aru! kiki aru! quack--quack! kiki aru!" the boy and the woman, the fox, the lamb, and the rabbit, not being able to find the bag, went back to the rock, all feeling exceedingly strange. "where's the goose?" asked the wizard. "he must have run away," replied dorothy. "i wonder who he was?" "i think," said gugu the king, who was the fat woman, "that the goose was the stranger who proposed that we make war upon the oz people. if so, his transformation was merely a trick to deceive us, and he has now gone to join his comrade, that wicked li-mon-eag who obeyed all his commands." "what shall we do now?" asked dorothy. "shall we go back to the emerald city, as we are, and then visit glinda the good and ask her to break the enchantments?" "i think so," replied the wizard fox. "and we can take gugu the king with us, and have glinda restore him to his natural shape. but i hate to leave my bag of magic tools behind me, for without it i shall lose much of my power as a wizard. also, if i go back to the emerald city in the shape of a fox, the oz people will think i'm a poor wizard and will lose their respect for me." "let us make still another search for your tools," suggested the cowardly lion, "and then, if we fail to find the black bag anywhere in this forest, we must go back home as we are." "why did you come here, anyway?" inquired gugu. "we wanted to borrow a dozen monkeys, to use on ozma's birthday," explained the wizard. "we were going to make them small, and train them to do tricks, and put them inside ozma's birthday cake." "well," said the forest king, "you would have to get the consent of rango the gray ape, to do that. he commands all the tribes of monkeys." "i'm afraid it's too late, now," said dorothy, regretfully. "it was a splendid plan, but we've got troubles of our own, and i don't like being a lamb at all." "you're nice and fuzzy," said the cowardly lion. "that's nothing," declared dorothy. "i've never been 'specially proud of myself, but i'd rather be the way i was born than anything else in the whole world." the glass cat, although it had some disagreeable ways and manners, nevertheless realized that trot and cap'n bill were its friends and so was quite disturbed at the fix it had gotten them into by leading them to the isle of the magic flower. the ruby heart of the glass cat was cold and hard, but still it was a heart, and to have a heart of any sort is to have some consideration for others. but the queer transparent creature didn't want trot and cap'n bill to know it was sorry for them, and therefore it moved very slowly until it had crossed the river and was out of sight among the trees of the forest. then it headed straight toward the emerald city, and trotted so fast that it was like a crystal streak crossing the valleys and plains. being glass, the cat was tireless, and with no reason to delay its journey, it reached ozma's palace in wonderfully quick time. "where's the wizard?" it asked the pink kitten, which was curled up in the sunshine on the lowest step of the palace entrance. "don't bother me," lazily answered the pink kitten, whose name was eureka. "i must find the wizard at once!" said the glass cat. "then find him," advised eureka, and went to sleep again. the glass cat darted up the stairway and came upon toto, dorothy's little black dog. "where's the wizard?" asked the cat. "gone on a journey with dorothy," replied toto. "when did they go, and where have they gone?" demanded the cat. "they went yesterday, and i heard them say they would go to the great forest in the munchkin country." "dear me," said the glass cat; "that is a long journey." "but they rode on the hungry tiger and the cowardly lion," explained toto, "and the wizard carried his black bag of magic tools." the glass cat knew the great forest of gugu well, for it had traveled through this forest many times in its journeys through the land of oz. and it reflected that the forest of gugu was nearer to the isle of the magic flower than the emerald city was, and so, if it could manage to find the wizard, it could lead him across the gillikin country to where trot and cap'n bill were prisoned. it was a wild country and little traveled, but the glass cat knew every path. so very little time need be lost, after all. without stopping to ask any more questions the cat darted out of the palace and away from the emerald city, taking the most direct route to the forest of gugu. again the creature flashed through the country like a streak of light, and it would surprise you to know how quickly it reached the edge of the great forest. there were no monkey guards among the trees to cry out a warning, and this was so unusual that it astonished the glass cat. going farther into the forest it presently came upon a wolf, which at first bounded away in terror. but then, seeing it was only a glass cat, the wolf stopped, and the cat could see it was trembling, as if from a terrible fright. "what's the matter?" asked the cat. "a dreadful magician has come among us!" exclaimed the wolf, "and he's changing the forms of all the beasts--quick as a wink--and making them all his slaves." the glass cat smiled and said: "why, that's only the wizard of oz. he may be having some fun with you forest people, but the wizard wouldn't hurt a beast for anything." "i don't mean the wizard," explained the wolf. "and if the wizard of oz is that funny little man who rode a great tiger into the clearing, he's been transformed himself by the terrible magician." "the wizard transformed? why, that's impossible," declared the glass cat. "no; it isn't. i saw him with my own eyes, changed into the form of a fox, and the girl who was with him was changed to a woolly lamb." the glass cat was indeed surprised. "when did that happen?" it asked. "just a little while ago in the clearing. all the animals had met there, but they ran away when the magician began his transformations, and i'm thankful i escaped with my natural shape. but i'm still afraid, and i'm going somewhere to hide." with this the wolf ran on, and the glass cat, which knew where the big clearing was, went toward it. but now it walked more slowly, and its pink brains rolled and tumbled around at a great rate because it was thinking over the amazing news the wolf had told it. when the glass cat reached the clearing, it saw a fox, a lamb, a rabbit, a munchkin boy and a fat gillikin woman, all wandering around in an aimless sort of way, for they were again searching for the black bag of magic tools. the cat watched them a moment and then it walked slowly into the open space. at once the lamb ran toward it, crying: "oh, wizard, here's the glass cat!" "where, dorothy?" asked the fox. "here!" the boy and the woman and the rabbit now joined the fox and the lamb, and they all stood before the glass cat and speaking together, almost like a chorus, asked: "have you seen the black bag?" "often," replied the glass cat, "but not lately." "it's lost," said the fox, "and we must find it." "are you the wizard?" asked the cat. "yes." "and who are these others?" "i'm dorothy," said the lamb. "i'm the cowardly lion," said the munchkin boy. "i'm the hungry tiger," said the rabbit. "i'm gugu, king of the forest," said the fat woman. the glass cat sat on its hind legs and began to laugh. "my, what a funny lot!" exclaimed the creature. "who played this joke on you?" "it's no joke at all," declared the wizard. "it was a cruel, wicked transformation, and the magician that did it has the head of a lion, the body of a monkey, the wings of an eagle and a round ball on the end of his tail." the glass cat laughed again. "that magician must look funnier than you do," it said. "where is he now?" "somewhere in the forest," said the cowardly lion. "he just jumped into that tall maple tree over there, for he can climb like a monkey and fly like an eagle, and then he disappeared in the forest." "and there was another magician, just like him, who was his friend," added dorothy, "but they probably quarreled, for the wickedest one changed his friend into the form of a goose." "what became of the goose?" asked the cat, looking around. "he must have gone away to find his friend," answered gugu the king. "but a goose can't travel very fast, so we could easily find him if we wanted to." "the worst thing of all," said the wizard, "is that my black bag is lost. it disappeared when i was transformed. if i could find it i could easily break these enchantments by means of my magic, and we would resume our own forms again. will you help us search for the black bag, friend cat?" "of course," replied the glass cat. "but i expect the strange magician carried it away with him. if he's a magician, he knows you need that bag, and perhaps he's afraid of your magic. so he's probably taken the bag with him, and you won't see it again unless you find the magician." "that sounds reasonable," remarked the lamb, which was dorothy. "those pink brains of yours seem to be working pretty well to-day." "if the glass cat is right," said the wizard in a solemn voice, "there's more trouble ahead of us. that magician is dangerous, and if we go near him he may transform us into shapes not as nice as these." "i don't see how we could be any worse off," growled gugu, who was indignant because he was forced to appear in the form of a fat woman. "anyway," said the cowardly lion, "our best plan is to find the magician and try to get the black bag from him. we may manage to steal it, or perhaps we can argue him into giving it to us." "why not find the goose, first?" asked dorothy. "the goose will be angry at the magician, and he may be able to help us." "that isn't a bad idea," returned the wizard. "come on, friends; let's find that goose. we will separate and search in different directions, and the first to find the goose must bring him here, where we will all meet again in an hour." 14. the wizard learns the magic word now, the goose was the transformation of old ruggedo, who was at one time king of the nomes, and he was even more angry at kiki aru than were the others who shapes had been changed. the nome detested anything in the way of a bird, because birds lay eggs and eggs are feared by all the nomes more than anything else in the world. a goose is a foolish bird, too, and ruggedo was dreadfully ashamed of the shape he was forced to wear. and it would make him shudder to reflect that the goose might lay an egg! so the nome was afraid of himself and afraid of everything around him. if an egg touched him he could then be destroyed, and almost any animal he met in the forest might easily conquer him. and that would be the end of old ruggedo the nome. aside from these fears, however, he was filled with anger against kiki, whom he had meant to trap by cleverly stealing from him the magic word. the boy must have been crazy to spoil everything the way he did, but ruggedo knew that the arrival of the wizard had scared kiki, and he was not sorry the boy had transformed the wizard and dorothy and made them helpless. it was his own transformation that annoyed him and made him indignant, so he ran about the forest hunting for kiki, so that he might get a better shape and coax the boy to follow his plans to conquer the land of oz. kiki aru hadn't gone very far away, for he had surprised himself as well as the others by the quick transformations and was puzzled as to what to do next. ruggedo the nome was overbearing and tricky, and kiki knew he was not to be depended on; but the nome could plan and plot, which the hyup boy was not wise enough to do, and so, when he looked down through the branches of a tree and saw a goose waddling along below and heard it cry out, "kiki aru! quack--quack! kiki aru!" the boy answered in a low voice, "here i am," and swung himself down to the lowest limb of the tree. the goose looked up and saw him. "you've bungled things in a dreadful way!" exclaimed the goose. "why did you do it?" "because i wanted to," answered kiki. "you acted as if i was your slave, and i wanted to show these forest people that i am more powerful than you." the goose hissed softly, but kiki did not hear that. old ruggedo quickly recovered his wits and muttered to himself: "this boy is the goose, although it is i who wear the goose's shape. i will be gentle with him now, and fierce with him when i have him in my power." then he said aloud to kiki: "well, hereafter i will be content to acknowledge you the master. you bungled things, as i said, but we can still conquer oz." "how?" asked the boy. "first give me back the shape of the li-mon-eag, and then we can talk together more conveniently," suggested the nome. "wait a moment, then," said kiki, and climbed higher up the tree. there he whispered the magic word and the goose became a li-mon-eag, as he had been before. "good!" said the nome, well pleased, as kiki joined him by dropping down from the tree. "now let us find a quiet place where we can talk without being overheard by the beasts." so the two started away and crossed the forest until they came to a place where the trees were not so tall nor so close together, and among these scattered trees was another clearing, not so large as the first one, where the meeting of the beasts had been held. standing on the edge of this clearing and looking across it, they saw the trees on the farther side full of monkeys, who were chattering together at a great rate of the sights they had witnessed at the meeting. the old nome whispered to kiki not to enter the clearing or allow the monkeys to see them. "why not?" asked the boy, drawing back. "because those monkeys are to be our army--the army which will conquer oz," said the nome. "sit down here with me, kiki, and keep quiet, and i will explain to you my plan." now, neither kiki aru nor ruggedo had noticed that a sly fox had followed them all the way from the tree where the goose had been transformed to the li-mon-eag. indeed, this fox, who was none other than the wizard of oz, had witnessed the transformation of the goose and now decided he would keep watch on the conspirators and see what they would do next. a fox can move through a forest very softly, without making any noise, and so the wizard's enemies did not suspect his presence. but when they sat down by the edge of the clearing, to talk, with their backs toward him, the wizard did not know whether to risk being seen, by creeping closer to hear what they said, or whether it would be better for him to hide himself until they moved on again. while he considered this question he discovered near him a great tree which had a hollow trunk, and there was a round hole in this tree, about three feet above the ground. the wizard fox decided it would be safer for him to hide inside the hollow tree, so he sprang into the hole and crouched down in the hollow, so that his eyes just came to the edge of the hole by which he had entered, and from here he watched the forms of the two li-mon-eags. "this is my plan," said the nome to kiki, speaking so low that the wizard could only hear the rumble of his voice. "since you can transform anything into any form you wish, we will transform these monkeys into an army, and with that army we will conquer the oz people." "the monkeys won't make much of an army," objected kiki. "we need a great army, but not a numerous one," responded the nome. "you will transform each monkey into a giant man, dressed in a fine uniform and armed with a sharp sword. there are fifty monkeys over there and fifty giants would make as big an army as we need." "what will they do with the swords?" asked kiki. "nothing can kill the oz people." "true," said ruggedo. "the oz people cannot be killed, but they can be cut into small pieces, and while every piece will still be alive, we can scatter the pieces around so that they will be quite helpless. therefore, the oz people will be afraid of the swords of our army, and we will conquer them with ease." "that seems like a good idea," replied the boy, approvingly. "and in such a case, we need not bother with the other beasts of the forest." "no; you have frightened the beasts, and they would no longer consent to assist us in conquering oz. but those monkeys are foolish creatures, and once they are transformed to giants, they will do just as we say and obey our commands. can you transform them all at once?" "no, i must take one at a time," said kiki. "but the fifty transformations can be made in an hour or so. stay here, ruggedo, and i will change the first monkey--that one at the left, on the end of the limb--into a giant with a sword." "where are you going?" asked the nome. "i must not speak the magic word in the presence of another person," declared kiki, who was determined not to allow his treacherous companion to learn his secret, "so i will go where you cannot hear me." ruggedo the nome was disappointed, but he hoped still to catch the boy unawares and surprise the magic word. so he merely nodded his lion head, and kiki got up and went back into the forest a short distance. here he spied a hollow tree, and by chance it was the same hollow tree in which the wizard of oz, now in the form of a fox, had hidden himself. as kiki ran up to the tree the fox ducked its head, so that it was out of sight in the dark hollow beneath the hole, and then kiki put his face into the hole and whispered: "i want that monkey on the branch at the left to become a giant man fifty feet tall, dressed in a uniform and with a sharp sword--pyrzqxgl!" then he ran back to ruggedo, but the wizard fox had heard quite plainly every word that he had said. the monkey was instantly transformed into the giant, and the giant was so big that as he stood on the ground his head was higher than the trees of the forest. the monkeys raised a great chatter but did not seem to understand that the giant was one of themselves. "good!" cried the nome. "hurry, kiki, and transform the others." so kiki rushed back to the tree and putting his face to the hollow, whispered: "i want the next monkey to be just like the first--pyrzqxgl!" again the wizard fox heard the magic word, and just how it was pronounced. but he sat still in the hollow and waited to hear it again, so it would be impressed on his mind and he would not forget it. kiki kept running to the edge of the forest and back to the hollow tree again until he had whispered the magic word six times and six monkeys had been changed to six great giants. then the wizard decided he would make an experiment and use the magic word himself. so, while kiki was running back to the nome, the fox stuck his head out of the hollow and said softly: "i want that creature who is running to become a hickory-nut--pyrzqxgl!" instantly the li-mon-eag form of kiki aru the hyup disappeared and a small hickory-nut rolled upon the ground a moment and then lay still. the wizard was delighted, and leaped from the hollow just as ruggedo looked around to see what had become of kiki. the nome saw the fox but no kiki, so he hastily rose to his feet. the wizard did not know how powerful the queer beast might be, so he resolved to take no chances. "i want this creature to become a walnut--pyrzqxgl!" he said aloud. but he did not pronounce the magic word in quite the right way, and ruggedo's form did not change. but the nome knew at once that "pyrzqxgl!" was the magic word, so he rushed at the fox and cried: "i want you to become a goose--pyrzqxgl!" but the nome did not pronounce the word aright, either, having never heard it spoken but once before, and then with a wrong accent. so the fox was not transformed, but it had to run away to escape being caught by the angry nome. ruggedo now began pronouncing the magic word in every way he could think of, hoping to hit the right one, and the fox, hiding in a bush, was somewhat troubled by the fear that he might succeed. however, the wizard, who was used to magic arts, remained calm and soon remembered exactly how kiki aru had pronounced the word. so he repeated the sentence he had before uttered and ruggedo the nome became an ordinary walnut. the wizard now crept out from the bush and said: "i want my own form again--pyrzqxgl!" instantly he was the wizard of oz, and after picking up the hickory-nut and the walnut, and carefully placing them in his pocket, he ran back to the big clearing. dorothy the lamb uttered a bleat of delight when she saw her old friend restored to his natural shape. the others were all there, not having found the goose. the fat gillikin woman, the munchkin boy, the rabbit and the glass cat crowded around the wizard and asked what had happened. before he explained anything of his adventure, he transformed them all--except, of course, the glass cat--into their natural shapes, and when their joy permitted them to quiet somewhat, he told how he had by chance surprised the magician's secret and been able to change the two li-mon-eags into shapes that could not speak, and therefore would be unable to help themselves. and the little wizard showed his astonished friends the hickory-nut and the walnut to prove that he had spoken the truth. "but--see here!"--exclaimed dorothy. "what has become of those giant soldiers who used to be monkeys?" "i forgot all about them!" admitted the wizard; "but i suppose they are still standing there in the forest." 15. the lonesome duck trot and cap'n bill stood before the magic flower, actually rooted to the spot. "aren't you hungry, cap'n?" asked the little girl, with a long sigh, for she had been standing there for hours and hours. "well," replied the sailor-man, "i ain't sayin' as i couldn't eat, trot--if a dinner was handy--but i guess old folks don't get as hungry as young folks do." "i'm not sure 'bout that, cap'n bill," she said thoughtfully. "age might make a diff'rence, but seems to me size would make a bigger diff'rence. seeing you're twice as big as me, you ought to be twice as hungry." "i hope i am," he rejoined, "for i can stand it a while longer. i do hope the glass cat will hurry, and i hope the wizard won't waste time a-comin' to us." trot sighed again and watched the wonderful magic flower, because there was nothing else to do. just now a lovely group of pink peonies budded and bloomed, but soon they faded away, and a mass of deep blue lilies took their place. then some yellow chrysanthemums blossomed on the plant, and when they had opened all their petals and reached perfection, they gave way to a lot of white floral balls spotted with crimson--a flower trot had never seen before. "but i get awful tired watchin' flowers an' flowers an' flowers," she said impatiently. "they're might pretty," observed cap'n bill. "i know; and if a person could come and look at the magic flower just when she felt like it, it would be a fine thing, but to have to stand and watch it, whether you want to or not, isn't so much fun. i wish, cap'n bill, the thing would grow fruit for a while instead of flowers." scarcely had she spoken when the white balls with crimson spots faded away and a lot of beautiful ripe peaches took their place. with a cry of mingled surprise and delight trot reached out and plucked a peach from the bush and began to eat it, finding it delicious. cap'n bill was somewhat dazed at the girl's wish being granted so quickly, so before he could pick a peach they had faded away and bananas took their place. "grab one, cap'n!" exclaimed trot, and even while eating the peach she seized a banana with her other hand and tore it from the bush. the old sailor was still bewildered. he put out a hand indeed, but he was too late, for now the bananas disappeared and lemons took their place. "pshaw!" cried trot. "you can't eat those things; but watch out, cap'n, for something else." cocoanuts next appeared, but cap'n bill shook his head. "ca'n't crack 'em," he remarked, "'cause we haven't anything handy to smash 'em with." "well, take one, anyhow," advised trot; but the cocoanuts were gone now, and a deep, purple, pear-shaped fruit which was unknown to them took their place. again cap'n bill hesitated, and trot said to him: "you ought to have captured a peach and a banana, as i did. if you're not careful, cap'n, you'll miss all your chances. here, i'll divide my banana with you." even as she spoke, the magic plant was covered with big red apples, growing on every branch, and cap'n bill hesitated no longer. he grabbed with both hands and picked two apples, while trot had only time to secure one before they were gone. "it's curious," remarked the sailor, munching his apple, "how these fruits keep good when you've picked 'em, but dis'pear inter thin air if they're left on the bush." "the whole thing is curious," declared the girl, "and it couldn't exist in any country but this, where magic is so common. those are limes. don't pick 'em, for they'd pucker up your mouth and--ooo! here come plums!" and she tucked her apple in her apron pocket and captured three plums--each one almost as big as an egg--before they disappeared. cap'n bill got some too, but both were too hungry to fast any longer, so they began eating their apples and plums and let the magic bush bear all sorts of fruits, one after another. the cap'n stopped once to pick a fine cantaloupe, which he held under his arm, and trot, having finished her plums, got a handful of cherries and an orange; but when almost every sort of fruit had appeared on the bush, the crop ceased and only flowers, as before, bloomed upon it. "i wonder why it changed back," mused trot, who was not worried because she had enough fruit to satisfy her hunger. "well, you only wished it would bear fruit 'for a while,'" said the sailor, "and it did. p'raps if you'd said 'forever,' trot, it would have always been fruit." "but why should my wish be obeyed?" asked the girl. "i'm not a fairy or a wizard or any kind of a magic-maker." "i guess," replied cap'n bill, "that this little island is a magic island, and any folks on it can tell the bush what to produce, an' it'll produce it." "do you think i could wish for anything else, cap'n and get it?" she inquired anxiously. "what are you thinkin' of, trot?" "i'm thinking of wishing that these roots on our feet would disappear, and let us free." "try it, trot." so she tried it, and the wish had no effect whatever. "try it yourself, cap'n," she suggested. then cap'n bill made the wish to be free, with no better result. "no," said he, "it's no use; the wishes only affect the magic plant; but i'm glad we can make it bear fruit, 'cause now we know we won't starve before the wizard gets to us." "but i'm gett'n' tired standing here so long," complained the girl. "if i could only lift one foot, and rest it, i'd feel better." "same with me, trot. i've noticed that if you've got to do a thing, and can't help yourself, it gets to be a hardship mighty quick." "folks that can raise their feet don't appreciate what a blessing it is," said trot thoughtfully. "i never knew before what fun it is to raise one foot, an' then another, any time you feel like it." "there's lots o' things folks don't 'preciate," replied the sailor-man. "if somethin' would 'most stop your breath, you'd think breathin' easy was the finest thing in life. when a person's well, he don't realize how jolly it is, but when he gets sick he 'members the time he was well, an' wishes that time would come back. most folks forget to thank god for givin' 'em two good legs, till they lose one o' 'em, like i did; and then it's too late, 'cept to praise god for leavin' one." "your wooden leg ain't so bad, cap'n," she remarked, looking at it critically. "anyhow, it don't take root on a magic island, like our meat legs do." "i ain't complainin'," said cap'n bill. "what's that swimmin' towards us, trot?" he added, looking over the magic flower and across the water. the girl looked, too, and then she replied. "it's a bird of some sort. it's like a duck, only i never saw a duck have so many colors." the bird swam swiftly and gracefully toward the magic isle, and as it drew nearer its gorgeously colored plumage astonished them. the feathers were of many hues of glistening greens and blues and purples, and it had a yellow head with a red plume, and pink, white and violet in its tail. when it reached the isle, it came ashore and approached them, waddling slowly and turning its head first to one side and then to the other, so as to see the girl and the sailor better. "you're strangers," said the bird, coming to a halt near them, "and you've been caught by the magic isle and made prisoners." "yes," returned trot, with a sigh; "we're rooted. but i hope we won't grow." "you'll grow small," said the bird. "you'll keep growing smaller every day, until bye and bye there'll be nothing left of you. that's the usual way, on this magic isle." "how do you know about it, and who are you, anyhow?" asked cap'n bill. "i'm the lonesome duck," replied the bird. "i suppose you've heard of me?" "no," said trot, "i can't say i have. what makes you lonesome?" "why, i haven't any family or any relations," returned the duck. "haven't you any friends?" "not a friend. and i've nothing to do. i've lived a long time, and i've got to live forever, because i belong in the land of oz, where no living thing dies. think of existing year after year, with no friends, no family, and nothing to do! can you wonder i'm lonesome?" "why don't you make a few friends, and find something to do?" inquired cap'n bill. "i can't make friends because everyone i meet--bird, beast, or person--is disagreeable to me. in a few minutes i shall be unable to bear your society longer, and then i'll go away and leave you," said the lonesome duck. "and, as for doing anything, there's no use in it. all i meet are doing something, so i have decided it's common and uninteresting and i prefer to remain lonesome." "don't you have to hunt for your food?" asked trot. "no. in my diamond palace, a little way up the river, food is magically supplied me; but i seldom eat, because it is so common." "you must be a magician duck," remarked cap'n bill. "why so?" "well, ordinary ducks don't have diamond palaces an' magic food, like you do." "true; and that's another reason why i'm lonesome. you must remember i'm the only duck in the land of oz, and i'm not like any other duck in the outside world." "seems to me you like bein' lonesome," observed cap'n bill. "i can't say i like it, exactly," replied the duck, "but since it seems to be my fate, i'm rather proud of it." "how do you s'pose a single, solitary duck happened to be in the land of oz?" asked trot, wonderingly. "i used to know the reason, many years ago, but i've quite forgotten it," declared the duck. "the reason for a thing is never so important as the thing itself, so there's no use remembering anything but the fact that i'm lonesome." "i guess you'd be happier if you tried to do something," asserted trot. "if you can't do anything for yourself, you can do things for others, and then you'd get lots of friends and stop being lonesome." "now you're getting disagreeable," said the lonesome duck, "and i shall have to go and leave you." "can't you help us any," pleaded the girl. "if there's anything magic about you, you might get us out of this scrape." "i haven't any magic strong enough to get you off the magic isle," replied the lonesome duck. "what magic i possess is very simple, but i find it enough for my own needs." "if we could only sit down a while, we could stand it better," said trot, "but we have nothing to sit on." "then you will have to stand it," said the lonesome duck. "p'raps you've enough magic to give us a couple of stools," suggested cap'n bill. "a duck isn't supposed to know what stools are," was the reply. "but you're diff'rent from all other ducks." "that is true." the strange creature seemed to reflect for a moment, looking at them sharply from its round black eyes. then it said: "sometimes, when the sun is hot, i grow a toadstool to shelter me from its rays. perhaps you could sit on toadstools." "well, if they were strong enough, they'd do," answered cap'n bill. "then, before i do i'll give you a couple," said the lonesome duck, and began waddling about in a small circle. it went around the circle to the right three times, and then it went around to the left three times. then it hopped backward three times and forward three times. "what are you doing?" asked trot. "don't interrupt. this is an incantation," replied the lonesome duck, but now it began making a succession of soft noises that sounded like quacks and seemed to mean nothing at all. and it kept up these sounds so long that trot finally exclaimed: "can't you hurry up and finish that 'cantation? if it takes all summer to make a couple of toadstools, you're not much of a magician." "i told you not to interrupt," said the lonesome duck, sternly. "if you get too disagreeable, you'll drive me away before i finish this incantation." trot kept quiet, after the rebuke, and the duck resumed the quacky muttering. cap'n bill chuckled a little to himself and remarked to trot in a whisper: "for a bird that ain't got anything to do, this lonesome duck is makin' consider'ble fuss. an' i ain't sure, after all, as toadstools would be worth sittin' on." even as he spoke, the sailor-man felt something touch him from behind and, turning his head, he found a big toadstool in just the right place and of just the right size to sit upon. there was one behind trot, too, and with a cry of pleasure the little girl sank back upon it and found it a very comfortable seat--solid, yet almost like a cushion. even cap'n bill's weight did not break his toadstool down, and when both were seated, they found that the lonesome duck had waddled away and was now at the water's edge. "thank you, ever so much!" cried trot, and the sailor called out: "much obliged!" but the lonesome duck paid no attention. without even looking in their direction again, the gaudy fowl entered the water and swam gracefully away. 16. the glass cat finds the black bag when the six monkeys were transformed by kiki aru into six giant soldiers fifty feet tall, their heads came above the top of the trees, which in this part of the forest were not so high as in some other parts; and, although the trees were somewhat scattered, the bodies of the giant soldiers were so big that they quite filled the spaces in which they stood and the branches pressed them on every side. of course, kiki was foolish to have made his soldiers so big, for now they could not get out of the forest. indeed, they could not stir a step, but were imprisoned by the trees. even had they been in the little clearing they could not have made their way out of it, but they were a little beyond the clearing. at first, the other monkeys who had not been enchanted were afraid of the soldiers, and hastily quitted the place; but soon finding that the great men stood stock still, although grunting indignantly at their transformation, the band of monkeys returned to the spot and looked at them curiously, not guessing that they were really monkeys and their own friends. the soldiers couldn't see them, their heads being above the trees; they could not even raise their arms or draw their sharp swords, so closely were they held by the leafy branches. so the monkeys, finding the giants helpless, began climbing up their bodies, and presently all the band were perched on the shoulders of the giants and peering into their faces. "i'm ebu, your father," cried one soldier to a monkey who had perched upon his left ear, "but some cruel person has enchanted me." "i'm your uncle peeker," said another soldier to another monkey. so, very soon all the monkeys knew the truth and were sorry for their friends and relations and angry at the person--whoever it was--who had transformed them. there was a great chattering among the tree-tops, and the noise attracted other monkeys, so that the clearing and all the trees around were full of them. rango the gray ape, who was the chief of all the monkey tribes of the forest, heard the uproar and came to see what was wrong with his people. and rango, being wiser and more experienced, at once knew that the strange magician who looked like a mixed-up beast was responsible for the transformations. he realized that the six giant soldiers were helpless prisoners, because of their size, and knew he was powerless to release them. so, although he feared to meet the terrible magician, he hurried away to the great clearing to tell gugu the king what had happened and to try to find the wizard of oz and get him to save his six enchanted subjects. rango darted into the great clearing just as the wizard had restored all the enchanted ones around him to their proper shapes, and the gray ape was glad to hear that the wicked magician-beast had been conquered. "but now, o mighty wizard, you must come with me to where six of my people are transformed into six great giant men," he said, "for if they are allowed to remain there, their happiness and their future lives will be ruined." the wizard did not reply at once, for he was thinking this a good opportunity to win rango's consent to his taking some monkeys to the emerald city for ozma's birthday cake. "it is a great thing you ask of me, o rango the gray ape," said he, "for the bigger the giants are the more powerful their enchantment, and the more difficult it will be to restore them to their natural forms. however, i will think it over." then the wizard went to another part of the clearing and sat on a log and appeared to be in deep thought. the glass cat had been greatly interested in the gray ape's story and was curious to see what the giant soldiers looked like. hearing that their heads extended above the tree-tops, the glass cat decided that if it climbed the tall avocado tree that stood at the side of the clearing, it might be able to see the giants' heads. so, without mentioning her errand, the crystal creature went to the tree and, by sticking her sharp glass claws in the bark, easily climbed the tree to its very top and, looking over the forest, saw the six giant heads, although they were now a long way off. it was, indeed, a remarkable sight, for the huge heads had immense soldier caps on them, with red and yellow plumes and looked very fierce and terrible, although the monkey hearts of the giants were at that moment filled with fear. having satisfied her curiosity, the glass cat began to climb down from the tree more slowly. suddenly she discerned the wizard's black bag hanging from a limb of the tree. she grasped the black bag in her glass teeth, and although it was rather heavy for so small an animal, managed to get it free and to carry it safely down to the ground. then she looked around for the wizard and seeing him seated upon the stump she hid the black bag among some leaves and then went over to where the wizard sat. "i forgot to tell you," said the glass cat, "that trot and cap'n bill are in trouble, and i came here to hunt you up and get you to go and rescue them." "good gracious, cat! why didn't you tell me before?" exclaimed the wizard. "for the reason that i found so much excitement here that i forgot trot and cap'n bill." "what's wrong with them?" asked the wizard. then the glass cat explained how they had gone to get the magic flower for ozma's birthday gift and had been trapped by the magic of the queer island. the wizard was really alarmed, but he shook his head and said sadly: "i'm afraid i can't help my dear friends, because i've lost my black bag." "if i find it, will you go to them?" asked the creature. "of course," replied the wizard. "but i do not think that a glass cat with nothing but pink brains can succeed when all the rest of us have failed." "don't you admire my pink brains?" demanded the cat. "they're pretty," admitted the wizard, "but they're not regular brains, you know, and so we don't expect them to amount to much." "but if i find your black bag--and find it inside of five minutes--will you admit my pink brains are better than your common human brains?" "well, i'll admit they're better hunters," said the wizard, reluctantly, "but you can't do it. we've searched everywhere, and the black bag isn't to be found." "that shows how much you know!" retorted the glass cat, scornfully. "watch my brains a minute, and see them whirl around." the wizard watched, for he was anxious to regain his black bag, and the pink brains really did whirl around in a remarkable manner. "now, come with me," commanded the glass cat, and led the wizard straight to the spot where it had covered the bag with leaves. "according to my brains," said the creature, "your black bag ought to be here." then it scratched at the leaves and uncovered the bag, which the wizard promptly seized with a cry of delight. now that he had regained his magic tools, he felt confident he could rescue trot and cap'n bill. rango the gray ape was getting impatient. he now approached the wizard and said: "well, what do you intend to do about those poor enchanted monkeys?" "i'll make a bargain with you, rango," replied the little man. "if you will let me take a dozen of your monkeys to the emerald city, and keep them until after ozma's birthday, i'll break the enchantment of the six giant soldiers and return them to their natural forms." but the gray ape shook his head. "i can't do it," he declared. "the monkeys would be very lonesome and unhappy in the emerald city and your people would tease them and throw stones at them, which would cause them to fight and bite." "the people won't see them till ozma's birthday dinner," promised the wizard. "i'll make them very small--about four inches high, and i'll keep them in a pretty cage in my own room, where they will be safe from harm. i'll feed them the nicest kind of food, train them to do some clever tricks, and on ozma's birthday i'll hide the twelve little monkeys inside a cake. when ozma cuts the cake the monkeys will jump out on to the table and do their tricks. the next day i will bring them back to the forest and make them big as ever, and they'll have some exciting stories to tell their friends. what do you say, rango?" "i say no!" answered the gray ape. "i won't have my monkeys enchanted and made to do tricks for the oz people." "very well," said the wizard calmly; "then i'll go. come, dorothy," he called to the little girl, "let's start on our journey." "aren't you going to save those six monkeys who are giant soldiers?" asked rango, anxiously. "why should i?" returned the wizard. "if you will not do me the favor i ask, you cannot expect me to favor you." "wait a minute," said the gray ape. "i've changed my mind. if you will treat the twelve monkeys nicely and bring them safely back to the forest, i'll let you take them." "thank you," replied the wizard, cheerfully. "we'll go at once and save those giant soldiers." so all the party left the clearing and proceeded to the place where the giants still stood among the trees. hundreds of monkeys, apes, baboons and orangoutangs had gathered round, and their wild chatter could be heard a mile away. but the gray ape soon hushed the babel of sounds, and the wizard lost no time in breaking the enchantments. first one and then another giant soldier disappeared and became an ordinary monkey again, and the six were shortly returned to their friends in their proper forms. this action made the wizard very popular with the great army of monkeys, and when the gray ape announced that the wizard wanted to borrow twelve monkeys to take to the emerald city for a couple of weeks, and asked for volunteers, nearly a hundred offered to go, so great was their confidence in the little man who had saved their comrades. the wizard selected a dozen that seemed intelligent and good-tempered, and then he opened his black bag and took out a queerly shaped dish that was silver on the outside and gold on the inside. into this dish he poured a powder and set fire to it. it made a thick smoke that quite enveloped the twelve monkeys, as well as the form of the wizard, but when the smoke cleared away the dish had been changed to a golden cage with silver bars, and the twelve monkeys had become about three inches high and were all seated comfortably inside the cage. the thousands of hairy animals who had witnessed this act of magic were much astonished and applauded the wizard by barking aloud and shaking the limbs of the trees in which they sat. dorothy said: "that was a fine trick, wizard!" and the gray ape remarked: "you are certainly the most wonderful magician in all the land of oz!" "oh, no," modestly replied the little man. "glinda's magic is better than mine, but mine seems good enough to use on ordinary occasions. and now, rango, we will say good-bye, and i promise to return your monkeys as happy and safe as they are now." the wizard rode on the back of the hungry tiger and carried the cage of monkeys very carefully, so as not to joggle them. dorothy rode on the back of the cowardly lion, and the glass cat trotted, as before, to show them the way. gugu the king crouched upon a log and watched them go, but as he bade them farewell, the enormous leopard said: "i know now that you are the friends of beasts and that the forest people may trust you. whenever the wizard of oz and princess dorothy enter the forest of gugu hereafter, they will be as welcome and as safe with us as ever they are in the emerald city." 17. a remarkable journey "you see," explained the glass cat, "that magic isle where trot and cap'n bill are stuck is also in this gillikin country--over at the east side of it, and it's no farther to go across-lots from here than it is from here to the emerald city. so we'll save time by cutting across the mountains." "are you sure you know the way?" asked dorothy. "i know all the land of oz better than any other living creature knows it," asserted the glass cat. "go ahead, then, and guide us," said the wizard. "we've left our poor friends helpless too long already, and the sooner we rescue them the happier they'll be." "are you sure you can get 'em out of their fix?" the little girl inquired. "i've no doubt of it," the wizard assured her. "but i can't tell what sort of magic i must use until i get to the place and discover just how they are enchanted." "i've heard of that magic isle where the wonderful flower grows," remarked the cowardly lion. "long ago, when i used to live in the forests, the beasts told stories about the isle and how the magic flower was placed there to entrap strangers--men or beasts." "is the flower really wonderful?" questioned dorothy. "i have heard it is the most beautiful plant in the world," answered the lion. "i have never seen it myself, but friendly beasts have told me that they have stood on the shore of the river and looked across at the plant in the gold flower-pot and seen hundreds of flowers, of all sorts and sizes, blossom upon it in quick succession. it is said that if one picks the flowers while they are in bloom they will remain perfect for a long time, but if they are not picked they soon disappear and are replaced by other flowers. that, in my opinion, make the magic plant the most wonderful in existence." "but these are only stories," said the girl. "has any of your friends ever picked a flower from the wonderful plant?" "no," admitted the cowardly lion, "for if any living thing ventures upon the magic isle, where the golden flower-pot stands, that man or beast takes root in the soil and cannot get away again." "what happens to them, then?" asked dorothy. "they grow smaller, hour by hour and day by day, and finally disappear entirely." "then," said the girl anxiously, "we must hurry up, or cap'n bill an' trot will get too small to be comf'table." they were proceeding at a rapid pace during this conversation, for the hungry tiger and the cowardly lion were obliged to move swiftly in order to keep pace with the glass cat. after leaving the forest of gugu they crossed a mountain range, and then a broad plain, after which they reached another forest, much smaller than that where gugu ruled. "the magic isle is in this forest," said the glass cat, "but the river is at the other side of the forest. there is no path through the trees, but if we keep going east, we will find the river, and then it will be easy to find the magic isle." "have you ever traveled this way before?" inquired the wizard. "not exactly," admitted the cat, "but i know we shall reach the river if we go east through the forest." "lead on, then," said the wizard. the glass cat started away, and at first it was easy to pass between the trees; but before long the underbrush and vines became thick and tangled, and after pushing their way through these obstacles for a time, our travelers came to a place where even the glass cat could not push through. "we'd better go back and find a path," suggested the hungry tiger. "i'm s'prised at you," said dorothy, eyeing the glass cat severely. "i'm surprised, myself," replied the cat. "but it's a long way around the forest to where the river enters it, and i thought we could save time by going straight through." "no one can blame you," said the wizard, "and i think, instead of turning back, i can make a path that will allow us to proceed." he opened his black bag and after searching among his magic tools drew out a small axe, made of some metal so highly polished that it glittered brightly even in the dark forest. the wizard laid the little axe on the ground and said in a commanding voice: "chop, little axe, chop clean and true; a path for our feet you must quickly hew. chop till this tangle of jungle is passed; chop to the east, little axe--chop fast!" then the little axe began to move and flashed its bright blade right and left, clearing a way through vine and brush and scattering the tangled barrier so quickly that the lion and the tiger, carrying dorothy and the wizard and the cage of monkeys on their backs, were able to stride through the forest at a fast walk. the brush seemed to melt away before them and the little axe chopped so fast that their eyes only saw a twinkling of the blade. then, suddenly, the forest was open again, and the little axe, having obeyed its orders, lay still upon the ground. the wizard picked up the magic axe and after carefully wiping it with his silk handkerchief put it away in his black bag. then they went on and in a short time reached the river. "let me see," said the glass cat, looking up and down the stream, "i think we are below the magic isle; so we must go up the stream until we come to it." so up the stream they traveled, walking comfortably on the river bank, and after a while the water broadened and a sharp bend appeared in the river, hiding all below from their view. they walked briskly along, however, and had nearly reached the bend when a voice cried warningly: "look out!" the travelers halted abruptly and the wizard said: "look out for what?" "you almost stepped on my diamond palace," replied the voice, and a duck with gorgeously colored feathers appeared before them. "beasts and men are terribly clumsy," continued the duck in an irritated tone, "and you've no business on this side of the river, anyway. what are you doing here?" "we've come to rescue some friends of ours who are stuck fast on the magic isle in this river," explained dorothy. "i know 'em," said the duck. "i've been to see 'em, and they're stuck fast, all right. you may as well go back home, for no power can save them." "this is the wonderful wizard of oz," said dorothy, pointing to the little man. "well, i'm the lonesome duck," was the reply, as the fowl strutted up and down to show its feathers to best advantage. "i'm the great forest magician, as any beast can tell you, but even i have no power to destroy the dreadful charm of the magic isle." "are you lonesome because you're a magician?" inquired dorothy. "no; i'm lonesome because i have no family and no friends. but i like to be lonesome, so please don't offer to be friendly with me. go away, and try not to step on my diamond palace." "where is it?" asked the girl. "behind this bush." dorothy hopped off the lion's back and ran around the bush to see the diamond palace of the lonesome duck, although the gaudy fowl protested in a series of low quacks. the girl found, indeed, a glistening dome formed of clearest diamonds, neatly cemented together, with a doorway at the side just big enough to admit the duck. "where did you find so many diamonds?" asked dorothy, wonderingly. "i know a place in the mountains where they are thick as pebbles," said the lonesome duck, "and i brought them here in my bill, one by one and put them in the river and let the water run over them until they were brightly polished. then i built this palace, and i'm positive it's the only diamond palace in all the world." "it's the only one i know of," said the little girl; "but if you live in it all alone, i don't see why it's any better than a wooden palace, or one of bricks or cobble-stones." "you're not supposed to understand that," retorted the lonesome duck. "but i might tell you, as a matter of education, that a home of any sort should be beautiful to those who live in it, and should not be intended to please strangers. the diamond palace is my home, and i like it. so i don't care a quack whether you like it or not." "oh, but i do!" exclaimed dorothy. "it's lovely on the outside, but--" then she stopped speaking, for the lonesome duck had entered his palace through the little door without even saying good-bye. so dorothy returned to her friends and they resumed their journey. "do you think, wizard, the duck was right in saying no magic can rescue trot and cap'n bill?" asked the girl in a worried tone of voice. "no, i don't think the lonesome duck was right in saying that," answered the wizard, gravely, "but it is possible that their enchantment will be harder to overcome than i expected. i'll do my best, of course, and no one can do more than his best." that didn't entirely relieve dorothy's anxiety, but she said nothing more, and soon, on turning the bend in the river, they came in sight of the magic isle. "there they are!" exclaimed dorothy eagerly. "yes, i see them," replied the wizard, nodding. "they are sitting on two big toadstools." "that's queer," remarked the glass cat. "there were no toadstools there when i left them." "what a lovely flower!" cried dorothy in rapture, as her gaze fell on the magic plant. "never mind the flower, just now," advised the wizard. "the most important thing is to rescue our friends." by this time they had arrived at a place just opposite the magic isle, and now both trot and cap'n bill saw the arrival of their friends and called to them for help. "how are you?" shouted the wizard, putting his hands to his mouth so they could hear him better across the water. "we're in hard luck," shouted cap'n bill, in reply. "we're anchored here and can't move till you find a way to cut the hawser." "what does he mean by that?" asked dorothy. "we can't move our feet a bit!" called trot, speaking as loud as she could. "why not?" inquired dorothy. "they've got roots on 'em," explained trot. it was hard to talk from so great a distance, so the wizard said to the glass cat: "go to the island and tell our friends to be patient, for we have come to save them. it may take a little time to release them, for the magic of the isle is new to me and i shall have to experiment. but tell them i'll hurry as fast as i can." so the glass cat walked across the river under the water to tell trot and cap'n bill not to worry, and the wizard at once opened his black bag and began to make his preparations. 18. the magic of the wizard he first set up a small silver tripod and placed a gold basin at the top of it. into this basin he put two powders--a pink one and a sky-blue one--and poured over them a yellow liquid from a crystal vial. then he mumbled some magic words, and the powders began to sizzle and burn and send out a cloud of violet smoke that floated across the river and completely enveloped both trot and cap'n bill, as well as the toadstools on which they sat, and even the magic plant in the gold flower-pot. then, after the smoke had disappeared into air, the wizard called out to the prisoners: "are you free?" both trot and cap'n bill tried to move their feet and failed. "no!" they shouted in answer. the wizard rubbed his bald head thoughtfully and then took some other magic tools from the bag. first he placed a little black ball in a silver pistol and shot it toward the magic isle. the ball exploded just over the head of trot and scattered a thousand sparks over the little girl. "oh!" said the wizard, "i guess that will set her free." but trot's feet were still rooted in the ground of the magic isle, and the disappointed wizard had to try something else. for almost an hour he worked hard, using almost every magic tool in his black bag, and still cap'n bill and trot were not rescued. "dear me!" exclaimed dorothy, "i'm 'fraid we'll have to go to glinda, after all." that made the little wizard blush, for it shamed him to think that his magic was not equal to that of the magic isle. "i won't give up yet, dorothy," he said, "for i know a lot of wizardry that i haven't yet tried. i don't know what magician enchanted this little island, or what his powers were, but i do know that i can break any enchantment known to the ordinary witches and magicians that used to inhabit the land of oz. it's like unlocking a door; all you need is to find the right key." "but 'spose you haven't the right key with you." suggested dorothy; "what then?" "then we'll have to make the key," he answered. the glass cat now came back to their side of the river, walking under the water, and said to the wizard: "they're getting frightened over there on the island because they're both growing smaller every minute. just now, when i left them, both trot and cap'n bill were only about half their natural sizes." "i think," said the wizard reflectively, "that i'd better go to the shore of the island, where i can talk to them and work to better advantage. how did trot and cap'n bill get to the island?" "on a raft," answered the glass cat. "it's over there now on the beach." "i suppose you're not strong enough to bring the raft to this side, are you?" "no; i couldn't move it an inch," said the cat. "i'll try to get it for you," volunteered the cowardly lion. "i'm dreadfully scared for fear the magic isle will capture me, too; but i'll try to get the raft and bring it to this side for you." "thank you, my friend," said the wizard. so the lion plunged into the river and swam with powerful strokes across to where the raft was beached upon the island. placing one paw on the raft, he turned and struck out with his other three legs and so strong was the great beast that he managed to drag the raft from off the beach and propel it slowly to where the wizard stood on the river bank. "good!" exclaimed the little man, well pleased. "may i go across with you?" asked dorothy. the wizard hesitated. "if you'll take care not to leave the raft or step foot on the island, you'll be quite safe," he decided. so the wizard told the hungry tiger and the cowardly lion to guard the cage of monkeys until he returned, and then he and dorothy got upon the raft. the paddle which cap'n bill had made was still there, so the little wizard paddled the clumsy raft across the water and ran it upon the beach of the magic isle as close to the place where cap'n bill and trot were rooted as he could. dorothy was shocked to see how small the prisoners had become, and trot said to her friends: "if you can't save us soon, there'll be nothing left of us." "be patient, my dear," counseled the wizard, and took the little axe from his black bag. "what are you going to do with that?" asked cap'n bill. "it's a magic axe," replied the wizard, "and when i tell it to chop, it will chop those roots from your feet and you can run to the raft before they grow again." "don't!" shouted the sailor in alarm. "don't do it! those roots are all flesh roots, and our bodies are feeding 'em while they're growing into the ground." "to cut off the roots," said trot, "would be like cutting off our fingers and toes." the wizard put the little axe back in the black bag and took out a pair of silver pincers. "grow--grow--grow!" he said to the pincers, and at once they grew and extended until they reached from the raft to the prisoners. "what are you going to do now?" demanded cap'n bill, fearfully eyeing the pincers. "this magic tool will pull you up, roots and all, and land you on this raft," declared the wizard. "don't do it!" pleaded the sailor, with a shudder. "it would hurt us awfully." "it would be just like pulling teeth to pull us up by the roots," explained trot. "grow small!" said the wizard to the pincers, and at once they became small and he threw them into the black bag. "i guess, friends, it's all up with us, this time," remarked cap'n bill, with a dismal sigh. "please tell ozma, dorothy," said trot, "that we got into trouble trying to get her a nice birthday present. then she'll forgive us. the magic flower is lovely and wonderful, but it's just a lure to catch folks on this dreadful island and then destroy them. you'll have a nice birthday party, without us, i'm sure; and i hope, dorothy, that none of you in the emerald city will forget me--or dear ol' cap'n bill." 19. dorothy and the bumble bees dorothy was greatly distressed and had hard work to keep the tears from her eyes. "is that all you can do, wizard?" she asked the little man. "it's all i can think of just now," he replied sadly. "but i intend to keep on thinking as long--as long--well, as long as thinking will do any good." they were all silent for a time, dorothy and the wizard sitting thoughtfully on the raft, and trot and cap'n bill sitting thoughtfully on the toadstools and growing gradually smaller and smaller in size. suddenly dorothy said: "wizard, i've thought of something!" "what have you thought of?" he asked, looking at the little girl with interest. "can you remember the magic word that transforms people?" she asked. "of course," said he. "then you can transform trot and cap'n bill into birds or bumblebees, and they can fly away to the other shore. when they're there, you can transform 'em into their reg'lar shapes again!" "can you do that, wizard?" asked cap'n bill, eagerly. "i think so." "roots an' all?" inquired trot. "why, the roots are now a part of you, and if you were transformed to a bumblebee the whole of you would be transformed, of course, and you'd be free of this awful island." "all right; do it!" cried the sailor-man. so the wizard said slowly and distinctly: "i want trot and cap'n bill to become bumblebees--pyrzqxgl!" fortunately, he pronounced the magic word in the right way, and instantly trot and cap'n bill vanished from view, and up from the places where they had been flew two bumblebees. "hooray!" shouted dorothy in delight; "they're saved!" "i guess they are," agreed the wizard, equally delighted. the bees hovered over the raft an instant and then flew across the river to where the lion and the tiger waited. the wizard picked up the paddle and paddled the raft across as fast as he could. when it reached the river bank, both dorothy and the wizard leaped ashore and the little man asked excitedly: "where are the bees?" "the bees?" inquired the lion, who was half asleep and did not know what had happened on the magic isle. "yes; there were two of them." "two bees?" said the hungry tiger, yawning. "why, i ate one of them and the cowardly lion ate the other." "goodness gracious!" cried dorothy horrified. "it was little enough for our lunch," remarked the tiger, "but the bees were the only things we could find." "how dreadful!" wailed dorothy, wringing her hands in despair. "you've eaten trot and cap'n bill." but just then she heard a buzzing overhead and two bees alighted on her shoulder. "here we are," said a small voice in her ear. "i'm trot, dorothy." "and i'm cap'n bill," said the other bee. dorothy almost fainted, with relief, and the wizard, who was close by and had heard the tiny voices, gave a laugh and said: "you are not the only two bees in the forest, it seems, but i advise you to keep away from the lion and the tiger until you regain your proper forms." "do it now, wizard!" advised dorothy. "they're so small that you never can tell what might happen to 'em." so the wizard gave the command and pronounced the magic word, and in the instant trot and cap'n bill stood beside them as natural as before they had met their fearful adventure. for they were no longer small in size, because the wizard had transformed them from bumblebees into the shapes and sizes that nature had formerly given them. the ugly roots on their feet had disappeared with the transformation. while dorothy was hugging trot, and trot was softly crying because she was so happy, the wizard shook hands with cap'n bill and congratulated him on his escape. the old sailor-man was so pleased that he also shook the lion's paw and took off his hat and bowed politely to the cage of monkeys. then cap'n bill did a curious thing. he went to a big tree and, taking out his knife, cut away a big, broad piece of thick bark. then he sat down on the ground and after taking a roll of stout cord from his pocket--which seemed to be full of all sorts of things--he proceeded to bind the flat piece of bark to the bottom of his good foot, over the leather sole. "what's that for?" inquired the wizard. "i hate to be stumped," replied the sailor-man; "so i'm goin' back to that island." "and get enchanted again?" exclaimed trot, with evident disapproval. "no; this time i'll dodge the magic of the island. i noticed that my wooden leg didn't get stuck, or take root, an' neither did the glass feet of the glass cat. it's only a thing that's made of meat--like man an' beasts--that the magic can hold an' root to the ground. our shoes are leather, an' leather comes from a beast's hide. our stockin's are wool, an' wool comes from a sheep's back. so, when we walked on the magic isle, our feet took root there an' held us fast. but not my wooden leg. so now i'll put a wooden bottom on my other foot an' the magic can't stop me." "but why do you wish to go back to the island?" asked dorothy. "didn't you see the magic flower in the gold flower-pot?" returned cap'n bill. "of course i saw it, and it's lovely and wonderful." "well, trot an' i set out to get the magic plant for a present to ozma on her birthday, and i mean to get it an' take it back with us to the emerald city." "that would be fine," cried trot eagerly, "if you think you can do it, and it would be safe to try!" "i'm pretty sure it is safe, the way i've fixed my foot," said the sailor, "an' if i should happen to get caught, i s'pose the wizard could save me again." "i suppose i could," agreed the wizard. "anyhow, if you wish to try it, cap'n bill, go ahead and we'll stand by and watch what happens." so the sailor-man got upon the raft again and paddled over to the magic isle, landing as close to the golden flower-pot as he could. they watched him walk across the land, put both arms around the flower-pot and lift it easily from its place. then he carried it to the raft and set it down very gently. the removal did not seem to affect the magic flower in any way, for it was growing daffodils when cap'n bill picked it up and on the way to the raft it grew tulips and gladioli. during the time the sailor was paddling across the river to where his friends awaited him, seven different varieties of flowers bloomed in succession on the plant. "i guess the magician who put it on the island never thought that any one would carry it off," said dorothy. "he figured that only men would want the plant, and any man who went upon the island to get it would be caught by the enchantment," added the wizard. "after this," remarked trot, "no one will care to go on the island, so it won't be a trap any more." "there," exclaimed cap'n bill, setting down the magic plant in triumph upon the river bank, "if ozma gets a better birthday present than that, i'd like to know what it can be!" "it'll s'prise her, all right," declared dorothy, standing in awed wonder before the gorgeous blossoms and watching them change from yellow roses to violets. "it'll s'prise ev'rybody in the em'rald city," trot asserted in glee, "and it'll be ozma's present from cap'n bill and me." "i think i ought to have a little credit," objected the glass cat. "i discovered the thing, and led you to it, and brought the wizard here to save you when you got caught." "that's true," admitted trot, "and i'll tell ozma the whole story, so she'll know how good you've been." 20. the monkeys have trouble "now," said the wizard, "we must start for home. but how are we going to carry that big gold flower-pot? cap'n bill can't lug it all the way, that's certain." "no," acknowledged the sailor-man; "it's pretty heavy. i could carry it for a little while, but i'd have to stop to rest every few minutes." "couldn't we put it on your back?" dorothy asked the cowardly lion, with a good-natured yawn. "i don't object to carrying it, if you can fasten it on," answered the lion. "if it falls off," said trot, "it might get smashed an' be ruined." "i'll fix it," promised cap'n bill. "i'll make a flat board out of one of these tree trunks, an' tie the board on the lion's back, an' set the flower-pot on the board." he set to work at once to do this, but as he only had his big knife for a tool his progress was slow. so the wizard took from his black bag a tiny saw that shone like silver and said to it: "saw, little saw, come show your power; make us a board for the magic flower." and at once the little saw began to move and it sawed the log so fast that those who watched it work were astonished. it seemed to understand, too, just what the board was to be used for, for when it was completed it was flat on top and hollowed beneath in such a manner that it exactly fitted the lion's back. "that beats whittlin'!" exclaimed cap'n bill, admiringly. "you don't happen to have two o' them saws; do you, wizard?" "no," replied the wizard, wiping the magic saw carefully with his silk handkerchief and putting it back in the black bag. "it's the only saw of its kind in the world; and if there were more like it, it wouldn't be so wonderful." they now tied the board on the lion's back, flat side up, and cap'n bill carefully placed the magic flower on the board. "for fear o' accidents," he said, "i'll walk beside the lion and hold onto the flower-pot." trot and dorothy could both ride on the back of the hungry tiger, and between them they carried the cage of monkeys. but this arrangement left the wizard, as well as the sailor, to make the journey on foot, and so the procession moved slowly and the glass cat grumbled because it would take so long to get to the emerald city. the cat was sour-tempered and grumpy, at first, but before they had journeyed far, the crystal creature had discovered a fine amusement. the long tails of the monkeys were constantly sticking through the bars of their cage, and when they did, the glass cat would slyly seize the tails in her paws and pull them. that made the monkeys scream, and their screams pleased the glass cat immensely. trot and dorothy tried to stop this naughty amusement, but when they were not looking the cat would pull the tails again, and the creature was so sly and quick that the monkeys could seldom escape. they scolded the cat angrily and shook the bars of their cage, but they could not get out and the cat only laughed at them. after the party had left the forest and were on the plains of the munchkin country, it grew dark, and they were obliged to make camp for the night, choosing a pretty place beside a brook. by means of his magic the wizard created three tents, pitched in a row on the grass and nicely fitted with all that was needful for the comfort of his comrades. the middle tent was for dorothy and trot, and had in it two cosy white beds and two chairs. another tent, also with beds and chairs, was for the wizard and cap'n bill, while the third tent was for the hungry tiger, the cowardly lion, the cage of monkeys and the glass cat. outside the tents the wizard made a fire and placed over it a magic kettle from which he presently drew all sorts of nice things for their supper, smoking hot. after they had eaten and talked together for a while under the twinkling stars, they all went to bed and the people were soon asleep. the lion and the tiger had almost fallen asleep, too, when they were roused by the screams of the monkeys, for the glass cat was pulling their tails again. annoyed by the uproar, the hungry tiger cried: "stop that racket!" and getting sight of the glass cat, he raised his big paw and struck at the creature. the cat was quick enough to dodge the blow, but the claws of the hungry tiger scraped the monkey's cage and bent two of the bars. then the tiger lay down again to sleep, but the monkeys soon discovered that the bending of the bars would allow them to squeeze through. they did not leave the cage, however, but after whispering together they let their tails stick out and all remained quiet. presently the glass cat stole near the cage again and gave a yank to one of the tails. instantly the monkeys leaped through the bars, one after another, and although they were so small the entire dozen of them surrounded the glass cat and clung to her claws and tail and ears and made her a prisoner. then they forced her out of the tent and down to the banks of the stream. the monkeys had noticed that these banks were covered with thick, slimy mud of a dark blue color, and when they had taken the cat to the stream, they smeared this mud all over the glass body of the cat, filling the creature's ears and eyes with it, so that she could neither see nor hear. she was no longer transparent and so thick was the mud upon her that no one could see her pink brains or her ruby heart. in this condition they led the pussy back to the tent and then got inside their cage again. by morning the mud had dried hard on the glass cat and it was a dull blue color throughout. dorothy and trot were horrified, but the wizard shook his head and said it served the glass cat right for teasing the monkeys. cap'n bill, with his strong hands, soon bent the golden wires of the monkeys' cage into the proper position and then he asked the wizard if he should wash the glass cat in the water of the brook. "not just yet," answered the wizard. "the cat deserves to be punished, so i think i'll leave that blue mud--which is as bad as paint--upon her body until she gets to the emerald city. the silly creature is so vain that she will be greatly shamed when the oz people see her in this condition, and perhaps she'll take the lesson to heart and leave the monkeys alone hereafter." however, the glass cat could not see or hear, and to avoid carrying her on the journey the wizard picked the mud out of her eyes and ears and dorothy dampened her handkerchief and washed both the eyes and ears clean. as soon as she could speak the glass cat asked indignantly: "aren't you going to punish those monkeys for playing such a trick on me?" "no," answered the wizard. "you played a trick on them by pulling their tails, so this is only tit-for-tat, and i'm glad the monkeys had their revenge." he wouldn't allow the glass cat to go near the water, to wash herself, but made her follow them when they resumed their journey toward the emerald city. "this is only part of your punishment," said the wizard, severely. "ozma will laugh at you, when we get to her palace, and so will the scarecrow, and the tin woodman, and tik-tok, and the shaggy man, and button-bright, and the patchwork girl, and--" "and the pink kitten," added dorothy. that suggestion hurt the glass cat more than anything else. the pink kitten always quarreled with the glass cat and insisted that flesh was superior to glass, while the glass cat would jeer at the pink kitten, because it had no pink brains. but the pink brains were all daubed with blue mud, just now, and if the pink kitten should see the glass cat in such a condition, it would be dreadfully humiliating. for several hours the glass cat walked along very meekly, but toward noon it seized an opportunity when no one was looking and darted away through the long grass. it remembered that there was a tiny lake of pure water near by, and to this lake the cat sped as fast as it could go. the others never missed her until they stopped for lunch, and then it was too late to hunt for her. "i s'pect she's gone somewhere to clean herself," said dorothy. "never mind," replied the wizard. "perhaps this glass creature has been punished enough, and we must not forget she saved both trot and cap'n bill." "after first leading 'em onto an enchanted island," added dorothy. "but i think, as you do, that the glass cat is punished enough, and p'raps she won't try to pull the monkeys' tails again." the glass cat did not rejoin the party of travelers. she was still resentful, and they moved too slowly to suit her, besides. when they arrived at the royal palace, one of the first things they saw was the glass cat curled up on a bench as bright and clean and transparent as ever. but she pretended not to notice them, and they passed her by without remark. 21. the college of athletic arts dorothy and her friends arrived at the royal palace at an opportune time, for ozma was holding high court in her throne room, where professor h. m. wogglebug, t.e., was appealing to her to punish some of the students of the royal athletic college, of which he was the principal. this college is located in the munchkin country, but not far from the emerald city. to enable the students to devote their entire time to athletic exercises, such as boating, foot-ball, and the like, professor wogglebug had invented an assortment of tablets of learning. one of these tablets, eaten by a scholar after breakfast, would instantly enable him to understand arithmetic or algebra or any other branch of mathematics. another tablet eaten after lunch gave a student a complete knowledge of geography. another tablet made it possible for the eater to spell the most difficult words, and still another enabled him to write a beautiful hand. there were tablets for history, mechanics, home cooking and agriculture, and it mattered not whether a boy or a girl was stupid or bright, for the tablets taught them everything in the twinkling of an eye. this method, which is patented in the land of oz by professor wogglebug, saves paper and books, as well as the tedious hours devoted to study in some of our less favored schools, and it also allows the students to devote all their time to racing, base-ball, tennis and other manly and womanly sports, which are greatly interfered with by study in those temples of learning where tablets of learning are unknown. but it so happened that professor wogglebug (who had invented so much that he had acquired the habit) carelessly invented a square-meal tablet, which was no bigger than your little finger-nail but contained, in condensed form, the equal of a bowl of soup, a portion of fried fish, a roast, a salad and a dessert, all of which gave the same nourishment as a square meal. the professor was so proud of these square-meal tablets that he began to feed them to the students at his college, instead of other food, but the boys and girls objected because they wanted food that they could enjoy the taste of. it was no fun at all to swallow a tablet, with a glass of water, and call it a dinner; so they refused to eat the square-meal tablets. professor wogglebug insisted, and the result was that the senior class seized the learned professor one day and threw him into the river--clothes and all. everyone knows that a wogglebug cannot swim, and so the inventor of the wonderful square-meal tablets lay helpless on the bottom of the river for three days before a fisherman caught one of his legs on a fishhook and dragged him out upon the bank. the learned professor was naturally indignant at such treatment, and so he brought the entire senior class to the emerald city and appealed to ozma of oz to punish them for their rebellion. i do not suppose the girl ruler was very severe with the rebellious boys and girls, because she had herself refused to eat the square-meal tablets in place of food, but while she was listening to the interesting case in her throne room, cap'n bill managed to carry the golden flower-pot containing the magic flower up to trot's room without it being seen by anyone except jellia jamb, ozma's chief maid of honor, and jellia promised not to tell. also the wizard was able to carry the cage of monkeys up to one of the top towers of the palace, where he had a room of his own, to which no one came unless invited. so trot and dorothy and cap'n bill and the wizard were all delighted at the successful end of their adventure. the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger went to the marble stables behind the royal palace, where they lived while at home, and they too kept the secret, even refusing to tell the wooden sawhorse, and hank the mule, and the yellow hen, and the pink kitten where they had been. trot watered the magic flower every day and allowed no one in her room to see the beautiful blossoms except her friends, betsy bobbin and dorothy. the wonderful plant did not seem to lose any of its magic by being removed from its island, and trot was sure that ozma would prize it as one of her most delightful treasures. up in his tower the little wizard of oz began training his twelve tiny monkeys, and the little creatures were so intelligent that they learned every trick the wizard tried to teach them. the wizard treated them with great kindness and gentleness and gave them the food that monkeys love best, so they promised to do their best on the great occasion of ozma's birthday. 22. ozma's birthday party it seems odd that a fairy should have a birthday, for fairies, they say, were born at the beginning of time and live forever. yet, on the other hand, it would be a shame to deprive a fairy, who has so many other good things, of the delights of a birthday. so we need not wonder that the fairies keep their birthdays just as other folks do, and consider them occasions for feasting and rejoicing. ozma, the beautiful girl ruler of the fairyland of oz, was a real fairy, and so sweet and gentle in caring for her people that she was greatly beloved by them all. she lived in the most magnificent palace in the most magnificent city in the world, but that did not prevent her from being the friend of the most humble person in her dominions. she would mount her wooden sawhorse, and ride out to a farm house and sit in the kitchen to talk with the good wife of the farmer while she did her family baking; or she would play with the children and give them rides on her famous wooden steed; or she would stop in a forest to speak to a charcoal burner and ask if he was happy or desired anything to make him more content; or she would teach young girls how to sew and plan pretty dresses, or enter the shops where the jewelers and craftsmen were busy and watch them at their work, giving to each and all a cheering word or sunny smile. and then ozma would sit in her jeweled throne, with her chosen courtiers all about her, and listen patiently to any complaint brought to her by her subjects, striving to accord equal justice to all. knowing she was fair in her decisions, the oz people never murmured at her judgments, but agreed, if ozma decided against them, she was right and they wrong. when dorothy and trot and betsy bobbin and ozma were together, one would think they were all about of an age, and the fairy ruler no older and no more "grown up" than the other three. she would laugh and romp with them in regular girlish fashion, yet there was an air of quiet dignity about ozma, even in her merriest moods, that, in a manner, distinguished her from the others. the three girls loved her devotedly, but they were never able to quite forget that ozma was the royal ruler of the wonderful fairyland of oz, and by birth belonged to a powerful race. ozma's palace stood in the center of a delightful and extensive garden, where splendid trees and flowering shrubs and statuary and fountains abounded. one could walk for hours in this fascinating park and see something interesting at every step. in one place was an aquarium, where strange and beautiful fish swam; at another spot all the birds of the air gathered daily to a great feast which ozma's servants provided for them, and were so fearless of harm that they would alight upon one's shoulders and eat from one's hand. there was also the fountain of the water of oblivion, but it was dangerous to drink of this water, because it made one forget everything he had ever before known, even to his own name, and therefore ozma had placed a sign of warning upon the fountain. but there were also fountains that were delightfully perfumed, and fountains of delicious nectar, cool and richly flavored, where all were welcome to refresh themselves. around the palace grounds was a great wall, thickly encrusted with glittering emeralds, but the gates stood open and no one was forbidden entrance. on holidays the people of the emerald city often took their children to see the wonders of ozma's gardens, and even entered the royal palace, if they felt so inclined, for they knew that they and their ruler were friends, and that ozma delighted to give them pleasure. when all this is considered, you will not be surprised that the people throughout the land of oz, as well as ozma's most intimate friends and her royal courtiers, were eager to celebrate her birthday, and made preparations for the festival weeks in advance. all the brass bands practiced their nicest tunes, for they were to march in the numerous processions to be made in the winkie country, the gillikin country, the munchkin country and the quadling country, as well as in the emerald city. not all the people could go to congratulate their ruler, but all could celebrate her birthday, in one way or another, however far distant from her palace they might be. every home and building throughout the land of oz was to be decorated with banners and bunting, and there were to be games, and plays, and a general good time for every one. it was ozma's custom on her birthday to give a grand feast at the palace, to which all her closest friends were invited. it was a queerly assorted company, indeed, for there are more quaint and unusual characters in oz than in all the rest of the world, and ozma was more interested in unusual people than in ordinary ones--just as you and i are. on this especial birthday of the lovely girl ruler, a long table was set in the royal banquet hall of the palace, at which were place-cards for the invited guests, and at one end of the great room was a smaller table, not so high, for ozma's animal friends, whom she never forgot, and at the other end was a big table where all of the birthday gifts were to be arranged. when the guests arrived, they placed their gifts on this table and then found their places at the banquet table. and, after the guests were all placed, the animals entered in a solemn procession and were placed at their table by jellia jamb. then, while an orchestra hidden by a bank of roses and ferns played a march composed for the occasion, the royal ozma entered the banquet hall, attended by her maids of honor, and took her seat at the head of the table. she was greeted by a cheer from all the assembled company, the animals adding their roars and growls and barks and mewing and cackling to swell the glad tumult, and then all seated themselves at their tables. at ozma's right sat the famous scarecrow of oz, whose straw-stuffed body was not beautiful, but whose happy nature and shrewd wit had made him a general favorite. on the left of the ruler was placed the tin woodman, whose metal body had been brightly polished for this event. the tin woodman was the emperor of the winkie country and one of the most important persons in oz. next to the scarecrow, dorothy was seated, and next to her was tik-tok, the clockwork man, who had been wound up as tightly as his clockwork would permit, so he wouldn't interrupt the festivities by running down. then came aunt em and uncle henry, dorothy's own relations, two kindly old people who had a cozy home in the emerald city and were very happy and contented there. then betsy bobbin was seated, and next to her the droll and delightful shaggy man, who was a favorite wherever he went. on the other side of the table, opposite the tin woodman was placed trot, and next to her, cap'n bill. then was seated button-bright and ojo the lucky, and dr. pipt and his good wife margalot, and the astonishing frogman, who had come from the yip country to be present at ozma's birthday feast. at the foot of the table, facing ozma, was seated the queenly glinda, the good sorceress of oz, for this was really the place of honor next to the head of the table where ozma herself sat. on glinda's right was the little wizard of oz, who owed to glinda all of the magical arts he knew. then came jinjur, a pretty girl farmer of whom ozma and dorothy were quite fond. the adjoining seat was occupied by the tin soldier, and next to him was professor h. m. wogglebug, t.e., of the royal athletic college. on glinda's left was placed the jolly patchwork girl, who was a little afraid of the sorceress and so was likely to behave herself pretty well. the shaggy man's brother was beside the patchwork girl, and then came that interesting personage, jack pumpkinhead, who had grown a splendid big pumpkin for a new head to be worn on ozma's birthday, and had carved a face on it that was even jollier in expression than the one he had last worn. new heads were not unusual with jack, for the pumpkins did not keep long, and when the seeds--which served him as brains--began to get soft and mushy, he realized his head would soon spoil, and so he procured a new one from his great field of pumpkins--grown by him so that he need never lack a head. you will have noticed that the company at ozma's banquet table was somewhat mixed, but every one invited was a tried and trusted friend of the girl ruler, and their presence made her quite happy. no sooner had ozma seated herself, with her back to the birthday table, than she noticed that all present were eyeing with curiosity and pleasure something behind her, for the gorgeous magic flower was blooming gloriously and the mammoth blossoms that quickly succeeded one another on the plant were beautiful to view and filled the entire room with their delicate fragrance. ozma wanted to look, too, to see what all were staring at, but she controlled her curiosity because it was not proper that she should yet view her birthday gifts. so the sweet and lovely ruler devoted herself to her guests, several of whom, such as the scarecrow, the tin woodman, the patchwork girl, tik-tok, jack pumpkinhead and the tin soldier, never ate anything but sat very politely in their places and tried to entertain those of the guests who did eat. and, at the animal table, there was another interesting group, consisting of the cowardly lion, the hungry tiger, toto--dorothy's little shaggy black dog--hank the mule, the pink kitten, the wooden sawhorse, the yellow hen, and the glass cat. all of these had good appetites except the sawhorse and the glass cat, and each was given a plentiful supply of the food it liked best. finally, when the banquet was nearly over and the ice-cream was to be served, four servants entered bearing a huge cake, all frosted and decorated with candy flowers. around the edge of the cake was a row of lighted candles, and in the center were raised candy letters that spelled the words: ozma's birthday cake from dorothy and the wizard "oh, how beautiful!" cried ozma, greatly delighted, and dorothy said eagerly: "now you must cut the cake, ozma, and each of us will eat a piece with our ice-cream." jellia jamb brought a large golden knife with a jeweled handle, and ozma stood up in her place and attempted to cut the cake. but as soon as the frosting in the center broke under the pressure of the knife there leaped from the cake a tiny monkey three inches high, and he was followed by another and another, until twelve monkeys stood on the tablecloth and bowed low to ozma. "congratulations to our gracious ruler!" they exclaimed in a chorus, and then they began a dance, so droll and amusing that all the company roared with laughter and even ozma joined in the merriment. but after the dance the monkeys performed some wonderful acrobatic feats, and then they ran to the hollow of the cake and took out some band instruments of burnished gold--cornets, horns, drums, and the like--and forming into a procession the monkeys marched up and down the table playing a jolly tune with the ease of skilled musicians. dorothy was delighted with the success of her "surprise cake," and after the monkeys had finished their performance, the banquet came to an end. now was the time for ozma to see her other presents, so glinda the good rose and, taking the girl ruler by her hand, led her to the table where all her gifts were placed in magnificent array. the magic flower of course attracted her attention first, and trot had to tell her the whole story of their adventures in getting it. the little girl did not forget to give due credit to the glass cat and the little wizard, but it was really cap'n bill who had bravely carried the golden flower-pot away from the enchanted isle. ozma thanked them all, and said she would place the magic flower in her boudoir where she might enjoy its beauty and fragrance continually. but now she discovered the marvelous gown woven by glinda and her maidens from strands drawn from pure emeralds, and being a girl who loved pretty clothes, ozma's ecstasy at being presented with this exquisite gown may well be imagined. she could hardly wait to put it on, but the table was loaded with other pretty gifts and the night was far spent before the happy girl ruler had examined all her presents and thanked those who had lovingly donated them. 23. the fountain of oblivion the morning after the birthday fete, as the wizard and dorothy were walking in the grounds of the palace, ozma came out and joined them, saying: "i want to hear more of your adventures in the forest of gugu, and how you were able to get those dear little monkeys to use in dorothy's surprise cake." so they sat down on a marble bench near to the fountain of the water of oblivion, and between them dorothy and the wizard related their adventures. "i was dreadfully fussy while i was a woolly lamb," said dorothy, "for it didn't feel good, a bit. and i wasn't quite sure, you know, that i'd ever get to be a girl again." "you might have been a woolly lamb yet, if i hadn't happened to have discovered that magic transformation word," declared the wizard. "but what became of the walnut and the hickory-nut into which you transformed those dreadful beast magicians?" inquired ozma. "why, i'd almost forgotten them," was the reply; "but i believe they are still here in my pocket." then he searched in his pockets and brought out the two nuts and showed them to her. ozma regarded them thoughtfully. "it isn't right to leave any living creatures in such helpless forms," said she. "i think, wizard, you ought to transform them into their natural shapes again." "but i don't know what their natural shapes are," he objected, "for of course the forms of mixed animals which they had assumed were not natural to them. and you must not forget, ozma, that their natures were cruel and mischievous, so if i bring them back to life they might cause us a great deal of trouble." "nevertheless," said the ruler of oz, "we must free them from their present enchantments. when you restore them to their natural forms we will discover who they really are, and surely we need not fear any two people, even though they prove to be magicians and our enemies." "i am not so sure of that," protested the wizard, with a shake of his bald head. "the one bit of magic i robbed them of--which was the word of transformation--is so simple, yet so powerful, that neither glinda nor i can equal it. it isn't all in the word, you know, it's the way the word is pronounced. so if the two strange magicians have other magic of the same sort, they might prove very dangerous to us, if we liberated them." "i've an idea!" exclaimed dorothy. "i'm no wizard, and no fairy, but if you do as i say, we needn't fear these people at all." "what is your thought, my dear?" asked ozma. "well," replied the girl, "here is this fountain of the water of oblivion, and that's what put the notion into my head. when the wizard speaks that ter'ble word that will change 'em back to their real forms, he can make 'em dreadful thirsty, too, and we'll put a cup right here by the fountain, so it'll be handy. then they'll drink the water and forget all the magic they ever knew--and everything else, too." "that's not a bad idea," said the wizard, looking at dorothy approvingly. "it's a very good idea," declared ozma. "run for a cup, dorothy." so dorothy ran to get a cup, and while she was gone the wizard said: "i don't know whether the real forms of these magicians are those of men or beasts. if they're beasts, they would not drink from a cup but might attack us at once and drink afterward. so it might be safer for us to have the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger here to protect us if necessary." ozma drew out a silver whistle which was attached to a slender gold chain and blew upon the whistle two shrill blasts. the sound, though not harsh, was very penetrating, and as soon as it reached the ears of the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, the two huge beasts quickly came bounding toward them. ozma explained to them what the wizard was about to do, and told them to keep quiet unless danger threatened. so the two powerful guardians of the ruler of oz crouched beside the fountain and waited. dorothy returned and set the cup on the edge of the fountain. then the wizard placed the hickory-nut beside the fountain and said in a solemn voice: "i want you to resume your natural form, and to be very thirsty--pyrzqxgl!" in an instant there appeared, in the place of the hickory-nut, the form of kiki aru, the hyup boy. he seemed bewildered, at first, as if trying to remember what had happened to him and why he was in this strange place. but he was facing the fountain, and the bubbling water reminded him that he was thirsty. without noticing ozma, the wizard and dorothy, who were behind him, he picked up the cup, filled it with the water of oblivion, and drank it to the last drop. he was now no longer thirsty, but he felt more bewildered than ever, for now he could remember nothing at all--not even his name or where he came from. he looked around the beautiful garden with a pleased expression, and then, turning, he beheld ozma and the wizard and dorothy regarding him curiously and the two great beasts crouching behind them. kiki aru did not know who they were, but he thought ozma very lovely and dorothy very pleasant. so he smiled at them--the same innocent, happy smile that a baby might have indulged in, and that pleased dorothy, who seized his hand and led him to a seat beside her on the bench. "why, i thought you were a dreadful magician," she exclaimed, "and you're only a boy!" "what is a magician?" he asked, "and what is a boy?" "don't you know?" inquired the girl. kiki shook his head. then he laughed. "i do not seem to know anything," he replied. "it's very curious," remarked the wizard. "he wears the dress of the munchkins, so he must have lived at one time in the munchkin country. of course the boy can tell us nothing of his history or his family, for he has forgotten all that he ever knew." "he seems a nice boy, now that all the wickedness has gone from him," said ozma. "so we will keep him here with us and teach him our ways--to be true and considerate of others." "why, in that case, it's lucky for him he drank the water of oblivion," said dorothy. "it is indeed," agreed the wizard. "but the remarkable thing, to me, is how such a young boy ever learned the secret of the magic word of transformation. perhaps his companion, who is at present this walnut, was the real magician, although i seem to remember that it was this boy in the beast's form who whispered the magic word into the hollow tree, where i overheard it." "well, we will soon know who the other is," suggested ozma. "he may prove to be another munchkin boy." the wizard placed the walnut near the fountain and said, as slowly and solemnly as before: "i want you to resume your natural form, and to be very thirsty--pyrzqxgl!" then the walnut disappeared and ruggedo the nome stood in its place. he also was facing the fountain, and he reached for the cup, filled it, and was about to drink when dorothy exclaimed: "why, it's the old nome king!" ruggedo swung around and faced them, the cup still in his hand. "yes," he said in an angry voice, "it's the old nome king, and i'm going to conquer all oz and be revenged on you for kicking me out of my throne." he looked around a moment, and then continued: "there isn't an egg in sight, and i'm stronger than all of you people put together! i don't know how i came here, but i'm going to fight the fight of my life--and i'll win!" his long white hair and beard waved in the breeze; his eyes flashed hate and vengeance, and so astonished and shocked were they by the sudden appearance of this old enemy of the oz people that they could only stare at him in silence and shrink away from his wild glare. ruggedo laughed. he drank the water, threw the cup on the ground and said fiercely: "and now--and now--and--" his voice grew gentle. he rubbed his forehead with a puzzled air and stroked his long beard. "what was i going to say?" he asked, pleadingly. "don't you remember?" said the wizard. "no; i've forgotten." "who are you?" asked dorothy. he tried to think. "i--i'm sure i don't know," he stammered. "don't you know who we are, either?" questioned the girl. "i haven't the slightest idea," said the nome. "tell us who this munchkin boy is," suggested ozma. ruggedo looked at the boy and shook his head. "he's a stranger to me. you are all strangers. i--i'm a stranger to myself," he said. then he patted the lion's head and murmured, "good doggie!" and the lion growled indignantly. "what shall we do with him?" asked the wizard, perplexed. "once before the wicked old nome came here to conquer us, and then, as now, he drank of the water of oblivion and became harmless. but we sent him back to the nome kingdom, where he soon learned the old evil ways again. "for that reason," said ozma, "we must find a place for him in the land of oz, and keep him here. for here he can learn no evil and will always be as innocent of guile as our own people." and so the wandering ex-king of the nomes found a new home, a peaceful and happy home, where he was quite content and passed his days in innocent enjoyment. glinda of oz by l. frank baum in which are related the exciting experiences of princess ozma of oz, and dorothy, in their hazardous journey to the home of the flatheads, and to the magic isle of the skeezers, and how they were rescued from dire peril by the sorcery of glinda the good by l. frank baum "royal historian of oz" this book is dedicated to my son robert stanton baum list of chapters 1 the call to duty 2 ozma and dorothy 3 the mist maidens 4 the magic tent 5 the magic stairway 6 flathead mountain 7 the magic isle 8 queen coo-ee-oh 9 lady aurex 10 under water 11 the conquest of the skeezers 12 the diamond swan 13 the alarm bell 14 ozma's counsellors 15 the great sorceress 16 the enchanted fishes 17 under the great dome 18 the cleverness of ervic 19 red reera, the yookoohoo 20 a puzzling problem 21 the three adepts 22 the sunken island 23 the magic words 24 glinda's triumph chapter one the call to duty glinda, the good sorceress of oz, sat in the grand court of her palace, surrounded by her maids of honor--a hundred of the most beautiful girls of the fairyland of oz. the palace court was built of rare marbles, exquisitely polished. fountains tinkled musically here and there; the vast colonnade, open to the south, allowed the maidens, as they raised their heads from their embroideries, to gaze upon a vista of rose-hued fields and groves of trees bearing fruits or laden with sweet-scented flowers. at times one of the girls would start a song, the others joining in the chorus, or one would rise and dance, gracefully swaying to the music of a harp played by a companion. and then glinda smiled, glad to see her maids mixing play with work. presently among the fields an object was seen moving, threading the broad path that led to the castle gate. some of the girls looked upon this object enviously; the sorceress merely gave it a glance and nodded her stately head as if pleased, for it meant the coming of her friend and mistress--the only one in all the land that glinda bowed to. then up the path trotted a wooden animal attached to a red wagon, and as the quaint steed halted at the gate there descended from the wagon two young girls, ozma, ruler of oz, and her companion, princess dorothy. both were dressed in simple white muslin gowns, and as they ran up the marble steps of the palace they laughed and chatted as gaily as if they were not the most important persons in the world's loveliest fairyland. the maids of honor had risen and stood with bowed heads to greet the royal ozma, while glinda came forward with outstretched arms to greet her guests. "we've just come on a visit, you know," said ozma. "both dorothy and i were wondering how we should pass the day when we happened to think we'd not been to your quadling country for weeks, so we took the sawhorse and rode straight here." "and we came so fast," added dorothy, "that our hair is blown all fuzzy, for the sawhorse makes a wind of his own. usually it's a day's journey from the em'rald city, but i don't s'pose we were two hours on the way." "you are most welcome," said glinda the sorceress, and led them through the court to her magnificent reception hall. ozma took the arm of her hostess, but dorothy lagged behind, kissing some of the maids she knew best, talking with others, and making them all feel that she was their friend. when at last she joined glinda and ozma in the reception hall, she found them talking earnestly about the condition of the people, and how to make them more happy and contented--although they were already the happiest and most contented folks in all the world. this interested ozma, of course, but it didn't interest dorothy very much, so the little girl ran over to a big table on which was lying open glinda's great book of records. this book is one of the greatest treasures in oz, and the sorceress prizes it more highly than any of her magical possessions. that is the reason it is firmly attached to the big marble table by means of golden chains, and whenever glinda leaves home she locks the great book together with five jeweled padlocks, and carries the keys safely hidden in her bosom. i do not suppose there is any magical thing in any fairyland to compare with the record book, on the pages of which are constantly being printed a record of every event that happens in any part of the world, at exactly the moment it happens. and the records are always truthful, although sometimes they do not give as many details as one could wish. but then, lots of things happen, and so the records have to be brief or even glinda's great book could not hold them all. glinda looked at the records several times each day, and dorothy, whenever she visited the sorceress, loved to look in the book and see what was happening everywhere. not much was recorded about the land of oz, which is usually peaceful and uneventful, but today dorothy found something which interested her. indeed, the printed letters were appearing on the page even while she looked. "this is funny!" she exclaimed. "did you know, ozma, that there were people in your land of oz called skeezers?" "yes," replied ozma, coming to her side, "i know that on professor wogglebug's map of the land of oz there is a place marked 'skeezer,' but what the skeezers are like i do not know. no one i know has ever seen them or heard of them. the skeezer country is 'way at the upper edge of the gillikin country, with the sandy, impassable desert on one side and the mountains of oogaboo on another side. that is a part of the land of oz of which i know very little." "i guess no one else knows much about it either, unless it's the skeezers themselves," remarked dorothy. "but the book says: 'the skeezers of oz have declared war on the flatheads of oz, and there is likely to be fighting and much trouble as the result.'" "is that all the book says?" asked ozma. "every word," said dorothy, and ozma and glinda both looked at the record and seemed surprised and perplexed. "tell me, glinda," said ozma, "who are the flatheads?" "i cannot, your majesty," confessed the sorceress. "until now i never have heard of them, nor have i ever heard the skeezers mentioned. in the faraway corners of oz are hidden many curious tribes of people, and those who never leave their own countries and never are visited by those from our favored part of oz, naturally are unknown to me. however, if you so desire, i can learn through my arts of sorcery something of the skeezers and the flatheads." "i wish you would," answered ozma seriously. "you see, glinda, if these are oz people they are my subjects and i cannot allow any wars or troubles in the land i rule, if i can possibly help it." "very well, your majesty," said the sorceress, "i will try to get some information to guide you. please excuse me for a time, while i retire to my room of magic and sorcery." "may i go with you?" asked dorothy, eagerly. "no, princess," was the reply. "it would spoil the charm to have anyone present." so glinda locked herself in her own room of magic and dorothy and ozma waited patiently for her to come out again. in about an hour glinda appeared, looking grave and thoughtful. "your majesty," she said to ozma, "the skeezers live on a magic isle in a great lake. for that reason--because the skeezers deal in magic--i can learn little about them." "why, i didn't know there was a lake in that part of oz," exclaimed ozma. "the map shows a river running through the skeezer country, but no lake." "that is because the person who made the map never had visited that part of the country," explained the sorceress. "the lake surely is there, and in the lake is an island--a magic isle--and on that island live the people called the skeezers." "what are they like?" inquired the ruler of oz. "my magic cannot tell me that," confessed glinda, "for the magic of the skeezers prevents anyone outside of their domain knowing anything about them." "the flatheads must know, if they're going to fight the skeezers," suggested dorothy. "perhaps so," glinda replied, "but i can get little information concerning the flatheads, either. they are people who inhabit a mountain just south of the lake of the skeezers. the mountain has steep sides and a broad, hollow top, like a basin, and in this basin the flatheads have their dwellings. they also are magic-workers and usually keep to themselves and allow no one from outside to visit them. i have learned that the flatheads number about one hundred people--men, women and children--while the skeezers number just one hundred and one." "what did they quarrel about, and why do they wish to fight one another?" was ozma's next question. "i cannot tell your majesty that," said glinda. "but see here!" cried dorothy, "it's against the law for anyone but glinda and the wizard to work magic in the land of oz, so if these two strange people are magic-makers they are breaking the law and ought to be punished!" ozma smiled upon her little friend. "those who do not know me or my laws," she said, "cannot be expected to obey my laws. if we know nothing of the skeezers or the flatheads, it is likely that they know nothing of us." "but they ought to know, ozma, and we ought to know. who's going to tell them, and how are we going to make them behave?" "that," returned ozma, "is what i am now considering. what would you advise, glinda?" the sorceress took a little time to consider this question, before she made reply. then she said: "had you not learned of the existence of the flatheads and the skeezers, through my book of records, you would never have worried about them or their quarrels. so, if you pay no attention to these peoples, you may never hear of them again." "but that wouldn't be right," declared ozma. "i am ruler of all the land of oz, which includes the gillikin country, the quadling country, the winkie country and the munchkin country, as well as the emerald city, and being the princess of this fairyland it is my duty to make all my people--wherever they may be--happy and content and to settle their disputes and keep them from quarreling. so, while the skeezers and flatheads may not know me or that i am their lawful ruler, i now know that they inhabit my kingdom and are my subjects, so i would not be doing my duty if i kept away from them and allowed them to fight." "that's a fact, ozma," commented dorothy. "you've got to go up to the gillikin country and make these people behave themselves and make up their quarrels. but how are you going to do it?" "that is what is puzzling me also, your majesty," said the sorceress. "it may be dangerous for you to go into those strange countries, where the people are possibly fierce and warlike." "i am not afraid," said ozma, with a smile. "'tisn't a question of being 'fraid," argued dorothy. "of course we know you're a fairy, and can't be killed or hurt, and we know you've a lot of magic of your own to help you. but, ozma dear, in spite of all this you've been in trouble before, on account of wicked enemies, and it isn't right for the ruler of all oz to put herself in danger." "perhaps i shall be in no danger at all," returned ozma, with a little laugh. "you mustn't imagine danger, dorothy, for one should only imagine nice things, and we do not know that the skeezers and flatheads are wicked people or my enemies. perhaps they would be good and listen to reason." "dorothy is right, your majesty," asserted the sorceress. "it is true we know nothing of these faraway subjects, except that they intend to fight one another, and have a certain amount of magic power at their command. such folks do not like to submit to interference and they are more likely to resent your coming among them than to receive you kindly and graciously, as is your due." "if you had an army to take with you," added dorothy, "it wouldn't be so bad; but there isn't such a thing as an army in all oz." "i have one soldier," said ozma. "yes, the soldier with the green whiskers; but he's dreadful 'fraid of his gun and never loads it. i'm sure he'd run rather than fight. and one soldier, even if he were brave, couldn't do much against two hundred and one flatheads and skeezers." "what then, my friends, would you suggest?" inquired ozma. "i advise you to send the wizard of oz to them, and let him inform them that it is against the laws of oz to fight, and that you command them to settle their differences and become friends," proposed glinda. "let the wizard tell them they will be punished if they refuse to obey the commands of the princess of all the land of oz." ozma shook her head, to indicate that the advice was not to her satisfaction. "if they refuse, what then?" she asked. "i should be obliged to carry out my threat and punish them, and that would be an unpleasant and difficult thing to do. i am sure it would be better for me to go peacefully, without an army and armed only with my authority as ruler, and plead with them to obey me. then, if they prove obstinate i could resort to other means to win their obedience." "it's a ticklish thing, anyhow you look at it," sighed dorothy. "i'm sorry now that i noticed the record in the great book." "but can't you realize, my dear, that i must do my duty, now that i am aware of this trouble?" asked ozma. "i am fully determined to go at once to the magic isle of the skeezers and to the enchanted mountain of the flatheads, and prevent war and strife between their inhabitants. the only question to decide is whether it is better for me to go alone, or to assemble a party of my friends and loyal supporters to accompany me." "if you go i want to go, too," declared dorothy. "whatever happens it's going to be fun--'cause all excitement is fun--and i wouldn't miss it for the world!" neither ozma nor glinda paid any attention to this statement, for they were gravely considering the serious aspect of this proposed adventure. "there are plenty of friends who would like to go with you," said the sorceress, "but none of them would afford your majesty any protection in case you were in danger. you are yourself the most powerful fairy in oz, although both i and the wizard have more varied arts of magic at our command. however, you have one art that no other in all the world can equal--the art of winning hearts and making people love to bow to your gracious presence. for that reason i believe you can accomplish more good alone than with a large number of subjects in your train." "i believe that also," agreed the princess. "i shall be quite able to take care of myself, you know, but might not be able to protect others so well. i do not look for opposition, however. i shall speak to these people in kindly words and settle their dispute--whatever it may be--in a just manner." "aren't you going to take me?" pleaded dorothy. "you'll need some companion, ozma." the princess smiled upon her little friend. "i see no reason why you should not accompany me," was her reply. "two girls are not very warlike and they will not suspect us of being on any errand but a kindly and peaceful one. but, in order to prevent war and strife between these angry peoples, we must go to them at once. let us return immediately to the emerald city and prepare to start on our journey early tomorrow morning." glinda was not quite satisfied with this plan, but could not think of any better way to meet the problem. she knew that ozma, with all her gentleness and sweet disposition, was accustomed to abide by any decision she had made and could not easily be turned from her purpose. moreover she could see no great danger to the fairy ruler of oz in the undertaking, even though the unknown people she was to visit proved obstinate. but dorothy was not a fairy; she was a little girl who had come from kansas to live in the land of oz. dorothy might encounter dangers that to ozma would be as nothing but to an "earth child" would be very serious. the very fact that dorothy lived in oz, and had been made a princess by her friend ozma, prevented her from being killed or suffering any great bodily pain as long as she lived in that fairyland. she could not grow big, either, and would always remain the same little girl who had come to oz, unless in some way she left that fairyland or was spirited away from it. but dorothy was a mortal, nevertheless, and might possibly be destroyed, or hidden where none of her friends could ever find her. she could, for instance be cut into pieces, and the pieces, while still alive and free from pain, could be widely scattered; or she might be buried deep underground or "destroyed" in other ways by evil magicians, were she not properly protected. these facts glinda was considering while she paced with stately tread her marble hall. finally the good sorceress paused and drew a ring from her finger, handing it to dorothy. "wear this ring constantly until your return," she said to the girl. "if serious danger threatens you, turn the ring around on your finger once to the right and another turn to the left. that will ring the alarm bell in my palace and i will at once come to your rescue. but do not use the ring unless you are actually in danger of destruction. while you remain with princess ozma i believe she will be able to protect you from all lesser ills." "thank you, glinda," responded dorothy gratefully, as she placed the ring on her finger. "i'm going to wear my magic belt which i took from the nome king, too, so i guess i'll be safe from anything the skeezers and flatheads try to do to me." ozma had many arrangements to make before she could leave her throne and her palace in the emerald city, even for a trip of a few days, so she bade goodbye to glinda and with dorothy climbed into the red wagon. a word to the wooden sawhorse started that astonishing creature on the return journey, and so swiftly did he run that dorothy was unable to talk or do anything but hold tight to her seat all the way back to the emerald city. chapter two ozma and dorothy residing in ozma's palace at this time was a live scarecrow, a most remarkable and intelligent creature who had once ruled the land of oz for a brief period and was much loved and respected by all the people. once a munchkin farmer had stuffed an old suit of clothes with straw and put stuffed boots on the feet and used a pair of stuffed cotton gloves for hands. the head of the scarecrow was a stuffed sack fastened to the body, with eyes, nose, mouth and ears painted on the sack. when a hat had been put on the head, the thing was a good imitation of a man. the farmer placed the scarecrow on a pole in his cornfield and it came to life in a curious manner. dorothy, who was passing by the field, was hailed by the live scarecrow and lifted him off his pole. he then went with her to the emerald city, where the wizard of oz gave him some excellent brains, and the scarecrow soon became an important personage. ozma considered the scarecrow one of her best friends and most loyal subjects, so the morning after her visit to glinda she asked him to take her place as ruler of the land of oz while she was absent on a journey, and the scarecrow at once consented without asking any questions. ozma had warned dorothy to keep their journey a secret and say nothing to anyone about the skeezers and flatheads until their return, and dorothy promised to obey. she longed to tell her girl friends, tiny trot and betsy bobbin, of the adventure they were undertaking, but refrained from saying a word on the subject although both these girls lived with her in ozma's palace. indeed, only glinda the sorceress knew they were going, until after they had gone, and even the sorceress didn't know what their errand might be. princess ozma took the sawhorse and the red wagon, although she was not sure there was a wagon road all the way to the lake of the skeezers. the land of oz is a pretty big place, surrounded on all sides by a deadly desert which it is impossible to cross, and the skeezer country, according to the map, was in the farthest northwestern part of oz, bordering on the north desert. as the emerald city was exactly in the center of oz, it was no small journey from there to the skeezers. around the emerald city the country is thickly settled in every direction, but the farther away you get from the city the fewer people there are, until those parts that border on the desert have small populations. also those faraway sections are little known to the oz people, except in the south, where glinda lives and where dorothy has often wandered on trips of exploration. the least known of all is the gillikin country, which harbors many strange bands of people among its mountains and valleys and forests and streams, and ozma was now bound for the most distant part of the gillikin country. "i am really sorry," said ozma to dorothy, as they rode away in the red wagon, "not to know more about the wonderful land i rule. it is my duty to be acquainted with every tribe of people and every strange and hidden country in all oz, but i am kept so busy at my palace making laws and planning for the comforts of those who live near the emerald city, that i do not often find time to make long journeys." "well," replied dorothy, "we'll prob'bly find out a lot on this trip, and we'll learn all about the skeezers and flatheads, anyhow. time doesn't make much diff'rence in the land of oz, 'cause we don't grow up, or get old, or become sick and die, as they do other places; so, if we explore one place at a time, we'll by-an'-by know all about every nook and corner in oz." dorothy wore around her waist the nome king's magic belt, which protected her from harm, and the magic ring which glinda had given her was on her finger. ozma had merely slipped a small silver wand into the bosom of her gown, for fairies do not use chemicals and herbs and the tools of wizards and sorcerers to perform their magic. the silver wand was ozma's one weapon of offense and defense and by its use she could accomplish many things. they had left the emerald city just at sunrise and the sawhorse traveled very swiftly over the roads towards the north, but in a few hours the wooden animal had to slacken his pace because the farm houses had become few and far between and often there were no paths at all in the direction they wished to follow. at such times they crossed the fields, avoiding groups of trees and fording the streams and rivulets whenever they came to them. but finally they reached a broad hillside closely covered with scrubby brush, through which the wagon could not pass. "it will be difficult even for you and me to get through without tearing our dresses," said ozma, "so we must leave the sawhorse and the wagon here until our return." "that's all right," dorothy replied, "i'm tired riding, anyhow. do you s'pose, ozma, we're anywhere near the skeezer country?" "i cannot tell, dorothy dear, but i know we've been going in the right direction, so we are sure to find it in time." the scrubby brush was almost like a grove of small trees, for it reached as high as the heads of the two girls, neither of whom was very tall. they were obliged to thread their way in and out, until dorothy was afraid they would get lost, and finally they were halted by a curious thing that barred their further progress. it was a huge web--as if woven by gigantic spiders--and the delicate, lacy film was fastened stoutly to the branches of the bushes and continued to the right and left in the form of a half circle. the threads of this web were of a brilliant purple color and woven into numerous artistic patterns, but it reached from the ground to branches above the heads of the girls and formed a sort of fence that hedged them in. "it doesn't look very strong, though," said dorothy. "i wonder if we couldn't break through." she tried but found the web stronger than it seemed. all her efforts could not break a single thread. "we must go back, i think, and try to get around this peculiar web," ozma decided. so they turned to the right and, following the web found that it seemed to spread in a regular circle. on and on they went until finally ozma said they had returned to the exact spot from which they had started. "here is a handkerchief you dropped when we were here before," she said to dorothy. "in that case, they must have built the web behind us, after we walked into the trap," exclaimed the little girl. "true," agreed ozma, "an enemy has tried to imprison us." "and they did it, too," said dorothy. "i wonder who it was." "it's a spider-web, i'm quite sure," returned ozma, "but it must be the work of enormous spiders." "quite right!" cried a voice behind them. turning quickly around they beheld a huge purple spider sitting not two yards away and regarding them with its small bright eyes. then there crawled from the bushes a dozen more great purple spiders, which saluted the first one and said: "the web is finished, o king, and the strangers are our prisoners." dorothy did not like the looks of these spiders at all. they had big heads, sharp claws, small eyes and fuzzy hair all over their purple bodies. "they look wicked," she whispered to ozma. "what shall we do?" ozma gazed upon the spiders with a serious face. "what is your object in making us prisoners?" she inquired. "we need someone to keep house for us," answered the spider king. "there is sweeping and dusting to be done, and polishing and washing of dishes, and that is work my people dislike to do. so we decided that if any strangers came our way we would capture them and make them our servants." "i am princess ozma, ruler of all oz," said the girl with dignity. "well, i am king of all spiders," was the reply, "and that makes me your master. come with me to my palace and i will instruct you in your work." "i won't," said dorothy indignantly. "we won't have anything to do with you." "we'll see about that," returned the spider in a severe tone, and the next instant he made a dive straight at dorothy, opening the claws in his legs as if to grab and pinch her with the sharp points. but the girl was wearing her magic belt and was not harmed. the spider king could not even touch her. he turned swiftly and made a dash at ozma, but she held her magic wand over his head and the monster recoiled as if it had been struck. "you'd better let us go," dorothy advised him, "for you see you can't hurt us." "so i see," returned the spider king angrily. "your magic is greater than mine. but i'll not help you to escape. if you can break the magic web my people have woven you may go; if not you must stay here and starve." with that the spider king uttered a peculiar whistle and all the spiders disappeared. "there is more magic in my fairyland than i dreamed of," remarked the beautiful ozma, with a sigh of regret. "it seems that my laws have not been obeyed, for even these monstrous spiders defy me by means of magic." "never mind that now," said dorothy; "let's see what we can do to get out of this trap." they now examined the web with great care and were amazed at its strength. although finer than the finest silken hairs, it resisted all their efforts to work through, even though both girls threw all their weight against it. "we must find some instrument which will cut the threads of the web," said ozma, finally. "let us look about for such a tool." so they wandered among the bushes and finally came to a shallow pool of water, formed by a small bubbling spring. dorothy stooped to get a drink and discovered in the water a green crab, about as big as her hand. the crab had two big, sharp claws, and as soon as dorothy saw them she had an idea that those claws could save them. "come out of the water," she called to the crab; "i want to talk to you." rather lazily the crab rose to the surface and caught hold of a bit of rock. with his head above the water he said in a cross voice: "what do you want?" "we want you to cut the web of the purple spiders with your claws, so we can get through it," answered dorothy. "you can do that, can't you?" "i suppose so," replied the crab. "but if i do what will you give me?" "what do you wish?" ozma inquired. "i wish to be white, instead of green," said the crab. "green crabs are very common, and white ones are rare; besides the purple spiders, which infest this hillside, are afraid of white crabs. could you make me white if i should agree to cut the web for you?" "yes," said ozma, "i can do that easily. and, so you may know i am speaking the truth, i will change your color now." she waved her silver wand over the pool and the crab instantly became snow-white--all except his eyes, which remained black. the creature saw his reflection in the water and was so delighted that he at once climbed out of the pool and began moving slowly toward the web, by backing away from the pool. he moved so very slowly that dorothy cried out impatiently: "dear me, this will never do!" caching the crab in her hands she ran with him to the web. she had to hold him up even then, so he could reach with his claws strand after strand of the filmy purple web, which he was able to sever with one nip. when enough of the web had been cut to allow them to pass, dorothy ran back to the pool and placed the white crab in the water, after which she rejoined ozma. they were just in time to escape through the web, for several of the purple spiders now appeared, having discovered that their web had been cut, and had the girls not rushed through the opening the spiders would have quickly repaired the cuts and again imprisoned them. ozma and dorothy ran as fast as they could and although the angry spiders threw a number of strands of web after them, hoping to lasso them or entangle them in the coils, they managed to escape and clamber to the top of the hill. chapter three the mist maidens from the top of the hill ozma and dorothy looked down into the valley beyond and were surprised to find it filled with a floating mist that was as dense as smoke. nothing in the valley was visible except these rolling waves of mist, but beyond, on the other side, rose a grassy hill that appeared quite beautiful. "well," said dorothy, "what are we to do, ozma? walk down into that thick fog, an' prob'bly get lost in it, or wait till it clears away?" "i'm not sure it will clear away, however long we wait," replied ozma, doubtfully. "if we wish to get on, i think we must venture into the mist." "but we can't see where we're going, or what we're stepping on," protested dorothy. "there may be dreadful things mixed up in that fog, an' i'm scared just to think of wading into it." even ozma seemed to hesitate. she was silent and thoughtful for a little while, looking at the rolling drifts that were so gray and forbidding. finally she said: "i believe this is a mist valley, where these moist clouds always remain, for even the sunshine above does not drive them away. therefore the mist maids must live here, and they are fairies and should answer my call." she placed her two hands before her mouth, forming a hollow with them, and uttered a clear, thrilling, bird-like cry. it floated far out over the mist waves and presently was answered by a similar sound, as of a far-off echo. dorothy was much impressed. she had seen many strange things since coming to this fairy country, but here was a new experience. at ordinary times ozma was just like any little girl one might chance to meet--simple, merry, lovable as could be--yet with a certain reserve that lent her dignity in her most joyous moods. there were times, however, when seated on her throne and commanding her subjects, or when her fairy powers were called into use, when dorothy and all others about her stood in awe of their lovely girl ruler and realized her superiority. ozma waited. presently out from the billows rose beautiful forms, clothed in fleecy, trailing garments of gray that could scarcely be distinguished from the mist. their hair was mist-color, too; only their gleaming arms and sweet, pallid faces proved they were living, intelligent creatures answering the call of a sister fairy. like sea nymphs they rested on the bosom of the clouds, their eyes turned questioningly upon the two girls who stood upon the bank. one came quite near and to her ozma said: "will you please take us to the opposite hillside? we are afraid to venture into the mist. i am princess ozma of oz, and this is my friend dorothy, a princess of oz." the mist maids came nearer, holding out their arms. without hesitation ozma advanced and allowed them to embrace her and dorothy plucked up courage to follow. very gently the mist maids held them. dorothy thought the arms were cold and misty--they didn't seem real at all--yet they supported the two girls above the surface of the billows and floated with them so swiftly to the green hillside opposite that the girls were astonished to find themselves set upon the grass before they realized they had fairly started. "thank you!" said ozma gratefully, and dorothy also added her thanks for the service. the mist maids made no answer, but they smiled and waved their hands in good-bye as again they floated out into the mist and disappeared from view. chapter four the magic tent "well," said dorothy with a laugh, "that was easier than i expected. it's worth while, sometimes, to be a real fairy. but i wouldn't like to be that kind, and live in a dreadful fog all the time." they now climbed the bank and found before them a delightful plain that spread for miles in all directions. fragrant wild flowers were scattered throughout the grass; there were bushes bearing lovely blossoms and luscious fruits; now and then a group of stately trees added to the beauty of the landscape. but there were no dwellings or signs of life. the farther side of the plain was bordered by a row of palms, and just in front of the palms rose a queerly shaped hill that towered above the plain like a mountain. the sides of this hill were straight up and down; it was oblong in shape and the top seemed flat and level. "oh, ho!" cried dorothy; "i'll bet that's the mountain glinda told us of, where the flatheads live." "if it is," replied ozma, "the lake of the skeezers must be just beyond the line of palm trees. can you walk that far, dorothy?" "of course, in time," was the prompt answer. "i'm sorry we had to leave the sawhorse and the red wagon behind us, for they'd come in handy just now; but with the end of our journey in sight a tramp across these pretty green fields won't tire us a bit." it was a longer tramp than they suspected, however, and night overtook them before they could reach the flat mountain. so ozma proposed they camp for the night and dorothy was quite ready to approve. she didn't like to admit to her friend she was tired, but she told herself that her legs "had prickers in 'em," meaning they had begun to ache. usually when dorothy started on a journey of exploration or adventure, she carried with her a basket of food, and other things that a traveler in a strange country might require, but to go away with ozma was quite a different thing, as experience had taught her. the fairy ruler of oz only needed her silver wand--tipped at one end with a great sparkling emerald--to provide through its magic all that they might need. therefore ozma, having halted with her companion and selected a smooth, grassy spot on the plain, waved her wand in graceful curves and chanted some mystic words in her sweet voice, and in an instant a handsome tent appeared before them. the canvas was striped purple and white, and from the center pole fluttered the royal banner of oz. "come, dear," said ozma, taking dorothy's hand, "i am hungry and i'm sure you must be also; so let us go in and have our feast." on entering the tent they found a table set for two, with snowy linen, bright silver and sparkling glassware, a vase of roses in the center and many dishes of delicious food, some smoking hot, waiting to satisfy their hunger. also, on either side of the tent were beds, with satin sheets, warm blankets and pillows filled with swansdown. there were chairs, too, and tall lamps that lighted the interior of the tent with a soft, rosy glow. dorothy, resting herself at her fairy friend's command, and eating her dinner with unusual enjoyment, thought of the wonders of magic. if one were a fairy and knew the secret laws of nature and the mystic words and ceremonies that commanded those laws, then a simple wave of a silver wand would produce instantly all that men work hard and anxiously for through weary years. and dorothy wished in her kindly, innocent heart, that all men and women could be fairies with silver wands, and satisfy all their needs without so much work and worry, for then, she imagined, they would have all their working hours to be happy in. but ozma, looking into her friend's face and reading those thoughts, gave a laugh and said: "no, no, dorothy, that wouldn't do at all. instead of happiness your plan would bring weariness to the world. if every one could wave a wand and have his wants fulfilled there would be little to wish for. there would be no eager striving to obtain the difficult, for nothing would then be difficult, and the pleasure of earning something longed for, and only to be secured by hard work and careful thought, would be utterly lost. there would be nothing to do you see, and no interest in life and in our fellow creatures. that is all that makes life worth our while--to do good deeds and to help those less fortunate than ourselves." "well, you're a fairy, ozma. aren't you happy?" asked dorothy. "yes, dear, because i can use my fairy powers to make others happy. had i no kingdom to rule, and no subjects to look after, i would be miserable. also, you must realize that while i am a more powerful fairy than any other inhabitant of oz, i am not as powerful as glinda the sorceress, who has studied many arts of magic that i know nothing of. even the little wizard of oz can do some things i am unable to accomplish, while i can accomplish things unknown to the wizard. this is to explain that i'm not all-powerful, by any means. my magic is simply fairy magic, and not sorcery or wizardry." "all the same," said dorothy, "i'm mighty glad you could make this tent appear, with our dinners and beds all ready for us." ozma smiled. "yes, it is indeed wonderful," she agreed. "not all fairies know that sort of magic, but some fairies can do magic that fills me with astonishment. i think that is what makes us modest and unassuming--the fact that our magic arts are divided, some being given each of us. i'm glad i don't know everything, dorothy, and that there still are things in both nature and in wit for me to marvel at." dorothy couldn't quite understand this, so she said nothing more on the subject and presently had a new reason to marvel. for when they had quite finished their meal table and contents disappeared in a flash. "no dishes to wash, ozma!" she said with a laugh. "i guess you'd make a lot of folks happy if you could teach 'em just that one trick." for an hour ozma told stories, and talked with dorothy about various people in whom they were interested. and then it was bedtime, and they undressed and crept into their soft beds and fell asleep almost as soon as their heads touched their pillows. chapter five the magic stairway the flat mountain looked much nearer in the clear light of the morning sun, but dorothy and ozma knew there was a long tramp before them, even yet. they finished dressing only to find a warm, delicious breakfast awaiting them, and having eaten they left the tent and started toward the mountain which was their first goal. after going a little way dorothy looked back and found that the fairy tent had entirely disappeared. she was not surprised, for she knew this would happen. "can't your magic give us a horse an' wagon, or an automobile?" inquired dorothy. "no, dear; i'm sorry that such magic is beyond my power," confessed her fairy friend. "perhaps glinda could," said dorothy thoughtfully. "glinda has a stork chariot that carries her through the air," said ozma, "but even our great sorceress cannot conjure up other modes of travel. don't forget what i told you last night, that no one is powerful enough to do everything." "well, i s'pose i ought to know that, having lived so long in the land of oz," replied dorothy; "but i can't do any magic at all, an' so i can't figure out e'zactly how you an' glinda an' the wizard do it." "don't try," laughed ozma. "but you have at least one magical art, dorothy: you know the trick of winning all hearts." "no, i don't," said dorothy earnestly. "if i really can do it, ozma, i am sure i don't know how i do it." it took them a good two hours to reach the foot of the round, flat mountain, and then they found the sides so steep that they were like the wall of a house. "even my purple kitten couldn't climb 'em," remarked dorothy, gazing upward. "but there is some way for the flatheads to get down and up again," declared ozma; "otherwise they couldn't make war with the skeezers, or even meet them and quarrel with them." "that's so, ozma. let's walk around a ways; perhaps we'll find a ladder or something." they walked quite a distance, for it was a big mountain, and as they circled around it and came to the side that faced the palm trees, they suddenly discovered an entrance way cut out of the rock wall. this entrance was arched overhead and not very deep because it merely led to a short flight of stone stairs. "oh, we've found a way to the top at last," announced ozma, and the two girls turned and walked straight toward the entrance. suddenly they bumped against something and stood still, unable to proceed farther. "dear me!" exclaimed dorothy, rubbing her nose, which had struck something hard, although she could not see what it was; "this isn't as easy as it looks. what has stopped us, ozma? is it magic of some sort?" ozma was feeling around, her bands outstretched before her. "yes, dear, it is magic," she replied. "the flatheads had to have a way from their mountain top from the plain below, but to prevent enemies from rushing up the stairs to conquer them, they have built, at a small distance before the entrance a wall of solid stone, the stones being held in place by cement, and then they made the wall invisible." "i wonder why they did that?" mused dorothy. "a wall would keep folks out anyhow, whether it could be seen or not, so there wasn't any use making it invisible. seems to me it would have been better to have left it solid, for then no one would have seen the entrance behind it. now anybody can see the entrance, as we did. and prob'bly anybody that tries to go up the stairs gets bumped, as we did." ozma made no reply at once. her face was grave and thoughtful. "i think i know the reason for making the wall invisible," she said after a while. "the flatheads use the stairs for coming down and going up. if there was a solid stone wall to keep them from reaching the plain they would themselves be imprisoned by the wall. so they had to leave some place to get around the wall, and, if the wall was visible, all strangers or enemies would find the place to go around it and then the wall would be useless. so the flatheads cunningly made their wall invisible, believing that everyone who saw the entrance to the mountain would walk straight toward it, as we did, and find it impossible to go any farther. i suppose the wall is really high and thick, and can't be broken through, so those who find it in their way are obliged to go away again." "well," said dorothy, "if there's a way around the wall, where is it?" "we must find it," returned ozma, and began feeling her way along the wall. dorothy followed and began to get discouraged when ozma had walked nearly a quarter of a mile away from the entrance. but now the invisible wall curved in toward the side of the mountain and suddenly ended, leaving just space enough between the wall and the mountain for an ordinary person to pass through. the girls went in, single file, and ozma explained that they were now behind the barrier and could go back to the entrance. they met no further obstructions. "most people, ozma, wouldn't have figured this thing out the way you did," remarked dorothy. "if i'd been alone the invisible wall surely would have stumped me." reaching the entrance they began to mount the stone stairs. they went up ten stairs and then down five stairs, following a passage cut from the rock. the stairs were just wide enough for the two girls to walk abreast, arm in arm. at the bottom of the five stairs the passage turned to the right, and they ascended ten more stairs, only to find at the top of the flight five stairs leading straight down again. again the passage turned abruptly, this time to the left, and ten more stairs led upward. the passage was now quite dark, for they were in the heart of the mountain and all daylight had been shut out by the turns of the passage. however, ozma drew her silver wand from her bosom and the great jewel at its end gave out a lustrous, green-tinted light which lighted the place well enough for them to see their way plainly. ten steps up, five steps down, and a turn, this way or that. that was the program, and dorothy figured that they were only gaining five stairs upward each trip that they made. "those flatheads must be funny people," she said to ozma. "they don't seem to do anything in a bold straightforward manner. in making this passage they forced everyone to walk three times as far as is necessary. and of course this trip is just as tiresome to the flatheads as it is to other folks." "that is true," answered ozma; "yet it is a clever arrangement to prevent their being surprised by intruders. every time we reach the tenth step of a flight, the pressure of our feet on the stone makes a bell ring on top of the mountain, to warn the flatheads of our coming." "how do you know that?" demanded dorothy, astonished. "i've heard the bell ever since we started," ozma told her. "you could not hear it, i know, but when i am holding my wand in my hand i can hear sounds a great distance off." "do you hear anything on top of the mountain 'cept the bell?" inquired dorothy. "yes. the people are calling to one another in alarm and many footsteps are approaching the place where we will reach the flat top of the mountain." this made dorothy feel somewhat anxious. "i'd thought we were going to visit just common, ordinary people," she remarked, "but they're pretty clever, it seems, and they know some kinds of magic, too. they may be dangerous, ozma. p'raps we'd better stayed at home." finally the upstairs-and-downstairs passage seemed coming to an end, for daylight again appeared ahead of the two girls and ozma replaced her wand in the bosom of her gown. the last ten steps brought them to the surface, where they found themselves surrounded by such a throng of queer people that for a time they halted, speechless, and stared into the faces that confronted them. dorothy knew at once why these mountain people were called flatheads. their heads were really flat on top, as if they had been cut off just above the eyes and ears. also the heads were bald, with no hair on top at all, and the ears were big and stuck straight out, and the noses were small and stubby, while the mouths of the flatheads were well shaped and not unusual. their eyes were perhaps their best feature, being large and bright and a deep violet in color. the costumes of the flatheads were all made of metals dug from their mountain. small gold, silver, tin and iron discs, about the size of pennies, and very thin, were cleverly wired together and made to form knee trousers and jackets for the men and skirts and waists for the women. the colored metals were skillfully mixed to form stripes and checks of various sorts, so that the costumes were quite gorgeous and reminded dorothy of pictures she had seen of knights of old clothed armor. aside from their flat heads, these people were not really bad looking. the men were armed with bows and arrows and had small axes of steel stuck in their metal belts. they wore no hats nor ornaments. chapter six flathead mountain when they saw that the intruders on their mountain were only two little girls, the flatheads grunted with satisfaction and drew back, permitting them to see what the mountain top looked like. it was shaped like a saucer, so that the houses and other buildings--all made of rocks--could not be seen over the edge by anyone standing in the plain below. but now a big fat flathead stood before the girls and in a gruff voice demanded: "what are you doing here? have the skeezers sent you to spy upon us?" "i am princess ozma, ruler of all the land of oz." "well, i've never heard of the land of oz, so you may be what you claim," returned the flathead. "this is the land of oz--part of it, anyway," exclaimed dorothy. "so princess ozma rules you flathead people, as well as all the other people in oz." the man laughed, and all the others who stood around laughed, too. some one in the crowd called: "she'd better not tell the supreme dictator about ruling the flatheads. eh, friends?" "no, indeed!" they all answered in positive tones. "who is your supreme dictator?" answered ozma. "i think i'll let him tell you that himself," answered the man who had first spoken. "you have broken our laws by coming here; and whoever you are the supreme dictator must fix your punishment. come along with me." he started down a path and ozma and dorothy followed him without protest, as they wanted to see the most important person in this queer country. the houses they passed seemed pleasant enough and each had a little yard in which were flowers and vegetables. walls of rock separated the dwellings, and all the paths were paved with smooth slabs of rock. this seemed their only building material and they utilized it cleverly for every purpose. directly in the center of the great saucer stood a larger building which the flathead informed the girls was the palace of the supreme dictator. he led them through an entrance hall into a big reception room, where they sat upon stone benches and awaited the coming of the dictator. pretty soon he entered from another room--a rather lean and rather old flathead, dressed much like the others of this strange race, and only distinguished from them by the sly and cunning expression of his face. he kept his eyes half closed and looked through the slits of them at ozma and dorothy, who rose to receive him. "are you the supreme dictator of the flatheads?" inquired ozma. "yes, that's me," he said, rubbing his hands slowly together. "my word is law. i'm the head of the flatheads on this flat headland." "i am princess ozma of oz, and i have come from the emerald city to--" "stop a minute," interrupted the dictator, and turned to the man who had brought the girls there. "go away, dictator felo flathead!" he commanded. "return to your duty and guard the stairway. i will look after these strangers." the man bowed and departed, and dorothy asked wonderingly: "is he a dictator, too?" "of course," was the answer. "everybody here is a dictator of something or other. they're all office holders. that's what keeps them contented. but i'm the supreme dictator of all, and i'm elected once a year. this is a democracy, you know, where the people are allowed to vote for their rulers. a good many others would like to be supreme dictator, but as i made a law that i am always to count the votes myself, i am always elected." "what is your name?" asked ozma. "i am called the su-dic, which is short for supreme dictator. i sent that man away because the moment you mentioned ozma of oz, and the emerald city, i knew who you are. i suppose i'm the only flathead that ever heard of you, but that's because i have more brains than the rest." dorothy was staring hard at the su-dic. "i don't see how you can have any brains at all," she remarked, "because the part of your head is gone where brains are kept." "i don't blame you for thinking that," he said. "once the flatheads had no brains because, as you say, there is no upper part to their heads, to hold brains. but long, long ago a band of fairies flew over this country and made it all a fairyland, and when they came to the flatheads the fairies were sorry to find them all very stupid and quite unable to think. so, as there was no good place in their bodies in which to put brains the fairy queen gave each one of us a nice can of brains to carry in his pocket and that made us just as intelligent as other people. see," he continued, "here is one of the cans of brains the fairies gave us." he took from a pocket a bright tin can having a pretty red label on it which said: "concentrated brains, extra quality." "and does every flathead have the same kind of brains?" asked dorothy. "yes, they're all alike. here's another can." from another pocket he produced a second can of brains. "did the fairies give you a double supply?" inquired dorothy. "no, but one of the flatheads thought he wanted to be the su-dic and tried to get my people to rebel against me, so i punished him by taking away his brains. one day my wife scolded me severely, so i took away her can of brains. she didn't like that and went out and robbed several women of their brains. then i made a law that if anyone stole another's brains, or even tried to borrow them, he would forfeit his own brains to the su-dic. so each one is content with his own canned brains and my wife and i are the only ones on the mountain with more than one can. i have three cans and that makes me very clever--so clever that i'm a good sorcerer, if i do say it myself. my poor wife had four cans of brains and became a remarkable witch, but alas! that was before those terrible enemies, the skeezers, transformed her into a golden pig." "good gracious!" cried dorothy; "is your wife really a golden pig?" "she is. the skeezers did it and so i have declared war on them. in revenge for making my wife a pig i intend to ruin their magic island and make the skeezers the slaves of the flatheads!" the su-dic was very angry now; his eyes flashed and his face took on a wicked and fierce expression. but ozma said to him, very sweetly and in a friendly voice: "i am sorry to hear this. will you please tell me more about your troubles with the skeezers? then perhaps i can help you." she was only a girl, but there was dignity in her pose and speech which impressed the su-dic. "if you are really princess ozma of oz," the flathead said, "you are one of that band of fairies who, under queen lurline, made all oz a fairyland. i have heard that lurline left one of her own fairies to rule oz, and gave the fairy the name of ozma." "if you knew this why did you not come to me at the emerald city and tender me your loyalty and obedience?" asked the ruler of oz. "well, i only learned the fact lately, and i've been too busy to leave home," he explained, looking at the floor instead of into ozma's eyes. she knew he had spoken a falsehood, but only said: "why did you quarrel with the skeezers?" "it was this way," began the su-dic, glad to change the subject. "we flatheads love fish, and as we have no fish on this mountain we would sometimes go to the lake of the skeezers to catch fish. this made the skeezers angry, for they declared the fish in their lake belonged to them and were under their protection and they forbade us to catch them. that was very mean and unfriendly in the skeezers, you must admit, and when we paid no attention to their orders they set a guard on the shore of the lake to prevent our fishing. "now, my wife, rora flathead, having four cans of brains, had become a wonderful witch, and fish being brain food, she loved to eat fish better than any one of us. so she vowed she would destroy every fish in the lake, unless the skeezers let us catch what we wanted. they defied us, so rora prepared a kettleful of magic poison and went down to the lake one night to dump it all in the water and poison the fish. it was a clever idea, quite worthy of my dear wife, but the skeezer queen--a young lady named coo-ee-oh--hid on the bank of the lake and taking rora unawares, transformed her into a golden pig. the poison was spilled on the ground and wicked queen coo-ee-oh, not content with her cruel transformation, even took away my wife's four cans of brains, so she is now a common grunting pig without even brains enough to know her own name." "then," said ozma thoughtfully, "the queen of the skeezers must be a sorceress." "yes," said the su-dic, "but she doesn't know much magic, after all. she is not as powerful as rora flathead was, nor half as powerful as i am now, as queen coo-ee-oh will discover when we fight our great battle and destroy her." "the golden pig can't be a witch any more, of course," observed dorothy. "no; even had queen coo-ee-oh left her the four cans of brains, poor rora, in a pig's shape, couldn't do any witchcraft. a witch has to use her fingers, and a pig has only cloven hoofs." "it seems a sad story," was ozma's comment, "and all the trouble arose because the flatheads wanted fish that did not belong to them." "as for that," said the su-dic, again angry, "i made a law that any of my people could catch fish in the lake of the skeezers, whenever they wanted to. so the trouble was through the skeezers defying my law." "you can only make laws to govern your own people," asserted ozma sternly. "i, alone, am empowered to make laws that must be obeyed by all the peoples of oz." "pooh!" cried the su-dic scornfully. "you can't make me obey your laws, i assure you. i know the extent of your powers, princess ozma of oz, and i know that i am more powerful than you are. to prove it i shall keep you and your companion prisoners in this mountain until after we have fought and conquered the skeezers. then, if you promise to be good, i may let you go home again." dorothy was amazed by this effrontery and defiance of the beautiful girl ruler of oz, whom all until now had obeyed without question. but ozma, still unruffled and dignified, looked at the su-dic and said: "you did not mean that. you are angry and speak unwisely, without reflection. i came here from my palace in the emerald city to prevent war and to make peace between you and the skeezers. i do not approve of queen coo-ee-oh's action in transforming your wife rora into a pig, nor do i approve of rora's cruel attempt to poison the fishes in the lake. no one has the right to work magic in my dominions without my consent, so the flatheads and the skeezers have both broken my laws--which must be obeyed." "if you want to make peace," said the su-dic, "make the skeezers restore my wife to her proper form and give back her four cans of brains. also make them agree to allow us to catch fish in their lake." "no," returned ozma, "i will not do that, for it would be unjust. i will have the golden pig again transformed into your wife rora, and give her one can of brains, but the other three cans must be restored to those she robbed. neither may you catch fish in the lake of the skeezers, for it is their lake and the fish belong to them. this arrangement is just and honorable, and you must agree to it." "never!" cried the su-dic. just then a pig came running into the room, uttering dismal grunts. it was made of solid gold, with joints at the bends of the legs and in the neck and jaws. the golden pig's eyes were rubies, and its teeth were polished ivory. "there!" said the su-dic, "gaze on the evil work of queen coo-ee-oh, and then say if you can prevent my making war on the skeezers. that grunting beast was once my wife--the most beautiful flathead on our mountain and a skillful witch. now look at her!" "fight the skeezers, fight the skeezers, fight the skeezers!" grunted the golden pig. "i will fight the skeezers," exclaimed the flathead chief, "and if a dozen ozmas of oz forbade me i would fight just the same." "not if i can prevent it!" asserted ozma. "you can't prevent it. but since you threaten me, i'll have you confined in the bronze prison until the war is over," said the su-dic. he whistled and four stout flatheads, armed with axes and spears, entered the room and saluted him. turning to the men he said: "take these two girls, bind them with wire ropes and cast them into the bronze prison." the four men bowed low and one of them asked: "where are the two girls, most noble su-dic?" the su-dic turned to where ozma and dorothy had stood but they had vanished! chapter seven the magic isle ozma, seeing it was useless to argue with the supreme dictator of the flatheads, had been considering how best to escape from his power. she realized that his sorcery might be difficult to overcome, and when he threatened to cast dorothy and her into a bronze prison she slipped her hand into her bosom and grasped her silver wand. with the other hand she grasped the hand of dorothy, but these motions were so natural that the su-dic did not notice them. then when he turned to meet his four soldiers, ozma instantly rendered both herself and dorothy invisible and swiftly led her companion around the group of flatheads and out of the room. as they reached the entry and descended the stone steps, ozma whispered: "let us run, dear! we are invisible, so no one will see us." dorothy understood and she was a good runner. ozma had marked the place where the grand stairway that led to the plain was located, so they made directly for it. some people were in the paths but these they dodged around. one or two flatheads heard the pattering of footsteps of the girls on the stone pavement and stopped with bewildered looks to gaze around them, but no one interfered with the invisible fugitives. the su-dic had lost no time in starting the chase. he and his men ran so fast that they might have overtaken the girls before they reached the stairway had not the golden pig suddenly run across their path. the su-dic tripped over the pig and fell flat, and his four men tripped over him and tumbled in a heap. before they could scramble up and reach the mouth of the passage it was too late to stop the two girls. there was a guard on each side of the stairway, but of course they did not see ozma and dorothy as they sped past and descended the steps. then they had to go up five steps and down another ten, and so on, in the same manner in which they had climbed to the top of the mountain. ozma lighted their way with her wand and they kept on without relaxing their speed until they reached the bottom. then they ran to the right and turned the corner of the invisible wall just as the su-dic and his followers rushed out of the arched entrance and looked around in an attempt to discover the fugitives. ozma now knew they were safe, so she told dorothy to stop and both of them sat down on the grass until they could breathe freely and become rested from their mad flight. as for the su-dic, he realized he was foiled and soon turned and climbed his stairs again. he was very angry--angry with ozma and angry with himself--because, now that he took time to think, he remembered that he knew very well the art of making people invisible, and visible again, and if he had only thought of it in time he could have used his magic knowledge to make the girls visible and so have captured them easily. however, it was now too late for regrets and he determined to make preparations at once to march all his forces against the skeezers. "what shall we do next?" asked dorothy, when they were rested. "let us find the lake of the skeezers," replied ozma. "from what that dreadful su-dic said i imagine the skeezers are good people and worthy of our friendship, and if we go to them we may help them to defeat the flatheads." "i s'pose we can't stop the war now," remarked dorothy reflectively, as they walked toward the row of palm trees. "no; the su-dic is determined to fight the skeezers, so all we can do is to warn them of their danger and help them as much as possible." "of course you'll punish the flatheads," said dorothy. "well, i do not think the flathead people are as much to blame as their supreme dictator," was the answer. "if he is removed from power and his unlawful magic taken from him, the people will probably be good and respect the laws of the land of oz, and live at peace with all their neighbors in the future." "i hope so," said dorothy with a sigh of doubt the palms were not far from the mountain and the girls reached them after a brisk walk. the huge trees were set close together, in three rows, and had been planted so as to keep people from passing them, but the flatheads had cut a passage through this barrier and ozma found the path and led dorothy to the other side. beyond the palms they discovered a very beautiful scene. bordered by a green lawn was a great lake fully a mile from shore to shore, the waters of which were exquisitely blue and sparkling, with little wavelets breaking its smooth surface where the breezes touched it. in the center of this lake appeared a lovely island, not of great extent but almost entirely covered by a huge round building with glass walls and a high glass dome which glittered brilliantly in the sunshine. between the glass building and the edge of the island was no grass, flowers or shrubbery, but only an expanse of highly polished white marble. there were no boats on either shore and no signs of life could be seen anywhere on the island. "well," said dorothy, gazing wistfully at the island, "we've found the lake of the skeezers and their magic isle. i guess the skeezers are in that big glass palace, but we can't get at 'em." chapter eight queen coo-ee-oh princess ozma considered the situation gravely. then she tied her handkerchief to her wand and, standing at the water's edge, waved the handkerchief like a flag, as a signal. for a time they could observe no response. "i don't see what good that will do," said dorothy. "even if the skeezers are on that island and see us, and know we're friends, they haven't any boats to come and get us." but the skeezers didn't need boats, as the girls soon discovered. for on a sudden an opening appeared at the base of the palace and from the opening came a slender shaft of steel, reaching out slowly but steadily across the water in the direction of the place where they stood. to the girls this steel arrangement looked like a triangle, with the base nearest the water. it came toward them in the form of an arch, stretching out from the palace wall until its end reached the bank and rested there, while the other end still remained on the island. then they saw that it was a bridge, consisting of a steel footway just broad enough to walk on, and two slender guide rails, one on either side, which were connected with the footway by steel bars. the bridge looked rather frail and dorothy feared it would not bear their weight, but ozma at once called, "come on!" and started to walk across, holding fast to the rail on either side. so dorothy summoned her courage and followed after. before ozma had taken three steps she halted and so forced dorothy to halt, for the bridge was again moving and returning to the island. "we need not walk after all," said ozma. so they stood still in their places and let the steel bridge draw them onward. indeed, the bridge drew them well into the glass-domed building which covered the island, and soon they found themselves standing in a marble room where two handsomely dressed young men stood on a platform to receive them. ozma at once stepped from the end of the bridge to the marble platform, followed by dorothy, and then the bridge disappeared with a slight clang of steel and a marble slab covered the opening from which it had emerged. the two young men bowed profoundly to ozma, and one of them said: "queen coo-ee-oh bids you welcome, o strangers. her majesty is waiting to receive you in her palace." "lead on," replied ozma with dignity. but instead of "leading on," the platform of marble began to rise, carrying them upward through a square hole above which just fitted it. a moment later they found themselves within the great glass dome that covered almost all of the island. within this dome was a little village, with houses, streets, gardens and parks. the houses were of colored marbles, prettily designed, with many stained-glass windows, and the streets and gardens seemed well cared for. exactly under the center of the lofty dome was a small park filled with brilliant flowers, with an elaborate fountain, and facing this park stood a building larger and more imposing than the others. toward this building the young men escorted ozma and dorothy. on the streets and in the doorways or open windows of the houses were men, women and children, all richly dressed. these were much like other people in different parts of the land of oz, except that instead of seeming merry and contented they all wore expressions of much solemnity or of nervous irritation. they had beautiful homes, splendid clothes, and ample food, but dorothy at once decided something was wrong with their lives and that they were not happy. she said nothing, however, but looked curiously at the skeezers. at the entrance of the palace ozma and dorothy were met by two other young men, in uniform and armed with queer weapons that seemed about halfway between pistols and guns, but were like neither. their conductors bowed and left them, and the two in uniforms led the girls into the palace. in a beautiful throne room, surrounded by a dozen or more young men and women, sat the queen of the skeezers, coo-ee-oh. she was a girl who looked older than ozma or dorothy--fifteen or sixteen, at least--and although she was elaborately dressed as if she were going to a ball she was too thin and plain of feature to be pretty. but evidently queen coo-ee-oh did not realize this fact, for her air and manner betrayed her as proud and haughty and with a high regard for her own importance. dorothy at once decided she was "snippy" and that she would not like queen coo-ee-oh as a companion. the queen's hair was as black as her skin was white and her eyes were black, too. the eyes, as she calmly examined ozma and dorothy, had a suspicious and unfriendly look in them, but she said quietly: "i know who you are, for i have consulted my magic oracle, which told me that one calls herself princess ozma, the ruler of all the land of oz, and the other is princess dorothy of oz, who came from a country called kansas. i know nothing of the land of oz, and i know nothing of kansas." "why, this is the land of oz!" cried dorothy. "it's a part of the land of oz, anyhow, whether you know it or not." "oh, in-deed!" answered queen coo-ee-oh, scornfully. "i suppose you will claim next that this princess ozma, ruling the land of oz, rules me!" "of course," returned dorothy. "there's no doubt of it." the queen turned to ozma. "do you dare make such a claim?" she asked. by this time ozma had made up her mind as to the character of this haughty and disdainful creature, whose self-pride evidently led her to believe herself superior to all others. "i did not come here to quarrel with your majesty," said the girl ruler of oz, quietly. "what and who i am is well established, and my authority comes from the fairy queen lurline, of whose band i was a member when lurline made all oz a fairyland. there are several countries and several different peoples in this broad land, each of which has its separate rulers, kings, emperors and queens. but all these render obedience to my laws and acknowledge me as the supreme ruler." "if other kings and queens are fools that does not interest me in the least," replied coo-ee-oh, disdainfully. "in the land of the skeezers i alone am supreme. you are impudent to think i would defer to you--or to anyone else." "let us not speak of this now, please," answered ozma. "your island is in danger, for a powerful foe is preparing to destroy it." "pah! the flatheads. i do not fear them." "their supreme dictator is a sorcerer." "my magic is greater than his. let the flatheads come! they will never return to their barren mountain-top. i will see to that." ozma did not like this attitude, for it meant that the skeezers were eager to fight the flatheads, and ozma's object in coming here was to prevent fighting and induce the two quarrelsome neighbors to make peace. she was also greatly disappointed in coo-ee-oh, for the reports of su-dic had led her to imagine the queen more just and honorable than were the flatheads. indeed ozma reflected that the girl might be better at heart than her self-pride and overbearing manner indicated, and in any event it would be wise not to antagonize her but to try to win her friendship. "i do not like wars, your majesty," said ozma. "in the emerald city, where i rule thousands of people, and in the countries near to the emerald city, where thousands more acknowledge my rule, there is no army at all, because there is no quarreling and no need to fight. if differences arise between my people, they come to me and i judge the cases and award justice to all. so, when i learned there might be war between two faraway people of oz, i came here to settle the dispute and adjust the quarrel." "no one asked you to come," declared queen coo-ee-oh. "it is my business to settle this dispute, not yours. you say my island is a part of the land of oz, which you rule, but that is all nonsense, for i've never heard of the land of oz, nor of you. you say you are a fairy, and that fairies gave you command over me. i don't believe it! what i do believe is that you are an impostor and have come here to stir up trouble among my people, who are already becoming difficult to manage. you two girls may even be spies of the vile flatheads, for all i know, and may be trying to trick me. but understand this," she added, proudly rising from her jeweled throne to confront them, "i have magic powers greater than any fairy possesses, and greater than any flathead possesses. i am a krumbic witch--the only krumbic witch in the world--and i fear the magic of no other creature that exists! you say you rule thousands. i rule one hundred and one skeezers. but every one of them trembles at my word. now that ozma of oz and princess dorothy are here, i shall rule one hundred and three subjects, for you also shall bow before my power. more than that, in ruling you i also rule the thousands you say you rule." dorothy was very indignant at this speech. "i've got a pink kitten that sometimes talks like that," she said, "but after i give her a good whipping she doesn't think she's so high and mighty after all. if you only knew who ozma is you'd be scared to death to talk to her like that!" queen coo-ee-oh gave the girl a supercilious look. then she turned again to ozma. "i happen to know," said she, "that the flatheads intend to attack us tomorrow, but we are ready for them. until the battle is over, i shall keep you two strangers prisoners on my island, from which there is no chance for you to escape." she turned and looked around the band of courtiers who stood silently around her throne. "lady aurex," she continued, singling out one of the young women, "take these children to your house and care for them, giving them food and lodging. you may allow them to wander anywhere under the great dome, for they are harmless. after i have attended to the flatheads i will consider what next to do with these foolish girls." she resumed her seat and the lady aurex bowed low and said in a humble manner: "i obey your majesty's commands." then to ozma and dorothy she added, "follow me," and turned to leave the throne room. dorothy looked to see what ozma would do. to her surprise and a little to her disappointment ozma turned and followed lady aurex. so dorothy trailed after them, but not without giving a parting, haughty look toward queen coo-ee-oh, who had her face turned the other way and did not see the disapproving look. chapter nine lady aurex lady aurex led ozma and dorothy along a street to a pretty marble house near to one edge of the great glass dome that covered the village. she did not speak to the girls until she had ushered them into a pleasant room, comfortably furnished, nor did any of the solemn people they met on the street venture to speak. when they were seated lady aurex asked if they were hungry, and finding they were summoned a maid and ordered food to be brought. this lady aurex looked to be about twenty years old, although in the land of oz where people have never changed in appearance since the fairies made it a fairyland--where no one grows old or dies--it is always difficult to say how many years anyone has lived. she had a pleasant, attractive face, even though it was solemn and sad as the faces of all skeezers seemed to be, and her costume was rich and elaborate, as became a lady in waiting upon the queen. ozma had observed lady aurex closely and now asked her in a gentle tone: "do you, also, believe me to be an impostor?" "i dare not say," replied lady aurex in a low tone. "why are you afraid to speak freely?" inquired ozma. "the queen punishes us if we make remarks that she does not like." "are we not alone then, in this house?" "the queen can hear everything that is spoken on this island--even the slightest whisper," declared lady aurex. "she is a wonderful witch, as she has told you, and it is folly to criticise her or disobey her commands." ozma looked into her eyes and saw that she would like to say more if she dared. so she drew from her bosom her silver wand, and having muttered a magic phrase in a strange tongue, she left the room and walked slowly around the outside of the house, making a complete circle and waving her wand in mystic curves as she walked. lady aurex watched her curiously and, when ozma had again entered the room and seated herself, she asked: "what have you done?" "i've enchanted this house in such a manner that queen coo-ee-oh, with all her witchcraft, cannot hear one word we speak within the magic circle i have made," replied ozma. "we may now speak freely and as loudly as we wish, without fear of the queen's anger." lady aurex brightened at this. "can i trust you?" she asked. "ev'rybody trusts ozma," exclaimed dorothy. "she is true and honest, and your wicked queen will be sorry she insulted the powerful ruler of all the land of oz." "the queen does not know me yet," said ozma, "but i want you to know me, lady aurex, and i want you to tell me why you, and all the skeezers, are unhappy. do not fear coo-ee-oh's anger, for she cannot hear a word we say, i assure you." lady aurex was thoughtful a moment; then she said: "i shall trust you, princess ozma, for i believe you are what you say you are--our supreme ruler. if you knew the dreadful punishments our queen inflicts upon us, you would not wonder we are so unhappy. the skeezers are not bad people; they do not care to quarrel and fight, even with their enemies the flatheads; but they are so cowed and fearful of coo-ee-oh that they obey her slightest word, rather than suffer her anger." "hasn't she any heart, then?" asked dorothy. "she never displays mercy. she loves no one but herself," asserted lady aurex, but she trembled as she said it, as if afraid even yet of her terrible queen. "that's pretty bad," said dorothy, shaking her head gravely. "i see you've a lot to do here, ozma, in this forsaken corner of the land of oz. first place, you've got to take the magic away from queen coo-ee-oh, and from that awful su-dic, too. my idea is that neither of them is fit to rule anybody, 'cause they're cruel and hateful. so you'll have to give the skeezers and flatheads new rulers and teach all their people that they're part of the land of oz and must obey, above all, the lawful ruler, ozma of oz. then, when you've done that, we can go back home again." ozma smiled at her little friend's earnest counsel, but lady aurex said in an anxious tone: "i am surprised that you suggest these reforms while you are yet prisoners on this island and in coo-ee-oh's power. that these things should be done, there is no doubt, but just now a dreadful war is likely to break out, and frightful things may happen to us all. our queen has such conceit that she thinks she can overcome the su-dic and his people, but it is said su-dic's magic is very powerful, although not as great as that possessed by his wife rora, before coo-ee-oh transformed her into a golden pig." "i don't blame her very much for doing that," remarked dorothy, "for the flatheads were wicked to try to catch your beautiful fish and the witch rora wanted to poison all the fishes in the lake." "do you know the reason?" asked the lady aurex. "i don't s'pose there was any reason, 'cept just wickedness," replied dorothy. "tell us the reason," said ozma earnestly. "well, your majesty, once--a long time ago--the flatheads and the skeezers were friendly. they visited our island and we visited their mountain, and everything was pleasant between the two peoples. at that time the flatheads were ruled by three adepts in sorcery, beautiful girls who were not flatheads, but had wandered to the flat mountain and made their home there. these three adepts used their magic only for good, and the mountain people gladly made them their rulers. they taught the flatheads how to use their canned brains and how to work metals into clothing that would never wear out, and many other things that added to their happiness and content. "coo-ee-oh was our queen then, as now, but she knew no magic and so had nothing to be proud of. but the three adepts were very kind to coo-ee-oh. they built for us this wonderful dome of glass and our houses of marble and taught us to make beautiful clothing and many other things. coo-ee-oh pretended to be very grateful for these favors, but it seems that all the time she was jealous of the three adepts and secretly tried to discover their arts of magic. in this she was more clever than anyone suspected. she invited the three adepts to a banquet one day, and while they were feasting coo-ee-oh stole their charms and magical instruments and transformed them into three fishes--a gold fish, a silver fish and a bronze fish. while the poor fishes were gasping and flopping helplessly on the floor of the banquet room one of them said reproachfully: 'you will be punished for this, coo-ee-oh, for if one of us dies or is destroyed, you will become shrivelled and helpless, and all your stolen magic will depart from you.' frightened by this threat, coo-ee-oh at once caught up the three fish and ran with them to the shore of the lake, where she cast them into the water. this revived the three adepts and they swam away and disappeared. "i, myself, witnessed this shocking scene," continued lady aurex, "and so did many other skeezers. the news was carried to the flatheads, who then turned from friends to enemies. the su-dic and his wife rora were the only ones on the mountain who were glad the three adepts had been lost to them, and they at once became rulers of the flatheads and stole their canned brains from others to make themselves the more powerful. some of the adepts' magic tools had been left on the mountain, and these rora seized and by the use of them she became a witch. "the result of coo-ee-oh's treachery was to make both the skeezers and the flatheads miserable instead of happy. not only were the su-dic and his wife cruel to their people, but our queen at once became proud and arrogant and treated us very unkindly. all the skeezers knew she had stolen her magic powers and so she hated us and made us humble ourselves before her and obey her slightest word. if we disobeyed, or did not please her, or if we talked about her when we were in our own homes she would have us dragged to the whipping post in her palace and lashed with knotted cords. that is why we fear her so greatly." this story filled ozma's heart with sorrow and dorothy's heart with indignation. "i now understand," said ozma, "why the fishes in the lake have brought about war between the skeezers and the flatheads." "yes," lady aurex answered, "now that you know the story it is easy to understand. the su-dic and his wife came to our lake hoping to catch the silver fish, or gold fish, or bronze fish--any one of them would do--and by destroying it deprive coo-ee-oh of her magic. then they could easily conquer her. also they had another reason for wanting to catch the fish--they feared that in some way the three adepts might regain their proper forms and then they would be sure to return to the mountain and punish rora and the su-dic. that was why rora finally tried to poison all the fishes in the lake, at the time coo-ee-oh transformed her into a golden pig. of course this attempt to destroy the fishes frightened the queen, for her safety lies in keeping the three fishes alive." "i s'pose coo-ee-oh will fight the flatheads with all her might," observed dorothy. "and with all her magic," added ozma, thoughtfully. "i do not see how the flatheads can get to this island to hurt us," said lady aurex. "they have bows and arrows, and i guess they mean to shoot the arrows at your big dome, and break all the glass in it," suggested dorothy. but lady aurex shook her head with a smile. "they cannot do that," she replied. "why not?" "i dare not tell you why, but if the flatheads come to-morrow morning you will yourselves see the reason." "i do not think they will attempt to harm the island," ozma declared. "i believe they will first attempt to destroy the fishes, by poison or some other means. if they succeed in that, the conquest of the island will not be difficult." "they have no boats," said lady aurex, "and coo-ee-oh, who has long expected this war, has been preparing for it in many astonishing ways. i almost wish the flatheads would conquer us, for then we would be free from our dreadful queen; but i do not wish to see the three transformed fishes destroyed, for in them lies our only hope of future happiness." "ozma will take care of you, whatever happens," dorothy assured her. but the lady aurex, not knowing the extent of ozma's power--which was, in fact, not so great as dorothy imagined--could not take much comfort in this promise. it was evident there would be exciting times on the morrow, if the flatheads really attacked the skeezers of the magic isle. chapter ten under water when night fell all the interior of the great dome, streets and houses, became lighted with brilliant incandescent lamps, which rendered it bright as day. dorothy thought the island must look beautiful by night from the outer shore of the lake. there was revelry and feasting in the queen's palace, and the music of the royal band could be plainly heard in lady aurex's house, where ozma and dorothy remained with their hostess and keeper. they were prisoners, but treated with much consideration. lady aurex gave them a nice supper and when they wished to retire showed them to a pretty room with comfortable beds and wished them a good night and pleasant dreams. "what do you think of all this, ozma?" dorothy anxiously inquired when they were alone. "i am glad we came," was the reply, "for although there may be mischief done to-morrow, it was necessary i should know about these people, whose leaders are wild and lawless and oppress their subjects with injustice and cruelties. my task, therefore, is to liberate the skeezers and the flatheads and secure for them freedom and happiness. i have no doubt i can accomplish this in time." "just now, though, we're in a bad fix," asserted dorothy. "if queen coo-ee-oh conquers to-morrow, she won't be nice to us, and if the su-dic conquers, he'll be worse." "do not worry, dear," said ozma, "i do not think we are in danger, whatever happens, and the result of our adventure is sure to be good." dorothy was not worrying, especially. she had confidence in her friend, the fairy princess of oz, and she enjoyed the excitement of the events in which she was taking part. so she crept into bed and fell asleep as easily as if she had been in her own cosy room in ozma's palace. a sort of grating, grinding sound awakened her. the whole island seemed to tremble and sway, as it might do in an earthquake. dorothy sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes to get the sleep out of them, and then found it was daybreak. ozma was hurriedly dressing herself. "what is it?" asked dorothy, jumping out of bed. "i'm not sure," answered ozma "but it feels as if the island is sinking." as soon as possible they finished dressing, while the creaking and swaying continued. then they rushed into the living room of the house and found lady aurex, fully dressed, awaiting them. "do not be alarmed," said their hostess. "coo-ee-oh has decided to submerge the island, that is all. but it proves the flatheads are coming to attack us." "what do you mean by sub-sub-merging the island?" asked dorothy. "come here and see," was the reply. lady aurex led them to a window which faced the side of the great dome which covered all the village, and they could see that the island was indeed sinking, for the water of the lake was already half way up the side of the dome. through the glass could be seen swimming fishes, and tall stalks of swaying seaweeds, for the water was clear as crystal and through it they could distinguish even the farther shore of the lake. "the flatheads are not here yet," said lady aurex. "they will come soon, but not until all of this dome is under the surface of the water." "won't the dome leak?" dorothy inquired anxiously. "no, indeed." "was the island ever sub-sub-sunk before?" "oh, yes; on several occasions. but coo-ee-oh doesn't care to do that often, for it requires a lot of hard work to operate the machinery. the dome was built so that the island could disappear. i think," she continued, "that our queen fears the flatheads will attack the island and try to break the glass of the dome." "well, if we're under water, they can't fight us, and we can't fight them," asserted dorothy. "they could kill the fishes, however," said ozma gravely. "we have ways to fight, also, even though our island is under water," claimed lady aurex. "i cannot tell you all our secrets, but this island is full of surprises. also our queen's magic is astonishing." "did she steal it all from the three adepts in sorcery that are now fishes?" "she stole the knowledge and the magic tools, but she has used them as the three adepts never would have done." by this time the top of the dome was quite under water and suddenly the island stopped sinking and became stationary. "see!" cried lady aurex, pointing to the shore. "the flatheads have come." on the bank, which was now far above their heads, a crowd of dark figures could be seen. "now let us see what coo-ee-oh will do to oppose them," continued lady aurex, in a voice that betrayed her excitement. * * * * * the flatheads, pushing their way through the line of palm trees, had reached the shore of the lake just as the top of the island's dome disappeared beneath the surface. the water now flowed from shore to shore, but through the clear water the dome was still visible and the houses of the skeezers could be dimly seen through the panes of glass. "good!" exclaimed the su-dic, who had armed all his followers and had brought with him two copper vessels, which he carefully set down upon the ground beside him. "if coo-ee-oh wants to hide instead of fighting our job will be easy, for in one of these copper vessels i have enough poison to kill every fish in the lake." "kill them, then, while we have time, and then we can go home again," advised one of the chief officers. "not yet," objected the su-dic. "the queen of the skeezers has defied me, and i want to get her into my power, as well as to destroy her magic. she transformed my poor wife into a golden pig, and i must have revenge for that, whatever else we do." "look out!" suddenly exclaimed the officers, pointing into the lake; "something's going to happen." from the submerged dome a door opened and something black shot swiftly out into the water. the door instantly closed behind it and the dark object cleaved its way through the water, without rising to the surface, directly toward the place where the flatheads were standing. "what is that?" dorothy asked the lady aurex. "that is one of the queen's submarines," was the reply. "it is all enclosed, and can move under water. coo-ee-oh has several of these boats which are kept in little rooms in the basement under our village. when the island is submerged, the queen uses these boats to reach the shore, and i believe she now intends to fight the flatheads with them." the su-dic and his people knew nothing of coo-ee-oh's submarines, so they watched with surprise as the under-water boat approached them. when it was quite near the shore it rose to the surface and the top parted and fell back, disclosing a boat full of armed skeezers. at the head was the queen, standing up in the bow and holding in one hand a coil of magic rope that gleamed like silver. the boat halted and coo-ee-oh drew back her arm to throw the silver rope toward the su-dic, who was now but a few feet from her. but the wily flathead leader quickly realized his danger and before the queen could throw the rope he caught up one of the copper vessels and dashed its contents full in her face! chapter eleven the conquest of the skeezers queen coo-ee-oh dropped the rope, tottered and fell headlong into the water, sinking beneath the surface, while the skeezers in the submarine were too bewildered toassist her and only stared at the ripples in the water where she had disappeared. a moment later there arose to the surface a beautiful white swan. this swan was of large size, very gracefully formed, and scattered all over its white feathers were tiny diamonds, so thickly placed that as the rays of the morning sun fell upon them the entire body of the swan glistened like one brilliant diamond. the head of the diamond swan had a bill of polished gold and its eyes were two sparkling amethysts. "hooray!" cried the su-dic, dancing up and down with wicked glee. "my poor wife, rora, is avenged at last. you made her a golden pig, coo-ee-oh, and now i have made you a diamond swan. float on your lake forever, if you like, for your web feet can do no more magic and you are as powerless as the pig you made of my wife! "villain! scoundrel!" croaked the diamond swan. "you will be punished for this. oh, what a fool i was to let you enchant me! "a fool you were, and a fool you are!" laughed the su-dic, dancing madly in his delight. and then he carelessly tipped over the other copper vessel with his heel and its contents spilled on the sands and were lost to the last drop. the su-dic stopped short and looked at the overturned vessel with a rueful countenance. "that's too bad--too bad!" he exclaimed sorrowfully. "i've lost all the poison i had to kill the fishes with, and i can't make any more because only my wife knew the secret of it, and she is now a foolish pig and has forgotten all her magic." "very well," said the diamond swan scornfully, as she floated upon the water and swam gracefully here and there. "i'm glad to see you are foiled. your punishment is just beginning, for although you have enchanted me and taken away my powers of sorcery you have still the three magic fishes to deal with, and they'll destroy you in time, mark my words." the su-dic stared at the swan a moment. then he yelled to his men: "shoot her! shoot the saucy bird!" they let fly some arrows at the diamond swan, but she dove under the water and the missiles fell harmless. when coo-ce-oh rose to the surface she was far from the shore and she swiftly swam across the lake to where no arrows or spears could reach her. the su-dic rubbed his chin and thought what to do next. near by floated the submarine in which the queen had come, but the skeezers who were in it were puzzled what to do with themselves. perhaps they were not sorry their cruel mistress had been transformed into a diamond swan, but the transformation had left them quite helpless. the under-water boat was not operated by machinery, but by certain mystic words uttered by coo-ee-oh. they didn't know how to submerge it, or how to make the water-tight shield cover them again, or how to make the boat go back to the castle, or make it enter the little basement room where it was usually kept. as a matter of fact, they were now shut out of their village under the great dome and could not get back again. so one of the men called to the supreme dictator of the flatheads, saying: "please make us prisoners and take us to your mountain, and feed and keep us, for we have nowhere to go." then the su-dic laughed and answered: "not so. i can't be bothered by caring for a lot of stupid skeezers. stay where you are, or go wherever you please, so long as you keep away from our mountain." he turned to his men and added: "we have conquered queen coo-ee-oh and made her a helpless swan. the skeezers are under water and may stay there. so, having won the war, let us go home again and make merry and feast, having after many years proved the flatheads to be greater and more powerful than the skeezers." so the flatheads marched away and passed through the row of palms and went back to their mountain, where the su-dic and a few of his officers feasted and all the others were forced to wait on them. "i'm sorry we couldn't have roast pig," said the su-dic, "but as the only pig we have is made of gold, we can't eat her. also the golden pig happens to be my wife, and even were she not gold i am sure she would be too tough to eat." chapter twelve the diamond swan when the flatheads had gone away the diamond swan swam back to the boat and one of the young skeezers named ervic said to her eagerly: "how can we get back to the island, your majesty?" "am i not beautiful?" asked coo-ee-oh, arching her neck gracefully and spreading her diamond-sprinkled wings. "i can see my reflection in the water, and i'm sure there is no bird nor beast, nor human as magnificent as i am!" "how shall we get back to the island, your majesty?" pleaded ervic. "when my fame spreads throughout the land, people will travel from all parts of this lake to look upon my loveliness," said coo-ee-oh, shaking her feathers to make the diamonds glitter more brilliantly. "but, your majesty, we must go home and we do not know how to get there," ervic persisted. "my eyes," remarked the diamond swan, "are wonderfully blue and bright and will charm all beholders." "tell us how to make the boat go--how to get back into the island," begged ervic and the others cried just as earnestly: "tell us, coo-ee-oh; tell us!" "i don't know," replied the queen in a careless tone. "you are a magic-worker, a sorceress, a witch!" "i was, of course, when i was a girl," she said, bending her head over the clear water to catch her reflection in it; "but now i've forgotten all such foolish things as magic. swans are lovelier than girls, especially when they're sprinkled with diamonds. don't you think so?" and she gracefully swam away, without seeming to care whether they answered or not. ervic and his companions were in despair. they saw plainly that coo-ee-oh could not or would not help them. the former queen had no further thought for her island, her people, or her wonderful magic; she was only intent on admiring her own beauty. "truly," said ervic, in a gloomy voice, "the flatheads have conquered us!" * * * * * some of these events had been witnessed by ozma and dorothy and lady aurex, who had left the house and gone close to the glass of the dome, in order to see what was going on. many of the skeezers had also crowded against the dome, wondering what would happen next. although their vision was to an extent blurred by the water and the necessity of looking upward at an angle, they had observed the main points of the drama enacted above. they saw queen coo-ee-oh's submarine come to the surface and open; they saw the queen standing erect to throw her magic rope; they saw her sudden transformation into a diamond swan, and a cry of amazement went up from the skeezers inside the dome. "good!" exclaimed dorothy. "i hate that old su-dic, but i'm glad coo-ee-oh is punished." "this is a dreadful misfortune!" cried lady aurex, pressing her hands upon her heart. "yes," agreed ozma, nodding her head thoughtfully; "coo-ee-oh's misfortune will prove a terrible blow to her people." "what do you mean by that?" asked dorothy in surprise. "seems to me the skeezers are in luck to lose their cruel queen." "if that were all you would be right," responded lady aurex; "and if the island were above water it would not be so serious. but here we all are, at the bottom of the lake, and fast prisoners in this dome." "can't you raise the island?" inquired dorothy. "no. only coo-ee-oh knew how to do that," was the answer. "we can try," insisted dorothy. "if it can be made to go down, it can be made to come up. the machinery is still here, i suppose. "yes; but the machinery works by magic, and coo-ee-oh would never share her secret power with any one of us." dorothy's face grew grave; but she was thinking. "ozma knows a lot of magic," she said. "but not that kind of magic," ozma replied. "can't you learn how, by looking at the machinery?" "i'm afraid not, my dear. it isn't fairy magic at all; it is witchcraft." "well," said dorothy, turning to lady aurex, "you say there are other sub-sub-sinking boats. we can get in one of those, and shoot out to the top of the water, like coo-ee-oh did, and so escape. and then we can help to rescue all the skeezers down here." "no one knows how to work the under-water boats but the queen," declared lady aurex. "isn't there any door or window in this dome that we could open?" "no; and, if there were, the water would rush in to flood the dome, and we could not get out." "the skeezers," said ozma, "could not drown; they only get wet and soggy and in that condition they would be very uncomfortable and unhappy. but you are a mortal girl, dorothy, and if your magic belt protected you from death you would have to lie forever at the bottom of the lake." "no, i'd rather die quickly," asserted the little girl. "but there are doors in the basement that open--to let out the bridges and the boats--and that would not flood the dome, you know." "those doors open by a magic word, and only coo-ee-oh knows the word that must be uttered," said lady aurex. "dear me!" exclaimed dorothy, "that dreadful queen's witchcraft upsets all my plans to escape. i guess i'll give it up, ozma, and let you save us." ozma smiled, but her smile was not so cheerful as usual. the princess of oz found herself confronted with a serious problem, and although she had no thought of despairing she realized that the skeezers and their island, as well as dorothy and herself, were in grave trouble and that unless she could find a means to save them they would be lost to the land of oz for all future time. "in such a dilemma," said she, musingly, "nothing is gained by haste. careful thought may aid us, and so may the course of events. the unexpected is always likely to happen, and cheerful patience is better than reckless action." "all right," returned dorothy; "take your time, ozma; there's no hurry. how about some breakfast, lady aurex?" their hostess led them back to the house, where she ordered her trembling servants to prepare and serve breakfast. all the skeezers were frightened and anxious over the transformation of their queen into a swan. coo-ee-oh was feared and hated, but they had depended on her magic to conquer the flatheads and she was the only one who could raise their island to the surface of the lake again. before breakfast was over several of the leading skeezers came to aurex to ask her advice and to question princess ozma, of whom they knew nothing except that she claimed to be a fairy and the ruler of all the land, including the lake of the skeezers. "if what you told queen coo-ee-oh was the truth," they said to her, "you are our lawful mistress, and we may depend on you to get us out of our difficulties." "i will try to do that," ozma graciously assured them, "but you must remember that the powers of fairies are granted them to bring comfort and happiness to all who appeal to them. on the contrary, such magic as coo-ee-oh knew and practiced is unlawful witchcraft and her arts are such as no fairy would condescend to use. however, it is sometimes necessary to consider evil in order to accomplish good, and perhaps by studying coo-ee-oh's tools and charms of witchcraft i may be able to save us. do you promise to accept me as your ruler and to obey my commands?" they promised willingly. "then," continued ozma, "i will go to coo-ee-oh's palace and take possession of it. perhaps what i find there will be of use to me. in the meantime tell all the skeezers to fear nothing, but have patience. let them return to their homes and perform their daily tasks as usual. coo-ee-oh's loss may not prove a misfortune, but rather a blessing." this speech cheered the skeezers amazingly. really, they had no one now to depend upon but ozma, and in spite of their dangerous position their hearts were lightened by the transformation and absence of their cruel queen. they got out their brass band and a grand procession escorted ozma and dorothy to the palace, where all of coo-ee-oh's former servants were eager to wait upon them. ozma invited lady aurex to stay at the palace also, for she knew all about the skeezers and their island and had also been a favorite of the former queen, so her advice and information were sure to prove valuable. ozma was somewhat disappointed in what she found in the palace. one room of coo-ee-oh's private suite was entirely devoted to the practice of witchcraft, and here were countless queer instruments and jars of ointments and bottles of potions labeled with queer names, and strange machines that ozma could not guess the use of, and pickled toads and snails and lizards, and a shelf of books that were written in blood, but in a language which the ruler of oz did not know. "i do not see," said ozma to dorothy, who accompanied her in her search, "how coo-ee-oh knew the use of the magic tools she stole from the three adept witches. moreover, from all reports these adepts practiced only good witchcraft, such as would be helpful to their people, while coo-ee-oh performed only evil." "perhaps she turned the good things to evil uses?" suggested dorothy. "yes, and with the knowledge she gained coo-ee-oh doubtless invented many evil things quite unknown to the good adepts, who are now fishes," added ozma. "it is unfortunate for us that the queen kept her secrets so closely guarded, for no one but herself could use any of these strange things gathered in this room." "couldn't we capture the diamond swan and make her tell the secrets?" asked dorothy. "no; even were we able to capture her, coo-ee-oh now has forgotten all the magic she ever knew. but until we ourselves escape from this dome we could not capture the swan, and were we to escape we would have no use for coo-ee-oh's magic." "that's a fact," admitted dorothy. "but--say, ozma, here's a good idea! couldn't we capture the three fishes--the gold and silver and bronze ones, and couldn't you transform 'em back to their own shapes, and then couldn't the three adepts get us out of here?" "you are not very practical, dorothy dear. it would be as hard for us to capture the three fishes, from among all the other fishes in the lake, as to capture the swan." "but if we could, it would be more help to us," persisted the little girl. "that is true," answered ozma, smiling at her friend's eagerness. "you find a way to catch the fish, and i'll promise when they are caught to restore them to their proper forms." "i know you think i can't do it," replied dorothy, "but i'm going to try." she left the palace and went to a place where she could look through a clear pane of the glass dome into the surrounding water. immediately she became interested in the queer sights that met her view. the lake of the skeezers was inhabited by fishes of many kinds and many sizes. the water was so transparent that the girl could see for a long distance and the fishes came so close to the glass of the dome that sometimes they actually touched it. on the white sands at the bottom of the lake were star-fish, lobsters, crabs and many shell fish of strange shapes and with shells of gorgeous hues. the water foliage was of brilliant colors and to dorothy it resembled a splendid garden. but the fishes were the most interesting of all. some were big and lazy, floating slowly along or lying at rest with just their fins waving. many with big round eyes looked full at the girl as she watched them and dorothy wondered if they could hear her through the glass if she spoke to them. in oz, where all the animals and birds can talk, many fishes are able to talk also, but usually they are more stupid than birds and animals because they think slowly and haven't much to talk about. in the lake of the skeezers the fish of smaller size were more active than the big ones and darted quickly in and out among the swaying weeds, as if they had important business and were in a hurry. it was among the smaller varieties that dorothy hoped to spy the gold and silver and bronze fishes. she had an idea the three would keep together, being companions now as they were in their natural forms, but such a multitude of fishes constantly passed, the scene shifting every moment, that she was not sure she would notice them even if they appeared in view. her eyes couldn't look in all directions and the fishes she sought might be on the other side of the dome, or far away in the lake. "p'raps, because they were afraid of coo-ee-oh, they've hid themselves somewhere, and don't know their enemy has been transformed," she reflected. she watched the fishes for a long time, until she became hungry and went back to the palace for lunch. but she was not discouraged. "anything new, ozma?" she asked. "no, dear. did you discover the three fishes?" "not yet. but there isn't anything better for me to do, ozma, so i guess i'll go back and watch again." chapter thirteen the alarm bell glinda, the good, in her palace in the quadling country, had many things to occupy her mind, for not only did she look after the weaving and embroidery of her bevy of maids, and assist all those who came to her to implore her help--beasts and birds as well as people--but she was a close student of the arts of sorcery and spent much time in her magical laboratory, where she strove to find a remedy for every evil and to perfect her skill in magic. nevertheless, she did not forget to look in the great book of records each day to see if any mention was made of the visit of ozma and dorothy to the enchanted mountain of the flatheads and the magic isle of the skeezers. the records told her that ozma had arrived at the mountain, that she had escaped, with her companion, and gone to the island of the skeezers, and that queen coo-ee-oh had submerged the island so that it was entirely under water. then came the statement that the flatheads had come to the lake to poison the fishes and that their supreme dictator had transformed queen coo-ee-oh into a swan. no other details were given in the great book and so glinda did not know that since coo-ee-oh had forgotten her magic none of the skeezers knew how to raise the island to the surface again. so glinda was not worried about ozma and dorothy until one morning, while she sat with her maids, there came a sudden clang of the great alarm bell. this was so unusual that every maid gave a start and even the sorceress for a moment could not think what the alarm meant. then she remembered the ring she had given dorothy when she left the palace to start on her venture. in giving the ring glinda had warned the little girl not to use its magic powers unless she and ozma were in real danger, but then she was to turn it on her finger once to the right and once to the left and glinda's alarm bell would ring. so the sorceress now knew that danger threatened her beloved ruler and princess dorothy, and she hurried to her magic room to seek information as to what sort of danger it was. the answer to her question was not very satisfactory, for it was only: "ozma and dorothy are prisoners in the great dome of the isle of the skeezers, and the dome is under the water of the lake." "hasn't ozma the power to raise the island to the surface?" inquired glinda. "no," was the reply, and the record refused to say more except that queen coo-ee-oh, who alone could command the island to rise, had been transformed by the flathead su-dic into a diamond swan. then glinda consulted the past records of the skeezers in the great book. after diligent search she discovered that coo-ee-oh was a powerful sorceress who had gained most of her power by treacherously transforming the adepts of magic, who were visiting her, into three fishes--gold, silver and bronze--after which she had them cast into the lake. glinda reflected earnestly on this information and decided that someone must go to ozma's assistance. while there was no great need of haste, because ozma and dorothy could live in a submerged dome a long time, it was evident they could not get out until someone was able to raise the island. the sorceress looked through all her recipes and books of sorcery, but could find no magic that would raise a sunken island. such a thing had never before been required in sorcery. then glinda made a little island, covered by a glass dome, and sunk it in a pond near her castle, and experimented in magical ways to bring it to the surface. she made several such experiments, but all were failures. it seemed a simple thing to do, yet she could not do it. nevertheless, the wise sorceress did not despair of finding a way to liberate her friends. finally she concluded that the best thing to do was to go to the skeezer country and examine the lake. while there she was more likely to discover a solution to the problem that bothered her, and to work out a plan for the rescue of ozma and dorothy. so glinda summoned her storks and her aerial chariot, and telling her maids she was going on a journey and might not soon return, she entered the chariot and was carried swiftly to the emerald city. in princess ozma's palace the scarecrow was now acting as ruler of the land of oz. there wasn't much for him to do, because all the affairs of state moved so smoothly, but he was there in case anything unforeseen should happen. glinda found the scarecrow playing croquet with trot and betsy bobbin, two little girls who lived at the palace under ozma's protection and were great friends of dorothy and much loved by all the oz people. "something's happened!" cried trot, as the chariot of the sorceress descended near them. "glinda never comes here 'cept something's gone wrong." "i hope no harm has come to ozma, or dorothy," said betsy anxiously, as the lovely sorceress stepped down from her chariot. glinda approached the scarecrow and told him of the dilemma of ozma and dorothy and she added: "we must save them, somehow, scarecrow." "of course," replied the scarecrow, stumbling over a wicket and falling flat on his painted face. the girls picked him up and patted his straw stuffing into shape, and he continued, as if nothing had occurred: "but you'll have to tell me what to do, for i never have raised a sunken island in all my life." "we must have a council of state as soon as possible," proposed the sorceress. "please send messengers to summon all of ozma's counsellors to this palace. then we can decide what is best to be done." the scarecrow lost no time in doing this. fortunately most of the royal counsellors were in the emerald city or near to it, so they all met in the throne room of the palace that same evening. chapter fourteen ozma's counsellors no ruler ever had such a queer assortment of advisers as the princess ozma had gathered about her throne. indeed, in no other country could such amazing people exist. but ozma loved them for their peculiarities and could trust every one of them. first there was the tin woodman. every bit of him was tin, brightly polished. all his joints were kept well oiled and moved smoothly. he carried a gleaming axe to prove he was a woodman, but seldom had cause to use it because he lived in a magnificent tin castle in the winkie country of oz and was the emperor of all the winkies. the tin woodman's name was nick chopper. he had a very good mind, but his heart was not of much account, so he was very careful to do nothing unkind or to hurt anyone's feelings. another counsellor was scraps, the patchwork girl of oz, who was made of a gaudy patchwork quilt, cut into shape and stuffed with cotton. this patchwork girl was very intelligent, but so full of fun and mad pranks that a lot of more stupid folks thought she must be crazy. scraps was jolly under all conditions, however grave they might be, but her laughter and good spirits were of value in cheering others and in her seemingly careless remarks much wisdom could often be found. then there was the shaggy man--shaggy from head to foot, hair and whiskers, clothes and shoes--but very kind and gentle and one of ozma's most loyal supporters. tik-tok was there, a copper man with machinery inside him, so cleverly constructed that he moved, spoke and thought by three separate clock-works. tik-tok was very reliable because he always did exactly what he was wound up to do, but his machinery was liable to run down at times and then he was quite helpless until wound up again. a different sort of person was jack pumpkinhead, one of ozma's oldest friends and her companion on many adventures. jack's body was very crude and awkward, being formed of limbs of trees of different sizes, jointed with wooden pegs. but it was a substantial body and not likely to break or wear out, and when it was dressed the clothes covered much of its roughness. the head of jack pumpkinhead was, as you have guessed, a ripe pumpkin, with the eyes, nose and mouth carved upon one side. the pumpkin was stuck on jack's wooden neck and was liable to get turned sidewise or backward and then he would have to straighten it with his wooden hands. the worst thing about this sort of a head was that it did not keep well and was sure to spoil sooner or later. so jack's main business was to grow a field of fine pumpkins each year, and always before his old head spoiled he would select a fresh pumpkin from the field and carve the features on it very neatly, and have it ready to replace the old head whenever it became necessary. he didn't always carve it the same way, so his friends never knew exactly what sort of an expression they would find on his face. but there was no mistaking him, because he was the only pumpkin-headed man alive in the land of oz. a one-legged sailor-man was a member of ozma's council. his name was cap'n bill and he had come to the land of oz with trot, and had been made welcome on account of his cleverness, honesty and good nature. he wore a wooden leg to replace the one he had lost and was a great friend of all the children in oz because he could whittle all sorts of toys out of wood with his big jack-knife. professor h. m. wogglebug, t. e., was another member of the council. the "h. m." meant highly magnified, for the professor was once a little bug, who became magnified to the size of a man and always remained so. the "t. e." meant that he was thoroughly educated. he was at the head of princess ozma's royal athletic college, and so that the students would not have to study and so lose much time that could be devoted to athletic sports, such as football, baseball and the like, professor wogglebug had invented the famous educational pills. if one of the college students took a geography pill after breakfast, he knew his geography lesson in an instant; if he took a spelling pill he at once knew his spelling lesson, and an arithmetic pill enabled the student to do any kind of sum without having to think about it. these useful pills made the college very popular and taught the boys and girls of oz their lessons in the easiest possible way. in spite of this, professor wogglebug was not a favorite outside his college, for he was very conceited and admired himself so much and displayed his cleverness and learning so constantly, that no one cared to associate with him. ozma found him of value in her councils, nevertheless. perhaps the most splendidly dressed of all those present was a great frog as large as a man, called the frogman, who was noted for his wise sayings. he had come to the emerald city from the yip country of oz and was a guest of honor. his long-tailed coat was of velvet, his vest of satin and his trousers of finest silk. there were diamond buckles on his shoes and he carried a gold-headed cane and a high silk hat. all of the bright colors were represented in his rich attire, so it tired one's eyes to look at him for long, until one became used to his splendor. the best farmer in all oz was uncle henry, who was dorothy's own uncle, and who now lived near the emerald city with his wife aunt em. uncle henry taught the oz people how to grow the finest vegetables and fruits and grains and was of much use to ozma in keeping the royal storehouses well filled. he, too, was a counsellor. the reason i mention the little wizard of oz last is because he was the most important man in the land of oz. he wasn't a big man in size but he was a man in power and intelligence and second only to glinda the good in all the mystic arts of magic. glinda had taught him, and the wizard and the sorceress were the only ones in oz permitted by law to practice wizardry and sorcery, which they applied only to good uses and for the benefit of the people. the wizard wasn't exactly handsome but he was pleasant to look at. his bald head was as shiny as if it had been varnished; there was always a merry twinkle in his eyes and he was as spry as a schoolboy. dorothy says the reason the wizard is not as powerful as glinda is because glinda didn't teach him all she knows, but what the wizard knows he knows very well and so he performs some very remarkable magic. the ten i have mentioned assembled, with the scarecrow and glinda, in ozma's throne room, right after dinner that evening, and the sorceress told them all she knew of the plight of ozma and dorothy. "of course we must rescue them," she continued, "and the sooner they are rescued the better pleased they will be; but what we must now determine is how they can be saved. that is why i have called you together in council." "the easiest way," remarked the shaggy man, "is to raise the sunken island of the skeezers to the top of the water again." "tell me how?" said glinda. "i don't know how, your highness, for i have never raised a sunken island." "we might all get under it and lift," suggested professor wogglebug. "how can we get under it when it rests on the bottom of the lake?" asked the sorceress. "couldn't we throw a rope around it and pull it ashore?" inquired jack pumpkinhead. "why not pump the water out of the lake?" suggested the patchwork girl with a laugh. "do be sensible!" pleaded glinda. "this is a serious matter, and we must give it serious thought." "how big is the lake and how big is the island?" was the frogman's question. "none of us can tell, for we have not been there." "in that case," said the scarecrow, "it appears to me we ought to go to the skeezer country and examine it carefully." "quite right," agreed the tin woodman. "we-will-have-to-go-there-any-how," remarked tik-tok in his jerky machine voice. "the question is which of us shall go, and how many of us?" said the wizard. "i shall go of course," declared the scarecrow. "and i," said scraps. "it is my duty to ozma to go," asserted the tin woodman. "i could not stay away, knowing our loved princess is in danger," said the wizard. "we all feel like that," uncle henry said. finally one and all present decided to go to the skeezer country, with glinda and the little wizard to lead them. magic must meet magic in order to conquer it, so these two skillful magic-workers were necessary to insure the success of the expedition. they were all ready to start at a moment's notice, for none had any affairs of importance to attend to. jack was wearing a newly made pumpkin-head and the scarecrow had recently been stuffed with fresh straw. tik-tok's machinery was in good running order and the tin woodman always was well oiled. "it is quite a long journey," said glinda, "and while i might travel quickly to the skeezer country by means of my stork chariot the rest of you will be obliged to walk. so, as we must keep together, i will send my chariot back to my castle and we will plan to leave the emerald city at sunrise to-morrow." chapter fifteen the great sorceress betsy and trot, when they heard of the rescue expedition, begged the wizard to permit them to join it and he consented. the glass cat, overhearing the conversation, wanted to go also and to this the wizard made no objection. this glass cat was one of the real curiosities of oz. it had been made and brought to life by a clever magician named dr. pipt, who was not now permitted to work magic and was an ordinary citizen of the emerald city. the cat was of transparent glass, through which one could plainly see its ruby heart beating and its pink brains whirling around in the top of the head. the glass cat's eyes were emeralds; its fluffy tail was of spun glass and very beautiful. the ruby heart, while pretty to look at, was hard and cold and the glass cat's disposition was not pleasant at all times. it scorned to catch mice, did not eat, and was extremely lazy. if you complimented the remarkable cat on her beauty, she would be very friendly, for she loved admiration above everything. the pink brains were always working and their owner was indeed more intelligent than most common cats. three other additions to the rescue party were made the next morning, just as they were setting out upon their journey. the first was a little boy called button bright, because he had no other name that anyone could remember. he was a fine, manly little fellow, well mannered and good humored, who had only one bad fault. he was continually getting lost. to be sure, button bright got found as often as he got lost, but when he was missing his friends could not help being anxious about him. "some day," predicted the patchwork girl, "he won't be found, and that will be the last of him." but that didn't worry button bright, who was so careless that he did not seem to be able to break the habit of getting lost. the second addition to the party was a munchkin boy of about button bright's age, named ojo. he was often called "ojo the lucky," because good fortune followed him wherever he went. he and button bright were close friends, although of such different natures, and trot and betsy were fond of both. the third and last to join the expedition was an enormous lion, one of ozma's regular guardians and the most important and intelligent beast in all oz. he called himself the cowardly lion, saying that every little danger scared him so badly that his heart thumped against his ribs, but all who knew him knew that the cowardly lion's fears were coupled with bravery and that however much he might be frightened he summoned courage to meet every danger he encountered. often he had saved dorothy and ozma in times of peril, but afterward he moaned and trembled and wept because he had been so scared. "if ozma needs help, i'm going to help her," said the great beast. "also, i suspect the rest of you may need me on the journey--especially trot and betsy--for you may pass through a dangerous part of the country. i know that wild gillikin country pretty well. its forests harbor many ferocious beasts." they were glad the cowardly lion was to join them, and in good spirits the entire party formed a procession and marched out of the emerald city amid the shouts of the people, who wished them success and a safe return with their beloved ruler. they followed a different route from that taken by ozma and dorothy, for they went through the winkie country and up north toward oogaboo. but before they got there they swerved to the left and entered the great gillikin forest, the nearest thing to a wilderness in all oz. even the cowardly lion had to admit that certain parts of this forest were unknown to him, although he had often wandered among the trees, and the scarecrow and tin woodman, who were great travelers, never had been there at all. the forest was only reached after a tedious tramp, for some of the rescue expedition were quite awkward on their feet. the patchwork girl was as light as a feather and very spry; the tin woodman covered the ground as easily as uncle henry and the wizard; but tik-tok moved slowly and the slightest obstruction in the road would halt him until the others cleared it away. then, too, tik-tok's machinery kept running down, so betsy and trot took turns in winding it up. the scarecrow was more clumsy but less bother, for although he often stumbled and fell he could scramble up again and a little patting of his straw-stuffed body would put him in good shape again. another awkward one was jack pumpkinhead, for walking would jar his head around on his neck and then he would be likely to go in the wrong direction. but the frogman took jack's arm and then he followed the path more easily. cap'n bill's wooden leg didn't prevent him from keeping up with the others and the old sailor could walk as far as any of them. when they entered the forest the cowardly lion took the lead. there was no path here for men, but many beasts had made paths of their own which only the eyes of the lion, practiced in woodcraft, could discern. so he stalked ahead and wound his way in and out, the others following in single file, glinda being next to the lion. there are dangers in the forest, of course, but as the huge lion headed the party he kept the wild denizens of the wilderness from bothering the travelers. once, to be sure, an enormous leopard sprang upon the glass cat and caught her in his powerful jaws, but he broke several of his teeth and with howls of pain and dismay dropped his prey and vanished among the trees. "are you hurt?" trot anxiously inquired of the glass cat. "how silly!" exclaimed the creature in an irritated tone of voice; "nothing can hurt glass, and i'm too solid to break easily. but i'm annoyed at that leopard's impudence. he has no respect for beauty or intelligence. if he had noticed my pink brains work, i'm sure he would have realized i'm too important to be grabbed in a wild beast's jaws." "never mind," said trot consolingly; "i'm sure he won't do it again." they were almost in the center of the forest when ojo, the munchkin boy, suddenly said: "why, where's button bright?" they halted and looked around them. button bright was not with the party. "dear me," remarked betsy, "i expect he's lost again!" "when did you see him last, ojo?" inquired glinda. "it was some time ago," replied ojo. "he was trailing along at the end and throwing twigs at the squirrels in the trees. then i went to talk to betsy and trot, and just now i noticed he was gone." "this is too bad," declared the wizard, "for it is sure to delay our journey. we must find button bright before we go any farther, for this forest is full of ferocious beasts that would not hesitate to tear the boy to pieces." "but what shall we do?" asked the scarecrow. "if any of us leaves the party to search for button bright he or she might fall a victim to the beasts, and if the lion leaves us we will have no protector. "the glass cat could go," suggested the frogman. "the beasts can do her no harm, as we have discovered." the wizard turned to glinda. "cannot your sorcery discover where button bright is?" he asked. "i think so," replied the sorceress. she called to uncle henry, who had been carrying her wicker box, to bring it to her, and when he obeyed she opened it and drew out a small round mirror. on the surface of the glass she dusted a white powder and then wiped it away with her handkerchief and looked in the mirror. it reflected a part of the forest, and there, beneath a wide-spreading tree, button bright was lying asleep. on one side of him crouched a tiger, ready to spring; on the other side was a big gray wolf, its bared fangs glistening in a wicked way. "goodness me!" cried trot, looking over glinda's shoulder. "they'll catch and kill him sure." everyone crowded around for a glimpse at the magic mirror. "pretty bad--pretty bad!" said the scarecrow sorrowfully. "comes of getting lost!" said cap'n bill, sighing. "guess he's a goner!" said the frogman, wiping his eyes on his purple silk handkerchief. "but where is he? can't we save him?" asked ojo the lucky. "if we knew where he is we could probably save him," replied the little wizard, "but that tree looks so much like all the other trees, that we can't tell whether it's far away or near by." "look at glinda!" exclaimed betsy glinda, having handed the mirror to the wizard, had stepped aside and was making strange passes with her outstretched arms and reciting in low, sweet tones a mystical incantation. most of them watched the sorceress with anxious eyes, despair giving way to the hope that she might be able to save their friend. the wizard, however, watched the scene in the mirror, while over his shoulders peered trot, the scarecrow and the shaggy man. what they saw was more strange than glinda's actions. the tiger started to spring on the sleeping boy, but suddenly lost its power to move and lay flat upon the ground. the gray wolf seemed unable to lift its feet from the ground. it pulled first at one leg and then at another, and finding itself strangely confined to the spot began to back and snarl angrily. they couldn't hear the barkings and snarls, but they could see the creature's mouth open and its thick lips move. button bright, however, being but a few feet away from the wolf, heard its cries of rage, which wakened him from his untroubled sleep. the boy sat up and looked first at the tiger and then at the wolf. his face showed that for a moment he was quite frightened, but he soon saw that the beasts were unable to approach him and so he got upon his feet and examined them curiously, with a mischievous smile upon his face. then he deliberately kicked the tiger's head with his foot and catching up a fallen branch of a tree he went to the wolf and gave it a good whacking. both the beasts were furious at such treatment but could not resent it. button bright now threw down the stick and with his hands in his pockets wandered carelessly away. "now," said glinda, "let the glass cat run and find him. he is in that direction," pointing the way, "but how far off i do not know. make haste and lead him back to us as quickly as you can." the glass cat did not obey everyone's orders, but she really feared the great sorceress, so as soon as the words were spoken the crystal animal darted away and was quickly lost to sight. the wizard handed the mirror back to glinda, for the woodland scene had now faded from the glass. then those who cared to rest sat down to await button bright's coming. it was not long before hye appeared through the trees and as he rejoined his friends he said in a peevish tone: "don't ever send that glass cat to find me again. she was very impolite and, if we didn't all know that she had no manners, i'd say she insulted me." glinda turned upon the boy sternly. "you have caused all of us much anxiety and annoyance," said she. "only my magic saved you from destruction. i forbid you to get lost again." "of course," he answered. "it won't be my fault if i get lost again; but it wasn't my fault this time." chapter sixteen the enchanted fishes i must now tell you what happened to ervic and the three other skeezers who were left floating in the iron boat after queen coo-ee-oh had been transformed into a diamond swan by the magic of the flathead su-dic. the four skeezers were all young men and their leader was ervic. coo-ee-oh had taken them with her in the boat to assist her if she captured the flathead chief, as she hoped to do by means of her silver rope. they knew nothing about the witchcraft that moved the submarine and so, when left floating upon the lake, were at a loss what to do. the submarine could not be submerged by them or made to return to the sunken island. there were neither oars nor sails in the boat, which was not anchored but drifted quietly upon the surface of the lake. the diamond swan had no further thought or care for her people. she had sailed over to the other side of the lake and all the calls and pleadings of ervic and his companions were unheeded by the vain bird. as there was nothing else for them to do, they sat quietly in their boat and waited as patiently as they could for someone to come to their aid. the flatheads had refused to help them and had gone back to their mountain. all the skeezers were imprisoned in the great dome and could not help even themselves. when evening came, they saw the diamond swan, still keeping to the opposite shore of the lake, walk out of the water to the sands, shake her diamond-sprinkled feathers, and then disappear among the bushes to seek a resting place for the night. "i'm hungry," said ervic. "i'm cold," said another skeezer. "i'm tired," said a third. "i'm afraid," said the last one of them. but it did them no good to complain. night fell and the moon rose and cast a silvery sheen over the surface of the water. "go to sleep," said ervic to his companions. "i'll stay awake and watch, for we may be rescued in some unexpected way." so the other three laid themselves down in the bottom of the boat and were soon fast asleep. ervic watched. he rested himself by leaning over the bow of the boat, his face near to the moonlit water, and thought dreamily of the day's surprising events and wondered what would happen to the prisoners in the great dome. suddenly a tiny goldfish popped its head above the surface of the lake, not more than a foot from his eyes. a silverfish then raised its head beside that of the goldfish, and a moment later a bronzefish lifted its head beside the others. the three fish, all in a row, looked earnestly with their round, bright eyes into the astonished eyes of ervic the skeezer. "we are the three adepts whom queen coo-ee-oh betrayed and wickedly transformed," said the goldfish, its voice low and soft but distinctly heard in the stillness of the night. "i know of our queen's treacherous deed," replied ervic, "and i am sorry for your misfortune. have you been in the lake ever since?" "yes," was the reply. "i--i hope you are well--and comfortable," stammered ervic, not knowing what else to say. "we knew that some day coo-ee-oh would meet with the fate she so richly deserves," declared the bronzefish. "we have waited and watched for this time. now if you will promise to help us and will be faithful and true, you can aid us in regaining our natural forms, and save yourself and all your people from the dangers that now threaten you." "well," said ervic, "you can depend on my doing the best i can. but i'm no witch, nor magician, you must know." "all we ask is that you obey our instructions," returned the silverfish. "we know that you are honest and that you served coo-ee-oh only because you were obliged to in order to escape her anger. do as we command and all will be well." "i promise!" exclaimed the young man. "tell me what i am to do first." "you will find in the bottom of your boat the silver cord which dropped from coo-ee-oh's hand when she was transformed," said the goldfish. "tie one end of that cord to the bow of your boat and drop the other end to us in the water. together we will pull your boat to the shore." ervic much doubted that the three small fishes could move so heavy a boat, but he did as he was told and the fishes all seized their end of the silver cord in their mouths and headed toward the nearest shore, which was the very place where the flatheads had stood when they conquered queen coo-ee-oh. at first the boat did not move at all, although the fishes pulled with all their strength. but presently the strain began to tell. very slowly the boat crept toward the shore, gaining more speed at every moment. a couple of yards away from the sandy beach the fishes dropped the cord from their mouths and swam to one side, while the iron boat, being now under way, continued to move until its prow grated upon the sands. ervic leaned over the side and said to the fishes: "what next?" "you will find upon the sand," said the silverfish, "a copper kettle, which the su-dic forgot when he went away. cleanse it thoroughly in the water of the lake, for it has had poison in it. when it is cleaned, fill it with fresh water and hold it over the side of the boat, so that we three may swim into the kettle. we will then instruct you further." "do you wish me to catch you, then?" asked ervic in surprise. "yes," was the reply. so ervic jumped out of the boat and found the copper kettle. carrying it a little way down the beach, he washed it well, scrubbing away every drop of the poison it had contained with sand from the shore. then he went back to the boat. ervic's comrades were still sound asleep and knew nothing of the three fishes or what strange happenings were taking place about them. ervic dipped the kettle in the lake, holding fast to the handle until it was under water. the gold and silver and bronze fishes promptly swam into the kettle. the young skeezer then lifted it, poured out a little of the water so it would not spill over the edge, and said to the fishes: "what next?" "carry the kettle to the shore. take one hundred steps to the east, along the edge of the lake, and then you will see a path leading through the meadows, up hill and down dale. follow the path until you come to a cottage which is painted a purple color with white trimmings. when you stop at the gate of this cottage we will tell you what to do next. be careful, above all, not to stumble and spill the water from the kettle, or you would destroy us and all you have done would be in vain." the goldfish issued these commands and ervic promised to be careful and started to obey. he left his sleeping comrades in the boat, stepping cautiously over their bodies, and on reaching the shore took exactly one hundred steps to the east. then he looked for the path and the moonlight was so bright that he easily discovered it, although it was hidden from view by tall weeds until one came full upon it. this path was very narrow and did not seem to be much used, but it was quite distinct and ervic had no difficulty in following it. he walked through a broad meadow, covered with tall grass and weeds, up a hill and down into a valley and then up another hill and down again. it seemed to ervic that he had walked miles and miles. indeed the moon sank low and day was beginning to dawn when finally he discovered by the roadside a pretty little cottage, painted purple with white trimmings. it was a lonely place--no other buildings were anywhere about and the ground was not tilled at all. no farmer lived here, that was certain. who would care to dwell in such an isolated place? but ervic did not bother his head long with such questions. he went up to the gate that led to the cottage, set the copper kettle carefully down and bending over it asked: "what next?" chapter seventeen under the great dome when glinda the good and her followers of the rescue expedition came in sight of the enchanted mountain of the flatheads, it was away to the left of them, for the route they had taken through the great forest was some distance from that followed by ozma and dorothy. they halted awhile to decide whether they should call upon the supreme dictator first, or go on to the lake of the skeezers. "if we go to the mountain," said the wizard, "we may get into trouble with that wicked su-dic, and then we would be delayed in rescuing ozma and dorothy. so i think our best plan will be to go to the skeezer country, raise the sunken island and save our friends and the imprisoned skeezers. afterward we can visit the mountain and punish the cruel magician of the flatheads." "that is sensible," approved the shaggy man. "i quite agree with you." the others, too, seemed to think the wizard's plan the best, and glinda herself commended it, so on they marched toward the line of palm trees that hid the skeezers' lake from view. pretty soon they came to the palms. these were set closely together, the branches, which came quite to the ground, being so tightly interlaced that even the glass cat could scarcely find a place to squeeze through. the path which the flatheads used was some distance away. "here's a job for the tin woodman," said the scarecrow. so the tin woodman, who was always glad to be of use, set to work with his sharp, gleaming axe, which he always carried, and in a surprisingly short time had chopped away enough branches to permit them all to pass easily through the trees. now the clear waters of the beautiful lake were before them and by looking closely they could see the outlines of the great dome of the sunken island, far from shore and directly in the center of the lake. of course every eye was at first fixed upon this dome, where ozma and dorothy and the skeezers were still fast prisoners. but soon their attention was caught by a more brilliant sight, for here was the diamond swan swimming just before them, its long neck arched proudly, the amethyst eyes gleaming and all the diamond-sprinkled feathers glistening splendidly under the rays of the sun. "that," said glinda, "is the transformation of queen coo-ce-oh, the haughty and wicked witch who betrayed the three adepts at magic and treated her people like slaves." "she's wonderfully beautiful now," remarked the frogman. "it doesn't seem like much of a punishment," said trot. "the flathead su-dic ought to have made her a toad." "i am sure coo-ee-oh is punished," said glinda, "for she has lost all her magic power and her grand palace and can no longer misrule the poor skeezers." "let us call to her, and hear what she has to say," proposed the wizard. so glinda beckoned the diamond swan, which swam gracefully to a position near them. before anyone could speak coo-ee-oh called to them in a rasping voice--for the voice of a swan is always harsh and unpleasant--and said with much pride: "admire me, strangers! admire the lovely coo-ee-oh, the handsomest creature in all oz. admire me!" "handsome is as handsome does," replied the scarecrow. "are your deeds lovely, coo-ce-oh?" "deeds? what deeds can a swan do but swim around and give pleasure to all beholders?" said the sparkling bird. "have you forgotten your former life? have you forgotten your magic and witchcraft?" inquired the wizard. "magic--witchcraft? pshaw, who cares for such silly things?" retorted coo-ee-oh. "as for my past life, it seems like an unpleasant dream. i wouldn't go back to it if i could. don't you admire my beauty, strangers?" "tell us, coo-ee-oh," said glinda earnestly, "if you can recall enough of your witchcraft to enable us to raise the sunken island to the surface of the lake. tell us that and i'll give you a string of pearls to wear around your neck and add to your beauty." "nothing can add to my beauty, for i'm the most beautiful creature anywhere in the whole world." "but how can we raise the island?" "i don't know and i don't care. if ever i knew i've forgotten, and i'm glad of it," was the response. "just watch me circle around and see me glitter! "it's no use," said button bright; "the old swan is too much in love with herself to think of anything else." "that's a fact," agreed betsy with a sigh; "but we've got to get ozma and dorothy out of that lake, somehow or other." "and we must do it in our own way," added the scarecrow. "but how?" asked uncle henry in a grave voice, for he could not bear to think of his dear niece dorothy being out there under water; "how shall we do it?" "leave that to glinda," advised the wizard, realizing he was helpless to do it himself. "if it were just an ordinary sunken island," said the powerful sorceress, "there would be several ways by which i might bring it to the surface again. but this is a magic isle, and by some curious art of witchcraft, unknown to any but queen coo-ce-oh, it obeys certain commands of magic and will not respond to any other. i do not despair in the least, but it will require some deep study to solve this difficult problem. if the swan could only remember the witchcraft that she invented and knew as a woman, i could force her to tell me the secret, but all her former knowledge is now forgotten." "it seems to me," said the wizard after a brief silence had followed glinda's speech, "that there are three fishes in this lake that used to be adepts at magic and from whom coo-ee-oh stole much of her knowledge. if we could find those fishes and return them to their former shapes, they could doubtless tell us what to do to bring the sunken island to the surface." "i have thought of those fishes," replied glinda, "but among so many fishes as this lake contains how are we to single them out?" you will understand, of course, that had glinda been at home in her castle, where the great book of records was, she would have known that ervic the skeezer already had taken the gold and silver and bronze fishes from the lake. but that act had been recorded in the book after glinda had set out on this journey, so it was all unknown to her. "i think i see a boat yonder on the shore," said ojo the munchkin boy, pointing to a place around the edge of the lake. "if we could get that boat and row all over the lake, calling to the magic fishes, we might be able to find them." "let us go to the boat," said the wizard. they walked around the lake to where the boat was stranded upon the beach, but found it empty. it was a mere shell of blackened steel, with a collapsible roof that, when in position, made the submarine watertight, but at present the roof rested in slots on either side of the magic craft. there were no oars or sails, no machinery to make the boat go, and although glinda promptly realized it was meant to be operated by witchcraft, she was not acquainted with that sort of magic. "however," said she, "the boat is merely a boat, and i believe i can make it obey a command of sorcery, as well as it did the command of witchcraft. after i have given a little thought to the matter, the boat will take us wherever we desire to go." "not all of us," returned the wizard, "for it won't hold so many. but, most noble sorceress, provided you can make the boat go, of what use will it be to us?" "can't we use it to catch the three fishes?" asked button bright. "it will not be necessary to use the boat for that purpose," replied glinda. "wherever in the lake the enchanted fishes may be, they will answer to my call. what i am trying to discover is how the boat came to be on this shore, while the island on which it belongs is under water yonder. did coo-ee-oh come here in the boat to meet the flatheads before the island was sunk, or afterward?" no one could answer that question, of course; but while they pondered the matter three young men advanced from the line of trees, and rather timidly bowed to the strangers. "who are you, and where did you come from?" inquired the wizard. "we are skeezers," answered one of them, "and our home is on the magic isle of the lake. we ran away when we saw you coming, and hid behind the trees, but as you are strangers and seem to be friendly we decided to meet you, for we are in great trouble and need assistance." "if you belong on the island, why are you here?" demanded glinda. so they told her all the story: how the queen had defied the flatheads and submerged the whole island so that her enemies could not get to it or destroy it; how, when the flatheads came to the shore, coo-ee-oh had commanded them, together with their friend ervic, to go with her in the submarine to conquer the su-dic, and how the boat had shot out from the basement of the sunken isle, obeying a magic word, and risen to the surface, where it opened and floated upon the water. then followed the account of how the su-dic had transformed coo-ee-oh into a swan, after which she had forgotten all the witchcraft she ever knew. the young men told how, in the night when they were asleep, their comrade ervic had mysteriously disappeared, while the boat in some strange manner had floated to the shore and stranded upon the beach. that was all they knew. they had searched in vain for three days for ervic. as their island was under water and they could not get back to it, the three skeezers had no place to go, and so had waited patiently beside their boat for something to happen. being questioned by glinda and the wizard, they told all they knew about ozma and dorothy and declared the two girls were still in the village under the great dome. they were quite safe and would be well cared for by lady aurex, now that the queen who opposed them was out of the way. when they had gleaned all the information they could from these skeezers, the wizard said to glinda: "if you find you can make this boat obey your sorcery, you could have it return to the island, submerge itself, and enter the door in the basement from which it came. but i cannot see that our going to the sunken island would enable our friends to escape. we would only join them as prisoners." "not so, friend wizard," replied glinda. "if the boat would obey my commands to enter the basement door, it would also obey my commands to come out again, and i could bring ozma and dorothy back with me." "and leave all of our people still imprisoned?" asked one of the skeezers reproachfully. "by making several trips in the boat, glinda could fetch all your people to the shore," replied the wizard. "but what could they do then?" inquired another skeezer. "they would have no homes and no place to go, and would be at the mercy of their enemies, the flatheads." "that is true," said glinda the good. "and as these people are ozma's subjects, i think she would refuse to escape with dorothy and leave the others behind, or to abandon the island which is the lawful home of the skeezers. i believe the best plan will be to summon the three fishes and learn from them how to raise the island." the little wizard seemed to think that this was rather a forlorn hope. "how will you summon them," he asked the lovely sorceress, "and how can they hear you?" "that is something we must consider carefully," responded stately glinda, with a serene smile. "i think i can find a way." all of ozma's counsellors applauded this sentiment, for they knew well the powers of the sorceress. "very well," agreed the wizard. "summon them, most noble glinda." chapter eighteen the cleverness of ervic we must now return to ervic the skeezer, who, when he had set down the copper kettle containing the three fishes at the gate of the lonely cottage, had asked, "what next?" the goldfish stuck its head above the water in the kettle and said in its small but distinct voice: "you are to lift the latch, open the door, and walk boldly into the cottage. do not be afraid of anything you see, for however you seem to be threatened with dangers, nothing can harm you. the cottage is the home of a powerful yookoohoo, named reera the red, who assumes all sorts of forms, sometimes changing her form several times in a day, according to her fancy. what her real form may be we do not know. this strange creature cannot be bribed with treasure, or coaxed through friendship, or won by pity. she has never assisted anyone, or done wrong to anyone, that we know of. all her wonderful powers are used for her own selfish amusement. she will order you out of the house but you must refuse to go. remain and watch reera closely and try to see what she uses to accomplish her transformations. if you can discover the secret whisper it to us and we will then tell you what to do next." "that sounds easy," returned ervic, who had listened carefully. "but are you sure she will not hurt me, or try to transform me?" "she may change your form," replied the goldfish, "but do not worry if that happens, for we can break that enchantment easily. you may be sure that nothing will harm you, so you must not be frightened at anything you see or hear." now ervic was as brave as any ordinary young man, and he knew the fishes who spoke to him were truthful and to be relied upon, nevertheless he experienced a strange sinking of the heart as he picked up the kettle and approached the door of the cottage. his hand trembled as he raised the latch, but he was resolved to obey his instructions. he pushed the door open, took three strides into the middle of the one room the cottage contained, and then stood still and looked around him. the sights that met his gaze were enough to frighten anyone who had not been properly warned. on the floor just before ervic lay a great crocodile, its red eyes gleaming wickedly and its wide open mouth displaying rows of sharp teeth. horned toads hopped about; each of the four upper corners of the room was festooned with a thick cobweb, in the center of which sat a spider as big around as a washbasin, and armed with pincher-like claws; a red-and-green lizard was stretched at full length on the window-sill and black rats darted in and out of the holes they had gnawed in the floor of the cottage. but the most startling thing was a huge gray ape which sat upon a bench and knitted. it wore a lace cap, such as old ladies wear, and a little apron of lace, but no other clothing. its eyes were bright and looked as if coals were burning in them. the ape moved as naturally as an ordinary person might, and on ervic's entrance stopped knitting and raised its head to look at him. "get out!" cried a sharp voice, seeming to come from the ape's mouth. ervic saw another bench, empty, just beyond him, so he stepped over the crocodile, sat down upon the bench and carefully placed the kettle beside him. "get out!" again cried the voice. ervic shook his head. "no," said he, "i'm going to stay." the spiders left their four corners, dropped to the floor and made a rush toward the young skeezer, circling around his legs with their pinchers extended. ervic paid no attention to them. an enormous black rat ran up ervic's body, passed around his shoulders and uttered piercing squeals in his ears, but he did not wince. the green-and-red lizard, coming from the window-sill, approached ervic and began spitting a flaming fluid at him, but ervic merely stared at the creature and its flame did not touch him. the crocodile raised its tail and, swinging around, swept ervic off the bench with a powerful blow. but the skeezer managed to save the kettle from upsetting and he got up, shook off the horned toads that were crawling over him and resumed his seat on the bench. all the creatures, after this first attack, remained motionless, as if awaiting orders. the old gray ape knitted on, not looking toward ervic now, and the young skeezer stolidly kept his seat. he expected something else to happen, but nothing did. a full hour passed and ervic was growing nervous. "what do you want?" the ape asked at last. "nothing," said ervic. "you may have that!" retorted the ape, and at this all the strange creatures in the room broke into a chorus of cackling laughter. another long wait. "do you know who i am?" questioned the ape. "you must be reera the red--the yookoohoo," ervic answered. "knowing so much, you must also know that i do not like strangers. your presence here in my home annoys me. do you not fear my anger?" "no," said the young man. "do you intend to obey me, and leave this house?" "no," replied ervic, just as quietly as the yookoohoo had spoken. the ape knitted for a long time before resuming the conversation. "curiosity," it said, "has led to many a man's undoing. i suppose in some way you have learned that i do tricks of magic, and so through curiosity you have come here. you may have been told that i do not injure anyone, so you are bold enough to disobey my commands to go away. you imagine that you may witness some of the rites of witchcraft, and that they may amuse you. have i spoken truly?" "well," remarked ervic, who had been pondering on the strange circumstances of his coming here, "you are right in some ways, but not in others. i am told that you work magic only for your own amusement. that seems to me very selfish. few people understand magic. i'm told that you are the only real yookoohoo in all oz. why don't you amuse others as well as yourself?" "what right have you to question my actions?" "none at all." "and you say you are not here to demand any favors of me?" "for myself i want nothing from you." "you are wise in that. i never grant favors." "that doesn't worry me," declared ervic. "but you are curious? you hope to witness some of my magic transformations?" "if you wish to perform any magic, go ahead," said ervic. "it may interest me and it may not. if you'd rather go on with your knitting, it's all the same to me. i am in no hurry at all." this may have puzzled red reera, but the face beneath the lace cap could show no expression, being covered with hair. perhaps in all her career the yookoohoo had never been visited by anyone who, like this young man, asked for nothing, expected nothing, and had no reason for coming except curiosity. this attitude practically disarmed the witch and she began to regard the skeezer in a more friendly way. she knitted for some time, seemingly in deep thought, and then she arose and walked to a big cupboard that stood against the wall of the room. when the cupboard door was opened ervic could see a lot of drawers inside, and into one of these drawers--the second from the bottom--reera thrust a hairy hand. until now ervic could see over the bent form of the ape, but suddenly the form, with its back to him, seemed to straighten up and blot out the cupboard of drawers. the ape had changed to the form of a woman, dressed in the pretty gillikin costume, and when she turned around he saw that it was a young woman, whose face was quite attractive. "do you like me better this way?" reera inquired with a smile. "you look better," he said calmly, "but i'm not sure i like you any better." she laughed, saying: "during the heat of the day i like to be an ape, for an ape doesn't wear any clothes to speak of. but if one has gentlemen callers it is proper to dress up." ervic noticed her right hand was closed, as if she held something in it. she shut the cupboard door, bent over the crocodile and in a moment the creature had changed to a red wolf. it was not pretty even now, and the wolf crouched beside its mistress as a dog might have done. its teeth looked as dangerous as had those of the crocodile. next the yookoohoo went about touching all the lizards and toads, and at her touch they became kittens. the rats she changed into chipmunks. now the only horrid creatures remaining were the four great spiders, which hid themselves behind their thick webs. "there!" reera cried, "now my cottage presents a more comfortable appearance. i love the toads and lizards and rats, because most people hate them, but i would tire of them if they always remained the same. sometimes i change their forms a dozen times a day." "you are clever," said ervic. "i did not hear you utter any incantations or magic words. all you did was to touch the creatures." "oh, do you think so?" she replied. "well, touch them yourself, if you like, and see if you can change their forms." "no," said the skeezer, "i don't understand magic and if i did i would not try to imitate your skill. you are a wonderful yookoohoo, while i am only a common skeezer." this confession seemed to please reera, who liked to have her witchcraft appreciated. "will you go away now?" she asked. "i prefer to be alone." "i prefer to stay here," said ervic. "in another person's home, where you are not wanted?" "yes." "is not your curiosity yet satisfied?" demanded reera, with a smile. "i don't know. is there anything else you can do?" "many things. but why should i exhibit my powers to a stranger?" "i can think of no reason at all," he replied. she looked at him curiously. "you want no power for yourself, you say, and you're too stupid to be able to steal my secrets. this isn't a pretty cottage, while outside are sunshine, broad prairies and beautiful wildflowers. yet you insist on sitting on that bench and annoying me with your unwelcome presence. what have you in that kettle?" "three fishes," he answered readily. "where did you get them?" "i caught them in the lake of the skeezers." "what do you intend to do with the fishes?" "i shall carry them to the home of a friend of mine who has three children. the children will love to have the fishes for pets." she came over to the bench and looked into the kettle, where the three fishes were swimming quietly in the water. "they're pretty," said reera. "let me transform them into something else." "no," objected the skeezer. "i love to transform things; it's so interesting. and i've never transformed any fishes in all my life." "let them alone," said ervic. "what shapes would you prefer them to have? i can make them turtles, or cute little sea-horses; or i could make them piglets, or rabbits, or guinea-pigs; or, if you like i can make chickens of them, or eagles, or bluejays." "let them alone!" repeated ervic. "you're not a very pleasant visitor," laughed red reera. "people accuse me of being cross and crabbed and unsociable, and they are quite right. if you had come here pleading and begging for favors, and half afraid of my yookoohoo magic, i'd have abused you until you ran away; but you're quite different from that. you're the unsociable and crabbed and disagreeable one, and so i like you, and bear with your grumpiness. it's time for my midday meal; are you hungry?" "no," said ervic, although he really desired food. "well, i am," reera declared and clapped her hands together. instantly a table appeared, spread with linen and bearing dishes of various foods, some smoking hot. there were two plates laid, one at each end of the table, and as soon as reera seated herself all her creatures gathered around her, as if they were accustomed to be fed when she ate. the wolf squatted at her right hand and the kittens and chipmunks gathered at her left. "come, stranger, sit down and eat," she called cheerfully, "and while we're eating let us decide into what forms we shall change your fishes." "they're all right as they are," asserted ervic, drawing up his bench to the table. "the fishes are beauties--one gold, one silver and one bronze. nothing that has life is more lovely than a beautiful fish." "what! am i not more lovely?" reera asked, smiling at his serious face. "i don't object to you--for a yookoohoo, you know," he said, helping himself to the food and eating with good appetite. "and don't you consider a beautiful girl more lovely than a fish, however pretty the fish may be?" "well," replied ervic, after a period of thought, "that might be. if you transformed my three fish into three girls--girls who would be adepts at magic, you know they might please me as well as the fish do. you won't do that of course, because you can't, with all your skill. and, should you be able to do so, i fear my troubles would be more than i could bear. they would not consent to be my slaves--especially if they were adepts at magic--and so they would command me to obey them. no, mistress reera, let us not transform the fishes at all." the skeezer had put his case with remarkable cleverness. he realized that if he appeared anxious for such a transformation the yookoohoo would not perform it, yet he had skillfully suggested that they be made adepts at magic. chapter nineteen red reera, the yookoohoo after the meal was over and reera had fed her pets, including the four monster spiders which had come down from their webs to secure their share, she made the table disappear from the floor of the cottage. "i wish you'd consent to my transforming your fishes," she said, as she took up her knitting again. the skeezer made no reply. he thought it unwise to hurry matters. all during the afternoon they sat silent. once reera went to her cupboard and after thrusting her hand into the same drawer as before, touched the wolf and transformed it into a bird with gorgeous colored feathers. this bird was larger than a parrot and of a somewhat different form, but ervic had never seen one like it before. "sing!" said reera to the bird, which had perched itself on a big wooden peg--as if it had been in the cottage before and knew just what to do. and the bird sang jolly, rollicking songs with words to them--just as a person who had been carefully trained might do. the songs were entertaining and ervic enjoyed listening to them. in an hour or so the bird stopped singing, tucked its head under its wing and went to sleep. reera continued knitting but seemed thoughtful. now ervic had marked this cupboard drawer well and had concluded that reera took something from it which enabled her to perform her transformations. he thought that if he managed to remain in the cottage, and reera fell asleep, he could slyly open the cupboard, take a portion of whatever was in the drawer, and by dropping it into the copper kettle transform the three fishes into their natural shapes. indeed, he had firmly resolved to carry out this plan when the yookoohoo put down her knitting and walked toward the door. "i'm going out for a few minutes," said she; "do you wish to go with me, or will you remain here?" ervic did not answer but sat quietly on his bench. so reera went out and closed the cottage door. as soon as she was gone, ervic rose and tiptoed to the cupboard. "take care! take care!" cried several voices, coming from the kittens and chipmunks. "if you touch anything we'll tell the yookoohoo!" ervic hesitated a moment but, remembering that he need not consider reera's anger if he succeeded in transforming the fishes, he was about to open the cupboard when he was arrested by the voices of the fishes, which stuck their heads above the water in the kettle and called out: "come here, ervic!" so he went back to the kettle and bent over it "let the cupboard alone," said the goldfish to him earnestly. "you could not succeed by getting that magic powder, for only the yookoohoo knows how to use it. the best way is to allow her to transform us into three girls, for then we will have our natural shapes and be able to perform all the arts of magic we have learned and well understand. you are acting wisely and in the most effective manner. we did not know you were so intelligent, or that reera could be so easily deceived by you. continue as you have begun and try to persuade her to transform us. but insist that we be given the forms of girls." the goldfish ducked its head down just as reera re-entered the cottage. she saw ervic bent over the kettle, so she came and joined him. "can your fishes talk?" she asked. "sometimes," he replied, "for all fishes in the land of oz know how to speak. just now they were asking me for some bread. they are hungry." "well, they can have some bread," said reera. "but it is nearly supper-time, and if you would allow me to transform your fishes into girls they could join us at the table and have plenty of food much nicer than crumbs. why not let me transform them?" "well," said ervic, as if hesitating, "ask the fishes. if they consent, why--why, then, i'll think it over." reera bent over the kettle and asked: "can you hear me, little fishes?" all three popped their heads above water. "we can hear you," said the bronzefish. "i want to give you other forms, such as rabbits, or turtles or girls, or something; but your master, the surly skeezer, does not wish me to. however, he has agreed to the plan if you will consent." "we'd like to be girls," said the silverfish. "no, no!" exclaimed ervic. "if you promise to make us three beautiful girls, we will consent," said the goldfish. "no, no!" exclaimed ervic again. "also make us adepts at magic," added the bronzefish. "i don't know exactly what that means," replied reera musingly, "but as no adept at magic is as powerful as yookoohoo, i'll add that to the transformation." "we won't try to harm you, or to interfere with your magic in any way," promised the goldfish. "on the contrary, we will be your friends." "will you agree to go away and leave me alone in my cottage, whenever i command you to do so?" asked reera. "we promise that," cried the three fishes. "don't do it! don't consent to the transformation," urged ervic. "they have already consented," said the yookoohoo, laughing in his face, "and you have promised me to abide by their decision. so, friend skeezer, i shall perform the transformation whether you like it or not." ervic seated himself on the bench again, a deep scowl on his face but joy in his heart. reera moved over to the cupboard, took something from the drawer and returned to the copper kettle. she was clutching something tightly in her right hand, but with her left she reached within the kettle, took out the three fishes and laid them carefully on the floor, where they gasped in distress at being out of water. reera did not keep them in misery more than a few seconds, for she touched each one with her right hand and instantly the fishes were transformed into three tall and slender young women, with fine, intelligent faces and clothed in handsome, clinging gowns. the one who had been a goldfish had beautiful golden hair and blue eyes and was exceedingly fair of skin; the one who had been a bronzefish had dark brown hair and clear gray eyes and her complexion matched these lovely features. the one who had been a silverfish had snow-white hair of the finest texture and deep brown eyes. the hair contrasted exquisitely with her pink cheeks and ruby-red lips, nor did it make her look a day older than her two companions. as soon as they secured these girlish shapes, all three bowed low to the yookoohoo and said: "we thank you, reera." then they bowed to the skeezer and said: "we thank you, ervic." "very good!" cried the yookoohoo, examining her work with critical approval. "you are much better and more interesting than fishes, and this ungracious skeezer would scarcely allow me to do the transformations. you surely have nothing to thank him for. but now let us dine in honor of the occasion." she clapped her hands together and again a table loaded with food appeared in the cottage. it was a longer table, this time, and places were set for the three adepts as well as for reera and ervic. "sit down, friends, and eat your fill," said the yookoohoo, but instead of seating herself at the head of the table she went to the cupboard, saying to the adepts: "your beauty and grace, my fair friends, quite outshine my own. so that i may appear properly at the banquet table i intend, in honor of this occasion, to take upon myself my natural shape." scarcely had she finished this speech when reera transformed herself into a young woman fully as lovely as the three adepts. she was not quite so tall as they, but her form was more rounded and more handsomely clothed, with a wonderful jeweled girdle and a necklace of shining pearls. her hair was a bright auburn red, and her eyes large and dark. "do you claim this is your natural form?" asked ervic of the yookoohoo. "yes," she replied. "this is the only form i am really entitled to wear. but i seldom assume it because there is no one here to admire or appreciate it and i get tired admiring it myself." "i see now why you are named reera the red," remarked ervic. "it is on account of my red hair," she explained smiling. "i do not care for red hair myself, which is one reason i usually wear other forms." "it is beautiful," asserted the young man; and then remembering the other women present he added: "but, of course, all women should not have red hair, because that would make it too common. gold and silver and brown hair are equally handsome." the smiles that he saw interchanged between the four filled the poor skeezer with embarrassment, so he fell silent and attended to eating his supper, leaving the others to do the talking. the three adepts frankly told reera who they were, how they became fishes and how they had planned secretly to induce the yookoohoo to transform them. they admitted that they had feared, had they asked her to help, that she would have refused them. "you were quite right," returned the yookoohoo. "i make it my rule never to perform magic to assist others, for if i did there would always be crowd at my cottage demanding help and i hate crowds and want to be left alone." "however, now that you are restored to your proper shapes, i do not regret my action and i hope you will be of use in saving the skeezer people by raising their island to the surface of the lake, where it really belongs. but you must promise me that after you go away you will never come here again, nor tell anyone what i have done for you." the three adepts and ervic thanked the yookoohoo warmly. they promised to remember her wish that they should not come to her cottage again and so, with a good-bye, took their departure. chapter twenty a puzzling problem glinda the good, having decided to try her sorcery upon the abandoned submarine, so that it would obey her commands, asked all of her party, including the skeezers, to withdraw from the shore of the lake to the line of palm trees. she kept with her only the little wizard of oz, who was her pupil and knew how to assist her in her magic rites. when they two were alone beside the stranded boat, glinda said to the wizard: "i shall first try my magic recipe no. 1163, which is intended to make inanimate objects move at my command. have you a skeropythrope with you?" "yes, i always carry one in my bag," replied the wizard. he opened his black bag of magic tools and took out a brightly polished skeropythrope, which he handed to the sorceress. glinda had also brought a small wicker bag, containing various requirements of sorcery, and from this she took a parcel of powder and a vial of liquid. she poured the liquid into the skeropythrope and added the powder. at once the skeropythrope began to sputter and emit sparks of a violet color, which spread in all directions. the sorceress instantly stepped into the middle of the boat and held the instrument so that the sparks fell all around her and covered every bit of the blackened steel boat. at the same time glinda crooned a weird incantation in the language of sorcery, her voice sounding low and musical. after a little the violet sparks ceased, and those that had fallen upon the boat had disappeared and left no mark upon its surface. the ceremony was ended and glinda returned the skeropythrope to the wizard, who put it away in his black bag. "that ought to do the business all right," he said confidently. "let us make a trial and see," she replied. so they both entered the boat and seated themselves. speaking in a tone of command the sorceress said to the boat: "carry us across the lake, to the farther shore." at once the boat backed off the sandy beach, turned its prow and moved swiftly over the water. "very good--very good indeed!" cried the wizard, when the boat slowed up at the shore opposite from that whence they had departed. "even coo-ee-oh, with all her witchcraft, could do no better." the sorceress now said to the boat: "close up, submerge and carry us to the basement door of the sunken island--the door from which you emerged at the command of queen coo-ee-oh." the boat obeyed. as it sank into the water the top sections rose from the sides and joined together over the heads of glinda and the wizard, who were thus enclosed in a water-proof chamber. there were four glass windows in this covering, one on each side and one on either end, so that the passengers could see exactly where they were going. moving under water more slowly than on the surface, the submarine gradually approached the island and halted with its bow pressed against the huge marble door in the basement under the dome. this door was tightly closed and it was evident to both glinda and the wizard that it would not open to admit the underwater boat unless a magic word was spoken by them or someone from within the basement of the island. but what was this magic word? neither of them knew. "i'm afraid," said the wizard regretfully, "that we can't get in, after all. unless your sorcery can discover the word to open the marble door." "that is probably some word only known to coo-ce-oh," replied the sorceress. "i may be able to discover what it is, but that will require time. let us go back again to our companions." "it seems a shame, after we have made the boat obey us, to be balked by just a marble door," grumbled the wizard. at glinda's command the boat rose until it was on a level with the glass dome that covered the skeezer village, when the sorceress made it slowly circle all around the great dome. many faces were pressed against the glass from the inside, eagerly watching the submarine, and in one place were dorothy and ozma, who quickly recognized glinda and the wizard through the glass windows of the boat. glinda saw them, too, and held the boat close to the dome while the friends exchanged greetings in pantomime. their voices, unfortunately, could not be heard through the dome and the water and the side of the boat. the wizard tried to make the girls understand, through signs, that he and glinda had come to their rescue, and ozma and dorothy understood this from the very fact that the sorceress and the wizard had appeared. the two girl prisoners were smiling and in safety, and knowing this glinda felt she could take all the time necessary in order to effect their final rescue. as nothing more could be done just then, glinda ordered the boat to return to shore and it obeyed readily. first it ascended to the surface of the water, then the roof parted and fell into the slots at the side of the boat, and then the magic craft quickly made the shore and beached itself on the sands at the very spot from which it had departed at glinda's command. all the oz people and the skeezers at once ran to the boat to ask if they had reached the island, and whether they had seen ozma and dorothy. the wizard told them of the obstacle they had met in the way of a marble door, and how glinda would now undertake to find a magic way to conquer the door. realizing that it would require several days to succeed in reaching the island raising it and liberating their friends and the skeezer people, glinda now prepared a camp half way between the lake shore and the palm trees. the wizard's wizardry made a number of tents appear and the sorcery of the sorceress furnished these tents all complete, with beds, chairs, tables, flags, lamps and even books with which to pass idle hours. all the tents had the royal banner of oz flying from the centerpoles and one big tent, not now occupied, had ozma's own banner moving in the breeze. betsy and trot had a tent to themselves, and button bright and ojo had another. the scarecrow and the tin woodman paired together in one tent and so did jack pumpkinhead and the shaggy man, cap'n bill and uncle henry, tik-tok and professor wogglebug. glinda had the most splendid tent of all, except that reserved for ozma, while the wizard had a little one of his own. whenever it was meal time, tables loaded with food magically appeared in the tents of those who were in the habit of eating, and these complete arrangements made the rescue party just comfortable as they would have been in their own homes. far into the night glinda sat in her tent studying a roll of mystic scrolls in search of a word that would open the basement door of the island and admit her to the great dome. she also made many magical experiments, hoping to discover something that would aid her. yet the morning found the powerful sorceress still unsuccessful. glinda's art could have opened any ordinary door, you may be sure, but you must realize that this marble door of the island had been commanded not to open save in obedience to one magic word, and therefore all other magic words could have no effect upon it. the magic word that guarded the door had probably been invented by coo-ee-oh, who had now forgotten it. the only way, then, to gain entrance to the sunken island was to break the charm that held the door fast shut. if this could be done no magic would be required to open it. the next day the sorceress and the wizard again entered the boat and made it submerge and go to the marble door, which they tried in various ways to open, but without success. "we shall have to abandon this attempt, i think," said glinda. "the easiest way to raise the island would be for us to gain admittance to the dome and then descend to the basement and see in what manner coo-ee-oh made the entire island sink or rise at her command. it naturally occurred to me that the easiest way to gain admittance would be by having the boat take us into the basement through the marble door from which coo-ee-oh launched it. but there must be other ways to get inside the dome and join ozma and dorothy, and such ways we must find by study and the proper use of our powers of magic." "it won't be easy," declared the wizard, "for we must not forget that ozma herself understands considerable magic, and has doubtless tried to raise the island or find other means of escape from it and failed." "that is true," returned glinda, "but ozma's magic is fairy magic, while you are a wizard and i am a sorceress. in this way the three of us have a great variety of magic to work with, and if we should all fail it will be because the island is raised and lowered by a magic power none of us is acquainted with. my idea therefore is to seek--by such magic as we possess--to accomplish our object in another way." they made the circle of the dome again in their boat, and once more saw ozma and dorothy through their windows and exchanged signals with the two imprisoned girls. ozma realized that her friends were doing all in their power to rescue her and smiled an encouragement to their efforts. dorothy seemed a little anxious but was trying to be as brave as her companion. after the boat had returned to the camp and glinda was seated in her tent, working out various ways by which ozma and dorothy could be rescued, the wizard stood on the shore dreamily eying the outlines of the great dome which showed beneath the clear water, when he raised his eyes and saw a group of strange people approaching from around the lake. three were young women of stately presence, very beautifully dressed, who moved with remarkable grace. they were followed at a little distance by a good-looking young skeezer. the wizard saw at a glance that these people might be very important, so he advanced to meet them. the three maidens received him graciously and the one with the golden hair said: "i believe you are the famous wizard of oz, of whom i have often heard. we are seeking glinda, the sorceress, and perhaps you can lead us to her." "i can, and will, right gladly," answered the wizard. "follow me, please." the little wizard was puzzled as to the identity of the three lovely visitors but he gave no sign that might embarrass them. he understood they did not wish to be questioned, and so he made no remarks as he led the way to glinda's tent. with a courtly bow the wizard ushered the three visitors into the gracious presence of glinda, the good. chapter twenty-one the three adepts the sorceress looked up from her work as the three maidens entered, and something in their appearance and manner led her to rise and bow to them in her most dignified manner. the three knelt an instant before the great sorceress and then stood upright and waited for her to speak. "whoever you may be," said glinda, "i bid you welcome." "my name is audah," said one. "my name is aurah," said another. "my name is aujah," said the third. glinda had never heard these names before, but looking closely at the three she asked: "are you witches or workers in magic?" "some of the secret arts we have gleaned from nature," replied the brownhaired maiden modestly, "but we do not place our skill beside that of the great sorceress, glinda the good." "i suppose you are aware it is unlawful to practice magic in the land of oz, without the permission of our ruler, princess ozma?" "no, we were not aware of that," was the reply. "we have heard of ozma, who is the appointed ruler of all this great fairyland, but her laws have not reached us, as yet." glinda studied the strange maidens thoughtfully; then she said to them: "princess ozma is even now imprisoned in the skeezer village, for the whole island with its great dome, was sunk to the bottom of the lake by the witchcraft of coo-ee-oh, whom the flathead su-dic transformed into a silly swan. i am seeking some way to overcome coo-ee-oh's magic and raise the isle to the surface again. can you help me do this?" the maidens exchanged glances, and the white-haired one replied: "we do not know; but we will try to assist you." "it seems," continued glinda musingly, "that coo-ee-oh derived most of her witchcraft from three adepts at magic, who at one time ruled the flatheads. while the adepts were being entertained by coo-ee-oh at a banquet in her palace, she cruelly betrayed them and after transforming them into fishes cast them into the lake. "if i could find these three fishes and return them to their natural shapes--they might know what magic coo-ee-oh used to sink the island. i was about to go to the shore and call these fishes to me when you arrived. so, if you will join me, we will try to find them." the maidens exchanged smiles now, and the golden-haired one, audah, said to glinda: "it will not be necessary to go to the lake. we are the three fishes." "indeed!" cried glinda. "then you are the three adepts at magic, restored to your proper forms?" "we are the three adepts," admitted aujah. "then," said glinda, "my task is half accomplished. but who destroyed the transformation that made you fishes?" "we have promised not to tell," answered aurah; "but this young skeezer was largely responsible for our release; he is brave and clever, and we owe him our gratitude." glinda looked at ervic, who stood modestly behind the adepts, hat in hand. "he shall be properly rewarded," she declared, "for in helping you he has helped us all, and perhaps saved his people from being imprisoned forever in the sunken isle." the sorceress now asked her guests to seat themselves and a long talk followed, in which the wizard of oz shared. "we are quite certain," said aurah, "that if we could get inside the dome we could discover coo-ee-oh's secrets, for in all her work, after we became fishes, she used the formulas and incantations and arts that she stole from us. she may have added to these things, but they were the foundation of all her work." "what means do you suggest for our getting into the dome?" inquired glinda. the three adepts hesitated to reply, for they had not yet considered what could be done to reach the inside of the great dome. while they were in deep thought, and glinda and the wizard were quietly awaiting their suggestions, into the tent rushed trot and betsy, dragging between them the patchwork girl. "oh, glinda," cried trot, "scraps has thought of a way to rescue ozma and dorothy and all of the skeezers." the three adepts could not avoid laughing merrily, for not only were they amused by the queer form of the patchwork girl, but trot's enthusiastic speech struck them as really funny. if the great sorceress and the famous wizard and the three talented adepts at magic were unable as yet to solve the important problem of the sunken isle, there was little chance for a patched girl stuffed with cotton to succeed. but glinda, smiling indulgently at the earnest faces turned toward her, patted the children's heads and said: "scraps is very clever. tell us what she has thought of, my dear." "well," said trot, "scraps says that if you could dry up all the water in the lake the island would be on dry land, an' everyone could come and go whenever they liked." glinda smiled again, but the wizard said to the girls: "if we should dry up the lake, what would become of all the beautiful fishes that now live in the water?" "dear me! that's so," admitted betsy, crestfallen; "we never thought of that, did we trot?" "couldn't you transform 'em into polliwogs?" asked scraps, turning a somersault and then standing on one leg. "you could give them a little, teeny pond to swim in, and they'd be just as happy as they are as fishes." "no indeed!" replied the wizard, severely. "it is wicked to transform any living creatures without their consent, and the lake is the home of the fishes and belongs to them." "all right," said scraps, making a face at him; "i don't care." "it's too bad," sighed trot, "for i thought we'd struck a splendid idea." "so you did," declared glinda, her face now grave and thoughtful. "there is something in the patchwork girl's idea that may be of real value to us." "i think so, too," agreed the golden-haired adept. "the top of the great dome is only a few feet below the surface of the water. if we could reduce the level of the lake until the dome sticks a little above the water, we could remove some of the glass and let ourselves down into the village by means of ropes." "and there would be plenty of water left for the fishes to swim in," added the white-haired maiden. "if we succeed in raising the island we could fill up the lake again," suggested the brown-haired adept. "i believe," said the wizard, rubbing his hands together in delight, "that the patchwork girl has shown us the way to success." the girls were looking curiously at the three beautiful adepts, wondering who they were, so glinda introduced them to trot and betsy and scraps, and then sent the children away while she considered how to carry the new idea into effect. not much could be done that night, so the wizard prepared another tent for the adepts, and in the evening glinda held a reception and invited all her followers to meet the new arrivals. the adepts were greatly astonished at the extraordinary personages presented to them, and marveled that jack pumpkinhead and the scarecrow and the tin woodman and tik-tok could really live and think and talk just like other people. they were especially pleased with the lively patchwork girl and loved to watch her antics. it was quite a pleasant party, for glinda served some dainty refreshments to those who could eat, and the scarecrow recited some poems, and the cowardly lion sang a song in his deep bass voice. the only thing that marred their joy was the thought that their beloved ozma and dear little dorothy were yet confined in the great dome of the sunken island. chapter twenty-two the sunken island as soon as they had breakfasted the next morning, glinda and the wizard and the three adepts went down to the shore of the lake and formed a line with their faces toward the submerged island. all the others came to watch them, but stood at a respectful distance in the background. at the right of the sorceress stood audah and aurah, while at the left stood the wizard and aujah. together they stretched their arms over the water's edge and in unison the five chanted a rhythmic incantation. this chant they repeated again and again, swaying their arms gently from side to side, and in a few minutes the watchers behind them noticed that the lake had begun to recede from the shore. before long the highest point of the dome appeared above the water. gradually the water fell, making the dome appear to rise. when it was three or four feet above the surface glinda gave the signal to stop, for their work had been accomplished. the blackened submarine was now entirely out of water, but uncle henry and cap'n bill managed to push it into the lake. glinda, the wizard, ervic and the adepts got into the boat, taking with them a coil of strong rope, and at the command of the sorceress the craft cleaved its way through the water toward the part of the dome which was now visible. "there's still plenty of water for the fish to swim in," observed the wizard as they rode along. "they might like more but i'm sure they can get along until we have raised the island and can fill up the lake again." the boat touched gently on the sloping glass of the dome, and the wizard took some tools from his black bag and quickly removed one large pane of glass, thus making a hole large enough for their bodies to pass through. stout frames of steel supported the glass of the dome, and around one of these frames the wizard tied the end of a rope. "i'll go down first," said he, "for while i'm not as spry as cap'n bill i'm sure i can manage it easily. are you sure the rope is long enough to reach the bottom?" "quite sure," replied the sorceress. so the wizard let down the rope and climbing through the opening lowered himself down, hand over hand, clinging to the rope with his legs and feet. below in the streets of the village were gathered all the skeezers, men, women and children, and you may be sure that ozma and dorothy, with lady aurex, were filled with joy that their friends were at last coming to their rescue. the queen's palace, now occupied by ozma, was directly in the center of the dome, so that when the rope was let down the end of it came just in front of the palace entrance. several skeezers held fast to the rope's end to steady it and the wizard reached the ground in safety. he hugged first ozma and then dorothy, while all the skeezers cheered as loud as they could. the wizard now discovered that the rope was long enough to reach from the top of the dome to the ground when doubled, so he tied a chair to one end of the rope and called to glinda to sit in the chair while he and some of the skeezers lowered her to the pavement. in this way the sorceress reached the ground quite comfortably and the three adepts and ervic soon followed her. the skeezers quickly recognized the three adepts at magic, whom they had learned to respect before their wicked queen betrayed them, and welcomed them as friends. all the inhabitants of the village had been greatly frightened by their imprisonment under water, but now realized that an attempt was to be made to rescue them. glinda, the wizard and the adepts followed ozma and dorothy into the palace, and they asked lady aurex and ervic to join them. after ozma had told of her adventures in trying to prevent war between the flatheads and the skeezers, and glinda had told all about the rescue expedition and the restoration of the three adepts by the help of ervic, a serious consultation was held as to how the island could be made to rise. "i've tried every way in my power," said ozma, "but coo-ee-oh used a very unusual sort of magic which i do not understand. she seems to have prepared her witchcraft in such a way that a spoken word is necessary to accomplish her designs, and these spoken words are known only to herself." "that is a method we taught her," declared aurah the adept. "i can do no more, glinda," continued ozma, "so i wish you would try what your sorcery can accomplish." "first, then," said glinda, "let us visit the basement of the island, which i am told is underneath the village." a flight of marble stairs led from one of coo-ee-oh's private rooms down to the basement, but when the party arrived all were puzzled by what they saw. in the center of a broad, low room, stood a mass of great cog-wheels, chains and pulleys, all interlocked and seeming to form a huge machine; but there was no engine or other motive power to make the wheels turn. "this, i suppose, is the means by which the island is lowered or raised," said ozma, "but the magic word which is needed to move the machinery is unknown to us." the three adepts were carefully examining the mass of wheels, and soon the golden-haired one said: "these wheels do not control the island at all. on the contrary, one set of them is used to open the doors of the little rooms where the submarines are kept, as may be seen from the chains and pulleys used. each boat is kept in a little room with two doors, one to the basement room where we are now and the other letting into the lake. "when coo-ee-oh used the boat in which she attacked the flatheads, she first commanded the basement door to open and with her followers she got into the boat and made the top close over them. then the basement door being closed, the outer door was slowly opened, letting the water fill the room to float the boat, which then left the island, keeping under water." "but how could she expect to get back again?" asked the wizard. "why the boat would enter the room filled with water and after the outer door was closed a word of command started a pump which pumped all the water from the room. then the boat would open and coo-ee-oh could enter the basement." "i see," said the wizard. "it is a clever contrivance, but won't work unless one knows the magic words." "another part of this machinery," explained the white-haired adept, "is used to extend the bridge from the island to the mainland. the steel bridge is in a room much like that in which the boats are kept, and at coo-ce-oh's command it would reach out, joint by joint, until its far end touched the shore of the lake. the same magic command would make the bridge return to its former position. of course the bridge could not be used unless the island was on the surface of the water." "but how do you suppose coo-ee-oh managed to sink the island, and make it rise again?" inquired glinda. this the adepts could not yet explain. as nothing more could be learned from the basement they mounted the steps to the queen's private suite again, and ozma showed them to a special room where coo-ee-oh kept her magical instruments and performed all her arts of witchcraft. chapter twenty-three the magic words many interesting things were to be seen in the room of magic, including much that had been stolen from the adepts when they were transformed to fishes, but they had to admit that coo-ee-oh had a rare genius for mechanics, and had used her knowledge in inventing a lot of mechanical apparatus that ordinary witches, wizards and sorcerers could not understand. they all carefully inspected this room, taking care to examine every article they came across. "the island," said glinda thoughtfully, "rests on a base of solid marble. when it is submerged, as it is now, the base of the island is upon the bottom of the lake. what puzzles me is how such a great weight can be lifted and suspended in the water, even by magic." "i now remember," returned aujah, "that one of the arts we taught coo-ee-oh was the way to expand steel, and i think that explains how the island is raised and lowered. i noticed in the basement a big steel pillar that passed through the floor and extended upward to this palace. perhaps the end of it is concealed in this very room. if the lower end of the steel pillar is firmly embedded in the bottom of the lake, coo-ee-oh could utter a magic word that would make the pillar expand, and so lift the entire island to the level of the water." "i've found the end of the steel pillar. it's just here," announced the wizard, pointing to one side of the room where a great basin of polished steel seemed to have been set upon the floor. they all gathered around, and ozma said: "yes, i am quite sure that is the upper end of the pillar that supports the island. i noticed it when i first came here. it has been hollowed out, you see, and something has been burned in the basin, for the fire has left its marks. i wondered what was under the great basin and got several of the skeezers to come up here and try to lift it for me. they were strong men, but could not move it at all." "it seems to me," said audah the adept, "that we have discovered the manner in which coo-ee-oh raised the island. she would burn some sort of magic powder in the basin, utter the magic word, and the pillar would lengthen out and lift the island with it." "what's this?" asked dorothy, who had been searching around with the others, and now noticed a slight hollow in the wall, near to where the steel basin stood. as she spoke dorothy pushed her thumb into the hollow and instantly a small drawer popped out from the wall. the three adepts, glinda and the wizard sprang forward and peered into the drawer. it was half filled with a grayish powder, the tiny grains of which constantly moved as if impelled by some living force. "it may be some kind of radium," said the wizard. "no," replied glinda, "it is more wonderful than even radium, for i recognize it as a rare mineral powder called gaulau by the sorcerers. i wonder how coo-ee-oh discovered it and where she obtained it." "there is no doubt," said aujah the adept, "that this is the magic powder coo-ee-oh burned in the basin. if only we knew the magic word, i am quite sure we could raise the island." "how can we discover the magic word?" asked ozma, turning to glinda as she spoke. "that we must now seriously consider," answered the sorceress. so all of them sat down in the room of magic and began to think. it was so still that after a while dorothy grew nervous. the little girl never could keep silent for long, and at the risk of displeasing her magic-working friends she suddenly said: "well, coo-ee-oh used just three magic words, one to make the bridge work, and one to make the submarines go out of their holes, and one to raise and lower the island. three words. and coo-ee-oh's name is made up of just three words. one is 'coo,' and one is 'ee,' and one is 'oh.'" the wizard frowned but glinda looked wonderingly at the young girl and ozma cried out: "a good thought, dorothy dear! you may have solved our problem." "i believe it is worth a trial," agreed glinda. "it would be quite natural for coo-ee-oh to divide her name into three magic syllables, and dorothy's suggestion seems like an inspiration." the three adepts also approved the trial but the brown-haired one said: "we must be careful not to use the wrong word, and send the bridge out under water. the main thing, if dorothy's idea is correct, is to hit upon the one word that moves the island." "let us experiment," suggested the wizard. in the drawer with the moving gray powder was a tiny golden cup, which they thought was used for measuring. glinda filled this cup with the powder and carefully poured it into the shallow basin, which was the top of the great steel pillar supporting the island. then aurah the adept lighted a taper and touched it to the powder, which instantly glowed fiery red and tumbled about the basin with astonishing energy. while the grains of powder still glowed red the sorceress bent over it and said in a voice of command: "coo!" they waited motionless to see what would happen. there was a grating noise and a whirl of machinery, but the island did not move a particle. dorothy rushed to the window, which overlooked the glass side of the dome. "the boats!" she exclaimed. "the boats are all loose an' sailing under water." "we've made a mistake," said the wizard gloomily. "but it's one which shows we are on the right track," declared aujah the adept. "we know now that coo-ee-oh used the syllables of her name for the magic words." "if 'coo' sends out the boats, it is probable that ee' works the bridge," suggested ozma. "so the last part of the name may raise the island." "let us try that next then," proposed the wizard. he scraped the embers of the burned powder out of the basin and glinda again filled the golden cup from the drawer and placed it on top the steel pillar. aurah lighted it with her taper and ozma bent over the basin and murmured the long drawn syllable: "oh-h-h!" instantly the island trembled and with a weird groaning noise it moved upward--slowly, very slowly, but with a steady motion, while all the company stood by in awed silence. it was a wonderful thing, even to those skilled in the arts of magic, wizardry and sorcery, to realize that a single word could raise that great, heavy island, with its immense glass dome. "why, we're way above the lake now!" exclaimed dorothy from the window, when at last the island ceased to move. "that is because we lowered the level of the water," explained glinda. they could hear the skeezers cheering lustily in the streets of the village as they realized that they were saved. "come," said ozma eagerly, "let us go down and join the people." "not just yet," returned glinda, a happy smile upon her lovely face, for she was overjoyed at their success. "first let us extend the bridge to the mainland, where our friends from the emerald city are waiting." it didn't take long to put more powder in the basin, light it and utter the syllable "ee!" the result was that a door in the basement opened and the steel bridge moved out, extended itself joint by joint, and finally rested its far end on the shore of the lake just in front of the encampment. "now," said glinda, "we can go up and receive the congratulations of the skeezers and of our friends of the rescue expedition." across the water, on the shore of the lake, the patchwork girl was waving them a welcome. chapter twenty-four glinda's triumph of course all those who had joined glinda's expedition at once crossed the bridge to the island, where they were warmly welcomed by the skeezers. before all the concourse of people princess ozma made a speech from a porch of the palace and demanded that they recognize her as their lawful ruler and promise to obey the laws of the land of oz. in return she agreed to protect them from all future harm and declared they would no longer be subjected to cruelty and abuse. this pleased the skeezers greatly, and when ozma told them they might elect a queen to rule over them, who in turn would be subject to ozma of oz, they voted for lady aurex, and that same day the ceremony of crowning the new queen was held and aurex was installed as mistress of the palace. for her prime minister the queen selected ervic, for the three adepts had told of his good judgment, faithfulness and cleverness, and all the skeezers approved the appointment. glinda, the wizard and the adepts stood on the bridge and recited an incantation that quite filled the lake with water again, and the scarecrow and the patchwork girl climbed to the top of the great dome and replaced the pane of glass that had been removed to allow glinda and her followers to enter. when evening came ozma ordered a great feast prepared, to which every skeezer was invited. the village was beautifully decorated and brilliantly lighted and there was music and dancing until a late hour to celebrate the liberation of the people. for the skeezers had been freed, not only from the water of the lake but from the cruelty of their former queen. as the people from the emerald city prepared the next morning to depart queen aurex said to ozma: "there is only one thing i now fear for my people, and that is the enmity of the terrible su-dic of the flatheads. he is liable to come here at any time and try to annoy us, and my skeezers are peaceful folks and unable to fight the wild and wilful flatheads." "do not worry," returned ozma, reassuringly. "we intend to stop on our way at the flatheads' enchanted mountain and punish the su-dic for his misdeeds." that satisfied aurex and when ozma and her followers trooped over the bridge to the shore, having taken leave of their friends, all the skeezers cheered them and waved their hats and handkerchiefs, and the band played and the departure was indeed a ceremony long to be remembered. the three adepts at magic, who had formerly ruled the flatheads wisely and considerately, went with princess ozma and her people, for they had promised ozma to stay on the mountain and again see that the laws were enforced. glinda had been told all about the curious flatheads and she had consulted with the wizard and formed a plan to render them more intelligent and agreeable. when the party reached the mountain ozma and dorothy showed them how to pass around the invisible wall--which had been built by the flatheads after the adepts were transformed--and how to gain the up-and-down stairway that led to the mountain top. the su-dic had watched the approach of the party from the edge of the mountain and was frightened when he saw that the three adepts had recovered their natural forms and were coming back to their former home. he realized that his power would soon be gone and yet he determined to fight to the last. he called all the flatheads together and armed them, and told them to arrest all who came up the stairway and hurl them over the edge of the mountain to the plain below. but although they feared the supreme dictator, who had threatened to punish them if they did not obey his commands, as soon as they saw the three adepts they threw down their arms and begged their former rulers to protect them. the three adepts assured the excited flatheads that they had nothing to fear. seeing that his people had rebelled the su-dic ran away and tried to hide, but the adepts found him and had him cast into a prison, all his cans of brains being taken away from him. after this easy conquest of the su-dic, glinda told the adepts of her plan, which had already been approved by ozma of oz, and they joyfully agreed to it. so, during the next few days, the great sorceress transformed, in a way, every flathead on the mountain. taking them one at a time, she had the can of brains that belonged to each one opened and the contents spread on the flat head, after which, by means of her arts of sorcery, she caused the head to grow over the brains--in the manner most people wear them--and they were thus rendered as intelligent and good looking as any of the other inhabitants of the land of oz. when all had been treated in this manner there were no more flatheads at all, and the adepts decided to name their people mountaineers. one good result of glinda's sorcery was that no one could now be deprived of the brains that belonged to him and each person had exactly the share he was entitled to. even the su-dic was given his portion of brains and his flat head made round, like the others, but he was deprived of all power to work further mischief, and with the adepts constantly watching him he would be forced to become obedient and humble. the golden pig, which ran grunting about the streets, with no brains at all, was disenchanted by glinda, and in her woman's form was given brains and a round head. this wife of the su-dic had once been even more wicked than her evil husband, but she had now forgotten all her wickedness and was likely to be a good woman thereafter. these things being accomplished in a satisfactory manner, princess ozma and her people bade farewell to the three adepts and departed for the emerald city, well pleased with their interesting adventures. they returned by the road over which ozma and dorothy had come, stopping to get the sawhorse and the red wagon where they had left them. "i'm very glad i went to see these peoples," said princess ozma, "for i not only prevented any further warfare between them, but they have been freed from the rule of the su-dic and coo-ee-oh and are now happy and loyal subjects of the land of oz. which proves that it is always wise to do one's duty, however unpleasant that duty may seem to be." the wonderful oz books by l. frank baum: the wizard of oz the land of oz ozma of oz dorothy and the wizard in oz the road to oz the emerald city of oz the patchwork girl of oz tik-tok of oz the scarecrow of oz rinkitink in oz the lost princess of oz the tin woodman of oz the magic of oz glinda of oz ozma of oz a record of her adventures with dorothy gale of kansas, the yellow hen, the scarecrow, the tin woodman, tiktok, the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger; besides other good people too numerous to mention faithfully recorded herein by l. frank baum the author of the wizard of oz, the land of oz, etc. contents --author's note- 1. the girl in the chicken coop 2. the yellow hen 3. letters in the sand 4. tiktok, the machine man 5. dorothy opens the dinner pail 6. the heads of langwidere 7. ozma of oz to the rescue 8. the hungry tiger 9. the royal family of ev 10. the giant with the hammer 11. the nome king 12. the eleven guesses 13. the nome king laughs 14. dorothy tries to be brave 15. billina frightens the nome king 16. purple, green and gold 17. the scarecrow wins the fight 18. the fate of the tin woodman 19. the king of ev 20. the emerald city 21. dorothy's magic belt author's note my friends the children are responsible for this new "oz book," as they were for the last one, which was called the land of oz. their sweet little letters plead to know "more about dorothy"; and they ask: "what became of the cowardly lion?" and "what did ozma do afterward?"--meaning, of course, after she became the ruler of oz. and some of them suggest plots to me, saying: "please have dorothy go to the land of oz again"; or, "why don't you make ozma and dorothy meet, and have a good time together?" indeed, could i do all that my little friends ask, i would be obliged to write dozens of books to satisfy their demands. and i wish i could, for i enjoy writing these stories just as much as the children say they enjoy reading them. well, here is "more about dorothy," and about our old friends the scarecrow and the tin woodman, and about the cowardly lion, and ozma, and all the rest of them; and here, likewise, is a good deal about some new folks that are queer and unusual. one little friend, who read this story before it was printed, said to me: "billina is real ozzy, mr. baum, and so are tiktok and the hungry tiger." if this judgment is unbiased and correct, and the little folks find this new story "real ozzy," i shall be very glad indeed that i wrote it. but perhaps i shall get some more of those very welcome letters from my readers, telling me just how they like "ozma of oz." i hope so, anyway. l. frank baum. macatawa, 1907. 1. the girl in the chicken coop the wind blew hard and joggled the water of the ocean, sending ripples across its surface. then the wind pushed the edges of the ripples until they became waves, and shoved the waves around until they became billows. the billows rolled dreadfully high: higher even than the tops of houses. some of them, indeed, rolled as high as the tops of tall trees, and seemed like mountains; and the gulfs between the great billows were like deep valleys. all this mad dashing and splashing of the waters of the big ocean, which the mischievous wind caused without any good reason whatever, resulted in a terrible storm, and a storm on the ocean is liable to cut many queer pranks and do a lot of damage. at the time the wind began to blow, a ship was sailing far out upon the waters. when the waves began to tumble and toss and to grow bigger and bigger the ship rolled up and down, and tipped sidewise--first one way and then the other--and was jostled around so roughly that even the sailor-men had to hold fast to the ropes and railings to keep themselves from being swept away by the wind or pitched headlong into the sea. and the clouds were so thick in the sky that the sunlight couldn't get through them; so that the day grew dark as night, which added to the terrors of the storm. the captain of the ship was not afraid, because he had seen storms before, and had sailed his ship through them in safety; but he knew that his passengers would be in danger if they tried to stay on deck, so he put them all into the cabin and told them to stay there until after the storm was over, and to keep brave hearts and not be scared, and all would be well with them. now, among these passengers was a little kansas girl named dorothy gale, who was going with her uncle henry to australia, to visit some relatives they had never before seen. uncle henry, you must know, was not very well, because he had been working so hard on his kansas farm that his health had given way and left him weak and nervous. so he left aunt em at home to watch after the hired men and to take care of the farm, while he traveled far away to australia to visit his cousins and have a good rest. dorothy was eager to go with him on this journey, and uncle henry thought she would be good company and help cheer him up; so he decided to take her along. the little girl was quite an experienced traveller, for she had once been carried by a cyclone as far away from home as the marvelous land of oz, and she had met with a good many adventures in that strange country before she managed to get back to kansas again. so she wasn't easily frightened, whatever happened, and when the wind began to howl and whistle, and the waves began to tumble and toss, our little girl didn't mind the uproar the least bit. "of course we'll have to stay in the cabin," she said to uncle henry and the other passengers, "and keep as quiet as possible until the storm is over. for the captain says if we go on deck we may be blown overboard." no one wanted to risk such an accident as that, you may be sure; so all the passengers stayed huddled up in the dark cabin, listening to the shrieking of the storm and the creaking of the masts and rigging and trying to keep from bumping into one another when the ship tipped sidewise. dorothy had almost fallen asleep when she was aroused with a start to find that uncle henry was missing. she couldn't imagine where he had gone, and as he was not very strong she began to worry about him, and to fear he might have been careless enough to go on deck. in that case he would be in great danger unless he instantly came down again. the fact was that uncle henry had gone to lie down in his little sleeping-berth, but dorothy did not know that. she only remembered that aunt em had cautioned her to take good care of her uncle, so at once she decided to go on deck and find him, in spite of the fact that the tempest was now worse than ever, and the ship was plunging in a really dreadful manner. indeed, the little girl found it was as much as she could do to mount the stairs to the deck, and as soon as she got there the wind struck her so fiercely that it almost tore away the skirts of her dress. yet dorothy felt a sort of joyous excitement in defying the storm, and while she held fast to the railing she peered around through the gloom and thought she saw the dim form of a man clinging to a mast not far away from her. this might be her uncle, so she called as loudly as she could: "uncle henry! uncle henry!" but the wind screeched and howled so madly that she scarce heard her own voice, and the man certainly failed to hear her, for he did not move. dorothy decided she must go to him; so she made a dash forward, during a lull in the storm, to where a big square chicken-coop had been lashed to the deck with ropes. she reached this place in safety, but no sooner had she seized fast hold of the slats of the big box in which the chickens were kept than the wind, as if enraged because the little girl dared to resist its power, suddenly redoubled its fury. with a scream like that of an angry giant it tore away the ropes that held the coop and lifted it high into the air, with dorothy still clinging to the slats. around and over it whirled, this way and that, and a few moments later the chicken-coop dropped far away into the sea, where the big waves caught it and slid it up-hill to a foaming crest and then down-hill into a deep valley, as if it were nothing more than a plaything to keep them amused. dorothy had a good ducking, you may be sure, but she didn't lose her presence of mind even for a second. she kept tight hold of the stout slats and as soon as she could get the water out of her eyes she saw that the wind had ripped the cover from the coop, and the poor chickens were fluttering away in every direction, being blown by the wind until they looked like feather dusters without handles. the bottom of the coop was made of thick boards, so dorothy found she was clinging to a sort of raft, with sides of slats, which readily bore up her weight. after coughing the water out of her throat and getting her breath again, she managed to climb over the slats and stand upon the firm wooden bottom of the coop, which supported her easily enough. "why, i've got a ship of my own!" she thought, more amused than frightened at her sudden change of condition; and then, as the coop climbed up to the top of a big wave, she looked eagerly around for the ship from which she had been blown. it was far, far away, by this time. perhaps no one on board had yet missed her, or knew of her strange adventure. down into a valley between the waves the coop swept her, and when she climbed another crest the ship looked like a toy boat, it was such a long way off. soon it had entirely disappeared in the gloom, and then dorothy gave a sigh of regret at parting with uncle henry and began to wonder what was going to happen to her next. just now she was tossing on the bosom of a big ocean, with nothing to keep her afloat but a miserable wooden hen-coop that had a plank bottom and slatted sides, through which the water constantly splashed and wetted her through to the skin! and there was nothing to eat when she became hungry--as she was sure to do before long--and no fresh water to drink and no dry clothes to put on. "well, i declare!" she exclaimed, with a laugh. "you're in a pretty fix, dorothy gale, i can tell you! and i haven't the least idea how you're going to get out of it!" as if to add to her troubles the night was now creeping on, and the gray clouds overhead changed to inky blackness. but the wind, as if satisfied at last with its mischievous pranks, stopped blowing this ocean and hurried away to another part of the world to blow something else; so that the waves, not being joggled any more, began to quiet down and behave themselves. it was lucky for dorothy, i think, that the storm subsided; otherwise, brave though she was, i fear she might have perished. many children, in her place, would have wept and given way to despair; but because dorothy had encountered so many adventures and come safely through them it did not occur to her at this time to be especially afraid. she was wet and uncomfortable, it is true; but, after sighing that one sigh i told you of, she managed to recall some of her customary cheerfulness and decided to patiently await whatever her fate might be. by and by the black clouds rolled away and showed a blue sky overhead, with a silver moon shining sweetly in the middle of it and little stars winking merrily at dorothy when she looked their way. the coop did not toss around any more, but rode the waves more gently--almost like a cradle rocking--so that the floor upon which dorothy stood was no longer swept by water coming through the slats. seeing this, and being quite exhausted by the excitement of the past few hours, the little girl decided that sleep would be the best thing to restore her strength and the easiest way in which she could pass the time. the floor was damp and she was herself wringing wet, but fortunately this was a warm climate and she did not feel at all cold. so she sat down in a corner of the coop, leaned her back against the slats, nodded at the friendly stars before she closed her eyes, and was asleep in half a minute. 2. the yellow hen a strange noise awoke dorothy, who opened her eyes to find that day had dawned and the sun was shining brightly in a clear sky. she had been dreaming that she was back in kansas again, and playing in the old barn-yard with the calves and pigs and chickens all around her; and at first, as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she really imagined she was there. "kut-kut-kut, ka-daw-kut! kut-kut-kut, ka-daw-kut!" ah; here again was the strange noise that had awakened her. surely it was a hen cackling! but her wide-open eyes first saw, through the slats of the coop, the blue waves of the ocean, now calm and placid, and her thoughts flew back to the past night, so full of danger and discomfort. also she began to remember that she was a waif of the storm, adrift upon a treacherous and unknown sea. "kut-kut-kut, ka-daw-w-w--kut!" "what's that?" cried dorothy, starting to her feet. "why, i've just laid an egg, that's all," replied a small, but sharp and distinct voice, and looking around her the little girl discovered a yellow hen squatting in the opposite corner of the coop. "dear me!" she exclaimed, in surprise; "have you been here all night, too?" "of course," answered the hen, fluttering her wings and yawning. "when the coop blew away from the ship i clung fast to this corner, with claws and beak, for i knew if i fell into the water i'd surely be drowned. indeed, i nearly drowned, as it was, with all that water washing over me. i never was so wet before in my life!" "yes," agreed dorothy, "it was pretty wet, for a time, i know. but do you feel comfor'ble now?" "not very. the sun has helped to dry my feathers, as it has your dress, and i feel better since i laid my morning egg. but what's to become of us, i should like to know, afloat on this big pond?" "i'd like to know that, too," said dorothy. "but, tell me; how does it happen that you are able to talk? i thought hens could only cluck and cackle." "why, as for that," answered the yellow hen thoughtfully, "i've clucked and cackled all my life, and never spoken a word before this morning, that i can remember. but when you asked a question, a minute ago, it seemed the most natural thing in the world to answer you. so i spoke, and i seem to keep on speaking, just as you and other human beings do. strange, isn't it?" "very," replied dorothy. "if we were in the land of oz, i wouldn't think it so queer, because many of the animals can talk in that fairy country. but out here in the ocean must be a good long way from oz." "how is my grammar?" asked the yellow hen, anxiously. "do i speak quite properly, in your judgment?" "yes," said dorothy, "you do very well, for a beginner." "i'm glad to know that," continued the yellow hen, in a confidential tone; "because, if one is going to talk, it's best to talk correctly. the red rooster has often said that my cluck and my cackle were quite perfect; and now it's a comfort to know i am talking properly." "i'm beginning to get hungry," remarked dorothy. "it's breakfast time; but there's no breakfast." "you may have my egg," said the yellow hen. "i don't care for it, you know." "don't you want to hatch it?" asked the little girl, in surprise. "no, indeed; i never care to hatch eggs unless i've a nice snug nest, in some quiet place, with a baker's dozen of eggs under me. that's thirteen, you know, and it's a lucky number for hens. so you may as well eat this egg." "oh, i couldn't poss'bly eat it, unless it was cooked," exclaimed dorothy. "but i'm much obliged for your kindness, just the same." "don't mention it, my dear," answered the hen, calmly, and began preening her feathers. for a moment dorothy stood looking out over the wide sea. she was still thinking of the egg, though; so presently she asked: "why do you lay eggs, when you don't expect to hatch them?" "it's a habit i have," replied the yellow hen. "it has always been my pride to lay a fresh egg every morning, except when i'm moulting. i never feel like having my morning cackle till the egg is properly laid, and without the chance to cackle i would not be happy." "it's strange," said the girl, reflectively; "but as i'm not a hen i can't be 'spected to understand that." "certainly not, my dear." then dorothy fell silent again. the yellow hen was some company, and a bit of comfort, too; but it was dreadfully lonely out on the big ocean, nevertheless. after a time the hen flew up and perched upon the topmost slat of the coop, which was a little above dorothy's head when she was sitting upon the bottom, as she had been doing for some moments past. "why, we are not far from land!" exclaimed the hen. "where? where is it?" cried dorothy, jumping up in great excitement. "over there a little way," answered the hen, nodding her head in a certain direction. "we seem to be drifting toward it, so that before noon we ought to find ourselves upon dry land again." "i shall like that!" said dorothy, with a little sigh, for her feet and legs were still wetted now and then by the sea-water that came through the open slats. "so shall i," answered her companion. "there is nothing in the world so miserable as a wet hen." the land, which they seemed to be rapidly approaching, since it grew more distinct every minute, was quite beautiful as viewed by the little girl in the floating hen-coop. next to the water was a broad beach of white sand and gravel, and farther back were several rocky hills, while beyond these appeared a strip of green trees that marked the edge of a forest. but there were no houses to be seen, nor any sign of people who might inhabit this unknown land. "i hope we shall find something to eat," said dorothy, looking eagerly at the pretty beach toward which they drifted. "it's long past breakfast time, now." "i'm a trifle hungry, myself," declared the yellow hen. "why don't you eat the egg?" asked the child. "you don't need to have your food cooked, as i do." "do you take me for a cannibal?" cried the hen, indignantly. "i do not know what i have said or done that leads you to insult me!" "i beg your pardon, i'm sure mrs.--mrs.--by the way, may i inquire your name, ma'am?" asked the little girl. "my name is bill," said the yellow hen, somewhat gruffly. "bill! why, that's a boy's name." "what difference does that make?" "you're a lady hen, aren't you?" "of course. but when i was first hatched out no one could tell whether i was going to be a hen or a rooster; so the little boy at the farm where i was born called me bill, and made a pet of me because i was the only yellow chicken in the whole brood. when i grew up, and he found that i didn't crow and fight, as all the roosters do, he did not think to change my name, and every creature in the barn-yard, as well as the people in the house, knew me as 'bill.' so bill i've always been called, and bill is my name." "but it's all wrong, you know," declared dorothy, earnestly; "and, if you don't mind, i shall call you 'billina.' putting the 'eena' on the end makes it a girl's name, you see." "oh, i don't mind it in the least," returned the yellow hen. "it doesn't matter at all what you call me, so long as i know the name means me." "very well, billina. my name is dorothy gale--just dorothy to my friends and miss gale to strangers. you may call me dorothy, if you like. we're getting very near the shore. do you suppose it is too deep for me to wade the rest of the way?" "wait a few minutes longer. the sunshine is warm and pleasant, and we are in no hurry." "but my feet are all wet and soggy," said the girl. "my dress is dry enough, but i won't feel real comfor'ble till i get my feet dried." she waited, however, as the hen advised, and before long the big wooden coop grated gently on the sandy beach and the dangerous voyage was over. it did not take the castaways long to reach the shore, you may be sure. the yellow hen flew to the sands at once, but dorothy had to climb over the high slats. still, for a country girl, that was not much of a feat, and as soon as she was safe ashore dorothy drew off her wet shoes and stockings and spread them upon the sun-warmed beach to dry. then she sat down and watched billina, who was pick-pecking away with her sharp bill in the sand and gravel, which she scratched up and turned over with her strong claws. "what are you doing?" asked dorothy. "getting my breakfast, of course," murmured the hen, busily pecking away. "what do you find?" inquired the girl, curiously. "oh, some fat red ants, and some sand-bugs, and once in a while a tiny crab. they are very sweet and nice, i assure you." "how dreadful!" exclaimed dorothy, in a shocked voice. "what is dreadful?" asked the hen, lifting her head to gaze with one bright eye at her companion. "why, eating live things, and horrid bugs, and crawly ants. you ought to be 'shamed of yourself!" "goodness me!" returned the hen, in a puzzled tone; "how queer you are, dorothy! live things are much fresher and more wholesome than dead ones, and you humans eat all sorts of dead creatures." "we don't!" said dorothy. "you do, indeed," answered billina. "you eat lambs and sheep and cows and pigs and even chickens." "but we cook 'em," said dorothy, triumphantly. "what difference does that make?" "a good deal," said the girl, in a graver tone. "i can't just 'splain the diff'rence, but it's there. and, anyhow, we never eat such dreadful things as bugs." "but you eat the chickens that eat the bugs," retorted the yellow hen, with an odd cackle. "so you are just as bad as we chickens are." this made dorothy thoughtful. what billina said was true enough, and it almost took away her appetite for breakfast. as for the yellow hen, she continued to peck away at the sand busily, and seemed quite contented with her bill-of-fare. finally, down near the water's edge, billina stuck her bill deep into the sand, and then drew back and shivered. "ow!" she cried. "i struck metal, that time, and it nearly broke my beak." "it prob'bly was a rock," said dorothy, carelessly. "nonsense. i know a rock from metal, i guess," said the hen. "there's a different feel to it." "but there couldn't be any metal on this wild, deserted seashore," persisted the girl. "where's the place? i'll dig it up, and prove to you i'm right." billina showed her the place where she had "stubbed her bill," as she expressed it, and dorothy dug away the sand until she felt something hard. then, thrusting in her hand, she pulled the thing out, and discovered it to be a large sized golden key--rather old, but still bright and of perfect shape. "what did i tell you?" cried the hen, with a cackle of triumph. "can i tell metal when i bump into it, or is the thing a rock?" "it's metal, sure enough," answered the child, gazing thoughtfully at the curious thing she had found. "i think it is pure gold, and it must have lain hidden in the sand for a long time. how do you suppose it came there, billina? and what do you suppose this mysterious key unlocks?" "i can't say," replied the hen. "you ought to know more about locks and keys than i do." dorothy glanced around. there was no sign of any house in that part of the country, and she reasoned that every key must fit a lock and every lock must have a purpose. perhaps the key had been lost by somebody who lived far away, but had wandered on this very shore. musing on these things the girl put the key in the pocket of her dress and then slowly drew on her shoes and stockings, which the sun had fully dried. "i b'lieve, billina," she said, "i'll have a look 'round, and see if i can find some breakfast." 3. letters in the sand walking a little way back from the water's edge, toward the grove of trees, dorothy came to a flat stretch of white sand that seemed to have queer signs marked upon its surface, just as one would write upon sand with a stick. "what does it say?" she asked the yellow hen, who trotted along beside her in a rather dignified fashion. "how should i know?" returned the hen. "i cannot read." "oh! can't you?" "certainly not; i've never been to school, you know." "well, i have," admitted dorothy; "but the letters are big and far apart, and it's hard to spell out the words." but she looked at each letter carefully, and finally discovered that these words were written in the sand: "beware the wheelers!" "that's rather strange," declared the hen, when dorothy had read aloud the words. "what do you suppose the wheelers are?" "folks that wheel, i guess. they must have wheelbarrows, or baby-cabs or hand-carts," said dorothy. "perhaps they're automobiles," suggested the yellow hen. "there is no need to beware of baby-cabs and wheelbarrows; but automobiles are dangerous things. several of my friends have been run over by them." "it can't be auto'biles," replied the girl, "for this is a new, wild country, without even trolley-cars or tel'phones. the people here haven't been discovered yet, i'm sure; that is, if there are any people. so i don't b'lieve there can be any auto'biles, billina." "perhaps not," admitted the yellow hen. "where are you going now?" "over to those trees, to see if i can find some fruit or nuts," answered dorothy. she tramped across the sand, skirting the foot of one of the little rocky hills that stood near, and soon reached the edge of the forest. at first she was greatly disappointed, because the nearer trees were all punita, or cotton-wood or eucalyptus, and bore no fruit or nuts at all. but, bye and bye, when she was almost in despair, the little girl came upon two trees that promised to furnish her with plenty of food. one was quite full of square paper boxes, which grew in clusters on all the limbs, and upon the biggest and ripest boxes the word "lunch" could be read, in neat raised letters. this tree seemed to bear all the year around, for there were lunch-box blossoms on some of the branches, and on others tiny little lunch-boxes that were as yet quite green, and evidently not fit to eat until they had grown bigger. the leaves of this tree were all paper napkins, and it presented a very pleasing appearance to the hungry little girl. but the tree next to the lunch-box tree was even more wonderful, for it bore quantities of tin dinner-pails, which were so full and heavy that the stout branches bent underneath their weight. some were small and dark-brown in color; those larger were of a dull tin color; but the really ripe ones were pails of bright tin that shone and glistened beautifully in the rays of sunshine that touched them. dorothy was delighted, and even the yellow hen acknowledged that she was surprised. the little girl stood on tip-toe and picked one of the nicest and biggest lunch-boxes, and then she sat down upon the ground and eagerly opened it. inside she found, nicely wrapped in white papers, a ham sandwich, a piece of sponge-cake, a pickle, a slice of new cheese and an apple. each thing had a separate stem, and so had to be picked off the side of the box; but dorothy found them all to be delicious, and she ate every bit of luncheon in the box before she had finished. "a lunch isn't zactly breakfast," she said to billina, who sat beside her curiously watching. "but when one is hungry one can eat even supper in the morning, and not complain." "i hope your lunch-box was perfectly ripe," observed the yellow hen, in a anxious tone. "so much sickness is caused by eating green things." "oh, i'm sure it was ripe," declared dorothy, "all, that is, 'cept the pickle, and a pickle just has to be green, billina. but everything tasted perfectly splendid, and i'd rather have it than a church picnic. and now i think i'll pick a dinner-pail, to have when i get hungry again, and then we'll start out and 'splore the country, and see where we are." "haven't you any idea what country this is?" inquired billina. "none at all. but listen: i'm quite sure it's a fairy country, or such things as lunch-boxes and dinner-pails wouldn't be growing upon trees. besides, billina, being a hen, you wouldn't be able to talk in any civ'lized country, like kansas, where no fairies live at all." "perhaps we're in the land of oz," said the hen, thoughtfully. "no, that can't be," answered the little girl; "because i've been to the land of oz, and it's all surrounded by a horrid desert that no one can cross." "then how did you get away from there again?" asked billina. "i had a pair of silver shoes, that carried me through the air; but i lost them," said dorothy. "ah, indeed," remarked the yellow hen, in a tone of unbelief. "anyhow," resumed the girl, "there is no seashore near the land of oz, so this must surely be some other fairy country." while she was speaking she selected a bright and pretty dinner-pail that seemed to have a stout handle, and picked it from its branch. then, accompanied by the yellow hen, she walked out of the shadow of the trees toward the sea-shore. they were part way across the sands when billina suddenly cried, in a voice of terror: "what's that?" dorothy turned quickly around, and saw coming out of a path that led from between the trees the most peculiar person her eyes had ever beheld. it had the form of a man, except that it walked, or rather rolled, upon all fours, and its legs were the same length as its arms, giving them the appearance of the four legs of a beast. yet it was no beast that dorothy had discovered, for the person was clothed most gorgeously in embroidered garments of many colors, and wore a straw hat perched jauntily upon the side of its head. but it differed from human beings in this respect, that instead of hands and feet there grew at the end of its arms and legs round wheels, and by means of these wheels it rolled very swiftly over the level ground. afterward dorothy found that these odd wheels were of the same hard substance that our finger-nails and toe-nails are composed of, and she also learned that creatures of this strange race were born in this queer fashion. but when our little girl first caught sight of the first individual of a race that was destined to cause her a lot of trouble, she had an idea that the brilliantly-clothed personage was on roller-skates, which were attached to his hands as well as to his feet. "run!" screamed the yellow hen, fluttering away in great fright. "it's a wheeler!" "a wheeler?" exclaimed dorothy. "what can that be?" "don't you remember the warning in the sand: 'beware the wheelers'? run, i tell you--run!" so dorothy ran, and the wheeler gave a sharp, wild cry and came after her in full chase. looking over her shoulder as she ran, the girl now saw a great procession of wheelers emerging from the forest--dozens and dozens of them--all clad in splendid, tight-fitting garments and all rolling swiftly toward her and uttering their wild, strange cries. "they're sure to catch us!" panted the girl, who was still carrying the heavy dinner-pail she had picked. "i can't run much farther, billina." "climb up this hill,--quick!" said the hen; and dorothy found she was very near to the heap of loose and jagged rocks they had passed on their way to the forest. the yellow hen was even now fluttering among the rocks, and dorothy followed as best she could, half climbing and half tumbling up the rough and rugged steep. she was none too soon, for the foremost wheeler reached the hill a moment after her; but while the girl scrambled up the rocks the creature stopped short with howls of rage and disappointment. dorothy now heard the yellow hen laughing, in her cackling, henny way. "don't hurry, my dear," cried billina. "they can't follow us among these rocks, so we're safe enough now." dorothy stopped at once and sat down upon a broad boulder, for she was all out of breath. the rest of the wheelers had now reached the foot of the hill, but it was evident that their wheels would not roll upon the rough and jagged rocks, and therefore they were helpless to follow dorothy and the hen to where they had taken refuge. but they circled all around the little hill, so the child and billina were fast prisoners and could not come down without being captured. then the creatures shook their front wheels at dorothy in a threatening manner, and it seemed they were able to speak as well as to make their dreadful outcries, for several of them shouted: "we'll get you in time, never fear! and when we do get you, we'll tear you into little bits!" "why are you so cruel to me?" asked dorothy. "i'm a stranger in your country, and have done you no harm." "no harm!" cried one who seemed to be their leader. "did you not pick our lunch-boxes and dinner-pails? have you not a stolen dinner-pail still in your hand?" "i only picked one of each," she answered. "i was hungry, and i didn't know the trees were yours." "that is no excuse," retorted the leader, who was clothed in a most gorgeous suit. "it is the law here that whoever picks a dinner-pail without our permission must die immediately." "don't you believe him," said billina. "i'm sure the trees do not belong to these awful creatures. they are fit for any mischief, and it's my opinion they would try to kill us just the same if you hadn't picked a dinner-pail." "i think so, too," agreed dorothy. "but what shall we do now?" "stay where we are," advised the yellow hen. "we are safe from the wheelers until we starve to death, anyhow; and before that time comes a good many things can happen." 4. tiktok the machine man after an hour or so most of the band of wheelers rolled back into the forest, leaving only three of their number to guard the hill. these curled themselves up like big dogs and pretended to go to sleep on the sands; but neither dorothy nor billina were fooled by this trick, so they remained in security among the rocks and paid no attention to their cunning enemies. finally the hen, fluttering over the mound, exclaimed: "why, here's a path!" so dorothy at once clambered to where billina sat, and there, sure enough, was a smooth path cut between the rocks. it seemed to wind around the mound from top to bottom, like a cork-screw, twisting here and there between the rough boulders but always remaining level and easy to walk upon. indeed, dorothy wondered at first why the wheelers did not roll up this path; but when she followed it to the foot of the mound she found that several big pieces of rock had been placed directly across the end of the way, thus preventing any one outside from seeing it and also preventing the wheelers from using it to climb up the mound. then dorothy walked back up the path, and followed it until she came to the very top of the hill, where a solitary round rock stood that was bigger than any of the others surrounding it. the path came to an end just beside this great rock, and for a moment it puzzled the girl to know why the path had been made at all. but the hen, who had been gravely following her around and was now perched upon a point of rock behind dorothy, suddenly remarked: "it looks something like a door, doesn't it?" "what looks like a door?" enquired the child. "why, that crack in the rock, just facing you," replied billina, whose little round eyes were very sharp and seemed to see everything. "it runs up one side and down the other, and across the top and the bottom." "what does?" "why, the crack. so i think it must be a door of rock, although i do not see any hinges." "oh, yes," said dorothy, now observing for the first time the crack in the rock. "and isn't this a key-hole, billina?" pointing to a round, deep hole at one side of the door. "of course. if we only had the key, now, we could unlock it and see what is there," replied the yellow hen. "may be it's a treasure chamber full of diamonds and rubies, or heaps of shining gold, or--" "that reminds me," said dorothy, "of the golden key i picked up on the shore. do you think that it would fit this key-hole, billina?" "try it and see," suggested the hen. so dorothy searched in the pocket of her dress and found the golden key. and when she had put it into the hole of the rock, and turned it, a sudden sharp snap was heard; then, with a solemn creak that made the shivers run down the child's back, the face of the rock fell outward, like a door on hinges, and revealed a small dark chamber just inside. "good gracious!" cried dorothy, shrinking back as far as the narrow path would let her. for, standing within the narrow chamber of rock, was the form of a man--or, at least, it seemed like a man, in the dim light. he was only about as tall as dorothy herself, and his body was round as a ball and made out of burnished copper. also his head and limbs were copper, and these were jointed or hinged to his body in a peculiar way, with metal caps over the joints, like the armor worn by knights in days of old. he stood perfectly still, and where the light struck upon his form it glittered as if made of pure gold. "don't be frightened," called billina, from her perch. "it isn't alive." "i see it isn't," replied the girl, drawing a long breath. "it is only made out of copper, like the old kettle in the barn-yard at home," continued the hen, turning her head first to one side and then to the other, so that both her little round eyes could examine the object. "once," said dorothy, "i knew a man made out of tin, who was a woodman named nick chopper. but he was as alive as we are, 'cause he was born a real man, and got his tin body a little at a time--first a leg and then a finger and then an ear--for the reason that he had so many accidents with his axe, and cut himself up in a very careless manner." "oh," said the hen, with a sniff, as if she did not believe the story. "but this copper man," continued dorothy, looking at it with big eyes, "is not alive at all, and i wonder what it was made for, and why it was locked up in this queer place." "that is a mystery," remarked the hen, twisting her head to arrange her wing-feathers with her bill. dorothy stepped inside the little room to get a back view of the copper man, and in this way discovered a printed card that hung between his shoulders, it being suspended from a small copper peg at the back of his neck. she unfastened this card and returned to the path, where the light was better, and sat herself down upon a slab of rock to read the printing. "what does it say?" asked the hen, curiously. dorothy read the card aloud, spelling out the big words with some difficulty; and this is what she read: +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | smith & tinker's | | patent double-action, extra-responsive, | | thought-creating, perfect-talking | | mechanical man | | fitted with our special clock-work attachment. | | thinks, speaks, acts, and does everything but live. | | manufactured only at our works at evna, land of ev. | | all infringements will be promptly prosecuted according to law. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ "how queer!" said the yellow hen. "do you think that is all true, my dear?" "i don't know," answered dorothy, who had more to read. "listen to this, billina:" +--------------------------------------------------+ | | | directions for using: | | for thinking:--wind the clock-work man under his | | left arm, (marked no. 1.) | | for speaking:--wind the clock-work man under his | | right arm, (marked no. 2.) | | for walking and action:--wind clock-work in the | | middle of his back, (marked no. 3.) | | n. b.--this mechanism is guaranteed to work | | perfectly for a thousand years. | | | +--------------------------------------------------+ "well, i declare!" gasped the yellow hen, in amazement; "if the copper man can do half of these things he is a very wonderful machine. but i suppose it is all humbug, like so many other patented articles." "we might wind him up," suggested dorothy, "and see what he'll do." "where is the key to the clock-work?" asked billina. "hanging on the peg where i found the card." "then," said the hen, "let us try him, and find out if he will go. he is warranted for a thousand years, it seems; but we do not know how long he has been standing inside this rock." dorothy had already taken the clock key from the peg. "which shall i wind up first?" she asked, looking again at the directions on the card. "number one, i should think," returned billina. "that makes him think, doesn't it?" "yes," said dorothy, and wound up number one, under the left arm. "he doesn't seem any different," remarked the hen, critically. "why, of course not; he is only thinking, now," said dorothy. "i wonder what he is thinking about." "i'll wind up his talk, and then perhaps he can tell us," said the girl. so she wound up number two, and immediately the clock-work man said, without moving any part of his body except his lips: "good morn-ing, lit-tle girl. good morn-ing, mrs. hen." the words sounded a little hoarse and creaky, and they were uttered all in the same tone, without any change of expression whatever; but both dorothy and billina understood them perfectly. "good morning, sir," they answered, politely. "thank you for res-cu-ing me," continued the machine, in the same monotonous voice, which seemed to be worked by a bellows inside of him, like the little toy lambs and cats the children squeeze so that they will make a noise. "don't mention it," answered dorothy. and then, being very curious, she asked: "how did you come to be locked up in this place?" "it is a long sto-ry," replied the copper man; "but i will tell it to you brief-ly. i was pur-chased from smith & tin-ker, my man-u-fac-tur-ers, by a cru-el king of ev, named ev-ol-do, who used to beat all his serv-ants un-til they died. how-ev-er, he was not a-ble to kill me, be-cause i was not a-live, and one must first live in or-der to die. so that all his beat-ing did me no harm, and mere-ly kept my cop-per bod-y well pol-ished. "this cru-el king had a love-ly wife and ten beau-ti-ful chil-dren--five boys and five girls--but in a fit of an-ger he sold them all to the nome king, who by means of his mag-ic arts changed them all in-to oth-er forms and put them in his un-der-ground pal-ace to or-na-ment the rooms. "af-ter-ward the king of ev re-gret-ted his wick-ed ac-tion, and tried to get his wife and chil-dren a-way from the nome king, but with-out a-vail. so, in de-spair, he locked me up in this rock, threw the key in-to the o-cean, and then jumped in af-ter it and was drowned." "how very dreadful!" exclaimed dorothy. "it is, in-deed," said the machine. "when i found my-self im-pris-oned i shout-ed for help un-til my voice ran down; and then i walked back and forth in this lit-tle room un-til my ac-tion ran down; and then i stood still and thought un-til my thoughts ran down. af-ter that i re-mem-ber noth-ing un-til you wound me up a-gain." "it's a very wonderful story," said dorothy, "and proves that the land of ev is really a fairy land, as i thought it was." "of course it is," answered the copper man. "i do not sup-pose such a per-fect ma-chine as i am could be made in an-y place but a fair-y land." "i've never seen one in kansas," said dorothy. "but where did you get the key to un-lock this door?" asked the clock-work voice. "i found it on the shore, where it was prob'ly washed up by the waves," she answered. "and now, sir, if you don't mind, i'll wind up your action." "that will please me ve-ry much," said the machine. so she wound up number three, and at once the copper man in a somewhat stiff and jerky fashion walked out of the rocky cavern, took off his copper hat and bowed politely, and then kneeled before dorothy. said he: "from this time forth i am your o-be-di-ent ser-vant. what-ev-er you com-mand, that i will do will-ing-ly--if you keep me wound up." "what is your name?" she asked. "tik-tok," he replied. "my for-mer mas-ter gave me that name be-cause my clock-work al-ways ticks when it is wound up." "i can hear it now," said the yellow hen. "so can i," said dorothy. and then she added, with some anxiety: "you don't strike, do you?" "no," answered tiktok; "and there is no a-larm con-nec-ted with my ma-chin-er-y. i can tell the time, though, by speak-ing, and as i nev-er sleep i can wak-en you at an-y hour you wish to get up in the morn-ing." "that's nice," said the little girl; "only i never wish to get up in the morning." "you can sleep until i lay my egg," said the yellow hen. "then, when i cackle, tiktok will know it is time to waken you." "do you lay your egg very early?" asked dorothy. "about eight o'clock," said billina. "and everybody ought to be up by that time, i'm sure." 5. dorothy opens the dinner pail "now tiktok," said dorothy, "the first thing to be done is to find a way for us to escape from these rocks. the wheelers are down below, you know, and threaten to kill us." "there is no rea-son to be a-fraid of the wheel-ers," said tiktok, the words coming more slowly than before. "why not?" she asked. "be-cause they are ag-g-g--gr-gr-r-r-" he gave a sort of gurgle and stopped short, waving his hands frantically until suddenly he became motionless, with one arm in the air and the other held stiffly before him with all the copper fingers of the hand spread out like a fan. "dear me!" said dorothy, in a frightened tone. "what can the matter be?" "he's run down, i suppose," said the hen, calmly. "you couldn't have wound him up very tight." "i didn't know how much to wind him," replied the girl; "but i'll try to do better next time." she ran around the copper man to take the key from the peg at the back of his neck, but it was not there. "it's gone!" cried dorothy, in dismay. "what's gone?" asked billina. "the key." "it probably fell off when he made that low bow to you," returned the hen. "look around, and see if you cannot find it again." dorothy looked, and the hen helped her, and by and by the girl discovered the clock-key, which had fallen into a crack of the rock. at once she wound up tiktok's voice, taking care to give the key as many turns as it would go around. she found this quite a task, as you may imagine if you have ever tried to wind a clock, but the machine man's first words were to assure dorothy that he would now run for at least twenty-four hours. "you did not wind me much, at first," he calmly said, "and i told you that long sto-ry a-bout king ev-ol-do; so it is no won-der that i ran down." she next rewound the action clock-work, and then billina advised her to carry the key to tiktok in her pocket, so it would not get lost again. "and now," said dorothy, when all this was accomplished, "tell me what you were going to say about the wheelers." "why, they are noth-ing to be fright-en'd at," said the machine. "they try to make folks be-lieve that they are ver-y ter-ri-ble, but as a mat-ter of fact the wheel-ers are harm-less e-nough to an-y one that dares to fight them. they might try to hurt a lit-tle girl like you, per-haps, be-cause they are ver-y mis-chiev-ous. but if i had a club they would run a-way as soon as they saw me." "haven't you a club?" asked dorothy. "no," said tiktok. "and you won't find such a thing among these rocks, either," declared the yellow hen. "then what shall we do?" asked the girl. "wind up my think-works tight-ly, and i will try to think of some oth-er plan," said tiktok. so dorothy rewound his thought machinery, and while he was thinking she decided to eat her dinner. billina was already pecking away at the cracks in the rocks, to find something to eat, so dorothy sat down and opened her tin dinner-pail. in the cover she found a small tank that was full of very nice lemonade. it was covered by a cup, which might also, when removed, be used to drink the lemonade from. within the pail were three slices of turkey, two slices of cold tongue, some lobster salad, four slices of bread and butter, a small custard pie, an orange and nine large strawberries, and some nuts and raisins. singularly enough, the nuts in this dinner-pail grew already cracked, so that dorothy had no trouble in picking out their meats to eat. she spread the feast upon the rock beside her and began her dinner, first offering some of it to tiktok, who declined because, as he said, he was merely a machine. afterward she offered to share with billina, but the hen murmured something about "dead things" and said she preferred her bugs and ants. "do the lunch-box trees and the dinner-pail trees belong to the wheelers?" the child asked tiktok, while engaged in eating her meal. "of course not," he answered. "they be-long to the roy-al fam-il-y of ev, on-ly of course there is no roy-al fam-il-y just now be-cause king ev-ol-do jumped in-to the sea and his wife and ten chil-dren have been trans-formed by the nome king. so there is no one to rule the land of ev, that i can think of. per-haps it is for this rea-son that the wheel-ers claim the trees for their own, and pick the lunch-eons and din-ners to eat them-selves. but they be-long to the king, and you will find the roy-al "e" stamped up-on the bot-tom of ev-er-y din-ner pail." dorothy turned the pail over, and at once discovered the royal mark upon it, as tiktok had said. "are the wheelers the only folks living in the land of ev?" enquired the girl. "no; they on-ly in-hab-it a small por-tion of it just back of the woods," replied the machine. "but they have al-ways been mis-chiev-ous and im-per-ti-nent, and my old mas-ter, king ev-ol-do, used to car-ry a whip with him, when he walked out, to keep the crea-tures in or-der. when i was first made the wheel-ers tried to run o-ver me, and butt me with their heads; but they soon found i was built of too sol-id a ma-ter-i-al for them to in-jure." "you seem very durable," said dorothy. "who made you?" "the firm of smith & tin-ker, in the town of evna, where the roy-al pal-ace stands," answered tiktok. "did they make many of you?" asked the child. "no; i am the on-ly au-to-mat-ic me-chan-i-cal man they ev-er com-plet-ed," he replied. "they were ver-y won-der-ful in-ven-tors, were my mak-ers, and quite ar-tis-tic in all they did." "i am sure of that," said dorothy. "do they live in the town of evna now?" "they are both gone," replied the machine. "mr. smith was an art-ist, as well as an in-vent-or, and he paint-ed a pic-ture of a riv-er which was so nat-ur-al that, as he was reach-ing a-cross it to paint some flow-ers on the op-po-site bank, he fell in-to the wa-ter and was drowned." "oh, i'm sorry for that!" exclaimed the little girl. "mis-ter tin-ker," continued tiktok, "made a lad-der so tall that he could rest the end of it a-gainst the moon, while he stood on the high-est rung and picked the lit-tle stars to set in the points of the king's crown. but when he got to the moon mis-ter tin-ker found it such a love-ly place that he de-cid-ed to live there, so he pulled up the lad-der af-ter him and we have nev-er seen him since." "he must have been a great loss to this country," said dorothy, who was by this time eating her custard pie. "he was," acknowledged tiktok. "also he is a great loss to me. for if i should get out of or-der i do not know of an-y one a-ble to re-pair me, be-cause i am so com-pli-cat-ed. you have no i-de-a how full of ma-chin-er-y i am." "i can imagine it," said dorothy, readily. "and now," continued the machine, "i must stop talk-ing and be-gin think-ing a-gain of a way to es-cape from this rock." so he turned half way around, in order to think without being disturbed. "the best thinker i ever knew," said dorothy to the yellow hen, "was a scarecrow." "nonsense!" snapped billina. "it is true," declared dorothy. "i met him in the land of oz, and he traveled with me to the city of the great wizard of oz, so as to get some brains, for his head was only stuffed with straw. but it seemed to me that he thought just as well before he got his brains as he did afterward." "do you expect me to believe all that rubbish about the land of oz?" enquired billina, who seemed a little cross--perhaps because bugs were scarce. "what rubbish?" asked the child, who was now finishing her nuts and raisins. "why, your impossible stories about animals that can talk, and a tin woodman who is alive, and a scarecrow who can think." "they are all there," said dorothy, "for i have seen them." "i don't believe it!" cried the hen, with a toss of her head. "that's 'cause you're so ign'rant," replied the girl, who was a little offended at her friend billina's speech. "in the land of oz," remarked tiktok, turning toward them, "an-y-thing is pos-si-ble. for it is a won-der-ful fair-y coun-try." "there, billina! what did i say?" cried dorothy. and then she turned to the machine and asked in an eager tone: "do you know the land of oz, tiktok?" "no; but i have heard a-bout it," said the cop-per man. "for it is on-ly sep-a-ra-ted from this land of ev by a broad des-ert." dorothy clapped her hands together delightedly. "i'm glad of that!" she exclaimed. "it makes me quite happy to be so near my old friends. the scarecrow i told you of, billina, is the king of the land of oz." "par-don me. he is not the king now," said tiktok. "he was when i left there," declared dorothy. "i know," said tiktok, "but there was a rev-o-lu-tion in the land of oz, and the scare-crow was de-posed by a sol-dier wo-man named gen-er-al jin-jur. and then jin-jur was de-posed by a lit-tle girl named oz-ma, who was the right-ful heir to the throne and now rules the land un-der the ti-tle of oz-ma of oz." "that is news to me," said dorothy, thoughtfully. "but i s'pose lots of things have happened since i left the land of oz. i wonder what has become of the scarecrow, and of the tin woodman, and the cowardly lion. and i wonder who this girl ozma is, for i never heard of her before." but tiktok did not reply to this. he had turned around again to resume his thinking. dorothy packed the rest of the food back into the pail, so as not to be wasteful of good things, and the yellow hen forgot her dignity far enough to pick up all of the scattered crumbs, which she ate rather greedily, although she had so lately pretended to despise the things that dorothy preferred as food. by this time tiktok approached them with his stiff bow. "be kind e-nough to fol-low me," he said, "and i will lead you a-way from here to the town of ev-na, where you will be more com-for-ta-ble, and al-so i will pro-tect you from the wheel-ers." "all right," answered dorothy, promptly. "i'm ready!" 6. the heads of langwidere they walked slowly down the path between the rocks, tiktok going first, dorothy following him, and the yellow hen trotting along last of all. at the foot of the path the copper man leaned down and tossed aside with ease the rocks that encumbered the way. then he turned to dorothy and said: "let me car-ry your din-ner-pail." she placed it in his right hand at once, and the copper fingers closed firmly over the stout handle. then the little procession marched out upon the level sands. as soon as the three wheelers who were guarding the mound saw them, they began to shout their wild cries and rolled swiftly toward the little group, as if to capture them or bar their way. but when the foremost had approached near enough, tiktok swung the tin dinner-pail and struck the wheeler a sharp blow over its head with the queer weapon. perhaps it did not hurt very much, but it made a great noise, and the wheeler uttered a howl and tumbled over upon its side. the next minute it scrambled to its wheels and rolled away as fast as it could go, screeching with fear at the same time. "i told you they were harm-less," began tiktok; but before he could say more another wheeler was upon them. crack! went the dinner-pail against its head, knocking its straw hat a dozen feet away; and that was enough for this wheeler, also. it rolled away after the first one, and the third did not wait to be pounded with the pail, but joined its fellows as quickly as its wheels would whirl. the yellow hen gave a cackle of delight, and flying to a perch upon tiktok's shoulder, she said: "bravely done, my copper friend! and wisely thought of, too. now we are free from those ugly creatures." but just then a large band of wheelers rolled from the forest, and relying upon their numbers to conquer, they advanced fiercely upon tiktok. dorothy grabbed billina in her arms and held her tight, and the machine embraced the form of the little girl with his left arm, the better to protect her. then the wheelers were upon them. rattlety, bang! bang! went the dinner-pail in every direction, and it made so much clatter bumping against the heads of the wheelers that they were much more frightened than hurt and fled in a great panic. all, that is, except their leader. this wheeler had stumbled against another and fallen flat upon his back, and before he could get his wheels under him to rise again, tiktok had fastened his copper fingers into the neck of the gorgeous jacket of his foe and held him fast. "tell your peo-ple to go a-way," commanded the machine. the leader of the wheelers hesitated to give this order, so tiktok shook him as a terrier dog does a rat, until the wheeler's teeth rattled together with a noise like hailstones on a window pane. then, as soon as the creature could get its breath, it shouted to the others to roll away, which they immediately did. "now," said tiktok, "you shall come with us and tell me what i want to know." "you'll be sorry for treating me in this way," whined the wheeler. "i'm a terribly fierce person." "as for that," answered tiktok, "i am only a ma-chine, and can-not feel sor-row or joy, no mat-ter what hap-pens. but you are wrong to think your-self ter-ri-ble or fierce." "why so?" asked the wheeler. "be-cause no one else thinks as you do. your wheels make you help-less to in-jure an-y one. for you have no fists and can not scratch or e-ven pull hair. nor have you an-y feet to kick with. all you can do is to yell and shout, and that does not hurt an-y one at all." the wheeler burst into a flood of tears, to dorothy's great surprise. "now i and my people are ruined forever!" he sobbed; "for you have discovered our secret. being so helpless, our only hope is to make people afraid of us, by pretending we are very fierce and terrible, and writing in the sand warnings to beware the wheelers. until now we have frightened everyone, but since you have discovered our weakness our enemies will fall upon us and make us very miserable and unhappy." "oh, no," exclaimed dorothy, who was sorry to see this beautifully dressed wheeler so miserable; "tiktok will keep your secret, and so will billina and i. only, you must promise not to try to frighten children any more, if they come near to you." "i won't--indeed i won't!" promised the wheeler, ceasing to cry and becoming more cheerful. "i'm not really bad, you know; but we have to pretend to be terrible in order to prevent others from attacking us." "that is not ex-act-ly true," said tiktok, starting to walk toward the path through the forest, and still holding fast to his prisoner, who rolled slowly along beside him. "you and your peo-ple are full of mis-chief, and like to both-er those who fear you. and you are of-ten im-pu-dent and dis-a-gree-a-ble, too. but if you will try to cure those faults i will not tell any-one how help-less you are." "i'll try, of course," replied the wheeler, eagerly. "and thank you, mr. tiktok, for your kindness." "i am on-ly a ma-chine," said tiktok. "i can not be kind an-y more than i can be sor-ry or glad. i can on-ly do what i am wound up to do." "are you wound up to keep my secret?" asked the wheeler, anxiously. "yes; if you be-have your-self. but tell me: who rules the land of ev now?" asked the machine. "there is no ruler," was the answer, "because every member of the royal family is imprisoned by the nome king. but the princess langwidere, who is a niece of our late king evoldo, lives in a part of the royal palace and takes as much money out of the royal treasury as she can spend. the princess langwidere is not exactly a ruler, you see, because she doesn't rule; but she is the nearest approach to a ruler we have at present." "i do not re-mem-ber her," said tiktok. "what does she look like?" "that i cannot say," replied the wheeler, "although i have seen her twenty times. for the princess langwidere is a different person every time i see her, and the only way her subjects can recognize her at all is by means of a beautiful ruby key which she always wears on a chain attached to her left wrist. when we see the key we know we are beholding the princess." "that is strange," said dorothy, in astonishment. "do you mean to say that so many different princesses are one and the same person?" "not exactly," answered the wheeler. "there is, of course, but one princess; but she appears to us in many forms, which are all more or less beautiful." "she must be a witch," exclaimed the girl. "i do not think so," declared the wheeler. "but there is some mystery connected with her, nevertheless. she is a very vain creature, and lives mostly in a room surrounded by mirrors, so that she can admire herself whichever way she looks." no one answered this speech, because they had just passed out of the forest and their attention was fixed upon the scene before them--a beautiful vale in which were many fruit trees and green fields, with pretty farm-houses scattered here and there and broad, smooth roads that led in every direction. in the center of this lovely vale, about a mile from where our friends were standing, rose the tall spires of the royal palace, which glittered brightly against their background of blue sky. the palace was surrounded by charming grounds, full of flowers and shrubbery. several tinkling fountains could be seen, and there were pleasant walks bordered by rows of white marble statuary. all these details dorothy was, of course, unable to notice or admire until they had advanced along the road to a position quite near to the palace, and she was still looking at the pretty sights when her little party entered the grounds and approached the big front door of the king's own apartments. to their disappointment they found the door tightly closed. a sign was tacked to the panel which read as follows: +----------------------------+ | | | owner absent. | | | | please knock at the third | | door in the left wing. | | | +----------------------------+ "now," said tiktok to the captive wheeler, "you must show us the way to the left wing." "very well," agreed the prisoner, "it is around here at the right." "how can the left wing be at the right?" demanded dorothy, who feared the wheeler was fooling them. "because there used to be three wings, and two were torn down, so the one on the right is the only one left. it is a trick of the princess langwidere to prevent visitors from annoying her." then the captive led them around to the wing, after which the machine man, having no further use for the wheeler, permitted him to depart and rejoin his fellows. he immediately rolled away at a great pace and was soon lost to sight. tiktok now counted the doors in the wing and knocked loudly upon the third one. it was opened by a little maid in a cap trimmed with gay ribbons, who bowed respectfully and asked: "what do you wish, good people?" "are you the princess langwidere?" asked dorothy. "no, miss; i am her servant," replied the maid. "may i see the princess, please?" "i will tell her you are here, miss, and ask her to grant you an audience," said the maid. "step in, please, and take a seat in the drawing-room." so dorothy walked in, followed closely by the machine. but as the yellow hen tried to enter after them, the little maid cried "shoo!" and flapped her apron in billina's face. "shoo, yourself!" retorted the hen, drawing back in anger and ruffling up her feathers. "haven't you any better manners than that?" "oh, do you talk?" enquired the maid, evidently surprised. "can't you hear me?" snapped billina. "drop that apron, and get out of the doorway, so that i may enter with my friends!" "the princess won't like it," said the maid, hesitating. "i don't care whether she likes it or not," replied billina, and fluttering her wings with a loud noise she flew straight at the maid's face. the little servant at once ducked her head, and the hen reached dorothy's side in safety. "very well," sighed the maid; "if you are all ruined because of this obstinate hen, don't blame me for it. it isn't safe to annoy the princess langwidere." "tell her we are waiting, if you please," dorothy requested, with dignity. "billina is my friend, and must go wherever i go." without more words the maid led them to a richly furnished drawing-room, lighted with subdued rainbow tints that came in through beautiful stained-glass windows. "remain here," she said. "what names shall i give the princess?" "i am dorothy gale, of kansas," replied the child; "and this gentleman is a machine named tiktok, and the yellow hen is my friend billina." the little servant bowed and withdrew, going through several passages and mounting two marble stairways before she came to the apartments occupied by her mistress. princess langwidere's sitting-room was paneled with great mirrors, which reached from the ceiling to the floor; also the ceiling was composed of mirrors, and the floor was of polished silver that reflected every object upon it. so when langwidere sat in her easy chair and played soft melodies upon her mandolin, her form was mirrored hundreds of times, in walls and ceiling and floor, and whichever way the lady turned her head she could see and admire her own features. this she loved to do, and just as the maid entered she was saying to herself: "this head with the auburn hair and hazel eyes is quite attractive. i must wear it more often than i have done of late, although it may not be the best of my collection." "you have company, your highness," announced the maid, bowing low. "who is it?" asked langwidere, yawning. "dorothy gale of kansas, mr. tiktok and billina," answered the maid. "what a queer lot of names!" murmured the princess, beginning to be a little interested. "what are they like? is dorothy gale of kansas pretty?" "she might be called so," the maid replied. "and is mr. tiktok attractive?" continued the princess. "that i cannot say, your highness. but he seems very bright. will your gracious highness see them?" "oh, i may as well, nanda. but i am tired admiring this head, and if my visitor has any claim to beauty i must take care that she does not surpass me. so i will go to my cabinet and change to no. 17, which i think is my best appearance. don't you?" "your no. 17 is exceedingly beautiful," answered nanda, with another bow. again the princess yawned. then she said: "help me to rise." so the maid assisted her to gain her feet, although langwidere was the stronger of the two; and then the princess slowly walked across the silver floor to her cabinet, leaning heavily at every step upon nanda's arm. now i must explain to you that the princess langwidere had thirty heads--as many as there are days in the month. but of course she could only wear one of them at a time, because she had but one neck. these heads were kept in what she called her "cabinet," which was a beautiful dressing-room that lay just between langwidere's sleeping-chamber and the mirrored sitting-room. each head was in a separate cupboard lined with velvet. the cupboards ran all around the sides of the dressing-room, and had elaborately carved doors with gold numbers on the outside and jeweled-framed mirrors on the inside of them. when the princess got out of her crystal bed in the morning she went to her cabinet, opened one of the velvet-lined cupboards, and took the head it contained from its golden shelf. then, by the aid of the mirror inside the open door, she put on the head--as neat and straight as could be--and afterward called her maids to robe her for the day. she always wore a simple white costume, that suited all the heads. for, being able to change her face whenever she liked, the princess had no interest in wearing a variety of gowns, as have other ladies who are compelled to wear the same face constantly. of course the thirty heads were in great variety, no two formed alike but all being of exceeding loveliness. there were heads with golden hair, brown hair, rich auburn hair and black hair; but none with gray hair. the heads had eyes of blue, of gray, of hazel, of brown and of black; but there were no red eyes among them, and all were bright and handsome. the noses were grecian, roman, retrousse and oriental, representing all types of beauty; and the mouths were of assorted sizes and shapes, displaying pearly teeth when the heads smiled. as for dimples, they appeared in cheeks and chins, wherever they might be most charming, and one or two heads had freckles upon the faces to contrast the better with the brilliancy of their complexions. one key unlocked all the velvet cupboards containing these treasures--a curious key carved from a single blood-red ruby--and this was fastened to a strong but slender chain which the princess wore around her left wrist. when nanda had supported langwidere to a position in front of cupboard no. 17, the princess unlocked the door with her ruby key and after handing head no. 9, which she had been wearing, to the maid, she took no. 17 from its shelf and fitted it to her neck. it had black hair and dark eyes and a lovely pearl-and-white complexion, and when langwidere wore it she knew she was remarkably beautiful in appearance. there was only one trouble with no. 17; the temper that went with it (and which was hidden somewhere under the glossy black hair) was fiery, harsh and haughty in the extreme, and it often led the princess to do unpleasant things which she regretted when she came to wear her other heads. but she did not remember this today, and went to meet her guests in the drawing-room with a feeling of certainty that she would surprise them with her beauty. however, she was greatly disappointed to find that her visitors were merely a small girl in a gingham dress, a copper man that would only go when wound up, and a yellow hen that was sitting contentedly in langwidere's best work-basket, where there was a china egg used for darning stockings. (it may surprise you to learn that a princess ever does such a common thing as darn stockings. but, if you will stop to think, you will realize that a princess is sure to wear holes in her stockings, the same as other people; only it isn't considered quite polite to mention the matter.) "oh!" said langwidere, slightly lifting the nose of no. 17. "i thought some one of importance had called." "then you were right," declared dorothy. "i'm a good deal of 'portance myself, and when billina lays an egg she has the proudest cackle you ever heard. as for tiktok, he's the--" "stop--stop!" commanded the princess, with an angry flash of her splendid eyes. "how dare you annoy me with your senseless chatter?" "why, you horrid thing!" said dorothy, who was not accustomed to being treated so rudely. the princess looked at her more closely. "tell me," she resumed, "are you of royal blood?" "better than that, ma'am," said dorothy. "i came from kansas." "huh!" cried the princess, scornfully. "you are a foolish child, and i cannot allow you to annoy me. run away, you little goose, and bother some one else." dorothy was so indignant that for a moment she could find no words to reply. but she rose from her chair, and was about to leave the room when the princess, who had been scanning the girl's face, stopped her by saying, more gently: "come nearer to me." dorothy obeyed, without a thought of fear, and stood before the princess while langwidere examined her face with careful attention. "you are rather attractive," said the lady, presently. "not at all beautiful, you understand, but you have a certain style of prettiness that is different from that of any of my thirty heads. so i believe i'll take your head and give you no. 26 for it." "well, i b'lieve you won't!" exclaimed dorothy. "it will do you no good to refuse," continued the princess; "for i need your head for my collection, and in the land of ev my will is law. i never have cared much for no. 26, and you will find that it is very little worn. besides, it will do you just as well as the one you're wearing, for all practical purposes." "i don't know anything about your no. 26, and i don't want to," said dorothy, firmly. "i'm not used to taking cast-off things, so i'll just keep my own head." "you refuse?" cried the princess, with a frown. "of course i do," was the reply. "then," said langwidere, "i shall lock you up in a tower until you decide to obey me. nanda," turning to her maid, "call my army." nanda rang a silver bell, and at once a big fat colonel in a bright red uniform entered the room, followed by ten lean soldiers, who all looked sad and discouraged and saluted the princess in a very melancholy fashion. "carry that girl to the north tower and lock her up!" cried the princess, pointing to dorothy. "to hear is to obey," answered the big red colonel, and caught the child by her arm. but at that moment tiktok raised his dinner-pail and pounded it so forcibly against the colonel's head that the big officer sat down upon the floor with a sudden bump, looking both dazed and very much astonished. "help!" he shouted, and the ten lean soldiers sprang to assist their leader. there was great excitement for the next few moments, and tiktok had knocked down seven of the army, who were sprawling in every direction upon the carpet, when suddenly the machine paused, with the dinner-pail raised for another blow, and remained perfectly motionless. "my ac-tion has run down," he called to dorothy. "wind me up, quick." she tried to obey, but the big colonel had by this time managed to get upon his feet again, so he grabbed fast hold of the girl and she was helpless to escape. "this is too bad," said the machine. "i ought to have run six hours lon-ger, at least, but i sup-pose my long walk and my fight with the wheel-ers made me run down fast-er than us-u-al." "well, it can't be helped," said dorothy, with a sigh. "will you exchange heads with me?" demanded the princess. "no, indeed!" cried dorothy. "then lock her up," said langwidere to her soldiers, and they led dorothy to a high tower at the north of the palace and locked her securely within. the soldiers afterward tried to lift tiktok, but they found the machine so solid and heavy that they could not stir it. so they left him standing in the center of the drawing-room. "people will think i have a new statue," said langwidere, "so it won't matter in the least, and nanda can keep him well polished." "what shall we do with the hen?" asked the colonel, who had just discovered billina in the work-basket. "put her in the chicken-house," answered the princess. "someday i'll have her fried for breakfast." "she looks rather tough, your highness," said nanda, doubtfully. "that is a base slander!" cried billina, struggling frantically in the colonel's arms. "but the breed of chickens i come from is said to be poison to all princesses." "then," remarked langwidere, "i will not fry the hen, but keep her to lay eggs; and if she doesn't do her duty i'll have her drowned in the horse trough." 7. ozma of oz to the rescue nanda brought dorothy bread and water for her supper, and she slept upon a hard stone couch with a single pillow and a silken coverlet. in the morning she leaned out of the window of her prison in the tower to see if there was any way to escape. the room was not so very high up, when compared with our modern buildings, but it was far enough above the trees and farm houses to give her a good view of the surrounding country. to the east she saw the forest, with the sands beyond it and the ocean beyond that. there was even a dark speck upon the shore that she thought might be the chicken-coop in which she had arrived at this singular country. then she looked to the north, and saw a deep but narrow valley lying between two rocky mountains, and a third mountain that shut off the valley at the further end. westward the fertile land of ev suddenly ended a little way from the palace, and the girl could see miles and miles of sandy desert that stretched further than her eyes could reach. it was this desert, she thought, with much interest, that alone separated her from the wonderful land of oz, and she remembered sorrowfully that she had been told no one had ever been able to cross this dangerous waste but herself. once a cyclone had carried her across it, and a magical pair of silver shoes had carried her back again. but now she had neither a cyclone nor silver shoes to assist her, and her condition was sad indeed. for she had become the prisoner of a disagreeable princess who insisted that she must exchange her head for another one that she was not used to, and which might not fit her at all. really, there seemed no hope of help for her from her old friends in the land of oz. thoughtfully she gazed from her narrow window. on all the desert not a living thing was stirring. wait, though! something surely was stirring on the desert--something her eyes had not observed at first. now it seemed like a cloud; now it seemed like a spot of silver; now it seemed to be a mass of rainbow colors that moved swiftly toward her. what could it be, she wondered? then, gradually, but in a brief space of time nevertheless, the vision drew near enough to dorothy to make out what it was. a broad green carpet was unrolling itself upon the desert, while advancing across the carpet was a wonderful procession that made the girl open her eyes in amazement as she gazed. first came a magnificent golden chariot, drawn by a great lion and an immense tiger, who stood shoulder to shoulder and trotted along as gracefully as a well-matched team of thoroughbred horses. and standing upright within the chariot was a beautiful girl clothed in flowing robes of silver gauze and wearing a jeweled diadem upon her dainty head. she held in one hand the satin ribbons that guided her astonishing team, and in the other an ivory wand that separated at the top into two prongs, the prongs being tipped by the letters "o" and "z", made of glistening diamonds set closely together. the girl seemed neither older nor larger than dorothy herself, and at once the prisoner in the tower guessed that the lovely driver of the chariot must be that ozma of oz of whom she had so lately heard from tiktok. following close behind the chariot dorothy saw her old friend the scarecrow, riding calmly astride a wooden saw-horse, which pranced and trotted as naturally as any meat horse could have done. and then came nick chopper, the tin woodman, with his funnel-shaped cap tipped carelessly over his left ear, his gleaming axe over his right shoulder, and his whole body sparkling as brightly as it had ever done in the old days when first she knew him. the tin woodman was on foot, marching at the head of a company of twenty-seven soldiers, of whom some were lean and some fat, some short and some tall; but all the twenty-seven were dressed in handsome uniforms of various designs and colors, no two being alike in any respect. behind the soldiers the green carpet rolled itself up again, so that there was always just enough of it for the procession to walk upon, in order that their feet might not come in contact with the deadly, life-destroying sands of the desert. dorothy knew at once it was a magic carpet she beheld, and her heart beat high with hope and joy as she realized she was soon to be rescued and allowed to greet her dearly beloved friends of oz--the scarecrow, the tin woodman and the cowardly lion. indeed, the girl felt herself as good as rescued as soon as she recognized those in the procession, for she well knew the courage and loyalty of her old comrades, and also believed that any others who came from their marvelous country would prove to be pleasant and reliable acquaintances. as soon as the last bit of desert was passed and all the procession, from the beautiful and dainty ozma to the last soldier, had reached the grassy meadows of the land of ev, the magic carpet rolled itself together and entirely disappeared. then the chariot driver turned her lion and tiger into a broad roadway leading up to the palace, and the others followed, while dorothy still gazed from her tower window in eager excitement. they came quite close to the front door of the palace and then halted, the scarecrow dismounting from his saw-horse to approach the sign fastened to the door, that he might read what it said. dorothy, just above him, could keep silent no longer. "here i am!" she shouted, as loudly as she could. "here's dorothy!" "dorothy who?" asked the scarecrow, tipping his head to look upward until he nearly lost his balance and tumbled over backward. "dorothy gale, of course. your friend from kansas," she answered. "why, hello, dorothy!" said the scarecrow. "what in the world are you doing up there?" "nothing," she called down, "because there's nothing to do. save me, my friend--save me!" "you seem to be quite safe now," replied the scarecrow. "but i'm a prisoner. i'm locked in, so that i can't get out," she pleaded. "that's all right," said the scarecrow. "you might be worse off, little dorothy. just consider the matter. you can't get drowned, or be run over by a wheeler, or fall out of an apple-tree. some folks would think they were lucky to be up there." "well, i don't," declared the girl, "and i want to get down immed'i'tly and see you and the tin woodman and the cowardly lion." "very well," said the scarecrow, nodding. "it shall be just as you say, little friend. who locked you up?" "the princess langwidere, who is a horrid creature," she answered. at this ozma, who had been listening carefully to the conversation, called to dorothy from her chariot, asking: "why did the princess lock you up, my dear?" "because," exclaimed dorothy, "i wouldn't let her have my head for her collection, and take an old, cast-off head in exchange for it." "i do not blame you," exclaimed ozma, promptly. "i will see the princess at once, and oblige her to liberate you." "oh, thank you very, very much!" cried dorothy, who as soon as she heard the sweet voice of the girlish ruler of oz knew that she would soon learn to love her dearly. ozma now drove her chariot around to the third door of the wing, upon which the tin woodman boldly proceeded to knock. as soon as the maid opened the door ozma, bearing in her hand her ivory wand, stepped into the hall and made her way at once to the drawing-room, followed by all her company, except the lion and the tiger. and the twenty-seven soldiers made such a noise and a clatter that the little maid nanda ran away screaming to her mistress, whereupon the princess langwidere, roused to great anger by this rude invasion of her palace, came running into the drawing-room without any assistance whatever. there she stood before the slight and delicate form of the little girl from oz and cried out;-"how dare you enter my palace unbidden? leave this room at once, or i will bind you and all your people in chains, and throw you into my darkest dungeons!" "what a dangerous lady!" murmured the scarecrow, in a soft voice. "she seems a little nervous," replied the tin woodman. but ozma only smiled at the angry princess. "sit down, please," she said, quietly. "i have traveled a long way to see you, and you must listen to what i have to say." "must!" screamed the princess, her black eyes flashing with fury--for she still wore her no. 17 head. "must, to me!" "to be sure," said ozma. "i am ruler of the land of oz, and i am powerful enough to destroy all your kingdom, if i so wish. yet i did not come here to do harm, but rather to free the royal family of ev from the thrall of the nome king, the news having reached me that he is holding the queen and her children prisoners." hearing these words, langwidere suddenly became quiet. "i wish you could, indeed, free my aunt and her ten royal children," said she, eagerly. "for if they were restored to their proper forms and station they could rule the kingdom of ev themselves, and that would save me a lot of worry and trouble. at present there are at least ten minutes every day that i must devote to affairs of state, and i would like to be able to spend my whole time in admiring my beautiful heads." "then we will presently discuss this matter," said ozma, "and try to find a way to liberate your aunt and cousins. but first you must liberate another prisoner--the little girl you have locked up in your tower." "of course," said langwidere, readily. "i had forgotten all about her. that was yesterday, you know, and a princess cannot be expected to remember today what she did yesterday. come with me, and i will release the prisoner at once." so ozma followed her, and they passed up the stairs that led to the room in the tower. while they were gone ozma's followers remained in the drawing-room, and the scarecrow was leaning against a form that he had mistaken for a copper statue when a harsh, metallic voice said suddenly in his ear: "get off my foot, please. you are scratch-ing my pol-ish." "oh, excuse me!" he replied, hastily drawing back. "are you alive?" "no," said tiktok, "i am on-ly a ma-chine. but i can think and speak and act, when i am pro-per-ly wound up. just now my ac-tion is run down, and dor-o-thy has the key to it." "that's all right," replied the scarecrow. "dorothy will soon be free, and then she'll attend to your works. but it must be a great misfortune not to be alive. i'm sorry for you." "why?" asked tiktok. "because you have no brains, as i have," said the scarecrow. "oh, yes, i have," returned tiktok. "i am fit-ted with smith & tin-ker's im-proved com-bi-na-tion steel brains. they are what make me think. what sort of brains are you fit-ted with?" "i don't know," admitted the scarecrow. "they were given to me by the great wizard of oz, and i didn't get a chance to examine them before he put them in. but they work splendidly and my conscience is very active. have you a conscience?" "no," said tiktok. "and no heart, i suppose?" added the tin woodman, who had been listening with interest to this conversation. "no," said tiktok. "then," continued the tin woodman, "i regret to say that you are greatly inferior to my friend the scarecrow, and to myself. for we are both alive, and he has brains which do not need to be wound up, while i have an excellent heart that is continually beating in my bosom." "i con-grat-u-late you," replied tiktok. "i can-not help be-ing your in-fer-i-or for i am a mere ma-chine. when i am wound up i do my du-ty by go-ing just as my ma-chin-er-y is made to go. you have no i-de-a how full of ma-chin-er-y i am." "i can guess," said the scarecrow, looking at the machine man curiously. "some day i'd like to take you apart and see just how you are made." "do not do that, i beg of you," said tiktok; "for you could not put me to-geth-er a-gain, and my use-ful-ness would be de-stroyed." "oh! are you useful?" asked the scarecrow, surprised. "ve-ry," said tiktok. "in that case," the scarecrow kindly promised, "i won't fool with your interior at all. for i am a poor mechanic, and might mix you up." "thank you," said tiktok. just then ozma re-entered the room, leading dorothy by the hand and followed closely by the princess langwidere. 8. the hungry tiger the first thing dorothy did was to rush into the embrace of the scarecrow, whose painted face beamed with delight as he pressed her form to his straw-padded bosom. then the tin woodman embraced her--very gently, for he knew his tin arms might hurt her if he squeezed too roughly. these greetings having been exchanged, dorothy took the key to tiktok from her pocket and wound up the machine man's action, so that he could bow properly when introduced to the rest of the company. while doing this she told them how useful tiktok had been to her, and both the scarecrow and the tin woodman shook hands with the machine once more and thanked him for protecting their friend. then dorothy asked: "where is billina?" "i don't know," said the scarecrow. "who is billina?" "she's a yellow hen who is another friend of mine," answered the girl, anxiously. "i wonder what has become of her?" "she is in the chicken house, in the back yard," said the princess. "my drawing-room is no place for hens." without waiting to hear more dorothy ran to get billina, and just outside the door she came upon the cowardly lion, still hitched to the chariot beside the great tiger. the cowardly lion had a big bow of blue ribbon fastened to the long hair between his ears, and the tiger wore a bow of red ribbon on his tail, just in front of the bushy end. in an instant dorothy was hugging the huge lion joyfully. "i'm so glad to see you again!" she cried. "i am also glad to see you, dorothy," said the lion. "we've had some fine adventures together, haven't we?" "yes, indeed," she replied. "how are you?" "as cowardly as ever," the beast answered in a meek voice. "every little thing scares me and makes my heart beat fast. but let me introduce to you a new friend of mine, the hungry tiger." "oh! are you hungry?" she asked, turning to the other beast, who was just then yawning so widely that he displayed two rows of terrible teeth and a mouth big enough to startle anyone. "dreadfully hungry," answered the tiger, snapping his jaws together with a fierce click. "then why don't you eat something?" she asked. "it's no use," said the tiger sadly. "i've tried that, but i always get hungry again." "why, it is the same with me," said dorothy. "yet i keep on eating." "but you eat harmless things, so it doesn't matter," replied the tiger. "for my part, i'm a savage beast, and have an appetite for all sorts of poor little living creatures, from a chipmunk to fat babies." "how dreadful!" said dorothy. "isn't it, though?" returned the hungry tiger, licking his lips with his long red tongue. "fat babies! don't they sound delicious? but i've never eaten any, because my conscience tells me it is wrong. if i had no conscience i would probably eat the babies and then get hungry again, which would mean that i had sacrificed the poor babies for nothing. no; hungry i was born, and hungry i shall die. but i'll not have any cruel deeds on my conscience to be sorry for." "i think you are a very good tiger," said dorothy, patting the huge head of the beast. "in that you are mistaken," was the reply. "i am a good beast, perhaps, but a disgracefully bad tiger. for it is the nature of tigers to be cruel and ferocious, and in refusing to eat harmless living creatures i am acting as no good tiger has ever before acted. that is why i left the forest and joined my friend the cowardly lion." "but the lion is not really cowardly," said dorothy. "i have seen him act as bravely as can be." "all a mistake, my dear," protested the lion gravely. "to others i may have seemed brave, at times, but i have never been in any danger that i was not afraid." "nor i," said dorothy, truthfully. "but i must go and set free billina, and then i will see you again." she ran around to the back yard of the palace and soon found the chicken house, being guided to it by a loud cackling and crowing and a distracting hubbub of sounds such as chickens make when they are excited. something seemed to be wrong in the chicken house, and when dorothy looked through the slats in the door she saw a group of hens and roosters huddled in one corner and watching what appeared to be a whirling ball of feathers. it bounded here and there about the chicken house, and at first dorothy could not tell what it was, while the screeching of the chickens nearly deafened her. but suddenly the bunch of feathers stopped whirling, and then, to her amazement, the girl saw billina crouching upon the prostrate form of a speckled rooster. for an instant they both remained motionless, and then the yellow hen shook her wings to settle the feathers and walked toward the door with a strut of proud defiance and a cluck of victory, while the speckled rooster limped away to the group of other chickens, trailing his crumpled plumage in the dust as he went. "why, billina!" cried dorothy, in a shocked voice; "have you been fighting?" "i really think i have," retorted billina. "do you think i'd let that speckled villain of a rooster lord it over me, and claim to run this chicken house, as long as i'm able to peck and scratch? not if my name is bill!" "it isn't bill, it's billina; and you're talking slang, which is very undig'n'fied," said dorothy, reprovingly. "come here, billina, and i'll let you out; for ozma of oz is here, and has set us free." so the yellow hen came to the door, which dorothy unlatched for her to pass through, and the other chickens silently watched them from their corner without offering to approach nearer. the girl lifted her friend in her arms and exclaimed: "oh, billina! how dreadful you look. you've lost a lot of feathers, and one of your eyes is nearly pecked out, and your comb is bleeding!" "that's nothing," said billina. "just look at the speckled rooster! didn't i do him up brown?" dorothy shook her head. "i don't 'prove of this, at all," she said, carrying billina away toward the palace. "it isn't a good thing for you to 'sociate with those common chickens. they would soon spoil your good manners, and you wouldn't be respec'able any more." "i didn't ask to associate with them," replied billina. "it is that cross old princess who is to blame. but i was raised in the united states, and i won't allow any one-horse chicken of the land of ev to run over me and put on airs, as long as i can lift a claw in self-defense." "very well, billina," said dorothy. "we won't talk about it any more." soon they came to the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger to whom the girl introduced the yellow hen. "glad to meet any friend of dorothy's," said the lion, politely. "to judge by your present appearance, you are not a coward, as i am." "your present appearance makes my mouth water," said the tiger, looking at billina greedily. "my, my! how good you would taste if i could only crunch you between my jaws. but don't worry. you would only appease my appetite for a moment; so it isn't worth while to eat you." "thank you," said the hen, nestling closer in dorothy's arms. "besides, it wouldn't be right," continued the tiger, looking steadily at billina and clicking his jaws together. "of course not," cried dorothy, hastily. "billina is my friend, and you mustn't ever eat her under any circ'mstances." "i'll try to remember that," said the tiger; "but i'm a little absent-minded, at times." then dorothy carried her pet into the drawing-room of the palace, where tiktok, being invited to do so by ozma, had seated himself between the scarecrow and the tin woodman. opposite to them sat ozma herself and the princess langwidere, and beside them there was a vacant chair for dorothy. around this important group was ranged the army of oz, and as dorothy looked at the handsome uniforms of the twenty-seven she said: "why, they seem to be all officers." "they are, all except one," answered the tin woodman. "i have in my army eight generals, six colonels, seven majors and five captains, besides one private for them to command. i'd like to promote the private, for i believe no private should ever be in public life; and i've also noticed that officers usually fight better and are more reliable than common soldiers. besides, the officers are more important looking, and lend dignity to our army." "no doubt you are right," said dorothy, seating herself beside ozma. "and now," announced the girlish ruler of oz, "we will hold a solemn conference to decide the best manner of liberating the royal family of this fair land of ev from their long imprisonment." 9. the royal family of ev the tin woodman was the first to address the meeting. "to begin with," said he, "word came to our noble and illustrious ruler, ozma of oz, that the wife and ten children--five boys and five girls--of the former king of ev, by name evoldo, have been enslaved by the nome king and are held prisoners in his underground palace. also that there was no one in ev powerful enough to release them. naturally our ozma wished to undertake the adventure of liberating the poor prisoners; but for a long time she could find no way to cross the great desert between the two countries. finally she went to a friendly sorceress of our land named glinda the good, who heard the story and at once presented ozma a magic carpet, which would continually unroll beneath our feet and so make a comfortable path for us to cross the desert. as soon as she had received the carpet our gracious ruler ordered me to assemble our army, which i did. you behold in these bold warriors the pick of all the finest soldiers of oz; and, if we are obliged to fight the nome king, every officer as well as the private, will battle fiercely unto death." then tiktok spoke. "why should you fight the nome king?" he asked. "he has done no wrong." "no wrong!" cried dorothy. "isn't it wrong to imprison a queen mother and her ten children?" "they were sold to the nome king by king ev-ol-do," replied tiktok. "it was the king of ev who did wrong, and when he re-al-ized what he had done he jumped in-to the sea and drowned him-self." "this is news to me," said ozma, thoughtfully. "i had supposed the nome king was all to blame in the matter. but, in any case, he must be made to liberate the prisoners." "my uncle evoldo was a very wicked man," declared the princess langwidere. "if he had drowned himself before he sold his family, no one would have cared. but he sold them to the powerful nome king in exchange for a long life, and afterward destroyed the life by jumping into the sea." "then," said ozma, "he did not get the long life, and the nome king must give up the prisoners. where are they confined?" "no one knows, exactly," replied the princess. "for the king, whose name is roquat of the rocks, owns a splendid palace underneath the great mountain which is at the north end of this kingdom, and he has transformed the queen and her children into ornaments and bric-a-brac with which to decorate his rooms." "i'd like to know," said dorothy, "who this nome king is?" "i will tell you," replied ozma. "he is said to be the ruler of the underground world, and commands the rocks and all that the rocks contain. under his rule are many thousands of the nomes, who are queerly shaped but powerful sprites that labor at the furnaces and forges of their king, making gold and silver and other metals which they conceal in the crevices of the rocks, so that those living upon the earth's surface can only find them with great difficulty. also they make diamonds and rubies and emeralds, which they hide in the ground; so that the kingdom of the nomes is wonderfully rich, and all we have of precious stones and silver and gold is what we take from the earth and rocks where the nome king has hidden them." "i understand," said dorothy, nodding her little head wisely. "for the reason that we often steal his treasures," continued ozma, "the ruler of the underground world is not fond of those who live upon the earth's surface, and never appears among us. if we wish to see king roquat of the rocks, we must visit his own country, where he is all powerful, and therefore it will be a dangerous undertaking." "but, for the sake of the poor prisoners," said dorothy, "we ought to do it." "we shall do it," replied the scarecrow, "although it requires a lot of courage for me to go near to the furnaces of the nome king. for i am only stuffed with straw, and a single spark of fire might destroy me entirely." "the furnaces may also melt my tin," said the tin woodman; "but i am going." "i can't bear heat," remarked the princess langwidere, yawning lazily, "so i shall stay at home. but i wish you may have success in your undertaking, for i am heartily tired of ruling this stupid kingdom, and i need more leisure in which to admire my beautiful heads." "we do not need you," said ozma. "for, if with the aid of my brave followers i cannot accomplish my purpose, then it would be useless for you to undertake the journey." "quite true," sighed the princess. "so, if you'll excuse me, i will now retire to my cabinet. i've worn this head quite awhile, and i want to change it for another." when she had left them (and you may be sure no one was sorry to see her go) ozma said to tiktok: "will you join our party?" "i am the slave of the girl dor-oth-y, who rescued me from pris-on," replied the machine. "where she goes i will go." "oh, i am going with my friends, of course," said dorothy, quickly. "i wouldn't miss the fun for anything. will you go, too, billina?" "to be sure," said billina in a careless tone. she was smoothing down the feathers of her back and not paying much attention. "heat is just in her line," remarked the scarecrow. "if she is nicely roasted, she will be better than ever." "then" said ozma, "we will arrange to start for the kingdom of the nomes at daybreak tomorrow. and, in the meantime, we will rest and prepare ourselves for the journey." although princess langwidere did not again appear to her guests, the palace servants waited upon the strangers from oz and did everything in their power to make the party comfortable. there were many vacant rooms at their disposal, and the brave army of twenty-seven was easily provided for and liberally feasted. the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger were unharnessed from the chariot and allowed to roam at will throughout the palace, where they nearly frightened the servants into fits, although they did no harm at all. at one time dorothy found the little maid nanda crouching in terror in a corner, with the hungry tiger standing before her. "you certainly look delicious," the beast was saying. "will you kindly give me permission to eat you?" "no, no, no!" cried the maid in reply. "then," said the tiger, yawning frightfully, "please to get me about thirty pounds of tenderloin steak, cooked rare, with a peck of boiled potatoes on the side, and five gallons of ice-cream for dessert." "i--i'll do the best i can!" said nanda, and she ran away as fast as she could go. "are you so very hungry?" asked dorothy, in wonder. "you can hardly imagine the size of my appetite," replied the tiger, sadly. "it seems to fill my whole body, from the end of my throat to the tip of my tail. i am very sure the appetite doesn't fit me, and is too large for the size of my body. some day, when i meet a dentist with a pair of forceps, i'm going to have it pulled." "what, your tooth?" asked dorothy. "no, my appetite," said the hungry tiger. the little girl spent most of the afternoon talking with the scarecrow and the tin woodman, who related to her all that had taken place in the land of oz since dorothy had left it. she was much interested in the story of ozma, who had been, when a baby, stolen by a wicked old witch and transformed into a boy. she did not know that she had ever been a girl until she was restored to her natural form by a kind sorceress. then it was found that she was the only child of the former ruler of oz, and was entitled to rule in his place. ozma had many adventures, however, before she regained her father's throne, and in these she was accompanied by a pumpkin-headed man, a highly magnified and thoroughly educated woggle-bug, and a wonderful sawhorse that had been brought to life by means of a magic powder. the scarecrow and the tin woodman had also assisted her; but the cowardly lion, who ruled the great forest as the king of beasts, knew nothing of ozma until after she became the reigning princess of oz. then he journeyed to the emerald city to see her, and on hearing she was about to visit the land of ev to set free the royal family of that country, the cowardly lion begged to go with her, and brought along his friend, the hungry tiger, as well. having heard this story, dorothy related to them her own adventures, and then went out with her friends to find the sawhorse, which ozma had caused to be shod with plates of gold, so that its legs would not wear out. they came upon the sawhorse standing motionless beside the garden gate, but when dorothy was introduced to him he bowed politely and blinked his eyes, which were knots of wood, and wagged his tail, which was only the branch of a tree. "what a remarkable thing, to be alive!" exclaimed dorothy. "i quite agree with you," replied the sawhorse, in a rough but not unpleasant voice. "a creature like me has no business to live, as we all know. but it was the magic powder that did it, so i cannot justly be blamed." "of course not," said dorothy. "and you seem to be of some use, 'cause i noticed the scarecrow riding upon your back." "oh, yes; i'm of use," returned the sawhorse; "and i never tire, never have to be fed, or cared for in any way." "are you intel'gent?" asked the girl. "not very," said the creature. "it would be foolish to waste intelligence on a common sawhorse, when so many professors need it. but i know enough to obey my masters, and to gid-dup, or whoa, when i'm told to. so i'm pretty well satisfied." that night dorothy slept in a pleasant little bed-chamber next to that occupied by ozma of oz, and billina perched upon the foot of the bed and tucked her head under her wing and slept as soundly in that position as did dorothy upon her soft cushions. but before daybreak every one was awake and stirring, and soon the adventurers were eating a hasty breakfast in the great dining-room of the palace. ozma sat at the head of a long table, on a raised platform, with dorothy on her right hand and the scarecrow on her left. the scarecrow did not eat, of course; but ozma placed him near her so that she might ask his advice about the journey while she ate. lower down the table were the twenty-seven warriors of oz, and at the end of the room the lion and the tiger were eating out of a kettle that had been placed upon the floor, while billina fluttered around to pick up any scraps that might be scattered. it did not take long to finish the meal, and then the lion and the tiger were harnessed to the chariot and the party was ready to start for the nome king's palace. first rode ozma, with dorothy beside her in the golden chariot and holding billina fast in her arms. then came the scarecrow on the sawhorse, with the tin woodman and tiktok marching side by side just behind him. after these tramped the army, looking brave and handsome in their splendid uniforms. the generals commanded the colonels and the colonels commanded the majors and the majors commanded the captains and the captains commanded the private, who marched with an air of proud importance because it required so many officers to give him his orders. and so the magnificent procession left the palace and started along the road just as day was breaking, and by the time the sun came out they had made good progress toward the valley that led to the nome king's domain. 10. the giant with the hammer the road led for a time through a pretty farm country, and then past a picnic grove that was very inviting. but the procession continued to steadily advance until billina cried in an abrupt and commanding manner: "wait--wait!" ozma stopped her chariot so suddenly that the scarecrow's sawhorse nearly ran into it, and the ranks of the army tumbled over one another before they could come to a halt. immediately the yellow hen struggled from dorothy's arms and flew into a clump of bushes by the roadside. "what's the matter?" called the tin woodman, anxiously. "why, billina wants to lay her egg, that's all," said dorothy. "lay her egg!" repeated the tin woodman, in astonishment. "yes; she lays one every morning, about this time; and it's quite fresh," said the girl. "but does your foolish old hen suppose that this entire cavalcade, which is bound on an important adventure, is going to stand still while she lays her egg?" enquired the tin woodman, earnestly. "what else can we do?" asked the girl. "it's a habit of billina's and she can't break herself of it." "then she must hurry up," said the tin woodman, impatiently. "no, no!" exclaimed the scarecrow. "if she hurries she may lay scrambled eggs." "that's nonsense," said dorothy. "but billina won't be long, i'm sure." so they stood and waited, although all were restless and anxious to proceed. and by and by the yellow hen came from the bushes saying: "kut-kut, kut, ka-daw-kutt! kut, kut, kut--ka-daw-kut!" "what is she doing--singing her lay?" asked the scarecrow. "for-ward--march!" shouted the tin woodman, waving his axe, and the procession started just as dorothy had once more grabbed billina in her arms. "isn't anyone going to get my egg?" cried the hen, in great excitement. "i'll get it," said the scarecrow; and at his command the sawhorse pranced into the bushes. the straw man soon found the egg, which he placed in his jacket pocket. the cavalcade, having moved rapidly on, was even then far in advance; but it did not take the sawhorse long to catch up with it, and presently the scarecrow was riding in his accustomed place behind ozma's chariot. "what shall i do with the egg?" he asked dorothy. "i do not know," the girl answered. "perhaps the hungry tiger would like it." "it would not be enough to fill one of my back teeth," remarked the tiger. "a bushel of them, hard boiled, might take a little of the edge off my appetite; but one egg isn't good for anything at all, that i know of." "no; it wouldn't even make a sponge cake," said the scarecrow, thoughtfully. "the tin woodman might carry it with his axe and hatch it; but after all i may as well keep it myself for a souvenir." so he left it in his pocket. they had now reached that part of the valley that lay between the two high mountains which dorothy had seen from her tower window. at the far end was the third great mountain, which blocked the valley and was the northern edge of the land of ev. it was underneath this mountain that the nome king's palace was said to be; but it would be some time before they reached that place. the path was becoming rocky and difficult for the wheels of the chariot to pass over, and presently a deep gulf appeared at their feet which was too wide for them to leap. so ozma took a small square of green cloth from her pocket and threw it upon the ground. at once it became the magic carpet, and unrolled itself far enough for all the cavalcade to walk upon. the chariot now advanced, and the green carpet unrolled before it, crossing the gulf on a level with its banks, so that all passed over in safety. "that's easy enough," said the scarecrow. "i wonder what will happen next." he was not long in making the discovery, for the sides of the mountain came closer together until finally there was but a narrow path between them, along which ozma and her party were forced to pass in single file. they now heard a low and deep "thump!--thump!--thump!" which echoed throughout the valley and seemed to grow louder as they advanced. then, turning a corner of rock, they saw before them a huge form, which towered above the path for more than a hundred feet. the form was that of a gigantic man built out of plates of cast iron, and it stood with one foot on either side of the narrow road and swung over its right shoulder an immense iron mallet, with which it constantly pounded the earth. these resounding blows explained the thumping sounds they had heard, for the mallet was much bigger than a barrel, and where it struck the path between the rocky sides of the mountain it filled all the space through which our travelers would be obliged to pass. of course they at once halted, a safe distance away from the terrible iron mallet. the magic carpet would do them no good in this case, for it was only meant to protect them from any dangers upon the ground beneath their feet, and not from dangers that appeared in the air above them. "wow!" said the cowardly lion, with a shudder. "it makes me dreadfully nervous to see that big hammer pounding so near my head. one blow would crush me into a door-mat." "the ir-on gi-ant is a fine fel-low," said tiktok, "and works as stead-i-ly as a clock. he was made for the nome king by smith & tin-ker, who made me, and his du-ty is to keep folks from find-ing the un-der-ground pal-ace. is he not a great work of art?" "can he think, and speak, as you do?" asked ozma, regarding the giant with wondering eyes. "no," replied the machine; "he is on-ly made to pound the road, and has no think-ing or speak-ing at-tach-ment. but he pounds ve-ry well, i think." "too well," observed the scarecrow. "he is keeping us from going farther. is there no way to stop his machinery?" "on-ly the nome king, who has the key, can do that," answered tiktok. "then," said dorothy, anxiously, "what shall we do?" "excuse me for a few minutes," said the scarecrow, "and i will think it over." he retired, then, to a position in the rear, where he turned his painted face to the rocks and began to think. meantime the giant continued to raise his iron mallet high in the air and to strike the path terrific blows that echoed through the mountains like the roar of a cannon. each time the mallet lifted, however, there was a moment when the path beneath the monster was free, and perhaps the scarecrow had noticed this, for when he came back to the others he said: "the matter is a very simple one, after all. we have but to run under the hammer, one at a time, when it is lifted, and pass to the other side before it falls again." "it will require quick work, if we escape the blow," said the tin woodman, with a shake of his head. "but it really seems the only thing to be done. who will make the first attempt?" they looked at one another hesitatingly for a moment. then the cowardly lion, who was trembling like a leaf in the wind, said to them: "i suppose the head of the procession must go first--and that's me. but i'm terribly afraid of the big hammer!" "what will become of me?" asked ozma. "you might rush under the hammer yourself, but the chariot would surely be crushed." "we must leave the chariot," said the scarecrow. "but you two girls can ride upon the backs of the lion and the tiger." so this was decided upon, and ozma, as soon as the lion was unfastened from the chariot, at once mounted the beast's back and said she was ready. "cling fast to his mane," advised dorothy. "i used to ride him myself, and that's the way i held on." so ozma clung fast to the mane, and the lion crouched in the path and eyed the swinging mallet carefully until he knew just the instant it would begin to rise in the air. then, before anyone thought he was ready, he made a sudden leap straight between the iron giant's legs, and before the mallet struck the ground again the lion and ozma were safe on the other side. the tiger went next. dorothy sat upon his back and locked her arms around his striped neck, for he had no mane to cling to. he made the leap straight and true as an arrow from a bow, and ere dorothy realized it she was out of danger and standing by ozma's side. now came the scarecrow on the sawhorse, and while they made the dash in safety they were within a hair's breadth of being caught by the descending hammer. tiktok walked up to the very edge of the spot the hammer struck, and as it was raised for the next blow he calmly stepped forward and escaped its descent. that was an idea for the tin woodman to follow, and he also crossed in safety while the great hammer was in the air. but when it came to the twenty-six officers and the private, their knees were so weak that they could not walk a step. "in battle we are wonderfully courageous," said one of the generals, "and our foes find us very terrible to face. but war is one thing and this is another. when it comes to being pounded upon the head by an iron hammer, and smashed into pancakes, we naturally object." "make a run for it," urged the scarecrow. "our knees shake so that we cannot run," answered a captain. "if we should try it we would all certainly be pounded to a jelly." "well, well," sighed the cowardly lion, "i see, friend tiger, that we must place ourselves in great danger to rescue this bold army. come with me, and we will do the best we can." so, ozma and dorothy having already dismounted from their backs, the lion and the tiger leaped back again under the awful hammer and returned with two generals clinging to their necks. they repeated this daring passage twelve times, when all the officers had been carried beneath the giant's legs and landed safely on the further side. by that time the beasts were very tired, and panted so hard that their tongues hung out of their great mouths. "but what is to become of the private?" asked ozma. "oh, leave him there to guard the chariot," said the lion. "i'm tired out, and won't pass under that mallet again." the officers at once protested that they must have the private with them, else there would be no one for them to command. but neither the lion or the tiger would go after him, and so the scarecrow sent the sawhorse. either the wooden horse was careless, or it failed to properly time the descent of the hammer, for the mighty weapon caught it squarely upon its head, and thumped it against the ground so powerfully that the private flew off its back high into the air, and landed upon one of the giant's cast-iron arms. here he clung desperately while the arm rose and fell with each one of the rapid strokes. the scarecrow dashed in to rescue his sawhorse, and had his left foot smashed by the hammer before he could pull the creature out of danger. they then found that the sawhorse had been badly dazed by the blow; for while the hard wooden knot of which his head was formed could not be crushed by the hammer, both his ears were broken off and he would be unable to hear a sound until some new ones were made for him. also his left knee was cracked, and had to be bound up with a string. billina having fluttered under the hammer, it now remained only to rescue the private who was riding upon the iron giant's arm, high in the air. the scarecrow lay flat upon the ground and called to the man to jump down upon his body, which was soft because it was stuffed with straw. this the private managed to do, waiting until a time when he was nearest the ground and then letting himself drop upon the scarecrow. he accomplished the feat without breaking any bones, and the scarecrow declared he was not injured in the least. therefore, the tin woodman having by this time fitted new ears to the sawhorse, the entire party proceeded upon its way, leaving the giant to pound the path behind them. 11. the nome king by and by, when they drew near to the mountain that blocked their path and which was the furthermost edge of the kingdom of ev, the way grew dark and gloomy for the reason that the high peaks on either side shut out the sunshine. and it was very silent, too, as there were no birds to sing or squirrels to chatter, the trees being left far behind them and only the bare rocks remaining. ozma and dorothy were a little awed by the silence, and all the others were quiet and grave except the sawhorse, which, as it trotted along with the scarecrow upon his back, hummed a queer song, of which this was the chorus: "would a wooden horse in a woodland go? aye, aye! i sigh, he would, although had he not had a wooden head he'd mount the mountain top instead." but no one paid any attention to this because they were now close to the nome king's dominions, and his splendid underground palace could not be very far away. suddenly they heard a shout of jeering laughter, and stopped short. they would have to stop in a minute, anyway, for the huge mountain barred their further progress and the path ran close up to a wall of rock and ended. "who was that laughing?" asked ozma. there was no reply, but in the gloom they could see strange forms flit across the face of the rock. whatever the creations might be they seemed very like the rock itself, for they were the color of rocks and their shapes were as rough and rugged as if they had been broken away from the side of the mountain. they kept close to the steep cliff facing our friends, and glided up and down, and this way and that, with a lack of regularity that was quite confusing. and they seemed not to need places to rest their feet, but clung to the surface of the rock as a fly does to a window-pane, and were never still for a moment. "do not mind them," said tiktok, as dorothy shrank back. "they are on-ly the nomes." "and what are nomes?" asked the girl, half frightened. "they are rock fair-ies, and serve the nome king," replied the machine. "but they will do us no harm. you must call for the king, be-cause with-out him you can ne-ver find the en-trance to the pal-ace." "you call," said dorothy to ozma. just then the nomes laughed again, and the sound was so weird and disheartening that the twenty-six officers commanded the private to "right-about-face!" and they all started to run as fast as they could. the tin woodman at once pursued his army and cried "halt!" and when they had stopped their flight he asked: "where are you going?" "i--i find i've forgotten the brush for my whiskers," said a general, trembling with fear. "s-s-so we are g-going back after it!" "that is impossible," replied the tin woodman. "for the giant with the hammer would kill you all if you tried to pass him." "oh! i'd forgotten the giant," said the general, turning pale. "you seem to forget a good many things," remarked the tin woodman. "i hope you won't forget that you are brave men." "never!" cried the general, slapping his gold-embroidered chest. "never!" cried all the other officers, indignantly slapping their chests. "for my part," said the private, meekly, "i must obey my officers; so when i am told to run, i run; and when i am told to fight, i fight." "that is right," agreed the tin woodman. "and now you must all come back to ozma, and obey her orders. and if you try to run away again i will have her reduce all the twenty-six officers to privates, and make the private your general." this terrible threat so frightened them that they at once returned to where ozma was standing beside the cowardly lion. then ozma cried out in a loud voice: "i demand that the nome king appear to us!" there was no reply, except that the shifting nomes upon the mountain laughed in derision. "you must not command the nome king," said tiktok, "for you do not rule him, as you do your own peo-ple." so ozma called again, saying: "i request the nome king to appear to us." only the mocking laughter replied to her, and the shadowy nomes continued to flit here and there upon the rocky cliff. "try en-treat-y," said tiktok to ozma. "if he will not come at your re-quest, then the nome king may list-en to your plead-ing." ozma looked around her proudly. "do you wish your ruler to plead with this wicked nome king?" she asked. "shall ozma of oz humble herself to a creature who lives in an underground kingdom?" "no!" they all shouted, with big voices; and the scarecrow added: "if he will not come, we will dig him out of his hole, like a fox, and conquer his stubbornness. but our sweet little ruler must always maintain her dignity, just as i maintain mine." "i'm not afraid to plead with him," said dorothy. "i'm only a little girl from kansas, and we've got more dignity at home than we know what to do with. i'll call the nome king." "do," said the hungry tiger; "and if he makes hash of you i'll willingly eat you for breakfast tomorrow morning." so dorothy stepped forward and said: "please mr. nome king, come here and see us." the nomes started to laugh again; but a low growl came from the mountain, and in a flash they had all vanished from sight and were silent. then a door in the rock opened, and a voice cried: "enter!" "isn't it a trick?" asked the tin woodman. "never mind," replied ozma. "we came here to rescue the poor queen of ev and her ten children, and we must run some risks to do so." "the nome king is hon-est and good na-tured," said tiktok. "you can trust him to do what is right." so ozma led the way, hand in hand with dorothy, and they passed through the arched doorway of rock and entered a long passage which was lighted by jewels set in the walls and having lamps behind them. there was no one to escort them, or to show them the way, but all the party pressed through the passage until they came to a round, domed cavern that was grandly furnished. in the center of this room was a throne carved out of a solid boulder of rock, rude and rugged in shape but glittering with great rubies and diamonds and emeralds on every part of its surface. and upon the throne sat the nome king. this important monarch of the underground world was a little fat man clothed in gray-brown garments that were the exact color of the rock throne in which he was seated. his bushy hair and flowing beard were also colored like the rocks, and so was his face. he wore no crown of any sort, and his only ornament was a broad, jewel-studded belt that encircled his fat little body. as for his features, they seemed kindly and good humored, and his eyes were turned merrily upon his visitors as ozma and dorothy stood before him with their followers ranged in close order behind them. "why, he looks just like santa claus--only he isn't the same color!" whispered dorothy to her friend; but the nome king heard the speech, and it made him laugh aloud. "'he had a red face and a round little belly that shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly!'" quoth the monarch, in a pleasant voice; and they could all see that he really did shake like jelly when he laughed. both ozma and dorothy were much relieved to find the nome king so jolly, and a minute later he waved his right hand and the girls each found a cushioned stool at her side. "sit down, my dears," said the king, "and tell me why you have come all this way to see me, and what i can do to make you happy." while they seated themselves the nome king picked up a pipe, and taking a glowing red coal out of his pocket he placed it in the bowl of the pipe and began puffing out clouds of smoke that curled in rings above his head. dorothy thought this made the little monarch look more like santa claus than ever; but ozma now began speaking, and every one listened intently to her words. "your majesty," said she, "i am the ruler of the land of oz, and i have come here to ask you to release the good queen of ev and her ten children, whom you have enchanted and hold as your prisoners." "oh, no; you are mistaken about that," replied the king. "they are not my prisoners, but my slaves, whom i purchased from the king of ev." "but that was wrong," said ozma. "according to the laws of ev, the king can do no wrong," answered the monarch, eying a ring of smoke he had just blown from his mouth; "so that he had a perfect right to sell his family to me in exchange for a long life." "you cheated him, though," declared dorothy; "for the king of ev did not have a long life. he jumped into the sea and was drowned." "that was not my fault," said the nome king, crossing his legs and smiling contentedly. "i gave him the long life, all right; but he destroyed it." "then how could it be a long life?" asked dorothy. "easily enough," was the reply. "now suppose, my dear, that i gave you a pretty doll in exchange for a lock of your hair, and that after you had received the doll you smashed it into pieces and destroyed it. could you say that i had not given you a pretty doll?" "no," answered dorothy. "and could you, in fairness, ask me to return to you the lock of hair, just because you had smashed the doll?" "no," said dorothy, again. "of course not," the nome king returned. "nor will i give up the queen and her children because the king of ev destroyed his long life by jumping into the sea. they belong to me and i shall keep them." "but you are treating them cruelly," said ozma, who was much distressed by the king's refusal. "in what way?" he asked. "by making them your slaves," said she. "cruelty," remarked the monarch, puffing out wreathes of smoke and watching them float into the air, "is a thing i can't abide. so, as slaves must work hard, and the queen of ev and her children were delicate and tender, i transformed them all into articles of ornament and bric-a-brac and scattered them around the various rooms of my palace. instead of being obliged to labor, they merely decorate my apartments, and i really think i have treated them with great kindness." "but what a dreadful fate is theirs!" exclaimed ozma, earnestly. "and the kingdom of ev is in great need of its royal family to govern it. if you will liberate them, and restore them to their proper forms, i will give you ten ornaments to replace each one you lose." the nome king looked grave. "suppose i refuse?" he asked. "then," said ozma, firmly, "i am here with my friends and my army to conquer your kingdom and oblige you to obey my wishes." the nome king laughed until he choked; and he choked until he coughed; and he coughed until his face turned from grayish-brown to bright red. and then he wiped his eyes with a rock-colored handkerchief and grew grave again. "you are as brave as you are pretty, my dear," he said to ozma. "but you have little idea of the extent of the task you have undertaken. come with me for a moment." he arose and took ozma's hand, leading her to a little door at one side of the room. this he opened and they stepped out upon a balcony, from whence they obtained a wonderful view of the underground world. a vast cave extended for miles and miles under the mountain, and in every direction were furnaces and forges glowing brightly and nomes hammering upon precious metals or polishing gleaming jewels. all around the walls of the cave were thousands of doors of silver and gold, built into the solid rock, and these extended in rows far away into the distance, as far as ozma's eyes could follow them. while the little maid from oz gazed wonderingly upon this scene the nome king uttered a shrill whistle, and at once all the silver and gold doors flew open and solid ranks of nome soldiers marched out from every one. so great were their numbers that they quickly filled the immense underground cavern and forced the busy workmen to abandon their tasks. although this tremendous army consisted of rock-colored nomes, all squat and fat, they were clothed in glittering armor of polished steel, inlaid with beautiful gems. upon his brow each wore a brilliant electric light, and they bore sharp spears and swords and battle-axes of solid bronze. it was evident they were perfectly trained, for they stood in straight rows, rank after rank, with their weapons held erect and true, as if awaiting but the word of command to level them upon their foes. "this," said the nome king, "is but a small part of my army. no ruler upon earth has ever dared to fight me, and no ruler ever will, for i am too powerful to oppose." he whistled again, and at once the martial array filed through the silver and gold doorways and disappeared, after which the workmen again resumed their labors at the furnaces. then, sad and discouraged, ozma of oz turned to her friends, and the nome king calmly reseated himself on his rock throne. "it would be foolish for us to fight," the girl said to the tin woodman. "for our brave twenty-seven would be quickly destroyed. i'm sure i do not know how to act in this emergency." "ask the king where his kitchen is," suggested the tiger. "i'm hungry as a bear." "i might pounce upon the king and tear him in pieces," remarked the cowardly lion. "try it," said the monarch, lighting his pipe with another hot coal which he took from his pocket. the lion crouched low and tried to spring upon the nome king; but he hopped only a little way into the air and came down again in the same place, not being able to approach the throne by even an inch. "it seems to me," said the scarecrow, thoughtfully, "that our best plan is to wheedle his majesty into giving up his slaves, since he is too great a magician to oppose." "this is the most sensible thing any of you have suggested," declared the nome king. "it is folly to threaten me, but i'm so kind-hearted that i cannot stand coaxing or wheedling. if you really wish to accomplish anything by your journey, my dear ozma, you must coax me." "very well," said ozma, more cheerfully. "let us be friends, and talk this over in a friendly manner." "to be sure," agreed the king, his eyes twinkling merrily. "i am very anxious," she continued, "to liberate the queen of ev and her children who are now ornaments and bric-a-brac in your majesty's palace, and to restore them to their people. tell me, sir, how this may be accomplished." the king remained thoughtful for a moment, after which he asked: "are you willing to take a few chances and risks yourself, in order to set free the people of ev?" "yes, indeed!" answered ozma, eagerly. "then," said the nome king, "i will make you this offer: you shall go alone and unattended into my palace and examine carefully all that the rooms contain. then you shall have permission to touch eleven different objects, pronouncing at the time the word 'ev,' and if any one of them, or more than one, proves to be the transformation of the queen of ev or any of her ten children, then they will instantly be restored to their true forms and may leave my palace and my kingdom in your company, without any objection whatever. it is possible for you, in this way, to free the entire eleven; but if you do not guess all the objects correctly, and some of the slaves remain transformed, then each one of your friends and followers may, in turn, enter the palace and have the same privileges i grant you." "oh, thank you! thank you for this kind offer!" said ozma, eagerly. "i make but one condition," added the nome king, his eyes twinkling. "what is it?" she enquired. "if none of the eleven objects you touch proves to be the transformation of any of the royal family of ev, then, instead of freeing them, you will yourself become enchanted, and transformed into an article of bric-a-brac or an ornament. this is only fair and just, and is the risk you declared you were willing to take." 12. the eleven guesses hearing this condition imposed by the nome king, ozma became silent and thoughtful, and all her friends looked at her uneasily. "don't you do it!" exclaimed dorothy. "if you guess wrong, you will be enslaved yourself." "but i shall have eleven guesses," answered ozma. "surely i ought to guess one object in eleven correctly; and, if i do, i shall rescue one of the royal family and be safe myself. then the rest of you may attempt it, and soon we shall free all those who are enslaved." "what if we fail?" enquired the scarecrow. "i'd look nice as a piece of bric-a-brac, wouldn't i?" "we must not fail!" cried ozma, courageously. "having come all this distance to free these poor people, it would be weak and cowardly in us to abandon the adventure. therefore i will accept the nome king's offer, and go at once into the royal palace." "come along, then, my dear," said the king, climbing down from his throne with some difficulty, because he was so fat; "i'll show you the way." he approached a wall of the cave and waved his hand. instantly an opening appeared, through which ozma, after a smiling farewell to her friends, boldly passed. she found herself in a splendid hall that was more beautiful and grand than anything she had ever beheld. the ceilings were composed of great arches that rose far above her head, and all the walls and floors were of polished marble exquisitely tinted in many colors. thick velvet carpets were on the floor and heavy silken draperies covered the arches leading to the various rooms of the palace. the furniture was made of rare old woods richly carved and covered with delicate satins, and the entire palace was lighted by a mysterious rosy glow that seemed to come from no particular place but flooded each apartment with its soft and pleasing radiance. ozma passed from one room to another, greatly delighted by all she saw. the lovely palace had no other occupant, for the nome king had left her at the entrance, which closed behind her, and in all the magnificent rooms there appeared to be no other person. upon the mantels, and on many shelves and brackets and tables, were clustered ornaments of every description, seemingly made out of all sorts of metals, glass, china, stones and marbles. there were vases, and figures of men and animals, and graven platters and bowls, and mosaics of precious gems, and many other things. pictures, too, were on the walls, and the underground palace was quite a museum of rare and curious and costly objects. after her first hasty examination of the rooms ozma began to wonder which of all the numerous ornaments they contained were the transformations of the royal family of ev. there was nothing to guide her, for everything seemed without a spark of life. so she must guess blindly; and for the first time the girl came to realize how dangerous was her task, and how likely she was to lose her own freedom in striving to free others from the bondage of the nome king. no wonder the cunning monarch laughed good naturedly with his visitors, when he knew how easily they might be entrapped. but ozma, having undertaken the venture, would not abandon it. she looked at a silver candelabra that had ten branches, and thought: "this may be the queen of ev and her ten children." so she touched it and uttered aloud the word "ev," as the nome king had instructed her to do when she guessed. but the candelabra remained as it was before. then she wandered into another room and touched a china lamb, thinking it might be one of the children she sought. but again she was unsuccessful. three guesses; four guesses; five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten she made, and still not one of them was right! the girl shivered a little and grew pale even under the rosy light; for now but one guess remained, and her own fate depended upon the result. she resolved not to be hasty, and strolled through all the rooms once more, gazing earnestly upon the various ornaments and trying to decide which she would touch. finally, in despair, she decided to leave it entirely to chance. she faced the doorway of a room, shut her eyes tightly, and then, thrusting aside the heavy draperies, she advanced blindly with her right arm outstretched before her. slowly, softly she crept forward until her hand came in contact with an object upon a small round table. she did not know what it was, but in a low voice she pronounced the word "ev." the rooms were quite empty of life after that. the nome king had gained a new ornament. for upon the edge of the table rested a pretty grasshopper, that seemed to have been formed from a single emerald. it was all that remained of ozma of oz. in the throne room just beyond the palace the nome king suddenly looked up and smiled. "next!" he said, in his pleasant voice. dorothy, the scarecrow, and the tin woodman, who had been sitting in anxious silence, each gave a start of dismay and stared into one another's eyes. "has she failed?" asked tiktok. "so it seems," answered the little monarch, cheerfully. "but that is no reason one of you should not succeed. the next may have twelve guesses, instead of eleven, for there are now twelve persons transformed into ornaments. well, well! which of you goes next?" "i'll go," said dorothy. "not so," replied the tin woodman. "as commander of ozma's army, it is my privilege to follow her and attempt her rescue." "away you go, then," said the scarecrow. "but be careful, old friend." "i will," promised the tin woodman; and then he followed the nome king to the entrance to the palace and the rock closed behind him. 13. the nome king laughs in a moment the king returned to his throne and relighted his pipe, and the rest of the little band of adventurers settled themselves for another long wait. they were greatly disheartened by the failure of their girl ruler, and the knowledge that she was now an ornament in the nome king's palace--a dreadful, creepy place in spite of all its magnificence. without their little leader they did not know what to do next, and each one, down to the trembling private of the army, began to fear he would soon be more ornamental than useful. suddenly the nome king began laughing. "ha, ha, ha! he, he, he! ho, ho, ho!" "what's happened?" asked the scarecrow. "why, your friend, the tin woodman, has become the funniest thing you can imagine," replied the king, wiping the tears of merriment from his eyes. "no one would ever believe he could make such an amusing ornament. next!" they gazed at each other with sinking hearts. one of the generals began to weep dolefully. "what are you crying for?" asked the scarecrow, indignant at such a display of weakness. "he owed me six weeks back pay," said the general, "and i hate to lose him." "then you shall go and find him," declared the scarecrow. "me!" cried the general, greatly alarmed. "certainly. it is your duty to follow your commander. march!" "i won't," said the general. "i'd like to, of course; but i just simply won't." the scarecrow looked enquiringly at the nome king. "never mind," said the jolly monarch. "if he doesn't care to enter the palace and make his guesses i'll throw him into one of my fiery furnaces." "i'll go!--of course i'm going," yelled the general, as quick as scat. "where is the entrance--where is it? let me go at once!" so the nome king escorted him into the palace, and again returned to await the result. what the general did, no one can tell; but it was not long before the king called for the next victim, and a colonel was forced to try his fortune. thus, one after another, all of the twenty-six officers filed into the palace and made their guesses--and became ornaments. meantime the king ordered refreshments to be served to those waiting, and at his command a rudely shaped nome entered, bearing a tray. this nome was not unlike the others that dorothy had seen, but he wore a heavy gold chain around his neck to show that he was the chief steward of the nome king, and he assumed an air of much importance, and even told his majesty not to eat too much cake late at night, or he would be ill. dorothy, however, was hungry, and she was not afraid of being ill; so she ate several cakes and found them good, and also she drank a cup of excellent coffee made of a richly flavored clay, browned in the furnaces and then ground fine, and found it most refreshing and not at all muddy. of all the party which had started upon this adventure, the little kansas girl was now left alone with the scarecrow, tiktok, and the private for counsellors and companions. of course the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger were still there, but they, having also eaten some of the cakes, had gone to sleep at one side of the cave, while upon the other side stood the sawhorse, motionless and silent, as became a mere thing of wood. billina had quietly walked around and picked up the crumbs of cake which had been scattered, and now, as it was long after bed-time, she tried to find some dark place in which to go to sleep. presently the hen espied a hollow underneath the king's rocky throne, and crept into it unnoticed. she could still hear the chattering of those around her, but it was almost dark underneath the throne, so that soon she had fallen fast asleep. "next!" called the king, and the private, whose turn it was to enter the fatal palace, shook hands with dorothy and the scarecrow and bade them a sorrowful good-bye, and passed through the rocky portal. they waited a long time, for the private was in no hurry to become an ornament and made his guesses very slowly. the nome king, who seemed to know, by some magical power, all that took place in his beautiful rooms of his palace, grew impatient finally and declared he would sit up no longer. "i love ornaments," said he, "but i can wait until tomorrow to get more of them; so, as soon as that stupid private is transformed, we will all go to bed and leave the job to be finished in the morning." "is it so very late?" asked dorothy. "why, it is after midnight," said the king, "and that strikes me as being late enough. there is neither night nor day in my kingdom, because it is under the earth's surface, where the sun does not shine. but we have to sleep, just the same as the up-stairs people do, and for my part i'm going to bed in a few minutes." indeed, it was not long after this that the private made his last guess. of course he guessed wrongly, and of course he at once became an ornament. so the king was greatly pleased, and clapped his hands to summon his chief steward. "show these guests to some of the sleeping apartments," he commanded, "and be quick about it, too, for i'm dreadfully sleepy myself." "you've no business to sit up so late," replied the steward, gruffly. "you'll be as cross as a griffin tomorrow morning." his majesty made no answer to this remark, and the chief steward led dorothy through another doorway into a long hall, from which several plain but comfortable sleeping rooms opened. the little girl was given the first room, and the scarecrow and tiktok the next--although they never slept--and the lion and the tiger the third. the sawhorse hobbled after the steward into a fourth room, to stand stiffly in the center of it until morning. each night was rather a bore to the scarecrow, tiktok and the sawhorse; but they had learned from experience to pass the time patiently and quietly, since all their friends who were made of flesh had to sleep and did not like to be disturbed. when the chief steward had left them alone the scarecrow remarked, sadly: "i am in great sorrow over the loss of my old comrade, the tin woodman. we have had many dangerous adventures together, and escaped them all, and now it grieves me to know he has become an ornament, and is lost to me forever." "he was al-ways an or-na-ment to so-ci-e-ty," said tiktok. "true; but now the nome king laughs at him, and calls him the funniest ornament in all the palace. it will hurt my poor friend's pride to be laughed at," continued the scarecrow, sadly. "we will make rath-er ab-surd or-na-ments, our-selves, to-mor-row," observed the machine, in his monotonous voice. just then dorothy ran into their room, in a state of great anxiety, crying: "where's billina? have you seen billina? is she here?" "no," answered the scarecrow. "then what has become of her?" asked the girl. "why, i thought she was with you," said the scarecrow. "yet i do not remember seeing the yellow hen since she picked up the crumbs of cake." "we must have left her in the room where the king's throne is," decided dorothy, and at once she turned and ran down the hall to the door through which they had entered. but it was fast closed and locked on the other side, and the heavy slab of rock proved to be so thick that no sound could pass through it. so dorothy was forced to return to her chamber. the cowardly lion stuck his head into her room to try to console the girl for the loss of her feathered friend. "the yellow hen is well able to take care of herself," said he; "so don't worry about her, but try to get all the sleep you can. it has been a long and weary day, and you need rest." "i'll prob'ly get lots of rest tomorrow, when i become an orn'ment," said dorothy, sleepily. but she lay down upon her couch, nevertheless, and in spite of all her worries was soon in the land of dreams. 14. dorothy tries to be brave meantime the chief steward had returned to the throne room, where he said to the king: "you are a fool to waste so much time upon these people." "what!" cried his majesty, in so enraged a voice that it awoke billina, who was asleep under his throne. "how dare you call me a fool?" "because i like to speak the truth," said the steward. "why didn't you enchant them all at once, instead of allowing them to go one by one into the palace and guess which ornaments are the queen of ev and her children?" "why, you stupid rascal, it is more fun this way," returned the king, "and it serves to keep me amused for a long time." "but suppose some of them happen to guess aright," persisted the steward; "then you would lose your old ornaments and these new ones, too." "there is no chance of their guessing aright," replied the monarch, with a laugh. "how could they know that the queen of ev and her family are all ornaments of a royal purple color?" "but there are no other purple ornaments in the palace," said the steward. "there are many other colors, however, and the purple ones are scattered throughout the rooms, and are of many different shapes and sizes. take my word for it, steward, they will never think of choosing the purple ornaments." billina, squatting under the throne, had listened carefully to all this talk, and now chuckled softly to herself as she heard the king disclose his secret. "still, you are acting foolishly by running the chance," continued the steward, roughly; "and it is still more foolish of you to transform all those people from oz into green ornaments." "i did that because they came from the emerald city," replied the king; "and i had no green ornaments in my collection until now. i think they will look quite pretty, mixed with the others. don't you?" the steward gave an angry grunt. "have your own way, since you are the king," he growled. "but if you come to grief through your carelessness, remember that i told you so. if i wore the magic belt which enables you to work all your transformations, and gives you so much other power, i am sure i would make a much wiser and better king than you are." "oh, cease your tiresome chatter!" commanded the king, getting angry again. "because you are my chief steward you have an idea you can scold me as much as you please. but the very next time you become impudent, i will send you to work in the furnaces, and get another nome to fill your place. now follow me to my chamber, for i am going to bed. and see that i am wakened early tomorrow morning. i want to enjoy the fun of transforming the rest of these people into ornaments." "what color will you make the kansas girl?" asked the steward. "gray, i think," said his majesty. "and the scarecrow and the machine man?" "oh, they shall be of solid gold, because they are so ugly in real life." then the voices died away, and billina knew that the king and his steward had left the room. she fixed up some of her tail feathers that were not straight, and then tucked her head under her wing again and went to sleep. in the morning dorothy and the lion and tiger were given their breakfast in their rooms, and afterward joined the king in his throne room. the tiger complained bitterly that he was half starved, and begged to go into the palace and become an ornament, so that he would no longer suffer the pangs of hunger. "haven't you had your breakfast?" asked the nome king. "oh, i had just a bite," replied the beast. "but what good is a bite, to a hungry tiger?" "he ate seventeen bowls of porridge, a platter full of fried sausages, eleven loaves of bread and twenty-one mince pies," said the steward. "what more do you want?" demanded the king. "a fat baby. i want a fat baby," said the hungry tiger. "a nice, plump, juicy, tender, fat baby. but, of course, if i had one, my conscience would not allow me to eat it. so i'll have to be an ornament and forget my hunger." "impossible!" exclaimed the king. "i'll have no clumsy beasts enter my palace, to overturn and break all my pretty nick-nacks. when the rest of your friends are transformed you can return to the upper world, and go about your business." "as for that, we have no business, when our friends are gone," said the lion. "so we do not care much what becomes of us." dorothy begged to be allowed to go first into the palace, but tiktok firmly maintained that the slave should face danger before the mistress. the scarecrow agreed with him in that, so the nome king opened the door for the machine man, who tramped into the palace to meet his fate. then his majesty returned to his throne and puffed his pipe so contentedly that a small cloud of smoke formed above his head. bye and bye he said: "i'm sorry there are so few of you left. very soon, now, my fun will be over, and then for amusement i shall have nothing to do but admire my new ornaments." "it seems to me," said dorothy, "that you are not so honest as you pretend to be." "how's that?" asked the king. "why, you made us think it would be easy to guess what ornaments the people of ev were changed into." "it is easy," declared the monarch, "if one is a good guesser. but it appears that the members of your party are all poor guessers." "what is tiktok doing now?" asked the girl, uneasily. "nothing," replied the king, with a frown. "he is standing perfectly still, in the middle of a room." "oh, i expect he's run down," said dorothy. "i forgot to wind him up this morning. how many guesses has he made?" "all that he is allowed except one," answered the king. "suppose you go in and wind him up, and then you can stay there and make your own guesses." "all right," said dorothy. "it is my turn next," declared the scarecrow. "why, you don't want to go away and leave me all alone, do you?" asked the girl. "besides, if i go now i can wind up tiktok, so that he can make his last guess." "very well, then," said the scarecrow, with a sigh. "run along, little dorothy, and may good luck go with you!" so dorothy, trying to be brave in spite of her fears, passed through the doorway into the gorgeous rooms of the palace. the stillness of the place awed her, at first, and the child drew short breaths, and pressed her hand to her heart, and looked all around with wondering eyes. yes, it was a beautiful place; but enchantments lurked in every nook and corner, and she had not yet grown accustomed to the wizardries of these fairy countries, so different from the quiet and sensible common-places of her own native land. slowly she passed through several rooms until she came upon tiktok, standing motionless. it really seemed, then, that she had found a friend in this mysterious palace, so she hastened to wind up the machine man's action and speech and thoughts. "thank you, dor-oth-y," were his first words. "i have now one more guess to make." "oh, be very careful, tiktok; won't you?" cried the girl. "yes. but the nome king has us in his power, and he has set a trap for us. i fear we are all lost." he answered. "i fear so, too," said dorothy, sadly. "if smith & tin-ker had giv-en me a guess-ing clock-work at-tach-ment," continued tiktok, "i might have de-fied the nome king. but my thoughts are plain and sim-ple, and are not of much use in this case." "do the best you can," said dorothy, encouragingly, "and if you fail i will watch and see what shape you are changed into." so tiktok touched a yellow glass vase that had daisies painted on one side, and he spoke at the same time the word "ev." in a flash the machine man had disappeared, and although the girl looked quickly in every direction, she could not tell which of the many ornaments the room contained had a moment before been her faithful friend and servant. so all she could do was to accept the hopeless task set her, and make her guesses and abide by the result. "it can't hurt very much," she thought, "for i haven't heard any of them scream or cry out--not even the poor officers. dear me! i wonder if uncle henry or aunt em will ever know i have become an orn'ment in the nome king's palace, and must stand forever and ever in one place and look pretty--'cept when i'm moved to be dusted. it isn't the way i thought i'd turn out, at all; but i s'pose it can't be helped." she walked through all the rooms once more, and examined with care all the objects they contained; but there were so many, they bewildered her, and she decided, after all, as ozma had done, that it could be only guess work at the best, and that the chances were much against her guessing aright. timidly she touched an alabaster bowl and said: "ev." "that's one failure, anyhow," she thought. "but how am i to know which thing is enchanted, and which is not?" next she touched the image of a purple kitten that stood on the corner of a mantel, and as she pronounced the word "ev" the kitten disappeared, and a pretty, fair-haired boy stood beside her. at the same time a bell rang somewhere in the distance, and as dorothy started back, partly in surprise and partly in joy, the little one exclaimed: "where am i? and who are you? and what has happened to me?" "well, i declare!" said dorothy. "i've really done it." "done what?" asked the boy. "saved myself from being an ornament," replied the girl, with a laugh, "and saved you from being forever a purple kitten." "a purple kitten?" he repeated. "there is no such thing." "i know," she answered. "but there was, a minute ago. don't you remember standing on a corner of the mantel?" "of course not. i am a prince of ev, and my name is evring," the little one announced, proudly. "but my father, the king, sold my mother and all her children to the cruel ruler of the nomes, and after that i remember nothing at all." "a purple kitten can't be 'spected to remember, evring," said dorothy. "but now you are yourself again, and i'm going to try to save some of your brothers and sisters, and perhaps your mother, as well. so come with me." she seized the child's hand and eagerly hurried here and there, trying to decide which object to choose next. the third guess was another failure, and so was the fourth and the fifth. little evring could not imagine what she was doing, but he trotted along beside her very willingly, for he liked the new companion he had found. dorothy's further quest proved unsuccessful; but after her first disappointment was over, the little girl was filled with joy and thankfulness to think that after all she had been able to save one member of the royal family of ev, and could restore the little prince to his sorrowing country. now she might return to the terrible nome king in safety, carrying with her the prize she had won in the person of the fair-haired boy. so she retraced her steps until she found the entrance to the palace, and as she approached, the massive doors of rock opened of their own accord, allowing both dorothy and evring to pass the portals and enter the throne room. 15. billina frightens the nome king now when dorothy had entered the palace to make her guesses and the scarecrow was left with the nome king, the two sat in moody silence for several minutes. then the monarch exclaimed, in a tone of satisfaction: "very good!" "who is very good?" asked the scarecrow. "the machine man. he won't need to be wound up any more, for he has now become a very neat ornament. very neat, indeed." "how about dorothy?" the scarecrow enquired. "oh, she will begin to guess, pretty soon," said the king, cheerfully. "and then she will join my collection, and it will be your turn." the good scarecrow was much distressed by the thought that his little friend was about to suffer the fate of ozma and the rest of their party; but while he sat in gloomy reverie a shrill voice suddenly cried: "kut, kut, kut--ka-daw-kutt! kut, kut, kut--ka-daw-kutt!" the nome king nearly jumped off his seat, he was so startled. "good gracious! what's that?" he yelled. "why, it's billina," said the scarecrow. "what do you mean by making a noise like that?" shouted the king, angrily, as the yellow hen came from under the throne and strutted proudly about the room. "i've got a right to cackle, i guess," replied billina. "i've just laid my egg." "what! laid an egg! in my throne room! how dare you do such a thing?" asked the king, in a voice of fury. "i lay eggs wherever i happen to be," said the hen, ruffling her feathers and then shaking them into place. "but--thunder-ation! don't you know that eggs are poison?" roared the king, while his rock-colored eyes stuck out in great terror. "poison! well, i declare," said billina, indignantly. "i'll have you know all my eggs are warranted strictly fresh and up to date. poison, indeed!" "you don't understand," retorted the little monarch, nervously. "eggs belong only to the outside world--to the world on the earth's surface, where you came from. here, in my underground kingdom, they are rank poison, as i said, and we nomes can't bear them around." "well, you'll have to bear this one around," declared billina; "for i've laid it." "where?" asked the king. "under your throne," said the hen. the king jumped three feet into the air, so anxious was he to get away from the throne. "take it away! take it away at once!" he shouted. "i can't," said billina. "i haven't any hands." "i'll take the egg," said the scarecrow. "i'm making a collection of billina's eggs. there's one in my pocket now, that she laid yesterday." hearing this, the monarch hastened to put a good distance between himself and the scarecrow, who was about to reach under the throne for the egg when the hen suddenly cried: "stop!" "what's wrong?" asked the scarecrow. "don't take the egg unless the king will allow me to enter the palace and guess as the others have done," said billina. "pshaw!" returned the king. "you're only a hen. how could you guess my enchantments?" "i can try, i suppose," said billina. "and, if i fail, you will have another ornament." "a pretty ornament you'd make, wouldn't you?" growled the king. "but you shall have your way. it will properly punish you for daring to lay an egg in my presence. after the scarecrow is enchanted you shall follow him into the palace. but how will you touch the objects?" "with my claws," said the hen; "and i can speak the word 'ev' as plainly as anyone. also i must have the right to guess the enchantments of my friends, and to release them if i succeed." "very well," said the king. "you have my promise." "then," said billina to the scarecrow, "you may get the egg." he knelt down and reached underneath the throne and found the egg, which he placed in another pocket of his jacket, fearing that if both eggs were in one pocket they would knock together and get broken. just then a bell above the throne rang briskly, and the king gave another nervous jump. "well, well!" said he, with a rueful face; "the girl has actually done it." "done what?" asked the scarecrow. "she has made one guess that is right, and broken one of my neatest enchantments. by ricketty, it's too bad! i never thought she would do it." "do i understand that she will now return to us in safety?" enquired the scarecrow, joyfully wrinkling his painted face into a broad smile. "of course," said the king, fretfully pacing up and down the room. "i always keep my promises, no matter how foolish they are. but i shall make an ornament of the yellow hen to replace the one i have just lost." "perhaps you will, and perhaps you won't," murmured billina, calmly. "i may surprise you by guessing right." "guessing right?" snapped the king. "how could you guess right, where your betters have failed, you stupid fowl?" billina did not care to answer this question, and a moment later the doors flew open and dorothy entered, leading the little prince evring by the hand. the scarecrow welcomed the girl with a close embrace, and he would have embraced evring, too, in his delight. but the little prince was shy, and shrank away from the painted scarecrow because he did not yet know his many excellent qualities. but there was little time for the friends to talk, because the scarecrow must now enter the palace. dorothy's success had greatly encouraged him, and they both hoped he would manage to make at least one correct guess. however, he proved as unfortunate as the others except dorothy, and although he took a good deal of time to select his objects, not one did the poor scarecrow guess aright. so he became a solid gold card-receiver, and the beautiful but terrible palace awaited its next visitor. "it's all over," remarked the king, with a sigh of satisfaction; "and it has been a very amusing performance, except for the one good guess the kansas girl made. i am richer by a great many pretty ornaments." "it is my turn, now," said billina, briskly. "oh, i'd forgotten you," said the king. "but you needn't go if you don't wish to. i will be generous, and let you off." "no you won't," replied the hen. "i insist upon having my guesses, as you promised." "then go ahead, you absurd feathered fool!" grumbled the king, and he caused the opening that led to the palace to appear once more. "don't go, billina," said dorothy, earnestly. "it isn't easy to guess those orn'ments, and only luck saved me from being one myself. stay with me and we'll go back to the land of ev together. i'm sure this little prince will give us a home." "indeed i will," said evring, with much dignity. "don't worry, my dear," cried billina, with a cluck that was meant for a laugh. "i may not be human, but i'm no fool, if i am a chicken." "oh, billina!" said dorothy, "you haven't been a chicken in a long time. not since you--you've been--grown up." "perhaps that's true," answered billina, thoughtfully. "but if a kansas farmer sold me to some one, what would he call me?--a hen or a chicken!" "you are not a kansas farmer, billina," replied the girl, "and you said--" "never mind that, dorothy. i'm going. i won't say good-bye, because i'm coming back. keep up your courage, for i'll see you a little later." then billina gave several loud "cluck-clucks" that seemed to make the fat little king more nervous than ever, and marched through the entrance into the enchanted palace. "i hope i've seen the last of that bird," declared the monarch, seating himself again in his throne and mopping the perspiration from his forehead with his rock-colored handkerchief. "hens are bothersome enough at their best, but when they can talk they're simply dreadful." "billina's my friend," said dorothy quietly. "she may not always be 'zactly polite; but she means well, i'm sure." 16. purple, green, and gold the yellow hen, stepping high and with an air of vast importance, walked slowly over the rich velvet carpets of the splendid palace, examining everything she met with her sharp little eyes. billina had a right to feel important; for she alone shared the nome king's secret and knew how to tell the objects that were transformations from those that had never been alive. she was very sure that her guesses would be correct, but before she began to make them she was curious to behold all the magnificence of this underground palace, which was perhaps one of the most splendid and beautiful places in any fairyland. as she went through the rooms she counted the purple ornaments; and although some were small and hidden in queer places, billina spied them all, and found the entire ten scattered about the various rooms. the green ornaments she did not bother to count, for she thought she could find them all when the time came. finally, having made a survey of the entire palace and enjoyed its splendor, the yellow hen returned to one of the rooms where she had noticed a large purple footstool. she placed a claw upon this and said "ev," and at once the footstool vanished and a lovely lady, tall and slender and most beautifully robed, stood before her. the lady's eyes were round with astonishment for a moment, for she could not remember her transformation, nor imagine what had restored her to life. "good morning, ma'am," said billina, in her sharp voice. "you're looking quite well, considering your age." "who speaks?" demanded the queen of ev, drawing herself up proudly. "why, my name's bill, by rights," answered the hen, who was now perched upon the back of a chair; "although dorothy has put scollops on it and made it billina. but the name doesn't matter. i've saved you from the nome king, and you are a slave no longer." "then i thank you for the gracious favor," said the queen, with a graceful courtesy. "but, my children--tell me, i beg of you--where are my children?" and she clasped her hands in anxious entreaty. "don't worry," advised billina, pecking at a tiny bug that was crawling over the chair back. "just at present they are out of mischief and perfectly safe, for they can't even wiggle." "what mean you, o kindly stranger?" asked the queen, striving to repress her anxiety. "they're enchanted," said billina, "just as you have been--all, that is, except the little fellow dorothy picked out. and the chances are that they have been good boys and girls for some time, because they couldn't help it." "oh, my poor darlings!" cried the queen, with a sob of anguish. "not at all," returned the hen. "don't let their condition make you unhappy, ma'am, because i'll soon have them crowding 'round to bother and worry you as naturally as ever. come with me, if you please, and i'll show you how pretty they look." she flew down from her perch and walked into the next room, the queen following. as she passed a low table a small green grasshopper caught her eye, and instantly billina pounced upon it and snapped it up in her sharp bill. for grasshoppers are a favorite food with hens, and they usually must be caught quickly, before they can hop away. it might easily have been the end of ozma of oz, had she been a real grasshopper instead of an emerald one. but billina found the grasshopper hard and lifeless, and suspecting it was not good to eat she quickly dropped it instead of letting it slide down her throat. "i might have known better," she muttered to herself, "for where there is no grass there can be no live grasshoppers. this is probably one of the king's transformations." a moment later she approached one of the purple ornaments, and while the queen watched her curiously the hen broke the nome king's enchantment and a sweet-faced girl, whose golden hair fell in a cloud over her shoulders, stood beside them. "evanna!" cried the queen, "my own evanna!" and she clasped the girl to her bosom and covered her face with kisses. "that's all right," said billina, contentedly. "am i a good guesser, mr. nome king? well, i guess!" then she disenchanted another girl, whom the queen addressed as evrose, and afterwards a boy named evardo, who was older than his brother evring. indeed, the yellow hen kept the good queen exclaiming and embracing for some time, until five princesses and four princes, all looking very much alike except for the difference in size, stood in a row beside their happy mother. the princesses were named, evanna, evrose, evella, evirene and evedna, while the princes were evrob, evington, evardo and evroland. of these evardo was the eldest and would inherit his father's throne and be crowned king of ev when he returned to his own country. he was a grave and quiet youth, and would doubtless rule his people wisely and with justice. billina, having restored all of the royal family of ev to their proper forms, now began to select the green ornaments which were the transformations of the people of oz. she had little trouble in finding these, and before long all the twenty-six officers, as well as the private, were gathered around the yellow hen, joyfully congratulating her upon their release. the thirty-seven people who were now alive in the rooms of the palace knew very well that they owed their freedom to the cleverness of the yellow hen, and they were earnest in thanking her for saving them from the magic of the nome king. "now," said billina, "i must find ozma. she is sure to be here, somewhere, and of course she is green, being from oz. so look around, you stupid soldiers, and help me in my search." for a while, however, they could discover nothing more that was green. but the queen, who had kissed all her nine children once more and could now find time to take an interest in what was going on, said to the hen: "mayhap, my gentle friend, it is the grasshopper whom you seek." "of course it's the grasshopper!" exclaimed billina. "i declare, i'm nearly as stupid as these brave soldiers. wait here for me, and i'll go back and get it." so she went into the room where she had seen the grasshopper, and presently ozma of oz, as lovely and dainty as ever, entered and approached the queen of ev, greeting her as one high born princess greets another. "but where are my friends, the scarecrow and the tin woodman?" asked the girl ruler, when these courtesies had been exchanged. "i'll hunt them up," replied billina. "the scarecrow is solid gold, and so is tiktok; but i don't exactly know what the tin woodman is, because the nome king said he had been transformed into something funny." ozma eagerly assisted the hen in her quest, and soon the scarecrow and the machine man, being ornaments of shining gold, were discovered and restored to their accustomed forms. but, search as they might, in no place could they find a funny ornament that might be the transformation of the tin woodman. "only one thing can be done," said ozma, at last, "and that is to return to the nome king and oblige him to tell us what has become of our friend." "perhaps he won't," suggested billina. "he must," returned ozma, firmly. "the king has not treated us honestly, for under the mask of fairness and good nature he entrapped us all, and we would have been forever enchanted had not our wise and clever friend, the yellow hen, found a way to save us." "the king is a villain," declared the scarecrow. "his laugh is worse than another man's frown," said the private, with a shudder. "i thought he was hon-est, but i was mis-tak-en," remarked tiktok. "my thoughts are us-u-al-ly cor-rect, but it is smith & tin-ker's fault if they some-times go wrong or do not work prop-er-ly." "smith & tinker made a very good job of you," said ozma, kindly. "i do not think they should be blamed if you are not quite perfect." "thank you," replied tiktok. "then," said billina, in her brisk little voice, "let us all go back to the nome king, and see what he has to say for himself." so they started for the entrance, ozma going first, with the queen and her train of little princes and princesses following. then came tiktok, and the scarecrow with billina perched upon his straw-stuffed shoulder. the twenty-seven officers and the private brought up the rear. as they reached the hall the doors flew open before them; but then they all stopped and stared into the domed cavern with faces of astonishment and dismay. for the room was filled with the mail-clad warriors of the nome king, rank after rank standing in orderly array. the electric lights upon their brows gleamed brightly, their battle-axes were poised as if to strike down their foes; yet they remained motionless as statues, awaiting the word of command. and in the center of this terrible army sat the little king upon his throne of rock. but he neither smiled nor laughed. instead, his face was distorted with rage, and most dreadful to behold. 17. the scarecrow wins the fight after billina had entered the palace dorothy and evring sat down to await the success or failure of her mission, and the nome king occupied his throne and smoked his long pipe for a while in a cheerful and contented mood. then the bell above the throne, which sounded whenever an enchantment was broken, began to ring, and the king gave a start of annoyance and exclaimed, "rocketty-ricketts!" when the bell rang a second time the king shouted angrily, "smudge and blazes!" and at a third ring he screamed in a fury, "hippikaloric!" which must be a dreadful word because we don't know what it means. after that the bell went on ringing time after time; but the king was now so violently enraged that he could not utter a word, but hopped out of his throne and all around the room in a mad frenzy, so that he reminded dorothy of a jumping-jack. the girl was, for her part, filled with joy at every peal of the bell, for it announced the fact that billina had transformed one more ornament into a living person. dorothy was also amazed at billina's success, for she could not imagine how the yellow hen was able to guess correctly from all the bewildering number of articles clustered in the rooms of the palace. but after she had counted ten, and the bell continued to ring, she knew that not only the royal family of ev, but ozma and her followers also, were being restored to their natural forms, and she was so delighted that the antics of the angry king only made her laugh merrily. perhaps the little monarch could not be more furious than he was before, but the girl's laughter nearly drove him frantic, and he roared at her like a savage beast. then, as he found that all his enchantments were likely to be dispelled and his victims every one set free, he suddenly ran to the little door that opened upon the balcony and gave the shrill whistle that summoned his warriors. at once the army filed out of the gold and silver doors in great numbers, and marched up a winding stairs and into the throne room, led by a stern featured nome who was their captain. when they had nearly filled the throne room they formed ranks in the big underground cavern below, and then stood still until they were told what to do next. dorothy had pressed back to one side of the cavern when the warriors entered, and now she stood holding little prince evring's hand while the great lion crouched upon one side and the enormous tiger crouched on the other side. "seize that girl!" shouted the king to his captain, and a group of warriors sprang forward to obey. but both the lion and tiger snarled so fiercely and bared their strong, sharp teeth so threateningly, that the men drew back in alarm. "don't mind them!" cried the nome king; "they cannot leap beyond the places where they now stand." "but they can bite those who attempt to touch the girl," said the captain. "i'll fix that," answered the king. "i'll enchant them again, so that they can't open their jaws." he stepped out of the throne to do this, but just then the sawhorse ran up behind him and gave the fat monarch a powerful kick with both his wooden hind legs. "ow! murder! treason!" yelled the king, who had been hurled against several of his warriors and was considerably bruised. "who did that?" "i did," growled the sawhorse, viciously. "you let dorothy alone, or i'll kick you again." "we'll see about that," replied the king, and at once he waved his hand toward the sawhorse and muttered a magical word. "aha!" he continued; "now let us see you move, you wooden mule!" but in spite of the magic the sawhorse moved; and he moved so quickly toward the king, that the fat little man could not get out of his way. thump--bang! came the wooden heels, right against his round body, and the king flew into the air and fell upon the head of his captain, who let him drop flat upon the ground. "well, well!" said the king, sitting up and looking surprised. "why didn't my magic belt work, i wonder?" "the creature is made of wood," replied the captain. "your magic will not work on wood, you know." "ah, i'd forgotten that," said the king, getting up and limping to his throne. "very well, let the girl alone. she can't escape us, anyway." the warriors, who had been rather confused by these incidents, now formed their ranks again, and the sawhorse pranced across the room to dorothy and took a position beside the hungry tiger. at that moment the doors that led to the palace flew open and the people of ev and the people of oz were disclosed to view. they paused, astonished, at sight of the warriors and the angry nome king, seated in their midst. "surrender!" cried the king, in a loud voice. "you are my prisoners." "go 'long!" answered billina, from the scarecrow's shoulder. "you promised me that if i guessed correctly my friends and i might depart in safety. and you always keep your promises." "i said you might leave the palace in safety," retorted the king; "and so you may, but you cannot leave my dominions. you are my prisoners, and i will hurl you all into my underground dungeons, where the volcanic fires glow and the molten lava flows in every direction, and the air is hotter than blue blazes." "that will be the end of me, all right," said the scarecrow, sorrowfully. "one small blaze, blue or green, is enough to reduce me to an ash-heap." "do you surrender?" demanded the king. billina whispered something in the scarecrow's ear that made him smile and put his hands in his jacket pockets. "no!" returned ozma, boldly answering the king. then she said to her army: "forward, my brave soldiers, and fight for your ruler and yourselves, unto death!" "pardon me, most royal ozma," replied one of her generals; "but i find that i and my brother officers all suffer from heart disease, and the slightest excitement might kill us. if we fight we may get excited. would it not be well for us to avoid this grave danger?" "soldiers should not have heart disease," said ozma. "private soldiers are not, i believe, afflicted that way," declared another general, twirling his moustache thoughtfully. "if your royal highness desires, we will order our private to attack yonder warriors." "do so," replied ozma. "for-ward--march!" cried all the generals, with one voice. "for-ward--march!" yelled the colonels. "for-ward--march!" shouted the majors. "for-ward--march!" commanded the captains. and at that the private leveled his spear and dashed furiously upon the foe. the captain of the nomes was so surprised by this sudden onslaught that he forgot to command his warriors to fight, so that the ten men in the first row, who stood in front of the private's spear, fell over like so many toy soldiers. the spear could not go through their steel armor, however, so the warriors scrambled to their feet again, and by that time the private had knocked over another row of them. then the captain brought down his battle-axe with such a strong blow that the private's spear was shattered and knocked from his grasp, and he was helpless to fight any longer. the nome king had left his throne and pressed through his warriors to the front ranks, so he could see what was going on; but as he faced ozma and her friends the scarecrow, as if aroused to action by the valor of the private, drew one of billina's eggs from his right jacket pocket and hurled it straight at the little monarch's head. it struck him squarely in his left eye, where the egg smashed and scattered, as eggs will, and covered his face and hair and beard with its sticky contents. "help, help!" screamed the king, clawing with his fingers at the egg, in a struggle to remove it. "an egg! an egg! run for your lives!" shouted the captain of the nomes, in a voice of horror. and how they did run! the warriors fairly tumbled over one another in their efforts to escape the fatal poison of that awful egg, and those who could not rush down the winding stair fell off the balcony into the great cavern beneath, knocking over those who stood below them. even while the king was still yelling for help his throne room became emptied of every one of his warriors, and before the monarch had managed to clear the egg away from his left eye the scarecrow threw the second egg against his right eye, where it smashed and blinded him entirely. the king was unable to flee because he could not see which way to run; so he stood still and howled and shouted and screamed in abject fear. while this was going on, billina flew over to dorothy, and perching herself upon the lion's back the hen whispered eagerly to the girl: "get his belt! get the nome king's jeweled belt! it unbuckles in the back. quick, dorothy--quick!" 18. the fate of the tin woodman dorothy obeyed. she ran at once behind the nome king, who was still trying to free his eyes from the egg, and in a twinkling she had unbuckled his splendid jeweled belt and carried it away with her to her place beside the tiger and lion, where, because she did not know what else to do with it, she fastened it around her own slim waist. just then the chief steward rushed in with a sponge and a bowl of water, and began mopping away the broken eggs from his master's face. in a few minutes, and while all the party stood looking on, the king regained the use of his eyes, and the first thing he did was to glare wickedly upon the scarecrow and exclaim: "i'll make you suffer for this, you hay-stuffed dummy! don't you know eggs are poison to nomes?" "really," said the scarecrow, "they don't seem to agree with you, although i wonder why." "they were strictly fresh and above suspicion," said billina. "you ought to be glad to get them." "i'll transform you all into scorpions!" cried the king, angrily, and began waving his arms and muttering magic words. but none of the people became scorpions, so the king stopped and looked at them in surprise. "what's wrong?" he asked. "why, you are not wearing your magic belt," replied the chief steward, after looking the king over carefully. "where is it? what have you done with it?" the nome king clapped his hand to his waist, and his rock colored face turned white as chalk. "it's gone," he cried, helplessly. "it's gone, and i am ruined!" dorothy now stepped forward and said: "royal ozma, and you, queen of ev, i welcome you and your people back to the land of the living. billina has saved you from your troubles, and now we will leave this drea'ful place, and return to ev as soon as poss'ble." while the child spoke they could all see that she wore the magic belt, and a great cheer went up from all her friends, which was led by the voices of the scarecrow and the private. but the nome king did not join them. he crept back onto his throne like a whipped dog, and lay there bitterly bemoaning his defeat. "but we have not yet found my faithful follower, the tin woodman," said ozma to dorothy, "and without him i do not wish to go away." "nor i," replied dorothy, quickly. "wasn't he in the palace?" "he must be there," said billina; "but i had no clue to guide me in guessing the tin woodman, so i must have missed him." "we will go back into the rooms," said dorothy. "this magic belt, i am sure, will help us to find our dear old friend." so she re-entered the palace, the doors of which still stood open, and everyone followed her except the nome king, the queen of ev and prince evring. the mother had taken the little prince in her lap and was fondling and kissing him lovingly, for he was her youngest born. but the others went with dorothy, and when she came to the middle of the first room the girl waved her hand, as she had seen the king do, and commanded the tin woodman, whatever form he might then have, to resume his proper shape. no result followed this attempt, so dorothy went into another room and repeated it, and so through all the rooms of the palace. yet the tin woodman did not appear to them, nor could they imagine which among the thousands of ornaments was their transformed friend. sadly they returned to the throne room, where the king, seeing that they had met with failure, jeered at dorothy, saying: "you do not know how to use my belt, so it is of no use to you. give it back to me and i will let you go free--you and all the people who came with you. as for the royal family of ev, they are my slaves, and shall remain here." "i shall keep the belt," said dorothy. "but how can you escape, without my consent?" asked the king. "easily enough," answered the girl. "all we need to do is to walk out the way that we came in." "oh, that's all, is it?" sneered the king. "well, where is the passage through which you entered this room?" they all looked around, but could not discover the place, for it had long since been closed. dorothy, however, would not be dismayed. she waved her hand toward the seemingly solid wall of the cavern and said: "i command the passage to open!" instantly the order was obeyed; the opening appeared and the passage lay plainly before them. the king was amazed, and all the others overjoyed. "why, then, if the belt obeys you, were we unable to discover the tin woodman?" asked ozma. "i can't imagine," said dorothy. "see here, girl," proposed the king, eagerly; "give me the belt, and i will tell you what shape the tin woodman was changed into, and then you can easily find him." dorothy hesitated, but billina cried out: "don't you do it! if the nome king gets the belt again he will make every one of us prisoners, for we will be in his power. only by keeping the belt, dorothy, will you ever be able to leave this place in safety." "i think that is true," said the scarecrow. "but i have another idea, due to my excellent brains. let dorothy transform the king into a goose-egg unless he agrees to go into the palace and bring out to us the ornament which is our friend nick chopper, the tin woodman." "a goose-egg!" echoed the horrified king. "how dreadful!" "well, a goose-egg you will be unless you go and fetch us the ornament we want," declared billina, with a joyful chuckle. "you can see for yourself that dorothy is able to use the magic belt all right," added the scarecrow. the nome king thought it over and finally consented, for he did not want to be a goose-egg. so he went into the palace to get the ornament which was the transformation of the tin woodman, and they all awaited his return with considerable impatience, for they were anxious to leave this underground cavern and see the sunshine once more. but when the nome king came back he brought nothing with him except a puzzled and anxious expression upon his face. "he's gone!" he said. "the tin woodman is nowhere in the palace." "are you sure?" asked ozma, sternly. "i'm very sure," answered the king, trembling, "for i know just what i transformed him into, and exactly where he stood. but he is not there, and please don't change me into a goose-egg, because i've done the best i could." they were all silent for a time, and then dorothy said: "there is no use punishing the nome king any more, and i'm 'fraid we'll have to go away without our friend." "if he is not here, we cannot rescue him," agreed the scarecrow, sadly. "poor nick! i wonder what has become of him." "and he owed me six weeks back pay!" said one of the generals, wiping the tears from his eyes with his gold-laced coat sleeve. very sorrowfully they determined to return to the upper world without their former companion, and so ozma gave the order to begin the march through the passage. the army went first, and then the royal family of ev, and afterward came dorothy, ozma, billina, the scarecrow and tiktok. they left the nome king scowling at them from his throne, and had no thought of danger until ozma chanced to look back and saw a large number of the warriors following them in full chase, with their swords and spears and axes raised to strike down the fugitives as soon as they drew near enough. evidently the nome king had made this last attempt to prevent their escaping him; but it did him no good, for when dorothy saw the danger they were in she stopped and waved her hand and whispered a command to the magic belt. instantly the foremost warriors became eggs, which rolled upon the floor of the cavern in such numbers that those behind could not advance without stepping upon them. but, when they saw the eggs, all desire to advance departed from the warriors, and they turned and fled madly into the cavern, and refused to go back again. our friends had no further trouble in reaching the end of the passage, and soon were standing in the outer air upon the gloomy path between the two high mountains. but the way to ev lay plainly before them, and they fervently hoped that they had seen the last of the nome king and of his dreadful palace. the cavalcade was led by ozma, mounted on the cowardly lion, and the queen of ev, who rode upon the back of the tiger. the children of the queen walked behind her, hand in hand. dorothy rode the sawhorse, while the scarecrow walked and commanded the army in the absence of the tin woodman. presently the way began to lighten and more of the sunshine to come in between the two mountains. and before long they heard the "thump! thump! thump!" of the giant's hammer upon the road. "how may we pass the monstrous man of iron?" asked the queen, anxious for the safety of her children. but dorothy solved the problem by a word to the magic belt. the giant paused, with his hammer held motionless in the air, thus allowing the entire party to pass between his cast-iron legs in safety. 19. the king of ev if there were any shifting, rock-colored nomes on the mountain side now, they were silent and respectful, for our adventurers were not annoyed, as before, by their impudent laughter. really the nomes had nothing to laugh at, since the defeat of their king. on the other side they found ozma's golden chariot, standing as they had left it. soon the lion and the tiger were harnessed to the beautiful chariot, in which was enough room for ozma and the queen and six of the royal children. little evring preferred to ride with dorothy upon the sawhorse, which had a long back. the prince had recovered from his shyness and had become very fond of the girl who had rescued him, so they were fast friends and chatted pleasantly together as they rode along. billina was also perched upon the head of the wooden steed, which seemed not to mind the added weight in the least, and the boy was full of wonder that a hen could talk, and say such sensible things. when they came to the gulf, ozma's magic carpet carried them all over in safety; and now they began to pass the trees, in which birds were singing; and the breeze that was wafted to them from the farms of ev was spicy with flowers and new-mown hay; and the sunshine fell full upon them, to warm them and drive away from their bodies the chill and dampness of the underground kingdom of the nomes. "i would be quite content," said the scarecrow to tiktok, "were only the tin woodman with us. but it breaks my heart to leave him behind." "he was a fine fel-low," replied tiktok, "al-though his ma-ter-i-al was not ve-ry du-ra-ble." "oh, tin is an excellent material," the scarecrow hastened to say; "and if anything ever happened to poor nick chopper he was always easily soldered. besides, he did not have to be wound up, and was not liable to get out of order." "i some-times wish," said tiktok, "that i was stuffed with straw, as you are. it is hard to be made of cop-per." "i have no reason to complain of my lot," replied the scarecrow. "a little fresh straw, now and then, makes me as good as new. but i can never be the polished gentleman that my poor departed friend, the tin woodman, was." you may be sure the royal children of ev and their queen mother were delighted at seeing again their beloved country; and when the towers of the palace of ev came into view they could not forbear cheering at the sight. little evring, riding in front of dorothy, was so overjoyed that he took a curious tin whistle from his pocket and blew a shrill blast that made the sawhorse leap and prance in sudden alarm. "what is that?" asked billina, who had been obliged to flutter her wings in order to keep her seat upon the head of the frightened sawhorse. "that's my whistle," said prince evring, holding it out upon his hand. it was in the shape of a little fat pig, made of tin and painted green. the whistle was in the tail of the pig. "where did you get it?" asked the yellow hen, closely examining the toy with her bright eyes. "why, i picked it up in the nome king's palace, while dorothy was making her guesses, and i put it in my pocket," answered the little prince. billina laughed; or at least she made the peculiar cackle that served her for a laugh. "no wonder i couldn't find the tin woodman," she said; "and no wonder the magic belt didn't make him appear, or the king couldn't find him, either!" "what do you mean?" questioned dorothy. "why, the prince had him in his pocket," cried billina, cackling again. "i did not!" protested little evring. "i only took the whistle." "well, then, watch me," returned the hen, and reaching out a claw she touched the whistle and said "ev." swish! "good afternoon," said the tin woodman, taking off his funnel cap and bowing to dorothy and the prince. "i think i must have been asleep for the first time since i was made of tin, for i do not remember our leaving the nome king." "you have been enchanted," answered the girl, throwing an arm around her old friend and hugging him tight in her joy. "but it's all right, now." "i want my whistle!" said the little prince, beginning to cry. "hush!" cautioned billina. "the whistle is lost, but you may have another when you get home." the scarecrow had fairly thrown himself upon the bosom of his old comrade, so surprised and delighted was he to see him again, and tiktok squeezed the tin woodman's hand so earnestly that he dented some of his fingers. then they had to make way for ozma to welcome the tin man, and the army caught sight of him and set up a cheer, and everybody was delighted and happy. for the tin woodman was a great favorite with all who knew him, and his sudden recovery after they had thought he was lost to them forever was indeed a pleasant surprise. before long the cavalcade arrived at the royal palace, where a great crowd of people had gathered to welcome their queen and her ten children. there was much shouting and cheering, and the people threw flowers in their path, and every face wore a happy smile. they found the princess langwidere in her mirrored chamber, where she was admiring one of her handsomest heads--one with rich chestnut hair, dreamy walnut eyes and a shapely hickorynut nose. she was very glad to be relieved of her duties to the people of ev, and the queen graciously permitted her to retain her rooms and her cabinet of heads as long as she lived. then the queen took her eldest son out upon a balcony that overlooked the crowd of subjects gathered below, and said to them: "here is your future ruler, king evardo fifteenth. he is fifteen years of age, has fifteen silver buckles on his jacket and is the fifteenth evardo to rule the land of ev." the people shouted their approval fifteen times, and even the wheelers, some of whom were present, loudly promised to obey the new king. so the queen placed a big crown of gold, set with rubies, upon evardo's head, and threw an ermine robe over his shoulders, and proclaimed him king; and he bowed gratefully to all his subjects and then went away to see if he could find any cake in the royal pantry. ozma of oz and her people, as well as dorothy, tiktok and billina, were splendidly entertained by the queen mother, who owed all her happiness to their kind offices; and that evening the yellow hen was publicly presented with a beautiful necklace of pearls and sapphires, as a token of esteem from the new king. 20. the emerald city dorothy decided to accept ozma's invitation to return with her to the land of oz. there was no greater chance of her getting home from ev than from oz, and the little girl was anxious to see once more the country where she had encountered such wonderful adventures. by this time uncle henry would have reached australia in his ship, and had probably given her up for lost; so he couldn't worry any more than he did if she stayed away from him a while longer. so she would go to oz. they bade good-bye to the people of ev, and the king promised ozma that he would ever be grateful to her and render the land of oz any service that might lie within his power. and then they approached the edge of the dangerous desert, and ozma threw down the magic carpet, which at once unrolled far enough for all of them to walk upon it without being crowded. tiktok, claiming to be dorothy's faithful follower because he belonged to her, had been permitted to join the party, and before they started the girl wound up his machinery as far as possible, and the copper man stepped off as briskly as any one of them. ozma also invited billina to visit the land of oz, and the yellow hen was glad enough to go where new sights and scenes awaited her. they began the trip across the desert early in the morning, and as they stopped only long enough for billina to lay her daily egg, before sunset they espied the green slopes and wooded hills of the beautiful land of oz. they entered it in the munchkin territory, and the king of the munchkins met them at the border and welcomed ozma with great respect, being very pleased by her safe return. for ozma of oz ruled the king of the munchkins, the king of the winkies, the king of the quadlings and the king of the gillikins just as those kings ruled their own people; and this supreme ruler of the land of oz lived in a great town of her own, called the emerald city, which was in the exact center of the four kingdoms of the land of oz. the munchkin king entertained them at his palace that night, and in the morning they set out for the emerald city, travelling over a road of yellow brick that led straight to the jewel-studded gates. everywhere the people turned out to greet their beloved ozma, and to hail joyfully the scarecrow, the tin woodman and the cowardly lion, who were popular favorites. dorothy, too, remembered some of the people, who had befriended her on the occasion of her first visit to oz, and they were well pleased to see the little kansas girl again, and showered her with compliments and good wishes. at one place, where they stopped to refresh themselves, ozma accepted a bowl of milk from the hands of a pretty dairy-maid. then she looked at the girl more closely, and exclaimed: "why, it's jinjur--isn't it!" "yes, your highness," was the reply, as jinjur dropped a low curtsy. and dorothy looked wonderingly at this lively appearing person, who had once assembled an army of women and driven the scarecrow from the throne of the emerald city, and even fought a battle with the powerful army of glinda the sorceress. "i've married a man who owns nine cows," said jinjur to ozma, "and now i am happy and contented and willing to lead a quiet life and mind my own business." "where is your husband?" asked ozma. "he is in the house, nursing a black eye," replied jinjur, calmly. "the foolish man would insist upon milking the red cow when i wanted him to milk the white one; but he will know better next time, i am sure." then the party moved on again, and after crossing a broad river on a ferry and passing many fine farm houses that were dome shaped and painted a pretty green color, they came in sight of a large building that was covered with flags and bunting. "i don't remember that building," said dorothy. "what is it?" "that is the college of art and athletic perfection," replied ozma. "i had it built quite recently, and the woggle-bug is its president. it keeps him busy, and the young men who attend the college are no worse off than they were before. you see, in this country are a number of youths who do not like to work, and the college is an excellent place for them." and now they came in sight of the emerald city, and the people flocked out to greet their lovely ruler. there were several bands and many officers and officials of the realm, and a crowd of citizens in their holiday attire. thus the beautiful ozma was escorted by a brilliant procession to her royal city, and so great was the cheering that she was obliged to constantly bow to the right and left to acknowledge the greetings of her subjects. that evening there was a grand reception in the royal palace, attended by the most important persons of oz, and jack pumpkinhead, who was a little overripe but still active, read an address congratulating ozma of oz upon the success of her generous mission to rescue the royal family of a neighboring kingdom. then magnificent gold medals set with precious stones were presented to each of the twenty-six officers; and the tin woodman was given a new axe studded with diamonds; and the scarecrow received a silver jar of complexion powder. dorothy was presented with a pretty coronet and made a princess of oz, and tiktok received two bracelets set with eight rows of very clear and sparkling emeralds. afterward they sat down to a splendid feast, and ozma put dorothy at her right and billina at her left, where the hen sat upon a golden roost and ate from a jeweled platter. then were placed the scarecrow, the tin woodman and tiktok, with baskets of lovely flowers before them, because they did not require food. the twenty-six officers were at the lower end of the table, and the lion and the tiger also had seats, and were served on golden platters, that held a half a bushel at one time. the wealthiest and most important citizens of the emerald city were proud to wait upon these famous adventurers, and they were assisted by a sprightly little maid named jellia jamb, whom the scarecrow pinched upon her rosy cheeks and seemed to know very well. during the feast ozma grew thoughtful, and suddenly she asked: "where is the private?" "oh, he is sweeping out the barracks," replied one of the generals, who was busy eating a leg of a turkey. "but i have ordered him a dish of bread and molasses to eat when his work is done." "let him be sent for," said the girl ruler. while they waited for this command to be obeyed, she enquired: "have we any other privates in the armies?" "oh, yes," replied the tin woodman, "i believe there are three, altogether." the private now entered, saluting his officers and the royal ozma very respectfully. "what is your name, my man?" asked the girl. "omby amby," answered the private. "then, omby amby," said she, "i promote you to be captain general of all the armies of my kingdom, and especially to be commander of my body guard at the royal palace." "it is very expensive to hold so many offices," said the private, hesitating. "i have no money with which to buy uniforms." "you shall be supplied from the royal treasury," said ozma. then the private was given a seat at the table, where the other officers welcomed him cordially, and the feasting and merriment were resumed. suddenly jellia jamb exclaimed: "there is nothing more to eat! the hungry tiger has consumed everything!" "but that is not the worst of it," declared the tiger, mournfully. "somewhere or somehow, i've actually lost my appetite!" 21. dorothy's magic belt dorothy passed several very happy weeks in the land of oz as the guest of the royal ozma, who delighted to please and interest the little kansas girl. many new acquaintances were formed and many old ones renewed, and wherever she went dorothy found herself among friends. one day, however, as she sat in ozma's private room, she noticed hanging upon the wall a picture which constantly changed in appearance, at one time showing a meadow and at another time a forest, a lake or a village. "how curious!" she exclaimed, after watching the shifting scenes for a few moments. "yes," said ozma, "that is really a wonderful invention in magic. if i wish to see any part of the world or any person living, i need only express the wish and it is shown in the picture." "may i use it?" asked dorothy, eagerly. "of course, my dear." "then i'd like to see the old kansas farm, and aunt em," said the girl. instantly the well remembered farmhouse appeared in the picture, and aunt em could be seen quite plainly. she was engaged in washing dishes by the kitchen window and seemed quite well and contented. the hired men and the teams were in the harvest fields behind the house, and the corn and wheat seemed to the child to be in prime condition. on the side porch dorothy's pet dog, toto, was lying fast asleep in the sun, and to her surprise old speckles was running around with a brood of twelve new chickens trailing after her. "everything seems all right at home," said dorothy, with a sigh of relief. "now i wonder what uncle henry is doing." the scene in the picture at once shifted to australia, where, in a pleasant room in sydney, uncle henry was seated in an easy chair, solemnly smoking his briar pipe. he looked sad and lonely, and his hair was now quite white and his hands and face thin and wasted. "oh!" cried dorothy, in an anxious voice, "i'm sure uncle henry isn't getting any better, and it's because he is worried about me. ozma, dear, i must go to him at once!" "how can you?" asked ozma. "i don't know," replied dorothy; "but let us go to glinda the good. i'm sure she will help me, and advise me how to get to uncle henry." ozma readily agreed to this plan and caused the sawhorse to be harnessed to a pretty green and pink phaeton, and the two girls rode away to visit the famous sorceress. glinda received them graciously, and listened to dorothy's story with attention. "i have the magic belt, you know," said the little girl. "if i buckled it around my waist and commanded it to take me to uncle henry, wouldn't it do it?" "i think so," replied glinda, with a smile. "and then," continued dorothy, "if i ever wanted to come back here again, the belt would bring me." "in that you are wrong," said the sorceress. "the belt has magical powers only while it is in some fairy country, such as the land of oz, or the land of ev. indeed, my little friend, were you to wear it and wish yourself in australia, with your uncle, the wish would doubtless be fulfilled, because it was made in fairyland. but you would not find the magic belt around you when you arrived at your destination." "what would become of it?" asked the girl. "it would be lost, as were your silver shoes when you visited oz before, and no one would ever see it again. it seems too bad to destroy the use of the magic belt in that way, doesn't it?" "then," said dorothy, after a moment's thought, "i will give the magic belt to ozma, for she can use it in her own country. and she can wish me transported to uncle henry without losing the belt." "that is a wise plan," replied glinda. so they rode back to the emerald city, and on the way it was arranged that every saturday morning ozma would look at dorothy in her magic picture, wherever the little girl might chance to be. and, if she saw dorothy make a certain signal, then ozma would know that the little kansas girl wanted to revisit the land of oz, and by means of the nome king's magic belt would wish that she might instantly return. this having been agreed upon, dorothy bade good-bye to all her friends. tiktok wanted to go to australia; too, but dorothy knew that the machine man would never do for a servant in a civilized country, and the chances were that his machinery wouldn't work at all. so she left him in ozma's care. billina, on the contrary, preferred the land of oz to any other country, and refused to accompany dorothy. "the bugs and ants that i find here are the finest flavored in the world," declared the yellow hen, "and there are plenty of them. so here i shall end my days; and i must say, dorothy, my dear, that you are very foolish to go back into that stupid, humdrum world again." "uncle henry needs me," said dorothy, simply; and every one except billina thought it was right that she should go. all dorothy's friends of the land of oz--both old and new--gathered in a group in front of the palace to bid her a sorrowful good-bye and to wish her long life and happiness. after much hand shaking, dorothy kissed ozma once more, and then handed her the nome king's magic belt, saying: "now, dear princess, when i wave my handkerchief, please wish me with uncle henry. i'm aw'fly sorry to leave you--and the scarecrow--and the tin woodman--and the cowardly lion--and tiktok--and--and everybody--but i do want my uncle henry! so good-bye, all of you." then the little girl stood on one of the big emeralds which decorated the courtyard, and after looking once again at each of her friends, waved her handkerchief. "no," said dorothy, "i wasn't drowned at all. and i've come to nurse you and take care of you, uncle henry, and you must promise to get well as soon as poss'ble." uncle henry smiled and cuddled his little niece close in his lap. "i'm better already, my darling," said he. [illustration: this book belongs to] * * * * * by l. frank baum uniform with ozma of oz the land of oz john dough and the cherub each elaborately illustrated in colors and black-and-white by john r. neill * * * * * [illustration: ozma of oz] [illustration: ozma] ozma of oz a record of her adventures with dorothy gale of kansas, the yellow hen, the scarecrow, the tin woodman, tiktok, the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger; besides other good people too numerous to mention faithfully recorded herein by l. frank baum the author of the wizard of oz, the land of oz, etc. [illustration] illustrated by john r. neill chicago: the reilly & britton co. publishers [illustration: copyright, 1907, by l. frank baum. all rights reserved] [illustration: to all the boys and girls who read my stories--and especially to the dorothys--this book is lovingly dedicated.] list of chapters page i. the girl in the chicken coop 13 ii. the yellow hen 24 iii. letters in the sand 37 iv. tiktok, the machine man 49 v. dorothy opens the dinner pail 64 vi. the heads of langwidere 76 vii. ozma of oz to the rescue 101 viii. the hungry tiger 117 ix. the royal family of ev 128 x. the giant with the hammer 141 xi. the nome king 156 [illustration] [illustration] xii. the eleven guesses 175 xiii. the nome king laughs 182 xiv. dorothy tries to be brave 191 xv. billina frightens the nome king 205 xvi. purple, green and gold 216 xvii. the scarecrow wins the fight 226 xviii. the fate of the tin woodman 235 xix. the king of ev 246 xx. the emerald city 254 xxi. dorothy's magic belt 263 [illustration] [illustration] author's note my friends the children are responsible for this new "oz book," as they were for the last one, which was called _the land of oz_. their sweet little letters plead to know "more about dorothy"; and they ask: "what became of the cowardly lion?" and "what did ozma do afterward?"--meaning, of course, after she became the ruler of oz. and some of them suggest plots to me, saying: "please have dorothy go to the land of oz again"; or, "why don't you make ozma and dorothy meet, and have a good time together?" indeed, could i do all that my little friends ask, i would be obliged to write dozens of books to satisfy their demands. and i wish i could, for i enjoy writing these stories just as much as the children say they enjoy reading them. well, here is "more about dorothy," and about our old friends the scarecrow and the tin woodman, and about the cowardly lion, and ozma, and all the rest of them; and here, likewise, is a good deal about some new folks that are queer and unusual. one little friend, who read this story before it was printed, said to me: "billina is _real ozzy_, mr. baum, and so are tiktok and the hungry tiger." if this judgment is unbiased and correct, and the little folks find this new story "real ozzy," i shall be very glad indeed that i wrote it. but perhaps i shall get some more of those very welcome letters from my readers, telling me just how they like "ozma of oz." i hope so, anyway. l. frank baum. macatawa, 1907. [illustration] the girl in the chicken coop [illustration] the wind blew hard and joggled the water of the ocean, sending ripples across its surface. then the wind pushed the edges of the ripples until they became waves, and shoved the waves around until they became billows. the billows rolled dreadfully high: higher even than the tops of houses. some of them, indeed, rolled as high as the tops of tall trees, and seemed like mountains, and the gulfs between the great billows were like deep valleys. all this mad dashing and splashing of the waters of the big ocean, which the mischievous wind caused without any good reason whatever, resulted in a terrible storm, and a storm on the ocean is liable to cut many queer pranks and do a lot of damage. at the time the wind began to blow, a ship was sailing far out upon the waters. when the waves began to tumble and toss and to grow bigger and bigger the ship rolled up and down, and tipped sidewise--first one way and then the other--and was jostled around so roughly that even the sailor-men had to hold fast to the ropes and railings to keep themselves from being swept away by the wind or pitched headlong into the sea. and the clouds were so thick in the sky that the sunlight couldn't get through them; so that the day grew dark as night, which added to the terrors of the storm. the captain of the ship was not afraid, because he had seen storms before, and had sailed his ship through them in safety; but he knew that his passengers would be in danger if they tried to stay on deck, so he put them all into the cabin and told them to stay there until after the storm was over, and to keep brave hearts and not be scared, and all would be well with them. now, among these passengers was a little kansas girl named dorothy gale, who was going with her uncle henry to australia, to visit some relatives they had never before seen. uncle henry, you must know, was not very well, because he had been working so hard on his kansas farm that his health had given way and left him weak and nervous. so he left aunt em at home to watch after the hired men and to take care of the farm, while he traveled far away to australia to visit his cousins and have a good rest. dorothy was eager to go with him on this journey, and uncle henry thought she would be good company and help cheer him up; so he decided to take her along. the little girl was quite an experienced traveller, for she had once been carried by a cyclone as far away from home as the marvelous land of oz, and she had met with a good many adventures in that strange country before she managed to get back to kansas again. so she wasn't easily frightened, whatever happened, and when the wind began to howl and whistle, and the waves began to tumble and toss, our little girl didn't mind the uproar the least bit. "of course we'll have to stay in the cabin," she said to uncle henry and the other passengers, "and keep as quiet as possible until the storm is over. for the captain says if we go on deck we may be blown overboard." no one wanted to risk such an accident as that, you may be sure; so all the passengers stayed huddled up in the dark cabin, listening to the shrieking of the storm and the creaking of the masts and rigging and trying to keep from bumping into one another when the ship tipped sidewise. dorothy had almost fallen asleep when she was aroused with a start to find that uncle henry was missing. she couldn't imagine where he had gone, and as he was not very strong she began to worry about him, and to fear he might have been careless enough to go on deck. in that case he would be in great danger unless he instantly came down again. the fact was that uncle henry had gone to lie down in his little sleeping-berth, but dorothy did not know that. she only remembered that aunt em had cautioned her to take good care of her uncle, so at once she decided to go on deck and find him, in spite of the fact that the tempest was now worse than ever, and the ship was plunging in a really dreadful manner. indeed, the little girl found it was as much as she could do to mount the stairs to the deck, and as soon as she got there the wind struck her so fiercely that it almost tore away the skirts of her dress. yet dorothy felt a sort of joyous excitement in defying the storm, and while she held fast to the railing she peered around through the gloom and thought she saw the dim form of a man clinging to a mast not far away from her. this might be her uncle, so she called as loudly as she could: "uncle henry! uncle henry!" [illustration: "uncle henry! uncle henry!" called dorothy] but the wind screeched and howled so madly that she scarce heard her own voice, and the man certainly failed to hear her, for he did not move. dorothy decided she must go to him; so she made a dash forward, during a lull in the storm, to where a big square chicken-coop had been lashed to the deck with ropes. she reached this place in safety, but no sooner had she seized fast hold of the slats of the big box in which the chickens were kept than the wind, as if enraged because the little girl dared to resist its power, suddenly redoubled its fury. with a scream like that of an angry giant it tore away the ropes that held the coop and lifted it high into the air, with dorothy still clinging to the slats. around and over it whirled, this way and that, and a few moments later the chicken-coop dropped far away into the sea, where the big waves caught it and slid it up-hill to a foaming crest and then downhill into a deep valley, as if it were nothing more than a plaything to keep them amused. dorothy had a good ducking, you may be sure, but she didn't loose her presence of mind even for a second. she kept tight hold of the stout slats and as soon as she could get the water out of her eyes she saw that the wind had ripped the cover from the coop, and the poor chickens were fluttering away in every direction, being blown by the wind until they looked like feather dusters without handles. the bottom of the coop was made of thick boards, so dorothy found she was clinging to a sort of raft, with sides of slats, which readily bore up her weight. after coughing the water out of her throat and getting her breath again, she managed to climb over the slats and stand upon the firm wooden bottom of the coop, which supported her easily enough. "why, i've got a ship of my own!" she thought, more amused than frightened at her sudden change of condition; and then, as the coop climbed up to the top of a big wave, she looked eagerly around for the ship from which she had been blown. it was far, far away, by this time. perhaps no one on board had yet missed her, or knew of her strange adventure. down into a valley between the waves the coop swept her, and when she climbed another crest the ship looked like a toy boat, it was such a long way off. soon it had entirely disappeared in the gloom, and then dorothy gave a sigh of regret at parting with uncle henry and began to wonder what was going to happen to her next. just now she was tossing on the bosom of a big ocean, with nothing to keep her afloat but a miserable wooden hen-coop that had a plank bottom and slatted sides, through which the water constantly splashed and wetted her through to the skin! and there was nothing to eat when she became hungry--as she was sure to do before long--and no fresh water to drink and no dry clothes to put on. "well, i declare!" she exclaimed, with a laugh. "you're in a pretty fix, dorothy gale, i can tell you! and i haven't the least idea how you're going to get out of it!" as if to add to her troubles the night was now creeping on, and the gray clouds overhead changed to inky blackness. but the wind, as if satisfied at last with its mischievous pranks, stopped blowing this ocean and hurried away to another part of the world to blow something else; so that the waves, not being joggled any more, began to quiet down and behave themselves. [illustration: dorothy afloat in the hen-coop] it was lucky for dorothy, i think, that the storm subsided; otherwise, brave though she was, i fear she might have perished. many children, in her place, would have wept and given way to despair; but because dorothy had encountered so many adventures and come safely through them it did not occur to her at this time to be especially afraid. she was wet and uncomfortable, it is true; but, after sighing that one sigh i told you of, she managed to recall some of her customary cheerfulness and decided to patiently await whatever her fate might be. by and by the black clouds rolled away and showed a blue sky overhead, with a silver moon shining sweetly in the middle of it and little stars winking merrily at dorothy when she looked their way. the coop did not toss around any more, but rode the waves more gently--almost like a cradle rocking--so that the floor upon which dorothy stood was no longer swept by water coming through the slats. seeing this, and being quite exhausted by the excitement of the past few hours, the little girl decided that sleep would be the best thing to restore her strength and the easiest way in which she could pass the time. the floor was damp and she was herself wringing wet, but fortunately this was a warm climate and she did not feel at all cold. so she sat down in a corner of the coop, leaned her back against the slats, nodded at the friendly stars before she closed her eyes, and was asleep in half a minute. [illustration] the yellow hen [illustration] a strange noise awoke dorothy, who opened her eyes to find that day had dawned and the sun was shining brightly in a clear sky. she had been dreaming that she was back in kansas again, and playing in the old barn-yard with the calves and pigs and chickens all around her; and at first, as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she really imagined she was there. "kut-kut-kut, ka-daw-kut! kut-kut-kut, ka-daw-kut!" ah; here again was the strange noise that had awakened her. surely it was a hen cackling! but her wide-open eyes first saw, through the slats of the coop, the blue waves of the ocean, now calm and placid, and her thoughts flew back to the past night, so full of danger and discomfort. also she began to remember that she was a waif of the storm, adrift upon a treacherous and unknown sea. "kut-kut-kut, ka-daw-w-w--kut!" "what's that?" cried dorothy, starting to her feet. "why, i've just laid an egg, that's all," replied a small, but sharp and distinct voice, and looking around her the little girl discovered a yellow hen squatting in the opposite corner of the coop. "dear me!" she exclaimed, in surprise; "have _you_ been here all night, too?" "of course," answered the hen, fluttering her wings and yawning. "when the coop blew away from the ship i clung fast to this corner, with claws and beak, for i knew if i fell into the water i'd surely be drowned. indeed, i nearly drowned, as it was, with all that water washing over me. i never was so wet before in my life!" "yes," agreed dorothy, "it was pretty wet, for a time, i know. but do you feel comfor'ble now?" "not very. the sun has helped to dry my feathers, as it has your dress, and i feel better since i laid my morning egg. but what's to become of us, i should like to know, afloat on this big pond?" "i'd like to know that, too," said dorothy. "but, tell me; how does it happen that you are able to talk? i thought hens could only cluck and cackle." "why, as for that," answered the yellow hen thoughtfully, "i've clucked and cackled all my life, and never spoken a word before this morning, that i can remember. but when you asked a question, a minute ago, it seemed the most natural thing in the world to answer you. so i spoke, and i seem to keep on speaking, just as you and other human beings do. strange, isn't it?" "very," replied dorothy. "if we were in the land of oz, i wouldn't think it so queer, because many of the animals can talk in that fairy country. but out here in the ocean must be a good long way from oz." "how is my grammar?" asked the yellow hen, anxiously. "do i speak quite properly, in your judgment?" "yes," said dorothy, "you do very well, for a beginner." "i'm glad to know that," continued the yellow hen, in a confidential tone; "because, if one is going to talk, it's best to talk correctly. the red rooster has often said that my cluck and my cackle were quite perfect; and now it's a comfort to know i am talking properly." "i'm beginning to get hungry," remarked dorothy. "it's breakfast time; but there's no breakfast." "you may have my egg," said the yellow hen. "i don't care for it, you know." "don't you want to hatch it?" asked the little girl, in surprise. "no, indeed; i never care to hatch eggs unless i've a nice snug nest, in some quiet place, with a baker's dozen of eggs under me. that's thirteen, you know, and it's a lucky number for hens. so you may as well eat this egg." "oh, i couldn't _poss'bly_ eat it, unless it was cooked," exclaimed dorothy. "but i'm much obliged for your kindness, just the same." "don't mention it, my dear," answered the hen, calmly, and began pruning her feathers. for a moment dorothy stood looking out over the wide sea. she was still thinking of the egg, though; so presently she asked: "why do you lay eggs, when you don't expect to hatch them?" "it's a habit i have," replied the yellow hen. "it has always been my pride to lay a fresh egg every morning, except when i'm moulting. i never feel like having my morning cackle till the egg is properly laid, and without the chance to cackle i would not be happy." "it's strange," said the girl, reflectively; "but as i'm not a hen i can't be 'spected to understand that." "certainly not, my dear." then dorothy fell silent again. the yellow hen was some company, and a bit of comfort, too; but it was dreadfully lonely out on the big ocean, nevertheless. after a time the hen flew up and perched upon the topmost slat of the coop, which was a little above dorothy's head when she was sitting upon the bottom, as she had been doing for some moments past. "why, we are not far from land!" exclaimed the hen. "where? where is it?" cried dorothy, jumping up in great excitement. "over there a little way," answered the hen, nodding her head in a certain direction. "we seem to be drifting toward it, so that before noon we ought to find ourselves upon dry land again." "i shall like that!" said dorothy, with a little sigh, for her feet and legs were still wetted now and then by the sea-water that came through the open slats. [illustration: the yellow hen] "so shall i," answered her companion. "there is nothing in the world so miserable as a wet hen." the land, which they seemed to be rapidly approaching, since it grew more distinct every minute, was quite beautiful as viewed by the little girl in the floating hen-coop. next to the water was a broad beach of white sand and gravel, and farther back were several rocky hills, while beyond these appeared a strip of green trees that marked the edge of a forest. but there were no houses to be seen, nor any sign of people who might inhabit this unknown land. "i hope we shall find something to eat," said dorothy, looking eagerly at the pretty beach toward which they drifted. "it's long past breakfast time, now." "i'm a trifle hungry, myself," declared the yellow hen. "why don't you eat the egg?" asked the child. "you don't need to have your food cooked, as i do." "do you take me for a cannibal?" cried the hen, indignantly. "i do not know what i have said or done that leads you to insult me!" "i beg your pardon, i'm sure mrs.--mrs.--by the way, may i inquire your name, ma'am?" asked the little girl. "my name is bill," said the yellow hen, somewhat gruffly. "bill! why, that's a boy's name." "what difference does that make?" "you're a lady hen, aren't you?" "of course. but when i was first hatched out no one could tell whether i was going to be a hen or a rooster; so the little boy at the farm where i was born called me bill, and made a pet of me because i was the only yellow chicken in the whole brood. when i grew up, and he found that i didn't crow and fight, as all the roosters do, he did not think to change my name, and every creature in the barn-yard, as well as the people in the house, knew me as 'bill.' so bill i've always been called, and bill is my name." "but it's all wrong, you know," declared dorothy, earnestly; "and, if you don't mind, i shall call you 'billina.' putting the 'eena' on the end makes it a girl's name, you see." "oh, i don't mind it in the least," returned the yellow hen. "it doesn't matter at all what you call me, so long as i know the name means _me_." "very well, billina. _my_ name is dorothy gale--just dorothy to my friends and miss gale to strangers. you may call me dorothy, if you like. we're getting very near the shore. do you suppose it is too deep for me to wade the rest of the way?" "wait a few minutes longer. the sunshine is warm and pleasant, and we are in no hurry." "but my feet are all wet and soggy," said the girl. "my dress is dry enough, but i won't feel real comfor'ble till i get my feet dried." she waited; however, as the hen advised, and before long the big wooden coop grated gently on the sandy beach and the dangerous voyage was over. it did not take the castaways long to reach the shore, you may be sure. the yellow hen flew to the sands at once, but dorothy had to climb over the high slats. still, for a country girl, that was not much of a feat, and as soon as she was safe ashore dorothy drew off her wet shoes and stockings and spread them upon the sun-warmed beach to dry. then she sat down and watched billina, who was pick-pecking away with her sharp bill in the sand and gravel, which she scratched up and turned over with her strong claws. "what are you doing?" asked dorothy. "getting my breakfast, of course," murmured the hen, busily pecking away. [illustration: "how dreadful!" exclaimed dorothy] "what do you find?" inquired the girl, curiously. "oh, some fat red ants, and some sand-bugs, and once in a while a tiny crab. they are very sweet and nice, i assure you." "how dreadful!" exclaimed dorothy, in a shocked voice. "what is dreadful?" asked the hen, lifting her head to gaze with one bright eye at her companion. "why, eating live things, and horrid bugs, and crawly ants. you ought to be _'shamed_ of yourself!" "goodness me!" returned the hen, in a puzzled tone; "how queer you are, dorothy! live things are much fresher and more wholesome than dead ones, and you humans eat all sorts of dead creatures." "we don't!" said dorothy. "you do, indeed," answered billina. "you eat lambs and sheep and cows and pigs and even chickens." "but we cook 'em," said dorothy, triumphantly. "what difference does that make?" "a good deal," said the girl, in a graver tone. "i can't just 'splain the diff'rence, but it's there. and, anyhow, we never eat such dreadful things as _bugs_." "but you eat the chickens that eat the bugs," retorted the yellow hen, with an odd cackle. "so you are just as bad as we chickens are." this made dorothy thoughtful. what billina said was true enough, and it almost took away her appetite for breakfast. as for the yellow hen, she continued to peck away at the sand busily, and seemed quite contented with her bill-of-fare. finally, down near the water's edge, billina stuck her bill deep into the sand, and then drew back and shivered. "ow!" she cried. "i struck metal, that time, and it nearly broke my beak." "it prob'bly was a rock," said dorothy, carelessly. "nonsense. i know a rock from metal, i guess," said the hen. "there's a different feel to it." "but there couldn't be any metal on this wild, deserted seashore," persisted the girl. "where's the place? i'll dig it up, and prove to you i'm right." billina showed her the place where she had "stubbed her bill," as she expressed it, and dorothy dug away the sand until she felt something hard. then, thrusting in her hand, she pulled the thing out, and discovered it to be a large sized golden key--rather old, but still bright and of perfect shape. "what did i tell you?" cried the hen, with a cackle of triumph. "can i tell metal when i bump into it, or is the thing a rock?" "it's metal, sure enough," answered the child, gazing thoughtfully at the curious thing she had found. "i think it is pure gold, and it must have lain hidden in the sand for a long time. how do you suppose it came there, billina? and what do you suppose this mysterious key unlocks?" "i can't say," replied the hen. "you ought to know more about locks and keys than i do." dorothy glanced around. there was no sign of any house in that part of the country, and she reasoned that every key must fit a lock and every lock must have a purpose. perhaps the key had been lost by somebody who lived far away, but had wandered on this very shore. musing on these things the girl put the key in the pocket of her dress and then slowly drew on her shoes and stockings, which the sun had fully dried. "i b'lieve, billina," she said, "i'll have a look 'round, and see if i can find some breakfast." [illustration] letters in the sand [illustration] walking a little way back from the water's edge, toward the grove of trees, dorothy came to a flat stretch of white sand that seemed to have queer signs marked upon its surface, just as one would write upon sand with a stick. "what does it say?" she asked the yellow hen, who trotted along beside her in a rather dignified fashion. "how should i know?" returned the hen. "i cannot read." "oh! can't you?" "certainly not; i've never been to school, you know." "well, i have," admitted dorothy; "but the letters are big and far apart, and it's hard to spell out the words." but she looked at each letter carefully, and finally discovered that these words were written in the sand: "beware the wheelers!" "that's rather strange," declared the hen, when dorothy had read aloud the words. "what do you suppose the wheelers are?" "folks that wheel, i guess. they must have wheelbarrows, or baby-cabs or hand-carts," said dorothy. "perhaps they're automobiles," suggested the yellow hen. "there is no need to beware of baby-cabs and wheelbarrows; but automobiles are dangerous things. several of my friends have been run over by them." "it can't be auto'biles," replied the girl, "for this is a new, wild country, without even trolley-cars or tel'phones. the people here havn't been discovered yet, i'm sure; that is, if there _are_ any people. so i don't b'lieve there _can_ be any auto'biles, billina." "perhaps not," admitted the yellow hen. "where are you going now?" "over to those trees, to see if i can find some fruit or nuts," answered dorothy. she tramped across the sand, skirting the foot of one of the little rocky hills that stood near, and soon reached the edge of the forest. at first she was greatly disappointed, because the nearer trees were all punita, or cotton-wood or eucalyptus, and bore no fruit or nuts at all. but, bye and bye, when she was almost in despair, the little girl came upon two trees that promised to furnish her with plenty of food. one was quite full of square paper boxes, which grew in clusters on all the limbs, and upon the biggest and ripest boxes the word "lunch" could be read, in neat raised letters. this tree seemed to bear all the year around, for there were lunch-box blossoms on some of the branches, and on others tiny little lunch-boxes that were as yet quite green, and evidently not fit to eat until they had grown bigger. the leaves of this tree were all paper napkins, and it presented a very pleasing appearance to the hungry little girl. but the tree next to the lunch-box tree was even more wonderful, for it bore quantities of tin dinner-pails, which were so full and heavy that the stout branches bent underneath their weight. some were small and dark-brown in color; those larger were of a dull tin color; but the really ripe ones were pails of bright tin that shone and glistened beautifully in the rays of sunshine that touched them. dorothy was delighted, and even the yellow hen acknowledged that she was surprised. the little girl stood on tip-toe and picked one of the nicest and biggest lunch-boxes, and then she sat down upon the ground and eagerly opened it. inside she found, nicely wrapped in white papers, a ham sandwich, a piece of sponge-cake, a pickle, a slice of new cheese and an apple. each thing had a separate stem, and so had to be picked off the side of the box; but dorothy found them all to be delicious, and she ate every bit of luncheon in the box before she had finished. "a lunch isn't zactly breakfast," she said to billina, who sat beside her curiously watching. "but when one is hungry one can eat even supper in the morning, and not complain." "i hope your lunch-box was perfectly ripe," observed the yellow hen, in a anxious tone. "so much sickness is caused by eating green things." [illustration: the little girl picked one of the lunch-boxes] "oh, i'm sure it was ripe," declared dorothy, "all, that is, 'cept the pickle, and a pickle just _has_ to be green, billina. but everything tasted perfectly splendid, and i'd rather have it than a church picnic. and now i think i'll pick a dinner-pail, to have when i get hungry again, and then we'll start out and 'splore the country, and see where we are." "havn't you any idea what country this is?" inquired billina. "none at all. but listen: i'm quite sure it's a fairy country, or such things as lunch-boxes and dinner-pails wouldn't be growing upon trees. besides, billina, being a hen, you wouldn't be able to talk in any civ'lized country, like kansas, where no fairies live at all." "perhaps we're in the land of oz," said the hen, thoughtfully. "no, that can't be," answered the little girl; "because i've been to the land of oz, and it's all surrounded by a horrid desert that no one can cross." "then how did you get away from there again?" asked billina. "i had a pair of silver shoes, that carried me through the air; but i lost them," said dorothy. "ah, indeed," remarked the yellow hen, in a tone of unbelief. "anyhow," resumed the girl, "there is no seashore near the land of oz, so this must surely be some other fairy country." while she was speaking she selected a bright and pretty dinner-pail that seemed to have a stout handle, and picked it from its branch. then, accompanied by the yellow hen, she walked out of the shadow of the trees toward the sea-shore. they were part way across the sands when billina suddenly cried, in a voice of terror: "what's that?" [illustration] dorothy turned quickly around, and saw coming out of a path that led from between the trees the most peculiar person her eyes had ever beheld. it had the form of a man, except that it walked, or rather rolled, upon all fours, and its legs were the same length as its arms, giving them the appearance of the four legs of a beast. yet it was no beast that dorothy had discovered, for the person was clothed most gorgeously in embroidered garments of many colors, and wore a straw hat perched jauntily upon the side of its head. but it differed from human beings in this respect, that instead of hands and feet there grew at the end of its arms and legs round wheels, and by means of these wheels it rolled very swiftly over the level ground. afterward dorothy found that these odd wheels were of the same hard substance that our finger-nails and toe-nails are composed of, and she also learned that creatures of this strange race were born in this queer fashion. but when our little girl first caught sight of the first individual of a race that was destined to cause her a lot of trouble, she had an idea that the brilliantly-clothed personage was on roller-skates, which were attached to his hands as well as to his feet. "run!" screamed the yellow hen, fluttering away in great fright. "it's a wheeler!" [illustration: "it's a wheeler!"] "a wheeler?" exclaimed dorothy. "what can that be?" "don't you remember the warning in the sand: 'beware the wheelers'? run, i tell you--run!" so dorothy ran, and the wheeler gave a sharp, wild cry and came after her in full chase. looking over her shoulder as she ran, the girl now saw a great procession of wheelers emerging from the forest--dozens and dozens of them--all clad in splendid, tight-fitting garments and all rolling swiftly toward her and uttering their wild, strange cries. "they're sure to catch us!" panted the girl, who was still carrying the heavy dinner-pail she had picked. "i can't run much farther, billina." "climb up this hill,--quick!" said the hen; and dorothy found she was very near to the heap of loose and jagged rocks they had passed on their way to the forest. the yellow hen was even now fluttering among the rocks, and dorothy followed as best she could, half climbing and half tumbling up the rough and rugged steep. she was none too soon, for the foremost wheeler reached the hill a moment after her; but while the girl scrambled up the rocks the creature stopped short with howls of rage and disappointment. dorothy now heard the yellow hen laughing, in her cackling, henny way. "don't hurry, my dear," cried billina. "they can't follow us among these rocks, so we're safe enough now." dorothy stopped at once and sat down upon a broad boulder, for she was all out of breath. the rest of the wheelers had now reached the foot of the hill, but it was evident that their wheels would not roll upon the rough and jagged rocks, and therefore they were helpless to follow dorothy and the hen to where they had taken refuge. but they circled all around the little hill, so the child and billina were fast prisoners and could not come down without being captured. then the creatures shook their front wheels at dorothy in a threatening manner, and it seemed they were able to speak as well as to make their dreadful outcries, for several of them shouted: "we'll get you in time, never fear! and when we do get you, we'll tear you into little bits!" "why are you so cruel to me?" asked dorothy. "i'm a stranger in your country, and have done you no harm." "no harm!" cried one who seemed to be their leader. "did you not pick our lunch-boxes and dinner-pails? have you not a stolen dinner-pail still in your hand?" "i only picked one of each," she answered. "i was hungry, and i didn't know the trees were yours." "that is no excuse," retorted the leader, who was clothed in a most gorgeous suit. "it is the law here that whoever picks a dinner-pail without our permission must die immediately." "don't you believe him," said billina. "i'm sure the trees do not belong to these awful creatures. they are fit for any mischief, and it's my opinion they would try to kill us just the same if you hadn't picked a dinner-pail." "i think so, too," agreed dorothy. "but what shall we do now?" "stay where we are," advised the yellow hen. "we are safe from the wheelers until we starve to death, anyhow; and before that time comes a good many things can happen." [illustration] [illustration] tiktok the machine man after an hour or so most of the band of wheelers rolled back into the forest, leaving only three of their number to guard the hill. these curled themselves up like big dogs and pretended to go to sleep on the sands; but neither dorothy nor billina were fooled by this trick, so they remained in security among the rocks and paid no attention to their cunning enemies. finally the hen, fluttering over the mound, exclaimed: "why, here's a path!" so dorothy at once clambered to where billina sat, and there, sure enough, was a smooth path cut between the rocks. it seemed to wind around the mound from top to bottom, like a cork-screw, twisting here and there between the rough boulders but always remaining level and easy to walk upon. indeed, dorothy wondered at first why the wheelers did not roll up this path; but when she followed it to the foot of the mound she found that several big pieces of rock had been placed directly across the end of the way, thus preventing any one outside from seeing it and also preventing the wheelers from using it to climb up the mound. then dorothy walked back up the path, and followed it until she came to the very top of the hill, where a solitary round rock stood that was bigger than any of the others surrounding it. the path came to an end just beside this great rock, and for a moment it puzzled the girl to know why the path had been made at all. but the hen, who had been gravely following her around and was now perched upon a point of rock behind dorothy, suddenly remarked: "it looks something like a door, doesn't it?" "what looks like a door?" enquired the child. "why, that crack in the rock, just facing you," replied billina, whose little round eyes were very sharp and seemed to see everything. "it runs up one side and down the other, and across the top and the bottom." [illustration] "what does?" "why, the crack. so i think it must be a door of rock, although i do not see any hinges." "oh, yes," said dorothy, now observing for the first time the crack in the rock. "and isn't this a key-hole, billina?" pointing to a round, deep hole at one side of the door. "of course. if we only had the key, now, we could unlock it and see what is there," replied the yellow hen. "may be it's a treasure chamber full of diamonds and rubies, or heaps of shining gold, or----" "that reminds me," said dorothy, "of the golden key i picked up on the shore. do you think that it would fit this key-hole, billina?" "try it and see," suggested the hen. so dorothy searched in the pocket of her dress and found the golden key. and when she had put it into the hole of the rock, and turned it, a sudden sharp snap was heard; then, with a solemn creak that made the shivers run down the child's back, the face of the rock fell outward, like a door on hinges, and revealed a small dark chamber just inside. "good gracious!" cried dorothy, shrinking back as far as the narrow path would let her. for, standing within the narrow chamber of rock, was the form of a man--or, at least, it seemed like a man, in the dim light. he was only about as tall as dorothy herself, and his body was round as a ball and made out of burnished copper. also his head and limbs were copper, and these were jointed or hinged to his body in a peculiar way, with metal caps over the joints, like the armor worn by knights in days of old. he stood perfectly still, and where the light struck upon his form it glittered as if made of pure gold. [illustration: "this copper man is not alive at all"] "don't be frightened," called billina, from her perch. "it isn't alive." "i see it isn't," replied the girl, drawing a long breath. "it is only made out of copper, like the old kettle in the barn-yard at home," continued the hen, turning her head first to one side and then to the other, so that both her little round eyes could examine the object. "once," said dorothy, "i knew a man made out of tin, who was a woodman named nick chopper. but he was as alive as we are, 'cause he was born a real man, and got his tin body a little at a time--first a leg and then a finger and then an ear--for the reason that he had so many accidents with his axe, and cut himself up in a very careless manner." "oh," said the hen, with a sniff, as if she did not believe the story. "but this copper man," continued dorothy, looking at it with big eyes, "is not alive at all, and i wonder what it was made for, and why it was locked up in this queer place." "that is a mystery," remarked the hen, twisting her head to arrange her wing-feathers with her bill. dorothy stepped inside the little room to get a back view of the copper man, and in this way discovered a printed card that hung between his shoulders, it being suspended from a small copper peg at the back of his neck. she unfastened this card and returned to the path, where the light was better, and sat herself down upon a slab of rock to read the printing. "what does it say?" asked the hen, curiously. dorothy read the card aloud, spelling out the big words with some difficulty; and this is what she read: smith & tinker's patent double-action, extra-responsive, thought-creating, perfect-talking mechanical man fitted with our special clock-work attachment. thinks, speaks, acts, and does everything but live. manufactured only at our works at evna, land of ev. all infringements will be promptly prosecuted according to law. "how queer!" said the yellow hen. "do you think that is all true, my dear?" "i don't know," answered dorothy, who had more to read. "listen to this, billina:" directions for using: for thinking:--wind the clock-work man under his left arm, (marked no. 1.) for speaking:--wind the clock-work man under his right arm, (marked no. 2.) for walking and action:--wind clock-work in the middle of his back, (marked no. 3.) n. b.--this mechanism is guaranteed to work perfectly for a thousand years. "well, i declare!" gasped the yellow hen, in amazement; "if the copper man can do half of these things he is a very wonderful machine. but i suppose it is all humbug, like so many other patented articles." "we might wind him up," suggested dorothy, "and see what he'll do." "where is the key to the clock-work?" asked billina. "hanging on the peg where i found the card." "then," said the hen, "let us try him, and find out if he will go. he is warranted for a thousand years, it seems; but we do not know how long he has been standing inside this rock." dorothy had already taken the clock key from the peg. [illustration: dorothy wound up number one] "which shall i wind up first?" she asked, looking again at the directions on the card. "number one, i should think," returned billina. "that makes him think, doesn't it?" "yes," said dorothy, and wound up number one, under the left arm. "he doesn't seem any different," remarked the hen, critically. "why, of course not; he is only thinking, now," said dorothy. "i wonder what he is thinking about." "i'll wind up his talk, and then perhaps he can tell us," said the girl. so she wound up number two, and immediately the clock-work man said, without moving any part of his body except his lips: "good morn-ing, lit-tle girl. good morn-ing, mrs. hen." the words sounded a little hoarse and creakey, and they were uttered all in the same tone, without any change of expression whatever; but both dorothy and billina understood them perfectly. "good morning, sir," they answered, politely. "thank you for res-cu-ing me," continued the machine, in the same monotonous voice, which seemed to be worked by a bellows inside of him, like the little toy lambs and cats the children squeeze so that they will make a noise. [illustration] "don't mention it," answered dorothy. and then, being very curious, she asked: "how did you come to be locked up in this place?" "it is a long sto-ry," replied the copper man; "but i will tell it to you brief-ly. i was pur-chased from smith & tin-ker, my man-u-fac-tur-ers, by a cru-el king of ev, named ev-ol-do, who used to beat all his serv-ants un-til they died. how-ev-er, he was not a-ble to kill me, be-cause i was not a-live, and one must first live in or-der to die. so that all his beat-ing did me no harm, and mere-ly kept my cop-per bod-y well pol-ished. "this cru-el king had a love-ly wife and ten beau-ti-ful chil-dren--five boys and five girls--but in a fit of an-ger he sold them all to the nome king, who by means of his mag-ic arts changed them all in-to oth-er forms and put them in his un-der-ground pal-ace to or-na-ment the rooms. "af-ter-ward the king of ev re-gret-ted his wick-ed ac-tion, and tried to get his wife and chil-dren a-way from the nome king, but with-out a-vail. so, in de-spair, he locked me up in this rock, threw the key in-to the o-cean, and then jumped in af-ter it and was drowned." "how very dreadful!" exclaimed dorothy. "it is, in-deed," said the machine. "when i found my-self im-pris-oned i shout-ed for help un-til my voice ran down; and then i walked back and forth in this lit-tle room un-til my ac-tion ran down; and then i stood still and thought un-til my thoughts ran down. af-ter that i re-mem-ber noth-ing un-til you wound me up a-gain." "it's a very wonderful story," said dorothy, "and proves that the land of ev is really a fairy land, as i thought it was." [illustration: the copper man walked out of the rocky cavern] "of course it is," answered the copper man. "i do not sup-pose such a per-fect ma-chine as i am could be made in an-y place but a fair-y land." "i've never seen one in kansas," said dorothy. "but where did you get the key to un-lock this door?" asked the clock-work voice. "i found it on the shore, where it was prob'ly washed up by the waves," she answered. "and now, sir, if you don't mind, i'll wind up your action." "that will please me ve-ry much," said the machine. so she wound up number three, and at once the copper man in a somewhat stiff and jerky fashion walked out of the rocky cavern, took off his copper hat and bowed politely, and then kneeled before dorothy. said he: "from this time forth i am your o-be-di-ent ser-vant. what-ev-er you com-mand, that i will do will-ing-ly--if you keep me wound up." "what is your name?" she asked. "tik-tok," he replied. "my for-mer mas-ter gave me that name be-cause my clock-work al-ways ticks when it is wound up." "i can hear it now," said the yellow hen. "so can i," said dorothy. and then she added, with some anxiety: "you don't strike, do you?" "no," answered tiktok; "and there is no a-larm con-nec-ted with my ma-chin-er-y. i can tell the time, though, by speak-ing, and as i nev-er sleep i can wak-en you at an-y hour you wish to get up in the morn-ing." "that's nice," said the little girl; "only i never wish to get up in the morning." "you can sleep until i lay my egg," said the yellow hen. "then, when i cackle, tiktok will know it is time to waken you." "do you lay your egg very early?" asked dorothy. "about eight o'clock," said billina. "and everybody ought to be up by that time, i'm sure." [illustration] dorothy opens the dinner pail [illustration] "now tiktok," said dorothy, "the first thing to be done is to find a way for us to escape from these rocks. the wheelers are down below, you know, and threaten to kill us." "there is no rea-son to be a-fraid of the wheel-ers," said tiktok, the words coming more slowly than before. "why not?" she asked. "be-cause they are ag-g-g--gr-gr-r-r-" he gave a sort of gurgle and stopped short, waving his hands frantically until suddenly he became motionless, with one arm in the air and the other held stiffly before him with all the copper fingers of the hand spread out like a fan. "dear me!" said dorothy, in a frightened tone. "what can the matter be?" "he's run down, i suppose," said the hen, calmly. "you couldn't have wound him up very tight." "i didn't know how much to wind him," replied the girl; "but i'll try to do better next time." she ran around the copper man to take the key from the peg at the back of his neck, but it was not there. "it's gone!" cried dorothy, in dismay. "what's gone?" asked billina. "the key." "it probably fell off when he made that low bow to you," returned the hen. "look around, and see if you cannot find it again." dorothy looked, and the hen helped her, and by and by the girl discovered the clock-key, which had fallen into a crack of the rock. at once she wound up tiktok's voice, taking care to give the key as many turns as it would go around. she found this quite a task, as you may imagine if you have ever tried to wind a clock, but the machine man's first words were to assure dorothy that he would now run for at least twenty-four hours. "you did not wind me much, at first," he calmly said, "and i told you that long sto-ry a-bout king ev-ol-do; so it is no won-der that i ran down." [illustration] she next rewound the action clock-work, and then billina advised her to carry the key to tiktok in her pocket, so it would not get lost again. "and now," said dorothy, when all this was accomplished, "tell me what you were going to say about the wheelers." "why, they are noth-ing to be fright-en'd at," said the machine. "they try to make folks be-lieve that they are ver-y ter-ri-ble, but as a mat-ter of fact the wheel-ers are harm-less e-nough to an-y one that dares to fight them. they might try to hurt a lit-tle girl like you, per-haps, be-cause they are ver-y mis-chiev-ous. but if i had a club they would run a-way as soon as they saw me." "haven't you a club?" asked dorothy. "no," said tiktok. "and you won't find such a thing among these rocks, either," declared the yellow hen. "then what shall we do?" asked the girl. "wind up my think-works tight-ly, and i will try to think of some oth-er plan," said tiktok. so dorothy rewound his thought machinery, and while he was thinking she decided to eat her dinner. billina was already pecking away at the cracks in the rocks, to find something to eat, so dorothy sat down and opened her tin dinner-pail. in the cover she found a small tank that was full of very nice lemonade. it was covered by a cup, which might also, when removed, be used to drink the lemonade from. within the pail were three slices of turkey, two slices of cold tongue, some lobster salad, four slices of bread and butter, a small custard pie, an orange and nine large strawberries, and some nuts and raisins. singularly enough, the nuts in this dinner-pail grew already cracked, so that dorothy had no trouble in picking out their meats to eat. she spread the feast upon the rock beside her and began her dinner, first offering some of it to tiktok, who declined because, as he said, he was merely a machine. afterward she offered to share with billina, but the hen murmured something about "dead things" and said she preferred her bugs and ants. "do the lunch-box trees and the dinner-pail trees belong to the wheelers?" the child asked tiktok, while engaged in eating her meal. "of course not," he answered. "they be-long to the roy-al fam-il-y of ev, on-ly of course there is no roy-al fam-il-y just now be-cause king ev-ol-do jumped in-to the sea and his wife and ten chil-dren have been trans-formed by the nome king. so there is no one to rule the land of ev, that i can think of. per-haps it is for this rea-son that the wheel-ers claim the trees for their own, and pick the lunch-eons and din-ners to eat them-selves. but they be-long to the king, and you will find the roy-al "e" stamped up-on the bot-tom of ev-er-y din-ner pail." dorothy turned the pail over, and at once discovered the royal mark upon it, as tiktok had said. "are the wheelers the only folks living in the land of ev?" enquired the girl. [illustration: dorothy opened her tin dinner-pail] "no; they on-ly in-hab-it a small por-tion of it just back of the woods," replied the machine. "but they have al-ways been mis-chiev-ous and im-per-ti-nent, and my old mas-ter, king ev-ol-do, used to car-ry a whip with him, when he walked out, to keep the crea-tures in or-der. when i was first made the wheel-ers tried to run o-ver me, and butt me with their heads; but they soon found i was built of too sol-id a ma-ter-i-al for them to in-jure." "you seem very durable," said dorothy. "who made you?" "the firm of smith & tin-ker, in the town of ev-na, where the roy-al pal-ace stands," answered tiktok. "did they make many of you?" asked the child. "no; i am the on-ly au-to-mat-ic me-chan-i-cal man they ev-er com-plet-ed," he replied. "they were ver-y won-der-ful in-ven-tors, were my mak-ers, and quite ar-tis-tic in all they did." "i am sure of that," said dorothy. "do they live in the town of evna now?" "they are both gone," replied the machine. "mr. smith was an art-ist, as well as an in-vent-or, and he paint-ed a pic-ture of a riv-er which was so nat-ur-al that, as he was reach-ing a-cross it to paint some flow-ers on the op-po-site bank, he fell in-to the wa-ter and was drowned." "oh, i'm sorry for that!" exclaimed the little girl. "mis-ter tin-ker," continued tiktok, "made a lad-der so tall that he could rest the end of it a-gainst the moon, while he stood on the high-est rung and picked the lit-tle stars to set in the points of the king's crown. but when he got to the moon mis-ter tin-ker found it such a love-ly place that he de-cid-ed to live there, so he pulled up the lad-der af-ter him and we have nev-er seen him since." "he must have been a great loss to this country," said dorothy, who was by this time eating her custard pie. "he was," acknowledged tiktok. "also he is a great loss to me. for if i should get out of or-der i do not know of an-y one a-ble to re-pair me, be-cause i am so com-pli-cat-ed. you have no i-de-a how full of ma-chin-er-y i am." "i can imagine it," said dorothy, readily. "and now," continued the machine, "i must stop talk-ing and be-gin think-ing a-gain of a way to es-cape from this rock." so he turned halfway around, in order to think without being disturbed. "the best thinker i ever knew," said dorothy to the yellow hen, "was a scarecrow." "nonsense!" snapped billina. "it is true," declared dorothy. "i met him in the land of oz, and he travelled with me to the city of the great wizard of oz, so as to get some brains, for his head was only stuffed with straw. but it seemed to me that he thought just as well before he got his brains as he did afterward." "do you expect me to believe all that rubbish about the land of oz?" enquired billina, who seemed a little cross--perhaps because bugs were scarce. "what rubbish?" asked the child, who was now finishing her nuts and raisins. "why, your impossible stories about animals that can talk, and a tin woodman who is alive, and a scarecrow who can think." "they are all there," said dorothy, "for i have seen them." "i don't believe it!" cried the hen, with a toss of her head. "that's 'cause you're so ign'rant," replied the girl, who was a little offended at her friend billina's speech. "in the land of oz," remarked tiktok, turning toward them, "an-y-thing is pos-si-ble. for it is a won-der-ful fair-y coun-try." "there, billina! what did i say?" cried dorothy. and then she turned to the machine and asked in an eager tone: "do you know the land of oz, tiktok?" [illustration: mister tinker visits the moon] "no; but i have heard a-bout it," said the copper man. "for it is on-ly sep-a-ra-ted from this land of ev by a broad des-ert." dorothy clapped her hands together delightedly. "i'm glad of that!" she exclaimed. "it makes me quite happy to be so near my old friends. the scarecrow i told you of, billina, is the king of the land of oz." "par-don me. he is not the king now," said tiktok. "he was when i left there," declared dorothy. "i know," said tiktok, "but there was a rev-o-lu-tion in the land of oz, and the scare-crow was de-posed by a sol-dier wo-man named gen-er-al jin-jur. and then jin-jur was de-posed by a lit-tle girl named oz-ma, who was the right-ful heir to the throne and now rules the land un-der the ti-tle of oz-ma of oz." "that is news to me," said dorothy, thoughtfully. "but i s'pose lots of things have happened since i left the land of oz. i wonder what has become of the scarecrow, and of the tin woodman, and the cowardly lion. and i wonder who this girl ozma is, for i never heard of her before." but tiktok did not reply to this. he had turned around again to resume his thinking. dorothy packed the rest of the food back into the pail, so as not to be wasteful of good things, and the yellow hen forgot her dignity far enough to pick up all of the scattered crumbs, which she ate rather greedily, although she had so lately pretended to despise the things that dorothy preferred as food. by this time tiktok approached them with his stiff bow. "be kind e-nough to fol-low me," he said, "and i will lead you a-way from here to the town of ev-na, where you will be more com-for-ta-ble, and also i will pro-tect you from the wheel-ers." "all right," answered dorothy, promptly. "i'm ready!" [illustration] the heads of langwidere [illustration] they walked slowly down the path between the rocks, tiktok going first, dorothy following him, and the yellow hen trotting along last of all. at the foot of the path the copper man leaned down and tossed aside with ease the rocks that cumbered the way. then he turned to dorothy and said: "let me car-ry your din-ner-pail." she placed it in his right hand at once, and the copper fingers closed firmly over the stout handle. then the little procession marched out upon the level sands. as soon as the three wheelers who were guarding the mound saw them, they began to shout their wild cries and rolled swiftly toward the little group, as if to capture them or bar their way. but when the foremost had approached near enough, tiktok swung the tin dinner-pail and struck the wheeler a sharp blow over its head with the queer weapon. perhaps it did not hurt very much, but it made a great noise, and the wheeler uttered a howl and tumbled over upon its side. the next minute it scrambled to its wheels and rolled away as fast as it could go, screeching with fear at the same time. "i told you they were harm-less," began tiktok; but before he could say more another wheeler was upon them. crack! went the dinner-pail against its head, knocking its straw hat a dozen feet away; and that was enough for this wheeler, also. it rolled away after the first one, and the third did not wait to be pounded with the pail, but joined its fellows as quickly as its wheels would whirl. the yellow hen gave a cackle of delight, and flying to a perch upon tiktok's shoulder, she said: "bravely done, my copper friend! and wisely thought of, too. now we are free from those ugly creatures." but just then a large band of wheelers rolled from the forest, and relying upon their numbers to conquer, they advanced fiercely upon tiktok. dorothy grabbed billina in her arms and held her tight, and the machine embraced the form of the little girl with his left arm, the better to protect her. then the wheelers were upon them. rattlety, bang! bang! went the dinner-pail in every direction, and it made so much clatter bumping against the heads of the wheelers that they were much more frightened than hurt and fled in a great panic. all, that is, except their leader. this wheeler had stumbled against another and fallen flat upon his back, and before he could get his wheels under him to rise again, tiktok had fastened his copper fingers into the neck of the gorgeous jacket of his foe and held him fast. "tell your peo-ple to go a-way," commanded the machine. the leader of the wheelers hesitated to give this order, so tiktok shook him as a terrier dog does a rat, until the wheeler's teeth rattled together with a noise like hailstones on a window pane. then, as soon as the creature could get its breath, it shouted to the others to roll away, which they immediately did. "now," said tiktok, "you shall come with us and tell me what i want to know." [illustration] "you'll be sorry for treating me in this way," whined the wheeler. "i'm a terribly fierce person." "as for that," answered tiktok, "i am only a ma-chine, and can-not feel sor-row or joy, no mat-ter what hap-pens. but you are wrong to think your-self ter-ri-ble or fierce." "why so?" asked the wheeler. "be-cause no one else thinks as you do. your wheels make you help-less to in-jure an-y one. for you have no fists and can not scratch or e-ven pull hair. nor have you an-y feet to kick with. all you can do is to yell and shout, and that does not hurt an-y one at all." the wheeler burst into a flood of tears, to dorothy's great surprise. "now i and my people are ruined forever!" he sobbed; "for you have discovered our secret. being so helpless, our only hope is to make people afraid of us, by pretending we are very fierce and terrible, and writing in the sand warnings to beware the wheelers. until now we have frightened everyone, but since you have discovered our weakness our enemies will fall upon us and make us very miserable and unhappy." "oh, no," exclaimed dorothy, who was sorry to see this beautifully dressed wheeler so miserable; "tiktok will keep your secret, and so will billina and i. only, you must promise not to try to frighten children any more, if they come near to you." "i won't--indeed i won't!" promised the wheeler, ceasing to cry and becoming more cheerful. "i'm not really bad, you know; but we have to pretend to be terrible in order to prevent others from attacking us." [illustration: on the way to the royal palace of ev] "that is not ex-act-ly true," said tiktok, starting to walk toward the path through the forest, and still holding fast to his prisoner, who rolled slowly along beside him. "you and your peo-ple are full of mis-chief, and like to both-er those who fear you. and you are of-ten im-pu-dent and dis-a-gree-a-ble, too. but if you will try to cure those faults i will not tell any-one how help-less you are." "i'll try, of course," replied the wheeler, eagerly. "and thank you, mr. tiktok, for your kindness." "i am on-ly a ma-chine," said tiktok. "i can not be kind an-y more than i can be sor-ry or glad. i can on-ly do what i am wound up to do." "are you wound up to keep my secret?" asked the wheeler, anxiously. "yes; if you be-have your-self. but tell me: who rules the land of ev now?" asked the machine. "there is no ruler," was the answer, "because every member of the royal family is imprisoned by the nome king. but the princess langwidere, who is a niece of our late king evoldo, lives in a part of the royal palace and takes as much money out of the royal treasury as she can spend. the princess langwidere is not exactly a ruler, you see, because she doesn't rule; but she is the nearest approach to a ruler we have at present." "i do not re-mem-ber her," said tiktok. "what does she look like?" "that i cannot say," replied the wheeler, "although i have seen her twenty times. for the princess langwidere is a different person every time i see her, and the only way her subjects can recognize her at all is by means of a beautiful ruby key which she always wears on a chain attached to her left wrist. when we see the key we know we are beholding the princess." "that is strange," said dorothy, in astonishment. "do you mean to say that so many different princesses are one and the same person?" "not exactly," answered the wheeler. "there is, of course, but one princess; but she appears to us in many forms, which are all more or less beautiful." "she must be a witch," exclaimed the girl. "i do not think so," declared the wheeler. "but there is some mystery connected with her, nevertheless. she is a very vain creature, and lives mostly in a room surrounded by mirrors, so that she can admire herself whichever way she looks." no one answered this speech, because they had just passed out of the forest and their attention was fixed upon the scene before them--a beautiful vale in which were many fruit trees and green fields, with pretty farm-houses scattered here and there and broad, smooth roads that led in every direction. in the center of this lovely vale, about a mile from where our friends were standing, rose the tall spires of the royal palace, which glittered brightly against their background of blue sky. the palace was surrounded by charming grounds, full of flowers and shrubbery. several tinkling fountains could be seen, and there were pleasant walks bordered by rows of white marble statuary. all these details dorothy was, of course, unable to notice or admire until they had advanced along the road to a position quite near to the palace, and she was still looking at the pretty sights when her little party entered the grounds and approached the big front door of the king's own apartments. to their disappointment they found the door tightly closed. a sign was tacked to the panel which read as follows: owner absent. please knock at the third door in the left wing. "now," said tiktok to the captive wheeler, "you must show us the way to the left wing." [illustration: a sign was tacked to the panel] "very well," agreed the prisoner, "it is around here at the right." "how can the left wing be at the right?" demanded dorothy, who feared the wheeler was fooling them. "because there used to be three wings, and two were torn down, so the one on the right is the only one left. it is a trick of the princess langwidere to prevent visitors from annoying her." then the captive led them around to the wing, after which the machine man, having no further use for the wheeler, permitted him to depart and rejoin his fellows. he immediately rolled away at a great pace and was soon lost to sight. tiktok now counted the doors in the wing and knocked loudly upon the third one. it was opened by a little maid in a cap trimmed with gay ribbons, who bowed respectfully and asked: "what do you wish, good people?" "are you the princess langwidere?" asked dorothy. "no, miss; i am her servant," replied the maid. "may i see the princess, please?" "i will tell her you are here, miss, and ask her to grant you an audience," said the maid. "step in, please, and take a seat in the drawing-room." [illustration] so dorothy walked in, followed closely by the machine. but as the yellow hen tried to enter after them, the little maid cried "shoo!" and flapped her apron in billina's face. "shoo, yourself!" retorted the hen, drawing back in anger and ruffling up her feathers. "haven't you any better manners than that?" "oh, do you talk?" enquired the maid, evidently surprised. "can't you hear me?" snapped billina. "drop that apron, and get out of the doorway, so that i may enter with my friends!" "the princess won't like it," said the maid, hesitating. "i don't care whether she likes it or not," replied billina, and fluttering her wings with a loud noise she flew straight at the maid's face. the little servant at once ducked her head, and the hen reached dorothy's side, in safety. "very well," sighed the maid; "if you are all ruined because of this obstinate hen, don't blame me for it. it isn't safe to annoy the princess langwidere." "tell her we are waiting, if you please," dorothy requested, with dignity. "billina is my friend, and must go wherever i go." without more words the maid led them to a richly furnished drawing-room, lighted with subdued rainbow tints that came in through beautiful stained-glass windows. "remain here," she said. "what names shall i give the princess?" "i am dorothy gale, of kansas," replied the child; "and this gentleman is a machine named tiktok, and the yellow hen is my friend billina." [illustration: "the princess wont like it," said the maid] the little servant bowed and withdrew, going through several passages and mounting two marble stairways before she came to the apartments occupied by her mistress. princess langwidere's sitting-room was panelled with great mirrors, which reached from the ceiling to the floor; also the ceiling was composed of mirrors, and the floor was of polished silver that reflected every object upon it. so when langwidere sat in her easy chair and played soft melodies upon her mandolin, her form was mirrored hundreds of times, in walls and ceiling and floor, and whichever way the lady turned her head she could see and admire her own features. this she loved to do, and just as the maid entered she was saying to herself: "this head with the auburn hair and hazel eyes is quite attractive. i must wear it more often than i have done of late, although it may not be the best of my collection." "you have company, your highness," announced the maid, bowing low. "who is it?" asked langwidere, yawning. "dorothy gale of kansas, mr. tiktok and billina," answered the maid. "what a queer lot of names!" murmured the princess, beginning to be a little interested. "what are they like? is dorothy gale of kansas pretty?" "she might be called so," the maid replied. "and is mr. tiktok attractive?" continued the princess. "that i cannot say, your highness. but he seems very bright. will your gracious highness see them?" "oh, i may as well, nanda. but i am tired admiring this head, and if my visitor has any claim to beauty i must take care that she does not surpass me. so i will go to my cabinet and change to no. 17, which i think is my best appearance. don't you?" "your no. 17 is exceedingly beautiful," answered nanda, with another bow. again the princess yawned. then she said: "help me to rise." so the maid assisted her to gain her feet, although langwidere was the stronger of the two; and then the princess slowly walked across the silver floor to her cabinet, leaning heavily at every step upon nanda's arm. now i must explain to you that the princess langwidere had thirty heads--as many as there are days in the month. but of course she could only wear one of them at a time, because she had but one neck. these heads were kept in what she called her "cabinet," which was a beautiful dressing-room that lay just between langwidere's sleeping-chamber and the mirrored sitting-room. each head was in a separate cupboard lined with velvet. the cupboards ran all around the sides of the dressing-room, and had elaborately carved doors with gold numbers on the outside and jewelled-framed mirrors on the inside of them. when the princess got out of her crystal bed in the morning she went to her cabinet, opened one of the velvet-lined cupboards, and took the head it contained from its golden shelf. then, by the aid of the mirror inside the open door, she put on the head--as neat and straight as could be--and afterward called her maids to robe her for the day. she always wore a simple white costume, that suited all the heads. for, being able to change her face whenever she liked, the princess had no interest in wearing a variety of gowns, as have other ladies who are compelled to wear the same face constantly. [illustration: by the aid of the mirror she put on the head] of course the thirty heads were in great variety, no two formed alike but all being of exceeding loveliness. there were heads with golden hair, brown hair, rich auburn hair and black hair; but none with gray hair. the heads had eyes of blue, of gray, of hazel, of brown and of black; but there were no red eyes among them, and all were bright and handsome. the noses were grecian, roman, retroussã© and oriental, representing all types of beauty; and the mouths were of assorted sizes and shapes, displaying pearly teeth when the heads smiled. as for dimples, they appeared in cheeks and chins, wherever they might be most charming, and one or two heads had freckles upon the faces to contrast the better with the brilliancy of their complexions. one key unlocked all the velvet cupboards containing these treasures--a curious key carved from a single blood-red ruby--and this was fastened to a strong but slender chain which the princess wore around her left wrist. when nanda had supported langwidere to a position in front of cupboard no. 17, the princess unlocked the door with her ruby key and after handing head no. 9, which she had been wearing, to the maid, she took no. 17 from its shelf and fitted it to her neck. it had black hair and dark eyes and a lovely pearl-and-white complexion, and when langwidere wore it she knew she was remarkably beautiful in appearance. there was only one trouble with no. 17; the temper that went with it (and which was hidden somewhere under the glossy black hair) was fiery, harsh and haughty in the extreme, and it often led the princess to do unpleasant things which she regretted when she came to wear her other heads. but she did not remember this today, and went to meet her guests in the drawing-room with a feeling of certainty that she would surprise them with her beauty. however, she was greatly disappointed to find that her visitors were merely a small girl in a gingham dress, a copper man that would only go when wound up, and a yellow hen that was sitting contentedly in langwidere's best work-basket, where there was a china egg used for darning stockings.[a] [footnote a: it may surprise you to learn that a princess ever does such a common thing as darn stockings. but, if you will stop to think, you will realize that a princess is sure to wear holes in her stockings, the same as other people; only it isn't considered quite polite to mention the matter.] "oh!" said langwidere, slightly lifting the nose of no. 17. "i thought some one of importance had called." "then you were right," declared dorothy. "i'm a good deal of 'portance myself, and when billina lays an egg she has the proudest cackle you ever heard. as for tiktok, he's the----" "stop--stop!" commanded the princess, with an angry flash of her splendid eyes. "how dare you annoy me with your senseless chatter?" "why, you horrid thing!" said dorothy, who was not accustomed to being treated so rudely. the princess looked at her more closely. "tell me," she resumed, "are you of royal blood?" "better than that, ma'am," said dorothy. "i came from kansas." "huh!" cried the princess, scornfully. "you are a foolish child, and i cannot allow you to annoy me. run away, you little goose, and bother some one else." dorothy was so indignant that for a moment she could find no words to reply. but she rose from her chair, and was about to leave the room when the princess, who had been scanning the girl's face, stopped her by saying, more gently: "come nearer to me." dorothy obeyed, without a thought of fear, and stood before the princess while langwidere examined her face with careful attention. "you are rather attractive," said the lady, presently. "not at all beautiful, you understand, but you have a certain style of prettiness that is different from that of any of my thirty heads. so i believe i'll take your head and give you no. 26 for it." "well, i b'lieve you won't!" exclaimed dorothy. [illustration: "well i b'lieve you wont!" exclaimed dorothy] "it will do you no good to refuse," continued the princess; "for i need your head for my collection, and in the land of ev my will is law. i never have cared much for no. 26, and you will find that it is very little worn. besides, it will do you just as well as the one you're wearing, for all practical purposes." "i don't know anything about your no. 26, and i don't want to," said dorothy, firmly. "i'm not used to taking cast-off things, so i'll just keep my own head." "you refuse?" cried the princess, with a frown. "of course i do," was the reply. "then," said langwidere, "i shall lock you up in a tower until you decide to obey me. nanda," turning to her maid, "call my army." nanda rang a silver bell, and at once a big fat colonel in a bright red uniform entered the room, followed by ten lean soldiers, who all looked sad and discouraged and saluted the princess in a very melancholy fashion. "carry that girl to the north tower and lock her up!" cried the princess, pointing to dorothy. "to hear is to obey," answered the big red colonel, and caught the child by her arm. but at that moment tiktok raised his dinner-pail and pounded it so forcibly against the colonel's head that the big officer sat down upon the floor with a sudden bump, looking both dazed and very much astonished. "help!" he shouted, and the ten lean soldiers sprang to assist their leader. there was great excitement for the next few moments, and tiktok had knocked down seven of the army, who were sprawling in every direction upon the carpet, when suddenly the machine paused, with the dinner-pail raised for another blow, and remained perfectly motionless. "my ac-tion has run down," he called to dorothy. "wind me up, quick." she tried to obey, but the big colonel had by this time managed to get upon his feet again, so he grabbed fast hold of the girl and she was helpless to escape. "this is too bad," said the machine. "i ought to have run six hours lon-ger, at least, but i sup-pose my long walk and my fight with the wheel-ers made me run down fast-er than us-u-al." "well, it can't be helped," said dorothy, with a sigh. "will you exchange heads with me?" demanded the princess. "no, indeed!" cried dorothy. "then lock her up," said langwidere to her soldiers, and they led dorothy to a high tower at the north of the palace and locked her securely within. the soldiers afterward tried to lift tiktok, but they found the machine so solid and heavy that they could not stir it. so they left him standing in the center of the drawing-room. "people will think i have a new statue," said langwidere, "so it won't matter in the least, and nanda can keep him well polished." "what shall we do with the hen?" asked the colonel, who had just discovered billina in the work-basket. "put her in the chicken-house," answered the princess. "some day i'll have her fried for breakfast." "she looks rather tough, your highness," said nanda, doubtfully. "that is a base slander!" cried billina, struggling frantically in the colonel's arms. "but the breed of chickens i come from is said to be poison to all princesses." "then," remarked langwidere, "i will not fry the hen, but keep her to lay eggs; and if she doesn't do her duty i'll have her drowned in the horse trough." [illustration] ozma of oz to the rescue [illustration] nanda brought dorothy bread and water for her supper and she slept upon a hard stone couch with a single pillow and a silken coverlet. in the morning she leaned out of the window of her prison in the tower to see if there was any way to escape. the room was not so very high up, when compared with our modern buildings, but it was far enough above the trees and farm houses to give her a good view of the surrounding country. to the east she saw the forest, with the sands beyond it and the ocean beyond that. there was even a dark speck upon the shore that she thought might be the chicken-coop in which she had arrived at this singular country. then she looked to the north, and saw a deep but narrow valley lying between two rocky mountains, and a third mountain that shut off the valley at the further end. westward the fertile land of ev suddenly ended a little way from the palace, and the girl could see miles and miles of sandy desert that stretched further than her eyes could reach. it was this desert, she thought, with much interest, that alone separated her from the wonderful land of oz, and she remembered sorrowfully that she had been told no one had ever been able to cross this dangerous waste but herself. once a cyclone had carried her across it, and a magical pair of silver shoes had carried her back again. but now she had neither a cyclone nor silver shoes to assist her, and her condition was sad indeed. for she had become the prisoner of a disagreeable princess who insisted that she must exchange her head for another one that she was not used to, and which might not fit her at all. really, there seemed no hope of help for her from her old friends in the land of oz. thoughtfully she gazed from her narrow window. on all the desert not a living thing was stirring. wait, though! something surely _was_ stirring on the desert--something her eyes had not observed at first. now it seemed like a cloud; now it seemed like a spot of silver; now it seemed to be a mass of rainbow colors that moved swiftly toward her. what _could_ it be, she wondered? then, gradually, but in a brief space of time nevertheless, the vision drew near enough to dorothy to make out what it was. a broad green carpet was unrolling itself upon the desert, while advancing across the carpet was a wonderful procession that made the girl open her eyes in amazement as she gazed. first came a magnificent golden chariot, drawn by a great lion and an immense tiger, who stood shoulder to shoulder and trotted along as gracefully as a well-matched team of thoroughbred horses. and standing upright within the chariot was a beautiful girl clothed in flowing robes of silver gauze and wearing a jeweled diadem upon her dainty head. she held in one hand the satin ribbons that guided her astonishing team, and in the other an ivory wand that separated at the top into two prongs, the prongs being tipped by the letters "o" and "z", made of glistening diamonds set closely together. the girl seemed neither older nor larger than dorothy herself, and at once the prisoner in the tower guessed, that the lovely driver of the chariot must be that ozma of oz of whom she had so lately heard from tiktok. following close behind the chariot dorothy saw her old friend the scarecrow, riding calmly astride a wooden saw-horse, which pranced and trotted as naturally as any meat horse could have done. and then came nick chopper, the tin woodman, with his funnel-shaped cap tipped carelessly over his left ear, his gleaming axe over his right shoulder, and his whole body sparkling as brightly as it had ever done in the old days when first she knew him. the tin woodman was on foot, marching at the head of a company of twenty-seven soldiers, of whom some were lean and some fat, some short and some tall; but all the twenty-seven were dressed in handsome uniforms of various designs and colors, no two being alike in any respect. behind the soldiers the green carpet rolled itself up again, so that there was always just enough of it for the procession to walk upon, in order that their feet might not come in contact with the deadly, life-destroying sands of the desert. [illustration: the magic carpet] dorothy knew at once it was a magic carpet she beheld, and her heart beat high with hope and joy as she realized she was soon to be rescued and allowed to greet her dearly beloved friends of oz--the scarecrow, the tin woodman and the cowardly lion. indeed, the girl felt herself as good as rescued as soon as she recognized those in the procession, for she well knew the courage and loyalty of her old comrades, and also believed that any others who came from their marvelous country would prove to be pleasant and reliable acquaintances. as soon as the last bit of desert was passed and all the procession, from the beautiful and dainty ozma to the last soldier, had reached the grassy meadows of the land of ev, the magic carpet rolled itself together and entirely disappeared. then the chariot driver turned her lion and tiger into a broad roadway leading up to the palace, and the others followed, while dorothy still gazed from her tower window in eager excitement. they came quite close to the front door of the palace and then halted, the scarecrow dismounting from his saw-horse to approach the sign fastened to the door, that he might read what it said. dorothy, just above him, could keep silent no longer. [illustration] "here i am!" she shouted, as loudly as she could. "here's dorothy!" "dorothy who?" asked the scarecrow, tipping his head to look upward until he nearly lost his balance and tumbled over backward. "dorothy gale, of course. your friend from kansas," she answered. "why, hello, dorothy!" said the scarecrow. "what in the world are you doing up there?" "nothing," she called down, "because there's nothing to do. save me, my friend--save me!" "you seem to be quite safe now," replied the scarecrow. "but i'm a prisoner. i'm locked in, so that i can't get out," she pleaded. "that's all right," said the scarecrow. "you might be worse off, little dorothy. just consider the matter. you can't get drowned, or be run over by a wheeler, or fall out of an apple-tree. some folks would think they were lucky to be up there." "well, i don't," declared the girl, "and i want to get down immed'i'tly and see you and the tin woodman and the cowardly lion." "very well," said the scarecrow, nodding. "it shall be just as you say, little friend. who locked you up?" "the princess langwidere, who is a horrid creature," she answered. at this ozma, who had been listening carefully to the conversation, called to dorothy from her chariot, asking: "why did the princess lock you up, my dear?" "because," exclaimed dorothy, "i wouldn't let her have my head for her collection, and take an old, cast-off head in exchange for it." [illustration: "save me, my friend--save me!"] "i do not blame you," exclaimed ozma, promptly. "i will see the princess at once, and oblige her to liberate you." "oh, thank you very, very much!" cried dorothy, who as soon as she heard the sweet voice of the girlish ruler of oz knew that she would soon learn to love her dearly. ozma now drove her chariot around to the third door of the wing, upon which the tin woodman boldly proceeded to knock. as soon as the maid opened the door ozma, bearing in her hand her ivory wand, stepped into the hall and made her way at once to the drawing-room, followed by all her company, except the lion, and the tiger. and the twenty-seven soldiers made such a noise and a clatter that the little maid nanda ran away screaming to her mistress, whereupon the princess langwidere, roused to great anger by this rude invasion of her palace, came running into the drawing room without any assistance whatever. there she stood before the slight and delicate form of the little girl from oz and cried out;-"how dare you enter my palace unbidden? leave this room at once, or i will bind you and all your people in chains, and throw you into my darkest dungeons!" [illustration] "what a dangerous lady!" murmured the scarecrow, in a soft voice. "she seems a little nervous," replied the tin woodman. but ozma only smiled at the angry princess. "sit down, please," she said, quietly. "i have traveled a long way to see you, and you must listen to what i have to say." "must!" screamed the princess, her black eyes flashing with fury--for she still wore her no. 17 head. "must, to _me_!" "to be sure," said ozma. "i am ruler of the land of oz, and i am powerful enough to destroy all your kingdom, if i so wish. yet i did not come here to do harm, but rather to free the royal family of ev from the thrall of the noma king, the news having reached me that he is holding the queen and her children prisoners." hearing these words, langwidere suddenly became quiet. "i wish you could, indeed, free my aunt and her ten royal children," said she, eagerly. "for if they were restored to their proper forms and station they could rule the kingdom of ev themselves, and that would save me a lot of worry and trouble. at present there are at least ten minutes every day that i must devote to affairs of state, and i would like to be able to spend my whole time in admiring my beautiful heads." "then we will presently discuss this matter," said ozma, "and try to find a way to liberate your aunt and cousins. but first you must liberate another prisoner--the little girl you have locked up in your tower." [illustration: "what a dangerous lady!" murmured the scarecrow] "of course," said langwidere, readily. "i had forgotten all about her. that was yesterday, you know, and a princess cannot be expected to remember today what she did yesterday. come with me, and i will release the prisoner at once." so ozma followed her, and they passed up the stairs that led to the room in the tower. while they were gone ozma's followers remained in the drawing-room, and the scarecrow was leaning against a form that he had mistaken for a copper statue when a harsh, metallic voice said suddenly in his ear: "get off my foot, please. you are scratch-ing my pol-ish." "oh, excuse me!" he replied, hastily drawing back. "are you alive?" "no," said tiktok, "i am on-ly a ma-chine. but i can think and speak and act, when i am pro-per-ly wound up. just now my ac-tion is run down, and dor-o-thy has the key to it." "that's all right," replied the scarecrow. "dorothy will soon be free, and then she'll attend to your works. but it must be a great misfortune not to be alive. i'm sorry for you." "why?" asked tiktok. "because you have no brains, as i have," said the scarecrow. "oh, yes, i have," returned tiktok. "i am fit-ted with smith & tin-ker's improved com-bi-na-tion steel brains. they are what make me think. what sort of brains are you fit-ted with?" "i don't know," admitted the scarecrow. "they were given to me by the great wizard of oz, and i didn't get a chance to examine them before he put them in. but they work splendidly and my conscience is very active. have you a conscience?" "no," said tiktok. "and no heart, i suppose?" added the tin woodman, who had been listening with interest to this conversation. "no," said tiktok. "then," continued the tin woodman, "i regret to say that you are greatly inferior to my friend the scarecrow, and to myself. for we are both alive, and he has brains which do not need to be wound up, while i have an excellent heart that is continually beating in my bosom." "i con-grat-u-late you," replied tiktok. "i can-not help be-ing your in-fer-i-or for i am a mere ma-chine. when i am wound up i do my du-ty by go-ing just as my ma-chin-er-y is made to go. you have no i-de-a how full of ma-chin-er-y i am." "i can guess," said the scarecrow, looking at the machine man curiously. "some day i'd like to take you apart and see just how you are made." "do not do that, i beg of you," said tiktok; "for you could not put me to-geth-er a-gain, and my use-ful-ness would be de-stroyed." "oh! are you useful?" asked the scarecrow, surprised. "ve-ry," said tiktok. "in that case," the scarecrow kindly promised, "i won't fool with your interior at all. for i am a poor mechanic, and might mix you up." "thank you," said tiktok. just then ozma re-entered the room, leading dorothy by the hand and followed closely by the princess langwidere. [illustration] the hungry tiger [illustration] the first thing dorothy did was to rush into the embrace of the scarecrow, whose painted face beamed with delight as he pressed her form to his straw-padded bosom. then the tin woodman embraced her--very gently, for he knew his tin arms might hurt her if he squeezed too roughly. these greetings having been exchanged, dorothy took the key to tiktok from her pocket and wound up the machine man's action, so that he could bow properly when introduced to the rest of the company. while doing this she told them now useful tiktok had been to her, and both the scarecrow and the tin woodman shook hands with the machine once more and thanked him for protecting their friend. then dorothy asked: "where is billina?" "i don't know," said the scarecrow. "who is billina?" "she's a yellow hen who is another friend of mine," answered the girl, anxiously. "i wonder what has become of her?" "she is in the chicken house, in the back yard," said the princess. "my drawing-room is no place for hens." without waiting to hear more dorothy ran to get billina, and just outside the door she came upon the cowardly lion, still hitched to the chariot beside the great tiger. the cowardly lion had a big bow of blue ribbon fastened to the long hair between his ears, and the tiger wore a bow of red ribbon on his tail, just in front of the bushy end. in an instant dorothy was hugging the huge lion joyfully. "i'm _so_ glad to see you again!" she cried. "i am also glad to see you, dorothy," said the lion. "we've had some fine adventures together, haven't we?" "yes, indeed," she replied. "how are you?" "as cowardly as ever," the beast answered in a meek voice. "every little thing scares me and makes my heart beat fast. but let me introduce to you a new friend of mine, the hungry tiger." [illustration] "oh! are you hungry?" she asked, turning to the other beast, who was just then yawning so widely that he displayed two rows of terrible teeth and a mouth big enough to startle anyone. "dreadfully hungry," answered the tiger, snapping his jaws together with a fierce click. "then why don't you eat something?" she asked. "it's no use," said the tiger sadly. "i've tried that, but i always get hungry again." "why, it is the same with me," said dorothy. "yet i keep on eating." "but you eat harmless things, so it doesn't matter," replied the tiger. "for my part, i'm a savage beast, and have an appetite for all sorts of poor little living creatures, from a chipmonk to fat babies. "how dreadful!" said dorothy. "isn't it, though?" returned the hungry tiger, licking his lips with his long red tongue. "fat babies! don't they sound delicious? but i've never eaten any, because my conscience tells me it is wrong. if i had no conscience i would probably eat the babies and then get hungry again, which would mean that i had sacrificed the poor babies for nothing. no; hungry i was born, and hungry i shall die. but i'll not have any cruel deeds on my conscience to be sorry for." "i think you are a very good tiger," said dorothy, patting the huge head of the beast. "in that you are mistaken," was the reply. "i am a good beast, perhaps, but a disgracefully bad tiger. for it is the nature of tigers to be cruel and ferocious, and in refusing to eat harmless living creatures i am acting as no good tiger has ever before acted. that is why i left the forest and joined my friend the cowardly lion." [illustration: the hungry tiger] "but the lion is not really cowardly," said dorothy. "i have seen him act as bravely as can be." "all a mistake, my dear," protested the lion gravely. "to others i may have seemed brave, at times, but i have never been in any danger that i was not afraid." "nor i," said dorothy, truthfully. "but i must go and set free billina, and then i will see you again." she ran around to the back yard of the palace and soon found the chicken house, being guided to it by a loud cackling and crowing and a distracting hubbub of sounds such as chickens make when they are excited. something seemed to be wrong in the chicken house, and when dorothy looked through the slats in the door she saw a group of hens and roosters huddled in one corner and watching what appeared to be a whirling ball of feathers. it bounded here and there about the chicken house, and at first dorothy could not tell what it was, while the screeching of the chickens nearly deafened her. but suddenly the bunch of feathers stopped whirling, and then, to her amazement, the girl saw billina crouching upon the prostrate form of a speckled rooster. for an instant they both remained motionless, and then the yellow hen shook her wings to settle the feathers and walked toward the door with a strut of proud defiance and a cluck of victory, while the speckled rooster limped away to the group of other chickens, trailing his crumpled plumage in the dust as he went. "why, billina!" cried dorothy, in a shocked voice; "have you been fighting?" "i really think i have," retorted billina. "do you think i'd let that speckled villain of a rooster lord it over _me_, and claim to run this chicken house, as long as i'm able to peck and scratch? not if my name is bill!" "it isn't bill, it's billina; and you're talking slang, which is very undig'n'fied," said dorothy, reprovingly. "come here, billina, and i'll let you out; for ozma of oz is here, and has set us free." so the yellow hen came to the door, which dorothy unlatched for her to pass through, and the other chickens silently watched them from their corner without offering to approach nearer. the girl lifted her friend in her arms and exclaimed: "oh, billina! how dreadful you look. you've lost a lot of feathers, and one of your eyes is nearly pecked out, and your comb is bleeding!" "that's nothing," said billina. "just look at the speckled rooster! didn't i do him up brown?" dorothy shook her head. "i don't 'prove of this, at all," she said, carrying billina away toward the palace. "it isn't a good thing for you to 'sociate with those common chickens. they would soon spoil your good manners, and you wouldn't be respec'able any more." "i didn't ask to associate with them," replied billina. "it is that cross old princess who is to blame. but i was raised in the united states, and i won't allow any one-horse chicken of the land of ev to run over me and put on airs, as long as i can lift a claw in self-defense." "very well, billina," said dorothy. "we won't talk about it any more." soon they came to the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger to whom the girl introduced the yellow hen. "glad to meet any friend of dorothy's," said the lion, politely. "to judge by your present appearance, you are not a coward, as i am." [illustration: "why, billina!" cried dorothy; "have you been fighting?"] "your present appearance makes my mouth water," said the tiger, looking at billina greedily. "my, my! how good you would taste if i could only crunch you between my jaws. but don't worry. you would only appease my appetite for a moment; so it isn't worth while to eat you." "thank you," said the hen, nestling closer in dorothy's arms. "besides, it wouldn't be right," continued the tiger, looking steadily at billina and clicking his jaws together. "of course not," cried dorothy, hastily. "billina is my friend, and you mustn't ever eat her under any circ'mstances." "i'll try to remember that," said the tiger; "but i'm a little absent-minded, at times." then dorothy carried her pet into the drawing-room of the palace, where tiktok, being invited to do so by ozma, had seated himself between the scarecrow and the tin woodman. opposite to them sat ozma herself and the princess langwidere, and beside them there was a vacant chair for dorothy. around this important group was ranged the army of oz, and as dorothy looked at the handsome uniforms of the twenty-seven she said: "why, they seem to be all officers." "they are, all except one," answered the tin woodman. "i have in my army eight generals, six colonels, seven majors and five captains, besides one private for them to command. i'd like to promote the private, for i believe no private should ever be in public life; and i've also noticed that officers usually fight better and are more reliable than common soldiers. besides, the officers are more important looking, and lend dignity to our army." "no doubt you are right," said dorothy, seating herself beside ozma. "and now," announced the girlish ruler of oz, "we will hold a solemn conference to decide the best manner of liberating the royal family of this fair land of ev from their long imprisonment." [illustration] the royal family of ev [illustration] the tin woodman was the first to address the meeting. "to begin with," said he, "word came to our noble and illustrous ruler, ozma of oz, that the wife and ten children--five boys and five girls--of the former king of ev, by name evoldo, have been enslaved by the nome king and are held prisoners in his underground palace. also that there was no one in ev powerful enough to release them. naturally our ozma wished to undertake the adventure of liberating the poor prisoners; but for a long time she could find no way to cross the great desert between the two countries. finally she went to a friendly sorceress of our land named glinda the good, who heard the story and at once presented ozma a magic carpet, which would continually unroll beneath our feet and so make a comfortable path for us to cross the desert. as soon as she had received the carpet our gracious ruler ordered me to assemble our army, which i did. you behold in these bold warriors the pick of all the finest soldiers of oz; and, if we are obliged to fight the nome king, every officer as well as the private, will battle fiercely unto death." then tiktok spoke. "why should you fight the nome king?" he asked. "he has done no wrong." "no wrong!" cried dorothy. "isn't it wrong to imprison a queen mother and her ten children?" "they were sold to the nome king by king ev-ol-do," replied tiktok. "it was the king of ev who did wrong, and when he re-al-ized what he had done he jumped in-to the sea and drowned him-self." "this is news to me," said ozma, thoughtfully. "i had supposed the nome king was all to blame in the matter. but, in any case, he must be made to liberate the prisoners." "my uncle evoldo was a very wicked man," declared the princess langwidere. "if he had drowned himself before he sold his family, no one would have cared. but he sold them to the powerful nome king in exchange for a long life, and afterward destroyed the life by jumping into the sea." "then," said ozma, "he did not get the long life, and the nome king must give up the prisoners. where are they confined?" "no one knows, exactly," replied the princess. "for the king, whose name is roquat of the rocks, owns a splendid palace underneath the great mountain which is at the north end of this kingdom, and he has transformed the queen and her children into ornaments and bric-a-brac with which to decorate his rooms." "i'd like to know," said dorothy, "who this nome king is?" "i will tell you," replied ozma. "he is said to be the ruler of the underground world, and commands the rocks and all that the rocks contain. under his rule are many thousands of the nomes, who are queerly shaped but powerful sprites that labor at the furnaces and forges of their king, making gold and silver and other metals which they conceal in the crevices of the rocks, so that those living upon the earth's surface can only find them with great difficulty. also they make diamonds and rubies and emeralds, which they hide in the ground; so that the kingdom of the nomes is wonderfully rich, and all we have of precious stones and silver and gold is what we take from the earth and rocks where the nome king has hidden them." "i understand," said dorothy, nodding her little head wisely. "for the reason that we often steal his treasures," continued ozma, "the ruler of the underground world is not fond of those who live upon the earth's surface, and never appears among us. if we wish to see king roquat of the rocks, we must visit his own country, where he is all powerful, and therefore it will be a dangerous undertaking." "but, for the sake of the poor prisoners," said dorothy, "we ought to do it." "we shall do it," replied the scarecrow, "although it requires a lot of courage for me to go near to the furnaces of the nome king. for i am only stuffed with straw, and a single spark of fire might destroy me entirely." "the furnaces may also melt my tin," said the tin woodman; "but i am going." "i can't bear heat," remarked the princess langwidere, yawning lazily, "so i shall stay at home. but i wish you may have success in your undertaking, for i am heartily tired of ruling this stupid kingdom, and i need more leisure in which to admire my beautiful heads." "we do not need you," said ozma. "for, if with the aid of my brave followers i cannot accomplish my purpose, then it would be useless for you to undertake the journey." "quite true," sighed the princess. "so, if you'll excuse me, i will now retire to my cabinet. i've worn this head quite awhile, and i want to change it for another." when she had left them (and you may be sure no one was sorry to see her go) ozma said to tiktok: "will you join our party?" "i am the slave of the girl dor-oth-y, who res-cued me from pris-on," replied the machine. "where she goes i will go." "oh, i am going with my friends, of course," said dorothy, quickly. "i wouldn't miss the fun for anything. will you go, too, billina?" "to be sure," said billina in a careless tone. she was smoothing down the feathers of her back and not paying much attention. [illustration: "i can't bear heat," remarked langwidere] "heat is just in her line," remarked the scarecrow. "if she is nicely roasted, she will be better than ever." "then," said ozma, "we will arrange to start for the kingdom of the nomes at daybreak tomorrow. and, in the meantime, we will rest and prepare ourselves for the journey." although princess langwidere did not again appear to her guests, the palace servants waited upon the strangers from oz and did everything in their power to make the party comfortable. there were many vacant rooms at their disposal, and the brave army of twenty-seven was easily provided for and liberally feasted. the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger were unharnessed from the chariot and allowed to roam at will throughout the palace, where they nearly frightened the servants into fits, although they did no harm at all. at one time dorothy found the little maid nanda crouching in terror in a corner, with the hungry tiger standing before her. "you certainly look delicious," the beast was saying. "will you kindly give me permission to eat you?" "no, no, no!" cried the maid in reply. "then," said the tiger, yawning frightfully, "please to get me about thirty pounds of tenderloin steak, cooked rare, with a peck of boiled potatoes on the side, and five gallons of ice-cream for dessert." "i--i'll do the best i can!" said nanda, and she ran away as fast as she could go. "are you so very hungry?" asked dorothy, in wonder. "you can hardly imagine the size of my appetite," replied the tiger, sadly. "it seems to fill my whole body, from the end of my throat to the tip of my tail. i am very sure the appetite doesn't fit me, and is too large for the size of my body. some day, when i meet a dentist with a pair of forceps, i'm going to have it pulled." "what, your tooth?" asked dorothy. "no, my appetite," said the hungry tiger. [illustration: dorothy related to them her own adventures] the little girl spent most of the afternoon talking with the scarecrow and the tin woodman, who related to her all that had taken place in the land of oz since dorothy had left it. she was much interested in the story of ozma, who had been, when a baby, stolen by a wicked old witch and transformed into a boy. she did not know that she had ever been a girl until she was restored to her natural form by a kind sorceress. then it was found that she was the only child of the former ruler of oz, and was entitled to rule in his place. ozma had many adventures, however, before she regained her father's throne, and in these she was accompanied by a pumpkin-headed man, a highly magnified and thoroughly educated woggle-bug, and a wonderful sawhorse that had been brought to life by means of a magic powder. the scarecrow and the tin woodman had also assisted her; but the cowardly lion, who ruled the great forest as the king of beasts, knew nothing of ozma until after she became the reigning princess of oz. then he journeyed to the emerald city to see her, and on hearing she was about to visit the land of ev to set free the royal family of that country, the cowardly lion begged to go with her, and brought along his friend, the hungry tiger, as well. having heard this story, dorothy related to them her own adventures, and then went out with her friends to find the sawhorse, which ozma had caused to be shod with plates of gold, so that its legs would not wear out. they came upon the sawhorse standing motionless beside the garden gate, but when dorothy was introduced to him he bowed politely and blinked his eyes, which were knots of wood, and wagged his tail, which was only the branch of a tree. "what a remarkable thing, to be alive!" exclaimed dorothy. "i quite agree with you," replied the sawhorse, in a rough but not unpleasant voice. "a creature like me has no business to live, as we all know. but it was the magic powder that did it, so i cannot justly be blamed." [illustration] "of course not," said dorothy. "and you seem to be of some use, 'cause i noticed the scarecrow riding upon your back." "oh, yes; i'm of use," returned the sawhorse; "and i never tire, never have to be fed, or cared for in any way." "are you intel'gent?" asked the girl. "not very," said the creature. "it would be foolish to waste intelligence on a common sawhorse, when so many professors need it. but i know enough to obey my masters, and to gid-dup, or whoa, when i'm told to. so i'm pretty well satisfied." that night dorothy slept in a pleasant little bedchamber next to that occupied by ozma of oz, and billina perched upon the foot of the bed and tucked her head under her wing and slept as soundly in that position as did dorothy upon her soft cushions. but before daybreak every one was awake and stirring, and soon the adventurers were eating a hasty breakfast in the great dining-room of the palace. ozma sat at the head of a long table, on a raised platform, with dorothy on her right hand and the scarecrow on her left. the scarecrow did not eat, of course; but ozma placed him near her so that she might ask his advice about the journey while she ate. lower down the table were the twenty-seven warriors of oz, and at the end of the room the lion and the tiger were eating out of a kettle that had been placed upon the floor, while billina fluttered around to pick up any scraps that might be scattered. it did not take long to finish the meal, and then the lion and the tiger were harnessed to the chariot and the party was ready to start for the nome king's palace. first rode ozma, with dorothy beside her in the golden chariot and holding billina fast in her arms. then came the scarecrow on the sawhorse, with the tin woodman and tiktok marching side by side just behind him. after these tramped the army, looking brave and handsome in their splendid uniforms. the generals commanded the colonels and the colonels commanded the majors and the majors commanded the captains and the captains commanded the private, who marched with an air of proud importance because it required so many officers to give him his orders. and so the magnificent procession left the palace and started along the road just as day was breaking, and by the time the sun came out they had made good progress toward the valley that led to the nome king's domain. the giant with the hammer [illustration] the road led for a time through a pretty farm country, and then past a picnic grove that was very inviting. but the procession continued to steadily advance until billina cried in an abrupt and commanding manner: "wait--wait!" ozma stopped her chariot so suddenly that the scarecrow's sawhorse nearly ran into it, and the ranks of the army tumbled over one another before they could come to a halt. immediately the yellow hen struggled from dorothy's arms and flew into a clump of bushes by the roadside. "what's the matter?" called the tin woodman, anxiously. "why, billina wants to lay her egg, that's all," said dorothy. "lay her egg!" repeated the tin woodman, in astonishment. "yes; she lays one every morning, about this time; and it's quite fresh," said the girl. "but does your foolish old hen suppose that this entire cavalcade, which is bound on an important adventure, is going to stand still while she lays her egg?" enquired the tin woodman, earnestly. "what else can we do?" asked the girl. "it's a habit of billina's and she can't break herself of it." "then she must hurry up," said the tin woodman, impatiently. "no, no!" exclaimed the scarecrow. "if she hurries she may lay scrambled eggs." "that's nonsense," said dorothy. "but billina won't be long, i'm sure." so they stood and waited, although all were restless and anxious to proceed. and by and by the yellow hen came from the bushes saying: "kut-kut, kut, ka-daw-kutt!" kut, kut, kut--ka-daw-kut!" "what is she doing--singing her lay?" asked the scarecrow. "for-ward--march!" shouted the tin woodman, waving his axe, and the procession started just as dorothy had once more grabbed billina in her arms. [illustration] "isn't anyone going to get my egg?" cried the hen, in great excitement. "i'll get it," said the scarecrow; and at his command the sawhorse pranced into the bushes. the straw man soon found the egg, which he placed in his jacket pocket. the cavalcade, having moved rapidly on, was even then far in advance; but it did not take the sawhorse long to catch up with it, and presently the scarecrow was riding in his accustomed place behind ozma's chariot. "what shall i do with the egg?" he asked dorothy. "i do not know," the girl answered. "perhaps the hungry tiger would like it." [illustration] "it would not be enough to fill one of my back teeth," remarked the tiger. "a bushel of them, hard boiled, might take a little of the edge off my appetite; but one egg isn't good for anything at all, that i know of." "no; it wouldn't even make a sponge cake," said the scarecrow, thoughtfully. "the tin woodman might carry it with his axe and hatch it; but after all i may as well keep it myself for a souvenir." so he left it in his pocket. [illustration] they had now reached that part of the valley that lay between the two high mountains which dorothy had seen from her tower window. at the far end was the third great mountain, which blocked the valley and was the northern edge of the land of ev. it was underneath this mountain that the nome king's palace was said to be; but it would be some time before they reached that place. the path was becoming rocky and difficult for the wheels of the chariot to pass over, and presently a deep gulf appeared at their feet which was too wide for them to leap. so ozma took a small square of green cloth from her pocket and threw it upon the ground. at once it became the magic carpet, and unrolled itself far enough for all the cavalcade to walk upon. the chariot now advanced, and the green carpet unrolled before it, crossing the gulf on a level with its banks, so that all passed over in safety. "that's easy enough," said the scarecrow. "i wonder what will happen next." he was not long in making the discovery, for the sides of the mountain came closer together until finally there was but a narrow path between them, along which ozma and her party were forced to pass in single file. they now heard a low and deep "thump!----thump!----thump!" which echoed throughout the valley and seemed to grow louder as they advanced. then, turning a corner of rock, they saw before them a huge form, which towered above the path for more than a hundred feet. the form was that of a gigantic man built out of plates of cast iron, and it stood with one foot on either side of the narrow road and swung over its right shoulder an immense iron mallet, with which it constantly pounded the earth. these resounding blows explained the thumping sounds they had heard, for the mallet was much bigger than a barrel, and where it struck the path between the rocky sides of the mountain it filled all the space through which our travelers would be obliged to pass. of course they at once halted, a safe distance away from the terrible iron mallet. the magic carpet would do them no good in this case, for it was only meant to protect them from any dangers upon the ground beneath their feet, and not from dangers that appeared in the air above them. "wow!" said the cowardly lion, with a shudder. "it makes me dreadfully nervous to see that big hammer pounding so near my head. one blow would crush me into a door-mat." "the ir-on gi-ant is a fine fel-low," said tiktok, "and works as stead-i-ly as a clock. he was made for the nome king by smith & tin-ker, who made me, and his du-ty is to keep folks from find-ing the un-der-ground pal-ace. is he not a great work of art?" "can he think, and speak, as you do?" asked ozma, regarding the giant with wondering eyes. "no," replied the machine; "he is on-ly made to pound the road, and has no think-ing or speak-ing at-tach-ment. but he pounds ve-ry well, i think." "too well," observed the scarecrow. "he is keeping us from going farther. is there no way to stop his machinery?" "on-ly the nome king, who has the key, can do that," answered tiktok. "then," said dorothy, anxiously, "what shall we do?" "excuse me for a few minutes," said the scarecrow, "and i will think it over." he retired, then, to a position in the rear, where he turned his painted face to the rocks and began to think. meantime the giant continued to raise his iron mallet high in the air and to strike the path terrific blows that echoed through the mountains like the roar of a cannon. each time the mallet lifted, however, there was a moment when the path beneath the monster was free, and perhaps the scarecrow had noticed this, for when he came back to the others he said: "the matter is a very simple one, after all. we have but to run under the hammer, one at a time, when it is lifted, and pass to the other side before it falls again." [illustration: the tiger went next] "it will require quick work, if we escape the blow," said the tin woodman, with a shake of his head. "but it really seems the only thing to be done. who will make the first attempt?" they looked at one another hesitatingly for a moment. then the cowardly lion, who was trembling like a leaf in the wind, said to them: "i suppose the head of the procession must go first--and that's me. but i'm terribly afraid of the big hammer!" "what will become of me?" asked ozma. "you might rush under the hammer yourself, but the chariot would surely be crushed." "we must leave the chariot," said the scarecrow. "but you two girls can ride upon the backs of the lion and the tiger." so this was decided upon, and ozma, as soon as the lion was unfastened from the chariot, at once mounted the beast's back and said she was ready. "cling fast to his mane," advised dorothy. "i used to ride him myself, and that's the way i held on." so ozma clung fast to the mane, and the lion crouched in the path and eyed the swinging mallet carefully until he knew just the instant it would begin to rise in the air. then, before anyone thought he was ready, he made a sudden leap straight between the iron giant's legs, and before the mallet struck the ground again the lion and ozma were safe on the other side. the tiger went next. dorothy sat upon his back and locked her arms around his striped neck, for he had no mane to cling to. he made the leap straight and true as an arrow from a bow, and ere dorothy realized it she was out of danger and standing by ozma's side. now came the scarecrow on the sawhorse, and while they made the dash in safety they were within a hair's breadth of being caught by the descending hammer. tiktok walked up to the very edge of the spot the hammer struck, and as it was raised for the next blow he calmly stepped forward and escaped its descent. that was an idea for the tin woodman to follow, and he also crossed in safety while the great hammer was in the air. but when it came to the twenty-six officers and the private, their knees were so weak that they could not walk a step. "in battle we are wonderfully courageous," said one of the generals, "and our foes find us very terrible to face. but war is one thing and this is another. when it comes to being pounded upon the head by an iron hammer, and smashed into pancakes, we naturally object." "make a run for it," urged the scarecrow. "our knees shake so that we cannot run," answered a captain. "if we should try it we would all certainly be pounded to a jelly." "well, well!" sighed the cowardly lion, "i see, friend tiger, that we must place ourselves in great danger to rescue this bold army. come with me, and we will do the best we can." so, ozma and dorothy having already dismounted from their backs, the lion and the tiger leaped back again under the awful hammer and returned with two generals clinging to their necks. they repeated this daring passage twelve times, when all the officers had been carried beneath the giant's legs and landed safely on the further side. by that time the beasts were very tired, and panted so hard that their tongues hung out of their great mouths. "but what is to become of the private?" asked ozma. "oh, leave him there to guard the chariot," said the lion. "i'm tired out, and won't pass under that mallet again." [illustration: the wooden horse was careless] the officers at once protested that they must have the private with them, else there would be no one for them to command. but neither the lion or the tiger would go after him, and so the scarecrow sent the sawhorse. either the wooden horse was careless, or it failed to properly time the descent of the hammer, for the mighty weapon caught it squarely upon its head, and thumped it against the ground so powerfully that the private flew off its back high into the air, and landed upon one of the giant's cast-iron arms. here he clung desperately while the arm rose and fell with each one of the rapid strokes. the scarecrow dashed in to rescue his sawhorse, and had his left foot smashed by the hammer before he could pull the creature out of danger. they then found that the sawhorse had been badly dazed by the blow; for while the hard wooden knot of which his head was formed could not be crushed by the hammer, both his ears were broken off and he would be unable to hear a sound until some new ones were made for him. also his left knee was cracked, and had to be bound up with a string. billina having fluttered under the hammer, it now remained only to rescue the private who was riding upon the iron giant's arm, high in the air. the scarecrow lay flat upon the ground and called to the man to jump down upon his body, which was soft because it was stuffed with straw. this the private managed to do, waiting until a time when he was nearest the ground and then letting himself drop upon the scarecrow. he accomplished the feat without breaking any bones, and the scarecrow declared he was not injured in the least. therefore, the tin woodman having by this time fitted new ears to the sawhorse, the entire party proceeded upon its way, leaving the giant to pound the path behind them. [illustration] the nome king [illustration] by and by, when they drew near to the mountain that blocked their path and which was the furthermost edge of the kingdom of ev, the way grew dark and gloomy for the reason that the high peaks on either side shut out the sunshine. and it was very silent, too, as there were no birds to sing or squirrels to chatter, the trees being left far behind them and only the bare rocks remaining. ozma and dorothy were a little awed by the silence, and all the others were quiet and grave except the sawhorse, which, as it trotted along with the scarecrow upon his back, hummed a queer song, of which this was the chorus: "would a wooden horse in a woodland go? aye, aye! i sigh, he would, although had he not had a wooden head he'd mount the mountain top instead." but no one paid any attention to this because they were now close to the nome king's dominions, and his splendid underground palace could not be very far away. suddenly they heard a shout of jeering laughter, and stopped short. they would have to stop in a minute, anyway, for the huge mountain barred their further progress and the path ran close up to a wall of rock and ended. "who was that laughing?" asked ozma. there was no reply, but in the gloom they could see strange forms flit across the face of the rock. whatever the creations might be they seemed very like the rock itself, for they were the color of rocks and their shapes were as rough and rugged as if they had been broken away from the side of the mountain. they kept close to the steep cliff facing our friends, and glided up and down, and this way and that, with a lack of regularity that was quite confusing. and they seemed not to need places to rest their feet, but clung to the surface of the rock as a fly does to a window-pane, and were never still for a moment. "do not mind them," said tiktok, as dorothy shrank back. "they are on-ly the nomes." "and what are nomes?" asked the girl, half frightened. "they are rock fair-ies, and serve the nome king," replied the machine. "but they will do us no harm. you must call for the king, be-cause with-out him you can ne-ver find the en-trance to the pal-ace." "_you_ call," said dorothy to ozma. just then the nomes laughed again, and the sound was so weird and disheartening that the twenty-six officers commanded the private to "right-about-face!" and they all started to run as fast as they could. the tin woodman at once pursued his army and cried "halt!" and when they had stopped their flight he asked: "where are you going?" "i--i find i've forgotten the brush for my whiskers," said a general, trembling with fear. "s-s-so we are g-going back after it!" "that is impossible," replied the tin woodman. "for the giant with the hammer would kill you all if you tried to pass him." "oh! i'd forgotten the giant," said the general, turning pale. "you seem to forget a good many things," remarked the tin woodman. "i hope you won't forget that you are brave men." "never!" cried the general, slapping his gold-embroidered chest. "never!" cried all the other officers, indignantly slapping their chests. "for my part," said the private, meekly, "i must obey my officers; so when i am told to run, i run; and when i am told to fight, i fight." "that is right," agreed the tin woodman. "and now you must all come back to ozma, and obey _her_ orders. and if you try to run away again i will have her reduce all the twenty-six officers to privates, and make the private your general." this terrible threat so frightened them that they at once returned to where ozma was standing beside the cowardly lion. then ozma cried out in a loud voice: "i demand that the nome king appear to us!" there was no reply, except that the shifting nomes upon the mountain laughed in derision. "you must not command the nome king," said tiktok, "for you do not rule him, as you do your own peo-ple." [illustration: only the mocking laughter replied to her] so ozma called again, saying: "i request the nome king to appear to us." only the mocking laughter replied to her, and the shadowy nomes continued to flit here and there upon the rocky cliff. "try en-treat-y," said tiktok to ozma. "if he will not come at your re-quest, then the nome king may list-en to your plead-ing." ozma looked around her proudly. "do you wish your ruler to plead with this wicked nome king?" she asked. "shall ozma of oz humble herself to a creature who lives in an underground kingdom?" "no!" they all shouted, with big voices; and the scarecrow added: "if he will not come, we will dig him out of his hole, like a fox, and conquer his stubbornness. but our sweet little ruler must always maintain her dignity, just as i maintain mine." "i'm not afraid to plead with him," said dorothy. "i'm only a little girl from kansas, and we've got more dignity at home than we know what to do with. _i'll_ call the nome king." "do," said the hungry tiger; "and if he makes hash of you i'll willingly eat you for breakfast tomorrow morning." so dorothy stepped forward and said: "_please_ mr. nome king, come here and see us." the nomes started to laugh again; but a low growl came from the mountain, and in a flash they had all vanished from sight and were silent. then a door in the rock opened, and a voice cried: [illustration] "enter!" "isn't it a trick?" asked the tin woodman. "never mind," replied ozma. "we came here to rescue the poor queen of ev and her ten children, and we must run some risks to do so." "the nome king is hon-est and good na-tured," said tiktok. "you can trust him to do what is right." so ozma led the way, hand in hand with dorothy, and they passed through the arched doorway of rock and entered a long passage which was lighted by jewels set in the walls and having lamps behind them. there was no one to escort them, or to show them the way, but all the party pressed through the passage until they came to a round, domed cavern that was grandly furnished. in the center of this room was a throne carved out of a solid boulder of rock, rude and rugged in shape but glittering with great rubies and diamonds and emeralds on every part of its surface. and upon the throne sat the nome king. this important monarch of the underground world was a little fat man clothed in gray-brown garments that were the exact color of the rock throne in which he was seated. his bushy hair and flowing beard were also colored like the rocks, and so was his face. he wore no crown of any sort, and his only ornament was a broad, jewel-studded belt that encircled his fat little body. as for his features, they seemed kindly and good humored, and his eyes were turned merrily upon his visitors as ozma and dorothy stood before him with their followers ranged in close order behind them. "why, he looks just like santa claus--only he isn't the same color!" whispered dorothy to her friend; but the nome king heard the speech, and it made him laugh aloud. "'he had a red face and a round little belly that shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly!'" quoth the monarch, in a pleasant voice; and they could all see that he really did shake like jelly when he laughed. both ozma and dorothy were much relieved to find the nome king so jolly, and a minute later he waved his right hand and the girls each found a cushioned stool at her side. "sit down, my dears," said the king, "and tell me why you have come all this way to see me, and what i can do to make you happy." while they seated themselves the nome king picked up a pipe, and taking a glowing red coal out of his pocket he placed it in the bowl of the pipe and began puffing out clouds of smoke that curled in rings above his head. dorothy thought this made the little monarch look more like santa claus than ever; but ozma now began speaking, and every one listened intently to her words. "your majesty," said she, "i am the ruler of the land of oz, and i have come here to ask you to release the good queen of ev and her ten children, whom you have enchanted and hold as your prisoners." [illustration] "oh, no; you are mistaken about that," replied the king. "they are not my prisoners, but my slaves, whom i purchased from the king of ev." "but that was wrong," said ozma. "according to the laws of ev, the king can do no wrong," answered the monarch, eyeing a ring of smoke he had just blown from his mouth; "so that he had a perfect right to sell his family to me in exchange for a long life." "you cheated him, though," declared dorothy; "for the king of ev did not have a long life. he jumped into the sea and was drowned." "that was not my fault," said the nome king, crossing his legs and smiling contentedly. "i gave him the long life, all right; but he destroyed it." "then how could it be a long life?" asked dorothy. "easily enough," was the reply. "now suppose, my dear, that i gave you a pretty doll in exchange for a lock of your hair, and that after you had received the doll you smashed it into pieces and destroyed it. could you say that i had not given you a pretty doll?" "no," answered dorothy. "and could you, in fairness, ask me to return to you the lock of hair, just because you had smashed the doll?" "no," said dorothy, again. "of course not," the nome king returned. "nor will i give up the queen and her children because the king of ev destroyed his long life by jumping into the sea. they belong to me and i shall keep them." [illustration: "they belong to me and i shall keep them"] "but you are treating them cruelly," said ozma, who was much distressed by the king's refusal. "in what way?" he asked. "by making them your slaves," said she. "cruelty," remarked the monarch, puffing out wreathes of smoke and watching them float into the air, "is a thing i can't abide. so, as slaves must work hard, and the queen of ev and her children were delicate and tender, i transformed them all into articles of ornament and bric-a-brac and scattered them around the various rooms of my palace. instead of being obliged to labor, they merely decorate my apartments, and i really think i have treated them with great kindness." "but what a dreadful fate is theirs!" exclaimed ozma, earnestly. "and the kingdom of ev is in great need of its royal family to govern it. if you will liberate them, and restore them to their proper forms, i will give you ten ornaments to replace each one you lose." the nome king looked grave. "suppose i refuse?" he asked. "then," said ozma, firmly, "i am here with my friends and my army to conquer your kingdom and oblige you to obey my wishes." the nome king laughed until he choked; and he choked until he coughed; and he coughed until his face turned from grayish-brown to bright red. and then he wiped his eyes with a rock-colored handkerchief and grew grave again. "you are as brave as you are pretty, my dear," he said to ozma. "but you have little idea of the extent of the task you have undertaken. come with me for a moment." he arose and took ozma's hand, leading her to a little door at one side of the room. this he opened and they stepped out upon a balcony, from whence they obtained a wonderful view of the underground world. a vast cave extended for miles and miles under the mountain, and in every direction were furnaces and forges glowing brightly and nomes hammering upon precious metals or polishing gleaming jewels. all around the walls of the cave were thousands of doors of silver and gold, built into the solid rock, and these extended in rows far away into the distance, as far as ozma's eyes could follow them. while the little maid from oz gazed wonderingly upon this scene the nome king uttered a shrill whistle, and at once all the silver and gold doors flew open and solid ranks of nome soldiers marched out from every one. so great were their numbers that they quickly filled the immense underground cavern and forced the busy workmen to abandon their tasks. although this tremendous army consisted of rock-colored nomes, all squat and fat, they were clothed in glittering armor of polished steel, inlaid with beautiful gems. upon his brow each wore a brilliant electric light, and they bore sharp spears and swords and battle-axes of solid bronze. it was evident they were perfectly trained, for they stood in straight rows, rank after rank, with their weapons held erect and true, as if awaiting but the word of command to level them upon their foes. "this," said the nome king, "is but a small part of my army. no ruler upon earth has ever dared to fight me, and no ruler ever will, for i am too powerful to oppose." he whistled again, and at once the martial array filed through the silver and gold doorways and disappeared, after which the workmen again resumed their labors at the furnaces. then, sad and discouraged, ozma of oz turned to her friends, and the nome king calmly reseated himself on his rock throne. [illustration: "this is but a small part of my army"] "it would be foolish for us to fight," the girl said to the tin woodman. "for our brave twenty-seven would be quickly destroyed. i'm sure i do not know how to act in this emergency." "ask the king where his kitchen is," suggested the tiger. "i'm hungry as a bear." "i might pounce upon the king and tear him in pieces," remarked the cowardly lion. "try it," said the monarch, lighting his pipe with another hot coal which he took from his pocket. the lion crouched low and tried to spring upon the nome king; but he hopped only a little way into the air and came down again in the same place, not being able to approach the throne by even an inch. "it seems to me," said the scarecrow, thoughtfully, "that our best plan is to wheedle his majesty into giving up his slaves, since he is too great a magician to oppose." "this is the most sensible thing any of you have suggested," declared the nome king. "it is folly to threaten me, but i'm so kind-hearted that i cannot stand coaxing or wheedling. if you really wish to accomplish anything by your journey, my dear ozma, you must coax me." "very well," said ozma, more cheerfully. "let us be friends, and talk this over in a friendly manner." "to be sure," agreed the king, his eyes twinkling merrily. "i am very anxious," she continued, "to liberate the queen of ev and her children who are now ornaments and bric-a-brac in your majesty's palace, and to restore them to their people. tell me, sir, how this may be accomplished." the king remained thoughtful for a moment, after which he asked: "are you willing to take a few chances and risks yourself, in order to set free the people of ev?" "yes, indeed!" answered ozma, eagerly. "then," said the nome king, "i will make you this offer: you shall go alone and unattended into my palace and examine carefully all that the rooms contain. then you shall have permission to touch eleven different objects, pronouncing at the time the word 'ev,' and if any one of them, or more than one, proves to be the transformation of the queen of ev or any of her ten children, then they will instantly be restored to their true forms and may leave my palace and my kingdom in your company, without any objection whatever. it is possible for you, in this way, to free the entire eleven; but if you do not guess all the objects correctly, and some of the slaves remain transformed, then each one of your friends and followers may, in turn, enter the palace and have the same privileges i grant you." "oh, thank you! thank you for this kind offer!" said ozma, eagerly. "i make but one condition," added the nome king, his eyes twinkling. "what is it?" she enquired. "if none of the eleven objects you touch proves to be the transformation of any of the royal family of ev, then, instead of freeing them, you will yourself become enchanted, and transformed into an article of bric-a-brac or an ornament. this is only fair and just, and is the risk you declared you were willing to take." [illustration] the eleven guesses [illustration] hearing this condition imposed by the nome king, ozma became silent and thoughtful, and all her friends looked at her uneasily. "don't you do it!" exclaimed dorothy. "if you guess wrong, you will be enslaved yourself." "but i shall have eleven guesses," answered ozma. "surely i ought to guess one object in eleven correctly; and, if i do, i shall rescue one of the royal family and be safe myself. then the rest of you may attempt it, and soon we shall free all those who are enslaved." "what if we fail?" enquired the scarecrow. "i'd look nice as a piece of bric-a-brac, wouldn't i?" "we must not fail!" cried ozma, courageously. "having come all this distance to free these poor people, it would be weak and cowardly in us to abandon the adventure. therefore i will accept the nome king's offer, and go at once into the royal palace." "come along, then, my dear," said the king, climbing down from his throne with some difficulty, because he was so fat; "i'll show you the way." he approached a wall of the cave and waved his hand. instantly an opening appeared, through which ozma, after a smiling farewell to her friends, boldly passed. she found herself in a splendid hall that was more beautiful and grand than anything she had ever beheld. the ceilings were composed of great arches that rose far above her head, and all the walls and floors were of polished marble exquisitely tinted in many colors. thick velvet carpets were on the floor and heavy silken draperies covered the arches leading to the various rooms of the palace. the furniture was made of rare old woods richly carved and covered with delicate satins, and the entire palace was lighted by a mysterious rosy glow that seemed to come from no particular place but flooded each apartment with its soft and pleasing radiance. ozma passed from one room to another, greatly delighted by all she saw. the lovely palace had no other occupant, for the nome king had left her at the entrance, which closed behind her, and in all the magnificent rooms there appeared to be no other person. upon the mantels, and on many shelves and brackets and tables, were clustered ornaments of every description, seemingly made out of all sorts of metals, glass, china, stones and marbles. there were vases, and figures of men and animals, and graven platters and bowls, and mosaics of precious gems, and many other things. pictures, too, were on the walls, and the underground palace was quite a museum of rare and curious and costly objects. after her first hasty examination of the rooms ozma began to wonder which of all the numerous ornaments they contained were the transformations of the royal family of ev. there was nothing to guide her, for everything seemed without a spark of life. so she must guess blindly; and for the first time the girl came to realize how dangerous was her task, and how likely she was to lose her own freedom in striving to free others from the bondage of the nome king. no wonder the cunning monarch laughed good naturedly with his visitors, when he knew how easily they might be entrapped. [illustration: ozma shut her eyes tightly and advanced] but ozma, having undertaken the venture, would not abandon it. she looked at a silver candelabra that had ten branches, and thought: "this may be the queen of ev and her ten children." so she touched it and uttered aloud the word "ev," as the nome king had instructed her to do when she guessed. but the candelabra remained as it was before. then she wandered into another room and touched a china lamb, thinking it might be one of the children she sought. but again she was unsuccessful. three guesses; four guesses; five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten she made, and still not one of them was right! the girl shivered a little and grew pale even under the rosy light; for now but one guess remained, and her own fate depended upon the result. she resolved not to be hasty, and strolled through all the rooms once more, gazing earnestly upon the various ornaments and trying to decide which she would touch. finally, in despair, she decided to leave it entirely to chance. she faced the doorway of a room, shut her eyes tightly, and then, thrusting aside the heavy draperies, she advanced blindly with her right arm outstretched before her. slowly, softly she crept forward until her hand came in contact with an object upon a small round table. she did not know what it was, but in a low voice she pronounced the word "ev." the rooms were quite empty of life after that. the nome king had gained a new ornament. for upon the edge of the table rested a pretty grasshopper, that seemed to have been formed from a single emerald. it was all that remained of ozma of oz. in the throne room just beyond the palace the nome king suddenly looked up and smiled. "next!" he said, in his pleasant voice. dorothy, the scarecrow, and the tin woodman, who had been sitting in anxious silence, each gave a start of dismay and stared into one another's eyes. "has she failed?" asked tiktok. "so it seems," answered the little monarch, cheerfully. "but that is no reason one of you should not succeed. the next may have twelve guesses, instead of eleven, for there are now twelve persons transformed into ornaments. well, well! which of you goes next?" "i'll go," said dorothy. "not so," replied the tin woodman. "as commander of ozma's army, it is my privilege to follow her and attempt her rescue." "away you go, then," said the scarecrow. "but be careful, old friend." "i will," promised the tin woodman; and then he followed the nome king to the entrance to the palace and the rock closed behind him. [illustration] the nome king laughs [illustration] in a moment the king returned to his throne and relighted his pipe, and the rest of the little band of adventurers settled themselves for another long wait. they were greatly disheartened by the failure of their girl ruler, and the knowledge that she was now an ornament in the nome king's palace--a dreadful, creepy place in spite of all its magnificence. without their little leader they did not know what to do next, and each one, down to the trembling private of the army, began to fear he would soon be more ornamental than useful. suddenly the nome king began laughing. "ha, ha, ha! he, he, he! ho, ho, ho!" "what's happened?" asked the scarecrow. "why, your friend, the tin woodman, has become the funniest thing you can imagine," replied the king, wiping the tears of merriment from his eyes. "no one would ever believe he could make such an amusing ornament. next!" they gazed at each other with sinking hearts. one of the generals began to weep dolefully. "what are you crying for?" asked the scarecrow, indignant at such a display of weakness. "he owed me six weeks back pay," said the general, "and i hate to lose him." "then you shall go and find him," declared the scarecrow. "me!" cried the general, greatly alarmed. "certainly. it is your duty to follow your commander. march!" "i won't," said the general. "i'd like to, of course; but i just simply _won't_." the scarecrow looked enquiringly at the nome king. "never mind," said the jolly monarch. "if he doesn't care to enter the palace and make his guesses i'll throw him into one of my fiery furnaces." "i'll go!--of course i'm going," yelled the general, as quick as scat. "where is the entrance--where is it? let me go at once!" so the nome king escorted him into the palace, and again returned to await the result. what the general did, no one can tell; but it was not long before the king called for the next victim, and a colonel was forced to try his fortune. thus, one after another, all of the twenty-six officers filed into the palace and made their guesses--and became ornaments. meantime the king ordered refreshments to be served to those waiting, and at his command a rudely shaped nome entered, bearing a tray. this nome was not unlike the others that dorothy had seen, but he wore a heavy gold chain around his neck to show that he was the chief steward of the nome king, and he assumed an air of much importance, and even told his majesty not to eat too much cake late at night, or he would be ill. dorothy, however, was hungry, and she was not afraid of being ill; so she ate several cakes and found them good, and also she drank a cup of excellent coffee made of a richly flavored clay, browned in the furnaces and then ground fine, and found it most refreshing and not at all muddy. of all the party which had started upon this adventure, the little kansas girl was now left alone with the scarecrow, tiktok, and the private for counsellors and companions. of course the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger were still there, but they, having also eaten some of the cakes, had gone to sleep at one side of the cave, while upon the other side stood the sawhorse, motionless and silent, as became a mere thing of wood. billina had quietly walked around and picked up the crumbs of cake which had been scattered, and now, as it was long after bed-time, she tried to find some dark place in which to go to sleep. presently the hen espied a hollow underneath the king's rocky throne, and crept into it unnoticed. she could still hear the chattering of those around her, but it was almost dark underneath the throne, so that soon she had fallen fast asleep. "next!" called the king, and the private, whose turn it was to enter the fatal palace, shook hands with dorothy and the scarecrow and bade them a sorrowful good-bye, and passed through the rocky portal. they waited a long time, for the private was in no hurry to become an ornament and made his guesses very slowly. the nome king, who seemed to know, by some magical power, all that took place in his beautiful rooms of his palace, grew impatient finally and declared he would sit up no longer. "i love ornaments," said he, "but i can wait until tomorrow to get more of them; so, as soon as that stupid private is transformed, we will all go to bed and leave the job to be finished in the morning." "is it so very late?" asked dorothy. "why, it is after midnight," said the king, "and that strikes me as being late enough. there is neither night nor day in my kingdom, because it is under the earth's surface, where the sun does not shine. but we have to sleep, just the same as the up-stairs people do, and for my part i'm going to bed in a few minutes." indeed, it was not long after this that the private made his last guess. of course he guessed wrongly, and of course he at once became an ornament. so the king was greatly pleased, and clapped his hands to summon his chief steward. "show these guests to some of the sleeping apartments," he commanded, "and be quick about it, too, for i'm dreadfully sleepy myself." "you've no business to sit up so late," replied the steward, gruffly. "you'll be as cross as a griffin tomorrow morning." [illustration: soon she had fallen fast asleep] his majesty made no answer to this remark, and the chief steward led dorothy through another doorway into a long hall, from which several plain but comfortable sleeping rooms opened. the little girl was given the first room, and the scarecrow and tiktok the next--although they never slept--and the lion and the tiger the third. the sawhorse hobbled after the steward into a fourth room, to stand stiffly in the center of it until morning. each night was rather a bore to the scarecrow, tiktok and the sawhorse; but they had learned from experience to pass the time patiently and quietly, since all their friends who were made of flesh had to sleep and did not like to be disturbed. when the chief steward had left them alone the scarecrow remarked, sadly: "i am in great sorrow over the loss of my old comrade, the tin woodman. we have had many dangerous adventures together, and escaped them all, and now it grieves me to know he has become an ornament, and is lost to me forever." "he was al-ways an or-na-ment to so-ci-e-ty," said tiktok. "true; but now the nome king laughs at him, and calls him the funniest ornament in all the palace. it will hurt my poor friend's pride to be laughed at," continued the scarecrow, sadly. "we will make rath-er ab-surd or-na-ments, our-selves, to-mor-row," observed the machine, in his monotonous voice. just then dorothy ran into their room, in a state of great anxiety, crying: "where's billina? have you seen billina? is she here?" "no," answered the scarecrow. "then what has become of her?" asked the girl. "why, i thought she was with you," said the scarecrow. "yet i do not remember seeing the yellow hen since she picked up the crumbs of cake." "we must have left her in the room where the king's throne is," decided dorothy, and at once she turned and ran down the hall to the door through which they had entered. but it was fast closed and locked on the other side, and the heavy slab of rock proved to be so thick that no sound could pass through it. so dorothy was forced to return to her chamber. the cowardly lion stuck his head into her room to try to console the girl for the loss of her feathered friend. "the yellow hen is well able to take care of herself," said he; "so don't worry about her, but try to get all the sleep you can. it has been a long and weary day, and you need rest." "i'll prob'ly get lots of rest tomorrow, when i become an orn'ment," said dorothy, sleepily. but she lay down upon her couch, nevertheless, and in spite of all her worries was soon in the land of dreams. [illustration] dorothy tries to be brave [illustration] meantime the chief steward had returned to the throne room, where he said to the king: "you are a fool to waste so much time upon these people." "what!" cried his majesty, in so enraged a voice that it awoke billina, who was asleep under his throne. "how dare you call me a fool?" "because i like to speak the truth," said the steward. "why didn't you enchant them all at once, instead of allowing them to go one by one into the palace and guess which ornaments are the queen of ev and her children?" "why, you stupid rascal, it is more fun this way," returned the king, "and it serves to keep me amused for a long time." "but suppose some of them happen to guess aright," persisted the steward; "then you would lose your old ornaments and these new ones, too." "there is no chance of their guessing aright," replied the monarch, with a laugh. "how could they know that the queen of ev and her family are all ornaments of a royal purple color?" "but there are no other purple ornaments in the palace," said the steward. "there are many other colors, however, and the purple ones are scattered throughout the rooms, and are of many different shapes and sizes. take my word for it, steward, they will never think of choosing the purple ornaments." billina, squatting under the throne, had listened carefully to all this talk, and now chuckled softly to herself as she heard the king disclose his secret. "still, you are acting foolishly by running the chance," continued the steward, roughly; "and it is still more foolish of you to transform all those people from oz into green ornaments." [illustration: "how dare you call me a fool?"] "i did that because they came from the emerald city," replied the king; "and i had no green ornaments in my collection until now. i think they will look quite pretty, mixed with the others. don't you?" the steward gave an angry grunt. "have your own way, since you are the king," he growled. "but if you come to grief through your carelessness, remember that i told you so. if i wore the magic belt which enables you to work all your transformations, and gives you so much other power, i am sure i would make a much wiser and better king than you are." "oh, cease your tiresome chatter!" commanded the king, getting angry again. "because you are my chief steward you have an idea you can scold me as much as you please. but the very next time you become impudent, i will send you to work in the furnaces, and get another nome to fill your place. now follow me to my chamber, for i am going to bed. and see that i am wakened early tomorrow morning. i want to enjoy the fun of transforming the rest of these people into ornaments." "what color will you make the kansas girl?" asked the steward. "gray, i think," said his majesty. "and the scarecrow and the machine man?" "oh, they shall be of solid gold, because they are so ugly in real life." then the voices died away, and billina knew that the king and his steward had left the room. she fixed up some of her tail feathers that were not straight, and then tucked her head under her wing again and went to sleep. in the morning dorothy and the lion and tiger were given their breakfast in their rooms, and afterward joined the king in his throne room. the tiger complained bitterly that he was half starved, and begged to go into the palace and become an ornament, so that he would no longer suffer the pangs of hunger. "haven't you had your breakfast?" asked the nome king. "oh, i had just a bite," replied the beast. "but what good is a bite, to a hungry tiger?" "he ate seventeen bowls of porridge, a platter full of fried sausages, eleven loaves of bread and twenty-one mince pies," said the steward. "what more do you want?" demanded the king. "a fat baby. i want a fat baby," said the hungry tiger. "a nice, plump, juicy, tender, fat baby. but, of course, if i had one, my conscience would not allow me to eat it. so i'll have to be an ornament and forget my hunger." "impossible!" exclaimed the king. "i'll have no clumsy beasts enter my palace, to overturn and break all my pretty nick-nacks. when the rest of your friends are transformed you can return to the upper world, and go about your business." "as for that we have no business, when our friends are gone," said the lion. "so we do not care much what becomes of us." dorothy begged to be allowed to go first into the palace, but tiktok firmly maintained that the slave should face danger before the mistress. the scarecrow agreed with him in that, so the nome king opened the door for the machine man, who tramped into the palace to meet his fate. then his majesty returned to his throne and puffed his pipe so contentedly that a small cloud of smoke formed above his head. bye and bye he said: "i'm sorry there are so few of you left. very soon, now, my fun will be over, and then for amusement i shall have nothing to do but admire my new ornaments." "it seems to me," said dorothy, "that you are not so honest as you pretend to be." [illustration: the nome king puffed his pipe] "how's that?" asked the king. "why, you made us think it would be easy to guess what ornaments the people of ev were changed into." "it _is_ easy," declared the monarch, "if one is a good guesser. but it appears that the members of your party are all poor guessers." "what is tiktok doing now?" asked the girl, uneasily. "nothing," replied the king, with a frown. "he is standing perfectly still, in the middle of a room." "oh, i expect he's run down," said dorothy. "i forgot to wind him up this morning. how many guesses has he made?" "all that he is allowed except one," answered the king. "suppose you go in and wind him up, and then you can stay there and make your own guesses." "all right," said dorothy. "it is my turn next," declared the scarecrow. "why, you don't want to go away and leave me all alone, do you?" asked the girl. "besides, if i go now i can wind up tiktok, so that he can make his last guess." "very well, then," said the scarecrow, with a sigh. "run along, little dorothy, and may good luck go with you!" so dorothy, trying to be brave in spite of her fears, passed through the doorway into the gorgeous rooms of the palace. the stillness of the place awed her, at first, and the child drew short breaths, and pressed her hand to her heart, and looked all around with wondering eyes. yes, it was a beautiful place; but enchantments lurked in every nook and corner, and she had not yet grown accustomed to the wizardries of these fairy countries, so different from the quiet and sensible common-places of her own native land. slowly she passed through several rooms until she came upon tiktok, standing motionless. it really seemed, then, that she had found a friend in this mysterious palace, so she hastened to wind up the machine man's action and speech and thoughts. "thank you, dor-oth-y," were his first words. "i have now one more guess to make." "oh, be very careful, tiktok; won't you?" cried the girl. "yes. but the nome king has us in his power, and he has set a trap for us. i fear we are all lost," he answered. "i fear so, too," said dorothy, sadly. "if smith & tin-ker had giv-en me a guess-ing clock-work at-tach-ment," continued tiktok, "i might have de-fied the nome king. but my thoughts are plain and sim-ple, and are not of much use in this case." "do the best you can," said dorothy, encouragingly, "and if you fail i will watch and see what shape you are changed into." so tiktok touched a yellow glass vase that had daisies painted on one side, and he spoke at the same time the word "ev." in a flash the machine man had disappeared, and although the girl looked quickly in every direction, she could not tell which of the many ornaments the room contained had a moment before been her faithful friend and servant. so all she could do was to accept the hopeless task set her, and make her guesses and abide by the result. "it can't hurt very much," she thought, "for i haven't heard any of them scream or cry out--not even the poor officers. dear me! i wonder if uncle henry or aunt em will ever know i have become an orn'ment in the nome king's palace, and must stand forever and ever in one place and look pretty--'cept when i'm moved to be dusted. it isn't the way i thought i'd turn out, at all; but i s'pose it can't be helped." she walked through all the rooms once more, and examined with care all the objects they contained; but there were so many, they bewildered her, and she decided, after all, as ozma had done, that it could be only guess work at the best, and that the chances were much against her guessing aright. timidly she touched an alabaster bowl and said: "ev." "that's one failure, anyhow," she thought. "but how am i to know which thing is enchanted, and which is not?" next she touched the image of a purple kitten that stood on the corner of a mantel, and as she pronounced the word "ev" the kitten disappeared, and a pretty, fair-haired boy stood beside her. at the same time a bell rang somewhere in the distance, and as dorothy started back, partly in surprise and partly in joy, the little one exclaimed: "where am i? and who are you? and what has happened to me?" "well, i declare!" said dorothy. "i've really done it." "done what?" asked the boy. [illustration] "saved myself from being an ornament," replied the girl, with a laugh, "and saved you from being forever a purple kitten." "a purple kitten?" he repeated. "there _is_ no such thing." "i know," she answered. "but there was, a minute ago. don't you remember standing on a corner of the mantel?" "of course not. i am a prince of ev, and my name is evring," the little one announced, proudly. "but my father, the king, sold my mother and all her children to the cruel ruler of the nomes, and after that i remember nothing at all." "a purple kitten can't be 'spected to remember, evring," said dorothy. "but now you are yourself again, and i'm going to try to save some of your brothers and sisters, and perhaps your mother, as well. so come with me." she seized the child's hand and eagerly hurried here and there, trying to decide which object to choose next. the third guess was another failure, and so was the fourth and the fifth. little evring could not imagine what she was doing, but he trotted along beside her very willingly, for he liked the new companion he had found. dorothy's further quest proved unsuccessful; but after her first disappointment was over, the little girl was filled with joy and thankfulness to think that after all she had been able to save one member of the royal family of ev, and could restore the little prince to his sorrowing country. now she might return to the terrible nome king in safety, carrying with her the prize she had won in the person of the fair-haired boy. so she retraced her steps until she found the entrance to the palace, and as she approached, the massive doors of rock opened of their own accord, allowing both dorothy and evring to pass the portals and enter the throne room. [illustration] billina frightens the nome king [illustration] now when dorothy had entered the palace to make her guesses and the scarecrow was left with the nome king, the two sat in moody silence for several minutes. then the monarch exclaimed, in a tone of satisfaction: "very good!" "who is very good?" asked the scarecrow. "the machine man. he won't need to be wound up any more, for he has now become a very neat ornament. very neat, indeed." "how about dorothy?" the scarecrow enquired. "oh, she will begin to guess, pretty soon," said the king, cheerfully. "and then she will join my collection, and it will be your turn." the good scarecrow was much distressed by the thought that his little friend was about to suffer the fate of ozma and the rest of their party; but while he sat in gloomy reverie a shrill voice suddenly cried: "kut, kut, kut--ka-daw-kutt! kut, kut, kut--ka-daw-kutt!" the nome king nearly jumped off his seat, he was so startled. "good gracious! what's that?" he yelled. "why, it's billina," said the scarecrow. "what do you mean by making a noise like that?" shouted the king, angrily, as the yellow hen came from under the throne and strutted proudly about the room. "i've got a right to cackle, i guess," replied billina. "i've just laid my egg.' "what! laid an egg! in my throne room! how dare you do such a thing?" asked the king, in a voice of fury. "i lay eggs wherever i happen to be," said the hen, ruffling her feathers and then shaking them into place. "but--thunder-ation! don't you know that eggs are poison?" roared the king, while his rock-colored eyes stuck out in great terror. "poison! well, i declare," said billina, indignantly. "i'll have you know all my eggs are warranted strictly fresh and up to date. poison, indeed!" "you don't understand," retorted the little monarch, nervously. "eggs belong only to the outside world--to the world on the earth's surface, where you came from. here, in my underground kingdom, they are rank poison, as i said, and we nomes can't bear them around." "well, you'll have to bear this one around," declared billina; "for i've laid it." "where?" asked the king. "under your throne," said the hen. the king jumped three feet into the air, so anxious was he to get away from the throne. "take it away! take it away at once!" he shouted. "i can't," said billina. "i havn't any hands." "i'll take the egg," said the scarecrow. "i'm making a collection of billina's eggs. there's one in my pocket now, that she laid yesterday." hearing this, the monarch hastened to put a good distance between himself and the scarecrow, who was about to reach under the throne for the egg when the hen suddenly cried: "stop!" "what's wrong?" asked the scarecrow. "don't take the egg unless the king will allow me to enter the palace and guess as the others have done," said billina. "pshaw!" returned the king. "you're only a hen. how could you guess my enchantments?" "i can try, i suppose," said billina. "and, if i fail, you will have another ornament." "a pretty ornament you'd make, wouldn't you?" growled the king. "but you shall have your way. it will properly punish you for daring to lay an egg in my presence. after the scarecrow is enchanted you shall follow him into the palace. but how will you touch the objects?" "with my claws," said the hen; "and i can speak the word 'ev' as plainly as anyone. also i must have the right to guess the enchantments of my friends, and to release them if i succeed." "very well," said the king. "you have my promise." "then," said billina to the scarecrow, "you may get the egg." [illustration: "don't you know that eggs are poison?"] he knelt down and reached underneath the throne and found the egg, which he placed in another pocket of his jacket, fearing that if both eggs were in one pocket they would knock together and get broken. just then a bell above the throne rang briskly, and the king gave another nervous jump. "well, well!" said he, with a rueful face; "the girl has actually done it." "done what?" asked the scarecrow. "she has made one guess that is right, and broken one of my neatest enchantments. by ricketty, it's too bad! i never thought she would do it." "do i understand that she will now return to us in safety?" enquired the scarecrow, joyfully wrinkling his painted face into a broad smile. "of course," said the king, fretfully pacing up and down the room. "i always keep my promises, no matter how foolish they are. but i shall make an ornament of the yellow hen to replace the one i have just lost." "perhaps you will, and perhaps you won't," murmured billina, calmly. "i may surprise you by guessing right." "guessing right?" snapped the king. "how should you guess right, where your betters have failed, you stupid fowl?" billina did not care to answer this question, and a moment later the doors flew open and dorothy entered, leading the little prince evring by the hand. [illustration] the scarecrow welcomed the girl with a close embrace, and he would have embraced evring, too, in his delight. but the little prince was shy, and shrank away from the painted scarecrow because he did not yet know his many excellent qualities. [illustration: "by ricketty, it's too bad!"] but there was little time for the friends to talk, because the scarecrow must now enter the palace. dorothy's success had greatly encouraged him, and they both hoped he would manage to make at least one correct guess. however, he proved as unfortunate as the others except dorothy, and although he took a good deal of time to select his objects, not one did the poor scarecrow guess aright. so he became a solid gold card-receiver, and the beautiful but terrible palace awaited its next visitor. "it's all over," remarked the king, with a sigh of satisfaction; "and it has been a very amusing performance, except for the one good guess the kansas girl made. i am richer by a great many pretty ornaments. "it is my turn, now," said billina, briskly. "oh, i'd forgotten you," said the king. "but you needn't go if you don't wish to. i will be generous, and let you off." "no you won't," replied the hen. "i insist upon having my guesses, as you promised." "then go ahead, you absurd feathered fool!" grumbled the king, and he caused the opening that led to the palace to appear once more. "don't go, billina," said dorothy, earnestly. "it isn't easy to guess those orn'ments, and only luck saved me from being one myself. stay with me, and we'll go back to the land of ev together. i'm sure this little prince will give us a home." "indeed i will," said evring, with much dignity. "don't worry, my dear," cried billina, with a cluck that was meant for a laugh. "i may not be human, but i'm no fool, if i _am_ a chicken." "oh, billina!" said dorothy, "you haven't been a chicken in a long time. not since you--you've been--grown up." "perhaps that's true," answered billina, thoughtfully. "but if a kansas farmer sold me to some one, what would he call me?--a hen or a chicken!" "you are not a kansas farmer, billina," replied the girl, "and you said--" "never mind that, dorothy. i'm going. i won't say good-bye, because i'm coming back. keep up your courage, for i'll see you a little later." then billina gave several loud "cluck-clucks" that seemed to make the fat little king _more_ nervous than ever, and marched through the entrance into the enchanted palace. "i hope i've seen the last of _that_ bird," declared the monarch, seating himself again in his throne and mopping the perspiration from his forehead with his rock-colored handkerchief. "hens are bothersome enough at their best, but when they can talk they're simply dreadful." "billina's my friend," said dorothy quietly. "she may not always be 'zactly polite; but she _means_ well, i'm sure." [illustration] purple, green and gold [illustration] the yellow hen, stepping high and with an air of vast importance, walked slowly over the rich velvet carpets of the splendid palace, examining everything she met with her sharp little eyes. billina had a right to feel important; for she alone shared the nome king's secret and knew how to tell the objects that were transformations from those that had never been alive. she was very sure that her guesses would be correct, but before she began to make them she was curious to behold all the magnificence of this underground palace, which was perhaps one of the most splendid and beautiful places in any fairyland. as she went through the rooms she counted the purple ornaments; and although some were small and hidden in queer places, billina spied them all, and found the entire ten scattered about the various rooms. the green ornaments she did not bother to count, for she thought she could find them all when the time came. finally, having made a survey of the entire palace and enjoyed its splendor, the yellow hen returned to one of the rooms where she had noticed a large purple footstool. she placed a claw upon this and said "ev," and at once the footstool vanished and a lovely lady, tall and slender and most beautifully robed, stood before her. the lady's eyes were round with astonishment for a moment, for she could not remember her transformation, nor imagine what had restored her to life. "good morning, ma'am," said billina, in her sharp voice. "you're looking quite well, considering your age." "who speaks?" demanded the queen of ev, drawing herself up proudly. "why, my name's bill, by rights," answered the hen, who was now perched upon the back of a chair; "although dorothy has put scollops on it and made it billina. but the name doesn't matter. i've saved you from the nome king, and you are a slave no longer." "then i thank you for the gracious favor," said the queen, with a graceful courtesy. "but, my children--tell me, i beg of you--where are my children?" and she clasped her hands in anxious entreaty. "don't worry," advised billina, pecking at a tiny bug that was crawling over the chair back. "just at present they are out of mischief and perfectly safe, for they can't even wiggle." "what mean you, o kindly stranger?" asked the queen, striving to repress her anxiety. "they're enchanted," said billina, "just as you have been--all, that is, except the little fellow dorothy picked out. and the chances are that they have been good boys and girls for some time, because they couldn't help it." "oh, my poor darlings!" cried the queen, with a sob of anguish. "not at all," returned the hen. "don't let their condition make you unhappy, ma'am, because i'll soon have them crowding 'round to bother and worry you as naturally as ever. come with me, if you please, and i'll show you how pretty they look." she flew down from her perch and walked into the next room, the queen following. as she passed a low table a small green grasshopper caught her eye, and instantly billina pounced upon it and snapped it up in her sharp bill. for grasshoppers are a favorite food with hens, and they usually must be caught quickly, before they can hop away. it might easily have been the end of ozma of oz, had she been a real grasshopper instead of an emerald one. but billina found the grasshopper hard and lifeless, and suspecting it was not good to eat she quickly dropped it instead of letting it slide down her throat. "i might have known better," she muttered to herself, "for where there is no grass there can be no live grasshoppers. this is probably one of the king's transformations." a moment later she approached one of the purple ornaments, and while the queen watched her curiously the hen broke the nome king's enchantment and a sweet-faced girl, whose golden hair fell in a cloud over her shoulders, stood beside them. "evanna!" cried the queen, "my own evanna!" and she clasped the girl to her bosom and covered her face with kisses. "that's all right," said billina, contentedly. "am i a good guesser, mr. nome king? well, i guess!" then she disenchanted another girl, whom the queen addressed as evrose, and afterwards a boy named evardo, who was older than his brother evring. indeed, the yellow hen kept the good queen exclaiming and embracing for some time, until five princesses and four princes, all looking very much alike except for the difference in size, stood in a row beside their happy mother. the princesses were named, evanna, evrose, evella, evirene and evedna, while the princes were evrob, evington, evardo and evroland. of these evardo was the eldest and would inherit his father's throne and be crowned king of ev when he returned to his own country. he was a grave and quiet youth, and would doubtless rule his people wisely and with justice. [illustration: the queen of ev thanks billina] billina, having restored all of the royal family of ev to their proper forms, now began to select the green ornaments which were the transformations of the people of oz. she had little trouble in finding these, and before long all the twenty-six officers, as well as the private, were gathered around the yellow hen, joyfully congratulating her upon their release. the thirty-seven people who were now alive in the rooms of the palace knew very well that they owed their freedom to the cleverness of the yellow hen, and they were earnest in thanking her for saving them from the magic of the nome king. "now," said billina, "i must find ozma. she is sure to be here, somewhere, and of course she is green, being from oz. so look around, you stupid soldiers, and help me in my search." for a while, however, they could discover nothing more that was green. but the queen, who had kissed all her nine children once more and could now find time to take an interest in what was going on, said to the hen: "mayhap, my gentle friend, it is the grasshopper whom you seek." "of course it's the grasshopper!" exclaimed billina. "i declare, i'm nearly as stupid as these brave soldiers. wait here for me, and i'll go back and get it." so she went into the room where she had seen the grasshopper, and presently ozma of oz, as lovely and dainty as ever, entered and approached the queen of ev, greeting her as one high born princess greets another. "but where are my friends, the scarecrow and the tin woodman?" asked the girl ruler, when these courtesies had been exchanged. "i'll hunt them up," replied billina. "the scarecrow is solid gold, and so is tiktok; but i don't exactly know what the tin woodman is, because the nome king said he had been transformed into something funny." ozma eagerly assisted the hen in her quest, and soon the scarecrow and the machine man, being ornaments of shining gold, were discovered and restored to their accustomed forms. but, search as they might, in no place could they find a funny ornament that might be the transformation of the tin woodman. "only one thing can be done," said ozma, at last, "and that is to return to the nome king and oblige him to tell us what has become of our friend." "perhaps he won't," suggested billina. "he must," returned ozma, firmly. "the king has not treated us honestly, for under the mask of fairness and good nature he entrapped us all, and we would have been forever enchanted had not our wise and clever friend, the yellow hen, found a way to save us." "the king is a villain," declared the scarecrow. "his laugh is worse than another man's frown," said the private, with a shudder. "i thought he was hon-est, but i was mis-tak-en," remarked tiktok. "my thoughts are us-u-al-ly cor-rect, but it is smith & tin-ker's fault if they some-times go wrong or do not work prop-er-ly." "smith & tinker made a very good job of you," said ozma, kindly. "i do not think they should be blamed if you are not quite perfect." "thank you," replied tiktok. "then," said billina, in her brisk little voice, "let us all go back to the nome king, and see what he has to say for himself." so they started for the entrance, ozma going first, with the queen and her train of little princes and princesses following. then came tiktok, and the scarecrow with billina perched upon his straw-stuffed shoulder. the twenty-seven officers and the private brought up the rear. as they reached the hall the doors flew open before them; but then they all stopped and stared into the domed cavern with faces of astonishment and dismay. for the room was filled with the mail-clad warriors of the nome king, rank after rank standing in orderly array. the electric lights upon their brows gleamed brightly, their battle-axes were poised as if to strike down their foes; yet they remained motionless as statues, awaiting the word of command. and in the center of this terrible army sat the little king upon his throne of rock. but he neither smiled nor laughed. instead, his face was distorted with rage, and most dreadful to behold. [illustration] the scarecrow wins the fight [illustration] after billina had entered the palace dorothy and evring sat down to await the success or failure of her mission, and the nome king occupied his throne and smoked his long pipe for a while in a cheerful and contented mood. then the bell above the throne, which sounded whenever an enchantment was broken, began to ring, and the king gave a start of annoyance and exclaimed, "rocketty-ricketts!" when the bell rang a second time the king shouted angrily, "smudge and blazes!" and at a third ring he screamed in a fury, "hippikaloric!" which must be a dreadful word because we don't know what it means. after that the bell went on ringing time after time; but the king was now so violently enraged that he could not utter a word, but hopped out of his throne and all around the room in a mad frenzy, so that he reminded dorothy of a jumping-jack. the girl was, for her part, filled with joy at every peal of the bell, for it announced the fact that billina had transformed one more ornament into a living person. dorothy was also amazed at billina's success, for she could not imagine how the yellow hen was able to guess correctly from all the bewildering number of articles clustered in the rooms of the palace. but after she had counted ten, and the bell continued to ring, she knew that not only the royal family of ev, but ozma and her followers also, were being restored to their natural forms, and she was so delighted that the antics of the angry king only made her laugh merrily. perhaps the little monarch could not be more furious than he was before, but the girl's laughter nearly drove him frantic, and he roared at her like a savage beast. then, as he found that all his enchantments were likely to be dispelled and his victims every one set free, he suddenly ran to the little door that opened upon the balcony and gave the shrill whistle that summoned his warriors. at once the army filed out of the gold and silver doors in great numbers, and marched up a winding stairs and into the throne room, led by a stern featured nome who was their captain. when they had nearly filled the throne room they formed ranks in the big underground cavern below, and then stood still until they were told what to do next. dorothy had pressed back to one side of the cavern when the warriors entered, and now she stood holding little prince evring's hand while the great lion crouched upon one side and the enormous tiger crouched an the other side. "seize that girl!" shouted the king to his captain, and a group of warriors sprang forward to obey. but both the lion and tiger snarled so fiercely and bared their strong, sharp teeth so threateningly, that the men drew back in alarm. "don't mind them!" cried the nome king; "they cannot leap beyond the places where they now stand." "but they can bite those who attempt to touch the girl," said the captain. "i'll fix that," answered the king. "i'll enchant them again, so that they can't open their jaws." he stepped out of the throne to do this, but just then the sawhorse ran up behind him and gave the fat monarch a powerful kick with both his wooden hind legs. "ow! murder! treason!" yelled the king, who had been hurled against several of his warriors and was considerably bruised. "who did that?" "i did," growled the sawhorse, viciously. "you let dorothy alone, or i'll kick you again." "we'll see about that," replied the king, and at once he waved his hand toward the sawhorse and muttered a magical word. "aha!" he continued; "_now_ let us see you move, you wooden mule!" but in spite of the magic the sawhorse moved; and he moved so quickly toward the king, that the fat little man could not get out of his way. thump--_bang!_ came the wooden heels, right against his round body, and the king flew into the air and fell upon the head of his captain, who let him drop flat upon the ground. "well, well!" said the king, sitting up and looking surprised. "why didn't my magic belt work, i wonder?" "the creature is made of wood," replied the captain. "your magic will not work on wood, you know." "ah, i'd forgotten that," said the king, getting up and limping to his throne. "very well, let the girl alone. she can't escape us, anyway." the warriors, who had been rather confused by these incidents, now formed their ranks again, and the sawhorse pranced across the room to dorothy and took a position beside the hungry tiger. at that moment the doors that led to the palace flew open and the people of ev and the people of oz were disclosed to view. they paused, astonished, at sight of the warriors and the angry nome king, seated in their midst. "surrender!" cried the king, in a loud voice. "you are my prisoners." "go 'long!" answered billina, from the scarecrow's shoulder. "you promised me that if i guessed correctly my friends and i might depart in safety. and you always keep your promises." "i said you might leave the palace in safety," retorted the king; "and so you may, but you cannot leave my dominions. you are my prisoners, and i will hurl you all into my underground dungeons, where the volcanic fires glow and the molten lava flows in every direction, and the air is hotter than blue blazes." [illustration: "help, help!" screamed the king] "that will be the end of me, all right," said the scarecrow, sorrowfully. "one small blaze, blue or green, is enough to reduce me to an ash-heap." "do you surrender?" demanded the king. billina whispered something in the scarecrow's ear that made him smile and put his hands in his jacket pockets. "no!" returned ozma, boldly answering the king. then she said to her army: "forward, my brave soldiers, and fight for your ruler and yourselves, unto death!" "pardon me, most royal ozma," replied one of her generals; "but i find that i and my brother officers all suffer from heart disease, and the slightest excitement might kill us. if we fight we may get excited. would it not be well for us to avoid this grave danger?" "soldiers should not have heart disease," said ozma. "private soldiers are not, i believe, afflicted that way," declared another general, twirling his moustache thoughtfully. "if your royal highness desires, we will order our private to attack yonder warriors." "do so," replied ozma. "for-ward--march!" cried all the generals, with one voice. "for-ward--march!" yelled the colonels. "for-ward--march!" shouted the majors. "for-ward--march!" commanded the captains. and at that the private leveled his spear and dashed furiously upon the foe. the captain of the nomes was so surprised by this sudden onslaught that he forgot to command his warriors to fight, so that the ten men in the first row, who stood in front of the private's spear, fell over like so many toy soldiers. the spear could not go through their steel armor, however, so the warriors scrambled to their feet again, and by that time the private had knocked over another row of them. then the captain brought down his battle-axe with such a strong blow that the private's spear was shattered and knocked from his grasp, and he was helpless to fight any longer. the nome king had left his throne and pressed through his warriors to the front ranks, so he could see what was going on; but as he faced ozma and her friends the scarecrow, as if aroused to action by the valor of the private, drew one of billina's eggs from his right jacket pocket and hurled it straight at the little monarch's head. it struck him squarely in his left eye, where the egg smashed and scattered, as eggs will, and covered his face and hair and beard with its sticky contents. "help, help!" screamed the king, clawing with his fingers at the egg, in a struggle to remove it. "an egg! an egg! run for your lives!" shouted the captain of the nomes, in a voice of horror. and how they _did_ run! the warriors fairly tumbled over one another in their efforts to escape the fatal poison of that awful egg, and those who could not rush down the winding stair fell off the balcony into the great cavern beneath, knocking over those who stood below them. even while the king was still yelling for help his throne room became emptied of every one of his warriors, and before the monarch had managed to clear the egg away from his left eye the scarecrow threw the second egg against his right eye, where it smashed and blinded him entirely. the king was unable to flee because he could not see which way to run; so he stood still and howled and shouted and screamed in abject fear. while this was going on, billina flew over to dorothy, and perching herself upon the lion's back the hen whispered eagerly to the girl: "get his belt! get the nome king's jeweled belt! it unbuckles in the back. quick, dorothy--quick!" the fate of the tin woodman [illustration] dorothy obeyed. she ran at once behind the nome king, who was still trying to free his eyes from the egg, and in a twinkling she had unbuckled his splendid jeweled belt and carried it away with her to her place beside the tiger and lion, where, because she did not know what else to do with it, she fastened it around her own slim waist. just then the chief steward rushed in with a sponge and a bowl of water, and began mopping away the broken eggs from his master's face. in a few minutes, and while all the party stood looking on, the king regained the use of his eyes, and the first thing he did was to glare wickedly upon the scarecrow and exclaim: "i'll make you suffer for this, you hay-stuffed dummy! don't you know eggs are poison to nomes?" "really," said the scarecrow, "they _don't_ seem to agree with you, although i wonder why." "they were strictly fresh and above suspicion," said billina. "you ought to be glad to get them." "i'll transform you all into scorpions!" cried the king, angrily, and began waving his arms and muttering magic words. but none of the people became scorpions, so the king stopped and looked at them in surprise. "what's wrong?" he asked. "why, you are not wearing your magic belt," replied the chief steward, after looking the king over carefully. "where is it? what have you done with it?" the nome king clapped his hand to his waist, and his rock colored face turned white as chalk. "it's gone," he cried, helplessly. "it's gone, and i am ruined!" dorothy now stepped forward and said: "royal ozma, and you, queen of ev, i welcome you and your people back to the land of the living. billina has saved you from your troubles, and now we will leave this drea'ful place, and return to ev as soon as poss'ble." while the child spoke they could all see that she wore the magic belt, and a great cheer went up from all her friends, which was led by the voices of the scarecrow and the private. but the nome king did not join them. he crept back onto his throne like a whipped dog, and lay there bitterly bemoaning his defeat. "but we have not yet found my faithful follower, the tin woodman," said ozma to dorothy, "and without him i do not wish to go away." "nor i," replied dorothy, quickly. "wasn't he in the palace?" "he must be there," said billina; "but i had no clew to guide me in guessing the tin woodman, so i must have missed him." "we will go back into the rooms," said dorothy. "this magic belt, i am sure, will help us to find our dear old friend." so she re-entered the palace, the doors of which still stood open, and everyone followed her except the nome king, the queen of ev and prince evring. the mother had taken the little prince in her lap and was fondling and kissing him lovingly, for he was her youngest born. but the others went with dorothy, and when she came to the middle of the first room the girl waved her hand, as she had seen the king do, and commanded the tin woodman, whatever form he might then have, to resume his proper shape. no result followed this attempt, so dorothy went into another room and repeated it, and so through all the rooms of the palace. yet the tin woodman did not appear to them, nor could they imagine which among the thousands of ornaments was their transformed friend. sadly they returned to the throne room, where the king, seeing that they had met with failure, jeered at dorothy, saying: "you do not know how to use my belt, so it is of no use to you. give it back to me and i will let you go free--you and all the people who came with you. as for the royal family of ev, they are my slaves, and shall remain here." "i shall keep the belt," said dorothy. "but how can you escape, without my consent?" asked the king. "easily enough," answered the girl. "all we need to do is to walk out the way that we came in." [illustration: dorothy and billina argue with the king] "oh, that's all, is it?" sneered the king. "well, where is the passage through which you entered this room?" they all looked around, but could not discover the place, for it had long since been closed. dorothy, however, would not be dismayed. she waved her hand toward the seemingly solid wall of the cavern and said: "i command the passage to open!" instantly the order was obeyed; the opening appeared and the passage lay plainly before them. the king was amazed, and all the others overjoyed. "why, then, if the belt obeys you, were we unable to discover the tin woodman?" asked ozma. "i can't imagine," said dorothy. "see here, girl," proposed the king, eagerly; "give me the belt, and i will tell you what shape the tin woodman was changed into, and then you can easily find him." dorothy hesitated, but billina cried out: "don't you do it! if the nome king gets the belt again he will make every one of us prisoners, for we will be in his power. only by keeping the belt, dorothy, will you ever be able to leave this place in safety." "i think that is true," said the scarecrow. "but i have another idea, due to my excellent brains. let dorothy transform the king into a goose-egg unless he agrees to go into the palace and bring out to us the ornament which is our friend nick chopper, the tin woodman." "a goose-egg!" echoed the horrified king. "how dreadful!" [illustration] "well, a goose-egg you will be unless you go and fetch us the ornament we want," declared billina, with a joyful chuckle. "you can see for yourself that dorothy is able to use the magic belt all right," added the scarecrow. the nome king thought it over and finally consented, for he did not want to be a goose-egg. so he went into the palace to get the ornament which was the transformation of the tin woodman, and they all awaited his return with considerable impatience, for they were anxious to leave this underground cavern and see the sunshine once more. but when the nome king came back he brought nothing with him except a puzzled and anxious expression upon his face. "he's gone!" he said. "the tin woodman is nowhere in the palace." "are you sure?" asked ozma, sternly. "i'm very sure," answered the king, trembling, "for i know just what i transformed him into, and exactly where he stood. but he is not there, and please don't change me into a goose-egg, because i've done the best i could." they were all silent for a time, and then dorothy said: "there is no use punishing the nome king any more, and i'm 'fraid we'll have to go away without our friend." "if he is not here, we cannot rescue him," agreed the scarecrow, sadly. "poor nick! i wonder what has become of him." "and he owed me six weeks back pay!" said one of the generals, wiping the tears from his eyes with his gold-laced coat sleeve. very sorrowfully they determined to return to the upper world without their former companion, and so ozma gave the order to begin the march through the passage. the army went first, and then the royal family of ev, and afterward came dorothy, ozma, billina, the scarecrow and tiktok. they left the nome king scowling at them from his throne, and had no thought of danger until ozma chanced to look back and saw a large number of the warriors following them in full chase, with their swords and spears and axes raised to strike down the fugitives as soon as they drew near enough. evidently the nome king had made this last attempt to prevent their escaping him; but it did him no good, for when dorothy saw the danger they were in she stopped and waved her hand and whispered a command to the magic belt. [illustration] instantly the foremost warriors became eggs, which rolled upon the floor of the cavern in such numbers that those behind could not advance without stepping upon them. but, when they saw the eggs, all desire to advance departed from the warriors, and they turned and fled madly into the cavern, and refused to go back again. our friends had no farther trouble in reaching the end of the passage, and soon were standing in the outer air upon the gloomy path between the two high mountains. but the way to ev lay plainly before them, and they fervently hoped that they had seen the last of the nome king and of his dreadful palace. the cavalcade was led by ozma, mounted on the cowardly lion, and the queen of ev, who rode upon the back of the tiger. the children of the queen walked behind her, hand in hand. dorothy rode the sawhorse, while the scarecrow walked and commanded the army in the absence of the tin woodman. presently the way began to lighten and more of the sunshine to come in between the two mountains. and before long they heard the "thump! thump! thump!" of the giant's hammer upon the road. "how may we pass the monstrous man of iron?" asked the queen, anxious for the safety of her children. but dorothy solved the problem by a word to the magic belt. the giant paused, with his hammer held motionless in the air, thus allowing the entire party to pass between his cast-iron legs in safety. the king of ev [illustration] if there were any shifting, rock-colored nomes on the mountain side now, they were silent and respectful, for our adventurers were not annoyed, as before, by their impudent laughter. really the nomes had nothing to laugh at, since the defeat of their king. on the other side they found ozma's golden chariot, standing as they had left it. soon the lion and the tiger were harnessed to the beautiful chariot, in which was enough room for ozma and the queen and six of the royal children. little evring preferred to ride with dorothy upon the sawhorse, which had a long back. the prince had recovered from his shyness and had become very fond of the girl who had rescued him, so they were fast friends and chatted pleasantly together as they rode along. billina was also perched upon the head of the wooden steed, which seemed not to mind the added weight in the least, and the boy was full of wonder that a hen could talk, and say such sensible things. when they came to the gulf, ozma's magic carpet carried them all over in safety; and now they began to pass the trees, in which birds were singing; and the breeze that was wafted to them from the farms of ev was spicy with flowers and new-mown hay; and the sunshine fell full upon them, to warm them and drive away from their bodies the chill and dampness of the underground kingdom of the nomes. "i would be quite content," said the scarecrow to tiktok, "were only the tin woodman with us. but it breaks my heart to leave him behind." "he was a fine fel-low," replied tiktok, "al-though his ma-ter-i-al was not ve-ry du-ra-ble." "oh, tin is an excellent material," the scarecrow hastened to say; "and if anything ever happened to poor nick chopper he was always easily soldered. besides, he did not have to be wound up, and was not liable to get out of order." "i some-times wish," said tiktok, "that i was stuffed with straw, as you are. it is hard to be made of cop-per." "i have no reason to complain of my lot," replied the scarecrow. "a little fresh straw, now and then, makes me as good as new. but i can never be the polished gentleman that my poor departed friend, the tin woodman, was." you may be sure the royal children of ev and their queen mother were delighted at seeing again their beloved country; and when the towers of the palace of ev came into view they could not forbear cheering at the sight. little evring, riding in front of dorothy, was so overjoyed that he took a curious tin whistle from his pocket and blew a shrill blast that made the sawhorse leap and prance in sudden alarm. "what is that?" asked billina, who had been obliged to flutter her wings in order to keep her seat upon the head of the frightened sawhorse. "that's my whistle," said prince evring, holding it out upon his hand. it was in the shape of a little fat pig, made of tin and painted green. the whistle was in the tail of the pig. "where did you get it?" asked the yellow hen, closely examining the toy with her bright eyes. "why, i picked it up in the nome king's palace, while dorothy was making her guesses, and i put it in my pocket," answered the little prince. [illustration] billina laughed; or at least she made the peculiar cackle that served her for a laugh. "no wonder i couldn't find the tin woodman," she said; "and no wonder the magic belt didn't make him appear, or the king couldn't find him, either!" "what do you mean?" questioned dorothy. "why, the prince had him in his pocket," cried billina, cackling again. "i did not!" protested little evring. "i only took the whistle." "well, then, watch me," returned the hen, and reaching out a claw she touched the whistle and said "ev." swish! "good afternoon," said the tin woodman, taking off his funnel cap and bowing to dorothy and the prince. "i think i must have been asleep for the first time since i was made of tin, for i do not remember our leaving the nome king." "you have been enchanted," answered the girl, throwing an arm around her old friend and hugging him tight in her joy. "but it's all right, now." "i want my whistle!" said the little prince, beginning to cry. "hush!" cautioned billina. "the whistle is lost, but you may have another when you get home." [illustration: "your future ruler, king evardo fifteenth"] the scarecrow had fairly thrown himself upon the bosom of his old comrade, so surprised and delighted was he to see him again, and tiktok squeezed the tin woodman's hand so earnestly that he dented some of his fingers. then they had to make way for ozma to welcome the tin man, and the army caught sight of him and set up a cheer, and everybody was delighted and happy. for the tin woodman was a great favorite with all who knew him, and his sudden recovery after they had thought he was lost to them forever was indeed a pleasant surprise. before long, the cavalcade arrived at the royal palace, where a great crowd of people had gathered to welcome their queen and her ten children. there was much shouting and cheering, and the people threw flowers in their path, and every face wore a happy smile. they found the princess langwidere in her mirrored chamber, where she was admiring one of her handsomest heads--one with rich chestnut hair, dreamy walnut eyes and a shapely hickorynut nose. she was very glad to be relieved of her duties to the people of ev, and the queen graciously permitted her to retain her rooms and her cabinet of heads as long as she lived. then the queen took her eldest son out upon a balcony that overlooked the crowd of subjects gathered below, and said to them: "here is your future ruler, king evardo fifteenth. he is fifteen years of age, has fifteen silver buckles on his jacket and is the fifteenth evardo to rule the land of ev." the people shouted their approval fifteen times, and even the wheelers, some of whom were present, loudly promised to obey the new king. so the queen placed a big crown of gold, set with rubies, upon evardo's head, and threw an ermine robe over his shoulders, and proclaimed him king; and he bowed gratefully to all his subjects and then went away to see if he could find any cake in the royal pantry. ozma of oz and her people, as well as dorothy, tiktok and billina, were splendidly entertained by the queen mother, who owed all her happiness to their kind offices; and that evening the yellow hen was publicly presented with a beautiful necklace of pearls and sapphires, as a token of esteem from the new king. [illustration] the emerald city [illustration] dorothy decided to accept ozma's invitation to return with her to the land of oz. there was no greater chance of her getting home from ev than from oz, and the little girl was anxious to see once more the country where she had encountered such wonderful adventures. by this time uncle henry would have reached australia in his ship, and had probably given her up for lost; so he couldn't worry any more than he did if she stayed away from him a while longer. so she would go to oz. they bade good-bye to the people of ev, and the king promised ozma that he would ever be grateful to her and render the land of oz any service that might lie within his power. and then they approached the edge of the dangerous desert, and ozma threw down the magic carpet, which at once unrolled far enough for all of them to walk upon it without being crowded. tiktok, claiming to be dorothy's faithful follower because he belonged to her, had been permitted to join the party, and before they started the girl wound up his machinery as far as possible, and the copper man stepped off as briskly as any one of them. ozma also invited billina to visit the land of oz, and the yellow hen was glad enough to go where new sights and scenes awaited her. they began the trip across the desert early in the morning, and as they stopped only long enough for billina to lay her daily egg, before sunset they espied the green slopes and wooded hills of the beautiful land of oz. they entered it in the munchkin territory, and the king of the munchkins met them at the border and welcomed ozma with great respect, being very pleased by her safe return. for ozma of oz ruled the king of the munchkins, the king of the winkies, the king of the quadlings and the king of the gillikins just as those kings ruled their own people; and this supreme ruler of the land of oz lived in a great town of her own, called the emerald city, which was in the exact center of the four kingdoms of the land of oz. the munchkin king entertained them at his palace that night, and in the morning they set out for the emerald city, travelling over a road of yellow brick that led straight to the jewel-studded gates. everywhere the people turned out to greet their beloved ozma and to hail joyfully the scarecrow, the tin woodman and the cowardly lion, who were popular favorites. dorothy, too, remembered some of the people, who had befriended her on the occasion of her first visit to oz, and they were well pleased to see the little kansas girl again, and showered her with compliments and good wishes. at one place, where they stopped to refresh themselves, ozma accepted a bowl of milk from the hands of a pretty dairy-maid. then she looked at the girl more closely, and exclaimed: "why, it's jinjur--isn't it!" "yes, your highness," was the reply, as jinjur dropped a low curtsy. and dorothy looked wonderingly at this lively appearing person, who had once assembled an army of women and driven the scarecrow from the throne of the emerald city, and even fought a battle with the powerful army of glinda the sorceress. "i've married a man who owns nine cows," said jinjur to ozma, "and now i am happy and contented and willing to lead a quiet life and mind my own business." [illustration] "where is your husband?" asked ozma. "he is in the house, nursing a black eye," replied jinjur, calmly. "the foolish man would insist upon milking the red cow when i wanted him to milk the white one; but he will know better next time, i am sure." then the party moved on again, and after crossing a broad river on a ferry and passing many fine farm houses that were dome shaped and painted a pretty green color, they came in sight of a large building that was covered with flags and bunting. "i don't remember that building," said dorothy. "what is it?" "that is the college of art and athletic perfection," replied ozma. "i had it built quite recently, and the woggle-bug is its president. it keeps him busy, and the young men who attend the college are no worse off than they were before. you see, in this country are a number of youths who do not like to work, and the college is an excellent place for them." and now they came in sight of the emerald city, and the people flocked out to greet their lovely ruler. there were several bands and many officers and officials of the realm, and a crowd of citizens in their holiday attire. thus the beautiful ozma was escorted by a brilliant procession to her royal city, and so great was the cheering that she was obliged to constantly bow to the right and left to acknowledge the greetings of her subjects. [illustration: "i promote you to be captain-general"] that evening there was a grand reception in the royal palace, attended by the most important persons of oz, and jack pumpkinhead, who was a little over-ripe but still active, read an address congratulating ozma of oz upon the success of her generous mission to rescue the royal family of a neighboring kingdom. then magnificent gold medals set with precious stones were presented to each of the twenty-six officers; and the tin woodman was given a new axe studded with diamonds; and the scarecrow received a silver jar of complexion powder. dorothy was presented with a pretty coronet and made a princess of oz, and tiktok received two bracelets set with eight rows of very clear and sparkling emeralds. afterward they sat down to a splendid feast, and ozma put dorothy at her right and billina at her left, where the hen sat upon a golden roost and ate from a jeweled platter. then were placed the scarecrow, the tin woodman and tiktok, with baskets of lovely flowers before them, because they did not require food. the twenty-six officers were at the lower end of the table, and the lion and the tiger also had seats, and were served on golden platters, that held a half a bushel at one time. the wealthiest and most important citizens of the emerald city were proud to wait upon these famous adventurers, and they were assisted by a sprightly little maid named jellia jamb, whom the scarecrow pinched upon her rosy cheeks and seemed to know very well. during the feast ozma grew thoughtful, and suddenly she asked: "where is the private?" "oh, he is sweeping out the barracks," replied one of the generals, who was busy eating a leg of a turkey. "but i have ordered him a dish of bread and molasses to eat when his work is done." "let him be sent for," said the girl ruler. while they waited for this command to be obeyed, she enquired: "have we any other privates in the armies?" "oh, yes," replied the tin woodman, "i believe there are three, altogether." the private now entered, saluting his officers and the royal ozma very respectfully. "what is your name, my man?" asked the girl. "omby amby," answered the private. "then, omby amby," said she, "i promote you to be captain general of all the armies of my kingdom, and especially to be commander of my body guard at the royal palace." "it is very expensive to hold so many offices," said the private, hesitating. "i have no money with which to buy uniforms." "you shall be supplied from the royal treasury," said ozma. then the private was given a seat at the table, where the other officers welcomed him cordially, and the feasting and merriment were resumed. suddenly jellia jamb exclaimed: "there is nothing more to eat! the hungry tiger has consumed everything!" "but that is not the worst of it," declared the tiger, mournfully. "somewhere or somehow, i've actually lost my appetite!" [illustration] dorothy's magic belt [illustration] dorothy passed several very happy weeks in the land of oz as the guest of the royal ozma, who delighted to please and interest the little kansas girl. many new acquaintances were formed and many old ones renewed, and wherever she went dorothy found herself among friends. one day, however, as she sat in ozma's private room, she noticed hanging upon the wall a picture which constantly changed in appearance, at one time showing a meadow and at another time a forest, a lake or a village. "how curious!" she exclaimed, after watching the shifting scenes for a few moments. "yes," said ozma, "that is really a wonderful invention in magic. if i wish to see any part of the world or any person living, i need only express the wish and it is shown in the picture." "may i use it?" asked dorothy, eagerly. "of course, my dear." "then i'd like to see the old kansas farm, and aunt em," said the girl. instantly the well remembered farmhouse appeared in the picture, and aunt em could be seen quite plainly. she was engaged in washing dishes by the kitchen window and seemed quite well and contented. the hired men and the teams were in the harvest fields behind the house, and the corn and wheat seemed to the child to be in prime condition. on the side porch dorothy's pet dog, toto, was lying fast asleep in the sun, and to her surprise old speckles was running around with a brood of twelve new chickens trailing after her. "everything seems all right at home," said dorothy, with a sigh of relief. "now i wonder what uncle henry is doing." the scene in the picture at once shifted to australia, where, in a pleasant room in sydney, uncle henry was seated in an easy chair, solemnly smoking his briar pipe. he looked sad and lonely, and his hair was now quite white and his hands and face thin and wasted. "oh!" cried dorothy, in an anxious voice, "i'm sure uncle henry isn't getting any better, and it's because he is worried about me. ozma, dear, i must go to him at once!" "how can you?" asked ozma. "i don't know," replied dorothy; "but let us go to glinda the good. i'm sure she will help me, and advise me how to get to uncle henry." ozma readily agreed to this plan and caused the sawhorse to be harnessed to a pretty green and pink phaeton, and the two girls rode away to visit the famous sorceress. glinda received them graciously, and listened to dorothy's story with attention. "i have the magic belt, you know," said the little girl. "if i buckled it around my waist and commanded it to take me to uncle henry, wouldn't it do it?" "i think so," replied glinda, with a smile. "and then," continued dorothy, "if i ever wanted to come back here again, the belt would bring me." [illustration: "that is a wise plan," replied glinda] "in that you are wrong," said the sorceress. "the belt has magical powers only while it is in some fairy country, such as the land of oz, or the land of ev. indeed, my little friend, were you to wear it and wish yourself in australia, with your uncle, the wish would doubtless be fulfilled, because it was made in fairyland. but you would not find the magic belt around you when you arrived at your destination." "what would become of it?" asked the girl. "it would be lost, as were your silver shoes when you visited oz before, and no one would ever see it again. it seems too bad to destroy the use of the magic belt in that way, doesn't it?" "then," said dorothy, after a moment's thought, "i will give the magic belt to ozma, for she can use it in her own country. and she can wish me transported to uncle henry without losing the belt." "that is a wise plan," replied glinda. so they rode back to the emerald city, and on the way it was arranged that every saturday morning ozma would look at dorothy in her magic picture, wherever the little girl might chance to be. and, if she saw dorothy make a certain signal, then ozma would know that the little kansas girl wanted to revisit the land of oz, and by means of the nome king's magic belt would wish that she might instantly return. this having been agreed upon, dorothy bade good-bye to all her friends. tiktok wanted to go to australia, too; but dorothy knew that the machine man would never do for a servant in a civilized country, and the chances were that his machinery wouldn't work at all. so she left him in ozma's care. billina, on the contrary, preferred the land of oz to any other country, and refused to accompany dorothy. "the bugs and ants that i find here are the finest flavored in the world," declared the yellow hen, "and there are plenty of them. so here i shall end my days; and i must say, dorothy, my dear, that you are very foolish to go back into that stupid, humdrum world again." "uncle henry needs me," said dorothy, simply; and every one except billina thought it was right that she should go. all dorothy's friends of the land of oz--both old and new--gathered in a group in front of the palace to bid her a sorrowful good-bye and to wish her long life and happiness. after much hand shaking, dorothy kissed ozma once more, and then handed her the nome king's magic belt, saying: "now, dear princess, when i wave my handkerchief, please wish me with uncle henry. i'm aw'fly sorry to leave you--and the scarecrow--and the tin woodman--and the cowardly lion--and tiktok--and--and everybody--but i do want my uncle henry! so good-bye, all of you." [illustration] then the little girl stood on one of the big emeralds which decorated the courtyard, and after looking once again at each of her friends, waved her handkerchief. * * * * * "no," said dorothy, "i wasn't drowned at all. and i've come to nurse you and take care of you, uncle henry, and you must promise to get well as soon as poss'ble." uncle henry smiled and cuddled his little niece close in his lap. "i'm better already, my darling," said he. [illustration] * * * * * books by l. frank baum illustrated by john r. neill each book handsomely bound in artistic pictorial cover. $1.25 per volume. the land of oz an account of the adventures of the scarecrow, the tin woodman, jack punpkinhead, the animated saw-horse, the highly magnified woggle-bug, the gump and many other delightful characters. nearly 150 black-and-white illustrations and sixteen full-page pictures in color. ozma of oz the story tells "more about dorothy," as well as those famous characters, the scarecrow, the tin woodman and the cowardly lion, and something of several new creations equally delightful, including tiktok the machine man, the yellow hen, the nome king and the hungry tiger. forty-one full-page colored pictures; twenty-two half pages in color and fifty black-and-white text pictures. dorothy and the wizard in oz in this book dorothy, with zeb, a little boy friend, and jim, the cab horse, are swallowed up in an earthquake and reach a strange vegetable land, whence they escape to the land of oz, and meet all their old friends. among the new characters are eureka, dorothy's pink kitten, and the nine tiny piglets. gorgeously illustrated with sixteen full color pages and numerous black-and-white pictures. the road to oz tells how to reach the magic city of oz over a road leading through lands of many colors, peopled with odd characters, surcharged with adventure suitable for the minds and imaginations of young children. the manufacture represents an entirely new idea--the paper used is of various colors to indicate the several countries traversed by the road leading to oz and the emerald city. unique and gorgeous jacket in colors and gold. the emerald city of oz in this story, the nome king threatens to capture the emerald city. ozma and dorothy, with the help of glinda the good defeat his plan. all the old characters and many new ones enliven this story. 16 full-page pictures in four colors and green bronze. 100 black-and-white illustrations. jacket in four colors and aluminum and green bronze. the patchwork girl of oz in many ways the most successful of the oz books. a new and fascinating character, the patchwork girl, and ojo, a new boy, have adventures of lively interest. over 100 full-page pictures in full color and in black and white. full-length chapter heads in full color. jacket in four colors; cover in four stampings. the road to oz in which is related how dorothy gale of kansas, the shaggy man, button bright, and polychrome the rainbow's daughter met on an enchanted road and followed it all the way to the marvelous land of oz. by l. frank baum "royal historian of oz" contents --to my readers- 1. the way to butterfield 2. dorothy meets button-bright 3. a queer village 4. king dox 5. the rainbow's daughter 6. the city of beasts 7. the shaggy man's transformation 8. the musicker 9. facing the scoodlers 10. escaping the soup-kettle 11. johnny dooit does it 12. the deadly desert crossed 13. the truth pond 14. tik-tok and billina 15. the emperor's tin castle 16. visiting the pumpkin-field 17. the royal chariot arrives 18. the emerald city 19. the shaggy man's welcome 20. princess ozma of oz 21. dorothy receives the guests 22. important arrivals 23. the grand banquet 24. the birthday celebration to my readers well, my dears, here is what you have asked for: another "oz book" about dorothy's strange adventures. toto is in this story, because you wanted him to be there, and many other characters which you will recognize are in the story, too. indeed, the wishes of my little correspondents have been considered as carefully as possible, and if the story is not exactly as you would have written it yourselves, you must remember that a story has to be a story before it can be written down, and the writer cannot change it much without spoiling it. in the preface to "dorothy and the wizard of oz" i said i would like to write some stories that were not "oz" stories, because i thought i had written about oz long enough; but since that volume was published i have been fairly deluged with letters from children imploring me to "write more about dorothy," and "more about oz," and since i write only to please the children i shall try to respect their wishes. there are some new characters in this book that ought to win your love. i'm very fond of the shaggy man myself, and i think you will like him, too. as for polychrome--the rainbow's daughter--and stupid little button-bright, they seem to have brought a new element of fun into these oz stories, and i am glad i discovered them. yet i am anxious to have you write and tell me how you like them. since this book was written i have received some very remarkable news from the land of oz, which has greatly astonished me. i believe it will astonish you, too, my dears, when you hear it. but it is such a long and exciting story that it must be saved for another book--and perhaps that book will be the last story that will ever be told about the land of oz. l. frank baum coronado, 1909. 1. the way to butterfield "please, miss," said the shaggy man, "can you tell me the road to butterfield?" dorothy looked him over. yes, he was shaggy, all right, but there was a twinkle in his eye that seemed pleasant. "oh yes," she replied; "i can tell you. but it isn't this road at all." "no?" "you cross the ten-acre lot, follow the lane to the highway, go north to the five branches, and take--let me see--" "to be sure, miss; see as far as butterfield, if you like," said the shaggy man. "you take the branch next the willow stump, i b'lieve; or else the branch by the gopher holes; or else--" "won't any of 'em do, miss?" "'course not, shaggy man. you must take the right road to get to butterfield." "and is that the one by the gopher stump, or--" "dear me!" cried dorothy. "i shall have to show you the way, you're so stupid. wait a minute till i run in the house and get my sunbonnet." the shaggy man waited. he had an oat-straw in his mouth, which he chewed slowly as if it tasted good; but it didn't. there was an apple-tree beside the house, and some apples had fallen to the ground. the shaggy man thought they would taste better than the oat-straw, so he walked over to get some. a little black dog with bright brown eyes dashed out of the farm-house and ran madly toward the shaggy man, who had already picked up three apples and put them in one of the big wide pockets of his shaggy coat. the little dog barked and made a dive for the shaggy man's leg; but he grabbed the dog by the neck and put it in his big pocket along with the apples. he took more apples, afterward, for many were on the ground; and each one that he tossed into his pocket hit the little dog somewhere upon the head or back, and made him growl. the little dog's name was toto, and he was sorry he had been put in the shaggy man's pocket. pretty soon dorothy came out of the house with her sunbonnet, and she called out: "come on, shaggy man, if you want me to show you the road to butterfield." she climbed the fence into the ten-acre lot and he followed her, walking slowly and stumbling over the little hillocks in the pasture as if he was thinking of something else and did not notice them. "my, but you're clumsy!" said the little girl. "are your feet tired?" "no, miss; it's my whiskers; they tire very easily in this warm weather," said he. "i wish it would snow, don't you?" "'course not, shaggy man," replied dorothy, giving him a severe look. "if it snowed in august it would spoil the corn and the oats and the wheat; and then uncle henry wouldn't have any crops; and that would make him poor; and--" "never mind," said the shaggy man. "it won't snow, i guess. is this the lane?" "yes," replied dorothy, climbing another fence; "i'll go as far as the highway with you." "thankee, miss; you're very kind for your size, i'm sure," said he gratefully. "it isn't everyone who knows the road to butterfield," dorothy remarked as she tripped along the lane; "but i've driven there many a time with uncle henry, and so i b'lieve i could find it blindfolded." "don't do that, miss," said the shaggy man earnestly; "you might make a mistake." "i won't," she answered, laughing. "here's the highway. now it's the second--no, the third turn to the left--or else it's the fourth. let's see. the first one is by the elm tree, and the second is by the gopher holes; and then--" "then what?" he inquired, putting his hands in his coat pockets. toto grabbed a finger and bit it; the shaggy man took his hand out of that pocket quickly, and said "oh!" dorothy did not notice. she was shading her eyes from the sun with her arm, looking anxiously down the road. "come on," she commanded. "it's only a little way farther, so i may as well show you." after a while, they came to the place where five roads branched in different directions; dorothy pointed to one, and said: "that's it, shaggy man." "i'm much obliged, miss," he said, and started along another road. "not that one!" she cried; "you're going wrong." he stopped. "i thought you said that other was the road to butterfield," said he, running his fingers through his shaggy whiskers in a puzzled way. "so it is." "but i don't want to go to butterfield, miss." "you don't?" "of course not. i wanted you to show me the road, so i shouldn't go there by mistake." "oh! where do you want to go, then?" "i'm not particular, miss." this answer astonished the little girl; and it made her provoked, too, to think she had taken all this trouble for nothing. "there are a good many roads here," observed the shaggy man, turning slowly around, like a human windmill. "seems to me a person could go 'most anywhere, from this place." dorothy turned around too, and gazed in surprise. there were a good many roads; more than she had ever seen before. she tried to count them, knowing there ought to be five, but when she had counted seventeen she grew bewildered and stopped, for the roads were as many as the spokes of a wheel and ran in every direction from the place where they stood; so if she kept on counting she was likely to count some of the roads twice. "dear me!" she exclaimed. "there used to be only five roads, highway and all. and now--why, where's the highway, shaggy man?" "can't say, miss," he responded, sitting down upon the ground as if tired with standing. "wasn't it here a minute ago?" "i thought so," she answered, greatly perplexed. "and i saw the gopher holes, too, and the dead stump; but they're not here now. these roads are all strange--and what a lot of them there are! where do you suppose they all go to?" "roads," observed the shaggy man, "don't go anywhere. they stay in one place, so folks can walk on them." he put his hand in his side-pocket and drew out an apple--quick, before toto could bite him again. the little dog got his head out this time and said "bow-wow!" so loudly that it made dorothy jump. "o, toto!" she cried; "where did you come from?" "i brought him along," said the shaggy man. "what for?" she asked. "to guard these apples in my pocket, miss, so no one would steal them." with one hand the shaggy man held the apple, which he began eating, while with the other hand he pulled toto out of his pocket and dropped him to the ground. of course toto made for dorothy at once, barking joyfully at his release from the dark pocket. when the child had patted his head lovingly, he sat down before her, his red tongue hanging out one side of his mouth, and looked up into her face with his bright brown eyes, as if asking her what they should do next. dorothy didn't know. she looked around her anxiously for some familiar landmark; but everything was strange. between the branches of the many roads were green meadows and a few shrubs and trees, but she couldn't see anywhere the farm-house from which she had just come, or anything she had ever seen before--except the shaggy man and toto. besides this, she had turned around and around so many times trying to find out where she was, that now she couldn't even tell which direction the farm-house ought to be in; and this began to worry her and make her feel anxious. "i'm 'fraid, shaggy man," she said, with a sigh, "that we're lost!" "that's nothing to be afraid of," he replied, throwing away the core of his apple and beginning to eat another one. "each of these roads must lead somewhere, or it wouldn't be here. so what does it matter?" "i want to go home again," she said. "well, why don't you?" said he. "i don't know which road to take." "that is too bad," he said, shaking his shaggy head gravely. "i wish i could help you; but i can't. i'm a stranger in these parts." "seems as if i were, too," she said, sitting down beside him. "it's funny. a few minutes ago i was home, and i just came to show you the way to butterfield--" "so i shouldn't make a mistake and go there--" "and now i'm lost myself and don't know how to get home!" "have an apple," suggested the shaggy man, handing her one with pretty red cheeks. "i'm not hungry," said dorothy, pushing it away. "but you may be, to-morrow; then you'll be sorry you didn't eat the apple," said he. "if i am, i'll eat the apple then," promised dorothy. "perhaps there won't be any apple then," he returned, beginning to eat the red-cheeked one himself. "dogs sometimes can find their way home better than people," he went on; "perhaps your dog can lead you back to the farm." "will you, toto?" asked dorothy. toto wagged his tail vigorously. "all right," said the girl; "let's go home." toto looked around a minute and dashed up one of the roads. "good-bye, shaggy man," called dorothy, and ran after toto. the little dog pranced briskly along for some distance; when he turned around and looked at his mistress questioningly. "oh, don't 'spect me to tell you anything; i don't know the way," she said. "you'll have to find it yourself." but toto couldn't. he wagged his tail, and sneezed, and shook his ears, and trotted back where they had left the shaggy man. from here he started along another road; then came back and tried another; but each time he found the way strange and decided it would not take them to the farm-house. finally, when dorothy had begun to tire with chasing after him, toto sat down panting beside the shaggy man and gave up. dorothy sat down, too, very thoughtful. the little girl had encountered some queer adventures since she came to live at the farm; but this was the queerest of them all. to get lost in fifteen minutes, so near to her home and in the unromantic state of kansas, was an experience that fairly bewildered her. "will your folks worry?" asked the shaggy man, his eyes twinkling in a pleasant way. "i s'pose so," answered dorothy with a sigh. "uncle henry says there's always something happening to me; but i've always come home safe at the last. so perhaps he'll take comfort and think i'll come home safe this time." "i'm sure you will," said the shaggy man, smilingly nodding at her. "good little girls never come to any harm, you know. for my part, i'm good, too; so nothing ever hurts me." dorothy looked at him curiously. his clothes were shaggy, his boots were shaggy and full of holes, and his hair and whiskers were shaggy. but his smile was sweet and his eyes were kind. "why didn't you want to go to butterfield?" she asked. "because a man lives there who owes me fifteen cents, and if i went to butterfield and he saw me he'd want to pay me the money. i don't want money, my dear." "why not?" she inquired. "money," declared the shaggy man, "makes people proud and haughty. i don't want to be proud and haughty. all i want is to have people love me; and as long as i own the love magnet, everyone i meet is sure to love me dearly." "the love magnet! why, what's that?" "i'll show you, if you won't tell any one," he answered, in a low, mysterious voice. "there isn't any one to tell, 'cept toto," said the girl. the shaggy man searched in one pocket, carefully; and in another pocket; and in a third. at last he drew out a small parcel wrapped in crumpled paper and tied with a cotton string. he unwound the string, opened the parcel, and took out a bit of metal shaped like a horseshoe. it was dull and brown, and not very pretty. "this, my dear," said he, impressively, "is the wonderful love magnet. it was given me by an eskimo in the sandwich islands--where there are no sandwiches at all--and as long as i carry it every living thing i meet will love me dearly." "why didn't the eskimo keep it?" she asked, looking at the magnet with interest. "he got tired of being loved and longed for some one to hate him. so he gave me the magnet and the very next day a grizzly bear ate him." "wasn't he sorry then?" she inquired. "he didn't say," replied the shaggy man, wrapping and tying the love magnet with great care and putting it away in another pocket. "but the bear didn't seem sorry a bit," he added. "did you know the bear?" asked dorothy. "yes; we used to play ball together in the caviar islands. the bear loved me because i had the love magnet. i couldn't blame him for eating the eskimo, because it was his nature to do so." "once," said dorothy, "i knew a hungry tiger who longed to eat fat babies, because it was his nature to; but he never ate any because he had a conscience." "this bear," replied the shaggy man, with a sigh, "had no conscience, you see." the shaggy man sat silent for several minutes, apparently considering the cases of the bear and the tiger, while toto watched him with an air of great interest. the little dog was doubtless thinking of his ride in the shaggy man's pocket and planning to keep out of reach in the future. at last the shaggy man turned and inquired, "what's your name, little girl?" "my name's dorothy," said she, jumping up again, "but what are we going to do? we can't stay here forever, you know." "let's take the seventh road," he suggested. "seven is a lucky number for little girls named dorothy." "the seventh from where?" "from where you begin to count." so she counted seven roads, and the seventh looked just like all the others; but the shaggy man got up from the ground where he had been sitting and started down this road as if sure it was the best way to go; and dorothy and toto followed him. 2. dorothy meets button-bright the seventh road was a good road, and curved this way and that--winding through green meadows and fields covered with daisies and buttercups and past groups of shady trees. there were no houses of any sort to be seen, and for some distance they met with no living creature at all. dorothy began to fear they were getting a good way from the farm-house, since here everything was strange to her; but it would do no good at all to go back where the other roads all met, because the next one they chose might lead her just as far from home. she kept on beside the shaggy man, who whistled cheerful tunes to beguile the journey, until by and by they followed a turn in the road and saw before them a big chestnut tree making a shady spot over the highway. in the shade sat a little boy dressed in sailor clothes, who was digging a hole in the earth with a bit of wood. he must have been digging some time, because the hole was already big enough to drop a football into. dorothy and toto and the shaggy man came to a halt before the little boy, who kept on digging in a sober and persistent fashion. "who are you?" asked the girl. he looked up at her calmly. his face was round and chubby and his eyes were big, blue and earnest. "i'm button-bright," said he. "but what's your real name?" she inquired. "button-bright." "that isn't a really-truly name!" she exclaimed. "isn't it?" he asked, still digging. "'course not. it's just a--a thing to call you by. you must have a name." "must i?" "to be sure. what does your mama call you?" he paused in his digging and tried to think. "papa always said i was bright as a button; so mama always called me button-bright," he said. "what is your papa's name?" "just papa." "what else?" "don't know." "never mind," said the shaggy man, smiling. "we'll call the boy button-bright, as his mama does. that name is as good as any, and better than some." dorothy watched the boy dig. "where do you live?" she asked. "don't know," was the reply. "how did you come here?" "don't know," he said again. "don't you know where you came from?" "no," said he. "why, he must be lost," she said to the shaggy man. she turned to the boy once more. "what are you going to do?" she inquired. "dig," said he. "but you can't dig forever; and what are you going to do then?" she persisted. "don't know," said the boy. "but you must know something," declared dorothy, getting provoked. "must i?" he asked, looking up in surprise. "of course you must." "what must i know?" "what's going to become of you, for one thing," she answered. "do you know what's going to become of me?" he asked. "not--not 'zactly," she admitted. "do you know what's going to become of you?" he continued, earnestly. "i can't say i do," replied dorothy, remembering her present difficulties. the shaggy man laughed. "no one knows everything, dorothy," he said. "but button-bright doesn't seem to know anything," she declared. "do you, button-bright?" he shook his head, which had pretty curls all over it, and replied with perfect calmness: "don't know." never before had dorothy met with anyone who could give her so little information. the boy was evidently lost, and his people would be sure to worry about him. he seemed two or three years younger than dorothy, and was prettily dressed, as if someone loved him dearly and took much pains to make him look well. how, then, did he come to be in this lonely road? she wondered. near button-bright, on the ground, lay a sailor hat with a gilt anchor on the band. his sailor trousers were long and wide at the bottom, and the broad collar of his blouse had gold anchors sewed on its corners. the boy was still digging at his hole. "have you ever been to sea?" asked dorothy. "to see what?" answered button-bright. "i mean, have you ever been where there's water?" "yes," said button-bright; "there's a well in our back yard." "you don't understand," cried dorothy. "i mean, have you ever been on a big ship floating on a big ocean?" "don't know," said he. "then why do you wear sailor clothes?" "don't know," he answered, again. dorothy was in despair. "you're just awful stupid, button-bright," she said. "am i?" he asked. "yes, you are." "why?" looking up at her with big eyes. she was going to say: "don't know," but stopped herself in time. "that's for you to answer," she replied. "it's no use asking button-bright questions," said the shaggy man, who had been eating another apple; "but someone ought to take care of the poor little chap, don't you think? so he'd better come along with us." toto had been looking with great curiosity in the hole which the boy was digging, and growing more and more excited every minute, perhaps thinking that button-bright was after some wild animal. the little dog began barking loudly and jumped into the hole himself, where he began to dig with his tiny paws, making the earth fly in all directions. it spattered over the boy. dorothy seized him and raised him to his feet, brushing his clothes with her hand. "stop that, toto!" she called. "there aren't any mice or woodchucks in that hole, so don't be foolish." toto stopped, sniffed at the hole suspiciously, and jumped out of it, wagging his tail as if he had done something important. "well," said the shaggy man, "let's start on, or we won't get anywhere before night comes." "where do you expect to get to?" asked dorothy. "i'm like button-bright. i don't know," answered the shaggy man, with a laugh. "but i've learned from long experience that every road leads somewhere, or there wouldn't be any road; so it's likely that if we travel long enough, my dear, we will come to some place or another in the end. what place it will be we can't even guess at this moment, but we're sure to find out when we get there." "why, yes," said dorothy; "that seems reas'n'ble, shaggy man." 3. a queer village button-bright took the shaggy man's hand willingly; for the shaggy man had the love magnet, you know, which was the reason button-bright had loved him at once. they started on, with dorothy on one side, and toto on the other, the little party trudging along more cheerfully than you might have supposed. the girl was getting used to queer adventures, which interested her very much. wherever dorothy went toto was sure to go, like mary's little lamb. button-bright didn't seem a bit afraid or worried because he was lost, and the shaggy man had no home, perhaps, and was as happy in one place as in another. before long they saw ahead of them a fine big arch spanning the road, and when they came nearer they found that the arch was beautifully carved and decorated with rich colors. a row of peacocks with spread tails ran along the top of it, and all the feathers were gorgeously painted. in the center was a large fox's head, and the fox wore a shrewd and knowing expression and had large spectacles over its eyes and a small golden crown with shiny points on top of its head. while the travelers were looking with curiosity at this beautiful arch there suddenly marched out of it a company of soldiers--only the soldiers were all foxes dressed in uniforms. they wore green jackets and yellow pantaloons, and their little round caps and their high boots were a bright red color. also, there was a big red bow tied about the middle of each long, bushy tail. each soldier was armed with a wooden sword having an edge of sharp teeth set in a row, and the sight of these teeth at first caused dorothy to shudder. a captain marched in front of the company of fox-soldiers, his uniform embroidered with gold braid to make it handsomer than the others. almost before our friends realized it the soldiers had surrounded them on all sides, and the captain was calling out in a harsh voice: "surrender! you are our prisoners." "what's a pris'ner?" asked button-bright. "a prisoner is a captive," replied the fox-captain, strutting up and down with much dignity. "what's a captive?" asked button-bright. "you're one," said the captain. that made the shaggy man laugh "good afternoon, captain," he said, bowing politely to all the foxes and very low to their commander. "i trust you are in good health, and that your families are all well?" the fox-captain looked at the shaggy man, and his sharp features grew pleasant and smiling. "we're pretty well, thank you, shaggy man," said he; and dorothy knew that the love magnet was working and that all the foxes now loved the shaggy man because of it. but toto didn't know this, for he began barking angrily and tried to bite the captain's hairy leg where it showed between his red boots and his yellow pantaloons. "stop, toto!" cried the little girl, seizing the dog in her arms. "these are our friends." "why, so we are!" remarked the captain in tones of astonishment. "i thought at first we were enemies, but it seems you are friends instead. you must come with me to see king dox." "who's he?" asked button-bright, with earnest eyes. "king dox of foxville; the great and wise sovereign who rules over our community." "what's sov'rin, and what's c'u'nity?" inquired button-bright. "don't ask so many questions, little boy." "why?" "ah, why indeed?" exclaimed the captain, looking at button-bright admiringly. "if you don't ask questions you will learn nothing. true enough. i was wrong. you're a very clever little boy, come to think of it--very clever indeed. but now, friends, please come with me, for it is my duty to escort you at once to the royal palace." the soldiers marched back through the arch again, and with them marched the shaggy man, dorothy, toto, and button-bright. once through the opening they found a fine, big city spread out before them, all the houses of carved marble in beautiful colors. the decorations were mostly birds and other fowl, such as peacocks, pheasants, turkeys, prairie-chickens, ducks, and geese. over each doorway was carved a head representing the fox who lived in that house, this effect being quite pretty and unusual. as our friends marched along, some of the foxes came out on the porches and balconies to get a view of the strangers. these foxes were all handsomely dressed, the girl-foxes and women-foxes wearing gowns of feathers woven together effectively and colored in bright hues which dorothy thought were quite artistic and decidedly attractive. button-bright stared until his eyes were big and round, and he would have stumbled and fallen more than once had not the shaggy man grasped his hand tightly. they were all interested, and toto was so excited he wanted to bark every minute and to chase and fight every fox he caught sight of; but dorothy held his little wiggling body fast in her arms and commanded him to be good and behave himself. so he finally quieted down, like a wise doggy, deciding there were too many foxes in foxville to fight at one time. by-and-by they came to a big square, and in the center of the square stood the royal palace. dorothy knew it at once because it had over its great door the carved head of a fox just like the one she had seen on the arch, and this fox was the only one who wore a golden crown. there were many fox-soldiers guarding the door, but they bowed to the captain and admitted him without question. the captain led them through many rooms, where richly dressed foxes were sitting on beautiful chairs or sipping tea, which was being passed around by fox-servants in white aprons. they came to a big doorway covered with heavy curtains of cloth of gold. beside this doorway stood a huge drum. the fox-captain went to this drum and knocked his knees against it--first one knee and then the other--so that the drum said: "boom-boom." "you must all do exactly what i do," ordered the captain; so the shaggy man pounded the drum with his knees, and so did dorothy and so did button-bright. the boy wanted to keep on pounding it with his little fat knees, because he liked the sound of it; but the captain stopped him. toto couldn't pound the drum with his knees and he didn't know enough to wag his tail against it, so dorothy pounded the drum for him and that made him bark, and when the little dog barked the fox-captain scowled. the golden curtains drew back far enough to make an opening, through which marched the captain with the others. the broad, long room they entered was decorated in gold with stained-glass windows of splendid colors. in the corner of the room upon a richly carved golden throne, sat the fox-king, surrounded by a group of other foxes, all of whom wore great spectacles over their eyes, making them look solemn and important. dorothy knew the king at once, because she had seen his head carved on the arch and over the doorway of the palace. having met with several other kings in her travels, she knew what to do, and at once made a low bow before the throne. the shaggy man bowed, too, and button-bright bobbed his head and said "hello." "most wise and noble potentate of foxville," said the captain, addressing the king in a pompous voice, "i humbly beg to report that i found these strangers on the road leading to your foxy majesty's dominions, and have therefore brought them before you, as is my duty." "so--so," said the king, looking at them keenly. "what brought you here, strangers?" "our legs, may it please your royal hairiness," replied the shaggy man. "what is your business here?" was the next question. "to get away as soon as possible," said the shaggy man. the king didn't know about the magnet, of course; but it made him love the shaggy man at once. "do just as you please about going away," he said; "but i'd like to show you the sights of my city and to entertain your party while you are here. we feel highly honored to have little dorothy with us, i assure you, and we appreciate her kindness in making us a visit. for whatever country dorothy visits is sure to become famous." this speech greatly surprised the little girl, who asked: "how did your majesty know my name?" "why, everybody knows you, my dear," said the fox-king. "don't you realize that? you are quite an important personage since princess ozma of oz made you her friend." "do you know ozma?" she asked, wondering. "i regret to say that i do not," he answered, sadly; "but i hope to meet her soon. you know the princess ozma is to celebrate her birthday on the twenty-first of this month." "is she?" said dorothy. "i didn't know that." "yes; it is to be the most brilliant royal ceremony ever held in any city in fairyland, and i hope you will try to get me an invitation." dorothy thought a moment. "i'm sure ozma would invite you if i asked her," she said; "but how could you get to the land of oz and the emerald city? it's a good way from kansas." "kansas!" he exclaimed, surprised. "why, yes; we are in kansas now, aren't we?" she returned. "what a queer notion!" cried the fox-king, beginning to laugh. "whatever made you think this is kansas?" "i left uncle henry's farm only about two hours ago; that's the reason," she said, rather perplexed. "but, tell me, my dear, did you ever see so wonderful a city as foxville in kansas?" he questioned. "no, your majesty." "and haven't you traveled from oz to kansas in less than half a jiffy, by means of the silver shoes and the magic belt?" "yes, your majesty," she acknowledged. "then why do you wonder that an hour or two could bring you to foxville, which is nearer to oz than it is to kansas?" "dear me!" exclaimed dorothy; "is this another fairy adventure?" "it seems to be," said the fox-king, smiling. dorothy turned to the shaggy man, and her face was grave and reproachful. "are you a magician? or a fairy in disguise?" she asked. "did you enchant me when you asked the way to butterfield?" the shaggy man shook his head. "who ever heard of a shaggy fairy?" he replied. "no, dorothy, my dear; i'm not to blame for this journey in any way, i assure you. there's been something strange about me ever since i owned the love magnet; but i don't know what it is any more than you do. i didn't try to get you away from home, at all. if you want to find your way back to the farm i'll go with you willingly, and do my best to help you." "never mind," said the little girl, thoughtfully. "there isn't so much to see in kansas as there is here, and i guess aunt em won't be very much worried; that is, if i don't stay away too long." "that's right," declared the fox-king, nodding approval. "be contented with your lot, whatever it happens to be, if you are wise. which reminds me that you have a new companion on this adventure--he looks very clever and bright." "he is," said dorothy; and the shaggy man added: "that's his name, your royal foxiness--button-bright." 4. king dox it was amusing to note the expression on the face of king dox as he looked the boy over, from his sailor hat to his stubby shoes, and it was equally diverting to watch button-bright stare at the king in return. no fox ever beheld a fresher, fairer child's face, and no child had ever before heard a fox talk, or met with one who dressed so handsomely and ruled so big a city. i am sorry to say that no one had ever told the little boy much about fairies of any kind; this being the case, it is easy to understand how much this strange experience startled and astonished him. "how do you like us?" asked the king. "don't know," said button-bright. "of course you don't. it's too short an acquaintance," returned his majesty. "what do you suppose my name is?" "don't know," said button-bright. "how should you? well, i'll tell you. my private name is dox, but a king can't be called by his private name; he has to take one that is official. therefore my official name is king renard the fourth. ren-ard with the accent on the 'ren'." "what's 'ren'?" asked button-bright. "how clever!" exclaimed the king, turning a pleased face toward his counselors. "this boy is indeed remarkably bright. 'what's 'ren'?' he asks; and of course 'ren' is nothing at all, all by itself. yes, he's very bright indeed." "that question is what your majesty might call foxy," said one of the counselors, an old grey fox. "so it is," declared the king. turning again to button-bright, he asked: "having told you my name, what would you call me?" "king dox," said the boy. "why?" "'cause 'ren''s nothing at all," was the reply. "good! very good indeed! you certainly have a brilliant mind. do you know why two and two make four?" "no," said button-bright. "clever! clever indeed! of course you don't know. nobody knows why; we only know it's so, and can't tell why it's so. button-bright, those curls and blue eyes do not go well with so much wisdom. they make you look too youthful, and hide your real cleverness. therefore, i will do you a great favor. i will confer upon you the head of a fox, so that you may hereafter look as bright as you really are." as he spoke the king waved his paw toward the boy, and at once the pretty curls and fresh round face and big blue eyes were gone, while in their place a fox's head appeared upon button-bright's shoulders--a hairy head with a sharp nose, pointed ears, and keen little eyes. "oh, don't do that!" cried dorothy, shrinking back from her transformed companion with a shocked and dismayed face. "too late, my dear; it's done. but you also shall have a fox's head if you can prove you're as clever as button-bright." "i don't want it; it's dreadful!" she exclaimed; and, hearing this verdict, button-bright began to boo-hoo just as if he were still a little boy. "how can you call that lovely head dreadful?" asked the king. "it's a much prettier face than he had before, to my notion, and my wife says i'm a good judge of beauty. don't cry, little fox-boy. laugh and be proud, because you are so highly favored. how do you like the new head, button-bright?" "d-d-don't n-n-n-know!" sobbed the child. "please, please change him back again, your majesty!" begged dorothy. king renard iv shook his head. "i can't do that," he said; "i haven't the power, even if i wanted to. no, button-bright must wear his fox head, and he'll be sure to love it dearly as soon as he gets used to it." both the shaggy man and dorothy looked grave and anxious, for they were sorrowful that such a misfortune had overtaken their little companion. toto barked at the fox-boy once or twice, not realizing it was his former friend who now wore the animal head; but dorothy cuffed the dog and made him stop. as for the foxes, they all seemed to think button-bright's new head very becoming and that their king had conferred a great honor on this little stranger. it was funny to see the boy reach up to feel of his sharp nose and wide mouth, and wail afresh with grief. he wagged his ears in a comical manner and tears were in his little black eyes. but dorothy couldn't laugh at her friend just yet, because she felt so sorry. just then three little fox-princesses, daughters of the king, entered the room, and when they saw button-bright one exclaimed: "how lovely he is!" and the next one cried in delight: "how sweet he is!" and the third princess clapped her hands with pleasure and said, "how beautiful he is!" button-bright stopped crying and asked timidly: "am i?" "in all the world there is not another face so pretty," declared the biggest fox-princess. "you must live with us always, and be our brother," said the next. "we shall all love you dearly," the third said. this praise did much to comfort the boy, and he looked around and tried to smile. it was a pitiful attempt, because the fox face was new and stiff, and dorothy thought his expression more stupid than before the transformation. "i think we ought to be going now," said the shaggy man, uneasily, for he didn't know what the king might take into his head to do next. "don't leave us yet, i beg of you," pleaded king renard. "i intend to have several days of feasting and merry-making in honor of your visit." "have it after we're gone, for we can't wait," said dorothy, decidedly. but seeing this displeased the king, she added: "if i'm going to get ozma to invite you to her party i'll have to find her as soon as poss'ble, you know." in spite of all the beauty of foxville and the gorgeous dresses of its inhabitants, both the girl and the shaggy man felt they were not quite safe there, and would be glad to see the last of it. "but it is now evening," the king reminded them, "and you must stay with us until morning, anyhow. therefore, i invite you to be my guests at dinner, and to attend the theater afterward and sit in the royal box. to-morrow morning, if you really insist upon it, you may resume your journey." they consented to this, and some of the fox-servants led them to a suite of lovely rooms in the big palace. button-bright was afraid to be left alone, so dorothy took him into her own room. while a maid-fox dressed the little girl's hair--which was a bit tangled--and put some bright, fresh ribbons in it, another maid-fox combed the hair on poor button-bright's face and head and brushed it carefully, tying a pink bow to each of his pointed ears. the maids wanted to dress the children in fine costumes of woven feathers, such as all the foxes wore; but neither of them consented to that. "a sailor suit and a fox head do not go well together," said one of the maids, "for no fox was ever a sailor that i can remember." "i'm not a fox!" cried button-bright. "alas, no," agreed the maid. "but you've got a lovely fox head on your skinny shoulders, and that's almost as good as being a fox." the boy, reminded of his misfortune, began to cry again. dorothy petted and comforted him and promised to find some way to restore him his own head. "if we can manage to get to ozma," she said, "the princess will change you back to yourself in half a second; so you just wear that fox head as comf't'bly as you can, dear, and don't worry about it at all. it isn't nearly as pretty as your own head, no matter what the foxes say; but you can get along with it for a little while longer, can't you?" "don't know," said button-bright, doubtfully; but he didn't cry any more after that. dorothy let the maids pin ribbons to her shoulders, after which they were ready for the king's dinner. when they met the shaggy man in the splendid drawing room of the palace they found him just the same as before. he had refused to give up his shaggy clothes for new ones, because if he did that he would no longer be the shaggy man, he said, and he might have to get acquainted with himself all over again. he told dorothy he had brushed his shaggy hair and whiskers; but she thought he must have brushed them the wrong way, for they were quite as shaggy as before. as for the company of foxes assembled to dine with the strangers, they were most beautifully costumed, and their rich dresses made dorothy's simple gown and button-bright's sailor suit and the shaggy man's shaggy clothes look commonplace. but they treated their guests with great respect and the king's dinner was a very good dinner indeed. foxes, as you know, are fond of chicken and other fowl; so they served chicken soup and roasted turkey and stewed duck and fried grouse and broiled quail and goose pie, and as the cooking was excellent the king's guests enjoyed the meal and ate heartily of the various dishes. the party went to the theater, where they saw a play acted by foxes dressed in costumes of brilliantly colored feathers. the play was about a fox-girl who was stolen by some wicked wolves and carried to their cave; and just as they were about to kill her and eat her a company of fox-soldiers marched up, saved the girl, and put all the wicked wolves to death. "how do you like it?" the king asked dorothy. "pretty well," she answered. "it reminds me of one of mr. aesop's fables." "don't mention aesop to me, i beg of you!" exclaimed king dox. "i hate that man's name. he wrote a good deal about foxes, but always made them out cruel and wicked, whereas we are gentle and kind, as you may see." "but his fables showed you to be wise and clever, and more shrewd than other animals," said the shaggy man, thoughtfully. "so we are. there is no question about our knowing more than men do," replied the king, proudly. "but we employ our wisdom to do good, instead of harm; so that horrid aesop did not know what he was talking about." they did not like to contradict him, because they felt he ought to know the nature of foxes better than men did; so they sat still and watched the play, and button-bright became so interested that for the time he forgot he wore a fox head. afterward they went back to the palace and slept in soft beds stuffed with feathers; for the foxes raised many fowl for food, and used their feathers for clothing and to sleep upon. dorothy wondered why the animals living in foxville did not wear just their own hairy skins as wild foxes do; when she mentioned it to king dox he said they clothed themselves because they were civilized. "but you were born without clothes," she observed, "and you don't seem to me to need them." "so were human beings born without clothes," he replied; "and until they became civilized they wore only their natural skins. but to become civilized means to dress as elaborately and prettily as possible, and to make a show of your clothes so your neighbors will envy you, and for that reason both civilized foxes and civilized humans spend most of their time dressing themselves." "i don't," declared the shaggy man. "that is true," said the king, looking at him carefully; "but perhaps you are not civilized." after a sound sleep and a good night's rest they had their breakfast with the king and then bade his majesty good-bye. "you've been kind to us--'cept poor button-bright," said dorothy, "and we've had a nice time in foxville." "then," said king dox, "perhaps you'll be good enough to get me an invitation to princess ozma's birthday celebration." "i'll try," she promised; "if i see her in time." "it's on the twenty-first, remember," he continued; "and if you'll just see that i'm invited i'll find a way to cross the dreadful desert into the marvelous land of oz. i've always wanted to visit the emerald city, so i'm sure it was fortunate you arrived here just when you did, you being princess ozma's friend and able to assist me in getting the invitation." "if i see ozma i'll ask her to invite you," she replied. the fox-king had a delightful luncheon put up for them, which the shaggy man shoved in his pocket, and the fox-captain escorted them to an arch at the side of the village opposite the one by which they had entered. here they found more soldiers guarding the road. "are you afraid of enemies?" asked dorothy. "no; because we are watchful and able to protect ourselves," answered the captain. "but this road leads to another village peopled by big, stupid beasts who might cause us trouble if they thought we were afraid of them." "what beasts are they?" asked the shaggy man. the captain hesitated to answer. finally, he said: "you will learn all about them when you arrive at their city. but do not be afraid of them. button-bright is so wonderfully clever and has now such an intelligent face that i'm sure he will manage to find a way to protect you." this made dorothy and the shaggy man rather uneasy, for they had not so much confidence in the fox-boy's wisdom as the captain seemed to have. but as their escort would say no more about the beasts, they bade him good-bye and proceeded on their journey. 5. the rainbow's daughter toto, now allowed to run about as he pleased, was glad to be free again and able to bark at the birds and chase the butterflies. the country around them was charming, yet in the pretty fields of wild-flowers and groves of leafy trees were no houses whatever, or sign of any inhabitants. birds flew through the air and cunning white rabbits darted amongst the tall grasses and green bushes; dorothy noticed even the ants toiling busily along the roadway, bearing gigantic loads of clover seed; but of people there were none at all. they walked briskly on for an hour or two, for even little button-bright was a good walker and did not tire easily. at length as they turned a curve in the road they beheld just before them a curious sight. a little girl, radiant and beautiful, shapely as a fairy and exquisitely dressed, was dancing gracefully in the middle of the lonely road, whirling slowly this way and that, her dainty feet twinkling in sprightly fashion. she was clad in flowing, fluffy robes of soft material that reminded dorothy of woven cobwebs, only it was colored in soft tintings of violet, rose, topaz, olive, azure, and white, mingled together most harmoniously in stripes which melted one into the other with soft blendings. her hair was like spun gold and flowed around her in a cloud, no strand being fastened or confined by either pin or ornament or ribbon. filled with wonder and admiration our friends approached and stood watching this fascinating dance. the girl was no taller than dorothy, although more slender; nor did she seem any older than our little heroine. suddenly she paused and abandoned the dance, as if for the first time observing the presence of strangers. as she faced them, shy as a frightened fawn, poised upon one foot as if to fly the next instant, dorothy was astonished to see tears flowing from her violet eyes and trickling down her lovely rose-hued cheeks. that the dainty maiden should dance and weep at the same time was indeed surprising; so dorothy asked in a soft, sympathetic voice: "are you unhappy, little girl?" "very!" was the reply; "i am lost." "why, so are we," said dorothy, smiling; "but we don't cry about it." "don't you? why not?" "'cause i've been lost before, and always got found again," answered dorothy simply. "but i've never been lost before," murmured the dainty maiden, "and i'm worried and afraid." "you were dancing," remarked dorothy, in a puzzled tone of voice. "oh, that was just to keep warm," explained the maiden, quickly. "it was not because i felt happy or gay, i assure you." dorothy looked at her closely. her gauzy flowing robes might not be very warm, yet the weather wasn't at all chilly, but rather mild and balmy, like a spring day. "who are you, dear?" she asked, gently. "i'm polychrome," was the reply. "polly whom?" "polychrome. i'm the daughter of the rainbow." "oh!" said dorothy with a gasp; "i didn't know the rainbow had children. but i might have known it, before you spoke. you couldn't really be anything else." "why not?" inquired polychrome, as if surprised. "because you're so lovely and sweet." the little maiden smiled through her tears, came up to dorothy, and placed her slender fingers in the kansas girl's chubby hand. "you'll be my friend--won't you?" she said, pleadingly. "of course." "and what is your name?" "i'm dorothy; and this is my friend shaggy man, who owns the love magnet; and this is button-bright--only you don't see him as he really is because the fox-king carelessly changed his head into a fox head. but the real button-bright is good to look at, and i hope to get him changed back to himself, some time." the rainbow's daughter nodded cheerfully, no longer afraid of her new companions. "but who is this?" she asked, pointing to toto, who was sitting before her wagging his tail in the most friendly manner and admiring the pretty maid with his bright eyes. "is this, also, some enchanted person?" "oh no, polly--i may call you polly, mayn't i? your whole name's awful hard to say." "call me polly if you wish, dorothy." "well, polly, toto's just a dog; but he has more sense than button-bright, to tell the truth; and i'm very fond of him." "so am i," said polychrome, bending gracefully to pat toto's head. "but how did the rainbow's daughter ever get on this lonely road, and become lost?" asked the shaggy man, who had listened wonderingly to all this. "why, my father stretched his rainbow over here this morning, so that one end of it touched this road," was the reply; "and i was dancing upon the pretty rays, as i love to do, and never noticed i was getting too far over the bend in the circle. suddenly i began to slide, and i went faster and faster until at last i bumped on the ground, at the very end. just then father lifted the rainbow again, without noticing me at all, and though i tried to seize the end of it and hold fast, it melted away entirely and i was left alone and helpless on the cold, hard earth!" "it doesn't seem cold to me, polly," said dorothy; "but perhaps you're not warmly dressed." "i'm so used to living nearer the sun," replied the rainbow's daughter, "that at first i feared i would freeze down here. but my dance has warmed me some, and now i wonder how i am ever to get home again." "won't your father miss you, and look for you, and let down another rainbow for you?" "perhaps so, but he's busy just now because it rains in so many parts of the world at this season, and he has to set his rainbow in a lot of different places. what would you advise me to do, dorothy?" "come with us," was the answer. "i'm going to try to find my way to the emerald city, which is in the fairy land of oz. the emerald city is ruled by a friend of mine, the princess ozma, and if we can manage to get there i'm sure she will know a way to send you home to your father again." "do you really think so?" asked polychrome, anxiously. "i'm pretty sure." "then i'll go with you," said the little maid; "for travel will help keep me warm, and father can find me in one part of the world as well as another--if he gets time to look for me." "come along, then," said the shaggy man, cheerfully; and they started on once more. polly walked beside dorothy a while, holding her new friend's hand as if she feared to let it go; but her nature seemed as light and buoyant as her fleecy robes, for suddenly she darted ahead and whirled round in a giddy dance. then she tripped back to them with sparkling eyes and smiling cheeks, having regained her usual happy mood and forgotten all her worry about being lost. they found her a charming companion, and her dancing and laughter--for she laughed at times like the tinkling of a silver bell--did much to enliven their journey and keep them contented. 6. the city of beasts when noon came they opened the fox-king's basket of luncheon, and found a nice roasted turkey with cranberry sauce and some slices of bread and butter. as they sat on the grass by the roadside the shaggy man cut up the turkey with his pocket-knife and passed slices of it around. "haven't you any dewdrops, or mist-cakes, or cloudbuns?" asked polychrome, longingly. "'course not," replied dorothy. "we eat solid things, down here on the earth. but there's a bottle of cold tea. try some, won't you?" the rainbow's daughter watched button-bright devour one leg of the turkey. "is it good?" she asked. he nodded. "do you think i could eat it?" "not this," said button-bright. "but i mean another piece?" "don't know," he replied. "well, i'm going to try, for i'm very hungry," she decided, and took a thin slice of the white breast of turkey which the shaggy man cut for her, as well as a bit of bread and butter. when she tasted it polychrome thought the turkey was good--better even than mist-cakes; but a little satisfied her hunger and she finished with a tiny sip of cold tea. "that's about as much as a fly would eat," said dorothy, who was making a good meal herself. "but i know some people in oz who eat nothing at all." "who are they?" inquired the shaggy man. "one is a scarecrow who's stuffed with straw, and the other a woodman made out of tin. they haven't any appetites inside of 'em, you see; so they never eat anything at all." "are they alive?" asked button-bright. "oh yes," replied dorothy; "and they're very clever and very nice, too. if we get to oz i'll introduce them to you." "do you really expect to get to oz?" inquired the shaggy man, taking a drink of cold tea. "i don't know just what to 'spect," answered the child, seriously; "but i've noticed if i happen to get lost i'm almost sure to come to the land of oz in the end, somehow 'r other; so i may get there this time. but i can't promise, you know; all i can do is wait and see." "will the scarecrow scare me?" asked button-bright. "no; 'cause you're not a crow," she returned. "he has the loveliest smile you ever saw--only it's painted on and he can't help it." luncheon being over they started again upon their journey, the shaggy man, dorothy and button-bright walking soberly along, side by side, and the rainbow's daughter dancing merrily before them. sometimes she darted along the road so swiftly that she was nearly out of sight, then she came tripping back to greet them with her silvery laughter. but once she came back more sedately, to say: "there's a city a little way off." "i 'spected that," returned dorothy; "for the fox-people warned us there was one on this road. it's filled with stupid beasts of some sort, but we musn't be afraid of 'em 'cause they won't hurt us." "all right," said button-bright; but polychrome didn't know whether it was all right or not. "it's a big city," she said, "and the road runs straight through it." "never mind," said the shaggy man; "as long as i carry the love magnet every living thing will love me, and you may be sure i shan't allow any of my friends to be harmed in any way." this comforted them somewhat, and they moved on again. pretty soon they came to a signpost that read: "haf a myle to dunkiton." "oh," said the shaggy man, "if they're donkeys, we've nothing to fear at all." "they may kick," said dorothy, doubtfully. "then we will cut some switches, and make them behave," he replied. at the first tree he cut himself a long, slender switch from one of the branches, and shorter switches for the others. "don't be afraid to order the beasts around," he said; "they're used to it." before long the road brought them to the gates of the city. there was a high wall all around, which had been whitewashed, and the gate just before our travelers was a mere opening in the wall, with no bars across it. no towers or steeples or domes showed above the enclosure, nor was any living thing to be seen as our friends drew near. suddenly, as they were about to boldly enter through the opening, there arose a harsh clamor of sound that swelled and echoed on every side, until they were nearly deafened by the racket and had to put their fingers to their ears to keep the noise out. it was like the firing of many cannon, only there were no cannon-balls or other missiles to be seen; it was like the rolling of mighty thunder, only not a cloud was in the sky; it was like the roar of countless breakers on a rugged seashore, only there was no sea or other water anywhere about. they hesitated to advance; but, as the noise did no harm, they entered through the whitewashed wall and quickly discovered the cause of the turmoil. inside were suspended many sheets of tin or thin iron, and against these metal sheets a row of donkeys were pounding their heels with vicious kicks. the shaggy man ran up to the nearest donkey and gave the beast a sharp blow with his switch. "stop that noise!" he shouted; and the donkey stopped kicking the metal sheet and turned its head to look with surprise at the shaggy man. he switched the next donkey, and made him stop, and then the next, so that gradually the rattling of heels ceased and the awful noise subsided. the donkeys stood in a group and eyed the strangers with fear and trembling. "what do you mean by making such a racket?" asked the shaggy man, sternly. "we were scaring away the foxes," said one of the donkeys, meekly. "usually they run fast enough when they hear the noise, which makes them afraid." "there are no foxes here," said the shaggy man. "i beg to differ with you. there's one, anyhow," replied the donkey, sitting upright on its haunches and waving a hoof toward button-bright. "we saw him coming and thought the whole army of foxes was marching to attack us." "button-bright isn't a fox," explained the shaggy man. "he's only wearing a fox head for a time, until he can get his own head back." "oh, i see," remarked the donkey, waving its left ear reflectively. "i'm sorry we made such a mistake, and had all our work and worry for nothing." the other donkeys by this time were sitting up and examining the strangers with big, glassy eyes. they made a queer picture, indeed; for they wore wide, white collars around their necks and the collars had many scallops and points. the gentlemen-donkeys wore high pointed caps set between their great ears, and the lady-donkeys wore sunbonnets with holes cut in the top for the ears to stick through. but they had no other clothing except their hairy skins, although many wore gold and silver bangles on their front wrists and bands of different metals on their rear ankles. when they were kicking they had braced themselves with their front legs, but now they all stood or sat upright on their hind legs and used the front ones as arms. having no fingers or hands the beasts were rather clumsy, as you may guess; but dorothy was surprised to observe how many things they could do with their stiff, heavy hoofs. some of the donkeys were white, some were brown, or gray, or black, or spotted; but their hair was sleek and smooth and their broad collars and caps gave them a neat, if whimsical, appearance. "this is a nice way to welcome visitors, i must say!" remarked the shaggy man, in a reproachful tone. "oh, we did not mean to be impolite," replied a grey donkey which had not spoken before. "but you were not expected, nor did you send in your visiting cards, as it is proper to do." "there is some truth in that," admitted the shaggy man; "but, now you are informed that we are important and distinguished travelers, i trust you will accord us proper consideration." these big words delighted the donkeys, and made them bow to the shaggy man with great respect. said the grey one: "you shall be taken before his great and glorious majesty king kik-a-bray, who will greet you as becomes your exalted stations." "that's right," answered dorothy. "take us to some one who knows something." "oh, we all know something, my child, or we shouldn't be donkeys," asserted the grey one, with dignity. "the word 'donkey' means 'clever,' you know." "i didn't know it," she replied. "i thought it meant 'stupid'." "not at all, my child. if you will look in the encyclopedia donkaniara you will find i'm correct. but come; i will myself lead you before our splendid, exalted, and most intellectual ruler." all donkeys love big words, so it is no wonder the grey one used so many of them. 7. the shaggy man's transformation they found the houses of the town all low and square and built of bricks, neatly whitewashed inside and out. the houses were not set in rows, forming regular streets, but placed here and there in a haphazard manner which made it puzzling for a stranger to find his way. "stupid people must have streets and numbered houses in their cities, to guide them where to go," observed the grey donkey, as he walked before the visitors on his hind legs, in an awkward but comical manner; "but clever donkeys know their way about without such absurd marks. moreover, a mixed city is much prettier than one with straight streets." dorothy did not agree with this, but she said nothing to contradict it. presently she saw a sign on a house that read: "madam de fayke, hoofist," and she asked their conductor: "what's a 'hoofist,' please?" "one who reads your fortune in your hoofs," replied the grey donkey. "oh, i see," said the little girl. "you are quite civilized here." "dunkiton," he replied, "is the center of the world's highest civilization." they came to a house where two youthful donkeys were whitewashing the wall, and dorothy stopped a moment to watch them. they dipped the ends of their tails, which were much like paint-brushes, into a pail of whitewash, backed up against the house, and wagged their tails right and left until the whitewash was rubbed on the wall, after which they dipped these funny brushes in the pail again and repeated the performance. "that must be fun," said button-bright. "no, it's work," replied the old donkey; "but we make our youngsters do all the whitewashing, to keep them out of mischief." "don't they go to school?" asked dorothy. "all donkeys are born wise," was the reply, "so the only school we need is the school of experience. books are only for those who know nothing, and so are obliged to learn things from other people." "in other words, the more stupid one is, the more he thinks he knows," observed the shaggy man. the grey donkey paid no attention to this speech because he had just stopped before a house which had painted over the doorway a pair of hoofs, with a donkey tail between them and a rude crown and sceptre above. "i'll see if his magnificent majesty king kik-a-bray is at home," said he. he lifted his head and called "whee-haw! whee-haw! whee-haw!" three times, in a shocking voice, turning about and kicking with his heels against the panel of the door. for a time there was no reply; then the door opened far enough to permit a donkey's head to stick out and look at them. it was a white head, with big, awful ears and round, solemn eyes. "have the foxes gone?" it asked, in a trembling voice. "they haven't been here, most stupendous majesty," replied the grey one. "the new arrivals prove to be travelers of distinction." "oh," said the king, in a relieved tone of voice. "let them come in." he opened the door wide, and the party marched into a big room, which, dorothy thought, looked quite unlike a king's palace. there were mats of woven grasses on the floor and the place was clean and neat; but his majesty had no other furniture at all--perhaps because he didn't need it. he squatted down in the center of the room and a little brown donkey ran and brought a big gold crown which it placed on the monarch's head, and a golden staff with a jeweled ball at the end of it, which the king held between his front hoofs as he sat upright. "now then," said his majesty, waving his long ears gently to and fro, "tell me why you are here, and what you expect me to do for you." he eyed button-bright rather sharply, as if afraid of the little boy's queer head, though it was the shaggy man who undertook to reply. "most noble and supreme ruler of dunkiton," he said, trying not to laugh in the solemn king's face, "we are strangers traveling through your dominions and have entered your magnificent city because the road led through it, and there was no way to go around. all we desire is to pay our respects to your majesty--the cleverest king in all the world, i'm sure--and then to continue on our way." this polite speech pleased the king very much; indeed, it pleased him so much that it proved an unlucky speech for the shaggy man. perhaps the love magnet helped to win his majesty's affections as well as the flattery, but however this may be, the white donkey looked kindly upon the speaker and said: "only a donkey should be able to use such fine, big words, and you are too wise and admirable in all ways to be a mere man. also, i feel that i love you as well as i do my own favored people, so i will bestow upon you the greatest gift within my power--a donkey's head." as he spoke he waved his jeweled staff. although the shaggy man cried out and tried to leap backward and escape, it proved of no use. suddenly his own head was gone and a donkey head appeared in its place--a brown, shaggy head so absurd and droll that dorothy and polly both broke into merry laughter, and even button-bright's fox face wore a smile. "dear me! dear me!" cried the shaggy man, feeling of his shaggy new head and his long ears. "what a misfortune--what a great misfortune! give me back my own head, you stupid king--if you love me at all!" "don't you like it?" asked the king, surprised. "hee-haw! i hate it! take it away, quick!" said the shaggy man. "but i can't do that," was the reply. "my magic works only one way. i can do things, but i can't undo them. you'll have to find the truth pond, and bathe in its water, in order to get back your own head. but i advise you not to do that. this head is much more beautiful than the old one." "that's a matter of taste," said dorothy. "where is the truth pond?" asked the shaggy man, earnestly. "somewhere in the land of oz; but just the exact location of it i can not tell," was the answer. "don't worry, shaggy man," said dorothy, smiling because her friend wagged his new ears so comically. "if the truth pond is in oz, we'll be sure to find it when we get there." "oh! are you going to the land of oz?" asked king kik-a-bray. "i don't know," she replied, "but we've been told we are nearer the land of oz than to kansas, and if that's so, the quickest way for me to get home is to find ozma." "haw-haw! do you know the mighty princess ozma?" asked the king, his tone both surprised and eager. "'course i do; she's my friend," said dorothy. "then perhaps you'll do me a favor," continued the white donkey, much excited. "what is it?" she asked. "perhaps you can get me an invitation to princess ozma's birthday celebration, which will be the grandest royal function ever held in fairyland. i'd love to go." "hee-haw! you deserve punishment, rather than reward, for giving me this dreadful head," said the shaggy man, sorrowfully. "i wish you wouldn't say 'hee-haw' so much," polychrome begged him; "it makes cold chills run down my back." "but i can't help it, my dear; my donkey head wants to bray continually," he replied. "doesn't your fox head want to yelp every minute?" he asked button-bright. "don't know," said the boy, still staring at the shaggy man's ears. these seemed to interest him greatly, and the sight also made him forget his own fox head, which was a comfort. "what do you think, polly? shall i promise the donkey king an invitation to ozma's party?" asked dorothy of the rainbow's daughter, who was flitting about the room like a sunbeam because she could never keep still. "do as you please, dear," answered polychrome. "he might help to amuse the guests of the princess." "then, if you will give us some supper and a place to sleep to-night, and let us get started on our journey early to-morrow morning," said dorothy to the king, "i'll ask ozma to invite you--if i happen to get to oz." "good! hee-haw! excellent!" cried kik-a-bray, much pleased. "you shall all have fine suppers and good beds. what food would you prefer, a bran mash or ripe oats in the shell?" "neither one," replied dorothy, promptly. "perhaps plain hay, or some sweet juicy grass would suit you better," suggested kik-a-bray, musingly. "is that all you have to eat?" asked the girl. "what more do you desire?" "well, you see we're not donkeys," she explained, "and so we're used to other food. the foxes gave us a nice supper in foxville." "we'd like some dewdrops and mist-cakes," said polychrome. "i'd prefer apples and a ham sandwich," declared the shaggy man, "for although i've a donkey head, i still have my own particular stomach." "i want pie," said button-bright. "i think some beefsteak and chocolate layer-cake would taste best," said dorothy. "hee-haw! i declare!" exclaimed the king. "it seems each one of you wants a different food. how queer all living creatures are, except donkeys!" "and donkeys like you are queerest of all," laughed polychrome. "well," decided the king, "i suppose my magic staff will produce the things you crave; if you are lacking in good taste it is not my fault." with this, he waved his staff with the jeweled ball, and before them instantly appeared a tea-table, set with linen and pretty dishes, and on the table were the very things each had wished for. dorothy's beefsteak was smoking hot, and the shaggy man's apples were plump and rosy-cheeked. the king had not thought to provide chairs, so they all stood in their places around the table and ate with good appetite, being hungry. the rainbow's daughter found three tiny dewdrops on a crystal plate, and button-bright had a big slice of apple pie, which he devoured eagerly. afterward the king called the brown donkey, which was his favorite servant, and bade it lead his guests to the vacant house where they were to pass the night. it had only one room and no furniture except beds of clean straw and a few mats of woven grasses; but our travelers were contented with these simple things because they realized it was the best the donkey-king had to offer them. as soon as it was dark they lay down on the mats and slept comfortably until morning. at daybreak there was a dreadful noise throughout the city. every donkey in the place brayed. when he heard this the shaggy man woke up and called out "hee-haw!" as loud as he could. "stop that!" said button-bright, in a cross voice. both dorothy and polly looked at the shaggy man reproachfully. "i couldn't help it, my dears," he said, as if ashamed of his bray; "but i'll try not to do it again." of coursed they forgave him, for as he still had the love magnet in his pocket they were all obliged to love him as much as ever. they did not see the king again, but kik-a-bray remembered them; for a table appeared again in their room with the same food upon it as on the night before. "don't want pie for breakfus'," said button-bright. "i'll give you some of my beefsteak," proposed dorothy; "there's plenty for us all." that suited the boy better, but the shaggy man said he was content with his apples and sandwiches, although he ended the meal by eating button-bright's pie. polly liked her dewdrops and mist-cakes better than any other food, so they all enjoyed an excellent breakfast. toto had the scraps left from the beefsteak, and he stood up nicely on his hind legs while dorothy fed them to him. breakfast ended, they passed through the village to the side opposite that by which they had entered, the brown servant-donkey guiding them through the maze of scattered houses. there was the road again, leading far away into the unknown country beyond. "king kik-a-bray says you must not forget his invitation," said the brown donkey, as they passed through the opening in the wall. "i shan't," promised dorothy. perhaps no one ever beheld a more strangely assorted group than the one which now walked along the road, through pretty green fields and past groves of feathery pepper-trees and fragrant mimosa. polychrome, her beautiful gauzy robes floating around her like a rainbow cloud, went first, dancing back and forth and darting now here to pluck a wild-flower or there to watch a beetle crawl across the path. toto ran after her at times, barking joyously the while, only to become sober again and trot along at dorothy's heels. the little kansas girl walked holding button-bright's hand clasped in her own, and the wee boy with his fox head covered by the sailor hat presented an odd appearance. strangest of all, perhaps, was the shaggy man, with his shaggy donkey head, who shuffled along in the rear with his hands thrust deep in his big pockets. none of the party was really unhappy. all were straying in an unknown land and had suffered more or less annoyance and discomfort; but they realized they were having a fairy adventure in a fairy country, and were much interested in finding out what would happen next. 8. the musicker about the middle of the forenoon they began to go up a long hill. by-and-by this hill suddenly dropped down into a pretty valley, where the travelers saw, to their surprise, a small house standing by the road-side. it was the first house they had seen, and they hastened into the valley to discover who lived there. no one was in sight as they approached, but when they began to get nearer the house they heard queer sounds coming from it. they could not make these out at first, but as they became louder our friends thought they heard a sort of music like that made by a wheezy hand-organ; the music fell upon their ears in this way: tiddle-widdle-iddle oom pom-pom! oom, pom-pom! oom, pom-pom! tiddle-tiddle-tiddle oom pom-pom! oom, pom-pom--pah! "what is it, a band or a mouth-organ?" asked dorothy. "don't know," said button-bright. "sounds to me like a played-out phonograph," said the shaggy man, lifting his enormous ears to listen. "oh, there just couldn't be a funnygraf in fairyland!" cried dorothy. "it's rather pretty, isn't it?" asked polychrome, trying to dance to the strains. tiddle-widdle-iddle, oom pom-pom, oom pom-pom; oom pom-pom! came the music to their ears, more distinctly as they drew nearer the house. presently, they saw a little fat man sitting on a bench before the door. he wore a red, braided jacket that reached to his waist, a blue waistcoat, and white trousers with gold stripes down the sides. on his bald head was perched a little, round, red cap held in place by a rubber elastic underneath his chin. his face was round, his eyes a faded blue, and he wore white cotton gloves. the man leaned on a stout gold-headed cane, bending forward on his seat to watch his visitors approach. singularly enough, the musical sounds they had heard seemed to come from the inside of the fat man himself; for he was playing no instrument nor was any to be seen near him. they came up and stood in a row, staring at him, and he stared back while the queer sounds came from him as before: tiddle-iddle-iddle, oom pom-pom, oom, pom-pom; oom pom-pom! tiddle-widdle-iddle, oom pom-pom, oom, pom-pom--pah! "why, he's a reg'lar musicker!" said button-bright. "what's a musicker?" asked dorothy. "him!" said the boy. hearing this, the fat man sat up a little stiffer than before, as if he had received a compliment, and still came the sounds: tiddle-widdle-iddle, oom pom-pom, oom pom-pom, oom-"stop it!" cried the shaggy man, earnestly. "stop that dreadful noise." the fat man looked at him sadly and began his reply. when he spoke the music changed and the words seemed to accompany the notes. he said--or rather sang: it isn't a noise that you hear, but music, harmonic and clear. my breath makes me play like an organ, all day- that bass note is in my left ear. "how funny!" exclaimed dorothy; "he says his breath makes the music." "that's all nonsense," declared the shaggy man; but now the music began again, and they all listened carefully. my lungs are full of reeds like those in organs, therefore i suppose, if i breathe in or out my nose, the reeds are bound to play. so as i breathe to live, you know, i squeeze out music as i go; i'm very sorry this is so- forgive my piping, pray! "poor man," said polychrome; "he can't help it. what a great misfortune it is!" "yes," replied the shaggy man; "we are only obliged to hear this music a short time, until we leave him and go away; but the poor fellow must listen to himself as long as he lives, and that is enough to drive him crazy. don't you think so?" "don't know," said button-bright. toto said, "bow-wow!" and the others laughed. "perhaps that's why he lives all alone," suggested dorothy. "yes; if he had neighbors, they might do him an injury," responded the shaggy man. all this while the little fat musicker was breathing the notes: tiddle-tiddle-iddle, oom, pom-pom, and they had to speak loud in order to hear themselves. the shaggy man said: "who are you, sir?" the reply came in the shape of this sing-song: i'm allegro da capo, a very famous man; just find another, high or low, to match me if you can. some people try, but can't, to play and have to practice every day; but i've been musical always, since first my life began. "why, i b'lieve he's proud of it," exclaimed dorothy; "and seems to me i've heard worse music than he makes." "where?" asked button-bright. "i've forgotten, just now. but mr. da capo is certainly a strange person--isn't he?--and p'r'aps he's the only one of his kind in all the world." this praise seemed to please the little fat musicker, for he swelled out his chest, looked important and sang as follows: i wear no band around me, and yet i am a band! i do not strain to make my strains but, on the other hand, my toot is always destitute of flats or other errors; to see sharp and be natural are for me but minor terrors. "i don't quite understand that," said polychrome, with a puzzled look; "but perhaps it's because i'm accustomed only to the music of the spheres." "what's that?" asked button-bright. "oh, polly means the atmosphere and hemisphere, i s'pose," explained dorothy. "oh," said button-bright. "bow-wow!" said toto. but the musicker was still breathing his constant oom, pom-pom; oom pom-pom-and it seemed to jar on the shaggy man's nerves. "stop it, can't you?" he cried angrily; "or breathe in a whisper; or put a clothes-pin on your nose. do something, anyhow!" but the fat one, with a sad look, sang this answer: music hath charms, and it may soothe even the savage, they say; so if savage you feel just list to my reel, for sooth to say that's the real way. the shaggy man had to laugh at this, and when he laughed he stretched his donkey mouth wide open. said dorothy: "i don't know how good his poetry is, but it seems to fit the notes, so that's all that can be 'xpected." "i like it," said button-bright, who was staring hard at the musicker, his little legs spread wide apart. to the surprise of his companions, the boy asked this long question: "if i swallowed a mouth-organ, what would i be?" "an organette," said the shaggy man. "but come, my dears; i think the best thing we can do is to continue on our journey before button-bright swallows anything. we must try to find that land of oz, you know." hearing this speech the musicker sang, quickly: if you go to the land of oz please take me along, because on ozma's birthday i'm anxious to play the loveliest song ever was. "no thank you," said dorothy; "we prefer to travel alone. but if i see ozma i'll tell her you want to come to her birthday party." "let's be going," urged the shaggy man, anxiously. polly was already dancing along the road, far in advance, and the others turned to follow her. toto did not like the fat musicker and made a grab for his chubby leg. dorothy quickly caught up the growling little dog and hurried after her companions, who were walking faster than usual in order to get out of hearing. they had to climb a hill, and until they got to the top they could not escape the musicker's monotonous piping: oom, pom-pom; oom, pom-pom; tiddle-iddle-widdle, oom, pom-pom; oom, pom-pom--pah! as they passed the brow of the hill, however, and descended on the other side, the sounds gradually died away, whereat they all felt much relieved. "i'm glad i don't have to live with the organ-man; aren't you, polly?" said dorothy. "yes indeed," answered the rainbow's daughter. "he's nice," declared button-bright, soberly. "i hope your princess ozma won't invite him to her birthday celebration," remarked the shaggy man; "for the fellow's music would drive her guests all crazy. you've given me an idea, button-bright; i believe the musicker must have swallowed an accordeon in his youth." "what's 'cordeon?" asked the boy. "it's a kind of pleating," explained dorothy, putting down the dog. "bow-wow!" said toto, and ran away at a mad gallop to chase a bumble-bee. 9. facing the scoodlers the country wasn't so pretty now. before the travelers appeared a rocky plain covered with hills on which grew nothing green. they were nearing some low mountains, too, and the road, which before had been smooth and pleasant to walk upon, grew rough and uneven. button-bright's little feet stumbled more than once, and polychrome ceased her dancing because the walking was now so difficult that she had no trouble to keep warm. it had become afternoon, yet there wasn't a thing for their luncheon except two apples which the shaggy man had taken from the breakfast table. he divided these into four pieces and gave a portion to each of his companions. dorothy and button-bright were glad to get theirs; but polly was satisfied with a small bite, and toto did not like apples. "do you know," asked the rainbow's daughter, "if this is the right road to the emerald city?" "no, i don't," replied dorothy, "but it's the only road in this part of the country, so we may as well go to the end of it." "it looks now as if it might end pretty soon," remarked the shaggy man; "and what shall we do if it does?" "don't know," said button-bright. "if i had my magic belt," replied dorothy, thoughtfully, "it could do us a lot of good just now." "what is your magic belt?" asked polychrome. "it's a thing i captured from the nome king one day, and it can do 'most any wonderful thing. but i left it with ozma, you know; 'cause magic won't work in kansas, but only in fairy countries." "is this a fairy country?" asked button-bright. "i should think you'd know," said the little girl, gravely. "if it wasn't a fairy country you couldn't have a fox head and the shaggy man couldn't have a donkey head, and the rainbow's daughter would be invis'ble." "what's that?" asked the boy. "you don't seem to know anything, button-bright. invis'ble is a thing you can't see." "then toto's invis'ble," declared the boy, and dorothy found he was right. toto had disappeared from view, but they could hear him barking furiously among the heaps of grey rock ahead of them. they moved forward a little faster to see what the dog was barking at, and found perched upon a point of rock by the roadside a curious creature. it had the form of a man, middle-sized and rather slender and graceful; but as it sat silent and motionless upon the peak they could see that its face was black as ink, and it wore a black cloth costume made like a union suit and fitting tight to its skin. its hands were black, too, and its toes curled down, like a bird's. the creature was black all over except its hair, which was fine, and yellow, banged in front across the black forehead and cut close at the sides. the eyes, which were fixed steadily upon the barking dog, were small and sparkling and looked like the eyes of a weasel. "what in the world do you s'pose that is?" asked dorothy in a hushed voice, as the little group of travelers stood watching the strange creature. "don't know," said button-bright. the thing gave a jump and turned half around, sitting in the same place but with the other side of its body facing them. instead of being black, it was now pure white, with a face like that of a clown in a circus and hair of a brilliant purple. the creature could bend either way, and its white toes now curled the same way the black ones on the other side had done. "it has a face both front and back," whispered dorothy, wonderingly; "only there's no back at all, but two fronts." having made the turn, the being sat motionless as before, while toto barked louder at the white man than he had done at the black one. "once," said the shaggy man, "i had a jumping jack like that, with two faces." "was it alive?" asked button-bright. "no," replied the shaggy man; "it worked on strings and was made of wood." "wonder if this works with strings," said dorothy; but polychrome cried "look!" for another creature just like the first had suddenly appeared sitting on another rock, its black side toward them. the two twisted their heads around and showed a black face on the white side of one and a white face on the black side of the other. "how curious," said polychrome; "and how loose their heads seem to be! are they friendly to us, do you think?" "can't tell, polly," replied dorothy. "let's ask 'em." the creatures flopped first one way and then the other, showing black or white by turns; and now another joined them, appearing on another rock. our friends had come to a little hollow in the hills, and the place where they now stood was surrounded by jagged peaks of rock, except where the road ran through. "now there are four of them," said the shaggy man. "five," declared polychrome. "six," said dorothy. "lots of 'em!" cried button-bright; and so there were--quite a row of the two-sided black and white creatures sitting on the rocks all around. toto stopped barking and ran between dorothy's feet, where he crouched down as if afraid. the creatures did not look pleasant or friendly, to be sure, and the shaggy man's donkey face became solemn, indeed. "ask 'em who they are, and what they want," whispered dorothy; so the shaggy man called out in a loud voice: "who are you?" "scoodlers!" they yelled in chorus, their voices sharp and shrill. "what do you want?" called the shaggy man. "you!" they yelled, pointing their thin fingers at the group; and they all flopped around, so they were white, and then all flopped back again, so they were black. "but what do you want us for?" asked the shaggy man, uneasily. "soup!" they all shouted, as if with one voice. "goodness me!" said dorothy, trembling a little; "the scoodlers must be reg'lar cannibals." "don't want to be soup," protested button-bright, beginning to cry. "hush, dear," said the little girl, trying to comfort him; "we don't any of us want to be soup. but don't worry; the shaggy man will take care of us." "will he?" asked polychrome, who did not like the scoodlers at all, and kept close to dorothy. "i'll try," promised the shaggy man; but he looked worried. happening just then to feel the love magnet in his pocket, he said to the creatures, with more confidence: "don't you love me?" "yes!" they shouted, all together. "then you mustn't harm me, or my friends," said the shaggy man, firmly. "we love you in soup!" they yelled, and in a flash turned their white sides to the front. "how dreadful!" said dorothy. "this is a time, shaggy man, when you get loved too much." "don't want to be soup!" wailed button-bright again; and toto began to whine dismally, as if he didn't want to be soup, either. "the only thing to do," said the shaggy man to his friends, in a low tone, "is to get out of this pocket in the rocks as soon as we can, and leave the scoodlers behind us. follow me, my dears, and don't pay any attention to what they do or say." with this, he began to march along the road to the opening in the rocks ahead, and the others kept close behind him. but the scoodlers closed up in front, as if to bar their way, and so the shaggy man stooped down and picked up a loose stone, which he threw at the creatures to scare them from the path. at this the scoodlers raised a howl. two of them picked their heads from their shoulders and hurled them at the shaggy man with such force that he fell over in a heap, greatly astonished. the two now ran forward with swift leaps, caught up their heads, and put them on again, after which they sprang back to their positions on the rocks. 10. escaping the soup-kettle the shaggy man got up and felt of himself to see if he was hurt; but he was not. one of the heads had struck his breast and the other his left shoulder; yet though they had knocked him down, the heads were not hard enough to bruise him. "come on," he said firmly; "we've got to get out of here some way," and forward he started again. the scoodlers began yelling and throwing their heads in great numbers at our frightened friends. the shaggy man was knocked over again, and so was button-bright, who kicked his heels against the ground and howled as loud as he could, although he was not hurt a bit. one head struck toto, who first yelped and then grabbed the head by an ear and started running away with it. the scoodlers who had thrown their heads began to scramble down and run to pick them up, with wonderful quickness; but the one whose head toto had stolen found it hard to get it back again. the head couldn't see the body with either pair of its eyes, because the dog was in the way, so the headless scoodler stumbled around over the rocks and tripped on them more than once in its effort to regain its top. toto was trying to get outside the rocks and roll the head down the hill; but some of the other scoodlers came to the rescue of their unfortunate comrade and pelted the dog with their own heads until he was obliged to drop his burden and hurry back to dorothy. the little girl and the rainbow's daughter had both escaped the shower of heads, but they saw now that it would be useless to try to run away from the dreadful scoodlers. "we may as well submit," declared the shaggy man, in a rueful voice, as he got upon his feet again. he turned toward their foes and asked: "what do you want us to do?" "come!" they cried, in a triumphant chorus, and at once sprang from the rocks and surrounded their captives on all sides. one funny thing about the scoodlers was they could walk in either direction, coming or going, without turning around; because they had two faces and, as dorothy said, "two front sides," and their feet were shaped like the letter t upside down. they moved with great rapidity and there was something about their glittering eyes and contrasting colors and removable heads that inspired the poor prisoners with horror, and made them long to escape. but the creatures led their captives away from the rocks and the road, down the hill by a side path until they came before a low mountain of rock that looked like a huge bowl turned upside down. at the edge of this mountain was a deep gulf--so deep that when you looked into it there was nothing but blackness below. across the gulf was a narrow bridge of rock, and at the other end of the bridge was an arched opening that led into the mountain. over this bridge the scoodlers led their prisoners, through the opening into the mountain, which they found to be an immense hollow dome lighted by several holes in the roof. all around the circular space were built rock houses, set close together, each with a door in the front wall. none of these houses was more than six feet wide, but the scoodlers were thin people sidewise and did not need much room. so vast was the dome that there was a large space in the middle of the cave, in front of all these houses, where the creatures might congregate as in a great hall. it made dorothy shudder to see a huge iron kettle suspended by a stout chain in the middle of the place, and underneath the kettle a great heap of kindling wood and shavings, ready to light. "what's that?" asked the shaggy man, drawing back as they approached this place, so that they were forced to push him forward. "the soup kettle!" yelled the scoodlers, and then they shouted in the next breath: "we're hungry!" button-bright, holding dorothy's hand in one chubby fist and polly's hand in the other, was so affected by this shout that he began to cry again, repeating the protest: "don't want to be soup, i don't!" "never mind," said the shaggy man, consolingly; "i ought to make enough soup to feed them all, i'm so big; so i'll ask them to put me in the kettle first." "all right," said button-bright, more cheerfully. but the scoodlers were not ready to make soup yet. they led the captives into a house at the farthest side of the cave--a house somewhat wider than the others. "who lives here?" asked the rainbow's daughter. the scoodlers nearest her replied: "the queen." it made dorothy hopeful to learn that a woman ruled over these fierce creatures, but a moment later they were ushered by two or three of the escort into a gloomy, bare room--and her hope died away. for the queen of the scoodlers proved to be much more dreadful in appearance than any of her people. one side of her was fiery red, with jet-black hair and green eyes and the other side of her was bright yellow, with crimson hair and black eyes. she wore a short skirt of red and yellow and her hair, instead of being banged, was a tangle of short curls upon which rested a circular crown of silver--much dented and twisted because the queen had thrown her head at so many things so many times. her form was lean and bony and both her faces were deeply wrinkled. "what have we here?" asked the queen sharply, as our friends were made to stand before her. "soup!" cried the guard of scoodlers, speaking together. "we're not!" said dorothy, indignantly; "we're nothing of the sort." "ah, but you will be soon," retorted the queen, a grim smile making her look more dreadful than before. "pardon me, most beautiful vision," said the shaggy man, bowing before the queen politely. "i must request your serene highness to let us go our way without being made into soup. for i own the love magnet, and whoever meets me must love me and all my friends." "true," replied the queen. "we love you very much; so much that we intend to eat your broth with real pleasure. but tell me, do you think i am so beautiful?" "you won't be at all beautiful if you eat me," he said, shaking his head sadly. "handsome is as handsome does, you know." the queen turned to button-bright. "do you think i'm beautiful?" she asked. "no," said the boy; "you're ugly." "i think you're a fright," said dorothy. "if you could see yourself you'd be terribly scared," added polly. the queen scowled at them and flopped from her red side to her yellow side. "take them away," she commanded the guard, "and at six o'clock run them through the meat chopper and start the soup kettle boiling. and put plenty of salt in the broth this time, or i'll punish the cooks severely." "any onions, your majesty?" asked one of the guard. "plenty of onions and garlic and a dash of red pepper. now, go!" the scoodlers led the captives away and shut them up in one of the houses, leaving only a single scoodler to keep guard. the place was a sort of store-house; containing bags of potatoes and baskets of carrots, onions and turnips. "these," said their guard, pointing to the vegetables, "we use to flavor our soups with." the prisoners were rather disheartened by this time, for they saw no way to escape and did not know how soon it would be six o'clock and time for the meatchopper to begin work. but the shaggy man was brave and did not intend to submit to such a horrid fate without a struggle. "i'm going to fight for our lives," he whispered to the children, "for if i fail we will be no worse off than before, and to sit here quietly until we are made into soup would be foolish and cowardly." the scoodler on guard stood near the doorway, turning first his white side toward them and then his black side, as if he wanted to show to all of his greedy four eyes the sight of so many fat prisoners. the captives sat in a sorrowful group at the other end of the room--except polychrome, who danced back and forth in the little place to keep herself warm, for she felt the chill of the cave. whenever she approached the shaggy man he would whisper something in her ear, and polly would nod her pretty head as if she understood. the shaggy man told dorothy and button-bright to stand before him while he emptied the potatoes out of one of the sacks. when this had been secretly done, little polychrome, dancing near to the guard, suddenly reached out her hand and slapped his face, the next instant whirling away from him quickly to rejoin her friends. the angry scoodler at once picked off his head and hurled it at the rainbow's daughter; but the shaggy man was expecting that, and caught the head very neatly, putting it in the sack, which he tied at the mouth. the body of the guard, not having the eyes of its head to guide it, ran here and there in an aimless manner, and the shaggy man easily dodged it and opened the door. fortunately, there was no one in the big cave at that moment, so he told dorothy and polly to run as fast as they could for the entrance, and out across the narrow bridge. "i'll carry button-bright," he said, for he knew the little boy's legs were too short to run fast. dorothy picked up toto and then seized polly's hand and ran swiftly toward the entrance to the cave. the shaggy man perched button-bright on his shoulders and ran after them. they moved so quickly and their escape was so wholly unexpected that they had almost reached the bridge when one of the scoodlers looked out of his house and saw them. the creature raised a shrill cry that brought all of its fellows bounding out of the numerous doors, and at once they started in chase. dorothy and polly had reached the bridge and crossed it when the scoodlers began throwing their heads. one of the queer missiles struck the shaggy man on his back and nearly knocked him over; but he was at the mouth of the cave now, so he set down button-bright and told the boy to run across the bridge to dorothy. then the shaggy man turned around and faced his enemies, standing just outside the opening, and as fast as they threw their heads at him he caught them and tossed them into the black gulf below. the headless bodies of the foremost scoodlers kept the others from running close up, but they also threw their heads in an effort to stop the escaping prisoners. the shaggy man caught them all and sent them whirling down into the black gulf. among them he noticed the crimson and yellow head of the queen, and this he tossed after the others with right good will. presently every scoodler of the lot had thrown its head, and every head was down in the deep gulf, and now the helpless bodies of the creatures were mixed together in the cave and wriggling around in a vain attempt to discover what had become of their heads. the shaggy man laughed and walked across the bridge to rejoin his companions. "it's lucky i learned to play base-ball when i was young," he remarked, "for i caught all those heads easily and never missed one. but come along, little ones; the scoodlers will never bother us or anyone else any more." button-bright was still frightened and kept insisting, "i don't want to be soup!" for the victory had been gained so suddenly that the boy could not realize they were free and safe. but the shaggy man assured him that all danger of their being made into soup was now past, as the scoodlers would be unable to eat soup for some time to come. so now, anxious to get away from the horrid gloomy cave as soon as possible, they hastened up the hillside and regained the road just beyond the place where they had first met the scoodlers; and you may be sure they were glad to find their feet on the old familiar path again. 11. johnny dooit does it "it's getting awful rough walking," said dorothy, as they trudged along. button-bright gave a deep sigh and said he was hungry. indeed, all were hungry, and thirsty, too; for they had eaten nothing but the apples since breakfast; so their steps lagged and they grew silent and weary. at last they slowly passed over the crest of a barren hill and saw before them a line of green trees with a strip of grass at their feet. an agreeable fragrance was wafted toward them. our travelers, hot and tired, ran forward on beholding this refreshing sight and were not long in coming to the trees. here they found a spring of pure bubbling water, around which the grass was full of wild strawberry plants, their pretty red berries ripe and ready to eat. some of the trees bore yellow oranges and some russet pears, so the hungry adventurers suddenly found themselves provided with plenty to eat and to drink. they lost no time in picking the biggest strawberries and ripest oranges and soon had feasted to their hearts' content. walking beyond the line of trees they saw before them a fearful, dismal desert, everywhere gray sand. at the edge of this awful waste was a large, white sign with black letters neatly painted upon it and the letters made these words: all persons are warned not to venture upon this desert for the deadly sands will turn any living flesh to dust in an instant. beyond this barrier is the land of oz but no one can reach that beautiful country because of these destroying sands "oh," said dorothy, when the shaggy man had read the sign aloud; "i've seen this desert before, and it's true no one can live who tries to walk upon the sands." "then we musn't try it," answered the shaggy man thoughtfully. "but as we can't go ahead and there's no use going back, what shall we do next?" "don't know," said button-bright. "i'm sure i don't know, either," added dorothy, despondently. "i wish father would come for me," sighed the pretty rainbow's daughter, "i would take you all to live upon the rainbow, where you could dance along its rays from morning till night, without a care or worry of any sort. but i suppose father's too busy just now to search the world for me." "don't want to dance," said button-bright, sitting down wearily upon the soft grass. "it's very good of you, polly," said dorothy; "but there are other things that would suit me better than dancing on rainbows. i'm 'fraid they'd be kind of soft an' squashy under foot, anyhow, although they're so pretty to look at." this didn't help to solve the problem, and they all fell silent and looked at one another questioningly. "really, i don't know what to do," muttered the shaggy man, gazing hard at toto; and the little dog wagged his tail and said "bow-wow!" just as if he could not tell, either, what to do. button-bright got a stick and began to dig in the earth, and the others watched him for a while in deep thought. finally, the shaggy man said: "it's nearly evening, now; so we may as well sleep in this pretty place and get rested; perhaps by morning we can decide what is best to be done." there was little chance to make beds for the children, but the leaves of the trees grew thickly and would serve to keep off the night dews, so the shaggy man piled soft grasses in the thickest shade and when it was dark they lay down and slept peacefully until morning. long after the others were asleep, however, the shaggy man sat in the starlight by the spring, gazing thoughtfully into its bubbling waters. suddenly he smiled and nodded to himself as if he had found a good thought, after which he, too, laid himself down under a tree and was soon lost in slumber. in the bright morning sunshine, as they ate of the strawberries and sweet juicy pears, dorothy said: "polly, can you do any magic?" "no dear," answered polychrome, shaking her dainty head. "you ought to know some magic, being the rainbow's daughter," continued dorothy, earnestly. "but we who live on the rainbow among the fleecy clouds have no use for magic," replied polychrome. "what i'd like," said dorothy, "is to find some way to cross the desert to the land of oz and its emerald city. i've crossed it already, you know, more than once. first a cyclone carried my house over, and some silver shoes brought me back again--in half a second. then ozma took me over on her magic carpet, and the nome king's magic belt took me home that time. you see it was magic that did it every time 'cept the first, and we can't 'spect a cyclone to happen along and take us to the emerald city now." "no indeed," returned polly, with a shudder, "i hate cyclones, anyway." "that's why i wanted to find out if you could do any magic," said the little kansas girl. "i'm sure i can't; and i'm sure button-bright can't; and the only magic the shaggy man has is the love magnet, which won't help us much." "don't be too sure of that, my dear," spoke the shaggy man, a smile on his donkey face. "i may not be able to do magic myself, but i can call to us a powerful friend who loves me because i own the love magnet, and this friend surely will be able to help us." "who is your friend?" asked dorothy. "johnny dooit." "what can johnny do?" "anything," answered the shaggy man, with confidence. "ask him to come," she exclaimed, eagerly. the shaggy man took the love magnet from his pocket and unwrapped the paper that surrounded it. holding the charm in the palm of his hand he looked at it steadily and said these words: "dear johnny dooit, come to me. i need you bad as bad can be." "well, here i am," said a cheery little voice; "but you shouldn't say you need me bad, 'cause i'm always, always, good." at this they quickly whirled around to find a funny little man sitting on a big copper chest, puffing smoke from a long pipe. his hair was grey, his whiskers were grey; and these whiskers were so long that he had wound the ends of them around his waist and tied them in a hard knot underneath the leather apron that reached from his chin nearly to his feet, and which was soiled and scratched as if it had been used a long time. his nose was broad, and stuck up a little; but his eyes were twinkling and merry. the little man's hands and arms were as hard and tough as the leather in his apron, and dorothy thought johnny dooit looked as if he had done a lot of hard work in his lifetime. "good morning, johnny," said the shaggy man. "thank you for coming to me so quickly." "i never waste time," said the newcomer, promptly. "but what's happened to you? where did you get that donkey head? really, i wouldn't have known you at all, shaggy man, if i hadn't looked at your feet." the shaggy man introduced johnny dooit to dorothy and toto and button-bright and the rainbow's daughter, and told him the story of their adventures, adding that they were anxious now to reach the emerald city in the land of oz, where dorothy had friends who would take care of them and send them safe home again. "but," said he, "we find that we can't cross this desert, which turns all living flesh that touches it into dust; so i have asked you to come and help us." johnny dooit puffed his pipe and looked carefully at the dreadful desert in front of them--stretching so far away they could not see its end. "you must ride," he said, briskly. "what in?" asked the shaggy man. "in a sand-boat, which has runners like a sled and sails like a ship. the wind will blow you swiftly across the desert and the sand cannot touch your flesh to turn it into dust." "good!" cried dorothy, clapping her hands delightedly. "that was the way the magic carpet took us across. we didn't have to touch the horrid sand at all." "but where is the sand-boat?" asked the shaggy man, looking all around him. "i'll make you one," said johnny dooit. as he spoke, he knocked the ashes from his pipe and put it in his pocket. then he unlocked the copper chest and lifted the lid, and dorothy saw it was full of shining tools of all sorts and shapes. johnny dooit moved quickly now--so quickly that they were astonished at the work he was able to accomplish. he had in his chest a tool for everything he wanted to do, and these must have been magic tools because they did their work so fast and so well. the man hummed a little song as he worked, and dorothy tried to listen to it. she thought the words were something like these: the only way to do a thing is do it when you can, and do it cheerfully, and sing and work and think and plan. the only real unhappy one is he who dares to shirk; the only really happy one is he who cares to work. whatever johnny dooit was singing he was certainly doing things, and they all stood by and watched him in amazement. he seized an axe and in a couple of chops felled a tree. next he took a saw and in a few minutes sawed the tree-trunk into broad, long boards. he then nailed the boards together into the shape of a boat, about twelve feet long and four feet wide. he cut from another tree a long, slender pole which, when trimmed of its branches and fastened upright in the center of the boat, served as a mast. from the chest he drew a coil of rope and a big bundle of canvas, and with these--still humming his song--he rigged up a sail, arranging it so it could be raised or lowered upon the mast. dorothy fairly gasped with wonder to see the thing grow so speedily before her eyes, and both button-bright and polly looked on with the same absorbed interest. "it ought to be painted," said johnny dooit, tossing his tools back into the chest, "for that would make it look prettier. but 'though i can paint it for you in three seconds it would take an hour to dry, and that's a waste of time." "we don't care how it looks," said the shaggy man, "if only it will take us across the desert." "it will do that," declared johnny dooit. "all you need worry about is tipping over. did you ever sail a ship?" "i've seen one sailed," said the shaggy man. "good. sail this boat the way you've seen a ship sailed, and you'll be across the sands before you know it." with this he slammed down the lid of the chest, and the noise made them all wink. while they were winking the workman disappeared, tools and all. 12. the deadly desert crossed "oh, that's too bad!" cried dorothy; "i wanted to thank johnny dooit for all his kindness to us." "he hasn't time to listen to thanks," replied the shaggy man; "but i'm sure he knows we are grateful. i suppose he is already at work in some other part of the world." they now looked more carefully at the sand-boat, and saw that the bottom was modeled with two sharp runners which would glide through the sand. the front of the sand-boat was pointed like the bow of a ship, and there was a rudder at the stern to steer by. it had been built just at the edge of the desert, so that all its length lay upon the gray sand except the after part, which still rested on the strip of grass. "get in, my dears," said the shaggy man; "i'm sure i can manage this boat as well as any sailor. all you need do is sit still in your places." dorothy got in, toto in her arms, and sat on the bottom of the boat just in front of the mast. button-bright sat in front of dorothy, while polly leaned over the bow. the shaggy man knelt behind the mast. when all were ready he raised the sail half-way. the wind caught it. at once the sand-boat started forward--slowly at first, then with added speed. the shaggy man pulled the sail way up, and they flew so fast over the deadly desert that every one held fast to the sides of the boat and scarcely dared to breathe. the sand lay in billows, and was in places very uneven, so that the boat rocked dangerously from side to side; but it never quite tipped over, and the speed was so great that the shaggy man himself became frightened and began to wonder how he could make the ship go slower. "it we're spilled in this sand, in the middle of the desert," dorothy thought to herself, "we'll be nothing but dust in a few minutes, and that will be the end of us." but they were not spilled, and by-and-by polychrome, who was clinging to the bow and looking straight ahead, saw a dark line before them and wondered what it was. it grew plainer every second, until she discovered it to be a row of jagged rocks at the end of the desert, while high above these rocks she could see a tableland of green grass and beautiful trees. "look out!" she screamed to the shaggy man. "go slowly, or we shall smash into the rocks." he heard her, and tried to pull down the sail; but the wind would not let go of the broad canvas and the ropes had become tangled. nearer and nearer they drew to the great rocks, and the shaggy man was in despair because he could do nothing to stop the wild rush of the sand-boat. they reached the edge of the desert and bumped squarely into the rocks. there was a crash as dorothy, button-bright, toto and polly flew up in the air in a curve like a skyrocket's, one after another landing high upon the grass, where they rolled and tumbled for a time before they could stop themselves. the shaggy man flew after them, head first, and lighted in a heap beside toto, who, being much excited at the time, seized one of the donkey ears between his teeth and shook and worried it as hard as he could, growling angrily. the shaggy man made the little dog let go, and sat up to look around him. dorothy was feeling one of her front teeth, which was loosened by knocking against her knee as she fell. polly was looking sorrowfully at a rent in her pretty gauze gown, and button-bright's fox head had stuck fast in a gopher hole and he was wiggling his little fat legs frantically in an effort to get free. otherwise they were unhurt by the adventure; so the shaggy man stood up and pulled button-bright out of the hole and went to the edge of the desert to look at the sand-boat. it was a mere mass of splinters now, crushed out of shape against the rocks. the wind had torn away the sail and carried it to the top of a tall tree, where the fragments of it fluttered like a white flag. "well," he said, cheerfully, "we're here; but where the here is i don't know." "it must be some part of the land of oz," observed dorothy, coming to his side. "must it?" "'course it must. we're across the desert, aren't we? and somewhere in the middle of oz is the emerald city." "to be sure," said the shaggy man, nodding. "let's go there." "but i don't see any people about, to show us the way," she continued. "let's hunt for them," he suggested. "there must be people somewhere; but perhaps they did not expect us, and so are not at hand to give us a welcome." 13. the truth pond they now made a more careful examination of the country around them. all was fresh and beautiful after the sultriness of the desert, and the sunshine and sweet, crisp air were delightful to the wanderers. little mounds of yellowish green were away at the right, while on the left waved a group of tall leafy trees bearing yellow blossoms that looked like tassels and pompoms. among the grasses carpeting the ground were pretty buttercups and cowslips and marigolds. after looking at these a moment dorothy said reflectively: "we must be in the country of the winkies, for the color of that country is yellow, and you will notice that 'most everything here is yellow that has any color at all." "but i thought this was the land of oz," replied the shaggy man, as if greatly disappointed. "so it is," she declared; "but there are four parts to the land of oz. the north country is purple, and it's the country of the gillikins. the east country is blue, and that's the country of the munchkins. down at the south is the red country of the quadlings, and here, in the west, the yellow country of the winkies. this is the part that is ruled by the tin woodman, you know." "who's he?" asked button-bright. "why, he's the tin man i told you about. his name is nick chopper, and he has a lovely heart given him by the wonderful wizard." "where does he live?" asked the boy. "the wizard? oh, he lives in the emerald city, which is just in the middle of oz, where the corners of the four countries meet." "oh," said button-bright, puzzled by this explanation. "we must be some distance from the emerald city," remarked the shaggy man. "that's true," she replied; "so we'd better start on and see if we can find any of the winkies. they're nice people," she continued, as the little party began walking toward the group of trees, "and i came here once with my friends the scarecrow, and the tin woodman, and the cowardly lion, to fight a wicked witch who had made all the winkies her slaves." "did you conquer her?" asked polly. "why, i melted her with a bucket of water, and that was the end of her," replied dorothy. "after that the people were free, you know, and they made nick chopper--that's the tin woodman--their emp'ror." "what's that?" asked button-bright. "emp'ror? oh, it's something like an alderman, i guess." "oh," said the boy. "but i thought princess ozma ruled oz," said the shaggy man. "so she does; she rules the emerald city and all the four countries of oz; but each country has another little ruler, not so big as ozma. it's like the officers of an army, you see; the little rulers are all captains, and ozma's the general." by this time they had reached the trees, which stood in a perfect circle and just far enough apart so that their thick branches touched--or "shook hands," as button-bright remarked. under the shade of the trees they found, in the center of the circle, a crystal pool, its water as still as glass. it must have been deep, too, for when polychrome bent over it she gave a little sigh of pleasure. "why, it's a mirror!" she cried; for she could see all her pretty face and fluffy, rainbow-tinted gown reflected in the pool, as natural as life. dorothy bent over, too, and began to arrange her hair, blown by the desert wind into straggling tangles. button-bright leaned over the edge next, and then began to cry, for the sight of his fox head frightened the poor little fellow. "i guess i won't look," remarked the shaggy man, sadly, for he didn't like his donkey head, either. while polly and dorothy tried to comfort button-bright, the shaggy man sat down near the edge of the pool, where his image could not be reflected, and stared at the water thoughtfully. as he did this he noticed a silver plate fastened to a rock just under the surface of the water, and on the silver plate was engraved these words: the truth pond "ah!" cried the shaggy man, springing to his feet with eager joy; "we've found it at last." "found what?" asked dorothy, running to him. "the truth pond. now, at last, i may get rid of this frightful head; for we were told, you remember, that only the truth pond could restore to me my proper face." "me, too!" shouted button-bright, trotting up to them. "of course," said dorothy. "it will cure you both of your bad heads, i guess. isn't it lucky we found it?" "it is, indeed," replied the shaggy man. "i hated dreadfully to go to princess ozma looking like this; and she's to have a birthday celebration, too." just then a splash startled them, for button-bright, in his anxiety to see the pool that would "cure" him, had stepped too near the edge and tumbled heels over head into the water. down he went, out of sight entirely, so that only his sailor hat floated on the top of the truth pond. he soon bobbed up, and the shaggy man seized him by his sailor collar and dragged him to the shore, dripping and gasping for breath. they all looked upon the boy wonderingly, for the fox head with its sharp nose and pointed ears was gone, and in its place appeared the chubby round face and blue eyes and pretty curls that had belonged to button-bright before king dox of foxville transformed him. "oh, what a darling!" cried polly, and would have hugged the little one had he not been so wet. their joyful exclamations made the child rub the water out of his eyes and look at his friends questioningly. "you're all right now, dear," said dorothy. "come and look at yourself." she led him to the pool, and although there were still a few ripples on the surface of the water he could see his reflection plainly. "it's me!" he said, in a pleased yet awed whisper. "'course it is," replied the girl, "and we're all as glad as you are, button-bright." "well," announced the shaggy man, "it's my turn next." he took off his shaggy coat and laid it on the grass and dived head first into the truth pond. when he came up the donkey head had disappeared, and the shaggy man's own shaggy head was in its place, with the water dripping in little streams from his shaggy whiskers. he scrambled ashore and shook himself to get off some of the wet, and then leaned over the pool to look admiringly at his reflected face. "i may not be strictly beautiful, even now," he said to his companions, who watched him with smiling faces; "but i'm so much handsomer than any donkey that i feel as proud as i can be." "you're all right, shaggy man," declared dorothy. "and button-bright is all right, too. so let's thank the truth pond for being so nice, and start on our journey to the emerald city." "i hate to leave it," murmured the shaggy man, with a sigh. "a truth pond wouldn't be a bad thing to carry around with us." but he put on his coat and started with the others in search of some one to direct them on their way. 14. tik-tok and billina they had not walked far across the flower-strewn meadows when they came upon a fine road leading toward the northwest and winding gracefully among the pretty yellow hills. "that way," said dorothy, "must be the direction of the emerald city. we'd better follow the road until we meet some one or come to a house." the sun soon dried button-bright's sailor suit and the shaggy man's shaggy clothes, and so pleased were they at regaining their own heads that they did not mind at all the brief discomfort of getting wet. "it's good to be able to whistle again," remarked the shaggy man, "for those donkey lips were so thick i could not whistle a note with them." he warbled a tune as merrily as any bird. "you'll look more natural at the birthday celebration, too," said dorothy, happy in seeing her friends so happy. polychrome was dancing ahead in her usual sprightly manner, whirling gaily along the smooth, level road, until she passed from sight around the curve of one of the mounds. suddenly they heard her exclaim "oh!" and she appeared again, running toward them at full speed. "what's the matter, polly?" asked dorothy, perplexed. there was no need for the rainbow's daughter to answer, for turning the bend in the road there came advancing slowly toward them a funny round man made of burnished copper, gleaming brightly in the sun. perched on the copper man's shoulder sat a yellow hen, with fluffy feathers and a pearl necklace around her throat. "oh, tik-tok!" cried dorothy, running forward. when she came to him, the copper man lifted the little girl in his copper arms and kissed her cheek with his copper lips. "oh, billina!" cried dorothy, in a glad voice, and the yellow hen flew to her arms, to be hugged and petted by turns. the others were curiously crowding around the group, and the girl said to them: "it's tik-tok and billina; and oh! i'm so glad to see them again." "wel-come to oz," said the copper man in a monotonous voice. dorothy sat right down in the road, the yellow hen in her arms, and began to stroke billina's back. said the hen: "dorothy, dear, i've got some wonderful news to tell you." "tell it quick, billina!" said the girl. just then toto, who had been growling to himself in a cross way, gave a sharp bark and flew at the yellow hen, who ruffled her feathers and let out such an angry screech that dorothy was startled. "stop, toto! stop that this minute!" she commanded. "can't you see that billina is my friend?" in spite of this warning had she not grabbed toto quickly by the neck the little dog would have done the yellow hen a mischief, and even now he struggled madly to escape dorothy's grasp. she slapped his ears once or twice and told him to behave, and the yellow hen flew to tik-tok's shoulder again, where she was safe. "what a brute!" croaked billina, glaring down at the little dog. "toto isn't a brute," replied dorothy, "but at home uncle henry has to whip him sometimes for chasing the chickens. now look here, toto," she added, holding up her finger and speaking sternly to him, "you've got to understand that billina is one of my dearest friends, and musn't be hurt--now or ever." toto wagged his tail as if he understood. "the miserable thing can't talk," said billina, with a sneer. "yes, he can," replied dorothy; "he talks with his tail, and i know everything he says. if you could wag your tail, billina, you wouldn't need words to talk with." "nonsense!" said billina. "it isn't nonsense at all. just now toto says he's sorry, and that he'll try to love you for my sake. don't you, toto?" "bow-wow!" said toto, wagging his tail again. "but i've such wonderful news for you, dorothy," cried the yellow hen; "i've--" "wait a minute, dear," interrupted the little girl; "i've got to introduce you all, first. that's manners, billina. this," turning to her traveling companions, "is mr. tik-tok, who works by machinery 'cause his thoughts wind up, and his talk winds up, and his action winds up--like a clock." "do they all wind up together?" asked the shaggy man. "no; each one separate. but he works just lovely, and tik-tok was a good friend to me once, and saved my life--and billina's life, too." "is he alive?" asked button-bright, looking hard at the copper man. "oh, no, but his machinery makes him just as good as alive." she turned to the copper man and said politely: "mr. tik-tok, these are my new friends: the shaggy man, and polly the rainbow's daughter, and button-bright, and toto. only toto isn't a new friend, 'cause he's been to oz before." the copper man bowed low, removing his copper hat as he did so. "i'm ve-ry pleased to meet dor-o-thy's fr-r-r-r---" here he stopped short. "oh, i guess his speech needs winding!" said the little girl, running behind the copper man to get the key off a hook at his back. she wound him up at a place under his right arm and he went on to say: "par-don me for run-ning down. i was a-bout to say i am pleased to meet dor-o-thy's friends, who must be my friends." the words were somewhat jerky, but plain to understand. "and this is billina," continued dorothy, introducing the yellow hen, and they all bowed to her in turn. "i've such wonderful news," said the hen, turning her head so that one bright eye looked full at dorothy. "what is it, dear?" asked the girl. "i've hatched out ten of the loveliest chicks you ever saw." "oh, how nice! and where are they, billina?" "i left them at home. but they're beauties, i assure you, and all wonderfully clever. i've named them dorothy." "which one?" asked the girl. "all of them," replied billina. "that's funny. why did you name them all with the same name?" "it was so hard to tell them apart," explained the hen. "now, when i call 'dorothy,' they all come running to me in a bunch; it's much easier, after all, than having a separate name for each." "i'm just dying to see 'em, billina," said dorothy, eagerly. "but tell me, my friends, how did you happen to be here, in the country of the winkies, the first of all to meet us?" "i'll tell you," answered tik-tok, in his monotonous voice, all the sounds of his words being on one level--"prin-cess oz-ma saw you in her mag-ic pic-ture, and knew you were com-ing here; so she sent bil-lin-a and me to wel-come you as she could not come her-self; so that--fiz-i-dig-le cum-so-lut-ing hy-ber-gob-ble in-tu-zib-ick--" "good gracious! whatever's the matter now?" cried dorothy, as the copper man continued to babble these unmeaning words, which no one could understand at all because they had no sense. "don't know," said button-bright, who was half scared. polly whirled away to a distance and turned to look at the copper man in a fright. "his thoughts have run down, this time," remarked billina composedly, as she sat on tik-tok's shoulder and pruned her sleek feathers. "when he can't think, he can't talk properly, any more than you can. you'll have to wind up his thoughts, dorothy, or else i'll have to finish his story myself." dorothy ran around and got the key again and wound up tik-tok under his left arm, after which he could speak plainly again. "par-don me," he said, "but when my thoughts run down, my speech has no mean-ing, for words are formed on-ly by thought. i was a-bout to say that oz-ma sent us to wel-come you and in-vite you to come straight to the em-er-ald ci-ty. she was too bus-y to come her-self, for she is pre-par-ing for her birth-day cel-e-bra-tion, which is to be a grand af-fair." "i've heard of it," said dorothy, "and i'm glad we've come in time to attend. is it far from here to the emerald city?" "not ve-ry far," answered tik-tok, "and we have plen-ty of time. to-night we will stop at the pal-ace of the tin wood-man, and to-mor-row night we will ar-rive at the em-er-ald ci-ty." "goody!" cried dorothy. "i'd like to see dear nick chopper again. how's his heart?" "it's fine," said billina; "the tin woodman says it gets softer and kindlier every day. he's waiting at his castle to welcome you, dorothy; but he couldn't come with us because he's getting polished as bright as possible for ozma's party." "well then," said dorothy, "let's start on, and we can talk more as we go." they proceeded on their journey in a friendly group, for polychrome had discovered that the copper man was harmless and was no longer afraid of him. button-bright was also reassured, and took quite a fancy to tik-tok. he wanted the clockwork man to open himself, so that he might see the wheels go round; but that was a thing tik-tok could not do. button-bright then wanted to wind up the copper man, and dorothy promised he should do so as soon as any part of the machinery ran down. this pleased button-bright, who held fast to one of tik-tok's copper hands as he trudged along the road, while dorothy walked on the other side of her old friend and billina perched by turns upon his shoulder or his copper hat. polly once more joyously danced ahead and toto ran after her, barking with glee. the shaggy man was left to walk behind; but he didn't seem to mind that a bit, and whistled merrily or looked curiously upon the pretty scenes they passed. at last they came to a hilltop from which the tin castle of nick chopper could plainly be seen, its towers glistening magnificently under the rays of the declining sun. "how pretty!" exclaimed dorothy. "i've never seen the emp'ror's new house before." "he built it because the old castle was damp, and likely to rust his tin body," said billina. "all those towers and steeples and domes and gables took a lot of tin, as you can see." "is it a toy?" asked button-bright softly. "no, dear," answered dorothy; "it's better than that. it's the fairy dwelling of a fairy prince." 15. the emperor's tin castle the grounds around nick chopper's new house were laid out in pretty flower-beds, with fountains of crystal water and statues of tin representing the emperor's personal friends. dorothy was astonished and delighted to find a tin statue of herself standing on a tin pedestal at a bend in the avenue leading up to the entrance. it was life-size and showed her in her sunbonnet with her basket on her arm, just as she had first appeared in the land of oz. "oh, toto--you're there too!" she exclaimed; and sure enough there was the tin figure of toto lying at the tin dorothy's feet. also, dorothy saw figures of the scarecrow, and the wizard, and ozma, and of many others, including tik-tok. they reached the grand tin entrance to the tin castle, and the tin woodman himself came running out of the door to embrace little dorothy and give her a glad welcome. he welcomed her friends as well, and the rainbow's daughter he declared to be the loveliest vision his tin eyes had ever beheld. he patted button-bright's curly head tenderly, for he was fond of children, and turned to the shaggy man and shook both his hands at the same time. nick chopper, the emperor of the winkies, who was also known throughout the land of oz as the tin woodman, was certainly a remarkable person. he was neatly made, all of tin, nicely soldered at the joints, and his various limbs were cleverly hinged to his body so that he could use them nearly as well as if they had been common flesh. once, he told the shaggy man, he had been made all of flesh and bones, as other people are, and then he chopped wood in the forests to earn his living. but the axe slipped so often and cut off parts of him--which he had replaced with tin--that finally there was no flesh left, nothing but tin; so he became a real tin woodman. the wonderful wizard of oz had given him an excellent heart to replace his old one, and he didn't at all mind being tin. every one loved him, he loved every one; and he was therefore as happy as the day was long. the emperor was proud of his new tin castle, and showed his visitors through all the rooms. every bit of the furniture was made of brightly polished tin--the tables, chairs, beds, and all--even the floors and walls were of tin. "i suppose," said he, "that there are no cleverer tinsmiths in all the world than the winkies. it would be hard to match this castle in kansas; wouldn't it, little dorothy?" "very hard," replied the child, gravely. "it must have cost a lot of money," remarked the shaggy man. "money! money in oz!" cried the tin woodman. "what a queer idea! did you suppose we are so vulgar as to use money here?" "why not?" asked the shaggy man. "if we used money to buy things with, instead of love and kindness and the desire to please one another, then we should be no better than the rest of the world," declared the tin woodman. "fortunately money is not known in the land of oz at all. we have no rich, and no poor; for what one wishes the others all try to give him, in order to make him happy, and no one in all oz cares to have more than he can use." "good!" cried the shaggy man, greatly pleased to hear this. "i also despise money--a man in butterfield owes me fifteen cents, and i will not take it from him. the land of oz is surely the most favored land in all the world, and its people the happiest. i should like to live here always." the tin woodman listened with respectful attention. already he loved the shaggy man, although he did not yet know of the love magnet. so he said: "if you can prove to the princess ozma that you are honest and true and worthy of our friendship, you may indeed live here all your days, and be as happy as we are." "i'll try to prove that," said the shaggy man, earnestly. "and now," continued the emperor, "you must all go to your rooms and prepare for dinner, which will presently be served in the grand tin dining-hall. i am sorry, shaggy man, that i can not offer you a change of clothing; but i dress only in tin, myself, and i suppose that would not suit you." "i care little about dress," said the shaggy man, indifferently. "so i should imagine," replied the emperor, with true politeness. they were shown to their rooms and permitted to make such toilets as they could, and soon they assembled again in the grand tin dining-hall, even toto being present. for the emperor was fond of dorothy's little dog, and the girl explained to her friends that in oz all animals were treated with as much consideration as the people--"if they behave themselves," she added. toto behaved himself, and sat in a tin high-chair beside dorothy and ate his dinner from a tin platter. indeed, they all ate from tin dishes, but these were of pretty shapes and brightly polished; dorothy thought they were just as good as silver. button-bright looked curiously at the man who had "no appetite inside him," for the tin woodman, although he had prepared so fine a feast for his guests, ate not a mouthful himself, sitting patiently in his place to see that all built so they could eat were well and plentifully served. what pleased button-bright most about the dinner was the tin orchestra that played sweet music while the company ate. the players were not tin, being just ordinary winkies; but the instruments they played upon were all tin--tin trumpets, tin fiddles, tin drums and cymbals and flutes and horns and all. they played so nicely the "shining emperor waltz," composed expressly in honor of the tin woodman by mr. h. m. wogglebug, t.e., that polly could not resist dancing to it. after she had tasted a few dewdrops, freshly gathered for her, she danced gracefully to the music while the others finished their repast; and when she whirled until her fleecy draperies of rainbow hues enveloped her like a cloud, the tin woodman was so delighted that he clapped his tin hands until the noise of them drowned the sound of the cymbals. altogether it was a merry meal, although polychrome ate little and the host nothing at all. "i'm sorry the rainbow's daughter missed her mist-cakes," said the tin woodman to dorothy; "but by a mistake miss polly's mist-cakes were mislaid and not missed until now. i'll try to have some for her breakfast." they spent the evening telling stories, and the next morning left the splendid tin castle and set out upon the road to the emerald city. the tin woodman went with them, of course, having by this time been so brightly polished that he sparkled like silver. his axe, which he always carried with him, had a steel blade that was tin plated and a handle covered with tin plate beautifully engraved and set with diamonds. the winkies assembled before the castle gates and cheered their emperor as he marched away, and it was easy to see that they all loved him dearly. 16. visiting the pumpkin-field dorothy let button-bright wind up the clock-work in the copper man this morning--his thinking machine first, then his speech, and finally his action; so he would doubtless run perfectly until they had reached the emerald city. the copper man and the tin man were good friends, and not so much alike as you might think. for one was alive and the other moved by means of machinery; one was tall and angular and the other short and round. you could love the tin woodman because he had a fine nature, kindly and simple; but the machine man you could only admire without loving, since to love such a thing as he was as impossible as to love a sewing-machine or an automobile. yet tik-tok was popular with the people of oz because he was so trustworthy, reliable and true; he was sure to do exactly what he was wound up to do, at all times and in all circumstances. perhaps it is better to be a machine that does its duty than a flesh-and-blood person who will not, for a dead truth is better than a live falsehood. about noon the travelers reached a large field of pumpkins--a vegetable quite appropriate to the yellow country of the winkies--and some of the pumpkins which grew there were of remarkable size. just before they entered upon this field they saw three little mounds that looked like graves, with a pretty headstone to each one of them. "what is this?" asked dorothy, in wonder. "it's jack pumpkinhead's private graveyard," replied the tin woodman. "but i thought nobody ever died in oz," she said. "nor do they; although if one is bad, he may be condemned and killed by the good citizens," he answered. dorothy ran over to the little graves and read the words engraved upon the tombstones. the first one said: here lies the mortal part of jack pumpkinhead which spoiled april 9th. she then went to the next stone, which read: here lies the mortal part of jack pumpkinhead which spoiled october 2nd. on the third stone were carved these words: here lies the mortal part of jack pumpkinhead which spoiled january 24th. "poor jack!" sighed dorothy. "i'm sorry he had to die in three parts, for i hoped to see him again." "so you shall," declared the tin woodman, "since he is still alive. come with me to his house, for jack is now a farmer and lives in this very pumpkin field." they walked over to a monstrous big, hollow pumpkin which had a door and windows cut through the rind. there was a stovepipe running through the stem, and six steps had been built leading up to the front door. they walked up to this door and looked in. seated on a bench was a man clothed in a spotted shirt, a red vest, and faded blue trousers, whose body was merely sticks of wood, jointed clumsily together. on his neck was set a round, yellow pumpkin, with a face carved on it such as a boy often carves on a jack-lantern. this queer man was engaged in snapping slippery pumpkin-seeds with his wooden fingers, trying to hit a target on the other side of the room with them. he did not know he had visitors until dorothy exclaimed: "why, it's jack pumpkinhead himself!" he turned and saw them, and at once came forward to greet the little kansas girl and nick chopper, and to be introduced to their new friends. button-bright was at first rather shy with the quaint pumpkinhead, but jack's face was so jolly and smiling--being carved that way--that the boy soon grew to like him. "i thought a while ago that you were buried in three parts," said dorothy, "but now i see you're just the same as ever." "not quite the same, my dear, for my mouth is a little more one-sided than it used to be; but pretty nearly the same. i've a new head, and this is the fourth one i've owned since ozma first made me and brought me to life by sprinkling me with the magic powder." "what became of the other heads, jack?" "they spoiled and i buried them, for they were not even fit for pies. each time ozma has carved me a new head just like the old one, and as my body is by far the largest part of me, i am still jack pumpkinhead, no matter how often i change my upper end. once we had a dreadful time to find another pumpkin, as they were out of season, and so i was obliged to wear my old head a little longer than was strictly healthy. but after this sad experience i resolved to raise pumpkins myself, so as never to be caught again without one handy; and now i have this fine field that you see before you. some grow pretty big--too big to be used for heads--so i dug out this one and use it for a house." "isn't it damp?" asked dorothy. "not very. there isn't much left but the shell, you see, and it will last a long time yet." "i think you are brighter than you used to be, jack," said the tin woodman. "your last head was a stupid one." "the seeds in this one are better," was the reply. "are you going to ozma's party?" asked dorothy. "yes," said he, "i wouldn't miss it for anything. ozma's my parent, you know, because she built my body and carved my pumpkin head. i'll follow you to the emerald city to-morrow, where we shall meet again. i can't go to-day, because i have to plant fresh pumpkin-seeds and water the young vines. but give my love to ozma, and tell her i'll be there in time for the jubilation." "we will," she promised; and then they all left him and resumed their journey. 17. the royal chariot arrives the neat yellow houses of the winkies were now to be seen standing here and there along the roadway, giving the country a more cheerful and civilized look. they were farm-houses, though, and set far apart; for in the land of oz there were no towns or villages except the magnificent emerald city in its center. hedges of evergreen or of yellow roses bordered the broad highway and the farms showed the care of their industrious inhabitants. the nearer the travelers came to the great city the more prosperous the country became, and they crossed many bridges over the sparkling streams and rivulets that watered the lands. as they walked leisurely along the shaggy man said to the tin woodman: "what sort of a magic powder was it that made your friend the pumpkinhead live?" "it was called the powder of life," was the answer; "and it was invented by a crooked sorcerer who lived in the mountains of the north country. a witch named mombi got some of this powder from the crooked sorcerer and took it home with her. ozma lived with the witch then, for it was before she became our princess, while mombi had transformed her into the shape of a boy. well, while mombi was gone to the crooked sorcerer's, the boy made this pumpkin-headed man to amuse himself, and also with the hope of frightening the witch with it when she returned. but mombi was not scared, and she sprinkled the pumpkinhead with her magic powder of life, to see if the powder would work. ozma was watching, and saw the pumpkinhead come to life; so that night she took the pepper-box containing the powder and ran away with it and with jack, in search of adventures. "next day they found a wooden saw-horse standing by the roadside, and sprinkled it with the powder. it came to life at once, and jack pumpkinhead rode the saw-horse to the emerald city." "what became of the saw-horse, afterward?" asked the shaggy man, much interested in this story. "oh, it's alive yet, and you will probably meet it presently in the emerald city. afterward, ozma used the last of the powder to bring the flying gump to life; but as soon as it had carried her away from her enemies the gump was taken apart, so it doesn't exist any more." "it's too bad the powder of life was all used up," remarked the shaggy man; "it would be a handy thing to have around." "i am not so sure of that, sir," answered the tin woodman. "a while ago the crooked sorcerer who invented the magic powder fell down a precipice and was killed. all his possessions went to a relative--an old woman named dyna, who lives in the emerald city. she went to the mountains where the sorcerer had lived and brought away everything she thought of value. among them was a small bottle of the powder of life; but of course dyna didn't know it was a magic powder, at all. it happened she had once had a big blue bear for a pet; but the bear choked to death on a fishbone one day, and she loved it so dearly that dyna made a rug of its skin, leaving the head and four paws on the hide. she kept the rug on the floor of her front parlor." "i've seen rugs like that," said the shaggy man, nodding, "but never one made from a blue bear." "well," continued the tin woodman, "the old woman had an idea that the powder in the bottle must be moth-powder, because it smelled something like moth-powder; so one day she sprinkled it on her bear rug to keep the moths out of it. she said, looking lovingly at the skin: 'i wish my dear bear were alive again!' to her horror, the bear rug at once came to life, having been sprinkled with the magic powder; and now this live bear rug is a great trial to her, and makes her a lot of trouble." "why?" asked the shaggy man. "well, it stands up on its four feet and walks all around, and gets in the way; and that spoils it for a rug. it can't speak, although it is alive; for, while its head might say words, it has no breath in a solid body to push the words out of its mouth. it's a very slimpsy affair altogether, that bear rug, and the old woman is sorry it came to life. every day she has to scold it, and make it lie down flat on the parlor floor to be walked upon; but sometimes when she goes to market the rug will hump up its back skin, and stand on its four feet, and trot along after her." "i should think dyna would like that," said dorothy. "well, she doesn't; because every one knows it isn't a real bear, but just a hollow skin, and so of no actual use in the world except for a rug," answered the tin woodman. "therefore i believe it is a good thing that all the magic powder of life is now used up, as it can not cause any more trouble." "perhaps you're right," said the shaggy man, thoughtfully. at noon they stopped at a farmhouse, where it delighted the farmer and his wife to be able to give them a good luncheon. the farm people knew dorothy, having seen her when she was in the country before, and they treated the little girl with as much respect as they did the emperor, because she was a friend of the powerful princess ozma. they had not proceeded far after leaving this farm-house before coming to a high bridge over a broad river. this river, the tin woodman informed them, was the boundary between the country of the winkies and the territory of the emerald city. the city itself was still a long way off, but all around it was a green meadow as pretty as a well-kept lawn, and in this were neither houses nor farms to spoil the beauty of the scene. from the top of the high bridge they could see far away the magnificent spires and splendid domes of the superb city, sparkling like brilliant jewels as they towered above the emerald walls. the shaggy man drew a deep breath of awe and amazement, for never had he dreamed that such a grand and beautiful place could exist--even in the fairyland of oz. polly was so pleased that her violet eyes sparkled like amethysts, and she danced away from her companions across the bridge and into a group of feathery trees lining both the roadsides. these trees she stopped to look at with pleasure and surprise, for their leaves were shaped like ostrich plumes, their feather edges beautifully curled; and all the plumes were tinted in the same dainty rainbow hues that appeared in polychrome's own pretty gauze gown. "father ought to see these trees," she murmured; "they are almost as lovely as his own rainbows." then she gave a start of terror, for beneath the trees came stalking two great beasts, either one big enough to crush the little daughter of the rainbow with one blow of his paws, or to eat her up with one snap of his enormous jaws. one was a tawny lion, as tall as a horse, nearly; the other a striped tiger almost the same size. polly was too frightened to scream or to stir; she stood still with a wildly beating heart until dorothy rushed past her and with a glad cry threw her arms around the huge lion's neck, hugging and kissing the beast with evident joy. "oh, i'm so glad to see you again!" cried the little kansas girl. "and the hungry tiger, too! how fine you're both looking. are you well and happy?" "we certainly are, dorothy," answered the lion, in a deep voice that sounded pleasant and kind; "and we are greatly pleased that you have come to ozma's party. it's going to be a grand affair, i promise you." "there will be lots of fat babies at the celebration, i hear," remarked the hungry tiger, yawning so that his mouth opened dreadfully wide and showed all his big, sharp teeth; "but of course i can't eat any of 'em." "is your conscience still in good order?" asked dorothy, anxiously. "yes; it rules me like a tyrant," answered the tiger, sorrowfully. "i can imagine nothing more unpleasant than to own a conscience," and he winked slyly at his friend the lion. "you're fooling me!" said dorothy, with a laugh. "i don't b'lieve you'd eat a baby if you lost your conscience. come here, polly," she called, "and be introduced to my friends." polly advanced rather shyly. "you have some queer friends, dorothy," she said. "the queerness doesn't matter so long as they're friends," was the answer. "this is the cowardly lion, who isn't a coward at all, but just thinks he is. the wizard gave him some courage once, and he has part of it left." the lion bowed with great dignity to polly. "you are very lovely, my dear," said he. "i hope we shall be friends when we are better acquainted." "and this is the hungry tiger," continued dorothy. "he says he longs to eat fat babies; but the truth is he is never hungry at all, 'cause he gets plenty to eat; and i don't s'pose he'd hurt anybody even if he was hungry." "hush, dorothy," whispered the tiger; "you'll ruin my reputation if you are not more discreet. it isn't what we are, but what folks think we are, that counts in this world. and come to think of it miss polly would make a fine variegated breakfast, i'm sure." 18. the emerald city the others now came up, and the tin woodman greeted the lion and the tiger cordially. button-bright yelled with fear when dorothy first took his hand and led him toward the great beasts; but the girl insisted they were kind and good, and so the boy mustered up courage enough to pat their heads; after they had spoken to him gently and he had looked into their intelligent eyes his fear vanished entirely and he was so delighted with the animals that he wanted to keep close to them and stroke their soft fur every minute. as for the shaggy man, he might have been afraid if he had met the beasts alone, or in any other country, but so many were the marvels in; the land of oz that he was no longer easily surprised, and dorothy's friendship for the lion and tiger was enough to assure him they were safe companions. toto barked at the cowardly lion in joyous greeting, for he knew the beast of old and loved him, and it was funny to see how gently the lion raised his huge paw to pat toto's head. the little dog smelled of the tiger's nose, and the tiger politely shook paws with him; so they were quite likely to become firm friends. tik-tok and billina knew the beasts well, so merely bade them good day and asked after their healths and inquired about the princess ozma. now it was seen that the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger were drawing behind them a splendid golden chariot, to which they were harnessed by golden cords. the body of the chariot was decorated on the outside with designs in clusters of sparkling emeralds, while inside it was lined with a green and gold satin, and the cushions of the seats were of green plush embroidered in gold with a crown, underneath which was a monogram. "why, it's ozma's own royal chariot!" exclaimed dorothy. "yes," said the cowardly lion; "ozma sent us to meet you here, for she feared you would be weary with your long walk and she wished you to enter the city in a style becoming your exalted rank." "what!" cried polly, looking at dorothy curiously. "do you belong to the nobility?" "just in oz i do," said the child, "'cause ozma made me a princess, you know. but when i'm home in kansas i'm only a country girl, and have to help with the churning and wipe the dishes while aunt em washes 'em. do you have to help wash dishes on the rainbow, polly?" "no, dear," answered polychrome, smiling. "well, i don't have to work any in oz, either," said dorothy. "it's kind of fun to be a princess once in a while; don't you think so?" "dorothy and polychrome and button-bright are all to ride in the chariot," said the lion. "so get in, my dears, and be careful not to mar the gold or put your dusty feet on the embroidery." button-bright was delighted to ride behind such a superb team, and he told dorothy it made him feel like an actor in a circus. as the strides of the animals brought them nearer to the emerald city every one bowed respectfully to the children, as well as to the tin woodman, tik-tok, and the shaggy man, who were following behind. the yellow hen had perched upon the back of the chariot, where she could tell dorothy more about her wonderful chickens as they rode. and so the grand chariot came finally to the high wall surrounding the city, and paused before the magnificent jewel-studded gates. these were opened by a cheerful-looking little man who wore green spectacles over his eyes. dorothy introduced him to her friends as the guardian of the gates, and they noticed a big bunch of keys suspended on the golden chain that hung around his neck. the chariot passed through the outer gates into a fine arched chamber built in the thick wall, and through the inner gates into the streets of the emerald city. polychrome exclaimed in rapture at the wondrous beauty that met her eyes on every side as they rode through this stately and imposing city, the equal of which has never been discovered, even in fairyland. button-bright could only say "my!" so amazing was the sight; but his eyes were wide open and he tried to look in every direction at the same time, so as not to miss anything. the shaggy man was fairly astounded at what he saw, for the graceful and handsome buildings were covered with plates of gold and set with emeralds so splendid and valuable that in any other part of the world any one of them would have been worth a fortune to its owner. the sidewalks were superb marble slabs polished as smooth as glass, and the curbs that separated the walks from the broad street were also set thick with clustered emeralds. there were many people on these walks--men, women and children--all dressed in handsome garments of silk or satin or velvet, with beautiful jewels. better even than this: all seemed happy and contented, for their faces were smiling and free from care, and music and laughter might be heard on every side. "don't they work at all?" asked the shaggy man. "to be sure they work," replied the tin woodman; "this fair city could not be built or cared for without labor, nor could the fruit and vegetables and other food be provided for the inhabitants to eat. but no one works more than half his time, and the people of oz enjoy their labors as much as they do their play." "it's wonderful!" declared the shaggy man. "i do hope ozma will let me live here." the chariot, winding through many charming streets, paused before a building so vast and noble and elegant that even button-bright guessed at once that it was the royal palace. its gardens and ample grounds were surrounded by a separate wall, not so high or thick as the wall around the city, but more daintily designed and built all of green marble. the gates flew open as the chariot appeared before them, and the cowardly lion and hungry tiger trotted up a jeweled driveway to the front door of the palace and stopped short. "here we are!" said dorothy, gaily, and helped button-bright from the chariot. polychrome leaped out lightly after them, and they were greeted by a crowd of gorgeously dressed servants who bowed low as the visitors mounted the marble steps. at their head was a pretty little maid with dark hair and eyes, dressed all in green embroidered with silver. dorothy ran up to her with evident pleasure, and exclaimed: "o, jellia jamb! i'm so glad to see you again. where's ozma?" "in her room, your highness," replied the little maid demurely, for this was ozma's favorite attendant. "she wishes you to come to her as soon as you have rested and changed your dress, princess dorothy. and you and your friends are to dine with her this evening." "when is her birthday, jellia?" asked the girl. "day after to-morrow, your highness." "and where's the scarecrow?" "he's gone into the munchkin country to get some fresh straw to stuff himself with, in honor of ozma's celebration," replied the maid. "he returns to the emerald city to-morrow, he said." by this time, tok-tok, the tin woodman, and the shaggy man had arrived and the chariot had gone around to the back of the palace, billina going with the lion and tiger to see her chickens after her absence from them. but toto stayed close beside dorothy. "come in, please," said jellia jamb; "it shall be our pleasant duty to escort all of you to the rooms prepared for your use." the shaggy man hesitated. dorothy had never known him to be ashamed of his shaggy looks before, but now that he was surrounded by so much magnificence and splendor the shaggy man felt sadly out of place. dorothy assured him that all her friends were welcome at ozma's palace, so he carefully dusted his shaggy shoes with his shaggy handkerchief and entered the grand hall after the others. tik-tok lived at the royal palace and the tin woodman always had the same room whenever he visited ozma, so these two went at once to remove the dust of the journey from their shining bodies. dorothy also had a pretty suite of rooms which she always occupied when in the emerald city; but several servants walked ahead politely to show the way, although she was quite sure she could find the rooms herself. she took button-bright with her, because he seemed too small to be left alone in such a big palace; but jellia jamb herself ushered the beautiful daughter of the rainbow to her apartments, because it was easy to see that polychrome was used to splendid palaces and was therefore entitled to especial attention. 19. the shaggy man's welcome the shaggy man stood in the great hall, his shaggy hat in his hands, wondering what would become of him. he had never been a guest in a fine palace before; perhaps he had never been a guest anywhere. in the big, cold, outside world people did not invite shaggy men to their homes, and this shaggy man of ours had slept more in hay-lofts and stables than in comfortable rooms. when the others left the great hall he eyed the splendidly dressed servants of the princess ozma as if he expected to be ordered out; but one of them bowed before him as respectfully as if he had been a prince, and said: "permit me, sir, to conduct you to your apartments." the shaggy man drew a long breath and took courage. "very well," he answered. "i'm ready." through the big hall they went, up the grand staircase carpeted thick with velvet, and so along a wide corridor to a carved doorway. here the servant paused, and opening the door said with polite deference: "be good enough to enter, sir, and make yourself at home in the rooms our royal ozma has ordered prepared for you. whatever you see is for you to use and enjoy, as if your own. the princess dines at seven, and i shall be here in time to lead you to the drawing-room, where you will be privileged to meet the lovely ruler of oz. is there any command, in the meantime, with which you desire to honor me?" "no," said the shaggy man; "but i'm much obliged." he entered the room and shut the door, and for a time stood in bewilderment, admiring the grandeur before him. he had been given one of the handsomest apartments in the most magnificent palace in the world, and you can not wonder that his good fortune astonished and awed him until he grew used to his surroundings. the furniture was upholstered in cloth of gold, with the royal crown embroidered upon it in scarlet. the rug upon the marble floor was so thick and soft that he could not hear the sound of his own footsteps, and upon the walls were splendid tapestries woven with scenes from the land of oz. books and ornaments were scattered about in profusion, and the shaggy man thought he had never seen so many pretty things in one place before. in one corner played a tinkling fountain of perfumed water, and in another was a table bearing a golden tray loaded with freshly gathered fruit, including several of the red-cheeked apples that the shaggy man loved. at the farther end of this charming room was an open doorway, and he crossed over to find himself in a bedroom containing more comforts than the shaggy man had ever before imagined. the bedstead was of gold and set with many brilliant diamonds, and the coverlet had designs of pearls and rubies sewed upon it. at one side of the bedroom was a dainty dressing-room with closets containing a large assortment of fresh clothing; and beyond this was the bath--a large room having a marble pool big enough to swim in, with white marble steps leading down to the water. around the edge of the pool were set rows of fine emeralds as large as door-knobs, while the water of the bath was clear as crystal. for a time the shaggy man gazed upon all this luxury with silent amazement. then he decided, being wise in his way, to take advantage of his good fortune. he removed his shaggy boots and his shaggy clothing, and bathed in the pool with rare enjoyment. after he had dried himself with the soft towels he went into the dressing-room and took fresh linen from the drawers and put it on, finding that everything fitted him exactly. he examined the contents of the closets and selected an elegant suit of clothing. strangely enough, everything about it was shaggy, although so new and beautiful, and he sighed with contentment to realize that he could now be finely dressed and still be the shaggy man. his coat was of rose-colored velvet, trimmed with shags and bobtails, with buttons of blood-red rubies and golden shags around the edges. his vest was a shaggy satin of a delicate cream color, and his knee-breeches of rose velvet trimmed like the coat. shaggy creamy stockings of silk, and shaggy slippers of rose leather with ruby buckles, completed his costume, and when he was thus attired the shaggy man looked at himself in a long mirror with great admiration. on a table he found a mother-of-pearl chest decorated with delicate silver vines and flowers of clustered rubies, and on the cover was a silver plate engraved with these words: the shaggy man: his box of ornaments the chest was not locked, so he opened it and was almost dazzled by the brilliance of the rich jewels it contained. after admiring the pretty things, he took out a fine golden watch with a big chain, several handsome finger-rings, and an ornament of rubies to pin upon the breast of his shaggy shirt-bosom. having carefully brushed his hair and whiskers all the wrong way to make them look as shaggy as possible, the shaggy man breathed a deep sigh of joy and decided he was ready to meet the royal princess as soon as she sent for him. while he waited he returned to the beautiful sitting room and ate several of the red-cheeked apples to pass away the time. meanwhile, dorothy had dressed herself in a pretty gown of soft grey embroidered with silver, and put a blue-and-gold suit of satin upon little button-bright, who looked as sweet as a cherub in it. followed by the boy and toto--the dog with a new green ribbon around his neck--she hastened down to the splendid drawing-room of the palace, where, seated upon an exquisite throne of carved malachite and nestled amongst its green satin cushions was the lovely princess ozma, waiting eagerly to welcome her friend. 20. princess ozma of oz the royal historians of oz, who are fine writers and know any number of big words, have often tried to describe the rare beauty of ozma and failed because the words were not good enough. so of course i cannot hope to tell you how great was the charm of this little princess, or how her loveliness put to shame all the sparkling jewels and magnificent luxury that surrounded her in this her royal palace. whatever else was beautiful or dainty or delightful of itself faded to dullness when contrasted with ozma's bewitching face, and it has often been said by those who know that no other ruler in all the world can ever hope to equal the gracious charm of her manner. everything about ozma attracted one, and she inspired love and the sweetest affection rather than awe or ordinary admiration. dorothy threw her arms around her little friend and hugged and kissed her rapturously, and toto barked joyfully and button-bright smiled a happy smile and consented to sit on the soft cushions close beside the princess. "why didn't you send me word you were going to have a birthday party?" asked the little kansas girl, when the first greetings were over. "didn't i?" asked ozma, her pretty eyes dancing with merriment. "did you?" replied dorothy, trying to think. "who do you imagine, dear, mixed up those roads, so as to start you wandering in the direction of oz?" inquired the princess. "oh! i never 'spected you of that," cried dorothy. "i've watched you in my magic picture all the way here," declared ozma, "and twice i thought i should have to use the magic belt to save you and transport you to the emerald city. once was when the scoodlers caught you, and again when you reached the deadly desert. but the shaggy man was able to help you out both times, so i did not interfere." "do you know who button-bright is?" asked dorothy. "no; i never saw him until you found him in the road, and then only in my magic picture." "and did you send polly to us?" "no, dear; the rainbow's daughter slid from her father's pretty arch just in time to meet you." "well," said dorothy, "i've promised king dox of foxville and king kik-a-bray of dunkiton that i'd ask you to invite them to your party." "i have already done that," returned ozma, "because i thought it would please you to favor them." "did you 'vite the musicker?" asked button-bright. "no; because he would be too noisy, and might interfere with the comfort of others. when music is not very good, and is indulged in all the time, it is better that the performer should be alone," said the princess. "i like the musicker's music," declared the boy, gravely. "but i don't," said dorothy. "well, there will be plenty of music at my celebration," promised ozma; "so i've an idea button-bright won't miss the musicker at all." just then polychrome danced in, and ozma rose to greet the rainbow's daughter in her sweetest and most cordial manner. dorothy thought she had never seen two prettier creatures together than these lovely maidens; but polly knew at once her own dainty beauty could not match that of ozma, yet was not a bit jealous because this was so. the wizard of oz was announced, and a dried-up, little, old man, clothed all in black, entered the drawing-room. his face was cheery and his eyes twinkling with humor, so polly and button-bright were not at all afraid of the wonderful personage whose fame as a humbug magician had spread throughout the world. after greeting dorothy with much affection, he stood modestly behind ozma's throne and listened to the lively prattle of the young people. now the shaggy man appeared, and so startling was his appearance, all clad in shaggy new raiment, that dorothy cried "oh!" and clasped her hands impulsively as she examined her friend with pleased eyes. "he's still shaggy, all right," remarked button-bright; and ozma nodded brightly because she had meant the shaggy man to remain shaggy when she provided his new clothes for him. dorothy led him toward the throne, as he was shy in such fine company, and presented him gracefully to the princess, saying: "this, your highness, is my friend, the shaggy man, who owns the love magnet." "you are welcome to oz," said the girl ruler, in gracious accents. "but tell me, sir, where did you get the love magnet which you say you own?" the shaggy man grew red and looked downcast, as he answered in a low voice: "i stole it, your majesty." "oh, shaggy man!" cried dorothy. "how dreadful! and you told me the eskimo gave you the love magnet." he shuffled first on one foot and then on the other, much embarrassed. "i told you a falsehood, dorothy," he said; "but now, having bathed in the truth pond, i must tell nothing but the truth." "why did you steal it?" asked ozma, gently. "because no one loved me, or cared for me," said the shaggy man, "and i wanted to be loved a great deal. it was owned by a girl in butterfield who was loved too much, so that the young men quarreled over her, which made her unhappy. after i had stolen the magnet from her, only one young man continued to love the girl, and she married him and regained her happiness." "are you sorry you stole it?" asked the princess. "no, your highness; i'm glad," he answered; "for it has pleased me to be loved, and if dorothy had not cared for me i could not have accompanied her to this beautiful land of oz, or met its kind-hearted ruler. now that i'm here, i hope to remain, and to become one of your majesty's most faithful subjects." "but in oz we are loved for ourselves alone, and for our kindness to one another, and for our good deeds," she said. "i'll give up the love magnet," said the shaggy man, eagerly; "dorothy shall have it." "but every one loves dorothy already," declared the wizard. "then button-bright shall have it." "don't want it," said the boy, promptly. "then i'll give it to the wizard, for i'm sure the lovely princess ozma does not need it." "all my people love the wizard, too," announced the princess, laughing; "so we will hang the love magnet over the gates of the emerald city, that whoever shall enter or leave the gates may be loved and loving." "that is a good idea," said the shaggy man; "i agree to it most willingly." those assembled now went in to dinner, which you can imagine was a grand affair; and afterward ozma asked the wizard to give them an exhibition of his magic. the wizard took eight tiny white piglets from an inside pocket and set them on the table. one was dressed like a clown, and performed funny antics, and the others leaped over the spoons and dishes and ran around the table like race-horses, and turned hand-springs and were so sprightly and amusing that they kept the company in one roar of merry laughter. the wizard had trained these pets to do many curious things, and they were so little and so cunning and soft that polychrome loved to pick them up as they passed near her place and fondle them as if they were kittens. it was late when the entertainment ended, and they separated to go to their rooms. "to-morrow," said ozma, "my invited guests will arrive, and you will find among them some interesting and curious people, i promise you. the next day will be my birthday, and the festivities will be held on the broad green just outside the gates of the city, where all my people can assemble without being crowded." "i hope the scarecrow won't be late," said dorothy, anxiously. "oh, he is sure to return to-morrow," answered ozma. "he wanted new straw to stuff himself with, so he went to the munchkin country, where straw is plentiful." with this the princess bade her guests good night and went to her own room. 21. dorothy receives the guests next morning dorothy's breakfast was served in her own pretty sitting room, and she sent to invite polly and the shaggy man to join her and button-bright at the meal. they came gladly, and toto also had breakfast with them, so that the little party that had traveled together to oz was once more reunited. no sooner had they finished eating than they heard the distant blast of many trumpets, and the sound of a brass band playing martial music; so they all went out upon the balcony. this was at the front of the palace and overlooked the streets of the city, being higher than the wall that shut in the palace grounds. they saw approaching down the street a band of musicians, playing as hard and loud as they could, while the people of the emerald city crowded the sidewalks and cheered so lustily that they almost drowned the noise of the drums and horns. dorothy looked to see what they were cheering at, and discovered that behind the band was the famous scarecrow, riding proudly upon the back of a wooden saw-horse which pranced along the street almost as gracefully as if it had been made of flesh. its hoofs, or rather the ends of its wooden legs, were shod with plates of solid gold, and the saddle strapped to the wooden body was richly embroidered and glistened with jewels. as he reached the palace the scarecrow looked up and saw dorothy, and at once waved his peaked hat at her in greeting. he rode up to the front door and dismounted, and the band stopped playing and went away and the crowds of people returned to their dwellings. by the time dorothy and her friends had re-entered her room, the scarecrow was there, and he gave the girl a hearty embrace and shook the hands of the others with his own squashy hands, which were white gloves filled with straw. the shaggy man, button-bright, and polychrome stared hard at this celebrated person, who was acknowledged to be the most popular and most beloved man in all the land of oz. "why, your face has been newly painted!" exclaimed dorothy, when the first greetings were over. "i had it touched up a bit by the munchkin farmer who first made me," answered the scarecrow, pleasantly. "my complexion had become a bit grey and faded, you know, and the paint had peeled off one end of my mouth, so i couldn't talk quite straight. now i feel like myself again, and i may say without immodesty that my body is stuffed with the loveliest oat-straw in all oz." he pushed against his chest. "hear me crunkle?" he asked. "yes," said dorothy; "you sound fine." button-bright was wonderfully attracted by the strawman, and so was polly. the shaggy man treated him with great respect, because he was so queerly made. jellia jamb now came to say that ozma wanted princess dorothy to receive the invited guests in the throne-room, as they arrived. the ruler was herself busy ordering the preparations for the morrow's festivities, so she wished her friend to act in her place. dorothy willingly agreed, being the only other princess in the emerald city; so she went to the great throne-room and sat in ozma's seat, placing polly on one side of her and button-bright on the other. the scarecrow stood at the left of the throne and the tin woodman at the right, while the wonderful wizard and the shaggy man stood behind. the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger came in, with bright new bows of ribbon on their collars and tails. after greeting dorothy affectionately the huge beasts lay down at the foot of the throne. while they waited, the scarecrow, who was near the little boy, asked: "why are you called button-bright?" "don't know," was the answer. "oh yes, you do, dear," said dorothy. "tell the scarecrow how you got your name." "papa always said i was bright as a button, so mama always called me button-bright," announced the boy. "where is your mama?" asked the scarecrow. "don't know," said button-bright. "where is your home?" asked the scarecrow. "don't know," said button-bright. "don't you want to find your mama again?" asked the scarecrow. "don't know," said button-bright, calmly. the scarecrow looked thoughtful. "your papa may have been right," he observed; "but there are many kinds of buttons, you see. there are silver and gold buttons, which are highly polished and glitter brightly. there are pearl and rubber buttons, and other kinds, with surfaces more or less bright. but there is still another sort of button which is covered with dull cloth, and that must be the sort your papa meant when he said you were bright as a button. don't you think so?" "don't know," said button-bright. jack pumpkinhead arrived, wearing a pair of new, white kid gloves; and he brought a birthday present for ozma consisting of a necklace of pumpkin-seeds. in each seed was set a sparkling carolite, which is considered the rarest and most beautiful gem that exists. the necklace was in a plush case and jellia jamb put it on a table with the princess ozma's other presents. next came a tall, beautiful woman clothed in a splendid trailing gown, trimmed with exquisite lace as fine as cobweb. this was the important sorceress known as glinda the good, who had been of great assistance to both ozma and dorothy. there was no humbug about her magic, you may be sure, and glinda was as kind as she was powerful. she greeted dorothy most lovingly, and kissed button-bright and polly, and smiled upon the shaggy man, after which jellia jamb led the sorceress to one of the most magnificent rooms of the royal palace and appointed fifty servants to wait upon her. the next arrival was mr. h. m. woggle-bug, t.e.; the "h. m." meaning highly magnified and the "t.e." meaning thoroughly educated. the woggle-bug was head professor at the royal college of oz, and he had composed a fine ode in honor of ozma's birthday. this he wanted to read to them; but the scarecrow wouldn't let him. soon they heard a clucking sound and a chorus of "cheep! cheep!" and a servant threw open the door to allow billina and her ten fluffy chicks to enter the throne-room. as the yellow hen marched proudly at the head of her family, dorothy cried, "oh, you lovely things!" and ran down from her seat to pet the little yellow downy balls. billina wore a pearl necklace, and around the neck of each chicken was a tiny gold chain holding a locket with the letter "d" engraved upon the outside. "open the lockets, dorothy," said billina. the girl obeyed and found a picture of herself in each locket. "they were named after you, my dear," continued the yellow hen, "so i wanted all my chickens to wear your picture. cluck--cluck! come here, dorothy--this minute!" she cried, for the chickens were scattered and wandering all around the big room. they obeyed the call at once, and came running as fast as they could, fluttering their fluffy wings in a laughable way. it was lucky that billina gathered the little ones under her soft breast just then, for tik-tok came in and tramped up to the throne on his flat copper feet. "i am all wound up and work-ing fine-ly," said the clock-work man to dorothy. "i can hear him tick," declared button-bright. "you are quite the polished gentleman," said the tin woodman. "stand up here beside the shaggy man, tik-tok, and help receive the company." dorothy placed soft cushions in a corner for billina and her chicks, and had just returned to the throne and seated herself when the playing of the royal band outside the palace announced the approach of distinguished guests. and my, how they did stare when the high chamberlain threw open the doors and the visitors entered the throne-room! first walked a gingerbread man neatly formed and baked to a lovely brown tint. he wore a silk hat and carried a candy cane prettily striped with red and yellow. his shirt-front and cuffs were white frosting, and the buttons on his coat were licorice drops. behind the gingerbread man came a child with flaxen hair and merry blue eyes, dressed in white pajamas, with sandals on the soles of its pretty bare feet. the child looked around smiling and thrust its hands into the pockets of the pajamas. close after it came a big rubber bear, walking erect on its hind feet. the bear had twinkling black eyes, and its body looked as if it had been pumped full of air. following these curious visitors were two tall, thin men and two short, fat men, all four dressed in gorgeous uniforms. ozma's high chamberlain now hurried forward to announce the names of the new arrivals, calling out in a loud voice: "his gracious and most edible majesty, king dough the first, ruler of the two kingdoms of hiland and loland. also the head boolywag of his majesty, known as chick the cherub, and their faithful friend para bruin, the rubber bear." these great personages bowed low as their names were called, and dorothy hastened to introduce them to the assembled company. they were the first foreign arrivals, and the friends of princess ozma were polite to them and tried to make them feel that they were welcome. chick the cherub shook hands with every one, including billina, and was so joyous and frank and full of good spirits that john dough's head booleywag at once became a prime favorite. "is it a boy or a girl?" whispered dorothy. "don't know," said button-bright. "goodness me! what a queer lot of people you are," exclaimed the rubber bear, looking at the assembled company. "so're you," said button-bright, gravely. "is king dough good to eat?" "he's too good to eat," laughed chick the cherub. "i hope none of you are fond of gingerbread," said the king, rather anxiously. "we should never think of eating our visitors, if we were," declared the scarecrow; "so please do not worry, for you will be perfectly safe while you remain in oz." "why do they call you chick?" the yellow hen asked the child. "because i'm an incubator baby, and never had any parents," replied the head booleywag. "my chicks have a parent, and i'm it," said billina. "i'm glad of that," answered the cherub, "because they'll have more fun worrying you than if they were brought up in an incubator. the incubator never worries, you know." king john dough had brought for ozma's birthday present a lovely gingerbread crown, with rows of small pearls around it and a fine big pearl in each of its five points. after this had been received by dorothy with proper thanks and placed on the table with the other presents, the visitors from hiland and loland were escorted to their rooms by the high chamberlain. they had no sooner departed than the band before the palace began to play again, announcing more arrivals, and as these were doubtless from foreign parts the high chamberlain hurried back to receive them in his most official manner. 22. important arrivals first entered a band of ryls from the happy valley, all merry little sprites like fairy elves. a dozen crooked knooks followed from the great forest of burzee. they had long whiskers and pointed caps and curling toes, yet were no taller than button-bright's shoulder. with this group came a man so easy to recognize and so important and dearly beloved throughout the known world, that all present rose to their feet and bowed their heads in respectful homage, even before the high chamberlain knelt to announce his name. "the most mighty and loyal friend of children, his supreme highness--santa claus!" said the chamberlain, in an awed voice. "well, well, well! glad to see you--glad to meet you all!" cried santa claus, briskly, as he trotted up the long room. he was round as an apple, with a fresh rosy face, laughing eyes, and a bushy beard as white as snow. a red cloak trimmed with beautiful ermine hung from his shoulders and upon his back was a basket filled with pretty presents for the princess ozma. "hello, dorothy; still having adventures?" he asked in his jolly way, as he took the girl's hand in both his own. "how did you know my name, santa?" she replied, feeling more shy in the presence of this immortal saint than she ever had before in her young life. "why, don't i see you every christmas eve, when you're asleep?" he rejoined, pinching her blushing cheek. "oh, do you?" "and here's button-bright, i declare!" cried santa claus, holding up the boy to kiss him. "what a long way from home you are; dear me!" "do you know button-bright, too?" questioned dorothy, eagerly. "indeed i do. i've visited his home several christmas eves." "and do you know his father?" asked the girl. "certainly, my dear. who else do you suppose brings him his christmas neckties and stockings?" with a sly wink at the wizard. "then where does he live? we're just crazy to know, 'cause button-bright's lost," she said. santa laughed and laid his finger aside of his nose as if thinking what to reply. he leaned over and whispered something in the wizard's ear, at which the wizard smiled and nodded as if he understood. now santa claus spied polychrome, and trotted over to where she stood. "seems to me the rainbow's daughter is farther from home than any of you," he observed, looking at the pretty maiden admiringly. "i'll have to tell your father where you are, polly, and send him to get you." "please do, dear santa claus," implored the little maid, beseechingly. "but just now we must all have a jolly good time at ozma's party," said the old gentleman, turning to put his presents on the table with the others already there. "it isn't often i find time to leave my castle, as you know; but ozma invited me and i just couldn't help coming to celebrate the happy occasion." "i'm so glad!" exclaimed dorothy. "these are my ryls," pointing to the little sprites squatting around him. "their business is to paint the colors of the flowers when they bud and bloom; but i brought the merry fellows along to see oz, and they've left their paint-pots behind them. also i brought these crooked knooks, whom i love. my dears, the knooks are much nicer than they look, for their duty is to water and care for the young trees of the forest, and they do their work faithfully and well. it's hard work, though, and it makes my knooks crooked and gnarled, like the trees themselves; but their hearts are big and kind, as are the hearts of all who do good in our beautiful world." "i've read of the ryls and knooks," said dorothy, looking upon these little workers with interest. santa claus turned to talk with the scarecrow and the tin woodman, and he also said a kind word to the shaggy man, and afterward went away to ride the saw-horse around the emerald city. "for," said he, "i must see all the grand sights while i am here and have the chance, and ozma has promised to let me ride the saw-horse because i'm getting fat and short of breath." "where are your reindeer?" asked polychrome. "i left them at home, for it is too warm for them in this sunny country," he answered. "they're used to winter weather when they travel." in a flash he was gone, and the ryls and knooks with him; but they could all hear the golden hoofs of the saw-horse ringing on the marble pavement outside, as he pranced away with his noble rider. presently the band played again, and the high chamberlain announced: "her gracious majesty, the queen of merryland." they looked earnestly to discover whom this queen might be, and saw advancing up the room an exquisite wax doll dressed in dainty fluffs and ruffles and spangled gown. she was almost as big as button-bright, and her cheeks and mouth and eyebrow were prettily painted in delicate colors. her blue eyes stared a bit, being of glass, yet the expression upon her majesty's face was quite pleasant and decidedly winning. with the queen of merryland were four wooden soldiers, two stalking ahead of her with much dignity and two following behind, like a royal bodyguard. the soldiers were painted in bright colors and carried wooden guns, and after them came a fat little man who attracted attention at once, although he seemed modest and retiring. for he was made of candy, and carried a tin sugar-sifter filled with powdered sugar, with which he dusted himself frequently so that he wouldn't stick to things if he touched them. the high chamberlain had called him "the candy man of merryland," and dorothy saw that one of his thumbs looked as if it had been bitten off by some one who was fond of candy and couldn't resist the temptation. the wax doll queen spoke prettily to dorothy and the others, and sent her loving greetings to ozma before she retired to the rooms prepared for her. she had brought a birthday present wrapped in tissue paper and tied with pink and blue ribbons, and one of the wooden soldiers placed it on the table with the other gifts. but the candy man did not go to his room, because he said he preferred to stay and talk with the scarecrow and tik-tok and the wizard and tin woodman, whom he declared the queerest people he had ever met. button-bright was glad the candy man stayed in the throne room, because the boy thought this guest smelled deliciously of wintergreen and maple sugar. the braided man now entered the room, having been fortunate enough to receive an invitation to the princess ozma's party. he was from a cave halfway between the invisible valley and the country of the gargoyles, and his hair and whiskers were so long that he was obliged to plait them into many braids that hung to his feet, and every braid was tied with a bow of colored ribbon. "i've brought princess ozma a box of flutters for her birthday," said the braided man, earnestly; "and i hope she will like them, for they are the finest quality i have ever made." "i'm sure she will be greatly pleased," said dorothy, who remembered the braided man well; and the wizard introduced the guest to the rest of the company and made him sit down in a chair and keep quiet, for, if allowed, he would talk continually about his flutters. the band then played a welcome to another set of guests, and into the throne-room swept the handsome and stately queen of ev. beside her was young king evardo, and following them came the entire royal family of five princesses and four princes of ev. the kingdom of ev lay just across the deadly desert to the north of oz, and once ozma and her people had rescued the queen of ev and her ten children from the nome king, who had enslaved them. dorothy had been present on this adventure, so she greeted the royal family cordially; and all the visitors were delighted to meet the little kansas girl again. they knew tik-tok and billina, too, and the scarecrow and tin woodman, as well as the lion and tiger; so there was a joyful reunion, as you may imagine, and it was fully an hour before the queen and her train retired to their rooms. perhaps they would not have gone then had not the band begun to play to announce new arrivals; but before they left the great throne-room king evardo added to ozma's birthday presents a diadem of diamonds set in radium. the next comer proved to be king renard of foxville; or king dox, as he preferred to be called. he was magnificently dressed in a new feather costume and wore white kid mittens over his paws and a flower in his button-hole and had his hair parted in the middle. king dox thanked dorothy fervently for getting him the invitation to come to oz, which he all his life longed to visit. he strutted around rather absurdly as he was introduced to all the famous people assembled in the throne-room, and when he learned that dorothy was a princess of oz the fox king insisted on kneeling at her feet and afterward retired backward--a dangerous thing to do, as he might have stubbed his paw and tumbled over. no sooner was he gone than the blasts of bugles and clatter of drums and cymbals announced important visitors, and the high chamberlain assumed his most dignified tone as he threw open the door and said proudly: "her sublime and resplendent majesty, queen zixi of ix! his serene and tremendous majesty, king bud of noland. her royal highness, the princess fluff." that three such high and mighty royal personages should arrive at once was enough to make dorothy and her companions grow solemn and assume their best company manners; but when the exquisite beauty of queen zixi met their eyes they thought they had never beheld anything so charming. dorothy decided that zixi must be about sixteen years old, but the wizard whispered to her that this wonderful queen had lived thousands of years, but knew the secret of remaining always fresh and beautiful. king bud of noland and his dainty fair-haired sister, the princess fluff, were friends of zixi, as their kingdoms were adjoining, so they had traveled together from their far-off domains to do honor to ozma of oz on the occasion of her birthday. they brought many splendid gifts; so the table was now fairly loaded down with presents. dorothy and polly loved the princess fluff the moment they saw her, and little king bud was so frank and boyish that button-bright accepted him as a chum at once and did not want him to go away. but it was after noon now, and the royal guests must prepare their toilets for the grand banquet at which they were to assemble that evening to meet the reigning princess of this fairyland; so queen zixi was shown to her room by a troop of maidens led by jellia jamb, and bud and fluff presently withdrew to their own apartments. "my! what a big party ozma is going to have," exclaimed dorothy. "i guess the palace will be chock full, button-bright; don't you think so?" "don't know," said the boy. "but we must go to our rooms, pretty soon, to dress for the banquet," continued the girl. "i don't have to dress," said the candy man from merryland. "all i need do is to dust myself with fresh sugar." "tik-tok always wears the same suits of clothes," said the tin woodman; "and so does our friend the scarecrow." "my feathers are good enough for any occasion," cried billina, from her corner. "then i shall leave you four to welcome any new guests that come," said dorothy; "for button-bright and i must look our very best at ozma's banquet." "who is still to come?" asked the scarecrow. "well, there's king kik-a-bray of dunkiton, and johnny dooit, and the good witch of the north. but johnny dooit may not get here until late, he's so very busy." "we will receive them and give them a proper welcome," promised the scarecrow. "so run along, little dorothy, and get yourself dressed." 23. the grand banquet i wish i could tell you how fine the company was that assembled that evening at ozma's royal banquet. a long table was spread in the center of the great dining-hall of the palace and the splendor of the decorations and the blaze of lights and jewels was acknowledged to be the most magnificent sight that any of the guests had ever seen. the jolliest person present, as well as the most important, was of course old santa claus; so he was given the seat of honor at one end of the table while at the other end sat princess ozma, the hostess. john dough, queen zixi, king bud, the queen of ev and her son evardo, and the queen of merryland had golden thrones to sit in, while the others were supplied with beautiful chairs. at the upper end of the banquet room was a separate table provided for the animals. toto sat at one end of this table with a bib tied around his neck and a silver platter to eat from. at the other end was placed a small stand, with a low rail around the edge of it, for billina and her chicks. the rail kept the ten little dorothys from falling off the stand, while the yellow hen could easily reach over and take her food from her tray upon the table. at other places sat the hungry tiger, the cowardly lion, the saw-horse, the rubber bear, the fox king and the donkey king; they made quite a company of animals. at the lower end of the great room was another table, at which sat the ryls and knooks who had come with santa claus, the wooden soldiers who had come with the queen of merryland, and the hilanders and lolanders who had come with john dough. here were also seated the officers of the royal palace and of ozma's army. the splendid costumes of those at the three tables made a gorgeous and glittering display that no one present was ever likely to forget; perhaps there has never been in any part of the world at any time another assemblage of such wonderful people as that which gathered this evening to honor the birthday of the ruler of oz. when all members of ethe company were in their places an orchestra of five hundred pieces, in a balcony overlooking the banquet room, began to play sweet and delightful music. then a door draped with royal green opened, and in came the fair and girlish princess ozma, who now greeted her guests in person for the first time. as she stood by her throne at the head of the banquet table every eye was turned eagerly upon the lovely princess, who was as dignified as she was bewitching, and who smiled upon all her old and new friends in a way that touched their hearts and brought an answering smile to every face. each guest had been served with a crystal goblet filled with lacasa, which is a sort of nectar famous in oz and nicer to drink than soda-water or lemonade. santa now made a pretty speech in verse, congratulating ozma on having a birthday, and asking every one present to drink to the health and happiness of their dearly beloved hostess. this was done with great enthusiasm by those who were made so they could drink at all, and those who could not drink politely touched the rims of their goblets to their lips. all seated themselves at the tables and the servants of the princess began serving the feast. i am quite sure that only in fairyland could such a delicious repast be prepared. the dishes were of precious metals set with brilliant jewels and the good things to eat which were placed upon them were countless in number and of exquisite flavor. several present, such as the candy man, the rubber bear, tik-tok, and the scarecrow, were not made so they could eat, and the queen of merryland contented herself with a small dish of sawdust; but these enjoyed the pomp and glitter of the gorgeous scene as much as did those who feasted. the woggle-bug read his "ode to ozma," which was written in very good rhythm and was well received by the company. the wizard added to the entertainment by making a big pie appear before dorothy, and when the little girl cut the pie the nine tiny piglets leaped out of it and danced around the table, while the orchestra played a merry tune. this amused the company very much, but they were even more pleased when polychrome, whose hunger had been easily satisfied, rose from the table and performed her graceful and bewildering rainbow dance for them. when it was ended, the people clapped their hands and the animals clapped their paws, while billina cackled and the donkey king brayed approval. johnny dooit was present, and of course he proved he could do wonders in the way of eating, as well as in everything else that he undertook to do; the tin woodman sang a love song, every one joining in the chorus; and the wooden soldiers from merryland gave an exhibition of a lightning drill with their wooden muskets; the ryls and knooks danced the fairy circle; and the rubber bear bounced himself all around the room. there was laughter and merriment on every side, and everybody was having a royal good time. button-bright was so excited and interested that he paid little attention to his fine dinner and a great deal of attention to his queer companions; and perhaps he was wise to do this, because he could eat at any other time. the feasting and merrymaking continued until late in the evening, when they separated to meet again the next morning and take part in the birthday celebration, to which this royal banquet was merely the introduction. 24. the birthday celebration a clear, perfect day, with a gentle breeze and a sunny sky, greeted princess ozma as she wakened next morning, the anniversary of her birth. while it was yet early all the city was astir and crowds of people came from all parts of the land of oz to witness the festivities in honor of their girl ruler's birthday. the noted visitors from foreign countries, who had all been transported to the emerald city by means of the magic belt, were as much a show to the ozites as were their own familiar celebrities, and the streets leading from the royal palace to the jeweled gates were thronged with men, women, and children to see the procession as it passed out to the green fields where the ceremonies were to take place. and what a great procession it was! first came a thousand young girls--the prettiest in the land--dressed in white muslin, with green sashes and hair ribbons, bearing green baskets of red roses. as they walked they scattered these flowers upon the marble pavements, so that the way was carpeted thick with roses for the procession to walk upon. then came the rulers of the four kingdoms of oz: the emperor of the winkies, the monarch of the munchkins, the king of the quadlings and the sovereign of the gillikins, each wearing a long chain of emeralds around his neck to show that he was a vassal of the ruler of the emerald city. next marched the emerald city cornet band, clothed in green-and-gold uniforms and playing the "ozma two-step." the royal army of oz followed, consisting of twenty-seven officers, from the captain-general down to the lieutenants. there were no privates in ozma's army because soldiers were not needed to fight battles, but only to look important, and an officer always looks more imposing than a private. while the people cheered and waved their hats and handkerchiefs, there came walking the royal princess ozma, looking so pretty and sweet that it is no wonder her people love her so dearly. she had decided she would not ride in her chariot that day, as she preferred to walk in the procession with her favored subjects and her guests. just in front of her trotted the living blue bear rug owned by old dyna, which wobbled clumsily on its four feet because there was nothing but the skin to support them, with a stuffed head at one end and a stubby tail at the other. but whenever ozma paused in her walk the bear rug would flop down flat upon the ground for the princess to stand upon until she resumed her progress. following the princess stalked her two enormous beasts, the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, and even if the army had not been there these two would have been powerful enough to guard their mistress from any harm. next marched the invited guests, who were loudly cheered by the people of oz along the road, and were therefore obliged to bow to right and left almost every step of the way. first was santa claus, who, because he was fat and not used to walking, rode the wonderful saw-horse. the merry old gentleman had a basket of small toys with him, and he tossed the toys one by one to the children as he passed by. his ryls and knooks marched close behind him. queen zixi of ix came after; then john dough and the cherub, with the rubber bear named para bruin strutting between them on its hind legs; then the queen of merryland, escorted by her wooden soldiers; then king bud of noland and his sister, the princess fluff; then the queen of ev and her ten royal children; then the braided man and the candy man, side by side; then king dox of foxville and king kik-a-bray of dunkiton, who by this time had become good friends; and finally johnny dooit, in his leather apron, smoking his long pipe. these wonderful personages were not more heartily cheered by the people than were those who followed after them in the procession. dorothy was a general favorite, and she walked arm in arm with the scarecrow, who was beloved by all. then came polychrome and button-bright, and the people loved the rainbow's pretty daughter and the beautiful blue-eyed boy as soon as they saw them. the shaggy man in his shaggy new suit attracted much attention because he was such a novelty. with regular steps tramped the machine-man tik-tok, and there was more cheering when the wizard of oz followed in the procession. the woggle-bug and jack pumpkinhead were next, and behind them glinda the sorceress and the good witch of the north. finally came billina, with her brood of chickens to whom she clucked anxiously to keep them together and to hasten them along so they would not delay the procession. another band followed, this time the tin band of the emperor of the winkies, playing a beautiful march called, "there's no plate like tin." then came the servants of the royal palace, in a long line, and behind them all the people joined the procession and marched away through the emerald gates and out upon the broad green. here had been erected a splendid pavilion, with a grandstand big enough to seat all the royal party and those who had taken part in the procession. over the pavilion, which was of green silk and cloth of gold, countless banners waved in the breeze. just in front of this, and connected with it by a runway had been built a broad platform, so that all the spectators could see plainly the entertainment provided for them. the wizard now became master of ceremonies, as ozma had placed the conduct of the performance in his hands. after the people had all congregated about the platform and the royal party and the visitors were seated in the grandstand, the wizard skillfully performed some feats of juggling glass balls and lighted candles. he tossed a dozen or so of them high in the air and caught them one by one as they came down, without missing any. then he introduced the scarecrow, who did a sword-swallowing act that aroused much interest. after this the tin woodman gave an exhibition of swinging the axe, which he made to whirl around him so rapidly that the eye could scarcely follow the motion of the gleaming blade. glinda the sorceress then stepped upon the platform, and by her magic made a big tree grow in the middle of the space, made blossoms appear upon the tree, and made the blossoms become delicious fruit called tamornas, and so great was the quantity of fruit produced that when the servants climbed the tree and tossed it down to the crowd, there was enough to satisfy every person present. para bruin, the rubber bear, climbed to a limb of the big tree, rolled himself into a ball, and dropped to the platform, whence he bounded up again to the limb. he repeated this bouncing act several times, to the great delight of all the children present. after he had finished, and bowed, and returned to his seat, glinda waved her wand and the tree disappeared; but its fruit still remained to be eaten. the good witch of the north amused the people by transforming ten stones into ten birds, the ten birds into ten lambs, and the ten lambs into ten little girls, who gave a pretty dance and were then transformed into ten stones again, just as they were in the beginning. johnny dooit next came on the platform with his tool-chest, and in a few minutes built a great flying machine; then put his chest in the machine and the whole thing flew away together--johnny and all--after he had bid good-bye to those present and thanked the princess for her hospitality. the wizard then announced the last act of all, which was considered really wonderful. he had invented a machine to blow huge soap-bubbles, as big as balloons, and this machine was hidden under the platform so that only the rim of the big clay pipe to produce the bubbles showed above the flooring. the tank of soapsuds, and the air-pumps to inflate the bubbles, were out of sight beneath, so that when the bubbles began to grow upon the floor of the platform it really seemed like magic to the people of oz, who knew nothing about even the common soap-bubbles that our children blow with a penny clay pipe and a basin of soap-and-water. the wizard had invented another thing. usually, soap-bubbles are frail and burst easily, lasting only a few moments as they float in the air; but the wizard added a sort of glue to his soapsuds, which made his bubbles tough; and, as the glue dried rapidly when exposed to the air, the wizard's bubbles were strong enough to float for hours without breaking. he began by blowing--by means of his machinery and air-pumps--several large bubbles which he allowed to float upward into the sky, where the sunshine fell upon them and gave them iridescent hues that were most beautiful. this aroused much wonder and delight because it was a new amusement to every one present--except perhaps dorothy and button-bright, and even they had never seen such big, strong bubbles before. the wizard then blew a bunch of small bubbles and afterward blew a big bubble around them so they were left in the center of it; then he allowed the whole mass of pretty globes to float into the air and disappear in the far distant sky. "that is really fine!" declared santa claus, who loved toys and pretty things. "i think, mr. wizard, i shall have you blow a bubble around me; then i can float away home and see the country spread out beneath me as i travel. there isn't a spot on earth that i haven't visited, but i usually go in the night-time, riding behind my swift reindeer. here is a good chance to observe the country by daylight, while i am riding slowly and at my ease." "do you think you will be able to guide the bubble?" asked the wizard. "oh yes; i know enough magic to do that," replied santa claus. "you blow the bubble, with me inside of it, and i'll be sure to get home in safety." "please send me home in a bubble, too!" begged the queen of merryland. "very well, madam; you shall try the journey first," politely answered old santa. the pretty wax doll bade good-bye to the princess ozma and the others and stood on the platform while the wizard blew a big soap-bubble around her. when completed, he allowed the bubble to float slowly upward, and there could be seen the little queen of merryland standing in the middle of it and blowing kisses from her fingers to those below. the bubble took a southerly direction, quickly floating out of sight. "that's a very nice way to travel," said princess fluff. "i'd like to go home in a bubble, too." so the wizard blew a big bubble around princess fluff, and another around king bud, her brother, and a third one around queen zixi; and soon these three bubbles had mounted into the sky and were floating off in a group in the direction of the kingdom of noland. the success of these ventures induced the other guests from foreign lands to undertake bubble journeys, also; so the wizard put them one by one inside his bubbles, and santa claus directed the way they should go, because he knew exactly where everybody lived. finally, button-bright said: "i want to go home, too." "why, so you shall!" cried santa; "for i'm sure your father and mother will be glad to see you again. mr. wizard, please blow a big, fine bubble for button-bright to ride in, and i'll agree to send him home to his family as safe as safe can be." "i'm sorry," said dorothy with a sigh, for she was fond of her little comrade; "but p'raps it's best for button-bright to get home; 'cause his folks must be worrying just dreadful." she kissed the boy, and ozma kissed him, too, and all the others waved their hands and said good-bye and wished him a pleasant journey. "are you glad to leave us, dear?" asked dorothy, a little wistfully. "don't know," said button-bright. he sat down cross-legged on the platform, with his sailor hat tipped back on his head, and the wizard blew a beautiful bubble all around him. a minute later it had mounted into the sky, sailing toward the west, and the last they saw of button-bright he was still sitting in the middle of the shining globe and waving his sailor hat at those below. "will you ride in a bubble, or shall i send you and toto home by means of the magic belt?" the princess asked dorothy. "guess i'll use the belt," replied the little girl. "i'm sort of 'fraid of those bubbles." "bow-wow!" said toto, approvingly. he loved to bark at the bubbles as they sailed away, but he didn't care to ride in one. santa claus decided to go next. he thanked ozma for her hospitality and wished her many happy returns of the day. then the wizard blew a bubble around his chubby little body and smaller bubbles around each of his ryls and knooks. as the kind and generous friend of children mounted into the air the people all cheered at the top of their voices, for they loved santa claus dearly; and the little man heard them through the walls of his bubble and waved his hands in return as he smiled down upon them. the band played bravely while every one watched the bubble until it was completely out of sight. "how 'bout you, polly?" dorothy asked her friend. "are you 'fraid of bubbles, too?" "no," answered polychrome, smiling; "but santa claus promised to speak to my father as he passed through the sky. so perhaps i shall get home an easier way." indeed, the little maid had scarcely made this speech when a sudden radiance filled the air, and while the people looked on in wonder the end of a gorgeous rainbow slowly settled down upon the platform. with a glad cry, the rainbow's daughter sprang from her seat and danced along the curve of the bow, mounting gradually upward, while the folds of her gauzy gown whirled and floated around her like a cloud and blended with the colors of the rainbow itself. "good-bye ozma! good-bye dorothy!" cried a voice they knew belonged to polychrome; but now the little maiden's form had melted wholly into the rainbow, and their eyes could no longer see her. suddenly, the end of the rainbow lifted and its colors slowly faded like mist before a breeze. dorothy sighed deeply and turned to ozma. "i'm sorry to lose polly," she said; "but i guess she's better off with her father; 'cause even the land of oz couldn't be like home to a cloud fairy." "no indeed," replied the princess; "but it has been delightful for us to know polychrome for a little while, and--who knows?--perhaps we may meet the rainbow's daughter again, some day." the entertainment being now ended, all left the pavilion and formed their gay procession back to the emerald city again. of dorothy's recent traveling companions only toto and the shaggy man remained, and ozma had decided to allow the latter to live in oz for a time, at least. if he proved honest and true she promised to let him live there always, and the shaggy man was anxious to earn this reward. they had a nice quiet dinner together and passed a pleasant evening with the scarecrow, the tin woodman, tik-tok, and the yellow hen for company. when dorothy bade them good-night, she kissed them all good-bye at the same time. for ozma had agreed that while dorothy slept she and toto should be transported by means of the magic belt to her own little bed in the kansas farm-house and the little girl laughed as she thought how astonished uncle henry and aunt em would be when she came down to breakfast with them next morning. quite content to have had so pleasant an adventure, and a little tired by all the day's busy scenes, dorothy clasped toto in her arms and lay down upon the pretty white bed in her room in ozma's royal palace. presently she was sound asleep. [illustration: book end] [illustration: book cover] [illustration: this book belongs to] [illustration: the road to oz] [illustration: calling on jack pumpkinhead see chapter 16] the road to oz by l. frank baum author of the land of oz, ozma of oz, dorothy and the wizard in oz, etc. [illustration] illustrated by john r. neill chicago the reilly & britton co. publishers [illustration: copyright 1909 by l frank baum all rights reserved] [illustration: _l'istesso tempo_ to my first grandson joslyn stanton baum] to my readers: well, my dears, here is what you have asked for: another "oz book" about dorothy's strange adventures. toto is in this story, because you wanted him to be there, and many other characters which you will recognize are in the story, too. indeed, the wishes of my little correspondents have been considered as carefully as possible, and if the story is not exactly as you would have written it yourselves, you must remember that a story has to be a story before it can be written down, and the writer cannot change it much without spoiling it. in the preface to "dorothy and the wizard in oz" i said i would like to write some stories that were not "oz" stories, because i thought i had written about oz long enough; but since that volume was published i have been fairly deluged with letters from children imploring me to "write more about dorothy," and "more about oz," and since i write only to please the children i shall try to respect their wishes. there are some new characters in this book that ought to win your love. i'm very fond of the shaggy man myself, and i think you will like him, too. as for polychrome--the rainbow's daughter--and stupid little button-bright, they seem to have brought a new element of fun into these oz stories, and i am glad i discovered them. yet i am anxious to have you write and tell me how you like them. since this book was written i have received some very remarkable news from the land of oz, which has greatly astonished me. i believe it will astonish you, too, my dears, when you hear it. but it is such a long and exciting story that it must be saved for another book--and perhaps that book will be the last story that will ever be told about the land of oz. l frank baum. _coronado, 1909._ [illustration] list of chapters 1 the way to butterfield 2 dorothy meets button-bright 3 a queer village 4 king dox 5 the rainbow's daughter 6 the city of beasts 7 the shaggy man's transformation 8 the musicker 9 facing the scoodlers 10 escaping the soup-kettle 11 johnny doit does it 12 the deadly desert crossed 13 the truth pond 14 tik-tok and billina 15 the emperor's tin castle 16 visiting the pumpkin field 17 the royal chariot arrives 18 the emerald city 19 the shaggy man's welcome 20 princess ozma of oz 21 dorothy receives the guests 22 important arrivals 23 the grand banquet 24 the birthday celebration [illustration] the way to butterfield [illustration] "please, miss," said the shaggy man, "can you tell me the road to butterfield?" dorothy looked him over. yes, he was shaggy, all right; but there was a twinkle in his eye that seemed pleasant. "oh, yes," she replied; "i can tell you. but it isn't this road at all." "no?" "you cross the ten-acre lot, follow the lane to the highway, go north to the five branches, and take--let me see--" "to be sure, miss; see as far as butterfield, if you like," said the shaggy man. "you take the branch next the willow stump, i b'lieve; or else the branch by the gopher holes; or else----" "won't any of 'em do, miss?" "'course not, shaggy man. you must take the right road to get to butterfield." "and is that the one by the gopher stump, or----" "dear me!" cried dorothy; "i shall have to show you the way; you're so stupid. wait a minute till i run in the house and get my sunbonnet." the shaggy man waited. he had an oat-straw in his mouth, which he chewed slowly as if it tasted good; but it didn't. there was an apple-tree beside the house, and some apples had fallen to the ground. the shaggy man thought they would taste better than the oat-straw, so he walked over to get some. a little black dog with bright brown eyes dashed out of the farm-house and ran madly toward the shaggy man, who had already picked up three apples and put them in one of the big wide pockets of his shaggy coat. the little dog barked, and made a dive for the shaggy man's leg; but he grabbed the dog by the neck and put it in his big pocket along with the apples. he took more apples, afterward, for many were on the ground; and each one that he tossed into his pocket hit the little dog somewhere upon the head or back, and made him growl. the little dog's name was toto, and he was sorry he had been put in the shaggy man's pocket. [illustration] pretty soon dorothy came out of the house with her sunbonnet, and she called out: "come on, shaggy man, if you want me to show you the road to butterfield." she climbed the fence into the ten-acre lot and he followed her, walking slowly and stumbling over the little hillocks in the pasture as if he was thinking of something else and did not notice them. "my, but you're clumsy!" said the little girl. "are your feet tired?" "no, miss; it's my whiskers; they tire very easily this warm weather," said he. "i wish it would snow; don't you?" "'course not, shaggy man," replied dorothy, giving him a severe look. "if it snowed in august it would spoil the corn and the oats and the wheat; and then uncle henry wouldn't have any crops; and that would make him poor; and----" "never mind," said the shaggy man. "it won't snow, i guess. is this the lane?" "yes," replied dorothy, climbing another fence; "i'll go as far as the highway with you." "thankee, miss; you're very kind for your size, i'm sure," said he gratefully. "it isn't everyone who knows the road to butterfield," dorothy remarked as she tripped along the lane; "but i've driven there many a time with uncle henry, and so i b'lieve i could find it blindfolded." "don't do that, miss," said the shaggy man, earnestly; "you might make a mistake." "i won't," she answered, laughing. "here's the highway. now, it's the second--no, the third turn to the left--or else it's the fourth. let's see. the first one is by the elm tree; and the second is by the gopher holes; and then----" "then what?" he inquired, putting his hands in his coat pockets. toto grabbed a finger and bit it; the shaggy man took his hand out of that pocket quickly, and said "oh!" dorothy did not notice. she was shading her eyes from the sun with her arm, looking anxiously down the road. "come on," she commanded. "it's only a little way farther, so i may as well show you." after a while they came to the place where five roads branched in different directions; dorothy pointed to one, and said: "that's it, shaggy man." "i'm much obliged, miss," he said, and started along another road. "not that one!" she cried; "you're going wrong." he stopped. "i thought you said that other was the road to butterfield," said he, running his fingers through his shaggy whiskers in a puzzled way. "so it is." "but i don't want to go to butterfield, miss." "you don't?" "of course not. i wanted you to show me the road, so i shouldn't go there by mistake." "oh! where _do_ you want to go to, then?" "i'm not particular, miss." this answer astonished the little girl; and it made her provoked, too, to think she had taken all this trouble for nothing. "there are a good many roads here," observed the shaggy man, turning slowly around, like a human windmill. "seems to me a person could go 'most anywhere, from this place." dorothy turned around too, and gazed in surprise. there _were_ a good many roads; more than she had ever seen before. she tried to count them, knowing there ought to be five; but when she had counted seventeen she grew bewildered and stopped, for the roads were as many as the spokes of a wheel and ran in every direction from the place where they stood; so if she kept on counting she was likely to count some of the roads twice. "dear me!" she exclaimed. "there used to be only five roads, highway and all. and now--why, where's the highway, shaggy man?" "can't say, miss," he responded, sitting down upon the ground as if tired with standing. "wasn't it here a minute ago?" "i thought so," she answered, greatly perplexed. "and i saw the gopher holes, too, and the dead stump; but they're not here now. these roads are all strange--and what a lot of them there are! where do you suppose they all go to?" "roads," observed the shaggy man, "don't go anywhere. they stay in one place, so folks can walk on them." he put his hand in his side-pocket and drew out an apple--quick, before toto could bite him again. the little dog got his head out this time and said "bow-wow!" so loudly that it made dorothy jump. "o toto!" she cried; "where did you come from?" "i brought him along," said the shaggy man. "what for?" she asked. "to guard these apples in my pocket, miss, so no one would steal them." with one hand the shaggy man held the apple, which he began eating, while with the other hand he pulled toto out of his pocket and dropped him to the ground. of course toto made for dorothy at once, barking joyfully at his release from the dark pocket. when the child had patted his head lovingly, he sat down before her, his red tongue hanging out one side of his mouth, and looked up into her face with his bright brown eyes, as if asking her what they should do next. dorothy didn't know. she looked around her anxiously for some familiar landmark; but everything was strange. between the branches of the many roads were green meadows and a few shrubs and trees, but she couldn't see anywhere the farm-house from which she had just come, or anything she had ever seen before--except the shaggy man and toto. besides this, she had turned around and around so many times, trying to find out where she was, that now she couldn't even tell which direction the farm-house ought to be in; and this began to worry her and make her feel anxious. "i'm 'fraid, shaggy man," she said, with a sigh, "that we're lost!" "that's nothing to be afraid of," he replied, throwing away the core of his apple and beginning to eat another one. "each of these roads must lead somewhere, or it wouldn't be here. so what does it matter?" "i want to go home again," she said. "well, why don't you?" said he. "i don't know which road to take." "that is too bad," he said, shaking his shaggy head gravely. "i wish i could help you; but i can't. i'm a stranger in these parts." "seems as if i were, too," she said, sitting down beside him. "it's funny. a few minutes ago i was home, and i just came to show you the way to butterfield----" "so i shouldn't make a mistake and go there----" "and now i'm lost myself and don't now how to get home!" "have an apple," suggested the shaggy man, handing her one with pretty red cheeks. "i'm not hungry," said dorothy, pushing it away. "but you may be, to-morrow; then you'll be sorry you didn't eat the apple," said he. "if i am, i'll eat the apple then," promised dorothy. "perhaps there won't be any apple then," he returned, beginning to eat the red-cheeked one himself. "dogs sometimes can find their way home better than people," he went on; "perhaps your dog can lead you back to the farm." "will you, toto?" asked dorothy. toto wagged his tail vigorously. "all right," said the girl; "let's go home." toto looked around a minute, and dashed up one of the roads. "good-bye, shaggy man," called dorothy, and ran after toto. the little dog pranced briskly along for some distance; when he turned around and looked at his mistress questioningly. "oh, don't 'spect _me_ to tell you anything; i don't know the way," she said. "you'll have to find it yourself." but toto couldn't. he wagged his tail, and sneezed, and shook his ears, and trotted back where they had left the shaggy man. from here he started along another road; then came back and tried another; but each time he found the way strange and decided it would not take them to the farm house. finally, when dorothy had begun to tire with chasing after him, toto sat down panting beside the shaggy man and gave up. dorothy sat down, too, very thoughtful. the little girl had encountered some queer adventures since she came to live at the farm; but this was the queerest of them all. to get lost in fifteen minutes, so near to her home and in the unromantic state of kansas, was an experience that fairly bewildered her. "will your folks worry?" asked the shaggy man, his eyes twinkling in a pleasant way. "i s'pose so," answered dorothy, with a sigh. "uncle henry says there's _always_ something happening to me; but i've always come home safe at the last. so perhaps he'll take comfort and think i'll come home safe this time." "i'm sure you will," said the shaggy man, smilingly nodding at her. "good little girls never come to any harm, you know. for my part, i'm good, too; so nothing ever hurts me." dorothy looked at him curiously. his clothes were shaggy, his boots were shaggy and full of holes, and his hair and whiskers were shaggy. but his smile was sweet and his eyes were kind. "why didn't you want to go to butterfield?" she asked. "because a man lives there who owes me fifteen cents, and if i went to butterfield and he saw me he'd want to pay me the money. i don't want money, my dear." "why not?" she inquired. "money," declared the shaggy man, "makes people proud and haughty; i don't want to be proud and haughty. all i want is to have people love me; and as long as i own the love magnet everyone i meet is sure to love me dearly." [illustration: "this, my dear, is the wonderful love magnet."] "the love magnet! why, what's that?" "i'll show you, if you won't tell anyone," he answered, in a low, mysterious voice. "there isn't any one to tell, 'cept toto," said the girl. the shaggy man searched in one pocket, carefully; and in another pocket; and in a third. at last he drew out a small parcel wrapped in crumpled paper and tied with a cotton string. he unwound the string, opened the parcel, and took out a bit of metal shaped like a horseshoe. it was dull and brown, and not very pretty. "this, my dear," said he, impressively, "is the wonderful love magnet. it was given me by an eskimo in the sandwich islands--where there are no sandwiches at all--and as long as i carry it every living thing i meet will love me dearly." "why didn't the eskimo keep it?" she asked, looking at the magnet with interest. "he got tired being loved and longed for some one to hate him. so he gave me the magnet and the very next day a grizzly bear ate him." "wasn't he sorry then?" she inquired. "he didn't say," replied the shaggy man, wrapping and tying the love magnet with great care and putting it away in another pocket. "but the bear didn't seem sorry a bit," he added. "did you know the bear?" asked dorothy. [illustration] "yes; we used to play ball together in the caviar islands. the bear loved me because i had the love magnet. i couldn't blame him for eating the eskimo, because it was his nature to do so." "once," said dorothy, "i knew a hungry tiger who longed to eat fat babies, because it was his nature to; but he never ate any because he had a conscience." "this bear," replied the shaggy man, with a sigh, "had no conscience, you see." the shaggy man sat silent for several minutes, apparently considering the cases of the bear and the tiger, while toto watched him with an air of great interest. the little dog was doubtless thinking of his ride in the shaggy man's pocket and planning to keep out of reach in the future. at last the shaggy man turned and inquired, "what's your name, little girl?" "my name's dorothy," said she, jumping up again, "but what are we going to do? we can't stay here forever, you know." "let's take the seventh road," he suggested. "seven is a lucky number for little girls named dorothy." "the seventh from where?" "from where you begin to count." so she counted seven roads, and the seventh looked just like all the others; but the shaggy man got up from the ground where he had been sitting and started down this road as if sure it was the best way to go; and dorothy and toto followed him. dorothy meets button-bright [illustration] the seventh road was a good road, and curved this way and that--winding through green meadows and fields covered with daisies and buttercups and past groups of shady trees. there were no houses of any sort to be seen, and for some distance they met with no living creature at all. dorothy began to fear they were getting a good way from the _farm-house_, since here everything was strange to her; but it would do no good at all to go back where the other roads all met, because the next one they chose might lead her just as far from home. she kept on beside the shaggy man, who whistled cheerful tunes to beguile the journey, until by-and-by they followed a turn in the road and saw before them a big chestnut tree making a shady spot over the highway. in the shade sat a little boy dressed in sailor clothes, who was digging a hole in the earth with a bit of wood. he must have been digging some time, because the hole was already big enough to drop a foot-ball into. dorothy and toto and the shaggy man came to a halt before the little boy, who kept on digging in a sober and persistent fashion. "who are you?" asked the girl. he looked up at her calmly. his face was round and chubby and his eyes were big, blue, and earnest. "i'm button-bright," said he. "but what's you real name?" she inquired. "button-bright." "that isn't a really-truly name!" she exclaimed. "isn't it?" he asked, still digging. "'course not. it's just a--a thing to call you by. you must have a name." "must i?" "to be sure. what does your mamma call you?" he paused in his digging and tried to think. "papa always said i was bright as a button; so mamma always called me button-bright," he said. "what is your papa's name?" "just papa." "what else?" "don't know." "never mind," said the shaggy man, smiling. "we'll call the boy button-bright, as his mamma does. that name is as good as any, and better than some." dorothy watched the boy dig. "where do you live?" she asked. "don't know," was the reply. "how did you come here?" "don't know," he said again. "don't you know where you came from?" "no," said he. "why, he must be lost," she said to the shaggy man. she turned to the boy once more. "what are you going to do?" she inquired. "dig," said he. "but you can't dig forever; and what are you going to do then?" she persisted. "don't know," said the boy. "but you _must_ know _something_," declared dorothy, getting provoked. "must i?" he asked, looking up in surprise. "of course you must." "what must i know?" "what's going to become of you, for one thing," she answered. "do _you_ know what's going to become of me?" he asked. "not--not 'zactly," she admitted. "do you know what's going to become of _you_?" he continued, earnestly. [illustration] "i can't say i do," replied dorothy, remembering her present difficulties. the shaggy man laughed. "no one knows everything, dorothy," he said. "but button-bright doesn't seem to know _anything_," she declared. "do you, button-bright?" he shook his head, which had pretty curls all over it, and replied with perfect calmness: "don't know." never before had dorothy met with any one who could give her so little information. the boy was evidently lost, and his people would be sure to worry about him. he seemed two or three years younger than dorothy, and was prettily dressed, as if some one loved him dearly and took much pains to make him look well. how, then, did he come to be in this lonely road? she wondered. near button-bright, on the ground, lay a sailor hat with a gilt anchor on the band. his sailor trousers were long and wide at the bottom, and the broad collar of his blouse had gold anchors sewed on its corners. the boy was still digging at his hole. "have you ever been to sea?" asked dorothy. "to see what?" answered button-bright. "i mean have you ever been where there's water?" "yes," said button-bright; "there's a well in our back yard." "you don't understand," cried dorothy. "i mean, have you ever been on a big ship floating on a big ocean?" "don't know," said he. "then why do you wear sailor clothes?" "don't know," he answered, again. dorothy was in despair. "you're just _awful_ stupid, button-bright," she said. "am i?" he asked. "yes, you are." "why?" looking up at her with big eyes. she was going to say: "don't know," but stopped herself in time. "that's for you to answer," she replied. "it's no use asking button-bright questions," said the shaggy man, who had been eating another apple; "but some one ought to take care of the poor little chap, don't you think? so he'd better come along with us." toto had been looking with great curiosity into the hole which the boy was digging, and growing more and more excited every minute, perhaps thinking that button-bright was after some wild animal. the little dog began barking loudly and jumped into the hole himself, where he began to dig with his tiny paws, making the earth fly in all directions. it spattered over the boy. dorothy seized him and raised him to his feet, brushing his clothes with her hand. "stop that, toto!" she called. "there aren't any mice or woodchucks in that hole, so don't be foolish." toto stopped, sniffed at the hole suspiciously, and jumped out of it, wagging his tail as if he had done something important. "well," said the shaggy man, "let's start on, or we won't get anywhere before night comes." "where do you expect to get to?" asked dorothy. "i'm like button-bright; i don't know," answered the shaggy man, with a laugh. "but i've learned from long experience that every road leads somewhere, or there wouldn't be any road; so it's likely that if we travel long enough, my dear, we will come to some place or another in the end. what place it will be we can't even guess at this moment, but we're sure to find out when we get there." "why, yes," said dorothy; "that seems reas'n'ble, shaggy man." [illustration] a queer village [illustration] button-bright took the shaggy man's hand willingly; for the shaggy man had the love magnet, you know, which was the reason button-bright had loved him at once. they started on, with dorothy on one side, and toto on the other, the little party trudging along more cheerfully than you might have supposed. the girl was getting used to queer adventures, which interested her very much. wherever dorothy went toto was sure to go, like mary's little lamb. button-bright didn't seem a bit afraid or worried because he was lost, and the shaggy man had no home, perhaps, and was as happy in one place as in another. before long they saw ahead of them a fine big arch spanning the road, and when they came nearer they found that the arch was beautifully carved and decorated with rich colors. a row of peacocks with spread tails ran along the top of it, and all the feathers were gorgeously painted. in the center was a large fox's head, and the fox wore a shrewd and knowing expression and had large spectacles over its eyes and a small golden crown with shiny points on top of its head. while the travellers were looking with curiosity at this beautiful arch there suddenly marched out of it a company of soldiers--only the soldiers were all foxes dressed in uniforms. they wore green jackets and yellow pantaloons, and their little round caps and their high boots were a bright red color. also there was a big red bow tied about the middle of each long, bushy tail. each soldier was armed with a wooden sword having an edge of sharp teeth set in a row, and the sight of these teeth at first caused dorothy to shudder. a captain marched in front of the company of fox-soldiers, his uniform embroidered with gold braid to make it handsomer than the others. almost before our friends realized it the soldiers had surrounded them on all sides, and the captain was calling out in a harsh voice: "surrender! you are our prisoners." "what's a pris'ner?" asked button-bright. "a prisoner is a captive," replied the fox-captain, strutting up and down with much dignity. "what's a captive?" asked button-bright. "you're one," said the captain. that made the shaggy man laugh. "good afternoon, captain," he said, bowing politely to all the foxes and very low to their commander. "i trust you are in good health, and that your families are all well?" the fox-captain looked at the shaggy man, and his sharp features grew pleasant and smiling. "we're pretty well, thank you, shaggy man," said he; and dorothy knew that the love magnet was working and that all the foxes now loved the shaggy man because of it. but toto didn't know this, for he began barking angrily and tried to bite the captain's hairy leg where it showed between his red boots and his yellow pantaloons. "stop, toto!" cried the little girl, seizing the dog in her arms. "these are our friends." "why, so we are!" remarked the captain in tones of astonishment. "i thought at first we were enemies, but it seems you are friends, instead. you must come with me to see king dox." "who's he?" asked button-bright, with earnest eyes. "king dox of foxville; the great and wise sovereign who rules over our community." [illustration] "what's sov'rin, and what's c'u'nity?" inquired button-bright. "don't ask so many questions, little boy." "why?" "ah, why, indeed?" exclaimed the captain, looking at button-bright admiringly. "if you don't ask questions you will learn nothing. true enough. i was wrong. you're a very clever little boy, come to think of it--very clever indeed. but now, friends, please come with me, for it is my duty to escort you at once to the royal palace." the soldiers marched back through the arch again, and with them marched the shaggy man, dorothy, toto, and button-bright. once through the opening they found a fine, big city spread out before them, all the houses of carved marble in beautiful colors. the decorations were mostly birds and other fowl, such as peacocks, pheasants, turkeys, prairie-chickens, ducks, and geese. over each doorway was carved a head representing the fox who lived in that house, this effect being quite pretty and unusual. as our friends marched along, some of the foxes came out on the porches and balconies to get a view of the strangers. these foxes were all handsomely dressed, the girl-foxes and women-foxes wearing gowns of feathers woven together effectively and colored in bright hues which dorothy thought were quite artistic and decidedly attractive. button-bright stared until his eyes were big and round, and he would have stumbled and fallen more than once had not the shaggy man grasped his hand tightly. they were all interested, and toto was so excited he wanted to bark every minute and to chase and fight every fox he caught sight of; but dorothy held his little wiggling body fast in her arms and commanded him to be good and behave himself. so he finally quieted down, like a wise doggy, deciding there were too many foxes in foxville to fight at one time. by-and-bye they came to a big square, and in the center of the square stood the royal palace. dorothy knew it at once because it had over its great door the carved head of a fox just like the one she had seen on the arch, and this fox was the only one who wore a golden crown. there were many fox-soldiers guarding the door, but they bowed to the captain and admitted him without question. the captain led them through many rooms, where richly dressed foxes were sitting on beautiful chairs or sipping tea, which was being passed around by fox-servants in white aprons. they came to a big doorway covered with heavy curtains of cloth of gold. beside this doorway stood a huge drum. the fox-captain went to this drum and knocked his knees against it--first one knee and then the other--so that the drum said; "boom-boom." "you must all do exactly what i do," ordered the captain; so the shaggy man pounded the drum with his knees, and so did dorothy and so did button-bright. the boy wanted to keep on pounding it with his little fat knees, because he liked the sound of it; but the captain stopped him. toto couldn't pound the drum with his knees and he didn't know enough to wag his tail against it, so dorothy pounded the drum for him and that made him bark, and when the little dog barked the fox-captain scowled. the golden curtains drew back far enough to make an opening, through which marched the captain with the others. the broad, long room they entered was decorated in gold with stained-glass windows of splendid colors. in the center of the room, upon a richly carved golden throne, sat the fox-king, surrounded by a group of other foxes, all of whom wore great spectacles over their eyes, making them look solemn and important. [illustration] dorothy knew the king at once, because she had seen his head carved on the arch and over the doorway of the palace. having met with several other kings in her travels she knew what to do, and at once made a low bow before the throne. the shaggy man bowed, too, and button-bright bobbed his head and said "hello." "most wise and noble potentate of foxville," said the captain, addressing the king in a pompous voice, "i humbly beg to report that i found these strangers on the road leading to your foxy majesty's dominions, and have therefore brought them before you, as is my duty." "so--so," said the king, looking at them keenly. "what brought you here, strangers?" "our legs, may it please your royal hairiness," replied the shaggy man. "what is your business here?" was the next question. "to get away as soon as possible," said the shaggy man. the king didn't know about the magnet, of course; but it made him love the shaggy man at once. "do just as you please about going away," he said; "but i'd like to _show you_ the sights of my city and to entertain your party while you are here. we feel highly honored to have little dorothy with us, i assure you, and we appreciate her kindness in making us a visit. for whatever country dorothy visits is sure to become famous." this speech greatly surprised the little girl, who asked: "how did your majesty know my name?" "why, everybody knows you, my dear," said the fox-king. "don't you realize that? you are quite an important personage since princess ozma of oz made you her friend." "do you know ozma?" she asked, wondering. "i regret to say that i do not," he answered, sadly; "but i hope to meet her soon. you know the princess ozma is to celebrate her birthday on the twenty-first of this month." "is she?" said dorothy. "i didn't know that." "yes; it is to be the most brilliant royal ceremony ever held in any city in fairyland, and i hope you will try to get me an invitation." dorothy thought a moment. "i'm sure ozma would invite you if i asked her," she said; "but how could you get to the land of oz and the emerald city? it's a good way from kansas." "kansas!" he exclaimed, surprised. "why, yes; we are in kansas now, aren't we?" she returned. [illustration] "what a queer notion!" cried the fox-king, beginning to laugh. "whatever made you think this is kansas?" "i left uncle henry's farm only about two hours ago; that's the reason," she said, rather perplexed. "but, tell me, my dear, did you ever see so wonderful a city as foxville in kansas?" he questioned. "no, your majesty." "and haven't you traveled from oz to kansas in less than half a jiffy, by means of the silver shoes and the magic belt?" "yes, your majesty," she acknowledged. "then why do you wonder that an hour or two could bring you to foxville, which is nearer to oz than it is to kansas?" "dear me!" exclaimed dorothy; "is this another fairy adventure?" "it seems to be," said the fox-king, smiling. dorothy turned to the shaggy man, and her face was grave and reproachful. "are you a magician? or a fairy in disguise?" she asked. "did you enchant me when you asked the way to butterfield?" the shaggy man shook his head. "who ever heard of a shaggy fairy?" he replied. "no, dorothy, my dear; i'm not to blame for this journey in any way, i assure you. there's been something strange about me ever since i owned the love magnet; but i don't know what it is any more than you do. i didn't try to get you away from home, at all. if you want to find your way back to the farm i'll go with you willingly, and do my best to help you." "never mind," said the little girl, thoughtfully. "there isn't so much to see in kansas as there is here, and i guess aunt em won't be _very_ much worried; that is, if i don't stay away too long." [illustration: his royal foxiness] "that's right," declared the fox-king, nodding approval. "be contented with your lot, whatever it happens to be, if you are wise. which reminds me that you have a new companion on this adventure--he looks very clever and bright." "he is," said dorothy; and the shaggy man added: "that's his name, your royal foxiness--button bright." king dox [illustration] it was amusing to note the expression on the face of king dox as he looked the boy over, from his sailor hat to his stubby shoes; and it was equally diverting to watch button-bright stare at the king in return. no fox ever beheld a fresher, fairer child's face, and no child had ever before heard a fox talk, or met with one who dressed so handsomely and ruled so big a city. i am sorry to say that no one had ever told the little boy much about fairies of any kind; this being the case, it is easy to understand how much this strange experience startled and astonished him. "how do you like us?" asked the king. "don't know," said button-bright. "of course you don't. it's too short an acquaintance," returned his majesty. "what do you suppose my name is?" "don't know," said button-bright. "how should you? well, i'll tell you. my private name is dox, but a king can't be called by his private name; he has to take one that is official. therefore my official name is king renard the fourth. ren-ard with the accent on the 'ren'." "what's 'ren'?" asked button-bright. "how clever!" exclaimed the king, turning a pleased face toward his counselors. "this boy is indeed remarkably bright. 'what's 'ren''? he asks; and of course 'ren' is nothing at all, all by itself. yes; he's very bright indeed." "that question is what your majesty might call foxy," said one of the counselors, an old grey fox. "so it is," declared the king. turning again to button-bright, he asked: "having told you my name, what would you call me?" "king dox," said the boy. "why?" "'cause 'ren''s nothing at all," was the reply. "good! very good indeed! you certainly have a brilliant mind. do you know why two and two make four?" "no," said button-bright. "clever! clever indeed. of course you don't know. nobody knows why; we only know it's so, and can't tell why it's so. button-bright, those curls and blue eyes do not go well with so much wisdom. they make you look too youthful, and hide your real cleverness. therefore, i will do you a great favor. i will confer upon you the head of a fox, so that you may hereafter look as bright as you really are." [illustration] as he spoke the king waved his paw toward the boy, and at once the pretty curls and fresh round face and big blue eyes were gone, while in their place a fox's head appeared upon button-bright's shoulders--a hairy head with a sharp nose, pointed ears, and keen little eyes. "oh, don't do that!" cried dorothy, shrinking back from her transformed companion with a shocked and dismayed face. "too late, my dear; it's done. but you also shall have a fox's head if you can prove you're as clever as button-bright." "i don't want it; it's dreadful!" she exclaimed; and, hearing this verdict, button-bright began to boo-hoo just as if he were still a little boy. "how can you call that lovely head dreadful?" asked the king. "it's a much prettier face than he had before, to my notion, and my wife says i'm a good judge of beauty. don't cry, little fox-boy. laugh and be proud, because you are so highly favored. how do you like the new head, button-bright?" "d-d-don't n-n-n-know!" sobbed the child. "please, _please_ change him back again, your majesty!" begged dorothy. king renard iv shook his head. "i can't do that," he said; "i haven't the power, even if i wanted to. no, button-bright must wear his fox head, and he'll be sure to love it dearly as soon as he gets used to it." both the shaggy man and dorothy looked grave and anxious, for they were sorrowful that such a misfortune had overtaken their little companion. toto barked at the fox-boy once or twice, not realizing it was his former friend who now wore the animal head; but dorothy cuffed the dog and made him stop. as for the foxes, they all seemed to think button-bright's new head very becoming and that their king had conferred a great honor on this little stranger. it was funny to see the boy reach up to feel of his sharp nose and wide mouth, and wail afresh with grief. he wagged his ears in a comical manner and tears were in his little black eyes. but dorothy couldn't laugh at her friend just yet, because she felt so sorry. just then three little fox-princesses, daughters of the king, entered the room, and when they saw button-bright one exclaimed: "how lovely he is!" and the next one cried in delight: "how sweet he is!" and the third princess clapped her hands with pleasure and said, "how beautiful he is!" button-bright stopped crying and asked timidly: "am i?" "in all the world there is not another face so pretty," declared the biggest fox-princess. "you must live with us always, and be our brother," said the next. "we shall all love you dearly," the third said. this praise did much to comfort the boy, and he looked around and tried to smile. it was a pitiful attempt, because the fox face was new and stiff, and dorothy thought his expression more stupid than before the transformation. "i think we ought to be going now," said the shaggy man, uneasily, for he didn't know what the king might take into his head to do next. "don't leave us yet, i beg of you," pleaded king renard. "i intend to have several days of feasting and merrymaking, in honor of your visit." "have it after we're gone, for we can't wait," said dorothy, decidedly. but seeing this displeased the king, she added: "if i'm going to get ozma to invite you to her party i'll have to find her as soon as poss'ble, you know." in spite of all the beauty of foxville and the gorgeous dresses of its inhabitants, both the girl and the shaggy man felt they were not quite safe there, and would be glad to see the last of it. "but it is now evening," the king reminded them, "and you must stay with us until morning, anyhow. therefore i invite you to be my guests at dinner, and to attend the theater afterward and sit in the royal box. to-morrow morning, if you really insist upon it, you may resume your journey." they consented to this, and some of the fox-servants led them to a suite of lovely rooms in the big palace. button-bright was afraid to be left alone, so dorothy took him into her own room. while a maid-fox dressed the little girl's hair--which was a bit tangled--and put some bright, fresh ribbons in it, another maid-fox combed the hair on poor button-bright's face and head and brushed it carefully, tying a pink bow to each of his pointed ears. the maids wanted to dress the children in fine costumes of woven feathers, such as all the foxes wore; but neither of them consented to that. [illustration] "a sailor suit and a fox head do not go well together," said one of the maids; "for no fox was ever a sailor that i can remember." "i'm not a fox!" cried button-bright. "alas, no," agreed the maid. "but you've got a lovely fox head on your skinny shoulders, and that's _almost_ as good as being a fox." the boy, reminded of his misfortune, began to cry again. dorothy petted and comforted him and promised to find some way to restore him his own head. "if we can manage to get to ozma," she said, "the princess will change you back to yourself in half a second; so you just wear that fox head as comf't'bly as you can, dear, and don't worry about it at all. it isn't nearly as pretty as your own head, no matter what the foxes say; but you can get along with it for a little while longer, can't you?" "don't know," said button-bright, doubtfully; but he didn't cry any more after that. dorothy let the maids pin ribbons to her shoulders, after which they were ready for the king's dinner. when they met the shaggy man in the splendid drawing-room of the palace they found him just the same as before. he had refused to give up his shaggy clothes for new ones, because if he did that he would no longer be the shaggy man, he said, and he might have to get acquainted with himself all over again. he told dorothy he had brushed his shaggy hair and whiskers; but she thought he must have brushed them the wrong way, for they were quite as shaggy as before. as for the company of foxes assembled to dine with the strangers, they were most beautifully costumed, and their rich dresses made dorothy's simple gown and button-bright's sailor suit and the shaggy man's shaggy clothes look commonplace. but they treated their guests with great respect and the king's dinner was a very good dinner indeed. foxes, as you know, are fond of chicken and other fowl; so they served chicken soup and roasted turkey and stewed duck and fried grouse and broiled quail and goose pie, and as the cooking was excellent the king's guests enjoyed the meal and ate heartily of the various dishes. the party went to the theater, where they saw a play acted by foxes dressed in costumes of brilliantly colored feathers. the play was about a fox-girl who was stolen by some wicked wolves and carried to their cave; and just as they were about to kill her and eat her a company of fox-soldiers marched up, saved the girl, and put all the wicked wolves to death. "how do you like it?" the king asked dorothy. "pretty well," she answered. "it reminds me of one of mr. aesop's fables." "don't mention aesop to me, i beg of you!" exclaimed king dox. "i hate that man's name. he wrote a good deal about foxes, but always made them out cruel and wicked, whereas we are gentle and kind, as you may see." "but his fables showed you to be wise and clever, and more shrewd than other animals," said the shaggy man, thoughtfully. [illustration] "so we are. there is no question about our knowing more than men do," replied the king, proudly. "but we employ our wisdom to do good, instead of harm; so that horrid aesop did not know what he was talking about." they did not like to contradict him, because they felt he ought to know the nature of foxes better than men did; so they sat still and watched the play, and button-bright became so interested that for the time he forgot he wore a fox head. afterward they went back to the palace and slept in soft beds stuffed with feathers; for the foxes raised many fowl for food, and used their feathers for clothing and to sleep upon. dorothy wondered why the animals living in foxville did not wear just their own hairy skins, as wild foxes do; when she mentioned it to king dox he said they clothed themselves because they were civilized. "but you were born without clothes," she observed, "and you don't seem to me to need them." "so were human beings born without clothes," he replied; "and until they became civilized they wore only their natural skins. but to become civilized means to dress as elaborately and prettily as possible, and to make a show of your clothes so your neighbors will envy you, and for that reason both civilized foxes and civilized humans spend most of their time dressing themselves." "i don't," declared the shaggy man. "that is true," said the king, looking at him carefully: "but perhaps you are not civilized." after a sound sleep and a good night's rest they had their breakfast with the king and then bade his majesty good-bye. "you've been kind to us--'cept poor button-bright," said dorothy, "and we've had a nice time in foxville." "then," said king dox, "perhaps you'll be good enough to get me an invitation to princess ozma's birthday celebration." "i'll try," she promised; "if i see her in time." "it's on the twenty-first, remember," he continued; "and if you'll just see that i'm invited i'll find a way to cross the dreadful desert into the marvelous land of oz. i've always wanted to visit the emerald city, so i'm sure it was fortunate you arrived here just when you did, you being princess ozma's friend and able to assist me in getting the invitation." "if i see ozma i'll ask her to invite you," she replied. the fox-king had a delightful luncheon put up for them, which the shaggy man shoved in his pocket, and the fox-captain escorted them to an arch at the side of the village opposite the one by which they had entered. here they found more soldiers guarding the road. "are you afraid of enemies?" asked dorothy. "no; because we are watchful and able to protect ourselves," answered the captain. "but this road leads to another village peopled by big, stupid beasts who might cause us trouble if they thought we were afraid of them." "what beasts are they?" asked the shaggy man. the captain hesitated to answer. finally he said: "you will learn all about them when you arrive at their city. but do not be afraid of them. button-bright is so wonderfully clever and has now such an intelligent face that i'm sure he will manage to find a way to protect you." this made dorothy and the shaggy man rather uneasy, for they had not so much confidence in the fox-boy's wisdom as the captain seemed to have. but as their escort would say no more about the beasts, they bade him good-bye and proceeded on their journey. [illustration] the rainbow's daughter [illustration] toto, now allowed to run about as he pleased, was glad to be free again and able to bark at the birds and chase the butterflies. the country around them was charming, yet in the pretty fields of wild-flowers and groves of leafy trees were no houses whatever, or sign of any inhabitants. birds flew through the air and cunning white rabbits darted amongst the tall grasses and green bushes; dorothy noticed even the ants toiling busily along the roadway, bearing gigantic loads of clover seed; but of people there were none at all. they walked briskly on for an hour or two, for even little button-bright was a good walker and did not tire easily. at length as they turned a curve in the road they beheld just before them a curious sight. a little girl, radiant and beautiful, shapely as a fairy and exquisitely dressed, was dancing gracefully in the middle of the lonely road, whirling slowly this way and that, her dainty feet twinkling in sprightly fashion. she was clad in flowing, fluffy robes of soft material that reminded dorothy of woven cobwebs, only it was colored in soft tintings of violet, rose, topaz, olive, azure, and white, mingled together most harmoniously in stripes which melted one into the other with soft blendings. her hair was like spun gold and floated around her in a cloud, no strand being fastened or confined by either pin or ornament or ribbon. filled with wonder and admiration our friends approached and stood watching this fascinating dance. the girl was no taller than dorothy, although more slender; nor did she seem any older than our little heroine. suddenly she paused and abandoned the dance, as if for the first time observing the presence of strangers. as she faced them, shy as a frightened fawn, poised upon one foot as if to fly the next instant, dorothy was astonished to see tears flowing from her violet eyes and trickling down her lovely rose-hued cheeks. that the dainty maiden should dance and weep at the same time was indeed surprising; so dorothy asked in a soft, sympathetic voice: [illustration: polychrome--the rainbow's daughter] "are you unhappy, little girl?" "very!" was the reply; "i am lost." "why, so are we," said dorothy, smiling; "but we don't cry about it." "don't you? why not?" "'cause i've been lost before, and always got found again," answered dorothy, simply. "but i've never been lost before," murmured the dainty maiden, "and i'm worried and afraid." "you were dancing," remarked dorothy, in a puzzled tone of voice. "oh, that was just to keep warm," explained the maiden, quickly. "it was not because i felt happy or gay, i assure you." dorothy looked at her closely. her gauzy flowing robes might not be very warm, yet the weather wasn't at all chilly, but rather mild and balmy, like a spring day. "who are you, dear?" she asked, gently. "i'm polychrome," was the reply. "polly whom?" "polychrome. i'm the daughter of the rainbow." "oh!" said dorothy, with a gasp; "i didn't know the rainbow had children. but i _might_ have known it, before you spoke. you couldn't really be anything else." "why not?" inquired polychrome, as if surprised. "because you're so lovely and sweet." the little maiden smiled through her tears, came up to dorothy, and placed her slender fingers in the kansas girl's chubby hand. "you'll be my friend--won't you?" she said, pleadingly. [illustration] "of course." "and what is your name?" "i'm dorothy; and this is my friend shaggy man, who owns the love magnet; and this is button-bright--only you don't see him as he really is because the fox-king carelessly changed his head into a fox head. but the real button-bright is good to look at, and i hope to get him changed back to himself, some time." the rainbow's daughter nodded cheerfully, no longer afraid of her new companions. "but who is this?" she asked, pointing to toto, who was sitting before her wagging his tail in the most friendly manner and admiring the pretty maid with his bright eyes. "is this, also, some enchanted person?" "oh no, polly--i may call you polly, mayn't i? your whole name's awful hard to say." "call me polly if you wish, dorothy." "well, polly, toto's just a dog; but he has more sense than button-bright, to tell the truth; and i'm very fond of him." "so am i," said polychrome, bending gracefully to pat toto's head. "but how did the rainbow's daughter ever get on this lonely road, and become lost?" asked the shaggy man, who had listened wonderingly to all this. "why, my father stretched his rainbow over here this morning, so that one end of it touched this road," was the reply; "and i was dancing upon the pretty rays, as i love to do, and never noticed i was getting too far over the bend in the circle. suddenly i began to slide, and i went faster and faster until at last i bumped on the ground, at the very end. just then father lifted the rainbow again, without noticing me at all, and though i tried to seize the end of it and hold fast, it melted away entirely and i was left alone and helpless on the cold, hard earth!" "it doesn't seem cold to me, polly," said dorothy; "but perhaps you're not warmly dressed." "i'm so used to living nearer the sun," replied the rainbow's daughter, "that at first i feared i would freeze down here. but my dance has warmed me some, and now i wonder how i am ever to get home again." "won't your father miss you, and look for you, and let down another rainbow for you?" [illustration] "perhaps so; but he's busy just now because it rains in so many parts of the world at this season, and he has to set his rainbow in a lot of different places. what would you advise me to do, dorothy?" "come with us," was the answer. "i'm going to try to find my way to the emerald city, which is in the fairy land of oz. the emerald city is ruled by a friend of mine, the princess ozma, and if we can manage to get there i'm sure she will know a way to send you home to your father again." "do you really think so?" asked polychrome, anxiously. "i'm pretty sure." "then i'll go with you," said the little maid; "for travel will help keep me warm, and father can find me in one part of the world as well as another--if he gets time to look for me." "come along, then," said the shaggy man, cheerfully; and they started on once more. polly walked beside dorothy a while, holding her new friend's hand as if she feared to let it go; but her nature seemed as light and buoyant as her fleecy robes, for suddenly she darted ahead and whirled round in a giddy dance. then she tripped back to them with sparkling eyes and smiling cheeks, having regained her usual happy mood and forgotten all her worry about being lost. they found her a charming companion, and her dancing and laughter--for she laughed at times like the tinkling of a silver bell--did much to enliven their journey and keep them contented. the city of beasts [illustration] when noon came they opened the fox-king's basket of luncheon, and found a nice roasted turkey with cranberry sauce and some slices of bread and butter. as they sat on the grass by the roadside the shaggy man cut up the turkey with his pocket-knife and passed slices of it around. "haven't you any dewdrops, or mist-cakes, or cloud-buns?" asked polychrome, longingly. "'course not," replied dorothy. "we eat solid things, down here on the earth. but there's a bottle of cold tea. try some, won't you?" the rainbow's daughter watched button-bright devour one leg of the turkey. "is it good?" she asked. he nodded. "do you think i could eat it?" "not this," said button-bright. "but i mean another piece?" "don't know," he replied. "well, i'm going to try, for i'm very hungry," she decided, and took a thin slice of the white breast of turkey which the shaggy man cut for her, as well as a bit of bread and butter. when she tasted it polychrome thought the turkey was good--better even than mist-cakes; but a little satisfied her hunger and she finished with a tiny sip of cold tea. "that's about as much as a fly would eat," said dorothy, who was making a good meal herself. "but i know some people in oz who eat nothing at all." "who are they?" inquired the shaggy man. "one is a scarecrow who's stuffed with straw, and the other a woodman made out of tin. they haven't any appetites inside of 'em, you see; so they never eat anything at all." "are they alive?" asked button-bright. "oh yes," replied dorothy; "and they're very clever and very nice, too. if we get to oz i'll introduce them to you." "do you really expect to get to oz?" inquired the shaggy man, taking a drink of cold tea. [illustration: polly sipped a little cold tea] "i don't know just what to 'spect," answered the child, seriously; "but i've noticed if i happen to get lost i'm almost sure to come to the land of oz in the end, somehow 'r other; so i may get there this time. but i can't promise, you know; all i can do is wait and see." "will the scarecrow scare me?" asked button-bright. "no; 'cause you're not a crow," she returned. "he has the loveliest smile you ever saw--only it's painted on and he can't help it." luncheon being over they started again upon their journey, the shaggy man, dorothy and button-bright walking soberly along, side by side, and the rainbow's daughter dancing merrily before them. sometimes she darted along the road so swiftly that she was nearly out of sight, then she came tripping back to greet them with her silvery laughter. but once she came back more sedately, to say: "there's a city a little way off." "i 'spected that," returned dorothy; "for the fox-people warned us there was one on this road. it's filled with stupid beasts of some sort, but we mustn't be afraid of 'em 'cause they won't hurt us." "all right," said button-bright; but polychrome didn't know whether it was all right or not. "it's a big city," she said, "and the road runs straight through it." "never mind," said the shaggy man; "as long as i carry the love magnet every living thing will love me, and you may be sure i shan't allow any of my friends to be harmed in any way." this comforted them somewhat, and they moved on again. pretty soon they came to a sign-post that read: "haf a myle to dunkiton." "oh," said the shaggy man, "if they're donkeys we've nothing to fear at all." "they may kick," said dorothy, doubtfully. "then we will cut some switches, and make them behave," he replied. at the first tree he cut himself a long, slender switch from one of the branches, and shorter switches for the others. "don't be afraid to order the beasts around," he said; "they're used to it." before long the road brought them to the gates of the city. there was a high wall all around, which had been whitewashed, and the gate just before our travelers was a mere opening in the wall, with no bars across it. no towers or steeples or domes showed above the enclosure, nor was any living thing to be seen as our friends drew near. suddenly, as they were about to boldly enter through the opening, there arose a harsh clamor of sound that swelled and echoed on every side, until they were nearly deafened by the racket and had to put their fingers to their ears to keep the noise out. it was like the firing of many cannon, only there were no cannon-balls or other missiles to be seen; it was like the rolling of mighty thunder, only not a cloud was in the sky; it was like the roar of countless breakers on a rugged seashore, only there was no sea or other water anywhere about. they hesitated to advance; but, as the noise did no harm, they entered through the whitewashed wall and quickly discovered the cause of the turmoil. inside were suspended many sheets of tin or thin iron, and against these metal sheets a row of donkeys were pounding their heels with vicious kicks. [illustration] the shaggy man ran up to the nearest donkey and gave the beast a sharp blow with his switch. "stop that noise!" he shouted; and the donkey stopped kicking the metal sheet and turned its head to look with surprise at the shaggy man. he switched the next donkey, and made him stop, and then the next, so that gradually the rattling of heels ceased and the awful noise subsided. the donkeys stood in a group and eyed the strangers with fear and trembling. "what do you mean by making such a racket?" asked the shaggy man, sternly. "we were scaring away the foxes," said one of the donkeys, meekly. "usually they run fast enough when they hear the noise, which makes them afraid." "there are no foxes here," said the shaggy man. "i beg to differ with you. there's one, anyhow," replied the donkey, sitting upright on its haunches and waving a hoof toward button-bright. "we saw him coming and thought the whole army of foxes was marching to attack us." "button-bright isn't a fox," explained the shaggy man. "he's only wearing a fox head for a time, until he can get his own head back." "oh, i see," remarked the donkey, waving its left ear reflectively. "i'm sorry we made such a mistake, and had all our work and worry for nothing." the other donkeys by this time were sitting up and examining the strangers with big, glassy eyes. they made a queer picture, indeed; for they wore wide, white collars around their necks and the collars had many scallops and points. the gentlemen-donkeys wore high pointed caps set between their great ears, and the lady-donkeys wore sunbonnets with holes cut in the top for the ears to stick through. but they had no other clothing except their hairy skins, although many wore gold and silver bangles on their front wrists and bands of different metals on their rear ankles. when they were kicking they had braced themselves with their front legs, but now they all stood or sat upright on their hind legs and used their front ones as arms. having no fingers or hands the beasts were rather clumsy, as you may guess; but dorothy was surprised to observe how many things they could do with their stiff, heavy hoofs. some of the donkeys were white, some were brown, or gray, or black, or spotted; but their hair was sleek and smooth and their broad collars and caps gave them a neat, if whimsical, appearance. "this is a nice way to welcome visitors, i must say!" remarked the shaggy man, in a reproachful tone. "oh, we did not mean to be impolite," replied a grey donkey which had not spoken before. "but you were not expected, nor did you send in your visiting cards, as it is proper to do." "there is some truth in that," admitted the shaggy man; "but, now you are informed that we are important and distinguished travelers, i trust you will accord us proper consideration." these big words delighted the donkeys, and made them bow to the shaggy man with great respect. said the grey one: "you shall be taken before his great and glorious majesty king kik-a-bray, who will greet you as becomes your exalted stations." "that's right," answered dorothy. "take us to some one who knows something." [illustration] "oh, we all know something, my child, or we shouldn't be donkeys," asserted the grey one, with dignity. "the word 'donkey' means 'clever,' you know." "i didn't know it," she replied. "i thought it meant 'stupid'." "not at all, my child. if you will look in the encyclopedia donkaniara you will find i'm correct. but come; i will myself lead you before our splendid, exalted, and most intellectual ruler." all donkeys love big words, so it is no wonder the grey one used so many of them. the shaggy man's transformation [illustration] they found the houses of the town all low and square and built of bricks, neatly whitewashed inside and out. the houses were not set in rows, forming regular streets, but placed here and there in a haphazard manner which made it puzzling for a stranger to find his way. "stupid people must have streets and numbered houses in their cities, to guide them where to go," observed the grey donkey, as he walked before the visitors on his hind legs, in an awkward but comical manner; "but clever donkeys know their way about without such absurd marks. moreover, a mixed city is much prettier than one with straight streets." dorothy did not agree with this, but she said nothing to contradict it. presently she saw a sign on a house that read: "madam de fayke, hoofist," and she asked their conductor: "what's a 'hoofist,' please?" "one who reads your fortune in your hoofs," replied the grey donkey. "oh, i see," said the little girl. "you are quite civilized here." "dunkiton," he replied, "is the center of the world's highest civilization." they came to a house where two youthful donkeys were whitewashing the wall, and dorothy stopped a moment to watch them. they dipped the ends of their tails, which were much like paint-brushes, into a pail of whitewash, backed up against the house, and wagged their tails right and left until the whitewash was rubbed on the wall, after which they dipped these funny brushes in the pail again and repeated the performance. "that must be fun," said button-bright. "no; it's work," replied the old donkey; "but we make our youngsters do all the whitewashing, to keep them out of mischief." "don't they go to school?" asked dorothy. "all donkeys are born wise," was the reply, "so the only school we need is the school of experience. books are only fit for those who know nothing, and so are obliged to learn things from other people." [illustration] "in other words, the more stupid one is the more he thinks he knows," observed the shaggy man. the grey donkey paid no attention to this speech because he had just stopped before a house which had painted over the doorway a pair of hoofs, with a donkey tail between them and a rude crown and sceptre above. "i'll see if his magnificent majesty king kik-a-bray is at home," said he. he lifted his head and called "whee-haw! whee-haw! whee-haw!" three times, in a shocking voice, turning about and kicking with his heels against the panel of the door. for a time there was no reply; then the door opened far enough to permit a donkey's head to stick out and look at them. it was a white head, with big, awful ears and round, solemn eyes. "have the foxes gone?" it asked, in a trembling voice. "they haven't been here, most stupendous majesty," replied the grey one. "the new arrivals prove to be travelers of distinction." "oh," said the king, in a relieved tone of voice. "let them come in." he opened the door wide, and the party marched into a big room, which, dorothy thought, looked quite unlike a king's palace. there were mats of woven grasses on the floor and the place was clean and neat; but his majesty had no other furniture at all--perhaps because he didn't need it. he squatted down in the center of the room and a little brown donkey ran and brought a big gold crown which it placed on the monarch's head, and a golden staff with a jeweled ball at the end of it, which the king held between his front hoofs as he sat upright. "now, then," said his majesty, waving his long ears gently to and fro, "tell me why you are here, and what you expect me to do for you." he eyed button-bright rather sharply, as if afraid of the little boy's queer head, though it was the shaggy man who undertook to reply. [illustration] "most noble and supreme ruler of dunkiton," he said, trying not to laugh in the solemn king's face, "we are strangers traveling through your dominions, and have entered your magnificent city because the road led through it, and there was no way to go around. all we desire is to pay our respects to your majesty--the cleverest king in all the world, i'm sure--and then to continue on our way." this polite speech pleased the king very much; indeed, it pleased him so much that it proved an unlucky speech for the shaggy man. perhaps the love magnet helped to win his majesty's affection as well as the flattery, but however this may be the white donkey looked kindly upon the speaker and said: "only a donkey should be able to use such fine, big words, and you are too wise and admirable in all ways to be a mere man. also i feel that i love you as well as i do my own favored people, so i will bestow upon you the greatest gift within my power--a donkey's head." as he spoke he waved his jeweled staff. although the shaggy man cried out and tried to leap backward and escape, it proved of no use. suddenly his own head was gone and a donkey head appeared in its place--a brown, shaggy head so absurd and droll that dorothy and polly both broke into merry laughter, and even button-bright's fox face wore a smile. "dear me! dear me!" cried the shaggy man, feeling of his shaggy new head and his long ears. "what a misfortune--what a great misfortune! give me back my own head, you stupid king--if you love me at all!" "don't you like it?" asked the king, surprised. "hee-haw! i hate it! take it away--quick!" said the shaggy man. [illustration: king kick-a-bray works magic on the shaggy man] "but i can't do that," was the reply. '"my magic works only one way. i can _do_ things, but i can't _un_ do them. you'll have to find the truth pond, and bathe in its water, in order to get back your own head. but i advise you not to do that. this head is much more beautiful than the old one." "that's a matter of taste," said dorothy. "where is the truth pond?" asked the shaggy man, earnestly. "somewhere in the land of oz; but just the exact location of it i can not tell," was the answer. "don't worry, shaggy man," said dorothy, smiling because her friend wagged his new ears so comically. "if the truth pond is in oz we'll be sure to find it when we get there." "oh! are you going to the land of oz?" asked king kik-a-bray. "i don't know," she replied; "but we've been told we are nearer the land of oz than to kansas, and if that's so the quickest way for me to get home is to find ozma." "haw-haw! do you know the mighty princess ozma?" asked the king, his tone both surprised and eager. "'course i do; she's my friend," said dorothy. "then perhaps you'll do me a favor," continued the white donkey, much excited. "what is it?" she asked. "perhaps you can get me an invitation to princess ozma's birthday celebration, which will be the grandest royal function ever held in fairyland. i'd love to go." "hee-haw! you deserve punishment, rather than reward, for giving me this dreadful head," said the shaggy man, sorrowfully. "i wish you wouldn't say 'hee-haw' so much," polychrome begged him; "it makes cold chills run down my back." "but i can't help it, my dear; my donkey head wants to bray continually," he replied. "doesn't your fox head want to yelp every minute?" he asked button-bright. "don't know," said the boy, still staring at the shaggy man's ears. these seemed to interest him greatly, and the sight also made him forget his own fox head, which was a comfort. "what do you think, polly? shall i promise the donkey king an invitation to ozma's party?" asked dorothy of the rainbow's daughter, who was flitting about the room like a sunbeam because she could never keep still. "do as you please, dear," answered polychrome. "he might help to amuse the guests of the princess." "then, if you will give us some supper and a place to sleep to-night, and let us get started on our journey early tomorrow morning," said dorothy to the king, "i'll ask ozma to invite you--if i happen to get to oz." "good! hee-haw! excellent!" cried kik-a-bray, much pleased. "you shall all have fine suppers and good beds. what food would you prefer, a bran mash or ripe oats in the shell?" [illustration] "neither one," replied dorothy, promptly. "perhaps plain hay, or some sweet juicy grass would suit you better," suggested kik-a-bray, musingly. "is that all you have to eat?" asked the girl. "what more do you desire?" "well, you see we're not donkeys," she explained, "and so we're used to other food. the foxes gave us a nice supper in foxville." "we'd like some dewdrops and mist-cakes," said polychrome. "i'd prefer apples and a ham sandwich," declared the shaggy man; "for although i've a donkey head i still have my own particular stomach." "i want pie," said button-bright. "i think some beefsteak and chocolate layer-cake would taste best," said dorothy. "hee-haw! i declare!" exclaimed the king. "it seems each one of you wants a different food. how queer all living creatures are, except donkeys!" "and donkeys like you are queerest of all," laughed polychrome. "well," decided the king, "i suppose my magic staff will produce the things you crave; if you are lacking in good taste it is not my fault." with this he waved his staff with the jeweled ball, and before them instantly appeared a tea-table, set with linen and pretty dishes, and on the table were the very things each had wished for. dorothy's beefsteak was smoking hot, and the shaggy man's apples were plump and rosy-cheeked. the king had not thought to provide chairs, so they all stood in their places around the table and ate with good appetite, being hungry. the rainbow's daughter found three tiny dewdrops on a crystal plate, and button-bright had a big slice of apple-pie, which he devoured eagerly. afterward the king called the brown donkey, which was his favorite servant, and bade it lead his guests to the vacant house where they were to pass the night. it had only one room and no furniture except beds of clean straw and a few mats of woven grasses; but our travelers were contented with these simple things because they realized it was the best the donkey-king had to offer them. as soon as it was dark they lay down on the mats and slept comfortably until morning. at daybreak there was a dreadful noise throughout the city. every donkey in the place brayed. when he heard this the shaggy man woke up and called out "hee-haw!" as loud as he could. [illustration] "stop that!" said button-bright, in a cross voice. both dorothy and polly looked at the shaggy man reproachfully. "i couldn't help it, my dears," he said, as if ashamed of his bray; "but i'll try not to do it again." of course they forgave him, for as he still had the love magnet in his pocket they were all obliged to love him as much as ever. they did not see the king again, but kik-a-bray remembered them; for a table appeared again in their room with the same food upon it as on the night before. "don't want pie for breakfus'," said button-bright. "i'll give you some of my beefsteak," proposed dorothy; "there's plenty for us all." that suited the boy better, but the shaggy man said he was content with his apples and sandwiches, although he ended the meal by eating button-bright's pie. polly liked her dewdrops and mist-cakes better than any other food, so they all enjoyed an excellent breakfast. toto had the scraps left from the beefsteak, and he stood up nicely on his hind legs while dorothy fed them to him. breakfast ended, they passed through the village to the side opposite that by which they had entered, the brown servant-donkey guiding them through the maze of scattered houses. there was the road again, leading far away into the unknown country beyond. "king kik-a-bray says you must not forget his invitation," said the brown donkey, as they passed through the opening in the wall. "i shan't," promised dorothy. [illustration] perhaps no one ever beheld a more strangely assorted group than the one which now walked along the road, through pretty green fields and past groves of feathery pepper-trees and fragrant mimosa. polychrome, her beautiful gauzy robes floating around her like a rainbow cloud, went first, dancing back and forth and darting now here to pluck a wild-flower or there to watch a beetle crawl across the path. toto ran after her at times, barking joyously the while, only to become sober again and trot along at dorothy's heels. the little kansas girl walked holding button-bright's hand clasped in her own, and the wee boy with his fox head covered by the sailor hat presented an odd appearance. strangest of all, perhaps, was the shaggy man, with his shaggy donkey head, who shuffled along in the rear with his hands thrust deep in his big pockets. none of the party was really unhappy. all were straying in an unknown land and had suffered more or less annoyance and discomfort; but they realized they were having a fairy adventure in a fairy country, and were much interested in finding out what would happen next. the musicker [illustration] about the middle of the forenoon they began to go up a long hill. by-and-by this hill suddenly dropped down into a pretty valley, where the travelers saw to their surprise, a small house standing by the roadside. it was the first house they had seen, and they hastened into the valley to discover who lived there. no one was in sight as they approached, but when they began to get nearer the house they heard queer sounds coming from it. they could not make these out at first, but as they became louder our friends thought they heard a sort of music like that made by a wheezy hand-organ; the music fell upon their ears in this way: _tiddle-widdle-iddle, oom pom-pom!_ _oom, pom-pom! oom, pom-pom!_ _tiddle-tiddle-tiddle, oom pom-pom!_ _oom, pom-pom--pah!_ "what is it, a band or a mouth-organ?" asked dorothy. "don't know," said button-bright. "sounds to me like a played-out phonograph," said the shaggy man, lifting his enormous ears to listen. "oh, there just _couldn't_ be a funnygraf in fairyland!" cried dorothy. "it's rather pretty, isn't it?" asked polychrome, trying to dance to the strains. _tiddle-widdle-iddle, oom pom-pom,_ _oom pom-pom; oom pom-pom!_ came the music to their ears, more distinctly as they drew nearer the house. presently they saw a little fat man sitting on a bench before the door. he wore a red, braided jacket that reached to his waist, a blue waistcoat, and white trousers with gold stripes down the sides. on his bald head was perched a little, round, red cap held in place by a rubber elastic underneath his chin. his face was round, his eyes a faded blue, and he wore white cotton gloves. the man leaned on a stout gold-headed cane, bending forward on his seat to watch his visitors approach. [illustration] singularly enough, the musical sounds they had heard seemed to come from the inside of the fat man himself; for he was playing no instrument nor was any to be seen near him. they came up and stood in a row, staring at him, and he stared back while the queer sounds came from him as before: _tiddle-iddle-iddle, oom pom-pom,_ _oom, pom-pom; oom pom-pom!_ _tiddle-widdle-iddle, oom pom-pom,_ _oom, pom-pom--pah!_ "why, he's a reg'lar musicker!" said button-bright. "what's a musicker?" asked dorothy. "him!" said the boy. hearing this the fat man sat up a little stiffer than before, as if he had received a compliment, and still came the sounds: _tiddle-widdle-iddle, oom pom-pom,_ _oom pom-pom, oom---_ "stop it!" cried the shaggy man, earnestly. "stop that dreadful noise!" the fat man looked at him sadly and began his reply. when he spoke the music changed and the words seemed to accompany the notes. he said--or rather sang: _it isn't a noise that you hear,_ _but music, harmonic and clear._ _my breath makes me play_ _like an organ, all day--_ _that bass note is in my left ear._ "how funny!" exclaimed dorothy; "he says his breath makes the music." "that's all nonsense," declared the shaggy man; but now the music began again, and they all listened carefully. _my lungs are full of reeds like those_ _in organs, therefore i suppose,_ _if i breathe in or out my nose,_ _the reeds are bound to play._ _so, as i breathe to live, you know,_ _i squeeze out music as i go;_ _i'm very sorry this is so---_ _forgive my piping, pray!_ [illustration] "poor man," said polychrome; "he can't help it. what a great misfortune it is!" "yes," replied the shaggy man; "we are only obliged to hear this music a short time, until we leave him and go away; but the poor fellow must listen to himself as long as he lives, and that is enough to drive him crazy. don't you think so?" "don't know," said button-bright. toto said "bow-wow!" and the others laughed. "perhaps that's why he lives all alone," suggested dorothy. "yes; if he had neighbors they might do him an injury," responded the shaggy man. all this while the little fat musicker was breathing the notes: _tiddle-tiddle-iddle, oom, pom-pom,_ and they had to speak loud in order to hear themselves. the shaggy man said: "who are you, sir?" the reply came in the shape of this sing-song: _i'm allegro da capo, a very famous man;_ _just find another, high or low, to match me if you can._ _some people try, but can't, to play_ _and have to practice every day;_ _but i've been musical alway, since first my life began._ "why, i b'lieve he's proud of it," exclaimed dorothy, "and seems to me i've heard worse music than he makes." "where?" asked button-bright. "i've forgotten, just now. but mr. da capo is certainly a strange person--isn't he?--and p'r'aps he's the only one of his kind in all the world." this praise seemed to please the little fat musicker, for he swelled out his chest, looked important and sang as follows: _i wear no band around me,_ _and yet i am a band!_ _i do not strain to make my strains_ _but, on the other hand,_ _my toot is always destitute_ _of flats or other errors;_ _to see sharp and be natural are_ _for me but minor terrors._ "i don't quite understand that," said polychrome, with a puzzled look; "but perhaps it's because i'm accustomed only to the music of the spheres." "what's that?" asked button-bright. "oh, polly means the atmosphere and hemisphere, i s'pose," explained dorothy. "oh," said button-bright. "bow-wow!" said toto. [illustration] but the musicker was still breathing his constant _oom, pom-pom; oom, pom-pom---_ and it seemed to jar on the shaggy man's nerves. "stop it, can't you?" he cried, angrily; "or breathe in a whisper; or put a clothes-pin on your nose. do something, anyhow!" but the fat one, with a sad look, sang this answer: _"music hath charms, and it may_ _soothe even the savage, they say;_ _so if savage you feel_ _just list to my reel,_ _for sooth to say that's the real way."_ the shaggy man had to laugh at this, and when he laughed he stretched his donkey mouth wide open. said dorothy: "i don't know how good his poetry is, but it seems to fit the notes, so that's all that can be 'xpected." "i like it," said button-bright, who was staring hard at the musicker, his little legs spread wide apart. to the surprise of his companions, the boy asked this long question: "if i swallowed a mouth-organ, what would i be?" "an organette," said the shaggy man. "but come, my dears; i think the best thing we can do is to continue on our journey before button-bright swallows anything. we must try to find that land of oz, you know." hearing this speech the musicker sang, quickly: _if you go to the hand of oz_ _please take me along, because_ _on ozma's birthday_ _i'm anxious to play_ _the loveliest song ever was._ "no, thank you," said dorothy; "we prefer to travel alone. but if i see ozma i'll tell her you want to come to her birthday party." "let's be going," urged the shaggy man, anxiously. polly was already dancing along the road, far in advance, and the others turned to follow her. toto did not like the fat musicker and made a grab for his chubby leg. dorothy quickly caught up the growling little dog and hurried after her companions, who were walking faster than usual in order to get out of hearing. they had to climb a hill, and until they got to the top they could not escape the musicker's monotonous piping: _"oom, pom-pom; oom, pom-pom;_ _tiddle-iddle-widdle, oom, pom-pom;_ _oom, pom-pom--pah!"_ as they passed the brow of the hill, however, and descended on the other side, the sounds gradually died away, whereat they all felt much relieved. [illustration] "i'm glad i don't have to live with the organ-man; aren't you, polly?" said dorothy. "yes, indeed," answered the rainbow's daughter. "he's nice," declared button-bright, soberly. "i hope your princess ozma won't invite him to her birthday celebration," remarked the shaggy man; "for the fellow's music would drive her guests all crazy. you've given me an idea, button-bright; i believe the musicker must have swallowed an accordeon in his youth." "what's 'cordeon?" asked the boy. "it's a kind of pleating," explained dorothy, putting down the dog. "bow-wow!" said toto, and ran away at a mad gallop to chase a bumble-bee. facing the scoodlers [illustration] the country wasn't so pretty now. before the travelers appeared a rocky plain covered with hills on which grew nothing green. they were nearing some low mountains, too, and the road, which before had been smooth and pleasant to walk upon, grew rough and uneven. button-bright's little feet stumbled more than once, and polychrome ceased her dancing because the walking was now so difficult that she had no trouble to keep warm. it had become afternoon, yet there wasn't a thing for their luncheon except two apples which the shaggy man had taken from the breakfast table. he divided these into four pieces and gave a portion to each of his companions. dorothy and button-bright were glad to get theirs; but polly was satisfied with a small bite, and toto did not like apples. "do you know," asked the rainbow's daughter, "if this is the right road to the emerald city?" "no, i don't," replied dorothy; "but it's the only road in this part of the country, so we may as well go to the end of it." "it looks now as if it might end pretty soon," remarked the shaggy man; "and what shall we do if it does?" "don't know," said button-bright. "if i had my magic belt," replied dorothy, thoughtfully, "it could do us a lot of good just now." "what is your magic belt?" asked polychrome. "it's a thing i captured from the nome king one day, and it can do 'most any wonderful thing. but i left it with ozma, you know; 'cause magic won't work in kansas, but only in fairy countries." "is this a fairy country?" asked button-bright. "i should think you'd know," said the little girl, gravely. "if it wasn't a fairy country you couldn't have a fox head and the shaggy man couldn't have a donkey head, and the rainbow's daughter would be invis'ble." "what's that?" asked the boy. "you don't seem to know anything, button-bright. invis'ble is a thing you can't see." "then toto's invisible," declared the boy, and dorothy found he was right. toto had disappeared from view, but they could hear him barking furiously among the heaps of grey rock ahead of them. [illustration] they moved forward a little faster to see what the dog was barking at, and found perched upon a point of rock by the roadside a curious creature. it had the form of a man, middle-sized and rather slender and graceful; but as it sat silent and motionless upon the peak they could see that its face was black as ink, and it wore a black cloth costume made like a union suit and fitting tight to its skin. its hands were black, too, and its toes curled down, like a bird's. the creature was black all over except its hair, which was fine, and yellow, banged in front across the black forehead and cut close at the sides. the eyes, which were fixed steadily upon the barking dog, were small and sparkling and looked like the eyes of a weasel. "what in the world do you s'pose that is?" asked dorothy in a hushed voice, as the little group of travelers stood watching the strange creature. "don't know," said button-bright. the thing gave a jump and turned half around, sitting in the same place but with the other side of its body facing them. instead of being black, it was now pure white, with a face like that of a clown in a circus and hair of a brilliant purple. the creature could bend either way, and its white toes now curled the same way the black ones on the other side had done. "it has a face both front and back," whispered dorothy, wonderingly; "only there's no back at all, but two fronts." having made the turn, the being sat motionless as before, while toto barked louder at the white man than he had done at the black one. "once," said the shaggy man, "i had a jumping-jack like that, with two faces." "was it alive?" asked button-bright. "no," replied the shaggy man; "it worked on strings, and was made of wood." "wonder if this works with strings," said dorothy; but polychrome cried "look!" for another creature just like the first had suddenly appeared sitting on another rock, its black side toward them. the two twisted their heads around and showed a black face on the white side of one and a white face on the black side of the other. [illustration] "how curious," said polychrome; "and how loose their heads seem to be! are they friendly to us, do you think?" "can't tell, polly," replied dorothy. "let's ask 'em." the creatures flopped first one way and then the other, showing black or white by turns; and now another joined them, appearing on another rock. our friends had come to a little hollow in the hills, and the place where they now stood was surrounded by jagged peaks of rock, except where the road ran through. "now there are four of them," said the shaggy man. "five," declared polychrome. "six," said dorothy. "lots of 'em!" cried button-bright; and so there were--quite a row of the two-sided black and white creatures sitting on the rocks all around. toto stopped barking and ran between dorothy's feet, where he crouched down as if afraid. the creatures did not look pleasant or friendly, to be sure, and the shaggy man's donkey face became solemn, indeed. "ask 'em who they are, and what they want," whispered dorothy; so the shaggy man called out in a loud voice: "who are you?" "scoodlers!" they yelled in chorus, their voices sharp and shrill. "what do you want?" called the shaggy man. "you!" they yelled, pointing their thin fingers at the group; and they all flopped around, so they were white, and then all flopped back again, so they were black. "but what do you want us for?" asked the shaggy man, uneasily. "soup!" they all shouted, as if with one voice. [illustration: "you!" they yelled] "goodness me!" said dorothy, trembling a little; "the scoodlers must be reg'lar cannibals." "don't want to be soup," protested button-bright, beginning to cry. "hush, dear," said the little girl, trying to comfort him; "we don't any of us want to be soup. but don't worry; the shaggy man will take care of us." "will he?" asked polychrome, who did not like the scoodlers at all, and kept close to dorothy. "i'll try," promised the shaggy man; but he looked worried. happening just then to feel the love magnet in his pocket, he said to the creatures, with more confidence: "don't you love me?" "yes!" they shouted, all together. "then you mustn't harm me, or my friends," said the shaggy man, firmly. "we love you in soup!" they yelled, and in a flash turned their white sides to the front. "how dreadful!" said dorothy. "this is a time, shaggy man, when you get loved too much." "don't want to be soup!" wailed button-bright again; and toto began to whine dismally, as if he didn't want to be soup, either. "the only thing to do," said the shaggy man to his friends, in a low tone, "is to get out of this pocket in the rocks as soon as we can, and leave the scoodlers behind us. follow me, my dears, and don't pay any attention to what they do or say." with this he began to march along the road to the opening in the rocks ahead, and the others kept close behind him. but the scoodlers closed up in front, as if to bar their way, and so the shaggy man stooped down and picked up a loose stone, which he threw at the creatures to scare them from the path. at this the scoodlers raised a howl. two of them picked their heads from their shoulders and hurled them at the shaggy man with such force that he fell over in a heap, greatly astonished. the two now ran forward with swift leaps, caught up their heads, and put them on again, after which they sprang back to their positions on the rocks. [illustration] escaping the soup-kettle [illustration] the shaggy man got up and felt of himself to see if he was hurt; but he was not. one of the heads had struck his breast and the other his left shoulder; yet though they had knocked him down the heads were not hard enough to bruise him. "come on," he said, firmly; "we've got to get out of here some way," and forward he started again. the scoodlers began yelling and throwing their heads in great numbers at our frightened friends. the shaggy man was knocked over again, and so was button-bright, who kicked his heels against the ground and howled as loud as he could, although he was not hurt a bit. one head struck toto, who first yelped and then grabbed the head by an ear and started running away with it. the scoodlers who had thrown their heads began to scramble down and run to pick them up, with wonderful quickness; but the one whose head toto had stolen found it hard to get it back again. the head couldn't see the body with either pair of its eyes, because the dog was in the way, so the headless scoodler stumbled around over the rocks and tripped on them more than once in its effort to regain its top. toto was trying to get outside the rocks and roll the head down the hill; but some of the other scoodlers came to the rescue of their unfortunate comrade and pelted the dog with their own heads until he was obliged to drop his burden and hurry back to dorothy. the little girl and the rainbow's daughter had both escaped the shower of heads, but they saw now that it would be useless to try to run away from the dreadful scoodlers. "we may as well submit," declared the shaggy man, in a rueful voice, as he got upon his feet again. he turned toward their foes and asked: "what do you want us to do?" "come!" they cried, in a triumphant chorus, and at once sprang from the rocks and surrounded their captives on all sides. one funny thing about the scoodlers was they could walk in either direction, coming or going, without turning around; because they had two faces and, as dorothy said, "two front sides," and their feet were shaped like the letter t upside down (_|_). they moved with great rapidity and there was something about their glittering eyes and contrasting colors and removable heads that inspired the poor prisoners with horror, and made them long to escape. [illustration] but the creatures led their captives away from the rocks and the road, down the hill by a side path until they came before a low mountain of rock that looked like a huge bowl turned upside down. at the edge of this mountain was a deep gulf--so deep that when you looked into it there was nothing but blackness below. across the gulf was a narrow bridge of rock, and at the other end of the bridge was an arched opening that led into the mountain. over this bridge the scoodlers led their prisoners, through the opening into the mountain, which they found to be an immense hollow dome lighted by several holes in the roof. all around the circular space were built rock houses, set close together, each with a door in the front wall. none of these houses was more than six feet wide, but the scoodlers were thin people sidewise and did not need much room. so vast was the dome that there was a large space in the middle of the cave, in front of all these houses, where the creatures might congregate as in a great hall. it made dorothy shudder to see a huge iron kettle suspended by a stout chain in the middle of the place, and underneath the kettle a great heap of kindling wood and shavings, ready to light. "what's that?" asked the shaggy man, drawing back as they approached this place, so that they were forced to push him forward. "the soup kettle!" yelled the scoodlers; and then they shouted in the next breath: "we're hungry!" button-bright, holding dorothy's hand in one chubby fist and polly's hand in the other, was so affected by this shout that he began to cry again, repeating the protest: "don't want to be soup, i don't!" "never mind," said the shaggy man, consolingly; "i ought to make enough soup to feed them all, i'm so big; so i'll ask them to put me in the kettle first." "all right," said button-bright, more cheerfully. but the scoodlers were not ready to make soup yet. they led the captives into a house at the farthest side of the cave--a house somewhat wider than the others. "who lives here?" asked the rainbow's daughter. the scoodlers nearest her replied: "the queen." it made dorothy hopeful to learn that a woman ruled over these fierce creatures, but a moment later they were ushered by two or three of the escort into a gloomy, bare room--and her hope died away. for the queen of the scoodlers proved to be much more dreadful in appearance than any of her people. one side of her was fiery red, with jet-black hair and green eyes and the other side of her was bright yellow, with crimson hair and black eyes. she wore a short skirt of red and yellow and her hair, instead of being banged, was a tangle of short curls upon which rested a circular crown of silver--much dented and twisted because the queen had thrown her head at so many things so many times. her form was lean and bony and both her faces were deeply wrinkled. "what have we here?" asked the queen, sharply, as our friends were made to stand before her. "soup!" cried the guard of scoodlers, speaking together. "we're not!" said dorothy, indignantly; "we're nothing of the sort." [illustration] "ah, but you will be soon," retorted the queen, a grim smile making her look more dreadful than before. "pardon me, most beautiful vision," said the shaggy man, bowing before the queen politely. "i must request your serene highness to let us go our way without being made into soup. for i own the love magnet, and whoever meets me must love me and all my friends." "true," replied the queen. "we love you very much; so much that we intend to eat your broth with real pleasure. but tell me, do you think i am so beautiful?" "you won't be at all beautiful if you eat me," he said, shaking his head sadly. "handsome is as handsome does, you know." the queen turned to button-bright. "do _you_ think i'm beautiful?" she asked. "no," said the boy; "you're ugly." "_i_ think you're a fright," said dorothy. "if you could see yourself you'd be terribly scared," added polly. the queen scowled at them and flopped from her red side to her yellow side. "take them away," she commanded the guard, "and at six o'clock run them through the meat chopper and start the soup kettle boiling. and put plenty of salt in the broth this time, or i'll punish the cooks severely." "any onions, your majesty?" asked one of the guard. "plenty of onions and garlic and a dash of red pepper. now, go!" the scoodlers led the captives away and shut them up in one of the houses, leaving only a single scoodler to keep guard. the place was a sort of store-house; containing bags of potatoes and baskets of carrots, onions, and turnips. "these," said their guard, pointing to the vegetables, "we use to flavor our soups with." the prisoners were rather disheartened by this time, for they saw no way to escape and did not know how soon it would be six o'clock and time for the meat-chopper to begin work. but the shaggy man was brave and did not intend to submit to such a horrid fate without a struggle. "i'm going to fight for our lives," he whispered to the children, "for if i fail we will be no worse off than before, and to sit here quietly until we are made into soup would be foolish and cowardly." [illustration] the scoodler on guard stood near the doorway, turning first his white side toward them and then his black side, as if he wanted to show to all of his greedy four eyes the sight of so many fat prisoners. the captives sat in a sorrowful group at the other end of the room--except polychrome, who danced back and forth in the little place to keep herself warm, for she felt the chill of the cave. whenever she approached the shaggy man he would whisper something in her ear, and polly would nod her pretty head as if she understood. the shaggy man told dorothy and button-bright to stand before him while he emptied the potatoes out of one of the sacks. when this had been secretly done little polychrome, dancing near to the guard, suddenly reached out her hand and slapped his face, the next instant whirling away from him quickly to rejoin her friends. the angry scoodler at once picked off his head and hurled it at the rainbow's daughter; but the shaggy man was expecting that, and caught the head very neatly, putting it in the sack, which he tied at the mouth. the body of the guard, not having the eyes of its head to guide it, ran here and there in an aimless manner, and the shaggy man easily dodged it and opened the door. fortunately there was no one in the big cave at that moment, so he told dorothy and polly to run as fast as they could for the entrance, and out across the narrow bridge. [illustration: the shaggy man caught the heads and tossed them into the gulf below] "i'll carry button-bright," he said, for he knew the little boy's legs were too short to run fast. dorothy picked up toto, and then seized polly's hand and ran swiftly toward the entrance to the cave. the shaggy man perched button-bright on his shoulders and ran after them. they moved so quickly and their escape was so wholly unexpected that they had almost reached the bridge when one of the scoodlers looked out of his house and saw them. the creature raised a shrill cry that brought all its fellows bounding out of the numerous doors, and at once they started in chase. dorothy and polly had reached the bridge and crossed it when the scoodlers began throwing their heads. one of the queer missiles struck the shaggy man on his back and nearly knocked him over; but he was at the mouth of the cave now, so he set down button-bright and told the boy to run across the bridge to dorothy. then the shaggy man turned around and faced his enemies, standing just outside the opening, and as fast as they threw their heads at him he caught them and tossed them into the black gulf below. the headless bodies of the foremost scoodlers kept the others from running close up, but they also threw their heads in an effort to stop the escaping prisoners. the shaggy man caught them all and sent them whirling down into the black gulf. among them he noticed the crimson and yellow head of the queen, and this he tossed after the others with right good will. presently every scoodler of the lot had thrown its head, and every head was down in the deep gulf, and now the helpless bodies of the creatures were mixed together in the cave and wriggling around in a vain attempt to discover what had become of their heads. the shaggy man laughed and walked across the bridge to rejoin his companions. [illustration] "it's lucky i learned to play base-ball when i was young," he remarked, "for i caught all those heads easily, and never missed one. but come along, little ones; the scoodlers will never bother us or anyone else any more." button-bright was still frightened and kept insisting, "i don't want to be soup!" for the victory had been gained so suddenly that the boy could not realize they were free and safe. but the shaggy man assured him that all danger of their being made into soup was now past, as the scoodlers would be unable to eat soup for some time to come. so now, anxious to get away from the horrid gloomy cave as soon as possible, they hastened up the hillside and regained the road just beyond the place where they had first met the scoodlers; and you may be sure they were glad to find their feet on the old familiar path again. johnny dooit does it [illustration] "it's getting awful rough walking," said dorothy, as they trudged along. button-bright gave a deep sigh and said he was hungry. indeed, all were hungry, and thirsty, too; for they had eaten nothing but the apples since breakfast; so their steps lagged and they grew silent and weary. at last they slowly passed over the crest of a barren hill and saw before them a line of green trees with a strip of grass at their feet. an agreeable fragrance was wafted toward them. our travelers, hot and tired, ran forward on beholding this refreshing sight and were not long in coming to the trees. here they found a spring of pure bubbling water, around which the grass was full of wild strawberry plants, their pretty red berries ripe and ready to eat. some of the trees bore yellow oranges and some russet pears, so the hungry adventurers suddenly found themselves provided with plenty to eat and to drink. they lost no time in picking the biggest strawberries and ripest oranges and soon had feasted to their hearts' content. walking beyond the line of trees they saw before them a fearful, dismal desert, everywhere grey sand. at the edge of this awful waste was a large white sign with black letters neatly painted upon it; and the letters made these words: all persons are warned not to venture upon this desert for the deadly sands will turn any living flesh to dust in an instant. beyond this barrier is the land of oz but no one can reach that beautiful country because of these destroying sands "oh," said dorothy, when the shaggy man had read this sign aloud; "i've seen this desert before, and it's true no one can live who tries to walk upon the sands." "then we mustn't try it," answered the shaggy man, thoughtfully. "but as we can't go ahead and there's no use going back, what shall we do next?" [illustration] "don't know," said button-bright. "i'm sure i don't know, either," added dorothy, despondently. "i wish father would come for me," sighed the pretty rainbow's daughter, "i would take you all to live upon the rainbow, where you could dance along its rays from morning till night, without a care or worry of any sort. but i suppose father's too busy just now to search the world for me." "don't want to dance," said button-bright, sitting down wearily upon the soft grass. "it's very good of you, polly," said dorothy; "but there are other things that would suit me better than dancing on rainbows. i'm 'fraid they'd be kind of soft an' squnshy under foot, anyhow, although they're so pretty to look at." this didn't help to solve the problem, and they all fell silent and looked at one another questioningly. "really, i don't know what to do," muttered the shaggy man, gazing hard at toto; and the little dog wagged his tail and said "bow-wow!" just as if he could not tell, either, what to do. button-bright got a stick and began to dig in the earth, and the others watched him for a while in deep thought. finally the shaggy man said: "it's nearly evening, now; so we may well sleep in this pretty place and get rested; perhaps by morning we can decide what is best to be done." there was little chance to make beds for the children, but the leaves of the trees grew thickly and would serve to keep off the night dews, so the shaggy man piled soft grasses in the thickest shade and when it was dark they lay down and slept peacefully until morning. long after the others were asleep, however, the shaggy man sat in the starlight by the spring, gazing thoughtfully into its bubbling waters. suddenly he smiled and nodded to himself as if he had found a good thought, after which he, too, laid himself down under a tree and was soon lost in slumber. [illustration] in the bright morning sunshine, as they ate of the strawberries and sweet juicy pears, dorothy said: "polly, can you do any magic?" "no, dear," answered polychrome, shaking her dainty head. "you ought to know _some_ magic, being the rainbow's daughter," continued dorothy, earnestly. "but we who live on the rainbow among the fleecy clouds have no use for magic," replied polychrome. "what i'd like," said dorothy, "is to find some way to cross the desert to the land of oz and its emerald city. i've crossed it already, you know, more than once. first a cyclone carried my house over, and some silver shoes brought me back again--in half a second. then ozma took me over on her magic carpet, and the nome king's magic belt took me home that time. you see it was magic that did it every time 'cept the first, and we can't 'spect a cyclone to happen along and take us to the emerald city now." "no, indeed," returned polly, with a shudder; "i hate cyclones, anyway." "that's why i wanted to find out if you could do any magic," said the little kansas girl. "i'm sure i can't; and i'm sure button-bright can't; and the only magic the shaggy man has is the love magnet, which won't help us much." "don't be too sure of that, my dear," spoke the shaggy man, a smile on his donkey face. "i may not be able to do magic myself, but i can call to us a powerful friend who loves me because i own the love magnet, and this friend surely will be able to help us." "who is your friend?" asked dorothy. "johnny dooit." "what can johnny do?" "anything," answered the shaggy man, with confidence. "ask him to come," she exclaimed, eagerly. the shaggy man took the love magnet from his pocket and unwrapped the paper that surrounded it. holding the charm in the palm of his hand he looked at it steadily and said these words: _"dear johnny dooit, come to me._ _i need you bad as bad can be."_ "well, here i am," said a cheery little voice; "but you shouldn't say you need me bad, 'cause i'm always, _always_ good." at this they quickly whirled around to find a funny little man sitting on a big copper chest, puffing smoke from a long pipe. his hair was grey, his whiskers were grey; and these whiskers were so long that he had wound the ends of them around his waist and tied them in a hard knot underneath the leather apron that reached from his chin nearly to his feet, and which was soiled and scratched as if it had been used a long time. his nose was broad, and stuck up a little; but his eyes were twinkling and merry. the little man's hands and arms were as hard and tough as the leather in his apron, and dorothy thought johnny dooit looked as if he had done a lot of hard work in his lifetime. [illustration] "good morning, johnny," said the shaggy man. "thank you for coming to me so quickly." "i never waste time," said the newcomer, promptly. "but what's happened to you? where did you get that donkey head? really, i wouldn't have known you at all, shaggy man, if i hadn't looked at your feet." the shaggy man introduced johnny dooit to dorothy and toto and button-bright and the rainbow's daughter, and told him the story of their adventures, adding that they were anxious now to reach the emerald city in the land of oz, where dorothy had friends who would take care of them and send them safe home again. "but," said he, "we find that we can't cross this desert, which turns all living flesh that touches it into dust; so i have asked you to come and help us." johnny dooit puffed his pipe and looked carefully at the dreadful desert in front of them--stretching so far away they could not see its end. "you must ride," he said, briskly. "what in?" asked the shaggy man. "in a sand-boat, which has runners like a sled and sails like a ship. the wind will blow you swiftly across the desert and the sand cannot touch your flesh to turn it into dust." "good!" cried dorothy, clapping her hands delightedly. "that was the way the magic carpet took us across. we didn't have to touch the horrid sand at all." "but where is the sand-boat?" asked the shaggy man, looking all around him. "i'll make you one," said johnny dooit. as he spoke he knocked the ashes from his pipe and put it in his pocket. then he unlocked the copper chest and lifted the lid, and dorothy saw it was full of shining tools of all sorts and shapes. johnny dooit moved quickly now--so quickly that they were astonished at the work he was able to accomplish. he had in his chest a tool for everything he wanted to do, and these must have been magic tools because they did their work so fast and so well. the man hummed a little song as he worked, and dorothy tried to listen to it. she thought the words were something like these: _the only way to do a thing is do it when you can, and do it cheerfully, and sing and work and think and plan. the only real unhappy one is he who dares to shirk; the only really happy one is he who cares to work._ whatever johnny dooit was singing he was certainly doing things, and they all stood by and watched him in amazement. he seized an axe and in a couple of chops felled a tree. next he took a saw and in a few minutes sawed the tree-trunk into broad long boards. he then nailed the boards together into the shape of a boat, about twelve feet long and four feet wide. he cut from another tree a long, slender pole which, when trimmed of its branches and fastened upright in the center of the boat, served as a mast. from the chest he drew a coil of rope and a big bundle of canvas, and with these--still humming his song--he rigged up a sail, arranging it so it could be raised or lowered upon the mast. dorothy fairly gasped with wonder to see the thing grow so speedily before her eyes, and both button-bright and polly looked on with the same absorbed interest. [illustration] "it ought to be painted," said johnny dooit, tossing his tools back into the chest, "for that would make it look prettier. but 'though i can paint it for you in three seconds it would take an hour to dry, and that's a waste of time." "we don't care how it looks," said the shaggy man, "if only it will take us across the desert." "it will do that," declared johnny dooit. "all you need worry about is tipping over. did you ever sail a ship?" "i've seen one sailed," said the shaggy man. "good. sail this boat the way you've seen a ship sailed, and you'll be across the sands before you know it." with this he slammed down the lid of the chest, and the noise made them all wink. while they were winking the workman disappeared, tools and all. the deadly desert crossed [illustration] "oh, that's too bad!" cried dorothy; "i wanted to thank johnny dooit for all his kindness to us." "he hasn't time to listen to thanks," replied the shaggy man; "but i'm sure he knows we are grateful. i suppose he is already at work in some other part of the world." they now looked more carefully at the sand-boat, and saw that the bottom was modelled with two sharp runners which would glide through the sand. the front of the sand-boat was pointed like the bow of a ship, and there was a rudder at the stern to steer by. it had been built just at the edge of the desert, so that all its length lay upon the grey sand except the after part, which still rested on the strip of grass. "get in, my dears," said the shaggy man; "i'm sure i can manage this boat as well as any sailor. all you need do is sit still in your places." [illustration] dorothy got in, toto in her arms, and sat on the bottom of the boat just in front of the mast. button-bright sat in front of dorothy, while polly leaned over the bow. the shaggy man knelt behind the mast. when all were ready he raised the sail half way. the wind caught it. at once the sand-boat started forward--slowly at first, then with added speed. the shaggy man pulled the sail way up, and they flew so fast over the deadly desert that every one held fast to the sides of the boat and scarcely dared to breathe. the sand lay in billows, and was in places very uneven, so that the boat rocked dangerously from side to side; but it never quite tipped over, and the speed was so great that the shaggy man himself became frightened and began to wonder how he could make the ship go slower. "if we're spilled in this sand, in the middle of the desert," dorothy thought to herself, "we'll be nothing but dust in a few minutes, and that will be the end of us." but they were not spilled, and by-and-bye polychrome, who was clinging to the bow and looking straight ahead, saw a dark line before them and wondered what it was. it grew plainer every second, until she discovered it to be a row of jagged rocks at the end of the desert, while high above these rocks she could see a tableland of green grass and beautiful trees. "look out!" she screamed to the shaggy man. "go slowly, or we shall smash into the rocks." he heard her, and tried to pull down the sail; but the wind would not let go of the broad canvas and the ropes had become tangled. nearer and nearer they drew to the great rocks, and the shaggy man was in despair because he could do nothing to stop the wild rush of the sand-boat. [illustration: "look out!" screamed polychrome] they reached the edge of the desert and bumped squarely into the rocks. there was a crash as dorothy, button-bright, toto and polly flew up in the air in a curve like a skyrocket's, one after another landing high upon the grass, where they rolled and tumbled for a time before they could stop themselves. the shaggy man flew after them, head first, and lighted in a heap beside toto, who, being much excited at the time, seized one of the donkey ears between his teeth and shook and worried it as hard as he could, growling angrily. the shaggy man made the little dog let go, and sat up to look around him. dorothy was feeling one of her front teeth, which was loosened by knocking against her knee as she fell. polly was looking sorrowfully at a rent in her pretty gauze gown, and button-bright's fox head had stuck fast in a gopher hole and he was wiggling his little fat legs frantically in an effort to get free. otherwise they were unhurt by the adventure; so the shaggy man stood up and pulled button-bright out of the hole and went to the edge of the desert to look at the sand-boat. it was a mere mass of splinters now, crushed out of shape against the rocks. the wind had torn away the sail and carried it to the top of a tall tree, where the fragments of it fluttered like a white flag. "well," he said, cheerfully, "we're here; but where the here is i don't know." "it must be some part of the land of oz," observed dorothy, coming to his side. "must it?" "'course it must. we're across the desert, aren't we? and somewhere in the middle of oz is the emerald city." "to be sure," said the shaggy man, nodding. "let's go there." "but i don't see any people about, to show us the way," she continued. "let's hunt for them," he suggested. "there must be people somewhere; but perhaps they did not expect us, and so are not at hand to give us a welcome." [illustration] the truth pond [illustration] they now made a more careful examination of the country around them. all was fresh and beautiful after the sultriness of the desert, and the sunshine and sweet, crisp air were delightful to the wanderers. little mounds of yellowish green were away at the right, while on the left waved a group of tall leafy trees bearing yellow blossoms that looked like tassels and pompoms. among the grasses carpeting the ground were pretty buttercups and cowslips and marigolds. after looking at these a moment dorothy said reflectively: "we must be in the country of the winkies, for the color of that country is yellow, and you will notice that 'most everything here is yellow that has any color at all." "but i thought this was the land of oz," replied the shaggy man, as if greatly disappointed. "so it is," she declared; "but there are four parts to the land of oz. the north country is purple, and it's the country of the gillikins. the east country is blue, and that's the country of the munchkins. down at the south is the red country of the quadlings, and here, in the west, the yellow country of the winkies. this is the part that is ruled by the tin woodman, you know." "who's he?" asked button-bright. "why, he's the tin man i told you about. his name is nick chopper, and he has a lovely heart given him by the wonderful wizard." "where does _he_ live?" asked the boy. "the wizard? oh, he lives in the emerald city, which is just in the middle of oz, where the corners of the four countries meet." "oh," said button-bright, puzzled by this explanation. "we must be some distance from the emerald city," remarked the shaggy man. "that's true," she replied; "so we'd better start on and see if we can find any of the winkies. they're nice people," she continued, as the little party began walking toward the group of trees, "and i came here once with my friends the scarecrow, and the tin woodman, and the cowardly lion, to fight a wicked witch who had made all the winkies her slaves." [illustration] "did you conquer her?" asked polly. "why, i melted her with a bucket of water, and that was the end of her," replied dorothy. "after that the people were free, you know, and they made nick chopper--that's the tin woodman--their emp'ror." "what's that?" asked button-bright. "emp'ror? oh, it's something like an alderman, i guess." "oh," said the boy. "but i thought princess ozma ruled oz," said the shaggy man. "so she does; she rules the emerald city and all the four countries of oz; but each country has another little ruler, not so big as ozma. it's like the officers of an army, you see; the little rulers are all captains, and ozma's the general." by this time they had reached the trees, which stood in a perfect circle and just far enough apart so that their thick branches touched--or "shook hands," as button-bright remarked. under the shade of the trees they found, in the center of the circle, a crystal pool, its water as still as glass. it must have been deep, too, for when polychrome bent over it she gave a little sigh of pleasure. "why, it's a mirror!" she cried; for she could see all her pretty face and fluffy, rainbow-tinted gown reflected in the pool, as natural as life. dorothy bent over, too, and began to arrange her hair, blown by the desert wind into straggling tangles. button-bright leaned over the edge next, and then began to cry, for the sight of his fox head frightened the poor little fellow. "i guess i won't look," remarked the shaggy man, sadly, for he didn't like his donkey head, either. while polly and dorothy tried to comfort button-bright, the shaggy man sat down near the edge of the pool, where his image could not be reflected, and stared at the water thoughtfully. as he did this he noticed a silver plate fastened to a rock just under the surface of the water, and on the silver plate was engraved these words: [illustration: the truth pond] "ah!" cried the shaggy man, springing to his feet with eager joy; "we've found it at last." "found what?" asked dorothy, running to him. "the truth pond. now, at last, i may get rid of this frightful head; for we were told, you remember, that only the truth pond could restore to me my proper face." "me, too!" shouted button-bright, trotting up to them. "of course," said dorothy. "it will cure you both of your bad heads, i guess. isn't it lucky we found it?" [illustration] "it is, indeed," replied the shaggy man. "i hated dreadfully to go to princess ozma looking like this; and she's to have a birthday celebration, too." just then a splash startled them, for button-bright, in his anxiety to see the pool that would "cure" him, had stepped too near the edge and tumbled heels over head into the water. down he went, out of sight entirely, so that only his sailor hat floated on the top of the truth pond. he soon bobbed up, and the shaggy man seized him by his sailor collar and dragged him to the shore, dripping and gasping for breath. they all looked upon the boy wonderingly, for the fox head with its sharp nose and pointed ears was gone, and in its place appeared the chubby round face and blue eyes and pretty curls that had belonged to button-bright before king dox of foxville transformed him. "oh, what a darling!" cried polly, and would have hugged the little one had he not been so wet. their joyful exclamations made the child rub the water out of his eyes and look at his friends questioningly. "you're all right now, dear," said dorothy. "come and look at yourself." she led him to the pool, and although there were still a few ripples on the surface of the water he could see his reflection plainly. "it's me!" he said, in a pleased yet awed whisper. [illustration: the shaggy man's own head restored] "'course it is," replied the girl; "and we're all as glad as you are, button-bright." "well," announced the shaggy man, "it's my turn next." he took off his shaggy coat and laid it on the grass and dived head first into the truth pond. [illustration] when he came up the donkey head had disappeared, and the shaggy man's own shaggy head was in its place, with the water dripping in little streams from his shaggy whiskers. he scrambled ashore and shook himself to get off some of the wet, and then leaned over the pool to look admiringly at his reflected face. "i may not be strictly beautiful, even now," he said to his companions, who watched him with smiling faces; "but i'm so much handsomer than any donkey that i feel as proud as i can be." "you're all right, shaggy man," declared dorothy. "and button-bright is all right, too. so let's thank the truth pond for being so nice, and start on our journey to the emerald city." "i hate to leave it," murmured the shaggy man, with a sigh. "a truth pond wouldn't be a bad thing to carry around with us." but he put on his coat and started with the others in search of some one to direct them on their way. tik-tok and billina [illustration] they had not walked far across the flower-strewn meadows when they came upon a fine road leading toward the northwest and winding gracefully among the pretty yellow hills. "that way," said dorothy, "must be the direction of the emerald city. we'd better follow the road until we meet some one or come to a house." the sun soon dried button-bright's sailor suit and the shaggy man's shaggy clothes, and so pleased were they at regaining their own heads that they did not mind at all the brief discomfort of getting wet. "it's good to be able to whistle again," remarked the shaggy man, "for those donkey lips were so thick i could not whistle a note with them." he warbled a tune as merrily as any bird. "you'll look more natural at the birthday celebration, too," said dorothy, happy in seeing her friends so happy. polychrome was dancing ahead in her usual sprightly manner, whirling gaily along the smooth, level road, until she passed from sight around the curve of one of the mounds. suddenly they heard her exclaim "oh!" and she appeared again, running toward them at full speed. "what's the matter, polly?" asked dorothy, perplexed. there was no need for the rainbow's daughter to answer, for turning the bend in the road there came advancing slowly toward them a funny round man made of burnished copper, gleaming brightly in the sun. perched on the copper man's shoulder sat a yellow hen, with fluffy feathers and a pearl necklace around her throat. "oh, tik-tok!" cried dorothy, running forward. when she came to him the copper man lifted the little girl in his copper arms and kissed her cheek with his copper lips. "oh, billina!" cried dorothy, in a glad voice, and the yellow hen flew to her arms, to be hugged and petted by turns. the others were curiously crowding around the group, and the girl said to them: "it's tik-tok and billina; and oh! i'm so glad to see them again." "wel-come to oz," said the copper man, in a monotonous voice. [illustration] dorothy sat right down in the road, the yellow hen in her arms, and began to stroke billina's back. said the hen: "dorothy, dear, i've some wonderful news to tell you." "tell it quick, billina!" said the girl. just then toto, who had been growling to himself in a cross way gave a sharp bark and flew at the yellow hen, who ruffled her feathers and let out such an angry screech that dorothy was startled. "stop, toto! stop that this minute!" she commanded. "can't you see that billina is my friend?" in spite of this warning had she not grabbed toto quickly by the neck the little dog would have done the yellow hen a mischief, and even now he struggled madly to escape dorothy's grasp. she slapped his cars once or twice and told him to behave, and the yellow hen flew to tik-tok's shoulder again, where she was safe. "what a brute!" croaked billina, glaring down at the little dog. "toto isn't a brute," replied dorothy; "but at home uncle henry has to whip him sometimes for chasing the chickens. now, look here, toto," she added, holding up her finger and speaking sternly to him, "you've got to understand that billina is one of my dearest friends, and mustn't be hurt--now or ever." toto wagged his tail as if he understood. "the miserable thing can't talk," said billina, with a sneer. "yes, he can," replied dorothy; "he talks with his tail, and i know everything he says. if you could wag your tail, billina, you wouldn't need words to talk with." "nonsense!" said billina. "it isn't nonsense at all. just now toto says he's sorry, and that he'll try to love you for my sake. don't you, toto?" "bow-wow!" said toto, wagging his tail again. "but i've such wonderful news for you; dorothy," cried the yellow hen; "i've----" "wait a minute, dear," interrupted the little girl; "i've got to introduce you all, first. that's manners, billina. this," turning to her traveling companions, "is mr. tik-tok, who works by machinery, 'cause his thoughts wind up, and his talk winds up, and his action winds up--like a clock." "do they all wind up together?" asked the shaggy man. "no; each one separate. but he works just lovely, and tik-tok was a good friend to me once, and saved my life--and billina's life, too." "is he alive?" asked button-bright, looking hard at the copper man. "oh, no, but his machinery makes him just as good as alive." she turned to the copper man and said politely: "mr. tik-tok, these are my new friends: the shaggy man, and polly the rainbow's daughter, and button-bright, and toto. only toto isn't a new friend, 'cause he's been to oz before." the copper man bowed low, removing his copper hat as he did so. "i'm ve-ry pleased to meet dor-o-thy's fr-r-r-r-r----" here he stopped short. "oh, i guess his speech needs winding!" said the little girl, running behind the copper man to get the key off a hook at his back. she wound him up at a place under his right arm and he went on to say: "par-don me for run-ning down. i was a-bout to say i am pleased to meet dor-o-thy's friends, who must be my friends." the words were somewhat jerky, but plain to understand. "and this is billina," continued dorothy, introducing the yellow hen, and they all bowed to her in turn. "i've such wonderful news," said the hen, turning her head so that one bright eye looked full at dorothy. "what is it, dear?" asked the girl. "i've hatched out ten of the loveliest chicks you ever saw." "oh, how nice! and where are they, billina?" "i left them at home. but they're beauties, i assure you, and all wonderfully clever. i've named them dorothy." "which one?" asked the girl. "all of them," replied billina. "that's funny. why did you name them all with the same name?" "it was so hard to tell them apart," explained the hen. "now, when i call 'dorothy,' they all come running to me in a bunch; it's much easier, after all, than having a separate name for each." "i'm just dying to see 'em, billina," said dorothy, eagerly. "but tell me, my friends, how did you happen to be here, in the country of the winkies, the first of all to meet us?" "i'll tell you," answered tik-tok, in his monotonous voice, all the sounds of his words being on one level--"prin-cess oz-ma saw you in her mag-ic pic-ture, and knew you were com-ing here; so she sent bil-lin-a and me to wel-come you, as she could not come her-self; so that--fiz-i-dig-le cum-so-lut-ing hy-ber-gobble in-tu-zib-ick----" "good gracious! whatever's the matter now?" cried dorothy, as the copper man continued to babble these unmeaning words, which no one could understand at all because they had no sense. "don't know," said button-bright, who was half scared. polly whirled away to a distance and turned to look at the copper man in a fright. [illustration] "his thoughts have run down, this time," remarked billina composedly, as she sat on tik-tok's shoulder and pruned her sleek feathers. "when he can't think he can't talk properly, any more than you can. you'll have to wind up his thoughts, dorothy, or else i'll have to finish his story myself." dorothy ran around and got the key again and wound up tik-tok under his left arm, after which he could speak plainly again. "par-don me," he said, "but when my thoughts run down my speech has no mean-ing, for words are formed on-ly by thought. i was a-bout to say that oz-ma sent us to wel-come you and in-vite you to come straight to the em-er-ald ci-ty. she was too bus-y to come her-self, for she is pre-par-ing for her birth-day cel-e-bra-tion, which is to be a grand af-fair." "i've heard of it," said dorothy, "and i'm glad we've come in time to attend. is it far from here to the emerald city?" "not ve-ry far," answered tik-tok, "and we have plen-ty of time. to-night we will stop at the pal-ace of the tin wood-man, and to-mor-row night we will ar-rive at the em-er-ald ci-ty." "goody!" cried dorothy. "i'd like to see dear nick chopper again. how's his heart?" "it's fine," said billina; "the tin woodman says it gets softer and kindlier every day. he's waiting at his castle to welcome you, dorothy; but he couldn't come with us because he 'is getting polished as bright as possible for ozma's party." "well, then," said dorothy, "let's start on, and we can talk more as we go." they proceeded on their journey in a friendly group, for polychrome had discovered that the copper man was harmless and was no longer afraid of him. button-bright was also reassured, and took quite a fancy to tik-tok. he wanted the clockwork man to open himself, so that he might see the wheels go round; but that was a thing tik-tok could not do. button-bright then wanted to wind up the copper man, and dorothy promised he should do so as soon as any part of the machinery ran down. this pleased button-bright, who held fast to one of tik-tok's copper hands as he trudged along the road, while dorothy walked on the other side of her old friend and billina perched by turns upon his shoulder or his copper hat. polly once more joyously danced ahead and toto ran after her, barking with glee. the shaggy man was left to walk behind; but he didn't seem to mind that a bit, and whistled merrily or looked curiously upon the pretty scenes they passed. at last they came to a hilltop from which the tin castle of nick chopper could plainly be seen, its towers glistening magnificently under the rays of the declining sun. "how pretty!" exclaimed dorothy. "i've never seen the emp'ror's new house before." "he built it because the old castle was damp, and likely to rust his tin body," said billina. "all those towers and steeples and domes and gables took a lot of tin, as you can see." "is it a toy?" asked button-bright, softly. "no, dear," answered dorothy; "it's better than that. it's the fairy dwelling of a fairy prince." [illustration] the emperor's tin castle [illustration] the grounds around nick chopper's new house were laid out in pretty flower-beds, with fountains of crystal water and statues of tin representing the emperor's personal friends. dorothy was astonished and delighted to find a tin statue of herself standing on a tin pedestal at a bend in the avenue leading up to the entrance. it was life-size and showed her in her sunbonnet with her basket on her arm, just as she had first appeared in the land of oz. "oh, toto--you're there too!" she exclaimed; and sure enough there was the tin figure of toto lying at the tin dorothy's feet. also dorothy saw figures of the scarecrow, and the wizard, and ozma, and of many others, including tik-tok. they reached the grand tin entrance to the tin castle, and the tin woodman himself came running out of the door to embrace little dorothy and give her a glad welcome. he welcomed her friends as well, and the rainbow's daughter he declared to be the loveliest vision his tin eyes had ever beheld. he patted button-bright's curly head tenderly, for he was fond of children, and turned to the shaggy man and shook both his hands at the same time. [illustration] nick chopper, the emperor of the winkies, who was also known throughout the land of oz as the tin woodman, was certainly a remarkable person. he was neatly made, all of tin, nicely soldered at the joints, and his various limbs were cleverly hinged to his body so that he could use them nearly as well as if they had been common flesh. once, he told the shaggy man, he had been made all of flesh and bones, as others people are, and then he chopped wood in the forests to earn his living. but the axe slipped so often and cut off parts of him--which he had replaced with tin--that finally there was no flesh left, nothing but tin; so he became a real tin woodman. the wonderful wizard of oz had given him an excellent heart to replace his old one, and he didn't at all mind being tin. every one loved him, he loved every one; and he was therefore as happy as the day was long. the emperor was proud of his new tin castle, and showed his visitors through all the rooms. every bit of the furniture was made of brightly polished tin--the tables, chairs, beds, and all--even the floors and walls were of tin. "i suppose," said he, "that there are no cleverer tinsmiths in all the world than the winkies. it would be hard to match this castle in kansas; wouldn't it, little dorothy?" "very hard," replied the child, gravely. "it must have cost a lot of money," remarked the shaggy man. "money! money in oz!" cried the tin woodman. "what a queer idea! did you suppose we are so vulgar as to use money here?" "why not?" asked the shaggy man. "if we used money to buy things with, instead of love and kindness and the desire to please one another, then we should be no better than the rest of the world," declared the tin woodman. "fortunately money is not known in the land of oz at all. we have no rich, and no poor; for what one wishes the others all try to give him, in order to make him happy, and no one in all oz cares to have more than he can use." "good!" cried the shaggy man, greatly pleased to hear this. "i also despise money--a man in butterfield owes me fifteen cents, and i will not take it from him. the land of oz is surely the most favored land in all the world, and its people the happiest. i should like to live here always." the tin woodman listened with respectful attention. already he loved the shaggy man, although he did not yet know of the love magnet. so he said: "if you can prove to the princess ozma that you are honest and true and worthy of our friendship, you may indeed live here all your days, and be as happy as we are." "i'll try to prove that," said the shaggy man, earnestly. "and now," continued the emperor, "you must all go to your rooms and prepare for dinner, which will presently be served in the grand tin dining-hall. i am sorry, shaggy man, that i can not offer you a change of clothing; but i dress only in tin, myself, and i suppose that would not suit you." "i care little about dress," said the shaggy man, indifferently. "so i should imagine," replied the emperor, with true politeness. they were shown to their rooms and permitted to make such toilets as they could, and soon they assembled again in the grand tin dining-hall, even toto being present. for the emperor was fond of dorothy's little dog, and the girl explained to her friends that in oz all animals were treated with as much consideration as the people--"if they behave themselves," she added. toto behaved himself, and sat in a tin high-chair beside dorothy and ate his dinner from a tin platter. indeed, they all ate from tin dishes, but these were of pretty shapes and brightly polished; dorothy thought they were just as good as silver. button-bright looked curiously at the man who had "no appetite inside him," for the tin woodman, although he had prepared so fine a feast for his guests, ate not a mouthful himself, sitting patiently in his place to see that all built so they could eat were well and plentifully served. [illustration: polychrome danced gracefully to the music] what pleased button-bright most about the dinner was the tin orchestra that played sweet music while the company ate. the players were not tin, being just ordinary winkies; but the instruments they played upon were all tin--tin trumpets, tin fiddles, tin drums and cymbals and flutes and horns and all. they played so nicely the "shining emperor waltz," composed expressly in honor of the tin woodman by mr. h. m. wogglebug, t. e., that polly could not resist dancing to it. after she had tasted a few dewdrops, freshly gathered for her, she danced gracefully to the music while the others finished their repast; and when she whirled until her fleecy draperies of rainbow hues enveloped her like a cloud, the tin woodman was so delighted that he clapped his tin hands until the noise of them drowned the sound of the cymbals. altogether it was a merry meal, although polychrome ate little and the host nothing at all. "i'm sorry the rainbow's daughter missed her mist-cakes," said the tin woodman to dorothy; "but by a mistake miss polly's mist-cakes were mislaid and not missed until now. i'll try to have some for her breakfast." they spent the evening telling stories, and the next morning left the splendid tin castle and set out upon the road to the emerald city. the tin woodman went with them, of course, having by this time been so brightly polished that he sparkled like silver. his axe, which he always carried with him, had a steel blade that was tin plated and a handle covered with tin plate beautifully engraved and set with diamonds. the winkies assembled before the castle gates and cheered their emperor as he marched away, and it was easy to see that they all loved him dearly. [illustration] visiting the pumpkin-field [illustration] dorothy let button-bright wind up the clock-work in the copper man this morning--his thinking machine first, then his speech, and finally his action; so he would doubtless run perfectly until they had reached the emerald city. the copper man and the tin man were good friends, and not so much alike as you might think. for one was alive and the other moved by means of machinery; one was tall and angular and the other short and round. you could love the tin woodman because he had a fine nature, kindly and simple; but the machine man you could only admire without loving, since to love such a thing as he was as impossible as to love a sewing-machine or an automobile. yet tik-tok was popular with the people of oz because he was so trustworthy, reliable and true; he was sure to do exactly what he was wound up to do, at all times and in all circumstances. perhaps it is better to be a machine that does its duty than a flesh-and-blood person who will not, for a dead truth is better than a live falsehood. about noon the travelers reached a large field of pumpkins--a vegetable quite appropriate to the yellow country of the winkies--and some of the pumpkins which grew there were of remarkable size. just before they entered upon this field they saw three little mounds that looked like graves, with a pretty headstone to each one of them. [illustration] "what is this?" asked dorothy, in wonder. "it's jack pumpkinhead's private graveyard," replied the tin woodman. "but i thought nobody ever died in oz," she said. "nor do they; although if one is bad, he may be condemned and killed by the good citizens," he answered. dorothy ran over to the little graves and read the words engraved upon the tombstones. the first one said: here lies the mortal part of jack pumpkinhead which spoiled april 9th. she then went to the next stone, which read: here lies the mortal part of jack pumpkinhead which spoiled october 2nd. on the third stone were carved these words: here lies the mortal part of jack pumpkinhead which spoiled january 24th. "poor jack!" sighed dorothy. "i'm sorry he had to die in three parts, for i hoped to see him again." "so you shall," declared the tin woodman, "since he is still alive. come with me to his house, for jack is now a farmer and lives in this very pumpkin field." they walked over to a monstrous big, hollow pumpkin which had a door and windows cut through the rind. there was a stovepipe running through the stem, and six steps had been built leading up to the front door. they walked up to this door and looked in. seated on a bench was a man clothed in a spotted shirt, a red vest, and faded blue trousers, whose body was merely sticks of wood, jointed clumsily together. on his neck was set a round, yellow pumpkin, with a face carved on it such as a boy often carves on a jack-lantern. this queer man was engaged in snapping slippery pumpkin-seeds with his wooden fingers, trying to hit a target on the other side of the room with them. he did not know he had visitors until dorothy exclaimed: "why, it's jack pumpkinhead himself!" he turned and saw them, and at once came forward to greet the little kansas girl and nick chopper, and to be introduced to their new friends. button-bright was at first rather shy with the quaint pumpkinhead, but jack's face was so jolly and smiling--being carved that way--that the boy soon grew to like him. "i thought, a while ago, that you were buried in three parts," said dorothy; "but now i see you're just the same as ever." "not quite the same, my dear, for my mouth is a little more one-sided than it used to be; but pretty nearly the same. i've a new head, and this is the fourth one i've owned since ozma first made me and brought me to life by sprinkling me with the magic powder." "what became of the other heads, jack?" "they spoiled and i buried them, for they were not even fit for pies. each time ozma has carved me a new head just like the old one, and as my body is by far the largest part of me i am still jack pumpkinhead, no matter how often i change my upper end. once we had a dreadful time to find another pumpkin, as they were out of season, and so i was obliged to wear my old head a little longer than was strictly healthy. but after this sad experience i resolved to raise pumpkins myself, so as never to be caught again without one handy; and now i have this fine field that you see before you. some grow pretty big--too big to be used for heads--so i dug out this one and use it for a house." "isn't it damp?" asked dorothy. "not very. there isn't much left but the shell, you see, and it will last a long time yet." "i think you are brighter than you used to be, jack," said the tin woodman. "your last head was a stupid one." "the seeds in this one are better," was the reply. "are you going to ozma's party?" asked dorothy. "yes," said he; "i wouldn't miss it for anything. ozma's my parent, you know, because she built my body and carved my pumpkin head. i'll follow you to the emerald city to-morrow, where we shall meet again. i can't go to-day, because i have to plant fresh pumpkin-seeds and water the young vines. but give my love to ozma, and tell her i'll be there in time for the jubilation." "we will," she promised; and then they all left him and resumed their journey. [illustration] the royal chariot arrives [illustration] the neat yellow houses of the winkies were now to be seen standing here and there along the roadway, giving the country a more cheerful and civilized look. they were farm-houses, though, and set far apart; for in the land of oz there were no towns or villages except the magnificent emerald city in its center. hedges of evergreen or of yellow roses bordered the broad highway and the farms showed the care of their industrious inhabitants. the nearer the travelers came to the great city the more prosperous the country became, and they crossed many bridges over the sparkling streams and rivulets that watered the lands. as they walked leisurely along the shaggy man said to the tin woodman: "what sort of a magic powder was it, that made your friend the pumpkinhead live?" "it was called the powder of life," was the answer; "and it was invented by a crooked sorcerer who lived in the mountains of the north country. a witch named mombi got some of this powder from the crooked sorcerer and took it home with her. ozma lived with the witch then, for it was before she became our princess, while mombi had transformed her into the shape of a boy. well, while mombi was gone to the crooked sorcerer's, the boy made this pumpkin-headed man to amuse himself, and also with the hope of frightening the witch with it when she returned. but mombi was not scared, and she sprinkled the pumpkinhead with her magic powder of life, to see if the powder would work. ozma was watching, and saw the pumpkinhead come to life; so that night she took the pepper-box containing the powder and ran away with it and with jack, in search of adventures." "next day they found a wooden saw-horse standing by the roadside, and sprinkled it with the powder. it came to life at once, and jack pumpkinhead rode the saw-horse to the emerald city." "what became of the saw-horse, afterward?" asked the shaggy man, much interested in this story. [illustration] "oh, it's alive yet, and you will probably meet it presently in the emerald city. afterward ozma used the last of the powder to bring the flying gump to life; but as soon as it had carried her away from her enemies the gump was taken apart, so it doesn't exist any more." "it's too bad the powder of life was all used up," remarked the shaggy man; "it would be a handy thing to have around." "i am not so sure of that, sir," answered the tin woodman. "a while ago the crooked sorcerer who invented the magic powder fell down a precipice and was killed. all his possessions went to a relative--an old woman named dyna, who lives in the emerald city. she went to the mountains where the sorcerer had lived and brought away everything she thought of value. among them was a small bottle of the powder of life; but of course dyna didn't know it was a magic powder, at all. it happened she had once had a big blue bear for a pet; but the bear choked to death on a fishbone one day, and she loved it so dearly that dyna made a rug of its skin, leaving the head and four paws on the hide. she kept the rug on the floor of her front parlor." "i've seen rugs like that," said the shaggy man, nodding, "but never one made from a blue bear." "well," continued the tin woodman, "the old woman had an idea that the powder in the bottle must be moth-powder, because it smelled something like moth-powder; so one day she sprinkled it on her bear rug to keep the moths out of it. she said, looking lovingly at the skin: 'i wish my dear bear were alive again!' to her horror the bear rug at once came to life, having been sprinkled with the magic powder; and now this live bear rug is a great trial to her, and makes her a lot of trouble." "why?" asked the shaggy man. "well, it stands up on its four feet and walks all around, and gets in the way; and that spoils it for a rug. it can't speak, although it is alive; for, while its head might say words, it has no breath in a solid body to push the words out of its mouth. it's a very slimpsy affair altogether, that bear rug, and the old woman is sorry it came to life. every day she has to scold it, and make it lie down flat on the parlor floor to be walked upon; but sometimes when she goes to market the rug will hump up its back skin, and stand on its four feet, and trot along after her." [illustration] "i should think dyna would like that," said dorothy. "well, she doesn't; because every one knows it isn't a real bear, but just a hollow skin, and so of no actual use in the world except for a rug," answered the tin woodman. "therefore i believe it is a good thing that all the magic powder of life is now used up, as it cannot cause any more trouble." "perhaps you're right," said the shaggy man, thoughtfully. at noon they stopped at a farm-house, where it delighted the farmer and his wife to be able to give them a good luncheon. the farm people knew dorothy, having seen her when she was in the country before, and they treated the little girl with as much respect as they did the emperor, because she was a friend of the powerful princess ozma. they had not proceeded far after leaving this farm-house before coming to a high bridge over a broad river. this river, the tin woodman informed them, was the boundary between the country of the winkies and the territory of the emerald city. the city itself was still a long way off, but all around it was a green meadow, as pretty as a well-kept lawn, and in this were neither houses nor farms to spoil the beauty of the scene. from the top of the high bridge they could see far away the magnificent spires and splendid domes of the superb city, sparkling like brilliant jewels as they towered above the emerald walls. the shaggy man drew a deep breath of awe and amazement, for never had he dreamed that such a grand and beautiful place could exist--even in the fairyland of oz. polly was so pleased that her violet eyes sparkled like amethysts, and she danced away from her companions across the bridge and into a group of feathery trees lining both the roadsides. these trees she stopped to look at with pleasure and surprise, for their leaves were shaped like ostrich plumes, their feather edges beautifully curled; and all the plumes were tinted in the same dainty rainbow hues that appeared in polychrome's own pretty gauze gown. "father ought to see these trees," she murmured; "they are almost as lovely as his own rainbows." then she gave a start of terror, for beneath the trees came stalking two great beasts, either one big enough to crush the little daughter of the rainbow with one blow of his paws, or to eat her up with one snap of his enormous jaws. one was a tawny lion, as tall as a horse, nearly; the other a striped tiger almost the same size. polly was too frightened to scream or to stir; she stood still with a wildly beating heart until dorothy rushed past her and with a glad cry threw her arms around the huge lion's neck, hugging and kissing the beast with evident joy. "oh, i'm _so_ glad to see you again!" cried the little kansas girl. "and the hungry tiger, too! how fine you're both looking. are you well and happy?" [illustration: dorothy threw her arms around the lion's neck] "we certainly are, dorothy," answered the lion, in a deep voice that sounded pleasant and kind; "and we are greatly pleased that you have come to ozma's party. it's going to be a grand affair, i promise you." "there will be lots of fat babies at the celebration, i hear," remarked the hungry tiger, yawning so that his mouth opened dreadfully wide and showed all his big, sharp teeth; "but of course i can't eat any of 'em." "is your conscience still in good order?" asked dorothy, anxiously. "yes; it rules me like a tyrant," answered the tiger, sorrowfully. "i can imagine nothing more unpleasant than to own a conscience," and he winked slyly at his friend the lion. "you're fooling me!" said dorothy, with a laugh. "i don't b'lieve you'd eat a baby if you lost your conscience. come here, polly," she called, "and be introduced to my friends." polly advanced rather shyly. "you have some queer friends, dorothy," she said. "the queerness doesn't matter, so long as they're friends," was the answer. "this is the cowardly lion, who isn't a coward at all, but just thinks he is. the wizard gave him some courage once, and he has part of it left." the lion bowed with great dignity to polly. "you are very lovely, my dear," said he. "i hope we shall be friends when we are better acquainted." "and this is the hungry tiger," continued dorothy. "he says he longs to eat fat babies; but the truth is he is never hungry at all, 'cause he gets plenty to eat; and i don't s'pose he'd hurt anybody even if he was hungry." "hush, dorothy," whispered the tiger; "you'll ruin my reputation if you are not more discreet. it isn't what we are, but what folks think we are, that counts in this world. and come to think of it miss polly would make a fine variegated breakfast, i'm sure." [illustration] the emerald city [illustration] the others now came up, and the tin woodman greeted the lion and the tiger cordially. button-bright yelled with fear when dorothy first took his hand and led him toward the great beasts; but the girl insisted they were kind and good, and so the boy mustered up courage enough to pat their heads; after they had spoken to him gently and he had looked into their intelligent eyes his fear vanished entirely and he was so delighted with the animals that he wanted to keep close to them and stroke their soft fur every minute. as for the shaggy man, he might have been afraid if he had met the beasts alone, or in any other country; but so many were the marvels in the land of oz that he was no longer easily surprised, and dorothy's friendship for the lion and tiger was enough to assure him they were safe companions. toto barked at the cowardly lion in joyous greeting, for he knew the beast of old and loved him, and it was funny to see how gently the lion raised his huge paw to pat toto's head. the little dog smelled of the tiger's nose and the tiger politely shook paws with him; so they were quite likely to become firm friends. tik-tok and billina knew the beasts well, so merely bade them good day and asked after their healths and inquired about the princess ozma. now it was seen that the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger were drawing behind them a splendid golden chariot, to which they were harnessed by golden cords. the body of the chariot was decorated on the outside with designs in clusters of sparkling emeralds, while inside it was lined with a green and gold satin, and the cushions of the seats were of green plush embroidered in gold with a crown, underneath which was a monogram. "why, it's ozma's own royal chariot!" exclaimed dorothy. "yes," said the cowardly lion; "ozma sent us to meet you here, for she feared you would be weary with your long walk and she wished you to enter the city in a style becoming your exalted rank." "what!" cried polly, looking at dorothy curiously. "do you belong to the nobility?" [illustration] "just in oz i do," said the child, "'cause ozma made me a princess, you know. but when i'm home in kansas i'm only a country girl, and have to help with the churning and wipe the dishes while aunt em washes 'em. do you have to help wash dishes on the rainbow, polly?" "no, dear," answered polychrome, smiling. "well, i don't have to work any in oz, either," said dorothy. "it's kind of fun to be a princess once in a while; don't you think so?" "dorothy and polychrome and button-bright are all to ride in the chariot," said the lion. "so get in, my dears, and be careful not to mar the gold or put your dusty feet on the embroidery." button-bright was delighted to ride behind such a superb team, and he told dorothy it made him feel like an actor in a circus. as the strides of the animals brought them nearer to the emerald city every one bowed respectfully to the children, as well as to the tin woodman, tik-tok, and the shaggy man, who were following behind. the yellow hen had perched upon the back of the chariot, where she could tell dorothy more about her wonderful chickens as they rode. and so the grand chariot came finally to the high wall surrounding the city, and paused before the magnificent jewel-studded gates. these were opened by a cheerful looking little man who wore green spectacles over his eyes. dorothy introduced him to her friends as the guardian of the gates, and they noticed a big bunch of keys suspended on the golden chain that hung around his neck. the chariot passed through the outer gates into a fine arched chamber built in the thick wall, and through the inner gates into the streets of the emerald city. polychrome exclaimed in rapture at the wondrous beauty that met her eyes on every side as they rode through this stately and imposing city, the equal of which has never been discovered, even in fairyland. button-bright could only say "my!" so amazing was the sight; but his eyes were wide open and he tried to look in every direction at the same time, so as not to miss anything. [illustration] the shaggy man was fairly astounded at what he saw, for the graceful and handsome buildings were covered with plates of gold and set with emeralds so splendid and valuable that in any other part of the world any one of them would have been worth a fortune to its owner. the sidewalks were superb marble slabs polished as smooth as glass, and the curbs that separated the walks from the broad street were also set thick with clustered emeralds. there were many people on these walks--men, women, and children--all dressed in handsome garments of silk or satin or velvet, with beautiful jewels. better even than this: all seemed happy and contented, for their faces were smiling and free from care, and music and laughter might be heard on every side. "don't they work, at all?" asked the shaggy man. "to be sure they work," replied the tin woodman; "this fair city could not be built or cared for without labor, nor could the fruit and vegetables and other food be provided for the inhabitants to eat. but no one works more than half his time, and the people of oz enjoy their labors as much as they do their play." "it's wonderful!" declared the shaggy man. "i do hope ozma will let me live here." the chariot, winding through many charming streets, paused before a building so vast and noble and elegant that even button-bright guessed at once that it was the royal palace. its gardens and ample grounds were surrounded by a separate wall, not so high or thick as the wall around the city, but more daintily designed and built all of green marble. the gates flew open as the chariot appeared before them, and the cowardly lion and hungry tiger trotted up a jeweled driveway to the front door of the palace and stopped short. "here we are!" said dorothy, gaily, and helped button-bright from the chariot. polychrome leaped out lightly after them, and they were greeted by a crowd of gorgeously dressed servants who bowed low as the visitors mounted the marble steps. at their head was a pretty little maid with dark hair and eyes, dressed all in green embroidered with silver. dorothy ran up to her with evident pleasure, and exclaimed: "o jellia jamb! i'm so glad to see you again. where's ozma?" "in her room, your highness," replied the little maid demurely, for this was ozma's favorite attendant. "she wishes you to come to her as soon as you have rested and changed your dress, princess dorothy. and you and your friends are to dine with her this evening." "when is her birthday, jellia?" asked the girl. "day after to-morrow, your highness." "and where's the scarecrow?" "he's gone into the munchkin country to get some fresh straw to stuff himself with, in honor of ozma's celebration," replied the maid. "he returns to the emerald city to-morrow, he said." by this time tik-tok, the tin woodman, and the shaggy man had arrived and the chariot had gone around to the back of the palace, billina going with the lion and tiger to see her chickens after her absence from them. but toto stayed close beside dorothy. [illustration: "o, jellia jamb! i'm so glad to see you"] "come in, please," said jellia jamb; "it shall be our pleasant duty to escort all of you to the rooms prepared for your use." the shaggy man hesitated. dorothy had never known him to be ashamed of his shaggy looks before, but now that he was surrounded by so much magnificence and splendor the shaggy man felt sadly out of place. dorothy assured him that all her friends were welcome at ozma's palace, so he carefully dusted his shaggy shoes with his shaggy handkerchief and entered the grand hall after the others. [illustration] tik-tok lived at the royal palace and the tin woodman always had the same room whenever he visited ozma, so these two went at once to remove the dust of the journey from their shining bodies. dorothy also had a pretty suite of rooms which she always occupied when in the emerald city; but several servants walked ahead politely to show the way, although she was quite sure she could find the rooms herself. she took button-bright with her, because he seemed too small to be left alone in such a big palace; but jellia jamb herself ushered the beautiful daughter of the rainbow to her apartments, because it was easy to see that polychrome was used to splendid palaces and was therefore entitled to especial attention. the shaggy man's welcome [illustration] the shaggy man stood in the great hall, his shaggy hat in his hands, wondering what would become of him. he had never been a guest in a fine palace before; perhaps he had never been a guest anywhere. in the big, cold, outside world people did not invite shaggy men to their homes, and this shaggy man of ours had slept more in hay-lofts and stables than in comfortable rooms. when the others left the great hall he eyed the splendidly dressed servants of the princess ozma as if he expected to be ordered out; but one of them bowed before him as respectfully as if he had been a prince, and said: "permit me, sir, to conduct you to your apartments." the shaggy man drew a long breath and took courage. "very well," he answered; "i'm ready." [illustration] through the big hall they went, up the grand staircase carpeted thick with velvet, and so along a wide corridor to a carved doorway. here the servant paused, and opening the door said with polite deference: "be good enough to enter, sir, and make yourself at home in the rooms our royal ozma has ordered prepared for you. whatever you see is for you to use and enjoy, as if your own. the princess dines at seven, and i shall be here in time to lead you to the drawing-room, where you will be privileged to meet the lovely ruler of oz. is there any command, in the meantime, with which you desire to honor me?" "no," said the shaggy man; "but i'm much obliged." he entered the room and shut the door, and for a time stood in bewilderment, admiring the grandeur before him. he had been given one of the handsomest apartments in the most magnificent palace in the world, and you can not wonder that his good fortune astonished and awed him until he grew used to his surroundings. the furniture was upholstered in cloth of gold, with the royal crown embroidered upon it in scarlet. the rug upon the marble floor was so thick and soft that he could not hear the sound of his own footsteps, and upon the walls were splendid tapestries woven with scenes from the land of oz. books and ornaments were scattered about in profusion, and the shaggy man thought he had never seen so many pretty things in one place before. in one corner played a tinkling fountain of perfumed water, and in another was a table bearing a golden tray loaded with freshly gathered fruit, including several of the red-cheeked apples that the shaggy man loved. at the farther end of this charming room was an open doorway, and he crossed over to find himself in a bedroom containing more comforts than the shaggy man had ever before imagined. the bedstead was of gold and set with many brilliant diamonds, and the coverlet had designs of pearls and rubies sewed upon it. at one side of the bedroom was a dainty dressing-room, with closets containing a large assortment of fresh clothing; and beyond this was the bath--a large room having a marble pool big enough to swim in, with white marble steps leading down to the water. around the edge of the pool were set rows of fine emeralds as large as door-knobs, while the water of the bath was clear as crystal. [illustration: the shaggy man admires his new clothes] for a time the shaggy man gazed upon all this luxury with silent amazement. then he decided, being wise in his way, to take advantage of his good fortune. he removed his shaggy boots and his shaggy clothing, and bathed in the pool with rare enjoyment. after he had dried himself with the soft towels he went into the dressing-room and took fresh linen from the drawers and put it on, finding that everything fitted him exactly. he examined the contents of the closets and selected an elegant suit of clothing. strangely enough, everything about it was shaggy, although so new and beautiful, and he sighed with contentment to realize that he could now be finely dressed and still be the shaggy man. his coat was of rose-colored velvet, trimmed with shags and bobtails, with buttons of blood-red rubies and golden shags around the edges. his vest was a shaggy satin of a delicate cream color, and his knee-breeches of rose velvet trimmed like the coat. shaggy creamy stockings of silk, and shaggy slippers of rose leather with ruby buckles, completed his costume, and when he was thus attired the shaggy man looked at himself in a long mirror with great admiration. on a table he found a mother-of-pearl chest decorated with delicate silver vines and flowers of clustered rubies, and on the cover was a silver plate engraved with these words: the shaggy man: his box of ornaments the chest was not locked, so he opened it and was almost dazzled by the brilliance of the rich jewels it contained. after admiring the pretty things, he took out a fine golden watch with a big chain, several handsome finger-rings, and an ornament of rubies to pin upon the breast of his shaggy shirt-bosom. having carefully brushed his hair and whiskers all the wrong way, to make them look as shaggy as possible, the shaggy man breathed a deep sigh of joy and decided he was ready to meet the royal princess as soon as she sent for him. while he waited he returned to the beautiful sitting room and ate several of the red-cheeked apples to pass away the time. meanwhile dorothy had dressed herself in a pretty gown of soft grey embroidered with silver, and put a blue-and-gold suit of satin upon little button-bright, who looked as sweet as a cherub in it. followed by the boy and toto--the dog with a new green ribbon around his neck--she hastened down to the splendid drawing-room of the palace, where, seated upon an exquisite throne of carved malachite and nestled amongst its green satin cushions was the lovely princess ozma, waiting eagerly to welcome her friend. [illustration] princess ozma of oz [illustration] the royal historians of oz, who are fine writers and know any number of big words, have often tried to describe the rare beauty of ozma and failed because the words were not good enough. so of course i can not hope to tell you how great was the charm of this little princess, or how her loveliness put to shame all the sparkling jewels and magnificent luxury that surrounded her in this her royal palace. whatever else was beautiful or dainty or delightful of itself faded to dullness when contrasted with ozma's bewitching face, and it has often been said by those who know that no other ruler in all the world can ever hope to equal the gracious charm of her manner. everything about ozma attracted one, and she inspired love and the sweetest affection rather than awe or ordinary admiration. dorothy threw her arms around her little friend and hugged and kissed her rapturously, and toto barked joyfully and button-bright smiled a happy smile and consented to sit on the soft cushions close beside the princess. "why didn't you send me word you were going to have a birthday party?" asked the little kansas girl, when the first greetings were over. "didn't i?" asked ozma, her pretty eyes dancing with merriment. "did you?" replied dorothy, trying to think. "who do you imagine, dear, mixed up those roads, so as to start you wandering in the direction of oz?" inquired the princess. "oh! i never 'spected _you_ of that," cried dorothy. "i've watched you in my magic picture all the way here," declared ozma, "and twice i thought i should have to use the magic belt to save you and transport you to the emerald city. once was when the scoodlers caught you, and again when you reached the deadly desert. but the shaggy man was able to help you out both times, so i did not interfere." "do you know who button-bright is?" asked dorothy. [illustration] "no; i never saw him until you found him in the road, and then only in my magic picture." "and did you send polly to us?" "no, dear; the rainbow's daughter slid from her father's pretty arch just in time to meet you." "well," said dorothy, "i've promised king dox of foxville and king kik-a-bray of dunkiton that i'd ask you to invite them to your party." "i have already done that," returned ozma, "because i thought it would please you to favor them." "did you 'vite the musicker?" asked button-bright. "no; because he would be too noisy, and might interfere with the comfort of others. when music is not very good, and is indulged in all the time, it is better that the performer should be alone," said the princess. "i like the musicker's music," declared the boy, gravely. "but i don't," said dorothy. "well, there will be plenty of music at my celebration," promised ozma; "so i've an idea button-bright won't miss the musicker at all." just then polychrome danced in, and ozma rose to greet the rainbow's daughter in her sweetest and most cordial manner. dorothy thought she had never seen two prettier creatures together than these lovely maidens; but polly knew at once her own dainty beauty could not match that of ozma, yet was not a bit jealous because this was so. the wizard of oz was announced, and a dried-up, little, old man, clothed all in black, entered the drawing-room. his face was cheery and his eyes twinkling with humor, so polly and button-bright were not at all afraid of the wonderful personage whose fame as a humbug magician had spread throughout the world. after greeting dorothy with much affection, he stood modestly behind ozma's throne and listened to the lively prattle of the young people. now the shaggy man appeared, and so startling was his appearance, all clad in shaggy new raiment, that dorothy cried "oh!" and clasped her hands impulsively as she examined her friend with pleased eyes. [illustration] "he's still shaggy, all right," remarked button-bright; and ozma nodded brightly because she had meant the shaggy man to remain shaggy when she provided his new clothes for him. dorothy led him toward the throne, as he was shy in such fine company, and presented him gracefully to the princess, saying: "this, your highness, is my friend, the shaggy man, who owns the love magnet." "you are welcome to oz," said the girl ruler, in gracious accents. "but tell me, sir, where did you get the love magnet which you say you own?" the shaggy man grew red and looked downcast, as he answered in a low voice: "i stole it, your majesty." "oh, shaggy man!" cried dorothy. "how dreadful! and you told me the eskimo gave you the love magnet." he shuffled first on one foot and then on the other, much embarrassed. "i told you a falsehood, dorothy," he said; "but now, having bathed in the truth pond, i must tell nothing but the truth." "why did you steal it?" asked ozma, gently. "because no one loved me, or cared for me," said the shaggy man, "and i wanted to be loved a great deal. it was owned by a girl in butterfield who was loved too much, so that the young men quarreled over her, which made her unhappy. after i had stolen the magnet from her, only one young man continued to love the girl, and she married him and regained her happiness." "are you sorry you stole it?" asked the princess. "no, your highness; i'm glad," he answered; "for it has pleased me to be loved, and if dorothy had not cared for me i could not have accompanied her to this beautiful land of oz, or met its kind-hearted ruler. now that i'm here, i hope to remain, and to become one of your majesty's most faithful subjects." [illustration: in the royal palace of oz] "but in oz we are loved for ourselves alone, and for our kindness to one another, and for our good deeds," she said. "i'll give up the love magnet," said the shaggy man, eagerly; "dorothy shall have it." "but every one loves dorothy already," declared the wizard. "then button-bright shall have it." "don't want it," said the boy, promptly. "then i'll give it to the wizard, for i'm sure the lovely princess ozma does not need it." "all my people love the wizard, too," announced the princess, laughing; "so we will hang the love magnet over the gates of the emerald city, that whoever shall enter or leave the gates may be loved and loving." "that is a good idea," said the shaggy man; "i agree to it most willingly." those assembled now went in to dinner, which you may imagine was a grand affair; and afterward ozma asked the wizard to give them an exhibition of his magic. the wizard took eight tiny white piglets from an inside pocket and set them on the table. one was dressed like a clown, and performed funny antics, and the others leaped over the spoons and dishes and ran around the table like racehorses, and turned hand-springs and were so sprightly and amusing that they kept the company in one roar of merry laughter. the wizard had trained these pets to do many curious things, and they were so little and so cunning and soft that polychrome loved to pick them up as they passed near her place and fondle them as if they were kittens. it was late when the entertainment ended, and they separated to go to their rooms. [illustration] "to-morrow," said ozma, "my invited guests will arrive, and you will find among them some interesting and curious people, i promise you. the next day will be my birthday, and the festivities will be held on the broad green just outside the gates of the city, where all my people can assemble without being crowded." "i hope the scarecrow won't be late," said dorothy, anxiously. "oh, he is sure to return to-morrow," answered ozma. "he wanted new straw to stuff himself with, so he went to the munchkin country, where straw is plentiful." with this the princess bade her guests good night and went to her own room. dorothy receives the guests [illustration] next morning dorothy's breakfast was served in her own pretty sitting room, and she sent to invite polly and the shaggy man to join her and button-bright at the meal. they came gladly, and toto also had breakfast with them, so that the little party that had traveled together to oz was once more reunited. no sooner had they finished eating than they heard the distant blast of many trumpets, and the sound of a brass band playing martial music; so they all went out upon the balcony. this was at the front of the palace and overlooked the streets of the city, being higher than the wall that shut in the palace grounds. they saw approaching down the street a band of musicians, playing as hard and loud as they could, while the people of the emerald city crowded the sidewalks and cheered so lustily that they almost drowned the noise of the drums and horns. [illustration] dorothy looked to see what they were cheering at, and discovered that behind the band was the famous scarecrow, riding proudly upon the back of a wooden saw-horse which pranced along the street almost as gracefully as if it had been made of flesh. its hoofs, or rather the ends of its wooden legs, were shod with plates of solid gold, and the saddle strapped to the wooden body was richly embroidered and glittered with jewels. as he reached the palace the scarecrow looked up and saw dorothy, and at once waved his peaked hat at her in greeting. he rode up to the front door and dismounted, and the band stopped playing and went away and the crowds of people returned to their dwellings. by the time dorothy and her friends had re-entered her room the scarecrow was there, and he gave the girl a hearty embrace and shook the hands of the others with his own squashy hands, which were white gloves filled with straw. the shaggy man, button-bright, and polychrome stared hard at this celebrated person, who was acknowledged to be the most popular and most beloved man in all the land of oz. "why, your face has been newly painted!" exclaimed dorothy, when the first greetings were over. "i had it touched up a bit by the munchkin farmer who first made me," answered the scarecrow, pleasantly. "my complexion had become a bit grey and faded, you know, and the paint had peeled off one end of my mouth, so i couldn't talk quite straight. now i feel like myself again, and i may say without immodesty that my body is stuffed with the loveliest oat-straw in all oz." he pushed against his chest. "hear me crunkle?" he asked. "yes," said dorothy; "you sound fine." button-bright was wonderfully attracted by the straw man, and so was polly. the shaggy man treated him with great respect, because he was so queerly made. jellia jamb now came to say that ozma wanted princess dorothy to receive the invited guests in the throne-room, as they arrived. the ruler was herself busy ordering the preparations for the morrow's festivities, so she wished her friend to act in her place. dorothy willingly agreed, being the only other princess in the emerald city; so she went to the great throne-room and sat in ozma's seat, placing polly on one side of her and button-bright on the other. the scarecrow stood at the left of the throne and the tin woodman at the right, while the wonderful wizard and the shaggy man stood behind. the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger came in, with bright new bows of ribbon on their collars and tails. after greeting dorothy affectionately the huge beasts lay down at the foot of the throne. while they waited, the scarecrow, who was near the little boy, asked: "why are you called button-bright?" "don't know," was the answer. "oh yes, you do, dear," said dorothy. "tell the scarecrow how you got your name." "papa always said i was bright as a button, so mamma always called me button-bright," announced the boy. "where is your mamma?" asked the scarecrow. "don't know," said button-bright. "where is your home?" asked the scarecrow. "don't know," said button-bright. "don't you want to find your mamma again?" asked the scarecrow. "don't know," said button-bright, calmly. the scarecrow looked thoughtful. "your papa may have been right," he observed; "but there are many kinds of buttons, you see. there are silver and gold buttons, which are highly polished and glitter brightly. there are pearl and rubber buttons, and other kinds, with surfaces more or less bright. but there is still another sort of button which is covered with dull cloth, and that must be the sort your papa meant when he said you were bright as a button. don't you think so?" "don't know," said button-bright. jack pumpkinhead arrived, wearing a pair of new white kid gloves; and he brought a birthday present for ozma consisting of a necklace of pumpkin-seeds. in each seed was set a sparkling carolite, which is considered the rarest and most beautiful gem that exists. the necklace was in a plush case and jellia jamb put it on a table with the princess ozma's other presents. next came a tall, beautiful woman clothed in a splendid trailing gown, trimmed with exquisite lace as fine as cobweb. this was the important sorceress known as glinda the good, who had been of great assistance to both ozma and dorothy. there was no humbug about her magic, you may be sure, and glinda was as kind as she was powerful. she greeted dorothy most lovingly, and kissed button-bright and polly, and smiled upon the shaggy man, after which jellia jamb led the sorceress to one of the most magnificent rooms of the royal palace and appointed fifty servants to wait upon her. [illustration] the next arrival was mr. h. m. woggle-bug, t. e.; the "h. m." meaning highly magnified and the "t. e." meaning thoroughly educated. the woggle-bug was head professor at the royal college of oz, and he had composed a fine ode in honor of ozma's birthday. this he wanted to read to them; but the scarecrow wouldn't let him. soon they heard a clucking sound and a chorus of "cheep! cheep!" and a servant threw open the door to allow billina and her ten fluffy chicks to enter the throne-room. as the yellow hen marched proudly at the head of her family, dorothy cried, "oh, you lovely things!" and ran down from her seat to pet the little yellow downy balls. billina wore a pearl necklace, and around the neck of each chicken was a tiny gold chain holding a locket with the letter "d" engraved upon the outside. "open the lockets, dorothy," said billina. the girl obeyed and found a picture of herself in each locket. "they were named after you, my dear," continued the yellow hen, "so i wanted all my chickens to wear your picture. cluck--cluck! come here, dorothy--this minute!" she cried, for the chickens were scattered and wandering all around the big room. they obeyed the call at once, and came running as fast as they could, fluttering their fluffy wings in a laughable way. it was lucky that billina gathered the little ones under her soft breast just then, for tik-tok came in and tramped up to the throne on his flat copper feet. "i am all wound up and work-ing fine-ly," said the clockwork man to dorothy. "i can hear him tick," declared button-bright. "you are quite the polished gentleman," said the tin woodman. "stand up here beside the shaggy man, tik-tok, and help receive the company." dorothy placed soft cushions in a corner for billina and her chicks, and had just returned to the throne and seated herself when the playing of the royal band outside the palace announced the approach of distinguished guests. and my, how they did stare when the high chamberlain threw open the doors and the visitors entered the throne-room! first walked a gingerbread man, neatly formed and baked to a lovely brown tint. he wore a silk hat and carried a candy cane prettily striped with red and yellow. his shirt-front and cuffs were white frosting, and the buttons on his coat were licorice drops. behind the gingerbread man came a child with flaxen hair and merry blue eyes, dressed in white pajamas, with sandals on the soles of its pretty bare feet. the child looked around smiling and thrust its hands into the pockets of the pajamas. close after it came a big rubber bear, walking erect on its hind feet. the bear had twinkling black eyes and its body looked as if it had been pumped full of air. following these curious visitors were two tall, thin men and two short, fat men, all four dressed in gorgeous uniforms. [illustration: king dough, the head booleywag, and para bruin] ozma's high chamberlain now hurried forward to announce the names of the new arrivals, calling out in a loud voice: "his gracious and most edible majesty, king dough the first, ruler of the two kingdoms of hiland and loland. also the head booleywag of his majesty, known as chick the cherub, and their faithful friend para bruin, the rubber bear." these great personages bowed low as their names were called, and dorothy hastened to introduce them to the assembled company. they were the first foreign arrivals, and the friends of princess ozma were polite to them and tried to make them feel that they were welcome. chick the cherub shook hands with every one, including billina, and was so joyous and frank and full of good spirits that john dough's head booleywag at once became a prime favorite. "is it a boy or a girl?" whispered dorothy. "don't know," said button-bright. "goodness me! what a queer lot of people you are," exclaimed the rubber bear, looking at the assembled company. "so're you," said button-bright, gravely. "is king dough good to eat?" "he's too good to eat," laughed chick the cherub. "i hope none of you are fond of gingerbread," said the king, rather anxiously. "we should never think of eating our visitors, if we were," declared the scarecrow; "so please do not worry, for you will be perfectly safe while you remain in oz." "why do they call you chick?" the yellow hen asked the child. "because i'm an incubator baby, and never had any parents," replied the head booleywag. "my chicks have a parent, and i'm it," said billina. "i'm glad of that," answered the cherub, "because they'll have more fun worrying you than if they were brought up in an incubator. the incubator never worries, you know." [illustration] king john dough had brought for ozma's birthday present a lovely gingerbread crown, with rows of small pearls around it and a fine big pearl in each of its five points. after this had been received by dorothy with proper thanks and placed on the table with the other presents, the visitors from hiland and loland were escorted to their rooms by the high chamberlain. they had no sooner departed than the band before the palace began to play again, announcing more arrivals, and as these were doubtless from foreign parts the high chamberlain hurried back to receive them in his most official manner. important arrivals [illustration] first entered a band of ryls from the happy valley, all merry little sprites like fairy elves. a dozen crooked knooks followed from the great forest of burzee. they had long whiskers and pointed caps and curling toes, yet were no taller than button-bright's shoulder. with this group came a man so easy to recognize and so important and dearly beloved throughout the known world, that all present rose to their feet and bowed their heads in respectful homage, even before the high chamberlain knelt to announce his name. "the most mighty and loyal friend of children, his supreme highness--santa claus!" said the chamberlain, in an awed voice. "well, well, well! glad to see you--glad to meet you all!" cried santa claus, briskly, as he trotted up the long room. he was round as an apple, with a fresh rosy face, laughing eyes, and a bushy beard as white as snow. a red cloak trimmed with beautiful ermine hung from his shoulders and upon his back was a basket filled with pretty presents for the princess ozma. "hello, dorothy; still having adventures?" he asked in his jolly way, as he took the girl's hand in both his own. "how did you know my name, santa?" she replied, feeling more shy in the presence of this immortal saint than she ever had before in her young life. "why, don't i see you every christmas eve, when you're asleep?" he rejoined, pinching her blushing cheek. "oh; do you?" "and here's button-bright, i declare!" cried santa claus, holding up the boy to kiss him. "what a long way from home you are; dear me!" "do you know button-bright, too?" questioned dorothy, eagerly. "indeed i do. i've visited his home several christmas eves." "and do you know his father?" asked the girl. [illustration: merry ryls and crooked knooks] "certainly, my dear. who else do you suppose brings him his christmas neckties and stockings?" with a sly wink at the wizard. "then where does he live? we're just crazy to know, 'cause button-bright's lost," she said. santa laughed and laid his finger aside of his nose as if thinking what to reply. he leaned over and whispered something in the wizard's ear, at which the wizard smiled and nodded as if he understood. now santa claus spied polychrome, and trotted over to where she stood. "seems to me the rainbow's daughter is farther from home than any of you," he observed, looking at the pretty maiden admiringly. "i'll have to tell your father where you are, polly, and send him to get you." "please do, dear santa claus," implored the little maid, beseechingly. "but just now we must all have a jolly good time at ozma's party," said the old gentlemen, turning to put his presents on the table with the others already there. "it isn't often i find time to leave my castle, as you know; but ozma invited me and i just couldn't help coming to celebrate the happy occasion." "i'm so glad!" exclaimed dorothy. "these are my ryls," pointing to the little sprites squatting around him. "their business is to paint the colors of the flowers when they bud and bloom; but i brought the merry fellows along to see oz, and they've left their paint-pots behind them. also i brought these crooked knooks, whom i love. my dears, the knooks are much nicer than they look, for their duty is to water and care for the young trees of the forest, and they do their work faithfully and well. it's hard work, though, and it makes my knooks crooked and gnarled, like the trees themselves; but their hearts are big and kind, as are the hearts of all who do good in our beautiful world." "i've read of the ryls and knooks," said dorothy, looking upon these little workers with interest. santa claus turned to talk with the scarecrow and the tin woodman, and he also said a kind word to the shaggy man, and afterward went away to ride the saw-horse around the emerald city. "for," said he, "i must see all the grand sights while i am here and have the chance, and ozma has promised to let me ride the saw-horse because i'm getting fat and short of breath." "where are your reindeer?" asked polychrome. "i left them at home, for it is too warm for them in this sunny country," he answered. "they're used to winter weather when they travel." in a flash he was gone, and the ryls and knooks with him; but they could all hear the golden hoofs of the saw-horse ringing on the marble pavement outside, as he pranced away with his noble rider. presently the band played again, and the high chamberlain announced: [illustration] "her gracious majesty, the queen of merryland." they looked earnestly to discover whom this queen might be, and saw advancing up the room an exquisite wax doll, dressed in dainty fluffs and ruffles and spangled gown. she was almost as big as button-bright, and her cheeks and mouth and eyebrow were prettily painted in delicate colors. her blue eyes stared a bit, being of glass, yet the expression upon her majesty's face was quite pleasant and decidedly winning. with the queen of merryland were four wooden soldiers, two stalking ahead of her with much dignity and two following behind, like a royal bodyguard. the soldiers were painted in bright colors and carried wooden guns, and after them came a fat little man who attracted attention at once, although he seemed modest and retiring. for he was made of candy, and carried a tin sugar-sifter filled with powdered sugar, with which he dusted himself frequently so that he wouldn't stick to things if he touched them. the high chamberlain had called him "the candy man of merryland," and dorothy saw that one of his thumbs looked as if it had been bitten off by some who was fond of candy and couldn't resist the temptation. the wax doll queen spoke prettily to dorothy and the others, and sent her loving greetings to ozma before she retired to the rooms prepared for her. she had brought a birthday present wrapped in tissue paper and tied with pink and blue ribbons, and one of the wooden soldiers placed it on the table with the other gifts. but the candy man did not go to his room, because he said he preferred to stay and talk with the scarecrow and tik-tok and the wizard and tin woodman, whom he declared the queerest people he had ever met. button-bright was glad the candy man stayed in the throne-room, because the boy thought this guest smelled deliciously of wintergreen and maple sugar. the braided man now entered the room, having been fortunate enough to receive an invitation to the princess ozma's party. he was from a cave halfway between the invisible valley and the country of the gargoyles, and his hair and whiskers were so long that he was obliged to plait them into many braids that hung to his feet, and every braid was tied with a bow of colored ribbon. "i've brought princess ozma a box of flutters for her birthday," said the braided man, earnestly; "and i hope she will like them, for they are the finest quality i have ever made." [illustration] "i'm sure she will be greatly pleased," said dorothy, who remembered the braided man well; and the wizard introduced the guest to the rest of the company and made him sit down in a chair and keep quiet, for, if allowed, he would talk continually about his flutters. the band then played a welcome to another set of guests, and into the throne-room swept the handsome and stately queen of ev. beside her was young king evardo, and following them came the entire royal family of five princesses and four princes of ev. the kingdom of ev lay just across the deadly desert to the north of oz, and once ozma and her people had rescued the queen of ev and her ten children from the nome king, who had enslaved them. dorothy had been present on this adventure, so she greeted the royal family cordially; and all the visitors were delighted to meet the little kansas girl again. they knew tik-tok and billina, too, and the scarecrow and tin woodman, as well as the lion and tiger; so there was a joyful reunion, as you may imagine, and it was fully an hour before the queen and her train retired to their rooms. perhaps they would not have gone then had not the band begun to play to announce new arrivals; but before they left the great throne-room king evardo added to ozma's birthday presents a diadem of diamonds set in radium. the next comer proved to be king renard of foxville; or king dox, as he preferred to be called. he was magnificently dressed in a new feather costume and wore white kid mittens over his paws and a flower in his button-hole and had his hair parted in the middle. king dox thanked dorothy fervently for getting him the invitation to come to oz, which he had all his life longed to visit. he strutted around rather absurdly as he was introduced to all the famous people assembled in the throne-room, and when he learned that dorothy was a princess of oz the fox king insisted on kneeling at her feet and afterward retired backward--a dangerous thing to do, as he might have stubbed his paw and tumbled over. no sooner was he gone than the blasts of bugles and clatter of drums and cymbals announced important visitors, and the high chamberlain assumed his most dignified tone as he threw open the door and said proudly: "her sublime and resplendent majesty, queen zixi of ix! his serene and tremendous majesty, king bud of noland. her royal highness, the princess fluff." [illustration: her majesty, queen zixi of ix] that three such high and mighty royal personages should arrive at once was enough to make dorothy and her companions grow solemn and assume their best company manners; but when the exquisite beauty of queen zixi met their eyes they thought they had never beheld anything so charming. dorothy decided that zixi must be about sixteen years old, but the wizard whispered to her that this wonderful queen had lived thousands of years, but knew the secret of remaining always fresh and beautiful. king bud of noland and his dainty fair-haired sister, the princess fluff, were friends of zixi, as their kingdoms were adjoining, so they had traveled together from their far-off domains to do honor to ozma of oz on the occasion of her birthday. they brought many splendid gifts; so the table was now fairly loaded down with presents. dorothy and polly loved the princess fluff the moment they saw her, and little king bud was so frank and boyish that button-bright accepted him as a chum at once and did not want him to go away. but it was after noon now, and the royal guests must prepare their toilets for the grand banquet at which they were to assemble that evening to meet the reigning princess of this fairyland; so queen zixi was shown to her room by a troop of maidens led by jellia jamb, and bud and fluff presently withdrew to their own apartments. "my! what a big party ozma is going to have," exclaimed dorothy. "i guess the palace will be chock full, button-bright; don't you think so?" "don't know," said the boy. "but we must go to our rooms, pretty soon, to dress for the banquet," continued the girl. "i don't have to dress," said the candy man from merryland. "all i need do is to dust myself with fresh sugar." [illustration] "tik-tok and i always wear the same suits of clothes," said the tin woodman; "and so does our friend the scarecrow." "my feathers are good enough for any occasion," cried billina, from her corner. "then i shall leave you four to welcome any new guests that come," said dorothy; "for button-bright and i must look our very best at ozma's banquet." "who is still to come?" asked the scarecrow. "well, there's king kika-bray of dunkiton, and johnny dooit, and the good witch of the north. but johnny dooit may not get here until late, he's so very busy." "we will receive them and give them a proper welcome," promised the scarecrow. "so run along, little dorothy, and get yourself dressed." [illustration] the grand banquet [illustration] i wish i could tell you how fine the company was that assembled that evening at ozma's royal banquet. a long table was spread in the center of the great dining-hall of the palace and the splendor of the decorations and the blaze of lights and jewels was acknowledged to be the most magnificent sight that any of the guests had ever seen. the jolliest person present, as well as the most important, was of course, old santa claus; so he was given the seat of honor at one end of the table while at the other end sat princess ozma, the hostess. john dough, queen zixi, king bud, the queen of ev and her son evardo, and the queen of merryland had golden thrones to sit in, while the others were supplied with beautiful chairs. [illustration] at the upper end of the banquet room was a separate table provided for the animals. toto sat at one end of this table, with a bib tied around his neck and a silver platter to eat from. at the other end was placed a small stand, with a low rail around the edge of it, for billina and her chicks. the rail kept the ten little dorothys from falling off the stand, while the yellow hen could easily reach over and take her food from her tray upon the table. at other places sat the hungry tiger, the cowardly lion, the saw-horse, the rubber bear, the fox king and the donkey king; they made quite a company of animals. at the lower end of the great room was another table, at which sat the ryls and knooks who had come with santa claus, the wooden soldiers who had come with the queen of merryland, and the hilanders and lolanders who had come with john dough. here were also seated the officers of the royal palace and of ozma's army. the splendid costumes of those at the three tables made a gorgeous and glittering display that no one present was ever likely to forget; perhaps there has never been in any part of the world at any time another assemblage of such wonderful people as that which gathered this evening to honor the birthday of the ruler of oz. when all the members of the company were in their places an orchestra of five hundred pieces, in a balcony overlooking the banquet room, began to play sweet and delightful music. then a door draped with royal green opened, and in came the fair and girlish princess ozma, who now greeted her guests in person for the first time. as she stood by her throne at the head of the banquet table every eye was turned eagerly upon the lovely princess, who was as dignified as she was bewitching, and who smiled upon all her old and new friends in a way that touched their hearts and brought an answering smile to every face. each guest had been served with a crystal goblet filled with lacasa, which is a sort of nectar famous in oz and nicer to drink than soda-water or lemonade. santa now made a pretty speech in verse, congratulating ozma on having a birthday, and asking every one present to drink to the health and happiness of their dearly beloved hostess. this was done with great enthusiasm by those who were made so they could drink at all, and those who could not drink politely touched the rims of their goblets to their lips. all seated themselves at the tables and the servants of the princess began serving the feast. i am quite sure that only in fairyland could such a delicious repast be prepared. the dishes were of precious metals set with brilliant jewels and the good things to eat which were placed upon them were countless in number and of exquisite flavor. several present, such as the candy man, the rubber bear, tik-tok, and the scarecrow, were not made so they could eat, and the queen of merryland contented herself with a small dish of sawdust; but these enjoyed the pomp and glitter of the gorgeous scene as much as did those who feasted. [illustration: drinking the health of princess ozma of oz] the woggle-bug read his "ode to ozma," which was written in very good rhythm and was well received by the company. the wizard added to the entertainment by making a big pie appear before dorothy, and when the little girl cut the pie the nine tiny piglets leaped out of it and danced around the table, while the orchestra played a merry tune. this amused the company very much, but they were even more pleased when polychrome, whose hunger had been easily satisfied, rose from the table and performed her graceful and bewildering rainbow dance for them. when it was ended the people clapped their hands and the animals clapped their paws, while billina cackled and the donkey king brayed approval. johnny dooit was present, and of course he proved he could do wonders in the way of eating, as well as in everything else that he undertook to do; the tin woodman sang a love song, every one joining in the chorus; and the wooden soldiers from merryland gave an exhibition of a lightning drill with their wooden muskets; the ryls and knooks danced the fairy circle; and the rubber bear bounced himself all around the room. there was laughter and merriment on every side, and everybody was having a royal good time. button-bright was so excited and interested that he paid little attention to his fine dinner and a great deal of attention to his queer companions; and perhaps he was wise to do this, because he could eat at any other time. the feasting and merrymaking continued until late in the evening, when they separated to meet again the next morning and take part in the birthday celebration, to which this royal banquet was merely the introduction. [illustration] the birthday celebration [illustration] a clear, perfect day, with a gentle breeze and a sunny sky, greeted princess ozma as she wakened next morning, the anniversary of her birth. while it was yet early all the city was astir and crowds of people came from all parts of the land of oz to witness the festivities in honor of their girl ruler's birthday. the noted visitors from foreign countries, who had all been transported to the emerald city by means of the magic belt, were as much a show to the ozites as were their own familiar celebrities, and the streets leading from the royal palace to the jeweled gates were thronged with men, women, and children to see the procession as it passed out to the green fields where the ceremonies were to take place. and what a great procession it was! first came a thousand young girls--the prettiest in the land--dressed in white muslin, with green sashes and hair ribbons, bearing great baskets of red roses. as they walked they scattered these flowers upon the marble pavements, so that the way was carpeted thick with roses for the procession to walk upon. then came the rulers of the four kingdoms of oz; the emperor of the winkies, the monarch of the munchkins, the king of the quadlings and the sovereign of the gillikins, each wearing a long chain of emeralds around his neck to show that he was a vassal of the ruler of the emerald city. next marched the emerald city cornet band, clothed in green-and-gold uniforms and playing the "ozma two-step." the royal army of oz followed, consisting of twenty-seven officers, from the captain-general down to the lieutenants. there were no privates in ozma's army because soldiers were not needed to fight battles, but only to look important, and an officer always looks more imposing than a private. while the people cheered and waved their hats and handkerchiefs, there came walking the royal princess ozma, looking so pretty and sweet that it is no wonder her people love her so dearly. she had decided she would not ride in her chariot that day, as she preferred to walk in the procession with her favored subjects and her guests. just in front of her trotted the living blue bear rug owned by old dyna, which wobbled clumsily on its four feet because there was nothing but the skin to support them, with a stuffed head at one end and a stubby tail at the other. but whenever ozma paused in her walk the bear rug would flop down flat upon the ground for the princess to stand upon until she resumed her progress. following the princess stalked her two enormous beasts, the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, and even if the army had not been there these two would have been powerful enough to guard their mistress from any harm. next marched the invited guests, who were loudly cheered by the people of oz along the road, and were therefore obliged to bow to right and left almost every step of the way. first was santa claus, who, because he was fat and not used to walking, rode the wonderful saw-horse. the merry old gentleman had a basket of small toys with him, and he tossed the toys one by one to the children as he passed by. his ryls and knooks marched close behind him. queen zixi of ix came after; then john dough and the cherub, with the rubber bear named para bruin strutting between them on its hind legs; then the queen of merryland, escorted by her wooden soldiers; then king bud of noland and his sister, the princess fluff; then the queen of ev and her ten royal children; then the braided man and the candy man, side by side; then king dox of foxville and king kik-a-bray of dunkiton, who by this time had become good friends; and finally johnny dooit, in his leather apron, smoking his long pipe. [illustration:] these wonderful personages were not more heartily cheered by the people than were those who followed after them in the procession. dorothy was a general favorite, and she walked arm in arm with the scarecrow, who was beloved by all. then came polychrome and button-bright, and the people loved the rainbow's pretty daughter and the beautiful blue-eyed boy as soon as they saw them. the shaggy man in his shaggy new suit attracted much attention because he was such a novelty. with regular steps tramped the machine-man tik-tok, and there was more cheering when the wizard of oz followed in the procession. the woggle-bug and jack pumpkinhead were next, and behind them glinda the sorceress and the good witch of the north. finally came billina, with her brood of chickens to whom she clucked anxiously to keep them together and to hasten them along so they would not delay the procession. another band followed, this time the tin band of the emperor of the winkies, playing a beautiful march called, "there's no plate like tin." then came the servants of the royal palace, in a long line, and behind them all the people joined the procession and marched away through the emerald gates and out upon the broad green. here had been erected a splendid pavilion, with a grandstand big enough to seat all the royal party and those who had taken part in the procession. over the pavilion, which was of green silk and cloth of gold, countless banners waved in the breeze. just in front of this, and connected with it by a runway, had been built a broad platform, so that all the spectators could see plainly the entertainment provided for them. the wizard now became master of ceremonies, as ozma had placed the conduct of the performance in his hands. after the people had all congregated about the platform and the royal party and the visitors were seated in the grandstand, the wizard skillfully performed some feats of juggling glass balls and lighted candles. he tossed a dozen or so of them high in the air and caught them one by one as they came down, without missing any. then he introduced the scarecrow, who did a sword-swallowing act that aroused much interest. after this the tin woodman gave an exhibition of swinging the axe, which he made to whirl around him so rapidly that the eye could scarcely follow the motion of the gleaming blade. glinda the sorceress then stepped upon the platform, and by her magic made a big tree grow in the middle of the space, made blossoms appear upon the tree, and made the blossoms become delicious fruit called tamornas; and so great was the quantity of fruit thus produced that when the servants climbed the tree and tossed it down to the crowd, there was enough to satisfy every person present. para bruin, the rubber bear, climbed to a limb of the big tree, rolled himself into a ball, and dropped to the platform, whence he bounded up again to the limb. he repeated this bouncing act several times, to the great delight of all the children present. after he had finished, and bowed, and returned to his seat, glinda waved her wand and the tree disappeared; but its fruit still remained to be eaten. the good witch of the north amused the people by transforming ten stones into ten birds, the ten birds into ten lambs, and the ten lambs into ten little girls, who gave a pretty dance and were then transformed into ten stones again, just as they were in the beginning. johnny dooit next came on the platform with his tool-chest, and in a few minutes built a great flying machine; then put his chest in the machine and the whole thing flew away together--johnny and all--after he had bid good-bye to those present and thanked the princess for her hospitality. [illustration] the wizard then announced the last act of all, which was considered really wonderful. he had invented a machine to blow huge soap-bubbles, as big as balloons, and this machine was hidden under the platform so that only the rim of the big clay pipe to produce the bubbles showed above the flooring. the tank of soap-suds, and the air-pumps to inflate the bubbles, were out of sight beneath, so that when the bubbles began to grow upon the floor of the platform it really seemed like magic to the people of oz, who knew nothing about even the common soap-bubbles that our children blow with a penny clay pipe and a basin of soap-and-water. the wizard had invented another thing. usually soap-bubbles are frail and burst easily, lasting only a few moments as they float in the air; but the wizard added a sort of glue to his soapsuds, which made his bubbles tough; and, as the glue dried rapidly when exposed to the air, the wizard's bubbles were strong enough to float for hours without breaking. he began by blowing--by means of his machinery and air-pumps--several large bubbles which he allowed to float upward into the sky, where the sunshine fell upon them and gave them iridescent hues that were most beautiful. this aroused much wonder and delight, because it was a new amusement to every one present--except perhaps dorothy and button-bright, and even they had never seen such big, strong bubbles before. [illustration: the wizard blew a bubble around santa claus] the wizard then blew a bunch of small bubbles and afterward blew a big bubble around them so they were left in the center of it; then he allowed the whole mass of pretty globes to float into the air and disappear in the far distant sky. "that is really fine!" declared santa claus, who loved toys and pretty things. "i think, mr. wizard, i shall have you blow a bubble around me; then i can float away home and see the country spread out beneath me as i travel. there isn't a spot on earth that i haven't visited, but i usually go in the night-time, riding behind my swift reindeer. here is a good chance to observe the country by daylight, while i am riding slowly and at my ease." "do you think you will be able to guide the bubble?" asked the wizard. "oh yes; i know enough magic to do that," replied santa claus. "you blow the bubble, with me inside of it, and i'll be sure to get home in safety." "please send me home in a bubble, too!" begged the queen of merryland. "very well, madam; you shall try the journey first," politely answered old santa. the pretty wax doll bade good-bye to the princess ozma and the others, and stood on the platform while the wizard blew a big soap-bubble around her. when completed he allowed the bubble to float slowly upward, and there could be seen the little queen of merryland standing in the middle of it and blowing kisses from her fingers to those below. the bubble took a southerly direction, quickly floating out of sight. "that's a very nice way to travel," said princess fluff. "i'd like to go home in a bubble, too." so the wizard blew a big bubble around princess fluff, and another around king bud, her brother, and a third one around queen zixi; and soon these three bubbles had mounted into the sky and were floating off in a group in the direction of the kingdom of noland. the success of these ventures induced the other guests from foreign lands to undertake bubble journeys, also; so the wizard put them one by one inside his bubbles, and santa claus directed the way they should go, because he knew exactly where everybody lived. finally button-bright said: "i want to go home, too." "why, so you shall!" cried santa; "for i'm sure your father and mother will be glad to see you again. mr. wizard, please blow a big, fine bubble for button-bright to ride in, and i'll agree to send him home to his family as safe as safe can be." "i'm sorry," said dorothy with a sigh, for she was fond of her little comrade; "but p'raps it's best for button-bright to get home; 'cause his folks must be worrying just dreadful." she kissed the boy, and ozma kissed him, too, and all the others waved their hands and said good-bye and wished him a pleasant journey. "are you glad to leave us, dear?" asked dorothy, a little wistfully. "don't know," said button-bright. he sat down cross-legged on the platform, with his sailor hat tipped back on his head, and the wizard blew a beautiful bubble all around him. a minute later it had mounted into the sky, sailing toward the west, and the last they saw of button-bright he was still sitting in the middle of the shining globe and waving his sailor-hat at those below. "will you ride in a bubble, or shall i send you and toto home by means of the magic belt?" the princess asked dorothy. "guess i'll use the belt," replied the little girl. "i'm sort of 'fraid of those bubbles." "bow-wow!" said toto, approvingly. he loved to bark at the bubbles as they sailed away, but he didn't care to ride in one. santa claus decided to go next. he thanked ozma for her hospitality and wished her many happy returns of the day. then the wizard blew a bubble around his chubby little body and smaller bubbles around each of his ryls and knooks. as the kind and generous friend of children mounted into the air the people all cheered at the top of their voices, for they loved santa claus dearly; and the little man heard them through the walls of the bubble and waved his hands in return as he smiled down upon them. the band played bravely while every one watched the bubble until it was completely out of sight. "how 'bout you, polly?" dorothy asked her friend. "are you 'fraid of bubbles, too?" "no," answered polychrome, smiling; "but santa claus promised to speak to my father as he passed through the sky. so perhaps i shall get home an easier way." indeed, the little maid had scarcely made this speech when a sudden radiance filled the air, and while the people looked on in wonder the end of a gorgeous rainbow slowly settled down upon the platform. with a glad cry the rainbow's daughter sprang from her seat and danced along the curve of the bow, mounting gradually upward, while the folds of her gauzy gown whirled and floated around her like a cloud and blended with the colors of the rainbow itself. [illustration: "good-bye, ozma! good-bye, dorothy!"] "good-bye, ozma! good-bye, dorothy!" cried a voice they knew belonged to polychrome; but now the little maiden's form had melted wholly into the rainbow, and their eyes could no longer see her. suddenly the end of the rainbow lifted and its colors slowly faded like mist before a breeze. dorothy sighed deeply and turned to ozma. "i'm sorry to lose polly," she said; "but i guess she's better off with her father; 'cause even the land of oz couldn't be like home to a cloud fairy." "no, indeed," replied the princess; "but it has been delightful for us to know polychrome for a little while, and--who knows?--perhaps we may meet the rainbow's daughter again, some day." the entertainment being now ended, all left the pavilion and formed their gay procession back to the emerald city again. of dorothy's recent traveling companions only toto and the shaggy man remained, and ozma had decided to allow the latter to live in oz for a time, at least. if he proved honest and true she promised to let him live there always, and the shaggy man was anxious to earn this reward. they had a nice quiet dinner together and passed a pleasant evening with the scarecrow, the tin woodman, tik-tok, and the yellow hen for company. when dorothy bade them good-night she kissed them all good-bye at the same time. for ozma had agreed that while dorothy slept she and toto should be transported by means of the magic belt to her own little bed in the kansas farmhouse and the little girl laughed as she thought how astonished uncle henry and aunt em would be when she came down to breakfast with them next morning. quite content to have had so pleasant an adventure, and a little tired by all the day's busy scenes, dorothy clasped toto in her arms and lay down upon the pretty white bed in her room in ozma's royal palace. presently she was sound asleep. [illustration: the end] the twinkle tales by laura bancroft _each volume, 5 x 7 inches, with 16 full pages in colors, and other illustrations by_ maginel wright enright prince mud turtle in this story twinkle, a little girl, captures a mud turtle who turns out to be a fairy prince. mr. woodchuck twinkle is taken underground to visit mr. woodchuck's family and neighbors, and discovers what they think of traps and people who set them. bandit jim crow jim crow, twinkle's pet, escapes and becomes a robber among the birds. he gets his punishment from them. twinkle's enchantment twinkle becomes enchanted and meets a dancing bear, prince grasshopper, and others. sugar loaf mountain on entering a hole in the mountain twinkle and chubbins find themselves in a land where all the people are made of candy. prairie dog town twinkle and chubbins are made small by a magician and are escorted through prairie dog town by its mayor. _each volume with different cover design, cloth, stamped in colors, 50 cents_ policeman bluejay by laura bancroft _with many beautiful pictures in color and line by_ maginel wright enright in this delightful fairy tale and nature story combined, twinkle and chubbins, two children, after having been transformed into little birds with human heads, become friends with a number of birds and learn many curious and true things about them. _size 9-3/4 x 7 inches. eight full-page colored illustrations and dozens of headings, tail pieces and decorations. cloth back, with decorated paper sides. price $1.00._ books by l. frank baum illustrated by john r. neill _uniform with this volume_ _each book, handsomely bound in artistic pictorial cover. $1.25 per volume._ the land of oz an account of the adventures of the scarecrow, the tin woodman, jack pumpkinhead, the animated saw-horse, the highly magnified woggle-bug, the gump and many other delightful characters. nearly 150 black-and-white illustrations and sixteen full-page pictures in colors. ozma of oz the story tells "more about dorothy," as well as those famous characters, the scarecrow, the tin woodman and the cowardly lion, and something of several new creations equally delightful, including tik-tok the machine man, the yellow hen, the nome king and the hungry tiger. forty-one full-page colored pictures; twenty-two half pages in color and fifty black-and-white text pictures; special end sheets, title page, copyright page, book plate, etc, etc. dorothy and the wizard of oz in this book dorothy, with zeb, a little boy friend, and jim, the cab horse, are swallowed up in an earthquake and reach a strange vegetable land, whence they escape to the land of oz, and meet all their old friends. among the new characters are eureka, dorothy's pink kitten, and the nine tiny piglets. gorgeously illustrated with sixteen full color pages and numerous black-and-white pictures, besides head and tail pieces, ornaments, etc. john dough and the cherub a whimsical tale portraying the exciting adventures of the gingerbread man and his comrade chick the cherub in the "palace of romance," the "land of the mifkets," "highland and lowland," and other places. forty full-page colored pictures; twenty colored pictorial chapter headings; 100 black-and-white text pictures, special end sheets, title page, etc. [illustration: endpiece] [illustration: endpiece] [illustration: back cover] dorothy and the wizard in oz a faithful record of their amazing adventures in an underground world; and how with the aid of their friends zeb hugson, eureka the kitten, and jim the cab-horse, they finally reached the wonderful land of oz by l. frank baum "royal historian of oz" --to my readers- 1. the earthquake 2. the glass city 3. the arrival of the wizard 4. the vegetable kingdom 5. dorothy picks the princess 6. the mangaboos prove dangerous 7. into the black pit and out again 8. the valley of voices 9. they fight the invisible bears 10. the braided man of pyramid mountain 11. they meet the wooden gargoyles 12. a wonderful escape 13. the den of the dragonettes 14. ozma uses the magic belt 15. old friends are reunited 16. jim, the cab-horse 17. the nine tiny piglets 18. the trial of eureka, the kitten 19. the wizard performs another trick 20. zeb returns to the ranch to my readers it's no use; no use at all. the children won't let me stop telling tales of the land of oz. i know lots of other stories, and i hope to tell them, some time or another; but just now my loving tyrants won't allow me. they cry: "oz--oz! more about oz, mr. baum!" and what can i do but obey their commands? this is our book--mine and the children's. for they have flooded me with thousands of suggestions in regard to it, and i have honestly tried to adopt as many of these suggestions as could be fitted into one story. after the wonderful success of "ozma of oz" it is evident that dorothy has become a firm fixture in these oz stories. the little ones all love dorothy, and as one of my small friends aptly states: "it isn't a real oz story without her." so here she is again, as sweet and gentle and innocent as ever, i hope, and the heroine of another strange adventure. there were many requests from my little correspondents for "more about the wizard." it seems the jolly old fellow made hosts of friends in the first oz book, in spite of the fact that he frankly acknowledged himself "a humbug." the children had heard how he mounted into the sky in a balloon and they were all waiting for him to come down again. so what could i do but tell "what happened to the wizard afterward"? you will find him in these pages, just the same humbug wizard as before. there was one thing the children demanded which i found it impossible to do in this present book: they bade me introduce toto, dorothy's little black dog, who has many friends among my readers. but you will see, when you begin to read the story, that toto was in kansas while dorothy was in california, and so she had to start on her adventure without him. in this book dorothy had to take her kitten with her instead of her dog; but in the next oz book, if i am permitted to write one, i intend to tell a good deal about toto's further history. princess ozma, whom i love as much as my readers do, is again introduced in this story, and so are several of our old friends of oz. you will also become acquainted with jim the cab-horse, the nine tiny piglets, and eureka, the kitten. i am sorry the kitten was not as well behaved as she ought to have been; but perhaps she wasn't brought up properly. dorothy found her, you see, and who her parents were nobody knows. i believe, my dears, that i am the proudest story-teller that ever lived. many a time tears of pride and joy have stood in my eyes while i read the tender, loving, appealing letters that came to me in almost every mail from my little readers. to have pleased you, to have interested you, to have won your friendship, and perhaps your love, through my stories, is to my mind as great an achievement as to become president of the united states. indeed, i would much rather be your story-teller, under these conditions, than to be the president. so you have helped me to fulfill my life's ambition, and i am more grateful to you, my dears, than i can express in words. i try to answer every letter of my young correspondents; yet sometimes there are so many letters that a little time must pass before you get your answer. but be patient, friends, for the answer will surely come, and by writing to me you more than repay me for the pleasant task of preparing these books. besides, i am proud to acknowledge that the books are partly yours, for your suggestions often guide me in telling the stories, and i am sure they would not be half so good without your clever and thoughtful assistance. l. frank baum coronado, 1908. 1. the earthquake the train from 'frisco was very late. it should have arrived at hugson's siding at midnight, but it was already five o'clock and the gray dawn was breaking in the east when the little train slowly rumbled up to the open shed that served for the station-house. as it came to a stop the conductor called out in a loud voice: "hugson's siding!" at once a little girl rose from her seat and walked to the door of the car, carrying a wicker suit-case in one hand and a round bird-cage covered up with newspapers in the other, while a parasol was tucked under her arm. the conductor helped her off the car and then the engineer started his train again, so that it puffed and groaned and moved slowly away up the track. the reason he was so late was because all through the night there were times when the solid earth shook and trembled under him, and the engineer was afraid that at any moment the rails might spread apart and an accident happen to his passengers. so he moved the cars slowly and with caution. the little girl stood still to watch until the train had disappeared around a curve; then she turned to see where she was. the shed at hugson's siding was bare save for an old wooden bench, and did not look very inviting. as she peered through the soft gray light not a house of any sort was visible near the station, nor was any person in sight; but after a while the child discovered a horse and buggy standing near a group of trees a short distance away. she walked toward it and found the horse tied to a tree and standing motionless, with its head hanging down almost to the ground. it was a big horse, tall and bony, with long legs and large knees and feet. she could count his ribs easily where they showed through the skin of his body, and his head was long and seemed altogether too big for him, as if it did not fit. his tail was short and scraggly, and his harness had been broken in many places and fastened together again with cords and bits of wire. the buggy seemed almost new, for it had a shiny top and side curtains. getting around in front, so that she could look inside, the girl saw a boy curled up on the seat, fast asleep. she set down the bird-cage and poked the boy with her parasol. presently he woke up, rose to a sitting position and rubbed his eyes briskly. "hello!" he said, seeing her, "are you dorothy gale?" "yes," she answered, looking gravely at his tousled hair and blinking gray eyes. "have you come to take me to hugson's ranch?" "of course," he answered. "train in?" "i couldn't be here if it wasn't," she said. he laughed at that, and his laugh was merry and frank. jumping out of the buggy he put dorothy's suit-case under the seat and her bird-cage on the floor in front. "canary-birds?" he asked. "oh no; it's just eureka, my kitten. i thought that was the best way to carry her." the boy nodded. "eureka's a funny name for a cat," he remarked. "i named my kitten that because i found it," she explained. "uncle henry says 'eureka' means 'i have found it.'" "all right; hop in." she climbed into the buggy and he followed her. then the boy picked up the reins, shook them, and said "gid-dap!" the horse did not stir. dorothy thought he just wiggled one of his drooping ears, but that was all. "gid-dap!" called the boy, again. the horse stood still. "perhaps," said dorothy, "if you untied him, he would go." the boy laughed cheerfully and jumped out. "guess i'm half asleep yet," he said, untying the horse. "but jim knows his business all right--don't you, jim?" patting the long nose of the animal. then he got into the buggy again and took the reins, and the horse at once backed away from the tree, turned slowly around, and began to trot down the sandy road which was just visible in the dim light. "thought that train would never come," observed the boy. "i've waited at that station for five hours." "we had a lot of earthquakes," said dorothy. "didn't you feel the ground shake?" "yes; but we're used to such things in california," he replied. "they don't scare us much." "the conductor said it was the worst quake he ever knew." "did he? then it must have happened while i was asleep," he said thoughtfully. "how is uncle henry?" she enquired, after a pause during which the horse continued to trot with long, regular strides. "he's pretty well. he and uncle hugson have been having a fine visit." "is mr. hugson your uncle?" she asked. "yes. uncle bill hugson married your uncle henry's wife's sister; so we must be second cousins," said the boy, in an amused tone. "i work for uncle bill on his ranch, and he pays me six dollars a month and my board." "isn't that a great deal?" she asked, doubtfully. "why, it's a great deal for uncle hugson, but not for me. i'm a splendid worker. i work as well as i sleep," he added, with a laugh. "what is your name?" said dorothy, thinking she liked the boy's manner and the cheery tone of his voice. "not a very pretty one," he answered, as if a little ashamed. "my whole name is zebediah; but folks just call me 'zeb.' you've been to australia, haven't you?" "yes; with uncle henry," she answered. "we got to san francisco a week ago, and uncle henry went right on to hugson's ranch for a visit while i stayed a few days in the city with some friends we had met." "how long will you be with us?" he asked. "only a day. tomorrow uncle henry and i must start back for kansas. we've been away for a long time, you know, and so we're anxious to get home again." the boy flicked the big, boney horse with his whip and looked thoughtful. then he started to say something to his little companion, but before he could speak the buggy began to sway dangerously from side to side and the earth seemed to rise up before them. next minute there was a roar and a sharp crash, and at her side dorothy saw the ground open in a wide crack and then come together again. "goodness!" she cried, grasping the iron rail of the seat. "what was that?" "that was an awful big quake," replied zeb, with a white face. "it almost got us that time, dorothy." the horse had stopped short, and stood firm as a rock. zeb shook the reins and urged him to go, but jim was stubborn. then the boy cracked his whip and touched the animal's flanks with it, and after a low moan of protest jim stepped slowly along the road. neither the boy nor the girl spoke again for some minutes. there was a breath of danger in the very air, and every few moments the earth would shake violently. jim's ears were standing erect upon his head and every muscle of his big body was tense as he trotted toward home. he was not going very fast, but on his flanks specks of foam began to appear and at times he would tremble like a leaf. the sky had grown darker again and the wind made queer sobbing sounds as it swept over the valley. suddenly there was a rending, tearing sound, and the earth split into another great crack just beneath the spot where the horse was standing. with a wild neigh of terror the animal fell bodily into the pit, drawing the buggy and its occupants after him. dorothy grabbed fast hold of the buggy top and the boy did the same. the sudden rush into space confused them so that they could not think. blackness engulfed them on every side, and in breathless silence they waited for the fall to end and crush them against jagged rocks or for the earth to close in on them again and bury them forever in its dreadful depths. the horrible sensation of falling, the darkness and the terrifying noises, proved more than dorothy could endure and for a few moments the little girl lost consciousness. zeb, being a boy, did not faint, but he was badly frightened, and clung to the buggy seat with a tight grip, expecting every moment would be his last. 2. the glass city when dorothy recovered her senses they were still falling, but not so fast. the top of the buggy caught the air like a parachute or an umbrella filled with wind, and held them back so that they floated downward with a gentle motion that was not so very disagreeable to bear. the worst thing was their terror of reaching the bottom of this great crack in the earth, and the natural fear that sudden death was about to overtake them at any moment. crash after crash echoed far above their heads, as the earth came together where it had split, and stones and chunks of clay rattled around them on every side. these they could not see, but they could feel them pelting the buggy top, and jim screamed almost like a human being when a stone overtook him and struck his boney body. they did not really hurt the poor horse, because everything was falling together; only the stones and rubbish fell faster than the horse and buggy, which were held back by the pressure of the air, so that the terrified animal was actually more frightened than he was injured. how long this state of things continued dorothy could not even guess, she was so greatly bewildered. but bye and bye, as she stared ahead into the black chasm with a beating heart, she began to dimly see the form of the horse jim--his head up in the air, his ears erect and his long legs sprawling in every direction as he tumbled through space. also, turning her head, she found that she could see the boy beside her, who had until now remained as still and silent as she herself. dorothy sighed and commenced to breathe easier. she began to realize that death was not in store for her, after all, but that she had merely started upon another adventure, which promised to be just as queer and unusual as were those she had before encountered. with this thought in mind the girl took heart and leaned her head over the side of the buggy to see where the strange light was coming from. far below her she found six great glowing balls suspended in the air. the central and largest one was white, and reminded her of the sun. around it were arranged, like the five points of a star, the other five brilliant balls; one being rose colored, one violet, one yellow, one blue and one orange. this splendid group of colored suns sent rays darting in every direction, and as the horse and buggy--with dorothy and zeb--sank steadily downward and came nearer to the lights, the rays began to take on all the delicate tintings of a rainbow, growing more and more distinct every moment until all the space was brilliantly illuminated. dorothy was too dazed to say much, but she watched one of jim's big ears turn to violet and the other to rose, and wondered that his tail should be yellow and his body striped with blue and orange like the stripes of a zebra. then she looked at zeb, whose face was blue and whose hair was pink, and gave a little laugh that sounded a bit nervous. "isn't it funny?" she said. the boy was startled and his eyes were big. dorothy had a green streak through the center of her face where the blue and yellow lights came together, and her appearance seemed to add to his fright. "i--i don't s-s-see any-thing funny--'bout it!" he stammered. just then the buggy tipped slowly over upon its side, the body of the horse tipping also. but they continued to fall, all together, and the boy and girl had no difficulty in remaining upon the seat, just as they were before. then they turned bottom side up, and continued to roll slowly over until they were right side up again. during this time jim struggled frantically, all his legs kicking the air; but on finding himself in his former position the horse said, in a relieved tone of voice: "well, that's better!" dorothy and zeb looked at one another in wonder. "can your horse talk?" she asked. "never knew him to, before," replied the boy. "those were the first words i ever said," called out the horse, who had overheard them, "and i can't explain why i happened to speak then. this is a nice scrape you've got me into, isn't it?" "as for that, we are in the same scrape ourselves," answered dorothy, cheerfully. "but never mind; something will happen pretty soon." "of course," growled the horse, "and then we shall be sorry it happened." zeb gave a shiver. all this was so terrible and unreal that he could not understand it at all, and so had good reason to be afraid. swiftly they drew near to the flaming colored suns, and passed close beside them. the light was then so bright that it dazzled their eyes, and they covered their faces with their hands to escape being blinded. there was no heat in the colored suns, however, and after they had passed below them the top of the buggy shut out many of the piercing rays so that the boy and girl could open their eyes again. "we've got to come to the bottom some time," remarked zeb, with a deep sigh. "we can't keep falling forever, you know." "of course not," said dorothy. "we are somewhere in the middle of the earth, and the chances are we'll reach the other side of it before long. but it's a big hollow, isn't it?" "awful big!" answered the boy. "we're coming to something now," announced the horse. at this they both put their heads over the side of the buggy and looked down. yes; there was land below them; and not so very far away, either. but they were floating very, very slowly--so slowly that it could no longer be called a fall--and the children had ample time to take heart and look about them. they saw a landscape with mountains and plains, lakes and rivers, very like those upon the earth's surface; but all the scene was splendidly colored by the variegated lights from the six suns. here and there were groups of houses that seemed made of clear glass, because they sparkled so brightly. "i'm sure we are in no danger," said dorothy, in a sober voice. "we are falling so slowly that we can't be dashed to pieces when we land, and this country that we are coming to seems quite pretty." "we'll never get home again, though!" declared zeb, with a groan. "oh, i'm not so sure of that," replied the girl. "but don't let us worry over such things, zeb; we can't help ourselves just now, you know, and i've always been told it's foolish to borrow trouble." the boy became silent, having no reply to so sensible a speech, and soon both were fully occupied in staring at the strange scenes spread out below them. they seemed to be falling right into the middle of a big city which had many tall buildings with glass domes and sharp-pointed spires. these spires were like great spear-points, and if they tumbled upon one of them they were likely to suffer serious injury. jim the horse had seen these spires, also, and his ears stood straight up with fear, while dorothy and zeb held their breaths in suspense. but no; they floated gently down upon a broad, flat roof, and came to a stop at last. when jim felt something firm under his feet the poor beast's legs trembled so much that he could hardly stand; but zeb at once leaped out of the buggy to the roof, and he was so awkward and hasty that he kicked over dorothy's bird-cage, which rolled out upon the roof so that the bottom came off. at once a pink kitten crept out of the upset cage, sat down upon the glass roof, and yawned and blinked its round eyes. "oh," said dorothy. "there's eureka." "first time i ever saw a pink cat," said zeb. "eureka isn't pink; she's white. it's this queer light that gives her that color." "where's my milk?" asked the kitten, looking up into dorothy's face. "i'm 'most starved to death." "oh, eureka! can you talk?" "talk! am i talking? good gracious, i believe i am. isn't it funny?" asked the kitten. "it's all wrong," said zeb, gravely. "animals ought not to talk. but even old jim has been saying things since we had our accident." "i can't see that it's wrong," remarked jim, in his gruff tones. "at least, it isn't as wrong as some other things. what's going to become of us now?" "i don't know," answered the boy, looking around him curiously. the houses of the city were all made of glass, so clear and transparent that one could look through the walls as easily as through a window. dorothy saw, underneath the roof on which she stood, several rooms used for rest chambers, and even thought she could make out a number of queer forms huddled into the corners of these rooms. the roof beside them had a great hole smashed through it, and pieces of glass were lying scattered in every direction. a nearby steeple had been broken off short and the fragments lay heaped beside it. other buildings were cracked in places or had corners chipped off from them; but they must have been very beautiful before these accidents had happened to mar their perfection. the rainbow tints from the colored suns fell upon the glass city softly and gave to the buildings many delicate, shifting hues which were very pretty to see. but not a sound had broken the stillness since the strangers had arrived, except that of their own voices. they began to wonder if there were no people to inhabit this magnificent city of the inner world. suddenly a man appeared through a hole in the roof next to the one they were on and stepped into plain view. he was not a very large man, but was well formed and had a beautiful face--calm and serene as the face of a fine portrait. his clothing fitted his form snugly and was gorgeously colored in brilliant shades of green, which varied as the sunbeams touched them but was not wholly influenced by the solar rays. the man had taken a step or two across the glass roof before he noticed the presence of the strangers; but then he stopped abruptly. there was no expression of either fear or surprise upon his tranquil face, yet he must have been both astonished and afraid; for after his eyes had rested upon the ungainly form of the horse for a moment he walked rapidly to the furthest edge of the roof, his head turned back over his shoulder to gaze at the strange animal. "look out!" cried dorothy, who noticed that the beautiful man did not look where he was going; "be careful, or you'll fall off!" but he paid no attention to her warning. he reached the edge of the tall roof, stepped one foot out into the air, and walked into space as calmly as if he were on firm ground. the girl, greatly astonished, ran to lean over the edge of the roof, and saw the man walking rapidly through the air toward the ground. soon he reached the street and disappeared through a glass doorway into one of the glass buildings. "how strange!" she exclaimed, drawing a long breath. "yes; but it's lots of fun, if it is strange," remarked the small voice of the kitten, and dorothy turned to find her pet walking in the air a foot or so away from the edge of the roof. "come back, eureka!" she called, in distress, "you'll certainly be killed." "i have nine lives," said the kitten, purring softly as it walked around in a circle and then came back to the roof; "but i can't lose even one of them by falling in this country, because i really couldn't manage to fall if i wanted to." "does the air bear up your weight?" asked the girl. "of course; can't you see?" and again the kitten wandered into the air and back to the edge of the roof. "it's wonderful!" said dorothy. "suppose we let eureka go down to the street and get some one to help us," suggested zeb, who had been even more amazed than dorothy at these strange happenings. "perhaps we can walk on the air ourselves," replied the girl. zeb drew back with a shiver. "i wouldn't dare try," he said. "maybe jim will go," continued dorothy, looking at the horse. "and maybe he won't!" answered jim. "i've tumbled through the air long enough to make me contented on this roof." "but we didn't tumble to the roof," said the girl; "by the time we reached here we were floating very slowly, and i'm almost sure we could float down to the street without getting hurt. eureka walks on the air all right." "eureka weights only about half a pound," replied the horse, in a scornful tone, "while i weigh about half a ton." "you don't weigh as much as you ought to, jim," remarked the girl, shaking her head as she looked at the animal. "you're dreadfully skinny." "oh, well; i'm old," said the horse, hanging his head despondently, "and i've had lots of trouble in my day, little one. for a good many years i drew a public cab in chicago, and that's enough to make anyone skinny." "he eats enough to get fat, i'm sure," said the boy, gravely. "do i? can you remember any breakfast that i've had today?" growled jim, as if he resented zeb's speech. "none of us has had breakfast," said the boy; "and in a time of danger like this it's foolish to talk about eating." "nothing is more dangerous than being without food," declared the horse, with a sniff at the rebuke of his young master; "and just at present no one can tell whether there are any oats in this queer country or not. if there are, they are liable to be glass oats!" "oh, no!" exclaimed dorothy. "i can see plenty of nice gardens and fields down below us, at the edge of this city. but i wish we could find a way to get to the ground." "why don't you walk down?" asked eureka. "i'm as hungry as the horse is, and i want my milk." "will you try it, zeb?" asked the girl, turning to her companion. zeb hesitated. he was still pale and frightened, for this dreadful adventure had upset him and made him nervous and worried. but he did not wish the little girl to think him a coward, so he advanced slowly to the edge of the roof. dorothy stretched out a hand to him and zeb put one foot out and let it rest in the air a little over the edge of the roof. it seemed firm enough to walk upon, so he took courage and put out the other foot. dorothy kept hold of his hand and followed him, and soon they were both walking through the air, with the kitten frisking beside them. "come on, jim!" called the boy. "it's all right." jim had crept to the edge of the roof to look over, and being a sensible horse and quite experienced, he made up his mind that he could go where the others did. so, with a snort and a neigh and a whisk of his short tail he trotted off the roof into the air and at once began floating downward to the street. his great weight made him fall faster than the children walked, and he passed them on the way down; but when he came to the glass pavement he alighted upon it so softly that he was not even jarred. "well, well!" said dorothy, drawing a long breath, "what a strange country this is." people began to come out of the glass doors to look at the new arrivals, and pretty soon quite a crowd had assembled. there were men and women, but no children at all, and the folks were all beautifully formed and attractively dressed and had wonderfully handsome faces. there was not an ugly person in all the throng, yet dorothy was not especially pleased by the appearance of these people because their features had no more expression than the faces of dolls. they did not smile nor did they frown, or show either fear or surprise or curiosity or friendliness. they simply started at the strangers, paying most attention to jim and eureka, for they had never before seen either a horse or a cat and the children bore an outward resemblance to themselves. pretty soon a man joined the group who wore a glistening star in the dark hair just over his forehead. he seemed to be a person of authority, for the others pressed back to give him room. after turning his composed eyes first upon the animals and then upon the children he said to zeb, who was a little taller than dorothy: "tell me, intruder, was it you who caused the rain of stones?" for a moment the boy did not know what he meant by this question. then, remembering the stones that had fallen with them and passed them long before they had reached this place, he answered: "no, sir; we didn't cause anything. it was the earthquake." the man with the star stood for a time quietly thinking over this speech. then he asked: "what is an earthquake?" "i don't know," said zeb, who was still confused. but dorothy, seeing his perplexity, answered: "it's a shaking of the earth. in this quake a big crack opened and we fell through--horse and buggy, and all--and the stones got loose and came down with us." the man with the star regarded her with his calm, expressionless eyes. "the rain of stones has done much damage to our city," he said; "and we shall hold you responsible for it unless you can prove your innocence." "how can we do that?" asked the girl. "that i am not prepared to say. it is your affair, not mine. you must go to the house of the sorcerer, who will soon discover the truth." "where is the house of the sorcerer?" the girl enquired. "i will lead you to it. come!" he turned and walked down the street, and after a moment's hesitation dorothy caught eureka in her arms and climbed into the buggy. the boy took his seat beside her and said: "gid-dap jim." as the horse ambled along, drawing the buggy, the people of the glass city made way for them and formed a procession in their rear. slowly they moved down one street and up another, turning first this way and then that, until they came to an open square in the center of which was a big glass palace having a central dome and four tall spires on each corner. 3. the arrival of the wizard the doorway of the glass palace was quite big enough for the horse and buggy to enter, so zeb drove straight through it and the children found themselves in a lofty hall that was very beautiful. the people at once followed and formed a circle around the sides of the spacious room, leaving the horse and buggy and the man with the star to occupy the center of the hall. "come to us, oh, gwig!" called the man, in a loud voice. instantly a cloud of smoke appeared and rolled over the floor; then it slowly spread and ascended into the dome, disclosing a strange personage seated upon a glass throne just before jim's nose. he was formed just as were the other inhabitants of this land and his clothing only differed from theirs in being bright yellow. but he had no hair at all, and all over his bald head and face and upon the backs of his hands grew sharp thorns like those found on the branches of rose-bushes. there was even a thorn upon the tip of his nose and he looked so funny that dorothy laughed when she saw him. the sorcerer, hearing the laugh, looked toward the little girl with cold, cruel eyes, and his glance made her grow sober in an instant. "why have you dared to intrude your unwelcome persons into the secluded land of the mangaboos?" he asked, sternly. "'cause we couldn't help it," said dorothy. "why did you wickedly and viciously send the rain of stones to crack and break our houses?" he continued. "we didn't," declared the girl. "prove it!" cried the sorcerer. "we don't have to prove it," answered dorothy, indignantly. "if you had any sense at all you'd known it was the earthquake." "we only know that yesterday came a rain of stones upon us, which did much damage and injured some of our people. today came another rain of stones, and soon after it you appeared among us." "by the way," said the man with the star, looking steadily at the sorcerer, "you told us yesterday that there would not be a second rain of stones. yet one has just occurred that was even worse than the first. what is your sorcery good for if it cannot tell us the truth?" "my sorcery does tell the truth!" declared the thorn-covered man. "i said there would be but one rain of stones. this second one was a rain of people-and-horse-and-buggy. and some stones came with them." "will there be any more rains?" asked the man with the star. "no, my prince." "neither stones nor people?" "no, my prince." "are you sure?" "quite sure, my prince. my sorcery tells me so." just then a man came running into the hall and addressed the prince after making a low bow. "more wonders in the air, my lord," said he. immediately the prince and all of his people flocked out of the hall into the street, that they might see what was about to happen. dorothy and zeb jumped out of the buggy and ran after them, but the sorcerer remained calmly in his throne. far up in the air was an object that looked like a balloon. it was not so high as the glowing star of the six colored suns, but was descending slowly through the air--so slowly that at first it scarcely seemed to move. the throng stood still and waited. it was all they could do, for to go away and leave that strange sight was impossible; nor could they hurry its fall in any way. the earth children were not noticed, being so near the average size of the mangaboos, and the horse had remained in the house of the sorcerer, with eureka curled up asleep on the seat of the buggy. gradually the balloon grew bigger, which was proof that it was settling down upon the land of the mangaboos. dorothy was surprised to find how patient the people were, for her own little heart was beating rapidly with excitement. a balloon meant to her some other arrival from the surface of the earth, and she hoped it would be some one able to assist her and zeb out of their difficulties. in an hour the balloon had come near enough for her to see a basket suspended below it; in two hours she could see a head looking over the side of the basket; in three hours the big balloon settled slowly into the great square in which they stood and came to rest on the glass pavement. then a little man jumped out of the basket, took off his tall hat, and bowed very gracefully to the crowd of mangaboos around him. he was quite an old little man and his head was long and entirely bald. "why," cried dorothy, in amazement, "it's oz!" the little man looked toward her and seemed as much surprised as she was. but he smiled and bowed as he answered: "yes, my dear; i am oz, the great and terrible. eh? and you are little dorothy, from kansas. i remember you very well." "who did you say it was?" whispered zeb to the girl. "it's the wonderful wizard of oz. haven't you heard of him?" just then the man with the star came and stood before the wizard. "sir," said he, "why are you here, in the land of the mangaboos?" "didn't know what land it was, my son," returned the other, with a pleasant smile; "and, to be honest, i didn't mean to visit you when i started out. i live on top of the earth, your honor, which is far better than living inside it; but yesterday i went up in a balloon, and when i came down i fell into a big crack in the earth, caused by an earthquake. i had let so much gas out of my balloon that i could not rise again, and in a few minutes the earth closed over my head. so i continued to descend until i reached this place, and if you will show me a way to get out of it, i'll go with pleasure. sorry to have troubled you; but it couldn't be helped." the prince had listened with attention. said he: "this child, who is from the crust of the earth, like yourself, called you a wizard. is not a wizard something like a sorcerer?" "it's better," replied oz, promptly. "one wizard is worth three sorcerers." "ah, you shall prove that," said the prince. "we mangaboos have, at the present time, one of the most wonderful sorcerers that ever was picked from a bush; but he sometimes makes mistakes. do you ever make mistakes?" "never!" declared the wizard, boldly. "oh, oz!" said dorothy; "you made a lot of mistakes when you were in the marvelous land of oz." "nonsense!" said the little man, turning red--although just then a ray of violet sunlight was on his round face. "come with me," said the prince to him. "i wish to meet our sorcerer." the wizard did not like this invitation, but he could not refuse to accept it. so he followed the prince into the great domed hall, and dorothy and zeb came after them, while the throng of people trooped in also. there sat the thorny sorcerer in his chair of state, and when the wizard saw him he began to laugh, uttering comical little chuckles. "what an absurd creature!" he exclaimed. "he may look absurd," said the prince, in his quiet voice; "but he is an excellent sorcerer. the only fault i find with him is that he is so often wrong." "i am never wrong," answered the sorcerer. "only a short time ago you told me there would be no more rain of stones or of people," said the prince. "well, what then?" "here is another person descended from the air to prove you were wrong." "one person cannot be called 'people,'" said the sorcerer. "if two should come out of the sky you might with justice say i was wrong; but unless more than this one appears i will hold that i was right." "very clever," said the wizard, nodding his head as if pleased. "i am delighted to find humbugs inside the earth, just the same as on top of it. were you ever with a circus, brother?" "no," said the sorcerer. "you ought to join one," declared the little man seriously. "i belong to bailum & barney's great consolidated shows--three rings in one tent and a menagerie on the side. it's a fine aggregation, i assure you." "what do you do?" asked the sorcerer. "i go up in a balloon, usually, to draw the crowds to the circus. but i've just had the bad luck to come out of the sky, skip the solid earth, and land lower down than i intended. but never mind. it isn't everybody who gets a chance to see your land of the gabazoos." "mangaboos," said the sorcerer, correcting him. "if you are a wizard you ought to be able to call people by their right names." "oh, i'm a wizard; you may be sure of that. just as good a wizard as you are a sorcerer." "that remains to be seen," said the other. "if you are able to prove that you are better," said the prince to the little man, "i will make you the chief wizard of this domain. otherwise--" "what will happen otherwise?" asked the wizard. "i will stop you from living and forbid you to be planted," returned the prince. "that does not sound especially pleasant," said the little man, looking at the one with the star uneasily. "but never mind. i'll beat old prickly, all right." "my name is gwig," said the sorcerer, turning his heartless, cruel eyes upon his rival. "let me see you equal the sorcery i am about to perform." he waved a thorny hand and at once the tinkling of bells was heard, playing sweet music. yet, look where she would, dorothy could discover no bells at all in the great glass hall. the mangaboo people listened, but showed no great interest. it was one of the things gwig usually did to prove he was a sorcerer. now was the wizard's turn, so he smiled upon the assemblage and asked: "will somebody kindly loan me a hat?" no one did, because the mangaboos did not wear hats, and zeb had lost his, somehow, in his flight through the air. "ahem!" said the wizard, "will somebody please loan me a handkerchief?" but they had no handkerchiefs, either. "very good," remarked the wizard. "i'll use my own hat, if you please. now, good people, observe me carefully. you see, there is nothing up my sleeve and nothing concealed about my person. also, my hat is quite empty." he took off his hat and held it upside down, shaking it briskly. "let me see it," said the sorcerer. he took the hat and examined it carefully, returning it afterward to the wizard. "now," said the little man, "i will create something out of nothing." he placed the hat upon the glass floor, made a pass with his hand, and then removed the hat, displaying a little white piglet no bigger than a mouse, which began to run around here and there and to grunt and squeal in a tiny, shrill voice. the people watched it intently, for they had never seen a pig before, big or little. the wizard reached out, caught the wee creature in his hand, and holding its head between one thumb and finger and its tail between the other thumb and finger he pulled it apart, each of the two parts becoming a whole and separate piglet in an instant. he placed one upon the floor, so that it could run around, and pulled apart the other, making three piglets in all; and then one of these was pulled apart, making four piglets. the wizard continued this surprising performance until nine tiny piglets were running about at his feet, all squealing and grunting in a very comical way. "now," said the wizard of oz, "having created something from nothing, i will make something nothing again." with this he caught up two of the piglets and pushed them together, so that the two were one. then he caught up another piglet and pushed it into the first, where it disappeared. and so, one by one, the nine tiny piglets were pushed together until but a single one of the creatures remained. this the wizard placed underneath his hat and made a mystic sign above it. when he removed his hat the last piglet had disappeared entirely. the little man gave a bow to the silent throng that had watched him, and then the prince said, in his cold, calm voice: "you are indeed a wonderful wizard, and your powers are greater than those of my sorcerer." "he will not be a wonderful wizard long," remarked gwig. "why not?" enquired the wizard. "because i am going to stop your breath," was the reply. "i perceive that you are curiously constructed, and that if you cannot breathe you cannot keep alive." the little man looked troubled. "how long will it take you to stop my breath?" he asked. "about five minutes. i'm going to begin now. watch me carefully." he began making queer signs and passes toward the wizard; but the little man did not watch him long. instead, he drew a leathern case from his pocket and took from it several sharp knives, which he joined together, one after another, until they made a long sword. by the time he had attached a handle to this sword he was having much trouble to breathe, as the charm of the sorcerer was beginning to take effect. so the wizard lost no more time, but leaping forward he raised the sharp sword, whirled it once or twice around his head, and then gave a mighty stroke that cut the body of the sorcerer exactly in two. dorothy screamed and expected to see a terrible sight; but as the two halves of the sorcerer fell apart on the floor she saw that he had no bones or blood inside of him at all, and that the place where he was cut looked much like a sliced turnip or potato. "why, he's vegetable!" cried the wizard, astonished. "of course," said the prince. "we are all vegetable, in this country. are you not vegetable, also?" "no," answered the wizard. "people on top of the earth are all meat. will your sorcerer die?" "certainly, sir. he is really dead now, and will wither very quickly. so we must plant him at once, that other sorcerers may grow upon his bush," continued the prince. "what do you mean by that?" asked the little wizard, greatly puzzled. "if you will accompany me to our public gardens," replied the prince, "i will explain to you much better than i can here the mysteries of our vegetable kingdom." 4. the vegetable kingdom after the wizard had wiped the dampness from his sword and taken it apart and put the pieces into their leathern case again, the man with the star ordered some of his people to carry the two halves of the sorcerer to the public gardens. jim pricked up his ears when he heard they were going to the gardens, and wanted to join the party, thinking he might find something proper to eat; so zeb put down the top of the buggy and invited the wizard to ride with them. the seat was amply wide enough for the little man and the two children, and when jim started to leave the hall the kitten jumped upon his back and sat there quite contentedly. so the procession moved through the streets, the bearers of the sorcerer first, the prince next, then jim drawing the buggy with the strangers inside of it, and last the crowd of vegetable people who had no hearts and could neither smile nor frown. the glass city had several fine streets, for a good many people lived there; but when the procession had passed through these it came upon a broad plain covered with gardens and watered by many pretty brooks that flowed through it. there were paths through these gardens, and over some of the brooks were ornamental glass bridges. dorothy and zeb now got out of the buggy and walked beside the prince, so that they might see and examine the flowers and plants better. "who built these lovely bridges?" asked the little girl. "no one built them," answered the man with the star. "they grow." "that's queer," said she. "did the glass houses in your city grow, too?" "of course," he replied. "but it took a good many years for them to grow as large and fine as they are now. that is why we are so angry when a rain of stones comes to break our towers and crack our roofs." "can't you mend them?" she enquired. "no; but they will grow together again, in time, and we must wait until they do." they first passed through many beautiful gardens of flowers, which grew nearest the city; but dorothy could hardly tell what kind of flowers they were, because the colors were constantly changing under the shifting lights of the six suns. a flower would be pink one second, white the next, then blue or yellow; and it was the same way when they came to the plants, which had broad leaves and grew close to the ground. when they passed over a field of grass jim immediately stretched down his head and began to nibble. "a nice country this is," he grumbled, "where a respectable horse has to eat pink grass!" "it's violet," said the wizard, who was in the buggy. "now it's blue," complained the horse. "as a matter of fact, i'm eating rainbow grass." "how does it taste?" asked the wizard. "not bad at all," said jim. "if they give me plenty of it i'll not complain about its color." by this time the party had reached a freshly plowed field, and the prince said to dorothy: "this is our planting-ground." several mangaboos came forward with glass spades and dug a hole in the ground. then they put the two halves of the sorcerer into it and covered him up. after that other people brought water from a brook and sprinkled the earth. "he will sprout very soon," said the prince, "and grow into a large bush, from which we shall in time be able to pick several very good sorcerers." "do all your people grow on bushes?" asked the boy. "certainly," was the reply. "do not all people grow upon bushes where you came from, on the outside of the earth?" "not that i ever hear of." "how strange! but if you will come with me to one of our folk gardens i will show you the way we grow in the land of the mangaboos." it appeared that these odd people, while they were able to walk through the air with ease, usually moved upon the ground in the ordinary way. there were no stairs in their houses, because they did not need them, but on a level surface they generally walked just as we do. the little party of strangers now followed the prince across a few more of the glass bridges and along several paths until they came to a garden enclosed by a high hedge. jim had refused to leave the field of grass, where he was engaged in busily eating; so the wizard got out of the buggy and joined zeb and dorothy, and the kitten followed demurely at their heels. inside the hedge they came upon row after row of large and handsome plants with broad leaves gracefully curving until their points nearly reached the ground. in the center of each plant grew a daintily dressed mangaboo, for the clothing of all these creatures grew upon them and was attached to their bodies. the growing mangaboos were of all sizes, from the blossom that had just turned into a wee baby to the full-grown and almost ripe man or woman. on some of the bushes might be seen a bud, a blossom, a baby, a half-grown person and a ripe one; but even those ready to pluck were motionless and silent, as if devoid of life. this sight explained to dorothy why she had seen no children among the mangaboos, a thing she had until now been unable to account for. "our people do not acquire their real life until they leave their bushes," said the prince. "you will notice they are all attached to the plants by the soles of their feet, and when they are quite ripe they are easily separated from the stems and at once attain the powers of motion and speech. so while they grow they cannot be said to really live, and they must be picked before they can become good citizens." "how long do you live, after you are picked?" asked dorothy. "that depends upon the care we take of ourselves," he replied. "if we keep cool and moist, and meet with no accidents, we often live for five years. i've been picked over six years, but our family is known to be especially long lived." "do you eat?" asked the boy. "eat! no, indeed. we are quite solid inside our bodies, and have no need to eat, any more than does a potato." "but the potatoes sometimes sprout," said zeb. "and sometimes we do," answered the prince; "but that is considered a great misfortune, for then we must be planted at once." "where did you grow?" asked the wizard. "i will show you," was the reply. "step this way, please." he led them within another but smaller circle of hedge, where grew one large and beautiful bush. "this," said he, "is the royal bush of the mangaboos. all of our princes and rulers have grown upon this one bush from time immemorial." they stood before it in silent admiration. on the central stalk stood poised the figure of a girl so exquisitely formed and colored and so lovely in the expression of her delicate features that dorothy thought she had never seen so sweet and adorable a creature in all her life. the maiden's gown was soft as satin and fell about her in ample folds, while dainty lace-like traceries trimmed the bodice and sleeves. her flesh was fine and smooth as polished ivory, and her poise expressed both dignity and grace. "who is this?" asked the wizard, curiously. the prince had been staring hard at the girl on the bush. now he answered, with a touch of uneasiness in his cold tones: "she is the ruler destined to be my successor, for she is a royal princess. when she becomes fully ripe i must abandon the sovereignty of the mangaboos to her." "isn't she ripe now?" asked dorothy. he hesitated. "not quite," said he, finally. "it will be several days before she needs to be picked, or at least that is my judgment. i am in no hurry to resign my office and be planted, you may be sure." "probably not," declared the wizard, nodding. "this is one of the most unpleasant things about our vegetable lives," continued the prince, with a sigh, "that while we are in our full prime we must give way to another, and be covered up in the ground to sprout and grow and give birth to other people." "i'm sure the princess is ready to be picked," asserted dorothy, gazing hard at the beautiful girl on the bush. "she's as perfect as she can be." "never mind," answered the prince, hastily, "she will be all right for a few days longer, and it is best for me to rule until i can dispose of you strangers, who have come to our land uninvited and must be attended to at once." "what are you going to do with us?" asked zeb. "that is a matter i have not quite decided upon," was the reply. "i think i shall keep this wizard until a new sorcerer is ready to pick, for he seems quite skillful and may be of use to us. but the rest of you must be destroyed in some way, and you cannot be planted, because i do not wish horses and cats and meat people growing all over our country." "you needn't worry," said dorothy. "we wouldn't grow under ground, i'm sure." "but why destroy my friends?" asked the little wizard. "why not let them live?" "they do not belong here," returned the prince. "they have no right to be inside the earth at all." "we didn't ask to come down here; we fell," said dorothy. "that is no excuse," declared the prince, coldly. the children looked at each other in perplexity, and the wizard sighed. eureka rubbed her paw on her face and said in her soft, purring voice: "he won't need to destroy me, for if i don't get something to eat pretty soon i shall starve to death, and so save him the trouble." "if he planted you, he might grow some cat-tails," suggested the wizard. "oh, eureka! perhaps we can find you some milk-weeds to eat," said the boy. "phoo!" snarled the kitten; "i wouldn't touch the nasty things!" "you don't need milk, eureka," remarked dorothy; "you are big enough now to eat any kind of food." "if i can get it," added eureka. "i'm hungry myself," said zeb. "but i noticed some strawberries growing in one of the gardens, and some melons in another place. these people don't eat such things, so perhaps on our way back they will let us get them." "never mind your hunger," interrupted the prince. "i shall order you destroyed in a few minutes, so you will have no need to ruin our pretty melon vines and berry bushes. follow me, please, to meet your doom." 5. dorothy picks the princess the words of the cold and moist vegetable prince were not very comforting, and as he spoke them he turned away and left the enclosure. the children, feeling sad and despondent, were about to follow him when the wizard touched dorothy softly on her shoulder. "wait!" he whispered. "what for?" asked the girl. "suppose we pick the royal princess," said the wizard. "i'm quite sure she's ripe, and as soon as she comes to life she will be the ruler, and may treat us better than that heartless prince intends to." "all right!" exclaimed dorothy, eagerly. "let's pick her while we have the chance, before the man with the star comes back." so together they leaned over the great bush and each of them seized one hand of the lovely princess. "pull!" cried dorothy, and as they did so the royal lady leaned toward them and the stems snapped and separated from her feet. she was not at all heavy, so the wizard and dorothy managed to lift her gently to the ground. the beautiful creature passed her hands over her eyes an instant, tucked in a stray lock of hair that had become disarranged, and after a look around the garden made those present a gracious bow and said, in a sweet but even toned voice: "i thank you very much." "we salute your royal highness!" cried the wizard, kneeling and kissing her hand. just then the voice of the prince was heard calling upon them to hasten, and a moment later he returned to the enclosure, followed by a number of his people. instantly the princess turned and faced him, and when he saw that she was picked the prince stood still and began to tremble. "sir," said the royal lady, with much dignity, "you have wronged me greatly, and would have wronged me still more had not these strangers come to my rescue. i have been ready for picking all the past week, but because you were selfish and desired to continue your unlawful rule, you left me to stand silent upon my bush." "i did not know that you were ripe," answered the prince, in a low voice. "give me the star of royalty!" she commanded. slowly he took the shining star from his own brow and placed it upon that of the princess. then all the people bowed low to her, and the prince turned and walked away alone. what became of him afterward our friends never knew. the people of mangaboo now formed themselves into a procession and marched toward the glass city to escort their new ruler to her palace and to perform those ceremonies proper to the occasion. but while the people in the procession walked upon the ground the princess walked in the air just above their heads, to show that she was a superior being and more exalted than her subjects. no one now seemed to pay any attention to the strangers, so dorothy and zeb and the wizard let the train pass on and then wandered by themselves into the vegetable gardens. they did not bother to cross the bridges over the brooks, but when they came to a stream they stepped high and walked in the air to the other side. this was a very interesting experience to them, and dorothy said: "i wonder why it is that we can walk so easily in the air." "perhaps," answered the wizard, "it is because we are close to the center of the earth, where the attraction of gravitation is very slight. but i've noticed that many queer things happen in fairy countries." "is this a fairy country?" asked the boy. "of course it is," returned dorothy promptly. "only a fairy country could have veg'table people; and only in a fairy country could eureka and jim talk as we do." "that's true," said zeb, thoughtfully. in the vegetable gardens they found the strawberries and melons, and several other unknown but delicious fruits, of which they ate heartily. but the kitten bothered them constantly by demanding milk or meat, and called the wizard names because he could not bring her a dish of milk by means of his magical arts. as they sat upon the grass watching jim, who was still busily eating, eureka said: "i don't believe you are a wizard at all!" "no," answered the little man, "you are quite right. in the strict sense of the word i am not a wizard, but only a humbug." "the wizard of oz has always been a humbug," agreed dorothy. "i've known him for a long time." "if that is so," said the boy, "how could he do that wonderful trick with the nine tiny piglets?" "don't know," said dorothy, "but it must have been humbug." "very true," declared the wizard, nodding at her. "it was necessary to deceive that ugly sorcerer and the prince, as well as their stupid people; but i don't mind telling you, who are my friends, that the thing was only a trick." "but i saw the little pigs with my own eyes!" exclaimed zeb. "so did i," purred the kitten. "to be sure," answered the wizard. "you saw them because they were there. they are in my inside pocket now. but the pulling of them apart and pushing them together again was only a sleight-of-hand trick." "let's see the pigs," said eureka, eagerly. the little man felt carefully in his pocket and pulled out the tiny piglets, setting them upon the grass one by one, where they ran around and nibbled the tender blades. "they're hungry, too," he said. "oh, what cunning things!" cried dorothy, catching up one and petting it. "be careful!" said the piglet, with a squeal, "you're squeezing me!" "dear me!" murmured the wizard, looking at his pets in astonishment. "they can actually talk!" "may i eat one of them?" asked the kitten, in a pleading voice. "i'm awfully hungry." "why, eureka," said dorothy, reproachfully, "what a cruel question! it would be dreadful to eat these dear little things." "i should say so!" grunted another of the piglets, looking uneasily at the kitten; "cats are cruel things." "i'm not cruel," replied the kitten, yawning. "i'm just hungry." "you cannot eat my piglets, even if you are starving," declared the little man, in a stern voice. "they are the only things i have to prove i'm a wizard." "how did they happen to be so little?" asked dorothy. "i never saw such small pigs before." "they are from the island of teenty-weent," said the wizard, "where everything is small because it's a small island. a sailor brought them to los angeles and i gave him nine tickets to the circus for them." "but what am i going to eat?" wailed the kitten, sitting in front of dorothy and looking pleadingly into her face. "there are no cows here to give milk; or any mice, or even grasshoppers. and if i can't eat the piglets you may as well plant me at once and raise catsup." "i have an idea," said the wizard, "that there are fishes in these brooks. do you like fish?" "fish!" cried the kitten. "do i like fish? why, they're better than piglets--or even milk!" "then i'll try to catch you some," said he. "but won't they be veg'table, like everything else here?" asked the kitten. "i think not. fishes are not animals, and they are as cold and moist as the vegetables themselves. there is no reason, that i can see, why they may not exist in the waters of this strange country." then the wizard bent a pin for a hook and took a long piece of string from his pocket for a fish-line. the only bait he could find was a bright red blossom from a flower; but he knew fishes are easy to fool if anything bright attracts their attention, so he decided to try the blossom. having thrown the end of his line in the water of a nearby brook he soon felt a sharp tug that told him a fish had bitten and was caught on the bent pin; so the little man drew in the string and, sure enough, the fish came with it and was landed safely on the shore, where it began to flop around in great excitement. the fish was fat and round, and its scales glistened like beautifully cut jewels set close together; but there was no time to examine it closely, for eureka made a jump and caught it between her claws, and in a few moments it had entirely disappeared. "oh, eureka!" cried dorothy, "did you eat the bones?" "if it had any bones, i ate them," replied the kitten, composedly, as it washed its face after the meal. "but i don't think that fish had any bones, because i didn't feel them scratch my throat." "you were very greedy," said the girl. "i was very hungry," replied the kitten. the little pigs had stood huddled in a group, watching this scene with frightened eyes. "cats are dreadful creatures!" said one of them. "i'm glad we are not fishes!" said another. "don't worry," dorothy murmured, soothingly, "i'll not let the kitten hurt you." then she happened to remember that in a corner of her suit-case were one or two crackers that were left over from her luncheon on the train, and she went to the buggy and brought them. eureka stuck up her nose at such food, but the tiny piglets squealed delightedly at the sight of the crackers and ate them up in a jiffy. "now let us go back to the city," suggested the wizard. "that is, if jim has had enough of the pink grass." the cab-horse, who was browsing near, lifted his head with a sigh. "i've tried to eat a lot while i had the chance," said he, "for it's likely to be a long while between meals in this strange country. but i'm ready to go, now, at any time you wish." so, after the wizard had put the piglets back into his inside pocket, where they cuddled up and went to sleep, the three climbed into the buggy and jim started back to the town. "where shall we stay?" asked the girl. "i think i shall take possession of the house of the sorcerer," replied the wizard; "for the prince said in the presence of his people that he would keep me until they picked another sorcerer, and the new princess won't know but that we belong there." they agreed to this plan, and when they reached the great square jim drew the buggy into the big door of the domed hall. "it doesn't look very homelike," said dorothy, gazing around at the bare room. "but it's a place to stay, anyhow." "what are those holes up there?" enquired the boy, pointing to some openings that appeared near the top of the dome. "they look like doorways," said dorothy; "only there are no stairs to get to them." "you forget that stairs are unnecessary," observed the wizard. "let us walk up, and see where the doors lead to." with this he began walking in the air toward the high openings, and dorothy and zeb followed him. it was the same sort of climb one experiences when walking up a hill, and they were nearly out of breath when they came to the row of openings, which they perceived to be doorways leading into halls in the upper part of the house. following these halls they discovered many small rooms opening from them, and some were furnished with glass benches, tables and chairs. but there were no beds at all. "i wonder if these people never sleep," said the girl. "why, there seems to be no night at all in this country," zeb replied. "those colored suns are exactly in the same place they were when we came, and if there is no sunset there can be no night." "very true," agreed the wizard. "but it is a long time since i have had any sleep, and i'm tired. so i think i shall lie down upon one of these hard glass benches and take a nap." "i will, too," said dorothy, and chose a little room at the end of the hall. zeb walked down again to unharness jim, who, when he found himself free, rolled over a few times and then settled down to sleep, with eureka nestling comfortably beside his big, boney body. then the boy returned to one of the upper rooms, and in spite of the hardness of the glass bench was soon deep in slumberland. 6. the mangaboos prove dangerous when the wizard awoke the six colored suns were shining down upon the land of the mangaboos just as they had done ever since his arrival. the little man, having had a good sleep, felt rested and refreshed, and looking through the glass partition of the room he saw zeb sitting up on his bench and yawning. so the wizard went in to him. "zeb," said he, "my balloon is of no further use in this strange country, so i may as well leave it on the square where it fell. but in the basket-car are some things i would like to keep with me. i wish you would go and fetch my satchel, two lanterns, and a can of kerosene oil that is under the seat. there is nothing else that i care about." so the boy went willingly upon the errand, and by the time he had returned dorothy was awake. then the three held a counsel to decide what they should do next, but could think of no way to better their condition. "i don't like these veg'table people," said the little girl. "they're cold and flabby, like cabbages, in spite of their prettiness." "i agree with you. it is because there is no warm blood in them," remarked the wizard. "and they have no hearts; so they can't love anyone--not even themselves," declared the boy. "the princess is lovely to look at," continued dorothy, thoughtfully; "but i don't care much for her, after all. if there was any other place to go, i'd like to go there." "but is there any other place?" asked the wizard. "i don't know," she answered. just then they heard the big voice of jim the cab-horse calling to them, and going to the doorway leading to the dome they found the princess and a throng of her people had entered the house of the sorcerer. so they went down to greet the beautiful vegetable lady, who said to them: "i have been talking with my advisors about you meat people, and we have decided that you do not belong in the land of the mangaboos and must not remain here." "how can we go away?" asked dorothy. "oh, you cannot go away, of course; so you must be destroyed," was the answer. "in what way?" enquired the wizard. "we shall throw you three people into the garden of the twining vines," said the princess, "and they will soon crush you and devour your bodies to make themselves grow bigger. the animals you have with you we will drive to the mountains and put into the black pit. then our country will be rid of all its unwelcome visitors." "but you are in need of a sorcerer," said the wizard, "and not one of those growing is yet ripe enough to pick. i am greater than any thorn-covered sorcerer that every grew in your garden. why destroy me?" "it is true we need a sorcerer," acknowledged the princess, "but i am informed that one of our own will be ready to pick in a few days, to take the place of gwig, whom you cut in two before it was time for him to be planted. let us see your arts, and the sorceries you are able to perform. then i will decide whether to destroy you with the others or not." at this the wizard made a bow to the people and repeated his trick of producing the nine tiny piglets and making them disappear again. he did it very cleverly, indeed, and the princess looked at the strange piglets as if she were as truly astonished as any vegetable person could be. but afterward she said: "i have heard of this wonderful magic. but it accomplishes nothing of value. what else can you do?" the wizard tried to think. then he jointed together the blades of his sword and balanced it very skillfully upon the end of his nose. but even that did not satisfy the princess. just then his eye fell upon the lanterns and the can of kerosene oil which zeb had brought from the car of his balloon, and he got a clever idea from those commonplace things. "your highness," said he, "i will now proceed to prove my magic by creating two suns that you have never seen before; also i will exhibit a destroyer much more dreadful that your clinging vines." so he placed dorothy upon one side of him and the boy upon the other and set a lantern upon each of their heads. "don't laugh," he whispered to them, "or you will spoil the effect of my magic." then, with much dignity and a look of vast importance upon his wrinkled face, the wizard got out his match-box and lighted the two lanterns. the glare they made was very small when compared with the radiance of the six great colored suns; but still they gleamed steadily and clearly. the mangaboos were much impressed because they had never before seen any light that did not come directly from their suns. next the wizard poured a pool of oil from the can upon the glass floor, where it covered quite a broad surface. when he lighted the oil a hundred tongues of flame shot up, and the effect was really imposing. "now, princess," exclaimed the wizard, "those of your advisors who wished to throw us into the garden of clinging vines must step within this circle of light. if they advised you well, and were in the right, they will not be injured in any way. but if any advised you wrongly, the light will wither him." the advisors of the princess did not like this test; but she commanded them to step into the flame and one by one they did so, and were scorched so badly that the air was soon filled with an odor like that of baked potatoes. some of the mangaboos fell down and had to be dragged from the fire, and all were so withered that it would be necessary to plant them at once. "sir," said the princess to the wizard, "you are greater than any sorcerer we have ever known. as it is evident that my people have advised me wrongly, i will not cast you three people into the dreadful garden of the clinging vines; but your animals must be driven into the black pit in the mountain, for my subjects cannot bear to have them around." the wizard was so pleased to have saved the two children and himself that he said nothing against this decree; but when the princess had gone both jim and eureka protested they did not want to go to the black pit, and dorothy promised she would do all that she could to save them from such a fate. for two or three days after this--if we call days the periods between sleep, there being no night to divide the hours into days--our friends were not disturbed in any way. they were even permitted to occupy the house of the sorcerer in peace, as if it had been their own, and to wander in the gardens in search of food. once they came near to the enclosed garden of the clinging vines, and walking high into the air looked down upon it with much interest. they saw a mass of tough green vines all matted together and writhing and twisting around like a nest of great snakes. everything the vines touched they crushed, and our adventurers were indeed thankful to have escaped being cast among them. whenever the wizard went to sleep he would take the nine tiny piglets from his pocket and let them run around on the floor of his room to amuse themselves and get some exercise; and one time they found his glass door ajar and wandered into the hall and then into the bottom part of the great dome, walking through the air as easily as eureka could. they knew the kitten, by this time, so they scampered over to where she lay beside jim and commenced to frisk and play with her. the cab-horse, who never slept long at a time, sat upon his haunches and watched the tiny piglets and the kitten with much approval. "don't be rough!" he would call out, if eureka knocked over one of the round, fat piglets with her paw; but the pigs never minded, and enjoyed the sport very greatly. suddenly they looked up to find the room filled with the silent, solemn-eyed mangaboos. each of the vegetable folks bore a branch covered with sharp thorns, which was thrust defiantly toward the horse, the kitten and the piglets. "here--stop this foolishness!" jim roared, angrily; but after being pricked once or twice he got upon his four legs and kept out of the way of the thorns. the mangaboos surrounded them in solid ranks, but left an opening to the doorway of the hall; so the animals slowly retreated until they were driven from the room and out upon the street. here were more of the vegetable people with thorns, and silently they urged the now frightened creatures down the street. jim had to be careful not to step upon the tiny piglets, who scampered under his feet grunting and squealing, while eureka, snarling and biting at the thorns pushed toward her, also tried to protect the pretty little things from injury. slowly but steadily the heartless mangaboos drove them on, until they had passed through the city and the gardens and come to the broad plains leading to the mountain. "what does all this mean, anyhow?" asked the horse, jumping to escape a thorn. "why, they are driving us toward the black pit, into which they threatened to cast us," replied the kitten. "if i were as big as you are, jim, i'd fight these miserable turnip-roots!" "what would you do?" enquired jim. "i'd kick out with those long legs and iron-shod hoofs." "all right," said the horse; "i'll do it." an instant later he suddenly backed toward the crowd of mangaboos and kicked out his hind legs as hard as he could. a dozen of them smashed together and tumbled to the ground, and seeing his success jim kicked again and again, charging into the vegetable crowd, knocking them in all directions and sending the others scattering to escape his iron heels. eureka helped him by flying into the faces of the enemy and scratching and biting furiously, and the kitten ruined so many vegetable complexions that the mangaboos feared her as much as they did the horse. but the foes were too many to be repulsed for long. they tired jim and eureka out, and although the field of battle was thickly covered with mashed and disabled mangaboos, our animal friends had to give up at last and allow themselves to be driven to the mountain. 7. into the black pit and out again when they came to the mountain it proved to be a rugged, towering chunk of deep green glass, and looked dismal and forbidding in the extreme. half way up the steep was a yawning cave, black as night beyond the point where the rainbow rays of the colored suns reached into it. the mangaboos drove the horse and the kitten and the piglets into this dark hole and then, having pushed the buggy in after them--for it seemed some of them had dragged it all the way from the domed hall--they began to pile big glass rocks within the entrance, so that the prisoners could not get out again. "this is dreadful!" groaned jim. "it will be about the end of our adventures, i guess." "if the wizard was here," said one of the piglets, sobbing bitterly, "he would not see us suffer so." "we ought to have called him and dorothy when we were first attacked," added eureka. "but never mind; be brave, my friends, and i will go and tell our masters where you are, and get them to come to your rescue." the mouth of the hole was nearly filled up now, but the kitten gave a leap through the remaining opening and at once scampered up into the air. the mangaboos saw her escape, and several of them caught up their thorns and gave chase, mounting through the air after her. eureka, however, was lighter than the mangaboos, and while they could mount only about a hundred feet above the earth the kitten found she could go nearly two hundred feet. so she ran along over their heads until she had left them far behind and below and had come to the city and the house of the sorcerer. there she entered in at dorothy's window in the dome and aroused her from her sleep. as soon as the little girl knew what had happened she awakened the wizard and zeb, and at once preparations were made to go to the rescue of jim and the piglets. the wizard carried his satchel, which was quite heavy, and zeb carried the two lanterns and the oil can. dorothy's wicker suit-case was still under the seat of the buggy, and by good fortune the boy had also placed the harness in the buggy when he had taken it off from jim to let the horse lie down and rest. so there was nothing for the girl to carry but the kitten, which she held close to her bosom and tried to comfort, for its little heart was still beating rapidly. some of the mangaboos discovered them as soon as they left the house of the sorcerer; but when they started toward the mountain the vegetable people allowed them to proceed without interference, yet followed in a crowd behind them so that they could not go back again. before long they neared the black pit, where a busy swarm of mangaboos, headed by their princess, was engaged in piling up glass rocks before the entrance. "stop, i command you!" cried the wizard, in an angry tone, and at once began pulling down the rocks to liberate jim and the piglets. instead of opposing him in this they stood back in silence until he had made a good-sized hole in the barrier, when by order of the princess they all sprang forward and thrust out their sharp thorns. dorothy hopped inside the opening to escape being pricked, and zeb and the wizard, after enduring a few stabs from the thorns, were glad to follow her. at once the mangaboos began piling up the rocks of glass again, and as the little man realized that they were all about to be entombed in the mountain he said to the children: "my dears, what shall we do? jump out and fight?" "what's the use?" replied dorothy. "i'd as soon die here as live much longer among these cruel and heartless people." "that's the way i feel about it," remarked zeb, rubbing his wounds. "i've had enough of the mangaboos." "all right," said the wizard; "i'm with you, whatever you decide. but we can't live long in this cavern, that's certain." noticing that the light was growing dim he picked up his nine piglets, patted each one lovingly on its fat little head, and placed them carefully in his inside pocket. zeb struck a match and lighted one of the lanterns. the rays of the colored suns were now shut out from them forever, for the last chinks had been filled up in the wall that separated their prison from the land of the mangaboos. "how big is this hole?" asked dorothy. "i'll explore it and see," replied the boy. so he carried the lantern back for quite a distance, while dorothy and the wizard followed at his side. the cavern did not come to an end, as they had expected it would, but slanted upward through the great glass mountain, running in a direction that promised to lead them to the side opposite the mangaboo country. "it isn't a bad road," observed the wizard, "and if we followed it it might lead us to some place that is more comfortable than this black pocket we are now in. i suppose the vegetable folk were always afraid to enter this cavern because it is dark; but we have our lanterns to light the way, so i propose that we start out and discover where this tunnel in the mountain leads to." the others agreed readily to this sensible suggestion, and at once the boy began to harness jim to the buggy. when all was in readiness the three took their seats in the buggy and jim started cautiously along the way, zeb driving while the wizard and dorothy each held a lighted lantern so the horse could see where to go. sometimes the tunnel was so narrow that the wheels of the buggy grazed the sides; then it would broaden out as wide as a street; but the floor was usually smooth, and for a long time they travelled on without any accident. jim stopped sometimes to rest, for the climb was rather steep and tiresome. "we must be nearly as high as the six colored suns, by this time," said dorothy. "i didn't know this mountain was so tall." "we are certainly a good distance away from the land of the mangaboos," added zeb; "for we have slanted away from it ever since we started." but they kept steadily moving, and just as jim was about tired out with his long journey the way suddenly grew lighter, and zeb put out the lanterns to save the oil. to their joy they found it was a white light that now greeted them, for all were weary of the colored rainbow lights which, after a time, had made their eyes ache with their constantly shifting rays. the sides of the tunnel showed before them like the inside of a long spy-glass, and the floor became more level. jim hastened his lagging steps at this assurance of a quick relief from the dark passage, and in a few moments more they had emerged from the mountain and found themselves face to face with a new and charming country. 8. the valley of voices by journeying through the glass mountain they had reached a delightful valley that was shaped like the hollow of a great cup, with another rugged mountain showing on the other side of it, and soft and pretty green hills at the ends. it was all laid out into lovely lawns and gardens, with pebble paths leading through them and groves of beautiful and stately trees dotting the landscape here and there. there were orchards, too, bearing luscious fruits that are all unknown in our world. alluring brooks of crystal water flowed sparkling between their flower-strewn banks, while scattered over the valley were dozens of the quaintest and most picturesque cottages our travelers had ever beheld. none of them were in clusters, such as villages or towns, but each had ample grounds of its own, with orchards and gardens surrounding it. as the new arrivals gazed upon this exquisite scene they were enraptured by its beauties and the fragrance that permeated the soft air, which they breathed so gratefully after the confined atmosphere of the tunnel. several minutes were consumed in silent admiration before they noticed two very singular and unusual facts about this valley. one was that it was lighted from some unseen source; for no sun or moon was in the arched blue sky, although every object was flooded with a clear and perfect light. the second and even more singular fact was the absence of any inhabitant of this splendid place. from their elevated position they could overlook the entire valley, but not a single moving object could they see. all appeared mysteriously deserted. the mountain on this side was not glass, but made of a stone similar to granite. with some difficulty and danger jim drew the buggy over the loose rocks until he reached the green lawns below, where the paths and orchards and gardens began. the nearest cottage was still some distance away. "isn't it fine?" cried dorothy, in a joyous voice, as she sprang out of the buggy and let eureka run frolicking over the velvety grass. "yes, indeed!" answered zeb. "we were lucky to get away from those dreadful vegetable people." "it wouldn't be so bad," remarked the wizard, gazing around him, "if we were obliged to live here always. we couldn't find a prettier place, i'm sure." he took the piglets from his pocket and let them run on the grass, and jim tasted a mouthful of the green blades and declared he was very contented in his new surroundings. "we can't walk in the air here, though," called eureka, who had tried it and failed; but the others were satisfied to walk on the ground, and the wizard said they must be nearer the surface of the earth then they had been in the mangaboo country, for everything was more homelike and natural. "but where are the people?" asked dorothy. the little man shook his bald head. "can't imagine, my dear," he replied. they heard the sudden twittering of a bird, but could not find the creature anywhere. slowly they walked along the path toward the nearest cottage, the piglets racing and gambolling beside them and jim pausing at every step for another mouthful of grass. presently they came to a low plant which had broad, spreading leaves, in the center of which grew a single fruit about as large as a peach. the fruit was so daintily colored and so fragrant, and looked so appetizing and delicious that dorothy stopped and exclaimed: "what is it, do you s'pose?" the piglets had smelled the fruit quickly, and before the girl could reach out her hand to pluck it every one of the nine tiny ones had rushed in and commenced to devour it with great eagerness. "it's good, anyway," said zeb, "or those little rascals wouldn't have gobbled it up so greedily." "where are they?" asked dorothy, in astonishment. they all looked around, but the piglets had disappeared. "dear me!" cried the wizard; "they must have run away. but i didn't see them go; did you?" "no!" replied the boy and the girl, together. "here,--piggy, piggy, piggy!" called their master, anxiously. several squeals and grunts were instantly heard at his feet, but the wizard could not discover a single piglet. "where are you?" he asked. "why, right beside you," spoke a tiny voice. "can't you see us?" "no," answered the little man, in a puzzled tone. "we can see you," said another of the piglets. the wizard stooped down and put out his hand, and at once felt the small fat body of one of his pets. he picked it up, but could not see what he held. "it is very strange," said he, soberly. "the piglets have become invisible, in some curious way." "i'll bet it's because they ate that peach!" cried the kitten. "it wasn't a peach, eureka," said dorothy. "i only hope it wasn't poison." "it was fine, dorothy," called one of the piglets. "we'll eat all we can find of them," said another. "but we mus'n't eat them," the wizard warned the children, "or we too may become invisible, and lose each other. if we come across another of the strange fruit we must avoid it." calling the piglets to him he picked them all up, one by one, and put them away in his pocket; for although he could not see them he could feel them, and when he had buttoned his coat he knew they were safe for the present. the travellers now resumed their walk toward the cottage, which they presently reached. it was a pretty place, with vines growing thickly over the broad front porch. the door stood open and a table was set in the front room, with four chairs drawn up to it. on the table were plates, knives and forks, and dishes of bread, meat and fruits. the meat was smoking hot and the knives and forks were performing strange antics and jumping here and there in quite a puzzling way. but not a single person appeared to be in the room. "how funny!" exclaimed dorothy, who with zeb and the wizard now stood in the doorway. a peal of merry laughter answered her, and the knives and forks fell to the plates with a clatter. one of the chairs pushed back from the table, and this was so astonishing and mysterious that dorothy was almost tempted to run away in fright. "here are strangers, mama!" cried the shrill and childish voice of some unseen person. "so i see, my dear," answered another voice, soft and womanly. "what do you want?" demanded a third voice, in a stern, gruff accent. "well, well!" said the wizard; "are there really people in this room?" "of course," replied the man's voice. "and--pardon me for the foolish question--but, are you all invisible?" "surely," the woman answered, repeating her low, rippling laughter. "are you surprised that you are unable to see the people of voe?" "why, yes," stammered the wizard. "all the people i have ever met before were very plain to see." "where do you come from, then?" asked the woman, in a curious tone. "we belong upon the face of the earth," explained the wizard, "but recently, during an earthquake, we fell down a crack and landed in the country of the mangaboos." "dreadful creatures!" exclaimed the woman's voice. "i've heard of them." "they walled us up in a mountain," continued the wizard; "but we found there was a tunnel through to this side, so we came here. it is a beautiful place. what do you call it?" "it is the valley of voe." "thank you. we have seen no people since we arrived, so we came to this house to enquire our way." "are you hungry?" asked the woman's voice. "i could eat something," said dorothy. "so could i," added zeb. "but we do not wish to intrude, i assure you," the wizard hastened to say. "that's all right," returned the man's voice, more pleasantly than before. "you are welcome to what we have." as he spoke the voice came so near to zeb that he jumped back in alarm. two childish voices laughed merrily at this action, and dorothy was sure they were in no danger among such light-hearted folks, even if those folks couldn't be seen. "what curious animal is that which is eating the grass on my lawn?" enquired the man's voice. "that's jim," said the girl. "he's a horse." "what is he good for?" was the next question. "he draws the buggy you see fastened to him, and we ride in the buggy instead of walking," she explained. "can he fight?" asked the man's voice. "no! he can kick pretty hard with his heels, and bite a little; but jim can't 'zactly fight," she replied. "then the bears will get him," said one of the children's voices. "bears!" exclaimed dorothy. "are these bears here?" "that is the one evil of our country," answered the invisible man. "many large and fierce bears roam in the valley of voe, and when they can catch any of us they eat us up; but as they cannot see us, we seldom get caught." "are the bears invis'ble, too?" asked the girl. "yes; for they eat of the dama-fruit, as we all do, and that keeps them from being seen by any eye, whether human or animal." "does the dama-fruit grow on a low bush, and look something like a peach?" asked the wizard. "yes," was the reply. "if it makes you invis'ble, why do you eat it?" dorothy enquired. "for two reasons, my dear," the woman's voice answered. "the dama-fruit is the most delicious thing that grows, and when it makes us invisible the bears cannot find us to eat us up. but now, good wanderers, your luncheon is on the table, so please sit down and eat as much as you like." 9. they fight the invisible bears the strangers took their seats at the table willingly enough, for they were all hungry and the platters were now heaped with good things to eat. in front of each place was a plate bearing one of the delicious dama-fruit, and the perfume that rose from these was so enticing and sweet that they were sorely tempted to eat of them and become invisible. but dorothy satisfied her hunger with other things, and her companions did likewise, resisting the temptation. "why do you not eat the damas?" asked the woman's voice. "we don't want to get invis'ble," answered the girl. "but if you remain visible the bears will see you and devour you," said a girlish young voice, that belonged to one of the children. "we who live here much prefer to be invisible; for we can still hug and kiss one another, and are quite safe from the bears." "and we do not have to be so particular about our dress," remarked the man. "and mama can't tell whether my face is dirty or not!" added the other childish voice, gleefully. "but i make you wash it, every time i think of it," said the mother; "for it stands to reason your face is dirty, ianu, whether i can see it or not." dorothy laughed and stretched out her hands. "come here, please--ianu and your sister--and let me feel of you," she requested. they came to her willingly, and dorothy passed her hands over their faces and forms and decided one was a girl of about her own age and the other a boy somewhat smaller. the girl's hair was soft and fluffy and her skin as smooth as satin. when dorothy gently touched her nose and ears and lips they seemed to be well and delicately formed. "if i could see you i am sure you would be beautiful," she declared. the girl laughed, and her mother said: "we are not vain in the valley of voe, because we can not display our beauty, and good actions and pleasant ways are what make us lovely to our companions. yet we can see and appreciate the beauties of nature, the dainty flowers and trees, the green fields and the clear blue of the sky." "how about the birds and beasts and fishes?" asked zeb. "the birds we cannot see, because they love to eat of the damas as much as we do; yet we hear their sweet songs and enjoy them. neither can we see the cruel bears, for they also eat the fruit. but the fishes that swim in our brooks we can see, and often we catch them to eat." "it occurs to me you have a great deal to make you happy, even while invisible," remarked the wizard. "nevertheless, we prefer to remain visible while we are in your valley." just then eureka came in, for she had been until now wandering outside with jim; and when the kitten saw the table set with food she cried out: "now you must feed me, dorothy, for i'm half starved." the children were inclined to be frightened by the sight of the small animal, which reminded them of the bears; but dorothy reassured them by explaining that eureka was a pet and could do no harm even if she wished to. then, as the others had by this time moved away from the table, the kitten sprang upon the chair and put her paws upon the cloth to see what there was to eat. to her surprise an unseen hand clutched her and held her suspended in the air. eureka was frantic with terror, and tried to scratch and bite, so the next moment she was dropped to the floor. "did you see that, dorothy?" she gasped. "yes, dear," her mistress replied; "there are people living in this house, although we cannot see them. and you must have better manners, eureka, or something worse will happen to you." she placed a plate of food upon the floor and the kitten ate greedily. "give me that nice-smelling fruit i saw on the table," she begged, when she had cleaned the plate. "those are damas," said dorothy, "and you must never even taste them, eureka, or you'll get invis'ble, and then we can't see you at all." the kitten gazed wistfully at the forbidden fruit. "does it hurt to be invis'ble?" she asked. "i don't know," dorothy answered; "but it would hurt me dre'fully to lose you." "very well, i won't touch it," decided the kitten; "but you must keep it away from me, for the smell is very tempting." "can you tell us, sir or ma'am," said the wizard, addressing the air because he did not quite know where the unseen people stood, "if there is any way we can get out of your beautiful valley, and on top of the earth again." "oh, one can leave the valley easily enough," answered the man's voice; "but to do so you must enter a far less pleasant country. as for reaching the top of the earth, i have never heard that it is possible to do that, and if you succeeded in getting there you would probably fall off." "oh, no," said dorothy, "we've been there, and we know." "the valley of voe is certainly a charming place," resumed the wizard; "but we cannot be contented in any other land than our own, for long. even if we should come to unpleasant places on our way it is necessary, in order to reach the earth's surface, to keep moving on toward it." "in that case," said the man, "it will be best for you to cross our valley and mount the spiral staircase inside the pyramid mountain. the top of that mountain is lost in the clouds, and when you reach it you will be in the awful land of naught, where the gargoyles live." "what are gargoyles?" asked zeb. "i do not know, young sir. our greatest champion, overman-anu, once climbed the spiral stairway and fought nine days with the gargoyles before he could escape them and come back; but he could never be induced to describe the dreadful creatures, and soon afterward a bear caught him and ate him up." the wanders were rather discouraged by this gloomy report, but dorothy said with a sigh: "if the only way to get home is to meet the gurgles, then we've got to meet 'em. they can't be worse than the wicked witch or the nome king." "but you must remember you had the scarecrow and the tin woodman to help you conquer those enemies," suggested the wizard. "just now, my dear, there is not a single warrior in your company." "oh, i guess zeb could fight if he had to. couldn't you, zeb?" asked the little girl. "perhaps; if i had to," answered zeb, doubtfully. "and you have the jointed sword that you chopped the veg'table sorcerer in two with," the girl said to the little man. "true," he replied; "and in my satchel are other useful things to fight with." "what the gargoyles most dread is a noise," said the man's voice. "our champion told me that when he shouted his battle-cry the creatures shuddered and drew back, hesitating to continue the combat. but they were in great numbers, and the champion could not shout much because he had to save his breath for fighting." "very good," said the wizard; "we can all yell better than we can fight, so we ought to defeat the gargoyles." "but tell me," said dorothy, "how did such a brave champion happen to let the bears eat him? and if he was invis'ble, and the bears invis'ble, who knows that they really ate him up?" "the champion had killed eleven bears in his time," returned the unseen man; "and we know this is true because when any creature is dead the invisible charm of the dama-fruit ceases to be active, and the slain one can be plainly seen by all eyes. when the champion killed a bear everyone could see it; and when the bears killed the champion we all saw several pieces of him scattered about, which of course disappeared again when the bears devoured them." they now bade farewell to the kind but unseen people of the cottage, and after the man had called their attention to a high, pyramid-shaped mountain on the opposite side of the valley, and told them how to travel in order to reach it, they again started upon their journey. they followed the course of a broad stream and passed several more pretty cottages; but of course they saw no one, nor did any one speak to them. fruits and flowers grew plentifully all about, and there were many of the delicious damas that the people of voe were so fond of. about noon they stopped to allow jim to rest in the shade of a pretty orchard, and while they plucked and ate some of the cherries and plums that grew there a soft voice suddenly said to them: "there are bears near by. be careful." the wizard got out his sword at once, and zeb grabbed the horse-whip. dorothy climbed into the buggy, although jim had been unharnessed from it and was grazing some distance away. the owner of the unseen voice laughed lightly and said: "you cannot escape the bears that way." "how can we 'scape?" asked dorothy, nervously, for an unseen danger is always the hardest to face. "you must take to the river," was the reply. "the bears will not venture upon the water." "but we would be drowned!" exclaimed the girl. "oh, there is no need of that," said the voice, which from its gentle tones seemed to belong to a young girl. "you are strangers in the valley of voe, and do not seem to know our ways; so i will try to save you." the next moment a broad-leaved plant was jerked from the ground where it grew and held suspended in the air before the wizard. "sir," said the voice, "you must rub these leaves upon the soles of all your feet, and then you will be able to walk upon the water without sinking below the surface. it is a secret the bears do not know, and we people of voe usually walk upon the water when we travel, and so escape our enemies." "thank you!" cried the wizard, joyfully, and at once rubbed a leaf upon the soles of dorothy's shoes and then upon his own. the girl took a leaf and rubbed it upon the kitten's paws, and the rest of the plant was handed to zeb, who, after applying it to his own feet, carefully rubbed it upon all four of jim's hoofs and then upon the tires of the buggy-wheels. he had nearly finished this last task when a low growling was suddenly heard and the horse began to jump around and kick viciously with his heels. "quick! to the water or you are lost!" cried their unseen friend, and without hesitation the wizard drew the buggy down the bank and out upon the broad river, for dorothy was still seated in it with eureka in her arms. they did not sink at all, owing to the virtues of the strange plant they had used, and when the buggy was in the middle of the stream the wizard returned to the bank to assist zeb and jim. the horse was plunging madly about, and two or three deep gashes appeared upon its flanks, from which the blood flowed freely. "run for the river!" shouted the wizard, and jim quickly freed himself from his unseen tormenters by a few vicious kicks and then obeyed. as soon as he trotted out upon the surface of the river he found himself safe from pursuit, and zeb was already running across the water toward dorothy. as the little wizard turned to follow them he felt a hot breath against his cheek and heard a low, fierce growl. at once he began stabbing at the air with his sword, and he knew that he had struck some substance because when he drew back the blade it was dripping with blood. the third time that he thrust out the weapon there was a loud roar and a fall, and suddenly at his feet appeared the form of a great red bear, which was nearly as big as the horse and much stronger and fiercer. the beast was quite dead from the sword thrusts, and after a glance at its terrible claws and sharp teeth the little man turned in a panic and rushed out upon the water, for other menacing growls told him more bears were near. on the river, however, the adventurers seemed to be perfectly safe. dorothy and the buggy had floated slowly down stream with the current of the water, and the others made haste to join her. the wizard opened his satchel and got out some sticking-plaster with which he mended the cuts jim had received from the claws of the bears. "i think we'd better stick to the river, after this," said dorothy. "if our unknown friend hadn't warned us, and told us what to do, we would all be dead by this time." "that is true," agreed the wizard, "and as the river seems to be flowing in the direction of the pyramid mountain it will be the easiest way for us to travel." zeb hitched jim to the buggy again, and the horse trotted along and drew them rapidly over the smooth water. the kitten was at first dreadfully afraid of getting wet, but dorothy let her down and soon eureka was frisking along beside the buggy without being scared a bit. once a little fish swam too near the surface, and the kitten grabbed it in her mouth and ate it up as quick as a wink; but dorothy cautioned her to be careful what she ate in this valley of enchantments, and no more fishes were careless enough to swim within reach. after a journey of several hours they came to a point where the river curved, and they found they must cross a mile or so of the valley before they came to the pyramid mountain. there were few houses in this part, and few orchards or flowers; so our friends feared they might encounter more of the savage bears, which they had learned to dread with all their hearts. "you'll have to make a dash, jim," said the wizard, "and run as fast as you can go." "all right," answered the horse; "i'll do my best. but you must remember i'm old, and my dashing days are past and gone." all three got into the buggy and zeb picked up the reins, though jim needed no guidance of any sort. the horse was still smarting from the sharp claws of the invisible bears, and as soon as he was on land and headed toward the mountain the thought that more of those fearsome creatures might be near acted as a spur and sent him galloping along in a way that made dorothy catch her breath. then zeb, in a spirit of mischief, uttered a growl like that of the bears, and jim pricked up his ears and fairly flew. his boney legs moved so fast they could scarcely be seen, and the wizard clung fast to the seat and yelled "whoa!" at the top of his voice. "i--i'm 'fraid he's--he's running away!" gasped dorothy. "i know he is," said zeb; "but no bear can catch him if he keeps up that gait--and the harness or the buggy don't break." jim did not make a mile a minute; but almost before they were aware of it he drew up at the foot of the mountain, so suddenly that the wizard and zeb both sailed over the dashboard and landed in the soft grass--where they rolled over several times before they stopped. dorothy nearly went with them, but she was holding fast to the iron rail of the seat, and that saved her. she squeezed the kitten, though, until it screeched; and then the old cab-horse made several curious sounds that led the little girl to suspect he was laughing at them all. 10. the braided man of pyramid mountain the mountain before them was shaped like a cone and was so tall that its point was lost in the clouds. directly facing the place where jim had stopped was an arched opening leading to a broad stairway. the stairs were cut in the rock inside the mountain, and they were broad and not very steep, because they circled around like a cork-screw, and at the arched opening where the flight began the circle was quite big. at the foot of the stairs was a sign reading: warning. these steps lead to the land of the gargoyles. danger! keep out. "i wonder how jim is ever going to draw the buggy up so many stairs," said dorothy, gravely. "no trouble at all," declared the horse, with a contemptuous neigh. "still, i don't care to drag any passengers. you'll all have to walk." "suppose the stairs get steeper?" suggested zeb, doubtfully. "then you'll have to boost the buggy-wheels, that's all," answered jim. "we'll try it, anyway," said the wizard. "it's the only way to get out of the valley of voe." so they began to ascend the stairs, dorothy and the wizard first, jim next, drawing the buggy, and then zeb to watch that nothing happened to the harness. the light was dim, and soon they mounted into total darkness, so that the wizard was obliged to get out his lanterns to light the way. but this enabled them to proceed steadily until they came to a landing where there was a rift in the side of the mountain that let in both light and air. looking through this opening they could see the valley of voe lying far below them, the cottages seeming like toy houses from that distance. after resting a few moments they resumed their climb, and still the stairs were broad and low enough for jim to draw the buggy easily after him. the old horse panted a little, and had to stop often to get his breath. at such times they were all glad to wait for him, for continually climbing up stairs is sure to make one's legs ache. they wound about, always going upward, for some time. the lights from the lanterns dimly showed the way, but it was a gloomy journey, and they were pleased when a broad streak of light ahead assured them they were coming to a second landing. here one side of the mountain had a great hole in it, like the mouth of a cavern, and the stairs stopped at the near edge of the floor and commenced ascending again at the opposite edge. the opening in the mountain was on the side opposite to the valley of voe, and our travellers looked out upon a strange scene. below them was a vast space, at the bottom of which was a black sea with rolling billows, through which little tongues of flame constantly shot up. just above them, and almost on a level with their platform, were banks of rolling clouds which constantly shifted position and changed color. the blues and greys were very beautiful, and dorothy noticed that on the cloud banks sat or reclined fleecy, shadowy forms of beautiful beings who must have been the cloud fairies. mortals who stand upon the earth and look up at the sky cannot often distinguish these forms, but our friends were now so near to the clouds that they observed the dainty fairies very clearly. "are they real?" asked zeb, in an awed voice. "of course," replied dorothy, softly. "they are the cloud fairies." "they seem like open-work," remarked the boy, gazing intently. "if i should squeeze one, there wouldn't be anything left of it." in the open space between the clouds and the black, bubbling sea far beneath, could be seen an occasional strange bird winging its way swiftly through the air. these birds were of enormous size, and reminded zeb of the rocs he had read about in the arabian nights. they had fierce eyes and sharp talons and beaks, and the children hoped none of them would venture into the cavern. "well, i declare!" suddenly exclaimed the little wizard. "what in the world is this?" they turned around and found a man standing on the floor in the center of the cave, who bowed very politely when he saw he had attracted their attention. he was a very old man, bent nearly double; but the queerest thing about him was his white hair and beard. these were so long that they reached to his feet, and both the hair and the beard were carefully plaited into many braids, and the end of each braid fastened with a bow of colored ribbon. "where did you come from?" asked dorothy, wonderingly. "no place at all," answered the man with the braids; "that is, not recently. once i lived on top the earth, but for many years i have had my factory in this spot--half way up pyramid mountain." "are we only half way up?" enquired the boy, in a discouraged tone. "i believe so, my lad," replied the braided man. "but as i have never been in either direction, down or up, since i arrived, i cannot be positive whether it is exactly half way or not." "have you a factory in this place?" asked the wizard, who had been examining the strange personage carefully. "to be sure," said the other. "i am a great inventor, you must know, and i manufacture my products in this lonely spot." "what are your products?" enquired the wizard. "well, i make assorted flutters for flags and bunting, and a superior grade of rustles for ladies' silk gowns." "i thought so," said the wizard, with a sigh. "may we examine some of these articles?" "yes, indeed; come into my shop, please," and the braided man turned and led the way into a smaller cave, where he evidently lived. here, on a broad shelf, were several card-board boxes of various sizes, each tied with cotton cord. "this," said the man, taking up a box and handling it gently, "contains twelve dozen rustles--enough to last any lady a year. will you buy it, my dear?" he asked, addressing dorothy. "my gown isn't silk," she said, smiling. "never mind. when you open the box the rustles will escape, whether you are wearing a silk dress or not," said the man, seriously. then he picked up another box. "in this," he continued, "are many assorted flutters. they are invaluable to make flags flutter on a still day, when there is no wind. you, sir," turning to the wizard, "ought to have this assortment. once you have tried my goods i am sure you will never be without them." "i have no money with me," said the wizard, evasively. "i do not want money," returned the braided man, "for i could not spend it in this deserted place if i had it. but i would like very much a blue hair-ribbon. you will notice my braids are tied with yellow, pink, brown, red, green, white and black; but i have no blue ribbons." "i'll get you one!" cried dorothy, who was sorry for the poor man; so she ran back to the buggy and took from her suit-case a pretty blue ribbon. it did her good to see how the braided man's eyes sparkled when he received this treasure. "you have made me very, very happy, my dear!" he exclaimed; and then he insisted on the wizard taking the box of flutters and the little girl accepting the box of rustles. "you may need them, some time," he said, "and there is really no use in my manufacturing these things unless somebody uses them." "why did you leave the surface of the earth?" enquired the wizard. "i could not help it. it is a sad story, but if you will try to restrain your tears i will tell you about it. on earth i was a manufacturer of imported holes for american swiss cheese, and i will acknowledge that i supplied a superior article, which was in great demand. also i made pores for porous plasters and high-grade holes for doughnuts and buttons. finally i invented a new adjustable post-hole, which i thought would make my fortune. i manufactured a large quantity of these post-holes, and having no room in which to store them i set them all end to end and put the top one in the ground. that made an extraordinary long hole, as you may imagine, and reached far down into the earth; and, as i leaned over it to try to see to the bottom, i lost my balance and tumbled in. unfortunately, the hole led directly into the vast space you see outside this mountain; but i managed to catch a point of rock that projected from this cavern, and so saved myself from tumbling headlong into the black waves beneath, where the tongues of flame that dart out would certainly have consumed me. here, then, i made my home; and although it is a lonely place i amuse myself making rustles and flutters, and so get along very nicely." when the braided man had completed this strange tale dorothy nearly laughed, because it was all so absurd; but the wizard tapped his forehead significantly, to indicate that he thought the poor man was crazy. so they politely bade him good day, and went back to the outer cavern to resume their journey. 11. they meet the wooden gargoyles another breathless climb brought our adventurers to a third landing where there was a rift in the mountain. on peering out all they could see was rolling banks of clouds, so thick that they obscured all else. but the travellers were obliged to rest, and while they were sitting on the rocky floor the wizard felt in his pocket and brought out the nine tiny piglets. to his delight they were now plainly visible, which proved that they had passed beyond the influence of the magical valley of voe. "why, we can see each other again!" cried one, joyfully. "yes," sighed eureka; "and i also can see you again, and the sight makes me dreadfully hungry. please, mr. wizard, may i eat just one of the fat little piglets? you'd never miss one of them, i'm sure!" "what a horrid, savage beast!" exclaimed a piglet; "and after we've been such good friends, too, and played with one another!" "when i'm not hungry, i love to play with you all," said the kitten, demurely; "but when my stomach is empty it seems that nothing would fill it so nicely as a fat piglet." "and we trusted you so!" said another of the nine, reproachfully. "and thought you were respectable!" said another. "it seems we were mistaken," declared a third, looking at the kitten timorously, "no one with such murderous desires should belong to our party, i'm sure." "you see, eureka," remarked dorothy, reprovingly, "you are making yourself disliked. there are certain things proper for a kitten to eat; but i never heard of a kitten eating a pig, under any cir'stances." "did you ever see such little pigs before?" asked the kitten. "they are no bigger than mice, and i'm sure mice are proper for me to eat." "it isn't the bigness, dear; its the variety," replied the girl. "these are mr. wizard's pets, just as you are my pet, and it wouldn't be any more proper for you to eat them than it would be for jim to eat you." "and that's just what i shall do if you don't let those little balls of pork alone," said jim, glaring at the kitten with his round, big eyes. "if you injure any one of them i'll chew you up instantly." the kitten looked at the horse thoughtfully, as if trying to decide whether he meant it or not. "in that case," she said, "i'll leave them alone. you haven't many teeth left, jim, but the few you have are sharp enough to make me shudder. so the piglets will be perfectly safe, hereafter, as far as i am concerned." "that is right, eureka," remarked the wizard, earnestly. "let us all be a happy family and love one another." eureka yawned and stretched herself. "i've always loved the piglets," she said; "but they don't love me." "no one can love a person he's afraid of," asserted dorothy. "if you behave, and don't scare the little pigs, i'm sure they'll grow very fond of you." the wizard now put the nine tiny ones back into his pocket and the journey was resumed. "we must be pretty near the top, now," said the boy, as they climbed wearily up the dark, winding stairway. "the country of the gurgles can't be far from the top of the earth," remarked dorothy. "it isn't very nice down here. i'd like to get home again, i'm sure." no one replied to this, because they found they needed all their breath for the climb. the stairs had become narrower and zeb and the wizard often had to help jim pull the buggy from one step to another, or keep it from jamming against the rocky walls. at last, however, a dim light appeared ahead of them, which grew clearer and stronger as they advanced. "thank goodness we're nearly there!" panted the little wizard. jim, who was in advance, saw the last stair before him and stuck his head above the rocky sides of the stairway. then he halted, ducked down and began to back up, so that he nearly fell with the buggy onto the others. "let's go down again!" he said, in his hoarse voice. "nonsense!" snapped the tired wizard. "what's the matter with you, old man?" "everything," grumbled the horse. "i've taken a look at this place, and it's no fit country for real creatures to go to. everything's dead, up there--no flesh or blood or growing thing anywhere." "never mind; we can't turn back," said dorothy; "and we don't intend to stay there, anyhow." "it's dangerous," growled jim, in a stubborn tone. "see here, my good steed," broke in the wizard, "little dorothy and i have been in many queer countries in our travels, and always escaped without harm. we've even been to the marvelous land of oz--haven't we, dorothy?--so we don't much care what the country of the gargoyles is like. go ahead, jim, and whatever happens we'll make the best of it." "all right," answered the horse; "this is your excursion, and not mine; so if you get into trouble don't blame me." with this speech he bent forward and dragged the buggy up the remaining steps. the others followed and soon they were all standing upon a broad platform and gazing at the most curious and startling sight their eyes had ever beheld. "the country of the gargoyles is all wooden!" exclaimed zeb; and so it was. the ground was sawdust and the pebbles scattered around were hard knots from trees, worn smooth in course of time. there were odd wooden houses, with carved wooden flowers in the front yards. the tree-trunks were of coarse wood, but the leaves of the trees were shavings. the patches of grass were splinters of wood, and where neither grass nor sawdust showed was a solid wooden flooring. wooden birds fluttered among the trees and wooden cows were browsing upon the wooden grass; but the most amazing things of all were the wooden people--the creatures known as gargoyles. these were very numerous, for the place was thickly inhabited, and a large group of the queer people clustered near, gazing sharply upon the strangers who had emerged from the long spiral stairway. the gargoyles were very small of stature, being less than three feet in height. their bodies were round, their legs short and thick and their arms extraordinarily long and stout. their heads were too big for their bodies and their faces were decidedly ugly to look upon. some had long, curved noses and chins, small eyes and wide, grinning mouths. others had flat noses, protruding eyes, and ears that were shaped like those of an elephant. there were many types, indeed, scarcely two being alike; but all were equally disagreeable in appearance. the tops of their heads had no hair, but were carved into a variety of fantastic shapes, some having a row of points or balls around the top, others designs resembling flowers or vegetables, and still others having squares that looked like waffles cut criss-cross on their heads. they all wore short wooden wings which were fastened to their wooden bodies by means of wooden hinges with wooden screws, and with these wings they flew swiftly and noiselessly here and there, their legs being of little use to them. this noiseless motion was one of the most peculiar things about the gargoyles. they made no sounds at all, either in flying or trying to speak, and they conversed mainly by means of quick signals made with their wooden fingers or lips. neither was there any sound to be heard anywhere throughout the wooden country. the birds did not sing, nor did the cows moo; yet there was more than ordinary activity everywhere. the group of these queer creatures which was discovered clustered near the stairs at first remained staring and motionless, glaring with evil eyes at the intruders who had so suddenly appeared in their land. in turn the wizard and the children, the horse and the kitten, examined the gargoyles with the same silent attention. "there's going to be trouble, i'm sure," remarked the horse. "unhitch those tugs, zeb, and set me free from the buggy, so i can fight comfortably." "jim's right," sighed the wizard. "there's going to be trouble, and my sword isn't stout enough to cut up those wooden bodies--so i shall have to get out my revolvers." he got his satchel from the buggy and, opening it, took out two deadly looking revolvers that made the children shrink back in alarm just to look at. "what harm can the gurgles do?" asked dorothy. "they have no weapons to hurt us with." "each of their arms is a wooden club," answered the little man, "and i'm sure the creatures mean mischief, by the looks of their eyes. even these revolvers can merely succeed in damaging a few of their wooden bodies, and after that we will be at their mercy." "but why fight at all, in that case?" asked the girl. "so i may die with a clear conscience," returned the wizard, gravely. "it's every man's duty to do the best he knows how; and i'm going to do it." "wish i had an axe," said zeb, who by now had unhitched the horse. "if we had known we were coming we might have brought along several other useful things," responded the wizard. "but we dropped into this adventure rather unexpectedly." the gargoyles had backed away a distance when they heard the sound of talking, for although our friends had spoken in low tones their words seemed loud in the silence surrounding them. but as soon as the conversation ceased, the grinning, ugly creatures arose in a flock and flew swiftly toward the strangers, their long arms stretched out before them like the bowsprits of a fleet of sail-boats. the horse had especially attracted their notice, because it was the biggest and strangest creature they had ever seen; so it became the center of their first attack. but jim was ready for them, and when he saw them coming he turned his heels toward them and began kicking out as hard as he could. crack! crash! bang! went his iron-shod hoofs against the wooden bodies of the gargoyles, and they were battered right and left with such force that they scattered like straws in the wind. but the noise and clatter seemed as dreadful to them as jim's heels, for all who were able swiftly turned and flew away to a great distance. the others picked themselves up from the ground one by one and quickly rejoined their fellows, so for a moment the horse thought he had won the fight with ease. but the wizard was not so confident. "those wooden things are impossible to hurt," he said, "and all the damage jim has done to them is to knock a few splinters from their noses and ears. that cannot make them look any uglier, i'm sure, and it is my opinion they will soon renew the attack." "what made them fly away?" asked dorothy. "the noise, of course. don't you remember how the champion escaped them by shouting his battle-cry?" "suppose we escape down the stairs, too," suggested the boy. "we have time, just now, and i'd rather face the invis'ble bears than those wooden imps." "no," returned dorothy, stoutly, "it won't do to go back, for then we would never get home. let's fight it out." "that is what i advise," said the wizard. "they haven't defeated us yet, and jim is worth a whole army." but the gargoyles were clever enough not to attack the horse the next time. they advanced in a great swarm, having been joined by many more of their kind, and they flew straight over jim's head to where the others were standing. the wizard raised one of his revolvers and fired into the throng of his enemies, and the shot resounded like a clap of thunder in that silent place. some of the wooden beings fell flat upon the ground, where they quivered and trembled in every limb; but most of them managed to wheel and escape again to a distance. zeb ran and picked up one of the gargoyles that lay nearest to him. the top of its head was carved into a crown and the wizard's bullet had struck it exactly in the left eye, which was a hard wooden knot. half of the bullet stuck in the wood and half stuck out, so it had been the jar and the sudden noise that had knocked the creature down, more than the fact that it was really hurt. before this crowned gargoyle had recovered himself zeb had wound a strap several times around its body, confining its wings and arms so that it could not move. then, having tied the wooden creature securely, the boy buckled the strap and tossed his prisoner into the buggy. by that time the others had all retired. 12. a wonderful escape for a while the enemy hesitated to renew the attack. then a few of them advanced until another shot from the wizard's revolver made them retreat. "that's fine," said zeb. "we've got 'em on the run now, sure enough." "but only for a time," replied the wizard, shaking his head gloomily. "these revolvers are good for six shots each, but when those are gone we shall be helpless." the gargoyles seemed to realize this, for they sent a few of their band time after time to attack the strangers and draw the fire from the little man's revolvers. in this way none of them was shocked by the dreadful report more than once, for the main band kept far away and each time a new company was sent into the battle. when the wizard had fired all of his twelve bullets he had caused no damage to the enemy except to stun a few by the noise, and so be as no nearer to victory than in the beginning of the fray. "what shall we do now?" asked dorothy, anxiously. "let's yell--all together," said zeb. "and fight at the same time," added the wizard. "we will get near jim, so that he can help us, and each one must take some weapon and do the best he can. i'll use my sword, although it isn't much account in this affair. dorothy must take her parasol and open it suddenly when the wooden folks attack her. i haven't anything for you, zeb." "i'll use the king," said the boy, and pulled his prisoner out of the buggy. the bound gargoyle's arms extended far out beyond its head, so by grasping its wrists zeb found the king made a very good club. the boy was strong for one of his years, having always worked upon a farm; so he was likely to prove more dangerous to the enemy than the wizard. when the next company of gargoyles advanced, our adventurers began yelling as if they had gone mad. even the kitten gave a dreadfully shrill scream and at the same time jim the cab-horse neighed loudly. this daunted the enemy for a time, but the defenders were soon out of breath. perceiving this, as well as the fact that there were no more of the awful "bangs" to come from the revolvers, the gargoyles advanced in a swarm as thick as bees, so that the air was filled with them. dorothy squatted upon the ground and put up her parasol, which nearly covered her and proved a great protection. the wizard's sword-blade snapped into a dozen pieces at the first blow he struck against the wooden people. zeb pounded away with the gargoyle he was using as a club until he had knocked down dozens of foes; but at the last they clustered so thickly about him that he no longer had room in which to swing his arms. the horse performed some wonderful kicking and even eureka assisted when she leaped bodily upon the gargoyles and scratched and bit at them like a wild-cat. but all this bravery amounted to nothing at all. the wooden things wound their long arms around zeb and the wizard and held them fast. dorothy was captured in the same way, and numbers of the gargoyles clung to jim's legs, so weighting him down that the poor beast was helpless. eureka made a desperate dash to escape and scampered along the ground like a streak; but a grinning gargoyle flew after her and grabbed her before she had gone very far. all of them expected nothing less than instant death; but to their surprise the wooden creatures flew into the air with them and bore them far away, over miles and miles of wooden country, until they came to a wooden city. the houses of this city had many corners, being square and six-sided and eight-sided. they were tower-like in shape and the best of them seemed old and weather-worn; yet all were strong and substantial. to one of these houses which had neither doors nor windows, but only one broad opening far up underneath the roof, the prisoners were brought by their captors. the gargoyles roughly pushed them into the opening, where there was a platform, and then flew away and left them. as they had no wings the strangers could not fly away, and if they jumped down from such a height they would surely be killed. the creatures had sense enough to reason that way, and the only mistake they made was in supposing the earth people were unable to overcome such ordinary difficulties. jim was brought with the others, although it took a good many gargoyles to carry the big beast through the air and land him on the high platform, and the buggy was thrust in after him because it belonged to the party and the wooden folks had no idea what it was used for or whether it was alive or not. when eureka's captor had thrown the kitten after the others the last gargoyle silently disappeared, leaving our friends to breathe freely once more. "what an awful fight!" said dorothy, catching her breath in little gasps. "oh, i don't know," purred eureka, smoothing her ruffled fur with her paw; "we didn't manage to hurt anybody, and nobody managed to hurt us." "thank goodness we are together again, even if we are prisoners," sighed the little girl. "i wonder why they didn't kill us on the spot," remarked zeb, who had lost his king in the struggle. "they are probably keeping us for some ceremony," the wizard answered, reflectively; "but there is no doubt they intend to kill us as dead as possible in a short time." "as dead as poss'ble would be pretty dead, wouldn't it?" asked dorothy. "yes, my dear. but we have no need to worry about that just now. let us examine our prison and see what it is like." the space underneath the roof, where they stood, permitted them to see on all sides of the tall building, and they looked with much curiosity at the city spread out beneath them. everything visible was made of wood, and the scene seemed stiff and extremely unnatural. from their platform a stair descended into the house, and the children and the wizard explored it after lighting a lantern to show them the way. several stories of empty rooms rewarded their search, but nothing more; so after a time they came back to the platform again. had there been any doors or windows in the lower rooms, or had not the boards of the house been so thick and stout, escape could have been easy; but to remain down below was like being in a cellar or the hold of a ship, and they did not like the darkness or the damp smell. in this country, as in all others they had visited underneath the earth's surface, there was no night, a constant and strong light coming from some unknown source. looking out, they could see into some of the houses near them, where there were open windows in abundance, and were able to mark the forms of the wooden gargoyles moving about in their dwellings. "this seems to be their time of rest," observed the wizard. "all people need rest, even if they are made of wood, and as there is no night here they select a certain time of the day in which to sleep or doze." "i feel sleepy myself," remarked zeb, yawning. "why, where's eureka?" cried dorothy, suddenly. they all looked around, but the kitten was no place to be seen. "she's gone out for a walk," said jim, gruffly. "where? on the roof?" asked the girl. "no; she just dug her claws into the wood and climbed down the sides of this house to the ground." "she couldn't climb down, jim," said dorothy. "to climb means to go up." "who said so?" demanded the horse. "my school-teacher said so; and she knows a lot, jim." "to 'climb down' is sometimes used as a figure of speech," remarked the wizard. "well, this was a figure of a cat," said jim, "and she went down, anyhow, whether she climbed or crept." "dear me! how careless eureka is," exclaimed the girl, much distressed. "the gurgles will get her, sure!" "ha, ha!" chuckled the old cab-horse; "they're not 'gurgles,' little maid; they're gargoyles." "never mind; they'll get eureka, whatever they're called." "no they won't," said the voice of the kitten, and eureka herself crawled over the edge of the platform and sat down quietly upon the floor. "wherever have you been, eureka?" asked dorothy, sternly. "watching the wooden folks. they're too funny for anything, dorothy. just now they are all going to bed, and--what do you think?--they unhook the hinges of their wings and put them in a corner until they wake up again." "what, the hinges?" "no; the wings." "that," said zeb, "explains why this house is used by them for a prison. if any of the gargoyles act badly, and have to be put in jail, they are brought here and their wings unhooked and taken away from them until they promise to be good." the wizard had listened intently to what eureka had said. "i wish we had some of those loose wings," he said. "could we fly with them?" asked dorothy. "i think so. if the gargoyles can unhook the wings then the power to fly lies in the wings themselves, and not in the wooden bodies of the people who wear them. so, if we had the wings, we could probably fly as well as they do--as least while we are in their country and under the spell of its magic." "but how would it help us to be able to fly?" questioned the girl. "come here," said the little man, and took her to one of the corners of the building. "do you see that big rock standing on the hillside yonder?" he continued, pointing with his finger. "yes; it's a good way off, but i can see it," she replied. "well, inside that rock, which reaches up into the clouds, is an archway very much like the one we entered when we climbed the spiral stairway from the valley of voe. i'll get my spy-glass, and then you can see it more plainly." he fetched a small but powerful telescope, which had been in his satchel, and by its aid the little girl clearly saw the opening. "where does it lead to?" she asked. "that i cannot tell," said the wizard; "but we cannot now be far below the earth's surface, and that entrance may lead to another stairway that will bring us on top of our world again, where we belong. so, if we had the wings, and could escape the gargoyles, we might fly to that rock and be saved." "i'll get you the wings," said zeb, who had thoughtfully listened to all this. "that is, if the kitten will show me where they are." "but how can you get down?" enquired the girl, wonderingly. for answer zeb began to unfasten jim's harness, strap by strap, and to buckle one piece to another until he had made a long leather strip that would reach to the ground. "i can climb down that, all right," he said. "no you can't," remarked jim, with a twinkle in his round eyes. "you may go down, but you can only climb up." "well, i'll climb up when i get back, then," said the boy, with a laugh. "now, eureka, you'll have to show me the way to those wings." "you must be very quiet," warned the kitten; "for if you make the least noise the gargoyles will wake up. they can hear a pin drop." "i'm not going to drop a pin," said zeb. he had fastened one end of the strap to a wheel of the buggy, and now he let the line dangle over the side of the house. "be careful," cautioned dorothy, earnestly. "i will," said the boy, and let himself slide over the edge. the girl and the wizard leaned over and watched zeb work his way carefully downward, hand over hand, until he stood upon the ground below. eureka clung with her claws to the wooden side of the house and let herself down easily. then together they crept away to enter the low doorway of a neighboring dwelling. the watchers waited in breathless suspense until the boy again appeared, his arms now full of the wooden wings. when he came to where the strap was hanging he tied the wings all in a bunch to the end of the line, and the wizard drew them up. then the line was let down again for zeb to climb up by. eureka quickly followed him, and soon they were all standing together upon the platform, with eight of the much prized wooden wings beside them. the boy was no longer sleepy, but full of energy and excitement. he put the harness together again and hitched jim to the buggy. then, with the wizard's help, he tried to fasten some of the wings to the old cab-horse. this was no easy task, because half of each one of the hinges of the wings was missing, it being still fastened to the body of the gargoyle who had used it. however, the wizard went once more to his satchel--which seemed to contain a surprising variety of odds and ends--and brought out a spool of strong wire, by means of which they managed to fasten four of the wings to jim's harness, two near his head and two near his tail. they were a bit wiggley, but secure enough if only the harness held together. the other four wings were then fastened to the buggy, two on each side, for the buggy must bear the weight of the children and the wizard as it flew through the air. these preparations had not consumed a great deal of time, but the sleeping gargoyles were beginning to wake up and move around, and soon some of them would be hunting for their missing wings. so the prisoners resolved to leave their prison at once. they mounted into the buggy, dorothy holding eureka safe in her lap. the girl sat in the middle of the seat, with zeb and the wizard on each side of her. when all was ready the boy shook the reins and said: "fly away, jim!" "which wings must i flop first?" asked the cab-horse, undecidedly. "flop them all together," suggested the wizard. "some of them are crooked," objected the horse. "never mind; we will steer with the wings on the buggy," said zeb. "just you light out and make for that rock, jim; and don't waste any time about it, either." so the horse gave a groan, flopped its four wings all together, and flew away from the platform. dorothy was a little anxious about the success of their trip, for the way jim arched his long neck and spread out his bony legs as he fluttered and floundered through the air was enough to make anybody nervous. he groaned, too, as if frightened, and the wings creaked dreadfully because the wizard had forgotten to oil them; but they kept fairly good time with the wings of the buggy, so that they made excellent progress from the start. the only thing that anyone could complain of with justice was the fact that they wobbled first up and then down, as if the road were rocky instead of being as smooth as the air could make it. the main point, however, was that they flew, and flew swiftly, if a bit unevenly, toward the rock for which they had headed. some of the gargoyles saw them, presently, and lost no time in collecting a band to pursue the escaping prisoners; so that when dorothy happened to look back she saw them coming in a great cloud that almost darkened the sky. 13. the den of the dragonettes our friends had a good start and were able to maintain it, for with their eight wings they could go just as fast as could the gargoyles. all the way to the great rock the wooden people followed them, and when jim finally alighted at the mouth of the cavern the pursuers were still some distance away. "but, i'm afraid they'll catch us yet," said dorothy, greatly excited. "no; we must stop them," declared the wizard. "quick zeb, help me pull off these wooden wings!" they tore off the wings, for which they had no further use, and the wizard piled them in a heap just outside the entrance to the cavern. then he poured over them all the kerosene oil that was left in his oil-can, and lighting a match set fire to the pile. the flames leaped up at once and the bonfire began to smoke and roar and crackle just as the great army of wooden gargoyles arrived. the creatures drew back at once, being filled with fear and horror; for such as dreadful thing as a fire they had never before known in all the history of their wooden land. inside the archway were several doors, leading to different rooms built into the mountain, and zeb and the wizard lifted these wooden doors from their hinges and tossed them all on the flames. "that will prove a barrier for some time to come," said the little man, smiling pleasantly all over his wrinkled face at the success of their stratagem. "perhaps the flames will set fire to all that miserable wooden country, and if it does the loss will be very small and the gargoyles never will be missed. but come, my children; let us explore the mountain and discover which way we must go in order to escape from this cavern, which is getting to be almost as hot as a bake-oven." to their disappointment there was within this mountain no regular flight of steps by means of which they could mount to the earth's surface. a sort of inclined tunnel led upward for a way, and they found the floor of it both rough and steep. then a sudden turn brought them to a narrow gallery where the buggy could not pass. this delayed and bothered them for a while, because they did not wish to leave the buggy behind them. it carried their baggage and was useful to ride in wherever there were good roads, and since it had accompanied them so far in their travels they felt it their duty to preserve it. so zeb and the wizard set to work and took off the wheels and the top, and then they put the buggy edgewise, so it would take up the smallest space. in this position they managed, with the aid of the patient cab-horse, to drag the vehicle through the narrow part of the passage. it was not a great distance, fortunately, and when the path grew broader they put the buggy together again and proceeded more comfortably. but the road was nothing more than a series of rifts or cracks in the mountain, and it went zig-zag in every direction, slanting first up and then down until they were puzzled as to whether they were any nearer to the top of the earth than when they had started, hours before. "anyhow," said dorothy, "we've 'scaped those awful gurgles, and that's one comfort!" "probably the gargoyles are still busy trying to put out the fire," returned the wizard. "but even if they succeeded in doing that it would be very difficult for them to fly amongst these rocks; so i am sure we need fear them no longer." once in a while they would come to a deep crack in the floor, which made the way quite dangerous; but there was still enough oil in the lanterns to give them light, and the cracks were not so wide but that they were able to jump over them. sometimes they had to climb over heaps of loose rock, where jim could scarcely drag the buggy. at such times dorothy, zeb and the wizard all pushed behind, and lifted the wheels over the roughest places; so they managed, by dint of hard work, to keep going. but the little party was both weary and discouraged when at last, on turning a sharp corner, the wanderers found themselves in a vast cave arching high over their heads and having a smooth, level floor. the cave was circular in shape, and all around its edge, near to the ground, appeared groups of dull yellow lights, two of them being always side by side. these were motionless at first, but soon began to flicker more brightly and to sway slowly from side to side and then up and down. "what sort of place is this?" asked the boy, trying to see more clearly through the gloom. "i cannot imagine, i'm sure," answered the wizard, also peering about. "woogh!" snarled eureka, arching her back until her hair stood straight on end; "it's den of alligators, or crocodiles, or some other dreadful creatures! don't you see their terrible eyes?" "eureka sees better in the dark than we can," whispered dorothy. "tell us, dear, what do the creatures look like?" she asked, addressing her pet. "i simply can't describe 'em," answered the kitten, shuddering. "their eyes are like pie-plates and their mouths like coal-scuttles. but their bodies don't seem very big." "where are they?" enquired the girl. "they are in little pockets all around the edge of this cavern. oh, dorothy--you can't imagine what horrid things they are! they're uglier than the gargoyles." "tut-tut! be careful how you criticise your neighbors," spoke a rasping voice near by. "as a matter of fact you are rather ugly-looking creatures yourselves, and i'm sure mother has often told us we were the loveliest and prettiest things in all the world." hearing these words our friends turned in the direction of the sound, and the wizard held his lanterns so that their light would flood one of the little pockets in the rock. "why, it's a dragon!" he exclaimed. "no," answered the owner of the big yellow eyes which were blinking at them so steadily; "you are wrong about that. we hope to grow to be dragons some day, but just now we're only dragonettes." "what's that?" asked dorothy, gazing fearfully at the great scaley head, the yawning mouth and the big eyes. "young dragons, of course; but we are not allowed to call ourselves real dragons until we get our full growth," was the reply. "the big dragons are very proud, and don't think children amount to much; but mother says that some day we will all be very powerful and important." "where is your mother?" asked the wizard, anxiously looking around. "she has gone up to the top of the earth to hunt for our dinner. if she has good luck she will bring us an elephant, or a brace of rhinoceri, or perhaps a few dozen people to stay our hunger." "oh; are you hungry?" enquired dorothy, drawing back. "very," said the dragonette, snapping its jaws. "and--and--do you eat people?" "to be sure, when we can get them. but they've been very scarce for a few years and we usually have to be content with elephants or buffaloes," answered the creature, in a regretful tone. "how old are you?" enquired zeb, who stared at the yellow eyes as if fascinated. "quite young, i grieve to say; and all of my brothers and sisters that you see here are practically my own age. if i remember rightly, we were sixty-six years old the day before yesterday." "but that isn't young!" cried dorothy, in amazement. "no?" drawled the dragonette; "it seems to me very babyish." "how old is your mother?" asked the girl. "mother's about two thousand years old; but she carelessly lost track of her age a few centuries ago and skipped several hundreds. she's a little fussy, you know, and afraid of growing old, being a widow and still in her prime." "i should think she would be," agreed dorothy. then, after a moment's thought, she asked: "are we friends or enemies? i mean, will you be good to us, or do you intend to eat us?" "as for that, we dragonettes would love to eat you, my child; but unfortunately mother has tied all our tails around the rocks at the back of our individual caves, so that we can not crawl out to get you. if you choose to come nearer we will make a mouthful of you in a wink; but unless you do you will remain quite safe." there was a regretful accent in the creature's voice, and at the words all the other dragonettes sighed dismally. dorothy felt relieved. presently she asked: "why did your mother tie your tails?" "oh, she is sometimes gone for several weeks on her hunting trips, and if we were not tied we would crawl all over the mountain and fight with each other and get into a lot of mischief. mother usually knows what she is about, but she made a mistake this time; for you are sure to escape us unless you come too near, and you probably won't do that." "no, indeed!" said the little girl. "we don't wish to be eaten by such awful beasts." "permit me to say," returned the dragonette, "that you are rather impolite to call us names, knowing that we cannot resent your insults. we consider ourselves very beautiful in appearance, for mother has told us so, and she knows. and we are of an excellent family and have a pedigree that i challenge any humans to equal, as it extends back about twenty thousand years, to the time of the famous green dragon of atlantis, who lived in a time when humans had not yet been created. can you match that pedigree, little girl?" "well," said dorothy, "i was born on a farm in kansas, and i guess that's being just as 'spectable and haughty as living in a cave with your tail tied to a rock. if it isn't i'll have to stand it, that's all." "tastes differ," murmured the dragonette, slowly drooping its scaley eyelids over its yellow eyes, until they looked like half-moons. being reassured by the fact that the creatures could not crawl out of their rock-pockets, the children and the wizard now took time to examine them more closely. the heads of the dragonettes were as big as barrels and covered with hard, greenish scales that glittered brightly under the light of the lanterns. their front legs, which grew just back of their heads, were also strong and big; but their bodies were smaller around than their heads, and dwindled away in a long line until their tails were slim as a shoe-string. dorothy thought, if it had taken them sixty-six years to grow to this size, that it would be fully a hundred years more before they could hope to call themselves dragons, and that seemed like a good while to wait to grow up. "it occurs to me," said the wizard, "that we ought to get out of this place before the mother dragon comes back." "don't hurry," called one of the dragonettes; "mother will be glad to meet you, i'm sure." "you may be right," replied the wizard, "but we're a little particular about associating with strangers. will you kindly tell us which way your mother went to get on top the earth?" "that is not a fair question to ask us," declared another dragonette. "for, if we told you truly, you might escape us altogether; and if we told you an untruth we would be naughty and deserve to be punished." "then," decided dorothy, "we must find our way out the best we can." they circled all around the cavern, keeping a good distance away from the blinking yellow eyes of the dragonettes, and presently discovered that there were two paths leading from the wall opposite to the place where they had entered. they selected one of these at a venture and hurried along it as fast as they could go, for they had no idea when the mother dragon would be back and were very anxious not to make her acquaintance. 14. ozma uses the magic belt for a considerable distance the way led straight upward in a gentle incline, and the wanderers made such good progress that they grew hopeful and eager, thinking they might see sunshine at any minute. but at length they came unexpectedly upon a huge rock that shut off the passage and blocked them from proceeding a single step farther. this rock was separate from the rest of the mountain and was in motion, turning slowly around and around as if upon a pivot. when first they came to it there was a solid wall before them; but presently it revolved until there was exposed a wide, smooth path across it to the other side. this appeared so unexpectedly that they were unprepared to take advantage of it at first, and allowed the rocky wall to swing around again before they had decided to pass over. but they knew now that there was a means of escape and so waited patiently until the path appeared for the second time. the children and the wizard rushed across the moving rock and sprang into the passage beyond, landing safely though a little out of breath. jim the cab-horse came last, and the rocky wall almost caught him; for just as he leaped to the floor of the further passage the wall swung across it and a loose stone that the buggy wheels knocked against fell into the narrow crack where the rock turned, and became wedged there. they heard a crunching, grinding sound, a loud snap, and the turn-table came to a stop with its broadest surface shutting off the path from which they had come. "never mind," said zeb, "we don't want to get back, anyhow." "i'm not so sure of that," returned dorothy. "the mother dragon may come down and catch us here." "it is possible," agreed the wizard, "if this proves to be the path she usually takes. but i have been examining this tunnel, and i do not see any signs of so large a beast having passed through it." "then we're all right," said the girl, "for if the dragon went the other way she can't poss'bly get to us now." "of course not, my dear. but there is another thing to consider. the mother dragon probably knows the road to the earth's surface, and if she went the other way then we have come the wrong way," said the wizard, thoughtfully. "dear me!" cried dorothy. "that would be unlucky, wouldn't it?" "very. unless this passage also leads to the top of the earth," said zeb. "for my part, if we manage to get out of here i'll be glad it isn't the way the dragon goes." "so will i," returned dorothy. "it's enough to have your pedigree flung in your face by those saucy dragonettes. no one knows what the mother might do." they now moved on again, creeping slowly up another steep incline. the lanterns were beginning to grow dim, and the wizard poured the remaining oil from one into the other, so that the one light would last longer. but their journey was almost over, for in a short time they reached a small cave from which there was no further outlet. they did not realize their ill fortune at first, for their hearts were gladdened by the sight of a ray of sunshine coming through a small crack in the roof of the cave, far overhead. that meant that their world--the real world--was not very far away, and that the succession of perilous adventures they had encountered had at last brought them near the earth's surface, which meant home to them. but when the adventurers looked more carefully around them they discovered that there were in a strong prison from which there was no hope of escape. "but we're almost on earth again," cried dorothy, "for there is the sun--the most beau'ful sun that shines!" and she pointed eagerly at the crack in the distant roof. "almost on earth isn't being there," said the kitten, in a discontented tone. "it wouldn't be possible for even me to get up to that crack--or through it if i got there." "it appears that the path ends here," announced the wizard, gloomily. "and there is no way to go back," added zeb, with a low whistle of perplexity. "i was sure it would come to this, in the end," remarked the old cab-horse. "folks don't fall into the middle of the earth and then get back again to tell of their adventures--not in real life. and the whole thing has been unnatural because that cat and i are both able to talk your language, and to understand the words you say." "and so can the nine tiny piglets," added eureka. "don't forget them, for i may have to eat them, after all." "i've heard animals talk before," said dorothy, "and no harm came of it." "were you ever before shut up in a cave, far under the earth, with no way of getting out?" enquired the horse, seriously. "no," answered dorothy. "but don't you lose heart, jim, for i'm sure this isn't the end of our story, by any means." the reference to the piglets reminded the wizard that his pets had not enjoyed much exercise lately, and must be tired of their prison in his pocket. so he sat down upon the floor of the cave, brought the piglets out one by one, and allowed them to run around as much as they pleased. "my dears," he said to them, "i'm afraid i've got you into a lot of trouble, and that you will never again be able to leave this gloomy cave." "what's wrong?" asked a piglet. "we've been in the dark quite a while, and you may as well explain what has happened." the wizard told them of the misfortune that had overtaken the wanderers. "well," said another piglet, "you are a wizard, are you not?" "i am," replied the little man. "then you can do a few wizzes and get us out of this hole," declared the tiny one, with much confidence. "i could if i happened to be a real wizard," returned the master sadly. "but i'm not, my piggy-wees; i'm a humbug wizard." "nonsense!" cried several of the piglets, together. "you can ask dorothy," said the little man, in an injured tone. "it's true enough," returned the girl, earnestly. "our friend oz is merely a humbug wizard, for he once proved it to me. he can do several very wonderful things--if he knows how. but he can't wiz a single thing if he hasn't the tools and machinery to work with." "thank you, my dear, for doing me justice," responded the wizard, gratefully. "to be accused of being a real wizard, when i'm not, is a slander i will not tamely submit to. but i am one of the greatest humbug wizards that ever lived, and you will realize this when we have all starved together and our bones are scattered over the floor of this lonely cave." "i don't believe we'll realize anything, when it comes to that," remarked dorothy, who had been deep in thought. "but i'm not going to scatter my bones just yet, because i need them, and you prob'ly need yours, too." "we are helpless to escape," sighed the wizard. "we may be helpless," answered dorothy, smiling at him, "but there are others who can do more than we can. cheer up, friends. i'm sure ozma will help us." "ozma!" exclaimed the wizard. "who is ozma?" "the girl that rules the marvelous land of oz," was the reply. "she's a friend of mine, for i met her in the land of ev, not long ago, and went to oz with her." "for the second time?" asked the wizard, with great interest. "yes. the first time i went to oz i found you there, ruling the emerald city. after you went up in a balloon, and escaped us, i got back to kansas by means of a pair of magical silver shoes." "i remember those shoes," said the little man, nodding. "they once belonged to the wicked witch. have you them here with you?" "no; i lost them somewhere in the air," explained the child. "but the second time i went to the land of oz i owned the nome king's magic belt, which is much more powerful than were the silver shoes." "where is that magic belt?" enquired the wizard, who had listened with great interest. "ozma has it; for its powers won't work in a common, ordinary country like the united states. anyone in a fairy country like the land of oz can do anything with it; so i left it with my friend the princess ozma, who used it to wish me in australia with uncle henry." "and were you?" asked zeb, astonished at what he heard. "of course; in just a jiffy. and ozma has an enchanted picture hanging in her room that shows her the exact scene where any of her friends may be, at any time she chooses. all she has to do is to say: 'i wonder what so-and-so is doing,' and at once the picture shows where her friend is and what the friend is doing. that's real magic, mr. wizard; isn't it? well, every day at four o'clock ozma has promised to look at me in that picture, and if i am in need of help i am to make her a certain sign and she will put on the nome king's magic belt and wish me to be with her in oz." "do you mean that princess ozma will see this cave in her enchanted picture, and see all of us here, and what we are doing?" demanded zeb. "of course; when it is four o'clock," she replied, with a laugh at his startled expression. "and when you make a sign she will bring you to her in the land of oz?" continued the boy. "that's it, exactly; by means of the magic belt." "then," said the wizard, "you will be saved, little dorothy; and i am very glad of it. the rest of us will die much more cheerfully when we know you have escaped our sad fate." "i won't die cheerfully!" protested the kitten. "there's nothing cheerful about dying that i could ever see, although they say a cat has nine lives, and so must die nine times." "have you ever died yet?" enquired the boy. "no, and i'm not anxious to begin," said eureka. "don't worry, dear," dorothy exclaimed, "i'll hold you in my arms, and take you with me." "take us, too!" cried the nine tiny piglets, all in one breath. "perhaps i can," answered dorothy. "i'll try." "couldn't you manage to hold me in your arms?" asked the cab-horse. dorothy laughed. "i'll do better than that," she promised, "for i can easily save you all, once i am myself in the land of oz." "how?" they asked. "by using the magic belt. all i need do is to wish you with me, and there you'll be--safe in the royal palace!" "good!" cried zeb. "i built that palace, and the emerald city, too," remarked the wizard, in a thoughtful tone, "and i'd like to see them again, for i was very happy among the munchkins and winkies and quadlings and gillikins." "who are they?" asked the boy. "the four nations that inhabit the land of oz," was the reply. "i wonder if they would treat me nicely if i went there again." "of course they would!" declared dorothy. "they are still proud of their former wizard, and often speak of you kindly." "do you happen to know whatever became of the tin woodman and the scarecrow?" he enquired. "they live in oz yet," said the girl, "and are very important people." "and the cowardly lion?" "oh, he lives there too, with his friend the hungry tiger; and billina is there, because she liked the place better than kansas, and wouldn't go with me to australia." "i'm afraid i don't know the hungry tiger and billina," said the wizard, shaking his head. "is billina a girl?" "no; she's a yellow hen, and a great friend of mine. you're sure to like billina, when you know her," asserted dorothy. "your friends sound like a menagerie," remarked zeb, uneasily. "couldn't you wish me in some safer place than oz." "don't worry," replied the girl. "you'll just love the folks in oz, when you get acquainted. what time is it, mr. wizard?" the little man looked at his watch--a big silver one that he carried in his vest pocket. "half-past three," he said. "then we must wait for half an hour," she continued; "but it won't take long, after that, to carry us all to the emerald city." they sat silently thinking for a time. then jim suddenly asked: "are there any horses in oz?" "only one," replied dorothy, "and he's a sawhorse." "a what?" "a sawhorse. princess ozma once brought him to life with a witch-powder, when she was a boy." "was ozma once a boy?" asked zeb, wonderingly. "yes; a wicked witch enchanted her, so she could not rule her kingdom. but she's a girl now, and the sweetest, loveliest girl in all the world." "a sawhorse is a thing they saw boards on," remarked jim, with a sniff. "it is when it's not alive," acknowledged the girl. "but this sawhorse can trot as fast as you can, jim; and he's very wise, too." "pah! i'll race the miserable wooden donkey any day in the week!" cried the cab-horse. dorothy did not reply to that. she felt that jim would know more about the saw-horse later on. the time dragged wearily enough to the eager watchers, but finally the wizard announced that four o'clock had arrived, and dorothy caught up the kitten and began to make the signal that had been agreed upon to the far-away invisible ozma. "nothing seems to happen," said zeb, doubtfully. "oh, we must give ozma time to put on the magic belt," replied the girl. she had scarcely spoken the words then she suddenly disappeared from the cave, and with her went the kitten. there had been no sound of any kind and no warning. one moment dorothy sat beside them with the kitten in her lap, and a moment later the horse, the piglets, the wizard and the boy were all that remained in the underground prison. "i believe we will soon follow her," announced the wizard, in a tone of great relief; "for i know something about the magic of the fairyland that is called the land of oz. let us be ready, for we may be sent for any minute." he put the piglets safely away in his pocket again and then he and zeb got into the buggy and sat expectantly upon the seat. "will it hurt?" asked the boy, in a voice that trembled a little. "not at all," replied the wizard. "it will all happen as quick as a wink." and that was the way it did happen. the cab-horse gave a nervous start and zeb began to rub his eyes to make sure he was not asleep. for they were in the streets of a beautiful emerald-green city, bathed in a grateful green light that was especially pleasing to their eyes, and surrounded by merry faced people in gorgeous green-and-gold costumes of many extraordinary designs. before them were the jewel-studded gates of a magnificent palace, and now the gates opened slowly as if inviting them to enter the courtyard, where splendid flowers were blooming and pretty fountains shot their silvery sprays into the air. zeb shook the reins to rouse the cab-horse from his stupor of amazement, for the people were beginning to gather around and stare at the strangers. "gid-dap!" cried the boy, and at the word jim slowly trotted into the courtyard and drew the buggy along the jewelled driveway to the great entrance of the royal palace. 15. old friends are reunited many servants dressed in handsome uniforms stood ready to welcome the new arrivals, and when the wizard got out of the buggy a pretty girl in a green gown cried out in surprise: "why, it's oz, the wonderful wizard, come back again!" the little man looked at her closely and then took both the maiden's hands in his and shook them cordially. "on my word," he exclaimed, "it's little jellia jamb--as pert and pretty as ever!" "why not, mr. wizard?" asked jellia, bowing low. "but i'm afraid you cannot rule the emerald city, as you used to, because we now have a beautiful princess whom everyone loves dearly." "and the people will not willingly part with her," added a tall soldier in a captain-general's uniform. the wizard turned to look at him. "did you not wear green whiskers at one time?" he asked. "yes," said the soldier; "but i shaved them off long ago, and since then i have risen from a private to be the chief general of the royal armies." "that's nice," said the little man. "but i assure you, my good people, that i do not wish to rule the emerald city," he added, earnestly. "in that case you are very welcome!" cried all the servants, and it pleased the wizard to note the respect with which the royal retainers bowed before him. his fame had not been forgotten in the land of oz, by any means. "where is dorothy?" enquired zeb, anxiously, as he left the buggy and stood beside his friend the little wizard. "she is with the princess ozma, in the private rooms of the palace," replied jellia jamb. "but she has ordered me to make you welcome and to show you to your apartments." the boy looked around him with wondering eyes. such magnificence and wealth as was displayed in this palace was more than he had ever dreamed of, and he could scarcely believe that all the gorgeous glitter was real and not tinsel. "what's to become of me?" asked the horse, uneasily. he had seen considerable of life in the cities in his younger days, and knew that this regal palace was no place for him. it perplexed even jellia jamb, for a time, to know what to do with the animal. the green maiden was much astonished at the sight of so unusual a creature, for horses were unknown in this land; but those who lived in the emerald city were apt to be astonished by queer sights, so after inspecting the cab-horse and noting the mild look in his big eyes the girl decided not to be afraid of him. "there are no stables here," said the wizard, "unless some have been built since i went away." "we have never needed them before," answered jellia; "for the sawhorse lives in a room of the palace, being much smaller and more natural in appearance than this great beast you have brought with you." "do you mean that i'm a freak?" asked jim, angrily. "oh, no," she hastened to say, "there may be many more like you in the place you came from, but in oz any horse but a sawhorse is unusual." this mollified jim a little, and after some thought the green maiden decided to give the cab-horse a room in the palace, such a big building having many rooms that were seldom in use. so zeb unharnessed jim, and several of the servants then led the horse around to the rear, where they selected a nice large apartment that he could have all to himself. then jellia said to the wizard: "your own room--which was back of the great throne room--has been vacant ever since you left us. would you like it again?" "yes, indeed!" returned the little man. "it will seem like being at home again, for i lived in that room for many, many years." he knew the way to it, and a servant followed him, carrying his satchel. zeb was also escorted to a room--so grand and beautiful that he almost feared to sit in the chairs or lie upon the bed, lest he might dim their splendor. in the closets he discovered many fancy costumes of rich velvets and brocades, and one of the attendants told him to dress himself in any of the clothes that pleased him and to be prepared to dine with the princess and dorothy in an hour's time. opening from the chamber was a fine bathroom having a marble tub with perfumed water; so the boy, still dazed by the novelty of his surroundings, indulged in a good bath and then selected a maroon velvet costume with silver buttons to replace his own soiled and much worn clothing. there were silk stockings and soft leather slippers with diamond buckles to accompany his new costume, and when he was fully dressed zeb looked much more dignified and imposing than ever before in his life. he was all ready when an attendant came to escort him to the presence of the princess; he followed bashfully and was ushered into a room more dainty and attractive than it was splendid. here he found dorothy seated beside a young girl so marvelously beautiful that the boy stopped suddenly with a gasp of admiration. but dorothy sprang up and ran to seize her friend's hand drawing him impulsively toward the lovely princess, who smiled most graciously upon her guest. then the wizard entered, and his presence relieved the boy's embarrassment. the little man was clothed in black velvet, with many sparkling emerald ornaments decorating his breast; but his bald head and wrinkled features made him appear more amusing than impressive. ozma had been quite curious to meet the famous man who had built the emerald city and united the munchkins, gillikins, quadlings and winkies into one people; so when they were all four seated at the dinner table the princess said: "please tell me, mr. wizard, whether you called yourself oz after this great country, or whether you believe my country is called oz after you. it is a matter that i have long wished to enquire about, because you are of a strange race and my own name is ozma. no, one, i am sure, is better able to explain this mystery than you." "that is true," answered the little wizard; "therefore it will give me pleasure to explain my connection with your country. in the first place, i must tell you that i was born in omaha, and my father, who was a politician, named me oscar zoroaster phadrig isaac norman henkle emmannuel ambroise diggs, diggs being the last name because he could think of no more to go before it. taken altogether, it was a dreadfully long name to weigh down a poor innocent child, and one of the hardest lessons i ever learned was to remember my own name. when i grew up i just called myself o. z., because the other initials were p-i-n-h-e-a-d; and that spelled 'pinhead,' which was a reflection on my intelligence." "surely no one could blame you for cutting your name short," said ozma, sympathetically. "but didn't you cut it almost too short?" "perhaps so," replied the wizard. "when a young man i ran away from home and joined a circus. i used to call myself a wizard, and do tricks of ventriloquism." "what does that mean?" asked the princess. "throwing my voice into any object i pleased, to make it appear that the object was speaking instead of me. also i began to make balloon ascensions. on my balloon and on all the other articles i used in the circus i painted the two initials: 'o. z.', to show that those things belonged to me. "one day my balloon ran away with me and brought me across the deserts to this beautiful country. when the people saw me come from the sky they naturally thought me some superior creature, and bowed down before me. i told them i was a wizard, and showed them some easy tricks that amazed them; and when they saw the initials painted on the balloon they called me oz." "now i begin to understand," said the princess, smiling. "at that time," continued the wizard, busily eating his soup while talking, "there were four separate countries in this land, each one of the four being ruled by a witch. but the people thought my power was greater than that of the witches; and perhaps the witches thought so too, for they never dared oppose me. i ordered the emerald city to be built just where the four countries cornered together, and when it was completed i announced myself the ruler of the land of oz, which included all the four countries of the munchkins, the gillikins, the winkies and the quadlings. over this land i ruled in peace for many years, until i grew old and longed to see my native city once again. so when dorothy was first blown to this place by a cyclone i arranged to go away with her in a balloon; but the balloon escaped too soon and carried me back alone. after many adventures i reached omaha, only to find that all my old friends were dead or had moved away. so, having nothing else to do, i joined a circus again, and made my balloon ascensions until the earthquake caught me." "that is quite a history," said ozma; "but there is a little more history about the land of oz that you do not seem to understand--perhaps for the reason that no one ever told it you. many years before you came here this land was united under one ruler, as it is now, and the ruler's name was always 'oz,' which means in our language 'great and good'; or, if the ruler happened to be a woman, her name was always 'ozma.' but once upon a time four witches leagued together to depose the king and rule the four parts of the kingdom themselves; so when the ruler, my grandfather, was hunting one day, one wicked witch named mombi stole him and carried him away, keeping him a close prisoner. then the witches divided up the kingdom, and ruled the four parts of it until you came here. that was why the people were so glad to see you, and why they thought from your initials that you were their rightful ruler." "but, at that time," said the wizard, thoughtfully, "there were two good witches and two wicked witches ruling in the land." "yes," replied ozma, "because a good witch had conquered mombi in the north and glinda the good had conquered the evil witch in the south. but mombi was still my grandfather's jailor, and afterward my father's jailor. when i was born she transformed me into a boy, hoping that no one would ever recognize me and know that i was the rightful princess of the land of oz. but i escaped from her and am now the ruler of my people." "i am very glad of that," said the wizard, "and hope you will consider me one of your most faithful and devoted subjects." "we owe a great deal to the wonderful wizard," continued the princess, "for it was you who built this splendid emerald city." "your people built it," he answered. "i only bossed the job, as we say in omaha." "but you ruled it wisely and well for many years," said she, "and made the people proud of your magical art. so, as you are now too old to wander abroad and work in a circus, i offer you a home here as long as you live. you shall be the official wizard of my kingdom, and be treated with every respect and consideration." "i accept your kind offer with gratitude, gracious princess," the little man said, in a soft voice, and they could all see that tear-drops were standing in his keen old eyes. it meant a good deal to him to secure a home like this. "he's only a humbug wizard, though," said dorothy, smiling at him. "and that is the safest kind of a wizard to have," replied ozma, promptly. "oz can do some good tricks, humbug or no humbug," announced zeb, who was now feeling more at ease. "he shall amuse us with his tricks tomorrow," said the princess. "i have sent messengers to summon all of dorothy's old friends to meet her and give her welcome, and they ought to arrive very soon, now." indeed, the dinner was no sooner finished than in rushed the scarecrow, to hug dorothy in his padded arms and tell her how glad he was to see her again. the wizard was also most heartily welcomed by the straw man, who was an important personage in the land of oz. "how are your brains?" enquired the little humbug, as he grasped the soft, stuffed hands of his old friend. "working finely," answered the scarecrow. "i'm very certain, oz, that you gave me the best brains in the world, for i can think with them day and night, when all other brains are fast asleep." "how long did you rule the emerald city, after i left here?" was the next question. "quite awhile, until i was conquered by a girl named general jinjur. but ozma soon conquered her, with the help of glinda the good, and after that i went to live with nick chopper, the tin woodman." just then a loud cackling was heard outside; and, when a servant threw open the door with a low bow, a yellow hen strutted in. dorothy sprang forward and caught the fluffy fowl in her arms, uttering at the same time a glad cry. "oh, billina!" she said; "how fat and sleek you've grown." "why shouldn't i?" asked the hen, in a sharp, clear voice. "i live on the fat of the land--don't i, ozma?" "you have everything you wish for," said the princess. around billina's neck was a string of beautiful pearls, and on her legs were bracelets of emeralds. she nestled herself comfortably in dorothy's lap until the kitten gave a snarl of jealous anger and leaped up with a sharp claw fiercely bared to strike billina a blow. but the little girl gave the angry kitten such a severe cuff that it jumped down again without daring to scratch. "how horrid of you, eureka!" cried dorothy. "is that the way to treat my friends?" "you have queer friends, seems to me," replied the kitten, in a surly tone. "seems to me the same way," said billina, scornfully, "if that beastly cat is one of them." "look here!" said dorothy, sternly. "i won't have any quarrelling in the land of oz, i can tell you! everybody lives in peace here, and loves everybody else; and unless you two, billina and eureka, make up and be friends, i'll take my magic belt and wish you both home again, immejitly. so, there!" they were both much frightened at the threat, and promised meekly to be good. but it was never noticed that they became very warm friends, for all of that. and now the tin woodman arrived, his body most beautifully nickle-plated, so that it shone splendidly in the brilliant light of the room. the tin woodman loved dorothy most tenderly, and welcomed with joy the return of the little old wizard. "sir," said he to the latter, "i never can thank you enough for the excellent heart you once gave me. it has made me many friends, i assure you, and it beats as kindly and lovingly today as it every did." "i'm glad to hear that," said the wizard. "i was afraid it would get moldy in that tin body of yours." "not at all," returned nick chopper. "it keeps finely, being preserved in my air-tight chest." zeb was a little shy when first introduced to these queer people; but they were so friendly and sincere that he soon grew to admire them very much, even finding some good qualities in the yellow hen. but he became nervous again when the next visitor was announced. "this," said princess ozma, "is my friend mr. h. m. woggle-bug, t. e., who assisted me one time when i was in great distress, and is now the dean of the royal college of athletic science." "ah," said the wizard; "i'm pleased to meet so distinguished a personage." "h. m.," said the woggle-bug, pompously, "means highly magnified; and t. e. means thoroughly educated. i am, in reality, a very big bug, and doubtless the most intelligent being in all this broad domain." "how well you disguise it," said the wizard. "but i don't doubt your word in the least." "nobody doubts it, sir," replied the woggle-bug, and drawing a book from its pocket the strange insect turned its back on the company and sat down in a corner to read. nobody minded this rudeness, which might have seemed more impolite in one less thoroughly educated; so they straightway forgot him and joined in a merry conversation that kept them well amused until bed-time arrived. 16. jim, the cab-horse jim the cab-horse found himself in possession of a large room with a green marble floor and carved marble wainscoting, which was so stately in its appearance that it would have awed anyone else. jim accepted it as a mere detail, and at his command the attendants gave his coat a good rubbing, combed his mane and tail, and washed his hoofs and fetlocks. then they told him dinner would be served directly and he replied that they could not serve it too quickly to suit his convenience. first they brought him a steaming bowl of soup, which the horse eyed in dismay. "take that stuff away!" he commanded. "do you take me for a salamander?" they obeyed at once, and next served a fine large turbot on a silver platter, with drawn gravy poured over it. "fish!" cried jim, with a sniff. "do you take me for a tom-cat? away with it!" the servants were a little discouraged, but soon they brought in a great tray containing two dozen nicely roasted quail on toast. "well, well!" said the horse, now thoroughly provoked. "do you take me for a weasel? how stupid and ignorant you are, in the land of oz, and what dreadful things you feed upon! is there nothing that is decent to eat in this palace?" the trembling servants sent for the royal steward, who came in haste and said: "what would your highness like for dinner?" "highness!" repeated jim, who was unused to such titles. "you are at least six feet high, and that is higher than any other animal in this country," said the steward. "well, my highness would like some oats," declared the horse. "oats? we have no whole oats," the steward replied, with much deference. "but there is any quantity of oatmeal, which we often cook for breakfast. oatmeal is a breakfast dish," added the steward, humbly. "i'll make it a dinner dish," said jim. "fetch it on, but don't cook it, as you value your life." you see, the respect shown the worn-out old cab-horse made him a little arrogant, and he forgot he was a guest, never having been treated otherwise than as a servant since the day he was born, until his arrival in the land of oz. but the royal attendants did not heed the animal's ill temper. they soon mixed a tub of oatmeal with a little water, and jim ate it with much relish. then the servants heaped a lot of rugs upon the floor and the old horse slept on the softest bed he had ever known in his life. in the morning, as soon as it was daylight, he resolved to take a walk and try to find some grass for breakfast; so he ambled calmly through the handsome arch of the doorway, turned the corner of the palace, wherein all seemed asleep, and came face to face with the sawhorse. jim stopped abruptly, being startled and amazed. the sawhorse stopped at the same time and stared at the other with its queer protruding eyes, which were mere knots in the log that formed its body. the legs of the sawhorse were four sticks driving into holes bored in the log; its tail was a small branch that had been left by accident and its mouth a place chopped in one end of the body which projected a little and served as a head. the ends of the wooden legs were shod with plates of solid gold, and the saddle of the princess ozma, which was of red leather set with sparkling diamonds, was strapped to the clumsy body. jim's eyes stuck out as much as those of the sawhorse, and he stared at the creature with his ears erect and his long head drawn back until it rested against his arched neck. in this comical position the two horses circled slowly around each other for a while, each being unable to realize what the singular thing might be which it now beheld for the first time. then jim exclaimed: "for goodness sake, what sort of a being are you?" "i'm a sawhorse," replied the other. "oh; i believe i've heard of you," said the cab-horse; "but you are unlike anything that i expected to see." "i do not doubt it," the sawhorse observed, with a tone of pride. "i am considered quite unusual." "you are, indeed. but a rickety wooden thing like you has no right to be alive." "i couldn't help it," returned the other, rather crestfallen. "ozma sprinkled me with a magic powder, and i just had to live. i know i'm not much account; but i'm the only horse in all the land of oz, so they treat me with great respect." "you, a horse!" "oh, not a real one, of course. there are no real horses here at all. but i'm a splendid imitation of one." jim gave an indignant neigh. "look at me!" he cried. "behold a real horse!" the wooden animal gave a start, and then examined the other intently. "is it possible that you are a real horse?" he murmured. "not only possible, but true," replied jim, who was gratified by the impression he had created. "it is proved by my fine points. for example, look at the long hairs on my tail, with which i can whisk away the flies." "the flies never trouble me," said the saw-horse. "and notice my great strong teeth, with which i nibble the grass." "it is not necessary for me to eat," observed the sawhorse. "also examine my broad chest, which enables me to draw deep, full breaths," said jim, proudly. "i have no need to breathe," returned the other. "no; you miss many pleasures," remarked the cab-horse, pityingly. "you do not know the relief of brushing away a fly that has bitten you, nor the delight of eating delicious food, nor the satisfaction of drawing a long breath of fresh, pure air. you may be an imitation of a horse, but you're a mighty poor one." "oh, i cannot hope ever to be like you," sighed the sawhorse. "but i am glad to meet a last a real horse. you are certainly the most beautiful creature i ever beheld." this praise won jim completely. to be called beautiful was a novelty in his experience. said he: "your chief fault, my friend, is in being made of wood, and that i suppose you cannot help. real horses, like myself, are made of flesh and blood and bones." "i can see the bones all right," replied the sawhorse, "and they are admirable and distinct. also i can see the flesh. but the blood, i suppose is tucked away inside." "exactly," said jim. "what good is it?" asked the sawhorse. jim did not know, but he would not tell the sawhorse that. "if anything cuts me," he replied, "the blood runs out to show where i am cut. you, poor thing! cannot even bleed when you are hurt." "but i am never hurt," said the sawhorse. "once in a while i get broken up some, but i am easily repaired and put in good order again. and i never feel a break or a splinter in the least." jim was almost tempted to envy the wooden horse for being unable to feel pain; but the creature was so absurdly unnatural that he decided he would not change places with it under any circumstances. "how did you happen to be shod with gold?" he asked. "princess ozma did that," was the reply; "and it saves my legs from wearing out. we've had a good many adventures together, ozma and i, and she likes me." the cab-horse was about to reply when suddenly he gave a start and a neigh of terror and stood trembling like a leaf. for around the corner had come two enormous savage beasts, treading so lightly that they were upon him before he was aware of their presence. jim was in the act of plunging down the path to escape when the sawhorse cried out: "stop, my brother! stop, real horse! these are friends, and will do you no harm." jim hesitated, eyeing the beasts fearfully. one was an enormous lion with clear, intelligent eyes, a tawney mane bushy and well kept, and a body like yellow plush. the other was a great tiger with purple stripes around his lithe body, powerful limbs, and eyes that showed through the half closed lids like coals of fire. the huge forms of these monarchs of the forest and jungle were enough to strike terror to the stoutest heart, and it is no wonder jim was afraid to face them. but the sawhorse introduced the stranger in a calm tone, saying: "this, noble horse, is my friend the cowardly lion, who is the valiant king of the forest, but at the same time a faithful vassal of princess ozma. and this is the hungry tiger, the terror of the jungle, who longs to devour fat babies but is prevented by his conscience from doing so. these royal beasts are both warm friends of little dorothy and have come to the emerald city this morning to welcome her to our fairyland." hearing these words jim resolved to conquer his alarm. he bowed his head with as much dignity as he could muster toward the savage looking beasts, who in return nodded in a friendly way. "is not the real horse a beautiful animal?" asked the sawhorse admiringly. "that is doubtless a matter of taste," returned the lion. "in the forest he would be thought ungainly, because his face is stretched out and his neck is uselessly long. his joints, i notice, are swollen and overgrown, and he lacks flesh and is old in years." "and dreadfully tough," added the hungry tiger, in a sad voice. "my conscience would never permit me to eat so tough a morsel as the real horse." "i'm glad of that," said jim; "for i, also, have a conscience, and it tells me not to crush in your skull with a blow of my powerful hoof." if he thought to frighten the striped beast by such language he was mistaken. the tiger seemed to smile, and winked one eye slowly. "you have a good conscience, friend horse," it said, "and if you attend to its teachings it will do much to protect you from harm. some day i will let you try to crush in my skull, and afterward you will know more about tigers than you do now." "any friend of dorothy," remarked the cowardly lion, "must be our friend, as well. so let us cease this talk of skull crushing and converse upon more pleasant subjects. have you breakfasted, sir horse?" "not yet," replied jim. "but here is plenty of excellent clover, so if you will excuse me i will eat now." "he's a vegetarian," remarked the tiger, as the horse began to munch the clover. "if i could eat grass i would not need a conscience, for nothing could then tempt me to devour babies and lambs." just then dorothy, who had risen early and heard the voices of the animals, ran out to greet her old friends. she hugged both the lion and the tiger with eager delight, but seemed to love the king of beasts a little better than she did his hungry friend, having known him longer. by this time they had indulged in a good talk and dorothy had told them all about the awful earthquake and her recent adventures, the breakfast bell rang from the palace and the little girl went inside to join her human comrades. as she entered the great hall a voice called out, in a rather harsh tone: "what! are you here again?" "yes, i am," she answered, looking all around to see where the voice came from. "what brought you back?" was the next question, and dorothy's eye rested on an antlered head hanging on the wall just over the fireplace, and caught its lips in the act of moving. "good gracious!" she exclaimed. "i thought you were stuffed." "so i am," replied the head. "but once on a time i was part of the gump, which ozma sprinkled with the powder of life. i was then for a time the head of the finest flying machine that was ever known to exist, and we did many wonderful things. afterward the gump was taken apart and i was put back on this wall; but i can still talk when i feel in the mood, which is not often." "it's very strange," said the girl. "what were you when you were first alive?" "that i have forgotten," replied the gump's head, "and i do not think it is of much importance. but here comes ozma; so i'd better hush up, for the princess doesn't like me to chatter since she changed her name from tip to ozma." just then the girlish ruler of oz opened the door and greeted dorothy with a good-morning kiss. the little princess seemed fresh and rosy and in good spirits. "breakfast is served, dear," she said, "and i am hungry. so don't let us keep it waiting a single minute." 17. the nine tiny piglets after breakfast ozma announced that she had ordered a holiday to be observed throughout the emerald city, in honor of her visitors. the people had learned that their old wizard had returned to them and all were anxious to see him again, for he had always been a rare favorite. so first there was to be a grand procession through the streets, after which the little old man was requested to perform some of his wizardries in the great throne room of the palace. in the afternoon there were to be games and races. the procession was very imposing. first came the imperial cornet band of oz, dressed in emerald velvet uniforms with slashes of pea-green satin and buttons of immense cut emeralds. they played the national air called "the oz spangled banner," and behind them were the standard bearers with the royal flag. this flag was divided into four quarters, one being colored sky-blue, another pink, a third lavender and a fourth white. in the center was a large emerald-green star, and all over the four quarters were sewn spangles that glittered beautifully in the sunshine. the colors represented the four countries of oz, and the green star the emerald city. just behind the royal standard-bearers came the princess ozma in her royal chariot, which was of gold encrusted with emeralds and diamonds set in exquisite designs. the chariot was drawn on this occasion by the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, who were decorated with immense pink and blue bows. in the chariot rode ozma and dorothy, the former in splendid raiment and wearing her royal coronet, while the little kansas girl wore around her waist the magic belt she had once captured from the nome king. following the chariot came the scarecrow mounted on the sawhorse, and the people cheered him almost as loudly as they did their lovely ruler. behind him stalked with regular, jerky steps, the famous machine-man called tik-tok, who had been wound up by dorothy for the occasion. tik-tok moved by clockwork, and was made all of burnished copper. he really belonged to the kansas girl, who had much respect for his thoughts after they had been properly wound and set going; but as the copper man would be useless in any place but a fairy country dorothy had left him in charge of ozma, who saw that he was suitably cared for. there followed another band after this, which was called the royal court band, because the members all lived in the palace. they wore white uniforms with real diamond buttons and played "what is oz without ozma" very sweetly. then came professor woggle-bug, with a group of students from the royal college of scientific athletics. the boys wore long hair and striped sweaters and yelled their college yell every other step they took, to the great satisfaction of the populace, which was glad to have this evidence that their lungs were in good condition. the brilliantly polished tin woodman marched next, at the head of the royal army of oz which consisted of twenty-eight officers, from generals down to captains. there were no privates in the army because all were so courageous and skillful that they had been promoted one by one until there were no privates left. jim and the buggy followed, the old cab-horse being driven by zeb while the wizard stood up on the seat and bowed his bald head right and left in answer to the cheers of the people, who crowded thick about him. taken altogether the procession was a grand success, and when it had returned to the palace the citizens crowded into the great throne room to see the wizard perform his tricks. the first thing the little humbug did was to produce a tiny white piglet from underneath his hat and pretend to pull it apart, making two. this act he repeated until all of the nine tiny piglets were visible, and they were so glad to get out of his pocket that they ran around in a very lively manner. the pretty little creatures would have been a novelty anywhere, so the people were as amazed and delighted at their appearance as even the wizard could have desired. when he had made them all disappear again ozma declared she was sorry they were gone, for she wanted one of them to pet and play with. so the wizard pretended to take one of the piglets out of the hair of the princess (while really he slyly took it from his inside pocket) and ozma smiled joyously as the creature nestled in her arms, and she promised to have an emerald collar made for its fat neck and to keep the little squealer always at hand to amuse her. afterward it was noticed that the wizard always performed his famous trick with eight piglets, but it seemed to please the people just as well as if there had been nine of them. in his little room back of the throne room the wizard had found a lot of things he had left behind him when he went away in the balloon, for no one had occupied the apartment in his absence. there was enough material there to enable him to prepare several new tricks which he had learned from some of the jugglers in the circus, and he had passed part of the night in getting them ready. so he followed the trick of the nine tiny piglets with several other wonderful feats that greatly delighted his audience and the people did not seem to care a bit whether the little man was a humbug wizard or not, so long as he succeeded in amusing them. they applauded all his tricks and at the end of the performance begged him earnestly not to go away again and leave them. "in that case," said the little man, gravely, "i will cancel all of my engagements before the crowned heads of europe and america and devote myself to the people of oz, for i love you all so well that i can deny you nothing." after the people had been dismissed with this promise our friends joined princess ozma at an elaborate luncheon in the palace, where even the tiger and the lion were sumptuously fed and jim the cab-horse ate his oatmeal out of a golden bowl with seven rows of rubies, sapphires and diamonds set around the rim of it. in the afternoon they all went to a great field outside the city gates where the games were to be held. there was a beautiful canopy for ozma and her guests to sit under and watch the people run races and jump and wrestle. you may be sure the folks of oz did their best with such a distinguished company watching them, and finally zeb offered to wrestle with a little munchkin who seemed to be the champion. in appearance he was twice as old as zeb, for he had long pointed whiskers and wore a peaked hat with little bells all around the brim of it, which tinkled gaily as he moved. but although the munchkin was hardly tall enough to come to zeb's shoulder he was so strong and clever that he laid the boy three times on his back with apparent ease. zeb was greatly astonished at his defeat, and when the pretty princess joined her people in laughing at him he proposed a boxing-match with the munchkin, to which the little ozite readily agreed. but the first time that zeb managed to give him a sharp box on the ears the munchkin sat down upon the ground and cried until the tears ran down his whiskers, because he had been hurt. this made zeb laugh, in turn, and the boy felt comforted to find that ozma laughed as merrily at her weeping subject as she had at him. just then the scarecrow proposed a race between the sawhorse and the cab-horse; and although all the others were delighted at the suggestion the sawhorse drew back, saying: "such a race would not be fair." "of course not," added jim, with a touch of scorn; "those little wooden legs of yours are not half as long as my own." "it isn't that," said the sawhorse, modestly; "but i never tire, and you do." "bah!" cried jim, looking with great disdain at the other; "do you imagine for an instant that such a shabby imitation of a horse as you are can run as fast as i?" "i don't know, i'm sure," replied the sawhorse. "that is what we are trying to find out," remarked the scarecrow. "the object of a race is to see who can win it--or at least that is what my excellent brains think." "once, when i was young," said jim, "i was a race horse, and defeated all who dared run against me. i was born in kentucky, you know, where all the best and most aristocratic horses come from." "but you're old, now, jim," suggested zeb. "old! why, i feel like a colt today," replied jim. "i only wish there was a real horse here for me to race with. i'd show the people a fine sight, i can tell you." "then why not race with the sawhorse?" enquired the scarecrow. "he's afraid," said jim. "oh, no," answered the sawhorse. "i merely said it wasn't fair. but if my friend the real horse is willing to undertake the race i am quite ready." so they unharnessed jim and took the saddle off the sawhorse, and the two queerly matched animals were stood side by side for the start. "when i say 'go!'" zeb called to them, "you must dig out and race until you reach those three trees you see over yonder. then circle 'round them and come back again. the first one that passes the place where the princess sits shall be named the winner. are you ready?" "i suppose i ought to give the wooden dummy a good start of me," growled jim. "never mind that," said the sawhorse. "i'll do the best i can." "go!" cried zeb; and at the word the two horses leaped forward and the race was begun. jim's big hoofs pounded away at a great rate, and although he did not look very graceful he ran in a way to do credit to his kentucky breeding. but the sawhorse was swifter than the wind. its wooden legs moved so fast that their twinkling could scarcely be seen, and although so much smaller than the cab-horse it covered the ground much faster. before they had reached the trees the sawhorse was far ahead, and the wooden animal returned to the starting place as was being lustily cheered by the ozites before jim came panting up to the canopy where the princess and her friends were seated. i am sorry to record the fact that jim was not only ashamed of his defeat but for a moment lost control of his temper. as he looked at the comical face of the sawhorse he imagined that the creature was laughing at him; so in a fit of unreasonable anger he turned around and made a vicious kick that sent his rival tumbling head over heels upon the ground, and broke off one of its legs and its left ear. an instant later the tiger crouched and launched its huge body through the air swift and resistless as a ball from a cannon. the beast struck jim full on his shoulder and sent the astonished cab-horse rolling over and over, amid shouts of delight from the spectators, who had been horrified by the ungracious act he had been guilty of. when jim came to himself and sat upon his haunches he found the cowardly lion crouched on one side of him and the hungry tiger on the other, and their eyes were glowing like balls of fire. "i beg your pardon, i'm sure," said jim, meekly. "i was wrong to kick the sawhorse, and i am sorry i became angry at him. he has won the race, and won it fairly; but what can a horse of flesh do against a tireless beast of wood?" hearing this apology the tiger and the lion stopped lashing their tails and retreated with dignified steps to the side of the princess. "no one must injure one of our friends in our presence," growled the lion; and zeb ran to jim and whispered that unless he controlled his temper in the future he would probably be torn to pieces. then the tin woodman cut a straight and strong limb from a tree with his gleaming axe and made a new leg and a new ear for the sawhorse; and when they had been securely fastened in place princess ozma took the coronet from her own head and placed it upon that of the winner of the race. said she: "my friend, i reward you for your swiftness by proclaiming you prince of horses, whether of wood or of flesh; and hereafter all other horses--in the land of oz, at least--must be considered imitations, and you the real champion of your race." there was more applause at this, and then ozma had the jewelled saddle replaced upon the sawhorse and herself rode the victor back to the city at the head of the grand procession. "i ought to be a fairy," grumbled jim, as he slowly drew the buggy home; "for to be just an ordinary horse in a fairy country is to be of no account whatever. it's no place for us, zeb." "it's lucky we got here, though," said the boy; and jim thought of the dark cave, and agreed with him. 18. the trial of eureka the kitten several days of festivity and merry-making followed, for such old friends did not often meet and there was much to be told and talked over between them, and many amusements to be enjoyed in this delightful country. ozma was happy to have dorothy beside her, for girls of her own age with whom it was proper for the princess to associate were very few, and often the youthful ruler of oz was lonely for lack of companionship. it was the third morning after dorothy's arrival, and she was sitting with ozma and their friends in a reception room, talking over old times, when the princess said to her maid: "please go to my boudoir, jellia, and get the white piglet i left on the dressing-table. i want to play with it." jellia at once departed on the errand, and she was gone so long that they had almost forgotten her mission when the green robed maiden returned with a troubled face. "the piglet is not there, your highness," said she. "not there!" exclaimed ozma. "are you sure?" "i have hunted in every part of the room," the maid replied. "was not the door closed?" asked the princess. "yes, your highness; i am sure it was; for when i opened it dorothy's white kitten crept out and ran up the stairs." hearing this, dorothy and the wizard exchanged startled glances, for they remembered how often eureka had longed to eat a piglet. the little girl jumped up at once. "come, ozma," she said, anxiously; "let us go ourselves to search for the piglet." so the two went to the dressing-room of the princess and searched carefully in every corner and among the vases and baskets and ornaments that stood about the pretty boudoir. but not a trace could they find of the tiny creature they sought. dorothy was nearly weeping, by this time, while ozma was angry and indignant. when they returned to the others the princess said: "there is little doubt that my pretty piglet has been eaten by that horrid kitten, and if that is true the offender must be punished." "i don't b'lieve eureka would do such a dreadful thing!" cried dorothy, much distressed. "go and get my kitten, please, jellia, and we'll hear what she has to say about it." the green maiden hastened away, but presently returned and said: "the kitten will not come. she threatened to scratch my eyes out if i touched her." "where is she?" asked dorothy. "under the bed in your own room," was the reply. so dorothy ran to her room and found the kitten under the bed. "come here, eureka!" she said. "i won't," answered the kitten, in a surly voice. "oh, eureka! why are you so bad?" the kitten did not reply. "if you don't come to me, right away," continued dorothy, getting provoked, "i'll take my magic belt and wish you in the country of the gurgles." "why do you want me?" asked eureka, disturbed by this threat. "you must go to princess ozma. she wants to talk to you." "all right," returned the kitten, creeping out. "i'm not afraid of ozma--or anyone else." dorothy carried her in her arms back to where the others sat in grieved and thoughtful silence. "tell me, eureka," said the princess, gently: "did you eat my pretty piglet?" "i won't answer such a foolish question," asserted eureka, with a snarl. "oh, yes you will, dear," dorothy declared. "the piglet is gone, and you ran out of the room when jellia opened the door. so, if you are innocent, eureka, you must tell the princess how you came to be in her room, and what has become of the piglet." "who accuses me?" asked the kitten, defiantly. "no one," answered ozma. "your actions alone accuse you. the fact is that i left my little pet in my dressing-room lying asleep upon the table; and you must have stolen in without my knowing it. when next the door was opened you ran out and hid yourself--and the piglet was gone." "that's none of my business," growled the kitten. "don't be impudent, eureka," admonished dorothy. "it is you who are impudent," said eureka, "for accusing me of such a crime when you can't prove it except by guessing." ozma was now greatly incensed by the kitten's conduct. she summoned her captain-general, and when the long, lean officer appeared she said: "carry this cat away to prison, and keep her in safe confinement until she is tried by law for the crime of murder." so the captain-general took eureka from the arms of the now weeping dorothy and in spite of the kitten's snarls and scratches carried it away to prison. "what shall we do now?" asked the scarecrow, with a sigh, for such a crime had cast a gloom over all the company. "i will summon the court to meet in the throne room at three o'clock," replied ozma. "i myself will be the judge, and the kitten shall have a fair trial." "what will happen if she is guilty?" asked dorothy. "she must die," answered the princess. "nine times?" enquired the scarecrow. "as many times as is necessary," was the reply. "i will ask the tin woodman to defend the prisoner, because he has such a kind heart i am sure he will do his best to save her. and the woggle-bug shall be the public accuser, because he is so learned that no one can deceive him." "who will be the jury?" asked the tin woodman. "there ought to be several animals on the jury," said ozma, "because animals understand each other better than we people understand them. so the jury shall consist of the cowardly lion, the hungry tiger, jim the cab-horse, the yellow hen, the scarecrow, the wizard, tik-tok the machine man, the sawhorse and zeb of hugson's ranch. that makes the nine which the law requires, and all my people shall be admitted to hear the testimony." they now separated to prepare for the sad ceremony; for whenever an appeal is made to law sorrow is almost certain to follow--even in a fairyland like oz. but is must be stated that the people of that land were generally so well-behaved that there was not a single lawyer amongst them, and it had been years since any ruler had sat in judgment upon an offender of the law. the crime of murder being the most dreadful crime of all, tremendous excitement prevailed in the emerald city when the news of eureka's arrest and trial became known. the wizard, when he returned to his own room, was exceedingly thoughtful. he had no doubt eureka had eaten his piglet, but he realized that a kitten cannot be depended upon at all times to act properly, since its nature is to destroy small animals and even birds for food, and the tame cat that we keep in our houses today is descended from the wild cat of the jungle--a very ferocious creature, indeed. the wizard knew that if dorothy's pet was found guilty and condemned to death the little girl would be made very unhappy; so, although he grieved over the piglet's sad fate as much as any of them, he resolved to save eureka's life. sending for the tin woodman the wizard took him into a corner and whispered: "my friend, it is your duty to defend the white kitten and try to save her, but i fear you will fail because eureka has long wished to eat a piglet, to my certain knowledge, and my opinion is that she has been unable to resist the temptation. yet her disgrace and death would not bring back the piglet, but only serve to make dorothy unhappy. so i intend to prove the kitten's innocence by a trick." he drew from his inside pocket one of the eight tiny piglets that were remaining and continued: "this creature you must hide in some safe place, and if the jury decides that eureka is guilty you may then produce this piglet and claim it is the one that was lost. all the piglets are exactly alike, so no one can dispute your word. this deception will save eureka's life, and then we may all be happy again." "i do not like to deceive my friends," replied the tin woodman; "still, my kind heart urges me to save eureka's life, and i can usually trust my heart to do the right thing. so i will do as you say, friend wizard." after some thought he placed the little pig inside his funnel-shaped hat, and then put the hat upon his head and went back to his room to think over his speech to the jury. 19. the wizard performs another trick at three o'clock the throne room was crowded with citizens, men, women and children being eager to witness the great trial. princess ozma, dressed in her most splendid robes of state, sat in the magnificent emerald throne, with her jewelled sceptre in her hand and her sparkling coronet upon her fair brow. behind her throne stood the twenty-eight officers of her army and many officials of the royal household. at her right sat the queerly assorted jury--animals, animated dummies and people--all gravely prepared to listen to what was said. the kitten had been placed in a large cage just before the throne, where she sat upon her haunches and gazed through the bars at the crowds around her, with seeming unconcern. and now, at a signal from ozma, the woggle-bug arose and addressed the jury. his tone was pompous and he strutted up and down in an absurd attempt to appear dignified. "your royal highness and fellow citizens," he began; "the small cat you see a prisoner before you is accused of the crime of first murdering and then eating our esteemed ruler's fat piglet--or else first eating and then murdering it. in either case a grave crime has been committed which deserves a grave punishment." "do you mean my kitten must be put in a grave?" asked dorothy. "don't interrupt, little girl," said the woggle-bug. "when i get my thoughts arranged in good order i do not like to have anything upset them or throw them into confusion." "if your thoughts were any good they wouldn't become confused," remarked the scarecrow, earnestly. "my thoughts are always--" "is this a trial of thoughts, or of kittens?" demanded the woggle-bug. "it's a trial of one kitten," replied the scarecrow; "but your manner is a trial to us all." "let the public accuser continue," called ozma from her throne, "and i pray you do not interrupt him." "the criminal who now sits before the court licking her paws," resumed the woggle-bug, "has long desired to unlawfully eat the fat piglet, which was no bigger than a mouse. and finally she made a wicked plan to satisfy her depraved appetite for pork. i can see her, in my mind's eye--" "what's that?" asked the scarecrow. "i say i can see her in my mind's eye--" "the mind has no eye," declared the scarecrow. "it's blind." "your highness," cried the woggle-bug, appealing to ozma, "have i a mind's eye, or haven't i?" "if you have, it is invisible," said the princess. "very true," returned the woggle-bug, bowing. "i say i see the criminal, in my mind's eye, creeping stealthily into the room of our ozma and secreting herself, when no one was looking, until the princess had gone away and the door was closed. then the murderer was alone with her helpless victim, the fat piglet, and i see her pounce upon the innocent creature and eat it up--" "are you still seeing with your mind's eye?" enquired the scarecrow. "of course; how else could i see it? and we know the thing is true, because since the time of that interview there is no piglet to be found anywhere." "i suppose, if the cat had been gone, instead of the piglet, your mind's eye would see the piglet eating the cat," suggested the scarecrow. "very likely," acknowledged the woggle-bug. "and now, fellow citizens and creatures of the jury, i assert that so awful a crime deserves death, and in the case of the ferocious criminal before you--who is now washing her face--the death penalty should be inflicted nine times." there was great applause when the speaker sat down. then the princess spoke in a stern voice: "prisoner, what have you to say for yourself? are you guilty, or not guilty?" "why, that's for you to find out," replied eureka. "if you can prove i'm guilty, i'll be willing to die nine times, but a mind's eye is no proof, because the woggle-bug has no mind to see with." "never mind, dear," said dorothy. then the tin woodman arose and said: "respected jury and dearly beloved ozma, i pray you not to judge this feline prisoner unfeelingly. i do not think the innocent kitten can be guilty, and surely it is unkind to accuse a luncheon of being a murder. eureka is the sweet pet of a lovely little girl whom we all admire, and gentleness and innocence are her chief virtues. look at the kitten's intelligent eyes;" (here eureka closed her eyes sleepily) "gaze at her smiling countenance!" (here eureka snarled and showed her teeth) "mark the tender pose of her soft, padded little hands!" (here eureka bared her sharp claws and scratched at the bars of the cage.) "would such a gentle animal be guilty of eating a fellow creature? no; a thousand times, no!" "oh, cut it short," said eureka; "you've talked long enough." "i'm trying to defend you," remonstrated the tin woodman. "then say something sensible," retorted the kitten. "tell them it would be foolish for me to eat the piglet, because i had sense enough to know it would raise a row if i did. but don't try to make out i'm too innocent to eat a fat piglet if i could do it and not be found out. i imagine it would taste mighty good." "perhaps it would, to those who eat," remarked the tin woodman. "i myself, not being built to eat, have no personal experience in such matters. but i remember that our great poet once said: 'to eat is sweet when hunger's seat demands a treat of savory meat.'" "take this into consideration, friends of the jury, and you will readily decide that the kitten is wrongfully accused and should be set at liberty." when the tin woodman sat down no one applauded him, for his arguments had not been very convincing and few believed that he had proved eureka's innocence. as for the jury, the members whispered to each other for a few minutes and then they appointed the hungry tiger their spokesman. the huge beast slowly arose and said: "kittens have no consciences, so they eat whatever pleases them. the jury believes the white kitten known as eureka is guilty of having eaten the piglet owned by princess ozma, and recommends that she be put to death in punishment of the crime." the judgment of the jury was received with great applause, although dorothy was sobbing miserably at the fate of her pet. the princess was just about to order eureka's head chopped off with the tin woodman's axe when that brilliant personage once more arose and addressed her. "your highness," said he, "see how easy it is for a jury to be mistaken. the kitten could not have eaten your piglet--for here it is!" he took off his funnel hat and from beneath it produced a tiny white piglet, which he held aloft that all might see it clearly. ozma was delighted and exclaimed, eagerly: "give me my pet, nick chopper!" and all the people cheered and clapped their hands, rejoicing that the prisoner had escaped death and been proved to be innocent. as the princess held the white piglet in her arms and stroked its soft hair she said: "let eureka out of the cage, for she is no longer a prisoner, but our good friend. where did you find my missing pet, nick chopper?" "in a room of the palace," he answered. "justice," remarked the scarecrow, with a sigh, "is a dangerous thing to meddle with. if you hadn't happened to find the piglet, eureka would surely have been executed." "but justice prevailed at the last," said ozma, "for here is my pet, and eureka is once more free." "i refuse to be free," cried the kitten, in a sharp voice, "unless the wizard can do his trick with eight piglets. if he can produce but seven, then this is not the piglet that was lost, but another one." "hush, eureka!" warned the wizard. "don't be foolish," advised the tin woodman, "or you may be sorry for it." "the piglet that belonged to the princess wore an emerald collar," said eureka, loudly enough for all to hear. "so it did!" exclaimed ozma. "this cannot be the one the wizard gave me." "of course not; he had nine of them, altogether," declared eureka; "and i must say it was very stingy of him not to let me eat just a few. but now that this foolish trial is ended, i will tell you what really became of your pet piglet." at this everyone in the throne room suddenly became quiet, and the kitten continued, in a calm, mocking tone of voice: "i will confess that i intended to eat the little pig for my breakfast; so i crept into the room where it was kept while the princess was dressing and hid myself under a chair. when ozma went away she closed the door and left her pet on the table. at once i jumped up and told the piglet not to make a fuss, for he would be inside of me in half a second; but no one can teach one of these creatures to be reasonable. instead of keeping still, so i could eat him comfortably, he trembled so with fear that he fell off the table into a big vase that was standing on the floor. the vase had a very small neck, and spread out at the top like a bowl. at first the piglet stuck in the neck of the vase and i thought i should get him, after all, but he wriggled himself through and fell down into the deep bottom part--and i suppose he's there yet." all were astonished at this confession, and ozma at once sent an officer to her room to fetch the vase. when he returned the princess looked down the narrow neck of the big ornament and discovered her lost piglet, just as eureka had said she would. there was no way to get the creature out without breaking the vase, so the tin woodman smashed it with his axe and set the little prisoner free. then the crowd cheered lustily and dorothy hugged the kitten in her arms and told her how delighted she was to know that she was innocent. "but why didn't you tell us at first?" she asked. "it would have spoiled the fun," replied the kitten, yawning. ozma gave the wizard back the piglet he had so kindly allowed nick chopper to substitute for the lost one, and then she carried her own into the apartments of the palace where she lived. and now, the trial being over, the good citizens of the emerald city scattered to their homes, well content with the day's amusement. 20. zeb returns to the ranch eureka was much surprised to find herself in disgrace; but she was, in spite of the fact that she had not eaten the piglet. for the folks of oz knew the kitten had tried to commit the crime, and that only an accident had prevented her from doing so; therefore even the hungry tiger preferred not to associate with her. eureka was forbidden to wander around the palace and was made to stay in confinement in dorothy's room; so she began to beg her mistress to send her to some other place where she could enjoy herself better. dorothy was herself anxious to get home, so she promised eureka they would not stay in the land of oz much longer. the next evening after the trial the little girl begged ozma to allow her to look in the enchanted picture, and the princess readily consented. she took the child to her room and said: "make your wish, dear, and the picture will show the scene you desire to behold." then dorothy found, with the aid of the enchanted picture, that uncle henry had returned to the farm in kansas, and she also saw that both he and aunt em were dressed in mourning, because they thought their little niece had been killed by the earthquake. "really," said the girl, anxiously, "i must get back as soon as poss'ble to my own folks." zeb also wanted to see his home, and although he did not find anyone morning for him, the sight of hugson's ranch in the picture made him long to get back there. "this is a fine country, and i like all the people that live in it," he told dorothy. "but the fact is, jim and i don't seem to fit into a fairyland, and the old horse has been begging me to go home again ever since he lost the race. so, if you can find a way to fix it, we'll be much obliged to you." "ozma can do it, easily," replied dorothy. "tomorrow morning i'll go to kansas and you can go to californy." that last evening was so delightful that the boy will never forget it as long as he lives. they were all together (except eureka) in the pretty rooms of the princess, and the wizard did some new tricks, and the scarecrow told stories, and the tin woodman sang a love song in a sonorous, metallic voice, and everybody laughed and had a good time. then dorothy wound up tik-tok and he danced a jig to amuse the company, after which the yellow hen related some of her adventures with the nome king in the land of ev. the princess served delicious refreshments to those who were in the habit of eating, and when dorothy's bed time arrived the company separated after exchanging many friendly sentiments. next morning they all assembled for the final parting, and many of the officials and courtiers came to look upon the impressive ceremonies. dorothy held eureka in her arms and bade her friends a fond good-bye. "you must come again, some time," said the little wizard; and she promised she would if she found it possible to do so. "but uncle henry and aunt em need me to help them," she added, "so i can't ever be very long away from the farm in kansas." ozma wore the magic belt; and, when she had kissed dorothy farewell and had made her wish, the little girl and her kitten disappeared in a twinkling. "where is she?" asked zeb, rather bewildered by the suddenness of it. "greeting her uncle and aunt in kansas, by this time," returned ozma, with a smile. then zeb brought out jim, all harnessed to the buggy, and took his seat. "i'm much obliged for all your kindness," said the boy, "and very grateful to you for saving my life and sending me home again after all the good times i've had. i think this is the loveliest country in the world; but not being fairies jim and i feel we ought to be where we belong--and that's at the ranch. good-bye, everybody!" he gave a start and rubbed his eyes. jim was trotting along the well-known road, shaking his ears and whisking his tail with a contented motion. just ahead of them were the gates of hugson's ranch, and uncle hugson now came out and stood with uplifted arms and wide open mouth, staring in amazement. "goodness gracious! it's zeb--and jim, too!" he exclaimed. "where in the world have you been, my lad?" "why, in the world, uncle," answered zeb, with a laugh. [illustration: dorothy and the wizard] [illustration: picking the princess.] dorothy and the wizard in oz by l. frank baum author of the wizard of oz, the land of oz, ozma of oz, etc. illustrated by john r. neill books of wonder william morrow & co., inc. new york [illustration] copyright 1908 by l. frank baum all rights reserved * * * * * [illustration] dedicated to harriet a. b. neal. * * * * * to my readers it's no use; no use at all. the children won't let me stop telling tales of the land of oz. i know lots of other stories, and i hope to tell them, some time or another; but just now my loving tyrants won't allow me. they cry: "oz--oz! more about oz, mr. baum!" and what can i do but obey their commands? this is our book--mine and the children's. for they have flooded me with thousands of suggestions in regard to it, and i have honestly tried to adopt as many of these suggestions as could be fitted into one story. after the wonderful success of "ozma of oz" it is evident that dorothy has become a firm fixture in these oz stories. the little ones all love dorothy, and as one of my small friends aptly states: "it isn't a real oz story without her." so here she is again, as sweet and gentle and innocent as ever, i hope, and the heroine of another strange adventure. there were many requests from my little correspondents for "more about the wizard." it seems the jolly old fellow made hosts of friends in the first oz book, in spite of the fact that he frankly acknowledged himself "a humbug." the children had heard how he mounted into the sky in a balloon and they were all waiting for him to come down again. so what could i do but tell "what happened to the wizard afterward"? you will find him in these pages, just the same humbug wizard as before. there was one thing the children demanded which i found it impossible to do in this present book: they bade me introduce toto, dorothy's little black dog, who has many friends among my readers. but you will see, when you begin to read the story, that toto was in kansas while dorothy was in california, and so she had to start on her adventure without him. in this book dorothy had to take her kitten with her instead of her dog; but in the next oz book, if i am permitted to write one, i intend to tell a good deal about toto's further history. princess ozma, whom i love as much as my readers do, is again introduced in this story, and so are several of our old friends of oz. you will also become acquainted with jim the cab-horse, the nine tiny piglets, and eureka, the kitten. i am sorry the kitten was not as well behaved as she ought to have been; but perhaps she wasn't brought up properly. dorothy found her, you see, and who her parents were nobody knows. i believe, my dears, that i am the proudest story-teller that ever lived. many a time tears of pride and joy have stood in my eyes while i read the tender, loving, appealing letters that come to me in almost every mail from my little readers. to have pleased you, to have interested you, to have won your friendship, and perhaps your love, through my stories, is to my mind as great an achievement as to become president of the united states. indeed, i would much rather be your story-teller, under these conditions, than to be the president. so you have helped me to fulfill my life's ambition, and i am more grateful to you, my dears, than i can express in words. i try to answer every letter of my young correspondents; yet sometimes there are so many letters that a little time must pass before you get your answer. but be patient, friends, for the answer will surely come, and by writing to me you more than repay me for the pleasant task of preparing these books. besides, i am proud to acknowledge that the books are partly yours, for your suggestions often guide me in telling the stories, and i am sure they would not be half so good without your clever and thoughtful assistance. l. frank baum coronado, 1908. list of chapters chapter page 1 the earthquake 13 2 the glass city 23 3 the arrival of the wizard 41 4 the vegetable kingdom 55 5 dorothy picks the princess 64 6 the mangaboos prove dangerous 77 7 into the black pit and out again 88 8 the valley of voices 95 9 they fight the invisible bears 106 10 the braided man of pyramid mt 120 11 they meet the wooden gargoyles 131 12 a wonderful escape 142 13 the den of the dragonettes 160 14 ozma uses the magic belt 172 15 old friends are reunited 187 16 jim, the cab-horse 203 17 the nine tiny piglets 217 18 the trial of eureka, the kitten 231 19 the wizard performs another trick 240 20 zeb returns to the ranch 251 [illustration] chapter 1. the earthquake the train from 'frisco was very late. it should have arrived at hugson's siding at midnight, but it was already five o'clock and the gray dawn was breaking in the east when the little train slowly rumbled up to the open shed that served for the station-house. as it came to a stop the conductor called out in a loud voice: "hugson's siding!" at once a little girl rose from her seat and walked to the door of the car, carrying a wicker suit-case in one hand and a round bird-cage covered up with newspapers in the other, while a parasol was tucked under her arm. the conductor helped her off the car and then the engineer started his train again, so that it puffed and groaned and moved slowly away up the track. the reason he was so late was because all through the night there were times when the solid earth shook and trembled under him, and the engineer was afraid that at any moment the rails might spread apart and an accident happen to his passengers. so he moved the cars slowly and with caution. the little girl stood still to watch until the train had disappeared around a curve; then she turned to see where she was. the shed at hugson's siding was bare save for an old wooden bench, and did not look very inviting. as she peered through the soft gray light not a house of any sort was visible near the station, nor was any person in sight; but after a while the child discovered a horse and buggy standing near a group of trees a short distance away. she walked toward it and found the horse tied to a tree and standing motionless, with its head hanging down almost to the ground. it was a big horse, tall and bony, with long legs and large knees and feet. she could count his ribs easily where they showed through the skin of his body, and his head was long and seemed altogether too big for him, as if it did not fit. his tail was short and scraggly, and his harness had been broken in many places and fastened together again with cords and bits of wire. the buggy seemed almost new, for it had a shiny top and side curtains. getting around in front, so that she could look inside, the girl saw a boy curled up on the seat, fast asleep. she set down the bird-cage and poked the boy with her parasol. presently he woke up, rose to a sitting position and rubbed his eyes briskly. "hello!" he said, seeing her, "are you dorothy gale?" "yes," she answered, looking gravely at his tousled hair and blinking gray eyes. "have you come to take me to hugson's ranch?" "of course," he answered. "train in?" "i couldn't be here if it wasn't," she said. he laughed at that, and his laugh was merry and frank. jumping out of the buggy he put dorothy's suit-case under the seat and her bird-cage on the floor in front. "canary-birds?" he asked. "oh, no; it's just eureka, my kitten. i thought that was the best way to carry her." the boy nodded. "eureka's a funny name for a cat," he remarked. "i named my kitten that because i found it," she explained. "uncle henry says 'eureka' means 'i have found it.'" "all right; hop in." she climbed into the buggy and he followed her. then the boy picked up the reins, shook them, and said "gid-dap!" the horse did not stir. dorothy thought he just wiggled one of his drooping ears, but that was all. "gid-dap!" called the boy, again. the horse stood still. "perhaps," said dorothy, "if you untied him, he would go." the boy laughed cheerfully and jumped out. "guess i'm half asleep yet," he said, untying the horse. "but jim knows his business all right--don't you, jim?" patting the long nose of the animal. then he got into the buggy again and took the reins, and the horse at once backed away from the tree, turned slowly around, and began to trot down the sandy road which was just visible in the dim light. "thought that train would never come," observed the boy. "i've waited at that station for five hours." "we had a lot of earthquakes," said dorothy. "didn't you feel the ground shake?" "yes; but we're used to such things in california," he replied. "they don't scare us much." [illustration: dorothy poked the boy with her parasol.] "the conductor said it was the worst quake he ever knew." "did he? then it must have happened while i was asleep," he said, thoughtfully. "how is uncle henry?" she enquired, after a pause during which the horse continued to trot with long, regular strides. "he's pretty well. he and uncle hugson have been having a fine visit." "is mr. hugson your uncle?" she asked. "yes. uncle bill hugson married your uncle henry's wife's sister; so we must be second cousins," said the boy, in an amused tone. "i work for uncle bill on his ranch, and he pays me six dollars a month and my board." "isn't that a great deal?" she asked, doubtfully. "why, it's a great deal for uncle hugson, but not for me. i'm a splendid worker. i work as well as i sleep," he added, with a laugh. "what is your name?" asked dorothy, thinking she liked the boy's manner and the cheery tone of his voice. "not a very pretty one," he answered, as if a little ashamed. "my whole name is zebediah; but folks just call me 'zeb.' you've been to australia, haven't you?" "yes; with uncle henry," she answered. "we got to san francisco a week ago, and uncle henry went right on to hugson's ranch for a visit while i stayed a few days in the city with some friends we had met." "how long will you be with us?" he asked. "only a day. tomorrow uncle henry and i must start back for kansas. we've been away for a long time, you know, and so we're anxious to get home again." the boy flicked the big, boney horse with his whip and looked thoughtful. then he started to say something to his little companion, but before he could speak the buggy began to sway dangerously from side to side and the earth seemed to rise up before them. next minute there was a roar and a sharp crash, and at her side dorothy saw the ground open in a wide crack and then come together again. "goodness!" she cried, grasping the iron rail of the seat. "what was that?" "that was an awful big quake," replied zeb, with a white face. "it almost got us that time, dorothy." the horse had stopped short, and stood firm as a rock. zeb shook the reins and urged him to go, but jim was stubborn. then the boy cracked his whip and touched the animal's flanks with it, and after a low moan of protest jim stepped slowly along the road. neither the boy nor the girl spoke again for some minutes. there was a breath of danger in the very air, and every few moments the earth would shake violently. jim's ears were standing erect upon his head and every muscle of his big body was tense as he trotted toward home. he was not going very fast, but on his flanks specks of foam began to appear and at times he would tremble like a leaf. the sky had grown darker again and the wind made queer sobbing sounds as it swept over the valley. suddenly there was a rending, tearing sound, and the earth split into another great crack just beneath the spot where the horse was standing. with a wild neigh of terror the animal fell bodily into the pit, drawing the buggy and its occupants after him. dorothy grabbed fast hold of the buggy top and the boy did the same. the sudden rush into space confused them so that they could not think. blackness engulfed them on every side, and in breathless silence they waited for the fall to end and crush them against jagged rocks or for the earth to close in on them again and bury them forever in its dreadful depths. the horrible sensation of falling, the darkness and the terrifying noises, proved more than dorothy could endure and for a few moments the little girl lost consciousness. zeb, being a boy, did not faint, but he was badly frightened, and clung to the buggy seat with a tight grip, expecting every moment would be his last. [illustration] [illustration] chapter 2. the glass city when dorothy recovered her senses they were still falling, but not so fast. the top of the buggy caught the air like a parachute or an umbrella filled with wind, and held them back so that they floated downward with a gentle motion that was not so very disagreeable to bear. the worst thing was their terror of reaching the bottom of this great crack in the earth, and the natural fear that sudden death was about to overtake them at any moment. crash after crash echoed far above their heads, as the earth came together where it had split, and stones and chunks of clay rattled around them on every side. these they could not see, but they could feel them pelting the buggy top, and jim screamed almost like a human being when a stone overtook him and struck his boney body. they did not really hurt the poor horse, because everything was falling together; only the stones and rubbish fell faster than the horse and buggy, which were held back by the pressure of the air, so that the terrified animal was actually more frightened than he was injured. how long this state of things continued dorothy could not even guess, she was so greatly bewildered. but bye and bye, as she stared ahead into the black chasm with a beating heart, she began to dimly see the form of the horse jim--his head up in the air, his ears erect and his long legs sprawling in every direction as he tumbled through space. also, turning her head, she found that she could see the boy beside her, who had until now remained as still and silent as she herself. dorothy sighed and commenced to breathe easier. she began to realize that death was not in store for her, after all, but that she had merely started upon another adventure, which promised to be just as queer and unusual as were those she had before encountered. with this thought in mind the girl took heart and leaned her head over the side of the buggy to see where the strange light was coming from. far below her she found six great glowing balls suspended in the air. the central and largest one was white, and reminded her of the sun. around it were arranged, like the five points of a star, the other five brilliant balls; one being rose colored, one violet, one yellow, one blue and one orange. this splendid group of colored suns sent rays darting in every direction, and as the horse and buggy--with dorothy and zeb--sank steadily downward and came nearer to the lights, the rays began to take on all the delicate tintings of a rainbow, growing more and more distinct every moment until all the space was brilliantly illuminated. dorothy was too dazed to say much, but she watched one of jim's big ears turn to violet and the other to rose, and wondered that his tail should be yellow and his body striped with blue and orange like the stripes of a zebra. then she looked at zeb, whose face was blue and whose hair was pink, and gave a little laugh that sounded a bit nervous. "isn't it funny?" she said. the boy was startled and his eyes were big. dorothy had a green streak through the center of her face where the blue and yellow lights came together, and her appearance seemed to add to his fright. "i--i don't s-s-see any-thing funny--'bout it!" he stammered. [illustration: horse, buggy and all fell slowly.] just then the buggy tipped slowly over upon its side, the body of the horse tipping also. but they continued to fall, all together, and the boy and girl had no difficulty in remaining upon the seat, just as they were before. then they turned bottom side up, and continued to roll slowly over until they were right side up again. during this time jim struggled frantically, all his legs kicking the air; but on finding himself in his former position the horse said, in a relieved tone of voice: "well, that's better!" dorothy and zeb looked at one another in wonder. "can your horse talk?" she asked. "never knew him to, before," replied the boy. "those were the first words i ever said," called out the horse, who had overheard them, "and i can't explain why i happened to speak then. this is a nice scrape you've got me into, isn't it?" "as for that, we are in the same scrape ourselves," answered dorothy, cheerfully. "but never mind; something will happen pretty soon." "of course," growled the horse; "and then we shall be sorry it happened." zeb gave a shiver. all this was so terrible and unreal that he could not understand it at all, and so had good reason to be afraid. swiftly they drew near to the flaming colored suns, and passed close beside them. the light was then so bright that it dazzled their eyes, and they covered their faces with their hands to escape being blinded. there was no heat in the colored suns, however, and after they had passed below them the top of the buggy shut out many of the piercing rays so that the boy and girl could open their eyes again. "we've got to come to the bottom some time," remarked zeb, with a deep sigh. "we can't keep falling forever, you know." "of course not," said dorothy. "we are somewhere in the middle of the earth, and the chances are we'll reach the other side of it before long. but it's a big hollow, isn't it?" "awful big!" answered the boy. "we're coming to something now," announced the horse. at this they both put their heads over the side of the buggy and looked down. yes; there was land below them; and not so very far away, either. but they were floating very, very slowly--so slowly that it could no longer be called a fall--and the children had ample time to take heart and look about them. they saw a landscape with mountains and plains, lakes and rivers, very like those upon the earth's surface; but all the scene was splendidly colored by the variegated lights from the six suns. here and there were groups of houses that seemed made of clear glass, because they sparkled so brightly. "i'm sure we are in no danger," said dorothy, in a sober voice. "we are falling so slowly that we can't be dashed to pieces when we land, and this country that we are coming to seems quite pretty." "we'll never get home again, though!" declared zeb, with a groan. "oh, i'm not so sure of that," replied the girl. "but don't let us worry over such things, zeb; we can't help ourselves just now, you know, and i've always been told it's foolish to borrow trouble." the boy became silent, having no reply to so sensible a speech, and soon both were fully occupied in staring at the strange scenes spread out below them. they seemed to be falling right into the middle of a big city which had many tall buildings with glass domes and sharp-pointed spires. these spires were like great spear-points, and if they tumbled upon one of them they were likely to suffer serious injury. jim the horse had seen these spires, also, and his ears stood straight up with fear, while dorothy and zeb held their breaths in suspense. but no; they floated gently down upon a broad, flat roof, and came to a stop at last. when jim felt something firm under his feet the poor beast's legs trembled so much that he could hardly stand; but zeb at once leaped out of the buggy to the roof, and he was so awkward and hasty that he kicked over dorothy's birdcage, which rolled out upon the roof so that the bottom came off. at once a pink kitten crept out of the upset cage, sat down upon the glass roof, and yawned and blinked its round eyes. "oh," said dorothy. "there's eureka." "first time i ever saw a pink cat," said zeb. "eureka isn't pink; she's white. it's this queer light that gives her that color." "where's my milk?" asked the kitten, looking up into dorothy's face. "i'm 'most starved to death." "oh, eureka! can you talk?" "talk! am i talking? good gracious, i believe i am. isn't it funny?" asked the kitten. "it's all wrong," said zeb, gravely. "animals ought not to talk. but even old jim has been saying things since we had our accident." "i can't see that it's wrong," remarked jim, in his gruff tones. "at least, it isn't as wrong as some other things. what's going to become of us now?" "i don't know," answered the boy, looking around him curiously. the houses of the city were all made of glass, so clear and transparent that one could look through the walls as easily as though a window. dorothy saw, underneath the roof on which she stood, several rooms used for rest chambers, and even thought she could make out a number of queer forms huddled into the corners of these rooms. the roof beside them had a great hole smashed through it, and pieces of glass were lying scattered in every direction. a near by steeple had been broken off short and the fragments lay heaped beside it. other buildings were cracked in places or had corners chipped off from them; but they must have been very beautiful before these accidents had happened to mar their perfection. the rainbow tints from the colored suns fell upon the glass city softly and gave to the buildings many delicate, shifting hues which were very pretty to see. but not a sound had broken the stillness since the strangers had arrived, except that of their own voices. they began to wonder if there were no people to inhabit this magnificent city of the inner world. suddenly a man appeared through a hole in the roof next to the one they were on and stepped into plain view. he was not a very large man, but was well formed and had a beautiful face--calm and serene as the face of a fine portrait. his clothing fitted his form snugly and was gorgeously colored in brilliant shades of green, which varied as the sunbeams touched them but was not wholly influenced by the solar rays. the man had taken a step or two across the glass roof before he noticed the presence of the strangers; but then he stopped abruptly. there was no expression of either fear or surprise upon his tranquil face, yet he must have been both astonished and afraid; for after his eyes had rested upon the ungainly form of the horse for a moment he walked rapidly to the furthest edge of the roof, his head turned back over his shoulder to gaze at the strange animal. "look out!" cried dorothy, who noticed that the beautiful man did not look where he was going; "be careful, or you'll fall off!" but he paid no attention to her warning. he reached the edge of the tall roof, stepped one foot out into the air, and walked into space as calmly as if he were on firm ground. the girl, greatly astonished, ran to lean over the edge of the roof, and saw the man walking rapidly through the air toward the ground. soon he reached the street and disappeared through a glass doorway into one of the glass buildings. "how strange!" she exclaimed, drawing a long breath. "yes; but it's lots of fun, if it _is_ strange," remarked the small voice of the kitten, and dorothy turned to find her pet walking in the air a foot or so away from the edge of the roof. "come back, eureka!" she called, in distress, "you'll certainly be killed." "i have nine lives," said the kitten, purring softly as it walked around in a circle and then came back to the roof; "but i can't lose even one of them by falling in this country, because i really couldn't manage to fall if i wanted to." "does the air bear up your weight?" asked the girl. "of course; can't you see?" and again the kitten wandered into the air and back to the edge of the roof. "it's wonderful!" said dorothy. "suppose we let eureka go down to the street and get some one to help us," suggested zeb, who had been even more amazed than dorothy at these strange happenings. "perhaps we can walk on the air ourselves," replied the girl. zeb drew back with a shiver. "i wouldn't dare try," he said. "may be jim will go," continued dorothy, looking at the horse. "and may be he won't!" answered jim. "i've tumbled through the air long enough to make me contented on this roof." "but we didn't tumble to the roof," said the girl; "by the time we reached here we were floating very slowly, and i'm almost sure we could float down to the street without getting hurt. eureka walks on the air all right." "eureka weighs only about half a pound," replied the horse, in a scornful tone, "while i weigh about half a ton." "you don't weigh as much as you ought to, jim," remarked the girl, shaking her head as she looked at the animal. "you're dreadfully skinny." "oh, well; i'm old," said the horse, hanging his head despondently, "and i've had lots of trouble in my day, little one. for a good many years i drew a public cab in chicago, and that's enough to make anyone skinny." "he eats enough to get fat, i'm sure," said the boy, gravely. "do i? can you remember any breakfast that i've had today?" growled jim, as if he resented zeb's speech. "none of us has had breakfast," said the boy; "and in a time of danger like this it's foolish to talk about eating." "nothing is more dangerous than being without food," declared the horse, with a sniff at the rebuke of his young master; "and just at present no one can tell whether there are any oats in this queer country or not. if there are, they are liable to be glass oats!" [illustration: "come on, jim! it's all right."] "oh, no!" exclaimed dorothy. "i can see plenty of nice gardens and fields down below us, at the edge of this city. but i wish we could find a way to get to the ground." "why don't you walk down?" asked eureka. "i'm as hungry as the horse is, and i want my milk." "will you try it, zeb" asked the girl, turning to her companion. zeb hesitated. he was still pale and frightened, for this dreadful adventure had upset him and made him nervous and worried. but he did not wish the little girl to think him a coward, so he advanced slowly to the edge of the roof. dorothy stretched out a hand to him and zeb put one foot out and let it rest in the air a little over the edge of the roof. it seemed firm enough to walk upon, so he took courage and put out the other foot. dorothy kept hold of his hand and followed him, and soon they were both walking through the air, with the kitten frisking beside them. "come on, jim!" called the boy. "it's all right." jim had crept to the edge of the roof to look over, and being a sensible horse and quite experienced, he made up his mind that he could go where the others did. so, with a snort and a neigh and a whisk of his short tail he trotted off the roof into the air and at once began floating downward to the street. his great weight made him fall faster than the children walked, and he passed them on the way down; but when he came to the glass pavement he alighted upon it so softly that he was not even jarred. "well, well!" said dorothy, drawing a long breath, "what a strange country this is." people began to come out of the glass doors to look at the new arrivals, and pretty soon quite a crowd had assembled. there were men and women, but no children at all, and the folks were all beautifully formed and attractively dressed and had wonderfully handsome faces. there was not an ugly person in all the throng, yet dorothy was not especially pleased by the appearance of these people because their features had no more expression than the faces of dolls. they did not smile nor did they frown, or show either fear or surprise or curiosity or friendliness. they simply stared at the strangers, paying most attention to jim and eureka, for they had never before seen either a horse or a cat and the children bore an outward resemblance to themselves. pretty soon a man joined the group who wore a glistening star in the dark hair just over his forehead. he seemed to be a person of authority, for the others pressed back to give him room. after turning his composed eyes first upon the animals and then upon the children he said to zeb, who was a little taller than dorothy: "tell me, intruder, was it you who caused the rain of stones?" for a moment the boy did not know what he meant by this question. then, remembering the stones that had fallen with them and passed them long before they had reached this place, he answered: "no, sir; we didn't cause anything. it was the earthquake." the man with the star stood for a time quietly thinking over this speech. then he asked: "what is an earthquake?" "i don't know," said zeb, who was still confused. but dorothy, seeing his perplexity, answered: "it's a shaking of the earth. in this quake a big crack opened and we fell through--horse and buggy, and all--and the stones got loose and came down with us." the man with the star regarded her with his calm, expressionless eyes. "the rain of stones has done much damage to our city," he said; "and we shall hold you responsible for it unless you can prove your innocence." "how can we do that?" asked the girl. "that i am not prepared to say. it is your affair, not mine. you must go to the house of the sorcerer, who will soon discover the truth." "where is the house of the sorcerer?" the girl enquired. "i will lead you to it. come!" he turned and walked down the street, and after a moment's hesitation dorothy caught eureka in her arms and climbed into the buggy. the boy took his seat beside her and said: "gid-dap, jim." as the horse ambled along, drawing the buggy, the people of the glass city made way for them and formed a procession in their rear. slowly they moved down one street and up another, turning first this way and then that, until they came to an open square in the center of which was a big glass palace having a central dome and four tall spires on each corner. [illustration] chapter 3. the arrival of the wizard the doorway of the glass palace was quite big enough for the horse and buggy to enter, so zeb drove straight through it and the children found themselves in a lofty hall that was very beautiful. the people at once followed and formed a circle around the sides of the spacious room, leaving the horse and buggy and the man with the star to occupy the center of the hall. "come to us, oh, gwig!" called the man, in a loud voice. instantly a cloud of smoke appeared and rolled over the floor; then it slowly spread and ascended into the dome, disclosing a strange personage seated upon a glass throne just before jim's nose. he was formed just as were the other inhabitants of this land and his clothing only differed from theirs in being bright yellow. but he had no hair at all, and all over his bald head and face and upon the backs of his hands grew sharp thorns like those found on the branches of rose-bushes. there was even a thorn upon the tip of his nose and he looked so funny that dorothy laughed when she saw him. the sorcerer, hearing the laugh, looked toward the little girl with cold, cruel eyes, and his glance made her grow sober in an instant. "why have you dared to intrude your unwelcome persons into the secluded land of the mangaboos?" he asked, sternly. "'cause we couldn't help it," said dorothy. "why did you wickedly and viciously send the rain of stones to crack and break our houses?" he continued. "we didn't," declared the girl. "prove it!" cried the sorcerer. "we don't have to prove it," answered dorothy, indignantly. "if you had any sense at all you'd known it was the earthquake." "we only know that yesterday came a rain of stones upon us, which did much damage and injured some of our people. today came another rain of stones, and soon after it you appeared among us." "by the way," said the man with the star, looking steadily at the sorcerer, "you told us yesterday that there would not be a second rain of stones. yet one has just occurred that was even worse than the first. what is your sorcery good for if it cannot tell us the truth?" "my sorcery does tell the truth!" declared the thorn-covered man. "i said there would be but one rain of stones. this second one was a rain of people-and-horse-and-buggy. and some stones came with them." "will there be any more rains?" asked the man with the star. "no, my prince." "neither stones nor people?" "no, my prince." "are you sure?" "quite sure, my prince. my sorcery tells me so." just then a man came running into the hall and addressed the prince after making a low bow. "more wonders in the air, my lord," said he. immediately the prince and all of his people flocked out of the hall into the street, that they might see what was about to happen. dorothy and zeb jumped out of the buggy and ran after them, but the sorcerer remained calmly in his throne. far up in the air was an object that looked like a balloon. it was not so high as the glowing star of the six colored suns, but was descending slowly through the air--so slowly that at first it scarcely seemed to move. the throng stood still and waited. it was all they could do, for to go away and leave that strange sight was impossible; nor could they hurry its fall in any way. the earth children were not noticed, being so near the average size of the mangaboos, and the horse had remained in the house of the sorcerer, with eureka curled up asleep on the seat of the buggy. gradually the balloon grew bigger, which was proof that it was settling down upon the land of the mangaboos. dorothy was surprised to find how patient the people were, for her own little heart was beating rapidly with excitement. a balloon meant to her some other arrival from the surface of the earth, and she hoped it would be some one able to assist her and zeb out of their difficulties. in an hour the balloon had come near enough for her to see a basket suspended below it; in two hours she could see a head looking over the side of the basket; in three hours the big balloon settled slowly into the great square in which they stood and came to rest on the glass pavement. then a little man jumped out of the basket, took off his tall hat, and bowed very gracefully to the crowd of mangaboos around him. he was quite an old little man, and his head was long and entirely bald. "why," cried dorothy, in amazement, "it's oz!" the little man looked toward her and seemed as much surprised as she was. but he smiled and bowed as he answered: "yes, my dear; i am oz, the great and terrible. eh? and you are little dorothy, from kansas. i remember you very well." "who did you say it was?" whispered zeb to the girl. "it's the wonderful wizard of oz. haven't you heard of him?" just then the man with the star came and stood before the wizard. "sir," said he, "why are you here, in the land of the mangaboos?" "didn't know what land it was, my son," returned the other, with a pleasant smile; "and, to be honest, i didn't mean to visit you when i started out. i live on top of the earth, your honor, which is far better than living inside it; but yesterday i went up in a balloon, and when i came down i fell into a big crack in the earth, caused by an earthquake. i had let so much gas out of my balloon that i could not rise again, and in a few minutes the earth closed over my head. so i continued to descend until i reached this place, and if you will show me a way to get out of it, i'll go with pleasure. sorry to have troubled you; but it couldn't be helped." the prince had listened with attention. said he: "this child, who is from the crust of the earth, like yourself, called you a wizard. is not a wizard something like a sorcerer?" "it's better," replied oz, promptly. "one wizard is worth three sorcerers." "ah, you shall prove that," said the prince. "we mangaboos have, at the present time, one of the most wonderful sorcerers that ever was picked from a bush; but he sometimes makes mistakes. do you ever make mistakes?" "never!" declared the wizard, boldly. "oh, oz!" said dorothy; "you made a lot of mistakes when you were in the marvelous land of oz." "nonsense!" said the little man, turning red--although just then a ray of violet sunlight was on his round face. "come with me," said the prince to him. "i wish you to meet our sorcerer." the wizard did not like this invitation, but he could not refuse to accept it. so he followed the prince into the great domed hall, and dorothy and zeb came after them, while the throng of people trooped in also. there sat the thorny sorcerer in his chair of state, and when the wizard saw him he began to laugh, uttering comical little chuckles. "what an absurd creature!" he exclaimed. "he may look absurd," said the prince, in his quiet voice; "but he is an excellent sorcerer. the only fault i find with him is that he is so often wrong." "i am never wrong," answered the sorcerer. "only a short time ago you told me there would be no more rain of stones or of people," said the prince. "well, what then?" "here is another person descended from the air to prove you were wrong." "one person cannot be called 'people,'" said the sorcerer. "if two should come out of the sky you might with justice say i was wrong; but unless more than this one appears i will hold that i was right." "very clever," said the wizard, nodding his head as if pleased. "i am delighted to find humbugs inside the earth, just the same as on top of it. were you ever with a circus, brother?" "no," said the sorcerer. "you ought to join one," declared the little man seriously. "i belong to bailum & barney's great consolidated shows--three rings in one tent and a menagerie on the side. it's a fine aggregation, i assure you." "what do you do?" asked the sorcerer. "i go up in a balloon, usually, to draw the crowds to the circus. but i've just had the bad luck to come out of the sky, skip the solid earth, and land lower down than i intended. but never mind. it isn't everybody who gets a chance to see your land of the gabazoos." "mangaboos," said the sorcerer, correcting him. "if you are a wizard you ought to be able to call people by their right names." "oh, i'm a wizard; you may be sure of that. just as good a wizard as you are a sorcerer." "that remains to be seen," said the other. "if you are able to prove that you are better," said the prince to the little man, "i will make you the chief wizard of this domain. otherwise--" "what will happen otherwise?" asked the wizard. "i will stop you from living, and forbid you to be planted," returned the prince. "that does not sound especially pleasant," said the little man, looking at the one with the star uneasily. "but never mind. i'll beat old prickly, all right." "my name is gwig," said the sorcerer, turning his heartless, cruel eyes upon his rival. "let me see you equal the sorcery i am about to perform." he waved a thorny hand and at once the tinkling of bells was heard, playing sweet music. yet, look where she would, dorothy could discover no bells at all in the great glass hall. the mangaboo people listened, but showed no great interest. it was one of the things gwig usually did to prove he was a sorcerer. now was the wizard's turn, so he smiled upon the assemblage and asked: "will somebody kindly loan me a hat?" no one did, because the mangaboos did not wear hats, and zeb had lost his, somehow, in his flight through the air. "ahem!" said the wizard, "will somebody please loan me a handkerchief?" but they had no handkerchiefs, either. "very good," remarked the wizard. "i'll use my own hat, if you please. now, good people, observe me carefully. you see, there is nothing up my sleeve and nothing concealed about my person. also, my hat is quite empty." he took off his hat and held it upside down, shaking it briskly. "let me see it," said the sorcerer. he took the hat and examined it carefully, returning it afterward to the wizard. "now," said the little man, "i will create something out of nothing." he placed the hat upon the glass floor, made a pass with his hand, and then removed the hat, displaying a little white piglet no bigger than a mouse, which began to run around here and there and to grunt and squeal in a tiny, shrill voice. the people watched it intently, for they had never seen a pig before, big or little. the wizard reached out, caught the wee creature in his hand, and holding its head between one thumb and finger and its tail between the other thumb and finger he pulled it apart, each of the two parts becoming a whole and separate piglet in an instant. he placed one upon the floor, so that it could run around, and pulled apart the other, making three piglets in all; and then one of these was pulled apart, making four piglets. the wizard continued this surprising performance until nine tiny piglets were running about at his feet, all squealing and grunting in a very comical way. "now," said the wizard of oz, "having created something from nothing, i will make something nothing again." with this he caught up two of the piglets and pushed them together, so that the two were one. then he caught up another piglet and pushed it into the first, where it disappeared. and so, one by one, the nine tiny piglets were pushed together until but a single one of the creatures remained. this the wizard placed underneath his hat and made a mystic sign above it. when he removed his hat the last piglet had disappeared entirely. the little man gave a bow to the silent throng that had watched him, and then the prince said, in his cold, calm voice: "you are indeed a wonderful wizard, and your powers are greater than those of my sorcerer." "he will not be a wonderful wizard long," remarked gwig. "why not?" enquired the wizard. "because i am going to stop your breath," was the reply. "i perceive that you are curiously constructed, and that if you cannot breathe you cannot keep alive." the little man looked troubled. "how long will it take you to stop my breath?" he asked. "about five minutes. i'm going to begin now. watch me carefully." he began making queer signs and passes toward the wizard; but the little man did not watch him long. instead, he drew a leathern case from his pocket and took from it several sharp knives, which he joined together, one after another, until they made a long sword. by the time he had attached a handle to this sword he was having much trouble to breathe, as the charm of the sorcerer was beginning to take effect. so the wizard lost no more time, but leaping forward he raised the sharp sword, whirled it once or twice around his head, and then gave a mighty stroke that cut the body of the sorcerer exactly in two. dorothy screamed and expected to see a terrible sight; but as the two halves of the sorcerer fell apart on the floor she saw that he had no bones or blood inside of him at all, and that the place where he was cut looked much like a sliced turnip or potato. "why, he's vegetable!" cried the wizard, astonished. "of course," said the prince. "we are all vegetable, in this country. are you not vegetable, also?" "no," answered the wizard. "people on top of the earth are all meat. will your sorcerer die?" "certainly, sir. he is really dead now, and will wither very quickly. so we must plant him at once, that other sorcerers may grow upon his bush," continued the prince. "what do you mean by that?" asked the little wizard, greatly puzzled. "if you will accompany me to our public gardens," replied the prince, "i will explain to you much better than i can here the mysteries of our vegetable kingdom." [illustration: the wizard cut the sorcerer exactly in two.] chapter 4. the vegetable kingdom after the wizard had wiped the dampness from his sword and taken it apart and put the pieces into their leathern case again, the man with the star ordered some of his people to carry the two halves of the sorcerer to the public gardens. jim pricked up his ears when he heard they were going to the gardens, and wanted to join the party, thinking he might find something proper to eat; so zeb put down the top of the buggy and invited the wizard to ride with them. the seat was amply wide enough for the little man and the two children, and when jim started to leave the hall the kitten jumped upon his back and sat there quite contentedly. so the procession moved through the streets, the bearers of the sorcerer first, the prince next, then jim drawing the buggy with the strangers inside of it, and last the crowd of vegetable people who had no hearts and could neither smile nor frown. the glass city had several fine streets, for a good many people lived there; but when the procession had passed through these it came upon a broad plain covered with gardens and watered by many pretty brooks that flowed through it. there were paths through these gardens, and over some of the brooks were ornamental glass bridges. dorothy and zeb now got out of the buggy and walked beside the prince, so that they might see and examine the flowers and plants better. "who built these lovely bridges?" asked the little girl. "no one built them," answered the man with the star. "they grow." "that's queer," said she. "did the glass houses in your city grow, too?" "of course," he replied. "but it took a good many years for them to grow as large and fine as they are now. that is why we are so angry when a rain of stones comes to break our towers and crack our roofs." "can't you mend them?" she enquired. "no; but they will grow together again, in time, and we must wait until they do." they first passed through many beautiful gardens of flowers, which grew nearest the city; but dorothy could hardly tell what kind of flowers they were, because the colors were constantly changing under the shifting lights of the six suns. a flower would be pink one second, white the next, then blue or yellow; and it was the same way when they came to the plants, which had broad leaves and grew close to the ground. when they passed over a field of grass jim immediately stretched down his head and began to nibble. "a nice country this is," he grumbled, "where a respectable horse has to eat pink grass!" "it's violet," said the wizard, who was in the buggy. "now it's blue," complained the horse. "as a matter of fact, i'm eating rainbow grass." "how does it taste?" asked the wizard. "not bad at all," said jim. "if they give me plenty of it i'll not complain about its color." by this time the party had reached a freshly plowed field, and the prince said to dorothy: "this is our planting-ground." several mangaboos came forward with glass spades and dug a hole in the ground. then they put the two halves of the sorcerer into it and covered him up. after that other people brought water from a brook and sprinkled the earth. "he will sprout very soon," said the prince, "and grow into a large bush, from which we shall in time be able to pick several very good sorcerers." "do all your people grow on bushes?" asked the boy. "certainly," was the reply. "do not all people grow upon bushes where you came from, on the outside of the earth." "not that i ever heard of." "how strange! but if you will come with me to one of our folk gardens i will show you the way we grow in the land of the mangaboos." it appeared that these odd people, while they were able to walk through the air with ease, usually moved upon the ground in the ordinary way. there were no stairs in their houses, because they did not need them, but on a level surface they generally walked just as we do. the little party of strangers now followed the prince across a few more of the glass bridges and along several paths until they came to a garden enclosed by a high hedge. jim had refused to leave the field of grass, where he was engaged in busily eating; so the wizard got out of the buggy and joined zeb and dorothy, and the kitten followed demurely at their heels. inside the hedge they came upon row after row of large and handsome plants with broad leaves gracefully curving until their points nearly reached the ground. in the center of each plant grew a daintily dressed mangaboo, for the clothing of all these creatures grew upon them and was attached to their bodies. the growing mangaboos were of all sizes, from the blossom that had just turned into a wee baby to the full-grown and almost ripe man or woman. on some of the bushes might be seen a bud, a blossom, a baby, a half-grown person and a ripe one; but even those ready to pluck were motionless and silent, as if devoid of life. this sight explained to dorothy why she had seen no children among the mangaboos, a thing she had until now been unable to account for. "our people do not acquire their real life until they leave their bushes," said the prince. "you will notice they are all attached to the plants by the soles of their feet, and when they are quite ripe they are easily separated from the stems and at once attain the powers of motion and speech. so while they grow they cannot be said to really live, and they must be picked before they can become good citizens." "how long do you live, after you are picked?" asked dorothy. "that depends upon the care we take of ourselves," he replied. "if we keep cool and moist, and meet with no accidents, we often live for five years. i've been picked over six years, but our family is known to be especially long lived." "do you eat?" asked the boy. "eat! no, indeed. we are quite solid inside our bodies, and have no need to eat, any more than does a potato." "but the potatoes sometimes sprout," said zeb. "and sometimes we do," answered the prince; "but that is considered a great misfortune, for then we must be planted at once." "where did you grow?" asked the wizard. "i will show you," was the reply. "step this way, please." he led them within another but smaller circle of hedge, where grew one large and beautiful bush. "this," said he, "is the royal bush of the mangaboos. all of our princes and rulers have grown upon this one bush from time immemorial." they stood before it in silent admiration. on the central stalk stood poised the figure of a girl so exquisitely formed and colored and so lovely in the expression of her delicate features that dorothy thought she had never seen so sweet and adorable a creature in all her life. the maiden's gown was soft as satin and fell about her in ample folds, while dainty lace-like traceries trimmed the bodice and sleeves. her flesh was fine and smooth as polished ivory, and her poise expressed both dignity and grace. "who is this?" asked the wizard, curiously. the prince had been staring hard at the girl on the bush. now he answered, with a touch of uneasiness in his cold tones: "she is the ruler destined to be my successor, for she is a royal princess. when she becomes fully ripe i must abandon the sovereignty of the mangaboos to her." "isn't she ripe now?" asked dorothy. he hesitated. "not quite," said he, finally. "it will be several days before she needs to be picked, or at least that is my judgment. i am in no hurry to resign my office and be planted, you may be sure." "probably not," declared the wizard, nodding. "this is one of the most unpleasant things about our vegetable lives," continued the prince, with a sigh, "that while we are in our full prime we must give way to another, and be covered up in the ground to sprout and grow and give birth to other people." "i'm sure the princess is ready to be picked," asserted dorothy, gazing hard at the beautiful girl on the bush. "she's as perfect as she can be." "never mind," answered the prince, hastily, "she will be all right for a few days longer, and it is best for me to rule until i can dispose of you strangers, who have come to our land uninvited and must be attended to at once." "what are you going to do with us?" asked zeb. "that is a matter i have not quite decided upon," was the reply. "i think i shall keep this wizard until a new sorcerer is ready to pick, for he seems quite skillful and may be of use to us. but the rest of you must be destroyed in some way, and you cannot be planted, because i do not wish horses and cats and meat people growing all over our country." "you needn't worry," said dorothy. "we wouldn't grow under ground, i'm sure." "but why destroy my friends?" asked the little wizard. "why not let them live?" "they do not belong here," returned the prince. "they have no right to be inside the earth at all." "we didn't ask to come down here; we fell," said dorothy. "that is no excuse," declared the prince, coldly. the children looked at each other in perplexity, and the wizard sighed. eureka rubbed her paw on her face and said in her soft, purring voice: "he won't need to destroy _me_, for if i don't get something to eat pretty soon i shall starve to death, and so save him the trouble." "if he planted you, he might grow some cat-tails," suggested the wizard. "oh, eureka! perhaps we can find you some milk-weeds to eat," said the boy. "phoo!" snarled the kitten; "i wouldn't touch the nasty things!" "you don't need milk, eureka," remarked dorothy; "you are big enough now to eat any kind of food." "if i can get it," added eureka. "i'm hungry myself," said zeb. "but i noticed some strawberries growing in one of the gardens, and some melons in another place. these people don't eat such things, so perhaps on our way back they will let us get them." "never mind your hunger," interrupted the prince. "i shall order you destroyed in a few minutes, so you will have no need to ruin our pretty melon vines and berry bushes. follow me, please, to meet your doom." chapter 5. dorothy picks the princess the words of the cold and moist vegetable prince were not very comforting, and as he spoke them he turned away and left the enclosure. the children, feeling sad and despondent, were about to follow him when the wizard touched dorothy softly on her shoulder. "wait!" he whispered. "what for?" asked the girl. "suppose we pick the royal princess," said the wizard. "i'm quite sure she's ripe, and as soon as she comes to life she will be the ruler, and may treat us better than that heartless prince intends to." "all right!" exclaimed dorothy, eagerly. "let's pick her while we have the chance, before the man with the star comes back." so together they leaned over the great bush and each of them seized one hand of the lovely princess. "pull!" cried dorothy, and as they did so the royal lady leaned toward them and the stems snapped and separated from her feet. she was not at all heavy, so the wizard and dorothy managed to lift her gently to the ground. the beautiful creature passed her hands over her eyes an instant, tucked in a stray lock of hair that had become disarranged, and after a look around the garden made those present a gracious bow and said, in a sweet but even toned voice: "i thank you very much." "we salute your royal highness!" cried the wizard, kneeling and kissing her hand. just then the voice of the prince was heard calling upon them to hasten, and a moment later he returned to the enclosure, followed by a number of his people. instantly the princess turned and faced him, and when he saw that she was picked the prince stood still and began to tremble. "sir," said the royal lady, with much dignity, "you have wronged me greatly, and would have wronged me still more had not these strangers come to my rescue. i have been ready for picking all the past week, but because you were selfish and desired to continue your unlawful rule, you left me to stand silent upon my bush." "i did not know that you were ripe," answered the prince, in a low voice. "give me the star of royalty!" she commanded. slowly he took the shining star from his own brow and placed it upon that of the princess. then all the people bowed low to her, and the prince turned and walked away alone. what became of him afterward our friends never knew. the people of mangaboo now formed themselves into a procession and marched toward the glass city to escort their new ruler to her palace and to perform those ceremonies proper to the occasion. but while the people in the procession walked upon the ground the princess walked in the air just above their heads, to show that she was a superior being and more exalted than her subjects. no one now seemed to pay any attention to the strangers, so dorothy and zeb and the wizard let the train pass on and then wandered by themselves into the vegetable gardens. they did not bother to cross the bridges over the brooks, but when they came to a stream they stepped high and walked in the air to the other side. this was a very interesting experience to them, and dorothy said: "i wonder why it is that we can walk so easily in the air." "perhaps," answered the wizard, "it is because we are close to the center of the earth, where the attraction of gravitation is very slight. but i've noticed that many queer things happen in fairy countries." "is this a fairy country?" asked the boy. "of course it is," returned dorothy, promptly. "only a fairy country could have veg'table people; and only in a fairy country could eureka and jim talk as we do." "that's true," said zeb, thoughtfully. in the vegetable gardens they found the strawberries and melons, and several other unknown but delicious fruits, of which they ate heartily. but the kitten bothered them constantly by demanding milk or meat, and called the wizard names because he could not bring her a dish of milk by means of his magical arts. as they sat upon the grass watching jim, who was still busily eating, eureka said: "i don't believe you are a wizard at all!" "no," answered the little man, "you are quite right. in the strict sense of the word i am not a wizard, but only a humbug." "the wizard of oz has always been a humbug," agreed dorothy. "i've known him for a long time." "if that is so," said the boy, "how could he do that wonderful trick with the nine tiny piglets?" "don't know," said dorothy, "but it must have been humbug." "very true," declared the wizard, nodding at her. "it was necessary to deceive that ugly sorcerer and the prince, as well as their stupid people; but i don't mind telling you, who are my friends, that the thing was only a trick." "but i saw the little pigs with my own eyes!" exclaimed zeb. "so did i," purred the kitten. "to be sure," answered the wizard. "you saw them because they were there. they are in my inside pocket now. but the pulling of them apart and pushing them together again was only a sleight-of-hand trick." "let's see the pigs," said eureka, eagerly. the little man felt carefully in his pocket and pulled out the tiny piglets, setting them upon the grass one by one, where they ran around and nibbled the tender blades. "they're hungry, too," he said. "oh, what cunning things!" cried dorothy, catching up one and petting it. "be careful!" said the piglet, with a squeal, "you're squeezing me!" "dear me!" murmured the wizard, looking at his pets in astonishment. "they can actually talk!" "may i eat one of them?" asked the kitten, in a pleading voice. "i'm awfully hungry." "why, eureka," said dorothy, reproachfully, "what a cruel question! it would be dreadful to eat these dear little things." "i should say so!" grunted another of the piglets, looking uneasily at the kitten; "cats are cruel things." "i'm not cruel," replied the kitten, yawning. "i'm just hungry." "you cannot eat my piglets, even if you are starving," declared the little man, in a stern voice. "they are the only things i have to prove i'm a wizard." "how did they happen to be so little?" asked dorothy. "i never saw such small pigs before." "they are from the island of teenty-weent," said the wizard, "where everything is small because it's a small island. a sailor brought them to los angeles and i gave him nine tickets to the circus for them." "but what am i going to eat?" wailed the kitten, sitting in front of dorothy and looking pleadingly into her face. "there are no cows here to give milk; or any mice, or even grasshoppers. and if i can't eat the piglets you may as well plant me at once and raise catsup." "i have an idea," said the wizard, "that there are fishes in these brooks. do you like fish?" "fish!" cried the kitten. "do i like fish? why, they're better than piglets--or even milk!" "then i'll try to catch you some," said he. "but won't they be veg'table, like everything else here?" asked the kitten. "i think not. fishes are not animals, and they are as cold and moist as the vegetables themselves. there is no reason, that i can see, why they may not exist in the waters of this strange country." then the wizard bent a pin for a hook and took a long piece of string from his pocket for a fish-line. the only bait he could find was a bright red blossom from a flower; but he knew fishes are easy to fool if anything bright attracts their attention, so he decided to try the blossom. having thrown the end of his line in the water of a nearby brook he soon felt a sharp tug that told him a fish had bitten and was caught on the bent pin; so the little man drew in the string and, sure enough, the fish came with it and was landed safely on the shore, where it began to flop around in great excitement. [illustration: in the garden of the mangaboos.] the fish was fat and round, and its scales glistened like beautifully cut jewels set close together; but there was no time to examine it closely, for eureka made a jump and caught it between her claws, and in a few moments it had entirely disappeared. "oh, eureka!" cried dorothy, "did you eat the bones?" "if it had any bones, i ate them," replied the kitten, composedly, as it washed its face after the meal. "but i don't think that fish had any bones, because i didn't feel them scratch my throat." "you were very greedy," said the girl. "i was very hungry," replied the kitten. the little pigs had stood huddled in a group, watching this scene with frightened eyes. "cats are dreadful creatures!" said one of them. "i'm glad we are not fishes!" said another. "don't worry," dorothy murmured, soothingly, "i'll not let the kitten hurt you." then she happened to remember that in a corner of her suit-case were one or two crackers that were left over from her luncheon on the train, and she went to the buggy and brought them. eureka stuck up her nose at such food, but the tiny piglets squealed delightedly at the sight of the crackers and ate them up in a jiffy. "now let us go back to the city," suggested the wizard. "that is, if jim has had enough of the pink grass." the cab-horse, who was browsing near, lifted his head with a sigh. "i've tried to eat a lot while i had the chance," said he, "for it's likely to be a long while between meals in this strange country. but i'm ready to go, now, at any time you wish." so, after the wizard had put the piglets back into his inside pocket, where they cuddled up and went to sleep, the three climbed into the buggy and jim started back to the town. "where shall we stay?" asked the girl. "i think i shall take possession of the house of the sorcerer," replied the wizard; "for the prince said in the presence of his people that he would keep me until they picked another sorcerer, and the new princess won't know but that we belong there." they agreed to this plan, and when they reached the great square jim drew the buggy into the big door of the domed hall. "it doesn't look very homelike," said dorothy, gazing around at the bare room. "but it's a place to stay, anyhow." "what are those holes up there?" enquired the boy, pointing to some openings that appeared near the top of the dome. "they look like doorways," said dorothy; "only there are no stairs to get to them." "you forget that stairs are unnecessary," observed the wizard. "let us walk up, and see where the doors lead to." with this he began walking in the air toward the high openings, and dorothy and zeb followed him. it was the same sort of climb one experiences when walking up a hill, and they were nearly out of breath when they came to the row of openings, which they perceived to be doorways leading into halls in the upper part of the house. following these halls they discovered many small rooms opening from them, and some were furnished with glass benches, tables and chairs. but there were no beds at all. "i wonder if these people never sleep," said the girl. "why, there seems to be no night at all in this country," zeb replied. "those colored suns are exactly in the same place they were when we came, and if there is no sunset there can be no night." "very true," agreed the wizard. "but it is a long time since i have had any sleep, and i'm tired. so i think i shall lie down upon one of these hard glass benches and take a nap." "i will, too," said dorothy, and chose a little room at the end of the hall. zeb walked down again to unharness jim, who, when he found himself free, rolled over a few times and then settled down to sleep, with eureka nestling comfortably beside his big, boney body. then the boy returned to one of the upper rooms, and in spite of the hardness of the glass bench was soon deep in slumberland. [illustration] chapter 6. the mangaboos prove dangerous when the wizard awoke the six colored suns were shining down upon the land of the mangaboos just as they had done ever since his arrival. the little man, having had a good sleep, felt rested and refreshed, and looking through the glass partition of the room he saw zeb sitting up on his bench and yawning. so the wizard went in to him. "zeb," said he, "my balloon is of no further use in this strange country, so i may as well leave it on the square where it fell. but in the basket-car are some things i would like to keep with me. i wish you would go and fetch my satchel, two lanterns, and a can of kerosene oil that is under the seat. there is nothing else that i care about." so the boy went willingly upon the errand, and by the time he had returned dorothy was awake. then the three held a counsel to decide what they should do next, but could think of no way to better their condition. "i don't like these veg'table people," said the little girl. "they're cold and flabby, like cabbages, in spite of their prettiness." "i agree with you. it is because there is no warm blood in them," remarked the wizard. "and they have no hearts; so they can't love anyone--not even themselves," declared the boy. "the princess is lovely to look at," continued dorothy, thoughtfully; "but i don't care much for her, after all. if there was any other place to go, i'd like to go there." "but _is_ there any other place?" asked the wizard. "i don't know," she answered. just then they heard the big voice of jim the cab-horse calling to them, and going to the doorway leading to the dome they found the princess and a throng of her people had entered the house of the sorcerer. so they went down to greet the beautiful vegetable lady, who said to them: "i have been talking with my advisors about you meat people, and we have decided that you do not belong in the land of the mangaboos and must not remain here." "how can we go away?" asked dorothy. "oh, you cannot go away, of course; so you must be destroyed," was the answer. "in what way?" enquired the wizard. "we shall throw you three people into the garden of the twining vines," said the princess, "and they will soon crush you and devour your bodies to make themselves grow bigger. the animals you have with you we will drive to the mountains and put into the black pit. then our country will be rid of all its unwelcome visitors." "but you are in need of a sorcerer," said the wizard, "and not one of those growing is yet ripe enough to pick. i am greater than any thorn-covered sorcerer that ever grew in your garden. why destroy me?" "it is true we need a sorcerer," acknowledged the princess, "but i am informed that one of our own will be ready to pick in a few days, to take the place of gwig, whom you cut in two before it was time for him to be planted. let us see your arts, and the sorceries you are able to perform. then i will decide whether to destroy you with the others or not." at this the wizard made a bow to the people and repeated his trick of producing the nine tiny piglets and making them disappear again. he did it very cleverly, indeed, and the princess looked at the strange piglets as if she were as truly astonished as any vegetable person could be. but afterward she said: "i have heard of this wonderful magic. but it accomplishes nothing of value. what else can you do?" the wizard tried to think. then he jointed together the blades of his sword and balanced it very skillfully upon the end of his nose. but even that did not satisfy the princess. just then his eye fell upon the lanterns and the can of kerosene oil which zeb had brought from the car of his balloon, and he got a clever idea from those commonplace things. "your highness," said he, "i will now proceed to prove my magic by creating two suns that you have never seen before; also i will exhibit a destroyer much more dreadful than your clinging vines." so he placed dorothy upon one side of him and the boy upon the other and set a lantern upon each of their heads. "don't laugh," he whispered to them, "or you will spoil the effect of my magic." [illustration: "now, princess," exclaimed the wizard.] then, with much dignity and a look of vast importance upon his wrinkled face, the wizard got out his match-box and lighted the two lanterns. the glare they made was very small when compared with the radiance of the six great colored suns; but still they gleamed steadily and clearly. the mangaboos were much impressed because they had never before seen any light that did not come directly from their suns. next the wizard poured a pool of oil from the can upon the glass floor, where it covered quite a broad surface. when he lighted the oil a hundred tongues of flame shot up, and the effect was really imposing. "now, princess," exclaimed the wizard, "those of your advisors who wished to throw us into the garden of clinging vines must step within this circle of light. if they advised you well, and were in the right, they will not be injured in any way. but if any advised you wrongly, the light will wither him." the advisors of the princess did not like this test; but she commanded them to step into the flame and one by one they did so, and were scorched so badly that the air was soon filled with an odor like that of baked potatoes. some of the mangaboos fell down and had to be dragged from the fire, and all were so withered that it would be necessary to plant them at once. "sir," said the princess to the wizard, "you are greater than any sorcerer we have ever known. as it is evident that my people have advised me wrongly, i will not cast you three people into the dreadful garden of the clinging vines; but your animals must be driven into the black pit in the mountain, for my subjects cannot bear to have them around." the wizard was so pleased to have saved the two children and himself that he said nothing against this decree; but when the princess had gone both jim and eureka protested they did not want to go to the black pit, and dorothy promised she would do all that she could to save them from such a fate. for two or three days after this--if we call days the periods between sleep, there being no night to divide the hours into days--our friends were not disturbed in any way. they were even permitted to occupy the house of the sorcerer in peace, as if it had been their own, and to wander in the gardens in search of food. once they came near to the enclosed garden of the clinging vines, and walking high into the air looked down upon it with much interest. they saw a mass of tough green vines all matted together and writhing and twisting around like a nest of great snakes. everything the vines touched they crushed, and our adventurers were indeed thankful to have escaped being cast among them. whenever the wizard went to sleep he would take the nine tiny piglets from his pocket and let them run around on the floor of his room to amuse themselves and get some exercise; and one time they found his glass door ajar and wandered into the hall and then into the bottom part of the great dome, walking through the air as easily as eureka could. they knew the kitten, by this time, so they scampered over to where she lay beside jim and commenced to frisk and play with her. the cab-horse, who never slept long at a time, sat upon his haunches and watched the tiny piglets and the kitten with much approval. "don't be rough!" he would call out, if eureka knocked over one of the round, fat piglets with her paw; but the pigs never minded, and enjoyed the sport very greatly. suddenly they looked up to find the room filled with the silent, solemn-eyed mangaboos. each of the vegetable folks bore a branch covered with sharp thorns, which was thrust defiantly toward the horse, the kitten and the piglets. "here--stop this foolishness!" jim roared, angrily; but after being pricked once or twice he got upon his four legs and kept out of the way of the thorns. the mangaboos surrounded them in solid ranks, but left an opening to the doorway of the hall; so the animals slowly retreated until they were driven from the room and out upon the street. here were more of the vegetable people with thorns, and silently they urged the now frightened creatures down the street. jim had to be careful not to step upon the tiny piglets, who scampered under his feet grunting and squealing, while eureka, snarling and biting at the thorns pushed toward her, also tried to protect the pretty little things from injury. slowly but steadily the heartless mangaboos drove them on, until they had passed through the city and the gardens and come to the broad plains leading to the mountain. "what does all this mean, anyhow?" asked the horse, jumping to escape a thorn. "why, they are driving us toward the black pit, into which they threatened to cast us," replied the kitten. "if i were as big as you are, jim, i'd fight these miserable turnip-roots!" "what would you do?" enquired jim. "i'd kick out with those long legs and iron-shod hoofs." "all right," said the horse; "i'll do it." an instant later he suddenly backed toward the crowd of mangaboos and kicked out his hind legs as hard as he could. a dozen of them smashed together and tumbled to the ground, and seeing his success jim kicked again and again, charging into the vegetable crowd, knocking them in all directions and sending the others scattering to escape his iron heels. eureka helped him by flying into the faces of the enemy and scratching and biting furiously, and the kitten ruined so many vegetable complexions that the mangaboos feared her as much as they did the horse. but the foes were too many to be repulsed for long. they tired jim and eureka out, and although the field of battle was thickly covered with mashed and disabled mangaboos, our animal friends had to give up at last and allow themselves to be driven to the mountain. [illustration] chapter 7. into the black pit and out again when they came to the mountain it proved to be a rugged, towering chunk of deep green glass, and looked dismal and forbidding in the extreme. half way up the steep was a yawning cave, black as night beyond the point where the rainbow rays of the colored suns reached into it. the mangaboos drove the horse and the kitten and the piglets into this dark hole and then, having pushed the buggy in after them--for it seemed some of them had dragged it all the way from the domed hall--they began to pile big glass rocks within the entrance, so that the prisoners could not get out again. "this is dreadful!" groaned jim. "it will be about the end of our adventures, i guess." "if the wizard was here," said one of the piglets, sobbing bitterly, "he would not see us suffer so." "we ought to have called him and dorothy when we were first attacked," added eureka. "but never mind; be brave, my friends, and i will go and tell our masters where you are, and get them to come to your rescue." the mouth of the hole was nearly filled up now, but the kitten gave a leap through the remaining opening and at once scampered up into the air. the mangaboos saw her escape, and several of them caught up their thorns and gave chase, mounting through the air after her. eureka, however, was lighter than the mangaboos, and while they could mount only about a hundred feet above the earth the kitten found she could go nearly two hundred feet. so she ran along over their heads until she had left them far behind and below and had come to the city and the house of the sorcerer. there she entered in at dorothy's window in the dome and aroused her from her sleep. as soon as the little girl knew what had happened she awakened the wizard and zeb, and at once preparations were made to go to the rescue of jim and the piglets. the wizard carried his satchel, which was quite heavy, and zeb carried the two lanterns and the oil can. dorothy's wicker suit-case was still under the seat of the buggy, and by good fortune the boy had also placed the harness in the buggy when he had taken it off from jim to let the horse lie down and rest. so there was nothing for the girl to carry but the kitten, which she held close to her bosom and tried to comfort, for its little heart was still beating rapidly. some of the mangaboos discovered them as soon as they left the house of the sorcerer; but when they started toward the mountain the vegetable people allowed them to proceed without interference, yet followed in a crowd behind them so that they could not go back again. before long they neared the black pit, where a busy swarm of mangaboos, headed by their princess, was engaged in piling up glass rocks before the entrance. "stop, i command you!" cried the wizard, in an angry tone, and at once began pulling down the rocks to liberate jim and the piglets. instead of opposing him in this they stood back in silence until he had made a good-sized hole in the barrier, when by order of the princess they all sprang forward and thrust out their sharp thorns. [illustration: through the black pit.] dorothy hopped inside the opening to escape being pricked, and zeb and the wizard, after enduring a few stabs from the thorns, were glad to follow her. at once the mangaboos began piling up the rocks of glass again, and as the little man realized that they were all about to be entombed in the mountain he said to the children: "my dears, what shall we do? jump out and fight?" "what's the use?" replied dorothy. "i'd as soon die here as live much longer among those cruel and heartless people." "that's the way i feel about it," remarked zeb, rubbing his wounds. "i've had enough of the mangaboos." "all right," said the wizard; "i'm with you, whatever you decide. but we can't live long in this cavern, that's certain." noticing that the light was growing dim he picked up his nine piglets, patted each one lovingly on its fat little head, and placed them carefully in his inside pocket. zeb struck a match and lighted one of the lanterns. the rays of the colored suns were now shut out from them forever, for the last chinks had been filled up in the wall that separated their prison from the land of the mangaboos. "how big is this hole?" asked dorothy. "i'll explore it and see," replied the boy. so he carried the lantern back for quite a distance, while dorothy and the wizard followed at his side. the cavern did not come to an end, as they had expected it would, but slanted upward through the great glass mountain, running in a direction that promised to lead them to the side opposite the mangaboo country. "it isn't a bad road," observed the wizard, "and if we followed it it might lead us to some place that is more comfortable than this black pocket we are now in. i suppose the vegetable folk were always afraid to enter this cavern because it is dark; but we have our lanterns to light the way, so i propose that we start out and discover where this tunnel in the mountain leads to." the others agreed readily to this sensible suggestion, and at once the boy began to harness jim to the buggy. when all was in readiness the three took their seats in the buggy and jim started cautiously along the way, zeb driving while the wizard and dorothy each held a lighted lantern so the horse could see where to go. sometimes the tunnel was so narrow that the wheels of the buggy grazed the sides; then it would broaden out as wide as a street; but the floor was usually smooth, and for a long time they travelled on without any accident. jim stopped sometimes to rest, for the climb was rather steep and tiresome. "we must be nearly as high as the six colored suns, by this time," said dorothy. "i didn't know this mountain was so tall." "we are certainly a good distance away from the land of the mangaboos," added zeb; "for we have slanted away from it ever since we started." but they kept steadily moving, and just as jim was about tired out with his long journey the way suddenly grew lighter, and zeb put out the lanterns to save the oil. to their joy they found it was a white light that now greeted them, for all were weary of the colored rainbow lights which, after a time, had made their eyes ache with their constantly shifting rays. the sides of the tunnel showed before them like the inside of a long spy-glass, and the floor became more level. jim hastened his lagging steps at this assurance of a quick relief from the dark passage, and in a few moments more they had emerged from the mountain and found themselves face to face with a new and charming country. [illustration] chapter 8. the valley of voices by journeying through the glass mountain they had reached a delightful valley that was shaped like the hollow of a great cup, with another rugged mountain showing on the other side of it, and soft and pretty green hills at the ends. it was all laid out into lovely lawns and gardens, with pebble paths leading through them and groves of beautiful and stately trees dotting the landscape here and there. there were orchards, too, bearing luscious fruits that are all unknown in our world. alluring brooks of crystal water flowed sparkling between their flower-strewn banks, while scattered over the valley were dozens of the quaintest and most picturesque cottages our travelers had ever beheld. none of them were in clusters, such as villages or towns, but each had ample grounds of its own, with orchards and gardens surrounding it. as the new arrivals gazed upon this exquisite scene they were enraptured by its beauties and the fragrance that permeated the soft air, which they breathed so gratefully after the confined atmosphere of the tunnel. several minutes were consumed in silent admiration before they noticed two very singular and unusual facts about this valley. one was that it was lighted from some unseen source; for no sun or moon was in the arched blue sky, although every object was flooded with a clear and perfect light. the second and even more singular fact was the absence of any inhabitant of this splendid place. from their elevated position they could overlook the entire valley, but not a single moving object could they see. all appeared mysteriously deserted. the mountain on this side was not glass, but made of a stone similar to granite. with some difficulty and danger jim drew the buggy over the loose rocks until he reached the green lawns below, where the paths and orchards and gardens began. the nearest cottage was still some distance away. "isn't it fine?" cried dorothy, in a joyous voice, as she sprang out of the buggy and let eureka run frolicking over the velvety grass. "yes, indeed!" answered zeb. "we were lucky to get away from those dreadful vegetable people." "it wouldn't be so bad," remarked the wizard, gazing around him, "if we were obliged to live here always. we couldn't find a prettier place, i'm sure." he took the piglets from his pocket and let them run on the grass, and jim tasted a mouthful of the green blades and declared he was very contented in his new surroundings. "we can't walk in the air here, though," called eureka, who had tried it and failed; but the others were satisfied to walk on the ground, and the wizard said they must be nearer the surface of the earth than they had been in the mangaboo country, for everything was more homelike and natural. "but where are the people?" asked dorothy. the little man shook his bald head. "can't imagine, my dear," he replied. they heard the sudden twittering of a bird, but could not find the creature anywhere. slowly they walked along the path toward the nearest cottage, the piglets racing and gambolling beside them and jim pausing at every step for another mouthful of grass. presently they came to a low plant which had broad, spreading leaves, in the center of which grew a single fruit about as large as a peach. the fruit was so daintily colored and so fragrant, and looked so appetizing and delicious that dorothy stopped and exclaimed: "what is it, do you s'pose?" the piglets had smelled the fruit quickly, and before the girl could reach out her hand to pluck it every one of the nine tiny ones had rushed in and commenced to devour it with great eagerness. "it's good, anyway," said zeb, "or those little rascals wouldn't have gobbled it up so greedily." "where are they?" asked dorothy, in astonishment. they all looked around, but the piglets had disappeared. "dear me!" cried the wizard; "they must have run away. but i didn't see them go; did you?" "no!" replied the boy and the girl, together. "here,--piggy, piggy, piggy!" called their master, anxiously. several squeals and grunts were instantly heard at his feet, but the wizard could not discover a single piglet. "where are you?" he asked. "why, right beside you," spoke a tiny voice. "can't you see us?" [illustration: "are there really people in this room?"] "no," answered the little man, in a puzzled tone. "we can see you," said another of the piglets. the wizard stooped down and put out his hand, and at once felt the small fat body of one of his pets. he picked it up, but could not see what he held. "it is very strange," said he, soberly. "the piglets have become invisible, in some curious way." "i'll bet it's because they ate that peach!" cried the kitten. "it wasn't a peach, eureka," said dorothy. "i only hope it wasn't poison." "it was fine, dorothy," called one of the piglets. "we'll eat all we can find of them," said another. "but _we_ mus'n't eat them," the wizard warned the children, "or we too may become invisible, and lose each other. if we come across another of the strange fruit we must avoid it." calling the piglets to him he picked them all up, one by one, and put them away in his pocket; for although he could not see them he could feel them, and when he had buttoned his coat he knew they were safe for the present. the travellers now resumed their walk toward the cottage, which they presently reached. it was a pretty place, with vines growing thickly over the broad front porch. the door stood open and a table was set in the front room, with four chairs drawn up to it. on the table were plates, knives and forks, and dishes of bread, meat and fruits. the meat was smoking hot and the knives and forks were performing strange antics and jumping here and there in quite a puzzling way. but not a single person appeared to be in the room. "how funny!" exclaimed dorothy, who with zeb and the wizard now stood in the doorway. a peal of merry laughter answered her, and the knives and forks fell to the plates with a clatter. one of the chairs pushed back from the table, and this was so astonishing and mysterious that dorothy was almost tempted to run away in fright. "here are strangers, mama!" cried the shrill and childish voice of some unseen person. "so i see, my dear," answered another voice, soft and womanly. "what do you want?" demanded a third voice, in a stern, gruff accent. "well, well!" said the wizard; "are there really people in this room?" "of course," replied the man's voice. "and--pardon me for the foolish question--but, are you all invisible?" "surely," the woman answered, repeating her low, rippling laughter. "are you surprised that you are unable to see the people of voe?" "why, yes," stammered the wizard. "all the people i have ever met before were very plain to see." "where do you come from, then?" asked the woman, in a curious tone. "we belong upon the face of the earth," explained the wizard, "but recently, during an earthquake, we fell down a crack and landed in the country of the mangaboos." "dreadful creatures!" exclaimed the woman's voice. "i've heard of them." "they walled us up in a mountain," continued the wizard; "but we found there was a tunnel through to this side, so we came here. it is a beautiful place. what do you call it?" "it is the valley of voe." "thank you. we have seen no people since we arrived, so we came to this house to enquire our way." "are you hungry?" asked the woman's voice. "i could eat something," said dorothy. "so could i," added zeb. "but we do not wish to intrude, i assure you," the wizard hastened to say. "that's all right," returned the man's voice, more pleasantly than before. "you are welcome to what we have." as he spoke the voice came so near to zeb that he jumped back in alarm. two childish voices laughed merrily at this action, and dorothy was sure they were in no danger among such light-hearted folks, even if those folks couldn't be seen. "what curious animal is that which is eating the grass on my lawn?" enquired the man's voice. "that's jim," said the girl. "he's a horse." "what is he good for?" was the next question. "he draws the buggy you see fastened to him, and we ride in the buggy instead of walking," she explained. "can he fight?" asked the man's voice. "no! he can kick pretty hard with his heels, and bite a little; but jim can't 'zactly fight," she replied. "then the bears will get him," said one of the children's voices. "bears!" exclaimed dorothy. "are these bears here?" "that is the one evil of our country," answered the invisible man. "many large and fierce bears roam in the valley of voe, and when they can catch any of us they eat us up; but as they cannot see us, we seldom get caught." "are the bears invis'ble, too?" asked the girl. "yes; for they eat of the dama-fruit, as we all do, and that keeps them from being seen by any eye, whether human or animal." "does the dama-fruit grow on a low bush, and look something like a peach?" asked the wizard. "yes," was the reply. "if it makes you invis'ble, why do you eat it?" dorothy enquired. "for two reasons, my dear," the woman's voice answered. "the dama-fruit is the most delicious thing that grows, and when it makes us invisible the bears cannot find us to eat us up. but now, good wanderers, your luncheon is on the table, so please sit down and eat as much as you like." [illustration] chapter 9. they fight the invisible bears the strangers took their seats at the table willingly enough, for they were all hungry and the platters were now heaped with good things to eat. in front of each place was a plate bearing one of the delicious dama-fruit, and the perfume that rose from these was so enticing and sweet that they were sorely tempted to eat of them and become invisible. but dorothy satisfied her hunger with other things, and her companions did likewise, resisting the temptation. "why do you not eat the damas?" asked the woman's voice. "we don't want to get invis'ble," answered the girl. "but if you remain visible the bears will see you and devour you," said a girlish young voice, that belonged to one of the children. "we who live here much prefer to be invisible; for we can still hug and kiss one another, and are quite safe from the bears." "and we do not have to be so particular about our dress," remarked the man. "and mama can't tell whether my face is dirty or not!" added the other childish voice, gleefully. "but i make you wash it, every time i think of it," said the mother; "for it stands to reason your face is dirty, ianu, whether i can see it or not." dorothy laughed and stretched out her hands. "come here, please--ianu and your sister--and let me feel of you," she requested. they came to her willingly, and dorothy passed her hands over their faces and forms and decided one was a girl of about her own age and the other a boy somewhat smaller. the girl's hair was soft and fluffy and her skin as smooth as satin. when dorothy gently touched her nose and ears and lips they seemed to be well and delicately formed. "if i could see you i am sure you would be beautiful," she declared. the girl laughed, and her mother said: "we are not vain in the valley of voe, because we can not display our beauty, and good actions and pleasant ways are what make us lovely to our companions. yet we can see and appreciate the beauties of nature, the dainty flowers and trees, the green fields and the clear blue of the sky." "how about the birds and beasts and fishes?" asked zeb. "the birds we cannot see, because they love to eat of the damas as much as we do; yet we hear their sweet songs and enjoy them. neither can we see the cruel bears, for they also eat the fruit. but the fishes that swim in our brooks we can see, and often we catch them to eat." "it occurs to me you have a great deal to make you happy, even while invisible," remarked the wizard. "nevertheless, we prefer to remain visible while we are in your valley." just then eureka came in, for she had been until now wandering outside with jim; and when the kitten saw the table set with food she cried out: "now you must feed me, dorothy, for i'm half starved." the children were inclined to be frightened by the sight of the small animal, which reminded them of the bears; but dorothy reassured them by explaining that eureka was a pet and could do no harm even if she wished to. then, as the others had by this time moved away from the table, the kitten sprang upon the chair and put her paws upon the cloth to see what there was to eat. to her surprise an unseen hand clutched her and held her suspended in the air. eureka was frantic with terror, and tried to scratch and bite, so the next moment she was dropped to the floor. "did you see that, dorothy?" she gasped. "yes, dear," her mistress replied; "there are people living in this house, although we cannot see them. and you must have better manners, eureka, or something worse will happen to you." she placed a plate of food upon the floor and the kitten ate greedily. "give me that nice-smelling fruit i saw on the table," she begged, when she had cleaned the plate. "those are damas," said dorothy, "and you must never even taste them, eureka, or you'll get invis'ble, and then we can't see you at all." the kitten gazed wistfully at the forbidden fruit. "does it hurt to be invis'ble?" she asked. "i don't know," dorothy answered; "but it would hurt me dre'fully to lose you." "very well, i won't touch it," decided the kitten; "but you must keep it away from me, for the smell is very tempting." "can you tell us, sir or ma'am," said the wizard, addressing the air because he did not quite know where the unseen people stood, "if there is any way we can get out of your beautiful valley, and on top of the earth again." "oh, one can leave the valley easily enough," answered the man's voice; "but to do so you must enter a far less pleasant country. as for reaching the top of the earth, i have never heard that it is possible to do that, and if you succeeded in getting there you would probably fall off." "oh, no," said dorothy, "we've been there, and we know." "the valley of voe is certainly a charming place," resumed the wizard; "but we cannot be contented in any other land than our own, for long. even if we should come to unpleasant places on our way it is necessary, in order to reach the earth's surface, to keep moving on toward it." "in that case," said the man, "it will be best for you to cross our valley and mount the spiral staircase inside the pyramid mountain. the top of that mountain is lost in the clouds, and when you reach it you will be in the awful land of naught, where the gargoyles live." "what are gargoyles?" asked zeb. "i do not know, young sir. our greatest champion, overman-anu, once climbed the spiral stairway and fought nine days with the gargoyles before he could escape them and come back; but he could never be induced to describe the dreadful creatures, and soon afterward a bear caught him and ate him up." the wanderers were rather discouraged by this gloomy report, but dorothy said with a sigh: "if the only way to get home is to meet the gurgles, then we've got to meet 'em. they can't be worse than the wicked witch or the nome king." "but you must remember you had the scarecrow and the tin woodman to help you conquer those enemies," suggested the wizard. "just now, my dear, there is not a single warrior in your company." "oh, i guess zeb could fight if he had to. couldn't you, zeb?" asked the little girl. "perhaps; if i had to," answered zeb, doubtfully. "and you have the jointed sword that you chopped the veg'table sorcerer in two with," the girl said to the little man. "true," he replied; "and in my satchel are other useful things to fight with." "what the gargoyles most dread is a noise," said the man's voice. "our champion told me that when he shouted his battle-cry the creatures shuddered and drew back, hesitating to continue the combat. but they were in great numbers, and the champion could not shout much because he had to save his breath for fighting." "very good," said the wizard; "we can all yell better than we can fight, so we ought to defeat the gargoyles." "but tell me," said dorothy, "how did such a brave champion happen to let the bears eat him? and if he was invis'ble, and the bears invis'ble, who knows that they really ate him up?" "the champion had killed eleven bears in his time," returned the unseen man; "and we know this is true because when any creature is dead the invisible charm of the dama-fruit ceases to be active, and the slain one can be plainly seen by all eyes. when the champion killed a bear everyone could see it; and when the bears killed the champion we all saw several pieces of him scattered about, which of course disappeared again when the bears devoured them." they now bade farewell to the kind but unseen people of the cottage, and after the man had called their attention to a high, pyramid-shaped mountain on the opposite side of the valley, and told them how to travel in order to reach it, they again started upon their journey. they followed the course of a broad stream and passed several more pretty cottages; but of course they saw no one, nor did any one speak to them. fruits and flowers grew plentifully all about, and there were many of the delicious damas that the people of voe were so fond of. about noon they stopped to allow jim to rest in the shade of a pretty orchard, and while they plucked and ate some of the cherries and plums that grew there a soft voice suddenly said to them: "there are bears near by. be careful." the wizard got out his sword at once, and zeb grabbed the horse-whip. dorothy climbed into the buggy, although jim had been unharnessed from it and was grazing some distance away. the owner of the unseen voice laughed lightly and said: "you cannot escape the bears that way." "how _can_ we 'scape?" asked dorothy, nervously, for an unseen danger is always the hardest to face. "you must take to the river," was the reply. "the bears will not venture upon the water." "but we would be drowned!" exclaimed the girl. "oh, there is no need of that," said the voice, which from its gentle tones seemed to belong to a young girl. "you are strangers in the valley of voe, and do not seem to know our ways; so i will try to save you." the next moment a broad-leaved plant was jerked from the ground where it grew and held suspended in the air before the wizard. [illustration: escaping the invisible bears.] "sir," said the voice, "you must rub these leaves upon the soles of all your feet, and then you will be able to walk upon the water without sinking below the surface. it is a secret the bears do not know, and we people of voe usually walk upon the water when we travel, and so escape our enemies." "thank you!" cried the wizard, joyfully, and at once rubbed a leaf upon the soles of dorothy's shoes and then upon his own. the girl took a leaf and rubbed it upon the kitten's paws, and the rest of the plant was handed to zeb, who, after applying it to his own feet, carefully rubbed it upon all four of jim's hoofs and then upon the tires of the buggy-wheels. he had nearly finished this last task when a low growling was suddenly heard and the horse began to jump around and kick viciously with his heels. "quick! to the water, or you are lost!" cried their unseen friend, and without hesitation the wizard drew the buggy down the bank and out upon the broad river, for dorothy was still seated in it with eureka in her arms. they did not sink at all, owing to the virtues of the strange plant they had used, and when the buggy was in the middle of the stream the wizard returned to the bank to assist zeb and jim. the horse was plunging madly about, and two or three deep gashes appeared upon its flanks, from which the blood flowed freely. "run for the river!" shouted the wizard, and jim quickly freed himself from his unseen tormenters by a few vicious kicks and then obeyed. as soon as he trotted out upon the surface of the river he found himself safe from pursuit, and zeb was already running across the water toward dorothy. as the little wizard turned to follow them he felt a hot breath against his cheek and heard a low, fierce growl. at once he began stabbing at the air with his sword, and he knew that he had struck some substance because when he drew back the blade it was dripping with blood. the third time that he thrust out the weapon there was a loud roar and a fall, and suddenly at his feet appeared the form of a great red bear, which was nearly as big as the horse and much stronger and fiercer. the beast was quite dead from the sword thrusts, and after a glance at its terrible claws and sharp teeth the little man turned in a panic and rushed out upon the water, for other menacing growls told him more bears were near. on the river, however, the adventurers seemed to be perfectly safe. dorothy and the buggy had floated slowly down stream with the current of the water, and the others made haste to join her. the wizard opened his satchel and got out some sticking-plaster with which he mended the cuts jim had received from the claws of the bears. "i think we'd better stick to the river, after this," said dorothy. "if our unknown friend hadn't warned us, and told us what to do, we would all be dead by this time." "that is true," agreed the wizard, "and as the river seems to be flowing in the direction of the pyramid mountain it will be the easiest way for us to travel." zeb hitched jim to the buggy again, and the horse trotted along and drew them rapidly over the smooth water. the kitten was at first dreadfully afraid of getting wet, but dorothy let her down and soon eureka was frisking along beside the buggy without being scared a bit. once a little fish swam too near the surface, and the kitten grabbed it in her mouth and ate it up as quick as a wink; but dorothy cautioned her to be careful what she ate in this valley of enchantments, and no more fishes were careless enough to swim within reach. after a journey of several hours they came to a point where the river curved, and they found they must cross a mile or so of the valley before they came to the pyramid mountain. there were few houses in this part, and few orchards or flowers; so our friends feared they might encounter more of the savage bears, which they had learned to dread with all their hearts. "you'll have to make a dash, jim," said the wizard, "and run as fast as you can go." "all right," answered the horse; "i'll do my best. but you must remember i'm old, and my dashing days are past and gone." all three got into the buggy and zeb picked up the reins, though jim needed no guidance of any sort. the horse was still smarting from the sharp claws of the invisible bears, and as soon as he was on land and headed toward the mountain the thought that more of those fearsome creatures might be near acted as a spur and sent him galloping along in a way that made dorothy catch her breath. then zeb, in a spirit of mischief, uttered a growl like that of the bears, and jim pricked up his ears and fairly flew. his boney legs moved so fast they could scarcely be seen, and the wizard clung fast to the seat and yelled "whoa!" at the top of his voice. "i--i'm 'fraid he's--he's running away!" gasped dorothy. "i _know_ he is," said zeb; "but no bear can catch him if he keeps up that gait--and the harness or the buggy don't break." jim did not make a mile a minute; but almost before they were aware of it he drew up at the foot of the mountain, so suddenly that the wizard and zeb both sailed over the dashboard and landed in the soft grass--where they rolled over several times before they stopped. dorothy nearly went with them, but she was holding fast to the iron rail of the seat, and that saved her. she squeezed the kitten, though, until it screeched; and then the old cab-horse made several curious sounds that led the little girl to suspect he was laughing at them all. [illustration] chapter 10. the braided man of pyramid mountain the mountain before them was shaped like a cone and was so tall that its point was lost in the clouds. directly facing the place where jim had stopped was an arched opening leading to a broad stairway. the stairs were cut in the rock inside the mountain, and they were broad and not very steep, because they circled around like a cork-screw, and at the arched opening where the flight began the circle was quite big. at the foot of the stairs was a sign reading: warning. these steps lead to the land of the gargoyles. danger! keep out. "i wonder how jim is ever going to draw the buggy up so many stairs," said dorothy, gravely. "no trouble at all," declared the horse, with a contemptuous neigh. "still, i don't care to drag any passengers. you'll all have to walk." "suppose the stairs get steeper?" suggested zeb, doubtfully. "then you'll have to boost the buggy-wheels, that's all," answered jim. "we'll try it, anyway," said the wizard. "it's the only way to get out of the valley of voe." so they began to ascend the stairs, dorothy and the wizard first, jim next, drawing the buggy, and then zeb to watch that nothing happened to the harness. the light was dim, and soon they mounted into total darkness, so that the wizard was obliged to get out his lanterns to light the way. but this enabled them to proceed steadily until they came to a landing where there was a rift in the side of the mountain that let in both light and air. looking through this opening they could see the valley of voe lying far below them, the cottages seeming like toy houses from that distance. after resting a few moments they resumed their climb, and still the stairs were broad and low enough for jim to draw the buggy easily after him. the old horse panted a little, and had to stop often to get his breath. at such times they were all glad to wait for him, for continually climbing up stairs is sure to make one's legs ache. they wound about, always going upward, for some time. the lights from the lanterns dimly showed the way, but it was a gloomy journey, and they were pleased when a broad streak of light ahead assured them they were coming to a second landing. here one side of the mountain had a great hole in it, like the mouth of a cavern, and the stairs stopped at the near edge of the floor and commenced ascending again at the opposite edge. the opening in the mountain was on the side opposite to the valley of voe, and our travellers looked out upon a strange scene. below them was a vast space, at the bottom of which was a black sea with rolling billows, through which little tongues of flame constantly shot up. just above them, and almost on a level with their platform, were banks of rolling clouds which constantly shifted position and changed color. the blues and greys were very beautiful, and dorothy noticed that on the cloud banks sat or reclined fleecy, shadowy forms of beautiful beings who must have been the cloud fairies. mortals who stand upon the earth and look up at the sky cannot often distinguish these forms, but our friends were now so near to the clouds that they observed the dainty fairies very clearly. "are they real?" asked zeb, in an awed voice. "of course," replied dorothy, softly. "they are the cloud fairies." "they seem like open-work," remarked the boy, gazing intently. "if i should squeeze one, there wouldn't be anything left of it." in the open space between the clouds and the black, bubbling sea far beneath, could be seen an occasional strange bird winging its way swiftly through the air. these birds were of enormous size, and reminded zeb of the rocs he had read about in the arabian nights. they had fierce eyes and sharp talons and beaks, and the children hoped none of them would venture into the cavern. "well, i declare!" suddenly exclaimed the little wizard. "what in the world is this?" they turned around and found a man standing on the floor in the center of the cave, who bowed very politely when he saw he had attracted their attention. he was a very old man, bent nearly double; but the queerest thing about him was his white hair and beard. these were so long that they reached to his feet, and both the hair and the beard were carefully plaited into many braids, and the end of each braid fastened with a bow of colored ribbon. "where did you come from?" asked dorothy, wonderingly. "no place at all," answered the man with the braids; "that is, not recently. once i lived on top the earth, but for many years i have had my factory in this spot--half way up pyramid mountain." "are we only half way up?" enquired the boy, in a discouraged tone. "i believe so, my lad," replied the braided man. "but as i have never been in either direction, down or up, since i arrived, i cannot be positive whether it is exactly half way or not." "have you a factory in this place?" asked the wizard, who had been examining the strange personage carefully. "to be sure," said the other. "i am a great inventor, you must know, and i manufacture my products in this lonely spot." "what are your products?" enquired the wizard. "well, i make assorted flutters for flags and bunting, and a superior grade of rustles for ladies' silk gowns." "i thought so," said the wizard, with a sigh. "may we examine some of these articles?" [illustration: the cloud fairies.] [illustration: the braided man.] "yes, indeed; come into my shop, please," and the braided man turned and led the way into a smaller cave, where he evidently lived. here, on a broad shelf, were several card-board boxes of various sizes, each tied with cotton cord. "this," said the man, taking up a box and handling it gently, "contains twelve dozen rustles--enough to last any lady a year. will you buy it, my dear?" he asked, addressing dorothy. "my gown isn't silk," she said, smiling. "never mind. when you open the box the rustles will escape, whether you are wearing a silk dress or not," said the man, seriously. then he picked up another box. "in this," he continued, "are many assorted flutters. they are invaluable to make flags flutter on a still day, when there is no wind. you, sir," turning to the wizard, "ought to have this assortment. once you have tried my goods i am sure you will never be without them." "i have no money with me," said the wizard, evasively. "i do not want money," returned the braided man, "for i could not spend it in this deserted place if i had it. but i would like very much a blue hair-ribbon. you will notice my braids are tied with yellow, pink, brown, red, green, white and black; but i have no blue ribbons." "i'll get you one!" cried dorothy, who was sorry for the poor man; so she ran back to the buggy and took from her suit-case a pretty blue ribbon. it did her good to see how the braided man's eyes sparkled when he received this treasure. "you have made me very, very happy, my dear!" he exclaimed; and then he insisted on the wizard taking the box of flutters and the little girl accepting the box of rustles. "you may need them, some time," he said, "and there is really no use in my manufacturing these things unless somebody uses them." "why did you leave the surface of the earth?" enquired the wizard. "i could not help it. it is a sad story, but if you will try to restrain your tears i will tell you about it. on earth i was a manufacturer of imported holes for american swiss cheese, and i will acknowledge that i supplied a superior article, which was in great demand. also i made pores for porous plasters and high-grade holes for doughnuts and buttons. finally i invented a new adjustable post-hole, which i thought would make my fortune. i manufactured a large quantity of these post-holes, and having no room in which to store them i set them all end to end and put the top one in the ground. that made an extraordinary long hole, as you may imagine, and reached far down into the earth; and, as i leaned over it to try to see to the bottom, i lost my balance and tumbled in. unfortunately, the hole led directly into the vast space you see outside this mountain; but i managed to catch a point of rock that projected from this cavern, and so saved myself from tumbling headlong into the black waves beneath, where the tongues of flame that dart out would certainly have consumed me. here, then, i made my home; and although it is a lonely place i amuse myself making rustles and flutters, and so get along very nicely." when the braided man had completed this strange tale dorothy nearly laughed, because it was all so absurd; but the wizard tapped his forehead significantly, to indicate that he thought the poor man was crazy. so they politely bade him good day, and went back to the outer cavern to resume their journey. [illustration] chapter 11. they meet the wooden gargoyles another breathless climb brought our adventurers to a third landing where there was a rift in the mountain. on peering out all they could see was rolling banks of clouds, so thick that they obscured all else. but the travellers were obliged to rest, and while they were sitting on the rocky floor the wizard felt in his pocket and brought out the nine tiny piglets. to his delight they were now plainly visible, which proved that they had passed beyond the influence of the magical valley of voe. "why, we can see each other again!" cried one, joyfully. "yes," sighed eureka; "and i also can see you again, and the sight makes me dreadfully hungry. please, mr. wizard, may i eat just one of the fat little piglets? you'd never miss _one_ of them, i'm sure!" "what a horrid, savage beast!" exclaimed a piglet; "and after we've been such good friends, too, and played with one another!" "when i'm not hungry, i love to play with you all," said the kitten, demurely; "but when my stomach is empty it seems that nothing would fill it so nicely as a fat piglet." "and we trusted you so!" said another of the nine, reproachfully. "and thought you were respectable!" said another. "it seems we were mistaken," declared a third, looking at the kitten timorously, "no one with such murderous desires should belong to our party, i'm sure." "you see, eureka," remarked dorothy, reprovingly, "you are making yourself disliked. there are certain things proper for a kitten to eat; but i never heard of a kitten eating a pig, under _any_ cir'stances." "did you ever see such little pigs before?" asked the kitten. "they are no bigger than mice, and i'm sure mice are proper for me to eat." "it isn't the bigness, dear; its the variety," replied the girl. "these are mr. wizard's pets, just as you are my pet, and it wouldn't be any more proper for you to eat them than it would be for jim to eat you." "and that's just what i shall do if you don't let those little balls of pork alone," said jim, glaring at the kitten with his round, big eyes. "if you injure any one of them i'll chew you up instantly." the kitten looked at the horse thoughtfully, as if trying to decide whether he meant it or not. "in that case," she said, "i'll leave them alone. you haven't many teeth left, jim, but the few you have are sharp enough to make me shudder. so the piglets will be perfectly safe, hereafter, as far as i am concerned." "that is right, eureka," remarked the wizard, earnestly. "let us all be a happy family and love one another." eureka yawned and stretched herself. "i've always loved the piglets," she said; "but they don't love me." "no one can love a person he's afraid of," asserted dorothy. "if you behave, and don't scare the little pigs, i'm sure they'll grow very fond of you." the wizard now put the nine tiny ones back into his pocket and the journey was resumed. "we must be pretty near the top, now," said the boy, as they climbed wearily up the dark, winding stairway. "the country of the gurgles can't be far from the top of the earth," remarked dorothy. "it isn't very nice down here. i'd like to get home again, i'm sure." no one replied to this, because they found they needed all their breath for the climb. the stairs had become narrower and zeb and the wizard often had to help jim pull the buggy from one step to another, or keep it from jamming against the rocky walls. at last, however, a dim light appeared ahead of them, which grew clearer and stronger as they advanced. "thank goodness we're nearly there!" panted the little wizard. jim, who was in advance, saw the last stair before him and stuck his head above the rocky sides of the stairway. then he halted, ducked down and began to back up, so that he nearly fell with the buggy onto the others. "let's go down again!" he said, in his hoarse voice. "nonsense!" snapped the tired wizard. "what's the matter with you, old man?" "everything," grumbled the horse. "i've taken a look at this place, and it's no fit country for real creatures to go to. everything's dead, up there--no flesh or blood or growing thing anywhere." "never mind; we can't turn back," said dorothy; "and we don't intend to stay there, anyhow." "it's dangerous," growled jim, in a stubborn tone. "see here, my good steed," broke in the wizard, "little dorothy and i have been in many queer countries in our travels, and always escaped without harm. we've even been to the marvelous land of oz--haven't we, dorothy?--so we don't much care what the country of the gargoyles is like. go ahead, jim, and whatever happens we'll make the best of it." "all right," answered the horse; "this is your excursion, and not mine; so if you get into trouble don't blame me." with this speech he bent forward and dragged the buggy up the remaining steps. the others followed and soon they were all standing upon a broad platform and gazing at the most curious and startling sight their eyes had ever beheld. "the country of the gargoyles is all wooden!" exclaimed zeb; and so it was. the ground was sawdust and the pebbles scattered around were hard knots from trees, worn smooth in course of time. there were odd wooden houses, with carved wooden flowers in the front yards. the tree-trunks were of coarse wood, but the leaves of the trees were shavings. the patches of grass were splinters of wood, and where neither grass nor sawdust showed was a solid wooden flooring. wooden birds fluttered among the trees and wooden cows were browsing upon the wooden grass; but the most amazing things of all were the wooden people--the creatures known as gargoyles. these were very numerous, for the palace was thickly inhabited, and a large group of the queer people clustered near, gazing sharply upon the strangers who had emerged from the long spiral stairway. the gargoyles were very small of stature, being less than three feet in height. their bodies were round, their legs short and thick and their arms extraordinarily long and stout. their heads were too big for their bodies and their faces were decidedly ugly to look upon. some had long, curved noses and chins, small eyes and wide, grinning mouths. others had flat noses, protruding eyes, and ears that were shaped like those of an elephant. there were many types, indeed, scarcely two being alike; but all were equally disagreeable in appearance. the tops of their heads had no hair, but were carved into a variety of fantastic shapes, some having a row of points or balls around the top, other designs resembling flowers or vegetables, and still others having squares that looked like waffles cut criss-cross on their heads. they all wore short wooden wings which were fastened to their wooden bodies by means of wooden hinges with wooden screws, and with these wings they flew swiftly and noiselessly here and there, their legs being of little use to them. this noiseless motion was one of the most peculiar things about the gargoyles. they made no sounds at all, either in flying or trying to speak, and they conversed mainly by means of quick signals made with their wooden fingers or lips. neither was there any sound to be heard anywhere throughout the wooden country. the birds did not sing, nor did the cows moo; yet there was more than ordinary activity everywhere. the group of these queer creatures which was discovered clustered near the stairs at first remained staring and motionless, glaring with evil eyes at the intruders who had so suddenly appeared in their land. in turn the wizard and the children, the horse and the kitten, examined the gargoyles with the same silent attention. "there's going to be trouble, i'm sure," remarked the horse. "unhitch those tugs, zeb, and set me free from the buggy, so i can fight comfortably." "jim's right," sighed the wizard. "there's going to be trouble, and my sword isn't stout enough to cut up those wooden bodies--so i shall have to get out my revolvers." he got his satchel from the buggy and, opening it, took out two deadly looking revolvers that made the children shrink back in alarm just to look at. "what harm can the gurgles do?" asked dorothy. "they have no weapons to hurt us with." "each of their arms is a wooden club," answered the little man, "and i'm sure the creatures mean mischief, by the looks of their eyes. even these revolvers can merely succeed in damaging a few of their wooden bodies, and after that we will be at their mercy." "but why fight at all, in that case?" asked the girl. "so i may die with a clear conscience," returned the wizard, gravely. "it's every man's duty to do the best he knows how; and i'm going to do it." "wish i had an axe," said zeb, who by now had unhitched the horse. "if we had known we were coming we might have brought along several other useful things," responded the wizard. "but we dropped into this adventure rather unexpectedly." the gargoyles had backed away a distance when they heard the sound of talking, for although our friends had spoken in low tones their words seemed loud in the silence surrounding them. but as soon as the conversation ceased the grinning, ugly creatures arose in a flock and flew swiftly toward the strangers, their long arms stretched out before them like the bowsprits of a fleet of sail-boats. the horse had especially attracted their notice, because it was the biggest and strangest creature they had ever seen; so it became the center of their first attack. but jim was ready for them, and when he saw them coming he turned his heels toward them and began kicking out as hard as he could. crack! crash! bang! went his iron-shod hoofs against the wooden bodies of the gargoyles, and they were battered right and left with such force that they scattered like straws in the wind. but the noise and clatter seemed as dreadful to them as jim's heels, for all who were able swiftly turned and flew away to a great distance. the others picked themselves up from the ground one by one and quickly rejoined their fellows, so for a moment the horse thought he had won the fight with ease. but the wizard was not so confident. "those wooden things are impossible to hurt," he said, "and all the damage jim has done to them is to knock a few splinters from their noses and ears. that cannot make them look any uglier, i'm sure, and it is my opinion they will soon renew the attack." "what made them fly away?" asked dorothy. "the noise, of course. don't you remember how the champion escaped them by shouting his battle-cry?" "suppose we escape down the stairs, too," suggested the boy. "we have time, just now, and i'd rather face the invis'ble bears than those wooden imps." "no," returned dorothy, stoutly, "it won't do to go back, for then we would never get home. let's fight it out." "that is what i advise," said the wizard. "they haven't defeated us yet, and jim is worth a whole army." but the gargoyles were clever enough not to attack the horse the next time. they advanced in a great swarm, having been joined by many more of their kind, and they flew straight over jim's head to where the others were standing. the wizard raised one of his revolvers and fired into the throng of his enemies, and the shot resounded like a clap of thunder in that silent place. some of the wooden beings fell flat upon the ground, where they quivered and trembled in every limb; but most of them managed to wheel and escape again to a distance. zeb ran and picked up one of the gargoyles that lay nearest to him. the top of its head was carved into a crown and the wizard's bullet had struck it exactly in the left eye, which was a hard wooden knot. half of the bullet stuck in the wood and half stuck out, so it had been the jar and the sudden noise that had knocked the creature down, more than the fact that it was really hurt. before this crowned gargoyle had recovered himself zeb had wound a strap several times around its body, confining its wings and arms so that it could not move. then, having tied the wooden creature securely, the boy buckled the strap and tossed his prisoner into the buggy. by that time the others had all retired. [illustration] chapter 12. a wonderful escape for a while the enemy hesitated to renew the attack. then a few of them advanced until another shot from the wizard's revolver made them retreat. "that's fine," said zeb. "we've got 'em on the run now, sure enough." "but only for a time," replied the wizard, shaking his head gloomily. "these revolvers are good for six shots each, but when those are gone we shall be helpless." the gargoyles seemed to realize this, for they sent a few of their band time after time to attack the strangers and draw the fire from the little man's revolvers. in this way none of them was shocked by the dreadful report more than once, for the main band kept far away and each time a new company was sent into the battle. when the wizard had fired all of his twelve bullets he had caused no damage to the enemy except to stun a few by the noise, and so he was no nearer to victory than in the beginning of the fray. [illustration: the wizard fired into the throng.] "what shall we do now?" asked dorothy, anxiously. "let's yell--all together," said zeb. "and fight at the same time," added the wizard. "we will get near jim, so that he can help us, and each one must take some weapon and do the best he can. i'll use my sword, although it isn't much account in this affair. dorothy must take her parasol and open it suddenly when the wooden folks attack her. i haven't anything for you, zeb." "i'll use the king," said the boy, and pulled his prisoner out of the buggy. the bound gargoyle's arms extended far out beyond its head, so by grasping its wrists zeb found the king made a very good club. the boy was strong for one of his years, having always worked upon a farm; so he was likely to prove more dangerous to the enemy than the wizard. when the next company of gargoyles advanced, our adventurers began yelling as if they had gone mad. even the kitten gave a dreadfully shrill scream and at the same time jim the cab-horse neighed loudly. this daunted the enemy for a time, but the defenders were soon out of breath. perceiving this, as well as the fact that there were no more of the awful "bangs" to come from the revolvers, the gargoyles advanced in a swarm as thick as bees, so that the air was filled with them. dorothy squatted upon the ground and put up her parasol, which nearly covered her and proved a great protection. the wizard's sword-blade snapped into a dozen pieces at the first blow he struck against the wooden people. zeb pounded away with the gargoyle he was using as a club until he had knocked down dozens of foes; but at the last they clustered so thickly about him that he no longer had room in which to swing his arms. the horse performed some wonderful kicking and even eureka assisted when she leaped bodily upon the gargoyles and scratched and bit at them like a wild-cat. but all this bravery amounted to nothing at all. the wooden things wound their long arms around zeb and the wizard and held them fast. dorothy was captured in the same way, and numbers of the gargoyles clung to jim's legs, so weighting him down that the poor beast was helpless. eureka made a desperate dash to escape and scampered along the ground like a streak; but a grinning gargoyle flew after her and grabbed her before she had gone very far. all of them expected nothing less than instant death; but to their surprise the wooden creatures flew into the air with them and bore them far away, over miles and miles of wooden country, until they came to a wooden city. the houses of this city had many corners, being square and six-sided and eight-sided. they were tower-like in shape and the best of them seemed old and weather-worn; yet all were strong and substantial. to one of these houses which had neither doors nor windows, but only one broad opening far up underneath the roof, the prisoners were brought by their captors. the gargoyles roughly pushed them into the opening, where there was a platform, and then flew away and left them. as they had no wings the strangers could not fly away, and if they jumped down from such a height they would surely be killed. the creatures had sense enough to reason that way, and the only mistake they made was in supposing the earth people were unable to overcome such ordinary difficulties. jim was brought with the others, although it took a good many gargoyles to carry the big beast through the air and land him on the high platform, and the buggy was thrust in after him because it belonged to the party and the wooden folks had no idea what it was used for or whether it was alive or not. when eureka's captor had thrown the kitten after the others the last gargoyle silently disappeared, leaving our friends to breathe freely once more. "what an awful fight!" said dorothy, catching her breath in little gasps. "oh, i don't know," purred eureka, smoothing her ruffled fur with her paw; "we didn't manage to hurt anybody, and nobody managed to hurt us." "thank goodness we are together again, even if we are prisoners," sighed the little girl. "i wonder why they didn't kill us on the spot," remarked zeb, who had lost his king in the struggle. "they are probably keeping us for some ceremony," the wizard answered, reflectively; "but there is no doubt they intend to kill us as dead as possible in a short time." "as dead as poss'ble would be pretty dead, wouldn't it?" asked dorothy. "yes, my dear. but we have no need to worry about that just now. let us examine our prison and see what it is like." the space underneath the roof, where they stood, permitted them to see on all sides of the tall building, and they looked with much curiosity at the city spread out beneath them. everything visible was made of wood, and the scene seemed stiff and extremely unnatural. from their platform a stair descended into the house, and the children and the wizard explored it after lighting a lantern to show them the way. several stories of empty rooms rewarded their search, but nothing more; so after a time they came back to the platform again. had there been any doors or windows in the lower rooms, or had not the boards of the house been so thick and stout, escape would have been easy; but to remain down below was like being in a cellar or the hold of a ship, and they did not like the darkness or the damp smell. in this country, as in all others they had visited underneath the earth's surface, there was no night, a constant and strong light coming from some unknown source. looking out, they could see into some of the houses near them, where there were open windows in abundance, and were able to mark the forms of the wooden gargoyles moving about in their dwellings. "this seems to be their time of rest," observed the wizard. "all people need rest, even if they are made of wood, and as there is no night here they select a certain time of the day in which to sleep or doze." "i feel sleepy myself," remarked zeb, yawning. "why, where's eureka?" cried dorothy, suddenly. they all looked around, but the kitten was no place to be seen. "she's gone out for a walk," said jim, gruffly. "where? on the roof?" asked the girl. "no; she just dug her claws into the wood and climbed down the sides of this house to the ground." "she couldn't climb _down_, jim," said dorothy. "to climb means to go up." "who said so?" demanded the horse. "my school-teacher said so; and she knows a lot, jim." "to 'climb down' is sometimes used as a figure of speech," remarked the wizard. "well, this was a figure of a cat," said jim, "and she _went_ down, anyhow, whether she climbed or crept." "dear me! how careless eureka is," exclaimed the girl, much distressed. "the gurgles will get her, sure!" "ha, ha!" chuckled the old cab-horse; "they're not 'gurgles,' little maid; they're gargoyles." "never mind; they'll get eureka, whatever they're called." "no they won't," said the voice of the kitten, and eureka herself crawled over the edge of the platform and sat down quietly upon the floor. "wherever have you been, eureka?" asked dorothy, sternly. "watching the wooden folks. they're too funny for anything, dorothy. just now they are all going to bed, and--what do you think?--they unhook the hinges of their wings and put them in a corner until they wake up again." "what, the hinges?" "no; the wings." "that," said zeb, "explains why this house is used by them for a prison. if any of the gargoyles act badly, and have to be put in jail, they are brought here and their wings unhooked and taken away from them until they promise to be good." the wizard had listened intently to what eureka had said. "i wish we had some of those loose wings," he said. "could we fly with them?" asked dorothy. "i think so. if the gargoyles can unhook the wings then the power to fly lies in the wings themselves, and not in the wooden bodies of the people who wear them. so, if we had the wings, we could probably fly as well as they do--at least while we are in their country and under the spell of its magic." "but how would it help us to be able to fly?" questioned the girl. "come here," said the little man, and took her to one of the corners of the building. "do you see that big rock standing on the hillside yonder?" he continued, pointing with his finger. "yes; it's a good way off, but i can see it," she replied. "well, inside that rock, which reaches up into the clouds, is an archway very much like the one we entered when we climbed the spiral stairway from the valley of voe. i'll get my spy-glass, and then you can see it more plainly." he fetched a small but powerful telescope, which had been in his satchel, and by its aid the little girl clearly saw the opening. "where does it lead to?" she asked. "that i cannot tell," said the wizard; "but we cannot now be far below the earth's surface, and that entrance may lead to another stairway that will bring us on top of our world again, where we belong. so, if we had the wings, and could escape the gargoyles, we might fly to that rock and be saved." "i'll get you the wings," said zeb, who had thoughtfully listened to all this. "that is, if the kitten will show me where they are." "but how can you get down?" enquired the girl, wonderingly. for answer zeb began to unfasten jim's harness, strap by strap, and to buckle one piece to another until he had made a long leather strip that would reach to the ground. [illustration: the fight with the gargoyles.] "i can climb down that, all right," he said. "no you can't," remarked jim, with a twinkle in his round eyes. "you may _go_ down, but you can only _climb_ up." "well, i'll climb up when i get back, then," said the boy, with a laugh. "now, eureka, you'll have to show me the way to those wings." "you must be very quiet," warned the kitten; "for if you make the least noise the gargoyles will wake up. they can hear a pin drop." "i'm not going to drop a pin," said zeb. he had fastened one end of the strap to a wheel of the buggy, and now he let the line dangle over the side of the house. "be careful," cautioned dorothy, earnestly. "i will," said the boy, and let himself slide over the edge. the girl and the wizard leaned over and watched zeb work his way carefully downward, hand over hand, until he stood upon the ground below. eureka clung with her claws to the wooden side of the house and let herself down easily. then together they crept away to enter the low doorway of a neighboring dwelling. the watchers waited in breathless suspense until the boy again appeared, his arms now full of the wooden wings. when he came to where the strap was hanging he tied the wings all in a bunch to the end of the line, and the wizard drew them up. then the line was let down again for zeb to climb up by. eureka quickly followed him, and soon they were all standing together upon the platform, with eight of the much prized wooden wings beside them. the boy was no longer sleepy, but full of energy and excitement. he put the harness together again and hitched jim to the buggy. then, with the wizard's help, he tried to fasten some of the wings to the old cab-horse. this was no easy task, because half of each one of the hinges of the wings was missing, it being still fastened to the body of the gargoyle who had used it. however, the wizard went once more to his satchel--which seemed to contain a surprising variety of odds and ends--and brought out a spool of strong wire, by means of which they managed to fasten four of the wings to jim's harness, two near his head and two near his tail. they were a bit wiggley, but secure enough if only the harness held together. the other four wings were then fastened to the buggy, two on each side, for the buggy must bear the weight of the children and the wizard as it flew through the air. [illustration: jim fluttered and floundered through the air.] these preparations had not consumed a great deal of time, but the sleeping gargoyles were beginning to wake up and move around, and soon some of them would be hunting for their missing wings. so the prisoners resolved to leave their prison at once. they mounted into the buggy, dorothy holding eureka safe in her lap. the girl sat in the middle of the seat, with zeb and the wizard on each side of her. when all was ready the boy shook the reins and said: "fly away, jim!" "which wings must i flop first?" asked the cab-horse, undecidedly. "flop them all together," suggested the wizard. "some of them are crooked," objected the horse. "never mind; we will steer with the wings on the buggy," said zeb. "just you light out and make for that rock, jim; and don't waste any time about it, either." so the horse gave a groan, flopped its four wings all together, and flew away from the platform. dorothy was a little anxious about the success of their trip, for the way jim arched his long neck and spread out his bony legs as he fluttered and floundered through the air was enough to make anybody nervous. he groaned, too, as if frightened, and the wings creaked dreadfully because the wizard had forgotten to oil them; but they kept fairly good time with the wings of the buggy, so that they made excellent progress from the start. the only thing that anyone could complain of with justice was the fact that they wobbled first up and then down, as if the road were rocky instead of being as smooth as the air could make it. the main point, however, was that they flew, and flew swiftly, if a bit unevenly, toward the rock for which they had headed. some of the gargoyles saw them, presently, and lost no time in collecting a band to pursue the escaping prisoners; so that when dorothy happened to look back she saw them coming in a great cloud that almost darkened the sky. [illustration] chapter 13. the den of the dragonettes our friends had a good start and were able to maintain it, for with their eight wings they could go just as fast as could the gargoyles. all the way to the great rock the wooden people followed them, and when jim finally alighted at the mouth of the cavern the pursuers were still some distance away. "but, i'm afraid they'll catch us yet," said dorothy, greatly excited. "no; we must stop them," declared the wizard. "quick zeb, help me pull off these wooden wings!" they tore off the wings, for which they had no further use, and the wizard piled them in a heap just outside the entrance to the cavern. then he poured over them all the kerosene oil that was left in his oil-can, and lighting a match set fire to the pile. the flames leaped up at once and the bonfire began to smoke and roar and crackle just as the great army of wooden gargoyles arrived. the creatures drew back at once, being filled with fear and horror; for such a dreadful thing as a fire they had never before known in all the history of their wooden land. inside the archway were several doors, leading to different rooms built into the mountain, and zeb and the wizard lifted these wooden doors from their hinges and tossed them all on the flames. "that will prove a barrier for some time to come," said the little man, smiling pleasantly all over his wrinkled face at the success of their stratagem. "perhaps the flames will set fire to all that miserable wooden country, and if it does the loss will be very small and the gargoyles never will be missed. but come, my children; let us explore the mountain and discover which way we must go in order to escape from this cavern, which is getting to be almost as hot as a bake-oven." to their disappointment there was within this mountain no regular flight of steps by means of which they could mount to the earth's surface. a sort of inclined tunnel led upward for a way, and they found the floor of it both rough and steep. then a sudden turn brought them to a narrow gallery where the buggy could not pass. this delayed and bothered them for a while, because they did not wish to leave the buggy behind them. it carried their baggage and was useful to ride in wherever there were good roads, and since it had accompanied them so far in their travels they felt it their duty to preserve it. so zeb and the wizard set to work and took off the wheels and the top, and then they put the buggy edgewise, so it would take up the smallest space. in this position they managed, with the aid of the patient cab-horse, to drag the vehicle through the narrow part of the passage. it was not a great distance, fortunately, and when the path grew broader they put the buggy together again and proceeded more comfortably. but the road was nothing more than a series of rifts or cracks in the mountain, and it went zig-zag in every direction, slanting first up and then down until they were puzzled as to whether they were any nearer to the top of the earth than when they had started, hours before. "anyhow," said dorothy, "we've 'scaped those awful gurgles, and that's _one_ comfort!" [illustration: "why it's a dragon!"] "probably the gargoyles are still busy trying to put out the fire," returned the wizard. "but even if they succeeded in doing that it would be very difficult for them to fly amongst these rocks; so i am sure we need fear them no longer." once in a while they would come to a deep crack in the floor, which made the way quite dangerous; but there was still enough oil in the lanterns to give them light, and the cracks were not so wide but that they were able to jump over them. sometimes they had to climb over heaps of loose rock, where jim could scarcely drag the buggy. at such times dorothy, zeb and the wizard all pushed behind, and lifted the wheels over the roughest places; so they managed, by dint of hard work, to keep going. but the little party was both weary and discouraged when at last, on turning a sharp corner, the wanderers found themselves in a vast cave arching high over their heads and having a smooth, level floor. the cave was circular in shape, and all around its edge, near to the ground, appeared groups of dull yellow lights, two of them being always side by side. these were motionless at first, but soon began to flicker more brightly and to sway slowly from side to side and then up and down. "what sort of a place is this?" asked the boy, trying to see more clearly through the gloom. "i cannot imagine, i'm sure," answered the wizard, also peering about. "woogh!" snarled eureka, arching her back until her hair stood straight on end; "it's a den of alligators, or crocodiles, or some other dreadful creatures! don't you see their terrible eyes?" "eureka sees better in the dark than we can," whispered dorothy. "tell us, dear, what do the creatures look like?" she asked, addressing her pet. "i simply can't describe 'em," answered the kitten, shuddering. "their eyes are like pie-plates and their mouths like coal-scuttles. but their bodies don't seem very big." "where are they?" enquired the girl. "they are in little pockets all around the edge of this cavern. oh, dorothy--you can't imagine what horrid things they are! they're uglier than the gargoyles." "tut-tut! be careful how you criticise your neighbors," spoke a rasping voice near by. "as a matter of fact you are rather ugly-looking creatures yourselves, and i'm sure mother has often told us we were the loveliest and prettiest things in all the world." hearing these words our friends turned in the direction of the sound, and the wizard held his lanterns so that their light would flood one of the little pockets in the rock. "why, it's a dragon!" he exclaimed. "no," answered the owner of the big yellow eyes which were blinking at them so steadily; "you are wrong about that. we hope to grow to be dragons some day, but just now we're only dragonettes." "what's that?" asked dorothy, gazing fearfully at the great scaley head, the yawning mouth and the big eyes. "young dragons, of course; but we are not allowed to call ourselves real dragons until we get our full growth," was the reply. "the big dragons are very proud, and don't think children amount to much; but mother says that some day we will all be very powerful and important." "where is your mother?" asked the wizard, anxiously looking around. "she has gone up to the top of the earth to hunt for our dinner. if she has good luck she will bring us an elephant, or a brace of rhinoceri, or perhaps a few dozen people to stay our hunger." "oh; are you hungry?" enquired dorothy, drawing back. "very," said the dragonette, snapping its jaws. "and--and--do you eat people?" "to be sure, when we can get them. but they've been very scarce for a few years and we usually have to be content with elephants or buffaloes," answered the creature, in a regretful tone. "how old are you?" enquired zeb, who stared at the yellow eyes as if fascinated. "quite young, i grieve to say; and all of my brothers and sisters that you see here are practically my own age. if i remember rightly, we were sixty-six years old the day before yesterday." "but that isn't young!" cried dorothy, in amazement. "no?" drawled the dragonette; "it seems to me very babyish." "how old is your mother?" asked the girl. "mother's about two thousand years old; but she carelessly lost track of her age a few centuries ago and skipped several hundreds. she's a little fussy, you know, and afraid of growing old, being a widow and still in her prime." "i should think she would be," agreed dorothy. then, after a moment's thought, she asked: "are we friends or enemies? i mean, will you be good to us, or do you intend to eat us?" "as for that, we dragonettes would love to eat you, my child; but unfortunately mother has tied all our tails around the rocks at the back of our individual caves, so that we can not crawl out to get you. if you choose to come nearer we will make a mouthful of you in a wink; but unless you do you will remain quite safe." there was a regretful accent in the creature's voice, and at the words all the other dragonettes sighed dismally. dorothy felt relieved. presently she asked: "why did your mother tie your tails?" "oh, she is sometimes gone for several weeks on her hunting trips, and if we were not tied we would crawl all over the mountain and fight with each other and get into a lot of mischief. mother usually knows what she is about, but she made a mistake this time; for you are sure to escape us unless you come too near, and you probably won't do that." "no, indeed!" said the little girl. "we don't wish to be eaten by such awful beasts." "permit me to say," returned the dragonette, "that you are rather impolite to call us names, knowing that we cannot resent your insults. we consider ourselves very beautiful in appearance, for mother has told us so, and she knows. and we are of an excellent family and have a pedigree that i challenge any humans to equal, as it extends back about twenty thousand years, to the time of the famous green dragon of atlantis, who lived in a time when humans had not yet been created. can you match that pedigree, little girl?" "well," said dorothy, "i was born on a farm in kansas, and i guess that's being just as 'spectable and haughty as living in a cave with your tail tied to a rock. if it isn't i'll have to stand it, that's all." "tastes differ," murmured the dragonette, slowly drooping its scaley eyelids over its yellow eyes, until they looked like half-moons. being reassured by the fact that the creatures could not crawl out of their rock-pockets, the children and the wizard now took time to examine them more closely. the heads of the dragonettes were as big as barrels and covered with hard, greenish scales that glittered brightly under the light of the lanterns. their front legs, which grew just back of their heads, were also strong and big; but their bodies were smaller around than their heads, and dwindled away in a long line until their tails were slim as a shoe-string. dorothy thought, if it had taken them sixty-six years to grow to this size, that it would be fully a hundred years more before they could hope to call themselves dragons, and that seemed like a good while to wait to grow up. "it occurs to me," said the wizard, "that we ought to get out of this place before the mother dragon comes back." "don't hurry," called one of the dragonettes; "mother will be glad to meet you, i'm sure." "you may be right," replied the wizard, "but we're a little particular about associating with strangers. will you kindly tell us which way your mother went to get on top the earth?" "that is not a fair question to ask us," declared another dragonette. "for, if we told you truly, you might escape us altogether; and if we told you an untruth we would be naughty and deserve to be punished." "then," decided dorothy, "we must find our way out the best we can." they circled all around the cavern, keeping a good distance away from the blinking yellow eyes of the dragonettes, and presently discovered that there were two paths leading from the wall opposite to the place where they had entered. they selected one of these at a venture and hurried along it as fast as they could go, for they had no idea when the mother dragon would be back and were very anxious not to make her acquaintance. [illustration] chapter 14. ozma uses the magic belt for a considerable distance the way led straight upward in a gentle incline, and the wanderers made such good progress that they grew hopeful and eager, thinking they might see sunshine at any minute. but at length they came unexpectedly upon a huge rock that shut off the passage and blocked them from proceeding a single step farther. this rock was separate from the rest of the mountain and was in motion, turning slowly around and around as if upon a pivot. when first they came to it there was a solid wall before them; but presently it revolved until there was exposed a wide, smooth path across it to the other side. this appeared so unexpectedly that they were unprepared to take advantage of it at first, and allowed the rocky wall to swing around again before they had decided to pass over. but they knew now that there was a means of escape and so waited patiently until the path appeared for the second time. the children and the wizard rushed across the moving rock and sprang into the passage beyond, landing safely though a little out of breath. jim the cab-horse came last, and the rocky wall almost caught him; for just as he leaped to the floor of the further passage the wall swung across it and a loose stone that the buggy wheels knocked against fell into the narrow crack where the rock turned, and became wedged there. they heard a crunching, grinding sound, a loud snap, and the turn-table came to a stop with its broadest surface shutting off the path from which they had come. "never mind," said zeb, "we don't want to get back, anyhow." "i'm not so sure of that," returned dorothy. "the mother dragon may come down and catch us here." "it is possible," agreed the wizard, "if this proves to be the path she usually takes. but i have been examining this tunnel, and i do not see any signs of so large a beast having passed through it." "then we're all right," said the girl, "for if the dragon went the other way she can't poss'bly get to us now." "of course not, my dear. but there is another thing to consider. the mother dragon probably knows the road to the earth's surface, and if she went the other way then we have come the wrong way," said the wizard, thoughtfully. "dear me!" cried dorothy. "that would be unlucky, wouldn't it?" "very. unless this passage also leads to the top of the earth," said zeb. "for my part, if we manage to get out of here i'll be glad it isn't the way the dragon goes." "so will i," returned dorothy. "it's enough to have your pedigree flung in your face by those saucy dragonettes. no one knows what the mother might do." they now moved on again, creeping slowly up another steep incline. the lanterns were beginning to grow dim, and the wizard poured the remaining oil from one into the other, so that the one light would last longer. but their journey was almost over, for in a short time they reached a small cave from which there was no further outlet. they did not realize their ill fortune at first, for their hearts were gladdened by the sight of a ray of sunshine coming through a small crack in the roof of the cave, far overhead. that meant that their world--the real world--was not very far away, and that the succession of perilous adventures they had encountered had at last brought them near the earth's surface, which meant home to them. but when the adventurers looked more carefully around them they discovered that they were in a strong prison from which there was no hope of escape. "but we're _almost_ on earth again," cried dorothy, "for there is the sun--the most _beau'ful_ sun that shines!" and she pointed eagerly at the crack in the distant roof. "almost on earth isn't being there," said the kitten, in a discontented tone. "it wouldn't be possible for even me to get up to that crack--or through it if i got there." "it appears that the path ends here," announced the wizard, gloomily. "and there is no way to go back," added zeb, with a low whistle of perplexity. "i was sure it would come to this, in the end," remarked the old cab-horse. "folks don't fall into the middle of the earth and then get back again to tell of their adventures--not in real life. and the whole thing has been unnatural because that cat and i are both able to talk your language, and to understand the words you say." "and so can the nine tiny piglets," added eureka. "don't forget them, for i may have to eat them, after all." "i've heard animals talk before," said dorothy, "and no harm came of it." "were you ever before shut up in a cave, far under the earth, with no way of getting out?" enquired the horse, seriously. "no," answered dorothy. "but don't you lose heart, jim, for i'm sure this isn't the end of our story, by any means." the reference to the piglets reminded the wizard that his pets had not enjoyed much exercise lately, and must be tired of their prison in his pocket. so he sat down upon the floor of the cave, brought the piglets out one by one, and allowed them to run around as much as they pleased. "my dears," he said to them, "i'm afraid i've got you into a lot of trouble, and that you will never again be able to leave this gloomy cave." "what's wrong?" asked a piglet. "we've been in the dark quite a while, and you may as well explain what has happened." the wizard told them of the misfortune that had overtaken the wanderers. "well," said another piglet, "you are a wizard, are you not?" "i am," replied the little man. "then you can do a few wizzes and get us out of this hole," declared the tiny one, with much confidence. "i could if i happened to be a real wizard," returned the master sadly. "but i'm not, my piggy-wees; i'm a humbug wizard." "nonsense!" cried several of the piglets, together. "you can ask dorothy," said the little man, in an injured tone. "it's true enough," returned the girl, earnestly. "our friend oz is merely a humbug wizard, for he once proved it to me. he can do several very wonderful things--if he knows how. but he can't wiz a single thing if he hasn't the tools and machinery to work with." "thank you, my dear, for doing me justice," responded the wizard, gratefully. "to be accused of being a real wizard, when i'm not, is a slander i will not tamely submit to. but i am one of the greatest humbug wizards that ever lived, and you will realize this when we have all starved together and our bones are scattered over the floor of this lonely cave." "i don't believe we'll realize anything, when it comes to that," remarked dorothy, who had been deep in thought. "but i'm not going to scatter my bones just yet, because i need them, and you prob'ly need yours, too." "we are helpless to escape," sighed the wizard. "_we_ may be helpless," answered dorothy, smiling at him, "but there are others who can do more than we can. cheer up, friends. i'm sure ozma will help us." "ozma!" exclaimed the wizard. "who is ozma?" "the girl that rules the marvelous land of oz," was the reply. "she's a friend of mine, for i met her in the land of ev, not long ago, and went to oz with her." "for the second time?" asked the wizard, with great interest. "yes. the first time i went to oz i found you there, ruling the emerald city. after you went up in a balloon, and escaped us, i got back to kansas by means of a pair of magical silver shoes." "i remember those shoes," said the little man, nodding. "they once belonged to the wicked witch. have you them here with you?" "no; i lost them somewhere in the air," explained the child. "but the second time i went to the land of oz i owned the nome king's magic belt, which is much more powerful than were the silver shoes." "where is that magic belt?" enquired the wizard, who had listened with great interest. "ozma has it; for its powers won't work in a common, ordinary country like the united states. anyone in a fairy country like the land of oz can do anything with it; so i left it with my friend the princess ozma, who used it to wish me in australia with uncle henry." "and were you?" asked zeb, astonished at what he heard. "of course; in just a jiffy. and ozma has an enchanted picture hanging in her room that shows her the exact scene where any of her friends may be, at any time she chooses. all she has to do is to say: 'i wonder what so-and-so is doing,' and at once the picture shows where her friend is and what the friend is doing. that's _real_ magic, mr. wizard; isn't it? well, every day at four o'clock ozma has promised to look at me in that picture, and if i am in need of help i am to make her a certain sign and she will put on the nome king's magic belt and wish me to be with her in oz." "do you mean that princess ozma will see this cave in her enchanted picture, and see all of us here, and what we are doing?" demanded zeb. "of course; when it is four o'clock," she replied, with a laugh at his startled expression. "and when you make a sign she will bring you to her in the land of oz?" continued the boy. "that's it, exactly; by means of the magic belt." "then," said the wizard, "you will be saved, little dorothy; and i am very glad of it. the rest of us will die much more cheerfully when we know you have escaped our sad fate." "_i_ won't die cheerfully!" protested the kitten. "there's nothing cheerful about dying that i could ever see, although they say a cat has nine lives, and so must die nine times." "have you ever died yet?" enquired the boy. "no, and i'm not anxious to begin," said eureka. "don't worry, dear," dorothy exclaimed, "i'll hold you in my arms, and take you with me." "take us, too!" cried the nine tiny piglets, all in one breath. "perhaps i can," answered dorothy. "i'll try." "couldn't you manage to hold me in your arms?" asked the cab-horse. dorothy laughed. "i'll do better than that," she promised, "for i can easily save you all, once i am myself in the land of oz." "how?" they asked. "by using the magic belt. all i need do is to wish you with me, and there you'll be--safe in the royal palace!" "good!" cried zeb. "i built that palace, and the emerald city, too," remarked the wizard, in a thoughtful tone, "and i'd like to see them again, for i was very happy among the munchkins and winkies and quadlings and gillikins." "who are they?" asked the boy. "the four nations that inhabit the land of oz," was the reply. "i wonder if they would treat me nicely if i went there again." "of course they would!" declared dorothy. "they are still proud of their former wizard, and often speak of you kindly." "do you happen to know whatever became of the tin woodman and the scarecrow?" he enquired. "they live in oz yet," said the girl, "and are very important people." "and the cowardly lion?" "oh, he lives there too, with his friend the hungry tiger; and billina is there, because she liked the place better than kansas, and wouldn't go with me to australia." "i'm afraid i don't know the hungry tiger and billina," said the wizard, shaking his head. "is billina a girl?" "no; she's a yellow hen, and a great friend of mine. you're sure to like billina, when you know her," asserted dorothy. "your friends sound like a menagerie," remarked zeb, uneasily. "couldn't you wish me in some safer place than oz." "don't worry," replied the girl. "you'll just love the folks in oz, when you get acquainted. what time is it, mr. wizard?" the little man looked at his watch--a big silver one that he carried in his vest pocket. "half-past three," he said. "then we must wait for half an hour," she continued; "but it won't take long, after that, to carry us all to the emerald city." they sat silently thinking for a time. then jim suddenly asked: "are there any horses in oz?" "only one," replied dorothy, "and he's a sawhorse." "a what?" "a sawhorse. princess ozma once brought him to life with a witch-powder, when she was a boy." "was ozma once a boy?" asked zeb, wonderingly. "yes; a wicked witch enchanted her, so she could not rule her kingdom. but she's a girl now, and the sweetest, loveliest girl in all the world." "a sawhorse is a thing they saw boards on," remarked jim, with a sniff. "it is when it's not alive," acknowledged the girl. "but this sawhorse can trot as fast as you can, jim; and he's very wise, too." "pah! i'll race the miserable wooden donkey any day in the week!" cried the cab-horse. dorothy did not reply to that. she felt that jim would know more about the saw-horse later on. the time dragged wearily enough to the eager watchers, but finally the wizard announced that four o'clock had arrived, and dorothy caught up the kitten and began to make the signal that had been agreed upon to the far-away, invisible ozma. "nothing seems to happen," said zeb, doubtfully. "oh, we must give ozma time to put on the magic belt," replied the girl. she had scarcely spoken the words when she suddenly disappeared from the cave, and with her went the kitten. there had been no sound of any kind and no warning. one moment dorothy sat beside them with the kitten in her lap, and a moment later the horse, the piglets, the wizard and the boy were all that remained in the underground prison. [illustration: dorothy made the signal.] "i believe we will soon follow her," announced the wizard, in a tone of great relief; "for i know something about the magic of the fairyland that is called the land of oz. let us be ready, for we may be sent for any minute." he put the piglets safely away in his pocket again and then he and zeb got into the buggy and sat expectantly upon the seat. "will it hurt?" asked the boy, in a voice that trembled a little. "not at all," replied the wizard. "it will all happen as quick as a wink." and that was the way it did happen. the cab-horse gave a nervous start and zeb began to rub his eyes to make sure he was not asleep. for they were in the streets of a beautiful emerald-green city, bathed in a grateful green light that was especially pleasing to their eyes, and surrounded by merry faced people in gorgeous green-and-gold costumes of many extraordinary designs. before them were the jewel-studded gates of a magnificent palace, and now the gates opened slowly as if inviting them to enter the courtyard, where splendid flowers were blooming and pretty fountains shot their silvery sprays into the air. zeb shook the reins to rouse the cab-horse from his stupor of amazement, for the people were beginning to gather around and stare at the strangers. "gid-dap!" cried the boy, and at the word jim slowly trotted into the courtyard and drew the buggy along the jewelled driveway to the great entrance of the royal palace. [illustration] chapter 15. old friends are reunited many servants dressed in handsome uniforms stood ready to welcome the new arrivals, and when the wizard got out of the buggy a pretty girl in a green gown cried out in surprise: "why, it's oz, the wonderful wizard, come back again!" the little man looked at her closely and then took both the maiden's hands in his and shook them cordially. "on my word," he exclaimed, "it's little jellia jamb--as pert and pretty as ever!" "why not, mr. wizard?" asked jellia, bowing low. "but i'm afraid you cannot rule the emerald city, as you used to, because we now have a beautiful princess whom everyone loves dearly." "and the people will not willingly part with her," added a tall soldier in a captain-general's uniform. the wizard turned to look at him. "did you not wear green whiskers at one time?" he asked. "yes," said the soldier; "but i shaved them off long ago, and since then i have risen from a private to be the chief general of the royal armies." "that's nice," said the little man. "but i assure you, my good people, that i do not wish to rule the emerald city," he added, earnestly. "in that case you are very welcome!" cried all the servants, and it pleased the wizard to note the respect with which the royal retainers bowed before him. his fame had not been forgotten in the land of oz, by any means. "where is dorothy?" enquired zeb, anxiously, as he left the buggy and stood beside his friend the little wizard. "she is with the princess ozma, in the private rooms of the palace," replied jellia jamb. "but she has ordered me to make you welcome and to show you to your apartments." the boy looked around him with wondering eyes. such magnificence and wealth as was displayed in this palace was more than he had ever dreamed of, and he could scarcely believe that all the gorgeous glitter was real and not tinsel. "what's to become of me?" asked the horse, uneasily. he had seen considerable of life in the cities in his younger days, and knew that this regal palace was no place for him. it perplexed even jellia jamb, for a time, to know what to do with the animal. the green maiden was much astonished at the sight of so unusual a creature, for horses were unknown in this land; but those who lived in the emerald city were apt to be astonished by queer sights, so after inspecting the cab-horse and noting the mild look in his big eyes the girl decided not to be afraid of him. "there are no stables here," said the wizard, "unless some have been built since i went away." "we have never needed them before," answered jellia; "for the sawhorse lives in a room of the palace, being much smaller and more natural in appearance than this great beast you have brought with you." "do you mean that i'm a freak?" asked jim, angrily. "oh, no," she hastened to say, "there may be many more like you in the place you came from, but in oz any horse but a sawhorse is unusual." this mollified jim a little, and after some thought the green maiden decided to give the cab-horse a room in the palace, such a big building having many rooms that were seldom in use. so zeb unharnessed jim, and several of the servants then led the horse around to the rear, where they selected a nice large apartment that he could have all to himself. then jellia said to the wizard: "your own room--which was back of the great throne room--has been vacant ever since you left us. would you like it again?" "yes, indeed!" returned the little man. "it will seem like being at home again, for i lived in that room for many, many years." he knew the way to it, and a servant followed him, carrying his satchel. zeb was also escorted to a room--so grand and beautiful that he almost feared to sit in the chairs or lie upon the bed, lest he might dim their splendor. in the closets he discovered many fancy costumes of rich velvets and brocades, and one of the attendants told him to dress himself in any of the clothes that pleased him and to be prepared to dine with the princess and dorothy in an hour's time. opening from the chamber was a fine bath-room having a marble tub with perfumed water; so the boy, still dazed by the novelty of his surroundings, indulged in a good bath and then selected a maroon velvet costume with silver buttons to replace his own soiled and much worn clothing. there were silk stockings and soft leather slippers with diamond buckles to accompany his new costume, and when he was fully dressed zeb looked much more dignified and imposing than ever before in his life. he was all ready when an attendant came to escort him to the presence of the princess; he followed bashfully and was ushered into a room more dainty and attractive than it was splendid. here he found dorothy seated beside a young girl so marvelously beautiful that the boy stopped suddenly with a gasp of admiration. but dorothy sprang up and ran to seize her friend's hand, drawing him impulsively toward the lovely princess, who smiled most graciously upon her guest. then the wizard entered, and his presence relieved the boy's embarrassment. the little man was clothed in black velvet, with many sparkling emerald ornaments decorating his breast; but his bald head and wrinkled features made him appear more amusing than impressive. ozma had been quite curious to meet the famous man who had built the emerald city and united the munchkins, gillikins, quadlings and winkies into one people; so when they were all four seated at the dinner table the princess said: "please tell me, mr. wizard, whether you called yourself oz after this great country, or whether you believe my country is called oz after you. it is a matter that i have long wished to enquire about, because you are of a strange race and my own name is ozma. no one, i am sure, is better able to explain this mystery than you." "that is true," answered the little wizard; "therefore it will give me pleasure to explain my connection with your country. in the first place, i must tell you that i was born in omaha, and my father, who was a politician, named me oscar zoroaster phadrig isaac norman henkle emmannuel ambroise diggs, diggs being the last name because he could think of no more to go before it. taken altogether, it was a dreadfully long name to weigh down a poor innocent child, and one of the hardest lessons i ever learned was to remember my own name. when i grew up i just called myself o. z., because the other initials were p-i-n-h-e-a-d; and that spelled 'pinhead,' which was a reflection on my intelligence." "surely no one could blame you for cutting your name short," said ozma, sympathetically. "but didn't you cut it almost too short?" "perhaps so," replied the wizard. "when a young man i ran away from home and joined a circus. i used to call myself a wizard, and do tricks of ventriloquism." "what does that mean?" asked the princess. "throwing my voice into any object i pleased, to make it appear that the object was speaking instead of me. also i began to make balloon ascensions. on my balloon and on all the other articles i used in the circus i painted the two initials: 'o. z.', to show that those things belonged to me. "one day my balloon ran away with me and brought me across the deserts to this beautiful country. when the people saw me come from the sky they naturally thought me some superior creature, and bowed down before me. i told them i was a wizard, and showed them some easy tricks that amazed them; and when they saw the initials painted on the balloon they called me oz." "now i begin to understand," said the princess, smiling. "at that time," continued the wizard, busily eating his soup while talking, "there were four separate countries in this land, each one of the four being ruled by a witch. but the people thought my power was greater than that of the witches; and perhaps the witches thought so too, for they never dared oppose me. i ordered the emerald city to be built just where the four countries cornered together, and when it was completed i announced myself the ruler of the land of oz, which included all the four countries of the munchkins, the gillikins, the winkies and the quadlings. over this land i ruled in peace for many years, until i grew old and longed to see my native city once again. so when dorothy was first blown to this place by a cyclone i arranged to go away with her in a balloon; but the balloon escaped too soon and carried me back alone. after many adventures i reached omaha, only to find that all my old friends were dead or had moved away. so, having nothing else to do, i joined a circus again, and made my balloon ascensions until the earthquake caught me." "that is quite a history," said ozma; "but there is a little more history about the land of oz that you do not seem to understand--perhaps for the reason that no one ever told it you. many years before you came here this land was united under one ruler, as it is now, and the ruler's name was always 'oz', which means in our language 'great and good'; or, if the ruler happened to be a woman, her name was always 'ozma.' but once upon a time four witches leagued together to depose the king and rule the four parts of the kingdom themselves; so when the ruler, my grandfather, was hunting one day, one wicked witch named mombi stole him and carried him away, keeping him a close prisoner. then the witches divided up the kingdom, and ruled the four parts of it until you came here. that was why the people were so glad to see you, and why they thought from your initials that you were their rightful ruler." "but, at that time," said the wizard, thoughtfully, "there were two good witches and two wicked witches ruling in the land." "yes," replied ozma, "because a good witch had conquered mombi in the north and glinda the good had conquered the evil witch in the south. but mombi was still my grandfather's jailor, and afterward my father's jailor. when i was born she transformed me into a boy, hoping that no one would ever recognize me and know that i was the rightful princess of the land of oz. but i escaped from her and am now the ruler of my people." "i am very glad of that," said the wizard, "and hope you will consider me one of your most faithful and devoted subjects." "we owe a great deal to the wonderful wizard," continued the princess, "for it was you who built this splendid emerald city." "your people built it," he answered. "i only bossed the job, as we say in omaha." "but you ruled it wisely and well for many years," said she, "and made the people proud of your magical art. so, as you are now too old to wander abroad and work in a circus, i offer you a home here as long as you live. you shall be the official wizard of my kingdom, and be treated with every respect and consideration." "i accept your kind offer with gratitude, gracious princess," the little man said, in a soft voice, and they could all see that tear-drops were standing in his keen old eyes. it meant a good deal to him to secure a home like this. "he's only a humbug wizard, though," said dorothy, smiling at him. "and that is the safest kind of a wizard to have," replied ozma, promptly. "oz can do some good tricks, humbug or no humbug," announced zeb, who was now feeling more at ease. "he shall amuse us with his tricks tomorrow," said the princess. "i have sent messengers to summon all of dorothy's old friends to meet her and give her welcome, and they ought to arrive very soon, now." indeed, the dinner was no sooner finished than in rushed the scarecrow, to hug dorothy in his padded arms and tell her how glad he was to see her again. the wizard was also most heartily welcomed by the straw man, who was an important personage in the land of oz. "how are your brains?" enquired the little humbug, as he grasped the soft, stuffed hands of his old friend. "working finely," answered the scarecrow. "i'm very certain, oz, that you gave me the best brains in the world, for i can think with them day and night, when all other brains are fast asleep." [illustration: dorothy and ozma.] "how long did you rule the emerald city, after i left here?" was the next question. "quite awhile, until i was conquered by a girl named general jinjur. but ozma soon conquered her, with the help of glinda the good, and after that i went to live with nick chopper, the tin woodman." just then a loud cackling was heard outside; and, when a servant threw open the door with a low bow, a yellow hen strutted in. dorothy sprang forward and caught the fluffy fowl in her arms, uttering at the same time a glad cry. "oh, billina!" she said; "how fat and sleek you've grown." "why shouldn't i?" asked the hen, in a sharp, clear voice. "i live on the fat of the land--don't i, ozma?" "you have everything you wish for," said the princess. around billina's neck was a string of beautiful pearls, and on her legs were bracelets of emeralds. she nestled herself comfortably in dorothy's lap until the kitten gave a snarl of jealous anger and leaped up with a sharp claw fiercely bared to strike billina a blow. but the little girl gave the angry kitten such a severe cuff that it jumped down again without daring to scratch. "how horrid of you, eureka!" cried dorothy. "is that the way to treat my friends?" "you have queer friends, seems to me," replied the kitten, in a surly tone. "seems to me the same way," said billina, scornfully, "if that beastly cat is one of them." "look here!" said dorothy, sternly. "i won't have any quarrelling in the land of oz, i can tell you! everybody lives in peace here, and loves everybody else; and unless you two, billina and eureka, make up and be friends, i'll take my magic belt and wish you both home again, _immejitly_. so, there!" they were both much frightened at the threat, and promised meekly to be good. but it was never noticed that they became very warm friends, for all of that. and now the tin woodman arrived, his body most beautifully nickle-plated, so that it shone splendidly in the brilliant light of the room. the tin woodman loved dorothy most tenderly, and welcomed with joy the return of the little old wizard. "sir," said he to the latter, "i never can thank you enough for the excellent heart you once gave me. it has made me many friends, i assure you, and it beats as kindly and lovingly today as it ever did." "i'm glad to hear that," said the wizard. "i was afraid it would get moldy in that tin body of yours." "not at all," returned nick chopper. "it keeps finely, being preserved in my air-tight chest." zeb was a little shy when first introduced to these queer people; but they were so friendly and sincere that he soon grew to admire them very much, even finding some good qualities in the yellow hen. but he became nervous again when the next visitor was announced. "this," said princess ozma, "is my friend mr. h. m. woggle-bug, t. e., who assisted me one time when i was in great distress, and is now the dean of the royal college of athletic science." "ah," said the wizard; "i'm pleased to meet so distinguished a personage." "h. m.," said the woggle-bug, pompously, "means highly magnified; and t. e. means thoroughly educated. i am, in reality, a very big bug, and doubtless the most intelligent being in all this broad domain." "how well you disguise it," said the wizard. "but i don't doubt your word in the least." "nobody doubts it, sir," replied the woggle-bug, and drawing a book from its pocket the strange insect turned its back on the company and sat down in a corner to read. nobody minded this rudeness, which might have seemed more impolite in one less thoroughly educated; so they straightway forgot him and joined in a merry conversation that kept them well amused until bed-time arrived. [illustration] chapter 16. jim, the cab-horse jim the cab-horse found himself in possession of a large room with a green marble floor and carved marble wainscoting, which was so stately in its appearance that it would have awed anyone else. jim accepted it as a mere detail, and at his command the attendants gave his coat a good rubbing, combed his mane and tail, and washed his hoofs and fetlocks. then they told him dinner would be served directly and he replied that they could not serve it too quickly to suit his convenience. first they brought him a steaming bowl of soup, which the horse eyed in dismay. "take that stuff away!" he commanded. "do you take me for a salamander?" they obeyed at once, and next served a fine large turbot on a silver platter, with drawn gravey poured over it. "fish!" cried jim, with a sniff. "do you take me for a tom-cat? away with it!" the servants were a little discouraged, but soon they brought in a great tray containing two dozen nicely roasted quail on toast. "well, well!" said the horse, now thoroughly provoked. "do you take me for a weasel? how stupid and ignorant you are, in the land of oz, and what dreadful things you feed upon! is there nothing that is decent to eat in this palace?" the trembling servants sent for the royal steward, who came in haste and said: "what would your highness like for dinner?" "highness!" repeated jim, who was unused to such titles. "you are at least six feet high, and that is higher than any other animal in this country," said the steward. "well, my highness would like some oats," declared the horse. "oats? we have no whole oats," the steward replied, with much defference. "but there is any quantity of oatmeal, which we often cook for breakfast. oatmeal is a breakfast dish," added the steward, humbly. "i'll make it a dinner dish," said jim. "fetch it on, but don't cook it, as you value your life." you see, the respect shown the worn-out old cab-horse made him a little arrogant, and he forgot he was a guest, never having been treated otherwise than as a servant since the day he was born, until his arrival in the land of oz. but the royal attendants did not heed the animal's ill temper. they soon mixed a tub of oatmeal with a little water, and jim ate it with much relish. then the servants heaped a lot of rugs upon the floor and the old horse slept on the softest bed he had ever known in his life. in the morning, as soon as it was daylight, he resolved to take a walk and try to find some grass for breakfast; so he ambled calmly through the handsome arch of the doorway, turned the corner of the palace, wherein all seemed asleep, and came face to face with the sawhorse. jim stopped abruptly, being startled and amazed. the sawhorse stopped at the same time and stared at the other with its queer protruding eyes, which were mere knots in the log that formed its body. the legs of the sawhorse were four sticks driven into holes bored in the log; its tail was a small branch that had been left by accident and its mouth a place chopped in one end of the body which projected a little and served as a head. the ends of the wooden legs were shod with plates of solid gold, and the saddle of the princess ozma, which was of red leather set with sparkling diamonds, was strapped to the clumsy body. [illustration: "for goodness sake, what sort of a being are you?"] jim's eyes stuck out as much as those of the sawhorse, and he stared at the creature with his ears erect and his long head drawn back until it rested against his arched neck. in this comical position the two horses circled slowly around each other for a while, each being unable to realize what the singular thing might be which it now beheld for the first time. then jim exclaimed: "for goodness sake, what sort of a being are you?" "i'm a sawhorse," replied the other. "oh; i believe i've heard of you," said the cab-horse; "but you are unlike anything that i expected to see." "i do not doubt it," the sawhorse observed, with a tone of pride. "i am considered quite unusual." "you are, indeed. but a rickety wooden thing like you has no right to be alive." "i couldn't help it," returned the other, rather crestfallen. "ozma sprinkled me with a magic powder, and i just had to live. i know i'm not much account; but i'm the only horse in all the land of oz, so they treat me with great respect." "you, a horse!" "oh, not a real one, of course. there are no real horses here at all. but i'm a splendid imitation of one." jim gave an indignant neigh. "look at me!" he cried. "behold a real horse!" the wooden animal gave a start, and then examined the other intently. "is it possible that you are a real horse?" he murmured. "not only possible, but true," replied jim, who was gratified by the impression he had created. "it is proved by my fine points. for example, look at the long hairs on my tail, with which i can whisk away the flies." "the flies never trouble me," said the saw-horse. "and notice my great strong teeth, with which i nibble the grass." "it is not necessary for me to eat," observed the saw-horse. "also examine my broad chest, which enables me to draw deep, full breaths," said jim, proudly. "i have no need to breathe," returned the other. "no; you miss many pleasures," remarked the cab-horse, pityingly. "you do not know the relief of brushing away a fly that has bitten you, nor the delight of eating delicious food, nor the satisfaction of drawing a long breath of fresh, pure air. you may be an imitation of a horse, but you're a mighty poor one." "oh, i cannot hope ever to be like you," sighed the sawhorse. "but i am glad to meet at last a real horse. you are certainly the most beautiful creature i ever beheld." this praise won jim completely. to be called beautiful was a novelty in his experience. said he: "your chief fault, my friend, is in being made of wood, and that i suppose you cannot help. real horses, like myself, are made of flesh and blood and bones." "i can see the bones all right," replied the sawhorse, "and they are admirable and distinct. also i can see the flesh. but the blood, i suppose, is tucked away inside." "exactly," said jim. "what good is it?" asked the sawhorse. jim did not know, but he would not tell the sawhorse that. "if anything cuts me," he replied, "the blood runs out to show where i am cut. you, poor thing! cannot even bleed when you are hurt." "but i am never hurt," said the sawhorse. "once in a while i get broken up some, but i am easily repaired and put in good order again. and i never feel a break or a splinter in the least." jim was almost tempted to envy the wooden horse for being unable to feel pain; but the creature was so absurdly unnatural that he decided he would not change places with it under any circumstances. "how did you happen to be shod with gold?" he asked. "princess ozma did that," was the reply; "and it saves my legs from wearing out. we've had a good many adventures together, ozma and i, and she likes me." the cab-horse was about to reply when suddenly he gave a start and a neigh of terror and stood trembling like a leaf. for around the corner had come two enormous savage beasts, treading so lightly that they were upon him before he was aware of their presence. jim was in the act of plunging down the path to escape when the sawhorse cried out: "stop, my brother! stop, real horse! these are friends, and will do you no harm." jim hesitated, eyeing the beasts fearfully. one was an enormous lion with clear, intelligent eyes, a tawney mane bushy and well kept, and a body like yellow plush. the other was a great tiger with purple stripes around his lithe body, powerful limbs, and eyes that showed through the half closed lids like coals of fire. the huge forms of these monarchs of the forest and jungle were enough to strike terror to the stoutest heart, and it is no wonder jim was afraid to face them. but the sawhorse introduced the stranger in a calm tone, saying, "this, noble horse, is my friend the cowardly lion, who is the valiant king of the forest, but at the same time a faithful vassal of princess ozma. and this is the hungry tiger, the terror of the jungle, who longs to devour fat babies but is prevented by his conscience from doing so. these royal beasts are both warm friends of little dorothy and have come to the emerald city this morning to welcome her to our fairyland." hearing these words jim resolved to conquer his alarm. he bowed his head with as much dignity as he could muster toward the savage looking beasts, who in return nodded in a friendly way. "is not the real horse a beautiful animal?" asked the sawhorse admiringly. "that is doubtless a matter of taste," returned the lion. "in the forest he would be thought ungainly, because his face is stretched out and his neck is uselessly long. his joints, i notice, are swollen and overgrown, and he lacks flesh and is old in years." "and dreadfully tough," added the hungry tiger, in a sad voice. "my conscience would never permit me to eat so tough a morsel as the real horse." "i'm glad of that," said jim; "for i, also, have a conscience, and it tells me not to crush in your skull with a blow of my powerful hoof." if he thought to frighten the striped beast by such language he was mistaken. the tiger seemed to smile, and winked one eye slowly. "you have a good conscience, friend horse," it said, "and if you attend to its teachings it will do much to protect you from harm. some day i will let you try to crush in my skull, and afterward you will know more about tigers than you do now." "any friend of dorothy," remarked the cowardly lion, "must be our friend, as well. so let us cease this talk of skull crushing and converse upon more pleasant subjects. have you breakfasted, sir horse?" "not yet," replied jim. "but here is plenty of excellent clover, so if you will excuse me i will eat now." "he's a vegetarian," remarked the tiger, as the horse began to munch the clover. "if i could eat grass i would not need a conscience, for nothing could then tempt me to devour babies and lambs." just then dorothy, who had risen early and heard the voices of the animals, ran out to greet her old friends. she hugged both the lion and the tiger with eager delight, but seemed to love the king of beasts a little better than she did his hungry friend, having known him longer. by the time they had indulged in a good talk and dorothy had told them all about the awful earthquake and her recent adventures, the breakfast bell rang from the palace and the little girl went inside to join her human comrades. as she entered the great hall a voice called out, in a rather harsh tone: "what! are _you_ here again?" "yes, i am," she answered, looking all around to see where the voice came from. "what brought you back?" was the next question, and dorothy's eye rested on an antlered head hanging on the wall just over the fireplace, and caught its lips in the act of moving. "good gracious!" she exclaimed. "i thought you were stuffed." "so i am," replied the head. "but once on a time i was part of the gump, which ozma sprinkled with the powder of life. i was then for a time the head of the finest flying machine that was ever known to exist, and we did many wonderful things. afterward the gump was taken apart and i was put back on this wall; but i can still talk when i feel in the mood, which is not often." "it's very strange," said the girl. "what were you when you were first alive?" "that i have forgotten," replied the gump's head, "and i do not think it is of much importance. but here comes ozma; so i'd better hush up, for the princess doesn't like me to chatter since she changed her name from tip to ozma." just then the girlish ruler of oz opened the door and greeted dorothy with a good-morning kiss. the little princess seemed fresh and rosy and in good spirits. "breakfast is served, dear," she said, "and i am hungry. so don't let us keep it waiting a single minute." [illustration] [illustration: jim stood trembling like a leaf.] chapter 17. the nine tiny piglets after breakfast ozma announced that she had ordered a holiday to be observed throughout the emerald city, in honor of her visitors. the people had learned that their old wizard had returned to them and all were anxious to see him again, for he had always been a rare favorite. so first there was to be a grand procession through the streets, after which the little old man was requested to perform some of his wizardries in the great throne room of the palace. in the afternoon there were to be games and races. the procession was very imposing. first came the imperial cornet band of oz, dressed in emerald velvet uniforms with slashes of pea-green satin and buttons of immense cut emeralds. they played the national air called "the oz spangled banner," and behind them were the standard bearers with the royal flag. this flag was divided into four quarters, one being colored sky-blue, another pink, a third lavender and a fourth white. in the center was a large emerald-green star, and all over the four quarters were sewn spangles that glittered beautifully in the sunshine. the colors represented the four countries of oz, and the green star the emerald city. just behind the royal standard-bearers came the princess ozma in her royal chariot, which was of gold encrusted with emeralds and diamonds set in exquisite designs. the chariot was drawn on this occasion by the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, who were decorated with immense pink and blue bows. in the chariot rode ozma and dorothy, the former in splendid raiment and wearing her royal coronet, while the little kansas girl wore around her waist the magic belt she had once captured from the nome king. following the chariot came the scarecrow mounted on the sawhorse, and the people cheered him almost as loudly as they did their lovely ruler. behind him stalked with regular, jerky steps, the famous machine-man called tik-tok, who had been wound up by dorothy for the occasion. tik-tok moved by clockwork, and was made all of burnished copper. he really belonged to the kansas girl, who had much respect for his thoughts after they had been properly wound and set going; but as the copper man would be useless in any place but a fairy country dorothy had left him in charge of ozma, who saw that he was suitably cared for. there followed another band after this, which was called the royal court band, because the members all lived in the palace. they wore white uniforms with real diamond buttons and played "what is oz without ozma" very sweetly. then came professor woggle-bug, with a group of students from the royal college of scientific athletics. the boys wore long hair and striped sweaters and yelled their college yell every other step they took, to the great satisfaction of the populace, which was glad to have this evidence that their lungs were in good condition. the brilliantly polished tin woodman marched next, at the head of the royal army of oz which consisted of twenty-eight officers, from generals down to captains. there were no privates in the army because all were so courageous and skillful that they had been promoted one by one until there were no privates left. jim and the buggy followed, the old cab-horse being driven by zeb while the wizard stood up on the seat and bowed his bald head right and left in answer to the cheers of the people, who crowded thick about him. taken altogether the procession was a grand success, and when it had returned to the palace the citizens crowded into the great throne room to see the wizard perform his tricks. the first thing the little humbug did was to produce a tiny white piglet from underneath his hat and pretend to pull it apart, making two. this act he repeated until all of the nine tiny piglets were visible, and they were so glad to get out of his pocket that they ran around in a very lively manner. the pretty little creatures would have been a novelty anywhere, so the people were as amazed and delighted at their appearance as even the wizard could have desired. when he had made them all disappear again ozma declared she was sorry they were gone, for she wanted one of them to pet and play with. so the wizard pretended to take one of the piglets out of the hair of the princess (while really he slyly took it from his inside pocket) and ozma smiled joyously as the creature nestled in her arms, and she promised to have an emerald collar made for its fat neck and to keep the little squealer always at hand to amuse her. afterward it was noticed that the wizard always performed his famous trick with eight piglets, but it seemed to please the people just as well as if there had been nine of them. in his little room back of the throne room the wizard had found a lot of things he had left behind him when he went away in the balloon, for no one had occupied the apartment in his absence. there was enough material there to enable him to prepare several new tricks which he had learned from some of the jugglers in the circus, and he had passed part of the night in getting them ready. so he followed the trick of the nine tiny piglets with several other wonderful feats that greatly delighted his audience and the people did not seem to care a bit whether the little man was a humbug wizard or not, so long as he succeeded in amusing them. they applauded all his tricks and at the end of the performance begged him earnestly not to go away again and leave them. "in that case," said the little man, gravely, "i will cancel all of my engagements before the crowned heads of europe and america and devote myself to the people of oz, for i love you all so well that i can deny you nothing." after the people had been dismissed with this promise our friends joined princess ozma at an elaborate luncheon in the palace, where even the tiger and the lion were sumptuously fed and jim the cab-horse ate his oatmeal out of a golden bowl with seven rows of rubies, sapphires and diamonds set around the rim of it. in the afternoon they all went to a great field outside the city gates where the games were to be held. there was a beautiful canopy for ozma and her guests to sit under and watch the people run races and jump and wrestle. you may be sure the folks of oz did their best with such a distinguished company watching them, and finally zeb offered to wrestle with a little munchkin who seemed to be the champion. in appearance he was twice as old as zeb, for he had long pointed whiskers and wore a peaked hat with little bells all around the brim of it, which tinkled gaily as he moved. but although the munchkin was hardly tall enough to come to zeb's shoulder he was so strong and clever that he laid the boy three times on his back with apparent ease. zeb was greatly astonished at his defeat, and when the pretty princess joined her people in laughing at him he proposed a boxing-match with the munchkin, to which the little ozite readily agreed. but the first time that zeb managed to give him a sharp box on the ears the munchkin sat down upon the ground and cried until the tears ran down his whiskers, because he had been hurt. this made zeb laugh, in turn, and the boy felt comforted to find that ozma laughed as merrily at her weeping subject as she had at him. just then the scarecrow proposed a race between the sawhorse and the cab-horse; and although all the others were delighted at the suggestion the sawhorse drew back, saying: "such a race would not be fair." "of course not," added jim, with a touch of scorn; "those little wooden legs of yours are not half as long as my own." "it isn't that," said the sawhorse, modestly; "but i never tire, and you do." "bah!" cried jim, looking with great disdain at the other; "do you imagine for an instant that such a shabby imitation of a horse as you are can run as fast as i?" "i don't know, i'm sure," replied the sawhorse. "that is what we are trying to find out," remarked the scarecrow. "the object of a race is to see who can win it--or at least that is what my excellent brains think." "once, when i was young," said jim, "i was a race horse, and defeated all who dared run against me. i was born in kentucky, you know, where all the best and most aristocratic horses come from." "but you're old, now, jim," suggested zeb. "old! why, i feel like a colt today," replied jim. "i only wish there was a real horse here for me to race with. i'd show the people a fine sight, i can tell you." "then why not race with the sawhorse?" enquired the scarecrow. "he's afraid," said jim. "oh, no," answered the sawhorse. "i merely said it wasn't fair. but if my friend the real horse is willing to undertake the race i am quite ready." so they unharnessed jim and took the saddle off the sawhorse, and the two queerly matched animals were stood side by side for the start. "when i say 'go!'" zeb called to them, "you must dig out and race until you reach those three trees you see over yonder. then circle 'round them and come back again. the first one that passes the place where the princess sits shall be named the winner. are you ready?" "i suppose i ought to give the wooden dummy a good start of me," growled jim. "never mind that," said the sawhorse. "i'll do the best i can." "go!" cried zeb; and at the word the two horses leaped forward and the race was begun. [illustration: the wizard took a piglet from ozma's hair.] jim's big hoofs pounded away at a great rate, and although he did not look very graceful he ran in a way to do credit to his kentucky breeding. but the sawhorse was swifter than the wind. its wooden legs moved so fast that their twinkling could scarcely be seen, and although so much smaller than the cab-horse it covered the ground much faster. before they had reached the trees the sawhorse was far ahead, and the wooden animal returned to the starting place and was being lustily cheered by the ozites before jim came panting up to the canopy where the princess and her friends were seated. [illustration: the hungry tiger teaches jim a lesson.] i am sorry to record the fact that jim was not only ashamed of his defeat but for a moment lost control of his temper. as he looked at the comical face of the sawhorse he imagined that the creature was laughing at him; so in a fit of unreasonable anger he turned around and made a vicious kick that sent his rival tumbling head over heels upon the ground, and broke off one of its legs and its left ear. an instant later the tiger crouched and launched its huge body through the air swift and resistless as a ball from a cannon. the beast struck jim full on his shoulder and sent the astonished cab-horse rolling over and over, amid shouts of delight from the spectators, who had been horrified by the ungracious act he had been guilty of. when jim came to himself and sat upon his haunches he found the cowardly lion crouched on one side of him and the hungry tiger on the other, and their eyes were glowing like balls of fire. "i beg your pardon, i'm sure," said jim, meekly. "i was wrong to kick the sawhorse, and i am sorry i became angry at him. he has won the race, and won it fairly; but what can a horse of flesh do against a tireless beast of wood?" hearing this apology the tiger and the lion stopped lashing their tails and retreated with dignified steps to the side of the princess. "no one must injure one of our friends in our presence," growled the lion; and zeb ran to jim and whispered that unless he controlled his temper in the future he would probably be torn to pieces. then the tin woodman cut a straight and strong limb from a tree with his gleaming axe and made a new leg and a new ear for the sawhorse; and when they had been securely fastened in place princess ozma took the coronet from her own head and placed it upon that of the winner of the race. said she: "my friend, i reward you for your swiftness by proclaiming you prince of horses, whether of wood or of flesh; and hereafter all other horses--in the land of oz, at least--must be considered imitations, and you the real champion of your race." there was more applause at this, and then ozma had the jewelled saddle replaced upon the sawhorse and herself rode the victor back to the city at the head of the grand procession. "i ought to be a fairy," grumbled jim, as he slowly drew the buggy home; "for to be just an ordinary horse in a fairy country is to be of no account whatever. it's no place for us, zeb." "it's lucky we got here, though," said the boy; and jim thought of the dark cave, and agreed with him. [illustration] chapter 18. the trial of eureka the kitten several days of festivity and merry-making followed, for such old friends did not often meet and there was much to be told and talked over between them, and many amusements to be enjoyed in this delightful country. ozma was happy to have dorothy beside her, for girls of her own age with whom it was proper for the princess to associate were very few, and often the youthful ruler of oz was lonely for lack of companionship. it was the third morning after dorothy's arrival, and she was sitting with ozma and their friends in a reception room, talking over old times, when the princess said to her maid: "please go to my boudoir, jellia, and get the white piglet i left on the dressing-table. i want to play with it." jellia at once departed on the errand, and she was gone so long that they had almost forgotten her mission when the green robed maiden returned with a troubled face. "the piglet is not there, your highness," said she. "not there!" exclaimed ozma. "are you sure?" "i have hunted in every part of the room," the maid replied. "was not the door closed?" asked the princess. "yes, your highness; i am sure it was; for when i opened it dorothy's white kitten crept out and ran up the stairs." hearing this, dorothy and the wizard exchanged startled glances, for they remembered how often eureka had longed to eat a piglet. the little girl jumped up at once. "come, ozma," she said, anxiously; "let us go ourselves to search for the piglet." so the two went to the dressing-room of the princess and searched carefully in every corner and among the vases and baskets and ornaments that stood about the pretty boudoir. but not a trace could they find of the tiny creature they sought. dorothy was nearly weeping, by this time, while ozma was angry and indignant. when they returned to the others the princess said: "there is little doubt that my pretty piglet has been eaten by that horrid kitten, and if that is true the offender must be punished." "i don't b'lieve eureka would do such a dreadful thing!" cried dorothy, much distressed. "go and get my kitten, please, jellia, and we'll hear what she has to say about it." the green maiden hastened away, but presently returned and said: "the kitten will not come. she threatened to scratch my eyes out if i touched her." "where is she?" asked dorothy. "under the bed in your own room," was the reply. so dorothy ran to her room and found the kitten under the bed. "come here, eureka!" she said. "i won't," answered the kitten, in a surly voice. "oh, eureka! why are you so bad?" the kitten did not reply. "if you don't come to me, right away," continued dorothy, getting provoked, "i'll take my magic belt and wish you in the country of the gurgles." "why do you want me?" asked eureka, disturbed by this threat. "you must go to princess ozma. she wants to talk to you." "all right," returned the kitten, creeping out. "i'm not afraid of ozma--or anyone else." dorothy carried her in her arms back to where the others sat in grieved and thoughtful silence. "tell me, eureka," said the princess, gently: "did you eat my pretty piglet?" "i won't answer such a foolish question," asserted eureka, with a snarl. "oh, yes you will, dear," dorothy declared. "the piglet is gone, and you ran out of the room when jellia opened the door. so, if you are innocent, eureka, you must tell the princess how you came to be in her room, and what has become of the piglet." "who accuses me?" asked the kitten, defiantly. "no one," answered ozma. "your actions alone accuse you. the fact is that i left my little pet in my dressing-room lying asleep upon the table; and you must hove stolen in without my knowing it. when next the door was opened you ran out and hid yourself--and the piglet was gone." "that's none of my business," growled the kitten. "don't be impudent, eureka," admonished dorothy. "it is you who are impudent," said eureka, "for accusing me of such a crime when you can't prove it except by guessing." ozma was now greatly incensed by the kitten's conduct. she summoned her captain-general, and when the long, lean officer appeared she said: "carry this cat away to prison, and keep her in safe confinement until she is tried by law for the crime of murder." so the captain-general took eureka from the arms of the now weeping dorothy and in spite of the kitten's snarls and scratches carried it away to prison. "what shall we do now?" asked the scarecrow, with a sigh, for such a crime had cast a gloom over all the company. "i will summon the court to meet in the throne room at three o'clock," replied ozma. "i myself will be the judge, and the kitten shall have a fair trial." "what will happen if she is guilty?" asked dorothy. "she must die," answered the princess. "nine times?" enquired the scarecrow. "as many times as is necessary," was the reply. "i will ask the tin woodman to defend the prisoner, because he has such a kind heart i am sure he will do his best to save her. and the woggle-bug shall be the public accuser, because he is so learned that no one can deceive him." "who will be the jury?" asked the tin woodman. [illustration: portrait of the wizard of oz.] "there ought to be several animals on the jury," said ozma, "because animals understand each other better than we people understand them. so the jury shall consist of the cowardly lion, the hungry tiger, jim the cab-horse, the yellow hen, the scarecrow, the wizard, tik-tok the machine man, the sawhorse and zeb of hugson's ranch. that makes the nine which the law requires, and all my people shall be admitted to hear the testimony." they now separated to prepare for the sad ceremony; for whenever an appeal is made to law sorrow is almost certain to follow--even in a fairyland like oz. but it must be stated that the people of that land were generally so well-behaved that there was not a single lawyer amongst them, and it had been years since any ruler had sat in judgment upon an offender of the law. the crime of murder being the most dreadful crime of all, tremendous excitement prevailed in the emerald city when the news of eureka's arrest and trial became known. the wizard, when he returned to his own room, was exceedingly thoughtful. he had no doubt eureka had eaten his piglet, but he realized that a kitten cannot be depended upon at all times to act properly, since its nature is to destroy small animals and even birds for food, and the tame cat that we keep in our houses today is descended from the wild cat of the jungle--a very ferocious creature, indeed. the wizard knew that if dorothy's pet was found guilty and condemned to death the little girl would be made very unhappy; so, although he grieved over the piglet's sad fate as much as any of them, he resolved to save eureka's life. sending for the tin woodman the wizard took him into a corner and whispered: "my friend, it is your duty to defend the white kitten and try to save her, but i fear you will fail because eureka has long wished to eat a piglet, to my certain knowledge, and my opinion is that she has been unable to resist the temptation. yet her disgrace and death would not bring back the piglet, but only serve to make dorothy unhappy. so i intend to prove the kitten's innocence by a trick." he drew from his inside pocket one of the eight tiny piglets that were remaining and continued: "this creature you must hide in some safe place, and if the jury decides that eureka is guilty you may then produce this piglet and claim it is the one that was lost. all the piglets are exactly alike, so no one can dispute your word. this deception will save eureka's life, and then we may all be happy again." "i do not like to deceive my friends," replied the tin woodman; "still, my kind heart urges me to save eureka's life, and i can usually trust my heart to do the right thing. so i will do as you say, friend wizard." after some thought he placed the little pig inside his funnel-shaped hat, and then put the hat upon his head and went back to his room to think over his speech to the jury. chapter 19. the wizard performs another trick at three o'clock the throne room was crowded with citizens, men, women and children being eager to witness the great trial. princess ozma, dressed in her most splendid robes of state, sat in the magnificent emerald throne, with her jewelled sceptre in her hand and her sparkling coronet upon her fair brow. behind her throne stood the twenty-eight officers of her army and many officials of the royal household. at her right sat the queerly assorted jury--animals, animated dummies and people--all gravely prepared to listen to what was said. the kitten had been placed in a large cage just before the throne, where she sat upon her haunches and gazed through the bars at the crowds around her, with seeming unconcern. and now, at a signal from ozma, the woggle-bug arose and addressed the jury. his tone was pompous and he strutted up and down in an absurd attempt to appear dignified. "your royal highness and fellow citizens," he began; "the small cat you see a prisoner before you is accused of the crime of first murdering and then eating our esteemed ruler's fat piglet--or else first eating and then murdering it. in either case a grave crime has been committed which deserves a grave punishment." "do you mean my kitten must be put in a grave?" asked dorothy. "don't interrupt, little girl," said the woggle-bug. "when i get my thoughts arranged in good order i do not like to have anything upset them or throw them into confusion." "if your thoughts were any good they wouldn't become confused," remarked the scarecrow, earnestly. "my thoughts are always----" "is this a trial of thoughts, or of kittens?" demanded the woggle-bug. "it's a trial of one kitten," replied the scarecrow; "but your manner is a trial to us all." "let the public accuser continue," called ozma from her throne, "and i pray you do not interrupt him." "the criminal who now sits before the court licking her paws," resumed the woggle-bug, "has long desired to unlawfully eat the fat piglet, which was no bigger than a mouse. and finally she made a wicked plan to satisfy her depraved appetite for pork. i can see her, in my mind's eye----" "what's that?" asked the scarecrow. "i say i can see her in my mind's eye----" "the mind has no eye," declared the scarecrow. "it's blind." "your highness," cried the woggle-bug, appealing to ozma, "have i a mind's eye, or haven't i?" "if you have, it is invisible," said the princess. "very true," returned the woggle-bug, bowing. "i say i see the criminal, in my mind's eye, creeping stealthily into the room of our ozma and secreting herself, when no one was looking, until the princess had gone away and the door was closed. then the murderer was alone with her helpless victim, the fat piglet, and i see her pounce upon the innocent creature and eat it up----" "are you still seeing with your mind's eye?" enquired the scarecrow. "of course; how else could i see it? and we know the thing is true, because since the time of that interview there is no piglet to be found anywhere." [illustration: eureka in court.] "i suppose, if the cat had been gone, instead of the piglet, your mind's eye would see the piglet eating the cat," suggested the scarecrow. "very likely," acknowledged the woggle-bug. "and now, fellow citizens and creatures of the jury, i assert that so awful a crime deserves death, and in the case of the ferocious criminal before you--who is now washing her face--the death penalty should be inflicted nine times." there was great applause when the speaker sat down. then the princess spoke in a stern voice: "prisoner, what have you to say for yourself? are you guilty, or not guilty?" "why, that's for you to find out," replied eureka. "if you can prove i'm guilty, i'll be willing to die nine times, but a mind's eye is no proof, because the woggle-bug has no mind to see with." "never mind, dear," said dorothy. then the tin woodman arose and said: "respected jury and dearly beloved ozma, i pray you not to judge this feline prisoner unfeelingly. i do not think the innocent kitten can be guilty, and surely it is unkind to accuse a luncheon of being a murder. eureka is the sweet pet of a lovely little girl whom we all admire, and gentleness and innocence are her chief virtues. look at the kitten's intelligent eyes;" (here eureka closed her eyes sleepily) "gaze at her smiling countenance!" (here eureka snarled and showed her teeth) "mark the tender pose of her soft, padded little hands!" (here eureka bared her sharp claws and scratched at the bars of the cage.) "would such a gentle animal be guilty of eating a fellow creature? no; a thousand times, no!" "oh, cut it short," said eureka; "you've talked long enough." "i'm trying to defend you," remonstrated the tin woodman. "then say something sensible," retorted the kitten. "tell them it would be foolish for me to eat the piglet, because i had sense enough to know it would raise a row if i did. but don't try to make out i'm too innocent to eat a fat piglet if i could do it and not be found out. i imagine it would taste mighty good." "perhaps it would, to those who eat," remarked the tin woodman. "i myself, not being built to eat, have no personal experience in such matters. but i remember that our great poet once said: "'to eat is sweet when hunger's seat demands a treat of savory meat.' "take this into consideration, friends of the jury, and you will readily decide that the kitten is wrongfully accused and should be set at liberty." when the tin woodman sat down no one applauded him, for his arguments had not been very convincing and few believed that he had proved eureka's innocence. as for the jury, the members whispered to each other for a few minutes and then they appointed the hungry tiger their spokesman. the huge beast slowly arose and said: "kittens have no consciences, so they eat whatever pleases them. the jury believes the white kitten known as eureka is guilty of having eaten the piglet owned by princess ozma, and recommends that she be put to death in punishment of the crime." the judgment of the jury was received with great applause, although dorothy was sobbing miserably at the fate of her pet. the princess was just about to order eureka's head chopped off with the tin woodman's axe when that brilliant personage once more arose and addressed her. "your highness," said he, "see how easy it is for a jury to be mistaken. the kitten could not have eaten your piglet--for here it is!" he took off his funnel hat and from beneath it produced a tiny white piglet, which he held aloft that all might see it clearly. ozma was delighted and exclaimed, eagerly: "give me my pet, nick chopper!" and all the people cheered and clapped their hands, rejoicing that the prisoner had escaped death and been proved to be innocent. as the princess held the white piglet in her arms and stroked its soft hair she said: "let eureka out of the cage, for she is no longer a prisoner, but our good friend. where did you find my missing pet, nick chopper?" "in a room of the palace," he answered. "justice," remarked the scarecrow, with a sigh, "is a dangerous thing to meddle with. if you hadn't happened to find the piglet, eureka would surely have been executed." "but justice prevailed at the last," said ozma, "for here is my pet, and eureka is once more free." "i refuse to be free," cried the kitten, in a sharp voice, "unless the wizard can do his trick with eight piglets. if he can produce but seven, then this it not the piglet that was lost, but another one." "hush, eureka!" warned the wizard. "don't be foolish," advised the tin woodman, "or you may be sorry for it." "the piglet that belonged to the princess wore an emerald collar," said eureka, loudly enough for all to hear. "so it did!" exclaimed ozma. "this cannot be the one the wizard gave me." "of course not; he had nine of them, altogether," declared eureka; "and i must say it was very stingy of him not to let me eat just a few. but now that this foolish trial is ended, i will tell you what really became of your pet piglet." at this everyone in the throne room suddenly became quiet, and the kitten continued, in a calm, mocking tone of voice: "i will confess that i intended to eat the little pig for my breakfast; so i crept into the room where it was kept while the princess was dressing and hid myself under a chair. when ozma went away she closed the door and left her pet on the table. at once i jumped up and told the piglet not to make a fuss, for he would be inside of me in half a second; but no one can teach one of these creatures to be reasonable. instead of keeping still, so i could eat him comfortably, he trembled so with fear that he fell off the table into a big vase that was standing on the floor. the vase had a very small neck, and spread out at the top like a bowl. at first the piglet stuck in the neck of the vase and i thought i should get him, after all, but he wriggled himself through and fell down into the deep bottom part--and i suppose he's there yet." all were astonished at this confession, and ozma at once sent an officer to her room to fetch the vase. when he returned the princess looked down the narrow neck of the big ornament and discovered her lost piglet, just as eureka had said she would. there was no way to get the creature out without breaking the vase, so the tin woodman smashed it with his axe and set the little prisoner free. then the crowd cheered lustily and dorothy hugged the kitten in her arms and told her how delighted she was to know that she was innocent. "but why didn't you tell us at first?" she asked. "it would have spoiled the fun," replied the kitten, yawning. ozma gave the wizard back the piglet he had so kindly allowed nick chopper to substitute for the lost one, and then she carried her own into the apartments of the palace where she lived. and now, the trial being over, the good citizens of the emerald city scattered to their homes, well content with the day's amusement. chapter 20. zeb returns to the ranch eureka was much surprised to find herself in disgrace; but she was, in spite of the fact that she had not eaten the piglet. for the folks of oz knew the kitten had tried to commit the crime, and that only an accident had prevented her from doing so; therefore even the hungry tiger preferred not to associate with her. eureka was forbidden to wander around the palace and was made to stay in confinement in dorothy's room; so she began to beg her mistress to send her to some other place where she could enjoy herself better. dorothy was herself anxious to get home, so she promised eureka they would not stay in the land of oz much longer. the next evening after the trial the little girl begged ozma to allow her to look in the enchanted picture, and the princess readily consented. she took the child to her room and said: "make your wish, dear, and the picture will show the scene you desire to behold." then dorothy found, with the aid of the enchanted picture, that uncle henry had returned to the farm in kansas, and she also saw that both he and aunt em were dressed in mourning, because they thought their little niece had been killed by the earthquake. "really," said the girl, anxiously, "i must get back as soon as poss'ble to my own folks." zeb also wanted to see his home, and although he did not find anyone mourning for him, the sight of hugson's ranch in the picture made him long to get back there. "this is a fine country, and i like all the people that live in it," he told dorothy. "but the fact is, jim and i don't seem to fit into a fairyland, and the old horse has been begging me to go home again ever since he lost the race. so, if you can find a way to fix it, we'll be much obliged to you." "ozma can do it, easily," replied dorothy. "tomorrow morning i'll go to kansas and you can go to californy." [illustration: "i'm much obliged for all your kindness."] that last evening was so delightful that the boy will never forget it as long as he lives. they were all together (except eureka) in the pretty rooms of the princess, and the wizard did some new tricks, and the scarecrow told stories, and the tin woodman sang a love song in a sonorous, metallic voice, and everybody laughed and had a good time. then dorothy wound up tik-tok and he danced a jig to amuse the company, after which the yellow hen related some of her adventures with the nome king in the land of ev. the princess served delicious refreshments to those who were in the habit of eating, and when dorothy's bed time arrived the company separated after exchanging many friendly sentiments. next morning they all assembled for the final parting, and many of the officials and courtiers came to look upon the impressive ceremonies. dorothy held eureka in her arms and bade her friends a fond good-bye. "you must come again, some time," said the little wizard; and she promised she would if she found it possible to do so. "but uncle henry and aunt em need me to help them," she added, "so i can't ever be very long away from the farm in kansas." ozma wore the magic belt; and, when she had kissed dorothy farewell and had made her wish, the little girl and her kitten disappeared in a twinkling. "where is she?" asked zeb, rather bewildered by the suddenness of it. "greeting her uncle and aunt in kansas, by this time," returned ozma, with a smile. then zeb brought out jim, all harnessed to the buggy, and took his seat. "i'm much obliged for all your kindness," said the boy, "and very grateful to you for saving my life and sending me home again after all the good times i've had. i think this is the loveliest country in the world; but not being fairies jim and i feel we ought to be where we belong--and that's at the ranch. good-bye, everybody!" he gave a start and rubbed his eyes. jim was trotting along the well-known road, shaking his ears and whisking his tail with a contented motion. just ahead of them were the gates of hugson's ranch, and uncle hugson now came out and stood with uplifted arms and wide open mouth, staring in amazement. "goodness gracious! it's zeb--and jim, too!" he exclaimed. "where in the world have you been, my lad?" "why, in the world, uncle," answered zeb, with a laugh. the end [illustration] the tin woodman of oz by l. frank baum a faithful story of the astonishing adventure undertaken by the tin woodman, assisted by woot the wanderer, the scarecrow of oz, and polychrome, the rainbow's daughter by l. frank baum "royal historian of oz" this book is dedicated to the son of my son frank alden baum to my readers i know that some of you have been waiting for this story of the tin woodman, because many of my correspondents have asked me, time and again what ever became of the "pretty munchkin girl" whom nick chopper was engaged to marry before the wicked witch enchanted his axe and he traded his flesh for tin. i, too, have wondered what became of her, but until woot the wanderer interested himself in the matter the tin woodman knew no more than we did. however, he found her, after many thrilling adventures, as you will discover when you have read this story. i am delighted at the continued interest of both young and old in the oz stories. a learned college professor recently wrote me to ask: "for readers of what age are your books intended?" it puzzled me to answer that properly, until i had looked over some of the letters i have received. one says: "i'm a little boy 5 years old, and i just love your oz stories. my sister, who is writing this for me, reads me the oz books, but i wish i could read them myself." another letter says: "i'm a great girl 13 years old, so you'll be surprised when i tell you i am not too old yet for the oz stories." here's another letter: "since i was a young girl i've never missed getting a baum book for christmas. i'm married, now, but am as eager to get and read the oz stories as ever." and still another writes: "my good wife and i, both more than 70 years of age, believe that we find more real enjoyment in your oz books than in any other books we read." considering these statements, i wrote the college professor that my books are intended for all those whose hearts are young, no matter what their ages may be. i think i am justified in promising that there will be some astonishing revelations about the magic of oz in my book for 1919. always your loving and grateful friend, l. frank baum. royal historian of oz. "ozcot" at hollywood in california 1918. list of chapters 1 woot the wanderer 2 the heart of the tin woodman 3 roundabout 4 the loons of loonville 5 mrs. yoop, the giantess 6 the magic of a yookoohoo 7 the lace apron 8 the menace of the forest 9 the quarrelsome dragons 10 tommy kwikstep 11 jinjur's ranch 12 ozma and dorothy 13 the restoration 14 the green monkey 15 the man of tin 16 captain fyter 17 the workshop of ku-klip 18 the tin woodman talks to himself 19 the invisible country 20 over night 21 polychrome's magic 22 nimmie amee 23 through the tunnel 24 the curtain falls chapter one woot the wanderer the tin woodman sat on his glittering tin throne in the handsome tin hall of his splendid tin castle in the winkie country of the land of oz. beside him, in a chair of woven straw, sat his best friend, the scarecrow of oz. at times they spoke to one another of curious things they had seen and strange adventures they had known since first they two had met and become comrades. but at times they were silent, for these things had been talked over many times between them, and they found themselves contented in merely being together, speaking now and then a brief sentence to prove they were wide awake and attentive. but then, these two quaint persons never slept. why should they sleep, when they never tired? and now, as the brilliant sun sank low over the winkie country of oz, tinting the glistening tin towers and tin minarets of the tin castle with glorious sunset hues, there approached along a winding pathway woot the wanderer, who met at the castle entrance a winkie servant. the servants of the tin woodman all wore tin helmets and tin breastplates and uniforms covered with tiny tin discs sewed closely together on silver cloth, so that their bodies sparkled as beautifully as did the tin castle--and almost as beautifully as did the tin woodman himself. woot the wanderer looked at the man servant--all bright and glittering--and at the magnificent castle--all bright and glittering--and as he looked his eyes grew big with wonder. for woot was not very big and not very old and, wanderer though he was, this proved the most gorgeous sight that had ever met his boyish gaze. "who lives here?" he asked. "the emperor of the winkies, who is the famous tin woodman of oz," replied the servant, who had been trained to treat all strangers with courtesy. "a tin woodman? how queer!" exclaimed the little wanderer. "well, perhaps our emperor is queer," admitted the servant; "but he is a kind master and as honest and true as good tin can make him; so we, who gladly serve him, are apt to forget that he is not like other people." "may i see him?" asked woot the wanderer, after a moment's thought. "if it please you to wait a moment, i will go and ask him," said the servant, and then he went into the hall where the tin woodman sat with his friend the scarecrow. both were glad to learn that a stranger had arrived at the castle, for this would give them something new to talk about, so the servant was asked to admit the boy at once. by the time woot the wanderer had passed through the grand corridors--all lined with ornamental tin--and under stately tin archways and through the many tin rooms all set with beautiful tin furniture, his eyes had grown bigger than ever and his whole little body thrilled with amazement. but, astonished though he was, he was able to make a polite bow before the throne and to say in a respectful voice: "i salute your illustrious majesty and offer you my humble services." "very good!" answered the tin woodman in his accustomed cheerful manner. "tell me who you are, and whence you come." "i am known as woot the wanderer," answered the boy, "and i have come, through many travels and by roundabout ways, from my former home in a far corner of the gillikin country of oz." "to wander from one's home," remarked the scarecrow, "is to encounter dangers and hardships, especially if one is made of meat and bone. had you no friends in that corner of the gillikin country? was it not homelike and comfortable?" to hear a man stuffed with straw speak, and speak so well, quite startled woot, and perhaps he stared a bit rudely at the scarecrow. but after a moment he replied: "i had home and friends, your honorable strawness, but they were so quiet and happy and comfortable that i found them dismally stupid. nothing in that corner of oz interested me, but i believed that in other parts of the country i would find strange people and see new sights, and so i set out upon my wandering journey. i have been a wanderer for nearly a full year, and now my wanderings have brought me to this splendid castle." "i suppose," said the tin woodman, "that in this year you have seen so much that you have become very wise." "no," replied woot, thoughtfully, "i am not at all wise, i beg to assure your majesty. the more i wander the less i find that i know, for in the land of oz much wisdom and many things may be learned." "to learn is simple. don't you ask questions?" inquired the scarecrow. "yes; i ask as many questions as i dare; but some people refuse to answer questions." "that is not kind of them," declared the tin woodman. "if one does not ask for information he seldom receives it; so i, for my part, make it a rule to answer any civil question that is asked me." "so do i," added the scarecrow, nodding. "i am glad to hear this," said the wanderer, "for it makes me bold to ask for something to eat." "bless the boy!" cried the emperor of the winkies; "how careless of me not to remember that wanderers are usually hungry. i will have food brought you at once." saying this he blew upon a tin whistle that was suspended from his tin neck, and at the summons a servant appeared and bowed low. the tin woodman ordered food for the stranger, and in a few minutes the servant brought in a tin tray heaped with a choice array of good things to eat, all neatly displayed on tin dishes that were polished till they shone like mirrors. the tray was set upon a tin table drawn before the throne, and the servant placed a tin chair before the table for the boy to seat himself. "eat, friend wanderer," said the emperor cordially, "and i trust the feast will be to your liking. i, myself, do not eat, being made in such manner that i require no food to keep me alive. neither does my friend the scarecrow. but all my winkie people eat, being formed of flesh, as you are, and so my tin cupboard is never bare, and strangers are always welcome to whatever it contains." the boy ate in silence for a time, being really hungry, but after his appetite was somewhat satisfied, he said: "how happened your majesty to be made of tin, and still be alive?" "that," replied the tin man, "is a long story." "the longer the better," said the boy. "won't you please tell me the story?" "if you desire it," promised the tin woodman, leaning back in his tin throne and crossing his tin legs. "i haven't related my history in a long while, because everyone here knows it nearly as well as i do. but you, being a stranger, are no doubt curious to learn how i became so beautiful and prosperous, so i will recite for your benefit my strange adventures." "thank you," said woot the wanderer, still eating. "i was not always made of tin," began the emperor, "for in the beginning i was a man of flesh and bone and blood and lived in the munchkin country of oz. there i was, by trade, a woodchopper, and contributed my share to the comfort of the oz people by chopping up the trees of the forest to make firewood, with which the women would cook their meals while the children warmed themselves about the fires. for my home i had a little hut by the edge of the forest, and my life was one of much content until i fell in love with a beautiful munchkin girl who lived not far away." "what was the munchkin girl's name?" asked woot. "nimmie amee. this girl, so fair that the sunsets blushed when their rays fell upon her, lived with a powerful witch who wore silver shoes and who had made the poor child her slave. nimmie amee was obliged to work from morning till night for the old witch of the east, scrubbing and sweeping her hut and cooking her meals and washing her dishes. she had to cut firewood, too, until i found her one day in the forest and fell in love with her. after that, i always brought plenty of firewood to nimmie amee and we became very friendly. finally i asked her to marry me, and she agreed to do so, but the witch happened to overhear our conversation and it made her very angry, for she did not wish her slave to be taken away from her. the witch commanded me never to come near nimmie amee again, but i told her i was my own master and would do as i pleased, not realizing that this was a careless way to speak to a witch. "the next day, as i was cutting wood in the forest, the cruel witch enchanted my axe, so that it slipped and cut off my right leg." "how dreadful!" cried woot the wanderer. "yes, it was a seeming misfortune," agreed the tin man, "for a one-legged woodchopper is of little use in his trade. but i would not allow the witch to conquer me so easily. i knew a very skillful mechanic at the other side of the forest, who was my friend, so i hopped on one leg to him and asked him to help me. he soon made me a new leg out of tin and fastened it cleverly to my meat body. it had joints at the knee and at the ankle and was almost as comfortable as the leg i had lost." "your friend must have been a wonderful workman!" exclaimed woot. "he was, indeed," admitted the emperor. "he was a tinsmith by trade and could make anything out of tin. when i returned to nimmie amee, the girl was delighted and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me, declaring she was proud of me. the witch saw the kiss and was more angry than before. when i went to work in the forest, next day, my axe, being still enchanted, slipped and cut off my other leg. again i hopped--on my tin leg--to my friend the tinsmith, who kindly made me another tin leg and fastened it to my body. so i returned joyfully to nimmie amee, who was much pleased with my glittering legs and promised that when we were wed she would always keep them oiled and polished. but the witch was more furious than ever, and as soon as i raised my axe to chop, it twisted around and cut off one of my arms. the tinsmith made me a tin arm and i was not much worried, because nimmie amee declared she still loved me." chapter two the heart of the tin woodman the emperor of the winkies paused in his story to reach for an oil-can, with which he carefully oiled the joints in his tin throat, for his voice had begun to squeak a little. woot the wanderer, having satisfied his hunger, watched this oiling process with much curiosity, but begged the tin man to go on with his tale. "the witch with the silver shoes hated me for having defied her," resumed the emperor, his voice now sounding clear as a bell, "and she insisted that nimmie amee should never marry me. therefore she made the enchanted axe cut off my other arm, and the tinsmith also replaced that member with tin, including these finely-jointed hands that you see me using. but, alas! after that, the axe, still enchanted by the cruel witch, cut my body in two, so that i fell to the ground. then the witch, who was watching from a near-by bush, rushed up and seized the axe and chopped my body into several small pieces, after which, thinking that at last she had destroyed me, she ran away laughing in wicked glee. "but nimmie amee found me. she picked up my arms and legs and head, and made a bundle of them and carried them to the tinsmith, who set to work and made me a fine body of pure tin. when he had joined the arms and legs to the body, and set my head in the tin collar, i was a much better man than ever, for my body could not ache or pain me, and i was so beautiful and bright that i had no need of clothing. clothing is always a nuisance, because it soils and tears and has to be replaced; but my tin body only needs to be oiled and polished. "nimmie amee still declared she would marry me, as she still loved me in spite of the witch's evil deeds. the girl declared i would make the brightest husband in all the world, which was quite true. however, the wicked witch was not yet defeated. when i returned to my work the axe slipped and cut off my head, which was the only meat part of me then remaining. moreover, the old woman grabbed up my severed head and carried it away with her and hid it. but nimmie amee came into the forest and found me wandering around helplessly, because i could not see where to go, and she led me to my friend the tinsmith. the faithful fellow at once set to work to make me a tin head, and he had just completed it when nimmie amee came running up with my old head, which she had stolen from the witch. but, on reflection, i considered the tin head far superior to the meat one--i am wearing it yet, so you can see its beauty and grace of outline--and the girl agreed with me that a man all made of tin was far more perfect than one formed of different materials. the tinsmith was as proud of his workmanship as i was, and for three whole days, all admired me and praised my beauty. being now completely formed of tin, i had no more fear of the wicked witch, for she was powerless to injure me. nimmie amee said we must be married at once, for then she could come to my cottage and live with me and keep me bright and sparkling. "'i am sure, my dear nick,' said the brave and beautiful girl--my name was then nick chopper, you should be told--'that you will make the best husband any girl could have. i shall not be obliged to cook for you, for now you do not eat; i shall not have to make your bed, for tin does not tire or require sleep; when we go to a dance, you will not get weary before the music stops and say you want to go home. all day long, while you are chopping wood in the forest, i shall be able to amuse myself in my own way--a privilege few wives enjoy. there is no temper in your new head, so you will not get angry with me. finally, i shall take pride in being the wife of the only live tin woodman in all the world!' which shows that nimmie amee was as wise as she was brave and beautiful." "i think she was a very nice girl," said woot the wanderer. "but, tell me, please, why were you not killed when you were chopped to pieces?" "in the land of oz," replied the emperor, "no one can ever be killed. a man with a wooden leg or a tin leg is still the same man; and, as i lost parts of my meat body by degrees, i always remained the same person as in the beginning, even though in the end i was all tin and no meat." "i see," said the boy, thoughtfully. "and did you marry nimmie amee?" "no," answered the tin woodman, "i did not. she said she still loved me, but i found that i no longer loved her. my tin body contained no heart, and without a heart no one can love. so the wicked witch conquered in the end, and when i left the munchkin country of oz, the poor girl was still the slave of the witch and had to do her bidding day and night." "where did you go?" asked woot. "well, i first started out to find a heart, so i could love nimmie amee again; but hearts are more scarce than one would think. one day, in a big forest that was strange to me, my joints suddenly became rusted, because i had forgotten to oil them. there i stood, unable to move hand or foot. and there i continued to stand--while days came and went--until dorothy and the scarecrow came along and rescued me. they oiled my joints and set me free, and i've taken good care never to rust again." "who was this dorothy?" questioned the wanderer. "a little girl who happened to be in a house when it was carried by a cyclone all the way from kansas to the land of oz. when the house fell, in the munchkin country, it fortunately landed on the wicked witch and smashed her flat. it was a big house, and i think the witch is under it yet." "no," said the scarecrow, correcting him, "dorothy says the witch turned to dust, and the wind scattered the dust in every direction." "well," continued the tin woodman, "after meeting the scarecrow and dorothy, i went with them to the emerald city, where the wizard of oz gave me a heart. but the wizard's stock of hearts was low, and he gave me a kind heart instead of a loving heart, so that i could not love nimmie amee any more than i did when i was heartless." "couldn't the wizard give you a heart that was both kind and loving?" asked the boy. "no; that was what i asked for, but he said he was so short on hearts, just then, that there was but one in stock, and i could take that or none at all. so i accepted it, and i must say that for its kind it is a very good heart indeed." "it seems to me," said woot, musingly, "that the wizard fooled you. it can't be a very kind heart, you know." "why not?" demanded the emperor. "because it was unkind of you to desert the girl who loved you, and who had been faithful and true to you when you were in trouble. had the heart the wizard gave you been a kind heart, you would have gone back home and made the beautiful munchkin girl your wife, and then brought her here to be an empress and live in your splendid tin castle." the tin woodman was so surprised at this frank speech that for a time he did nothing but stare hard at the boy wanderer. but the scarecrow wagged his stuffed head and said in a positive tone: "this boy is right. i've often wondered, myself, why you didn't go back and find that poor munchkin girl." then the tin woodman stared hard at his friend the scarecrow. but finally he said in a serious tone of voice: "i must admit that never before have i thought of such a thing as finding nimmie amee and making her empress of the winkies. but it is surely not too late, even now, to do this, for the girl must still be living in the munchkin country. and, since this strange wanderer has reminded me of nimmie amee, i believe it is my duty to set out and find her. surely it is not the girl's fault that i no longer love her, and so, if i can make her happy, it is proper that i should do so, and in this way reward her for her faithfulness." "quite right, my friend!" agreed the scarecrow. "will you accompany me on this errand?" asked the tin emperor. "of course," said the scarecrow. "and will you take me along?" pleaded woot the wanderer in an eager voice. "to be sure," said the tin woodman, "if you care to join our party. it was you who first told me it was my duty to find and marry nimmie amee, and i'd like you to know that nick chopper, the tin emperor of the winkies, is a man who never shirks his duty, once it is pointed out to him." "it ought to be a pleasure, as well as a duty, if the girl is so beautiful," said woot, well pleased with the idea of the adventure. "beautiful things may be admired, if not loved," asserted the tin man. "flowers are beautiful, for instance, but we are not inclined to marry them. duty, on the contrary, is a bugle call to action, whether you are inclined to act, or not. in this case, i obey the bugle call of duty." "when shall we start?" inquired the scarecrow, who was always glad to embark upon a new adventure. "i don't hear any bugle, but when do we go?" "as soon as we can get ready," answered the emperor. "i'll call my servants at once and order them to make preparations for our journey." chapter three roundabout woot the wanderer slept that night in the tin castle of the emperor of the winkies and found his tin bed quite comfortable. early the next morning he rose and took a walk through the gardens, where there were tin fountains and beds of curious tin flowers, and where tin birds perched upon the branches of tin trees and sang songs that sounded like the notes of tin whistles. all these wonders had been made by the clever winkie tinsmiths, who wound the birds up every morning so that they would move about and sing. after breakfast the boy went into the throne room, where the emperor was having his tin joints carefully oiled by a servant, while other servants were stuffing sweet, fresh straw into the body of the scarecrow. woot watched this operation with much interest, for the scarecrow's body was only a suit of clothes filled with straw. the coat was buttoned tight to keep the packed straw from falling out and a rope was tied around the waist to hold it in shape and prevent the straw from sagging down. the scarecrow's head was a gunnysack filled with bran, on which the eyes, nose and mouth had been painted. his hands were white cotton gloves stuffed with fine straw. woot noticed that even when carefully stuffed and patted into shape, the straw man was awkward in his movements and decidedly wobbly on his feet, so the boy wondered if the scarecrow would be able to travel with them all the way to the forests of the munchkin country of oz. the preparations made for this important journey were very simple. a knapsack was filled with food and given woot the wanderer to carry upon his back, for the food was for his use alone. the tin woodman shouldered an axe which was sharp and brightly polished, and the scarecrow put the emperor's oil-can in his pocket, that he might oil his friend's joints should they need it. "who will govern the winkie country during your absence?" asked the boy. "why, the country will run itself," answered the emperor. "as a matter of fact, my people do not need an emperor, for ozma of oz watches over the welfare of all her subjects, including the winkies. like a good many kings and emperors, i have a grand title, but very little real power, which allows me time to amuse myself in my own way. the people of oz have but one law to obey, which is: 'behave yourself,' so it is easy for them to abide by this law, and you'll notice they behave very well. but it is time for us to be off, and i am eager to start because i suppose that that poor munchkin girl is anxiously awaiting my coming." "she's waited a long time already, seems to me," remarked the scarecrow, as they left the grounds of the castle and followed a path that led eastward. "true," replied the tin woodman; "but i've noticed that the last end of a wait, however long it has been, is the hardest to endure; so i must try to make nimmie amee happy as soon as possible." "ah; that proves you have a kind heart," remarked the scarecrow, approvingly. "it's too bad he hasn't a loving heart," said woot. "this tin man is going to marry a nice girl through kindness, and not because he loves her, and somehow that doesn't seem quite right." "even so, i am not sure it isn't best for the girl," said the scarecrow, who seemed very intelligent for a straw man, "for a loving husband is not always kind, while a kind husband is sure to make any girl content." "nimmie amee will become an empress!" announced the tin woodman, proudly. "i shall have a tin gown made for her, with tin ruffles and tucks on it, and she shall have tin slippers, and tin earrings and bracelets, and wear a tin crown on her head. i am sure that will delight nimmie amee, for all girls are fond of finery." "are we going to the munchkin country by way of the emerald city?" inquired the scarecrow, who looked upon the tin woodman as the leader of the party. "i think not," was the reply. "we are engaged upon a rather delicate adventure, for we are seeking a girl who fears her former lover has forgotten her. it will be rather hard for me, you must admit, when i confess to nimmie amee that i have come to marry her because it is my duty to do so, and therefore the fewer witnesses there are to our meeting the better for both of us. after i have found nimmie amee and she has managed to control her joy at our reunion, i shall take her to the emerald city and introduce her to ozma and dorothy, and to betsy bobbin and tiny trot, and all our other friends; but, if i remember rightly, poor nimmie amee has a sharp tongue when angry, and she may be a trifle angry with me, at first, because i have been so long in coming to her." "i can understand that," said woot gravely. "but how can we get to that part of the munchkin country where you once lived without passing through the emerald city?" "why, that is easy," the tin man assured him. "i have a map of oz in my pocket," persisted the boy, "and it shows that the winkie country, where we now are, is at the west of oz, and the munchkin country at the east, while directly between them lies the emerald city." "true enough; but we shall go toward the north, first of all, into the gillikin country, and so pass around the emerald city," explained the tin woodman. "that may prove a dangerous journey," replied the boy. "i used to live in one of the top corners of the gillikin country, near to oogaboo, and i have been told that in this northland country are many people whom it is not pleasant to meet. i was very careful to avoid them during my journey south." "a wanderer should have no fear," observed the scarecrow, who was wobbling along in a funny, haphazard manner, but keeping pace with his friends. "fear does not make one a coward," returned woot, growing a little red in the face, "but i believe it is more easy to avoid danger than to overcome it. the safest way is the best way, even for one who is brave and determined." "do not worry, for we shall not go far to the north," said the emperor. "my one idea is to avoid the emerald city without going out of our way more than is necessary. once around the emerald city we will turn south into the munchkin country, where the scarecrow and i are well acquainted and have many friends." "i have traveled some in the gillikin country," remarked the scarecrow, "and while i must say i have met some strange people there at times, i have never yet been harmed by them." "well, it's all the same to me," said woot, with assumed carelessness. "dangers, when they cannot be avoided, are often quite interesting, and i am willing to go wherever you two venture to go." so they left the path they had been following and began to travel toward the northeast, and all that day they were in the pleasant winkie country, and all the people they met saluted the emperor with great respect and wished him good luck on his journey. at night they stopped at a house where they were well entertained and where woot was given a comfortable bed to sleep in. "were the scarecrow and i alone," said the tin woodman, "we would travel by night as well as by day; but with a meat person in our party, we must halt at night to permit him to rest." "meat tires, after a day's travel," added the scarecrow, "while straw and tin never tire at all. which proves," said he, "that we are somewhat superior to people made in the common way." woot could not deny that he was tired, and he slept soundly until morning, when he was given a good breakfast, smoking hot. "you two miss a great deal by not eating," he said to his companions. "it is true," responded the scarecrow. "we miss suffering from hunger, when food cannot be had, and we miss a stomachache, now and then." as he said this, the scarecrow glanced at the tin woodman, who nodded his assent. all that second day they traveled steadily, entertaining one another the while with stories of adventures they had formerly met and listening to the scarecrow recite poetry. he had learned a great many poems from professor wogglebug and loved to repeat them whenever anybody would listen to him. of course woot and the tin woodman now listened, because they could not do otherwise--unless they rudely ran away from their stuffed comrade. one of the scarecrow's recitations was like this: "what sound is so sweet as the straw from the wheat when it crunkles so tender and low? it is yellow and bright, so it gives me delight to crunkle wherever i go. "sweet, fresh, golden straw! there is surely no flaw in a stuffing so clean and compact. it creaks when i walk, and it thrills when i talk, and its fragrance is fine, for a fact. "to cut me don't hurt, for i've no blood to squirt, and i therefore can suffer no pain; the straw that i use doesn't lump up or bruise, though it's pounded again and again! "i know it is said that my beautiful head has brains of mixed wheat-straw and bran, but my thoughts are so good i'd not change, if i could, for the brains of a common meat man. "content with my lot, i'm glad that i'm not like others i meet day by day; if my insides get musty, or mussed-up, or dusty, i get newly stuffed right away." chapter four the loons of loonville toward evening, the travelers found there was no longer a path to guide them, and the purple hues of the grass and trees warned them that they were now in the country of the gillikins, where strange peoples dwelt in places that were quite unknown to the other inhabitants of oz. the fields were wild and uncultivated and there were no houses of any sort to be seen. but our friends kept on walking even after the sun went down, hoping to find a good place for woot the wanderer to sleep; but when it grew quite dark and the boy was weary with his long walk, they halted right in the middle of a field and allowed woot to get his supper from the food he carried in his knapsack. then the scarecrow laid himself down, so that woot could use his stuffed body as a pillow, and the tin woodman stood up beside them all night, so the dampness of the ground might not rust his joints or dull his brilliant polish. whenever the dew settled on his body he carefully wiped it off with a cloth, and so in the morning the emperor shone as brightly as ever in the rays of the rising sun. they wakened the boy at daybreak, the scarecrow saying to him: "we have discovered something queer, and therefore we must counsel together what to do about it." "what have you discovered?" asked woot, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with his knuckles and giving three wide yawns to prove he was fully awake. "a sign," said the tin woodman. "a sign, and another path." "what does the sign say?" inquired the boy. "it says that 'all strangers are warned not to follow this path to loonville,'" answered the scarecrow, who could read very well when his eyes had been freshly painted. "in that case," said the boy, opening his knapsack to get some breakfast, "let us travel in some other direction." but this did not seem to please either of his companions. "i'd like to see what loonville looks like," remarked the tin woodman. "when one travels, it is foolish to miss any interesting sight," added the scarecrow. "but a warning means danger," protested woot the wanderer, "and i believe it sensible to keep out of danger whenever we can." they made no reply to this speech for a while. then said the scarecrow: "i have escaped so many dangers, during my lifetime, that i am not much afraid of anything that can happen." "nor am i!" exclaimed the tin woodman, swinging his glittering axe around his tin head, in a series of circles. "few things can injure tin, and my axe is a powerful weapon to use against a foe. but our boy friend," he continued, looking solemnly at woot, "might perhaps be injured if the people of loonville are really dangerous; so i propose he waits here while you and i, friend scarecrow, visit the forbidden city of loonville." "don't worry about me," advised woot, calmly. "wherever you wish to go, i will go, and share your dangers. during my wanderings i have found it more wise to keep out of danger than to venture in, but at that time i was alone, and now i have two powerful friends to protect me." so, when he had finished his breakfast, they all set out along the path that led to loonville. "it is a place i have never heard of before," remarked the scarecrow, as they approached a dense forest. "the inhabitants may be people, of some sort, or they may be animals, but whatever they prove to be, we will have an interesting story to relate to dorothy and ozma on our return." the path led into the forest, but the big trees grew so closely together and the vines and underbrush were so thick and matted that they had to clear a path at each step in order to proceed. in one or two places the tin man, who went first to clear the way, cut the branches with a blow of his axe. woot followed next, and last of the three came the scarecrow, who could not have kept the path at all had not his comrades broken the way for his straw-stuffed body. presently the tin woodman pushed his way through some heavy underbrush, and almost tumbled headlong into a vast cleared space in the forest. the clearing was circular, big and roomy, yet the top branches of the tall trees reached over and formed a complete dome or roof for it. strangely enough, it was not dark in this immense natural chamber in the woodland, for the place glowed with a soft, white light that seemed to come from some unseen source. in the chamber were grouped dozens of queer creatures, and these so astonished the tin man that woot had to push his metal body aside, that he might see, too. and the scarecrow pushed woot aside, so that the three travelers stood in a row, staring with all their eyes. the creatures they beheld were round and ball-like; round in body, round in legs and arms, round in hands and feet and round of head. the only exception to the roundness was a slight hollow on the top of each head, making it saucer-shaped instead of dome-shaped. they wore no clothes on their puffy bodies, nor had they any hair. their skins were all of a light gray color, and their eyes were mere purple spots. their noses were as puffy as the rest of them. "are they rubber, do you think?" asked the scarecrow, who noticed that the creatures bounded, as they moved, and seemed almost as light as air. "it is difficult to tell what they are," answered woot, "they seem to be covered with warts." the loons--for so these folks were called--had been doing many things, some playing together, some working at tasks and some gathered in groups to talk; but at the sound of strange voices, which echoed rather loudly through the clearing, all turned in the direction of the intruders. then, in a body, they all rushed forward, running and bounding with tremendous speed. the tin woodman was so surprised by this sudden dash that he had no time to raise his axe before the loons were on them. the creatures swung their puffy hands, which looked like boxing-gloves, and pounded the three travelers as hard as they could, on all sides. the blows were quite soft and did not hurt our friends at all, but the onslaught quite bewildered them, so that in a brief period all three were knocked over and fell flat upon the ground. once down, many of the loons held them, to prevent their getting up again, while others wound long tendrils of vines about them, binding their arms and legs to their bodies and so rendering them helpless. "aha!" cried the biggest loon of all; "we've got 'em safe; so let's carry 'em to king bal and have 'em tried, and condemned and perforated!" they had to drag their captives to the center of the domed chamber, for their weight, as compared with that of the loons, prevented their being carried. even the scarecrow was much heavier than the puffy loons. but finally the party halted before a raised platform, on which stood a sort of throne, consisting of a big, wide chair with a string tied to one arm of it. this string led upward to the roof of the dome. arranged before the platform, the prisoners were allowed to sit up, facing the empty throne. "good!" said the big loon who had commanded the party. "now to get king bal to judge these terrible creatures we have so bravely captured." as he spoke he took hold of the string and began to pull as hard as he could. one or two of the others helped him and pretty soon, as they drew in the cord, the leaves above them parted and a loon appeared at the other end of the string. it didn't take long to draw him down to the throne, where he seated himself and was tied in, so he wouldn't float upward again. "hello," said the king, blinking his purple eyes at his followers; "what's up now!" "strangers, your majesty--strangers and captives," replied the big loon, pompously. "dear me! i see 'em. i see 'em very plainly," exclaimed the king, his purple eyes bulging out as he looked at the three prisoners. "what curious animals! are they dangerous, do you think, my good panta?" "i'm 'fraid so, your majesty. of course, they may not be dangerous, but we mustn't take chances. enough accidents happen to us poor loons as it is, and my advice is to condemn and perforate 'em as quickly as possible." "keep your advice to yourself," said the monarch, in a peeved tone. "who's king here, anyhow? you or me?" "we made you our king because you have less common sense than the rest of us," answered panta loon, indignantly. "i could have been king myself, had i wanted to, but i didn't care for the hard work and responsibility." as he said this, the big loon strutted back and forth in the space between the throne of king bal and the prisoners, and the other loons seemed much impressed by his defiance. but suddenly there came a sharp report and panta loon instantly disappeared, to the great astonishment of the scarecrow, the tin woodman and woot the wanderer, who saw on the spot where the big fellow had stood a little heap of flabby, wrinkled skin that looked like a collapsed rubber balloon. "there!" exclaimed the king; "i expected that would happen. the conceited rascal wanted to puff himself up until he was bigger than the rest of you, and this is the result of his folly. get the pump working, some of you, and blow him up again." "we will have to mend the puncture first, your majesty," suggested one of the loons, and the prisoners noticed that none of them seemed surprised or shocked at the sad accident to panta. "all right," grumbled the king. "fetch til to mend him." one or two ran away and presently returned, followed by a lady loon wearing huge, puffed-up rubber skirts. also she had a purple feather fastened to a wart on the top of her head, and around her waist was a sash of fibre-like vines, dried and tough, that looked like strings. "get to work, til," commanded king bal. "panta has just exploded." the lady loon picked up the bunch of skin and examined it carefully until she discovered a hole in one foot. then she pulled a strand of string from her sash, and drawing the edges of the hole together, she tied them fast with the string, thus making one of those curious warts which the strangers had noticed on so many loons. having done this, til loon tossed the bit of skin to the other loons and was about to go away when she noticed the prisoners and stopped to inspect them. "dear me!" said til; "what dreadful creatures. where did they come from?" "we captured them," replied one of the loons. "and what are we going to do with them?" inquired the girl loon. "perhaps we'll condemn 'em and puncture 'em," answered the king. "well," said she, still eyeing the "i'm not sure they'll puncture. let's try it, and see." one of the loons ran to the forest's edge and quickly returned with a long, sharp thorn. he glanced at the king, who nodded his head in assent, and then he rushed forward and stuck the thorn into the leg of the scarecrow. the scarecrow merely smiled and said nothing, for the thorn didn't hurt him at all. then the loon tried to prick the tin woodman's leg, but the tin only blunted the point of the thorn. "just as i thought," said til, blinking her purple eyes and shaking her puffy head; but just then the loon stuck the thorn into the leg of woot the wanderer, and while it had been blunted somewhat, it was still sharp enough to hurt. "ouch!" yelled woot, and kicked out his leg with so much energy that the frail bonds that tied him burst apart. his foot caught the loon--who was leaning over him--full on his puffy stomach, and sent him shooting up into the air. when he was high over their heads he exploded with a loud "pop" and his skin fell to the ground. "i really believe," said the king, rolling his spotlike eyes in a frightened way, "that panta was right in claiming these prisoners are dangerous. is the pump ready?" some of the loons had wheeled a big machine in front of the throne and now took panta's skin and began to pump air into it. slowly it swelled out until the king cried "stop!" "no, no!" yelled panta, "i'm not big enough yet." "you're as big as you're going to be," declared the king. "before you exploded you were bigger than the rest of us, and that caused you to be proud and overbearing. now you're a little smaller than the rest, and you will last longer and be more humble." "pump me up--pump me up!" wailed panta "if you don't you'll break my heart." "if we do we'll break your skin," replied the king. so the loons stopped pumping air into panta, and pushed him away from the pump. he was certainly more humble than before his accident, for he crept into the background and said nothing more. "now pump up the other one," ordered the king. til had already mended him, and the loons set to work to pump him full of air. during these last few moments none had paid much attention to the prisoners, so woot, finding his legs free, crept over to the tin woodman and rubbed the bonds that were still around his arms and body against the sharp edge of the axe, which quickly cut them. the boy was now free, and the thorn which the loon had stuck into his leg was lying unnoticed on the ground, where the creature had dropped it when he exploded. woot leaned forward and picked up the thorn, and while the loons were busy watching the pump, the boy sprang to his feet and suddenly rushed upon the group. "pop"--"pop"--"pop!" went three of the loons, when the wanderer pricked them with his thorn, and at the sounds the others looked around and saw their danger. with yells of fear they bounded away in all directions, scattering about the clearing, with woot the wanderer in full chase. while they could run much faster than the boy, they often stumbled and fell, or got in one another's way, so he managed to catch several and prick them with his thorn. it astonished him to see how easily the loons exploded. when the air was let out of them they were quite helpless. til loon was one of those who ran against his thorn and many others suffered the same fate. the creatures could not escape from the enclosure, but in their fright many bounded upward and caught branches of the trees, and then climbed out of reach of the dreaded thorn. woot was getting pretty tired chasing them, so he stopped and came over, panting, to where his friends were sitting, still bound. "very well done, my wanderer," said the tin woodman. "it is evident that we need fear these puffed-up creatures no longer, so be kind enough to unfasten our bonds and we will proceed upon our journey." woot untied the bonds of the scarecrow and helped him to his feet. then he freed the tin woodman, who got up without help. looking around them, they saw that the only loon now remaining within reach was bal loon, the king, who had remained seated in his throne, watching the punishment of his people with a bewildered look in his purple eyes. "shall i puncture the king?" the boy asked his companions. king bal must have overheard the question, for he fumbled with the cord that fastened him to the throne and managed to release it. then he floated upward until he reached the leafy dome, and parting the branches he disappeared from sight. but the string that was tied to his body was still connected with the arm of the throne, and they knew they could pull his majesty down again, if they wanted to. "let him alone," suggested the scarecrow. "he seems a good enough king for his peculiar people, and after we are gone, the loons will have something of a job to pump up all those whom woot has punctured." "every one of them ought to be exploded," declared woot, who was angry because his leg still hurt him. "no," said the tin woodman, "that would not be just fair. they were quite right to capture us, because we had no business to intrude here, having been warned to keep away from loonville. this is their country, not ours, and since the poor things can't get out of the clearing, they can harm no one save those who venture here out of curiosity, as we did." "well said, my friend," agreed tile scarecrow. "we really had no right to disturb their peace and comfort; so let us go away." they easily found the place where they had forced their way into the enclosure, so the tin woodman pushed aside the underbrush and started first along the path. the scarecrow followed next and last came woot, who looked back and saw that the loons were still clinging to their perches on the trees and watching their former captives with frightened eyes. "i guess they're glad to see the last of us," remarked the boy, and laughing at the happy ending of the adventure, he followed his comrades along the path. chapter five mrs. yoop, the giantess when they had reached the end of the path, where they had first seen the warning sign, they set off across the country in an easterly direction. before long they reached rolling lands, which were a succession of hills and valleys where constant climbs and descents were required, and their journey now became tedious, because on climbing each hill, they found before them nothing in the valley below it except grass, or weeds or stones. up and down they went for hours, with nothing to relieve the monotony of the landscape, until finally, when they had topped a higher hill than usual, they discovered a cup-shaped valley before them in the center of which stood an enormous castle, built of purple stone. the castle was high and broad and long, but had no turrets and towers. so far as they could see, there was but one small window and one big door on each side of the great building. "this is strange!" mused the scarecrow. "i'd no idea such a big castle existed in this gillikin country. i wonder who lives here?" "it seems to me, from this distance," remarked the tin woodman, "that it's the biggest castle i ever saw. it is really too big for any use, and no one could open or shut those big doors without a stepladder." "perhaps, if we go nearer, we shall find out whether anybody lives there or not," suggested woot. "looks to me as if nobody lived there." on they went, and when they reached the center of the valley, where the great stone castle stood, it was beginning to grow dark. so they hesitated as to what to do. "if friendly people happen to live here," said woot. "i shall be glad of a bed; but should enemies occupy the place, i prefer to sleep upon the ground." "and if no one at all lives here," added the scarecrow, "we can enter, and take possession, and make ourselves at home." while speaking he went nearer to one of the great doors, which was three times as high and broad as any he had ever seen in a house before, and then he discovered, engraved in big letters upon a stone over the doorway, the words: "yoop castle" "oho!" he exclaimed; "i know the place now. this was probably the home of mr. yoop, a terrible giant whom i have seen confined in a cage, a long way from here. therefore this castle is likely to be empty and we may use it in any way we please." "yes, yes," said the tin emperor, nodding; "i also remember mr. yoop. but how are we to get into his deserted castle? the latch of the door is so far above our heads that none of us can reach it." they considered this problem for a while, and then woot said to the tin man: "if i stand upon your shoulders, i think i can unlatch the door." "climb up, then," was the reply, and when the boy was perched upon the tin shoulders of nick chopper, he was just able to reach the latch and raise it. at once the door swung open, its great hinges making a groaning sound as if in protest, so woot leaped down and followed his companions into a big, bare hallway. scarcely were the three inside, however, when they heard the door slam shut behind them, and this astonished them because no one had touched it. it had closed of its own accord, as if by magic. moreover, the latch was on the outside, and the thought occurred to each one of them that they were now prisoners in this unknown castle. "however," mumbled the scarecrow, "we are not to blame for what cannot be helped; so let us push bravely ahead and see what may be seen." it was quite dark in the hallway, now that the outside door was shut, so as they stumbled along a stone passage they kept close together, not knowing what danger was likely to befall them. suddenly a soft glow enveloped them. it grew brighter, until they could see their surroundings distinctly. they had reached the end of the passage and before them was another huge door. this noiselessly swung open before them, without the help of anyone, and through the doorway they observed a big chamber, the walls of which were lined with plates of pure gold, highly polished. this room was also lighted, although they could discover no lamps, and in the center of it was a great table at which sat an immense woman. she was clad in silver robes embroidered with gay floral designs, and wore over this splendid raiment a short apron of elaborate lace-work. such an apron was no protection, and was not in keeping with the handsome gown, but the huge woman wore it, nevertheless. the table at which she sat was spread with a white cloth and had golden dishes upon it, so the travelers saw that they had surprised the giantess while she was eating her supper. she had her back toward them and did not even turn around, but taking a biscuit from a dish she began to butter it and said in a voice that was big and deep but not especially unpleasant: "why don't you come in and allow the door to shut? you're causing a draught, and i shall catch cold and sneeze. when i sneeze, i get cross, and when i get cross i'm liable to do something wicked. come in, you foolish strangers; come in!" being thus urged, they entered the room and approached the table, until they stood where they faced the great giantess. she continued eating, but smiled in a curious way as she looked at them. woot noticed that the door had closed silently after they had entered, and that didn't please him at all. "well," said the giantess, "what excuse have you to offer?" "we didn't know anyone lived here, madam," explained the scarecrow; "so, being travelers and strangers in these parts, and wishing to find a place for our boy friend to sleep, we ventured to enter your castle." "you knew it was private property, i suppose?" said she, buttering another biscuit. "we saw the words, 'yoop castle,' over the door, but we knew that mr. yoop is a prisoner in a cage in a far-off part of the land of oz, so we decided there was no one now at home and that we might use the castle for the night." "i see," remarked the giantess, nodding her head and smiling again in that curious way--a way that made woot shudder. "you didn't know that mr. yoop was married, or that after he was cruelly captured his wife still lived in his castle and ran it to suit herself." "who captured mr. yoop?" asked woot, looking gravely at the big woman. "wicked enemies. people who selfishly objected to yoop's taking their cows and sheep for his food. i must admit, however, that yoop had a bad temper, and had the habit of knocking over a few houses, now and then, when he was angry. so one day the little folks came in a great crowd and captured mr. yoop, and carried him away to a cage somewhere in the mountains. i don't know where it is, and i don't care, for my husband treated me badly at times, forgetting the respect a giant owes to a giantess. often he kicked me on my shins, when i wouldn't wait on him. so i'm glad he is gone." "it's a wonder the people didn't capture you, too," remarked woot. "well, i was too clever for them," said she, giving a sudden laugh that caused such a breeze that the wobbly scarecrow was almost blown off his feet and had to grab his friend nick chopper to steady himself. "i saw the people coming," continued mrs. yoop, "and knowing they meant mischief i transformed myself into a mouse and hid in a cupboard. after they had gone away, carrying my shin-kicking husband with them, i transformed myself back to my former shape again, and here i've lived in peace and comfort ever since." "are you a witch, then?" inquired woot. "well, not exactly a witch," she replied, "but i'm an artist in transformations. in other words, i'm more of a yookoohoo than a witch, and of course you know that the yookoohoos are the cleverest magic-workers in the world." the travelers were silent for a time, uneasily considering this statement and the effect it might have on their future. no doubt the giantess had wilfully made them her prisoners; yet she spoke so cheerfully, in her big voice, that until now they had not been alarmed in the least. by and by the scarecrow, whose mixed brains had been working steadily, asked the woman: "are we to consider you our friend, mrs. yoop, or do you intend to be our enemy?" "i never have friends," she said in a matter-of-fact tone, "because friends get too familiar and always forget to mind their own business. but i am not your enemy; not yet, anyhow. indeed, i'm glad you've come, for my life here is rather lonely. i've had no one to talk to since i transformed polychrome, the daughter of the rainbow, into a canary-bird." "how did you manage to do that?" asked the tin woodman, in amazement. "polychrome is a powerful fairy!" "she was," said the giantess; "but now she's a canary-bird. one day after a rain, polychrome danced off the rainbow and fell asleep on a little mound in this valley, not far from my castle. the sun came out and drove the rainbow away, and before poly wakened, i stole out and transformed her into a canary-bird in a gold cage studded with diamonds. the cage was so she couldn't fly away. i expected she'd sing and talk and we'd have good times together; but she has proved no company for me at all. ever since the moment of her transformation, she has refused to speak a single word." "where is she now?" inquired woot, who had heard tales of lovely polychrome and was much interested in her. "the cage is hanging up in my bedroom," said the giantess, eating another biscuit. the travelers were now more uneasy and suspicious of the giantess than before. if polychrome, the rainbow's daughter, who was a real fairy, had been transformed and enslaved by this huge woman, who claimed to be a yookoohoo, what was liable to happen to them? said the scarecrow, twisting his stuffed head around in mrs. yoop's direction: "do you know, ma'am, who we are?" "of course," said she; "a straw man, a tin man and a boy." "we are very important people," declared the tin woodman. "all the better," she replied. "i shall enjoy your society the more on that account. for i mean to keep you here as long as i live, to amuse me when i get lonely. and," she added slowly, "in this valley no one ever dies." they didn't like this speech at all, so the scarecrow frowned in a way that made mrs. yoop smile, while the tin woodman looked so fierce that mrs. yoop laughed. the scarecrow suspected she was going to laugh, so he slipped behind his friends to escape the wind from her breath. from this safe position he said warningly: "we have powerful friends who will soon come to rescue us." "let them come," she returned, with an accent of scorn. "when they get here they will find neither a boy, nor a tin man, nor a scarecrow, for tomorrow morning i intend to transform you all into other shapes, so that you cannot be recognized." this threat filled them with dismay. the good-natured giantess was more terrible than they had imagined. she could smile and wear pretty clothes and at the same time be even more cruel than her wicked husband had been. both the scarecrow and the tin woodman tried to think of some way to escape from the castle before morning, but she seemed to read their thoughts and shook her head. "don't worry your poor brains," said she. "you can't escape me, however hard you try. but why should you wish to escape? i shall give you new forms that are much better than the ones you now have. be contented with your fate, for discontent leads to unhappiness, and unhappiness, in any form, is the greatest evil that can befall you." "what forms do you intend to give us?" asked woot earnestly. "i haven't decided, as yet. i'll dream over it tonight, so in the morning i shall have made up my mind how to transform you. perhaps you'd prefer to choose your own transformations?" "no," said woot, "i prefer to remain as i am." "that's funny," she retorted. "you are little, and you're weak; as you are, you're not much account, anyhow. the best thing about you is that you're alive, for i shall be able to make of you some sort of live creature which will be a great improvement on your present form." she took another biscuit from a plate and dipped it in a pot of honey and calmly began eating it. the scarecrow watched her thoughtfully. "there are no fields of grain in your valley," said he; "where, then, did you get the flour to make your biscuits?" "mercy me! do you think i'd bother to make biscuits out of flour?" she replied. "that is altogether too tedious a process for a yookoohoo. i set some traps this afternoon and caught a lot of field-mice, but as i do not like to eat mice, i transformed them into hot biscuits for my supper. the honey in this pot was once a wasp's nest, but since being transformed it has become sweet and delicious. all i need do, when i wish to eat, is to take something i don't care to keep, and transform it into any sort of food i like, and eat it. are you hungry?" "i don't eat, thank you," said the scarecrow. "nor do i," said the tin woodman. "i have still a little natural food in my knapsack," said woot the wanderer, "and i'd rather eat that than any wasp's nest." "every one to his taste," said the giantess carelessly, and having now finished her supper she rose to her feet, clapped her hands together, and the supper table at once disappeared. chapter six the magic of a yookoohoo woot had seen very little of magic during his wanderings, while the scarecrow and the tin woodman had seen a great deal of many sorts in their lives, yet all three were greatly impressed by mrs. yoop's powers. she did not affect any mysterious airs or indulge in chants or mystic rites, as most witches do, nor was the giantess old and ugly or disagreeable in face or manner. nevertheless, she frightened her prisoners more than any witch could have done. "please be seated," she said to them, as she sat herself down in a great arm-chair and spread her beautiful embroidered skirts for them to admire. but all the chairs in the room were so high that our friends could not climb to the seats of them. mrs. yoop observed this and waved her hand, when instantly a golden ladder appeared leaning against a chair opposite her own. "climb up," said she, and they obeyed, the tin man and the boy assisting the more clumsy scarecrow. when they were all seated in a row on the cushion of the chair, the giantess continued: "now tell me how you happened to travel in this direction, and where you came from and what your errand is." so the tin woodman told her all about nimmie amee, and how he had decided to find her and marry her, although he had no loving heart. the story seemed to amuse the big woman, who then began to ask the scarecrow questions and for the first time in her life heard of ozma of oz, and of dorothy and jack pumpkinhead and dr. pipt and tik-tok and many other oz people who are well known in the emerald city. also woot had to tell his story, which was very simple and did not take long. the giantess laughed heartily when the boy related their adventure at loonville, but said she knew nothing of the loons because she never left her valley. "there are wicked people who would like to capture me, as they did my giant husband, mr. yoop," said she; "so i stay at home and mind my own business." "if ozma knew that you dared to work magic without her consent, she would punish you severely," declared the scarecrow, "for this castle is in the land of oz, and no persons in the land of oz are permitted to work magic except glinda the good and the little wizard who lives with ozma in the emerald city." "that for your ozma!" exclaimed the giantess, snapping her fingers in derision. "what do i care for a girl whom i have never seen and who has never seen me?" "but ozma is a fairy," said the tin woodman, "and therefore she is very powerful. also, we are under ozma's protection, and to injure us in any way would make her extremely angry." "what i do here, in my own private castle in this secluded valley--where no one comes but fools like you--can never be known to your fairy ozma," returned the giantess. "do not seek to frighten me from my purpose, and do not allow yourselves to be frightened, for it is best to meet bravely what cannot be avoided. i am now going to bed, and in the morning i will give you all new forms, such as will be more interesting to me than the ones you now wear. good night, and pleasant dreams." saying this, mrs. yoop rose from her chair and walked through a doorway into another room. so heavy was the tread of the giantess that even the walls of the big stone castle trembled as she stepped. she closed the door of her bedroom behind her, and then suddenly the light went out and the three prisoners found themselves in total darkness. the tin woodman and the scarecrow didn't mind the dark at all, but woot the wanderer felt worried to be left in this strange place in this strange manner, without being able to see any danger that might threaten. "the big woman might have given me a bed, anyhow," he said to his companions, and scarcely had he spoken when he felt something press against his legs, which were then dangling from the seat of the chair. leaning down, he put out his hand and found that a bedstead had appeared, with mattress, sheets and covers, all complete. he lost no time in slipping down upon the bed and was soon fast asleep. during the night the scarecrow and the emperor talked in low tones together, and they got out of the chair and moved all about the room, feeling for some hidden spring that might open a door or window and permit them to escape. morning found them still unsuccessful in the quest and as soon as it was daylight woot's bed suddenly disappeared, and he dropped to the floor with a thump that quickly wakened him. and after a time the giantess came from her bedroom, wearing another dress that was quite as elaborate as the one in which she had been attired the evening before, and also wearing the pretty lace apron. having seated herself in a chair, she said: "i'm hungry; so i'll have breakfast at once." she clapped her hands together and instantly the table appeared before her, spread with snowy linen and laden with golden dishes. but there was no food upon the table, nor anything else except a pitcher of water, a bundle of weeds and a handful of pebbles. but the giantess poured some water into her coffee-pot, patted it once or twice with her hand, and then poured out a cupful of steaming hot coffee. "would you like some?" she asked woot. he was suspicious of magic coffee, but it smelled so good that he could not resist it; so he answered: "if you please, madam." the giantess poured out another cup and set it on the floor for woot. it was as big as a tub, and the golden spoon in the saucer beside the cup was so heavy the boy could scarcely lift it. but woot managed to get a sip of the coffee and found it delicious. mrs. yoop next transformed the weeds into a dish of oatmeal, which she ate with good appetite. "now, then," said she, picking up the pebbles. "i'm wondering whether i shall have fish-balls or lamb-chops to complete my meal. which would you prefer, woot the wanderer?" "if you please, i'll eat the food in my knapsack," answered the boy. "your magic food might taste good, but i'm afraid of it." the woman laughed at his fears and transformed the pebbles into fish-balls. "i suppose you think that after you had eaten this food it would turn to stones again and make you sick," she remarked; "but that would be impossible. nothing i transform ever gets back to its former shape again, so these fish-balls can never more be pebbles. that is why i have to be careful of my transformations," she added, busily eating while she talked, "for while i can change forms at will i can never change them back again--which proves that even the powers of a clever yookoohoo are limited. when i have transformed you three people, you must always wear the shapes that i have given you." "then please don't transform us," begged woot, "for we are quite satisfied to remain as we are." "i am not expecting to satisfy you, but intend to please myself," she declared, "and my pleasure is to give you new shapes. for, if by chance your friends came in search of you, not one of them would be able to recognize you." her tone was so positive that they knew it would be useless to protest. the woman was not unpleasant to look at; her face was not cruel; her voice was big but gracious in tone; but her words showed that she possessed a merciless heart and no pleadings would alter her wicked purpose. mrs. yoop took ample time to finish her breakfast and the prisoners had no desire to hurry her, but finally the meal was concluded and she folded her napkin and made the table disappear by clapping her hands together. then she turned to her captives and said: "the next thing on the programme is to change your forms." "have you decided what forms to give us?" asked the scarecrow, uneasily. "yes; i dreamed it all out while i was asleep. this tin man seems a very solemn person "--indeed, the tin woodman was looking solemn, just then, for he was greatly disturbed--"so i shall change him into an owl." all she did was to point one finger at him as she spoke, but immediately the form of the tin woodman began to change and in a few seconds nick chopper, the emperor of the winkies, had been transformed into an owl, with eyes as big as saucers and a hooked beak and strong claws. but he was still tin. he was a tin owl, with tin legs and beak and eyes and feathers. when he flew to the back of a chair and perched upon it, his tin feathers rattled against one another with a tinny clatter. the giantess seemed much amused by the tin owl's appearance, for her laugh was big and jolly. "you're not liable to get lost," said she, "for your wings and feathers will make a racket wherever you go. and, on my word, a tin owl is so rare and pretty that it is an improvement on the ordinary bird. i did not intend to make you tin, but i forgot to wish you to be meat. however, tin you were, and tin you are, and as it's too late to change you, that settles it." until now the scarecrow had rather doubted the possibility of mrs. yoop's being able to transform him, or his friend the tin woodman, for they were not made as ordinary people are. he had worried more over what might happen to woot than to himself, but now he began to worry about himself. "madam," he said hastily, "i consider this action very impolite. it may even be called rude, considering we are your guests." "you are not guests, for i did not invite you here," she replied. "perhaps not; but we craved hospitality. we threw ourselves upon your mercy, so to speak, and we now find you have no mercy. therefore, if you will excuse the expression, i must say it is downright wicked to take our proper forms away from us and give us others that we do not care for." "are you trying to make me angry?" she asked, frowning. "by no means," said the scarecrow; "i'm just trying to make you act more ladylike." "oh, indeed! in my opinion, mr. scarecrow, you are now acting like a bear--so a bear you shall be!" again the dreadful finger pointed, this time in the scarecrow's direction, and at once his form began to change. in a few seconds he had become a small brown bear, but he was stuffed with straw as he had been before, and when the little brown bear shuffled across the floor he was just as wobbly as the scarecrow had been and moved just as awkwardly. woot was amazed, but he was also thoroughly frightened. "did it hurt?" he asked the little brown bear. "no, of course not," growled the scarecrow in the bear's form; "but i don't like walking on four legs; it's undignified." "consider my humiliation!" chirped the tin owl, trying to settle its tin feathers smoothly with its tin beak. "and i can't see very well, either. the light seems to hurt my eyes." "that's because you are an owl," said woot. "i think you will see better in the dark." "well," remarked the giantess, "i'm very well pleased with these new forms, for my part, and i'm sure you will like them better when you get used to them. so now," she added, turning to the boy, "it is your turn." "don't you think you'd better leave me as i am?" asked woot in a trembling voice. "no," she replied, "i'm going to make a monkey of you. i love monkeys--they're so cute!--and i think a green monkey will be lots of fun and amuse me when i am sad." woot shivered, for again the terrible magic finger pointed, and pointed directly his way. he felt himself changing; not so very much, however, and it didn't hurt him a bit. he looked down at his limbs and body and found that his clothes were gone and his skin covered with a fine, silk-like green fur. his hands and feet were now those of a monkey. he realized he really was a monkey, and his first feeling was one of anger. he began to chatter as monkeys do. he bounded to the seat of a giant chair, and then to its back and with a wild leap sprang upon the laughing giantess. his idea was to seize her hair and pull it out by the roots, and so have revenge for her wicked transformations. but she raised her hand and said: "gently, my dear monkey--gently! you're not angry; you're happy as can be!" woot stopped short. no; he wasn't a bit angry now; he felt as good-humored and gay as ever he did when a boy. instead of pulling mrs. yoop's hair, he perched on her shoulder and smoothed her soft cheek with his hairy paw. in return, she smiled at the funny green animal and patted his head. "very good," said the giantess. "let us all become friends and be happy together. how is my tin owl feeling?" "quite comfortable," said the owl. "i don't like it, to be sure, but i'm not going to allow my new form to make me unhappy. but, tell me, please: what is a tin owl good for?" "you are only good to make me laugh," replied the giantess. "will a stuffed bear also make you laugh?" inquired the scarecrow, sitting back on his haunches to look up at her. "of course," declared the giantess; "and i have added a little magic to your transformations to make you all contented with wearing your new forms. i'm sorry i didn't think to do that when i transformed polychrome into a canary-bird. but perhaps, when she sees how cheerful you are, she will cease to be silent and sullen and take to singing. i will go get the bird and let you see her." with this, mrs. yoop went into the next room and soon returned bearing a golden cage in which sat upon a swinging perch a lovely yellow canary. "polychrome," said the giantess, "permit me to introduce to you a green monkey, which used to be a boy called woot the wanderer, and a tin owl, which used to be a tin woodman named nick chopper, and a straw-stuffed little brown bear which used to be a live scarecrow." "we already know one another," declared the scarecrow. "the bird is polychrome, the rainbow's daughter, and she and i used to be good friends." "are you really my old friend, the scarecrow?" asked; the bird, in a sweet, low voice. "there!" cried mrs. yoop; "that's the first time she has spoken since she was transformed." "i am really your old friend," answered the scarecrow; "but you must pardon me for appearing just now in this brutal form." "i am a bird, as you are, dear poly," said the tin woodman; "but, alas! a tin owl is not as beautiful as a canary-bird." "how dreadful it all is!" sighed the canary. "couldn't you manage to escape from this terrible yookoohoo?" "no," answered the scarecrow, "we tried to escape, but failed. she first made us her prisoners and then transformed us. but how did she manage to get you, polychrome?" "i was asleep, and she took unfair advantage of me," answered the bird sadly. "had i been awake, i could easily have protected myself." "tell me," said the green monkey earnestly, as he came close to the cage, "what must we do, daughter of the rainbow, to escape from these transformations? can't you help us, being a fairy?" "at present i am powerless to help even myself," replied the canary. "that's the exact truth!" exclaimed the giantess, who seemed pleased to hear the bird talk, even though it complained; "you are all helpless and in my power, so you may as well make up your minds to accept your fate and be content. remember that you are transformed for good, since no magic on earth can break your enchantments. i am now going out for my morning walk, for each day after breakfast i walk sixteen times around my castle for exercise. amuse yourselves while i am gone, and when i return i hope to find you all reconciled and happy." so the giantess walked to the door by which our friends had entered the great hall and spoke one word: "open!" then the door swung open and after mrs. yoop had passed out it closed again with a snap as its powerful bolts shot into place. the green monkey had rushed toward the opening, hoping to escape, but he was too late and only got a bump on his nose as the door slammed shut. chapter seven the lace apron "now," said the canary, in a tone more brisk than before, "we may talk together more freely, as mrs. yoop cannot hear us. perhaps we can figure out a way to escape." "open!" said woot the monkey, still facing the door; but his command had no effect and he slowly rejoined the others. "you cannot open any door or window in this enchanted castle unless you are wearing the magic apron," said the canary. "what magic apron do you mean?" asked the tin owl, in a curious voice. "the lace one, which the giantess always wears. i have been her prisoner, in this cage, for several weeks, and she hangs my cage in her bedroom every night, so that she can keep her eye on me," explained polychrome the canary. "therefore i have discovered that it is the magic apron that opens the doors and windows, and nothing else can move them. when she goes to bed, mrs. yoop hangs her apron on the bedpost, and one morning she forgot to put it on when she commanded the door to open, and the door would not move. so then she put on the lace apron and the door obeyed her. that was how i learned the magic power of the apron." "i see--i see!" said the little brown bear, wagging his stuffed head. "then, if we could get the apron from mrs. yoop, we could open the doors and escape from our prison." "that is true, and it is the plan i was about to suggest," replied polychrome the canary-bird. "however, i don't believe the owl could steal the apron, or even the bear, but perhaps the monkey could hide in her room at night and get the apron while she is asleep." "i'll try it!" cried woot the monkey. "i'll try it this very night, if i can manage to steal into her bedroom." "you mustn't think about it, though," warned the bird, "for she can read your thoughts whenever she cares to do so. and do not forget, before you escape, to take me with you. once i am out of the power of the giantess, i may discover a way to save us all." "we won't forget our fairy friend," promised the boy; "but perhaps you can tell me how to get into the bedroom." "no," declared polychrome, "i cannot advise you as to that. you must watch for a chance, and slip in when mrs. yoop isn't looking." they talked it over for a while longer and then mrs. yoop returned. when she entered, the door opened suddenly, at her command, and closed as soon as her huge form had passed through the doorway. during that day she entered her bedroom several times, on one errand or another, but always she commanded the door to close behind her and her prisoners found not the slightest chance to leave the big hall in which they were confined. the green monkey thought it would be wise to make a friend of the big woman, so as to gain her confidence, so he sat on the back of her chair and chattered to her while she mended her stockings and sewed silver buttons on some golden shoes that were as big as row-boats. this pleased the giantess and she would pause at times to pat the monkey's head. the little brown bear curled up in a corner and lay still all day. the owl and the canary found they could converse together in the bird language, which neither the giantess nor the bear nor the monkey could understand; so at times they twittered away to each other and passed the long, dreary day quite cheerfully. after dinner mrs. yoop took a big fiddle from a big cupboard and played such loud and dreadful music that her prisoners were all thankful when at last she stopped and said she was going to bed. after cautioning the monkey and bear and owl to behave themselves during the night, she picked up the cage containing the canary and, going to the door of her bedroom, commanded it to open. just then, however, she remembered she had left her fiddle lying upon a table, so she went back for it and put it away in the cupboard, and while her back was turned the green monkey slipped through the open door into her bedroom and hid underneath the bed. the giantess, being sleepy, did not notice this, and entering her room she made the door close behind her and then hung the bird-cage on a peg by the window. then she began to undress, first taking off the lace apron and laying it over the bedpost, where it was within easy reach of her hand. as soon as mrs. yoop was in bed the lights all went out, and woot the monkey crouched under the bed and waited patiently until he heard the giantess snoring. then he crept out and in the dark felt around until he got hold of the apron, which he at once tied around his own waist. next, woot tried to find the canary, and there was just enough moonlight showing through the window to enable him to see where the cage hung; but it was out of his reach. at first he was tempted to leave polychrome and escape with his other friends, but remembering his promise to the rainbow's daughter woot tried to think how to save her. a chair stood near the window, and this--showing dimly in the moonlight--gave him an idea. by pushing against it with all his might, he found he could move the giant chair a few inches at a time. so he pushed and pushed until the chair was beneath the bird-cage, and then he sprang noiselessly upon the seat--for his monkey form enabled him to jump higher than he could do as a boy--and from there to the back of the chair, and so managed to reach the cage and take it off the peg. then down he sprang to the floor and made his way to the door. "open!" he commanded, and at once the door obeyed and swung open, but his voice wakened mrs. yoop, who gave a wild cry and sprang out of bed with one bound. the green monkey dashed through the doorway, carrying the cage with him, and before the giantess could reach the door it slammed shut and imprisoned her in her own bed-chamber! the noise she made, pounding upon the door, and her yells of anger and dreadful threats of vengeance, filled all our friends with terror, and woot the monkey was so excited that in the dark he could not find the outer door of the hall. but the tin owl could see very nicely in the dark, so he guided his friends to the right place and when all were grouped before the door woot commanded it to open. the magic apron proved as powerful as when it had been worn by the giantess, so a moment later they had rushed through the passage and were standing in the fresh night air outside the castle, free to go wherever they willed. chapter eight the menace of the forest "quick!" cried polychrome the canary; "we must hurry, or mrs. yoop may find some way to recapture us, even now. let us get out of her valley as soon as possible." so they set off toward the east, moving as swiftly as they could, and for a long time they could hear the yells and struggles of the imprisoned giantess. the green monkey could run over the ground very swiftly, and he carried with him the bird-cage containing polychrome the rain-bow's daughter. also the tin owl could skip and fly along at a good rate of speed, his feathers rattling against one another with a tinkling sound as he moved. but the little brown bear, being stuffed with straw, was a clumsy traveler and the others had to wait for him to follow. however, they were not very long in reaching the ridge that led out of mrs. yoop's valley, and when they had passed this ridge and descended into the next valley they stopped to rest, for the green monkey was tired. "i believe we are safe, now," said polychrome, when her cage was set down and the others had all gathered around it, "for mrs. yoop dares not go outside of her own valley, for fear of being captured by her enemies. so we may take our time to consider what to do next." "i'm afraid poor mrs. yoop will starve to death, if no one lets her out of her bedroom," said woot, who had a heart as kind as that of the tin woodman. "we've taken her magic apron away, and now the doors will never open." "don't worry about that," advised polychrome. "mrs. yoop has plenty of magic left to console her." "are you sure of that?" asked the green monkey. "yes, for i've been watching her for weeks," said the canary. "she has six magic hairpins, which she wears in her hair, and a magic ring which she wears on her thumb and which is invisible to all eyes except those of a fairy, and magic bracelets on both her ankles. so i am positive that she will manage to find a way out of her prison." "she might transform the door into an archway," suggested the little brown bear. "that would be easy for her," said the tin owl; "but i'm glad she was too angry to think of that before we got out of her valley." "well, we have escaped the big woman, to be sure," remarked the green monkey, "but we still wear the awful forms the cruel yookoohoo gave us. how are we going to get rid of these shapes, and become ourselves again?" none could answer that question. they sat around the cage, brooding over the problem, until the monkey fell asleep. seeing this, the canary tucked her head under her wing and also slept, and the tin owl and the brown bear did not disturb them until morning came and it was broad daylight. "i'm hungry," said woot, when he wakened, for his knapsack of food had been left behind at the castle. "then let us travel on until we can find something for you to eat," returned the scarecrow bear. "there is no use in your lugging my cage any farther," declared the canary. "let me out, and throw the cage away. then i can fly with you and find my own breakfast of seeds. also i can search for water, and tell you where to find it." so the green monkey unfastened the door of the golden cage and the canary hopped out. at first she flew high in the air and made great circles overhead, but after a time she returned and perched beside them. "at the east in the direction we were following," announced the canary, "there is a fine forest, with a brook running through it. in the forest there may be fruits or nuts growing, or berry bushes at its edge, so let us go that way." they agreed to this and promptly set off, this time moving more deliberately. the tin owl, which had guided their way during the night, now found the sunshine very trying to his big eyes, so he shut them tight and perched upon the back of the little brown bear, which carried the owl's weight with ease. the canary sometimes perched upon the green monkey's shoulder and sometimes fluttered on ahead of the party, and in this manner they traveled in good spirits across that valley and into the next one to the east of it. this they found to be an immense hollow, shaped like a saucer, and on its farther edge appeared the forest which polychrome had seen from the sky. "come to think of it," said the tin owl, waking up and blinking comically at his friends, "there's no object, now, in our traveling to the munchkin country. my idea in going there was to marry nimmie amee, but however much the munchkin girl may have loved a tin woodman, i cannot reasonably expect her to marry a tin owl." "there is some truth in that, my friend," remarked the brown bear. "and to think that i, who was considered the handsomest scarecrow in the world, am now condemned to be a scrubby, no-account beast, whose only redeeming feature is that he is stuffed with straw!" "consider my case, please," said woot. "the cruel giantess has made a monkey of a boy, and that is the most dreadful deed of all!" "your color is rather pretty," said the brown bear, eyeing woot critically. "i have never seen a pea-green monkey before, and it strikes me you are quite gorgeous." "it isn't so bad to be a bird," asserted the canary, fluttering from one to another with a free and graceful motion, "but i long to enjoy my own shape again." "as polychrome, you were the loveliest maiden i have ever seen--except, of course, ozma," said the tin owl; "so the giantess did well to transform you into the loveliest of all birds, if you were to be transformed at all. but tell me, since you are a fairy, and have a fairy wisdom: do you think we shall be able to break these enchantments?" "queer things happen in the land of oz," replied the canary, again perching on the green monkey's shoulder and turning one bright eye thoughtfully toward her questioner. "mrs. yoop has declared that none of her transformations can ever be changed, even by herself, but i believe that if we could get to glinda the good sorceress, she might find a way to restore us to our natural shapes. glinda, as you know, is the most powerful sorceress in the world, and there are few things she cannot do if she tries." "in that case," said the little brown bear, "let us return southward and try to get to glinda's castle. it lies in the quadling country, you know, so it is a good way from here." "first, however, let us visit the forest and search for something to eat," pleaded woot. so they continued on to the edge of the forest, which consisted of many tall and beautiful trees. they discovered no fruit trees, at first, so the green monkey pushed on into the forest depths and the others followed close behind him. they were traveling quietly along, under the shade of the trees, when suddenly an enormous jaguar leaped upon them from a limb and with one blow of his paw sent the little brown bear tumbling over and over until he was stopped by a tree-trunk. instantly they all took alarm. the tin owl shrieked: "hoot--hoot!" and flew straight up to the branch of a tall tree, although he could scarcely see where he was going. the canary swiftly darted to a place beside the owl, and the green monkey sprang up, caught a limb, and soon scrambled to a high perch of safety. the jaguar crouched low and with hungry eyes regarded the little brown bear, which slowly got upon its feet and asked reproachfully: "for goodness' sake, beast, what were you trying to do?" "trying to get my breakfast," answered the jaguar with a snarl, "and i believe i've succeeded. you ought to make a delicious meal--unless you happen to be old and tough." "i'm worse than that, considered as a breakfast," said the bear, "for i'm only a skin stuffed with straw, and therefore not fit to eat." "indeed!" cried the jaguar, in a disappointed voice; "then you must be a magic bear, or enchanted, and i must seek my breakfast from among your companions." with this he raised his lean head to look up at the tin owl and the canary and the monkey, and he lashed his tail upon the ground and growled as fiercely as any jaguar could. "my friends are enchanted, also," said the little brown bear. "all of them?" asked the jaguar. "yes. the owl is tin, so you couldn't possibly eat him. the canary is a fairy--polychrome, the daughter of the rainbow--and you never could catch her because she can easily fly out of your reach." "there still remains the green monkey," remarked the jaguar hungrily. "he is neither made of tin nor stuffed with straw, nor can he fly. i'm pretty good at climbing trees, myself, so i think i'll capture the monkey and eat him for my breakfast." woot the monkey, hearing this speech from his perch on the tree, became much frightened, for he knew the nature of jaguars and realized they could climb trees and leap from limb to limb with the agility of cats. so he at once began to scamper through the forest as fast as he could go, catching at a branch with his long monkey arms and swinging his green body through space to grasp another branch in a neighboring tree, and so on, while the jaguar followed him from below, his eyes fixed steadfastly on his prey. but presently woot got his feet tangled in the lace apron, which he was still wearing, and that tripped him in his flight and made him fall to the ground, where the jaguar placed one huge paw upon him and said grimly: "i've got you, now!" the fact that the apron had tripped him made woot remember its magic powers, and in his terror he cried out: "open!" without stopping to consider how this command might save him. but, at the word, the earth opened at the exact spot where he lay under the jaguar's paw, and his body sank downward, the earth closing over it again. the last thing woot the monkey saw, as he glanced upward, was the jaguar peering into the hole in astonishment. "he's gone!" cried the beast, with a long-drawn sigh of disappointment; "he's gone, and now i shall have no breakfast." the clatter of the tin owl's wings sounded above him, and the little brown bear came trotting up and asked: "where is the monkey? have you eaten him so quickly?" "no, indeed," answered the jaguar. "he disappeared into the earth before i could take one bite of him!" and now the canary perched upon a stump, a little way from the forest beast, and said: "i am glad our friend has escaped you; but, as it is natural for a hungry beast to wish his breakfast, i will try to give you one." "thank you," replied the jaguar. "you're rather small for a full meal, but it's kind of you to sacrifice yourself to my appetite." "oh, i don't intend to be eaten, i assure you," said the canary, "but as i am a fairy i know something of magic, and though i am now transformed into a bird's shape, i am sure i can conjure up a breakfast that will satisfy you." "if you can work magic, why don't you break the enchantment you are under and return to your proper form?" inquired the beast doubtingly. "i haven't the power to do that," answered the canary, "for mrs. yoop, the giantess who transformed me, used a peculiar form of yookoohoo magic that is unknown to me. however, she could not deprive me of my own fairy knowledge, so i will try to get you a breakfast." "do you think a magic breakfast would taste good, or relieve the pangs of hunger i now suffer?" asked the jaguar. "i am sure it would. what would you like to eat?" "give me a couple of fat rabbits," said the beast. "rabbits! no, indeed. i'd not allow you to eat the dear little things," declared polychrome the canary. "well, three or four squirrels, then," pleaded the jaguar. "do you think me so cruel?" demanded the canary, indignantly. "the squirrels are my especial friends." "how about a plump owl?" asked the beast. "not a tin one, you know, but a real meat owl." "neither beast nor bird shall you have," said polychrome in a positive voice. "give me a fish, then; there's a river a little way off," proposed the jaguar. "no living thing shall be sacrificed to feed you," returned the canary. "then what in the world do you expect me to eat?" said the jaguar in a scornful tone. "how would mush-and-milk do?" asked the canary. the jaguar snarled in derision and lashed his tail against the ground angrily. "give him some scrambled eggs on toast, poly," suggested the bear scarecrow. "he ought to like that." "i will," responded the canary, and fluttering her wings she made a flight of three circles around the stump. then she flew up to a tree and the bear and the owl and the jaguar saw that upon the stump had appeared a great green leaf upon which was a large portion of scrambled eggs on toast, smoking hot. "there!" said the bear; "eat your breakfast, friend jaguar, and be content." the jaguar crept closer to the stump and sniffed the fragrance of the scrambled eggs. they smelled so good that he tasted them, and they tasted so good that he ate the strange meal in a hurry, proving he had been really hungry. "i prefer rabbits," he muttered, licking his chops, "but i must admit the magic breakfast has filled my stomach full, and brought me comfort. so i'm much obliged for the kindness, little fairy, and i'll now leave you in peace." saying this, he plunged into the thick underbrush and soon disappeared, although they could hear his great body crashing through the bushes until he was far distant. "that was a good way to get rid of the savage beast, poly," said the tin woodman to the canary; "but i'm surprised that you didn't give our friend woot a magic breakfast, when you knew he was hungry." "the reason for that," answered polychrome, "was that my mind was so intent on other things that i quite forgot my power to produce food by magic. but where is the monkey boy?" "gone!" said the scarecrow bear, solemnly. "the earth has swallowed him up." chapter nine the quarrelsome dragons the green monkey sank gently into the earth for a little way and then tumbled swiftly through space, landing on a rocky floor with a thump that astonished him. then he sat up, found that no bones were broken, and gazed around him. he seemed to be in a big underground cave, which was dimly lighted by dozens of big round discs that looked like moons. they were not moons, however, as woot discovered when he had examined the place more carefully. they were eyes. the eyes were in the heads of enormous beasts whose bodies trailed far behind them. each beast was bigger than an elephant, and three times as long, and there were a dozen or more of the creatures scattered here and there about the cavern. on their bodies were big scales, as round as pie-plates, which were beautifully tinted in shades of green, purple and orange. on the ends of their long tails were clusters of jewels. around the great, moon-like eyes were circles of diamonds which sparkled in the subdued light that glowed from the eyes. woot saw that the creatures had wide mouths and rows of terrible teeth and, from tales he had heard of such beings, he knew he had fallen into a cavern inhabited by the great dragons that had been driven from the surface of the earth and were only allowed to come out once in a hundred years to search for food. of course he had never seen dragons before, yet there was no mistaking them, for they were unlike any other living creatures. woot sat upon the floor where he had fallen, staring around, and the owners of the big eyes returned his look, silently and motionless. finally one of the dragons which was farthest away from him asked, in a deep, grave voice: "what was that?" and the greatest dragon of all, who was just in front of the green monkey, answered in a still deeper voice: "it is some foolish animal from outside." "is it good to eat?" inquired a smaller dragon beside the great one. "i'm hungry." "hungry!" exclaimed all the dragons, in a reproachful chorus; and then the great one said chidingly: "tut-tut, my son! you've no reason to be hungry at this time." "why not?" asked the little dragon. "i haven't eaten anything in eleven years." "eleven years is nothing," remarked another dragon, sleepily opening and closing his eyes; "i haven't feasted for eighty-seven years, and i dare not get hungry for a dozen or so years to come. children who eat between meals should be broken of the habit." "all i had, eleven years ago, was a rhinoceros, and that's not a full meal at all," grumbled the young one. "and, before that, i had waited sixty-two years to be fed; so it's no wonder i'm hungry." "how old are you now?" asked woot, forgetting his own dangerous position in his interest in the conversation. "why, i'm--i'm--how old am i, father?" asked the little dragon. "goodness gracious! what a child to ask questions. do you want to keep me thinking all the time? don't you know that thinking is very bad for dragons?" returned the big one, impatiently. "how old am i, father?" persisted the small dragon. "about six hundred and thirty, i believe. ask your mother." "no; don't!" said an old dragon in the background; "haven't i enough worries, what with being wakened in the middle of a nap, without being obliged to keep track of my children's ages?" "you've been fast asleep for over sixty years, mother," said the child dragon. "how long a nap do you wish?" "i should have slept forty years longer. and this strange little green beast should be punished for falling into our cavern and disturbing us." "i didn't know you were here, and i didn't know i was going to fall in," explained woot. "nevertheless, here you are," said the great dragon, "and you have carelessly wakened our entire tribe; so it stands to reason you must be punished." "in what way?" inquired the green monkey, trembling a little. "give me time and i'll think of a way. you're in no hurry, are you?" asked the great dragon. "no, indeed," cried woot. "take your time. i'd much rather you'd all go to sleep again, and punish me when you wake up in a hundred years or so." "let me eat him!" pleaded the littlest dragon. "he is too small," said the father. "to eat this one green monkey would only serve to make you hungry for more, and there are no more." "quit this chatter and let me get to sleep," protested another dragon, yawning in a fearful manner, for when he opened his mouth a sheet of flame leaped forth from it and made woot jump back to get out of its way. in his jump he bumped against the nose of a dragon behind him, which opened its mouth to growl and shot another sheet of flame at him. the flame was bright, but not very hot, yet woot screamed with terror and sprang forward with a great bound. this time he landed on the paw of the great chief dragon, who angrily raised his other front paw and struck the green monkey a fierce blow. woot went sailing through the air and fell sprawling upon the rocky floor far beyond the place where the dragon tribe was grouped. all the great beasts were now thoroughly wakened and aroused, and they blamed the monkey for disturbing their quiet. the littlest dragon darted after woot and the others turned their unwieldy bodies in his direction and followed, flashing from their eyes and mouths flames which lighted up the entire cavern. woot almost gave himself up for lost, at that moment, but he scrambled to his feet and dashed away to the farthest end of the cave, the dragons following more leisurely because they were too clumsy to move fast. perhaps they thought there was no need of haste, as the monkey could not escape from the cave. but, away up at the end of the place, the cavern floor was heaped with tumbled rocks, so woot, with an agility born of fear, climbed from rock to rock until he found himself crouched against the cavern roof. there he waited, for he could go no farther, while on over the tumbled rocks slowly crept the dragons--the littlest one coming first because he was hungry as well as angry. the beasts had almost reached him when woot, remembering his lace apron--now sadly torn and soiled--recovered his wits and shouted: "open!" at the cry a hole appeared in the roof of the cavern, just over his head, and through it the sunlight streamed full upon the green monkey. the dragons paused, astonished at the magic and blinking at the sunlight, and this gave woot time to climb through the opening. as soon as he reached the surface of the earth the hole closed again, and the boy monkey realized, with a thrill of joy, that he had seen the last of the dangerous dragon family. he sat upon the ground, still panting hard from his exertions, when the bushes before him parted and his former enemy, the jaguar, appeared. "don't run," said the woodland beast, as woot sprang up; "you are perfectly safe, so far as i am concerned, for since you so mysteriously disappeared i have had my breakfast. i am now on my way home to sleep the rest of the day." "oh, indeed!" returned the green monkey, in a tone both sorry and startled. "which of my friends did you manage to eat?" "none of them," returned the jaguar, with a sly grin "i had a dish of magic scrambled eggs--on toast--and it wasn't a bad feast, at all. there isn't room in me for even you, and i don't regret it because i judge, from your green color, that you are not ripe, and would make an indifferent meal. we jaguars have to be careful of our digestions. farewell, friend monkey. follow the path i made through the bushes and you will find your friends." with this the jaguar marched on his way and woot took his advice and followed the trail he had made until he came to the place where the little brown bear, and the tin owl, and the canary were conferring together and wondering what had become of their comrade, the green monkey. chapter ten tommy kwikstep "our best plan," said the scarecrow bear, when the green monkey had related the story of his adventure with the dragons, "is to get out of this gillikin country as soon as we can and try to find our way to the castle of glinda, the good sorceress. there are too many dangers lurking here to suit me, and glinda may be able to restore us to our proper forms." "if we turn south now," the tin owl replied, "we might go straight into the emerald city. that's a place i wish to avoid, for i'd hate to have my friends see me in this sad plight," and he blinked his eyes and fluttered his tin wings mournfully. "but i am certain we have passed beyond emerald city," the canary assured him, sailing lightly around their heads. "so, should we turn south from here, we would pass into the munchkin country, and continuing south we would reach the quadling country where glinda's castle is located." "well, since you're sure of that, let's start right away," proposed the bear. "it's a long journey, at the best, and i'm getting tired of walking on four legs." "i thought you never tired, being stuffed with straw," said woot. "i mean that it annoys me, to be obliged to go on all fours, when two legs are my proper walking equipment," replied the scarecrow. "i consider it beneath my dignity. in other words, my remarkable brains can tire, through humiliation, although my body cannot tire." "that is one of the penalties of having brains," remarked the tin owl with a sigh. "i have had no brains since i was a man of meat, and so i never worry. nevertheless, i prefer my former manly form to this owl's shape and would be glad to break mrs. yoop's enchantment as soon as possible. i am so noisy, just now, that i disturb myself," and he fluttered his wings with a clatter that echoed throughout the forest. so, being all of one mind, they turned southward, traveling steadily on until the woods were left behind and the landscape turned from purple tints to blue tints, which assured them they had entered the country of the munchkins. "now i feel myself more safe," said the scarecrow bear. "i know this country pretty well, having been made here by a munchkin farmer and having wandered over these lovely blue lands many times. seems to me, indeed, that i even remember that group of three tall trees ahead of us; and, if i do, we are not far from the home of my friend jinjur." "who is jinjur?" asked woot, the green monkey. "haven't you heard of jinjur?" exclaimed the scarecrow, in surprise. "no," said woot. "is jinjur a man, a woman, a beast or a bird?" "jinjur is a girl," explained the scarecrow bear. "she's a fine girl, too, although a bit restless and liable to get excited. once, a long time ago, she raised an army of girls and called herself 'general jinjur.' with her army she captured the emerald city, and drove me out of it, because i insisted that an army in oz was highly improper. but ozma punished the rash girl, and afterward jinjur and i became fast friends. now jinjur lives peacefully on a farm, near here, and raises fields of cream-puffs, chocolate-caramels and macaroons. they say she's a pretty good farmer, and in addition to that she's an artist, and paints pictures so perfect that one can scarcely tell them from nature. she often repaints my face for me, when it gets worn or mussy, and the lovely expression i wore when the giantess transformed me was painted by jinjur only a month or so ago." "it was certainly a pleasant expression," agreed woot. "jinjur can paint anything," continued the scarecrow bear, with enthusiasm, as they walked along together. "once, when i came to her house, my straw was old and crumpled, so that my body sagged dreadfully. i needed new straw to replace the old, but jinjur had no straw on all her ranch and i was really unable to travel farther until i had been restuffed. when i explained this to jinjur, the girl at once painted a straw-stack which was so natural that i went to it and secured enough straw to fill all my body. it was a good quality of straw, too, and lasted me a long time." this seemed very wonderful to woot, who knew that such a thing could never happen in any place but a fairy country like oz. the munchkin country was much nicer than the gillikin country, and all the fields were separated by blue fences, with grassy lanes and paths of blue ground, and the land seemed well cultivated. they were on a little hill looking down upon this favored country, but had not quite reached the settled parts, when on turning a bend in the path they were halted by a form that barred their way. a more curious creature they had seldom seen, even in the land of oz, where curious creatures abound. it had the head of a young man--evidently a munchkin--with a pleasant face and hair neatly combed. but the body was very long, for it had twenty legs--ten legs on each side--and this caused the body to stretch out and lie in a horizontal position, so that all the legs could touch the ground and stand firm. from the shoulders extended two small arms; at least, they seemed small beside so many legs. this odd creature was dressed in the regulation clothing of the munchkin people, a dark blue coat neatly fitting the long body and each pair of legs having a pair of sky-blue trousers, with blue-tinted stockings and blue leather shoes turned up at the pointed toes. "i wonder who you are?" said polychrome the canary, fluttering above the strange creature, who had probably been asleep on the path. "i sometimes wonder, myself, who i am," replied the many-legged young man; "but, in reality, i am tommy kwikstep, and i live in a hollow tree that fell to the ground with age. i have polished the inside of it, and made a door at each end, and that's a very comfortable residence for me because it just fits my shape." "how did you happen to have such a shape?" asked the scarecrow bear, sitting on his haunches and regarding tommy kwikstep with a serious look. "is the shape natural?" "no; it was wished on me," replied tommy, with a sigh. "i used to be very active and loved to run errands for anyone who needed my services. that was how i got my name of tommy kwikstep. i could run an errand more quickly than any other boy, and so i was very proud of myself. one day, however, i met an old lady who was a fairy, or a witch, or something of the sort, and she said if i would run an errand for her--to carry some magic medicine to another old woman--she would grant me just one wish, whatever the wish happened to be. of course i consented and, taking the medicine, i hurried away. it was a long distance, mostly up hill, and my legs began to grow weary. without thinking what i was doing i said aloud: 'dear me; i wish i had twenty legs!' and in an instant i became the unusual creature you see beside you. twenty legs! twenty on one man! you may count them, if you doubt my word." "you've got 'em, all right," said woot the monkey, who had already counted them. "after i had delivered the magic medicine to the old woman, i returned and tried to find the witch, or fairy, or whatever she was, who had given me the unlucky wish, so she could take it away again. i've been searching for her ever since, but never can i find her," continued poor tommy kwikstep, sadly. "i suppose," said the tin owl, blinking at him, "you can travel very fast, with those twenty legs." "at first i was able to," was the reply; "but i traveled so much, searching for the fairy, or witch, or whatever she was, that i soon got corns on my toes. now, a corn on one toe is not so bad, but when you have a hundred toes--as i have--and get corns on most of them, it is far from pleasant. instead of running, i now painfully crawl, and although i try not to be discouraged i do hope i shall find that witch or fairy, or whatever she was, before long." "i hope so, too," said the scarecrow. "but, after all, you have the pleasure of knowing you are unusual, and therefore remarkable among the people of oz. to be just like other persons is small credit to one, while to be unlike others is a mark of distinction." "that sounds very pretty," returned tommy kwikstep, "but if you had to put on ten pair of trousers every morning, and tie up twenty shoes, you would prefer not to be so distinguished." "was the witch, or fairy, or whatever she was, an old person, with wrinkled skin and half her teeth gone?" inquired the tin owl. "no," said tommy kwikstep. "then she wasn't old mombi," remarked the transformed emperor. "i'm not interested in who it wasn't, so much as i am in who it was," said the twenty-legged young man. "and, whatever or whomsoever she was, she has managed to keep out of my way." "if you found her, do you suppose she'd change you back into a two-legged boy?" asked woot. "perhaps so, if i could run another errand for her and so earn another wish." "would you really like to be as you were before?" asked polychrome the canary, perching upon the green monkey's shoulder to observe tommy kwikstep more attentively. "i would, indeed," was the earnest reply. "then i will see what i can do for you," promised the rainbow's daughter, and flying to the ground she took a small twig in her bill and with it made several mystic figures on each side of tommy kwikstep. "are you a witch, or fairy, or something of the sort?" he asked as he watched her wonderingly. the canary made no answer, for she was busy, but the scarecrow bear replied: "yes; she's something of the sort, and a bird of a magician." the twenty-legged boy's transformation happened so queerly that they were all surprised at its method. first, tommy kwikstep's last two legs disappeared; then the next two, and the next, and as each pair of legs vanished his body shortened. all this while polychrome was running around him and chirping mystical words, and when all the young man's legs had disappeared but two he noticed that the canary was still busy and cried out in alarm: "stop--stop! leave me two of my legs, or i shall be worse off than before." "i know," said the canary. "i'm only removing with my magic the corns from your last ten toes." "thank you for being so thoughtful," he said gratefully, and now they noticed that tommy kwikstep was quite a nice looking young fellow. "what will you do now?" asked woot the monkey. "first," he answered, "i must deliver a note which i've carried in my pocket ever since the witch, or fairy, or whatever she was, granted my foolish wish. and i am resolved never to speak again without taking time to think carefully on what i am going to say, for i realize that speech without thought is dangerous. and after i've delivered the note, i shall run errands again for anyone who needs my services." so he thanked polychrome again and started away in a different direction from their own, and that was the last they saw of tommy kwikstep. chapter eleven jinjur's ranch as they followed a path down the blue-grass hillside, the first house that met the view of the travelers was joyously recognized by the scarecrow bear as the one inhabited by his friend jinjur, so they increased their speed and hurried toward it. on reaching the place, how ever, they found the house deserted. the front door stood open, but no one was inside. in the garden surrounding the house were neat rows of bushes bearing cream-puffs and macaroons, some of which were still green, but others ripe and ready to eat. farther back were fields of caramels, and all the land seemed well cultivated and carefully tended. they looked through the fields for the girl farmer, but she was nowhere to be seen. "well," finally remarked the little brown bear, "let us go into the house and make ourselves at home. that will be sure to please my friend jinjur, who happens to be away from home just now. when she returns, she will be greatly surprised." "would she care if i ate some of those ripe cream-puffs?" asked the green monkey. "no, indeed; jinjur is very generous. help yourself to all you want," said the scarecrow bear. so woot gathered a lot of the cream-puffs that were golden yellow and filled with a sweet, creamy substance, and ate until his hunger was satisfied. then he entered the house with his friends and sat in a rocking-chair--just as he was accustomed to do when a boy. the canary perched herself upon the mantel and daintily plumed her feathers; the tin owl sat on the back of another chair; the scarecrow squatted on his hairy haunches in the middle of the room. "i believe i remember the girl jinjur," remarked the canary, in her sweet voice. "she cannot help us very much, except to direct us on our way to glinda's castle, for she does not understand magic. but she's a good girl, honest and sensible, and i'll be glad to see her." "all our troubles," said the owl with a deep sigh, "arose from my foolish resolve to seek nimmie amee and make her empress of the winkies, and while i wish to reproach no one, i must say that it was woot the wanderer who put the notion into my head." "well, for my part, i am glad he did," responded the canary. "your journey resulted in saving me from the giantess, and had you not traveled to the yoop valley, i would still be mrs. yoop's prisoner. it is much nicer to be free, even though i still bear the enchanted form of a canary-bird." "do you think we shall ever be able to get our proper forms back again?" asked the green monkey earnestly. polychrome did not make reply at once to this important question, but after a period of thoughtfulness she said: "i have been taught to believe that there is an antidote for every magic charm, yet mrs. yoop insists that no power can alter her transformations. i realize that my own fairy magic cannot do it, although i have thought that we sky fairies have more power than is accorded to earth fairies. the yookoohoo magic is admitted to be very strange in its workings and different from the magic usually practiced, but perhaps glinda or ozma may understand it better than i. in them lies our only hope. unless they can help us, we must remain forever as we are." "a canary-bird on a rainbow wouldn't be so bad," asserted the tin owl, winking and blinking with his round tin eyes, "so if you can manage to find your rainbow again you need have little to worry about." "that's nonsense, friend chopper," exclaimed woot. "i know just how polychrome feels. a beautiful girl is much superior to a little yellow bird, and a boy--such as i was--far better than a green monkey. neither of us can be happy again unless we recover our rightful forms." "i feel the same way," announced the stuffed bear. "what do you suppose my friend the patchwork girl would think of me, if she saw me wearing this beastly shape?" "she'd laugh till she cried," admitted the tin owl. "for my part, i'll have to give up the notion of marrying nimmie amee, but i'll try not to let that make me unhappy. if it's my duty, i'd like to do my duty, but if magic prevents my getting married i'll flutter along all by myself and be just as contented." their serious misfortunes made them all silent for a time, and as their thoughts were busy in dwelling upon the evils with which fate had burdened them, none noticed that jinjur had suddenly appeared in the doorway and was looking at them in astonishment. the next moment her astonishment changed to anger, for there, in her best rocking-chair, sat a green monkey. a great shiny owl perched upon another chair and a brown bear squatted upon her parlor rug. jinjur did not notice the canary, but she caught up a broomstick and dashed into the room, shouting as she came: "get out of here, you wild creatures! how dare you enter my house?" with a blow of her broom she knocked the brown bear over, and the tin owl tried to fly out of her reach and made a great clatter with his tin wings. the green monkey was so startled by the sudden attack that he sprang into the fireplace--where there was fortunately no fire--and tried to escape by climbing up the chimney. but he found the opening too small, and so was forced to drop down again. then he crouched trembling in the fireplace, his pretty green hair all blackened with soot and covered with ashes. from this position woot watched to see what would happen next. "stop, jinjur--stop!" cried the brown bear, when the broom again threatened him. "don't you know me? i'm your old friend the scarecrow?" "you're trying to deceive me, you naughty beast! i can see plainly that you are a bear, and a mighty poor specimen of a bear, too," retorted the girl. "that's because i'm not properly stuffed," he assured her. "when mrs. yoop transformed me, she didn't realize i should have more stuffing." "who is mrs. yoop?" inquired jinjur, pausing with the broom still upraised. "a giantess in the gillikin country." "oh; i begin to understand. and mrs. yoop transformed you? you are really the famous scarecrow of oz." "i was, jinjur. just now i'm as you see me--a miserable little brown bear with a poor quality of stuffing. that tin owl is none other than our dear tin woodman--nick chopper, the emperor of the winkies--while this green monkey is a nice little boy we recently became acquainted with, woot the wanderer." "and i," said the canary, flying close to jinjur, "am polychrome, the daughter of the rainbow, in the form of a bird." "goodness me!" cried jinjur, amazed; "that giantess must be a powerful sorceress, and as wicked as she is powerful." "she's a yookoohoo," said polychrome. "fortunately, we managed to escape from her castle, and we are now on our way to glinda the good to see if she possesses the power to restore us to our former shapes." "then i must beg your pardons; all of you must forgive me," said jinjur, putting away the broom. "i took you to be a lot of wild, unmannerly animals, as was quite natural. you are very welcome to my home and i'm sorry i haven't the power to help you out of your troubles. please use my house and all that i have, as if it were your own." at this declaration of peace, the bear got upon his feet and the owl resumed his perch upon the chair and the monkey crept out of the fireplace. jinjur looked at woot critically, and scowled. "for a green monkey," said she, "you're the blackest creature i ever saw. and you'll get my nice clean room all dirty with soot and ashes. whatever possessed you to jump up the chimney?" "i--i was scared," explained woot, somewhat ashamed. "well, you need renovating, and that's what will happen to you, right away. come with me!" she commanded. "what are you going to do?" asked woot. "give you a good scrubbing," said jinjur. now, neither boys nor monkeys relish being scrubbed, so woot shrank away from the energetic girl, trembling fearfully. but jinjur grabbed him by his paw and dragged him out to the back yard, where, in spite of his whines and struggles, she plunged him into a tub of cold water and began to scrub him with a stiff brush and a cake of yellow soap. this was the hardest trial that woot had endured since he became a monkey, but no protest had any influence with jinjur, who lathered and scrubbed him in a business-like manner and afterward dried him with a coarse towel. the bear and the owl gravely watched this operation and nodded approval when woot's silky green fur shone clear and bright in the afternoon sun. the canary seemed much amused and laughed a silvery ripple of laughter as she said: "very well done, my good jinjur; i admire your energy and judgment. but i had no idea a monkey could look so comical as this monkey did while he was being bathed." "i'm not a monkey!" declared woot, resentfully; "i'm just a boy in a monkey's shape, that's all." "if you can explain to me the difference," said jinjur, "i'll agree not to wash you again--that is, unless you foolishly get into the fireplace. all persons are usually judged by the shapes in which they appear to the eyes of others. look at me, woot; what am i?" woot looked at her. "you're as pretty a girl as i've ever seen," he replied. jinjur frowned. that is, she tried hard to frown. "come out into the garden with me," she said, "and i'll give you some of the most delicious caramels you ever ate. they're a new variety, that no one can grow but me, and they have a heliotrope flavor." chapter twelve ozma and dorothy in her magnificent palace in the emerald city, the beautiful girl ruler of all the wonderful land of oz sat in her dainty boudoir with her friend princess dorothy beside her. ozma was studying a roll of manuscript which she had taken from the royal library, while dorothy worked at her embroidery and at times stooped to pat a shaggy little black dog that lay at her feet. the little dog's name was toto, and he was dorothy's faithful companion. to judge ozma of oz by the standards of our world, you would think her very young--perhaps fourteen or fifteen years of age--yet for years she had ruled the land of oz and had never seemed a bit older. dorothy appeared much younger than ozma. she had been a little girl when first she came to the land of oz, and she was a little girl still, and would never seem to be a day older while she lived in this wonderful fairyland. oz was not always a fairyland, i am told. once it was much like other lands, except it was shut in by a dreadful desert of sandy wastes that lay all around it, thus preventing its people from all contact with the rest of the world. seeing this isolation, the fairy band of queen lurline, passing over oz while on a journey, enchanted the country and so made it a fairyland. and queen lurline left one of her fairies to rule this enchanted land of oz, and then passed on and forgot all about it. from that moment no one in oz ever died. those who were old remained old; those who were young and strong did not change as years passed them by; the children remained children always, and played and romped to their hearts' content, while all the babies lived in their cradles and were tenderly cared for and never grew up. so people in oz stopped counting how old they were in years, for years made no difference in their appearance and could not alter their station. they did not get sick, so there were no doctors among them. accidents might happen to some, on rare occasions, it is true, and while no one could die naturally, as other people do, it was possible that one might be totally destroyed. such incidents, however, were very unusual, and so seldom was there anything to worry over that the oz people were as happy and contented as can be. another strange thing about this fairy land of oz was that whoever managed to enter it from the outside world came under the magic spell of the place and did not change in appearance as long as they lived there. so dorothy, who now lived with ozma, seemed just the same sweet little girl she had been when first she came to this delightful fairyland. perhaps all parts of oz might not be called truly delightful, but it was surely delightful in the neighborhood of the emerald city, where ozma reigned. her loving influence was felt for many miles around, but there were places in the mountains of the gillikin country, and the forests of the quadling country, and perhaps in far-away parts of the munchkin and winkie countries, where the inhabitants were somewhat rude and uncivilized and had not yet come under the spell of ozma's wise and kindly rule. also, when oz first became a fairyland, it harbored several witches and magicians and sorcerers and necromancers, who were scattered in various parts, but most of these had been deprived of their magic powers, and ozma had issued a royal edict forbidding anyone in her dominions to work magic except glinda the good and the wizard of oz. ozma herself, being a real fairy, knew a lot of magic, but she only used it to benefit her subjects. this little explanation will help you to understand better the story you are reaching, but most of it is already known to those who are familiar with the oz people whose adventures they have followed in other oz books. ozma and dorothy were fast friends and were much together. everyone in oz loved dorothy almost as well as they did their lovely ruler, for the little kansas girl's good fortune had not spoiled her or rendered her at all vain. she was just the same brave and true and adventurous child as before she lived in a royal palace and became the chum of the fairy ozma. in the room in which the two sat--which was one of ozma's private suite of apartments--hung the famous magic picture. this was the source of constant interest to little dorothy. one had but to stand before it and wish to see what any person was doing, and at once a scene would flash upon the magic canvas which showed exactly where that person was, and like our own moving pictures would reproduce the actions of that person as long as you cared to watch them. so today, when dorothy tired of her embroidery, she drew the curtains from before the magic picture and wished to see what her friend button bright was doing. button bright, she saw, was playing ball with ojo, the munchkin boy, so dorothy next wished to see what her aunt em was doing. the picture showed aunt em quietly engaged in darning socks for uncle henry, so dorothy wished to see what her old friend the tin woodman was doing. the tin woodman was then just leaving his tin castle in the company of the scarecrow and woot the wanderer. dorothy had never seen this boy before, so she wondered who he was. also she was curious to know where the three were going, for she noticed woot's knapsack and guessed they had started on a long journey. she asked ozma about it, but ozma did not know. that afternoon dorothy again saw the travelers in the magic picture, but they were merely tramping through the country and dorothy was not much interested in them. a couple of days later, however, the girl, being again with ozma, wished to see her friends, the scarecrow and the tin woodman in the magic picture, and on this occasion found them in the great castle of mrs. yoop, the giantess, who was at the time about to transform them. both dorothy and ozma now became greatly interested and watched the transformations with indignation and horror. "what a wicked giantess!" exclaimed dorothy. "yes," answered ozma, "she must be punished for this cruelty to our friends, and to the poor boy who is with them." after this they followed the adventure of the little brown bear and the tin owl and the green monkey with breathless interest, and were delighted when they escaped from mrs. yoop. they did not know, then, who the canary was, but realized it must be the transformation of some person of consequence, whom the giantess had also enchanted. when, finally, the day came when the adventurers headed south into the munchkin country, dorothy asked anxiously: "can't something be done for them, ozma? can't you change 'em back into their own shapes? they've suffered enough from these dreadful transformations, seems to me." "i've been studying ways to help them, ever since they were transformed," replied ozma. "mrs. yoop is now the only yookoohoo in my dominions, and the yookoohoo magic is very peculiar and hard for others to understand, yet i am resolved to make the attempt to break these enchantments. i may not succeed, but i shall do the best i can. from the directions our friends are taking, i believe they are going to pass by jinjur's ranch, so if we start now we may meet them there. would you like to go with me, dorothy?" "of course," answered the little girl; "i wouldn't miss it for anything." "then order the red wagon," said ozma of oz, "and we will start at once." dorothy ran to do as she was bid, while ozma went to her magic room to make ready the things she believed she would need. in half an hour the red wagon stood before the grand entrance of the palace, and before it was hitched the wooden sawhorse, which was ozma's favorite steed. this sawhorse, while made of wood, was very much alive and could travel swiftly and without tiring. to keep the ends of his wooden legs from wearing down short, ozma had shod the sawhorse with plates of pure gold. his harness was studded with brilliant emeralds and other jewels and so, while he himself was not at all handsome, his outfit made a splendid appearance. since the sawhorse could understand her spoken words, ozma used no reins to guide him. she merely told him where to go. when she came from the palace with dorothy, they both climbed into the red wagon and then the little dog, toto, ran up and asked: "are you going to leave me behind, dorothy?" dorothy looked at ozma, who smiled in return and said: "toto may go with us, if you wish him to." so dorothy lifted the little dog into the wagon, for, while he could run fast, he could not keep up with the speed of the wonderful sawhorse. away they went, over hills and through meadows, covering the ground with astonishing speed. it is not surprising, therefore, that the red wagon arrived before jinjur's house just as that energetic young lady had finished scrubbing the green monkey and was about to lead him to the caramel patch. chapter thirteen the restoration the tin owl gave a hoot of delight when he saw the red wagon draw up before jinjur's house, and the brown bear grunted and growled with glee and trotted toward ozma as fast as he could wobble. as for the canary, it flew swiftly to dorothy's shoulder and perched there, saying in her ear: "thank goodness you have come to our rescue!" "but who are you?" asked dorothy "don't you know?" returned the canary. "no; for the first time we noticed you in the magic picture, you were just a bird, as you are now. but we've guessed that the giant woman had transformed you, as she did the others." "yes; i'm polychrome, the rainbow's daughter," announced the canary. "goodness me!" cried dorothy. "how dreadful." "well, i make a rather pretty bird, i think," returned polychrome, "but of course i'm anxious to resume my own shape and get back upon my rainbow." "ozma will help you, i'm sure," said dorothy. "how does it feel, scarecrow, to be a bear?" she asked, addressing her old friend. "i don't like it," declared the scarecrow bear. "this brutal form is quite beneath the dignity of a wholesome straw man." "and think of me," said the owl, perching upon the dashboard of the red wagon with much noisy clattering of his tin feathers. "don't i look horrid, dorothy, with eyes several sizes too big for my body, and so weak that i ought to wear spectacles?" "well," said dorothy critically, as she looked him over, "you're nothing to brag of, i must confess. but ozma will soon fix you up again." the green monkey had hung back, bashful at meeting two lovely girls while in the form of a beast; but jinjur now took his hand and led him forward while she introduced him to ozma, and woot managed to make a low bow, not really ungraceful, before her girlish majesty, the ruler of oz. "you have all been forced to endure a sad experience," said ozma, "and so i am anxious to do all in my power to break mrs. yoop's enchantments. but first tell me how you happened to stray into that lonely valley where yoop castle stands." between them they related the object of their journey, the scarecrow bear telling of the tin woodman's resolve to find nimmie amee and marry her, as a just reward for her loyalty to him. woot told of their adventures with the loons of loonville, and the tin owl described the manner in which they had been captured and transformed by the giantess. then polychrome related her story, and when all had been told, and dorothy had several times reproved toto for growling at the tin owl, ozma remained thoughtful for a while, pondering upon what she had heard. finally she looked up, and with one of her delightful smiles, said to the anxious group: "i am not sure my magic will be able to restore every one of you, because your transformations are of such a strange and unusual character. indeed, mrs. yoop was quite justified in believing no power could alter her enchantments. however, i am sure i can restore the scarecrow to his original shape. he was stuffed with straw from the beginning, and even the yookoohoo magic could not alter that. the giantess was merely able to make a bear's shape of a man's shape, but the bear is stuffed with straw, just as the man was. so i feel confident i can make a man of the bear again." "hurrah!" cried the brown bear, and tried clumsily to dance a jig of delight. "as for the tin woodman, his case is much the same," resumed ozma, still smiling. "the power of the giantess could not make him anything but a tin creature, whatever shape she transformed him into, so it will not be impossible to restore him to his manly form. anyhow, i shall test my magic at once, and see if it will do what i have promised." she drew from her bosom a small silver wand and, making passes with the wand over the head of the bear, she succeeded in the brief space of a moment in breaking his enchantment. the original scarecrow of oz again stood before them, well stuffed with straw and with his features nicely painted upon the bag which formed his head. the scarecrow was greatly delighted, as you may suppose, and he strutted proudly around while the powerful fairy, ozma of oz, broke the enchantment that had transformed the tin woodman and made a tin owl into a tin man again. "now, then," chirped the canary, eagerly; "i'm next, ozma!" "but your case is different," replied ozma, no longer smiling but wearing a grave expression on her sweet face. "i shall have to experiment on you, polychrome, and i may fail in all my attempts." she then tried two or three different methods of magic, hoping one of them would succeed in breaking polychrome's enchantment, but still the rainbow's daughter remained a canary-bird. finally, however, she experimented in another way. she transformed the canary into a dove, and then transformed the dove into a speckled hen, and then changed the speckled hen into a rabbit, and then the rabbit into a fawn. and at the last, after mixing several powders and sprinkling them upon the fawn, the yookoohoo enchantment was suddenly broken and before them stood one of the daintiest and loveliest creatures in any fairyland in the world. polychrome was as sweet and merry in disposition as she was beautiful, and when she danced and capered around in delight, her beautiful hair floated around her like a golden mist and her many-hued raiment, as soft as cobwebs, reminded one of drifting clouds in a summer sky. woot was so awed by the entrancing sight of this exquisite sky fairy that he quite forgot his own sad plight until be noticed ozma gazing upon him with an intent expression that denoted sympathy and sorrow. dorothy whispered in her friend's ear, but the ruler of oz shook her head sadly. jinjur, noticing this and understanding ozma's looks, took the paw of the green monkey in her own hand and patted it softly. "never mind," she said to him. "you are a very beautiful color, and a monkey can climb better than a boy and do a lot of other things no boy can ever do." "what's the matter?" asked woot, a sinking feeling at his heart. "is ozma's magic all used up?" ozma herself answered him. "your form of enchantment, my poor boy," she said pityingly, "is different from that of the others. indeed, it is a form that is impossible to alter by any magic known to fairies or yookoohoos. the wicked giantess was well aware, when she gave you the form of a green monkey, that the green monkey must exist in the land of oz for all future time." woot drew a long sigh. "well, that's pretty hard luck," he said bravely, "but if it can't be helped i must endure it; that's all. i don't like being a monkey, but what's the use of kicking against my fate?" they were all very sorry for him, and dorothy anxiously asked ozma: "couldn't glinda save him?" "no," was the reply. "glinda's power in transformations is no greater than my own. before i left my palace i went to my magic room and studied woot's case very carefully. i found that no power can do away with the green monkey. he might transfer, or exchange his form with some other person, it is true; but the green monkey we cannot get rid of by any magic arts known to science." "but--see here," said the scarecrow, who had listened intently to this explanation, "why not put the monkey's form on some one else?" "who would agree to make the change?" asked ozma. "if by force we caused anyone else to become a green monkey, we would be as cruel and wicked as mrs. yoop. and what good would an exchange do?" she continued. "suppose, for instance, we worked the enchantment, and made toto into a green monkey. at the same moment woot would become a little dog." "leave me out of your magic, please," said toto, with a reproachful growl. "i wouldn't become a green monkey for anything." "and i wouldn't become a dog," said woot. "a green monkey is much better than a dog, it seems to me." "that is only a matter of opinion," answered toto. "now, here's another idea," said the scarecrow. "my brains are working finely today, you must admit. why not transform toto into woot the wanderer, and then have them exchange forms? the dog would become a green monkey and the monkey would have his own natural shape again." "to be sure!" cried jinjur. "that's a fine idea." "leave me out of it," said toto. "i won't do it." "wouldn't you be willing to become a green monkey--see what a pretty color it is--so that this poor boy could be restored to his own shape?" asked jinjur, pleadingly. "no," said toto. "i don't like that plan the least bit," declared dorothy, "for then i wouldn't have any little dog." "but you'd have a green monkey in his place," persisted jinjur, who liked woot and wanted to help him. "i don't want a green monkey," said dorothy positively. "don't speak of this again, i beg of you," said woot. "this is my own misfortune and i would rather suffer it alone than deprive princess dorothy of her dog, or deprive the dog of his proper shape. and perhaps even her majesty, ozma of oz, might not be able to transform anyone else into the shape of woot the wanderer." "yes; i believe i might do that," ozma returned; "but woot is quite right; we are not justified in inflicting upon anyone--man or dog--the form of a green monkey. also it is certain that in order to relieve the boy of the form he now wears, we must give it to someone else, who would be forced to wear it always." "i wonder," said dorothy, thoughtfully, "if we couldn't find someone in the land of oz who would be willing to become a green monkey? seems to me a monkey is active and spry, and he can climb trees and do a lot of clever things, and green isn't a bad color for a monkey--it makes him unusual." "i wouldn't ask anyone to take this dreadful form," said woot; "it wouldn't be right, you know. i've been a monkey for some time, now, and i don't like it. it makes me ashamed to be a beast of this sort when by right of birth i'm a boy; so i'm sure it would be wicked to ask anyone else to take my place." they were all silent, for they knew he spoke the truth. dorothy was almost ready to cry with pity and ozma's sweet face was sad and disturbed. the scarecrow rubbed and patted his stuffed head to try to make it think better, while the tin woodman went into the house and began to oil his tin joints so that the sorrow of his friends might not cause him to weep. weeping is liable to rust tin, and the emperor prided himself upon his highly polished body--now doubly dear to him because for a time he had been deprived of it. polychrome had danced down the garden paths and back again a dozen times, for she was seldom still a moment, yet she had heard ozma's speech and understood very well woot's unfortunate position. but the rainbow's daughter, even while dancing, could think and reason very clearly, and suddenly she solved the problem in the nicest possible way. coming close to ozma, she said: "your majesty, all this trouble was caused by the wickedness of mrs. yoop, the giantess. yet even now that cruel woman is living in her secluded castle, enjoying the thought that she has put this terrible enchantment on woot the wanderer. even now she is laughing at our despair because we can find no way to get rid of the green monkey. very well, we do not wish to get rid of it. let the woman who created the form wear it herself, as a just punishment for her wickedness. i am sure your fairy power can give to mrs. yoop the form of woot the wanderer--even at this distance from her--and then it will be possible to exchange the two forms. mrs. yoop will become the green monkey, and woot will recover his own form again." ozma's face brightened as she listened to this clever proposal. "thank you, polychrome," said she. "the task you propose is not so easy as you suppose, but i will make the attempt, and perhaps i may succeed." chapter fourteen the green monkey they now entered the house, and as an interested group, watched jinjur, at ozma's command, build a fire and put a kettle of water over to boil. the ruler of oz stood before the fire silent and grave, while the others, realizing that an important ceremony of magic was about to be performed, stood quietly in the background so as not to interrupt ozma's proceedings. only polychrome kept going in and coming out, humming softly to herself as she danced, for the rainbow's daughter could not keep still for long, and the four walls of a room always made her nervous and ill at ease. she moved so noiselessly, however, that her movements were like the shifting of sunbeams and did not annoy anyone. when the water in the kettle bubbled, ozma drew from her bosom two tiny packets containing powders. these powders she threw into the kettle and after briskly stirring the contents with a branch from a macaroon bush, ozma poured the mystic broth upon a broad platter which jinjur had placed upon the table. as the broth cooled it became as silver, reflecting all objects from its smooth surface like a mirror. while her companions gathered around the table, eagerly attentive--and dorothy even held little toto in her arms that he might see--ozma waved her wand over the mirror-like surface. at once it reflected the interior of yoop castle, and in the big hall sat mrs. yoop, in her best embroidered silken robes, engaged in weaving a new lace apron to replace the one she had lost. the giantess seemed rather uneasy, as if she had a faint idea that someone was spying upon her, for she kept looking behind her and this way and that, as though expecting danger from an unknown source. perhaps some yookoohoo instinct warned her. woot saw that she had escaped from her room by some of the magical means at her disposal, after her prisoners had escaped her. she was now occupying the big hall of her castle as she used to do. also woot thought, from the cruel expression on the face of the giantess, that she was planning revenge on them, as soon as her new magic apron was finished. but ozma was now making passes over the platter with her silver wand, and presently the form of the giantess began to shrink in size and to change its shape. and now, in her place sat the form of woot the wanderer, and as if suddenly realizing her transformation mrs. yoop threw down her work and rushed to a looking-glass that stood against the wall of her room. when she saw the boy's form reflected as her own, she grew violently angry and dashed her head against the mirror, smashing it to atoms. just then ozma was busy with her magic wand, making strange figures, and she had also placed her left hand firmly upon the shoulder of the green monkey. so now, as all eyes were turned upon the platter, the form of mrs. yoop gradually changed again. she was slowly transformed into the green monkey, and at the same time woot slowly regained his natural form. it was quite a surprise to them all when they raised their eyes from the platter and saw woot the wanderer standing beside ozma. and, when they glanced at the platter again, it reflected nothing more than the walls of the room in jinjur's house in which they stood. the magic ceremonial was ended, and ozma of oz had triumphed over the wicked giantess. "what will become of her, i wonder?" said dorothy, as she drew a long breath. "she will always remain a green monkey," replied ozma, "and in that form she will be unable to perform any magical arts whatsoever. she need not be unhappy, however, and as she lives all alone in her castle she probably won't mind the transformation very much after she gets used to it." "anyhow, it serves her right," declared dorothy, and all agreed with her. "but," said the kind hearted tin woodman, "i'm afraid the green monkey will starve, for mrs. yoop used to get her food by magic, and now that the magic is taken away from her, what can she eat?" "why, she'll eat what other monkeys do," returned the scarecrow. "even in the form of a green monkey, she's a very clever person, and i'm sure her wits will show her how to get plenty to eat." "don't worry about her," advised dorothy. "she didn't worry about you, and her condition is no worse than the condition she imposed on poor woot. she can't starve to death in the land of oz, that's certain, and if she gets hungry at times it's no more than the wicked thing deserves. let's forget mrs. yoop; for, in spite of her being a yookoohoo, our fairy friends have broken all of her transformations." chapter fifteen the man of tin ozma and dorothy were quite pleased with woot the wanderer, whom they found modest and intelligent and very well mannered. the boy was truly grateful for his release from the cruel enchantment, and he promised to love, revere and defend the girl ruler of oz forever afterward, as a faithful subject. "you may visit me at my palace, if you wish," said ozma, "where i will be glad to introduce you to two other nice boys, ojo the munchkin and button-bright." "thank your majesty," replied woot, and then he turned to the tin woodman and inquired: "what are your further plans, mr. emperor? will you still seek nimmie amee and marry her, or will you abandon the quest and return to the emerald city and your own castle?" the tin woodman, now as highly polished and well-oiled as ever, reflected a while on this question and then answered: "well, i see no reason why i should not find nimmie amee. we are now in the munchkin country, where we are perfectly safe, and if it was right for me, before our enchantment, to marry nimmie amee and make her empress of the winkies, it must be right now, when the enchantment has been broken and i am once more myself. am i correct, friend scarecrow?" "you are, indeed," answered the scarecrow. "no one can oppose such logic." "but i'm afraid you don't love nimmie amee," suggested dorothy. "that is just because i can't love anyone," replied the tin woodman. "but, if i cannot love my wife, i can at least be kind to her, and all husbands are not able to do that." "do you s'pose nimmie amee still loves you, after all these years?" asked dorothy. "i'm quite sure of it, and that is why i am going to her to make her happy. woot the wanderer thinks i ought to reward her for being faithful to me after my meat body was chopped to pieces and i became tin. what do you think, ozma?" ozma smiled as she said: "i do not know your nimmie amee, and so i cannot tell what she most needs to make her happy. but there is no harm in your going to her and asking her if she still wishes to marry you. if she does, we will give you a grand wedding at the emerald city and, afterward, as empress of the winkies, nimmie amee would become one of the most important ladies in all oz." so it was decided that the tin woodman would continue his journey, and that the scarecrow and woot the wanderer should accompany him, as before. polychrome also decided to join their party, somewhat to the surprise of all. "i hate to be cooped up in a palace," she said to ozma, "and of course the first time i meet my rainbow i shall return to my own dear home in the skies, where my fairy sisters are even now awaiting me and my father is cross because i get lost so often. but i can find my rainbow just as quickly while traveling in the munchkin country as i could if living in the emerald city--or any other place in oz--so i shall go with the tin woodman and help him woo nimmie amee." dorothy wanted to go, too, but as the tin woodman did not invite her to join his party, she felt she might be intruding if she asked to be taken. she hinted, but she found he didn't take the hint. it is quite a delicate matter for one to ask a girl to marry him, however much she loves him, and perhaps the tin woodman did not desire to have too many looking on when he found his old sweetheart, nimmie amee. so dorothy contented herself with the thought that she would help ozma prepare a splendid wedding feast, to be followed by a round of parties and festivities when the emperor of the winkies reached the emerald city with his bride. ozma offered to take them all in the red wagon to a place as near to the great munchkin forest as a wagon could get. the red wagon was big enough to seat them all, and so, bidding good-bye to jinjur, who gave woot a basket of ripe cream-puffs and caramels to take with him, ozma commanded the wooden sawhorse to start, and the strange creature moved swiftly over the lanes and presently came to the road of yellow bricks. this road led straight to a dense forest, where the path was too narrow for the red wagon to proceed farther, so here the party separated. ozma and dorothy and toto returned to the emerald city, after wishing their friends a safe and successful journey, while the tin woodman, the scarecrow, woot the wanderer and polychrome, the rainbow's daughter, prepared to push their way through the thick forest. however, these forest paths were well known to the tin man and the scarecrow, who felt quite at home among the trees. "i was born in this grand forest," said nick chopper, the tin emperor, speaking proudly, "and it was here that the witch enchanted my axe and i lost different parts of my meat body until i became all tin. here, also--for it is a big forest--nimmie amee lived with the wicked witch, and at the other edge of the trees stands the cottage of my friend ku-klip, the famous tinsmith who made my present beautiful form." "he must be a clever workman," declared woot, admiringly. "he is simply wonderful," declared the tin woodman. "i shall be glad to make his acquaintance," said woot. "if you wish to meet with real cleverness," remarked the scarecrow, "you should visit the munchkin farmer who first made me. i won't say that my friend the emperor isn't all right for a tin man, but any judge of beauty can understand that a scarecrow is far more artistic and refined." "you are too soft and flimsy," said the tin woodman. "you are too hard and stiff," said the scarecrow, and this was as near to quarreling as the two friends ever came. polychrome laughed at them both, as well she might, and woot hastened to change the subject. at night they all camped underneath the trees. the boy ate cream-puffs for supper and offered polychrome some, but she preferred other food and at daybreak sipped the dew that was clustered thick on the forest flowers. then they tramped onward again, and presently the scarecrow paused and said: "it was on this very spot that dorothy and i first met the tin woodman, who was rusted so badly that none of his joints would move. but after we had oiled him up, he was as good as new and accompanied us to the emerald city." "ah, that was a sad experience," asserted the tin woodman soberly. "i was caught in a rainstorm while chopping down a tree for exercise, and before i realized it, i was firmly rusted in every joint. there i stood, axe in hand, but unable to move, for days and weeks and months! indeed, i have never known exactly how long the time was; but finally along came dorothy and i was saved. see! this is the very tree i was chopping at the time i rusted." "you cannot be far from your old home, in that case," said woot. "no; my little cabin stands not a great way off, but there is no occasion for us to visit it. our errand is with nimmie amee, and her house is somewhat farther away, to the left of us." "didn't you say she lives with a wicked witch, who makes her a slave?" asked the boy. "she did, but she doesn't," was the reply. "i am told the witch was destroyed when dorothy's house fell on her, so now nimmie amee must live all alone. i haven't seen her, of course, since the witch was crushed, for at that time i was standing rusted in the forest and had been there a long time, but the poor girl must have felt very happy to be free from her cruel mistress." "well," said the scarecrow, "let's travel on and find nimmie amee. lead on, your majesty, since you know the way, and we will follow." so the tin woodman took a path that led through the thickest part of the forest, and they followed it for some time. the light was dim here, because vines and bushes and leafy foliage were all about them, and often the tin man had to push aside the branches that obstructed their way, or cut them off with his axe. after they had proceeded some distance, the emperor suddenly stopped short and exclaimed: "good gracious!" the scarecrow, who was next, first bumped into his friend and then peered around his tin body, and said in a tone of wonder: "well, i declare!" woot the wanderer pushed forward to see what was the matter, and cried out in astonishment: "for goodness' sake!" then the three stood motionless, staring hard, until polychrome's merry laughter rang out behind them and aroused them from their stupor. in the path before them stood a tin man who was the exact duplicate of the tin woodman. he was of the same size, he was jointed in the same manner, and he was made of shining tin from top to toe. but he stood immovable, with his tin jaws half parted and his tin eyes turned upward. in one of his hands was held a long, gleaming sword. yes, there was the difference, the only thing that distinguished him from the emperor of the winkies. this tin man bore a sword, while the tin woodman bore an axe. "it's a dream; it must be a dream!" gasped woot. "that's it, of course," said the scarecrow; "there couldn't be two tin woodmen." "no," agreed polychrome, dancing nearer to the stranger, "this one is a tin soldier. don't you see his sword?" the tin woodman cautiously put out one tin hand and felt of his double's arm. then he said in a voice that trembled with emotion: "who are you, friend?" there was no reply "can't you see he's rusted, just as you were once?" asked polychrome, laughing again. "here, nick chopper, lend me your oil-can a minute!" the tin woodman silently handed her his oil-can, without which he never traveled, and polychrome first oiled the stranger's tin jaws and then worked them gently to and fro until the tin soldier said: "that's enough. thank you. i can now talk. but please oil my other joints." woot seized the oil-can and did this, but all the others helped wiggle the soldier's joints as soon as they were oiled, until they moved freely. the tin soldier seemed highly pleased at his release. he strutted up and down the path, saying in a high, thin voice: "the soldier is a splendid man when marching on parade, and when he meets the enemy he never is afraid. he rights the wrongs of nations, his country's flag defends, the foe he'll fight with great delight, but seldom fights his friends." chapter sixteen captain fyter "are you really a soldier?" asked woot, when they had all watched this strange tin person parade up and down the path and proudly flourish his sword. "i was a soldier," was the reply, "but i've been a prisoner to mr. rust so long that i don't know exactly what i am." "but--dear me!" cried the tin woodman, sadly perplexed; "how came you to be made of tin?" "that," answered the soldier, "is a sad, sad story i was in love with a beautiful munchkin girl, who lived with a wicked witch. the witch did not wish me to marry the girl, so she enchanted my sword, which began hacking me to pieces. when i lost my legs i went to the tinsmith, ku-klip, and he made me some tin legs. when i lost my arms, ku-klip made me tin arms, and when i lost my head he made me this fine one out of tin. it was the same way with my body, and finally i was all tin. but i was not unhappy, for ku-klip made a good job of me, having had experience in making another tin man before me." "yes," observed the tin woodman, "it was ku-klip who made me. but, tell me, what was the name of the munchkin girl you were in love with?" "she is called nimmie amee," said the tin soldier. hearing this, they were all so astonished that they were silent for a time, regarding the stranger with wondering looks. finally the tin woodman ventured to ask: "and did nimmie amee return your love?" "not at first," admitted the soldier. "when first i marched into the forest and met her, she was weeping over the loss of her former sweetheart, a woodman whose name was nick chopper." "that is me," said the tin woodman. "she told me he was nicer than a soldier, because he was all made of tin and shone beautifully in the sun. she said a tin man appealed to her artistic instincts more than an ordinary meat man, as i was then. but i did not despair, because her tin sweetheart had disappeared, and could not be found. and finally nimmie amee permitted me to call upon her and we became friends. it was then that the wicked witch discovered me and became furiously angry when i said i wanted to marry the girl. she enchanted my sword, as i said, and then my troubles began. when i got my tin legs, nimmie amee began to take an interest in me; when i got my tin arms, she began to like me better than ever, and when i was all made of tin, she said i looked like her dear nick chopper and she would be willing to marry me. "the day of our wedding was set, and it turned out to be a rainy day. nevertheless i started out to get nimmie amee, because the witch had been absent for some time, and we meant to elope before she got back. as i traveled the forest paths the rain wetted my joints, but i paid no attention to this because my thoughts were all on my wedding with beautiful nimmie amee and i could think of nothing else until suddenly my legs stopped moving. then my arms rusted at the joints and i became frightened and cried for help, for now i was unable to oil myself. no one heard my calls and before long my jaws rusted, and i was unable to utter another sound. so i stood helpless in this spot, hoping some wanderer would come my way and save me. but this forest path is seldom used, and i have been standing here so long that i have lost all track of time. in my mind i composed poetry and sang songs, but not a sound have i been able to utter. but this desperate condition has now been relieved by your coming my way and i must thank you for my rescue." "this is wonderful!" said the scarecrow, heaving a stuffy, long sigh. "i think ku-klip was wrong to make two tin men, just alike, and the strangest thing of all is that both you tin men fell in love with the same girl." "as for that," returned the soldier, seriously, "i must admit i lost my ability to love when i lost my meat heart. ku-klip gave me a tin heart, to be sure, but it doesn't love anything, as far as i can discover, and merely rattles against my tin ribs, which makes me wish i had no heart at all." "yet, in spite of this condition, you were going to marry nimmie amee?" "well, you see i had promised to marry her, and i am an honest man and always try to keep my promises. i didn't like to disappoint the poor girl, who had been disappointed by one tin man already." "that was not my fault," declared the emperor of the winkies, and then he related how he, also, had rusted in the forest and after a long time had been rescued by dorothy and the scarecrow and had traveled with them to the emerald city in search of a heart that could love. "if you have found such a heart, sir," said the soldier, "i will gladly allow you to marry nimmie amee in my place." "if she loves you best, sir," answered the woodman, "i shall not interfere with your wedding her. for, to be quite frank with you, i cannot yet love nimmie amee as i did before i became tin." "still, one of you ought to marry the poor girl," remarked woot; "and, if she likes tin men, there is not much choice between you. why don't you draw lots for her?" "that wouldn't be right," said the scarecrow. "the girl should be permitted to choose her own husband," asserted polychrome. "you should both go to her and allow her to take her choice. then she will surely be happy." "that, to me, seems a very fair arrangement," said the tin soldier. "i agree to it," said the tin woodman, shaking the hand of his twin to show the matter was settled. "may i ask your name, sir?" he continued. "before i was so cut up," replied the other, "i was known as captain fyter, but afterward i was merely called 'the tin soldier.'" "well, captain, if you are agreeable, let us now go to nimmie amee's house and let her choose between us." "very well; and if we meet the witch, we will both fight her--you with your axe and i with my sword." "the witch is destroyed," announced the scarecrow, and as they walked away he told the tin soldier of much that had happened in the land of oz since he had stood rusted in the forest. "i must have stood there longer than i had imagined," he said thoughtfully. chapter seventeen the workshop of ku-klip it was not more than a two hours' journey to the house where nimmie amee had lived, but when our travelers arrived there they found the place deserted. the door was partly off its hinges, the roof had fallen in at the rear and the interior of the cottage was thick with dust. not only was the place vacant, but it was evident that no one had lived there for a long time. "i suppose," said the scarecrow, as they all stood looking wonderingly at the ruined house, "that after the wicked witch was destroyed, nimmie amee became lonely and went somewhere else to live." "one could scarcely expect a young girl to live all alone in a forest," added woot. "she would want company, of course, and so i believe she has gone where other people live." "and perhaps she is still crying her poor little heart out because no tin man comes to marry her," suggested polychrome. "well, in that case, it is the clear duty of you two tin persons to seek nimmie amee until you find her," declared the scarecrow. "i do not know where to look for the girl," said the tin soldier, "for i am almost a stranger to this part of the country." "i was born here," said the tin woodman, "but the forest has few inhabitants except the wild beasts. i cannot think of anyone living near here with whom nimmie amee might care to live." "why not go to ku-klip and ask him what has become of the girl?" proposed polychrome. that struck them all as being a good suggestion, so once more they started to tramp through the forest, taking the direct path to ku-klip's house, for both the tin twins knew the way, having followed it many times. ku-klip lived at the far edge of the great forest, his house facing the broad plains of the munchkin country that lay to the eastward. but, when they came to this residence by the forest's edge, the tinsmith was not at home. it was a pretty place, all painted dark blue with trimmings of lighter blue. there was a neat blue fence around the yard and several blue benches had been placed underneath the shady blue trees which marked the line between forest and plain. there was a blue lawn before the house, which was a good sized building. ku-klip lived in the front part of the house and had his work-shop in the back part, where he had also built a lean-to addition, in order to give him more room. although they found the tinsmith absent on their arrival, there was smoke coming out of his chimney, which proved that he would soon return. "and perhaps nimmie amee will be with him," said the scarecrow in a cheerful voice. while they waited, the tin woodman went to the door of the workshop and, finding it unlocked, entered and looked curiously around the room where he had been made. "it seems almost like home to me," hie told his friends, who had followed him in. "the first time i came here i had lost a leg, so i had to carry it in my hand while i hopped on the other leg all the way from the place in the forest where the enchanted axe cut me. i remember that old ku-klip carefully put my meat leg into a barrel--i think that is the same barrel, still standing in the corner yonder--and then at once he began to make a tin leg for me. he worked fast and with skill, and i was much interested in the job." "my experience was much the same," said the tin soldier. "i used to bring all the parts of me, which the enchanted sword had cut away, here to the tinsmith, and ku-klip would put them into the barrel." "i wonder," said woot, "if those cast-off parts of you two unfortunates are still in that barrel in the corner?" "i suppose so." replied the tin woodman. "in the land of oz no part of a living creature can ever be destroyed." "if that is true, how was that wicked witch destroyed?" inquired woot. "why, she was very old and was all dried up and withered before oz became a fairyland," explained the scarecrow. "only her magic arts had kept her alive so long, and when dorothy's house fell upon her she just turned to dust, and was blown away and scattered by the wind. i do not think, however, that the parts cut away from these two young men could ever be entirely destroyed and, if they are still in those barrels, they are likely to be just the same as when the enchanted axe or sword severed them." "it doesn't matter, however," said the tin woodman; "our tin bodies are more brilliant and durable, and quite satisfy us." "yes, the tin bodies are best," agreed the tin soldier. "nothing can hurt them." "unless they get dented or rusted," said woot, but both the tin men frowned on him. scraps of tin, of all shapes and sizes, lay scattered around the workshop. also there were hammers and anvils and soldering irons and a charcoal furnace and many other tools such as a tinsmith works with. against two of the side walls had been built stout work-benches and in the center of the room was a long table. at the end of the shop, which adjoined the dwelling, were several cupboards. after examining the interior of the workshop until his curiosity was satisfied, woot said: "i think i will go outside until ku-klip comes. it does not seem quite proper for us to take possession of his house while he is absent." "that is true," agreed the scarecrow, and they were all about to leave the room when the tin woodman said: "wait a minute," and they halted in obedience to the command. chapter eighteen the tin woodman talks to himself the tin woodman had just noticed the cupboards and was curious to know what they contained, so he went to one of them and opened the door. there were shelves inside, and upon one of the shelves which was about on a level with his tin chin the emperor discovered a head--it looked like a doll's head, only it was larger, and he soon saw it was the head of some person. it was facing the tin woodman and as the cupboard door swung back, the eyes of the head slowly opened and looked at him. the tin woodman was not at all surprised, for in the land of oz one runs into magic at every turn. "dear me!" said the tin woodman, staring hard. "it seems as if i had met you, somewhere, before. good morning, sir!" "you have the advantage of me," replied the head. "i never saw you before in my life." "still, your face is very familiar," persisted the tin woodman. "pardon me, but may i ask if you--eh--eh--if you ever had a body?" "yes, at one time," answered the head, "but that is so long ago i can't remember it. did you think," with a pleasant smile, "that i was born just as i am? that a head would be created without a body?" "no, of course not," said the other. "but how came you to lose your body?" "well, i can't recollect the details; you'll have to ask ku-klip about it," returned the head. "for, curious as it may seem to you, my memory is not good since my separation from the rest of me. i still possess my brains and my intellect is as good as ever, but my memory of some of the events i formerly experienced is quite hazy." "how long have you been in this cupboard?" asked the emperor. "i don't know." "haven't you a name?" "oh, yes," said the head; "i used to be called nick chopper, when i was a woodman and cut down trees for a living." "good gracious!" cried the tin woodman in astonishment. "if you are nick chopper's head, then you are me--or i'm you--or--or--what relation are we, anyhow?" "don't ask me," replied the head. "for my part, i'm not anxious to claim relationship with any common, manufactured article, like you. you may be all right in your class, but your class isn't my class. you're tin." the poor emperor felt so bewildered that for a time he could only stare at his old head in silence. then he said: "i must admit that i wasn't at all bad looking before i became tin. you're almost handsome--for meat. if your hair was combed, you'd be quite attractive." "how do you expect me to comb my hair without help?" demanded the head, indignantly. "i used to keep it smooth and neat, when i had arms, but after i was removed from the rest of me, my hair got mussed, and old ku-klip never has combed it for me." "i'll speak to him about it," said the tin woodman. "do you remember loving a pretty munchkin girl named nimmie amee?" "no," answered the head. "that is a foolish question. the heart in my body--when i had a body--might have loved someone, for all i know, but a head isn't made to love; it's made to think." "oh; do you think, then?" "i used to think." "you must have been shut up in this cupboard for years and years. what have you thought about, in all that time?" "nothing. that's another foolish question. a little reflection will convince you that i have had nothing to think about, except the boards on the inside of the cupboard door, and it didn't take me long to think of everything about those boards that could be thought of. then, of course, i quit thinking." "and are you happy?" "happy? what's that?" "don't you know what happiness is?" inquired the tin woodman. "i haven't the faintest idea whether it's round or square, or black or white, or what it is. and, if you will pardon my lack of interest in it, i will say that i don't care." the tin woodman was much puzzled by these answers. his traveling companions had grouped themselves at his back, and had fixed their eyes on the head and listened to the conversation with much interest, but until now, they had not interrupted because they thought the tin woodman had the best right to talk to his own head and renew acquaintance with it. but now the tin soldier remarked: "i wonder if my old head happens to be in any of these cupboards," and he proceeded to open all the cupboard doors. but no other head was to be found on any of the shelves. "oh, well; never mind," said woot the wanderer; "i can't imagine what anyone wants of a cast-off head, anyhow." "i can understand the soldier's interest," asserted polychrome, dancing around the grimy workshop until her draperies formed a cloud around her dainty form. "for sentimental reasons a man might like to see his old head once more, just as one likes to revisit an old home." "and then to kiss it good-bye," added the scarecrow. "i hope that tin thing won't try to kiss me good-bye!" exclaimed the tin woodman's former head. "and i don't see what right you folks have to disturb my peace and comfort, either." "you belong to me," the tin woodman declared. "i do not!" "you and i are one." "we've been parted," asserted the head. "it would be unnatural for me to have any interest in a man made of tin. please close the door and leave me alone." "i did not think that my old head could be so disagreeable," said the emperor. "i--i'm quite ashamed of myself; meaning you." "you ought to be glad that i've enough sense to know what my rights are," retorted the head. "in this cupboard i am leading a simple life, peaceful and dignified, and when a mob of people in whom i am not interested disturb me, they are the disagreeable ones; not i." with a sigh the tin woodman closed and latched the cupboard door and turned away. "well," said the tin soldier, "if my old head would have treated me as coldly and in so unfriendly a manner as your old head has treated you, friend chopper, i'm glad i could not find it." "yes; i'm rather surprised at my head, myself," replied the tin woodman, thoughtfully. "i thought i had a more pleasant disposition when i was made of meat." but just then old ku-klip the tinsmith arrived, and he seemed surprised to find so many visitors. ku-klip was a stout man and a short man. he had his sleeves rolled above his elbows, showing muscular arms, and he wore a leathern apron that covered all the front of him, and was so long that woot was surprised he didn't step on it and trip whenever he walked. and ku-klip had a gray beard that was almost as long as his apron, and his head was bald on top and his ears stuck out from his head like two fans. over his eyes, which were bright and twinkling, he wore big spectacles. it was easy to see that the tinsmith was a kind hearted man, as well as a merry and agreeable one. "oh-ho!" he cried in a joyous bass voice; "here are both my tin men come to visit me, and they and their friends are welcome indeed. i'm very proud of you two characters, i assure you, for you are so perfect that you are proof that i'm a good workman. sit down. sit down, all of you--if you can find anything to sit on--and tell me why you are here." so they found seats and told him all of their adventures that they thought he would like to know. ku-klip was glad to learn that nick chopper, the tin woodman, was now emperor of the winkies and a friend of ozma of oz, and the tinsmith was also interested in the scarecrow and polychrome. he turned the straw man around, examining him curiously, and patted him on all sides, and then said: "you are certainly wonderful, but i think you would be more durable and steady on your legs if you were made of tin. would you like me to--" "no, indeed!" interrupted the scarecrow hastily; "i like myself better as i am." but to polychrome the tinsmith said: "nothing could improve you, my dear, for you are the most beautiful maiden i have ever seen. it is pure happiness just to look at you." "that is praise, indeed, from so skillful a workman," returned the rainbow's daughter, laughing and dancing in and out the room. "then it must be this boy you wish me to help," said ku-klip, looking at woot. "no," said woot, "we are not here to seek your skill, but have merely come to you for information." then, between them, they related their search for nimmie amee, whom the tin woodman explained he had resolved to marry, yet who had promised to become the bride of the tin soldier before he unfortunately became rusted. and when the story was told, they asked ku-klip if he knew what had become of nimmie amee. "not exactly," replied the old man, "but i know that she wept bitterly when the tin soldier did not come to marry her, as he had promised to do. the old witch was so provoked at the girl's tears that she beat nimmie amee with her crooked stick and then hobbled away to gather some magic herbs, with which she intended to transform the girl into an old hag, so that no one would again love her or care to marry her. it was while she was away on this errand that dorothy's house fell on the wicked witch, and she turned to dust and blew away. when i heard this good news, i sent nimmie amee to find the silver shoes which the witch had worn, but dorothy had taken them with her to the emerald city." "yes, we know all about those silver shoes," said the scarecrow. "well," continued ku-klip, "after that, nimmie amee decided to go away from the forest and live with some people she was acquainted with who had a house on mount munch. i have never seen the girl since." "do you know the name of the people on mount munch, with whom she went to live?" asked the tin woodman. "no, nimmie amee did not mention her friend's name, and i did not ask her. she took with her all that she could carry of the goods that were in the witch's house, and she told me i could have the rest. but when i went there i found nothing worth taking except some magic powders that i did not know how to use, and a bottle of magic glue." "what is magic glue?" asked woot. "it is a magic preparation with which to mend people when they cut themselves. one time, long ago, i cut off one of my fingers by accident, and i carried it to the witch, who took down her bottle and glued it on again for me. see!" showing them his finger, "it is as good as ever it was. no one else that i ever heard of had this magic glue, and of course when nick chopper cut himself to pieces with his enchanted axe and captain fyter cut himself to pieces with his enchanted sword, the witch would not mend them, or allow me to glue them together, because she had herself wickedly enchanted the axe and sword. nothing remained but for me to make them new parts out of tin; but, as you see, tin answered the purpose very well, and i am sure their tin bodies are a great improvement on their meat bodies." "very true," said the tin soldier. "i quite agree with you," said the tin woodman. "i happened to find my old head in your cupboard, a while ago, and certainly it is not as desirable a head as the tin one i now wear." "by the way," said the tin soldier, "what ever became of my old head, ku-klip?" "and of the different parts of our bodies?" added the tin woodman. "let me think a minute," replied ku-klip. "if i remember right, you two boys used to bring me most of your parts, when they were cut off, and i saved them in that barrel in the corner. you must not have brought me all the parts, for when i made chopfyt i had hard work finding enough pieces to complete the job. i finally had to finish him with one arm." "who is chopfyt?" inquired woot. "oh, haven't i told you about chopfyt?" exclaimed ku-klip. "of course not! and he's quite a curiosity, too. you'll be interested in hearing about chopfyt. this is how he happened: "one day, after the witch had been destroyed and nimmie amee had gone to live with her friends on mount munch, i was looking around the shop for something and came upon the bottle of magic glue which i had brought from the old witch's house. it occurred to me to piece together the odds and ends of you two people, which of course were just as good as ever, and see if i couldn't make a man out of them. if i succeeded, i would have an assistant to help me with my work, and i thought it would be a clever idea to put to some practical use the scraps of nick chopper and captain fyter. there were two perfectly good heads in my cupboard, and a lot of feet and legs and parts of bodies in the barrel, so i set to work to see what i could do. "first, i pieced together a body, gluing it with the witch's magic glue, which worked perfectly. that was the hardest part of my job, however, because the bodies didn't match up well and some parts were missing. but by using a piece of captain fyter here and a piece of nick chopper there, i finally got together a very decent body, with heart and all the trimmings complete." "whose heart did you use in making the body?" asked the tin woodman anxiously. "i can't tell, for the parts had no tags on them and one heart looks much like another. after the body was completed, i glued two fine legs and feet onto it. one leg was nick chopper's and one was captain fyter's and, finding one leg longer than the other, i trimmed it down to make them match. i was much disappointed to find that i had but one arm. there was an extra leg in the barrel, but i could find only one arm. having glued this onto the body, i was ready for the head, and i had some difficulty in making up my mind which head to use. finally i shut my eyes and reached out my hand toward the cupboard shelf, and the first head i touched i glued upon my new man." "it was mine!" declared the tin soldier, gloomily. "no, it was mine," asserted ku-klip, "for i had given you another in exchange for it--the beautiful tin head you now wear. when the glue had dried, my man was quite an interesting fellow. i named him chopfyt, using a part of nick chopper's name and a part of captain fyter's name, because he was a mixture of both your cast-off parts. chopfyt was interesting, as i said, but he did not prove a very agreeable companion. he complained bitterly because i had given him but one arm--as if it were my fault!--and he grumbled because the suit of blue munchkin clothes, which i got for him from a neighbor, did not fit him perfectly." "ah, that was because he was wearing my old head," remarked the tin soldier. "i remember that head used to be very particular about its clothes." "as an assistant," the old tinsmith continued, "chopfyt was not a success. he was awkward with tools and was always hungry. he demanded something to eat six or eight times a day, so i wondered if i had fitted his insides properly. indeed, chopfyt ate so much that little food was left for myself; so, when he proposed, one day, to go out into the world and seek adventures, i was delighted to be rid of him. i even made him a tin arm to take the place of the missing one, and that pleased him very much, so that we parted good friends." "what became of chopfyt after that?" the scarecrow inquired. "i never heard. he started off toward the east, into the plains of the munchkin country, and that was the last i ever saw of him." "it seems to me," said the tin woodman reflectively, "that you did wrong in making a man out of our cast-off parts. it is evident that chopfyt could, with justice, claim relationship with both of us." "don't worry about that," advised ku-klip cheerfully; "it is not likely that you will ever meet the fellow. and, if you should meet him, he doesn't know who he is made of, for i never told him the secret of his manufacture. indeed, you are the only ones who know of it, and you may keep the secret to yourselves, if you wish to." "never mind chopfyt," said the scarecrow. "our business now is to find poor nimmie amee and let her choose her tin husband. to do that, it seems, from the information ku-klip has given us, we must travel to mount munch." "if that's the programme, let us start at once," suggested woot. so they all went outside, where they found polychrome dancing about among the trees and talking with the birds and laughing as merrily as if she had not lost her rainbow and so been separated from all her fairy sisters. they told her they were going to mount munch, and she replied: "very well; i am as likely to find my rainbow there as here, and any other place is as likely as there. it all depends on the weather. do you think it looks like rain?" they shook their heads, and polychrome laughed again and danced on after them when they resumed their journey. chapter nineteen the invisible country they were proceeding so easily and comfortably on their way to mount munch that woot said in a serious tone of voice: "i'm afraid something is going to happen." "why?" asked polychrome, dancing around the group of travelers. "because," said the boy, thoughtfully, "i've noticed that when we have the least reason for getting into trouble, something is sure to go wrong. just now the weather is delightful; the grass is beautifully blue and quite soft to our feet; the mountain we are seeking shows clearly in the distance and there is no reason anything should happen to delay us in getting there. our troubles all seem to be over, and--well, that's why i'm afraid," he added, with a sigh. "dear me!" remarked the scarecrow, "what unhappy thoughts you have, to be sure. this is proof that born brains cannot equal manufactured brains, for my brains dwell only on facts and never borrow trouble. when there is occasion for my brains to think, they think, but i would be ashamed of my brains if they kept shooting out thoughts that were merely fears and imaginings, such as do no good, but are likely to do harm." "for my part," said the tin woodman, "i do not think at all, but allow my velvet heart to guide me at all times." "the tinsmith filled my hollow head with scraps and clippings of tin," said the soldier, "and he told me they would do nicely for brains, but when i begin to think, the tin scraps rattle around and get so mixed that i'm soon bewildered. so i try not to think. my tin heart is almost as useless to me, for it is hard and cold, so i'm sure the red velvet heart of my friend nick chopper is a better guide." "thoughtless people are not unusual," observed the scarecrow, "but i consider them more fortunate than those who have useless or wicked thoughts and do not try to curb them. your oil can, friend woodman, is filled with oil, but you only apply the oil to your joints, drop by drop, as you need it, and do not keep spilling it where it will do no good. thoughts should be restrained in the same way as your oil, and only applied when necessary, and for a good purpose. if used carefully, thoughts are good things to have." polychrome laughed at him, for the rainbow's daughter knew more about thoughts than the scarecrow did. but the others were solemn, feeling they had been rebuked, and tramped on in silence. suddenly woot, who was in the lead, looked around and found that all his comrades had mysteriously disappeared. but where could they have gone to? the broad plain was all about him and there were neither trees nor bushes that could hide even a rabbit, nor any hole for one to fall into. yet there he stood, alone. surprise had caused him to halt, and with a thoughtful and puzzled expression on his face he looked down at his feet. it startled him anew to discover that he had no feet. he reached out his hands, but he could not see them. he could feel his hands and arms and body; he stamped his feet on the grass and knew they were there, but in some strange way they had become invisible. while woot stood, wondering, a crash of metal sounded in his ears and he heard two heavy bodies tumble to the earth just beside him. "good gracious!" exclaimed the voice of the tin woodman. "mercy me!" cried the voice of the tin soldier. "why didn't you look where you were going?" asked the tin woodman reproachfully. "i did, but i couldn't see you," said the tin soldier. "something has happened to my tin eyes. i can't see you, even now, nor can i see anyone else!" "it's the same way with me," admitted the tin woodman. woot couldn't see either of them, although he heard them plainly, and just then something smashed against him unexpectedly and knocked him over; but it was only the straw-stuffed body of the scarecrow that fell upon him and while he could not see the scarecrow he managed to push him off and rose to his feet just as polychrome whirled against him and made him tumble again. sitting upon the ground, the boy asked: "can you see us, poly?" "no, indeed," answered the rainbow's daughter; "we've all become invisible." "how did it happen, do you suppose?" inquired the scarecrow, lying where he had fallen. "we have met with no enemy," answered poly-chrome, "so it must be that this part of the country has the magic quality of making people invisible--even fairies falling under the charm. we can see the grass, and the flowers, and the stretch of plain before us, and we can still see mount munch in the distance; but we cannot see ourselves or one another." "well, what are we to do about it?" demanded woot. "i think this magic affects only a small part of the plain," replied polychrome; "perhaps there is only a streak of the country where an enchantment makes people become invisible. so, if we get together and hold hands, we can travel toward mount munch until the enchanted streak is passed." "all right," said woot, jumping up, "give me your hand, polychrome. where are you?" "here," she answered. "whistle, woot, and keep whistling until i come to you." so woot whistled, and presently polychrome found him and grasped his hand. "someone must help me up," said the scarecrow, lying near them; so they found the straw man and sat him upon his feet, after which he held fast to polychrome's other hand. nick chopper and the tin soldier had managed to scramble up without assistance, but it was awkward for them and the tin woodman said: "i don't seem to stand straight, somehow. but my joints all work, so i guess i can walk." guided by his voice, they reached his side, where woot grasped his tin fingers so they might keep together. the tin soldier was standing near by and the scarecrow soon touched him and took hold of his arm. "i hope you're not wobbly," said the straw man, "for if two of us walk unsteadily we will be sure to fall." "i'm not wobbly," the tin soldier assured him, "but i'm certain that one of my legs is shorter than the other. i can't see it, to tell what's gone wrong, but i'll limp on with the rest of you until we are out of this enchanted territory." they now formed a line, holding hands, and turning their faces toward mount munch resumed their journey. they had not gone far, however, when a terrible growl saluted their ears. the sound seemed to come from a place just in front of them, so they halted abruptly and remained silent, listening with all their ears. "i smell straw!" cried a hoarse, harsh voice, with more growls and snarls. "i smell straw, and i'm a hip-po-gy-raf who loves straw and eats all he can find. i want to eat this straw! where is it? where is it?" the scarecrow, hearing this, trembled but kept silent. all the others were silent, too, hoping that the invisible beast would be unable to find them. but the creature sniffed the odor of the straw and drew nearer and nearer to them until he reached the tin woodman, on one end of the line. it was a big beast and it smelled of the tin woodman and grated two rows of enormous teeth against the emperor's tin body. "bah! that's not straw," said the harsh voice, and the beast advanced along the line to woot. "meat! pooh, you're no good! i can't eat meat," grumbled the beast, and passed on to polychrome. "sweetmeats and perfume--cobwebs and dew! nothing to eat in a fairy like you," said the creature. now, the scarecrow was next to polychrome in the line, and he realized if the beast devoured his straw he would be helpless for a long time, because the last farmhouse was far behind them and only grass covered the vast expanse of plain. so in his fright he let go of polychrome's hand and put the hand of the tin soldier in that of the rainbow's daughter. then he slipped back of the line and went to the other end, where he silently seized the tin woodman's hand. meantime, the beast had smelled the tin soldier and found he was the last of the line. "that's funny!" growled the hip-po-gy-raf; "i can smell straw, but i can't find it. well, it's here, somewhere, and i must hunt around until i do find it, for i'm hungry." his voice was now at the left of them, so they started on, hoping to avoid him, and traveled as fast as they could in the direction of mount munch. "i don't like this invisible country," said woot with a shudder. "we can't tell how many dreadful, invisible beasts are roaming around us, or what danger we'll come to next." "quit thinking about danger, please," said the scarecrow, warningly. "why?" asked the boy. "if you think of some dreadful thing, it's liable to happen, but if you don't think of it, and no one else thinks of it, it just can't happen. do you see?" "no," answered woot. "i won't be able to see much of anything until we escape from this enchantment." but they got out of the invisible strip of country as suddenly as they had entered it, and the instant they got out they stopped short, for just before them was a deep ditch, running at right angles as far as their eyes could see and stopping all further progress toward mount munch. "it's not so very wide," said woot, "but i'm sure none of us can jump across it." polychrome began to laugh, and the scarecrow said: "what's the matter?" "look at the tin men!" she said, with another burst of merry laughter. woot and the scarecrow looked, and the tin men looked at themselves. "it was the collision," said the tin woodman regretfully. "i knew something was wrong with me, and now i can see that my side is dented in so that i lean over toward the left. it was the soldier's fault; he shouldn't have been so careless." "it is your fault that my right leg is bent, making it shorter than the other, so that i limp badly," retorted the soldier. "you shouldn't have stood where i was walking." "you shouldn't have walked where i was standing," replied the tin woodman. it was almost a quarrel, so polychrome said soothingly: "never mind, friends; as soon as we have time i am sure we can straighten the soldier's leg and get the dent out of the woodman's body. the scarecrow needs patting into shape, too, for he had a bad tumble, but our first task is to get over this ditch." "yes, the ditch is the most important thing, just now," added woot. they were standing in a row, looking hard at the unexpected barrier, when a fierce growl from behind them made them all turn quickly. out of the invisible country marched a huge beast with a thick, leathery skin and a surprisingly long neck. the head on the top of this neck was broad and flat and the eyes and mouth were very big and the nose and ears very small. when the head was drawn down toward the beast's shoulders, the neck was all wrinkles, but the head could shoot up very high indeed, if the creature wished it to. "dear me!" exclaimed the scarecrow, "this must be the hip-po-gy-raf." "quite right," said the beast; "and you're the straw which i'm to eat for my dinner. oh, how i love straw! i hope you don't resent my affectionate appetite?" with its four great legs it advanced straight toward the scarecrow, but the tin woodman and the tin soldier both sprang in front of their friend and flourished their weapons. "keep off!" said the tin woodman, warningly, "or i'll chop you with my axe." "keep off!" said the tin soldier, "or i'll cut you with my sword." "would you really do that?" asked the hip-po-gy-raf, in a disappointed voice. "we would," they both replied, and the tin woodman added: "the scarecrow is our friend, and he would be useless without his straw stuffing. so, as we are comrades, faithful and true, we will defend our friend's stuffing against all enemies." the hip-po-gy-raf sat down and looked at them sorrowfully. "when one has made up his mind to have a meal of delicious straw, and then finds he can't have it, it is certainly hard luck," he said. "and what good is the straw man to you, or to himself, when the ditch keeps you from going any further?" "well, we can go back again," suggested woot. "true," said the hip-po; "and if you do, you'll be as disappointed as i am. that's some comfort, anyhow." the travelers looked at the beast, and then they looked across the ditch at the level plain beyond. on the other side the grass had grown tall, and the sun had dried it, so there was a fine crop of hay that only needed to be cut and stacked. "why don't you cross over and eat hay?" the boy asked the beast. "i'm not fond of hay," replied the hip-po-gy-raf; "straw is much more delicious, to my notion, and it's more scarce in this neighborhood, too. also i must confess that i can't get across the ditch, for my body is too heavy and clumsy for me to jump the distance. i can stretch my neck across, though, and you will notice that i've nibbled the hay on the farther edge--not because i liked it, but because one must eat, and if one can't get the sort of food he desires, he must take what is offered or go hungry." "ah, i see you are a philosopher," remarked the scarecrow. "no, i'm just a hip-po-gy-raf," was the reply. polychrome was not afraid of the big beast. she danced close to him and said: "if you can stretch your neck across the ditch, why not help us over? we can sit on your big head, one at a time, and then you can lift us across." "yes; i can, it is true," answered the hip-po; "but i refuse to do it. unless--" he added, and stopped short. "unless what?" asked polychrome. "unless you first allow me to eat the straw with which the scarecrow is stuffed." "no," said the rainbow's daughter, "that is too high a price to pay. our friend's straw is nice and fresh, for he was restuffed only a little while ago." "i know," agreed the hip-po-gy-raf. "that's why i want it. if it was old, musty straw, i wouldn't care for it." "please lift us across," pleaded polychrome. "no," replied the beast; "since you refuse my generous offer, i can be as stubborn as you are." after that they were all silent for a time, but then the scarecrow said bravely: "friends, let us agree to the beast's terms. give him my straw, and carry the rest of me with you across the ditch. once on the other side, the tin soldier can cut some of the hay with his sharp sword, and you can stuff me with that material until we reach a place where there is straw. it is true i have been stuffed with straw all my life and it will be somewhat humiliating to be filled with common hay, but i am willing to sacrifice my pride in a good cause. moreover, to abandon our errand and so deprive the great emperor of the winkies--or this noble soldier--of his bride, would be equally humiliating, if not more so." "you're a very honest and clever man!" exclaimed the hip-po-gy-raf, admiringly. "when i have eaten your head, perhaps i also will become clever." "you're not to eat my head, you know," returned the scarecrow hastily. "my head isn't stuffed with straw and i cannot part with it. when one loses his head he loses his brains." "very well, then; you may keep your head," said the beast. the scarecrow's companions thanked him warmly for his loyal sacrifice to their mutual good, and then he laid down and permitted them to pull the straw from his body. as fast as they did this, the hip-po-gy-raf ate up the straw, and when all was consumed polychrome made a neat bundle of the clothes and boots and gloves and hat and said she would carry them, while woot tucked the scarecrow's head under his arm and promised to guard its safety. "now, then," said the tin woodman, "keep your promise, beast, and lift us over the ditch." "m-m-m-mum, but that was a fine dinner!" said the hip-po, smacking his thick lips in satisfaction, "and i'm as good as my word. sit on my head, one at a time, and i'll land you safely on the other side." he approached close to the edge of the ditch and squatted down. polychrome climbed over his big body and sat herself lightly upon the flat head, holding the bundle of the scarecrow's raiment in her hand. slowly the elastic neck stretched out until it reached the far side of the ditch, when the beast lowered his head and permitted the beautiful fairy to leap to the ground. woot made the queer journey next, and then the tin soldier and the tin woodman went over, and all were well pleased to have overcome this serious barrier to their progress. "now, soldier, cut the hay," said the scarecrow's head, which was still held by woot the wanderer. "i'd like to, but i can't stoop over, with my bent leg, without falling," replied captain fyter. "what can we do about that leg, anyhow?" asked woot, appealing to polychrome. she danced around in a circle several times without replying, and the boy feared she had not heard him; but the rainbow's daughter was merely thinking upon the problem, and presently she paused beside the tin soldier and said: "i've been taught a little fairy magic, but i've never before been asked to mend tin legs with it, so i'm not sure i can help you. it all depends on the good will of my unseen fairy guardians, so i'll try, and if i fail, you will be no worse off than you are now." she danced around the circle again, and then laid both hands upon the twisted tin leg and sang in her sweet voice: "fairy powers, come to my aid! this bent leg of tin is made; make it straight and strong and true, and i'll render thanks to you." "ah!" murmured captain fyter in a glad voice, as she withdrew her hands and danced away, and they saw he was standing straight as ever, because his leg was as shapely and strong as it had been before his accident. the tin woodman had watched polychrome with much interest, and he now said: "please take the dent out of my side, poly, for i am more crippled than was the soldier." so the rainbow's daughter touched his side lightly and sang: "here's a dent by accident; such a thing was never meant. fairy powers, so wondrous great, make our dear tin woodman straight!" "good!" cried the emperor, again standing erect and strutting around to show his fine figure. "your fairy magic may not be able to accomplish all things, sweet polychrome, but it works splendidly on tin. thank you very much." "the hay--the hay!" pleaded the scarecrow's head. "oh, yes; the hay," said woot. "what are you waiting for, captain fyter?" at once the tin soldier set to work cutting hay with his sword and in a few minutes there was quite enough with which to stuff the scarecrow's body. woot and polychrome did this and it was no easy task because the hay packed together more than straw and as they had little experience in such work their job, when completed, left the scarecrow's arms and legs rather bunchy. also there was a hump on his back which made woot laugh and say it reminded him of a camel, but it was the best they could do and when the head was fastened on to the body they asked the scarecrow how he felt. "a little heavy, and not quite natural," he cheerfully replied; "but i'll get along somehow until we reach a straw-stack. don't laugh at me, please, because i'm a little ashamed of myself and i don't want to regret a good action." they started at once in the direction of mount munch, and as the scarecrow proved very clumsy in his movements, woot took one of his arms and the tin woodman the other and so helped their friend to walk in a straight line. and the rainbow's daughter, as before, danced ahead of them and behind them and all around them, and they never minded her odd ways, because to them she was like a ray of sunshine. chapter twenty over night the land of the munchkins is full of surprises, as our travelers had already learned, and although mount munch was constantly growing larger as they advanced toward it, they knew it was still a long way off and were not certain, by any means, that they had escaped all danger or encountered their last adventure. the plain was broad, and as far as the eye could see, there seemed to be a level stretch of country between them and the mountain, but toward evening they came upon a hollow, in which stood a tiny blue munchkin dwelling with a garden around it and fields of grain filling in all the rest of the hollow. they did not discover this place until they came close to the edge of it, and they were astonished at the sight that greeted them because they had imagined that this part of the plain had no inhabitants. "it's a very small house," woot declared. "i wonder who lives there?" "the way to find out is to knock on the door and ask," replied the tin woodman. "perhaps it is the home of nimmie amee." "is she a dwarf?" asked the boy. "no, indeed; nimmie amee is a full sized woman." "then i'm sure she couldn't live in that little house," said woot. "let's go down," suggested the scarecrow. "i'm almost sure i can see a straw-stack in the back yard." they descended the hollow, which was rather steep at the sides, and soon came to the house, which was indeed rather small. woot knocked upon a door that was not much higher than his waist, but got no reply. he knocked again, but not a sound was heard. "smoke is coming out of the chimney," announced polychrome, who was dancing lightly through the garden, where cabbages and beets and turnips and the like were growing finely. "then someone surely lives here," said woot, and knocked again. now a window at the side of the house opened and a queer head appeared. it was white and hairy and had a long snout and little round eyes. the ears were hidden by a blue sunbonnet tied under the chin. "oh; it's a pig!" exclaimed woot. "pardon me; i am mrs. squealina swyne, wife of professor grunter swyne, and this is our home," said the one in the window. "what do you want?" "what sort of a professor is your husband?" inquired the tin woodman curiously. "he is professor of cabbage culture and corn perfection. he is very famous in his own family, and would be the wonder of the world if he went abroad," said mrs. swyne in a voice that was half proud and half irritable. "i must also inform you intruders that the professor is a dangerous individual, for he files his teeth every morning until they are sharp as needles. if you are butchers, you'd better run away and avoid trouble." "we are not butchers," the tin woodman assured her. "then what are you doing with that axe? and why has the other tin man a sword?" "they are the only weapons we have to defend our friends from their enemies," explained the emperor of the winkies, and woot added: "do not be afraid of us, mrs. swyne, for we are harmless travelers. the tin men and the scarecrow never eat anything and polychrome feasts only on dewdrops. as for me, i'm rather hungry, but there is plenty of food in your garden to satisfy me." professor swyne now joined his wife at the window, looking rather scared in spite of the boy's assuring speech. he wore a blue munchkin hat, with pointed crown and broad brim, and big spectacles covered his eyes. he peeked around from behind his wife and after looking hard at the strangers, he said: "my wisdom assures me that you are merely travelers, as you say, and not butchers. butchers have reason to be afraid of me, but you are safe. we cannot invite you in, for you are too big for our house, but the boy who eats is welcome to all the carrots and turnips he wants. make yourselves at home in the garden and stay all night, if you like; but in the morning you must go away, for we are quiet people and do not care for company." "may i have some of your straw?" asked the scarecrow. "help yourself," replied professor swyne. "for pigs, they're quite respectable," remarked woot, as they all went toward the straw-stack. "i'm glad they didn't invite us in," said captain fyter. "i hope i'm not too particular about my associates, but i draw the line at pigs." the scarecrow was glad to be rid of his hay, for during the long walk it had sagged down and made him fat and squatty and more bumpy than at first. "i'm not specially proud," he said, "but i love a manly figure, such as only straw stuffing can create. i've not felt like myself since that hungry hip-po ate my last straw." polychrome and woot set to work removing the hay and then they selected the finest straw, crisp and golden, and with it stuffed the scarecrow anew. he certainly looked better after the operation, and he was so pleased at being reformed that he tried to dance a little jig, and almost succeeded. "i shall sleep under the straw-stack tonight," woot decided, after he had eaten some of the vegetables from the garden, and in fact he slept very well, with the two tin men and the scarecrow sitting silently beside him and polychrome away somewhere in the moonlight dancing her fairy dances. at daybreak the tin woodman and the tin soldier took occasion to polish their bodies and oil their joints, for both were exceedingly careful of their personal appearance. they had forgotten the quarrel due to their accidental bumping of one another in the invisible country, and being now good friends the tin woodman polished the tin soldier's back for him and then the tin soldier polished the tin woodman's back. for breakfast the wanderer ate crisp lettuce and radishes, and the rainbow's daughter, who had now returned to her friends, sipped the dewdrops that had formed on the petals of the wild-flowers. as they passed the little house to renew their journey, woot called out: "good-bye, mr. and mrs. swyne!" the window opened and the two pigs looked out. "a pleasant journey," said the professor. "have you any children?" asked the scarecrow, who was a great friend of children. "we have nine," answered the professor; "but they do not live with us, for when they were tiny piglets the wizard of oz came here and offered to care for them and to educate them. so we let him have our nine tiny piglets, for he's a good wizard and can be relied upon to keep his promises." "i know the nine tiny piglets," said the tin woodman. "so do i," said the scarecrow. "they still live in the emerald city, and the wizard takes good care of them and teaches them to do all sorts of tricks." "did they ever grow up?" inquired mrs. squealina swyne, in an anxious voice. "no," answered the scarecrow; "like all other children in the land of oz, they will always remain children, and in the case of the tiny piglets that is a good thing, because they would not be nearly so cute and cunning if they were bigger." "but are they happy?" asked mrs. swyne. "everyone in the emerald city is happy," said the tin woodman. "they can't help it." then the travelers said good-bye, and climbed the side of the basin that was toward mount munch. chapter twenty-one polychrome's magic on this morning, which ought to be the last of this important journey, our friends started away as bright and cheery as could be, and woot whistled a merry tune so that polychrome could dance to the music. on reaching the top of the hill, the plain spread out before them in all its beauty of blue grasses and wildflowers, and mount munch seemed much nearer than it had the previous evening. they trudged on at a brisk pace, and by noon the mountain was so close that they could admire its appearance. its slopes were partly clothed with pretty evergreens, and its foot-hills were tufted with a slender waving bluegrass that had a tassel on the end of every blade. and, for the first time, they perceived, near the foot of the mountain, a charming house, not of great size but neatly painted and with many flowers surrounding it and vines climbing over the doors and windows. it was toward this solitary house that our travelers now directed their steps, thinking to inquire of the people who lived there where nimmie amee might be found. there were no paths, but the way was quite open and clear, and they were drawing near to the dwelling when woot the wanderer, who was then in the lead of the little party, halted with such an abrupt jerk that he stumbled over backward and lay flat on his back in the meadow. the scarecrow stopped to look at the boy. "why did you do that?" he asked in surprise. woot sat up and gazed around him in amazement. "i--i don't know!" he replied. the two tin men, arm in arm, started to pass them when both halted and tumbled, with a great clatter, into a heap beside woot. polychrome, laughing at the absurd sight, came dancing up and she, also, came to a sudden stop, but managed to save herself from falling. everyone of them was much astonished, and the scarecrow said with a puzzled look: "i don't see anything." "nor i," said woot; "but something hit me, just the same." "some invisible person struck me a heavy blow," declared the tin woodman, struggling to separate himself from the tin soldier, whose legs and arms were mixed with his own. "i'm not sure it was a person," said polychrome, looking more grave than usual. "it seems to me that i merely ran into some hard substance which barred my way. in order to make sure of this, let me try another place." she ran back a way and then with much caution advanced in a different place, but when she reached a position on a line with the others she halted, her arms outstretched before her. "i can feel something hard--something smooth as glass," she said, "but i'm sure it is not glass." "let me try," suggested woot, getting up; but when he tried to go forward, he discovered the same barrier that polychrome had encountered. "no," he said, "it isn't glass. but what is it?" "air," replied a small voice beside him. "solid air; that's all." they all looked downward and found a sky-blue rabbit had stuck his head out of a burrow in the ground. the rabbit's eyes were a deeper blue than his fur, and the pretty creature seemed friendly and unafraid. "air!" exclaimed woot, staring in astonishment into the rabbit's blue eyes; "whoever heard of air so solid that one cannot push it aside?" "you can't push this air aside," declared the rabbit, "for it was made hard by powerful sorcery, and it forms a wall that is intended to keep people from getting to that house yonder." "oh; it's a wall, is it?" said the tin woodman. "yes, it is really a wall," answered the rabbit, "and it is fully six feet thick." "how high is it?" inquired captain fyter, the tin soldier. "oh, ever so high; perhaps a mile," said the rabbit. "couldn't we go around it?" asked woot. "of course, for the wall is a circle," explained the rabbit. "in the center of the circle stands the house, so you may walk around the wall of solid air, but you can't get to the house." "who put the air wall around the house?" was the scarecrow's question. "nimmie amee did that." "nimmie amee!" they all exclaimed in surprise. "yes," answered the rabbit. "she used to live with an old witch, who was suddenly destroyed, and when nimmie amee ran away from the witch's house, she took with her just one magic formula--pure sorcery it was--which enabled her to build this air wall around her house--the house yonder. it was quite a clever idea, i think, for it doesn't mar the beauty of the landscape, solid air being invisible, and yet it keeps all strangers away from the house." "does nimmie amee live there now?" asked the tin woodman anxiously. "yes, indeed," said the rabbit. "and does she weep and wail from morning till night?" continued the emperor. "no; she seems quite happy," asserted the rabbit. the tin woodman seemed quite disappointed to hear this report of his old sweetheart, but the scarecrow reassured his friend, saying: "never mind, your majesty; however happy nimmie amee is now, i'm sure she will be much happier as empress of the winkies." "perhaps," said captain fyter, somewhat stiffly, "she will be still more happy to become the bride of a tin soldier." "she shall choose between us, as we have agreed," the tin woodman promised; "but how shall we get to the poor girl?" polychrome, although dancing lightly back and forth, had listened to every word of the conversation. now she came forward and sat herself down just in front of the blue rabbit, her many-hued draperies giving her the appearance of some beautiful flower. the rabbit didn't back away an inch. instead, he gazed at the rainbow's daughter admiringly. "does your burrow go underneath this wall of air?" asked polychrome. "to be sure," answered the blue rabbit; "i dug it that way so i could roam in these broad fields, by going out one way, or eat the cabbages in nimmie amee's garden by leaving my burrow at the other end. i don't think nimmie amee ought to mind the little i take from her garden, or the hole i've made under her magic wall. a rabbit may go and come as he pleases, but no one who is bigger than i am could get through my burrow." "will you allow us to pass through it, if we are able to?" inquired polychrome. "yes, indeed," answered the blue rabbit. "i'm no especial friend of nimmie amee, for once she threw stones at me, just because i was nibbling some lettuce, and only yesterday she yelled 'shoo!' at me, which made me nervous. you're welcome to use my burrow in any way you choose." "but this is all nonsense!" declared woot the wanderer. "we are every one too big to crawl through a rabbit's burrow." "we are too big now," agreed the scarecrow, "but you must remember that polychrome is a fairy, and fairies have many magic powers." woot's face brightened as he turned to the lovely daughter of the rainbow. "could you make us all as small as that rabbit?" he asked eagerly. "i can try," answered polychrome, with a smile. and presently she did it--so easily that woot was not the only one astonished. as the now tiny people grouped themselves before the rabbit's burrow the hole appeared to them like the entrance to a tunnel, which indeed it was. "i'll go first," said wee polychrome, who had made herself grow as small as the others, and into the tunnel she danced without hesitation. a tiny scarecrow went next and then the two funny little tin men. "walk in; it's your turn," said the blue rabbit to woot the wanderer. "i'm coming after, to see how you get along. this will be a regular surprise party to nimmie amee." so woot entered the hole and felt his way along its smooth sides in the dark until he finally saw the glimmer of daylight ahead and knew the journey was almost over. had he remained his natural size, the distance could have been covered in a few steps, but to a thumb-high woot it was quite a promenade. when he emerged from the burrow he found himself but a short distance from the house, in the center of the vegetable garden, where the leaves of rhubarb waving above his head seemed like trees. outside the hole, and waiting for him, he found all his friends. "so far, so good!" remarked the scarecrow cheerfully. "yes; so far, but no farther," returned the tin woodman in a plaintive and disturbed tone of voice. "i am now close to nimmie amee, whom i have come ever so far to seek, but i cannot ask the girl to marry such a little man as i am now." "i'm no bigger than a toy soldier!" said captain fyter, sorrowfully. "unless polychrome can make us big again, there is little use in our visiting nimmie amee at all, for i'm sure she wouldn't care for a husband she might carelessly step on and ruin." polychrome laughed merrily. "if i make you big, you can't get out of here again," said she, "and if you remain little nimmie amee will laugh at you. so make your choice." "i think we'd better go back," said woot seriously "no," said the tin woodman, stoutly, "i have decided that it's my duty to make nimmie amee happy, in case she wishes to marry me." "so have i," announced captain fyter. "a good soldier never shrinks from doing his duty." "as for that," said the scarecrow, "tin doesn't shrink any to speak of, under any circumstances. but woot and i intend to stick to our comrades, whatever they decide to do, so we will ask polychrome to make us as big as we were before." polychrome agreed to this request and in half a minute all of them, including herself, had been enlarged again to their natural sizes. they then thanked the blue rabbit for his kind assistance, and at once approached the house of nimme amee. chapter twenty-two nimmie amee we may be sure that at this moment our friends were all anxious to see the end of the adventure that had caused them so many trials and troubles. perhaps the tin woodman's heart did not beat any faster, because it was made of red velvet and stuffed with sawdust, and the tin soldier's heart was made of tin and reposed in his tin bosom without a hint of emotion. however, there is little doubt that they both knew that a critical moment in their lives had arrived, and that nimmie amee's decision was destined to influence the future of one or the other. as they assumed their natural sizes and the rhubarb leaves that had before towered above their heads now barely covered their feet, they looked around the garden and found that no person was visible save themselves. no sound of activity came from the house, either, but they walked to the front door, which had a little porch built before it, and there the two tinmen stood side by side while both knocked upon the door with their tin knuckles. as no one seemed eager to answer the summons they knocked again; and then again. finally they heard a stir from within and someone coughed. "who's there?" called a girl's voice. "it's i!" cried the tin twins, together. "how did you get there?" asked the voice. they hesitated how to reply, so woot answered for them: "by means of magic." "oh," said the unseen girl. "are you friends, or foes?" "friends!" they all exclaimed. then they heard footsteps approach the door, which slowly opened and revealed a very pretty munchkin girl standing in the doorway. "nimmie amee!" cried the tin twins. "that's my name," replied the girl, looking at them in cold surprise. "but who can you be?" "don't you know me, nimmie?" said the tin woodman. "i'm your old sweetheart, nick chopper!" "don't you know me, my dear?" said the tin soldier. "i'm your old sweetheart, captain fyter!" nimmie amee smiled at them both. then she looked beyond them at the rest of the party and smiled again. however, she seemed more amused than pleased. "come in," she said, leading the way inside. "even sweethearts are forgotten after a time, but you and your friends are welcome." the room they now entered was cosy and comfortable, being neatly furnished and well swept and dusted. but they found someone there besides nimmie amee. a man dressed in the attractive munchkin costume was lazily reclining in an easy chair, and he sat up and turned his eves on the visitors with a cold and indifferent stare that was almost insolent. he did not even rise from his seat to greet the strangers, but after glaring at them he looked away with a scowl, as if they were of too little importance to interest him. the tin men returned this man's stare with interest, but they did not look away from him because neither of them seemed able to take his eyes off this munchkin, who was remarkable in having one tin arm quite like their own tin arms. "seems to me," said captain fyter, in a voice that sounded harsh and indignant, "that you, sir, are a vile impostor!" "gently--gently!" cautioned the scarecrow; "don't be rude to strangers, captain." "rude?" shouted the tin soldier, now very much provoked; "why, he's a scoundrel--a thief! the villain is wearing my own head!" "yes," added the tin woodman, "and he's wearing my right arm! i can recognize it by the two warts on the little finger." "good gracious!" exclaimed woot. "then this must be the man whom old ku-klip patched together and named chopfyt." the man now turned toward them, still scowling. "yes, that is my name," he said in a voice like a growl, "and it is absurd for you tin creatures, or for anyone else, to claim my head, or arm, or any part of me, for they are my personal property." "you? you're a nobody!" shouted captain fyter. "you're just a mix-up," declared the emperor. "now, now, gentlemen," interrupted nimmie amee, "i must ask you to be more respectful to poor chopfyt. for, being my guests, it is not polite for you to insult my husband." "your husband!" the tin twins exclaimed in dismay. "yes," said she. "i married chopfyt a long time ago, because my other two sweethearts had deserted me." this reproof embarrassed both nick chopper and captain fyter. they looked down, shamefaced, for a moment, and then the tin woodman explained in an earnest voice: "i rusted." "so did i," said the tin soldier. "i could not know that, of course," asserted nimmie amee. "all i knew was that neither of you came to marry me, as you had promised to do. but men are not scarce in the land of oz. after i came here to live, i met mr. chopfyt, and he was the more interesting because he reminded me strongly of both of you, as you were before you became tin. he even had a tin arm, and that reminded me of you the more. "no wonder!" remarked the scarecrow. "but, listen, nimmie amee!" said the astonished woot; "he really is both of them, for he is made of their cast-off parts." "oh, you're quite wrong," declared polychrome, laughing, for she was greatly enjoying the confusion of the others. "the tin men are still themselves, as they will tell you, and so chopfyt must be someone else." they looked at her bewildered, for the facts in the case were too puzzling to be grasped at once. "it is all the fault of old ku-klip," muttered the tin woodman. "he had no right to use our castoff parts to make another man with." "it seems he did it, however," said nimmie amee calmly, "and i married him because he resembled you both. i won't say he is a husband to be proud of, because he has a mixed nature and isn't always an agreeable companion. there are times when i have to chide him gently, both with my tongue and with my broomstick. but he is my husband, and i must make the best of him." "if you don't like him," suggested the tin woodman, "captain fyter and i can chop him up with our axe and sword, and each take such parts of the fellow as belong to him. then we are willing for you to select one of us as your husband." "that is a good idea," approved captain fyter, drawing his sword. "no," said nimmie amee; "i think i'll keep the husband i now have. he is now trained to draw the water and carry in the wood and hoe the cabbages and weed the flower-beds and dust the furniture and perform many tasks of a like character. a new husband would have to be scolded--and gently chided--until he learns my ways. so i think it will be better to keep my chopfyt, and i see no reason why you should object to him. you two gentlemen threw him away when you became tin, because you had no further use for him, so you cannot justly claim him now. i advise you to go back to your own homes and forget me, as i have forgotten you." "good advice!" laughed polychrome, dancing. "are you happy?" asked the tin soldier. "of course i am," said nimmie amee; "i'm the mistress of all i survey--the queen of my little domain." "wouldn't you like to be the empress of the winkies?" asked the tin woodman. "mercy, no," she answered. "that would be a lot of bother. i don't care for society, or pomp, or posing. all i ask is to be left alone and not to be annoyed by visitors." the scarecrow nudged woot the wanderer. "that sounds to me like a hint," he said. "looks as if we'd had our journey for nothing," remarked woot, who was a little ashamed and disappointed because he had proposed the journey. "i am glad, however," said the tin woodman, "that i have found nimmie amee, and discovered that she is already married and happy. it will relieve me of any further anxiety concerning her." "for my part," said the tin soldier, "i am not sorry to be free. the only thing that really annoys me is finding my head upon chopfyt's body." "as for that, i'm pretty sure it is my body, or a part of it, anyway," remarked the emperor of the winkies. "but never mind, friend soldier; let us be willing to donate our cast-off members to insure the happiness of nimmie amee, and be thankful it is not our fate to hoe cabbages and draw water--and be chided--in the place of this creature chopfyt." "yes," agreed the soldier, "we have much to be thankful for." polychrome, who had wandered outside, now poked her pretty head through an open window and exclaimed in a pleased voice: "it's getting cloudy. perhaps it is going to rain!" chapter twenty-three through the tunnel it didn't rain just then, although the clouds in the sky grew thicker and more threatening. polychrome hoped for a thunder-storm, followed by her rainbow, but the two tin men did not relish the idea of getting wet. they even preferred to remain in nimmie amee's house, although they felt they were not welcome there, rather than go out and face the coming storm. but the scarecrow, who was a very thoughtful person, said to his friends: "if we remain here until after the storm, and polychrome goes away on her rainbow, then we will be prisoners inside the wall of solid air; so it seems best to start upon our return journey at once. if i get wet, my straw stuffing will be ruined, and if you two tin gentlemen get wet, you may perhaps rust again, and become useless. but even that is better than to stay here. once we are free of the barrier, we have woot the wanderer to help us, and he can oil your joints and restuff my body, if it becomes necessary, for the boy is made of meat, which neither rusts nor gets soggy or moldy." "come along, then!" cried polychrome from the window, and the others, realizing the wisdom of the scarecrow's speech, took leave of nimmie amee, who was glad to be rid of them, and said good-bye to her husband, who merely scowled and made no answer, and then they hurried from the house. "your old parts are not very polite, i must say," remarked the scarecrow, when they were in the garden. "no," said woot, "chopfyt is a regular grouch. he might have wished us a pleasant journey, at the very least." "i beg you not to hold us responsible for that creature's actions," pleaded the tin woodman. "we are through with chopfyt and shall have nothing further to do with him." polychrome danced ahead of the party and led them straight to the burrow of the blue rabbit, which they might have had some difficulty in finding without her. there she lost no time in making them all small again. the blue rabbit was busy nibbling cabbage leaves in nimmie amee's garden, so they did not ask his permission but at once entered the burrow. even now the raindrops were beginning to fall, but it was quite dry inside the tunnel and by the time they had reached the other end, outside the circular wall of solid air, the storm was at its height and the rain was coming down in torrents. "let us wait here," proposed polychrome, peering out of the hole and then quickly retreating. "the rainbow won't appear until after the storm and i can make you big again in a jiffy, before i join my sisters on our bow." "that's a good plan," said the scarecrow approvingly. "it will save me from getting soaked and soggy." "it will save me from rusting," said the tin soldier. "it will enable me to remain highly polished," said the tin woodman. "oh, as for that, i myself prefer not to get my pretty clothes wet," laughed the rainbow's daughter. "but while we wait i will bid you all adieu. i must also thank you for saving me from that dreadful giantess, mrs. yoop. you have been good and patient comrades and i have enjoyed our adventures together, but i am never so happy as when on my dear rainbow." "will your father scold you for getting left on the earth?" asked woot. "i suppose so," said polychrome gaily; "i'm always getting scolded for my mad pranks, as they are called. my sisters are so sweet and lovely and proper that they never dance off our rainbow, and so they never have any adventures. adventures to me are good fun, only i never like to stay too long on earth, because i really don't belong here. i shall tell my father the rainbow that i'll try not to be so careless again, and he will forgive me because in our sky mansions there is always joy and happiness." they were indeed sorry to part with their dainty and beautiful companion and assured her of their devotion if they ever chanced to meet again. she shook hands with the scarecrow and the tin men and kissed woot the wanderer lightly upon his forehead. and then the rain suddenly ceased, and as the tiny people left the burrow of the blue rabbit, a glorious big rainbow appeared in the sky and the end of its arch slowly descended and touched the ground just where they stood. woot was so busy watching a score of lovely maidens--sisters of polychrome--who were leaning over the edge of the bow, and another score who danced gaily amid the radiance of the splendid hues, that he did not notice he was growing big again. but now polychrome joined her sisters on the rainbow and the huge arch lifted and slowly melted away as the sun burst from the clouds and sent its own white beams dancing over the meadows. "why, she's gone!" exclaimed the boy, and turned to see his companions still waving their hands in token of adieu to the vanished polychrome. chapter twenty-four the curtain falls well, the rest of the story is quickly told, for the return journey of our adventurers was without any important incident. the scarecrow was so afraid of meeting the hip-po-gy-raf, and having his straw eaten again, that he urged his comrades to select another route to the emerald city, and they willingly consented, so that the invisible country was wholly avoided. of course, when they reached the emerald city their first duty was to visit ozma's palace, where they were royally entertained. the tin soldier and woot the wanderer were welcomed as warmly as any strangers might be who had been the traveling companions of ozma's dear old friends, the scarecrow and the tin woodman. at the banquet table that evening they related the manner in which they had discovered nimmie amee, and told how they had found her happily married to chopfyt, whose relationship to nick chopper and captain fyter was so bewildering that they asked ozma's advice what to do about it. "you need not consider chopfyt at all," replied the beautiful girl ruler of oz. "if nimmie amee is content with that misfit man for a husband, we have not even just cause to blame ku-klip for gluing him together." "i think it was a very good idea," added little dorothy, "for if ku-klip hadn't used up your castoff parts, they would have been wasted. it's wicked to be wasteful, isn't it?" "well, anyhow," said woot the wanderer, "chopfyt, being kept a prisoner by his wife, is too far away from anyone to bother either of you tin men in any way. if you hadn't gone where he is and discovered him, you would never have worried about him." "what do you care, anyhow," betsy bobbin asked the tin woodman, "so long as nimmie amee is satisfied?" "and just to think," remarked tiny trot, "that any girl would rather live with a mixture like chopfyt, on far-away mount munch, than to be the empress of the winkies!" "it is her own choice," said the tin woodman contentedly; "and, after all, i'm not sure the winkies would care to have an empress." it puzzled ozma, for a time, to decide what to do with the tin soldier. if he went with the tin woodman to the emperor's castle, she felt that the two tin men might not be able to live together in harmony, and moreover the emperor would not be so distinguished if he had a double constantly beside him. so she asked captain fyter if he was willing to serve her as a soldier, and he promptly declared that nothing would please him more. after he had been in her service for some time, ozma sent him into the gillikin country, with instructions to keep order among the wild people who inhabit some parts of that unknown country of oz. as for woot, being a wanderer by profession, he was allowed to wander wherever he desired, and ozma promised to keep watch over his future journeys and to protect the boy as well as she was able, in case he ever got into more trouble. all this having been happily arranged, the tin woodman returned to his tin castle, and his chosen comrade, the scarecrow, accompanied him on the way. the two friends were sure to pass many pleasant hours together in talking over their recent adventures, for as they neither ate nor slept they found their greatest amusement in conversation. the famous oz books by l. frank baum: the wizard of oz the land of oz ozma of oz dorothy and the wizard in oz the road to oz the emerald city of oz the patchwork girl of oz tik-tok of oz the scarecrow of oz rinkitink in oz the lost princess of oz the tin woodman of oz the magic of oz glinda of oz the tin woodman of oz a faithful story of the astonishing adventure undertaken by the tin woodman, assisted by woot the wanderer, the scarecrow of oz, and polychrome, the rainbow's daughter by l. frank baum "royal historian of oz" author of all the oz books illustrated by john r. neill the reilly & britton co. chicago [illustration: copyright 1918 by l. frank baum _all rights reserved_] _made in u. s. a._ [illustration: this book is dedicated to the son of my son =frank alden baum=] [illustration: ozma] [illustration] to my readers i know that some of you have been waiting for this story of the tin woodman, because many of my correspondents have asked me, time and again, what ever became of the "pretty munchkin girl" whom nick chopper was engaged to marry before the wicked witch enchanted his axe and he traded his flesh for tin. i, too, have wondered what became of her, but until woot the wanderer interested himself in the matter the tin woodman knew no more than we did. however, he found her, after many thrilling adventures, as you will discover when you have read this story. i am delighted at the continued interest of both young and old in the oz stories. a learned college professor recently wrote me to ask: "for readers of what age are your books intended?" it puzzled me to answer that properly, until i had looked over some of the letters i have received. one says: "i'm a little boy 5 years old, and i just love your oz stories. my sister, who is writing this for me, reads me the oz books, but i wish i could read them myself." another letter says: "i'm a great girl 13 years old, so you'll be surprised when i tell you i am not too old yet for the oz stories." here's another letter: "since i was a young girl i've never missed getting a baum book for christmas. i'm married, now, but am as eager to get and read the oz stories as ever." and still another writes: "my good wife and i, both more than 70 years of age, believe that we find more real enjoyment in your oz books than in any other books we read." considering these statements, i wrote the college professor that my books are intended for all those whose hearts are young, no matter what their ages may be. and while on this subject of letters i am reminded that a good many of my correspondents neglect to slip a 3-cent postage-stamp into their letters, for the answer. you are sending but one letter, you know, while i get so many hundreds of letters that to prepay postage on all the answers to them would be no small burden to me. i think i am justified in promising that there will be some astonishing revelations about the magic of oz in my book for 1919. always your loving and grateful friend, l. frank baum, royal historian of oz. "ozcot" at hollywood in california 1918. list of chapters [illustration] 1 woot the wanderer 13 2 the heart of the tin woodman 25 3 roundabout 35 4 the loons of loonville 46 5 mrs. yoop, the giantess 66 6 the magic of a yookoohoo 81 7 the lace apron 99 8 the menace of the forest 107 9 the quarrelsome dragons 122 10 tommy kwikstep 131 11 jinjur's ranch 143 12 ozma and dorothy 155 13 the restoration 165 14 the green monkey 179 15 the man of tin 185 16 captain fyter 195 17 the workshop of ku-klip 201 18 the tin woodman talks to himself 209 19 the invisible country 229 20 over night 251 21 polychrome's magic 260 22 nimmie amee 271 23 through the tunnel 280 24 the curtain falls 285 [illustration: woot _in court dress_] woot the wanderer [illustration] chapter 1 the tin woodman sat on his glittering tin throne in the handsome tin hall of his splendid tin castle in the winkie country of the land of oz. beside him, in a chair of woven straw, sat his best friend, the scarecrow of oz. at times they spoke to one another of curious things they had seen and strange adventures they had known since first they two had met and become comrades. but at times they were silent, for these things had been talked over many times between them, and they found themselves contented in merely being together, speaking now and then a brief sentence to prove they were wide awake and attentive. but then, these two quaint persons never slept. why should they sleep, when they never tired? and now, as the brilliant sun sank low over the winkie country of oz, tinting the glistening tin towers and tin minarets of the tin castle with glorious sunset hues, there approached along a winding pathway woot the wanderer, who met at the castle entrance a winkie servant. the servants of the tin woodman all wore tin helmets and tin breastplates and uniforms covered with tiny tin discs sewed closely together on silver cloth, so that their bodies sparkled as beautifully as did the tin castle--and almost as beautifully as did the tin woodman himself. woot the wanderer looked at the man servant--all bright and glittering--and at the magnificent castle--all bright and glittering--and as he looked his eyes grew big with wonder. for woot was not very big and not very old and, wanderer though he was, this proved the most gorgeous sight that had ever met his boyish gaze. "who lives here?" he asked. "the emperor of the winkies, who is the famous tin woodman of oz," replied the servant, who had been trained to treat all strangers with courtesy. "a tin woodman? how queer!" exclaimed the little wanderer. "well, perhaps our emperor is queer," admitted the servant; "but he is a kind master and as honest and true as good tin can make him; so we, who gladly serve him, are apt to forget that he is not like other people." "may i see him?" asked woot the wanderer, after a moment's thought. "if it please you to wait a moment, i will go and ask him," said the servant, and then he went into the hall where the tin woodman sat with his friend the scarecrow. both were glad to learn that a stranger had arrived at the castle, for this would give them something new to talk about, so the servant was asked to admit the boy at once. by the time woot the wanderer had passed through the grand corridors--all lined with ornamental tin--and under stately tin archways and through the many tin rooms all set with beautiful tin furniture, his eyes had grown bigger than ever and his whole little body thrilled with amazement. but, astonished though he was, he was able to make a polite bow before the throne and to say in a respectful voice: "i salute your illustrious majesty and offer you my humble services." "very good!" answered the tin woodman in his accustomed cheerful manner. "tell me who you are, and whence you come." "i am known as woot the wanderer," answered the boy, "and i have come, through many travels and by roundabout ways, from my former home in a far corner of the gillikin country of oz." "to wander from one's home," remarked the scarecrow, "is to encounter dangers and hardships, especially if one is made of meat and bone. had you no friends in that corner of the gillikin country? was it not homelike and comfortable?" to hear a man stuffed with straw speak, and speak so well, quite startled woot, and perhaps he stared a bit rudely at the scarecrow. but after a moment he replied: "i had home and friends, your honorable strawness, but they were so quiet and happy and comfortable that i found them dismally stupid. nothing in that corner of oz interested me, but i believed that in other parts of the country i would find strange people and see new sights, and so i set out upon my wandering journey. i have been a wanderer for nearly a full year, and now my wanderings have brought me to this splendid castle." "i suppose," said the tin woodman, "that in this year you have seen so much that you have become very wise." "no," replied woot, thoughtfully, "i am not at all wise, i beg to assure your majesty. the more i wander the less i find that i know, for in the land of oz much wisdom and many things may be learned." "to learn is simple. don't you ask questions?" inquired the scarecrow. "yes; i ask as many questions as i dare; but some people refuse to answer questions." "that is not kind of them," declared the tin woodman. "if one does not ask for information he seldom receives it; so i, for my part, make it a rule to answer any civil question that is asked me." "so do i," added the scarecrow, nodding. "i am glad to hear this," said the wanderer, "for it makes me bold to ask for something to eat." [illustration] "bless the boy!" cried the emperor of the winkies; "how careless of me not to remember that wanderers are usually hungry. i will have food brought you at once." saying this he blew upon a tin whistle that was suspended from his tin neck, and at the summons a servant appeared and bowed low. the tin woodman ordered food for the stranger, and in a few minutes the servant brought in a tin tray heaped with a choice array of good things to eat, all neatly displayed on tin dishes that were polished till they shone like mirrors. the tray was set upon a tin table drawn before the throne, and the servant placed a tin chair before the table for the boy to seat himself. "eat, friend wanderer," said the emperor cordially, "and i trust the feast will be to your liking. i, myself, do not eat, being made in such manner that i require no food to keep me alive. neither does my friend the scarecrow. but all my winkie people eat, being formed of flesh, as you are, and so my tin cupboard is never bare, and strangers are always welcome to whatever it contains." the boy ate in silence for a time, being really hungry, but after his appetite was somewhat satisfied, he said: "how happened your majesty to be made of tin, and still be alive?" "that," replied the tin man, "is a long story." [illustration] "the longer the better," said the boy. "won't you please tell me the story?" "if you desire it," promised the tin woodman, leaning back in his tin throne and crossing his tin legs. "i haven't related my history in a long while, because everyone here knows it nearly as well as i do. but you, being a stranger, are no doubt curious to learn how i became so beautiful and prosperous, so i will recite for your benefit my strange adventures." "thank you," said woot the wanderer, still eating. "i was not always made of tin," began the emperor, "for in the beginning i was a man of flesh and bone and blood and lived in the munchkin country of oz. there i was, by trade, a woodchopper, and contributed my share to the comfort of the oz people by chopping up the trees of the forest to make firewood, with which the women would cook their meals while the children warmed themselves about the fires. for my home i had a little hut by the edge of the forest, and my life was one of much content until i fell in love with a beautiful munchkin girl who lived not far away." "what was the munchkin girl's name?" asked woot. "nimmie amee. this girl, so fair that the sunsets blushed when their rays fell upon her, lived with a powerful witch who wore silver shoes and who had made the poor child her slave. nimmie amee was obliged to work from morning till night for the old witch of the east, scrubbing and sweeping her hut and cooking her meals and washing her dishes. she had to cut firewood, too, until i found her one day in the forest and fell in love with her. after that, i always brought plenty of firewood to nimmie amee and we became very friendly. finally i asked her to marry me, and she agreed to do so, but the witch happened to overhear our conversation and it made her very angry, for she did not wish her slave to be taken away from her. the witch commanded me never to come near nimmie amee again, but i told her i was my own master and would do as i pleased, not realizing that this was a careless way to speak to a witch. "the next day, as i was cutting wood in the forest, the cruel witch enchanted my axe, so that it slipped and cut off my right leg." "how dreadful!" cried woot the wanderer. "yes, it was a seeming misfortune," agreed the tin man, "for a one-legged woodchopper is of little use in his trade. but i would not allow the witch to conquer me so easily. i knew a very skillful mechanic at the other side of the forest, who was my friend, so i hopped on one leg to him and asked him to help me. he soon made me a new leg out of tin and fastened it cleverly to my meat body. it had joints at the knee and at the ankle and was almost as comfortable as the leg i had lost." "your friend must have been a wonderful workman!" exclaimed woot. "he was, indeed," admitted the emperor. "he was a tinsmith by trade and could make anything out of tin. when i returned to nimmie amee, the girl was delighted and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me, declaring she was proud of me. the witch saw the kiss and was more angry than before. when i went to work in the forest, next day, my axe, being still enchanted, slipped and cut off my other leg. again i hopped--on my tin leg--to my friend the tinsmith, who kindly made me another tin leg and fastened it to my body. so i returned joyfully to nimmie amee, who was much pleased with my glittering legs and promised that when we were wed she would always keep them oiled and polished. but the witch was more furious than ever, and as soon as i raised my axe to chop, it twisted around and cut off one of my arms. the tinsmith made me a tin arm and i was not much worried, because nimmie amee declared she still loved me." [illustration] the heart of the tin woodman [illustration] chapter 2 the emperor of the winkies paused in his story to reach for an oil-can, with which he carefully oiled the joints in his tin throat, for his voice had begun to squeak a little. woot the wanderer, having satisfied his hunger, watched this oiling process with much curiosity, but begged the tin man to go on with his tale. "the witch with the silver shoes hated me for having defied her," resumed the emperor, his voice now sounding clear as a bell, "and she insisted that nimmie amee should never marry me. therefore she made the enchanted axe cut off my other arm, and the tinsmith also replaced that member with tin, including these finely-jointed hands that you see me using. but, alas! after that, the axe, still enchanted by the cruel witch, cut my body in two, so that i fell to the ground. then the witch, who was watching from a near-by bush, rushed up and seized the axe and chopped my body into several small pieces, after which, thinking that at last she had destroyed me, she ran away laughing in wicked glee. "but nimmie amee found me. she picked up my arms and legs and head, and made a bundle of them and carried them to the tinsmith, who set to work and made me a fine body of pure tin. when he had joined the arms and legs to the body, and set my head in the tin collar, i was a much better man than ever, for my body could not ache or pain me, and i was so beautiful and bright that i had no need of clothing. clothing is always a nuisance, because it soils and tears and has to be replaced; but my tin body only needs to be oiled and polished. [illustration] "nimmie amee still declared she would marry me, as she still loved me in spite of the witch's evil deeds. the girl declared i would make the brightest husband in all the world, which was quite true. however, the wicked witch was not yet defeated. when i returned to my work the axe slipped and cut off my head, which was the only meat part of me then remaining. moreover, the old woman grabbed up my severed head and carried it away with her and hid it. but nimmie amee came into the forest and found me wandering around helplessly, because i could not see where to go, and she led me to my friend the tinsmith. the faithful fellow at once set to work to make me a tin head, and he had just completed it when nimmie amee came running up with my old head, which she had stolen from the witch. but, on reflection, i considered the tin head far superior to the meat one--i am wearing it yet, so you can see its beauty and grace of outline--and the girl agreed with me that a man all made of tin was far more perfect than one formed of different materials. the tinsmith was as proud of his workmanship as i was, and for three whole days, all admired me and praised my beauty. "being now completely formed of tin, i had no more fear of the wicked witch, for she was powerless to injure me. nimmie amee said we must be married at once, for then she could come to my cottage and live with me and keep me bright and sparkling. "'i am sure, my dear nick,' said the brave and beautiful girl--my name was then nick chopper, you should be told--'that you will make the best husband any girl could have. i shall not be obliged to cook for you, for now you do not eat; i shall not have to make your bed, for tin does not tire or require sleep; when we go to a dance, you will not get weary before the music stops and say you want to go home. all day long, while you are chopping wood in the forest, i shall be able to amuse myself in my own way--a privilege few wives enjoy. there is no temper in your new head, so you will not get angry with me. finally, i shall take pride in being the wife of the only live tin woodman in all the world!' which shows that nimmie amee was as wise as she was brave and beautiful." "i think she was a very nice girl," said woot the wanderer. "but, tell me, please, why were you not killed when you were chopped to pieces?" "in the land of oz," replied the emperor, "no one can ever be killed. a man with a wooden leg or a tin leg is still the same man; and, as i lost parts of my meat body by degrees, i always remained the same person as in the beginning, even though in the end i was all tin and no meat." "i see," said the boy, thoughtfully. "and did you marry nimmie amee?" "no," answered the tin woodman, "i did not. she said she still loved me, but i found that i no longer loved her. my tin body contained no heart, and without a heart no one can love. so the wicked witch conquered in the end, and when i left the munchkin country of oz, the poor girl was still the slave of the witch and had to do her bidding day and night." "where did you go?" asked woot. "well, i first started out to find a heart, so i could love nimmie amee again; but hearts are more scarce than one would think. one day, in a big forest that was strange to me, my joints suddenly became rusted, because i had forgotten to oil them. there i stood, unable to move hand or foot. and there i continued to stand--while days came and went--until dorothy and the scarecrow came along and rescued me. they oiled my joints and set me free, and i've taken good care never to rust again." "who was this dorothy?" questioned the wanderer. "a little girl who happened to be in a house when it was carried by a cyclone all the way from kansas to the land of oz. when the house fell, in the munchkin country, it fortunately landed on the wicked witch and smashed her flat. it was a big house, and i think the witch is under it yet." "no," said the scarecrow, correcting him, "dorothy says the witch turned to dust, and the wind scattered the dust in every direction." "well," continued the tin woodman, "after meeting the scarecrow and dorothy, i went with them to the emerald city, where the wizard of oz gave me a heart. but the wizard's stock of hearts was low, and he gave me a kind heart instead of a loving heart, so that i could not love nimmie amee any more than i did when i was heartless." "couldn't the wizard give you a heart that was both kind and loving?" asked the boy. "no; that was what i asked for, but he said he was so short on hearts, just then, that there was but one in stock, and i could take that or none at all. so i accepted it, and i must say that for its kind it is a very good heart indeed." "it seems to me," said woot, musingly, "that the wizard fooled you. it can't be a very kind heart, you know." "why not?" demanded the emperor. "because it was unkind of you to desert the girl who loved you, and who had been faithful and true to you when you were in trouble. had the heart the wizard gave you been a kind heart, you would have gone back home and made the beautiful munchkin girl your wife, and then brought her here to be an empress and live in your splendid tin castle." the tin woodman was so surprised at this frank speech that for a time he did nothing but stare hard at the boy wanderer. but the scarecrow wagged his stuffed head and said in a positive tone: "this boy is right. i've often wondered, myself, why you didn't go back and find that poor munchkin girl." then the tin woodman stared hard at his friend the scarecrow. but finally he said in a serious tone of voice: "i must admit that never before have i thought of such a thing as finding nimmie amee and making her empress of the winkies. but it is surely not too late, even now, to do this, for the girl must still be living in the munchkin country. and, since this strange wanderer has reminded me of nimmie amee, i believe it is my duty to set out and find her. surely it is not the girl's fault that i no longer love her, and so, if i can make her happy, it is proper that i should do so, and in this way reward her for her faithfulness." [illustration] "quite right, my friend!" agreed the scarecrow. "will you accompany me on this errand?" asked the tin emperor. "of course," said the scarecrow. "and will you take me along?" pleaded woot the wanderer in an eager voice. "to be sure," said the tin woodman, "if you care to join our party. it was you who first told me it was my duty to find and marry nimmie amee, and i'd like you to know that nick chopper, the tin emperor of the winkies, is a man who never shirks his duty, once it is pointed out to him." "it ought to be a pleasure, as well as a duty, if the girl is so beautiful," said woot, well pleased with the idea of the adventure. "beautiful things may be admired, if not loved," asserted the tin man. "flowers are beautiful, for instance, but we are not inclined to marry them. duty, on the contrary, is a bugle call to action, whether you are inclined to act, or not. in this case, i obey the bugle call of duty." "when shall we start?" inquired the scarecrow, who was always glad to embark upon a new adventure. "i don't hear any bugle, but when do we go?" "as soon as we can get ready," answered the emperor. "i'll call my servants at once and order them to make preparations for our journey." roundabout [illustration] chapter 3 woot the wanderer slept that night in the tin castle of the emperor of the winkies and found his tin bed quite comfortable. early the next morning he rose and took a walk through the gardens, where there were tin fountains and beds of curious tin flowers, and where tin birds perched upon the branches of tin trees and sang songs that sounded like the notes of tin whistles. all these wonders had been made by the clever winkie tinsmiths, who wound the birds up every morning so that they would move about and sing. after breakfast the boy went into the throne room, where the emperor was having his tin joints carefully oiled by a servant, while other servants were stuffing sweet, fresh straw into the body of the scarecrow. woot watched this operation with much interest, for the scarecrow's body was only a suit of clothes filled with straw. the coat was buttoned tight to keep the packed straw from falling out and a rope was tied around the waist to hold it in shape and prevent the straw from sagging down. the scarecrow's head was a gunnysack filled with bran, on which the eyes, nose and mouth had been painted. his hands were white cotton gloves stuffed with fine straw. woot noticed that even when carefully stuffed and patted into shape, the straw man was awkward in his movements and decidedly wobbly on his feet, so the boy wondered if the scarecrow would be able to travel with them all the way to the forests of the munchkin country of oz. the preparations made for this important journey were very simple. a knapsack was filled with food and given woot the wanderer to carry upon his back, for the food was for his use alone. the tin woodman shouldered an axe which was sharp and brightly polished, and the scarecrow put the emperor's oil-can in his pocket, that he might oil his friend's joints should they need it. [illustration: i don't hear any bugle] "who will govern the winkie country during your absence?" asked the boy. "why, the country will run itself," answered the emperor. "as a matter of fact, my people do not need an emperor, for ozma of oz watches over the welfare of all her subjects, including the winkies. like a good many kings and emperors, i have a grand title, but very little real power, which allows me time to amuse myself in my own way. the people of oz have but one law to obey, which is: 'behave yourself,' so it is easy for them to abide by this law, and you'll notice they behave very well. but it is time for us to be off, and i am eager to start because i suppose that that poor munchkin girl is anxiously awaiting my coming." "she's waited a long time already, seems to me," remarked the scarecrow, as they left the grounds of the castle and followed a path that led eastward. "true," replied the tin woodman; "but i've noticed that the last end of a wait, however long it has been, is the hardest to endure; so i must try to make nimmie amee happy as soon as possible." "ah; that proves you have a kind heart," remarked the scarecrow, approvingly. "it's too bad he hasn't a loving heart," said woot. "this tin man is going to marry a nice girl through kindness, and not because he loves her, and somehow that doesn't seem quite right." "even so, i am not sure it isn't best for the girl," said the scarecrow, who seemed very intelligent for a straw man, "for a loving husband is not always kind, while a kind husband is sure to make any girl content." "nimmie amee will become an empress!" announced the tin woodman, proudly. "i shall have a tin gown made for her, with tin ruffles and tucks on it, and she shall have tin slippers, and tin earrings and bracelets, and wear a tin crown on her head. i am sure that will delight nimmie amee, for all girls are fond of finery." "are we going to the munchkin country by way of the emerald city?" inquired the scarecrow, who looked upon the tin woodman as the leader of the party. "i think not," was the reply. "we are engaged upon a rather delicate adventure, for we are seeking a girl who fears her former lover has forgotten her. it will be rather hard for me, you must admit, when i confess to nimmie amee that i have come to marry her because it is my duty to do so, and therefore the fewer witnesses there are to our meeting the better for both of us. after i have found nimmie amee and she has managed to control her joy at our reunion, i shall take her to the emerald city and introduce her to ozma and dorothy, and to betsy bobbin and tiny trot, and all our other friends; but, if i remember rightly, poor nimmie amee has a sharp tongue when angry, and she may be a trifle angry with me, at first, because i have been so long in coming to her." "i can understand that," said woot gravely. "but how can we get to that part of the munchkin country where you once lived without passing through the emerald city?" "why, that is easy," the tin man assured him. "i have a map of oz in my pocket," persisted the boy, "and it shows that the winkie country, where we now are, is at the west of oz, and the munchkin country at the east, while directly between them lies the emerald city." "true enough; but we shall go toward the north, first of all, into the gillikin country, and so pass around the emerald city," explained the tin woodman. "that may prove a dangerous journey," replied the boy. "i used to live in one of the top corners of the gillikin country, near to oogaboo, and i have been told that in this northland country are many people whom it is not pleasant to meet. i was very careful to avoid them during my journey south." "a wanderer should have no fear," observed the scarecrow, who was wabbling along in a funny, haphazard manner, but keeping pace with his friends. [illustration] "fear does not make one a coward," returned woot, growing a little red in the face, "but i believe it is more easy to avoid danger than to overcome it. the safest way is the best way, even for one who is brave and determined." "do not worry, for we shall not go far to the north," said the emperor. "my one idea is to avoid the emerald city without going out of our way more than is necessary. once around the emerald city we will turn south into the munchkin country, where the scarecrow and i are well acquainted and have many friends." "i have traveled some in the gillikin country," remarked the scarecrow, "and while i must say i have met some strange people there at times, i have never yet been harmed by them." "well, it's all the same to me," said woot, with assumed carelessness. "dangers, when they cannot be avoided, are often quite interesting, and i am willing to go wherever you two venture to go." so they left the path they had been following and began to travel toward the northeast, and all that day they were in the pleasant winkie country, and all the people they met saluted the emperor with great respect and wished him good luck on his journey. at night they stopped at a house where they were well entertained and where woot was given a comfortable bed to sleep in. "were the scarecrow and i alone," said the tin woodman, "we would travel by night as well as by day; but with a meat person in our party, we must halt at night to permit him to rest." [illustration] "meat tires, after a day's travel," added the scarecrow, "while straw and tin never tire at all. which proves," said he, "that we are somewhat superior to people made in the common way." woot could not deny that he was tired, and he slept soundly until morning, when he was given a good breakfast, smoking hot. "you two miss a great deal by not eating," he said to his companions. "it is true," responded the scarecrow. "we miss suffering from hunger, when food cannot be had, and we miss a stomach-ache, now and then." as he said this, the scarecrow glanced at the tin woodman, who nodded his assent. all that second day they traveled steadily, entertaining one another the while with stories of adventures they had formerly met and listening to the scarecrow recite poetry. he had learned a great many poems from professor wogglebug and loved to repeat them whenever anybody would listen to him. of course woot and the tin woodman now listened, because they could not do otherwise--unless they rudely ran away from their stuffed comrade. one of the scarecrow's recitations was like this: "what sound is so sweet as the straw from the wheat when it crunkles so tender and low? it is yellow and bright, so it gives me delight to crunkle wherever i go. "sweet, fresh, golden straw! there is surely no flaw in a stuffing so clean and compact. it creaks when i walk, and it thrills when i talk, and its fragrance is fine, for a fact. "to cut me don't hurt, for i've no blood to squirt, and i therefore can suffer no pain; the straw that i use doesn't lump up or bruise, though it's pounded again and again! "i know it is said that my beautiful head has brains of mixed wheat-straw and bran, but my thoughts are so good i'd not change, if i could, for the brains of a common meat man. "content with my lot, i'm glad that i'm not like others i meet day by day; if my insides get musty, or mussed-up, or dusty, i get newly stuffed right away." [illustration] the loons of loonville [illustration] chapter 4 toward evening, the travelers found there was no longer a path to guide them, and the purple hues of the grass and trees warned them that they were now in the country of the gillikins, where strange peoples dwelt in places that were quite unknown to the other inhabitants of oz. the fields were wild and uncultivated and there were no houses of any sort to be seen. but our friends kept on walking even after the sun went down, hoping to find a good place for woot the wanderer to sleep; but when it grew quite dark and the boy was weary with his long walk, they halted right in the middle of a field and allowed woot to get his supper from the food he carried in his knapsack. then the scarecrow laid himself down, so that woot could use his stuffed body as a pillow, and the tin woodman stood up beside them all night, so the dampness of the ground might not rust his joints or dull his brilliant polish. whenever the dew settled on his body he carefully wiped it off with a cloth, and so in the morning the emperor shone as brightly as ever in the rays of the rising sun. they wakened the boy at daybreak, the scarecrow saying to him: "we have discovered something queer, and therefore we must counsel together what to do about it." "what have you discovered?" asked woot, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with his knuckles and giving three wide yawns to prove he was fully awake. "a sign," said the tin woodman. "a sign, and another path." "what does the sign say?" inquired the boy. "it says that 'all strangers are warned not to follow this path to loonville,'" answered the scarecrow, who could read very well when his eyes had been freshly painted. [illustration: all strangers are warned not to follow this path to loonville] "in that case," said the boy, opening his knapsack to get some breakfast, "let us travel in some other direction." but this did not seem to please either of his companions. "i'd like to see what loonville looks like," remarked the tin woodman. "when one travels, it is foolish to miss any interesting sight," added the scarecrow. "but a warning means danger," protested woot the wanderer, "and i believe it sensible to keep out of danger whenever we can." they made no reply to this speech for a while. then said the scarecrow: "i have escaped so many dangers, during my lifetime, that i am not much afraid of anything that can happen." "nor am i!" exclaimed the tin woodman, swinging his glittering axe around his tin head, in a series of circles. "few things can injure tin, and my axe is a powerful weapon to use against a foe. but our boy friend," he continued, looking solemnly at woot, "might perhaps be injured if the people of loonville are really dangerous; so i propose he waits here while you and i, friend scarecrow, visit the forbidden city of loonville." "don't worry about me," advised woot, calmly. "wherever you wish to go, i will go, and share your dangers. during my wanderings i have found it more wise to keep out of danger than to venture in, but at that time i was alone, and now i have two powerful friends to protect me." so, when he had finished his breakfast, they all set out along the path that led to loonville. "it is a place i have never heard of before," remarked the scarecrow, as they approached a dense forest. "the inhabitants may be people, of some sort, or they may be animals, but whatever they prove to be, we will have an interesting story to relate to dorothy and ozma on our return." the path led into the forest, but the big trees grew so closely together and the vines and underbrush were so thick and matted that they had to clear a path at each step in order to proceed. in one or two places the tin man, who went first to clear the way, cut the branches with a blow of his axe. woot followed next, and last of the three came the scarecrow, who could not have kept the path at all had not his comrades broken the way for his straw-stuffed body. presently the tin woodman pushed his way through some heavy underbrush, and almost tumbled headlong into a vast cleared space in the forest. the clearing was circular, big and roomy, yet the top branches of the tall trees reached over and formed a complete dome or roof for it. strangely enough, it was not dark in this immense natural chamber in the woodland, for the place glowed with a soft, white light that seemed to come from some unseen source. in the chamber were grouped dozens of queer creatures, and these so astonished the tin man that woot had to push his metal body aside, that he might see, too. and the scarecrow pushed woot aside, so that the three travelers stood in a row, staring with all their eyes. the creatures they beheld were round and ball-like; round in body, round in legs and arms, round in hands and feet and round of head. the only exception to the roundness was a slight hollow on the top of each head, making it saucer-shaped instead of dome-shaped. they wore no clothes on their puffy bodies, nor had they any hair. their skins were all of a light gray color, and their eyes were mere purple spots. their noses were as puffy as the rest of them. "are they rubber, do you think?" asked the scarecrow, who noticed that the creatures bounded, as they moved, and seemed almost as light as air. "it is difficult to tell what they are," answered woot, "they seem to be covered with warts." the loons--for so these folks were called--had been doing many things, some playing together, some working at tasks and some gathered in groups to talk; but at the sound of strange voices, which echoed rather loudly through the clearing, all turned in the direction of the intruders. then, in a body, they all rushed forward, running and bounding with tremendous speed. the tin woodman was so surprised by this sudden dash that he had no time to raise his axe before the loons were on them. the creatures swung their puffy hands, which looked like boxing-gloves, and pounded the three travelers as hard as they could, on all sides. the blows were quite soft and did not hurt our friends at all, but the onslaught quite bewildered them, so that in a brief period all three were knocked over and fell flat upon the ground. once down, many of the loons held them, to prevent their getting up again, while others wound long tendrils of vines about them, binding their arms and legs to their bodies and so rendering them helpless. "aha!" cried the biggest loon of all; "we've got 'em safe; so let's carry 'em to king bal and have 'em tried, and condemned and perforated!" they had to drag their captives to the center of the domed chamber, for their weight, as compared with that of the loons, prevented their being carried. even the scarecrow was much heavier than the puffy loons. but finally the party halted before a raised platform, on which stood a sort of throne, consisting of a big, wide chair with a string tied to one arm of it. this string led upward to the roof of the dome. arranged before the platform, the prisoners were allowed to sit up, facing the empty throne. "good!" said the big loon who had commanded the party. "now to get king bal to judge these terrible creatures we have so bravely captured." as he spoke he took hold of the string and began to pull as hard as he could. one or two of the others helped him and pretty soon, as they drew in the cord, the leaves above them parted and a loon appeared at the other end of the string. it didn't take long to draw him down to the throne, where he seated himself and was tied in, so he wouldn't float upward again. "hello," said the king, blinking his purple eyes at his followers; "what's up now!" "strangers, your majesty--strangers and captives," replied the big loon, pompously. "dear me! i see 'em. i see 'em very plainly," exclaimed the king, his purple eyes bulging out as he looked at the three prisoners. "what curious animals! are they dangerous, do you think, my good panta?" "i'm 'fraid so, your majesty. of course, they may _not_ be dangerous, but we mustn't take chances. enough accidents happen to us poor loons as it is, and my advice is to condemn and perforate 'em as quickly as possible." "keep your advice to yourself," said the monarch, in a peeved tone. "who's king here, anyhow? you or me?" "we made you our king because you have less common sense than the rest of us," answered panta loon, indignantly. "i could have been king myself, had i wanted to, but i didn't care for the hard work and responsibility." as he said this, the big loon strutted back and forth in the space between the throne of king bal and the prisoners, and the other loons seemed much impressed by his defiance. but suddenly there came a sharp report and panta loon instantly disappeared, to the great astonishment of the scarecrow, the tin woodman and woot the wanderer, who saw on the spot where the big fellow had stood a little heap of flabby, wrinkled skin that looked like a collapsed rubber balloon. "there!" exclaimed the king; "i expected that would happen. the conceited rascal wanted to puff himself up until he was bigger than the rest of you, and this is the result of his folly. get the pump working, some of you, and blow him up again." "we will have to mend the puncture first, your majesty," suggested one of the loons, and the prisoners noticed that none of them seemed surprised or shocked at the sad accident to panta. "all right," grumbled the king. "fetch til to mend him." one or two ran away and presently returned, followed by a lady loon wearing huge, puffed-up rubber skirts. also she had a purple feather fastened to a wart on the top of her head, and around her waist was a sash of fibre-like vines, dried and tough, that looked like strings. "get to work, til," commanded king bal. "panta has just exploded." the lady loon picked up the bunch of skin and examined it carefully until she discovered a hole in one foot. then she pulled a strand of string from her sash, and drawing the edges of the hole together, she tied them fast with the string, thus making one of those curious warts which the strangers had noticed on so many loons. having done this, til loon tossed the bit of skin to the other loons and was about to go away when she noticed the prisoners and stopped to inspect them. "dear me!" said til; "what dreadful creatures. where did they come from?" "we captured them," replied one of the loons. "and what are we going to do with them?" inquired the girl loon. "perhaps we'll condemn 'em and puncture 'em," answered the king. "well," said she, still eyeing the captives, "i'm not sure they'll puncture. let's try it, and see." one of the loons ran to the forest's edge and quickly returned with a long, sharp thorn. he glanced at the king, who nodded his head in assent, and then he rushed forward and stuck the thorn into the leg of the scarecrow. the scarecrow merely smiled and said nothing, for the thorn didn't hurt him at all. then the loon tried to prick the tin woodman's leg, but the tin only blunted the point of the thorn. [illustration] "just as i thought," said til, blinking her purple eyes and shaking her puffy head; but just then the loon stuck the thorn into the leg of woot the wanderer, and while it had been blunted somewhat, it was still sharp enough to hurt. "ouch!" yelled woot, and kicked out his leg with so much energy that the frail bonds that tied him burst apart. his foot caught the loon--who was leaning over him--full on his puffy stomach, and sent him shooting up into the air. when he was high over their heads he exploded with a loud "pop" and his skin fell to the ground. "i really believe," said the king, rolling his spot-like eyes in a frightened way, "that panta was right in claiming these prisoners are dangerous. is the pump ready?" some of the loons had wheeled a big machine in front of the throne and now took panta's skin and began to pump air into it. slowly it swelled out until the king cried "stop!" "no, no!" yelled panta, "i'm not big enough yet." "you're as big as you're going to be," declared the king. "before you exploded you were bigger than the rest of us, and that caused you to be proud and overbearing. now you're a little smaller than the rest, and you will last longer and be more humble." "pump me up--pump me up!" wailed panta. "if you don't you'll break my heart." "if we do we'll break your skin," replied the king. so the loons stopped pumping air into panta, and pushed him away from the pump. he was certainly more humble than before his accident, for he crept into the background and said nothing more. [illustration] "now pump up the other one," ordered the king. til had already mended him, and the loons set to work to pump him full of air. during these last few moments none had paid much attention to the prisoners, so woot, finding his legs free, crept over to the tin woodman and rubbed the bonds that were still around his arms and body against the sharp edge of the axe, which quickly cut them. the boy was now free, and the thorn which the loon had stuck into his leg was lying unnoticed on the ground, where the creature had dropped it when he exploded. woot leaned forward and picked up the thorn, and while the loons were busy watching the pump, the boy sprang to his feet and suddenly rushed upon the group. "pop"--"pop"--"pop!" went three of the loons, when the wanderer pricked them with his thorn, and at the sounds the others looked around and saw their danger. with yells of fear they bounded away in all directions, scattering about the clearing, with woot the wanderer in full chase. while they could run much faster than the boy, they often stumbled and fell, or got in one another's way, so he managed to catch several and prick them with his thorn. it astonished him to see how easily the loons exploded. when the air was let out of them they were quite helpless. til loon was one of those who ran against his thorn and many others suffered the same fate. the creatures could not escape from the enclosure, but in their fright many bounded upward and caught branches of the trees, and then climbed out of reach of the dreaded thorn. woot was getting pretty tired chasing them, so he stopped and came over, panting, to where his friends were sitting, still bound. "very well done, my wanderer," said the tin woodman. "it is evident that we need fear these puffed-up creatures no longer, so be kind enough to unfasten our bonds and we will proceed upon our journey." woot untied the bonds of the scarecrow and helped him to his feet. then he freed the tin woodman, who got up without help. looking around them, they saw that the only loon now remaining within reach was bal loon, the king, who had remained seated in his throne, watching the punishment of his people with a bewildered look in his purple eyes. "shall i puncture the king?" the boy asked his companions. [illustration] king bal must have overheard the question, for he fumbled with the cord that fastened him to the throne and managed to release it. then he floated upward until he reached the leafy dome, and parting the branches he disappeared from sight. but the string that was tied to his body was still connected with the arm of the throne, and they knew they could pull his majesty down again, if they wanted to. "let him alone," suggested the scarecrow. "he seems a good enough king for his peculiar people, and after we are gone, the loons will have something of a job to pump up all those whom woot has punctured." "every one of them ought to be exploded," declared woot, who was angry because his leg still hurt him. "no," said the tin woodman, "that would not be just fair. they were quite right to capture us, because we had no business to intrude here, having been warned to keep away from loonville. this is their country, not ours, and since the poor things can't get out of the clearing, they can harm no one save those who venture here out of curiosity, as we did." "well said, my friend," agreed the scarecrow. "we really had no right to disturb their peace and comfort; so let us go away." they easily found the place where they had forced their way into the enclosure, so the tin woodman pushed aside the underbrush and started first along the path. the scarecrow followed next and last came woot, who looked back and saw that the loons were still clinging to their perches on the trees and watching their former captives with frightened eyes. "i guess they're glad to see the last of us," remarked the boy, and laughing at the happy ending of the adventure, he followed his comrades along the path. [illustration] mrs. yoop, the giantess [illustration] chapter 5 when they had reached the end of the path, where they had first seen the warning sign, they set off across the country in an easterly direction. before long they reached rolling lands, which were a succession of hills and valleys where constant climbs and descents were required, and their journey now became tedious, because on climbing each hill, they found before them nothing in the valley below it--except grass, or weeds or stones. up and down they went for hours, with nothing to relieve the monotony of the landscape, until finally, when they had topped a higher hill than usual, they discovered a cup-shaped valley before them in the center of which stood an enormous castle, built of purple stone. the castle was high and broad and long, but had no turrets and towers. so far as they could see, there was but one small window and one big door on each side of the great building. "this is strange!" mused the scarecrow. "i'd no idea such a big castle existed in this gillikin country. i wonder who lives here?" "it seems to me, from this distance," remarked the tin woodman, "that it's the biggest castle i ever saw. it is really too big for any use, and no one could open or shut those big doors without a stepladder." "perhaps, if we go nearer, we shall find out whether anybody lives there or not," suggested woot. "looks to me as if nobody lived there." on they went, and when they reached the center of the valley, where the great stone castle stood, it was beginning to grow dark. so they hesitated as to what to do. "if friendly people happen to live here," said woot, "i shall be glad of a bed; but should enemies occupy the place, i prefer to sleep upon the ground." "and if no one at all lives here," added the scarecrow, "we can enter, and take possession, and make ourselves at home." while speaking he went nearer to one of the great doors, which was three times as high and broad as any he had ever seen in a house before, and then he discovered, engraved in big letters upon a stone over the doorway, the words: "yoop castle" "oho!" he exclaimed; "i know the place now. this was probably the home of mr. yoop, a terrible giant whom i have seen confined in a cage, a long way from here. therefore this castle is likely to be empty and we may use it in any way we please." "yes, yes," said the tin emperor, nodding; "i also remember mr. yoop. but how are we to get into his deserted castle? the latch of the door is so far above our heads that none of us can reach it." they considered this problem for a while, and then woot said to the tin man: [illustration] "if i stand upon your shoulders, i think i can unlatch the door." "climb up, then," was the reply, and when the boy was perched upon the tin shoulders of nick chopper, he was just able to reach the latch and raise it. at once the door swung open, its great hinges making a groaning sound as if in protest, so woot leaped down and followed his companions into a big, bare hallway. scarcely were the three inside, however, when they heard the door slam shut behind them, and this astonished them because no one had touched it. it had closed of its own accord, as if by magic. moreover, the latch was on the outside, and the thought occurred to each one of them that they were now prisoners in this unknown castle. "however," mumbled the scarecrow, "we are not to blame for what cannot be helped; so let us push bravely ahead and see what may be seen." it was quite dark in the hallway, now that the outside door was shut, so as they stumbled along a stone passage they kept close together, not knowing what danger was likely to befall them. suddenly a soft glow enveloped them. it grew brighter, until they could see their surroundings distinctly. they had reached the end of the passage and before them was another huge door. this noiselessly swung open before them, without the help of anyone, and through the doorway they observed a big chamber, the walls of which were lined with plates of pure gold, highly polished. this room was also lighted, although they could discover no lamps, and in the center of it was a great table at which sat an immense woman. she was clad in silver robes embroidered with gay floral designs, and wore over this splendid raiment a short apron of elaborate lace-work. such an apron was no protection, and was not in keeping with the handsome gown, but the huge woman wore it, nevertheless. the table at which she sat was spread with a white cloth and had golden dishes upon it, so the travelers saw that they had surprised the giantess while she was eating her supper. she had her back toward them and did not even turn around, but taking a biscuit from a dish she began to butter it and said in a voice that was big and deep but not especially unpleasant: "why don't you come in and allow the door to shut? you're causing a draught, and i shall catch cold and sneeze. when i sneeze, i get cross, and when i get cross i'm liable to do something wicked. come in, you foolish strangers; come in!" being thus urged, they entered the room and approached the table, until they stood where they faced the great giantess. she continued eating, but smiled in a curious way as she looked at them. woot noticed that the door had closed silently after they had entered, and that didn't please him at all. "well," said the giantess, "what excuse have you to offer?" "we didn't know anyone lived here, madam," explained the scarecrow; "so, being travelers and strangers in these parts, and wishing to find a place for our boy friend to sleep, we ventured to enter your castle." "you knew it was private property, i suppose?" said she, buttering another biscuit. "we saw the words, 'yoop castle,' over the door, but we knew that mr. yoop is a prisoner in a cage in a far-off part of the land of oz, so we decided there was no one now at home and that we might use the castle for the night." "i see," remarked the giantess, nodding her head and smiling again in that curious way--a way that made woot shudder. "you didn't know that mr. yoop was married, or that after he was cruelly captured his wife still lived in his castle, and ran it to suit herself." "who captured mr. yoop?" asked woot, looking gravely at the big woman. "wicked enemies. people who selfishly objected to yoop's taking their cows and sheep for his food. i must admit, however, that yoop had a bad temper, and had the habit of knocking over a few houses, now and then, when he was angry. so one day the little folks came in a great crowd and captured mr. yoop, and carried him away to a cage somewhere in the mountains. i don't know where it is, and i don't care, for my husband treated me badly at times, forgetting the respect a giant owes to a giantess. often he kicked me on my shins, when i wouldn't wait on him. so i'm glad he is gone." "it's a wonder the people didn't capture you, too," remarked woot. "well, i was too clever for them," said she, giving a sudden laugh that caused such a breeze that the wobbly scarecrow was almost blown off his feet and had to grab his friend nick chopper to steady himself. "i saw the people coming," continued mrs. yoop, "and knowing they meant mischief i transformed myself into a mouse and hid in a cupboard. after they had gone away, carrying my shin-kicking husband with them, i transformed myself back to my former shape again, and here i've lived in peace and comfort ever since." "are you a witch, then?" inquired woot. "well, not exactly a witch," she replied, "but i'm an artist in transformations. in other words, i'm more of a yookoohoo than a witch, and of course you know that the yookoohoos are the cleverest magic-workers in the world." the travelers were silent for a time, uneasily considering this statement and the effect it might have on their future. no doubt the giantess had wilfully made them her prisoners; yet she spoke so cheerfully, in her big voice, that until now they had not been alarmed in the least. by and by the scarecrow, whose mixed brains had been working steadily, asked the woman: "are we to consider you our friend, mrs. yoop, or do you intend to be our enemy?" "i never have friends," she said in a matter-of-fact tone, "because friends get too familiar and always forget to mind their own business. but i am not your enemy; not yet, anyhow. indeed, i'm glad you've come, for my life here is rather lonely. i've had no one to talk to since i transformed polychrome, the daughter of the rainbow, into a canary-bird." "how did you manage to do that?" asked the tin woodman, in amazement. "polychrome is a powerful fairy!" "she _was_," said the giantess; "but now she's a canary-bird. one day after a rain, polychrome danced off the rainbow and fell asleep on a little mound in this valley, not far from my castle. the sun came out and drove the rainbow away, and before poly wakened, i stole out and transformed her into a canary-bird in a gold cage studded with diamonds. the cage was so she couldn't fly away. i expected she'd sing and talk and we'd have good times together; but she has proved no company for me at all. ever since the moment of her transformation, she has refused to speak a single word." "where is she now?" inquired woot, who had heard tales of lovely polychrome and was much interested in her. "the cage is hanging up in my bedroom," said the giantess, eating another biscuit. the travelers were now more uneasy and suspicious of the giantess than before. if polychrome, the rainbow's daughter, who was a real fairy, had been transformed and enslaved by this huge woman, who claimed to be a yookoohoo, what was liable to happen to _them_? said the scarecrow, twisting his stuffed head around in mrs. yoop's direction: "do you know, ma'am, who we are?" "of course," said she; "a straw man, a tin man and a boy." "we are very important people," declared the tin woodman. "all the better," she replied. "i shall enjoy your society the more on that account. for i mean to keep you here as long as i live, to amuse me when i get lonely. and," she added slowly, "in this valley no one ever dies." they didn't like this speech at all, so the scarecrow frowned in a way that made mrs. yoop smile, while the tin woodman looked so fierce that mrs. yoop laughed. the scarecrow suspected she was going to laugh, so he slipped behind his friends to escape the wind from her breath. from this safe position he said warningly: "we have powerful friends who will soon come to rescue us." [illustration] "let them come," she returned, with an accent of scorn. "when they get here they will find neither a boy, nor a tin man, nor a scarecrow, for tomorrow morning i intend to transform you all into other shapes, so that you cannot be recognized." this threat filled them with dismay. the good-natured giantess was more terrible than they had imagined. she could smile and wear pretty clothes and at the same time be even more cruel than her wicked husband had been. both the scarecrow and the tin woodman tried to think of some way to escape from the castle before morning, but she seemed to read their thoughts and shook her head. "don't worry your poor brains," said she. "you can't escape me, however hard you try. but why should you wish to escape? i shall give you new forms that are much better than the ones you now have. be contented with your fate, for discontent leads to unhappiness, and unhappiness, in any form, is the greatest evil that can befall you." "what forms do you intend to give us?" asked woot earnestly. "i haven't decided, as yet. i'll dream over it tonight, so in the morning i shall have made up my mind how to transform you. perhaps you'd prefer to choose your own transformations?" "no," said woot, "i prefer to remain as i am." "that's funny," she retorted. "you are little, and you're weak; as you are, you're not much account, anyhow. the best thing about you is that you're alive, for i shall be able to make of you some sort of live creature which will be a great improvement on your present form." [illustration] she took another biscuit from a plate and dipped it in a pot of honey and calmly began eating it. the scarecrow watched her thoughtfully. "there are no fields of grain in your valley," said he; "where, then, did you get the flour to make your biscuits?" "mercy me! do you think i'd bother to make biscuits out of flour?" she replied. "that is altogether too tedious a process for a yookoohoo. i set some traps this afternoon and caught a lot of field-mice, but as i do not like to eat mice, i transformed them into hot biscuits for my supper. the honey in this pot was once a wasp's nest, but since being transformed it has become sweet and delicious. all i need do, when i wish to eat, is to take something i don't care to keep, and transform it into any sort of food i like, and eat it. are you hungry?" "i don't eat, thank you," said the scarecrow. "nor do i," said the tin woodman. "i have still a little natural food in my knapsack," said woot the wanderer, "and i'd rather eat that than any wasp's nest." "every one to his taste," said the giantess carelessly, and having now finished her supper she rose to her feet, clapped her hands together, and the supper table at once disappeared. the magic of a yookoohoo [illustration] chapter 6 woot had seen very little of magic during his wanderings, while the scarecrow and the tin woodman had seen a great deal of many sorts in their lives, yet all three were greatly impressed by mrs. yoop's powers. she did not affect any mysterious airs or indulge in chants or mystic rites, as most witches do, nor was the giantess old and ugly or disagreeable in face or manner. nevertheless, she frightened her prisoners more than any witch could have done. "please be seated," she said to them, as she sat herself down in a great arm-chair and spread her beautiful embroidered skirts for them to admire. but all the chairs in the room were so high that our friends could not climb to the seats of them. mrs. yoop observed this and waved her hand, when instantly a golden ladder appeared leaning against a chair opposite her own. "climb up," said she, and they obeyed, the tin man and the boy assisting the more clumsy scarecrow. when they were all seated in a row on the cushion of the chair, the giantess continued: "now tell me how you happened to travel in this direction, and where you came from and what your errand is." so the tin woodman told her all about nimmie amee, and how he had decided to find her and marry her, although he had no loving heart. the story seemed to amuse the big woman, who then began to ask the scarecrow questions and for the first time in her life heard of ozma of oz, and of dorothy and jack pumpkinhead and dr. pipt and tik-tok and many other oz people who are well known in the emerald city. also woot had to tell his story, which was very simple and did not take long. the giantess laughed heartily when the boy related their adventure at loonville, but said she knew nothing of the loons because she never left her valley. "there are wicked people who would like to capture me, as they did my giant husband, mr. yoop," said she; "so i stay at home and mind my own business." "if ozma knew that you dared to work magic without her consent, she would punish you severely," declared the scarecrow, "for this castle is in the land of oz, and no persons in the land of oz are permitted to work magic except glinda the good and the little wizard who lives with ozma in the emerald city." "_that_ for your ozma!" exclaimed the giantess, snapping her fingers in derision. "what do i care for a girl whom i have never seen and who has never seen me?" "but ozma is a fairy," said the tin woodman, "and therefore she is very powerful. also, we are under ozma's protection, and to injure us in any way would make her extremely angry." "what i do here, in my own private castle in this secluded valley--where no one comes but fools like you--can never be known to your fairy ozma," returned the giantess. "do not seek to frighten me from my purpose, and do not allow yourselves to be frightened, for it is best to meet bravely what cannot be avoided. i am now going to bed, and in the morning i will give you all new forms, such as will be more interesting to me than the ones you now wear. good night, and pleasant dreams." saying this, mrs. yoop rose from her chair and walked through a doorway into another room. so heavy was the tread of the giantess that even the walls of the big stone castle trembled as she stepped. she closed the door of her bedroom behind her, and then suddenly the light went out and the three prisoners found themselves in total darkness. the tin woodman and the scarecrow didn't mind the dark at all, but woot the wanderer felt worried to be left in this strange place in this strange manner, without being able to see any danger that might threaten. "the big woman might have given me a bed, anyhow," he said to his companions, and scarcely had he spoken when he felt something press against his legs, which were then dangling from the seat of the chair. leaning down, he put out his hand and found that a bedstead had appeared, with mattress, sheets and covers, all complete. he lost no time in slipping down upon the bed and was soon fast asleep. during the night the scarecrow and the emperor talked in low tones together, and they got out of the chair and moved all about the room, feeling for some hidden spring that might open a door or window and permit them to escape. morning found them still unsuccessful in the quest and as soon as it was daylight woot's bed suddenly disappeared, and he dropped to the floor with a thump that quickly wakened him. and after a time the giantess came from her bedroom, wearing another dress that was quite as elaborate as the one in which she had been attired the evening before, and also wearing the pretty lace apron. having seated herself in a chair, she said: "i'm hungry; so i'll have breakfast at once." she clapped her hands together and instantly the table appeared before her, spread with snowy linen and laden with golden dishes. but there was no food upon the table, nor anything else except a pitcher of water, a bundle of weeds and a handful of pebbles. but the giantess poured some water into her coffee-pot, patted it once or twice with her hand, and then poured out a cupful of steaming hot coffee. "would you like some?" she asked woot. he was suspicious of magic coffee, but it smelled so good that he could not resist it; so he answered: "if you please, madam." the giantess poured out another cup and set it on the floor for woot. it was as big as a tub, and the golden spoon in the saucer beside the cup was so heavy the boy could scarcely lift it. but woot managed to get a sip of the coffee and found it delicious. mrs. yoop next transformed the weeds into a dish of oatmeal, which she ate with good appetite. "now, then," said she, picking up the pebbles, "i'm wondering whether i shall have fish-balls or lamb-chops to complete my meal. which would you prefer, woot the wanderer?" "if you please, i'll eat the food in my knapsack," answered the boy. "your magic food might taste good, but i'm afraid of it." the woman laughed at his fears and transformed the pebbles into fish-balls. [illustration] "i suppose you think that after you had eaten this food it would turn to stones again and make you sick," she remarked; "but that would be impossible. _nothing i transform ever gets back to its former shape again_, so these fish-balls can never more be pebbles. that is why i have to be careful of my transformations," she added, busily eating while she talked, "for while i can change forms at will i can never change them back again--which proves that even the powers of a clever yookoohoo are limited. when i have transformed you three people, you must always wear the shapes that i have given you." "then please don't transform us," begged woot, "for we are quite satisfied to remain as we are." "i am not expecting to satisfy you, but intend to please myself," she declared, "and my pleasure is to give you new shapes. for, if by chance your friends came in search of you, not one of them would be able to recognize you." her tone was so positive that they knew it would be useless to protest. the woman was not unpleasant to look at; her face was not cruel; her voice was big but gracious in tone; but her words showed that she possessed a merciless heart and no pleadings would alter her wicked purpose. mrs. yoop took ample time to finish her breakfast and the prisoners had no desire to hurry her, but finally the meal was concluded and she folded her napkin and made the table disappear by clapping her hands together. then she turned to her captives and said: "the next thing on the programme is to change your forms." "have you decided what forms to give us?" asked the scarecrow, uneasily. "yes; i dreamed it all out while i was asleep. this tin man seems a very solemn person"--indeed, the tin woodman _was_ looking solemn, just then, for he was greatly disturbed--"so i shall change him into an owl." all she did was to point one finger at him as she spoke, but immediately the form of the tin woodman began to change and in a few seconds nick chopper, the emperor of the winkies, had been transformed into an owl, with eyes as big as saucers and a hooked beak and strong claws. but he was still tin. he was a tin owl, with tin legs and beak and eyes and feathers. when he flew to the back of a chair and perched upon it, his tin feathers rattled against one another with a tinny clatter. the giantess seemed much amused by the tin owl's appearance, for her laugh was big and jolly. "you're not liable to get lost," said she, "for your wings and feathers will make a racket wherever you go. and, on my word, a tin owl is so rare and pretty that it is an improvement on the ordinary bird. i did not intend to make you tin, but i forgot to wish you to be meat. however, tin you were, and tin you are, and as it's too late to change you, that settles it." until now the scarecrow had rather doubted the possibility of mrs. yoop's being able to transform him, or his friend the tin woodman, for they were not made as ordinary people are. he had worried more over what might happen to woot than to himself, but now he began to worry about himself. "madam," he said hastily, "i consider this action very impolite. it may even be called rude, considering we are your guests." "you are not guests, for i did not invite you here," she replied. "perhaps not; but we craved hospitality. we threw ourselves upon your mercy, so to speak, and we now find you have no mercy. therefore, if you will excuse the expression, i must say it is downright wicked to take our proper forms away from us and give us others that we do not care for." "are you trying to make me angry?" she asked, frowning. "by no means," said the scarecrow; "i'm just trying to make you act more ladylike." [illustration] "oh, indeed! in _my_ opinion, mr. scarecrow, you are now acting like a bear--so a bear you shall be!" again the dreadful finger pointed, this time in the scarecrow's direction, and at once his form began to change. in a few seconds he had become a small brown bear, but he was stuffed with straw as he had been before, and when the little brown bear shuffled across the floor he was just as wobbly as the scarecrow had been and moved just as awkwardly. woot was amazed, but he was also thoroughly frightened. "did it hurt?" he asked the little brown bear. "no, of course not," growled the scarecrow in the bear's form; "but i don't like walking on four legs; it's undignified." "consider _my_ humiliation!" chirped the tin owl, trying to settle its tin feathers smoothly with its tin beak. "and i can't see very well, either. the light seems to hurt my eyes." "that's because you are an owl," said woot. "i think you will see better in the dark." "well," remarked the giantess, "i'm very well pleased with these new forms, for my part, and i'm sure you will like them better when you get used to them. so now," she added, turning to the boy, "it is _your_ turn." "don't you think you'd better leave me as i am?" asked woot in a trembling voice. "no," she replied, "i'm going to make a monkey of you. i love monkeys--they're so cute!--and i think a green monkey will be lots of fun and amuse me when i am sad." woot shivered, for again the terrible magic finger pointed, and pointed directly his way. he felt himself changing; not so very much, however, and it didn't hurt him a bit. he looked down at his limbs and body and found that his clothes were gone and his skin covered with a fine, silk-like green fur. his hands and feet were now those of a monkey. he realized he really _was_ a monkey, and his first feeling was one of anger. he began to chatter as monkeys do. he bounded to the seat of a giant chair, and then to its back and with a wild leap sprang upon the laughing giantess. his idea was to seize her hair and pull it out by the roots, and so have revenge for her wicked transformations. but she raised her hand and said: "gently, my dear monkey--gently! you're not angry; you're happy as can be!" woot stopped short. no; he wasn't a bit angry now; he felt as good-humored and gay as ever he did when a boy. instead of pulling mrs. yoop's hair, he perched on her shoulder and smoothed her soft cheek with his hairy paw. in return, she smiled at the funny green animal and patted his head. "very good," said the giantess. "let us all become friends and be happy together. how is my tin owl feeling?" "quite comfortable," said the owl. "i don't like it, to be sure, but i'm not going to allow my new form to make me unhappy. but, tell me, please: what is a tin owl good for?" "you are only good to make me laugh," replied the giantess. "will a stuffed bear also make you laugh?" inquired the scarecrow, sitting back on his haunches to look up at her. "of course," declared the giantess; "and i have added a little magic to your transformations to make you all contented with wearing your new forms. i'm sorry i didn't think to do that when i transformed polychrome into a canary-bird. but perhaps, when she sees how cheerful you are, she will cease to be silent and sullen and take to singing. i will go get the bird and let you see her." with this, mrs. yoop went into the next room and soon returned bearing a golden cage in which sat upon a swinging perch a lovely yellow canary. [illustration] "polychrome," said the giantess, "permit me to introduce to you a green monkey, which used to be a boy called woot the wanderer, and a tin owl, which used to be a tin woodman named nick chopper, and a straw-stuffed little brown bear which used to be a live scarecrow." "we already know one another," declared the scarecrow. "the bird is polychrome, the rainbow's daughter, and she and i used to be good friends." "are you really my old friend, the scarecrow?" asked the bird, in a sweet, low voice. "there!" cried mrs. yoop; "that's the first time she has spoken since she was transformed." "i am really your old friend," answered the scarecrow; "but you must pardon me for appearing just now in this brutal form." "i am a bird, as you are, dear poly," said the tin woodman; "but, alas! a tin owl is not as beautiful as a canary-bird." "how dreadful it all is!" sighed the canary. "couldn't you manage to escape from this terrible yookoohoo?" "no," answered the scarecrow, "we tried to escape, but failed. she first made us her prisoners and then transformed us. but how did she manage to get _you_, polychrome?" "i was asleep, and she took unfair advantage of me," answered the bird sadly. "had i been awake, i could easily have protected myself." "tell me," said the green monkey earnestly, as he came close to the cage, "what must we do, daughter of the rainbow, to escape from these transformations? can't you help us, being a fairy?" [illustration] "at present i am powerless to help even myself," replied the canary. "that's the exact truth!" exclaimed the giantess, who seemed pleased to hear the bird talk, even though it complained; "you are all helpless and in my power, so you may as well make up your minds to accept your fate and be content. remember that you are transformed for good, since no magic on earth can break your enchantments. i am now going out for my morning walk, for each day after breakfast i walk sixteen times around my castle for exercise. amuse yourselves while i am gone, and when i return i hope to find you all reconciled and happy." so the giantess walked to the door by which our friends had entered the great hall and spoke one word: "open!" then the door swung open and after mrs. yoop had passed out it closed again with a snap as its powerful bolts shot into place. the green monkey had rushed toward the opening, hoping to escape, but he was too late and only got a bump on his nose as the door slammed shut. the lace apron [illustration] chapter 7 "now," said the canary, in a tone more brisk than before, "we may talk together more freely, as mrs. yoop cannot hear us. perhaps we can figure out a way to escape." "open!" said woot the monkey, still facing the door; but his command had no effect and he slowly rejoined the others. "you cannot open any door or window in this enchanted castle unless you are wearing the magic apron," said the canary. "what magic apron do you mean?" asked the tin owl, in a curious voice. "the lace one, which the giantess always wears. i have been her prisoner, in this cage, for several weeks, and she hangs my cage in her bedroom every night, so that she can keep her eye on me," explained polychrome the canary. "therefore i have discovered that it is the magic apron that opens the doors and windows, and nothing else can move them. when she goes to bed, mrs. yoop hangs her apron on the bedpost, and one morning she forgot to put it on when she commanded the door to open, and the door would not move. so then she put on the lace apron and the door obeyed her. that was how i learned the magic power of the apron." "i see--i see!" said the little brown bear, wagging his stuffed head. "then, if we could get the apron from mrs. yoop, we could open the doors and escape from our prison." "that is true, and it is the plan i was about to suggest," replied polychrome the canary-bird. "however, i don't believe the owl could steal the apron, or even the bear, but perhaps the monkey could hide in her room at night and get the apron while she is asleep." "i'll try it!" cried woot the monkey. "i'll try it this very night, if i can manage to steal into her bedroom." "you mustn't think about it, though," warned the bird, "for she can read your thoughts whenever she cares to do so. and do not forget, before you escape, to take me with you. once i am out of the power of the giantess, i may discover a way to save us all." "we won't forget our fairy friend," promised the boy; "but perhaps you can tell me how to get into the bedroom." "no," declared polychrome, "i cannot advise you as to that. you must watch for a chance, and slip in when mrs. yoop isn't looking." they talked it over for a while longer and then mrs. yoop returned. when she entered, the door opened suddenly, at her command, and closed as soon as her huge form had passed through the doorway. during that day she entered her bedroom several times, on one errand or another, but always she commanded the door to close behind her and her prisoners found not the slightest chance to leave the big hall in which they were confined. the green monkey thought it would be wise to make a friend of the big woman, so as to gain her confidence, so he sat on the back of her chair and chattered to her while she mended her stockings and sewed silver buttons on some golden shoes that were as big as row-boats. this pleased the giantess and she would pause at times to pat the monkey's head. the little brown bear curled up in a corner and lay still all day. the owl and the canary found they could converse together in the bird language, which neither the giantess nor the bear nor the monkey could understand; so at times they twittered away to each other and passed the long, dreary day quite cheerfully. after dinner mrs. yoop took a big fiddle from a big cupboard and played such loud and dreadful music that her prisoners were all thankful when at last she stopped and said she was going to bed. [illustration] after cautioning the monkey and bear and owl to behave themselves during the night, she picked up the cage containing the canary and, going to the door of her bedroom, commanded it to open. just then, however, she remembered she had left her fiddle lying upon a table, so she went back for it and put it away in the cupboard, and while her back was turned the green monkey slipped through the open door into her bedroom and hid underneath the bed. the giantess, being sleepy, did not notice this, and entering her room she made the door close behind her and then hung the bird-cage on a peg by the window. then she began to undress, first taking off the lace apron and laying it over the bedpost, where it was within easy reach of her hand. as soon as mrs. yoop was in bed the lights all went out, and woot the monkey crouched under the bed and waited patiently until he heard the giantess snoring. then he crept out and in the dark felt around until he got hold of the apron, which he at once tied around his own waist. next, woot tried to find the canary, and there was just enough moonlight showing through the window to enable him to see where the cage hung; but it was out of his reach. at first he was tempted to leave polychrome and escape with his other friends, but remembering his promise to the rainbow's daughter woot tried to think how to save her. a chair stood near the window, and this--showing dimly in the moonlight--gave him an idea. by pushing against it with all his might, he found he could move the giant chair a few inches at a time. so he pushed and pushed until the chair was beneath the bird-cage, and then he sprang noiselessly upon the seat--for his monkey form enabled him to jump higher than he could do as a boy--and from there to the back of the chair, and so managed to reach the cage and take it off the peg. then down he sprang to the floor and made his way to the door. [illustration] "open!" he commanded, and at once the door obeyed and swung open. but his voice wakened mrs. yoop, who gave a wild cry and sprang out of bed with one bound. the green monkey dashed through the doorway, carrying the cage with him, and before the giantess could reach the door it slammed shut and imprisoned her in her own bed-chamber! the noise she made, pounding upon the door, and her yells of anger and dreadful threats of vengeance, filled all our friends with terror, and woot the monkey was so excited that in the dark he could not find the outer door of the hall. but the tin owl could see very nicely in the dark, so he guided his friends to the right place and when all were grouped before the door woot commanded it to open. the magic apron proved as powerful as when it had been worn by the giantess, so a moment later they had rushed through the passage and were standing in the fresh night air outside the castle, free to go wherever they willed. the menace of the forest [illustration] chapter 8 "quick!" cried polychrome the canary; "we must hurry, or mrs. yoop may find some way to recapture us, even now. let us get out of her valley as soon as possible." so they set off toward the east, moving as swiftly as they could, and for a long time they could hear the yells and struggles of the imprisoned giantess. the green monkey could run over the ground very swiftly, and he carried with him the bird-cage containing polychrome the rainbow's daughter. also the tin owl could skip and fly along at a good rate of speed, his feathers rattling against one another with a tinkling sound as he moved. but the little brown bear, being stuffed with straw, was a clumsy traveler and the others had to wait for him to follow. however, they were not very long in reaching the ridge that led out of mrs. yoop's valley, and when they had passed this ridge and descended into the next valley they stopped to rest, for the green monkey was tired. "i believe we are safe, now," said polychrome, when her cage was set down and the others had all gathered around it, "for mrs. yoop dares not go outside of her own valley, for fear of being captured by her enemies. so we may take our time to consider what to do next." "i'm afraid poor mrs. yoop will starve to death, if no one lets her out of her bedroom," said woot, who had a heart as kind as that of the tin woodman. "we've taken her magic apron away, and now the doors will never open." "don't worry about that," advised polychrome. "mrs. yoop has plenty of magic left to console her." "are you sure of that?" asked the green monkey. "yes, for i've been watching her for weeks," said the canary. "she has six magic hairpins, which she wears in her hair, and a magic ring which she wears on her thumb and which is invisible to all eyes except those of a fairy, and magic bracelets on both her ankles. so i am positive that she will manage to find a way out of her prison." "she might transform the door into an archway," suggested the little brown bear. "that would be easy for her," said the tin owl; "but i'm glad she was too angry to think of that before we got out of her valley." "well, we have escaped the big woman, to be sure," remarked the green monkey, "but we still wear the awful forms the cruel yookoohoo gave us. how are we going to get rid of these shapes, and become ourselves again?" none could answer that question. they sat around the cage, brooding over the problem, until the monkey fell asleep. seeing this, the canary tucked her head under her wing and also slept, and the tin owl and the brown bear did not disturb them until morning came and it was broad daylight. "i'm hungry," said woot, when he wakened, for his knapsack of food had been left behind at the castle. "then let us travel on until we can find something for you to eat," returned the scarecrow bear. "there is no use in your lugging my cage any farther," declared the canary. "let me out, and throw the cage away. then i can fly with you and find my own breakfast of seeds. also i can search for water, and tell you where to find it." so the green monkey unfastened the door of the golden cage and the canary hopped out. at first she flew high in the air and made great circles overhead, but after a time she returned and perched beside them. "at the east, in the direction we were following," announced the canary, "there is a fine forest, with a brook running through it. in the forest there may be fruits or nuts growing, or berry bushes at its edge, so let us go that way." [illustration] they agreed to this and promptly set off, this time moving more deliberately. the tin owl, which had guided their way during the night, now found the sunshine very trying to his big eyes, so he shut them tight and perched upon the back of the little brown bear, which carried the owl's weight with ease. the canary sometimes perched upon the green monkey's shoulder and sometimes fluttered on ahead of the party, and in this manner they traveled in good spirits across that valley and into the next one to the east of it. this they found to be an immense hollow, shaped like a saucer, and on its farther edge appeared the forest which polychrome had seen from the sky. "come to think of it," said the tin owl, waking up and blinking comically at his friends, "there's no object, now, in our traveling to the munchkin country. my idea in going there was to marry nimmie amee, but however much the munchkin girl may have loved a tin woodman, i cannot reasonably expect her to marry a tin owl." "there is some truth in that, my friend," remarked the brown bear. "and to think that i, who was considered the handsomest scarecrow in the world, am now condemned to be a scrubby, no-account beast, whose only redeeming feature is that he is stuffed with straw!" "consider _my_ case, please," said woot. "the cruel giantess has made a monkey of a boy, and that is the most dreadful deed of all!" "your color is rather pretty," said the brown bear, eyeing woot critically. "i have never seen a pea-green monkey before, and it strikes me you are quite gorgeous." "it isn't so bad to be a bird," asserted the canary, fluttering from one to another with a free and graceful motion, "but i long to enjoy my own shape again." "as polychrome, you were the loveliest maiden i have ever seen--except, of course, ozma," said the tin owl; "so the giantess did well to transform you into the loveliest of all birds, if you were to be transformed at all. but tell me, since you are a fairy, and have a fairy wisdom: do you think we shall be able to break these enchantments?" "queer things happen in the land of oz," replied the canary, again perching on the green monkey's shoulder and turning one bright eye thoughtfully toward her questioner. "mrs. yoop has declared that none of her transformations can ever be changed, even by herself, but i believe that if we could get to glinda, the good sorceress, she might find a way to restore us to our natural shapes. glinda, as you know, is the most powerful sorceress in the world, and there are few things she cannot do if she tries." "in that case," said the little brown bear, "let us return southward and try to get to glinda's castle. it lies in the quadling country, you know, so it is a good way from here." "first, however, let us visit the forest and search for something to eat," pleaded woot. so they continued on to the edge of the forest, which consisted of many tall and beautiful trees. they discovered no fruit trees, at first, so the green monkey pushed on into the forest depths and the others followed close behind him. they were traveling quietly along, under the shade of the trees, when suddenly an enormous jaguar leaped upon them from a limb and with one blow of his paw sent the little brown bear tumbling over and over until he was stopped by a tree-trunk. instantly they all took alarm. the tin owl shrieked: "hoot--hoot!" and flew straight up to the branch of a tall tree, although he could scarcely see where he was going. the canary swiftly darted to a place beside the owl, and the green monkey sprang up, caught a limb, and soon scrambled to a high perch of safety. the jaguar crouched low and with hungry eyes regarded the little brown bear, which slowly got upon its feet and asked reproachfully: "for goodness' sake, beast, what were you trying to do?" "trying to get my breakfast," answered the jaguar with a snarl, "and i believe i've succeeded. you ought to make a delicious meal--unless you happen to be old and tough." "i'm worse than that, considered as a breakfast," said the bear, "for i'm only a skin stuffed with straw, and therefore not fit to eat." "indeed!" cried the jaguar, in a disappointed voice; "then you must be a magic bear, or enchanted, and i must seek my breakfast from among your companions." with this he raised his lean head to look up at the tin owl and the canary and the monkey, and he lashed his tail upon the ground and growled as fiercely as any jaguar could. "my friends are enchanted, also," said the little brown bear. "all of them?" asked the jaguar. "yes. the owl is tin, so you couldn't possibly eat him. the canary is a fairy--polychrome, the daughter of the rainbow--and you never could catch her because she can easily fly out of your reach." "there still remains the green monkey," remarked the jaguar hungrily. "he is neither made of tin nor stuffed with straw, nor can he fly. i'm pretty good at climbing trees, myself, so i think i'll capture the monkey and eat him for my breakfast." woot the monkey, hearing this speech from his perch on the tree, became much frightened, for he knew the nature of jaguars and realized they could climb trees and leap from limb to limb with the agility of cats. so he at once began to scamper through the forest as fast as he could go, catching at a branch with his long monkey arms and swinging his green body through space to grasp another branch in a neighboring tree, and so on, while the jaguar followed him from below, his eyes fixed steadfastly on his prey. but presently woot got his feet tangled in the lace apron, which he was still wearing, and that tripped him in his flight and made him fall to the ground, where the jaguar placed one huge paw upon him and said grimly: "i've got you, now!" the fact that the apron had tripped him made woot remember its magic powers, and in his terror he cried out: "open!" without stopping to consider how this command might save him. but, at the word, the earth opened at the exact spot where he lay under the jaguar's paw, and his body sank downward, the earth closing over it again. the last thing woot the monkey saw, as he glanced upward, was the jaguar peering into the hole in astonishment. [illustration] "he's gone!" cried the beast, with a long-drawn sigh of disappointment; "he's gone, and now i shall have no breakfast." the clatter of the tin owl's wings sounded above him, and the little brown bear came trotting up and asked: "where is the monkey? have you eaten him so quickly?" "no, indeed," answered the jaguar. "he disappeared into the earth before i could take one bite of him!" and now the canary perched upon a stump, a little way from the forest beast, and said: "i am glad our friend has escaped you; but, as it is natural for a hungry beast to wish his breakfast, i will try to give you one." "thank you," replied the jaguar. "you're rather small for a full meal, but it's kind of you to sacrifice yourself to my appetite." "oh, i don't intend to be eaten, i assure you," said the canary, "but as i am a fairy i know something of magic, and though i am now transformed into a bird's shape, i am sure i can conjure up a breakfast that will satisfy you." "if you can work magic, why don't you break the enchantment you are under and return to your proper form?" inquired the beast doubtingly. "i haven't the power to do that," answered the canary, "for mrs. yoop, the giantess who transformed me, used a peculiar form of yookoohoo magic that is unknown to me. however, she could not deprive me of my own fairy knowledge, so i will try to get you a breakfast." "do you think a magic breakfast would taste good, or relieve the pangs of hunger i now suffer?" asked the jaguar. "i am sure it would. what would you like to eat?" "give me a couple of fat rabbits," said the beast. "rabbits! no, indeed. i'd not allow you to eat the dear little things," declared polychrome the canary. "well, three or four squirrels, then," pleaded the jaguar. "do you think me so cruel?" demanded the canary, indignantly. "the squirrels are my especial friends." "how about a plump owl?" asked the beast. "not a tin one, you know, but a real meat owl." "neither beast nor bird shall you have," said polychrome in a positive voice. "give me a fish, then; there's a river a little way off," proposed the jaguar. "no living thing shall be sacrificed to feed you," returned the canary. "then what in the world do you expect me to eat?" said the jaguar in a scornful tone. "how would mush-and-milk do?" asked the canary. the jaguar snarled in derision and lashed his tail against the ground angrily. [illustration] "give him some scrambled eggs on toast, poly," suggested the bear scarecrow. "he ought to like that." "i will," responded the canary, and fluttering her wings she made a flight of three circles around the stump. then she flew up to a tree and the bear and the owl and the jaguar saw that upon the stump had appeared a great green leaf upon which was a large portion of scrambled eggs on toast, smoking hot. "there!" said the bear; "eat your breakfast, friend jaguar, and be content." the jaguar crept closer to the stump and sniffed the fragrance of the scrambled eggs. they smelled so good that he tasted them, and they tasted so good that he ate the strange meal in a hurry, proving he had been really hungry. "i prefer rabbits," he muttered, licking his chops, "but i must admit the magic breakfast has filled my stomach full, and brought me comfort. so i'm much obliged for the kindness, little fairy, and i'll now leave you in peace." saying this, he plunged into the thick underbrush and soon disappeared, although they could hear his great body crashing through the bushes until he was far distant. "that was a good way to get rid of the savage beast, poly," said the tin woodman to the canary; "but i'm surprised that you didn't give our friend woot a magic breakfast, when you knew he was hungry." "the reason for that," answered polychrome, "was that my mind was so intent on other things that i quite forgot my power to produce food by magic. but where _is_ the monkey boy?" "gone!" said the scarecrow bear, solemnly. "the earth has swallowed him up." [illustration] the quarrelsome dragons [illustration] chapter 9 the green monkey sank gently into the earth for a little way and then tumbled swiftly through space, landing on a rocky floor with a thump that astonished him. then he sat up, found that no bones were broken, and gazed around him. he seemed to be in a big underground cave, which was dimly lighted by dozens of big round discs that looked like moons. they were not moons, however, as woot discovered when he had examined the place more carefully. they were eyes. the eyes were in the heads of enormous beasts whose bodies trailed far behind them. each beast was bigger than an elephant, and three times as long, and there were a dozen or more of the creatures scattered here and there about the cavern. on their bodies were big scales, as round as pie-plates, which were beautifully tinted in shades of green, purple and orange. on the ends of their long tails were clusters of jewels. around the great, moon-like eyes were circles of diamonds which sparkled in the subdued light that glowed from the eyes. woot saw that the creatures had wide mouths and rows of terrible teeth and, from tales he had heard of such beings, he knew he had fallen into a cavern inhabited by the great dragons that had been driven from the surface of the earth and were only allowed to come out once in a hundred years to search for food. of course he had never seen dragons before, yet there was no mistaking them, for they were unlike any other living creatures. woot sat upon the floor where he had fallen, staring around, and the owners of the big eyes returned his look, silently and motionless. finally one of the dragons which was farthest away from him asked, in a deep, grave voice: "what was that?" and the greatest dragon of all, who was just in front of the green monkey, answered in a still deeper voice: "it is some foolish animal from outside." "is it good to eat?" inquired a smaller dragon beside the great one. "i'm hungry." "hungry!" exclaimed all the dragons, in a reproachful chorus; and then the great one said chidingly: "tut-tut, my son! you've no reason to be hungry at _this_ time." "why not?" asked the little dragon. "i haven't eaten anything in eleven years." "eleven years is nothing," remarked another dragon, sleepily opening and closing his eyes; "_i_ haven't feasted for eighty-seven years, and i dare not get hungry for a dozen or so years to come. children who eat between meals should be broken of the habit." "all i had, eleven years ago, was a rhinoceros, and that's not a full meal at all," grumbled the young one. "and, before that, i had waited sixty-two years to be fed; so it's no wonder i'm hungry." "how old are you now?" asked woot, forgetting his own dangerous position in his interest in the conversation. "why, i'm--i'm-how old am i, father?" asked the little dragon. "goodness gracious! what a child to ask questions. do you want to keep me thinking all the time? don't you know that thinking is very bad for dragons?" returned the big one, impatiently. "how old am i, father?" persisted the small dragon. "about six hundred and thirty, i believe. ask your mother." "no; don't!" said an old dragon in the background; "haven't i enough worries, what with being wakened in the middle of a nap, without being obliged to keep track of my children's ages?" "you've been fast asleep for over sixty years, mother," said the child dragon. "how long a nap do you wish?" "i should have slept forty years longer. and this strange little green beast should be punished for falling into our cavern and disturbing us." "i didn't know you were here, and i didn't know i was going to fall in," explained woot. "nevertheless, here you are," said the great dragon, "and you have carelessly wakened our entire tribe; so it stands to reason you must be punished." "in what way?" inquired the green monkey, trembling a little. "give me time and i'll think of a way. you're in no hurry, are you?" asked the great dragon. "no, indeed," cried woot. "take your time. i'd much rather you'd all go to sleep again, and punish me when you wake up in a hundred years or so." "let me eat him!" pleaded the littlest dragon. "he is too small," said the father. "to eat this one green monkey would only serve to make you hungry for more, and there _are_ no more." "quit this chatter and let me get to sleep," protested another dragon, yawning in a fearful manner, for when he opened his mouth a sheet of flame leaped forth from it and made woot jump back to get out of its way. [illustration] in his jump he bumped against the nose of a dragon behind him, which opened its mouth to growl and shot another sheet of flame at him. the flame was bright, but not very hot, yet woot screamed with terror and sprang forward with a great bound. this time he landed on the paw of the great chief dragon, who angrily raised his other front paw and struck the green monkey a fierce blow. woot went sailing through the air and fell sprawling upon the rocky floor far beyond the place where the dragon tribe was grouped. all the great beasts were now thoroughly wakened and aroused, and they blamed the monkey for disturbing their quiet. the littlest dragon darted after woot and the others turned their unwieldy bodies in his direction and followed, flashing from their eyes and mouths flames which lighted up the entire cavern. woot almost gave himself up for lost, at that moment, but he scrambled to his feet and dashed away to the farthest end of the cave, the dragons following more leisurely because they were too clumsy to move fast. perhaps they thought there was no need of haste, as the monkey could not escape from the cave. but, away up at the end of the place, the cavern floor was heaped with tumbled rocks, so woot, with an agility born of fear, climbed from rock to rock until he found himself crouched against the cavern roof. there he waited, for he could go no farther, while on over the tumbled rocks slowly crept the dragons--the littlest one coming first because he was hungry as well as angry. the beasts had almost reached him when woot, remembering his lace apron--now sadly torn and soiled--recovered his wits and shouted: "open!" at the cry a hole appeared in the roof of the cavern, just over his head, and through it the sunlight streamed full upon the green monkey. the dragons paused, astonished at the magic and blinking at the sunlight, and this gave woot time to climb through the opening. as soon as he reached the surface of the earth the hole closed again, and the boy monkey realized, with a thrill of joy, that he had seen the last of the dangerous dragon family. he sat upon the ground, still panting hard from his exertions, when the bushes before him parted and his former enemy, the jaguar, appeared. "don't run," said the woodland beast, as woot sprang up; "you are perfectly safe, so far as i am concerned, for since you so mysteriously disappeared i have had my breakfast. i am now on my way home, to sleep the rest of the day." "oh, indeed!" returned the green monkey, in a tone both sorry and startled. "which of my friends did you manage to eat?" "none of them," returned the jaguar, with a sly grin. "i had a dish of magic scrambled eggs--on toast--and it wasn't a bad feast, at all. there isn't room in me for even you, and i don't regret it because i judge, from your green color, that you are not ripe, and would make an indifferent meal. we jaguars have to be careful of our digestions. farewell, friend monkey. follow the path i made through the bushes and you will find your friends." with this the jaguar marched on his way and woot took his advice and followed the trail he had made until he came to the place where the little brown bear, and the tin owl, and the canary were conferring together and wondering what had become of their comrade, the green monkey. [illustration] tommy kwikstep [illustration] chapter 10 "our best plan," said the scarecrow bear, when the green monkey had related the story of his adventure with the dragons, "is to get out of this gillikin country as soon as we can and try to find our way to the castle of glinda, the good sorceress. there are too many dangers lurking here to suit me, and glinda may be able to restore us to our proper forms." "if we turn south now," the tin owl replied, "we might go straight into the emerald city. that's a place i wish to avoid, for i'd hate to have my friends see me in this sad plight," and he blinked his eyes and fluttered his tin wings mournfully. "but i am certain we have passed _beyond_ emerald city," the canary assured him, sailing lightly around their heads. "so, should we turn south from here, we would pass into the munchkin country, and continuing south we would reach the quadling country where glinda's castle is located." "well, since you're sure of that, let's start right away," proposed the bear. "it's a long journey, at the best, and i'm getting tired of walking on four legs." "i thought you never tired, being stuffed with straw," said woot. "i mean that it annoys me, to be obliged to go on all fours, when two legs are my proper walking equipment," replied the scarecrow. "i consider it beneath my dignity. in other words, my remarkable brains can tire, through humiliation, although my body cannot tire." "that is one of the penalties of having brains," remarked the tin owl with a sigh. "i have had no brains since i was a man of meat, and so i never worry. nevertheless, i prefer my former manly form to this owl's shape and would be glad to break mrs. yoop's enchantment as soon as possible. i am so noisy, just now, that i disturb myself," and he fluttered his wings with a clatter that echoed throughout the forest. so, being all of one mind, they turned southward, traveling steadily on until the woods were left behind and the landscape turned from purple tints to blue tints, which assured them they had entered the country of the munchkins. "now i feel myself more safe," said the scarecrow bear. "i know this country pretty well, having been made here by a munchkin farmer and having wandered over these lovely blue lands many times. seems to me, indeed, that i even remember that group of three tall trees ahead of us; and, if i do, we are not far from the home of my friend jinjur." "who is jinjur?" asked woot, the green monkey. "haven't you heard of jinjur?" exclaimed the scarecrow, in surprise. "no," said woot. "is jinjur a man, a woman, a beast or a bird?" "jinjur is a girl," explained the scarecrow bear. "she's a fine girl, too, although a bit restless and liable to get excited. once, a long time ago, she raised an army of girls and called herself 'general jinjur.' with her army she captured the emerald city, and drove me out of it, because i insisted that an army in oz was highly improper. but ozma punished the rash girl, and afterward jinjur and i became fast friends. now jinjur lives peacefully on a farm, near here, and raises fields of cream-puffs, chocolate-caramels and macaroons. they say she's a pretty good farmer, and in addition to that she's an artist, and paints pictures so perfect that one can scarcely tell them from nature. she often repaints my face for me, when it gets worn or mussy, and the lovely expression i wore when the giantess transformed me was painted by jinjur only a month or so ago." "it was certainly a pleasant expression," agreed woot. "jinjur can paint anything," continued the scarecrow bear, with enthusiasm, as they walked along together. "once, when i came to her house, my straw was old and crumpled, so that my body sagged dreadfully. i needed new straw to replace the old, but jinjur had no straw on all her ranch and i was really unable to travel farther until i had been restuffed. when i explained this to jinjur, the girl at once painted a straw-stack which was so natural that i went to it and secured enough straw to fill all my body. it was a good quality of straw, too, and lasted me a long time." this seemed very wonderful to woot, who knew that such a thing could never happen in any place but a fairy country like oz. the munchkin country was much nicer than the gillikin country, and all the fields were separated by blue fences, with grassy lanes and paths of blue ground, and the land seemed well cultivated. they were on a little hill looking down upon this favored country, but had not quite reached the settled parts, when on turning a bend in the path they were halted by a form that barred their way. a more curious creature they had seldom seen, even in the land of oz, where curious creatures abound. it had the head of a young man--evidently a munchkin--with a pleasant face and hair neatly combed. but the body was very long, for it had twenty legs--ten legs on each side--and this caused the body to stretch out and lie in a horizontal position, so that all the legs could touch the ground and stand firm. from the shoulders extended two small arms; at least, they seemed small beside so many legs. this odd creature was dressed in the regulation clothing of the munchkin people, a dark blue coat neatly fitting the long body and each pair of legs having a pair of sky-blue trousers, with blue-tinted stockings and blue leather shoes turned up at the pointed toes. "i wonder who you are?" said polychrome the canary, fluttering above the strange creature, who had probably been asleep on the path. "i sometimes wonder, myself, who i am," replied the many-legged young man; "but, in reality, i am tommy kwikstep, and i live in a hollow tree that fell to the ground with age. i have polished the inside of it, and made a door at each end, and that's a very comfortable residence for me because it just fits my shape." "how did you happen to have such a shape?" asked the scarecrow bear, sitting on his haunches and regarding tommy kwikstep with a serious look. "is the shape natural?" [illustration] "no; it was wished on me," replied tommy, with a sigh. "i used to be very active and loved to run errands for anyone who needed my services. that was how i got my name of tommy kwikstep. i could run an errand more quickly than any other boy, and so i was very proud of myself. one day, however, i met an old lady who was a fairy, or a witch, or something of the sort, and she said if i would run an errand for her--to carry some magic medicine to another old woman--she would grant me just one wish, whatever the wish happened to be. of course i consented and, taking the medicine, i hurried away. it was a long distance, mostly up hill, and my legs began to grow weary. without thinking what i was doing i said aloud: 'dear me; i wish i had twenty legs!' and in an instant i became the unusual creature you see beside you. twenty legs! twenty on one man! you may count them, if you doubt my word." "you've got 'em, all right," said woot the monkey, who had already counted them. "after i had delivered the magic medicine to the old woman, i returned and tried to find the witch, or fairy, or whatever she was, who had given me the unlucky wish, so she could take it away again. i've been searching for her ever since, but never can i find her," continued poor tommy kwikstep, sadly. "i suppose," said the tin owl, blinking at him, "you can travel very fast, with those twenty legs." "at first i was able to," was the reply; "but i traveled so much, searching for the fairy, or witch, or whatever she was, that i soon got corns on my toes. now, a corn on one toe is not so bad, but when you have a hundred toes--as i have--and get corns on most of them, it is far from pleasant. instead of running, i now painfully crawl, and although i try not to be discouraged i do hope i shall find that witch or fairy, or whatever she was, before long." "i hope so, too," said the scarecrow. "but, after all, you have the pleasure of knowing you are unusual, and therefore remarkable among the people of oz. to be just like other persons is small credit to one, while to be unlike others is a mark of distinction." "that _sounds_ very pretty," returned tommy kwikstep, "but if you had to put on ten pair of trousers every morning, and tie up twenty shoes, you would prefer not to be so distinguished." "was the witch, or fairy, or whatever she was, an old person, with wrinkled skin, and half her teeth gone?" inquired the tin owl. "no," said tommy kwikstep. "then she wasn't old mombi," remarked the transformed emperor. "i'm not interested in who it _wasn't_, so much as i am in who it _was_," said the twenty-legged young man. "and, whatever or whomsoever she was, she has managed to keep out of my way." "if you found her, do you suppose she'd change you back into a two-legged boy?" asked woot. "perhaps so, if i could run another errand for her and so earn another wish." "would you really like to be as you were before?" asked polychrome the canary, perching upon the green monkey's shoulder to observe tommy kwikstep more attentively. "i would, indeed," was the earnest reply. "then i will see what i can do for you," promised the rainbow's daughter, and flying to the ground she took a small twig in her bill and with it made several mystic figures on each side of tommy kwikstep. "are _you_ a witch, or fairy, or something of the sort?" he asked as he watched her wonderingly. the canary made no answer, for she was busy, but the scarecrow bear replied: "yes; she's something of the sort, and a bird of a magician." [illustration] the twenty-legged boy's transformation happened so queerly that they were all surprised at its method. first, tommy kwikstep's last two legs disappeared; then the next two, and the next, and as each pair of legs vanished his body shortened. all this while polychrome was running around him and chirping mystical words, and when all the young man's legs had disappeared but two he noticed that the canary was still busy and cried out in alarm: "stop--stop! leave me _two_ of my legs, or i shall be worse off than before." "i know," said the canary. "i'm only removing with my magic the corns from your last ten toes." "thank you for being so thoughtful," he said gratefully, and now they noticed that tommy kwikstep was quite a nice looking young fellow. "what will you do now?" asked woot the monkey. "first," he answered, "i must deliver a note which i've carried in my pocket ever since the witch, or fairy, or whatever she was, granted my foolish wish. and i am resolved never to speak again without taking time to think carefully on what i am going to say, for i realize that speech without thought is dangerous. and after i've delivered the note, i shall run errands again for anyone who needs my services." so he thanked polychrome again and started away in a different direction from their own, and that was the last they saw of tommy kwikstep. jinjur's ranch [illustration] chapter 11 as they followed a path down the blue-grass hillside, the first house that met the view of the travelers was joyously recognized by the scarecrow bear as the one inhabited by his friend jinjur, so they increased their speed and hurried toward it. on reaching the place, however, they found the house deserted. the front door stood open, but no one was inside. in the garden surrounding the house were neat rows of bushes bearing cream-puffs and macaroons, some of which were still green, but others ripe and ready to eat. farther back were fields of caramels, and all the land seemed well cultivated and carefully tended. they looked through the fields for the girl farmer, but she was nowhere to be seen. "well," finally remarked the little brown bear, "let us go into the house and make ourselves at home. that will be sure to please my friend jinjur, who happens to be away from home just now. when she returns, she will be greatly surprised." "would she care if i ate some of those ripe cream-puffs?" asked the green monkey. "no, indeed; jinjur is very generous. help yourself to all you want," said the scarecrow bear. so woot gathered a lot of the cream-puffs that were golden yellow and filled with a sweet, creamy substance, and ate until his hunger was satisfied. then he entered the house with his friends and sat in a rocking-chair--just as he was accustomed to do when a boy. the canary perched herself upon the mantel and daintily plumed her feathers; the tin owl sat on the back of another chair; the scarecrow squatted on his hairy haunches in the middle of the room. "i believe i remember the girl jinjur," remarked the canary, in her sweet voice. "she cannot help us very much, except to direct us on our way to glinda's castle, for she does not understand magic. but she's a good girl, honest and sensible, and i'll be glad to see her." [illustration] "all our troubles," said the owl with a deep sigh, "arose from my foolish resolve to seek nimmie amee and make her empress of the winkies, and while i wish to reproach no one, i must say that it was woot the wanderer who put the notion into my head." "well, for my part, i am glad he did," responded the canary. "your journey resulted in saving me from the giantess, and had you not traveled to the yoop valley, i would still be mrs. yoop's prisoner. it is much nicer to be free, even though i still bear the enchanted form of a canary-bird." "do you think we shall ever be able to get our proper forms back again?" asked the green monkey earnestly. polychrome did not make reply at once to this important question, but after a period of thoughtfulness she said: "i have been taught to believe that there is an antidote for every magic charm, yet mrs. yoop insists that no power can alter her transformations. i realize that my own fairy magic cannot do it, although i have thought that we sky fairies have more power than is accorded to earth fairies. the yookoohoo magic is admitted to be very strange in its workings and different from the magic usually practiced, but perhaps glinda or ozma may understand it better than i. in them lies our only hope. unless they can help us, we must remain forever as we are." "a canary-bird on a rainbow wouldn't be so bad," asserted the tin owl, winking and blinking with his round tin eyes, "so if you can manage to find your rainbow again you need have little to worry about." "that's nonsense, friend chopper," exclaimed woot. "i know just how polychrome feels. a beautiful girl is much superior to a little yellow bird, and a boy--such as i was--far better than a green monkey. neither of us can be happy again unless we recover our rightful forms." "i feel the same way," announced the stuffed bear. "what do you suppose my friend the patchwork girl would think of me, if she saw me wearing this beastly shape?" "she'd laugh till she cried," admitted the tin owl. "for my part, i'll have to give up the notion of marrying nimmie amee, but i'll try not to let that make me unhappy. if it's my duty, i'd like to do my duty, but if magic prevents my getting married i'll flutter along all by myself and be just as contented." their serious misfortunes made them all silent for a time, and as their thoughts were busy in dwelling upon the evils with which fate had burdened them, none noticed that jinjur had suddenly appeared in the doorway and was looking at them in astonishment. the next moment her astonishment changed to anger, for there, in her best rocking-chair, sat a green monkey. a great shiny owl perched upon another chair and a brown bear squatted upon her parlor rug. jinjur did not notice the canary, but she caught up a broomstick and dashed into the room, shouting as she came: "get out of here, you wild creatures! how dare you enter my house?" with a blow of her broom she knocked the brown bear over, and the tin owl tried to fly out of her reach and made a great clatter with his tin wings. the green monkey was so startled by the sudden attack that he sprang into the fireplace--where there was fortunately no fire--and tried to escape by climbing up the chimney. but he found the opening too small, and so was forced to drop down again. then he crouched trembling in the fireplace, his pretty green hair all blackened with soot and covered with ashes. from this position woot watched to see what would happen next. "stop, jinjur--stop!" cried the brown bear, when the broom again threatened him. "don't you know me? i'm your old friend the scarecrow?" "you're trying to deceive me, you naughty beast! i can see plainly that you are a bear, and a mighty poor specimen of a bear, too," retorted the girl. "that's because i'm not properly stuffed," he assured her. "when mrs. yoop transformed me, she didn't realize i should have more stuffing." "who is mrs. yoop?" inquired jinjur, pausing with the broom still upraised. "a giantess in the gillikin country." "oh; i begin to understand. and mrs. yoop transformed you? you are really the famous scarecrow of oz?" "i _was_, jinjur. just now i'm as you see me--a miserable little brown bear with a poor quality of stuffing. that tin owl is none other than our dear tin woodman--nick chopper, the emperor of the winkies--while this green monkey is a nice little boy we recently became acquainted with, woot the wanderer." "and i," said the canary, flying close to jinjur, "am polychrome, the daughter of the rainbow, in the form of a bird." "goodness me!" cried jinjur, amazed; "that giantess must be a powerful sorceress, and as wicked as she is powerful." [illustration] "she's a yookoohoo," said polychrome. "fortunately, we managed to escape from her castle, and we are now on our way to glinda the good to see if she possesses the power to restore us to our former shapes." "then i must beg your pardons; all of you must forgive me," said jinjur, putting away the broom. "i took you to be a lot of wild, unmannerly animals, as was quite natural. you are very welcome to my home and i'm sorry i haven't the power to help you out of your troubles. please use my house and all that i have, as if it were your own." at this declaration of peace, the bear got upon his feet and the owl resumed his perch upon the chair and the monkey crept out of the fireplace. jinjur looked at woot critically, and scowled. "for a green monkey," said she, "you're the blackest creature i ever saw. and you'll get my nice clean room all dirty with soot and ashes. whatever possessed you to jump up the chimney?" "i--i was scared," explained woot, somewhat ashamed. "well, you need renovating, and that's what will happen to you, right away. come with me!" she commanded. [illustration] "what are you going to do?" asked woot. "give you a good scrubbing," said jinjur. now, neither boys nor monkeys relish being scrubbed, so woot shrank away from the energetic girl, trembling fearfully. but jinjur grabbed him by his paw and dragged him out to the back yard, where, in spite of his whines and struggles, she plunged him into a tub of cold water and began to scrub him with a stiff brush and a cake of yellow soap. this was the hardest trial that woot had endured since he became a monkey, but no protest had any influence with jinjur, who lathered and scrubbed him in a business-like manner and afterward dried him with a coarse towel. the bear and the owl gravely watched this operation and nodded approval when woot's silky green fur shone clear and bright in the afternoon sun. the canary seemed much amused and laughed a silvery ripple of laughter as she said: "very well done, my good jinjur; i admire your energy and judgment. but i had no idea a monkey could look so comical as this monkey did while he was being bathed." "i'm _not_ a monkey!" declared woot, resentfully; "i'm just a boy in a monkey's shape, that's all." "if you can explain to me the difference," said jinjur, "i'll agree not to wash you again--that is, unless you foolishly get into the fireplace. all persons are usually judged by the shapes in which they appear to the eyes of others. look at _me_, woot; what am _i_?" woot looked at her. "you're as pretty a girl as i've ever seen," he replied. jinjur frowned. that is, she tried hard to frown. "come out into the garden with me," she said, "and i'll give you some of the most delicious caramels you ever ate. they're a new variety, that no one can grow but me, and they have a heliotrope flavor." ozma and dorothy [illustration] chapter 12 in her magnificent palace in the emerald city, the beautiful girl ruler of all the wonderful land of oz sat in her dainty boudoir with her friend princess dorothy beside her. ozma was studying a roll of manuscript which she had taken from the royal library, while dorothy worked at her embroidery and at times stooped to pat a shaggy little black dog that lay at her feet. the little dog's name was toto, and he was dorothy's faithful companion. to judge ozma of oz by the standards of our world, you would think her very young--perhaps fourteen or fifteen years of age--yet for years she had ruled the land of oz and had never seemed a bit older. dorothy appeared much younger than ozma. she had been a little girl when first she came to the land of oz, and she was a little girl still, and would never seem to be a day older while she lived in this wonderful fairyland. oz was not always a fairyland, i am told. once it was much like other lands, except it was shut in by a dreadful desert of sandy wastes that lay all around it, thus preventing its people from all contact with the rest of the world. seeing this isolation, the fairy band of queen lurline, passing over oz while on a journey, enchanted the country and so made it a fairyland. and queen lurline left one of her fairies to rule this enchanted land of oz, and then passed on and forgot all about it. from that moment no one in oz ever died. those who were old remained old; those who were young and strong did not change as years passed them by; the children remained children always, and played and romped to their hearts' content, while all the babies lived in their cradles and were tenderly cared for and never grew up. so people in oz stopped counting how old they were in years, for years made no difference in their appearance and could not alter their station. they did not get sick, so there were no doctors among them. accidents might happen to some, on rare occasions, it is true, and while no one could die naturally, as other people do, it was possible that one might be totally destroyed. such incidents, however, were very unusual, and so seldom was there anything to worry over that the oz people were as happy and contented as can be. another strange thing about this fairy land of oz was that whoever managed to enter it from the outside world came under the magic spell of the place and did not change in appearance as long as they lived there. so dorothy, who now lived with ozma, seemed just the same sweet little girl she had been when first she came to this delightful fairyland. perhaps all parts of oz might not be called truly delightful, but it was surely delightful in the neighborhood of the emerald city, where ozma reigned. her loving influence was felt for many miles around, but there were places in the mountains of the gillikin country, and the forests of the quadling country, and perhaps in far-away parts of the munchkin and winkie countries, where the inhabitants were somewhat rude and uncivilized and had not yet come under the spell of ozma's wise and kindly rule. also, when oz first became a fairyland, it harbored several witches and magicians and sorcerers and necromancers, who were scattered in various parts, but most of these had been deprived of their magic powers, and ozma had issued a royal edict forbidding anyone in her dominions to work magic except glinda the good and the wizard of oz. ozma herself, being a real fairy, knew a lot of magic, but she only used it to benefit her subjects. this little explanation will help you to understand better the story you are reading, but most of it is already known to those who are familiar with the oz people whose adventures they have followed in other oz books. ozma and dorothy were fast friends and were much together. everyone in oz loved dorothy almost as well as they did their lovely ruler, for the little kansas girl's good fortune had not spoiled her or rendered her at all vain. she was just the same brave and true and adventurous child as before she lived in a royal palace and became the chum of the fairy ozma. in the room in which the two sat--which was one of ozma's private suite of apartments--hung the famous magic picture. this was the source of constant interest to little dorothy. one had but to stand before it and wish to see what any person was doing, and at once a scene would flash upon the magic canvas which showed exactly where that person was, and like our own moving pictures would reproduce the actions of that person as long as you cared to watch them. so today, when dorothy tired of her embroidery, she drew the curtains from before the magic picture and wished to see what her friend button bright was doing. button bright, she saw, was playing ball with ojo, the munchkin boy, so dorothy next wished to see what her aunt em was doing. the picture showed aunt em quietly engaged in darning socks for uncle henry, so dorothy wished to see what her old friend the tin woodman was doing. the tin woodman was then just leaving his tin castle in the company of the scarecrow and woot the wanderer. dorothy had never seen this boy before, so she wondered who he was. also she was curious to know where the three were going, for she noticed woot's knapsack and guessed they had started on a long journey. she asked ozma about it, but ozma did not know. that afternoon dorothy again saw the travelers in the magic picture, but they were merely tramping through the country and dorothy was not much interested in them. a couple of days later, however, the girl, being again with ozma, wished to see her friends, the scarecrow and the tin woodman in the magic picture, and on this occasion found them in the great castle of mrs. yoop, the giantess, who was at the time about to transform them. both dorothy and ozma now became greatly interested and watched the transformations with indignation and horror. "what a wicked giantess!" exclaimed dorothy. "yes," answered ozma, "she must be punished for this cruelty to our friends, and to the poor boy who is with them." after this they followed the adventure of the little brown bear and the tin owl and the green monkey with breathless interest, and were delighted when they escaped from mrs. yoop. they did not know, then, who the canary was, but realized it must be the transformation of some person of consequence, whom the giantess had also enchanted. [illustration] when, finally, the day came when the adventurers headed south into the munchkin country, dorothy asked anxiously: "can't something be done for them, ozma? can't you change 'em back into their own shapes? they've suffered enough from these dreadful transformations, seems to me." "i've been studying ways to help them, ever since they were transformed," replied ozma. "mrs. yoop is now the only yookoohoo in my dominions, and the yookoohoo magic is very peculiar and hard for others to understand, yet i am resolved to make the attempt to break these enchantments. i may not succeed, but i shall do the best i can. from the directions our friends are taking, i believe they are going to pass by jinjur's ranch, so if we start now we may meet them there. would you like to go with me, dorothy?" "of course," answered the little girl; "i wouldn't miss it for anything." "then order the red wagon," said ozma of oz, "and we will start at once." dorothy ran to do as she was bid, while ozma went to her magic room to make ready the things she believed she would need. in half an hour the red wagon stood before the grand entrance of the palace, and before it was hitched the wooden sawhorse, which was ozma's favorite steed. [illustration] this sawhorse, while made of wood, was very much alive and could travel swiftly and without tiring. to keep the ends of his wooden legs from wearing down short, ozma had shod the sawhorse with plates of pure gold. his harness was studded with brilliant emeralds and other jewels and so, while he himself was not at all handsome, his outfit made a splendid appearance. since the sawhorse could understand her spoken words, ozma used no reins to guide him. she merely told him where to go. when she came from the palace with dorothy, they both climbed into the red wagon and then the little dog, toto, ran up and asked: "are you going to leave me behind, dorothy?" dorothy looked at ozma, who smiled in return and said: "toto may go with us, if you wish him to." so dorothy lifted the little dog into the wagon, for, while he could run fast, he could not keep up with the speed of the wonderful sawhorse. away they went, over hills and through meadows, covering the ground with astonishing speed. it is not surprising, therefore, that the red wagon arrived before jinjur's house just as that energetic young lady had finished scrubbing the green monkey and was about to lead him to the caramel patch. the restoration [illustration] chapter 13 the tin owl gave a hoot of delight when he saw the red wagon draw up before jinjur's house, and the brown bear grunted and growled with glee and trotted toward ozma as fast as he could wobble. as for the canary, it flew swiftly to dorothy's shoulder and perched there, saying in her ear: "thank goodness you have come to our rescue!" "but who are you?" asked dorothy. "don't you know?" returned the canary. "no; for the first time we noticed you in the magic picture, you were just a bird, as you are now. but we've guessed that the giant woman had transformed you, as she did the others." "yes; i'm polychrome, the rainbow's daughter," announced the canary. "goodness me!" cried dorothy. "how dreadful." "well, i make a rather pretty bird, i think," returned polychrome, "but of course i'm anxious to resume my own shape and get back upon my rainbow." "ozma will help you, i'm sure," said dorothy. "how does it feel, scarecrow, to be a bear?" she asked, addressing her old friend. "i don't like it," declared the scarecrow bear. "this brutal form is quite beneath the dignity of a wholesome straw man." "and think of me," said the owl, perching upon the dashboard of the red wagon with much noisy clattering of his tin feathers. "don't i look horrid, dorothy, with eyes several sizes too big for my body, and so weak that i ought to wear spectacles?" "well," said dorothy critically, as she looked him over, "you're nothing to brag of, i must confess. but ozma will soon fix you up again." the green monkey had hung back, bashful at meeting two lovely girls while in the form of a beast; but jinjur now took his hand and led him forward while she introduced him to ozma, and woot managed to make a low bow, not really ungraceful, before her girlish majesty, the ruler of oz. "you have all been forced to endure a sad experience," said ozma, "and so i am anxious to do all in my power to break mrs. yoop's enchantments. but first tell me how you happened to stray into that lonely valley where yoop castle stands." between them they related the object of their journey, the scarecrow bear telling of the tin woodman's resolve to find nimmie amee and marry her, as a just reward for her loyalty to him. woot told of their adventures with the loons of loonville, and the tin owl described the manner in which they had been captured and transformed by the giantess. then polychrome related her story, and when all had been told, and dorothy had several times reproved toto for growling at the tin owl, ozma remained thoughtful for a while, pondering upon what she had heard. finally she looked up, and with one of her delightful smiles, said to the anxious group: "i am not sure my magic will be able to restore every one of you, because your transformations are of such a strange and unusual character. indeed, mrs. yoop was quite justified in believing no power could alter her enchantments. however, i am sure i can restore the scarecrow to his original shape. he was stuffed with straw from the beginning, and even the yookoohoo magic could not alter that. the giantess was merely able to make a bear's shape of a man's shape, but the bear is stuffed with straw, just as the man was. so i feel confident i can make a man of the bear again." "hurrah!" cried the brown bear, and tried clumsily to dance a jig of delight. "as for the tin woodman, his case is much the same," resumed ozma, still smiling. "the power of the giantess could not make him anything but a tin creature, whatever shape she transformed him into, so it will not be impossible to restore him to his manly form. anyhow, i shall test my magic at once, and see if it will do what i have promised." [illustration] she drew from her bosom a small silver wand and, making passes with the wand over the head of the bear, she succeeded in the brief space of a moment in breaking his enchantment. the original scarecrow of oz again stood before them, well stuffed with straw and with his features nicely painted upon the bag which formed his head. the scarecrow was greatly delighted, as you may suppose, and he strutted proudly around while the powerful fairy, ozma of oz, broke the enchantment that had transformed the tin woodman and made a tin owl into a tin man again. "now, then," chirped the canary, eagerly; "i'm next, ozma!" "but your case is different," replied ozma, no longer smiling but wearing a grave expression on her sweet face. "i shall have to experiment on you, polychrome, and i may fail in all my attempts." she then tried two or three different methods of magic, hoping one of them would succeed in breaking polychrome's enchantment, but still the rainbow's daughter remained a canary-bird. finally, however, she experimented in another way. she transformed the canary into a dove, and then transformed the dove into a speckled hen, and then changed the speckled hen into a rabbit, and then the rabbit into a fawn. and at the last, after mixing several powders and sprinkling them upon the fawn, the yookoohoo enchantment was suddenly broken and before them stood one of the daintiest and loveliest creatures in any fairyland in the world. polychrome was as sweet and merry in disposition as she was beautiful, and when she danced and capered around in delight, her beautiful hair floated around her like a golden mist and her many-hued raiment, as soft as cobwebs, reminded one of drifting clouds in a summer sky. woot was so awed by the entrancing sight of this exquisite sky fairy that he quite forgot his own sad plight until he noticed ozma gazing upon him with an intent expression that denoted sympathy and sorrow. dorothy whispered in her friend's ear, but the ruler of oz shook her head sadly. jinjur, noticing this and understanding ozma's looks, took the paw of the green monkey in her own hand and patted it softly. "never mind," she said to him. "you are a very beautiful color, and a monkey can climb better than a boy and do a lot of other things no boy can ever do." "what's the matter?" asked woot, a sinking feeling at his heart. "is ozma's magic all used up?" [illustration] ozma herself answered him. "your form of enchantment, my poor boy," she said pityingly, "is different from that of the others. indeed, it is a form that is impossible to alter by any magic known to fairies or yookoohoos. the wicked giantess was well aware, when she gave you the form of a green monkey, that the green monkey must exist in the land of oz for all future time." woot drew a long sigh. "well, that's pretty hard luck," he said bravely, "but if it can't be helped i must endure it; that's all. i don't like being a monkey, but what's the use of kicking against my fate?" they were all very sorry for him, and dorothy anxiously asked ozma: "couldn't glinda save him?" "no," was the reply. "glinda's power in transformations is no greater than my own. before i left my palace i went to my magic room and studied woot's case very carefully. i found that no power can do away with the green monkey. he might transfer, or exchange his form with some other person, it is true; but the green monkey we cannot get rid of by any magic arts known to science." "but--see here," said the scarecrow, who had listened intently to this explanation, "why not put the monkey's form on some one else?" "who would agree to make the change?" asked ozma. "if by force we caused anyone else to become a green monkey, we would be as cruel and wicked as mrs. yoop. and what good would an exchange do?" she continued. "suppose, for instance, we worked the enchantment, and made toto into a green monkey. at the same moment woot would become a little dog." "leave me out of your magic, please," said toto, with a reproachful growl. "i wouldn't become a green monkey for anything." "and i wouldn't become a dog," said woot. "a green monkey is much better than a dog, it seems to me." "that is only a matter of opinion," answered toto. "now, here's another idea," said the scarecrow. "my brains are working finely today, you must admit. why not transform toto into woot the wanderer, and then have them exchange forms? the dog would become a green monkey and the monkey would have his own natural shape again." "to be sure!" cried jinjur. "that's a fine idea." "leave me out of it," said toto. "i won't do it." "wouldn't you be willing to become a green monkey--see what a pretty color it is--so that this poor boy could be restored to his own shape?" asked jinjur, pleadingly. "no," said toto. "i don't like that plan the least bit," declared dorothy, "for then i wouldn't have any little dog." "but you'd have a green monkey in his place," persisted jinjur, who liked woot and wanted to help him. "i don't want a green monkey," said dorothy positively. "don't speak of this again, i beg of you," said woot. "this is my own misfortune and i would rather suffer it alone than deprive princess dorothy of her dog, or deprive the dog of his proper shape. and perhaps even her majesty, ozma of oz, might not be able to transform anyone else into the shape of woot the wanderer." "yes; i believe i might do that," ozma returned; "but woot is quite right; we are not justified in inflicting upon anyone--man or dog--the form of a green monkey. also it is certain that in order to relieve the boy of the form he now wears, we must give it to someone else, who would be forced to wear it always." "i wonder," said dorothy, thoughtfully, "if we couldn't find someone in the land of oz who would be willing to become a green monkey? seems to me a monkey is active and spry, and he can climb trees and do a lot of clever things, and green isn't a bad color for a monkey--it makes him unusual." "i wouldn't ask anyone to take this dreadful form," said woot; "it wouldn't be right, you know. i've been a monkey for some time, now, and i don't like it. it makes me ashamed to be a beast of this sort when by right of birth i'm a boy; so i'm sure it would be wicked to ask anyone else to take my place." they were all silent, for they knew he spoke the truth. dorothy was almost ready to cry with pity and ozma's sweet face was sad and disturbed. the scarecrow rubbed and patted his stuffed head to try to make it think better, while the tin woodman went into the house and began to oil his tin joints so that the sorrow of his friends might not cause him to weep. weeping is liable to rust tin, and the emperor prided himself upon his highly polished body--now doubly dear to him because for a time he had been deprived of it. polychrome had danced down the garden paths and back again a dozen times, for she was seldom still a moment, yet she had heard ozma's speech and understood very well woot's unfortunate position. but the rainbow's daughter, even while dancing, could think and reason very clearly, and suddenly she solved the problem in the nicest possible way. coming close to ozma, she said: "your majesty, all this trouble was caused by the wickedness of mrs. yoop, the giantess. yet even now that cruel woman is living in her secluded castle, enjoying the thought that she has put this terrible enchantment on woot the wanderer. even now she is laughing at our despair because we can find no way to get rid of the green monkey. very well, we do not wish to get rid of it. let the woman who created the form wear it herself, as a just punishment for her wickedness. i am sure your fairy power can give to mrs. yoop the form of woot the wanderer--even at this distance from her--and then it will be possible to exchange the two forms. mrs. yoop will become the green monkey, and woot will recover his own form again." [illustration] ozma's face brightened as she listened to this clever proposal. "thank you, polychrome," said she. "the task you propose is not so easy as you suppose, but i will make the attempt, and perhaps i may succeed." [illustration] the green monkey [illustration] chapter 14 they now entered the house, and as an interested group, watched jinjur, at ozma's command, build a fire and put a kettle of water over to boil. the ruler of oz stood before the fire silent and grave, while the others, realizing that an important ceremony of magic was about to be performed, stood quietly in the background so as not to interrupt ozma's proceedings. only polychrome kept going in and coming out, humming softly to herself as she danced, for the rainbow's daughter could not keep still for long, and the four walls of a room always made her nervous and ill at ease. she moved so noiselessly, however, that her movements were like the shifting of sunbeams and did not annoy anyone. when the water in the kettle bubbled, ozma drew from her bosom two tiny packets containing powders. these powders she threw into the kettle and after briskly stirring the contents with a branch from a macaroon bush, ozma poured the mystic broth upon a broad platter which jinjur had placed upon the table. as the broth cooled it became as silver, reflecting all objects from its smooth surface like a mirror. while her companions gathered around the table, eagerly attentive--and dorothy even held little toto in her arms that he might see--ozma waved her wand over the mirror-like surface. at once it reflected the interior of yoop castle, and in the big hall sat mrs. yoop, in her best embroidered silken robes, engaged in weaving a new lace apron to replace the one she had lost. [illustration] the giantess seemed rather uneasy, as if she had a faint idea that someone was spying upon her, for she kept looking behind her and this way and that, as though expecting danger from an unknown source. perhaps some yookoohoo instinct warned her. woot saw that she had escaped from her room by some of the magical means at her disposal, after her prisoners had escaped her. she was now occupying the big hall of her castle as she used to do. also woot thought, from the cruel expression on the face of the giantess, that she was planning revenge on them, as soon as her new magic apron was finished. but ozma was now making passes over the platter with her silver wand, and presently the form of the giantess began to shrink in size and to change its shape. and now, in her place sat the form of woot the wanderer, and as if suddenly realizing her transformation mrs. yoop threw down her work and rushed to a looking-glass that stood against the wall of her room. when she saw the boy's form reflected as her own, she grew violently angry and dashed her head against the mirror, smashing it to atoms. just then ozma was busy with her magic wand, making strange figures, and she had also placed her left hand firmly upon the shoulder of the green monkey. so now, as all eyes were turned upon the platter, the form of mrs. yoop gradually changed again. she was slowly transformed into the green monkey, and at the same time woot slowly regained his natural form. it was quite a surprise to them all when they raised their eyes from the platter and saw woot the wanderer standing beside ozma. and, when they glanced at the platter again, it reflected nothing more than the walls of the room in jinjur's house in which they stood. the magic ceremonial was ended, and ozma of oz had triumphed over the wicked giantess. "what will become of her, i wonder?" said dorothy, as she drew a long breath. "she will always remain a green monkey," replied ozma, "and in that form she will be unable to perform any magical arts whatsoever. she need not be unhappy, however, and as she lives all alone in her castle she probably won't mind the transformation very much after she gets used to it." "anyhow, it serves her right," declared dorothy, and all agreed with her. "but," said the kind hearted tin woodman, "i'm afraid the green monkey will starve, for mrs. yoop used to get her food by magic, and now that the magic is taken away from her, what can she eat?" "why, she'll eat what other monkeys do," returned the scarecrow. "even in the form of a green monkey, she's a very clever person, and i'm sure her wits will show her how to get plenty to eat." "don't worry about her," advised dorothy. "she didn't worry about you, and her condition is no worse than the condition she imposed on poor woot. she can't starve _to death_ in the land of oz, that's certain, and if she gets hungry at times it's no more than the wicked thing deserves. let's forget mrs. yoop; for, in spite of her being a yookoohoo, our fairy friends have broken all of her transformations." [illustration] the man of tin [illustration] chapter 15 ozma and dorothy were quite pleased with woot the wanderer, whom they found modest and intelligent and very well mannered. the boy was truly grateful for his release from the cruel enchantment, and he promised to love, revere and defend the girl ruler of oz forever afterward, as a faithful subject. "you may visit me at my palace, if you wish," said ozma, "where i will be glad to introduce you to two other nice boys, ojo the munchkin and button-bright." "thank your majesty," replied woot, and then he turned to the tin woodman and inquired: "what are your further plans, mr. emperor? will you still seek nimmie amee and marry her, or will you abandon the quest and return to the emerald city and your own castle?" the tin woodman, now as highly polished and well-oiled as ever, reflected a while on this question and then answered: "well, i see no reason why i should not find nimmie amee. we are now in the munchkin country, where we are perfectly safe, and if it was right for me, before our enchantment, to marry nimmie amee and make her empress of the winkies, it must be right now, when the enchantment has been broken and i am once more myself. am i correct, friend scarecrow?" "you are, indeed," answered the scarecrow. "no one can oppose such logic." "but i'm afraid you don't love nimmie amee," suggested dorothy. "that is just because i can't love anyone," replied the tin woodman. "but, if i cannot love my wife, i can at least be kind to her, and all husbands are not able to do that." "do you s'pose nimmie amee still loves you, after all these years?" asked dorothy. "i'm quite sure of it, and that is why i am going to her to make her happy. woot the wanderer thinks i ought to reward her for being faithful to me after my meat body was chopped to pieces and i became tin. what do _you_ think, ozma?" ozma smiled as she said: "i do not know your nimmie amee, and so i cannot tell what she most needs to make her happy. but there is no harm in your going to her and asking her if she still wishes to marry you. if she does, we will give you a grand wedding at the emerald city and, afterward, as empress of the winkies, nimmie amee would become one of the most important ladies in all oz." so it was decided that the tin woodman would continue his journey, and that the scarecrow and woot the wanderer should accompany him, as before. polychrome also decided to join their party, somewhat to the surprise of all. "i hate to be cooped up in a palace," she said to ozma, "and of course the first time i meet my rainbow i shall return to my own dear home in the skies, where my fairy sisters are even now awaiting me and my father is cross because i get lost so often. but i can find my rainbow just as quickly while traveling in the munchkin country as i could if living in the emerald city--or any other place in oz--so i shall go with the tin woodman and help him woo nimmie amee." dorothy wanted to go, too, but as the tin woodman did not invite her to join his party, she felt she might be intruding if she asked to be taken. she hinted, but she found he didn't take the hint. it is quite a delicate matter for one to ask a girl to marry him, however much she loves him, and perhaps the tin woodman did not desire to have too many looking on when he found his old sweetheart, nimmie amee. so dorothy contented herself with the thought that she would help ozma prepare a splendid wedding feast, to be followed by a round of parties and festivities when the emperor of the winkies reached the emerald city with his bride. ozma offered to take them all in the red wagon to a place as near to the great munchkin forest as a wagon could get. the red wagon was big enough to seat them all, and so, bidding good-bye to jinjur, who gave woot a basket of ripe cream-puffs and caramels to take with him, ozma commanded the wooden sawhorse to start, and the strange creature moved swiftly over the lanes and presently came to the road of yellow bricks. this road led straight to a dense forest, where the path was too narrow for the red wagon to proceed farther, so here the party separated. ozma and dorothy and toto returned to the emerald city, after wishing their friends a safe and successful journey, while the tin woodman, the scarecrow, woot the wanderer and polychrome, the rainbow's daughter, prepared to push their way through the thick forest. however, these forest paths were well known to the tin man and the scarecrow, who felt quite at home among the trees. "i was born in this grand forest," said nick chopper, the tin emperor, speaking proudly, "and it was here that the witch enchanted my axe and i lost different parts of my meat body until i became all tin. here, also--for it is a big forest--nimmie amee lived with the wicked witch, and at the other edge of the trees stands the cottage of my friend ku-klip, the famous tinsmith who made my present beautiful form." "he must be a clever workman," declared woot, admiringly. "he is simply wonderful," declared the tin woodman. "i shall be glad to make his acquaintance," said woot. "if you wish to meet with real cleverness," remarked the scarecrow, "you should visit the munchkin farmer who first made _me_. i won't say that my friend the emperor isn't all right for a tin man, but any judge of beauty can understand that a scarecrow is far more artistic and refined." "you are too soft and flimsy," said the tin woodman. "you are too hard and stiff," said the scarecrow, and this was as near to quarreling as the two friends ever came. polychrome laughed at them both, as well she might, and woot hastened to change the subject. at night they all camped underneath the trees. the boy ate cream-puffs for supper and offered polychrome some, but she preferred other food and at daybreak sipped the dew that was clustered thick on the forest flowers. then they tramped onward again, and presently the scarecrow paused and said: "it was on this very spot that dorothy and i first met the tin woodman, who was rusted so badly that none of his joints would move. but after we had oiled him up, he was as good as new and accompanied us to the emerald city." "ah, that was a sad experience," asserted the tin woodman soberly. "i was caught in a rainstorm while chopping down a tree for exercise, and before i realized it, i was firmly rusted in every joint. there i stood, axe in hand, but unable to move, for days and weeks and months! indeed, i have never known exactly how long the time was; but finally along came dorothy and i was saved. see! this is the very tree i was chopping at the time i rusted." "you cannot be far from your old home, in that case," said woot. "no; my little cabin stands not a great way off, but there is no occasion for us to visit it. our errand is with nimmie amee, and her house is somewhat farther away, to the left of us." "didn't you say she lives with a wicked witch, who makes her a slave?" asked the boy. "she did, but she doesn't," was the reply. "i am told the witch was destroyed when dorothy's house fell on her, so now nimmie amee must live all alone. i haven't seen her, of course, since the witch was crushed, for at that time i was standing rusted in the forest and had been there a long time, but the poor girl must have felt very happy to be free from her cruel mistress." "well," said the scarecrow, "let's travel on and find nimmie amee. lead on, your majesty, since you know the way, and we will follow." so the tin woodman took a path that led through the thickest part of the forest, and they followed it for some time. the light was dim here, because vines and bushes and leafy foliage were all about them, and often the tin man had to push aside the branches that obstructed their way, or cut them off with his axe. after they had proceeded some distance, the emperor suddenly stopped short and exclaimed: "good gracious!" the scarecrow, who was next, first bumped into his friend and then peered around his tin body, and said in a tone of wonder: "well, i declare!" woot the wanderer pushed forward to see what was the matter, and cried out in astonishment: [illustration] "for goodness' sake!" then the three stood motionless, staring hard, until polychrome's merry laughter rang out behind them and aroused them from their stupor. in the path before them stood a tin man who was the exact duplicate of the tin woodman. he was of the same size, he was jointed in the same manner, and he was made of shining tin from top to toe. but he stood immovable, with his tin jaws half parted and his tin eyes turned upward. in one of his hands was held a long, gleaming sword. yes, _there_ was the difference, the only thing that distinguished him from the emperor of the winkies. this tin man bore a sword, while the tin woodman bore an axe. "it's a dream; it _must_ be a dream!" gasped woot. "that's it, of course," said the scarecrow; "there couldn't be _two_ tin woodmen." "no," agreed polychrome, dancing nearer to the stranger, "this one is a tin soldier. don't you see his sword?" the tin woodman cautiously put out one tin hand and felt of his double's arm. then he said in a voice that trembled with emotion: "who are you, friend?" there was no reply. "can't you see he's rusted, just as you were once?" asked polychrome, laughing again. "here, nick chopper, lend me your oil-can a minute!" the tin woodman silently handed her his oil-can, without which he never traveled, and polychrome first oiled the stranger's tin jaws and then worked them gently to and fro until the tin soldier said: "that's enough. thank you. i can now talk. but please oil my other joints." woot seized the oil-can and did this, but all the others helped wiggle the soldier's joints as soon as they were oiled, until they moved freely. the tin soldier seemed highly pleased at his release. he strutted up and down the path, saying in a high, thin voice: "the soldier is a splendid man when marching on parade, and when he meets the enemy he never is afraid. he rights the wrongs of nations, his country's flag defends, the foe he'll fight with great delight, but seldom fights his friends." captain fyter [illustration] chapter 16 "are you really a soldier?" asked woot, when they had all watched this strange tin person parade up and down the path and proudly flourish his sword. "i _was_ a soldier," was the reply, "but i've been a prisoner to mr. rust so long that i don't know exactly _what_ i am." "but--dear me!" cried the tin woodman, sadly perplexed; "how came you to be made of tin?" "that," answered the soldier, "is a sad, sad story. i was in love with a beautiful munchkin girl, who lived with a wicked witch. the witch did not wish me to marry the girl, so she enchanted my sword, which began hacking me to pieces. when i lost my legs i went to the tinsmith, ku-klip, and he made me some tin legs. when i lost my arms, ku-klip made me tin arms, and when i lost my head he made me this fine one out of tin. it was the same way with my body, and finally i was all tin. but i was not unhappy, for ku-klip made a good job of me, having had experience in making another tin man before me." "yes," observed the tin woodman, "it was ku-klip who made me. but, tell me, what was the name of the munchkin girl you were in love with?" "she is called nimmie amee," said the tin soldier. hearing this, they were all so astonished that they were silent for a time, regarding the stranger with wondering looks. finally the tin woodman ventured to ask: "and did nimmie amee return your love?" "not at first," admitted the soldier. "when first i marched into the forest and met her, she was weeping over the loss of her former sweetheart, a woodman whose name was nick chopper." "that is me," said the tin woodman. "she told me he was nicer than a soldier, because he was all made of tin and shone beautifully in the sun. she said a tin man appealed to her artistic instincts more than an ordinary meat man, as i was then. but i did not despair, because her tin sweetheart had disappeared, and could not be found. and finally nimmie amee permitted me to call upon her and we became friends. it was then that the wicked witch discovered me and became furiously angry when i said i wanted to marry the girl. she enchanted my sword, as i said, and then my troubles began. when i got my tin legs, nimmie amee began to take an interest in me; when i got my tin arms, she began to like me better than ever, and when i was all made of tin, she said i looked like her dear nick chopper and she would be willing to marry me. "the day of our wedding was set, and it turned out to be a rainy day. nevertheless i started out to get nimmie amee, because the witch had been absent for some time, and we meant to elope before she got back. as i traveled the forest paths the rain wetted my joints, but i paid no attention to this because my thoughts were all on my wedding with beautiful nimmie amee and i could think of nothing else until suddenly my legs stopped moving. then my arms rusted at the joints and i became frightened and cried for help, for now i was unable to oil myself. no one heard my calls and before long my jaws rusted, and i was unable to utter another sound. so i stood helpless in this spot, hoping some wanderer would come my way and save me. but this forest path is seldom used, and i have been standing here so long that i have lost all track of time. in my mind i composed poetry and sang songs, but not a sound have i been able to utter. but this desperate condition has now been relieved by your coming my way and i must thank you for my rescue." "this is wonderful!" said the scarecrow, heaving a stuffy, long sigh. "i think ku-klip was wrong to make two tin men, just alike, and the strangest thing of all is that both you tin men fell in love with the same girl." "as for that," returned the soldier, seriously, "i must admit i lost my ability to love when i lost my meat heart. ku-klip gave me a tin heart, to be sure, but it doesn't love anything, as far as i can discover, and merely rattles against my tin ribs, which makes me wish i had no heart at all." "yet, in spite of this condition, you were going to marry nimmie amee?" "well, you see i had promised to marry her, and i am an honest man and always try to keep my promises. i didn't like to disappoint the poor girl, who had been disappointed by one tin man already." "that was not my fault," declared the emperor of the winkies, and then he related how he, also, had rusted in the forest and after a long time had been rescued by dorothy and the scarecrow and had traveled with them to the emerald city in search of a heart that could love. "if you have found such a heart, sir," said the soldier, "i will gladly allow you to marry nimmie amee in my place." "if she loves you best, sir," answered the woodman, "i shall not interfere with your wedding her. for, to be quite frank with you, i cannot yet love nimmie amee as i did before i became tin." "still, one of you ought to marry the poor girl," remarked woot; "and, if she likes tin men, there is not much choice between you. why don't you draw lots for her?" "that wouldn't be right," said the scarecrow. "the girl should be permitted to choose her own husband," asserted polychrome. "you should both go to her and allow her to take her choice. then she will surely be happy." "that, to me, seems a very fair arrangement," said the tin soldier. "i agree to it," said the tin woodman, shaking the hand of his twin to show the matter was settled. "may i ask your name, sir?" he continued. "before i was so cut up," replied the other, "i was known as captain fyter, but afterward i was merely called 'the tin soldier.'" "well, captain, if you are agreeable, let us now go to nimmie amee's house and let her choose between us." "very well; and if we meet the witch, we will both fight her--you with your axe and i with my sword." "the witch is destroyed," announced the scarecrow, and as they walked away he told the tin soldier of much that had happened in the land of oz since he had stood rusted in the forest. "i must have stood there longer than i had imagined," he said thoughtfully. the workshop of ku-klip [illustration] chapter 17 it was not more than a two hours' journey to the house where nimmie amee had lived, but when our travelers arrived there they found the place deserted. the door was partly off its hinges, the roof had fallen in at the rear and the interior of the cottage was thick with dust. not only was the place vacant, but it was evident that no one had lived there for a long time. [illustration] "i suppose," said the scarecrow, as they all stood looking wonderingly at the ruined house, "that after the wicked witch was destroyed, nimmie amee became lonely and went somewhere else to live." "one could scarcely expect a young girl to live all alone in a forest," added woot. "she would want company, of course, and so i believe she has gone where other people live." "and perhaps she is still crying her poor little heart out because no tin man comes to marry her," suggested polychrome. "well, in that case, it is the clear duty of you two tin persons to seek nimmie amee until you find her," declared the scarecrow. "i do not know where to look for the girl," said the tin soldier, "for i am almost a stranger to this part of the country." "i was born here," said the tin woodman, "but the forest has few inhabitants except the wild beasts. i cannot think of anyone living near here with whom nimmie amee might care to live." "why not go to ku-klip and ask him what has become of the girl?" proposed polychrome. that struck them all as being a good suggestion, so once more they started to tramp through the forest, taking the direct path to ku-klip's house, for both the tin twins knew the way, having followed it many times. ku-klip lived at the far edge of the great forest, his house facing the broad plains of the munchkin country that lay to the eastward. but, when they came to this residence by the forest's edge, the tinsmith was not at home. it was a pretty place, all painted dark blue with trimmings of lighter blue. there was a neat blue fence around the yard and several blue benches had been placed underneath the shady blue trees which marked the line between forest and plain. there was a blue lawn before the house, which was a good sized building. ku-klip lived in the front part of the house and had his work-shop in the back part, where he had also built a lean-to addition, in order to give him more room. although they found the tinsmith absent on their arrival, there was smoke coming out of his chimney, which proved that he would soon return. "and perhaps nimmie amee will be with him," said the scarecrow in a cheerful voice. while they waited, the tin woodman went to the door of the workshop and, finding it unlocked, entered and looked curiously around the room where he had been made. "it seems almost like home to me," he told his friends, who had followed him in. "the first time i came here i had lost a leg, so i had to carry it in my hand while i hopped on the other leg all the way from the place in the forest where the enchanted axe cut me. i remember that old ku-klip carefully put my meat leg into a barrel--i think that is the same barrel, still standing in the corner yonder--and then at once he began to make a tin leg for me. he worked fast and with skill, and i was much interested in the job." "my experience was much the same," said the tin soldier. "i used to bring all the parts of me, which the enchanted sword had cut away, here to the tinsmith, and ku-klip would put them into the barrel." "i wonder," said woot, "if those cast-off parts of you two unfortunates are still in that barrel in the corner?" "i suppose so," replied the tin woodman. "in the land of oz no part of a living creature can ever be destroyed." "if that is true, how was that wicked witch destroyed?" inquired woot. "why, she was very old and was all dried up and withered before oz became a fairyland," explained the scarecrow. "only her magic arts had kept her alive so long, and when dorothy's house fell upon her she just turned to dust, and was blown away and scattered by the wind. i do not think, however, that the parts cut away from these two young men could ever be entirely destroyed and, if they are still in those barrels, they are likely to be just the same as when the enchanted axe or sword severed them." "it doesn't matter, however," said the tin woodman; "our tin bodies are more brilliant and durable, and quite satisfy us." "yes, the tin bodies are best," agreed the tin soldier. "nothing can hurt them." "unless they get dented or rusted," said woot, but both the tin men frowned on him. scraps of tin, of all shapes and sizes, lay scattered around the workshop. also there were hammers and anvils and soldering irons and a charcoal furnace and many other tools such as a tinsmith works with. against two of the side walls had been built stout work-benches and in the center of the room was a long table. at the end of the shop, which adjoined the dwelling, were several cupboards. after examining the interior of the workshop until his curiosity was satisfied, woot said: "i think i will go outside until ku-klip comes. it does not seem quite proper for us to take possession of his house while he is absent." "that is true," agreed the scarecrow, and they were all about to leave the room when the tin woodman said: "wait a minute," and they halted in obedience to the command. [illustration] the tin woodman talks to himself [illustration] chapter 18 the tin woodman had just noticed the cupboards and was curious to know what they contained, so he went to one of them and opened the door. there were shelves inside, and upon one of the shelves which was about on a level with his tin chin the emperor discovered a head--it looked like a doll's head, only it was larger, and he soon saw it was the head of some person. it was facing the tin woodman and as the cupboard door swung back, the eyes of the head slowly opened and looked at him. the tin woodman was not at all surprised, for in the land of oz one runs into magic at every turn. "dear me!" said the tin woodman, staring hard. "it seems as if i had met you, somewhere, before. good morning, sir!" "you have the advantage of me," replied the head. "i never saw you before in my life." "still, your face is very familiar," persisted the tin woodman. "pardon me, but may i ask if you--eh--eh--if you ever had a body?" "yes, at one time," answered the head, "but that is so long ago i can't remember it. did you think," with a pleasant smile, "that i was born just as i am? that a head would be created without a body?" "no, of course not," said the other. "but how came you to lose your body?" "well, i can't recollect the details; you'll have to ask ku-klip about it," returned the head. "for, curious as it may seem to you, my memory is not good since my separation from the rest of me. i still possess my brains and my intellect is as good as ever, but my memory of some of the events i formerly experienced is quite hazy." [illustration] "how long have you been in this cupboard?" asked the emperor. "i don't know." "haven't you a name?" "oh, yes," said the head; "i used to be called nick chopper, when i was a woodman and cut down trees for a living." "good gracious!" cried the tin woodman in astonishment. "if you are nick chopper's head, then you are _me_--or i'm _you_--or--or-what relation _are_ we, anyhow?" "don't ask me," replied the head. "for my part, i'm not anxious to claim relationship with any common, manufactured article, like you. you may be all right in your class, but your class isn't my class. you're tin." the poor emperor felt so bewildered that for a time he could only stare at his old head in silence. then he said: "i must admit that i wasn't at all bad looking before i became tin. you're almost handsome--for meat. if your hair was combed, you'd be quite attractive." "how do you expect me to comb my hair without help?" demanded the head, indignantly. "i used to keep it smooth and neat, when i had arms, but after i was removed from the rest of me, my hair got mussed, and old ku-klip never has combed it for me." "i'll speak to him about it," said the tin woodman. "do you remember loving a pretty munchkin girl named nimmie amee?" "no," answered the head. "that is a foolish question. the heart in my body--when i had a body--might have loved someone, for all i know, but a head isn't made to love; it's made to think." "oh; do you think, then?" "i used to think." "you must have been shut up in this cupboard for years and years. what have you thought about, in all that time?" "nothing. that's another foolish question. a little reflection will convince you that i have had nothing to think about, except the boards on the inside of the cupboard door, and it didn't take me long to think of everything about those boards that could be thought of. then, of course, i quit thinking." "and are you happy?" "happy? what's that?" "don't you know what happiness is?" inquired the tin woodman. "i haven't the faintest idea whether it's round or square, or black or white, or what it is. and, if you will pardon my lack of interest in it, i will say that i don't care." the tin woodman was much puzzled by these answers. his traveling companions had grouped themselves at his back, and had fixed their eyes on the head and listened to the conversation with much interest, but until now, they had not interrupted because they thought the tin woodman had the best right to talk to his own head and renew acquaintance with it. but now the tin soldier remarked: "i wonder if _my_ old head happens to be in any of these cupboards," and he proceeded to open all the cupboard doors. but no other head was to be found on any of the shelves. "oh, well; never mind," said woot the wanderer; "i can't imagine what anyone wants of a cast-off head, anyhow." "i can understand the soldier's interest," asserted polychrome, dancing around the grimy workshop until her draperies formed a cloud around her dainty form. "for sentimental reasons a man might like to see his old head once more, just as one likes to revisit an old home." "and then to kiss it good-bye," added the scarecrow. "i hope that tin thing won't try to kiss _me_ goodbye!" exclaimed the tin woodman's former head. "and i don't see what right you folks have to disturb my peace and comfort, either." "you belong to me," the tin woodman declared. "i do not!" "you and i are one." "we've been parted," asserted the head. "it would be unnatural for me to have any interest in a man made of tin. please close the door and leave me alone." "i did not think that my old head could be so disagreeable," said the emperor. "i--i'm quite ashamed of myself; meaning _you_." "you ought to be glad that i've enough sense to know what my rights are," retorted the head. "in this cupboard i am leading a simple life, peaceful and dignified, and when a mob of people in whom i am not interested disturb me, _they_ are the disagreeable ones; not i." with a sigh the tin woodman closed and latched the cupboard door and turned away. "well," said the tin soldier, "if my old head would have treated me as coldly and in so unfriendly a manner as your old head has treated you, friend chopper, i'm glad i could not find it." "yes; i'm rather surprised at my head, myself," replied the tin woodman, thoughtfully. "i thought i had a more pleasant disposition when i was made of meat." but just then old ku-klip the tinsmith arrived, and he seemed surprised to find so many visitors. ku-klip was a stout man and a short man. he had his sleeves rolled above his elbows, showing muscular arms, and he wore a leathern apron that covered all the front of him, and was so long that woot was surprised he didn't step on it and trip whenever he walked. and ku-klip had a gray beard that was almost as long as his apron, and his head was bald on top and his ears stuck out from his head like two fans. over his eyes, which were bright and twinkling, he wore big spectacles. it was easy to see that the tinsmith was a kind hearted man, as well as a merry and agreeable one. "oh-ho!" he cried in a joyous bass voice; "here are both my tin men come to visit me, and they and their friends are welcome indeed. i'm very proud of you two characters, i assure you, for you are so perfect that you are proof that i'm a good workman. sit down. sit down, all of you--if you can find anything to sit on--and tell me why you are here." so they found seats and told him all of their adventures that they thought he would like to know. ku-klip was glad to learn that nick chopper, the tin woodman, was now emperor of the winkies and a friend of ozma of oz, and the tinsmith was also interested in the scarecrow and polychrome. he turned the straw man around, examining him curiously, and patted him on all sides, and then said: "you are certainly wonderful, but i think you would be more durable and steady on your legs if you were made of tin. would you like me to--" "no, indeed!" interrupted the scarecrow hastily; "i like myself better as i am." but to polychrome the tinsmith said: "nothing could improve _you_, my dear, for you are the most beautiful maiden i have ever seen. it is pure happiness just to look at you." [illustration] "that is praise, indeed, from so skillful a workman," returned the rainbow's daughter, laughing and dancing in and out the room. "then it must be this boy you wish me to help," said ku-klip, looking at woot. "no," said woot, "we are not here to seek your skill, but have merely come to you for information." then, between them, they related their search for nimmie amee, whom the tin woodman explained he had resolved to marry, yet who had promised to become the bride of the tin soldier before he unfortunately became rusted. and when the story was told, they asked ku-klip if he knew what had become of nimmie amee. "not exactly," replied the old man, "but i know that she wept bitterly when the tin soldier did not come to marry her, as he had promised to do. the old witch was so provoked at the girl's tears that she beat nimmie amee with her crooked stick and then hobbled away to gather some magic herbs, with which she intended to transform the girl into an old hag, so that no one would again love her or care to marry her. it was while she was away on this errand that dorothy's house fell on the wicked witch, and she turned to dust and blew away. when i heard this good news, i sent nimmie amee to find the silver shoes which the witch had worn, but dorothy had taken them with her to the emerald city." [illustration] "yes, we know all about those silver shoes," said the scarecrow. "well," continued ku-klip, "after that, nimmie amee decided to go away from the forest and live with some people she was acquainted with who had a house on mount munch. i have never seen the girl since." "do you know the name of the people on mount munch, with whom she went to live?" asked the tin woodman. "no, nimmie amee did not mention her friend's name, and i did not ask her. she took with her all that she could carry of the goods that were in the witch's house, and she told me i could have the rest. but when i went there i found nothing worth taking except some magic powders that i did not know how to use, and a bottle of magic glue." "what is magic glue?" asked woot. "it is a magic preparation with which to mend people when they cut themselves. one time, long ago, i cut off one of my fingers by accident, and i carried it to the witch, who took down her bottle and glued it on again for me. see!" showing them his finger, "it is as good as ever it was. no one else that i ever heard of had this magic glue, and of course when nick chopper cut himself to pieces with his enchanted axe and captain fyter cut himself to pieces with his enchanted sword, the witch would not mend them, or allow me to glue them together, because she had herself wickedly enchanted the axe and sword. nothing remained but for me to make them new parts out of tin; but, as you see, tin answered the purpose very well, and i am sure their tin bodies are a great improvement on their meat bodies." "very true," said the tin soldier. "i quite agree with you," said the tin woodman. "i happened to find my old head in your cupboard, a while ago, and certainly it is not as desirable a head as the tin one i now wear." "by the way," said the tin soldier, "what ever became of _my_ old head, ku-klip?" "and of the different parts of our bodies?" added the tin woodman. "let me think a minute," replied ku-klip. "if i remember right, you two boys used to bring me most of your parts, when they were cut off, and i saved them in that barrel in the corner. you must not have brought me all the parts, for when i made chopfyt i had hard work finding enough pieces to complete the job. i finally had to finish him with one arm." "who is chopfyt?" inquired woot. "oh, haven't i told you about chopfyt?" exclaimed ku-klip. "of course not! and he's quite a curiosity, too. you'll be interested in hearing about chopfyt. this is how he happened: "one day, after the witch had been destroyed and nimmie amee had gone to live with her friends on mount munch, i was looking around the shop for something and came upon the bottle of magic glue which i had brought from the old witch's house. it occurred to me to piece together the odds and ends of you two people, which of course were just as good as ever, and see if i couldn't make a man out of them. if i succeeded, i would have an assistant to help me with my work, and i thought it would be a clever idea to put to some practical use the scraps of nick chopper and captain fyter. there were two perfectly good heads in my cupboard, and a lot of feet and legs and parts of bodies in the barrel, so i set to work to see what i could do. "first, i pieced together a body, gluing it with the witch's magic glue, which worked perfectly. that was the hardest part of my job, however, because the bodies didn't match up well and some parts were missing. but by using a piece of captain fyter here and a piece of nick chopper there, i finally got together a very decent body, with heart and all the trimmings complete." "whose heart did you use in making the body?" asked the tin woodman anxiously. [illustration: meat glue] "i can't tell, for the parts had no tags on them and one heart looks much like another. after the body was completed, i glued two fine legs and feet onto it. one leg was nick chopper's and one was captain fyter's and, finding one leg longer than the other, i trimmed it down to make them match. i was much disappointed to find that i had but one arm. there was an extra leg in the barrel, but i could find only one arm. having glued this onto the body, i was ready for the head, and i had some difficulty in making up my mind which head to use. finally i shut my eyes and reached out my hand toward the cupboard shelf, and the first head i touched i glued upon my new man." "it was mine!" declared the tin soldier, gloomily. "no, it was mine," asserted ku-klip, "for i had given you another in exchange for it--the beautiful tin head you now wear. when the glue had dried, my man was quite an interesting fellow. i named him chopfyt, using a part of nick chopper's name and a part of captain fyter's name, because he was a mixture of both your cast-off parts. chopfyt was interesting, as i said, but he did not prove a very agreeable companion. he complained bitterly because i had given him but one arm--as if it were my fault!--and he grumbled because the suit of blue munchkin clothes, which i got for him from a neighbor, did not fit him perfectly." [illustration] "ah, that was because he was wearing my old head," remarked the tin soldier. "i remember that head used to be very particular about its clothes." "as an assistant," the old tinsmith continued, "chopfyt was not a success. he was awkward with tools and was always hungry. he demanded something to eat six or eight times a day, so i wondered if i had fitted his insides properly. indeed, chopfyt ate so much that little food was left for myself; so, when he proposed, one day, to go out into the world and seek adventures, i was delighted to be rid of him. i even made him a tin arm to take the place of the missing one, and that pleased him very much, so that we parted good friends." "what became of chopfyt after that?" the scarecrow inquired. "i never heard. he started off toward the east, into the plains of the munchkin country, and that was the last i ever saw of him." "it seems to me," said the tin woodman reflectively, "that you did wrong in making a man out of our cast-off parts. it is evident that chopfyt could, with justice, claim relationship with both of us." "don't worry about that," advised ku-klip cheerfully; "it is not likely that you will ever meet the fellow. and, if you should meet him, he doesn't know who he is made of, for i never told him the secret of his manufacture. indeed, you are the only ones who know of it, and you may keep the secret to yourselves, if you wish to." "never mind chopfyt," said the scarecrow. "our business now is to find poor nimmie amee and let her choose her tin husband. to do that, it seems, from the information ku-klip has given us, we must travel to mount munch." "if that's the programme, let us start at once," suggested woot. so they all went outside, where they found polychrome dancing about among the trees and talking with the birds and laughing as merrily as if she had not lost her rainbow and so been separated from all her fairy sisters. they told her they were going to mount munch, and she replied: "very well; i am as likely to find my rainbow there as here, and any other place is as likely as there. it all depends on the weather. do you think it looks like rain?" they shook their heads, and polychrome laughed again and danced on after them when they resumed their journey. the invisible country [illustration] chapter 19 they were proceeding so easily and comfortably on their way to mount munch that woot said in a serious tone of voice: "i'm afraid something is going to happen." "why?" asked polychrome, dancing around the group of travelers. "because," said the boy, thoughtfully, "i've noticed that when we have the least reason for getting into trouble, something is sure to go wrong. just now the weather is delightful; the grass is beautifully blue and quite soft to our feet; the mountain we are seeking shows clearly in the distance and there is no reason anything should happen to delay us in getting there. our troubles all seem to be over, and--well, that's why i'm afraid," he added, with a sigh. "dear me!" remarked the scarecrow, "what unhappy thoughts you have, to be sure. this is proof that born brains cannot equal manufactured brains, for _my_ brains dwell only on facts and never borrow trouble. when there is occasion for my brains to think, they think, but i would be ashamed of my brains if they kept shooting out thoughts that were merely fears and imaginings, such as do no good, but are likely to do harm." "for my part," said the tin woodman, "i do not think at all, but allow my velvet heart to guide me at all times." "the tinsmith filled my hollow head with scraps and clippings of tin," said the soldier, "and he told me they would do nicely for brains, but when i begin to think, the tin scraps rattle around and get so mixed that i'm soon bewildered. so i try not to think. my tin heart is almost as useless to me, for it is hard and cold, so i'm sure the red velvet heart of my friend nick chopper is a better guide." "thoughtless people are not unusual," observed the scarecrow, "but i consider them more fortunate than those who have useless or wicked thoughts and do not try to curb them. your oil can, friend woodman, is filled with oil, but you only apply the oil to your joints, drop by drop, as you need it, and do not keep spilling it where it will do no good. thoughts should be restrained in the same way as your oil, and only applied when necessary, and for a good purpose. if used carefully, thoughts are good things to have." polychrome laughed at him, for the rainbow's daughter knew more about thoughts than the scarecrow did. but the others were solemn, feeling they had been rebuked, and tramped on in silence. suddenly woot, who was in the lead, looked around and found that all his comrades had mysteriously disappeared. but where could they have gone to? the broad plain was all about him and there were neither trees nor bushes that could hide even a rabbit, nor any hole for one to fall into. yet there he stood, alone. surprise had caused him to halt, and with a thoughtful and puzzled expression on his face he looked down at his feet. it startled him anew to discover that he had no feet. he reached out his hands, but he could not see them. he could feel his hands and arms and body; he stamped his feet on the grass and knew they were there, but in some strange way they had become invisible. while woot stood, wondering, a crash of metal sounded in his ears and he heard two heavy bodies tumble to the earth just beside him. "good gracious!" exclaimed the voice of the tin woodman. "mercy me!" cried the voice of the tin soldier. "why didn't you look where you were going?" asked the tin woodman reproachfully. "i did, but i couldn't see you," said the tin soldier. "something has happened to my tin eyes. i can't see you, even now, nor can i see anyone else!" "it's the same way with me," admitted the tin woodman. [illustration] woot couldn't see either of them, although he heard them plainly, and just then something smashed against him unexpectedly and knocked him over; but it was only the straw-stuffed body of the scarecrow that fell upon him and while he could not see the scarecrow he managed to push him off and rose to his feet just as polychrome whirled against him and made him tumble again. sitting upon the ground, the boy asked: "can _you_ see us, poly?" "no, indeed," answered the rainbow's daughter; "we've all become invisible." "how did it happen, do you suppose?" inquired the scarecrow, lying where he had fallen. "we have met with no enemy," answered polychrome, "so it must be that this part of the country has the magic quality of making people invisible--even fairies falling under the charm. we can see the grass, and the flowers, and the stretch of plain before us, and we can still see mount munch in the distance; but we cannot see ourselves or one another." "well, what are we to do about it?" demanded woot. "i think this magic affects only a small part of the plain," replied polychrome; "perhaps there is only a streak of the country where an enchantment makes people become invisible. so, if we get together and hold hands, we can travel toward mount munch until the enchanted streak is passed." "all right," said woot, jumping up, "give me your hand, polychrome. where are you?" "here," she answered. "whistle, woot, and keep whistling until i come to you." so woot whistled, and presently polychrome found him and grasped his hand. "someone must help me up," said the scarecrow, lying near them; so they found the straw man and sat him upon his feet, after which he held fast to polychrome's other hand. nick chopper and the tin soldier had managed to scramble up without assistance, but it was awkward for them and the tin woodman said: "i don't seem to stand straight, somehow. but my joints all work, so i guess i can walk." guided by his voice, they reached his side, where woot grasped his tin fingers so they might keep together. the tin soldier was standing near by and the scarecrow soon touched him and took hold of his arm. "i hope you're not wobbly," said the straw man, "for if two of us walk unsteadily we will be sure to fall." "i'm not wobbly," the tin soldier assured him, "but i'm certain that one of my legs is shorter than the other. i can't see it, to tell what's gone wrong, but i'll limp on with the rest of you until we are out of this enchanted territory." they now formed a line, holding hands, and turning their faces toward mount munch resumed their journey. they had not gone far, however, when a terrible growl saluted their ears. the sound seemed to come from a place just in front of them, so they halted abruptly and remained silent, listening with all their ears. "i smell straw!" cried a hoarse, harsh voice, with more growls and snarls. "i smell straw, and i'm a hip-po-gy-raf who loves straw and eats all he can find. i want to eat _this_ straw! where is it? where is it?" the scarecrow, hearing this, trembled but kept silent. all the others were silent, too, hoping that the invisible beast would be unable to find them. but the creature sniffed the odor of the straw and drew nearer and nearer to them until he reached the tin woodman, on one end of the line. it was a big beast and it smelled of the tin woodman and grated two rows of enormous teeth against the emperor's tin body. "bah! that's not straw," said the harsh voice, and the beast advanced along the line to woot. "meat! pooh, you're no good! i can't eat meat," grumbled the beast, and passed on to polychrome. "sweetmeats and perfume--cobwebs and dew! nothing to eat in a fairy like you," said the creature. now, the scarecrow was next to polychrome in the line, and he realized if the beast devoured his straw he would be helpless for a long time, because the last farmhouse was far behind them and only grass covered the vast expanse of plain. so in his fright he let go of polychrome's hand and put the hand of the tin soldier in that of the rainbow's daughter. then he slipped back of the line and went to the other end, where he silently seized the tin woodman's hand. meantime, the beast had smelled the tin soldier and found he was the last of the line. "that's funny!" growled the hip-po-gy-raf; "i can smell straw, but i can't find it. well, it's here, somewhere, and i must hunt around until i _do_ find it, for i'm hungry." his voice was now at the left of them, so they started on, hoping to avoid him, and traveled as fast as they could in the direction of mount munch. "i don't like this invisible country," said woot with a shudder. "we can't tell how many dreadful, invisible beasts are roaming around us, or what danger we'll come to next." "quit thinking about danger, please," said the scarecrow, warningly. "why?" asked the boy. "if you think of some dreadful thing, it's liable to happen, but if you don't think of it, and no one else thinks of it, it just _can't_ happen. do you see?" "no," answered woot. "i won't be able to see much of anything until we escape from this enchantment." but they got out of the invisible strip of country as suddenly as they had entered it, and the instant they got out they stopped short, for just before them was a deep ditch, running at right angles as far as their eyes could see and stopping all further progress toward mount munch. "it's not so very wide," said woot, "but i'm sure none of us can jump across it." polychrome began to laugh, and the scarecrow said: "what's the matter?" "look at the tin men!" she said, with another burst of merry laughter. woot and the scarecrow looked, and the tin men looked at themselves. "it was the collision," said the tin woodman regretfully. "i knew something was wrong with me, and now i can see that my side is dented in so that i lean over toward the left. it was the soldier's fault; he shouldn't have been so careless." "it is your fault that my right leg is bent, making it shorter than the other, so that i limp badly," retorted the soldier. "you shouldn't have stood where i was walking." "you shouldn't have walked where i was standing," replied the tin woodman. it was almost a quarrel, so polychrome said soothingly: "never mind, friends; as soon as we have time i am sure we can straighten the soldier's leg and get the dent out of the woodman's body. the scarecrow needs patting into shape, too, for he had a bad tumble, but our first task is to get over this ditch." "yes, the ditch is the most important thing, just now," added woot. they were standing in a row, looking hard at the unexpected barrier, when a fierce growl from behind them made them all turn quickly. out of the invisible country marched a huge beast with a thick, leathery skin and a surprisingly long neck. the head on the top of this neck was broad and flat and the eyes and mouth were very big and the nose and ears very small. when the head was drawn down toward the beast's shoulders, the neck was all wrinkles, but the head could shoot up very high indeed, if the creature wished it to. "dear me!" exclaimed the scarecrow, "this must be the hip-po-gy-raf." "quite right," said the beast; "and you're the straw which i'm to eat for my dinner. oh, how i love straw! i hope you don't resent my affectionate appetite?" with its four great legs it advanced straight toward the scarecrow, but the tin woodman and the tin soldier both sprang in front of their friend and flourished their weapons. "keep off!" said the tin woodman, warningly, "or i'll chop you with my axe." "keep off!" said the tin soldier, "or i'll cut you with my sword." "would you really do that?" asked the hip-po-gy-raf, in a disappointed voice. [illustration] [illustration] "we would," they both replied, and the tin woodman added: "the scarecrow is our friend, and he would be useless without his straw stuffing. so, as we are comrades, faithful and true, we will defend our friend's stuffing against all enemies." the hip-po-gy-raf sat down and looked at them sorrowfully. "when one has made up his mind to have a meal of delicious straw, and then finds he can't have it, it is certainly hard luck," he said. "and what good is the straw man to you, or to himself, when the ditch keeps you from going any further?" "well, we can go back again," suggested woot. "true," said the hip-po; "and if you do, you'll be as disappointed as i am. that's some comfort, anyhow." the travelers looked at the beast, and then they looked across the ditch at the level plain beyond. on the other side the grass had grown tall, and the sun had dried it, so there was a fine crop of hay that only needed to be cut and stacked. "why don't you cross over and eat hay?" the boy asked the beast. "i'm not fond of hay," replied the hip-po-gy-raf; "straw is much more delicious, to my notion, and it's more scarce in this neighborhood, too. also i must confess that i can't get across the ditch, for my body is too heavy and clumsy for me to jump the distance. i can stretch my neck across, though, and you will notice that i've nibbled the hay on the farther edge--not because i liked it, but because one must eat, and if one can't get the sort of food he desires, he must take what is offered or go hungry." "ah, i see you are a philosopher," remarked the scarecrow. "no, i'm just a hip-po-gy-raf," was the reply. polychrome was not afraid of the big beast. she danced close to him and said: "if you can stretch your neck across the ditch, why not help us over? we can sit on your big head, one at a time, and then you can lift us across." "yes; i _can_, it is true," answered the hip-po; "but i refuse to do it. unless--" he added, and stopped short. "unless what?" asked polychrome. "unless you first allow me to eat the straw with which the scarecrow is stuffed." "no," said the rainbow's daughter, "that is too high a price to pay. our friend's straw is nice and fresh, for he was restuffed only a little while ago." "i know," agreed the hip-po-gy-raf. "that's why i want it. if it was old, musty straw, i wouldn't care for it." "_please_ lift us across," pleaded polychrome. "no," replied the beast; "since you refuse my generous offer, i can be as stubborn as you are." after that they were all silent for a time, but then the scarecrow said bravely: "friends, let us agree to the beast's terms. give him my straw, and carry the rest of me with you across the ditch. once on the other side, the tin soldier can cut some of the hay with his sharp sword, and you can stuff me with that material until we reach a place where there is straw. it is true i have been stuffed with straw all my life and it will be somewhat humiliating to be filled with common hay, but i am willing to sacrifice my pride in a good cause. moreover, to abandon our errand and so deprive the great emperor of the winkies--or this noble soldier--of his bride, would be equally humiliating, if not more so." "you're a very honest and clever man!" exclaimed the hip-po-gy-raf, admiringly. "when i have eaten your head, perhaps i also will become clever." "you're not to eat my head, you know," returned the scarecrow hastily. "my head isn't stuffed with straw and i cannot part with it. when one loses his head he loses his brains." "very well, then; you may keep your head," said the beast. the scarecrow's companions thanked him warmly for his loyal sacrifice to their mutual good, and then he laid down and permitted them to pull the straw from his body. as fast as they did this, the hip-po-gy-raf ate up the straw, and when all was consumed polychrome made a neat bundle of the clothes and boots and gloves and hat and said she would carry them, while woot tucked the scarecrow's head under his arm and promised to guard its safety. "now, then," said the tin woodman, "keep your promise, beast, and lift us over the ditch." "m-m-m-mum, but that was a fine dinner!" said the hip-po, smacking his thick lips in satisfaction, "and i'm as good as my word. sit on my head, one at a time, and i'll land you safely on the other side." he approached close to the edge of the ditch and squatted down. polychrome climbed over his big body and sat herself lightly upon the flat head, holding the bundle of the scarecrow's raiment in her hand. slowly the elastic neck stretched out until it reached the far side of the ditch, when the beast lowered his head and permitted the beautiful fairy to leap to the ground. woot made the queer journey next, and then the tin soldier and the tin woodman went over, and all were well pleased to have overcome this serious barrier to their progress. "now, soldier, cut the hay," said the scarecrow's head, which was still held by woot the wanderer. "i'd like to, but i can't stoop over, with my bent leg, without falling," replied captain fyter. "what can we do about that leg, anyhow?" asked woot, appealing to polychrome. she danced around in a circle several times without replying, and the boy feared she had not heard him; but the rainbow's daughter was merely thinking upon the problem, and presently she paused beside the tin soldier and said: "i've been taught a little fairy magic, but i've never before been asked to mend tin legs with it, so i'm not sure i can help you. it all depends on the good will of my unseen fairy guardians, so i'll try, and if i fail, you will be no worse off than you are now." [illustration] she danced around the circle again, and then laid both hands upon the twisted tin leg and sang in her sweet voice: "fairy powers, come to my aid! this bent leg of tin is made; make it straight and strong and true, and i'll render thanks to you." "ah!" murmured captain fyter in a glad voice, as she withdrew her hands and danced away, and they saw he was standing straight as ever, because his leg was as shapely and strong as it had been before his accident. the tin woodman had watched polychrome with much interest, and he now said: "please take the dent out of my side, poly, for i am more crippled than was the soldier." so the rainbow's daughter touched his side lightly and sang: "here's a dent by accident; such a thing was never meant. fairy powers, so wondrous great, make our dear tin woodman straight!" "good!" cried the emperor, again standing erect and strutting around to show his fine figure. "your fairy magic may not be able to accomplish all things, sweet polychrome, but it works splendidly on tin. thank you very much." "the hay--the hay!" pleaded the scarecrow's head. "oh, yes; the hay," said woot. "what are you waiting for, captain fyter?" at once the tin soldier set to work cutting hay with his sword and in a few minutes there was quite enough with which to stuff the scarecrow's body. woot and polychrome did this and it was no easy task because the hay packed together more than straw and as they had little experience in such work their job, when completed, left the scarecrow's arms and legs rather bunchy. also there was a hump on his back which made woot laugh and say it reminded him of a camel, but it was the best they could do and when the head was fastened on to the body they asked the scarecrow how he felt. "a little heavy, and not quite natural," he cheerfully replied; "but i'll get along somehow until we reach a straw-stack. don't laugh at me, please, because i'm a little ashamed of myself and i don't want to regret a good action." they started at once in the direction of mount munch, and as the scarecrow proved very clumsy in his movements, woot took one of his arms and the tin woodman the other and so helped their friend to walk in a straight line. and the rainbow's daughter, as before, danced ahead of them and behind them and all around them, and they never minded her odd ways, because to them she was like a ray of sunshine. [illustration] over night [illustration] chapter 20 the land of the munchkins is full of surprises, as our travelers had already learned, and although mount munch was constantly growing larger as they advanced toward it, they knew it was still a long way off and were not certain, by any means, that they had escaped all danger or encountered their last adventure. the plain was broad, and as far as the eye could see, there seemed to be a level stretch of country between them and the mountain, but toward evening they came upon a hollow, in which stood a tiny blue munchkin dwelling with a garden around it and fields of grain filling in all the rest of the hollow. they did not discover this place until they came close to the edge of it, and they were astonished at the sight that greeted them because they had imagined that this part of the plain had no inhabitants. "it's a very small house," woot declared. "i wonder who lives there?" "the way to find out is to knock on the door and ask," replied the tin woodman. "perhaps it is the home of nimmie amee." "is she a dwarf?" asked the boy. "no, indeed; nimmie amee is a full sized woman." "then i'm sure she couldn't live in that little house," said woot. "let's go down," suggested the scarecrow. "i'm almost sure i can see a straw-stack in the back yard." they descended the hollow, which was rather steep at the sides, and soon came to the house, which was indeed rather small. woot knocked upon a door that was not much higher than his waist, but got no reply. he knocked again, but not a sound was heard. "smoke is coming out of the chimney," announced polychrome, who was dancing lightly through the garden, where cabbages and beets and turnips and the like were growing finely. "then someone surely lives here," said woot, and knocked again. now a window at the side of the house opened and a queer head appeared. it was white and hairy and had a long snout and little round eyes. the ears were hidden by a blue sunbonnet tied under the chin. "oh; it's a pig!" exclaimed woot. "pardon me; i am mrs. squealina swyne, wife of professor grunter swyne, and this is our home," said the one in the window. "what do you want?" "what sort of a professor is your husband?" inquired the tin woodman curiously. "he is professor of cabbage culture and corn perfection. he is very famous in his own family, and would be the wonder of the world if he went abroad," said mrs. swyne in a voice that was half proud and half irritable. "i must also inform you intruders that the professor is a dangerous individual, for he files his teeth every morning until they are sharp as needles. if you are butchers, you'd better run away and avoid trouble." "we are not butchers," the tin woodman assured her. "then what are you doing with that axe? and why has the other tin man a sword?" "they are the only weapons we have to defend our friends from their enemies," explained the emperor of the winkies, and woot added: "do not be afraid of us, mrs. swyne, for we are harmless travelers. the tin men and the scarecrow never eat anything and polychrome feasts only on dewdrops. as for me, i'm rather hungry, but there is plenty of food in your garden to satisfy me." professor swyne now joined his wife at the window, looking rather scared in spite of the boy's assuring speech. he wore a blue munchkin hat, with pointed crown and broad brim, and big spectacles covered his eyes. he peeked around from behind his wife and after looking hard at the strangers, he said: "my wisdom assures me that you are merely travelers, as you say, and not butchers. butchers have reason to be afraid of me, but you are safe. we cannot invite you in, for you are too big for our house, but the boy who eats is welcome to all the carrots and turnips he wants. make yourselves at home in the garden and stay all night, if you like; but in the morning you must go away, for we are quiet people and do not care for company." "may i have some of your straw?" asked the scarecrow. "help yourself," replied professor swyne. "for pigs, they're quite respectable," remarked woot, as they all went toward the straw-stack. "i'm glad they didn't invite us in," said captain fyter. "i hope i'm not too particular about my associates, but i draw the line at pigs." the scarecrow was glad to be rid of his hay, for during the long walk it had sagged down and made him fat and squatty and more bumpy than at first. "i'm not specially proud," he said, "but i love a manly figure, such as only straw stuffing can create. i've not felt like myself since that hungry hip-po ate my last straw." polychrome and woot set to work removing the hay and then they selected the finest straw, crisp and golden, and with it stuffed the scarecrow anew. he certainly looked better after the operation, and he was so pleased at being reformed that he tried to dance a little jig, and almost succeeded. [illustration] "i shall sleep under the straw-stack tonight," woot decided, after he had eaten some of the vegetables from the garden, and in fact he slept very well, with the two tin men and the scarecrow sitting silently beside him and polychrome away somewhere in the moonlight dancing her fairy dances. at daybreak the tin woodman and the tin soldier took occasion to polish their bodies and oil their joints, for both were exceedingly careful of their personal appearance. they had forgotten the quarrel due to their accidental bumping of one another in the invisible country, and being now good friends the tin woodman polished the tin soldier's back for him and then the tin soldier polished the tin woodman's back. for breakfast the wanderer ate crisp lettuce and radishes, and the rainbow's daughter, who had now returned to her friends, sipped the dewdrops that had formed on the petals of the wild-flowers. as they passed the little house to renew their journey, woot called out: "good-bye, mr. and mrs. swyne!" the window opened and the two pigs looked out. "a pleasant journey," said the professor. "have you any children?" asked the scarecrow, who was a great friend of children. "we have nine," answered the professor; "but they do not live with us, for when they were tiny piglets the wizard of oz came here and offered to care for them and to educate them. so we let him have our nine tiny piglets, for he's a good wizard and can be relied upon to keep his promises." "i know the nine tiny piglets," said the tin woodman. "so do i," said the scarecrow. "they still live in the emerald city, and the wizard takes good care of them and teaches them to do all sorts of tricks." "did they ever grow up?" inquired mrs. squealina swyne, in an anxious voice. "no," answered the scarecrow; "like all other children in the land of oz, they will always remain children, and in the case of the tiny piglets that is a good thing, because they would not be nearly so cute and cunning if they were bigger." "but are they happy?" asked mrs. swyne. "everyone in the emerald city is happy," said the tin woodman. "they can't help it." then the travelers said good-bye, and climbed the side of the basin that was toward mount munch. polychrome's magic [illustration] chapter 21 on this morning, which ought to be the last of this important journey, our friends started away as bright and cheery as could be, and woot whistled a merry tune so that polychrome could dance to the music. on reaching the top of the hill, the plain spread out before them in all its beauty of blue grasses and wildflowers, and mount munch seemed much nearer than it had the previous evening. they trudged on at a brisk pace, and by noon the mountain was so close that they could admire its appearance. its slopes were partly clothed with pretty evergreens, and its foot-hills were tufted with a slender waving bluegrass that had a tassel on the end of every blade. and, for the first time, they perceived, near the foot of the mountain, a charming house, not of great size but neatly painted and with many flowers surrounding it and vines climbing over the doors and windows. it was toward this solitary house that our travelers now directed their steps, thinking to inquire of the people who lived there where nimmie amee might be found. there were no paths, but the way was quite open and clear, and they were drawing near to the dwelling when woot the wanderer, who was then in the lead of the little party, halted with such an abrupt jerk that he stumbled over backward and lay flat on his back in the meadow. the scarecrow stopped to look at the boy. "why did you do that?" he asked in surprise. woot sat up and gazed around him in amazement. "i--i don't know!" he replied. the two tin men, arm in arm, started to pass them, when both halted and tumbled, with a great clatter, into a heap beside woot. polychrome, laughing at the absurd sight, came dancing up and she, also, came to a sudden stop, but managed to save herself from falling. everyone of them was much astonished, and the scarecrow said with a puzzled look: "i don't see anything." "nor i," said woot; "but something hit me, just the same." "some invisible person struck me a heavy blow," declared the tin woodman, struggling to separate himself from the tin soldier, whose legs and arms were mixed with his own. "i'm not sure it was a person," said polychrome, looking more grave than usual. "it seems to me that i merely ran into some hard substance which barred my way. in order to make sure of this, let me try another place." she ran back a way and then with much caution advanced in a different place, but when she reached a position on a line with the others she halted, her arms outstretched before her. [illustration] "i can feel something hard--something smooth as glass," she said, "but i'm sure it is not glass." "let me try," suggested woot, getting up; but when he tried to go forward, he discovered the same barrier that polychrome had encountered. "no," he said, "it isn't glass. but what is it?" "air," replied a small voice beside him. "solid air; that's all." they all looked downward and found a sky-blue rabbit had stuck his head out of a burrow in the ground. the rabbit's eyes were a deeper blue than his fur, and the pretty creature seemed friendly and unafraid. "air!" exclaimed woot, staring in astonishment into the rabbit's blue eyes; "whoever heard of air so solid that one cannot push it aside?" "you can't push _this_ air aside," declared the rabbit, "for it was made hard by powerful sorcery, and it forms a wall that is intended to keep people from getting to that house yonder." "oh; it's a wall, is it?" said the tin woodman. "yes, it is really a wall," answered the rabbit, "and it is fully six feet thick." "how high is it?" inquired captain fyter, the tin soldier. "oh, ever so high; perhaps a mile," said the rabbit. "couldn't we go around it?" asked woot. "of course, for the wall is a circle," explained the rabbit. "in the center of the circle stands the house, so you may walk around the wall of solid air, but you can't get to the house." "who put the air wall around the house?" was the scarecrow's question. "nimmie amee did that." "nimmie amee!" they all exclaimed in surprise. "yes," answered the rabbit. "she used to live with an old witch, who was suddenly destroyed, and when nimmie amee ran away from the witch's house, she took with her just one magic formula--pure sorcery it was--which enabled her to build this air wall around her house--the house yonder. it was quite a clever idea, i think, for it doesn't mar the beauty of the landscape, solid air being invisible, and yet it keeps all strangers away from the house." "does nimmie amee live there now?" asked the tin woodman anxiously. "yes, indeed," said the rabbit. "and does she weep and wail from morning till night?" continued the emperor. "no; she seems quite happy," asserted the rabbit. the tin woodman seemed quite disappointed to hear this report of his old sweetheart, but the scarecrow reassured his friend, saying: [illustration] "never mind, your majesty; however happy nimmie amee is now, i'm sure she will be much happier as empress of the winkies." "perhaps," said captain fyter, somewhat stiffly, "she will be still more happy to become the bride of a tin soldier." "she shall choose between us, as we have agreed," the tin woodman promised; "but how shall we get to the poor girl?" polychrome, although dancing lightly back and forth, had listened to every word of the conversation. now she came forward and sat herself down just in front of the blue rabbit, her many-hued draperies giving her the appearance of some beautiful flower. the rabbit didn't back away an inch. instead, he gazed at the rainbow's daughter admiringly. "does your burrow go underneath this wall of air?" asked polychrome. "to be sure," answered the blue rabbit; "i dug it that way so i could roam in these broad fields, by going out one way, or eat the cabbages in nimmie amee's garden by leaving my burrow at the other end. i don't think nimmie amee ought to mind the little i take from her garden, or the hole i've made under her magic wall. a rabbit may go and come as he pleases, but no one who is bigger than i am could get through my burrow." "will you allow us to pass through it, if we are able to?" inquired polychrome. "yes, indeed," answered the blue rabbit. "i'm no especial friend of nimmie amee, for once she threw stones at me, just because i was nibbling some lettuce, and only yesterday she yelled 'shoo!' at me, which made me nervous. you're welcome to use my burrow in any way you choose." "but this is all nonsense!" declared woot the wanderer. "we are every one too big to crawl through a rabbit's burrow." "we are too big _now_," agreed the scarecrow, "but you must remember that polychrome is a fairy, and fairies have many magic powers." woot's face brightened as he turned to the lovely daughter of the rainbow. "could you make us all as small as that rabbit?" he asked eagerly. "i can try," answered polychrome, with a smile. and presently she did it--so easily that woot was not the only one astonished. as the now tiny people grouped themselves before the rabbit's burrow the hole appeared to them like the entrance to a tunnel, which indeed it was. "i'll go first," said wee polychrome, who had made herself grow as small as the others, and into the tunnel she danced without hesitation. a tiny scarecrow went next and then the two funny little tin men. "walk in; it's your turn," said the blue rabbit to woot the wanderer. "i'm coming after, to see how you get along. this will be a regular surprise party to nimmie amee." so woot entered the hole and felt his way along its smooth sides in the dark until he finally saw the glimmer of daylight ahead and knew the journey was almost over. had he remained his natural size, the distance could have been covered in a few steps, but to a thumb-high woot it was quite a promenade. when he emerged from the burrow he found himself but a short distance from the house, in the center of the vegetable garden, where the leaves of rhubarb waving above his head seemed like trees. outside the hole, and waiting for him, he found all his friends. "so far, so good!" remarked the scarecrow cheerfully. "yes; _so far_, but no farther," returned the tin woodman in a plaintive and disturbed tone of voice. "i am now close to nimmie amee, whom i have come ever so far to seek, but i cannot ask the girl to marry such a little man as i am now." "i'm no bigger than a toy soldier!" said captain fyter, sorrowfully. "unless polychrome can make us big again, there is little use in our visiting nimmie amee at all, for i'm sure she wouldn't care for a husband she might carelessly step on and ruin." polychrome laughed merrily. "if i make you big, you can't get out of here again," said she, "and if you remain little nimmie amee will laugh at you. so make your choice." "i think we'd better go back," said woot seriously. "no," said the tin woodman, stoutly, "i have decided that it's my duty to make nimmie amee happy, in case she wishes to marry me." "so have i," announced captain fyter. "a good soldier never shrinks from doing his duty." "as for that," said the scarecrow, "tin doesn't shrink any to speak of, under any circumstances. but woot and i intend to stick to our comrades, whatever they decide to do, so we will ask polychrome to make us as big as we were before." polychrome agreed to this request and in half a minute all of them, including herself, had been enlarged again to their natural sizes. they then thanked the blue rabbit for his kind assistance, and at once approached the house of nimmie amee. nimmie amee [illustration] chapter 22 we may be sure that at this moment our friends were all anxious to see the end of the adventure that had caused them so many trials and troubles. perhaps the tin woodman's heart did not beat any faster, because it was made of red velvet and stuffed with sawdust, and the tin soldier's heart was made of tin and reposed in his tin bosom without a hint of emotion. however, there is little doubt that they both knew that a critical moment in their lives had arrived, and that nimmie amee's decision was destined to influence the future of one or the other. as they assumed their natural sizes and the rhubarb leaves that had before towered above their heads now barely covered their feet, they looked around the garden and found that no person was visible save themselves. no sound of activity came from the house, either, but they walked to the front door, which had a little porch built before it, and there the two tinmen stood side by side while both knocked upon the door with their tin knuckles. as no one seemed eager to answer the summons they knocked again; and then again. finally they heard a stir from within and someone coughed. "who's there?" called a girl's voice. "it's i!" cried the tin twins, together. "how did you get there?" asked the voice. they hesitated how to reply, so woot answered for them: "by means of magic." "oh," said the unseen girl. "are you friends, or foes?" "friends!" they all exclaimed. then they heard footsteps approach the door, which slowly opened and revealed a very pretty munchkin girl standing in the doorway. "nimmie amee!" cried the tin twins. "that's my name," replied the girl, looking at them in cold surprise. "but who can _you_ be?" "don't you know me, nimmie?" said the tin woodman. "i'm your old sweetheart, nick chopper!" "don't you know _me_, my dear?" said the tin soldier. "i'm your old sweetheart, captain fyter!" nimmie amee smiled at them both. then she looked beyond them at the rest of the party and smiled again. however, she seemed more amused than pleased. "come in," she said, leading the way inside. "even sweethearts are forgotten after a time, but you and your friends are welcome." the room they now entered was cosy and comfortable, being neatly furnished and well swept and dusted. but they found someone there besides nimmie amee. a man dressed in the attractive munchkin costume was lazily reclining in an easy chair, and he sat up and turned his eyes on the visitors with a cold and indifferent stare that was almost insolent. he did not even rise from his seat to greet the strangers, but after glaring at them he looked away with a scowl, as if they were of too little importance to interest him. the tin men returned this man's stare with interest, but they did not look away from him because neither of them seemed able to take his eyes off this munchkin, who was remarkable in having one tin arm--quite like their own tin arms. "seems to me," said captain fyter, in a voice that sounded harsh and indignant, "that you, sir, are a vile impostor!" "gently--gently!" cautioned the scarecrow; "don't be rude to strangers, captain." "rude?" shouted the tin soldier, now very much provoked; "why, he's a scoundrel--a thief! _the villain is wearing my own head!_" "yes," added the tin woodman, "and he's wearing my right arm! i can recognize it by the two warts on the little finger." "good gracious!" exclaimed woot. "then this must be the man whom old ku-klip patched together and named chopfyt." the man now turned toward them, still scowling. [illustration] "yes, that is my name," he said in a voice like a growl, "and it is absurd for you tin creatures, or for anyone else, to claim my head, or arm, or any part of me, for they are my personal property." "you? you're a nobody!" shouted captain fyter. [illustration] "you're just a mix-up," declared the emperor. "now, now, gentlemen," interrupted nimmie amee, "i must ask you to be more respectful to poor chopfyt. for, being my guests, it is not polite for you to insult my husband." "your husband!" the tin twins exclaimed in dismay. "yes," said she. "i married chopfyt a long time ago, because my other two sweethearts had deserted me." this reproof embarrassed both nick chopper and captain fyter. they looked down, shamefaced, for a moment, and then the tin woodman explained in an earnest voice: "i rusted." "so did i," said the tin soldier. "i could not know that, of course," asserted nimmie amee. "all i knew was that neither of you came to marry me, as you had promised to do. but men are not scarce in the land of oz. after i came here to live, i met mr. chopfyt, and he was the more interesting because he reminded me strongly of both of you, as you were before you became tin. he even had a tin arm, and that reminded me of you the more." "no wonder!" remarked the scarecrow. "but, listen, nimmie amee!" said the astonished woot; "he really _is_ both of them, for he is made of their cast-off parts." "oh, you're quite wrong," declared polychrome, laughing, for she was greatly enjoying the confusion of the others. "the tin men are still themselves, as they will tell you, and so chopfyt must be someone else." they looked at her bewildered, for the facts in the case were too puzzling to be grasped at once. "it is all the fault of old ku-klip," muttered the tin woodman. "he had no right to use our cast-off parts to make another man with." "it seems he did it, however," said nimmie amee calmly, "and i married him because he resembled you both. i won't say he is a husband to be proud of, because he has a mixed nature and isn't always an agreeable companion. there are times when i have to chide him gently, both with my tongue and with my broomstick. but he is my husband, and i must make the best of him." "if you don't like him," suggested the tin woodman, "captain fyter and i can chop him up with our axe and sword, and each take such parts of the fellow as belong to him. then we are willing for you to select one of us as your husband." "that is a good idea," approved captain fyter, drawing his sword. "no," said nimmie amee; "i think i'll keep the husband i now have. he is now trained to draw the water and carry in the wood and hoe the cabbages and weed the flower-beds and dust the furniture and perform many tasks of a like character. a new husband would have to be scolded--and gently chided--until he learns my ways. so i think it will be better to keep my chopfyt, and i see no reason why you should object to him. you two gentlemen threw him away when you became tin, because you had no further use for him, so you cannot justly claim him now. i advise you to go back to your own homes and forget me, as i have forgotten you." "good advice!" laughed polychrome, dancing. "are you happy?" asked the tin soldier. "of course i am," said nimmie amee; "i'm the mistress of all i survey--the queen of my little domain." "wouldn't you like to be the empress of the winkies?" asked the tin woodman. "mercy, no," she answered. "that would be a lot of bother. i don't care for society, or pomp, or posing. all i ask is to be left alone and not to be annoyed by visitors." the scarecrow nudged woot the wanderer. "that sounds to me like a hint," he said. "looks as if we'd had our journey for nothing," remarked woot, who was a little ashamed and disappointed because he had proposed the journey. "i am glad, however," said the tin woodman, "that i have found nimmie amee, and discovered that she is already married and happy. it will relieve me of any further anxiety concerning her." "for my part," said the tin soldier, "i am not sorry to be free. the only thing that really annoys me is finding my head upon chopfyt's body." "as for that, i'm pretty sure it is _my_ body, or a part of it, anyway," remarked the emperor of the winkies. "but never mind, friend soldier; let us be willing to donate our cast-off members to insure the happiness of nimmie amee, and be thankful it is not our fate to hoe cabbages and draw water--and be chided--in the place of this creature chopfyt." "yes," agreed the soldier, "we have much to be thankful for." polychrome, who had wandered outside, now poked her pretty head through an open window and exclaimed in a pleased voice: "it's getting cloudy. perhaps it is going to rain!" through the tunnel [illustration] chapter 23 it didn't rain just then, although the clouds in the sky grew thicker and more threatening. polychrome hoped for a thunder-storm, followed by her rainbow, but the two tin men did not relish the idea of getting wet. they even preferred to remain in nimmie amee's house, although they felt they were not welcome there, rather than go out and face the coming storm. but the scarecrow, who was a very thoughtful person, said to his friends: "if we remain here until after the storm, and polychrome goes away on her rainbow, then we will be prisoners inside the wall of solid air; so it seems best to start upon our return journey at once. if i get wet, my straw stuffing will be ruined, and if you two tin gentlemen get wet, you may perhaps rust again, and become useless. but even that is better than to stay here. once we are free of the barrier, we have woot the wanderer to help us, and he can oil your joints and restuff my body, if it becomes necessary, for the boy is made of meat, which neither rusts nor gets soggy or moldy." "come along, then!" cried polychrome from the window, and the others, realizing the wisdom of the scarecrow's speech, took leave of nimmie amee, who was glad to be rid of them, and said good-bye to her husband, who merely scowled and made no answer, and then they hurried from the house. "your old parts are not very polite, i must say," remarked the scarecrow, when they were in the garden. "no," said woot, "chopfyt is a regular grouch. he might have wished us a pleasant journey, at the very least." "i beg you not to hold us responsible for that creature's actions," pleaded the tin woodman. "we are through with chopfyt and shall have nothing further to do with him." polychrome danced ahead of the party and led them straight to the burrow of the blue rabbit, which they might have had some difficulty in finding without her. there she lost no time in making them all small again. the blue rabbit was busy nibbling cabbage leaves in nimmie amee's garden, so they did not ask his permission but at once entered the burrow. even now the raindrops were beginning to fall, but it was quite dry inside the tunnel and by the time they had reached the other end, outside the circular wall of solid air, the storm was at its height and the rain was coming down in torrents. "let us wait here," proposed polychrome, peering out of the hole and then quickly retreating. "the rainbow won't appear until after the storm and i can make you big again in a jiffy, before i join my sisters on our bow." "that's a good plan," said the scarecrow approvingly. "it will save me from getting soaked and soggy." "it will save me from rusting," said the tin soldier. "it will enable me to remain highly polished," said the tin woodman. "oh, as for that, i myself prefer not to get my pretty clothes wet," laughed the rainbow's daughter. "but while we wait i will bid you all adieu. i must also thank you for saving me from that dreadful giantess, mrs. yoop. you have been good and patient comrades and i have enjoyed our adventures together, but i am never so happy as when on my dear rainbow." "will your father scold you for getting left on the earth?" asked woot. "i suppose so," said polychrome gaily; "i'm always getting scolded for my mad pranks, as they are called. my sisters are so sweet and lovely and proper that they never dance off our rainbow, and so they never have any adventures. adventures to me are good fun, only i never like to stay too long on earth, because i really don't belong here. i shall tell my father the rainbow that i'll try not to be so careless again, and he will forgive me because in our sky mansions there is always joy and happiness." they were indeed sorry to part with their dainty and beautiful companion and assured her of their devotion if they ever chanced to meet again. she shook hands with the scarecrow and the tin men and kissed woot the wanderer lightly upon his forehead. and then the rain suddenly ceased, and as the tiny people left the burrow of the blue rabbit, a glorious big rainbow appeared in the sky and the end of its arch slowly descended and touched the ground just where they stood. woot was so busy watching a score of lovely maidens--sisters of polychrome--who were leaning over the edge of the bow, and another score who danced gaily amid the radiance of the splendid hues, that he did not notice he was growing big again. but now polychrome joined her sisters on the rainbow and the huge arch lifted and slowly melted away as the sun burst from the clouds and sent its own white beams dancing over the meadows. "why, she's gone!" exclaimed the boy, and turned to see his companions still waving their hands in token of adieu to the vanished polychrome. [illustration] the curtain falls [illustration] chapter 24 well, the rest of the story is quickly told, for the return journey of our adventurers was without any important incident. the scarecrow was so afraid of meeting the hip-po-gy-raf, and having his straw eaten again, that he urged his comrades to select another route to the emerald city, and they willingly consented, so that the invisible country was wholly avoided. of course, when they reached the emerald city their first duty was to visit ozma's palace, where they were royally entertained. the tin soldier and woot the wanderer were welcomed as warmly as any strangers might be who had been the traveling companions of ozma's dear old friends, the scarecrow and the tin woodman. at the banquet table that evening they related the manner in which they had discovered nimmie amee, and told how they had found her happily married to chopfyt, whose relationship to nick chopper and captain fyter was so bewildering that they asked ozma's advice what to do about it. "you need not consider chopfyt at all," replied the beautiful girl ruler of oz. "if nimmie amee is content with that misfit man for a husband, we have not even just cause to blame ku-klip for gluing him together." "i think it was a very good idea," added little dorothy, "for if ku-klip hadn't used up your cast-off parts, they would have been wasted. it's wicked to be wasteful, isn't it?" "well, anyhow," said woot the wanderer, "chopfyt, being kept a prisoner by his wife, is too far away from anyone to bother either of you tin men in any way. if you hadn't gone where he is and discovered him, you would never have worried about him." "what do you care, anyhow," betsy bobbin asked the tin woodman, "so long as nimmie amee is satisfied?" "and just to think," remarked tiny trot, "that any girl would rather live with a mixture like chopfyt, on far-away mount munch, than to be the empress of the winkies!" "it is her own choice," said the tin woodman contentedly; "and, after all, i'm not sure the winkies would care to have an empress." it puzzled ozma, for a time, to decide what to do with the tin soldier. if he went with the tin woodman to the emperor's castle, she felt that the two tin men might not be able to live together in harmony, and moreover the emperor would not be so distinguished if he had a double constantly beside him. so she asked captain fyter if he was willing to serve her as a soldier, and he promptly declared that nothing would please him more. after he had been in her service for some time, ozma sent him into the gillikin country, with instructions to keep order among the wild people who inhabit some parts of that unknown country of oz. as for woot, being a wanderer by profession, he was allowed to wander wherever he desired, and ozma promised to keep watch over his future journeys and to protect the boy as well as she was able, in case he ever got into more trouble. all this having been happily arranged, the tin woodman returned to his tin castle, and his chosen comrade, the scarecrow, accompanied him on the way. the two friends were sure to pass many pleasant hours together in talking over their recent adventures, for as they neither ate nor slept they found their greatest amusement in conversation. the end [illustration] the royal book of oz in which the scarecrow goes to search for his family tree and discovers that he is the long lost emperor of the silver island, and how he was rescued and brought back to oz by dorothy and the cowardly lion by l. frank baum enlarged and edited by ruth plumly thompson illustrated by john r. neill the reilly & lee co. chicago _printed in the united states of america_ copyright, 1921 by the reilly & britton co. all rights reserved dear children: you will remember that, in the front part of glinda of oz, the publishers told you that when mr. baum went away from this world he left behind some unfinished notes about the princess ozma and dorothy and the jolly people of the wonderful land of oz. the publishers promised that they would try to put these notes together into a new oz book for you. well, here it is--the royal book of oz. i am sure that mr. baum would be pleased that ruth plumly thompson, who has known and loved the oz stories ever since she was a little girl, has made this new oz story, with all the oz folks in it and true to life. you see i am mrs. baum, the wife of the royal historian of oz, and so i know how he feels about everything. now, about the story: of course, we all knew the scarecrow was a very fine fellow, but surely we never guessed he ascended from an emperor. most of us descend from our ancestors, but the scarecrow really ascended. the scarecrow had a most exciting and adventurous time on the silver isle and dorothy and the cowardly lion just ran out of one adventure into another trying to rescue him. they made some charming new friends in their travels--sir hokus of pokes, the doubtful dromedary, and the comfortable camel. you'll find them very unusual and likable. they have the same peculiar, delightful and informal natures that we love in all the queer oz people. of course every one of us is happy that john r. neill has drawn the funny and lovely pictures for the new book. mr. neill surely is the royal painter of oz. this note is intended for all the children of america, who knew and loved mr. baum, and it goes to each of you with his love and mine. maud g. baum. ozcot hollywood, california in the spring, 1921 list of chapters 1 professor wogglebug's great idea 2 the scarecrow's family tree 3 down the magic bean pole 4 dorothy's lonely breakfast 5 sir hokus of pokes 6 singing their way out of pokes 7 the scarecrow is hailed as emperor! 8 the scarecrow studies the silver island 9 "save us with your magic, exalted one!" 10 princess ozma and betsy bobbin talk it over 11 sir hokus overcometh the giant 12 dorothy and sir hokus come to fix city 13 dancing beds and the road that unrolled 14 sons and grandsons greet the scarecrow 15 the three princes plot to undo the emperor 16 dorothy and her guardians meet new friends 17 doubty and camy vanish into space 18 dorothy finds the scarecrow! 19 planning to fly from the silver island 20 dorothy upsets the ceremony of the island 21 the escape from the silver island 22 the flight of the parasol 23 safe at last in the land of oz 24 homeward bound to the emerald city chapter 1 professor wogglebug's great idea "the very thing!" exclaimed professor wogglebug, bounding into the air and upsetting his gold inkwell. "the very next idea!" "who--me?" a round-faced little munchkin boy stuck his head in the door and regarded professor wogglebug solemnly. he was working his way through the professor's athletic college, and one of his duties was to wait upon this eminent educator of oz. "certainly not!" snapped professor wogglebug. "you're a nobody or a nothing. stop gaping and fetch me my hat. i'm off to the emerald city. and mind the pupils take their history pills regularly while i'm gone," he added, clapping his tall hat zif held out to him on the back of his head. "yes, sir!" said the little munchkin respectfully. "don't hurry back, sir!" this last remark the professor did not hear, for he was already half way down the college steps. "ozma will be delighted with the idea. how clever i am!" he murmured, twirling his antennae and walking rapidly down the pleasant blue lane. the professor, whose college of art and athletic perfection is in the southwestern part of the munchkin country, is the biggest bug in oz, or in anyplace else, for that matter. he has made education painless by substituting school pills for books. his students take latin, history and spelling pills; they swallow knowledge of every kind with ease and pleasure and spend the rest of their time in sport. no wonder he is so well thought of in oz! no wonder he thinks so well of himself! swinging his cane jauntily, the professor hurried toward the yellow brick road that leads to the emerald city, and by nightfall had reached the lovely capital of oz. oz!--that marvelous country where no one grows old--where animals and birds talk as sensibly as people, and adventures happen every day. indeed, of all fairylands in the world, oz is the most delightful, and of all fairy cities, the emerald city is the most beautiful. a soft green light shone for miles about, and the gemmed turrets and spires of the palace flashed more brightly than the stars. but its loveliness was familiar to professor wogglebug, and without a pause he proceeded to ozma's palace and was at once admitted to the great hall. a roar of merriment greeted his ears. ozma, the lovely girl ruler of oz, was having a party, and the room was full of most surprising people--surprising to some, that is, but old friends to most of us. jack, holding tightly to his pumpkin head, was running as fast as his wooden feet and wobbly legs would take him from dorothy. a game of blind-man's-buff was in full swing, and scraps and tik-tok, the scarecrow and nick chopper, the glass cat and the cowardly lion, the wizard of oz and the wooden sawhorse, cap'n bill and betsy bobbin, billina and the hungry tiger were tumbling over each other in an effort to keep away from the blindfolded little girl. but dorothy was too quick for them. with a sudden whirl, she spun 'round and grasped a coatsleeve. "the scarecrow!" she laughed triumphantly. "i can tell by the way he skwoshes--and now _he's_ it!" "i'm always _it!"_ chuckled the droll person. "but--hah! behold the learned professor standing so aloofly in our midst." no one had noticed professor wogglebug, who had been quietly watching the game. "i don't like to interrupt the party," he began, approaching ozma's throne apologetically, "but i've just had a most brilliant idea!" "what? another?" murmured the scarecrow, rolling up his eyes. "where did you lose it?" asked jack pumpkinhead, edging forward anxiously. "lose it! who said i'd lost it?" snapped the professor, glaring at poor jack. "well, you said you'd had it, and had is the past tense, so--" jack's voice trailed off uncertainly, and ozma, seeing he was embarrassed, begged the professor to explain. "your highness!" began professor wogglebug, while the company settled down in a resigned circle on the floor, "as oz is the most interesting and delightful country on the continent of imagination and its people the most unusual and talented, i am about to compile a royal book which will give the names and history of all our people. in other words, i am to be the great, grand genealogist of oz!" "whatever that is," the scarecrow whispered in dorothy's ear. "and," the professor frowned severely on the scarecrow, "with your majesty's permission, i shall start at once!" "please do," said the scarecrow with a wave toward the door, "and we will go on with the party!" scraps, the patchwork girl, who had been staring fixedly at the professor with her silver suspender-button eyes, now sprang to her feet: "what is a genealogist? it's something no one here has missed; what puts such notions in your head? turn out your toes--or go to bed!" she shouted gaily, then, catching ozma's disapproving glance, fell over backwards. "i don't understand it at all," said jack pumpkinhead in a depressed voice. "i'm afraid my head's too ripe." "nor i," said tik-tok, the copper clockwork man. "please wind me up a lit-tle tight-er dor-o-thy, i want to think!" dorothy obligingly took a key suspended from a hook on his back and wound him up under his left arm. everybody began to talk at once, and what with the cowardly lion's deep growl and tik-tok's squeaky voice and all the rest of the tin and meat and wooden voices, the confusion was terrible. "wait!" cried ozma, clapping her hands. immediately the room grew so still that one could hear tik-tok's machinery whirring 'round. "now!" said ozma, "one at a time, please, and let us hear from the scarecrow first." the scarecrow rose. "i think, your highness," he said modestly, "that anyone who has studied his geozify already knows who we are and--" "who you are?" broke in the wogglebug scornfully--"of course they do--but _i_ shall tell them who you _were!"_ "who i were?" gasped the scarecrow in a dazed voice, raising his cotton glove to his forehead. "who i were? well, who were i?" "that's just the point," said professor wogglebug. "who were you? who were your ancestors? where is your family? where is your family tree? from what did you descend?" at each question, the scarecrow looked more embarrassed. he repeated the last one several times. "from what did i descend? from what did i descend? why, from a bean pole!" he cried. this was perfectly true, for dorothy, a little girl blown by a kansas cyclone to the kingdom of oz, had discovered the scarecrow in a farmer's cornfield and had lifted him down from his pole. together they had made the journey to the emerald city, where the wizard of oz had fitted him out with a fine set of brains. at one time, he had ruled oz and was generally considered its cleverest citizen. before he could reply further, the patchwork girl, who was simply irrepressible, burst out: "an ex-straw-ordinary man is he! a bean pole for his family tree, a cornishman, upon my soul, descended from a tall, thin pole!" "nonsense!" said professor wogglebug sharply, "being stuffed with straw may make him extraordinary, but it is quite plain that the scarecrow was nobody before he was himself. he has no ancestors, no family; only a bean pole for a family tree, and is therefore entitled to the merest mention in the royal book of oz!" "how about my brains?" asked the scarecrow in a hurt voice. "aren't they enough?" "brains have simply nothing to do with royalty!" professor wogglebug waved his fountain pen firmly. "now--" "but see here, wasn't i ruler of oz?" put in the scarecrow anxiously. "a ruler but _never_ a royalty!" snapped out the professor. "now, if you will all answer my questions as i call your names, i'll get the necessary data and be off." he took out a small memorandum book. "your highness," he bowed to ozma, "need not bother. i have already entered your name at the head of the list. being descended as you are from a long line of fairies, your family tree is the oldest and most illustrious in oz." "princess dorothy!" at the sound of her name, the little girl stood up. "i know you are from kansas and were created a princess of oz by our gracious ruler, but can you tell me anything of your ancestors in america?" demanded the professor, staring over the top of his thick glasses. "you'll have to ask uncle henry and aunt em," said dorothy rather sulkily. the professor had hurt the feelings of her best friend, the scarecrow, and ancestors did not interest her one little bit. "very well," said the professor, writing industriously in his book. "i'll just enter you as 'dorothy, princess of oz and sixth cousin to a president!'" "i'm not!" dorothy shook her head positively. "oh, everyone in america can claim that!" said the professor easily. "nick chopper!" now up rose our old friend the tin woodman, who had also been discovered by dorothy on her first trip to the fairyland of oz. "you were a man of meat at one time and a woodman by trade?" queried professor wogglebug, poising his pen in the air. "i am a tin woodman, and you may enter me in your book under the name of smith, for a tin smith made me, and as royal emperor of the winkies, i do not care to go back to my meat connections," said the tin woodman in a dignified voice. the company applauded, and the cowardly lion thumped the floor with his tail. "smith is a very good name. i can work up a whole chapter on that," smiled the professor. the tin woodman _had_ once been a regular person, but a wicked witch enchanted his ax, and first it chopped off one leg, then the other, and next both arms and his head. after each accident, nick went to a tinsmith for repairs, and finally was entirely made of tin. nowhere but in oz could such a thing happen. but no one can be killed in this marvelous country, and nick, with his tin body, went gaily on living and was considered so distinguished that the winkies had begged him to be their emperor. "scraps!" called the professor as nick sat stiffly down beside dorothy. the patchwork girl pirouetted madly to the front. putting one finger in her mouth, she sang: "i'm made of patches, as you see. a clothes tree is my family tree but, pshaw! it's all the same to me!" a clothes tree? even professor wogglebug grinned. who could help laughing at scraps? made of odd pieces of goods and brought to life by the powder of life, the comical girl was the jolliest person imaginable. "put me down as a man of me-tal!" drawled tik-tok the copper man as the laugh following scraps' rhyme had subsided. tik-tok was still another of dorothy's discoveries, and this marvelous machine man, guaranteed to last a thousand years, could think, walk, and talk when properly wound. the cowardly lion was entered as a king in his own right. one after the other, the celebrities of oz came forward to answer professor wogglebug's questions. the professor wrote rapidly in his little book. ozma listened attentively to each one, and they all seemed interested except the scarecrow. slumped down beside dorothy, he stared morosely at the ceiling, his jolly face all wrinkled down on one side. "if i only knew who i were!" he muttered over and over. "i must think!" "don't you mind." dorothy patted his shoulder kindly. "royalties are out of date, and i'll bet the professor's family tree was a milkweed!" but the scarecrow refused to be comforted, and long after the company had retired he sat hunched sadly in his corner. "i'll do it! i'll do it!" he exclaimed at last, rising unsteadily to his feet. jellia jamb, ozma's little waiting maid, returning somewhat later to fetch a handkerchief her mistress had dropped, was surprised to see him running through the long hall. "why, where are you going?" asked jellia. "to find my family tree!" said the scarecrow darkly, and drawing himself up to his full height, he fell through the doorway. chapter 2 the scarecrow's family tree the moon shone brightly, but everyone in the emerald city was fast asleep! through the deserted streets hurried the scarecrow. for the first time since his discovery by little dorothy, he was really unhappy. living as he did in a fairyland, he had taken many things for granted and had rather prided himself on his unusual appearance. indeed, not until professor wogglebug's rude remarks concerning his family had he given his past a thought. "i am the only person in oz without a family!" he reflected sorrowfully. "even the cowardly lion has kingly parents and a palm tree! but i must keep thinking. my brains have never failed me yet. who was i? who were i? who were i?" often he thought so hard that he forgot to look where he was going and ran headlong into fences, stumbled down gutters, and over stiles. but fortunately, the dear fellow could not hurt himself, and he would struggle up, pat his straw into shape, and walk straightway into something else. he made good time in between falls, however, and was soon well on his way down the yellow brick road that ran through the munchkin country. for he had determined to return to the munchkin farm where dorothy had first discovered him and try to find some traces of his family. now being stuffed with straw had many advantages, for requiring neither food nor sleep the scarecrow could travel night and day without interruption. the stars winked out one by one, and by the time the cocks of the munchkin farmers began to crow, he had come to the banks of a broad blue river! the scarecrow took off his hat and scratched his head thoughtfully. crossing rivers is no easy matter in oz, for there isn't a ferry in the kingdom, and unless one is a good swimmer or equipped with some of the wizard's magic it is mighty troublesome. water does not agree with the scarecrow at all, and as for swimming, he can no more swim than a bag of meal. but he was too wise a person to give up merely because a thing appeared to be impossible. it was for just such emergencies that his excellent brains had been given to him. "if nick chopper were here, he would build a raft in no time," murmured the scarecrow, "but as he is not, i must think of another way!" turning his back on the river, which distracted his mind, he began to think with all his might. before he could collect his thoughts, there was a tremendous crash, and next minute he was lying face down in the mud. several little crashes followed, and a shower of water. then a wet voice called out with a cheerful chuckle: "come on out, my dear rattles. not a bad place at all, and here's breakfast already waiting!" "breakfast!" the scarecrow turned over cautiously. a huge and curious creature was slashing through the grass toward him. a smaller and still more curious one followed. both were extremely damp and had evidently just come out of the river. "good morning!" quavered the scarecrow, sitting up with a jerk and at the same time reaching for a stick that lay just behind him. "i won't eat it if it talks--so there!" the smaller creature stopped and stared fixedly at the scarecrow. the scarecrow, hearing this, tried to think of something else to say, but the appearance of the two was so amazing that, as he told dorothy afterwards, he was struck dumb. the larger was at least two hundred feet long and made entirely of blocks of wood. on each block was a letter of the alphabet. the head was a huge square block with a serpent's face and long, curling, tape-measure tongue. the little one was very much smaller and seemed to consist of hundreds of rattles, wood, celluloid, and rubber, fastened together with wires. every time it moved, the rattles tinkled. its face, however, was not unpleasant, so the scarecrow took heart and made a deep bow. "and i'm not going to eat anything that squirms." this time it was the big serpent who spoke. "thank you!" said the scarecrow, bowing several times more. "you relieve my mind. i've never been a breakfast yet, and i'd rather not begin. but if i cannot be your breakfast, let me be your friend!" he extended his arms impulsively. there was something so jolly about the scarecrow's smile that the two creatures became friendly at once, and moreover told him the story of their lives. "as you have doubtless noted," began the larger creature, "i am an a-b-sea serpent. i am employed in the nursery of the mer children to teach them their letters. my friend, here, is a rattlesnake, and it is his business to amuse the mer babies while the mermaids are mer-marketing. once a year, we take a vacation, and proceeding from the sea depths up a strange river, we came out upon this shore. perhaps you, sir, will be able to tell us where we are?" "you are in the munchkin country of the land of oz," explained the scarecrow politely. "it is a charming place for a vacation. i would show you about myself if i were not bound on an important mission." here the scarecrow sighed deeply. "have you a family?" he asked the a-b-sea serpent curiously. "yes, indeed," replied the monster, snapping its tape-measure tongue in and out, "i have five great-grandmothers, twenty-one grandnieces, seven brothers, and six sisters-in-law!" "ah!" murmured the scarecrow, clasping his hands tragically, "how i envy you. i have no one--no aunts--no ancestors--no family--no family tree but a bean pole. i am, alas, a man without a _past!"_ the scarecrow looked so dejected that the rattlesnake thought he was going to cry. "oh, cheer up!" it begged in a distressed voice. "think of your _presence_--here--i give you permission to shake me!" the scarecrow was so affected by this kind offer that he cheered up immediately. "no past but a presence--i'll remember that!" he swelled out his straw chest complacently, and leaning over, stroked the rattlesnake on the head. "are you good at riddles?" asked the rattlesnake timidly. "well," answered the scarecrow judiciously, "i have very good brains, given me by the famous wizard of oz." "then why is the a-b-sea serpent like a city?" asked the rattlesnake promptly. the scarecrow thought hard for several seconds. "because it is made up of blocks!" he roared triumphantly. "that's easy; now it's my turn. why is the a-b-sea serpent such a slow talker?" "give it up!" said the rattlesnake after shaking himself several times. "because his tongue is a tape measure, and he has to measure his words!" cried the scarecrow, snapping his clumsy fingers. "and that's a good one, if i did make it myself. i must remember to tell it to dorothy!" then he sobered quite suddenly, for the thought of dorothy brought back the purpose of his journey. interrupting the rattlesnake in the midst of a new riddle, he explained how anxious he was to return to the little farm where he had been discovered and try to find some traces of his family. "and the real riddle," he sighed with a wave of his hand, "is how to cross this river." "that's easy and no riddle at all," rumbled the a-b-sea serpent, who had been listening attentively to the scarecrow's remarks. "i'll stretch across, and you can walk over." suiting the action to the word, he began backing very cautiously toward the river so as not to shake the scarecrow off his feet. "mind your p's and q's!" called the rattlesnake warningly. it was well that he spoke, for the a-b-sea serpent had doubled the p and q blocks under, and they were ready to snap off. finally, however, he managed to make a bridge of himself, and the scarecrow stepped easily over the blocks, the huge serpent holding himself rigid. just as he reached y, the unfortunate creature sneezed, and all the blocks rattled together. up flew the scarecrow and escaped falling into the stream only by the narrowest margin. "blockhead!" shrilled the rattlesnake, who had taken a great fancy to the scarecrow. "i'm all right," cried the scarecrow rather breathlessly. "thank you very much!" he sprang nimbly up the bank. "hope you have a pleasant vacation!" "can't, with a rattlepate like that." the a-b-sea serpent nodded glumly in the rattlesnake's direction. "now don't quarrel," begged the scarecrow. "you are both charming and unusual, and if you follow that yellow road, you will come to the emerald city, and ozma will be delighted to welcome you." "the emerald city! we must see that, my dear rattles." forgetting his momentary displeasure, the a-b-sea serpent pulled himself out of the river, and waving his x y z blocks in farewell to the scarecrow, went clattering down the road, the little rattlesnake rattling along behind him. as for the scarecrow, he continued his journey, and the day was so delightful and the country so pleasant that he almost forgot he had no family. he was treated everywhere with the greatest courtesy and had innumerable invitations from the hospitable munchkins. he was anxious to reach his destination, however, so he refused them all, and traveling night and day came without further mishap or adventure late on the second evening to the little munchkin farm where dorothy had first discovered him. he was curious to know whether the pole on which he had been hoisted to scare away the crows still stood in the cornfield and whether the farmer who had made him could tell him anything further about his history. "it is a shame to waken him," thought the kind scarecrow. "i'll just take a look in the cornfield." the moon shone so brightly that he had no trouble finding his way about. with a little cry of pleasure, he pushed his way through the dry cornstalks. there in the center of the field stood a tall pole--the very identical bean pole from which he had descended. "all the family or family tree i've got!" cried the scarecrow, running toward it with emotion. "what's that?" a window in the farmhouse was thrown up, and a sleepy munchkin thrust out his head. "what are you doing?" he called crossly. "thinking!" said the scarecrow, leaning heavily against the bean pole. "well, don't do it out loud," snapped the farmer. then, catching a better view of the scarecrow, he cried in surprise: "why, it's you!-come right in, my dear fellow, and give us the latest news from the emerald city. i'll fetch a candle!" the farmer was very proud of the scarecrow. he had made him long ago by stuffing one of his old suits with straw, painting a jolly face on a sack, stuffing that, and fastening the two together. red boots, a hat, and yellow gloves had finished his man--and nothing could have been jollier than the result. later on, when the scarecrow had run off with dorothy and got his brains from the wizard of oz and become ruler of the emerald city, the little farmer had felt highly gratified. the scarecrow, however, was not in a humor for conversation. he wanted to think in peace. "don't bother!" he called up. "i'm going to spend the night here. i'll see you in the morning." "all right! take care of yourself," yawned the farmer, and drew in his head. for a long time the scarecrow stood perfectly still beside the bean pole--thinking. then he got a spade from the shed and began clearing away the cornstalks and dried leaves from around the base of the pole. it was slow work, for his fingers were clumsy, but he persevered. then a wonderful idea came to him. "perhaps if i dig down a bit, i may discover--" he got no further, for at the word "discover," he pushed the spade down with all his might. there was a loud crash. the bottom dropped out of things, and the scarecrow fell through. "gr-eat cornstalks!" cried the scarecrow, throwing up his arms. to his surprise, they came in contact with a stout pole, which he embraced. it was a lifesaver, for he was shooting down into the darkness at a great rate. "why!" he gasped as soon as he regained his breath, for he was falling at a terrific rate of speed, "why, i believe i'm sliding down the _bean pole!"_ chapter 3 down the magic bean pole hugging the bean pole for dear life, the scarecrow slid rapidly downward, everything was dark, but at times a confused roaring sounded in his ears. "father, i hear something falling past!" shouted a gruff voice all at once. "then reach out and pull it in," growled a still deeper voice. there was a flash of light, a door opened suddenly, and a giant hand snatched the air just above the scarecrow's head. "it's a good thing i haven't a heart to fail me," murmured the scarecrow, glancing up fearfully and clinging more tightly to the pole. "though i fall, i shall not falter. but where under the earth am i falling to?" at that minute, a door opened far below, and someone called up: "who are you? have out your toll and be ready to salute the royal ruler of the middlings!" the scarecrow had learned in the course of his many and strange adventures that it was best to accede to every request that was reasonable or possible. realizing that unless he answered at once he would fall past his strange questioners, he shouted amiably: "i am the scarecrow of oz, sliding down my family tree!" the words echoed oddly in the narrow passageway, and by the time he reached the word "tree" the scarecrow could make out two large brown men leaning from a door somewhere below. next minute he came to a sharp stop. a board had shot out and closed off the passageway. so sudden was the stop that the scarecrow was tossed violently upward. while he endeavored to regain his balance, the two middlings eyed him curiously. "so this is the kind of thing they grow on top," said one, holding a lantern close to the scarecrow's head. "toll, toll!" droned the other, holding out a horribly twisted hand. "one moment, your royal middleness!" cried the scarecrow, backing as far away from the lantern as he could, for with a straw stuffing one cannot be too careful of fire. he felt in his pocket for an emerald he had picked up in the emerald city a few days before and handed it gingerly to the muddy monarch. "why do you call me middleness?" the king demanded angrily, taking the emerald. "is your kingdom not in the middle of the earth, and are you not royalty? what could be more proper than royal middleness?" asked the scarecrow, flecking the dust from his hat. now that he had a better view, he saw that _the two were entirely men of mud,_ and very roughly put together. dried grass hair stood erect upon each head, and their faces were large and lumpy and had a disconcerting way of changing shape. indeed, when the king leaned over to examine the scarecrow, his features were so soft they seemed to run into his cheek, which hung down alarmingly, while his nose turned sideways and lengthened at least an inch! muddle pushed the king's nose back and began spreading his cheek into place. instead of hands and feet, the middlings had gnarled and twisted roots which curled up in a perfectly terrifying manner. their teeth were gold, and their eyes shone like small electric lights. they wore stiff coats of dried mud, buttoned clumsily with lumps of coal, and the king had a tall mud crown. altogether, the scarecrow thought he had never seen more disagreeable looking creatures. "what he needs," spluttered the king, fingering the jewel greedily, "is a coat of mud! shall we pull him in, muddle?" "he's very poorly made, your mudjesty. can you work, carescrow?" asked muddle, thumping him rudely in the chest. "scarecrow, if you please!" the scarecrow drew himself up and spoke with great difficulty. "i can work with my head!" he added proudly. "your head!" roared the king. "did you hear that, muddle? he works with his head. what's the matter with your hands?" again the king lunged forward, and this time his face fell on the other side and had bulged enormously before muddle could pat it into shape. they began whispering excitedly together, but the scarecrow made no reply, for looking over their shoulder he glimpsed a dark, forbidding cavern lighted only by the flashing red eyes of thousands of middlings. they appeared to be digging, and above the rattle of the shovels and picks came the hoarse voice of one of them singing the middling national air. or so the scarecrow gathered from the words: "oh, chop the brown clods as they fall with a thud! three croaks for the middlings, who stick in the mud. oh, mud, rich and wormy! oh, mud, sweet and squirmy! oh what is so lovely as mud! oh what is so lovely as mud! three croaks for the middlings, who delve all the day in their beautiful kingdom of soft mud and clay!" the croaks that came at the end of the song were so terrifying that the scarecrow shivered in spite of himself. "ugh! hardly a place for a pleasant visit!" he gasped, flattening himself against the wall of the passage. feeling that matters had gone far enough, he repeated in a loud voice: "i am the scarecrow of oz and desire to continue my fall. i have paid my toll and unless your royal middleness release me--" "might as well drop him--a useless creature!" whispered muddle, and before the king had time to object, he jerked the board back. "fall on!" he screeched maliciously, and the scarecrow shot down into the darkness, the hoarse screams of the two middlings echoing after him through the gloom. no use trying to think! the poor scarecrow bumped and banged from side to side of the passage. it was all he could do to keep hold of the bean pole, so swiftly was he falling. "a good thing i'm not made of meat like little dorothy," he wheezed breathlessly. his gloves were getting worn through from friction with the pole, and the rush of air past his ears was so confusing that he gave up all idea of thinking. even magic brains refuse to work under such conditions. down--down--down he plunged till he lost all count of time. down--down--down--hours and hours! would he never stop? then suddenly it grew quite light, and he flashed through what appeared to be a hole in the roof of a huge silver palace, whirled down several stories and landed in a heap on the floor of a great hall. in one hand he clutched a small fan, and in the other a parasol that had snapped off the beanstalk just before he reached the palace roof. shaken and bent over double though he was, the scarecrow could see that he had fallen into a company of great magnificence. he had a confused glimpse of silken clad courtiers, embroidered screens, inlaid floors, and flashing silver lanterns, when there was a thundering bang that hurled him halfway to the roof again. falling to a sitting position and still clinging to the bean pole, he saw two giant kettle drums nearby, still vibrating from the terrible blows they had received. the company were staring at him solemnly, and as he attempted to rise, they fell prostrate on their faces. up flew the poor flimsy scarecrow again, such was the draught, and this time landed on his face. he was beginning to feel terribly annoyed, but before he could open his mouth or stand up, a deep voice boomed: "he has come!" "he has come!" shrilled the rest of the company, thumping their heads on the stone floor. the language seemed strange to the scarecrow, but oddly enough, he could understand it perfectly. keeping a tight grasp on the bean pole, he gazed at the prostrate assemblage, too astonished to speak. they looked exactly like the pictures of some chinamen he had seen in one of dorothy's picture books back in oz, but instead of being yellow, their skin was a curious gray, and the hair of old and young alike was silver and worn in long, stiff queues. before he had time to observe any more, an old, old courtier hobbled forward and beckoned imperiously to a page at the door. the page immediately unfurled a huge silk umbrella and, running forward, held it over the scarecrow's head. "welcome home, sublime and noble ancestor! welcome, honorable and exalted sir." the old gentleman made several deep salaams. "welcome, immortal and illustrious ancestor! welcome, ancient and serene father!" cried the others, banging their heads hard on the floor--so hard that their queues flew into the air. "ancestor! father!" mumbled the scarecrow in a puzzled voice. then, collecting himself somewhat, he made a deep bow, and sweeping off his hat with a truly royal gesture began: "i am indeed honored--" but he got no farther. the silken clad courtiers sprang to their feet in a frenzy of joy. a dozen seized him bodily and carried him to a great silver throne room. "the same beautiful voice!" cried the ancient gentleman, clasping his hands in an ecstasy of feeling. "it is he! the emperor! the emperor has returned! long live the emperor!" shouted everyone at once. the confusion grew worse and worse. "ancestor! father! emperor!" the scarecrow could scarcely believe his ears. "for a fallen man, i am rising like yeast!" he murmured to himself. half a dozen courtiers had run outdoors to spread the wonderful news, and soon silver gongs and bells began ringing all over the kingdom, and cries of "the emperor! the emperor!" added to the general excitement. holding fast to the sides of the throne and still grasping the little fan and parasol, the scarecrow sat blinking with embarrassment. "if they would just stop emperoring, i could ask them who i am," thought the poor scarecrow. as if in answer to his thoughts, the tottery old nobleman raised his long arm, and at once the hall became absolutely silent. "now!" sighed the scarecrow, leaning forward. "now i shall hear something of interest." chapter 4 dorothy's lonely breakfast dorothy, who occupied one of the coziest apartments in ozma's palace, wakened the morning after the party with a feeling of great uneasiness. at breakfast, the scarecrow was missing. although he, the tin woodman and scraps did not require food, they always livened up the table with their conversation. ordinarily dorothy would have thought nothing of the scarecrow's absence, but she could not forget his distressed expression when professor wogglebug had so rudely remarked on his family tree. the professor himself had left before breakfast, and everybody but dorothy had forgotten all about the royal book of oz. already many of ozma's guests who did not live in the palace were preparing to depart, but dorothy could not get over her feeling of uneasiness. the scarecrow was her very best friend, and it was not like him to go without saying goodbye. so she hunted through the gardens and in every room of the palace and questioned all the servants. unfortunately, jellia jamb, who was the only one who had seen the scarecrow go, was with her mistress. ozma always breakfasted alone and spent the morning over state matters. knowing how busy she was, dorothy did not like to disturb her. betsy bobbin and trot, real little girls like dorothy, also lived in the fairy palace, and ozma was a great chum for them. but the kingdom of oz had to be governed in between times, and they all knew that unless ozma had the mornings to herself, she could not play with them in the afternoons. so dorothy searched by herself. "perhaps i didn't look hard enough," thought the little girl, and searched the palace all over again. "don't worry," advised the tin woodman, who was playing checkers with scraps. "he's probably gone home." "he is a man of brains; why worry because he's left us in a hurry?" chuckled scraps with a careless wave of her hand, and dorothy, laughing in spite of herself, ran out to have another look in the garden. "that is just what he has done, and if i hurry, i may overtake him. anyway, i believe i'll go and pay him a visit," thought dorothy. trot and betsy bobbin were swinging in one of the royal hammocks, and when dorothy invited them to go along, they explained that they were going on a picnic with the tin woodman. so without waiting to ask anyone else or even whistling for toto, her little dog, dorothy skipped out of the garden. the cowardly lion, half asleep under a rose bush, caught a glimpse of her blue dress flashing by, and bounding to his feet thudded after her. "where are you going?" he asked, stifling a giant yawn. "to visit the scarecrow," explained dorothy. "he looked so unhappy last night. i am afraid he is worrying about his family tree, and i thought p'raps i could cheer him up." the cowardly lion stretched luxuriously. "i'll go too," he rumbled, giving himself a shake. "but it's the first time i ever heard of the scarecrow worrying." "but you see," dorothy said gently, "professor wogglebug told him he had no family." "family! family fiddlesticks! hasn't he got us?" the cowardly lion stopped and waved his tail indignantly. "why, you dear old thing!" dorothy threw her arms around his neck. "you've given me a lovely idea!" the cowardly lion tried not to look pleased. "well, as long as i've given it to you, you might tell me what it is," he suggested mildly. "why," said dorothy, skipping along happily, "we'll let him adopt us and be his really relations. i'll be his sister, and you'll be--" "his cousin--that is, if you think he wouldn't mind having a great coward like me for a cousin," finished the cowardly lion in an anxious voice. "do you still feel as cowardly as ever?" asked dorothy sympathetically. "more so!" sighed the great beast, glancing apprehensively over his shoulder. this made dorothy laugh, for although the lion trembled like a cup custard at the approach of danger, he always managed to fight with great valor, and the little girl felt safer with him than with the whole army of oz, who never were frightened but who always ran away. now anyone who is at all familiar with his geozify knows that the fairyland of oz is divided into four parts, exactly like a parchesi board, with the emerald city in the very center, the purple gillikin country to the north, the red quadling country to the south, the blue munchkin country to the east, and the yellow country of the winkies to the west. it was toward the west that dorothy and the cowardly lion turned their steps, for it was in the winkie country that the scarecrow had built his gorgeous golden tower in exactly the shape of a huge ear of corn. dorothy ran along beside the cowardly lion, chatting over their many adventures in oz, and stopping now and then to pick buttercups and daisies that dotted the roadside. she tied a big bunch to the tip of her friend's tail and twined some more in his mane, so that he presented a very festive appearance indeed. then, when she grew tired, she climbed on his big back, and swiftly they jogged through the pleasant land of the winkies. the people waved to them from windows and fields, for everyone loved little dorothy and the big lion, and as they passed a neat yellow cottage, a little winkie lady came running down the path with a cup of tea in one hand and a bucket in the other. "i saw you coming and thought you might be thirsty," she called hospitably. dorothy drank her cup without alighting. "we're in an awful hurry; we're visiting the scarecrow," she exclaimed apologetically. the lion drank his bucket of tea at one gulp. it was so hot that it made his eyes water. "how i loathe tea! if i hadn't been such a coward, i'd have upset the bucket," groaned the lion as the little winkie lady went back into her house. "but no, i was afraid of hurting her feelings. ugh, what a terrible thing it is to be a coward!" "nonsense!" said dorothy, wiping her eyes with her handkerchief. "you're not a coward, you're just polite. but let's run very fast so we can reach the scarecrow's in time for lunch." so like the wind away raced the cowardly lion, dorothy holding fast to his mane, with her curls blowing straight out behind, and in exactly two oz hours and seventeen winkie minutes they came to the dazzling corn-ear residence of their old friend. hurrying through the cornfields that surrounded his singular mansion, dorothy and the cowardly lion rushed through the open door. "we've come for lunch," announced dorothy. "and i'm hungry enough to eat crow," rumbled the lion. then both stopped in dismay, for the big reception room was empty. from a room above came a shuffling of feet, and blink, the scarecrow's gentlemanly housekeeper, came running down the stairs. "where's the scarecrow?" asked dorothy anxiously. "isn't he here?" "here! isn't he there? isn't he in the emerald city?" gasped the little winkie, putting his specs on upside down. "no--at least, i don't think so. oh, dear, i just felt that something had happened to him!" wailed dorothy, sinking into an ebony armchair and fanning herself with a silk sofa cushion. "now don't be alarmed." the cowardly lion rushed to dorothy's side and knocked three vases and a clock off a little table, just to show how calm he was. "think of his brains! the scarecrow has never come to harm yet, and all we have to do is to return to the emerald city and look in ozma's magic picture. then, when we know where he is, we can go and find him and tell him about our little adoption plan," he added, looking hopefully at dorothy. "the scarecrow himself couldn't have spoken more sensibly," observed blink with a great sigh of relief, and even dorothy felt better. in ozma's palace, as many of you know, there is a magic picture, and when ozma or dorothy want to see any of their friends, they have merely to wish to see them, and instantly the picture shows the person wished for and exactly what he is doing at that certain time. "of course!" sighed dorothy. "why didn't i think of it myself?" "better have some lunch before you start back," suggested blink, and bustling about had soon set out an appetizing repast. dorothy was too busy worrying about the scarecrow to have much appetite, but the cowardly lion swallowed seventeen roasts and a bucket of corn syrup. "to give me courage!" he explained to dorothy, licking his chops. "there's nothing that makes me so cowardly as an empty stomach!" it was quite late in the afternoon before they could get away. blink insisted on putting up a lunch, and it took some time to make enough sandwiches for the cowardly lion. but at last it was ready and packed into an old hat box belonging to mops, the scarecrow's cook. then dorothy, balancing the box carefully on her lap, climbed on the cowardly lion's back, and assuring blink that they would return in a few days with his master, they bade him farewell. blink almost spoiled things by bursting into tears, but he managed to restrain himself long enough to say goodbye, and dorothy and the cowardly lion, feeling a little solemn themselves, started toward the emerald city. "my, but it's growing dark," said dorothy after they had gone several miles. "i believe it's going to storm." scarcely had she finished speaking before there was a terrific crash of thunder. the cowardly lion promptly sat down. off of his back bounced the sandwich box and into the sandwich box rolled dorothy, head first. "how terribly upsetting," coughed the cowardly lion. "i should say it was!" dorothy crawled indignantly out of the hat box and began wiping the butter from her nose. "you've simply ruined the supper!" "it was my heart," explained the cowardly lion sorrowfully. "it jumped so hard that it upset me, but climb on my back again, and i'll run very fast to some place of shelter." "but where are you?" dorothy asked in real alarm, for it had grown absolutely dark. "here," quavered the cowardly lion, and guided by his voice, dorothy stumbled over to him and climbed again on his back. one crash of thunder followed another, and at each crash the cowardly lion leapt forward a bit faster until they fairly flew through the dark. "it won't take us long to reach the emerald city at this rate!" called dorothy, but the wind tossed the words far behind her, and seeing that conversation was impossible, she clung fast to the lion's mane and began thinking about the scarecrow. the thunder continued at frequent intervals, but there was no rain, and after they had been running for what seemed to dorothy hours and hours, a sudden terrific bump sent her flying over the lion's head into a bush. too breathless to speak, she felt herself carefully all over. then, finding that she was still in one piece, she called to the cowardly lion. she could hear him moaning and muttering about his heart. "any bones broken?" she asked anxiously. "only my head," groaned the lion dismally. just then the darkness lifted as suddenly as it had fallen, and dorothy saw him leaning against a tree with his eyes closed. there was a big bump on his head. with a little cry of sympathy, dorothy hurried toward him, when all at once something strange about their surroundings struck her. "why, where are we?" cried the little girl, stopping short. the lion's eyes flew open, and forgetting all about his bump, he looked around in dismay. no sign of the emerald city anywhere. indeed, they were in a great, dim forest, and considering the number of trees, it is a wonder that they had not run into one long ago. "i must have run the wrong way," faltered the cowardly lion in a distressed voice. "you couldn't help that; anyone would lose his way in the dark," said dorothy generously. "but i wish we hadn't fallen in the sandwiches. i'm hungry!" "so am i. do you think anyone lives in this forest, dorothy?" dorothy did not answer, for just then she caught sight of a big sign nailed to one of the trees. "turn to the right," directed the sign. "oh, come on!" cried dorothy, cheering up immediately. "i believe we're going to have another adventure." "i'd rather have some supper," sighed the cowardly lion wistfully, "but unless we want to spend the night here, we might as well move along. i'm to be fed up on adventure, i suppose." "turn to the left," advised the next sign, and the two turned obediently and hurried on, trying to keep a straight course through the trees. in a fairyland like oz, where there are no trains or trolleys or even horses for traveling ('cepting ozma's sawhorse), there are bound to be unexplored portions. and though dorothy had been at one time or another in almost every part of oz, the country through which they were now passing was totally unfamiliar to her. night was coming on, and it was growing so dark that she could hardly read the third sign when they presently came upon it. "don't sing," directed the sign sternly. "sing!" snapped dorothy indignantly, "who wants to sing?" "we might as well keep to the left," said the cowardly lion in a resigned voice, and they walked along for some time in silence. the trees were thinning out, and as they came to the edge of the forest, another sign confronted them. "slow down," read dorothy with great difficulty. "what nonsense! if we slow down, how shall we ever get anywhere?" "wait a minute," mused the cowardly lion, half closing his eyes. "aren't there two roads just ahead, one going up and one going down? we're to take the down road, i suppose. 'slow down,' isn't that what it says?" slow down it surely was, for the road was so steep and full of stones that dorothy and the cowardly lion had to pick their way with utmost care. but even bad roads must end somewhere, and coming suddenly to the edge of the woods, they saw a great city lying just below. a dim light burned over the main gate, and toward this the cowardly lion and dorothy hurried as fast as they could. this was not very fast, for an unaccountable drowsiness was stealing over them. slowly and more slowly, the tired little girl and her great four-footed companion advanced toward the dimly lighted gate. they were so drowsy that they had ceased to talk. but they dragged on. "hah, hoh, hum!" yawned the cowardly lion. "what makes my feet so heavy?" he stopped short and examined each of his four feet sleepily. dorothy swallowed a yawn and tried to run, but a walk was all she could manage. "hah, hoh, hum!" she gaped, stumbling along with her eyes closed. by the time they had reached the gate, they were yawning so hard that the cowardly lion had nearly dislocated his jaw, and dorothy was perfectly breathless. holding to the lion's mane to steady herself, dorothy blinked up uncertainly at the sign over the gate. "hah--here we are--hoh!" she held her hand wearily before her mouth. then, with a great effort, she read the words of the sign. "um--great--grand and mighty slow kingdom of pokes! uh-hah--pokes! do you hear? hah, hoh, hu, uum!" dorothy looked about in alarm, despite her sleepiness. "do you hear?" she repeated anxiously as no answer came through the gloom. the cowardly lion did not hear. he had fallen down and was fast asleep, and so in another minute was dorothy, her head pillowed against his kind, comfortable, cowardly heart. fast asleep at the gates of a strange gray city! chapter 5 sir hokus of pokes it was long past sunup before dorothy awoke. she rubbed her eyes, yawned once or twice, and then shook the cowardly lion. the gates of the city were open, and although it looked even grayer in the daytime than it looked at night, the travelers were too hungry to be particular. a large placard was posted just inside: this is pokes! don't run! don't sing! talk slowly! don't whistle! _order of the chief poker._ read dorothy. "how cheerful! hah, hoh, hum-mm!" "don't!" begged the cowardly lion with tears in his eyes. "if i yawn again, i'll swallow my tail, and if i don't have something to eat soon, i'll do it anyway. let's hurry! there's something queer about this place, dorothy! ah, hah, hoh, hum-mm!" stifling their yawns, the two started down the long, narrow street. the houses were of gray stone, tall and stiff with tiny barred windows. it was absolutely quiet, and not a person was in sight. but when they turned the corner, they saw a crowd of queer-looking people creeping toward them. these singular individuals stopped between each step and stood perfectly still, and dorothy was so surprised at their unusual appearance that she laughed right in the middle of a yawn. in the first place, they never lifted their feet, but pushed them along like skates. the women were dressed in gray polka-dot dresses with huge poke bonnets that almost hid their fat, sleepy, wide-mouthed faces. most of them had pet snails on strings, and so slowly did they move that it looked as though the snails were tugging them along. the men were dressed like a party of congressmen, but instead of high hats wore large red nightcaps, and they were all as solemn as owls. it seemed impossible for them to keep both eyes open at the same time, and at first dorothy thought they were winking at her. but as the whole company continued to stare fixedly with one open eye, she burst out laughing. at the unexpected sound (for no one had ever laughed in pokes before), the women picked up their snails in a great fright, and the men clapped their fingers to their ears or to the places where their ears were under the red nightcaps. "these must be the slow pokes," giggled dorothy, nudging the cowardly lion. "let's go to meet them, for they'll never reach us at the rate they are coming!" "there's something wrong with my feet," rumbled the cowardly lion without looking up. "hah, hoh, hum! what's the use of hurrying?" the fact of the matter was that they couldn't hurry if they tried. indeed, they could hardly lift their feet at all. "i wish the scarecrow were with us," sighed the cowardly lion, shuffling along unhappily. "he never grows sleepy, and he always knows what to do." "no use wishing," yawned dorothy. "i only hope he's not as lost as we are." by struggling hard, they just managed to keep moving, and by the time they came up with the slow pokes, they were completely worn out. a cross-looking poke held up his arm threateningly, and dorothy and the cowardly lion stopped. "you--" said the poke; then closed his mouth and stood staring vacantly for a whole minute. "are--" he brought out the word with a perfectly enormous yawn, and dorothy began fanning the cowardly lion with her hat, for he showed signs of falling asleep again. "what?" she asked crossly. "under--" sighed the poke after a long pause, and dorothy, seeing that there was no hurrying him, began counting to herself. just as she reached sixty, the poke pushed back his red nightcap and shouted: "arrest!" "arrest!" shouted all the other pokes so loud that the cowardly lion roused himself with a start, and the pet snails stuck out their heads. "a rest? a rest is not what we want! we want breakfast!" growled the lion irritably and started to roar, but a yawn spoiled it. (one simply cannot look fierce by yawning.) "you--" began the poke. but dorothy could not stand hearing the same slow speech again. putting her fingers in her ears, she shouted back: "what for?" the pokes regarded her sternly. some even opened both eyes. then the one who had first addressed them, covering a terrific gape with one hand, pointed with the other to a sign on a large post at the corner of the street. "speed limit 1/4 mile an hour" said the sign. "we're arrested for speeding!" shouted dorothy in the cowardly lion's ear. "did you say feeding?" asked the poor lion, waking up with a start. "if i go to sleep again before i'm fed, i'll starve to death!" "then keep awake," yawned dorothy. by this time, the pokes had surrounded them and were waving them imperiously ahead. they looked so threatening that dorothy and the cowardly lion began to creep in the direction of a gloomy, gray castle. of the journey neither of them remembered a thing, for with the gaping and yawning pokes it was almost impossible to keep awake. but they must have walked in their sleep, for the next thing dorothy knew, a harsh voice called slowly: "poke--him!" greatly alarmed, dorothy opened her eyes. they were in a huge stone hall hung all over with rusty armor, and seated on a great stone chair, snoring so loudly that all the steel helmets rattled, was a knight. the tallest and crossest of the pokes rushed at him with a long poker, giving him such a shove that he sprawled to the floor. "so--" yawned the cowardly lion, awakened by the clatter, "knight has fallen!" "prisoners--sir hokus!" shouted the chief poker, lifting the knight's plume and speaking into the helmet as if he were telephoning. the knight arose with great dignity, and after straightening his armor, let down his visor, and dorothy saw a kind, timid face with melancholy blue eyes--not at all pokish, as she explained to ozma later. "what means this unwonted clamor?" asked sir hokus, peering curiously at the prisoners. "we're sorry to waken you," said dorothy politely, "but could you please give us some breakfast?" "a lot!" added the cowardly lion, licking his chops. "it's safer for me to sing," said the knight mournfully, and throwing back his head, he roared in a high, hoarse voice: "don't yawn! don't yawn! we're out of breath- begone--begone or die the death!" the cowardly lion growled threateningly and began lashing his tail. "if he weren't in a can, i'd eat him," he rumbled, "but i never could abide tinned meat." "he's not in a can, he's in armor," explained dorothy, too interested to pay much attention to the cowardly lion, for at the first note of the knight's song, the pokes began scowling horribly, and by the time he had finished they were backing out of the room faster than dorothy ever imagined they could go. "so that's why the sign said don't sing," thought dorothy to herself. the air seemed clearer somehow, and she no longer felt sleepy. when the last poke had disappeared, the knight sighed and climbed gravely back on his stone chair. "my singing makes them very wroth. in faith, they cannot endure music; it wakens them," explained sir hokus. "but hold, 'twas food you asked of me. breakfast, i believe you called it." with an uneasy glance at the cowardly lion, who was sniffing the air hungrily, the knight banged on his steel armor with his sword, and a fat, lazy poke shuffled slowly into the hall. "pid, bring the stew," roared sir hokus as the poke stood blinking at them dully. "stew, pid!" he repeated loudly, and began to hum under his breath, at which pid fairly ran out of the room, returning in a few minutes with a large yellow bowl. this he handed ungraciously to dorothy. then he brought a great copper tub of the stuff for the cowardly lion and retired sulkily. dorothy thought she had never tasted anything more delicious. the cowardly lion was gulping down his share with closed eyes, and both, i am very sorry to say, forgot even to thank sir hokus. "are you perchance a damsel in distress?" quite startled, dorothy looked up from her bowl and saw the knight regarding her wistfully. "she's in pokes, and that's the same thing," said the cowardly lion without opening his eyes. "we're lost," began the little girl, "but--" there was something so quaint and gentle about the knight, that she soon found herself talking to him like an old friend. she told him all of their adventures since leaving the emerald city and even told about the disappearance of the scarecrow. "passing strange, yet how refreshing," murmured sir hokus. "and if i seem a little behind times, you must not blame me. for centuries, i have dozed in this gray castle, and it cometh over me that things have greatly changed. this beast now, he talks quite manfully, and this kingdom that you mention, this oz? never heard of it!" "never heard of oz?" gasped the little girl. "why, you're a subject of oz, and pokes is in oz, though i don't know just where." here dorothy gave him a short history of the fairy country, and of the many adventures she had had since she had come there. sir hokus listened with growing melancholy. "to think," he sighed mournfully, "that i was prisoner here while all that was happening!" "are _you_ a prisoner?" asked dorothy in surprise. "i thought you were king of the pokes!" "uds daggers!" thundered sir hokus so suddenly that dorothy jumped. "i am a _knight!"_ seeing her startled expression, he controlled himself. "i was a knight," he continued brokenly. "long centuries ago, mounted on my goodly steed, i fared from my father's castle to offer my sword to a mighty king. his name?" sir hokus tapped his forehead uncertainly. "go to, i have forgot." "could it have been king arthur?" exclaimed dorothy, wide-eyed with interest. "why, just think of your being still alive!" "that's just the point," choked the knight. "i've been alive--still, so still that i've forgotten everything. why, i can't even remember how i used to talk," he confessed miserably. "but how did you get here?" rumbled the cowardly lion, who did not like being left out of the conversation. "i had barely left my father's castle before i met a stranger," said sir hokus, sitting up very straight, "who challenged me to battle. i spurred my horse forward, our lances met, and the stranger was unseated. but by my faith, 'twas no mortal knight." sir hokus sighed deeply and lapsed into silence. "what happened?" asked dorothy curiously, for sir hokus seemed to have forgotten them. "the knight," said he with another mighty sigh, "struck the ground with his lance and cried, 'live wretch, for centuries in the stupidest country out of the world,' and disappeared. and here--here i am!" with a despairing gesture, sir hokus arose, big tears splashing down his armor. "i feel that i am brave, very brave, but how am i to know until i have encountered danger? ah, friends, behold in me a knight who has never had a real adventure, never killed a dragon, nor championed a lady, nor gone on a quest!" dropping on his knees before the little girl, sir hokus took her hand. "let me go with you on this quest for the valiant scarecrow. let me be your good night!" he begged eagerly. "good night," coughed the cowardly lion, who, to tell the truth, was feeling a bit jealous. but dorothy was thrilled, and as sir hokus continued to look at her pleadingly, she took off her hair ribbon and bound it 'round his arm. "you shall be my own true knight, and i your lady fair!" she announced solemnly, and exactly as she had read in books. at this interesting juncture the cowardly lion gave a tremendous yawn, and sir hokus with an exclamation of alarm jumped to his feet. the pokes had returned to the hall, and dorothy felt herself falling asleep again. up, up, my lieges and away! we take the field again- for ladies fair we fight today and king! up, up, my merry men! shrilled the knight as if he were leading an army to battle. the pokes opened both eyes, but did not immediately retire. sir hokus bravely swallowed a yawn and hastily clearing his throat shouted another song, which he evidently made up on the spur of the moment: avaunt! be off! be gone--methinks we'll be asleep in forty winks! this time the pokes left sullenly, but the effect of their presence had thrown dorothy, the cowardly lion, and the knight into a violent fit of the gapes. "if i fall asleep, nothing can save you," said sir hokus in an agitated voice. "hah, hoh, hum! hah--!" the knight's eyes closed. "don't do it, don't do it!" begged dorothy, shaking him violently. "can't we run away?" "i've been trying for five centuries," wailed the knight in a discouraged voice, "but i always fall asleep before i reach the gate, and they bring me back here. they're rather fond of me in their slow way," he added apologetically. "couldn't you keep singing?" asked the cowardly lion anxiously, for the prospect of a five-century stay in pokes was more than he could bear. "couldn't we _all_ sing?" suggested dorothy. "surely all three of us won't fall asleep at once." "i'm not much of a singer," groaned the cowardly lion, beginning to tremble, "but i'm willing to do my share!" "i like you," said sir hokus, going over and thumping the cowardly lion approvingly on the back. "you ought to be knighted!" the lion blinked his eyes, for sir hokus' iron fist bruised him severely, but knowing it was kindly meant, he bore it bravely. "i am henceforth a beknighted lion," he whispered to dorothy while sir hokus was straightening his armor. next the knight took down an iron poker, which he handed to dorothy. "to wake us up with," he explained. "and now, lady dorothy, if you are ready, we will start on the quest for the honorable scarecrow, and remember, everybody sing--_sing for your life!"_ chapter 6 singing their way out of pokes taking a deep breath, sir hokus, the cowardly lion and dorothy burst out of the hall singing at the top of their voices. "three blind mice--!" sang dorothy. "across the plain!" shouted sir hokus. "i am the cowardly lion of oz!" roared the lion. the pokes were so taken aback at the horrid sounds that they ran scurrying right and left. in another minute the three were out of the castle and singing their way through the gloomy garden. dorothy stuck to the three blind mice. sir hokus sang verse after verse of an old english ballad, and the cowardly lion roared and gurgled a song of his own making, which, considering it was a first attempt, was not so bad: i am the cowardly lion of oz! be good! begone! beware! becoz when i am scared full fierce i be; br--rah--grr--ruff, look out for me! the pokes stumbled this way and that, and all went well until they rushed into a company of pokes who were playing croquet. the slowness with which they raised their mallets fascinated dorothy, and she stopped to watch them in spite of herself. "don't stop! sing!" growled the cowardly lion in the middle of a line. to make up for lost time, dorothy closed her eyes and sang harder than ever, but alas! next instant she fell over a wicket, which so deprived her of breath that she could barely scramble up, let alone sing. as soon as she stopped singing, the pokes paused in their flight, and as soon as they paused dorothy began to gape. singing for dear life, sir hokus jerked dorothy by the arm, and the cowardly lion roared so loud that the pokes covered their ears and began backing away. "there was a knight! come on, come on!" sang sir hokus, and dorothy came, and in a few minutes was able to take up the "three blind mice" again. but running and singing at the same time is not an easy task. and running through pokes is like trying to run through water. (you know how hard that is?) "three blind mice--uh--hah--three blind--mice--uh-hah--i can't sing another note! thu--ree--!" gasped poor dorothy, stumbling along, while the cowardly lion was puffing like an engine. the pokes in the garden had recovered from their first alarm and were following at a safe distance. the gates of the city were only a short distance off, but it seemed to dorothy that she could not go another step. a large group of pokes had gathered at the gates, and unless they could sing their way through, they would fall asleep and be carried ignominiously back to the castle. "now!" wheezed sir hokus, "remember, it is for the scarecrow!" all of them swallowed, took a deep breath, and put their last remaining strength into their voices. but a wily poke who had stuffed some cotton in his ears now approached pushing a little cart. "take--!" he drawled, and before dorothy realized what she was doing, she had accepted a cone from the poke. "hah, hoh, hum! why, it's hokey pokey!" spluttered dorothy, and with a deep sigh of delight she took a large bite of the pink ice cream. how cool it felt on her dry throat! she opened her mouth for a second taste, yawned terrifically, and fell with a thud to the stone pavement. "dorothy!" wailed sir hokus, stopping short in his song and bending over the little girl. the poor cowardly lion gave a gulp of despair and began running around the two, roaring and singing in a choked voice. the pokes nodded to each other in a pleased fashion, and the chief poker started cautiously toward them with a long, thick rope. the cowardly lion redoubled his efforts. then, seeing sir hokus about to fall, he jumped on the knight with all his strength. down crashed sir hokus, his armor clanging against the stones that paved the gateway. "sing!" roared the cowardly lion, glaring at him fiercely. the fall wakened the poor knight, but he had not the strength to rise. sitting on the hard stones and looking reproachfully at the cowardly lion, he began his ballad in a half-hearted fashion. the cowardly lion's heart was like to burst between lack of breath and fear, but making one last tremendous effort and still roaring his song, he bounded at the chief poker, seized the rope, and was back before the stupid creature had time to yawn. "tie it around your waist; take dorothy in your arms!" gasped the cowardly lion out of the corner of his mouth. sir hokus, though completely dazed, had just enough presence of mind to obey, and the next minute the cowardly lion, growling between his teeth like a good fellow, was dashing through the group of pokes, the other end of the rope in his mouth. bumpety bump--bump--bump! bangety-bang-bang! went sir hokus over the cobbles, holding his helmet with one hand and dorothy fast in the other arm. the pokes fell this way and that, and such was the determination of the cowardly lion that he never stopped till he was out of the gate and halfway up the rough road they had so recently traveled. then with a mighty sigh, he dropped the rope, rolled over and over down the hill, and lay panting with exhaustion at the bottom. the bumping over the cobbles had wakened sir hokus thoroughly. indeed, the poor knight was black and blue, and his armor dented and scraped frightfully in important places. dorothy, considerably shaken, opened her eyes and began feebly singing "three blind mice." "no need," puffed sir hokus, lifting her off his lap and rising stiffly. "yon noble beast has rescued us." "won't the pokes come up here?" asked dorothy, staring around a bit dizzily. "they cannot live out of the kingdom," said the knight, and dorothy drew a big sigh of relief. sir hokus, however, was looking very grave. "i have failed on my first adventure. had it not been for the cowardly lion, we would now be prisoners in pokes," he murmured sadly. then he unfastened the plume from his helmet. "it beseemeth me not to wear it," sighed the knight mournfully, and though dorothy tried her best to comfort him, he refused to put it back. finally, she fastened the plume to her dress, and they went down to the cowardly lion. there was a little spring nearby, and after they had poured six helmets of water over his head, the lion opened his eyes. "been in a good many fights," gasped the lion, "but i never fought one like this. singing, bah!" "noble sir, how can i ever repay you?" faltered the knight. "alas, that i have failed in the hour of trial!" "why, it wasn't a question of courage at all," rumbled the cowardly lion, greatly embarrassed. "i had the loudest voice and the most breath, that's all! you got the rough end of it." sir hokus looked ruefully at his armor. the back was entirely squashed. "never mind!" said the knight bravely. "it is the front one presents to the foe." "now you're talking like a real knight," said dorothy. "a while ago you said, 'yon' and 'beseemeth,' and first thing you know the talk will all come back to you." sir hokus' honest face shone with pleasure. "odds bludgeons and truncheons! the little maid is right!" he exclaimed, striking an attitude. "and once it does, the rest will be easy." "don't say rest to me," begged the cowardly lion, getting slowly to his feet. "hah, hoh, hum! just to think of it makes me yawn. now don't you think we had better start off?" "if you're rested," began dorothy. the cowardly lion put his paw over his ear and looked so comical that both dorothy and sir hokus laughed heartily. "if you're ready," amended dorothy, and the three adventurers started up the steep road. "the first thing to do," said the little girl, "is to get back to the emerald city as quickly as we can." at this very minute glinda, the good sorceress of oz, in her palace in the quadling country, was puzzling over an entry in the magic record book. this book tells everything that is happening in the world and out, and while it does not give details, it is a very useful possession. "the emperor of the silver islands," read glinda, "has returned to his people." "now who is the emperor of the silver islands?" she asked herself. she puzzled about it for a long while, and then, deciding that it had nothing to do with the fairy kingdom of oz, she closed the book and went for a walk in the palace garden. dorothy and sir hokus and the cowardly lion had meanwhile reached the first sign in the dim forest, the sign directing travelers to pokes. two roads branched out through the forest, and after much debating they took the wider. "do you 'spose this leads to the emerald city?" asked cowardly lion dubiously. "time will tell, time will tell," said sir hokus cheerfully. "yes," murmured the cowardly lion, "time will tell. but what?" chapter 7 the scarecrow is hailed as emperor! leaning forward on the great throne, the scarecrow waited impatiently for the ancient gentleman to speak. the gray-skinned courtiers were eyeing him expectantly, and just as the suspense became almost unendurable, the old man threw up his arms and cried sharply: "the prophecy of the magic beanstalk has been fulfilled. in this radiant and sublime scarecrowcus, the spirit of chang wang woe, the mighty, has returned. and i, the grand chew chew of the realm, prostrate myself before this wonderful scarecrowcus, emperor of the silver islands." so, likewise, did all the company present, and the scarecrow, taken unawares, flew up several feet and landed in a heap on the steps leading to the throne. he climbed back hurriedly, picking up the fan and parasol that he had plucked from the beanstalk. "i wish professor wogglebug could hear this," said the scarecrow, settling himself complacently. "but i must watch out, and remember to hold on." the grand chew chew was the first to rise, and folding his arms, he asked solemnly: "what are your commands, ancient and honorable scarecrowcus?" "if you'd just omit the cus," begged the scarecrow in an embarrassed voice, "i believe i could think better. am i in china, or where? are you chinamen, or what?" "we are silvermen," said the grand chew chew impressively, "and a much older race than our chinese cousins. they are people of the sun. we are people of the stars. has your highness so soon forgotten?" "i am afraid," said the scarecrow, rubbing his chin reflectively, "that i have." he gazed slowly around the great throne room. ozma's palace itself was not more dazzling. the floor of dull silver blocks was covered with rich blue rugs. furniture, chairs, screens and everything were made of silver inlaid with precious stones. filigreed silver lanterns hung from the high ceilings, and tall silver vases filled with pink and blue blossoms filled the rooms with their perfume. blue flags embroidered with silver stars fluttered from the walls and the tips of the pikebearers' spears, and silver seemed to be so plentiful that even shoes were fashioned of it. faintly through the windows came the sweet tones of a hundred silver chimes, and altogether the scarecrow was quite dazed by his apparent good fortune. surely they had called him emperor, but how could that be? he turned to address the grand chew chew; then as he saw out of the corner of his eye that the assemblage were making ready to fall upon their faces, he exclaimed in a hoarse whisper: "may i speak to you alone?" the grand chew chew waved his hand imperiously, and the courtiers with a great crackling of silver brocade backed from the hall. "very kind of them to bow, but i wish they wouldn't," sighed the scarecrow, sinking back on the great throne. "it blows one about so. i declare, if another person falls at my feet, i'll have nervous prostration." again he took a long survey of the hall, then turned to the grand chew chew. "would you mind," he asked simply, "telling me again who i am and how?" "who and how? who--you are, illustrious sir, the emperor chang wang woe, or to be more exact, his spirit!" "i have always been a spirited person," observed the scarecrow dubiously, "but never a spirit without a person. i must insist on being a person." "how?" the grand chew chew proceeded without noticing the scarecrow's remarks. "fifty years ago--after your extreme highness had defeated in battle the king of the golden islands--a magician entered the realm. this magician, in the employ of this wicked king, entered a room in the palace where your highness lay sleeping and by an act of necromancy changed you to a crocus!" "ouch!" exclaimed the scarecrow, shuddering involuntarily. "and had it not been for the empress, your faithful wife, you would have been lost forever to the empire." "wife?" gasped the scarecrow faintly. "have i a wife?" "if your highness will permit me to finish," begged the grand chew chew with great dignity. the scarecrow nodded. "your wife, tsing tsing, the beautiful, took the crocus, which was fading rapidly, and planted it in a silver bowl in the center of this very hall and for three days kept it fresh with her tears. waking on the third morning, the empress was amazed to see in place of the crocus a giant bean pole that extended to the roof of the palace and disappeared among the clouds." "ah!" murmured the scarecrow, looking up, "my family tree!" "beside the bean pole lay a crumpled parchment." the grand chew chew felt in the sleeve of his kimono and brought out a bit of crumpled silver paper, and adjusting his horn spectacles, read slowly. "into the first being who touches this magic pole--on the other side of the world--the spirit of emperor chang wang woe will enter. and fifty years from this day, he will return--to save his people." the grand chew chew took off his specs and folded up the paper. "the day has come! you have come down the bean pole, and are undoubtedly that being who has gone from emperor to crocus to scarecrowcus. i have ruled the islands these fifty years; have seen to the education of your sons and grandsons. and now, gracious and exalted master, as i am an old man i ask you to relieve me from the cares of state." "sons! grandsons!" choked the scarecrow, beginning to feel very much alarmed indeed. "how old am i?" "your highness," said the grand chew chew with a deep salaam, "is as old as i. in other words, you are in the ripe and glorious eighty-fifth year of your majesty's illustrious and useful age." "eighty five!" gasped the scarecrow, staring in dismay at the gray, wrinkled face of the old silverman. "now see here, chew chew, are you sure of that?" "quite sure, immortal and honored master!" the scarecrow could not help but be convinced of the truth of the grand chew chew's story. the pole in the munchkin farmer's cornfield was none other than the magic beanstalk, and he, thrust on the pole by the farmer to scare away the crows, had received the spirit of the emperor chang wang woe. "which accounts for my cleverness," he thought gloomily. now, surely he should have been pleased, for he had come in search of a family, but the acquisition of an empire, sons and grandsons, and old age, all in a trice, fairly took his breath away. "does the prophecy say anything about restoring my imperial person?" he asked anxiously, for the thought of looking like chew chew was not a cheerful one. "alas, no!" sighed the grand chew chew sorrowfully. "but we have very clever wizards on the island, and i shall set them at work on the problem at once." "now don't be in such a rush," begged the scarecrow, secretly determined to lock up the wizards at the first opportunity. "i'm rather fond of this shape. you see, it requires no food and never grows tired--or old!" "the royal robes will in a measure conceal it," murmured the grand chew chew politely, and clapped his hands. a little servitor bounced into the hall. "a royal robe, quick silver, for his radiant highness," snapped the grand chew chew. in a moment quick silver had returned with a magnificent purple satin robe embroidered in silver threads and heavy with jewels, and a hat of silver cloth with upturned brim. the scarecrow wrapped himself in the purple robe, took off his old munchkin hat, and substituted the imperial headpiece. "how do i look, chew?" he asked anxiously. "quite like your old imperial self, except--" the old prime minister ran unsteadily out of the room. there was a muffled scream from the hall, and the next instant he returned with a long, shiny, silver queue which he had evidently clipped from the head of one of the servants. removing the scarecrow's hat, he pinned the queue to the back, set it on the scarecrow's head, and stood regarding him with great satisfaction. "ah, if the empress could only see you!" he murmured rapturously. "where--where is she?" asked the scarecrow, looking around nervously. his long, care-free life in oz had somewhat unfitted him, he reflected, for family life. "alas!" sighed the grand chew chew, wiping his eyes on the sleeve of his kimono, "she has returned to her silver ancestors." "then show me her picture," commanded the scarecrow, visibly affected. the grand chew chew stepped to a side wall, and pulling on a silken cord, disclosed the picture of a large, gray lady with curiously small eyes and a curiously large nose. "is she not beautiful?" asked the grand chew chew, bowing his head. "beautiful--er--er, beautiful!" gulped the scarecrow. he thought of lovely little ozma and dear little dorothy, and all at once felt terribly upset and homesick. he had no recollection of the silver island or his life here whatever. who was he, anyway--the scarecrow of oz or emperor chang wang woe? he couldn't be both. "ah!" whispered the grand chew chew, seeing his agitation. "you remember her?" the scarecrow shook his head, with an inward shudder. "now show me myself, chew," he asked curiously. pulling the cord of a portrait beside the empress, chew chew revealed the picture of chang wang woe as he had been fifty years ago. his face was bland and jolly, and to be perfectly truthful, quite like the scarecrow's in shape and expression. "i am beside myself," murmured the scarecrow dazedly--which in truth he was. "you were--er--are a very royal and handsome person," stammered the grand chew chew. the scarecrow, stepping off the throne to examine himself more closely, dropped the little fan and parasol. he had really not had time to examine them since they snapped off the beanstalk, and now, looking at them carefully, he found them extremely pretty. "dorothy will like these," thought the scarecrow, slipping them into a large inside pocket of his robe. already, in the back of his head, was a queer notion that he would at some time or other return to oz. he started to give the grand chew chew a spirited description of that wonderful country, but the ancient gentleman yawned and, waving his hands toward the door, interrupted him with: "would not your supreme highness care to inspect your present dominions?" "i suppose i may as well!" with a deep sigh, the scarecrow took the grand chew chew's arm and, holding up his royal kimono (which was rather long) with the other hand, walked unsteadily down the great salon. they were about to pass into the garden when a little fat silverman slid around the door, a huge silver drumstick upraised in his right hand and a great drum hung about his neck. the drummer beamed on the scarecrow. chang wang woe, the beautiful, the beautiful has come! sublime and silver scarecrow, let sound the royal drum! chanted the little man in a high, thin voice, and started to bring the drumstick down upon the huge head of his noisy instrument. "no you don't!" cried the scarecrow, leaping forward and catching his arm. "i positively forbid it!" "then i shall have no work!" screamed the drummer, falling on his face. "ah, gracious master, don't you remember me?" "yes," said the scarecrow kindly, "who are you?" "oh, don't you remember little happy toko?" wheezed the little man, the tears rolling down his cheeks. "i was only a boy, but you used to be fond of me." "why, of course, my dear tappy," said the scarecrow, not liking to hurt the little fellow's feelings. "but why do you beat the drum?" "it is customary to sound the drum at the approach of your royal highness," put in the grand chew chew importantly. "was customary," said the scarecrow firmly. "my dear tappy oko, never sound it in my presence again; it is too upsetting." which was true enough, for one blow of the drum sent the flimsy scarecrow flying into the air. "you're dismissed, happy," snapped the grand chew chew. at this, the little silver islander began weeping and roaring with distress. "stop! what else can you do besides beat a drum?" asked the scarecrow kindly. "i can sing, stand on my head, and tell jokes," sniffed happy toko, shuffling from one foot to the other. "very good," said the scarecrow. "you are henceforth imperial punster to my person. come along, we're going to look over the island." the grand chew chew frowned so terribly that happy toko's knees shook with terror. "it is not fitting for a slave to accompany the grand chew chew and the emperor," he hissed angrily. the scarecrow looked surprised, for the kingdom of oz is quite democratic, and no one is considered better than another. but seeing this was not the time to argue, he winked broadly behind the grand chew chew's back. "i'll see you again, tappy my boy," he called genially, and passed out into the garden, where a magnificent silver palanquin, surrounded by pikemen and shieldbearers, awaited him. chapter 8 the scarecrow studies the silver island two days had passed since the scarecrow had fallen into his kingdom. he was not finding his royal duties as pleasant as he had anticipated. the country was beautiful enough, but being emperor of the silver islands was not the simple affair that ruling oz had been. the pigtail on the back of his hat was terribly distracting, and he was always tripping over his kimono, to which he could not seem to accustom himself. his subjects were extremely quarrelsome, always pulling one another's queues or stealing fruit, umbrellas, and silver polish. his ministers, the grand chew chew, the chief chow chow, and general mugwump, were no better, and keeping peace in the palace took all the scarecrow's cleverness. in the daytime he tried culprits in the royal court, interviewed his seventeen secretaries, rode out in the royal palanquin, and made speeches to visiting princes. at night he sat in the great silver salon and by the light of the lanterns studied the book of ceremonies. his etiquette, the grand chew chew informed him, was shocking. he was always doing something wrong, dodging the imperial umbrella, speaking kindly to a palace servant, or walking unattended in the gardens. the royal palace itself was richly furnished, and the scarecrow had more than five hundred robes of state. the gardens, with their sparkling waterfalls, glowing orange trees, silver temples, towers and bridges, were too lovely for words. poppies, roses, lotus and other lilies perfumed the air, and at night a thousand silver lanterns turned them to a veritable fairyland. the grass and trees were green as in other lands, but the sky as always full of tiny silver clouds, the waters surrounding the island were of a lovely liquid silver, and as all the houses and towers were of this gleaming metal, the effect was bewildering and beautiful. but the silver islanders themselves were too stupid to appreciate this beauty. "and what use is it all when i have no one to enjoy it with me," sighed the scarecrow. "and no time to _play!"_ in oz no one thought it queer if ozma, the little queen, jumped rope with dorothy or betsy bobbin, or had a quiet game of croquet with the palace cook. but here, alas, everything was different. if the scarecrow so much as ventured a game of ball with the gardener's boy, the whole court was thrown into an uproar. at first, the scarecrow tried to please everybody, but finding that nothing pleased the people in the palace, he decided to please himself. "i don't care a kinkajou if i am the emperor, i'm going to talk to whom i please!" he exclaimed on the second night, and shaking his glove at a bronze statue, he threw the book of ceremonies into the fountain. the next morning, therefore, he ascended the throne with great firmness. immediately, the courtiers prostrated themselves, and the scarecrow's arms and legs blew about wildly. "stand up at once," puffed the scarecrow when he had regained his balance. "you are giving me nervous prostration. chew, kindly issue an edict forbidding prostrations. anyone caught bowing in my presence again shall lose--" the courtiers looked alarmed "--his pigtail!" finished the scarecrow. "and now, chew, you will take my place, please. i am going for a walk with tappy oko." the grand chew chew's mouth fell open with surprise, but seeing the scarecrow's determined expression, he dared not disobey, and he immediately began making strange marks on a long, red parchment. happy toko trembled as the scarecrow emperor took his arm, and the courtiers stared at one another in dismay as the two walked quietly out into the garden. nothing happened, however, and tappy, regaining his composure, took out a little silver flute and started a lively tune. "i had to take matters into my own hands, tappy," said the scarecrow, listening to the music with a pleased expression. "are there any words to that song?" "yes, illustrious and supreme sir!" two spoons went down a por-ce-lane, to meet a china saucer, a 'talking china in a way to break a white man's jaw, sir! sang happy, and finished by standing gravely on his head. "your majesty used to be very fond of this song," spluttered happy. (it is difficult to speak while upside down, and if you don't think so, try it!) "ah!" said the scarecrow, beginning to feel more cheerful, "tell me something about myself and my family, tappy oko." "happy toko, if it pleases your supreme amiability," corrected the little silver man, somersaulting to a standstill beside the scarecrow. "it does and it doesn't," murmured the scarecrow. "there is something about you that reminds me of a pudding, and you tapped the drum, didn't you? i believe i shall call you tappy oko, if you don't mind!" the scarecrow seated himself on a silver bench and motioned for the imperial punster to sit down beside him. tappy oko sat down fearfully, first making sure that he was not observed. "saving your imperial presence, this is not permitted," said tappy uneasily. "never mind about my imperial presence," chuckled the scarecrow. "tell me about my imperial past." "ah!" said tappy oko, rolling up his eyes, "you were one of the most magnificent and magnanimous of monarchs." "was i?" asked the scarecrow in a pleased voice. "you distributed rice among the poor, and advice among the rich, and fought many glorious battles," continued the little man. "i composed a little song about you. perhaps you would like to hear it?" the scarecrow nodded, and tappy, throwing back his head, chanted with a will: chang wang woe did draw the bow- and twist the queues of a thousand foe! "in oz," murmured the scarecrow reflectively as tappy finished, "i twisted the necks of a flock of wild crows--that was before i had my excellent brains, too. oh, i'm a fighting man, there's no doubt about it. but tell me, tappy, where did i meet my wife?" "in the water!" chuckled tappy oko, screwing up his eyes. "never!" the scarecrow looked out over the harbor and then down at his lumpy figure. "your majesty forgets you were then a man like me--er--not stuffed with straw, i mean," exclaimed happy, looking embarrassed. "she was fishing," continued the little punster, "when a huge silver fish became entangled in her line. she stood up, the fish gave a mighty leap and pulled her out of the boat. your majesty, having seen the whole affair from the bank, plunged bravely into the water and, swimming out, rescued her, freed the fish, and in due time made her your bride. i've made a song about that, also." "let's hear it," said the scarecrow. and this is what happy sung: tsing tsing, a silver fisher's daughter, was fishing in the silver water. the moon shone on her silver hair and there were fishes everywhere! then came a mighty silver fish, it seized her line and with a swish of silver fins upset her boat. tsing tsing could neither swim nor float. she raised her silver voice in fear and who her call of help should hear but chang wang woe, the emperor, who saved and married her, what's more! "did i really?" asked the scarecrow, feeling quite flattered by happy's song. "yes," said happy positively, "and invited me to the wedding, though i was only a small boy." "was chew chew there?" the scarecrow couldn't help wondering how the old nobleman had taken his marriage with a poor fisherman's daughter. happy chuckled at the memory. "he had a princess all picked out for you," he confided merrily: and there he stood in awful pride and scorned the father of the bride! "hoh!" roared the scarecrow, falling off the bench. "that's the ozziest thing i've heard since i landed in the silver islands. tappy, my boy, i believe we are going to be friends! but let's forget the past and think of the present!" the scarecrow embraced his imperial punster on the spot. "let's find something jolly to do," he suggested. "would your extreme highness care for kites?" asked happy. "'tis a favorite sport here!" "would i! but wait, i will disguise myself." hiding his royal hat under the bench, he put on happy toko's broad-rimmed peasant hat. it turned down all 'round and almost hid his face. then he turned his robe inside out and declared himself ready. they passed through a small silver town before they reached the field where the kites were to be flown, and the scarecrow was delighted with its picturesque and quaint appearance. the streets were narrow and full of queer shops. silver lanterns and little pennants hung from each door, the merchants and maidens in their gay sedans and the people afoot made a bright and lively picture. "if i could just live here instead of in the palace," mused the scarecrow, pausing before a modest rice shop. it is dangerous to stop in the narrow streets, and happy jerked his master aside just in time to prevent his being trodden on by a huge camel. it sniffed at the scarecrow suspiciously, and they were forced to flatten themselves against a wall to let it pass. happy anxiously hurried the emperor through the town, and they soon arrived at the kite flying field. a great throng had gathered to watch the exhibition, and there were more kites than one would see in a lifetime here. huge fish, silver paper dragons, birds--every sort and shape of kite was tugging at its string, and hundreds of silver islanders--boys, girls and grown-ups-were looking on. "how interesting," said the scarecrow, fascinated by a huge dragon that floated just over his head. "i wish dorothy could see this, i do indeed!" but the dragon kite seemed almost alive, and horrors! just as it swooped down, a hook in the tail caught in the scarecrow's collar, and before happy toko could even wink, the emperor of the silver islands was sailing towards the clouds. the scarecrow, as you must know, weighs almost nothing, and the people shouted with glee, for they thought him a dummy man and part of the performance. but happy toko ran after the kite as fast as his fat little legs would carry him. "alas, alas, i shall lose my position!" wailed happy toko, quite convinced that the scarecrow would be dashed to pieces on the rocks. "oh, putty head that i am to set myself against the grand chew chew!" the scarecrow, however, after recovering from the first shock, began to enjoy himself. holding fast to the dragon's tail, he looked down with great interest upon his dominions. rocks, mountains, tall silver pagodas, drooping willow trees, flashed beneath him. truly a beautiful island! his gaze strayed over the silver waters surrounding the island, and he was astonished to see a great fleet sailing into the harbor--a great fleet of singular vessels with silken sails. "what's this?" thought the scarecrow. but just then the dragon kite became suddenly possessed. it jerked him up, it jerked him down, and shook him this way and that. his hat flew off, his arms and legs whirled wildly, and pieces of straw began to float downward. then the hook ripped and tore through his coat and, making a terrible slit in his back, came out. down, down, down flashed the scarecrow and landed in a heap on the rocks. poor happy toko rushed toward him with streaming eyes. "oh radiant and immortal scarecrowcus, what have they done to you?" he moaned, dropping on his knees beside the flimsy shape of the emperor. "merely knocked out my honorable stuffing," mumbled the scarecrow. "now tappy, my dear fellow, will you just turn me over? there's a rock in my eye that keeps me from thinking." happy toko, at the sound of a voice from the rumpled heap of clothing, gave a great leap. "is there any straw about?" asked the scarecrow anxiously. "why don't you turn me over?" "it's his ghost," moaned happy toko, and because he dared not disobey a royal ghost, he turned the scarecrow over with trembling hands. "don't be alarmed," said the scarecrow, smiling reassuringly. "i'm not breakable like you meat people. a little straw will make me good as new. a little straw--straw, do you hear?" for happy's pigtail was still on end, and he was shaking so that his silver shoes clattered on the rocks. "i command you to fetch straw!" cried the scarecrow at last, in an angry voice. happy dashed away. when he returned with an arm full of straw, the scarecrow managed to convince him that he was quite alive. "it is impossible to kill a person from oz," he explained proudly, "and that is why my present figure is so much more satisfactory than yours. i do not have to eat or sleep and can always be repaired. have you some safety pins?" happy produced several and under the scarecrow's direction stuffed out his chest and pinned up his rents. "let us return," said the scarecrow. "i've had enough pleasure for one day, and can't you sing something, tappy?" running and fright had somewhat affected happy's voice, but he squeaked out a funny little song, and the two, keeping time to the tune, came without further mishap to the imperial gardens. happy had just set the royal hat upon the scarecrow's head and brushed off his robes when a company of courtiers dashed out of the palace door and came running toward them. "great cornstarch!" exclaimed the scarecrow, sitting heavily down on the silver bench. "what's the matter now? here are all the pig-heads on the island, and look how old chew chew is puffing!" "one would expect a chew chew to puff," observed happy slyly. "one would--" but he got no further, for the whole company was upon them. "save us! save us!" wailed the courtiers, forgetting the royal edict and falling on their faces. "what from?" asked the scarecrow, holding fast to the silver bench. "the king--the king of the golden islands!" shrieked the grand chew chew. "ah yes!" murmured the scarecrow, frowning thoughtfully. "was that his fleet coming into the harbor?" the grand chew chew jumped up in astonishment. "how could your highness see the fleet from here?" he stuttered. "not from here--there," said the scarecrow, pointing upward and winking at happy toko. "my highness goes very high, you see!" "your majesty does not seem to realize the seriousness of the matter," choked the grand chew chew. "he will set fire to the island and make us all slaves." at this, the courtiers began banging their heads distractedly on the grass. "set fire to the island!" exclaimed the scarecrow, jumping to his feet. "then peace to _my_ ashes! tappy, will you see that they are sent back to oz?" "save us! save us!" screamed the frightened silvermen. "the prophecy of the beanstalk has promised that you would save us. you are the emperor chang wang woe," persisted the grand chew chew, waving his long arms. "woe is me," murmured the scarecrow, clasping his yellow gloves. "but let me think." chapter 9 "save us with your magic, exalted one!" for several minutes, the scarecrow sat perfectly still while the company stood shaking in their shoes. then he asked loudly, "where is the imperial army?" "it has retired to the caves at the end of the island," quavered the grand chew chew. "i thought as much," said the scarecrow. "but never mind, there are quite a lot of us." "us!" spluttered a tall silverman indignantly. "we are not common soldiers." "no, very uncommon ones, but you have hard heads and long nails, and i dare say will manage somehow. come on, let's go. chew, you may take the lead." "go!" shrieked the grand chew chew. "us?" the courtiers began backing away in alarm. "where--er--what--are your highness' plans?" "why, just to conquer the king of the golden islands and send him back home," said the scarecrow, smiling engagingly. "that's what you wanted, isn't it?" "but it is not honorable for noblemen to fight. it--" "oh, of course, if you prefer burning--" the scarecrow rose unsteadily and started for the garden gates. not a person stirred. the scarecrow looked back, and his reproachful face was too much for happy toko. "i'll come, exalted and radiant scarecrowcus! wait, honorable and valiant sir!" "bring a watering can, if you love me," called the scarecrow over his shoulder, and happy, snatching one from a frightened gardener, dashed after his master. "if things get too hot, i'd like to know that you can put me out," said the scarecrow, his voice quivering with emotion. "you shall be rewarded for this, my brave tappy." happy did not answer, for his teeth were chattering so he could not speak. the harbor lay just below the imperial palace, and the scarecrow and happy hurried on through the crowds of fleeing silvermen, their household goods packed upon their heads. some cheered faintly for chang wang woe, but none offered to follow, save the faithful happy. "is this king old?" asked the scarecrow, looking anxiously at the small boats full of warriors that were putting out from the fleet. "he is the son of the king whom your majesty conquered fifty years ago," gulped happy. "ha--has your imperial highness any--plan?" "not yet," said the scarecrow cheerfully, "but i'm thinking very hard." "then, goodbye to silver island!" choked happy toko, dropping the watering can with a crash. "never mind," said the scarecrow kindly. "if they shoot me and i catch fire, i'll jump in the water and you must fish me out, tappy. now please don't talk any more. i must think!" poor happy toko had nothing else to say, for he considered his day finished. the first of the invaders were already landing on the beach, and standing up in a small boat, encased in glittering gold armor, was the king of the golden islands, himself. the sun was quite hot, and there was a smell of gunpowder in the air. now the scarecrow had encountered many dangers in oz and had usually thought his way out of them, but as they came nearer and nearer to the shore and no idea presented itself, he began to feel extremely nervous. a bullet fired from the king's boat tore through his hat, and the smoke made him more anxious than ever about his straw stuffing. he felt hurriedly in his pocket, and his clumsy fingers closed over the little fan he had plucked from the bean pole. partly from agitation and partly because he did not know what else to do, the scarecrow flipped the fan open. at that minute, a mighty roar went up from the enemy, for at the first motion of the fan they had been jerked fifty feet into the air, and there they hung suspended over their ships, kicking and squealing for dear life. the scarecrow was as surprised as they, and as for happy toko, he fell straightway on his nose! "magic!" exclaimed the scarecrow. "someone is helping us," and he began fanning himself gently with the little fan, waiting to see what would happen next. at each wave of the fan, the king of the golden islands and his men flew higher until at last not one of them could be seen from the shore. "the fan. the magic is in the fan!" gasped happy toko, jumping up and embracing the scarecrow. "why, what do you mean?" asked the scarecrow, closing the fan with a snap. happy's answer was drowned in a huge splash. as soon as the fan was closed, down whirled the king's army into the sea, and each man struck the water with such force that the spray rose high as a skyscraper. and not till then did the scarecrow realize the power of the little fan he had been saving for dorothy. "saved!" screamed happy toko, dancing up and down. "hurrah for the emperor!" the emperor, without a plan, has won the victory with a fan. the silver islanders had paused in their flight at the queer noises coming from the harbor, and now all of them, hearing tappy oko's cries, came crowding down to the shore and were soon cheering themselves hoarse. no wonder! the drenched soldiers of the king were climbing swiftly back into their boats, and when they were all aboard, the scarecrow waved his fan sidewise (he did not want to blow them up again), and the ships swept out of the harbor so fast that the water churned to silver suds behind them, and they soon were out of sight. "ah!" cried the grand chew chew, arriving breathlessly at this point, "we have won the day!" "so we have!" chuckled the scarecrow, putting his arm around happy toko. "call the brave army and decorate the generals!" "it shall be done," said the grand chew chew, frowning at happy. "there shall be a great celebration, a feast, and fireworks." "fireworks," quavered the scarecrow, clutching his imperial punster. by this time, the silver islanders were crowding around the emperor, shouting and squealing for joy, and before he could prevent it, they had placed him on their shoulders and carried him in triumph to the palace. he managed to signal happy, and happy nodded reassuringly and ran off as fast as his fat little legs could patter. he arrived at the palace almost as soon as the scarecrow, lugging a giant silver watering can, and, sitting calmly on the steps of the throne, fanned himself with his hat. the scarecrow eyed the watering can with satisfaction. "now let them have their old fireworks," he muttered under his breath, and settled himself comfortably. the grand chew chew was hopping about like a ditched kite, arranging for the celebration. the courtiers were shaking hands with themselves and forming in a long line. a great table was being set in the hall. "what a fuss they are making over nothing," said the scarecrow to happy toko. "now in oz when we win a victory, we all play some jolly game and sit down to dinner with ozma. why, they haven't even set a place for you, happy!" "i'd rather sit here, amiable master," sighed happy toko happily. "is the little fan safely closed?" the scarecrow felt in his pocket to make sure, then leaned forward in surprise. the royal silver army were marching stiffly into the hall, and the courtiers were bobbing and bowing and cheering like mad. the general came straight to the great silver throne, clicked his silver heels, bowed, and stood at attention. "well," said the scarecrow, surveying this splendid person curiously, "what is it?" "they have come for their decorations," announced the grand chew chew, stepping up with a large silver platter full of medals. "but i thought tappy oko and i saved the island," chuckled the scarecrow, nudging the imperial punster. "had the imperial army not retired and left the field to you, there would have been no victory," faltered the general in a timid voice. "therefore, in a way we are responsible for the victory. a great general always knows when to retire." "there's something in that," admitted the scarecrow, scratching his head thoughtfully. "go ahead and decorate 'em, chew chew!" this the grand chew chew proceeded to do, making such a long speech to each soldier that half of the court fell asleep and the scarecrow fidgeted uncomfortably. "they remind me of the army of oz," he confided to happy toko, "but we never have long speeches in oz. i declare, i wish i could go to sleep, too, and that's something i have never seen any use in before." "they've just begun," yawned happy toko, nearly rolling down the steps of the throne, and happy was not far wrong, for all afternoon one after the other of the courtiers arose and droned about the great victory, and as they all addressed themselves to the scarecrow, he was forced to listen politely. when the speeches were over, there was still the grand banquet to be got through, and as the silver islanders ate much the same fare as their chinese cousins, you can imagine the poor scarecrow's feelings. "ugh!" shivered the scarecrow as the strange dishes appeared, "i'm glad none of my friends are here. how fortunate that i'm stuffed with straw!" the broiled mice, the stewed shark fins and the bird nest soup made him stare. he had ordered happy toko to be placed at his side, and to watch him happily at work with his silver chopsticks and porcelain spoon was the only satisfaction he got out of the feast. "and what is that?" he asked, pointing to a steaming bowl that had just been placed before happy. "minced cat, your highness," replied happy, sprinkling it generously with silver polish. "cat?" shrieked the scarecrow, pouncing to his feet in horror. "do you mean to tell me you are eating a poor, innocent, little cat?" "not a poor one at all. a very rich one, i should say," replied happy toko with his mouth full. "ah, had your highness only your old body, how you would enjoy this!" "never!" shouted the scarecrow so loudly that all of the courtiers looked up in surprise. "how dare you eat innocent cats?" indignantly he thought of dorothy's pet kitten back in oz. oz--why had he ever left that wonderful country? "your highness has eaten hundreds," announced the grand chew chew calmly. "hundreds!" the scarecrow dropped back into his chair, too shocked for speech. he, the scarecrow of oz, had eaten hundreds of cats! what would dorothy say to that? ugh! this was his first experience with silver island fare. he had always spent the dinner hours in the garden. he sighed, and looked wistfully at the bean pole in the center of the hall. every minute he was feeling less and less like the emperor of the silver island and more and more like the plain scarecrow of oz. "your majesty seems out of spirits," said happy toko as he placed himself and the huge watering can beside the emperor's bench in the garden later in the evening. "i wish i were," said the scarecrow. "to have an emperor's spirit wished on you is no joke, my dear tappy. it's a blinking bore!" at that moment, the fireworks commenced. the garden, ablaze with many shaped silver lanterns, looked more like fairyland than ever. but each rocket made the scarecrow wince. showers of stars and butterflies fell 'round his head, fiery dragons leaped over the trees, and in all the fourth of july celebrations you could imagine there were never such marvelous fireworks as these. no wonder happy toko, gazing in delight, forgot his promises to his royal master. soon the scarecrow's fears were realized, and his straw stuffing began to smoke. "put me out! put me out!" cried the scarecrow, as a shower of sparks settled in his lap. the royal band made such a din and the courtiers such a clatter that happy did not hear. all of the silver islanders were intent on the display, and they forgot all about their unhappy and smoking emperor. "help! water! water! fire!" screamed the scarecrow, jumping off his throne and knocking happy head over heels. thus brought to his senses, happy hurriedly seized the watering can and sprinkled its contents on the smoking emperor. "am i out?" gasped the emperor anxiously. "a fine way to celebrate a victory, lighting me up like a roman candle!" "yes, dear master," said the repentant happy, helping the dripping scarecrow to his feet, "it only scorched your royal robe. and it's all over, anyway. let us go in." the dripping emperor was quite ready to follow his imperial punster's advice. "now that i am put out, let us by all means go in," said the scarecrow gloomily, and the two slipped off without anyone noticing their departure. "i'm afraid i'll have to have some new stuffing tomorrow," observed the scarecrow, sinking dejectedly on his throne. "tappy, my dear boy, after this never leave me alone, do you hear?" happy toko made no reply. he had fallen asleep beside the imperial throne. the scarecrow might have called his court, but he was in no mood for more of the silver islanders' idea of a good time. he longed for the dear friends of his loved land of oz. one by one the lights winked out in the gardens, and the noisy company dispersed, and soon no one in the palace was awake but the scarecrow. his straw was wet and soggy, and even his excellent brains felt damp and dull. "if it weren't for tappy oko, how lonely i should be." he stared through the long, dim, empty hall with its shimmering silver screens and vases. "i wonder what little dorothy is doing," sighed the scarecrow wistfully. chapter 10 princess ozma and betsy bobbin talk it over "dorothy must be having a lovely time at the scarecrow's," remarked betsy bobbin to ozma one afternoon as they sat reading in the royal gardens several days after dorothy's departure from the emerald city of oz. "one always has a jolly time at the scarecrow's," laughed the little queen of oz. "i must look in my magic picture and see what they are doing. too bad she missed the a-b-sea serpent and rattlesnakes. weren't they the funniest creatures?" both the little girls (for ozma is really just a little girl) went off into a gale of laughter. the two queer creatures had followed the scarecrow's advice and had spent their vacation in the emerald city, and partly because they were so dazzled by their surroundings and partly because they have no sort of memories whatever, they never mentioned the scarecrow himself or said anything about his plan to hunt his family tree. they talked incessantly of the mer city and told innumerable a-b-sea stories to scraps and the tin woodman and the children of the emerald city. when they were ready to go, the a-b-sea serpent snapped off its x block for ozma. x, he said, meant almost everything, and pretty well expressed his gratitude to the lovely little ruler of oz. ozma in turn gave each of the visitors an emerald collar, and that very morning they had started back to the munchkin river, and all the celebrities of oz had gotten up to see them off. "maybe they'll come again some time," said betsy bobbin, swinging her feet. "but look, ozma, here comes a messenger." a messenger it surely was, dressed in the quaint red costume of the quadlings. it was from glinda, the good sorceress, and caused the princess to sigh with vexation. "tell jack pumpkinhead to harness the sawhorse to the red wagon," said ozma after glancing hastily at the little note. "the horners and hoppers are at war again. and tell the wizard to make ready for a journey." "may i come, too,?" asked betsy. ozma nodded with a troubled little frown, and betsy bustled off importantly. not many little girls are called upon to help settle wars and rule a country as wonderful as oz. the horners and hoppers are a quarrelsome and curious folk living in the quadling mountains, and soon ozma, jack pumpkinhead, betsy and the wizard of oz were rattling off at the best speed the sawhorse could manage. this was pretty fast, for the little horse, being made of wood and magically brought to life, never tires and could outrun anything on legs in the fairy kingdom of oz. but the fact that interests us is that ozma did not look in the magic picture or see what exciting adventures the scarecrow and dorothy really were having! as for professor wogglebug, who had caused all the trouble, he was busily at work on the twelfth chapter of the royal book of oz, which he had modestly headed: h. m. wogglebug t.e., prince of bugs, cultured and eminent educator and also great grand and general genealogist of oz. chapter 11 sir hokus overcometh the giant "i don't believe we'll ever find the way out of this forest." dorothy stopped with a discouraged little sigh and leaned against a tree. they had followed the road for several hours. first it had been fine and wide, but it had gradually dwindled to a crooked little path that wound crazily in and out through the trees. although it was almost noonday, not a ray of sun penetrated through the dim green depths. "methinks," said sir hokus, peering into the gloom ahead, "that a great adventure is at hand." the cowardly lion put back his ears. "what makes you methink so?" he rumbled anxiously. "hark thee!" said sir hokus, holding up his finger warningly. from a great way off sounded a curious thumping. it was coming nearer and nearer. "good gracious!" cried dorothy, catching hold of the cowardly lion's mane. "this is worse than pokes!" "perchance it is a dragon," exulted the knight, drawing his short sword. "ah, how it would refresh me to slay a dragon!" "i don't relish dragons myself. scorched my tongue on one once," said the cowardly lion huskily. "but i'll fight with you, brother hokus. stand back, dorothy dear." as the thuds grew louder, the knight fairly danced up and down with excitement. "approach, villain!" he roared lustily. "approach till i impale thee on my lance. ah, had i but a horse!" "i'd let you ride on my back if it weren't for that hard tin suit," said the cowardly lion. "but cheer up, my dear hokus, your voice is a little hoarse." dorothy giggled nervously, then seized hold of a small tree, for the whole forest was rocking. "how now!" gasped the knight. there was a terrific quake that threw sir hokus on his face and sent every hair in the lion's mane on end, and then a great foot came crashing down through the treetops not three paces from the little party. before they could even swallow, a giant hand flashed down-ward, jerked up a handful of trees by the roots, and disappeared, while a voice from somewhere way above shouted: what are little humans for? to feed the giant bangladore. broiled or toasted, baked or roasted, i smell three or maybe four! "you hear that?" quavered the cowardly lion. sir hokus did not answer. his helmet had been jammed down by his fall, and he was tugging it upward with both hands. frightened though dorothy was, she ran to the knight's assistance. "have at you!" cried sir hokus as soon as the opening in his helmet was opposite his eyes. "forward!" "my heart is beating a retreat," gulped the cowardly lion, but he bounded boldly after sir hokus. "varlet!" hissed the knight, and raising his sword gave a mighty slash at the giant's ankle, which was broad as three tree trunks, while the cowardly lion gave a great spring and sank his teeth in the giant's huge leg. "ouch!" roared the giant in a voice that shook every leaf in the forest. "you stop, or i'll tell my father!" with that, he gave a hop that sent sir hokus flying into the treetops, stumbled over a huge rock, and came crashing to the earth, smashing trees like grass blades. at the giant's first scream, dorothy shut her eyes and, putting her hands over her ears, had run as far and as fast as she could. at the awful crash, she stopped short, opened her eyes, and stared 'round giddily. the giant was flat on his back, but as he was stretched as far as four city blocks, only half of him was visible. the cowardly lion still clung to his leg, and he was gurgling and struggling in a way dorothy could not understand. she looked around in a panic for the knight. just then, sir hokus dropped from the branch of a tree. "uds daggers!" he puffed, looking ruefully at his sword, which had snapped off at the handle, "'tis a pretty rogue!" "don't you think we'd better run?" shiver dorothy, thinking of the giant's song. "not while i wear these colors!" exclaimed sir hokus, proudly touching dorothy's hair ribbon, which still adorned his arm. "come, my good lion, let us dispatch this braggart and saucy monster." "father!" screamed the giant, making no attempt to move. "he seems to be frightened, himself," whispered dorothy to the knight. "but whatever is the matter with the cowardly lion?" at that minute, the cowardly lion gave a great jerk and began backing with his four feet braced. the piece of giant leg that he had hold of stretched and stretched, and while sir hokus and dorothy stared in amazement, it snapped off and the cowardly lion rolled head over paws. "taffy!" roared the cowardly lion, sitting up and trying to open his jaws, which were firmly stuck together. "taffy!" at this, sir hokus sprang nimbly on the giant's leg, ran up his chest, and perched bravely on his peppermint collar. "surrender, knave!" he demanded threateningly. dorothy, seeing she could do nothing to help the cowardly lion, followed. on her way up, she broke off a tiny piece of his coat and found it most delicious chocolate. "why, he's all made of candy!" she cried excitedly. "oh, hush!" sobbed the giant, rolling his great sourball eyes. "i'd be eaten in a minute if it were known." "you were mighty anxious to eat us a while ago," said dorothy, looking longingly at the giant's coat buttons. they seemed to be large marshmallows. "go away!" screamed the giant, shaking so that dorothy slid into his vest pocket. "no one under forty feet is allowed in this forest!" dorothy climbed crossly out of the giant's pocket. "we didn't come because we wanted to," she assured him, wiping the chocolate off her nose. "odds bodikins! i cannot fight a great baby like this," sighed sir hokus, dodging just in time a great, sugary tear that had rolled down the giant's nose. "he's got to apologize for that song, though." "wait!" cried dorothy suddenly. "i have an idea. if you set us down on the edge of the forest and give us all your vest buttons for lunch, we won't tell anyone you're made of candy. we'll let you go," she called loudly, for the giant had begun to sob again. "won't you? will you?" sniffed the foolish giant. "never sing that song again!" commanded the knight sternly. "no, sir," answered the giant meekly. "did your dog chew much of my leg, sir?" then, before dorothy or sir hokus had time to way a word, they were snatched up in sticky fingers and next minute were dropped with a thump in a large field of daisies. "oh!" spluttered dorothy as the giant made off on his taffy legs. "oh, we've forgotten the cowardly lion!" but at that minute, the giant reappeared, and the lion was dropped beside them. "what's this? what's this?" growled the cowardly lion, looking around wildly. "we got him to lift us out of the forest," explained dorothy. "have you swallowed the taffy?" the lion was still dizzy from his ride and only shook his head feebly. sir hokus sighed and sat heavily down on a large rock. "there is no sort of honor, methinks, in overcoming a candy giant," he observed, looking wistfully at the plume still pinned to dorothy's dress. "ah, had it but been a proper fight!" "you didn't know he was candy. i think you were just splendid." jumping up, dorothy fastened the plume in the knight's helmet. "and you're talking just beautifully, more like a knight every minute," she added with conviction. sir hokus tried not to look pleased. "give me a meat enemy! my teeth ache yet! first singing, then candy-leg pulling! gr-ugh! what next?" growled the cowardly lion. "why, lunch, if you feel like eating," said dorothy, beginning to give out the vest buttons which the giant had obediently ripped off and left for them. they _were_ marshmallows, the size of pie plates, and dorothy and sir hokus found them quite delicious. the cowardly lion, however, after a doubtful sniff and sneeze from the powdered sugar, declined and went off to find something more to his taste. "we had better take some of these along," said dorothy when she and sir hokus had eaten several. "we may need them later." "everything is yellow, so we must be in the winkie country," announced the cowardly lion, who had just returned from his lunch. "there's a road, too." "mayhap it will take us to the jeweled city of your gracious queen." sir hokus shaded his eyes and stared curiously at the long lane stretching invitingly ahead of them. "well, anyway, we're out of the forest and pokes, and maybe we'll meet someone who will tell us about the scarecrow. come on!" cried dorothy gaily. "i think we're on the right track this time." chapter 12 dorothy and sir hokus come to fix city the afternoon went pleasantly for the three travelers. the road was wide and shady and really seemed a bit familiar. dorothy rode comfortably on the cowardly lion's back and to pass the time told sir hokus all about oz. he was particularly interested in the scarecrow. "grammercy! he should be knighted!" he exclaimed, slapping his knee, as dorothy told how the clever straw man had helped outwit the gnome king when that wicked little rascal had tried to keep them prisoners in his underground kingdom. "but, go to! where is the gallant man now?" the knight sobered quickly. "mayhap in need of a strong arm! mayhap at the mercy of some terrible monster!" "oh, i hope not!" cried dorothy, dismayed at so dark a picture. "why, oh why, did he bother about his family tree?" "trust the scarecrow to take care of himself," said the cowardly lion in a gruff voice. nevertheless, he quickened his steps. "the sooner we reach the emerald city, the sooner we'll know where he is!" the country through which they were passing was beautiful, but quite deserted. about five o'clock, they came to a clear little stream, and after dorothy and sir hokus had washed their faces and the cowardly lion had taken a little plunge, they all felt refreshed. later they came to a fine pear orchard, and as no one was about they helped themselves generously. the more dorothy and the cowardly lion saw of sir hokus, the fonder of him they grew. he was so kind-hearted and so polite. "he'll be great company for us back in the emerald city," whispered the cowardly lion as the knight went off to get dorothy a drink from a little spring. "that is, if he forgets this grammercy, bludgeon stuff." "i think it sounds lovely," said dorothy, "and he's remembering more of it all the time. but i wonder why there are no people here. i do hope we meet some before night." but no person did they meet. as it grew darker, sir hokus' armor began to creak in a quite frightful manner. armor is not meant for walking, and the poor knight was stiff and tired, but he made no complaint. "need oiling, don't you?" asked the cowardly lion, peering anxiously at him through the gloom. "joints in my armor a bit rusty," puffed sir hokus, easing one foot and then the other. "ah, had i my good horse!" he expressively waved a piece of the giant's button at which he had been nibbling. "better climb up behind dorothy," advised the cowardly lion, but sir hokus shook his head, for he knew the lion was tired, too. "i'll manage famously. this very night i may find me a steed!" "how?" asked the lion with a yawn. "if i sleep beneath these trees, i may have a knight mare," chuckled sir hokus triumphantly. "br-rrr!" roared the cowardly lion while dorothy clapped her hands. but they were not to sleep beneath the trees after all, for a sudden turn in the road brought them right to the gates of another city. they knew it must be a city because a huge, lighted sign hung over the gate. "fix city," read dorothy. "what a funny name!" "maybe they can fix us up," rumbled the lion, winking at sir hokus. "perchance we shall hear news of the valiant scarecrow!" cried the knight, and limping forward he thumped on the gate with his mailed fist. dorothy and the cowardly lion pressed close behind him and waited impatiently for someone to open the gate. a bell rang loud back in the town. the next instant, the gates flew open so suddenly that the three adventurers were flung violently on their faces. "out upon them!" blustered sir hokus, getting up stiffly and running to help dorothy. "what way is this to welcome strangers?" he pulled the little girl hastily to her feet, then they all ran forward, for the gates were swinging shut again. it was almost as light as day, for lanterns were everywhere, but strangely enough they seemed to dart about like huge fireflies, and dorothy ducked involuntarily as a red one bobbed down almost in her face. then she gasped in real earnest and caught hold of sir hokus. "uds daggers!" wheezed the knight. two large bushes were running down the path, and right in front of dorothy the larger caught the smaller and began pulling out its leaves. "leave off! leave off!" screamed the little bush. "that's what i'm doing," said the big bush savagely. "there won't be a leaf on when i get through with you." "unhand him, villain!" cried sir hokus, waving his sword at the large bush. the two bushes looked up in surprise, and when they saw dorothy, the cowardly lion and sir hokus, they fell into each other's branches and burst into the most uproarious laughter. "my dear magnolia, this is rich! oh, dear fellow, wait till sit sees this; he will be convulsed!" quite forgetting their furious quarrel, the two went rollicking down the path together, stopping every few minutes to look back and laugh at the three strangers. "is this usual?" asked sir hokus, looking quite dazed. "i never heard of bushes talking or running around, but i confess i'm a few centuries behind times!" "neither did i!" exclaimed dorothy. "but then--almost anything's likely to happen in oz." "if these lanterns don't look out something will happen. i'll break 'em to bits," growled the cowardly lion, who had been dodging half a dozen at once. "how would we look--out?" sniffed one, flying at dorothy. "you could light out--or go out," giggled the little girl. "we never go out unless we're put out," cried another, but as the cowardly lion made a few springs, they flew high into the air and began talking indignantly among themselves. by this time, the three had become accustomed to the changing lights. "i wonder where the people are," said dorothy, peering down a wide avenue. "there don't seem to be any houses. oh, look!" three tables set for dinner with the most appetizing viands were walking jauntily down the street, talking fluent china. "there must be people!" cried dorothy. "one dinner for each of us," rumbled the cowardly lion, licking his chops. "come on!" "perchance they will invite us. if we follow the dinners, we'll come to the diners," said sir hokus mildly. "right--as usual." the cowardly lion looked embarrassed, for he had intended pouncing on the tables without further ceremony. "hush! let's go quietly. if they hear us, they may run and upset the dishes," warned dorothy. so the three walked softly after the dinner tables, their curiosity about the people of fix growing keener at every step. several chairs, a sofa and a clothes tree rushed past them, but as dorothy said later to ozma, after talking bushes, nothing surprised them. the tables turned the corner at the end of the avenue three abreast, and the sight that greeted dorothy and her comrades was strange indeed. down each side of a long street as far as they could see stood rows and rows of people. each one was in the exact center of a chalked circle, and they were so still that dorothy thought they must be statues. but no sooner had the three tables made their appearance than bells began ringing furiously all up and down the street, and dinner tables and chairs came running from every direction. all the inhabitants of fix city looked alike. they had large, round heads, broad placid faces, double chins, and no waists whatever. their feet were flat and about three times as long as the longest you have ever seen. the women wore plain mother hubbard dresses and straw sailor hats, and the men gingham suits. while the three friends were observing all this, the tables had been taking their places. one stopped before each fix, and the chairs, after much bumping and quarreling, placed themselves properly. at a signal from the fix in the center, the whole company sat down without so much as moving their feet. dorothy, sir hokus and the cowardly lion had been too interested to speak, but at this minute a whole flock of the mischievous lanterns clustered over their heads, and at the sudden blare of light the whole street stopped eating and stared. "oh!" cried the fix nearest them, pointing with his fork, "look at the runabouts!" "this way, please! this way, please! don't bark your shins. don't take any more steps than you can help!" boomed an important voice from the middle of the street. so down the center marched the three, feeling--as the cowardly lion put it--exactly like a circus. "stop! names, please!" the fix next to the center put up his knife commandingly. sir hokus stepped forward with a bow: "princess dorothy of oz, the cowardly lion of oz." "and sir hokus of pokes," roared the lion as the knight modestly stepped back without announcing himself. "sir pokus of hoax, howardly kion of boz, and little girl beginning with d," bellowed the fix, "meet his royal highness, king fix it, and the noble fixitives." "little girl beginning with d! that's too long," complained the king, who, with the exception of his crown, looked like all the rest of them, "i'll leave out the middle. what do you want, little with d?" "my name is dorothy, and if your highness could give us some dinner and tell us something about the scarecrow and--" "one thing at a time, please," said the king reprovingly. "what does poker want, and boz? have they anything to spend?" "only the night, an' it please your gracious highness," said sir hokus with his best bow. "it doesn't please me especially," said the king, taking a sip of water. "and there! you've brought up another question. how do you want to spend it?" he folded his hands helplessly on the table and looked appealingly at the fix next to him. "how am i to settle all these questions, sticken? first they come running around like crazy chairs, and--" "you might ring for a settle," suggested sticken, looking curiously at sir hokus. the king leaned back with a sigh of relief, then touched a bell. there were at least twenty bells set on a high post at his right hand, and all of the fixes seemed to have similar bell posts. "he's talking perfect nonsense," said dorothy angrily. the cowardly lion began to roll his eyes ominously. "let me handle this, my dear. i'm used to kings," whispered sir hokus. "most of 'em talk nonsense. but if he grows wroth, we'll have all the furniture in the place around our ears. now just--" bump! sir hokus and dorothy sat down quite suddenly. the settle had arrived and hit them smartly behind the knees. the cowardly lion dodged just in time and lay down with a growl beside it. "now that you're settled," began the king in a resigned voice, "we might try again. what is your motto?" this took even sir hokus by surprise, but before he could answer, the king snapped out: "come late and stay early! how's that?" "very good," said sir hokus with a wink at dorothy. "next time, don't come at all," mumbled sticken plaster, his mouth full of biscuit. "and you wanted?" the king asked uneasily. "dinner for three," said the knight promptly and with another bow. "now that's talking." the king looked admiringly at sir hokus. "this little with d had matters all tangled up. one time at a thing! that's my motto!" leaning over, the king pressed another button. by this time, the fixes had lost interest in the visitors and went calmly on with their dinners. three tables came pattering up, and the settle drew itself up of its own accord. dorothy placed the cowardly lion's dinner on the ground, and then she and sir hokus enjoyed the first good meal they had had since they left pokes. they were gradually becoming used to their strange surroundings. "you ask him about the scarecrow," begged dorothy. everybody had finished, and the tables were withdrawing in orderly groups. the king was leaning sleepily back in his chair. "ahem," began the knight, rising stiffly, "has your majesty seen aught of a noble scarecrow? and could your supreme fixity tell us aught--" the king's eyes opened. "you're out of turn," he interrupted crossly. "we're only to the second question. how will you spend the night?" "in sleep," answered sir hokus promptly, "if your majesty permits." "i do," said the king solemnly. "that gets me out of entertaining. early to bed and late to rise, that's my motto. next! it's your turn," he added irritably as sir hokus did not immediately answer. "have you seen aught of the noble scarecrow?" asked sir hokus, and all of them waited anxiously for the king's reply. "i don't know about _the_ scarecrow. i've seen _a_ scarecrow, and a sensible chap he was, hanging still like a reasonable person and letting chairs and tables chase themselves 'round." "where was he?" asked sir hokus in great agitation. "in a picture," said the king. "wait, i'll ring for it." "no use," said the knight in a disappointed voice. "we're looking for a man." "would you mind telling me why you are all so still, and why all your furniture runs around?" asked dorothy, who was growing a little restless. "you forget where you are, and you're out of turn. but i'll overlook it this once," said the king. "have you ever noticed, little with d, that furniture lasts longer than people?" "why, yes," admitted dorothy. "well, there you are!" king fix sit folded his hands and regarded her complacently. "here we manage things better. we stand still and let the furniture run around and wear itself out. how does it strike you?" "it seem sensible," acknowledged dorothy. "but don't you ever grow tired of standing still?" "i've heard of growing hair and flowers and corn, but never of growing tired. what is it?" asked sticken plaster, leaning toward dorothy. "i think she's talked enough," said the king, closing his eyes. sir hokus had been staring anxiously at the king for some time. now he came close to the monarch's side, and standing on tiptoe whispered hoarsely: "hast any dragons here?" "did you say wagons?" asked the king, opening his eyes with a terrible yawn. "dragons!" hissed the knight. "never heard of 'em," said the king. the cowardly lion chuckled behind his whiskers, and sir hokus in great confusion stepped back. "what time is it?" demanded the king suddenly. he touched a bell, and next minute a whole company of clocks came running down the street. the big ones pushed the little ones, and a grandfather clock ran so fast that it tripped over a cobblestone and fell on its face, which cracked all the way across. "you've plenty of time; why don't you take it?" called the king angrily, while two clothes trees helped the clock to its feet. "they're all different," giggled dorothy, nudging the cowardly lion. some pointed to eight o'clock, some to nine, and others to half past ten. "why shouldn't they be different?" asked sticken haughtily. "some run faster than others!" "pass the time, please," said the king, looking hard at dorothy. "the lazy lump!" growled the cowardly lion. but dorothy picked up the nearest little clock and handed it to king fix sit. "i thought so," yawned the king, pointing at the clock. at this, everybody began ringing bells till dorothy was obliged to cover her ears. in an instant, the whole street was filled with beds, "rolling up just as if they were taxis," laughed dorothy to sir hokus. the knight smiled faintly, but as he had never seen a taxi, he could not appreciate dorothy's remark. "here come your beds," said the king shortly. "tell them to take you around the corner. i can't abide snoring." "i don't snore, thank you," said dorothy angrily, but the king had stepped into his bed and drawn the curtains tight. "we might as well go to bed, i 'spose," said the little girl. "i'm so tired!" the three beds were swaying restlessly in the middle of the street. they were tall, four-post affairs with heavy chintz hangings. dorothy chose the blue one, and sir hokus lifted her up carefully and then went off to catch his bed, which had gotten into an argument with a lamppost. when he spoke to it sharply, it left off and came trotting over to him. the cowardly lion, contrary to his usual custom, leaped into his bed, and soon the three four-posters were walking quietly down the street, evidently following the king's instructions. dorothy slipped off her shoes and dress and nestled comfortably down among the soft covers. "just like sleeping in a train," she thought drowsily. "what a lot i shall have to tell the scarecrow and ozma when i get home." "good night!" said the bed politely. "good night!" said dorothy, too nearly asleep to even think it strange for a bed to talk. "good night!" chapter 13 dancing beds and the roads that unrolled "it must be a shipwreck," thought dorothy, sitting up in alarm. she seemed to be tossing about wildly. "time for little girls to get up," grumbled a harsh voice that seemed to come from the pillows. dorothy rubbed her eyes. one of the bedposts was addressing her, and the big four-poster itself was dancing a regular jig. "oh, stop!" cried dorothy, holding on to the post to keep from bouncing out. "can't you see i'm awake?" "well, i go off duty now, and you'll have to hurry," said the bed sulkily. "i'm due at the lecture at nine." "lecture?" gasped dorothy. "what's so queer about that?" demanded the bed coldly. "i've got to keep well posted, haven't i? i belong to a polished set, i do. hurry up, little girl, or i'll throw you out." "i'm glad my bed doesn't talk to me in this impertinent fashion," thought dorothy, slipping into her dress and combing her hair with her side comb. "imagine being ordered about by a bed! i wonder if sir hokus is up." parting the curtains, she jumped down, and the bed, without even saying goodbye, took itself off. sir hokus was sitting on a stile, polishing his armor with a pillowslip he had taken from his bed, and the cowardly lion was lying beside him lazily thumping his tail and making fun of the passing furniture. "have you had breakfast?" asked dorothy, joining her friends. "we were waiting for your ladyship," chuckled the cowardly lion. "would you mind ordering two for me, hokus? i find one quite insufficient." sir hokus threw away the pillowslip, and talking cheerfully they walked toward king fix sit's circle. the beds had been replaced by breakfast tables, and the whole street was eating busily. "good morning, king," said sir hokus. "four breakfasts, please." the king rang a bell four times without looking up from his oatmeal. seeing that he did not wish to be disturbed, the three waited quietly for their tables. "in some ways," said dorothy, contentedly munching a hot roll, "in some ways this is a very comfortable place." "in sooth 'tis that," mumbled sir hokus, his mouth full of baked apple. as for the cowardly lion, he finished his two breakfasts in no time. "and now," said sir hokus as the tables walked off, "let us continue our quest. could'st tell us the way to the emerald city, my good king fix?" "if you go, go away. and if you stay, stay away. that's my motto," answered king fix shortly. "i can't have people running around here like common furniture," he added in a grieved voice. all the fix its nodded vigorously. "let them take their stand or their departure," said sticken plaster firmly. the king felt in his pocket and brought out three pieces of chalk. "go to the end of the street. choose a place and draw your circle. in five minutes you will find it impossible to move out of the circle, and you will be saved all this unnecessary motion." "but we don't want to come to a standstill," objected dorothy. "no, by my good sword!" spluttered the knight, glaring around nervously. then, seeing the king looked displeased, he made a low bow. "if your highness could graciously direct us out of the city--" "buy a piece of road and go where it takes you," snapped the king. seeing no more was to be got out of him, they started down the long street. "i wonder what they do when it rains?" said dorothy, looking curiously at the solemn rows of people. "call for roofs, silly!" snapped a fix, staring at her rudely. "if you would spend your time thinking instead of walking, you'd know more." "go to, and swallow a gooseberry!" roared the knight, waving his sword at the fix, and dorothy, fearing an encounter, begged him to come on, which he did--though with many backward glances. fix city seemed to consist of one long street, and they had soon come to the very end. "uds daggers!" gasped sir hokus. "great palm trees," roared the cowardly lion. as for dorothy, she could do nothing but stare. the street ended surely enough, and beyond there was nothing at all. that is, nothing but air. "well," said the cowardly lion, backing a few paces, "this is a pretty fix." "glad you like it," said a wheezy voice. the three travelers turned in surprise. a huge fix was regarding them with interest. his circle, which was the last in the row, was about twenty times as large as the other circles, and on the edge stood a big sign:' "don't you remember, the king said something about buying a road," said dorothy in an excited undertone to the knight. "can'st direct us to a road, my good man?" asked sir hokus with a bow. the fix jerked his thumb back at the sign. "what kind of a road to you want?" he asked hoarsely. "a road that will take us back to the emerald city, please," said dorothy. "i can't guarantee anything like that," declared the fix, shaking his head. "our roads go where they please, and you'll have to go where they take you. do you want to go on or off?" "on," shivered the cowardly lion, looking with a shudder over the precipice at the end of the street. "what kind of a road will you have? make up your minds, please. i am busy." "what kind of roads have you?" asked dorothy timidly. it was her first experience at buying roads, and she felt a bit perplexed. "sunny, shady, straight, crooked, and cross-roads," snapped the fix. "we wouldn't want a cross one," said dorothy positively. "have you any with trees at both sides and water at the end?" "how many yards?" asked the fix, taking a pair of shears as large as himself off a long counter beside him. "five miles," said sir hokus as dorothy looked confused. "that ought to take us somewhere!" the fix rang one of the bells in the counter. the next minute, a big trap door in the ground opened, and a perfectly huge roll bounced out at his feet. "get on," commanded the fix in such a sharp tone that the three jumped to obey. holding fast to sir hokus, dorothy stepped on the piece of road that had already unrolled. the cowardly lion, looking very anxious, followed. no sooner had they done so than the road gave a terrific leap forward that stretched the three flat upon their backs and started unwinding from its spool at a terrifying speed. as it unrolled, tall trees snapped erect on each side and began laughing derisively at the three travelers huddled together in the middle. "g-g-glad we only took five miles," stuttered dorothy to the knight, whose armor was rattling like a ford. the cowardly lion had wound his tail around a tree and dug his claws into the road, for he had no intention of falling off into nothingness. as for the road, it snapped along at about a mile a minute, and before they had time to grow accustomed to this singular mode of travel, it gave a final jump that sent them circling into the air, and began rapidly winding itself up. down, down, down whirled dorothy, falling with a resounding splash into a broad stream of water. then down, down, down again, almost to the bottom. "help!" screamed dorothy as her head rose above water, and she began striking out feebly. but the fall through the air had taken all her breath. "what do you want?" a thin, neat little man was watching her anxiously from the bank, making careful notes in a book that he held in one hand. "help! save me!" choked dorothy, feeling herself going down in the muddy stream again. "wait! i'll look it up under the 'h's," called the little man, making a trumpet of his hands. "are you an island? an island is a body of land entirely surrounded by water, but this seems to be a some-body," dorothy heard him mutter as he whipped over several pages of his book. "sorry," he called back, shaking his head slowly, "but this is the wrong day. i only save lives on monday." "stand aside, mem, you villain!" a second little man exactly like the first except that he was exceedingly untidy plunged into the stream. "it's no use," thought dorothy, closing her eyes, for he had jumped in far below the spot where she had fallen and was making no progress whatever. the waters rushed over her head the second time. then she felt herself being dragged upward. when she opened her eyes, the cowardly lion was standing over her. "are you all right?" he rumbled anxiously. "i came as soon as i could. fell in way upstream. seen hokus?" "oh, he'll drown," cried dorothy, forgetting her own narrow escape. "he can't swim in that heavy armor!" "never fear, i'll get him," puffed the cowardly lion, and without waiting to catch his breath he plunged back into the stream. the little man who only saved lives on monday now approached timidly. "i'd like to get a statement from you, if you don't mind. it might help me in the future." "you might have helped me in the present," said dorothy, wringing out her dress. "you ought to be ashamed of yourself." "i'll make a note of that," said the little man earnestly. "but how did you feel when you went down?" he waited, his pencil poised over the little book. "go away," cried dorothy in disgust. "but my dear young lady--" "i'm not your dear young lady. oh, dear, why doesn't the cowardly lion come back?" "go away, mem." the second little man, dripping wet, came up hurriedly. "i was only trying to get a little information," grumbled mem sulkily. "i'm sorry i couldn't swim faster," said the wet little man, approaching dorothy apologetically. "well, thank you for trying," said dorothy. "is he your brother? and could you tell me where you are? you're dressed in yellow, so i 'spose it must be somewhere in the winkie country." "right in both cases," chuckled the little fellow. "my name is ran and his name is memo." he jerked his thumb at the retiring twin. "randum and memo--see?" "i think i do," said dorothy, half closing her eyes. "is that why he's always taking notes?" "exactly," said ran. "i do everything at random, and he does everything at memorandum." "it must be rather confusing," said dorothy. then as she caught sight of the cowardly lion dragging sir hokus, she jumped up excitedly. ran, however, took one look at the huge beast and then fled, calling for mem at the top of his voice. and that is the last dorothy saw of these singular twins. the lion dropped sir hokus in a limp heap. when dorothy unfastened his armor, gallons of water rushed out. "sho good of--of--you," choked the poor knight, trying to straighten up. "save your breath, old fellow," said the cowardly lion, regarding him affectionately. "oh, why did i ask for water on the end of the road?" sighed dorothy. "but, anyway, we're in some part of the winkie country." sir hokus, though still spluttering, was beginning to revive. "yon noble bheast shall be knighted. uds daggers! that's the shecond time he's shaved my life!" rising unsteadily, he tottered over to the lion and struck him a sharp blow on the shoulder. "rishe, shir cowardly lion," he cried hoarsely, and fell headlong, and before dorothy or the lion had recovered from their surprise he was fast asleep, mumbling happily of dragons and bludgeons. "we'll have to wait till he gets rested," said dorothy. "and until i get dry." she began running up and down, then stopped suddenly before the lion. "and there's something else for professor wogglebug to put in his book, sir cowardly lion." "oh, that!" mumbled the cowardly lion, looking terribly embarrassed. "whoever heard of a cowardly knight? nonsense!" "no, it isn't nonsense," said dorothy stoutly. "you're a knight from now on. won't the scarecrow be pleased?" "if we ever find him," sighed the lion, settling himself beside sir hokus. "we will," said dorothy gaily. "i just feel it." chapter 14 sons and grandsons greet the scarecrow although the scarecrow had been on silver island only a few days, he had already instituted many reforms, and thanks to his cleverness the people were more prosperous than ever before. cheers greeted him wherever he went, and even old chew chew was more agreeable and no longer made bitter remarks to happy toko. the scarecrow himself, however, had four new wrinkles and was exceedingly melancholy. he missed the carefree life in oz, and every minute that he was not ruling the island he was thinking about his old home and dear, jolly comrades in the emerald city. "i almost hope they will look in the magic picture and wish me back again," he mused pensively. "but it is my duty to stay here. i have a family to support." so he resolved to put the best face he could on the matter, and happy toko did his utmost to cheer up his royal master. the second morning after the great victory, he came running into the silver throne room in a great state of excitement. "the honorable offspring have arriven!" announced happy, turning a somersault. "come, ancient and amiable sir, and gaze upon your sons and grandsons!" the scarecrow sprang joyously from his silver throne, upsetting a bowl of silver fish and three silver vases. at last a real family! ever since his arrival, the three princes and their fifteen little sons had been cruising on the royal pleasure barge, so that the scarecrow had not caught a glimpse of them. "this is the happiest moment of my life!" he exclaimed, clasping his yellow gloves and watching the door intently. happy looked a little uneasy, for he knew the three princes to be exceedingly haughty and overbearing, but he said nothing, and next minute the scarecrow's family stepped solemnly into the royal presence. "children!" cried the scarecrow, and with his usual impetuousness rushed forward and flung his arms around the first richly clad prince. "take care! take care, ancient and honorable papa!" cried the young silverman, backing away. "such excitement is not good for one of your advanced years." he drew himself away firmly and, adjusting a huge pair of silver spectacles, regarded the scarecrow attentively. "ah, how you have changed!" "he looks very feeble, too fang, but may he live long to rule this flowery island and our humble selves!" said the second prince, bowing stiffly. "do you not find the affairs of state fatiguing, darling papa?" inquired the third prince, fingering a jeweled chain that hung around his neck. "i, as your eldest son, shall be delighted to relieve you should you wish to retire. get back ten paces, you!" he roared at happy toko. the poor scarecrow had been so taken aback by this cool reception that he just stared in disbelief. "if the three honorable princes will retire themselves, i will speak with my grandsons," he said dryly, bowing in his most royal manner. the three princes exchanged startled glances. then, with three low salaams, they retired backward from the hall. "and now, my dears--!" the scarecrow looked wistfully at his fifteen silken-clad little grandsons. their silver hair, plaited tightly into little queues, stood out stiffly on each side of their heads and gave them a very curious appearance. at his first word, the fifteen fell dutifully on their noses. as soon as they were right side up, the scarecrow, beginning at the end of the row, addressed a joking question to each in his most approved oz style. but over they went again, and answered merely: "yes, gracious grand-papapapah!" or "no honorable grandpapapapah!" and the constant bobbing up and down and papahing so confused the poor scarecrow that he nearly gave up the conversation. "it's no use trying to talk to these children," he wailed in disgust, "they're so solemn. don't you ever laugh?" he cried in exasperation, for he had told them stories that would have sent the oz youngsters into hysterics. "it is not permissible for a prince to laugh at the remarks of his honorable grandparent," whispered happy toko, while the fifteen little princes banged their heads solemnly on the floor. "honorable fiddlesticks!" exclaimed the scarecrow, slumping back on his throne. "bring cushions." happy toko ran off nimbly, and soon the fifteen little princes were seated in a circle at the scarecrow's feet. "to prevent prostrations," said the scarecrow. "yes, old grandpapapapapah!" chorused the princes, bending over as far as they could. "wait!" said the scarecrow hastily, "i'll tell you a story. once upon a time, to a beautiful country called oz, which is surrounded on all sides by a deadly desert, there came a little girl named dorothy. a terrible gale--well, what's the matter now?" the scarecrow stopped short, for the oldest prince had jerked a book out of his sleeve and was flipping over the pages industriously. "it is not on the map, great grand papapapah," he announced solemnly, and all of the other little princes shook their heads and said dully, "not on the map." "not on the map--oz? of course it's not. do you suppose we want all the humans in creation coming there?" calming down, the scarecrow tried to continue his story, but every time he mentioned oz, the little princes shook their heads stubbornly and whispered, "not on the map," till the usually good-tempered scarecrow flew into perfect passion. "not on the map, you little villains!" he screamed, forgetting they were his grandsons. "what difference does that make? are your heads solid silver?" "we do not believe in oz," announced the oldest prince serenely. "there is no such place." "no such place as oz--happy, do you hear that?" the scarecrow's voice fairly crackled with indignation. "why, i thought everybody believed in oz!" "perhaps your highness can convince them later," suggested the imperial punster. "this way, offspring." his master, he felt, had had enough family for one day. so the fifteen little princes, with fifteen stiff little bows, took themselves back to the royal nursery. as for the scarecrow, he paced disconsolately up and down his magnificent throne room, tripping over his kimona at every other step. "you're a good boy, tappy," said the scarecrow as happy returned, "but i tell you being a grandparent is not what i thought it would be. did you hear them tell me right to my face they did not believe in oz? and my sons--ugh!" "fault of their bringing up," said happy toko comfortingly. "if your serene highness would just tell me more of that illustrious country!" happy knew that nothing cheered the scarecrow like talking of oz, and to tell the truth happy himself never tired of the scarecrow's marvelous stories. so the two slipped quietly into the palace gardens, and the scarecrow related for the fourteenth time the story of his discovery by dorothy and the story of ozma, and almost forgot that he was an emperor. "your highness knows the history of oz by heart," said happy admiringly as the scarecrow paused. "i couldn't do that," said the scarecrow gently, "for you see, happy, i have no heart." "then i wish we all had none!" exclaimed happy toko, rolling up his eyes. the scarecrow looked embarrassed, so the little punster threw back his head and sang a song he had been making up while the scarecrow had been telling his stories: the scarecrow was standing alone in a field, inviting the crows to keep off, when the straw in his chest began tickling his vest and he couldn't resist a loud cough. the noise that was heard so surprised ev'ry bird, that the flock flew away in a fright, but the scarecrow looked pleased, and he said "if i'd sneezed it wouldn't have been so polite." "ho!" roared the scarecrow, "you're almost as good at making verses as scraps, write that down for me, tappy. i'd like to show it to her." "hush!" whispered happy, holding up his finger warningly. the scarecrow turned so suddenly that the silver pigtail pinned to the back of his hat wound itself tightly around his neck. no wonder! on the other side of the hedge the three princes were walking up and down, conversing in indignant whispers. "what a horrible shape our honorable papa has reappeared in. i hear that it never wears out," muttered one. "he may continue just as he is for years and years. how am i ever to succeed him, i'd like to know. why, he may outlive us all!" "we might throw him into the silver river," said the second hopefully. "no use," choked the third. "i was just talking to the imperial soothsayer, and he tells me that no one from this miserable kingdom of oz can be destroyed. but i have a plan. incline your royal ears-listen." the voices dropped to such a low whisper that neither happy nor the scarecrow could hear one word. "treason!" spluttered happy, making ready to spring through the hedge, but the scarecrow seized him by the arm and drew him away. "i don't believe they like their poor papa," exclaimed the scarecrow when they were safely back in the throne room. "i'm feeling older than a kinkajou. ah, happy oko, why did i ever slide down my family tree? it has brought me nothing but unhappiness." chapter 15 the three princes plot to undo the emperor "let me help your imperial serenity!" "bring a cane!" "carefully, now!" the three royal princes, with every show of affection, were supporting the scarecrow to the silver bench in the garden where he usually sat during luncheon. "are you quite comfortable?" asked the elder. "here, happy, you rogue, fetch a scarf for his imperial highness. you must be careful, dear papa scarecrow. at your age, drafts are dangerous." the rascally prince wound the scarf about the scarecrow's neck. "what do you suppose they are up to?" asked the scarecrow, staring after the three suspiciously. "why this sudden devotion? it upsets my imperial serenity a lot." "trying to make you feel old," grumbled happy. several hours had passed since they had overheard the conversation in the garden. the scarecrow had decided to watch his sons closely and fall in with any plan they suggested so they would suspect nothing. then, when the time came, he would act. just what he would do he did not know, but his excellent brains would not, he felt sure, desert him. happy toko sat as close to the scarecrow as he could and scowled terribly whenever the princes approached, which was every minute or so during the afternoon. "how is the scarecrow's celestial old head?" "does he suffer from honorable gout?" "should they fetch the imperial doctor?" the scarecrow, who had never thought of age in his whole straw life, became extremely nervous. was he really old? did his head ache? when no one was looking, he felt himself carefully all over. then something of his old time oz spirit returned. seizing the cushion that his eldest son was placing at his back, he hurled it over his head. leaping from his throne, he began turning handsprings in a careless and sprightly manner. "don't you worry about your honorable old papa," chuckled the scarecrow, winking at happy toko. "he's good for a couple of centuries!" the three princes stared sourly at this exhibition of youth. "but your heart," objected the eldest prince. "have none," laughed the scarecrow. snatching off the silver cord from around his waist, he began skipping rope up and down the hall. the princes, tapping their foreheads significantly, retired, and the scarecrow, throwing his arm around happy toko, began whispering in his ear. he had a plan himself. they would see! * * * * * meanwhile, off in his dark cave in one of the silver mountains, the grand gheewizard of the silver island was stirring a huge kettle of magic. every few moments he paused to read out of a great yellow book that he had propped up on the mantle. the fire in the huge grate leaped fiercely under the big, black pot, and the sputtering candles on each side of the book sent creepy shadows into the dark cave. dark chests, books, bundles of herbs, and heaps of gold and silver were everywhere. whenever the gheewizard turned his back, a rheumatic silver-scaled old dragon would crawl toward the fire and swallow a mouthful of coals, until the old gheewizard caught him in the act and chained him to a ring in the corner of the cave. "be patient, little joy of my heart! our fortune is about to be made," hissed the wizened little man, waving a long iron spoon at the dragon. "you shall have a bucket of red-hot coals every hour and i a silver cap with a tassel. have not the royal princes promised it?" the dragon shuffled about and finally went to sleep, smoking sulkily. "is it finished, son of a yellow dog?" through the narrow opening of the cave, the youngest prince stuck his head. "i am working as fast as i can, honorable prince, but the elixir must boil yet one more night. tomorrow, when the sun shines on the first bar of your celestial window, come, and all will be ready." "are you sure you have found it?" asked the prince, withdrawing his head, for the smoking dragon and steam from the kettle made him cough. "quite sure," wheezed the grand gheewizard, and fell to stirring the kettle with all his might. * * * * * the scarecrow, although busy with trials in the great courtroom of the palace, felt that something unusual was in the air. the princes kept nodding to one another, and the grand chew chew and general mugwump had their heads together at every opportunity. "something's going to happen, tappy. i feel it in my straw," whispered the scarecrow as he finished trying the last case. at that very minute, the grand chew chew arose and held up his hand for silence. everybody paused in their way to the exits and looked with surprise at the old silverman. "i have to announce," said the grand chew chew in a solemn voice, "that the great and imperial chang wang woe will tomorrow be restored to his own rightful shape. the grand gheewizard of the realm has discovered a magic formula to break the enchantment and free him from this distressing scarecrow body. behold for the last the scarecrow of oz. tomorrow he will be our old and glorious emperor!" "old and glorious?" gasped the scarecrow, nearly falling from his throne. "tappy! i forgot to lock up the wizards. great cornstarch! tomorrow i will be eighty-five years old." such cheers greeted the grand chew chew's announcement that no one even noticed the scarecrow's distress. "i, also, have an announcement!" cried the eldest prince, standing up proudly. "to make the celebration of my royal papa's restoration complete, we have chosen the lovely and charming orange blossom for his bride." "bride!" gulped the scarecrow. "but i do not approve of second marriages. i refuse to--" no one paid the slightest attention to the scarecrow's remarks. "hold my hand, tappy," sighed the scarecrow weakly. "it may be your last chance." then he sat up and stared in good earnest, for the prince was leading forward a tall, richly clad lady. "orange blossom!" muttered the scarecrow under his breath. "he means lemon peel! silver grandmother, tappy!" orange blossom was a cross-looking princess of seventy-five, at least. "she is a sister of the king of the golden islands," whispered general mugwump. "of a richness surpassing your own. let me felicitate your highness." "fan me, tappy! fan me!" gasped the scarecrow. then he straightened himself suddenly. the time had come for action. he would say nothing to anyone, but that night he would escape and try to find his way back to oz, family or no family! he bowed graciously to princess orange blossom, to the grand chew chew, and to his sons. "let everything be made ready for the ceremony, and may tomorrow indeed bring me to myself," he repeated solemnly. nothing was talked of that evening but the emperor's impending marriage and the grand gheewizard's discovery. the scarecrow seemed the least excited person in the palace. sitting on his throne, he pretended to read the royal silver journal, but he was really waiting impatiently for the courtiers to retire. finally, when the last one had bowed himself out and only happy toko remained in the throne room, the scarecrow began making his plans. "it's no use, tappy," said he, tying up a few little trinkets for dorothy in a silk handkerchief, "i'd rather be straw than meat. i'd rather be a plain scarecrow in oz than emperor of the earth! they may be my sons, but all they want is my death. i'm going back to my old friends. i'd rather--". he got no farther. a huge slave seized him suddenly from behind, while another caught happy toko around his fat little waist. "tie them fast," said the eldest prince, smiling wickedly at the scarecrow. "here, tie him to the beanstalk. merely a part of the grand gheewizard's formula," he exclaimed maliciously as the struggling scarecrow was bound securely to his family tree. "good night, dear papa scarecrow. tomorrow you will be your old self again, and in a few short years _i_ will be emperor of the silver islands!" "this rather upsets our plans, eh tappy?" wheezed the scarecrow after a struggle with his bonds. "pigs! weasels!" choked tappy. "what are we to do?" "alas!" groaned the scarecrow. "tomorrow there will be no scarecrow in oz. what will dorothy and ozma think? and once i am changed into my old imperial self, i can never make the journey to the emerald city. eighty-six is too old for traveling." "has your majesty forgotten the wonderful brains given to you by the wizard of oz?" "i had--for a moment," confessed the scarecrow. "be quiet, tappy, while i think." pressing his head against the magic beanpole, the scarecrow thought and thought, harder than he had ever done in the course of his adventurous life, and in the great, silent hall happy toko struggled to set himself free. chapter 16 dorothy and her guardians meet new friends while all these exciting things were happening to the poor scarecrow, dorothy, sir hokus and the cowardly lion had been having adventures of their own. for three days, they had wandered through a deserted part of the winkie country, subsisting largely on berries, sleeping under trees, and looking in vain for a road to lead them back to the emerald city. on the second day, they had encountered an ancient woodsman, too old and deaf to give them any information. he did, however, invite them into his hut and give them a good dinner and a dozen sandwiches to carry away with them. "but, oh, for a good old pasty!" sighed sir hokus late on the third afternoon as they finished the last of the crumbly sandwiches. "do you know," said dorothy, looking through the straggly fields and woods ahead, "i believe we've been going in the wrong direction again." "again!" choked the cowardly lion. "you mean still. i've been in a good many parts of oz, but this--this is the worst." "not even one little dragon!" sir hokus shook his head mournfully. then, seeing that dorothy was tired and discouraged, he pretended to strum on a guitar and sang in his high-pitched voice: a rusty knight in steel bedite and lady dot, so fair, sir lion bold, with mane of gold and might besides to spa--ha--hare! and might beside to spare! the dauntless three, a company of wit and bravery are, who seek the valiant scarecrow man, who seek him near and fa--har--har, who seek him near and fa--har! "oh, i like that!" cried dorothy, jumping up and giving sir hokus a little squeeze. "only you should have said trusty knight." the cowardly lion shook his golden mane. "let's do a little reconnoitering, hokus," he said carelessly. he felt he must live up to the song somehow. "perhaps we'll find a sign." "i don't believe in signs anymore," laughed dorothy, "but i'm coming too." sir hokus' song had cheered them all, and it wasn't the first time the knight had helped make the best of a tiresome journey. "the air seemeth to grow very hot," observed sir hokus after they had walked along silently for a time. "hast noticed it, sir cowardly?" "no, but i've swallowed some of it," coughed the cowardly lion, looking suspiciously through the trees. "i'll just step forward and see what it is," said the knight. as he disappeared, the truth dawned on dorothy. "wait! wait! don't go! please, please, sir hokus, come back, come back!" cried the little girl, running after him as fast as she could. "what's the matter?" rumbled the cowardly lion, thudding behind her. then both, coming suddenly out of the woods, gave a terrible scream, which so startled sir hokus that he fell over backwards. just in time, too, for another step would have taken him straight on to the deadly desert, which destroys every living thing and keeps all intruders away from oz. "what befell?" puffed sir hokus, getting to his feet. naturally, he knew nothing of the poisonous sands. "you did," wheezed the cowardly lion in an agitated voice. "was it a dragon?" asked the knight, limping toward them hopefully. "sit down!" the cowardly lion mopped his brow with his tail. "one step on that desert and it would have been one long goodnight." "i should say it would!" shuddered dorothy, and explained to sir hokus the deadly nature of the sands. "and do you know what this means?" dorothy was nearer to tears than even i like to think about. "it means we've come in exactly the wrong direction and are farther away from the emerald city than we were when we started." "and seek him near and fa--hah--har," mumbled sir hokus with a very troubled light in his kindly blue eyes. "and seek him near and far." "fah--har--har! i should say it was," said the cowardly lion bitterly. "but you needn't sing it." "no, i s'pose not. uds helmets and hauberks! i s'pose not!" the knight lapsed into a discouraged silence, and all three sat and stared drearily at the stretch of desert before them and thought gloomily of the rough country behind. "it's a caravan," wheezed a hoarse voice. "i doubt that, camy, i doubt it very much." the shrill nasal voices so startled the three travelers that they swung about in astonishment. "great dates and deserts!" burst out the cowardly lion, jumping up. and on the whole, this exclamation was entirely suitable, for ambling toward them were a long-legged camel and a wobbly-necked dromedary. "at last! a steed!" cried the knight, bounding to his feet. "i doubt that." the dromedary stopped and looked at him coldly. "try me," said the camel amiably. "i'm more comfortable." "i doubt that, too." "the doubtful dromedary wept, as o'er the desert sands he stept, association with the sphinx has made him doubtful, so he thinks!" chortled the knight with his head on one side. "how did you know?" asked the dromedary, opening his eyes wide. "it just occurred to me," admitted sir hokus, clearing his throat modestly. "i doubt that. somebody told you," said the doubtful dromedary bitterly. "pon my honor," said sir hokus. "i doubt it, i doubt it very much," persisted the dromedary, wagging his head sorrowfully. "you seem to doubt everything!" dorothy laughed in spite of herself, and the dromedary regarded her sulkily. "he does," said the camel. "it makes him very doubtful company. now, i like to be comfortable and happy, and you can't be if you're always doubting things and people and places. eh, my dear?" "where did you comfortable and doubtful parties come from?" asked the cowardly lion. "strangers here?" "well, yes," admitted the camel, nibbling the branch of a tree. "there was a terrific sandstorm, and after blowing and blowing and blowing, we found ourselves in this little wood. the odd part of it is that you talk in our language. never knew a two-leg to understand a word of camelia before." "you're not talking camelia, you're talking ozish," laughed dorothy. "all animals can talk here." "well, now, that's very comfortable, i must say," sighed the camel, "and if you'd just tell me where to go, it would be more comfortable still." "i doubt that," snapped the dromedary. "they're no caravan." "where do you want to go?" asked the cowardly lion, ignoring the doubtful dromedary. "anywhere, just so we keep moving. we're used to being told when to start and stop, and life is mighty lonely without our karwan bashi," sighed the comfortable camel. "why, i didn't know you smoked!" exclaimed dorothy in surprise. she thought the camel was referring to a brand of tobacco. "he means his camel driver," whispered sir hokus, eyeing the soft, pillowed seat on the camel's back longingly. besides the seat, great sacks and bales of goods hung from its sides. the doubtful dromedary was similarly loaded. "goodness!" exclaimed dorothy. a sudden idea had struck her. "you haven't anything to eat in those sacks, have you?" "plenty, my child--plenty!" answered the camel calmly. "three cheers for the comfortable camel!" roared the cowardly lion, while sir hokus, following the camel's directions, carefully unfastened a large, woven basket from one of the sacks on its side. "you may be my karwan bashi," announced the comfortable camel judiciously as sir hokus paused for breath. "hear that, lady dot?" sir hokus swept the camel a bow and fairly beamed with pleasure. dorothy, meanwhile, had set out an appetizing repast on a small, rocky ledge--a regular feast, it appeared to the hungry travelers. there were loaves of black bread, figs, dates, cheese, and a curious sort of dried meat which the cowardly lion swallowed in great quantities. "isn't this cozy?" said dorothy, forgetting the long, weary way ahead. "my, i'm glad we met you!" "very comforting to us, too, my dear," said the camel, swaying complacently. "isn't it, doubty?" "there are some silk cushions in my right-hand saddle sack, but i doubt very much whether you'll like 'em," mumbled the dromedary gruffly. "out with them!" cried sir hokus, pouncing on the doubtful dromedary, and in a minute each of the party had a cushion and was as snug as possible. "could anything have been more fortunate?" exulted the knight. "we can now resume our journey properly mounted." "i think i'll ride the cowardly lion," said dorothy, looking uneasily at the high seat on the camel's back. "let's start before it grows any darker." they had eaten to heart's content, and now, packing up the remainder of the feast, the little party made ready to start. sir hokus, using the cowardly lion as a footstool, mounted the camel, and then dorothy climbed on her old friend's back, and the little caravan moved slowly through the forest. "there's a tent in my left-hand saddle sack, but i doubt very much whether you can put it up," said the doubtful dromedary, falling in behind the comfortable camel. "i doubt it very much indeed." "how now, what means this doubting?" called sir hokus from his perilous seat. "i'll pitch it when the time comes." "mind you don't pitch out when the camel goes!" called the cowardly lion, who would have his little joke. sir hokus, to tell the truth, was feeling tossed about and dizzy, but he was too polite to mention the fact. as they proceeded, dorothy told the comfortable camel all about the scarecrow and oz. an occasional word jolted down from above told her that the knight was singing. they had gone possibly a mile when dorothy pointed in excitement to a road just ahead. "we must have missed it before! wait, i'll see what it's like." jumping down from the cowardly lion's back, she peered curiously at the narrow, tree-lined path. "why, here's a sign!" "what of?" asked the comfortable camel, lurching forward eagerly and nearly unseating the knight. w i s h w a y read dorothy in a puzzled voice. "looks like a pretty good road," said the comfortable camel, squinting up its eyes. "i doubt it, camy, i doubt it very much," said the doubtful dromedary tremulously. "what does my dear karwan bashi think?" asked the comfortable camel, looking adoringly back at the knight. "it is unwise to go back when the journey lieth forward," said the knight, and immediately returned to his song. so, single file, the little company turned in at the narrow path, the comfortable camel advancing with timid steps and the doubtful dromedary bobbing his head dubiously. chapter 17 doubty and camy vanish into space for a short time, everything went well. then dorothy, turning to see how sir hokus was getting along, discovered that the doubtful dromedary had disappeared. "why, where in the world?" exclaimed dorothy. the comfortable camel craned his wobbly neck and, when he saw that his friend was gone, burst into tears. his sobs heaved sir hokus clear out of his seat and flung him, helmet first, into the dust. "go to!" exploded the knight, sitting up. "if i were a bird, riding in yon nest would be easier." the last of his sentence ended in a hoarse croak. sir hokus vanished, and a great raven flopped down in the center of the road. "oh, where is my dear karwan bashi? oh, where is doubty?" screamed the comfortable camel, running around in frenzied circles. "i wish i'd never come on this path!" "magic!" gasped dorothy, clutching the cowardly lion's mane. the comfortable camel had melted into air before their very eyes. "i doubt it, i doubt it very much!" coughed a faint voice close to her ear. dorothy ducked her head involuntarily as a big yellow butterfly settled on the cowardly lion's ear. "our doubtful friend," whispered the lion weakly. "oh, be careful, dorothy dear. we may turn into frogs or something worse any minute." dorothy and the cowardly lion had had experiences with magic transformations, and the little girl, pressing her fingers to her eyes, tried to think of something to do. the raven was making awkward attempts to fly and cawing "go to, now!" every other second. "oh, i wish dear sir hokus were himself again," wailed dorothy after trying in vain to recall some magic sentences. presto! the knight stood before them, a bit breathless from flying, but hearty as ever. "i see! i see!" said the cowardly lion with a little prance. "every wish you make on this road comes true. remember the sign: 'wish way.' i wish the comfortable camel were back. i wish the doubtful dromedary were himself again," muttered the cowardly lion rapidly, and in an instant the two creatures were standing in the path. "uds bodikins! so i did wish myself a bird!" gasped the knight, rubbing his gauntlets together excitedly. "there you are! there you are!" cried the comfortable camel, stumbling toward him and resting his foolish head on his shoulder. "dear, dear karwan bashi! and doubty, old fellow, there you are too! ah, how comfortable this all is." "not two--one," wheezed the doubtful dromedary. "and camy, i doubt very much whether i'd care for butterflying. i just happened to wish myself one!" "don't make any more wishes," said the cowardly lion sternly. "methinks a proper wish might serve us well," observed sir hokus. he had been pacing up and down in great excitement. "why not wish--" "oh, stop!" begged dorothy. "wait till we've thought it all out. wishing's awfully particular work!" "one person better speak for the party," said the cowardly lion. "now, i suggest--" "oh, be careful!" screamed dorothy again. "i wish you would all stop wishing!" sir hokus looked at her reproachfully. no wonder. at dorothy's words, they all found themselves unable to speak. the doubtful dromedary's eyes grew rounder and rounder. for the first time in its life, it was unable to doubt anything. "now i'll have to do it all," thought dorothy, and closing her eyes she tried to think of the very best wish for everybody concerned. it was night and growing darker. the cowardly lion, the camel and dromedary and sir hokus peered anxiously at the little girl, wondering what in the world was going to happen. being wished around is no joke. for five minutes dorothy thought and thought. then, standing in the middle of the road, she made her wish in a clear, distinct voice. it was not a very long wish. to be exact, it had only eight words. eight--short--little words! but stars! no sooner were they out of dorothy's mouth than the earth opened with a splintering crash and swallowed up the whole company! chapter 18 dorothy finds the scarecrow! the next thing dorothy knew, she was sitting on the hard floor of a great, dark hall. one lantern burned feebly, and in the dim, silvery light she could just make out the comfortable camel scrambling awkwardly to his feet. "i smell straw," sniffed the camel softly. "i doubt very much whether i am going to like this place." the voice of the doubtful dromedary came hesitatingly through the gloom. "by sword and scepter!" gasped the knight, "are you there, sir cowardly?" "thank goodness, they are!" said dorothy. wishing other people about is a risky and responsible business. "they're all here, but i wonder where here is." she jumped up, but at a shuffle of feet drew back. "pigs! weasels!" shrilled an angry voice, and a fat little man hurled himself at sir hokus, who happened to have fallen in the lead. "uds trudgeons and bludgeons and maugre thy head!" roared the knight, shaking him off like a fly. "tappy, tappy, my dear boy. caution! what's all this?" at the sound of that dear, familiar voice dorothy's heart gave a skip of joy, and without stopping to explain she rushed forward. "dorothy!" cried the scarecrow, stepping on his kimona and falling off his silvery throne. "lights, tappy! more lights, at once!" but tappy was too busy backing away from sir hokus of pokes. "approach, vassal!" thundered the knight, who under-stood not a word of tappy's speech. "approach! i think i've been insulted!" he drew his sword and glared angrily through the darkness, and tappy, having backed as far as possible, fell heels over pigtail into the silver fountain. at the loud splash, dorothy hastened to the rescue. "they're friends, and we've found the scarecrow, we've found the scarecrow!" she seized sir hokus and shook him till his armor rattled. "tappy! tappy!" called the scarecrow. "where in the world did he pagota?" that's exactly what he said, but to dorothy it sounded like no language at all. "why," she cried in dismay, "it's the scarecrow, but i can't understand a word he's saying!" "i think he must be talking turkey," droned the comfortable camel, "or donkey! i knew a donkey once, a very uncomfortable party, i--" "i doubt it's donkey," put in the dromedary importantly, but no one paid any attention to the two beasts. for happy toko had at last dragged himself out of the fountain and set fifteen lanterns glowing. "oh!" gasped dorothy as the magnificent silver throne room was flooded with light, "where are we?" the scarecrow had picked himself up, and with outstretched arms came running toward her talking a perfect niagara of silver islandish. "have you forgotten your ozish so soon?" rumbled the cowardly lion reproachfully as dorothy flung her arms around the scarecrow. the scarecrow, seeing the cowardly lion for the first time, fairly fell upon his neck. then he brushed his clumsy hand across his forehead. "wasn't i talking ozish?" he asked in a puzzled voice. "oh, now you are!" exclaimed dorothy. and sure enough, the scarecrow was talking plain ozish again. (which i don't mind telling you is also plain english.) the knight had been watching this little reunion with hardly repressed emotion. advancing hastily, he dropped on one knee. "my good sword and lance are ever at thy service, my lord scarecrow!" he exclaimed feelingly. "who is this impulsive person?" gulped the scarecrow, staring in undisguised astonishment at the kneeling figure of the sir hokus of pokes. "he's my knight errant, and he's taken such good care of me," explained dorothy eagerly. "splendid fellow," hissed the cowardly lion in the scarecrow's other painted ear, "if he does talk odds and ends." "any friend of little dorothy's is my friend," said the scarecrow, shaking hands with sir hokus warmly. "but what i want to know is how you all got here." "first tell us where we are," begged the little girl, for the scarecrow's silver hat and queue filled her with alarm. "you are on the silver island," said the scarecrow slowly. "and i am the emperor--or his good-for-nothing spirit--and tomorrow," the scarecrow glared around wildly, "tomorrow i'll be eighty-five going on eighty-six." his voice broke and ended in a barely controlled sob. "doubt that," drawled the doubtful dromedary sleepily. "eighty-five years old!" gasped dorothy. "why, no one in oz grows any older!" "we are no longer in oz." the scarecrow shook his head sadly. then, fixing the group with a puzzled stare, he exclaimed, "but how did you get here?" "on a _wish_," said the knight in a hollow voice. "yes," said dorothy, "we've been hunting you all over oz, and at last we came to wish way, and i said 'i wish we were all with the scarecrow,' just like that--and next minute--" "we fell and fell--and fell--and fell," wheezed the comfortable camel. "and fell--and fell--and fell--and fell," droned the dromedary, "and--" "here you are," finished the scarecrow hastily, for the dromedary showed signs of going on forever. "now tell us every single thing that has happened to you," demanded dorothy eagerly. happy toko had recognized dorothy and the cowardly lion from the scarecrow's description, and he now approached with an arm full of cushions. these he set in a circle on the floor, with one for the scarecrow in the center, and with a warning finger on his lips placed himself behind his master. "tappy is right!" exclaimed the scarecrow. "we must be as quiet as possible, for a great danger hangs over me." without more ado, he told them of his amazing fall down the beanstalk; of his adventures on silver island; of his sons and grandsons and the gheewizard's elixir which would turn him from a lively scarecrow into an old, old emperor. all that i have told you, he told dorothy, up to the very point where his eldest son had bound him to the bean pole and tied up poor, faithful happy toko. happy, it seems, had at last managed to free himself, and they were about to make their escape when dorothy and her party had fallen into the throne room. the comfortable camel and doubtful dromedary lis-tened politely at first, but worn out by their exciting adventures, fell asleep in the middle of the story. nothing could have exceeded dorothy's dismay to learn that the jolly scarecrow of oz, whom she had discovered herself, was in reality chang wang woe, emperor of silver island. "oh, this spoils everything!" wailed the little girl. (the thought of oz without the scarecrow was unthinkable.) "it spoils everything! we were going to adopt you and be your truly family. weren't we?" the cowardly lion nodded. "i was going to be your cousin," he mumbled in a choked voice, "but now that you have a family of your own--" the lion miserably slunk down beside dorothy. sir hokus looked fierce and rattled his sword, but he could think of nothing that would help them out of their trouble. "to-morrow there won't be any scarecrow in oz!" wailed dorothy. "oh, dear! oh, dear!" and the little girl began to cry as if her heart would break. "stop! stop!" begged the scarecrow, while sir hokus awkwardly patted dorothy on the back. "i'd rather have you for my family any day. i don't care a kinkajou for being emperor, and as for my sons, they are unnatural villains who make my life miserable by telling me how old i am!" "just like a poem i once read," said dorothy, brightening up: "you are old, father william," the young man said, "and your hair has become very white, and yet you incessantly stand on your head! do you think, at your age, it is right?" "that's it, that's it exactly!" exclaimed the scarecrow as dorothy finished repeating the verse. "'you are old, father scarecrow!' that's all i hear. i did stand on my head, too. and dorothy, i can't seem to get used to being a grandparent," added the scarecrow in a melancholy voice. "it's turning my straws gray." he plucked several from his chest and held them out to her. "why, those little villains don't even believe in oz! 'it's not on the map, old grandpapapapapah!'" he mumbled, imitating the tones of his little grandsons so cleverly that dorothy laughed in spite of herself. "this is what becomes of pride!" the scarecrow extended his hands expressively. "most people who hunt up their family trees are in for a fall, and i've had mine." "but who do you want to be?" asked the knight gravely. "a scarecrow in oz--or the--er--emperor that you were?" "i don't care who i were!" in his excitement, the scarecrow lost his grammar completely. "i want to be who i am. i want to be myself." "but which one?" asked the cowardly lion, who was still a bit confused. "why, my best self, of course," said the scarecrow with a bright smile. the sight of his old friends had quite restored his cheerfulness. "i've been here long enough to know that i am a better scarecrow than an emperor." "why, how simple it is!" sighed dorothy contentedly. "professor wogglebug was all wrong. it's not what you were, but what you are-it's being yourself that counts." "by my halidom, the little maid is right!" said sir hokus, slapping his knee in delight. "let your gheewizard but try his transformations! out on him! but what says yon honest henchman?" happy toko, although he understood no word of the conversation, had been watching the discussion with great interest. he had been trying to attract the scarecrow's attention for some time, but the knight was the only one who had noticed him. "what is it, tappy?" asked the scarecrow, dropping easily back into silver islandish. "honored master, the dawn approaches and with it the royal princes and the grand gheewizard--and your bride!" happy paused significantly. the scarecrow shuddered. "let's go back to oz!" said the cowardly lion uneasily. the scarecrow was feeling in the pocket of his old munchkin suit which he always wore under his robes of state. "here!" said he, giving a little pill to happy toko. "it's one of professor wogglebug's language pills," he exclaimed to dorothy, "and will enable him to speak and understand ozish." happy swallowed the pill gravely. "greetings, honorable ozites!" he said politely as soon as the pill was down. dorothy clapped her hands in delight, for it was so comfortable to have him speak their own language. "i could never have stood it here without tappy oko!" the scarecrow looked fondly at his imperial punster. "queer name he has," rumbled the cowardly lion, looking at happy toko as if he had thoughts of eating him. "methinks he should be knighted," rumbled sir hokus, beaming on the little silverman. "rise, sir pudding!" "the sun will do that in a minute or more, and then, then we shall all be thrown into prison!" wailed happy toko dismally. "we were going to escape in a small boat," explained the scarecrow, "but--" it was not necessary for him to finish. a boat large enough to hold dorothy, the cowardly lion, the scarecrow, happy toko, the camel and the dromedary could not very well be launched in secret. "oh, dear!" sighed dorothy, "if i'd only wished you and all of us back in the emerald city!" "you wished very well, lady dot," said the knight. "when i think of what i was going to wish for--" "what were you going to wish, hokus?" asked the cowardly lion curiously. "for a dragon!" faltered the knight, looking terribly ashamed. "a dragon!" gasped dorothy. "why, what good would that have done us?" "wait!" interrupted the scarecrow. "i have thought of something! why not climb my family tree? it is a long, long way, but at the top lies oz!" "grammercy, a pretty plan!" exclaimed sir hokus, peering up at the bean pole. "wouldn't that be social climbing?" chuckled happy toko, recovering his spirits with a bound. the cowardly lion said nothing, but heaved a mighty sigh which no one heard, for they were all running toward the bean pole. it was a good family tree to climb, sure enough, for there were handy little notches in the stalk. "you go first!" sir hokus helped dorothy up. when she had gone a few steps, the scarecrow, holding his robes carefully, followed, then honest happy toko. "i'll go last," said sir hokus bravely, and had just set his foot on the first notch when a hoarse scream rang through the hall. chapter 19 planning to fly from the silver island it was the comfortable camel. waking suddenly, he found himself deserted. "oh, where is my dear karwan bashi?" he roared dismally. "come back! come back!" "hush up, can't you?" rumbled the cowardly lion. "do you want dorothy and everybody to be thrown into prison on our account? we can't climb the bean pole and will have to wait here and face it out." "but how uncomfortable," wailed the camel. he began to sob heavily. dorothy, although highest up the bean pole, heard all of this distinctly. "oh," she cried remorsefully, "we can't desert the cowardly lion like this. i never thought about him." "spoken like the dear little maid you are," said the knight. "the good beast never reminded us of it, either. there's bravery for you!" "let us descend at once, i'll not move a step without the cowardly lion!" in his agitation, the scarecrow lost his balance and fell headlong to the ground, knocking sir hokus's helmet terribly askew as he passed. the others made haste to follow him and were soon gathered gravely at the foot of the beanstalk. "i'll have to think of some other plan," said the scarecrow, looking nervously at the sky, which showed, through the long windows, the first streaks of dawn. the comfortable camel controlled its sobs with difficulty and pressed as close to sir hokus as it could. the doubtful dromedary was still asleep. "it would have been a terrible climb," mused the scarecrow, thinking of his long, long fall down the pole. "ah, i have it!" "what?" asked dorothy anxiously. "i wonder i did not think of it before. ah, my brains are working better! i will abdicate," exclaimed the scarecrow triumphantly. "i will abdicate, make a farewell speech, and return with you to oz!" "what if they refuse to let your radiant highness go?" put in happy toko tremulously. "what if the gheewizard should work his magic before you finished your speech?" "then we'll make a dash for it!" said sir hokus, twirling his sword recklessly. "i'm with you," said the cowardly lion huskily, "but you needn't have come back for me." "all right!" said the scarecrow cheerfully. "and now that everything's settled so nicely, we might as well enjoy the little time left. put out the lights, tappy. dorothy and i will sit on the throne, and the rest of you come as close as possible." sir hokus wakened the doubtful dromedary and pulled and tugged it across the hall, where it immediately fell down asleep again. the comfortable camel ambled about eating the flowers out of the vases. the cowardly lion had placed himself at dorothy's feet, and sir hokus and happy toko seated themselves upon the first step of the gorgeous silver throne. then, while they waited for morning, dorothy told the scarecrow all about the pokes and fix city, and the scarecrow told once again of his victory over the king of the golden islands. "where is the magic fan now?" asked dorothy at the end of the story. the scarecrow smiled broadly, and feeling in a deep pocket brought out the little fan and also the parasol he had plucked from the beanstalk. "do you know," he said smiling, "so much has happened i haven't thought of them since the battle. i was saving them for you, dorothy." "for me!" exclaimed the little girl in delight. "let me see them!" the scarecrow handed them over obligingly, but happy toko trembled so violently that he rolled down the steps of the throne. "i beg of you!" he scrambled to his feet and held up his hands in terror. "i beg of you, don't open that fan!" "she's used to magic, tappy. you needn't worry," said the scarecrow easily. "of course i am," said dorothy with great dignity. "but this'll be mighty useful if anyone tries to conquer oz again. we can just fan 'em away." dorothy pulled a hair from the cowardly lion's mane, and winding it around the little fan, put it carefully in the pocket of her dress. the parasol she hung by its ribbon to her arm. "perhaps ozma will look in the magic picture and wish us all back again," said the little girl after they had sat for a time in silence. "i doubt it." the dromedary stirred and mumbled in its sleep. "singular beast, that!" ejaculated the knight. "doubting never gets one anywhere." "hush!" warned the scarecrow. "i hear footsteps!" "come here." sir hokus called hoarsely to the camel, who was eating a paper lantern at the other end of the room. the beast ran awkwardly over to the throne, and swallowing the lantern with a convulsive gulp, settled down beside the dromedary. "whatever happens, we must stick together," said the knight emphatically. "ah--!" dorothy held fast to the scarecrow with one hand and to the throne with the other. the sun had risen at last. there was a loud crash of drums and trumpets, a rush of feet, and into the hall marched the most splendid company dorothy had seen in her whole life of adventures. chapter 20 dorothy upsets the ceremony of the island "a caravan!" whistled the comfortable camel, lurching to his feet. "how nice!" "i doubt that!" the dromedary's eyes flew open, and he stared sleepily at the magnificent procession of silver islanders. first came the musicians, playing their shining silver trumpets and flutes. the grand chew chew and general mugwump followed, attired in brilliant silk robes of state. then came the three princes, glittering with jeweled chains and medals, and the fifteen little princes, like so many silver butterflies in their satin kimonas. next appeared a palanquin bearing the veiled princess orange blossom, followed by a whole company of splendid courtiers and after them as many of the everyday silver islanders as the hall would hold. there was a moment of silence. then the whole assemblage, contrary to the scarecrow's edict, fell upon their faces. "my!" exclaimed dorothy, impressed in spite of herself. "are you sure you want to give up all this?" "great emperor, beautiful as the sun, wise as the stars, and radiant as the clouds, the ceremony of restoration is about to begin!" quavered the grand chew chew, rising slowly. then he paused, for he was suddenly confused by the strange company around the scarecrow's throne. "treachery!" hissed the eldest prince to the others. "we left him tied to the bean pole. ancient papa scarecrow needs watching! who are these curious objects he has gathered about him, pray?" now by some magic which even i cannot explain, the people from oz found they could understand all that was being said. when dorothy heard herself called an object and saw the wicked faces of the three princes and the stupid little grandsons, she no longer wondered at the scarecrow's decision. the scarecrow himself bowed calmly. "first," said he cheerfully, "let me introduce my friends and visitors from oz." the silver islanders, who really loved the scarecrow, bowed politely as he called out the names of dorothy and the others. but the three silver princes scowled and whispered indignantly among themselves. "i am growing very wroth!" choked sir hokus to the cowardly lion. "let the ceremony proceed!" called the eldest prince harshly, before the scarecrow had finished his introductions. "let the proper body of his serene highness be immediately restored. way for the grand gheewizard! way for the grand gheewizard!" "one moment," put in the scarecrow in a dignified voice. "i have something to say." the silver islanders clapped loudly at this, and dorothy felt a bit reassured. perhaps they would listen to reason after all and let the scarecrow depart peacefully. how they were ever to escape if they didn't, the little girl could not see. "my dear children," began the scarecrow in his jolly voice, "nothing could have been more wonderful than my return to this lovely island, but in the years i have been away from you i have changed very much, and i find i no longer care for being emperor. so with your kind permission, i will keep the excellent body i now have and will abdicate in favor of my eldest son and return with my friends to oz. for in oz i really belong." a dead silence followed the scarecrow's speech--then perfect pandemonium. "no! no! you are a good emperor! we will not let you go!" shrieked the people. "you are our honorable little father. the prince shall be emperor after you have peacefully returned to your ancestors, but not now. no! no! we will not have it!" "i feared this!" quavered happy toko. "it is not the emperor, but the scarecrow who speaks!" shrilled the grand chew chew craftily. "he knows not what he says. but after the transformation--ah, you shall see!" the company calmed down at this. "let the ceremony proceed! way for the grand gheewizard!" they cried exultantly. "chew chew," wailed the scarecrow, "you're off the track!" but it was too late. no one would listen. "i'll have to think of something else," muttered the scarecrow, sinking dejectedly back on his throne. "oh!" shuddered dorothy, clutching the scarecrow, "here he comes!" "way for the grand gheewizard! way for the grand gheewizard!" the crowd parted. hobbling toward the throne came the ugly little gheewizard of the silver island holding a large silver vase high above his head, and after him--! when sir hokus caught a glimpse of what came after, he leaped clean over the comfortable camel. "uds daggers!" roared the knight. "_at last!"_ he rushed forward violently. there was a sharp thrust of his good sword, then an explosion like twenty giant firecrackers in one, and the room became quite black with smoke. before anyone realized what had happened, sir hokus was back, dragging something after him and shouting exuberantly, "a dragon! i have slain a dragon! what happiness!" everyone was coughing and spluttering from the smoke, but as it cleared dorothy saw that it was indeed a dragon sir hokus had slain, the rheumatic dragon of the old gheewizard himself. "why didn't you get the wizard?" rumbled the cowardly lion angrily. "must have exploded," said the comfortable camel, sniffing the skin daintily. "treason!" yelled the three princes, while the grand gheewizard flung himself on the stone floor and began tearing strand after strand from his silver pigtail. "he has killed the little joy of my hearth!" screeched the old man. "i will turn him to a cat, a miserable yellow cat, and roast him for dinner!" "oh!" cried dorothy, looking at sir hokus sorrowfully. "how could you?" the slaying of the dragon had thrown the whole hall into utmost confusion. sir hokus turned a little pale under his armor, but faced the angry mob without flinching. "oh, my dear karwan bashi, this is so uncomfortable!" wheezed the camel, glancing back of him with frightened eyes. "there's a shiny dagger in my left-hand saddlesack. i doubt very much whether they would like it," coughed the doubtful dromedary, pressing close to the knight. "on with the ceremony!" cried the eldest prince, seeing that the excitement was giving the scarecrow's friends too much time to think. "the son of an iron pot shall be punished later!" "that's right!" cried a voice from the crowd. "let the emperor be restored!" "i guess it's all over," gulped the scarecrow. "give my love to ozma and tell her i tried to come back." in helpless terror, the little company watched the gheewizard approach. one could fight real enemies, but _magic!_ even sir hokus, brave as he was, felt that nothing could be done. "one move and you shall be so many prunes," shrilled the angry old man, fixing the people from oz with his wicked little eyes. the great room was so still you could have heard a pin drop. even the doubtful dromedary had not the heart to doubt the wizard's power, but stood rigid as a statue. the wizard advanced slowly, holding the sealed vase carefully over his head. the poor scarecrow regarded it with gloomy fascination. one more moment and he would be an old, old silverman. better to be lost forever! he held convulsively to dorothy. as for dorothy herself, she was trembling with fright and grief. when the grand gheewizard raised the vase higher and higher and made ready to hurl it at the scarecrow, disregarding his dire threat she gave a shrill scream and threw up both hands. "great grandmothers!" gasped the scarecrow, jumping to his feet. as dorothy had thrown up her arms, the little parasol swinging at her wrist had jerked open. up, up, up, and out through the broken skylight in the roof sailed the little princess of oz! the grand gheewizard, startled as anyone, failed to throw the vase. every neck was craned upward, and everyone was gasping with astonishment. the oldest prince, as usual, was the first to recover. "don't stand staring like an idiot! now's your chance!" he hissed angrily in the gheewizard's ear. "i didn't come here to be harried and hurried by foreigners," sobbed the little man. "how is one to work magic when interrupted every other minute? i want my little dragon." "oh, come on now, just throw it. i'll get you another dragon," begged the prince, his hands trembling with excitement. in the face of this new disaster, the scarecrow had forgotten all about the gheewizard. he and the cowardly lion and sir hokus were running distractedly around the great throne trying to think up a way to rescue dorothy. as for the doubtful dromedary, he was doubting everything in a loud, bitter voice, while the comfortable camel fairly snorted with sorrow. "there! now's your chance," whispered the prince. the scarecrow, with his back to the crowd, was gesturing frantically. taking a firm hold on the neck of the vase and with a long incantation which there is no use at all in repeating, the gheewizard flung the bottle straight at the scarecrow's head. but scarcely had it left his hand before there was a flash and a flutter and down came dorothy and the magic parasol right on top of the vase. zip! the vase flew in quite another direction, and next minute had burst over the luckless heads of the three plotting princes, while dorothy floated gently to earth. sir hokus embraced the scarecrow, and the scarecrow hugged the cowardly lion, and i don't wonder at all. for no sooner had the magic elixir touched the princes, than two of them became silver pigs and the eldest a weasel. they had been turned to their true shapes instead of the scarecrow. and while the company hopped about in alarm, they ran squealing from the hall and disappeared in the gardens. "seize the gheewizard and take him to his cave," ordered the scarecrow, asserting his authority for the first time since the proceedings has started. he had noticed the old man making queer signs and passes toward sir hokus. a dozen took hold of the struggling gheewizard and hurried him out of the hall. sir hokus, at the request of the scarecrow, clapped his iron gauntlets for silence. "you will agree with me, i'm sure," said the scarecrow in a slightly unsteady voice, "that magic is a serious matter to meddle with. if you will all return quietly to your homes, i will try to find a way out of our difficulties." the silver islanders listened respectfully and after a little arguing among themselves backed out of the throne room. to tell the truth, they were anxious to spread abroad the tale of the morning's happenings. princess orange blossom, however, refused to depart. magic or no magic, she had come to marry the emperor, and she would not leave till the ceremony had been performed. "but my dear old lady, would you wish to marry a scarecrow?" coaxed the emperor. "all men are scarecrows," snapped the princess sourly. "then why marry at all?" rumbled the cowardly lion, making a playful leap at her palanquin. this was too much. the princess swooned on the spot, and the scarecrow, taking advantage of her unconscious condition, ordered her chair bearers to carry her away as far and as fast as they could run. "now," said the scarecrow when the last of the company had disappeared, "let us talk this over." chapter 21 the escape from the silver island "well!" gasped dorothy, fanning herself with her hat, "i never was so s'prised in my life!" "nor i," exclaimed the scarecrow. "the grand gheewizard will be suing you for parassault and battery. but how did it happen?" "well," began dorothy, "as soon as the parasol opened, i flew up so fast that i could hardly breathe. then, after i'd gone ever so far, it came to me that if the parasol went up when it was up, it would come down when it was down. i couldn't leave you all in such a fix-so i closed it, and--" "came down!" finished the scarecrow with a wave of his hand. "you always do the right thing in the right place, my dear." "it was lucky i hit the vase, wasn't it?" sighed dorothy. "but i'm rather sorry about the princes." "served 'em right," growled the cowardly lion. "they'll make very good pigs!" "but who's to rule the island?" demanded sir hokus, turning his gaze reluctantly from the smoking dragonskin. "this will require thought," said the scarecrow pensively. "let us all think." "i doubt that i can ever think again." the doubtful dromedary wagged his head from side to side in a dazed fashion. "just leave it to our dear karwan bashi." the comfortable camel nodded complacently at the knight and began plucking sly wisps from the scarecrow's boot top. for a short time there was absolute silence. then sir hokus, who had been thinking tremendously with his elbows on his knees, burst out, "why not sir pudding, here? why not this honest punster? who but happy toko deserves the throne?" "the very person!" cried the scarecrow, clasping his yellow gloves, and taking off his silver hat, he set it impulsively upon the head of the fat little silver islander. "he'll make a lovely emperor," said dorothy. "he's so kind-hearted and jolly. and now the scarecrow can abdicate and come home to oz." they all looked triumphantly at the imperial punster, but happy toko, snatching off the royal hat, burst into tears. "don't leave me behind, amiable master!" he sobbed disconsolately. "oh, how i shall miss you!" "but don't you see," coaxed dorothy, "the scarecrow needs you here more than anyplace, and think of all the fine clothes you will have and how rich you will be!" "and tappy, my dear boy," said the scarecrow, putting his arm around happy toko, "you might not like oz any more than i like silver island. then think--if everything goes well, you can visit me--just as one emperor visits another!" "and you won't forget me?" sniffed happy, beginning to like the idea of being emperor. "never!" cried the scarecrow with an impressive wave. "and if anything goes wrong, will you help me out?" questioned happy uncertainly. "we'll look in the magic picture of oz every month," declared dorothy, "and if you need us we'll surely find some way to help you." "an' you ever require a trusty sword, odds bodikins!" exclaimed sir hokus, pressing tappy's hand, "i'm your man!" "all right, dear master!" happy slowly picked up the imperial hat and set it sideways on his head. "i'll do my best." "i don't doubt it at all," said the doubtful dromedary to everyone's surprise. "three cheers for the emperor! long live the emperor of the silver island," rumbled the cowardly lion, and everybody from oz, even the camel and dromedary, fell upon their knees before happy toko. "you may have my bride, too, tappy," chuckled the scarecrow with a wink at dorothy. "and tappy," he asked, sobering suddenly, "will you have my grandsons brought up like real children? just as soon as i return, i shall send them all the books of oz." happy bowed, too confused and excited for speech. "now," said the scarecrow, seizing dorothy's hand, "i can return to oz with an easy mind." "doubt that," said the doubtful dromedary. "you needn't!" announced dorothy. "i've thought it all out." in a few short sentences she outlined her plan. "bravo!" roared the cowardly lion, and now the little party began in real earnest the preparation for the journey back to oz. first, happy brought them a delicious luncheon, with plenty of twigs and hay for the camel and dromedary and meat for the cowardly lion. the scarecrow packed into the camel's sacks a few little souvenirs for the people of oz. then they dressed happy toko in the scarecrow's most splendid robe and ordered him to sit upon the throne. next, the scarecrow rang for one of the palace servants and ordered the people of the silver islands to assemble in the hall. presently the silvermen began to come trooping in, packing the great throne room until it could hold no more. everyone was chattering excitedly. it was quite a different company that greeted them. the scarecrow, cheerful and witty in his old munchkin suit, dorothy and sir hokus smiling happily, and the three animal members of the party fairly blinking with contentment. "this," said the scarecrow pleasantly when everyone was quiet, "is your new emperor, to whom i ask you to pledge allegiance." he waved proudly in the direction of happy toko, who, to tell the truth, presented a truly royal appearance. "it is not possible for me to remain with you, but i shall always watch over this delightful island and with the magic fan vanquish all its enemies and punish all offenders." happy toko bowed to his subjects. the silver islanders exchanged startled glances, then, as the scarecrow carelessly lifted the fan, they fell prostrate to the earth. "ah!" said the scarecrow with a broad wink at happy. "this is delightful. you agree with me, i see. now then, three cheers for tappy oko, imperial emperor of the silver island." the cheers were given with a will, and happy in acknowledgement made a speech that has since been written into the royal book of state as a masterpiece of eloquence. having arranged affairs so satisfactorily, the scarecrow embraced happy toko with deep emotion. dorothy and sir hokus shook hands with him and wished him every success and happiness. then the little party from oz walked deliberately to the bean pole in the center of the hall. the silver islanders were still a bit dazed by the turn affairs had taken and stared in astonishment as the scarecrow and sir hokus fastened thick ropes around the cowardly lion, the doubtful dromedary and the comfortable camel. similar ropes they tied around their own waists and dorothy's, and the ends of all were fastened securely to the handle of the magic parasol, which dorothy held carefully. "goodbye, everybody!" called the little girl, suddenly opening the parasol. "goodbye!" cried the genial scarecrow, waving his hand. too stupefied for speech, the assemblage gaped with amazement as the party floated gently upward. up--up--and out of sight whirled the entire party. chapter 22 the flight of the parasol holding the handle of the parasol, dorothy steered it with all the skill of an aviator, and in several minutes after their start the party had entered the deep, black passage down which the scarecrow had fallen. each one of the adventurers was fastened to the parasol with ropes of different length so that none of them bumped together, but even with all the care in the world it was not possible to keep them from bumping the sides of the tube. the comfortable camel grunted plaintively from time to time, and dorothy could hear the doubtful dromedary complaining bitterly in the darkness. it was pitch dark, but by keeping one hand in touch with the bean pole, dorothy managed to hold the parasol in the center. "how long will it take?" she called breathlessly to the scarecrow, who was dangling just below. "hours!" wheezed the scarecrow, holding fast to his hat. "i hope none of the parties on this line hear us," he added nervously, thinking of the middlings. "what recks it?" blustered sir hokus. "hast forgotten my trusty sword?" but his words were completely drowned in the rattle of his armor. "hush!" warned the scarecrow, "or we'll be pulled in." so for almost an hour, they flew up the dark, chimney-like tube with only an occasional groan as one or another scraped against the rough sides of the passage. then, before they knew what was happening, the parasol crashed into something, half closed, and the whole party started to fall head over heels over helmets. "o!" gasped dorothy, turning a complete somersault, "catch hold of the bean pole, somebody!" "put up the parasol!" shrieked the scarecrow. just then dorothy, finding herself right side up, grasped the pole herself and snapped the parasol wide open. up, up, up they soared again, faster than ever! "we're flying up much faster than i fell down. we must be at the top!" called the scarecrow hoarsely, "and somebody has closed the opening!" chapter 23 safe at last in the land of oz "must we keep bumping until we bump through?" panted dorothy anxiously. "no, by my hilts!" roared sir hokus, and setting his foot in a notch of the beanstalk, he cut with his sword the rope that bound him to the parasol. "put the parasol down half way, and i'll climb ahead and cut an opening." with great difficulty dorothy partially lowered the parasol, and instantly their speed diminished. indeed, they barely moved at all, and the knight had soon passed them on his climb to the top. "are you there?" rumbled the cowardly lion anxiously. a great clod of earth landed on his head, filling his eyes and mouth with mud. "ugh!" roared the lion. "it's getting light! it's getting light!" screamed dorothy, and in her excitement snapped the parasol up. sir hokus, having cut with his sword a large circular hole in the thin crust of earth covering the tube, was about to step out when the parasol, hurling up from below, caught him neatly on its top, and out burst the whole party and sailed up almost to the clouds! "welcome to oz!" cried dorothy, looking down happily on the dear familiar munchkin landscape. "home at last!" exulted the scarecrow, wafting a kiss downward. "let's get down to earth before we knock the sun into a cocked hat," gasped the cowardly lion, for dorothy, in her excitement, had forgotten to lower the parasol. now the little girl lowered the parasol carefully at first, then faster and faster and finally shut it altogether. sir hokus took a high dive from the top. down tumbled the others, over and over. but fortunately for all, there was a great haystack below, and upon this they landed in a jumbled heap close to the magic bean pole. as it happened, there was no one in sight. up they jumped in a trice, and while the comfortable camel and doubtful dromedary munched contentedly at the hay, sir hokus and the scarecrow placed some loose boards over the opening around the bean pole and covered them with dirt and cornstalks. "i will get ozma to close it properly with the magic belt," said the scarecrow gravely. "it wouldn't do to have people sliding down my family tree and scaring poor tappy. as for me, i shall never leave oz again!" "i hope not," growled the cowardly lion, tenderly examining his scratched hide. "but if you hadn't, i'd never have had such lovely adventures or found sir hokus and the comfortable camel and doubtful dromedary," said dorothy. "and what a lot i have to tell ozma! let's go straight to the emerald city." "it's quite a journey," explained the scarecrow to sir hokus, who was cleaning off his armor with a handful of straw. "i go where lady dot goes," replied the knight, smiling affectionately at the little girl and straightening the ragged hair ribbon which he still wore on his arm. "don't forget me, dear karwan bashi," wheezed the comfortable camel, putting his head on the knight's shoulder. "you're a sentimental dunce, camy. i doubt whether they'll take us at all!" the doubtful dromedary looked wistfully at dorothy. "go to, now!" cried sir hokus, putting an arm around each neck. "you're just like two of the family!" "it will be very comfortable to go to now," sighed the camel. "we're all a big, jolly family here," said the scarecrow, smiling brightly, "and oz is the friendliest country in the world." "right," said the cowardly lion, "but let's get started!" he stretched his tired muscles and began limping stiffly toward the yellow brick road. "wait," cried dorothy, "have you forgotten the parasol?" "i wish i could," groaned the cowardly lion, rolling his eyes. sir hokus, with folded arms, was gazing regretfully at the bean pole. "it has been a brave quest," he sighed, "but now, i take it, our adventures are over!" absently, the knight felt in his boot-top and drawing out a small red bean popped it into his mouth. just before reaching the top of the tube, he had pulled a handful of them from the beanstalk, but the others had fallen out when he dove into the hay. "shall we use the parasol again, lady dot?" he asked, still staring pensively at the bean pole. "shall--?" he got no farther, nor did dorothy answer his question. instead, she gave a loud scream and clutched the scarecrow's arm. the scarecrow, taken by surprise, fell over backward, and the comfortable camel, raising his head inquiringly, gave a bellow of terror. from the knight's shoulders a green branch had sprung, and while the company gazed in round-eyed amazement it stretched toward the bean pole, attached itself firmly, and then shot straight up into the air, the knight kicking and struggling on the end. in another second, he was out of sight. "come back! come back!" screamed the comfortable camel, running around distractedly. "i doubt we'll ever see him again!" groaned the doubtful dromedary, craning his neck upward. "do something! do something!" begged dorothy. at which the scarecrow jumped up and dashed toward the little farmhouse. "i'll get an ax," he called over his shoulder, "and chop down the bean pole." "no, don't do that!" roared the cowardly lion, starting after him. "do you want to break him to pieces?" "oh! oh! can't you think of something else?" cried dorothy. "and hurry, or he'll be up to the moon!" the scarecrow put both hands to his head and stared around wildly. then, with a triumphant wave of his hat, declared himself ready to act. "the parasol!" cried the late emperor of silver island. "quick, dorothy, put up the parasol!" snatching the parasol, which lay at the foot of the bean pole, dorothy snapped it open, and the scarecrow just had time to make a flying leap and seize the handle before it soared upward, and in a trice they, too, had disappeared. "doubty! doubty!" wailed the comfortable camel, crowding up to his humpbacked friend, "we're having a pack of trouble. my knees are all a-tremble!" "now don't you worry," advised the cowardly lion, sitting down resignedly. "i'm frightened myself, but that's because i'm so cowardly. queer things happen in oz, but they usually turn out all right. why, hokus is just growing up with the country, that's all, just growing up with the country." "doubt that," sniffed the doubtful dromedary faintly. "he was grown up in the beginning." "but think of the scarecrow's brains. you leave things to the scarecrow." but it was no use. both beasts began to roar dismally. "i don't want a plant. i want my karwan bashi," sobbed the comfortable camel broken-heartedly. "well, don't drown me," begged the cowardly lion, moving out of the way of the camel's tears. "say, what's that draft?" what indeed? in the trees overhead, a very cyclone whistled, and before the three had even time to catch their breath, they were blown high into the air and the next instant were hurtling toward the emerald city like three furry cannonballs, faster and faster. chapter 24 homeward bound to the emerald city dorothy and the scarecrow, clinging fast to the magic parasol, had followed the knight almost to the clouds. at first, it looked as if they would never catch up with him, so swiftly was the branch growing, but it was not long before the little umbrella began to gain, and in several minutes more they were beside sir hokus himself. "beshrew me, now!" gasped the knight, stretching out his hand toward dorothy. "can'st stop this reckless plant?" "give me your sword," commanded the scarecrow, "and i'll cut you off." dorothy, with great difficulty, kept the parasol close to the knight while the scarecrow reached for the sword. but sir hokus backed away in alarm. "'tis part of me, an' you cut it off, i will be cut off, too. 'tis rooted in my back," he puffed. "what shall we do?" cried dorothy in distress. "maybe if we take hold of his hands we can keep him from going any higher." the scarecrow, jamming down his hat so it wouldn't blow off, nodded approvingly, and each holding the parasol with one hand gave the other to the knight. and when dorothy pointed the parasol down, to her great delight sir hokus came also, the thin green branch growing just about as fast as they moved. just then the little fan, which had been rolling around merrily in dorothy's pocket, slipped out and fell straight down toward the three unsuspecting beasts below. draft! no wonder! but dorothy never missed it, and quite unconscious of such a calamity anxiously talked over the knight's predicament with the scarecrow. they both decided that the best plan was to fly straight to the emerald city and have ozma release the knight from the enchanted beanstalk. "i'm sorry you got tangled up in my family tree, old fellow," said the scarecrow after they had flown some time in silence, "but this makes us relations, doesn't it?" he winked broadly at the knight. "so it does," said sir hokus jovially. "i'm a branch of your family now. yet methinks i should not have swallowed that bean." "bean?" questioned dorothy. "what bean?" the knight carefully explained how he had plucked a handful of red beans from the beanstalk just before reaching the top of the tube and how he had eaten one. "so that's what started you growing!" exclaimed dorothy in surprise. "alas, yes!" admitted the knight. "i've never felt more grown-up in my life," he finished solemnly. "an adventurous country, this oz!" "i should say it was," chuckled the scarecrow. "but isn't it almost time we were reaching the emerald city, dorothy?" "i think i'm going in the right direction," answered the little girl, "but i'll fly a little lower to be sure." "not too fast! not too fast!" warned sir hokus, looking nervously over his shoulder at his long, wriggling stem. "there's ozma's palace!" cried the scarecrow all at once. "and there's ozma!" screamed dorothy, peering down delightedly. "and scraps and tik-tok and everybody!" she pointed the parasol straight down, when a sharp tug from sir hokus jerked them all back. they were going faster than the poor knight was growing, so dorothy lowered the parasol half way, and slowly they floated toward the earth, landing gently in one of the flower beds of ozma's lovely garden. "come along and meet the folks," said the scarecrow as dorothy closed the parasol. but sir hokus clutched him in alarm. "hold! hold!" gasped the knight. "i've stopped growing, but if you leave me i'll shoot up into the air again." the scarecrow and dorothy looked at each other in dismay. sure enough, the knight had stopped growing, and it was all they could do to hold him down to earth, for the stubborn branch of beanstalk was trying to straighten up. they had fallen quite a distance from the palace itself, and all the people of oz had their backs turned, so had not seen their singular arrival. "hello!" called the scarecrow loudly. then "help! help!" as the knight jerked him twice into the air. but ozma, trot, jack pumpkinhead and all the rest were staring upward and talking so busily among themselves that they did not hear either dorothy's or the scarecrow's cries. first one, then the other was snatched off his feet, and although sir hokus, with tears in his eyes, begged them to leave him to his fate, they held on with all their might. just as it looked as if they all three would fly into the air again, the little wizard of oz happened to turn around. "look! look!" he cried, tugging ozma's sleeve. "why, it's dorothy!" gasped ozma, rubbing her eyes. "it's dorothy and--" "help! help!" screamed the scarecrow, waving one arm wildly. without waiting another second, all the celebrities of oz came running toward the three adventurers. "somebody heavy come take hold!" puffed dorothy, out of breath with her efforts to keep sir hokus on the ground. the ozites, seeing that help was needed at once, suppressed their curiosity. "i'm heavy," said tik-tok solemnly, clasping the knight's arm. the tin woodman seized his other hand, and dorothy sank down exhausted on the grass. princess ozma pressed forward. "what does it all mean? where did you come from?" asked the little queen of oz, staring in amazement at the strange spectacle before her. "and who is this medieval person?" asked professor wogglebug, pushing forward importantly. (he had returned to the palace to collect more data for the royal book of oz.) "he doesn't look evil to me," giggled scraps, dancing up to sir hokus, her suspender button eyes snapping with fun. "he isn't," said dorothy indignantly, for sir hokus was too shaken about to answer. "he's my knight errant." "ah, i see," replied professor wogglebug. "a case of 'when knighthood was in flower.'" and would you believe it--the beanstalk at that minute burst into a perfect shower of red blossoms that came tumbling down over everyone. before they had recovered from their surprise, the branch snapped off close to the knight's armor, and tik-tok, the tin woodman and sir hokus rolled over in a heap. the branch itself whistled through the air and disappeared. "oh," cried dorothy, hugging the knight impulsively, "i'm so glad." "are you all right?" asked the scarecrow anxiously. "good as ever!" announced sir hokus, and indeed all traces of the magic stalk had disappeared from his shoulders. "dorothy!" cried ozma again. "what does it all mean?" "merely that i slid down my family tree and that dorothy and this knight rescued me," said the scarecrow calmly. "and he's a real royalty--so there!" cried dorothy with a wave at the scarecrow and making a little face at professor wogglebug. "meet his supreme highness, chang wang woe of silver island, who had abdicated his throne and returned to be a plain scarecrow in oz!" then, as the eminent educator of oz stood gaping at the scarecrow, "oh, ozma, i've so much to tell you!" "begin! begin!" cried the little wizard. "for everything's mighty mysterious. first, the cowardly lion and two unknown beasts shoot through the air and stop just outside the third-story windows, and there they hang although i've tried all my magic to get them down. then you and the scarecrow drop in with a strange knight!" "oh, the poor cowardly lion!" gasped dorothy as the wizard finished speaking. "the magic fan!" she felt hurriedly in her pocket. "it's gone!" "it must have slipped out of your pocket and blown them here, and they'll never come down till that fan is closed," cried the scarecrow in an agitated voice. all of this was greek to ozma and the others, but when dorothy begged the little queen to send for her magic belt, she did it without question. this belt dorothy had captured from the gnome king, and it enabled the wearer to wish people and objects wherever one wanted them. "i wish the magic fan to close and to come safely back to me," said dorothy as soon as she had clasped the belt around her waist. no sooner were the words out before there was a loud crash and a series of roars and groans. everybody started on a run for the palace, sir hokus ahead of all the rest. the fan had mysteriously returned to dorothy's pocket. the three animals had fallen into a huge cluster of rose bushes and, though badly scratched and frightened, were really unhurt. "i doubt that i'll like oz," quavered the doubtful dromedary, lurching toward sir hokus. "you might have been more careful of that fan," growled the cowardly lion reproachfully, plucking thorns from his hide. the comfortable camel was so overjoyed to see the knight that he rested his head on sir hokus's shoulder and began weeping down his armor. and now that their adventures seemed really over, what explanations were to be made! sitting on the top step of the palace with all of them around her, dorothy told the whole wonderful story of the scarecrow's family tree. when her breath gave out, the scarecrow took up the tale himself, and as they all realized how nearly they had lost their jolly comrade, many of the party shed real tears. indeed, nick chopper hugged the scarecrow till there was not a whole straw in his body. "never leave us again," begged ozma, and the scarecrow, crossing nick chopper's heart (he had none of his own), promised that he never would. and what a welcome they gave sir hokus, the doubtful dromedary and the comfortable camel! only professor wogglebug seemed disturbed. during the strange recital, he had grown quieter and quieter and finally, with an embarrassed cough, had excused himself and hurried into the palace. he went directly to the study, and seating himself at a desk opened a large book, none other than _the royal book of oz_. dipping an emerald pen in the ink, he began a new chapter headed thus: his imperial majesty, the scarecrow late emperor and imperial sovereign of silver island then, flipping over several pages to a chapter headed "princess dorothy!", he wrote carefully at the end, "dorothy, princess and royal discoverer of oz." meanwhile, below stairs, the scarecrow was distributing his gifts. there were silver chains for everyone in the palace and shining silver slippers for ozma, betsy bobbin, trot and dorothy, and a bottle of silver polish for nick chopper. dorothy presented ozma with the magic fan and parasol, and they were safely put away by jellia jamb with the other magic treasures of oz. next, because they were all curious to see the scarecrow's wonderful kingdom, they hurried upstairs to look in the magic picture. "show us the emperor of silver island," commanded ozma. immediately the beautiful silver throne room appeared. happy toko had removed his imperial hat and was standing on his head to the great delight of the whole court, and a host of little silver islander boys were peeking in at the windows. "now doesn't that look cheerful?" asked the scarecrow delightedly. "i knew he'd make a good emperor." "i wish we would hear what he's saying," said dorothy. "oh, do look at chew chew!" the grand chew chew was standing beside the throne scowling horribly. "i think i can arrange for you to hear," muttered the wizard of oz, and taking a queer magic instrument from his pocket, he whispered "aohbeeobbuy." instantly they heard the jolly voice of happy toko singing: oh shine his shoes of silver, and brush his silver queue, for i am but an emperor and he's the grand chew chew! ozma laughed heartily as the picture faded away, and so did the others. indeed, there was so much to ask and wonder about that it seemed as if they never would finish talking. "let's have a party--an old-fashioned oz party," proposed ozma when the excitement had calmed down a bit. and an old-fashioned party it was, with places for everybody and a special table for the cowardly lion, the hungry tiger, toto, the glass cat, the comfortable camel, the doubtful dromedary and all the other dear creatures of that amazing kingdom. sir hokus insisted upon stirring up a huge pasty for the occasion, and there were songs, speeches and cheers for everyone, not forgetting the doubtful dromedary. at the cheering he rose with an embarrassed jerk of his long neck. "in my left-hand saddle-sack," he said gruffly, "there is a quantity of silken shawls and jewels. i doubt whether they are good enough, but i would like dorothy and queen ozma to have them." "hear! hear!" cried the scarecrow, pounding on the table with his knife. then everything grew quiet as ozma told how she, with the help of glinda, the good sorceress, had stopped the war between the horners and hoppers. when she had finished, sir hokus sprang up impulsively. "i prithee, lovely lady, never trouble your royal head about wars again. from now on, i will do battle for you and little dorothy and oz, and _i_ will be your good knight every day." at this, the applause was tremendous. ye good knight of oz, full of courage and vim, will do battle for us, and we'll take care of him! shouted scraps, who was becoming more excited every minute. "i'll lend you some of my polish for your armor, old fellow," said nick chopper as the knight sat down, beaming with pleasure. "well," said ozma with a smile when everyone had feasted and talked to heart's content, "is everybody happy?" "i am!" cried the comfortable camel. "for here i am perfectly comfortable." "i am!" cried dorothy, putting her arm around the scarecrow, who sat next to her. "for i have found my old friend and made some new ones." "i'm happy!" cried the scarecrow, waving his glass, "because there is no age in oz, and i am still my old ozish self." "as for me," said the knight, "i am happy, for i have served a lady, gone on a quest, and _slain a dragon! ozma, and oz forever!_ the wishing horse of oz by ruth plumly thompson founded on and continuing the famous oz stories by l. frank baum "royal historian of oz" illustrated by john r. neill the reilly & lee co. chicago copyright, 1935 by the reilly & lee co. all rights reserved printed in the u.s.a. * * * * * _dear boys and girls:_ _what could be more interesting than an oz mystery? what, indeed? "why," i can almost hear you shout, "two oz mysteries." and here you have them in this newest oz story, two very mysterious mysteries to solve and ponder over and so many new kingdoms and characters, i can hardly remember the proper spelling for their names._ _you will be glad to know that dorothy has most of the strange adventures in this book and remember pigasus? well, i have long suspected pigasus could be useful as well as poetical, and now that he has so convincingly proved his prowess (how do you like that word?) we'll have to treat him with more respect and dignity._ _your letters all year have been grand and if i had the magic necklace mentioned in this story i would wish you three hundred and sixty-five days of happiness._ _but after all, i have a magic necklace. each boy or girl who reads the oz books is one shining link in the friendly chain that holds us together. all friends and all for oz._ _you believe in oz and i'll believe in you ho, that's the stuff that's strong enough to make my wish come true. _so, happy year to you, dears. and next year? ah well, who knows what will happen next year? another oz book maybe, if you still want one. write me if you do, and best of everything wonderful to you all, always!_ ruth plumly thompson. 110 schoolhouse lane, ardmore, pennsylvania * * * * * this book is dedicated with pride and affection to mabel hammer assheton whose gallant and adventurous spirit sweeps like a freshening breeze through my life, touching it again and again with color, vigor, interest and gaiety. to mabel!! ruth plumly thompson * * * * * list of chapters 1 the king of skampavia 2 the king and the merchant 3 more about the emeralds 4 the king and his talking horse 5 a great celebration in oz 6 a strange warning 7 what wizard? 8 way for the emperor! 9 the journey begins 10 the witch of the black forest 11 black magic 12 farewell to the black forest 13 in kalico's castle 14 the emperor of oz 15 the dooners! 16 the seer of some summit 17 skamperoo in oz 18 the emperor's horse makes a bargain 19 the story of the necklaces 20 back in skampavia chapter 1 the king of skampavia "is this all?" the king of skampavia frowned at the great stack of bags, bales, crates and carriers heaped around his throne. leaning forward, he gingerly extracted a fig from one of the baskets and popped it into his enormous mouth. "pah, dry as a blotter," spluttered the red-faced ruler, gritting his teeth with disgust, "and look at those cocoanuts, no bigger round than a baby's rattle!" leaping off his throne, he began kicking at the baskets of vegetables and bales of cotton and other merchandise. "what dusty junk is this?" he raged, glaring furiously at pinny penny, his patient prime minister. "how dare they send me such stuff?" clasping and unclasping his hands nervously, pinny penny nevertheless spoke up boldly. "because they have nothing better, your majesty. what can our poor subjects do with land so unprofitable and barren? then, not only must they produce enough for their own needs, but are required by the law to give one-third of all they raise to the crown." "and why not?" blustered skamperoo, settling back argumentatively on his throne. "i am the king! you can't get around that, you know." "no," sighed pinny penny, and drawing aside one of the shabby curtains he looked sorrowfully out into the courtyard. "what's all that racket?" demanded his master, as a medley of shouts, roars, and dull thuds came rolling up to them. forgetting his anger for a moment, he bounded to his feet and came across the room to look over pinny penny's shoulder. "a slight argument seems to have arisen among the supervisors," murmured pinny penny resignedly. now skampavia, i must tell you, is roughly divided into seven counties, and over each county skamperoo had set a supervisor whose duty it was to govern the province and to turn over to him one-third of all produce and merchandise in that county. to save time, and easily identify them, the supervisors were known by the size of the counties they governed. for instance, the supervisor of the first county, which was one mile wide and ten miles long, was called onebyten; the supervisor of the second county twobyfour; and the others were variously known as threebysix, ninebyfive, eightbyeight, fivebynine and fourbyseven. twice a year the supervisors rode into the capital with their tribute, and now, down in the courtyard, the seven tremendous skampavians were in a perfect pitched battle, helped out by all the guards and palace servants. "argument!" roared the king, slapping pinny penny rudely on the shoulder. "it's a fight, and you know it! ho, ho! just look at the good-for-nothing rascals. i tell you, old two pins, however poorly they serve us as farmers and merchants, our skampavians can certainly fight. and who says i'm too hard on them? have i not given every man jack a dress uniform and gun and made them learn military drilling and marching at the royal college?" "and what use is all this drilling and marching?" inquired pinny penny wearily. letting the curtain fall, he hurried away, for well he knew, if he did not put a stop to the conflict in the courtyard every window in the palace would be broken. "now what did he mean by that?" muttered skamperoo peevishly as his little prime minister whisked out of sight. pursing his lips, he seated himself heavily on his throne. after all, pinny penny had only spoken the truth. why had his father or his father's father ever picked out this pesky little country in the first place? located in the southern part of the desert of noland, between the kingdoms of ix and merryland, skampavia, he was forced to admit, had neither riches, beauty, nor interest. his castle, though poor and shabby, was comfortable enough, and having lived in it all his life, he was used to it. he had put up with the hot dry climate and the poor quality of the food, but after all, why should he continue to do so? in those long ago days in the school room he had studied of energetic rulers who had taken their armies and gone forth to conquer richer and more desirable lands from their neighbors. well, then, why should not he take his men, push over the border into a more fertile and kindly land? the idea pleased but at the same time annoyed him. skamperoo was fat and lazy. he loved quiet and ease and the thought of a hard military campaign made him shudder with distaste. still, he reflected, remembering pinny penny's reproachful face, a king should do something for his subjects and the more he did for them--ho, ho! the more he could make them do for him. a rich and prosperous country meant a rich and prosperous ruler. discontentedly fingering the rough cloth from which his royal robes were fashioned, he began to picture himself decked out in splendid satins and velvets heavily encrusted with jewels. jewels. pah! all the jewels he had were his plain gold scepter, badly dented and bent from hurling at pinny penny. taking off the crown, he scowled at it critically and began considering the realms on either side of his own dominions. to the north there was nothing but a sandy strip of desert and the tossing waters of the nonestic ocean. east lay the kingdom of ix, and zixie the little queen he considered too pleasant and friendly to conquer. besides, the climate of ix was not much better than that of his own country. to the west of skampavia was merryland and at one time a band of his roistering skampavians had crossed over into that country bent on theft and mischief. recalling the way they had been welcomed and entertained by the cheerful king of merryland and sent home simply laden with presents, he hastily dismissed that country too. how could he fight a monarch like that? to the south lay the burning sands of the deadly desert, which no man in his own kingdom had ever succeeded in crossing. so, having exhausted all the possibilities in the immediate neighborhood, skamperoo tapped his foot in vexation and began casting about in his mind for some fair and faraway country to conquer. he closed his eyes in order to think better and was just on the point of falling into a pleasant doze of riches and conquest, when pinny penny came noisily into the room. he was preceded by two of the king's supervisors, who, urged forward by the fearless little prime minister, stood sulkily and defiantly before the throne. "well, what now?" demanded skamperoo, blinking his eyes sleepily. "can you not handle these arguments yourself, pinny penny? is a king to have no rest or privacy at all?" instead of answering, pinny penny took a small cotton bag from the tallest of the supervisors and handed it silently to the king. still half asleep, skamperoo untied the draw string of the small bag and emptied the contents into his fat hand. what he saw there made his eyes fly open--wide open! jewels! the very thing for which he had been wishing. "emeralds!" gasped the king, rubbing the glittering necklace between his fingers. "where did you get this, twobyfour?" "they were sent to your majesty by a merchant in the second county, who got them from a traveling peddler. the peddler had got them from a gilliken, who had got them from a quadling, who had got them from a munchkin, who had once lived in the emerald city of oz." "oz!" snapped the king, sitting up very straight. "where is oz?" "oz is a great and powerful kingdom on the other side of the deadly desert," answered twobyfour, looking uneasily over his shoulder at pinny penny. "then how did this peddler cross the desert?" demanded skamperoo, holding the necklace up to the light and feasting his eyes greedily on its gleaming emeralds. "that, i cannot say." twobyfour cast a longing glance at the door, heartily wishing himself on the other side. "then perhaps you will tell us why you did not turn this necklace over to the king?" suggested pinny penny mournfully. "yes, how dared you keep it?" panted skamperoo indignantly. "and what are you gaping at, threebysix? i'll wager you were in this, too." "he was," shouted twobyfour hoarsely. "he tried to steal the jewels from me. that's how he got the black eye." "but you tried to steal them from me, and what about _that_ my fine fellow?" twobyfour turned a painful and uncomfortable scarlet under the king's accusing eye. "in skampavia we have so little, your majesty," he stuttered miserably. "with these emeralds i thought i might buy a bit of land in some cooler and more comfortable country where my wife and two boys could be happy--a country where flowers would grow in a garden, and where a man would not have to spend his whole life wrestling with rocks and weeds and drilling for hours in the hot sun for no reason whatsoever." "hah!" exclaimed pinny penny, looking meaningly at the king. "hah, yourself!" grunted skamperoo wrathfully, then as the emeralds continued to sparkle and glitter in his hand his anger subsided. "you did very wrong to keep the necklace, twobyfour," he stated mildly. "but i have decided to forgive you. return now to the second county and explain to the merchant who gave you this necklace that i must have all three." "all three!" exclaimed twobyfour. "but he's entitled by law to two of them." "my word is the law here, and you can choose between a broken law or a broken head," skamperoo told him calmly. "he is the king," murmured pinny penny in a quiet voice. there was nothing sarcastic in the manner of his speech, but something in the prime minister's expression made the king prickle all over with discomfort. "yes, i am the king," he shouted explosively, "and moreover i have spoken. begone, both of you, and you, twobyfour, have two days to return with those two necklaces. the necklaces or your head, do you understand? and--er--er--you may tell that merchant in your county that he need send no more of his wares to the capital, the three necklaces will suffice," he bellowed as the two supervisors went bolting through the door. "how nice--they will suffice. you are the king," sniffed pinny penny with a sour smile. "are you a parrot or a prime minister? stop repeating that silly stuff and tell me about oz," commanded skamperoo, clasping the emerald necklace around his fat throat. "have you ever heard of this place, pinny penny? it must be a rich and marvelous country if peddlers can trade emerald necklaces as carelessly as we trade wooden beads." "it is a marvelous country," answered pinny penny thoughtfully. "i remember my father telling me about the capital of oz, an emerald city, where even the streets were inlaid with jewels and every tower and wall was studded with emeralds." "well, why have i never been told about this?" wheezed the king peevishly. "a country like that just a precious stone's throw away, so to speak." "your majesty has never cared for reading or study," pinny penny reminded him a bit maliciously. "in our library there is a whole history of oz." "fetch it! fetch it, bring it to me at once!" panted the king, bouncing up and down on his throne like a big bad baby (which in truth he was). "i must discover why oz is so rich and prosperous while we are so poor and unfortunate." "not so unfortunate and poor as we are unwise and greedy," stated pinny penny, stalking calmly across the room. "if your majesty would study ways to improve skampavia and allow your own subjects to keep a fair share of their crops and merchandise, we might be a powerful country, too." "nonsense! what can we do with a rocky little desert like this?" blustered skamperoo contemptuously. "skampavia is a dull little kingdom, a dumb little kingdom--a kingdumb, that's a good name for it." "and you?" murmured pinny penny under his breath as he hastened away to fetch the book on oz. returning, he plumped the fat volume down on the king's knees and stood back with folded arms. "well--well? do you expect me to read all this?" wailed skamperoo in dismay. "why, it would take a year or more. explain it to me, pinny penny. just give me the gist of the matter. just give me the gist--there, i've made a joke. ha! ha! ha! i've made a joke." "but oz is no joke," said the prime minister shortly, "your majesty had better get that through your head at once. now attend closely and i will endeavor to give you the most important facts about this rich and enchanting country across the desert. in the first place," pinny penny looked severely over his specs, "oz is about fifty times as large as skampavia, a great oblong, undulating country divided into four triangular kingdoms. each of these kingdoms has its own ruler, but all four are subject to the rule of ozma of oz, whose capital, the emerald city, is in the exact center of oz." "a girl?" exclaimed skamperoo, leaning forward excitedly. "how can a mere girl rule over an important country like that?" "by using her heart as well as her head, by encouraging thrift and rewarding industry," announced pinny penny in a tone that made the king wince. "your majesty would do well to read of her wise laws and plans for the betterment of her country." "you may just skip all that," sniffed skamperoo, closing his mouth stubbornly. "tell me who are the rulers of these four kingdoms and the general customs and characteristics of the people." closing his eyes and putting his finger tips together, pinny penny began solemnly: "the northern-most country of oz is the land of the gillikens, famed for its luscious grapes, plums, wisteria, and heather. it is a purple country and is ruled over by joe king and queen hyacinth, who live in an amethyst trimmed castle high in the gilliken mountains. the eastern empire of oz is a yellow country, known for its wheat, corn, butter, pumpkins, daffodils, and gold mines. nick chopper is emperor of the winkies and this singular ruler is entirely made of tin plate and celebrated in song and story as 'the tin woodman of oz.'" pinny penny paused a moment to catch his breath and then continued quietly: "the southland is red and noted for its strawberries, tomatoes, beets, red birds, red wood, and red-heads. glinda, the good sorceress, governs the quadlings, who make up its inhabitants, and she knows as much magic as ozma herself--" "oh, it's one of those magic places where one just snaps the fingers to get what he wants," sighed the king discontentedly. "well--well--go on--" "the western country of oz is blue," continued pinny penny obligingly, "and everyone has heard of its famous blue ridge mountains, its blue birds, its violets, its blue skies and its capital, the sapphire city. cheeriobed is king, and orin is queen of the munchkins, and they live in the sapphire city, in almost as much magnificence as ozma in the emerald city. is that all you wish to know?" "about the army?" muttered skamperoo, wrinkling up his forehead. "has this girl ruler a great army stationed at her capital?" pinny penny grinned in spite of himself. "the young fairy ruler of oz is opposed to all wars and fighting and has at her court an army consisting of one tall soldier with green whiskers," he explained hurriedly. "one soldier with green whiskers!" shouted the king, nearly tumbling off his throne. "i never heard anything more ridiculous in my life. i thought you said oz wasn't a joke and yet you stand there and tell me about an army of one soldier. why, that's the funniest thing i ever heard. ha, haw, haw!" "laugh if you wish," said pinny penny resignedly, "but don't forget that ozma has more magic appliances at her finger tips than we have pebbles on our desert. in her palace lives the famous wizard of oz, who can work every sort of transformation and enchantment, but does so only for the good of the country." "humph!" exclaimed the king. "well, how many fighting men have we?" "seven hundred skampavian soldiers in each of the seven counties," answered pinny penny reluctantly, "but let me warn your majesty that the idea you have in your head is sheer madness and will lead to nothing but ruin. take off your crown, put on your night cap and dream away this foolishness." "and a fine looking crown it is," snapped the king, snatching off his crown and looking at it angrily. "but these emeralds will brighten it up a bit, eh, pinny penny?" "it is not the sparkle of gems in a king's crown that count, it is the jewels of wisdom in the head under the crown that make him happy and well beloved--" "stop! enough!" yelled the king, hurling the crown with all his might at pinny penny. "when will you stop this infernal lecturing and scolding?" "when your majesty stops talking nonsense," sighed pinny, catching the crown with one hand and pulling a long bell cord with the other. "come now, let us have our tea and forget about oz," he proposed calmly. "lemon or cream, your highness?" "lemon!" growled the king sourly, and slapping open the book of history on his knees, he stared long and enviously at a picture of the emerald city of oz. chapter 2 the king and the merchant two days had passed since skamperoo had come into possession of the emerald necklace. he had never taken it off for a moment. he even wore it to bed, and spent most of the daytime admiring himself and it in the palace mirrors. now, as the afternoon of the second day drew to a close, he kept bouncing over to the windows that commanded a view of the highway. "if that rascal does not turn up soon, i'll--i'll--" "explode, probably," predicted pinny penny, who was playing solitaire with the only pack of cards the castle afforded. "calm yourself, skamper, what good are these emeralds when you come right down to it?" "good? good? they are worth more than this whole miserable castle," answered the king indignantly. "i can sell them and buy--no, no, i'll never part with them," he corrected himself hastily. "they give me a feeling of importance and power. our star has risen, pinny penny. great days are ahead. hark! listen! is that a footstep in the courtyard?" darting back to the window, the portly monarch flattened his nose against the pane. "it's twoby! it's twobyfour!" he shouted hopping up and down like a school boy. "and there's a tall bearded stranger with him." "if your majesty will quietly seat yourself, i'll endeavor to announce them," reproved pinny penny, gathering up his cards. "remember you are a king and not a jumping jack." "oh--all right." skamperoo flung himself heavily down among his cushions and presently the tramp of feet along the corridor proclaimed the arrival of the long awaited supervisor. pinny penny advanced stiffly to meet him and after a whispered conversation he called out in a bored voice: "twobyfour, governor of our second province, and matiah, the merchant, your majesty!" "yes! yes? but where are the emeralds?" panted skamperoo, leaning forward eagerly as the two travelers advanced respectfully to the throne. drawing a small bag from his leather jerkin, twobyfour held it sullenly out to the king. "here, your majesty, and here also is the merchant who goes with the necklace." twobyfour haughtily indicated the turbaned skampavian beside him. "yes! yes, the merchant." the king, intent upon the jewels, did not even look up. "he goes with the necklaces, you say? well, ha! ha! now he may go without them. that is all i require of you, my good fellow, your presence here is not necessary or desirable. you may go. go, do you understand?" "go?" matiah drew himself up to his fullest height, which was pretty high, i can tell you. "perhaps your majesty will suggest where? for these three necklaces i traded my house, my shops, and all my other possessions. you say that is all, and it is indeed. since you have taken all i own and possess, your majesty must take me also. you owe me a living and i am here to say so." "say no more," put in pinny penny soothingly. "matiah is right, skamperoo, and well within his rights as well. we must make a place for him in the palace. what can you do?" he inquired practically. "do?" the merchant opened his eyes very wide. "do? i am a merchant accustomed to dealing in jewels, china, cloth, and basket wear." "then you'll be the very one to help out in the kitchen and laundry," proposed pinny penny brightly. "there are no jewels, but we have onions and potatoes a-plenty, and with the dirty dishes and hampers of soiled linens you will be right at home." "what?" screamed matiah, as twobyfour snickered behind his hand. "you require this mean-ial toil of me--matiah, son of metorah, son of metanic--merchants for these thousands of years? this is preposterous! an outrage! i will go! i will go indeed. i will start a war, an uprising--a revolution! help! help! help!" yelled the merchant shrilly. "the king has stolen my emeralds." "stop! stop! not so loud," begged skamperoo, leaping agilely off his throne and pattering anxiously after matiah. "you may leave us, pinny penny, i think i can find something better than kitchen work for this honest citizen." "humph!" snorted pinny penny, and motioning for twobyfour to follow him he marched disapprovingly from the royal presence. "you mustn't mind old pinny," puffed the king, dropping a bit breathlessly on his throne. "there, there, now, sit down and make yourself comfortable. as i was saying, pinny penny has very odd notions at times." "very odd," agreed matiah, and seating himself on a chair opposite the king, he fastened his eyes greedily on the sparkling chains now clasped firmly about the monarch's fat throat. "now, then, we must find something easy and pleasant for you," went on the king, scratching one ear reflectively. "you might, er--you might spend your time entertaining me. i'll wager you are just full of good stories, songs, and amusing tricks?" "tricks?" exclaimed the merchant, elevating his nose disdainfully. then a sudden gleam came into his small black eyes. "tricks!" he repeated more pleasantly. "ah, your majesty is right. how well you have guessed my secret." leaning forward, he held his hand up to his mouth and looking furtively over his shoulder, whispered hoarsely. "i am a magician, king, and well versed in the arts of sorcery." "sorcery!" cried skamperoo, clasping himself delightedly about his middle. "how perfectly panormick! magic is the very thing we need around here. tell me quickly, what can you do? how much magic do you know?" "is there some place where we can be quite alone?" matiah held up his hand mysteriously. "no one must know i am a magician--it must be a secret between us." "of course! of course!" agreed the king, rolling off his throne with more speed than dignity. "come to my private walled garden. no one can hear us there." "no one?" asked matiah sharply. "are there then no guards upon the wall?" "no guards--no servants--no one at all is allowed in my garden," the king assured him proudly. "and is there a door in the garden's wall?" matiah stroking his long beard stood regarding the king thoughtfully. "my first trick requires a door." "of course there's a door, or how should i get out and in myself? come along, come along!" waddling into the corridor, skamperoo started off at a quick trot for his private garden. matiah, grinning wickedly to himself, stepped softly after the king. once in the garden, he meant to have his necklaces, even if he had to take off the king's head to get them. "one sweep of my scimiter," murmured the merchant to himself. "ho, ho! this is too easy!" the king's garden when they reached it was no more than a small sandy square with some cactus plants in the center and a rickety bench against the wall. seating himself heavily on the bench, skamperoo made room for the merchant beside him. "now, then," he grunted hurriedly. "begin. show me what you can do. prove that you are a magician." "first i must have the necklaces," stated matiah calmly. "without the emeralds i cannot do a single trick." "but--but--if the magic is in the emeralds, i can be my own magician," answered skamperoo, clutching the chains with both hands. "but your majesty is not a magician," matiah told him reasonably. "you do not know the proper words or incantations. no, i myself must wear these magic jewels. and what harm is there in that? as soon as your wish is granted i will hand them straight back to you." "what's that? can you really grant wishes?" skamperoo's eyes began to snap and dance with greed and interest. "certainly," promised matiah, blinking shrewdly across the square and estimating with his eye the distance he should have to run to reach the door in the garden wall. "all you have to do is to think of something you want, close your eyes, count slowly to a hundred, and i, wearing the three necklaces, will easily grant your wish. i thought you trusted me and that we were going to be friends," he finished reproachfully. "we were--er--that is--here, take them!" unclasping the heavy chains, skamperoo, who already had a wish in mind, thrust them into the merchant's hands. closing his eyes, he made his wish and then began to count hysterically, "one--two--three--four--five--six." at six, matiah was half way across the garden, when horrors! a great white horse with a golden tail and mane dropped like a plummet from the sky. pawing up the sand in matiah's path, he flashed his yellow eyes so wickedly, the merchant fell back into the cactus bushes, where he lay screaming with shock, pain and amazement. but skamperoo, thinking all the noises he heard were but magic incantations, went calmly on with his counting. he had reached sixty before matiah had recovered himself enough to crawl out of the cactus and make his way cautiously back to the bench. the immense white horse continued to stare at him threateningly, but as it made no attempt to spring forward he began to regain a little of his usual assurance and courage. "great garoo! then there _was_ magic in the emeralds. this horse was undoubtedly the king's wish come true, a beastly wish!" shuddered the merchant as he stared in fascination at the pawing monster and wondered what to do next. he was afraid to run past the white horse and escape with the jewels, but hah! he could make a wish for himself, a wish that would carry him and the emeralds far from skampavia, the farther the better. closing his eyes, he muttered a hurried sentence and waited tensely to be transported to ev, a country he had once visited in his youth. but nothing at all happened, and gritting his teeth with vexation, matiah opened his eyes just as skamperoo finished counting a hundred. "so!" beamed the delighted monarch, embracing him heartily. "you have done it. you really _are_ a magician. behold my horse, a horse in a thousand. a golden maned charger fit for a king, for a conqueror--" "of all the dumb things," fumed matiah, wriggling fiercely away from skamperoo, "of all the dumb things to wish for, a horse is about the dumbest of all!" "dumb?" whinnied the white steed with an indignant snort. "i'm not a dumb beast, i can laugh, i can talk, that's becoz i'm from oz and my full name is chalk." "cha--lk?" quavered skamperoo, who had never heard an animal speak a word in his life. "he--he says his name's chalk." the king looked appealingly at the merchant and seeing he would have to live up to the role of magician, matiah assumed an air of careless superiority. "well, he doubtless knows his own name, your majesty. if he says his name is chalk it probably is chalk, and the reason he can talk is because he comes from oz, land of the magic necklaces, where all animals speak as well as we do." "better," sniffed chalk. then, taking an experimental nibble at the cactus, he gave a terrific squeal of pain and displeasure--flung up his heels and began to race around the garden at such a furious pace, matiah and the king jumped behind the bench and cowered miserably against the wall. "well, there you are!" panted the merchant angrily. "you have your horse and what now? he's yours, you know, and you'll have to control him." matiah ducked behind the king as chalk thundered past, covering them both with dust and sand. "if you ask me, you simply wasted a wish. why, you might have wished yourself a ton of emeralds--or a kingdom ten times as large and prosperous as skampavia--or--" "but there's plenty of time for that," sputtered skamperoo, holding desperately to the bench, "since you are a magician you can grant all of my wishes." "oh, no, no indeed!" matiah spoke hastily, remembering the way the emeralds had failed to grant his wish. "i can grant only one wish a week," he explained breathlessly, "and i trust next time you will think before you wish. whoa, there, you ozian brute! you silly monster. stop that! whoa! ho! whoa, i tell you!" "are you my master?" leaping lightly over the cactus, chalk came to a sudden halt before the bench. "no, this king is your master," answered matiah thankfully enough. "speak to him, skamper," he urged in a lower voice as chalk reared curiously up on his hind legs to have a good look at the king. "be--behave yourself," commanded skamperoo tearfully. "how do you expect me to ride on your back if you act like this?" "ah--so you expect to ride me?" chalk came down with a thud and grinned broadly at his new master. if you have never seen a horse grin, you have no idea how upsetting it can be. "well, i suppose i shall have to put up with you," he neighed finally. "just call a groom or a servant, old rub-atub, and see that i'm served my evening oats, three apples, and a measure of corn." "certainly, certainly," agreed the king, starting off on trembling legs. "well, i must say this is splendid, splendid!" protested matiah, hurrying nervously after the king. (he was afraid to stay in the garden with chalk.) "where do you expect to get, taking orders from a horse?" "i suppose you'd prefer me to take them from you!" puffed skamperoo, beginning to grow a little angry himself. "here, give me my necklaces." snatching the emeralds from the merchant's neck, he went charging into the palace hardly knowing whether to be glad or sorry for the sudden change in his fortunes. but by the time he reached his throne room, he had calmed down considerably. seating himself hurriedly on his throne, he pondered how he could keep all these strange occurrences from pinny penny. he felt sure pinny penny would never approve of magic necklaces or a talking horse. well now, he'd just tell his meddlesome prime minister that the stamping, snorting steed in the garden belonged to matiah and must be fed and stabled. when he made another wish--and he had a whole week to think about that--when he made another wish he would be careful to wish for everything he needed. as for this whiskery wizard--he would flatter him along until he discovered the right magic to use with the emeralds. then he would wish him away like that. like that! snapping his fingers spitefully, skamperoo pulled the long bell cord that summoned pinny penny. his royal charger should be fed. not many monarchs had a talking horse with a golden mane. aho, but he was coming on! he'd show pinny penny yet what a smart ruler he was! now matiah, following the king slowly into the palace, had done some reflecting, too. he resolved not to lose his temper again with this provoking simpleton of a sovereign. he would simply humor him along and before the week was out he would have another chance to steal the necklaces and escape to some far country. there at his leisure he would experiment until he discovered the right way to use them. he could not understand why the king had got his wish and his own wish had gone for nothing. what was the secret of the magic emeralds? with his forehead still wrinkled in thought, matiah entered the throne room and quietly seated himself in a chair opposite skamperoo. much to his relief, the king neither reproached nor upbraided him. "ah, so there you are?" he cried in his best meant-to-be-cheerful voice. "i have just sent pinny penny to feed your horse." "_my_ horse?" barked matiah, starting up in dismay, then catching a meaning wink from the king, he quickly winked back. "it seemed wisest," murmured skamperoo, "to say nothing of your magic powers for the present. all this will be our secret," he finished playfully. "oh, yes, yes--indubitably!" while skamperoo was still wondering what "indubitably" meant, matiah hurried out of the room and took a long drink of water from the old-fashioned fountain in the hall. "our secret!" he repeated bitterly to himself. "our secret, indeed!" chapter 3 more about the emeralds skamperoo had not slept a wink. he tossed from side to side of the royal bed, his head simply buzzing with enchanting plans for the future. with the magic emeralds he could have everything he desired, and his desires and wishes were multiplying so rapidly he scarcely knew where to begin or what to wish first. the necklaces pressed uncomfortably against his throat, but he would not take them off. he was so weary he ached in every bone, but still he could not stop thinking, and just as the castle clock tolled seven the very thing he should wish for first came suddenly to him. ah, that was it--too bad he had to wait a whole week, but a week would pass and perhaps during that time he would discover for himself the magic secret of his sparkling new treasures. then he could be his own magician and put that meddlesome merchant in his place. as he was running over in his mind possible places to send matiah, the door of his room opened cautiously and pinny penny stuck in his head. "well! well? and did i ring?" grunted skamperoo fretfully. "this is a fine time to awaken an emperor." "emperor?" exclaimed pinny penny, coming all the way into the room and closing the door. "since when has skampavia's king become an emperor?" "oh, go away and don't bother me." turning his back on pinny penny, the king thumped his pillow and closed his eyes as tightly as he could. "it's all about the horse," whispered pinny penny, coming around to the other side of the bed. "a strange and magnificent animal for a mere merchant, if i may be permitted to say so. not only that--it talks. it's ordering the stable boys around in a shocking manner and it even told me to mind my own business." "well, why don't you?" suggested skamperoo, rolling over on his back. "of course he talks, pinny; he's an oz horse, and all animals from oz talk. i thought you knew that." "well, if this merchant has a talking horse, he is not so poor as he pretends," persisted pinny penny, shaking his finger under the king's nose. "my advice is to set the fellow on his horse and send him about his business as quickly as possible. i don't like his looks, skamper. he's mean and mischievous, and mark my words, no good will come of him or his necklaces." "i don't like his looks any better than you," agreed the king, clasping his fat hands on his stomach. "but if i keep the emeralds i must keep the merchant, and besides i've a notion i could ride that talking horse myself." "oh, good goats and gravy! then i'd best go and lay in a supply of splints and liniment." pushing his specs up on his forehead, pinny penny cast a disgusted glance at his huge reclining master and rushed hurriedly from the royal presence. now matiah, as you can well imagine, had slept no better than the king. in the small room to which pinny penny had taken him, he paced restlessly up and down. after all, he knew only two facts about the magic emeralds, the first that they really could, under certain conditions, grant wishes; the second, that they must not be worn by the person making the wish. this much the merchant had reasoned out for himself. as the king had got his wish while he, matiah, was wearing the necklaces, and he himself had not got the wish he made with the emeralds around his own throat, that much seemed certain. snapping his fingers joyfully and feeling sure the king was now wearing the jeweled chains, matiah made a second wish, counting slowly to a hundred. but the hearty supper he had ordered as a test failed to appear and flinging himself down on the bed he began to rack his brains for some other solution of the mystery. perhaps the magic power rested in a single stone which he had luckily touched as the king made his wish. holding his head with both hands, he tried to remember exactly what he had done as skamperoo began to count. but it was no use. he could not recall a single thing after he had started to run across the garden. and how, concluded the infuriated fellow, was he ever to discover the way to use the emeralds without arousing the king's suspicions or revealing the fact that he knew no more about them than skamperoo himself? muttering with vexation, he kicked a foot stool all the way across the room and sat staring morosely at the worn carpet. the short, uneasy nap he finally got before morning did him no good, and cross and jumpy as a cougar, he made his way to the dingy dining hall of the palace. the king had already breakfasted, and looking out of the window, matiah saw a terrified servant leading the talking horse around the courtyard, skamperoo following at a safe distance. the sight of the stamping white charger made matiah shudder anew. what a waste! he reflected bitterly, and if the king grew fond of the saucy monster it would make his own task even more difficult, for until he succeeded in stealing the necklaces, matiah did not intend to let skamperoo out of his sight. gulping down the weak coffee and cold eggs a shabby servant grudgingly placed before him, he hastened outside. "good morning, your majesty!" he called out heartily. "and may i have a word with your royal highness?" "what kind of a word?" snickered chalk, rolling his yellow eyes roguishly round at the merchant. "give him a word, old rub-atub, if that's all he wants. the right word for him, i should say, would be 'go!' or 'no!' and then we all could be happy." "it is about the necklaces," confided matiah, ignoring the horse utterly, and falling easily into step with the king. "they must be cleaned every day to keep them in good wishing condition." "but i was just going for a ride," objected skamperoo with a little frown, "won't this afternoon do?" "no, now is the proper time," answered matiah impressively, thinking how clever he was to have invented this ruse to get hold of the emeralds. "if your majesty will just give them to me, i'll polish them up while you are--er--exercising." "no--no--er--that is, i'd better come and help you," skamperoo spoke quickly. "i can ride this afternoon." "you think so?" with an exuberant prance, chalk rose on his hind legs and spun around like a pinwheel. "well, see you later, old sos!" and with the terrified stable boy hanging to his bridle he went galloping off to the stable. "if you take my advice, you'll have that creature knocked on the head," said matiah savagely. "surely you won't endanger our lives by riding on his back?" "our lives!" exclaimed skamperoo, looking at matiah in surprise. "you do not have to ride him; in fact, he's really my horse," he stated jealously. "so long as your majesty wears the magic necklaces i must go wherever you go and do whatever you do!" explained the merchant loftily. "how--how very awkward!" in spite of himself, skamperoo groaned as he thought how tiresome it would be with matiah trailing after him from morning till night. "i should think a magician like yourself could arrange things more sensibly." "but consider what is at stake," matiah reminded him earnestly. "together we can have and do anything we wish. is that not worth a little inconvenience?" "yes, yes, i suppose so. but if we are to do everything together, i think i should know the magic wishing formula as well as you." skamperoo looked defiantly up at his newest advisor. "that is impossible." striding along stiffly, matiah shook his head. "the incantation once revealed becomes powerless. only one versed in magic is permitted to use the emeralds. have you thought at all about your next wish?" he asked, anxious to direct the king's mind into more cheerful channels. "we should plan and consult about it together, you know. but wait until we are in your majesty's throne room," he added quickly, as skamperoo began to open and shut his mouth like a fish without saying anything. "while i am cleaning the necklaces we can talk it over, yes?" matiah's fingers fairly itched for the sparkling jewels, but restraining a mad impulse to snatch them from the king's throat, he walked along quietly beside skamperoo talking so calmly and convincingly that he soon had the skampavian monarch not only willing but anxious to reveal the wish that had kept him awake most of the night. first assuring himself that they were alone and locking the door so they would not be disturbed, the king seated himself at a small table. matiah drew up a chair opposite and held out his hand for the necklaces. reluctantly skamperoo handed them over, keeping a jealous eye on the jewels as the merchant began polishing them with a small square of silk he had taken from his pocket. as he rubbed the silk over the emeralds, matiah carefully examined each one for some mark or sign that would give him a clue to their magic power. intent as he was upon this task, a few low spoken words of skamperoo made him sit suddenly erect and regard the king with new respect and attention. how in thunderation, thought matiah wonderingly, had this fat silly monarch ever managed to hit upon such a magnificent and breath-taking wish, and as skamperoo explained and elaborated upon his plans and schemes for the future, the merchant's interest grew apace. quicker and cleverer than the king, he saw not only the possibilities of this splendid wish, but all the difficulties and problems that must be met and disposed of before it could be reasonably granted. leaning forward, the emeralds for the moment forgotten, he put his mouth close to skamperoo's ear. "there are three things that must be done before your wish can be realized." matiah spoke tensely. "first, ... second, ... third, ...." after each short whispered direction skamperoo nodded to show that he understood. "then it will take four wishes to do it," he sighed, resting his elbows heavily on the table. "that will be four weeks, won't it?" "no, perhaps if we are careful we can work it all into one," answered matiah thoughtfully, and taking up his bit of silk he began polishing the emeralds with renewed vigor. the king, watching him, forgot his former dislike and distrust. matiah's enthusiastic approval of his plans made him feel that perhaps he had misjudged this long-faced, whiskered stranger. perhaps he would not wish him away, after all. he might prove very useful in the strange and magnificent future that stretched ahead. matiah, on his part, had no such kindly intentions toward the king. he merely meant to make skamperoo's wish his own, and so grand and daring was the prospect that he grew more impatient than ever to discover the way to accomplish it. holding all three necklaces up to the light, he squinted at them anxiously. the chains seemed identical in every respect, but no--what was this? one had a diamond clasp, while the clasps on the other two were of flattened emeralds. this, then, was the solution. the magic wishing power undoubtedly rested in the diamond clasp. revealing in no way his satisfaction and elation over this important discovery, matiah handed the necklaces back to the king. somehow, decided the merchant, he must make skamperoo touch the diamond clasp while he silently repeated the king's wish, but before that he needed a little time to prepare himself for the grand and glorious years that were to be his. as skamperoo, exhausted by so much thinking early in the morning, waddled wearily over to his throne, matiah strode to the book shelves located in an adjoining alcove. "while your majesty rests i will have a look at this interesting library," he murmured ingratiatingly, "and at the same time store up some useful information for the future." skamperoo sleepily returned the merchant's broad wink, then, sinking back among his cushions, closed his eyes. from his chair in the alcove, matiah could keep the king in view, and satisfied that skamperoo was really asleep, he began hurriedly turning over the pages of the large volume pinny penny had but that morning returned to the shelves. soon he became so absorbed he forgot all about the king. and that was a pity, for had he taken the trouble to look, he would have discovered that the king was no longer _there_. chapter 4 the king and his talking horse now it is true that the king had closed his eyes as matiah settled himself in the alcove to read, but he was very far from asleep. in fact, no more than five minutes had been ticked away by the old-fashioned clock, in the corner before skamperoo straightened up as if suddenly struck by lightning. casting a cautious look at the quiet merchant, he began to slide rapidly toward the door. opening it without a sound, he slipped out into the corridor and, closing it just as softly, went puffing away to the quarters of the white wishing horse at the back of the courtyard. though usually unenterprising and dull, we must credit skamperoo with one brilliant idea. as chalk had been brought to skampavia by the magic emeralds, why should he not know the trick of using them? fairly panting with eagerness and impatience, skamperoo jerked open the door of the stable and stepped recklessly into chalk's stall. "ah, the little kingaling!" whinnied chalk, tossing his mane gaily. for some reason or other he found his fat master tremendously amusing, and while he had an immediate desire to trample on matiah and frighten off the stable boys, he felt only an affectionate tolerance for the tubby little ruler of skampavia. "have you come for your ride?" he inquired, giving the king a playful poke with his soft nose. "no, i've come to talk to you," wheezed skamperoo, seating himself carefully on an overturned water bucket. "quick, tell me all you know about these magic emeralds." touching his three necklaces with a trembling forefinger, the king looked imploringly into the face of his new and powerful steed. "humph!" chalk shifted a mouthful of hay to his other cheek. "well, as to that, or rather them, all that i know is nothing. you forget that i only came into existence yesterday afternoon." "of course, of course! i was the one who wished you here," explained the king impatiently. "you wished me here?" mused chalk, staring meditatively at the comical figure on the water bucket. "well, i hardly know whether to thank you or to jump on you with all four feet. even without any experience at all, i can see that this is no place for me." "you're right," sighed skamperoo, clasping his knees dejectedly. "it's no place for me, either. that is why i must know about the emeralds. they can satisfy our every wish, and if we just knew how to use them we could go away together." "you think you could manage that!" sniffed chalk, who had his own opinion as to what would happen once the king mounted on his back. "yes, together!" insisted skamperoo. "try to think," he begged earnestly. "you say you know nothing, then how did you know you came from oz and your name and all that?" "that's right, how did i?" putting one ear forward and one ear backward, chalk swallowed his hay with a quick gulp. "there must be a lot of stuff in my head that i practically know nothing about," he reasoned thoughtfully. "suppose you tell me exactly what happened and then i'll tell you what i think of it." so, hunching forward, skamperoo recounted the whole story of the merchant and the necklaces, how he and matiah had retired to his private garden, how there, with the merchant wearing the emeralds, his first wish had been granted. "and a splendid wish it was, too," sighed skamperoo, looking fondly up at his white horse. "never forget that you were my first wish, fellow." "i'm hardly likely to forget myself," snickered chalk loftily, "but attend closely, old crown and scepter, when i dropped down into that garden yon whiskered merchant was running for the gate as if his life depended on it. he only stopped because he was afraid to pass me, and from the way he fell into those cactus bushes, i'll wager he was as astonished as you were that the emeralds had granted your wish." chalk wrinkled his forehead shrewdly. "i don't believe he knows any more about the necklaces than we do. if he did, he would never have sent you one in the first place, and he would have granted all of his own wishes and been in some splendid other place. matiah's a fraud!" finished the king's horse vehemently, "and means to steal back the emeralds." "of course! of course! oh! oh! why didn't i think of that myself? what shall we do now?" wailed skamperoo, jumping up so quickly he overturned the bucket, for chalk's frankly spoken opinion confirmed his own suspicions of the merchant. "sit down," advised the white horse, not unkindly. "i may not be a magician, but i have a little sense, and horse sense is what your majesty needs more than anything else." as skamperoo righted the bucket and meekly sat down again, chalk closed his eyes, standing silent and motionless for so long the king thought he had fallen into a trance. but just as he began to fidget nervously about on the uncomfortable edge of the bucket, the white horse opened his eyes and flashing a triumphant smile at skamperoo, began calling in a loud, lordly voice. "boy! boy! boy!" while the king regarded him with mingled misgivings and admiration, chalk snapped out directions to the clumsy little groom who came running in answer to his summons. when his mane and tail had been thoroughly brushed and he was decked out once more in the splendid saddle and trappings he had worn on his first appearance in skampavia, he dismissed the groom with a haughty toss of his head. "come!" he breathed mysteriously. "climb up, skamperoo, and we'll skamperoodle before that rascally merchant even misses us. have you decided upon the place we are to go?" he questioned curiously as the king made seven frantic attempts to put his foot in the golden stirrup. "heh! heh! heh! the other foot, master. how do you ever expect to mount that way? stand on the bucket, kingaling, catch hold of the saddle and pull. it's easy as oats once you get the hang of it." "is it?" lying mournfully on his back where he had fallen after his last effort, skamperoo gazed mournfully upward and chalk himself began to champ, snort and switch his tail with irritation. "you wished me on yourself and now it looks as if you would have to wish yourself on me," he muttered savagely. "here, give me those necklaces--hang them over my ear and let's have done with this shameful exhibition." "you mean--if i wish myself upon your back i will really be there?" panted skamperoo, bouncing up like a rubber ball. "you mean you have discovered the secret of the emeralds?" "certainly!" the white horse regarded him scornfully through half-closed eyes, and the king, all too willing to be convinced, unclasped his three necklaces and, standing on tip toe, hung them over chalk's right ear. "i--i wish to be upon this creature's back," puffed skamperoo, his cheeks swelling out with suspense and importance. "one, two, three, four, five, six--" and scarcely had he begun to count before he found himself firmly seated in the saddle. "now, now, not another word," commanded chalk sternly. "before you dare to speak, take those emeralds off my ear." with shaking hands the king did as he was told, his heart pounding so violently it almost kicked a hole in his shirt. "that's right," directed the white horse more mildly. "now suppose you tell me where you intend to wish us and what we do after that? wishes are pretty quick, you know, and it is best to be prepared." "but--but i cannot understand how you made them work," spluttered skamperoo. "it's wonderful--it's marvelous, do you understand what this means?" "perfectly." chalk rolled his eyes triumphantly round at his greedy little master. "my head seems to be full of magic, which is not strange, seeing that i was magically brought into existence and the trick of the necklaces once i got to thinking about them is quite simple. now i am what i am--a horse, and quite satisfied, but you with these emeralds may easily make a jackass of yourself, so you had better tell me what you wish before you wish it. for instance," he went on reprovingly, "if instead of wishing yourself upon my back, you had wished yourself a good horseman, how much wiser that would have been. there's a lot more to riding than getting into the saddle, you know. but never mind that now, what was this great big wish you and matiah were planning together?" leaning so far forward he almost lost his balance, skamperoo hurriedly whispered into chalk's left ear his grand and glorious wish for the future, being careful to add to his own wish the three crafty suggestions made by the clever merchant. "you are sure this is what you desire?" chalk looked sharply and a little sadly at the rotund and royal figure on his back. "you mean to go away and leave your own people without a thought or care? isn't there anyone here you would like to take along or give a share of your good fortune?" the king shook his head violently. "i might make a wish for pinny penny," he added rather sheepishly. "good idea," sniffed chalk. "what are you going to give old skinny pins? you know i rather like that old codger." without delay and a bit spitefully the king told him, and as this time chalk found no fault with the wish, skamperoo again placed the emeralds over chalk's ear and quickly spoke nine words. then, without waiting to see whether pinny penny got his wish, chalk again took command. "if you do exactly as i say, we'll get off before matiah discovers you are gone and comes down here to slice off your head to get his necklaces," said the white horse severely. lowering his voice to a whisper, he slowly enunciated four brief sentences. tingling partly with fright and partly with anticipation, skamperoo repeated the four sentences after chalk and began his counting. but, stars! scarcely had he reached ten before he felt a great lift and lurch, had just time to snatch back his emeralds and seize the reins before he and the huge white wishing horse, without leaving even a rustle in the quiet air, had gone, vanished and completely disappeared from skampavia. chapter 5 a great celebration in oz "why all the crown jewels, old toz?" resting his chin on the window ledge, highboy looked inquiringly into the dressing room of joe king, ruler of the gillikens and all of the purple countries of oz. the king's apartment was on the tenth floor of the royal palace, but this made no difference to highboy, for highboy was a giant horse whose telescope legs could be raised or lowered to any level, making him one of the most amazing and amusing animals in oz. "i say, are we going anywhere in particular?" he drawled curiously as the king, decked out in his best braided traveling coat and amethyst crown, surveyed himself cheerfully in the long mirror. "we!" chuckled the merry monarch, turning round with a hearty roar. "ho, ho, ho! and how do you know you are going?" "well, i see you are wearing your best purple boots, and when the king of all the gillikens wears his best purple boots, he usually rides his best purple horse, does he not?" "right," admitted the king good naturedly. "and i might as well tell you at once that we are going to the capital at the express invitation of her imperial highness, queen ozma of oz!" the king cleared his throat importantly. "there is to be an immense festival to celebrate the discovery of oz by mortals, the honors to be equally divided between the famous wizard who arrived here in a balloon from omaha many years ago, and little dorothy, who came by way of a kansas cyclone somewhat later. not only will the rulers of all four oz kingdoms be present, but many other important and royal personages as well." "well? well, indeed!" trumpeted the giant horse shrilly. "there you stand all shined up like a door knob and never a word to me. how'll i look? why wasn't i told before? when do we start?" "just as soon as her majesty decides what to wear and what to take with her," answered the king with a solemn wink. "oh, then i'll have bushels of time." highboy sighed heavily with relief. "so we're invited to the emerald city, eh? how perfectly perf, how simply magnif. billy! tommy! jim!!" as he called the name of each little groom, highboy let himself down a couple of stories and by the time he reached a usual horse height and level on the ground, he had ordered himself a bath, a mane wave, an oil shampoo, and a hooficure. indeed, highboy's plans for the party went on apace and with the three grooms pattering after him with buckets, brushes, and sponges, he trotted anxiously up and down his great airy stable picking out his most splendid saddle and bridle and silver-braided blanket for the journey. the giant horse wished to make an impression that would uphold if not enhance the honor and reputation of the gillikens. he was eager to renew his friendship with trot, a little mortal girl who lived in the palace and with herby, the medicine man, and the many other interesting characters he had met on a former visit to the capital. in the munchkin, quadling, and winkie kingdoms there was also a lively bustle and stir of preparation, and in many of the lesser kingdoms the kings, queens, and potentates made ready for the great spring festival in the emerald city. and you can imagine the fun and excitement in the capital itself. everyone had some special part in the program, even the dogs and cats ran importantly about on countless errands like small messengers, their ears and tails quivering with interest and expectancy. after the visitors had been officially welcomed at the gates of the city, there was to be an imperial procession with bands, floats and favors for everybody. then there were to be games, races, and other exciting athletic events and a grand banquet in the royal palace. a magic lantern ball in ozma's garden would complete the festivities for the first day. for the second, pageants and tableaux depicting the important and historical events of ozian history had been arranged for the morning. notta bit more, a circus clown who had come to oz from philadelphia, was putting on an outdoor circus in the afternoon, helped by bob up, the orphan who had come with him, and all the famous animals in the emerald city. from the squeals, shouts, and hilarious chuckles issuing from the huge white tent set just beyond the city wall, it promised to be an unqualified success. after the circus, ozma had planned a picnic supper on the banks of the winkie river, to be followed by demonstrations in magic by the wizard of oz and glinda, the good sorceress of the south, and last, but not least, a lavish display of fireworks sent especially for the grand occasion by happy toko, emperor of the silver isles. no wonder the children in the emerald city could think of nothing but the coming celebration. no wonder dorothy, trot, and bettsy bobbin, the little mortals who lived in the great palace and were princesses in their own right, were too busy to think of their titles or bother with their crowns. dorothy, the first of the three to reach the capital, was ozma's favorite companion, and dorothy was perhaps the busiest of all. not only had she planned all the tableaux and pageants, but had entire charge of decorating the palace and the emerald city as well. the scarecrow, whom dorothy had discovered on her earliest trip to oz, was her most willing and tireless assistant. this lively straw-stuffed gentleman had brains given him by the wizard and was in high favor and constant demand because of his natural cheerfulness and amiable disposition. at the moment, he and dorothy were superintending the erection of a floral arch over the great jeweled gates of the city. this arch, grown and tended by the wizard, was so magically compounded that as each visitor rode through the gateway a ribbon-tied bouquet of fragrant spring flowers dropped lightly into his or her lap. dorothy and the scarecrow had tried it out to their complete delight and satisfaction, and now clasping their large bouquets, watched three energetic little gardeners tie up the last tendrils of the magic vine to the gaily painted arbor. "you know," said dorothy, peering over the flower tops at the scarecrow, "i can hardly wait till tomorrow. to think we'll be seeing sir hokus and ojo and unk nunkie and urtha and prince tatters and all the others--" "and they'll be seeing us, too, remember that," beamed the scarecrow, closing one cotton eye. "and now, if you think you can manage for a few minutes without me, i had better go and study up on my speech of welcome." "oh--are you making the speech of welcome? how grand! how thrilling!" dorothy gazed admiringly up at her oldest friend in oz. "yes, and i'm also making the speech awarding medals to the discoverers of our country," confided the scarecrow, thrusting out his chin and striking an attitude. "how will you feel when i pin that medal on your chest, my girl?" "well," sighed dorothy, looking dreamily over her bouquet, "i couldn't feel any happier than i do now, but it certainly will be a great honor, scarecrow." "a great honor! well, i should snickerty wicker. but what if i forget my speech right in the middle of a word!" the scarecrow pushed back his old blue hat and puckered up his forehead anxiously. "how will i feel with all those kings and queens staring right at me? really, i think ozma had better have someone else make the speeches." "oh, go along with you," laughed dorothy, giving him a little push. "haven't you magic brains? you'll be a splendid speechmaker." "do you think so? well, i'll do my best." somewhat reassured, the scarecrow patted dorothy on the shoulder and started off through the park. dorothy could tell from the way he flung his arms about that he was rehearsing, and with an amused little smile she hurried back to the palace to put the finishing touches to the decorations for ozma's throne room. half way there, she met the hungry tiger carrying a large basket in his teeth and followed by ten little kitchen boys, also bearing enormous baskets. "good gracious, tige, what's this?" dorothy stared at the little procession in surprise. the hungry tiger and cowardly lion have lived in the emerald city almost as long as dorothy and though the tiger's appetite is tremendous and he is always threatening to eat a fat baby, he has never yet done it and is tame as dorothy's pet kitten eureka. "oh, hadn't you heard?" the hungry tiger set down his basket and smoothed back his whiskers complacently. "i'm the head of the reception committee for all visiting animals and am on my way now to buy refreshments for the great banquet and picnic. and trust me," he gave dorothy a broad wink, "to do it right. just let me see that list, kapo." taking a long slip from the first kitchen boy, he began to drone off the names of the capital's famous four-footed citizens and then the list of visitors. "of course, there must be meat for the cowardly lion and myself," mused the tiger, blinking his eyes sleepily. "then there's hank, bettsy bobbin's mule, and doubty, that dromedary you and sir hokus brought back from one of those strange journeys; and we mustn't forget peter's iffin, though he doesn't eat much. put down a box of violets and geraniums for the iffin, kapo, my lad. ozma's saw horse and the woozy being of wood don't care for food, but that fine pink pig pigasus eats enough for a dozen horses, and toto, your little dog, and billina must be taken care of too, and scrap's bear, grumpy." "of course," agreed dorothy, leaning her elbow on the tiger's back so she could read the list over his shoulder. "but they all live here. who's coming from foreign parts, tiger?" "well," confided the tiger, "you'll be glad to know our old friend the comfortable camel is making the trip with hokus, i mean the yellow knight, and marygolden, the princess he married, is riding a warhorse named stampedro. the king and queen of the gillikens will make the trip on the giant horse (quite a lot of horses, aren't there), and i hope highboy keeps his legs in bounds. it makes me nervous to see a creature one height one minute and another height the next. you knew the prince of pumperdink was bringing kabumpo, the elegant elephant?" "don't you mean that kabumpo is bringing him?" put in dorothy mischievously, "and won't you be glad to see him again?" "yes, i'll be glad enough to see him," murmured the tiger, "but feeding him is quite a big problem." "well, you're just the one to do it," said dorothy, smoothing away the wrinkle between the tiger's pointed ears. "you have such a big appetite yourself, you'd know just how hungry an elephant would feel. i see you've got roger down, too." "i'm pretty sure king ato will bring his read bird, so i'm ordering a dozen boxes of animal crackers for roger and a barrel of apples for snufferbux." "i wonder if he'll dance for us." dorothy's eyes brightened, for she had taken a great fancy to the faithful bear with whom ojo had traveled all over oz. "he's bound to be jolly and full of fun." "and hungry as a bear," sighed the tiger with a worried frown. "but that is easy compared to a dragon. king cheeriobed is bringing a dragon, and this dragon's on a diet of mustard and sulphur--think of that, my child, and say--i'd best get along or i'll never get my marketing done." "and i must go, too," said dorothy, reminded of her many responsibilities. so, giving the tiger's ear an affectionate pull, she ran all the way back to the palace. in the throne room she found ozma and tik tok in a quiet conference. "i've made tik tok master of ceremonies," said ozma, looking up with a smile of welcome, "because he never forgets what he's wound up to remember." "and i'll be sure to keep him wound up," promised dorothy, patting the machine man on his copper shoulder. tik tok was another of dorothy's discoveries and had been manufactured by a magician to be a slave of the king of ev, but here he was, thanks to dorothy, enjoying a life of interest and ease in the capital. tik tok could talk, think, and move about as well as anyone when he was wound, and was much more reliable and tireless than a real person. "i am to an-nounce the vis-i-tors as they en-ter the pal-ace and per-son-a-al-ly con-duct them to their roy-al quar-ters," tik tok told dorothy in his slow and precise manner. "oz-ma can de-pend on me ab-so-lute-ly and ev-e-ry thing will go like clock-work." with two stiff bows and ticking with importance, the metal man marched proudly from the room. "like clock-work. ha, ha! did you hear that, and why not with a clock-work man in charge? oh, ozma, doesn't it all look grand and gorgeous?" clasping the little queen around her slender waist, dorothy gazed around the beautiful throne room. every window and doorway was garlanded with flowers, while hundreds of palms, ferns, and fluttering silk pennants gave it an unwonted look of pomp and ceremony. "let--me--see," mused dorothy, straightening the folds of a white satin curtain. "i'm to stand on your right, bettsy bobbin and trot on your left, and the patchwork girl is to hold your train at the grand reception. do you think you can trust her, ozma? she'll probably try to jump rope or wave it like a handkerchief." "oh, scraps is pretty good, considering her giddy make up," observed ozma with a little smile, "and she would be so disappointed not to be with us. i'm sure i can trust her--at least for a little while." "trust me? trust me? you disgust me," shouted a merry voice and scraps, who had been peeking through the curtains at the back of the room, took a long running slide, landing in an unladylike heap at the foot of the dais leading to the throne. scraps, made from an old crazy quilt and stuffed with cotton, had been brought to life by a magician to serve his wife, but the patch work girl had come to the emerald city with ojo and never returned to her creators, scorning the humble career of a maid servant. she was so gay and amusing ozma had allowed her to remain at the palace. "must i go in training to hold a train?" she demanded, springing to her feet and striking so comical an attitude both dorothy and ozma had to laugh. "of course not," said ozma kindly, "just be careful and do not do any gymnastics during the reception." "oh, i'll be careful and so dignified i'll probably split a seam, but wait till you see the grand-aerial-balance-defying stunt i'm to put on for the big show," puffed scraps, snapping her button eyes boastfully. "i'm to walk the tight rope in notta's circus, so so long, girls, i must go and practice." "well, even if she falls it won't matter," remarked dorothy with a slight shudder as the patch work girl jumped recklessly out of the window, and picking herself up set off for the circus grounds on the edge of the park. "oh, ozma, with all the interesting people here already and with all the grand and exciting ones who are coming, i believe we'll have the best time we've ever had since oz was discovered." "are you glad you discovered us?" giving her an affectionate squeeze, ozma linked her arm through dorothy's. "let's see how the wizard is getting on with his tricks for the picnic." dorothy nodded eagerly, and hand in hand the two girls hurried across the corridor to the laboratory of the wonderful wizard of oz. chapter 6 a strange warning the first day of the grand celebration dawned clear and bright. the emerald city had never seemed more sparkling or fair. flags fluttered from every tower and turret of the palace; each house wore a garland of flowers and flaunted a dozen silken banners in the fresh spring breeze. the streets were alive with ozma's subjects suitably costumed for the big parade, and when, shortly after noon, the royal visitors began to arrive, the castle bells broke into a joyous tolling, the hundred bands struck up the oz national anthem and the magnificent and beautiful floats began to swing into line. the scarecrow's address of welcome at the city gates had been greeted with wild enthusiasm and applause, and now, happy but somewhat breathless, the indefatigable straw man mounted on the saw horse was leading the illustrious guests into the city, where they were to join the royal procession and proceed in triumph to the west gardens of the park. what shouts and cheers went up from the happy throngs as that impressive company in their glittering coaches or riding their favorite steeds moved majestically through the emerald-studded streets of the capital. directly following the scarecrow, all in red and wearing her tallest ruby crown, was glinda the good sorceress of the south, her swan-drawn chariot seeming to float by itself. marching cheerfully after the ruler of the quadlings came nick chopper the nickel plated emperor of the winkies, polished to the highest degree but democratically afoot, marching in the center of his ten splendid uniformed winkie guards. a few steps behind the tin woodman, and prancing along in hardly restrained exuberance, was the giant horse, proudly bearing joe king and queen hyacinth, king and queen of the gillikens. and highboy not only carried his own head high, but he had elevated his sovereigns above everyone else in the procession so that none could miss the happily smiling rulers of the north. a dazzling blue dragon had pulled the coach of king cheeriobed, queen orin and prince philador all the way from sapphire city, and an eye-filling sight was the royal family of the munchkins. kabumpo, the elegant elephant, resplendent in his jeweled robe, swayed haughtily along after cheeriobed's blue coach, waving his trunk in a dignified way to his friends in the crowd. in the canopied seat on his back rode prince pompadore and peg amy of pumperdink, easily the handsomest young couple in oz. peering mischievously out the side of his gaily painted jinrikisha was the merry red jinn, himself, and no one could view the rotund little wizard of ev without feeling happier. jinnicky's body was a great red jar. he wore the lid for a hat and when he grew bored or sleepy he would simply retire into himself like a turtle. but now he did not feel at all like retiring and was showering ginger cookies right and left and simply beaming with interest and jollity. the king and queen of ragbad rolled briskly along in their shabby but comfortable open coach. with them were prince tatters, urtha, his flowery little princess, and grandpa, an old soldier with a wooden leg, who had gone through many wars and hardships for the sake of his country. but the shout that greeted the yellow knight was loudest and longest of all. the prince of corumbia had lived in the emerald city for many years as sir hokus of pokes, before he was disenchanted and became the young and charming husband of princess marygolden of corabia. sir hokus rode the comfortable camel, and camy, who had also spent part of his life in the capital, came in for his full share of the cheering. princess marygolden was mounted on stampedro, the knight's great stamping war horse, and stampedro was a sight to make any little boy's heart beat faster. ato, king of the octagon isles, and samuel salt, a reformed pirate, now royal discoverer and explorer for the crown, traveled together in ato's octagon chariot drawn by eight prancing black horses with eight footmen in eight-sided hats on the high seat behind his merry little majesty. roger, the read bird, perched proudly on the king's shoulder, reading out the signs and street names as they bowled merrily over the gold paving stones, and chuckling to himself in eight different languages. last, but by no means least, came the king and queen of seebania, the king's uncle, better known in the emerald city as unc nunkie, and the king's son ojo. the king and queen were seated sedately in the silver coach of seebania, but ojo and his pet bear snufferbux were proudly mounted on the back of roganda, queen of the unicorns. this handsome snow white beast, who had happened to be visiting ojo at the time, could not only send her horn darting out like a lance, but could blow it as well. the sound of its clear, bell-like notes made many a trumpeter in ozma's band turn round with surprise and envy. drawn up to meet her impressive visitors was ozma herself. the royal float of her imperial highness was formed like a sea shell. on an uncut emerald in the center sat the little ruler of all the ozians dressed in a shimmering white robe, wearing her flashing emerald crown and never in all the thousand years of her young life had this lovely young fairy looked more beautiful. also in white were her attendants, dorothy, bettsy, and trot, each wearing an emerald circlet and carrying a long wand draped with spring flowers. as the scarecrow brought his bright cavalcade to a triumphant halt, ozma's float, drawn by the hungry tiger and the cowardly lion, swung into place at the head of the line. the other emerald city floats, first waiting for the royal equipages and mounts of the visitors to pass, swept after them in a burst of music and color. the wizard of oz had chosen a huge revolving green ball on which the nimble little necromancer ably kept his balance as he propelled himself along. after him came jack pumpkinhead, riding the iffin. herby, the medicine man, clinging precariously to the doubtful dromedary's hump, the pills and boxes in his medicine chest rattling like castanets, was another figure of interest. the float of notta bit more represented a circus ring, and the antics of the clown, pigasus, bob up, scraps, hank and grumpy, the patch work girl's bear, kept the onlookers in a gale of hilarity. tik tok had rigged up a mechanical handcar, which he operated himself. benny, the live statue of a public benefactor, who had come to oz from boston, strode solidly along, an expression of pride and deep satisfaction on his well-carved features. beside benny marched the soldier with green whiskers, looking neither to the left or right, as became a man who represented in his own person the whole and entire army of oz. i have only mentioned the most outstanding of the emerald city paraders. besides these, there were countless marchers and hundreds of miniature castles, ships, huge make-believe sea serpents and dragons, and in a blaze of color and harmony they wound through the streets of the capital, ending up in the west gardens of the palace, where the boys and girls from professor wogglebug's athletic college distinguished themselves in a series of gymnastic displays and the scarecrow established an all-time record for pole vaulting. by the time ozma had awarded the cups and trophies, the sun had begun to slip down behind the treetops, and in high spirits and with splendid appetites the royal party and the royal guests turned toward the castle. here tik tok, who had hurried on ahead, nobly discharged his duties as master of ceremonies. the cowardly lion did the honors for the four footed visitors, leading each to an airy shower-equipped stall in the royal stable, so they could rest and refresh themselves before the grand banquet. and how shall i do justice to that dazzling affair? for the first time in its history the magnificent dining hall was filled to capacity. easily as large as a city park, there was just room for the two long, sparkling, flower-laden banquet tables, the first for ozma's courtiers and guests, the second for the palace pets and visiting animals. the scarecrow caused a roar of hilarity as the diners took their places by donning a pair of dark spectacles to prevent eye-strain from the flashing of so many jewels and crowns. with each course of the long delicious dinner ozma had a different king, queen, or celebrity at her side, and so cleverly had it all been arranged, each guest had the honor of sitting for a time beside the kingdom's little fairy ruler. soft music floated down from the balcony where the royal orchestra was concealed behind a bower of palms. the bright robes and jewels of the banqueters and the emerald and silver dinner service twinkled and sparkled in the magic glow of a thousand candles. the hundred footmen were swift and skillful, the speeches were short and merry, "and never," thought dorothy, looking around with a little thrill of satisfaction, "never has there been so grand and yet delightful a party!" the hungry tiger had remembered the tastes and appetites of each of his guests, and not only were they served with the same dainties enjoyed by the two footed visitors, but every one had a special dish of his own. even the dragon seemed to enjoy immensely his matches and mustard, then called in a hoarse voice for three pails of hot coals, after which he blew a whole series of smoke rings and went comfortably to sleep. dorothy and the wizard had with due modesty accepted their medals for their discovery of oz and the whole company on its feet for this impressive ceremony were suddenly startled by a shrill scream from the patch work girl. "his beard! his beard! look at his beard!" yodeled scraps. (yes, i think "yodel" best describes the excited noise made by this irrepressible maiden.) "his beard, i said, it's turning red!" at the word "beard" every eye turned to the soldier with green whiskers, for his beard was the longest and most celebrated in oz. "why, so it is!" exclaimed dorothy in astonishment. "red?" choked the solider, desperately clutching his famous whiskers. "oh! oh! my beautiful green beard--it's red as fire. oh! oh! how can i ever be the soldier with green whiskers if my beard stays red? who did this? wizard! wizard, are you playing a trick on me?" "certainly not, soldier. i'd be the last person to tamper with your sacred beard. quiet, please! quiet! this is extremely odd and disturbing." jumping on his chair, the little wizard of oz looked anxiously around the room. "do they hurt? are red whiskers painful?" asked scraps, while the royal guests, hardly knowing whether to laugh or sympathize, gazed curiously at the blazing beard of the army of oz. "they--they hurt my feelings," blubbered the poor soldier, holding out his bristling whiskers in disgust. "i'll never get used to a red beard. never! never!" "why not cut it off?" inquired prince pompadore, with some difficulty controlling his chuckles. "what? cut off my beautiful whiskers? why, why, i'd rather lose my head," moaned the soldier with a horrified shudder. "how would i look? how would i fight? oh! oh! this is ridiculous!" burying his face in his napkin, ozma's distracted army rushed violently from the room. "red-iculous, if you ask me," observed the scarecrow in his droll voice. "no, no, it's magic!" muttered the wizard, stepping briskly down from his chair. "wait, i must consult my book of red magic and portents." "and i'll go with you," offered jinnicky, rolling quickly out of his cushioned seat. "you know red magic is my specialty." so, arm in arm, the wizard of oz and the wizard of ev bustled away together. "well, i can tell you what it means without consulting any books," said the scarecrow as ozma, looking rather troubled, again took her place and motioned for the others to do the same. "it is a warning," declared the scarecrow, raising his arm stiffly. "someone is coming to beard us in our den (pardon such an informal reference to your castle, my dear,)" he made an apologetic little bow to ozma and then continued seriously, "a danger from without threatens the kingdom of oz." "who would dare threaten the sovereignty of our country?" demanded the yellow knight, brandishing his sword. "what's up? what's up?" neighed highboy, elevating himself so suddenly he cracked his head against the ceiling. "you should know, being so high," chuckled the scarecrow, who could not resist a joke even when he was most serious. "but calm yourself, my good horse, you are not in danger yet." danger! the short, ugly word dropped like a bomb into that gay and carefree assemblage. dorothy, with a little pang of dismay, saw the cowardly lion creeping under the table, and feeling in her pocket for her handkerchief drew out instead one of the wizard's wishing pills. he had given it to her so she could visit the corn ear palace of the scarecrow the following week and do it by simply wishing herself there instead of making the journey. dorothy fingered the pill thoughtfully for a minute or two, then with a sudden quick motion popped the small tablet into her mouth. "whatever happens, help me to save ozma and oz," murmured dorothy, and swallowing the pill, she looked sharply around the room for further signs of warning or disaster. chapter 7 what wizard? at first, everything seemed as usual. then, turning to ask the tin woodman a question, dorothy was annoyed to discover that his chair was pushed back and he was nowhere in sight. "oh, he's probably helping the wizard," decided dorothy, and had no sooner come to this comforting conclusion before she gave a second start of alarm. glinda, the good sorceress, was no longer in her seat at the foot of the table, and running her eye hurriedly down the glittering board, dorothy saw five more empty places. pressing a finger to her forehead, dorothy tried to remember who had been sitting in the five deserted chairs. surely joe king and queen hyacinth had been there between bettsy bobbin and trot, while prince philador, queen orin and king cheeriobed had been directly opposite. "good gillikens!" gasped the little girl, jumping quickly to her feet. "the rulers of all four oz countries are gone and highboy's gone, too." and strangely enough, nobody seemed to have missed them. instead, they were listening with broad smiles and appreciatively tapping toes to the loud and hilarious singing of the patch work girl. scraps, thinking it a shame to let a mere change of whiskers spoil a good party, was enlivening the company with her newest and most comical rhymes. so loud was her voice and the applause of the banqueters, dorothy found it impossible to make herself heard, so, running around to the back of the scarecrow's chair, she tugged him anxiously by the arm. "scarecrow! scarecrow!" whispered dorothy hoarsely, "where are the four rulers of oz, and whatever can be keeping the wizard so long?" tearing his gaze reluctantly from the patch work girl, the scarecrow looked dreamily over his shoulder. "what wizard?" he inquired blankly. "the wizard, our wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz." dorothy stamped her foot and almost shouted with surprise and vexation. "never heard of him," declared the scarecrow, smiling blandly down at her. "now, why not sit quietly down and listen to scraps? she's never been funnier. ha! ha! ha! never funnier!" dorothy was so stunned and dumbfounded by the scarecrow's statement about the wizard, she opened and closed her mouth several times without saying anything. "mercy, i'd better tell ozma about this," she thought distractedly, and swinging round abruptly she scurried along back of the diners till she came to the head of the table. "oh, ozma!" panted the little girl breathlessly--then stopped short. there was no one in ozma's great dragon armed chair of state. the yellow knight and prince pompadore, who for the last course were in the seats of honor beside the little queen, leaned unconcernedly across her empty place, engaged in a long, earnest argument about horses. they looked up in surprise as dorothy, her crown by this time very much on the side, bounced suddenly between them. "where's ozma?" demanded the little girl, thumping her fist sharply on the table. "ozma?" the yellow knight and prince pompa exchanged an uneasy glance. "who is ozma?" asked prince pompadore curiously. "oh! oh, i think you all are perfectly horrid. stop joking! stop teasing me!" cried dorothy, and as both princes in frank amazement jumped up to try to comfort her, she rushed angrily from the room. as she fled along the green corridor she could still hear scraps singing and the shouts and cheers of her listeners. "this is terrible--terrible!" wailed dorothy, and running blindly down the long hall she burst through the swinging doors of the wizard's laboratory. what she had expected to find dorothy hardly knew. really, she was hoping to see ozma and the four other rulers grouped around the wizard's green table. but only a blank suffocating silence answered her frantic call for the wizard. frightened into silence herself, dorothy tiptoed from one end to the other of the long, curiously appointed apartment, peering into cupboards, under sofas and back of screens. where was the red jinn? where was the little wizard of oz? not here certainly. not in the banquet hall. but the throne room! there she would find all of her missing friends conferring with ozma over the threatened danger to the realm. with a little gasp of relief, she darted across the corridor into the vast and magnificent hall of justice where ozma received visitors, settled disputes, and carried on all the important business of governing. they were not in the sumptuous presence chamber, but at least the throne was not empty. no--no, indeed! dorothy looked once, rubbed her eyes--looked again, and then, giving a shrill scream of terror, flung both arms round one of the emerald studded pillars. an immense white horse was sitting on the throne of oz. a great fat king was sitting on the horse, or rather, clinging desperately to his neck. dorothy knew he was a king by the crown perched ridiculously on the side of his head. that crown seemed oddly familiar, and after another horrified glance dorothy screamed again, for it was the splendid emerald circlet belonging to ozma of oz. her screams seemed to rouse the two occupants of the throne, who, to be perfectly frank, looked as dazed and stupefied as dorothy herself. "go away!" sputtered the fat king, waving his arms irritably. "go away, little girl, and don't bother me." "and kindly bow as you leave," directed the white horse, lifting one foot sternly. "you are looking at the emperor of oz and his imperial charger." bowing more from astonishment than intention, dorothy backed a few steps, then turned round and ran madly toward the royal banquet hall. chapter 8 way for the emperor! "here, give her water! give her air! stand back, everybody. now, then, what's the matter, child?" the scarecrow bent solicitously over the little girl who had rushed into the banquet hall screaming hysterically about disappearances and white horses and fallen breathlessly into the chair beside him. "come, tell uncle all about it," begged the scarecrow, patting dorothy clumsily on the head. "tell you!" choked poor dorothy, twisting her best handkerchief into a hard knot. "do i have to tell you? can't you see for yourselves that ozma is missing, that the wizard and jinnicky are gone, that glinda and the tin woodman, that the king and queen of the gillikens and the king and queen of the munchkins have vanished entirely! and yet, here you sit, singing and laughing as if nothing at all had happened. can't you understand that something dreadful has happened to ozma and that a big, fat, funny-looking man and a white horse are sitting on the throne of oz?" "ozma, ozma--who's she?" murmured the banqueters, looking vaguely at dorothy and then at each other. "she's feverish, that's what." herby, the medicine man, leaned over to touch dorothy expertly on the forehead. "i'd advise you to go upstairs and lie down, my dear." "yes, why don't you?" urged bettsy bobbin, coming over to put her arm around dorothy's waist. "i'll go up with you and lend you my very best smelling salts." "lie down--with that big fat interloper on the throne of oz!" wailed dorothy. squirming out of bettsy's embrace, she started indignantly to her feet. "you must be crazy! camy! kabumpo! snufferbux! toto! you--you'll believe me, won't you?" hurrying over to the second table, dorothy looked pleadingly down the long board from the hungry tiger at the head to the cowardly lion at the foot. "there, there," mumbled kabumpo, lifting dorothy up in his trunk. "don't go on so, my dear, we all have these little funny spells. here, sit up on my back so you'll have a good view of the emperor when he arrives. hi--there he comes now! ray! ray! way for skamperoo, emperor of oz!" waving dorothy in his trunk as if she had been a flag, kabumpo plopped down on his knees and banged his big head three times on the polished floor. from her precarious position dorothy saw the same fat imposter who had been in the throne room riding his white charger pompously into the banquet hall, the horse nodding to the left and right and grinning like a cheshire cat. cheers, bows and a loud burst of applause and music made his entry so noisy dorothy's angry protests and cries were entirely drowned out. disgusted, confused and completely bewildered by the behavior of ozma's subjects and her own best friends, dorothy jerked away from kabumpo and darted through a long french window into the garden. what could it mean? what could have happened? had all her former memories of oz been a dream? no, no! violently dorothy decided against such an idea. rather was this fat emperor a dream--a maddening nightmare from which she would presently awaken. leaning dizzily against a golden faun set near a crystal garden pool, dorothy tried to find some reasonable explanation of the whole dreadful mixup. and here, several minutes later, pigasus, the winged pig, found her. "thought a little fly over the tree tops might help your head," grunted pigasus, looking unhappily down his pink snout. "nothing like a little fly for a headache, my girl!" "my head's all right," answered dorothy sullenly. "it's the rest of you who have lost your heads or your senses. how in oz you could stand in there cheering that big, fat fraud, i'll never, never understand. piggins, piggins, dear--" dorothy bent coaxingly over him--"surely you remember ozma and the wizard and glinda." instead of answering at once, pigasus stared thoughtfully at his reflection in the pool. "suppose you sit on my back and then we can talk without being heard," he suggested brightly. "up in the air we can air our views in safety, as it were." "to tell the truth, i don't much care where i go now," sighed dorothy, seating herself disconsolately on the pig's broad back. "hey hey, we're bewitched and enchanted, i knew it! with you on my back, i can think and see through it!" squealed pigasus, and flapping his huge wings he soared high over the flowering plum trees in ozma's garden. "of course ozma's queen, not this big skamperoo the ruler of oz and the whole royal crew have been kidnapped--bewitched, or put out of the way- we'll fly off for help and we'll start right away." "oh, piggins!" dorothy threw both arms round the pig's neck and almost wept for joy: "oh pigasus to think you remember them, too, but where have they gone? what in oz shall we do?" "we'll find them, wherever they are they'll be found, but we'd best make our plans with our feet on the ground," muttered pigasus, looking below for a likely spot to land. there was one disadvantage about pigasus, though some did not regard it as such. like the winged horse pegasus, whoever caught him and rode on his back at once became a poet and unable to speak anything but rhymes. the poetic pig could not only tell what they were thinking, but he often spoke his own mind in verse as well. at times this grew terribly tiresome, but except for his jingles, a more cheerful loyal little fellow could not be found in the length or breadth of the country. raised and bred by the red jinn, he had been given to the duke of dork. the duke had given him to the philadelphia boy, peter, who in the course of a voyage with samuel salt, the pirate, had captured the duke's splendid castle boat. the capture had been quite a social and friendly affair and the duke had traded pigasus for a bananny goat. peter had later brought the flying pig to the emerald city, where he was petted and admired by the whole court. now, slanting down into a quiet grove, pigasus came to a gentle stop and dorothy tumbled jubilantly off his back. "oh, pigasus, isn't it lucky you were in the emerald city? nobody else can remember ozma or the others at all." "and i only remembered them because you sat on my back," confessed the pig, twitching his nose thoughtfully. "it was my thought-reading gift that did the trick, and i am more than ever convinced that we are under some mischievous spell or enchantment. what i don't understand, my dear, is how you yourself escaped or chanced to remember things as they were. you know, before i came out here, it seemed perfectly right and natural for that roly poly pudding of an emperor to be sitting at the head of the table. i knew no more about ozma, or glinda, or my former master jinnicky than a new-born baby. by the way, jinnicky's gone too, isn't he?" "yes," dorothy shook her head sorrowfully, "and without him or the wizard to help we'll have a hard time, i guess. what shall we do first, piggins?" "how about having a try at some of the wizard's magic?" proposed the pink pig, daringly, "then we might look in ozma's magic picture and ask it to show us where all of our missing friends are now." "now, why didn't i think of that myself?" cried dorothy, and springing up she started off on a run. "wait! wait!" grunted pigasus, pattering breathlessly after her. "remember, we must be very careful, my dear. no questions about ozma, no remarks that will arouse the anger of this scalawag emperor, or we'll both be clapped in a dungeon. we must pretend that we have forgotten, too, and get away quietly later tonight." this seemed so sensible a plan, dorothy readily agreed to it, and without attracting any attention at all they re-entered the palace and hurried immediately to ozma's small sitting room. but if they expected the magic picture to solve their problem they were soon doomed to disappointment. the picture was gone from its accustomed place and the safe where ozma kept her magic treasures and other valuables was wide open and quite empty. a quick search of the wizard's laboratory proved equally discouraging. the wizard's famous black bag was nowhere in sight, the little hanging closet where he stored his transformation powders and wishing pills was bare as the cupboard of old mother hubbard. "whoever planned this thought of everything," wheezed pigasus, sitting heavily back on his haunches. "there is nothing here for us, dorothy. if i were you, i'd get a few things together and we'll leave right away before anyone misses you." from the cheers, shouts, and hilarious singing coming from the banquet hall it seemed probable that the celebration would go on for hours. no one in that gay and foolish company even thought of or missed the little girl and the pink pig stealing so quietly through the dim halls of the palace. "ozma's palace," reflected dorothy, looking resentfully over her shoulder; but now it seemed strange, alien and completely unfriendly. with a little shiver dorothy drew her cloak more closely about her and stepped resolutely out into the night. pigasus pattered on ahead, snorting a bit from sheer nervousness. "maybe we'd better fly," he grunted uneasily as dorothy caught up with him. "it's safer and it's faster, and the faster we get away from here the better, i'm thinking." "i've been thinking, too," answered dorothy in a low voice, "perhaps only the people in the emerald city are under this forgetting spell, pigasus; perhaps if we fly to the winkie country, the winkies will remember their emperor, the tin woodman, and will help us raise an army so we can come back, conquer this old skamperoo, and make him tell where he has hidden all the proper rulers of oz and the other celebrities." "that's the talk! that's the talk!" approved the pig, twinkling his little blue eyes joyfully. "up with you, up with you, my girl, but remember, if you grow sleepy, let me know at once, so i can descend. if you fall asleep, you might fall off my back, and think how i'd feel then." "think how _i'd_ feel!" laughed dorothy, her spirits lifting a bit at the pink pig's comical conversation and enthusiastic seconding of her plans. seating herself carefully on his plump back, she quickly gave the signal to start. then up soared pigasus, over the palace garden, over the city walls and away toward the east and the yellow lands of the winkies. "oh, i believe everything is going to be all right," thought dorothy, settling herself cozily between his wings. "so do i," sniffed the pink pig, peering mischievously over his shoulder. "i forgot you could read all the thoughts, goodness gracious! of those on your back, do you mind it pigasus?" "not when they're nice thoughts like yours," puffed the little pig in answer to dorothy's surprised rhyme, and winking his eye jovially he zoomed like a small pink zeppelin through the sky. chapter 9 the journey begins for several hours pigasus flew without slackening his pace. then, as several suspicious little yawns and sighs floated past his keen upstanding ears, he solemnly slanted downward. if he had chosen it on purpose he could not have found a more comfortable place for dorothy to spend the night. they had already crossed the border and penetrated far into the land of the winkies, and were now landing in the quiet garden of a prosperous winkie farmer. set in the center of a dancing bed of yellow daffodils and tulips stood a small summer house, and with dorothy rubbing her eyes sleepily, pigasus trotted briskly into the rustic cottage. the door was invitingly open and the moon lit up its cozy one-roomed interior. snorting with satisfaction, pigasus pattered over to a broad couch piled high with yellow cushions and, rolling drowsily from his back, dorothy burrowed contentedly into the center of them, falling asleep before the pig reached his own bed, a soft woolly rug on the hearth. pigasus slept lightly but well, and waking around six began to gaze rather anxiously at the round yellow farm buildings just visible from the door. the pink pig had had several unfortunate experiences with farmers. they had a way of looking at his plump body that seemed to reduce him at once to slices of bacon and sides of ham. one enterprising fellow had actually caught him and shut him up in an untidy pen. from this foolish prison pigasus had escaped by spreading his wings and flying away, but the mere mention of farmer gave him the shivers. so now, moving impatiently about the little room, he waited for dorothy to awaken, and as she continued to slumber on, he flew up over the mantel and swept a large yellow jug to the floor with his wing. the crash of the falling jar aroused dorothy at once, and without stopping to explain, pigasus suggested that they start off, and dorothy, not even noticing the broken jug, readily consented. "we'll probably find a much better place to have breakfast as we fly along," murmured pigasus as dorothy seated herself between his wings, holding her small basket of supplies in her lap. "would it do any harm to stop at the farm and enquire about ozma and spread the alarm?" asked dorothy, who had rather counted on a cheerful breakfast at the farm house. "no, it wouldn't do any harm," answered pigasus, rising in a straight line from the tulip bed and winging rapidly over the yellow fields and fences, "but neither would it do any good. farmers never know what's happening or going to happen. i tell you, though, we'll ask the first person we meet." "who would we meet in the air but a bird? now really pigasus, that's simply absurd." "some of the smartest people i know are birds," insisted the pig stoutly. "take roger, for instance, he knows more than most of us have forgotten. but look! a brook, a quiet wood! stop! listen! look! for i crave food!" making a swift downward curve, pigasus landed cleverly by a rippling stream edged by some tall butternut trees. there were yellow raspberries along the bank and the berries, with some of the sandwiches dorothy had brought with her, washed down by cool water from the brook made a splendid breakfast. "i wonder whether they'll have the tableaux and pageant without me," sighed dorothy, biting slowly into a sardine sandwich, "and how'll they manage the circus without you, piggins, or the picnic supper without ozma, or the magic and fireworks without the wizard." "they've probably forgotten all about today's doings," mumbled pigasus, nosing busily among the leaves for ripe butternuts. "they'll probably spend the time bumping their noses on the floor when that fat emperor comes waddling through the palace, and bending the right knee every time his white horse sneezes or coughs. pah!" choking with indignation, pigasus began gobbling up so many butternuts, dorothy feared he would never be able to fly or walk again. "let's stay on the ground for awhile," she proposed, eyeing him rather nervously as she packed the remaining sandwiches neatly back in the basket. "i believe there's a path beyond those trees. maybe it leads to a town or village where we may meet someone who can tell us what we want to know." "you don't expect to find out where ozma and the others are hidden--straight off, do you?" rubbing his back lazily against one of the butternut trees, pigasus looked quizzically at his earnest little companion. "no, i don't really expect that," said dorothy, slipping the basket over her arm, "but it would be pretty nice if we met somebody who even remembered them, after all we've been through." "i can hardly remember them myself unless you are sitting on my back," admitted the pink pig, trotting soberly along at her side. "this emperor's magic must be strong medicine. hello! here comes a fisherman." pigasus pricked up both ears and his wings. "shall i question him or will you?" without bothering to answer, dorothy ran eagerly toward the tall winkie who was coming leisurely along the path. he carried a basket and had a fishing rod over his shoulder, and though his clothes were rough, dorothy could tell by his manner and bearing that he was a person of some importance. "oh, please, mr. winkie," cried the little girl as he nodded politely and would have passed them without stopping, "could you tell us who is king here?" "king?" answered the fisherman, taking his pipe out of his mouth and looking kindly down at his small questioner. "why, no one in particular, my dear, but of course, we winkies and the inhabitants of the three other countries of oz are governed from the capital by emperor skamperoo, a great fellow, our emp, and have you seen his white horse?" "yes, i've seen it," said dorothy, shutting her mouth rather grimly. "but i thought ozma was queen?" wheezed pigasus out of breath from running after dorothy and too many butternuts. "ozma? what a curious name," mused the fisherman, looking pensively at the winged pig. "what gave you the idea that ozma was our ruler? perhaps you are strangers here?" "well, it would seem so," puffed pigasus, sitting down and panting a little from sheer discouragement. "oh, you'll get used to us," laughed the fisherman with a breezy wave. "fine country, this; sorry i can't show you 'round, but as i've promised my wife some fish for dinner, i'll have to be moving along. good day to you. good day, little girl!" "good day," echoed dorothy in a rather flat voice, as the fisherman, lifting his hat, strode briskly into the wood. "you see!" she groaned. "even here everyone is bewitched. oh, piggins, what'll we do? no one in oz will help or believe us." "goose-tea and turnips! what if they don't!" pigasus shook his head impatiently. "there are other countries, aren't there? take ev, for instance, or rinkitink, or the rose kingdom. why, there are lots of places whose rulers will remember ozma, my poor old friend jinnicky and the others. come along, my girl, we've only just started. "while people roar for the emperor we'll seek our rightful ruler from coast to coast from door to door though foes grow cruel and crueller! "what we need is some magic," finished pigasus shrewdly. "know a good place to look for some?" "the gnome king has plenty of magic," reflected dorothy, leaning thoughtfully against a tree, "and ozma and i really helped put him on the throne, so surely he'll help us." "well, maybe, but i don't set great store by gnomes. they're tricky, nevertheless we'll go to ev and everywhere else till we restore this country to its proper rulers." pigasus looked so impressive with his chest and cheeks puffed out with purpose, dorothy gave him a quick hug. "down with the emperor!" snorted pigasus, though almost suffocated by dorothy's embrace. "and up with you, my patriotic young princess." "now you make me feel like a real one. i'd almost forgotten i was a princess," smiled dorothy, climbing obediently on his back. "i believe everything will be better from now on." "well, it could be a lot worse," chuckled pigasus, and flapping his wings in a business-like manner, he rose gracefully into the air and headed for the east. rolling hills dotted with castles, villages and towns, valleys, farm lands and forests flashed in an ever-changing pleasant panorama below. at noon they came down beside the winkie river, finished up the rest of the sandwiches for lunch, and then looked eagerly around for someone else to question. but the yellow-bearded ferryman who presently came into sight poling his old-fashioned raft across the turbulent river knew no more of ozma and the other rulers of oz than the fisherman. but he told them many long and boring stories of skamperoo and his white horse chalk. dorothy and pigasus had to make such an effort to listen politely they were relieved when he finally shoved off and began poling himself back to the other side. "have you any idea how far we've come?" asked pigasus, rolling over and over in the cool grass as dorothy made a face at the ferryman's back. "yes," said dorothy, dropping full length beside him. "this river is in about the center of the winkie kingdom, so we are easily half way. we could reach the deadly desert by night, fly over tomorrow morning, and either go north to ev or stop at the underground castle of the gnome king. even if kalico won't lend us his army, he might lend us some magic." "speaking of armies, they must have whisked the soldier with the green whiskers off with the others. i don't remember seeing him after he left the banquet hall, do you? which just goes to show this skamperoo must be a stranger in oz, for who else would have been afraid of our precious old army? why, he wouldn't even tread on a caterpillar. by the way, has kalico any magic that might tell us where to look for our vanished friends and rulers?" "i'm not sure of that," dorothy told him dubiously, "but he has a wizard, and ruggedo who was king before kalico had many magic treasures and powers. he could make floors and walls spin round and round, open yawning caverns at your feet or drop rocks down on your head without even moving." "sounds lovely," sniffed pigasus, coming to his feet with a short grunt. "say, haven't we trouble enough at home without going to look for it? do you really propose to visit this tricky little metal monarch?" "but kalico is not nearly so bad as ruggedo." dorothy sat up and smoothed her dress earnestly. "well, just as you wish," pigasus shrugged his wings, "with me, people are like eggs, either good, or bad. there's no such thing as a nearly good egg, it's got to be completely good or it's just as bad as a bad egg. d'ye see? and if this gnome king is only as good as a nearly fresh egg, i wouldn't trust him with my second best tooth brush. my idea would be to go to the ruler of ev." "that's evardo, a boy king. ozma helped him, too," dorothy explained importantly. "but i tell you, piggins, let's not decide till we cross the deadly desert. something might turn up before then. you never can tell." "no," agreed the pig, shaking his head sagely. "in oz, you never can. suppose we continue a ways on foot? my wings are a bit stiff and we really should be on the lookout for a friendly house or castle where we could have supper and spend the night. i could eat a peck of spinach or a bushel of apples right now, so hop up, my dear, and i'll stretch a leg for the good of the coz and oz!" chattering away like the good fellow he was, pigasus trotted briskly across the fields and presently came to a deep rustling forest. "shall we fly over or walk through?" questioned the pig, sniffing appreciatively the cool air drifting out to them. "let's go through it, in a wood there might be witches, some are good, a good witch with her magic powers could solve this mystery of ours!" "but suppose we meet a bad one," muttered pigasus, stepping gingerly into the forest and picking his way with great care between the giant trees. "then we'll say goodbye and simply fly," laughed dorothy, snapping her fingers joyfully. "yes, but flying would not be so easy in here," objected pigasus with a troubled glance aloft, "these branches are interlocked so closely i'd stick in a tree like a kite." "oh, we probably won't meet anyone," said dorothy. slipping off his back, she walked along beside him, one arm flung cozily around his neck. she was rather tired of making verses and thought she could think better if her head were not continually buzzing with rhymes. after the hot sunny meadows the cool shade of the forest was very welcome, but as they advanced farther and farther into the shadows, it grew so dark and grim the two began to look at each other in real alarm. "must be a squall or thunder shower brewing," observed pigasus in a faint voice. "yes, it couldn't be night time so soon," agreed dorothy, looking fearfully over her shoulder. the crackling of twigs as some large animal made its way through the brush sounded like gun fire, and while they were trying to make up their minds whether to run back or push forward, a long hollow roar sent them scittering forward practically as one. missing trees by mere inches, they pelted at breakneck speed into the dense and even gloomier stretch of woodland ahead. "b-b-b-better climb on my back," directed pigasus, halting at last from lack of breath rather than inclination. "but where are you? i can't even see you!" wailed dorothy, feeling about wildly. "here, here," grunted the frantic pig, making short dashes in four or five directions and finally bumping violently into the groping little girl. snatching at a wing, dorothy pulled herself thankfully up and clasped both arms round his neck. in a tense and breathless silence they waited for it to grow lighter. they could not see even an inch before their noses now, and the darkness and silence grew more oppressive and unbearable every minute. "j--j-j-just a cloud passing over," croaked pigasus, trying to keep his teeth from chattering. "j-j-j--j-j-j--say, what's that? dorothy, do you hear anything? f--f-footsteps--not four, two. someone's coming. hello, there. who are you? watch out now, we're here." "i see you," answered a flat, matter-of-fact voice. "oh! he sees us yet we can't see him, i'm frightened deaf and dumb, oh, try to fly, pigasus, why oh why'd we ever come?" "that's what i'd like to know," went on the voice sternly. "now, then, will you come quietly or must i drag you along?" chapter 10 the witch of the black forest dorothy and her companion were too stunned to answer, and in two thumping steps the owner of the voice was upon them. "do you dare to defy a member of the invincible black watch?" breathed the stranger, grasping pigasus roughly by the right wing. "no! no! we don't exactly defy you," squealed the pig, flapping his other wing frantically, "but how can we follow a blackguard whom we cannot even see?" "then how do you know i am a blackguard?" demanded their captor suspiciously. "from your voice," screamed pigasus, jerking this way and that way in an effort to free himself. "i'd know you for a blackguard anywhere. unhand me, you surly black monster." "you talk a lot for a fellow who cannot see," scoffed the guard, tightening his grip on the pig's wing. "is the girl blind too?" "we're not blind at all and why should we be, in this horrid black forest how could we see?" cried dorothy, her indignation getting the better of her fright. "well, what color are your eyes?" dorothy felt the hot breath of the guardsman on her neck as he leaned over to find out for himself. "blue!" he murmured in evident puzzlement. "and the pig's eyes are blue, too. so _that's_ the reason." "what has the color to do with it?" grunted pigasus, growing a little calmer as the conversation progressed without either of them coming to actual harm. "everything," explained the guard impressively. "in the black forest one must have black eyes to see. see? even a pig should know that." "well, i suppose i could run into a tree and black my eyes," sniffed pigasus bitterly. "but thank you, no. i prefer blue eyes and, now, if you will kindly conduct us to the edge of this deep, dark, dangerous and disgusting domain, we'll be delighted to go, leave, depart, and bid you farewell forever." "oh, keep all that for gloma," drawled the guard indifferently. "i'm a plain man and prefer plain language. furthermore, no one leaves this forest unless they break the black laws. if you break the law you are cast out into the utter and awful light of eternal day. now, then, come along!" and giving the pig's wing a cruel tweak, he tramped doggedly forward. pigasus to save his precious feathers was obliged to come, suiting his gait to the guard's strides. "the best thing for us to do is to break the law at once," he whispered mournfully to dorothy as he blinked about in a desperate effort to penetrate the gloom. dorothy was too depressed to answer, and after clearing his throat several times the blackguard began to question pigasus. "why the wings?" he asked inquiringly. "i've seen many a farmyard creature in my day, but never a pig with wings. are you a pig or a kind of balony bird? what right has a pig to wings?" "let go and i'll show you," puffed pigasus, hoping the fellow's curiosity would cause him to loosen his hold. but the guard only laughed at such an idea. "let you go? i should say not," he exclaimed with a little chuckle. "you can show all your little tricks to gloma and she can decide whether to ride or roast you. this girl on your back will make a splendid slave." "slave!" shrilled pigasus, stumbling angrily along in the dark. "i'll have you know that she is a princess of oz and lives in the palace of ozma of oz." "then why did she not stay there?" observed the guard reasonably enough. "anyone coming into this forest comes under the rule of gloma, witch of the black forest." "witch?" coughed the pig, as dorothy, tightening her clutch on his neck, almost choked him. "yes, witch," repeated the forester calmly. "now, then, hold up your heads, you pale and pinky skins, for you are in for a good blacking." and before pigasus knew just what was happening the ground slipped away from under him and he and dorothy were plunged into the rough chilly waters of a tumbling forest stream. striking out with all four feet, pigasus managed to breast the flood, when he felt himself and dorothy being forced completely under. as a matter of fact, the guard swimming beside him had simply put his hand on dorothy's head and pushed her and the squealing pig beneath the surface. as they rose, gasping and sputtering, he again seized pigasus by the wing and pulled him quickly to shore. "there, now you're all right," he boomed heartily as dorothy rolled off the pig's back and began shaking the water from her eyes and hair and wringing out her dripping skirts. "just blot yourselves on the bank!" "bl-blot ourselves?" gurgled pigasus, giving himself a violent shake. "do you take us for letters? you--you'll be sorry for this!" but right in the middle of his angry sputters he gave a loud and astonished squall. "dorothy, dorothy, i can see!" panted the pink pig exultantly. "so can i," cried dorothy, running excitedly toward him. "but everything looks black--everything is black, even you. oh, oh! you're perfectly coal black, piggins, am i black too?" "of course," answered the guard in a bored voice, "and much better so. since you are black yourselves, you can see in the dark like the rest of us, and what do you think of our forest now?" but dorothy, instead of telling him, held up her shiny black hands, touched a few strands of her perfectly black hair, and then dropping her head on the pig's shoulder began to weep bitterly. like drops of ink the tears coursed down her ebony cheeks, and though pigasus did what he could to comfort her, she continued to sob as if her heart would break. "well, i must say i call this ungrateful," the guard shifted from one foot to the other. "what's the matter with you, anyway? black is a splendid color, doesn't show dirt, doesn't fade or streak. besides it's against the law to be any other color in this forest." "how dare you blacken us against our will?" burst out pigasus furiously. "wait till i get loose, i'll--why, i'll tear you to pieces and pitch you into a tar barrel." "oh, don't make me snort!" the huge black forester stared contemptuously down at the winged pig, and now that pigasus had a better look at him he saw the folly of his threats, for the black guard was well over six feet and lean and tough as black leather. evidently feeling he had wasted enough time on the pair, he gave them a very black look and, jerking the pig's wing roughly, started walking stolidly through the forest. never had dorothy felt so blue, or rather so black and blue--so wet, so discouraged, so thoroughly miserable! and when, sticking out her tongue to see if it was still pink she discovered that it, too, was black, she began sobbing softly to herself. "no one will know us any more," she decided dejectedly. "we're as badly off now as ozma and the others. why, oh why, did we ever come into this terrible forest?" she could feel pigasus sniffing with sympathy, and suddenly realizing that she was not behaving very well, she straightened up. after all, she still was a princess, even though she was black. princesses did not cry even when they were captured and enchanted. ozma was probably in a worse fix than this, and if ozma was being brave, she would be brave, too. so, with a great effort, dorothy stifled her sobs and began to look around her. to her surprise and astonishment she discovered that the black forest was not dark and gloomy as it had seemed before, but really quite beautiful. there were many shades and degrees of blackness in the trees and flowers that thickly carpeted the ground. black birds twittered musically in the branches overhead, and every now and then a deer peered timidly out at her from the woodsy depths between the tree trunks. the guard, glancing over his shoulder and catching her interested expression, ventured a smile. "why, he is not bad looking at all," thought dorothy, with a pleased start. "and maybe this witch may be a good witch--her name sounds rather pretty." quite comforted by these reflections, dorothy whispered a few rhymed remarks in the pig's ear. pigasus, it must be confessed, was as interested in what he saw as dorothy, and when a sudden break between the trees revealed a great black circular wall with a hundred black flags floating from its many turrets, he gave an involuntary grunt of admiration. "you are about to enter the royal circle of gloma, witch of the black forest," announced the guard, raising his hand solemnly. "i trust you will conduct yourselves in a fitting manner." "don't worry about our manners," shrilled pigasus, tossing his head airily. "we are accustomed to royalty and move in exclusive circles at home." "and talk in circles, too," muttered the guard impatiently. "well, well--do the best you can and bow three times as you approach the throne." "throne?" queried dorothy, slipping off the pig's back so she would not have to talk in rhyme, for what she had to say to the black witch was very serious indeed. "is gloma a queen?" "certainly our witch is a queen, a bewitching queen," retorted the guard, taking dorothy firmly by the hand and tightening his hold on pigasus. "now, then, smile and look pleasant and perhaps she'll allow you to be her slave." "she wouldn't dare make me a slave," cried dorothy, trying her best to pull away from her captor. "just let her try it!" blustered pigasus, scuffling unwillingly along on the other side. but paying no attention to their struggles, the guard lifted his foot and kicked three times on a black ebony door in the wall, and a tall watchman dressed in a black leather suit admitted them to the royal circle. it was all so different from what dorothy had been expecting she almost forgot her anger. enclosed by the black marble wall was a strange and enchanting garden. now, dorothy had never seen a black garden, nor dreamed one could be so beautiful. here sable willows mirrored their feathery branches in long shining pools, here black plum and cherry trees flaunted their fragile black blossoms, and jet black fountains sent their smoking waters high into the quiet air. vast satiny expanses of lawn were dotted with a hundred beds of dusky roses, tulips, velvety pansies and daffodils. built all round the circular wall was a low but sumptuous black castle, and seated on an ebony throne in the center of her stately black garden was the black queen herself, looking, dorothy was thankful to discover, much more like a queen than a witch. gloma's face was sweet and serious, her hair fine and glossy as a raven's wing. she was dressed in a trailing robe of black chiffon that billowed in lacy clouds round her feet. a sparkling crown of jet and long jet earrings were her only ornaments. on each side of the black queen crouched a sleek black leopard and behind the ebony throne stood ten tall foresters with gleaming axes. "like headsmen in a medieval history book," thought dorothy as she and pigasus were dragged rapidly forward. gloma, gazing dreamily into a black crystal set on a marble stand before the throne, seemed entirely unaware of their presence till the harsh voice of the black guard announced them. "hail! black and imperial majesty!" called the guard deferentially, approaching the throne. "two prisoners, a pig and a princess, whom i found wandering unlawfully in our forest, and whom i took the liberty of blacking." dorothy, jerking away from the guard, was about to explain how she and pigasus had lost their way, when gloma jumped to her feet with a sharp, agonized scream. "blotz, general blotz, what have you done?" panted the black queen, beating her hands wildly together. "your stupidity has ruined us all! you have blackened and insulted my most dangerous and mortal enemy! go! leave! begone and never darken my doors again! oh, why--why did you do it? why have you brought her here? after all these years must i too be destroyed and obliterated?" sinking back on her throne, gloma covered her face with her hair and began rocking backward and forward in agitation and sorrow. "why, why--i believe she's afraid of you!" puffed pigasus, twitching his tail with excitement and interest as general blotz, looking quite dazed, began to move unhappily toward the gate in the wall. "quick!" he grunted as the ten foresters back of the throne rushed forward to surround them. "do something, dorothy, while she is still afraid of you. make her unblacken us. tell her to set us free. hurry! hurry, before she discovers you are only a harmless little girl." but dorothy, only half listening to the pig, boldly thrust aside the foresters and ran over to the black queen. "why are you afraid of me?" asked dorothy, speaking rapidly but distinctly. "i did not come here on purpose. pigasus and i are lost and need your help." "help?" shivered gloma, shrinking as far away from dorothy as possible. "why should i help you? are you not dorothy, the mortal girl who destroyed the powerful witches of the east and west?" "but that was long ago," explained dorothy breathlessly as two of the queen's henchmen seized her roughly by the arms. "and they were bad and wicked witches. why should i wish to destroy a good and beautiful witch like you?" "do not listen to her. do not let her touch you. she means to destroy and ensnare you," hissed the foresters as they dragged dorothy away from the throne. "down with all mortals! away to the dungeons with her! wing that pig! chop off their heads!" at these loud savage cries, startled faces appeared at the windows of the black palace, and struggling in the midst of the foresters dorothy heartily wished she had taken the pig's advice. "shall we take off her head _now_ or later?" puffed the fellow who had hold of her left arm. "now!" roared the axman who had hold of her right. "stop!" commanded the queen, rising suddenly. "you cannot harm this girl. do you not see the star of protection on her forehead?" at these words the woodsmen stared fearfully down at dorothy, and sure enough, shining in the center of her black forehead was a pure white star. pigasus, who had not noticed it before himself, gave a grunt of relief and began kicking out in every direction. "how about the pig?" yelled a forester, leaning down to rub his shins. "shall we take off his head?" "if you dare touch pigasus," screamed dorothy, resolved to use the powers she was supposed to have, "i'll turn you all to bats and beetles and horrid black ants." a breathless silence followed dorothy's threat. the foresters still kept their hold on the prisoner, but at as great a distance as they could manage. "do as you wish, comrades," the tallest of the axmen solemnly broke the silence, "but i'm for letting them alone. i've never been an ant yet and don't intend to begin now. come--away to the dungeons with them. this is not for us to settle with axes, it is a case for witch work." "you are right." the queen, who had been standing motionless as a statue, took a decisive step forward. "take them away, but not to the dungeons! take them to the dark room in my imperial palace. they shall see what happens to those who defy gloma, witch of the black forest." "aye! aye! they shall see," muttered the foresters, pushing dorothy and pigasus roughly along ahead of them. chapter 11 black magic dorothy and pigasus were hustled into the black castle, rushed down its shiny black corridors and thrust into a great, dark, dome-shaped room, so quickly they had no opportunity to exchange a word. "well, anyway, even if it is a dark room we can still see," whispered dorothy, as the foresters in their haste to get away from such dangerous prisoners fairly tumbled over each other to get through the door. "yes," puffed pigasus glumly as the key rasped in the lock, "and the first thing i see is that there are no windows. if there was a window we could fly off. as it is, this witch will make short work of us." "i wonder how much magic she really knows," sighed dorothy, seating herself wearily on a black velvet stool. "i wonder!" said pigasus, flinging himself crossly on the floor beside her. "and what's all this stuff about your being her worst enemy? did you really destroy two witches, and could you destroy her?" although pigasus had lived in the emerald city for several years, he was not familiar with all of the history that had taken place before his arrival. "oh, all that happened when i first came here," explained dorothy, clasping her knees with both hands. "you see, when the cyclone blew me from kansas to oz, my house fell on the wicked witch who ruled the munchkins and killed her. the munchkins, supposing i had done it on purpose, came out and thanked me and gave me the witch's silver shoes. then, when i reached the emerald city and begged the wizard, who was ruler of oz at that time, to send me back to kansas, he promised to do so if i killed the wicked witch who ruled the winkies." "and did you?" asked pigasus, rolling over and looking up at dorothy with real admiration. "well, that was sort of an accident, too," admitted the little girl honestly. "when the tin woodman, the scarecrow, and the cowardly lion and i reached the witch's yellow castle, the witch captured us all and made me work hard from morning till night. but one day," dorothy with an anxious eye on the door hurriedly continued, "one day when she tried to steal my silver shoes, i got so mad i picked up a bucket of water i'd been using for scrubbing and flung it right over her head." "and did that destroy her?" pigasus demanded incredulously. "yes," said dorothy, "it melted her down to nothing at all." "but what about the star? i never noticed that before?" "that's where the good witch of the north comes in," answered dorothy proudly. "right after my house fell on the wicked witch of the west, she appeared and when she discovered i was a mortal she kissed me on the forehead to keep me from harm all the time i was in oz. it only shows now because i'm black, i suppose." "well, why didn't it keep you from turning black, if it's so wonderful?" pigasus switched his curly tail resentfully. "i don't know," dorothy looked thoughtfully around gloma's strange laboratory, "maybe the spell has worn off, maybe there's no harm in being black." "humph! there may not be any harm in it, but it's pretty sad and mournful, if you ask me," grunted pigasus, glaring savagely at his satiny black sides. "i prefer myself pink and you pink and white the way you were. tea and turnips, first thing i know you'll be powdering your nose with ashes and soot! but, after all--" pigasus swung himself energetically to his feet, "that is the least of our troubles. what do you suppose this witch will do to us now? and what can we do to her? sa--hay!" spreading his wings, pigasus spun round in a triumphant circle. "all we have to do is to find some water. why, it's simple as soup. quick, dorothy, look and see whether there is any water around here, then as soon as gloma pops her nose in the door we'll put her out as neatly as you did that other witch." "but those other witches were bad and gloma seems really good and beautiful," objected dorothy, looking around without much enthusiasm. "beautiful or not, she's a dark and dangerous lady," insisted the pig, beginning his search in a methodical way, "and it's her beauty or ours, remember, this black queen is quite determined to destroy us, if we don't destroy her first." "yes, i suppose so," agreed dorothy. slowly following pigasus, she pulled aside black velvet curtains, peered behind cupboards and screens and looked under sofas and chairs. there were many ebony cabinets standing against the wall, but each one was securely locked and except for a great black crystal ball on a table in the center of the room, there seemed to be no magic apparatus at all. a dark lantern swinging from the domed ceiling cast its curious luminous black rays into every corner of the witch's laboratory. after circling the room three times, pigasus and dorothy were forced to admit there was no water of any kind or even a pail available. "we'll have to think of something else," grumbled the pig, as dorothy again sat down on her stool. "are you thinking?" he demanded sharply, as the little girl stared absently at the tips of her boots. "no," confessed dorothy frankly, "i was just wondering why gloma calls this a dark room. she must know since general blotz ducked us under the black river we can see in here as well as in the forest." "i wouldn't be too sure of that," muttered the pig, coming over and crowding as close to dorothy as he could. it almost seemed as if someone had heard him, for scarcely were the words out of his mouth before the dark lantern over their heads sputtered ominously and went out, leaving them in a perfectly pitch black total darkness. "i--i--i felt something like this would happen," faltered pigasus, throwing his left wing protectingly around dorothy. "listen! someone is coming." a light sure footstep sounded in the passage--came closer, then a sudden puff of air told them that someone had opened the door. "remember, piggins dear, no matter what happens, we must be brave," whispered dorothy, trembling a little in spite of herself. "it's hard to be brave in the dark, but i'll do my best. here, lean on me." and though the happenings of the next ten minutes were enough to try the courage of a dozen lions, pigasus kept his word and never uttered a sound. as the two prisoners clung desperately together the crystal on the center table received a sudden shattering blow. up spurted a perfect fountain of fire coming down over dorothy and pigasus in a shower of red hot sparks. but the sparks fell harmlessly as raindrops on the winged pig and the little girl, and after a great hiss and sputter went out, leaving the laboratory in darkness again. scarcely had they recovered from this shock before a second blow was struck, and this time a hundred huge, hideous, black snakes came writhing out of the crystal, their green glittering eyes lighting up the room with a terrifying sulphurous light. the great twisting mass grew more and more menacing, sending out its long curving bodies like arms to encircle them. this, thought dorothy, burying her head in pigasus' wing, was black magic at its worst. now she could feel the clammy coils all around her and waited breathlessly to be crushed and broken. but the cold, heavy bodies seemed powerless and without weight and presently they, too, slipped away and vanished. a shower of silver arrows followed the snakes and a cloud of choking green smoke, the arrows. but each blow on the crystal only seemed to prove further the potency of the kiss set on dorothy's forehead so long ago by the good witch of the north. and because she clung so tightly to pigasus, he, too, came unharmed through the hair-raising ordeal. as they both, almost afraid to breathe, waited for the next blow on the dark crystal, a long, tremulous sigh came mournfully through the darkness. "it is no use," murmured a discouraged voice, "my black magic is of no avail. come, then, destroy me if you must, but do it quickly, and i pray you will spare my people who have never harmed or hurt a living soul in oz." with a little thrill, dorothy recognized the voice of the black queen, and as the dark lantern again shed its twinkling rays over the circular apartment, gloma rose and came calmly and rapidly toward them. dorothy and pigasus, who had just had their own bravery so severely tested, could not but admire the spirit and bravery of the witch of the black forest. even though she was sure she faced certain destruction, she walked proudly erect, her head flung back, her great mass of dusky hair billowing behind her. "stop!" cried dorothy, on whom the queen's dark beauty had made a deep and lasting impression. "why should we wish to destroy you? we came through the yellow wood and from there into the black forest, but we only wished to go through as quickly as possible. we are in trouble ourselves. did you know that ozma of oz, the wizard of oz, the four rulers of oz, and many others have vanished? there is a false emperor on the throne in the emerald city and under the magic of his enchantment all the people have forgotten ozma ever was their queen. pigasus and i, escaping this enchantment, are trying to find ozma and someone to help us restore her to power." dorothy spoke with such earnestness and feeling, gloma could not help believing her. "then--then you did not come here to destroy me at all?" she exclaimed with an unhappy and embarrassed glance at her two prisoners. "forgive me for using my magic powers, i only wanted to save myself and my foresters from obliteration." "oh, that's all right." dorothy dismissed with a careless shrug the danger and discomfort of the last hour. "you thought we were going to destroy you, so, of course, you tried to destroy us first. that was fair enough and i don't blame you, but now that we understand each other better, perhaps you will help us? do you, yourself, remember ozma, and is your magic powerful enough to tell us where she is?" seating herself in a chair near dorothy's footstool, gloma stared thoughtfully at the velvet carpet. "i know or remember nothing of the present history of oz," she told them after a short silence. "at the time the wizard of oz ruled oz i ruled by royal right and inheritance the entire southern part of the winkie empire. although the wicked witch of the east claimed dominion over the whole country, she only succeeded in bringing the central and northern parts under her control. we in the south were free, but when word came that a mortal girl had destroyed both the witch of the east and the witch of the west, i, being a witch, naturally supposed i would be the next one to suffer destruction. so, calling together the strongest and most faithful of my subjects, i begged them to retire with me to a safe and hidden spot where we could live in safety and tranquillity far from the wars, dangers, and changing fortunes of the times. many of my southern winkies cast their lot with the new order, marching off to the north, but many came with me, and retiring to this hidden forest, we cut ourselves off from all intercourse with the other kingdoms of oz, living the free and happy life of foresters and enjoying all the beauty and benefits of outdoor sport and activity. of the rulers in oz since the wizard, i know nothing whatever." "and were you always black?" inquired pigasus, peering inquisitively up into gloma's face, and wondering whether the two small black wings on each side of her forehead were as useful as his own. "no," admitted the queen, smiling graciously down at her plump questioner. "that was part of our disappearing plan, in a dark forest we were so much less likely to be found or discovered, so with my knowledge of the black arts i turned myself and my subjects as black as you now see us." "what a shame! what a pity!" dorothy jumped up and perched cozily on the arm of the black queen's chair. "if you had just come to the emerald city, we could have been friends all this while." "why not begin now?" smiled the queen, putting her arm affectionately round dorothy's waist. "and you must not be sorry for us, for here we have been perfectly happy and content and i have grown so fond of my black forest and castle i would not change their lovely sable for all the other colors in the rainbow. but tell me quickly again all that has happened in oz and perhaps i can make amends for the shabby treatment you have received at our hands." contritely the black queen leaned down to pat pigasus, and as dorothy sketched in most of the important happenings in oz since the reign of the wizard, the little pig pressed closely against her side. with many interested nods and exclamations gloma listened, and when dorothy described the great festival that had been planned to celebrate the discovery of oz by mortals, how ozma and all her most important visitors and advisers had vanished at the banquet, and a false emperor taken possession of the palace, the queen rose and walked solemnly over to the black crystal. but after a long look into its inky depths, gloma turned sadly away. "my black magic cannot help you," she told them regretfully. "the rulers of oz and your other friends have been enchanted by green magic, and only by green magic can they be released and restored to power. but i can assist you in other ways," added the queen, noting the disappointed expressions on the faces of her two new friends. "one tap of my scepter will transport you to any country and here--" from a drawer in the ebony table the queen drew a small black round box--"in this container you will find a most powerful powder of darkness. one pinch of this powder tossed into the air will cause a black cloud a mile square to envelop and totally darken a city or country. while no one in this darkened area will be able to see you, it will be perfectly possible for you to see them as clearly as in the usual daylight. in case of danger it affords a safe way of escape from the enemy. to dispel the cloud you merely close the box." "that ought to be just the thing to use if we ever get back to the emerald city," observed pigasus, scratching his left ear with his right hind paw. "why, we could swoop down on this emperor, bind him fast and tweak him by the nose before he even knew what was happening." "why, so we could!" beamed dorothy, brightening up at once. "and now, though of course black is a perfectly beautiful color, could you change us back to the colors we were when we came?" dorothy spoke timidly, for she did not want to hurt gloma's feelings. "as soon as you leave the forest you will resume your natural coloring," the witch assured them with a little smile. "and where, may i ask, were you planning to go first?" "well," said dorothy slowly, "i thought perhaps the countries outside of oz might not be under this forgetting spell and that we might find in one of them a king who would lend us his army and help us to chase skamperoo out of the emerald city. could you transport us as far as ev, your majesty?" "as easily as i could invite you to dinner," gloma assured them with an energetic little nod, "and i hope you will not only have dinner but rest yourselves before you start again on your dangerous journey." "pigasus--pigasus, did you hear that? she can transport us all the way to ev! didn't i tell you we might find a good witch in this forest? now everything will be all right!" "so glad we met and got acquainted, you're not so black as you are painted!" chuckled pigasus, breaking into rhyme from sheer good humor and relief. "and did i hear your majesty invite us to dinner?" "you certainly did," said gloma, and dropping them a little bow, she swept gaily through the door. "d'ye suppose it will be a black dinner?" whispered pigasus, trotting briskly along beside dorothy. "i've heard of light repasts, but never of dark ones. but i don't care. i'm hungry enough to eat tar pudding with cinder sauce." "sh--hh!" warned dorothy with a little laugh. "she'll hear you." chapter 12 farewell to the black forest although the dinner in the black castle was as dark a repast as pigasus had predicted, never had he or dorothy dined more royally nor partaken of more delicate fare. the black bean soup was followed by a black fish course, then came the dark meat of some superbly cooked fowl, "probably cinder-roosters," as pigasus remarked in one of his humorous asides. the licorice was the most delicious of the vegetables, though the black asparagus and potatoes were appetizing, too. black bread was served with the black grape salad and plum cake with black frosting with the black ices and blackberryade. the members of gloma's household, now that their fear of dorothy had been explained away, proved so interesting and merry, the time simply flew. the black lace frocks of the women and children and the soft leather suits of the black foresters were simple but elegant, and the black queen herself, so lovely just to look at her gave one a curious thrill. general blotz, recalled from banishment by blackjack, the queen's pet jackdaw, proved a singer of no mean ability, and regaled the company with many famous black ballads and hunting songs. pigasus, too, contributed to the general fun and gaiety with some of his best songs and verses and ate so many slices of the black plum cake, dorothy began to feel positively uneasy. interesting and delightful as it all was, the little girl could not help thinking of ozma and her other unfortunate and captive friends, and as the black banjo clock in the corner of the hall struck a musical ten, she lightly touched the arm of gloma. the black queen had graciously placed dorothy beside her. "i think we had better go now," whispered dorothy earnestly. "if pigasus eats any more he'll fall asleep and we'll have to wait till morning." gloma smiled and nodded understandingly, then pressing dorothy's hand for "goodbye," stole quietly off to her workshop. dorothy tried to signal pigasus across the gleaming black table, but before she could catch his eye he had vanished, and she herself was whirling dizzily through space. "maybe it would have been better to have spent the night in the castle," mused dorothy, spreading her arms like wings as she sailed through the air. "i don't suppose we'll be able to see in the dark now that we are out of the black forest, and goodness knows where we'll come down." there was no moon, and peer about as she would, dorothy could not even catch a glimpse of the flying pig. "of course," dorothy went on conversationally to herself, "we could have flown all this distance on piggin's back, but this is quicker and less trouble, but oh, dear, i do hope he's all right." her worry about the pink pig ended rather abruptly, for at that very moment she began to somersault over and over in a headlong drop to the ground. a painful grunt as she landed assured her of the pig's presence. "what you trying to do? puncture me?" puffed pigasus, as dorothy with an embarrassed little gasp of apology rolled off his back. "such rudeness!" grunted her companion, scrambling to his feet with an angry snort. "flinging us out of her castle as if we'd been garbage. yes, garbage," he repeated, winking rapidly. "it was my fault," cried dorothy, moving over to smooth out his ruffled wing feathers. "i asked her to transport us to ev, and oh, piggins!" by the light of a crooked lamp set in a crevice of the rocky path on which they found themselves dorothy regarded him rapturously. "you're pink again!" "am i? well, that's something." waddling closer to the lamp, pigasus examined himself with careful attention. "you're pink, too," he said a little more pleasantly, "but these magic transportations are a bit sudden, if you ask me, and i'm not at all sure i like this spot. where are we, anyway?" "oh, it's all right and now we don't have to travel at all. we're here," announced dorothy, who had hurried on a few steps ahead. "and where is here?" grumbled pigasus, following pompously, more from too much plum cake than from a desire to be disagreeable. "why, at kalico's mountain!" exclaimed dorothy, pointing excitedly to a small door in the rocky surface before them. "now we don't have to decide between the gnome king and the king of ev. since we are here, we'll try kalico first." "trying him is all very well, but i hope he does not try any magic on us," yawned pigasus, squinting sleepily up at the brass sign hung on the stout wooden door. "what does it say there?" a green lantern hung over the door and by its flickering light dorothy read slowly: "back door of the gnome king's underground castle. no dogs, babies or chickens allowed. no gold fish wanted. no peddlers or snailsmen need apply. keep out and stay out. this means you." "oh, that's all right," laughed dorothy as pigasus looked rather alarmed at the sternly worded notice. "we're not babies or chickens or gold fish, and kalico's a friend of mine. come on!" lifting the knocker and smiling confidently, dorothy knocked three times on the gnome king's back door. chapter 13 in kalico's castle "what is it, shoofenwaller?" kalico, the thin and gray little king of the gnomes, peered impatiently down from the great carved gem-studded rock that served him for a throne. "shoo--go away--you know this is my hour for retiring! go away, i tell you! and if you never come back it will still be too soon." "yes, but your majesty!" while obediently backing toward the door, the king's royal chamberlain extended his arms imploringly. "something has come up, the long eared hearer reports footsteps on the south mountain. two visitors are about to enter the back door of our castle." "visitors!" exclaimed kalico, getting up with an impatient flounce. "at this hour! well, tell them to go away and come back tomorrow. here, wait a moment." as shoofenwaller, shrugging his narrow shoulders, turned to carry out his orders, kalico changed his mind. "just hand me my expectacles," commanded the king crossly, "i may as well have a look at the prowling pests." with another shrug, shoofenwaller stepped to a small cabinet, and taking a pair of smoked glasses from the top drawer, handed them up to the king. now kalico's expectacles were very useful, enabling him to see who was coming before they arrived, and clapping them hurriedly on his thin nose, he stared intently off into space. at what he saw, the king's expression changed from irritation to vague uneasiness. "botheration!" he muttered morosely. "it's one of those mortals from the emerald city. why can't those girls stay home--always poking their noses into other people's affairs and trying to save somebody from something." "which one is it?" asked shoofenwaller, blinking. "it's dorothy," sighed kalico, taking off his expectacles and putting them absently into his pocket, "and there's a queer kind of winged pig with her. a pig with wings, mind you. rooks and rockets! wonder what they want?" "why not find out?" suggested shoofenwaller reasonably. "no! no, not tonight," kalico waved his hands determinedly. "just conduct them to the red guest cave, shoofenwaller, and bring them to me in the morning." with a stiff bow the royal chamberlain backed out the door and pattered away to admit the visitors. "and about time, too," thought dorothy as the rock door opened cautiously and the little crooked gnome thrust out his head. "in the name of king kalico the first, i hereby welcome you to gnome man's land," began shoofenwaller pompously. "oh, that's all right," yawned pigasus wearily, "what we want is a place to sleep, and remember--no trickery!" he added sharply as the gnome stood aside so that they could enter the narrow rock passageway. "i suppose your highness comes on a matter of state?" remarked shoofenwaller, turning from pigasus with an involuntary grimace. pigs reminded him of ham--ham reminded him of eggs, and eggs were immediate death and destruction to gnomes. "well, yes," admitted dorothy, adjusting her step to the short, crooked legs of the king's little counselor. "what i really need is an army!" "an army?" groaned shoofenwaller, realizing what bad news this would be for his master. "our army?" "oh, let's talk about all that in the morning," wheezed pigasus as dorothy briskly nodded her head in answer to shoofenwaller's question. the pink pig was taking sleepy sidelong squints at the elegantly excavated and gem-encrusted corridors of the gnome king's underground dwelling. "just what his majesty suggested," muttered the chamberlain, sweeping open a red iron door with a ruby knob. "i trust you will be comfortable here and rest well. if your highness wishes a cup of kalicocoa, or your friend a mud pie or pudding, just ring the bell. goodnight, princess! goodnight--er--er pig!" "sa-hay--i resent that!" pigasus cocked his ears belligerently as the king's crooked little messenger bowed himself out the door. "did you notice the way he said 'pig,' dorothy?" "yes," said dorothy with a little yawn, "i did, but then all gnomes are sassy and you'll have to get used to them. if kalico helps us, that's all we care about." pigasus nodded rather grimly. "i suppose this is what you call getting down to bed rock," he murmured, looking around the red rock apartment with his amused blue stare. "hope the beds aren't rock, too." punching a red sofa experimentally and finding it surprisingly soft, the pink pig jumped up and settled himself cozily among the cushions. pigasus had lived in castles and palaces all his life and was so accustomed to comfort and luxury that without bothering to look around kalico's richly appointed guest cavern he closed his eyes and fell asleep. dorothy, tiptoeing through a curtain into an adjoining red rock cavern that served as a bedroom, undressed quickly and putting out the ruby lamps, slid thankfully between the red silk sheets and was soon as soundly asleep as pigasus. they were just having breakfast, served by two small gnomen in their red sitting-cave, when shoofenwaller came hurrying in to announce that kalico was ready and waiting to see them. earlier the gnome king and his chamberlain had discussed the possible purposes of dorothy's visit and kalico had been extremely annoyed to learn that she wanted to borrow his army. "and you will lend it to her, all our hundred thousand trained gnomen yoemen?" questioned shoofenwaller anxiously. "what else can i do?" kalico snapped his little gray eyes unhappily. "remember it was dorothy who stole the former gnome king's magic belt and really was the means of my becoming king." "that's so," muttered shoofenwaller, pulling his ear reflectively. "but why not use a little strategy in this conference, king? why not pretend to help her and at the same time safeguard your own interests? lending our army is a dangerous experiment. suppose an enemy threatened us while our fighting forces were in the emerald city? anything could happen. put her off--make excuses," urged shoofenwaller craftily. this suggestion fell in exactly with the gnome king's wishes, and curious to know what really had brought dorothy to his castle, he sent his little chamberlain hurrying off to bring her to the throne room. "and now for a little kalicoaxing," sniffed pigasus, waddling unconcernedly along beside dorothy under magnificent arches, over artificial terraces and rock gardens, gazing down long vistas of yet unmined shafts where hundreds of gnomes worked busily with picks and shovels to further enrich the already enormously rich and powerful little metal monarch. kalico, as they entered the beautifully furnished and lavishly carved cave that he used for a throne room, came hurrying to meet them. "so charming of you to come all this way just to see me," murmured the gnome king, taking both of dorothy's hands in his own and bowing graciously as she introduced pigasus. "always delighted to entertain a princess from the court of her royal highness, ozma of oz!" "oh, kalico--then you do remember her! oh, please, dear kalico, will you help us to find her?" "find her? why, what under the earth do you mean? is ozma lost?" kalico's long face at dorothy's excited greeting grew visibly longer, and after the little girl had explained the disappearance of ozma and the others, the enchantment of all the people in oz, and the coming of skamperoo to the emerald city, kalico climbed wearily back on his throne and sat down. "this--this is shocking!" faltered kalico, mopping his forehead with a long gray cobweb, "and just what do you and this--this--pig intend to do about it?" "what do you intend to do about it?" rather tired of being called a pig, pigasus planted all four feet and stared defiantly up at the perturbed metal monarch. "well--er--that is--er--i don't see that it is my affair at all!" mumbled kalico with a rueful nod of his head. "anyone powerful enough to conquer ozma and oz would pay small attention to opinions of mine." "but we don't want your opinions," stated pigasus bluntly. "what we want is your army and any magic you can conveniently spare!" "please, kalico, do help us," begged dorothy, running up the carved rock steps of the throne and seating herself coaxingly on the arm. "with all your thousands of gnomes and many magic powers, we can certainly drive skamperoo out of the emerald city." "well, of course," sighed kalico, flattered by dorothy's reference to his magic powers, "i'll do what i can, but if what you say is true, it will take more than one army to reconquer oz." as he said this, kalico looked across at shoofenwaller, and the little chamberlain, well pleased with his master's strategy, gave him an encouraging wink. "i tell you what i'll do," kalico crossed his legs and regarded dorothy through half-closed eyes. "if you find another king willing to send _his_ army into oz, i will also send mine. remember, even ozma's closest friends and retainers have forgotten her and the entire population, now fully convinced skamperoo is their rightful ruler, will rise to oppose us." "yes, yes, but have you no magic that will dispel this wicked enchantment or help us to locate our friends and sovereigns?" demanded pigasus, not wholly satisfied with the gnome king's offer. "gnome magic may be of no use in this case; nevertheless, i will send for my wizard and see what can be done." remembering their last experience with magic, dorothy stepped down from kalico's throne and seated herself quietly on the pink pig's back, and pigasus, grunting with relief, squinted suspiciously at the small, ugly wizard of the underworld, who presently came shuffling into the royal presence chamber. as quickly as possible kalico explained to the wizard all the dire happenings in oz. "do you think our magic spyglass could locate ozma and her missing friends and associates or tell us whether they have been utterly and completely destroyed?" demanded the gnome king gravely. potaroo, the king's magician, stood pulling his straggly whiskers for several moments after kalico had finished speaking, then he stamped four times on the flagged floor with his right foot. almost instantly four gnome wise men in peaked hats came into the throne room wheeling a huge telescope before them. dorothy and pigasus, prickling with suspense and terror, watched the wizard screw his eye to the end of the twisting spyglass. after several snorts and surprised exclamations, potaroo straightened up. "the missing ozians and the wizard of ev are hidden away in thunder mountain," he stated in a hoarse whisper. an electric little silence followed potaroo's disclosure, and as no one uttered a sound, the wizard continued, "as the spyglass is now pointing north, i believe you will find thunder mountain in that direction, but i must warn you that it will be a long and exceedingly dangerous journey." "danger? well what do we care for that quick somebody fetch me my coat--my hat--" "this hardly seems a time for jokes and verses," murmured kalico, looking at dorothy in mild disapproval. "she has to make verses and rhymes when she rides me i'm a poetry pig and a lucky star guides me!" grunted pigasus, too overcome by the wizard's awful news to realize he was speaking in verse himself. "oh, what difference does it make?" cried dorothy, jumping quickly off his back, "we must go to thunder mountain at once. pigasus can fly there." "here, here, not in such a hurry," exclaimed kalico, secretly delighted at the prospect of being so easily rid of his troubles. "we must pack you a lunch basket, and tell me, potaroo, have you any magic that will make the journey less dangerous for these brave young adventurers?" "m--agic?" stuttered potaroo, his eyes growing glassy at the mere thought of parting with any of his magic treasures. "well--er--i could lend them a box of my famous triple action stumbling blocks. they will overthrow any enemy, no matter how numerous." "splendid!" beamed kalico, rubbing his hands briskly together, "and don't forget, in the course of your journey north, if you find a king willing to lend his army, my army also will be ready and at your service." "oh, kalico, how _kind_ you are!" running up the steps of the throne again, dorothy gave the gnome king an impulsive hug. "come on, come on!" squealed pigasus, who had seen the various winks between kalico and shoofenwaller and was convinced that the little gnome king was doing as little as he possibly could. "give us our lunch and our stumbling blocks and we'll be off, and i must say they'll be an enormous help when we reach thunder mountain." spreading his wings, pigasus began to fly in angry circles round the gnome king's head. "humph, pork's going up!" sniffed shoofenwaller as he hurried away to see about packing the lunch basket. "he ought to be dried, smoked and salted," muttered potaroo, going sulkily off to fetch the blocks. dorothy, in earnest consultation with kalico, heard neither of these remarks, and when a few moments later the two returned with two boxes and dorothy's hat and coat, she thanked them politely, called pigasus down from a rocky ledge where he had flown and climbed happily on his back. then pigasus, not giving her time for any lengthy farewells, zipped through the tunneled caverns and corridors of the gnome king's underground dominions and burst thankfully out the back door of south mountain. "now, let's see, which way is north?" mused pigasus, twirling his curly tail around like a propeller. "all we have to do is to fly north to thunder mountain, unlock its thunder bolts, restore the rulers of oz, toss tumbling blocks at all enemies, raise a grand army and then, then king kalico will help us. isn't it just _too_ magniferous!" "why piggins, how mean of you, surely you know the gnome king's our friend, don't you like kalico?" "no!" said pigasus fiercely, hurling himself into the air. "well, anyway, we're better off than we were before," thought dorothy after several rhymed attempts to draw pigasus into a conversation. "at least we now know where ozma is and have two kinds of magic and the promise of an army. really we're getting on quite fast." but perhaps had she seen the king and his chamberlain nodding their heads like two little china mandarins as she and pigasus left the throne room, she would not have felt so cheerful. "that's the last we'll ever see of her," chuckled shoofenwaller, dropping a dried lizard instead of a lump of sugar into his tea. (gnomes always flavor their tea with lizards.) "no one yet has ever come safely back from thunder mountain. but what about this new emperor of oz?" "oh, that will be all right!" kalico waved one hand airily. "i would much rather have a man on the throne of oz. ozma is always involving me in wars or demanding the rights of smaller kingdoms, so long may she stay in thunder mountain and long skamperoo rule in oz!" "long live the emperor!" echoed shoofenwaller, and clicking their teacups gaily together, the two bad little gnomes drained to the last drop their black and bitter tea. and we should not be too hard on kalico, i suppose, for like all the dwellers under the earth, his heart is gray and flinty as the rock that forms his cavern, the blood in his veins cold and sluggish as the leaden waters of the underground rivers that wind sullenly through his dark domain. chapter 14 the emperor of oz the same morning dorothy wakened in the rustic summer house of the winkie farmer, skamperoo opened his eyes upon the unaccustomed grandeur of ozma's royal palace. the banquet had lasted till long after three o'clock, then still chuckling and yawning, he had waved goodnight to his hilarious and amiable subjects and led chalk off to bed. twenty footmen with twenty lighted tapers preceded him to ozma's own apartment, but dismissing this as too plain and simple, he had taken the immense green guest suite across the hall. chalk would have much preferred a stall in the royal stable with the other four-footed members of the castle party, but skamperoo would not hear of such a separation. he wanted his white wishing horse close at hand, not only because through him and the magic emeralds he could satisfy every wish, but because for the first time in his long, lazy, selfish life he had found someone he liked better than himself. in skamperoo's eyes chalk was absolutely perfect, and as his own wish had brought the golden-maned charger into being, he felt proud and important as a parent with his first child. after a few regretful sniffs out of the window, a few short turns up and down their immense and elegant sleeping apartment, chalk leaped lightly on one of the large green beds and settled himself gracefully for the night. covering chalk tenderly with a green satin quilt, skamperoo hastily disrobed, and clutching his precious necklaces, climbed wearily into the other bed. there, without even stopping to wish himself goodnight, he fell into a deep and tranquil slumber. indeed both, in spite of the strangeness of their surroundings, slept soundly till morning. about eight o'clock, chalk, lifting his head from the embroidered pillow, looked indulgently across at the new emperor of oz. sitting up in bed, skamperoo was busily counting the gems in his three magic chains. "ho, throw those silly beads away!" advised the white horse, jumping out of bed with a gay toss of his golden mane. "you have nothing else to wish for, kingaling, nothing more at all! m--mmm, this green carpet looks good enough to eat, but i've a fancy to nibble the clover in your majesty's garden while it is still fresh with dew." "say it again," begged skamperoo, closing his eyes and clasping himself blissfully around the middle. "your majesty's garden! your majesty's palace, your majesty's kingdom of oz!" whinnied the white horse, rising on his hind legs and pirouetting round with mischievous little prances. "but come, emp! what are your wishes for today? i think we will have to use the necklaces after all. you must certainly have some new clothes. it would never do to appear this morning in the suit you wore last night. you had better have some sleeping garments, too. i've a notion that emperors do not sleep in their raw hides like horses." skamperoo, giggling self-consciously, dragged the satin sheets up to his chin, for to tell the truth, he had arrived in the emerald city with only one suit to his back, and an extremely shabby one at that. "maybe i'd better change my face, too," he murmured, "to go with all this, you know." dreamily skamperoo waved his hands about, and then, leaning forward, slipped the chains over chalk's ear. "what's the matter with the face you have?" demanded chalk, gazing fondly at the red, rotund countenance of his master. "i like you just as you are, and if you change i wouldn't even know you, but i'll tell you what you _can_ wish after you've ordered yourself some new clothes--wish yourself a seasoned rider and then we can go far and wide, kingaling, far and wide at a furious gallop and none shall say us nay--hey, hey!" "and none shall say us nay," trilled skamperoo, rolling out of bed, covers and all. to wish himself fifty jewel-encrusted robes with boots, crowns, and all the undergarments to go with them, fifty splendid sleeping robes, and fifty suits of riding clothes took but a moment. he and chalk could hear them landing with little thuds on the hangers in the many closets as skamperoo finished speaking. then, being naturally lazy, the new emperor wished that he had already had his bath and was dressed in his green riding clothes. so, immediately he was, and winking at his clever assistant adviser, he next wished himself the best rider in oz. then, taking back his necklaces, he buttoned them carefully in a little pocket over his heart and went over to the mirror to have a look at himself. "how about this governing stuff?" puffed the self-made emperor, turning this way and that to get a good view of his new clothes. "oh, i shouldn't bother about governing," answered chalk carelessly. "a well-governed country like this should be able to run itself for a few weeks. by that time we'll be ready for more serious matters, but right now i'm all for enjoying myself. a splendid idea, that, of putting all the rulers and the wizard and his magic out of the way. the rest of your court and subjects are exceedingly sensible and jolly, and if we are pleasant and sensible too, everything will be 'what ho and so cozy!' so let's go below and start our first day of emperoaring!" impatiently chalk pranced away toward the door. "you're sure i look all right?" asked skamperoo with another anxious squint at his reflection. "seems to me i'm a bit too fat." "oh, don't worry about that," said chalk, rolling his eyes wickedly. "come along, come along, and i'll soon shake some of that fat off you. up with you, kingaling, and let's to our oats!" to his delight and pleasure, skamperoo had not the slightest trouble mounting, and once in the saddle he felt perfectly at home, even when chalk bounded through the door, took the long circular steps between a canter and a gallop, and ran madly three times round the royal gardens. on fine days ozma always had breakfast in her private garden, and it being an especially fine day, the palace servants without thought or question had placed the royal table under the trees. it was still fairly early and none of the guests or members of the household were down, but this did not spoil skamperoo's excellent appetite at all. ordering chalk a breakfast of oats, bran and quartered apples, he seated himself gaily at the head of the table. the green riding hat, set well over one ear, became him vastly well and chalk, regarding him proudly from the foot of the table, thought him every inch an emperor, even if round the waist there were a good many too many inches. "i wish pinny penny could see you now," sighed the horse, sinking contentedly back on his haunches, "and how i should have enjoyed seeing matiah's face when he finally discovered you and the necklaces were gone. by the way, perhaps we should do something about matiah?" "pinny penny will attend to him," said skamperoo, popping a huge cherry into his mouth and nodding his head reassuringly. "i'll wager pinny penny sent the fellow packing the moment he found himself king. wonder how pinny is making out, anyway?" "but suppose matiah should follow us here?" went on chalk. having been in existence only two days, he knew little of oz or geozophy. "he can't come here," skamperoo told him triumphantly. "there's a deadly desert between skampavia and oz that no one in my father's lifetime or in mine has ever crossed, that is with the exception of ourselves, and we were wished across, which doesn't count." then as four footmen with heaping trays appeared, he winked at chalk and the white horse lapsed into a thoughtful silence. and skamperoo had been perfectly correct in his conjectures about pinny penny. when, with a resounding clunk, the king's gold crown had fallen upon the astonished prime minister, his head had gone entirely through so he was forced to wear it much as a dog wears a collar. but even so, he was not slow to realize the significance of this odd happening or the power it brought with it. gripping the scepter which had forced itself into his hand, he rushed into the throne room to find out what strange whim of his master had made him acting king of the realm. a glance around the throne room was enough to show him that skamperoo was not there, and when he saw matiah sitting so unconcernedly in the book alcove, a sudden rage and conviction seized him. whatever had happened, matiah was to blame. "leave this palace at once!" shouted pinny penny, stamping first one foot and then the other. "at once, do you hear, or i'll call out the guard!" matiah, still deep in the history of oz, looked up in astonishment, and when he saw the little prime minister wearing skamperoo's crown round his neck and brandishing his scepter, he gave a perfect bellow of anger and dismay. "where's the king?" he roared, looking wildly around the throne room, "and why are you wearing his crown? where's skamperoo--where're the necklaces?" "ask yourself!" raged pinny penny, shaking the scepter threateningly. "everything was quiet and peaceful till you and your necklaces arrived at this palace; there's some magic trickery about them and about you. don't think i was fooled by that horse story, a horse does not appear out of the air. well, now the king's gone--the horse is gone and unless you are gone in ten seconds i'll have you thrown out of the window. ten seconds--do you hear? this crown and scepter came to me through no wish or choice of my own, but since they did come to me i am the king! and i intend to rule this country. my first official act will be to rid myself of your filthy presence. now, then, start walking, merchant, and don't stop till you reach the border. twenty guards will follow to see you safely out of the country." "you wait till skamperoo hears about this!" blustered matiah, backing away in alarm from the determined little prime minister. "i'm more important to him than anyone else." "then why aren't you with him?" inquired pinny penny shrewdly. "no, wherever he's gone he has gone without you. i am the king and i do not need you, so be off!" clapping his hands, pinny gave a sharp command to the guards, who came hurrying in answer to his summons. retiring rapidly to escape the tips of their sharp spikes, matiah sullenly began his long march. it was nightfall by the time the little company reached the edge of skampavia. here, in a wilderness of rock and rubble, the guardsmen left him with food enough for a couple of days and stern warnings never to return to skampavia. far to the west the miserable merchant could see the comforting lights of merryland, but he had no desire to go there or east to the kingdom of ix. instead, he stared hopelessly across the wilderness to where the heaving sands of the deadly desert gleamed like molten silver in the moonlight. "how had that rascally monarch ever escaped without his seeing him? how could he ever safely cross the deadly desert and hope to reach oz? how had skamperoo, who seemed so dumb and foolish, ever discovered the secret of using the magic emeralds when he himself had failed to do so? how? how? how?" crouched on a flat rock, munching one of the sandwiches left by the guards, matiah scowled evilly across the grim desert, his thoughts as treacherous and shifting as its deadly sands. chapter 15 the dooners! all day, with only a short pause for lunch, pigasus had flown north, dorothy keeping a sharp lookout for thunder mountain or mountains of any sort, but the wild, desolate country through which they were flying was flat, desert-like and apparently perfectly uninhabited. "a fine healthy chance we have of finding an army here!" snorted pigasus as the afternoon drew to a hot, weary close, "and what we'll do when we find thunder mountain, i haven't the faintest notion, have you? even if i butt my nose black, blue and blunt, and you break both knuckles beating on its rocky exterior, how can we ever hope to enter such a place, much less release our unfortunate sovereigns? i told you kalico was a scoundrel; i'll wager he's sent us on a wild goose chase just to get us out of the way." "ah, don't say i told you so, there's always some way, you know," said dorothy almost as down-hearted as pigasus, though she would not admit it. the pink pig, rather ashamed of himself, flew for several miles without saying anything, then, in rather a gruff voice, he called dorothy's attention to the changing nature of the scenery below. "notice the hills?" he snorted, more hopefully. "maybe there is a mountain, after all, but the sun's going down and i'm ready to sink myself, so let's descend and see whether we can find a soft rock on which to lay our heads." "not hills, dunes!" cried dorothy, bouncing off as soon as pigasus touched the earth. "sand dunes; we must be near the coast and the nonestic ocean." "it does smell salty," agreed pigasus, sniffing the air eagerly, "but suppose we save the ocean for tomorrow, my feet ache, my wings ache, and i'm hollow as a drum." "then we'll have supper," decided dorothy, sensibly. so seating themselves comfortably with their backs against a dune, the two weary explorers finished up all the cold meat, fruit, pie, and sandwiches shoofenwaller had packed up for them. after a long, wistful sniff into the box convinced him there was not another crumb, pigasus folded his wings, lay down in the soft sand at the foot of the dune, giving only indistinct grunts and snorts to dorothy's questions and observations. finally, getting no answer at all, dorothy discovered he was asleep. the regular rise and fall of the pink pig's sides, the soft drowsy singing of the west wind lulled dorothy into a pleasant state of dreaminess, and presently, with her head comfortably pillowed on the pig's plump shoulder, she fell asleep too. it must have been hours later when terrified squeals from pigasus and the patter of a hundred hurrying feet made her start up in alarm. still only half awake, she was startled to find herself and pigasus surrounded by a horde of savage-looking sandmen. in the pale and watery moonlight they looked like creatures out of some very bad dream. their bodies were roughly moulded of sand, their eyes strangely green and phosphorescent, while their hair, rising like beach grass from their pointed heads, waved about their lumpy faces. clutching the basket that contained her small store of clothing, the black witch's powder of darkness, and potaroo's box of stumbling blocks, dorothy pressed back against the dune. her first idea of leaping on the pig's back and bidding him fly was useless. pigasus lay helplessly on his side, his wings and legs bound tightly with long strands of tough, strong seaweed. thankful to find that she at least was free, dorothy went a step closer to her struggling, squealing, furious little comrade. as she did so, a perfect shower of sand balls came flying toward them. the sharp sting of the sandmen's missiles not only awoke her completely, but goaded her into instant and angry action. "stop that! stop that at once!" she cried, stamping her foot indignantly, but her words only brought another shower of sand balls down on their heads. "you have dared to invade the sacred domain of the dooners," yelled the rasping voice of the leader, rattling a long string of sea shells he wore round his neck. "and therefore you shall be sand balled, sand bagged and made into sandwiches for the sand crabs!" if the dooner had not looked so wild and dangerous, his foolish threat might have been amusing, but as he and his bandy-legged sandmen came leaping forward, pigasus gave a squeal of sheer terror, and dorothy, raising the basket over her head, hurled it with all her might into the midst of the advancing army. the effect was immediate and astonishing. cowering down beside pigasus and expecting to be seized or trampled on, dorothy saw the first line of dooners going down like a row of tenpins, then all the others began tumbling and tripping and falling in heaps. no sooner would a sandman rise than he would instantly tumble down again, and their squalls and screeches of rage were so piercing dorothy put both hands over her ears. "it's the blocks," wheezed pigasus, managing to lift his head a few inches. "kalico's stumbling blocks are flying like fur and fury. now if they just keep 'em down for a while longer, we might get away." dorothy, peering sharply into the midst of the tumbling dooners, saw the fifty magic squares released from their box when she flung her basket, fairly exploding with activity, and scramble up as they would after each tumble, the sandmen could not advance an inch, nor even manage to stand erect. the leader, attempting to crawl forward on his hands and knees, was caught by a dozen of the whirling missiles and rolled back like a log among his churning comrades. "hurray! three cheers for kalico!" puffed pigasus. "quick, my girl, see if you can untie these wretched seaweeds and we'll be flying and be off in a pigwhistle." "i had a pair of scissors in my basket if it hasn't fallen out, and anyway i'm not going without my things," declared dorothy, now quite bold since the enemy had been overcome by magic. and in spite of the pig's anxious squeals of warning, she rushed forward, grabbed her basket and began picking up her scattered belongings, noting with a sigh of relief that the box containing the powder of darkness was still closed. with the scissors, still safe in the little pocket in the side of the basket, she soon clipped the seaweed trusses from pigasus, and clasping the basket in her arms climbed swiftly on his back. pigasus, without one backward glance, rose straight into the air and again headed north. dorothy, peering fearfully over his left wing, saw the dooners spring suddenly to their feet and then, like frightened prairie dogs, disappear into many holes in the sand. funny, mused dorothy, that they had not noticed these openings before. funny that the dooners had stopped stumbling as soon as she and pigasus had taken to the air. funny--but then, everything was funny. right in the middle of her conjectures the box of stumbling blocks, now closed and tied with a red ribbon, dropped "plink" into the middle of her basket. "someone's throwing things," gasped pigasus, flapping his wings a bit faster and looking rather wildly over his shoulder. "no, just our box of stumbling blocks," yawned dorothy. now that the excitement was over she felt dreadfully tired and even the sight of the nonestic ocean rippling and gleaming a few yards ahead did not arouse or interest her. it did not interest pigasus, either. he was far from pleased to find himself so near the coast. "i don't like this, i don't like this at all," muttered the pig, perking up his ears and wiggling his nose rapidly. "we've flown straight north and instead of striking thunder mountain, we strike the sea, and how could a mountain be in the middle of the sea?" "there are mountains on islands and i have a notion there are plenty of islands out there in the ocean," said dorothy sleepily, recalling the days she had studied geography in the united states. "take japan, for instance, over there mountains are simply everywhere!" "i don't care if they are," answered pigasus fiercely, "i won't go to japan and i'll not go a wing's breadth over this ocean tonight, islands or no islands. sa--hay! there's the north star to our left, so we're not going north at all. we're off our course, that's what we are!" "north star? north star, of course we are!" mumbled dorothy with a drowsy nod. "you're asleep," scolded pigasus in a worried voice. "i'd better land." "if you land too soon, you'll strike a dune," warned dorothy with another yawn. and after a quick glance below, and convinced they were still over the dooner's domain, pigasus spread his wings a bit wider and swung along the coast looking carefully for a safe place to land and spend the rest of the night. he was so busy squinting downward that he never saw the long curious tube-like shadow shooting after him with incredible accuracy and speed. a terrific blast of air as it rushed by them on the right was his first warning of danger. dorothy, too, caught unaware, gave a faint shriek as an immense snake-like body curved back and began to coil round and round them like some gigantic air serpent. "it is a snake!" thought poor dorothy, as pigasus hung helplessly in the little circle of air left in the center of its coils. neither spoke, for truly there seemed nothing to say or do. then just as the suspense grew too awful to be endured, the monster opened its mouth and dorothy, backing as far along the pig's back as she possibly could, almost lost her balance. instead of a tongue or long tusks, out popped the head and shoulders of a little old man no larger than dorothy herself. "pardon me," he murmured politely, "i was looking for a sea serpent." "do i look like a sea serpent?" snorted pigasus in a quivering voice, for he was still half choked from shock and fright. "if you and that monster you're riding are looking for a sea serpent, go ahead--look for one, but leave honest travelers alone!" "monster?" exclaimed the little man in a hurt voice. "oh, i say now, you have us all wrong. this is no monster, this is the long, strong, flexible, stretchable shooting tower of my private castle, and i, myself, am bitty bit, the seer of some summit." in the short silence that followed bitty bit's astonishing announcement, dorothy, examining more closely the tube-like coils encircling herself and pigasus, saw that they really were of stone with rubber-like sections between. what she had taken for a mouth was really a window. with his elbow resting on the ledge, bitty bit was regarding them fixedly. "well, even if you are a seer and have a shooting tower," grunted pigasus, gathering courage as he went along, "there is no reason for you to come towering over us this way!" "but a seer must be constantly looking for things," explained bitty bit, spreading his hands expansively, "that, you know, is his business. i am always looking for something and tonight it happens to be sea serpents." "sorry to disappoint you," said pigasus, more mildly, "but since we are not sea serpents, perhaps you'll be good enough to unwind your tower. as it happens, i have a little looking to do myself. as a matter of fact, when you and your tower overtook us i was searching for a safe place for this young princess and myself to spend the night." "look no more!" begged bitty bit, leaning so far over the sill dorothy involuntarily put out her hand to save him from falling. "you shall both spend the night in my castle. come!" grasping dorothy by one hand and pigasus by one wing, the little seer with superhuman strength for one so small and wrinkled dragged them both through the open window of his shooting tower. chapter 16 the seer of some summit since coming to oz, dorothy had traveled in many strange ways, but to find herself shooting through the midnight sky in bitty bit's tower was surely the oddest of all. both she and pigasus stared from the window in wide-eyed wonder as the tower uncoiled and started shrinking rapidly backward. "we may as well go home at once," observed bitty bit, rubbing his little hands briskly together. "you are much more interesting than sea serpents and i can easily look for sea serpents some other night. now don't be alarmed when we bump." "bump?" repeated dorothy rather nervously. "of course," the sage told her calmly. "as i go forward, the tower stretches out in any direction i wish to go; when i return, it shrinks, contracts, and retires within itself like a telescope, and by the time we reach the castle it is no larger than an ordinary tower. mm--better hold on to something, we're almost there!" running around the circular room a few feet from the wall was a gold railing. pigasus had just time to hook his wing around this railing and dorothy to seize it with one hand, when bitty bit's tower with a resounding crash snapped back, but up to a vertical position, so that what had been the floor of the little room became the east wall and the window a skylight. dorothy and pigasus, describing a complete circle on the bar, landed in a more or less upside down position on what had been the back wall. "that's why i have it cushioned," explained the seer, who also had executed a neat somersault. hopping up, as if landing on his head was a perfectly usual and ordinary occurrence, bitty bit opened a trap door in the floor and motioned for dorothy and pigasus to follow him down a long winding stair. "these magic contraptions will be the death of me," wheezed pigasus, picking himself up with a groan. the cushioned floor had made his fall painless, but he was considerably jolted and upset from the shock, or rather the series of shocks that had so far punctuated their evening. "but if he's a seer," whispered dorothy, recovering her basket and trotting eagerly after bitty bit, "he ought to be able to help us a--" "bitty bit," sniffed the pink pig. "well, if he'll just help me to a bed, i'll be satisfied!" and grunting and grumbling, he clumped sleepily down the stairs behind dorothy. the room into which the stone stairway led them was evidently the cozy and comfortable study of the comical little seer. its walls were of oak, lined from floor to ceiling with books, and all its furnishings were tan or brown. dorothy considered this extremely suitable as bitty bit himself looked like a very wise and merry brownie. on his little round head was a round cap with a yellow quill and he wore a brown wrinkled robe rather like a monk's, tied tightly round the waist with a yellow cord. his bright, black, sharp little eyes danced with good humor and interest in his sun-tanned, honest little face. while pigasus stood sleepily and somewhat disapprovingly on the hearth rug, dorothy sank into a snug brown arm chair and looked expectantly up at their singular host. "no, no, not a word," begged bitty bit, raising his hand pleadingly. "remember, i am the seer of some summit, a seer who can see and foresee; a seer who can tell and foretell. just by closing my eyes i can tell who you are, whence you came, and whither you are going." "fancy that, now," observed pigasus in a mocking voice. "you," retorted bitty bit, pointing a skinny brown finger at the pig, "you are a creation of my friend, the red jinn, whose taste for low verse i always knew would lead him into some mischief." "low verses?" retorted pigasus indignantly, while even dorothy looked a little shocked. "yes, low verses," insisted bitty bit solemnly. "you are so constructed that he who rides must rhyme and break into foolish jingles. is this not so?" "they may be jingles, but they are not low verse," protested pigasus, flapping his ears angrily. "well, then, let us call them simple verses," amended bitty bit with a generous wave of the hand, "at least they are verses that anyone can understand, which, of course, makes them of no value whatever. people never appreciate what they can understand." "dorothy does," declared pigasus, now mad enough to fly right out the window. "dorothy? ah, yes, i was coming to her." swinging around, bitty bit, his eyes still tightly shut, wagged his finger at the astonished little girl. "you are the mortal girl who came to oz by cyclone. you live in the emerald city of oz and are--" "oh, tell us something we don't already know," interrupted pigasus with a bored yawn. "where is ozma of oz now--how could a scalawag emperor steal her throne?" "wait! wait! give me time! not a word more--not a word!" panted bitty bit, advancing with short dancing steps toward dorothy. "i--i see a necklace," he muttered mysteriously. "one--two--three necklaces! i see a white horse and a fat, red-faced fellow wearing a small emerald crown. great sea bass and sassafrass! oz has been conquered--its inhabitants enchanted--its rulers banished, and the king of skampavia sits on the throne." "so that's where he comes from!" breathed dorothy, forgetting bitty bit's request for silence. "oh, quick, tell us more--tell us more, and help us to restore ozma and the other lost sovereigns to power!" "i am only a seer," answered the sage, opening his eyes wide and suddenly. "i can see and foresee, tell and foretell, but i cannot change that which has happened or is about to happen." "but where is ozma?" demanded pigasus, edging closer. "if you are a seer and can see 'er, at least you can tell us where she is." in this way pigasus hoped to check up the information given them by potaroo, the gnome king's wizard. so again bitty bit closed his eyes and pressing his fingers to his forehead spoke: "ozma, my old friend jinnicky, the wizard of oz, a soldier with green whiskers, a purple horse, two queens, two kings, a prince, the tin woodman, and glinda the good sorceress are lying at the bottom of lightning lake, which is on the top of thunder mountain," bitty bit told them solemnly. "lightning lake?" cried dorothy, seizing the little seer frantically by the shoulders. "why, then, they must be drowned, burned and destroyed altogether!" "no, no--they are quite calm and as usual," bitty bit assured her hastily, "in fact, they are, i should say, in a trance of some kind." "but what'll we do, how'll we disenchant them or find thunder mountain?" loosing her hold on bitty bit, dorothy spun round three times and then started firmly for the door. "my shooting tower will take you to thunder mountain or any other place you decide you must go," promised bitty bit, hurrying anxiously after the little girl, "but not tonight, dorothy--not tonight. we are all tired and i must have time to think. the conquering of oz is a great shock to me. i would like time to look into the matter more fully and consider all of these strange events in their proper order. this problem shall be my pillow. i'll sleep on it, my dear, and in the morning will doubtless have something helpful to suggest." "well, then, where're the beds?" yawned pigasus, who heartily approved of bitty bit's suggestion. "or are we to sleep on our problems, too?" at this, bitty bit, who seemed to find pigasus terribly amusing, laughed right out loud, then taking dorothy's arm he led the way to a snug little bedroom all done in yellow. pigasus had a gentlemanly apartment in tan next door and both were so weary they spent little time examining their new quarters, but instead went directly to bed and to sleep. when dorothy wakened next morning she looked out the window and saw pigasus flying in slow circles round the tidy castle. bitty bit's brown stone palace, though small and unpretentious, perched, right on top of some summit, and the view was so fine and the mountain air so fresh and invigorating, dorothy, in spite of all her anxiety and worry, began to feel happy and reckless and ready for anything. with cheerful little glances round her cozy yellow room, she dressed, brushed her hair till it shone, then skipped merrily down the brown marble steps and out into the garden. the garden, really a series of sloping terraces, was bright with hardy mountain posies, with spicy sage bushes and gnarled old trees which clung like acrobats to the steep rocks and dangerous crevices. pigasus, catching a glimpse of dorothy seated on a smooth rock near a little waterfall, came swooping down to wish her a merry morning. "not a bad little palace," remarked the pig considerately. "not a bad little palace at all, though so far as i can see there's not a man servant nor a woman servant or even a ladybug about. i imagine this fellow is a hermit and from the looks of him probably lives on tobacco and snuff. what do you suppose are the chances for breakfast?" "i don't know," said dorothy, refusing to allow such a small matter as breakfast to dash her spirits. "have you seen bitty bit this morning?" "yes," sniffed pigasus, beginning to poke his nose hungrily round the roots of a dwarf oak, "before i flew out my window, i saw him going into his brown study. seer goes into brown study. how's that for the first announcement of the day?" "you're awful," laughed dorothy, giving pigasus a little push. "no, just awfully hungry," grinned pigasus. "now i've been thinking--" "no?" stepping out from behind a sizable bush, bitty bit regarded the pig with an air of assumed amazement. "he says he's been thinking," he repeated, turning solemnly to dorothy. "must be the air up here." "that's about all i've had," retorted pigasus, savagely crunching an acorn between his teeth, "that and a nibble from one of your sage bushes." "sage bush, eh?" chuckled bitty bit, winking at dorothy. "that's good, and we'll make a sage of you yet, a sausage!" he whispered in an undertone that pigasus heard quite distinctly. "and speaking of sausage, how about breakfast?" though bitty bit's remark about the sausage still rankled, pigasus was too hungry to let it keep him from following the seer into a small walled garden that opened out from the larger dining hall of his castle. here, on a small table covered with a gay yellow cloth, was assembled the most appetizing breakfast dorothy ever had tasted. ripe melon and apricots, cereal and eggs, tiny meat pies, pancakes and honey, hot rolls and steaming brown cocoa. there was a huge bowl of mush and cream for pigasus and another of buttermilk, and under the soothing influence of his favorite foods, pigasus completely forgot his annoyance and they were soon chattering away like old friends at a sunday school picnic. bitty bit's chef, whom the pig had overlooked in his grand tour of the palace, served them with skill and speed. no wonder pigasus had not seen him, for he was even smaller than his wrinkled little master and almost completely enveloped in a great brown linen apron and tall brown cap. dorothy could not possibly eat all the dainties pressed upon her by the kind little seer and his chef, but she nibbled at each course, and when bitty bit saw that neither she nor pigasus could down another bite, he swallowed the rest of his cocoa and bounced briskly to his feet. "now," he cried, tossing away his gay napkin with a flourish. "now for the emerald city and oz!" "but i thought we were going to thunder mountain," exclaimed dorothy, pushing back her chair so hurriedly she bumped her head on the wall. "that," exclaimed bitty bit, looking over his shoulder, for he was already half way through the door, "that will not be necessary. all we need to save the celebrities of oz is the long lost wishing emeralds of lorna the wood nymph." "lorna?" coughed pigasus, rolling out of his seat and falling a bit sideways. "for pretty sake, who's she?" "oh, come along!" urged dorothy, and without wasting another second she pelted into the brown palace after bitty bit. with a groan pigasus followed, and groaned again when he realized he would have to climb three flights of marble steps and a flight of stone to reach the famous shooting tower. then, suddenly and joyfully remembering his wings, he spread them wide. "wings, hold me up," mumbled the pink pig stuffily, "we're carrying entirely too mush mush!" rising rather uncertainly, he breathlessly flapped his way up to the tower room where dorothy and bitty bit impatiently awaited him. chapter 17 skamperoo in oz in the company of scraps, the scarecrow, the royal visitors, and all the amusing members of ozma's court, the emperor and chalk passed a gay and hilarious morning. the tableaux and pageants proceeded without a single hitch and no one seemed to miss dorothy or pigasus at all, nor did anyone notice the omission of the carefully planned groups showing the wizard's arrival in oz, dorothy's first visit to the emerald city or the victory of nick chopper over the wolves. these interesting and historical events might just as well never have happened. notta's circus later in the afternoon went off with a bang, even without pigasus to jump through hoops and fly round the ring waving flags while scraps did her balance-defying acts on the trapeze and tight rope. the picnic supper was even more fun than the circus, and the fireworks, set off by tik tok, who was in no danger of scorching himself, the best of all. indeed, skamperoo's first day in the emerald city had been so full and so interesting he had not made a single wish or once thought of his magic emeralds. "funny we never had jolly times like this at home," mused skamperoo, putting out the emerald stars in the ceiling that pleasantly lighted his green apartment, and burrowing happily down into his splendid green bed. "oh, chalk! are you asleep there, old horse?" as no answer came from the other bed, skamperoo let himself sink a bit deeper into the luxurious nest of silken covers and soon was asleep himself, puffing and whistling like a steamboat. but the strange and frightful snoring of the emperor did not seem to stop nor scare away the shadowy figure that presently came stealing into the royal chamber. once--twice--three times, long skinny fingers reached out toward the thick neck of the snoring ruler of oz. the fourth time there were three distinct little clips, and when the curving talon-like claw withdrew, it had in its clutching grasp the three powerful wishing chains. then, without waking the occupant of either bed, the thief stole quietly into the shadows. now the scarecrow, delighted with the success of the celebration so far, had suggested a series of athletic contests and obstacle races for next day and skamperoo had heartily agreed to his plans. his first thought on waking was the race to be run by the straw man and himself, the scarecrow on the wooden saw horse, he on his splendid white charger. "i'll wear the white leather breeches and shirt," puffed skamperoo, bounding out of bed like a school boy. he had taken a shower and donned his showy riding clothes before he missed his magic emeralds. then, all at once, as he stood before the mirror to comb his hair, he gave a loud squall of anguish. "chalk! chalk!" roared the distracted emperor, racing over to the balcony and leaning so far out over the railing he nearly fell on his crown. "they're gone! they're gone! my emeralds! my necklaces! my necklaces! my emeralds!" now chalk, who had risen early to nibble the clover while it was still fresh with morning dew, looked up in alarm, then as his master's voice grew louder and louder and his gestures more spectacular and desperate, the white horse rose up on his hind legs and shook his head in violent warning and displeasure. "hush!" he directed in a low voice. "i'll be right up." making his way quickly but cautiously so as not to arouse the curiosity of any of the palace servants, already at work in the lower hallways, chalk hurried up to the agitated emperor. "they're g-g--gone!" blubbered skamperoo, sitting on the edge of the bed and crying like a baby. "g--g-g-gone! now everything is ruined and i'll have nothing left at all!" "well, you still have me," murmured chalk, resting his head affectionately on skamperoo's shoulder. "brace up, kingaling, and for _oats_ sake be quiet! no one here knows about the necklaces and until the rascal who has stolen them learns how to use them we are as safe as soap. that rascal, of course, is matiah. somehow he has managed to cross the deadly desert. yes," chalk shook his mane wrathfully, "i am convinced that matiah has the necklaces, but what good are they to him when we alone know the secret that makes them work? he'll have to come to us in the end and when he does! hah!" chalk expelled the air from his nose in a terrific snort. "just let me take care of him." "but shouldn't we give the alarm, have a search made for him, and try to recover the emeralds?" "let him alone," counseled the wishing horse firmly. "the thing for you to do is to sit tight on the throne of oz. remember you are _still_ the emperor!" "but how can i be, without those emeralds?" skamperoo dabbed at his eyes with the satin bed sheet. "we got along all right yesterday," said chalk calmly. "come, cheer up, skamper, everything will be all right." "i rather counted on beating the scarecrow in that race this morning," muttered skamperoo wistfully. "how can you run as fast as that tireless wooden creature who was magically brought to life?" "well, wasn't i magically brought to life?" the white horse shook his mane roguishly. "come along, kingaling, we'll not only win that race, but we'll have back our necklaces and chase matiah out of oz before we are through." "i--i really believe you can do anything," sighed skamperoo, getting almost cheerfully to his feet. "but just the same, i shall keep a sharp outlook for matiah. he might start a revolution." "he'll revolute pretty rapidly if i once get my heels on him," promised chalk with a wicked grin. "come on--heads up, and who's afraid?" however, in spite of the white horse's valiant attempts to comfort him, skamperoo spent a troubled and uneasy day, casting fearful glances behind him when no one was looking, searching the happy holiday crowds with haggard glances for a glimpse of the long, thin face of matiah the merchant. even when chalk beat the sawhorse in their long, exciting race through the park, and the crowds cheered themselves hoarse with delight and approval, the victory was spoiled by the knowledge that somewhere in the emerald city lurked his most dangerous and relentless foe. chalk, too, though he pretended to regard the matter lightly, was almost as worried as his master and spent every free moment poking his head into doorways and peering down side streets and rearing up over walls. and while skamperoo was having his afternoon nap, the white horse systematically searched the palace from top to bottom, even the cellar. but in the cellar chalk did not go quite far enough, for it was in a hollowed out chamber under the cellar that the merchant of skampavia was really hidden. here, with a goodly supply of food, stolen from the pantry, matiah had seriously settled down to work out the problem of the emerald necklace. he had meant to conceal himself in the cellar itself, but when his foot brushed against an iron ring in the floor, he had lifted it up and discovered to his delight and satisfaction this still more secluded and safe retreat. the tunnels and rocky chambers below the palace had been constructed and used by ruggedo, the old gnome king, when he was plotting to capture the emerald city. ruggedo himself had been captured, but the underground caves and passageways had been left pretty much as they were. there were a number of chairs, a rough bed and table, and numerous candles and lamps. altogether it made an ideal workshop for the merchant to try out his experiments. in the cellar he might easily have been discovered by any of the kitchen boys sent down for supplies, but in ruggedo's old hideout he could be sure of complete privacy. lighting the largest of the lamps that hung on its rusty chain over the table, matiah seated himself on a rickety old chair and prepared to concentrate with all his will power on the glittering emeralds. in the sickly green light he made a strange and sinister figure as he bent over the table, mumbling and chattering to himself. but after a whole day, during which he tried every known formula and combination, touching each gem in succession as he made his wish and counted to a hundred, he was still no nearer the solution of the mystery than he had been in skampavia. first he had tried the diamond clasp of the third necklace, sure that that was the key to their power. but nothing at all had happened and the trick of the magic emeralds continued to elude him. to have in his fingers the means to immense power and good fortune and still be unable to benefit was so infuriating, matiah began to stamp, splutter, and beat his chest with rage and disappointment. was it for this he had bribed a red eagle with the promise of three wishes to carry him across the deadly desert? even now the mammoth bird was waiting impatiently on the edge of a little wood near the city ready to tear him to pieces if he failed to fulfill his part of the bargain. no daylight penetrated into the tunneled chamber, and hardly realizing that it was now midnight, matiah from sheer weariness and exasperation finally gave up and fell asleep, his head on the table, his hands still clutching the provoking chains. footsteps pattering overhead wakened him at last, and also told him someone had come to the cellar for supplies. stretching wearily, he rose and, going over to the stone steps, cautiously ascended and lifted the trapdoor. now thoroughly convinced that the necklaces would not work unless worn by someone else, he determined to seize the first person entering the cellar and compel him to help. the merchant did not have long to wait. all unconscious of the part he was to play in matiah's dark schemes, a young kitchen boy came whistling his way toward a great golden bin of potatoes. the bin was just beyond the trapdoor, and lowering it to a mere crack, matiah let the boy pass. then, as he leaned down to fill his basket, the wily merchant flung up the trapdoor, fell upon the boy and carried him kicking and screaming down the stairs. here, with threats, promises and innumerable shakings, he finally reduced the poor lad to a state of frightened submission. with the sparkling necklaces round his neck, he touched one and then another of the emeralds as matiah wished and counted and counted and wished. after each unsuccessful trial the merchant would rage and stamp and shake his fists, till the boy was quite convinced he was in the presence and power of a mad man, and frantically waited for someone to overhear matiah's ravings and come down to rescue him. but nobody did! while the unfortunate kitchen boy was spending a miserable morning in the underground chamber, skamperoo and chalk were going through the motions of enjoying themselves above stairs, but without any real zest or pleasure. only half-heartedly skamperoo laughed at the jokes of the scarecrow, and chalk, for all his bright interest in the long recital of kabumpo's adventures, was really in a fidget of uneasiness, trying to keep an eye on all the doors and windows in the throne room at once. something was going to happen. the white horse felt it in every bone. and just as the soft musical gong sounded the call for luncheon, his worst fears were realized. suddenly, without reason or warning, the castle was plunged into total darkness. thumps, bumps, hysterical shouts and screams followed closely on the heels of this disconcerting event. chalk, who had been standing back of skamperoo, immediately leaned forward and grasped his impetuous little master by the seat of his royal breeches. "be still!" commanded the white horse through his teeth and the white leather of skamperoo's riding pants, and he held on for dear life as the emperor, like all the rest of the court and guests tried to rush in every direction. "he's done it! he's done it, and everything, is ruined," wailed skamperoo, struggling in vain to pull away from chalk. "matiah has discovered the secret of the necklaces and now we are ruined--do you hear--ruined!" "i hear," hissed chalk, giving skamperoo a little shake, "and so will everyone else unless you shut your mouth. be quiet, i tell you, do nothing till the right moment, unless you want to dash out your brains against a pillar in the dark." too frightened to argue or struggle further, skamperoo at last subsided. all about courtiers, servants, and guests were screaming and bumping into each other or the furniture, and when a stern hand suddenly seized his bridle, chalk trembled violently in spite of himself. "follow me," directed a firm, stern little voice, "and no harm will come to you." now chalk had been expecting to see or hear matiah, and the sound of this small strange voice was a welcome relief and surprise. taking a firmer hold on skamperoo, he thrust out his head in an endeavor to touch or feel the newcomer. as he did so, the hand on his bridle began to tug him gently but firmly forward. "look out there, mind what you are about, the emperor of oz is just ahead!" whinnied chalk, now thoroughly alarmed. "we are not used to taking orders from strangers." "oh, we won't be strangers long," promised the strange voice pleasantly. "so this is the emperor of oz, and is this the way you usually carry him?" "come on bitty bit, what's the use of all this arguing?" put in another voice impatiently. "let's get out of that confusion. the wizard's laboratory is right across the hall. tell him to come there." "a girl!" decided chalk with another gulp of relief. "maybe we are not so badly off, after all!" and lifting his head, in spite of skamperoo's great weight, he spoke proudly and confidently, "whoever you are, we welcome you to oz, and if you can explain this unearthly and unexpected darkness we will gladly follow you and do as you say." "good!" chuckled bitty bit, tugging manfully at his bridle, "this way, please." there was still so much screaming and confusion in the throne room no one had overheard the conversation between the newcomers and the emperor's horse, and, guided by the invisible hand, chalk crossed the room without bumping into anything or anybody. a moment later they were in the dark, quiet laboratory that had once belonged to the wizard of oz. chapter 18 the emperor's horse makes a bargain bitty bit's shooting tower had made a record trip to the emerald city, and guided by the little seer of some summit, had come to a deft and dexterous stop right outside the windows of the great throne room. after a short, anxious look inside, and before anyone was aware of their arrival, dorothy removed the lid from the box of the powder of darkness and threw a generous pinch into the air, plunging the emerald city into an instant and thunderous dark. under cover of this magic darkness, dorothy, pigasus, and bitty bit boldly entered the palace and singled out the white horse and his terrified master. they had fully expected some resistance--dorothy had brought a long piece of rope and pigasus carried a stout club under his wing--but they were delighted to find the emperor too frightened and his white horse too clever to resist an invisible foe. being able to see in the dark themselves, they had chalk and skamperoo at a decided advantage. dorothy's plans, now that they had actually returned to the emerald city, were rather vague, but bitty bit knew just what he hoped and intended to do. his seerish powers had enabled him to discover that all the changes in oz had been brought about by the magic emeralds which in some way had fallen into skamperoo's hands, and these emeralds bitty bit meant to have at the earliest possible moment. so first, he ordered all the windows and doors in the laboratory closed, then, annoyed by the screams and crashes still issuing from every room in the castle, he advised dorothy to put the lid back on the powder of darkness. "but supposing someone disturbs us before we finish," objected pigasus, looking doubtfully at the tremendous war horse, who stood with feet braced and ears back ready to listen or defy them. somehow chalk had managed to toss skamperoo back into the saddle and with both hands fixed grimly in the horse's mane, the emperor was blinking his eyes in a vain attempt to see them or catch a glimpse of matiah, for he was convinced that the merchant was at the bottom of the whole procedure. "if we agree to lift this pall of darkness, will you agree to grant us an uninterrupted hour of your time?" asked bitty bit, turning toward the emperor, but really addressing the horse, whom he considered the better man of the two. "i think we can, without undue danger, promise that," answered chalk guardedly, while skamperoo hemmed and hawed with indecision. "of course, you must promise to use no more magic against us." "well, the same goes for you too, remember," put in pigasus quickly. "an hour's time and conversation and no trickery." "but who--who are you?" muttered skamperoo, finding his voice at last. "i seem to hear three different voices." "you'll soon see," answered dorothy, clapping the lid on her powder of darkness. with a suddenness that made them all gasp, the laboratory was again flooded with the bright noon sunshine, and in a determined row before him skamperoo saw a pretty little girl in green, a fat pink pig with white wings, and a small wrinkled old gentleman in brown. "w-why--" whinnied chalk, drawing in a deep breath of relief, "at first i thought you were enemies, but now i see that you are merely visitors and friends." "that depends," observed bitty bit, seating himself on a tall stool that brought him on a level with chalk's nose. "i am the seer of some summit, but these others are princess dorothy and pigasus, the winged pig. they really belong in this palace and are close friends of the rightful ruler of this country, ozma of oz!" "i am the rightful ruler of oz!" shouted skamperoo, growing red in the face and thrusting out his three chins belligerently. "oh, don't bother putting on a show for me," exclaimed bitty bit, waving his arms impatiently. "remember, i am a seer, i know all, i see all, and what is more, i tell all! you, my pretty fellow, are really the king of skampavia, a small, no-count country on the other side of the deadly desert. in some way the long-lost necklaces of lorna the wood nymph have come into your possession. with these necklaces you have enchanted the people of oz into believing you are their ruler. you have wickedly banished ozma and her allies and counselors and unlawfully made yourself emperor of oz." "that seems to cover everything," drawled chalk, as skamperoo turned from red to purple. "not everything!" went on bitty bit, shaking his finger sternly under chalk's nose. "kingdoms are not won and held by trickery, my friends, and we are here to see that those necklaces are returned and the kingdom of oz restored to its proper rulers." "and suppose we refuse!" suggested the white horse in a bored voice. "what then?" "why then," bitty bit threw back his shoulders and spun round several times on his shiny stool, "why then it means war!" bitty bit did not say who were his friends or allies or where he should get his armies, but he spoke with such firm confidence, both skamperoo and chalk were taken aback and completely dismayed. matiah had been bad enough, but this strange and determined little seer was worse. "perhaps we can make a bargain, or come to some agreement?" suggested chalk, resolved to save what he could for himself and his master. "suppose king skamperoo and i agree to return the emerald necklaces, which undoubtedly belong in oz, will you grant us the privilege of using them twice for ourselves?" "but--but--" skamperoo was about to blurt out the fact that they no longer had the necklaces when chalk gave him a savage nip on the leg which silenced him effectively. "why should we do that?" inquired pigasus, fluttering his wings nervously. "after all the grief and worry you have caused us, you are lucky to get off with your skins." "where are the necklaces now?" asked dorothy, stepping close to chalk and looking eagerly up into the face of the discomfited emperor. skamperoo's face grew long as a balloon suddenly punctured, but remembering chalk's last bite, he managed to keep silent. "when you have answered our question, we will answer yours," stated chalk, firmly but pleasantly. "you can, of course, appeal to the court and members of the household, but i think you will find them entirely satisfied with their present emperor and ready to stand by him to the last man." at chalk's words, bitty bit looked rather crestfallen. as the white horse had so quietly stated, they were perfectly powerless to take the necklaces by force and a quick inspection of the emperor, when he first reached the palace, had convinced him skamperoo was not wearing the precious emeralds. at this rather embarrassing moment a series of thumps, kicks, and knocks on the door made not only the rescuers, but the emperor and chalk turn rather pale. "oh! oh! it's matiah!" quavered skamperoo, whose nerves were completely shaken by the shocking disclosures of the last few moments. "oh! oh! what'll we do now?" "hold your tongue," advised chalk, and swinging round he trotted briskly over to the door. "who's there?" he demanded in a dignified voice. "'tis i-iva the kitchen boy!" stuttered a frightened treble. "i must see the emperor at once." "well, shall we let him in?" bitty bit looked uneasily at pigasus and dorothy and then rather thoughtfully at chalk. "suit yourselves," yawned the white horse indifferently. "it's probably a messenger telling us the pudding is cold with all this delay and darkness. you asked for an hour's time and conversation and we agreed to that demand, so it is for you to decide what to do, not us." "oh, let him in," fumed pigasus, "and tell him to stop this hammering and yammering. what harm is there in a kitchen boy?" so bitty bit, taking the key from the lock and squinting through the keyhole to assure himself there was only a small boy outside, quickly admitted him. now in darted iva, screaming loudly of a mad man in the cellar and bursting into tearful and incoherent recital of his woes. scarcely had he got out two sentences before skamperoo fell bodily off his horse and made a desperate snatch at the kitchen boy's throat. but bitty bit was too quick for him. his eyes, too, had caught the glimmer of emeralds, and jerking the three chains from the lad's neck as chalk made a savage lunge forward, he tossed them to pigasus. catching them on his nose as cleverly as a trained seal, the pink pig spread his wings and flew up to the top of a tall cabinet, where he sat panting and puffing with satisfaction and defiance. "come down, you fat scoundrel!" roared skamperoo, dancing up and down like a dervish, while the poor kitchen boy, outraged by the way both skamperoo and bitty bit had rushed upon him, burst into loud sobs and rushing out the still open door, ran crying down the corridor. slamming the door and locking it after him, bitty bit rather anxiously waited for chalk's next move, and as usual chalk was quite prepared and ready to make it. "well," he observed with a jaunty flick of his tail, "now that you have the famous wishing emeralds, i suppose you are satisfied and we may as well go. come along, skamperoo, you will get nowhere in an argument with a pig. just casting pearls before swine, you know, and he already has our emeralds!" "you mean your wishing necklaces!" shrieked pigasus furiously, "and i'll tell you what i wish. i wish that you and your silly master were clams at the bottom of the nonestic ocean!" thoroughly shocked and startled by the pink pig's unexpected wish, bitty bit and dorothy rushed toward the cabinet, hoping in some way to prevent the wish from taking effect. but they need not have worried, for of course, nothing happened at all. then skamperoo, urged by chalk, hastily climbed into the saddle. "well," whinnied the white horse, twitching his ears provokingly, "goodbye to you. goodbye! we'll just be trotting along." "wait! look here, hold on a bit." the little seer of some summit stepped angrily in front of the white horse. "how do these emeralds work, how are we to disenchant the rulers of oz and restore ozma to the throne unless we know the proper way to use these magic chains?" "i'm afraid that's your problem," sighed chalk, rolling his eyes round at skamperoo. "come now, my little mannikin, open up the door. we kept our promise and you must keep yours. after all, my master has done no real harm here. there has been no war or bloodshed. in fact, everything has been decidedly gay and jolly. if his laudable ambition to better himself brought ozma and her counselors a little well-earned rest, at least they have suffered no pain or unpleasantness, and are perfectly unaware of what has happened to them. open the door, i tell you, or i'll call for help and there are many in this palace who would gladly come to our assistance." "oh! oh! what shall we do?" wailed dorothy, as bitty bit stood uncertainly with his back to the door. "you're the horridest horse i've ever known!" "well, that's all in the way you look at me," answered chalk, staring steadily into dorothy's eyes. "you, my dear, are fond of your mistress, queen ozma of oz, and are trying to help her. i, on my part, am exceedingly fond of my master, the king of skampavia, and am trying to help him. you can't blame me for that, you know." "the creature is right," sighed bitty bit, "and we'll have to agree to his plans, preposterous though they are." "that would, of course, be the sensible thing to do," murmured chalk, lowering his eyes modestly. "you grant me two wishes and i will tell you the proper way to use the magic wishing chains." "but suppose they are bad wishes--i mean," bitty bit corrected himself hastily, "good for you, but bad for us, what then? with the necklaces in your possession, you could wish yourselves away in an instant." "that," admitted chalk, "is perfectly true, but i am afraid you will have to take that chance--and trust me." "never do it! never do it!" squealed pigasus, who now had the necklaces tucked tightly under his wing. "we might as well throw ourselves out of the window." but bitty bit, closing his eyes and pressing his fingers close to his forehead, made no reply. "i'll trust you," he said after a short silence, and opening his eyes he looked cheerfully up at the white horse. "hand down those necklaces, pigasus, and be quick about it too; i hear footsteps in the passageway." "well, don't blame me if we're turned to pretzels and pumpernickel," grunted the pig, dropping the necklaces into the seer's outstretched hand. "goodbye, all." turning his back in disgust and covering his ears with his wings, pigasus waited in fear and trembling for the end. but bitty bit quite calmly handed the emeralds to skamperoo, and skamperoo immediately draped them over chalk's left ear. "now, then," murmured chalk, looking firmly back at the unhappy emperor, "repeat exactly what i say and all will yet be well." "i wish," began chalk, while skamperoo listened with bulging eyes, "i wish that the five wishes i make when we return to skampavia shall be instantly granted." as skamperoo repeated the wish and slowly started to count to a hundred, dorothy fidgeted with uneasiness and pigasus fairly groaned with alarm, for it seemed to them both that their danger had only been postponed and not averted. "my second wish i will keep for our return," decided chalk. "now, my dear, attend closely. since you are the avowed friend of ozma and live with her in this palace, it seems to me you are the one to keep safely the secret of the magic emeralds." moving close to dorothy, chalk put his soft pink nose close to her ear and whispered several very hoarse sentences. "get it? get it?" he demanded, backing away exuberantly. "oh--is that all?" dorothy pushed back her hair in surprise and bewilderment, "why anyone could do that!" "then prove it by sending us back to skampavia," beamed chalk, shaking his mane approvingly. "it would be embarrassing for us to be here when ozma and her friends return. here, my child, take the necklaces and i'll do the wishing." pigasus, now more interested than frightened, tried his best to see what dorothy did after she clasped the emeralds around her neck and the white horse solemnly wished himself and skamperoo back in skampavia, but before chalk reached ten in his counting, there was a whiff and puff and except for a slight rustle in the air, no sign at all of the splendid white steed and his red-faced master. "it works! it works!" exulted bitty bit, hopping about like a brownie. "can you do it again, my dear? all we need to do is to wish that the people of oz shall be released from this wicked spell of forgetting and then wish ozma and all the others safely back to this palace." "don't forget highboy!" cried pigasus, switching his little tail violently. "he's gone, too, you know, and don't forget jinnicky and old willy green whiskers!" "i'll remember!" promised bitty bit. "all ready, dorothy?" the little girl nodded and bitty bit, looking and feeling more serious and important than he had ever felt in his whole little life, slowly made the wish that was to restore peace and happiness to oz. "i wish," said the little sage sternly, "that the wicked enchantment cast by skamperoo upon the inhabitants of oz be instantly dispelled. i wish that ozma herself, the wizard of oz, the red jinn of ev, the king and queen of the munchkins and their son prince philador, the king and queen of the gillikens and their giant horse, glinda the good sorceress of the south, nick chopper the tin emperor of the east, and the soldier with the green whiskers be immediately released from thunder mountain and restored to this palace. one--two--three--four--five--six--seven." at seven pigasus with a loud squall of astonishment fell from the top of the cabinet, and dorothy rushed joyfully forward. for now, every chair around the wizard's table was occupied. at the head sat ozma, calm and gracious as ever, at the foot the spry little wizard, and between, all the others who had so recently lain at the bottom of lightning lake. highboy stood over by the window looking dreamily out across the garden and none of them seemed in the least surprised or excited to find themselves in the wizard's laboratory. "let--me--see--" mused ozma, raising her hand gravely--"ah, yes--we are here to discuss a threatened danger to ourselves and the kingdom of oz." "but it's all over now," cried dorothy, running over to ozma and flinging both arms round her waist. "it's all over and we're safe and you're safe, and my, how glad we are to have you back here again!" "here!" exclaimed the wizard, popping up like a startled jack-in-the-box, "where else would we be?" "only at the bottom of lightning lake in thunder mountain," murmured bitty bit, coming modestly forward to meet the fairy ruler of oz and winking merrily at jinnicky, whom he already knew. chapter 19 the story of the necklaces ozma's surprise and the astonishment of all the rest of that company around the wizard's table can well be imagined. "i didn't hear any thunder," snorted highboy, lowering himself down to bitty bit's level. "not a clap! and if we were at the bottom of lightning lake, what did we eat?" "we didn't!" announced jinnicky in a hollow voice, "what could we have eaten in such a place, you old fire-eater, you?" to have been enchanted and put out of existence for three whole days was an amazing experience, and as dorothy and bitty bit, helped out now and then by pigasus, explained all that had happened to the victims of skamperoo's ambition and to themselves in the course of their journey of rescue, ozma's face grew both grave and serious. it was disturbing to realize how easily oz had been captured and the powerful wizards and glinda the sorceress pushed aside. the wizard of oz himself seemed to feel the most discouraged and downcast of all to think he had been so easily overcome, and that his magic had not been strong enough to withstand the wicked spell of the invaders. "i should have foreseen something like this, and been prepared," mourned the little man, mopping his head with a map of oz which he happened to have in his pocket. "yes," sighed the tin woodman, feeling his joints anxiously to see whether they had been rusted by his three-day immersion in lightning lake, "we might have been prisoners in thunder mountain forever had it not been for dorothy and pigasus and this sagacious little seer. but tell me, dorothy, how was it that you alone, of all the people in the palace, remembered and missed us?" "well," confessed dorothy, seating herself cautiously on nick chopper's tin knees, "it must have been the wizard's wishing pill. you see, just as the soldier's beard turned red, i found one in my pocket, and popping it into my mouth, wished that i might save oz from any danger that threatened. it kept me from forgetting ozma and all of you, and when i sat on pigasus' back, he remembered, too, and we--" "did save oz!" finished the little wizard, bounding triumphantly to his feet and restored to instant cheerfulness by dorothy's generous statement. "i tell you, i'll match my wishing powers with any wishing powers in the country!" "but you won't have to, now," smiled bitty bit with an envious glance at the sparkling necklaces dorothy had placed on the table before ozma. "with these emeralds and your own magic powers, nothing like this could ever happen in oz again." "thank you, bitty bit," smiled the little queen, nodding graciously. "thank you a hundred times for all you have done for us and for oz, and perhaps, if we coaxed, you might remain as our royal seer?" "hear, hear, our royal seer!" cried pigasus, clapping his wings. "will you be it, sir bitty bit?" "well," acknowledged bitty bit, with a low bow toward ozma, "i'm tempted to accept, but, on the other hand, i am so foolishly fond of my own castle, i just could not be content in any other place. but if your majesty ever needs me for serious business, you can always command my services by using either the wishing necklaces or your magic belt." "and he'll come like a shot in his shooting tower," dorothy smiled as she slid carefully from nick chopper's knee. "but, say--what's that?" a hundred footsteps sounded in the corridor, accompanied by confused voices, questioning calls and finally loud thumps on the door. "it must be all the rest of the courtiers and visitors remembering they have a queen!" "i hear scraps and the scarecrow," squealed pigasus, "i hear bettsy bobbin and trot. quick, dorothy, open the door." "no, no, not yet," said ozma gently but firmly. "there is more, much more for us to hear and settle. but you go out, pigasus, and tell them all about our enchantment, skamperoo's reign and our rescue." "be glad to! charmed! and trust me to do it right." swelling up with importance and pride, pigasus flew out the window before dorothy had time to open the door. a few moments later, the company in the wizard's laboratory heard him calling everyone to follow him to the throne room and hear the most startling news since dorothy killed the wicked witches of the east and west. "and how he'll love telling it," said bitty bit, smiling across at the wizard of ev. "a great idea of yours, this pig, jinny. even if his verses are low, i like him." "oh, everyone likes pigasus," declared dorothy, coming over to sit on the arm of glinda's chair. "but what i'd like to know is how that kitchen boy happened to have the emeralds, how skamperoo got them and where they came from in the first place?" "yes," murmured glinda, who, like the wizard, felt very much annoyed to have been overpowered by a fat, unimportant monarch like skamperoo. "now that we have these wishing chains, we must guard them carefully to keep them from falling into such mischievous hands again." "i believe bitty bit can tell us the story of the emeralds," said ozma, who had been much impressed by the cheerful little seer of some summit. "with his gift of foreseeing and foretelling he probably knows the whole story." "can he look backward as well as forward?" inquired the wizard challengingly. "just as well," confessed bitty bit with an embarrassed little cough, and as every head turned expectantly toward him, the sage closed his eyes and quietly told them the interesting history of matiah's three necklaces. "these magic emeralds," began bitty bit, waving his hands rhythmically backward and forward, "were first collected and strung into necklaces by a wizard named wam for the king of the green mountain as a gift for the wood nymph lorna. but the king of the green mountain was an ugly little dwarf, and though she had promised to marry him, no sooner did lorna have the necklaces than she turned the king into a frog and hid herself away in her own forest. in the giant hollow tree where lorna lived there was a mischievous family of squirrels. that night, as lorna lay sleeping with the emeralds on a little golden plate beside her, one of the squirrels, thinking the gems some new and delicious kind of nuts, stole and buried them away for the winter. next morning, though lorna ran crying and searching all through the forest, she was unable to find her wishing necklaces." "then what became of them?" gasped dorothy as bitty bit, opening his eyes for a moment, blinked cheerfully over their heads. "wait, i'll tell you!" closing his eyes, the sage went hurriedly on with the story. "ah, so this is it! a woodcutter's boy, poking about among the leaves, found the emeralds and as emeralds in themselves are not uncommon in oz, he traded them to a peddler for a new ax. the peddler, arriving after a long while in skampavia, had no trouble in disposing of the jewels. in skampavia, you must know, emeralds, pearls, or jewels of any kind are practically unknown, and a merchant gave the peddler not only his house and shop, but all of his merchandise for the three sparkling chains. by a law in skampavia every subject must render to the king one-third of all he owns or raises, and in due course, one of the necklaces was sent to skamperoo. the king, delighted with the sparkling gems, insisted on having all three necklaces, and matiah himself brought them to the castle, determined, if possible, to steal them back at the first opportunity. in order to do so without arousing the suspicions of the king, he pretends to be a wizard and tells him if he, matiah, wears the three necklaces, he can grant any wish the king may make, but that as he makes the wish he must close his eyes and count to a hundred. as soon as skamperoo began to count, matiah started to run off with the emeralds and that accounts for the white horse, for you see skamperoo's first wish was for a splendid white charger with a golden mane and tail. frightened almost out of his senses by the sudden appearance of the horse and the knowledge that the chains really did have some magic power, matiah steals back beside the king, resolved to wait for another opportunity to procure the necklaces. meanwhile, skamperoo, excited and happy over the granting of his first wish, confides in the merchant his second wish and ambition to be ruler of oz. matiah, to gain time in which he can work out the secret of the emeralds' power, approves of the king's idea, but tells him he can only grant one wish a week. he then advises skamperoo to cause all the people in oz to forget their former rulers and to remove the wizard and all his magic, ozma, and the rulers of the four oz countries to the inaccessible caverns of thunder mountain. "now while matiah is trying his best to discover the trick of the magic emeralds, skamperoo, growing tired of the tempery fellow, appealed to his horse. the horse, being magically brought to life and being unusually sharp-witted and quick, soon worked out the problem. with his help skamperoo wished the spell of forgetting upon ozma's subjects, banished her highness and all of the others just as matiah had suggested and managed to rule oz for three whole days." "but what became of matiah?" asked glinda, leaning forward eagerly. "at this moment matiah is lying in a senseless condition in the underground chamber beneath this castle," bitty bit told them solemnly and without opening his eyes. "soon after skamperoo left for oz, the merchant was driven out of skampavia by pinny penny, whom skamperoo had made king. matiah, furious to think the apparently stupid sovereign had outwitted him, bribed an eagle to carry him across the desert, arrived at the emerald city and soon afterward managed to really steal the necklaces from skamperoo. discovering beneath the cellar the excavated chambers of the old gnome king, he retired to this quiet spot to again experiment with the emeralds. needing another person to help, he seized the kitchen boy who had come to the cellar for supplies and forced him to assist in his experiments. how soon he might have discovered the real trick of the chains i cannot say, but our own arrival and gloma's powder of darkness happily interrupted him. the kitchen boy, who had kept his eyes glued to the stone steps and trapdoor during the entire morning, made an immediate dash for freedom and managed to escape in spite of the darkness. matiah, not so fortunate, rushed into a stone pillar and knocked himself senseless. he's still lying there, and i suggest that your majesty deal with him at once." "i will," decided ozma firmly, as bitty bit opened his eyes and looked cheerfully around the table. "and i'll do it by means of these very magic emeralds. put on the emeralds, dorothy, for you alone know the secret of their magic power." so dorothy, anxious to have matiah out of oz before he recovered his wicked wits, hastily clasped the three chains around her slim throat. "it is my earnest wish that matiah shall immediately and henceforth forget the emerald necklaces of oz, return to his country and become a good and simple citizen of skampavia," said ozma seriously, beginning her count to one hundred. "he's gone! he's gone!" piped up bitty bit, who had closed his eyes as soon as ozma started to speak. "and if i were you, my dear, i would send off that red eagle too. i see him lurking on the edge of our city with an exceedingly fierce light in his eye." so ozma made another wish, turning the eagle to a harmless sparrow. "and what about skamperoo?" asked cheeriobed, king of the munchkins, who up to this time had not spoken a word. "should he not be punished in some way?" "i would not bother with old skamper," advised bitty bit with a small chuckle. "before i agreed to give his white horse those five wishes, i closed my eyes, looked ahead, and discovered that they would all be good wishes. not only good but wise, and from now on i think you can trust that clever white horse and a little fellow called pinny penny to keep their master out of mischief and oz." "well, in that case," sighed ozma, rather breathless from so much counting, "everything is happily settled." "and in that case," boomed joe king, gallantly helping his little queen to her feet, "i suggest we start celebrating all over again, not only the discovery of oz by mortals, but the saving of oz as well! i, for one, feel terribly cheated at missing notta's circus." "so do i! so do i!" exclaimed little prince philador, climbing boisterously into highboy's saddle. "i want to see a circus!" "and so you shall," promised ozma gaily, "we will start the celebration at exactly the point where we left oz for thunder mountain, and have the tableaux, the pageants, and the picnics all over again." and that, my dear, is exactly what they _did_ do, and everyone, including bitty bit, enjoyed himself so much there was not an unhappy person in the emerald city. and not until the end of the second day did dorothy remember to tell ozma the magic secret of the wishing emeralds. "on the sixth count, you wink both eyes," whispered dorothy, giving ozma a little hug. "good night!" "good gracious, so that's it!" smiled ozma, comprehending instantly what dorothy meant. "i suppose matiah did it in sheer excitement the first time. well, i have often heard of doing things in the twinkling of an eye, but now we shall really be able to have them that way. no one knows this secret but you and me and a white horse, and no one _must_ ever know it, for wishes are dangerous and cause more unhappiness than joy, so we'll never tell another soul, will we, dorothy?" "never!" agreed the little girl, looking solemnly over her shoulder at the safe where ozma had hidden her new treasure. chapter 20 back in skampavia! "so there you are!" pinny penny straightened up with a little grimace, for he had been planting flowers in a new rock garden he was planning for the king. with an expression about equally compounded of exasperation and affection, he looked at his former master and the white horse who had, without sound or warning, dropped down in the path before him. "i thought you'd come back," continued pinny penny, calmly rubbing the mud from his fingers and putting out his hand. "so it was your horse, after all." his gaze rested speculatively on the splendid white steed and richly jeweled robes of skamperoo. "and you've made your fortune, i see! well, welcome home anyway, your crown's hanging on a nail back of the throne and i think you will find everything in order." "in order! why, it looks wonderful!" shouted skamperoo, leaping exuberantly out of the saddle, and honestly surprised and pleased at the pleasure he felt in seeing old pinny penny again. "you've had the palace painted and this garden and that fountain and the flowers. they're all new, aren't they?" "yes," agreed pinny penny guardedly. "i made a few new laws while you were gone, skamper, making the tax only one-twentieth of our subjects' earnings. they were so grateful and delighted, they've been sending you presents ever since. then the guards (having no drill or marching to bother them, i did away with that, too), the guards in their odd time agreed to work around the castle and we've been brightening up the old place quite a bit. i tell you," pinny penny exhaled his breath noisily, "we'll make a going and coming country of this yet!" "of course we will," said skamperoo, bouncing happily along at his side. "i've had a lot of experience since i saw you, old skinny pins. ho, pinny, my boy, i've been an emperor in oz!" "oz? never!" closing his lips into a thin line, pinny penny looked from his master to chalk, who was stepping sedately along on his other side. "but it's perfectly true," whinnied the white horse, prancing a bit from sheer enjoyment, "and now we are home with five splendid wishes." "wishes?" sniffed pinny penny, rearing his head suspiciously. "what good are wishes?" "but these wishes really work and come true," explained chalk with a toss of his head, "and what's more they are going to work and come true for skampavia!" "any wish you work hard enough for will come true," insisted pinny penny stubbornly. "wishes--pooh! wishes--pooh! 'if wishes were horses, beggars would ride!'" finished the little prime minister half under his breath. "but don't you see?" skamperoo grasped pinny penny firmly by the shoulders. "this is one time when wishes were horses and beggars did ride. my first wish was for a horse and here he is, and as true as you are and as wise and clever. why, even if the magic emeralds give me nothing more, i am still the luckiest fellow on this side of the deadly desert!" "moons, stars, and rainbows! i believe you have gotten some sense," gasped pinny penny, staring with wide eyes into skamperoo's face. "and that's the first good i ever knew to come of magic." pulling pinny penny down to his old bench, now neatly mended and painted green, the king of skampavia told his little prime minister the whole story i have just been telling you. when he finished and settled back complacently, pinny penny instead of looking glad or pleased stared mournfully at the ground. "_now_ what's the matter?" demanded skamperoo, clapping him impatiently on the back, while chalk, breaking off a little branch with his teeth, tickled pinny penny mischievously under the chin. "why are you so sad and solemn?" "because"--pinny penny ground the toe of his boot deeply into the gravel in the path--"if you really have five more magic wishes, you'll probably be going to some grand other place and be spending the rest of your life in travel." "if that were so, we wouldn't be here at all," puffed skamperoo. "now get this through your head, old fellow. we are here by our own wish and from now on my own country is good enough for me and when we've made these five good wishes--good enough for anybody!" "there you go! there you go!" groaned pinny penny, covering his face with his hands. "it's the wishes i'm afraid of." "well, you needn't be!" with a great effort skamperoo made his first really great and wise decision. "you shall make the wishes yourself, pinny penny, and i shall save only one in case of trouble!" "bravo! bravo!" snorted chalk, prancing three times round the green bench. "me? you really mean me?" quavered pinny penny, pointing an unbelieving finger at his own mid-section. then, as skamperoo nodded and before he could change his mind, the old chancellor fairly leapt into the air. "i wish the king of this country to always be as wise and generous as he has succeeded in being at this moment, as wise as the young fairy ruler of oz," panted pinny penny. "i wish that the people of skampavia, using the powers and abilities they already have, shall make this a rich, happy, and prosperous kingdom. i wish that the climate and soil, the only bad features about which we might complain, shall become mild and fertile! that's all, that's all i can think of!" confessed pinny penny, shrinking happily back on the bench. "then i'll make a wish," whinnied chalk, shaking his beautiful golden mane. "i wish that we three may never be separated! long live the king and his prime minister!" "and his horse!" cried skamperoo, bounding up to seize chalk's bridle. "and his horse!" echoed pinny penny heartily, running round to seize chalk's bridle on the other side. "we three for skampavia forever!" then, with chalk stepping proudly in the center, these three strangely assorted comrades made their way into the palace. knowing the power of the magic emeralds, and also the magic power of knowledge and experience, i am sure that skampavia under its new regime, will soon be as happy and prosperous as any nation in oz! the end rinkitink in oz by l. frank baum wherein is recorded the perilous quest of prince inga of pingaree and king rinkitink in the magical isles that lie beyond the borderland of oz by l. frank baum "royal historian of oz" introducing this story here is a story with a boy hero, and a boy of whom you have never before heard. there are girls in the story, too, including our old friend dorothy, and some of the characters wander a good way from the land of oz before they all assemble in the emerald city to take part in ozma's banquet. indeed, i think you will find this story quite different from the other histories of oz, but i hope you will not like it the less on that account. if i am permitted to write another oz book it will tell of some thrilling adventures encountered by dorothy, betsy bobbin, trot and the patchwork girl right in the land of oz, and how they discovered some amazing creatures that never could have existed outside a fairy-land. i have an idea that about the time you are reading this story of rinkitink i shall be writing that story of adventures in oz. don't fail to write me often and give me your advice and suggestions, which i always appreciate. i get a good many letters from my readers, but every one is a joy to me and i answer them as soon as i can find time to do so. "ozcot" at hollywood in california, 1916. l. frank baum royal historian of oz list of chapters 1 the prince of pingaree 2 the coming of king rinkitink 3 the warriors from the north 4 the deserted island 5 the three pearls 6 the magic boat 7 the twin islands 8 rinkitink makes a great mistake 9 a present for zella 10 the cunning of queen cor 11 zella goes to coregos 12 the excitement of bilbil the goat 13 zella saves the prince 14 the escape 15 the flight of the rulers 16 nikobob refuses a crown 17 the nome king 18 inga parts with his pink pearl 19 rinkitink chuckles 20 dorothy to the rescue 21 the wizard finds an enchantment 22 ozma's banquet 23 the pearl kingdom 24 the captive king chapter one the prince of pingaree if you have a map of the land of oz handy, you will find that the great nonestic ocean washes the shores of the kingdom of rinkitink, between which and the land of oz lies a strip of the country of the nome king and a sandy desert. the kingdom of rinkitink isn't very big and lies close to the ocean, all the houses and the king's palace being built near the shore. the people live much upon the water, boating and fishing, and the wealth of rinkitink is gained from trading along the coast and with the islands nearest it. four days' journey by boat to the north of rinkitink is the island of pingaree, and as our story begins here i must tell you something about this island. at the north end of pingaree, where it is widest, the land is a mile from shore to shore, but at the south end it is scarcely half a mile broad; thus, although pingaree is four miles long, from north to south, it cannot be called a very big island. it is exceedingly pretty, however, and to the gulls who approach it from the sea it must resemble a huge green wedge lying upon the waters, for its grass and trees give it the color of an emerald. the grass came to the edge of the sloping shores; the beautiful trees occupied all the central portion of pingaree, forming a continuous grove where the branches met high overhead and there was just space beneath them for the cosy houses of the inhabitants. these houses were scattered everywhere throughout the island, so that there was no town or city, unless the whole island might be called a city. the canopy of leaves, high overhead, formed a shelter from sun and rain, and the dwellers in the grove could all look past the straight tree-trunks and across the grassy slopes to the purple waters of the nonestic ocean. at the big end of the island, at the north, stood the royal palace of king kitticut, the lord and ruler of pingaree. it was a beautiful palace, built entirely of snow-white marble and capped by domes of burnished gold, for the king was exceedingly wealthy. all along the coast of pingaree were found the largest and finest pearls in the whole world. these pearls grew within the shells of big oysters, and the people raked the oysters from their watery beds, sought out the milky pearls and carried them dutifully to their king. therefore, once every year his majesty was able to send six of his boats, with sixty rowers and many sacks of the valuable pearls, to the kingdom of rinkitink, where there was a city called gilgad, in which king rinkitink's palace stood on a rocky headland and served, with its high towers, as a lighthouse to guide sailors to the harbor. in gilgad the pearls from pingaree were purchased by the king's treasurer, and the boats went back to the island laden with stores of rich merchandise and such supplies of food as the people and the royal family of pingaree needed. the pingaree people never visited any other land but that of rinkitink, and so there were few other lands that knew there was such an island. to the southwest was an island called the isle of phreex, where the inhabitants had no use for pearls. and far north of pingaree--six days' journey by boat, it was said--were twin islands named regos and coregos, inhabited by a fierce and warlike people. many years before this story really begins, ten big boatloads of those fierce warriors of regos and coregos visited pingaree, landing suddenly upon the north end of the island. there they began to plunder and conquer, as was their custom, but the people of pingaree, although neither so big nor so strong as their foes, were able to defeat them and drive them all back to the sea, where a great storm overtook the raiders from regos and coregos and destroyed them and their boats, not a single warrior returning to his own country. this defeat of the enemy seemed the more wonderful because the pearl-fishers of pingaree were mild and peaceful in disposition and seldom quarreled even among themselves. their only weapons were their oyster rakes; yet the fact remains that they drove their fierce enemies from regos and coregos from their shores. king kitticut was only a boy when this remarkable battle was fought, and now his hair was gray; but he remembered the day well and, during the years that followed, his one constant fear was of another invasion of his enemies. he feared they might send a more numerous army to his island, both for conquest and revenge, in which case there could be little hope of successfully opposing them. this anxiety on the part of king kitticut led him to keep a sharp lookout for strange boats, one of his men patrolling the beach constantly, but he was too wise to allow any fear to make him or his subjects unhappy. he was a good king and lived very contentedly in his fine palace, with his fair queen garee and their one child, prince inga. the wealth of pingaree increased year by year; and the happiness of the people increased, too. perhaps there was no place, outside the land of oz, where contentment and peace were more manifest than on this pretty island, hidden in the besom of the nonestic ocean. had these conditions remained undisturbed, there would have been no need to speak of pingaree in this story. prince inga, the heir to all the riches and the kingship of pingaree, grew up surrounded by every luxury; but he was a manly little fellow, although somewhat too grave and thoughtful, and he could never bear to be idle a single minute. he knew where the finest oysters lay hidden along the coast and was as successful in finding pearls as any of the men of the island, although he was so slight and small. he had a little boat of his own and a rake for dragging up the oysters and he was very proud indeed when he could carry a big white pearl to his father. there was no school upon the island, as the people of pingaree were far removed from the state of civilization that gives our modern children such advantages as schools and learned professors, but the king owned several manuscript books, the pages being made of sheepskin. being a man of intelligence, he was able to teach his son something of reading, writing and arithmetic. when studying his lessons prince inga used to go into the grove near his father's palace and climb into the branches of a tall tree, where he had built a platform with a comfortable seat to rest upon, all hidden by the canopy of leaves. there, with no one to disturb him, he would pore over the sheepskin on which were written the queer characters of the pingarese language. king kitticut was very proud of his little son, as well he might be, and he soon felt a high respect for inga's judgment and thought that he was worthy to be taken into the confidence of his father in many matters of state. he taught the boy the needs of the people and how to rule them justly, for some day he knew that inga would be king in his place. one day he called his son to his side and said to him: "our island now seems peaceful enough, inga, and we are happy and prosperous, but i cannot forget those terrible people of regos and coregos. my constant fear is that they will send a fleet of boats to search for those of their race whom we defeated many years ago, and whom the sea afterwards destroyed. if the warriors come in great numbers we may be unable to oppose them, for my people are little trained to fighting at best; they surely would cause us much injury and suffering." "are we, then, less powerful than in my grandfather's day?" asked prince inga. the king shook his head thoughtfully. "it is not that," said he. "that you may fully understand that marvelous battle, i must confide to, you a great secret. i have in my possession three magic talismans, which i have ever guarded with utmost care, keeping the knowledge of their existence from anyone else. but, lest i should die, and the secret be lost, i have decided to tell you what these talismans are and where they are hidden. come with me, my son." he led the way through the rooms of the palace until they came to the great banquet hall. there, stopping in the center of the room, he stooped down and touched a hidden spring in the tiled floor. at once one of the tiles sank downward and the king reached within the cavity and drew out a silken bag. this bag he proceeded to open, showing inga that it contained three great pearls, each one as big around as a marble. one had a blue tint and one was of a delicate rose color, but the third was pure white. "these three pearls," said the king, speaking in a solemn, impressive voice, "are the most wonderful the world has ever known. they were gifts to one of my ancestors from the mermaid queen, a powerful fairy whom he once had the good fortune to rescue from her enemies. in gratitude for this favor she presented him with these pearls. each of the three possesses an astonishing power, and whoever is their owner may count himself a fortunate man. this one having the blue tint will give to the person who carries it a strength so great that no power can resist him. the one with the pink glow will protect its owner from all dangers that may threaten him, no matter from what source they may come. the third pearl--this one of pure white--can speak, and its words are always wise and helpful." "what is this, my father!" exclaimed the prince, amazed; "do you tell me that a pearl can speak? it sounds impossible." "your doubt is due to your ignorance of fairy powers," returned the king, gravely. "listen, my son, and you will know that i speak the truth." he held the white pearl to inga's ear and the prince heard a small voice say distinctly: "your father is right. never question the truth of what you fail to understand, for the world is filled with wonders." "i crave your pardon, dear father," said the prince, "for clearly i heard the pearl speak, and its words were full of wisdom." "the powers of the other pearls are even greater," resumed the king. "were i poor in all else, these gems would make me richer than any other monarch the world holds." "i believe that," replied inga, looking at the beautiful pearls with much awe. "but tell me, my father, why do you fear the warriors of regos and coregos when these marvelous powers are yours?" "the powers are mine only while i have the pearls upon my person," answered king kitticut, "and i dare not carry them constantly for fear they might be lost. therefore, i keep them safely hidden in this recess. my only danger lies in the chance that my watchmen might fail to discover the approach of our enemies and allow the warrior invaders to seize me before i could secure the pearls. i should, in that case, be quite powerless to resist. my father owned the magic pearls at the time of the great fight, of which you have so often heard, and the pink pearl protected him from harm, while the blue pearl enabled him and his people to drive away the enemy. often have i suspected that the destroying storm was caused by the fairy mermaids, but that is a matter of which i have no proof." "i have often wondered how we managed to win that battle," remarked inga thoughtfully. "but the pearls will assist us in case the warriors come again, will they not?" "they are as powerful as ever," declared the king. "really, my son, i have little to fear from any foe. but lest i die and the secret be lost to the next king, i have now given it into your keeping. remember that these pearls are the rightful heritage of all kings of pingaree. if at any time i should be taken from you, inga, guard this treasure well and do not forget where it is hidden." "i shall not forget," said inga. then the king returned the pearls to their hiding place and the boy went to his own room to ponder upon the wonderful secret his father had that day confided to his care. chapter two the coming of king rinkitink a few days after this, on a bright and sunny morning when the breeze blew soft and sweet from the ocean and the trees waved their leaf-laden branches, the royal watchman, whose duty it was to patrol the shore, came running to the king with news that a strange boat was approaching the island. at first the king was sore afraid and made a step toward the hidden pearls, but the next moment he reflected that one boat, even if filled with enemies, would be powerless to injure him, so he curbed his fear and went down to the beach to discover who the strangers might be. many of the men of pingaree assembled there also, and prince inga followed his father. arriving at the water's edge, they all stood gazing eagerly at the oncoming boat. it was quite a big boat, they observed, and covered with a canopy of purple silk, embroidered with gold. it was rowed by twenty men, ten on each side. as it came nearer, inga could see that in the stern, seated upon a high, cushioned chair of state, was a little man who was so very fat that he was nearly as broad as he was high this man was dressed in a loose silken robe of purple that fell in folds to his feet, while upon his head was a cap of white velvet curiously worked with golden threads and having a circle of diamonds sewn around the band. at the opposite end of the boat stood an oddly shaped cage, and several large boxes of sandalwood were piled near the center of the craft. as the boat approached the shore the fat little man got upon his feet and bowed several times in the direction of those who had assembled to greet him, and as he bowed he flourished his white cap in an energetic manner. his face was round as an apple and nearly as rosy. when he stopped bowing he smiled in such a sweet and happy way that inga thought he must be a very jolly fellow. the prow of the boat grounded on the beach, stopping its speed so suddenly that the little man was caught unawares and nearly toppled headlong into the sea. but he managed to catch hold of the chair with one hand and the hair of one of his rowers with the other, and so steadied himself. then, again waving his jeweled cap around his head, he cried in a merry voice: "well, here i am at last!" "so i perceive," responded king kitticut, bowing with much dignity. the fat man glanced at all the sober faces before him and burst into a rollicking laugh. perhaps i should say it was half laughter and half a chuckle of merriment, for the sounds he emitted were quaint and droll and tempted every hearer to laugh with him. "heh, heh--ho, ho, ho!" he roared. "didn't expect me, i see. keek-eek-eek-eek! this is funny--it's really funny. didn't know i was coming, did you? hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! this is certainly amusing. but i'm here, just the same." "hush up!" said a deep, growling voice. "you're making yourself ridiculous." everyone looked to see where this voice came from; but none could guess who had uttered the words of rebuke. the rowers of the boat were all solemn and silent and certainly no one on the shore had spoken. but the little man did not seem astonished in the least, or even annoyed. king kitticut now addressed the stranger, saying courteously: "you are welcome to the kingdom of pingaree. perhaps you will deign to come ashore and at your convenience inform us whom we have the honor of receiving as a guest." "thanks; i will," returned the little fat man, waddling from his place in the boat and stepping, with some difficulty, upon the sandy beach. "i am king rinkitink, of the city of gilgad in the kingdom of rinkitink, and i have come to pingaree to see for myself the monarch who sends to my city so many beautiful pearls. i have long wished to visit this island; and so, as i said before, here i am!" "i am pleased to welcome you," said king kitticut. "but why has your majesty so few attendants? is it not dangerous for the king of a great country to make distant journeys in one frail boat, and with but twenty men?" "oh, i suppose so," answered king rinkitink, with a laugh. "but what else could i do? my subjects would not allow me to go anywhere at all, if they knew it. so i just ran away." "ran away!" exclaimed king kitticut in surprise. "funny, isn't it? heh, heh, heh--woo, hoo!" laughed rinkitink, and this is as near as i can spell with letters the jolly sounds of his laughter. "fancy a king running away from his own ple--hoo, hoo--keek, eek, eek, eek! but i had to, don't you see!" "why?" asked the other king. "they're afraid i'll get into mischief. they don't trust me. keek-eek-eek--oh, dear me! don't trust their own king. funny, isn't it?" "no harm can come to you on this island," said kitticut, pretending not to notice the odd ways of his guest. "and, whenever it pleases you to return to your own country, i will send with you a fitting escort of my own people. in the meantime, pray accompany me to my palace, where everything shall be done to make you comfortable and happy." "much obliged," answered rinkitink, tipping his white cap over his left ear and heartily shaking the hand of his brother monarch. "i'm sure you can make me comfortable if you've plenty to eat. and as for being happy--ha, ha, ha, ha!--why, that's my trouble. i'm too happy. but stop! i've brought you some presents in those boxes. please order your men to carry them up to the palace." "certainly," answered king kitticut, well pleased, and at once he gave his men the proper orders. "and, by the way," continued the fat little king, "let them also take my goat from his cage." "a goat!" exclaimed the king of pingaree. "exactly; my goat bilbil. i always ride him wherever i go, for i'm not at all fond of walking, being a trifle stout--eh, kitticut?--a trifle stout! hoo, hoo, hoo-keek, eek!" the pingaree people started to lift the big cage out of the boat, but just then a gruff voice cried: "be careful, you villains!" and as the words seemed to come from the goat's mouth the men were so astonished that they dropped the cage upon the sand with a sudden jar. "there! i told you so!" cried the voice angrily. "you've rubbed the skin off my left knee. why on earth didn't you handle me gently?" "there, there, bilbil," said king rinkitink soothingly; "don't scold, my boy. remember that these are strangers, and we their guests." then he turned to kitticut and remarked: "you have no talking goats on your island, i suppose." "we have no goats at all," replied the king; "nor have we any animals, of any sort, who are able to talk." "i wish my animal couldn't talk, either," said rinkitink, winking comically at inga and then looking toward the cage. "he is very cross at times, and indulges in language that is not respectful. i thought, at first, it would be fine to have a talking goat, with whom i could converse as i rode about my city on his back; but--keek-eek-eek-eek!--the rascal treats me as if i were a chimney sweep instead of a king. heh, heh, heh, keek, eek! a chimney sweep-hoo, hoo, hoo!--and me a king! funny, isn't it?" this last was addressed to prince inga, whom he chucked familiarly under the chin, to the boy's great embarrassment. "why do you not ride a horse?" asked king kitticut. "i can't climb upon his back, being rather stout; that's why. kee, kee, keek, eek!--rather stout--hoo, hoo, hoo!" he paused to wipe the tears of merriment from his eyes and then added: "but i can get on and off bilbil's back with ease." he now opened the cage and the goat deliberately walked out and looked about him in a sulky manner. one of the rowers brought from the boat a saddle made of red velvet and beautifully embroidered with silver thistles, which he fastened upon the goat's back. the fat king put his leg over the saddle and seated himself comfortably, saying: "lead on, my noble host, and we will follow." "what! up that steep hill?" cried the goat. "get off my back at once, rinkitink, or i won't budge a step. "but-consider, bilbil," remonstrated the king. "how am i to get up that hill unless i ride?" "walk!" growled bilbil. "but i'm too fat. really, bilbil, i'm surprised at you. haven't i brought you all this distance so you may see something of the world and enjoy life? and now you are so ungrateful as to refuse to carry me! turn about is fair play, my boy. the boat carried you to this shore, because you can't swim, and now you must carry me up the hill, because i can't climb. eh, bilbil, isn't that reasonable?" "well, well, well," said the goat, surlily, "keep quiet and i'll carry you. but you make me very tired, rinkitink, with your ceaseless chatter." after making this protest bilbil began walking up the hill, carrying the fat king upon his back with no difficulty whatever. prince inga and his father and all the men of pingaree were much astonished to overhear this dispute between king rinkitink and his goat; but they were too polite to make critical remarks in the presence of their guests. king kitticut walked beside the goat and the prince followed after, the men coming last with the boxes of sandalwood. when they neared the palace, the queen and her maidens came out to meet them and the royal guest was escorted in state to the splendid throne room of the palace. here the boxes were opened and king rinkitink displayed all the beautiful silks and laces and jewelry with which they were filled. every one of the courtiers and ladies received a handsome present, and the king and queen had many rich gifts and inga not a few. thus the time passed pleasantly until the chamberlain announced that dinner was served. bilbil the goat declared that he preferred eating of the sweet, rich grass that grew abundantly in the palace grounds, and rinkitink said that the beast could never bear being shut up in a stable; so they removed the saddle from his back and allowed him to wander wherever he pleased. during the dinner inga divided his attention between admiring the pretty gifts he had received and listening to the jolly sayings of the fat king, who laughed when he was not eating and ate when he was not laughing and seemed to enjoy himself immensely. "for four days i have lived in that narrow boat," said he, "with no other amusement than to watch the rowers and quarrel with bilbil; so i am very glad to be on land again with such friendly and agreeable people." "you do us great honor," said king kitticut, with a polite bow. "not at all--not at all, my brother. this pingaree must be a wonderful island, for its pearls are the admiration of all the world; nor will i deny the fact that my kingdom would be a poor one without the riches and glory it derives from the trade in your pearls. so i have wished for many years to come here to see you, but my people said: 'no! stay at home and behave yourself, or we'll know the reason why.'" "will they not miss your majesty from your palace at gilgad?" inquired kitticut. "i think not," answered rinkitink. "you see, one of my clever subjects has written a parchment entitled 'how to be good,' and i believed it would benefit me to study it, as i consider the accomplishment of being good one of the fine arts. i had just scolded severely my lord high chancellor for coming to breakfast without combing his eyebrows, and was so sad and regretful at having hurt the poor man's feelings that i decided to shut myself up in my own room and study the scroll until i knew how to be good--hee, heek, keek, eek, eek!--to be good! clever idea, that, wasn't it? mighty clever! and i issued a decree that no one should enter my room, under pain of my royal displeasure, until i was ready to come out. they're awfully afraid of my royal displeasure, although not a bit afraid of me. then i put the parchment in my pocket and escaped through the back door to my boat--and here i am. oo, hoo-hoo, keek-eek! imagine the fuss there would be in gilgad if my subjects knew where i am this very minute!" "i would like to see that parchment," said the solemn-eyed prince inga, "for if it indeed teaches one to be good it must be worth its weight in pearls." "oh, it's a fine essay," said rinkitink, "and beautifully written with a goosequill. listen to this: you'll enjoy it--tee, hee, hee!--enjoy it." he took from his pocket a scroll of parchment tied with a black ribbon, and having carefully unrolled it, he proceeded to read as follows: "'a good man is one who is never bad.' how's that, eh? fine thought, what? 'therefore, in order to be good, you must avoid those things which are evil.' oh, hoo-hoo-hoo!--how clever! when i get back i shall make the man who wrote that a royal hippolorum, for, beyond question, he is the wisest man in my kingdom--as he has often told me himself." with this, rinkitink lay back in his chair and chuckled his queer chuckle until he coughed, and coughed until he choked and choked until he sneezed. and he wrinkled his face in such a jolly, droll way that few could keep from laughing with him, and even the good queen was forced to titter behind her fan. when rinkitink had recovered from his fit of laughter and had wiped his eyes upon a fine lace handkerchief, prince inga said to him: "the parchment speaks truly." "yes, it is true beyond doubt," answered rinkitink, "and if i could persuade bilbil to read it he would be a much better goat than he is now. here is another selection: 'to avoid saying unpleasant things, always speak agreeably.' that would hit bilbil, to a dot. and here is one that applies to you, my prince: 'good children are seldom punished, for the reason that they deserve no punishment.' now, i think that is neatly put, and shows the author to be a deep thinker. but the advice that has impressed me the most is in the following paragraph: 'you may not find it as pleasant to be good as it is to be bad, but other people will find it more pleasant.' haw-hoo-ho! keek-eek! 'other people will find it more pleasant!'--hee, hee, heek, keek!--'more pleasant.' dear me--dear me! therein lies a noble incentive to be good, and whenever i get time i'm surely going to try it." then he wiped his eyes again with the lace handkerchief and, suddenly remembering his dinner, seized his knife and fork and began eating. chapter three the warriors from the north king rinkitink was so much pleased with the island of pingaree that he continued his stay day after day and week after week, eating good dinners, talking with king kitticut and sleeping. once in a while he would read from his scroll. "for," said he, "whenever i return home, my subjects will be anxious to know if i have learned 'how to be good,' and i must not disappoint them." the twenty rowers lived on the small end of the island, with the pearl fishers, and seemed not to care whether they ever returned to the kingdom of rinkitink or not. bilbil the goat wandered over the grassy slopes, or among the trees, and passed his days exactly as he pleased. his master seldom cared to ride him. bilbil was a rare curiosity to the islanders, but since there was little pleasure in talking with the goat they kept away from him. this pleased the creature, who seemed well satisfied to be left to his own devices. once prince inga, wishing to be courteous, walked up to the goat and said: "good morning, bilbil." "it isn't a good morning," answered bilbil grumpily. "it is cloudy and damp, and looks like rain." "i hope you are contented in our kingdom," continued the boy, politely ignoring the other's harsh words. "i'm not," said bilbil. "i'm never contented; so it doesn't matter to me whether i'm in your kingdom or in some other kingdom. go away--will you?" "certainly," answered the prince, and after this rebuff he did not again try to make friends with bilbil. now that the king, his father, was so much occupied with his royal guest, inga was often left to amuse himself, for a boy could not be allowed to take part in the conversation of two great monarchs. he devoted himself to his studies, therefore, and day after day he climbed into the branches of his favorite tree and sat for hours in his "tree-top rest," reading his father's precious manuscripts and thinking upon what he read. you must not think that inga was a molly-coddle or a prig, because he was so solemn and studious. being a king's son and heir to a throne, he could not play with the other boys of pingaree, and he lived so much in the society of the king and queen, and was so surrounded by the pomp and dignity of a court, that he missed all the jolly times that boys usually have. i have no doubt that had he been able to live as other boys do, he would have been much like other boys; as it was, he was subdued by his surroundings, and more grave and thoughtful than one of his years should be. inga was in his tree one morning when, without warning, a great fog enveloped the island of pingaree. the boy could scarcely see the tree next to that in which he sat, but the leaves above him prevented the dampness from wetting him, so he curled himself up in his seat and fell fast asleep. all that forenoon the fog continued. king kitticut, who sat in his palace talking with his merry visitor, ordered the candles lighted, that they might be able to see one another. the good queen, inga's mother, found it was too dark to work at her embroidery, so she called her maidens together and told them wonderful stories of bygone days, in order to pass away the dreary hours. but soon after noon the weather changed. the dense fog rolled away like a heavy cloud and suddenly the sun shot his bright rays over the island. "very good!" exclaimed king kitticut. "we shall have a pleasant afternoon, i am sure," and he blew out the candles. then he stood a moment motionless, as if turned to stone, for a terrible cry from without the palace reached his ears--a cry so full of fear and horror that the king's heart almost stopped beating. immediately there was a scurrying of feet as every one in the palace, filled with dismay, rushed outside to see what had happened. even fat little rinkitink sprang from his chair and followed his host and the others through the arched vestibule. after many years the worst fears of king kitticut were realized. landing upon the beach, which was but a few steps from the palace itself, were hundreds of boats, every one filled with a throng of fierce warriors. they sprang upon the land with wild shouts of defiance and rushed to the king's palace, waving aloft their swords and spears and battleaxes. king kitticut, so completely surprised that he was bewildered, gazed at the approaching host with terror and grief. "they are the men of regos and coregos!" he groaned. "we are, indeed, lost!" then he bethought himself, for the first time, of his wonderful pearls. turning quickly, he ran back into the palace and hastened to the hall where the treasures were hidden. but the leader of the warriors had seen the king enter the palace and bounded after him, thinking he meant to escape. just as the king had stooped to press the secret spring in the tiles, the warrior seized him from the rear and threw him backward upon the floor, at the same time shouting to his men to fetch ropes and bind the prisoner. this they did very quickly and king kitticut soon found himself helplessly bound and in the power of his enemies. in this sad condition he was lifted by the warriors and carried outside, when the good king looked upon a sorry sight. the queen and her maidens, the officers and servants of the royal household and all who had inhabited this end of the island of pingaree had been seized by the invaders and bound with ropes. at once they began carrying their victims to the boats, tossing them in as unceremoniously as if they had been bales of merchandise. the king looked around for his son inga, but failed to find the boy among the prisoners. nor was the fat king, rinkitink, to be seen anywhere about. the warriors were swarming over the palace like bees in a hive, seeking anyone who might be in hiding, and after the search had been prolonged for some time the leader asked impatiently: "do you find anyone else?" "no," his men told him. "we have captured them all." "then," commanded the leader, "remove everything of value from the palace and tear down its walls and towers, so that not one stone remains upon another!" while the warriors were busy with this task we will return to the boy prince, who, when the fog lifted and the sun came out, wakened from his sleep and began to climb down from his perch in the tree. but the terrifying cries of the people, mingled with the shouts of the rude warriors, caused him to pause and listen eagerly. then he climbed rapidly up the tree, far above his platform, to the topmost swaying branches. this tree, which inga called his own, was somewhat taller than the other trees that surrounded it, and when he had reached the top he pressed aside the leaves and saw a great fleet of boats upon the shore--strange boats, with banners that he had never seen before. turning to look upon his father's palace, he found it surrounded by a horde of enemies. then inga knew the truth: that the island had been invaded by the barbaric warriors from the north. he grew so faint from the terror of it all that he might have fallen had he not wound his arms around a limb and clung fast until the dizzy feeling passed away. then with his sash he bound himself to the limb and again ventured to look out through the leaves. the warriors were now engaged in carrying king kitticut and queen garee and all their other captives down to the boats, where they were thrown in and chained one to another. it was a dreadful sight for the prince to witness, but he sat very still, concealed from the sight of anyone below by the bower of leafy branches around him. inga knew very well that he could do nothing to help his beloved parents, and that if he came down he would only be forced to share their cruel fate. now a procession of the northmen passed between the boats and the palace, bearing the rich furniture, splendid draperies and rare ornaments of which the royal palace had been robbed, together with such food and other plunder as they could lay their hands upon. after this, the men of regos and coregos threw ropes around the marble domes and towers and hundreds of warriors tugged at these ropes until the domes and towers toppled and fell in ruins upon the ground. then the walls themselves were torn down, till little remained of the beautiful palace but a vast heap of white marble blocks tumbled and scattered upon the ground. prince inga wept bitter tears of grief as he watched the ruin of his home; yet he was powerless to avert the destruction. when the palace had been demolished, some of the warriors entered their boats and rowed along the coast of the island, while the others marched in a great body down the length of the island itself. they were so numerous that they formed a line stretching from shore to shore and they destroyed every house they came to and took every inhabitant prisoner. the pearl fishers who lived at the lower end of the island tried to escape in their boats, but they were soon overtaken and made prisoners, like the others. nor was there any attempt to resist the foe, for the sharp spears and pikes and swords of the invaders terrified the hearts of the defenseless people of pingaree, whose sole weapons were their oyster rakes. when night fell the whole of the island of pingaree had been conquered by the men of the north, and all its people were slaves of the conquerors. next morning the men of regos and coregos, being capable of no further mischief, departed from the scene of their triumph, carrying their prisoners with them and taking also every boat to be found upon the island. many of the boats they had filled with rich plunder, with pearls and silks and velvets, with silver and gold ornaments and all the treasure that had made pingaree famed as one of the richest kingdoms in the world. and the hundreds of slaves they had captured would be set to work in the mines of regos and the grain fields of coregos. so complete was the victory of the northmen that it is no wonder the warriors sang songs of triumph as they hastened back to their homes. great rewards were awaiting them when they showed the haughty king of regos and the terrible queen of coregos the results of their ocean raid and conquest. chapter four the deserted island all through that terrible night prince inga remained hidden in his tree. in the morning he watched the great fleet of boats depart for their own country, carrying his parents and his countrymen with them, as well as everything of value the island of pingaree had contained. sad, indeed, were the boy's thoughts when the last of the boats had become a mere speck in the distance, but inga did not dare leave his perch of safety until all of the craft of the invaders had disappeared beyond the horizon. then he came down, very slowly and carefully, for he was weak from hunger and the long and weary watch, as he had been in the tree for twenty-four hours without food. the sun shone upon the beautiful green isle as brilliantly as if no ruthless invader had passed and laid it in ruins. the birds still chirped among the trees and the butterflies darted from flower to flower as happily as when the land was filled with a prosperous and contented people. inga feared that only he was left of all his nation. perhaps he might be obliged to pass his life there alone. he would not starve, for the sea would give him oysters and fish, and the trees fruit; yet the life that confronted him was far from enticing. the boy's first act was to walk over to where the palace had stood and search the ruins until he found some scraps of food that had been overlooked by the enemy. he sat upon a block of marble and ate of this, and tears filled his eyes as he gazed upon the desolation around him. but inga tried to bear up bravely, and having satisfied his hunger he walked over to the well, intending to draw a bucket of drinking water. fortunately, this well had been overlooked by the invaders and the bucket was still fastened to the chain that wound around a stout wooden windlass. inga took hold of the crank and began letting the bucket down into the well, when suddenly he was startled by a muffled voice crying out: "be careful, up there!" the sound and the words seemed to indicate that the voice came from the bottom of the well, so inga looked down. nothing could be seen, on account of the darkness. "who are you?" he shouted. "it's i--rinkitink," came the answer, and the depths of the well echoed: "tink-i-tink-i-tink!" in a ghostly manner. "are you in the well?" asked the boy, greatly surprised. "yes, and nearly drowned. i fell in while running from those terrible warriors, and i've been standing in this damp hole ever since, with my head just above the water. it's lucky the well was no deeper, for had my head been under water, instead of above it--hoo, hoo, hoo, keek, eek!--under instead of over, you know--why, then i wouldn't be talking to you now! ha, hoo, hee!" and the well dismally echoed: "ha, hoo, hee!" which you must imagine was a laugh half merry and half sad. "i'm awfully sorry," cried the boy, in answer. "i wonder you have the heart to laugh at all. but how am i to get you out?" "i've been considering that all night," said rinkitink, "and i believe the best plan will be for you to let down the bucket to me, and i'll hold fast to it while you wind up the chain and so draw me to the top." "i will try to do that," replied inga, and he let the bucket down very carefully until he heard the king call out: "i've got it! now pull me up--slowly, my boy, slowly--so i won't rub against the rough sides." inga began winding up the chain, but king rinkitink was so fat that he was very heavy and by the time the boy had managed to pull him halfway up the well his strength was gone. he clung to the crank as long as possible, but suddenly it slipped from his grasp and the next minute he heard rinkitink fall "plump!" into the water again. "that's too bad!" called inga, in real distress; "but you were so heavy i couldn't help it." "dear me!" gasped the king, from the darkness below, as he spluttered and coughed to get the water out of his mouth. "why didn't you tell me you were going to let go?" "i hadn't time," said inga, sorrowfully. "well, i'm not suffering from thirst," declared the king, "for there's enough water inside me to float all the boats of regos and coregos or at least it feels that way. but never mind! so long as i'm not actually drowned, what does it matter?" "what shall we do next?" asked the boy anxiously. "call someone to help you," was the reply. "there is no one on the island but myself," said the boy; "--excepting you," he added, as an afterthought. "i'm not on it--more's the pity!--but in it," responded rinkitink. "are the warriors all gone?" "yes," said inga, "and they have taken my father and mother, and all our people, to be their slaves," he added, trying in vain to repress a sob. "so--so!" said rinkitink softly; and then he paused a moment, as if in thought. finally he said: "there are worse things than slavery, but i never imagined a well could be one of them. tell me, inga, could you let down some food to me? i'm nearly starved, and if you could manage to send me down some food i'd be well fed--hoo, hoo, heek, keek, eek!--well fed. do you see the joke, inga?" "do not ask me to enjoy a joke just now, your majesty," begged inga in a sad voice; "but if you will be patient i will try to find something for you to eat." he ran back to the ruins of the palace and began searching for bits of food with which to satisfy the hunger of the king, when to his surprise he observed the goat, bilbil, wandering among the marble blocks. "what!" cried inga. "didn't the warriors get you, either?" "if they had," calmly replied bilbil, "i shouldn't be here." "but how did you escape?" asked the boy. "easily enough. i kept my mouth shut and stayed away from the rascals," said the goat. "i knew that the soldiers would not care for a skinny old beast like me, for to the eye of a stranger i seem good for nothing. had they known i could talk, and that my head contained more wisdom than a hundred of their own noddles, i might not have escaped so easily." "perhaps you are right," said the boy. "i suppose they got the old man?" carelessly remarked bilbil. "what old man?" "rinkitink." "oh, no! his majesty is at the bottom of the well," said inga, "and i don't know how to get him out again." "then let him stay there," suggested the goat. "that would be cruel. i am sure, bilbil, that you are fond of the good king, your master, and do not mean what you say. together, let us find some way to save poor king rinkitink. he is a very jolly companion, and has a heart exceedingly kind and gentle." "oh, well; the old boy isn't so bad, taken altogether," admitted bilbil, speaking in a more friendly tone. "but his bad jokes and fat laughter tire me dreadfully, at times." prince inga now ran back to the well, the goat following more leisurely. "here's bilbil!" shouted the boy to the king. "the enemy didn't get him, it seems." "that's lucky for the enemy," said rinkitink. "but it's lucky for me, too, for perhaps the beast can assist me out of this hole. if you can let a rope down the well, i am sure that you and bilbil, pulling together, will be able to drag me to the earth's surface." "be patient and we will make the attempt," replied inga encouragingly, and he ran to search the ruins for a rope. presently he found one that had been used by the warriors in toppling over the towers, which in their haste they had neglected to remove, and with some difficulty he untied the knots and carried the rope to the mouth of the well. bilbil had lain down to sleep and the refrain of a merry song came in muffled tones from the well, proving that rinkitink was making a patient endeavor to amuse himself. "i've found a rope!" inga called down to him; and then the boy proceeded to make a loop in one end of the rope, for the king to put his arms through, and the other end he placed over the drum of the windlass. he now aroused bilbil and fastened the rope firmly around the goat's shoulders. "are you ready?" asked the boy, leaning over the well. "i am," replied the king. "and i am not," growled the goat, "for i have not yet had my nap out. old rinki will be safe enough in the well until i've slept an hour or two longer." "but it is damp in the well," protested the boy, "and king rinkitink may catch the rheumatism, so that he will have to ride upon your back wherever he goes." hearing this, bilbil jumped up at once. "let's get him out," he said earnestly. "hold fast!" shouted inga to the king. then he seized the rope and helped bilbil to pull. they soon found the task more difficult than they had supposed. once or twice the king's weight threatened to drag both the boy and the goat into the well, to keep rinkitink company. but they pulled sturdily, being aware of this danger, and at last the king popped out of the hole and fell sprawling full length upon the ground. for a time he lay panting and breathing hard to get his breath back, while inga and bilbil were likewise worn out from their long strain at the rope; so the three rested quietly upon the grass and looked at one another in silence. finally bilbil said to the king: "i'm surprised at you. why were you so foolish as to fall down that well? don't you know it's a dangerous thing to do? you might have broken your neck in the fall, or been drowned in the water." "bilbil," replied the king solemnly, "you're a goat. do you imagine i fell down the well on purpose?" "i imagine nothing," retorted bilbil. "i only know you were there." "there? heh-heh-heek-keek-eek! to be sure i was there," laughed rinkitink. "there in a dark hole, where there was no light; there in a watery well, where the wetness soaked me through and through--keek-eek-eek-eek!--through and through!" "how did it happen?" inquired inga. "i was running away from the enemy," explained the king, "and i was carelessly looking over my shoulder at the same time, to see if they were chasing me. so i did not see the well, but stepped into it and found myself tumbling down to the bottom. i struck the water very neatly and began struggling to keep myself from drowning, but presently i found that when i stood upon my feet on the bottom of the well, that my chin was just above the water. so i stood still and yelled for help; but no one heard me." "if the warriors had heard you," said bilbil, "they would have pulled you out and carried you away to be a slave. then you would have been obliged to work for a living, and that would be a new experience." "work!" exclaimed rinkitink. "me work? hoo, hoo, heek-keek-eek! how absurd! i'm so stout--not to say chubby--not to say fat--that i can hardly walk, and i couldn't earn my salt at hard work. so i'm glad the enemy did not find me, bilbil. how many others escaped?" "that i do not know," replied the boy, "for i have not yet had time to visit the other parts of the island. when you have rested and satisfied your royal hunger, it might be well for us to look around and see what the thieving warriors of regos and coregos have left us." "an excellent idea," declared rinkitink. "i am somewhat feeble from my long confinement in the well, but i can ride upon bilbil's back and we may as well start at once." hearing this, bilbil cast a surly glance at his master but said nothing, since it was really the goat's business to carry king rinkitink wherever he desired to go. they first searched the ruins of the palace, and where the kitchen had once been they found a small quantity of food that had been half hidden by a block of marble. this they carefully placed in a sack to preserve it for future use, the little fat king having first eaten as much as he cared for. this consumed some time, for rinkitink had been exceedingly hungry and liked to eat in a leisurely manner. when he had finished the meal he straddled bilbil's back and set out to explore the island, prince inga walking by his side. they found on every hand ruin and desolation. the houses of the people had been pilfered of all valuables and then torn down or burned. not a boat had been left upon the shore, nor was there a single person, man or woman or child, remaining upon the island, save themselves. the only inhabitants of pingaree now consisted of a fat little king, a boy and a goat. even rinkitink, merry hearted as he was, found it hard to laugh in the face of this mighty disaster. even the goat, contrary to its usual habit, refrained from saying anything disagreeable. as for the poor boy whose home was now a wilderness, the tears came often to his eyes as he marked the ruin of his dearly loved island. when, at nightfall, they reached the lower end of pingaree and found it swept as bare as the rest, inga's grief was almost more than he could bear. everything had been swept from him--parents, home and country--in so brief a time that his bewilderment was equal to his sorrow. since no house remained standing, in which they might sleep, the three wanderers crept beneath the overhanging branches of a cassa tree and curled themselves up as comfortably as possible. so tired and exhausted were they by the day's anxieties and griefs that their troubles soon faded into the mists of dreamland. beast and king and boy slumbered peacefully together until wakened by the singing of the birds which greeted the dawn of a new day. chapter five the three pearls when king rinkitink and prince inga had bathed themselves in the sea and eaten a simple breakfast, they began wondering what they could do to improve their condition. "the poor people of gilgad," said rinkitink cheerfully, "are little likely ever again to behold their king in the flesh, for my boat and my rowers are gone with everything else. let us face the fact that we are imprisoned for life upon this island, and that our lives will be short unless we can secure more to eat than is in this small sack." "i'll not starve, for i can eat grass," remarked the goat in a pleasant tone--or a tone as pleasant as bilbil could assume. "true, quite true," said the king. then he seemed thoughtful for a moment and turning to inga he asked: "do you think, prince, that if the worst comes, we could eat bilbil?" the goat gave a groan and cast a reproachful look at his master as he said: "monster! would you, indeed, eat your old friend and servant?" "not if i can help it, bilbil," answered the king pleasantly. "you would make a remarkably tough morsel, and my teeth are not as good as they once were." while this talk was in progress inga suddenly remembered the three pearls which his father had hidden under the tiled floor of the banquet hall. without doubt king kitticut had been so suddenly surprised by the invaders that he had found no opportunity to get the pearls, for otherwise the fierce warriors would have been defeated and driven out of pingaree. so they must still be in their hiding place, and inga believed they would prove of great assistance to him and his comrades in this hour of need. but the palace was a mass of ruins; perhaps he would be unable now to find the place where the pearls were hidden. he said nothing of this to rinkitink, remembering that his father had charged him to preserve the secret of the pearls and of their magic powers. nevertheless, the thought of securing the wonderful treasures of his ancestors gave the boy new hope. he stood up and said to the king: "let us return to the other end of pingaree. it is more pleasant than here in spite of the desolation of my father's palace. and there, if anywhere, we shall discover a way out of our difficulties." this suggestion met with rinkitink's approval and the little party at once started upon the return journey. as there was no occasion to delay upon the way, they reached the big end of the island about the middle of the day and at once began searching the ruins of the palace. they found, to their satisfaction, that one room at the bottom of a tower was still habitable, although the roof was broken in and the place was somewhat littered with stones. the king was, as he said, too fat to do any hard work, so he sat down on a block of marble and watched inga clear the room of its rubbish. this done, the boy hunted through the ruins until he discovered a stool and an armchair that had not been broken beyond use. some bedding and a mattress were also found, so that by nightfall the little room had been made quite comfortable. the following morning, while rinkitink was still sound asleep and bilbil was busily cropping the dewy grass that edged the shore, prince inga began to search the tumbled heaps of marble for the place where the royal banquet hall had been. after climbing over the ruins for a time he reached a flat place which he recognized, by means of the tiled flooring and the broken furniture scattered about, to be the great hall he was seeking. but in the center of the floor, directly over the spot where the pearls were hidden, lay several large and heavy blocks of marble, which had been torn from the dismantled walls. this unfortunate discovery for a time discouraged the boy, who realized how helpless he was to remove such vast obstacles; but it was so important to secure the pearls that he dared not give way to despair until every human effort had been made, so he sat him down to think over the matter with great care. meantime rinkitink had risen from his bed and walked out upon the lawn, where he found bilbil reclining at ease upon the greensward. "where is inga?" asked rinkitink, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles because their vision was blurred with too much sleep. "don't ask me," said the goat, chewing with much satisfaction a cud of sweet grasses. "bilbil," said the king, squatting down beside the goat and resting his fat chin upon his hands and his elbows on his knees, "allow me to confide to you the fact that i am bored, and need amusement. my good friend kitticut has been kidnapped by the barbarians and taken from me, so there is no one to converse with me intelligently. i am the king and you are the goat. suppose you tell me a story. "suppose i don't," said bilbil, with a scowl, for a goat's face is very expressive. "if you refuse, i shall be more unhappy than ever, and i know your disposition is too sweet to permit that. tell me a story, bilbil." the goat looked at him with an expression of scorn. said he: "one would think you are but four years old, rinkitink! but there--i will do as you command. listen carefully, and the story may do you some good--although i doubt if you understand the moral." "i am sure the story will do me good," declared the king, whose eyes were twinkling. "once on a time," began the goat. "when was that, bilbil?" asked the king gently. "don't interrupt; it is impolite. once on a time there was a king with a hollow inside his head, where most people have their brains, and--" "is this a true story, bilbil?" "and the king with a hollow head could chatter words, which had no sense, and laugh in a brainless manner at senseless things. that part of the story is true enough, rinkitink." "then proceed with the tale, sweet bilbil. yet it is hard to believe that any king could be brainless--unless, indeed, he proved it by owning a talking goat." bilbil glared at him a full minute in silence. then he resumed his story: "this empty-headed man was a king by accident, having been born to that high station. also the king was empty-headed by the same chance, being born without brains." "poor fellow!" quoth the king. "did he own a talking goat?" "he did," answered bilbil. "then he was wrong to have been born at all. cheek-eek-eek-eek, oo, hoo!" chuckled rinkitink, his fat body shaking with merriment. "but it's hard to prevent oneself from being born; there's no chance for protest, eh, bilbil?" "who is telling this story, i'd like to know," demanded the goat, with anger. "ask someone with brains, my boy; i'm sure i can't tell," replied the king, bursting into one of his merry fits of laughter. bilbil rose to his hoofs and walked away in a dignified manner, leaving rinkitink chuckling anew at the sour expression of the animal's face. "oh, bilbil, you'll be the death of me, some day--i'm sure you will!" gasped the king, taking out his lace handkerchief to wipe his eyes; for, as he often did, he had laughed till the tears came. bilbil was deeply vexed and would not even turn his head to look at his master. to escape from rinkitink he wandered among the ruins of the palace, where he came upon prince inga. "good morning, bilbil," said the boy. "i was just going to find you, that i might consult you upon an important matter. if you will kindly turn back with me i am sure your good judgment will be of great assistance." the angry goat was quite mollified by the respectful tone in which he was addressed, but he immediately asked: "are you also going to consult that empty-headed king over yonder?" "i am sorry to hear you speak of your kind master in such a way," said the boy gravely. "all men are deserving of respect, being the highest of living creatures, and kings deserve respect more than others, for they are set to rule over many people." "nevertheless," said bilbil with conviction, "rinkitink's head is certainly empty of brains." "that i am unwilling to believe," insisted inga. "but anyway his heart is kind and gentle and that is better than being wise. he is merry in spite of misfortunes that would cause others to weep and he never speaks harsh words that wound the feelings of his friends." "still," growled bilbil, "he is--" "let us forget everything but his good nature, which puts new heart into us when we are sad," advised the boy. "but he is--" "come with me, please," interrupted inga, "for the matter of which i wish to speak is very important." bilbil followed him, although the boy still heard the goat muttering that the king had no brains. rinkitink, seeing them turn into the ruins, also followed, and upon joining them asked for his breakfast. inga opened the sack of food and while he and the king ate of it the boy said: "if i could find a way to remove some of the blocks of marble which have fallen in the banquet hall, i think i could find means for us to escape from this barren island." "then," mumbled rinkitink, with his mouth full, "let us move the blocks of marble." "but how?" inquired prince inga. "they are very heavy." "ah, how, indeed?" returned the king, smacking his lips contentedly. "that is a serious question. but--i have it! let us see what my famous parchment says about it." he wiped his fingers upon a napkin and then, taking the scroll from a pocket inside his embroidered blouse, he unrolled it and read the following words: 'never step on another man's toes.' the goat gave a snort of contempt; inga was silent; the king looked from one to the other inquiringly. "that's the idea, exactly!" declared rinkitink. "to be sure," said bilbil scornfully, "it tells us exactly how to move the blocks of marble." "oh, does it?" responded the king, and then for a moment he rubbed the top of his bald head in a perplexed manner. the next moment he burst into a peal of joyous laughter. the goat looked at inga and sighed. "what did i tell you?" asked the creature. "was i right, or was i wrong?" "this scroll," said rinkitink, "is indeed a masterpiece. its advice is of tremendous value. 'never step on another man's toes.' let us think this over. the inference is that we should step upon our own toes, which were given us for that purpose. therefore, if i stepped upon another man's toes, i would be the other man. hoo, hoo, hoo!--the other man--hee, hee, heek-keek-eek! funny, isn't it?" "didn't i say--" began bilbil. "no matter what you said, my boy," roared the king. "no fool could have figured that out as nicely as i did." "we have still to decide how to remove the blocks of marble," suggested inga anxiously. "fasten a rope to them, and pull," said bilbil. "don't pay any more attention to rinkitink, for he is no wiser than the man who wrote that brainless scroll. just get the rope, and we'll fasten rinkitink to one end of it for a weight and i'll help you pull." "thank you, bilbil," replied the boy. "i'll get the rope at once." bilbil found it difficult to climb over the ruins to the floor of the banquet hall, but there are few places a goat cannot get to when it makes the attempt, so bilbil succeeded at last, and even fat little rinkitink finally joined them, though much out of breath. inga fastened one end of the rope around a block of marble and then made a loop at the other end to go over bilbil's head. when all was ready the boy seized the rope and helped the goat to pull; yet, strain as they might, the huge block would not stir from its place. seeing this, king rinkitink came forward and lent his assistance, the weight of his body forcing the heavy marble to slide several feet from where it had lain. but it was hard work and all were obliged to take a long rest before undertaking the removal of the next block. "admit, bilbil," said the king, "that i am of some use in the world." "your weight was of considerable help," acknowledged the goat, "but if your head were as well filled as your stomach the task would be still easier." when inga went to fasten the rope a second time he was rejoiced to discover that by moving one more block of marble he could uncover the tile with the secret spring. so the three pulled with renewed energy and to their joy the block moved and rolled upon its side, leaving inga free to remove the treasure when he pleased. but the boy had no intention of allowing bilbil and the king to share the secret of the royal treasures of pingaree; so, although both the goat and its master demanded to know why the marble blocks had been moved, and how it would benefit them, inga begged them to wait until the next morning, when he hoped to be able to satisfy them that their hard work had not been in vain. having little confidence in this promise of a mere boy, the goat grumbled and the king laughed; but inga paid no heed to their ridicule and set himself to work rigging up a fishing rod, with line and hook. during the afternoon he waded out to some rocks near the shore and fished patiently until he had captured enough yellow perch for their supper and breakfast. "ah," said rinkitink, looking at the fine catch when inga returned to the shore; "these will taste delicious when they are cooked; but do you know how to cook them?" "no," was the reply. "i have often caught fish, but never cooked them. perhaps your majesty understands cooking." "cooking and majesty are two different things," laughed the little king. "i could not cook a fish to save me from starvation." "for my part," said bilbil, "i never eat fish, but i can tell you how to cook them, for i have often watched the palace cooks at their work." and so, with the goat's assistance, the boy and the king managed to prepare the fish and cook them, after which they were eaten with good appetite. that night, after rinkitink and bilbil were both fast asleep, inga stole quietly through the moonlight to the desolate banquet hall. there, kneeling down, he touched the secret spring as his father had instructed him to do and to his joy the tile sank downward and disclosed the opening. you may imagine how the boy's heart throbbed with excitement as he slowly thrust his hand into the cavity and felt around to see if the precious pearls were still there. in a moment his fingers touched the silken bag and, without pausing to close the recess, he pressed the treasure against his breast and ran out into the moonlight to examine it. when he reached a bright place he started to open the bag, but he observed bilbil lying asleep upon the grass near by. so, trembling with the fear of discovery, he ran to another place, and when he paused he heard rinkitink snoring lustily. again he fled and made his way to the seashore, where he squatted under a bank and began to untie the cords that fastened the mouth of the bag. but now another fear assailed him. "if the pearls should slip from my hand," he thought, "and roll into the water, they might be lost to me forever. i must find some safer place." here and there he wandered, still clasping the silken bag in both hands, and finally he went to the grove and climbed into the tall tree where he had made his platform and seat. but here it was pitch dark, so he found he must wait patiently until morning before he dared touch the pearls. during those hours of waiting he had time for reflection and reproached himself for being so frightened by the possession of his father's treasures. "these pearls have belonged to our family for generations," he mused, "yet no one has ever lost them. if i use ordinary care i am sure i need have no fears for their safety." when the dawn came and he could see plainly, inga opened the bag and took out the blue pearl. there was no possibility of his being observed by others, so he took time to examine it wonderingly, saying to himself: "this will give me strength." taking off his right shoe he placed the blue pearl within it, far up in the pointed toe. then he tore a piece from his handkerchief and stuffed it into the shoe to hold the pearl in place. inga's shoes were long and pointed, as were all the shoes worn in pingaree, and the points curled upward, so that there was quite a vacant space beyond the place where the boy's toes reached when the shoe was upon his foot. after he had put on the shoe and laced it up he opened the bag and took out the pink pearl. "this will protect me from danger," said inga, and removing the shoe from his left foot he carefully placed the pearl in the hollow toe. this, also, he secured in place by means of a strip torn from his handkerchief. having put on the second shoe and laced it up, the boy drew from the silken bag the third pearl--that which was pure white--and holding it to his ear he asked. "will you advise me what to do, in this my hour of misfortune?" clearly the small voice of the pearl made answer: "i advise you to go to the islands of regos and coregos, where you may liberate your parents from slavery." "how could i do that?" exclaimed prince inga, amazed at receiving such advice. "to-night," spoke the voice of the pearl, "there will be a storm, and in the morning a boat will strand upon the shore. take this boat and row to regos and coregos." "how can i, a weak boy, pull the boat so far?" he inquired, doubting the possibility. "the blue pearl will give you strength," was the reply. "but i may be shipwrecked and drowned, before ever i reach regos and coregos," protested the boy. "the pink pearl will protect you from harm," murmured the voice, soft and low but very distinct. "then i shall act as you advise me," declared inga, speaking firmly because this promise gave him courage, and as he removed the pearl from his ear it whispered: "the wise and fearless are sure to win success." restoring the white pearl to the depths of the silken bag, inga fastened it securely around his neck and buttoned his waist above it to hide the treasure from all prying eyes. then he slowly climbed down from the tree and returned to the room where king rinkitink still slept. the goat was browsing upon the grass but looked cross and surly. when the boy said good morning as he passed, bilbil made no response whatever. as inga entered the room the king awoke and asked: "what is that mysterious secret of yours? i've been dreaming about it, and i haven't got my breath yet from tugging at those heavy blocks. tell me the secret." "a secret told is no longer a secret," replied inga, with a laugh. "besides, this is a family secret, which it is proper i should keep to myself. but i may tell you one thing, at least: we are going to leave this island to-morrow morning." the king seemed puzzled' by this statement. "i'm not much of a swimmer," said he, "and, though i'm fat enough to float upon the surface of the water, i'd only bob around and get nowhere at all." "we shall not swim, but ride comfortably in a boat," promised inga. "there isn't a boat on this island!" declared rinkitink, looking upon the boy with wonder. "true," said inga. "but one will come to us in the morning." he spoke positively, for he had perfect faith in the promise of the white pearl; but rinkitink, knowing nothing of the three marvelous jewels, began to fear that the little prince had lost his mind through grief and misfortune. for this reason the king did not question the boy further but tried to cheer him by telling him witty stories. he laughed at all the stories himself, in his merry, rollicking way, and inga joined freely in the laughter because his heart had been lightened by the prospect of rescuing his dear parents. not since the fierce warriors had descended upon pingaree had the boy been so hopeful and happy. with rinkitink riding upon bilbil's back, the three made a tour of the island and found in the central part some bushes and trees bearing ripe fruit. they gathered this freely, for--aside from the fish which inga caught--it was the only food they now had, and the less they had, the bigger rinkitink's appetite seemed to grow. "i am never more happy," said he with a sigh, "than when i am eating." toward evening the sky became overcast and soon a great storm began to rage. prince inga and king rinkitink took refuge within the shelter of the room they had fitted up and there bilbil joined them. the goat and the king were somewhat disturbed by the violence of the storm, but inga did not mind it, being pleased at this evidence that the white pearl might be relied upon. all night the wind shrieked around the island; thunder rolled, lightning flashed and rain came down in torrents. but with morning the storm abated and when the sun arose no sign of the tempest remained save a few fallen trees. chapter six the magic boat prince inga was up with the sun and, accompanied by bilbil, began walking along the shore in search of the boat which the white pearl had promised him. never for an instant did he doubt that he would find it and before he had walked any great distance a dark object at the water's edge caught his eye. "it is the boat, bilbil!" he cried joyfully, and running down to it he found it was, indeed, a large and roomy boat. although stranded upon the beach, it was in perfect order and had suffered in no way from the storm. inga stood for some moments gazing upon the handsome craft and wondering where it could have come from. certainly it was unlike any boat he had ever seen. on the outside it was painted a lustrous black, without any other color to relieve it; but all the inside of the boat was lined with pure silver, polished so highly that the surface resembled a mirror and glinted brilliantly in the rays of the sun. the seats had white velvet cushions upon them and the cushions were splendidly embroidered with threads of gold. at one end, beneath the broad seat, was a small barrel with silver hoops, which the boy found was filled with fresh, sweet water. a great chest of sandalwood, bound and ornamented with silver, stood in the other end of the boat. inga raised the lid and discovered the chest filled with sea-biscuits, cakes, tinned meats and ripe, juicy melons; enough good and wholesome food to last the party a long time. lying upon the bottom of the boat were two shining oars, and overhead, but rolled back now, was a canopy of silver cloth to ward off the heat of the sun. it is no wonder the boy was delighted with the appearance of this beautiful boat; but on reflection he feared it was too large for him to row any great distance. unless, indeed, the blue pearl gave him unusual strength. while he was considering this matter, king rinkitink came waddling up to him and said: "well, well, well, my prince, your words have come true! here is the boat, for a certainty, yet how it came here--and how you knew it would come to us--are puzzles that mystify me. i do not question our good fortune, however, and my heart is bubbling with joy, for in this boat i will return at once to my city of gilgad, from which i have remained absent altogether too long a time." "i do not wish to go to gilgad," said inga. "that is too bad, my friend, for you would be very welcome. but you may remain upon this island, if you wish," continued rinkitink, "and when i get home i will send some of my people to rescue you." "it is my boat, your majesty," said inga quietly. "may be, may be," was the careless answer, "but i am king of a great country, while you are a boy prince without any kingdom to speak of. therefore, being of greater importance than you, it is just and right that i take, your boat and return to my own country in it." "i am sorry to differ from your majesty's views," said inga, "but instead of going to gilgad i consider it of greater importance that we go to the islands of regos and coregos." "hey? what!" cried the astounded king. "to regos and coregos! to become slaves of the barbarians, like the king, your father? no, no, my boy! your uncle rinki may have an empty noddle, as bilbil claims, but he is far too wise to put his head in the lion's mouth. it's no fun to be a slave." "the people of regos and coregos will not enslave us," declared inga. "on the contrary, it is my intention to set free my dear parents, as well as all my people, and to bring them back again to pingaree." "cheek-eek-eek-eek-eek! how funny!" chuckled rinkitink, winking at the goat, which scowled in return. "your audacity takes my breath away, inga, but the adventure has its charm, i must, confess. were i not so fat, i'd agree to your plan at once, and could probably conquer that horde of fierce warriors without any assistance at all--any at all--eh, bilbil? but i grieve to say that i am fat, and not in good fighting trim. as for your determination to do what i admit i can't do, inga, i fear you forget that you are only a boy, and rather small at that." "no, i do not forget that," was inga's reply. "then please consider that you and i and bilbil are not strong enough, as an army, to conquer a powerful nation of skilled warriors. we could attempt it, of course, but you are too young to die, while i am too old. come with me to my city of gilgad, where you will be greatly honored. i'll have my professors teach you how to be good. eh? what do you say?" inga was a little embarrassed how to reply to these arguments, which he knew king rinkitink considered were wise; so, after a period of thought, he said: "i will make a bargain with your majesty, for i do not wish to fail in respect to so worthy a man and so great a king as yourself. this boat is mine, as i have said, and in my father's absence you have become my guest; therefore i claim that i am entitled to some consideration, as well as you." "no doubt of it," agreed rinkitink. "what is the bargain you propose, inga?" "let us both get into the boat, and you shall first try to row us to gilgad. if you succeed, i will accompany you right willingly; but should you fail, i will then row the boat to regos, and you must come with me without further protest." "a fair and just bargain!" cried the king, highly pleased. "yet, although i am a man of mighty deeds, i do not relish the prospect of rowing so big a boat all the way to gilgad. but i will do my best and abide by the result." the matter being thus peaceably settled, they prepared to embark. a further supply of fruits was placed in the boat and inga also raked up a quantity of the delicious oysters that abounded on the coast of pingaree but which he had before been unable to reach for lack of a boat. this was done at the suggestion of the ever-hungry rinkitink, and when the oysters had been stowed in their shells behind the water barrel and a plentiful supply of grass brought aboard for bilbil, they decided they were ready to start on their voyage. it proved no easy task to get bilbil into the boat, for he was a remarkably clumsy goat and once, when rinkitink gave him a push, he tumbled into the water and nearly drowned before they could get him out again. but there was no thought of leaving the quaint animal behind. his power of speech made him seem almost human in the eyes of the boy, and the fat king was so accustomed to his surly companion that nothing could have induced him to part with him. finally bilbil fell sprawling into the bottom of the boat, and inga helped him to get to the front end, where there was enough space for him to lie down. rinkitink now took his seat in the silver-lined craft and the boy came last, pushing off the boat as he sprang aboard, so that it floated freely upon the water. "well, here we go for gilgad!" exclaimed the king, picking up the oars and placing them in the row-locks. then he began to row as hard as he could, singing at the same time an odd sort of a song that ran like this: "the way to gilgad isn't bad for a stout old king and a brave young lad, for a cross old goat with a dripping coat, and a silver boat in which to float. so our hearts are merry, light and glad as we speed away to fair gilgad!" "don't, rinkitink; please don't! it makes me seasick," growled bilbil. rinkitink stopped rowing, for by this time he was all out of breath and his round face was covered with big drops of perspiration. and when he looked over his shoulder he found to his dismay that the boat had scarcely moved a foot from its former position. inga said nothing and appeared not to notice the king's failure. so now rinkitink, with a serious look on his fat, red face, took off his purple robe and rolled up the sleeves of his tunic and tried again. however, he succeeded no better than before and when he heard bilbil give a gruff laugh and saw a smile upon the boy prince's face, rinkitink suddenly dropped the oars and began shouting with laughter at his own defeat. as he wiped his brow with a yellow silk handkerchief he sang in a merry voice: "a sailor bold am i, i hold, but boldness will not row a boat. so i confess i'm in distress and just as useless as the goat." "please leave me out of your verses," said bilbil with a snort of anger. "when i make a fool of myself, bilbil, i'm a goat," replied rinkitink. "not so," insisted bilbil. "nothing could make you a member of my superior race." "superior? why, bilbil, a goat is but a beast, while i am a king!" "i claim that superiority lies in intelligence," said the goat. rinkitink paid no attention to this remark, but turning to inga he said: "we may as well get back to the shore, for the boat is too heavy to row to gilgad or anywhere else. indeed, it will be hard for us to reach land again." "let me take the oars," suggested inga. "you must not forget our bargain." "no, indeed," answered rinkitink. "if you can row us to regos, or to any other place, i will go with you without protest." so the king took inga's place at the stern of the boat and the boy grasped the oars and commenced to row. and now, to the great wonder of rinkitink--and even to inga's surprise--the oars became light as feathers as soon as the prince took hold of them. in an instant the boat began to glide rapidly through the water and, seeing this, the boy turned its prow toward the north. he did not know exactly where regos and coregos were located, but he did know that the islands lay to the north of pingaree, so he decided to trust to luck and the guidance of the pearls to carry him to them. gradually the island of pingaree became smaller to their view as the boat sped onward, until at the end of an hour they had lost sight of it altogether and were wholly surrounded by the purple waters of the nonestic ocean. prince inga did not tire from the labor of rowing; indeed, it seemed to him no labor at all. once he stopped long enough to place the poles of the canopy in the holes that had been made for them, in the edges of the boat, and to spread the canopy of silver over the poles, for rinkitink had complained of the sun's heat. but the canopy shut out the hot rays and rendered the interior of the boat cool and pleasant. "this is a glorious ride!" cried rinkitink, as he lay back in the shade. "i find it a decided relief to be away from that dismal island of pingaree. "it may be a relief for a short time," said bilbil, "but you are going to the land of your enemies, who will probably stick your fat body full of spears and arrows." "oh, i hope not!" exclaimed inga, distressed at the thought. "never mind," said the king calmly, "a man can die but once, you know, and when the enemy kills me i shall beg him to kill bilbil, also, that we may remain together in death as in life." "they may be cannibals, in which case they will roast and eat us," suggested bilbil, who wished to terrify his master. "who knows?" answered rinkitink, with a shudder. "but cheer up, bilbil; they may not kill us after all, or even capture us; so let us not borrow trouble. do not look so cross, my sprightly quadruped, and i will sing to amuse you." "your song would make me more cross than ever," grumbled the goat. "quite impossible, dear bilbil. you couldn't be more surly if you tried. so here is a famous song for you." while the boy rowed steadily on and the boat rushed fast over the water, the jolly king, who never could be sad or serious for many minutes at a time, lay back on his embroidered cushions and sang as follows: "a merry maiden went to sea- sing too-ral-oo-ral-i-do! she sat upon the captain's knee and looked around the sea to see what she could see, but she couldn't see me- sing too-ral-oo-ral-i-do! "how do you like that, bilbil?" "i don't like it," complained the goat. "it reminds me of the alligator that tried to whistle." "did he succeed, bilbil?" asked the king. "he whistled as well as you sing." "ha, ha, ha, ha, heek, keek, eek!" chuckled the king. "he must have whistled most exquisitely, eh, my friend?" "i am not your friend," returned the goat, wagging his ears in a surly manner. "i am yours, however," was the king's cheery reply; "and to prove it i'll sing you another verse." "don't, i beg of you!" but the king sang as follows: "the wind blew off the maiden's shoe- sing too-ral-oo-ral-i-do! and the shoe flew high to the sky so blue and the maiden knew 'twas a new shoe, too; but she couldn't pursue the shoe, 'tis true- sing too-ral-oo-ral-i-do! "isn't that sweet, my pretty goat?" "sweet, do you ask?" retorted bilbil. "i consider it as sweet as candy made from mustard and vinegar." "but not as sweet as your disposition, i admit. ah, bilbil, your temper would put honey itself to shame." "do not quarrel, i beg of you," pleaded inga. "are we not sad enough already?" "but this is a jolly quarrel," said the king, "and it is the way bilbil and i often amuse ourselves. listen, now, to the last verse of all: "the maid who shied her shoe now cried- sing too-ral-oo-ral-i-do! her tears were fried for the captain's bride who ate with pride her sobs, beside, and gently sighed 'i'm satisfied'- sing to-ral-oo-ral-i-do!" "worse and worse!" grumbled bilbil, with much scorn. "i am glad that is the last verse, for another of the same kind might cause me to faint." "i fear you have no ear for music," said the king. "i have heard no music, as yet," declared the goat. "you must have a strong imagination, king rinkitink, if you consider your songs music. do you remember the story of the bear that hired out for a nursemaid?" "i do not recall it just now," said rinkitink, with a wink at inga. "well, the bear tried to sing a lullaby to put the baby to sleep." "and then?" said the king. "the bear was highly pleased with its own voice, but the baby was nearly frightened to death." "heh, heb, heh, heh, whoo, hoo, hoo! you are a merry rogue, bilbil," laughed the king; "a merry rogue in spite of your gloomy features. however, if i have not amused you, i have at least pleased myself, for i am exceedingly fond of a good song. so let us say no more about it." all this time the boy prince was rowing the boat. he was not in the least tired, for the oars he held seemed to move of their own accord. he paid little heed to the conversation of rinkitink and the goat, but busied his thoughts with plans of what he should do when he reached the islands of regos and coregos and confronted his enemies. when the others finally became silent, inga inquired. "can you fight, king rinkitink?" "i have never tried," was the answer. "in time of danger i have found it much easier to run away than to face the foe." "but could you fight?" asked the boy. "i might try, if there was no chance to escape by running. have you a proper weapon for me to fight with?" "i have no weapon at all," confessed inga. "then let us use argument and persuasion instead of fighting. for instance, if we could persuade the warriors of regos to lie down, and let me step on them, they would be crushed with ease." prince inga had expected little support from the king, so he was not discouraged by this answer. after all, he reflected, a conquest by battle would be out of the question, yet the white pearl would not have advised him to go to regos and coregos had the mission been a hopeless one. it seemed to him, on further reflection, that he must rely upon circumstances to determine his actions when he reached the islands of the barbarians. by this time inga felt perfect confidence in the magic pearls. it was the white pearl that had given him the boat, and the blue pearl that had given him strength to row it. he believed that the pink pearl would protect him from any danger that might arise; so his anxiety was not for himself, but for his companions. king rinkitink and the goat had no magic to protect them, so inga resolved to do all in his power to keep them from harm. for three days and three nights the boat with the silver lining sped swiftly over the ocean. on the morning of the fourth day, so quickly had they traveled, inga saw before him the shores of the two great islands of regos and coregos. "the pearls have guided me aright!" he whispered to himself. "now, if i am wise, and cautious, and brave, i believe i shall be able to rescue my father and mother and my people." chapter seven the twin islands the island of regos was ten miles wide and forty miles long and it was ruled by a big and powerful king named gos. near to the shores were green and fertile fields, but farther back from the sea were rugged hills and mountains, so rocky that nothing would grow there. but in these mountains were mines of gold and silver, which the slaves of the king were forced to work, being confined in dark underground passages for that purpose. in the course of time huge caverns had been hollowed out by the slaves, in which they lived and slept, never seeing the light of day. cruel overseers with whips stood over these poor people, who had been captured in many countries by the raiding parties of king cos, and the overseers were quite willing to lash the slaves with their whips if they faltered a moment in their work. between the green shores and the mountains were forests of thick, tangled trees, between which narrow paths had been cut to lead up to the caves of the mines. it was on the level green meadows, not far from the ocean, that the great city of regos had been built, wherein was located the palace of the king. this city was inhabited by thousands of the fierce warriors of gos, who frequently took to their boats and spread over the sea to the neighboring islands to conquer and pillage, as they had done at pingaree. when they were not absent on one of these expeditions, the city of regos swarmed with them and so became a dangerous place for any peaceful person to live in, for the warriors were as lawless as their king. the island of coregos lay close beside the island of regos; so close, indeed, that one might have thrown a stone from one shore to another. but coregos was only half the size of regos and instead of being mountainous it was a rich and pleasant country, covered with fields of grain. the fields of coregos furnished food for the warriors and citizens of both countries, while the mines of regos made them all rich. coregos was ruled by queen cor, who was wedded to king gos; but so stern and cruel was the nature of this queen that the people could not decide which of their sovereigns they dreaded most. queen cor lived in her own city of coregos, which lay on that side of her island facing regos, and her slaves, who were mostly women, were made to plow the land and to plant and harvest the grain. from regos to coregos stretched a bridge of boats, set close together, with planks laid across their edges for people to walk upon. in this way it was easy to pass from one island to the other and in times of danger the bridge could be quickly removed. the native inhabitants of regos and coregos consisted of the warriors, who did nothing but fight and ravage, and the trembling servants who waited on them. king gos and queen cor were at war with all the rest of the world. other islanders hated and feared them, for their slaves were badly treated and absolutely no mercy was shown to the weak or ill. when the boats that had gone to pingaree returned loaded with rich plunder and a host of captives, there was much rejoicing in regos and coregos and the king and queen gave a fine feast to the warriors who had accomplished so great a conquest. this feast was set for the warriors in the grounds of king gos's palace, while with them in the great throne room all the captains and leaders of the fighting men were assembled with king gos and queen cor, who had come from her island to attend the ceremony. then all the goods that had been stolen from the king of pingaree were divided according to rank, the king and queen taking half, the captains a quarter, and the rest being divided amongst the warriors. the day following the feast king gos sent king kitticut and all the men of pingaree to work in his mines under the mountains, having first chained them together so they could not escape. the gentle queen of pingaree and all her women, together with the captured children, were given to queen cor, who set them to work in her grain fields. then the rulers and warriors of these dreadful islands thought they had done forever with pingaree. despoiled of all its wealth, its houses torn down, its boats captured and all its people enslaved, what likelihood was there that they might ever again hear of the desolated island? so the people of regos and coregos were surprised and puzzled when one morning they observed approaching their shores from the direction of the south a black boat containing a boy, a fat man and a goat. the warriors asked one another who these could be, and where they had come from? no one ever came to those islands of their own accord, that was certain. prince inga guided his boat to the south end of the island of regos, which was the landing place nearest to the city, and when the warriors saw this action they went down to the shore to meet him, being led by a big captain named buzzub. "those people surely mean us no good," said rinkitink uneasily to the boy. "without doubt they intend to capture us and make us their slaves." "do not fear, sir," answered inga, in a calm voice. "stay quietly in the boat with bilbil until i have spoken with these men." he stopped the boat a dozen feet from the shore, and standing up in his place made a grave bow to the multitude confronting him. said the big captain buzzub in a gruff voice: "well, little one, who may you be? and how dare you come, uninvited and all alone, to the island of regos?" "i am inga, prince of pingaree," returned the boy, "and i have come here to free my parents and my people, whom you have wrongfully enslaved." when they heard this bold speech a mighty laugh arose from the band of warriors, and when it had subsided the captain said: "you love to jest, my baby prince, and the joke is fairly good. but why did you willingly thrust your head into the lion's mouth? when you were free, why did you not stay free? we did not know we had left a single person in pingaree! but since you managed to escape us then, it is really kind of you to come here of your own free will, to be our slave. who is the funny fat person with you?" "it is his majesty, king rinkitink, of the great city of gilgad. he has accompanied me to see that you render full restitution for all you have stolen from pingaree." "better yet!" laughed buzzub. "he will make a fine slave for queen cor, who loves to tickle fat men, and see them jump." king rinkitink was filled with horror when he heard this, but the prince answered as boldly as before, saying: "we are not to be frightened by bluster, believe me; nor are we so weak as you imagine. we have magic powers so great and terrible that no host of warriors can possibly withstand us, and therefore i call upon you to surrender your city and your island to us, before we crush you with our mighty powers." the boy spoke very gravely and earnestly, but his words only aroused another shout of laughter. so while the men of regos were laughing inga drove the boat we'll up onto the sandy beach and leaped out. he also helped rinkitink out, and when the goat had unaided sprung to the sands, the king got upon bilbil's back, trembling a little internally, but striving to look as brave as possible. there was a bunch of coarse hair between the goat's ears, and this inga clutched firmly in his left hand. the boy knew the pink pearl would protect not only himself, but all whom he touched, from any harm, and as rinkitink was astride the goat and inga had his hand upon the animal, the three could not be injured by anything the warriors could do. but captain buzzub did not know this, and the little group of three seemed so weak and ridiculous that he believed their capture would be easy. so he turned to his men and with a wave of his hand said: "seize the intruders!" instantly two or three of the warriors stepped forward to obey, but to their amazement they could not reach any of the three; their hands were arrested as if by an invisible wall of iron. without paying any attention to these attempts at capture, inga advanced slowly and the goat kept pace with him. and when rinkitink saw that he was safe from harm he gave one of his big, merry laughs, and it startled the warriors and made them nervous. captain buzzub's eyes grew big with surprise as the three steadily advanced and forced his men backward; nor was he free from terror himself at the magic that protected these strange visitors. as for the warriors, they presently became terror-stricken and fled in a panic up the slope toward the city, and buzzub was obliged to chase after them and shout threats of punishment before he could halt them and form them into a line of battle. all the men of regos bore spears and bows-and-arrows, and some of the officers had swords and battle-axes; so buzzub ordered them to stand their ground and shoot and slay the strangers as they approached. this they tried to do. inga being in advance, the warriors sent a flight of sharp arrows straight at the boy's breast, while others cast their long spears at him. it seemed to rinkitink that the little prince must surely perish as he stood facing this hail of murderous missiles; but the power of the pink pearl did not desert him, and when the arrows and spears had reached to within an inch of his body they bounded back again and fell harmlessly at his feet. nor were rinkitink or bilbil injured in the least, although they stood close beside inga. buzzub stood for a moment looking upon the boy in silent wonder. then, recovering himself, he shouted in a loud voice: "once again! all together, my men. no one shall ever defy our might and live!" again a flight of arrows and spears sped toward the three, and since many more of the warriors of regos had by this time joined their fellows, the air was for a moment darkened by the deadly shafts. but again all fell harmless before the power of the pink pearl, and bilbil, who had been growing very angry at the attempts to injure him and his party, suddenly made a bolt forward, casting off inga's hold, and butted into the line of warriors, who were standing amazed at their failure to conquer. taken by surprise at the goat's attack, a dozen big warriors tumbled in a heap, yelling with fear, and their comrades, not knowing what had happened but imagining that their foes were attacking them, turned about and ran to the city as hard as they could go. bilbil, still angry, had just time to catch the big captain as he turned to follow his men, and buzzub first sprawled headlong upon the ground, then rolled over two or three times, and finally jumped up and ran yelling after his defeated warriors. this butting on the part of the goat was very hard upon king rinkitink, who nearly fell off bilbil's back at the shock of encounter; but the little fat king wound his arms around the goat's neck and shut his eyes and clung on with all his might. it was not until he heard inga say triumphantly, "we have won the fight without striking a blow!" that rinkitink dared open his eyes again. then he saw the warriors rushing into the city of regos and barring the heavy gates, and he was very much relieved at the sight. "without striking a blow!" said bilbil indignantly. "that is not quite true, prince inga. you did not fight, i admit, but i struck a couple of times to good purpose, and i claim to have conquered the cowardly warriors unaided." "you and i together, bilbil," said rinkitink mildly. "but the next time you make a charge, please warn me in time, so that i may dismount and give you all the credit for the attack." there being no one now to oppose their advance, the three walked to the gates of the city, which had been closed against them. the gates were of iron and heavily barred, and upon the top of the high walls of the city a host of the warriors now appeared armed with arrows and spears and other weapons. for buzzub had gone straight to the palace of king cos and reported his defeat, relating the powerful magic of the boy, the fat king and the goat, and had asked what to do next. the big captain still trembled with fear, but king gos did not believe in magic, and called buzzub a coward and a weakling. at once the king took command of his men personally, and he ordered the walls manned with warriors and instructed them to shoot to kill if any of the three strangers approached the gates. of course, neither rinkitink nor bilbil knew how they had been protected from harm and so at first they were inclined to resent the boy's command that the three must always keep together and touch one another at all times. but when inga explained that his magic would not otherwise save them from injury, they agreed to obey, for they had now seen enough to convince them that the prince was really protected by some invisible power. as they came before the gates another shower of arrows and spears descended upon them, and as before not a single missile touched their bodies. king gos, who was upon the wall, was greatly amazed and somewhat worried, but he depended upon the strength of his gates and commanded his men to continue shooting until all their weapons were gone. inga let them shoot as much as they wished, while he stood before the great gates and examined them carefully. "perhaps bilbil can batter down the gates, suggested rinkitink. "no," replied the goat; "my head is hard, but not harder than iron." "then," returned the king, "let us stay outside; especially as we can't get in." but inga was not at all sure they could not get in. the gates opened inward, and three heavy bars were held in place by means of stout staples riveted to the sheets of steel. the boy had been told that the power of the blue pearl would enable him to accomplish any feat of strength, and he believed that this was true. the warriors, under the direction of king gos, continued to hurl arrows and darts and spears and axes and huge stones upon the invaders, all without avail. the ground below was thickly covered with weapons, yet not one of the three before the gates had been injured in the slightest manner. when everything had been cast that was available and not a single weapon of any sort remained at hand, the amazed warriors saw the boy put his shoulder against the gates and burst asunder the huge staples that held the bars in place. a thousand of their men could not have accomplished this feat, yet the small, slight boy did it with seeming ease. the gates burst open, and inga advanced into the city street and called upon king gos to surrender. but gos was now as badly frightened as were his warriors. he and his men were accustomed to war and pillage and they had carried terror into many countries, but here was a small boy, a fat man and a goat who could not be injured by all his skill in warfare, his numerous army and thousands of death-dealing weapons. moreover, they not only defied king gos's entire army but they had broken in the huge gates of the city--as easily as if they had been made of paper--and such an exhibition of enormous strength made the wicked king fear for his life. like all bullies and marauders, gos was a coward at heart, and now a panic seized him and he turned and fled before the calm advance of prince inga of pingaree. the warriors were like their master, and having thrown all their weapons over the wall and being helpless to oppose the strangers, they all swarmed after gos, who abandoned his city and crossed the bridge of boats to the island of coregos. there was a desperate struggle among these cowardly warriors to get over the bridge, and many were pushed into the water and obliged to swim; but finally every fighting man of regos had gained the shore of coregos and then they tore away the bridge of boats and drew them up on their own side, hoping the stretch of open water would prevent the magic invaders from following them. the humble citizens and serving people of regos, who had been terrified and abused by the rough warriors all their lives, were not only greatly astonished by this sudden conquest of their masters but greatly delighted. as the king and his army fled to coregos, the people embraced one another and danced for very joy, and then they turned to see what the conquerors of regos were like. chapter eight rinkitink makes a great mistake the fat king rode his goat through the streets of the conquered city and the boy prince walked proudly beside him, while all the people bent their heads humbly to their new masters, whom they were prepared to serve in the same manner they had king gos. not a warrior remained in all regos to oppose the triumphant three; the bridge of boats had been destroyed; inga and his companions were free from danger--for a time, at least. the jolly little king appreciated this fact and rejoiced that he had escaped all injury during the battle. how it had all happened he could not tell, nor even guess, but he was content in being safe and free to take possession of the enemy's city. so, as they passed through the lines of respectful civilians on their way to the palace, the king tipped his crown back on his bald head and folded his arms and sang in his best voice the following lines: "oh, here comes the army of king rinkitink! it isn't a big one, perhaps you may think, but it scattered the warriors quicker than wink- rink-i-tink, tink-i-tink, tink! our bilbil's a hero and so is his king; our foemen have vanished like birds on the wing; i guess that as fighters we're quite the real thing- rink-i-tink, tink-i-tink, tink!" "why don't you give a little credit to inga?" inquired the goat. "if i remember aright, he did a little of the conquering himself." "so he did," responded the king, "and that's the reason i'm sounding our own praise, bilbil. those who do the least, often shout the loudest and so get the most glory. inga did so much that there is danger of his becoming more important than we are, and so we'd best say nothing about him." when they reached the palace, which was an immense building, furnished throughout in regal splendor, inga took formal possession and ordered the majordomo to show them the finest rooms the building contained. there were many pleasant apartments, but rinkitink proposed to inga that they share one of the largest bedrooms together. "for," said he, "we are not sure that old gos will not return and try to recapture his city, and you must remember that i have no magic to protect me. in any danger, were i alone, i might be easily killed or captured, while if you are by my side you can save me from injury." the boy realized the wisdom of this plan, and selected a fine big bedroom on the second floor of the palace, in which he ordered two golden beds placed and prepared for king rinkitink and himself. bilbil was given a suite of rooms on the other side of the palace, where servants brought the goat fresh-cut grass to eat and made him a soft bed to lie upon. that evening the boy prince and the fat king dined in great state in the lofty-domed dining hall of the palace, where forty servants waited upon them. the royal chef, anxious to win the favor of the conquerors of regos, prepared his finest and most savory dishes for them, which rinkitink ate with much appetite and found so delicious that he ordered the royal chef brought into the banquet hall and presented him with a gilt button which the king cut from his own jacket. "you are welcome to it," said he to the chef, "because i have eaten so much that i cannot use that lower button at all." rinkitink was mightily pleased to live in a comfortable palace again and to dine at a well spread table. his joy grew every moment, so that he came in time to be as merry and cheery as before pingaree was despoiled. and, although he had been much frightened during inga's defiance of the army of king gos, he now began to turn the matter into a joke. "why, my boy," said he, "you whipped the big black-bearded king exactly as if he were a schoolboy, even though you used no warlike weapon at all upon him. he was cowed through fear of your magic, and that reminds me to demand from you an explanation. how did you do it, inga? and where did the wonderful magic come from?" perhaps it would have been wise for the prince to have explained about the magic pearls, but at that moment he was not inclined to do so. instead, he replied: "be patient, your majesty. the secret is not my own, so please do not ask me to divulge it. is it not enough, for the present, that the magic saved you from death to-day?" "do not think me ungrateful," answered the king earnestly. "a million spears fell on me from the wall, and several stones as big as mountains, yet none of them hurt me!" "the stones were not as big as mountains, sire," said the prince with a smile. "they were, indeed, no larger than your head." "are you sure about that?" asked rinkitink. "quite sure, your majesty." "how deceptive those things are!" sighed the king. "this argument reminds me of the story of tom tick, which my father used to tell." "i have never heard that story," inga answered. "well, as he told it, it ran like this: "when tom walked out, the sky to spy, a naughty gnat flew in his eye; but tom knew not it was a gnat- he thought, at first, it was a cat. "and then, it felt so very big, he thought it surely was a pig till, standing still to hear it grunt, he cried: 'why, it's an elephunt!' "but--when the gnat flew out again and tom was free from all his pain, he said: 'there flew into my eye a leetle, teenty-tiny fly.'" "indeed," said inga, laughing, "the gnat was much like your stones that seemed as big as mountains." after their dinner they inspected the palace, which was filled with valuable goods stolen by king gos from many nations. but the day's events had tired them and they retired early to their big sleeping apartment. "in the morning," said the boy to rinkitink, as he was undressing for bed, "i shall begin the search for my father and mother and the people of pingaree. and, when they are found and rescued, we will all go home again, and be as happy as we were before." they carefully bolted the door of their room, that no one might enter, and then got into their beds, where rinkitink fell asleep in an instant. the boy lay awake for a while thinking over the day's adventures, but presently he fell sound asleep also, and so weary was he that nothing disturbed his slumber until he awakened next morning with a ray of sunshine in his eyes, which had crept into the room through the open window by king rinkitink's bed. resolving to begin the search for his parents without any unnecessary delay, inga at once got out of bed and began to dress himself, while rinkitink, in the other bed, was still sleeping peacefully. but when the boy had put on both his stockings and began looking for his shoes, he could find but one of them. the left shoe, that containing the pink pearl, was missing. filled with anxiety at this discovery, inga searched through the entire room, looking underneath the beds and divans and chairs and behind the draperies and in the corners and every other possible place a shoe might be. he tried the door, and found it still bolted; so, with growing uneasiness, the boy was forced to admit that the precious shoe was not in the room. with a throbbing heart he aroused his companion. "king rinkitink," said he, "do you know what has become of my left shoe?" "your shoe!" exclaimed the king, giving a wide yawn and rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them. "have you lost a shoe?" "yes," said inga. "i have searched everywhere in the room, and cannot find it." "but why bother me about such a small thing?" inquired rinkitink. "a shoe is only a shoe, and you can easily get another one. but, stay! perhaps it was your shoe which i threw at the cat last night." "the cat!" cried inga. "what do you mean?" "why, in the night," explained rinkitink, sitting up and beginning to dress himself, "i was wakened by the mewing of a cat that sat upon a wall of the palace, just outside my window. as the noise disturbed me, i reached out in the dark and caught up something and threw it at the cat, to frighten the creature away. i did not know what it was that i threw, and i was too sleepy to care; but probably it was your shoe, since it is now missing." "then," said the boy, in a despairing tone of voice, "your carelessness has ruined me, as well as yourself, king rinkitink, for in that shoe was concealed the magic power which protected us from danger." the king's face became very serious when he heard this and he uttered a low whistle of surprise and regret. "why on earth did you not warn me of this?" he demanded. "and why did you keep such a precious power in an old shoe? and why didn't you put the shoe under a pillow? you were very wrong, my lad, in not confiding to me, your faithful friend, the secret, for in that case the shoe would not now be lost." to all this inga had no answer. he sat on the side of his bed, with hanging head, utterly disconsolate, and seeing this, rinkitink had pity for his sorrow. "come!" cried the king; "let us go out at once and look for the shoe which i threw at the cat. it must even now be lying in the yard of the palace." this suggestion roused the boy to action. he at once threw open the door and in his stocking feet rushed down the staircase, closely followed by rinkitink. but although they looked on both sides of the palace wall and in every possible crack and corner where a shoe might lodge, they failed to find it. after a half hour's careful search the boy said sorrowfully: "someone must have passed by, as we slept, and taken the precious shoe, not knowing its value. to us, king rinkitink, this will be a dreadful misfortune, for we are surrounded by dangers from which we have now no protection. luckily i have the other shoe left, within which is the magic power that gives me strength; so all is not lost." then he told rinkitink, in a few words, the secret of the wonderful pearls, and how he had recovered them from the ruins and hidden them in his shoes, and how they had enabled him to drive king gos and his men from regos and to capture the city. the king was much astonished, and when the story was concluded he said to inga: "what did you do with the other shoe?" "why, i left it in our bedroom," replied the boy. "then i advise you to get it at once," continued rinkitink, "for we can ill afford to lose the second shoe, as well as the one i threw at the cat." "you are right!" cried inga, and they hastened back to their bedchamber. on entering the room they found an old woman sweeping and raising a great deal of dust. "where is my shoe?" asked the prince, anxiously. the old woman stopped sweeping and looked at him in a stupid way, for she was not very intelligent. "do you mean the one odd shoe that was lying on the floor when i came in?" she finally asked. "yes--yes!" answered the boy. "where is it? tell me where it is!" "why, i threw it on the dust-heap, outside the back gate," said she, "for, it being but a single shoe, with no mate, it can be of no use to anyone." "show us the way to the dust-heap--at once!" commanded the boy, sternly, for he was greatly frightened by this new misfortune which threatened him. the old woman hobbled away and they followed her, constantly urging her to hasten; but when they reached the dust-heap no shoe was to be seen. "this is terrible!" wailed the young prince, ready to weep at his loss. "we are now absolutely ruined, and at the mercy of our enemies. nor shall i be able to liberate my dear father and mother." "well," replied rinkitink, leaning against an old barrel and looking quite solemn, "the thing is certainly unlucky, any way we look at it. i suppose someone has passed along here and, seeing the shoe upon the dust-heap, has carried it away. but no one could know the magic power the shoe contains and so will not use it against us. i believe, inga, we must now depend upon our wits to get us out of the scrape we are in." with saddened hearts they returned to the palace, and entering a small room where no one could observe them or overhear them, the boy took the white pearl from its silken bag and held it to his ear, asking: "what shall i do now?" "tell no one of your loss," answered the voice of the pearl. "if your enemies do not know that you are powerless, they will fear you as much as ever. keep your secret, be patient, and fear not!" inga heeded this advice and also warned rinkitink to say nothing to anyone of the loss of the shoes and the powers they contained. he sent for the shoemaker of king gos, who soon brought him a new pair of red leather shoes that fitted him quite well. when these had been put upon his feet, the prince, accompanied by the king, started to walk through the city. wherever they went the people bowed low to the conqueror, although a few, remembering inga's terrible strength, ran away in fear and trembling. they had been used to severe masters and did not yet know how they would be treated by king gos's successor. there being no occasion for the boy to exercise the powers he had displayed the previous day, his present helplessness was not suspected by any of the citizens of regos, who still considered him a wonderful magician. inga did not dare to fight his way to the mines, at present, nor could he try to conquer the island of coregos, where his mother was enslaved; so he set about the regulation of the city of regos, and having established himself with great state in the royal palace he began to govern the people by kindness, having consideration for the most humble. the king of regos and his followers sent spies across to the island they had abandoned in their flight, and these spies returned with the news that the terrible boy conqueror was still occupying the city. therefore none of them ventured to go back to regos but continued to live upon the neighboring island of coregos, where they passed the days in fear and trembling and sought to plot and plan ways how they might overcome the prince of pingaree and the fat king of gilgad. chapter nine a present for zella now it so happened that on the morning of that same day when the prince of pingaree suffered the loss of his priceless shoes, there chanced to pass along the road that wound beside the royal palace a poor charcoal-burner named nikobob, who was about to return to his home in the forest. nikobob carried an ax and a bundle of torches over his shoulder and he walked with his eyes to the ground, being deep in thought as to the strange manner in which the powerful king gos and his city had been conquered by a boy prince who had come from pingaree. suddenly the charcoal-burner espied a shoe lying upon the ground, just beyond the high wall of the palace and directly in his path. he picked it up and, seeing it was a pretty shoe, although much too small for his own foot, he put it in his pocket. soon after, on turning a corner of the wall, nikobob came to a dust-heap where, lying amidst a mass of rubbish, was another shoe--the mate to the one he had before found. this also he placed in his pocket, saying to himself: "i have now a fine pair of shoes for my daughter zella, who will be much pleased to find i have brought her a present from the city." and while the charcoal-burner turned into the forest and trudged along the path toward his home, inga and rinkitink were still searching for the missing shoes. of course, they could not know that nikobob had found them, nor did the honest man think he had taken anything more than a pair of cast-off shoes which nobody wanted. nikobob had several miles to travel through the forest before he could reach the little log cabin where his wife, as well as his little daughter zella, awaited his return, but he was used to long walks and tramped along the path whistling cheerfully to beguile the time. few people, as i said before, ever passed through the dark and tangled forests of regos, except to go to the mines in the mountain beyond, for many dangerous creatures lurked in the wild jungles, and king gos never knew, when he sent a messenger to the mines, whether he would reach there safely or not. the charcoal-burner, however, knew the wild forest well, and especially this part of it lying between the city and his home. it was the favorite haunt of the ferocious beast choggenmugger, dreaded by every dweller in the island of regos. choggenmugger was so old that everyone thought it must have been there since the world was made, and each year of its life the huge scales that covered its body grew thicker and harder and its jaws grew wider and its teeth grew sharper and its appetite grew more keen than ever. in former ages there had been many dragons in regos, but choggenmugger was so fond of dragons that he had eaten all of them long ago. there had also been great serpents and crocodiles in the forest marshes, but all had gone to feed the hunger of choggenmugger. the people of regos knew well there was no use opposing the great beast, so when one unfortunately met with it he gave himself up for lost. all this nikobob knew well, but fortune had always favored him in his journey through the forest, and although he had at times met many savage beasts and fought them with his sharp ax, he had never to this day encountered the terrible choggenmugger. indeed, he was not thinking of the great beast at all as he walked along, but suddenly he heard a crashing of broken trees and felt a trembling of the earth and saw the immense jaws of choggenmugger opening before him. then nikobob gave himself up for lost and his heart almost ceased to beat. he believed there was no way of escape. no one ever dared oppose choggenmugger. but nikobob hated to die without showing the monster, in some way, that he was eaten only under protest. so he raised his ax and brought it down upon the red, protruding tongue of the monster--and cut it clean off! for a moment the charcoal-burner scarcely believed what his eyes saw, for he knew nothing of the pearls he carried in his pocket or the magic power they lent his arm. his success, however, encouraged him to strike again, and this time the huge scaly jaw of choggenmugger was severed in twain and the beast howled in terrified rage. nikobob took off his coat, to give himself more freedom of action, and then he earnestly renewed the attack. but now the ax seemed blunted by the hard scales and made no impression upon them whatever. the creature advanced with glaring, wicked eyes, and nikobob seized his coat under his arm and turned to flee. that was foolish, for choggenmugger could run like the wind. in a moment it overtook the charcoal-burner and snapped its four rows of sharp teeth together. but they did not touch nikobob, because he still held the coat in his grasp, close to his body, and in the coat pocket were inga's shoes, and in the points of the shoes were the magic pearls. finding himself uninjured, nikobob put on his coat, again seized his ax, and in a short time had chopped choggenmugger into many small pieces--a task that proved not only easy but very agreeable. "i must be the strongest man in all the world!" thought the charcoal-burner, as he proudly resumed his way, "for choggenmugger has been the terror of regos since the world began, and i alone have been able to destroy the beast. yet it is singular' that never before did i discover how powerful a man i am." he met no further adventure and at midday reached a little clearing in the forest where stood his humble cabin. "great news! i have great news for you," he shouted, as his wife and little daughter came to greet him. "king gos has been conquered by a boy prince from the far island of pingaree, and i have this day--unaided--destroyed choggenmugger by the might of my strong arm." this was, indeed, great news. they brought nikobob into the house and set him in an easy chair and made him tell everything he knew about the prince of pingaree and the fat king of gilgad, as well as the details of his wonderful fight with mighty choggenmugger. "and now, my daughter," said the charcoalburner, when all his news had been related for at least the third time, "here is a pretty present i have brought you from the city." with this he drew the shoes from the pocket of his coat and handed them to zella, who gave him a dozen kisses in payment and was much pleased with her gift. the little girl had never worn shoes before, for her parents were too poor to buy her such luxuries, so now the possession of these, which were not much worn, filled the child's heart with joy. she admired the red leather and the graceful curl of the pointed toes. when she tried them on her feet, they fitted as well as if made for her. all the afternoon, as she helped her mother with the housework, zella thought of her pretty shoes. they seemed more important to her than the coming to regos of the conquering prince of pingaree, or even the death of choggenmugger. when zella and her mother were not working in the cabin, cooking or sewing, they often searched the neighboring forest for honey which the wild bees cleverly hid in hollow trees. the day after nikobob's return, as they were starting out after honey, zella decided to put on her new shoes, as they would keep the twigs that covered the ground from hurting her feet. she was used to the twigs, of course, but what is the use of having nice, comfortable shoes, if you do not wear them? so she danced along, very happily, followed by her mother, and presently they came to a tree in which was a deep hollow. zella thrust her hand and arm into the space and found that the tree was full of honey, so she began to dig it out with a wooden paddle. her mother, who held the pail, suddenly cried in warning: "look out, zella; the bees are coming!" and then the good woman ran fast toward the house to escape. zella, however, had no more than time to turn her head when a thick swarm of bees surrounded her, angry because they had caught her stealing their honey and intent on stinging the girl as a punishment. she knew her danger and expected to be badly injured by the multitude of stinging bees, but to her surprise the little creatures were unable to fly close enough to her to stick their dart-like stingers into her flesh. they swarmed about her in a dark cloud, and their angry buzzing was terrible to hear, yet the little girl remained unharmed. when she realized this, zella was no longer afraid but continued to ladle out the honey until she had secured all that was in the tree. then she returned to the cabin, where her mother was weeping and bemoaning the fate of her darling child, and the good woman was greatly astonished to find zella had escaped injury. again they went to the woods to search for honey, and although the mother always ran away whenever the bees came near them, zella paid no attention to the creatures but kept at her work, so that before supper time came the pails were again filled to overflowing with delicious honey. "with such good fortune as we have had this day," said her mother, "we shall soon gather enough honey for you to carry to queen cor." for it seems the wicked queen was very fond of honey and it had been zella's custom to go, once every year, to the city of coregos, to carry the queen a supply of sweet honey for her table. usually she had but one pail. "but now," said zella, "i shall be able to carry two pailsful to the queen, who will, i am sure, give me a good price for it." "true," answered her mother, "and, as the boy prince may take it into his head to conquer coregos, as well as regos, i think it best for you to start on your journey to queen cor tomorrow morning. do you not agree with me, nikobob?" she added, turning to her husband, the charcoal-burner, who was eating his supper. "i agree with you," he replied. "if zella must go to the city of coregos, she may as well start to-morrow morning." chapter ten the cunning of queen cor you may be sure the queen of coregos was not well pleased to have king gos and all his warriors living in her city after they had fled from their own. they were savage natured and quarrelsome men at all times, and their tempers had not improved since their conquest by the prince of pingaree. moreover, they were eating up queen cor's provisions and crowding the houses of her own people, who grumbled and complained until their queen was heartily tired. "shame on you!" she said to her husband, king gos, "to be driven out of your city by a boy, a roly-poly king and a billy goat! why do you not go back and fight them?" "no human can fight against the powers of magic," returned the king in a surly voice. "that boy is either a fairy or under the protection of fairies. we escaped with our lives only because we were quick to run away; but, should we return to regos, the same terrible power that burst open the city gates would crush us all to atoms." "bah! you are a coward," cried the queen, tauntingly. "i am not a coward," said the big king. "i have killed in battle scores of my enemies; by the might of my sword and my good right arm i have conquered many nations; all my life people have feared me. but no one would dare face the tremendous power of the prince of pingaree, boy though he is. it would not be courage, it would be folly, to attempt it." "then meet his power with cunning," suggested the queen. "take my advice, and steal over to regos at night, when it is dark, and capture or destroy the boy while he sleeps." "no weapon can touch his body," was the answer. "he bears a charmed life and cannot be injured." "does the fat king possess magic powers, or the goat?" inquired cor. "i think not," said gos. "we could not injure them, indeed, any more than we could the boy, but they did not seem to have any unusual strength, although the goat's head is harder than a battering-ram." "well," mused the queen, "there is surely some way to conquer that slight boy. if you are afraid to undertake the job, i shall go myself. by some stratagem i shall manage to make him my prisoner. he will not dare to defy a queen, and no magic can stand against a woman's cunning." "go ahead, if you like," replied the king, with an evil grin, "and if you are hung up by the thumbs or cast into a dungeon, it will serve you right for thinking you can succeed where a skilled warrior dares not make the attempt." "i'm not afraid," answered the queen. "it is only soldiers and bullies who are cowards." in spite of this assertion, queen cor was not so brave as she was cunning. for several days she thought over this plan and that, and tried to decide which was most likely to succeed. she had never seen the boy prince but had heard so many tales of him from the defeated warriors, and especially from captain buzzub, that she had learned to respect his power. spurred on by the knowledge that she would never get rid of her unwelcome guests until prince inga was overcome and regos regained for king gos, the queen of coregos finally decided to trust to luck and her native wit to defeat a simple-minded boy, however powerful he might be. inga could not suspect what she was going to do, because she did not know herself. she intended to act boldly and trust to chance to win. it is evident that had the cunning queen known that inga had lost all his magic, she would not have devoted so much time to the simple matter of capturing him, but like all others she was impressed by the marvelous exhibition of power he had shown in capturing regos, and had no reason to believe the boy was less powerful now. one morning queen cor boldly entered a boat, and, taking four men with her as an escort and bodyguard, was rowed across the narrow channel to regos. prince inga was sitting in the palace playing checkers with king rinkitink when a servant came to him, saying that queen cor had arrived and desired an audience with him. with many misgivings lest the wicked queen discover that he had now lost his magic powers, the boy ordered her to be admitted, and she soon entered the room and bowed low before him, in mock respect. cor was a big woman, almost as tall as king gos. she had flashing black eyes and the dark complexion you see on gypsies. her temper, when irritated, was something dreadful, and her face wore an evil expression which she tried to cover by smiling sweetly--often when she meant the most mischief. "i have come," said she in a low voice, "to render homage to the noble prince of pingaree. i am told that your highness is the strongest person in the world, and invincible in battle, and therefore i wish you to become my friend, rather than my enemy." now inga did not know how to reply to this speech. he disliked the appearance of the woman and was afraid of her and he was unused to deception and did not know how to mask his real feelings. so he took time to think over his answer, which he finally made in these words: "i have no quarrel with your majesty, and my only reason for coming here is to liberate my father and mother, and my people, whom you and your husband have made your slaves, and to recover the goods king gos has plundered from the island of pingaree. this i hope soon to accomplish, and if you really wish to be my friend, you can assist me greatly." while he was speaking queen cor had been studying the boy's face stealthily, from the corners of her eyes, and she said to herself: "he is so small and innocent that i believe i can capture him alone, and with ease. he does not seem very terrible and i suspect that king gos and his warriors were frightened at nothing." then, aloud, she said to inga: "i wish to invite you, mighty prince, and your friend, the great king of gilgad, to visit my poor palace at coregos, where all my people shall do you honor. will you come?" "at present," replied inga, uneasily, "i must refuse your kind invitation." "there will be feasting, and dancing girls, and games and fireworks," said the queen, speaking as if eager to entice him and at each word coming a step nearer to where he stood. "i could not enjoy them while my poor parents are slaves," said the boy, sadly. "are you sure of that?" asked queen cor, and by that time she was close beside inga. suddenly she leaned forward and threw both of her long arms around inga's body, holding him in a grasp that was like a vise. now rinkitink sprang forward to rescue his friend, but cor kicked out viciously with her foot and struck the king squarely on his stomach--a very tender place to be kicked, especially if one is fat. then, still hugging inga tightly, the queen called aloud: "i've got him! bring in the ropes." instantly the four men she had brought with her sprang into the room and bound the boy hand and foot. next they seized rinkitink, who was still rubbing his stomach, and bound him likewise. with a laugh of wicked triumph, queen cor now led her captives down to the boat and returned with them to coregos. great was the astonishment of king gos and his warriors when they saw that the mighty prince of pingaree, who had put them all to flight, had been captured by a woman. cowards as they were, they now crowded around the boy and jeered at him, and some of them would have struck him had not the queen cried out: "hands off! he is my prisoner, remember not yours." "well, cor, what are you going to do with him?" inquired king gos. "i shall make him my slave, that he may amuse my idle hours. for he is a pretty boy, and gentle, although he did frighten all of you big warriors so terribly." the king scowled at this speech, not liking to be ridiculed, but he said nothing more. he and his men returned that same day to regos, after restoring the bridge of boats. and they held a wild carnival of rejoicing, both in the king's palace and in the city, although the poor people of regos who were not warriors were all sorry that the kind young prince had been captured by his enemies and could rule them no longer. when her unwelcome guests had all gone back to regos and the queen was alone in her palace, she ordered inga and rinkitink brought before her and their bonds removed. they came sadly enough, knowing they were in serious straits and at the mercy of a cruel mistress. inga had taken counsel of the white pearl, which had advised him to bear up bravely under his misfortune, promising a change for the better very soon. with this promise to comfort him, inga faced the queen with a dignified bearing that indicated both pride and courage. "well, youngster," said she, in a cheerful tone because she was pleased with her success, "you played a clever trick on my poor husband and frightened him badly, but for that prank i am inclined to forgive you. hereafter i intend you to be my page, which means that you must fetch and carry for me at my will. and let me advise you to obey my every whim without question or delay, for when i am angry i become ugly, and when i am ugly someone is sure to feel the lash. do you understand me?" inga bowed, but made no answer. then she turned to rinkitink and said: "as for you, i cannot decide how to make you useful to me, as you are altogether too fat and awkward to work in the fields. it may be, however, that i can use you as a pincushion. "what!" cried rinkitink in horror, "would you stick pins into the king of gilgad?" "why not?" returned queen cor. "you are as fat as a pincushion, as you must yourself admit, and whenever i needed a pin i could call you to me." then she laughed at his frightened look and asked: "by the way, are you ticklish?" this was the question rinkitink had been dreading. he gave a moan of despair and shook his head. "i should love to tickle the bottom of your feet with a feather," continued the cruel woman. "please take off your shoes." "oh, your majesty!" pleaded poor rinkitink, "i beg you to allow me to amuse you in some other way. i can dance, or i can sing you a song." "well," she answered, shaking with laughter, "you may sing a song--if it be a merry one. but you do not seem in a merry mood." "i feel merry--indeed, your majesty, i do!" protested rinkitink, anxious to escape the tickling. but even as he professed to "feel merry" his round, red face wore an expression of horror and anxiety that was really comical. "sing, then!" commanded queen cor, who was greatly amused. rinkitink gave a sigh of relief and after clearing his throat and trying to repress his sobs he began to sing this song-gently, at first, but finally roaring it out at the top of his voice: "oh! there was a baby tiger lived in a men-ag-er-ie- fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy--they wouldn't set him free; and ev'rybody thought that he was gentle as could be- fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy--ba-by ti-ger! "oh! they patted him upon his head and shook him by the paw- fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy--he had a bone to gnaw; but soon he grew the biggest tiger that you ever saw- fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy--what a ti-ger! "oh! one day they came to pet the brute and he began to fight- fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy-how he did scratch and bite! he broke the cage and in a rage he darted out of sight- fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy was a ti-ger!" "and is there a moral to the song?" asked queen cor, when king rinkitink had finished his song with great spirit. "if there is," replied rinkitink, "it is a warning not to fool with tigers." the little prince could not help smiling at this shrewd answer, but queen cor frowned and gave the king a sharp look. "oh," said she; "i think i know the difference between a tiger and a lapdog. but i'll bear the warning in mind, just the same." for, after all her success in capturing them, she was a little afraid of these people who had once displayed such extraordinary powers. chapter eleven zella goes to coregos the forest in which nikobob lived with his wife and daughter stood between the mountains and the city of regos, and a well-beaten path wound among the trees, leading from the city to the mines. this path was used by the king's messengers, and captured prisoners were also sent by this way from regos to work in the underground caverns. nikobob had built his cabin more than a mile away from this path, that he might not be molested by the wild and lawless soldiers of king gos, but the family of the charcoal-burner was surrounded by many creatures scarcely less dangerous to encounter, and often in the night they could hear savage animals growling and prowling about the cabin. because nikobob minded his own business and never hunted the wild creatures to injure them, the beasts had come to regard him as one of the natural dwellers in the forest and did not molest him or his family. still zella and her mother seldom wandered far from home, except on such errands as carrying honey to coregos, and at these times nikobob cautioned them to be very careful. so when zella set out on her journey to queen cor, with the two pails of honey in her hands, she was undertaking a dangerous adventure and there was no certainty that she would return safely to her loving parents. but they were poor, and queen cor's money, which they expected to receive for the honey, would enable them to purchase many things that were needed; so it was deemed best that zella should go. she was a brave little girl and poor people are often obliged to take chances that rich ones are spared. a passing woodchopper had brought news to nikobob's cabin that queen cor had made a prisoner of the conquering prince of pingaree and that gos and his warriors were again back in their city of regos; but these struggles and conquests were matters which, however interesting, did not concern the poor charcoal-burner or his family. they were more anxious over the report that the warriors had become more reckless than ever before, and delighted in annoying all the common people; so zella was told to keep away from the beaten path as much as possible, that she might not encounter any of the king's soldiers. "when it is necessary to choose between the warriors and the wild beasts," said nikobob, "the beasts will be found the more merciful." the little girl had put on her best attire for the journey and her mother threw a blue silk shawl over her head and shoulders. upon her feet were the pretty red shoes her father had brought her from regos. thus prepared, she kissed her parents good-bye and started out with a light heart, carrying the pails of honey in either hand. it was necessary for zella to cross the path that led from the mines to the city, but once on the other side she was not likely to meet with anyone, for she had resolved to cut through the forest and so reach the bridge of boats without entering the city of regos, where she might be interrupted. for an hour or two she found the walking easy enough, but then the forest, which in this part was unknown to her, became badly tangled. the trees were thicker and creeping vines intertwined between them. she had to turn this way and that to get through at all, and finally she came to a place where a network of vines and branches effectually barred her farther progress. zella was dismayed, at first, when she encountered this obstacle, but setting down her pails she made an endeavor to push the branches aside. at her touch they parted as if by magic, breaking asunder like dried twigs, and she found she could pass freely. at another place a great log had fallen across her way, but the little girl lifted it easily and cast it aside, although six ordinary men could scarcely have moved it. the child was somewhat worried at this evidence of a strength she had heretofore been ignorant that she possessed. in order to satisfy herself that it was no delusion, she tested her new-found power in many ways, finding that nothing was too big nor too heavy for her to lift. and, naturally enough, the girl gained courage from these experiments and became confident that she could protect herself in any emergency. when, presently, a wild boar ran toward her, grunting horribly and threatening her with its great tusks, she did not climb a tree to escape, as she had always done before on meeting such creatures, but stood still and faced the boar. when it had come quite close and zella saw that it could not injure her--a fact that astonished both the beast and the girl--she suddenly reached down and seizing it by one ear threw the great beast far off amongst the trees, where it fell headlong to the earth, grunting louder than ever with surprise and fear. the girl laughed merrily at this incident and, picking up her pails, resumed her journey through the forest. it is not recorded whether the wild boar told his adventure to the other beasts or they had happened to witness his defeat, but certain it is that zella was not again molested. a brown bear watched her pass without making any movement in her direction and a great puma--a beast much dreaded by all men--crept out of her path as she approached, and disappeared among the trees. thus everything favored the girl's journey and she made such good speed that by noon she emerged from the forest's edge and found she was quite near to the bridge of boats that led to coregos. this she crossed safely and without meeting any of the rude warriors she so greatly feared, and five minutes later the daughter of the charcoal-burner was seeking admittance at the back door of queen cor's palace. chapter twelve the excitement of bilbil the goat our story must now return to one of our characters whom we have been forced to neglect. the temper of bilbil the goat was not sweet under any circumstances, and whenever he had a grievance he was inclined to be quite grumpy. so, when his master settled down in the palace of king gos for a quiet life with the boy prince, and passed his time in playing checkers and eating and otherwise enjoying himself, he had no use whatever for bilbil, and shut the goat in an upstairs room to prevent his wandering through the city and quarreling with the citizens. but this bilbil did not like at all. he became very cross and disagreeable at being left alone and he did not speak nicely to the servants who came to bring him food; therefore those people decided not to wait upon him any more, resenting his conversation and not liking to be scolded by a lean, scraggly goat, even though it belonged to a conqueror. the servants kept away from the room and bilbil grew more hungry and more angry every hour. he tried to eat the rugs and ornaments, but found them not at all nourishing. there was no grass to be had unless he escaped from the palace. when queen cor came to capture inga and rinkitink, both the prisoners were so filled with despair at their own misfortune that they gave no thought whatever to the goat, who was left in his room. nor did bilbil know anything of the changed fortunes of his comrades until he heard shouts and boisterous laughter in the courtyard below. looking out of a window, with the intention of rebuking those who dared thus to disturb him, bilbil saw the courtyard quite filled with warriors and knew from this that the palace had in some way again fallen into the hands of the enemy. now, although bilbil was often exceedingly disagreeable to king rinkitink, as well as to the prince, and sometimes used harsh words in addressing them, he was intelligent enough to know them to be his friends, and to know that king gos and his people were his foes. in sudden anger, provoked by the sight of the warriors and the knowledge that he was in the power of the dangerous men of regos, bilbil butted his head against the door of his room and burst it open. then he ran to the head of the staircase and saw king gos coming up the stairs followed by a long line of his chief captains and warriors. the goat lowered his head, trembling with rage and excitement, and just as the king reached the top stair the animal dashed forward and butted his majesty so fiercely that the big and powerful king, who did not expect an attack, doubled up and tumbled backward. his great weight knocked over the man just behind him and he in turn struck the next warrior and upset him, so that in an instant the whole line of bilbil's foes was tumbling heels over head to the bottom of the stairs, where they piled up in a heap, struggling and shouting and in the mixup hitting one another with their fists, until every man of them was bruised and sore. finally king gos scrambled out of the heap and rushed up the stairs again, very angry indeed. bilbil was ready for him and a second time butted the king down the stairs; but now the goat also lost his balance and followed the king, landing full upon the confused heap of soldiers. then he kicked out so viciously with his heels that he soon freed himself and dashed out of the doorway of the palace. "stop him!" cried king gos, running after. but the goat was now so wild and excited that it was not safe for anyone to stand in his way. none of the men were armed and when one or two tried to head off the goat, bilbil sent them sprawling upon the ground. most of the warriors, however, were wise enough not to attempt to interfere with his flight. coursing down the street, bilbil found himself approaching the bridge of boats and without pausing to think where it might lead him he crossed over and proceeded on his way. a few moments later a great stone building blocked his path. it was the palace of queen cor, and seeing the gates of the courtyard standing wide open, bilbil rushed through them without slackening his speed. chapter thirteen zella saves the prince the wicked queen of coregos was in a very bad humor this morning, for one of her slave drivers had come from the fields to say that a number of slaves had rebelled and would not work. "bring them here to me!" she cried savagely. "a good whipping may make them change their minds." so the slave driver went to fetch the rebellious ones and queen cor sat down to eat her breakfast, an ugly look on her face. prince inga had been ordered to stand behind his new mistress with a big fan of peacock's feathers, but he was so unused to such service that he awkwardly brushed her ear with the fan. at once she flew into a terrible rage and slapped the prince twice with her hand-blows that tingled, too, for her hand was big and hard and she was not inclined to be gentle. inga took the blows without shrinking or uttering a cry, although they stung his pride far more than his body. but king rinkitink, who was acting as the queen's butler and had just brought in her coffee, was so startled at seeing the young prince punished that he tipped over the urn and the hot coffee streamed across the lap of the queen's best morning gown. cor sprang from her seat with a scream of anger and poor rinkitink would doubtless have been given a terrible beating had not the slave driver returned at this moment and attracted the woman's attention. the overseer had brought with him all of the women slaves from pingaree, who had been loaded down with chains and were so weak and ill they could scarcely walk, much less work in the fields. prince inga's eyes were dimmed with sorrowful tears when he discovered how his poor people had been abused, but his own plight was so helpless that he was unable to aid them. fortunately the boy's mother, queen garee, was not among these slaves, for queen cor had placed her in the royal dairy to make butter. "why do you refuse to work?" demanded cor in a harsh voice, as the slaves from pingaree stood before her, trembling and with downcast eyes. "because we lack strength to perform the tasks your overseers demand," answered one of the women. "then you shall be whipped until your strength returns!" exclaimed the queen, and turning to inga, she commanded: "get me the whip with the seven lashes." as the boy left the room, wondering how he might manage to save the unhappy women from their undeserved punishment, he met a girl entering by the back way, who asked: "can you tell me where to find her majesty, queen cor?" "she is in the chamber with the red dome, where green dragons are painted upon the walls," replied inga; "but she is in an angry and ungracious mood to-day. why do you wish to see her?" "i have honey to sell," answered the girl, who was zella, just come from the forest. "the queen is very fond of my honey." "you may go to her, if you so desire," said the boy, "but take care not to anger the cruel queen, or she may do you a mischief." "why should she harm me, who brings her the honey she so dearly loves?" inquired the child innocently. "but i thank you for your warning; and i will try not to anger the queen." as zella started to go, inga's eyes suddenly fell upon her shoes and instantly he recognized them as his own. for only in pingaree were shoes shaped in this manner: high at the heel and pointed at the toes. "stop!" he cried in an excited voice, and the girl obeyed, wonderingly. "tell me," he continued, more gently, "where did you get those shoes?" "my father brought them to me from regos," she answered. "from regos!" "yes. are they not pretty?" asked zella, looking down at her feet to admire them. "one of them my father found by the palace wall, and the other on an ash-heap. so he brought them to me and they fit me perfectly." by this time inga was trembling with eager joy, which of course the girl could not understand. "what is your name, little maid?" he asked. "i am called zella, and my father is nikobob, the charcoal-burner." "zella is a pretty name. i am inga, prince of pingaree," said he, "and the shoes you are now wearing, zella, belong to me. they were not cast away, as your father supposed, but were lost. will you let me have them again?" zella's eyes filled with tears. "must i give up my pretty shoes, then?" she asked. "they are the only ones i have ever owned." inga was sorry for the poor child, but he knew how important it was that he regain possession of the magic pearls. so he said, pleadingly: "please let me have them, zella. see! i will exchange for them the shoes i now have on, which are newer and prettier than the others." the girl hesitated. she wanted to please the boy prince, yet she hated to exchange the shoes which her father had brought her as a present. "if you will give me the shoes," continued the boy, anxiously, "i will promise to make you and your father and mother rich and prosperous. indeed, i will promise to grant any favors you may ask of me," and he sat down upon the floor and drew off the shoes he was wearing and held them toward the girl. "i'll see if they will fit me," said zella, taking off her left shoe--the one that contained the pink pearl--and beginning to put on one of inga's. just then queen cor, angry at being made to wait for her whip with the seven lashes, rushed into the room to find inga. seeing the boy sitting upon the floor beside zella, the woman sprang toward him to beat him with her clenched fists; but inga had now slipped on the shoe and the queen's blows could not reach his body. then cor espied the whip lying beside inga and snatching it up she tried to lash him with it--all to no avail. while zella sat horrified by this scene, the prince, who realized he had no time to waste, reached out and pulled the right shoe from the girl's foot, quickly placing it upon his own. then he stood up and, facing the furious but astonished queen, said to her in a quiet voice: "madam, please give me that whip." "i won't!" answered cor. "i'm going to lash those pingaree women with it." the boy seized hold of the whip and with irresistible strength drew it from the queen's hand. but she drew from her bosom a sharp dagger and with the swiftness of lightning aimed a blow at inga's heart. he merely stood still and smiled, for the blade rebounded and fell clattering to the floor. then, at last, queen cor understood the magic power that had terrified her husband but which she had ridiculed in her ignorance, not believing in it. she did not know that inga's power had been lost, and found again, but she realized the boy was no common foe and that unless she could still manage to outwit him her reign in the island of coregos was ended. to gain time, she went back to the red-domed chamber and seated herself in her throne, before which were grouped the weeping slaves from pingaree. inga had taken zella's hand and assisted her to put on the shoes he had given her in exchange for his own. she found them quite comfortable and did not know she had lost anything by the transfer. "come with me," then said the boy prince, and led her into the presence of queen cor, who was giving rinkitink a scolding. to the overseer inga said. "give me the keys which unlock these chains, that i may set these poor women at liberty." "don't you do it!" screamed queen cor. "if you interfere, madam," said the boy, "i will put you into a dungeon." by this rinkitink knew that inga had recovered his magic pearls and the little fat king was so overjoyed that he danced and capered all around the room. but the queen was alarmed at the threat and the slave driver, fearing the conqueror of regos, tremblingly gave up the keys. inga quickly removed all the shackles from the women of his country and comforted them, telling them they should work no more but would soon be restored to their homes in pingaree. then he commanded the slave driver to go and get all the children who had been made slaves, and to bring them to their mothers. the man obeyed and left at once to perform his errand, while queen cor, growing more and more uneasy, suddenly sprang from her throne and before inga could stop her had rushed through the room and out into the courtyard of the palace, meaning to make her escape. rinkitink followed her, running as fast as he could go. it was at this moment that bilbil, in his mad dash from regos, turned in at the gates of the courtyard, and as he was coming one way and queen cor was going the other they bumped into each other with great force. the woman sailed through the air, over bilbil's head, and landed on the ground outside the gates, where her crown rolled into a ditch and she picked herself up, half dazed, and continued her flight. bilbil was also somewhat dazed by the unexpected encounter, but he continued his rush rather blindly and so struck poor rinkitink, who was chasing after queen cor. they rolled over one another a few times and then rinkitink sat up and bilbil sat up and they looked at each other in amazement. "bilbil," said the king, "i'm astonished at you!" "your majesty," said bilbil, "i expected kinder treatment at your hands." "you interrupted me," said rinkitink. "there was plenty of room without your taking my path," declared the goat. and then inga came running out and said. "where is the queen?" "gone," replied rinkitink, "but she cannot go far, as this is an island. however, i have found bilbil, and our party is again reunited. you have recovered your magic powers, and again we are masters of the situation. so let us be thankful." saying this, the good little king got upon his feet and limped back into the throne room to help comfort the women. presently the children of pingaree, who had been gathered together by the overseer, were brought in and restored to their mothers, and there was great rejoicing among them, you may be sure. "but where is queen garee, my dear mother?" questioned inga; but the women did not know and it was some time before the overseer remembered that one of the slaves from pingaree had been placed in the royal dairy. perhaps this was the woman the boy was seeking. inga at once commanded him to lead the way to the butter house, but when they arrived there queen garee was nowhere in the place, although the boy found a silk scarf which he recognized as one that his mother used to wear. then they began a search throughout the island of coregos, but could not find inga's mother anywhere. when they returned to the palace of queen cor, rinkitink discovered that the bridge of boats had again been removed, separating them from regos, and from this they suspected that queen cor had fled to her husband's island and had taken queen garee with her. inga was much perplexed what to do and returned with his friends to the palace to talk the matter over. zella was now crying because she had not sold her honey and was unable to return to her parents on the island of regos, but the boy prince comforted her and promised she should be protected until she could be restored to her home. rinkitink found queen cor's purse, which she had had no time to take with her, and gave zella several gold pieces for the honey. then inga ordered the palace servants to prepare a feast for all the women and children of pingaree and to prepare for them beds in the great palace, which was large enough to accommodate them all. then the boy and the goat and rinkitink and zella went into a private room to consider what should be done next. chapter fourteen the escape "our fault," said rinkitink, "is that we conquer only one of these twin islands at a time. when we conquered regos, our foes all came to coregos, and now that we have conquered coregos, the queen has fled to regos. and each time they removed the bridge of boats, so that we could not follow them." "what has become of our own boat, in which we came from pingaree?" asked bilbil. "we left it on the shore of regos," replied the prince, "but i wonder if we could not get it again." "why don't you ask the white pearl?" suggested rinkitink. "that is a good idea," returned the boy, and at once he drew the white pearl from its silken bag and held it to his ear. then he asked: "how may i regain our boat?" the voice of the pearl replied: "go to the south end of the island of coregos, and clap your hands three times and the boat will come to you. "very good!" cried inga, and then he turned to his companions and said: "we shall be able to get our boat whenever we please; but what then shall we do?" "take me home in it!" pleaded zella. "come with me to my city of gilgad," said the king, "where you will be very welcome to remain forever." "no," answered inga, "i must rescue my father and mother, as well as my people. already i have the women and children of pingaree, but the men are with my father in the mines of regos, and my dear mother has been taken away by queen cor. not until all are rescued will i consent to leave these islands." "quite right!" exclaimed bilbil. "on second thought," said rinkitink, "i agree with you. if you are careful to sleep in your shoes, and never take them off again, i believe you will be able to perform the task you have undertaken." they counseled together for a long time as to their mode of action and it was finally considered best to make the attempt to liberate king kitticut first of all, and with him the men from pingaree. this would give them an army to assist them and afterward they could march to regos and compel queen cor to give up the queen of pingaree. zella told them that they could go in their boat along the shore of regos to a point opposite the mines, thus avoiding any conflict with the warriors of king gos. this being considered the best course to pursue, they resolved to start on the following morning, as night was even now approaching. the servants being all busy in caring for the women and children, zella undertook to get a dinner for inga and rinkitink and herself and soon prepared a fine meal in the palace kitchen, for she was a good little cook and had often helped her mother. the dinner was served in a small room overlooking the gardens and rinkitink thought the best part of it was the sweet honey, which he spread upon the biscuits that zella had made. as for bilbil, he wandered through the palace grounds and found some grass that made him a good dinner. during the evening inga talked with the women and cheered them, promising soon to reunite them with their husbands who were working in the mines and to send them back to their own island of pingaree. next morning the boy rose bright and early and found that zella had already prepared a nice breakfast. and after the meal they went to the most southern point of the island, which was not very far away, rinkitink riding upon bilbil's back and inga and zella following behind them, hand in hand. when they reached the water's edge the boy advanced and clapped his hands together three times, as the white pearl had told him to do. and in a few moments they saw in the distance the black boat with the silver lining, coming swiftly toward them from the sea. presently it grounded on the beach and they all got into it. zella was delighted with the boat, which was the most beautiful she had ever seen, and the marvel of its coming to them through the water without anyone to row it, made her a little afraid of the fairy craft. but inga picked up the oars and began to row and at once the boat shot swiftly in the direction of regos. they rounded the point of that island where the city was built and noticed that the shore was lined with warriors who had discovered their boat but seemed undecided whether to pursue it or not. this was probably because they had received no commands what to do, or perhaps they had learned to fear the magic powers of these adventurers from pingaree and were unwilling to attack them unless their king ordered them to. the coast on the western side of the island of regos was very uneven and zella, who knew fairly well the location of the mines from the inland forest path, was puzzled to decide which mountain they now viewed from the sea was the one where the entrance to the underground caverns was located. first she thought it was this peak, and then she guessed it was that; so considerable time was lost through her uncertainty. they finally decided to land and explore the country, to see where they were, so inga ran the boat into a little rocky cove where they all disembarked. for an hour they searched for the path without finding any trace of it and now zella believed they had gone too far to the north and must return to another mountain that was nearer to the city. once again they entered the boat and followed the winding coast south until they thought they had reached the right place. by this time, however, it was growing dark, for the entire day had been spent in the search for the entrance to the mines, and zella warned them that it would be safer to spend the night in the boat than on the land, where wild beasts were sure to disturb them. none of them realized at this time how fatal this day of search had been to their plans and perhaps if inga had realized what was going on he would have landed and fought all the wild beasts in the forest rather than quietly remain in the boat until morning. however, knowing nothing of the cunning plans of queen cor and king gos, they anchored their boat in a little bay and cheerfully ate their dinner, finding plenty of food and drink in the boat's lockers. in the evening the stars came out in the sky and tipped the waves around their boat with silver. all around them was delightfully still save for the occasional snarl of a beast on the neighboring shore. they talked together quietly of their adventures and their future plans and zella told them her simple history and how hard her poor father was obliged to work, burning charcoal to sell for enough money to support his wife and child. nikobob might be the humblest man in all regos, but zella declared he was a good man, and honest, and it was not his fault that his country was ruled by so wicked a king. then rinkitink, to amuse them, offered to sing a song, and although bilbil protested in his gruff way, claiming that his master's voice was cracked and disagreeable, the little king was encouraged by the others to sing his song, which he did. "a red-headed man named ned was dead; sing fiddle-cum-faddle-cum-fi-do! in battle he had lost his head; sing fiddle-cum-faddl-cum-fi-do! 'alas, poor ned,' to him i said, 'how did you lose your head so red?' sing fiddle-cum-faddle-cum-fi-do! "said ned: 'i for my country bled,' sing fiddle-cum-faddle-cum-fi-do! 'instead of dying safe in bed', sing fiddle-cum-faddle-cum-fi-do! 'if i had only fled, instead, i then had been a head ahead.' sing fiddle-cum-faddle-cum-fi-do! "i said to ned--" "do stop, your majesty!" pleaded bilbil. "you're making my head ache." "but the song isn't finished," replied rinkitink, "and as for your head aching, think of poor ned, who hadn't any head at all!" "i can think of nothing but your dismal singing," retorted bilbil. "why didn't you choose a cheerful subject, instead of telling how a man who was dead lost his red head? really, rinkitink, i'm surprised at you. "i know a splendid song about a live man, said the king. "then don't sing it," begged bilbil. zella was both astonished and grieved by the disrespectful words of the goat, for she had quite enjoyed rinkitink's singing and had been taught a proper respect for kings and those high in authority. but as it was now getting late they decided to go to sleep, that they might rise early the following morning, so they all reclined upon the bottom of the big boat and covered themselves with blankets which they found stored underneath the seats for just such occasions. they were not long in falling asleep and did not waken until daybreak. after a hurried breakfast, for inga was eager to liberate his father, the boy rowed the boat ashore and they all landed and began searching for the path. zella found it within the next half hour and declared they must be very close to the entrance to the mines; so they followed the path toward the north, inga going first, and then zella following him, while rinkitink brought up the rear riding upon bilbil's back. before long they saw a great wall of rock towering before them, in which was a low arched entrance, and on either side of this entrance stood a guard, armed with a sword and a spear. the guards of the mines were not so fierce as the warriors of king gos, their duty being to make the slaves work at their tasks and guard them from escaping; but they were as cruel as their cruel master wished them to be, and as cowardly as they were cruel. inga walked up to the two men at the entrance and said: "does this opening lead to the mines of king gos?" "it does," replied one of the guards, "but no one is allowed to pass out who once goes in." "nevertheless," said the boy, "we intend to go in and we shall come out whenever it pleases us to do so. i am the prince of pingaree, and i have come to liberate my people, whom king gos has enslaved." now when the two guards heard this speech they looked at one another and laughed, and one of them said: "the king was right, for he said the boy was likely to come here and that he would try to set his people free. also the king commanded that we must keep the little prince in the mines, and set him to work, together with his companions." "then let us obey the king," replied the other man. inga was surprised at hearing this, and asked: "when did king gos give you this order?" "his majesty was here in person last night," replied the man, "and went away again but an hour ago. he suspected you were coming here and told us to capture you if we could." this report made the boy very anxious, not for himself but for his father, for he feared the king was up to some mischief. so he hastened to enter the mines and the guards did nothing to oppose him or his companions, their orders being to allow him to go in but not to come out. the little group of adventurers passed through a long rocky corridor and reached a low, wide cavern where they found a dozen guards and a hundred slaves, the latter being hard at work with picks and shovels digging for gold, while the guards stood over them with long whips. inga found many of the men from pingaree among these slaves, but king kitticut was not in this cavern; so they passed through it and entered another corridor that led to a second cavern. here also hundreds of men were working, but the boy did not find his father amongst them, and so went on to a third cavern. the corridors all slanted downward, so that the farther they went the lower into the earth they descended, and now they found the air hot and close and difficult to breathe. flaming torches were stuck into the walls to give light to the workers, and these added to the oppressive heat. the third and lowest cavern was the last in the mines, and here were many scores of slaves and many guards to keep them at work. so far, none of the guards had paid any attention to inga's party, but allowed them to proceed as they would, and while the slaves cast curious glances at the boy and girl and man and goat, they dared say nothing. but now the boy walked up to some of the men of pingaree and asked news of his father, telling them not to fear the guards as he would protect them from the whips. then he teamed that king kitticut had indeed been working in this very cavern until the evening before, when king gos had come and taken him away--still loaded with chains. "seems to me," said king rinkitink, when he heard this report, "that gos has carried your father away to regos, to prevent us from rescuing him. he may hide poor kitticut in a dungeon, where we cannot find him." "perhaps you are right," answered the boy, "but i am determined to find him, wherever he may be." inga spoke firmly and with courage, but he was greatly disappointed to find that king gos had been before him at the mines and had taken his father away. however, he tried not to feel disheartened, believing he would succeed in the end, in spite of all opposition. turning to the guards, he said: "remove the chains from these slaves and set them free." the guards laughed at this order, and one of them brought forward a handful of chains, saying: "his majesty has commanded us to make you, also, a slave, for you are never to leave these caverns again." then he attempted to place the chains on inga, but the boy indignantly seized them and broke them apart as easily as if they had been cotton cords. when a dozen or more of the guards made a dash to capture him, the prince swung the end of the chain like a whip and drove them into a corner, where they cowered and begged for mercy. stories of the marvelous strength of the boy prince had already spread to the mines of regos, and although king gos had told them that inga had been deprived of all his magic power, the guards now saw this was not true, so they deemed it wise not to attempt to oppose him. the chains of the slaves had all been riveted fast to their ankles and wrists, but inga broke the bonds of steel with his hands and set the poor men free--not only those from pingaree but all who had been captured in the many wars and raids of king gos. they were very grateful, as you may suppose, and agreed to support prince inga in whatever action he commanded. he led them to the middle cavern, where all the guards and overseers fled in terror at his approach, and soon he had broken apart the chains of the slaves who had been working in that part of the mines. then they approached the first cavern and liberated all there. the slaves had been treated so cruelly by the servants of king gos that they were eager to pursue and slay them, in revenge; but inga held them back and formed them into companies, each company having its own leader. then he called the leaders together and instructed them to march in good order along the path to the city of regos, where he would meet them and tell them what to do next. they readily agreed to obey him, and, arming themselves with iron bars and pick-axes which they brought from the mines, the slaves began their march to the city. zella at first wished to be left behind, that she might make her way to her home, but neither rinkitink nor inga thought it was safe for her to wander alone through the forest, so they induced her to return with them to the city. the boy beached his boat this time at the same place as when he first landed at regos, and while many of the warriors stood on the shore and before the walls of the city, not one of them attempted to interfere with the boy in any way. indeed, they seemed uneasy and anxious, and when inga met captain buzzub the boy asked if anything had happened in his absence. "a great deal has happened," replied buzzub. "our king and queen have run away and left us, and we don't know what to do." "run away!" exclaimed inga. "where did they go to?" "who knows?" said the man, shaking his head despondently. "they departed together a few hours ago, in a boat with forty rowers, and they took with them the king and queen of pingaree!" chapter fifteen the flight of the rulers now it seems that when queen cor fled from her island to regos, she had wit enough, although greatly frightened, to make a stop at the royal dairy, which was near to the bridge, and to drag poor queen garee from the butter-house and across to regos with her. the warriors of king gos had never before seen the terrible queen cor frightened, and therefore when she came running across the bridge of boats, dragging the queen of pingaree after her by one arm, the woman's great fright had the effect of terrifying the waiting warriors. "quick!" cried cor. "destroy the bridge, or we are lost." while the men were tearing away the bridge of boats the queen ran up to the palace of gos, where she met her husband. "that boy is a wizard!" she gasped. "there is no standing against him." "oh, have you discovered his magic at last?" replied gos, laughing in her face. "who, now, is the coward?" "don't laugh!" cried queen cor. "it is no laughing matter. both our islands are as good as conquered, this very minute. what shall we do, gos?" "come in," he said, growing serious, "and let us talk it over." so they went into a room of the palace and talked long and earnestly. "the boy intends to liberate his father and mother, and all the people of pingaree, and to take them back to their island," said cor. "he may also destroy our palaces and make us his slaves. i can see but one way, gos, to prevent him from doing all this, and whatever else he pleases to do." "what way is that?" asked king gos. "we must take the boy's parents away from here as quickly as possible. i have with me the queen of pingaree, and you can run up to the mines and get the king. then we will carry them away in a boat and hide them where the boy cannot find them, with all his magic. we will use the king and queen of pingaree as hostages, and send word to the boy wizard that if he does not go away from our islands and allow us to rule them undisturbed, in our own way, we will put his father and mother to death. also we will say that as long as we are let alone his parents will be safe, although still safely hidden. i believe, gos, that in this way we can compel prince ingato obey us, for he seems very fond of his parents." "it isn't a bad idea," said gos, reflectively; "but where can we hide the king and queen, so that the boy cannot find them?" "in the country of the nome king, on the mainland away at the south," she replied. "the nomes are our friends, and they possess magic powers that will enable them to protect the prisoners from discovery. if we can manage to get the king and queen of pingaree to the nome kingdom before the boy knows what we are doing, i am sure our plot will succeed." gos gave the plan considerable thought in the next five minutes, and the more he thought about it the more clever and reasonable it seemed. so he agreed to do as queen cor suggested and at once hurried away to the mines, where he arrived before prince inga did. the next morning he carried king kitticut back to regos. while gos was gone, queen cor busied herself in preparing a large and swift boat for the journey. she placed in it several bags of gold and jewels with which to bribe the nomes, and selected forty of the strongest oarsmen in regos to row the boat. the instant king gos returned with his royal prisoner all was ready for departure. they quickly entered the boat with their two important captives and without a word of explanation to any of their people they commanded the oarsmen to start, and were soon out of sight upon the broad expanse of the nonestic ocean. inga arrived at the city some hours later and was much distressed when he learned that his father and mother had been spirited away from the islands. "i shall follow them, of course," said the boy to rinkitink, "and if i cannot overtake them on the ocean i will search the world over until i find them. but before i leave here i must arrange to send our people back to pingaree." chapter sixteen nikobob refuses a crown almost the first persons that zella saw when she landed from the silver-lined boat at regos were her father and mother. nikobob and his wife had been greatly worried when their little daughter failed to return from coregos, so they had set out to discover what had become of her. when they reached the city of regos, that very morning, they were astonished to hear news of all the strange events that had taken place; still, they found comfort when told that zella had been seen in the boat of prince inga, which had gone to the north. then, while they wondered what this could mean, the silver-lined boat appeared again, with their daughter in it, and they ran down to the shore to give her a welcome and many joyful kisses. inga invited the good people to the palace of king gos, where he conferred with them, as well as with rinkitink and bilbil. "now that the king and queen of regos and coregos have run away," he said, "there is no one to rule these islands. so it is my duty to appoint a new ruler, and as nikobob, zella's father, is an honest and worthy man, i shall make him the king of the twin islands." "me?" cried nikobob, astounded by this speech. "i beg your highness, on my bended knees, not to do so cruel a thing as to make me king!" "why not?" inquired rinkitink. "i'm a king, and i know how it feels. i assure you, good nikobob, that i quite enjoy my high rank, although a jeweled crown is rather heavy to wear in hot weather." "with you, noble sir, it is different," said nikobob, "for you are far from your kingdom and its trials and worries and may do as you please. but to remain in regos, as king over these fierce and unruly warriors, would be to live in constant anxiety and peril, and the chances are that they would murder me within a month. as i have done no harm to anyone and have tried to be a good and upright man, i do not think that i should be condemned to such a dreadful fate." "very well," replied inga, "we will say no more about your being king. i merely wanted to make you rich and prosperous, as i had promised zella." "please forget that promise," pleaded the charcoal-burner, earnestly; "i have been safe from molestation for many years, because i was poor and possessed nothing that anyone else could envy. but if you make me rich and prosperous i shall at once become the prey of thieves and marauders and probably will lose my life in the attempt to protect my fortune." inga looked at the man in surprise. "what, then, can i do to please you?" he inquired. "nothing more than to allow me to go home to my poor cabin," said nikobob. "perhaps," remarked king rinkitink, "the charcoal-burner has more wisdom concealed in that hard head of his than we gave him credit for. but let us use that wisdom, for the present, to counsel us what to do in this emergency." "what you call my wisdom," said nikobob, "is merely common sense. i have noticed that some men become rich, and are scorned by some and robbed by others. other men become famous, and are mocked at and derided by their fellows. but the poor and humble man who lives unnoticed and unknown escapes all these troubles and is the only one who can appreciate the joy of living." "if i had a hand, instead of a cloven hoof, i'd like to shake hands with you, nikobob," said bilbil the goat. "but the poor man must not have a cruel master, or he is undone." during the council they found, indeed, that the advice of the charcoal-burner was both shrewd and sensible, and they profited much by his words. inga gave captain buzzub the command of the warriors and made him promise to keep his men quiet and orderly--if he could. then the boy allowed all of king gos's former slaves, except those who came from pingaree, to choose what boats they required and to stock them with provisions and row away to their own countries. when these had departed, with grateful thanks and many blessings showered upon the boy prince who had set them free, inga made preparations to send his own people home, where they were told to rebuild their houses and then erect a new royal palace. they were then to await patiently the coming of king kitticut or prince inga. "my greatest worry," said the boy to his friends, "is to know whom to appoint to take charge of this work of restoring pingaree to its former condition. my men are all pearl fishers, and although willing and honest, have no talent for directing others how to work." while the preparations for departure were being made, nikobob offered to direct the men of pingaree, and did so in a very capable manner. as the island had been despoiled of all its valuable furniture and draperies and rich cloths and paintings and statuary and the like, as well as gold and silver and ornaments, inga thought it no more than just that they be replaced by the spoilers. so he directed his people to search through the storehouses of king gos and to regain all their goods and chattels that could be found. also he instructed them to take as much else as they required to make their new homes comfortable, so that many boats were loaded full of goods that would enable the people to restore pingaree to its former state of comfort. for his father's new palace the boy plundered the palaces of both queen cor and king gos, sending enough wares away with his people to make king kitticut's new residence as handsomely fitted and furnished as had been the one which the ruthless invaders from regos had destroyed. it was a great fleet of boats that set out one bright, sunny morning on the voyage to pingaree, carrying all the men, women and children and all the goods for refitting their homes. as he saw the fleet depart, prince inga felt that he had already successfully accomplished a part of his mission, but he vowed he would never return to pingaree in person until he could take his father and mother there with him; unless, indeed, king gos wickedly destroyed his beloved parents, in which case inga would become the king of pingaree and it would be his duty to go to his people and rule over them. it was while the last of the boats were preparing to sail for pingaree that nikobob, who had been of great service in getting them ready, came to inga in a thoughtful mood and said: "your highness, my wife and my daughter zella have been urging me to leave regos and settle down in your island, in a new home. from what your people have told me, pingaree is a better place to live than regos, and there are no cruel warriors or savage beasts there to keep one in constant fear for the safety of those he loves. therefore, i have come to ask to go with my family in one of the boats." inga was much pleased with this proposal and not only granted nikobob permission to go to pingaree to live, but instructed him to take with him sufficient goods to furnish his new home in a comfortable manner. in addition to this, he appointed nikobob general manager of the buildings and of the pearl fisheries, until his father or he himself arrived, and the people approved this order because they liked nikobob and knew him to be just and honest. soon as the last boat of the great flotilla had disappeared from the view of those left at regos, inga and rinkitink prepared to leave the island themselves. the boy was anxious to overtake the boat of king gos, if possible, and rinkitink had no desire to remain in regos. buzzub and the warriors stood silently on the shore and watched the black boat with its silver lining depart, and i am sure they were as glad to be rid of their unwelcome visitors as inga and rinkitink and bilbil were to leave. the boy asked the white pearl what direction the boat of king gos had taken and then he followed after it, rowing hard and steadily for eight days without becoming at all weary. but, although the black boat moved very swiftly, it failed to overtake the barge which was rowed by queen cor's forty picked oarsmen. chapter seventeen the nome king the kingdom of the nomes does not border on the nonestic ocean, from which it is separated by the kingdom of rinkitink and the country of the wheelers, which is a part of the land of ev. rinkitink's country is separated from the country of the nomes by a row of high and steep mountains, from which it extends to the sea. the country of the wheelers is a sandy waste that is open on one side to the nonestic ocean and on the other side has no barrier to separate it from the nome country, therefore it was on the coast of the wheelers that king cos landed--in a spot quite deserted by any of the curious inhabitants of that country. the nome country is very large in extent, and is only separated from the land of oz, on its eastern borders, by a deadly desert that can not be crossed by mortals, unless they are aided by the fairies or by magic. the nomes are a numerous and mischievous people, living in underground caverns of wide extent, connected one with another by arches and passages. the word "nome" means "one who knows," and these people are so called because they know where all the gold and silver and precious stones are hidden in the earth--a knowledge that no other living creatures share with them. the nomes are busy people, constantly digging up gold in one place and taking it to another place, where they secretly bury it, and perhaps this is the reason they alone know where to find it. the nomes were ruled, at the time of which i write, by a king named kaliko. king gos had expected to be pursued by inga in his magic boat, so he made all the haste possible, urging his forty rowers to their best efforts night and day. to his joy he was not overtaken but landed on the sandy beach of the wheelers on the morning of the eighth day. the forty rowers were left with the boat, while queen cor and king cos, with their royal prisoners, who were still chained, began the journey to the nome king. it was not long before they passed the sands and reached the rocky country belonging to the nomes, but they were still a long way from the entrance to the underground caverns in which lived the nome king. there was a dim path, winding between stones and boulders, over which the walking was quite difficult, especially as the path led up hills that were small mountains, and then down steep and abrupt slopes where any misstep might mean a broken leg. therefore it was the second day of their journey before they climbed halfway up a rugged mountain and found themselves at the entrance of the nome king's caverns. on their arrival, the entrance seemed free and unguarded, but gos and cor had been there before, and they were too wise to attempt to enter without announcing themselves, for the passage to the caves was full of traps and pitfalls. so king gos stood still and shouted, and in an instant they were surrounded by a group of crooked nomes, who seemed to have sprung from the ground. one of these had very long ears and was called the long-eared hearer. he said: "i heard you coming early this morning." another had eyes that looked in different directions at the same time and were curiously bright and penetrating. he could look over a hill or around a corner and was called the lookout. said he: "i saw you coming yesterday." "then," said king gos, "perhaps king kaliko is expecting us." "it is true," replied another nome, who wore a gold collar around his neck and carried a bunch of golden keys. "the mighty nome king expects you, and bids you follow me to his presence." with this he led the way into the caverns and gos and cor followed, dragging their weary prisoners with them, for poor king kitticut and his gentle queen had been obliged to carry, all through the tedious journey, the bags of gold and jewels which were to bribe the nome king to accept them as slaves. through several long passages the guide led them and at last they entered a small cavern which was beautifully decorated and set with rare jewels that flashed from every part of the wall, floor and ceiling. this was a waiting-room for visitors, and there their guide left them while he went to inform king kaliko of their arrival. before long they were ushered into a great domed chamber, cut from the solid rock and so magnificent that all of them--the king and queen of pingaree and the king and queen of regos and coregos--drew long breaths of astonishment and opened their eyes as wide as they could. in an ivory throne sat a little round man who had a pointed beard and hair that rose to a tall curl on top of his head. he was dressed in silken robes, richly embroidered, which had large buttons of cut rubies. on his head was a diamond crown and in his hand he held a golden sceptre with a big jeweled ball at one end of it. this was kaliko, the king and ruler of all the nomes. he nodded pleasantly enough to his visitors and said in a cheery voice: "well, your majesties, what can i do for you?" "it is my desire," answered king gos, respectfully, "to place in your care two prisoners, whom you now see before you. they must be carefully guarded, to prevent them from escaping, for they have the cunning of foxes and are not to be trusted. in return for the favor i am asking you to grant, i have brought your majesty valuable presents of gold and precious gems." he then commanded kitticut and garee to lay before the nome king the bags of gold and jewels, and they obeyed, being helpless. "very good," said king kaliko, nodding approval, for like all the nomes he loved treasures of gold and jewels. "but who are the prisoners you have brought here, and why do you place them in my charge instead of guarding them, yourself? they seem gentle enough, i'm sure." "the prisoners," returned king gos, "are the king and queen of pingaree, a small island north of here. they are very evil people and came to our islands of regos and coregos to conquer them and slay our poor people. also they intended to plunder us of all our riches, but by good fortune we were able to defeat and capture them. however, they have a son who is a terrible wizard and who by magic art is trying to find this awful king and queen of pingaree, and to set them free, that they may continue their wicked deeds. therefore, as we have no magic to defend ourselves with, we have brought the prisoners to you for safe keeping." "your majesty," spoke up king kitticut, addressing the nome king with great indignation, "do not believe this tale, i implore you. it is all a lie!" "i know it," said kaliko. "i consider it a clever lie, though, because it is woven without a thread of truth. however, that is none of my business. the fact remains that my good friend king gos wishes to put you in my underground caverns, so that you will be unable to escape. and why should i not please him in this little matter? gos is a mighty king and a great warrior, while your island of pingaree is desolated and your people scattered. in my heart, king kitticut, i sympathize with you, but as a matter of business policy we powerful kings must stand together and trample the weaker ones under our feet." king kitticut was surprised to find the king of the nomes so candid and so well informed, and he tried to argue that he and his gentle wife did not deserve their cruel fate and that it would be wiser for kaliko to side with them than with the evil king of regos. but kaliko only shook his head and smiled, saying: "the fact that you are a prisoner, my poor kitticut, is evidence that you are weaker than king cos, and i prefer to deal with the strong. by the way," he added, turning to the king of regos, "have these prisoners any connection with the land of oz?" "why do you ask?" said gos. "because i dare not offend the oz people," was the reply. "i am very powerful, as you know, but ozma of oz is far more powerful than i; therefore, if this king and queen of pingaree happened to be under ozma's protection, i would have nothing to do with them." "i assure your majesty that the prisoners have nothing to do with the oz people," gos hastened to say. and kitticut, being questioned, admitted that this was true. "but how about that wizard you mentioned?" asked the nome king. "oh, he is merely a boy; but he is very ferocious and obstinate and he is assisted by a little fat sorcerer called rinkitink and a talking goat." "oho! a talking goat, do you say? that certainly sounds like magic; and it also sounds like the land of oz, where all the animals talk," said kaliko, with a doubtful expression. but king gos assured him the talking goat had never been to oz. "as for rinkitink, whom you call a sorcerer," continued the nome king, "he is a neighbor of mine, you must know, but as we are cut off from each other by high mountains beneath which a powerful river runs, i have never yet met king rinkitink. but i have heard of him, and from all reports he is a jolly rogue, and perfectly harmless. however, in spite of your false statements and misrepresentations, i will earn the treasure you have brought me, by keeping your prisoners safe in my caverns. "make them work," advised queen cor. "they are rather delicate, and to make them work will make them suffer delightfully." "i'll do as i please about that," said the nome king sternly. "be content that i agree to keep them safe." the bargain being thus made and concluded, kaliko first examined the gold and jewels and then sent it away to his royal storehouse, which was well filled with like treasure. next the captives were sent away in charge of the nome with the golden collar and keys, whose name was klik, and he escorted them to a small cavern and gave them a good supper. "i shall lock your door," said klik, "so there is no need of your wearing those heavy chains any longer." he therefore removed the chains and left king kitticut and his queen alone. this was the first time since the northmen had carried them away from pingaree that the good king and queen had been alone together and free of all bonds, and as they embraced lovingly and mingled their tears over their sad fate they were also grateful that they had passed from the control of the heartless king gos into the more considerate care of king kaliko. they were still captives but they believed they would be happier in the underground caverns of the nomes than in regos and coregos. meantime, in the king's royal cavern a great feast had been spread. king gos and queen cor, having triumphed in their plot, were so well pleased that they held high revelry with the jolly nome king until a late hour that night. and the next morning, having cautioned kaliko not to release the prisoners under any consideration without their orders, the king and queen of regos and coregos left the caverns of the nomes to return to the shore of the ocean where they had left their boat. chapter eighteen inga parts with his pink pearl the white pearl guided inga truly in his pursuit of the boat of king gos, but the boy had been so delayed in sending his people home to pingaree that it was a full day after gos and cor landed on the shore of the wheeler country that inga's boat arrived at the same place. there he found the forty rowers guarding the barge of queen cor, and although they would not or could not tell the boy where the king and queen had taken his father and mother, the white pearl advised him to follow the path to the country and the caverns of the nomes. rinkitink didn't like to undertake the rocky and mountainous journey, even with bilbil to carry him, but he would not desert inga, even though his own kingdom lay just beyond a range of mountains which could be seen towering southwest of them. so the king bravely mounted the goat, who always grumbled but always obeyed his master, and the three set off at once for the caverns of the nomes. they traveled just as slowly as queen cor and king gos had done, so when they were about halfway they discovered the king and queen coming back to their boat. the fact that gos and cor were now alone proved that they had left inga's father and mother behind them; so, at the suggestion of rinkitink, the three hid behind a high rock until the king of regos and the queen of coregos, who had not observed them, had passed them by. then they continued their journey, glad that they had not again been forced to fight or quarrel with their wicked enemies. "we might have asked them, however, what they had done with your poor parents," said rinkitink. "never mind," answered inga. "i am sure the white pearl will guide us aright." for a time they proceeded in silence and then rinkitink began to chuckle with laughter in the pleasant way he was wont to do before his misfortunes came upon him. "what amuses your majesty?" inquired the boy. "the thought of how surprised my dear subjects would be if they realized how near to them i am, and yet how far away. i have always wanted to visit the nome country, which is full of mystery and magic and all sorts of adventures, but my devoted subjects forbade me to think of such a thing, fearing i would get hurt or enchanted." "are you afraid, now that you are here?" asked inga. "a little, but not much, for they say the new nome king is not as wicked as the old king used to be. still, we are undertaking a dangerous journey and i think you ought to protect me by lending me one of your pearls." inga thought this over and it seemed a reasonable request. "which pearl would you like to have?" asked the boy. "well, let us see," returned rinkitink; "you may need strength to liberate your captive parents, so you must keep the blue pearl. and you will need the advice of the white pearl, so you had best keep that also. but in case we should be separated i would have nothing to protect me from harm, so you ought to lend me the pink pearl." "very well," agreed inga, and sitting down upon a rock he removed his right shoe and after withdrawing the cloth from the pointed toe took out the pink pearl--the one which protected from any harm the person who carried it. "where can you put it, to keep it safely?" he asked. "in my vest pocket," replied the king. "the pocket has a flap to it and i can pin it down in such a way that the pearl cannot get out and become lost. as for robbery, no one with evil intent can touch my person while i have the pearl." so inga gave rinkitink the pink pearl and the little king placed it in the pocket of his red-and-green brocaded velvet vest, pinning the flap of the pocket down tightly. they now resumed their journey and finally reached the entrance to the nome king's caverns. placing the white pearl to his ear, inga asked: "what shall i do now?" and the voice of the pearl replied: "clap your hands together four times and call aloud the word 'klik.' then allow yourselves to be conducted to the nome king, who is now holding your father and mother captive." inga followed these instructions and when klik appeared in answer to his summons the boy requested an audience of the nome king. so klik led them into the presence of king kaliko, who was suffering from a severe headache, due to his revelry the night before, and therefore was unusually cross and grumpy. "i know what you've come for," said he, before inga could speak. "you want to get the captives from regos away from me; but you can't do it, so you'd best go away again." "the captives are my father and mother, and i intend to liberate them," said the boy firmly. the king stared hard at inga, wondering at his audacity. then he turned to look at king rinkitink and said: "i suppose you are the king of gilgad, which is in the kingdom of rinkitink." "you've guessed it the first time," replied rinkitink. "how round and fat you are!" exclaimed kaliko. "i was just thinking how fat and round you are," said rinkitink. "really, king kaliko, we ought to be friends, we're so much alike in everything but disposition and intelligence." then he began to chuckle, while kaliko stared hard at him, not knowing whether to accept his speech as a compliment or not. and now the nome's eyes wandered to bilbil, and he asked: "is that your talking goat?" bilbil met the nome king's glowering look with a gaze equally surly and defiant, while rinkitink answered: "it is, your majesty." "can he really talk?" asked kaliko, curiously. "he can. but the best thing he does is to scold. talk to his majesty, bilbil." but bilbil remained silent and would not speak. "do you always ride upon his back?" continued kaliko, questioning rinkitink. "yes," was the answer, "because it is difficult for a fat man to walk far, as perhaps you know from experience. "that is true," said kaliko. "get off the goat's back and let me ride him a while, to see how i like it. perhaps i'll take him away from you, to ride through my caverns." rinkitink chuckled softly as he heard this, but at once got off bilbil's back and let kaliko get on. the nome king was a little awkward, but when he was firmly astride the saddle he called in a loud voice: "giddap!" when bilbil paid no attention to the command and refused to stir, kaliko kicked his heels viciously against the goat's body, and then bilbil made a sudden start. he ran swiftly across the great cavern, until he had almost reached the opposite wall, when he stopped so abruptly that king kaliko sailed over his head and bumped against the jeweled wall. he bumped so hard that the points of his crown were all mashed out of shape and his head was driven far into the diamond-studded band of the crown, so that it covered one eye and a part of his nose. perhaps this saved kaliko's head from being cracked against the rock wall, but it was hard on the crown. bilbil was highly pleased at the success of his feat and rinkitink laughed merrily at the nome king's comical appearance; but kaliko was muttering and growling as he picked himself up and struggled to pull the battered crown from his head, and it was evident that he was not in the least amused. indeed, inga could see that the king was very angry, and the boy knew that the incident was likely to turn kaliko against the entire party. the nome king sent klik for another crown and ordered his workmen to repair the one that was damaged. while he waited for the new crown he sat regarding his visitors with a scowling face, and this made inga more uneasy than ever. finally, when the new crown was placed upon his head, king kaliko said: "follow me, strangers!" and led the way to a small door at one end of the cavern. inga and rinkitink followed him through the doorway and found themselves standing on a balcony that overlooked an enormous domed cave--so extensive that it seemed miles to the other side of it. all around this circular cave, which was brilliantly lighted from an unknown source, were arches connected with other caverns. kaliko took a gold whistle from his pocket and blew a shrill note that echoed through every part of the cave. instantly nomes began to pour in through the side arches in great numbers, until the immense space was packed with them as far as the eye could reach. all were armed with glittering weapons of polished silver and gold, and inga was amazed that any king could command so great an army. they began marching and countermarching in very orderly array until another blast of the gold whistle sent them scurrying away as quickly as they had appeared. and as soon as the great cave was again empty kaliko returned with his visitors to his own royal chamber, where he once more seated himself upon his ivory throne. "i have shown you," said he to inga, "a part of my bodyguard. the royal armies, of which this is only a part, are as numerous as the sands of the ocean, and live in many thousands of my underground caverns. you have come here thinking to force me to give up the captives of king gos and queen cor, and i wanted to convince you that my power is too mighty for anyone to oppose. i am told that you are a wizard, and depend upon magic to aid you; but you must know that the nomes are not mortals, and understand magic pretty well themselves, so if we are obliged to fight magic with magic the chances are that we are a hundred times more powerful than you can be. think this over carefully, my boy, and try to realize that you are in my power. i do not believe you can force me to liberate king kitticut and queen garee, and i know that you cannot coax me to do so, for i have given my promise to king gos. therefore, as i do not wish to hurt you, i ask you to go away peaceably and let me alone." "forgive me if i do not agree with you, king kaliko," answered the boy. "however difficult and dangerous my task may be, i cannot leave your dominions until every effort to release my parents has failed and left me completely discouraged." "very well," said the king, evidently displeased. "i have warned you, and now if evil overtakes you it is your own fault. i've a headache to-day, so i cannot entertain you properly, according to your rank; but klik will attend you to my guest chambers and to-morrow i will talk with you again." this seemed a fair and courteous way to treat one's declared enemies, so they politely expressed the wish that kaliko's headache would be better, and followed their guide, klik, down a well-lighted passage and through several archways until they finally reached three nicely furnished bedchambers which were cut from solid gray rock and well lighted and aired by some mysterious method known to the nomes. the first of these rooms was given king rinkitink, the second was inga's and the third was assigned to bilbil the goat. there was a swinging rock door between the third and second rooms and another between the second and first, which also had a door that opened upon the passage. rinkitink's room was the largest, so it was here that an excellent dinner was spread by some of the nome servants, who, in spite of their crooked shapes, proved to be well trained and competent. "you are not prisoners, you know," said klik; "neither are you welcome guests, having declared your purpose to oppose our mighty king and all his hosts. but we bear you no ill will, and you are to be well fed and cared for as long as you remain in our caverns. eat hearty, sleep tight, and pleasant dreams to you." saying this, he left them alone and at once rinkitink and inga began to counsel together as to the best means to liberate king kitticut and queen garee. the white pearl's advice was rather unsatisfactory to the boy, just now, for all that the voice said in answer to his questions was: "be patient, brave and determined." rinkitink suggested that they try to discover in what part of the series of underground caverns inga's parents had been confined, as that knowledge was necessary before they could take any action; so together they started out, leaving bilbil asleep in his room, and made their way unopposed through many corridors and caverns. in some places were great furnaces, where gold dust was being melted into bricks. in other rooms workmen were fashioning the gold into various articles and ornaments. in one cavern immense wheels revolved which polished precious gems, and they found many caverns used as storerooms, where treasure of every sort was piled high. also they came to the barracks of the army and the great kitchens. there were nomes everywhere--countless thousands of them--but none paid the slightest heed to the visitors from the earth's surface. yet, although inga and rinkitink walked until they were weary, they were unable to locate the place where the boy's father and mother had been confined, and when they tried to return to their own rooms they found that they had hopelessly lost themselves amid the labyrinth of passages. however, klik presently came to them, laughing at their discomfiture, and led them back to their bedchambers. before they went to sleep they carefully barred the door from rinkitink's room to the corridor, but the doors that connected the three rooms one with another were left wide open. in the night inga was awakened by a soft grating sound that filled him with anxiety because he could not account for it. it was dark in his room, the light having disappeared as soon as he got into bed, but he managed to feel his way to the door that led to rinkitink's room and found it tightly closed and immovable. then he made his way to the opposite door, leading to bilbil's room, to discover that also had been closed and fastened. the boy had a curious sensation that all of his room--the walls, floor and ceiling--was slowly whirling as if on a pivot, and it was such an uncomfortable feeling that he got into bed again, not knowing what else to do. and as the grating noise had ceased and the room now seemed stationary, he soon fell asleep again. when the boy wakened, after many hours, he found the room again light. so he dressed himself and discovered that a small table, containing a breakfast that was smoking hot, had suddenly appeared in the center of his room. he tried the two doors, but finding that he could not open them he ate some breakfast, thoughtfully wondering who had locked him in and why he had been made a prisoner. then he again went to the door which he thought led to rinkitink's chamber and to his surprise the latch lifted easily and the door swung open. before him was a rude corridor hewn in the rock and dimly lighted. it did not look inviting, so inga closed the door, puzzled to know what had become of rinkitink's room and the king, and went to the opposite door. opening this, he found a solid wall of rock confronting him, which effectually prevented his escape in that direction. the boy now realized that king kaliko had tricked him, and while professing to receive him as a guest had plotted to separate him from his comrades. one way had been left, however, by which he might escape and he decided to see where it led to. so, going to the first door, he opened it and ventured slowly into the dimly lighted corridor. when he had advanced a few steps he heard the door of his room slam shut behind him. he ran back at once, but the door of rock fitted so closely into the wall that he found it impossible to open it again. that did not matter so much, however, for the room was a prison and the only way of escape seemed ahead of him. along the corridor he crept until, turning a corner, he found himself in a large domed cavern that was empty and deserted. here also was a dim light that permitted him to see another corridor at the opposite side; so he crossed the rocky floor of the cavern and entered a second corridor. this one twisted and turned in every direction but was not very long, so soon the boy reached a second cavern, not so large as the first. this he found vacant also, but it had another corridor leading out of it, so inga entered that. it was straight and short and beyond was a third cavern, which differed little from the others except that it had a strong iron grating at one side of it. all three of these caverns had been roughly hewn from the rock and it seemed they had never been put to use, as had all the other caverns of the nomes he had visited. standing in the third cavern, inga saw what he thought was still another corridor at its farther side, so he walked toward it. this opening was dark, and that fact, and the solemn silence all around him, made him hesitate for a while to enter it. upon reflection, however, he realized that unless he explored the place to the very end he could not hope to escape from it, so he boldly entered the dark corridor and felt his way cautiously as he moved forward. scarcely had he taken two paces when a crash resounded back of him and a heavy sheet of steel closed the opening into the cavern from which he had just come. he paused a moment, but it still seemed best to proceed, and as inga advanced in the dark, holding his hands outstretched before him to feel his way, handcuffs fell upon his wrists and locked themselves with a sharp click, and an instant later he found he was chained to a stout iron post set firmly in the rock floor. the chains were long enough to permit him to move a yard or so in any direction and by feeling the walls he found he was in a small circular room that had no outlet except the passage by which he had entered, and that was now closed by the door of steel. this was the end of the series of caverns and corridors. it was now that the horror of his situation occurred to the boy with full force. but he resolved not to submit to his fate without a struggle, and realizing that he possessed the blue pearl, which gave him marvelous strength, he quickly broke the chains and set himself free of the handcuffs. next he twisted the steel door from its hinges, and creeping along the short passage, found himself in the third cave. but now the dim light, which had before guided him, had vanished; yet on peering into the gloom of the cave he saw what appeared to be two round disks of flame, which cast a subdued glow over the floor and walls. by this dull glow he made out the form of an enormous man, seated in the center of the cave, and he saw that the iron grating had been removed, permitting the man to enter. the giant was unclothed and its limbs were thickly covered with coarse red hair. the round disks of flame were its two eyes and when it opened its mouth to yawn inga saw that its jaws were wide enough to crush a dozen men between the great rows of teeth. presently the giant looked up and perceived the boy crouching at the other side of the cavern, so he called out in a hoarse, rude voice: "come hither, my pretty one. we will wrestle together, you and i, and if you succeed in throwing me i will let you pass through my cave." the boy made no reply to the challenge. he realized he was in dire peril and regretted that he had lent the pink pearl to king rinkitink. but it was now too late for vain regrets, although he feared that even his great strength would avail him little against this hairy monster. for his arms were not long enough to span a fourth of the giant's huge body, while the monster's powerful limbs would be likely to crush out inga's life before he could gain the mastery. therefore the prince resolved to employ other means to combat this foe, who had doubtless been placed there to bar his return. retreating through the passage he reached the room where he had been chained and wrenched the iron post from its socket. it was a foot thick and four feet long, and being of solid iron was so heavy that three ordinary men would have found it hard to lift. returning to the cavern, the boy swung the great bar above his head and dashed it with mighty force full at the giant. the end of the bar struck the monster upon its forehead, and with a single groan it fell full length upon the floor and lay still. when the giant fell, the glow from its eyes faded away, and all was dark. cautiously, for inga was not sure the giant was dead, the boy felt his way toward the opening that led to the middle cavern. the entrance was narrow and the darkness was intense, but, feeling braver now, the boy stepped boldly forward. instantly the floor began to sink beneath him and in great alarm he turned and made a leap that enabled him to grasp the rocky sides of the wall and regain a footing in the passage through which he had just come. scarcely had he obtained this place of refuge when a mighty crash resounded throughout the cavern and the sound of a rushing torrent came from far below. inga felt in his pocket and found several matches, one of which he lighted and held before him. while it flickered he saw that the entire floor of the cavern had fallen away, and knew that had he not instantly regained his footing in the passage he would have plunged into the abyss that lay beneath him. by the light of another match he saw the opening at the other side of the cave and the thought came to him that possibly he might leap across the gulf. of course, this could never be accomplished without the marvelous strength lent him by the blue pearl, but inga had the feeling that one powerful spring might carry him over the chasm into safety. he could not stay where he was, that was certain, so he resolved to make the attempt. he took a long run through the first cave and the short corridor; then, exerting all his strength, he launched himself over the black gulf of the second cave. swiftly he flew and, although his heart stood still with fear, only a few seconds elapsed before his feet touched the ledge of the opposite passageway and he knew he had safely accomplished the wonderful feat. only pausing to draw one long breath of relief, inga quickly traversed the crooked corridor that led to the last cavern of the three. but when he came in sight of it he paused abruptly, his eyes nearly blinded by a glare of strong light which burst upon them. covering his face with his hands, inga retreated behind a projecting corner of rock and by gradually getting his eyes used to the light he was finally able to gaze without blinking upon the strange glare that had so quickly changed the condition of the cavern. when he had passed through this vault it had been entirely empty. now the flat floor of rock was covered everywhere with a bed of glowing coals, which shot up little tongues of red and white flames. indeed, the entire cave was one monster furnace and the heat that came from it was fearful. inga's heart sank within him as he realized the terrible obstacle placed by the cunning nome king between him and the safety of the other caverns. there was no turning back, for it would be impossible for him again to leap over the gulf of the second cave, the corridor at this side being so crooked that he could get no run before he jumped. neither could he leap over the glowing coals of the cavern that faced him, for it was much larger than the middle cavern. in this dilemma he feared his great strength would avail him nothing and he bitterly reproached himself for parting with the pink pearl, which would have preserved him from injury. however, it was not in the nature of prince inga to despair for long, his past adventures having taught him confidence and courage, sharpened his wits and given him the genius of invention. he sat down and thought earnestly on the means of escape from his danger and at last a clever idea came to his mind. this is the way to get ideas: never to let adverse circumstances discourage you, but to believe there is a way out of every difficulty, which may be found by earnest thought. there were many points and projections of rock in the walls of the crooked corridor in which inga stood and some of these rocks had become cracked and loosened, although still clinging to their places. the boy picked out one large piece, and, exerting all his strength, tore it away from the wall. he then carried it to the cavern and tossed it upon the burning coals, about ten feet away from the end of the passage. then he returned for another fragment of rock, and wrenching it free from its place, he threw it ten feet beyond the first one, toward the opposite side of the cave. the boy continued this work until he had made a series of stepping-stones reaching straight across the cavern to the dark passageway beyond, which he hoped would lead him back to safety if not to liberty. when his work had been completed, inga did not long hesitate to take advantage of his stepping-stones, for he knew his best chance of escape lay in his crossing the bed of coals before the rocks became so heated that they would burn his feet. so he leaped to the first rock and from there began jumping from one to the other in quick succession. a withering wave of heat at once enveloped him, and for a time he feared he would suffocate before he could cross the cavern; but he held his breath, to keep the hot air from his lungs, and maintained his leaps with desperate resolve. then, before he realized it, his feet were pressing the cooler rocks of the passage beyond and he rolled helpless upon the floor, gasping for breath. his skin was so red that it resembled the shell of a boiled lobster, but his swift motion had prevented his being burned, and his shoes had thick soles, which saved his feet. after resting a few minutes, the boy felt strong enough to go on. he went to the end of the passage and found that the rock door by which he had left his room was still closed, so he returned to about the middle of the corridor and was thinking what he should do next, when suddenly the solid rock before him began to move and an opening appeared through which shone a brilliant light. shielding his eyes, which were somewhat dazzled, inga sprang through the opening and found himself in one of the nome king's inhabited caverns, where before him stood king kaliko, with a broad grin upon his features, and klik, the king's chamberlain, who looked surprised, and king rinkitink seated astride bilbil the goat, both of whom seemed pleased that inga had rejoined them. chapter nineteen rinkitink chuckles we will now relate what happened to rinkitink and bilbil that morning, while inga was undergoing his trying experience in escaping the fearful dangers of the three caverns. the king of gilgad wakened to find the door of inga's room fast shut and locked, but he had no trouble in opening his own door into the corridor, for it seems that the boy's room, which was the middle one, whirled around on a pivot, while the adjoining rooms occupied by bilbil and rinkitink remained stationary. the little king also found a breakfast magically served in his room, and while he was eating it, klik came to him and stated that his majesty, king kaliko, desired his presence in the royal cavern. so rinkitink, having first made sure that the pink pearl was still in his vest pocket, willingly followed klik, who ran on some distance ahead. but no sooner had rinkitink set foot in the passage than a great rock, weighing at least a ton, became dislodged and dropped from the roof directly over his head. of course, it could not harm him, protected as he was by the pink pearl, and it bounded aside and crashed upon the floor, where it was shattered by its own weight. "how careless!" exclaimed the little king, and waddled after klik, who seemed amazed at his escape. presently another rock above rinkitink plunged downward, and then another, but none touched his body. klik seemed much perplexed at these continued escapes and certainly kaliko was surprised when rinkitink, safe and sound, entered the royal cavern. "good morning," said the king of gilgad. "your rocks are getting loose, kaliko, and you'd better have them glued in place before they hurt someone." then he began to chuckle: "hoo, hoo, hoo-hee, hee-heek, keek, eek!" and kaliko sat and frowned because he realized that the little fat king was poking fun at him. "i asked your majesty to come here," said the nome king, "to show you a curious skein of golden thread which my workmen have made. if it pleases you, i will make you a present of it." with this he held out a small skein of glittering gold twine, which was really pretty and curious. rinkitink took it in his hand and at once the golden thread began to unwind--so swiftly that the eye could not follow its motion. and, as it unwound, it coiled itself around rinkitink's body, at the same time weaving itself into a net, until it had enveloped the little king from head to foot and placed him in a prison of gold. "aha!" cried kaliko; "this magic worked all right, it seems. "oh, did it?" replied rinkitink, and stepping forward he walked right through the golden net, which fell to the floor in a tangled mass. kaliko rubbed his chin thoughtfully and stared hard at rinkitink. "i understand a good bit of magic," said he, "but your majesty has a sort of magic that greatly puzzles me, because it is unlike anything of the sort that i ever met with before." "now, see here, kaliko," said rinkitink; "if you are trying to harm me or my companions, give it up, for you will never succeed. we're harm-proof, so to speak, and you are merely wasting your time trying to injure us. "you may be right, and i hope i am not so impolite as to argue with a guest," returned the nome king. "but you will pardon me if i am not yet satisfied that you are stronger than my famous magic. however, i beg you to believe that i bear you no ill will, king rinkitink; but it is my duty to destroy you, if possible, because you and that insignificant boy prince have openly threatened to take away my captives and have positively refused to go back to the earth's surface and let me alone. i'm very tender-hearted, as a matter of fact, and i like you immensely, and would enjoy having you as a friend, but--" here he pressed a button on the arm of his throne chair and the section of the floor where rinkitink stood suddenly opened and disclosed a black pit beneath, which was a part of 'the terrible bottomless gulf. but rinkitink did not fall into the pit; his body remained suspended in the air until he put out his foot and stepped to the solid floor, when the opening suddenly closed again. "i appreciate your majesty's friendship," remarked rinkitink, as calmly as if nothing had happened, "but i am getting tired with standing. will you kindly send for my goat, bilbil, that i may sit upon his back to rest?" "indeed i will!" promised kaliko. "i have not yet completed my test of your magic, and as i owe that goat a slight grudge for bumping my head and smashing my second-best crown, i will be glad to discover if the beast can also escape my delightful little sorceries." so klik was sent to fetch bilbil and presently returned with the goat, which was very cross this morning because it had not slept well in the underground caverns. rinkitink lost no time in getting upon the red velvet saddle which the goat constantly wore, for he feared the nome king would try to destroy bilbil and knew that as long as his body touched that of the goat the pink pearl would protect them both; whereas, if bilbil stood alone, there was no magic to save him. bilbil glared wickedly at king kaliko, who moved uneasily in his ivory throne. then the nome king whispered a moment in the ear of klik, who nodded and left the room. "please make yourselves at home here for a few minutes, while i attend to an errand," said the nome king, getting up from the throne. "i shall return pretty soon, when i hope to find you pieceful--ha, ha, ha!--that's a joke you can't appreciate now but will later. be pieceful--that's the idea. ho, ho, ho! how funny." then he waddled from the cavern, closing the door behind him. "well, why didn't you laugh when kaliko laughed?" demanded the goat, when they were left alone in the cavern. "because he means mischief of some sort," replied rinkitink, "and we'll laugh after the danger is over, bilbil. there's an old adage that says: 'he laughs best who laughs last,' and the only way to laugh last is to give the other fellow a chance. where did that knife come from, i wonder." for a long, sharp knife suddenly appeared in the air near them, twisting and turning from side to side and darting here and there in a dangerous manner, without any support whatever. then another knife became visible--and another and another--until all the space in the royal cavern seemed filled with them. their sharp points and edges darted toward rinkitink and bilbil perpetually and nothing could have saved them from being cut to pieces except the protecting power of the pink pearl. as it was, not a knife touched them and even bilbil gave a gruff laugh at the failure of kaliko's clever magic. the goat wandered here and there in the cavern, carrying rinkitink upon his back, and neither of them paid the slightest heed to the knives, although the glitter of the hundreds of polished blades was rather trying to their eyes. perhaps for ten minutes the knives darted about them in bewildering fury; then they disappeared as suddenly as they had appeared. kaliko cautiously stuck his head through the doorway and found the goat chewing the embroidery of his royal cloak, which he had left lying over the throne, while rinkitink was reading his manuscript on "how to be good" and chuckling over its advice. the nome king seemed greatly disappointed as he came in and resumed his seat on the throne. said rinkitink with a chuckle: "we've really had a peaceful time, kaliko, although not the pieceful time you expected. forgive me if i indulge in a laugh--hoo, hoo, hoo-hee, heek-keek-eek! and now, tell me; aren't you getting tired of trying to injure us?" "eh--heh," said the nome king. "i see now that your magic can protect you from all my arts. but is the boy inga as, well protected as your majesty and the goat?' "why do you ask?" inquired rinkitink, uneasy at the question because he remembered he had not seen the little prince of pingaree that morning. "because," said kaliko, "the boy has been undergoing trials far greater and more dangerous than any you have encountered, and it has been hundreds of years since anyone has been able to escape alive from the perils of my three trick caverns." king rinkitink was much alarmed at hearing this, for although he knew that inga possessed the blue pearl, that would only give to him marvelous strength, and perhaps strength alone would not enable him to escape from danger. but he would not let kaliko see the fear he felt for inga's safety, so he said in a careless way: "you're a mighty poor magician, kaliko, and i'll give you my crown if inga hasn't escaped any danger you have threatened him with." "your whole crown is not worth one of the valuable diamonds in my crown," answered the nome king, "but i'll take it. let us go at once, therefore, and see what has become of the boy prince, for if he is not destroyed by this time i will admit he cannot be injured by any of the magic arts which i have at my command." he left the room, accompanied by klik, who had now rejoined his master, and by rinkitink riding upon bilbil. after traversing several of the huge caverns they entered one that was somewhat more bright and cheerful than the others, where the nome king paused before a wall of rock. then klik pressed a secret spring and a section of the wall opened and disclosed the corridor where prince inga stood facing them. "tarts and tadpoles!" cried kaliko in surprise. "the boy is still alive!" chapter twenty dorothy to the rescue one day when princess dorothy of oz was visiting glinda the good, who is ozma's royal sorceress, she was looking through glinda's great book of records--wherein is inscribed all important events that happen in every part of the world--when she came upon the record of the destruction of pingaree, the capture of king kitticut and queen garee and all their people, and the curious escape of inga, the boy prince, and of king rinkitink and the talking goat. turning over some of the following pages, dorothy read how inga had found the magic pearls and was rowing the silver-lined boat to regos to try to rescue his parents. the little girl was much interested to know how well inga succeeded, but she returned to the palace of ozma at the emerald city of oz the next day and other events made her forget the boy prince of pingaree for a time. however, she was one day idly looking at ozma's magic picture, which shows any scene you may wish to see, when the girl thought of inga and commanded the magic picture to show what the boy was doing at that moment. it was the time when inga and rinkitink had followed the king of regos and queen of coregos to the nome king's country and she saw them hiding behind the rock as cor and gos passed them by after having placed the king and queen of pingaree in the keeping of the nome king. from that time dorothy followed, by means of the magic picture, the adventures of inga and his friend in the nome king's caverns, and the danger and helplessness of the poor boy aroused the little girl's pity and indignation. so she went to ozma and told the lovely girl ruler of oz all about inga and rinkitink. "i think kaliko is treating them dreadfully mean," declared dorothy, "and i wish you'd let me go to the nome country and help them out of their troubles." "go, my dear, if you wish to," replied ozma, "but i think it would be best for you to take the wizard with you." "oh, i'm not afraid of the nomes," said dorothy, "but i'll be glad to take the wizard, for company. and may we use your magic carpet, ozma?" "of course. put the magic carpet in the red wagon and have the sawhorse take you and the wizard to the edge of the desert. while you are gone, dorothy, i'll watch you in the magic picture, and if any danger threatens you i'll see you are not harmed." dorothy thanked the ruler of oz and kissed her good-bye, for she was determined to start at once. she found the wizard of oz, who was planting shoetrees in the garden, and when she told him inga's story he willingly agreed to accompany the little girl to the nome king's caverns. they had both been there before and had conquered the nomes with ease, so they were not at all afraid. the wizard, who was a cheery little man with a bald head and a winning smile, harnessed the wooden sawhorse to the red wagon and loaded on ozma's magic carpet. then he and dorothy climbed to the seat and the sawhorse started off and carried them swiftly through the beautiful land of oz to the edge of the deadly desert that separated their fairyland from the nome country. even dorothy and the clever wizard would not have dared to cross this desert without the aid of the magic carpet, for it would have quickly destroyed them; but when the roll of carpet had been placed upon the edge of the sands, leaving just enough lying flat for them to stand upon, the carpet straightway began to unroll before them and as they walked on it continued to unroll, until they had safely passed over the stretch of deadly desert and were on the border of the nome king's dominions. this journey had been accomplished in a few minutes, although such a distance would have required several days travel had they not been walking on the magic carpet. on arriving they at once walked toward the entrance to the caverns of the nomes. the wizard carried a little black bag containing his tools of wizardry, while dorothy carried over her arm a covered basket in which she had placed a dozen eggs, with which to conquer the nomes if she had any trouble with them. eggs may seem to you to be a queer weapon with which to fight, but the little girl well knew their value. the nomes are immortal; that is, they do not perish, as mortals do, unless they happen to come in contact with an egg. if an egg touches them--either the outer shell or the inside of the egg--the nomes lose their charm of perpetual life and thereafter are liable to die through accident or old age, just as all humans are. for this reason the sight of an egg fills a nome with terror and he will do anything to prevent an egg from touching him, even for an instant. so, when dorothy took her basket of eggs with her, she knew that she was more powerfully armed than if she had a regiment of soldiers at her back. chapter twenty-one the wizard finds an enchantment after kaliko had failed in his attempts to destroy his guests, as has been related, the nome king did nothing more to injure them but treated them in a friendly manner. he refused, however, to permit inga to see or to speak with his father and mother, or even to know in what part of the underground caverns they were confined. "you are able to protect your lives and persons, i freely admit," said kaliko; "but i firmly believe you have no power, either of magic or otherwise, to take from me the captives i have agreed to keep for king gos." inga would not agree to this. he determined not to leave the caverns until he had liberated his father and mother, although he did not then know how that could be accomplished. as for rinkitink, the jolly king was well fed and had a good bed to sleep upon, so he was not worrying about anything and seemed in no hurry to go away. kaliko and rinkitink were engaged in pitching a game with solid gold quoits, on the floor of the royal chamber, and inga and bilbil were watching them, when klik came running in, his hair standing on end with excitement, and cried out that the wizard of oz and dorothy were approaching. kaliko turned pale on hearing this unwelcome news and, abandoning his game, went to sit in his ivory throne and try to think what had brought these fearful visitors to his domain. "who is dorothy?" asked inga. "she is a little girl who once lived in kansas," replied klik, with a shudder, "but she now lives in ozma's palace at the emerald city and is a princess of oz--which means that she is a terrible foe to deal with." "doesn't she like the nomes?" inquired the boy. "it isn't that," said king kaliko, with a groan, "but she insists on the nomes being goody-goody, which is contrary to their natures. dorothy gets angry if i do the least thing that is wicked, and tries to make me stop it, and that naturally makes me downhearted. i can't imagine why she has come here just now, for i've been behaving very well lately. as for that wizard of oz, he's chock-full of magic that i can't overcome, for he learned it from glinda, who is the most powerful sorceress in the world. woe is me! why didn't dorothy and the wizard stay in oz, where they belong?" inga and rinkitink listened to this with much joy, for at once the idea came to them both to plead with dorothy to help them. even bilbil pricked up his ears when he heard the wizard of oz mentioned, and the goat seemed much less surly, and more thoughtful than usual. a few minutes later a nome came to say that dorothy and the wizard had arrived and demanded admittance, so klik was sent to usher them into the royal presence of the nome king. as soon as she came in the little girl ran up to the boy prince and seized both his hands. "oh, inga!" she exclaimed, "i'm so glad to find you alive and well." inga was astonished at so warm a greeting. making a low bow he said: "i don't think we have met before, princess." "no, indeed," replied dorothy, "but i know all about you and i've come to help you and king rinkitink out of your troubles." then she turned to the nome king and continued: "you ought to be ashamed of yourself, king kaliko, to treat an honest prince and an honest king so badly." "i haven't done anything to them," whined kaliko, trembling as her eyes flashed upon him. "no; but you tried to, an' that's just as bad, if not worse," said dorothy, who was very indignant. "and now i want you to send for the king and queen of pingaree and have them brought here immejitly!" "i won't," said kaliko. "yes, you will!" cried dorothy, stamping her foot at him. "i won't have those poor people made unhappy any longer, or separated from their little boy. why, it's dreadful, kaliko, an' i'm su'prised at you. you must be more wicked than i thought you were." "i can't do it, dorothy," said the nome king, almost weeping with despair. "i promised king gos i'd keep them captives. you wouldn't ask me to break my promise, would you?" "king gos was a robber and an outlaw," she said, "and p'r'aps you don't know that a storm at sea wrecked his boat, while he was going back to regos, and that he and queen cor were both drowned." "dear me!" exclaimed kaliko. "is that so?" "i saw it in glinda's record book," said dorothy. "so now you trot out the king and queen of pingaree as quick as you can." "no," persisted the contrary nome king, shaking his head. "i won't do it. ask me anything else and i'll try to please you, but i can't allow these friendly enemies to triumph over me. "in that case," said dorothy, beginning to remove the cover from her basket, "i'll show you some eggs." "eggs!" screamed the nome king in horror. "have you eggs in that basket?" "a dozen of 'em," replied dorothy. "then keep them there--i beg--i implore you!--and i'll do anything you say," pleaded kaliko, his teeth chattering so that he could hardly speak. "send for the king and queen of pingaree," said dorothy. "go, klik," commanded the nome king, and klik ran away in great haste, for he was almost as much frightened as his master. it was an affecting scene when the unfortunate king and queen of pingaree entered the chamber and with sobs and tears of joy embraced their brave and adventurous son. all the others stood silent until greetings and kisses had been exchanged and inga had told his parents in a few words of his vain struggles to rescue them and how princess dorothy had finally come to his assistance. then king kitticut shook the hands of his friend king rinkitink and thanked him for so loyally supporting his son inga, and queen garee kissed little dorothy's forehead and blessed her for restoring her husband and herself to freedom. the wizard had been standing near bilbil the goat and now he was surprised to hear the animal say: "joyful reunion, isn't it? but it makes me tired to see grown people cry like children." "oho!" exclaimed the wizard. "how does it happen, mr. goat, that you, who have never been to the land of oz, are able to talk?" "that's my business," returned bilbil in a surly tone. the wizard stooped down and gazed fixedly into the animal's eyes. then he said, with a pitying sigh: "i see; you are under an enchantment. indeed, i believe you to be prince bobo of boboland." bilbil made no reply but dropped his head as if ashamed. "this is a great discovery," said the wizard, addressing dorothy and the others of the party. "a good many years ago a cruel magician transformed the gallant prince of boboland into a talking goat, and this goat, being ashamed of his condition, ran away and was never after seen in boboland, which is a country far to the south of here but bordering on the deadly desert, opposite the land of oz. i heard of this story long ago and know that a diligent search has been made for the enchanted prince, without result. but i am well assured that, in the animal you call bilbil, i have discovered the unhappy prince of boboland." "dear me, bilbil," said rinkitink, "why have you never told me this?" "what would be the use?" asked bilbil in a low voice and still refusing to look up. "the use?" repeated rinkitink, puzzled. "yes, that's the trouble," said the wizard. "it is one of the most powerful enchantments ever accomplished, and the magician is now dead and the secret of the anti-charm lost. even i, with all my skill, cannot restore prince bobo to his proper form. but i think glinda might be able to do so and if you will all return with dorothy and me to the land of oz, where ozma will make you welcome, i will ask glinda to try to break this enchantment." this was willingly agreed to, for they all welcomed the chance to visit the famous land of oz. so they bade good-bye to king kaliko, whom dorothy warned not to be wicked any more if he could help it, and the entire party returned over the magic carpet to the land of oz. they filled the red wagon, which was still waiting for them, pretty full; but the sawhorse didn't mind that and with wonderful speed carried them safely to the emerald city. chapter twenty two ozma's banquet ozma had seen in her magic picture the liberation of inga's parents and the departure of the entire party for the emerald city, so with her usual hospitality she ordered a splendid banquet prepared and invited all her quaint friends who were then in the emerald city to be present that evening to meet the strangers who were to become her guests. glinda, also, in her wonderful record book had learned of the events that had taken place in the caverns of the nome king and she became especially interested in the enchantment of the prince of boboland. so she hastily prepared several of her most powerful charms and then summoned her flock of sixteen white storks, which swiftly bore her to ozma's palace. she arrived there before the red wagon did and was warmly greeted by the girl ruler. realizing that the costume of queen garee of pingaree must have become sadly worn and frayed, owing to her hardships and adventures, ozma ordered a royal outfit prepared for the good queen and had it laid in her chamber ready for her to put on as soon as she arrived, so she would not be shamed at the banquet. new costumes were also provided for king kitticut and king rinkitink and prince inga, all cut and made and embellished in the elaborate and becoming style then prevalent in the land of oz, and as soon as the party arrived at the palace ozma's guests were escorted by her servants to their rooms, that they might bathe and dress themselves. glinda the sorceress and the wizard of oz took charge of bilbil the goat and went to a private room where they were not likely to be interrupted. glinda first questioned bilbil long and earnestly about the manner of his enchantment and the ceremony that had been used by the magician who enchanted him. at first bilbil protested that he did not want to be restored to his natural shape, saying that he had been forever disgraced in the eyes of his people and of the entire world by being obliged to exist as a scrawny, scraggly goat. but glinda pointed out that any person who incurred the enmity of a wicked magician was liable to suffer a similar fate, and assured him that his misfortune would make him better beloved by his subjects when he returned to them freed from his dire enchantment. bilbil was finally convinced of the truth of this assertion and agreed to submit to the experiments of glinda and the wizard, who knew they had a hard task before them and were not at all sure they could succeed. we know that glinda is the most complete mistress of magic who has ever existed, and she was wise enough to guess that the clever but evil magician who had enchanted prince bobo had used a spell that would puzzle any ordinary wizard or sorcerer to break; therefore she had given the matter much shrewd thought and hoped she had conceived a plan that would succeed. but because she was not positive of success she would have no one present at the incantation except her assistant, the wizard of oz. first she transformed bilbil the goat into a lamb, and this was done quite easily. next she transformed the lamb into an ostrich, giving it two legs and feet instead of four. then she tried to transform the ostrich into the original prince bobo, but this incantation was an utter failure. glinda was not discouraged, however, but by a powerful spell transformed the ostrich into a tottenhot--which is a lower form of a man. then the tottenhot was transformed into a mifket, which was a great step in advance and, finally, glinda transformed the mifket into a handsome young man, tall and shapely, who fell on his knees before the great sorceress and gratefully kissed her hand, admitting that he had now recovered his proper shape and was indeed prince bobo of boboland. this process of magic, successful though it was in the end, had required so much time that the banquet was now awaiting their presence. bobo was already dressed in princely raiment and although he seemed very much humbled by his recent lowly condition, they finally persuaded him to join the festivities. when rinkitink saw that his goat had now become a prince, he did not know whether to be sorry or glad, for he felt that he would miss the companionship of the quarrelsome animal he had so long been accustomed to ride upon, while at the same time he rejoiced that poor bilbil had come to his own again. prince bobo humbly begged rinkitink's forgiveness for having been so disagreeable to him, at times, saying that the nature of a goat had influenced him and the surly disposition he had shown was a part of his enchantment. but the jolly king assured the prince that he had really enjoyed bilbil's grumpy speeches and forgave him readily. indeed, they all discovered the young prince bobo to be an exceedingly courteous and pleasant person, although he was somewhat reserved and dignified. ah, but it was a great feast that ozma served in her gorgeous banquet hall that night and everyone was as happy as could be. the shaggy man was there, and so was jack pumpkinhead and the tin woodman and cap'n bill. beside princess dorothy sat tiny trot and betsy bobbin, and the three little girls were almost as sweet to look upon as was ozma, who sat at the head of her table and outshone all her guests in loveliness. king rinkitink was delighted with the quaint people of oz and laughed and joked with the tin man and the pumpkin-headed man and found cap'n bill a very agreeable companion. but what amused the jolly king most were the animal guests, which ozma always invited to her banquets and seated at a table by themselves, where they talked and chatted together as people do but were served the sort of food their natures required. the hungry tiger and cowardly lion and the glass cat were much admired by rinkitink, but when he met a mule named hank, which betsy bobbin had brought to oz, the king found the creature so comical that he laughed and chuckled until his friends thought he would choke. then while the banquet was still in progress, rinkitink composed and sang a song to the mule and they all joined in the chorus, which was something like this: "it's very queer how big an ear is worn by mr. donkey; and yet i fear he could not hear if it were on a monkey. 'tis thick and strong and broad and long and also very hairy; it's quite becoming to our hank but might disgrace a fairy!" this song was received with so much enthusiasm that rinkitink was prevailed upon to sing another. they gave him a little time to compose the rhyme, which he declared would be better if he could devote a month or two to its composition, but the sentiment he expressed was so admirable that no one criticized the song or the manner in which the jolly little king sang it. dorothy wrote down the words on a piece of paper, and here they are: "we're merry comrades all, to-night, because we've won a gallant fight and conquered all our foes. we're not afraid of anything, so let us gayly laugh and sing until we seek repose. "we've all our grateful hearts can wish; king gos has gone to feed the fish, queen cor has gone, as well; king kitticut has found his own, prince bobo soon will have a throne relieved of magic spell. "so let's forget the horrid strife that fell upon our peaceful life and caused distress and pain; for very soon across the sea we'll all be sailing merrily to pingaree again." chapter twenty three the pearl kingdom it was unfortunate that the famous scarecrow--the most popular person in all oz, next to ozma--was absent at the time of the banquet, for he happened just then to be making one of his trips through the country; but the scarecrow had a chance later to meet rinkitink and inga and the king and queen of pingaree and prince bobo, for the party remained several weeks at the emerald city, where they were royally entertained, and where both the gentle queen garee and the noble king kitticut recovered much of their good spirits and composure and tried to forget their dreadful experiences. at last, however, the king and queen desired to return to their own pingaree, as they longed to be with their people again and see how well they had rebuilt their homes. inga also was anxious to return, although he had been very happy in oz, and king rinkitink, who was happy anywhere except at gilgad, decided to go with his former friends to pingaree. as for prince bobo, he had become so greatly attached to king rinkitink that he was loth to leave him. on a certain day they all bade good-bye to ozma and dorothy and glinda and the wizard and all their good friends in oz, and were driven in the red wagon to the edge of the deadly desert, which they crossed safely on the magic carpet. they then made their way across the nome kingdom and the wheeler country, where no one molested them, to the shores of the nonestic ocean. there they found the boat with the silver lining still lying undisturbed on the beach. there were no important adventures during the trip and on their arrival at the pearl kingdom they were amazed at the beautiful appearance of the island they had left in ruins. all the houses of the people had been rebuilt and were prettier than before, with green lawns before them and flower gardens in the back yards. the marble towers of king kitticut's new palace were very striking and impressive, while the palace itself proved far more magnificent than it had been before the warriors from regos destroyed it. nikobob had been very active and skillful in directing all this work, and he had also built a pretty cottage for himself, not far from the king's palace, and there inga found zella, who was living very happy and contented in her new home. not only had nikobob accomplished all this in a comparatively brief space of time, but he had started the pearl fisheries again and when king kitticut returned to pingaree he found a quantity of fine pearls already in the royal treasury. so pleased was kitticut with the good judgment, industry and honesty of the former charcoal-burner of regos, that he made nikobob his lord high chamberlain and put him in charge of the pearl fisheries and all the business matters of the island kingdom. they all settled down very comfortably in the new palace and the queen gathered her maids about her once more and set them to work embroidering new draperies for the royal throne. inga placed the three magic pearls in their silken bag and again deposited them in the secret cavity under the tiled flooring of the banquet hall, where they could be quickly secured if danger ever threatened the now prosperous island. king rinkitink occupied a royal guest chamber built especially for his use and seemed in no hurry to leave his friends in pingaree. the fat little king had to walk wherever he went and so missed bilbil more and more; but he seldom walked far and he was so fond of prince bobo that he never regretted bilbil's disenchantment. indeed, the jolly monarch was welcome to remain forever in pingaree, if he wished to, for his merry disposition set smiles on the faces of all his friends and made everyone near him as jolly as he was himself. when king kitticut was not too busy with affairs of state he loved to join his guest and listen to his brother monarch's songs and stories. for he found rinkitink to be, with all his careless disposition, a shrewd philosopher, and in talking over their adventures one day the king of gilgad said: "the beauty of life is its sudden changes. no one knows what is going to happen next, and so we are constantly being surprised and entertained. the many ups and downs should not discourage us, for if we are down, we know that a change is coming and we will go up again; while those who are up are almost certain to go down. my grandfather had a song which well expresses this and if you will listen i will sing it." "of course i will listen to your song," returned kitticut, "for it would be impolite not to." so rinkitink sang his grandfather's song: "a mighty king once ruled the land- but now he's baking pies. a pauper, on the other hand, is ruling, strong and wise. a tiger once in jungles raged- but now he's in a zoo; a lion, captive-born and caged, now roams the forest through. a man once slapped a poor boy's pate and made him weep and wail. the boy became a magistrate and put the man in jail. a sunny day succeeds the night; it's summer--then it snows! right oft goes wrong and wrong comes right, as ev'ry wise man knows." chapter twenty-four the captive king one morning, just as the royal party was finishing breakfast, a servant came running to say that a great fleet of boats was approaching the island from the south. king kitticut sprang up at once, in great alarm, for he had much cause to fear strange boats. the others quickly followed him to the shore to see what invasion might be coming upon them. inga was there with the first, and nikobob and zella soon joined the watchers. and presently, while all were gazing eagerly at the approaching fleet, king rinkitink suddenly cried out: "get your pearls, prince inga--get them quick!" "are these our enemies, then?" asked the boy, looking with surprise upon the fat little king, who had begun to tremble violently. "they are my people of gilgad!" answered rinkitink, wiping a tear from his eye. "i recognize my royal standards flying from the boats. so, please, dear inga, get out your pearls to protect me!" "what can you fear at the hands of your own subjects?" asked kitticut, astonished. but before his frightened guest could answer the question prince bobo, who was standing beside his friend, gave an amused laugh and said: "you are caught at last, dear rinkitink. your people will take you home again and oblige you to reign as king." rinkitink groaned aloud and clasped his hands together with a gesture of despair, an attitude so comical that the others could scarcely forbear laughing. but now the boats were landing upon the beach. they were fifty in number, beautifully decorated and upholstered and rowed by men clad in the gay uniforms of the king of gilgad. one splendid boat had a throne of gold in the center, over which was draped the king's royal robe of purple velvet, embroidered with gold buttercups. rinkitink shuddered when he saw this throne; but now a tall man, handsomely dressed, approached and knelt upon the grass before his king, while all the other occupants of the boats shouted joyfully and waved their plumed hats in the air. "thanks to our good fortune," said the man who kneeled, "we have found your majesty at last!" "pinkerbloo," answered rinkitink sternly, "i must have you hanged, for thus finding me against my will." "you think so now, your majesty, but you will never do it," returned pinkerbloo, rising and kissing the king's hand. "why won't i?" asked rinkitink. "because you are much too tender-hearted, your majesty." "it may be--it may be," agreed rinkitink, sadly. "it is one of my greatest failings. but what chance brought you here, my lord pinkerbloo?" "we have searched for you everywhere, sire, and all the people of gilgad have been in despair since you so mysteriously disappeared. we could not appoint a new king, because we did not know but that you still lived; so we set out to find you, dead or alive. after visiting many islands of the nonestic ocean we at last thought of pingaree, from where come the precious pearls; and now our faithful quest has been rewarded." "and what now?" asked rinkitink. "now, your majesty, you must come home with us, like a good and dutiful king, and rule over your people," declared the man in a firm voice. "i will not." "but you must--begging your majesty's pardon for the contradiction." "kitticut," cried poor rinkitink, "you must save me from being captured by these, my subjects. what! must i return to gilgad and be forced to reign in splendid state when i much prefer to eat and sleep and sing in my own quiet way? they will make me sit in a throne three hours a day and listen to dry and tedious affairs of state; and i must stand up for hours at the court receptions, till i get corns on my heels; and forever must i listen to tiresome speeches and endless petitions and complaints!" "but someone must do this, your majesty," said pinkerbloo respectfully, "and since you were born to be our king you cannot escape your duty." "'tis a horrid fate!" moaned rinkitink. "i would die willingly, rather than be a king--if it did not hurt so terribly to die." "you will find it much more comfortable to reign than to die, although i fully appreciate your majesty's difficult position and am truly sorry for you," said pinkerbloo. king kitticut had listened to this conversation thoughtfully, so now he said to his friend: "the man is right, dear rinkitink. it is your duty to reign, since fate has made you a king, and i see no honorable escape for you. i shall grieve to lose your companionship, but i feel the separation cannot be avoided." rinkitink sighed. "then," said he, turning to lord pinkerbloo, "in three days i will depart with you for gilgad; but during those three days i propose to feast and make merry with my good friend king kitticut." then all the people of gilgad shouted with delight and eagerly scrambled ashore to take their part in the festival. those three days were long remembered in pingaree, for never--before nor since--has such feasting and jollity been known upon that island. rinkitink made the most of his time and everyone laughed and sang with him by day and by night. then, at last, the hour of parting arrived and the king of gilgad and ruler of the dominion of rinkitink was escorted by a grand procession to his boat and seated upon his golden throne. the rowers of the fifty boats paused, with their glittering oars pointed into the air like gigantic uplifted sabres, while the people of pingaree--men, women and children--stood upon the shore shouting a royal farewell to the jolly king. then came a sudden hush, while rinkitink stood up and, with a bow to those assembled to witness his departure, sang the following song, which he had just composed for the occasion. "farewell, dear isle of pingaree- the fairest land in all the sea! no living mortals, kings or churls, would scorn to wear thy precious pearls. "king kitticut, 'tis with regret i'm forced to say farewell; and yet abroad no longer can i roam when fifty boats would drag me home. "good-bye, my prince of pingaree; a noble king some time you'll be and long and wisely may you reign and never face a foe again!" they cheered him from the shore; they cheered him from the boats; and then all the oars of the fifty boats swept downward with a single motion and dipped their blades into the purple-hued waters of the nonestic ocean. as the boats shot swiftly over the ripples of the sea rinkitink turned to prince bobo, who had decided not to desert his former master and his present friend, and asked anxiously: "how did you like that song, bilbil--i mean bobo? is it a masterpiece, do you think?" and bobo replied with a smile: "like all your songs, dear rinkitink, the sentiment far excels the poetry." the wonderful oz books by l. frank baum 1 the wizard of oz 2 the land of oz 3 ozma of oz 4 dorothy and the wizard in oz 5 the road to oz 6 the emerald city of oz 7 the patchwork girl of oz 8 tik-tok of oz 9 the scarecrow of oz 10 rinkitink in oz 11 the lost princess of oz 12 the tin woodman of oz 13 the magic of oz 14 glinda of oz the lost princess of oz by l. frank baum this book is dedicated to my granddaughter ozma baum to my readers some of my youthful readers are developing wonderful imaginations. this pleases me. imagination has brought mankind through the dark ages to its present state of civilization. imagination led columbus to discover america. imagination led franklin to discover electricity. imagination has given us the steam engine, the telephone, the talking-machine and the automobile, for these things had to be dreamed of before they became realities. so i believe that dreams--day dreams, you know, with your eyes wide open and your brain-machinery whizzing--are likely to lead to the betterment of the world. the imaginative child will become the imaginative man or woman most apt to create, to invent, and therefore to foster civilization. a prominent educator tells me that fairy tales are of untold value in developing imagination in the young. i believe it. among the letters i receive from children are many containing suggestions of "what to write about in the next oz book." some of the ideas advanced are mighty interesting, while others are too extravagant to be seriously considered--even in a fairy tale. yet i like them all, and i must admit that the main idea in "the lost princess of oz" was suggested to me by a sweet little girl of eleven who called to see me and to talk about the land of oz. said she: "i s'pose if ozma ever got lost, or stolen, ev'rybody in oz would be dreadful sorry." that was all, but quite enough foundation to build this present story on. if you happen to like the story, give credit to my little friend's clever hint. l. frank baum royal historian of oz list of chapters 1 a terrible loss 2 the troubles of glinda the good 3 the robbery of cayke the cookie cook 4 among the winkies 5 ozma's friends are perplexed 6 the search party 7 the merry-go-round mountains 8 the mysterious city 9 the high coco-lorum of thi 10 toto loses something 11 button-bright loses himself 12 the czarover of herku 13 the truth pond 14 the unhappy ferryman 15 the big lavender bear 16 the little pink bear 17 the meeting 18 the conference 19 ugu the shoemaker 20 more surprises 21 magic against magic 22 in the wicker castle 23 the defiance of ugu the shoemaker 24 the little pink bear speaks truly 25 ozma of oz 26 dorothy forgives the lost princess by l. frank baum chapter 1 a terrible loss there could be no doubt of the fact: princess ozma, the lovely girl ruler of the fairyland of oz, was lost. she had completely disappeared. not one of her subjects--not even her closest friends--knew what had become of her. it was dorothy who first discovered it. dorothy was a little kansas girl who had come to the land of oz to live and had been given a delightful suite of rooms in ozma's royal palace just because ozma loved dorothy and wanted her to live as near her as possible so the two girls might be much together. dorothy was not the only girl from the outside world who had been welcomed to oz and lived in the royal palace. there was another named betsy bobbin, whose adventures had led her to seek refuge with ozma, and still another named trot, who had been invited, together with her faithful companion cap'n bill, to make her home in this wonderful fairyland. the three girls all had rooms in the palace and were great chums; but dorothy was the dearest friend of their gracious ruler and only she at any hour dared to seek ozma in her royal apartments. for dorothy had lived in oz much longer than the other girls and had been made a princess of the realm. betsy was a year older than dorothy and trot was a year younger, yet the three were near enough of an age to become great playmates and to have nice times together. it was while the three were talking together one morning in dorothy's room that betsy proposed they make a journey into the munchkin country, which was one of the four great countries of the land of oz ruled by ozma. "i've never been there yet," said betsy bobbin, "but the scarecrow once told me it is the prettiest country in all oz." "i'd like to go, too," added trot. "all right," said dorothy. "i'll go and ask ozma. perhaps she will let us take the sawhorse and the red wagon, which would be much nicer for us than having to walk all the way. this land of oz is a pretty big place when you get to all the edges of it." so she jumped up and went along the halls of the splendid palace until she came to the royal suite, which filled all the front of the second floor. in a little waiting room sat ozma's maid, jellia jamb, who was busily sewing. "is ozma up yet?" inquired dorothy. "i don't know, my dear," replied jellia. "i haven't heard a word from her this morning. she hasn't even called for her bath or her breakfast, and it is far past her usual time for them." "that's strange!" exclaimed the little girl. "yes," agreed the maid, "but of course no harm could have happened to her. no one can die or be killed in the land of oz, and ozma is herself a powerful fairy, and she has no enemies so far as we know. therefore i am not at all worried about her, though i must admit her silence is unusual." "perhaps," said dorothy thoughtfully, "she has overslept. or she may be reading or working out some new sort of magic to do good to her people." "any of these things may be true," replied jellia jamb, "so i haven't dared disturb our royal mistress. you, however, are a privileged character, princess, and i am sure that ozma wouldn't mind at all if you went in to see her." "of course not," said dorothy, and opening the door of the outer chamber, she went in. all was still here. she walked into another room, which was ozma's boudoir, and then, pushing back a heavy drapery richly broidered with threads of pure gold, the girl entered the sleeping-room of the fairy ruler of oz. the bed of ivory and gold was vacant; the room was vacant; not a trace of ozma was to be found. very much surprised, yet still with no fear that anything had happened to her friend, dorothy returned through the boudoir to the other rooms of the suite. she went into the music room, the library, the laboratory, the bath, the wardrobe, and even into the great throne room, which adjoined the royal suite, but in none of these places could she find ozma. so she returned to the anteroom where she had left the maid, jellia jamb, and said: "she isn't in her rooms now, so she must have gone out." "i don't understand how she could do that without my seeing her," replied jellia, "unless she made herself invisible." "she isn't there, anyhow," declared dorothy. "then let us go find her," suggested the maid, who appeared to be a little uneasy. so they went into the corridors, and there dorothy almost stumbled over a queer girl who was dancing lightly along the passage. "stop a minute, scraps!" she called, "have you seen ozma this morning?" "not i!" replied the queer girl, dancing nearer. "i lost both my eyes in a tussle with the woozy last night, for the creature scraped 'em both off my face with his square paws. so i put the eyes in my pocket, and this morning button-bright led me to aunt em, who sewed 'em on again. so i've seen nothing at all today, except during the last five minutes. so of course i haven't seen ozma." "very well, scraps," said dorothy, looking curiously at the eyes, which were merely two round, black buttons sewed upon the girl's face. there were other things about scraps that would have seemed curious to one seeing her for the first time. she was commonly called "the patchwork girl" because her body and limbs were made from a gay-colored patchwork quilt which had been cut into shape and stuffed with cotton. her head was a round ball stuffed in the same manner and fastened to her shoulders. for hair, she had a mass of brown yarn, and to make a nose for her a part of the cloth had been pulled out into the shape of a knob and tied with a string to hold it in place. her mouth had been carefully made by cutting a slit in the proper place and lining it with red silk, adding two rows of pearls for teeth and a bit of red flannel for a tongue. in spite of this queer make-up, the patchwork girl was magically alive and had proved herself not the least jolly and agreeable of the many quaint characters who inhabit the astonishing fairyland of oz. indeed, scraps was a general favorite, although she was rather flighty and erratic and did and said many things that surprised her friends. she was seldom still, but loved to dance, to turn handsprings and somersaults, to climb trees and to indulge in many other active sports. "i'm going to search for ozma," remarked dorothy, "for she isn't in her rooms, and i want to ask her a question." "i'll go with you," said scraps, "for my eyes are brighter than yours, and they can see farther." "i'm not sure of that," returned dorothy. "but come along, if you like." together they searched all through the great palace and even to the farthest limits of the palace grounds, which were quite extensive, but nowhere could they find a trace of ozma. when dorothy returned to where betsy and trot awaited her, the little girl's face was rather solemn and troubled, for never before had ozma gone away without telling her friends where she was going, or without an escort that befitted her royal state. she was gone, however, and none had seen her go. dorothy had met and questioned the scarecrow, tik-tok, the shaggy man, button-bright, cap'n bill, and even the wise and powerful wizard of oz, but not one of them had seen ozma since she parted with her friends the evening before and had gone to her own rooms. "she didn't say anything las' night about going anywhere," observed little trot. "no, and that's the strange part of it," replied dorothy. "usually ozma lets us know of everything she does." "why not look in the magic picture?" suggested betsy bobbin. "that will tell us where she is in just one second." "of course!" cried dorothy. "why didn't i think of that before?" and at once the three girls hurried away to ozma's boudoir, where the magic picture always hung. this wonderful magic picture was one of the royal ozma's greatest treasures. there was a large gold frame in the center of which was a bluish-gray canvas on which various scenes constantly appeared and disappeared. if one who stood before it wished to see what any person anywhere in the world was doing, it was only necessary to make the wish and the scene in the magic picture would shift to the scene where that person was and show exactly what he or she was then engaged in doing. so the girls knew it would be easy for them to wish to see ozma, and from the picture they could quickly learn where she was. dorothy advanced to the place where the picture was usually protected by thick satin curtains and pulled the draperies aside. then she stared in amazement, while her two friends uttered exclamations of disappointment. the magic picture was gone. only a blank space on the wall behind the curtains showed where it had formerly hung. chapter 2 the troubles of glinda the good that same morning there was great excitement in the castle of the powerful sorceress of oz, glinda the good. this castle, situated in the quadling country, far south of the emerald city where ozma ruled, was a splendid structure of exquisite marbles and silver grilles. here the sorceress lived, surrounded by a bevy of the most beautiful maidens of oz, gathered from all the four countries of that fairyland as well as from the magnificent emerald city itself, which stood in the place where the four countries cornered. it was considered a great honor to be allowed to serve the good sorceress, whose arts of magic were used only to benefit the oz people. glinda was ozma's most valued servant, for her knowledge of sorcery was wonderful, and she could accomplish almost anything that her mistress, the lovely girl ruler of oz, wished her to. of all the magical things which surrounded glinda in her castle, there was none more marvelous than her great book of records. on the pages of this record book were constantly being inscribed, day by day and hour by hour, all the important events that happened anywhere in the known world, and they were inscribed in the book at exactly the moment the events happened. every adventure in the land of oz and in the big outside world, and even in places that you and i have never heard of, were recorded accurately in the great book, which never made a mistake and stated only the exact truth. for that reason, nothing could be concealed from glinda the good, who had only to look at the pages of the great book of records to know everything that had taken place. that was one reason she was such a great sorceress, for the records made her wiser than any other living person. this wonderful book was placed upon a big gold table that stood in the middle of glinda's drawing room. the legs of the table, which were incrusted with precious gems, were firmly fastened to the tiled floor, and the book itself was chained to the table and locked with six stout golden padlocks, the keys to which glinda carried on a chain that was secured around her own neck. the pages of the great book were larger in size than those of an american newspaper, and although they were exceedingly thin, there were so many of them that they made an enormous, bulky volume. with its gold cover and gold clasps, the book was so heavy that three men could scarcely have lifted it. yet this morning when glinda entered her drawing room after breakfast, the good sorceress was amazed to discover that her great book of records had mysteriously disappeared. advancing to the table, she found the chains had been cut with some sharp instrument, and this must have been done while all in the castle slept. glinda was shocked and grieved. who could have done this wicked, bold thing? and who could wish to deprive her of her great book of records? the sorceress was thoughtful for a time, considering the consequences of her loss. then she went to her room of magic to prepare a charm that would tell her who had stolen the record book. but when she unlocked her cupboard and threw open the doors, all of her magical instruments and rare chemical compounds had been removed from the shelves. the sorceress has now both angry and alarmed. she sat down in a chair and tried to think how this extraordinary robbery could have taken place. it was evident that the thief was some person of very great power, or the theft could not have been accomplished without her knowledge. but who, in all the land of oz, was powerful and skillful enough to do this awful thing? and who, having the power, could also have an object in defying the wisest and most talented sorceress the world has ever known? glinda thought over the perplexing matter for a full hour, at the end of which time she was still puzzled how to explain it. but although her instruments and chemicals were gone, her knowledge of magic had not been stolen, by any means, since no thief, however skillful, can rob one of knowledge, and that is why knowledge is the best and safest treasure to acquire. glinda believed that when she had time to gather more magical herbs and elixirs and to manufacture more magical instruments, she would be able to discover who the robber was and what had become of her precious book of records. "whoever has done this," she said to her maidens, "is a very foolish person, for in time he is sure to be found out and will then be severely punished." she now made a list of the things she needed and dispatched messengers to every part of oz with instructions to obtain them and bring them to her as soon as possible. and one of her messengers met the little wizard of oz, who was seated on the back of the famous live sawhorse and was clinging to its neck with both his arms, for the sawhorse was speeding to glinda's castle with the velocity of the wind, bearing the news that royal ozma, ruler of all the great land of oz, had suddenly disappeared and no one in the emerald city knew what had become of her. "also," said the wizard as he stood before the astonished sorceress, "ozma's magic picture is gone, so we cannot consult it to discover where she is. so i came to you for assistance as soon as we realized our loss. let us look in the great book of records." "alas," returned the sorceress sorrowfully, "we cannot do that, for the great book of records has also disappeared!" chapter 3 the robbery of cayke the cookie cook one more important theft was reported in the land of oz that eventful morning, but it took place so far from either the emerald city or the castle of glinda the good that none of those persons we have mentioned learned of the robbery until long afterward. in the far southwestern corner of the winkie country is a broad tableland that can be reached only by climbing a steep hill, whichever side one approaches it. on the hillside surrounding this tableland are no paths at all, but there are quantities of bramble bushes with sharp prickers on them, which prevent any of the oz people who live down below from climbing up to see what is on top. but on top live the yips, and although the space they occupy is not great in extent, the wee country is all their own. the yips had never--up to the time this story begins--left their broad tableland to go down into the land of oz, nor had the oz people ever climbed up to the country of the yips. living all alone as they did, the yips had queer ways and notions of their own and did not resemble any other people of the land of oz. their houses were scattered all over the flat surface; not like a city, grouped together, but set wherever their owners' fancy dictated, with fields here, trees there, and odd little paths connecting the houses one with another. it was here, on the morning when ozma so strangely disappeared from the emerald city, that cayke the cookie cook discovered that her diamond-studded gold dishpan had been stolen, and she raised such a hue and cry over her loss and wailed and shrieked so loudly that many of the yips gathered around her house to inquire what was the matter. it was a serious thing in any part of the land of oz to accuse one of stealing, so when the yips heard cayke the cookie cook declare that her jeweled dishpan had been stolen, they were both humiliated and disturbed and forced cayke to go with them to the frogman to see what could be done about it. i do not suppose you have ever before heard of the frogman, for like all other dwellers on that tableland, he had never been away from it, nor had anyone come up there to see him. the frogman was in truth descended from the common frogs of oz, and when he was first born he lived in a pool in the winkie country and was much like any other frog. being of an adventurous nature, however, he soon hopped out of his pool and began to travel, when a big bird came along and seized him in its beak and started to fly away with him to its nest. when high in the air, the frog wriggled so frantically that he got loose and fell down, down, down into a small hidden pool on the tableland of the yips. now that pool, it seems, was unknown to the yips because it was surrounded by thick bushes and was not near to any dwelling, and it proved to be an enchanted pool, for the frog grew very fast and very big, feeding on the magic skosh which is found nowhere else on earth except in that one pool. and the skosh not only made the frog very big so that when he stood on his hind legs he was as tall as any yip in the country, but it made him unusually intelligent, so that he soon knew more than the yips did and was able to reason and to argue very well indeed. no one could expect a frog with these talents to remain in a hidden pool, so he finally got out of it and mingled with the people of the tableland, who were amazed at his appearance and greatly impressed by his learning. they had never seen a frog before, and the frog had never seen a yip before, but as there were plenty of yips and only one frog, the frog became the most important. he did not hop any more, but stood upright on his hind legs and dressed himself in fine clothes and sat in chairs and did all the things that people do, so he soon came to be called the frogman, and that is the only name he has ever had. after some years had passed, the people came to regard the frogman as their adviser in all matters that puzzled them. they brought all their difficulties to him, and when he did not know anything, he pretended to know it, which seemed to answer just as well. indeed, the yips thought the frogman was much wiser than he really was, and he allowed them to think so, being very proud of his position of authority. there was another pool on the tableland which was not enchanted but contained good, clear water and was located close to the dwellings. here the people built the frogman a house of his own, close to the edge of the pool so that he could take a bath or a swim whenever he wished. he usually swam in the pool in the early morning before anyone else was up, and during the day he dressed himself in his beautiful clothes and sat in his house and received the visits of all the yips who came to him to ask his advice. the frogman's usual costume consisted of knee-breeches made of yellow satin plush, with trimmings of gold braid and jeweled knee-buckles; a white satin vest with silver buttons in which were set solitaire rubies; a swallow-tailed coat of bright yellow; green stockings and red leather shoes turned up at the toes and having diamond buckles. he wore, when he walked out, a purple silk hat and carried a gold-headed cane. over his eyes he wore great spectacles with gold rims, not because his eyes were bad, but because the spectacles made him look wise, and so distinguished and gorgeous was his appearance that all the yips were very proud of him. there was no king or queen in the yip country, so the simple inhabitants naturally came to look upon the frogman as their leader as well as their counselor in all times of emergency. in his heart the big frog knew he was no wiser than the yips, but for a frog to know as much as a person was quite remarkable, and the frogman was shrewd enough to make the people believe he was far more wise than he really was. they never suspected he was a humbug, but listened to his words with great respect and did just what he advised them to do. now when cayke the cookie cook raised such an outcry over the theft of her diamond-studded dishpan, the first thought of the people was to take her to the frogman and inform him of the loss, thinking that of course he would tell her where to find it. he listened to the story with his big eyes wide open behind his spectacles, and said in his deep, croaking voice, "if the dishpan is stolen, somebody must have taken it." "but who?" asked cayke anxiously. "who is the thief?" "the one who took the dishpan, of course," replied the frogman, and hearing this all the yips nodded their heads gravely and said to one another, "it is absolutely true!" "but i want my dishpan!" cried cayke. "no one can blame you for that wish," remarked the frogman. "then tell me where i may find it," she urged. the look the frogman gave her was a very wise look, and he rose from his chair and strutted up and down the room with his hands under his coattails in a very pompous and imposing manner. this was the first time so difficult a matter had been brought to him, and he wanted time to think. it would never do to let them suspect his ignorance, and so he thought very, very hard how best to answer the woman without betraying himself. "i beg to inform you," said he, "that nothing in the yip country has ever been stolen before." "we know that already," answered cayke the cookie cook impatiently. "therefore," continued the frogman, "this theft becomes a very important matter." "well, where is my dishpan?" demanded the woman. "it is lost, but it must be found. unfortunately, we have no policemen or detectives to unravel the mystery, so we must employ other means to regain the lost article. cayke must first write a proclamation and tack it to the door of her house, and the proclamation must read that whoever stole the jeweled dishpan must return it at once." "but suppose no one returns it," suggested cayke. "then," said the frogman, "that very fact will be proof that no one has stolen it." cayke was not satisfied, but the other yips seemed to approve the plan highly. they all advised her to do as the frogman had told her to, so she posted the sign on her door and waited patiently for someone to return the dishpan--which no one ever did. again she went, accompanied by a group of her neighbors, to the frogman, who by this time had given the matter considerable thought. said he to cayke, "i am now convinced that no yip has taken your dishpan, and since it is gone from the yip country, i suspect that some stranger came from the world down below us in the darkness of night when all of us were asleep and took away your treasure. there can be no other explanation of its disappearance. so if you wish to recover that golden, diamond-studded dishpan, you must go into the lower world after it." this was indeed a startling proposition. cayke and her friends went to the edge of the flat tableland and looked down the steep hillside to the plains below. it was so far to the bottom of the hill that nothing there could be seen very distinctly, and it seemed to the yips very venturesome, if not dangerous, to go so far from home into an unknown land. however, cayke wanted her dishpan very badly, so she turned to her friends and asked, "who will go with me?" no one answered the question, but after a period of silence one of the yips said, "we know what is here on the top of this flat hill, and it seems to us a very pleasant place, but what is down below we do not know. the chances are it is not so pleasant, so we had best stay where we are." "it may be a far better country than this is," suggested the cookie cook. "maybe, maybe," responded another yip, "but why take chances? contentment with one's lot is true wisdom. perhaps in some other country there are better cookies than you cook, but as we have always eaten your cookies and liked them--except when they are burned on the bottom--we do not long for any better ones." cayke might have agreed to this argument had she not been so anxious to find her precious dishpan, but now she exclaimed impatiently, "you are cowards, all of you! if none of you are willing to explore with me the great world beyond this small hill, i will surely go alone." "that is a wise resolve," declared the yips, much relieved. "it is your dishpan that is lost, not ours. and if you are willing to risk your life and liberty to regain it, no one can deny you the privilege." while they were thus conversing, the frogman joined them and looked down at the plain with his big eyes and seemed unusually thoughtful. in fact, the frogman was thinking that he'd like to see more of the world. here in the yip country he had become the most important creature of them all, and his importance was getting to be a little tame. it would be nice to have other people defer to him and ask his advice, and there seemed no reason so far as he could see why his fame should not spread throughout all oz. he knew nothing of the rest of the world, but it was reasonable to believe that there were more people beyond the mountain where he now lived than there were yips, and if he went among them he could surprise them with his display of wisdom and make them bow down to him as the yips did. in other words, the frogman was ambitious to become still greater than he was, which was impossible if he always remained upon this mountain. he wanted others to see his gorgeous clothes and listen to his solemn sayings, and here was an excuse for him to get away from the yip country. so he said to cayke the cookie cook, "i will go with you, my good woman," which greatly pleased cayke because she felt the frogman could be of much assistance to her in her search. but now, since the mighty frogman had decided to undertake the journey, several of the yips who were young and daring at once made up their minds to go along, so the next morning after breakfast the frogman and cayke the cookie cook and nine of the yips started to slide down the side of the mountain. the bramble bushes and cactus plants were very prickly and uncomfortable to the touch, so the frogman quickly commanded the yips to go first and break a path, so that when he followed them he would not tear his splendid clothes. cayke, too, was wearing her best dress and was likewise afraid of the thorns and prickers, so she kept behind the frogman. they made rather slow progress and night overtook them before they were halfway down the mountainside, so they found a cave in which they sought shelter until morning. cayke had brought along a basket full of her famous cookies, so they all had plenty to eat. on the second day the yips began to wish they had not embarked on this adventure. they grumbled a good deal at having to cut away the thorns to make the path for the frogman and the cookie cook, for their own clothing suffered many tears, while cayke and the frogman traveled safely and in comfort. "if it is true that anyone came to our country to steal your diamond dishpan," said one of the yips to cayke, "it must have been a bird, for no person in the form of a man, woman or child could have climbed through these bushes and back again." "and, allowing he could have done so," said another yip, "the diamond-studded gold dishpan would not have repaid him for his troubles and his tribulations." "for my part," remarked a third yip, "i would rather go back home and dig and polish some more diamonds and mine some more gold and make you another dishpan than be scratched from head to heel by these dreadful bushes. even now, if my mother saw me, she would not know i am her son." cayke paid no heed to these mutterings, nor did the frogman. although their journey was slow, it was being made easy for them by the yips, so they had nothing to complain of and no desire to turn back. quite near to the bottom of the great hill they came upon a great gulf, the sides of which were as smooth as glass. the gulf extended a long distance--as far as they could see in either direction--and although it was not very wide, it was far too wide for the yips to leap across it. and should they fall into it, it was likely they might never get out again. "here our journey ends," said the yips. "we must go back again." cayke the cookie cook began to weep. "i shall never find my pretty dishpan again, and my heart will be broken!" she sobbed. the frogman went to the edge of the gulf and with his eye carefully measured the distance to the other side. "being a frog," said he, "i can leap, as all frogs do, and being so big and strong, i am sure i can leap across this gulf with ease. but the rest of you, not being frogs, must return the way you came." "we will do that with pleasure," cried the yips, and at once they turned and began to climb up the steep mountain, feeling they had had quite enough of this unsatisfactory adventure. cayke the cookie cook did not go with them, however. she sat on a rock and wept and wailed and was very miserable. "well," said the frogman to her, "i will now bid you goodbye. if i find your diamond-decorated gold dishpan, i will promise to see that it is safely returned to you." "but i prefer to find it myself!" she said. "see here, frogman, why can't you carry me across the gulf when you leap it? you are big and strong, while i am small and thin." the frogman gravely thought over this suggestion. it was a fact that cayke the cookie cook was not a heavy person. perhaps he could leap the gulf with her on his back. "if you are willing to risk a fall," said he, "i will make the attempt." at once she sprang up and grabbed him around his neck with both her arms. that is, she grabbed him where his neck ought to be, for the frogman had no neck at all. then he squatted down, as frogs do when they leap, and with his powerful rear legs he made a tremendous jump. over the gulf they sailed, with the cookie cook on his back, and he had leaped so hard--to make sure of not falling in--that he sailed over a lot of bramble bushes that grew on the other side and landed in a clear space which was so far beyond the gulf that when they looked back they could not see it at all. cayke now got off the frogman's back and he stood erect again and carefully brushed the dust from his velvet coat and rearranged his white satin necktie. "i had no idea i could leap so far," he said wonderingly. "leaping is one more accomplishment i can now add to the long list of deeds i am able to perform." "you are certainly fine at leap-frog," said the cookie cook admiringly, "but, as you say, you are wonderful in many ways. if we meet with any people down here, i am sure they will consider you the greatest and grandest of all living creatures." "yes," he replied, "i shall probably astonish strangers, because they have never before had the pleasure of seeing me. also, they will marvel at my great learning. every time i open my mouth, cayke, i am liable to say something important." "that is true," she agreed, "and it is fortunate your mouth is so very wide and opens so far, for otherwise all the wisdom might not be able to get out of it." "perhaps nature made it wide for that very reason," said the frogman. "but come, let us now go on, for it is getting late and we must find some sort of shelter before night overtakes us." chapter 4 among the winkies the settled parts of the winkie country are full of happy and contented people who are ruled by a tin emperor named nick chopper, who in turn is a subject of the beautiful girl ruler, ozma of oz. but not all of the winkie country is fully settled. at the east, which part lies nearest the emerald city, there are beautiful farmhouses and roads, but as you travel west, you first come to a branch of the winkie river, beyond which there is a rough country where few people live, and some of these are quite unknown to the rest of the world. after passing through this rude section of territory, which no one ever visits, you would come to still another branch of the winkie river, after crossing which you would find another well-settled part of the winkie country extending westward quite to the deadly desert that surrounds all the land of oz and separates that favored fairyland from the more common outside world. the winkies who live in this west section have many tin mines, from which metal they make a great deal of rich jewelry and other articles, all of which are highly esteemed in the land of oz because tin is so bright and pretty and there is not so much of it as there is of gold and silver. not all the winkies are miners, however, for some till the fields and grow grains for food, and it was at one of these far-west winkie farms that the frogman and cayke the cookie cook first arrived after they had descended from the mountain of the yips. "goodness me!" cried nellary the winkie wife when she saw the strange couple approaching her house. "i have seen many queer creatures in the land of oz, but none more queer than this giant frog who dresses like a man and walks on his hind legs. come here, wiljon," she called to her husband, who was eating his breakfast, "and take a look at this astonishing freak." wiljon the winkie came to the door and looked out. he was still standing in the doorway when the frogman approached and said with a haughty croak, "tell me, my good man, have you seen a diamond-studded gold dishpan?" "no, nor have i seen a copper-plated lobster," replied wiljon in an equally haughty tone. the frogman stared at him and said, "do not be insolent, fellow!" "no," added cayke the cookie cook hastily, "you must be very polite to the great frogman, for he is the wisest creature in all the world." "who says that?" inquired wiljon. "he says so himself," replied cayke, and the frogman nodded and strutted up and down, twirling his gold-headed cane very gracefully. "does the scarecrow admit that this overgrown frog is the wisest creature in the world?" asked wiljon. "i do not know who the scarecrow is," answered cayke the cookie cook. "well, he lives at the emerald city, and he is supposed to have the finest brains in all oz. the wizard gave them to him, you know." "mine grew in my head," said the frogman pompously, "so i think they must be better than any wizard brains. i am so wise that sometimes my wisdom makes my head ache. i know so much that often i have to forget part of it, since no one creature, however great, is able to contain so much knowledge." "it must be dreadful to be stuffed full of wisdom," remarked wiljon reflectively and eyeing the frogman with a doubtful look. "it is my good fortune to know very little." "i hope, however, you know where my jeweled dishpan is," said the cookie cook anxiously. "i do not know even that," returned the winkie. "we have trouble enough in keeping track of our own dishpans without meddling with the dishpans of strangers." finding him so ignorant, the frogman proposed that they walk on and seek cayke's dishpan elsewhere. wiljon the winkie did not seem greatly impressed by the great frogman, which seemed to that personage as strange as it was disappointing. but others in this unknown land might prove more respectful. "i'd like to meet that wizard of oz," remarked cayke as they walked along a path. "if he could give a scarecrow brains, he might be able to find my dishpan." "poof!" grunted the frogman scornfully. "i am greater than any wizard. depend on me. if your dishpan is anywhere in the world, i am sure to find it." "if you do not, my heart will be broken," declared the cookie cook in a sorrowful voice. for a while the frogman walked on in silence. then he asked, "why do you attach so much importance to a dishpan?" "it is the greatest treasure i possess," replied the woman. "it belonged to my mother and to all my grandmothers since the beginning of time. it is, i believe, the very oldest thing in all the yip country--or was while it was there--and," she added, dropping her voice to an awed whisper, "it has magic powers!" "in what way?" inquired the frogman, seeming to be surprised at this statement. "whoever has owned that dishpan has been a good cook, for one thing. no one else is able to make such good cookies as i have cooked, as you and all the yips know. yet the very morning after my dishpan was stolen, i tried to make a batch of cookies and they burned up in the oven! i made another batch that proved too tough to eat, and i was so ashamed of them that i buried them in the ground. even the third batch of cookies, which i brought with me in my basket, were pretty poor stuff and no better than any woman could make who does not own my diamond-studded gold dishpan. in fact, my good frogman, cayke the cookie cook will never be able to cook good cookies again until her magic dishpan is restored to her." "in that case," said the frogman with a sigh, "i suppose we must manage to find it." chapter 5 ozma's friends are perplexed "really," said dorothy, looking solemn, "this is very s'prising. we can't even find a shadow of ozma anywhere in the em'rald city, and wherever she's gone, she's taken her magic picture with her." she was standing in the courtyard of the palace with betsy and trot, while scraps, the patchwork girl, danced around the group, her hair flying in the wind. "p'raps," said scraps, still dancing, "someone has stolen ozma." "oh, they'd never dare do that!" exclaimed tiny trot. "and stolen the magic picture, too, so the thing can't tell where she is," added the patchwork girl. "that's nonsense," said dorothy. "why, ev'ryone loves ozma. there isn't a person in the land of oz who would steal a single thing she owns." "huh!" replied the patchwork girl. "you don't know ev'ry person in the land of oz." "why don't i?" "it's a big country," said scraps. "there are cracks and corners in it that even ozma doesn't know of." "the patchwork girl's just daffy," declared betsy. "no, she's right about that," replied dorothy thoughtfully. "there are lots of queer people in this fairyland who never come near ozma or the em'rald city. i've seen some of 'em myself, girls. but i haven't seen all, of course, and there might be some wicked persons left in oz yet, though i think the wicked witches have all been destroyed." just then the wooden sawhorse dashed into the courtyard with the wizard of oz on his back. "have you found ozma?" cried the wizard when the sawhorse stopped beside them. "not yet," said dorothy. "doesn't glinda the good know where she is?" "no. glinda's book of records and all her magic instruments are gone. someone must have stolen them." "goodness me!" exclaimed dorothy in alarm. "this is the biggest steal i ever heard of. who do you think did it, wizard?" "i've no idea," he answered. "but i have come to get my own bag of magic tools and carry them to glinda. she is so much more powerful than i that she may be able to discover the truth by means of my magic quicker and better than i could myself." "hurry, then," said dorothy, "for we've all gotten terr'bly worried." the wizard rushed away to his rooms but presently came back with a long, sad face. "it's gone!" he said. "what's gone?" asked scraps. "my black bag of magic tools. someone must have stolen it!" they looked at one another in amazement. "this thing is getting desperate," continued the wizard. "all the magic that belongs to ozma or to glinda or to me has been stolen." "do you suppose ozma could have taken them, herself, for some purpose?" asked betsy. "no indeed," declared the wizard. "i suspect some enemy has stolen ozma and for fear we would follow and recapture her has taken all our magic away from us." "how dreadful!" cried dorothy. "the idea of anyone wanting to injure our dear ozma! can't we do anything to find her, wizard?" "i'll ask glinda. i must go straight back to her and tell her that my magic tools have also disappeared. the good sorceress will be greatly shocked, i know." with this, he jumped upon the back of the sawhorse again, and the quaint steed, which never tired, dashed away at full speed. the three girls were very much disturbed in mind. even the patchwork girl seemed to realize that a great calamity had overtaken them all. ozma was a fairy of considerable power, and all the creatures in oz as well as the three mortal girls from the outside world looked upon her as their protector and friend. the idea of their beautiful girl ruler's being overpowered by an enemy and dragged from her splendid palace a captive was too astonishing for them to comprehend at first. yet what other explanation of the mystery could there be? "ozma wouldn't go away willingly, without letting us know about it," asserted dorothy, "and she wouldn't steal glinda's great book of records or the wizard's magic, 'cause she could get them any time just by asking for 'em. i'm sure some wicked person has done all this." "someone in the land of oz?" asked trot. "of course. no one could get across the deadly desert, you know, and no one but an oz person could know about the magic picture and the book of records and the wizard's magic or where they were kept, and so be able to steal the whole outfit before we could stop 'em. it must be someone who lives in the land of oz." "but who--who--who?" asked scraps. "that's the question. who?" "if we knew," replied dorothy severely, "we wouldn't be standing here doing nothing." just then two boys entered the courtyard and approached the group of girls. one boy was dressed in the fantastic munchkin costume--a blue jacket and knickerbockers, blue leather shoes and a blue hat with a high peak and tiny silver bells dangling from its rim--and this was ojo the lucky, who had once come from the munchkin country of oz and now lived in the emerald city. the other boy was an american from philadelphia and had lately found his way to oz in the company of trot and cap'n bill. his name was button-bright; that is, everyone called him by that name and knew no other. button-bright was not quite as big as the munchkin boy, but he wore the same kind of clothes, only they were of different colors. as the two came up to the girls, arm in arm, button-bright remarked, "hello, dorothy. they say ozma is lost." "who says so?" she asked. "ev'rybody's talking about it in the city," he replied. "i wonder how the people found it out," dorothy asked. "i know," said ojo. "jellia jamb told them. she has been asking everywhere if anyone has seen ozma." "that's too bad," observed dorothy, frowning. "why?" asked button-bright. "there wasn't any use making all our people unhappy till we were dead certain that ozma can't be found." "pshaw," said button-bright, "it's nothing to get lost. i've been lost lots of times." "that's true," admitted trot, who knew that the boy had a habit of getting lost and then finding himself again, "but it's diff'rent with ozma. she's the ruler of all this big fairyland, and we're 'fraid that the reason she's lost is because somebody has stolen her away." "only wicked people steal," said ojo. "do you know of any wicked people in oz, dorothy?" "no," she replied. "they're here, though," cried scraps, dancing up to them and then circling around the group. "ozma's stolen; someone in oz stole her; only wicked people steal; so someone in oz is wicked!" there was no denying the truth of this statement. the faces of all of them were now solemn and sorrowful. "one thing is sure," said button-bright after a time, "if ozma has been stolen, someone ought to find her and punish the thief." "there may be a lot of thieves," suggested trot gravely, "and in this fairy country they don't seem to have any soldiers or policemen." "there is one soldier," claimed dorothy. "he has green whiskers and a gun and is a major-general, but no one is afraid of either his gun or his whiskers, 'cause he's so tender-hearted that he wouldn't hurt a fly." "well, a soldier is a soldier," said betsy, "and perhaps he'd hurt a wicked thief if he wouldn't hurt a fly. where is he?" "he went fishing about two months ago and hasn't come back yet," explained button-bright. "then i can't see that he will be of much use to us in this trouble," sighed little trot. "but p'raps ozma, who is a fairy, can get away from the thieves without any help from anyone." "she might be able to," answered dorothy reflectively, "but if she had the power to do that, it isn't likely she'd have let herself be stolen. so the thieves must have been even more powerful in magic than our ozma." there was no denying this argument, and although they talked the matter over all the rest of that day, they were unable to decide how ozma had been stolen against her will or who had committed the dreadful deed. toward evening the wizard came back, riding slowly upon the sawhorse because he felt discouraged and perplexed. glinda came later in her aerial chariot drawn by twenty milk-white swans, and she also seemed worried and unhappy. more of ozma's friends joined them, and that evening they all had a big talk together. "i think," said dorothy, "we ought to start out right away in search of our dear ozma. it seems cruel for us to live comf'tably in her palace while she is a pris'ner in the power of some wicked enemy." "yes," agreed glinda the sorceress, "someone ought to search for her. i cannot go myself, because i must work hard in order to create some new instruments of sorcery by means of which i may rescue our fair ruler. but if you can find her in the meantime and let me know who has stolen her, it will enable me to rescue her much more quickly." "then we'll start tomorrow morning," decided dorothy. "betsy and trot and i won't waste another minute." "i'm not sure you girls will make good detectives," remarked the wizard, "but i'll go with you to protect you from harm and to give you my advice. all my wizardry, alas, is stolen, so i am now really no more a wizard than any of you, but i will try to protect you from any enemies you may meet." "what harm could happen to us in oz?" inquired trot. "what harm happened to ozma?" returned the wizard. "if there is an evil power abroad in our fairyland, which is able to steal not only ozma and her magic picture, but glinda's book of records and all her magic, and my black bag containing all my tricks of wizardry, then that evil power may yet cause us considerable injury. ozma is a fairy, and so is glinda, so no power can kill or destroy them, but you girls are all mortals and so are button-bright and i, so we must watch out for ourselves." "nothing can kill me," said ojo the munchkin boy. "that is true," replied the sorceress, "and i think it may be well to divide the searchers into several parties, that they may cover all the land of oz more quickly. so i will send ojo and unc nunkie and dr. pipt into the munchkin country, which they are well acquainted with; and i will send the scarecrow and the tin woodman into the quadling country, for they are fearless and brave and never tire; and to the gillikin country, where many dangers lurk, i will send the shaggy man and his brother, with tik-tok and jack pumpkinhead. dorothy may make up her own party and travel into the winkie country. all of you must inquire everywhere for ozma and try to discover where she is hidden." they thought this a very wise plan and adopted it without question. in ozma's absence, glinda the good was the most important person in oz, and all were glad to serve under her direction. chapter 6 the search party next morning as soon as the sun was up, glinda flew back to her castle, stopping on the way to instruct the scarecrow and the tin woodman, who were at that time staying at the college of professor h. m. wogglebug, t.e., and taking a course of his patent educational pills. on hearing of ozma's loss, they started at once for the quadling country to search for her. as soon as glinda had left the emerald city, tik-tok and the shaggy man and jack pumpkinhead, who had been present at the conference, began their journey into the gillikin country, and an hour later ojo and unc nunkie joined dr. pipt and together they traveled toward the munchkin country. when all these searchers were gone, dorothy and the wizard completed their own preparations. the wizard hitched the sawhorse to the red wagon, which would seat four very comfortably. he wanted dorothy, betsy, trot and the patchwork girl to ride in the wagon, but scraps came up to them mounted upon the woozy, and the woozy said he would like to join the party. now this woozy was a most peculiar animal, having a square head, square body, square legs and square tail. his skin was very tough and hard, resembling leather, and while his movements were somewhat clumsy, the beast could travel with remarkable swiftness. his square eyes were mild and gentle in expression, and he was not especially foolish. the woozy and the patchwork girl were great friends, and so the wizard agreed to let the woozy go with them. another great beast now appeared and asked to go along. this was none other than the famous cowardly lion, one of the most interesting creatures in all oz. no lion that roamed the jungles or plains could compare in size or intelligence with this cowardly lion, who--like all animals living in oz--could talk and who talked with more shrewdness and wisdom than many of the people did. he said he was cowardly because he always trembled when he faced danger, but he had faced danger many times and never refused to fight when it was necessary. this lion was a great favorite with ozma and always guarded her throne on state occasions. he was also an old companion and friend of the princess dorothy, so the girl was delighted to have him join the party. "i'm so nervous over our dear ozma," said the cowardly lion in his deep, rumbling voice, "that it would make me unhappy to remain behind while you are trying to find her. but do not get into any danger, i beg of you, for danger frightens me terribly." "we'll not get into danger if we can poss'bly help it," promised dorothy, "but we shall do anything to find ozma, danger or no danger." the addition of the woozy and the cowardly lion to the party gave betsy bobbin an idea, and she ran to the marble stables at the rear of the palace and brought out her mule, hank by name. perhaps no mule you ever saw was so lean and bony and altogether plain looking as this hank, but betsy loved him dearly because he was faithful and steady and not nearly so stupid as most mules are considered to be. betsy had a saddle for hank, and he declared she would ride on his back, an arrangement approved by the wizard because it left only four of the party to ride on the seats of the red wagon--dorothy and button-bright and trot and himself. an old sailor man who had one wooden leg came to see them off and suggested that they put a supply of food and blankets in the red wagon inasmuch as they were uncertain how long they would be gone. this sailor man was called cap'n bill. he was a former friend and comrade of trot and had encountered many adventures in company with the little girl. i think he was sorry he could not go with her on this trip, but glinda the sorceress had asked cap'n bill to remain in the emerald city and take charge of the royal palace while everyone else was away, and the one-legged sailor had agreed to do so. they loaded the back end of the red wagon with everything they thought they might need, and then they formed a procession and marched from the palace through the emerald city to the great gates of the wall that surrounded this beautiful capital of the land of oz. crowds of citizens lined the streets to see them pass and to cheer them and wish them success, for all were grieved over ozma's loss and anxious that she be found again. first came the cowardly lion, then the patchwork girl riding upon the woozy, then betsy bobbin on her mule hank, and finally the sawhorse drawing the red wagon, in which were seated the wizard and dorothy and button-bright and trot. no one was obliged to drive the sawhorse, so there were no reins to his harness; one had only to tell him which way to go, fast or slow, and he understood perfectly. it was about this time that a shaggy little black dog who had been lying asleep in dorothy's room in the palace woke up and discovered he was lonesome. everything seemed very still throughout the great building, and toto--that was the little dog's name--missed the customary chatter of the three girls. he never paid much attention to what was going on around him, and although he could speak, he seldom said anything, so the little dog did not know about ozma's loss or that everyone had gone in search of her. but he liked to be with people, and especially with his own mistress, dorothy, and having yawned and stretched himself and found the door of the room ajar, he trotted out into the corridor and went down the stately marble stairs to the hall of the palace, where he met jellia jamb. "where's dorothy?" asked toto. "she's gone to the winkie country," answered the maid. "when?" "a little while ago," replied jellia. toto turned and trotted out into the palace garden and down the long driveway until he came to the streets of the emerald city. here he paused to listen, and hearing sounds of cheering, he ran swiftly along until he came in sight of the red wagon and the woozy and the lion and the mule and all the others. being a wise little dog, he decided not to show himself to dorothy just then, lest he be sent back home, but he never lost sight of the party of travelers, all of whom were so eager to get ahead that they never thought to look behind them. when they came to the gates in the city wall, the guardian of the gates came out to throw wide the golden portals and let them pass through. "did any strange person come in or out of the city on the night before last when ozma was stolen?" asked dorothy. "no indeed, princess," answered the guardian of the gates. "of course not," said the wizard. "anyone clever enough to steal all the things we have lost would not mind the barrier of a wall like this in the least. i think the thief must have flown through the air, for otherwise he could not have stolen from ozma's royal palace and glinda's faraway castle in the same night. moreover, as there are no airships in oz and no way for airships from the outside world to get into this country, i believe the thief must have flown from place to place by means of magic arts which neither glinda nor i understand." on they went, and before the gates closed behind them, toto managed to dodge through them. the country surrounding the emerald city was thickly settled, and for a while our friends rode over nicely paved roads which wound through a fertile country dotted with beautiful houses, all built in the quaint oz fashion. in the course of a few hours, however, they had left the tilled fields and entered the country of the winkies, which occupies a quarter of all the territory in the land of oz but is not so well known as many other parts of ozma's fairyland. long before night the travelers had crossed the winkie river near to the scarecrow's tower (which was now vacant) and had entered the rolling prairie where few people live. they asked everyone they met for news of ozma, but none in this district had seen her or even knew that she had been stolen. and by nightfall they had passed all the farmhouses and were obliged to stop and ask for shelter at the hut of a lonely shepherd. when they halted, toto was not far behind. the little dog halted, too, and stealing softly around the party, he hid himself behind the hut. the shepherd was a kindly old man and treated the travelers with much courtesy. he slept out of doors that night, giving up his hut to the three girls, who made their beds on the floor with the blankets they had brought in the red wagon. the wizard and button-bright also slept out of doors, and so did the cowardly lion and hank the mule. but scraps and the sawhorse did not sleep at all, and the woozy could stay awake for a month at a time if he wished to, so these three sat in a little group by themselves and talked together all through the night. in the darkness, the cowardly lion felt a shaggy little form nestling beside his own, and he said sleepily, "where did you come from, toto?" "from home," said the dog. "if you roll over, roll the other way so you won't smash me." "does dorothy know you are here?" asked the lion. "i believe not," admitted toto, and he added a little anxiously, "do you think, friend lion, we are now far enough from the emerald city for me to risk showing myself, or will dorothy send me back because i wasn't invited?" "only dorothy can answer that question," said the lion. "for my part, toto, i consider this affair none of my business, so you must act as you think best." then the huge beast went to sleep again, and toto snuggled closer to the warm, hairy body and also slept. he was a wise little dog in his way, and didn't intend to worry when there was something much better to do. in the morning the wizard built a fire, over which the girls cooked a very good breakfast. suddenly dorothy discovered toto sitting quietly before the fire, and the little girl exclaimed, "goodness me, toto! where did you come from?" "from the place you cruelly left me," replied the dog in a reproachful tone. "i forgot all about you," admitted dorothy, "and if i hadn't, i'd prob'ly left you with jellia jamb, seeing this isn't a pleasure trip but stric'ly business. but now that you're here, toto, i s'pose you'll have to stay with us, unless you'd rather go back again. we may get ourselves into trouble before we're done, toto." "never mind that," said toto, wagging his tail. "i'm hungry, dorothy." "breakfas'll soon be ready, and then you shall have your share," promised his little mistress, who was really glad to have her dog with her. she and toto had traveled together before, and she knew he was a good and faithful comrade. when the food was cooked and served, the girls invited the old shepherd to join them in the morning meal. he willingly consented, and while they ate he said to them, "you are now about to pass through a very dangerous country, unless you turn to the north or to the south to escape its perils." "in that case," said the cowardly lion, "let us turn, by all means, for i dread to face dangers of any sort." "what's the matter with the country ahead of us?" inquired dorothy. "beyond this rolling prairie," explained the shepherd, "are the merry-go-round mountains, set close together and surrounded by deep gulfs so that no one is able to get past them. beyond the merry-go-round mountains it is said the thistle-eaters and the herkus live." "what are they like?" demanded dorothy. "no one knows, for no one has ever passed the merry-go-round mountains," was the reply, "but it is said that the thistle-eaters hitch dragons to their chariots and that the herkus are waited upon by giants whom they have conquered and made their slaves." "who says all that?" asked betsy. "it is common report," declared the shepherd. "everyone believes it." "i don't see how they know," remarked little trot, "if no one has been there." "perhaps the birds who fly over that country brought the news," suggested betsy. "if you escaped those dangers," continued the shepherd, "you might encounter others still more serious before you came to the next branch of the winkie river. it is true that beyond that river there lies a fine country inhabited by good people, and if you reached there, you would have no further trouble. it is between here and the west branch of the winkie river that all dangers lie, for that is the unknown territory that is inhabited by terrible, lawless people." "it may be, and it may not be," said the wizard. "we shall know when we get there." "well," persisted the shepherd, "in a fairy country such as ours, every undiscovered place is likely to harbor wicked creatures. if they were not wicked, they would discover themselves and by coming among us submit to ozma's rule and be good and considerate, as are all the oz people whom we know." "that argument," stated the little wizard, "convinces me that it is our duty to go straight to those unknown places, however dangerous they may be, for it is surely some cruel and wicked person who has stolen our ozma, and we know it would be folly to search among good people for the culprit. ozma may not be hidden in the secret places of the winkie country, it is true, but it is our duty to travel to every spot, however dangerous, where our beloved ruler is likely to be imprisoned." "you're right about that," said button-bright approvingly. "dangers don't hurt us. only things that happen ever hurt anyone, and a danger is a thing that might happen and might not happen, and sometimes don't amount to shucks. i vote we go ahead and take our chances." they were all of the same opinion, so they packed up and said goodbye to the friendly shepherd and proceeded on their way. chapter 7 the merry-go-round mountains the rolling prairie was not difficult to travel over, although it was all uphill and downhill, so for a while they made good progress. not even a shepherd was to be met with now, and the farther they advanced the more dreary the landscape became. at noon they stopped for a "picnic luncheon," as betsy called it, and then they again resumed their journey. all the animals were swift and tireless, and even the cowardly lion and the mule found they could keep up with the pace of the woozy and the sawhorse. it was the middle of the afternoon when first they came in sight of a cluster of low mountains. these were cone-shaped, rising from broad bases to sharp peaks at the tops. from a distance the mountains appeared indistinct and seemed rather small--more like hills than mountains--but as the travelers drew nearer, they noted a most unusual circumstance: the hills were all whirling around, some in one direction and some the opposite way. "i guess these are the merry-go-round mountains, all right," said dorothy. "they must be," said the wizard. "they go 'round, sure enough," agreed trot, "but they don't seem very merry." there were several rows of these mountains, extending both to the right and to the left for miles and miles. how many rows there might be none could tell, but between the first row of peaks could be seen other peaks, all steadily whirling around one way or another. continuing to ride nearer, our friends watched these hills attentively, until at last, coming close up, they discovered there was a deep but narrow gulf around the edge of each mountain, and that the mountains were set so close together that the outer gulf was continuous and barred farther advance. at the edge of the gulf they all dismounted and peered over into its depths. there was no telling where the bottom was, if indeed there was any bottom at all. from where they stood it seemed as if the mountains had been set in one great hole in the ground, just close enough together so they would not touch, and that each mountain was supported by a rocky column beneath its base which extended far down in the black pit below. from the land side it seemed impossible to get across the gulf or, succeeding in that, to gain a foothold on any of the whirling mountains. "this ditch is too wide to jump across," remarked button-bright. "p'raps the lion could do it," suggested dorothy. "what, jump from here to that whirling hill?" cried the lion indignantly. "i should say not! even if i landed there and could hold on, what good would it do? there's another spinning mountain beyond it, and perhaps still another beyond that. i don't believe any living creature could jump from one mountain to another when both are whirling like tops and in different directions." "i propose we turn back," said the wooden sawhorse with a yawn of his chopped-out mouth as he stared with his knot eyes at the merry-go-round mountains. "i agree with you," said the woozy, wagging his square head. "we should have taken the shepherd's advice," added hank the mule. the others of the party, however they might be puzzled by the serious problem that confronted them, would not allow themselves to despair. "if we once get over these mountains," said button-bright, "we could probably get along all right." "true enough," agreed dorothy. "so we must find some way, of course, to get past these whirligig hills. but how?" "i wish the ork was with us," sighed trot. "but the ork isn't here," said the wizard, "and we must depend upon ourselves to conquer this difficulty. unfortunately, all my magic has been stolen, otherwise i am sure i could easily get over the mountains." "unfortunately," observed the woozy, "none of us has wings. and we're in a magic country without any magic." "what is that around your waist, dorothy?" asked the wizard. "that? oh, that's just the magic belt i once captured from the nome king," she replied. "a magic belt! why, that's fine. i'm sure a magic belt would take you over these hills." "it might if i knew how to work it," said the little girl. "ozma knows a lot of its magic, but i've never found out about it. all i know is that while i am wearing it, nothing can hurt me." "try wishing yourself across and see if it will obey you," suggested the wizard. "but what good would that do?" asked dorothy. "if i got across, it wouldn't help the rest of you, and i couldn't go alone among all those giants and dragons while you stayed here." "true enough," agreed the wizard sadly. and then, after looking around the group, he inquired, "what is that on your finger, trot?" "a ring. the mermaids gave it to me," she explained, "and if ever i'm in trouble when i'm on the water, i can call the mermaids and they'll come and help me. but the mermaids can't help me on the land, you know, 'cause they swim, and--and--they haven't any legs." "true enough," repeated the wizard, more sadly. there was a big, broad, spreading tree near the edge of the gulf, and as the sun was hot above them, they all gathered under the shade of the tree to study the problem of what to do next. "if we had a long rope," said betsy, "we could fasten it to this tree and let the other end of it down into the gulf and all slide down it." "well, what then?" asked the wizard. "then, if we could manage to throw the rope up the other side," explained the girl, "we could all climb it and be on the other side of the gulf." "there are too many 'if's' in that suggestion," remarked the little wizard. "and you must remember that the other side is nothing but spinning mountains, so we couldn't possibly fasten a rope to them, even if we had one." "that rope idea isn't half bad, though," said the patchwork girl, who had been dancing dangerously near to the edge of the gulf. "what do you mean?" asked dorothy. the patchwork girl suddenly stood still and cast her button eyes around the group. "ha, i have it!" she exclaimed. "unharness the sawhorse, somebody. my fingers are too clumsy." "shall we?" asked button-bright doubtfully, turning to the others. "well, scraps has a lot of brains, even if she is stuffed with cotton," asserted the wizard. "if her brains can help us out of this trouble, we ought to use them." so he began unharnessing the sawhorse, and button-bright and dorothy helped him. when they had removed the harness, the patchwork girl told them to take it all apart and buckle the straps together, end to end. and after they had done this, they found they had one very long strap that was stronger than any rope. "it would reach across the gulf easily," said the lion, who with the other animals had sat on his haunches and watched this proceeding. "but i don't see how it could be fastened to one of those dizzy mountains." scraps had no such notion as that in her baggy head. she told them to fasten one end of the strap to a stout limb of the tree, pointing to one which extended quite to the edge of the gulf. button-bright did that, climbing the tree and then crawling out upon the limb until he was nearly over the gulf. there he managed to fasten the strap, which reached to the ground below, and then he slid down it and was caught by the wizard, who feared he might fall into the chasm. scraps was delighted. she seized the lower end of the strap, and telling them all to get out of her way, she went back as far as the strap would reach and then made a sudden run toward the gulf. over the edge she swung, clinging to the strap until it had gone as far as its length permitted, when she let go and sailed gracefully through the air until she alighted upon the mountain just in front of them. almost instantly, as the great cone continued to whirl, she was sent flying against the next mountain in the rear, and that one had only turned halfway around when scraps was sent flying to the next mountain behind it. then her patchwork form disappeared from view entirely, and the amazed watchers under the tree wondered what had become of her. "she's gone, and she can't get back," said the woozy. "my, how she bounded from one mountain to another!" exclaimed the lion. "that was because they whirl so fast," the wizard explained. "scraps had nothing to hold on to, and so of course she was tossed from one hill to another. i'm afraid we shall never see the poor patchwork girl again." "i shall see her," declared the woozy. "scraps is an old friend of mine, and if there are really thistle-eaters and giants on the other side of those tops, she will need someone to protect her. so here i go!" he seized the dangling strap firmly in his square mouth, and in the same way that scraps had done swung himself over the gulf. he let go the strap at the right moment and fell upon the first whirling mountain. then he bounded to the next one back of it--not on his feet, but "all mixed up," as trot said--and then he shot across to another mountain, disappearing from view just as the patchwork girl had done. "it seems to work, all right," remarked button-bright. "i guess i'll try it." "wait a minute," urged the wizard. "before any more of us make this desperate leap into the beyond, we must decide whether all will go or if some of us will remain behind." "do you s'pose it hurt them much to bump against those mountains?" asked trot. "i don't s'pose anything could hurt scraps or the woozy," said dorothy, "and nothing can hurt me, because i wear the magic belt. so as i'm anxious to find ozma, i mean to swing myself across too." "i'll take my chances," decided button-bright. "i'm sure it will hurt dreadfully, and i'm afraid to do it," said the lion, who was already trembling, "but i shall do it if dorothy does." "well, that will leave betsy and the mule and trot," said the wizard, "for of course i shall go that i may look after dorothy. do you two girls think you can find your way back home again?" he asked, addressing trot and betsy. "i'm not afraid. not much, that is," said trot. "it looks risky, i know, but i'm sure i can stand it if the others can." "if it wasn't for leaving hank," began betsy in a hesitating voice. but the mule interrupted her by saying, "go ahead if you want to, and i'll come after you. a mule is as brave as a lion any day." "braver," said the lion, "for i'm a coward, friend hank, and you are not. but of course the sawhorse--" "oh, nothing ever hurts me," asserted the sawhorse calmly. "there's never been any question about my going. i can't take the red wagon, though." "no, we must leave the wagon," said the wizard, "and also we must leave our food and blankets, i fear. but if we can defy these merry-go-round mountains to stop us, we won't mind the sacrifice of some of our comforts." "no one knows where we're going to land!" remarked the lion in a voice that sounded as if he were going to cry. "we may not land at all," replied hank, "but the best way to find out what will happen to us is to swing across as scraps and the woozy have done." "i think i shall go last," said the wizard, "so who wants to go first?" "i'll go," decided dorothy. "no, it's my turn first," said button-bright. "watch me!" even as he spoke, the boy seized the strap, and after making a run swung himself across the gulf. away he went, bumping from hill to hill until he disappeared. they listened intently, but the boy uttered no cry until he had been gone some moments, when they heard a faint "hullo-a!" as if called from a great distance. the sound gave them courage, however, and dorothy picked up toto and held him fast under one arm while with the other hand she seized the strap and bravely followed after button-bright. when she struck the first whirling mountain, she fell upon it quite softly, but before she had time to think, she flew through the air and lit with a jar on the side of the next mountain. again she flew and alighted, and again and still again, until after five successive bumps she fell sprawling upon a green meadow and was so dazed and bewildered by her bumpy journey across the merry-go-round mountains that she lay quite still for a time to collect her thoughts. toto had escaped from her arms just as she fell, and he now sat beside her panting with excitement. then dorothy realized that someone was helping her to her feet, and here was button-bright on one side of her and scraps on the other, both seeming to be unhurt. the next object her eyes fell upon was the woozy, squatting upon his square back end and looking at her reflectively, while toto barked joyously to find his mistress unhurt after her whirlwind trip. "good!" said the woozy. "here's another and a dog, both safe and sound. but my word, dorothy, you flew some! if you could have seen yourself, you'd have been absolutely astonished." "they say 'time flies,'" laughed button-bright, "but time never made a quicker journey than that." just then, as dorothy turned around to look at the whirling mountains, she was in time to see tiny trot come flying from the nearest hill to fall upon the soft grass not a yard away from where she stood. trot was so dizzy she couldn't stand at first, but she wasn't at all hurt, and presently betsy came flying to them and would have bumped into the others had they not retreated in time to avoid her. then, in quick succession, came the lion, hank and the sawhorse, bounding from mountain to mountain to fall safely upon the greensward. only the wizard was now left behind, and they waited so long for him that dorothy began to be worried. but suddenly he came flying from the nearest mountain and tumbled heels over head beside them. then they saw that he had wound two of their blankets around his body to keep the bumps from hurting him and had fastened the blankets with some of the spare straps from the harness of the sawhorse. chapter 8 the mysterious city there they sat upon the grass, their heads still swimming from their dizzy flights, and looked at one another in silent bewilderment. but presently, when assured that no one was injured, they grew more calm and collected, and the lion said with a sigh of relief, "who would have thought those merry-go-round mountains were made of rubber?" "are they really rubber?" asked trot. "they must be," replied the lion, "for otherwise we would not have bounded so swiftly from one to another without getting hurt." "that is all guesswork," declared the wizard, unwinding the blankets from his body, "for none of us stayed long enough on the mountains to discover what they are made of. but where are we?" "that's guesswork," said scraps. "the shepherd said the thistle-eaters live this side of the mountains and are waited on by giants." "oh no," said dorothy, "it's the herkus who have giant slaves, and the thistle-eaters hitch dragons to their chariots." "how could they do that?" asked the woozy. "dragons have long tails, which would get in the way of the chariot wheels." "and if the herkus have conquered the giants," said trot, "they must be at least twice the size of giants. p'raps the herkus are the biggest people in all the world!" "perhaps they are," assented the wizard in a thoughtful tone of voice. "and perhaps the shepherd didn't know what he was talking about. let us travel on toward the west and discover for ourselves what the people of this country are like." it seemed a pleasant enough country, and it was quite still and peaceful when they turned their eyes away from the silently whirling mountains. there were trees here and there and green bushes, while throughout the thick grass were scattered brilliantly colored flowers. about a mile away was a low hill that hid from them all the country beyond it, so they realized they could not tell much about the country until they had crossed the hill. the red wagon having been left behind, it was now necessary to make other arrangements for traveling. the lion told dorothy she could ride upon his back as she had often done before, and the woozy said he could easily carry both trot and the patchwork girl. betsy still had her mule, hank, and button-bright and the wizard could sit together upon the long, thin back of the sawhorse, but they took care to soften their seat with a pad of blankets before they started. thus mounted, the adventurers started for the hill, which was reached after a brief journey. as they mounted the crest and gazed beyond the hill, they discovered not far away a walled city, from the towers and spires of which gay banners were flying. it was not a very big city, indeed, but its walls were very high and thick, and it appeared that the people who lived there must have feared attack by a powerful enemy, else they would not have surrounded their dwellings with so strong a barrier. there was no path leading from the mountains to the city, and this proved that the people seldom or never visited the whirling hills, but our friends found the grass soft and agreeable to travel over, and with the city before them they could not well lose their way. when they drew nearer to the walls, the breeze carried to their ears the sound of music--dim at first, but growing louder as they advanced. "that doesn't seem like a very terr'ble place," remarked dorothy. "well, it looks all right," replied trot from her seat on the woozy, "but looks can't always be trusted." "my looks can," said scraps. "i look patchwork, and i am patchwork, and no one but a blind owl could ever doubt that i'm the patchwork girl." saying which, she turned a somersault off the woozy and, alighting on her feet, began wildly dancing about. "are owls ever blind?" asked trot. "always, in the daytime," said button-bright. "but scraps can see with her button eyes both day and night. isn't it queer?" "it's queer that buttons can see at all," answered trot. "but good gracious! what's become of the city?" "i was going to ask that myself," said dorothy. "it's gone!" "it's gone!" the animals came to a sudden halt, for the city had really disappeared, walls and all, and before them lay the clear, unbroken sweep of the country. "dear me!" exclaimed the wizard. "this is rather disagreeable. it is annoying to travel almost to a place and then find it is not there." "where can it be, then?" asked dorothy. "it cert'nly was there a minute ago." "i can hear the music yet," declared button-bright, and when they all listened, the strains of music could plainly be heard. "oh! there's the city over at the left," called scraps, and turning their eyes, they saw the walls and towers and fluttering banners far to the left of them. "we must have lost our way," suggested dorothy. "nonsense," said the lion. "i, and all the other animals, have been tramping straight toward the city ever since we first saw it." "then how does it happen--" "never mind," interrupted the wizard, "we are no farther from it than we were before. it is in a different direction, that's all, so let us hurry and get there before it again escapes us." so on they went directly toward the city, which seemed only a couple of miles distant. but when they had traveled less than a mile, it suddenly disappeared again. once more they paused, somewhat discouraged, but in a moment the button eyes of scraps again discovered the city, only this time it was just behind them in the direction from which they had come. "goodness gracious!" cried dorothy. "there's surely something wrong with that city. do you s'pose it's on wheels, wizard?" "it may not be a city at all," he replied, looking toward it with a speculative glance. "what could it be, then?" "just an illusion." "what's that?" asked trot. "something you think you see and don't see." "i can't believe that," said button-bright. "if we only saw it, we might be mistaken, but if we can see it and hear it, too, it must be there." "where?" asked the patchwork girl. "somewhere near us," he insisted. "we will have to go back, i suppose," said the woozy with a sigh. so back they turned and headed for the walled city until it disappeared again, only to reappear at the right of them. they were constantly getting nearer to it, however, so they kept their faces turned toward it as it flitted here and there to all points of the compass. presently the lion, who was leading the procession, halted abruptly and cried out, "ouch!" "what's the matter?" asked dorothy. "ouch--ouch!" repeated the lion, and leaped backward so suddenly that dorothy nearly tumbled from his back. at the same time hank the mule yelled "ouch!" "ouch! ouch!" repeated the lion and leaped backward so suddenly that dorothy nearly tumbled from his back. at the same time, hank the mule yelled "ouch!" almost as loudly as the lion had done, and he also pranced backward a few paces. "it's the thistles," said betsy. "they prick their legs." hearing this, all looked down, and sure enough the ground was thick with thistles, which covered the plain from the point where they stood way up to the walls of the mysterious city. no pathways through them could be seen at all; here the soft grass ended and the growth of thistles began. "they're the prickliest thistles i ever felt," grumbled the lion. "my legs smart yet from their stings, though i jumped out of them as quickly as i could." "here is a new difficulty," remarked the wizard in a grieved tone. "the city has stopped hopping around, it is true, but how are we to get to it over this mass of prickers?" "they can't hurt me," said the thick-skinned woozy, advancing fearlessly and trampling among the thistles. "nor me," said the wooden sawhorse. "but the lion and the mule cannot stand the prickers," asserted dorothy, "and we can't leave them behind." "must we all go back?" asked trot. "course not!" replied button-bright scornfully. "always when there's trouble, there's a way out of it if you can find it." "i wish the scarecrow was here," said scraps, standing on her head on the woozy's square back. "his splendid brains would soon show us how to conquer this field of thistles." "what's the matter with your brains?" asked the boy. "nothing," she said, making a flip-flop into the thistles and dancing among them without feeling their sharp points. "i could tell you in half a minute how to get over the thistles if i wanted to." "tell us, scraps!" begged dorothy. "i don't want to wear my brains out with overwork," replied the patchwork girl. "don't you love ozma? and don't you want to find her?" asked betsy reproachfully. "yes indeed," said scraps, walking on her hands as an acrobat does at the circus. "well, we can't find ozma unless we get past these thistles," declared dorothy. scraps danced around them two or three times without reply. then she said, "don't look at me, you stupid folks. look at those blankets." the wizard's face brightened at once. "why didn't we think of those blankets before?" "because you haven't magic brains," laughed scraps. "such brains as you have are of the common sort that grow in your heads, like weeds in a garden. i'm sorry for you people who have to be born in order to be alive." but the wizard was not listening to her. he quickly removed the blankets from the back of the sawhorse and spread one of them upon the thistles, just next the grass. the thick cloth rendered the prickers harmless, so the wizard walked over this first blanket and spread the second one farther on, in the direction of the phantom city. "these blankets," said he, "are for the lion and the mule to walk upon. the sawhorse and the woozy can walk on the thistles." so the lion and the mule walked over the first blanket and stood upon the second one until the wizard had picked up the one they had passed over and spread it in front of them, when they advanced to that one and waited while the one behind them was again spread in front. "this is slow work," said the wizard, "but it will get us to the city after a while." "the city is a good half mile away yet," announced button-bright. "and this is awful hard work for the wizard," added trot. "why couldn't the lion ride on the woozy's back?" asked dorothy. "it's a big, flat back, and the woozy's mighty strong. perhaps the lion wouldn't fall off." "you may try it if you like," said the woozy to the lion. "i can take you to the city in a jiffy and then come back for hank." "i'm--i'm afraid," said the cowardly lion. he was twice as big as the woozy. "try it," pleaded dorothy. "and take a tumble among the thistles?" asked the lion reproachfully. but when the woozy came close to him, the big beast suddenly bounded upon its back and managed to balance himself there, although forced to hold his four legs so close together that he was in danger of toppling over. the great weight of the monster lion did not seem to affect the woozy, who called to his rider, "hold on tight!" and ran swiftly over the thistles toward the city. the others stood on the blanket and watched the strange sight anxiously. of course, the lion couldn't "hold on tight" because there was nothing to hold to, and he swayed from side to side as if likely to fall off any moment. still, he managed to stick to the woozy's back until they were close to the walls of the city, when he leaped to the ground. next moment the woozy came dashing back at full speed. "there's a little strip of ground next the wall where there are no thistles," he told them when he had reached the adventurers once more. "now then, friend hank, see if you can ride as well as the lion did." "take the others first," proposed the mule. so the sawhorse and the woozy made a couple of trips over the thistles to the city walls and carried all the people in safety, dorothy holding little toto in her arms. the travelers then sat in a group on a little hillock just outside the wall and looked at the great blocks of gray stone and waited for the woozy to bring hank to them. the mule was very awkward, and his legs trembled so badly that more than once they thought he would tumble off, but finally he reached them in safety, and the entire party was now reunited. more than that, they had reached the city that had eluded them for so long and in so strange a manner. "the gates must be around the other side," said the wizard. "let us follow the curve of the wall until we reach an opening in it." "which way?" asked dorothy. "we must guess that," he replied. "suppose we go to the left. one direction is as good as another." they formed in marching order and went around the city wall to the left. it wasn't a big city, as i have said, but to go way around it outside the high wall was quite a walk, as they became aware. but around it our adventurers went without finding any sign of a gateway or other opening. when they had returned to the little mound from which they had started, they dismounted from the animals and again seated themselves on the grassy mound. "it's mighty queer, isn't it?" asked button-bright. "there must be some way for the people to get out and in," declared dorothy. "do you s'pose they have flying machines, wizard?" "no," he replied, "for in that case they would be flying all over the land of oz, and we know they have not done that. flying machines are unknown here. i think it more likely that the people use ladders to get over the walls." "it would be an awful climb over that high stone wall," said betsy. "stone, is it?" scraps, who was again dancing wildly around, for she never tired and could never keep still for long. "course it's stone," answered betsy scornfully. "can't you see?" "yes," said scraps, going closer. "i can see the wall, but i can't feel it." and then, with her arms outstretched, she did a very queer thing. she walked right into the wall and disappeared. "for goodness sake!" dorothy, amazed, as indeed they all were. chapter 9 the high coco-lorum of thi and now the patchwork girl came dancing out of the wall again. "come on!" she called. "it isn't there. there isn't any wall at all." "what? no wall?" exclaimed the wizard. "nothing like it," said scraps. "it's a make-believe. you see it, but it isn't. come on into the city; we've been wasting our time." with this, she danced into the wall again and once more disappeared. button-bright, who was rather venture-some, dashed away after her and also became invisible to them. the others followed more cautiously, stretching out their hands to feel the wall and finding, to their astonishment, that they could feel nothing because nothing opposed them. they walked on a few steps and found themselves in the streets of a very beautiful city. behind them they again saw the wall, grim and forbidding as ever, but now they knew it was merely an illusion prepared to keep strangers from entering the city. but the wall was soon forgotten, for in front of them were a number of quaint people who stared at them in amazement as if wondering where they had come from. our friends forgot their good manners for a time and returned the stares with interest, for so remarkable a people had never before been discovered in all the remarkable land of oz. their heads were shaped like diamonds, and their bodies like hearts. all the hair they had was a little bunch at the tip top of their diamond-shaped heads, and their eyes were very large and round, and their noses and mouths very small. their clothing was tight fitting and of brilliant colors, being handsomely embroidered in quaint designs with gold or silver threads; but on their feet they wore sandals with no stockings whatever. the expression of their faces was pleasant enough, although they now showed surprise at the appearance of strangers so unlike themselves, and our friends thought they seemed quite harmless. "i beg your pardon," said the wizard, speaking for his party, "for intruding upon you uninvited, but we are traveling on important business and find it necessary to visit your city. will you kindly tell us by what name your city is called?" they looked at one another uncertainly, each expecting some other to answer. finally, a short one whose heart-shaped body was very broad replied, "we have no occasion to call our city anything. it is where we live, that is all." "but by what name do others call your city?" asked the wizard. "we know of no others except yourselves," said the man. and then he inquired, "were you born with those queer forms you have, or has some cruel magician transformed you to them from your natural shapes?" "these are our natural shapes," declared the wizard, "and we consider them very good shapes, too." the group of inhabitants was constantly being enlarged by others who joined it. all were evidently startled and uneasy at the arrival of strangers. "have you a king?" asked dorothy, who knew it was better to speak with someone in authority. but the man shook his diamond-like head. "what is a king?" he asked. "isn't there anyone who rules over you?" inquired the wizard. "no," was the reply, "each of us rules himself, or at least tries to do so. it is not an easy thing to do, as you probably know." the wizard reflected. "if you have disputes among you," said he after a little thought, "who settles them?" "the high coco-lorum," they answered in a chorus. "and who is he?" "the judge who enforces the laws," said the man who had first spoken. "then he is the principal person here?" continued the wizard. "well, i would not say that," returned the man in a puzzled way. "the high coco-lorum is a public servant. however, he represents the laws, which we must all obey." "i think," said the wizard, "we ought to see your high coco-lorum and talk with him. our mission here requires us to consult one high in authority, and the high coco-lorum ought to be high, whatever else he is." the inhabitants seemed to consider this proposition reasonable, for they nodded their diamond-shaped heads in approval. so the broad one who had been their spokesman said, "follow me," and turning led the way along one of the streets. the entire party followed him, the natives falling in behind. the dwellings they passed were quite nicely planned and seemed comfortable and convenient. after leading them a few blocks, their conductor stopped before a house which was neither better nor worse than the others. the doorway was shaped to admit the strangely formed bodies of these people, being narrow at the top, broad in the middle and tapering at the bottom. the windows were made in much the same way, giving the house a most peculiar appearance. when their guide opened the gate, a music box concealed in the gatepost began to play, and the sound attracted the attention of the high coco-lorum, who appeared at an open window and inquired, "what has happened now?" but in the same moment his eyes fell upon the strangers and he hastened to open the door and admit them--all but the animals, which were left outside with the throng of natives that had now gathered. for a small city there seemed to be a large number of inhabitants, but they did not try to enter the house and contented themselves with staring curiously at the strange animals. toto followed dorothy. our friends entered a large room at the front of the house, where the high coco-lorum asked them to be seated. "i hope your mission here is a peaceful one," he said, looking a little worried, "for the thists are not very good fighters and object to being conquered." "are your people called thists?" asked dorothy. "yes. i thought you knew that. and we call our city thi." "oh!" "we are thists because we eat thistles, you know," continued the high coco-lorum. "do you really eat those prickly things?" inquired button-bright wonderingly. "why not?" replied the other. "the sharp points of the thistles cannot hurt us, because all our insides are gold-lined." "gold-lined!" "to be sure. our throats and stomachs are lined with solid gold, and we find the thistles nourishing and good to eat. as a matter of fact, there is nothing else in our country that is fit for food. all around the city of thi grow countless thistles, and all we need do is to go and gather them. if we wanted anything else to eat, we would have to plant it, and grow it, and harvest it, and that would be a lot of trouble and make us work, which is an occupation we detest." "but tell me, please," said the wizard, "how does it happen that your city jumps around so, from one part of the country to another?" "the city doesn't jump. it doesn't move at all," declared the high coco-lorum. "however, i will admit that the land that surrounds it has a trick of turning this way or that, and so if one is standing upon the plain and facing north, he is likely to find himself suddenly facing west or east or south. but once you reach the thistle fields, you are on solid ground." "ah, i begin to understand," said the wizard, nodding his head. "but i have another question to ask: how does it happen that the thists have no king to rule over them?" "hush!" whispered the high coco-lorum, looking uneasily around to make sure they were not overheard. "in reality, i am the king, but the people don't know it. they think they rule themselves, but the fact is i have everything my own way. no one else knows anything about our laws, and so i make the laws to suit myself. if any oppose me or question my acts, i tell them it's the law and that settles it. if i called myself king, however, and wore a crown and lived in royal style, the people would not like me and might do me harm. as the high coco-lorum of thi, i am considered a very agreeable person." "it seems a very clever arrangement," said the wizard. "and now, as you are the principal person in thi, i beg you to tell us if the royal ozma is a captive in your city." "no," answered the diamond-headed man. "we have no captives. no strangers but yourselves are here, and we have never before heard of the royal ozma." "she rules over all of oz," said dorothy, "and so she rules your city and you, because you are in the winkie country, which is a part of the land of oz." "it may be," returned the high coco-lorum, "for we do not study geography and have never inquired whether we live in the land of oz or not. and any ruler who rules us from a distance and unknown to us is welcome to the job. but what has happened to your royal ozma?" "someone has stolen her," said the wizard. "do you happen to have any talented magician among your people, one who is especially clever, you know?" "no, none especially clever. we do some magic, of course, but it is all of the ordinary kind. i do not think any of us has yet aspired to stealing rulers, either by magic or otherwise." "then we've come a long way for nothing!" exclaimed trot regretfully. "but we are going farther than this," asserted the patchwork girl, bending her stuffed body backward until her yarn hair touched the floor and then walking around on her hands with her feet in the air. the high coco-lorum watched scraps admiringly. "you may go farther on, of course," said he, "but i advise you not to. the herkus live back of us, beyond the thistles and the twisting lands, and they are not very nice people to meet, i assure you." "are they giants?" asked betsy. "they are worse than that," was the reply. "they have giants for their slaves and they are so much stronger than giants that the poor slaves dare not rebel for fear of being torn to pieces." "how do you know?" asked scraps. "everyone says so," answered the high coco-lorum. "have you seen the herkus yourself?" inquired dorothy. "no, but what everyone says must be true, otherwise what would be the use of their saying it?" "we were told before we got here that you people hitch dragons to your chariots," said the little girl. "so we do," declared the high coco-lorum. "and that reminds me that i ought to entertain you as strangers and my guests by taking you for a ride around our splendid city of thi." he touched a button, and a band began to play. at least, they heard the music of a band, but couldn't tell where it came from. "that tune is the order to my charioteer to bring around my dragon-chariot," said the high coco-lorum. "every time i give an order, it is in music, which is a much more pleasant way to address servants than in cold, stern words." "does this dragon of yours bite?" asked button-bright. "mercy no! do you think i'd risk the safety of my innocent people by using a biting dragon to draw my chariot? i'm proud to say that my dragon is harmless, unless his steering gear breaks, and he was manufactured at the famous dragon factory in this city of thi. here he comes, and you may examine him for yourselves." they heard a low rumble and a shrill squeaking sound, and going out to the front of the house, they saw coming around the corner a car drawn by a gorgeous jeweled dragon, which moved its head to right and left and flashed its eyes like headlights of an automobile and uttered a growling noise as it slowly moved toward them. when it stopped before the high coco-lorum's house, toto barked sharply at the sprawling beast, but even tiny trot could see that the dragon was not alive. its scales were of gold, and each one was set with sparkling jewels, while it walked in such a stiff, regular manner that it could be nothing else than a machine. the chariot that trailed behind it was likewise of gold and jewels, and when they entered it, they found there were no seats. everyone was supposed to stand up while riding. the charioteer was a little, diamond-headed fellow who straddled the neck of the dragon and moved the levers that made it go. "this," said the high coco-lorum pompously, "is a wonderful invention. we are all very proud of our auto-dragons, many of which are in use by our wealthy inhabitants. start the thing going, charioteer!" the charioteer did not move. "you forgot to order him in music," suggested dorothy. "ah, so i did." he touched a button and a music box in the dragon's head began to play a tune. at once the little charioteer pulled over a lever, and the dragon began to move, very slowly and groaning dismally as it drew the clumsy chariot after it. toto trotted between the wheels. the sawhorse, the mule, the lion and the woozy followed after and had no trouble in keeping up with the machine. indeed, they had to go slow to keep from running into it. when the wheels turned, another music box concealed somewhere under the chariot played a lively march tune which was in striking contrast with the dragging movement of the strange vehicle, and button-bright decided that the music he had heard when they first sighted this city was nothing else than a chariot plodding its weary way through the streets. all the travelers from the emerald city thought this ride the most uninteresting and dreary they had ever experienced, but the high coco-lorum seemed to think it was grand. he pointed out the different buildings and parks and fountains in much the same way that the conductor does on an american "sightseeing wagon" does, and being guests they were obliged to submit to the ordeal. but they became a little worried when their host told them he had ordered a banquet prepared for them in the city hall. "what are we going to eat?" asked button-bright suspiciously. "thistles," was the reply. "fine, fresh thistles, gathered this very day." scraps laughed, for she never ate anything, but dorothy said in a protesting voice, "our insides are not lined with gold, you know." "how sad!" exclaimed the high coco-lorum, and then he added as an afterthought, "but we can have the thistles boiled, if you prefer." "i'm 'fraid they wouldn't taste good even then," said little trot. "haven't you anything else to eat?" the high coco-lorum shook his diamond-shaped head. "nothing that i know of," said he. "but why should we have anything else when we have so many thistles? however, if you can't eat what we eat, don't eat anything. we shall not be offended, and the banquet will be just as merry and delightful." knowing his companions were all hungry, the wizard said, "i trust you will excuse us from the banquet, sir, which will be merry enough without us, although it is given in our honor. for, as ozma is not in your city, we must leave here at once and seek her elsewhere." "sure we must!" dorothy, and she whispered to betsy and trot, "i'd rather starve somewhere else than in this city, and who knows, we may run across somebody who eats reg'lar food and will give us some." so when the ride was finished, in spite of the protests of the high coco-lorum, they insisted on continuing their journey. "it will soon be dark," he objected. "we don't mind the darkness," replied the wizard. "some wandering herku may get you." "do you think the herkus would hurt us?" asked dorothy. "i cannot say, not having had the honor of their acquaintance. but they are said to be so strong that if they had any other place to stand upon they could lift the world." "all of them together?" asked button-bright wonderingly. "any one of them could do it," said the high coco-lorum. "have you heard of any magicians being among them?" asked the wizard, knowing that only a magician could have stolen ozma in the way she had been stolen. "i am told it is quite a magical country," declared the high coco-lorum, "and magic is usually performed by magicians. but i have never heard that they have any invention or sorcery to equal our wonderful auto-dragons." they thanked him for his courtesy, and mounting their own animals rode to the farther side of the city and right through the wall of illusion out into the open country. "i'm glad we got away so easily," said betsy. "i didn't like those queer-shaped people." "nor did i," agreed dorothy. "it seems dreadful to be lined with sheets of pure gold and have nothing to eat but thistles." "they seemed happy and contented, though," remarked the wizard, "and those who are contented have nothing to regret and nothing more to wish for." chapter 10 toto loses something for a while the travelers were constantly losing their direction, for beyond the thistle fields they again found themselves upon the turning-lands, which swung them around one way and then another. but by keeping the city of thi constantly behind them, the adventurers finally passed the treacherous turning-lands and came upon a stony country where no grass grew at all. there were plenty of bushes, however, and although it was now almost dark, the girls discovered some delicious yellow berries growing upon the bushes, one taste of which set them all to picking as many as they could find. the berries relieved their pangs of hunger for a time, and as it now became too dark to see anything, they camped where they were. the three girls lay down upon one of the blankets--all in a row--and the wizard covered them with the other blanket and tucked them in. button-bright crawled under the shelter of some bushes and was asleep in half a minute. the wizard sat down with his back to a big stone and looked at the stars in the sky and thought gravely upon the dangerous adventure they had undertaken, wondering if they would ever be able to find their beloved ozma again. the animals lay in a group by themselves, a little distance from the others. "i've lost my growl!" said toto, who had been very silent and sober all that day. "what do you suppose has become of it?" "if you had asked me to keep track of your growl, i might be able to tell you," remarked the lion sleepily. "but frankly, toto, i supposed you were taking care of it yourself." "it's an awful thing to lose one's growl," said toto, wagging his tail disconsolately. "what if you lost your roar, lion? wouldn't you feel terrible?" "my roar," replied the lion, "is the fiercest thing about me. i depend on it to frighten my enemies so badly that they won't dare to fight me." "once," said the mule, "i lost my bray so that i couldn't call to betsy to let her know i was hungry. that was before i could talk, you know, for i had not yet come into the land of oz, and i found it was certainly very uncomfortable not to be able to make a noise." "you make enough noise now," declared toto. "but none of you have answered my question: where is my growl?" "you may search me," said the woozy. "i don't care for such things, myself." "you snore terribly," asserted toto. "it may be," said the woozy. "what one does when asleep one is not accountable for. i wish you would wake me up sometime when i'm snoring and let me hear the sound. then i can judge whether it is terrible or delightful." "it isn't pleasant, i assure you," said the lion, yawning. "to me it seems wholly unnecessary," declared hank the mule. "you ought to break yourself of the habit," said the sawhorse. "you never hear me snore, because i never sleep. i don't even whinny as those puffy meat horses do. i wish that whoever stole toto's growl had taken the mule's bray and the lion's roar and the woozy's snore at the same time." "do you think, then, that my growl was stolen?" "you have never lost it before, have you?" inquired inquired the sawhorse. "only once, when i had a sore throat from barking too long at the moon." "is your throat sore now?" asked the woozy. "no," replied the dog. "i can't understand," said hank, "why dogs bark at the moon. they can't scare the moon, and the moon doesn't pay any attention to the bark. so why do dogs do it?" "were you ever a dog?" asked toto. "no indeed," replied hank. "i am thankful to say i was created a mule--the most beautiful of all beasts--and have always remained one." the woozy sat upon his square haunches to examine hank with care. "beauty," he said, "must be a matter of taste. i don't say your judgment is bad, friend hank, or that you are so vulgar as to be conceited. but if you admire big, waggy ears and a tail like a paintbrush and hoofs big enough for an elephant and a long neck and a body so skinny that one can count the ribs with one eye shut--if that's your idea of beauty, hank, then either you or i must be much mistaken." "you're full of edges," sneered the mule. "if i were square as you are, i suppose you'd think me lovely." "outwardly, dear hank, i would," replied the woozy. "but to be really lovely, one must be beautiful without and within." the mule couldn't deny this statement, so he gave a disgusted grunt and rolled over so that his back was toward the woozy. but the lion, regarding the two calmly with his great, yellow eyes, said to the dog, "my dear toto, our friends have taught us a lesson in humility. if the woozy and the mule are indeed beautiful creatures as they seem to think, you and i must be decidedly ugly." "not to ourselves," protested toto, who was a shrewd little dog. "you and i, lion, are fine specimens of our own races. i am a fine dog, and you are a fine lion. only in point of comparison, one with another, can we be properly judged, so i will leave it to the poor old sawhorse to decide which is the most beautiful animal among us all. the sawhorse is wood, so he won't be prejudiced and will speak the truth." "i surely will," responded the sawhorse, wagging his ears, which were chips set in his wooden head. "are you all agreed to accept my judgment?" "we are!" they declared, each one hopeful. "then," said the sawhorse, "i must point out to you the fact that you are all meat creatures, who tire unless they sleep and starve unless they eat and suffer from thirst unless they drink. such animals must be very imperfect, and imperfect creatures cannot be beautiful. now, i am made of wood." "you surely have a wooden head," said the mule. "yes, and a wooden body and wooden legs, which are as swift as the wind and as tireless. i've heard dorothy say that 'handsome is as handsome does,' and i surely perform my duties in a handsome manner. therefore, if you wish my honest judgment, i will confess that among us all i am the most beautiful." the mule snorted, and the woozy laughed; toto had lost his growl and could only look scornfully at the sawhorse, who stood in his place unmoved. but the lion stretched himself and yawned, saying quietly, "were we all like the sawhorse, we would all be sawhorses, which would be too many of the kind. were we all like hank, we would be a herd of mules; if like toto, we would be a pack of dogs; should we all become the shape of the woozy, he would no longer be remarkable for his unusual appearance. finally, were you all like me, i would consider you so common that i would not care to associate with you. to be individual, my friends, to be different from others, is the only way to become distinguished from the common herd. let us be glad, therefore, that we differ from one another in form and in disposition. variety is the spice of life, and we are various enough to enjoy one another's society; so let us be content." "there is some truth in that speech," remarked toto reflectively. "but how about my lost growl?" "the growl is of importance only to you," responded the lion, "so it is your business to worry over the loss, not ours. if you love us, do not afflict your burdens on us; be unhappy all by yourself." "if the same person stole my growl who stole ozma," said the little dog, "i hope we shall find him very soon and punish him as he deserves. he must be the most cruel person in all the world, for to prevent a dog from growling when it is his nature to growl is just as wicked, in my opinion, as stealing all the magic in oz." chapter 11 button-bright loses himself the patchwork girl, who never slept and who could see very well in the dark, had wandered among the rocks and bushes all night long, with the result that she was able to tell some good news the next morning. "over the crest of the hill before us," she said, "is a big grove of trees of many kinds on which all sorts of fruits grow. if you will go there, you will find a nice breakfast awaiting you." this made them eager to start, so as soon as the blankets were folded and strapped to the back of the sawhorse, they all took their places on the animals and set out for the big grove scraps had told them of. as soon as they got over the brow of the hill, they discovered it to be a really immense orchard, extending for miles to the right and left of them. as their way led straight through the trees, they hurried forward as fast as possible. the first trees they came to bore quinces, which they did not like. then there were rows of citron trees and then crab apples and afterward limes and lemons. but beyond these they found a grove of big, golden oranges, juicy and sweet, and the fruit hung low on the branches so they could pluck it easily. they helped themselves freely and all ate oranges as they continued on their way. then, a little farther along, they came to some trees bearing fine, red apples, which they also feasted on, and the wizard stopped here long enough to tie a lot of the apples in one end of a blanket. "we do not know what will happen to us after we leave this delightful orchard," he said, "so i think it wise to carry a supply of apples with us. we can't starve as long as we have apples, you know." scraps wasn't riding the woozy just now. she loved to climb the trees and swing herself by the branches from one tree to another. some of the choicest fruit was gathered by the patchwork girl from the very highest limbs and tossed down to the others. suddenly, trot asked, "where's button-bright?" and when the others looked for him, they found the boy had disappeared. "dear me!" cried dorothy. "i guess he's lost again, and that will mean our waiting here until we can find him." "it's a good place to wait," suggested betsy, who had found a plum tree and was eating some of its fruit. "how can you wait here and find button-bright at one and the same time?" inquired the patchwork girl, hanging by her toes on a limb just over the heads of the three mortal girls. "perhaps he'll come back here," answered dorothy. "if he tries that, he'll prob'ly lose his way," said trot. "i've known him to do that lots of times. it's losing his way that gets him lost." "very true," said the wizard. "so all the rest of you must stay here while i go look for the boy." "won't you get lost, too?" asked betsy. "i hope not, my dear." "let me go," said scraps, dropping lightly to the ground. "i can't get lost, and i'm more likely to find button-bright than any of you." without waiting for permission, she darted away through the trees and soon disappeared from their view. "dorothy," said toto, squatting beside his little mistress, "i've lost my growl." "how did that happen?" she asked. "i don't know," replied toto. "yesterday morning the woozy nearly stepped on me, and i tried to growl at him and found i couldn't growl a bit." "can you bark?" inquired dorothy. "oh, yes indeed." "then never mind the growl," said she. "but what will i do when i get home to the glass cat and the pink kitten?" asked the little dog in an anxious tone. "they won't mind if you can't growl at them, i'm sure," said dorothy. "i'm sorry for you, of course, toto, for it's just those things we can't do that we want to do most of all; but before we get back, you may find your growl again." "do you think the person who stole ozma stole my growl?" dorothy smiled. "perhaps, toto." "then he's a scoundrel!" cried the little dog. "anyone who would steal ozma is as bad as bad can be," agreed dorothy, "and when we remember that our dear friend, the lovely ruler of oz, is lost, we ought not to worry over just a growl." toto was not entirely satisfied with this remark, for the more he thought upon his lost growl, the more important his misfortune became. when no one was looking, he went away among the trees and tried his best to growl--even a little bit--but could not manage to do so. all he could do was bark, and a bark cannot take the place of a growl, so he sadly returned to the others. now button-bright had no idea that he was lost at first. he had merely wandered from tree to tree seeking the finest fruit until he discovered he was alone in the great orchard. but that didn't worry him just then, and seeing some apricot trees farther on, he went to them. then he discovered some cherry trees; just beyond these were some tangerines. "we've found 'most ev'ry kind of fruit but peaches," he said to himself, "so i guess there are peaches here, too, if i can find the trees." he searched here and there, paying no attention to his way, until he found that the trees surrounding him bore only nuts. he put some walnuts in his pockets and kept on searching, and at last--right among the nut trees--he came upon one solitary peach tree. it was a graceful, beautiful tree, but although it was thickly leaved, it bore no fruit except one large, splendid peach, rosy-cheeked and fuzzy and just right to eat. in his heart he doubted this statement, for this was a solitary peach tree, while all the other fruits grew upon many trees set close to one another; but that one luscious bite made him unable to resist eating the rest of it, and soon the peach was all gone except the pit. button-bright was about to throw this peach pit away when he noticed that it was of pure gold. of course, this surprised him, but so many things in the land of oz were surprising that he did not give much thought to the golden peach pit. he put it in his pocket, however, to show to the girls, and five minutes afterward had forgotten all about it. for now he realized that he was far separated from his companions, and knowing that this would worry them and delay their journey, he began to shout as loud as he could. his voice did not penetrate very far among all those trees, and after shouting a dozen times and getting no answer, he sat down on the ground and said, "well, i'm lost again. it's too bad, but i don't see how it can be helped." as he leaned his back against a tree, he looked up and saw a bluefinch fly down from the sky and alight upon a branch just before him. the bird looked and looked at him. first it looked with one bright eye and then turned its head and looked at him with the other eye. then, fluttering its wings a little, it said, "oho! so you've eaten the enchanted peach, have you?" "was it enchanted?" asked button-bright. "of course," replied the bluefinch. "ugu the shoemaker did that." "but why? and how was it enchanted? and what will happen to one who eats it?" questioned the boy. "ask ugu the shoemaker. he knows," said the bird, preening its feathers with its bill. "and who is ugu the shoemaker?" "the one who enchanted the peach and placed it here--in the exact center of the great orchard--so no one would ever find it. we birds didn't dare to eat it; we are too wise for that. but you are button-bright from the emerald city, and you, you, you ate the enchanted peach! you must explain to ugu the shoemaker why you did that." and then, before the boy could ask any more questions, the bird flew away and left him alone. button-bright was not much worried to find that the peach he had eaten was enchanted. it certainly had tasted very good, and his stomach didn't ache a bit. so again he began to reflect upon the best way to rejoin his friends. "whichever direction i follow is likely to be the wrong one," he said to himself, "so i'd better stay just where i am and let them find me--if they can." a white rabbit came hopping through the orchard and paused a little way off to look at him. "don't be afraid," said button-bright. "i won't hurt you." "oh, i'm not afraid for myself," returned the white rabbit. "it's you i'm worried about." "yes, i'm lost," said the boy. "i fear you are, indeed," answered the rabbit. "why on earth did you eat the enchanted peach?" the boy looked at the excited little animal thoughtfully. "there were two reasons," he explained. "one reason was that i like peaches, and the other reason was that i didn't know it was enchanted." "that won't save you from ugu the shoemaker," declared the white rabbit, and it scurried away before the boy could ask any more questions. "rabbits and birds," he thought, "are timid creatures and seem afraid of this shoemaker, whoever he may be. if there was another peach half as good as that other, i'd eat it in spite of a dozen enchantments or a hundred shoemakers!" just then, scraps came dancing along and saw him sitting at the foot of the tree. "oh, here you are!" she said. "up to your old tricks, eh? don't you know it's impolite to get lost and keep everybody waiting for you? come along, and i'll lead you back to dorothy and the others." button-bright rose slowly to accompany her. "that wasn't much of a loss," he said cheerfully. "i haven't been gone half a day, so there's no harm done." dorothy, however, when the boy rejoined the party, gave him a good scolding. "when we're doing such an important thing as searching for ozma," said she, "it's naughty for you to wander away and keep us from getting on. s'pose she's a pris'ner in a dungeon cell! do you want to keep our dear ozma there any longer than we can help?" "if she's in a dungeon cell, how are you going to get her out?" inquired the boy. "never you mind. we'll leave that to the wizard. he's sure to find a way." the wizard said nothing, for he realized that without his magic tools he could do no more than any other person. but there was no use reminding his companions of that fact; it might discourage them. "the important thing just now," he remarked, "is to find ozma, and as our party is again happily reunited, i propose we move on." as they came to the edge of the great orchard, the sun was setting and they knew it would soon be dark. so it was decided to camp under the trees, as another broad plain was before them. the wizard spread the blankets on a bed of soft leaves, and presently all of them except scraps and the sawhorse were fast asleep. toto snuggled close to his friend the lion, and the woozy snored so loudly that the patchwork girl covered his square head with her apron to deaden the sound. chapter 12 the czarover of herku trot wakened just as the sun rose, and slipping out of the blankets, went to the edge of the great orchard and looked across the plain. something glittered in the far distance. "that looks like another city," she said half aloud. "and another city it is," declared scraps, who had crept to trot's side unheard, for her stuffed feet made no sound. "the sawhorse and i made a journey in the dark while you were all asleep, and we found over there a bigger city than thi. there's a wall around it, too, but it has gates and plenty of pathways." "did you get in?" asked trot. "no, for the gates were locked and the wall was a real wall. so we came back here again. it isn't far to the city. we can reach it in two hours after you've had your breakfasts." trot went back, and finding the other girls now awake, told them what scraps had said. so they hurriedly ate some fruit--there were plenty of plums and fijoas in this part of the orchard--and then they mounted the animals and set out upon the journey to the strange city. hank the mule had breakfasted on grass, and the lion had stolen away and found a breakfast to his liking; he never told what it was, but dorothy hoped the little rabbits and the field mice had kept out of his way. she warned toto not to chase birds and gave the dog some apple, with which he was quite content. the woozy was as fond of fruit as of any other food except honey, and the sawhorse never ate at all. except for their worry over ozma, they were all in good spirits as they proceeded swiftly over the plain. toto still worried over his lost growl, but like a wise little dog kept his worry to himself. before long, the city grew nearer and they could examine it with interest. in outward appearance the place was more imposing than thi, and it was a square city, with a square, four-sided wall around it, and on each side was a square gate of burnished copper. everything about the city looked solid and substantial; there were no banners flying, and the towers that rose above the city wall seemed bare of any ornament whatever. a path led from the fruit orchard directly to one of the city gates, showing that the inhabitants preferred fruit to thistles. our friends followed this path to the gate, which they found fast shut. but the wizard advanced and pounded upon it with his fist, saying in a loud voice, "open!" at once there rose above the great wall a row of immense heads, all of which looked down at them as if to see who was intruding. the size of these heads was astonishing, and our friends at once realized that they belonged to giants who were standing within the city. all had thick, bushy hair and whiskers, on some the hair being white and on others black or red or yellow, while the hair of a few was just turning gray, showing that the giants were of all ages. however fierce the heads might seem, the eyes were mild in expression, as if the creatures had been long subdued, and their faces expressed patience rather than ferocity. "what's wanted?" asked one old giant in a low, grumbling voice. "we are strangers, and we wish to enter the city," replied the wizard. "do you come in war or peace?" asked another. "in peace, of course," retorted the wizard, and he added impatiently, "do we look like an army of conquest?" "no," said the first giant who had spoken, "you look like innocent tramps; but you never can tell by appearances. wait here until we report to our masters. no one can enter here without the permission of vig, the czarover." "who's that?" inquired dorothy. but the heads had all bobbed down and disappeared behind the walls, so there was no answer. they waited a long time before the gate rolled back with a rumbling sound, and a loud voice cried, "enter!" but they lost no time in taking advantage of the invitation. on either side of the broad street that led into the city from the gate stood a row of huge giants, twenty of them on a side and all standing so close together that their elbows touched. they wore uniforms of blue and yellow and were armed with clubs as big around as treetrunks. each giant had around his neck a broad band of gold, riveted on, to show he was a slave. as our friends entered riding upon the lion, the woozy, the sawhorse and the mule, the giants half turned and walked in two files on either side of them, as if escorting them on their way. it looked to dorothy as if all her party had been made prisoners, for even mounted on their animals their heads scarcely reached to the knees of the marching giants. the girls and button-bright were anxious to know what sort of a city they had entered, and what the people were like who had made these powerful creatures their slaves. through the legs of the giants as they walked, dorothy could see rows of houses on each side of the street and throngs of people standing on the sidewalks, but the people were of ordinary size and the only remarkable thing about them was the fact that they were dreadfully lean and thin. between their skin and their bones there seemed to be little or no flesh, and they were mostly stoop-shouldered and weary looking, even to the little children. more and more, dorothy wondered how and why the great giants had ever submitted to become slaves of such skinny, languid masters, but there was no chance to question anyone until they arrived at a big palace located in the heart of the city. here the giants formed lines to the entrance and stood still while our friends rode into the courtyard of the palace. then the gates closed behind them, and before them was a skinny little man who bowed low and said in a sad voice, "if you will be so obliging as to dismount, it will give me pleasure to lead you into the presence of the world's most mighty ruler, vig the czarover." "i don't believe it!" said dorothy indignantly. "what don't you believe?" asked the man. "i don't believe your czarover can hold a candle to our ozma." "he wouldn't hold a candle under any circumstances, or to any living person," replied the man very seriously, "for he has slaves to do such things and the mighty vig is too dignified to do anything that others can do for him. he even obliges a slave to sneeze for him, if ever he catches cold. however, if you dare to face our powerful ruler, follow me." "we dare anything," said the wizard, "so go ahead." through several marble corridors having lofty ceilings they passed, finding each corridor and doorway guarded by servants. but these servants of the palace were of the people and not giants, and they were so thin that they almost resembled skeletons. finally, they entered a great circular room with a high, domed ceiling, where the czarover sat on a throne cut from a solid block of white marble and decorated with purple silk hangings and gold tassels. the ruler of these people was combing his eyebrows when our friends entered the throne room and stood before him, but he put the comb in his pocket and examined the strangers with evident curiosity. then he said, "dear me, what a surprise! you have really shocked me. for no outsider has ever before come to our city of herku, and i cannot imagine why you have ventured to do so." "we are looking for ozma, the supreme ruler of the land of oz," replied the wizard. "do you see her anywhere around here?" asked the czarover. "not yet, your majesty, but perhaps you may tell us where she is." "no, i have my hands full keeping track of my own people. i find them hard to manage because they are so tremendously strong." "they don't look very strong," said dorothy. "it seems as if a good wind would blow 'em way out of the city if it wasn't for the wall." "just so, just so," admitted the czarover. "they really look that way, don't they? but you must never trust to appearances, which have a way of fooling one. perhaps you noticed that i prevented you from meeting any of my people. i protected you with my giants while you were on the way from the gates to my palace so that not a herku got near you." "are your people so dangerous, then?" asked the wizard. "to strangers, yes. but only because they are so friendly. for if they shake hands with you, they are likely to break your arms or crush your fingers to a jelly." "why?" asked button-bright. "because we are the strongest people in all the world." "pshaw!" exclaimed the boy. "that's bragging. you prob'ly don't know how strong other people are. why, once i knew a man in philadelphi' who could bend iron bars with just his hands!" "but mercy me, it's no trick to bend iron bars," said his majesty. "tell me, could this man crush a block of stone with his bare hands?" "no one could do that," declared the boy. "if i had a block of stone, i'd show you," said the czarover, looking around the room. "ah, here is my throne. the back is too high, anyhow, so i'll just break off a piece of that." he rose to his feet and tottered in an uncertain way around the throne. then he took hold of the back and broke off a piece of marble over a foot thick. "this," said he, coming back to his seat, "is very solid marble and much harder than ordinary stone. yet i can crumble it easily with my fingers, a proof that i am very strong." even as he spoke, he began breaking off chunks of marble and crumbling them as one would a bit of earth. the wizard was so astonished that he took a piece in his own hands and tested it, finding it very hard indeed. just then one of the giant servants entered and exclaimed, "oh, your majesty, the cook has burned the soup! what shall we do?" "how dare you interrupt me?" asked the czarover, and grasping the immense giant by one of his legs, he raised him in the air and threw him headfirst out of an open window. "now, tell me," he said, turning to button-bright, "could your man in philadelphia crumble marble in his fingers?" "i guess not," said button-bright, much impressed by the skinny monarch's strength. "what makes you so strong?" inquired dorothy. "it's the zosozo," he explained, "which is an invention of my own. i and all my people eat zosozo, and it gives us tremendous strength. would you like to eat some?" "no thank you," replied the girl. "i--i don't want to get so thin." "well, of course one can't have strength and flesh at the same time," said the czarover. "zosozo is pure energy, and it's the only compound of its sort in existence. i never allow our giants to have it, you know, or they would soon become our masters, since they are bigger that we; so i keep all the stuff locked up in my private laboratory. once a year i feed a teaspoonful of it to each of my people--men, women and children--so every one of them is nearly as strong as i am. wouldn't you like a dose, sir?" he asked, turning to the wizard. "well," said the wizard, "if you would give me a little zosozo in a bottle, i'd like to take it with me on my travels. it might come in handy on occasion." "to be sure. i'll give you enough for six doses," promised the czarover. "but don't take more than a teaspoonful at a time. once ugu the shoemaker took two teaspoonsful, and it made him so strong that when he leaned against the city wall, he pushed it over, and we had to build it up again." "who is ugu the shoemaker?" button-bright curiously, for he now remembered that the bird and the rabbit had claimed ugu the shoemaker had enchanted the peach he had eaten. "why, ugu is a great magician who used to live here. but he's gone away now," replied the czarover. "where has he gone?" asked the wizard quickly. "i am told he lives in a wickerwork castle in the mountains to the west of here. you see, ugu became such a powerful magician that he didn't care to live in our city any longer for fear we would discover some of his secrets. so he went to the mountains and built him a splendid wicker castle which is so strong that even i and my people could not batter it down, and there he lives all by himself." "this is good news," declared the wizard, "for i think this is just the magician we are searching for. but why is he called ugu the shoemaker?" "once he was a very common citizen here and made shoes for a living," replied the monarch of herku. "but he was descended from the greatest wizard and sorcerer who ever lived in this or in any other country, and one day ugu the shoemaker discovered all the magical books and recipes of his famous great-grandfather, which had been hidden away in the attic of his house. so he began to study the papers and books and to practice magic, and in time he became so skillful that, as i said, he scorned our city and built a solitary castle for himself." "do you think," asked dorothy anxiously, "that ugu the shoemaker would be wicked enough to steal our ozma of oz?" "and the magic picture?" asked trot. "and the great book of records of glinda the good?" asked betsy. "and my own magic tools?" asked the wizard. "well," replied the czarover, "i won't say that ugu is wicked, exactly, but he is very ambitious to become the most powerful magician in the world, and so i suppose he would not be too proud to steal any magic things that belonged to anybody else--if he could manage to do so." "but how about ozma? why would he wish to steal her?" questioned dorothy. "don't ask me, my dear. ugu doesn't tell me why he does things, i assure you." "then we must go and ask him ourselves," declared the little girl. "i wouldn't do that if i were you," advised the czarover, looking first at the three girls and then at the boy and the little wizard and finally at the stuffed patchwork girl. "if ugu has really stolen your ozma, he will probably keep her a prisoner, in spite of all your threats or entreaties. and with all his magical knowledge he would be a dangerous person to attack. therefore, if you are wise, you will go home again and find a new ruler for the emerald city and the land of oz. but perhaps it isn't ugu the shoemaker who has stolen your ozma." "the only way to settle that question," replied the wizard, "is to go to ugu's castle and see if ozma is there. if she is, we will report the matter to the great sorceress glinda the good, and i'm pretty sure she will find a way to rescue our darling ruler from the shoemaker." "well, do as you please," said the czarover, "but if you are all transformed into hummingbirds or caterpillars, don't blame me for not warning you." they stayed the rest of that day in the city of herku and were fed at the royal table of the czarover and given sleeping rooms in his palace. the strong monarch treated them very nicely and gave the wizard a little golden vial of zosozo to use if ever he or any of his party wished to acquire great strength. even at the last, the czarover tried to persuade them not to go near ugu the shoemaker, but they were resolved on the venture, and the next morning bade the friendly monarch a cordial goodbye and, mounting upon their animals, left the herkus and the city of herku and headed for the mountains that lay to the west. chapter 13 the truth pond it seems a long time since we have heard anything of the frogman and cayke the cookie cook, who had left the yip country in search of the diamond-studded dishpan which had been mysteriously stolen the same night that ozma had disappeared from the emerald city. but you must remember that while the frogman and the cookie cook were preparing to descend from their mountaintop, and even while on their way to the farmhouse of wiljon the winkie, dorothy and the wizard and their friends were encountering the adventures we have just related. so it was that on the very morning when the travelers from the emerald city bade farewell to the czarover of the city of herku, cayke and the frogman awoke in a grove in which they had passed the night sleeping on beds of leaves. there were plenty of farmhouses in the neighborhood, but no one seemed to welcome the puffy, haughty frogman or the little dried-up cookie cook, and so they slept comfortably enough underneath the trees of the grove. the frogman wakened first on this morning, and after going to the tree where cayke slept and finding her still wrapped in slumber, he decided to take a little walk and seek some breakfast. coming to the edge of the grove, he observed half a mile away a pretty yellow house that was surrounded by a yellow picket fence, so he walked toward this house and on entering the yard found a winkie woman picking up sticks with which to build a fire to cook her morning meal. "for goodness sake!" she exclaimed on seeing the frogman. "what are you doing out of your frog-pond?" "i am traveling in search of a jeweled gold dishpan, my good woman," he replied with an air of great dignity. "you won't find it here, then," said she. "our dishpans are tin, and they're good enough for anybody. so go back to your pond and leave me alone." she spoke rather crossly and with a lack of respect that greatly annoyed the frogman. "allow me to tell you, madam," said he, "that although i am a frog, i am the greatest and wisest frog in all the world. i may add that i possess much more wisdom than any winkie--man or woman--in this land. wherever i go, people fall on their knees before me and render homage to the great frogman! no one else knows so much as i; no one else is so grand, so magnificent!" "if you know so much," she retorted, "why don't you know where your dishpan is instead of chasing around the country after it?" "presently," he answered, "i am going where it is, but just now i am traveling and have had no breakfast. therefore i honor you by asking you for something to eat." "oho! the great frogman is hungry as any tramp, is he? then pick up these sticks and help me to build the fire," said the woman contemptuously. "me! the great frogman pick up sticks?" he exclaimed in horror. "in the yip country where i am more honored and powerful than any king could be, people weep with joy when i ask them to feed me." "then that's the place to go for your breakfast," declared the woman. "i fear you do not realize my importance," urged the frogman. "exceeding wisdom renders me superior to menial duties." "it's a great wonder to me," remarked the woman, carrying her sticks to the house, "that your wisdom doesn't inform you that you'll get no breakfast here." and she went in and slammed the door behind her. the frogman felt he had been insulted, so he gave a loud croak of indignation and turned away. after going a short distance, he came upon a faint path which led across a meadow in the direction of a grove of pretty trees, and thinking this circle of evergreens must surround a house where perhaps he would be kindly received, he decided to follow the path. and by and by he came to the trees, which were set close together, and pushing aside some branches he found no house inside the circle, but instead a very beautiful pond of clear water. now the frogman, although he was so big and well educated and now aped the ways and customs of human beings, was still a frog. as he gazed at this solitary, deserted pond, his love for water returned to him with irresistible force. "if i cannot get a breakfast, i may at least have a fine swim," said he, and pushing his way between the trees, he reached the bank. there he took off his fine clothing, laying his shiny purple hat and his gold-headed cane beside it. a moment later, he sprang with one leap into the water and dived to the very bottom of the pond. the water was deliciously cool and grateful to his thick, rough skin, and the frogman swam around the pond several times before he stopped to rest. then he floated upon the surface and examined the pond. the bottom and sides were all lined with glossy tiles of a light pink color; just one place in the bottom where the water bubbled up from a hidden spring had been left free. on the banks, the green grass grew to the edge of the pink tiling. and now, as the frogman examined the place, he found that on one side of the pool, just above the water line, had been set a golden plate on which some words were deeply engraved. he swam toward this plate, and on reaching it read the following inscription: _this is_ the truth pond _whoever bathes in this water must always afterward tell_ the truth. this statement startled the frogman. it even worried him, so that he leaped upon the bank and hurriedly began to dress himself. "a great misfortune has befallen me," he told himself, "for hereafter i cannot tell people i am wise, since it is not the truth. the truth is that my boasted wisdom is all a sham, assumed by me to deceive people and make them defer to me. in truth, no living creature can know much more than his fellows, for one may know one thing, and another know another thing, so that wisdom is evenly scattered throughout the world. but--ah me!--what a terrible fate will now be mine. even cayke the cookie cook will soon discover that my knowledge is no greater than her own, for having bathed in the enchanted water of the truth pond, i can no longer deceive her or tell a lie." more humbled than he had been for many years, the frogman went back to the grove where he had left cayke and found the woman now awake and washing her face in a tiny brook. "where has your honor been?" she asked. "to a farmhouse to ask for something to eat," said he, "but the woman refused me." "how dreadful!" she exclaimed. "but never mind, there are other houses where the people will be glad to feed the wisest creature in all the world." "do you mean yourself?" he asked. "no, i mean you." the frogman felt strongly impelled to tell the truth, but struggled hard against it. his reason told him there was no use in letting cayke know he was not wise, for then she would lose much respect for him, but each time he opened his mouth to speak, he realized he was about to tell the truth and shut it again as quickly as possible. he tried to talk about something else, but the words necessary to undeceive the woman would force themselves to his lips in spite of all his struggles. finally, knowing that he must either remain dumb or let the truth prevail, he gave a low groan of despair and said, "cayke, i am not the wisest creature in all the world; i am not wise at all." "oh, you must be!" she protested. "you told me so yourself, only last evening." "then last evening i failed to tell you the truth," he admitted, looking very shamefaced for a frog. "i am sorry i told you this lie, my good cayke, but if you must know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, i am not really as wise as you are." the cookie cook was greatly shocked to hear this, for it shattered one of her most pleasing illusions. she looked at the gorgeously dressed frogman in amazement. "what has caused you to change your mind so suddenly?" she inquired. "i have bathed in the truth pond," he said, "and whoever bathes in that water is ever afterward obliged to tell the truth." "you were foolish to do that," declared the woman. "it is often very embarrassing to tell the truth. i'm glad i didn't bathe in that dreadful water!" the frogman looked at his companion thoughtfully. "cayke," said he, "i want you to go to the truth pond and take a bath in its water. for if we are to travel together and encounter unknown adventures, it would not be fair that i alone must always tell you the truth, while you could tell me whatever you pleased. if we both dip in the enchanted water, there will be no chance in the future of our deceiving one another." "no," she asserted, shaking her head positively, "i won't do it, your honor. for if i told you the truth, i'm sure you wouldn't like me. no truth pond for me. i'll be just as i am, an honest woman who can say what she wants to without hurting anyone's feelings." with this decision the frogman was forced to be content, although he was sorry the cookie cook would not listen to his advice. chapter 14 the unhappy ferryman leaving the grove where they had slept, the frogman and the cookie cook turned to the east to seek another house, and after a short walk came to one where the people received them very politely. the children stared rather hard at the big, pompous frogman, but the woman of the house, when cayke asked for something to eat, at once brought them food and said they were welcome to it. "few people in need of help pass this way," she remarked, "for the winkies are all prosperous and love to stay in their own homes. but perhaps you are not a winkie," she added. "no," said cayke, "i am a yip, and my home is on a high mountain at the southeast of your country." "and the frogman, is he also a yip?" "i do not know what he is, other than a very remarkable and highly educated creature," replied the cookie cook. "but he has lived many years among the yips, who have found him so wise and intelligent that they always go to him for advice." "may i ask why you have left your home and where you are going?" said the winkie woman. then cayke told her of the diamond-studded gold dishpan and how it had been mysteriously stolen from her house, after which she had discovered that she could no longer cook good cookies. so she had resolved to search until she found her dishpan again, because a cookie cook who cannot cook good cookies is not of much use. the frogman, who had wanted to see more of the world, had accompanied her to assist in the search. when the woman had listened to this story, she asked, "then you have no idea as yet who has stolen your dishpan?" "i only know it must have been some mischievous fairy, or a magician, or some such powerful person, because none other could have climbed the steep mountain to the yip country. and who else could have carried away my beautiful magic dishpan without being seen?" the woman thought about this during the time that cayke and the frogman ate their breakfast. when they had finished, she said, "where are you going next?" "we have not decided," answered the cookie cook. "our plan," explained the frogman in his important way, "is to travel from place to place until we learn where the thief is located and then to force him to return the dishpan to its proper owner." "the plan is all right," agreed the woman, "but it may take you a long time before you succeed, your method being sort of haphazard and indefinite. however, i advise you to travel toward the east." "why?" asked the frogman. "because if you went west, you would soon come to the desert, and also because in this part of the winkie country no one steals, so your time here would be wasted. but toward the east, beyond the river, live many strange people whose honesty i would not vouch for. moreover, if you journey far enough east and cross the river for a second time, you will come to the emerald city, where there is much magic and sorcery. the emerald city is ruled by a dear little girl called ozma, who also rules the emperor of the winkies and all the land of oz. so, as ozma is a fairy, she may be able to tell you just who has taken your precious dishpan. provided, of course, you do not find it before you reach her." "this seems to be to be excellent advice," said the frogman, and cayke agreed with him. "the most sensible thing for you to do," continued the woman, "would be to return to your home and use another dishpan, learn to cook cookies as other people cook cookies, without the aid of magic. but if you cannot be happy without the magic dishpan you have lost, you are likely to learn more about it in the emerald city than at any other place in oz." they thanked the good woman, and on leaving her house faced the east and continued in that direction all the way. toward evening they came to the west branch of the winkie river and there, on the riverbank, found a ferryman who lived all alone in a little yellow house. this ferryman was a winkie with a very small head and a very large body. he was sitting in his doorway as the travelers approached him and did not even turn his head to look at them. "good evening," said the frogman. the ferryman made no reply. "we would like some supper and the privilege of sleeping in your house until morning," continued the frogman. "at daybreak, we would like some breakfast, and then we would like to have you row us across the river." the ferryman neither moved nor spoke. he sat in his doorway and looked straight ahead. "i think he must be deaf and dumb," cayke whispered to her companion. then she stood directly in front of the ferryman, and putting her mouth close to his ear, she yelled as loudly as she could, "good evening!" the ferryman scowled. "why do you yell at me, woman?" he asked. "can you hear what i say?" asked in her ordinary tone of voice. "of course," replied the man. "then why didn't you answer the frogman?" "because," said the ferryman, "i don't understand the frog language." "he speaks the same words that i do and in the same way," declared cayke. "perhaps," replied the ferryman, "but to me his voice sounded like a frog's croak. i know that in the land of oz animals can speak our language, and so can the birds and bugs and fishes; but in my ears, they sound merely like growls and chirps and croaks." "why is that?" asked the cookie cook in surprise. "once, many years ago, i cut the tail off a fox which had taunted me, and i stole some birds' eggs from a nest to make an omelet with, and also i pulled a fish from the river and left it lying on the bank to gasp for lack of water until it died. i don't know why i did those wicked things, but i did them. so the emperor of the winkies--who is the tin woodman and has a very tender tin heart--punished me by denying me any communication with beasts, birds or fishes. i cannot understand them when they speak to me, although i know that other people can do so, nor can the creatures understand a word i say to them. every time i meet one of them, i am reminded of my former cruelty, and it makes me very unhappy." "really," said cayke, "i'm sorry for you, although the tin woodman is not to blame for punishing you." "what is he mumbling about?" asked the frogman. "he is talking to me, but you don't understand him," she replied. and then she told him of the ferryman's punishment and afterward explained to the ferryman that they wanted to stay all night with him and be fed. he gave them some fruit and bread, which was the only sort of food he had, and he allowed cayke to sleep in a room of his cottage. but the frogman he refused to admit to his house, saying that the frog's presence made him miserable and unhappy. at no time would he look directly at the frogman, or even toward him, fearing he would shed tears if he did so; so the big frog slept on the riverbank where he could hear little frogs croaking in the river all the night through. but that did not keep him awake; it merely soothed him to slumber, for he realized how much superior he was to them. just as the sun was rising on a new day, the ferryman rowed the two travelers across the river--keeping his back to the frogman all the way--and then cayke thanked him and bade him goodbye and the ferryman rowed home again. on this side of the river, there were no paths at all, so it was evident they had reached a part of the country little frequented by travelers. there was a marsh at the south of them, sandhills at the north, and a growth of scrubby underbrush leading toward a forest at the east. so the east was really the least difficult way to go, and that direction was the one they had determined to follow. now the frogman, although he wore green patent-leather shoes with ruby buttons, had very large and flat feet, and when he tramped through the scrub, his weight crushed down the underbrush and made a path for cayke to follow him. therefore they soon reached the forest, where the tall trees were set far apart but were so leafy that they shaded all the spaces between them with their branches. "there are no bushes here," said cayke, much pleased, "so we can now travel faster and with more comfort." chapter 15 the big lavender bear it was a pleasant place to wander, and the two travelers were proceeding at a brisk pace when suddenly a voice shouted, "halt!" they looked around in surprise, seeing at first no one at all. then from behind a tree there stepped a brown, fuzzy bear whose head came about as high as cayke's waist--and cayke was a small woman. the bear was chubby as well as fuzzy; his body was even puffy, while his legs and arms seemed jointed at the knees and elbows and fastened to his body by pins or rivets. his ears were round in shape and stuck out in a comical way, while his round, black eyes were bright and sparkling as beads. over his shoulder the little brown bear bore a gun with a tin barrel. the barrel had a cork in the end of it, and a string was attached to the cork and to the handle of the gun. both the frogman and cayke gazed hard at this curious bear, standing silent for some time. but finally the frogman recovered from his surprise and remarked, "it seems to me that you are stuffed with sawdust and ought not to be alive." "that's all you know about it," answered the little brown bear in a squeaky voice. "i am stuffed with a very good quality of curled hair, and my skin is the best plush that was ever made. as for my being alive, that is my own affair and cannot concern you at all, except that it gives me the privilege to say you are my prisoners." "prisoners! why do you speak such nonsense?" the frogman angrily. "do you think we are afraid of a toy bear with a toy gun?" "you ought to be," was the confident reply, "for i am merely the sentry guarding the way to bear center, which is a city containing hundreds of my race, who are ruled by a very powerful sorcerer known as the lavender bear. he ought to be a purple color, you know, seeing he is a king, but he's only light lavender, which is, of course, second cousin to royal purple. so unless you come with me peaceably as my prisoners, i shall fire my gun and bring a hundred bears of all sizes and colors to capture you." "why do you wish to capture us?" inquired the frogman, who had listened to his speech with much astonishment. "i don't wish to, as a matter of fact," replied the little brown bear, "but it is my duty to, because you are now trespassing on the domain of his majesty, the king of bear center. also, i will admit that things are rather quiet in our city just now, and the excitement of your capture, followed by your trial and execution, should afford us much entertainment." "we defy you!" said the frogman. "oh no, don't do that," pleaded cayke, speaking to her companion. "he says his king is a sorcerer, so perhaps it is he or one of his bears who ventured to steal my jeweled dishpan. let us go to the city of the bears and discover if my dishpan is there." "i must now register one more charge against you," remarked the little brown bear with evident satisfaction. "you have just accused us of stealing, and that is such a dreadful thing to say that i am quite sure our noble king will command you to be executed." "but how could you execute us?" inquired the cookie cook. "i've no idea. but our king is a wonderful inventor, and there is no doubt he can find a proper way to destroy you. so tell me, are you going to struggle, or will you go peaceably to meet your doom?" it was all so ridiculous that cayke laughed aloud, and even the frogman's wide mouth curled in a smile. neither was a bit afraid to go to the bear city, and it seemed to both that there was a possibility they might discover the missing dishpan. so the frogman said, "lead the way, little bear, and we will follow without a struggle." "that's very sensible of you, very sensible indeed," declared the brown bear. "so for-ward, march!" and with the command he turned around and began to waddle along a path that led between the trees. cayke and the frogman, as they followed their conductor, could scarce forbear laughing at his stiff, awkward manner of walking, and although he moved his stuffy legs fast, his steps were so short that they had to go slowly in order not to run into him. but after a time they reached a large, circular space in the center of the forest, which was clear of any stumps or underbrush. the ground was covered by a soft, gray moss, pleasant to tread upon. all the trees surrounding this space seemed to be hollow and had round holes in their trunks, set a little way above the ground, but otherwise there was nothing unusual about the place and nothing, in the opinion of the prisoners, to indicate a settlement. but the little brown bear said in a proud and impressive voice (although it still squeaked), "this is the wonderful city known to fame as bear center!" "but there are no houses, there are no bears living here at all!" exclaimed cayke. "oh indeed!" retorted their captor, and raising his gun he pulled the trigger. the cork flew out of the tin barrel with a loud "pop!" and at once from every hole in every tree within view of the clearing appeared the head of a bear. they were of many colors and of many sizes, but all were made in the same manner as the bear who had met and captured them. at first a chorus of growls arose, and then a sharp voice cried, "what has happened, corporal waddle?" "captives, your majesty!" answered the brown bear. "intruders upon our domain and slanderers of our good name." "ah, that's important," answered the voice. then from out the hollow trees tumbled a whole regiment of stuffed bears, some carrying tin swords, some popguns and others long spears with gay ribbons tied to the handles. there were hundreds of them, altogether, and they quietly formed a circle around the frogman and the cookie cook, but kept at a distance and left a large space for the prisoners to stand in. presently, this circle parted, and into the center of it stalked a huge toy bear of a lovely lavender color. he walked upon his hind legs, as did all the others, and on his head he wore a tin crown set with diamonds and amethysts, while in one paw he carried a short wand of some glittering metal that resembled silver but wasn't. "his majesty the king!" corporal waddle, and all the bears bowed low. some bowed so low that they lost their balance and toppled over, but they soon scrambled up again, and the lavender king squatted on his haunches before the prisoners and gazed at them steadily with his bright, pink eyes. chapter 16 the little pink bear "one person and one freak," said the big lavender bear when he had carefully examined the strangers. "i am sorry to hear you call poor cayke the cookie cook a freak," remonstrated the frogman. "she is the person," asserted the king. "unless i am mistaken, it is you who are the freak." the frogman was silent, for he could not truthfully deny it. "why have you dared intrude in my forest?" demanded the bear king. "we didn't know it was your forest," said cayke, "and we are on our way to the far east, where the emerald city is." "ah, it's a long way from here to the emerald city," remarked the king. "it is so far away, indeed, that no bear among us has even been there. but what errand requires you to travel such a distance?" "someone has stolen my diamond-studded gold dishpan," explained cayke, "and as i cannot be happy without it, i have decided to search the world over until i find it again. the frogman, who is very learned and wonderfully wise, has come with me to give me his assistance. isn't it kind of him?" the king looked at the frogman. "what makes you so wonderfully wise?" he asked. "i'm not," was the candid reply. "the cookie cook and some others in the yip country think because i am a big frog and talk and act like a man that i must be very wise. i have learned more than a frog usually knows, it is true, but i am not yet so wise as i hope to become at some future time." the king nodded, and when he did so, something squeaked in his chest. "did your majesty speak?" asked cayke. "not just then," answered the lavender bear, seeming to be somewhat embarrassed. "i am so built, you must know, that when anything pushes against my chest, as my chin accidentally did just then, i make that silly noise. in this city it isn't considered good manners to notice. but i like your frogman. he is honest and truthful, which is more than can be said of many others. as for your late lamented dishpan, i'll show it to you." with this he waved three times the metal wand which he held in his paw, and instantly there appeared upon the ground midway between the king and cayke a big, round pan made of beaten gold. around the top edge was a row of small diamonds; around the center of the pan was another row of larger diamonds; and at the bottom was a row of exceedingly large and brilliant diamonds. in fact, they all sparkled magnificently, and the pan was so big and broad that it took a lot of diamonds to go around it three times. cayke stared so hard that her eyes seemed about to pop out of her head. "o-o-o-h!" she exclaimed, drawing a deep breath of delight. "is this your dishpan?" inquired the king. "it is, it is!" cried the cookie cook, and rushing forward, she fell on her knees and threw her arms around the precious pan. but her arms came together without meeting any resistance at all. cayke tried to seize the edge, but found nothing to grasp. the pan was surely there, she thought, for she could see it plainly; but it was not solid; she could not feel it at all. with a moan of astonishment and despair, she raised her head to look at the bear king, who was watching her actions curiously. then she turned to the pan again, only to find it had completely disappeared. "poor creature!" murmured the king pityingly. "you must have thought, for the moment, that you had actually recovered your dishpan. but what you saw was merely the image of it, conjured up by means of my magic. it is a pretty dishpan, indeed, though rather big and awkward to handle. i hope you will some day find it." cayke was grievously disappointed. she began to cry, wiping her eyes on her apron. the king turned to the throng of toy bears surrounding him and asked, "has any of you ever seen this golden dishpan before?" "no," they answered in a chorus. the king seemed to reflect. presently he inquired, "where is the little pink bear?" "at home, your majesty," was the reply. "fetch him here," commanded the king. several of the bears waddled over to one of the trees and pulled from its hollow a tiny pink bear, smaller than any of the others. a big, white bear carried the pink one in his arms and set it down beside the king, arranging the joints of its legs so that it would stand upright. this pink bear seemed lifeless until the king turned a crank which protruded from its side, when the little creature turned its head stiffly from side to side and said in a small, shrill voice, "hurrah for the king of bear center!" "very good," said the big lavender bear. "he seems to be working very well today. tell me, my pink pinkerton, what has become of this lady's jeweled dishpan?" "u-u-u," said the pink bear, and then stopped short. the king turned the crank again. "u-g-u the shoemaker has it," said the pink bear. "who is ugu the shoemaker?" demanded the king, again turning the crank. "a magician who lives on a mountain in a wickerwork castle," was the reply. "where is the mountain?" was the next question. "nineteen miles and three furlongs from bear center to the northeast." "and is the dishpan still at the castle of ugu the shoemaker?" asked the king. "it is." the king turned to cayke. "you may rely on this information," said he. "the pink bear can tell us anything we wish to know, and his words are always words of truth." "is he alive?" asked the frogman, much interested in the pink bear. "something animates him when you turn his crank," replied the king. "i do not know if it is life or what it is or how it happens that the little pink bear can answer correctly every question put to him. we discovered his talent a long time ago, and whenever we wish to know anything--which is not very often--we ask the pink bear. there is no doubt whatever, madam, that ugu the magician has your dishpan, and if you dare to go to him, you may be able to recover it. but of that i am not certain." "can't the pink bear tell?" asked cayke anxiously. "no, for that is in the future. he can tell anything that has happened, but nothing that is going to happen. don't ask me why, for i don't know." "well," said the cookie cook after a little thought, "i mean to go to this magician, anyhow, and tell him i want my dishpan. i wish i knew what ugu the shoemaker is like." "then i'll show him to you," promised the king. "but do not be frightened. it won't be ugu, remember, but only his image." with this, he waved his metal wand, and in the circle suddenly appeared a thin little man, very old and skinny, who was seated on a wicker stool before a wicker table. on the table lay a great book with gold clasps. the book was open, and the man was reading in it. he wore great spectacles which were fastened before his eyes by means of a ribbon that passed around his head and was tied in a bow at the neck. his hair was very thin and white; his skin, which clung fast to his bones, was brown and seared with furrows; he had a big, fat nose and little eyes set close together. on no account was ugu the shoemaker a pleasant person to gaze at. as his image appeared before them, all were silent and intent until corporal waddle, the brown bear, became nervous and pulled the trigger of his gun. instantly, the cork flew out of the tin barrel with a loud "pop!" that made them all jump. and at this sound, the image of the magician vanished. "so that's the thief, is it?" said cayke in an angry voice. "i should think he'd be ashamed of himself for stealing a poor woman's diamond dishpan! but i mean to face him in his wicker castle and force him to return my property." "to me," said the bear king reflectively, "he looked like a dangerous person. i hope he won't be so unkind as to argue the matter with you." the frogman was much disturbed by the vision of ugu the shoemaker, and cayke's determination to go to the magician filled her companion with misgivings. but he would not break his pledged word to assist the cookie cook, and after breathing a deep sigh of resignation, he asked the king, "will your majesty lend us this pink bear who answers questions that we may take him with us on our journey? he would be very useful to us, and we will promise to bring him safely back to you." the king did not reply at once. he seemed to be thinking. "please let us take the pink bear," begged cayke. "i'm sure he would be a great help to us." "the pink bear," said the king, "is the best bit of magic i possess, and there is not another like him in the world. i do not care to let him out of my sight, nor do i wish to disappoint you; so i believe i will make the journey in your company and carry my pink bear with me. he can walk when you wind the other side of him, but so slowly and awkwardly that he would delay you. but if i go along, i can carry him in my arms, so i will join your party. whenever you are ready to start, let me know." "but your majesty!" exclaimed corporal waddle in protest, "i hope you do not intend to let these prisoners escape without punishment." "of what crime do you accuse them?" inquired the king. "why, they trespassed on your domain, for one thing," said the brown bear. "we didn't know it was private property, your majesty," said the cookie cook. "and they asked if any of us had stolen the dishpan!" continued corporal waddle indignantly. "that is the same thing as calling us thieves and robbers and bandits and brigands, is it not?" "every person has the right to ask questions," said the frogman. "but the corporal is quite correct," declared the lavender bear. "i condemn you both to death, the execution to take place ten years from this hour." "but we belong in the land of oz, where no one ever dies," cayke reminded him. "very true," said the king. "i condemn you to death merely as a matter of form. it sounds quite terrible, and in ten years we shall have forgotten all about it. are you ready to start for the wicker castle of ugu the shoemaker?" "quite ready, your majesty." "but who will rule in your place while you are gone?" asked a big yellow bear. "i myself will rule while i am gone," was the reply. "a king isn't required to stay at home forever, and if he takes a notion to travel, whose business is it but his own? all i ask is that you bears behave yourselves while i am away. if any of you is naughty, i'll send him to some girl or boy in america to play with." this dreadful threat made all the toy bears look solemn. they assured the king in a chorus of growls that they would be good. then the big lavender bear picked up the little pink bear, and after tucking it carefully under one arm, he said, "goodbye till i come back!" and waddled along the path that led through the forest. the frogman and cayke the cookie cook also said goodbye to the bears and then followed after the king, much to the regret of the little brown bear, who pulled the trigger of his gun and popped the cork as a parting salute. chapter 17 the meeting while the frogman and his party were advancing from the west, dorothy and her party were advancing from the east, and so it happened that on the following night they all camped at a little hill that was only a few miles from the wicker castle of ugu the shoemaker. but the two parties did not see one another that night, for one camped on one side of the hill while the other camped on the opposite side. but the next morning, the frogman thought he would climb the hill and see what was on top of it, and at the same time scraps, the patchwork girl, also decided to climb the hill to find if the wicker castle was visible from its top. so she stuck her head over an edge just as the frogman's head appeared over another edge, and both, being surprised, kept still while they took a good look at one another. scraps recovered from her astonishment first, and bounding upward, she turned a somersault and landed sitting down and facing the big frogman, who slowly advanced and sat opposite her. "well met, stranger!" cried the patchwork girl with a whoop of laughter. "you are quite the funniest individual i have seen in all my travels." "do you suppose i can be any funnier than you?" asked the frogman, gazing at her in wonder. "i'm not funny to myself, you know," returned scraps. "i wish i were. and perhaps you are so used to your own absurd shape that you do not laugh whenever you see your reflection in a pool or in a mirror." "no," said the frogman gravely, "i do not. i used to be proud of my great size and vain of my culture and education, but since i bathed in the truth pond, i sometimes think it is not right that i should be different from all other frogs." "right or wrong," said the patchwork girl, "to be different is to be distinguished. now in my case, i'm just like all other patchwork girls because i'm the only one there is. but tell me, where did you come from?" "the yip country," said he. "is that in the land of oz?" "of course," replied the frogman. "and do you know that your ruler, ozma of oz, has been stolen?" "i was not aware that i had a ruler, so of course i couldn't know that she was stolen." "well, you have. all the people of oz," explained scraps, "are ruled by ozma, whether they know it or not. and she has been stolen. aren't you angry? aren't you indignant? your ruler, whom you didn't know you had, has positively been stolen!" "that is queer," remarked the frogman thoughtfully. "stealing is a thing practically unknown in oz, yet this ozma has been taken, and a friend of mine has also had her dishpan stolen. with her i have traveled all the way from the yip country in order to recover it." "i don't see any connection between a royal ruler of oz and a dishpan!" declared scraps. "they've both been stolen, haven't they?" "true. but why can't your friend wash her dishes in another dishpan?" asked scraps. "why can't you use another royal ruler? i suppose you prefer the one who is lost, and my friend wants her own dishpan, which is made of gold and studded with diamonds and has magic powers." "magic, eh?" exclaimed scraps. "there is a link that connects the two steals, anyhow, for it seems that all the magic in the land of oz was stolen at the same time, whether it was in the emerald city of in glinda's castle or in the yip country. seems mighty strange and mysterious, doesn't it?" "it used to seem that way to me," admitted the frogman, "but we have now discovered who took our dishpan. it was ugu the shoemaker." "ugu? good gracious! that's the same magician we think has stolen ozma. we are now on our way to the castle of this shoemaker." "so are we," said the frogman. "then follow me, quick! and let me introduce you to dorothy and the other girls and to the wizard of oz and all the rest of us." she sprang up and seized his coatsleeve, dragging him off the hilltop and down the other side from that whence he had come. and at the foot of the hill, the frogman was astonished to find the three girls and the wizard and button-bright, who were surrounded by a wooden sawhorse, a lean mule, a square woozy, and a cowardly lion. a little black dog ran up and smelled at the frogman, but couldn't growl at him. "i've discovered another party that has been robbed," shouted scraps as she joined them. "this is their leader, and they're all going to ugu's castle to fight the wicked shoemaker!" they regarded the frogman with much curiosity and interest, and finding all eyes fixed upon him, the newcomer arranged his necktie and smoothed his beautiful vest and swung his gold-headed cane like a regular dandy. the big spectacles over his eyes quite altered his froglike countenance and gave him a learned and impressive look. used as she was to seeing strange creatures in the land of oz, dorothy was amazed at discovering the frogman. so were all her companions. toto wanted to growl at him, but couldn't, and he didn't dare bark. the sawhorse snorted rather contemptuously, but the lion whispered to the wooden steed, "bear with this strange creature, my friend, and remember he is no more extraordinary than you are. indeed, it is more natural for a frog to be big than for a sawhorse to be alive." on being questioned, the frogman told them the whole story of the loss of cayke's highly prized dishpan and their adventures in search of it. when he came to tell of the lavender bear king and of the little pink bear who could tell anything you wanted to know, his hearers became eager to see such interesting animals. "it will be best," said the wizard, "to unite our two parties and share our fortunes together, for we are all bound on the same errand, and as one band we may more easily defy this shoemaker magician than if separate. let us be allies." "i will ask my friends about that," replied the frogman, and he climbed over the hill to find cayke and the toy bears. the patchwork girl accompanied him, and when they came upon the cookie cook and the lavender bear and the pink bear, it was hard to tell which of the lot was the most surprised. "mercy me!" cried cayke, addressing the patchwork girl. "however did you come alive?" scraps stared at the bears. "mercy me!" she echoed, "you are stuffed, as i am, with cotton, and you appear to be living. that makes me feel ashamed, for i have prided myself on being the only live cotton-stuffed person in oz." "perhaps you are," returned the lavender bear, "for i am stuffed with extra-quality curled hair, and so is the little pink bear." "you have relieved my mind of a great anxiety," declared the patchwork girl, now speaking more cheerfully. "the scarecrow is stuffed with straw and you with hair, so i am still the original and only cotton-stuffed!" "i hope i am too polite to criticize cotton as compared with curled hair," said the king, "especially as you seem satisfied with it." then the frogman told of his interview with the party from the emerald city and added that the wizard of oz had invited the bears and cayke and himself to travel in company with them to the castle of ugu the shoemaker. cayke was much pleased, but the bear king looked solemn. he set the little pink bear on his lap and turned the crank in its side and asked, "is it safe for us to associate with those people from the emerald city?" and the pink bear at once replied, "safe for you and safe for me; perhaps no others safe will be." "that 'perhaps' need not worry us," said the king, "so let us join the others and offer them our protection." even the lavender bear was astonished, however, when on climbing over the hill he found on the other side the group of queer animals and the people from the emerald city. the bears and cayke were received very cordially, although button-bright was cross when they wouldn't let him play with the little pink bear. the three girls greatly admired the toy bears, and especially the pink one, which they longed to hold. "you see," explained the lavender king in denying them this privilege, "he's a very valuable bear, because his magic is a correct guide on all occasions, and especially if one is in difficulties. it was the pink bear who told us that ugu the shoemaker had stolen the cookie cook's dishpan." "and the king's magic is just as wonderful," added cayke, "because it showed us the magician himself." "what did he look like?" inquired dorothy. "he was dreadful!" "he was sitting at a table and examining an immense book which had three golden clasps," remarked the king. "why, that must have been glinda's great book of records!" exclaimed dorothy. "if it is, it proves that ugu the shoemaker stole ozma, and with her all the magic in the emerald city." "and my dishpan," said cayke. and the wizard added, "it also proves that he is following our adventures in the book of records, and therefore knows that we are seeking him and that we are determined to find him and reach ozma at all hazards." "if we can," added the woozy, but everybody frowned at him. the wizard's statement was so true that the faces around him were very serious until the patchwork girl broke into a peal of laughter. "wouldn't it be a rich joke if he made prisoners of us, too?" she said. "no one but a crazy patchwork girl would consider that a joke," grumbled button-bright. and then the lavender bear king asked, "would you like to see this magical shoemaker?" "wouldn't he know it?" dorothy inquired. "no, i think not." then the king waved his metal wand and before them appeared a room in the wicker castle of ugu. on the wall of the room hung ozma's magic picture, and seated before it was the magician. they could see the picture as well as he could, because it faced them, and in the picture was the hillside where they were now sitting, all their forms being reproduced in miniature. and curiously enough, within the scene of the picture was the scene they were now beholding, so they knew that the magician was at this moment watching them in the picture, and also that he saw himself and the room he was in become visible to the people on the hillside. therefore he knew very well that they were watching him while he was watching them. in proof of this, ugu sprang from his seat and turned a scowling face in their direction; but now he could not see the travelers who were seeking him, although they could still see him. his actions were so distinct, indeed, that it seemed he was actually before them. "it is only a ghost," said the bear king. "it isn't real at all except that it shows us ugu just as he looks and tells us truly just what he is doing." "i don't see anything of my lost growl, though," said toto as if to himself. then the vision faded away, and they could see nothing but the grass and trees and bushes around them. chapter 18 the conference "now then," said the wizard, "let us talk this matter over and decide what to do when we get to ugu's wicker castle. there can be no doubt that the shoemaker is a powerful magician, and his powers have been increased a hundredfold since he secured the great book of records, the magic picture, all of glinda's recipes for sorcery, and my own black bag, which was full of tools of wizardry. the man who could rob us of those things and the man with all their powers at his command is one who may prove somewhat difficult to conquer, therefore we should plan our actions well before we venture too near to his castle." "i didn't see ozma in the magic picture," said trot. "what do you suppose ugu has done with her?" "couldn't the little pink bear tell us what he did with ozma?" asked button-bright. "to be sure," replied the lavender king. "i'll ask him." so he turned the crank in the little pink bear's side and inquired, "did ugu the shoemaker steal ozma of oz?" "yes," answered the little pink bear. "then what did he do with her?" asked the king. "shut her up in a dark place," answered the little pink bear. "oh, that must be a dungeon cell!" cried dorothy, horrified. "how dreadful!" "well, we must get her out of it," said the wizard. "that is what we came for, and of course we must rescue ozma. but how?" each one looked at some other one for an answer, and all shook their heads in a grave and dismal manner. all but scraps, who danced around them gleefully. "you're afraid," said the patchwork girl, "because so many things can hurt your meat bodies. why don't you give it up and go home? how can you fight a great magician when you have nothing to fight with?" dorothy looked at her reflectively. "scraps," said she, "you know that ugu couldn't hurt you a bit, whatever he did, nor could he hurt me, 'cause i wear the gnome king's magic belt. s'pose just we two go on together and leave the others here to wait for us." "no, no!" said the wizard positively. "that won't do at all. ozma is more powerful than either of you, yet she could not defeat the wicked ugu, who has shut her up in a dungeon. we must go to the shoemaker in one mighty band, for only in union is there strength." "that is excellent advice," said the lavender bear approvingly. "but what can we do when we get to ugu?" inquired the cookie cook anxiously. "do not expect a prompt answer to that important question," replied the wizard, "for we must first plan our line of conduct. ugu knows, of course, that we are after him, for he has seen our approach in the magic picture, and he has read of all we have done up to the present moment in the great book of records. therefore we cannot expect to take him by surprise." "don't you suppose ugu would listen to reason?" asked betsy. "if we explained to him how wicked he has been, don't you think he'd let poor ozma go?" "and give me back my dishpan?" added the cookie cook eagerly. "yes, yes, won't he say he's sorry and get on his knees and beg our pardon?" cried scraps, turning a flip-flop to show her scorn of the suggestion. "when ugu the shoemaker does that, please knock at the front door and let me know." the wizard sighed and rubbed his bald head with a puzzled air. "i'm quite sure ugu will not be polite to us," said he, "so we must conquer this cruel magician by force, much as we dislike to be rude to anyone. but none of you has yet suggested a way to do that. couldn't the little pink bear tell us how?" he asked, turning to the bear king. "no, for that is something that is going to happen," replied the lavender bear. "he can only tell us what already has happened." again, they were grave and thoughtful. but after a time, betsy said in a hesitating voice, "hank is a great fighter. perhaps he could conquer the magician." the mule turned his head to look reproachfully at his old friend, the young girl. "who can fight against magic?" he asked. "the cowardly lion could," said dorothy. the lion, who was lying with his front legs spread out, his chin on his paws, raised his shaggy head. "i can fight when i'm not afraid," said he calmly, "but the mere mention of a fight sets me to trembling." "ugu's magic couldn't hurt the sawhorse," suggested tiny trot. "and the sawhorse couldn't hurt the magician," declared that wooden animal. "for my part," said toto, "i am helpless, having lost my growl." "then," said cayke the cookie cook, "we must depend upon the frogman. his marvelous wisdom will surely inform him how to conquer the wicked magician and restore to me my dishpan." all eyes were now turned questioningly upon the frogman. finding himself the center of observation, he swung his gold-headed cane, adjusted his big spectacles, and after swelling out his chest, sighed and said in a modest tone of voice: "respect for truth obliges me to confess that cayke is mistaken in regard to my superior wisdom. i am not very wise. neither have i had any practical experience in conquering magicians. but let us consider this case. what is ugu, and what is a magician? ugu is a renegade shoemaker, and a magician is an ordinary man who, having learned how to do magical tricks, considers himself above his fellows. in this case, the shoemaker has been naughty enough to steal a lot of magical tools and things that did not belong to him, and he is more wicked to steal than to be a magician. yet with all the arts at his command, ugu is still a man, and surely there are ways in which a man may be conquered. how, do you say, how? allow me to state that i don't know. in my judgment, we cannot decide how best to act until we get to ugu's castle. so let us go to it and take a look at it. after that, we may discover an idea that will guide us to victory." "that may not be a wise speech, but it sounds good," said dorothy approvingly. "ugu the shoemaker is not only a common man, but he's a wicked man and a cruel man and deserves to be conquered. we mustn't have any mercy on him till ozma is set free. so let's go to his castle as the frogman says and see what the place looks like." no one offered any objection to this plan, and so it was adopted. they broke camp and were about to start on the journey to ugu's castle when they discovered that button-bright was lost again. the girls and the wizard shouted his name, and the lion roared and the donkey brayed and the frogman croaked and the big lavender bear growled (to the envy of toto, who couldn't growl but barked his loudest), yet none of them could make button-bright hear. so after vainly searching for the boy a full hour, they formed a procession and proceeded in the direction of the wicker castle of ugu the shoemaker. "button-bright's always getting lost," said dorothy. "and if he wasn't always getting found again, i'd prob'ly worry. he may have gone ahead of us, and he may have gone back, but wherever he is, we'll find him sometime and somewhere, i'm almost sure." chapter 19 ugu the shoemaker a curious thing about ugu the shoemaker was that he didn't suspect in the least that he was wicked. he wanted to be powerful and great, and he hoped to make himself master of all the land of oz that he might compel everyone in that fairy country to obey him, his ambition blinded him to the rights of others, and he imagined anyone else would act just as he did if anyone else happened to be as clever as himself. when he inhabited his little shoemaking shop in the city of herku, he had been discontented, for a shoemaker is not looked upon with high respect, and ugu knew that his ancestors had been famous magicians for many centuries past and therefore his family was above the ordinary. even his father practiced magic when ugu was a boy, but his father had wandered away from herku and had never come back again. so when ugu grew up, he was forced to make shoes for a living, knowing nothing of the magic of his forefathers. but one day, in searching through the attic of his house, he discovered all the books of magical recipes and many magical instruments which had formerly been in use in his family. from that day, he stopped making shoes and began to study magic. finally, he aspired to become the greatest magician in oz, and for days and weeks and months he thought on a plan to render all the other sorcerers and wizards, as well as those with fairy powers, helpless to oppose him. from the books of his ancestors, he learned the following facts: (1) that ozma of oz was the fairy ruler of the emerald city and the land of oz and that she could not be destroyed by any magic ever devised. also, by means of her magic picture she would be able to discover anyone who approached her royal palace with the idea of conquering it. (2) that glinda the good was the most powerful sorceress in oz, among her other magical possessions being the great book of records, which told her all that happened anywhere in the world. this book of records was very dangerous to ugu's plans, and glinda was in the service of ozma and would use her arts of sorcery to protect the girl ruler. (3) that the wizard of oz, who lived in ozma's palace, had been taught much powerful magic by glinda and had a bag of magic tools with which he might be able to conquer the shoemaker. (4) that there existed in oz--in the yip country--a jeweled dishpan made of gold, which dishpan would grow large enough for a man to sit inside it. then, when he grasped both the golden handles, the dishpan would transport him in an instant to any place he wished to go within the borders of the land of oz. no one now living except ugu knew of the powers of the magic dishpan, so after long study, the shoemaker decided that if he could manage to secure the dishpan, he could by its means rob ozma and glinda and the wizard of oz of all their magic, thus becoming himself the most powerful person in all the land. his first act was to go away from the city of herku and build for himself the wicker castle in the hills. here he carried his books and instruments of magic, and here for a full year he diligently practiced all the magical arts learned from his ancestors. at the end of that time, he could do a good many wonderful things. then, when all his preparations were made, he set out for the yip country, and climbing the steep mountain at night he entered the house of cayke the cookie cook and stole her diamond-studded gold dishpan while all the yips were asleep, taking his prize outside, he set the pan upon the ground and uttered the required magic word. instantly, the dishpan grew as large as a big washtub, and ugu seated himself in it and grasped the two handles. then he wished himself in the great drawing room of glinda the good. he was there in a flash. first he took the great book of records and put it in the dishpan. then he went to glinda's laboratory and took all her rare chemical compounds and her instruments of sorcery, placing these also in the dishpan, which he caused to grow large enough to hold them. next he seated himself amongst the treasures he had stolen and wished himself in the room in ozma's palace which the wizard occupied and where he kept his bag of magic tools. this bag ugu added to his plunder and then wished himself in the apartments of ozma. here he first took the magic picture from the wall and then seized all the other magical things which ozma possessed. having placed these in the dishpan, he was about to climb in himself when he looked up and saw ozma standing beside him. her fairy instinct had warned her that danger was threatening her, so the beautiful girl ruler rose from her couch and leaving her bedchamber at once confronted the thief. ugu had to think quickly, for he realized that if he permitted ozma to rouse the inmates of her palace, all his plans and his present successes were likely to come to naught. so he threw a scarf over the girl's head so she could not scream, and pushed her into the dishpan and tied her fast so she could not move. then he climbed in beside her and wished himself in his own wicker castle. the magic dishpan was there in an instant, with all its contents, and ugu rubbed his hands together in triumphant joy as he realized that he now possessed all the important magic in the land of oz and could force all the inhabitants of that fairyland to do as he willed. so quickly had his journey been accomplished that before daylight the robber magician had locked ozma in a room, making her a prisoner, and had unpacked and arranged all his stolen goods. the next day he placed the book of records on his table and hung the magic picture on his wall and put away in his cupboards and drawers all the elixirs and magic compounds he had stolen. the magical instruments he polished and arranged, and this was fascinating work and made him very happy. by turns the imprisoned ruler wept and scolded the shoemaker, haughtily threatening him with dire punishment for the wicked deeds he had done. ugu became somewhat afraid of his fairy prisoner, in spite of the fact that he believed he had robbed her of all her powers; so he performed an enchantment that quickly disposed of her and placed her out of his sight and hearing. after that, being occupied with other things, he soon forgot her. but now, when he looked into the magic picture and read the great book of records, the shoemaker learned that his wickedness was not to go unchallenged. two important expeditions had set out to find him and force him to give up his stolen property. one was the party headed by the wizard and dorothy, while the other consisted of cayke and the frogman. others were also searching, but not in the right places. these two groups, however, were headed straight for the wicker castle, and so ugu began to plan how best to meet them and to defeat their efforts to conquer him. chapter 20 more surprises all that first day after the union of the two parties, our friends marched steadily toward the wicker castle of ugu the shoemaker. when night came, they camped in a little grove and passed a pleasant evening together, although some of them were worried because button-bright was still lost. "perhaps," said toto as the animals lay grouped together for the night, "this shoemaker who stole my growl and who stole ozma has also stolen button-bright." "how do you know that the shoemaker stole your growl?" demanded the woozy. "he has stolen about everything else of value in oz, hasn't he?" replied the dog. "he has stolen everything he wants, perhaps," agreed the lion, "but what could anyone want with your growl?" "well," said the dog, wagging his tail slowly, "my recollection is that it was a wonderful growl, soft and low and--and--" "and ragged at the edges," said the sawhorse. "so," continued toto, "if that magician hadn't any growl of his own, he might have wanted mine and stolen it." "and if he has, he will soon wish he hadn't," remarked the mule. "also, if he has stolen button-bright, he will be sorry." "don't you like button-bright, then?" asked the lion in surprise. "it isn't a question of liking him," replied the mule. "it's a question of watching him and looking after him. any boy who causes his friends so much worry isn't worth having around. i never get lost." "if you did," said toto, "no one would worry a bit. i think button-bright is a very lucky boy because he always gets found." "see here," said the lion, "this chatter is keeping us all awake, and tomorrow is likely to be a busy day. go to sleep and forget your quarrels." "friend lion," retorted the dog, "if i hadn't lost my growl, you would hear it now. i have as much right to talk as you have to sleep." the lion sighed. "if only you had lost your voice when you lost your growl," said he, "you would be a more agreeable companion." but they quieted down after that, and soon the entire camp was wrapped in slumber. next morning they made an early start, but had hardly proceeded on their way an hour when, on climbing a slight elevation, they beheld in the distance a low mountain on top of which stood ugu's wicker castle. it was a good-sized building and rather pretty because the sides, roofs and domes were all of wicker, closely woven as it is in fine baskets. "i wonder if it is strong?" said dorothy musingly as she eyed the queer castle. "i suppose it is, since a magician built it," answered the wizard. "with magic to protect it, even a paper castle might be as strong as if made of stone. this ugu must be a man of ideas, because he does things in a different way from other people." "yes. no one else would steal our dear ozma," sighed tiny trot. "i wonder if ozma is there?" said betsy, indicating the castle with a nod of her head. "where else could she be?" asked scraps. "suppose we ask the pink bear," suggested dorothy. that seemed a good idea, so they halted the procession, and the bear king held the little pink bear on his lap and turned the crank in its side and asked, "where is ozma of oz?" and the little pink bear answered, "she is in a hole in the ground a half mile away at your left." "good gracious!" cried dorothy. "then she is not in ugu's castle at all." "it is lucky we asked that question," said the wizard, "for if we can find ozma and rescue her, there will be no need for us to fight that wicked and dangerous magician." "indeed!" said cayke. "then what about my dishpan?" the wizard looked puzzled at her tone of remonstrance, so she added, "didn't you people from the emerald city promise that we would all stick together, and that you would help me to get my dishpan if i would help you to get your ozma? and didn't i bring to you the little pink bear, which has told you where ozma is hidden?" "she's right," said dorothy to the wizard. "we must do as we agreed." "well, first of all, let us go and rescue ozma," proposed the wizard. "then our beloved ruler may be able to advise us how to conquer ugu the shoemaker." so they turned to the left and marched for half a mile until they came to a small but deep hole in the ground. at once, all rushed to the brim to peer into the hole, but instead of finding there princess ozma of oz, all that they saw was button-bright, who was lying asleep on the bottom. their cries soon wakened the boy, who sat up and rubbed his eyes. when he recognized his friends, he smiled sweetly, saying, "found again!" "where is ozma?" inquired dorothy anxiously. "i don't know," answered button-bright from the depths of the hole. "i got lost yesterday, as you may remember, and in the night while i was wandering around in the moonlight trying to find my way back to you, i suddenly fell into this hole." "and wasn't ozma in it then?" "there was no one in it but me, and i was sorry it wasn't entirely empty. the sides are so steep i can't climb out, so there was nothing to be done but sleep until someone found me. thank you for coming. if you'll please let down a rope, i'll empty this hole in a hurry." "how strange!" said dorothy, greatly disappointed. "it's evident the pink bear didn't tell the truth." "he never makes a mistake," declared the lavender bear king in a tone that showed his feelings were hurt. and then he turned the crank of the little pink bear again and asked, "is this the hole that ozma of oz is in?" "yes," answered the pink bear. "that settles it," said the king positively. "your ozma is in this hole in the ground." "don't be silly," returned dorothy impatiently. "even your beady eyes can see there is no one in the hole but button-bright." "perhaps button-bright is ozma," suggested the king. "and perhaps he isn't! ozma is a girl, and button-bright is a boy." "your pink bear must be out of order," said the wizard, "for, this time at least, his machinery has caused him to make an untrue statement." the bear king was so angry at this remark that he turned away, holding the pink bear in his paws, and refused to discuss the matter in any further way. "at any rate," said the frogman, "the pink bear has led us to your boy friend and so enabled you to rescue him." scraps was leaning so far over the hole trying to find ozma in it that suddenly she lost her balance and pitched in head foremost. she fell upon button-bright and tumbled him over, but he was not hurt by her soft, stuffed body and only laughed at the mishap. the wizard buckled some straps together and let one end of them down into the hole, and soon both scraps and the boy had climbed up and were standing safely beside the others. they looked once more for ozma, but the hole was now absolutely vacant. it was a round hole, so from the top they could plainly see every part of it. before they left the place, dorothy went to the bear king and said, "i'm sorry we couldn't believe what the little pink bear said, 'cause we don't want to make you feel bad by doubting him. there must be a mistake, somewhere, and we prob'ly don't understand just what the little pink bear said. will you let me ask him one more question?" the lavender bear king was a good-natured bear, considering how he was made and stuffed and jointed, so he accepted dorothy's apology and turned the crank and allowed the little girl to question his wee pink bear. "is ozma really in this hole?" asked dorothy. "no," said the little pink bear. this surprised everybody. even the bear king was now puzzled by the contradictory statements of his oracle. "where is she?" asked the king. "here, among you," answered the little pink bear. "well," said dorothy, "this beats me entirely! i guess the little pink bear has gone crazy." "perhaps," called scraps, who was rapidly turning "cartwheels" all around the perplexed group, "ozma is invisible." "of course!" cried betsy. "that would account for it." "well, i've noticed that people can speak, even when they've been made invisible," said the wizard. and then he looked all around him and said in a solemn voice, "ozma, are you here?" there was no reply. dorothy asked the question, too, and so did button-bright and trot and betsy, but none received any reply at all. "it's strange, it's terrible strange!" muttered cayke the cookie cook. "i was sure that the little pink bear always tells the truth." "i still believe in his honesty," said the frogman, and this tribute so pleased the bear king that he gave these last speakers grateful looks, but still gazed sourly on the others. "come to think of it," remarked the wizard, "ozma couldn't be invisible, for she is a fairy, and fairies cannot be made invisible against their will. of course, she could be imprisoned by the magician or enchanted or transformed, in spite of her fairy powers, but ugu could not render her invisible by any magic at his command." "i wonder if she's been transformed into button-bright?" said dorothy nervously. then she looked steadily at the boy and asked, "are you ozma? tell me truly!" button-bright laughed. "you're getting rattled, dorothy," he replied. "nothing ever enchants me. if i were ozma, do you think i'd have tumbled into that hole?" "anyhow," said the wizard, "ozma would never try to deceive her friends or prevent them from recognizing her in whatever form she happened to be. the puzzle is still a puzzle, so let us go on to the wicker castle and question the magician himself. since it was he who stole our ozma, ugu is the one who must tell us where to find her." chapter 21 magic against magic the wizard's advice was good, so again they started in the direction of the low mountain on the crest of which the wicker castle had been built. they had been gradually advancing uphill, so now the elevation seemed to them more like a round knoll than a mountaintop. however, the sides of the knoll were sloping and covered with green grass, so there was a stiff climb before them yet. undaunted, they plodded on and had almost reached the knoll when they suddenly observed that it was surrounded by a circle of flame. at first, the flames barely rose above the ground, but presently they grew higher and higher until a circle of flaming tongues of fire taller than any of their heads quite surrounded the hill on which the wicker castle stood. when they approached the flames, the heat was so intense that it drove them back again. "this will never do for me!" exclaimed the patchwork girl. "i catch fire very easily." "it won't do for me either," grumbled the sawhorse, prancing to the rear. "i also strongly object to fire," said the bear king, following the sawhorse to a safe distance and hugging the little pink bear with his paws. "i suppose the foolish shoemaker imagines these blazes will stop us," remarked the wizard with a smile of scorn for ugu. "but i am able to inform you that this is merely a simple magic trick which the robber stole from glinda the good, and by good fortune i know how to destroy these flames as well as how to produce them. will some one of you kindly give me a match?" you may be sure the girls carried no matches, nor did the frogman or any of the animals. but button-bright, after searching carefully through his pockets, which contained all sorts of useful and useless things, finally produced a match and handed it to the wizard, who tied it to the end of a branch which he tore from a small tree growing near them. then the little wizard carefully lighted the match, and running forward thrust it into the nearest flame. instantly, the circle of fire began to die away, and soon vanished completely leaving the way clear for them to proceed. "that was funny!" laughed button-bright. "yes," agreed the wizard, "it seems odd that a little match could destroy such a great circle of fire, but when glinda invented this trick, she believed no one would ever think of a match being a remedy for fire. i suppose even ugu doesn't know how we managed to quench the flames of his barrier, for only glinda and i know the secret. glinda's book of magic which ugu stole told how to make the flames, but not how to put them out." they now formed in marching order and proceeded to advance up the slope of the hill, but had not gone far when before them rose a wall of steel, the surface of which was thickly covered with sharp, gleaming points resembling daggers. the wall completely surrounded the wicker castle, and its sharp points prevented anyone from climbing it. even the patchwork girl might be ripped to pieces if she dared attempt it. "ah!" exclaimed the wizard cheerfully, "ugu is now using one of my own tricks against me. but this is more serious than the barrier of fire, because the only way to destroy the wall is to get on the other side of it." "how can that be done?" asked dorothy. the wizard looked thoughtfully around his little party, and his face grew troubled. "it's a pretty high wall," he sadly remarked. "i'm pretty sure the cowardly lion could not leap over it." "i'm sure of that, too!" said the lion with a shudder of fear. "if i foolishly tried such a leap, i would be caught on those dreadful spikes." "i think i could do it, sir," said the frogman with a bow to the wizard. "it is an uphill jump as well as being a high jump, but i'm considered something of a jumper by my friends in the yip country, and i believe a good, strong leap will carry me to the other side." "i'm sure it would," agreed the cookie cook. "leaping, you know, is a froglike accomplishment," continued the frogman modestly, "but please tell me what i am to do when i reach the other side of the wall." "you're a brave creature," said the wizard admiringly. "has anyone a pin?" betsy had one, which she gave him. "all you need do," said the wizard to the frogman, giving him the pin, "is to stick this into the other side of the wall." "but the wall is of steel!" exclaimed the big frog. "i know. at least, it seems to be steel, but do as i tell you. stick the pin into the wall, and it will disappear." the frogman took off his handsome coat and carefully folded it and laid it on the grass. then he removed his hat and laid it together with his gold-headed cane beside the coat. he then went back a way and made three powerful leaps in rapid succession. the first two leaps took him to the wall, and the third leap carried him well over it, to the amazement of all. for a short time, he disappeared from their view, but when he had obeyed the wizard's injunction and had thrust the pin into the wall, the huge barrier vanished and showed them the form of the frogman, who now went to where his coat lay and put it on again. "we thank you very much," said the delighted wizard. "that was the most wonderful leap i ever saw, and it has saved us from defeat by our enemy. let us now hurry on to the castle before ugu the shoemaker thinks up some other means to stop us." "we must have surprised him so far," declared dorothy. "yes indeed. the fellow knows a lot of magic--all of our tricks and some of his own," replied the wizard. "so if he is half as clever as he ought to be, we shall have trouble with him yet." he had scarcely spoken these words when out from the gates of the wicker castle marched a regiment of soldiers, clad in gay uniforms and all bearing long, pointed spears and sharp battle axes. these soldiers were girls, and the uniforms were short skirts of yellow and black satin, golden shoes, bands of gold across their foreheads and necklaces of glittering jewels. their jackets were scarlet, braided with silver cords. there were hundreds of these girl-soldiers, and they were more terrible than beautiful, being strong and fierce in appearance. they formed a circle all around the castle and faced outward, their spears pointed toward the invaders, and their battle axes held over their shoulders, ready to strike. of course, our friends halted at once, for they had not expected this dreadful array of soldiery. the wizard seemed puzzled, and his companions exchanged discouraged looks. "i'd no idea ugu had such an army as that," said dorothy. "the castle doesn't look big enough to hold them all." "it isn't," declared the wizard. "but they all marched out of it." "they seemed to, but i don't believe it is a real army at all. if ugu the shoemaker had so many people living with him, i'm sure the czarover of herku would have mentioned the fact to us." "they're only girls!" laughed scraps. "girls are the fiercest soldiers of all," declared the frogman. "they are more brave than men, and they have better nerves. that is probably why the magician uses them for soldiers and has sent them to oppose us." no one argued this statement, for all were staring hard at the line of soldiers, which now, having taken a defiant position, remained motionless. "here is a trick of magic new to me," admitted the wizard after a time. "i do not believe the army is real, but the spears may be sharp enough to prick us, nevertheless, so we must be cautious. let us take time to consider how to meet this difficulty." while they were thinking it over, scraps danced closer to the line of girl soldiers. her button eyes sometimes saw more than did the natural eyes of her comrades, and so after staring hard at the magician's army, she boldly advanced and danced right through the threatening line! on the other side, she waved her stuffed arms and called out, "come on, folks. the spears can't hurt you." said the wizard gaily. "an optical illusion, as i thought. let us all follow the patchwork girl." the three little girls were somewhat nervous in attempting to brave the spears and battle axes, but after the others had safely passed the line, they ventured to follow. and when all had passed through the ranks of the girl army, the army itself magically disappeared from view. all this time our friends had been getting farther up the hill and nearer to the wicker castle. now, continuing their advance, they expected something else to oppose their way, but to their astonishment nothing happened, and presently they arrived at the wicker gates, which stood wide open, and boldly entered the domain of ugu the shoemaker. chapter 22 in the wicker castle no sooner were the wizard of oz and his followers well within the castle entrance when the big gates swung to with a clang and heavy bars dropped across them. they looked at one another uneasily, but no one cared to speak of the incident. if they were indeed prisoners in the wicker castle, it was evident they must find a way to escape, but their first duty was to attend to the errand on which they had come and seek the royal ozma, whom they believed to be a prisoner of the magician, and rescue her. they found they had entered a square courtyard, from which an entrance led into the main building of the castle. no person had appeared to greet them so far, although a gaudy peacock perched upon the wall cackled with laughter and said in its sharp, shrill voice, "poor fools! poor fools!" "i hope the peacock is mistaken," remarked the frogman, but no one else paid any attention to the bird. they were a little awed by the stillness and loneliness of the place. as they entered the doors of the castle, which stood invitingly open, these also closed behind them and huge bolts shot into place. the animals had all accompanied the party into the castle because they felt it would be dangerous for them to separate. they were forced to follow a zigzag passage, turning this way and that, until finally they entered a great central hall, circular in form and with a high dome from which was suspended an enormous chandelier. the wizard went first, and dorothy, betsy and trot followed him, toto keeping at the heels of his little mistress. then came the lion, the woozy and the sawhorse, then cayke the cookie cook and button-bright, then the lavender bear carrying the pink bear, and finally the frogman and the patchwork girl, with hank the mule tagging behind. so it was the wizard who caught the first glimpse of the big, domed hall, but the others quickly followed and gathered in a wondering group just within the entrance. upon a raised platform at one side was a heavy table on which lay glinda's great book of records, but the platform was firmly fastened to the floor and the table was fastened to the platform and the book was chained fast to the table, just as it had been when it was kept in glinda's palace. on the wall over the table hung ozma's magic picture. on a row of shelves at the opposite side of the hall stood all the chemicals and essences of magic and all the magical instruments that had been stolen from glinda and ozma and the wizard, with glass doors covering the shelves so that no one could get at them. and in a far corner sat ugu the shoemaker, his feet lazily extended, his skinny hands clasped behind his head. he was leaning back at his ease and calmly smoking a long pipe. around the magician was a sort of cage, seemingly made of golden bars set wide apart, and at his feet, also within the cage, reposed the long-sought diamond-studded dishpan of cayke the cookie cook. princess ozma of oz was nowhere to be seen. "well, well," said ugu when the invaders had stood in silence for a moment, staring about them. "this visit is an unexpected pleasure, i assure you. i knew you were coming, and i know why you are here. you are not welcome, for i cannot use any of you to my advantage, but as you have insisted on coming, i hope you will make the afternoon call as brief as possible. it won't take long to transact your business with me. you will ask me for ozma, and my reply will be that you may find her--if you can." "sir," answered the wizard in a tone of rebuke, "you are a very wicked and cruel person. i suppose you imagine, because you have stolen this poor woman's dishpan and all the best magic in oz, that you are more powerful than we are and will be able to triumph over us." "yes," said ugu the shoemaker, slowly filling his pipe with fresh tobacco from a silver bowl that stood beside him, "that is exactly what i imagine. it will do you no good to demand from me the girl who was formerly the ruler of oz, because i will not tell you where i have hidden her, and you can't guess in a thousand years. neither will i restore to you any of the magic i have captured. i am not so foolish. but bear this in mind: i mean to be the ruler of oz myself, hereafter, so i advise you to be careful how you address your future monarch." "ozma is still ruler of oz, wherever you may have hidden her," declared the wizard. "and bear this in mind, miserable shoemaker: we intend to find her and to rescue her in time, but our first duty and pleasure will be to conquer you and then punish you for your misdeeds." "very well, go ahead and conquer," said ugu. "i'd really like to see how you can do it." now although the little wizard had spoken so boldly, he had at the moment no idea how they might conquer the magician. he had that morning given the frogman, at his request, a dose of zosozo from his bottle, and the frogman had promised to fight a good fight if it was necessary, but the wizard knew that strength alone could not avail against magical arts. the toy bear king seemed to have some pretty good magic, however, and the wizard depended to an extent on that. but something ought to be done right away, and the wizard didn't know what it was. while he considered this perplexing question and the others stood looking at him as their leader, a queer thing happened. the floor of the great circular hall on which they were standing suddenly began to tip. instead of being flat and level, it became a slant, and the slant grew steeper and steeper until none of the party could manage to stand upon it. presently they all slid down to the wall, which was now under them, and then it became evident that the whole vast room was slowly turning upside down! only ugu the shoemaker, kept in place by the bars of his golden cage, remained in his former position, and the wicked magician seemed to enjoy the surprise of his victims immensely. first they all slid down to the wall back of them, but as the room continued to turn over, they next slid down the wall and found themselves at the bottom of the great dome, bumping against the big chandelier which, like everything else, was now upside down. the turning movement now stopped, and the room became stationary. looking far up, they saw ugu suspended in his cage at the very top, which had once been the floor. "ah," said he, grinning down at them, "the way to conquer is to act, and he who acts promptly is sure to win. this makes a very good prison, from which i am sure you cannot escape. please amuse yourselves in any way you like, but i must beg you to excuse me, as i have business in another part of my castle." saying this, he opened a trap door in the floor of his cage (which was now over his head) and climbed through it and disappeared from their view. the diamond dishpan still remained in the cage, but the bars kept it from falling down on their heads. "well, i declare," said the patchwork girl, seizing one of the bars of the chandelier and swinging from it, "we must peg one for the shoemaker, for he has trapped us very cleverly." "get off my foot, please," said the lion to the sawhorse. "and oblige me, mr. mule," remarked the woozy, "by taking your tail out of my left eye." "it's rather crowded down here," explained dorothy, "because the dome is rounding and we have all slid into the middle of it. but let us keep as quiet as possible until we can think what's best to be done." "dear, dear!" wailed cayke, "i wish i had my darling dishpan," and she held her arms longingly toward it. "i wish i had the magic on those shelves up there," sighed the wizard. "don't you s'pose we could get to it?" asked trot anxiously. "we'd have to fly," laughed the patchwork girl. but the wizard took the suggestion seriously, and so did the frogman. they talked it over and soon planned an attempt to reach the shelves where the magical instruments were. first the frogman lay against the rounding dome and braced his foot on the stem of the chandelier; then the wizard climbed over him and lay on the dome with his feet on the frogman's shoulders; the cookie cook came next; then button-bright climbed to the woman's shoulders; then dorothy climbed up and betsy and trot, and finally the patchwork girl, and all their lengths made a long line that reached far up the dome, but not far enough for scraps to touch the shelves. "wait a minute. perhaps i can reach the magic," called the bear king, and began scrambling up the bodies of the others. but when he came to the cookie cook, his soft paws tickled her side so that she squirmed and upset the whole line. down they came, tumbling in a heap against the animals, and although no one was much hurt, it was a bad mix-up, and the frogman, who was at the bottom, almost lost his temper before he could get on his feet again. cayke positively refused to try what she called "the pyramid act" again, and as the wizard was now convinced they could not reach the magic tools in that manner, the attempt was abandoned. "but something must be done," said the wizard, and then he turned to the lavender bear and asked, "cannot your majesty's magic help us to escape from here?" "my magic powers are limited," was the reply. "when i was stuffed, the fairies stood by and slyly dropped some magic into my stuffing. therefore i can do any of the magic that's inside me, but nothing else. you, however, are a wizard, and a wizard should be able to do anything." "your majesty forgets that my tools of magic have been stolen," said the wizard sadly, "and a wizard without tools is as helpless as a carpenter without a hammer or saw." "don't give up," pleaded button-bright, "'cause if we can't get out of this queer prison, we'll all starve to death." "not i!" laughed the patchwork girl, now standing on top of the chandelier at the place that was meant to be the bottom of it. "don't talk of such dreadful things," said trot, shuddering. "we came here to capture the shoemaker, didn't we?" "yes, and to save ozma," said betsy. "and here we are, captured ourselves, and my darling dishpan up there in plain sight!" wailed the cookie cook, wiping her eyes on the tail of the frogman's coat. "hush!" called the lion with a low, deep growl. "give the wizard time to think." "he has plenty of time," said scraps. "what he needs is the scarecrow's brains." after all, it was little dorothy who came to their rescue, and her ability to save them was almost as much a surprise to the girl as it was to her friends. dorothy had been secretly testing the powers of her magic belt, which she had once captured from the nome king, and experimenting with it in various ways ever since she had started on this eventful journey. at different times she had stolen away from the others of her party and in solitude had tried to find out what the magic belt could do and what it could not do. there were a lot of things it could not do, she discovered, but she learned some things about the belt which even her girl friends did not suspect she knew. for one thing, she had remembered that when the nome king owned it, the magic belt used to perform transformations, and by thinking hard she had finally recalled the way in which such transformations had been accomplished. better than this, however, was the discovery that the magic belt would grant its wearer one wish a day. all she need do was close her right eye and wiggle her left toe and then draw a long breath and make her wish. yesterday she had wished in secret for a box of caramels, and instantly found the box beside her. today she had saved her daily wish in case she might need it in an emergency, and the time had now come when she must use the wish to enable her to escape with her friends from the prison in which ugu had caught them. so without telling anyone what she intended to do--for she had only used the wish once and could not be certain how powerful the magic belt might be--dorothy closed her right eye and wiggled her left big toe and drew a long breath and wished with all her might. the next moment the room began to revolve again, as slowly as before, and by degrees they all slid to the side wall and down the wall to the floor--all but scraps, who was so astonished that she still clung to the chandelier. when the big hall was in its proper position again and the others stood firmly upon the floor of it, they looked far up the dome and saw the patchwork girl swinging from the chandelier. "good gracious!" cried dorothy. "how ever will you get down?" "won't the room keep turning?" asked scraps. "i hope not. i believe it has stopped for good," said princess dorothy. "then stand from under, so you won't get hurt!" shouted the patchwork girl, and as soon as they had obeyed this request, she let go the chandelier and came tumbling down heels over head and twisting and turning in a very exciting manner. plump! she fell on the tiled floor, and they ran to her and rolled her and patted her into shape again. chapter 23 the defiance of ugu the shoemaker the delay caused by scraps had prevented anyone from running to the shelves to secure the magic instruments so badly needed. even cayke neglected to get her diamond-studded dishpan because she was watching the patchwork girl. and now the magician had opened his trap door and appeared in his golden cage again, frowning angrily because his prisoners had been able to turn their upside-down prison right side up. "which of you has dared defy my magic?" he shouted in a terrible voice. "it was i," answered dorothy calmly. "then i shall destroy you, for you are only an earth girl and no fairy," he said, and began to mumble some magic words. dorothy now realized that ugu must be treated as an enemy, so she advanced toward the corner in which he sat, saying as she went, "i am not afraid of you, mr. shoemaker, and i think you'll be sorry, pretty soon, that you're such a bad man. you can't destroy me, and i won't destroy you, but i'm going to punish you for your wickedness." ugu laughed, a laugh that was not nice to hear, and then he waved his hand. dorothy was halfway across the room when suddenly a wall of glass rose before her and stopped her progress. through the glass she could see the magician sneering at her because she was a weak little girl, and this provoked her. although the glass wall obliged her to halt, she instantly pressed both hands to her magic belt and cried in a loud voice, "ugu the shoemaker, by the magic virtues of the magic belt, i command you to become a dove!" the magician instantly realized he was being enchanted, for he could feel his form changing. he struggled desperately against the enchantment, mumbling magic words and making magic passes with his hands. and in one way he succeeded in defeating dorothy's purpose, for while his form soon changed to that of a gray dove, the dove was of an enormous size, bigger even than ugu had been as a man, and this feat he had been able to accomplish before his powers of magic wholly deserted him. and the dove was not gentle, as doves usually are, for ugu was terribly enraged at the little girl's success. his books had told him nothing of the nome king's magic belt, the country of the nomes being outside the land of oz. he knew, however, that he was likely to be conquered unless he made a fierce fight, so he spread his wings and rose in the air and flew directly toward dorothy. the wall of glass had disappeared the instant ugu became transformed. dorothy had meant to command the belt to transform the magician into a dove of peace, but in her excitement she forgot to say more than "dove," and now ugu was not a dove of peace by any means, but rather a spiteful dove of war. his size made his sharp beak and claws very dangerous, but dorothy was not afraid when he came darting toward her with his talons outstretched and his sword-like beak open. she knew the magic belt would protect its wearer from harm. but the frogman did not know that fact and became alarmed at the little girl's seeming danger. so he gave a sudden leap and leaped full upon the back of the great dove. then began a desperate struggle. the dove was as strong as ugu had been, and in size it was considerably bigger than the frogman. but the frogman had eaten the zosozo, and it had made him fully as strong as ugu the dove. at the first leap he bore the dove to the floor, but the giant bird got free and began to bite and claw the frogman, beating him down with its great wings whenever he attempted to rise. the thick, tough skin of the big frog was not easily damaged, but dorothy feared for her champion, and by again using the transformation power of the magic belt, she made the dove grow small until it was no larger than a canary bird. ugu had not lost his knowledge of magic when he lost his shape as a man, and he now realized it was hopeless to oppose the power of the magic belt and knew that his only hope of escape lay in instant action. so he quickly flew into the golden jeweled dishpan he had stolen from cayke the cookie cook, and as birds can talk as well as beasts or men in the fairyland of oz, he muttered the magic word that was required and wished himself in the country of the quadlings, which was as far away from the wicker castle as he believed he could get. our friends did not know, of course, what ugu was about to do. they saw the dishpan tremble an instant and then disappear, the dove disappearing with it, and although they waited expectantly for some minutes for the magician's return, ugu did not come back again. "seems to me," said the wizard in a cheerful voice, "that we have conquered the wicked magician more quickly than we expected to." "don't say 'we.' dorothy did it!" cried the patchwork girl, turning three somersaults in succession and then walking around on her hands. "hurrah for dorothy!" "i thought you said you did not know how to use the magic of the nome king's belt," said the wizard to dorothy. "i didn't know at that time," she replied, "but afterward i remembered how the nome king once used the magic belt to enchant people and transform 'em into ornaments and all sorts of things, so i tried some enchantments in secret, and after a while i transformed the sawhorse into a potato masher and back again, and the cowardly lion into a pussycat and back again, and then i knew the thing would work all right." "when did you perform those enchantments?" asked the wizard, much surprised. "one night when all the rest of you were asleep but scraps, and she had gone chasing moonbeams." "well," remarked the wizard, "your discovery has certainly saved us a lot of trouble, and we must all thank the frogman, too, for making such a good fight. the dove's shape had ugu's evil disposition inside it, and that made the monster bird dangerous." the frogman was looking sad because the bird's talons had torn his pretty clothes, but he bowed with much dignity at this well-deserved praise. cayke, however, had squatted on the floor and was sobbing bitterly. "my precious dishpan is gone!" she wailed. "gone, just as i had found it again!" "never mind," said trot, trying to comfort her, "it's sure to be somewhere, so we'll cert'nly run across it some day." "yes indeed," added betsy, "now that we have ozma's magic picture, we can tell just where the dove went with your dishpan. they all approached the magic picture, and dorothy wished it to show the enchanted form of ugu the shoemaker, wherever it might be. at once there appeared in the frame of the picture a scene in the far quadling country, where the dove was perched disconsolately on the limb of a tree and the jeweled dishpan lay on the ground just underneath the limb. "but where is the place? how far or how near?" asked cayke anxiously. "the book of records will tell us that," answered the wizard. so they looked in the great book and read the following: "ugu the magician, being transformed into a dove by princess dorothy of oz, has used the magic of the golden dishpan to carry him instantly to the northeast corner of the quadling country." "don't worry, cayke, for the scarecrow and the tin woodman are in that part of the country looking for ozma, and they'll surely find your dishpan." "good gracious!" exclaimed button-bright. "we've forgot all about ozma. let's find out where the magician hid her." back to the magic picture they trooped, but when they wished to see ozma wherever she might be hidden, only a round black spot appeared in the center of the canvas. "i don't see how that can be ozma!" said dorothy, much puzzled. "it seems to be the best the magic picture can do, however," said the wizard, no less surprised. "if it's an enchantment, looks as if the magician had transformed ozma into a chunk of pitch." chapter 24 the little pink bear speaks truly for several minutes they all stood staring at the black spot on the canvas of the magic picture, wondering what it could mean. "p'r'aps we'd better ask the little pink bear about ozma," suggested trot. "pshaw!" said button-bright. "he don't know anything." "he never makes a mistake," declared the king. "he did once, surely," said betsy. "but perhaps he wouldn't make a mistake again." "he won't have the chance," grumbled the bear king. "we might hear what he has to say," said dorothy. "it won't do any harm to ask the pink bear where ozma is." "i will not have him questioned," declared the king in a surly voice. "i do not intend to allow my little pink bear to be again insulted by your foolish doubts. he never makes a mistake." "didn't he say ozma was in that hole in the ground?" asked betsy. "he did, and i am certain she was there," replied the lavender bear. scraps laughed jeeringly, and the others saw there was no use arguing with the stubborn bear king, who seemed to have absolute faith in his pink bear. the wizard, who knew that magical things can usually be depended upon and that the little pink bear was able to answer questions by some remarkable power of magic, thought it wise to apologize to the lavender bear for the unbelief of his friends, at the same time urging the king to consent to question the pink bear once more. cayke and the frogman also pleaded with the big bear, who finally agreed, although rather ungraciously, to put the little bear's wisdom to the test once more. so he sat the little one on his knee and turned the crank, and the wizard himself asked the questions in a very respectful tone of voice. "where is ozma?" was his first query. "here in this room," answered the little pink bear. they all looked around the room, but of course did not see her. "in what part of the room is she?" was the wizard's next question. "in button-bright's pocket," said the little pink bear. this reply amazed them all, you may be sure, and although the three girls smiled and scraps yelled "hoo-ray!" in derision, the wizard turned to consider the matter with grave thoughtfulness. "in which one of button-bright's pockets is ozma?" he presently inquired. "in the left-hand jacket pocket," said the little pink bear. "the pink one has gone crazy!" exclaimed button-bright, staring hard at the little bear on the big bear's knee. "i am not so sure of that," declared the wizard. "if ozma proves to be really in your pocket, then the little pink bear spoke truly when he said ozma was in that hole in the ground. for at that time you were also in the hole, and after we had pulled you out of it, the little pink bear said ozma was not in the hole." "he never makes a mistake," asserted the bear king stoutly. "empty that pocket, button-bright, and let's see what's in it," requested dorothy. so button-bright laid the contents of his left jacket pocket on the table. these proved to be a peg top, a bunch of string, a small rubber ball and a golden peach pit. "what's this?" asked the wizard, picking up the peach pit and examining it closely. "oh," said the boy, "i saved that to show to the girls, and then forgot all about it. it came out of a lonesome peach that i found in the orchard back yonder, and which i ate while i was lost. it looks like gold, and i never saw a peach pit like it before." "nor i," said the wizard, "and that makes it seem suspicious." all heads were bent over the golden peach pit. the wizard turned it over several times and then took out his pocket knife and pried the pit open. as the two halves fell apart, a pink, cloud-like haze came pouring from the golden peach pit, almost filling the big room, and from the haze a form took shape and settled beside them. then, as the haze faded away, a sweet voice said, "thank you, my friends!" and there before them stood their lovely girl ruler, ozma of oz. with a cry of delight, dorothy rushed forward and embraced her. scraps turned gleeful flipflops all around the room. button-bright gave a low whistle of astonishment. the frogman took off his tall hat and bowed low before the beautiful girl who had been freed from her enchantment in so startling a manner. for a time, no sound was heard beyond the low murmur of delight that came from the amazed group, but presently the growl of the big lavender bear grew louder, and he said in a tone of triumph, "he never makes a mistake!" chapter 25 ozma of oz "it's funny," said toto, standing before his friend the lion and wagging his tail, "but i've found my growl at last! i am positive now that it was the cruel magician who stole it." "let's hear your growl," requested the lion. "g-r-r-r-r-r!" said toto. "that is fine," declared the big beast. "it isn't as loud or as deep as the growl of the big lavender bear, but it is a very respectable growl for a small dog. where did you find it, toto?" "i was smelling in the corner yonder," said toto, "when suddenly a mouse ran out--and i growled." the others were all busy congratulating ozma, who was very happy at being released from the confinement of the golden peach pit, where the magician had placed her with the notion that she never could be found or liberated. "and only to think," cried dorothy, "that button-bright has been carrying you in his pocket all this time, and we never knew it!" "the little pink bear told you," said the bear king, "but you wouldn't believe him." "never mind, my dears," said ozma graciously, "all is well that ends well, and you couldn't be expected to know i was inside the peach pit. indeed, i feared i would remain a captive much longer than i did, for ugu is a bold and clever magician, and he had hidden me very securely." "you were in a fine peach," said button-bright, "the best i ever ate." "the magician was foolish to make the peach so tempting," remarked the wizard, "but ozma would lend beauty to any transformation." "how did you manage to conquer ugu the shoemaker?" inquired the girl ruler of oz. dorothy started to tell the story, and trot helped her, and button-bright wanted to relate it in his own way, and the wizard tried to make it clear to ozma, and betsy had to remind them of important things they left out, and all together there was such a chatter that it was a wonder that ozma understood any of it. but she listened patiently, with a smile on her lovely face at their eagerness, and presently had gleaned all the details of their adventures. ozma thanked the frogman very earnestly for his assistance, and she advised cayke the cookie cook to dry her weeping eyes, for she promised to take her to the emerald city and see that her cherished dishpan was restored to her. then the beautiful ruler took a chain of emeralds from around her own neck and placed it around the neck of the little pink bear. "your wise answers to the questions of my friends," said she, "helped them to rescue me. therefore i am deeply grateful to you and to your noble king." the bead eyes of the little pink bear stared unresponsive to this praise until the big lavender bear turned the crank in its side, when it said in its squeaky voice, "i thank your majesty." "for my part," returned the bear king, "i realize that you were well worth saving, miss ozma, and so i am much pleased that we could be of service to you. by means of my magic wand i have been creating exact images of your emerald city and your royal palace, and i must confess that they are more attractive than any places i have ever seen--not excepting bear center." "i would like to entertain you in my palace," returned ozma sweetly, "and you are welcome to return with me and to make me a long visit, if your bear subjects can spare you from your own kingdom." "as for that," answered the king, "my kingdom causes me little worry, and i often find it somewhat tame and uninteresting. therefore i am glad to accept your kind invitation. corporal waddle may be trusted to care for my bears in my absence." "and you'll bring the little pink bear?" asked dorothy eagerly. "of course, my dear. i would not willingly part with him." they remained in the wicker castle for three days, carefully packing all the magical things that had been stolen by ugu and also taking whatever in the way of magic the shoemaker had inherited from his ancestors. "for," said ozma, "i have forbidden any of my subjects except glinda the good and the wizard of oz to practice magical arts, because they cannot be trusted to do good and not harm. therefore ugu must never again be permitted to work magic of any sort." "well," remarked dorothy cheerfully, "a dove can't do much in the way of magic, anyhow, and i'm going to keep ugu in the form of a dove until he reforms and becomes a good and honest shoemaker." when everything was packed and loaded on the backs of the animals, they set out for the river, taking a more direct route than that by which cayke and the frogman had come. in this way they avoided the cities of thi and herku and bear center and after a pleasant journey reached the winkie river and found a jolly ferryman who had a fine, big boat and was willing to carry the entire party by water to a place quite near to the emerald city. the river had many windings and many branches, and the journey did not end in a day, but finally the boat floated into a pretty lake which was but a short distance from ozma's home. here the jolly ferryman was rewarded for his labors, and then the entire party set out in a grand procession to march to the emerald city. news that the royal ozma had been found spread quickly throughout the neighborhood, and both sides of the road soon became lined with loyal subjects of the beautiful and beloved ruler. therefore ozma's ears heard little but cheers, and her eyes beheld little else than waving handkerchiefs and banners during all the triumphal march from the lake to the city's gates. and there she met a still greater concourse, for all the inhabitants of the emerald city turned out to welcome her return, and all the houses were decorated with flags and bunting, and never before were the people so joyous and happy as at this moment when they welcomed home their girl ruler. for she had been lost and was now found again, and surely that was cause for rejoicing. glinda was at the royal palace to meet the returning party, and the good sorceress was indeed glad to have her great book of records returned to her, as well as all the precious collection of magic instruments and elixirs and chemicals that had been stolen from her castle. cap'n bill and the wizard at once hung the magic picture upon the wall of ozma's boudoir, and the wizard was so light-hearted that he did several tricks with the tools in his black bag to amuse his companions and prove that once again he was a powerful wizard. for a whole week there was feasting and merriment and all sorts of joyous festivities at the palace in honor of ozma's safe return. the lavender bear and the little pink bear received much attention and were honored by all, much to the bear king's satisfaction. the frogman speedily became a favorite at the emerald city, and the shaggy man and tik-tok and jack pumpkinhead, who had now returned from their search, were very polite to the big frog and made him feel quite at home. even the cookie cook, because she was quite a stranger and ozma's guest, was shown as much deference as if she had been a queen. "all the same, your majesty," said cayke to ozma, day after day with tiresome repetition, "i hope you will soon find my jeweled dishpan, for never can i be quite happy without it." chapter 26 dorothy forgives the gray dove which had once been ugu the shoemaker sat on its tree in the far quadling country and moped, chirping dismally and brooding over its misfortunes. after a time, the scarecrow and the tin woodman came along and sat beneath the tree, paying no heed to the mutterings of the gray dove. the tin woodman took a small oilcan from his tin pocket and carefully oiled his tin joints with it. while he was thus engaged, the scarecrow remarked, "i feel much better, dear comrade, since we found that heap of nice, clean straw and you stuffed me anew with it." "and i feel much better now that my joints are oiled," returned the tin woodman with a sigh of pleasure. "you and i, friend scarecrow, are much more easily cared for than those clumsy meat people, who spend half their time dressing in fine clothes and who must live in splendid dwellings in order to be contented and happy. you and i do not eat, and so we are spared the dreadful bother of getting three meals a day. nor do we waste half our lives in sleep, a condition that causes the meat people to lose all consciousness and become as thoughtless and helpless as logs of wood." "you speak truly," responded the scarecrow, tucking some wisps of straw into his breast with his padded fingers. "i often feel sorry for the meat people, many of whom are my friends. even the beasts are happier than they, for they require less to make them content. and the birds are the luckiest creatures of all, for they can fly swiftly where they will and find a home at any place they care to perch. their food consists of seeds and grains they gather from the fields, and their drink is a sip of water from some running brook. if i could not be a scarecrow or a tin woodman, my next choice would be to live as a bird does." the gray dove had listened carefully to this speech and seemed to find comfort in it, for it hushed its moaning. and just then the tin woodman discovered cayke's dishpan, which was on the ground quite near to him. "here is a rather pretty utensil," he said, taking it in his tin hand to examine it, "but i would not care to own it. whoever fashioned it of gold and covered it with diamonds did not add to its usefulness, nor do i consider it as beautiful as the bright dishpans of tin one usually sees. no yellow color is ever so handsome as the silver sheen of tin," and he turned to look at his tin legs and body with approval. "i cannot quite agree with you there," replied the scarecrow. "my straw stuffing has a light yellow color, and it is not only pretty to look at, but it crunkles most delightfully when i move." "let us admit that all colors are good in their proper places," said the tin woodman, who was too kind-hearted to quarrel, "but you must agree with me that a dishpan that is yellow is unnatural. what shall we do with this one, which we have just found?" "let us carry it back to the emerald city," suggested the scarecrow. "some of our friends might like to have it for a foot-bath, and in using it that way, its golden color and sparkling ornaments would not injure its usefulness." so they went away and took the jeweled dishpan with them. and after wandering through the country for a day or so longer, they learned the news that ozma had been found. therefore they straightway returned to the emerald city and presented the dishpan to princess ozma as a token of their joy that she had been restored to them. ozma promptly gave the diamond-studded gold dishpan to cayke the cookie cook, who was delighted at regaining her lost treasure that she danced up and down in glee and then threw her skinny arms around ozma's neck and kissed her gratefully. cayke's mission was now successfully accomplished, but she was having such a good time at the emerald city that she seemed in no hurry to go back to the country of the yips. it was several weeks after the dishpan had been restored to the cookie cook when one day, as dorothy was seated in the royal gardens with trot and betsy beside her, a gray dove came flying down and alighted at the girl's feet. "i am ugu the shoemaker," said the dove in a soft, mourning voice, "and i have come to ask you to forgive me for the great wrong i did in stealing ozma and the magic that belonged to her and to others." "are you sorry, then?" asked dorothy, looking hard at the bird. "i am very sorry," declared ugu. "i've been thinking over my misdeeds for a long time, for doves have little else to do but think, and i'm surprised that i was such a wicked man and had so little regard for the rights of others. i am now convinced that even had i succeeded in making myself ruler of all oz, i should not have been happy, for many days of quiet thought have shown me that only those things one acquires honestly are able to render one content." "i guess that's so," said trot. "anyhow," said betsy, "the bad man seems truly sorry, and if he has now become a good and honest man, we ought to forgive him." "i fear i cannot become a good man again," said ugu, "for the transformation i am under will always keep me in the form of a dove. but with the kind forgiveness of my former enemies, i hope to become a very good dove and highly respected." "wait here till i run for my magic belt," said dorothy, "and i'll transform you back to your reg'lar shape in a jiffy." "no, don't do that!" pleaded the dove, fluttering its wings in an excited way. "i only want your forgiveness. i don't want to be a man again. as ugu the shoemaker i was skinny and old and unlovely. as a dove i am quite pretty to look at. as a man i was ambitious and cruel, while as a dove i can be content with my lot and happy in my simple life. i have learned to love the free and independent life of a bird, and i'd rather not change back." "just as you like, ugu," said dorothy, resuming her seat. "perhaps you are right, for you're certainly a better dove than you were a man, and if you should ever backslide an' feel wicked again, you couldn't do much harm as a gray dove." "then you forgive me for all the trouble i caused you?" he asked earnestly. "of course. anyone who's sorry just has to be forgiven." "thank you," said the gray dove, and flew away again. the end the wonderful oz books by l. frank baum the wizard of oz the land of oz ozma of oz dorothy and the wizard in oz the road to oz the emerald city of oz the patchwork girl of oz tik-tok of oz the scarecrow of oz rinkitink in oz the lost princess of oz the tin woodman of oz the magic of oz glinda of oz tik-tok of oz by l. frank baum to louis f. gottschalk, whose sweet and dainty melodies breathe the true spirit of fairyland, this book is affectionately dedicated to my readers the very marked success of my last year's fairy book, "the patchwork girl of oz," convinces me that my readers like the oz stories "best of all," as one little girl wrote me. so here, my dears, is a new oz story in which is introduced ann soforth, the queen of oogaboo, whom tik-tok assisted in conquering our old acquaintance, the nome king. it also tells of betsy bobbin and how, after many adventures, she finally reached the marvelous land of oz. there is a play called "the tik-tok man of oz," but it is not like this story of "tik-tok of oz," although some of the adventures recorded in this book, as well as those in several other oz books, are included in the play. those who have seen the play and those who have read the other oz books will find in this story a lot of strange characters and adventures that they have never heard of before. in the letters i receive from children there has been an urgent appeal for me to write a story that will take trot and cap'n bill to the land of oz, where they will meet dorothy and ozma. also they think button-bright ought to get acquainted with ojo the lucky. as you know, i am obliged to talk these matters over with dorothy by means of the "wireless," for that is the only way i can communicate with the land of oz. when i asked her about this idea, she replied: "why, haven't you heard?" i said "no." "well," came the message over the wireless, "i'll tell you all about it, by and by, and then you can make a book of that story for the children to read." so, if dorothy keeps her word and i am permitted to write another oz book, you will probably discover how all these characters came together in the famous emerald city. meantime, i want to tell all my little friends--whose numbers are increasing by many thousands every year--that i am very grateful for the favor they have shown my books and for the delightful little letters i am constantly receiving. i am almost sure that i have as many friends among the children of america as any story writer alive; and this, of course, makes me very proud and happy. l. frank baum. "ozcot" at hollywood in california, 1914. list of chapters 1 ann's army 2 out of oogaboo 3 magic mystifies the marchers 4 betsy braves the bellows 5 the roses repulse the refugees 6 shaggy seeks his stray brother 7 polychrome's pitiful plight 8 tik-tok tackles a tough task 9 ruggedo's rage is rash and reckless 10 a terrible tumble through a tube 11 the famous fellowship of fairies 12 the lovely lady of light 13 the jinjin's just judgment 14 the long-eared hearer learns by listening 15 the dragon defies danger 16 the naughty nome 17 a tragic transformation 18 a clever conquest 19 king kaliko 20 quox quietly quits 21 a bashful brother 22 kindly kisses 23 ruggedo reforms 24 dorothy is delighted 25 the land of love tik-tok of oz chapter one ann's army "i won't!" cried ann; "i won't sweep the floor. it is beneath my dignity." "some one must sweep it," replied ann's younger sister, salye; "else we shall soon be wading in dust. and you are the eldest, and the head of the family." "i'm queen of oogaboo," said ann, proudly. "but," she added with a sigh, "my kingdom is the smallest and the poorest in all the land of oz." this was quite true. away up in the mountains, in a far corner of the beautiful fairyland of oz, lies a small valley which is named oogaboo, and in this valley lived a few people who were usually happy and contented and never cared to wander over the mountain pass into the more settled parts of the land. they knew that all of oz, including their own territory, was ruled by a beautiful princess named ozma, who lived in the splendid emerald city; yet the simple folk of oogaboo never visited ozma. they had a royal family of their own--not especially to rule over them, but just as a matter of pride. ozma permitted the various parts of her country to have their kings and queens and emperors and the like, but all were ruled over by the lovely girl queen of the emerald city. the king of oogaboo used to be a man named jol jemkiph soforth, who for many years did all the drudgery of deciding disputes and telling his people when to plant cabbages and pickle onions. but the king's wife had a sharp tongue and small respect for the king, her husband; therefore one night king jol crept over the pass into the land of oz and disappeared from oogaboo for good and all. the queen waited a few years for him to return and then started in search of him, leaving her eldest daughter, ann soforth, to act as queen. now, ann had not forgotten when her birthday came, for that meant a party and feasting and dancing, but she had quite forgotten how many years the birthdays marked. in a land where people live always, this is not considered a cause for regret, so we may justly say that queen ann of oogaboo was old enough to make jelly--and let it go at that. but she didn't make jelly, or do any more of the housework than she could help. she was an ambitious woman and constantly resented the fact that her kingdom was so tiny and her people so stupid and unenterprising. often she wondered what had become of her father and mother, out beyond the pass, in the wonderful land of oz, and the fact that they did not return to oogaboo led ann to suspect that they had found a better place to live. so, when salye refused to sweep the floor of the living room in the palace, and ann would not sweep it, either, she said to her sister: "i'm going away. this absurd kingdom of oogaboo tires me." "go, if you want to," answered salye; "but you are very foolish to leave this place." "why?" asked ann. "because in the land of oz, which is ozma's country, you will be a nobody, while here you are a queen." "oh, yes! queen over eighteen men, twenty-seven women and forty-four children!" returned ann bitterly. "well, there are certainly more people than that in the great land of oz," laughed salye. "why don't you raise an army and conquer them, and be queen of all oz?" she asked, trying to taunt ann and so to anger her. then she made a face at her sister and went into the back yard to swing in the hammock. her jeering words, however, had given queen ann an idea. she reflected that oz was reported to be a peaceful country and ozma a mere girl who ruled with gentleness to all and was obeyed because her people loved her. even in oogaboo the story was told that ozma's sole army consisted of twenty-seven fine officers, who wore beautiful uniforms but carried no weapons, because there was no one to fight. once there had been a private soldier, besides the officers, but ozma had made him a captain-general and taken away his gun for fear it might accidentally hurt some one. the more ann thought about the matter the more she was convinced it would be easy to conquer the land of oz and set herself up as ruler in ozma's place, if she but had an army to do it with. afterward she could go out into the world and conquer other lands, and then perhaps she could find a way to the moon, and conquer that. she had a warlike spirit that preferred trouble to idleness. it all depended on an army, ann decided. she carefully counted in her mind all the men of her kingdom. yes; there were exactly eighteen of them, all told. that would not make a very big army, but by surprising ozma's unarmed officers her men might easily subdue them. "gentle people are always afraid of those that bluster," ann told herself. "i don't wish to shed any blood, for that would shock my nerves and i might faint; but if we threaten and flash our weapons i am sure the people of oz will fall upon their knees before me and surrender." this argument, which she repeated to herself more than once, finally determined the queen of oogaboo to undertake the audacious venture. "whatever happens," she reflected, "can make me no more unhappy than my staying shut up in this miserable valley and sweeping floors and quarreling with sister salye; so i will venture all, and win what i may." that very day she started out to organize her army. the first man she came to was jo apple, so called because he had an apple orchard. "jo," said ann, "i am going to conquer the world, and i want you to join my army." "don't ask me to do such a fool thing, for i must politely refuse your majesty," said jo apple. "i have no intention of asking you. i shall command you, as queen of oogaboo, to join," said ann. "in that case, i suppose i must obey," the man remarked, in a sad voice. "but i pray you to consider that i am a very important citizen, and for that reason am entitled to an office of high rank." "you shall be a general," promised ann. "with gold epaulets and a sword?" he asked. "of course," said the queen. then she went to the next man, whose name was jo bunn, as he owned an orchard where graham-buns and wheat-buns, in great variety, both hot and cold, grew on the trees. "jo," said ann, "i am going to conquer the world, and i command you to join my army." "impossible!" he exclaimed. "the bun crop has to be picked." "let your wife and children do the picking," said ann. "but i'm a man of great importance, your majesty," he protested. "for that reason you shall be one of my generals, and wear a cocked hat with gold braid, and curl your mustaches and clank a long sword," she promised. so he consented, although sorely against his will, and the queen walked on to the next cottage. here lived jo cone, so called because the trees in his orchard bore crops of excellent ice-cream cones. "jo," said ann, "i am going to conquer the world, and you must join my army." "excuse me, please," said jo cone. "i am a bad fighter. my good wife conquered me years ago, for she can fight better than i. take her, your majesty, instead of me, and i'll bless you for the favor." "this must be an army of men--fierce, ferocious warriors," declared ann, looking sternly upon the mild little man. "and you will leave my wife here in oogaboo?" he asked. "yes; and make you a general." "i'll go," said jo cone, and ann went on to the cottage of jo clock, who had an orchard of clock-trees. this man at first insisted that he would not join the army, but queen ann's promise to make him a general finally won his consent. "how many generals are there in your army?" he asked. "four, so far," replied ann. "and how big will the army be?" was his next question. "i intend to make every one of the eighteen men in oogaboo join it," she said. "then four generals are enough," announced jo clock. "i advise you to make the rest of them colonels." ann tried to follow his advice. the next four men she visited--who were jo plum, jo egg, jo banjo and jo cheese, named after the trees in their orchards--she made colonels of her army; but the fifth one, jo nails, said colonels and generals were getting to be altogether too common in the army of oogaboo and he preferred to be a major. so jo nails, jo cake, jo ham and jo stockings were all four made majors, while the next four--jo sandwich, jo padlocks, jo sundae and jo buttons--were appointed captains of the army. but now queen ann was in a quandary. there remained but two other men in all oogaboo, and if she made these two lieutenants, while there were four captains, four majors, four colonels and four generals, there was likely to be jealousy in her army, and perhaps mutiny and desertions. one of these men, however, was jo candy, and he would not go at all. no promises could tempt him, nor could threats move him. he said he must remain at home to harvest his crop of jackson-balls, lemon-drops, bonbons and chocolate-creams. also he had large fields of crackerjack and buttered pop corn to be mowed and threshed, and he was determined not to disappoint the children of oogaboo by going away to conquer the world and so let the candy crop spoil. finding jo candy so obstinate, queen ann let him have his own way and continued her journey to the house of the eighteenth and last man in oogaboo, who was a young fellow named jo files. this files had twelve trees which bore steel files of various sorts; but also he had nine book-trees, on which grew a choice selection of story-books. in case you have never seen books growing upon trees, i will explain that those in jo files' orchard were enclosed in broad green husks which, when fully ripe, turned to a deep red color. then the books were picked and husked and were ready to read. if they were picked too soon, the stories were found to be confused and uninteresting and the spelling bad. however, if allowed to ripen perfectly, the stories were fine reading and the spelling and grammar excellent. files freely gave his books to all who wanted them, but the people of oogaboo cared little for books and so he had to read most of them himself, before they spoiled. for, as you probably know, as soon as the books were read the words disappeared and the leaves withered and faded--which is the worst fault of all books which grow upon trees. when queen ann spoke to this young man files, who was both intelligent and ambitious, he said he thought it would be great fun to conquer the world. but he called her attention to the fact that he was far superior to the other men of her army. therefore, he would not be one of her generals or colonels or majors or captains, but claimed the honor of being sole private. ann did not like this idea at all. "i hate to have a private soldier in my army," she said; "they're so common. i am told that princess ozma once had a private soldier, but she made him her captain-general, which is good evidence that the private was unnecessary." "ozma's army doesn't fight," returned files; "but your army must fight like fury in order to conquer the world. i have read in my books that it is always the private soldiers who do the fighting, for no officer is ever brave enough to face the foe. also, it stands to reason that your officers must have some one to command and to issue their orders to; therefore i'll be the one. i long to slash and slay the enemy and become a hero. then, when we return to oogaboo, i'll take all the marbles away from the children and melt them up and make a marble statue of myself for all to look upon and admire." ann was much pleased with private files. he seemed indeed to be such a warrior as she needed in her enterprise, and her hopes of success took a sudden bound when files told her he knew where a gun-tree grew and would go there at once and pick the ripest and biggest musket the tree bore. chapter two out of oogaboo three days later the grand army of oogaboo assembled in the square in front of the royal palace. the sixteen officers were attired in gorgeous uniforms and carried sharp, glittering swords. the private had picked his gun and, although it was not a very big weapon, files tried to look fierce and succeeded so well that all his commanding officers were secretly afraid of him. the women were there, protesting that queen ann soforth had no right to take their husbands and fathers from them; but ann commanded them to keep silent, and that was the hardest order to obey they had ever received. the queen appeared before her army dressed in an imposing uniform of green, covered with gold braid. she wore a green soldier-cap with a purple plume in it and looked so royal and dignified that everyone in oogaboo except the army was glad she was going. the army was sorry she was not going alone. "form ranks!" she cried in her shrill voice. salye leaned out of the palace window and laughed. "i believe your army can run better than it can fight," she observed. "of course," replied general bunn, proudly. "we're not looking for trouble, you know, but for plunder. the more plunder and the less fighting we get, the better we shall like our work." "for my part," said files, "i prefer war and carnage to anything. the only way to become a hero is to conquer, and the story-books all say that the easiest way to conquer is to fight." "that's the idea, my brave man!" agreed ann. "to fight is to conquer and to conquer is to secure plunder and to secure plunder is to become a hero. with such noble determination to back me, the world is mine! good-bye, salye. when we return we shall be rich and famous. come, generals; let us march." at this the generals straightened up and threw out their chests. then they swung their glittering swords in rapid circles and cried to the colonels: "for-ward march!" then the colonels shouted to the majors: "for-ward march!" and the majors yelled to the captains: "for-ward march!" and the captains screamed to the private: "for-ward march!" so files shouldered his gun and began to march, and all the officers followed after him. queen ann came last of all, rejoicing in her noble army and wondering why she had not decided long ago to conquer the world. in this order the procession marched out of oogaboo and took the narrow mountain pass which led into the lovely fairyland of oz. chapter three magic mystifies the marchers princess ozma was all unaware that the army of oogaboo, led by their ambitious queen, was determined to conquer her kingdom. the beautiful girl ruler of oz was busy with the welfare of her subjects and had no time to think of ann soforth and her disloyal plans. but there was one who constantly guarded the peace and happiness of the land of oz and this was the official sorceress of the kingdom, glinda the good. in her magnificent castle, which stands far north of the emerald city where ozma holds her court, glinda owns a wonderful magic record book, in which is printed every event that takes place anywhere, just as soon as it happens. the smallest things and the biggest things are all recorded in this book. if a child stamps its foot in anger, glinda reads about it; if a city burns down, glinda finds the fact noted in her book. the sorceress always reads her record book every day, and so it was she knew that ann soforth, queen of oogaboo, had foolishly assembled an army of sixteen officers and one private soldier, with which she intended to invade and conquer the land of oz. there was no danger but that ozma, supported by the magic arts of glinda the good and the powerful wizard of oz--both her firm friends--could easily defeat a far more imposing army than ann's; but it would be a shame to have the peace of oz interrupted by any sort of quarreling or fighting. so glinda did not even mention the matter to ozma, or to anyone else. she merely went into a great chamber of her castle, known as the magic room, where she performed a magical ceremony which caused the mountain pass that led from oogaboo to make several turns and twists. the result was that when ann and her army came to the end of the pass they were not in the land of oz at all, but in an adjoining territory that was quite distinct from ozma's domain and separated from oz by an invisible barrier. as the oogaboo people emerged into this country, the pass they had traversed disappeared behind them and it was not likely they would ever find their way back into the valley of oogaboo. they were greatly puzzled, indeed, by their surroundings and did not know which way to go. none of them had ever visited oz, so it took them some time to discover they were not in oz at all, but in an unknown country. "never mind," said ann, trying to conceal her disappointment; "we have started out to conquer the world, and here is part of it. in time, as we pursue our victorious journey, we will doubtless come to oz; but, until we get there, we may as well conquer whatever land we find ourselves in." "have we conquered this place, your majesty?" anxiously inquired major cake. "most certainly," said ann. "we have met no people, as yet, but when we do, we will inform them that they are our slaves." "and afterward we will plunder them of all their possessions," added general apple. "they may not possess anything," objected private files; "but i hope they will fight us, just the same. a peaceful conquest wouldn't be any fun at all." "don't worry," said the queen. "_we_ can fight, whether our foes do or not; and perhaps we would find it more comfortable to have the enemy surrender promptly." it was a barren country and not very pleasant to travel in. moreover, there was little for them to eat, and as the officers became hungry they became fretful. many would have deserted had they been able to find their way home, but as the oogaboo people were now hopelessly lost in a strange country they considered it more safe to keep together than to separate. queen ann's temper, never very agreeable, became sharp and irritable as she and her army tramped over the rocky roads without encountering either people or plunder. she scolded her officers until they became surly, and a few of them were disloyal enough to ask her to hold her tongue. others began to reproach her for leading them into difficulties and in the space of three unhappy days every man was mourning for his orchard in the pretty valley of oogaboo. files, however, proved a different sort. the more difficulties he encountered the more cheerful he became, and the sighs of the officers were answered by the merry whistle of the private. his pleasant disposition did much to encourage queen ann and before long she consulted the private soldier more often than she did his superiors. it was on the third day of their pilgrimage that they encountered their first adventure. toward evening the sky was suddenly darkened and major nails exclaimed: "a fog is coming toward us." "i do not think it is a fog," replied files, looking with interest at the approaching cloud. "it seems to me more like the breath of a rak." "what is a rak?" asked ann, looking about fearfully. "a terrible beast with a horrible appetite," answered the soldier, growing a little paler than usual. "i have never seen a rak, to be sure, but i have read of them in the story-books that grew in my orchard, and if this is indeed one of those fearful monsters, we are not likely to conquer the world." hearing this, the officers became quite worried and gathered closer about their soldier. "what is the thing like?" asked one. "the only picture of a rak that i ever saw in a book was rather blurred," said files, "because the book was not quite ripe when it was picked. but the creature can fly in the air and run like a deer and swim like a fish. inside its body is a glowing furnace of fire, and the rak breathes in air and breathes out smoke, which darkens the sky for miles around, wherever it goes. it is bigger than a hundred men and feeds on any living thing." the officers now began to groan and to tremble, but files tried to cheer them, saying: "it may not be a rak, after all, that we see approaching us, and you must not forget that we people of oogaboo, which is part of the fairyland of oz, cannot be killed." "nevertheless," said captain buttons, "if the rak catches us, and chews us up into small pieces, and swallows us--what will happen then?" "then each small piece will still be alive," declared files. "i cannot see how that would help us," wailed colonel banjo. "a hamburger steak is a hamburger steak, whether it is alive or not!" "i tell you, this may not be a rak," persisted files. "we will know, when the cloud gets nearer, whether it is the breath of a rak or not. if it has no smell at all, it is probably a fog; but if it has an odor of salt and pepper, it is a rak and we must prepare for a desperate fight." they all eyed the dark cloud fearfully. before long it reached the frightened group and began to envelop them. every nose sniffed the cloud--and every one detected in it the odor of salt and pepper. "the rak!" shouted private files, and with a howl of despair the sixteen officers fell to the ground, writhing and moaning in anguish. queen ann sat down upon a rock and faced the cloud more bravely, although her heart was beating fast. as for files, he calmly loaded his gun and stood ready to fight the foe, as a soldier should. they were now in absolute darkness, for the cloud which covered the sky and the setting sun was black as ink. then through the gloom appeared two round, glowing balls of red, and files at once decided these must be the monster's eyes. he raised his gun, took aim and fired. there were several bullets in the gun, all gathered from an excellent bullet-tree in oogaboo, and they were big and hard. they flew toward the monster and struck it, and with a wild, weird cry the rak came fluttering down and its huge body fell plump upon the forms of the sixteen officers, who thereupon screamed louder than before. "badness me!" moaned the rak. "see what you've done with that dangerous gun of yours!" "i can't see," replied files, "for the cloud formed by your breath darkens my sight!" "don't tell me it was an accident," continued the rak, reproachfully, as it still flapped its wings in a helpless manner. "don't claim you didn't know the gun was loaded, i beg of you!" "i don't intend to," replied files. "did the bullets hurt you very badly?" "one has broken my jaw, so that i can't open my mouth. you will notice that my voice sounds rather harsh and husky, because i have to talk with my teeth set close together. another bullet broke my left wing, so that i can't fly; and still another broke my right leg, so that i can't walk. it was the most careless shot i ever heard of!" "can't you manage to lift your body off from my commanding officers?" inquired files. "from their cries i'm afraid your great weight is crushing them." "i hope it is," growled the rak. "i want to crush them, if possible, for i have a bad disposition. if only i could open my mouth, i'd eat all of you, although my appetite is poorly this warm weather." with this the rak began to roll its immense body sidewise, so as to crush the officers more easily; but in doing this it rolled completely off from them and the entire sixteen scrambled to their feet and made off as fast as they could run. private files could not see them go but he knew from the sound of their voices that they had escaped, so he ceased to worry about them. "pardon me if i now bid you good-bye," he said to the rak. "the parting is caused by our desire to continue our journey. if you die, do not blame me, for i was obliged to shoot you as a matter of self-protection." "i shall not die," answered the monster, "for i bear a charmed life. but i beg you not to leave me!" "why not?" asked files. "because my broken jaw will heal in about an hour, and then i shall be able to eat you. my wing will heal in a day and my leg will heal in a week, when i shall be as well as ever. having shot me, and so caused me all this annoyance, it is only fair and just that you remain here and allow me to eat you as soon as i can open my jaws." "i beg to differ with you," returned the soldier firmly. "i have made an engagement with queen ann of oogaboo to help her conquer the world, and i cannot break my word for the sake of being eaten by a rak." "oh; that's different," said the monster. "if you've an engagement, don't let me detain you." so files felt around in the dark and grasped the hand of the trembling queen, whom he led away from the flapping, sighing rak. they stumbled over the stones for a way but presently began to see dimly the path ahead of them, as they got farther and farther away from the dreadful spot where the wounded monster lay. by and by they reached a little hill and could see the last rays of the sun flooding a pretty valley beyond, for now they had passed beyond the cloudy breath of the rak. here were huddled the sixteen officers, still frightened and panting from their run. they had halted only because it was impossible for them to run any farther. queen ann gave them a severe scolding for their cowardice, at the same time praising files for his courage. "we are wiser than he, however," muttered general clock, "for by running away we are now able to assist your majesty in conquering the world; whereas, had files been eaten by the rak, he would have deserted your army." after a brief rest they descended into the valley, and as soon as they were out of sight of the rak the spirits of the entire party rose quickly. just at dusk they came to a brook, on the banks of which queen ann commanded them to make camp for the night. each officer carried in his pocket a tiny white tent. this, when placed upon the ground, quickly grew in size until it was large enough to permit the owner to enter it and sleep within its canvas walls. files was obliged to carry a knapsack, in which was not only his own tent but an elaborate pavilion for queen ann, besides a bed and chair and a magic table. this table, when set upon the ground in ann's pavilion, became of large size, and in a drawer of the table was contained the queen's supply of extra clothing, her manicure and toilet articles and other necessary things. the royal bed was the only one in the camp, the officers and private sleeping in hammocks attached to their tent poles. there was also in the knapsack a flag bearing the royal emblem of oogaboo, and this flag files flew upon its staff every night, to show that the country they were in had been conquered by the queen of oogaboo. so far, no one but themselves had seen the flag, but ann was pleased to see it flutter in the breeze and considered herself already a famous conqueror. chapter four betsy braves the billows the waves dashed and the lightning flashed and the thunder rolled and the ship struck a rock. betsy bobbin was running across the deck and the shock sent her flying through the air until she fell with a splash into the dark blue water. the same shock caught hank, a thin little, sad-faced mule, and tumbled him also into the sea, far from the ship's side. when betsy came up, gasping for breath because the wet plunge had surprised her, she reached out in the dark and grabbed a bunch of hair. at first she thought it was the end of a rope, but presently she heard a dismal "hee-haw!" and knew she was holding fast to the end of hank's tail. suddenly the sea was lighted up by a vivid glare. the ship, now in the far distance, caught fire, blew up and sank beneath the waves. betsy shuddered at the sight, but just then her eye caught a mass of wreckage floating near her and she let go the mule's tail and seized the rude raft, pulling herself up so that she rode upon it in safety. hank also saw the raft and swam to it, but he was so clumsy he never would have been able to climb upon it had not betsy helped him to get aboard. they had to crowd close together, for their support was only a hatch-cover torn from the ship's deck; but it floated them fairly well and both the girl and the mule knew it would keep them from drowning. the storm was not over, by any means, when the ship went down. blinding bolts of lightning shot from cloud to cloud and the clamor of deep thunderclaps echoed far over the sea. the waves tossed the little raft here and there as a child tosses a rubber ball and betsy had a solemn feeling that for hundreds of watery miles in every direction there was no living thing besides herself and the small donkey. perhaps hank had the same thought, for he gently rubbed his nose against the frightened girl and said "hee-haw!" in his softest voice, as if to comfort her. "you'll protect me, hank dear, won't you?" she cried helplessly, and the mule said "hee-haw!" again, in tones that meant a promise. on board the ship, during the days that preceded the wreck, when the sea was calm, betsy and hank had become good friends; so, while the girl might have preferred a more powerful protector in this dreadful emergency, she felt that the mule would do all in a mule's power to guard her safety. all night they floated, and when the storm had worn itself out and passed away with a few distant growls, and the waves had grown smaller and easier to ride, betsy stretched herself out on the wet raft and fell asleep. hank did not sleep a wink. perhaps he felt it his duty to guard betsy. anyhow, he crouched on the raft beside the tired sleeping girl and watched patiently until the first light of dawn swept over the sea. the light wakened betsy bobbin. she sat up, rubbed her eyes and stared across the water. "oh, hank; there's land ahead!" she exclaimed. "hee-haw!" answered hank in his plaintive voice. the raft was floating swiftly toward a very beautiful country and as they drew near betsy could see banks of lovely flowers showing brightly between leafy trees. but no people were to be seen at all. chapter five the roses repulse the refugees gently the raft grated on the sandy beach. then betsy easily waded ashore, the mule following closely behind her. the sun was now shining and the air was warm and laden with the fragrance of roses. "i'd like some breakfast, hank," remarked the girl, feeling more cheerful now that she was on dry land; "but we can't eat the flowers, although they do smell mighty good." "hee-haw!" replied hank and trotted up a little pathway to the top of the bank. betsy followed and from the eminence looked around her. a little way off stood a splendid big greenhouse, its thousands of crystal panes glittering in the sunlight. "there ought to be people somewhere 'round," observed betsy thoughtfully; "gardeners, or somebody. let's go and see, hank. i'm getting hungrier ev'ry minute." so they walked toward the great greenhouse and came to its entrance without meeting with anyone at all. a door stood ajar, so hank went in first, thinking if there was any danger he could back out and warn his companion. but betsy was close at his heels and the moment she entered was lost in amazement at the wonderful sight she saw. the greenhouse was filled with magnificent rosebushes, all growing in big pots. on the central stem of each bush bloomed a splendid rose, gorgeously colored and deliciously fragrant, and in the center of each rose was the face of a lovely girl. as betsy and hank entered, the heads of the roses were drooping and their eyelids were closed in slumber; but the mule was so amazed that he uttered a loud "hee-haw!" and at the sound of his harsh voice the rose leaves fluttered, the roses raised their heads and a hundred startled eyes were instantly fixed upon the intruders. "i--i beg your pardon!" stammered betsy, blushing and confused. "o-o-o-h!" cried the roses, in a sort of sighing chorus; and one of them added: "what a horrid noise!" "why, that was only hank," said betsy, and as if to prove the truth of her words the mule uttered another loud "hee-haw!" at this all the roses turned on their stems as far as they were able and trembled as if some one were shaking their bushes. a dainty moss rose gasped: "dear me! how dreadfully dreadful!" "it isn't dreadful at all," said betsy, somewhat indignant. "when you get used to hank's voice it will put you to sleep." the roses now looked at the mule less fearfully and one of them asked: "is that savage beast named hank?" "yes; hank's my comrade, faithful and true," answered the girl, twining her arms around the little mule's neck and hugging him tight. "aren't you, hank?" hank could only say in reply: "hee-haw!" and at his bray the roses shivered again. "please go away!" begged one. "can't you see you're frightening us out of a week's growth?" "go away!" echoed betsy. "why, we've no place to go. we've just been wrecked." "wrecked?" asked the roses in a surprised chorus. "yes; we were on a big ship and the storm came and wrecked it," explained the girl. "but hank and i caught hold of a raft and floated ashore to this place, and--we're tired and hungry. what country _is_ this, please?" "this is the rose kingdom," replied the moss rose, haughtily, "and it is devoted to the culture of the rarest and fairest roses grown." "i believe it," said betsy, admiring the pretty blossoms. "but only roses are allowed here," continued a delicate tea rose, bending her brows in a frown; "therefore you must go away before the royal gardener finds you and casts you back into the sea." "oh! is there a royal gardener, then?" inquired betsy. "to be sure." "and is he a rose, also?" "of course not; he's a man--a wonderful man," was the reply. "well, i'm not afraid of a man," declared the girl, much relieved, and even as she spoke the royal gardener popped into the greenhouse--a spading fork in one hand and a watering pot in the other. he was a funny little man, dressed in a rose-colored costume, with ribbons at his knees and elbows, and a bunch of ribbons in his hair. his eyes were small and twinkling, his nose sharp and his face puckered and deeply lined. "o-ho!" he exclaimed, astonished to find strangers in his greenhouse, and when hank gave a loud bray the gardener threw the watering pot over the mule's head and danced around with his fork, in such agitation that presently he fell over the handle of the implement and sprawled at full length upon the ground. betsy laughed and pulled the watering pot off from hank's head. the little mule was angry at the treatment he had received and backed toward the gardener threateningly. "look out for his heels!" called betsy warningly and the gardener scrambled to his feet and hastily hid behind the roses. "you are breaking the law!" he shouted, sticking out his head to glare at the girl and the mule. "what law?" asked betsy. "the law of the rose kingdom. no strangers are allowed in these domains." "not when they're shipwrecked?" she inquired. "the law doesn't except shipwrecks," replied the royal gardener, and he was about to say more when suddenly there was a crash of glass and a man came tumbling through the roof of the greenhouse and fell plump to the ground. chapter six shaggy seeks his stray brother this sudden arrival was a queer looking man, dressed all in garments so shaggy that betsy at first thought he must be some animal. but the stranger ended his fall in a sitting position and then the girl saw it was really a man. he held an apple in his hand, which he had evidently been eating when he fell, and so little was he jarred or flustered by the accident that he continued to munch this apple as he calmly looked around him. "good gracious!" exclaimed betsy, approaching him. "who _are_ you, and where did you come from?" "me? oh, i'm shaggy man," said he, taking another bite of the apple. "just dropped in for a short call. excuse my seeming haste." "why, i s'pose you couldn't help the haste," said betsy. "no. i climbed an apple tree, outside; branch gave way and--here i am." as he spoke the shaggy man finished his apple, gave the core to hank--who ate it greedily--and then stood up to bow politely to betsy and the roses. the royal gardener had been frightened nearly into fits by the crash of glass and the fall of the shaggy stranger into the bower of roses, but now he peeped out from behind a bush and cried in his squeaky voice: "you're breaking the law! you're breaking the law!" shaggy stared at him solemnly. "is the glass the law in this country?" he asked. "breaking the glass is breaking the law," squeaked the gardener, angrily. "also, to intrude in any part of the rose kingdom is breaking the law." "how do you know?" asked shaggy. "why, it's printed in a book," said the gardener, coming forward and taking a small book from his pocket. "page thirteen. here it is: 'if any stranger enters the rose kingdom he shall at once be condemned by the ruler and put to death.' so you see, strangers," he continued triumphantly, "it's death for you all and your time has come!" but just here hank interposed. he had been stealthily backing toward the royal gardener, whom he disliked, and now the mule's heels shot out and struck the little man in the middle. he doubled up like the letter "u" and flew out of the door so swiftly--never touching the ground--that he was gone before betsy had time to wink. but the mule's attack frightened the girl. "come," she whispered, approaching the shaggy man and taking his hand; "let's go somewhere else. they'll surely kill us if we stay here!" "don't worry, my dear," replied shaggy, patting the child's head. "i'm not afraid of anything, so long as i have the love magnet." "the love magnet! why, what is that?" asked betsy. "it's a charming little enchantment that wins the heart of everyone who looks upon it," was the reply. "the love magnet used to hang over the gateway to the emerald city, in the land of oz; but when i started on this journey our beloved ruler, ozma of oz, allowed me to take it with me." "oh!" cried betsy, staring hard at him; "are you really from the wonderful land of oz?" "yes. ever been there, my dear?" "no; but i've heard about it. and do you know princess ozma?" "very well indeed." "and--and princess dorothy?" "dorothy's an old chum of mine," declared shaggy. "dear me!" exclaimed betsy. "and why did you ever leave such a beautiful land as oz?" "on an errand," said shaggy, looking sad and solemn. "i'm trying to find my dear little brother." "oh! is he lost?" questioned betsy, feeling very sorry for the poor man. "been lost these ten years," replied shaggy, taking out a handkerchief and wiping a tear from his eye. "i didn't know it until lately, when i saw it recorded in the magic record book of the sorceress glinda, in the land of oz. so now i'm trying to find him." "where was he lost?" asked the girl sympathetically. "back in colorado, where i used to live before i went to oz. brother was a miner, and dug gold out of a mine. one day he went into his mine and never came out. they searched for him, but he was not there. disappeared entirely," shaggy ended miserably. "for goodness sake! what do you s'pose became of him?" she asked. "there is only one explanation," replied shaggy, taking another apple from his pocket and eating it to relieve his misery. "the nome king probably got him." "the nome king! who is he?" "why, he's sometimes called the metal monarch, and his name is ruggedo. lives in some underground cavern. claims to own all the metals hidden in the earth. don't ask me why." "why?" "'cause i don't know. but this ruggedo gets wild with anger if anyone digs gold out of the earth, and my private opinion is that he captured brother and carried him off to his underground kingdom. no--don't ask me why. i see you're dying to ask me why. but i don't know." "but--dear me!--in that case you will never find your lost brother!" exclaimed the girl. "maybe not; but it's my duty to try," answered shaggy. "i've wandered so far without finding him, but that only proves he is not where i've been looking. what i seek now is the hidden passage to the underground cavern of the terrible metal monarch." "well," said betsy doubtfully, "it strikes me that if you ever manage to get there the metal monarch will make you, too, his prisoner." "nonsense!" answered shaggy, carelessly. "you mustn't forget the love magnet." "what about it?" she asked. "when the fierce metal monarch sees the love magnet, he will love me dearly and do anything i ask." "it must be wonderful," said betsy, with awe. "it is," the man assured her. "shall i show it to you?" "oh, do!" she cried; so shaggy searched in his shaggy pocket and drew out a small silver magnet, shaped like a horseshoe. the moment betsy saw it she began to like the shaggy man better than before. hank also saw the magnet and crept up to shaggy to rub his head lovingly against the man's knee. but they were interrupted by the royal gardener, who stuck his head into the greenhouse and shouted angrily: "you are all condemned to death! your only chance to escape is to leave here instantly." this startled little betsy, but the shaggy man merely waved the magnet toward the gardener, who, seeing it, rushed forward and threw himself at shaggy's feet, murmuring in honeyed words: "oh, you lovely, lovely man! how fond i am of you! every shag and bobtail that decorates you is dear to me--all i have is yours! but for goodness' sake get out of here before you die the death." "i'm not going to die," declared shaggy man. "you must. it's the law," exclaimed the gardener, beginning to weep real tears. "it breaks my heart to tell you this bad news, but the law says that all strangers must be condemned by the ruler to die the death." "no ruler has condemned us yet," said betsy. "of course not," added shaggy. "we haven't even seen the ruler of the rose kingdom." "well, to tell the truth," said the gardener, in a perplexed tone of voice, "we haven't any real ruler, just now. you see, all our rulers grow on bushes in the royal gardens, and the last one we had got mildewed and withered before his time. so we had to plant him, and at this time there is no one growing on the royal bushes who is ripe enough to pick." "how do you know?" asked betsy. "why, i'm the royal gardener. plenty of royalties are growing, i admit; but just now they are all green. until one ripens, i am supposed to rule the rose kingdom myself, and see that its laws are obeyed. therefore, much as i love you, shaggy, i must put you to death." "wait a minute," pleaded betsy. "i'd like to see those royal gardens before i die." "so would i," added shaggy man. "take us there, gardener." "oh, i can't do that," objected the gardener. but shaggy again showed him the love magnet and after one glance at it the gardener could no longer resist. he led shaggy, betsy and hank to the end of the great greenhouse and carefully unlocked a small door. passing through this they came into the splendid royal garden of the rose kingdom. it was all surrounded by a tall hedge and within the enclosure grew several enormous rosebushes having thick green leaves of the texture of velvet. upon these bushes grew the members of the royal family of the rose kingdom--men, women and children in all stages of maturity. they all seemed to have a light green hue, as if unripe or not fully developed, their flesh and clothing being alike green. they stood perfectly lifeless upon their branches, which swayed softly in the breeze, and their wide open eyes stared straight ahead, unseeing and unintelligent. while examining these curious growing people, betsy passed behind a big central bush and at once uttered an exclamation of surprise and pleasure. for there, blooming in perfect color and shape, stood a royal princess, whose beauty was amazing. "why, she's ripe!" cried betsy, pushing aside some of the broad leaves to observe her more clearly. "well, perhaps so," admitted the gardener, who had come to the girl's side; "but she's a girl, and so we can't use her for a ruler." "no, indeed!" came a chorus of soft voices, and looking around betsy discovered that all the roses had followed them from the greenhouse and were now grouped before the entrance. "you see," explained the gardener, "the subjects of rose kingdom don't want a girl ruler. they want a king." "a king! we want a king!" repeated the chorus of roses. "isn't she royal?" inquired shaggy, admiring the lovely princess. "of course, for she grows on a royal bush. this princess is named ozga, as she is a distant cousin of ozma of oz; and, were she but a man, we would joyfully hail her as our ruler." the gardener then turned away to talk with his roses and betsy whispered to her companion: "let's pick her, shaggy." "all right," said he. "if she's royal, she has the right to rule this kingdom, and if we pick her she will surely protect us and prevent our being hurt, or driven away." so betsy and shaggy each took an arm of the beautiful rose princess and a little twist of her feet set her free of the branch upon which she grew. very gracefully she stepped down from the bush to the ground, where she bowed low to betsy and shaggy and said in a delightfully sweet voice: "i thank you." but at the sound of these words the gardener and the roses turned and discovered that the princess had been picked, and was now alive. over every face flashed an expression of resentment and anger, and one of the roses cried aloud. "audacious mortals! what have you done?" "picked a princess for you, that's all," replied betsy, cheerfully. "but we won't have her! we want a king!" exclaimed a jacque rose, and another added with a voice of scorn: "no girl shall rule over us!" the newly-picked princess looked from one to another of her rebellious subjects in astonishment. a grieved look came over her exquisite features. "have i no welcome here, pretty subjects?" she asked gently. "have i not come from my royal bush to be your ruler?" "you were picked by mortals, without our consent," replied the moss rose, coldly; "so we refuse to allow you to rule us." "turn her out, gardener, with the others!" cried the tea rose. "just a second, please!" called shaggy, taking the love magnet from his pocket. "i guess this will win their love, princess. here--take it in your hand and let the roses see it." princess ozga took the magnet and held it poised before the eyes of her subjects; but the roses regarded it with calm disdain. "why, what's the matter?" demanded shaggy in surprise. "the magnet never failed to work before!" "i know," said betsy, nodding her head wisely. "these roses have no hearts." "that's it," agreed the gardener. "they're pretty, and sweet, and alive; but still they are roses. their stems have thorns, but no hearts." the princess sighed and handed the magnet to the shaggy man. "what shall i do?" she asked sorrowfully. "turn her out, gardener, with the others!" commanded the roses. "we will have no ruler until a man-rose--a king--is ripe enough to pick." "very well," said the gardener meekly. "you must excuse me, my dear shaggy, for opposing your wishes, but you and the others, including ozga, must get out of rose kingdom immediately, if not before." "don't you love me, gardy?" asked shaggy, carelessly displaying the magnet. "i do. i dote on thee!" answered the gardener earnestly; "but no true man will neglect his duty for the sake of love. my duty is to drive you out, so--out you go!" with this he seized a garden fork and began jabbing it at the strangers, in order to force them to leave. hank the mule was not afraid of the fork and when he got his heels near to the gardener the man fell back to avoid a kick. but now the roses crowded around the outcasts and it was soon discovered that beneath their draperies of green leaves were many sharp thorns which were more dangerous than hank's heels. neither betsy nor ozga nor shaggy nor the mule cared to brave those thorns and when they pressed away from them they found themselves slowly driven through the garden door into the greenhouse. from there they were forced out at the entrance and so through the territory of the flower-strewn rose kingdom, which was not of very great extent. the rose princess was sobbing bitterly; betsy was indignant and angry; hank uttered defiant "hee-haws" and the shaggy man whistled softly to himself. the boundary of the rose kingdom was a deep gulf, but there was a drawbridge in one place and this the royal gardener let down until the outcasts had passed over it. then he drew it up again and returned with his roses to the greenhouse, leaving the four queerly assorted comrades to wander into the bleak and unknown country that lay beyond. "i don't mind, much," remarked shaggy, as he led the way over the stony, barren ground. "i've got to search for my long-lost little brother, anyhow, so it won't matter where i go." "hank and i will help you find your brother," said betsy in her most cheerful voice. "i'm so far away from home now that i don't s'pose i'll ever find my way back; and, to tell the truth, it's more fun traveling around and having adventures than sticking at home. don't you think so, hank?" "hee-haw!" said hank, and the shaggy man thanked them both. "for my part," said princess ozga of roseland, with a gentle sigh, "i must remain forever exiled from my kingdom. so i, too, will be glad to help the shaggy man find his lost brother." "that's very kind of you, ma'am," said shaggy. "but unless i can find the underground cavern of ruggedo, the metal monarch, i shall never find poor brother." (this king was formerly named "roquat," but after he drank of the "waters of oblivion" he forgot his own name and had to take another.) "doesn't anyone know where it is?" inquired betsy. "_some_ one must know, of course," was shaggy's reply. "but we are not the ones. the only way to succeed is for us to keep going until we find a person who can direct us to ruggedo's cavern." "we may find it ourselves, without any help," suggested betsy. "who knows?" "no one knows that, except the person who's writing this story," said shaggy. "but we won't find anything--not even supper--unless we travel on. here's a path. let's take it and see where it leads to." chapter seven polychrome's pitiful plight the rain king got too much water in his basin and spilled some over the brim. that made it rain in a certain part of the country--a real hard shower, for a time--and sent the rainbow scampering to the place to show the gorgeous colors of his glorious bow as soon as the mist of rain had passed and the sky was clear. the coming of the rainbow is always a joyous event to earth folk, yet few have ever seen it close by. usually the rainbow is so far distant that you can observe its splendid hues but dimly, and that is why we seldom catch sight of the dancing daughters of the rainbow. in the barren country where the rain had just fallen there appeared to be no human beings at all; but the rainbow appeared, just the same, and dancing gayly upon its arch were the rainbow's daughters, led by the fairylike polychrome, who is so dainty and beautiful that no girl has ever quite equalled her in loveliness. polychrome was in a merry mood and danced down the arch of the bow to the ground, daring her sisters to follow her. laughing and gleeful, they also touched the ground with their twinkling feet; but all the daughters of the rainbow knew that this was a dangerous pastime, so they quickly climbed upon their bow again. all but polychrome. though the sweetest and merriest of them all, she was likewise the most reckless. moreover, it was an unusual sensation to pat the cold, damp earth with her rosy toes. before she realized it the bow had lifted and disappeared in the billowy blue sky, and here was polychrome standing helpless upon a rock, her gauzy draperies floating about her like brilliant cobwebs and not a soul--fairy or mortal--to help her regain her lost bow! "dear me!" she exclaimed, a frown passing across her pretty face, "i'm caught again. this is the second time my carelessness has left me on earth while my sisters returned to our sky palaces. the first time i enjoyed some pleasant adventures, but this is a lonely, forsaken country and i shall be very unhappy until my rainbow comes again and i can climb aboard. let me think what is best to be done." she crouched low upon the flat rock, drew her draperies about her and bowed her head. it was in this position that betsy bobbin spied polychrome as she came along the stony path, followed by hank, the princess and shaggy. at once the girl ran up to the radiant daughter of the rainbow and exclaimed: "oh, what a lovely, lovely creature!" polychrome raised her golden head. there were tears in her blue eyes. "i'm the most miserable girl in the whole world!" she sobbed. the others gathered around her. "tell us your troubles, pretty one," urged the princess. "i--i've lost my bow!" wailed polychrome. "take me, my dear," said shaggy man in a sympathetic tone, thinking she meant "beau" instead of "bow." "i don't want you!" cried polychrome, stamping her foot imperiously; "i want my _rain_bow." "oh; that's different," said shaggy. "but try to forget it. when i was young i used to cry for the rainbow myself, but i couldn't have it. looks as if _you_ couldn't have it, either; so please don't cry." polychrome looked at him reproachfully. "i don't like you," she said. "no?" replied shaggy, drawing the love magnet from his pocket; "not a little bit?--just a wee speck of a like?" "yes, yes!" said polychrome, clasping her hands in ecstasy as she gazed at the enchanted talisman; "i love you, shaggy man!" "of course you do," said he calmly; "but i don't take any credit for it. it's the love magnet's powerful charm. but you seem quite alone and friendless, little rainbow. don't you want to join our party until you find your father and sisters again?" "where are you going?" she asked. "we don't just know that," said betsy, taking her hand; "but we're trying to find shaggy's long-lost brother, who has been captured by the terrible metal monarch. won't you come with us, and help us?" polychrome looked from one to another of the queer party of travelers and a bewitching smile suddenly lighted her face. "a donkey, a mortal maid, a rose princess and a shaggy man!" she exclaimed. "surely you need help, if you intend to face ruggedo." "do you know him, then?" inquired betsy. "no, indeed. ruggedo's caverns are beneath the earth's surface, where no rainbow can ever penetrate. but i've heard of the metal monarch. he is also called the nome king, you know, and he has made trouble for a good many people--mortals and fairies--in his time," said polychrome. "do you fear him, then?" asked the princess, anxiously. "no one can harm a daughter of the rainbow," said polychrome proudly. "i'm a sky fairy." "then," said betsy, quickly, "you will be able to tell us the way to ruggedo's cavern." "no," returned polychrome, shaking her head, "that is one thing i cannot do. but i will gladly go with you and help you search for the place." this promise delighted all the wanderers and after the shaggy man had found the path again they began moving along it in a more happy mood. the rainbow's daughter danced lightly over the rocky trail, no longer sad, but with her beautiful features wreathed in smiles. shaggy came next, walking steadily and now and then supporting the rose princess, who followed him. betsy and hank brought up the rear, and if she tired with walking the girl got upon hank's back and let the stout little donkey carry her for awhile. at nightfall they came to some trees that grew beside a tiny brook and here they made camp and rested until morning. then away they tramped, finding berries and fruits here and there which satisfied the hunger of betsy, shaggy and hank, so that they were well content with their lot. it surprised betsy to see the rose princess partake of their food, for she considered her a fairy; but when she mentioned this to polychrome, the rainbow's daughter explained that when ozga was driven out of her rose kingdom she ceased to be a fairy and would never again be more than a mere mortal. polychrome, however, was a fairy wherever she happened to be, and if she sipped a few dewdrops by moonlight for refreshment no one ever saw her do it. as they continued their wandering journey, direction meant very little to them, for they were hopelessly lost in this strange country. shaggy said it would be best to go toward the mountains, as the natural entrance to ruggedo's underground cavern was likely to be hidden in some rocky, deserted place; but mountains seemed all around them except in the one direction that they had come from, which led to the rose kingdom and the sea. therefore it mattered little which way they traveled. by and by they espied a faint trail that looked like a path and after following this for some time they reached a crossroads. here were many paths, leading in various directions, and there was a signpost so old that there were now no words upon the sign. at one side was an old well, with a chain windlass for drawing water, yet there was no house or other building anywhere in sight. while the party halted, puzzled which way to proceed, the mule approached the well and tried to look into it. "he's thirsty," said betsy. "it's a dry well," remarked shaggy. "probably there has been no water in it for many years. but, come; let us decide which way to travel." no one seemed able to decide that. they sat down in a group and tried to consider which road might be the best to take. hank, however, could not keep away from the well and finally he reared up on his hind legs, got his head over the edge and uttered a loud "hee-haw!" betsy watched her animal friend curiously. "i wonder if he sees anything down there?" she said. at this, shaggy rose and went over to the well to investigate, and betsy went with him. the princess and polychrome, who had become fast friends, linked arms and sauntered down one of the roads, to find an easy path. "really," said shaggy, "there does seem to be something at the bottom of this old well." "can't we pull it up, and see what it is?" asked the girl. there was no bucket at the end of the windlass chain, but there was a big hook that at one time was used to hold a bucket. shaggy let down this hook, dragged it around on the bottom and then pulled it up. an old hoopskirt came with it, and betsy laughed and threw it away. the thing frightened hank, who had never seen a hoopskirt before, and he kept a good distance away from it. several other objects the shaggy man captured with the hook and drew up, but none of these was important. "this well seems to have been the dump for all the old rubbish in the country," he said, letting down the hook once more. "i guess i've captured everything now. no--the hook has caught again. help me, betsy! whatever this thing is, it's heavy." she ran up and helped him turn the windlass and after much effort a confused mass of copper came in sight. "good gracious!" exclaimed shaggy. "here is a surprise, indeed!" "what is it?" inquired betsy, clinging to the windlass and panting for breath. for answer the shaggy man grasped the bundle of copper and dumped it upon the ground, free of the well. then he turned it over with his foot, spread it out, and to betsy's astonishment the thing proved to be a copper man. "just as i thought," said shaggy, looking hard at the object. "but unless there are two copper men in the world this is the most astonishing thing i ever came across." at this moment the rainbow's daughter and the rose princess approached them, and polychrome said: "what have you found, shaggy one?" "either an old friend, or a stranger," he replied. "oh, here's a sign on his back!" cried betsy, who had knelt down to examine the man. "dear me; how funny! listen to this." then she read the following words, engraved upon the copper plates of the man's body: smith & tinker's patent double-action, extra-responsive, thought-creating, perfect-talking mechanical man fitted with our special clockwork attachment. thinks, speaks, acts, and does everything but live. "isn't he wonderful!" exclaimed the princess. "yes; but here's more," said betsy, reading from another engraved plate: directions for using: for thinking:--wind the clockwork man under his left arm, (marked no. 1). for speaking:--wind the clockwork man under his right arm, (marked no. 2). for walking and action:--wind clockwork man in the middle of his back, (marked no. 3). n. b.--this mechanism is guaranteed to work perfectly for a thousand years. "if he's guaranteed for a thousand years," said polychrome, "he ought to work yet." "of course," replied shaggy. "let's wind him up." in order to do this they were obliged to set the copper man upon his feet, in an upright position, and this was no easy task. he was inclined to topple over, and had to be propped again and again. the girls assisted shaggy, and at last tik-tok seemed to be balanced and stood alone upon his broad feet. "yes," said shaggy, looking at the copper man carefully, "this must be, indeed, my old friend tik-tok, whom i left ticking merrily in the land of oz. but how he came to this lonely place, and got into that old well, is surely a mystery." "if we wind him, perhaps he will tell us," suggested betsy. "here's the key, hanging to a hook on his back. what part of him shall i wind up first?" "his thoughts, of course," said polychrome, "for it requires thought to speak or move intelligently." so betsy wound him under his left arm, and at once little flashes of light began to show in the top of his head, which was proof that he had begun to think. "now, then," said shaggy, "wind up his phonograph." "what's that?" she asked. "why, his talking-machine. his thoughts may be interesting, but they don't tell us anything." so betsy wound the copper man under his right arm, and then from the interior of his copper body came in jerky tones the words: "ma-ny thanks!" "hurrah!" cried shaggy, joyfully, and he slapped tik-tok upon the back in such a hearty manner that the copper man lost his balance and tumbled to the ground in a heap. but the clockwork that enabled him to speak had been wound up and he kept saying: "pick-me-up! pick-me-up! pick-me-up!" until they had again raised him and balanced him upon his feet, when he added politely: "ma-ny thanks!" "he won't be self-supporting until we wind up his action," remarked shaggy; so betsy wound it, as tight as she could--for the key turned rather hard--and then tik-tok lifted his feet, marched around in a circle and ended by stopping before the group and making them all a low bow. "how in the world did you happen to be in that well, when i left you safe in oz?" inquired shaggy. "it is a long sto-ry," replied tik-tok, "but i'll tell it in a few words. af-ter you had gone in search of your broth-er, oz-ma saw you wan-der-ing in strange lands when-ev-er she looked in her mag-ic pic-ture, and she also saw your broth-er in the nome king's cavern; so she sent me to tell you where to find your broth-er and told me to help you if i could. the sor-cer-ess, glin-da the good, trans-port-ed me to this place in the wink of an eye; but here i met the nome king him-self--old rug-ge-do, who is called in these parts the met-al mon-arch. rug-ge-do knew what i had come for, and he was so an-gry that he threw me down the well. af-ter my works ran down i was help-less un-til you came a-long and pulled me out a-gain. ma-ny thanks." "this is, indeed, good news," said shaggy. "i suspected that my brother was the prisoner of ruggedo; but now i know it. tell us, tik-tok, how shall we get to the nome king's underground cavern?" "the best way is to walk," said tik-tok. "we might crawl, or jump, or roll o-ver and o-ver until we get there; but the best way is to walk." "i know; but which road shall we take?" "my ma-chin-er-y is-n't made to tell that," replied tik-tok. "there is more than one entrance to the underground cavern," said polychrome; "but old ruggedo has cleverly concealed every opening, so that earth dwellers can not intrude in his domain. if we find our way underground at all, it will be by chance." "then," said betsy, "let us select any road, haphazard, and see where it leads us." "that seems sensible," declared the princess. "it may require a lot of time for us to find ruggedo, but we have more time than anything else." "if you keep me wound up," said tik-tok, "i will last a thou-sand years." "then the only question to decide is which way to go," added shaggy, looking first at one road and then at another. but while they stood hesitating, a peculiar sound reached their ears--a sound like the tramping of many feet. "what's coming?" cried betsy; and then she ran to the left-hand road and glanced along the path. "why, it's an army!" she exclaimed. "what shall we do, hide or run?" "stand still," commanded shaggy. "i'm not afraid of an army. if they prove to be friendly, they can help us; if they are enemies, i'll show them the love magnet." chapter eight tik-tok tackles a tough task while shaggy and his companions stood huddled in a group at one side, the army of oogaboo was approaching along the pathway, the tramp of their feet being now and then accompanied by a dismal groan as one of the officers stepped on a sharp stone or knocked his funnybone against his neighbor's sword-handle. then out from among the trees marched private files, bearing the banner of oogaboo, which fluttered from a long pole. this pole he stuck in the ground just in front of the well and then he cried in a loud voice: "i hereby conquer this territory in the name of queen ann soforth of oogaboo, and all the inhabitants of the land i proclaim her slaves!" some of the officers now stuck their heads out of the bushes and asked: "is the coast clear, private files?" "there is no coast here," was the reply, "but all's well." "i hope there's water in it," said general cone, mustering courage to advance to the well; but just then he caught a glimpse of tik-tok and shaggy and at once fell upon his knees, trembling and frightened and cried out: "mercy, kind enemies! mercy! spare us, and we will be your slaves forever!" the other officers, who had now advanced into the clearing, likewise fell upon their knees and begged for mercy. files turned around and, seeing the strangers for the first time, examined them with much curiosity. then, discovering that three of the party were girls, he lifted his cap and made a polite bow. "what's all this?" demanded a harsh voice, as queen ann reached the place and beheld her kneeling army. "permit us to introduce ourselves," replied shaggy, stepping forward. "this is tik-tok, the clockwork man--who works better than some meat people. and here is princess ozga of roseland, just now unfortunately exiled from her kingdom of roses. i next present polychrome, a sky fairy, who lost her bow by an accident and can't find her way home. the small girl here is betsy bobbin, from some unknown earthly paradise called oklahoma, and with her you see mr. hank, a mule with a long tail and a short temper." "puh!" said ann, scornfully; "a pretty lot of vagabonds you are, indeed; all lost or strayed, i suppose, and not worth a queen's plundering. i'm sorry i've conquered you." "but you haven't conquered us yet," called betsy indignantly. "no," agreed files, "that is a fact. but if my officers will kindly command me to conquer you, i will do so at once, after which we can stop arguing and converse more at our ease." the officers had by this time risen from their knees and brushed the dust from their trousers. to them the enemy did not look very fierce, so the generals and colonels and majors and captains gained courage to face them and began strutting in their most haughty manner. "you must understand," said ann, "that i am the queen of oogaboo, and this is my invincible army. we are busy conquering the world, and since you seem to be a part of the world, and are obstructing our journey, it is necessary for us to conquer you--unworthy though you may be of such high honor." "that's all right," replied shaggy. "conquer us as often as you like. we don't mind." "but we won't be anybody's slaves," added betsy, positively. "we'll see about that," retorted the queen, angrily. "advance, private files, and bind the enemy hand and foot!" but private files looked at pretty betsy and fascinating polychrome and the beautiful rose princess and shook his head. "it would be impolite, and i won't do it," he asserted. "you must!" cried ann. "it is your duty to obey orders." "i haven't received any orders from my officers," objected the private. but the generals now shouted: "forward, and bind the prisoners!" and the colonels and majors and captains repeated the command, yelling it as loud as they could. all this noise annoyed hank, who had been eyeing the army of oogaboo with strong disfavor. the mule now dashed forward and began backing upon the officers and kicking fierce and dangerous heels at them. the attack was so sudden that the officers scattered like dust in a whirlwind, dropping their swords as they ran and trying to seek refuge behind the trees and bushes. betsy laughed joyously at the comical rout of the "noble army," and polychrome danced with glee. but ann was furious at this ignoble defeat of her gallant forces by one small mule. "private files, i command you to do your duty!" she cried again, and then she herself ducked to escape the mule's heels--for hank made no distinction in favor of a lady who was an open enemy. betsy grabbed her champion by the forelock, however, and so held him fast, and when the officers saw that the mule was restrained from further attacks they crept fearfully back and picked up their discarded swords. "private files, seize and bind these prisoners!" screamed the queen. "no," said files, throwing down his gun and removing the knapsack which was strapped to his back, "i resign my position as the army of oogaboo. i enlisted to fight the enemy and become a hero, but if you want some one to bind harmless girls you will have to hire another private." then he walked over to the others and shook hands with shaggy and tik-tok. "treason!" shrieked ann, and all the officers echoed her cry. "nonsense," said files. "i've the right to resign if i want to." "indeed you haven't!" retorted the queen. "if you resign it will break up my army, and then i cannot conquer the world." she now turned to the officers and said: "i must ask you to do me a favor. i know it is undignified in officers to fight, but unless you immediately capture private files and force him to obey my orders there will be no plunder for any of us. also it is likely you will all suffer the pangs of hunger, and when we meet a powerful foe you are liable to be captured and made slaves." the prospect of this awful fate so frightened the officers that they drew their swords and rushed upon files, who stood beside shaggy, in a truly ferocious manner. the next instant, however, they halted and again fell upon their knees; for there, before them, was the glistening love magnet, held in the hand of the smiling shaggy man, and the sight of this magic talisman at once won the heart of every oogabooite. even ann saw the love magnet, and forgetting all enmity and anger threw herself upon shaggy and embraced him lovingly. quite disconcerted by this unexpected effect of the magnet, shaggy disengaged himself from the queen's encircling arms and quickly hid the talisman in his pocket. the adventurers from oogaboo were now his firm friends, and there was no more talk about conquering and binding any of his party. "if you insist on conquering anyone," said shaggy, "you may march with me to the underground kingdom of ruggedo. to conquer the world, as you have set out to do, you must conquer everyone under its surface as well as those upon its surface, and no one in all the world needs conquering so much as ruggedo." "who is he?" asked ann. "the metal monarch, king of the nomes." "is he rich?" inquired major stockings in an anxious voice. "of course," answered shaggy. "he owns all the metal that lies underground--gold, silver, copper, brass and tin. he has an idea he also owns all the metals above ground, for he says all metal was once a part of his kingdom. so, by conquering the metal monarch, you will win all the riches in the world." "ah!" exclaimed general apple, heaving a deep sigh, "that would be plunder worth our while. let's conquer him, your majesty." the queen looked reproachfully at files, who was sitting next to the lovely princess and whispering in her ear. "alas," said ann, "i have no longer an army. i have plenty of brave officers, indeed, but no private soldier for them to command. therefore i cannot conquer ruggedo and win all his wealth." "why don't you make one of your officers the private?" asked shaggy; but at once every officer began to protest and the queen of oogaboo shook her head as she replied: "that is impossible. a private soldier must be a terrible fighter, and my officers are unable to fight. they are exceptionally brave in commanding others to fight, but could not themselves meet the enemy and conquer." "very true, your majesty," said colonel plum, eagerly. "there are many kinds of bravery and one cannot be expected to possess them all. i myself am brave as a lion in all ways until it comes to fighting, but then my nature revolts. fighting is unkind and liable to be injurious to others; so, being a gentleman, i never fight." "nor i!" shouted each of the other officers. "you see," said ann, "how helpless i am. had not private files proved himself a traitor and a deserter, i would gladly have conquered this ruggedo; but an army without a private soldier is like a bee without a stinger." "i am not a traitor, your majesty," protested files. "i resigned in a proper manner, not liking the job. but there are plenty of people to take my place. why not make shaggy man the private soldier?" "he might be killed," said ann, looking tenderly at shaggy, "for he is mortal, and able to die. if anything happened to him, it would break my heart." "it would hurt me worse than that," declared shaggy. "you must admit, your majesty, that i am commander of this expedition, for it is my brother we are seeking, rather than plunder. but i and my companions would like the assistance of your army, and if you help us to conquer ruggedo and to rescue my brother from captivity we will allow you to keep all the gold and jewels and other plunder you may find." this prospect was so tempting that the officers began whispering together and presently colonel cheese said: "your majesty, by combining our brains we have just evolved a most brilliant idea. we will make the clockwork man the private soldier!" "who? me?" asked tik-tok. "not for a sin-gle sec-ond! i can-not fight, and you must not for-get that it was rug-ge-do who threw me in the well." "at that time you had no gun," said polychrome. "but if you join the army of oogaboo you will carry the gun that mr. files used." "a sol-dier must be a-ble to run as well as to fight," protested tik-tok, "and if my works run down, as they of-ten do, i could nei-ther run nor fight." "i'll keep you wound up, tik-tok," promised betsy. "why, it isn't a bad idea," said shaggy. "tik-tok will make an ideal soldier, for nothing can injure him except a sledge hammer. and, since a private soldier seems to be necessary to this army, tik-tok is the only one of our party fitted to undertake the job." "what must i do?" asked tik-tok. "obey orders," replied ann. "when the officers command you to do anything, you must do it; that is all." "and that's enough, too," said files. "do i get a salary?" inquired tik-tok. "you get your share of the plunder," answered the queen. "yes," remarked files, "one-half of the plunder goes to queen ann, the other half is divided among the officers, and the private gets the rest." "that will be sat-is-fac-tor-y," said tik-tok, picking up the gun and examining it wonderingly, for he had never before seen such a weapon. then ann strapped the knapsack to tik-tok's copper back and said: "now we are ready to march to ruggedo's kingdom and conquer it. officers, give the command to march." "fall--in!" yelled the generals, drawing their swords. "fall--in!" cried the colonels, drawing their swords. "fall--in!" shouted the majors, drawing their swords. "fall--in!" bawled the captains, drawing their swords. tik-tok looked at them and then around him in surprise. "fall in what? the well?" he asked. "no," said queen ann, "you must fall in marching order." "can-not i march without fall-ing in-to it?" asked the clockwork man. "shoulder your gun and stand ready to march," advised files; so tik-tok held the gun straight and stood still. "what next?" he asked. the queen turned to shaggy. "which road leads to the metal monarch's cavern?" "we don't know, your majesty," was the reply. "but this is absurd!" said ann with a frown. "if we can't get to ruggedo, it is certain that we can't conquer him." "you are right," admitted shaggy; "but i did not say we could not get to him. we have only to discover the way, and that was the matter we were considering when you and your magnificent army arrived here." "well, then, get busy and discover it," snapped the queen. that was no easy task. they all stood looking from one road to another in perplexity. the paths radiated from the little clearing like the rays of the midday sun, and each path seemed like all the others. files and the rose princess, who had by this time become good friends, advanced a little way along one of the roads and found that it was bordered by pretty wild flowers. "why don't you ask the flowers to tell you the way?" he said to his companion. "the flowers?" returned the princess, surprised at the question. "of course," said files. "the field-flowers must be second-cousins to a rose princess, and i believe if you ask them they will tell you." she looked more closely at the flowers. there were hundreds of white daisies, golden buttercups, bluebells and daffodils growing by the roadside, and each flower-head was firmly set upon its slender but stout stem. there were even a few wild roses scattered here and there and perhaps it was the sight of these that gave the princess courage to ask the important question. she dropped to her knees, facing the flowers, and extended both her arms pleadingly toward them. "tell me, pretty cousins," she said in her sweet, gentle voice, "which way will lead us to the kingdom of ruggedo, the nome king?" at once all the stems bent gracefully to the right and the flower heads nodded once--twice--thrice in that direction. "that's it!" cried files joyfully. "now we know the way." ozga rose to her feet and looked wonderingly at the field-flowers, which had now resumed their upright position. "was it the wind, do you think?" she asked in a low whisper. "no, indeed," replied files. "there is not a breath of wind stirring. but these lovely blossoms are indeed your cousins and answered your question at once, as i knew they would." chapter nine ruggedo's rage is rash and reckless the way taken by the adventurers led up hill and down dale and wound here and there in a fashion that seemed aimless. but always it drew nearer to a range of low mountains and files said more than once that he was certain the entrance to ruggedo's cavern would be found among these rugged hills. in this he was quite correct. far underneath the nearest mountain was a gorgeous chamber hollowed from the solid rock, the walls and roof of which glittered with thousands of magnificent jewels. here, on a throne of virgin gold, sat the famous nome king, dressed in splendid robes and wearing a superb crown cut from a single blood-red ruby. ruggedo, the monarch of all the metals and precious stones of the underground world, was a round little man with a flowing white beard, a red face, bright eyes and a scowl that covered all his forehead. one would think, to look at him, that he ought to be jolly; one might think, considering his enormous wealth, that he ought to be happy; but this was not the case. the metal monarch was surly and cross because mortals had dug so much treasure out of the earth and kept it above ground, where all the power of ruggedo and his nomes was unable to recover it. he hated not only the mortals but also the fairies who live upon the earth or above it, and instead of being content with the riches he still possessed he was unhappy because he did not own all the gold and jewels in the world. ruggedo had been nodding, half asleep, in his chair when suddenly he sat upright, uttered a roar of rage and began pounding upon a huge gong that stood beside him. the sound filled the vast cavern and penetrated to many caverns beyond, where countless thousands of nomes were working at their unending tasks, hammering out gold and silver and other metals, or melting ores in great furnaces, or polishing glittering gems. the nomes trembled at the sound of the king's gong and whispered fearfully to one another that something unpleasant was sure to happen; but none dared pause in his task. the heavy curtains of cloth-of-gold were pushed aside and kaliko, the king's high chamberlain, entered the royal presence. "what's up, your majesty?" he asked, with a wide yawn, for he had just wakened. "up?" roared ruggedo, stamping his foot viciously. "those foolish mortals are up, that's what! and they want to come down." "down here?" inquired kaliko. "yes!" "how do you know?" continued the chamberlain, yawning again. "i feel it in my bones," said ruggedo. "i can always feel it when those hateful earth-crawlers draw near to my kingdom. i am positive, kaliko, that mortals are this very minute on their way here to annoy me--and i hate mortals more than i do catnip tea!" "well, what's to be done?" demanded the nome. "look through your spyglass, and see where the invaders are," commanded the king. so kaliko went to a tube in the wall of rock and put his eye to it. the tube ran from the cavern up to the side of the mountain and turned several curves and corners, but as it was a magic spyglass kaliko was able to see through it just as easily as if it had been straight. "ho--hum," said he. "i see 'em, your majesty." "what do they look like?" inquired the monarch. "that's a hard question to answer, for a queerer assortment of creatures i never yet beheld," replied the nome. "however, such a collection of curiosities may prove dangerous. there's a copper man, worked by machinery--" "bah! that's only tik-tok," said ruggedo. "i'm not afraid of him. why, only the other day i met the fellow and threw him down a well." "then some one must have pulled him out again," said kaliko. "and there's a little girl--" "dorothy?" asked ruggedo, jumping up in fear. "no; some other girl. in fact, there are several girls, of various sizes; but dorothy is not with them, nor is ozma." "that's good!" exclaimed the king, sighing in relief. kaliko still had his eye to the spyglass. "i see," said he, "an army of men from oogaboo. they are all officers and carry swords. and there is a shaggy man--who seems very harmless--and a little donkey with big ears." "pooh!" cried ruggedo, snapping his fingers in scorn. "i've no fear of such a mob as that. a dozen of my nomes can destroy them all in a jiffy." "i'm not so sure of that," said kaliko. "the people of oogaboo are hard to destroy, and i believe the rose princess is a fairy. as for polychrome, you know very well that the rainbow's daughter cannot be injured by a nome." "polychrome! is she among them?" asked the king. "yes; i have just recognized her." "then these people are coming here on no peaceful errand," declared ruggedo, scowling fiercely. "in fact, no one ever comes here on a peaceful errand. i hate everybody, and everybody hates me!" "very true," said kaliko. "i must in some way prevent these people from reaching my dominions. where are they now?" "just now they are crossing the rubber country, your majesty." "good! are your magnetic rubber wires in working order?" "i think so," replied kaliko. "is it your royal will that we have some fun with these invaders?" "it is," answered ruggedo. "i want to teach them a lesson they will never forget." now, shaggy had no idea that he was in a rubber country, nor had any of his companions. they noticed that everything around them was of a dull gray color and that the path upon which they walked was soft and springy, yet they had no suspicion that the rocks and trees were rubber and even the path they trod was made of rubber. presently they came to a brook where sparkling water dashed through a deep channel and rushed away between high rocks far down the mountain-side. across the brook were stepping-stones, so placed that travelers might easily leap from one to another and in that manner cross the water to the farther bank. tik-tok was marching ahead, followed by his officers and queen ann. after them came betsy bobbin and hank, polychrome and shaggy, and last of all the rose princess with files. the clockwork man saw the stream and the stepping-stones and, without making a pause, placed his foot upon the first stone. the result was astonishing. first he sank down in the soft rubber, which then rebounded and sent tik-tok soaring high in the air, where he turned a succession of flip-flops and alighted upon a rubber rock far in the rear of the party. general apple did not see tik-tok bound, so quickly had he disappeared; therefore he also stepped upon the stone (which you will guess was connected with kaliko's magnetic rubber wire) and instantly shot upward like an arrow. general cone came next and met with a like fate, but the others now noticed that something was wrong and with one accord they halted the column and looked back along the path. there was tik-tok, still bounding from one rubber rock to another, each time rising a less distance from the ground. and there was general apple, bounding away in another direction, his three-cornered hat jammed over his eyes and his long sword thumping him upon the arms and head as it swung this way and that. and there, also, appeared general cone, who had struck a rubber rock headforemost and was so crumpled up that his round body looked more like a bouncing-ball than the form of a man. betsy laughed merrily at the strange sight and polychrome echoed her laughter. but ozga was grave and wondering, while queen ann became angry at seeing the chief officers of the army of oogaboo bounding around in so undignified a manner. she shouted to them to stop, but they were unable to obey, even though they would have been glad to do so. finally, however, they all ceased bounding and managed to get upon their feet and rejoin the army. "why did you do that?" demanded ann, who seemed greatly provoked. "don't ask them why," said shaggy earnestly. "i knew you would ask them why, but you ought not to do it. the reason is plain. those stones are rubber; therefore they are not stones. those rocks around us are rubber, and therefore they are not rocks. even this path is not a path; it's rubber. unless we are very careful, your majesty, we are all likely to get the bounce, just as your poor officers and tik-tok did." "then let's be careful," remarked files, who was full of wisdom; but polychrome wanted to test the quality of the rubber, so she began dancing. every step sent her higher and higher into the air, so that she resembled a big butterfly fluttering lightly. presently she made a great bound and bounded way across the stream, landing lightly and steadily on the other side. "there is no rubber over here," she called to them. "suppose you all try to bound over the stream, without touching the stepping-stones." ann and her officers were reluctant to undertake such a risky adventure, but betsy at once grasped the value of the suggestion and began jumping up and down until she found herself bounding almost as high as polychrome had done. then she suddenly leaned forward and the next bound took her easily across the brook, where she alighted by the side of the rainbow's daughter. "come on, hank!" called the girl, and the donkey tried to obey. he managed to bound pretty high but when he tried to bound across the stream he misjudged the distance and fell with a splash into the middle of the water. "hee-haw!" he wailed, struggling toward the far bank. betsy rushed forward to help him out, but when the mule stood safely beside her she was amazed to find he was not wet at all. "it's dry water," said polychrome, dipping her hand into the stream and showing how the water fell from it and left it perfectly dry. "in that case," returned betsy, "they can all walk through the water." she called to ozga and shaggy to wade across, assuring them the water was shallow and would not wet them. at once they followed her advice, avoiding the rubber stepping stones, and made the crossing with ease. this encouraged the entire party to wade through the dry water, and in a few minutes all had assembled on the bank and renewed their journey along the path that led to the nome king's dominions. when kaliko again looked through his magic spyglass he exclaimed: "bad luck, your majesty! all the invaders have passed the rubber country and now are fast approaching the entrance to your caverns." ruggedo raved and stormed at the news and his anger was so great that several times, as he strode up and down his jeweled cavern, he paused to kick kaliko upon his shins, which were so sensitive that the poor nome howled with pain. finally the king said: "there's no help for it; we must drop these audacious invaders down the hollow tube." kaliko gave a jump, at this, and looked at his master wonderingly. "if you do that, your majesty," he said, "you will make tititi-hoochoo very angry." "never mind that," retorted ruggedo. "tititi-hoochoo lives on the other side of the world, so what do i care for his anger?" kaliko shuddered and uttered a little groan. "remember his terrible powers," he pleaded, "and remember that he warned you, the last time you slid people through the hollow tube, that if you did it again he would take vengeance upon you." the metal monarch walked up and down in silence, thinking deeply. "of two dangers," said he, "it is wise to choose the least. what do you suppose these invaders want?" "let the long-eared hearer listen to them," suggested kaliko. "call him here at once!" commanded ruggedo eagerly. so in a few minutes there entered the cavern a nome with enormous ears, who bowed low before the king. "strangers are approaching," said ruggedo, "and i wish to know their errand. listen carefully to their talk and tell me why they are coming here, and what for." the nome bowed again and spread out his great ears, swaying them gently up and down and back and forth. for half an hour he stood silent, in an attitude of listening, while both the king and kaliko grew impatient at the delay. at last the long-eared hearer spoke: "shaggy man is coming here to rescue his brother from captivity," said he. "ha, the ugly one!" exclaimed ruggedo. "well, shaggy man may have his ugly brother, for all i care. he's too lazy to work and is always getting in my way. where is the ugly one now, kaliko?" "the last time your majesty stumbled over the prisoner you commanded me to send him to the metal forest, which i did. i suppose he is still there." "very good. the invaders will have a hard time finding the metal forest," said the king, with a grin of malicious delight, "for half the time i can't find it myself. yet i created the forest and made every tree, out of gold and silver, so as to keep the precious metals in a safe place and out of the reach of mortals. but tell me, hearer, do the strangers want anything else?" "yes, indeed they do!" returned the nome. "the army of oogaboo is determined to capture all the rich metals and rare jewels in your kingdom, and the officers and their queen have arranged to divide the spoils and carry them away." when he heard this ruggedo uttered a bellow of rage and began dancing up and down, rolling his eyes, clicking his teeth together and swinging his arms furiously. then, in an ecstasy of anger he seized the long ears of the hearer and pulled and twisted them cruelly; but kaliko grabbed up the king's sceptre and rapped him over the knuckles with it, so that ruggedo let go the ears and began to chase his royal chamberlain around the throne. the hearer took advantage of this opportunity to slip away from the cavern and escape, and after the king had tired himself out chasing kaliko he threw himself into his throne and panted for breath, while he glared wickedly at his defiant subject. "you'd better save your strength to fight the enemy," suggested kaliko. "there will be a terrible battle when the army of oogaboo gets here." "the army won't get here," said the king, still coughing and panting. "i'll drop 'em down the hollow tube--every man jack and every girl jill of 'em!" "and defy tititi-hoochoo?" asked kaliko. "yes. go at once to my chief magician and order him to turn the path toward the hollow tube, and to make the tip of the tube invisible, so they'll all fall into it." kaliko went away shaking his head, for he thought ruggedo was making a great mistake. he found the magician and had the path twisted so that it led directly to the opening of the hollow tube, and this opening he made invisible. having obeyed the orders of his master, the royal chamberlain went to his private room and began to write letters of recommendation of himself, stating that he was an honest man, a good servant and a small eater. "pretty soon," he said to himself, "i shall have to look for another job, for it is certain that ruggedo has ruined himself by this reckless defiance of the mighty tititi-hoochoo. and in seeking a job nothing is so effective as a letter of recommendation." chapter ten a terrible tumble through a tube i suppose that polychrome, and perhaps queen ann and her army, might have been able to dispel the enchantment of ruggedo's chief magician had they known that danger lay in their pathway; for the rainbow's daughter was a fairy and as oogaboo is a part of the land of oz its inhabitants cannot easily be deceived by such common magic as the nome king could command. but no one suspected any especial danger until after they had entered ruggedo's cavern, and so they were journeying along in quite a contented manner when tik-tok, who marched ahead, suddenly disappeared. the officers thought he must have turned a corner, so they kept on their way and all of them likewise disappeared--one after another. queen ann was rather surprised at this, and in hastening forward to learn the reason she also vanished from sight. betsy bobbin had tired her feet by walking, so she was now riding upon the back of the stout little mule, facing backward and talking to shaggy and polychrome, who were just behind. suddenly hank pitched forward and began falling and betsy would have tumbled over his head had she not grabbed the mule's shaggy neck with both arms and held on for dear life. all around was darkness, and they were not falling directly downward but seemed to be sliding along a steep incline. hank's hoofs were resting upon some smooth substance over which he slid with the swiftness of the wind. once betsy's heels flew up and struck a similar substance overhead. they were, indeed, descending the "hollow tube" that led to the other side of the world. "stop, hank--stop!" cried the girl; but hank only uttered a plaintive "hee-haw!" for it was impossible for him to obey. after several minutes had passed and no harm had befallen them, betsy gained courage. she could see nothing at all, nor could she hear anything except the rush of air past her ears as they plunged downward along the tube. whether she and hank were alone, or the others were with them, she could not tell. but had some one been able to take a flash-light photograph of the tube at that time a most curious picture would have resulted. there was tik-tok, flat upon his back and sliding headforemost down the incline. and there were the officers of the army of oogaboo, all tangled up in a confused crowd, flapping their arms and trying to shield their faces from the clanking swords, which swung back and forth during the swift journey and pommeled everyone within their reach. now followed queen ann, who had struck the tube in a sitting position and went flying along with a dash and abandon that thoroughly bewildered the poor lady, who had no idea what had happened to her. then, a little distance away, but unseen by the others in the inky darkness, slid betsy and hank, while behind them were shaggy and polychrome and finally files and the princess. when first they tumbled into the tube all were too dazed to think clearly, but the trip was a long one, because the cavity led straight through the earth to a place just opposite the nome king's dominions, and long before the adventurers got to the end they had begun to recover their wits. "this is awful, hank!" cried betsy in a loud voice, and queen ann heard her and called out: "are you safe, betsy?" "mercy, no!" answered the little girl. "how could anyone be safe when she's going about sixty miles a minute?" then, after a pause, she added: "but where do you s'pose we're going to, your maj'sty?" "don't ask her that, please don't!" said shaggy, who was not too far away to overhear them. "and please don't ask me why, either." "why?" said betsy. "no one can tell where we are going until we get there," replied shaggy, and then he yelled "ouch!" for polychrome had overtaken him and was now sitting on his head. the rainbow's daughter laughed merrily, and so infectious was this joyous laugh that betsy echoed it and hank said "hee haw!" in a mild and sympathetic tone of voice. "i'd like to know where and when we'll arrive, just the same," exclaimed the little girl. "be patient and you'll find out, my dear," said polychrome. "but isn't this an odd experience? here am i, whose home is in the skies, making a journey through the center of the earth--where i never expected to be!" "how do you know we're in the center of the earth?" asked betsy, her voice trembling a little through nervousness. "why, we can t be anywhere else," replied polychrome. "i have often heard of this passage, which was once built by a magician who was a great traveler. he thought it would save him the bother of going around the earth's surface, but he tumbled through the tube so fast that he shot out at the other end and hit a star in the sky, which at once exploded." "the star exploded?" asked betsy wonderingly. "yes; the magician hit it so hard." "and what became of the magician?" inquired the girl. "no one knows that," answered polychrome. "but i don't think it matters much." "it matters a good deal, if we also hit the stars when we come out," said queen ann, with a moan. "don't worry," advised polychrome. "i believe the magician was going the other way, and probably he went much faster than we are going." "it's fast enough to suit me," remarked shaggy, gently removing polychrome's heel from his left eye. "couldn't you manage to fall all by yourself, my dear?" "i'll try," laughed the rainbow's daughter. all this time they were swiftly falling through the tube, and it was not so easy for them to talk as you may imagine when you read their words. but although they were so helpless and altogether in the dark as to their fate, the fact that they were able to converse at all cheered them, considerably. files and ozga were also conversing as they clung tightly to one another, and the young fellow bravely strove to reassure the princess, although he was terribly frightened, both on her account and on his own. an hour, under such trying circumstances, is a very long time, and for more than an hour they continued their fearful journey. then, just as they began to fear the tube would never end, tik-tok popped out into broad daylight and, after making a graceful circle in the air, fell with a splash into a great marble fountain. out came the officers, in quick succession, tumbling heels over head and striking the ground in many undignified attitudes. "for the love of sassafras!" exclaimed a peculiar person who was hoeing pink violets in a garden. "what can all this mean?" for answer, queen ann sailed up from the tube, took a ride through the air as high as the treetops, and alighted squarely on top of the peculiar person's head, smashing a jeweled crown over his eyes and tumbling him to the ground. the mule was heavier and had betsy clinging to his back, so he did not go so high up. fortunately for his little rider he struck the ground upon his four feet. betsy was jarred a trifle but not hurt and when she looked around her she saw the queen and the peculiar person struggling together upon the ground, where the man was trying to choke ann and she had both hands in his bushy hair and was pulling with all her might. some of the officers, when they got upon their feet, hastened to separate the combatants and sought to restrain the peculiar person so that he could not attack their queen again. by this time, shaggy, polychrome, ozga and files had all arrived and were curiously examining the strange country in which they found themselves and which they knew to be exactly on the opposite side of the world from the place where they had fallen into the tube. it was a lovely place, indeed, and seemed to be the garden of some great prince, for through the vistas of trees and shrubbery could be seen the towers of an immense castle. but as yet the only inhabitant to greet them was the peculiar person just mentioned, who had shaken off the grasp of the officers without effort and was now trying to pull the battered crown from off his eyes. shaggy, who was always polite, helped him to do this and when the man was free and could see again he looked at his visitors with evident amazement. "well, well, well!" he exclaimed. "where did you come from and how did you get here?" betsy tried to answer him, for queen ann was surly and silent. "i can't say, exac'ly where we came from, 'cause i don't know the name of the place," said the girl, "but the way we got here was through the hollow tube." "don't call it a 'hollow' tube, please," exclaimed the peculiar person in an irritated tone of voice. "if it's a tube, it's sure to be hollow." "why?" asked betsy. "because all tubes are made that way. but this tube is private property and everyone is forbidden to fall into it." "we didn't do it on purpose," explained betsy, and polychrome added: "i am quite sure that ruggedo, the nome king, pushed us down that tube." "ha! ruggedo! did you say ruggedo?" cried the man, becoming much excited. "that is what she said," replied shaggy, "and i believe she is right. we were on our way to conquer the nome king when suddenly we fell into the tube." "then you are enemies of ruggedo?" inquired the peculiar person. "not exac'ly enemies," said betsy, a little puzzled by the question, "'cause we don't know him at all; but we started out to conquer him, which isn't as friendly as it might be." "true," agreed the man. he looked thoughtfully from one to another of them for a while and then he turned his head over his shoulder and said: "never mind the fire and pincers, my good brothers. it will be best to take these strangers to the private citizen." "very well, tubekins," responded a voice, deep and powerful, that seemed to come out of the air, for the speaker was invisible. all our friends gave a jump, at this. even polychrome was so startled that her gauze draperies fluttered like a banner in a breeze. shaggy shook his head and sighed; queen ann looked very unhappy; the officers clung to each other, trembling violently. but soon they gained courage to look more closely at the peculiar person. as he was a type of all the inhabitants of this extraordinary land whom they afterward met, i will try to tell you what he looked like. his face was beautiful, but lacked expression. his eyes were large and blue in color and his teeth finely formed and white as snow. his hair was black and bushy and seemed inclined to curl at the ends. so far no one could find any fault with his appearance. he wore a robe of scarlet, which did not cover his arms and extended no lower than his bare knees. on the bosom of the robe was embroidered a terrible dragon's head, as horrible to look at as the man was beautiful. his arms and legs were left bare and the skin of one arm was bright yellow and the skin of the other arm a vivid green. he had one blue leg and one pink one, while both his feet--which showed through the open sandals he wore--were jet black. betsy could not decide whether these gorgeous colors were dyes or the natural tints of the skin, but while she was thinking it over the man who had been called "tubekins" said: "follow me to the residence--all of you!" but just then a voice exclaimed: "here's another of them, tubekins, lying in the water of the fountain." "gracious!" cried betsy; "it must be tik-tok, and he'll drown." "water is a bad thing for his clockworks, anyhow," agreed shaggy, as with one accord they all started for the fountain. but before they could reach it, invisible hands raised tik-tok from the marble basin and set him upon his feet beside it, water dripping from every joint of his copper body. "ma--ny tha--tha--tha--thanks!" he said; and then his copper jaws clicked together and he could say no more. he next made an attempt to walk but after several awkward trials found he could not move his joints. peals of jeering laughter from persons unseen greeted tik-tok's failure, and the new arrivals in this strange land found it very uncomfortable to realize that there were many creatures around them who were invisible, yet could be heard plainly. "shall i wind him up?" asked betsy, feeling very sorry for tik-tok. "i think his machinery is wound; but he needs oiling," replied shaggy. at once an oil-can appeared before him, held on a level with his eyes by some unseen hand. shaggy took the can and tried to oil tik-tok's joints. as if to assist him, a strong current of warm air was directed against the copper man which quickly dried him. soon he was able to say "ma-ny thanks!" quite smoothly and his joints worked fairly well. "come!" commanded tubekins, and turning his back upon them he walked up the path toward the castle. "shall we go?" asked queen ann, uncertainly; but just then she received a shove that almost pitched her forward on her head; so she decided to go. the officers who hesitated received several energetic kicks, but could not see who delivered them; therefore they also decided--very wisely--to go. the others followed willingly enough, for unless they ventured upon another terrible journey through the tube they must make the best of the unknown country they were in, and the best seemed to be to obey orders. chapter eleven the famous fellowship of fairies after a short walk through very beautiful gardens they came to the castle and followed tubekins through the entrance and into a great domed chamber, where he commanded them to be seated. from the crown which he wore, betsy had thought this man must be the king of the country they were in, yet after he had seated all the strangers upon benches that were ranged in a semicircle before a high throne, tubekins bowed humbly before the vacant throne and in a flash became invisible and disappeared. the hall was an immense place, but there seemed to be no one in it beside themselves. presently, however, they heard a low cough near them, and here and there was the faint rustling of a robe and a slight patter as of footsteps. then suddenly there rang out the clear tone of a bell and at the sound all was changed. gazing around the hall in bewilderment they saw that it was filled with hundreds of men and women, all with beautiful faces and staring blue eyes and all wearing scarlet robes and jeweled crowns upon their heads. in fact, these people seemed exact duplicates of tubekins and it was difficult to find any mark by which to tell them apart. "my! what a lot of kings and queens!" whispered betsy to polychrome, who sat beside her and appeared much interested in the scene but not a bit worried. "it is certainly a strange sight," was polychrome's reply; "but i cannot see how there can be more than one king, or queen, in any one country, for were these all rulers, no one could tell who was master." one of the kings who stood near and overheard this remark turned to her and said: "one who is master of himself is always a king, if only to himself. in this favored land all kings and queens are equal, and it is our privilege to bow before one supreme ruler--the private citizen." "who's he?" inquired betsy. as if to answer her, the clear tones of the bell again rang out and instantly there appeared seated in the throne the man who was lord and master of all these royal ones. this fact was evident when with one accord they fell upon their knees and touched their foreheads to the floor. the private citizen was not unlike the others, except that his eyes were black instead of blue and in the centers of the black irises glowed red sparks that seemed like coals of fire. but his features were very beautiful and dignified and his manner composed and stately. instead of the prevalent scarlet robe, he wore one of white, and the same dragon's head that decorated the others was embroidered upon its bosom. "what charge lies against these people, tubekins?" he asked in quiet, even tones. "they came through the forbidden tube, o mighty citizen," was the reply. "you see, it was this way," said betsy. "we were marching to the nome king, to conquer him and set shaggy's brother free, when on a sudden--" "who are you?" demanded the private citizen sternly. "me? oh, i'm betsy bobbin, and--" "who is the leader of this party?" asked the citizen. "sir, i am queen ann of oogaboo, and--" "then keep quiet," said the citizen. "who is the leader?" no one answered for a moment. then general bunn stood up. "sit down!" commanded the citizen. "i can see that sixteen of you are merely officers, and of no account." "but we have an army," said general clock, blusteringly, for he didn't like to be told he was of no account. "where is your army?" asked the citizen. "it's me," said tik-tok, his voice sounding a little rusty. "i'm the on-ly pri-vate sol-dier in the par-ty." hearing this, the citizen rose and bowed respectfully to the clockwork man. "pardon me for not realizing your importance before," said he. "will you oblige me by taking a seat beside me on my throne?" tik-tok rose and walked over to the throne, all the kings and queens making way for him. then with clanking steps he mounted the platform and sat on the broad seat beside the citizen. ann was greatly provoked at this mark of favor shown to the humble clockwork man, but shaggy seemed much pleased that his old friend's importance had been recognized by the ruler of this remarkable country. the citizen now began to question tik-tok, who told in his mechanical voice about shaggy's quest of his lost brother, and how ozma of oz had sent the clockwork man to assist him, and how they had fallen in with queen ann and her people from oogaboo. also he told how betsy and hank and polychrome and the rose princess had happened to join their party. "and you intended to conquer ruggedo, the metal monarch and king of the nomes?" asked the citizen. "yes. that seemed the on-ly thing for us to do," was tik-tok's reply. "but he was too clev-er for us. when we got close to his cav-ern he made our path lead to the tube, and made the op-en-ing in-vis-i-ble, so that we all fell in-to it be-fore we knew it was there. it was an eas-y way to get rid of us and now rug-gedo is safe and we are far a-way in a strange land." the citizen was silent a moment and seemed to be thinking. then he said: "most noble private soldier, i must inform you that by the laws of our country anyone who comes through the forbidden tube must be tortured for nine days and ten nights and then thrown back into the tube. but it is wise to disregard laws when they conflict with justice, and it seems that you and your followers did not disobey our laws willingly, being forced into the tube by ruggedo. therefore the nome king is alone to blame, and he alone must be punished." "that suits me," said tik-tok. "but rug-ge-do is on the o-ther side of the world where he is a-way out of your reach." the citizen drew himself up proudly. "do you imagine anything in the world or upon it can be out of the reach of the great jinjin?" he asked. "oh! are you, then, the great jinjin?" inquired tik-tok. "i am." "then your name is ti-ti-ti-hoo-choo?" "it is." queen ann gave a scream and began to tremble. shaggy was so disturbed that he took out a handkerchief and wiped the perspiration from his brow. polychrome looked sober and uneasy for the first time, while files put his arms around the rose princess as if to protect her. as for the officers, the name of the great jinjin set them moaning and weeping at a great rate and every one fell upon his knees before the throne, begging for mercy. betsy was worried at seeing her companions so disturbed, but did not know what it was all about. only tik-tok was unmoved at the discovery. "then," said he, "if you are ti-ti-ti-hoo-choo, and think rug-ge-do is to blame, i am sure that some-thing queer will hap-pen to the king of the nomes." "i wonder what 'twill be," said betsy. the private citizen--otherwise known as tititi-hoochoo, the great jinjin--looked at the little girl steadily. "i will presently decide what is to happen to ruggedo," said he in a hard, stern voice. then, turning to the throng of kings and queens, he continued: "tik-tok has spoken truly, for his machinery will not allow him to lie, nor will it allow his thoughts to think falsely. therefore these people are not our enemies and must be treated with consideration and justice. take them to your palaces and entertain them as guests until to-morrow, when i command that they be brought again to my residence. by then i shall have formed my plans." no sooner had tititi-hoochoo spoken than he disappeared from sight. immediately after, most of the kings and queens likewise disappeared. but several of them remained visible and approached the strangers with great respect. one of the lovely queens said to betsy: "i trust you will honor me by being my guest. i am erma, queen of light." "may hank come with me?" asked the girl. "the king of animals will care for your mule," was the reply. "but do not fear for him, for he will be treated royally. all of your party will be reunited on the morrow." "i--i'd like to have _some_ one with me," said betsy, pleadingly. queen erma looked around and smiled upon polychrome. "will the rainbow's daughter be an agreeable companion?" she asked. "oh, yes!" exclaimed the girl. so polychrome and betsy became guests of the queen of light, while other beautiful kings and queens took charge of the others of the party. the two girls followed erma out of the hall and through the gardens of the residence to a village of pretty dwellings. none of these was so large or imposing as the castle of the private citizen, but all were handsome enough to be called palaces--as, in fact, they really were. chapter twelve the lovely lady of light the palace of the queen of light stood on a little eminence and was a mass of crystal windows, surmounted by a vast crystal dome. when they entered the portals erma was greeted by six lovely maidens, evidently of high degree, who at once aroused betsy's admiration. each bore a wand in her hand, tipped with an emblem of light, and their costumes were also emblematic of the lights they represented. erma introduced them to her guests and each made a graceful and courteous acknowledgment. first was sunlight, radiantly beautiful and very fair; the second was moonlight, a soft, dreamy damsel with nut-brown hair; next came starlight, equally lovely but inclined to be retiring and shy. these three were dressed in shimmering robes of silvery white. the fourth was daylight, a brilliant damsel with laughing eyes and frank manners, who wore a variety of colors. then came firelight, clothed in a fleecy flame-colored robe that wavered around her shapely form in a very attractive manner. the sixth maiden, electra, was the most beautiful of all, and betsy thought from the first that both sunlight and daylight regarded electra with envy and were a little jealous of her. but all were cordial in their greetings to the strangers and seemed to regard the queen of light with much affection, for they fluttered around her in a flashing, radiant group as she led the way to her regal drawing-room. this apartment was richly and cosily furnished, the upholstery being of many tints, and both betsy and polychrome enjoyed resting themselves upon the downy divans after their strenuous adventures of the day. the queen sat down to chat with her guests, who noticed that daylight was the only maiden now seated beside erma. the others had retired to another part of the room, where they sat modestly with entwined arms and did not intrude themselves at all. the queen told the strangers all about this beautiful land, which is one of the chief residences of fairies who minister to the needs of mankind. so many important fairies lived there that, to avoid rivalry, they had elected as their ruler the only important personage in the country who had no duties to mankind to perform and was, in effect, a private citizen. this ruler, or jinjin, as was his title, bore the name of tititi-hoochoo, and the most singular thing about him was that he had no heart. but instead of this he possessed a high degree of reason and justice and while he showed no mercy in his judgments he never punished unjustly or without reason. to wrong-doers tititi-hoochoo was as terrible as he was heartless, but those who were innocent of evil had nothing to fear from him. all the kings and queens of this fairyland paid reverence to jinjin, for as they expected to be obeyed by others they were willing to obey the one in authority over them. the inhabitants of the land of oz had heard many tales of this fearfully just jinjin, whose punishments were always equal to the faults committed. polychrome also knew of him, although this was the first time she had ever seen him face to face. but to betsy the story was all new, and she was greatly interested in tititi-hoochoo, whom she no longer feared. time sped swiftly during their talk and suddenly betsy noticed that moonlight was sitting beside the queen of light, instead of daylight. "but tell me, please," she pleaded, "why do you all wear a dragon's head embroidered on your gowns?" erma's pleasant face became grave as she answered: "the dragon, as you must know, was the first living creature ever made; therefore the dragon is the oldest and wisest of living things. by good fortune the original dragon, who still lives, is a resident of this land and supplies us with wisdom whenever we are in need of it. he is old as the world and remembers everything that has happened since the world was created." "did he ever have any children?" inquired the girl. "yes, many of them. some wandered into other lands, where men, not understanding them, made war upon them; but many still reside in this country. none, however, is as wise as the original dragon, for whom we have great respect. as he was the first resident here, we wear the emblem of the dragon's head to show that we are the favored people who alone have the right to inhabit this fairyland, which in beauty almost equals the fairyland of oz, and in power quite surpasses it." "i understand about the dragon, now," said polychrome, nodding her lovely head. betsy did not quite understand, but she was at present interested in observing the changing lights. as daylight had given way to moonlight, so now starlight sat at the right hand of erma the queen, and with her coming a spirit of peace and content seemed to fill the room. polychrome, being herself a fairy, had many questions to ask about the various kings and queens who lived in this far-away, secluded place, and before erma had finished answering them a rosy glow filled the room and firelight took her place beside the queen. betsy liked firelight, but to gaze upon her warm and glowing features made the little girl sleepy, and presently she began to nod. thereupon erma rose and took betsy's hand gently in her own. "come," said she; "the feast time has arrived and the feast is spread." "that's nice," exclaimed the small mortal. "now that i think of it, i'm awful hungry. but p'raps i can't eat your fairy food." the queen smiled and led her to a doorway. as she pushed aside a heavy drapery a flood of silvery light greeted them, and betsy saw before her a splendid banquet hall, with a table spread with snowy linen and crystal and silver. at one side was a broad, throne-like seat for erma and beside her now sat the brilliant maid electra. polychrome was placed on the queen's right hand and betsy upon her left. the other five messengers of light now waited upon them, and each person was supplied with just the food she liked best. polychrome found her dish of dewdrops, all fresh and sparkling, while betsy was so lavishly served that she decided she had never in her life eaten a dinner half so good. "i s'pose," she said to the queen, "that miss electra is the youngest of all these girls." "why do you suppose that?" inquired erma, with a smile. "'cause electric'ty is the newest light we know of. didn't mr. edison discover it?" "perhaps he was the first mortal to discover it," replied the queen. "but electricity was a part of the world from its creation, and therefore my electra is as old as daylight or moonlight, and equally beneficent to mortals and fairies alike." betsy was thoughtful for a time. then she remarked, as she looked at the six messengers of light: "we couldn't very well do without any of 'em; could we?" erma laughed softly. "_i_ couldn't, i'm sure," she replied, "and i think mortals would miss any one of my maidens, as well. daylight cannot take the place of sunlight, which gives us strength and energy. moonlight is of value when daylight, worn out with her long watch, retires to rest. if the moon in its course is hidden behind the earth's rim, and my sweet moonlight cannot cheer us, starlight takes her place, for the skies always lend her power. without firelight we should miss much of our warmth and comfort, as well as much cheer when the walls of houses encompass us. but always, when other lights forsake us, our glorious electra is ready to flood us with bright rays. as queen of light, i love all my maidens, for i know them to be faithful and true." "i love 'em, too!" declared betsy. "but sometimes, when i'm _real_ sleepy, i can get along without any light at all." "are you sleepy now?" inquired erma, for the feast had ended. "a little," admitted the girl. so electra showed her to a pretty chamber where there was a soft, white bed, and waited patiently until betsy had undressed and put on a shimmery silken nightrobe that lay beside her pillow. then the light-maid bade her good night and opened the door. when she closed it after her betsy was in darkness. in six winks the little girl was fast asleep. chapter thirteen the jinjin's just judgment all the adventurers were reunited next morning when they were brought from various palaces to the residence of tititi-hoochoo and ushered into the great hall of state. as before, no one was visible except our friends and their escorts until the first bell sounded. then in a flash the room was seen to be filled with the beautiful kings and queens of the land. the second bell marked the appearance in the throne of the mighty jinjin, whose handsome countenance was as composed and expressionless as ever. all bowed low to the ruler. their voices softly murmured: "we greet the private citizen, mightiest of rulers, whose word is law and whose law is just." tititi-hoochoo bowed in acknowledgment. then, looking around the brilliant assemblage, and at the little group of adventurers before him, he said: "an unusual thing has happened. inhabitants of other lands than ours, who are different from ourselves in many ways, have been thrust upon us through the forbidden tube, which one of our people foolishly made years ago and was properly punished for his folly. but these strangers had no desire to come here and were wickedly thrust into the tube by a cruel king on the other side of the world, named ruggedo. this king is an immortal, but he is not good. his magic powers hurt mankind more than they benefit them. because he had unjustly kept the shaggy man's brother a prisoner, this little band of honest people, consisting of both mortals and immortals, determined to conquer ruggedo and to punish him. fearing they might succeed in this, the nome king misled them so that they fell into the tube. "now, this same ruggedo has been warned by me, many times, that if ever he used this forbidden tube in any way he would be severely punished. i find, by referring to the fairy records, that this king's servant, a nome named kaliko, begged his master not to do such a wrong act as to drop these people into the tube and send them tumbling into our country. but ruggedo defied me and my orders. "therefore these strangers are innocent of any wrong. it is only ruggedo who deserves punishment, and i will punish him." he paused a moment and then continued in the same cold, merciless voice: "these strangers must return through the tube to their own side of the world; but i will make their fall more easy and pleasant than it was before. also i shall send with them an instrument of vengeance, who in my name will drive ruggedo from his underground caverns, take away his magic powers and make him a homeless wanderer on the face of the earth--a place he detests." there was a little murmur of horror from the kings and queens at the severity of this punishment, but no one uttered a protest, for all realized that the sentence was just. "in selecting my instrument of vengeance," went on tititi-hoochoo, "i have realized that this will be an unpleasant mission. therefore no one of us who is blameless should be forced to undertake it. in this wonderful land it is seldom one is guilty of wrong, even in the slightest degree, and on examining the records i found no king or queen had erred. nor had any among their followers or servants done any wrong. but finally i came to the dragon family, which we highly respect, and then it was that i discovered the error of quox. "quox, as you well know, is a young dragon who has not yet acquired the wisdom of his race. because of this lack, he has been disrespectful toward his most ancient ancestor, the original dragon, telling him once to mind his own business and again saying that the ancient one had grown foolish with age. we are aware that dragons are not the same as fairies and cannot be altogether guided by our laws, yet such disrespect as quox has shown should not be unnoticed by us. therefore i have selected quox as my royal instrument of vengeance and he shall go through the tube with these people and inflict upon ruggedo the punishment i have decreed." all had listened quietly to this speech and now the kings and queens bowed gravely to signify their approval of the jinjin's judgment. tititi-hoochoo turned to tubekins. "i command you," said he, "to escort these strangers to the tube and see that they all enter it." the king of the tube, who had first discovered our friends and brought them to the private citizen, stepped forward and bowed. as he did so, the jinjin and all the kings and queens suddenly disappeared and only tubekins remained visible. "all right," said betsy, with a sigh; "i don't mind going back so _very_ much, 'cause the jinjin promised to make it easy for us." indeed, queen ann and her officers were the only ones who looked solemn and seemed to fear the return journey. one thing that bothered ann was her failure to conquer this land of tititi-hoochoo. as they followed their guide through the gardens to the mouth of the tube she said to shaggy: "how can i conquer the world, if i go away and leave this rich country unconquered?" "you can't," he replied. "don't ask me why, please, for if you don't know i can't inform you." "why not?" said ann; but shaggy paid no attention to the question. this end of the tube had a silver rim and around it was a gold railing to which was attached a sign that read. "if you are out, stay there. if you are in, don't come out." on a little silver plate just inside the tube was engraved the words: "burrowed and built by hiergargo the magician, in the year of the world 1 9 6 2 5 4 7 8 for his own exclusive uses." "he was some builder, i must say," remarked betsy, when she had read the inscription; "but if he had known about that star i guess he'd have spent his time playing solitaire." "well, what are we waiting for?" inquired shaggy, who was impatient to start. "quox," replied tubekins. "but i think i hear him coming." "is the young dragon invisible?" asked ann, who had never seen a live dragon and was a little fearful of meeting one. "no, indeed," replied the king of the tube. "you'll see him in a minute; but before you part company i'm sure you'll wish he _was_ invisible." "is he dangerous, then?" questioned files. "not at all. but quox tires me dreadfully," said tubekins, "and i prefer his room to his company." at that instant a scraping sound was heard, drawing nearer and nearer until from between two big bushes appeared a huge dragon, who approached the party, nodded his head and said: "good morning." had quox been at all bashful i am sure he would have felt uncomfortable at the astonished stare of every eye in the group--except tubekins, of course, who was not astonished because he had seen quox so often. betsy had thought a "young" dragon must be a small dragon, yet here was one so enormous that the girl decided he must be full grown, if not overgrown. his body was a lovely sky-blue in color and it was thickly set with glittering silver scales, each one as big as a serving-tray. around his neck was a pink ribbon with a bow just under his left ear, and below the ribbon appeared a chain of pearls to which was attached a golden locket about as large around as the end of a bass drum. this locket was set with many large and beautiful jewels. the head and face of quox were not especially ugly, when you consider that he was a dragon; but his eyes were so large that it took him a long time to wink and his teeth seemed very sharp and terrible when they showed, which they did whenever the beast smiled. also his nostrils were quite large and wide, and those who stood near him were liable to smell brimstone--especially when he breathed out fire, as it is the nature of dragons to do. to the end of his long tail was attached a big electric light. perhaps the most singular thing about the dragon's appearance at this time was the fact that he had a row of seats attached to his back, one seat for each member of the party. these seats were double, with curved backs, so that two could sit in them, and there were twelve of these double seats, all strapped firmly around the dragon's thick body and placed one behind the other, in a row that extended from his shoulders nearly to his tail. "aha!" exclaimed tubekins; "i see that tititi-hoochoo has transformed quox into a carryall." "i'm glad of that," said betsy. "i hope, mr. dragon, you won't mind our riding on your back." "not a bit," replied quox. "i'm in disgrace just now, you know, and the only way to redeem my good name is to obey the orders of the jinjin. if he makes me a beast of burden, it is only a part of my punishment, and i must bear it like a dragon. i don't blame you people at all, and i hope you'll enjoy the ride. hop on, please. all aboard for the other side of the world!" silently they took their places. hank sat in the front seat with betsy, so that he could rest his front hoofs upon the dragon's head. behind them were shaggy and polychrome, then files and the princess, and queen ann and tik-tok. the officers rode in the rear seats. when all had mounted to their places the dragon looked very like one of those sightseeing wagons so common in big cities--only he had legs instead of wheels. "all ready?" asked quox, and when they said they were he crawled to the mouth of the tube and put his head in. "good-bye, and good luck to you!" called tubekins; but no one thought to reply, because just then the dragon slid his great body into the tube and the journey to the other side of the world had begun. at first they went so fast that they could scarcely catch their breaths, but presently quox slowed up and said with a sort of cackling laugh: "my scales! but that is some tumble. i think i shall take it easy and fall slower, or i'm likely to get dizzy. is it very far to the other side of the world?" "haven't you ever been through this tube before?" inquired shaggy. "never. nor has anyone else in our country; at least, not since i was born." "how long ago was that?" asked betsy. "that i was born? oh, not very long ago. i'm only a mere child. if i had not been sent on this journey, i would have celebrated my three thousand and fifty-sixth birthday next thursday. mother was going to make me a birthday cake with three thousand and fifty-six candles on it; but now, of course, there will be no celebration, for i fear i shall not get home in time for it." "three thousand and fifty-six years!" cried betsy. "why, i had no idea anything could live that long!" "my respected ancestor, whom i would call a stupid old humbug if i had not reformed, is so old that i am a mere baby compared with him," said quox. "he dates from the beginning of the world, and insists on telling us stories of things that happened fifty thousand years ago, which are of no interest at all to youngsters like me. in fact, grandpa isn't up to date. he lives altogether in the past, so i can't see any good reason for his being alive to-day.... are you people able to see your way, or shall i turn on more light?" "oh, we can see very nicely, thank you; only there's nothing to see but ourselves," answered betsy. this was true. the dragon's big eyes were like headlights on an automobile and illuminated the tube far ahead of them. also he curled his tail upward so that the electric light on the end of it enabled them to see one another quite clearly. but the tube itself was only dark metal, smooth as glass but exactly the same from one of its ends to the other. therefore there was no scenery of interest to beguile the journey. they were now falling so gently that the trip was proving entirely comfortable, as the jinjin had promised it would be; but this meant a longer journey and the only way they could make time pass was to engage in conversation. the dragon seemed a willing and persistent talker and he was of so much interest to them that they encouraged him to chatter. his voice was a little gruff but not unpleasant when one became used to it. "my only fear," said he presently, "is that this constant sliding over the surface of the tube will dull my claws. you see, this hole isn't straight down, but on a steep slant, and so instead of tumbling freely through the air i must skate along the tube. fortunately, there is a file in my tool-kit, and if my claws get dull they can be sharpened again." "why do you want sharp claws?" asked betsy. "they are my natural weapons, and you must not forget that i have been sent to conquer ruggedo." "oh, you needn't mind about that," remarked queen ann, in her most haughty manner; "for when we get to ruggedo i and my invincible army can conquer him without your assistance." "very good," returned the dragon, cheerfully. "that will save me a lot of bother--if you succeed. but i think i shall file my claws, just the same." he gave a long sigh, as he said this, and a sheet of flame, several feet in length, shot from his mouth. betsy shuddered and hank said "hee-haw!" while some of the officers screamed in terror. but the dragon did not notice that he had done anything unusual. "is there fire inside of you?" asked shaggy. "of course," answered quox. "what sort of a dragon would i be if my fire went out?" "what keeps it going?" betsy inquired. "i've no idea. i only know it's there," said quox. "the fire keeps me alive and enables me to move; also to think and speak." "ah! you are ver-y much like my-self," said tik-tok. "the on-ly dif-fer-ence is that i move by clock-work, while you move by fire." "i don't see a particle of likeness between us, i must confess," retorted quox, gruffly. "you are not a live thing; you're a dummy." "but i can do things, you must ad-mit," said tik-tok. "yes, when you are wound up," sneered the dragon. "but if you run down, you are helpless." "what would happen to you, quox, if you ran out of gasoline?" inquired shaggy, who did not like this attack upon his friend. "i don't use gasoline." "well, suppose you ran out of fire." "what's the use of supposing that?" asked quox. "my great-great-great-grandfather has lived since the world began, and he has never once run out of fire to keep him going. but i will confide to you that as he gets older he shows more smoke and less fire. as for tik-tok, he's well enough in his way, but he's merely copper. and the metal monarch knows copper through and through. i wouldn't be surprised if ruggedo melted tik-tok in one of his furnaces and made copper pennies of him." "in that case, i would still keep going," remarked tik-tok, calmly. "pennies do," said betsy regretfully. "this is all nonsense," said the queen, with irritation. "tik-tok is my great army--all but the officers--and i believe he will be able to conquer ruggedo with ease. what do you think, polychrome?" "you might let him try," answered the rainbow's daughter, with her sweet ringing laugh, that sounded like the tinkling of tiny bells. "and if tik-tok fails, you have still the big fire-breathing dragon to fall back on." "ah!" said the dragon, another sheet of flame gushing from his mouth and nostrils; "it's a wise little girl, this polychrome. anyone would know she is a fairy." chapter fourteen the long-eared hearer learns by listening during this time ruggedo, the metal monarch and king of the nomes, was trying to amuse himself in his splendid jeweled cavern. it was hard work for ruggedo to find amusement to-day, for all the nomes were behaving well and there was no one to scold or to punish. the king had thrown his sceptre at kaliko six times, without hitting him once. not that kaliko had done anything wrong. on the contrary, he had obeyed the king in every way but one: he would not stand still, when commanded to do so, and let the heavy sceptre strike him. we can hardly blame kaliko for this, and even the cruel ruggedo forgave him; for he knew very well that if he mashed his royal chamberlain he could never find another so intelligent and obedient. kaliko could make the nomes work when their king could not, for the nomes hated ruggedo and there were so many thousands of the quaint little underground people that they could easily have rebelled and defied the king had they dared to do so. sometimes, when ruggedo abused them worse than usual, they grew sullen and threw down their hammers and picks. then, however hard the king scolded or whipped them, they would not work until kaliko came and begged them to. for kaliko was one of themselves and was as much abused by the king as any nome in the vast series of caverns. but to-day all the little people were working industriously at their tasks and ruggedo, having nothing to do, was greatly bored. he sent for the long-eared hearer and asked him to listen carefully and report what was going on in the big world. "it seems," said the hearer, after listening for awhile, "that the women in america have clubs." "are there spikes in them?" asked ruggedo, yawning. "i cannot hear any spikes, your majesty," was the reply. "then their clubs are not as good as my sceptre. what else do you hear?' "there's a war. "bah! there's always a war. what else?" for a time the hearer was silent, bending forward and spreading out his big ears to catch the slightest sound. then suddenly he said: "here is an interesting thing, your majesty. these people are arguing as to who shall conquer the metal monarch, seize his treasure and drive him from his dominions." "what people?" demanded ruggedo, sitting up straight in his throne. "the ones you threw down the hollow tube." "where are they now?" "in the same tube, and coming back this way," said the hearer. ruggedo got out of his throne and began to pace up and down the cavern. "i wonder what can be done to stop them," he mused. "well," said the hearer, "if you could turn the tube upside down, they would be falling the other way, your majesty." ruggedo glared at him wickedly, for it was impossible to turn the tube upside down and he believed the hearer was slyly poking fun at him. presently he asked: "how far away are those people now?" "about nine thousand three hundred and six miles, seventeen furlongs, eight feet and four inches--as nearly as i can judge from the sound of their voices," replied the hearer. "aha! then it will be some time before they arrive," said ruggedo, "and when they get here i shall be ready to receive them." he rushed to his gong and pounded upon it so fiercely that kaliko came bounding into the cavern with one shoe off and one shoe on, for he was just dressing himself after a swim in the hot bubbling lake of the underground kingdom. "kaliko, those invaders whom we threw down the tube are coming back again!" he exclaimed. "i thought they would," said the royal chamberlain, pulling on the other shoe. "tititi-hoochoo would not allow them to remain in his kingdom, of course, and so i've been expecting them back for some time. that was a very foolish action of yours, rug." "what, to throw them down the tube?" "yes. tititi-hoochoo has forbidden us to throw even rubbish into the tube." "pooh! what do i care for the jinjin?" asked ruggedo scornfully. "he never leaves his own kingdom, which is on the other side of the world." "true; but he might send some one through the tube to punish you," suggested kaliko. "i'd like to see him do it! who could conquer my thousands of nomes?" "why, they've been conquered before, if i remember aright," answered kaliko with a grin. "once i saw you running from a little girl named dorothy, and her friends, as if you were really afraid." "well, i _was_ afraid, that time," admitted the nome king, with a deep sigh, "for dorothy had a yellow hen that laid eggs!" the king shuddered as he said "eggs," and kaliko also shuddered, and so did the long-eared hearer; for eggs are the only things that the nomes greatly dread. the reason for this is that eggs belong on the earth's surface, where birds and fowl of all sorts live, and there is something about a hen's egg, especially, that fills a nome with horror. if by chance the inside of an egg touches one of these underground people, he withers up and blows away and that is the end of him--unless he manages quickly to speak a magical word which only a few of the nomes know. therefore ruggedo and his followers had very good cause to shudder at the mere mention of eggs. "but dorothy," said the king, "is not with this band of invaders; nor is the yellow hen. as for tititi-hoochoo, he has no means of knowing that we are afraid of eggs." "you mustn't be too sure of that," kaliko warned him. "tititi-hoochoo knows a great many things, being a fairy, and his powers are far superior to any we can boast." ruggedo shrugged impatiently and turned to the hearer. "listen," said he, "and tell me if you hear any eggs coming through the tube." the long-eared one listened and then shook his head. but kaliko laughed at the king. "no one can hear an egg, your majesty," said he. "the only way to discover the truth is to look through the magic spyglass." "that's it!" cried the king. "why didn't i think of it before? look at once, kaliko!" so kaliko went to the spyglass and by uttering a mumbled charm he caused the other end of it to twist around, so that it pointed down the opening of the tube. then he put his eye to the glass and was able to gaze along all the turns and windings of the magic spyglass and then deep into the tube, to where our friends were at that time falling. "dear me!" he exclaimed. "here comes a dragon." "a big one?" asked ruggedo. "a monster. he has an electric light on the end of his tail, so i can see him very plainly. and the other people are all riding upon his back." "how about the eggs?" inquired the king. kaliko looked again. "i can see no eggs at all," said he; "but i imagine that the dragon is as dangerous as eggs. probably tititi-hoochoo has sent him here to punish you for dropping those strangers into the forbidden tube. i warned you not to do it, your majesty." this news made the nome king anxious. for a few minutes he paced up and down, stroking his long beard and thinking with all his might. after this he turned to kaliko and said: "all the harm a dragon can do is to scratch with his claws and bite with his teeth." "that is not all, but it's quite enough," returned kaliko earnestly. "on the other hand, no one can hurt a dragon, because he's the toughest creature alive. one flop of his huge tail could smash a hundred nomes to pancakes, and with teeth and claws he could tear even you or me into small bits, so that it would be almost impossible to put us together again. once, a few hundred years ago, while wandering through some deserted caverns, i came upon a small piece of a nome lying on the rocky floor. i asked the piece of nome what had happened to it. fortunately the mouth was a part of this piece--the mouth and the left eye--so it was able to tell me that a fierce dragon was the cause. it had attacked the poor nome and scattered him in every direction, and as there was no friend near to collect his pieces and put him together, they had been separated for a great many years. so you see, your majesty, it is not in good taste to sneer at a dragon." the king had listened attentively to kaliko. said he: "it will only be necessary to chain this dragon which tititi-hoochoo has sent here, in order to prevent his reaching us with his claws and teeth." "he also breathes flames," kaliko reminded him. "my nomes are not afraid of fire, nor am i," said ruggedo. "well, how about the army of oogaboo?" "sixteen cowardly officers and tik-tok! why, i could defeat them single-handed; but i won't try to. i'll summon my army of nomes to drive the invaders out of my territory, and if we catch any of them i intend to stick needles into them until they hop with pain." "i hope you won't hurt any of the girls," said kaliko. "i'll hurt 'em all!" roared the angry metal monarch. "and that braying mule i'll make into hoof-soup, and feed it to my nomes, that it may add to their strength." "why not be good to the strangers and release your prisoner, the shaggy man's brother?" suggested kaliko. "never!" "it may save you a lot of annoyance. and you don't want the ugly one." "i don't want him; that's true. but i won't allow anybody to order me around. i'm king of the nomes and i'm the metal monarch, and i shall do as i please and what i please and when i please!" with this speech ruggedo threw his sceptre at kaliko's head, aiming it so well that the royal chamberlain had to fall flat upon the floor in order to escape it. but the hearer did not see the sceptre coming and it swept past his head so closely that it broke off the tip of one of his long ears. he gave a dreadful yell that quite startled ruggedo, and the king was sorry for the accident because those long ears of the hearer were really valuable to him. so the nome king forgot to be angry with kaliko and ordered his chamberlain to summon general guph and the army of nomes and have them properly armed. they were then to march to the mouth of the tube, where they could seize the travelers as soon as they appeared. chapter fifteen the dragon defies danger although the journey through the tube was longer, this time, than before, it was so much more comfortable that none of our friends minded it at all. they talked together most of the time and as they found the dragon good-natured and fond of the sound of his own voice they soon became well acquainted with him and accepted him as a companion. "you see," said shaggy, in his frank way, "quox is on our side, and therefore the dragon is a good fellow. if he happened to be an enemy, instead of a friend, i am sure i should dislike him very much, for his breath smells of brimstone, he is very conceited and he is so strong and fierce that he would prove a dangerous foe." "yes, indeed," returned quox, who had listened to this speech with pleasure; "i suppose i am about as terrible as any living thing. i am glad you find me conceited, for that proves i know my good qualities. as for my breath smelling of brimstone, i really can't help it, and i once met a man whose breath smelled of onions, which i consider far worse." "i don't," said betsy; "i love onions. "and i love brimstone," declared the dragon, "so don't let us quarrel over one another's peculiarities." saying this, he breathed a long breath and shot a flame fifty feet from his mouth. the brimstone made betsy cough, but she remembered about the onions and said nothing. they had no idea how far they had gone through the center of the earth, nor when to expect the trip to end. at one time the little girl remarked: "i wonder when we'll reach the bottom of this hole. and isn't it funny, shaggy man, that what is the bottom to us now, was the top when we fell the other way?" "what puzzles me," said files, "is that we are able to fall both ways." "that," announced tik-tok, "is be-cause the world is round." "exactly," responded shaggy. "the machinery in your head is in fine working order, tik-tok. you know, betsy, that there is such a thing as the attraction of gravitation, which draws everything toward the center of the earth. that is why we fall out of bed, and why everything clings to the surface of the earth." "then why doesn't everything go on down to the center of the earth?" inquired the little girl. "i was afraid you were going to ask me that," replied shaggy in a sad tone. "the reason, my dear, is that the earth is so solid that other solid things can't get through it. but when there's a hole, as there is in this case, we drop right down to the center of the world." "why don't we stop there?" asked betsy. "because we go so fast that we acquire speed enough to carry us right up to the other end." "i don't understand that, and it makes my head ache to try to figure it out," she said after some thought. "one thing draws us to the center and another thing pushes us away from it. but--" "don't ask me why, please," interrupted the shaggy man. "if you can't understand it, let it go at that." "do _you_ understand it?" she inquired. "all the magic isn't in fairyland," he said gravely. "there's lots of magic in all nature, and you may see it as well in the united states, where you and i once lived, as you can here." "i never did," she replied. "because you were so used to it all that you didn't realize it was magic. is anything more wonderful than to see a flower grow and blossom, or to get light out of the electricity in the air? the cows that manufacture milk for us must have machinery fully as remarkable as that in tik-tok's copper body, and perhaps you've noticed that--" and then, before shaggy could finish his speech, the strong light of day suddenly broke upon them, grew brighter, and completely enveloped them. the dragon's claws no longer scraped against the metal tube, for he shot into the open air a hundred feet or more and sailed so far away from the slanting hole that when he landed it was on the peak of a mountain and just over the entrance to the many underground caverns of the nome king. some of the officers tumbled off their seats when quox struck the ground, but most of the dragon's passengers only felt a slight jar. all were glad to be on solid earth again and they at once dismounted and began to look about them. queerly enough, as soon as they had left the dragon, the seats that were strapped to the monster's back disappeared, and this probably happened because there was no further use for them and because quox looked far more dignified in just his silver scales. of course he still wore the forty yards of ribbon around his neck, as well as the great locket, but these only made him look "dressed up," as betsy remarked. now the army of nomes had gathered thickly around the mouth of the tube, in order to be ready to capture the band of invaders as soon as they popped out. there were, indeed, hundreds of nomes assembled, and they were led by guph, their most famous general. but they did not expect the dragon to fly so high, and he shot out of the tube so suddenly that it took them by surprise. when the nomes had rubbed the astonishment out of their eyes and regained their wits, they discovered the dragon quietly seated on the mountainside far above their heads, while the other strangers were standing in a group and calmly looking down upon them. general guph was very angry at the escape, which was no one's fault but his own. "come down here and be captured!" he shouted, waving his sword at them. "come up here and capture us--if you dare!" replied queen ann, who was winding up the clockwork of her private soldier, so he could fight more briskly. guph's first answer was a roar of rage at the defiance; then he turned and issued a command to his nomes. these were all armed with sharp spears and with one accord they raised these spears and threw them straight at their foes, so that they rushed through the air in a perfect cloud of flying weapons. some damage might have been done had not the dragon quickly crawled before the others, his body being so big that it shielded every one of them, including hank. the spears rattled against the silver scales of quox and then fell harmlessly to the ground. they were magic spears, of course, and all straightway bounded back into the hands of those who had thrown them, but even guph could see that it was useless to repeat the attack. it was now queen ann's turn to attack, so the generals yelled "for--ward march!" and the colonels and majors and captains repeated the command and the valiant army of oogaboo, which seemed to be composed mainly of tik-tok, marched forward in single column toward the nomes, while betsy and polychrome cheered and hank gave a loud "hee-haw!" and shaggy shouted "hooray!" and queen ann screamed: "at 'em, tik-tok--at 'em!" the nomes did not await the clockwork man's attack but in a twinkling disappeared into the underground caverns. they made a great mistake in being so hasty, for tik-tok had not taken a dozen steps before he stubbed his copper toe on a rock and fell flat to the ground, where he cried: "pick me up! pick me up! pick me up!" until shaggy and files ran forward and raised him to his feet again. the dragon chuckled softly to himself as he scratched his left ear with his hind claw, but no one was paying much attention to quox just then. it was evident to ann and her officers that there could be no fighting unless the enemy was present, and in order to find the enemy they must boldly enter the underground kingdom of the nomes. so bold a step demanded a council of war. "don't you think i'd better drop in on ruggedo and obey the orders of the jinjin?" asked quox. "by no means!" returned queen ann. "we have already put the army of nomes to flight and all that yet remains is to force our way into those caverns, and conquer the nome king and all his people." "that seems to me something of a job," said the dragon, closing his eyes sleepily. "but go ahead, if you like, and i'll wait here for you. don't be in any hurry on my account. to one who lives thousands of years the delay of a few days means nothing at all, and i shall probably sleep until the time comes for me to act." ann was provoked at this speech. "you may as well go back to tititi-hoochoo now," she said, "for the nome king is as good as conquered already." but quox shook his head. "no," said he; "i'll wait." chapter sixteen the naughty nome shaggy man had said nothing during the conversation between queen ann and quox, for the simple reason that he did not consider the matter worth an argument. safe within his pocket reposed the love magnet, which had never failed to win every heart. the nomes, he knew, were not like the heartless roses and therefore could be won to his side as soon as he exhibited the magic talisman. shaggy's chief anxiety had been to reach ruggedo's kingdom and now that the entrance lay before him he was confident he would be able to rescue his lost brother. let ann and the dragon quarrel as to who should conquer the nomes, if they liked; shaggy would let them try, and if they failed he had the means of conquest in his own pocket. but ann was positive she could not fail, for she thought her army could do anything. so she called the officers together and told them how to act, and she also instructed tik-tok what to do and what to say. "please do not shoot your gun except as a last resort," she added, "for i do not wish to be cruel or to shed any blood--unless it is absolutely necessary." "all right," replied tik-tok; "but i do not think rug-ge-do would bleed if i filled him full of holes and put him in a ci-der press." then the officers fell in line, the four generals abreast and then the four colonels and the four majors and the four captains. they drew their glittering swords and commanded tik-tok to march, which he did. twice he fell down, being tripped by the rough rocks, but when he struck the smooth path he got along better. into the gloomy mouth of the cavern entrance he stepped without hesitation, and after him proudly pranced the officers and queen ann. the others held back a little, waiting to see what would happen. of course the nome king knew they were coming and was prepared to receive them. just within the rocky passage that led to the jeweled throne-room was a deep pit, which was usually covered. ruggedo had ordered the cover removed and it now stood open, scarcely visible in the gloom. the pit was so large around that it nearly filled the passage and there was barely room for one to walk around it by pressing close to the rock walls. this tik-tok did, for his copper eyes saw the pit clearly and he avoided it; but the officers marched straight into the hole and tumbled in a heap on the bottom. an instant later queen ann also walked into the pit, for she had her chin in the air and was careless where she placed her feet. then one of the nomes pulled a lever which replaced the cover on the pit and made the officers of oogaboo and their queen fast prisoners. as for tik-tok, he kept straight on to the cavern where ruggedo sat in his throne and there he faced the nome king and said: "i here-by con-quer you in the name of queen ann so-forth of oo-ga-boo, whose ar-my i am, and i de-clare that you are her pris-on-er!" ruggedo laughed at him. "where is this famous queen?" he asked. "she'll be here in a min-ute," said tik-tok. "per-haps she stopped to tie her shoe-string." "now, see here, tik-tok," began the nome king, in a stern voice, "i've had enough of this nonsense. your queen and her officers are all prisoners, having fallen into my power, so perhaps you'll tell me what you mean to do." "my or-ders were to con-quer you," replied tik-tok, "and my ma-chin-er-y has done the best it knows how to car-ry out those or-ders." ruggedo pounded on his gong and kaliko appeared, followed closely by general guph. "take this copper man into the shops and set him to work hammering gold," commanded the king. "being run by machinery he ought to be a steady worker. he ought never to have been made, but since he exists i shall hereafter put him to good use." "if you try to cap-ture me," said tik-tok, "i shall fight." "don't do that!" exclaimed general guph, earnestly, "for it will be useless to resist and you might hurt some one." but tik-tok raised his gun and took aim and not knowing what damage the gun might do the nomes were afraid to face it. while he was thus defying the nome king and his high officials, betsy bobbin rode calmly into the royal cavern, seated upon the back of hank the mule. the little girl had grown tired of waiting for "something to happen" and so had come to see if ruggedo had been conquered. "nails and nuggets!" roared the king; "how dare you bring that beast here and enter my presence unannounced?" "there wasn't anybody to announce me," replied betsy. "i guess your folks were all busy. are you conquered yet?" "no!" shouted the king, almost beside himself with rage. "then please give me something to eat, for i'm awful hungry," said the girl. "you see, this conquering business is a good deal like waiting for a circus parade; it takes a long time to get around and don't amount to much anyhow." the nomes were so much astonished at this speech that for a time they could only glare at her silently, not finding words to reply. the king finally recovered the use of his tongue and said: "earth-crawler! this insolence to my majesty shall be your death-warrant. you are an ordinary mortal, and to stop a mortal from living is so easy a thing to do that i will not keep you waiting half so long as you did for my conquest." "i'd rather you wouldn't stop me from living," remarked betsy, getting off hank's back and standing beside him. "and it would be a pretty cheap king who killed a visitor while she was hungry. if you'll give me something to eat, i'll talk this killing business over with you afterward; only, i warn you now that i don't approve of it, and never will." her coolness and lack of fear impressed the nome king, although he bore an intense hatred toward all mortals. "what do you wish to eat?" he asked gruffly. "oh, a ham-sandwich would do, or perhaps a couple of hard-boiled eggs--" "eggs!" shrieked the three nomes who were present, shuddering till their teeth chattered. "what's the matter?" asked betsy wonderingly. "are eggs as high here as they are at home?" "guph," said the king in an agitated voice, turning to his general, "let us destroy this rash mortal at once! seize her and take her to the slimy cave and lock her in." guph glanced at tik-tok, whose gun was still pointed, but just then kaliko stole softly behind the copper man and kicked his knee-joints so that they suddenly bent forward and tumbled tik-tok to the floor, his gun falling from his grasp. then guph, seeing tik-tok helpless, made a grab at betsy. at the same time hank's heels shot out and caught the general just where his belt was buckled. he rose into the air swift as a cannon-ball, struck the nome king fairly and flattened his majesty against the wall of rock on the opposite side of the cavern. together they fell to the floor in a dazed and crumpled condition, seeing which kaliko whispered to betsy: "come with me--quick!--and i will save you." she looked into kaliko's face inquiringly and thought he seemed honest and good-natured, so she decided to follow him. he led her and the mule through several passages and into a small cavern very nicely and comfortably furnished. "this is my own room," said he, "but you are quite welcome to use it. wait here a minute and i'll get you something to eat." when kaliko returned he brought a tray containing some broiled mushrooms, a loaf of mineral bread and some petroleum-butter. the butter betsy could not eat, but the bread was good and the mushrooms delicious. "here's the door key," said kaliko, "and you'd better lock yourself in." "won't you let polychrome and the rose princess come here, too?" she asked. "i'll see. where are they?" "i don't know. i left them outside," said betsy. "well, if you hear three raps on the door, open it," said kaliko; "but don't let anyone in unless they give the three raps." "all right," promised betsy, and when kaliko left the cosy cavern she closed and locked the door. in the meantime ann and her officers, finding themselves prisoners in the pit, had shouted and screamed until they were tired out, but no one had come to their assistance. it was very dark and damp in the pit and they could not climb out because the walls were higher than their heads and the cover was on. the queen was first angry and then annoyed and then discouraged; but the officers were only afraid. every one of the poor fellows heartily wished he was back in oogaboo caring for his orchard, and some were so unhappy that they began to reproach ann for causing them all this trouble and danger. finally the queen sat down on the bottom of the pit and leaned her back against the wall. by good luck her sharp elbow touched a secret spring in the wall and a big flat rock swung inward. ann fell over backward, but the next instant she jumped up and cried to the others: "a passage! a passage! follow me, my brave men, and we may yet escape." then she began to crawl through the passage, which was as dark and dank as the pit, and the officers followed her in single file. they crawled, and they crawled, and they kept on crawling, for the passage was not big enough to allow them to stand upright. it turned this way and twisted that, sometimes like a corkscrew and sometimes zigzag, but seldom ran for long in a straight line. "it will never end--never!" moaned the officers, who were rubbing all the skin off their knees on the rough rocks. "it _must_ end," retorted ann courageously, "or it never would have been made. we don't know where it will lead us to, but any place is better than that loathsome pit." so she crawled on, and the officers crawled on, and while they were crawling through this awful underground passage polychrome and shaggy and files and the rose princess, who were standing outside the entrance to ruggedo's domains, were wondering what had become of them. chapter seventeen a tragic transformation "don't let us worry," said shaggy to his companions, "for it may take the queen some time to conquer the metal monarch, as tik-tok has to do everything in his slow, mechanical way." "do you suppose they are likely to fail?" asked the rose princess. "i do, indeed," replied shaggy. "this nome king is really a powerful fellow and has a legion of nomes to assist him, whereas our bold queen commands a clockwork man and a band of faint-hearted officers." "she ought to have let quox do the conquering," said polychrome, dancing lightly upon a point of rock and fluttering her beautiful draperies. "but perhaps the dragon was wise to let her go first, for when she fails to conquer ruggedo she may become more modest in her ambitions." "where is the dragon now?" inquired ozga. "up there on the rocks," replied files. "look, my dear; you may see him from here. he said he would take a little nap while we were mixing up with ruggedo, and he added that after we had gotten into trouble he would wake up and conquer the nome king in a jiffy, as his master the jinjin has ordered him to do." "quox means well," said shaggy, "but i do not think we shall need his services; for just as soon as i am satisfied that queen ann and her army have failed to conquer ruggedo, i shall enter the caverns and show the king my love magnet. that he cannot resist; therefore the conquest will be made with ease." this speech of shaggy man's was overheard by the long-eared hearer, who was at that moment standing by ruggedo's side. for when the king and guph had recovered from hank's kick and had picked themselves up, their first act was to turn tik-tok on his back and put a heavy diamond on top of him, so that he could not get up again. then they carefully put his gun in a corner of the cavern and the king sent guph to fetch the long-eared hearer. the hearer was still angry at ruggedo for breaking his ear, but he acknowledged the nome king to be his master and was ready to obey his commands. therefore he repeated shaggy's speech to the king, who at once realized that his kingdom was in grave danger. for ruggedo knew of the love magnet and its powers and was horrified at the thought that shaggy might show him the magic talisman and turn all the hatred in his heart into love. ruggedo was proud of his hatred and abhorred love of any sort. "really," said he, "i'd rather be conquered and lose my wealth and my kingdom than gaze at that awful love magnet. what can i do to prevent the shaggy man from taking it out of his pocket?" kaliko returned to the cavern in time to overhear this question, and being a loyal nome and eager to serve his king, he answered by saying: "if we can manage to bind the shaggy man's arms, tight to his body, he could not get the love magnet out of his pocket." "true!" cried the king in delight at this easy solution of the problem. "get at once a dozen nomes, with ropes, and place them in the passage where they can seize and bind shaggy as soon as he enters." this kaliko did, and meanwhile the watchers outside the entrance were growing more and more uneasy about their friends. "i don't worry so much about the oogaboo people," said polychrome, who had grown sober with waiting, and perhaps a little nervous, "for they could not be killed, even though ruggedo might cause them much suffering and perhaps destroy them utterly. but we should not have allowed betsy and hank to go alone into the caverns. the little girl is mortal and possesses no magic powers whatever, so if ruggedo captures her she will be wholly at his mercy." "that is indeed true," replied shaggy. "i wouldn't like to have anything happen to dear little betsy, so i believe i'll go in right away and put an end to all this worry." "we may as well go with you," asserted files, "for by means of the love magnet, you can soon bring the nome king to reason." so it was decided to wait no longer. shaggy walked through the entrance first, and after him came the others. they had no thought of danger to themselves, and shaggy, who was going along with his hands thrust into his pockets, was much surprised when a rope shot out from the darkness and twined around his body, pinning down his arms so securely that he could not even withdraw his hands from the pockets. then appeared several grinning nomes, who speedily tied knots in the ropes and then led the prisoner along the passage to the cavern. no attention was paid to the others, but files and the princess followed on after shaggy, determined not to desert their friend and hoping that an opportunity might arise to rescue him. as for polychrome, as soon as she saw that trouble had overtaken shaggy she turned and ran lightly back through the passage and out of the entrance. then she easily leaped from rock to rock until she paused beside the great dragon, who lay fast asleep. "wake up, quox!" she cried. "it is time for you to act." but quox did not wake up. he lay as one in a trance, absolutely motionless, with his enormous eyes tight closed. the eyelids had big silver scales on them, like all the rest of his body. polychrome might have thought quox was dead had she not known that dragons do not die easily or had she not observed his huge body swelling as he breathed. she picked up a piece of rock and pounded against his eyelids with it, saying: "wake up, quox--wake up!" but he would not waken. "dear me, how unfortunate!" sighed the lovely rainbow's daughter. "i wonder what is the best and surest way to waken a dragon. all our friends may be captured and destroyed while this great beast lies asleep." she walked around quox two or three times, trying to discover some tender place on his body where a thump or a punch might be felt; but he lay extended along the rocks with his chin flat upon the ground and his legs drawn underneath his body, and all that one could see was his thick sky-blue skin--thicker than that of a rhinoceros--and his silver scales. then, despairing at last of wakening the beast, and worried over the fate of her friends, polychrome again ran down to the entrance and hurried along the passage into the nome king's cavern. here she found ruggedo lolling in his throne and smoking a long pipe. beside him stood general guph and kaliko, and ranged before the king were the rose princess, files and the shaggy man. tik-tok still lay upon the floor, weighted down by the big diamond. ruggedo was now in a more contented frame of mind. one by one he had met the invaders and easily captured them. the dreaded love magnet was indeed in shaggy's pocket, only a few feet away from the king, but shaggy was powerless to show it and unless ruggedo's eyes beheld the talisman it could not affect him. as for betsy bobbin and her mule, he believed kaliko had placed them in the slimy cave, while ann and her officers he thought safely imprisoned in the pit. ruggedo had no fear of files or ozga, but to be on the safe side he had ordered golden handcuffs placed upon their wrists. these did not cause them any great annoyance but prevented them from making an attack, had they been inclined to do so. the nome king, thinking himself wholly master of the situation, was laughing and jeering at his prisoners when polychrome, exquisitely beautiful and dancing like a ray of light, entered the cavern. "oho!" cried the king; "a rainbow under ground, eh?" and then he stared hard at polychrome, and still harder, and then he sat up and pulled the wrinkles out of his robe and arranged his whiskers. "on my word," said he, "you are a very captivating creature; moreover, i perceive you are a fairy." "i am polychrome, the rainbow's daughter," she said proudly. "well," replied ruggedo, "i like you. the others i hate. i hate everybody--but you! wouldn't you like to live always in this beautiful cavern, polychrome? see! the jewels that stud the walls have every tint and color of your rainbow--and they are not so elusive. i'll have fresh dewdrops gathered for your feasting every day and you shall be queen of all my nomes and pull kaliko's nose whenever you like." "no, thank you," laughed polychrome. "my home is in the sky, and i'm only on a visit to this solid, sordid earth. but tell me, ruggedo, why my friends have been wound with cords and bound with chains?" "they threatened me," answered ruggedo. "the fools did not know how powerful i am." "then, since they are now helpless, why not release them and send them back to the earth's surface?" "because i hate 'em and mean to make 'em suffer for their invasion. but i'll make a bargain with you, sweet polly. remain here and live with me and i'll set all these people free. you shall be my daughter or my wife or my aunt or grandmother--whichever you like--only stay here to brighten my gloomy kingdom and make me happy!" polychrome looked at him wonderingly. then she turned to shaggy and asked: "are you sure he hasn't seen the love magnet?" "i'm positive," answered shaggy. "but you seem to be something of a love magnet yourself, polychrome." she laughed again and said to ruggedo: "not even to rescue my friends would i live in your kingdom. nor could i endure for long the society of such a wicked monster as you." "you forget," retorted the king, scowling darkly, "that you also are in my power." "not so, ruggedo. the rainbow's daughter is beyond the reach of your spite or malice." "seize her!" suddenly shouted the king, and general guph sprang forward to obey. polychrome stood quite still, yet when guph attempted to clutch her his hands met in air, and now the rainbow's daughter was in another part of the room, as smiling and composed as before. several times guph endeavored to capture her and ruggedo even came down from his throne to assist his general; but never could they lay hands upon the lovely sky fairy, who flitted here and there with the swiftness of light and constantly defied them with her merry laughter as she evaded their efforts. so after a time they abandoned the chase and ruggedo returned to his throne and wiped the perspiration from his face with a finely-woven handkerchief of cloth-of-gold. "well," said polychrome, "what do you intend to do now?" "i'm going to have some fun, to repay me for all my bother," replied the nome king. then he said to kaliko: "summon the executioners." kaliko at once withdrew and presently returned with a score of nomes, all of whom were nearly as evil looking as their hated master. they bore great golden pincers, and prods of silver, and clamps and chains and various wicked-looking instruments, all made of precious metals and set with diamonds and rubies. "now, pang," said ruggedo, addressing the leader of the executioners, "fetch the army of oogaboo and their queen from the pit and torture them here in my presence--as well as in the presence of their friends. it will be great sport." "i hear your majesty, and i obey your majesty," answered pang, and went with his nomes into the passage. in a few minutes he returned and bowed to ruggedo. "they're all gone," said he. "gone!" exclaimed the nome king. "gone where?" "they left no address, your majesty; but they are not in the pit." "picks and puddles!" roared the king; "who took the cover off?" "no one," said pang. "the cover was there, but the prisoners were not under it." "in that case," snarled the king, trying to control his disappointment, "go to the slimy cave and fetch hither the girl and the donkey. and while we are torturing them kaliko must take a hundred nomes and search for the escaped prisoners--the queen of oogaboo and her officers. if he does not find them, i will torture kaliko." kaliko went away looking sad and disturbed, for he knew the king was cruel and unjust enough to carry out this threat. pang and the executioners also went away, in another direction, but when they came back betsy bobbin was not with them, nor was hank. "there is no one in the slimy cave, your majesty," reported pang. "jumping jellycakes!" screamed the king. "another escape? are you sure you found the right cave?" "there is but one slimy cave, and there is no one in it," returned pang positively. ruggedo was beginning to be alarmed as well as angry. however, these disappointments but made him the more vindictive and he cast an evil look at the other prisoners and said: "never mind the girl and the donkey. here are four, at least, who cannot escape my vengeance. let me see; i believe i'll change my mind about tik-tok. have the gold crucible heated to a white, seething heat, and then we'll dump the copper man into it and melt him up." "but, your majesty," protested kaliko, who had returned to the room after sending a hundred nomes to search for the oogaboo people, "you must remember that tik-tok is a very curious and interesting machine. it would be a shame to deprive the world of such a clever contrivance." "say another word, and you'll go into the furnace with him!" roared the king. "i'm getting tired of you, kaliko, and the first thing you know i'll turn you into a potato and make saratoga-chips of you! the next to consider," he added more mildly, "is the shaggy man. as he owns the love magnet, i think i'll transform him into a dove, and then we can practice shooting at him with tik-tok's gun. now, this is a very interesting ceremony and i beg you all to watch me closely and see that i've nothing up my sleeve." he came out of his throne to stand before the shaggy man, and then he waved his hands, palms downward, in seven semicircles over his victim's head, saying in a low but clear tone of voice the magic wugwa: "adi, edi, idi, odi, udi, oo-i-oo! idu, ido, idi, ide, ida, woo!" the effect of this well-known sorcery was instantaneous. instead of the shaggy man, a pretty dove lay fluttering upon the floor, its wings confined by tiny cords wound around them. ruggedo gave an order to pang, who cut the cords with a pair of scissors. being freed, the dove quickly flew upward and alighted on the shoulder of the rose princess, who stroked it tenderly. "very good! very good!" cried ruggedo, rubbing his hands gleefully together. "one enemy is out of my way, and now for the others." (perhaps my readers should be warned not to attempt the above transformation; for, although the exact magical formula has been described, it is unlawful in all civilized countries for anyone to transform a person into a dove by muttering the words ruggedo used. there were no laws to prevent the nome king from performing this transformation, but if it should be attempted in any other country, and the magic worked, the magician would be severely punished.) when polychrome saw shaggy man transformed into a dove and realized that ruggedo was about to do something as dreadful to the princess and files, and that tik-tok would soon be melted in a crucible, she turned and ran from the cavern, through the passage and back to the place where quox lay asleep. chapter eighteen a clever conquest the great dragon still had his eyes closed and was even snoring in a manner that resembled distant thunder; but polychrome was now desperate, because any further delay meant the destruction of her friends. she seized the pearl necklace, to which was attached the great locket, and jerked it with all her strength. the result was encouraging. quox stopped snoring and his eyelids flickered. so polychrome jerked again--and again--till slowly the great lids raised and the dragon looked at her steadily. said he, in a sleepy tone: "what's the matter, little rainbow?" "come quick!" exclaimed polychrome. "ruggedo has captured all our friends and is about to destroy them." "well, well," said quox, "i suspected that would happen. step a little out of my path, my dear, and i'll make a rush for the nome king's cavern." she fell back a few steps and quox raised himself on his stout legs, whisked his long tail and in an instant had slid down the rocks and made a dive through the entrance. along the passage he swept, nearly filling it with his immense body, and now he poked his head into the jeweled cavern of ruggedo. but the king had long since made arrangements to capture the dragon, whenever he might appear. no sooner did quox stick his head into the room than a thick chain fell from above and encircled his neck. then the ends of the chain were drawn tight--for in an adjoining cavern a thousand nomes were pulling on them--and so the dragon could advance no further toward the king. he could not use his teeth or his claws and as his body was still in the passage he had not even room to strike his foes with his terrible tail. ruggedo was delighted with the success of his stratagem. he had just transformed the rose princess into a fiddle and was about to transform files into a fiddle bow, when the dragon appeared to interrupt him. so he called out: "welcome, my dear quox, to my royal entertainment. since you are here, you shall witness some very neat magic, and after i have finished with files and tik-tok i mean to transform you into a tiny lizard--one of the chameleon sort--and you shall live in my cavern and amuse me." "pardon me for contradicting your majesty," returned quox in a quiet voice, "but i don't believe you'll perform any more magic." "eh? why not?" asked the king in surprise. "there's a reason," said quox. "do you see this ribbon around my neck?" "yes; and i'm astonished that a dignified dragon should wear such a silly thing." "do you see it plainly?" persisted the dragon, with a little chuckle of amusement. "i do," declared ruggedo. "then you no longer possess any magical powers, and are as helpless as a clam," asserted quox. "my great master, tititi-hoochoo, the jinjin, enchanted this ribbon in such a way that whenever your majesty looked upon it all knowledge of magic would desert you instantly, nor will any magical formula you can remember ever perform your bidding." "pooh! i don't believe a word of it!" cried ruggedo, half frightened, nevertheless. then he turned toward files and tried to transform him into a fiddle bow. but he could not remember the right words or the right pass of the hands and after several trials he finally gave up the attempt. by this time the nome king was so alarmed that he was secretly shaking in his shoes. "i told you not to anger tititi-hoochoo," grumbled kaliko, "and now you see the result of your disobedience." ruggedo promptly threw his sceptre at his royal chamberlain, who dodged it with his usual cleverness, and then he said with an attempt to swagger: "never mind; i don't need magic to enable me to destroy these invaders; fire and the sword will do the business and i am still king of the nomes and lord and master of my underground kingdom!" "again i beg to differ with your majesty," said quox. "the great jinjin commands you to depart instantly from this kingdom and seek the earth's surface, where you will wander for all time to come, without a home or country, without a friend or follower, and without any more riches than you can carry with you in your pockets. the great jinjin is so generous that he will allow you to fill your pockets with jewels or gold, but you must take nothing more." ruggedo now stared at the dragon in amazement. "does tititi-hoochoo condemn me to such a fate?" he asked in a hoarse voice. "he does," said quox. "and just for throwing a few strangers down the forbidden tube?" "just for that," repeated quox in a stern, gruff voice. "well, i won't do it. and your crazy old jinjin can't make me do it, either!" declared ruggedo. "i intend to remain here, king of the nomes, until the end of the world, and i defy your tititi-hoochoo and all his fairies--as well as his clumsy messenger, whom i have been obliged to chain up!" the dragon smiled again, but it was not the sort of smile that made ruggedo feel very happy. instead, there was something so cold and merciless in the dragon's expression that the condemned nome king trembled and was sick at heart. there was little comfort for ruggedo in the fact that the dragon was now chained, although he had boasted of it. he glared at the immense head of quox as if fascinated and there was fear in the old king's eyes as he watched his enemy's movements. for the dragon was now moving; not abruptly, but as if he had something to do and was about to do it. very deliberately he raised one claw, touched the catch of the great jeweled locket that was suspended around his neck, and at once it opened wide. nothing much happened at first; half a dozen hen's eggs rolled out upon the floor and then the locket closed with a sharp click. but the effect upon the nomes of this simple thing was astounding. general guph, kaliko, pang and his band of executioners were all standing close to the door that led to the vast series of underground caverns which constituted the dominions of the nomes, and as soon as they saw the eggs they raised a chorus of frantic screams and rushed through the door, slamming it in ruggedo's face and placing a heavy bronze bar across it. ruggedo, dancing with terror and uttering loud cries, now leaped upon the seat of his throne to escape the eggs, which had rolled steadily toward him. perhaps these eggs, sent by the wise and crafty tititi-hoochoo, were in some way enchanted, for they all rolled directly after ruggedo and when they reached the throne where he had taken refuge they began rolling up the legs to the seat. this was too much for the king to bear. his horror of eggs was real and absolute and he made a leap from the throne to the center of the room and then ran to a far corner. the eggs followed, rolling slowly but steadily in his direction. ruggedo threw his sceptre at them, and then his ruby crown, and then he drew off his heavy golden sandals and hurled these at the advancing eggs. but the eggs dodged every missile and continued to draw nearer. the king stood trembling, his eyes staring in terror, until they were but half a yard distant; then with an agile leap he jumped clear over them and made a rush for the passage that led to the outer entrance. of course the dragon was in his way, being chained in the passage with his head in the cavern, but when he saw the king making toward him he crouched as low as he could and dropped his chin to the floor, leaving a small space between his body and the roof of the passage. ruggedo did not hesitate an instant. impelled by fear, he leaped to the dragon's nose and then scrambled to his back, where he succeeded in squeezing himself through the opening. after the head was passed there was more room and he slid along the dragon's scales to his tail and then ran as fast as his legs would carry him to the entrance. not pausing here, so great was his fright, the king dashed on down the mountain path, but before he had gone very far he stumbled and fell. when he picked himself up he observed that no one was following him, and while he recovered his breath he happened to think of the decree of the jinjin--that he should be driven from his kingdom and made a wanderer on the face of the earth. well, here he was, driven from his cavern in truth; driven by those dreadful eggs; but he would go back and defy them; he would not submit to losing his precious kingdom and his tyrannical powers, all because tititi-hoochoo had said he must. so, although still afraid, ruggedo nerved himself to creep back along the path to the entrance, and when he arrived there he saw the six eggs lying in a row just before the arched opening. at first he paused a safe distance away to consider the case, for the eggs were now motionless. while he was wondering what could be done, he remembered there was a magical charm which would destroy eggs and render them harmless to nomes. there were nine passes to be made and six verses of incantation to be recited; but ruggedo knew them all. now that he had ample time to be exact, he carefully went through the entire ceremony. but nothing happened. the eggs did not disappear, as he had expected; so he repeated the charm a second time. when that also failed, he remembered, with a moan of despair, that his magic power had been taken away from him and in the future he could do no more than any common mortal. and there were the eggs, forever barring him from the kingdom which he had ruled so long with absolute sway! he threw rocks at them, but could not hit a single egg. he raved and scolded and tore his hair and beard, and danced in helpless passion, but that did nothing to avert the just judgment of the jinjin, which ruggedo's own evil deeds had brought upon him. from this time on he was an outcast--a wanderer upon the face of the earth--and he had even forgotten to fill his pockets with gold and jewels before he fled from his former kingdom! chapter nineteen king kaliko after the king had made good his escape files said to the dragon, in a sad voice: "alas! why did you not come before? because you were sleeping instead of conquering, the lovely rose princess has become a fiddle without a bow, while poor shaggy sits there a cooing dove!" "don't worry," replied quox. "tititi-hoochoo knows his business, and i have my orders from the great jinjin himself. bring the fiddle here and touch it lightly to my pink ribbon." files obeyed and at the moment of contact with the ribbon the nome king's charm was broken and the rose princess herself stood before them as sweet and smiling as ever. the dove, perched on the back of the throne, had seen and heard all this, so without being told what to do it flew straight to the dragon and alighted on the ribbon. next instant shaggy was himself again and quox said to him grumblingly: "please get off my left toe, shaggy man, and be more particular where you step." "i beg your pardon!" replied shaggy, very glad to resume his natural form. then he ran to lift the heavy diamond off tik-tok's chest and to assist the clockwork man to his feet. "ma-ny thanks!" said tik-tok. "where is the wicked king who want-ed to melt me in a cru-ci-ble?" "he has gone, and gone for good," answered polychrome, who had managed to squeeze into the room beside the dragon and had witnessed the occurrences with much interest. "but i wonder where betsy bobbin and hank can be, and if any harm has befallen them." "we must search the cavern until we find them," declared shaggy; but when he went to the door leading to the other caverns he found it shut and barred. "i've a pretty strong push in my forehead," said quox, "and i believe i can break down that door, even though it's made of solid gold." "but you are a prisoner, and the chains that hold you are fastened in some other room, so that we cannot release you," files said anxiously. "oh, never mind that," returned the dragon. "i have remained a prisoner only because i wished to be one," and with this he stepped forward and burst the stout chains as easily as if they had been threads. but when he tried to push in the heavy metal door, even his mighty strength failed, and after several attempts he gave it up and squatted himself in a corner to think of a better way. "i'll o-pen the door," asserted tik-tok, and going to the king's big gong he pounded upon it until the noise was almost deafening. kaliko, in the next cavern, was wondering what had happened to ruggedo and if he had escaped the eggs and outwitted the dragon. but when he heard the sound of the gong, which had so often called him into the king's presence, he decided that ruggedo had been victorious; so he took away the bar, threw open the door and entered the royal cavern. great was his astonishment to find the king gone and the enchantments removed from the princess and shaggy. but the eggs were also gone and so kaliko advanced to the dragon, whom he knew to be tititi-hoochoo's messenger, and bowed humbly before the beast. "what is your will?" he inquired. "where is betsy?" demanded the dragon. "safe in my own private room," said kaliko. "go and get her!" commanded quox. so kaliko went to betsy's room and gave three raps upon the door. the little girl had been asleep, but she heard the raps and opened the door. "you may come out now," said kaliko. "the king has fled in disgrace and your friends are asking for you." so betsy and hank returned with the royal chamberlain to the throne cavern, where she was received with great joy by her friends. they told her what had happened to ruggedo and she told them how kind kaliko had been to her. quox did not have much to say until the conversation was ended, but then he turned to kaliko and asked: "do you suppose you could rule your nomes better than ruggedo has done?" "me?" stammered the chamberlain, greatly surprised by the question. "well, i couldn't be a worse king, i'm sure." "would the nomes obey you?" inquired the dragon. "of course," said kaliko. "they like me better than ever they did ruggedo." "then hereafter you shall be the metal monarch, king of the nomes, and tititi-hoochoo expects you to rule your kingdom wisely and well," said quox. "hooray!" cried betsy; "i'm glad of that. king kaliko, i salute your majesty and wish you joy in your gloomy old kingdom!" "we all wish him joy," said polychrome; and then the others made haste to congratulate the new king. "will you release my dear brother?" asked shaggy. "the ugly one? very willingly," replied kaliko. "i begged ruggedo long ago to send him away, but he would not do so. i also offered to help your brother to escape, but he would not go." "he's so conscientious!" said shaggy, highly pleased. "all of our family have noble natures. but is my dear brother well?" he added anxiously. "he eats and sleeps very steadily," replied the new king. "i hope he doesn't work too hard," said shaggy. "he doesn't work at all. in fact, there is nothing he can do in these dominions as well as our nomes, whose numbers are so great that it worries us to keep them all busy. so your brother has only to amuse himself." "why, it's more like visiting, than being a prisoner," asserted betsy. "not exactly," returned kaliko. "a prisoner cannot go where or when he pleases, and is not his own master." "where is my brother now?" inquired shaggy. "in the metal forest." "where is that?" "the metal forest is in the great domed cavern, the largest in all our dominions," replied kaliko. "it is almost like being out of doors, it is so big, and ruggedo made the wonderful forest to amuse himself, as well as to tire out his hard-working nomes. all the trees are gold and silver and the ground is strewn with precious stones, so it is a sort of treasury." "let us go there at once and rescue my dear brother," pleaded shaggy earnestly. kaliko hesitated. "i don't believe i can find the way," said he. "ruggedo made three secret passages to the metal forest, but he changes the location of these passages every week, so that no one can get to the metal forest without his permission. however, if we look sharp, we may be able to discover one of these secret ways." "that reminds me to ask what has become of queen ann and the officers of oogaboo," said files. "i'm sure i can't say," replied kaliko. "do you suppose ruggedo destroyed them?" "oh, no; i'm quite sure he didn't. they fell into the big pit in the passage, and we put the cover on to keep them there; but when the executioners went to look for them they had all disappeared from the pit and we could find no trace of them." "that's funny," remarked betsy thoughtfully. "i don't believe ann knew any magic, or she'd have worked it before. but to disappear like that _seems_ like magic; now, doesn't it?" they agreed that it did, but no one could explain the mystery. "however," said shaggy, "they are gone, that is certain, so we cannot help them or be helped by them. and the important thing just now is to rescue my dear brother from captivity." "why do they call him the ugly one?" asked betsy. "i do not know," confessed shaggy. "i cannot remember his looks very well, it is so long since i have seen him; but all of our family are noted for their handsome faces." betsy laughed and shaggy seemed rather hurt; but polychrome relieved his embarrassment by saying softly: "one can be ugly in looks, but lovely in disposition." "our first task," said shaggy, a little comforted by this remark, "is to find one of those secret passages to the metal forest." "true," agreed kaliko. "so i think i will assemble the chief nomes of my kingdom in this throne room and tell them that i am their new king. then i can ask them to assist us in searching for the secret passages. "that's a good idea," said the dragon, who seemed to be getting sleepy again. kaliko went to the big gong and pounded on it just as ruggedo used to do; but no one answered the summons. "of course not," said he, jumping up from the throne, where he had seated himself. "that is my call, and i am still the royal chamberlain, and will be until i appoint another in my place." so he ran out of the room and found guph and told him to answer the summons of the king's gong. having returned to the royal cavern, kaliko first pounded the gong and then sat in the throne, wearing ruggedo's discarded ruby crown and holding in his hand the sceptre which ruggedo had so often thrown at his head. when guph entered he was amazed. "better get out of that throne before old ruggedo comes back," he said warningly. "he isn't coming back, and i am now the king of the nomes, in his stead," announced kaliko. "all of which is quite true," asserted the dragon, and all of those who stood around the throne bowed respectfully to the new king. seeing this, guph also bowed, for he was glad to be rid of such a hard master as ruggedo. then kaliko, in quite a kingly way, informed guph that he was appointed the royal chamberlain, and promised not to throw the sceptre at his head unless he deserved it. all this being pleasantly arranged, the new chamberlain went away to tell the news to all the nomes of the underground kingdom, every one of whom would be delighted with the change in kings. chapter twenty quox quietly quits when the chief nomes assembled before their new king they joyfully saluted him and promised to obey his commands. but, when kaliko questioned them, none knew the way to the metal forest, although all had assisted in its making. so the king instructed them to search carefully for one of the passages and to bring him the news as soon as they had found it. meantime quox had managed to back out of the rocky corridor and so regain the open air and his old station on the mountain-side, and there he lay upon the rocks, sound asleep, until the next day. the others of the party were all given as good rooms as the caverns of the nomes afforded, for king kaliko felt that he was indebted to them for his promotion and was anxious to be as hospitable as he could. much wonderment had been caused by the absolute disappearance of the sixteen officers of oogaboo and their queen. not a nome had seen them, nor were they discovered during the search for the passages leading to the metal forest. perhaps no one was unhappy over their loss, but all were curious to know what had become of them. on the next day, when our friends went to visit the dragon, quox said to them: "i must now bid you good-bye, for my mission here is finished and i must depart for the other side of the world, where i belong." "will you go through the tube again?" asked betsy. "to be sure. but it will be a lonely trip this time, with no one to talk to, and i cannot invite any of you to go with me. therefore, as soon as i slide into the hole i shall go to sleep, and when i pop out at the other end i will wake up at home." they thanked the dragon for befriending them and wished him a pleasant journey. also they sent their thanks to the great jinjin, whose just condemnation of ruggedo had served their interests so well. then quox yawned and stretched himself and ambled over to the tube, into which he slid headforemost and disappeared. they really felt as if they had lost a friend, for the dragon had been both kind and sociable during their brief acquaintance with him; but they knew it was his duty to return to his own country. so they went back to the caverns to renew the search for the hidden passages that led to the forest, but for three days all efforts to find them proved in vain. it was polychrome's custom to go every day to the mountain and watch for her father, the rainbow, for she was growing tired with wandering upon the earth and longed to rejoin her sisters in their sky palaces. and on the third day, while she sat motionless upon a point of rock, whom should she see slyly creeping up the mountain but ruggedo! the former king looked very forlorn. his clothes were soiled and torn and he had no sandals upon his feet or hat upon his head. having left his crown and sceptre behind when he fled, the old nome no longer seemed kingly, but more like a beggerman. several times had ruggedo crept up to the mouth of the caverns, only to find the six eggs still on guard. he knew quite well that he must accept his fate and become a homeless wanderer, but his chief regret now was that he had neglected to fill his pockets with gold and jewels. he was aware that a wanderer with wealth at his command would fare much better than one who was a pauper, so he still loitered around the caverns wherein he knew so much treasure was stored, hoping for a chance to fill his pockets. that was how he came to recollect the metal forest. "aha!" said he to himself, "i alone know the way to that forest, and once there i can fill my pockets with the finest jewels in all the world." he glanced at his pockets and was grieved to find them so small. perhaps they might be enlarged, so that they would hold more. he knew of a poor woman who lived in a cottage at the foot of the mountain, so he went to her and begged her to sew pockets all over his robe, paying her with the gift of a diamond ring which he had worn upon his finger. the woman was delighted to possess so valuable a ring and she sewed as many pockets on ruggedo's robe as she possibly could. then he returned up the mountain and, after gazing cautiously around to make sure he was not observed, he touched a spring in a rock and it swung slowly backward, disclosing a broad passageway. this he entered, swinging the rock in place behind him. however, ruggedo had failed to look as carefully as he might have done, for polychrome was seated only a little distance off and her clear eyes marked exactly the manner in which ruggedo had released the hidden spring. so she rose and hurried into the cavern, where she told kaliko and her friends of her discovery. "i've no doubt that that is a way to the metal forest," exclaimed shaggy. "come, let us follow ruggedo at once and rescue my poor brother!" they agreed to this and king kaliko called together a band of nomes to assist them by carrying torches to light their way. "the metal forest has a brilliant light of its own," said he, "but the passage across the valley is likely to be dark." polychrome easily found the rock and touched the spring, so in less than an hour after ruggedo had entered they were all in the passage and following swiftly after the former king. "he means to rob the forest, i'm sure," said kaliko; "but he will find he is no longer of any account in this kingdom and i will have my nomes throw him out." "then please throw him as hard as you can," said betsy, "for he deserves it. i don't mind an honest, out-an'-out enemy, who fights square; but changing girls into fiddles and ordering 'em put into slimy caves is mean and tricky, and ruggedo doesn't deserve any sympathy. but you'll have to let him take as much treasure as he can get in his pockets, kaliko." "yes, the jinjin said so; but we won't miss it much. there is more treasure in the metal forest than a million nomes could carry in their pockets." it was not difficult to walk through this passage, especially when the torches lighted the way, so they made good progress. but it proved to be a long distance and betsy had tired herself with walking and was seated upon the back of the mule when the passage made a sharp turn and a wonderful and glorious light burst upon them. the next moment they were all standing upon the edge of the marvelous metal forest. it lay under another mountain and occupied a great domed cavern, the roof of which was higher than a church steeple. in this space the industrious nomes had built, during many years of labor, the most beautiful forest in the world. the trees--trunks, branches and leaves--were all of solid gold, while the bushes and underbrush were formed of filigree silver, virgin pure. the trees towered as high as natural live oaks do and were of exquisite workmanship. on the ground were thickly strewn precious gems of every hue and size, while here and there among the trees were paths pebbled with cut diamonds of the clearest water. taken all together, more treasure was gathered in this metal forest than is contained in all the rest of the world--if we except the land of oz, where perhaps its value is equalled in the famous emerald city. our friends were so amazed at the sight that for a while they stood gazing in silent wonder. then shaggy exclaimed. "my brother! my dear lost brother! is he indeed a prisoner in this place?" "yes," replied kaliko. "the ugly one has been here for two or three years, to my positive knowledge." "but what could he find to eat?" inquired betsy. "it's an awfully swell place to live in, but one can't breakfast on rubies and di'monds, or even gold." "one doesn't need to, my dear," kaliko assured her. "the metal forest does not fill all of this great cavern, by any means. beyond these gold and silver trees are other trees of the real sort, which bear foods very nice to eat. let us walk in that direction, for i am quite sure we will find shaggy's brother in that part of the cavern, rather than in this." so they began to tramp over the diamond-pebbled paths, and at every step they were more and more bewildered by the wondrous beauty of the golden trees with their glittering foliage. suddenly they heard a scream. jewels scattered in every direction as some one hidden among the bushes scampered away before them. then a loud voice cried: "halt!" and there was the sound of a struggle. chapter twenty-one a bashful brother with fast beating hearts they all rushed forward and, beyond a group of stately metal trees, came full upon a most astonishing scene. there was ruggedo in the hands of the officers of oogaboo, a dozen of whom were clinging to the old nome and holding him fast in spite of his efforts to escape. there also was queen ann, looking grimly upon the scene of strife; but when she observed her former companions approaching she turned away in a shamefaced manner. for ann and her officers were indeed a sight to behold. her majesty's clothing, once so rich and gorgeous, was now worn and torn into shreds by her long crawl through the tunnel, which, by the way, had led her directly into the metal forest. it was, indeed, one of the three secret passages, and by far the most difficult of the three. ann had not only torn her pretty skirt and jacket, but her crown had become bent and battered and even her shoes were so cut and slashed that they were ready to fall from her feet. the officers had fared somewhat worse than their leader, for holes were worn in the knees of their trousers, while sharp points of rock in the roof and sides of the tunnel had made rags of every inch of their once brilliant uniforms. a more tattered and woeful army never came out of a battle, than these harmless victims of the rocky passage. but it had seemed their only means of escape from the cruel nome king; so they had crawled on, regardless of their sufferings. when they reached the metal forest their eyes beheld more plunder than they had ever dreamed of; yet they were prisoners in this huge dome and could not escape with the riches heaped about them. perhaps a more unhappy and homesick lot of "conquerors" never existed than this band from oogaboo. after several days of wandering in their marvelous prison they were frightened by the discovery that ruggedo had come among them. rendered desperate by their sad condition, the officers exhibited courage for the first time since they left home and, ignorant of the fact that ruggedo was no longer king of the nomes, they threw themselves upon him and had just succeeded in capturing him when their fellow adventurers reached the spot. "goodness gracious!" cried betsy. "what has happened to you all?" ann came forward to greet them, sorrowful and indignant. "we were obliged to escape from the pit through a small tunnel, which was lined with sharp and jagged rocks," said she, "and not only was our clothing torn to rags but our flesh is so bruised and sore that we are stiff and lame in every joint. to add to our troubles we find we are still prisoners; but now that we have succeeded in capturing the wicked metal monarch we shall force him to grant us our liberty." "ruggedo is no longer metal monarch, or king of the nomes," files informed her. "he has been deposed and cast out of his kingdom by quox; but here is the new king, whose name is kaliko, and i am pleased to assure your majesty that he is our friend." "glad to meet your majesty, i'm sure," said kaliko, bowing as courteously as if the queen still wore splendid raiment. the officers, having heard this explanation, now set ruggedo free; but, as he had no place to go, he stood by and faced his former servant, who was now king in his place, in a humble and pleading manner. "what are you doing here?" asked kaliko sternly. "why, i was promised as much treasure as i could carry in my pockets," replied ruggedo; "so i came here to get it, not wishing to disturb your majesty." "you were commanded to leave the country of the nomes forever!" declared kaliko. "i know; and i'll go as soon as i have filled my pockets," said ruggedo, meekly. "then fill them, and be gone," returned the new king. ruggedo obeyed. stooping down, he began gathering up jewels by the handful and stuffing them into his many pockets. they were heavy things, these diamonds and rubies and emeralds and amethysts and the like, so before long ruggedo was staggering with the weight he bore, while the pockets were not yet filled. when he could no longer stoop over without falling, betsy and polychrome and the rose princess came to his assistance, picking up the finest gems and tucking them into his pockets. at last these were all filled and ruggedo presented a comical sight, for surely no man ever before had so many pockets, or any at all filled with such a choice collection of precious stones. he neglected to thank the young ladies for their kindness, but gave them a surly nod of farewell and staggered down the path by the way he had come. they let him depart in silence, for with all he had taken, the masses of jewels upon the ground seemed scarcely to have been disturbed, so numerous were they. also they hoped they had seen the last of the degraded king. "i'm awful glad he's gone," said betsy, sighing deeply. "if he doesn't get reckless and spend his wealth foolishly, he's got enough to start a bank when he gets to oklahoma." "but my brother--my dear brother! where is he?" inquired shaggy anxiously. "have you seen him, queen ann?" "what does your brother look like?" asked the queen. shaggy hesitated to reply, but betsy said: "he's called the ugly one. perhaps you'll know him by that." "the only person we have seen in this cavern," said ann, "has run away from us whenever we approached him. he hides over yonder, among the trees that are not gold, and we have never been able to catch sight of his face. so i cannot tell whether he is ugly or not." "that must be my dear brother!" exclaimed shaggy. "yes, it must be," assented kaliko. "no one else inhabits this splendid dome, so there can be no mistake." "but why does he hide among those green trees, instead of enjoying all these glittery golden ones?" asked betsy. "because he finds food among the natural trees," replied kaliko, "and i remember that he has built a little house there, to sleep in. as for these glittery golden trees, i will admit they are very pretty at first sight. one cannot fail to admire them, as well as the rich jewels scattered beneath them; but if one has to look at them always, they become pretty tame." "i believe that is true," declared shaggy. "my dear brother is very wise to prefer real trees to the imitation ones. but come; let us go there and find him." shaggy started for the green grove at once, and the others followed him, being curious to witness the final rescue of his long-sought, long-lost brother. not far from the edge of the grove they came upon a small hut, cleverly made of twigs and golden branches woven together. as they approached the place they caught a glimpse of a form that darted into the hut and slammed the door tight shut after him. shaggy man ran to the door and cried aloud: "brother! brother!" "who calls," demanded a sad, hollow voice from within. "it is shaggy--your own loving brother--who has been searching for you a long time and has now come to rescue you." "too late!" replied the gloomy voice. "no one can rescue me now." "oh, but you are mistaken about that," said shaggy. "there is a new king of the nomes, named kaliko, in ruggedo's place, and he has promised you shall go free." "free! i dare not go free!" said the ugly one, in a voice of despair. "why not, brother?" asked shaggy, anxiously. "do you know what they have done to me?" came the answer through the closed door. "no. tell me, brother, what have they done?" "when ruggedo first captured me i was very handsome. don't you remember, shaggy?" "not very well, brother; you were so young when i left home. but i remember that mother thought you were beautiful." "she was right! i am sure she was right," wailed the prisoner. "but ruggedo wanted to injure me--to make me ugly in the eyes of all the world--so he performed a wicked enchantment. i went to bed beautiful--or you might say handsome--to be very modest i will merely claim that i was good-looking--and i wakened the next morning the homeliest man in all the world! i am so repulsive that when i look in a mirror i frighten myself." "poor brother!" said shaggy softly, and all the others were silent from sympathy. "i was so ashamed of my looks," continued the voice of shaggy's brother, "that i tried to hide; but the cruel king ruggedo forced me to appear before all the legion of nomes, to whom he said: 'behold the ugly one!' but when the nomes saw my face they all fell to laughing and jeering, which prevented them from working at their tasks. seeing this, ruggedo became angry and pushed me into a tunnel, closing the rock entrance so that i could not get out. i followed the length of the tunnel until i reached this huge dome, where the marvelous metal forest stands, and here i have remained ever since." "poor brother!" repeated shaggy. "but i beg you now to come forth and face us, who are your friends. none here will laugh or jeer, however unhandsome you may be." "no, indeed," they all added pleadingly. but the ugly one refused the invitation. "i cannot," said he; "indeed, i cannot face strangers, ugly as i am." shaggy man turned to the group surrounding him. "what shall i do?" he asked in sorrowful tones. "i cannot leave my dear brother here, and he refuses to come out of that house and face us." "i'll tell you," replied betsy. "let him put on a mask." "the very idea i was seeking!" exclaimed shaggy joyfully; and then he called out: "brother, put a mask over your face, and then none of us can see what your features are like." "i have no mask," answered the ugly one. "look here," said betsy; "he can use my handkerchief." shaggy looked at the little square of cloth and shook his head. "it isn't big enough," he objected; "i'm sure it isn't big enough to hide a man's face. but he can use mine." saying this he took from his pocket his own handkerchief and went to the door of the hut. "here, my brother," he called, "take this handkerchief and make a mask of it. i will also pass you my knife, so that you may cut holes for the eyes, and then you must tie it over your face." the door slowly opened, just far enough for the ugly one to thrust out his hand and take the handkerchief and the knife. then it closed again. "don't forget a hole for your nose," cried betsy. "you must breathe, you know." for a time there was silence. queen ann and her army sat down upon the ground to rest. betsy sat on hank's back. polychrome danced lightly up and down the jeweled paths while files and the princess wandered through the groves arm in arm. tik-tok, who never tired, stood motionless. by and by a noise sounded from within the hut. "are you ready?" asked shaggy. "yes, brother," came the reply and the door was thrown open to allow the ugly one to step forth. betsy might have laughed aloud had she not remembered how sensitive to ridicule shaggy's brother was, for the handkerchief with which he had masked his features was a red one covered with big white polka dots. in this two holes had been cut--in front of the eyes--while two smaller ones before the nostrils allowed the man to breathe freely. the cloth was then tightly drawn over the ugly one's face and knotted at the back of his neck. he was dressed in clothes that had once been good, but now were sadly worn and frayed. his silk stockings had holes in them, and his shoes were stub-toed and needed blackening. "but what can you expect," whispered betsy, "when the poor man has been a prisoner for so many years?" shaggy had darted forward, and embraced his newly found brother with both his arms. the brother also embraced shaggy, who then led him forward and introduced him to all the assembled company. "this is the new nome king," he said when he came to kaliko. "he is our friend, and has granted you your freedom." "that is a kindly deed," replied ugly in a sad voice, "but i dread to go back to the world in this direful condition. unless i remain forever masked, my dreadful face would curdle all the milk and stop all the clocks." "can't the enchantment be broken in some way?" inquired betsy. shaggy looked anxiously at kaliko, who shook his head. "i am sure i can't break the enchantment," he said. "ruggedo was fond of magic, and learned a good many enchantments that we nomes know nothing of." "perhaps ruggedo himself might break his own enchantment," suggested ann; "but unfortunately we have allowed the old king to escape." "never mind, my dear brother," said shaggy consolingly; "i am very happy to have found you again, although i may never see your face. so let us make the most of this joyful reunion." the ugly one was affected to tears by this tender speech, and the tears began to wet the red handkerchief; so shaggy gently wiped them away with his coat sleeve. chapter twenty-two kindly kisses "won't you be dreadful sorry to leave this lovely place?" betsy asked the ugly one. "no, indeed," said he. "jewels and gold are cold and heartless things, and i am sure i would presently have died of loneliness had i not found this natural forest at the edge of the artificial one. anyhow, without these real trees i should soon have starved to death." betsy looked around at the quaint trees. "i don't just understand that," she admitted. "what could you find to eat here?" "the best food in the world," ugly answered. "do you see that grove at your left?" he added, pointing it out; "well, such trees as those do not grow in your country, or in any other place but this cavern. i have named them 'hotel trees,' because they bear a certain kind of table d'hote fruit called 'three-course nuts.'" "that's funny!" said betsy. "what are the 'three-course nuts' like?" "something like cocoanuts, to look at," explained the ugly one. "all you have to do is to pick one of them and then sit down and eat your dinner. you first unscrew the top part and find a cupfull of good soup. after you've eaten that, you unscrew the middle part and find a hollow filled with meat and potatoes, vegetables and a fine salad. eat that, and unscrew the next section, and you come to the dessert in the bottom of the nut. that is, pie and cake, cheese and crackers, and nuts and raisins. the three-course nuts are not all exactly alike in flavor or in contents, but they are all good and in each one may be found a complete three-course dinner." "but how about breakfasts?" inquired betsy. "why, there are breakfast trees for that, which grow over there at the right. they bear nuts, like the others, only the nuts contain coffee or chocolate, instead of soup; oatmeal instead of meat-and-potatoes, and fruits instead of dessert. sad as has been my life in this wonderful prison, i must admit that no one could live more luxuriously in the best hotel in the world than i have lived here; but i will be glad to get into the open air again and see the good old sun and the silvery moon and the soft green grass and the flowers that are kissed by the morning dew. ah, how much more lovely are those blessed things than the glitter of gems or the cold gleam of gold!" "of course," said betsy. "i once knew a little boy who wanted to catch the measles, because all the little boys in his neighborhood but him had had 'em, and he was really unhappy 'cause he couldn't catch 'em, try as he would. so i'm pretty certain that the things we want, and can't have, are not good for us. isn't that true, shaggy?" "not always, my dear," he gravely replied. "if we didn't want anything, we would never get anything, good or bad. i think our longings are natural, and if we act as nature prompts us we can't go far wrong." "for my part," said queen ann, "i think the world would be a dreary place without the gold and jewels." "all things are good in their way," said shaggy; "but we may have too much of any good thing. and i have noticed that the value of anything depends upon how scarce it is, and how difficult it is to obtain." "pardon me for interrupting you," said king kaliko, coming to their side, "but now that we have rescued shaggy's brother i would like to return to my royal cavern. being the king of the nomes, it is my duty to look after my restless subjects and see that they behave themselves." so they all turned and began walking through the metal forest to the other side of the great domed cave, where they had first entered it. shaggy and his brother walked side by side and both seemed rejoiced that they were together after their long separation. betsy didn't dare look at the polka dot handkerchief, for fear she would laugh aloud; so she walked behind the two brothers and led hank by holding fast to his left ear. when at last they reached the place where the passage led to the outer world, queen ann said, in a hesitating way that was unusual with her: "i have not conquered this nome country, nor do i expect to do so; but i would like to gather a few of these pretty jewels before i leave this place." "help yourself, ma'am," said king kaliko, and at once the officers of the army took advantage of his royal permission and began filling their pockets, while ann tied a lot of diamonds in a big handkerchief. this accomplished, they all entered the passage, the nomes going first to light the way with their torches. they had not proceeded far when betsy exclaimed: "why, there are jewels here, too!" all eyes were turned upon the ground and they found a regular trail of jewels strewn along the rock floor. "this is queer!" said kaliko, much surprised. "i must send some of my nomes to gather up these gems and replace them in the metal forest, where they belong. i wonder how they came to be here?" all the way along the passage they found this trail of jewels, but when they neared the end the mystery was explained. for there, squatted upon the floor with his back to the rock wall, sat old ruggedo, puffing and blowing as if he was all tired out. then they realized it was he who had scattered the jewels, from his many pockets, which one by one had burst with the weight of their contents as he had stumbled along the passage. "but i don't mind," said ruggedo, with a deep sigh. "i now realize that i could not have carried such a weighty load very far, even had i managed to escape from this passage with it. the woman who sewed the pockets on my robe used poor thread, for which i shall thank her." "have you any jewels left?" inquired betsy. he glanced into some of the remaining pockets. "a few," said he, "but they will be sufficient to supply my wants, and i no longer have any desire to be rich. if some of you will kindly help me to rise, i'll get out of here and leave you, for i know you all despise me and prefer my room to my company." shaggy and kaliko raised the old king to his feet, when he was confronted by shaggy's brother, whom he now noticed for the first time. the queer and unexpected appearance of the ugly one so startled ruggedo that he gave a wild cry and began to tremble, as if he had seen a ghost. "wh--wh--who is this?" he faltered. "i am that helpless prisoner whom your cruel magic transformed from a handsome man into an ugly one!" answered shaggy's brother, in a voice of stern reproach. "really, ruggedo," said betsy, "you ought to be ashamed of that mean trick." "i am, my dear," admitted ruggedo, who was now as meek and humble as formerly he had been cruel and vindictive. "then," returned the girl, "you'd better do some more magic and give the poor man his own face again." "i wish i could," answered the old king; "but you must remember that tititi-hoochoo has deprived me of all my magic powers. however, i never took the trouble to learn just how to break the charm i cast over shaggy's brother, for i intended he should always remain ugly." "every charm," remarked pretty polychrome, "has its antidote; and, if you knew this charm of ugliness, ruggedo, you must have known how to dispel it." he shook his head. "if i did, i--i've forgotten," he stammered regretfully. "try to think!" pleaded shaggy, anxiously. "_please_ try to think!" ruggedo ruffled his hair with both hands, sighed, slapped his chest, rubbed his ear, and stared stupidly around the group. "i've a faint recollection that there _was_ one thing that would break the charm," said he; "but misfortune has so addled my brain that i can't remember what it was." "see here, ruggedo," said betsy, sharply, "we've treated you pretty well, so far, but we won't stand for any nonsense, and if you know what's good for yourself you'll think of that charm!" "why?" he demanded, turning to look wonderingly at the little girl. "because it means so much to shaggy's brother. he's dreadfully ashamed of himself, the way he is now, and you're to blame for it. fact is, ruggedo, you've done so much wickedness in your life that it won't hurt you to do a kind act now." ruggedo blinked at her, and sighed again, and then tried very hard to think. "i seem to remember, dimly," said he, "that a certain kind of a kiss will break the charm of ugliness." "what kind of a kiss?" "what kind? why, it was--it was--it was either the kiss of a mortal maid; or--or--the kiss of a mortal maid who had once been a fairy; or--or the kiss of one who is still a fairy. i can't remember which. but of course no maid, mortal or fairy, would ever consent to kiss a person so ugly--so dreadfully, fearfully, terribly ugly--as shaggy's brother." "i'm not so sure of that," said betsy, with admirable courage; "i'm a mortal maid, and if it is _my_ kiss that will break this awful charm, i--i'll do it!" "oh, you really couldn't," protested ugly. "i would be obliged to remove my mask, and when you saw my face, nothing could induce you to kiss me, generous as you are." "well, as for that," said the little girl, "i needn't see your face at all. here's my plan: you stay in this dark passage, and we'll send away the nomes with their torches. then you'll take off the handkerchief, and i--i'll kiss you." "this is awfully kind of you, betsy!" said shaggy, gratefully. "well, it surely won't kill me," she replied; "and, if it makes you and your brother happy, i'm willing to take some chances." so kaliko ordered the torch-bearers to leave the passage, which they did by going through the rock opening. queen ann and her army also went out; but the others were so interested in betsy's experiment that they remained grouped at the mouth of the passageway. when the big rock swung into place, closing tight the opening, they were left in total darkness. "now, then," called betsy in a cheerful voice, "have you got that handkerchief off your face, ugly?" "yes," he replied. "well, where are you, then?" she asked, reaching out her arms. "here," said he. "you'll have to stoop down, you know." he found her hands and clasping them in his own stooped until his face was near to that of the little girl. the others heard a clear, smacking kiss, and then betsy exclaimed: "there! i've done it, and it didn't hurt a bit!" "tell me, dear brother; is the charm broken?" asked shaggy. "i do not know," was the reply. "it may be, or it may not be. i cannot tell." "has anyone a match?" inquired betsy. "i have several," said shaggy. "then let ruggedo strike one of them and look at your brother's face, while we all turn our backs. ruggedo made your brother ugly, so i guess he can stand the horror of looking at him, if the charm isn't broken." agreeing to this, ruggedo took the match and lighted it. he gave one look and then blew out the match. "ugly as ever!" he said with a shudder. "so it wasn't the kiss of a mortal maid, after all." "let me try," proposed the rose princess, in her sweet voice. "i am a mortal maid who was once a fairy. perhaps my kiss will break the charm." files did not wholly approve of this, but he was too generous to interfere. so the rose princess felt her way through the darkness to shaggy's brother and kissed him. ruggedo struck another match, while they all turned away. "no," announced the former king; "that didn't break the charm, either. it must be the kiss of a fairy that is required--or else my memory has failed me altogether." "polly," said betsy, pleadingly, "won't _you_ try?" "of course i will!" answered polychrome, with a merry laugh. "i've never kissed a mortal man in all the thousands of years i have existed, but i'll do it to please our faithful shaggy man, whose unselfish affection for his ugly brother deserves to be rewarded." even as polychrome was speaking she tripped lightly to the side of the ugly one and quickly touched his cheek with her lips. "oh, thank you--thank you!" he fervently cried. "i've changed, this time, i know. i can feel it! i'm different. shaggy--dear shaggy--i am myself again!" files, who was near the opening, touched the spring that released the big rock and it suddenly swung backward and let in a flood of daylight. everyone stood motionless, staring hard at shaggy's brother, who, no longer masked by the polka-dot handkerchief, met their gaze with a glad smile. "well," said shaggy man, breaking the silence at last and drawing a long, deep breath of satisfaction, "you are no longer the ugly one, my dear brother; but, to be entirely frank with you, the face that belongs to you is no more handsome than it ought to be." "i think he's rather good looking," remarked betsy, gazing at the man critically. "in comparison with what he was," said king kaliko, "he is really beautiful. you, who never beheld his ugliness, may not understand that; but it was my misfortune to look at the ugly one many times, and i say again that, in comparison with what he was, the man is now beautiful." "all right," returned betsy, briskly, "we'll take your word for it, kaliko. and now let us get out of this tunnel and into the world again." chapter twenty-three ruggedo reforms it did not take them long to regain the royal cavern of the nome king, where kaliko ordered served to them the nicest refreshments the place afforded. ruggedo had come trailing along after the rest of the party and while no one paid any attention to the old king they did not offer any objection to his presence or command him to leave them. he looked fearfully to see if the eggs were still guarding the entrance, but they had now disappeared; so he crept into the cavern after the others and humbly squatted down in a corner of the room. there betsy discovered him. all of the little girl's companions were now so happy at the success of shaggy's quest for his brother, and the laughter and merriment seemed so general, that betsy's heart softened toward the friendless old man who had once been their bitter enemy, and she carried to him some of the food and drink. ruggedo's eyes filled with tears at this unexpected kindness. he took the child's hand in his own and pressed it gratefully. "look here, kaliko," said betsy, addressing the new king, "what's the use of being hard on ruggedo? all his magic power is gone, so he can't do any more harm, and i'm sure he's sorry he acted so badly to everybody." "are you?" asked kaliko, looking down at his former master. "i am," said ruggedo. "the girl speaks truly. i'm sorry and i'm harmless. i don't want to wander through the wide world, on top of the ground, for i'm a nome. no nome can ever be happy any place but underground." "that being the case," said kaliko, "i will let you stay here as long as you behave yourself; but, if you try to act badly again, i shall drive you out, as tititi-hoochoo has commanded, and you'll have to wander." "never fear. i'll behave," promised ruggedo. "it is hard work being a king, and harder still to be a good king. but now that i am a common nome i am sure i can lead a blameless life." they were all pleased to hear this and to know that ruggedo had really reformed. "i hope he'll keep his word," whispered betsy to shaggy; "but if he gets bad again we will be far away from the nome kingdom and kaliko will have to 'tend to the old nome himself." polychrome had been a little restless during the last hour or two. the lovely daughter of the rainbow knew that she had now done all in her power to assist her earth friends, and so she began to long for her sky home. "i think," she said, after listening intently, "that it is beginning to rain. the rain king is my uncle, you know, and perhaps he has read my thoughts and is going to help me. anyway i must take a look at the sky and make sure." so she jumped up and ran through the passage to the outer entrance, and they all followed after her and grouped themselves on a ledge of the mountain-side. sure enough, dark clouds had filled the sky and a slow, drizzling rain had set in. "it can't last for long," said shaggy, looking upward, "and when it stops we shall lose the sweet little fairy we have learned to love. alas," he continued, after a moment, "the clouds are already breaking in the west, and--see!--isn't that the rainbow coming?" betsy didn't look at the sky; she looked at polychrome, whose happy, smiling face surely foretold the coming of her father to take her to the cloud palaces. a moment later a gleam of sunshine flooded the mountain and a gorgeous rainbow appeared. with a cry of gladness polychrome sprang upon a point of rock and held out her arms. straightway the rainbow descended until its end was at her very feet, when with a graceful leap she sprang upon it and was at once clasped in the arms of her radiant sisters, the daughters of the rainbow. but polychrome released herself to lean over the edge of the glowing arch and nod, and smile and throw a dozen kisses to her late comrades. "good-bye!" she called, and they all shouted "good-bye!" in return and waved their hands to their pretty friend. slowly the magnificent bow lifted and melted into the sky, until the eyes of the earnest watchers saw only fleecy clouds flitting across the blue. "i'm dreadful sorry to see polychrome go," said betsy, who felt like crying; "but i s'pose she'll be a good deal happier with her sisters in the sky palaces." "to be sure," returned shaggy, nodding gravely. "it's her home, you know, and those poor wanderers who, like ourselves, have no home, can realize what that means to her." "once," said betsy, "i, too, had a home. now, i've only--only--dear old hank!" she twined her arms around her shaggy friend who was not human, and he said: "hee-haw!" in a tone that showed he understood her mood. and the shaggy friend who was human stroked the child's head tenderly and said: "you're wrong about that, betsy, dear. i will never desert you." "nor i!" exclaimed shaggy's brother, in earnest tones. the little girl looked up at them gratefully, and her eyes smiled through their tears. "all right," she said. "it's raining again, so let's go back into the cavern." rather soberly, for all loved polychrome and would miss her, they reentered the dominions of the nome king. chapter twenty-four dorothy is delighted "well," said queen ann, when all were again seated in kaliko's royal cavern, "i wonder what we shall do next. if i could find my way back to oogaboo i'd take my army home at once, for i'm sick and tired of these dreadful hardships." "don't you want to conquer the world?" asked betsy. "no; i've changed my mind about that," admitted the queen. "the world is too big for one person to conquer and i was happier with my own people in oogaboo. i wish--oh, how earnestly i wish--that i was back there this minute!" "so do i!" yelled every officer in a fervent tone. now, it is time for the reader to know that in the far-away land of oz the lovely ruler, ozma, had been following the adventures of her shaggy man, and tik-tok, and all the others they had met. day by day ozma, with the wonderful wizard of oz seated beside her, had gazed upon a magic picture in a radium frame, which occupied one side of the ruler's cosy boudoir in the palace of the emerald city. the singular thing about this magic picture was that it showed whatever scene ozma wished to see, with the figures all in motion, just as it was taking place. so ozma and the wizard had watched every action of the adventurers from the time shaggy had met shipwrecked betsy and hank in the rose kingdom, at which time the rose princess, a distant cousin of ozma, had been exiled by her heartless subjects. when ann and her people so earnestly wished to return to oogaboo, ozma was sorry for them and remembered that oogaboo was a corner of the land of oz. she turned to her attendant and asked: "can not your magic take these unhappy people to their old home, wizard?" "it can, your highness," replied the little wizard. "i think the poor queen has suffered enough in her misguided effort to conquer the world," said ozma, smiling at the absurdity of the undertaking, "so no doubt she will hereafter be contented in her own little kingdom. please send her there, wizard, and with her the officers and files." "how about the rose princess?" asked the wizard. "send her to oogaboo with files," answered ozma. "they have become such good friends that i am sure it would make them unhappy to separate them." "very well," said the wizard, and without any fuss or mystery whatever he performed a magical rite that was simple and effective. therefore those seated in the nome king's cavern were both startled and amazed when all the people of oogaboo suddenly disappeared from the room, and with them the rose princess. at first they could not understand it at all; but presently shaggy suspected the truth, and believing that ozma was now taking an interest in the party he drew from his pocket a tiny instrument which he placed against his ear. ozma, observing this action in her magic picture, at once caught up a similar instrument from a table beside her and held it to her own ear. the two instruments recorded the same delicate vibrations of sound and formed a wireless telephone, an invention of the wizard. those separated by any distance were thus enabled to converse together with perfect ease and without any wire connection. "do you hear me, shaggy man?" asked ozma. "yes, your highness," he replied. "i have sent the people of oogaboo back to their own little valley," announced the ruler of oz; "so do not worry over their disappearance." "that was very kind of you," said shaggy. "but your highness must permit me to report that my own mission here is now ended. i have found my lost brother, and he is now beside me, freed from the enchantment of ugliness which ruggedo cast upon him. tik-tok has served me and my comrades faithfully, as you requested him to do, and i hope you will now transport the clockwork man back to your fairyland of oz." "i will do that," replied ozma. "but how about yourself, shaggy?" "i have been very happy in oz," he said, "but my duty to others forces me to exile myself from that delightful land. i must take care of my new-found brother, for one thing, and i have a new comrade in a dear little girl named betsy bobbin, who has no home to go to, and no other friends but me and a small donkey named hank. i have promised betsy never to desert her as long as she needs a friend, and so i must give up the delights of the land of oz forever." he said this with a sigh of regret, and ozma made no reply but laid the tiny instrument on her table, thus cutting off all further communication with the shaggy man. but the lovely ruler of oz still watched her magic picture, with a thoughtful expression upon her face, and the little wizard of oz watched ozma and smiled softly to himself. in the cavern of the nome king shaggy replaced the wireless telephone in his pocket and turning to betsy said in as cheerful a voice as he could muster: "well, little comrade, what shall we do next?" "i don't know, i'm sure," she answered with a puzzled face. "i'm kind of sorry our adventures are over, for i enjoyed them, and now that queen ann and her people are gone, and polychrome is gone, and--dear me!--where's tik-tok, shaggy?" "he also has disappeared," said shaggy, looking around the cavern and nodding wisely. "by this time he is in ozma's palace in the land of oz, which is his home." "isn't it your home, too?" asked betsy. "it used to be, my dear; but now my home is wherever you and my brother are. we are wanderers, you know, but if we stick together i am sure we shall have a good time." "then," said the girl, "let us get out of this stuffy, underground cavern and go in search of new adventures. i'm sure it has stopped raining." "i'm ready," said shaggy, and then they bade good-bye to king kaliko, and thanked him for his assistance, and went out to the mouth of the passage. the sky was now clear and a brilliant blue in color; the sun shone brightly and even this rugged, rocky country seemed delightful after their confinement underground. there were but four of them now--betsy and hank, and shaggy and his brother--and the little party made their way down the mountain and followed a faint path that led toward the southwest. during this time ozma had been holding a conference with the wizard, and later with tik-tok, whom the magic of the wizard had quickly transported to ozma's palace. tik-tok had only words of praise for betsy bobbin, "who," he said, "is al-most as nice as dor-o-thy her-self." "let us send for dorothy," said ozma, and summoning her favorite maid, who was named jellia jamb, she asked her to request princess dorothy to attend her at once. so a few moments later dorothy entered ozma's room and greeted her and the wizard and tik-tok with the same gentle smile and simple manner that had won for the little girl the love of everyone she met. "did you want to see me, ozma?" she asked. "yes, dear. i am puzzled how to act, and i want your advice." "i don't b'lieve it's worth much," replied dorothy, "but i'll do the best i can. what is it all about, ozma?" "you all know," said the girl ruler, addressing her three friends, "what a serious thing it is to admit any mortals into this fairyland of oz. it is true i have invited several mortals to make their home here, and all of them have proved true and loyal subjects. indeed, no one of you three was a native of oz. dorothy and the wizard came here from the united states, and tik-tok came from the land of ev. but of course he is not a mortal. shaggy is another american, and he is the cause of all my worry, for our dear shaggy will not return here and desert the new friends he has found in his recent adventures, because he believes they need his services." "shaggy man was always kind-hearted," remarked dorothy. "but who are these new friends he has found?" "one is his brother, who for many years has been a prisoner of the nome king, our old enemy ruggedo. this brother seems a kindly, honest fellow, but he has done nothing to entitle him to a home in the land of oz." "who else?" asked dorothy. "i have told you about betsy bobbin, the little girl who was shipwrecked--in much the same way you once were--and has since been following the shaggy man in his search for his lost brother. you remember her, do you not?" "oh, yes!" exclaimed dorothy. "i've often watched her and hank in the magic picture, you know. she's a dear little girl, and old hank is a darling! where are they now?" "look and see," replied ozma with a smile at her friend's enthusiasm. dorothy turned to the picture, which showed betsy and hank, with shaggy and his brother, trudging along the rocky paths of a barren country. "seems to me," she said, musingly, "that they're a good way from any place to sleep, or any nice things to eat." "you are right," said tik-tok. "i have been in that coun-try, and it is a wil-der-ness." "it is the country of the nomes," explained the wizard, "who are so mischievous that no one cares to live near them. i'm afraid shaggy and his friends will endure many hardships before they get out of that rocky place, unless--" he turned to ozma and smiled. "unless i ask you to transport them all here?" she asked. "yes, your highness." "could your magic do that?" inquired dorothy. "i think so," said the wizard. "well," said dorothy, "as far as betsy and hank are concerned, i'd like to have them here in oz. it would be such fun to have a girl playmate of my own age, you see. and hank is such a dear little mule!" ozma laughed at the wistful expression in the girl's eyes, and then she drew dorothy to her and kissed her. "am i not your friend and playmate?" she asked. dorothy flushed. "you know how dearly i love you, ozma!" she cried. "but you're so busy ruling all this land of oz that we can't always be together." "i know, dear. my first duty is to my subjects, and i think it would be a delight to us all to have betsy with us. there's a pretty suite of rooms just opposite your own where she can live, and i'll build a golden stall for hank in the stable where the sawhorse lives. then we'll introduce the mule to the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, and i'm sure they will soon become firm friends. but i cannot very well admit betsy and hank into oz unless i also admit shaggy's brother." "and, unless you admit shaggy's brother, you will keep out poor shaggy, whom we are all very fond of," said the wizard. "well, why not ad-mit him?" demanded tik-tok. "the land of oz is not a refuge for all mortals in distress," explained ozma. "i do not wish to be unkind to shaggy man, but his brother has no claim on me." "the land of oz isn't crowded," suggested dorothy. "then you advise me to admit shaggy's brother?" inquired ozma. "well, we can't afford to lose our shaggy man, can we?" "no, indeed!" returned ozma. "what do you say, wizard?" "i'm getting my magic ready to transport them all." "and you, tik-tok?" "shag-gy's broth-er is a good fel-low, and we can't spare shag-gy." "so, then; the question is settled," decided ozma. "perform your magic, wizard!" he did so, placing a silver plate upon a small standard and pouring upon the plate a small quantity of pink powder which was contained in a crystal vial. then he muttered a rather difficult incantation which the sorceress glinda the good had taught him, and it all ended in a puff of perfumed smoke from the silver plate. this smoke was so pungent that it made both ozma and dorothy rub their eyes for a moment. "you must pardon these disagreeable fumes," said the wizard. "i assure you the smoke is a very necessary part of my wizardry." "look!" cried dorothy, pointing to the magic picture; "they're gone! all of them are gone." indeed, the picture now showed the same rocky landscape as before, but the three people and the mule had disappeared from it. "they are gone," said the wizard, polishing the silver plate and wrapping it in a fine cloth, "because they are here." at that moment jellia jamb entered the room. "your highness," she said to ozma, "the shaggy man and another man are in the waiting room and ask to pay their respects to you. shaggy is crying like a baby, but he says they are tears of joy." "send them here at once, jellia!" commanded ozma. "also," continued the maid, "a girl and a small-sized mule have mysteriously arrived, but they don't seem to know where they are or how they came here. shall i send them here, too?" "oh, no!" exclaimed dorothy, eagerly jumping up from her chair; "i'll go to meet betsy myself, for she'll feel awful strange in this big palace." and she ran down the stairs two at a time to greet her new friend, betsy bobbin. chapter twenty-five the land of love "well, is 'hee-haw' all you are able to say?" inquired the sawhorse, as he examined hank with his knot eyes and slowly wagged the branch that served him for a tail. they were in a beautiful stable in the rear of ozma's palace, where the wooden sawhorse--very much alive--lived in a gold-paneled stall, and where there were rooms for the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, which were filled with soft cushions for them to lie upon and golden troughs for them to eat from. beside the stall of the sawhorse had been placed another for hank, the mule. this was not quite so beautiful as the other, for the sawhorse was ozma's favorite steed; but hank had a supply of cushions for a bed (which the sawhorse did not need because he never slept) and all this luxury was so strange to the little mule that he could only stand still and regard his surroundings and his queer companions with wonder and amazement. the cowardly lion, looking very dignified, was stretched out upon the marble floor of the stable, eyeing hank with a calm and critical gaze, while near by crouched the huge hungry tiger, who seemed equally interested in the new animal that had just arrived. the sawhorse, standing stiffly before hank, repeated his question: "is 'hee-haw' all you are able to say?" hank moved his ears in an embarrassed manner. "i have never said anything else, until now," he replied; and then he began to tremble with fright to hear himself talk. "i can well understand that," remarked the lion, wagging his great head with a swaying motion. "strange things happen in this land of oz, as they do everywhere else. i believe you came here from the cold, civilized, outside world, did you not?" "i did," replied hank. "one minute i was outside of oz--and the next minute i was inside! that was enough to give me a nervous shock, as you may guess; but to find myself able to talk, as betsy does, is a marvel that staggers me." "that is because you are in the land of oz," said the sawhorse. "all animals talk, in this favored country, and you must admit it is more sociable than to bray your dreadful 'hee-haw,' which nobody can understand." "mules understand it very well," declared hank. "oh, indeed! then there must be other mules in your outside world," said the tiger, yawning sleepily. "there are a great many in america," said hank. "are you the only tiger in oz?" "no," acknowledged the tiger, "i have many relatives living in the jungle country; but i am the only tiger living in the emerald city." "there are other lions, too," said the sawhorse; "but i am the only horse, of any description, in this favored land." "that is why this land is favored," said the tiger. "you must understand, friend hank, that the sawhorse puts on airs because he is shod with plates of gold, and because our beloved ruler, ozma of oz, likes to ride upon his back." "betsy rides upon _my_ back," declared hank proudly. "who is betsy?" "the dearest, sweetest girl in all the world!" the sawhorse gave an angry snort and stamped his golden feet. the tiger crouched and growled. slowly the great lion rose to his feet, his mane bristling. "friend hank," said he, "either you are mistaken in judgment or you are willfully trying to deceive us. the dearest, sweetest girl in the world is our dorothy, and i will fight anyone--animal or human--who dares to deny it!" "so will i!" snarled the tiger, showing two rows of enormous white teeth. "you are all wrong!" asserted the sawhorse in a voice of scorn. "no girl living can compare with my mistress, ozma of oz!" hank slowly turned around until his heels were toward the others. then he said stubbornly: "i am not mistaken in my statement, nor will i admit there can be a sweeter girl alive than betsy bobbin. if you want to fight, come on--i'm ready for you!" while they hesitated, eyeing hank's heels doubtfully, a merry peal of laughter startled the animals and turning their heads they beheld three lovely girls standing just within the richly carved entrance to the stable. in the center was ozma, her arms encircling the waists of dorothy and betsy, who stood on either side of her. ozma was nearly half a head taller than the two other girls, who were almost of one size. unobserved, they had listened to the talk of the animals, which was a very strange experience indeed to little betsy bobbin. "you foolish beasts!" exclaimed the ruler of oz, in a gentle but chiding tone of voice. "why should you fight to defend us, who are all three loving friends and in no sense rivals? answer me!" she continued, as they bowed their heads sheepishly. "i have the right to express my opinion, your highness," pleaded the lion. "and so have the others," replied ozma. "i am glad you and the hungry tiger love dorothy best, for she was your first friend and companion. also i am pleased that my sawhorse loves me best, for together we have endured both joy and sorrow. hank has proved his faith and loyalty by defending his own little mistress; and so you are all right in one way, but wrong in another. our land of oz is a land of love, and here friendship outranks every other quality. unless you can all be friends, you cannot retain our love." they accepted this rebuke very meekly. "all right," said the sawhorse, quite cheerfully; "shake hoofs, friend mule." hank touched his hoof to that of the wooden horse. "let us be friends and rub noses," said the tiger. so hank modestly rubbed noses with the big beast. the lion merely nodded and said, as he crouched before the mule: "any friend of a friend of our beloved ruler is a friend of the cowardly lion. that seems to cover your case. if ever you need help or advice, friend hank, call on me." "why, this is as it should be," said ozma, highly pleased to see them so fully reconciled. then she turned to her companions: "come, my dears, let us resume our walk." as they turned away betsy said wonderingly: "do all the animals in oz talk as we do?" "almost all," answered dorothy. "there's a yellow hen here, and she can talk, and so can her chickens; and there's a pink kitten upstairs in my room who talks very nicely; but i've a little fuzzy black dog, named toto, who has been with me in oz a long time, and he's never said a single word but 'bow-wow!'" "do you know why?" asked ozma. "why, he's a kansas dog; so i s'pose he's different from these fairy animals," replied dorothy. "hank isn't a fairy animal, any more than toto," said ozma, "yet as soon as he came under the spell of our fairyland he found he could talk. it was the same way with billina, the yellow hen whom you brought here at one time. the same spell has affected toto, i assure you; but he's a wise little dog and while he knows everything that is said to him he prefers not to talk." "goodness me!" exclaimed dorothy. "i never s'pected toto was fooling me all this time." then she drew a small silver whistle from her pocket and blew a shrill note upon it. a moment later there was a sound of scurrying footsteps, and a shaggy black dog came running up the path. dorothy knelt down before him and shaking her finger just above his nose she said: "toto, haven't i always been good to you?" toto looked up at her with his bright black eyes and wagged his tail. "bow-wow!" he said, and betsy knew at once that meant yes, as well as dorothy and ozma knew it, for there was no mistaking the tone of toto's voice. "that's a dog answer," said dorothy. "how would you like it, toto, if i said nothing to you but 'bow-wow'?" toto's tail was wagging furiously now, but otherwise he was silent. "really, dorothy," said betsy, "he can talk with his bark and his tail just as well as we can. don't you understand such dog language?" "of course i do," replied dorothy. "but toto's got to be more sociable. see here, sir!" she continued, addressing the dog, "i've just learned, for the first time, that you can say words--if you want to. don't you want to, toto?" "woof!" said toto, and that meant "no." "not just one word, toto, to prove you're as any other animal in oz?" "woof!" "just one word, toto--and then you may run away." he looked at her steadily a moment. "all right. here i go!" he said, and darted away as swift as an arrow. dorothy clapped her hands in delight, while betsy and ozma both laughed heartily at her pleasure and the success of her experiment. arm in arm they sauntered away through the beautiful gardens of the palace, where magnificent flowers bloomed in abundance and fountains shot their silvery sprays far into the air. and by and by, as they turned a corner, they came upon shaggy man and his brother, who were seated together upon a golden bench. the two arose to bow respectfully as the ruler of oz approached them. "how are you enjoying our land of oz?" ozma asked the stranger. "i am very happy here, your highness," replied shaggy's brother. "also i am very grateful to you for permitting me to live in this delightful place." "you must thank shaggy for that," said ozma. "being his brother, i have made you welcome here." "when you know brother better," said shaggy earnestly, "you will be glad he has become one of your loyal subjects. i am just getting acquainted with him myself and i find much in his character to admire." leaving the brothers, ozma and the girls continued their walk. presently betsy exclaimed: "shaggy's brother can't ever be as happy in oz as _i_ am. do you know, dorothy, i didn't believe any girl could ever have such a good time--_anywhere_--as i'm having now?" "i know," answered dorothy. "i've felt that way myself, lots of times." "i wish," continued betsy, dreamily, "that every little girl in the world could live in the land of oz; and every little boy, too!" ozma laughed at this. "it is quite fortunate for us, betsy, that your wish cannot be granted," said she, "for all that army of girls and boys would crowd us so that we would have to move away." "yes," agreed betsy, after a little thought, "i guess that's true." the end the wonderful oz books by l. frank baum the wizard of oz the land of oz ozma of oz dorothy and the wizard in oz the road to oz the emerald city of oz the patchwork girl of oz tik-tok of oz the scarecrow of oz rinkitink in oz the lost princess of oz the tin woodman of oz the magic of oz glinda of oz available by internet archive ( note: project gutenberg also has an html version of this file which includes the original illustrations. see 52176-h.htm or ( or ( images of the original pages are available through internet archive. see transcriber's note: text enclosed by underscores is in italics (_italics_). text enclosed by equal signs is in bold face (=bold=). [illustration] tik-tok of oz [illustration] tik-tok of oz by l. frank baum author of the road to oz, dorothy and the wizard in oz, the emerald city of oz, the land of oz, ozma of oz, the patchwork girl of oz [illustration] illustrated by john r. neill the reilly & lee co. chicago [illustration: copyright 1914 by l frank baum all rights reserved] [illustration: to louis f. gottschalk, whose sweet and dainty melodies breathe the true spirit of fairyland, this book is affectionately dedicated] [illustration] to my readers [illustration] the very marked success of my last year's fairy book, "the patchwork girl of oz," convinces me that my readers like the oz stories "best of all," as one little girl wrote me. so here, my dears, is a new oz story in which is introduced ann soforth, the queen of oogaboo, whom tik-tok assisted in conquering our old acquaintance, the nome king. it also tells of betsy bobbin and how, after many adventures, she finally reached the marvelous land of oz. there is a play called "the tik-tok man of oz," but it is not like this story of "tik-tok of oz," although some of the adventures recorded in this book, as well as those in several other oz books, are included in the play. those who have seen the play and those who have read the other oz books will find in this story a lot of strange characters and adventures that they have never heard of before. in the letters i receive from children there has been an urgent appeal for me to write a story that will take trot and cap'n bill to the land of oz, where they will meet dorothy and ozma. also they think button-bright ought to get acquainted with ojo the lucky. as you know, i am obliged to talk these matters over with dorothy by means of the "wireless," for that is the only way i can communicate with the land of oz. when i asked her about this idea, she replied: "why, haven't you heard?" i said "no." "well," came the message over the wireless, "i'll tell you all about it, by and by, and then you can make a book of that story for the children to read." so, if dorothy keeps her word and i am permitted to write another oz book, you will probably discover how all these characters came together in the famous emerald city. meantime, i want to tell all my little friends--whose numbers are increasing by many thousands every year--that i am very grateful for the favor they have shown my books and for the delightful little letters i am constantly receiving. i am almost sure that i have as many friends among the children of america as any story writer alive; and this, of course, makes me very proud and happy. l. frank baum. "ozcot" at hollywood in california, 1914. [illustration] list of chapters chapter page 1--ann's army 13 2--out of oogaboo 24 3--magic mystifies the marchers 28 4--betsy braves the billows 39 5--the roses repulse the refugees 42 6--shaggy seeks his stray brother 48 7--polychrome's pitiful plight 65 8--tik-tok tackles a tough task 78 9--ruggedo's rage is rash and reckless 92 10--a terrible tumble through a tube 107 11--the famous fellowship of fairies 120 12--the lovely lady of light 129 13--the jinjin's just judgment 136 14--the long-eared hearer learns by listening 149 15--the dragon defies danger 159 16--the naughty nome 168 17--a tragic transformation 177 18--a clever conquest 193 19--king kaliko 202 20--quox quietly quits 213 21--a bashful brother 221 22--kindly kisses 233 23--ruggedo reforms 245 24--dorothy is delighted 251 25--the land of love 263 [illustration] [illustration] [illustration] chapter 1 ann's army "i won't!" cried ann; "i won't sweep the floor. it is beneath my dignity." "some one must sweep it," replied ann's younger sister, salye; "else we shall soon be wading in dust. and you are the eldest, and the head of the family." "i'm queen of oogaboo," said ann, proudly. "but," she added with a sigh, "my kingdom is the smallest and the poorest in all the land of oz." this was quite true. away up in the mountains, in a far corner of the beautiful fairyland of oz, lies a small valley which is named oogaboo, and in this valley lived a few people who were usually happy and contented and never cared to wander over the mountain pass into the more settled parts of the land. they knew that all of oz, including their own territory, was ruled by a beautiful princess named ozma, who lived in the splendid emerald city; yet the simple folk of oogaboo never visited ozma. they had a royal family of their own--not especially to rule over them, but just as a matter of pride. ozma permitted the various parts of her country to have their kings and queens and emperors and the like, but all were ruled over by the lovely girl queen of the emerald city. the king of oogaboo used to be a man named jol jemkiph soforth, who for many years did all the drudgery of deciding disputes and telling his people when to plant cabbages and pickle onions. but the king's wife had a sharp tongue and small respect for the king, her husband; therefore one night king jol crept over the pass into the land of oz and disappeared from oogaboo for good and all. the queen waited a few years for him to return and then started in search of him, leaving her eldest daughter, ann soforth, to act as queen. now, ann had not forgotten when her birthday came, for that meant a party and feasting and dancing, but she had quite forgotten how many years the birthdays marked. in a land where people live always, this is not considered a cause for regret, so we may justly say that queen ann of oogaboo was old enough to make jelly--and let it go at that. but she didn't make jelly, or do any more of the housework than she could help. she was an ambitious woman and constantly resented the fact that her kingdom was so tiny and her people so stupid and unenterprising. often she wondered what had become of her father and mother, out beyond the pass, in the wonderful land of oz, and the fact that they did not return to oogaboo led ann to suspect that they had found a better place to live. so, when salye refused to sweep the floor of the living room in the palace, and ann would not sweep it, either, she said to her sister: "i'm going away. this absurd kingdom of oogaboo tires me." "go, if you want to," answered salye; "but you are very foolish to leave this place." "why?" asked ann. "because in the land of oz, which is ozma's country, you will be a nobody, while here you are a queen." "oh, yes! queen over eighteen men, twenty-seven women and forty-four children!" returned ann bitterly. "well, there are certainly more people than that in the great land of oz," laughed salye. "why don't you raise an army and conquer them, and be queen of all oz?" she asked, trying to taunt ann and so to anger her. then she made a face at her sister and went into the back yard to swing in the hammock. her jeering words, however, had given queen ann an idea. she reflected that oz was reported to be a peaceful country and ozma a mere girl who ruled with gentleness to all and was obeyed because her people loved her. even in oogaboo the story was told that ozma's sole army consisted of twenty-seven fine officers, who wore beautiful uniforms but carried no weapons, because there was no one to fight. once there had been a private soldier, besides the officers, but ozma had made him a captain-general and taken away his gun for fear it might accidentally hurt some one. the more ann thought about the matter the more she was convinced it would be easy to conquer the land of oz and set herself up as ruler in ozma's place, if she but had an army to do it with. afterward she could go out into the world and conquer other lands, and then perhaps she could find a way to the moon, and conquer that. she had a warlike spirit that preferred trouble to idleness. it all depended on an army, ann decided. she carefully counted in her mind all the men of her kingdom. yes; there were exactly eighteen of them, all told. that would not make a very big army, but by surprising ozma's unarmed officers her men might easily subdue them. "gentle people are always afraid of those that bluster," ann told herself. "i don't wish to shed any blood, for that would shock my nerves and i might faint; but if we threaten and flash our weapons i am sure the people of oz will fall upon their knees before me and surrender." this argument, which she repeated to herself more than once, finally determined the queen of oogaboo to undertake the audacious venture. "whatever happens," she reflected, "can make me no more unhappy than my staying shut up in this miserable valley and sweeping floors and quarreling with sister salye; so i will venture all, and win what i may." that very day she started out to organize her army. the first man she came to was jo apple, so called because he had an apple orchard. "jo," said ann, "i am going to conquer the world, and i want you to join my army." "don't ask me to do such a fool thing, for i must politely refuse your majesty," said jo apple. "i have no intention of asking you. i shall command you, as queen of oogaboo, to join," said ann. "in that case, i suppose i must obey," the man remarked, in a sad voice. "but i pray you to consider that i am a very important citizen, and for that reason am entitled to an office of high rank." "you shall be a general," promised ann. "with gold epaulets and a sword?" he asked. "of course," said the queen. then she went to the next man, whose name was jo bunn, as he owned an orchard where graham-buns and wheat-buns, in great variety, both hot and cold, grew on the trees. "jo," said ann, "i am going to conquer the world, and i command you to join my army." "impossible!" he exclaimed. "the bun crop has to be picked." "let your wife and children do the picking," said ann. "but i'm a man of great importance, your majesty," he protested. "for that reason you shall be one of my generals, and wear a cocked hat with gold braid, and curl your mustaches and clank a long sword," she promised. so he consented, although sorely against his will, and the queen walked on to the next cottage. here lived jo cone, so called because the trees in his orchard bore crops of excellent ice-cream cones. "jo," said ann, "i am going to conquer the world, and you must join my army." "excuse me, please," said jo cone. "i am a bad fighter. my good wife conquered me years ago, for she can fight better than i. take her, your majesty, instead of me, and i'll bless you for the favor." "this must be an army of men--fierce, ferocious warriors," declared ann, looking sternly upon the mild little man. "and you will leave my wife here in oogaboo?" he asked. "yes; and make you a general." "i'll go," said jo cone, and ann went on to the cottage of jo clock, who had an orchard of clock-trees. this man at first insisted that he would not join the army, but queen ann's promise to make him a general finally won his consent. "how many generals are there in your army?" he asked. "four, so far," replied ann. "and how big will the army be?" was his next question. "i intend to make every one of the eighteen men in oogaboo join it," she said. "then four generals are enough," announced jo clock. "i advise you to make the rest of them colonels." ann tried to follow his advice. the next four men she visited--who were jo plum, jo egg, jo banjo and jo cheese, named after the trees in their orchards--she made colonels of her army; but the fifth one, jo nails, said colonels and generals were getting to be altogether too common in the army of oogaboo and he preferred to be a major. so jo nails, jo cake, jo ham and jo stockings were all four made majors, while the next four--jo sandwich, jo padlocks, jo sundae and jo buttons--were appointed captains of the army. but now queen ann was in a quandary. there remained but two other men in all oogaboo, and if she made these two lieutenants, while there were four captains, four majors, four colonels and four generals, there was likely to be jealousy in her army, and perhaps mutiny and desertions. one of these men, however, was jo candy, and he would not go at all. no promises could tempt him, nor could threats move him. he said he must remain at home to harvest his crop of jackson-balls, lemon-drops, bonbons and chocolate-creams. also he had large fields of crackerjack and buttered pop corn to be mowed and threshed, and he was determined not to disappoint the children of oogaboo by going away to conquer the world and so let the candy crop spoil. finding jo candy so obstinate, queen ann let him have his own way and continued her journey to the house of the eighteenth and last man in oogaboo, who was a young fellow named jo files. this files had twelve trees which bore steel files of various sorts; but also he had nine book-trees, on which grew a choice selection of story-books. in case you have never seen books growing upon trees, i will explain that those in jo files' orchard were enclosed in broad green husks which, when fully ripe, turned to a deep red color. then the books were picked and husked and were ready to read. if they were picked too soon, the stories were found to be confused and uninteresting and the spelling bad. however, if allowed to ripen perfectly, the stories were fine reading and the spelling and grammar excellent. [illustration] files freely gave his books to all who wanted them, but the people of oogaboo cared little for books and so he had to read most of them himself, before they spoiled. for, as you probably know, as soon as the books were read the words disappeared and the leaves withered and faded--which is the worst fault of all books which grow upon trees. when queen ann spoke to this young man files, who was both intelligent and ambitious, he said he thought it would be great fun to conquer the world. but he called her attention to the fact that he was far superior to the other men of her army. therefore, he would not be one of her generals or colonels or majors or captains, but claimed the honor of being sole private. ann did not like this idea at all. "i hate to have a private soldier in my army," she said; "they're so common. i am told that princess ozma once had a private soldier, but she made him her captain-general, which is good evidence that the private was unnecessary." "ozma's army doesn't fight," returned files; "but your army must fight like fury in order to conquer the world. i have read in my books that it is always the private soldiers who do the fighting, for no officer is ever brave enough to face the foe. also, it stands to reason that your officers must have some one to command and to issue their orders to; therefore i'll be the one. i long to slash and slay the enemy and become a hero. then, when we return to oogaboo, i'll take all the marbles away from the children and melt them up and make a marble statue of myself for all to look upon and admire." ann was much pleased with private files. he seemed indeed to be such a warrior as she needed in her enterprise, and her hopes of success took a sudden bound when files told her he knew where a gun-tree grew and would go there at once and pick the ripest and biggest musket the tree bore. [illustration] [illustration] chapter 2 out of oogaboo three days later the grand army of oogaboo assembled in the square in front of the royal palace. the sixteen officers were attired in gorgeous uniforms and carried sharp, glittering swords. the private had picked his gun and, although it was not a very big weapon, files tried to look fierce and succeeded so well that all his commanding officers were secretly afraid of him. the women were there, protesting that queen ann soforth had no right to take their husbands and fathers from them; but ann commanded them to keep silent, and that was the hardest order to obey they had ever received. [illustration: for--ward march!] the queen appeared before her army dressed in an imposing uniform of green, covered with gold braid. she wore a green soldier-cap with a purple plume in it and looked so royal and dignified that everyone in oogaboo except the army was glad she was going. the army was sorry she was not going alone. "form ranks!" she cried in her shrill voice. salye leaned out of the palace window and laughed. "i believe your army can run better than it can fight," she observed. "of course," replied general bunn, proudly. "we're not looking for trouble, you know, but for plunder. the more plunder and the less fighting we get, the better we shall like our work." "for my part," said files, "i prefer war and carnage to anything. the only way to become a hero is to conquer, and the story-books all say that the easiest way to conquer is to fight." "that's the idea, my brave man!" agreed ann. "to fight is to conquer and to conquer is to secure plunder and to secure plunder is to become a hero. with such noble determination to back me, the world is mine! good-bye, salye. when we return we shall be rich and famous. come, generals; let us march." at this the generals straightened up and threw out their chests. then they swung their glittering swords in rapid circles and cried to the colonels: "for--ward march!" then the colonels shouted to the majors: "for--ward march!" and the majors yelled to the captains: "for--ward march!" and the captains screamed to the private: "for--ward march!" so files shouldered his gun and began to march, and all the officers followed after him. queen ann came last of all, rejoicing in her noble army and wondering why she had not decided long ago to conquer the world. in this order the procession marched out of oogaboo and took the narrow mountain pass which led into the lovely fairyland of oz. [illustration] [illustration] chapter 3 magic mystifies the marchers princess ozma was all unaware that the army of oogaboo, led by their ambitious queen, was determined to conquer her kingdom. the beautiful girl ruler of oz was busy with the welfare of her subjects and had no time to think of ann soforth and her disloyal plans. but there was one who constantly guarded the peace and happiness of the land of oz and this was the official sorceress of the kingdom, glinda the good. in her magnificent castle, which stands far north of the emerald city where ozma holds her court, glinda owns a wonderful magic record book, in which is printed every event that takes place anywhere, just as soon as it happens. the smallest things and the biggest things are all recorded in this book. if a child stamps its foot in anger, glinda reads about it; if a city burns down, glinda finds the fact noted in her book. the sorceress always reads her record book every day, and so it was she knew that ann soforth, queen of oogaboo, had foolishly assembled an army of sixteen officers and one private soldier, with which she intended to invade and conquer the land of oz. there was no danger but that ozma, supported by the magic arts of glinda the good and the powerful wizard of oz--both her firm friends--could easily defeat a far more imposing army than ann's; but it would be a shame to have the peace of oz interrupted by any sort of quarreling or fighting. so glinda did not even mention the matter to ozma, or to anyone else. she merely went into a great chamber of her castle, known as the magic room, where she performed a magical ceremony which caused the mountain pass that led from oogaboo to make several turns and twists. the result was that when ann and her army came to the end of the pass they were not in the land of oz at all, but in an adjoining territory that was quite distinct from ozma's domain and separated from oz by an invisible barrier. as the oogaboo people emerged into this country, the pass they had traversed disappeared behind them and it was not likely they would ever find their way back into the valley of oogaboo. they were greatly puzzled, indeed, by their surroundings and did not know which way to go. none of them had ever visited oz, so it took them some time to discover they were not in oz at all, but in an unknown country. "never mind," said ann, trying to conceal her disappointment; "we have started out to conquer the world, and here is part of it. in time, as we pursue our victorious journey, we will doubtless come to oz; but, until we get there, we may as well conquer whatever land we find ourselves in." "have we conquered this place, your majesty?" anxiously inquired major cake. "most certainly," said ann. "we have met no people, as yet, but when we do, we will inform them that they are our slaves." "and afterward we will plunder them of all their possessions," added general apple. "they may not possess anything," objected private files; "but i hope they will fight us, just the same. a peaceful conquest wouldn't be any fun at all." "don't worry," said the queen. "_we_ can fight, whether our foes do or not; and perhaps we would find it more comfortable to have the enemy surrender promptly." it was a barren country and not very pleasant to travel in. moreover, there was little for them to eat, and as the officers became hungry they became fretful. many would have deserted had they been able to find their way home, but as the oogaboo people were now hopelessly lost in a strange country they considered it more safe to keep together than to separate. queen ann's temper, never very agreeable, became sharp and irritable as she and her army tramped over the rocky roads without encountering either people or plunder. she scolded her officers until they became surly, and a few of them were disloyal enough to ask her to hold her tongue. others began to reproach her for leading them into difficulties and in the space of three unhappy days every man was mourning for his orchard in the pretty valley of oogaboo. files, however, proved a different sort. the more difficulties he encountered the more cheerful he became, and the sighs of the officers were answered by the merry whistle of the private. his pleasant disposition did much to encourage queen ann and before long she consulted the private soldier more often than she did his superiors. it was on the third day of their pilgrimage that they encountered their first adventure. toward evening the sky was suddenly darkened and major nails exclaimed: "a fog is coming toward us." "i do not think it is a fog," replied files, looking with interest at the approaching cloud. "it seems to me more like the breath of a rak." "what is a rak?" asked ann, looking about fearfully. "a terrible beast with a horrible appetite," answered the soldier, growing a little paler than usual. "i have never seen a rak, to be sure, but i have read of them in the story-books that grew in my orchard, and if this is indeed one of those fearful monsters, we are not likely to conquer the world." hearing this, the officers became quite worried and gathered closer about their soldier. "what is the thing like?" asked one. "the only picture of a rak that i ever saw in a book was rather blurred," said files, "because the book was not quite ripe when it was picked. but the creature can fly in the air and run like a deer and swim like a fish. inside its body is a glowing furnace of fire, and the rak breathes in air and breathes out smoke, which darkens the sky for miles around, wherever it goes. it is bigger than a hundred men and feeds on any living thing." the officers now began to groan and to tremble, but files tried to cheer them, saying: "it may not be a rak, after all, that we see approaching us, and you must not forget that we people of oogaboo, which is part of the fairyland of oz, cannot be killed." "nevertheless," said captain buttons, "if the rak catches us, and chews us up into small pieces, and swallows us--what will happen then?" "then each small piece will still be alive," declared files. "i cannot see how that would help us," wailed colonel banjo. "a hamburger steak is a hamburger steak, whether it is alive or not!" "i tell you, this may not be a rak," persisted files. "we will know, when the cloud gets nearer, whether it is the breath of a rak or not. if it has no smell at all, it is probably a fog; but if it has an odor of salt and pepper, it is a rak and we must prepare for a desperate fight." they all eyed the dark cloud fearfully. before long it reached the frightened group and began to envelop them. every nose sniffed the cloud--and every one detected in it the odor of salt and pepper. "the rak!" shouted private files, and with a howl of despair the sixteen officers fell to the ground, writhing and moaning in anguish. queen ann sat down upon a rock and faced the cloud more bravely, although her heart was beating fast. as for files, he calmly loaded his gun and stood ready to fight the foe, as a soldier should. they were now in absolute darkness, for the cloud which covered the sky and the setting sun was black as ink. then through the gloom appeared two round, glowing balls of red, and files at once decided these must be the monster's eyes. he raised his gun, took aim and fired. there were several bullets in the gun, all gathered from an excellent bullet-tree in oogaboo, and they were big and hard. they flew toward the monster and struck it, and with a wild, weird cry the rak came fluttering down and its huge body fell plump upon the forms of the sixteen officers, who thereupon screamed louder than before. "badness me!" moaned the rak. "see what you've done with that dangerous gun of yours!" "i can't see," replied files, "for the cloud formed by your breath darkens my sight!" "don't tell me it was an accident," continued the rak, reproachfully, as it still flapped its wings in a helpless manner. "don't claim you didn't know the gun was loaded, i beg of you!" "i don't intend to," replied files. "did the bullets hurt you very badly?" "one has broken my jaw, so that i can't open my mouth. you will notice that my voice sounds rather harsh and husky, because i have to talk with my teeth set close together. another bullet broke my left wing, so that i can't fly; and still another broke my right leg, so that i can't walk. it was the most careless shot i ever heard of!" "can't you manage to lift your body off from my commanding officers?" inquired files. "from their cries i'm afraid your great weight is crushing them." [illustration] "i hope it is," growled the rak. "i want to crush them, if possible, for i have a bad disposition. if only i could open my mouth, i'd eat all of you, although my appetite is poorly this warm weather." with this the rak began to roll its immense body sidewise, so as to crush the officers more easily; but in doing this it rolled completely off from them and the entire sixteen scrambled to their feet and made off as fast as they could run. private files could not see them go but he knew from the sound of their voices that they had escaped, so he ceased to worry about them. "pardon me if i now bid you good-bye," he said to the rak. "the parting is caused by our desire to continue our journey. if you die, do not blame me, for i was obliged to shoot you as a matter of self-protection." "i shall not die," answered the monster, "for i bear a charmed life. but i beg you not to leave me!" "why not?" asked files. "because my broken jaw will heal in about an hour, and then i shall be able to eat you. my wing will heal in a day and my leg will heal in a week, when i shall be as well as ever. having shot me, and so caused me all this annoyance, it is only fair and just that you remain here and allow me to eat you as soon as i can open my jaws." "i beg to differ with you," returned the soldier firmly. "i have made an engagement with queen ann of oogaboo to help her conquer the world, and i cannot break my word for the sake of being eaten by a rak." "oh; that's different," said the monster. "if you've an engagement, don't let me detain you." so files felt around in the dark and grasped the hand of the trembling queen, whom he led away from the flapping, sighing rak. they stumbled over the stones for a way but presently began to see dimly the path ahead of them, as they got farther and farther away from the dreadful spot where the wounded monster lay. by and by they reached a little hill and could see the last rays of the sun flooding a pretty valley beyond, for now they had passed beyond the cloudy breath of the rak. here were huddled the sixteen officers, still frightened and panting from their run. they had halted only because it was impossible for them to run any farther. queen ann gave them a severe scolding for their cowardice, at the same time praising files for his courage. "we are wiser than he, however," muttered general clock, "for by running away we are now able to assist your majesty in conquering the world; whereas, had files been eaten by the rak, he would have deserted your army." after a brief rest they descended into the valley, and as soon as they were out of sight of the rak the spirits of the entire party rose quickly. just at dusk they came to a brook, on the banks of which queen ann commanded them to make camp for the night. each officer carried in his pocket a tiny white tent. this, when placed upon the ground, quickly grew in size until it was large enough to permit the owner to enter it and sleep within its canvas walls. files was obliged to carry a knapsack, in which was not only his own tent but an elaborate pavilion for queen ann, besides a bed and chair and a magic table. this table, when set upon the ground in ann's pavilion, became of large size, and in a drawer of the table was contained the queen's supply of extra clothing, her manicure and toilet articles and other necessary things. the royal bed was the only one in the camp, the officers and private sleeping in hammocks attached to their tent poles. there was also in the knapsack a flag bearing the royal emblem of oogaboo, and this flag files flew upon its staff every night, to show that the country they were in had been conquered by the queen of oogaboo. so far, no one but themselves had seen the flag, but ann was pleased to see it flutter in the breeze and considered herself already a famous conqueror. [illustration] chapter 4 betsy braves the billows the waves dashed and the lightning flashed and the thunder rolled and the ship struck a rock. betsy bobbin was running across the deck and the shock sent her flying through the air until she fell with a splash into the dark blue water. the same shock caught hank, a thin little, sad-faced mule, and tumbled him also into the sea, far from the ship's side. when betsy came up, gasping for breath because the wet plunge had surprised her, she reached out in the dark and grabbed a bunch of hair. at first she thought it was the end of a rope, but presently she heard a dismal "hee-haw!" and knew she was holding fast to the end of hank's tail. suddenly the sea was lighted up by a vivid glare. the ship, now in the far distance, caught fire, blew up and sank beneath the waves. betsy shuddered at the sight, but just then her eye caught a mass of wreckage floating near her and she let go the mule's tail and seized the rude raft, pulling herself up so that she rode upon it in safety. hank also saw the raft and swam to it, but he was so clumsy he never would have been able to climb upon it had not betsy helped him to get aboard. they had to crowd close together, for their support was only a hatch-cover torn from the ship's deck; but it floated them fairly well and both the girl and the mule knew it would keep them from drowning. the storm was not over, by any means, when the ship went down. blinding bolts of lightning shot from cloud to cloud and the clamor of deep thunderclaps echoed far over the sea. the waves tossed the little raft here and there as a child tosses a rubber ball and betsy had a solemn feeling that for hundreds of watery miles in every direction there was no living thing besides herself and the small donkey. perhaps hank had the same thought, for he gently rubbed his nose against the frightened girl and said "hee-haw!" in his softest voice, as if to comfort her. "you'll protect me, hank dear, won't you?" she cried helplessly, and the mule said "hee-haw!" again, in tones that meant a promise. on board the ship, during the days that preceded the wreck, when the sea was calm, betsy and hank had become good friends; so, while the girl might have preferred a more powerful protector in this dreadful emergency, she felt that the mule would do all in a mule's power to guard her safety. all night they floated, and when the storm had worn itself out and passed away with a few distant growls, and the waves had grown smaller and easier to ride, betsy stretched herself out on the wet raft and fell asleep. hank did not sleep a wink. perhaps he felt it his duty to guard betsy. anyhow, he crouched on the raft beside the tired sleeping girl and watched patiently until the first light of dawn swept over the sea. the light wakened betsy bobbin. she sat up, rubbed her eyes and stared across the water. "oh, hank; there's land ahead!" she exclaimed. "hee-haw!" answered hank in his plaintive voice. the raft was floating swiftly toward a very beautiful country and as they drew near betsy could see banks of lovely flowers showing brightly between leafy trees. but no people were to be seen at all. [illustration] chapter 5 the roses repulse the refugees gently the raft grated on the sandy beach. then betsy easily waded ashore, the mule following closely behind her. the sun was now shining and the air was warm and laden with the fragrance of roses. "i'd like some breakfast, hank," remarked the girl, feeling more cheerful now that she was on dry land; "but we can't eat the flowers, although they do smell mighty good." "hee-haw!" replied hank and trotted up a little pathway to the top of the bank. betsy followed and from the eminence looked around her. a little way off stood a splendid big greenhouse, its thousands of crystal panes glittering in the sunlight. "there ought to be people somewhere 'round," observed betsy thoughtfully; "gardeners, or somebody. let's go and see, hank. i'm getting hungrier ev'ry minute." so they walked toward the great greenhouse and came to its entrance without meeting with anyone at all. a door stood ajar, so hank went in first, thinking if there was any danger he could back out and warn his companion. but betsy was close at his heels and the moment she entered was lost in amazement at the wonderful sight she saw. the greenhouse was filled with magnificent rosebushes, all growing in big pots. on the central stem of each bush bloomed a splendid rose, gorgeously colored and deliciously fragrant, and in the center of each rose was the face of a lovely girl. as betsy and hank entered, the heads of the roses were drooping and their eyelids were closed in slumber; but the mule was so amazed that he uttered a loud "hee-haw!" and at the sound of his harsh voice the rose leaves fluttered, the roses raised their heads and a hundred startled eyes were instantly fixed upon the intruders. "i--i beg your pardon!" stammered betsy, blushing and confused. "o-o-o-h!" cried the roses, in a sort of sighing chorus; and one of them added: "what a horrid noise!" "why, that was only hank," said betsy, and as if to prove the truth of her words the mule uttered another loud "hee-haw!" at this all the roses turned on their stems as far as they were able and trembled as if some one were shaking their bushes. a dainty moss rose gasped: "dear me! how dreadfully dreadful!" "it isn't dreadful at all," said betsy, somewhat indignant. "when you get used to hank's voice it will put you to sleep." the roses now looked at the mule less fearfully and one of them asked: "is that savage beast named hank?" "yes; hank's my comrade, faithful and true," answered the girl, twining her arms around the little mule's neck and hugging him tight. "aren't you, hank?" hank could only say in reply: "hee-haw!" and at his bray the roses shivered again. "please go away!" begged one. "can't you see you're frightening us out of a week's growth?" "go away!" echoed betsy. "why, we've no place to go. we've just been wrecked." "wrecked?" asked the roses in a surprised chorus. "yes; we were on a big ship and the storm came and wrecked it," explained the girl. "but hank and i caught hold of a raft and floated ashore to this place, and--we're tired and hungry. what country _is_ this, please?" [illustration] "this is the rose kingdom," replied the moss rose, haughtily, "and it is devoted to the culture of the rarest and fairest roses grown." "i believe it," said betsy, admiring the pretty blossoms. "but only roses are allowed here," continued a delicate tea rose, bending her brows in a frown; "therefore you must go away before the royal gardener finds you and casts you back into the sea." "oh! is there a royal gardener, then?" inquired betsy. "to be sure." "and is he a rose, also?" "of course not; he's a man--a wonderful man," was the reply. "well, i'm not afraid of a man," declared the girl, much relieved, and even as she spoke the royal gardener popped into the greenhouse--a spading fork in one hand and a watering pot in the other. he was a funny little man, dressed in a rose-colored costume, with ribbons at his knees and elbows, and a bunch of ribbons in his hair. his eyes were small and twinkling, his nose sharp and his face puckered and deeply lined. "o-ho!" he exclaimed, astonished to find strangers in his greenhouse, and when hank gave a loud bray the gardener threw the watering pot over the mule's head and danced around with his fork, in such agitation that presently he fell over the handle of the implement and sprawled at full length upon the ground. betsy laughed and pulled the watering pot off from hank's head. the little mule was angry at the treatment he had received and backed toward the gardener threateningly. "look out for his heels!" called betsy warningly and the gardener scrambled to his feet and hastily hid behind the roses. "you are breaking the law!" he shouted, sticking out his head to glare at the girl and the mule. "what law?" asked betsy. "the law of the rose kingdom. no strangers are allowed in these domains." "not when they're shipwrecked?" she inquired. "the law doesn't except shipwrecks," replied the royal gardener, and he was about to say more when suddenly there was a crash of glass and a man came tumbling through the roof of the greenhouse and fell plump to the ground. [illustration] chapter 6 shaggy seeks his stray brother this sudden arrival was a queer looking man, dressed all in garments so shaggy that betsy at first thought he must be some animal. but the stranger ended his fall in a sitting position and then the girl saw it was really a man. he held an apple in his hand, which he had evidently been eating when he fell, and so little was he jarred or flustered by the accident that he continued to munch this apple as he calmly looked around him. "good gracious!" exclaimed betsy, approaching him. "who _are_ you, and where did you come from?" "me? oh, i'm shaggy man," said he, taking another bite of the apple. "just dropped in for a short call. excuse my seeming haste." "why, i s'pose you couldn't help the haste," said betsy. "no. i climbed an apple tree, outside; branch gave way and--here i am." as he spoke the shaggy man finished his apple, gave the core to hank--who ate it greedily--and then stood up to bow politely to betsy and the roses. the royal gardener had been frightened nearly into fits by the crash of glass and the fall of the shaggy stranger into the bower of roses, but now he peeped out from behind a bush and cried in his squeaky voice: "you're breaking the law! you're breaking the law!" shaggy stared at him solemnly. "is the glass the law in this country?" he asked. "breaking the glass is breaking the law," squeaked the gardener, angrily. "also, to intrude in any part of the rose kingdom is breaking the law." "how do you know?" asked shaggy. "why, it's printed in a book," said the gardener, coming forward and taking a small book from his pocket. "page thirteen. here it is: 'if any stranger enters the rose kingdom he shall at once be condemned by the ruler and put to death.' so you see, strangers," he continued triumphantly, "it's death for you all and your time has come!" but just here hank interposed. he had been stealthily backing toward the royal gardener, whom he disliked, and now the mule's heels shot out and struck the little man in the middle. he doubled up like the letter "u" and flew out of the door so swiftly--never touching the ground--that he was gone before betsy had time to wink. but the mule's attack frightened the girl. "come," she whispered, approaching the shaggy man and taking his hand; "let's go somewhere else. they'll surely kill us if we stay here!" "don't worry, my dear," replied shaggy, patting the child's head. "i'm not afraid of anything, so long as i have the love magnet." "the love magnet! why, what is that?" asked betsy. "it's a charming little enchantment that wins the heart of everyone who looks upon it," was the reply. "the love magnet used to hang over the gateway to the emerald city, in the land of oz; but when i started on this journey our beloved ruler, ozma of oz, allowed me to take it with me." "oh!" cried betsy, staring hard at him; "are you really from the wonderful land of oz?" "yes. ever been there, my dear?" "no; but i've heard about it. and do you know princess ozma?" "very well indeed." "and--and princess dorothy?" "dorothy's an old chum of mine," declared shaggy. "dear me!" exclaimed betsy. "and why did you ever leave such a beautiful land as oz?" "on an errand," said shaggy, looking sad and solemn. "i'm trying to find my dear little brother." "oh! is he lost?" questioned betsy, feeling very sorry for the poor man. "been lost these ten years," replied shaggy, taking out a handkerchief and wiping a tear from his eye. "i didn't know it until lately, when i saw it recorded in the magic record book of the sorceress glinda, in the land of oz. so now i'm trying to find him." "where was he lost?" asked the girl sympathetically. "back in colorado, where i used to live before i went to oz. brother was a miner, and dug gold out of a mine. one day he went into his mine and never came out. they searched for him, but he was not there. disappeared entirely," shaggy ended miserably. "for goodness sake! what do you s'pose became of him?" she asked. "there is only one explanation," replied shaggy, taking another apple from his pocket and eating it to relieve his misery. "the nome king probably got him." "the nome king! who is he?" "why, he's sometimes called the metal monarch, and his name is ruggedo. lives in some underground cavern. claims to own all the metals hidden in the earth. don't ask me why." "why?" "'cause i don't know. but this ruggedo gets wild with anger if anyone digs gold out of the earth, and my private opinion is that he captured brother and carried him off to his underground kingdom. no--don't ask me why. i see you're dying to ask me why. but i don't know." "but--dear me!--in that case you will never find your lost brother!" exclaimed the girl. "maybe not; but it's my duty to try," answered shaggy. "i've wandered so far without finding him, but that only proves he is not where i've been looking. what i seek now is the hidden passage to the underground cavern of the terrible metal monarch." "well," said betsy doubtfully, "it strikes me that if you ever manage to get there the metal monarch will make you, too, his prisoner." "nonsense!" answered shaggy, carelessly. "you mustn't forget the love magnet." "what about it?" she asked. "when the fierce metal monarch sees the love magnet, he will love me dearly and do anything i ask." "it must be wonderful," said betsy, with awe. "it is," the man assured her. "shall i show it to you?" "oh, do!" she cried; so shaggy searched in his shaggy pocket and drew out a small silver magnet, shaped like a horseshoe. the moment betsy saw it she began to like the shaggy man better than before. hank also saw the magnet and crept up to shaggy to rub his head lovingly against the man's knee. but they were interrupted by the royal gardener, who stuck his head into the greenhouse and shouted angrily: "you are all condemned to death! your only chance to escape is to leave here instantly." this startled little betsy, but the shaggy man merely waved the magnet toward the gardener, who, seeing it, rushed forward and threw himself at shaggy's feet, murmuring in honeyed words: "oh, you lovely, lovely man! how fond i am of you! every shag and bobtail that decorates you is dear to me--all i have is yours! but for goodness' sake get out of here before you die the death." "i'm not going to die," declared shaggy man. "you must. it's the law," exclaimed the gardener, beginning to weep real tears. "it breaks my heart to tell you this bad news, but the law says that all strangers must be condemned by the ruler to die the death." "no ruler has condemned us yet," said betsy. "of course not," added shaggy. "we haven't even seen the ruler of the rose kingdom." "well, to tell the truth," said the gardener, in a perplexed tone of voice, "we haven't any real ruler, just now. you see, all our rulers grow on bushes in the royal gardens, and the last one we had got mildewed and withered before his time. so we had to plant him, and at this time there is no one growing on the royal bushes who is ripe enough to pick." "how do you know?" asked betsy. "why, i'm the royal gardener. plenty of royalties are growing, i admit; but just now they are all green. until one ripens, i am supposed to rule the rose kingdom myself, and see that its laws are obeyed. therefore, much as i love you, shaggy, i must put you to death." "wait a minute," pleaded betsy. "i'd like to see those royal gardens before i die." "so would i," added shaggy man. "take us there, gardener." "oh, i can't do that," objected the gardener. but shaggy again showed him the love magnet and after one glance at it the gardener could no longer resist. he led shaggy, betsy and hank to the end of the great greenhouse and carefully unlocked a small door. passing through this they came into the splendid royal garden of the rose kingdom. it was all surrounded by a tall hedge and within the enclosure grew several enormous rosebushes having thick green leaves of the texture of velvet. upon these bushes grew the members of the royal family of the rose kingdom--men, women and children in all stages of maturity. they all seemed to have a light green hue, as if unripe or not fully developed, their flesh and clothing being alike green. they stood perfectly lifeless upon their branches, which swayed softly in the breeze, and their wide-open eyes stared straight ahead, unseeing and unintelligent. while examining these curious growing people, betsy passed behind a big central bush and at once uttered an exclamation of surprise and pleasure. for there, blooming in perfect color and shape, stood a royal princess, whose beauty was amazing. "why, she's ripe!" cried betsy, pushing aside some of the broad leaves to observe her more clearly. "well, perhaps so," admitted the gardener, who had come to the girl's side; "but she's a girl, and so we can't use her for a ruler." "no, indeed!" came a chorus of soft voices, and looking around betsy discovered that all the roses had followed them from the greenhouse and were now grouped before the entrance. "you see," explained the gardener, "the subjects of rose kingdom don't want a girl ruler. they want a king." [illustration] [illustration] "a king! we want a king!" repeated the chorus of roses. "isn't she royal?" inquired shaggy, admiring the lovely princess. "of course, for she grows on a royal bush. this princess is named ozga, as she is a distant cousin of ozma of oz; and, were she but a man, we would joyfully hail her as our ruler." the gardener then turned away to talk with his roses and betsy whispered to her companion: "let's pick her, shaggy." "all right," said he. "if she's royal, she has the right to rule this kingdom, and if we pick her she will surely protect us and prevent our being hurt, or driven away." so betsy and shaggy each took an arm of the beautiful rose princess and a little twist of her feet set her free of the branch upon which she grew. very gracefully she stepped down from the bush to the ground, where she bowed low to betsy and shaggy and said in a delightfully sweet voice: "i thank you." but at the sound of these words the gardener and the roses turned and discovered that the princess had been picked, and was now alive. over every face flashed an expression of resentment and anger, and one of the roses cried aloud: "audacious mortals! what have you done?" [illustration] "picked a princess for you, that's all," replied betsy, cheerfully. "but we won't have her! we want a king!" exclaimed a jacque rose, and another added with a voice of scorn: "no girl shall rule over us!" the newly-picked princess looked from one to another of her rebellious subjects in astonishment. a grieved look came over her exquisite features. "have i no welcome here, pretty subjects?" she asked gently. "have i not come from my royal bush to be your ruler?" "you were picked by mortals, without our consent," replied the moss rose, coldly; "so we refuse to allow you to rule us." "turn her out, gardener, with the others!" cried the tea rose. "just a second, please!" called shaggy, taking the love magnet from his pocket. "i guess this will win their love, princess. here--take it in your hand and let the roses see it." princess ozga took the magnet and held it poised before the eyes of her subjects; but the roses regarded it with calm disdain. "why, what's the matter?" demanded shaggy in surprise. "the magnet never failed to work before!" "i know," said betsy, nodding her head wisely. "these roses have no hearts." "that's it," agreed the gardener. "they're pretty, and sweet, and alive; but still they are roses. their stems have thorns, but no hearts." the princess sighed and handed the magnet to the shaggy man. "what shall i do?" she asked sorrowfully. "turn her out, gardener, with the others!" commanded the roses. "we will have no ruler until a man-rose--a king--is ripe enough to pick." "very well," said the gardener meekly. "you must excuse me, my dear shaggy, for opposing your wishes, but you and the others, including ozga, must get out of rose kingdom immediately, if not before." "don't you love me, gardy?" asked shaggy, carelessly displaying the magnet. "i do. i dote on thee!" answered the gardener earnestly; "but no true man will neglect his duty for the sake of love. my duty is to drive you out, so--out you go!" with this he seized a garden fork and began jabbing it at the strangers, in order to force them to leave. hank the mule was not afraid of the fork and when he got his heels near to the gardener the man fell back to avoid a kick. but now the roses crowded around the outcasts and it was soon discovered that beneath their draperies of green leaves were many sharp thorns which were more dangerous than hank's heels. neither betsy nor ozga nor shaggy nor the mule cared to brave those thorns and when they pressed away from them they found themselves slowly driven through the garden door into the greenhouse. from there they were forced out at the entrance and so through the territory of the flower-strewn rose kingdom, which was not of very great extent. the rose princess was sobbing bitterly; betsy was indignant and angry; hank uttered defiant "hee-haws" and the shaggy man whistled softly to himself. the boundary of the rose kingdom was a deep gulf, but there was a drawbridge in one place and this the royal gardener let down until the outcasts had passed over it. then he drew it up again and returned with his roses to the greenhouse, leaving the four queerly assorted comrades to wander into the bleak and unknown country that lay beyond. "i don't mind, much," remarked shaggy, as he led the way over the stony, barren ground. "i've got to search for my long-lost little brother, anyhow, so it won't matter where i go." "hank and i will help you find your brother," said betsy in her most cheerful voice. "i'm so far away from home now that i don't s'pose i'll ever find my way back; and, to tell the truth, it's more fun traveling around and having adventures than sticking at home. don't you think so, hank?" [illustration] "hee-haw!" said hank, and the shaggy man thanked them both. "for my part," said princess ozga of roseland, with a gentle sigh, "i must remain forever exiled from my kingdom. so i, too, will be glad to help the shaggy man find his lost brother." "that's very kind of you, ma'am," said shaggy. "but unless i can find the underground cavern of ruggedo,[a] the metal monarch, i shall never find poor brother." [footnote a: this king was formerly named "roquat," but after he drank of the "waters of oblivion" he forgot his own name and had to take another.] "doesn't anyone know where it is?" inquired betsy. "_some_ one must know, of course," was shaggy's reply. "but we are not the ones. the only way to succeed is for us to keep going until we find a person who can direct us to ruggedo's cavern." "we may find it ourselves, without any help," suggested betsy. "who knows?" "no one knows that, except the person who's writing this story," said shaggy. "but we won't find anything--not even supper--unless we travel on. here's a path. let's take it and see where it leads to." [illustration] chapter 7 polychrome's pitiful plight the rain king got too much water in his basin and spilled some over the brim. that made it rain in a certain part of the country--a real hard shower, for a time--and sent the rainbow scampering to the place to show the gorgeous colors of his glorious bow as soon as the mist of rain had passed and the sky was clear. the coming of the rainbow is always a joyous event to earth folk, yet few have ever seen it close by. usually the rainbow is so far distant that you can observe its splendid hues but dimly, and that is why we seldom catch sight of the dancing daughters of the rainbow. in the barren country where the rain had just fallen there appeared to be no human beings at all; but the rainbow appeared, just the same, and dancing gayly upon its arch were the rainbow's daughters, led by the fairylike polychrome, who is so dainty and beautiful that no girl has ever quite equalled her in loveliness. polychrome was in a merry mood and danced down the arch of the bow to the ground, daring her sisters to follow her. laughing and gleeful, they also touched the ground with their twinkling feet; but all the daughters of the rainbow knew that this was a dangerous pastime, so they quickly climbed upon their bow again. all but polychrome. though the sweetest and merriest of them all, she was likewise the most reckless. moreover, it was an unusual sensation to pat the cold, damp earth with her rosy toes. before she realized it the bow had lifted and disappeared in the billowy blue sky, and here was polychrome standing helpless upon a rock, her gauzy draperies floating about her like brilliant cobwebs and not a soul--fairy or mortal--to help her regain her lost bow! "dear me!" she exclaimed, a frown passing across her pretty face, "i'm caught again. this is the second time my carelessness has left me on earth while my sisters returned to our sky palaces. the first time i enjoyed some pleasant adventures, but this is a lonely, forsaken country and i shall be very unhappy until my rainbow comes again and i can climb aboard. let me think what is best to be done." she crouched low upon the flat rock, drew her draperies about her and bowed her head. it was in this position that betsy bobbin spied polychrome as she came along the stony path, followed by hank, the princess and shaggy. at once the girl ran up to the radiant daughter of the rainbow and exclaimed: "oh, what a lovely, lovely creature!" polychrome raised her golden head. there were tears in her blue eyes. "i'm the most miserable girl in the whole world!" she sobbed. the others gathered around her. "tell us your troubles, pretty one," urged the princess. "i--i've lost my bow!" wailed polychrome. "take me, my dear," said shaggy man in a sympathetic tone, thinking she meant "beau" instead of "bow." "i don't want you!" cried polychrome, stamping her foot imperiously; "i want my _rain_bow." "oh; that's different," said shaggy. "but try to forget it. when i was young i used to cry for the rainbow myself, but i couldn't have it. looks as if _you_ couldn't have it, either; so please don't cry." polychrome looked at him reproachfully. "i don't like you," she said. "no?" replied shaggy, drawing the love magnet from his pocket; "not a little bit?--just a wee speck of a like?" "yes, yes!" said polychrome, clasping her hands in ecstasy as she gazed at the enchanted talisman; "i love you, shaggy man!" "of course you do," said he calmly; "but i don't take any credit for it. it's the love magnet's powerful charm. but you seem quite alone and friendless, little rainbow. don't you want to join our party until you find your father and sisters again?" "where are you going?" she asked. "we don't just know that," said betsy, taking her hand; "but we're trying to find shaggy's long-lost brother, who has been captured by the terrible metal monarch. won't you come with us, and help us?" polychrome looked from one to another of the queer party of travelers and a bewitching smile suddenly lighted her face. "a donkey, a mortal maid, a rose princess and a shaggy man!" she exclaimed. "surely you need help, if you intend to face ruggedo." "do you know him, then?" inquired betsy. "no, indeed. ruggedo's caverns are beneath the earth's surface, where no rainbow can ever penetrate. but i've heard of the metal monarch. he is also called the nome king, you know, and he has made trouble for a good many people--mortals and fairies--in his time," said polychrome. "do you fear him, then?" asked the princess, anxiously. "no one can harm a daughter of the rainbow," said polychrome proudly. "i'm a sky fairy." "then," said betsy, quickly, "you will be able to tell us the way to ruggedo's cavern." "no," returned polychrome, shaking her head, "that is one thing i cannot do. but i will gladly go with you and help you search for the place." this promise delighted all the wanderers and after the shaggy man had found the path again they began moving along it in a more happy mood. the rainbow's daughter danced lightly over the rocky trail, no longer sad, but with her beautiful features wreathed in smiles. shaggy came next, walking steadily and now and then supporting the rose princess, who followed him. betsy and hank brought up the rear, and if she tired with walking the girl got upon hank's back and let the stout little donkey carry her for awhile. at nightfall they came to some trees that grew beside a tiny brook and here they made camp and rested until morning. then away they tramped, finding berries and fruits here and there which satisfied the hunger of betsy, shaggy and hank, so that they were well content with their lot. it surprised betsy to see the rose princess partake of their food, for she considered her a fairy; but when she mentioned this to polychrome, the rainbow's daughter explained that when ozga was driven out of her rose kingdom she ceased to be a fairy and would never again be more than a mere mortal. polychrome, however, was a fairy wherever she happened to be, and if she sipped a few dewdrops by moonlight for refreshment no one ever saw her do it. as they continued their wandering journey, direction meant very little to them, for they were hopelessly lost in this strange country. shaggy said it would be best to go toward the mountains, as the natural entrance to ruggedo's underground cavern was likely to be hidden in some rocky, deserted place; but mountains seemed all around them except in the one direction that they had come from, which led to the rose kingdom and the sea. therefore it mattered little which way they traveled. by and by they espied a faint trail that looked like a path and after following this for some time they reached a cross-roads. here were many paths, leading in various directions, and there was a signpost so old that there were now no words upon the sign. at one side was an old well, with a chain windlass for drawing water, yet there was no house or other building anywhere in sight. while the party halted, puzzled which way to proceed, the mule approached the well and tried to look into it. "he's thirsty," said betsy. "it's a dry well," remarked shaggy. "probably there has been no water in it for many years. but, come; let us decide which way to travel." no one seemed able to decide that. they sat down in a group and tried to consider which road might be the best to take. hank, however, could not keep away from the well and finally he reared up on his hind legs, got his head over the edge and uttered a loud "hee-haw!" betsy watched her animal friend curiously. "i wonder if he sees anything down there?" she said. at this, shaggy rose and went over to the well to investigate, and betsy went with him. the princess and polychrome, who had become fast friends, linked arms and sauntered down one of the roads, to find an easy path. "really," said shaggy, "there does seem to be something at the bottom of this old well." "can't we pull it up, and see what it is?" asked the girl. there was no bucket at the end of the windlass chain, but there was a big hook that at one time was used to hold a bucket. shaggy let down this hook, dragged it around on the bottom and then pulled it up. an old hoopskirt came with it, and betsy laughed and threw it away. the thing frightened hank, who had never seen a hoopskirt before, and he kept a good distance away from it. several other objects the shaggy man captured with the hook and drew up, but none of these was important. "this well seems to have been the dump for all the old rubbish in the country," he said, letting down the hook once more. "i guess i've captured everything now. no--the hook has caught again. help me, betsy! whatever this thing is, it's heavy." she ran up and helped him turn the windlass and after much effort a confused mass of copper came in sight. "good gracious!" exclaimed shaggy. "here is a surprise, indeed!" "what is it?" inquired betsy, clinging to the windlass and panting for breath. for answer the shaggy man grasped the bundle of copper and dumped it upon the ground, free of the well. then he turned it over with his foot, spread it out, and to betsy's astonishment the thing proved to be a copper man. "just as i thought," said shaggy, looking hard at the object. "but unless there are two copper men in the world this is the most astonishing thing i ever came across." at this moment the rainbow's daughter and the rose princess approached them, and polychrome said: "what have you found, shaggy one?" "either an old friend, or a stranger," he replied. "oh, here's a sign on his back!" cried betsy, who had knelt down to examine the man. "dear me; how funny! listen to this." then she read the following words, engraved upon the copper plates of the man's body: smith & tinker's patent double-action, extra-responsive, thought-creating, perfect-talking _mechanical man_ fitted with our special clockwork attachment. thinks, speaks, acts, and does everything but live. "isn't he wonderful!" exclaimed the princess. "yes; but here's more," said betsy, reading from another engraved plate: directions for using: for thinking:--wind the clockwork man under his left arm, (marked no. 1). for speaking:--wind the clockwork man under his right arm, (marked no. 2). for walking and action:--wind clockwork man in the middle of his back, (marked no. 3). n. b.--this mechanism is guaranteed to work perfectly for a thousand years. "if he's guaranteed for a thousand years," said polychrome, "he ought to work yet." "of course," replied shaggy. "let's wind him up." in order to do this they were obliged to set the copper man upon his feet, in an upright position, and this was no easy task. he was inclined to topple over, and had to be propped again and again. the girls assisted shaggy, and at last tik-tok seemed to be balanced and stood alone upon his broad feet. "yes," said shaggy, looking at the copper man carefully, "this must be, indeed, my old friend tik-tok, whom i left ticking merrily in the land of oz. but how he came to this lonely place, and got into that old well, is surely a mystery." "if we wind him, perhaps he will tell us," suggested betsy. "here's the key, hanging to a hook on his back. what part of him shall i wind up first?" "his thoughts, of course," said polychrome, "for it requires thought to speak or move intelligently." so betsy wound him under his left arm, and at once little flashes of light began to show in the top of his head, which was proof that he had begun to think. "now, then," said shaggy, "wind up his phonograph." "what's that?" she asked. "why, his talking-machine. his thoughts may be interesting, but they don't tell us anything." so betsy wound the copper man under his right arm, and then from the interior of his copper body came in jerky tones the words: "ma-ny thanks!" "hurrah!" cried shaggy, joyfully, and he slapped tik-tok upon the back in such a hearty manner that the copper man lost his balance and tumbled to the ground in a heap. but the clockwork that enabled him to speak had been wound up and he kept saying: "pick-me-up! pick-me-up! pick-me-up!" until they had again raised him and balanced him upon his feet, when he added politely: "ma-ny thanks!" "he won't be self-supporting until we wind up his action," remarked shaggy; so betsy wound it, as tight as she could--for the key turned rather hard--and then tik-tok lifted his feet, marched around in a circle and ended by stopping before the group and making them all a low bow. "how in the world did you happen to be in that well, when i left you safe in oz?" inquired shaggy. "it is a long sto-ry," replied tik-tok, "but i'll tell it in a few words. af-ter you had gone in search of your broth-er, oz-ma saw you wan-der-ing in strange lands when-ev-er she looked in her mag-ic pic-ture, and she also saw your broth-er in the nome king's cav-ern; so she sent me to tell you where to find your broth-er and told me to help you if i could. the sor-cer-ess, glin-da the good, trans-port-ed me to this place in the wink of an eye; but here i met the nome king himself--old rug-ge-do, who is called in these parts the met-al mon-arch. rug-ge-do knew what i had come for, and he was so an-gry that he threw me down the well. af-ter my works ran down i was help-less un-til you came a-long and pulled me out a-gain. ma-ny thanks." "this is, indeed, good news," said shaggy. "i suspected that my brother was the prisoner of ruggedo; but now i know it. tell us, tik-tok, how shall we get to the nome king's underground cavern?" "the best way is to walk," said tik-tok. "we might crawl, or jump, or roll o-ver and o-ver un-til we get there; but the best way is to walk." "i know; but which road shall we take?" "my ma-chin-er-y is-n't made to tell that," replied tik-tok. "there is more than one entrance to the underground cavern," said polychrome; "but old ruggedo has cleverly concealed every opening, so that earth dwellers can not intrude in his domain. if we find our way underground at all, it will be by chance." "then," said betsy, "let us select any road, haphazard, and see where it leads us." "that seems sensible," declared the princess. "it may require a lot of time for us to find ruggedo, but we have more time than anything else." "if you keep me wound up," said tik-tok, "i will last a thou-sand years." "then the only question to decide is which way to go," added shaggy, looking first at one road and then at another. but while they stood hesitating, a peculiar sound reached their ears--a sound like the tramping of many feet. "what's coming?" cried betsy; and then she ran to the left-hand road and glanced along the path. "why, it's an army!" she exclaimed. "what shall we do, hide or run?" "stand still," commanded shaggy. "i'm not afraid of an army. if they prove to be friendly, they can help us; if they are enemies, i'll show them the love magnet." [illustration] [illustration] chapter 8 tik-tok tackles a tough task while shaggy and his companions stood huddled in a group at one side, the army of oogaboo was approaching along the pathway, the tramp of their feet being now and then accompanied by a dismal groan as one of the officers stepped on a sharp stone or knocked his funnybone against his neighbor's sword-handle. then out from among the trees marched private files, bearing the banner of oogaboo, which fluttered from a long pole. this pole he stuck in the ground just in front of the well and then he cried in a loud voice: "i hereby conquer this territory in the name of queen ann soforth of oogaboo, and all the inhabitants of the land i proclaim her slaves!" some of the officers now stuck their heads out of the bushes and asked: "is the coast clear, private files?" "there is no coast here," was the reply, "but all's well." "i hope there's water in it," said general cone, mustering courage to advance to the well; but just then he caught a glimpse of tik-tok and shaggy and at once fell upon his knees, trembling and frightened, and cried out: "mercy, kind enemies! mercy! spare us, and we will be your slaves forever!" the other officers, who had now advanced into the clearing, likewise fell upon their knees and begged for mercy. files turned around and, seeing the strangers for the first time, examined them with much curiosity. then, discovering that three of the party were girls, he lifted his cap and made a polite bow. "what's all this?" demanded a harsh voice, as queen ann reached the place and beheld her kneeling army. "permit us to introduce ourselves," replied shaggy, stepping forward. "this is tik-tok, the clockwork man--who works better than some meat people. and here is princess ozga of roseland, just now unfortunately exiled from her kingdom of roses. i next present polychrome, a sky fairy, who lost her bow by an accident and can't find her way home. the small girl here is betsy bobbin, from some unknown earthly paradise called oklahoma, and with her you see mr. hank, a mule with a long tail and a short temper." "puh!" said ann, scornfully; "a pretty lot of vagabonds you are, indeed; all lost or strayed, i suppose, and not worth a queen's plundering. i'm sorry i've conquered you." "but you haven't conquered us yet," called betsy indignantly. "no," agreed files, "that is a fact. but if my officers will kindly command me to conquer you, i will do so at once, after which we can stop arguing and converse more at our ease." the officers had by this time risen from their knees and brushed the dust from their trousers. to them the enemy did not look very fierce, so the generals and colonels and majors and captains gained courage to face them and began strutting in their most haughty manner. "you must understand," said ann, "that i am the queen of oogaboo, and this is my invincible army. we are busy conquering the world, and since you seem to be a part of the world, and are obstructing our journey, it is necessary for us to conquer you--unworthy though you may be of such high honor." "that's all right," replied shaggy. "conquer us as often as you like. we don't mind." "but we won't be anybody's slaves," added betsy, positively. [illustration] "we'll see about that," retorted the queen, angrily. "advance, private files, and bind the enemy hand and foot!" but private files looked at pretty betsy and fascinating polychrome and the beautiful rose princess and shook his head. "it would be impolite, and i won't do it," he asserted. "you must!" cried ann. "it is your duty to obey orders." "i haven't received any orders from my officers," objected the private. but the generals now shouted: "forward, and bind the prisoners!" and the colonels and majors and captains repeated the command, yelling it as loud as they could. all this noise annoyed hank, who had been eyeing the army of oogaboo with strong disfavor. the mule now dashed forward and began backing upon the officers and kicking fierce and dangerous heels at them. the attack was so sudden that the officers scattered like dust in a whirlwind, dropping their swords as they ran and trying to seek refuge behind the trees and bushes. betsy laughed joyously at the comical rout of the "noble army," and polychrome danced with glee. but ann was furious at this ignoble defeat of her gallant forces by one small mule. "private files, i command you to do your duty!" she cried again, and then she herself ducked to escape the mule's heels--for hank made no distinction in favor of a lady who was an open enemy. betsy grabbed her champion by the forelock, however, and so held him fast, and when the officers saw that the mule was restrained from further attacks they crept fearfully back and picked up their discarded swords. "private files, seize and bind these prisoners!" screamed the queen. "no," said files, throwing down his gun and removing the knapsack which was strapped to his back, "i resign my position as the army of oogaboo. i enlisted to fight the enemy and become a hero, but if you want some one to bind harmless girls you will have to hire another private." then he walked over to the others and shook hands with shaggy and tik-tok. "treason!" shrieked ann, and all the officers echoed her cry. "nonsense," said files. "i've the right to resign if i want to." "indeed you haven't!" retorted the queen. "if you resign it will break up my army, and then i cannot conquer the world." she now turned to the officers and said: "i must ask you to do me a favor. i know it is undignified in officers to fight, but unless you immediately capture private files and force him to obey my orders there will be no plunder for any of us. also it is likely you will all suffer the pangs of hunger, and when we meet a powerful foe you are liable to be captured and made slaves." the prospect of this awful fate so frightened the officers that they drew their swords and rushed upon files, who stood beside shaggy, in a truly ferocious manner. the next instant, however, they halted and again fell upon their knees; for there, before them, was the glistening love magnet, held in the hand of the smiling shaggy man, and the sight of this magic talisman at once won the heart of every oogabooite. even ann saw the love magnet, and forgetting all enmity and anger threw herself upon shaggy and embraced him lovingly. quite disconcerted by this unexpected effect of the magnet, shaggy disengaged himself from the queen's encircling arms and quickly hid the talisman in his pocket. the adventurers from oogaboo were now his firm friends, and there was no more talk about conquering and binding any of his party. "if you insist on conquering anyone," said shaggy, "you may march with me to the underground kingdom of ruggedo. to conquer the world, as you have set out to do, you must conquer everyone under its surface as well as those upon its surface, and no one in all the world needs conquering so much as ruggedo." "who is he?" asked ann. [illustration] "the metal monarch, king of the nomes." "is he rich?" inquired major stockings in an anxious voice. "of course," answered shaggy. "he owns all the metal that lies underground--gold, silver, copper, brass and tin. he has an idea he also owns all the metals above ground, for he says all metal was once a part of his kingdom. so, by conquering the metal monarch, you will win all the riches in the world." "ah!" exclaimed general apple, heaving a deep sigh, "that would be plunder worth our while. let's conquer him, your majesty." the queen looked reproachfully at files, who was sitting next to the lovely princess and whispering in her ear. "alas," said ann, "i have no longer an army. i have plenty of brave officers, indeed, but no private soldier for them to command. therefore i cannot conquer ruggedo and win all his wealth." "why don't you make one of your officers the private?" asked shaggy; but at once every officer began to protest and the queen of oogaboo shook her head as she replied: "that is impossible. a private soldier must be a terrible fighter, and my officers are unable to fight. they are exceptionally brave in commanding others to fight, but could not themselves meet the enemy and conquer." "very true, your majesty," said colonel plum, eagerly. "there are many kinds of bravery and one cannot be expected to possess them all. i myself am brave as a lion in all ways until it comes to fighting, but then my nature revolts. fighting is unkind and liable to be injurious to others; so, being a gentleman, i never fight." "nor i!" shouted each of the other officers. "you see," said ann, "how helpless i am. had not private files proved himself a traitor and a deserter, i would gladly have conquered this ruggedo; but an army without a private soldier is like a bee without a stinger." "i am not a traitor, your majesty," protested files. "i resigned in a proper manner, not liking the job. but there are plenty of people to take my place. why not make shaggy man the private soldier?" "he might be killed," said ann, looking tenderly at shaggy, "for he is mortal, and able to die. if anything happened to him, it would break my heart." "it would hurt me worse than that," declared shaggy. "you must admit, your majesty, that i am commander of this expedition, for it is my brother we are seeking, rather than plunder. but i and my companions would like the assistance of your army, and if you help us to conquer ruggedo and to rescue my brother from captivity we will allow you to keep all the gold and jewels and other plunder you may find." this prospect was so tempting that the officers began whispering together and presently colonel cheese said: "your majesty, by combining our brains we have just evolved a most brilliant idea. we will make the clockwork man the private soldier!" "who? me?" asked tik-tok. "not for a sin-gle sec-ond! i can-not fight, and you must not for-get that it was rug-ge-do who threw me in the well." "at that time you had no gun," said polychrome. "but if you join the army of oogaboo you will carry the gun that mr. files used." "a sol-dier must be a-ble to run as well as to fight," protested tik-tok, "and if my works run down, as they of-ten do, i could nei-ther run nor fight." "i'll keep you wound up, tik-tok," promised betsy. "why, it isn't a bad idea," said shaggy. "tik-tok will make an ideal soldier, for nothing can injure him except a sledge hammer. and, since a private soldier seems to be necessary to this army, tik-tok is the only one of our party fitted to undertake the job." "what must i do?" asked tik-tok. "obey orders," replied ann. "when the officers command you to do anything, you must do it; that is all." "and that's enough, too," said files. "do i get a salary?" inquired tik-tok. "you get your share of the plunder," answered the queen. "yes," remarked files, "one-half of the plunder goes to queen ann, the other half is divided among the officers, and the private gets the rest." "that will be sat-is-fac-tor-y," said tik-tok, picking up the gun and examining it wonderingly, for he had never before seen such a weapon. then ann strapped the knapsack to tik-tok's copper back and said: "now we are ready to march to ruggedo's kingdom and conquer it. officers, give the command to march." "fall--in!" yelled the generals, drawing their swords. "fall--in!" cried the colonels, drawing their swords. "fall--in!" shouted the majors, drawing their swords. "fall--in!" bawled the captains, drawing their swords. tik-tok looked at them and then around him in surprise. "fall in what? the well?" he asked. "no," said queen ann, "you must fall in marching order." "can-not i march with-out fall-ing in-to it?" asked the clockwork man. "shoulder your gun and stand ready to march," advised files; so tik-tok held the gun straight and stood still. "what next?" he asked. the queen turned to shaggy. "which road leads to the metal monarch's cavern?" "we don't know, your majesty," was the reply. "but this is absurd!" said ann with a frown. "if we can't get to ruggedo, it is certain that we can't conquer him." "you are right," admitted shaggy; "but i did not say we could not get to him. we have only to discover the way, and that was the matter we were considering when you and your magnificent army arrived here." "well, then, get busy and discover it," snapped the queen. that was no easy task. they all stood looking from one road to another in perplexity. the paths radiated from the little clearing like the rays of the midday sun, and each path seemed like all the others. files and the rose princess, who had by this time become good friends, advanced a little way along one of the roads and found that it was bordered by pretty wild flowers. "why don't you ask the flowers to tell you the way?" he said to his companion. "the flowers?" returned the princess, surprised at the question. "of course," said files. "the field-flowers must be second-cousins to a rose princess, and i believe if you ask them they will tell you." she looked more closely at the flowers. there were hundreds of white daisies, golden buttercups, bluebells and daffodils growing by the roadside, and each flower-head was firmly set upon its slender but stout stem. there were even a few wild roses scattered here and there and perhaps it was the sight of these that gave the princess courage to ask the important question. she dropped to her knees, facing the flowers, and extended both her arms pleadingly toward them. "tell me, pretty cousins," she said in her sweet, gentle voice, "which way will lead us to the kingdom of ruggedo, the nome king?" at once all the stems bent gracefully to the right and the flower heads nodded once--twice--thrice in that direction. "that's it!" cried files joyfully. "now we know the way." ozga rose to her feet and looked wonderingly at the field-flowers, which had now resumed their upright position. "was it the wind, do you think?" she asked in a low whisper. "no, indeed," replied files. "there is not a breath of wind stirring. but these lovely blossoms are indeed your cousins and answered your question at once, as i knew they would." [illustration] chapter 9 ruggedo's rage is rash and reckless the way taken by the adventurers led up hill and down dale and wound here and there in a fashion that seemed aimless. but always it drew nearer to a range of low mountains and files said more than once that he was certain the entrance to ruggedo's cavern would be found among these rugged hills. in this he was quite correct. far underneath the nearest mountain was a gorgeous chamber hollowed from the solid rock, the walls and roof of which glittered with thousands of magnificent jewels. here, on a throne of virgin gold, sat the famous nome king, dressed in splendid robes and wearing a superb crown cut from a single blood-red ruby. ruggedo, the monarch of all the metals and precious stones of the underground world, was a round little man with a flowing white beard, a red face, bright eyes and a scowl that covered all his forehead. one would think, to look at him, that he ought to be jolly; one might think, considering his enormous wealth, that he ought to be happy; but this was not the case. the metal monarch was surly and cross because mortals had dug so much treasure out of the earth and kept it above ground, where all the power of ruggedo and his nomes was unable to recover it. he hated not only the mortals but also the fairies who live upon the earth or above it, and instead of being content with the riches he still possessed he was unhappy because he did not own all the gold and jewels in the world. ruggedo had been nodding, half asleep, in his chair when suddenly he sat upright uttered a roar of rage and began pounding upon a huge gong that stood beside him. the sound filled the vast cavern and penetrated to many caverns beyond, where countless thousands of nomes were working at their unending tasks, hammering out gold and silver and other metals, or melting ores in great furnaces, or polishing glittering gems. the nomes trembled at the sound of the king's gong and whispered fearfully to one another that something unpleasant was sure to happen; but none dared pause in his task. the heavy curtains of cloth-of-gold were pushed aside and kaliko, the king's high chamberlain, entered the royal presence. "what's up, your majesty?" he asked, with a wide yawn, for he had just wakened. "up?" roared ruggedo, stamping his foot viciously. "those foolish mortals are up, that's what! and they want to come down." "down here?" inquired kaliko. "yes!" "how do you know?" continued the chamberlain, yawning again. "i feel it in my bones," said ruggedo. "i can always feel it when those hateful earth-crawlers draw near to my kingdom. i am positive, kaliko, that mortals are this very minute on their way here to annoy me--and i hate mortals more than i do catnip tea!" "well, what's to be done?" demanded the nome. "look through your spyglass, and see where the invaders are," commanded the king. so kaliko went to a tube in the wall of rock and put his eye to it. the tube ran from the cavern up to the side of the mountain and turned several curves and corners, but as it was a magic spyglass kaliko was able to see through it just as easily as if it had been straight. "ho--hum," said he. "i see 'em, your majesty." "what do they look like?" inquired the monarch. "that's a hard question to answer, for a queerer assortment of creatures i never yet beheld," replied the nome. "however, such a collection of curiosities may prove dangerous. there's a copper man, worked by machinery--" "bah! that's only tik-tok," said ruggedo. "i'm not afraid of him. why, only the other day i met the fellow and threw him down a well." "then some one must have pulled him out again," said kaliko. "and there's a little girl--" "dorothy?" asked ruggedo, jumping up in fear. "no; some other girl. in fact, there are several girls, of various sizes; but dorothy is not with them, nor is ozma." "that's good!" exclaimed the king, sighing in relief. kaliko still had his eye to the spyglass. "i see," said he, "an army of men from oogaboo. they are all officers and carry swords. and there is a shaggy man--who seems very harmless--and a little donkey with big ears." "pooh!" cried ruggedo, snapping his fingers in scorn. "i've no fear of such a mob as that. a dozen of my nomes can destroy them all in a jiffy." "i'm not so sure of that," said kaliko. "the people of oogaboo are hard to destroy, and i believe the rose princess is a fairy. as for polychrome, you know very well that the rainbow's daughter cannot be injured by a nome." "polychrome! is she among them?" asked the king. "yes; i have just recognized her." "then these people are coming here on no peaceful errand," declared ruggedo, scowling fiercely. "in fact, no one ever comes here on a peaceful errand. i hate everybody, and everybody hates me!" "very true," said kaliko. "i must in some way prevent these people from reaching my dominions. where are they now?" "just now they are crossing the rubber country, your majesty." "good! are your magnetic rubber wires in working order?" "i think so," replied kaliko. "is it your royal will that we have some fun with these invaders?" "it is," answered ruggedo. "i want to teach them a lesson they will never forget." now, shaggy had no idea that he was in a rubber country, nor had any of his companions. they noticed that everything around them was of a dull gray color and that the path upon which they walked was soft and springy, yet they had no suspicion that the rocks and trees were rubber and even the path they trod was made of rubber. presently they came to a brook where sparkling water dashed through a deep channel and rushed away between high rocks far down the mountain-side. across the brook were stepping-stones, so placed that travelers might easily leap from one to another and in that manner cross the water to the farther bank. tik-tok was marching ahead, followed by his officers and queen ann. after them came betsy bobbin and hank, polychrome and shaggy, and last of all the rose princess with files. the clockwork man saw the stream and the stepping-stones and, without making a pause, placed his foot upon the first stone. the result was astonishing. first he sank down in the soft rubber, which then rebounded and sent tik-tok soaring high in the air, where he turned a succession of flip-flops and alighted upon a rubber rock far in the rear of the party. general apple did not see tik-tok bound, so quickly had he disappeared; therefore he also stepped upon the stone (which you will guess was connected with kaliko's magnetic rubber wire) and instantly shot upward like an arrow. general cone came next and met with a like fate, but the others now noticed that something was wrong and with one accord they halted the column and looked back along the path. there was tik-tok, still bounding from one rubber rock to another, each time rising a less distance from the ground. and there was general apple, bounding away in another direction, his three-cornered hat jammed over his eyes and his long sword thumping him upon the arms and head as it swung this way and that. and there, also, appeared general cone, who had struck a rubber rock headforemost and was so crumpled up that his round body looked more like a bouncing-ball than the form of a man. betsy laughed merrily at the strange sight and polychrome echoed her laughter. but ozga was grave and wondering, while queen ann became angry at seeing the chief officers of the army of oogaboo bounding around in so undignified a manner. she shouted to them to stop, but they were unable to obey, even though they would have been glad to do so. finally, however, they all ceased bounding and managed to get upon their feet and rejoin the army. "why did you do that?" demanded ann, who seemed greatly provoked. "don't ask them why," said shaggy earnestly. "i knew you would ask them why, but you ought not to do it. the reason is plain. those stones are rubber; therefore they are not stones. those rocks around us are rubber, and therefore they are not rocks. even this path is not a path; it's rubber. unless we are very careful, your majesty, we are all likely to get the bounce, just as your poor officers and tik-tok did." [illustration] "then let's be careful," remarked files, who was full of wisdom; but polychrome wanted to test the quality of the rubber, so she began dancing. every step sent her higher and higher into the air, so that she resembled a big butterfly fluttering lightly. presently she made a great bound and bounded way across the stream, landing lightly and steadily on the other side. "there is no rubber over here," she called to them. "suppose you all try to bound over the stream, without touching the stepping-stones." ann and her officers were reluctant to undertake such a risky adventure, but betsy at once grasped the value of the suggestion and began jumping up and down until she found herself bounding almost as high as polychrome had done. then she suddenly leaned forward and the next bound took her easily across the brook, where she alighted by the side of the rainbow's daughter. "come on, hank!" called the girl, and the donkey tried to obey. he managed to bound pretty high but when he tried to bound across the stream he misjudged the distance and fell with a splash into the middle of the water. "hee-haw!" he wailed, struggling toward the far bank. betsy rushed forward to help him out, but when the mule stood safely beside her she was amazed to find he was not wet at all. "it's dry water," said polychrome, dipping her hand into the stream and showing how the water fell from it and left it perfectly dry. "in that case," returned betsy, "they can all walk through the water." she called to ozga and shaggy to wade across, assuring them the water was shallow and would not wet them. at once they followed her advice, avoiding the rubber stepping-stones, and made the crossing with ease. this encouraged the entire party to wade through the dry water, and in a few minutes all had assembled on the bank and renewed their journey along the path that led to the nome king's dominions. when kaliko again looked through his magic spyglass he exclaimed: "bad luck, your majesty! all the invaders have passed the rubber country and now are fast approaching the entrance to your caverns." ruggedo raved and stormed at the news and his anger was so great that several times, as he strode up and down his jeweled cavern, he paused to kick kaliko upon his shins, which were so sensitive that the poor nome howled with pain. finally the king said: "there's no help for it; we must drop these audacious invaders down the hollow tube." kaliko gave a jump, at this, and looked at his master wonderingly. "if you do that, your majesty," he said, "you will make tititi-hoochoo very angry." "never mind that," retorted ruggedo. "tititi-hoochoo lives on the other side of the world, so what do i care for his anger?" kaliko shuddered and uttered a little groan. "remember his terrible powers," he pleaded, "and remember that he warned you, the last time you slid people through the hollow tube, that if you did it again he would take vengeance upon you." the metal monarch walked up and down in silence, thinking deeply. "of two dangers," said he, "it is wise to choose the least. what do you suppose these invaders want?" "let the long-eared hearer listen to them," suggested kaliko. "call him here at once!" commanded ruggedo eagerly. so in a few minutes there entered the cavern a nome with enormous ears, who bowed low before the king. "strangers are approaching," said ruggedo, "and i wish to know their errand. listen carefully to their talk and tell me why they are coming here, and what for." the nome bowed again and spread out his great ears, swaying them gently up and down and back and forth. for half an hour he stood silent, in an attitude of listening, while both the king and kaliko grew impatient at the delay. at last the long-eared hearer spoke: [illustration] "shaggy man is coming here to rescue his brother from captivity," said he. "ha, the ugly one!" exclaimed ruggedo. "well, shaggy man may have his ugly brother, for all i care. he's too lazy to work and is always getting in my way. where is the ugly one now, kaliko?" "the last time your majesty stumbled over the prisoner you commanded me to send him to the metal forest, which i did. i suppose he is still there." "very good. the invaders will have a hard time finding the metal forest," said the king, with a grin of malicious delight, "for half the time i can't find it myself. yet i created the forest and made every tree, out of gold and silver, so as to keep the precious metals in a safe place and out of the reach of mortals. but tell me, hearer, do the strangers want anything else?" "yes, indeed they do!" returned the nome. "the army of oogaboo is determined to capture all the rich metals and rare jewels in your kingdom, and the officers and their queen have arranged to divide the spoils and carry them away." when he heard this ruggedo uttered a bellow of rage and began dancing up and down, rolling his eyes, clicking his teeth together and swinging his arms furiously. then, in an ecstasy of anger he seized the long ears of the hearer and pulled and twisted them cruelly; but kaliko grabbed up the king's sceptre and rapped him over the knuckles with it, so that ruggedo let go the ears and began to chase his royal chamberlain around the throne. the hearer took advantage of this opportunity to slip away from the cavern and escape, and after the king had tired himself out chasing kaliko he threw himself into his throne and panted for breath, while he glared wickedly at his defiant subject. "you'd better save your strength to fight the enemy," suggested kaliko. "there will be a terrible battle when the army of oogaboo gets here." "the army won't get here," said the king, still coughing and panting. "i'll drop 'em down the hollow tube--every man jack and every girl jill of 'em!" "and defy tititi-hoochoo?" asked kaliko. "yes. go at once to my chief magician and order him to turn the path toward the hollow tube, and to make the top of the tube invisible, so they'll all fall into it." kaliko went away shaking his head, for he thought ruggedo was making a great mistake. he found the magician and had the path twisted so that it led directly to the opening of the hollow tube, and this opening he made invisible. having obeyed the orders of his master, the royal chamberlain went to his private room and began to write letters of recommendation of himself, stating that he was an honest man, a good servant and a small eater. "pretty soon," he said to himself, "i shall have to look for another job, for it is certain that ruggedo has ruined himself by this reckless defiance of the mighty tititi-hoochoo. and in seeking a job nothing is so effective as a letter of recommendation." [illustration] [illustration] chapter 10 a terrible tumble through a tube i suppose that polychrome, and perhaps queen ann and her army, might have been able to dispel the enchantment of ruggedo's chief magician had they known that danger lay in their pathway; for the rainbow's daughter was a fairy and as oogaboo is a part of the land of oz its inhabitants cannot easily be deceived by such common magic as the nome king could command. but no one suspected any especial danger until after they had entered ruggedo's cavern, and so they were journeying along in quite a contented manner when tik-tok, who marched ahead, suddenly disappeared. the officers thought he must have turned a corner, so they kept on their way and all of them likewise disappeared--one after another. queen ann was rather surprised at this, and in hastening forward to learn the reason she also vanished from sight. betsy bobbin had tired her feet by walking, so she was now riding upon the back of the stout little mule, facing backward and talking to shaggy and polychrome, who were just behind. suddenly hank pitched forward and began falling and betsy would have tumbled over his head had she not grabbed the mule's shaggy neck with both arms and held on for dear life. all around was darkness, and they were not falling directly downward but seemed to be sliding along a steep incline. hank's hoofs were resting upon some smooth substance over which he slid with the swiftness of the wind. once betsy's heels flew up and struck a similar substance overhead. they were, indeed, descending the "hollow tube" that led to the other side of the world. "stop, hank--stop!" cried the girl; but hank only uttered a plaintive "hee-haw!" for it was impossible for him to obey. after several minutes had passed and no harm had befallen them, betsy gained courage. she could see nothing at all, nor could she hear anything except the rush of air past her ears as they plunged downward along the tube. whether she and hank were alone, or the others were with them, she could not tell. but had some one been able to take a flash-light photograph of the tube at that time a most curious picture would have resulted. there was tik-tok, flat upon his back and sliding headforemost down the incline. and there were the officers of the army of oogaboo, all tangled up in a confused crowd, flapping their arms and trying to shield their faces from the clanking swords, which swung back and forth during the swift journey and pommeled everyone within their reach. now followed queen ann, who had struck the tube in a sitting position and went flying along with a dash and abandon that thoroughly bewildered the poor lady, who had no idea what had happened to her. then, a little distance away, but unseen by the others in the inky darkness, slid betsy and hank, while behind them were shaggy and polychrome and finally files and the princess. when first they tumbled into the tube all were too dazed to think clearly, but the trip was a long one, because the cavity led straight through the earth to a place just opposite the nome king's dominions, and long before the adventurers got to the end they had begun to recover their wits. "this is awful, hank!" cried betsy in a loud voice, and queen ann heard her and called out: "are you safe, betsy?" "mercy, no!" answered the little girl. "how could anyone be safe when she's going about sixty miles a minute?" then, after a pause, she added: "but where do you s'pose we're going to, your maj'sty?" "don't ask her that, please don't!" said shaggy, who was not too far away to overhear them. "and please don't ask me why, either." "why?" said betsy. "no one can tell where we are going until we get there," replied shaggy, and then he yelled "ouch!" for polychrome had overtaken him and was now sitting on his head. the rainbow's daughter laughed merrily, and so infectious was this joyous laugh that betsy echoed it and hank said "hee-haw!" in a mild and sympathetic tone of voice. "i'd like to know where and when we'll arrive, just the same," exclaimed the little girl. "be patient and you'll find out, my dear," said polychrome. "but isn't this an odd experience? here am i, whose home is in the skies, making a journey through the center of the earth--where i never expected to be!" "how do you know we're in the center of the earth?" asked betsy, her voice trembling a little through nervousness. "why, we can't be anywhere else," replied polychrome. "i have often heard of this passage, which was once built by a magician who was a great traveler. he thought it would save him the bother of going around the earth's surface, but he tumbled through the tube so fast that he shot out at the other end and hit a star in the sky, which at once exploded." "the star exploded?" asked betsy wonderingly. "yes; the magician hit it so hard." "and what became of the magician?" inquired the girl. "no one knows that," answered polychrome. "but i don't think it matters much." "it matters a good deal, if we also hit the stars when we come out," said queen ann, with a moan. "don't worry," advised polychrome. "i believe the magician was going the other way, and probably he went much faster than we are going." "it's fast enough to suit me," remarked shaggy, gently removing polychrome's heel from his left eye. "couldn't you manage to fall all by yourself, my dear?" "i'll try," laughed the rainbow's daughter. all this time they were swiftly falling through the tube, and it was not so easy for them to talk as you may imagine when you read their words. but although they were so helpless and altogether in the dark as to their fate, the fact that they were able to converse at all cheered them considerably. files and ozga were also conversing as they clung tightly to one another, and the young fellow bravely strove to reassure the princess, although he was terribly frightened, both on her account and on his own. an hour, under such trying circumstances, is a very long time, and for more than an hour they continued their fearful journey. then, just as they began to fear the tube would never end, tik-tok popped out into broad daylight and, after making a graceful circle in the air, fell with a splash into a great marble fountain. out came the officers, in quick succession, tumbling heels over head and striking the ground in many undignified attitudes. "for the love of sassafras!" exclaimed a peculiar person who was hoeing pink violets in a garden. "what can all this mean?" for answer, queen ann sailed up from the tube, took a ride through the air as high as the treetops, and alighted squarely on top of the peculiar person's head, smashing a jeweled crown over his eyes and tumbling him to the ground. the mule was heavier and had betsy clinging to his back, so he did not go so high up. fortunately for his little rider he struck the ground upon his four feet. betsy was jarred a trifle but not hurt and when she looked around her she saw the queen and the peculiar person struggling together upon the ground, where the man was trying to choke ann and she had both hands in his bushy hair and was pulling with all her might. some of the officers, when they got upon their feet, hastened to separate the combatants and sought to restrain the peculiar person so that he could not attack their queen again. [illustration] by this time, shaggy, polychrome, ozga and files had all arrived and were curiously examining the strange country in which they found themselves and which they knew to be exactly on the opposite side of the world from the place where they had fallen into the tube. it was a lovely place, indeed, and seemed to be the garden of some great prince, for through the vistas of trees and shrubbery could be seen the towers of an immense castle. but as yet the only inhabitant to greet them was the peculiar person just mentioned, who had shaken off the grasp of the officers without effort and was now trying to pull the battered crown from off his eyes. shaggy, who was always polite, helped him to do this and when the man was free and could see again he looked at his visitors with evident amazement. "well, well, well!" he exclaimed. "where did you come from and how did you get here?" betsy tried to answer him, for queen ann was surly and silent. "i can't say, exac'ly where we came from, 'cause i don't know the name of the place," said the girl, "but the way we got here was through the hollow tube." "don't call it a 'hollow' tube, please," exclaimed the peculiar person in an irritated tone of voice. "if it's a tube, it's sure to be hollow." "why?" asked betsy. "because all tubes are made that way. but this tube is private property and everyone is forbidden to fall into it." "we didn't do it on purpose," explained betsy, and polychrome added: "i am quite sure that ruggedo, the nome king, pushed us down that tube." "ha! ruggedo! did you say ruggedo?" cried the man, becoming much excited. "that is what she said," replied shaggy, "and i believe she is right. we were on our way to conquer the nome king when suddenly we fell into the tube." "then you are enemies of ruggedo?" inquired the peculiar person. "not exac'ly enemies," said betsy, a little puzzled by the question, "'cause we don't know him at all; but we started out to conquer him, which isn't as friendly as it might be." "true," agreed the man. he looked thoughtfully from one to another of them for a while and then he turned his head over his shoulder and said: "never mind the fire and pincers, my good brothers. it will be best to take these strangers to the private citizen." "very well, tubekins," responded a voice, deep and powerful, that seemed to come out of the air, for the speaker was invisible. all our friends gave a jump, at this. even polychrome was so startled that her gauze draperies fluttered like a banner in a breeze. shaggy shook his head and sighed; queen ann looked very unhappy; the officers clung to each other, trembling violently. but soon they gained courage to look more closely at the peculiar person. as he was a type of all the inhabitants of this extraordinary land whom they afterward met, i will try to tell you what he looked like. his face was beautiful, but lacked expression. his eyes were large and blue in color and his teeth finely formed and white as snow. his hair was black and bushy and seemed inclined to curl at the ends. so far no one could find any fault with his appearance. he wore a robe of scarlet, which did not cover his arms and extended no lower than his bare knees. on the bosom of the robe was embroidered a terrible dragon's head, as horrible to look at as the man was beautiful. his arms and legs were left bare and the skin of one arm was bright yellow and the skin of the other arm a vivid green. he had one blue leg and one pink one, while both his feet--which showed through the open sandals he wore--were jet black. betsy could not decide whether these gorgeous colors were dyes or the natural tints of the skin, but while she was thinking it over the man who had been called "tubekins" said: "follow me to the residence--all of you!" but just then a voice exclaimed: "here's another of them, tubekins, lying in the water of the fountain." [illustration] "gracious!" cried betsy; "it must be tik-tok, and he'll drown." "water is a bad thing for his clockworks, anyhow," agreed shaggy, as with one accord they all started for the fountain. but before they could reach it, invisible hands raised tik-tok from the marble basin and set him upon his feet beside it, water dripping from every joint of his copper body. "ma--ny tha--tha--tha--thanks!" he said; and then his copper jaws clicked together and he could say no more. he next made an attempt to walk but after several awkward trials found he could not move his joints. peals of jeering laughter from persons unseen greeted tik-tok's failure, and the new arrivals in this strange land found it very uncomfortable to realize that there were many creatures around them who were invisible, yet could be heard plainly. "shall i wind him up?" asked betsy, feeling very sorry for tik-tok. "i think his machinery is wound; but he needs oiling," replied shaggy. at once an oil-can appeared before him, held on a level with his eyes by some unseen hand. shaggy took the can and tried to oil tik-tok's joints. as if to assist him, a strong current of warm air was directed against the copper man, which quickly dried him. soon he was able to say "ma-ny thanks!" quite smoothly and his joints worked fairly well. "come!" commanded tubekins, and turning his back upon them he walked up the path toward the castle. "shall we go?" asked queen ann, uncertainly; but just then she received a shove that almost pitched her forward on her head; so she decided to go. the officers who hesitated received several energetic kicks, but could not see who delivered them; therefore they also decided--very wisely--to go. the others followed willingly enough, for unless they ventured upon another terrible journey through the tube they must make the best of the unknown country they were in, and the best seemed to be to obey orders. [illustration] [illustration] chapter 11 the famous fellowship of fairies after a short walk through very beautiful gardens they came to the castle and followed tubekins through the entrance and into a great domed chamber, where he commanded them to be seated. from the crown which he wore, betsy had thought this man must be the king of the country they were in, yet after he had seated all the strangers upon benches that were ranged in a semicircle before a high throne, tubekins bowed humbly before the vacant throne and in a flash became invisible and disappeared. the hall was an immense place, but there seemed to be no one in it beside themselves. presently, however, they heard a low cough near them, and here and there was the faint rustling of a robe and a slight patter as of footsteps. then suddenly there rang out the clear tone of a bell and at the sound all was changed. gazing around the hall in bewilderment they saw that it was filled with hundreds of men and women, all with beautiful faces and staring blue eyes and all wearing scarlet robes and jeweled crowns upon their heads. in fact, these people seemed exact duplicates of tubekins and it was difficult to find any mark by which to tell them apart. "my! what a lot of kings and queens!" whispered betsy to polychrome, who sat beside her and appeared much interested in the scene but not a bit worried. "it is certainly a strange sight," was polychrome's reply; "but i cannot see how there can be more than one king, or queen, in any one country, for were these all rulers, no one could tell who was master." one of the kings who stood near and overheard this remark turned to her and said: "one who is master of himself is always a king, if only to himself. in this favored land all kings and queens are equal, and it is our privilege to bow before one supreme ruler--the private citizen." "who's he?" inquired betsy. as if to answer her, the clear tones of the bell again rang out and instantly there appeared seated in the throne the man who was lord and master of all these royal ones. this fact was evident when with one accord they fell upon their knees and touched their foreheads to the floor. the private citizen was not unlike the others, except that his eyes were black instead of blue and in the centers of the black irises glowed red sparks that seemed like coals of fire. but his features were very beautiful and dignified and his manner composed and stately. instead of the prevalent scarlet robe, he wore one of white, and the same dragon's head that decorated the others was embroidered upon its bosom. "what charge lies against these people, tubekins?" he asked in quiet, even tones. "they came through the forbidden tube, o mighty citizen," was the reply. "you see, it was this way," said betsy. "we were marching to the nome king, to conquer him and set shaggy's brother free, when on a sudden--" "who are you?" demanded the private citizen sternly. "me? oh, i'm betsy bobbin, and--" "who is the leader of this party?" asked the citizen. "sir, i am queen ann of oogaboo, and--" "then keep quiet," said the citizen. "who is the leader?" no one answered for a moment. then general bunn stood up. "sit down!" commanded the citizen. "i can see that sixteen of you are merely officers, and of no account." "but we have an army," said general clock, blusteringly, for he didn't like to be told he was of no account. "where is your army?" asked the citizen. "it's me," said tik-tok, his voice sounding a little rusty. "i'm the on-ly pri-vate sol-dier in the par-ty." hearing this, the citizen rose and bowed respectfully to the clockwork man. "pardon me for not realizing your importance before," said he. "will you oblige me by taking a seat beside me on my throne?" tik-tok rose and walked over to the throne, all the kings and queens making way for him. then with clanking steps he mounted the platform and sat on the broad seat beside the citizen. ann was greatly provoked at this mark of favor shown to the humble clockwork man, but shaggy seemed much pleased that his old friend's importance had been recognized by the ruler of this remarkable country. the citizen now began to question tik-tok, who told in his mechanical voice about shaggy's quest of his lost brother, and how ozma of oz had sent the clockwork man to assist him, and how they had fallen in with queen ann and her people from oogaboo. also he told how betsy and hank and polychrome and the rose princess had happened to join their party. "and you intended to conquer ruggedo, the metal monarch and king of the nomes?" asked the citizen. "yes. that seemed the on-ly thing for us to do," was tik-tok's reply. "but he was too clev-er for us. when we got close to his cav-ern he made our path lead to the tube, and made the op-en-ing in-vis-i-ble, so that we all fell in-to it be-fore we knew it was there. it was an eas-y way to get rid of us and now rug-ge-do is safe and we are far a-way in a strange land." the citizen was silent a moment and seemed to be thinking. then he said: "most noble private soldier, i must inform you that by the laws of our country anyone who comes through the forbidden tube must be tortured for nine days and ten nights and then thrown back into the tube. but it is wise to disregard laws when they conflict with justice, and it seems that you and your followers did not disobey our laws willingly, being forced into the tube by ruggedo. therefore the nome king is alone to blame, and he alone must be punished." "that suits me," said tik-tok. "but rug-ge-do is on the o-ther side of the world where he is a-way out of your reach." the citizen drew himself up proudly. "do you imagine anything in the world or upon it can be out of the reach of the great jinjin?" he asked. "oh! are you, then, the great jinjin?" inquired tik-tok. "i am." "then your name is ti-ti-ti-hoo-choo?" "it is." queen ann gave a scream and began to tremble. shaggy was so disturbed that he took out a handkerchief and wiped the perspiration from his brow. polychrome looked sober and uneasy for the first time, while files put his arms around the rose princess as if to protect her. as for the officers, the name of the great jinjin set them moaning and weeping at a great rate and every one fell upon his knees before the throne, begging for mercy. betsy was worried at seeing her companions so disturbed, but did not know what it was all about. only tik-tok was unmoved at the discovery. "then," said he, "if you are ti-ti-ti-hoo-choo, and think rug-ge-do is to blame, i am sure that some-thing queer will hap-pen to the king of the nomes." "i wonder what 'twill be," said betsy. the private citizen--otherwise known as tititi-hoochoo, the great jinjin--looked at the little girl steadily. "i will presently decide what is to happen to ruggedo," said he in a hard, stern voice. then, turning to the throng of kings and queens, he continued: "tik-tok has spoken truly, for his machinery will not allow him to lie, nor will it allow his thoughts to think falsely. therefore these people are not our enemies and must be treated with consideration and justice. take them to your palaces and entertain them as guests until to-morrow, when i command that they be brought again to my residence. by then i shall have formed my plans." no sooner had tititi-hoochoo spoken than he disappeared from sight. immediately after, most of the kings and queens likewise disappeared. but several of them remained visible and approached the strangers with great respect. one of the lovely queens said to betsy: "i trust you will honor me by being my guest. i am erma, queen of light." "may hank come with me?" asked the girl. "the king of animals will care for your mule," was the reply. "but do not fear for him, for he will be treated royally. all of your party will be reunited on the morrow." "i--i'd like to have _some_ one with me," said betsy, pleadingly. queen erma looked around and smiled upon polychrome. "will the rainbow's daughter be an agreeable companion?" she asked. "oh, yes!" exclaimed the girl. so polychrome and betsy became guests of the queen of light, while other beautiful kings and queens took charge of the others of the party. [illustration] the two girls followed erma out of the hall and through the gardens of the residence to a village of pretty dwellings. none of these was so large or imposing as the castle of the private citizen, but all were handsome enough to be called palaces--as, in fact, they really were. [illustration: betsy] [illustration] chapter 12 the lovely lady of light the palace of the queen of light stood on a little eminence and was a mass of crystal windows, surmounted by a vast crystal dome. when they entered the portals erma was greeted by six lovely maidens, evidently of high degree, who at once aroused betsy's admiration. each bore a wand in her hand, tipped with an emblem of light, and their costumes were also emblematic of the lights they represented. erma introduced them to her guests and each made a graceful and courteous acknowledgment. first was sunlight, radiantly beautiful and very fair; the second was moonlight, a soft, dreamy damsel with nut-brown hair; next came starlight, equally lovely but inclined to be retiring and shy. these three were dressed in shimmering robes of silvery white. the fourth was daylight, a brilliant damsel with laughing eyes and frank manners, who wore a variety of colors. then came firelight, clothed in a fleecy flame-colored robe that wavered around her shapely form in a very attractive manner. the sixth maiden, electra, was the most beautiful of all, and betsy thought from the first that both sunlight and daylight regarded electra with envy and were a little jealous of her. but all were cordial in their greetings to the strangers and seemed to regard the queen of light with much affection, for they fluttered around her in a flashing, radiant group as she led the way to her regal drawing-room. this apartment was richly and cosily furnished, the upholstery being of many tints, and both betsy and polychrome enjoyed resting themselves upon the downy divans after their strenuous adventures of the day. the queen sat down to chat with her guests, who noticed that daylight was the only maiden now seated beside erma. the others had retired to another part of the room, where they sat modestly with entwined arms and did not intrude themselves at all. the queen told the strangers all about this beautiful land, which is one of the chief residences of fairies who minister to the needs of mankind. so many important fairies lived there that, to avoid rivalry, they had elected as their ruler the only important personage in the country who had no duties to mankind to perform and was, in effect, a private citizen. this ruler, or jinjin, as was his title, bore the name of tititi-hoochoo, and the most singular thing about him was that he had no heart. but instead of this he possessed a high degree of reason and justice and while he showed no mercy in his judgments he never punished unjustly or without reason. to wrong-doers tititi-hoochoo was as terrible as he was heartless, but those who were innocent of evil had nothing to fear from him. all the kings and queens of this fairyland paid reverence to jinjin, for as they expected to be obeyed by others they were willing to obey the one in authority over them. the inhabitants of the land of oz had heard many tales of this fearfully just jinjin, whose punishments were always equal to the faults committed. polychrome also knew of him, although this was the first time she had ever seen him face to face. but to betsy the story was all new, and she was greatly interested in tititi-hoochoo, whom she no longer feared. time sped swiftly during their talk and suddenly betsy noticed that moonlight was sitting beside the queen of light, instead of daylight. "but tell me, please," she pleaded, "why do you all wear a dragon's head embroidered on your gowns?" erma's pleasant face became grave as she answered: "the dragon, as you must know, was the first living creature ever made; therefore the dragon is the oldest and wisest of living things. by good fortune the original dragon, who still lives, is a resident of this land and supplies us with wisdom whenever we are in need of it. he is old as the world and remembers everything that has happened since the world was created." "did he ever have any children?" inquired the girl. "yes, many of them. some wandered into other lands, where men, not understanding them, made war upon them; but many still reside in this country. none, however, is as wise as the original dragon, for whom we have great respect. as he was the first resident here, we wear the emblem of the dragon's head to show that we are the favored people who alone have the right to inhabit this fairyland, which in beauty almost equal the fairyland of oz, and in power quite surpasses it." "i understand about the dragon, now," said polychrome, nodding her lovely head. betsy did not quite understand, but she was at present interested in observing the changing lights. as daylight had given way to moonlight, so now starlight sat at the right hand of erma the queen, and with her coming a spirit of peace and content seemed to fill the room. polychrome, being herself a fairy, had many questions to ask about the various kings and queens who lived in this far-away, secluded place, and before erma had finished answering them a rosy glow filled the room and firelight took her place beside the queen. betsy liked firelight, but to gaze upon her warm and glowing features made the little girl sleepy, and presently she began to nod. thereupon erma rose and took betsy's hand gently in her own. "come," said she; "the feast time has arrived and the feast is spread." "that's nice," exclaimed the small mortal. "now that i think of it, i'm awful hungry. but p'raps i can't eat your fairy food." the queen smiled and led her to a doorway. as she pushed aside a heavy drapery a flood of silvery light greeted them, and betsy saw before her a splendid banquet hall, with a table spread with snowy linen and crystal and silver. at one side was a broad, throne-like seat for erma and beside her now sat the brilliant maid electra. polychrome was placed on the queen's right hand and betsy upon her left. the other five messengers of light now waited upon them, and each person was supplied with just the food she liked best. polychrome found her dish of dewdrops, all fresh and sparkling, while betsy was so lavishly served that she decided she had never in her life eaten a dinner half so good. "i s'pose," she said to the queen, "that miss electra is the youngest of all these girls." "why do you suppose that?" inquired erma, with a smile. "'cause electric'ty is the newest light we know of. didn't mr. edison discover it?" "perhaps he was the first mortal to discover it," replied the queen. "but electricity was a part of the world from its creation, and therefore my electra is as old as daylight or moonlight, and equally beneficent to mortals and fairies alike." betsy was thoughtful for a time. then she remarked, as she looked at the six messengers of light: "we couldn't very well do without any of 'em; could we?" erma laughed softly. "_i_ couldn't, i'm sure," she replied, "and i think mortals would miss any one of my maidens, as well. daylight cannot take the place of sunlight, which gives us strength and energy. moonlight is of value when daylight, worn out with her long watch, retires to rest. if the moon in its course is hidden behind the earth's rim, and my sweet moonlight cannot cheer us, starlight takes her place, for the skies always lend her power. without firelight we should miss much of our warmth and comfort, as well as much cheer when the walls of houses encompass us. but always, when other lights forsake us, our glorious electra is ready to flood us with bright rays. as queen of light, i love all my maidens, for i know them to be faithful and true." "i love 'em, too!" declared betsy. "but sometimes, when i'm _real_ sleepy, i can get along without any light at all." "are you sleepy now?" inquired erma, for the feast had ended. "a little," admitted the girl. so electra showed her to a pretty chamber where there was a soft, white bed, and waited patiently until betsy had undressed and put on a shimmery silken nightrobe that lay beside her pillow. then the light-maid bade her good night and opened the door. when she closed it after her betsy was in darkness. in six winks the little girl was fast asleep. [illustration] [illustration] chapter 13 the jinjin's just judgment all the adventurers were reunited next morning when they were brought from various palaces to the residence of tititi-hoochoo and ushered into the great hall of state. as before, no one was visible except our friends and their escorts until the first bell sounded. then in a flash the room was seen to be filled with the beautiful kings and queens of the land. the second bell marked the appearance in the throne of the mighty jinjin, whose handsome countenance was as composed and expressionless as ever. all bowed low to the ruler. their voices softly murmured: "we greet the private citizen, mightiest of rulers, whose word is law and whose law is just." tititi-hoochoo bowed in acknowledgment. then, looking around the brilliant assemblage, and at the little group of adventurers before him, he said: "an unusual thing has happened. inhabitants of other lands than ours, who are different from ourselves in many ways, have been thrust upon us through the forbidden tube, which one of our people foolishly made years ago and was properly punished for his folly. but these strangers had no desire to come here and were wickedly thrust into the tube by a cruel king on the other side of the world, named ruggedo. this king is an immortal, but he is not good. his magic powers hurt mankind more than they benefit them. because he had unjustly kept the shaggy man's brother a prisoner, this little band of honest people, consisting of both mortals and immortals, determined to conquer ruggedo and to punish him. fearing they might succeed in this, the nome king misled them so that they fell into the tube. "now, this same ruggedo has been warned by me, many times, that if ever he used this forbidden tube in any way he would be severely punished. i find, by referring to the fairy records, that this king's servant, a nome named kaliko, begged his master not to do such a wrong act as to drop these people into the tube and send them tumbling into our country. but ruggedo defied me and my orders. "therefore these strangers are innocent of any wrong. it is only ruggedo who deserves punishment, and i will punish him." he paused a moment and then continued in the same cold, merciless voice: "these strangers must return through the tube to their own side of the world; but i will make their fall more easy and pleasant than it was before. also i shall send with them an instrument of vengeance, who in my name will drive ruggedo from his underground caverns, take away his magic powers and make him a homeless wanderer on the face of the earth--a place he detests." there was a little murmur of horror from the kings and queens at the severity of this punishment, but no one uttered a protest, for all realized that the sentence was just. "in selecting my instrument of vengeance," went on tititi-hoochoo, "i have realized that this will be an unpleasant mission. therefore no one of us who is blameless should be forced to undertake it. in this wonderful land it is seldom one is guilty of wrong, even in the slightest degree, and on examining the records i found no king or queen had erred. nor had any among their followers or servants done any wrong. but finally i came to the dragon family, which we highly respect, and then it was that i discovered the error of quox. "quox, as you well know, is a young dragon who has not yet acquired the wisdom of his race. because of this lack, he has been disrespectful toward his most ancient ancestor, the original dragon, telling him once to mind his own business and again saying that the ancient one had grown foolish with age. we are aware that dragons are not the same as fairies and cannot be altogether guided by our laws, yet such disrespect as quox has shown should not be unnoticed by us. therefore i have selected quox as my royal instrument of vengeance and he shall go through the tube with these people and inflict upon ruggedo the punishment i have decreed." all had listened quietly to this speech and now the kings and queens bowed gravely to signify their approval of the jinjin's judgment. tititi-hoochoo turned to tubekins. "i command you," said he, "to escort these strangers to the tube and see that they all enter it." the king of the tube, who had first discovered our friends and brought them to the private citizen, stepped forward and bowed. as he did so, the jinjin and all the kings and queens suddenly disappeared and only tubekins remained visible. "all right," said betsy, with a sigh; "i don't mind going back so _very_ much, 'cause the jinjin promised to make it easy for us." indeed, queen ann and her officers were the only ones who looked solemn and seemed to fear the return journey. one thing that bothered ann was her failure to conquer this land of tititi-hoochoo. as they followed their guide through the gardens to the mouth of the tube she said to shaggy: "how can i conquer the world, if i go away and leave this rich country unconquered?" "you can't," he replied. "don't ask me why, please, for if you don't know i can't inform you." "why not?" said ann; but shaggy paid no attention to the question. this end of the tube had a silver rim and around it was a gold railing to which was attached a sign that read: "if you are out, stay there. if you are in, don't come out." on a little silver plate just inside the tube was engraved the words: "_burrowed and built by hiergargo the magician, in the year of the world_ 19625478 _for his own exclusive uses_." "he was some builder, i must say," remarked betsy, when she had read the inscription; "but if he had known about that star i guess he'd have spent his time playing solitaire." "well, what are we waiting for?" inquired shaggy, who was impatient to start. "quox," replied tubekins. "but i think i hear him coming." "is the young dragon invisible?" asked ann, who had never seen a live dragon and was a little fearful of meeting one. "no, indeed," replied the king of the tube. "you'll see him in a minute; but before you part company i'm sure you'll wish he _was_ invisible." "is he dangerous, then?" questioned files. "not at all. but quox tires me dreadfully," said tubekins, "and i prefer his room to his company." at that instant a scraping sound was heard, drawing nearer and nearer until from between two big bushes appeared a huge dragon, who approached the party, nodded his head and said: "good morning." had quox been at all bashful i am sure he would have felt uncomfortable at the astonished stare of every eye in the group-except tubekins, of course, who was not astonished because he had seen quox so often. betsy had thought a "young" dragon must be a small dragon, yet here was one so enormous that the girl decided he must be full grown, if not overgrown. his body was a lovely sky-blue in color and it was thickly set with glittering silver scales, each one as big as a serving-tray. around his neck was a pink ribbon with a bow just under his left ear, and below the ribbon appeared a chain of pearls to which was attached a golden locket about as large around as the end of a bass drum. this locket was set with many large and beautiful jewels. the head and face of quox were not especially ugly, when you consider that he was a dragon; but his eyes were so large that it took him a long time to wink and his teeth seemed very sharp and terrible when they showed, which they did whenever the beast smiled. also his nostrils were quite large and wide, and those who stood near him were liable to smell brimstone--especially when he breathed out fire, as it is the nature of dragons to do. to the end of his long tail was attached a big electric light. perhaps the most singular thing about the dragon's appearance at this time was the fact that he had a row of seats attached to his back, one seat for each member of the party. these seats were double, with curved backs, so that two could sit in them, and there were twelve of these double seats, all strapped firmly around the dragon's thick body and placed one behind the other, in a row that extended from his shoulders nearly to his tail. "aha!" exclaimed tubekins; "i see that tititi-hoochoo has transformed quox into a carryall." "i'm glad of that," said betsy. "i hope, mr. dragon, you won't mind our riding on your back." "not a bit," replied quox. "i'm in disgrace just now, you know, and the only way to redeem my good name is to obey the orders of the jinjin. if he makes me a beast of burden, it is only a part of my punishment, and i must bear it like a dragon. i don't blame you people at all, and i hope you'll enjoy the ride. hop on, please. all aboard for the other side of the world!" silently they took their places. hank sat in the front seat with betsy, so that he could rest his front hoofs upon the dragon's head. behind them were shaggy and polychrome, then files and the princess, and queen ann and tik-tok. the officers rode in the rear seats. when all had mounted to their places the dragon looked very like one of those sight-seeing wagons so common in big cities--only he had legs instead of wheels. "all ready?" asked quox, and when they said they were he crawled to the mouth of the tube and put his head in. "good-bye, and good luck to you!" called tubekins; but no one thought to reply, because just then the dragon slid his great body into the tube and the journey to the other side of the world had begun. at first they went so fast that they could scarcely catch their breaths, but presently quox slowed up and said with a sort of cackling laugh: "my scales! but that is some tumble. i think i shall take it easy and fall slower, or i'm likely to get dizzy. is it very far to the other side of the world?" "haven't you ever been through this tube before?" inquired shaggy. "never. nor has anyone else in our country; at least, not since i was born." "how long ago was that?" asked betsy. "that i was born? oh, not very long ago. i'm only a mere child. if i had not been sent on this journey, i would have celebrated my three thousand and fifty-sixth birthday next thursday. mother was going to make me a birthday cake with three thousand and fifty-six candles on it; but now, of course, there will be no celebration, for i fear i shall not get home in time for it." "three thousand and fifty-six years!" cried betsy. "why, i had no idea anything could live that long!" "my respected ancestor, whom i would call a stupid old humbug if i had not reformed, is so old that i am a mere baby compared with him," said quox. "he dates from the beginning of the world, and insists on telling us stories of things that happened fifty thousand years ago, which are of no interest at all to youngsters like me. in fact, grandpa isn't up to date. he lives altogether in the past, so i can't see any good reason for his being alive to-day.... are you people able to see your way, or shall i turn on more light?' "oh, we can see very nicely, thank you; only there's nothing to see but ourselves," answered betsy. this was true. the dragon's big eyes were like headlights on an automobile and illuminated the tube far ahead of them. also he curled his tail upward so that the electric light on the end of it enabled them to see one another quite clearly. but the tube itself was only dark metal, smooth as glass but exactly the same from one of its ends to the other. therefore there was no scenery of interest to beguile the journey. they were now falling so gently that the trip was proving entirely comfortable, as the jinjin had promised it would be; but this meant a longer journey and the only way they could make time pass was to engage in conversation. the dragon seemed a willing and persistent talker and he was of so much interest to them that they encouraged him to chatter. his voice was a little gruff but not unpleasant when one became used to it. "my only fear," said he presently, "is that this constant sliding over the surface of the tube will dull my claws. you see, this hole isn't straight down, but on a steep slant, and so instead of tumbling freely through the air i must skate along the tube. fortunately, there is a file in my tool-kit, and if my claws get dull they can be sharpened again." "why do you want sharp claws?" asked betsy. "they are my natural weapons, and you must not forget that i have been sent to conquer ruggedo." "oh, you needn't mind about that," remarked queen ann, in her most haughty manner; "for when we get to ruggedo i and my invincible army can conquer him without your assistance." "very good," returned the dragon, cheerfully. "that will save me a lot of bother--if you succeed. but i think i shall file my claws, just the same." he gave a long sigh, as he said this, and a sheet of flame, several feet in length, shot from his mouth. betsy shuddered and hank said "hee-haw!" while some of the officers screamed in terror. but the dragon did not notice that he had done anything unusual. "is there fire inside of you?" asked shaggy. "of course," answered quox. "what sort of a dragon would i be if my fire went out?" "what keeps it going?" betsy inquired. "i've no idea. i only know it's there," said quox. "the fire keeps me alive and enables me to move; also to think and speak." "ah! you are ver-y much like my-self," said tik-tok. "the on-ly dif-fer-ence is that i move by clock-work, while you move by fire." "i don't see a particle of likeness between us, i must confess," retorted quox, gruffly. "you are not a live thing; you're a dummy." "but i can do things, you must ad-mit," said tik-tok. "yes, when you are wound up," sneered the dragon. "but if you run down, you are helpless." "what would happen to you, quox, if you ran out of gasoline?" inquired shaggy, who did not like this attack upon his friend. "i don't use gasoline." "well, suppose you ran out of fire." "what's the use of supposing that?" asked quox. "my great-great-great-grandfather has lived since the world began, and he has never once run out of fire to keep him going. but i will confide to you that as he gets older he shows more smoke and less fire. as for tik-tok, he's well enough in his way, but he's merely copper. and the metal monarch knows copper through and through. i wouldn't be surprised if ruggedo melted tik-tok in one of his furnaces and made copper pennies of him." "in that case, i would still keep going," remarked tik-tok, calmly. "pennies do," said betsy regretfully. "this is all nonsense," said the queen, with irritation. "tik-tok is my great army--all but the officers--and i believe he will be able to conquer ruggedo with ease. what do you think, polychrome?" "you might let him try," answered the rainbow's daughter, with her sweet ringing laugh, that sounded like the tinkling of tiny bells. "and if tik-tok fails, you have still the big fire-breathing dragon to fall back on." "ah!" said the dragon, another sheet of flame gushing from his mouth and nostrils; "it's a wise little girl, this polychrome. anyone would know she is a fairy." [illustration] [illustration] chapter 14 the long-eared hearer learns by listening during this time ruggedo, the metal monarch and king of the nomes, was trying to amuse himself in his splendid jeweled cavern. it was hard work for ruggedo to find amusement to-day, for all the nomes were behaving well and there was no one to scold or to punish. the king had thrown his sceptre at kaliko six times, without hitting him once. not that kaliko had done anything wrong. on the contrary, he had obeyed the king in every way but one: he would not stand still, when commanded to do so, and let the heavy sceptre strike him. we can hardly blame kaliko for this, and even the cruel ruggedo forgave him; for he knew very well that if he mashed his royal chamberlain he could never find another so intelligent and obedient. kaliko could make the nomes work when their king could not, for the nomes hated ruggedo and there were so many thousands of the quaint little underground people that they could easily have rebelled and defied the king had they dared to do so. sometimes, when ruggedo abused them worse than usual, they grew sullen and threw down their hammers and picks. then, however hard the king scolded or whipped them, they would not work until kaliko came and begged them to. for kaliko was one of themselves and was as much abused by the king as any nome in the vast series of caverns. but to-day all the little people were working industriously at their tasks and ruggedo, having nothing to do, was greatly bored. he sent for the long-eared hearer and asked him to listen carefully and report what was going on in the big world. "it seems," said the hearer, after listening for awhile, "that the women in america have clubs." "are there spikes in them?" asked ruggedo, yawning. "i cannot hear any spikes, your majesty," was the reply. "then their clubs are not as good as my sceptre. what else do you hear?" "there's a war." "bah! there's always a war. what else?" for a time the hearer was silent, bending forward and spreading out his big ears to catch the slightest sound. then suddenly he said: "here is an interesting thing, your majesty. these people are arguing as to who shall conquer the metal monarch, seize his treasure and drive him from his dominions." "what people?" demanded ruggedo, sitting up straight in his throne. "the ones you threw down the hollow tube." "where are they now?" "in the same tube, and coming back this way," said the hearer. ruggedo got out of his throne and began to pace up and down the cavern. "i wonder what can be done to stop them," he mused. "well," said the hearer, "if you could turn the tube upside down, they would be falling the other way, your majesty." ruggedo glared at him wickedly, for it was impossible to turn the tube upside down and he believed the hearer was slyly poking fun at him. presently he asked: "how far away are those people now?" "about nine thousand three hundred and six miles, seventeen furlongs, eight feet and four inches--as nearly as i can judge from the sound of their voices," replied the hearer. "aha! then it will be some time before they arrive," said ruggedo, "and when they get here i shall be ready to receive them." he rushed to his gong and pounded upon it so fiercely that kaliko came bounding into the cavern with one shoe off and one shoe on, for he was just dressing himself after a swim in the hot bubbling lake of the underground kingdom. "kaliko, those invaders whom we threw down the tube are coming back again!" he exclaimed. "i thought they would," said the royal chamberlain, pulling on the other shoe. "tititi-hoochoo would not allow them to remain in his kingdom, of course, and so i've been expecting them back for some time. that was a very foolish action of yours, rug." "what, to throw them down the tube?" "yes. tititi-hoochoo has forbidden us to throw even rubbish into the tube." "pooh! what do i care for the jinjin?" asked ruggedo scornfully. "he never leaves his own kingdom, which is on the other side of the world." "true; but he might send some one through the tube to punish you," suggested kaliko. "i'd like to see him do it! who could conquer my thousands of nomes?" "why, they've been conquered before, if i remember aright," answered kaliko with a grin. "once i saw you running from a little girl named dorothy, and her friends, as if you were really afraid." "well, i _was_ afraid, that time," admitted the nome king, with a deep sigh, "for dorothy had a yellow hen that laid eggs!" the king shuddered as he said "eggs," and kaliko also shuddered, and so did the long-eared hearer; for eggs are the only things that the nomes greatly dread. the reason for this is that eggs belong on the earth's surface, where birds and fowl of all sorts live, and there is something about a hen's egg, especially, that fills a nome with horror. if by chance the inside of an egg touches one of these underground people, he withers up and blows away and that is the end of him--unless he manages quickly to speak a magical word which only a few of the nomes know. therefore ruggedo and his followers had very good cause to shudder at the mere mention of eggs. "but dorothy," said the king, "is not with this band of invaders; nor is the yellow hen. as for tititi-hoochoo, he has no means of knowing that we are afraid of eggs." "you mustn't be too sure of that," kaliko warned him. "tititi-hoochoo knows a great many things, being a fairy, and his powers are far superior to any we can boast." ruggedo shrugged impatiently and turned to the hearer. "listen," said he, "and tell me if you hear any eggs coming through the tube." the long-eared one listened and then shook his head. but kaliko laughed at the king. "no one can hear an egg, your majesty," said he. "the only way to discover the truth is to look through the magic spyglass." "that's it!" cried the king. "why didn't i think of it before? look at once, kaliko!" so kaliko went to the spyglass and by uttering a mumbled charm he caused the other end of it to twist around, so that it pointed down the opening of the tube. then he put his eye to the glass and was able to gaze along all the turns and windings of the magic spyglass and then deep into the tube, to where our friends were at that time falling. "dear me!" he exclaimed. "here comes a dragon." "a big one?" asked ruggedo. "a monster. he has an electric light on the end of his tail, so i can see him very plainly. and the other people are all riding upon his back." "how about the eggs?" inquired the king. kaliko looked again. [illustration] "i can see no eggs at all," said he; "but i imagine that the dragon is as dangerous as eggs. probably tititi-hoochoo has sent him here to punish you for dropping those strangers into the forbidden tube. i warned you not to do it, your majesty." this news made the nome king anxious. for a few minutes he paced up and down, stroking his long beard and thinking with all his might. after this he turned to kaliko and said: "all the harm a dragon can do is to scratch with his claws and bite with his teeth." "that is not all, but it's quite enough," returned kaliko earnestly. "on the other hand, no one can hurt a dragon, because he's the toughest creature alive. one flop of his huge tail could smash a hundred nomes to pancakes, and with teeth and claws he could tear even you or me into small bits, so that it would be almost impossible to put us together again. once, a few hundred years ago, while wandering through some deserted caverns, i came upon a small piece of a nome lying on the rocky floor. i asked the piece of nome what had happened to it. fortunately the mouth was a part of this piece--the mouth and the left eye--so it was able to tell me that a fierce dragon was the cause. it had attacked the poor nome and scattered him in every direction, and as there was no friend near to collect his pieces and put him together, they had been separated for a great many years. so you see, your majesty, it is not in good taste to sneer at a dragon." the king had listened attentively to kaliko. said he: "it will only be necessary to chain this dragon which tititi-hoochoo has sent here, in order to prevent his reaching us with his claws and teeth." "he also breathes flames," kaliko reminded him. "my nomes are not afraid of fire, nor am i," said ruggedo. "well, how about the army of oogaboo?" "sixteen cowardly officers and tik-tok! why, i could defeat them single-handed; but i won't try to. i'll summon my army of nomes to drive the invaders out of my territory, and if we catch any of them i intend to stick needles into them until they hop with pain." "i hope you won't hurt any of the girls," said kaliko. "i'll hurt 'em all!" roared the angry metal monarch. "and that braying mule i'll make into hoof-soup, and feed it to my nomes, that it may add to their strength." "why not be good to the strangers and release your prisoner, the shaggy man's brother?" suggested kaliko. "never!" "it may save you a lot of annoyance. and you don't want the ugly one." "i don't want him; that's true. but i won't allow anybody to order me around. i'm king of the nomes and i'm the metal monarch, and i shall do as i please and what i please and when i please!" with this speech ruggedo threw his sceptre at kaliko's head, aiming it so well that the royal chamberlain had to fall flat upon the floor in order to escape it. but the hearer did not see the sceptre coming and it swept past his head so closely that it broke off the tip of one of his long ears. he gave a dreadful yell that quite startled ruggedo, and the king was sorry for the accident because those long ears of the hearer were really valuable to him. so the nome king forgot to be angry with kaliko and ordered his chamberlain to summon general guph and the army of nomes and have them properly armed. they were then to march to the mouth of the tube, where they could seize the travelers as soon as they appeared. [illustration] [illustration] chapter 15 the dragon defies danger although the journey through the tube was longer, this time, than before, it was so much more comfortable that none of our friends minded it at all. they talked together most of the time and as they found the dragon good-natured and fond of the sound of his own voice they soon became well acquainted with him and accepted him as a companion. "you see," said shaggy, in his frank way, "quox is on our side, and therefore the dragon is a good fellow. if he happened to be an enemy, instead of a friend, i am sure i should dislike him very much, for his breath smells of brimstone, he is very conceited and he is so strong and fierce that he would prove a dangerous foe." "yes, indeed," returned quox, who had listened to this speech with pleasure; "i suppose i am about as terrible as any living thing. i am glad you find me conceited, for that proves i know my good qualities. as for my breath smelling of brimstone, i really can't help it, and i once met a man whose breath smelled of onions, which i consider far worse." "i don't," said betsy; "i love onions." "and i love brimstone," declared the dragon, "so don't let us quarrel over one another's peculiarities." saying this, he breathed a long breath and shot a flame fifty feet from his mouth. the brimstone made betsy cough, but she remembered about the onions and said nothing. they had no idea how far they had gone through the center of the earth, nor when to expect the trip to end. at one time the little girl remarked: "i wonder when we'll reach the bottom of this hole. and isn't it funny, shaggy man, that what is the bottom to us now, was the top when we fell the other way?" "what puzzles me," said files, "is that we are able to fall both ways." "that," announced tik-tok, "is be-cause the world is round." "exactly," responded shaggy. "the machinery in your head is in fine working order, tik-tok. you know, betsy, that there is such a thing as the attraction of gravitation, which draws everything toward the center of the earth. that is why we fall out of bed, and why everything clings to the surface of the earth." "then why doesn't everything go on down to the center of the earth?" inquired the little girl. "i was afraid you were going to ask me that," replied shaggy in a sad tone. "the reason, my dear, is that the earth is so solid that other solid things can't get through it. but when there's a hole, as there is in this case, we drop right down to the center of the world." "why don't we stop there?" asked betsy. "because we go so fast that we acquire speed enough to carry us right up to the other end." "i don't understand that, and it makes my head ache to try to figure it out," she said after some thought. "one thing draws us to the center and another thing pushes us away from it. but--" "don't ask me why, please," interrupted the shaggy man. "if you can't understand it, let it go at that." "do _you_ understand it?" she inquired. "all the magic isn't in fairyland," he said gravely. "there's lots of magic in all nature, and you may see it as well in the united states, where you and i once lived, as you can here." "i never did," she replied. "because you were so used to it all that you didn't realize it was magic. is anything more wonderful than to see a flower grow and blossom, or to get light out of the electricity in the air? the cows that manufacture milk for us must have machinery fully as remarkable as that in tik-tok's copper body, and perhaps you've noticed that--" and then, before shaggy could finish his speech, the strong light of day suddenly broke upon them, grew brighter, and completely enveloped them. the dragon's claws no longer scraped against the metal tube, for he shot into the open air a hundred feet or more and sailed so far away from the slanting hole that when he landed it was on the peak of a mountain and just over the entrance to the many underground caverns of the nome king. some of the officers tumbled off their seats when quox struck the ground, but most of the dragon's passengers only felt a slight jar. all were glad to be on solid earth again and they at once dismounted and began to look about them. queerly enough, as soon as they had left the dragon, the seats that were strapped to the monster's back disappeared, and this probably happened because there was no further use for them and because quox looked far more dignified in just his silver scales. of course he still wore the forty yards of ribbon around his neck, as well as the great locket, but these only made him look "dressed up," as betsy remarked. [illustration] now the army of nomes had gathered thickly around the mouth of the tube, in order to be ready to capture the band of invaders as soon as they popped out. there were, indeed, hundreds of nomes assembled, and they were led by guph, their most famous general. but they did not expect the dragon to fly so high, and he shot out of the tube so suddenly that it took them by surprise. when the nomes had rubbed the astonishment out of their eyes and regained their wits, they discovered the dragon quietly seated on the mountain-side far above their heads, while the other strangers were standing in a group and calmly looking down upon them. general guph was very angry at the escape, which was no one's fault but his own. "come down here and be captured!" he shouted, waving his sword at them. "come up here and capture us--if you dare!" replied queen ann, who was winding up the clockwork of her private soldier, so he could fight more briskly. guph's first answer was a roar of rage at the defiance; then he turned and issued a command to his nomes. these were all armed with sharp spears and with one accord they raised these spears and threw them straight at their foes, so that they rushed through the air in a perfect cloud of flying weapons. some damage might have been done had not the dragon quickly crawled before the others, his body being so big that it shielded every one of them, including hank. the spears rattled against the silver scales of quox and then fell harmlessly to the ground. they were magic spears, of course, and all straightway bounded back into the hands of those who had thrown them, but even guph could see that it was useless to repeat the attack. it was now queen ann's turn to attack, so the generals yelled "for--ward march!" and the colonels and majors and captains repeated the command and the valiant army of oogaboo, which seemed to be composed mainly of tik-tok, marched forward in single column toward the nomes, while betsy and polychrome cheered and hank gave a loud "hee-haw!" and shaggy shouted "hooray!" and queen ann screamed: "at 'em, tik-tok--at 'em!" the nomes did not await the clockwork man's attack but in a twinkling disappeared into the underground caverns. they made a great mistake in being so hasty, for tik-tok had not taken a dozen steps before he stubbed his copper toe on a rock and fell flat to the ground, where he cried: "pick me up! pick me up! pick me up!" until shaggy and files ran forward and raised him to his feet again. the dragon chuckled softly to himself as he scratched his left ear with his hind claw, but no one was paying much attention to quox just then. it was evident to ann and her officers that there could be no fighting unless the enemy was present, and in order to find the enemy they must boldly enter the underground kingdom of the nomes. so bold a step demanded a council of war. "don't you think i'd better drop in on ruggedo and obey the orders of the jinjin?" asked quox. "by no means!" returned queen ann. "we have already put the army of nomes to flight and all that yet remains is to force our way into those caverns and conquer the nome king and all his people." "that seems to me something of a job," said the dragon, closing his eyes sleepily. "but go ahead, if you like, and i'll wait here for you. don't be in any hurry on my account. to one who lives thousands of years the delay of a few days means nothing at all, and i shall probably sleep until the time comes for me to act." ann was provoked at this speech. "you may as well go back to tititi-hoochoo now," she said, "for the nome king is as good as conquered already." but quox shook his head. "no," said he; "i'll wait." [illustration] [illustration] [illustration] chapter 16 the naughty nome shaggy man had said nothing during the conversation between queen ann and quox, for the simple reason that he did not consider the matter worth an argument. safe within his pocket reposed the love magnet, which had never failed to win every heart. the nomes, he knew, were not like the heartless roses and therefore could be won to his side as soon as he exhibited the magic talisman. shaggy's chief anxiety had been to reach ruggedo's kingdom and now that the entrance lay before him he was confident he would be able to rescue his lost brother. let ann and the dragon quarrel as to who should conquer the nomes, if they liked; shaggy would let them try, and if they failed he had the means of conquest in his own pocket. but ann was positive she could not fail, for she thought her army could do anything. so she called the officers together and told them how to act, and she also instructed tik-tok what to do and what to say. "please do not shoot your gun except as a last resort," she added, "for i do not wish to be cruel or to shed any blood--unless it is absolutely necessary." "all right," replied tik-tok; "but i do not think rug-ge-do would bleed if i filled him full of holes and put him in a ci-der press." then the officers fell in line, the four generals abreast and then the four colonels and the four majors and the four captains. they drew their glittering swords and commanded tik-tok to march, which he did. twice he fell down, being tripped by the rough rocks, but when he struck the smooth path he got along better. into the gloomy mouth of the cavern entrance he stepped without hesitation, and after him proudly pranced the officers and queen ann. the others held back a little, waiting to see what would happen. of course the nome king knew they were coming and was prepared to receive them. just within the rocky passage that led to the jeweled throne-room was a deep pit, which was usually covered. ruggedo had ordered the cover removed and it now stood open, scarcely visible in the gloom. the pit was so large around that it nearly filled the passage and there was barely room for one to walk around it by pressing close to the rock walls. this tik-tok did, for his copper eyes saw the pit clearly and he avoided it; but the officers marched straight into the hole and tumbled in a heap on the bottom. an instant later queen ann also walked into the pit, for she had her chin in the air and was careless where she placed her feet. then one of the nomes pulled a lever which replaced the cover on the pit and made the officers of oogaboo and their queen fast prisoners. as for tik-tok, he kept straight on to the cavern where ruggedo sat in his throne and there he faced the nome king and said: "i here-by con-quer you in the name of queen ann so-forth of oo-ga-boo, whose ar-my i am, and i de-clare that you are her pris-on-er!" ruggedo laughed at him. "where is this famous queen?" he asked. "she'll be here in a min-ute," said tik-tok. "per-haps she stopped to tie her shoe-string." "now, see here, tik-tok," began the nome king, in a stern voice, "i've had enough of this nonsense. your queen and her officers are all prisoners, having fallen into my power, so perhaps you'll tell me what you mean to do." [illustration] "my or-ders were to con-quer you," replied tik-tok, "and my ma-chin-er-y has done the best it knows how to car-ry out those or-ders." ruggedo pounded on his gong and kaliko appeared, followed closely by general guph. "take this copper man into the shops and set him to work hammering gold," commanded the king. "being run by machinery he ought to be a steady worker. he ought never to have been made, but since he exists i shall hereafter put him to good use." "if you try to cap-ture me," said tik-tok, "i shall fight." "don't do that!" exclaimed general guph, earnestly, "for it will be useless to resist and you might hurt some one." but tik-tok raised his gun and took aim and not knowing what damage the gun might do the nomes were afraid to face it. while he was thus defying the nome king and his high officials, betsy bobbin rode calmly into the royal cavern, seated upon the back of hank the mule. the little girl had grown tired of waiting for "something to happen" and so had come to see if ruggedo had been conquered. "nails and nuggets!" roared the king; "how dare you bring that beast here and enter my presence unannounced?" "there wasn't anybody to announce me," replied betsy. "i guess your folks were all busy. are you conquered yet?" "no!" shouted the king, almost beside himself with rage. "then please give me something to eat, for i'm awful hungry," said the girl. "you see, this conquering business is a good deal like waiting for a circus parade; it takes a long time to get around and don't amount to much anyhow." the nomes were so much astonished at this speech that for a time they could only glare at her silently, not finding words to reply. the king finally recovered the use of his tongue and said: "earth-crawler! this insolence to my majesty shall be your death-warrant. you are an ordinary mortal, and to stop a mortal from living is so easy a thing to do that i will not keep you waiting half so long as you did for my conquest." "i'd rather you wouldn't stop me from living," remarked betsy, getting off hank's back and standing beside him. "and it would be a pretty cheap king who killed a visitor while she was hungry. if you'll give me something to eat, i'll talk this killing business over with you afterward; only, i warn you now that i don't approve of it, and never will." her coolness and lack of fear impressed the nome king, although he bore an intense hatred toward all mortals. "what do you wish to eat?" he asked gruffly. "oh, a ham-sandwich would do, or perhaps a couple of hard-boiled eggs--" "eggs!" shrieked the three nomes who were present, shuddering till their teeth chattered. "what's the matter?" asked betsy wonderingly. "are eggs as high here as they are at home?" "guph," said the king in an agitated voice, turning to his general, "let us destroy this rash mortal at once! seize her and take her to the slimy cave and lock her in." guph glanced at tik-tok, whose gun was still pointed, but just then kaliko stole softly behind the copper man and kicked his knee-joints so that they suddenly bent forward and tumbled tik-tok to the floor, his gun falling from his grasp. then guph, seeing tik-tok helpless, made a grab at betsy. at the same time hank's heels shot out and caught the general just where his belt was buckled. he rose into the air swift as a cannon-ball, struck the nome king fairly and flattened his majesty against the wall of rock on the opposite side of the cavern. together they fell to the floor in a dazed and crumpled condition, seeing which kaliko whispered to betsy: "come with me--quick!--and i will save you." she looked into kaliko's face inquiringly and thought he seemed honest and good-natured, so she decided to follow him. he led her and the mule through several passages and into a small cavern very nicely and comfortably furnished. "this is my own room," said he, "but you are quite welcome to use it. wait here a minute and i'll get you something to eat." when kaliko returned he brought a tray containing some broiled mushrooms, a loaf of mineral bread and some petroleum-butter. the butter betsy could not eat, but the bread was good and the mushrooms delicious. "here's the door key," said kaliko, "and you'd better lock yourself in." "won't you let polychrome and the rose princess come here, too?" she asked. "i'll see. where are they?" "i don't know. i left them outside," said betsy. "well, if you hear three raps on the door, open it," said kaliko; "but don't let anyone in unless they give the three raps." "all right," promised betsy, and when kaliko left the cosy cavern she closed and locked the door. in the meantime ann and her officers, finding themselves prisoners in the pit, had shouted and screamed until they were tired out, but no one had come to their assistance. it was very dark and damp in the pit and they could not climb out because the walls were higher than their heads and the cover was on. the queen was first angry and then annoyed and then discouraged; but the officers were only afraid. every one of the poor fellows heartily wished he was back in oogaboo caring for his orchard, and some were so unhappy that they began to reproach ann for causing them all this trouble and danger. finally the queen sat down on the bottom of the pit and leaned her back against the wall. by good luck her sharp elbow touched a secret spring in the wall and a big flat rock swung inward. ann fell over backward, but the next instant she jumped up and cried to the others: "a passage! a passage! follow me, my brave men, and we may yet escape." then she began to crawl through the passage, which was as dark and dank as the pit, and the officers followed her in single file. they crawled, and they crawled, and they kept on crawling, for the passage was not big enough to allow them to stand upright. it turned this way and twisted that, sometimes like a corkscrew and sometimes zigzag, but seldom ran for long in a straight line. "it will never end--never!" moaned the officers, who were rubbing all the skin off their knees on the rough rocks. "it _must_ end," retorted ann courageously, "or it never would have been made. we don't know where it will lead us to, but any place is better than that loathsome pit." so she crawled on, and the officers crawled on, and while they were crawling through this awful underground passage polychrome and shaggy and files and the rose princess, who were standing outside the entrance to ruggedo's domains, were wondering what had become of them. [illustration] chapter 17 a tragic transformation "don't let us worry," said shaggy to his companions, "for it may take the queen some time to conquer the metal monarch, as tik-tok has to do everything in his slow, mechanical way." "do you suppose they are likely to fail?" asked the rose princess. "i do, indeed," replied shaggy. "this nome king is really a powerful fellow and has a legion of nomes to assist him, whereas our bold queen commands a clockwork man and a band of faint-hearted officers." "she ought to have let quox do the conquering," said polychrome, dancing lightly upon a point of rock and fluttering her beautiful draperies. "but perhaps the dragon was wise to let her go first, for when she fails to conquer ruggedo she may become more modest in her ambitions." "where is the dragon now?" inquired ozga. "up there on the rocks," replied files. "look, my dear; you may see him from here. he said he would take a little nap while we were mixing up with ruggedo, and he added that after we had gotten into trouble he would wake up and conquer the nome king in a jiffy, as his master the jinjin has ordered him to do." "quox means well," said shaggy, "but i do not think we shall need his services; for just as soon as i am satisfied that queen ann and her army have failed to conquer ruggedo, i shall enter the caverns and show the king my love magnet. that he cannot resist; therefore the conquest will be made with ease." this speech of shaggy man's was overheard by the long-eared hearer, who was at that moment standing by ruggedo's side. for when the king and guph had recovered from hank's kick and had picked themselves up, their first act was to turn tik-tok on his back and put a heavy diamond on top of him, so that he could not get up again. then they carefully put his gun in a corner of the cavern and the king sent guph to fetch the long-eared hearer. [illustration] the hearer was still angry at ruggedo for breaking his ear, but he acknowledged the nome king to be his master and was ready to obey his commands. therefore he repeated shaggy's speech to the king, who at once realized that his kingdom was in grave danger. for ruggedo knew of the love magnet and its powers and was horrified at the thought that shaggy might show him the magic talisman and turn all the hatred in his heart into love. ruggedo was proud of his hatred and abhorred love of any sort. "really," said he, "i'd rather be conquered and lose my wealth and my kingdom than gaze at that awful love magnet. what can i do to prevent the shaggy man from taking it out of his pocket?" kaliko returned to the cavern in time to overhear this question, and being a loyal nome and eager to serve his king, he answered by saying: "if we can manage to bind the shaggy man's arms, tight to his body, he could not get the love magnet out of his pocket. "true!" cried the king in delight at this easy solution of the problem. "get at once a dozen nomes, with ropes, and place them in the passage where they can seize and bind shaggy as soon as he enters." this kaliko did, and meanwhile the watchers outside the entrance were growing more and more uneasy about their friends. "i don't worry so much about the oogaboo people," said polychrome, who had grown sober with waiting, and perhaps a little nervous, "for they could not be killed, even though ruggedo might cause them much suffering and perhaps destroy them utterly. but we should not have allowed betsy and hank to go alone into the caverns. the little girl is mortal and possesses no magic powers whatever, so if ruggedo captures her she will be wholly at his mercy." "that is indeed true," replied shaggy. "i wouldn't like to have anything happen to dear little betsy, so i believe i'll go in right away and put an end to all this worry." "we may as well go with you," asserted files, "for by means of the love magnet you can soon bring the nome king to reason." so it was decided to wait no longer. shaggy walked through the entrance first, and after him came the others. they had no thought of danger to themselves, and shaggy, who was going along with his hands thrust into his pockets, was much surprised when a rope shot out from the darkness and twined around his body, pinning down his arms so securely that he could not even withdraw his hands from the pockets. then appeared several grinning nomes, who speedily tied knots in the ropes and then led the prisoner along the passage to the cavern. no attention was paid to the others, but files and the princess followed on after shaggy, determined not to desert their friend and hoping that an opportunity might arise to rescue him. as for polychrome, as soon as she saw that trouble had overtaken shaggy she turned and ran lightly back through the passage and out of the entrance. then she easily leaped from rock to rock until she paused beside the great dragon, who lay fast asleep. "wake up, quox!" she cried. "it is time for you to act." but quox did not wake up. he lay as one in a trance, absolutely motionless, with his enormous eyes tight closed. the eyelids had big silver scales on them, like all the rest of his body. polychrome might have thought quox was dead had she not known that dragons do not die easily or had she not observed his huge body swelling as he breathed. she picked up a piece of rock and pounded against his eyelids with it, saying: "wake up, quox--wake up!" but he would not waken. "dear me, how unfortunate!" sighed the lovely rainbow's daughter. "i wonder what is the best and surest way to waken a dragon. all our friends may be captured and destroyed while this great beast lies asleep." [illustration] she walked around quox two or three times, trying to discover some tender place on his body where a thump or a punch might be felt; but he lay extended along the rocks with his chin flat upon the ground and his legs drawn underneath his body, and all that one could see was his thick sky-blue skin--thicker than that of a rhinoceros--and his silver scales. then, despairing at last of wakening the beast, and worried over the fate of her friends, polychrome again ran down to the entrance and hurried along the passage into the nome king's cavern. here she found ruggedo lolling in his throne and smoking a long pipe. beside him stood general guph and kaliko, and ranged before the king were the rose princess, files and the shaggy man. tik-tok still lay upon the floor weighted down by the big diamond. ruggedo was now in a more contented frame of mind. one by one he had met the invaders and easily captured them. the dreaded love magnet was indeed in shaggy's pocket, only a few feet away from the king, but shaggy was powerless to show it and unless ruggedo's eyes beheld the talisman it could not affect him. as for betsy bobbin and her mule, he believed kaliko had placed them in the slimy cave, while ann and her officers he thought safely imprisoned in the pit. ruggedo had no fear of files or ozga, but to be on the safe side he had ordered golden handcuffs placed upon their wrists. these did not cause them any great annoyance but prevented them from making an attack, had they been inclined to do so. the nome king, thinking himself wholly master of the situation, was laughing and jeering at his prisoners when polychrome, exquisitely beautiful and dancing like a ray of light, entered the cavern. "oho!" cried the king; "a rainbow under ground, eh?" and then he stared hard at polychrome, and still harder, and then he sat up and pulled the wrinkles out of his robe and arranged his whiskers. "on my word," said he, "you are a very captivating creature; moreover, i perceive you are a fairy." "i am polychrome, the rainbow's daughter," she said proudly. "well," replied ruggedo, "i like you. the others i hate. i hate everybody--but you! wouldn't you like to live always in this beautiful cavern, polychrome? see! the jewels that stud the walls have every tint and color of your rainbow--and they are not so elusive. i'll have fresh dewdrops gathered for your feasting every day and you shall be queen of all my nomes and pull kaliko's nose whenever you like." "no, thank you," laughed polychrome. "my home is in the sky, and i'm only on a visit to this solid, sordid earth. but tell me, ruggedo, why my friends have been wound with cords and bound with chains?" "they threatened me," answered ruggedo. "the fools did not know how powerful i am." "then, since they are now helpless, why not release them and send them back to the earth's surface?" "because i hate 'em and mean to make 'em suffer for their invasion. but i'll make a bargain with you, sweet polly. remain here and live with me and i'll set all these people free. you shall be my daughter or my wife or my aunt or grandmother--whichever you like--only stay here to brighten my gloomy kingdom and make me happy!" polychrome looked at him wonderingly. then she turned to shaggy and asked: "are you sure he hasn't seen the love magnet?" "i'm positive," answered shaggy. "but you seem to be something of a love magnet yourself, polychrome." she laughed again and said to ruggedo: "not even to rescue my friends would i live in your kingdom. nor could i endure for long the society of such a wicked monster as you." "you forget," retorted the king, scowling darkly, "that you also are in my power." "not so, ruggedo. the rainbow's daughter is beyond the reach of your spite or malice." "seize her!" suddenly shouted the king, and general guph sprang forward to obey. polychrome stood quite still, yet when guph attempted to clutch her his hands met in air, and now the rainbow's daughter was in another part of the room, as smiling and composed as before. [illustration] several times guph endeavored to capture her and ruggedo even came down from his throne to assist his general; but never could they lay hands upon the lovely sky fairy, who flitted here and there with the swiftness of light and constantly defied them with her merry laughter as she evaded their efforts. so after a time they abandoned the chase and ruggedo returned to his throne and wiped the perspiration from his face with a finely-woven handkerchief of cloth-of-gold. "well," said polychrome, "what do you intend to do now?" "i'm going to have some fun, to repay me for all my bother," replied the nome king. then he said to kaliko: "summon the executioners." kaliko at once withdrew and presently returned with a score of nomes, all of whom were nearly as evil looking as their hated master. they bore great golden pincers, and prods of silver, and clamps and chains and various wicked-looking instruments, all made of precious metals and set with diamonds and rubies. "now, pang," said ruggedo, addressing the leader of the executioners, "fetch the army of oogaboo and their queen from the pit and torture them here in my presence--as well as in the presence of their friends. it will be great sport." "i hear your majesty, and i obey your majesty," answered pang, and went with his nomes into the passage. in a few minutes he returned and bowed to ruggedo. "they're all gone," said he. "gone!" exclaimed the nome king. "gone where?" "they left no address, your majesty; but they are not in the pit." "picks and puddles!" roared the king; "who took the cover off?" "no one," said pang. "the cover was there, but the prisoners were not under it." "in that case," snarled the king, trying to control his disappointment, "go to the slimy cave and fetch hither the girl and the donkey. and while we are torturing them kaliko must take a hundred nomes and search for the escaped prisoners--the queen of oogaboo and her officers. if he does not find them, i will torture kaliko." kaliko went away looking sad and disturbed, for he knew the king was cruel and unjust enough to carry out this threat. pang and the executioners also went away, in another direction, but when they came back betsy bobbin was not with them, nor was hank. "there is no one in the slimy cave, your majesty," reported pang. "jumping jellycakes!" screamed the king. "another escape? are you sure you found the right cave?" "there is but one slimy cave, and there is no one in it," returned pang positively. ruggedo was beginning to be alarmed as well as angry. however, these disappointments but made him the more vindictive and he cast an evil look at the other prisoners and said: "never mind the girl and the donkey. here are four, at least, who cannot escape my vengeance. let me see; i believe i'll change my mind about tik-tok. have the gold crucible heated to a white, seething heat, and then we'll dump the copper man into it and melt him up." "but, your majesty," protested kaliko, who had returned to the room after sending a hundred nomes to search for the oogaboo people, "you must remember that tik-tok is a very curious and interesting machine. it would be a shame to deprive the world of such a clever contrivance." "say another word, and you'll go into the furnace with him!" roared the king. "i'm getting tired of you, kaliko, and the first thing you know i'll turn you into a potato and make saratoga-chips of you! the next to consider," he added more mildly, "is the shaggy man. as he owns the love magnet, i think i'll transform him into a dove, and then we can practice shooting at him with tik-tok's gun. now, this is a very interesting ceremony and i beg you all to watch me closely and see that i've nothing up my sleeve." he came out of his throne to stand before the shaggy man, and then he waved his hands, palms downward, in seven semicircles over his victim's head, saying in a low but clear tone of voice the magic wugwa: "adi, edi, idi, odi, udi, oo-i-oo! idu, ido, idi, ide, ida, woo!" the effect of this well-known sorcery was instantaneous. instead of the shaggy man, a pretty dove lay fluttering upon the floor, its wings confined by tiny cords wound around them. ruggedo gave an order to pang, who cut the cords with a pair of scissors. being freed, the dove quickly flew upward and alighted on the shoulder of the rose princess, who stroked it tenderly. "very good! very good!" cried ruggedo, rubbing his hands gleefully together. "one enemy is out of my way, and now for the others." (perhaps my readers should be warned not to attempt the above transformation; for, although the exact magical formula has been described, it is unlawful in all civilized countries for anyone to transform a person into a dove by muttering the words ruggedo used. there were no laws to prevent the nome king from performing this transformation, but if it should be attempted in any other country, and the magic worked, the magician would be severely punished.) when polychrome saw shaggy man transformed into a dove and realized that ruggedo was about to do something as dreadful to the princess and files, and that tik-tok would soon be melted in a crucible, she turned and ran from the cavern, through the passage and back to the place where quox lay asleep. [illustration] [illustration] chapter 18 a clever conquest the great dragon still had his eyes closed and was even snoring in a manner that resembled distant thunder; but polychrome was now desperate, because any further delay meant the destruction of her friends. she seized the pearl necklace, to which was attached the great locket, and jerked it with all her strength. the result was encouraging. quox stopped snoring and his eyelids flickered. so polychrome jerked again--and again--till slowly the great lids raised and the dragon looked at her steadily. said he, in a sleepy tone: "what's the matter, little rainbow?" "come quick!" exclaimed polychrome. "ruggedo has captured all our friends and is about to destroy them." "well, well," said quox, "i suspected that would happen. step a little out of my path, my dear, and i'll make a rush for the nome king's cavern." she fell back a few steps and quox raised himself on his stout legs, whisked his long tail and in an instant had slid down the rocks and made a dive through the entrance. along the passage he swept, nearly filling it with his immense body, and now he poked his head into the jeweled cavern of ruggedo. but the king had long since made arrangements to capture the dragon, whenever he might appear. no sooner did quox stick his head into the room than a thick chain fell from above and encircled his neck. then the ends of the chain were drawn tight--for in an adjoining cavern a thousand nomes were pulling on them--and so the dragon could advance no further toward the king. he could not use his teeth or his claws and as his body was still in the passage he had not even room to strike his foes with his terrible tail. ruggedo was delighted with the success of his strategem. he had just transformed the rose princess into a fiddle and was about to transform files into a fiddle bow, when the dragon appeared to interrupt him. so he called out: "welcome, my dear quox, to my royal entertainment. since you are here, you shall witness some very neat magic, and after i have finished with files and tik-tok i mean to transform you into a tiny lizard--one of the chameleon sort--and you shall live in my cavern and amuse me." "pardon me for contradicting your majesty," returned quox in a quiet voice, "but i don't believe you'll perform any more magic." "eh? why not?" asked the king in surprise. "there's a reason," said quox. "do you see this ribbon around my neck?" "yes; and i'm astonished that a dignified dragon should wear such a silly thing." "do you see it plainly?" persisted the dragon, with a little chuckle of amusement. "i do," declared ruggedo. "then you no longer possess any magical powers, and are as helpless as a clam," asserted quox. "my great master, tititi-hoochoo, the jinjin, enchanted this ribbon in such a way that whenever your majesty looked upon it all knowledge of magic would desert you instantly, nor will any magical formula you can remember ever perform your bidding." "pooh! i don't believe a word of it!" cried ruggedo, half frightened, nevertheless. then he turned toward files and tried to transform him into a fiddle bow. but he could not remember the right words or the right pass of the hands and after several trials he finally gave up the attempt. by this time the nome king was so alarmed that he was secretly shaking in his shoes. "i told you not to anger tititi-hoochoo," grumbled kaliko, "and now you see the result of your disobedience." ruggedo promptly threw his sceptre at his royal chamberlain, who dodged it with his usual cleverness, and then he said with an attempt to swagger: "never mind; i don't need magic to enable me to destroy these invaders; fire and the sword will do the business and i am still king of the nomes and lord and master of my underground kingdom!" "again i beg to differ with your majesty," said quox. "the great jinjin commands you to depart instantly from this kingdom and seek the earth's surface, where you will wander for all time to come, without a home or country, without a friend or follower, and without any more riches than you can carry with you in your pockets. the great jinjin is so generous that he will allow you to fill your pockets with jewels or gold, but you must take nothing more." ruggedo now stared at the dragon in amazement. "does tititi-hoochoo condemn me to such a fate?" he asked in a hoarse voice. "he does," said quox. "and just for throwing a few strangers down the forbidden tube?" "just for that," repeated quox in a stern, gruff voice. "well, i won't do it. and your crazy old jinjin can't make me do it, either!" declared ruggedo. "i intend to remain here, king of the nomes, until the end of the world, and i defy your tititi-hoochoo and all his fairies--as well as his clumsy messenger, whom i have been obliged to chain up!" the dragon smiled again, but it was not the sort of smile that made ruggedo feel very happy. instead, there was something so cold and merciless in the dragon's expression that the condemned nome king trembled and was sick at heart. there was little comfort for ruggedo in the fact that the dragon was now chained, although he had boasted of it. he glared at the immense head of quox as if fascinated and there was fear in the old king's eyes as he watched his enemy's movements. for the dragon was now moving; not abruptly, but as if he had something to do and was about to do it. very deliberately he raised one claw, touched the catch of the great jeweled locket that was suspended around his neck, and at once it opened wide. nothing much happened at first; half a dozen hen's eggs rolled out upon the floor and then the locket closed with a sharp click. but the effect upon the nomes of this simple thing was astounding. general guph, kaliko, pang and his band of executioners were all standing close to the door that led to the vast series of underground caverns which constituted the dominions of the nomes, and as soon as they saw the eggs they raised a chorus of frantic screams and rushed through the door, slamming it in ruggedo's face and placing a heavy bronze bar across it. ruggedo, dancing with terror and uttering loud cries, now leaped upon the seat of his throne to escape the eggs, which had rolled steadily toward him. perhaps these eggs, sent by the wise and crafty tititi-hoochoo, were in some way enchanted, for they all rolled directly after ruggedo and when they reached the throne where he had taken refuge they began rolling up the legs to the seat. this was too much for the king to bear. his horror of eggs was real and absolute and he made a leap from the throne to the center of the room and then ran to a far corner. the eggs followed, rolling slowly but steadily in his direction. ruggedo threw his sceptre at them, and then his ruby crown, and then he drew off his heavy golden sandals and hurled these at the advancing eggs. but the eggs dodged every missile and continued to draw nearer. the king stood trembling, his eyes staring in terror, until they were but half a yard distant; then with an agile leap he jumped clear over them and made a rush for the passage that led to the outer entrance. of course the dragon was in his way, being chained in the passage with his head in the cavern, but when he saw the king making toward him he crouched as low as he could and dropped his chin to the floor, leaving a small space between his body and the roof of the passage. ruggedo did not hesitate an instant. impelled by fear, he leaped to the dragon's nose and then scrambled to his back, where he succeeded in squeezing himself through the opening. after the head was passed there was more room and he slid along the dragon's scales to his tail and then ran as fast as his legs would carry him to the entrance. not pausing here, so great was his fright, the king dashed on down the mountain path, but before he had gone very far he stumbled and fell. when he picked himself up he observed that no one was following him, and while he recovered his breath he happened to think of the decree of the jinjin--that he should be driven from his kingdom and made a wanderer on the face of the earth. well, here he was, driven from his cavern in truth; driven by those dreadful eggs; but he would go back and defy them; he would not submit to losing his precious kingdom and his tyrannical powers, all because tititi-hoochoo had said he must. so, although still afraid, ruggedo nerved himself to creep back along the path to the entrance, and when he arrived there he saw the six eggs lying in a row just before the arched opening. at first he paused a safe distance away to consider the case, for the eggs were now motionless. while he was wondering what could be done, he remembered there was a magical charm which would destroy eggs and render them harmless to nomes. there were nine passes to be made and six verses of incantation to be recited; but ruggedo knew them all. now that he had ample time to be exact, he carefully went through the entire ceremony. but nothing happened. the eggs did not disappear, as he had expected; so he repeated the charm a second time. when that also failed, he remembered, with a moan of despair, that his magic power had been taken away from him and in the future he could do no more than any common mortal. and there were the eggs, forever barring him from the kingdom which he had ruled so long with absolute sway! he threw rocks at them, but could not hit a single egg. he raved and scolded and tore his hair and beard, and danced in helpless passion, but that did nothing to avert the just judgment of the jinjin, which ruggedo's own evil deeds had brought upon him. from this time on he was an outcast--a wanderer upon the face of the earth--and he had even forgotten to fill his pockets with gold and jewels before he fled from his former kingdom! [illustration] [illustration] chapter 19 king kaliko after the king had made good his escape files said to the dragon, in a said voice: "alas! why did you not come before? because you were sleeping instead of conquering, the lovely rose princess has become a fiddle without a bow, while poor shaggy sits there a cooing dove!" "don't worry," replied quox. "tititi-hoochoo knows his business, and i had my orders from the great jinjin himself. bring the fiddle here and touch it lightly to my pink ribbon." files obeyed and at the moment of contact with the ribbon the nome king's charm was broken and the rose princess herself stood before them as sweet and smiling as ever. the dove, perched on the back of the throne, had seen and heard all this, so without being told what to do it flew straight to the dragon and alighted on the ribbon. next instant shaggy was himself again and quox said to him grumblingly: "please get off my left toe, shaggy man, and be more particular where you step." "i beg your pardon!" replied shaggy, very glad to resume his natural form. then he ran to lift the heavy diamond off tik-tok's chest and to assist the clockwork man to his feet. "ma-ny thanks!" said tik-tok. "where is the wick-ed king who want-ed to melt me in a cru-ci-ble?" "he has gone, and gone for good," answered polychrome, who had managed to squeeze into the room beside the dragon and had witnessed the occurrences with much interest. "but i wonder where betsy bobbin and hank can be, and if any harm has befallen them." "we must search the cavern until we find them," declared shaggy; but when he went to the door leading to the other caverns he found it shut and barred. "i've a pretty strong push in my forehead," said quox, "and i believe i can break down that door, even though it's made of solid gold." "but you are a prisoner, and the chains that hold you are fastened in some other room, so that we cannot release you," files said anxiously. "oh, never mind that," returned the dragon. "i have remained a prisoner only because i wished to be one," and with this he stepped forward and burst the stout chains as easily as if they had been threads. but when he tried to push in the heavy metal door, even his mighty strength failed, and after several attempts he gave it up and squatted himself in a corner to think of a better way. "i'll o-pen the door," asserted tik-tok, and going to the king's big gong he pounded upon it until the noise was almost deafening. kaliko, in the next cavern, was wondering what had happened to ruggedo and if he had escaped the eggs and outwitted the dragon. but when he heard the sound of the gong, which had so often called him into the king's presence, he decided that ruggedo had been victorious; so he took away the bar, threw open the door and entered the royal cavern. great was his astonishment to find the king gone and the enchantments removed from the princess and shaggy. but the eggs were also gone and so kaliko advanced to the dragon, whom he knew to be tititi-hoochoo's messenger, and bowed humbly before the beast. "what is your will?" he inquired. [illustration] "where is betsy?" demanded the dragon. "safe in my own private room," said kaliko. "go and get her!" commanded quox. so kaliko went to betsy's room and gave three raps upon the door. the little girl had been asleep, but she heard the raps and opened the door. "you may come out now," said kaliko. "the king has fled in disgrace and your friends are asking for you." so betsy and hank returned with the royal chamberlain to the throne cavern, where she was received with great joy by her friends. they told her what had happened to ruggedo and she told them how kind kaliko had been to her. quox did not have much to say until the conversation was ended, but then he turned to kaliko and asked: "do you suppose you could rule your nomes better than ruggedo has done?" "me?" stammered the chamberlain, greatly surprised by the question. "well, i couldn't be a worse king, i'm sure." "would the nomes obey you?" inquired the dragon. "of course," said kaliko. "they like me better than ever they did ruggedo." "then hereafter you shall be the metal monarch, king of the nomes, and tititi-hoochoo expects you to rule your kingdom wisely and well," said quox. "hooray!" cried betsy; "i'm glad of that. king kaliko, i salute your majesty and wish you joy in your gloomy old kingdom!" "we all wish him joy," said polychrome; and then the others made haste to congratulate the new king. "will you release my dear brother?" asked shaggy. "the ugly one? very willingly," replied kaliko. "i begged ruggedo long ago to send him away, but he would not do so. i also offered to help your brother to escape, but he would not go." "he's so conscientious!" said shaggy, highly pleased. "all of our family have noble natures. but is my dear brother well?" he added anxiously. "he eats and sleeps very steadily," replied the new king. "i hope he doesn't work too hard," said shaggy. "he doesn't work at all. in fact, there is nothing he can do in these dominions as well as our nomes, whose numbers are so great that it worries us to keep them all busy. so your brother has only to amuse himself." "why, it's more like visiting, than being a prisoner," asserted betsy. "not exactly," returned kaliko. "a prisoner cannot go where or when he pleases, and is not his own master." "where is my brother now?" inquired shaggy. "in the metal forest." "where is that?" "the metal forest is in the great domed cavern, the largest in all our dominions," replied kaliko. "it is almost like being out of doors, it is so big, and ruggedo made the wonderful forest to amuse himself, as well as to tire out his hard-working nomes. all the trees are gold and silver and the ground is strewn with precious stones, so it is a sort of treasury." "let us go there at once and rescue my dear brother," pleaded shaggy earnestly. kaliko hesitated. "i don't believe i can find the way," said he. "ruggedo made three secret passages to the metal forest, but he changes the location of these passages every week, so that no one can get to the metal forest without his permission. however, if we look sharp, we may be able to discover one of these secret ways." "that reminds me to ask what has become of queen ann and the officers of oogaboo," said files. "i'm sure i can't say," replied kaliko. "do you suppose ruggedo destroyed them?" "oh, no; i'm quite sure he didn't. they fell into the big pit in the passage, and we put the cover on to keep them there; but when the executioners went to look for them they had all disappeared from the pit and we could find no trace of them." "that's funny," remarked betsy thoughtfully. "i don't believe ann knew any magic, or she'd have worked it before. but to disappear like that _seems_ like magic; now, doesn't it?" they agreed that it did, but no one could explain the mystery. "however," said shaggy, "they are gone, that is certain, so we cannot help them or be helped by them. and the important thing just now is to rescue my dear brother from captivity." "why do they call him the ugly one?" asked betsy. "i do not know," confessed shaggy. "i cannot remember his looks very well, it is so long since i have seen him; but all of our family are noted for their handsome faces." betsy laughed and shaggy seemed rather hurt; but polychrome relieved his embarrassment by saying softly: "one can be ugly in looks, but lovely in disposition." "our first task," said shaggy, a little comforted by this remark, "is to find one of those secret passages to the metal forest." "true," agreed kaliko. "so i think i will assemble the chief nomes of my kingdom in this throne room and tell them that i am their new king. then i can ask them to assist us in searching for the secret passages." "that's a good idea," said the dragon, who seemed to be getting sleepy again. kaliko went to the big gong and pounded on it just as ruggedo used to do; but no one answered the summons. "of course not," said he, jumping up from the throne, where he had seated himself. "that is my call, and i am still the royal chamberlain, and will be until i appoint another in my place." so he ran out of the room and found guph and told him to answer the summons of the king's gong. having returned to the royal cavern, kaliko first pounded the gong and then sat in the throne, wearing ruggedo's discarded ruby crown and holding in his hand the sceptre which ruggedo had so often thrown at his head. when guph entered he was amazed. "better get out of that throne before old ruggedo comes back," he said warningly. "he isn't coming back, and i am now the king of the nomes, in his stead," announced kaliko. "all of which is quite true," asserted the dragon, and all of those who stood around the throne bowed respectfully to the new king. seeing this, guph also bowed, for he was glad to be rid of such a hard master as ruggedo. then kaliko, in quite a kingly way, informed guph that he was appointed the royal chamberlain, and promised not to throw the sceptre at his head unless he deserved it. [illustration] all this being pleasantly arranged, the new chamberlain went away to tell the news to all the nomes of the underground kingdom, every one of whom would be delighted with the change in kings. [illustration] [illustration] chapter 20 quox quietly quits when the chief nomes assembled before their new king they joyfully saluted him and promised to obey his commands. but, when kaliko questioned them, none knew the way to the metal forest, although all had assisted in its making. so the king instructed them to search carefully for one of the passages and to bring him the news as soon as they had found it. meantime quox had managed to back out of the rocky corridor and so regain the open air and his old station on the mountain-side, and there he lay upon the rocks, sound asleep, until the next day. the others of the party were all given as good rooms as the caverns of the nomes afforded, for king kaliko felt that he was indebted to them for his promotion and was anxious to be as hospitable as he could. much wonderment had been caused by the absolute disappearance of the sixteen officers of oogaboo and their queen. not a nome had seen them, nor were they discovered during the search for the passages leading to the metal forest. perhaps no one was unhappy over their loss, but all were curious to know what had become of them. on the next day, when our friends went to visit the dragon, quox said to them: "i must now bid you good-bye, for my mission here is finished and i must depart for the other side of the world, where i belong." "will you go through the tube again?" asked betsy. "to be sure. but it will be a lonely trip this time, with no one to talk to, and i cannot invite any of you to go with me. therefore, as soon as i slide into the hole i shall go to sleep, and when i pop out at the other end i will wake up at home." they thanked the dragon for befriending them and wished him a pleasant journey. also they sent their thanks to the great jinjin, whose just condemnation of ruggedo had served their interests so well. then quox yawned and stretched himself and ambled over to the tube, into which he slid headforemost and disappeared. they really felt as if they had lost a friend, for the dragon had been both kind and sociable during their brief acquaintance with him; but they knew it was his duty to return to his own country. so they went back to the caverns to renew the search for the hidden passages that led to the forest, but for three days all efforts to find them proved in vain. it was polychrome's custom to go every day to the mountain and watch for her father, the rainbow, for she was growing tired with wandering upon the earth and longed to rejoin her sisters in their sky palaces. and on the third day, while she sat motionless upon a point of rock, whom should she see slyly creeping up the mountain but ruggedo! the former king looked very forlorn. his clothes were soiled and torn and he had no sandals upon his feet or hat upon his head. having left his crown and sceptre behind when he fled, the old nome no longer seemed kingly, but more like a beggarman. several times had ruggedo crept up to the mouth of the caverns, only to find the six eggs still on guard. he knew quite well that he must accept his fate and become a homeless wanderer, but his chief regret now was that he had neglected to fill his pockets with gold and jewels. he was aware that a wanderer with wealth at his command would fare much better than one who was a pauper, so he still loitered around the caverns wherein he knew so much treasure was stored, hoping for a chance to fill his pockets. that was how he came to recollect the metal forest. "aha!" said he to himself, "i alone know the way to that forest, and once there i can fill my pockets with the finest jewels in all the world." he glanced at his pockets and was grieved to find them so small. perhaps they might be enlarged, so that they would hold more. he knew of a poor woman who lived in a cottage at the foot of the mountain, so he went to her and begged her to sew pockets all over his robe, paying her with the gift of a diamond ring which he had worn upon his finger. the woman was delighted to possess so valuable a ring and she sewed as many pockets on ruggedo's robe as she possibly could. then he returned up the mountain and, after gazing cautiously around to make sure he was not observed, he touched a spring in a rock and it swung slowly backward, disclosing a broad passageway. this he entered, swinging the rock in place behind him. however, ruggedo had failed to look as carefully as he might have done, for polychrome was seated only a little distance off and her clear eyes marked exactly the manner in which ruggedo had released the hidden spring. so she rose and hurried into the cavern, where she told kaliko and her friends of her discovery. "i've no doubt that that is a way to the metal forest," exclaimed shaggy. "come, let us follow ruggedo at once and rescue my poor brother!" they agreed to this and king kaliko called together a band of nomes to assist them by carrying torches to light their way. "the metal forest has a brilliant light of its own," said he, "but the passage across the valley is likely to be dark." polychrome easily found the rock and touched the spring, so in less than an hour after ruggedo had entered they were all in the passage and following swiftly after the former king. "he means to rob the forest, i'm sure," said kaliko; "but he will find he is no longer of any account in this kingdom and i will have my nomes throw him out." "then please throw him as hard as you can," said betsy, "for he deserves it. i don't mind an honest, out-an'-out enemy, who fights square; but changing girls into fiddles and ordering 'em put into slimy caves is mean and tricky, and ruggedo doesn't deserve any sympathy. but you'll have to let him take as much treasure as he can get in his pockets, kaliko." "yes, the jinjin said so; but we won't miss it much. there is more treasure in the metal forest than a million nomes could carry in their pockets." it was not difficult to walk through this passage, especially when the torches lighted the way, so they made good progress. but it proved to be a long distance and betsy had tired herself with walking and was seated upon the back of the mule when the passage made a sharp turn and a wonderful and glorious light burst upon them. the next moment they were all standing upon the edge of the marvelous metal forest. it lay under another mountain and occupied a great domed cavern, the roof of which was higher than a church steeple. in this space the industrious nomes had built, during many years of labor, the most beautiful forest in the world. the trees--trunks, branches and leaves--were all of solid gold, while the bushes and underbrush were formed of filigree silver, virgin pure. the trees towered as high as natural live oaks do and were of exquisite workmanship. on the ground were thickly strewn precious gems of every hue and size, while here and there among the trees were paths pebbled with cut diamonds of the clearest water. taken all together, more treasure was gathered in this metal forest than is contained in all the rest of the world--if we except the land of oz, where perhaps its value is equalled in the famous emerald city. our friends were so amazed at the sight that for a while they stood gazing in silent wonder. then shaggy exclaimed: "my brother! my dear lost brother! is he indeed a prisoner in this place?" [illustration] "yes," replied kaliko. "the ugly one has been here for two or three years, to my positive knowledge." "but what could he find to eat?" inquired betsy. "it's an awfully swell place to live in, but one can't breakfast on rubies and di'monds, or even gold." "one doesn't need to, my dear," kaliko assured her. "the metal forest does not fill all of this great cavern, by any means. beyond these gold and silver trees are other trees of the real sort, which bear foods very nice to eat. let us walk in that direction, for i am quite sure we will find shaggy's brother in that part of the cavern, rather than in this." so they began to tramp over the diamond-pebbled paths, and at every step they were more and more bewildered by the wondrous beauty of the golden trees with their glittering foliage. suddenly they heard a scream. jewels scattered in every direction as some one hidden among the bushes scampered away before them. then a loud voice cried: "halt!" and there was the sound of a struggle. [illustration] chapter 21 a bashful brother with fast beating hearts they all rushed forward and, beyond a group of stately metal trees, came full upon a most astonishing scene. there was ruggedo in the hands of the officers of oogaboo, a dozen of whom were clinging to the old nome and holding him fast in spite of his efforts to escape. there also was queen ann, looking grimly upon the scene of strife; but when she observed her former companions approaching she turned away in a shamefaced manner. for ann and her officers were indeed a sight to behold. her majesty's clothing, once so rich and gorgeous, was now worn and torn into shreds by her long crawl through the tunnel, which, by the way, had led her directly into the metal forest. it was, indeed, one of the three secret passages, and by far the most difficult of the three. ann had not only torn her pretty skirt and jacket, but her crown had become bent and battered and even her shoes were so cut and slashed that they were ready to fall from her feet. the officers had fared somewhat worse than their leader, for holes were worn in the knees of their trousers, while sharp points of rock in the roof and sides of the tunnel had made rags of every inch of their once brilliant uniforms. a more tattered and woeful army never came out of a battle, than these harmless victims of the rocky passage. but it had seemed their only means of escape from the cruel nome king; so they had crawled on, regardless of their sufferings. when they reached the metal forest their eyes beheld more plunder than they had ever dreamed of; yet they were prisoners in this huge dome and could not escape with the riches heaped about them. perhaps a more unhappy and homesick lot of "conquerors" never existed than this band from oogaboo. after several days of wandering in their marvelous prison they were frightened by the discovery that ruggedo had come among them. rendered desperate by their sad condition, the officers exhibited courage for the first time since they left home and, ignorant of the fact that ruggedo was no longer king of the nomes, they threw themselves upon him and had just succeeded in capturing him when their fellow adventurers reached the spot. "goodness gracious!" cried betsy. "what has happened to you all?" ann came forward to greet them, sorrowful and indignant. "we were obliged to escape from the pit through a small tunnel, which was lined with sharp and jagged rocks," said she, "and not only was our clothing torn to rags but our flesh is so bruised and sore that we are stiff and lame in every joint. to add to our troubles we find we are still prisoners; but now that we have succeeded in capturing the wicked metal monarch we shall force him to grant us our liberty." "ruggedo is no longer metal monarch, or king of the nomes," files informed her. "he has been deposed and cast out of his kingdom by quox; but here is the new king, whose name is kaliko, and i am pleased to assure your majesty that he is our friend." "glad to meet your majesty, i'm sure," said kaliko, bowing as courteously as if the queen still wore splendid raiment. the officers, having heard this explanation, now set ruggedo free; but, as he had no place to go, he stood by and faced his former servant, who was now king in his place, in a humble and pleading manner. "what are you doing here?" asked kaliko sternly. "why, i was promised as much treasure as i could carry in my pockets," replied ruggedo; "so i came here to get it, not wishing to disturb your majesty." "you were commanded to leave the country of the nomes forever!" declared kaliko. "i know; and i'll go as soon as i have filled my pockets," said ruggedo, meekly. "then fill them, and be gone," returned the new king. ruggedo obeyed. stooping down, he began gathering up jewels by the handful and stuffing them into his many pockets. they were heavy things, these diamonds and rubies and emeralds and amethysts and the like, so before long ruggedo was staggering with the weight he bore, while the pockets were not yet filled. when he could no longer stoop over without falling, betsy and polychrome and the rose princess came to his assistance, picking up the finest gems and tucking them into his pockets. at last these were all filled and ruggedo presented a comical sight, for surely no man ever before had so many pockets, or any at all filled with such a choice collection of precious stones. he neglected to thank the young ladies for their kindness, but gave them a surly nod of farewell and staggered down the path by the way he had come. they let him depart in silence, for with all he had taken, the masses of jewels upon the ground seemed scarcely to have been disturbed, so numerous were they. also they hoped they had seen the last of the degraded king. [illustration] "i'm awful glad he's gone," said betsy, sighing deeply. "if he doesn't get reckless and spend his wealth foolishly, he's got enough to start a bank when he gets to oklahoma." "but my brother--my dear brother! where is he?" inquired shaggy anxiously. "have you seen him, queen ann?" "what does your brother look like?" asked the queen. shaggy hesitated to reply, but betsy said: "he's called the ugly one. perhaps you'll know him by that." "the only person we have seen in this cavern," said ann, "has run away from us whenever we approached him. he hides over yonder, among the trees that are not gold, and we have never been able to catch sight of his face. so i cannot tell whether he is ugly or not." "that must be my dear brother!" exclaimed shaggy. "yes, it must be," assented kaliko. "no one else inhabits this splendid dome, so there can be no mistake." "but why does he hide among those green trees, instead of enjoying all these glittery golden ones?" asked betsy. "because he finds food among the natural trees," replied kaliko, "and i remember that he has built a little house there, to sleep in. as for these glittery golden trees, i will admit they are very pretty at first sight. one cannot fail to admire them, as well as the rich jewels scattered beneath them; but if one has to look at them always, they become pretty tame." "i believe that is true," declared shaggy. "my dear brother is very wise to prefer real trees to the imitation ones. but come; let us go there and find him." shaggy started for the green grove at once, and the others followed him, being curious to witness the final rescue of his long-sought, long-lost brother. not far from the edge of the grove they came upon a small hut, cleverly made of twigs and golden branches woven together. as they approached the place they caught a glimpse of a form that darted into the hut and slammed the door tight shut after him. shaggy man ran to the door and cried aloud: "brother! brother!" "who calls," demanded a sad, hollow voice from within. "it is shaggy--your own loving brother--who has been searching for you a long time and has now come to rescue you." "too late!" replied the gloomy voice. "no one can rescue me now." "oh, but you are mistaken about that," said shaggy. "there is a new king of the nomes, named kaliko, in ruggedo's place, and he has promised you shall go free." "free! i dare not go free!" said the ugly one, in a voice of despair. "why not, brother?" asked shaggy, anxiously. "do you know what they have done to me?" came the answer through the closed door. "no. tell me, brother, what have they done?" "when ruggedo first captured me i was very handsome. don't you remember, shaggy?" "not very well, brother; you were so young when i left home. but i remember that mother thought you were beautiful." "she was right! i am sure she was right," wailed the prisoner. "but ruggedo wanted to injure me--to make me ugly in the eyes of all the world--so he performed a wicked enchantment. i went to bed beautiful--or you might say handsome--to be very modest i will merely claim that i was good-looking--and i wakened the next morning the homeliest man in all the world! i am so repulsive that when i look in a mirror i frighten myself." "poor brother!" said shaggy softly, and all the others were silent from sympathy. "i was so ashamed of my looks," continued the voice of shaggy's brother, "that i tried to hide; but the cruel king ruggedo forced me to appear before all the legion of nomes, to whom he said: 'behold the ugly one!' but when the nomes saw my face they all fell to laughing and jeering, which prevented them from working at their tasks. seeing this, ruggedo became angry and pushed me into a tunnel, closing the rock entrance so that i could not get out. i followed the length of the tunnel until i reached this huge dome, where the marvelous metal forest stands, and here i have remained ever since." "poor brother!" repeated shaggy. "but i beg you now to come forth and face us, who are your friends. none here will laugh or jeer, however unhandsome you may be." "no, indeed," they all added pleadingly. but the ugly one refused the invitation. "i cannot," said he; "indeed, i cannot face strangers, ugly as i am." shaggy man turned to the group surrounding him. "what shall i do?" he asked in sorrowful tones. "i cannot leave my dear brother here, and he refuses to come out of that house and face us." "i'll tell you," replied betsy. "let him put on a mask." "the very idea i was seeking!" exclaimed shaggy joyfully; and then he called out: "brother, put a mask over your face, and then none of us can see what your features are like." "i have no mask," answered the ugly one. "look here," said betsy; "he can use my handkerchief." shaggy looked at the little square of cloth and shook his head. "it isn't big enough," he objected; "i'm sure it isn't big enough to hide a man's face. but he can use mine." saying this he took from his pocket his own handkerchief and went to the door of the hut. "here, my brother," he called, "take this handkerchief and make a mask of it. i will also pass you my knife, so that you may cut holes for the eyes, and then you must tie it over your face." the door slowly opened, just far enough for the ugly one to thrust out his hand and take the handkerchief and the knife. then it closed again. "don't forget a hole for your nose," cried betsy. "you must breathe, you know." for a time there was silence. queen ann and her army sat down upon the ground to rest. betsy sat on hank's back. polychrome danced lightly up and down the jeweled paths while files and the princess wandered through the groves arm in arm. tik-tok, who never tired, stood motionless. by and by a noise sounded from within the hut. "are you ready?" asked shaggy. "yes, brother," came the reply, and the door was thrown open to allow the ugly one to step forth. betsy might have laughed aloud had she not remembered how sensitive to ridicule shaggy's brother was, for the handkerchief with which he had masked his features was a red one covered with big white polka dots. in this two holes had been cut--in front of the eyes--while two smaller ones before the nostrils allowed the man to breathe freely. the cloth was then tightly drawn over the ugly one's face and knotted at the back of his neck. he was dressed in clothes that had once been good, but now were sadly worn and frayed. his silk stockings had holes in them, and his shoes were stub-toed and needed blackening. "but what can you expect," whispered betsy, "when the poor man has been a prisoner for so many years?" shaggy had darted forward, and embraced his newly found brother with both his arms. the brother also embraced shaggy, who then led him forward and introduced him to all the assembled company. "this is the new nome king," he said when he came to kaliko. "he is our friend, and has granted you your freedom." "that is a kindly deed," replied ugly in a sad voice, "but i dread to go back to the world in this direful condition. unless i remain forever masked, my dreadful face would curdle all the milk and stop all the clocks." "can't the enchantment be broken in some way?" inquired betsy. shaggy looked anxiously at kaliko, who shook his head. "i am sure _i_ can't break the enchantment," he said. "ruggedo was fond of magic, and learned a good many enchantments that we nomes know nothing of." "perhaps ruggedo himself might break his own enchantment," suggested ann; "but unfortunately we have allowed the old king to escape." "never mind, my dear brother," said shaggy consolingly; "i am very happy to have found you again, although i may never see your face. so let us make the most of this joyful reunion." the ugly one was affected to tears by this tender speech, and the tears began to wet the red handkerchief; so shaggy gently wiped them away with his coat sleeve. [illustration] [illustration] chapter 22 kindly kisses "won't you be dreadful sorry to leave this lovely place?" betsy asked the ugly one. "no, indeed," said he. "jewels and gold are cold and heartless things, and i am sure i would presently have died of loneliness had i not found this natural forest at the edge of the artificial one. anyhow, without these real trees i should soon have starved to death." betsy looked around at the quaint trees. "i don't just understand that," she admitted. "what could you find to eat here?" "the best food in the world," ugly answered. "do you see that grove at your left?" he added, pointing it out; "well, such trees as those do not grow in your country, or in any other place but this cavern. i have named them 'hotel trees,' because they bear a certain kind of table d'hote fruit called 'three-course nuts.'" "that's funny!" said betsy. "what are the 'three-course nuts' like?" "something like cocoanuts, to look at," explained the ugly one. "all you have to do is to pick one of them and then sit down and eat your dinner. you first unscrew the top part and find a cupfull of good soup. after you've eaten that, you unscrew the middle part and find a hollow filled with meat and potatoes, vegetables and a fine salad. eat that, and unscrew the next section, and you come to the dessert in the bottom of the nut. that is pie and cake, cheese and crackers, and nuts and raisins. the three-course nuts are not all exactly alike in flavor or in contents, but they are all good and in each one may be found a complete three-course dinner." "but how about breakfasts?" inquired betsy. "why, there are breakfast trees for that, which grow over there at the right. they bear nuts, like the others, only the nuts contain coffee or chocolate, instead of soup; oatmeal instead of meat-and-potatoes, and fruits instead of dessert. sad as has been my life in this wonderful prison, i must admit that no one could live more luxuriously in the best hotel in the world than i have lived here; but i will be glad to get into the open air again and see the good old sun and the silvery moon and the soft green grass and the flowers that are kissed by the morning dew. ah, how much more lovely are those blessed things than the glitter of gems or the cold gleam of gold!" "of course," said betsy. "i once knew a little boy who wanted to catch the measles, because all the little boys in his neighborhood but him had had 'em, and he was really unhappy 'cause he couldn't catch 'em, try as he would. so i'm pretty certain that the things we want, and can't have, are not good for us. isn't that true, shaggy?" "not always, my dear," he gravely replied. "if we didn't want anything, we would never get anything, good or bad. i think our longings are natural, and if we act as nature prompts us we can't go far wrong." "for my part," said queen ann, "i think the world would be a dreary place without the gold and jewels." "all things are good in their way," said shaggy; "but we may have too much of any good thing. and i have noticed that the value of anything depends upon how scarce it is, and how difficult it is to obtain." "pardon me for interrupting you," said king kaliko, coming to their side, "but now that we have rescued shaggy's brother i would like to return to my royal cavern. being the king of the nomes, it is my duty to look after my restless subjects and see that they behave themselves." so they all turned and began walking through the metal forest to the other side of the great domed cave, where they had first entered it. shaggy and his brother walked side by side and both seemed rejoiced that they were together after their long separation. betsy didn't dare look at the polka-dot handkerchief, for fear she would laugh aloud; so she walked behind the two brothers and led hank by holding fast to his left ear. when at last they reached the place where the passage led to the outer world, queen ann said, in a hesitating way that was unusual with her: "i have not conquered this nome country, nor do i expect to do so; but i would like to gather a few of these pretty jewels before i leave this place." "help yourself, ma'am," said king kaliko, and at once the officers of the army took advantage of his royal permission and began filling their pockets, while ann tied a lot of diamonds in a big handkerchief. this accomplished, they all entered the passage, the nomes going first to light the way with their torches. they had not proceeded far when betsy exclaimed: "why, there are jewels here, too!" all eyes were turned upon the ground and they found a regular trail of jewels strewn along the rock floor. "this is queer!" said kaliko, much surprised. "i must send some of my nomes to gather up these gems and replace them in the metal forest, where they belong. i wonder how they came to be here?" all the way along the passage they found this trail of jewels, but when they neared the end the mystery was explained. for there, squatted upon the floor with his back to the rock wall, sat old ruggedo, puffing and blowing as if he was all tired out. then they realized it was he who had scattered the jewels, from his many pockets, which one by one had burst with the weight of their contents as he had stumbled along the passage. "but i don't mind," said ruggedo, with a deep sigh. "i now realize that i could not have carried such a weighty load very far, even had i managed to escape from this passage with it. the woman who sewed the pockets on my robe used poor thread, for which i shall thank her." "have you any jewels left?" inquired betsy. he glanced into some of the remaining pockets. "a few," said he, "but they will be sufficient to supply my wants, and i no longer have any desire to be rich. if some of you will kindly help me to rise, i'll get out of here and leave you, for i know you all despise me and prefer my room to my company." shaggy and kaliko raised the old king to his feet, when he was confronted by shaggy's brother, whom he now noticed for the first time. the queer and unexpected appearance of the ugly one so startled ruggedo that he gave a wild cry and began to tremble, as if he had seen a ghost. "wh--wh--who is this?" he faltered. "i am that helpless prisoner whom your cruel magic transformed from a handsome man into an ugly one!" answered shaggy's brother, in a voice of stern reproach. "really, ruggedo," said betsy, "you ought to be ashamed of that mean trick." "i am, my dear," admitted ruggedo, who was now as meek and humble as formerly he had been cruel and vindictive. "then," returned the girl, "you'd better do some more magic and give the poor man his own face again." "i wish i could," answered the old king; "but you must remember that tititi-hoochoo has deprived me of all my magic powers. however, i never took the trouble to learn just how to break the charm i cast over shaggy's brother, for i intended he should always remain ugly." "every charm," remarked pretty polychrome, "has its antidote; and, if you knew this charm of ugliness, ruggedo, you must have known how to dispel it." he shook his head. [illustration] "if i did, i--i've forgotten," he stammered regretfully. "try to think!" pleaded shaggy, anxiously. "_please_ try to think!" ruggedo ruffled his hair with both hands, sighed, slapped his chest, rubbed his ear, and stared stupidly around the group. "i've a faint recollection that there _was_ one thing that would break the charm," said he; "but misfortune has so addled my brain that i can't remember what it was." "see here, ruggedo," said betsy, sharply, "we've treated you pretty well, so far, but we won't stand for any nonsense, and if you know what's good for yourself you'll think of that charm!" "why?" he demanded, turning to look wonderingly at the little girl. "because it means so much to shaggy's brother. he's dreadfully ashamed of himself, the way he is now, and you're to blame for it. fact is, ruggedo, you've done so much wickedness in your life that it won't hurt you to do a kind act now." ruggedo blinked at her, and sighed again, and then tried very hard to think. "i seem to remember, dimly," said he, "that a certain kind of a kiss will break the charm of ugliness." "what kind of a kiss?" "what kind? why, it was--it was--it was either the kiss of a mortal maid; or--or--the kiss of a mortal maid who had once been a fairy; or--or the kiss of one who is still a fairy. i can't remember which. but of course no maid, mortal or fairy, would ever consent to kiss a person so ugly--so dreadfully, fearfully, terribly ugly--as shaggy's brother." "i'm not so sure of that," said betsy, with admirable courage; "i'm a mortal maid, and if it is _my_ kiss that will break this awful charm, i--i'll do it!" "oh, you really couldn't," protested ugly. "i would be obliged to remove my mask, and when you saw my face, nothing could induce you to kiss me, generous as you are." "well, as for that," said the little girl, "i needn't see your face at all. here's my plan: you stay in this dark passage, and we'll send away the nomes with their torches. then you'll take off the handkerchief, and i--i'll kiss you." "this is awfully kind of you, betsy!" said shaggy, gratefully. "well, it surely won't kill me," she replied; "and, if it makes you and your brother happy, i'm willing to take some chances." so kaliko ordered the torch-bearers to leave the passage, which they did by going through the rock opening. queen ann and her army also went out; but the others were so interested in betsy's experiment that they remained grouped at the mouth of the passageway. when the big rock swung into place, closing tight the opening, they were left in total darkness. "now, then," called betsy in a cheerful voice, "have you got that handkerchief off your face, ugly?" "yes," he replied. "well, where are you, then?" she asked, reaching out her arms. "here," said he. "you'll have to stoop down, you know." he found her hands and clasping them in his own stooped until his face was near to that of the little girl. the others heard a clear, smacking kiss, and then betsy exclaimed: "there! i've done it, and it didn't hurt a bit!" "tell me, dear brother; is the charm broken?" asked shaggy. "i do not know," was the reply. "it may be, or it may not be. i cannot tell." "has anyone a match?" inquired betsy. "i have several," said shaggy. "then let ruggedo strike one of them and look at your brother's face, while we all turn our backs. ruggedo made your brother ugly, so i guess he can stand the horror of looking at him, if the charm isn't broken." agreeing to this, ruggedo took the match and lighted it. he gave one look and then blew out the match. "ugly as ever!" he said with a shudder. "so it wasn't the kiss of a mortal maid, after all." "let me try," proposed the rose princess, in her sweet voice. "i am a mortal maid who was once a fairy. perhaps my kiss will break the charm." files did not wholly approve of this, but he was too generous to interfere. so the rose princess felt her way through the darkness to shaggy's brother and kissed him. ruggedo struck another match, while they all turned away. "no," announced the former king; "that didn't break the charm, either. it must be the kiss of a fairy that is required--or else my memory has failed me altogether." "polly," said betsy, pleadingly, "won't _you_ try?" "of course i will!" answered polychrome, with a merry laugh. "i've never kissed a mortal man in all the thousands of years i have existed, but i'll do it to please our faithful shaggy man, whose unselfish affection for his ugly brother deserves to be rewarded." even as polychrome was speaking she tripped lightly to the side of the ugly one and quickly touched his cheek with her lips. "oh, thank you--thank you!" he fervently cried. "i've changed, this time, i know. i can feel it! i'm different. shaggy--dear shaggy--i am myself again!" files, who was near the opening, touched the spring that released the big rock and it suddenly swung backward and let in a flood of daylight. everyone stood motionless, staring hard at shaggy's brother, who, no longer masked by the polka-dot handkerchief, met their gaze with a glad smile. "well," said shaggy man, breaking the silence at last and drawing a long, deep breath of satisfaction, "you are no longer the ugly one, my dear brother; but, to be entirely frank with you, the face that belongs to you is no more handsome than it ought to be." "i think he's rather good looking," remarked betsy, gazing at the man critically. "in comparison with what he was," said king kaliko, "he is really beautiful. you, who never beheld his ugliness, may not understand that; but it was my misfortune to look at the ugly one many times, and i say again that, in comparison with what he was, the man is now beautiful." "all right," returned betsy, briskly, "we'll take your word for it, kaliko. and now let us get out of this tunnel and into the world again." [illustration] chapter 23 ruggedo reforms it did not take them long to regain the royal cavern of the nome king, where kaliko ordered served to them the nicest refreshments the place afforded. ruggedo had come trailing along after the rest of the party and while no one paid any attention to the old king they did not offer any objection to his presence or command him to leave them. he looked fearfully to see if the eggs were still guarding the entrance, but they had now disappeared; so he crept into the cavern after the others and humbly squatted down in a corner of the room. there betsy discovered him. all of the little girl's companions were now so happy at the success of shaggy's quest for his brother, and the laughter and merriment seemed so general, that betsy's heart softened toward the friendless old man who had once been their bitter enemy, and she carried to him some of the food and drink. ruggedo's eyes filled with tears at this unexpected kindness. he took the child's hand in his own and pressed it gratefully. "look here, kaliko," said betsy, addressing the new king, "what's the use of being hard on ruggedo? all his magic power is gone, so he can't do any more harm, and i'm sure he's sorry he acted so badly to everybody." "are you?" asked kaliko, looking down at his former master. "i am," said ruggedo. "the girl speaks truly. i'm sorry and i'm harmless. i don't want to wander through the wide world, on top of the ground, for i'm a nome. no nome can ever be happy any place but underground." "that being the case," said kaliko, "i will let you stay here as long as you behave yourself; but, if you try to act badly again, i shall drive you out, as tititi-hoochoo has commanded, and you'll have to wander." "never fear. i'll behave," promised ruggedo. "it is hard work being a king, and harder still to be a good king. but now that i am a common nome i am sure i can lead a blameless life." they were all pleased to hear this and to know that ruggedo had really reformed. "i hope he'll keep his word," whispered betsy to shaggy; "but if he gets bad again we will be far away from the nome kingdom and kaliko will have to 'tend to the old nome himself." polychrome had been a little restless during the last hour or two. the lovely daughter of the rainbow knew that she had now done all in her power to assist her earth friends, and so she began to long for her sky home. "i think," she said, after listening intently, "that it is beginning to rain. the rain king is my uncle, you know, and perhaps he has read my thoughts and is going to help me. anyway, i must take a look at the sky and make sure." so she jumped up and ran through the passage to the outer entrance, and they all followed after her and grouped themselves on a ledge of the mountain-side. sure enough, dark clouds had filled the sky and a slow, drizzling rain had set in. "it can't last for long," said shaggy, looking upward, "and when it stops we shall lose the sweet little fairy we have learned to love. alas," he continued, after a moment, "the clouds are already breaking in the west, and--see!--isn't that the rainbow coming?" betsy didn't look at the sky; she looked at polychrome, whose happy, smiling face surely foretold the coming of her father to take her to the cloud palaces. a moment later a gleam of sunshine flooded the mountain and a gorgeous rainbow appeared. with a cry of gladness polychrome sprang upon a point of rock and held out her arms. straightway the rainbow descended until its end was at her very feet, when with a graceful leap she sprang upon it and was at once clasped in the arms of her radiant sisters, the daughters of the rainbow. but polychrome released herself to lean over the edge of the glowing arch and nod, and smile and throw a dozen kisses to her late comrades. "good-bye!" she called, and they all shouted "good-bye!" in return and waved their hands to their pretty friend. slowly the magnificent bow lifted and melted into the sky, until the eyes of the earnest watchers saw only fleecy clouds flitting across the blue. "i'm dreadful sorry to see polychrome go," said betsy, who felt like crying; "but i s'pose she'll be a good deal happier with her sisters in the sky palaces." "to be sure," returned shaggy, nodding gravely. "it's her home, you know, and those poor wanderers who, like ourselves, have no home, can realize what that means to her." "once," said betsy, "i, too, had a home. now, i've only--only--dear old hank!" [illustration] she twined her arms around her shaggy friend who was not human, and he said: "hee-haw!" in a tone that showed he understood her mood. and the shaggy friend who was human stroked the child's head tenderly and said: "you're wrong about that, betsy dear. i will never desert you." "nor i!" exclaimed shaggy's brother, in earnest tones. the little girl looked up at them gratefully, and her eyes smiled through their tears. "all right," she said. "it's raining again, so let's go back into the cavern." rather soberly, for all loved polychrome and would miss her, they reã«ntered the dominions of the nome king. [illustration] [illustration] chapter 24 dorothy is delighted "well," said queen ann, when all were again seated in kaliko's royal cavern, "i wonder what we shall do next. if i could find my way back to oogaboo i'd take my army home at once, for i'm sick and tired of these dreadful hardships." "don't you want to conquer the world?" asked betsy. "no; i've changed my mind about that," admitted the queen. "the world is too big for one person to conquer and i was happier with my own people in oogaboo. i wish--oh, how earnestly i wish--that i was back there this minute!" "so do i!" yelled every officer in a fervent tone. now, it is time for the reader to know that in the far-away land of oz the lovely ruler, ozma, had been following the adventures of her shaggy man, and tik-tok, and all the others they had met. day by day ozma, with the wonderful wizard of oz seated beside her, had gazed upon a magic picture in a radium frame, which occupied one side of the ruler's cosy boudoir in the palace of the emerald city. the singular thing about this magic picture was that it showed whatever scene ozma wished to see, with the figures all in motion, just as it was taking place. so ozma and the wizard had watched every action of the adventurers from the time shaggy had met shipwrecked betsy and hank in the rose kingdom, at which time the rose princess, a distant cousin of ozma, had been exiled by her heartless subjects. when ann and her people so earnestly wished to return to oogaboo, ozma was sorry for them and remembered that oogaboo was a corner of the land of oz. she turned to her attendant and asked: "can not your magic take these unhappy people to their old home, wizard?" "it can, your highness," replied the little wizard. "i think the poor queen has suffered enough in her misguided effort to conquer the world," said ozma, smiling at the absurdity of the undertaking, "so no doubt she will hereafter be contented in her own little kingdom. please send her there, wizard, and with her the officers and files." "how about the rose princess?" asked the wizard. "send her to oogaboo with files," answered ozma. "they have become such good friends that i am sure it would make them unhappy to separate them." "very well," said the wizard, and without any fuss or mystery whatever he performed a magical rite that was simple and effective. therefore those seated in the nome king's cavern were both startled and amazed when all the people of oogaboo suddenly disappeared from the room, and with them the rose princess. at first they could not understand it at all; but presently shaggy suspected the truth, and believing that ozma was now taking an interest in the party he drew from his pocket a tiny instrument which he placed against his ear. ozma, observing this action in her magic picture, at once caught up a similar instrument from a table beside her and held it to her own ear. the two instruments recorded the same delicate vibrations of sound and formed a wireless telephone, an invention of the wizard. those separated by any distance were thus enabled to converse together with perfect ease and without any wire connection. "do you hear me, shaggy man?" asked ozma. "yes, your highness," he replied. "i have sent the people of oogaboo back to their own little valley," announced the ruler of oz; "so do not worry over their disappearance." "that was very kind of you," said shaggy. "but your highness must permit me to report that my own mission here is now ended. i have found my lost brother, and he is now beside me, freed from the enchantment of ugliness which ruggedo cast upon him. tik-tok has served me and my comrades faithfully, as you requested him to do, and i hope you will now transport the clockwork man back to your fairyland of oz." "i will do that," replied ozma. "but how about yourself, shaggy?" "i have been very happy in oz," he said, "but my duty to others forces me to exile myself from that delightful land. i must take care of my new-found brother, for one thing, and i have a new comrade in a dear little girl named betsy bobbin, who has no home to go to, and no other friends but me and a small donkey named hank. i have promised betsy never to desert her as long as she needs a friend, and so i must give up the delights of the land of oz forever." he said this with a sigh of regret, and ozma made no reply but laid the tiny instrument on her table, thus cutting off all further communication with the shaggy man. but the lovely ruler of oz still watched her magic picture, with a thoughtful expression upon her face, and the little wizard of oz watched ozma and smiled softly to himself. in the cavern of the nome king shaggy replaced the wireless telephone in his pocket and turning to betsy said in as cheerful a voice as he could muster: "well, little comrade, what shall we do next?" "i don't know, i'm sure," she answered with a puzzled face. "i'm kind of sorry our adventures are over, for i enjoyed them, and now that queen ann and her people are gone, and polychrome is gone, and--dear me!--where's tik-tok, shaggy?" "he also has disappeared," said shaggy, looking around the cavern and nodding wisely. "by this time he is in ozma's palace in the land of oz, which is his home." "isn't it your home, too?" asked betsy. "it used to be, my dear; but now my home is wherever you and my brother are. we are wanderers, you know, but if we stick together i am sure we shall have a good time." "then," said the girl, "let us get out of this stuffy, underground cavern and go in search of new adventures. i'm sure it has stopped raining." "i'm ready," said shaggy, and then they bade good-bye to king kaliko, and thanked him for his assistance, and went out to the mouth of the passage. the sky was now clear and a brilliant blue in color; the sun shone brightly and even this rugged, rocky country seemed delightful after their confinement underground. there were but four of them now--betsy and hank, and shaggy and his brother--and the little party made their way down the mountain and followed a faint path that led toward the southwest. during this time ozma had been holding a conference with the wizard, and later with tik-tok, whom the magic of the wizard had quickly transported to ozma's palace. tik-tok had only words of praise for betsy bobbin, "who," he said, "is al-most as nice as dor-o-thy her-self." "let us send for dorothy," said ozma, and summoning her favorite maid, who was named jellia jamb, she asked her to request princess dorothy to attend her at once. so a few moments later dorothy entered ozma's room and greeted her and the wizard and tik-tok with the same gentle smile and simple manner that had won for the little girl the love of everyone she met. "did you want to see me, ozma?" she asked. "yes, dear. i am puzzled how to act, and i want your advice." "i don't b'lieve it's worth much," replied dorothy, "but i'll do the best i can. what is it all about, ozma?" "you all know," said the girl ruler, addressing her three friends, "what a serious thing it is to admit any mortals into this fairyland of oz. it is true i have invited several mortals to make their home here, and all of them have proved true and loyal subjects. indeed, no one of you three was a native of oz. dorothy and the wizard came here from the united states, and tik-tok came from the land of ev. but of course he is not a mortal. shaggy is another american, and he is the cause of all my worry, for our dear shaggy will not return here and desert the new friends he has found in his recent adventures, because he believes they need his services." "shaggy man was always kind-hearted," remarked dorothy. "but who are these new friends he has found?" "one is his brother, who for many years has been a prisoner of the nome king, our old enemy ruggedo. this brother seems a kindly, honest fellow, but he has done nothing to entitle him to a home in the land of oz." "who else?" asked dorothy. "i have told you about betsy bobbin, the little girl who was shipwrecked--in much the same way you once were--and has since been following the shaggy man in his search for his lost brother. you remember her, do you not?" "oh, yes!" exclaimed dorothy. "i've often watched her and hank in the magic picture, you know. she's a dear little girl, and old hank is a darling! where are they now?" "look and see," replied ozma with a smile at her friend's enthusiasm. dorothy turned to the picture, which showed betsy and hank, with shaggy and his brother, trudging along the rocky paths of a barren country. "seems to me," she said, musingly, "that they're a good way from any place to sleep, or any nice things to eat." "you are right," said tik-tok. "i have been in that coun-try, and it is a wil-der-ness." "it is the country of the nomes," explained the wizard, "who are so mischievous that no one cares to live near them. i'm afraid shaggy and his friends will endure many hardships before they get out of that rocky place, unless--" he turned to ozma and smiled. "unless i ask you to transport them all here?" she asked. "yes, your highness." "could your magic do that?" inquired dorothy. "i think so," said the wizard. "well," said dorothy, "as far as betsy and hank are concerned, i'd like to have them here in oz. it would be such fun to have a girl playmate of my own age, you see. and hank is such a dear little mule!" ozma laughed at the wistful expression in the girl's eyes, and then she drew dorothy to her and kissed her. "am i not your friend and playmate?" she asked. dorothy flushed. "you know how dearly i love you, ozma!" she cried. "but you're so busy ruling all this land of oz that we can't always be together." "i know, dear. my first duty is to my subjects, and i think it would be a delight to us all to have betsy with us. there's a pretty suite of rooms just opposite your own where she can live, and i'll build a golden stall for hank in the stable where the sawhorse lives. then we'll introduce the mule to the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, and i'm sure they will soon become firm friends. but i cannot very well admit betsy and hank into oz unless i also admit shaggy's brother." "and, unless you admit shaggy's brother, you will keep out poor shaggy, whom we are all very fond of," said the wizard. "well, why not ad-mit him?" demanded tik-tok. "the land of oz is not a refuge for all mortals in distress," explained ozma. "i do not wish to be unkind to shaggy man, but his brother has no claim on me." "the land of oz isn't crowded," suggested dorothy. "then you advise me to admit shaggy's brother?" inquired ozma. "well, we can't afford to lose our shaggy man, can we?" "no, indeed!" returned ozma. "what do you say, wizard?" "i'm getting my magic ready to transport them all." "and you, tik-tok?" "shag-gy's broth-er is a good fel-low, and we can't spare shag-gy." "so, then, the question is settled," decided ozma. "perform your magic, wizard!" he did so, placing a silver plate upon a small standard and pouring upon the plate a small quantity of pink powder which was contained in a crystal vial. then he muttered a rather difficult incantation which the sorceress glinda the good had taught him, and it all ended in a puff of perfumed smoke from the silver plate. this smoke was so pungent that it made both ozma and dorothy rub their eyes for a moment. "you must pardon these disagreeable fumes," said the wizard. "i assure you the smoke is a very necessary part of my wizardry." "look!" cried dorothy, pointing to the magic picture; "they're gone! all of them are gone." indeed, the picture now showed the same rocky landscape as before, but the three people and the mule had disappeared from it. "they are gone," said the wizard, polishing the silver plate and wrapping it in a fine cloth, "because they are here." at that moment jellia jamb entered the room. "your highness," she said to ozma, "the shaggy man and another man are in the waiting room and ask to pay their respects to you. shaggy is crying like a baby, but he says they are tears of joy." [illustration] "send them here at once, jellia!" commanded ozma. "also," continued the maid, "a girl and a small-sized mule have mysteriously arrived, but they don't seem to know where they are or how they came here. shall i send them here, too?" "oh, no!" exclaimed dorothy, eagerly jumping up from her chair; "i'll go to meet betsy myself, for she'll feel awful strange in this big palace." and she ran down the stairs two at a time to greet her new friend, betsy bobbin. [illustration] [illustration] chapter 25 the land of love "well, is 'hee-haw' all you are able to say?" inquired the sawhorse, as he examined hank with his knot eyes and slowly wagged the branch that served him for a tail. they were in a beautiful stable in the rear of ozma's palace, where the wooden sawhorse--very much alive--lived in a gold-paneled stall, and where there were rooms for the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, which were filled with soft cushions for them to lie upon and golden troughs for them to eat from. beside the stall of the sawhorse had been placed another for hank, the mule. this was not quite so beautiful as the other, for the sawhorse was ozma's favorite steed; but hank had a supply of cushions for a bed (which the sawhorse did not need because he never slept) and all this luxury was so strange to the little mule that he could only stand still and regard his surroundings and his queer companions with wonder and amazement. the cowardly lion, looking very dignified, was stretched out upon the marble floor of the stable, eyeing hank with a calm and critical gaze, while near by crouched the huge hungry tiger, who seemed equally interested in the new animal that had just arrived. the sawhorse, standing stiffly before hank, repeated his question: "is 'hee-haw' all you are able to say?" hank moved his ears in an embarrassed manner. "i have never said anything else, until now," he replied; and then he began to tremble with fright to hear himself talk. "i can well understand that," remarked the lion, wagging his great head with a swaying motion. "strange things happen in this land of oz, as they do everywhere else. i believe you came here from the cold, civilized, outside world, did you not?" "i did," replied hank. "one minute i was outside of oz--and the next minute i was inside! that was enough to give me a nervous shock, as you may guess; but to find myself able to talk, as betsy does, is a marvel that staggers me." "that is because you are in the land of oz," said the sawhorse. "all animals talk, in this favored country, and you must admit it is more sociable than to bray your dreadful 'hee-haw,' which nobody can understand." "mules understand it very well," declared hank. "oh, indeed! then there must be other mules in your outside world," said the tiger, yawning sleepily. "there are a great many in america," said hank. "are you the only tiger in oz?" "no," acknowledged the tiger, "i have many relatives living in the jungle country; but i am the only tiger living in the emerald city." "there are other lions, too," said the sawhorse; "but i am the only horse, of any description, in this favored land." "that is why this land is favored," said the tiger. "you must understand, friend hank, that the sawhorse puts on airs because he is shod with plates of gold, and because our beloved ruler, ozma of oz, likes to ride upon his back." "betsy rides upon _my_ back," declared hank proudly. "who is betsy?" "the dearest, sweetest girl in all the world!" the sawhorse gave an angry snort and stamped his golden feet. the tiger crouched and growled. slowly the great lion rose to his feet, his mane bristling. "friend hank," said he, "either you are mistaken in judgment or you are willfully trying to deceive us. the dearest, sweetest girl in the world is our dorothy, and i will fight anyone--animal or human--who dares to deny it!" "so will i!" snarled the tiger, showing two rows of enormous white teeth. "you are all wrong!" asserted the sawhorse in a voice of scorn. "no girl living can compare with my mistress, ozma of oz!" hank slowly turned around until his heels were toward the others. then he said stubbornly: "i am not mistaken in my statement, nor will i admit there can be a sweeter girl alive than betsy bobbin. if you want to fight, come on--i'm ready for you!" while they hesitated, eyeing hank's heels doubtfully, a merry peal of laughter startled the animals and turning their heads they beheld three lovely girls standing just within the richly carved entrance to the stable. in the center was ozma, her arms encircling the waists of dorothy and betsy, who stood on either side of her. ozma was nearly half a head taller than the two other girls, who were almost of one size. unobserved, they had listened to the talk of the animals, which was a very strange experience indeed to little betsy bobbin. "you foolish beasts!" exclaimed the ruler of oz, in a gentle but chiding tone of voice. "why should you fight to defend us, who are all three loving friends and in no sense rivals? answer me!" she continued, as they bowed their heads sheepishly. "i have the right to express my opinion, your highness," pleaded the lion. "and so have the others," replied ozma. "i am glad you and the hungry tiger love dorothy best, for she was your first friend and companion. also i am pleased that my sawhorse loves me best, for together we have endured both joy and sorrow. hank has proved his faith and loyalty by defending his own little mistress; and so you are all right in one way, but wrong in another. our land of oz is a land of love, and here friendship outranks every other quality. unless you can all be friends, you cannot retain our love." they accepted this rebuke very meekly. "all right," said the sawhorse, quite cheerfully; "shake hoofs, friend mule." hank touched his hoof to that of the wooden horse. "let us be friends and rub noses," said the tiger. so hank modestly rubbed noses with the big beast. the lion merely nodded and said, as he crouched before the mule: "any friend of a friend of our beloved ruler is a friend of the cowardly lion. that seems to cover your case. if ever you need help or advice, friend hank, call on me." "why, this is as it should be," said ozma, highly pleased to see them so fully reconciled. then she turned to her companions: "come, my dears, let us resume our walk." as they turned away betsy said wonderingly: "do all the animals in oz talk as we do?" "almost all," answered dorothy. "there's a yellow hen here, and she can talk, and so can her chickens; and there's a pink kitten upstairs in my room who talks very nicely; but i've a little fuzzy black dog, named toto, who has been with me in oz a long time, and he's never said a single word but 'bow-wow!'" "do you know why?" asked ozma. "why, he's a kansas dog; so i s'pose he's different from these fairy animals," replied dorothy. "hank isn't a fairy animal, any more than toto," said ozma, "yet as soon as he came under the spell of our fairyland he found he could talk. it was the same way with billina, the yellow hen whom you brought here at one time. the same spell has affected toto, i assure you; but he's a wise little dog and while he knows everything that is said to him he prefers not to talk." "goodness me!" exclaimed dorothy. "i never s'pected toto was fooling me all this time." then she drew a small silver whistle from her pocket and blew a shrill note upon it. a moment later there was a sound of scurrying footsteps, and a shaggy black dog came running up the path. [illustration] dorothy knelt down before him and shaking her finger just above his nose she said: "toto, haven't i always been good to you?" toto looked up at her with his bright black eyes and wagged his tail. "bow-wow!" he said, and betsy knew at once that meant yes, as well as dorothy and ozma knew it, for there was no mistaking the tone of toto's voice. "that's a dog answer," said dorothy. "how would you like it, toto, if i said nothing to you but 'bow-wow'?" toto's tail was wagging furiously now, but otherwise he was silent. "really, dorothy," said betsy, "he can talk with his bark and his tail just as well as we can. don't you understand such dog language?" "of course i do," replied dorothy. "but toto's got to be more sociable. see here, sir!" she continued, addressing the dog, "i've just learned, for the first time, that you can say words--if you want to. don't you want to, toto?" "woof!" said toto, and that meant "no." "not just one word, toto, to prove you're as good as any other animal in oz?" "woof!" "just one word, toto--and then you may run away." he looked at her steadily a moment. "all right. here i go!" he said, and darted away as swift as an arrow. dorothy clapped her hands in delight, while betsy and ozma both laughed heartily at her pleasure and the success of her experiment. arm in arm they sauntered away through the beautiful gardens of the palace, where magnificent flowers bloomed in abundance and fountains shot their silvery sprays far into the air. and by and by, as they turned a corner, they came upon shaggy man and his brother, who were seated together upon a golden bench. the two arose to bow respectfully as the ruler of oz approached them. "how are you enjoying our land of oz?" ozma asked the stranger. "i am very happy here, your highness," replied shaggy's brother. "also i am very grateful to you for permitting me to live in this delightful place." "you must thank shaggy for that," said ozma. "being his brother, i have made you welcome here." "when you know brother better," said shaggy earnestly, "you will be glad he has become one of your loyal subjects. i am just getting acquainted with him myself, and i find much in his character to admire." leaving the brothers, ozma and the girls continued their walk. presently betsy exclaimed: "shaggy's brother can't ever be as happy in oz as _i_ am. do you know, dorothy, i didn't believe any girl could ever have such a good time--_anywhere_--as i'm having now?" "i know," answered dorothy. "i've felt that way myself, lots of times." "i wish," continued betsy, dreamily, "that every little girl in the world could live in the land of oz; and every little boy, too!" ozma laughed at this. "it is quite fortunate for us, betsy, that your wish cannot be granted," said she, "for all that army of girls and boys would crowd us so that we would have to move away." "yes," agreed betsy, after a little thought, "i guess that's true." [illustration] * * * * * transcriber's note: all illustrations were placed so as to not split paragraphs. three presumed typographical errors were corrected: p. 176, rooks to rocks ("on the rough =rocks=."); p. 203, any to my ("... get off =my= left toe ..."); and p. 233, comma to question mark ("what could you find to eat here=?="). all usage of "every one" and "everyone" were both retained. transcriber's notes: italic text is denoted by _underscores_. chapter headings were parts of illustrations. [illustration: this book belongs to] [illustration: the emerald city of oz] [illustration] to her royal highness cynthia ii of syracuse; and to each and every one of the children whose loyal appreciation has encouraged me to write the oz books this volume is affectionately dedicated. [illustration: he led them into his queer mansion-(_see page 259_)] the emerald city of oz by l. frank baum author of the road to oz, dorothy and the wizard in oz, the land of oz, etc. [illustration] illustrated by john r. neill the reilly & lee co. chicago [illustration] copyright 1910 by l. frank baum all rights reserved [illustration] perhaps i should admit on the title page that this book is "by l. frank baum and his correspondents," for i have used many suggestions conveyed to me in letters from children. once on a time i really imagined myself "an author of fairy tales," but now i am merely an editor or private secretary for a host of youngsters whose ideas i am requested to weave into the thread of my stories. these ideas are often clever. they are also logical and interesting. so i have used them whenever i could find an opportunity, and it is but just that i acknowledge my indebtedness to my little friends. my, what imaginations these children have developed! sometimes i am fairly astounded by their daring and genius. there will be no lack of fairy-tale authors in the future, i am sure. my readers have told me what to do with dorothy, and aunt em and uncle henry, and i have obeyed their mandates. they have also given me a variety of subjects to write about in the future: enough, in fact, to keep me busy for some time. i am very proud of this alliance. children love these stories because children have helped to create them. my readers know what they want and realize that i try to please them. the result is very satisfactory to the publishers, to me, and (i am quite sure) to the children. i hope, my dears, it will be a long time before we are obliged to dissolve partnership. _coronado, 1910_ l. frank baum. [illustration] [illustration: hum bug] list of chapters chapter page 1 how the nome king became angry 11 2 how uncle henry got into trouble 21 3 how ozma granted dorothy's request 29 4 how the nome king planned revenge 39 5 how dorothy became a princess 48 6 how guph visited the whimsies 59 7 how aunt em conquered the lion 66 8 how the grand gallipoot joined the nomes 78 9 how the wogglebug taught athletics 87 10 how the cuttenclips lived 100 11 how the general met the first and foremost 114 12 how they matched the fuddles 127 13 how the general talked to the king 141 14 how the wizard practiced sorcery 147 15 how dorothy happened to get lost 158 16 how dorothy visited utensia 169 17 how they came to bunbury 180 18 how ozma looked into the magic picture 192 19 how bunnybury welcomed the strangers 196 20 how dorothy lunched with a king 205 21 how the king changed his mind 216 22 how the wizard found dorothy 226 23 how they encountered the flutterbudgets 237 24 how the tin woodman told the sad news 247 25 how the scarecrow displayed his wisdom 255 26 how ozma refused to fight for her kingdom 263 27 how the fierce warriors invaded oz 275 28 how they drank at the forbidden fountain 280 29 how glinda worked a magic spell 289 30 how the story of oz came to an end 295 [illustration] _how_ the nome king became angry chapter one [illustration] the nome king was in an angry mood, and at such times he was very disagreeable. every one kept away from him, even his chief steward kaliko. therefore the king stormed and raved all by himself, walking up and down in his jewel-studded cavern and getting angrier all the time. then he remembered that it was no fun being angry unless he had some one to frighten and make miserable, and he rushed to his big gong and made it clatter as loud as he could. in came the chief steward, trying not to show the nome king how frightened he was. "send the chief counselor here!" shouted the angry monarch. kaliko ran out as fast as his spindle legs could carry his fat round body, and soon the chief counselor entered the cavern. the king scowled and said to him: "i'm in great trouble over the loss of my magic belt. every little while i want to do something magical, and find i can't because the belt is gone. that makes me angry, and when i'm angry i can't have a good time. now, what do you advise?" "some people," said the chief counselor, "enjoy getting angry." "but not all the time," declared the king. "to be angry once in a while is really good fun, because it makes others so miserable. but to be angry morning, noon and night, as i am, grows monotonous and prevents my gaining any other pleasure in life. now, what do you advise?" "why, if you are angry because you want to do magical things and can't, and if you don't want to get angry at all, my advice is not to want to do magical things." hearing this, the king glared at his counselor with a furious expression and tugged at his own long white whiskers until he pulled them so hard that he yelled with pain. "you are a fool!" he exclaimed. "i share that honor with your majesty," said the chief counselor. the king roared with rage and stamped his foot. [illustration] "ho, there, my guards!" he cried. "ho" is a royal way of saying, "come here." so, when the guards had hoed, the king said to them: "take this chief counselor and throw him away." then the guards took the chief counselor, and bound him with chains to prevent his struggling, and threw him away. and the king paced up and down his cavern more angry than before. finally he rushed to his big gong and made it clatter like a fire-alarm. kaliko appeared again, trembling and white with fear. "fetch my pipe!" yelled the king. "your pipe is already here, your majesty," replied kaliko. "then get my tobacco!" roared the king. "the tobacco is in your pipe, your majesty," returned the steward. "then bring a live coal from the furnace!" commanded the king. "the tobacco is lighted, and your majesty is already smoking your pipe," answered the steward. "why, so i am!" said the king, who had forgotten this fact; "but you are very rude to remind me of it." "i am a lowborn, miserable villain," declared the chief steward, humbly. the nome king could think of nothing to say next, so he puffed away at his pipe and paced up and down the room. finally he remembered how angry he was, and cried out: "what do you mean, kaliko, by being so contented when your monarch is unhappy?" "what makes you unhappy?" asked the steward. "i've lost my magic belt. a little girl named dorothy, who was here with ozma of oz, stole my belt and carried it away with her," said the king, grinding his teeth with rage. "she captured it in a fair fight," kaliko ventured to say. "but i want it! i must have it! half my power is gone with that belt!" roared the king. "you will have to go to the land of oz to recover it, and your majesty can't get to the land of oz in any possible way," said the steward, yawning because he had been on duty ninety-six hours, and was sleepy. "why not?" asked the king. "because there is a deadly desert all around that fairy country, which no one is able to cross. you know that fact as well as i do, your majesty. never mind the lost belt. you have plenty of power left, for you rule this underground kingdom like a tyrant, and thousands of nomes obey your commands. i advise you to drink a glass of melted silver, to quiet your nerves, and then go to bed." the king grabbed a big ruby and threw it at kaliko's head. the steward ducked to escape the heavy jewel, which crashed against the door just over his left ear. "get out of my sight! vanish! go away--and send general blug here," screamed the nome king. kaliko hastily withdrew, and the nome king stamped up and down until the general of his armies appeared. this nome was known far and wide as a terrible fighter and a cruel, desperate commander. he had fifty thousand nome soldiers, all well drilled, who feared nothing but their stern master. yet general blug was a trifle uneasy when he arrived and saw how angry the nome king was. "ha! so you're here!" cried the king. "so i am," said the general. "march your army at once to the land of oz, capture and destroy the emerald city, and bring back to me my magic belt!" roared the king. "you're crazy," calmly remarked the general. "what's that? what's that? what's that?" and the nome king danced around on his pointed toes, he was so enraged. "you don't know what you're talking about," continued the general, seating himself upon a large cut diamond. "i advise you to stand in a corner and count sixty before you speak again. by that time you may be more sensible." the king looked around for something to throw at general blug, but as nothing was handy he began to consider that perhaps the man was right and he had been talking foolishly. so he merely threw himself into his glittering throne and tipped his crown over his ear and curled his feet up under him and glared wickedly at blug. "in the first place," said the general, "we cannot march across the deadly desert to the land of oz; and, if we could, the ruler of that country, princess ozma, has certain fairy powers that would render my army helpless. had you not lost your magic belt we might have some chance of defeating ozma; but the belt is gone." "i want it!" screamed the king. "i must have it." "well, then, let us try in a sensible way to get it," replied the general. "the belt was captured by a little girl named dorothy, who lives in kansas, in the united states of america." "but she left it in the emerald city, with ozma," declared the king. "how do you know that?" asked the general. "one of my spies, who is a blackbird, flew over the desert to the land of oz, and saw the magic belt in ozma's palace," replied the king with a groan. "now, that gives me an idea," said general blug, thoughtfully. "there are two ways to get to the land of oz without traveling across the sandy desert." "what are they?" demanded the king, eagerly. "one way is _over_ the desert, through the air; and the other way is _under_ the desert, through the earth." [illustration] hearing this the nome king uttered a yell of joy and leaped from his throne, to resume his wild walk up and down the cavern. "that's it, blug!" he shouted. "that's the idea, general! i'm king of the under world, and my subjects are all miners. i'll make a secret tunnel under the desert to the land of oz--yes! right up to the emerald city--and you will march your armies there and capture the whole country!" "softly, softly, your majesty. don't go too fast," warned the general. "my nomes are good fighters, but they are not strong enough to conquer the emerald city." "are you sure?" asked the king. "absolutely certain, your majesty." "then what am i to do?" "give up the idea and mind your own business," advised the general. "you have plenty to do trying to rule your underground kingdom." "but i want that magic belt--and i'm going to have it!" roared the nome king. "i'd like to see you get it," replied the general, laughing maliciously. the king was by this time so exasperated that he picked up his scepter, which had a heavy ball, made from a sapphire, at the end of it, and threw it with all his force at general blug. the sapphire hit the general upon his forehead and knocked him flat upon the ground, where he lay motionless. then the king rang his gong and told his guards to drag out the general and throw him away; which they did. this nome king was named roquat the red, and no one loved him. he was a bad man and a powerful monarch, and he had resolved to destroy the land of oz and its magnificent emerald city, to enslave princess ozma and little dorothy and all the oz people, and recover his magic belt. this same belt had once enabled roquat the red to carry out many wicked plans; but that was before ozma and her people marched to the underground cavern and captured it. the nome king could not forgive dorothy or princess ozma, and he had determined to be revenged upon them. but they, for their part, did not know they had so dangerous an enemy. indeed, ozma and dorothy had both almost forgotten that such a person as the nome king yet lived under the mountains of the land of ev--which lay just across the deadly desert to the south of the land of oz. an unsuspected enemy is doubly dangerous. [illustration] _how_ uncle henry got into trouble chapter two [illustration] dorothy gale lived on a farm in kansas, with her aunt em and her uncle henry. it was not a big farm, nor a very good one, because sometimes the rain did not come when the crops needed it, and then everything withered and dried up. once a cyclone had carried away uncle henry's house, so that he was obliged to build another; and as he was a poor man he had to mortgage his farm to get the money to pay for the new house. then his health became bad and he was too feeble to work. the doctor ordered him to take a sea voyage and he went to australia and took dorothy with him. that cost a lot of money, too. uncle henry grew poorer every year, and the crops raised on the farm only bought food for the family. therefore the mortgage could not be paid. at last the banker who had loaned him the money said that if he did not pay on a certain day, his farm would be taken away from him. this worried uncle henry a good deal, for without the farm he would have no way to earn a living. he was a good man, and worked in the fields as hard as he could; and aunt em did all the housework, with dorothy's help. yet they did not seem to get along. this little girl, dorothy, was like dozens of little girls you know. she was loving and usually sweet-tempered, and had a round rosy face and earnest eyes. life was a serious thing to dorothy, and a wonderful thing, too, for she had encountered more strange adventures in her short life than many other girls of her age. aunt em once said she thought the fairies must have marked dorothy at her birth, because she had wandered into strange places and had always been protected by some unseen power. as for uncle henry, he thought his little niece merely a dreamer, as her dead mother had been, for he could not quite believe all the curious stories dorothy told them of the land of oz, which she had several times visited. he did not think that she tried to deceive her uncle and aunt, but he imagined that she had dreamed all of those astonishing adventures, and that the dreams had been so real to her that she had come to believe them true. whatever the explanation might be, it was certain that dorothy had been absent from her kansas home for several long periods, always disappearing unexpectedly, yet always coming back safe and sound, with amazing tales of where she had been and the unusual people she had met. her uncle and aunt listened to her stories eagerly and in spite of their doubts began to feel that the little girl had gained a lot of experience and wisdom that were unaccountable in this age, when fairies are supposed no longer to exist. most of dorothy's stories were about the land of oz, with its beautiful emerald city and a lovely girl ruler named ozma, who was the most faithful friend of the little kansas girl. when dorothy told about the riches of this fairy country uncle henry would sigh, for he knew that a single one of the great emeralds that were so common there would pay all his debts and leave his farm free. but dorothy never brought any jewels home with her, so their poverty became greater every year. when the banker told uncle henry that he must pay the money in thirty days or leave the farm, the poor man was in despair, as he knew he could not possibly get the money. so he told his wife, aunt em, of his trouble, and she first cried a little and then said that they must be brave and do the best they could, and go away somewhere and try to earn an honest living. but they were getting old and feeble and she feared that they could not take care of dorothy as well as they had formerly done. probably the little girl would also be obliged to go to work. they did not tell their niece the sad news for several days, not wishing to make her unhappy; but one morning the little girl found aunt em softly crying while uncle henry tried to comfort her. then dorothy asked them to tell her what was the matter. "we must give up the farm, my dear," replied her uncle, sadly, "and wander away into the world to work for our living." the girl listened quite seriously, for she had not known before how desperately poor they were. "we don't mind for ourselves," said her aunt, stroking the little girl's head tenderly; "but we love you as if you were our own child, and we are heart-broken to think that you must also endure poverty, and work for a living before you have grown big and strong." "what could i do to earn money?" asked dorothy. "you might do housework for some one, dear, you are so handy; or perhaps you could be a nurse-maid to little children. i'm sure i don't know exactly what you _can_ do to earn money, but if your uncle and i are able to support you we will do it willingly, and send you to school. we fear, though, that we shall have much trouble in earning a living for ourselves. no one wants to employ old people who are broken down in health, as we are." [illustration] dorothy smiled. "wouldn't it be funny," she said, "for me to do housework in kansas, when i'm a princess in the land of oz?" "a princess!" they both exclaimed, astonished. "yes; ozma made me a princess some time ago, and she has often begged me to come and live always in the emerald city," said the child. her uncle and aunt looked at each other in amazement. then the man said: "do you suppose you could manage to return to your fairyland, my dear?" "oh, yes," replied dorothy; "i could do that easily." "how?" asked aunt em. "ozma sees me every day at four o'clock, in her magic picture. she can see me wherever i am, no matter what i am doing. and at that time, if i make a certain secret sign, she will send for me by means of the magic belt, which i once captured from the nome king. then, in the wink of an eye, i shall be with ozma in her palace." the elder people remained silent for some time after dorothy had spoken. finally aunt em said, with another sigh of regret: "if that is the case, dorothy, perhaps you'd better go and live in the emerald city. it will break our hearts to lose you from our lives, but you will be so much better off with your fairy friends that it seems wisest and best for you to go." "i'm not so sure about that," remarked uncle henry, shaking his gray head doubtfully. "these things all seem real to dorothy, i know; but i'm afraid our little girl won't find her fairyland just what she has dreamed it to be. it would make me very unhappy to think that she was wandering among strangers who might be unkind to her." dorothy laughed merrily at this speech, and then she became very sober again, for she could see how all this trouble was worrying her aunt and uncle, and knew that unless she found a way to help them their future lives would be quite miserable and unhappy. she knew that she _could_ help them. she had thought of a way already. yet she did not tell them at once what it was, because she must ask ozma's consent before she would be able to carry out her plans. so she only said: "if you will promise not to worry a bit about me, i'll go to the land of oz this very afternoon. and i'll make a promise, too; that you shall both see me again before the day comes when you must leave this farm." "the day isn't far away, now," her uncle sadly replied. "i did not tell you of our trouble until i was obliged to, dear dorothy, so the evil time is near at hand. but if you are quite sure your fairy friends will give you a home, it will be best for you to go to them, as your aunt says." that was why dorothy went to her little room in the attic that afternoon, taking with her a small dog named toto. the dog had curly black hair and big brown eyes and loved dorothy very dearly. the child had kissed her uncle and aunt affectionately before she went upstairs, and now she looked around her little room rather wistfully, gazing at the simple trinkets and worn calico and gingham dresses, as if they were old friends. she was tempted at first to make a bundle of them, yet she knew very well that they would be of no use to her in her future life. she sat down upon a broken-backed chair--the only one the room contained--and holding toto in her arms waited patiently until the clock struck four. then she made the secret signal that had been agreed upon between her and ozma. uncle henry and aunt em waited downstairs. they were uneasy and a good deal excited, for this is a practical humdrum world, and it seemed to them quite impossible that their little niece could vanish from her home and travel instantly to fairyland. so they watched the stairs, which seemed to be the only way that dorothy could get out of the farmhouse, and they watched them a long time. they heard the clock strike four, but there was no sound from above. half-past four came, and now they were too impatient to wait any longer. softly they crept up the stairs to the door of the little girl's room. "dorothy! dorothy!" they called. there was no answer. they opened the door and looked in. the room was empty. [illustration] _how_ ozma granted dorothy's request chapter three [illustration] i suppose you have read so much about the magnificent emerald city that there is little need for me to describe it here. it is the capital city of the land of oz, which is justly considered the most attractive and delightful fairyland in all the world. the emerald city is built all of beautiful marbles in which are set a profusion of emeralds, every one exquisitely cut and of very great size. there are other jewels used in the decorations inside the houses and palaces, such as rubies, diamonds, sapphires, amethysts and turquoises. but in the streets and upon the outside of the buildings only emeralds appear, from which circumstance the place is named the emerald city of oz. it has nine thousand, six hundred and fifty-four buildings, in which lived fifty-seven thousand three hundred and eighteen people, up to the time my story opens. all the surrounding country, extending to the borders of the desert which enclosed it upon every side, was full of pretty and comfortable farmhouses, in which resided those inhabitants of oz who preferred country to city life. altogether there were more than half a million people in the land of oz--although some of them, as you will soon learn, were not made of flesh and blood as we are--and every inhabitant of that favored country was happy and prosperous. no disease of any sort was ever known among the ozites, and so no one ever died unless he met with an accident that prevented him from living. this happened very seldom, indeed. there were no poor people in the land of oz, because there was no such thing as money, and all property of every sort belonged to the ruler. the people were her children, and she cared for them. each person was given freely by his neighbors whatever he required for his use, which is as much as any one may reasonably desire. some tilled the lands and raised great crops of grain, which was divided equally among the entire population, so that all had enough. there were many tailors and dressmakers and shoemakers and the like, who made things that any who desired them might wear. likewise there were jewelers who made ornaments for the person, which pleased and beautified the people, and these ornaments also were free to those who asked for them. each man and woman, no matter what he or she produced for the good of the community, was supplied by the neighbors with food and clothing and a house and furniture and ornaments and games. if by chance the supply ever ran short, more was taken from the great storehouses of the ruler, which were afterward filled up again when there was more of any article than the people needed. every one worked half the time and played half the time, and the people enjoyed the work as much as they did the play, because it is good to be occupied and to have something to do. there were no cruel overseers set to watch them, and no one to rebuke them or to find fault with them. so each one was proud to do all he could for his friends and neighbors, and was glad when they would accept the things he produced. you will know, by what i have here told you, that the land of oz was a remarkable country. i do not suppose such an arrangement would be practical with us, but dorothy assures me that it works finely with the oz people. oz being a fairy country, the people were, of course, fairy people; but that does not mean that all of them were very unlike the people of our own world. there were all sorts of queer characters among them, but not a single one who was evil, or who possessed a selfish or violent nature. they were peaceful, kind-hearted, loving and merry, and every inhabitant adored the beautiful girl who ruled them, and delighted to obey her every command. in spite of all i have said in a general way, there were some parts of the land of oz not quite so pleasant as the farming country and the emerald city which was its center. far away in the south country there lived in the mountains a band of strange people called hammer-heads, because they had no arms and used their flat heads to pound any one who came near them. their necks were like rubber, so that they could shoot out their heads to quite a distance, and afterward draw them back again to their shoulders. the hammer-heads were called the "wild people," but never harmed any but those who disturbed them in the mountains where they lived. in some of the dense forests there lived great beasts of every sort; yet these were for the most part harmless and even sociable, and conversed agreeably with those who visited their haunts. the kalidahs--beasts with bodies like bears and heads like tigers--had once been fierce and bloodthirsty, but even they were now nearly all tamed, although at times one or another of them would get cross and disagreeable. not so tame were the fighting trees, which had a forest of their own. if any one approached them these curious trees would bend down their branches, twine them around the intruders, and hurl them away. but these unpleasant things existed only in a few remote parts of the land of oz. i suppose every country has some drawbacks, so even this almost perfect fairyland could not be quite perfect. once there had been wicked witches in the land, too; but now these had all been destroyed; so, as i said, only peace and happiness reigned in oz. for some time ozma has ruled over this fair country, and never was ruler more popular or beloved. she is said to be the most beautiful girl the world has ever known, and her heart and mind are as lovely as her person. dorothy gale had several times visited the emerald city and experienced adventures in the land of oz, so that she and ozma had now become firm friends. the girl ruler had even made dorothy a princess of oz, and had often implored her to come to ozma's stately palace and live there always; but dorothy had been loyal to her aunt em and uncle henry, who had cared for her since she was a baby, and she had refused to leave them because she knew they would be lonely without her. however, dorothy now realized that things were going to be different with her uncle and aunt from this time forth, so after giving the matter deep thought she decided to ask ozma to grant her a very great favor. a few seconds after she had made the secret signal in her little bedchamber, the kansas girl was seated in a lovely room in ozma's palace in the emerald city of oz. when the first loving kisses and embraces had been exchanged, the fair ruler inquired: "what is the matter, dear? i know something unpleasant has happened to you, for your face was very sober when i saw it in my magic picture. and whenever you signal me to transport you to this safe place, where you are always welcome, i know you are in danger or in trouble." dorothy sighed. "this time, ozma, it isn't i," she replied. "but it's worse, i guess, for uncle henry and aunt em are in a heap of trouble, and there seems no way for them to get out of it--anyhow, not while they live in kansas." "tell me about it, dorothy," said ozma, with ready sympathy. "why, you see uncle henry is poor; for the farm in kansas doesn't 'mount to much, as farms go. so one day uncle henry borrowed some money, and wrote a letter saying that if he didn't pay the money back they could take his farm for pay. course he 'spected to pay by making money from the farm; but he just couldn't. an' so they're going to take the farm, and uncle henry and aunt em won't have any place to live. they're pretty old to do much hard work, ozma; so i'll have to work for them, unless--" ozma had been thoughtful during the story, but now she smiled and pressed her little friend's hand. "unless what, dear?" she asked. dorothy hesitated, because her request meant so much to them all. "well," said she, "i'd like to live here in the land of oz, where you've often 'vited me to live. but i can't, you know, unless uncle henry and aunt em could live here too." "of course not," exclaimed the ruler of oz, laughing gaily. "so, in order to get you, little friend, we must invite your uncle and aunt to live in oz, also." "oh, will you, ozma?" cried dorothy, clasping her chubby little hands eagerly. "will you bring them here with the magic belt, and give them a nice little farm in the munchkin country, or the winkie country--or some other place?" "to be sure," answered ozma, full of joy at the chance to please her little friend. "i have long been thinking of this very thing, dorothy dear, and often i have had it in my mind to propose it to you. i am sure your uncle and aunt must be good and worthy people, or you would not love them so much; and for _your_ friends, princess, there is always room in the land of oz." dorothy was delighted, yet not altogether surprised, for she had clung to the hope that ozma would be kind enough to grant her request. when, indeed, had her powerful and faithful friend refused her anything? "but you must not call me 'princess,'" she said; "for after this i shall live on the little farm with uncle henry and aunt em, and princesses ought not to live on farms." "princess dorothy will not," replied ozma, with her sweet smile. "you are going to live in your own rooms in this palace, and be my constant companion." "but uncle henry--" began dorothy. "oh, he is old, and has worked enough in his lifetime," interrupted the girl ruler; "so we must find a place for your uncle and aunt where they will be comfortable and happy and need not work more than they care to. when shall we transport them here, dorothy?" "i promised to go and see them again before they were turned out of the farmhouse," answered dorothy; "so--perhaps next saturday--" "but why wait so long?" asked ozma. "and why make the journey back to kansas again? let us surprise them, and bring them here without any warning." "i'm not sure that they believe in the land of oz," said dorothy, "though i've told 'em 'bout it lots of times." "they'll believe when they see it," declared ozma; "and if they are told they are to make a magical journey to our fairyland, it may make them nervous. i think the best way will be to use the magic belt without warning them, and when they have arrived you can explain to them whatever they do not understand." "perhaps that's best," decided dorothy. "there isn't much use in their staying at the farm until they are put out, 'cause it's much nicer here." [illustration] "then to-morrow morning they shall come here," said princess ozma. "i will order jellia jamb, who is the palace housekeeper, to have rooms all prepared for them, and after breakfast we will get the magic belt and by its aid transport your uncle and aunt to the emerald city." "thank you, ozma!" cried dorothy, kissing her friend gratefully. "and now," ozma proposed, "let us take a walk in the gardens before we dress for dinner. come, dorothy dear!" [illustration] _how_ the nome king planned revenge chapter four [illustration] the reason most people are bad is because they do not try to be good. now, the nome king had never tried to be good, so he was very bad indeed. having decided to conquer the land of oz and to destroy the emerald city and enslave all its people, king roquat the red kept planning ways to do this dreadful thing, and the more he planned the more he believed he would be able to accomplish it. about the time dorothy went to ozma the nome king called his chief steward to him and said: "kaliko, i think i shall make you the general of my armies." "i think you won't," replied kaliko, positively. "why not?" inquired the king, reaching for his scepter with the big sapphire. "because i'm your chief steward, and know nothing of warfare," said kaliko, preparing to dodge if anything were thrown at him. "i manage all the affairs of your kingdom better than you could yourself, and you'll never find another steward as good as i am. but there are a hundred nomes better fitted to command your army, and your generals get thrown away so often that i have no desire to be one of them." "ah, there is some truth in your remarks, kaliko," remarked the king, deciding not to throw the scepter. "summon my army to assemble in the great cavern." kaliko bowed and retired, and in a few minutes returned to say that the army was assembled. so the king went out upon a balcony that overlooked the great cavern, where fifty thousand nomes, all armed with swords and pikes, stood marshaled in military array. when they were not required as soldiers all these nomes were metal workers and miners, and they had hammered so much at the forges and dug so hard with pick and shovel that they had acquired great muscular strength. they were strangely formed creatures, rather round and not very tall. their toes were curly and their ears broad and flat. in time of war every nome left his forge or mine and became part of the great army of king roquat. the soldiers wore rock-colored uniforms and were excellently drilled. the king looked upon this tremendous army, which stood silently arrayed before him, and a cruel smile curled the corners of his mouth, for he saw that his legions were very powerful. then he addressed them from the balcony, saying: "i have thrown away general blug, because he did not please me. so i want another general to command this army. who is next in command?" "i am," replied colonel crinkle, a dapper-looking nome, as he stepped forward to salute his monarch. the king looked at him carefully and said: "i want you to march this army through an underground tunnel, which i am going to bore, to the emerald city of oz. when you get there i want you to conquer the oz people, destroy them and their city, and bring all their gold and silver and precious stones back to my cavern. also you are to recapture my magic belt and return it to me. will you do this, general crinkle?" "no, your majesty," replied the nome; "for it can't be done." "oh, indeed!" exclaimed the king. then he turned to his servants and said: "please take general crinkle to the torture chamber. there you will kindly slice him into thin slices. afterward you may feed him to the seven-headed dogs." "anything to oblige your majesty," replied the servants, politely, and led the condemned man away. when they had gone the king addressed the army again. "listen!" said he. "the general who is to command my armies must promise to carry out my orders. if he fails he will share the fate of poor crinkle. now, then, who will volunteer to lead my hosts to the emerald city?" for a time no one moved and all were silent. then an old nome with white whiskers so long that they were tied around his waist to prevent their tripping him up, stepped out of the ranks and saluted the king. "i'd like to ask a few questions, your majesty," he said. "go ahead," replied the king. "these oz people are quite good, are they not?" "as good as apple pie," said the king. "and they are happy, i suppose?" continued the old nome. "happy as the day is long," said the king. "and contented and prosperous?" inquired the nome. "very much so," said the king. "well, your majesty," remarked he of the white whiskers, "i think i should like to undertake the job, so i'll be your general. i hate good people; i detest happy people; i'm opposed to any one who is contented and prosperous. that is why i am so fond of your majesty. make me your general and i'll promise to conquer and destroy the oz people. if i fail i'm ready to be sliced thin and fed to the seven-headed dogs." "very good! very good, indeed! that's the way to talk!" cried roquat the red, who was greatly pleased. "what is your name, general?" [illustration] "i'm called guph, your majesty." "well, guph, come with me to my private cave and we'll talk it over." then he turned to the army. "nomes and soldiers," said he, "you are to obey the commands of general guph until he becomes dog-feed. any man who fails to obey his new general will be promptly thrown away. you are now dismissed." guph went to the king's private cave and sat down upon an amethyst chair and put his feet on the arm of the king's ruby throne. then he lighted his pipe and threw the live coal he had taken from his pocket upon the king's left foot and puffed the smoke into the king's eyes and made himself comfortable. for he was a wise old nome, and he knew that the best way to get along with roquat the red was to show that he was not afraid of him. "i'm ready for the talk, your majesty," he said. the king coughed and looked at his new general fiercely. "do you not tremble to take such liberties with your monarch?" he asked. "oh, no," said guph, calmly, and he blew a wreath of smoke that curled around the king's nose and made him sneeze. "you want to conquer the emerald city, and i'm the only nome in all your dominions who can conquer it. so you will be very careful not to hurt me until i have carried out your wishes. after that--" "well, what then?" inquired the king. "then you will be so grateful to me that you won't care to hurt me," replied the general. "that is a very good argument," said roquat. "but suppose you fail?" "then it's the slicing machine. i agree to that," announced guph. "but if you do as i tell you there will be no failure. the trouble with you, roquat, is that you don't think carefully enough. i do. you would go ahead and march through your tunnel into oz, and get defeated and driven back. i won't. and the reason i won't is because when i march i'll have all my plans made, and a host of allies to assist my nomes." [illustration] "what do you mean by that?" asked the king. "i'll explain, king roquat. you're going to attack a fairy country, and a mighty fairy country, too. they haven't much of an army in oz, but the princess who rules them has a fairy wand; and the little girl dorothy has your magic belt; and at the north of the emerald city lives a clever sorceress called glinda the good, who commands the spirits of the air. also i have heard that there is a wonderful wizard in ozma's palace, who is so skillful that people used to pay him money in america to see him perform. so you see it will be no easy thing to overcome all this magic." "we have fifty thousand soldiers!" cried the king, proudly. "yes; but they are nomes," remarked guph, taking a silk handkerchief from the king's pocket and wiping his own pointed shoes with it. "nomes are immortals, but they are not strong on magic. when you lost your famous belt the greater part of your own power was gone from you. against ozma you and your nomes would have no show at all." roquat's eyes flashed angrily. "then away you go to the slicing machine!" he cried. "not yet," said the general, filling his pipe from the king's private tobacco pouch. "what do you propose to do?" asked the monarch. "i propose to obtain the power we need," answered guph. "there are a good many evil creatures who have magic powers sufficient to destroy and conquer the land of oz. we will get them on our side, band them all together, and then take ozma and her people by surprise. it's all very simple and easy when you know how. alone we should be helpless to injure the ruler of oz, but with the aid of the evil powers we can summon we shall easily succeed." king roquat was delighted with this idea, for he realized how clever it was. "surely, guph, you are the greatest general i have ever had!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with joy. "you must go at once and make arrangements with the evil powers to assist us, and meantime i'll begin to dig the tunnel." "i thought you'd agree with me, roquat," replied the new general. "i'll start this very afternoon to visit the chief of the whimsies." [illustration] _how_ dorothy became a princess chapter five [illustration] when the people of the emerald city heard that dorothy had returned to them every one was eager to see her, for the little girl was a general favorite in the land of oz. from time to time some of the folk from the great outside world had found their way into this fairyland, but all except one had been companions of dorothy and had turned out to be very agreeable people. the exception i speak of was the wonderful wizard of oz, a sleight-of-hand performer from omaha who went up in a balloon and was carried by a current of air to the emerald city. his queer and puzzling tricks made the people of oz believe him a great wizard for a time, and he ruled over them until dorothy arrived on her first visit and showed the wizard to be a mere humbug. he was a gentle, kindly-hearted little man, and dorothy grew to like him afterward. when, after an absence, the wizard returned to the land of oz, ozma received him graciously and gave him a home in a part of the palace. in addition to the wizard two other personages from the outside world had been allowed to make their home in the emerald city. the first was a quaint shaggy man, whom ozma had made the governor of the royal storehouses, and the second a yellow hen named billina, who had a fine house in the gardens back of the palace, where she looked after a large family. both these had been old comrades of dorothy, so you see the little girl was quite an important personage in oz, and the people thought she had brought them good luck, and loved her next best to ozma. during her several visits this little girl had been the means of destroying two wicked witches who oppressed the people, and she had discovered a live scarecrow who was now one of the most popular personages in all the fairy country. with the scarecrow's help she had rescued nick chopper, a tin woodman, who had rusted in a lonely forest, and the tin man was now the emperor of the country of the winkies and much beloved because of his kind heart. no wonder the people thought dorothy had brought them good luck! yet, strange as it may seem, she had accomplished all these wonders not because she was a fairy or had any magical powers whatever, but because she was a simple, sweet and true little girl who was honest to herself and to all whom she met. in this world in which we live simplicity and kindness are the only magic wands that work wonders, and in the land of oz dorothy found these same qualities had won for her the love and admiration of the people. indeed, the little girl had made many warm friends in the fairy country, and the only real grief the ozites had ever experienced was when dorothy left them and returned to her kansas home. now she received a joyful welcome, although no one except ozma knew at first that she had finally come to stay for good and all. that evening dorothy had many callers, and among them were such important people as tiktok, a machine man who thought and spoke and moved by clockwork; her old companion the genial shaggy man; jack pumpkinhead, whose body was brush-wood and whose head was a ripe pumpkin with a face carved upon it; the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, two great beasts from the forest, who served princess ozma, and professor h. m. wogglebug, t. e. this wogglebug was a remarkable creature. he had once been a tiny little bug, crawling around in a school-room, but he was discovered and highly magnified so that he could be seen more plainly, and while in this magnified condition he had escaped. he had always remained big, and he dressed like a dandy and was so full of knowledge and information (which are distinct acquirements), that he had been made a professor and the head of the royal college. dorothy had a nice visit with these old friends, and also talked a long time with the wizard, who was little and old and withered and dried up, but as merry and active as a child. afterward she went to see billina's fast growing family of chicks. toto, dorothy's little black dog, also met with a cordial reception. toto was an especial friend of the shaggy man, and he knew every one else. being the only dog in the land of oz, he was highly respected by the people, who believed animals entitled to every consideration if they behaved themselves properly. dorothy had four lovely rooms in the palace, which were always reserved for her use and were called "dorothy's rooms." these consisted of a beautiful sitting room, a dressing room, a dainty bedchamber and a big marble bathroom. and in these rooms were everything that heart could desire, placed there with loving thoughtfulness by ozma for her little friend's use. the royal dressmakers had the little girl's measure, so they kept the closets in her dressing room filled with lovely dresses of every description and suitable for every occasion. no wonder dorothy had refrained from bringing with her her old calico and gingham dresses! here everything that was dear to a little girl's heart was supplied in profusion, and nothing so rich and beautiful could ever have been found in the biggest department stores in america. of course dorothy enjoyed all these luxuries, and the only reason she had heretofore preferred to live in kansas was because her uncle and aunt loved her and needed her with them. now, however, all was to be changed, and dorothy was really more delighted to know that her dear relatives were to share in her good fortune and enjoy the delights of the land of oz, than she was to possess such luxury for herself. next morning, at ozma's request, dorothy dressed herself in a pretty sky-blue gown of rich silk, trimmed with real pearls. the buckles of her shoes were set with pearls, too, and more of these priceless gems were on a lovely coronet which she wore upon her forehead. "for," said her friend ozma, "from this time forth, my dear, you must assume your rightful rank as a princess of oz, and being my chosen companion you must dress in a way befitting the dignity of your position." dorothy agreed to this, although she knew that neither gowns nor jewels could make her anything else than the simple, unaffected little girl she had always been. as soon as they had breakfasted--the girls eating together in ozma's pretty boudoir--the ruler of oz said: "now, dear friend, we will use the magic belt to transport your uncle and aunt from kansas to the emerald city. but i think it would be fitting, in receiving such distinguished guests, for us to sit in my throne room." "oh, they're not very 'stinguished, ozma," said dorothy. "they're just plain people, like me." "being your friends and relatives, princess dorothy, they are certainly distinguished," replied the ruler, with a smile. "they--they won't hardly know what to make of all your splendid furniture and things," protested dorothy, gravely. "it may scare 'em to see your grand throne room, an' p'raps we'd better go into the back yard, ozma, where the cabbages grow an' the chickens are playing. then it would seem more natural to uncle henry and aunt em." "no; they shall first see me in my throne room," replied ozma, decidedly; and when she spoke in that tone dorothy knew it was not wise to oppose her, for ozma was accustomed to having her own way. so together they went to the throne room, an immense domed chamber in the center of the palace. here stood the royal throne, made of solid gold and encrusted with enough precious stones to stock a dozen jewelry stores in our country. ozma, who was wearing the magic belt, seated herself in the throne, and dorothy sat at her feet. in the room were assembled many ladies and gentlemen of the court, clothed in rich apparel and wearing fine jewelry. two immense animals squatted, one on each side of the throne--the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger. in a balcony high up in the dome an orchestra played sweet music, and beneath the dome two electric fountains sent sprays of colored perfumed water shooting up nearly as high as the arched ceiling. "are you ready, dorothy?" asked the ruler. "i am," replied dorothy; "but i don't know whether aunt em and uncle henry are ready." "that won't matter," declared ozma. "the old life can have very little to interest them, and the sooner they begin the new life here the happier they will be. here they come, my dear!" as she spoke, there before the throne appeared uncle henry and aunt em, who for a moment stood motionless, glaring with white and startled faces at the scene that confronted them. if the ladies and gentlemen present had not been so polite i am sure they would have laughed at the two strangers. aunt em had her calico dress skirt "tucked up," and she wore a faded blue-checked apron. her hair was rather straggly and she had on a pair of uncle henry's old slippers. in one hand she held a dish-towel and in the other a cracked earthenware plate, which she had been engaged in wiping when so suddenly transported to the land of oz. [illustration] uncle henry, when the summons came, had been out in the barn "doin' chores." he wore a ragged and much soiled straw hat, a checked shirt without any collar and blue overalls tucked into the tops of his old cowhide boots. "by gum!" gasped uncle henry, looking around as if bewildered. "well, i swan!" gurgled aunt em, in a hoarse, frightened voice. then her eyes fell upon dorothy, and she said: "d-d-d-don't that look like our little girl--our dorothy, henry?" "hi, there--look out, em!" exclaimed the old man, as aunt em advanced a step; "take care o' the wild beastses, or you're a goner!" but now dorothy sprang forward and embraced and kissed her aunt and uncle affectionately, afterward taking their hands in her own. "don't be afraid," she said to them. "you are now in the land of oz, where you are to live always, and be comfer'ble an' happy. you'll never have to worry over anything again, 'cause there won't be anything to worry about. and you owe it all to the kindness of my friend princess ozma." here she led them before the throne and continued: "your highness, this is uncle henry. and this is aunt em. they want to thank you for bringing them here from kansas." aunt em tried to "slick" her hair, and she hid the dish-towel and dish under her apron while she bowed to the lovely ozma. uncle henry took off his straw hat and held it awkwardly in his hands. but the ruler of oz rose and came from her throne to greet her newly arrived guests, and she smiled as sweetly upon them as if they had been a king and a queen. "you are very welcome here, where i have brought you for princess dorothy's sake," she said, graciously, "and i hope you will be quite happy in your new home." then she turned to her courtiers, who were silently and gravely regarding the scene, and added: "i present to my people our princess dorothy's beloved uncle henry and aunt em, who will hereafter be subjects of our kingdom. it will please me to have you show them every kindness and honor in your power, and to join me in making them happy and contented." hearing this, all those assembled bowed low and respectfully to the old farmer and his wife, who bobbed their own heads in return. "and now," said ozma to them, "dorothy will show you the rooms prepared for you. i hope you will like them, and shall expect you to join me at luncheon." so dorothy led her relatives away, and as soon as they were out of the throne room and alone in the corridor aunt em squeezed dorothy's hand and said: "child, child! how in the world did we ever get here so quick? and is it all real? and are we to stay here, as she says? and what does it all mean, anyhow?" dorothy laughed. "why didn't you tell us what you were goin' to do?" inquired uncle henry, reproachfully. "if i'd known about it i'd 'a put on my sunday clothes." [illustration] "i'll 'splain ever'thing as soon as we get to your rooms," promised dorothy. "you're in great luck, uncle henry and aunt em; an' so am i! and oh! i'm so happy to have got you here, at last!" as he walked by the little girl's side uncle henry stroked his whiskers thoughtfully. "'pears to me, dorothy, we won't make bang-up fairies," he remarked. "an' my back hair looks like a fright!" wailed aunt em. "never mind," returned the little girl, reassuringly. "you won't have anything to do now but to look pretty, aunt em; an' uncle henry won't have to work till his back aches, that's certain." "sure?" they asked, wonderingly, and in the same breath. "course i'm sure," said dorothy. "you're in the fairyland of oz, now; an' what's more, you belong to it!" [illustration] _how_ guph visited the whimsies chapter six [illustration] the new general of the nome king's army knew perfectly well that to fail in his plans meant death for him. yet he was not at all anxious or worried. he hated every one who was good and longed to make all who were happy unhappy. therefore he had accepted this dangerous position as general quite willingly, feeling sure in his evil mind that he would be able to do a lot of mischief and finally conquer the land of oz. yet guph determined to be careful, and to lay his plans well, so as not to fail. he argued that only careless people fail in what they attempt to do. the mountains underneath which the nome king's extensive caverns were located lay grouped just north of the land of ev, which lay directly across the deadly desert to the east of the land of oz. as the mountains were also on the edge of the desert the nome king found that he had only to tunnel underneath the desert to reach ozma's dominions. he did not wish his armies to appear above ground in the country of the winkies, which was the part of the land of oz nearest to king roquat's own country, as then the people would give the alarm and enable ozma to fortify the emerald city and assemble an army. he wanted to take all the oz people by surprise; so he decided to run the tunnel clear through to the emerald city, where he and his hosts could break through the ground without warning and conquer the people before they had time to defend themselves. roquat the red began work at once upon his tunnel, setting a thousand miners at the task and building it high and broad enough for his armies to march through it with ease. the nomes were used to making tunnels, as all the kingdom in which they lived was under ground; so they made rapid progress. while this work was going on general guph started out alone to visit the chief of the whimsies. these whimsies were curious people who lived in a retired country of their own. they had large, strong bodies, but heads so small that they were no bigger than door-knobs. of course, such tiny heads could not contain any great amount of brains, and the whimsies were so ashamed of their personal appearance and lack of commonsense that they wore big heads, made of pasteboard, which they fastened over their own little heads. on these pasteboard heads they sewed sheep's wool for hair, and the wool was colored many tints--pink, green and lavender being the favorite colors. the faces of these false heads were painted in many ridiculous ways, according to the whims of the owners, and these big, burly creatures looked so whimsical and absurd in their queer masks that they were called "whimsies." they foolishly imagined that no one would suspect the little heads that were inside the imitation ones, not knowing that it is folly to try to appear otherwise than as nature has made us. the chief of the whimsies had as little wisdom as the others, and had been chosen chief merely because none among them was any wiser or more capable of ruling. the whimsies were evil spirits and could not be killed. they were hated and feared by every one and were known as terrible fighters because they were so strong and muscular and had not sense enough to know when they were defeated. general guph thought the whimsies would be a great help to the nomes in the conquest of oz, for under his leadership they could be induced to fight as long so they could stand up. so he traveled to their country and asked to see the chief, who lived in a house that had a picture of his grotesque false head painted over the doorway. the chief's false head had blue hair, a turned-up nose, and a mouth that stretched half across the face. big green eyes had been painted upon it, but in the center of the chin were two small holes made in the pasteboard, so that the chief could see through them with his own tiny eyes; for when the big head was fastened upon his shoulders the eyes in his own natural head were on a level with the false chin. said general guph to the chief of the whimsies: "we nomes are going to conquer the land of oz and capture our king's magic belt, which the oz people stole from him. then we are going to plunder and destroy the whole country. and we want the whimsies to help us." "will there be any fighting?" asked the chief. "plenty," replied guph. that must have pleased the chief, for he got up and danced around the room three times. then he seated himself again, adjusted his false head, and said: "we have no quarrel with ozma of oz." "but you whimsies love to fight, and here is a splendid chance to do so," urged guph. "wait till i sing a song," said the chief. then he lay back in his chair and sang a foolish song that did not seem to the general to mean anything, although he listened carefully. when he had finished, the chief whimsie looked at him through the holes in his chin and asked: "what reward will you give us if we help you?" the general was prepared for this question, for he had been thinking the matter over on his journey. people often do a good deed without hope of reward, but for an evil deed they always demand payment. [illustration] "when we get our magic belt," he made reply, "our king, roquat the red, will use its power to give every whimsie a natural head as big and fine as the false head he now wears. then you will no longer be ashamed because your big strong bodies have such teenty-weenty heads." "oh! will you do that?" asked the chief, eagerly. "we surely will," promised the general. "i'll talk to my people," said the chief. so he called a meeting of all the whimsies and told them of the offer made by the nomes. the creatures were delighted with the bargain, and at once agreed to fight for the nome king and help him to conquer oz. [illustration] one whimsie alone seemed to have a glimmer of sense, for he asked: "suppose we fail to capture the magic belt? what will happen then, and what good will all our fighting do?" but they threw him into the river for asking foolish questions, and laughed when the water ruined his pasteboard head before he could swim out again. so the compact was made and general guph was delighted with his success in gaining such powerful allies. but there were other people, too, just as important as the whimsies, whom the clever old nome had determined to win to his side. [illustration] _how_ aunt em conquered the lion chapter seven [illustration] "these are your rooms," said dorothy, opening a door. aunt em drew back at sight of the splendid furniture and draperies. "ain't there any place to wipe my feet?" she asked. "you will soon change your slippers for new shoes," replied dorothy. "don't be afraid, aunt em. here is where you are to live, so walk right in and make yourself at home." aunt em advanced hesitatingly. "it beats the topeka hotel!" she cried, admiringly. "but this place is too grand for us, child. can't we have some back room in the attic, that's more in our class?" "no," said dorothy. "you've got to live here, 'cause ozma says so. and all the rooms in this palace are just as fine as these, and some are better. it won't do any good to fuss, aunt em. you've got to be swell and high-toned in the land of oz, whether you want to or not; so you may as well make up your mind to it." "it's hard luck," replied her aunt, looking around with an awed expression; "but folks can get used to anything, if they try. eh, henry?" "why, as to that," said uncle henry, slowly, "i b'lieve in takin' what's pervided us, an' askin' no questions. i've traveled some, em, in my time, and you hain't; an' that makes a difference atween us." then dorothy showed them through the rooms. the first was a handsome sitting-room, with windows opening upon the rose gardens. then came separate bedrooms for aunt em and uncle henry, with a fine bathroom between them. aunt em had a pretty dressing room, besides, and dorothy opened the closets and showed several exquisite costumes that had been provided for her aunt by the royal dressmakers, who had worked all night to get them ready. everything that aunt em could possibly need was in the drawers and closets, and her dressing-table was covered with engraved gold toilet articles. uncle henry had nine suits of clothes, cut in the popular munchkin fashion, with knee-breeches, silk stockings and low shoes with jeweled buckles. the hats to match these costumes had pointed tops and wide brims with small gold bells around the edges. his shirts were of fine linen with frilled bosoms, and his vests were richly embroidered with colored silks. uncle henry decided that he would first take a bath and then dress himself in a blue satin suit that had caught his fancy. he accepted his good fortune with calm composure and refused to have a servant to assist him. but aunt em was "all of a flutter," as she said, and it took dorothy and jellia jamb, the housekeeper, and two maids a long time to dress her and do up her hair and get her "rigged like a popinjay," as she quaintly expressed it. she wanted to stop and admire everything that caught her eye, and she sighed continually and declared that such finery was too good for an old country woman, and that she never thought she would have to "put on airs" at her time of life. finally she was dressed, and when they went into the sitting-room there was uncle henry in his blue satin, walking gravely up and down the room. he had trimmed his beard and mustache and looked very dignified and respectable. "tell me, dorothy," he said; "do all the men here wear duds like these?" "yes," she replied; "all 'cept the scarecrow and the shaggy man--and of course the tin woodman and tiktok, who are made of metal. you'll find all the men at ozma's court dressed just as you are--only perhaps a little finer." "henry, you look like a play-actor," announced aunt em, looking at her husband critically. "an' you, em, look more highfalutin' than a peacock," he replied. "i guess you're right," she said, regretfully; "but we're helpless victims of high-toned royalty." dorothy was much amused. [illustration] "come with me," she said, "and i'll show you 'round the palace." she took them through the beautiful rooms and introduced them to all the people they chanced to meet. also she showed them her own pretty rooms, which were not far from their own. "so it's all true," said aunt em, wide-eyed with amazement, "and what dorothy told us of this fairy country was plain facts instead of dreams! but where are all the strange creatures you used to know here?" "yes; where's the scarecrow?" inquired uncle henry. "why, he's just now away on a visit to the tin woodman, who is emp'ror of the winkie country," answered the little girl. "you'll see him when he comes back, and you're sure to like him." "and where's the wonderful wizard?" asked aunt em. "you'll see him at ozma's luncheon, for he lives in this palace," was the reply. "and jack pumpkinhead?" "oh, he lives a little way out of town, in his own pumpkin field. we'll go there some time and see him, and we'll call on professor wogglebug, too. the shaggy man will be at the luncheon, i guess, and tiktok. and now i'll take you out to see billina, who has a house of her own." so they went into the back yard, and after walking along winding paths some distance through the beautiful gardens they came to an attractive little house where the yellow hen sat on the front porch sunning herself. "good morning, my dear mistress," called billina, fluttering down to meet them. "i was expecting you to call, for i heard you had come back and brought your uncle and aunt with you." "we're here for good and all, this time, billina," cried dorothy, joyfully. "uncle henry and aunt em belong in oz now as much as i do!" "then they are very lucky people," declared billina; "for there couldn't be a nicer place to live. but come, my dear; i must show you all my dorothys. nine are living and have grown up to be very respectable hens; but one took cold at ozma's birthday party and died of the pip, and the other two turned out to be horrid roosters, so i had to change their names from dorothy to daniel. they all had the letter 'd' engraved upon their gold lockets, you remember, with your picture inside, and 'd' stands for daniel as well as for dorothy." "did you call both the roosters daniel?" asked uncle henry. "yes, indeed. i've nine dorothys and two daniels; and the nine dorothys have eighty-six sons and daughters and over three hundred grandchildren," said billina, proudly. "what names do you give 'em all, dear?" inquired the little girl. "oh, they are all dorothys and daniels, some being juniors and some double-juniors. dorothy and daniel are two good names, and i see no object in hunting for others," declared the yellow hen. "but just think, dorothy, what a big chicken family we've grown to be, and our numbers increase nearly every day! ozma doesn't know what to do with all the eggs we lay, and we are never eaten or harmed in any way, as chickens are in your country. they give us everything to make us contented and happy, and i, my dear, am the acknowledged queen and governor of every chicken in oz, because i'm the eldest and started the whole colony." "you ought to be very proud, ma'am," said uncle henry, who was astonished to hear a hen talk so sensibly. "oh, i am," she replied. "i've the loveliest pearl necklace you ever saw. come in the house and i'll show it to you. and i've nine leg bracelets and a diamond pin for each wing. but i only wear them on state occasions." they followed the yellow hen into the house, which aunt em declared was neat as a pin. they could not sit down, because all billina's chairs were roosting-poles made of silver; so they had to stand while the hen fussily showed them her treasures. then they had to go into the back rooms occupied by billina's nine dorothys and two daniels, who were all plump yellow chickens and greeted the visitors very politely. it was easy to see that they were well bred and that billina had looked after their education. in the yards were all the children and grandchildren of these eleven elders and they were of all sizes, from well-grown hens to tiny chickens just out of the shell. about fifty fluffy yellow youngsters were at school, being taught good manners and good grammar by a young hen who wore spectacles. they sang in chorus a patriotic song of the land of oz, in honor of their visitors, and aunt em was much impressed by these talking chickens. dorothy wanted to stay and play with the young chickens for awhile, but uncle henry and aunt em had not seen the palace grounds and gardens yet and were eager to get better acquainted with the marvelous and delightful land in which they were to live. "i'll stay here, and you can go for a walk," said dorothy. "you'll be perfec'ly safe anywhere, and may do whatever you want to. when you get tired, go back to the palace and find your rooms, and i'll come to you before luncheon is ready." so uncle henry and aunt em started out alone to explore the grounds, and dorothy knew that they couldn't get lost, because all the palace grounds were enclosed by a high wall of green marble set with emeralds. it was a rare treat to these simple folk, who had lived in the country all their lives and known little enjoyment of any sort, to wear beautiful clothes and live in a palace and be treated with respect and consideration by all around them. they were very happy indeed as they strolled up the shady walks and looked upon the gorgeous flowers and shrubs, feeling that their new home was more beautiful than any tongue could describe. suddenly, as they turned a corner and walked through a gap in a high hedge, they came face to face with an enormous lion, which crouched upon the green lawn and seemed surprised by their appearance. they stopped short, uncle henry trembling with horror and aunt em too terrified to scream. next moment the poor woman clasped her husband around the neck and cried: "save me, henry, save me!" "can't even save myself, em," he returned, in a husky voice, "for the animile looks as if it could eat both of us, an' lick its chops for more! if i only had a gun--" "haven't you, henry? haven't you?" she asked anxiously. "nary gun, em. so let's die as brave an' graceful as we can. i knew our luck couldn't last!" "i won't die. i won't be eaten by a lion!" wailed aunt em, glaring upon the huge beast. then a thought struck her, and she whispered: "henry, i've heard as savage beastses can be conquered by the human eye. i'll eye that lion out o' countenance an' save our lives." "try it, em," he returned, also in a whisper. "look at him as you do at me when i'm late to dinner." aunt em turned upon the lion a determined countenance and a wild dilated eye. she glared at the immense beast steadily, and the lion, who had been quietly blinking at them, began to appear uneasy and disturbed. [illustration] "is anything the matter, ma'am?" he asked, in a mild voice. at this speech from the terrible beast aunt em and uncle henry both were startled, and then uncle henry remembered that this must be the lion they had seen in ozma's throne room. "hold on, em!" he exclaimed. "quit the eagle eye conquest an' take courage. i guess this is the same cowardly lion dorothy has told us about." "oh, is it?" she asked, much relieved. "when he spoke, i got the idea; and when he looked so 'shamed like, i was sure of it," uncle henry continued. aunt em regarded the animal with new interest. "are you the cowardly lion?" she inquired. "are you dorothy's friend?" "yes'm," answered the lion, meekly. "dorothy and i are old chums and are very fond of each other. i'm the king of beasts, you know, and the hungry tiger and i serve princess ozma as her body guards." "to be sure," said aunt em, nodding. "but the king of beasts shouldn't be cowardly." "i've heard that said before," remarked the lion, yawning till he showed his two great rows of sharp white teeth; "but that does not keep me from being frightened whenever i go into battle." "what do you do, run?" asked uncle henry. "no; that would be foolish, for the enemy would run after me," declared the lion. "so i tremble with fear and pitch in as hard as i can; and so far i have always won my fight." "ah, i begin to understand," said uncle henry. "were you scared when i looked at you just now?" inquired aunt em. "terribly scared, madam," answered the lion, "for at first i thought you were going to have a fit. then i noticed you were trying to overcome me by the power of your eye, and your glance was so fierce and penetrating that i shook with fear." this greatly pleased the lady, and she said quite cheerfully: "well, i won't hurt you, so don't be scared any more. i just wanted to see what the human eye was good for." "the human eye is a fearful weapon," remarked the lion, scratching his nose softly with his paw to hide a smile. "had i not known you were dorothy's friends i might have torn you both into shreds in order to escape your terrible gaze." aunt em shuddered at hearing this, and uncle henry said hastily: "i'm glad you knew us. good morning, mr. lion; we'll hope to see you again--by and by--some time in the future." "good morning," replied the lion, squatting down upon the lawn again. "you are likely to see a good deal of me, if you live in the land of oz." [illustration] _how_ the grand gallipoot joined the nomes chapter eight [illustration] after leaving the whimsies, guph continued on his journey and penetrated far into the northwest. he wanted to get to the country of the growleywogs, and in order to do that he must cross the ripple land, which was a hard thing to do. for the ripple land was a succession of hills and valleys, all very steep and rocky, and they changed places constantly by rippling. while guph was climbing a hill it sank down under him and became a valley, and while he was descending into a valley it rose up and carried him to the top of a hill. this was very perplexing to the traveler, and a stranger might have thought he could never cross the ripple land at all. but guph knew that if he kept steadily on he would get to the end at last; so he paid no attention to the changing hills and valleys and plodded along as calmly as if walking upon the level ground. the result of this wise persistence was that the general finally reached firmer soil and, after penetrating a dense forest, came to the dominion of the growleywogs. no sooner had he crossed the border of this domain when two guards seized him and carried him before the grand gallipoot of the growleywogs, who scowled upon him ferociously and asked him why he dared intrude upon his territory. "i'm the lord high general of the invincible army of the nomes, and my name is guph," was the reply. "all the world trembles when that name is mentioned." the growleywogs gave a shout of jeering laughter at this, and one of them caught the nome in his strong arms and tossed him high into the air. guph was considerably shaken when he fell upon the hard ground, but he appeared to take no notice of the impertinence and composed himself to speak again to the grand gallipoot. "my master, king roquat the red, has sent me here to confer with you. he wishes your assistance to conquer the land of oz." here the general paused, and the grand gallipoot scowled upon him more terribly than ever and said: "go on!" the voice of the grand gallipoot was partly a roar and partly a growl. he mumbled his words badly and guph had to listen carefully in order to understand him. these growleywogs were certainly remarkable creatures. they were of gigantic size, yet were all bone and skin and muscle, there being no meat or fat upon their bodies at all. their powerful muscles lay just underneath their skins, like bunches of tough rope, and the weakest growleywog was so strong that he could pick up an elephant and toss it seven miles away. it seems unfortunate that strong people are usually so disagreeable and overbearing that no one cares for them. in fact, to be different from your fellow creatures is always a misfortune. the growleywogs knew that they were disliked and avoided by every one, so they had become surly and unsociable even among themselves. guph knew that they hated all people, including the nomes; but he hoped to win them over, nevertheless, and knew that if he succeeded they would afford him very powerful assistance. "the land of oz is ruled by a namby-pamby girl who is disgustingly kind and good," he continued. "her people are all happy and contented and have no care or worries whatever." "go on!" growled the grand gallipoot. [illustration] "once the nome king enslaved the royal family of ev--another goody-goody lot that we detest," said the general. "but ozma interfered, although it was none of her business, and marched her army against us. with her was a kansas girl named dorothy, and a yellow hen, and they marched directly into the nome king's cavern. there they liberated our slaves from ev and stole king roquat's magic belt, which they carried away with them. so now our king is making a tunnel under the deadly desert, so we can march through it to the emerald city. when we get there we mean to conquer and destroy all the land and recapture the magic belt." again he paused, and again the grand gallipoot growled: "go on!" guph tried to think what to say next, and a happy thought soon occurred to him. "we want you to help us in this conquest," he announced, "for we need the mighty aid of the growleywogs in order to make sure that we shall not be defeated. you are the strongest people in all the world, and you hate good and happy creatures as much as we nomes do. i am sure it will be a real pleasure to you to tear down the beautiful emerald city, and in return for your valuable assistance we will allow you to bring back to your country ten thousand people of oz, to be your slaves." "twenty thousand!" growled the grand gallipoot. "all right, we promise you twenty thousand," agreed the general. the gallipoot made a signal and at once his attendants picked up general guph and carried him away to a prison, where the jailor amused himself by sticking pins in the round fat body of the old nome, to see him jump and hear him yell. but while this was going on the grand gallipoot was talking with his counselors, who were the most important officials of the growleywogs. when he had stated to them the proposition of the nome king he said: "my advice is to offer to help them. then, when we have conquered the land of oz, we will take not only our twenty thousand prisoners but all the gold and jewels we want." "let us take the magic belt, too," suggested one counselor. "and rob the nome king and make him our slave," said another. "that is a good idea," declared the grand gallipoot. "i'd like king roquat for my own slave. he could black my boots and bring me my porridge every morning while i am in bed." "there is a famous scarecrow in oz. i'll take him for my slave," said a counselor. "i'll take tiktok, the machine man," said another. "give me the tin woodman," said a third. they went on for some time, dividing up the people and the treasure of oz in advance of the conquest. for they had no doubt at all that they would be able to destroy ozma's domain. were they not the strongest people in all the world? "the deadly desert has kept us out of oz before," remarked the grand gallipoot, "but now that the nome king is building a tunnel we shall get into the emerald city very easily. so let us send the little fat general back to his king with our promise to assist him. we will not say that we intend to conquer the nomes after we have conquered oz, but we will do so, just the same." this plan being agreed upon, they all went home to dinner, leaving general guph still in prison. the nome had no idea that he had succeeded in his mission, for finding himself in prison he feared the growleywogs intended to put him to death. by this time the jailor had tired of sticking pins in the general, and was amusing himself by carefully pulling the nome's whiskers out by the roots, one at a time. this enjoyment was interrupted by the grand gallipoot sending for the prisoner. "wait a few hours," begged the jailor. "i haven't pulled out a quarter of his whiskers yet." "if you keep the grand gallipoot waiting he'll break your back," declared the messenger. "perhaps you're right," sighed the jailor. "take the prisoner away, if you will, but i advise you to kick him at every step he takes. it will be good fun, for he is as soft as a ripe peach." [illustration] so guph was led away to the royal castle, where the grand gallipoot told him that the growleywogs had decided to assist the nomes in conquering the land of oz. "whenever you are ready," he added, "send me word and i will march with eighteen thousand of my most powerful warriors to your aid." guph was so delighted that he forgot all the smarting caused by the pins and the pulling of whiskers. he did not even complain of the treatment he had received, but thanked the grand gallipoot and hurried away upon his journey. he had now secured the assistance of the whimsies and the growleywogs; but his success made him long for still more allies. his own life depended upon his conquering oz, and he said to himself: "i'll take no chances. i'll be certain of success. then, when oz is destroyed, perhaps i shall be a greater man than old roquat, and i can throw him away and be king of the nomes myself. why not? the whimsies are stronger than the nomes, and they are my friends. the growleywogs are stronger than the whimsies, and they also are my friends. there are some people still stronger than the growleywogs, and if i can but induce them to aid me i shall have nothing more to fear." _how_ the wogglebug taught athletics chapter nine [illustration] it did not take dorothy long to establish herself in her new home, for she knew the people and the manners and customs of the emerald city just as well as she knew the old kansas farm. but uncle henry and aunt em had some trouble in getting used to the finery and pomp and ceremony of ozma's palace, and felt uneasy because they were obliged to be "dressed up" all the time. yet every one was very courteous and kind to them and endeavored to make them happy. ozma, especially, made much of dorothy's relatives, for her little friend's sake, and she well knew that the awkwardness and strangeness of their new mode of life would all wear off in time. the old people were chiefly troubled by the fact that there was no work for them to do. "ev'ry day is like sunday, now," declared aunt em, solemnly, "and i can't say i like it. if they'd only let me do up the dishes after meals, or even sweep an' dust my own rooms, i'd be a deal happier. henry don't know what to do with himself either, and once when he stole out an' fed the chickens billina scolded him for letting 'em eat between meals. i never knew before what a hardship it is to be rich and have everything you want." these complaints began to worry dorothy; so she had a long talk with ozma upon the subject. "i see i must find them something to do," said the girlish ruler of oz, seriously. "i have been watching your uncle and aunt, and i believe they will be more contented if occupied with some light tasks. while i am considering this matter, dorothy, you might make a trip with them through the land of oz, visiting some of the odd corners and introducing your relatives to some of our curious people." "oh, that would be fine!" exclaimed dorothy, eagerly. "i will give you an escort befitting your rank as a princess," continued ozma; "and you may go to some of the places you have not yet visited yourself, as well as some others that you know. i will mark out a plan of the trip for you and have everything in readiness for you to start to-morrow morning. take your time, dear, and be gone as long as you wish. by the time you return i shall have found some occupation for uncle henry and aunt em that will keep them from being restless and dissatisfied." dorothy thanked her good friend and kissed the lovely ruler gratefully. then she ran to tell the joyful news to her uncle and aunt. next morning, after breakfast, everything was found ready for their departure. the escort included omby amby, the captain general of ozma's army, which consisted merely of twenty-seven officers besides the captain general. once omby amby had been a private soldier--the only private in the army--but as there was never any fighting to do ozma saw no need of a private, so she made omby amby the highest officer of them all. he was very tall and slim and wore a gay uniform and a fierce mustache. yet the mustache was the only fierce thing about omby amby, whose nature was as gentle as that of a child. the wonderful wizard had asked to join the party, and with him came his friend the shaggy man, who was shaggy but not ragged, being dressed in fine silks with satin shags and bobtails. the shaggy man had shaggy whiskers and hair, but a sweet disposition and a soft, pleasant voice. there was an open wagon, with three seats for the passengers, and the wagon was drawn by the famous wooden sawhorse which had once been brought to life by ozma by means of a magic powder. the sawhorse wore golden shoes to keep his wooden legs from wearing away, and he was strong and swift. as this curious creature was ozma's own favorite steed, and very popular with all the people of the emerald city, dorothy knew that she had been highly favored by being permitted to use the sawhorse on her journey. in the front seat of the wagon sat dorothy and the wizard. uncle henry and aunt em sat in the next seat and the shaggy man and omby amby in the third seat. of course toto was with the party, curled up at dorothy's feet, and just as they were about to start billina came fluttering along the path and begged to be taken with them. dorothy readily agreed, so the yellow hen flew up and perched herself upon the dashboard. she wore her pearl necklace and three bracelets upon each leg, in honor of the occasion. dorothy kissed ozma good-bye, and all the people standing around waved their handkerchiefs, and the band in an upper balcony struck up a military march. then the wizard clucked to the sawhorse and said: "gid-dap!" and the wooden animal pranced away and drew behind him the big red wagon and all the passengers, without any effort at all. a servant threw open a gate of the palace enclosure, that they might pass out; and so, with music and shouts following them, the journey was begun. "it's almost like a circus," said aunt em, proudly. "i can't help feelin' high an' mighty in this kind of a turn-out." indeed, as they passed down the street, all the people cheered them lustily, and the shaggy man and the wizard and the captain general all took off their hats and bowed politely in acknowledgment. when they came to the great wall of the emerald city the gates were opened by the guardian who always tended them. over the gateway hung a dull-colored metal magnet shaped like a horse-shoe, placed against a shield of polished gold. "that," said the shaggy man, impressively, "is the wonderful love magnet. i brought it to the emerald city myself, and all who pass beneath this gateway are both loving and beloved." "it's a fine thing," declared aunt em, admiringly. "if we'd had it in kansas i guess the man who held a mortgage on the farm wouldn't have turned us out." "then i'm glad we didn't have it," returned uncle henry. "i like oz better than kansas, even; an' this little wood sawhorse beats all the critters i ever saw. he don't have to be curried, or fed, or watered, an' he's strong as an ox. can he talk, dorothy?" "yes, uncle," replied the child. "but the sawhorse never says much. he told me once that he can't talk and think at the same time, so he prefers to think." "which is very sensible," declared the wizard, nodding approvingly. "which way do we go, dorothy?" "straight ahead into the quadling country," she answered. "i've got a letter of interduction to miss cuttenclip." "oh!" exclaimed the wizard, much interested. "are we going there? then i'm glad i came, for i've always wanted to meet the cuttenclips." "who are they?" inquired aunt em. "wait till we get there," replied dorothy, with a laugh; "then you'll see for yourself. i've never seen the cuttenclips, you know, so i can't 'zactly 'splain 'em to you." once free of the emerald city the sawhorse dashed away at tremendous speed. indeed, he went so fast that aunt em had hard work to catch her breath, and uncle henry held fast to the seat of the red wagon. "gently--gently, my boy!" called the wizard, and at this the sawhorse slackened his speed. "what's wrong?" asked the animal, slightly turning his wooden head to look at the party with one eye, which was a knot of wood. "why, we wish to admire the scenery, that's all," answered the wizard. "some of your passengers," added the shaggy man, "have never been out of the emerald city before, and the country is all new to them." "if you go too fast you'll spoil all the fun," said dorothy. "there's no hurry." "very well; it is all the same to me," observed the sawhorse; and after that he went at a more moderate pace. uncle henry was astonished. "how can a wooden thing be so intelligent?" he asked. "why, i gave him some sawdust brains the last time i fitted his head with new ears," explained the wizard. "the sawdust was made from hard knots, and now the sawhorse is able to think out any knotty problem he meets with." "i see," said uncle henry. "i don't," remarked aunt em; but no one paid any attention to this statement. before long they came to a stately building that stood upon a green plain with handsome shade trees grouped here and there. "what is that?" asked uncle henry. "that," replied the wizard, "is the royal athletic college of oz, which is directed by professor h. m. wogglebug, t. e. "let's stop and make a call," suggested dorothy. [illustration] so the sawhorse drew up in front of the great building and they were met at the door by the learned wogglebug himself. he seemed fully as tall as the wizard, and was dressed in a red and white checked vest and a blue swallow-tailed coat, and had yellow knee breeches and purple silk stockings upon his slender legs. a tall hat was jauntily set upon his head and he wore spectacles over his big bright eyes. "welcome, dorothy," said the wogglebug; "and welcome to all your friends. we are indeed pleased to receive you at this great temple of learning." "i thought it was an athletic college," said the shaggy man. "it is, my dear sir," answered the wogglebug, proudly. "here it is that we teach the youth of our great land scientific college athletics--in all their purity." "don't you teach them anything else?" asked dorothy. "don't they get any reading, writing and 'rithmetic?" "oh, yes; of course. they get all those, and more," returned the professor. "but such things occupy little of their time. please follow me and i will show you how my scholars are usually occupied. this is a class hour and they are all busy." they followed him to a big field back of the college building, where several hundred young ozites were at their classes. in one place they played football, in another baseball. some played tennis, some golf; some were swimming in a big pool. upon a river which wound through the grounds several crews in racing boats were rowing with great enthusiasm. other groups of students played basketball and cricket, while in one place a ring was roped in to permit boxing and wrestling by the energetic youths. all the collegians seemed busy and there was much laughter and shouting. "this college," said professor wogglebug, complacently, "is a great success. it's educational value is undisputed, and we are turning out many great and valuable citizens every year." "but when do they study?" asked dorothy. "study?" said the wogglebug, looking perplexed at the question. "yes; when do they get their 'rithmetic, and jogerfy, and such things?" "oh, they take doses of those every night and morning," was the reply. "what do you mean by doses?" dorothy inquired, wonderingly. "why, we use the newly invented school pills, made by your friend the wizard. these pills we have found to be very effective, and they save a lot of time. please step this way and i will show you our laboratory of learning." he led them to a room in the building where many large bottles were standing in rows upon shelves. "these are the algebra pills," said the professor, taking down one of the bottles. "one at night, on retiring, is equal to four hours of study. here are the geography pills--one at night and one in the morning. in this next bottle are the latin pills--one three times a day. then we have the grammar pills--one before each meal--and the spelling pills, which are taken whenever needed." [illustration] "your scholars must have to take a lot of pills," remarked dorothy, thoughtfully. "how do they take 'em, in applesauce?" "no, my dear. they are sugar-coated and are quickly and easily swallowed. i believe the students would rather take the pills than study, and certainly the pills are a more effective method. you see, until these school pills were invented we wasted a lot of time in study that may now be better employed in practising athletics." "seems to me the pills are a good thing," said omby amby, who remembered how it used to make his head ache as a boy to study arithmetic. "they are, sir," declared the wogglebug, earnestly. "they give us an advantage over all other colleges, because at no loss of time our boys become thoroughly conversant with greek and latin, mathematics and geography, grammar and literature. you see they are never obliged to interrupt their games to acquire the lesser branches of learning." "it's a great invention, i'm sure," said dorothy, looking admiringly at the wizard, who blushed modestly at this praise. "we live in an age of progress," announced professor wogglebug, pompously. "it is easier to swallow knowledge than to acquire it laboriously from books. is it not so, my friends?" "some folks can swallow anything," said aunt em, "but to me this seems too much like taking medicine." "young men in college always have to take their medicine, one way or another," observed the wizard, with a smile; "and, as our professor says, these school pills have proved to be a great success. one day while i was making them i happened to drop one of them, and one of billina's chickens gobbled it up. a few minutes afterward this chick got upon a roost and recited 'the boy stood on the burning deck' without making a single mistake. then it recited 'the charge of the light brigade' and afterwards 'excelsior.' you see, the chicken had eaten an elocution pill." they now bade good bye to the professor, and thanking him for his kind reception mounted again into the red wagon and continued their journey. _how_ the cuttenclips lived chapter ten [illustration] the travelers had taken no provisions with them because they knew that they would be welcomed wherever they might go in the land of oz, and that the people would feed and lodge them with genuine hospitality. so about noon they stopped at a farm-house and were given a delicious luncheon of bread and milk, fruits and wheat cakes with maple syrup. after resting a while and strolling through the orchards with their host--a round, jolly farmer--they got into the wagon and again started the sawhorse along the pretty, winding road. there were sign-posts at all the corners, and finally they came to one which read: [illustration: (hand pointing right)] take this road to the cuttenclips there was also a hand pointing in the right direction, so they turned the sawhorse that way and found it a very good road, but seemingly little traveled. "i've never been to see the cuttenclips before," remarked dorothy. "nor i," said the captain general. "nor i," said the wizard. "nor i," said billina. "i've hardly been out of the emerald city since i arrived in this country," added the shaggy man. "why, none of us has been there, then," exclaimed the little girl. "i wonder what the cuttenclips are like." "we shall soon find out," said the wizard, with a sly laugh. "i've heard they are rather flimsy things." the farm-houses became fewer as they proceeded, and the path was at times so faint that the sawhorse had hard work to keep in the road. the wagon began to jounce, too; so they were obliged to go slowly. after a somewhat wearisome journey they came in sight of a high wall, painted blue with pink ornaments. this wall was circular, and seemed to enclose a large space. it was so high that only the tops of the trees could be seen above it. the path led up to a small door in the wall, which was closed and latched. upon the door was a sign in gold letters reading as follows: _visitors are requested to move slowly and carefully, and to avoid coughing or making any breeze or draught_ "that's strange," said the shaggy man, reading the sign aloud. "who _are_ the cuttenclips, anyhow?" "why, they're paper dolls," answered dorothy. "didn't you know that?" "paper dolls! then let's go somewhere else," said uncle henry. "we're all too old to play with dolls, dorothy." "but these are different," declared the girl. "they're alive." "alive!" gasped aunt em, in amazement. "yes. let's go in," said dorothy. so they all got out of the wagon, since the door in the wall was not big enough for them to drive the sawhorse and wagon through it. "you stay here, toto!" commanded dorothy, shaking her finger at the little dog. "you 're so careless that you might make a breeze if i let you inside." toto wagged his tail as if disappointed at being left behind; but he made no effort to follow them. the wizard unlatched the door, which opened outward, and they all looked eagerly inside. just before the entrance was drawn up a line of tiny soldiers, with uniforms brightly painted and paper guns upon their shoulders. they were exactly alike, from one end of the line to the other, and all were cut out of paper and joined together in the centers of their bodies. as the visitors entered the enclosure the wizard let the door swing back into place, and at once the line of soldiers tumbled over, fell flat upon their backs, and lay fluttering upon the ground. "hi, there!" called one of them; "what do you mean by slamming the door and blowing us over?" "i beg your pardon, i'm sure," said the wizard, regretfully. "i didn't know you were so delicate." "we're not delicate!" retorted another soldier, raising his head from the ground. "we are strong and healthy; but we can't stand draughts." "may i help you up?" asked dorothy. "if you please," replied the end soldier. "but do it gently, little girl." dorothy carefully stood up the line of soldiers, who first dusted their painted clothes and then saluted the visitors with their paper muskets. from the end it was easy to see that the entire line had been cut out of paper, although from the front the soldiers looked rather solid and imposing. "i've a letter of introduction from princess ozma to miss cuttenclip," announced dorothy. "very well," said the end soldier, and blew upon a paper whistle that hung around his neck. at once a paper soldier in a captain's uniform came out of a paper house near by and approached the group at the entrance. he was not very big, and he walked rather stiffly and uncertainly on his paper legs; but he had a pleasant face, with very red cheeks and very blue eyes, and he bowed so low to the strangers that dorothy laughed, and the breeze from her mouth nearly blew the captain over. he wavered and struggled and finally managed to remain upon his feet. "take care, miss!" he said, warningly. "you're breaking the rules, you know, by laughing." "oh, i didn't know that," she replied. "to laugh in this place is nearly as dangerous as to cough," said the captain. "you'll have to breathe very quietly, i assure you." "we'll try to," promised the girl. "may we see miss cuttenclip, please?" "you may," promptly returned the captain. "this is one of her reception days. be good enough to follow me." he turned and led the way up a path, and as they followed slowly, because the paper captain did not move very swiftly, they took the opportunity to gaze around them at this strange paper country. beside the path were paper trees, all cut out very neatly and painted a brilliant green color. and back of the trees were rows of cardboard houses, painted in various colors but most of them having green blinds. some were large and some small, and in the front yards were beds of paper flowers quite natural in appearance. over some of the porches paper vines were twined, giving them a cosy and shady look. as the visitors passed along the street a good many paper dolls came to the doors and windows of their houses to look at them curiously. these dolls were nearly all the same height, but were cut into various shapes, some being fat and some lean. the girl dolls wore many beautiful costumes of tissue paper, making them quite fluffy; but their heads and hands were no thicker than the paper of which they were made. some of the paper people were on the street, walking along or congregated in groups and talking together; but as soon as they saw the strangers they all fluttered into the houses as fast as they could go, so as to be out of danger. "excuse me if i go edgewise," remarked the captain, as they came to a slight hill. "i can get along faster that way and not flutter so much." "that's all right," said dorothy. "we don't mind how you go, i'm sure." at one side of the street was a paper pump, and a paper boy was pumping paper water into a paper pail. the yellow hen happened to brush against this boy with her wing, and he flew into the air and fell into a paper tree, where he stuck until the wizard gently pulled him out. at the same time the pail went soaring into the air, spilling the paper water, while the paper pump bent nearly double. "goodness me!" said the hen. "if i should flop my wings i believe i'd knock over the whole village!" "then don't flop them--please don't!" entreated the captain. "miss cuttenclip would be very much distressed if her village was spoiled." "oh, i'll be careful," promised billina. "are not all these paper girls and women named miss cuttenclips?" inquired omby amby. "no, indeed," answered the captain, who was walking better since he began to move edgewise. "there is but one miss cuttenclip, who is our queen, because she made us all. these girls are cuttenclips, to be sure, but their names are emily and polly and sue and betty and such things. only the queen is called miss cuttenclip." "i must say that this place beats anything i ever heard of," observed aunt em. "i used to play with paper dolls myself, an' cut 'em out; but i never thought i'd ever see such things alive." "i don't see as it's any more curious than hearing hens talk," returned uncle henry. "you're likely to see many queer things in the land of oz, sir," said the wizard. "but a fairy country is extremely interesting when you get used to being surprised." "here we are!" called the captain, stopping before a cottage. this house was made of wood, and was remarkably pretty in design. in the emerald city it would have been considered a tiny dwelling, indeed; but in the midst of this paper village it seemed immense. real flowers were in the garden and real trees grew beside it. upon the front door was a sign reading: miss cuttenclip. just as they reached the porch the front door opened and a little girl stood before them. she appeared to be about the same age as dorothy, and smiling upon her visitors she said, sweetly: "you are welcome." all the party seemed relieved to find that here was a real girl, of flesh and blood. she was very dainty and pretty as she stood there welcoming them. her hair was a golden blonde and her eyes turquoise blue. she had rosy cheeks and lovely white teeth. over her simple white lawn dress she wore an apron with pink and white checks, and in one hand she held a pair of scissors. "may we see miss cuttenclip, please?" asked dorothy. "i am miss cuttenclip," was the reply. "won't you come in?" she held the door open while they all entered a pretty sitting-room that was littered with all sorts of paper--some stiff, some thin, and some tissue. the sheets and scraps were of all colors. upon a table were paints and brushes, while several pair of scissors, of different sizes, were lying about. [illustration] "sit down, please," said miss cuttenclip, clearing the paper scraps off some of the chairs. "it is so long since i have had any visitors that i am not properly prepared to receive them. but i'm sure you will pardon my untidy room, for this is my workshop." "do you make all the paper dolls?" inquired dorothy. "yes; i cut them out with my scissors, and paint the faces and some of the costumes. it is very pleasant work, and i am happy making my paper village grow." "but how do the paper dolls happen to be alive?" asked aunt em. "the first dolls i made were not alive," said miss cuttenclip. "i used to live near the castle of a great sorceress named glinda the good, and she saw my dolls and said they were very pretty. i told her i thought i would like them better if they were alive, and the next day the sorceress brought me a lot of magic paper. 'this is live paper,' she said, 'and all the dolls you cut out of it will be alive, and able to think and to talk. when you have used it all up, come to me and i will give you more.' "of course i was delighted with this present," continued miss cuttenclip, "and at once set to work and made several paper dolls, which, as soon as they were cut out, began to walk around and talk to me. but they were so thin that i found that any breeze would blow them over and scatter them dreadfully; so glinda found this lonely place for me, where few people ever come. she built the wall to keep any wind from blowing away my people, and told me i could build a paper village here and be its queen. that is why i came here and settled down to work and started the village you now see. it was many years ago that i built the first houses, and i've kept pretty busy and made my village grow finely; and i need not tell you that i am very happy in my work." "many years ago!" exclaimed aunt em. "why, how old are you, child?" "i never keep track of the years," said miss cuttenclip, laughing. "you see, i don't grow up at all, but stay just the same as i was when first i came here. perhaps i'm older even than you are, madam; but i couldn't say for sure." they looked at the lovely little girl wonderingly, and the wizard asked: "what happens to your paper village when it rains?" "it does not rain here," replied miss cuttenclip. "glinda keeps all the rain storms away; so i never worry about my dolls getting wet. but now, if you will come with me, it will give me pleasure to show you over my paper kingdom. of course you must go slowly and carefully, and avoid making any breeze." they left the cottage and followed their guide through the various streets of the village. it was indeed an amazing place, when one considered that it was all made with scissors, and the visitors were not only greatly interested but full of admiration for the skill of little miss cuttenclip. in one place a large group of especially nice paper dolls assembled to greet their queen, whom it was easy to see they loved dearly. these dolls marched and danced before the visitors, and then they all waved their paper handkerchiefs and sang in a sweet chorus a song called "the flag of our native land." at the conclusion of the song they ran up a handsome paper flag on a tall flagpole, and all of the people of the village gathered around to cheer as loudly as they could--although, of course, their voices were not especially strong. miss cuttenclip was about to make her subjects a speech in reply to this patriotic song, when the shaggy man happened to sneeze. [illustration] he was a very loud and powerful sneezer at any time, and he had tried so hard to hold in this sneeze that when it suddenly exploded the result was terrible. the paper dolls were mowed down by dozens, and flew and fluttered in wild confusion in every direction, tumbling this way and that and getting more or less wrinkled and bent. a wail of terror and grief came from the scattered throng, and miss cuttenclip exclaimed: "dear me! dear me!" and hurried at once to the rescue of her overturned people. "oh, shaggy man! how could you?" asked dorothy, reproachfully. "i couldn't help it--really i couldn't," protested the shaggy man, looking quite ashamed. "and i had no idea it took so little to upset these paper dolls." "so little!" said dorothy. "why, it was 'most as bad as a kansas cyclone." and then she helped miss cuttenclip rescue the paper folk and stand them on their feet again. two of the cardboard houses had also tumbled over, and the little queen said she would have to repair them and paste them together before they could be lived in again. and now, fearing they might do more damage to the flimsy paper people, they decided to go away. but first they thanked miss cuttenclip very warmly for her courtesy and kindness to them. "any friend of princess ozma is always welcome here--unless he sneezes," said the queen, with a rather severe look at the shaggy man, who hung his head. "i like to have visitors admire my wonderful village, and i hope you will call again." miss cuttenclip herself led them to the door in the wall, and as they passed along the street the paper dolls peeped at them half fearfully from the doors and windows. perhaps they will never forget the shaggy man's awful sneeze, and i am sure they were all glad to see the meat people go away. [illustration] _how_ the general met the first and foremost chapter eleven [illustration] on leaving the growleywogs general guph had to recross the ripple lands, and he did not find it a pleasant thing to do. perhaps having his whiskers pulled out one by one and being used as a pin-cushion for the innocent amusement of a good natured jailor had not improved the quality of guph's temper, for the old nome raved and raged at the recollection of the wrongs he had suffered, and vowed to take vengeance upon the growleywogs after he had used them for his purposes and oz had been conquered. he went on in this furious way until he was half across the ripple land. then he became seasick, and the rest of the way this naughty nome was almost as miserable as he deserved to be. but when he reached the plains again and the ground was firm under his feet he began to feel better, and instead of going back home he turned directly west. a squirrel, perched in a tree, saw him take this road and called to him warningly: "look out!" but he paid no attention. an eagle paused in its flight through the air to look at him wonderingly and say: "look out!" but on he went. no one can say that guph was not brave, for he had determined to visit those dangerous creatures the phanfasms, who resided upon the very top of the dread mountain of phantastico. the phanfasms were erbs, and so dreaded by mortals and immortals alike that no one had been near their mountain home for several thousand years. yet general guph hoped to induce them to join in his proposed warfare against the good and happy oz people. guph knew very well that the phanfasms would be almost as dangerous to the nomes as they would to the ozites, but he thought himself so clever that he believed that he could manage these strange creatures and make them obey him. and there was no doubt at all that if he could enlist the services of the phanfasms their tremendous power, united to the strength of the growleywogs and the cunning of the whimsies would doom the land of oz to absolute destruction. so the old nome climbed the foothills and trudged along the wild mountain paths until he came to a big gully that encircled the mountain of phantastico and marked the boundary line of the dominion of the phanfasms. this gully was about a third of the way up the mountain, and it was filled to the brim with red-hot molten lava, in which swam fire-serpents and poisonous salamanders. the heat from this mass and its poisonous smell were both so unbearable that even birds hesitated to fly over the gully, but circled around it. all living things kept away from the mountain. now guph had heard, during his long lifetime, many tales of these dreaded phanfasms; so he had heard of this barrier of melted lava, and also he had been told that there was a narrow bridge that spanned it in one place. so he walked along the edge until he found the bridge. it was a single arch of gray stone, and lying flat upon this bridge was a scarlet alligator, seemingly fast asleep. when guph stumbled over the rocks in approaching the bridge the creature opened its eyes, from which tiny flames shot in all directions, and after looking at the intruder very wickedly the scarlet alligator closed its eyelids again and lay still. guph saw there was no room for him to pass the alligator on the narrow bridge, so he called out to it: "good morning, friend. i don't wish to hurry you, but please tell me if you are coming down, or going up?" "neither," snapped the alligator, clicking its cruel jaws together. the general hesitated. [illustration] "are you likely to stay there long?" he asked. "a few hundred years or so," said the alligator. guph softly rubbed the end of his nose and tried to think what to do. "do you know whether the first and foremost phanfasm of phantastico is at home or not?" he presently inquired. "i expect he is, seeing he is always at home," replied the alligator. "ah; who is that coming down the mountain?" asked the nome, gazing upward. the alligator turned to look over its shoulder, and at once guph ran to the bridge and leaped over the sentinel's back before it could turn back again. the scarlet monster made a snap at the nome's left foot, but missed it by fully an inch. "ah ha!" laughed the general, who was now on the mountain path. "i fooled you that time." "so you did; and perhaps you fooled yourself," retorted the alligator. "go up the mountain, if you dare, and find out what the first and foremost will do to you!" "i will," declared guph, boldly; and on he went up the path. at first the scene was wild enough, but gradually it grew more and more awful in appearance. all the rocks had the shapes of frightful beings and even the tree trunks were gnarled and twisted like serpents. suddenly there appeared before the nome a man with the head of an owl. his body was hairy, like that of an ape, and his only clothing was a scarlet scarf twisted around his waist. he bore a huge club in his hand and his round owl eyes blinked fiercely upon the intruder. "what are you doing here?" he demanded, threatening guph with his club. "i've come to see the first and foremost phanfasm of phantastico," replied the general, who did not like the way this creature looked at him, but still was not afraid. "ah; you shall see him!" the man said, with a sneering laugh. "the first and foremost shall decide upon the best way to punish you." "he will not punish me," returned guph, calmly, "for i have come here to do him and his people a rare favor. lead on, fellow, and take me directly to your master." the owl-man raised his club with a threatening gesture. "if you try to escape," he said, "beware--" but here the general interrupted him. "spare your threats," said he, "and do not be impertinent, or i will have you severely punished. lead on, and keep silent!" this guph was really a clever rascal, and it seems a pity he was so bad, for in a good cause he might have accomplished much. he realized that he had put himself into a dangerous position by coming to this dreadful mountain, but he also knew that if he showed fear he was lost. so he adopted a bold manner as his best defense. the wisdom of this plan was soon evident, for the phanfasm with the owl's head turned and led the way up the mountain. at the very top was a level plain, upon which were heaps of rock that at first glance seemed solid. but on looking closer guph discovered that these rock heaps were dwellings, for each had an opening. not a person was to be seen outside the rock huts. all was silent. the owl-man led the way among the groups of dwellings to one standing in the center. it seemed no better and no worse than any of the others. outside the entrance to this rock heap the guide gave a low wail that sounded like "lee-ow-ah!" suddenly there bounded from the opening another hairy man. this one wore the head of a bear. in his hand he bore a brass hoop. he glared at the stranger in evident surprise. "why have you captured this foolish wanderer and brought him here?" he demanded, addressing the owl-man. "i did not capture him," was the answer. "he passed the scarlet alligator and came here of his own free will and accord." the first and foremost looked at the general. "have you tired of life, then?" he asked. "no, indeed," answered guph. "i am a nome, and the chief general of king roquat the red's great army of nomes. i come of a long-lived race, and i may say that i expect to live a long time yet. sit down, you phanfasms--if you can find a seat in this wild haunt--and listen to what i have to say." with all his knowledge and bravery general guph did not know that the steady glare from the bear eyes was reading his inmost thoughts as surely as if they had been put into words. he did not know that these despised rock heaps of the phanfasms were merely deceptions to his own eyes, nor could he guess that he was standing in the midst of one of the most splendid and luxurious cities ever built by magic power. all that he saw was a barren waste of rock heaps, a hairy man with an owl's head and another with a bear's head. the sorcery of the phanfasms permitted him to see no more. suddenly the first and foremost swung his brass hoop and caught guph around the neck with it. the next instant, before the general could think what had happened to him, he was dragged inside the rock hut. here, his eyes still blinded to realities, he perceived only a dim light, by which the hut seemed as rough and rude inside as it was outside. yet he had a strange feeling that many bright eyes were fastened upon him and that he stood in a vast and extensive hall. [illustration] the first and foremost now laughed grimly and released his prisoner. "if you have anything to say that is interesting," he remarked, "speak out, before i strangle you." so guph spoke out. he tried not to pay any attention to a strange rustling sound that he heard, as of an unseen multitude drawing near to listen to his words. his eyes could see only the fierce bear-man, and to him he addressed his speech. first he told of his plan to conquer the land of oz and plunder the country of its riches and enslave its people, who, being fairies, could not be killed. after relating all this, and telling of the tunnel the nome king was building, he said he had come to ask the first and foremost to join the nomes, with his band of terrible warriors, and help them to defeat the oz people. the general spoke very earnestly and impressively, but when he had finished the bear-man began to laugh as if much amused, and his laughter seemed to be echoed by a chorus of merriment from an unseen multitude. then, for the first time, guph began to feel a trifle worried. "who else has promised to help you?" finally asked the first and foremost. "the whimsies," replied the general. again the bear-headed phanfasm laughed. "any others?" he inquired. "only the growleywogs," said guph. this answer set the first and foremost laughing anew. "what share of the spoils am i to have?" was the next question. "anything you like, except king roquat's magic belt," replied guph. at this the phanfasm set up a roar of laughter, which had its echo in the unseen chorus, and the bear-man seemed so amused that he actually rolled upon the ground and shouted with merriment. "oh, these blind and foolish nomes!" he said. "how big they seem to themselves and how small they really are!" suddenly he arose and seized guph's neck with one hairy paw, dragging him out of the hut into the open. here he gave a curious wailing cry, and, as if in answer, from all the rocky huts on the mountain-top came flocking a horde of phanfasms, all with hairy bodies, but wearing heads of various animals, birds and reptiles. all were ferocious and repulsive-looking to the deceived eyes of the nome, and guph could not repress a shudder of disgust as he looked upon them. the first and foremost slowly raised his arms, and in a twinkling his hairy skin fell from him and he appeared before the astonished nome as a beautiful woman, clothed in a flowing gown of pink gauze. in her dark hair flowers were entwined, and her face was noble and calm. at the same instant the entire band of phanfasms was transformed into a pack of howling wolves, running here and there as they snarled and showed their ugly yellow fangs. the woman now raised her arms, even as the man-bear had done, and in a twinkling the wolves became crawling lizards, while she herself changed into a huge butterfly. guph had only time to cry out in fear and take a step backward to avoid the lizards when another transformation occurred, and all returned instantly to the forms they had originally worn. then the first and foremost, who had resumed his hairy body and bear head, turned to the nome and asked: "do you still demand our assistance?" "more than ever," answered the general, firmly. "then tell me: what can you offer the phanfasms that they have not already?" inquired the first and foremost. guph hesitated. he really did not know what to say. the nome king's vaunted magic belt seemed a poor thing compared to the astonishing magical powers of these people. gold, jewels and slaves they might secure in any quantity without especial effort. he felt that he was dealing with powers greatly beyond him. there was but one argument that might influence the phanfasms, who were creatures of evil. "permit me to call your attention to the exquisite joy of making the happy unhappy," said he at last. "consider the pleasure of destroying innocent and harmless people." [illustration] "ah! you have answered me," cried the first and foremost. "for that reason alone we will aid you. go home, and tell your bandy-legged king that as soon as his tunnel is finished the phanfasms will be with him and lead his legions to the conquest of oz. the deadly desert alone has kept us from destroying oz long ago, and your underground tunnel is a clever thought. go home, and prepare for our coming!" guph was very glad to be permitted to go with this promise. the owl-man led him back down the mountain path and ordered the scarlet alligator to crawl away and allow the nome to cross the bridge in safety. after the visitor had gone a brilliant and gorgeous city appeared upon the mountain top, clearly visible to the eyes of the gaily dressed multitude of phanfasms that lived there. and the first and foremost, beautifully arrayed, addressed the others in these words: "it is time we went into the world and brought sorrow and dismay to its people. too long have we remained by ourselves upon this mountain top, for while we are thus secluded many nations have grown happy and prosperous, and the chief joy of the race of phanfasms is to destroy happiness. so i think it is lucky that this messenger from the nomes arrived among us just now, to remind us that the opportunity has come for us to make trouble. we will use king roquat's tunnel to conquer the land of oz. then we will destroy the whimsies, the growleywogs and the nomes, and afterward go out to ravage and annoy and grieve the whole world." the multitude of evil phanfasms eagerly applauded this plan, which they fully approved. i am told that the erbs are the most powerful and merciless of all the evil spirits, and the phanfasms of phantastico belong to the race of erbs. _how_ they matched the fuddles chapter twelve [illustration] dorothy and her fellow travelers rode away from the cuttenclip village and followed the indistinct path as far as the sign-post. here they took the main road again and proceeded pleasantly through the pretty farming country. when evening came they stopped at a dwelling and were joyfully welcomed and given plenty to eat and good beds for the night. early next morning, however, they were up and eager to start, and after a good breakfast they bade their host good-bye and climbed into the red wagon, to which the sawhorse had been hitched all night. being made of wood, this horse never got tired nor cared to lie down. dorothy was not quite sure whether he ever slept or not, but it was certain that he never did when anybody was around. the weather is always beautiful in oz, and this morning the air was cool and refreshing and the sunshine brilliant and delightful. in about an hour they came to a place where another road branched off. there was a sign-post here which read: [illustration: (hand pointing right)] this way to fuddlecumjig "oh, here is where we turn," said dorothy, observing the sign. "what! are we going to fuddlecumjig?" asked the captain general. "yes; ozma thought we would enjoy the fuddles. they are said to be very interesting," she replied. "no one would suspect it from their name," said aunt em. "who are they, anyhow? more paper things?" "i think not," answered dorothy, laughing; "but i can't say 'zactly, aunt em, what they are. we'll find out when we get there." "perhaps the wizard knows," suggested uncle henry. "no; i've never been there before," said the wizard. "but i've often heard of fuddlecumjig and the fuddles, who are said to be the most peculiar people in all the land of oz." "in what way?" asked the shaggy man. "i don't know, i'm sure," said the wizard. just then, as they rode along the pretty green lane toward fuddlecumjig, they espied a kangaroo sitting by the roadside. the poor animal had its face covered with both its front paws and was crying so bitterly that the tears coursed down its cheeks in two tiny streams and trickled across the road, where they formed a pool in a small hollow. [illustration] the sawhorse stopped short at this pitiful sight, and dorothy cried out, with ready sympathy: "what's the matter, kangaroo?" "boo-hoo! boo-hoo!" wailed the kangaroo; "i've lost my mi--mi--mi--oh, boo-hoo! boo-hoo!"-"poor thing," said the wizard, "she's lost her mister. it's probably her husband, and he's dead." "no, no, no!" sobbed the kangaroo. "it--it isn't that. i've lost my mi--mi--oh, boo, boo-hoo!" "i know," said the shaggy man; "she's lost her mirror." "no; it's my mi--mi--mi--boo-hoo! my mi--oh, boo-hoo!" and the kangaroo cried harder than ever. "it must be her mince-pie," suggested aunt em. "or her milk-toast," proposed uncle henry. "i've lost my mi--mi--mittens!" said the kangaroo, getting it out at last. "oh!" cried the yellow hen, with a cackle of relief. "why didn't you say so before?" "boo-hoo! i--i--couldn't," answered the kangaroo. "but, see here," said dorothy, "you don't need mittens in this warm weather." "yes, indeed i do," replied the animal, stopping her sobs and removing her paws from her face to look at the little girl reproachfully. "my hands will get all sunburned and tanned without my mittens, and i've worn them so long that i'll probably catch cold without them." "nonsense!" said dorothy. "i never heard before of any kangaroo wearing mittens." "didn't you?" asked the animal, as if surprised. "never!" repeated the girl. "and you'll probably make yourself sick if you don't stop crying. where do you live?" "about two miles beyond fuddlecumjig," was the answer. "grandmother gnit made me the mittens, and she's one of the fuddles." "well, you'd better go home now, and perhaps the old lady will make you another pair," suggested dorothy. "we're on our way to fuddlecumjig, and you may hop along beside us." so they rode on, and the kangaroo hopped beside the red wagon and seemed quickly to have forgotten her loss. by and by the wizard said to the animal: "are the fuddles nice people?" "oh, very nice," answered the kangaroo; "that is, when they're properly put together. but they get dreadfully scattered and mixed up, at times, and then you can't do anything with them." "what do you mean by their getting scattered?" inquired dorothy. "why, they're made in a good many small pieces," explained the kangaroo; "and whenever any stranger comes near them they have a habit of falling apart and scattering themselves around. that's when they get so dreadfully mixed, and its a hard puzzle to put them together again." "who usually puts them together?" asked omby amby. "any one who is able to match the pieces. i sometimes put grandmother gnit together myself, because i know her so well i can tell every piece that belongs to her. then, when she's all matched, she knits for me, and that's how she made my mittens. but it took a good many days hard knitting, and i had to put grandmother together a good many times, because every time i came near she'd scatter herself." "i should think she would get used to your coming, and not be afraid," said dorothy. "it isn't that," replied the kangaroo. "they're not a bit afraid, when they're put together, and usually they're very jolly and pleasant. it's just a habit they have, to scatter themselves, and if they didn't do it they wouldn't be fuddles." the travelers thought upon this quite seriously for a time, while the sawhorse continued to carry them rapidly forward. then aunt em remarked: "i don't see much use our visitin' these fuddles. if we find them scattered, all we can do is to sweep 'em up, and then go about our business." "oh, i b'lieve we'd better go on," replied dorothy. "i'm getting hungry, and we must try to get some luncheon at fuddlecumjig. perhaps the food won't be scattered as badly as the people." "you'll find plenty to eat there," declared the kangaroo, hopping along in big bounds because the sawhorse was going so fast; "and they have a fine cook, too, if you can manage to put him together. there's the town now--just ahead of us!" they looked ahead and saw a group of very pretty houses standing in a green field a little apart from the main road. "some munchkins came here a few days ago and matched a lot of people together," said the kangaroo. "i think they are together yet, and if you go softly, without making any noise, perhaps they won't scatter." "let's try it," suggested the wizard. so they stopped the sawhorse and got out of the wagon, and, after bidding good bye to the kangaroo, who hopped away home, they entered the field and very cautiously approached the group of houses. so silently did they move that soon they saw through the windows of the houses, people moving around, while others were passing to and fro in the yards between the buildings. they seemed much like other people, from a distance, and apparently they did not notice the little party so quietly approaching. they had almost reached the nearest house when toto saw a large beetle crossing the path and barked loudly at it. instantly a wild clatter was heard from the houses and yards. dorothy thought it sounded like a sudden hailstorm, and the visitors, knowing that caution was no longer necessary, hurried forward to see what had happened. after the clatter an intense stillness reigned in the town. the strangers entered the first house they came to, which was also the largest, and found the floor strewn with pieces of the people who lived there. they looked much like fragments of wood neatly painted, and were of all sorts of curious and fantastic shapes, no two pieces being in any way alike. they picked up some of these pieces and looked at them carefully. on one which dorothy held was an eye, which looked at her pleasantly but with an interested expression, as if it wondered what she was going to do with it. quite near by she discovered and picked up a nose, and by matching the two pieces together found that they were part of a face. "if i could find the mouth," she said, "this fuddle might be able to talk, and tell us what to do next." "then let us find it," replied the wizard, and so all got down on their hands and knees and began examining the scattered pieces. "i've found it!" cried the shaggy man, and ran to dorothy with a queer-shaped piece that had a mouth on it. but when they tried to fit it to the eye and nose they found the parts wouldn't match together. "that mouth belongs to some other person," said dorothy. "you see we need a curve here and a point there, to make it fit the face." "well, it must be here some place," declared the wizard; "so if we search long enough we shall find it." dorothy fitted an ear on next, and the ear had a little patch of red hair above it. so while the others were searching for the mouth she hunted for pieces with red hair, and found several of them which, when matched to the other pieces, formed the top of a man's head. she had also found the other eye and the ear by the time omby amby in a far corner discovered the mouth. when the face was thus completed all the parts joined together with a nicety that was astonishing. "why, it's like a picture puzzle!" exclaimed the little girl. "let's find the rest of him, and get him all together." "what's the rest of him like?" asked the wizard. "here are some pieces of blue legs and green arms, but i don't know whether they are his or not." "look for a white shirt and a white apron," said the head which had been put together, speaking in a rather faint voice. "i'm the cook." [illustration: "i'm the cook".] "oh, thank you," said dorothy. "it's lucky we started you first, for i'm hungry, and you can be cooking something for us to eat while we match the other folks together." it was not so very difficult, now that they had a hint as to how the man was dressed, to find the other pieces belonging to him, and as all of them now worked on the cook, trying piece after piece to see if it would fit, they finally had the cook set up complete. when he was finished he made them a low bow and said: "i will go at once to the kitchen and prepare your dinner. you will find it something of a job to get all the fuddles together, so i advise you to begin on the lord high chigglewitz, whose first name is larry. he's a bald-headed fat man and is dressed in a blue coat with brass buttons, a pink vest and drab breeches. a piece of his left knee is missing, having been lost years ago when he scattered himself too carelessly. that makes him limp a little, but he gets along very well with half a knee. as he is the chief personage in this town of fuddlecumjig, he will be able to welcome you and assist you with the others. so it will be best to work on him while i'm getting your dinner." "we will," said the wizard; "and thank you very much, cook, for the suggestion." aunt em was the first to discover a piece of the lord high chigglewitz. "it seems to me like a fool business, this matching folks together," she remarked; "but as we haven't anything to do till dinner's ready we may as well get rid of some of this rubbish. here, henry, get busy and look for larry's bald head. i've got his pink vest, all right." they worked with eager interest, and billina proved a great help to them. the yellow hen had sharp eyes and could put her head close to the various pieces that lay scattered around. she would examine the lord high chigglewitz and see which piece of him was next needed, and then hunt around until she found it. so before an hour had passed old larry was standing complete before them. "i congratulate you, my friends," he said, speaking in a cheerful voice. "you are certainly the cleverest people who ever visited us. i was never matched together so quickly in my life. i'm considered a great puzzle, usually." "well," said dorothy, "there used to be a picture puzzle craze in kansas, and so i've had some 'sperience matching puzzles. but the pictures were flat, while you are round, and that makes you harder to figure out." "thank you, my dear," replied old larry, greatly pleased. "i feel highly complimented. were i not a really good puzzle there would be no object in my scattering myself." "why do you do it?" asked aunt em, severely. "why don't you behave yourself, and stay put together?" the lord high chigglewitz seemed annoyed by this speech; but he replied, politely: "madam, you have perhaps noticed that every person has some peculiarity. mine is to scatter myself. what your own peculiarity is i will not venture to say; but i shall never find fault with you, whatever you do." "now, you've got your diploma, em," said uncle henry, with a laugh, "and i'm glad of it. this is a queer country, and we may as well take people as we find them." "if we did, we'd leave these folks scattered," she returned, and this retort made everybody laugh good-naturedly. just then omby amby found a hand with a knitting needle in it, and they decided to put grandmother gnit together. she proved an easier puzzle than old larry, and when she was completed they found her a pleasant old lady who welcomed them cordially. dorothy told her how the kangaroo had lost her mittens, and grandmother gnit promised to set to work at once and make the poor animal another pair. then the cook came to call them to dinner, and they found an inviting meal prepared for them. the lord high chigglewitz sat at the head of the table and grandmother gnit at the foot, and the guests had a merry time and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. after dinner they went out into the yard and matched several other people together, and this work was so interesting that they might have spent the entire day at fuddlecumjig had not the wizard suggested that they resume their journey. "but i don't like to leave all these poor people scattered," said dorothy, undecided what to do. [illustration] "oh, don't mind us, my dear," returned old larry. "every day or so some of the gillikins, or munchkins, or winkies come here to amuse themselves by matching us together, so there will be no harm in leaving these pieces where they are for a time. but i hope you will visit us again, and if you do you will always be welcome, i assure you." "don't you ever match each other?" she inquired. "never; for we are no puzzles to ourselves, and so there wouldn't be any fun in it." they now said goodbye to the queer fuddles and got into their wagon to continue their journey. "those are certainly strange people," remarked aunt em, thoughtfully, as they drove away from fuddlecumjig, "but i really can't see what use they are, at all." "why, they amused us all for several hours," replied the wizard. "that is being of use to us, i'm sure." "i think they're more fun than playing solitaire or mumbletypeg," declared uncle henry, soberly. "for my part, i'm glad we visited the fuddles." _how_ the general talked to the king chapter thirteen [illustration] when general guph returned to the cavern of the nome king his majesty asked: "well, what luck? will the whimsies join us?" "they will," answered the general. "they will fight for us with all their strength and cunning." "good!" exclaimed the king. "what reward did you promise them?" "your majesty is to use the magic belt to give each whimsie a large, fine head, in place of the small one he is now obliged to wear." "i agree to that," said the king. "this is good news, guph, and it makes me feel more certain of the conquest of oz." "but i have other news for you," announced the general. "good or bad?" "good, your majesty." "then i will hear it," said the king, with interest. "the growleywogs will join us." "no!" cried the astonished king. "yes, indeed," said the general. "i have their promise." "but what reward do they demand?" inquired the king, suspiciously, for he knew how greedy the growleywogs were. "they are to take a few of the oz people for their slaves," replied guph. he did not think it necessary to tell roquat that the growleywogs demanded twenty thousand slaves. it would be time enough for that when oz was conquered. "a very reasonable request, i'm sure," remarked the king. "i must congratulate you, guph, upon the wonderful success of your journey." "but that is not all," said the general, proudly. the king seemed astonished. "speak out, sir!" he commanded. "i have seen the first and foremost phanfasm of the mountain of phantastico, and he will bring his people to assist us." "what!" cried the king. "the phanfasms! you don't mean it, guph!" "it is true," declared the general, proudly. the king became thoughtful, and his brows wrinkled. "i'm afraid, guph," he said rather anxiously, "that the first and foremost may prove as dangerous to us as to the oz people. if he and his terrible band come down from the mountain they may take the notion to conquer the nomes!" "pah! that is a foolish idea," retorted guph, irritably, but he knew in his heart that the king was right. "the first and foremost is a particular friend of mine, and will do us no harm. why, when i was there, he even invited me into his house." the general neglected to tell the king how he had been jerked into the hut of the first and foremost by means of the brass hoop. so roquat the red looked at his general admiringly and said: "you are a wonderful nome, guph. i'm sorry i did not make you my general before. but what reward did the first and foremost demand?" "nothing at all," answered guph. "even the magic belt itself could not add to his powers of sorcery. all the phanfasms wish is to destroy the oz people, who are good and happy. this pleasure will amply repay them for assisting us." "when will they come?" asked roquat, half fearfully. "when the tunnel is completed," said the general. "we are nearly half way under the desert now," announced the king; "and that is fast work, because the tunnel has to be drilled through solid rock. but after we have passed the desert it will not take us long to extend the tunnel to the walls of the emerald city." "well, whenever you are ready, we shall be joined by the whimsies, the growleywogs and the phanfasms," said guph; "so the conquest of oz is assured without a doubt." again the king seemed thoughtful. "i'm almost sorry we did not undertake the conquest alone," said he. "all of these allies are dangerous people, and they may demand more than you have promised them. it might have been better to have conquered oz without any outside assistance." "we could not do it," said the general, positively. "why not, guph?" "you know very well. you have had one experience with the oz people, and they defeated you." "that was because they rolled eggs at us," replied the king, with a shudder. "my nomes cannot stand eggs, any more than i can myself. they are poison to all who live underground." "that is true enough," agreed guph. "but we might have taken the oz people by surprise, and conquered them before they had a chance to get any eggs. our former defeat was due to the fact that the girl dorothy had a yellow hen with her. i do not know what ever became of that hen, but i believe there are no hens at all in the land of oz, and so there could be no eggs there." "on the contrary," said guph, "there are now hundreds of chickens in oz, and they lay heaps of those dangerous eggs. i met a goshawk on my way home, and the bird informed me that he had lately been to oz to capture and devour some of the young chickens. but they are protected by magic, so the hawk did not get a single one of them." [illustration] "that is a very bad report," said the king, nervously. "very bad, indeed. my nomes are willing to fight, but they simply can't face hen's eggs--and i don't blame them." "they won't need to face them," replied guph. "i'm afraid of eggs myself, and don't propose to take any chances of being poisoned by them. my plan is to send the whimsies through the tunnel first, and then the growleywogs and the phanfasms. by the time we nomes get there the eggs will all be used up, and we may then pursue and capture the inhabitants at our leisure." "perhaps you are right," returned the king, with a dismal sigh. "but i want it distinctly understood that i claim ozma and dorothy as my own prisoners. they are rather nice girls, and i do not intend to let any of those dreadful creatures hurt them, or make them their slaves. when i have captured them i will bring them here and transform them into china ornaments to stand on my mantle. they will look very pretty--dorothy on one end of the mantle and ozma on the other--and i shall take great care to see they are not broken when the maids dust them." "very well, your majesty. do what you will with the girls, for all i care. now that our plans are arranged, and we have the three most powerful bands of evil spirits in the world to assist us, let us make haste to get the tunnel finished as soon as possible." "it will be ready in three days," promised the king, and hurried away to inspect the work and see that the nomes kept busy. _how_ the wizard practiced sorcery chapter fourteen [illustration] "where next?" asked the wizard, when they had left the town of fuddlecumjig and the sawhorse had started back along the road. "why, ozma laid out this trip," replied dorothy, "and she 'vised us to see the rigmaroles next, and then visit the tin woodman." "that sounds good," said the wizard. "but what road do we take to get to the rigmaroles?" "i don't know, 'zactly," returned the little girl; "but it must be somewhere just southwest from here." "then why need we go way back to the crossroads?" asked the shaggy man. "we might save a lot of time by branching off here." "there isn't any path," asserted uncle henry. "then we'd better go back to the signposts, and make sure of our way," decided dorothy. but after they had gone a short distance farther the sawhorse, who had overheard their conversation, stopped and said: "here is a path." sure enough, a dim path seemed to branch off from the road they were on, and it led across pretty green meadows and past leafy groves, straight toward the southwest. "that looks like a good path," said omby amby. "why not try it?" "all right," answered dorothy. "i'm anxious to see what the rigmaroles are like, and this path ought to take us there the quickest way." no one made any objection to the plan, so the sawhorse turned into the path, which proved to be nearly as good as the one they had taken to get to the fuddles. at first they passed a few retired farm houses, but soon these scattered dwellings were left behind and only the meadows and the trees were before them. but they rode along in cheerful contentment, and aunt em got into an argument with billina about the proper way to raise chickens. "i do not care to contradict you," said the yellow hen, with dignity, "but i have an idea i know more about chickens than human beings do." "pshaw!" replied aunt em, "i've raised chickens for nearly forty years, billina, and i know you've got to starve 'em to make 'em lay lots of eggs, and stuff 'em if you want good broilers." "broilers!" exclaimed billina, in horror. "broil my chickens!" "why, that's what they're for, ain't it?" asked aunt em, astonished. "no, aunt, not in oz," said dorothy. "people do not eat chickens here. you see, billina was the first hen that was ever seen in this country, and i brought her here myself. everybody liked her an' respected her, so the oz people wouldn't any more eat her chickens than they would eat billina." "well, i declare," gasped aunt em. "how about the eggs?" "oh, if we have more eggs than we want to hatch, we allow people to eat them," said billina. "indeed, i am very glad the oz folks like our eggs, for otherwise they would spoil." "this certainly is a queer country," sighed aunt em. "excuse me," called the sawhorse, "the path has ended and i'd like to know which way to go." they looked around and, sure enough, there was no path to be seen. "well," said dorothy, "we're going southwest, and it seems just as easy to follow that direction without a path as with one." "certainly," answered the sawhorse. "it is not hard to draw the wagon over the meadow. i only want to know where to go." "there's a forest over there across the prairie," said the wizard, "and it lies in the direction we are going. make straight for the forest, sawhorse, and you're bound to go right." so the wooden animal trotted on again and the meadow grass was so soft under the wheels that it made easy riding. but dorothy was a little uneasy at losing the path, because now there was nothing to guide them. no houses were to be seen at all, so they could not ask their way of any farmer; and although the land of oz was always beautiful, wherever one might go, this part of the country was strange to all the party. "perhaps we're lost," suggested aunt em, after they had proceeded quite a way in silence. "never mind," said the shaggy man; "i've been lost many a time--and so has dorothy--and we've always been found again." "but we may get hungry," remarked omby amby. "that is the worst of getting lost in a place where there are no houses near." "we had a good dinner at the fuddle town," said uncle henry, "and that will keep us from starving to death for a long time." "no one ever starved to death in oz," declared dorothy, positively; "but people may get pretty hungry sometimes." the wizard said nothing, and he did not seem especially anxious. the sawhorse was trotting along briskly, yet the forest seemed farther away than they had thought when they first saw it. so it was nearly sundown when they finally came to the trees; but now they found themselves in a most beautiful spot, the wide-spreading trees being covered with flowering vines and having soft mosses underneath them. "this will be a good place to camp," said the wizard, as the sawhorse stopped for further instructions. "camp!" they all echoed. "certainly," asserted the wizard. "it will be dark before very long and we cannot travel through this forest at night. so let us make a camp here, and have some supper, and sleep until daylight comes again." they all looked at the little man in astonishment, and aunt em said, with a sniff: "a pretty camp we'll have, i must say! i suppose you intend us to sleep under the wagon." "and chew grass for our supper," added the shaggy man, laughing. but dorothy seemed to have no doubts and was quite cheerful. "it's lucky we have the wonderful wizard with us," she said; "because he can do 'most anything he wants to." "oh, yes; i forgot we had a wizard," said uncle henry, looking at the little man curiously. "i didn't," chirped billina, contentedly. the wizard smiled and climbed out of the wagon, and all the others followed him. "in order to camp," said he, "the first thing we need is tents. will some one please lend me a handkerchief?" the shaggy man offered him one, and aunt em another. he took them both and laid them carefully upon the grass near to the edge of the forest. then he laid his own handkerchief down, too, and standing a little back from them he waved his left hand toward the handkerchiefs and said: "tents of canvas, white as snow, let me see how fast you grow!" then, lo and behold! the handkerchiefs became tiny tents, and as the travelers looked at them the tents grew bigger and bigger until in a few minutes each one was large enough to contain the entire party. "this," said the wizard, pointing to the first tent, "is for the accommodation of the ladies. dorothy, you and your aunt may step inside and take off your things." every one ran to look inside the tent, and they saw two pretty white beds, all ready for dorothy and aunt em, and a silver roost for billina. rugs were spread upon the grassy floor and some camp chairs and a table completed the furniture. "well, well, well! this beats anything i ever saw or heard of!" exclaimed aunt em, and she glanced at the wizard almost fearfully, as if he might be dangerous because of his great powers. "oh, mr. wizard! how did you manage to do it?" asked dorothy. "it's a trick glinda the sorceress taught me, and it is much better magic than i used to practise in omaha, or when i first came to oz," he answered. "when the good glinda found i was to live in the emerald city always, she promised to help me, because she said the wizard of oz ought really to be a clever wizard, and not a humbug. so we have been much together and i am learning so fast that i expect to be able to accomplish some really wonderful things in time." "you've done it now!" declared dorothy. "these tents are just wonderful!" "but come and see the men's tent," said the wizard. so they went to the second tent, which had shaggy edges because it had been made from the shaggy man's handkerchief, and found that completely furnished also. it contained four neat beds for uncle henry, omby amby, the shaggy man and the wizard. also there was a soft rug for toto to lie upon. "the third tent," explained the wizard, "is our dining room and kitchen." they visited that next, and found a table and dishes in the dining tent, with plenty of those things necessary to use in cooking. the wizard carried out a big kettle and set it swinging on a crossbar before the tent. while he was doing this omby amby and the shaggy man brought a supply of twigs from the forest and then they built a fire underneath the kettle. "now, dorothy," said the wizard, smiling, "i expect you to cook our supper." "but there is nothing in the kettle," she cried. "are you sure?" inquired the wizard. "i didn't see anything put in, and i'm almost sure it was empty when you brought it out," she replied. "nevertheless," said the little man, winking slyly at uncle henry, "you will do well to watch our supper, my dear, and see that it doesn't boil over." then the men took some pails and went into the forest to search for a spring of water, and while they were gone aunt em said to dorothy: "i believe the wizard is fooling us. i saw the kettle myself, and when he hung it over the fire there wasn't a thing in it but air." [illustration] "don't worry," remarked billina, confidently, as she nestled in the grass before the fire. "you'll find something in the kettle when it's taken off--and it won't be poor, innocent chickens, either." "your hen has very bad manners, dorothy," said aunt em, looking somewhat disdainfully at billina. "it seems too bad she ever learned how to talk." there might have been another unpleasant quarrel between aunt em and billina had not the men returned just then with their pails filled with clear, sparkling water. the wizard told dorothy that she was a good cook and he believed their supper was ready. so uncle henry lifted the kettle from the fire and poured its contents into a big platter which the wizard held for him. the platter was fairly heaped with a fine stew, smoking hot, with many kinds of vegetables and dumplings and a rich, delicious gravy. the wizard triumphantly placed the platter upon the table in the dining tent and then they all sat down in camp chairs to the feast. there were several other dishes on the table, all carefully covered, and when the time came to remove these covers they found bread and butter, cakes, cheese, pickles and fruits--including some of the luscious strawberries of oz. no one ventured to ask a question as to how these things came there. they contented themselves by eating heartily the good things provided, and toto and billina had their full share, you may be sure. after the meal was over aunt em whispered to dorothy: "that may have been magic food, my dear, and for that reason perhaps it won't be very nourishing; but i'm willing to say it tasted as good as anything i ever et." then she added, in a louder tone: "who's going to do the dishes?" "no one, madam," answered the wizard. "the dishes have 'done' themselves." "la sakes!" ejaculated the good lady, holding up her hands in amazement. for, sure enough, when she looked at the dishes they had a moment before left upon the table, she found them all washed and dried and piled up into neat stacks. [illustration] _how_ dorothy happened to get lost chapter fifteen [illustration] it was a beautiful evening, so they drew their camp chairs in a circle before one of the tents and began to tell stories to amuse themselves and pass away the time before they went to bed. pretty soon a zebra was seen coming out of the forest, and he trotted straight up to them and said politely: "good evening, people." the zebra was a sleek little animal and had a slender head, a stubby mane and a paint-brush tail--very like a donkey's. his neatly shaped white body was covered with regular bars of dark brown, and his hoofs were delicate as those of a deer. "good evening, friend zebra," said omby amby, in reply to the creature's greeting. "can we do anything for you?" "yes," answered the zebra. "i should like you to settle a dispute that has long been a bother to me, as to whether there is more water or land in the world." "who are you disputing with?" asked the wizard. "with a soft-shell crab," said the zebra. "he lives in a pool where i go to drink every day, and he is a very impertinent crab, i assure you. i have told him many times that the land is much greater in extent than the water, but he will not be convinced. even this very evening, when i told him he was an insignificant creature who lived in a small pool, he asserted that the water was greater and more important than the land. so, seeing your camp, i decided to ask you to settle the dispute for once and all, that i may not be further annoyed by this ignorant crab." when they had listened to this explanation dorothy inquired: "where is the soft-shell crab?" "not far away," replied the zebra. "if you will agree to judge between us i will run and get him." "run along, then," said the little girl. so the animal pranced into the forest and soon came trotting back to them. when he drew near they found a soft-shell crab clinging fast to the stiff hair of the zebra's head, where it held on by one claw. "now then, mr. crab," said the zebra, "here are the people i told you about; and they know more than you do, who live in a pool, and more than i do, who live in a forest. for they have been travelers all over the world, and know every part of it." "there's more of the world than oz," declared the crab, in a stubborn voice. "that is true," said dorothy; "but i used to live in kansas, in the united states, and i've been to california and to australia--and so has uncle henry." "for my part," added the shaggy man, "i've been to mexico and boston and many other foreign countries." "and i," said the wizard, "have been to europe and ireland." "so you see," continued the zebra, addressing the crab, "here are people of real consequence, who know what they are talking about." "then they know there's more water in the world than there is land," asserted the crab, in a shrill, petulant voice. "they know you are wrong to make such an absurd statement, and they will probably think you are a lobster instead of a crab," retorted the animal. at this taunt the crab reached out its other claw and seized the zebra's ear, and the creature gave a cry of pain and began prancing up and down, trying to shake off the crab, which clung fast. "stop pinching!" cried the zebra. "you promised not to pinch if i would carry you here!" "and you promised to treat me respectfully," said the crab, letting go the ear. "well, haven't i?" demanded the zebra. "no; you called me a lobster," said the crab. "ladies and gentlemen," continued the zebra, "please pardon my poor friend, because he is ignorant and stupid, and does not understand. also the pinch of his claw is very annoying. so pray tell him that the world contains more land than water, and when he has heard your judgment i will carry him back and dump him into his pool, where i hope he will be more modest in the future." "but we cannot tell him that," said dorothy, gravely, "because it would not be true." "what!" exclaimed the zebra, in astonishment; "do i hear you aright?" "the soft-shell crab is correct," declared the wizard. "there is considerably more water than there is land in the world." "impossible!" protested the zebra. "why, i can run for days upon the land, and find but little water." "did you ever see an ocean?" asked dorothy. "never," admitted the zebra. "there is no such thing as an ocean in the land of oz." "well, there are several oceans in the world," said dorothy, "and people sail in ships upon these oceans for weeks and weeks, and never see a bit of land at all. and the joggerfys will tell you that all the oceans put together are bigger than all the land put together." at this the crab began laughing in queer chuckles that reminded dorothy of the way billina sometimes cackled. "_now_ will you give up, mr. zebra?" it cried, jeeringly; "now will you give up?" the zebra seemed much humbled. "of course i cannot read geographys," he said. "you could take one of the wizard's school pills," suggested billina, "and that would make you learned and wise without studying." the crab began laughing again, which so provoked the zebra that he tried to shake the little creature off. this resulted in more ear-pinching, and finally dorothy told them that if they could not behave they must go back to the forest. "i'm sorry i asked you to decide this question," said the zebra, crossly. "so long as neither of us could prove we were right we quite enjoyed the dispute; but now i can never drink at that pool again without the soft-shell crab laughing at me. so i must find another drinking place." "do! do, you ignoramus!" shouted the crab, as loudly as his little voice would carry. "rile some other pool with your clumsy hoofs, and let your betters alone after this!" then the zebra trotted back to the forest, bearing the crab with him, and disappeared amid the gloom of the trees. and as it was now getting dark the travelers said good night to one another and went to bed. [illustration] dorothy awoke just as the light was beginning to get strong next morning, and not caring to sleep any later she quietly got out of bed, dressed herself, and left the tent where aunt em was yet peacefully slumbering. outside she noticed billina busily pecking around to secure bugs or other food for breakfast, but none of the men in the other tent seemed awake. so the little girl decided to take a walk in the woods and try to discover some path or road that they might follow when they again started upon their journey. she had reached the edge of the forest when the yellow hen came fluttering along and asked where she was going. "just to take a walk, billina; and maybe i'll find some path," said dorothy. "then i'll go along," decided billina, and scarcely had she spoken when toto ran up and joined them. toto and the yellow hen had become quite friendly by this time, although at first they did not get along well together. billina had been rather suspicious of dogs, and toto had had an idea that it was every dog's duty to chase a hen on sight. but dorothy had talked to them and scolded them for not being agreeable to one another until they grew better acquainted and became friends. i won't say they loved each other dearly, but at least they had stopped quarreling and now managed to get on together very well. the day was growing lighter every minute and driving the black shadows out of the forest; so dorothy found it very pleasant walking under the trees. she went some distance in one direction, but not finding a path, presently turned in a different direction. there was no path here, either, although she advanced quite a way into the forest, winding here and there among the trees and peering through the bushes in an endeavor to find some beaten track. "i think we'd better go back," suggested the yellow hen, after a time. "the people will all be up by this time and breakfast will be ready." "very well," agreed dorothy. "let's see--the camp must be over this way." she had probably made a mistake about that, for after they had gone far enough to have reached the camp they still found themselves in the thick of the woods. so the little girl stopped short and looked around her, and toto glanced up into her face with his bright little eyes and wagged his tail as if he knew something was wrong. he couldn't tell much about direction himself, because he had spent his time prowling among the bushes and running here and there; nor had billina paid much attention to where they were going, being interested in picking bugs from the moss as they passed along. the yellow hen now turned one eye up toward the little girl and asked: "have you forgotten where the camp is, dorothy?" "yes," she admitted; "have you, billina?" "i didn't try to remember," returned billina. "i'd no idea you would get lost, dorothy." "it's the thing we don't expect, billina, that usually happens," observed the girl, thoughtfully. "but it's no use standing here. let's go in that direction," pointing a finger at random. "it may be we'll get out of the forest over there." so on they went again, but this way the trees were closer together, and the vines were so tangled that often they tripped dorothy up. suddenly a voice cried sharply: "halt!" [illustration: "halt!"] at first dorothy could see nothing, although she looked around very carefully. but billina exclaimed: "well, i declare!" "what is it?" asked the little girl: for toto began barking at something, and following his gaze she discovered what it was. a row of spoons had surrounded the three, and these spoons stood straight up on their handles and carried swords and muskets. their faces were outlined in the polished bowls and they looked very stern and severe. dorothy laughed at the queer things. "who are you?" she asked. "we're the spoon brigade," said one. "in the service of his majesty king kleaver," said another. "and you are our prisoners," said a third. dorothy sat down on an old stump and looked at them, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "what would happen," she inquired, "if i should set my dog on your brigade?" "he would die," replied one of the spoons, sharply. "one shot from our deadly muskets would kill him, big as he is." "don't risk it, dorothy," advised the yellow hen. "remember this is a fairy country, yet none of us three happens to be a fairy." dorothy grew sober at this. "p'raps you're right, billina," she answered. "but how funny it is, to be captured by a lot of spoons!" "i do not see anything very funny about it," declared a spoon. "we're the regular military brigade of the kingdom." "what kingdom?" she asked. "utensia," said he. "i never heard of it before," asserted dorothy. then she added, thoughtfully, "i don't believe ozma ever heard of utensia, either. tell me, are you not subjects of ozma of oz?" "we never have heard of her," retorted a spoon. "we are subjects of king kleaver, and obey only his orders, which are to bring all prisoners to him as soon as they are captured. so step lively, my girl, and march with us, or we may be tempted to cut off a few of your toes with our swords." this threat made dorothy laugh again. she did not believe she was in any danger; but here was a new and interesting adventure, so she was willing to be taken to utensia that she might see what king kleaver's kingdom was like. [illustration] _how_ dorothy visited utensia chapter sixteen [illustration] there must have been from six to eight dozen spoons in the brigade, and they marched away in the shape of a hollow square, with dorothy, billina and toto in the center of the square. before they had gone very far toto knocked over one of the spoons by wagging his tail, and then the captain of the spoons told the little dog to be more careful, or he would be punished. so toto was careful, and the spoon brigade moved along with astonishing swiftness, while dorothy really had to walk fast to keep up with it. by and by they left the woods and entered a big clearing, in which was the kingdom of utensia. standing all around the clearing were a good many cookstoves, ranges and grills, of all sizes and shapes, and besides these there were several kitchen cabinets and cupboards and a few kitchen tables. these things were crowded with utensils of all sorts: frying pans, sauce pans, kettles, forks, knives, basting and soup spoons, nutmeg graters, sifters, colenders, meat saws, flat irons, rolling pins and many other things of a like nature. when the spoon brigade appeared with the prisoners a wild shout arose and many of the utensils hopped off their stoves or their benches and ran crowding around dorothy and the hen and the dog. "stand back!" cried the captain, sternly, and he led his captives through the curious throng until they came before a big range that stood in the center of the clearing. beside this range was a butcher's block upon which lay a great cleaver with a keen edge. it rested upon the flat of its back, its legs were crossed and it was smoking a long pipe. [illustration] "wake up, your majesty," said the captain. "here are prisoners." hearing this, king kleaver sat up and looked at dorothy sharply. "gristle and fat!" he cried. "where did this girl come from?" "i found her in the forest and brought her here a prisoner," replied the captain. "why did you do that?" inquired the king, puffing his pipe lazily. "to create some excitement," the captain answered. "it is so quiet here that we are all getting rusty for want of amusement. for my part, i prefer to see stirring times." "naturally," returned the cleaver, with a nod. "i have always said, captain, without a bit of irony, that you are a sterling officer and a solid citizen, bowled and polished to a degree. but what do you expect me to do with these prisoners?" "that is for you to decide," declared the captain. "you are the king." "to be sure; to be sure," muttered the cleaver, musingly. "as you say, we have had dull times since the steel and grindstone eloped and left us. command my counselors and the royal courtiers to attend me, as well as the high priest and the judge. we'll then decide what can be done." the captain saluted and retired and dorothy sat down on an overturned kettle and asked: "have you anything to eat in your kingdom?" "here! get up! get off from me!" cried a faint voice, at which his majesty the cleaver said: "excuse me, but you're sitting on my friend the ten-quart kettle." dorothy at once arose, and the kettle turned right side up and looked at her reproachfully. "i'm a friend of the king, so no one dares sit on me," said he. "i'd prefer a chair, anyway," she replied. "sit on that hearth," commanded the king. so dorothy sat on the hearth-shelf of the big range, and the subjects of utensia began to gather around in a large and inquisitive throng. toto lay at dorothy's feet and billina flew upon the range, which had no fire in it, and perched there as comfortably as she could. when all the counselors and courtiers had assembled--and these seemed to include most of the inhabitants of the kingdom--the king rapped on the block for order and said: "friends and fellow utensils! our worthy commander of the spoon brigade, captain dipp, has captured the three prisoners you see before you and brought them here for--for--i don't know what for. so i ask your advice how to act in this matter, and what fate i should mete out to these captives. judge sifter, stand on my right. it is your business to sift this affair to the bottom. high priest colender, stand on my left and see that no one testifies falsely in this matter." as these two officials took their places dorothy asked: "why is the colender the high priest?" "he's the holiest thing we have in the kingdom," replied king kleaver. "except me," said a sieve. "i'm the whole thing when it comes to holes." "what we need," remarked the king, rebukingly, "is a wireless sieve. i must speak to marconi about it. these old fashioned sieves talk too much. now, it is the duty of the king's counselors to counsel the king at all times of emergency, so i beg you to speak out and advise me what to do with these prisoners." "i demand that they be killed several times, until they are dead!" shouted a pepperbox, hopping around very excitedly. "compose yourself, mr. paprica," advised the king. "your remarks are piquant and highly-seasoned, but you need a scattering of commonsense. it is only necessary to kill a person once to make him dead; but i do not see that it is necessary to kill this little girl at all." "i don't, either," said dorothy. "pardon me, but you are not expected to advise me in this matter," replied king kleaver. "why not?" asked dorothy. "you might be prejudiced in your own favor, and so mislead us," he said. "now then, good subjects, who speaks next?" "i'd like to smooth this thing over, in some way," said a flatiron, earnestly. "we are supposed to be useful to mankind, you know." "but the girl isn't mankind! she's womankind!" yelled a corkscrew. "what do you know about it?" inquired the king. "i'm a lawyer," said the corkscrew, proudly. "i am accustomed to appear at the bar." "but you're crooked," retorted the king, "and that debars you. you may be a corking good lawyer, mr. popp, but i must ask you to withdraw your remarks." "very well," said the corkscrew, sadly; "i see i haven't any pull at this court." "permit me," continued the flatiron, "to press my suit, your majesty. i do not wish to gloss over any fault the prisoner may have committed, if such a fault exists; but we owe her some consideration, and that's flat!" "i'd like to hear from prince karver," said the king. at this a stately carvingknife stepped forward and bowed. "the captain was wrong to bring this girl here, and she was wrong to come," he said. "but now that the foolish deed is done let us all prove our mettle and have a slashing good time." "that's it! that's it!" screamed a fat choppingknife. "we'll make mincemeat of the girl and hash of the chicken and sausage of the dog!" there was a shout of approval at this and the king had to rap again for order. "gentlemen, gentlemen!" he said, "your remarks are somewhat cutting and rather disjointed, as might be expected from such acute intellects. but you give no reasons for your demands." "see here, kleaver; you make me tired," exclaimed a saucepan, strutting before the king very impudently. "you're about the worst king that ever reigned in utensia, and that's saying a good deal. why don't you run things yourself, instead of asking everybody's advice, like the big, clumsy idiot you are?" the king sighed. "i wish there wasn't a saucepan in my kingdom," he said. "you fellows are always stewing, over something, and every once in a while you slop over and make a mess of it. go hang yourself, sir--by the handle--and don't let me hear from you again." dorothy was much shocked by the dreadful language the utensils employed, and she thought that they must have had very little proper training. so she said, addressing the king, who seemed very unfit to rule his turbulent subjects: "i wish you'd decide my fate right away. i can't stay here all day, trying to find out what you're going to do with me." "this thing is becoming a regular broil, and it's time i took part in it," observed a big gridiron, coming forward. "what i'd like to know," said a can-opener, in a shrill voice, "is why the girl came to our forest, anyhow, and why she intruded upon captain dipp--who ought to be called dippy--and who she is, and where she came from, and where she is going, and why and wherefore and therefore and when." "i'm sorry to see, sir jabber," remarked the king to the can-opener, "that you have such a prying disposition. as a matter of fact, all the things you mention are none of our business." having said this the king relighted his pipe, which had gone out. "tell me, please, what _is_ our business?" inquired a potato-masher, winking at dorothy somewhat impertinently. "i'm fond of little girls, myself, and it seems to me she has as much right to wander in the forest as we have." "who accuses the little girl, anyway?" inquired a rolling-pin. "what has she done?" "i don't know," said the king. "what has she done, captain dipp?" "that's the trouble, your majesty. she hasn't done anything," replied the captain. "what do you want me to do?" asked dorothy. this question seemed to puzzle them all. finally a chafingdish, exclaimed, irritably: "if no one can throw any light on this subject you must excuse me if i go out." at this a big kitchen fork pricked up its ears and said in a tiny voice: "let's hear from judge sifter." "that's proper," returned the king. so judge sifter turned around slowly several times and then said: "we have nothing against the girl except the stove-hearth upon which she sits. therefore i order her instantly discharged." "discharged!" cried dorothy. "why, i never was discharged in my life, and i don't intend to be. if its all the same to you, i'll resign." "it's all the same," declared the king. "you are free--you and your companions--and may go wherever you like." "thank you," said the little girl. "but haven't you anything to eat in your kingdom? i'm hungry." "go into the woods and pick blackberries," advised the king, lying down upon his back again and preparing to go to sleep. "there isn't a morsel to eat in all utensia, that i know of." so dorothy jumped up and said: "come on, toto and billina. if we can't find the camp we may find some blackberries." the utensils drew back and allowed them to pass without protest, although captain dipp marched the spoon brigade in close order after them until they had reached the edge of the clearing. there the spoons halted; but dorothy and her companions entered the forest again and began searching diligently for a way back to the camp, that they might rejoin their party. [illustration] _how_ they came to bunbury chapter seventeen [illustration] wandering through the woods, without knowing where you are going or what adventure you are about to meet next, is not as pleasant as one might think. the woods are always beautiful and impressive, and if you are not worried or hungry you may enjoy them immensely; but dorothy was worried and hungry that morning, so she paid little attention to the beauties of the forest, and hurried along as fast as she could go. she tried to keep in one direction and not circle around, but she was not at all sure that the direction she had chosen would lead her to the camp. by and by, to her great joy, she came upon a path. it ran to the right and to the left, being lost in the trees in both directions, and just before her, upon a big oak, were fastened two signs, with arms pointing both ways. one sign read: [illustration: (hand pointing right)] take the other road to bunbury and the second sign read: [illustration: (hand pointing right)] take the other road to bunnybury "well!" exclaimed billina, eyeing the signs, "this looks as if we were getting back to civilization again." "i'm not sure about the civil'zation, dear," replied the little girl; "but it looks as if we might get _somewhere_, and that's a big relief, anyhow." "which path shall we take?" inquired the yellow hen. dorothy stared at the signs thoughtfully. "bunbury sounds like something to eat," she said. "let's go there." "it's all the same to me," replied billina. she had picked up enough bugs and insects from the moss as she went along to satisfy her own hunger, but the hen knew dorothy could not eat bugs; nor could toto. the path to bunbury seemed little traveled, but it was distinct enough and ran through the trees in a zigzag course until it finally led them to an open space filled with the queerest houses dorothy had ever seen. they were all made of crackers, laid out in tiny squares, and were of many pretty and ornamental shapes, having balconies and porches with posts of bread-sticks and roofs shingled with wafer-crackers. there were walks of bread-crusts leading from house to house and forming streets, and the place seemed to have many inhabitants. when dorothy, followed by billina and toto, entered the place, they found people walking the streets or assembled in groups talking together, or sitting upon the porches and balconies. and what funny people they were! men, women, and children were all made of buns and bread. some were thin and others fat; some were white, some light brown and some very dark of complexion. a few of the buns, which seemed to form the more important class of the people, were neatly frosted. some had raisins for eyes and currant buttons on their clothes; others had eyes of cloves and legs of stick cinnamon, and many wore hats and bonnets frosted pink and green. there was something of a commotion in bunbury when the strangers suddenly appeared among them. women caught up their children and hurried into their houses, shutting the cracker doors carefully behind them. some men ran so hastily that they tumbled over one another, while others, more brave, assembled in a group and faced the intruders defiantly. dorothy at once realized that she must act with caution in order not to frighten these shy people, who were evidently unused to the presence of strangers. there was a delightful fragrant odor of fresh bread in the town, and this made the little girl more hungry than ever. she told toto and billina to stay back while she slowly advanced toward the group that stood silently awaiting her. "you must 'scuse me for coming unexpected," she said, softly, "but i really didn't know i was coming here until i arrived. i was lost in the woods, you know, and i'm as hungry as anything." "hungry!" they murmured, in a horrified chorus. "yes; i haven't had anything to eat since last night's supper," she explained. "are there any eatables in bunbury?" they looked at one another undecidedly, and then one portly bun man, who seemed a person of consequence, stepped forward and said: "little girl, to be frank with you, we are all eatables. everything in bunbury is eatable to ravenous human creatures like you. but it is to escape being eaten and destroyed that we have secluded ourselves in this out-of-the-way place, and there is neither right nor justice in your coming here to feed upon us." dorothy looked at him longingly. "you're bread, aren't you?" she asked. "yes; bread and butter. the butter is inside me, so it won't melt and run. i do the running myself." at this joke all the others burst into a chorus of laughter, and dorothy thought they couldn't be much afraid if they could laugh like that. "couldn't i eat something besides people?" she asked. "couldn't i eat just one house, or a side-walk, or something? i wouldn't mind much what it was, you know." "this is not a public bakery, child," replied the man, sternly. "it's private property." "i know mr.--mr.--" "my name is c. bunn, esquire," said the man. "c stands for cinnamon, and this place is called after my family, which is the most aristocratic in the town." "oh, i don't know about that," objected another of the queer people. "the grahams and the browns and whites are all excellent families, and there are none better of their kind. i'm a boston brown, myself." "i admit you are all desirable citizens," said mr. bunn, rather stiffly; "but the fact remains that our town is called bunbury." "'scuse me," interrupted dorothy; "but i'm getting hungrier every minute. now, if you're polite and kind, as i'm sure you ought to be, you'll let me eat _something_. there's so much to eat here that you never will miss it." then a big, puffed-up man, of a delicate brown color, stepped forward and said: "i think it would be a shame to send this child away hungry, especially as she agrees to eat whatever we can spare and not touch our people." "so do i, pop," replied a roll who stood near. "what, then, do you suggest, mr. over?" inquired mr. bunn. "why, i'll let her eat my back fence, if she wants to. it's made of waffles, and they're very crisp and nice." "she may also eat my wheelbarrow," added a pleasant looking muffin. "it's made of nabiscos with a zuzu wheel." "very good; very good," remarked mr. bunn. "that is certainly very kind of you. go with pop over and mr. muffin, little girl, and they will feed you." "thank you very much," said dorothy, gratefully. "may i bring my dog toto, and the yellow hen? they're hungry, too." "will you make them behave?" asked the muffin. "of course," promised dorothy. "then come along," said pop over. so dorothy and billina and toto walked up the street and the people seemed no longer to be at all afraid of them. mr. muffin's house came first, and as his wheelbarrow stood in the front yard the little girl ate that first. it didn't seem very fresh, but she was so hungry that she was not particular. toto ate some, too, while billina picked up the crumbs. while the strangers were engaged in eating, many of the people came and stood in the street curiously watching them. dorothy noticed six roguish looking brown children standing all in a row, and she asked: "who are you, little ones?" "we're the graham gems," replied one; "and we're all twins." "i wonder if your mother could spare one or two of you?" asked billina, who decided that they were fresh baked; but at this dangerous question the six little gems ran away as fast as they could go. "you mustn't say such things, billina," said dorothy, reprovingly. "now let's go into pop over's back yard and get the waffles." "i sort of hate to let that fence go," remarked mr. over, nervously, as they walked toward his house. "the neighbors back of us are soda biscuits, and i don't care to mix with them." "but i'm hungry yet," declared the girl. "that wheelbarrow wasn't very big." "i've got a shortcake piano, but none of my family can play on it," he said, reflectively. "suppose you eat that." "all right," said dorothy; "i don't mind. anything to be accomodating." [illustration] so mr. over led her into the house, where she ate the piano, which was of an excellent flavor. "is there anything to drink here?" she asked. "yes; i've a milk pump and a water pump; which will you have?" he asked. "i guess i'll try 'em both," said dorothy. so mr. over called to his wife, who brought into the yard a pail made of some kind of baked dough, and dorothy pumped the pail full of cool, sweet milk and drank it eagerly. the wife of pop over was several shades darker than her husband. "aren't you overdone?" the little girl asked her. "no indeed," answered the woman. "i'm neither overdone nor done over; i'm just mrs. over, and i'm the president of the bunbury breakfast band." dorothy thanked them for their hospitality and went away. at the gate mr. cinnamon bunn met her and said he would show her around the town. "we have some very interesting inhabitants," he remarked, walking stiffly beside her on his stick-cinnamon legs; "and all of us who are in good health are well bred. if you are no longer hungry we will call upon a few of the most important citizens." toto and billina followed behind them, behaving very well, and a little way down the street they came to a handsome residence where aunt sally lunn lived. the old lady was glad to meet the little girl and gave her a slice of white bread and butter which had been used as a door-mat. it was almost fresh and tasted better than anything dorothy had eaten in the town. "where do you get the butter?" she inquired. "we dig it out of the ground, which, as you may have observed, is all flour and meal," replied mr. bunn. "there is a butter mine just at the opposite side of the village. the trees which you see here are all doughleanders and doughderas, and in the season we get quite a crop of dough-nuts off them." "i should think the flour would blow around and get into your eyes," said dorothy. "no," said he; "we are bothered with cracker dust sometimes, but never with flour." then he took her to see johnny cake, a cheerful old gentleman who lived near by. "i suppose you've heard of me," said old johnny, with an air of pride. "i'm a great favorite all over the world." "aren't you rather yellow?" asked dorothy, looking at him critically. "maybe, child. but don't think i'm bilious, for i was never in better health in my life," replied the old gentleman. "if anything ailed me, i'd willingly acknowledge the corn." "johnny's a trifle stale," said mr. bunn, as they went away; "but he's a good mixer and never gets cross-grained. i will now take you to call upon some of my own relatives." they visited the sugar bunns, the currant bunns and the spanish bunns, the latter having a decidedly foreign appearance. then they saw the french rolls, who were very polite to them, and made a brief call upon the parker h. rolls, who seemed a bit proud and overbearing. "but they're not as stuck up as the frosted jumbles," declared mr. bunn, "who are people i really can't abide. i don't like to be suspicious or talk scandal, but sometimes i think the jumbles have too much baking powder in them." just then a dreadful scream was heard, and dorothy turned hastily around to find a scene of great excitement a little way down the street. the people were crowding around toto and throwing at him everything they could find at hand. they pelted the little dog with hard-tack, crackers, and even articles of furniture which were hard baked and heavy enough for missiles. toto howled a little as the assortment of bake stuff struck him; but he stood still, with head bowed and tail between his legs, until dorothy ran up and inquired what the matter was. "matter!" cried a rye loafer, indignantly, "why the horrid beast has eaten three of our dear crumpets, and is now devouring a salt-rising biscuit!" "oh, toto! how could you?" exclaimed dorothy, much distressed. toto's mouth was full of his salt-rising victim; so he only whined and wagged his tail. but billina, who had flown to the top of a cracker house to be in a safe place, called out: "don't blame him, dorothy; the crumpets dared him to do it." "yes, and you pecked out the eyes of a raisin bunn--one of our best citizens!" shouted a bread pudding, shaking its fist at the yellow hen. "what's that! what's that?" wailed mr. cinnamon bunn, who had now joined them. "oh, what a misfortune--what a terrible misfortune!" "see here," said dorothy, determined to defend her pets, "i think we've treated you all pretty well, seeing you're eatables, an' reg'lar food for us. i've been kind to you, and eaten your old wheelbarrows and pianos and rubbish, an' not said a word. but toto and billina can't be 'spected to go hungry when the town's full of good things they like to eat, 'cause they can't understand your stingy ways as i do." "you must leave here at once!" said mr. bunn, sternly. "suppose we won't go?" asked dorothy, who was now much provoked. "then," said he, "we will put you into the great ovens where we are made, and bake you." dorothy gazed around and saw threatening looks upon the faces of all. she had not noticed any ovens in the town, but they might be there, nevertheless, for some of the inhabitants seemed very fresh. so she decided to go, and calling to toto and billina to follow her she marched up the street with as much dignity as possible, considering that she was followed by the hoots and cries of the buns and biscuits and other bake stuff. [illustration] _how_ ozma looked into the magic picture chapter eighteen [illustration] princess ozma was a very busy little ruler, for she looked carefully after the comfort and welfare of her people and tried to make them happy. if any quarrels arose she decided them justly; if any one needed counsel or advice she was ready and willing to listen to them. for a day or two after dorothy and her companions had started on their trip, ozma was occupied with the affairs of her kingdom. then she began to think of some manner of occupation for uncle henry and aunt em that would be light and easy and yet give the old people something to do. she soon decided to make uncle henry the keeper of the jewels, for some one really was needed to count and look after the bins and barrels of emeralds, diamonds, rubies and other precious stones that were in the royal storehouses. that would keep uncle henry busy enough, but it was harder to find something for aunt em to do. the palace was full of servants, so there was no detail of housework that aunt em could look after. while ozma sat in her pretty room engaged in thought she happened to glance at her magic picture. this was one of the most important treasures in all the land of oz. it was a large picture, set in a beautiful gold frame, and it hung in a prominent place upon a wall of ozma's private room. usually this picture seemed merely a country scene, but whenever ozma looked at it and wished to know what any of her friends or acquaintances were doing, the magic of this wonderful picture was straightway disclosed. for the country scene would gradually fade away and in its place would appear the likeness of the person or persons ozma might wish to see, surrounded by the actual scenes in which they were then placed. in this way the princess could view any part of the world she wished, and watch the actions of any one in whom she was interested. ozma had often seen dorothy in her kansas home by this means, and now, having a little leisure, she expressed a desire to see her little friend again. it was while the travelers were at fuddlecumjig, and ozma laughed merrily as she watched in the picture her friends trying to match the pieces of grandmother gnit. "they seem happy and are doubtless having a good time," the girl ruler said to herself; and then she began to think of the many adventures she herself had encountered with dorothy. the images of her friends now faded from the magic picture and the old landscape slowly reappeared. ozma was thinking of the time when with dorothy and her army she marched to the nome king's underground cavern, beyond the land of ev, and forced the old monarch to liberate his captives, who belonged to the royal family of ev. that was the time when the scarecrow nearly frightened the nome king into fits by throwing one of billina's eggs at him, and dorothy had captured king roquat's magic belt and brought it away with her to the land of oz. the pretty princess smiled at the recollection of this adventure, and then she wondered what had become of the nome king since then. merely because she was curious and had nothing better to do, ozma glanced at the magic picture and wished to see in it the king of the nomes. roquat the red went every day into his tunnel to see how the work was getting along and to hurry his workmen as much as possible. he was there now, and ozma saw him plainly in the magic picture. she saw the underground tunnel, reaching far underneath the deadly desert which separated the land of oz from the mountains beneath which the nome king had his extensive caverns. she saw that the tunnel was being made in the direction of the emerald city, and knew at once it was being dug so that the army of nomes could march through it and attack her own beautiful and peaceful country. "i suppose king roquat is planning revenge against us," she said, musingly, "and thinks he can surprise us and make us his captives and slaves. how sad it is that any one can have such wicked thoughts! but i must not blame king roquat too severely, for he is a nome, and his nature is not so gentle as my own." then she dismissed from her mind further thought of the tunnel, for that time, and began to wonder if aunt em would not be happy as royal mender of the stockings of the ruler of oz. ozma wore few holes in her stockings; still, they sometimes needed mending. aunt em ought to be able to do that very nicely. next day the princess watched the tunnel again in her magic picture, and every day afterward she devoted a few minutes to inspecting the work. it was not especially interesting, but she felt that it was her duty. slowly but surely the big arched hole crept through the rocks underneath the deadly desert, and day by day it drew nearer and nearer to the emerald city. _how_ bunnybury welcomed the strangers chapter nineteen [illustration] dorothy left bunbury the same way she had entered it and when they were in the forest again she said to billina: "i never thought that things good to eat could be so dis'gree'ble." "often i've eaten things that tasted good but were disagreeable afterward," returned the yellow hen. "i think, dorothy, if eatables are going to act badly, it's better before than after you eat them." "p'raps you're right," said the little girl, with a sigh. "but what shall we do now?" "let us follow the path back to the signpost," suggested billina. "that will be better than getting lost again." "why, we're lost anyhow," declared dorothy; "but i guess you're right about going back to that signpost, billina." they returned along the path to the place where they had first found it, and at once took "the other road" to bunnybury. this road was a mere narrow strip, worn hard and smooth but not wide enough for dorothy's feet to tread. still it was a guide, and the walking through the forest was not at all difficult. before long they reached a high wall of solid white marble, and the path came to an end at this wall. at first dorothy thought there was no opening at all in the marble, but on looking closely she discovered a small square door about on a level with her head, and underneath this closed door was a bell-push. near the bell-push a sign was painted in neat letters upon the marble, and the sign read: _no admittance except on business_ this did not discourage dorothy, however, and she rang the bell. pretty soon a bolt was cautiously withdrawn and the marble door swung slowly open. then she saw it was not really a door, but a window, for several brass bars were placed across it, being set fast in the marble and so close together that the little girl's fingers might barely go between them. back of the bars appeared the face of a white rabbit--a very sober and sedate face--with an eye-glass held in his left eye and attached to a cord in his button-hole. "well! what is it?" asked the rabbit, sharply. "i'm dorothy," said the girl, "and i'm lost, and--" "state your business, please," interrupted the rabbit. "my business," she replied, "is to find out where i am, and to--" "no one is allowed in bunnybury without an order or a letter of introduction from either ozma of oz or glinda the good," announced the rabbit; "so that that settles the matter," and he started to close the window. "wait a minute!" cried dorothy. "i've got a letter from ozma." "from the ruler of oz?" asked the rabbit, doubtingly. "of course. ozma's my best friend, you know; and i'm a princess myself," she announced, earnestly. "hum--ha! let me see your letter," returned the rabbit, as if he still doubted her. so she hunted in her pocket and found the letter ozma had given her. then she handed it through the bars to the rabbit, who took it in his paws and opened it. he read it aloud in a pompous voice, as if to let dorothy and billina see that he was educated and could read writing. the letter was as follows: "it will please me to have my subjects greet princess dorothy, the bearer of this royal missive, with the same courtesy and consideration they would extend to me." "ha--hum! it is signed 'ozma of oz,'" continued the rabbit, "and is sealed with the great seal of the emerald city. well, well, well! how strange! how remarkable!" "what are you going to do about it?" inquired dorothy, impatiently. "we must obey the royal mandate," replied the rabbit. "we are subjects of ozma of oz, and we live in her country. also we are under the protection of the great sorceress glinda the good, who made us promise to respect ozma's commands." "then may i come in?" she asked. "i'll open the door," said the rabbit. he shut the window and disappeared, but a moment afterward a big door in the wall opened and admitted dorothy to a small room, which seemed to be a part of the wall and built into it. here stood the rabbit she had been talking with, and now that she could see all of him she gazed at the creature in surprise. he was a good sized white rabbit with pink eyes, much like all other white rabbits. but the astonishing thing about him was the manner in which he was dressed. he wore a white satin jacket embroidered with gold, and having diamond buttons. his vest was rose-colored satin, with tourmaline buttons. his trousers were white, to correspond with the jacket, and they were baggy at the knees--like those of a zouave--being tied with knots of rose ribbons. his shoes were of white plush with diamond buckles, and his stockings were rose silk. the richness and even magnificence of the rabbit's clothing made dorothy stare at the little creature wonderingly. toto and billina had followed her into the room and when he saw them the rabbit ran to a table and sprang upon it nimbly. then he looked at the three through his monocle and said: "these companions, princess, cannot enter bunnybury with you." "why not?" asked dorothy. "in the first place they would frighten our people, who dislike dogs above all things on earth; and, secondly, the letter of the royal ozma does not mention them." "but they're my friends," persisted dorothy, "and go wherever i go." "not this time," said the rabbit, decidedly. "you, yourself, princess, are a welcome visitor, since you come so highly recommended; but unless you consent to leave the dog and the hen in this room i cannot permit you to enter the town." "never mind us, dorothy," said billina. "go inside and see what the place is like. you can tell us about it afterward, and toto and i will rest comfortably here until you return." this seemed the best thing to do, for dorothy was curious to see how the rabbit people lived and she was aware of the fact that her friends might frighten the timid little creatures. she had not forgotten how toto and billina had misbehaved in bunbury, and perhaps the rabbit was wise to insist on their staying outside the town. "very well," she said, "i'll go in alone. i s'pose you're the king of this town, aren't you?" "no," answered the rabbit, "i'm merely the keeper of the wicket, and a person of little importance, although i try to do my duty. i must now inform you, princess, that before you enter our town you must consent to reduce." "reduce what?" asked dorothy. "your size. you must become the size of the rabbits, although you may retain your own form." "wouldn't my clothes be too big for me?" she inquired. "no; they will reduce when your body does." "can _you_ make me smaller?" asked the girl. "easily," returned the rabbit. "and will you make me big again, when i'm ready to go away?" "i will," said he. "all right, then; i'm willing," she announced. the rabbit jumped from the table and ran--or rather hopped--to the further wall, where he opened a door so tiny that even toto could scarcely have crawled through it. "follow me," he said. now, almost any other little girl would have declared that she could not get through so small a door; but dorothy had already encountered so many fairy adventures that she believed nothing was impossible in the land of oz. so she quietly walked toward the door, and at every step she grew smaller and smaller until, by the time the opening was reached, she could pass through it with ease. indeed, as she stood beside the rabbit, who sat upon his hind legs and used his paws as hands, her head was just about as high as his own. then the keeper of the wicket passed through and she followed, after which the door swung shut and locked itself with a sharp click. dorothy now found herself in a city so strange and beautiful that she gave a gasp of surprise. the high marble wall extended all around the place and shut out all the rest of the world. and here were marble houses of curious forms, most of them resembling overturned kettles but with delicate slender spires and minarets running far up into the sky. the streets were paved with white marble and in front of each house was a lawn of rich green clover. everything was as neat as wax, the green and white contrasting prettily together. but the rabbit people were, after all, the most amazing things dorothy saw. the streets were full of them, and their costumes were so splendid that the rich dress of the keeper of the wicket was commonplace when compared with the others. silks and satins of delicate hues seemed always used for material, and nearly every costume sparkled with exquisite gems. [illustration] but the lady rabbits outshone the gentlemen rabbits in splendor, and the cut of their gowns was really wonderful. they wore bonnets, too, with feathers and jewels in them, and some wheeled baby carriages in which the girl could see wee bunnies. some were lying asleep while others lay sucking their paws and looking around them with big pink eyes. as dorothy was no bigger in size than the grown-up rabbits she had a chance to observe them closely before they noticed her presence. then they did not seem at all alarmed, although the little girl naturally became the center of attraction and all regarded her with great curiosity. "make way!" cried the keeper of the wicket, in a pompous voice; "make way for princess dorothy, who comes from ozma of oz." hearing this announcement, the throng of rabbits gave place to them on the walks, and as dorothy passed along they all bowed their heads respectfully. walking thus through several handsome streets they came to a square in the center of the city. in this square were some pretty trees and a statue in bronze of glinda the good, while beyond it were the portals of the royal palace--an extensive and imposing building of white marble covered with a filigree of frosted gold. _how_ dorothy lunched with a king chapter twenty [illustration] a line of rabbit soldiers was drawn up before the palace entrance, and they wore green and gold uniforms with high shakos upon their heads and held tiny spears in their hands. the captain had a sword and a white plume in his shako. "salute!" cried the keeper of the wicket. "salute princess dorothy, who comes from ozma of oz!" "salute!" yelled the captain, and all the soldiers promptly saluted. they now entered the great hall of the palace, where they met a gaily dressed attendant, from whom the keeper of the wicket inquired if the king were at leisure. "i think so," was the reply. "i heard his majesty blubbering and wailing as usual only a few minutes ago. if he doesn't stop acting like a cry-baby i'm going to resign my position here and go to work." "what's the matter with your king?" asked dorothy, surprised to hear the rabbit attendant speak so disrespectfully of his monarch. "oh, he doesn't want to be king, that's all; and he simply _has_ to," was the reply. "come!" said the keeper of the wicket, sternly; "lead us to his majesty; and do not air our troubles before strangers, i beg of you." "why, if this girl is going to see the king, he'll air his own troubles," returned the attendant. "that is his royal privilege," declared the keeper. so the attendant led them into a room all draped with cloth-of-gold and furnished with satin-covered gold furniture. there was a throne in this room, set on a dais and having a big cushioned seat, and on this seat reclined the rabbit king. he was lying on his back, with his paws in the air, and whining very like a puppy-dog. "your majesty! your majesty! get up. here's a visitor," called out the attendant. the king rolled over and looked at dorothy with one watery pink eye. then he sat up and wiped his eyes carefully with a silk handkerchief and put on his jeweled crown, which had fallen off. "excuse my grief, fair stranger," he said, in a sad voice. "you behold in me the most miserable monarch in all the world. what time is it, blinkem?" "one o'clock, your majesty," replied the attendant to whom the question was addressed. "serve luncheon at once!" commanded the king. "luncheon for two--that's for my visitor and me--and see that the human has some sort of food she's accustomed to." "yes, your majesty," answered the attendant, and went away. "tie my shoe, bristle," said the king to the keeper of the wicket. "ah, me! how unhappy i am!" "what seems to be worrying your majesty?" asked dorothy. "why, it's this king business, of course," he returned, while the keeper tied his shoe. "i didn't want to be king of bunnybury at all, and the rabbits all knew it. so they elected me--to save themselves from such a dreadful fate, i suppose--and here i am, shut up in a palace, when i might be free and happy." "seems to me," said dorothy, "it's a great thing to be a king." "were you ever a king?" inquired the monarch. "no," she answered, laughing. "then you know nothing about it," he said. "i haven't inquired who you are, but it doesn't matter. while we're at luncheon, i'll tell you all my troubles. they're a great deal more interesting than anything you can say about yourself." "perhaps they are, to you," replied dorothy. "luncheon is served!" cried blinkem, throwing open the door, and in came a dozen rabbits in livery, all bearing trays which they placed upon the table, where they arranged the dishes in an orderly manner. "now clear out--all of you!" exclaimed the king. "bristle, you may wait outside, in case i want you." when they had gone and the king was alone with dorothy he came down from his throne, tossed his crown into a corner and kicked his ermine robe under the table. "sit down," he said, "and try to be happy. it's useless for me to try, because i'm always wretched and miserable. but i'm hungry, and i hope you are." "i am," said dorothy. "i've only eaten a wheelbarrow and a piano to-day--oh, yes! and a slice of bread and butter that used to be a door-mat." "that sounds like a square meal," remarked the king, seating himself opposite her; "but perhaps it wasn't a square piano. eh?" dorothy laughed. "you don't seem so very unhappy now," she said. [illustration] "but i am," protested the king, fresh tears gathering in his eyes. "even my jokes are miserable. i'm wretched, woeful, afflicted, distressed and dismal as an individual can be. are you not sorry for me?" "no," answered dorothy, honestly, "i can't say i am. seems to me that for a rabbit you 're right in clover. this is the prettiest little city i ever saw." "oh, the city is good enough," he admitted. "glinda, the good sorceress, made it for us because she was fond of rabbits. i don't mind the city so much, although i wouldn't live here if i had my choice. it is being king that has absolutely ruined my happiness." "why wouldn't you live here by choice?" she asked. "because it is all unnatural, my dear. rabbits are out of place in such luxury. when i was young i lived in a burrow in the forest. i was surrounded by enemies and often had to run for my life. it was hard getting enough to eat, at times, and when i found a bunch of clover i had to listen and look for danger while i ate it. wolves prowled around the hole in which i lived and sometimes i didn't dare stir out for days at a time. oh, how happy and contented i was then! i was a real rabbit, as nature made me--wild and free!--and i even enjoyed listening to the startled throbbing of my own heart!" "i've often thought," said dorothy, who was busily eating, "that it would be fun to be a rabbit." "it _is_ fun--when you're the genuine article," agreed his majesty. "but look at me now! i live in a marble palace instead of a hole in the ground. i have all i want to eat, without the joy of hunting for it. every day i must dress in fine clothes and wear that horrible crown till it makes my head ache. rabbits come to me with all sorts of troubles, when my own troubles are the only ones i care about. when i walk out i can't hop and run; i must strut on my rear legs and wear an ermine robe! and the soldiers salute me and the band plays and the other rabbits laugh and clap their paws and cry out: 'hail to the king!' now let me ask you, as a friend and a young lady of good judgment: isn't all this pomp and foolishness enough to make a decent rabbit miserable?" "once," said dorothy, reflectively, "men were wild and unclothed and lived in caves and hunted for food as wild beasts do. but they got civ'lized, in time, and now they'd hate to go back to the old days." "that is an entirely different case," replied the king. "none of you humans were civilized in one lifetime. it came to you by degrees. but i have known the forest and the free life, and that is why i resent being civilized all at once, against my will, and being made a king with a crown and an ermine robe. pah!" "if you don't like it, why don't you resign?" she asked. "impossible!" wailed the rabbit, wiping his eyes again with his handkerchief. "there's a beastly law in this town that forbids it. when one is elected a king there's no getting out of it." "who made the laws?" inquired dorothy. "the same sorceress who made the town--glinda the good. she built the wall, and fixed up the city, and gave us several valuable enchantments, and made the laws. then she invited all the pink-eyed white rabbits of the forest to come here, after which she left us to our fate." "what made you 'cept the invitation, and come here?" asked the child. "i didn't know how dreadful city life was, and i'd no idea i would be elected king," said he, sobbing bitterly. "and--and--now i'm it--with a capital i--and can't escape!" "i know glinda," remarked dorothy, eating for dessert a dish of charlotte russe, "and when i see her again i'll ask her to put another king in your place." "will you? will you, indeed?" asked the king, joyfully. "i will if you want me to," she replied. "hurroo--hurray!" shouted the king; and then he jumped up from the table and danced wildly about the room, waving his napkin like a flag and laughing with glee. after a time he managed to control his delight and returned to the table. "when are you likely to see glinda?" he inquired. "oh, p'raps in a few days," said dorothy. "and you won't forget to ask her?" "of course not." "princess," said the rabbit king, earnestly, "you have relieved me of a great unhappiness, and i am very grateful. therefore i propose to entertain you, since you are my guest and i am the king, as a slight mark of my appreciation. come with me to my reception hall." he then summoned bristle and said to him: "assemble all the nobility in the great reception hall, and also tell blinkem that i want him immediately." the keeper of the wicket bowed and hurried away, and his majesty turned to dorothy and continued: "we'll have time for a walk in the gardens before the people get here." the gardens were back of the palace and were filled with beautiful flowers and fragrant shrubs, with many shade and fruit trees and marble paved walks running in every direction. as they entered this place blinkem came running to the king, who gave him several orders in a low voice. then his majesty rejoined dorothy and led her through the gardens, which she admired very much. "what lovely clothes your majesty wears!" she said, glancing at the rich blue satin costume, embroidered with pearls, in which the king was dressed. "yes," he returned, with an air of pride, "this is one of my favorite suits; but i have a good many that are even more elaborate. we have excellent tailors in bunnybury, and glinda supplies all the material. by the way, you might ask the sorceress, when you see her, to permit me to keep my wardrobe." "but if you go back to the forest you will not need clothes," she said. "n--o!" he faltered; "that may be so. but i've dressed up so long that i'm used to it, and i don't imagine i'd care to run around naked again. so perhaps the good glinda will let me keep the costumes." "i'll ask her," agreed dorothy. then they left the gardens and went into a fine big reception hall, where rich rugs were spread upon the tiled floors and the furniture was exquisitely carved and studded with jewels. the king's chair was an especially pretty piece of furniture, being in the shape of a silver lily with one leaf bent over to form the seat. the silver was everywhere thickly encrusted with diamonds and the seat was upholstered in white satin. "oh, what a splendid chair!" cried dorothy, clasping her hands admiringly. "isn't it?" answered the king, proudly. "it is my favorite seat, and i think it especially becoming to my complexion. while i think of it, i wish you'd ask glinda to let me keep this lily chair when i go away." "it wouldn't look very well in a hole in the ground, would it?" she suggested. "maybe not; but i'm used to sitting in it and i'd like to take it with me," he answered. "but here come the ladies and gentlemen of the court; so please sit beside me and be presented." [illustration] _how_ the king changed his mind chapter twenty-one [illustration] just then a rabbit band of nearly fifty pieces marched in, playing upon golden instruments and dressed in neat uniforms. following the band came the nobility of bunnybury, all richly dressed and hopping along on their rear legs. both the ladies and the gentlemen wore white gloves upon their paws, with their rings on the outside of the gloves, as this seemed to be the fashion here. some of the lady rabbits carried lorgnettes, while many of the gentlemen rabbits wore monocles in their left eyes. the courtiers and their ladies paraded past the king, who introduced princess dorothy to each couple in a very graceful manner. then the company seated themselves in chairs and on sofas and looked expectantly at their monarch. "it is our royal duty, as well as our royal pleasure," he said, "to provide fitting entertainment for our distinguished guest. we will now present the royal band of whiskered friskers." as he spoke the musicians, who had arranged themselves in a corner, struck up a dance melody while into the room pranced the whiskered friskers. they were eight pretty rabbits dressed only in gauzy purple skirts fastened around their waists with diamond bands. their whiskers were colored a rich purple, but otherwise they were pure white. after bowing before the king and dorothy the friskers began their pranks, and these were so comical that dorothy laughed with real enjoyment. they not only danced together, whirling and gyrating around the room, but they leaped over one another, stood upon their heads and hopped and skipped here and there so nimbly that it was hard work to keep track of them. finally they all made double somersaults and turned handsprings out of the room. the nobility enthusiastically applauded, and dorothy applauded with them. "they're fine!" she said to the king. "yes, the whiskered friskers are really very clever," he replied. "i shall hate to part with them when i go away, for they have often amused me when i was very miserable. i wonder if you would ask glinda--" "no, it wouldn't do at all," declared dorothy, positively. "there wouldn't be room in your hole in the ground for so many rabbits, 'spec'ly when you get the lily chair and your clothes there. don't think of such a thing, your majesty." the king sighed. then he stood up and announced to the company: "we will now behold a military drill by my picked bodyguard of royal pikemen." now the band played a march and a company of rabbit soldiers came in. they wore green and gold uniforms and marched very stiffly but in perfect time. their spears, or pikes, had slender shafts of polished silver with golden heads, and during the drill they handled these weapons with wonderful dexterity. "i should think you'd feel pretty safe with such a fine bodyguard," remarked dorothy. "i do," said the king. "they protect me from every harm. i suppose glinda wouldn't--" "no," interrupted the girl; "i'm sure she wouldn't. it's the king's own bodyguard, and when you are no longer king you can't have 'em." the king did not reply, but he looked rather sorrowful for a time. when the soldiers had marched out he said to the company: "the royal jugglers will now appear." dorothy had seen many jugglers in her lifetime, but never any so interesting as these. there were six of them, dressed in black satin embroidered with queer symbols in silver--a costume which contrasted strongly with their snow-white fur. first they pushed in a big red ball and three of the rabbit jugglers stood upon its top and made it roll. then two of them caught up a third and tossed him into the air, all vanishing, until only the two were left. then one of these tossed the other upward and remained alone of all his fellows. this last juggler now touched the red ball, which fell apart, being hollow, and the five rabbits who had disappeared in the air scrambled out of the hollow ball. next they all clung together and rolled swiftly upon the floor. when they came to a stop only one fat rabbit juggler was seen, the others seeming to be inside him. this one leaped lightly into the air and when he came down he exploded and separated into the original six. then four of them rolled themselves into round balls and the other two tossed them around and played ball with them. these were but a few of the tricks the rabbit jugglers performed, and they were so skillful that all the nobility and even the king applauded as loudly as did dorothy. "i suppose there are no rabbit jugglers in all the world to compare with these," remarked the king. "and since i may not have the whiskered friskers or my bodyguard, you might ask glinda to let me take away just two or three of these jugglers. will you?" "i'll ask her," replied dorothy, doubtfully. "thank you," said the king; "thank you very much. and now you shall listen to the winsome waggish warblers, who have often cheered me in my moments of anguish." the winsome waggish warblers proved to be a quartette of rabbit singers, two gentlemen and two lady rabbits. the gentlemen warblers wore full-dress swallow-tailed suits of white satin, with pearls for buttons, while the lady warblers were gowned in white satin dresses with long trails. the first song they sang began in this way: "when a rabbit gets a habit of living in a city and wearing clothes and furbelows and jewels rare and pretty, he scorns the bun who has to run and burrow in the ground and pities those whose watchful foes are man and gun and hound." dorothy looked at the king when she heard this song and noticed that he seemed disturbed and ill at ease. "i don't like that song," he said to the warblers. "give us something jolly and rollicking." so they sang to a joyous, tinkling melody as follows: "bunnies gay delight to play in their fairy town secure; ev'ry frisker flirts his whisker at a pink-eyed girl demure. ev'ry maid in silk arrayed at her partner shyly glances, paws are grasped, waists are clasped as they whirl in giddy dances. then together through the heather 'neath the moonlight soft they stroll; each is very blithe and merry, gamboling with laughter droll. life is fun to ev'ry one guarded by our magic charm for to dangers we are strangers, safe from any thought of harm." "you see," said dorothy to the king, when the song ended, "the rabbits all seem to like bunnybury except you. and i guess you're the only one that ever has cried or was unhappy and wanted to get back to your muddy hole in the ground." his majesty seemed thoughtful, and while the servants passed around glasses of nectar and plates of frosted cakes their king was silent and a bit nervous. [illustration: his majesty was thoughtful] when the refreshments had been enjoyed by all and the servants had retired dorothy said: "i must go now, for it's getting late and i'm lost. i've got to find the wizard and aunt em and uncle henry and all the rest sometime before night comes, if i poss'bly can." "won't you stay with us?" asked the king. "you will be very welcome." "no, thank you," she replied. "i must get back to my friends. and i want to see glinda just as soon as i can, you know." so the king dismissed his court and said he would himself walk with dorothy to the gate. he did not weep nor groan any more, but his long face was quite solemn and his big ears hung dejectedly on each side of it. he still wore his crown and his ermine and walked with a handsome gold-headed cane. when they arrived at the room in the wall the little girl found toto and billina waiting for her very patiently. they had been liberally fed by some of the attendants and were in no hurry to leave such comfortable quarters. the keeper of the wicket was by this time back in his old place, but he kept a safe distance from toto. dorothy bade good bye to the king as they stood just inside the wall. "you've been good to me," she said, "and i thank you ever so much. as soon as poss'ble i'll see glinda and ask her to put another king in your place and send you back into the wild forest. and i'll ask her to let you keep some of your clothes and the lily chair and one or two jugglers to amuse you. i'm sure she will do it, 'cause she's so kind she doesn't like any one to be unhappy." "ahem!" said the king, looking rather downcast. "i don't like to trouble you with my misery; so you needn't see glinda." "oh, yes i will," she replied. "it won't be any trouble at all." "but, my dear," continued the king, in an embarrassed way, "i've been thinking the subject over carefully, and i find there are a lot of pleasant things here in bunnybury that i would miss if i went away. so perhaps i'd better stay." dorothy laughed. then she looked grave. "it won't do for you to be a king and a cry-baby at the same time," she said. "you've been making all the other rabbits unhappy and discontented with your howls about being so miserable. so i guess it's better to have another king." "oh, no indeed!" exclaimed the king, earnestly. "if you won't say anything to glinda i'll promise to be merry and gay all the time, and never cry or wail again." "honor bright?" she asked. "on the royal word of a king i promise it!" he answered. "all right," said dorothy. "you'd be a reg'lar lunatic to want to leave bunnybury for a wild life in the forest, and i'm sure any rabbit outside the city would be glad to take your place." "forget it, my dear; forget all my foolishness," pleaded the king, earnestly. "hereafter i'll try to enjoy myself and do my duty by my subjects." so then she left him and entered through the little door into the room in the wall, where she grew gradually bigger and bigger until she had resumed her natural size. the keeper of the wicket let them out into the forest and told dorothy that she had been of great service to bunnybury because she had brought their dismal king to a realization of the pleasure of ruling so beautiful a city. "i shall start a petition to have your statue erected beside glinda's in the public square," said the keeper. "i hope you will come again, some day, and see it." "perhaps i shall," she replied. then, followed by toto and billina, she walked away from the high marble wall and started back along the narrow path toward the sign-post. [illustration] _how_ the wizard found dorothy chapter twenty-two [illustration] when they came to the signpost, there, to their joy, were the tents of the wizard pitched beside the path and the kettle bubbling merrily over a fire. the shaggy man and omby amby were gathering firewood while uncle henry and aunt em sat in their camp chairs talking with the wizard. they all ran forward to greet dorothy, as she approached, and aunt em exclaimed: "goodness gracious, child! where have you been?" "you've played hookey the whole day," added the shaggy man, reproachfully. "well, you see, i've been lost," explained the little girl, "and i've tried awful hard to find the way back to you, but just couldn't do it." "did you wander in the forest all day?" asked uncle henry. "you must be a'most starved!" said aunt em. "no," said dorothy, "i'm not hungry. i had a wheelbarrow and a piano for breakfast, and lunched with a king." "ah!" exclaimed the wizard, nodding with a bright smile. "so you've been having adventures again." "she's stark crazy!" cried aunt em. "whoever heard of eating a wheelbarrow?" "it wasn't very big," said dorothy; "and it had a zuzu wheel." "and i ate the crumbs," added billina, soberly. "sit down and tell us about it," begged the wizard. "we've hunted for you all day, and at last i noticed your footsteps in this path--and the tracks of billina. we found the path by accident, and seeing it only led to two places i decided you were at either one or the other of those places. so we made camp and waited for you to return. and now, dorothy, tell us where you have been--to bunbury or to bunnybury?" "why, i've been to both," she replied; "but first i went to utensia, which isn't on any path at all." she then sat down and related the day's adventures, and you may be sure aunt em and uncle henry were much astonished at the story. "but after seeing the cuttenclips and the fuddles," remarked her uncle, "we ought not to wonder at anything in this strange country." "seems like the only common and ordinary folks here are ourselves," rejoined aunt em, diffidently. "now that we're together again, and one reunited party," observed the shaggy man, "what are we to do next?" "have some supper and a night's rest," answered the wizard promptly, "and then proceed upon our journey." "where to?" asked the captain general. "we haven't visited the rigmaroles or the flutterbudgets yet," said dorothy. "i'd like to see them--wouldn't you?" "they don't sound very interesting," objected aunt em. "but perhaps they are." "and then," continued the little wizard, "we will call upon the tin woodman and jack pumpkinhead and our old friend the scarecrow, on our way home." "that will be nice!" cried dorothy, eagerly. "can't say _they_ sound very interesting, either," remarked aunt em. "why, they're the best friends i have!" asserted the little girl, "and you're sure to like them, aunt em, 'cause _ever_'body likes them." by this time twilight was approaching, so they ate the fine supper which the wizard magically produced from the kettle and then went to bed in the cosy tents. they were all up bright and early next morning, but dorothy didn't venture to wander from the camp again for fear of more accidents. "do you know where there's a road?" she asked the little man. "no, my dear," replied the wizard; "but i'll find one." after breakfast he waved his hand toward the tents and they became handkerchiefs again, which were at once returned to the pockets of their owners. then they all climbed into the red wagon and the sawhorse inquired: "which way?" "never mind which way," replied the wizard. "just go as you please and you're sure to be right. i've enchanted the wheels of the wagon, and they will roll in the right direction, never fear." as the sawhorse started away through the trees dorothy said: "if we had one of those new-fashioned airships we could float away over the top of the forest, and look down and find just the places we want. "airship? pah!" retorted the little man, scornfully. "i hate those things, dorothy, although they are nothing new to either you or me. i was a balloonist for many years, and once my balloon carried me to the land of oz, and once to the vegetable kingdom. and once ozma had a gump that flew all over this kingdom and had sense enough to go where it was told to--which airships won't do. the house which the cyclone brought to oz all the way from kansas, with you and toto in it--was a real airship at the time; so you see we've had plenty of experience flying with the birds." "airships are not so bad, after all," declared dorothy. "some day they'll fly all over the world, and perhaps bring people even to the land of oz." "i must speak to ozma about that," said the wizard, with a slight frown. "it wouldn't do at all, you know, for the emerald city to become a way-station on an airship line." "no," said dorothy, "i don't s'pose it would. but what can we do to prevent it?" "i'm working out a magic recipe to fuddle men's brains, so they'll never make an airship that will go where they want it to go," the wizard confided to her. "that won't keep the things from flying, now and then, but it'll keep them from flying to the land of oz." just then the sawhorse drew the wagon out of the forest and a beautiful landscape lay spread before the travelers' eyes. moreover, right before them was a good road that wound away through the hills and valleys. "now," said the wizard, with evident delight, "we are on the right track again, and there is nothing more to worry about." [illustration] "it's a foolish thing to take chances in a strange country," observed the shaggy man. "had we kept to the roads we never would have been lost. roads always leads to some place, else they wouldn't be roads." "this road," added the wizard, "leads to rigmarole town. i'm sure of that because i enchanted the wagon wheels." sure enough, after riding along the road for an hour or two they entered a pretty valley where a village was nestled among the hills. the houses were munchkin shaped, for they were all domes, with windows wider than they were high, and pretty balconies over the front doors. aunt em was greatly relieved to find this town "neither paper nor patch-work," and the only surprising thing about it was that it was so far distant from all other towns. as the sawhorse drew the wagon into the main street the travelers noticed that the place was filled with people, standing in groups and seeming to be engaged in earnest conversation. so occupied with themselves were the inhabitants that they scarcely noticed the strangers at all. so the wizard stopped a boy and asked: "is this rigmarole town?" "sir," replied the boy, "if you have traveled very much you will have noticed that every town differs from every other town in one way or another and so by observing the methods of the people and the way they live as well as the style of their dwelling places it ought not to be a difficult thing to make up your mind without the trouble of asking questions whether the town bears the appearance of the one you intended to visit or whether perhaps having taken a different road from the one you should have taken you have made an error in your way and arrived at some point where--" [illustration: so and so, and so and so, oh yes, i don't know it might be so i calculate but i don't know, intre mintry cuteycorn apple seeds and fly away jack. six sixes are not sixty-six? and we still hold to folderol de doodle all day, if i had a donkey that wouldn't go i'd buy a fiddle for fifty cents and rattle his bones over the stones it's only a beggar whom nobody owns, listen??] "land sakes!" cried aunt em, impatiently; "what's all this rigmarole about?" "that's it!" said the wizard, laughing merrily. "it's a rigmarole because the boy is a rigmarole and we've come to rigmarole town." "do they all talk like that?" asked dorothy, wonderingly. "he might have said 'yes' or 'no' and settled the question," observed uncle henry. "not here," said omby amby. "i don't believe the rigmaroles know what 'yes' or 'no' means." while the boy had been talking several other people had approached the wagon and listened intently to his speech. then they began talking to one another in long, deliberate speeches, where many words were used but little was said. but when the strangers criticised them so frankly one of the women, who had no one else to talk to, began an address to them, saying: "it is the easiest thing in the world for a person to say 'yes' or 'no' when a question that is asked for the purpose of gaining information or satisfying the curiosity of the one who has given expression to the inquiry has attracted the attention of an individual who may be competent either from personal experience or the experience of others to answer it with more or less correctness or at least an attempt to satisfy the desire for information on the part of the one who has made the inquiry by--" "dear me!" exclaimed dorothy, interrupting the speech. "i've lost all track of what you are saying." "don't let her begin over again, for goodness sake!" cried aunt em. but the woman did not begin again. she did not even stop talking, but went right on as she had begun, the words flowing from her mouth in a stream. "i'm quite sure that if we waited long enough and listened carefully, some of these people might be able to tell us something, in time," said the wizard. "don't let's wait," returned dorothy. "i've heard of the rigmaroles, and wondered what they were like; but now i know, and i'm ready to move on." "so am i," declared uncle henry; "we're wasting time here." "why, we're all ready to go," added the shaggy man, putting his fingers to his ears to shut out the monotonous babble of those around the wagon. so the wizard spoke to the sawhorse, who trotted nimbly through the village and soon gained the open country on the other side of it. dorothy looked back, as they rode away, and noticed that the woman had not yet finished her speech but was talking as glibly as ever, although no one was near to hear her. "if those people wrote books," omby amby remarked with a smile, "it would take a whole library to say the cow jumped over the moon." [illustration] "perhaps some of 'em do write books," asserted the little wizard. "i've read a few rigmaroles that might have come from this very town." "some of the college lecturers and ministers are certainly related to these people," observed the shaggy man; "and it seems to me the land of oz is a little ahead of the united states in some of its laws. for here, if one can't talk clearly, and straight to the point, they send him to rigmarole town; while uncle sam lets him roam around wild and free, to torture innocent people." dorothy was thoughtful. the rigmaroles had made a strong impression upon her. she decided that whenever she spoke, after this, she would use only enough words to express what she wanted to say. [illustration] _how_ they encountered the flutterbudgets chapter twenty-three [illustration] they were soon among the pretty hills and valleys again, and the sawhorse sped up hill and down at a fast and easy pace, the roads being hard and smooth. mile after mile was speedily covered, and before the ride had grown at all tiresome they sighted another village. the place seemed even larger than rigmarole town, but was not so attractive in appearance. "this must be flutterbudget center," declared the wizard. "you see, it's no trouble at all to find places if you keep to the right road." "what are the flutterbudgets like?" inquired dorothy. "i do not know, my dear. but ozma has given them a town all their own, and i've heard that whenever one of the people becomes a flutterbudget he is sent to this place to live." "that is true," omby amby added; "flutterbudget center and rigmarole town are called 'the defensive settlements of oz.'" the village they now approached was not built in a valley, but on top of a hill, and the road they followed wound around the hill like a corkscrew, ascending the hill easily until it came to the town. "look out!" screamed a voice. "look out, or you'll run over my child!" they gazed around and saw a woman standing upon the sidewalk nervously wringing her hands as she gazed at them appealingly. "where is your child?" asked the sawhorse. "in the house," said the woman, bursting into tears; "but if it should happen to be in the road, and you ran over it, those great wheels would crush my darling to jelly. oh, dear! oh dear! think of my darling child being crushed to jelly by those great wheels!" "gid-dap!" said the wizard, sharply, and the sawhorse started on. they had not gone far before a man ran out of a house shouting wildly: "help! help!" the sawhorse stopped short and the wizard and uncle henry and the shaggy man and omby amby jumped out of the wagon and ran to the poor man's assistance. dorothy followed them as quickly as she could. "what's the matter?" asked the wizard. "help! help!" screamed the man; "my wife has cut her finger off and she's bleeding to death!" then he turned and rushed back to the house, and all the party went with him. they found a woman in the front dooryard moaning and groaning as if in great pain. "be brave, madam!" said the wizard, consolingly. "you won't die just because you have cut off a finger, you may be sure." "but i haven't cut off a finger!" she sobbed. [illustration: "but i haven't cut off a finger," she sobbed.] "then what _has_ happened?" asked dorothy. "i--i pricked my finger with a needle while i was sewing, and--and the blood came!" she replied. "and now i'll have blood-poisoning, and the doctors will cut off my finger, and that will give me a fever and i shall die!" "pshaw!" said dorothy; "i've pricked my finger many a time, and nothing happened." "really?" asked the woman, brightening and wiping her eyes upon her apron. "why, it's nothing at all," declared the girl. "you're more scared than hurt." "ah, that's because she's a flutterbudget," said the wizard, nodding wisely. "i think i know now what these people are like." "so do i," announced dorothy. "oh, boo-hoo-hoo!" sobbed the woman, giving way to a fresh burst of grief. "what's wrong now?" asked the shaggy man. "oh, suppose i had pricked my foot!" she wailed. "then the doctors would have cut my foot off, and i'd be lamed for life!" "surely, ma'am," replied the wizard, "and if you'd pricked your nose they might cut your head off. but you see you didn't." "but i might have!" she exclaimed, and began to cry again. so they left her and drove away in their wagon. and her husband came out and began calling "help!" as he had before; but no one seemed to pay any attention to him. as the travelers turned into another street they found a man walking excitedly up and down the pavement. he appeared to be in a very nervous condition and the wizard stopped him to ask: "is anything wrong, sir?" "everything is wrong," answered the man, dismally. "i can't sleep." "why not?" inquired omby amby. "if i go to sleep i'll have to shut my eyes," he explained; "and if i shut my eyes they may grow together, and then i'd be blind for life!" "did you ever hear of any one's eyes growing together?" asked dorothy. "no," said the man, "i never did. but it would be a dreadful thing, wouldn't it? and the thought of it makes me so nervous i'm afraid to go to sleep." "there's no help for this case," declared the wizard; and they went on. at the next street corner a woman rushed up to them crying: "save my baby! oh, good, kind people, save my baby!" "is it in danger?" asked dorothy, noticing that the child was clasped in her arms and seemed sleeping peacefully. "yes, indeed," said the woman, nervously. "if i should go into the house and throw my child out of the window, it would roll way down to the bottom of the hill; and then if there were a lot of tigers and bears down there, they would tear my darling babe to pieces and eat it up!" "are there any tigers and bears in this neighborhood?" the wizard asked. "i've never heard of any," admitted the woman; "but if there were--" "have you any idea of throwing your baby out of the window?" questioned the little man. "none at all," she said; "but if--" "all your troubles are due to those 'ifs'," declared the wizard. "if you were not a flutterbudget you wouldn't worry." "there's another 'if'," replied the woman. "are you a flutterbudget, too?" "i will be, if i stay here long," exclaimed the wizard, nervously. "another 'if'!" cried the woman. but the wizard did not stop to argue with her. he made the sawhorse canter all the way down the hill, and only breathed easily when they were miles away from the village. after they had ridden in silence for a while dorothy turned to the little man and asked: "do 'ifs' really make flutterbudgets?" "i think the 'ifs' help," he answered seriously. "foolish fears, and worries over nothing, with a mixture of nerves and ifs, will soon make a flutterbudget of any one." then there was another long silence, for all the travelers were thinking over this statement, and nearly all decided it must be true. the country they were now passing through was everywhere tinted purple, the prevailing color of the gillikin country; but as the sawhorse ascended a hill they found that upon the other side everything was of a rich yellow hue. "aha!" cried the captain general; "here is the country of the winkies. we are just crossing the boundary line." "then we may be able to lunch with the tin woodman," announced the wizard, joyfully. "must we lunch on tin?" asked aunt em. "oh, no;" replied dorothy. "nick chopper knows how to feed meat people, and he will give us plenty of good things to eat, never fear. i've been to his castle before." "is nick chopper the tin woodman's name?" asked uncle henry. "yes; that's one of his names," answered the little girl; "and another of his names is 'emp'ror of the winkies.' he's the king of this country, you know, but ozma rules over all the countries of oz." "does the tin woodman keep any flutterbudgets or rigmaroles at his castle?" inquired aunt em, uneasily. "no, indeed," said dorothy, positively. "he lives in a new tin castle, all full of lovely things." "i should think it would rust," said uncle henry. "he has thousands of winkies to keep it polished for him," explained the wizard. "his people love to do anything in their power for their beloved emperor, so there isn't a particle of rust on all the big castle." "i suppose they polish their emperor, too," said aunt em. "why, some time ago he had himself nickel-plated," the wizard answered; "so he only needs rubbing up once in a while. he's the brightest man in all the world, is dear nick chopper; and the kindest-hearted." "i helped find him," said dorothy, reflectively. "once the scarecrow and i found the tin woodman in the woods, and he was just rusted still, that time, an' no mistake. but we oiled his joints, an' got 'em good and slippery, and after that he went with us to visit the wizard at the em'rald city." "was that the time the wizard scared you?" asked aunt em. "he didn't treat us well, at first," acknowledged dorothy; "for he made us go away and destroy the wicked witch. but after we found out he was only a humbug wizard we were not afraid of him." the wizard sighed and looked a little ashamed. "when we try to deceive people we always make mistakes," he said. "but i'm getting to be a real wizard now, and glinda the good's magic, that i am trying to practice, can never harm any one." "you were always a good man," declared dorothy, "even when you were a bad wizard." "he's a good wizard now," asserted aunt em, looking at the little man admiringly. "the way he made those tents grow out of handkerchiefs was just wonderful! and didn't he enchant the wagon wheels so they'd find the road?" "all the people of oz," said the captain general, "are very proud of their wizard. he once made some soap-bubbles that astonished the world." [illustration] the wizard blushed at this praise, yet it pleased him. he no longer looked sad, but seemed to have recovered his usual good humor. the country through which they now rode was thickly dotted with farmhouses, and yellow grain waved in all the fields. many of the winkies could be seen working on their farms and the wild and unsettled parts of oz were by this time left far behind. these winkies appeared to be happy, light-hearted folk, and all removed their caps and bowed low when the red wagon with its load of travelers passed by. it was not long before they saw something glittering in the sunshine far ahead. "see!" cried dorothy; "that's the tin castle, aunt em!" and the sawhorse, knowing his passengers were eager to arrive, broke into a swift trot that soon brought them to their destination. _how_ the tin woodman told the sad news chapter twenty-four [illustration] the tin woodman received princess dorothy's party with much grace and cordiality, yet the little girl decided that something must be worrying her old friend, because he was not so merry as usual. but at first she said nothing about this, for uncle henry and aunt em were fairly bubbling over with admiration for the beautiful tin castle and its polished tin owner. so her suspicion that something unpleasant had happened was for a time forgotten. "where is the scarecrow?" she asked, when they had all been ushered into the big tin drawing-room of the castle, the sawhorse being led around to the tin stable in the rear. "why, our old friend has just moved into his new mansion," explained the tin woodman. "it has been a long time in building, although my winkies and many other people from all parts of the country have been busily working upon it. at last, however, it is completed, and the scarecrow took possession of his new home just two days ago." "i hadn't heard that he wanted a home of his own," said dorothy. "why doesn't he live with ozma in the emerald city? he used to, you know; and i thought he was happy there." "it seems," said the tin woodman, "that our dear scarecrow cannot be contented with city life, however beautiful his surroundings might be. originally he was a farmer, for he passed his early life in a cornfield, where he was supposed to frighten away the crows." "i know," said dorothy, nodding. "i found him, and lifted him down from his pole." "so now, after a long residence in the emerald city, his tastes have turned to farm life again," continued the tin man. "he feels that he cannot be happy without a farm of his own, so ozma gave him some land and every one helped him build his mansion, and now he is settled there for good." "who designed his house?" asked the shaggy man. "i believe it was jack pumpkinhead, who is also a farmer," was the reply. they were now invited to enter the tin dining room, where luncheon was served. aunt em found, to her satisfaction, that dorothy's promise was more than fulfilled; for, although the tin woodman had no appetite of his own, he respected the appetites of his guests and saw that they were bountifully fed. they passed the afternoon in wandering through the beautiful gardens and grounds of the palace. the walks were all paved with sheets of tin, brightly polished, and there were tin fountains and tin statues here and there among the trees. the flowers were mostly natural flowers and grew in the regular way; but their host showed them one flower bed which was his especial pride. "you see, all common flowers fade and die in time," he explained, "and so there are seasons when the pretty blooms are scarce. therefore i decided to make one tin flower bed all of tin flowers, and my workmen have created them with rare skill. here you see tin camelias, tin marigolds, tin carnations, tin poppies and tin hollyhocks growing as naturally as if they were real." indeed, they were a pretty sight, and glistened under the sunlight like spun silver. "isn't this tin hollyhock going to seed?" asked the wizard, bending over the flowers. "why, i believe it is!" exclaimed the tin woodman, as if surprised. "i hadn't noticed that before. but i shall plant the tin seeds and raise another bed of tin hollyhocks." in one corner of the gardens nick chopper had established a fish-pond, in which they saw swimming and disporting themselves many pretty tin fishes. "would they bite on hooks?" asked aunt em, curiously. the tin woodman seemed hurt at this question. "madam," said he, "do you suppose i would allow anyone to catch my beautiful fishes, even if they were foolish enough to bite on hooks? no, indeed! every created thing is safe from harm in my domain, and i would as soon think of killing my little friend dorothy as killing one of my tin fishes." "the emperor is very kind-hearted, ma'am," explained the wizard. "if a fly happens to light upon his tin body he doesn't rudely brush it off, as some people might do; he asks it politely to find some other resting place." "what does the fly do then?" enquired aunt em. "usually it begs his pardon and goes away," said the wizard, gravely. "flies like to be treated politely as well as other creatures, and here in oz they understand what we say to them, and behave very nicely." "well," said aunt em, "the flies in kansas, where i came from, don't understand anything but a swat. you have to smash 'em to make 'em behave; and it's the same way with 'skeeters. do you have 'skeeters in oz?" "we have some very large mosquitoes here, which sing as beautifully as song birds," replied the tin woodman. "but they never bite or annoy our people, because they are well fed and taken care of. the reason they bite people in your country is because they are hungry--poor things!" "yes," agreed aunt em; "they're hungry, all right. an' they ain't very particular who they feed on. i'm glad you've got the 'skeeters educated in oz." that evening after dinner they were entertained by the emperor's tin cornet band, which played for them several sweet melodies. also the wizard did a few sleight-of-hand tricks to amuse the company; after which they all retired to their cosy tin bedrooms and slept soundly until morning. after breakfast dorothy said to the tin woodman: "if you'll tell us which way to go we'll visit the scarecrow on our way home." "i will go with you, and show you the way," replied the emperor; "for i must journey to-day to the emerald city." he looked so anxious, as he said this, that the little girl asked: "there isn't anything wrong with ozma, is there?" he shook his tin head. "not yet," said he; "but i'm afraid the time has come when i must tell you some very bad news, little friend." "oh, what is it?" cried dorothy. "do you remember the nome king?" asked the tin woodman. "i remember him very well," she replied. "the nome king has not a kind heart," said the emperor, sadly, "and he has been harboring wicked thoughts of revenge, because we once defeated him and liberated his slaves and you took away his magic belt. so he has ordered his nomes to dig a long tunnel underneath the deadly desert, so that he may march his hosts right into the emerald city. when he gets there he intends to destroy our beautiful country." dorothy was much surprised to hear this. "how did ozma find out about the tunnel?" she asked. "she saw it in her magic picture." "of course," said dorothy; "i might have known that. and what is she going to do?" "i cannot tell," was the reply. "pooh!" cried the yellow hen. "we're not afraid of the nomes. if we roll a few of our eggs down the tunnel they'll run away back home as fast as they can go." "why, that's true enough!" exclaimed dorothy. "the scarecrow once conquered all the nome king's army with some of billina's eggs." "but you do not understand all of the dreadful plot," continued the tin woodman. "the nome king is clever, and he knows his nomes would run from eggs; so he has bargained with many terrible creatures to help him. these evil spirits are not afraid of eggs or anything else, and they are very powerful. so the nome king will send them through the tunnel first, to conquer and destroy, and then the nomes will follow after to get their share of the plunder and slaves." they were all startled to hear this, and every face wore a troubled look. "is the tunnel all ready?" asked dorothy. "ozma sent me word yesterday that the tunnel was all completed except for a thin crust of earth at the end. when our enemies break through this crust they will be in the gardens of the royal palace, in the heart of the emerald city. i offered to arm all my winkies and march to ozma's assistance; but she said no." "i wonder why?" asked dorothy. "she answered that all the inhabitants of oz, gathered together, were not powerful enough to fight and overcome the evil forces of the nome king. therefore she refuses to fight at all." "but they will capture and enslave us, and plunder and ruin all our lovely land!" exclaimed the wizard, greatly disturbed by this statement. "i fear they will," said the tin woodman, sorrowfully. "and i also fear that those who are not fairies, such as the wizard, and dorothy, and her uncle and aunt, as well as toto and billina, will be speedily put to death by the conquerors." "what can be done?" asked dorothy, shuddering a little at the prospect of this awful fate. "nothing can be done!" gloomily replied the emperor of the winkies. "but since ozma refuses my army i will go myself to the emerald city. the least i may do is to perish beside my beloved ruler." [illustration] _how_ the scarecrow displayed his wisdom chapter twenty-five [illustration: probably the wisest man in all oz.] this amazing news had saddened every heart and all were now anxious to return to the emerald city and share ozma's fate. so they started without loss of time, and as the road led past the scarecrow's new mansion they determined to make a brief halt there and confer with him. "the scarecrow is probably the wisest man in all oz," remarked the tin woodman, when they had started upon their journey. "his brains are plentiful and of excellent quality, and often he has told me things i might never have thought of myself. i must say i rely a good deal upon the scarecrow's brains in this emergency." the tin woodman rode on the front seat of the wagon, where dorothy sat between him and the wizard. "has the scarecrow heard of ozma's trouble?" asked the captain general. "i do not know, sir," was the reply. "when i was a private," said omby amby, "i was an excellent army, as i fully proved in our war against the nomes. but now there is not a single private left in our army, since ozma made me the captain general, so there is no one to fight and defend our lovely ruler." "true," said the wizard. "the present army is composed only of officers, and the business of an officer is to order his men to fight. since there are no men there can be no fighting." "poor ozma!" whispered dorothy, with tears in her sweet eyes. "it's dreadful to think of all her lovely fairy country being destroyed. i wonder if we couldn't manage to escape and get back to kansas by means of the magic belt? and we might take ozma with us and all work hard to get money for her, so she wouldn't be so _very_ lonely and unhappy about the loss of her fairyland." "do you think there would be any work for _me_ in kansas?" asked the tin woodman. "if you are hollow, they might use you in a canning factory," suggested uncle henry. "but i can't see the use of your working for a living. you never eat or sleep or need a new suit of clothes." "i was not thinking of myself," replied the emperor, with dignity. "i merely wondered if i could not help to support dorothy and ozma." as they indulged in these sad plans for the future they journeyed in sight of the scarecrow's new mansion, and even though filled with care and worry over the impending fate of oz, dorothy could not help a feeling of wonder at the sight she saw. [illustration] the scarecrow's new house was shaped like an immense ear of corn. the rows of kernels were made of solid gold, and the green upon which the ear stood upright was a mass of sparkling emeralds. upon the very top of the structure was perched a figure representing the scarecrow himself, and upon his extended arms, as well as upon his head, were several crows carved out of ebony and having ruby eyes. you may imagine how big this ear of corn was when i tell you that a single gold kernel formed a window, swinging outward upon hinges, while a row of four kernels opened to make the front entrance. inside there were five stories, each story being a single room. the gardens around the mansion consisted of cornfields, and dorothy acknowledged that the place was in all respects a very appropriate home for her good friend the scarecrow. "he would have been very happy here, i'm sure," she said, "if only the nome king had left us alone. but if oz is destroyed of course this place will be destroyed too." "yes," replied the tin woodman, "and also my beautiful tin castle, that has been my joy and pride." "jack pumpkinhead's house will go too," remarked the wizard, "as well as professor wogglebug's athletic college, and ozma's royal palace, and all our other handsome buildings." "yes, oz will indeed become a desert when the nome king gets through with it," sighed omby amby. the scarecrow came out to meet them and gave them all a hearty welcome. "i hear you have decided always to live in the land of oz, after this," he said to dorothy; "and that will delight my heart, for i have greatly disliked our frequent partings. but why are you all so downcast?" "have you heard the news?" asked the tin woodman. "no news to make me sad," replied the scarecrow. then nick chopper told his friend of the nome king's tunnel, and how the evil creatures of the north had allied themselves with the underground monarch for the purpose of conquering and destroying oz. "well," said the scarecrow, "it certainly looks bad for ozma, and all of us. but i believe it is wrong to worry over anything before it happens. it is surely time enough to be sad when our country is despoiled and our people made slaves. so let us not deprive ourselves of the few happy hours remaining to us." "ah! that is real wisdom," declared the shaggy man, approvingly. "after we become really unhappy we shall regret these few hours that are left to us, unless we enjoy them to the utmost." "nevertheless," said the scarecrow, "i shall go with you to the emerald city and offer ozma my services." "she says we can do nothing to oppose our enemies," announced the tin woodman. "and doubtless she is right, sir," answered the scarecrow. "still, she will appreciate our sympathy, and it is the duty of ozma's friends to stand by her side when the final disaster occurs." he then led them into his queer mansion and showed them the beautiful rooms in all the five stories. the lower room was a grand reception hall, with a hand-organ in one corner. this instrument the scarecrow, when alone, could turn to amuse himself, as he was very fond of music. the walls were hung with white silk, upon which flocks of black crows were embroidered in black diamonds. some of the chairs were made in the shape of big crows and upholstered with cushions of corn-colored silk. the second story contained a fine banquet room, where the scarecrow might entertain his guests, and the three stories above that were bed-chambers exquisitely furnished and decorated. "from these rooms," said the scarecrow, proudly, "one may obtain fine views of the surrounding cornfields. the corn i grow is always husky, and i call the ears my regiments, because they have so many kernels. of course i cannot ride my cobs, but i really don't care shucks about that. taken altogether, my farm will stack up with any in the neighborhood." the visitors partook of some light refreshment and then hurried away to resume the road to the emerald city. the scarecrow found a seat in the wagon between omby amby and the shaggy man, and his weight did not add much to the load because he was stuffed with straw. "you will notice i have one oat-field on my property," he remarked, as they drove away. "oat-straw is, i have found, the best of all straws to re-stuff myself with when my interior gets musty or out of shape." "are you able to re-stuff yourself without help?" asked aunt em. "i should think that after the straw was taken out of you there wouldn't be anything left but your clothes." "you are almost correct, madam," he answered. "my servants do the stuffing, under my direction. for my head, in which are my excellent brains, is a bag tied at the bottom. my face is neatly painted upon one side of the bag, as you may see. my head does not need re-stuffing, as my body does, for all that it requires is to have the face touched up with fresh paint occasionally." [illustration] it was not far from the scarecrow's mansion to the farm of jack pumpkinhead, and when they arrived there both uncle henry and aunt em were much impressed. the farm was one vast pumpkin field, and some of the pumpkins were of enormous size. in one of them, which had been neatly hollowed out, jack himself lived, and he declared that it was a very comfortable residence. the reason he grew so many pumpkins was in order that he might change his head as often as it became wrinkled or threatened to spoil. the pumpkin-headed man welcomed his visitors joyfully and offered them several delicious pumpkin pies to eat. "i don't indulge in pumpkin pies myself, for two reasons," he said. "one reason is that were i to eat pumpkins i would become a cannibal, and the other reason is that i never eat, not being hollow inside." "very good reasons," agreed the scarecrow. they told jack pumpkinhead the dreadful news about the nome king, and he decided to go with them to the emerald city and help comfort ozma. "i had expected to live here in ease and comfort for many centuries," said jack, dolefully; "but of course if the nome king destroys everything in oz i shall be destroyed too. really, it seems too bad, doesn't it?" they were soon on their journey again, and so swiftly did the sawhorse draw the wagon over the smooth roads that before twilight fell that had reached the royal palace in the emerald city, and were at their journey's end. _how_ ozma refused to fight for her kingdom chapter twenty-six [illustration] ozma was in her rose garden picking a bouquet when the party arrived, and she greeted all her old and new friends as smilingly and sweetly as ever. dorothy's eyes were full of tears as she kissed the lovely ruler of oz, and she whispered to her: "oh, ozma, ozma! i'm _so_ sorry!" ozma seemed surprised. "sorry for what, dorothy?" she asked. "for all your trouble about the nome king," was the reply. ozma laughed with genuine amusement. "why, that has not troubled me a bit, dear princess," she replied. then, looking around at the sad faces of her friends, she added: "have you all been worrying about this tunnel?" "we have!" they exclaimed in a chorus. "well, perhaps it is more serious than i imagined," admitted the fair ruler; "but i haven't given the matter much thought. after dinner we will all meet together and talk it over." so they went to their rooms and prepared for dinner, and dorothy dressed herself in her prettiest gown and put on her coronet, for she thought that this might be the last time she would ever appear as a princess of oz. the scarecrow, the tin woodman and jack pumpkinhead all sat at the dinner table, although none of them was made so he could eat. usually they served to enliven the meal with their merry talk, but to-night all seemed strangely silent and uneasy. as soon as the dinner was finished ozma led the company to her own private room in which hung the magic picture. when they had seated themselves the scarecrow was the first to speak. "is the nome king's tunnel finished, ozma?" he asked. "it was completed to-day," she replied. "they have built it right under my palace grounds, and it ends in front of the forbidden fountain. nothing but a crust of earth remains to separate our enemies from us, and when they march here they will easily break through this crust and rush upon us." "who will assist the nome king?" inquired the scarecrow. [illustration] "the whimsies, the growleywogs and the phanfasms," she replied. "i watched to-day in my magic picture the messengers whom the nome king sent to all these people to summon them to assemble in his great caverns." "let us see what they are doing now," suggested the tin woodman. so ozma wished to see the nome king's cavern, and at once the landscape faded from the magic picture and was replaced by the scene then being enacted in the jeweled cavern of king roquat. a wild and startling scene it was which the oz people beheld. before the nome king stood the chief of the whimsies and the grand gallipoot of the groweywogs, surrounded by their most skillful generals. very fierce and powerful they looked, so that even the nome king and general guph, who stood beside his master, seemed a bit fearful in the presence of their allies. now a still more formidable creature entered the cavern. it was the first and foremost of the phanfasms and he proudly sat down in king roquat's own throne and demanded the right to lead his forces through the tunnel in advance of all the others. the first and foremost now appeared to all eyes in his hairy skin and the bear's head. what his real form was even roquat did not know. through the arches leading into the vast series of caverns that lay beyond the throne room of king roquat, could be seen ranks upon ranks of the invaders--thousands of phanfasms, growleywogs and whimsies standing in serried lines, while behind them were massed the thousands upon thousands of general guph's own army of nomes. "listen!" whispered ozma. "i think we can hear what they are saying." so they kept still and listened. "is all ready?" demanded the first and foremost, haughtily. "the tunnel is finally completed," replied general guph. "how long will it take us to march to the emerald city?" asked the grand gallipoot of the growleywogs. "if we start at midnight," replied the nome king, "we shall arrive at the emerald city by daybreak. then, while all the oz people are sleeping, we will capture them and make them our slaves. after that we will destroy the city itself and march through the land of oz, burning and devastating as we go." "good!" cried the first and foremost. "when we get through with oz it will be a desert wilderness. ozma shall be my slave." "she shall be _my_ slave!" shouted the grand gallipoot, angrily. "we'll decide that by and by," said king roquat, hastily. "don't let us quarrel now, friends. first let us conquer oz, and then we will divide the spoils of war in a satisfactory manner." the first and foremost smiled wickedly; but he only said: "i and my phanfasms go first, for nothing on earth can oppose our power." they all agreed to that, knowing the phanfasms to be the mightiest of the combined forces. king roquat now invited them to attend a banquet he had prepared, where they might occupy themselves in eating and drinking until midnight arrived. as they had now seen and heard all of the plot against them that they cared to, ozma allowed her magic picture to fade away. then she turned to her friends and said: "our enemies will be here sooner than i expected. what do you advise me to do?" "it is now too late to assemble our people," said the tin woodman, despondently. "if you had allowed me to arm and drill my winkies we might have put up a good fight and destroyed many of our enemies before we were conquered." "the munchkins are good fighters, too," said omby amby; "and so are the gillikins." "but i do not wish to fight," declared ozma, firmly. "no one has the right to destroy any living creatures, however evil they may be, or to hurt them or make them unhappy. i will not fight--even to save my kingdom." "the nome king is not so particular," remarked the scarecrow. "he intends to destroy us all and ruin our beautiful country." "because the nome king intends to do evil is no excuse for my doing the same," replied ozma. "self-preservation is the first law of nature," quoted the shaggy man. "true," she said, readily. "i would like to discover a plan to save ourselves without fighting." that seemed a hopeless task to them, but realizing that ozma was determined not to fight, they tried to think of some means that might promise escape. "couldn't we bribe our enemies, by giving them a lot of emeralds and gold?" asked jack pumpkinhead. "no, because they believe they are able to take everything we have," replied the ruler. "i have thought of something," said dorothy. "what is it, dear?" asked ozma. "let us use the magic belt to wish all of us in kansas. we will put some emeralds in our pockets, and can sell them in topeka for enough to pay off the mortgage on uncle henry's farm. then we can all live together and be happy." "a clever idea!" exclaimed the scarecrow. "kansas is a very good country. i've been there," said the shaggy man. "that seems to me an excellent plan," approved the tin woodman. "no!" said ozma, decidedly. "never will i desert my people and leave them to so cruel a fate. i will use the magic belt to send the rest of you to kansas, if you wish, but if my beloved country must be destroyed and my people enslaved i will remain and share their fate." "quite right," asserted the scarecrow, sighing. "i will remain with you." "and so will i," declared the tin woodman and the shaggy man and jack pumpkinhead, in turn. tiktok, the machine man, also said he intended to stand by ozma. "for," said he, "i should be of no use at all in kansas." "for my part," announced dorothy, gravely, "if the ruler of oz must not desert her people, a princess of oz has no right to run away, either. i'm willing to become a slave with the rest of you; so all we can do with the magic belt is to use it to send uncle henry and aunt em back to kansas." "i've been a slave all my life," aunt em replied, with considerable cheerfulness, "and so has henry. i guess we won't go back to kansas, anyway. i'd rather take my chances with the rest of you." ozma smiled upon them all gratefully. "there is no need to despair just yet," she said. "i'll get up early to-morrow morning and be at the forbidden fountain when the fierce warriors break through the crust of earth. i will speak to them pleasantly and perhaps they won't be so very bad, after all." "why do they call it the forbidden fountain?" asked dorothy, thoughtfully. "don't you know, dear?" returned ozma, surprised. "no," said dorothy. "of course i've seen the fountain in the palace grounds, ever since i first came to oz; and i've read the sign which says: 'all persons are forbidden to drink at this fountain.' but i never knew _why_ they were forbidden. the water seems clear and sparkling and it bubbles up in a golden basin all the time." "that water," declared ozma, gravely, "is the most dangerous thing in all the land of oz. it is the water of oblivion." "what does that mean?" asked dorothy. "whoever drinks at the forbidden fountain at once forgets everything he has ever known," ozma asserted. "it wouldn't be a bad way to forget our troubles," suggested uncle henry. "that is true; but you would forget everything else, and become as ignorant as a baby," returned ozma. "does it make one crazy?" asked dorothy. [illustration] "no; it only makes one forget," replied the girl ruler. "it is said that once--long, long ago--a wicked king ruled oz, and made himself and all his people very miserable and unhappy. so glinda, the good sorceress, placed this fountain here, and the king drank of its water and forgot all his wickedness. his mind became innocent and vacant, and when he learned the things of life again they were all good things. but the people remembered how wicked their king had been, and were still afraid of him. therefore he made them all drink of the water of oblivion and forget everything they had known, so that they became as simple and innocent as their king. after that they all grew wise together, and their wisdom was good, so that peace and happiness reigned in the land. but for fear some one might drink of the water again, and in an instant forget all he had learned, the king put that sign upon the fountain, where it has remained for many centuries up to this very day." they had all listened intently to ozma's story, and when she finished speaking there was a long period of silence while all thought upon the curious magical power of the water of oblivion. finally the scarecrow's painted face took on a broad smile that stretched the cloth as far as it would go. "how thankful i am," he said, "that i have such an excellent assortment of brains!" "i gave you the best brains i ever mixed," declared the wizard, with an air of pride. "you did, indeed!" agreed the scarecrow, "and they work so splendidly that they have found a way to save oz--to save us all!" "i'm glad to hear that," said the wizard. "we never needed saving more than we do just now." "do you mean to say you can save us from those awful phanfasms, and growleywogs and whimsies?" asked dorothy eagerly. "i'm sure of it, my dear," asserted the scarecrow, still smiling genially. "tell us how!" cried the tin woodman. [illustration] "not now," said the scarecrow. "you may all go to bed, and i advise you to forget your worries just as completely as if you had drunk of the water of oblivion in the forbidden fountain. i'm going to stay here and tell my plan to ozma alone, but if you will all be at the forbidden fountain at daybreak, you'll see how easily we will save the kingdom when our enemies break through the crust of earth and come from the tunnel." so they went away and left the scarecrow and ozma alone; but dorothy could not sleep a wink all night. "he is only a scarecrow," she said to herself, "and i'm not sure that his mixed brains are as clever as he thinks they are." but she knew that if the scarecrow's plan failed they were all lost; so she tried to have faith in him. [illustration] _how_ the fierce warriors invaded oz chapter twenty-seven [illustration] the nome king and his terrible allies sat at the banquet table until midnight. there was much quarreling between the growleywogs and phanfasms, and one of the wee-headed whimsies got angry at general guph and choked him until he nearly stopped breathing. yet no one was seriously hurt, and the nome king felt much relieved when the clock struck twelve and they all sprang up and seized their weapons. "aha!" shouted the first and foremost. "now to conquer the land of oz!" he marshaled his phanfasms in battle array and at his word of command they marched into the tunnel and began the long journey through it to the emerald city. the first and foremost intended to take all the treasures in oz for himself; to kill all who could be killed and enslave the rest; to destroy and lay waste the whole country, and afterward to conquer and enslave the nomes, the growleywogs and the whimsies. and he knew his power was sufficient to enable him to do all these things easily. next marched into the tunnel the army of gigantic growleywogs, with their grand gallipoot at their head. they were dreadful beings, indeed, and longed to get to oz that they might begin to pilfer and destroy. the grand gallipoot was a little afraid of the first and foremost, but had a cunning plan to murder or destroy that powerful being and secure the wealth of oz for himself. mighty little of the plunder would the nome king get, thought the grand gallipoot. the chief of the whimsies now marched his false-headed forces into the tunnel. in his wicked little head was a plot to destroy both the first and foremost and the grand gallipoot. he intended to let them conquer oz, since they insisted on going first; but he would afterward treacherously destroy them, as well as king roquat, and keep all the slaves and treasure of ozma's kingdom for himself. after all his dangerous allies had marched into the tunnel the nome king and general guph started to follow them, at the head of fifty thousand nomes, all fully armed. "guph," said the king, "those creatures ahead of us mean mischief. they intend to get everything for themselves and leave us nothing." "i know," replied the general; "but they are not as clever as they think they are. when you get the magic belt you must at once wish the whimsies and growleywogs and phanfasms all back into their own countries--and the belt will surely take them there." [illustration] "good!" cried the king. "an excellent plan, guph. i'll do it. while they are conquering oz i'll get the magic belt, and then only the nomes will remain to ravage the country." so you see there was only one thing that all were agreed upon--that oz should be destroyed. on, on, on the vast ranks of invaders marched, filling the tunnel from side to side. with a steady tramp, tramp, they advanced, every step taking them nearer to the beautiful emerald city. "nothing can save the land of oz!" thought the first and foremost, scowling until his bear face was as black as the tunnel. "the emerald city is as good as destroyed already!" muttered the grand gallipoot, shaking his war club fiercely. "in a few hours oz will be a desert!" said the chief of the whimsies, with an evil laugh. "my dear guph," remarked the nome king to his general, "at last my vengeance upon ozma of oz and her people is about to be accomplished." "you are right!" declared the general. "ozma is surely lost." and now the first and foremost, who was in advance and nearing the emerald city, began to cough and to sneeze. "this tunnel is terribly dusty," he growled, angrily. "i'll punish that nome king for not having it swept clean. my throat and eyes are getting full of dust and i'm as thirsty as a fish!" the grand gallipoot was coughing too, and his throat was parched and dry. "what a dusty place!" he cried. "i'll be glad when we reach oz, where we can get a drink." "who has any water?" asked the whimsie chief, gasping and choking. but none of his followers carried a drop of water, so he hastened on to get through the dusty tunnel to the land of oz. "where did all this dust come from?" demanded general guph, trying hard to swallow but finding his throat so dry he couldn't. "i don't know," answered the nome king. "i've been in the tunnel every day while it was being built, but i never noticed any dust before." "let's hurry!" cried the general. "i'd give half the gold in oz for a drink of water." the dust grew thicker and thicker, and the throats and eyes and noses of the invaders were filled with it. but not one halted or turned back. they hurried forward more fierce and vengeful than ever. _how_ they drank at the forbidden fountain chapter twenty-eight [illustration] the scarecrow had no need to sleep; neither had the tin woodman or tiktok or jack pumpkinhead. so they all wandered out into the palace grounds and stood beside the sparkling water of the forbidden fountain until daybreak. during this time they indulged in occasional conversation. "nothing could make me forget what i know," remarked the scarecrow, gazing into the fountain, "for i cannot drink the water of oblivion or water of any kind. and i am glad that this is so, for i consider my wisdom unexcelled." "you are cer-tain-lyve-ry wise," agreed tiktok. "for my part, i can on-ly think by ma-chin-er-y, so i do not pre-tend to know as much as you do." "my tin brains are very bright, but that is all i claim for them," said nick chopper, modestly. "yet i do not aspire to being very wise, for i have noticed that the happiest people are those who do not let their brains oppress them." "mine never worry me," jack pumpkinhead acknowledged. "there are many seeds of thought in my head, but they do not sprout easily. i am glad that it is so, for if i occupied my days in thinking i should have no time for anything else." in this cheery mood they passed the hours until the first golden streaks of dawn appeared in the sky. then ozma joined them, as fresh and lovely as ever and robed in one of her prettiest gowns. "our enemies have not yet arrived," said the scarecrow, after greeting affectionately the sweet and girlish ruler. "they will soon be here," she said, "for i have just glanced at my magic picture, and have seen them coughing and choking with the dust in the tunnel." "oh, is there dust in the tunnel?" asked the tin woodman. "yes; ozma placed it there by means of the magic belt," explained the scarecrow, with one of his broad smiles. then dorothy came to them, uncle henry and aunt em following close after her. the little girl's eyes were heavy because she had had a sleepless and anxious night. toto walked by her side, but the little dog's spirits were very much subdued. billina, who was always up by daybreak, was not long in joining the group by the fountain. the wizard and the shaggy man next arrived, and soon after appeared omby amby, dressed in his best uniform. "there lies the tunnel," said ozma, pointing to a part of the ground just before the forbidden fountain, "and in a few moments the dreadful invaders will break through the earth and swarm over the land. let us all stand on the other side of the fountain and watch to see what happens." [illustration] at once they followed her suggestion and moved around the fountain of the water of oblivion. there they stood silent and expectant until the earth beyond gave way with a sudden crash and up leaped the powerful form of the first and foremost, followed by all his grim warriors. as the leader sprang forward his gleaming eyes caught the play of the fountain and he rushed toward it and drank eagerly of the sparkling water. many of the other phanfasms drank, too, in order to clear their dry and dusty throats. then they stood around and looked at one another with simple, wondering smiles. the first and foremost saw ozma and her companions beyond the fountain, but instead of making an effort to capture her he merely stared at her in pleased admiration of her beauty--for he had forgotten where he was and why he had come there. but now the grand gallipoot arrived, rushing from the tunnel with a hoarse cry of mingled rage and thirst. he too saw the fountain and hastened to drink of its forbidden waters. the other growleywogs were not slow to follow suit, and even before they had finished drinking the chief of the whimsies and his people came to push them away, while they one and all cast off their false heads that they might slake their thirst at the fountain. when the nome king and general guph arrived they both made a dash to drink, but the general was so mad with thirst that he knocked his king over, and while roquat lay sprawling upon the ground the general drank heartily of the water of oblivion. this rude act of his general made the nome king so angry that for a moment he forgot he was thirsty and rose to his feet to glare upon the group of terrible warriors he had brought here to assist him. he saw ozma and her people, too, and yelled out: "why don't you capture them? why don't you conquer oz, you idiots? why do you stand there like a lot of dummies?" but the great warriors had become like little children. they had forgotten all their enmity against ozma and against oz. they had even forgotten who they themselves were, or why they were in this strange and beautiful country. as for the nome king, they did not recognize him, and wondered who he was. the sun came up and sent its flood of silver rays to light the faces of the invaders. the frowns and scowls and evil looks were all gone. even the most monstrous of the creatures there assembled smiled innocently and seemed light-hearted and content merely to be alive. not so with roquat, the nome king. he had not drunk from the forbidden fountain and all his former rage against ozma and dorothy now inflamed him as fiercely as ever. the sight of general guph babbling like a happy child and playing with his hands in the cool waters of the fountain astonished and maddened red roquat. seeing that his terrible allies and his own general refused to act, the nome king turned to order his great army of nomes to advance from the tunnel and seize the helpless oz people. but the scarecrow suspected what was in the king's mind and spoke a word to the tin woodman. together they ran at roquat and grabbing him up tossed him into the great basin of the fountain. the nome king's body was round as a ball, and it bobbed up and down in the water of oblivion while he spluttered and screamed with fear lest he should drown. and when he cried out his mouth filled with water, which ran down his throat, so that straightway he forgot all he had formerly known just as completely as had all the other invaders. ozma and dorothy could not refrain from laughing to see their dreaded enemies become as harmless as babes. there was no danger now that oz would be destroyed. the only question remaining to solve was how to get rid of this horde of intruders. [illustration] the shaggy man kindly pulled the nome king out of the fountain and set him upon his thin legs. roquat was dripping wet, but he chattered and laughed and wanted to drink more of the water. no thought of injuring any person was now in his mind. before he left the tunnel he had commanded his fifty thousand nomes to remain there until he ordered them to advance, as he wished to give his allies time to conquer oz before he appeared with his own army. ozma did not wish all these nomes to overrun her land, so she advanced to king roquat and taking his hand in her own said gently: "who are you? what is your name?" "i don't know," he replied, smiling at her. "who are you, my dear?" "my name is ozma," she said; "and your name is roquat." "oh, is it?" he replied, seeming pleased. "yes; you are king of the nomes," she said. "ah; i wonder what the nomes are!" returned the king, as if puzzled. "they are underground elves, and that tunnel over there is full of them," she answered. "you have a beautiful cavern at the other end of the tunnel, so you must go to your nomes and say: 'march home!' then follow after them and in time you will reach the pretty cavern where you live." the nome king was much pleased to learn this, for he had forgotten he had a cavern. so he went to the tunnel and said to his army: "march home!" at once the nomes turned and marched back through the tunnel, and the king followed after them, laughing with delight to find his orders so readily obeyed. the wizard went to general guph, who was trying to count his fingers, and told him to follow the nome king, who was his master. guph meekly obeyed, and so all the nomes quitted the land of oz forever. [illustration] but there were still the phanfasms and whimsies and growleywogs standing around in groups, and they were so many that they filled the gardens and trampled upon the flowers and grass because they did not know that the tender plants would be injured by their clumsy feet. but in all other respects they were perfectly harmless and played together like children or gazed with pleasure upon the pretty sights of the royal gardens. after counseling with the scarecrow ozma sent omby amby to the palace for the magic belt, and when the captain general returned with it the ruler of oz at once clasped the precious belt around her waist. "i wish all these strange people--the whimsies and the growleywogs and the phanfasms--safe back in their own homes!" she said. it all happened in a twinkling, for of course the wish was no sooner spoken than it was granted. all the hosts of the invaders were gone, and only the trampled grass showed that they had ever been in the land of oz. _how_ glinda worked a magic spell chapter twenty-nine [illustration] "that was better than fighting," said ozma, when all our friends were assembled in the palace after the exciting events of the morning; and each and every one agreed with her. "no one was hurt," said the wizard, delightedly. "and no one hurt us," added aunt em. "but, best of all," said dorothy, "the wicked people have all forgotten their wickedness, and will not wish to hurt any one after this." "true, princess," declared the shaggy man. "it seems to me that to have reformed all those evil characters is more important than to have saved oz." "nevertheless," remarked the scarecrow, "i am glad oz is saved. i can now go back to my new mansion and live happily." "and i am glad and grateful that my pumpkin farm is saved," said jack. "for my part," added the tin woodman, "i cannot express my joy that my lovely tin castle is not to be demolished by wicked enemies." "still," said tiktok, "o-ther en-e-mies may come to oz some day." "why do you allow your clock-work brains to interrupt our joy?" asked omby amby, frowning at the machine man. "i say what i am wound up to say," answered tiktok. "and you are right," declared ozma. "i myself have been thinking of this very idea, and it seems to me there are entirely too many ways for people to get to the land of oz. we used to think the deadly desert that surrounds us was enough protection; but that is no longer the case. the wizard and dorothy have both come here through the air, and i am told the earth people have invented airships that can fly anywhere they wish them to go." "why, sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't," asserted dorothy. "but in time the airships may cause us trouble," continued ozma, "for if the earth folk learn how to manage them we would be overrun with visitors who would ruin our lovely, secluded fairyland." "that is true enough," agreed the wizard. "also the desert fails to protect us in other ways," ozma went on, thoughtfully. "johnny dooit once made a sandboat that sailed across it, and the nome king made a tunnel under it. so i believe something ought to be done to cut us off from the rest of the world entirely, so that no one in the future will ever be able to intrude upon us." "how will you do that?" asked the scarecrow. "i do not know; but in some way i am sure it can be accomplished. to-morrow i will make a journey to the castle of glinda the good, and ask her advice." "may i go with you?" asked dorothy, eagerly. "of course, my dear princess; and also i invite any of our friends here who would like to undertake the journey." they all declared they wished to accompany their girl ruler, for this was indeed an important mission, since the future of the land of oz to a great extent depended upon it. so ozma gave orders to her servants to prepare for the journey on the morrow. that day she watched her magic picture, and when it showed her that all the nomes had returned through the tunnel to their underground caverns, ozma used the magic belt to close up the tunnel, so that the earth underneath the desert sands became as solid as it was before the nomes began to dig. early the following morning a gay cavalcade set out to visit the famous sorceress, glinda the good. ozma and dorothy rode in a chariot drawn by the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, while the sawhorse drew the red wagon in which rode the rest of the party. with hearts light and free from care they traveled merrily along through the lovely and fascinating land of oz, and in good season reached the stately castle in which resided the sorceress. glinda knew that they were coming. [illustration] "i have been reading about you in my magic book," she said, as she greeted them in her gracious way. "what is your magic book like?" inquired aunt em, curiously. "it is a record of everything that happens," replied the sorceress. "as soon as an event takes place, anywhere in the world, it is immediately found printed in my magic book. so when i read its pages i am well informed." "did it tell how our enemies drank the water of 'blivion?" asked dorothy. "yes, my dear; it told all about it. and also it told me you were all coming to my castle, and why." "then," said ozma, "i suppose you know what is in my mind, and that i am seeking a way to prevent any one in the future from discovering the land of oz." "yes; i know that. and while you were on your journey i have thought of a way to accomplish your desire. for it seems to me unwise to allow too many outside people to come here. dorothy, with her uncle and aunt, has now returned to oz to live always, and there is no reason why we should leave any way open for others to travel uninvited to our fairyland. let us make it impossible for any one ever to communicate with us in any way, after this. then we may live peacefully and contentedly." "your advice is wise," returned ozma. "i thank you, glinda, for your promise to assist me." "but how can you do it?" asked dorothy. "how can you keep every one from ever finding oz?" "by making our country invisible to all eyes but our own," replied the sorceress, smiling. "i have a magic charm powerful enough to accomplish that wonderful feat, and now that we have been warned of our danger by the nome king's invasion, i believe we must not hesitate to separate ourselves forever from all the rest of the world." "i agree with you," said the ruler of oz. "won't it make any difference to us?" asked dorothy, doubtfully. "no, my dear," glinda answered, assuringly. "we shall still be able to see each other and everything in the land of oz. it won't affect us at all; but those who fly through the air over our country will look down and see nothing at all. those who come to the edge of the desert, or try to cross it, will catch no glimpse of oz, or know in what direction it lies. no one will try to tunnel to us again because we cannot be seen and therefore cannot be found. in other words, the land of oz will entirely disappear from the knowledge of the rest of the world." "that's all right," said dorothy, cheerfully. "you may make oz invis'ble as soon as you please, for all i care." "it is already invisible," glinda stated. "i knew ozma's wishes, and performed the magic spell before you arrived." ozma seized the hand of the sorceress and pressed it gratefully. "thank you!" she said. [illustration] _how_ the story of oz came to an end chapter thirty [illustration] the writer of these oz stories has received a little note from princess dorothy of oz which, for a time, has made him feel rather discontented. the note was written on a broad white feather from a stork's wing, and it said: _"you will never hear anything more about oz, because we are now cut off forever from all the rest of the world. but toto and i will always love you and all the other children who love us._ "dorothy gale." this seemed to me too bad, at first, for oz is a very interesting fairyland. still, we have no right to feel grieved, for we have had enough of the history of the land of oz to fill six story books, and from its quaint people and their strange adventures we have been able to learn many useful and amusing things. so good luck to little dorothy and her companions. may they live long in their invisible country and be very happy! the end [illustration] * * * * * transcriber's notes: punctuation and spelling were made consistent when a predominant preference was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed. simple typographical errors were corrected. chapter names are parts of their illustrations. in this ebook, they precede the indications of where those illustrations occur. the emerald city of oz by l. frank baum author of the road to oz, dorothy and the wizard in oz, the land of oz, etc. contents --author's note- 1. how the nome king became angry 2. how uncle henry got into trouble 3. how ozma granted dorothy's request 4. how the nome king planned revenge 5. how dorothy became a princess 6. how guph visited the whimsies 7. how aunt em conquered the lion 8. how the grand gallipoot joined the nomes 9. how the wogglebug taught athletics 10. how the cuttenclips lived 11. how the general met the first and foremost 12. how they matched the fuddles 13. how the general talked to the king 14. how the wizard practiced sorcery 15. how dorothy happened to get lost 16. how dorothy visited utensia 17. how they came to bunbury 18. how ozma looked into the magic picture 19. how bunnybury welcomed the strangers 20. how dorothy lunched with a king 21. how the king changed his mind 22. how the wizard found dorothy 23. how they encountered the flutterbudgets 24. how the tin woodman told the sad news 25. how the scarecrow displayed his wisdom 26. how ozma refused to fight for her kingdom 27. how the fierce warriors invaded oz 28. how they drank at the forbidden fountain 29. how glinda worked a magic spell 30. how the story of oz came to an end author's note perhaps i should admit on the title page that this book is "by l. frank baum and his correspondents," for i have used many suggestions conveyed to me in letters from children. once on a time i really imagined myself "an author of fairy tales," but now i am merely an editor or private secretary for a host of youngsters whose ideas i am requestsed to weave into the thread of my stories. these ideas are often clever. they are also logical and interesting. so i have used them whenever i could find an opportunity, and it is but just that i acknowledge my indebtedness to my little friends. my, what imaginations these children have developed! sometimes i am fairly astounded by their daring and genius. there will be no lack of fairy-tale authors in the future, i am sure. my readers have told me what to do with dorothy, and aunt em and uncle henry, and i have obeyed their mandates. they have also given me a variety of subjects to write about in the future: enough, in fact, to keep me busy for some time. i am very proud of this alliance. children love these stories because children have helped to create them. my readers know what they want and realize that i try to please them. the result is very satisfactory to the publishers, to me, and (i am quite sure) to the children. i hope, my dears, it will be a long time before we are obliged to dissolve partnership. l. frank baum. coronado, 1910 1. how the nome king became angry the nome king was in an angry mood, and at such times he was very disagreeable. every one kept away from him, even his chief steward kaliko. therefore the king stormed and raved all by himself, walking up and down in his jewel-studded cavern and getting angrier all the time. then he remembered that it was no fun being angry unless he had some one to frighten and make miserable, and he rushed to his big gong and made it clatter as loud as he could. in came the chief steward, trying not to show the nome king how frightened he was. "send the chief counselor here!" shouted the angry monarch. kaliko ran out as fast as his spindle legs could carry his fat, round body, and soon the chief counselor entered the cavern. the king scowled and said to him: "i'm in great trouble over the loss of my magic belt. every little while i want to do something magical, and find i can't because the belt is gone. that makes me angry, and when i'm angry i can't have a good time. now, what do you advise?" "some people," said the chief counselor, "enjoy getting angry." "but not all the time," declared the king. "to be angry once in a while is really good fun, because it makes others so miserable. but to be angry morning, noon and night, as i am, grows monotonous and prevents my gaining any other pleasure in life. now what do you advise?" "why, if you are angry because you want to do magical things and can't, and if you don't want to get angry at all, my advice is not to want to do magical things." hearing this, the king glared at his counselor with a furious expression and tugged at his own long white whiskers until he pulled them so hard that he yelled with pain. "you are a fool!" he exclaimed. "i share that honor with your majesty," said the chief counselor. the king roared with rage and stamped his foot. "ho, there, my guards!" he cried. "ho" is a royal way of saying, "come here." so, when the guards had hoed, the king said to them: "take this chief counselor and throw him away." then the guards took the chief counselor, and bound him with chains to prevent his struggling, and threw him away. and the king paced up and down his cavern more angry than before. finally he rushed to his big gong and made it clatter like a fire alarm. kaliko appeared again, trembling and white with fear. "fetch my pipe!" yelled the king. "your pipe is already here, your majesty," replied kaliko. "then get my tobacco!" roared the king. "the tobacco is in your pipe, your majesty," returned the steward. "then bring a live coal from the furnace!" commanded the king. "the tobacco is lighted, and your majesty is already smoking your pipe," answered the steward. "why, so i am!" said the king, who had forgotten this fact; "but you are very rude to remind me of it." "i am a lowborn, miserable villain," declared the chief steward, humbly. the nome king could think of nothing to say next, so he puffed away at his pipe and paced up and down the room. finally, he remembered how angry he was, and cried out: "what do you mean, kaliko, by being so contented when your monarch is unhappy?" "what makes you unhappy?" asked the steward. "i've lost my magic belt. a little girl named dorothy, who was here with ozma of oz, stole my belt and carried it away with her," said the king, grinding his teeth with rage. "she captured it in a fair fight," kaliko ventured to say. "but i want it! i must have it! half my power is gone with that belt!" roared the king. "you will have to go to the land of oz to recover it, and your majesty can't get to the land of oz in any possible way," said the steward, yawning because he had been on duty ninety-six hours, and was sleepy. "why not?" asked the king. "because there is a deadly desert all around that fairy country, which no one is able to cross. you know that fact as well as i do, your majesty. never mind the lost belt. you have plenty of power left, for you rule this underground kingdom like a tyrant, and thousands of nomes obey your commands. i advise you to drink a glass of melted silver, to quiet your nerves, and then go to bed." the king grabbed a big ruby and threw it at kaliko's head. the steward ducked to escape the heavy jewel, which crashed against the door just over his left ear. "get out of my sight! vanish! go away--and send general blug here," screamed the nome king. kaliko hastily withdrew, and the nome king stamped up and down until the general of his armies appeared. this nome was known far and wide as a terrible fighter and a cruel, desperate commander. he had fifty thousand nome soldiers, all well drilled, who feared nothing but their stern master. yet general blug was a trifle uneasy when he arrived and saw how angry the nome king was. "ha! so you're here!" cried the king. "so i am," said the general. "march your army at once to the land of oz, capture and destroy the emerald city, and bring back to me my magic belt!" roared the king. "you're crazy," calmly remarked the general. "what's that? what's that? what's that?" and the nome king danced around on his pointed toes, he was so enraged. "you don't know what you're talking about," continued the general, seating himself upon a large cut diamond. "i advise you to stand in a corner and count sixty before you speak again. by that time you may be more sensible." the king looked around for something to throw at general blug, but as nothing was handy he began to consider that perhaps the man was right and he had been talking foolishly. so he merely threw himself into his glittering throne and tipped his crown over his ear and curled his feet up under him and glared wickedly at blug. "in the first place," said the general, "we cannot march across the deadly desert to the land of oz. and if we could, the ruler of that country, princess ozma, has certain fairy powers that would render my army helpless. had you not lost your magic belt we might have some chance of defeating ozma; but the belt is gone." "i want it!" screamed the king. "i must have it." "well, then, let us try in a sensible way to get it," replied the general. "the belt was captured by a little girl named dorothy, who lives in kansas, in the united states of america." "but she left it in the emerald city, with ozma," declared the king. "how do you know that?" asked the general. "one of my spies, who is a blackbird, flew over the desert to the land of oz, and saw the magic belt in ozma's palace," replied the king with a groan. "now that gives me an idea," said general blug, thoughtfully. "there are two ways to get to the land of oz without traveling across the sandy desert." "what are they?" demanded the king, eagerly. "one way is over the desert, through the air; and the other way is under the desert, through the earth." hearing this the nome king uttered a yell of joy and leaped from his throne, to resume his wild walk up and down the cavern. "that's it, blug!" he shouted. "that's the idea, general! i'm king of the under world, and my subjects are all miners. i'll make a secret tunnel under the desert to the land of oz--yes! right up to the emerald city--and you will march your armies there and capture the whole country!" "softly, softly, your majesty. don't go too fast," warned the general. "my nomes are good fighters, but they are not strong enough to conquer the emerald city." "are you sure?" asked the king. "absolutely certain, your majesty." "then what am i to do?" "give up the idea and mind your own business," advised the general. "you have plenty to do trying to rule your underground kingdom." "but i want the magic belt--and i'm going to have it!" roared the nome king. "i'd like to see you get it," replied the general, laughing maliciously. the king was by this time so exasperated that he picked up his scepter, which had a heavy ball, made from a sapphire, at the end of it, and threw it with all his force at general blug. the sapphire hit the general upon his forehead and knocked him flat upon the ground, where he lay motionless. then the king rang his gong and told his guards to drag out the general and throw him away; which they did. this nome king was named roquat the red, and no one loved him. he was a bad man and a powerful monarch, and he had resolved to destroy the land of oz and its magnificent emerald city, to enslave princess ozma and little dorothy and all the oz people, and recover his magic belt. this same belt had once enabled roquat the red to carry out many wicked plans; but that was before ozma and her people marched to the underground cavern and captured it. the nome king could not forgive dorothy or princess ozma, and he had determined to be revenged upon them. but they, for their part, did not know they had so dangerous an enemy. indeed, ozma and dorothy had both almost forgotten that such a person as the nome king yet lived under the mountains of the land of ev--which lay just across the deadly desert to the south of the land of oz. an unsuspected enemy is doubly dangerous. 2. how uncle henry got into trouble dorothy gale lived on a farm in kansas, with her aunt em and her uncle henry. it was not a big farm, nor a very good one, because sometimes the rain did not come when the crops needed it, and then everything withered and dried up. once a cyclone had carried away uncle henry's house, so that he was obliged to build another; and as he was a poor man he had to mortgage his farm to get the money to pay for the new house. then his health became bad and he was too feeble to work. the doctor ordered him to take a sea voyage and he went to australia and took dorothy with him. that cost a lot of money, too. uncle henry grew poorer every year, and the crops raised on the farm only bought food for the family. therefore the mortgage could not be paid. at last the banker who had loaned him the money said that if he did not pay on a certain day, his farm would be taken away from him. this worried uncle henry a good deal, for without the farm he would have no way to earn a living. he was a good man, and worked in the field as hard as he could; and aunt em did all the housework, with dorothy's help. yet they did not seem to get along. this little girl, dorothy, was like dozens of little girls you know. she was loving and usually sweet-tempered, and had a round rosy face and earnest eyes. life was a serious thing to dorothy, and a wonderful thing, too, for she had encountered more strange adventures in her short life than many other girls of her age. aunt em once said she thought the fairies must have marked dorothy at her birth, because she had wandered into strange places and had always been protected by some unseen power. as for uncle henry, he thought his little niece merely a dreamer, as her dead mother had been, for he could not quite believe all the curious stories dorothy told them of the land of oz, which she had several times visited. he did not think that she tried to deceive her uncle and aunt, but he imagined that she had dreamed all of those astonishing adventures, and that the dreams had been so real to her that she had come to believe them true. whatever the explanation might be, it was certain that dorothy had been absent from her kansas home for several long periods, always disappearing unexpectedly, yet always coming back safe and sound, with amazing tales of where she had been and the unusual people she had met. her uncle and aunt listened to her stories eagerly and in spite of their doubts began to feel that the little girl had gained a lot of experience and wisdom that were unaccountable in this age, when fairies are supposed no longer to exist. most of dorothy's stories were about the land of oz, with its beautiful emerald city and a lovely girl ruler named ozma, who was the most faithful friend of the little kansas girl. when dorothy told about the riches of this fairy country uncle henry would sigh, for he knew that a single one of the great emeralds that were so common there would pay all his debts and leave his farm free. but dorothy never brought any jewels home with her, so their poverty became greater every year. when the banker told uncle henry that he must pay the money in thirty days or leave the farm, the poor man was in despair, as he knew he could not possibly get the money. so he told his wife, aunt em, of his trouble, and she first cried a little and then said that they must be brave and do the best they could, and go away somewhere and try to earn an honest living. but they were getting old and feeble and she feared that they could not take care of dorothy as well as they had formerly done. probably the little girl would also be obliged to go to work. they did not tell their niece the sad news for several days, not wishing to make her unhappy; but one morning the little girl found aunt em softly crying while uncle henry tried to comfort her. then dorothy asked them to tell her what was the matter. "we must give up the farm, my dear," replied her uncle sadly, "and wander away into the world to work for our living." the girl listened quite seriously, for she had not known before how desperately poor they were. "we don't mind for ourselves," said her aunt, stroking the little girl's head tenderly; "but we love you as if you were our own child, and we are heart-broken to think that you must also endure poverty, and work for a living before you have grown big and strong." "what could i do to earn money?" asked dorothy. "you might do housework for some one, dear, you are so handy; or perhaps you could be a nurse-maid to little children. i'm sure i don't know exactly what you can do to earn money, but if your uncle and i are able to support you we will do it willingly, and send you to school. we fear, though, that we shall have much trouble in earning a living for ourselves. no one wants to employ old people who are broken down in health, as we are." dorothy smiled. "wouldn't it be funny," she said, "for me to do housework in kansas, when i'm a princess in the land of oz?" "a princess!" they both exclaimed, astonished. "yes; ozma made me a princess some time ago, and she has often begged me to come and live always in the emerald city," said the child. her uncle and aunt looked at her in amazement. then the man said: "do you suppose you could manage to return to your fairyland, my dear?" "oh yes," replied dorothy; "i could do that easily." "how?" asked aunt em. "ozma sees me every day at four o'clock, in her magic picture. she can see me wherever i am, no matter what i am doing. and at that time, if i make a certain secret sign, she will send for me by means of the magic belt, which i once captured from the nome king. then, in the wink of an eye, i shall be with ozma in her palace." the elder people remained silent for some time after dorothy had spoken. finally, aunt em said, with another sigh of regret: "if that is the case, dorothy, perhaps you'd better go and live in the emerald city. it will break our hearts to lose you from our lives, but you will be so much better off with your fairy friends that it seems wisest and best for you to go." "i'm not so sure about that," remarked uncle henry, shaking his gray head doubtfully. "these things all seem real to dorothy, i know; but i'm afraid our little girl won't find her fairyland just what she had dreamed it to be. it would make me very unhappy to think that she was wandering among strangers who might be unkind to her." dorothy laughed merrily at this speech, and then she became very sober again, for she could see how all this trouble was worrying her aunt and uncle, and knew that unless she found a way to help them their future lives would be quite miserable and unhappy. she knew that she could help them. she had thought of a way already. yet she did not tell them at once what it was, because she must ask ozma's consent before she would be able to carry out her plans. so she only said: "if you will promise not to worry a bit about me, i'll go to the land of oz this very afternoon. and i'll make a promise, too; that you shall both see me again before the day comes when you must leave this farm." "the day isn't far away, now," her uncle sadly replied. "i did not tell you of our trouble until i was obliged to, dear dorothy, so the evil time is near at hand. but if you are quite sure your fairy friends will give you a home, it will be best for you to go to them, as your aunt says." that was why dorothy went to her little room in the attic that afternoon, taking with her a small dog named toto. the dog had curly black hair and big brown eyes and loved dorothy very dearly. the child had kissed her uncle and aunt affectionately before she went upstairs, and now she looked around her little room rather wistfully, gazing at the simple trinkets and worn calico and gingham dresses, as if they were old friends. she was tempted at first to make a bundle of them, yet she knew very well that they would be of no use to her in her future life. she sat down upon a broken-backed chair--the only one the room contained--and holding toto in her arms waited patiently until the clock struck four. then she made the secret signal that had been agreed upon between her and ozma. uncle henry and aunt em waited downstairs. they were uneasy and a good deal excited, for this is a practical humdrum world, and it seemed to them quite impossible that their little niece could vanish from her home and travel instantly to fairyland. so they watched the stairs, which seemed to be the only way that dorothy could get out of the farmhouse, and they watched them a long time. they heard the clock strike four but there was no sound from above. half-past four came, and now they were too impatient to wait any longer. softly, they crept up the stairs to the door of the little girl's room. "dorothy! dorothy!" they called. there was no answer. they opened the door and looked in. the room was empty. 3. how ozma granted dorothy's request i suppose you have read so much about the magnificent emerald city that there is little need for me to describe it here. it is the capital city of the land of oz, which is justly considered the most attractive and delightful fairyland in all the world. the emerald city is built all of beautiful marbles in which are set a profusion of emeralds, every one exquisitely cut and of very great size. there are other jewels used in the decorations inside the houses and palaces, such as rubies, diamonds, sapphires, amethysts and turquoises. but in the streets and upon the outside of the buildings only emeralds appear, from which circumstance the place is named the emerald city of oz. it has nine thousand, six hundred and fifty-four buildings, in which lived fifty-seven thousand three hundred and eighteen people, up to the time my story opens. all the surrounding country, extending to the borders of the desert which enclosed it upon every side, was full of pretty and comfortable farmhouses, in which resided those inhabitants of oz who preferred country to city life. altogether there were more than half a million people in the land of oz--although some of them, as you will soon learn, were not made of flesh and blood as we are--and every inhabitant of that favored country was happy and prosperous. no disease of any sort was ever known among the ozites, and so no one ever died unless he met with an accident that prevented him from living. this happened very seldom, indeed. there were no poor people in the land of oz, because there was no such thing as money, and all property of every sort belonged to the ruler. the people were her children, and she cared for them. each person was given freely by his neighbors whatever he required for his use, which is as much as any one may reasonably desire. some tilled the lands and raised great crops of grain, which was divided equally among the entire population, so that all had enough. there were many tailors and dressmakers and shoemakers and the like, who made things that any who desired them might wear. likewise there were jewelers who made ornaments for the person, which pleased and beautified the people, and these ornaments also were free to those who asked for them. each man and woman, no matter what he or she produced for the good of the community, was supplied by the neighbors with food and clothing and a house and furniture and ornaments and games. if by chance the supply ever ran short, more was taken from the great storehouses of the ruler, which were afterward filled up again when there was more of any article than the people needed. every one worked half the time and played half the time, and the people enjoyed the work as much as they did the play, because it is good to be occupied and to have something to do. there were no cruel overseers set to watch them, and no one to rebuke them or to find fault with them. so each one was proud to do all he could for his friends and neighbors, and was glad when they would accept the things he produced. you will know by what i have here told you, that the land of oz was a remarkable country. i do not suppose such an arrangement would be practical with us, but dorothy assures me that it works finely with the oz people. oz being a fairy country, the people were, of course, fairy people; but that does not mean that all of them were very unlike the people of our own world. there were all sorts of queer characters among them, but not a single one who was evil, or who possessed a selfish or violent nature. they were peaceful, kind hearted, loving and merry, and every inhabitant adored the beautiful girl who ruled them and delighted to obey her every command. in spite of all i have said in a general way, there were some parts of the land of oz not quite so pleasant as the farming country and the emerald city which was its center. far away in the south country there lived in the mountains a band of strange people called hammer-heads, because they had no arms and used their flat heads to pound any one who came near them. their necks were like rubber, so that they could shoot out their heads to quite a distance, and afterward draw them back again to their shoulders. the hammer-heads were called the "wild people," but never harmed any but those who disturbed them in the mountains where they lived. in some of the dense forests there lived great beasts of every sort; yet these were for the most part harmless and even sociable, and conversed agreeably with those who visited their haunts. the kalidahs--beasts with bodies like bears and heads like tigers--had once been fierce and bloodthirsty, but even they were now nearly all tamed, although at times one or another of them would get cross and disagreeable. not so tame were the fighting trees, which had a forest of their own. if any one approached them these curious trees would bend down their branches, twine them around the intruders, and hurl them away. but these unpleasant things existed only in a few remote parts of the land of oz. i suppose every country has some drawbacks, so even this almost perfect fairyland could not be quite perfect. once there had been wicked witches in the land, too; but now these had all been destroyed; so, as i said, only peace and happiness reigned in oz. for some time ozma had ruled over this fair country, and never was ruler more popular or beloved. she is said to be the most beautiful girl the world has ever known, and her heart and mind are as lovely as her person. dorothy gale had several times visited the emerald city and experienced adventures in the land of oz, so that she and ozma had now become firm friends. the girl ruler had even made dorothy a princess of oz, and had often implored her to come to ozma's stately palace and live there always; but dorothy had been loyal to her aunt em and uncle henry, who had cared for her since she was a baby, and she had refused to leave them because she knew they would be lonely without her. however, dorothy now realized that things were going to be different with her uncle and aunt from this time forth, so after giving the matter deep thought she decided to ask ozma to grant her a very great favor. a few seconds after she had made the secret signal in her little bedchamber, the kansas girl was seated in a lovely room in ozma's palace in the emerald city of oz. when the first loving kisses and embraces had been exchanged, the fair ruler inquired: "what is the matter, dear? i know something unpleasant has happened to you, for your face was very sober when i saw it in my magic picture. and whenever you signal me to transport you to this safe place, where you are always welcome, i know you are in danger or in trouble." dorothy sighed. "this time, ozma, it isn't i," she replied. "but it's worse, i guess, for uncle henry and aunt em are in a heap of trouble, and there seems no way for them to get out of it--anyhow, not while they live in kansas." "tell me about it, dorothy," said ozma, with ready sympathy. "why, you see uncle henry is poor; for the farm in kansas doesn't 'mount to much, as farms go. so one day uncle henry borrowed some money, and wrote a letter saying that if he didn't pay the money back they could take his farm for pay. course he 'spected to pay by making money from the farm; but he just couldn't. an' so they're going to take the farm, and uncle henry and aunt em won't have any place to live. they're pretty old to do much hard work, ozma; so i'll have to work for them, unless--" ozma had been thoughtful during the story, but now she smiled and pressed her little friend's hand. "unless what, dear?" she asked. dorothy hesitated, because her request meant so much to them all. "well," said she, "i'd like to live here in the land of oz, where you've often 'vited me to live. but i can't, you know, unless uncle henry and aunt em could live here too." "of course not," exclaimed the ruler of oz, laughing gaily. "so, in order to get you, little friend, we must invite your uncle and aunt to live in oz, also." "oh, will you, ozma?" cried dorothy, clasping her chubby little hands eagerly. "will you bring them here with the magic belt, and give them a nice little farm in the munchkin country, or the winkie country--or some other place?" "to be sure," answered ozma, full of joy at the chance to please her little friend. "i have long been thinking of this very thing, dorothy dear, and often i have had it in my mind to propose it to you. i am sure your uncle and aunt must be good and worthy people, or you would not love them so much; and for your friends, princess, there is always room in the land of oz." dorothy was delighted, yet not altogether surprised, for she had clung to the hope that ozma would be kind enough to grant her request. when, indeed, had her powerful and faithful friend refused her anything? "but you must not call me 'princess'," she said; "for after this i shall live on the little farm with uncle henry and aunt em, and princesses ought not to live on farms." "princess dorothy will not," replied ozma with her sweet smile. "you are going to live in your own rooms in this palace, and be my constant companion." "but uncle henry--" began dorothy. "oh, he is old, and has worked enough in his lifetime," interrupted the girl ruler; "so we must find a place for your uncle and aunt where they will be comfortable and happy and need not work more than they care to. when shall we transport them here, dorothy?" "i promised to go and see them again before they were turned out of the farmhouse," answered dorothy; "so--perhaps next saturday--" "but why wait so long?" asked ozma. "and why make the journey back to kansas again? let us surprise them, and bring them here without any warning." "i'm not sure that they believe in the land of oz," said dorothy, "though i've told 'em 'bout it lots of times." "they'll believe when they see it," declared ozma; "and if they are told they are to make a magical journey to our fairyland, it may make them nervous. i think the best way will be to use the magic belt without warning them, and when they have arrived you can explain to them whatever they do not understand." "perhaps that's best," decided dorothy. "there isn't much use in their staying at the farm until they are put out, 'cause it's much nicer here." "then to-morrow morning they shall come here," said princess ozma. "i will order jellia jamb, who is the palace housekeeper, to have rooms all prepared for them, and after breakfast we will get the magic belt and by its aid transport your uncle and aunt to the emerald city." "thank you, ozma!" cried dorothy, kissing her friend gratefully. "and now," ozma proposed, "let us take a walk in the gardens before we dress for dinner. come, dorothy dear!" 4. how the nome king planned revenge the reason most people are bad is because they do not try to be good. now, the nome king had never tried to be good, so he was very bad indeed. having decided to conquer the land of oz and to destroy the emerald city and enslave all its people, king roquat the red kept planning ways to do this dreadful thing, and the more he planned the more he believed he would be able to accomplish it. about the time dorothy went to ozma the nome king called his chief steward to him and said: "kaliko, i think i shall make you the general of my armies." "i think you won't," replied kaliko, positively. "why not?" inquired the king, reaching for his scepter with the big sapphire. "because i'm your chief steward and know nothing of warfare," said kaliko, preparing to dodge if anything were thrown at him. "i manage all the affairs of your kingdom better than you could yourself, and you'll never find another steward as good as i am. but there are a hundred nomes better fitted to command your army, and your generals get thrown away so often that i have no desire to be one of them." "ah, there is some truth in your remarks, kaliko," remarked the king, deciding not to throw the scepter. "summon my army to assemble in the great cavern." kaliko bowed and retired, and in a few minutes returned to say that the army was assembled. so the king went out upon a balcony that overlooked the great cavern, where fifty thousand nomes, all armed with swords and pikes, stood marshaled in military array. when they were not required as soldiers all these nomes were metal workers and miners, and they had hammered so much at the forges and dug so hard with pick and shovel that they had acquired great muscular strength. they were strangely formed creatures, rather round and not very tall. their toes were curly and their ears broad and flat. in time of war every nome left his forge or mine and became part of the great army of king roquat. the soldiers wore rock-colored uniforms and were excellently drilled. the king looked upon this tremendous army, which stood silently arrayed before him, and a cruel smile curled the corners of his mouth, for he saw that his legions were very powerful. then he addressed them from the balcony, saying: "i have thrown away general blug, because he did not please me. so i want another general to command this army. who is next in command?" "i am," replied colonel crinkle, a dapper-looking nome, as he stepped forward to salute his monarch. the king looked at him carefully and said: "i want you to march this army through an underground tunnel, which i am going to bore, to the emerald city of oz. when you get there i want you to conquer the oz people, destroy them and their city, and bring all their gold and silver and precious stones back to my cavern. also you are to recapture my magic belt and return it to me. will you do this, general crinkle?" "no, your majesty," replied the nome; "for it can't be done." "oh indeed!" exclaimed the king. then he turned to his servants and said: "please take general crinkle to the torture chamber. there you will kindly slice him into thin slices. afterward you may feed him to the seven-headed dogs." "anything to oblige your majesty," replied the servants, politely, and led the condemned man away. when they had gone, the king addressed the army again. "listen!" said he. "the general who is to command my armies must promise to carry out my orders. if he fails he will share the fate of poor crinkle. now, then, who will volunteer to lead my hosts to the emerald city?" for a time no one moved and all were silent. then an old nome with white whiskers so long that they were tied around his waist to prevent their tripping him up, stepped out of the ranks and saluted the king. "i'd like to ask a few questions, your majesty," he said. "go ahead," replied the king. "these oz people are quite good, are they not?" "as good as apple pie," said the king. "and they are happy, i suppose?" continued the old nome. "happy as the day is long," said the king. "and contented and prosperous?" inquired the nome. "very much so," said the king. "well, your majesty," remarked he of the white whiskers, "i think i should like to undertake the job, so i'll be your general. i hate good people; i detest happy people; i'm opposed to any one who is contented and prosperous. that is why i am so fond of your majesty. make me your general and i'll promise to conquer and destroy the oz people. if i fail i'm ready to be sliced thin and fed to the seven-headed dogs." "very good! very good, indeed! that's the way to talk!" cried roquat the red, who was greatly pleased. "what is your name, general?" "i'm called guph, your majesty." "well, guph, come with me to my private cave, and we'll talk it over." then he turned to the army. "nomes and soldiers," said he, "you are to obey the commands of general guph until he becomes dog-feed. any man who fails to obey his new general will be promptly thrown away. you are now dismissed." guph went to the king's private cave and sat down upon an amethyst chair and put his feet on the arm of the king's ruby throne. then he lighted his pipe and threw the live coal he had taken from his pocket upon the king's left foot and puffed the smoke into the king's eyes and made himself comfortable. for he was a wise old nome, and he knew that the best way to get along with roquat the red was to show that he was not afraid of him. "i'm ready for the talk, your majesty," he said. the king coughed and looked at his new general fiercely. "do you not tremble to take such liberties with your monarch?" he asked. "oh no," replied guph, calmly, and he blew a wreath of smoke that curled around the king's nose and made him sneeze. "you want to conquer the emerald city, and i'm the only nome in all your dominions who can conquer it. so you will be very careful not to hurt me until i have carried out your wishes. after that--" "well, what then?" inquired the king. "then you will be so grateful to me that you won't care to hurt me," replied the general. "that is a very good argument," said roquat. "but suppose you fail?" "then it's the slicing machine. i agree to that," announced guph. "but if you do as i tell you there will be no failure. the trouble with you, roquat, is that you don't think carefully enough. i do. you would go ahead and march through your tunnel into oz, and get defeated and driven back. i won't. and the reason i won't is because when i march i'll have all my plans made, and a host of allies to assist my nomes." "what do you mean by that?" asked the king. "i'll explain, king roquat. you're going to attack a fairy country, and a mighty fairy country, too. they haven't much of an army in oz, but the princess who ruled them has a fairy wand; and the little girl dorothy has your magic belt; and at the north of the emerald city lives a clever sorceress called glinda the good, who commands the spirits of the air. also i have heard that there is a wonderful wizard in ozma's palace, who is so skillful that people used to pay him money in america to see him perform. so you see it will be no easy thing to overcome all this magic." "we have fifty thousand soldiers!" cried the king proudly. "yes; but they are nomes," remarked guph, taking a silk handkerchief from the king's pocket and wiping his own pointed shoes with it. "nomes are immortals, but they are not strong on magic. when you lost your famous belt the greater part of your own power was gone from you. against ozma you and your nomes would have no show at all." roquat's eyes flashed angrily. "then away you go to the slicing machine!" he cried. "not yet," said the general, filling his pipe from the king's private tobacco pouch. "what do you propose to do?" asked the monarch. "i propose to obtain the power we need," answered guph. "there are a good many evil creatures who have magic powers sufficient to destroy and conquer the land of oz. we will get them on our side, band them all together, and then take ozma and her people by surprise. it's all very simple and easy when you know how. alone, we should be helpless to injure the ruler of oz, but with the aid of the evil powers we can summon we shall easily succeed." king roquat was delighted with this idea, for he realized how clever it was. "surely, guph, you are the greatest general i have ever had!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with joy. "you must go at once and make arrangements with the evil powers to assist us, and meantime i'll begin to dig the tunnel." "i thought you'd agree with me, roquat," replied the new general. "i'll start this very afternoon to visit the chief of the whimsies." 5. how dorothy became a princess when the people of the emerald city heard that dorothy had returned to them every one was eager to see her, for the little girl was a general favorite in the land of oz. from time to time some of the folk from the great outside world had found their way into this fairyland, but all except one had been companions of dorothy and had turned out to be very agreeable people. the exception i speak of was the wonderful wizard of oz, a sleight-of-hand performer from omaha who went up in a balloon and was carried by a current of air to the emerald city. his queer and puzzling tricks made the people of oz believe him a great wizard for a time, and he ruled over them until dorothy arrived on her first visit and showed the wizard to be a mere humbug. he was a gentle, kind-hearted little man, and dorothy grew to like him afterward. when, after an absence, the wizard returned to the land of oz, ozma received him graciously and gave him a home in a part of the palace. in addition to the wizard two other personages from the outside world had been allowed to make their home in the emerald city. the first was a quaint shaggy man, whom ozma had made the governor of the royal storehouses, and the second a yellow hen named billina, who had a fine house in the gardens back of the palace, where she looked after a large family. both these had been old comrades of dorothy, so you see the little girl was quite an important personage in oz, and the people thought she had brought them good luck, and loved her next best to ozma. during her several visits this little girl had been the means of destroying two wicked witches who oppressed the people, and she had discovered a live scarecrow who was now one of the most popular personages in all the fairy country. with the scarecrow's help she had rescued nick chopper, a tin woodman, who had rusted in a lonely forest, and the tin man was now the emperor of the country of the winkies and much beloved because of his kind heart. no wonder the people thought dorothy had brought them good luck! yet, strange as it may seem, she had accomplished all these wonders not because she was a fairy or had any magical powers whatever, but because she was a simple, sweet and true little girl who was honest to herself and to all whom she met. in this world in which we live simplicity and kindness are the only magic wands that work wonders, and in the land of oz dorothy found these same qualities had won for her the love and admiration of the people. indeed, the little girl had made many warm friends in the fairy country, and the only real grief the ozites had ever experienced was when dorothy left them and returned to her kansas home. now she received a joyful welcome, although no one except ozma knew at first that she had finally come to stay for good and all. that evening dorothy had many callers, and among them were such important people as tiktok, a machine man who thought and spoke and moved by clockwork; her old companion the genial shaggy man; jack pumpkinhead, whose body was brush-wood and whose head was a ripe pumpkin with a face carved upon it; the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, two great beasts from the forest, who served princess ozma, and professor h. m. wogglebug, t.e. this wogglebug was a remarkable creature. he had once been a tiny little bug, crawling around in a school-room, but he was discovered and highly magnified so that he could be seen more plainly, and while in this magnified condition he had escaped. he had always remained big, and he dressed like a dandy and was so full of knowledge and information (which are distinct acquirements) that he had been made a professor and the head of the royal college. dorothy had a nice visit with these old friends, and also talked a long time with the wizard, who was little and old and withered and dried up, but as merry and active as a child. afterward, she went to see billina's fast-growing family of chicks. toto, dorothy's little black dog, also met with a cordial reception. toto was an especial friend of the shaggy man, and he knew every one else. being the only dog in the land of oz, he was highly respected by the people, who believed animals entitled to every consideration if they behaved themselves properly. dorothy had four lovely rooms in the palace, which were always reserved for her use and were called "dorothy's rooms." these consisted of a beautiful sitting room, a dressing room, a dainty bedchamber and a big marble bathroom. and in these rooms were everything that heart could desire, placed there with loving thoughtfulness by ozma for her little friend's use. the royal dressmakers had the little girl's measure, so they kept the closets in her dressing room filled with lovely dresses of every description and suitable for every occasion. no wonder dorothy had refrained from bringing with her her old calico and gingham dresses! here everything that was dear to a little girl's heart was supplied in profusion, and nothing so rich and beautiful could ever have been found in the biggest department stores in america. of course dorothy enjoyed all these luxuries, and the only reason she had heretofore preferred to live in kansas was because her uncle and aunt loved her and needed her with them. now, however, all was to be changed, and dorothy was really more delighted to know that her dear relatives were to share in her good fortune and enjoy the delights of the land of oz, than she was to possess such luxury for herself. next morning, at ozma's request, dorothy dressed herself in a pretty sky-blue gown of rich silk, trimmed with real pearls. the buckles of her shoes were set with pearls, too, and more of these priceless gems were on a lovely coronet which she wore upon her forehead. "for," said her friend ozma, "from this time forth, my dear, you must assume your rightful rank as a princess of oz, and being my chosen companion you must dress in a way befitting the dignity of your position." dorothy agreed to this, although she knew that neither gowns nor jewels could make her anything else than the simple, unaffected little girl she had always been. as soon as they had breakfasted--the girls eating together in ozma's pretty boudoir--the ruler of oz said: "now, dear friend, we will use the magic belt to transport your uncle and aunt from kansas to the emerald city. but i think it would be fitting, in receiving such distinguished guests, for us to sit in my throne room." "oh, they're not very 'stinguished, ozma," said dorothy. "they're just plain people, like me." "being your friends and relatives, princess dorothy, they are certainly distinguished," replied the ruler, with a smile. "they--they won't hardly know what to make of all your splendid furniture and things," protested dorothy, gravely. "it may scare 'em to see your grand throne room, an' p'raps we'd better go into the back yard, ozma, where the cabbages grow an' the chickens are playing. then it would seem more natural to uncle henry and aunt em." "no; they shall first see me in my throne room," replied ozma, decidedly; and when she spoke in that tone dorothy knew it was not wise to oppose her, for ozma was accustomed to having her own way. so together they went to the throne room, an immense domed chamber in the center of the palace. here stood the royal throne, made of solid gold and encrusted with enough precious stones to stock a dozen jewelry stores in our country. ozma, who was wearing the magic belt, seated herself in the throne, and dorothy sat at her feet. in the room were assembled many ladies and gentlemen of the court, clothed in rich apparel and wearing fine jewelry. two immense animals squatted, one on each side of the throne--the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger. in a balcony high up in the dome an orchestra played sweet music, and beneath the dome two electric fountains sent sprays of colored perfumed water shooting up nearly as high as the arched ceiling. "are you ready, dorothy?" asked the ruler. "i am," replied dorothy; "but i don't know whether aunt em and uncle henry are ready." "that won't matter," declared ozma. "the old life can have very little to interest them, and the sooner they begin the new life here the happier they will be. here they come, my dear!" as she spoke, there before the throne appeared uncle henry and aunt em, who for a moment stood motionless, glaring with white and startled faces at the scene that confronted them. if the ladies and gentlemen present had not been so polite i am sure they would have laughed at the two strangers. aunt em had her calico dress skirt "tucked up," and she wore a faded, blue-checked apron. her hair was rather straggly and she had on a pair of uncle henry's old slippers. in one hand she held a dish-towel and in the other a cracked earthenware plate, which she had been engaged in wiping when so suddenly transported to the land of oz. uncle henry, when the summons came, had been out in the barn "doin' chores." he wore a ragged and much soiled straw hat, a checked shirt without any collar and blue overalls tucked into the tops of his old cowhide boots. "by gum!" gasped uncle henry, looking around as if bewildered. "well, i swan!" gurgled aunt em in a hoarse, frightened voice. then her eyes fell upon dorothy, and she said: "d-d-d-don't that look like our little girl--our dorothy, henry?" "hi, there--look out, em!" exclaimed the old man, as aunt em advanced a step; "take care o' the wild beastses, or you're a goner!" but now dorothy sprang forward and embraced and kissed her aunt and uncle affectionately, afterward taking their hands in her own. "don't be afraid," she said to them. "you are now in the land of oz, where you are to live always, and be comfer'ble an' happy. you'll never have to worry over anything again, 'cause there won't be anything to worry about. and you owe it all to the kindness of my friend princess ozma." here she led them before the throne and continued: "your highness, this is uncle henry. and this is aunt em. they want to thank you for bringing them here from kansas." aunt em tried to "slick" her hair, and she hid the dish-towel and dish under her apron while she bowed to the lovely ozma. uncle henry took off his straw hat and held it awkwardly in his hands. but the ruler of oz rose and came from her throne to greet her newly arrived guests, and she smiled as sweetly upon them as if they had been a king and queen. "you are very welcome here, where i have brought you for princess dorothy's sake," she said, graciously, "and i hope you will be quite happy in your new home." then she turned to her courtiers, who were silently and gravely regarding the scene, and added: "i present to my people our princess dorothy's beloved uncle henry and aunt em, who will hereafter be subjects of our kingdom. it will please me to have you show them every kindness and honor in your power, and to join me in making them happy and contented." hearing this, all those assembled bowed low and respectfully to the old farmer and his wife, who bobbed their own heads in return. "and now," said ozma to them, "dorothy will show you the rooms prepared for you. i hope you will like them, and shall expect you to join me at luncheon." so dorothy led her relatives away, and as soon as they were out of the throne room and alone in the corridor, aunt em squeezed dorothy's hand and said: "child, child! how in the world did we ever get here so quick? and is it all real? and are we to stay here, as she says? and what does it all mean, anyhow?" dorothy laughed. "why didn't you tell us what you were goin' to do?" inquired uncle henry, reproachfully. "if i'd known about it, i'd 'a put on my sunday clothes." "i'll 'splain ever'thing as soon as we get to your rooms," promised dorothy. "you're in great luck, uncle henry and aunt em; an' so am i! and oh! i'm so happy to have got you here, at last!" as he walked by the little girl's side, uncle henry stroked his whiskers thoughtfully. "'pears to me, dorothy, we won't make bang-up fairies," he remarked. "an' my back hair looks like a fright!" wailed aunt em. "never mind," returned the little girl, reassuringly. "you won't have anything to do now but to look pretty, aunt em; an' uncle henry won't have to work till his back aches, that's certain." "sure?" they asked, wonderingly, and in the same breath. "course i'm sure," said dorothy. "you're in the fairyland of oz, now; an' what's more, you belong to it!" 6. how guph visited the whimsies the new general of the nome king's army knew perfectly well that to fail in his plans meant death for him. yet he was not at all anxious or worried. he hated every one who was good and longed to make all who were happy unhappy. therefore he had accepted this dangerous position as general quite willingly, feeling sure in his evil mind that he would be able to do a lot of mischief and finally conquer the land of oz. yet guph determined to be careful, and to lay his plans well, so as not to fail. he argued that only careless people fail in what they attempt to do. the mountains underneath which the nome king's extensive caverns were located lay grouped just north of the land of ev, which lay directly across the deadly desert to the east of the land of oz. as the mountains were also on the edge of the desert the nome king found that he had only to tunnel underneath the desert to reach ozma's dominions. he did not wish his armies to appear above ground in the country of the winkies, which was the part of the land of oz nearest to king roquat's own country, as then the people would give the alarm and enable ozma to fortify the emerald city and assemble an army. he wanted to take all the oz people by surprise; so he decided to run the tunnel clear through to the emerald city, where he and his hosts could break through the ground without warning and conquer the people before they had time to defend themselves. roquat the red began work at once upon his tunnel, setting a thousand miners at the task and building it high and broad enough for his armies to march through it with ease. the nomes were used to making tunnels, as all the kingdom in which they lived was under ground; so they made rapid progress. while this work was going on general guph started out alone to visit the chief of the whimsies. these whimsies were curious people who lived in a retired country of their own. they had large, strong bodies, but heads so small that they were no bigger than door-knobs. of course, such tiny heads could not contain any great amount of brains, and the whimsies were so ashamed of their personal appearance and lack of commonsense that they wore big heads made of pasteboard, which they fastened over their own little heads. on these pasteboard heads they sewed sheep's wool for hair, and the wool was colored many tints--pink, green and lavender being the favorite colors. the faces of these false heads were painted in many ridiculous ways, according to the whims of the owners, and these big, burly creatures looked so whimsical and absurd in their queer masks that they were called "whimsies." they foolishly imagined that no one would suspect the little heads that were inside the imitation ones, not knowing that it is folly to try to appear otherwise than as nature has made us. the chief of the whimsies had as little wisdom as the others, and had been chosen chief merely because none among them was any wiser or more capable of ruling. the whimsies were evil spirits and could not be killed. they were hated and feared by every one and were known as terrible fighters because they were so strong and muscular and had not sense enough to know when they were defeated. general guph thought the whimsies would be a great help to the nomes in the conquest of oz, for under his leadership they could be induced to fight as long so they could stand up. so he traveled to their country and asked to see the chief, who lived in a house that had a picture of his grotesque false head painted over the doorway. the chief's false head had blue hair, a turned-up nose, and a mouth that stretched half across the face. big green eyes had been painted upon it, but in the center of the chin were two small holes made in the pasteboard, so that the chief could see through them with his own tiny eyes; for when the big head was fastened upon his shoulders the eyes in his own natural head were on a level with the false chin. said general guph to the chief of the whimsies: "we nomes are going to conquer the land of oz and capture our king's magic belt, which the oz people stole from him. then we are going to plunder and destroy the whole country. and we want the whimsies to help us." "will there be any fighting?" asked the chief. "plenty," replied guph. that must have pleased the chief, for he got up and danced around the room three times. then he seated himself again, adjusted his false head, and said: "we have no quarrel with ozma of oz." "but you whimsies love to fight, and here is a splendid chance to do so," urged guph. "wait till i sing a song," said the chief. then he lay back in his chair and sang a foolish song that did not seem to the general to mean anything, although he listened carefully. when he had finished, the chief whimsie looked at him through the holes in his chin and asked: "what reward will you give us if we help you?" the general was prepared for this question, for he had been thinking the matter over on his journey. people often do a good deed without hope of reward, but for an evil deed they always demand payment. "when we get our magic belt," he made reply, "our king, roquat the red, will use its power to give every whimsie a natural head as big and fine as the false head he now wears. then you will no longer be ashamed because your big strong bodies have such teenty-weenty heads." "oh! will you do that?" asked the chief, eagerly. "we surely will," promised the general. "i'll talk to my people," said the chief. so he called a meeting of all the whimsies and told them of the offer made by the nomes. the creatures were delighted with the bargain, and at once agreed to fight for the nome king and help him to conquer oz. one whimsie alone seemed to have a glimmer of sense, for he asked: "suppose we fail to capture the magic belt? what will happen then, and what good will all our fighting do?" but they threw him into the river for asking foolish questions, and laughed when the water ruined his pasteboard head before he could swim out again. so the compact was made and general guph was delighted with his success in gaining such powerful allies. but there were other people, too, just as important as the whimsies, whom the clever old nome had determined to win to his side. 7. how aunt em conquered the lion "these are your rooms," said dorothy, opening a door. aunt em drew back at the sight of the splendid furniture and draperies. "ain't there any place to wipe my feet?" she asked. "you will soon change your slippers for new shoes," replied dorothy. "don't be afraid, aunt em. here is where you are to live, so walk right in and make yourself at home." aunt em advanced hesitatingly. "it beats the topeka hotel!" she cried admiringly. "but this place is too grand for us, child. can't we have some back room in the attic, that's more in our class?" "no," said dorothy. "you've got to live here, 'cause ozma says so. and all the rooms in this palace are just as fine as these, and some are better. it won't do any good to fuss, aunt em. you've got to be swell and high-toned in the land of oz, whether you want to or not; so you may as well make up your mind to it." "it's hard luck," replied her aunt, looking around with an awed expression; "but folks can get used to anything, if they try. eh, henry?" "why, as to that," said uncle henry, slowly, "i b'lieve in takin' what's pervided us, an' askin' no questions. i've traveled some, em, in my time, and you hain't; an' that makes a difference atween us." then dorothy showed them through the rooms. the first was a handsome sitting-room, with windows opening upon the rose gardens. then came separate bedrooms for aunt em and uncle henry, with a fine bathroom between them. aunt em had a pretty dressing room, besides, and dorothy opened the closets and showed several exquisite costumes that had been provided for her aunt by the royal dressmakers, who had worked all night to get them ready. everything that aunt em could possibly need was in the drawers and closets, and her dressing-table was covered with engraved gold toilet articles. uncle henry had nine suits of clothes, cut in the popular munchkin fashion, with knee-breeches, silk stockings, and low shoes with jeweled buckles. the hats to match these costumes had pointed tops and wide brims with small gold bells around the edges. his shirts were of fine linen with frilled bosoms, and his vests were richly embroidered with colored silks. uncle henry decided that he would first take a bath and then dress himself in a blue satin suit that had caught his fancy. he accepted his good fortune with calm composure and refused to have a servant to assist him. but aunt em was "all of a flutter," as she said, and it took dorothy and jellia jamb, the housekeeper, and two maids a long time to dress her and do up her hair and get her "rigged like a popinjay," as she quaintly expressed it. she wanted to stop and admire everything that caught her eye, and she sighed continually and declared that such finery was too good for an old country woman, and that she never thought she would have to "put on airs" at her time of life. finally she was dressed, and when she went into the sitting-room there was uncle henry in his blue satin, walking gravely up and down the room. he had trimmed his beard and mustache and looked very dignified and respectable. "tell me, dorothy," he said; "do all the men here wear duds like these?" "yes," she replied; "all 'cept the scarecrow and the shaggy man--and of course the tin woodman and tiktok, who are made of metal. you'll find all the men at ozma's court dressed just as you are--only perhaps a little finer." "henry, you look like a play-actor," announced aunt em, looking at her husband critically. "an' you, em, look more highfalutin' than a peacock," he replied. "i guess you're right," she said regretfully; "but we're helpless victims of high-toned royalty." dorothy was much amused. "come with me," she said, "and i'll show you 'round the palace." she took them through the beautiful rooms and introduced them to all the people they chanced to meet. also she showed them her own pretty rooms, which were not far from their own. "so it's all true," said aunt em, wide-eyed with amazement, "and what dorothy told us of this fairy country was plain facts instead of dreams! but where are all the strange creatures you used to know here?" "yes, where's the scarecrow?" inquired uncle henry. "why, he's just now away on a visit to the tin woodman, who is emp'ror of the winkie country," answered the little girl. "you'll see him when he comes back, and you're sure to like him." "and where's the wonderful wizard?" asked aunt em. "you'll see him at ozma's luncheon, for he lives here in this palace," was the reply. "and jack pumpkinhead?" "oh, he lives a little way out of town, in his own pumpkin field. we'll go there some time and see him, and we'll call on professor wogglebug, too. the shaggy man will be at the luncheon, i guess, and tiktok. and now i'll take you out to see billina, who has a house of her own." so they went into the back yard, and after walking along winding paths some distance through the beautiful gardens they came to an attractive little house where the yellow hen sat on the front porch sunning herself. "good morning, my dear mistress," called billina, fluttering down to meet them. "i was expecting you to call, for i heard you had come back and brought your uncle and aunt with you." "we're here for good and all, this time, billina," cried dorothy, joyfully. "uncle henry and aunt em belong to oz now as much as i do!" "then they are very lucky people," declared billina; "for there couldn't be a nicer place to live. but come, my dear; i must show you all my dorothys. nine are living and have grown up to be very respectable hens; but one took cold at ozma's birthday party and died of the pip, and the other two turned out to be horrid roosters, so i had to change their names from dorothy to daniel. they all had the letter 'd' engraved upon their gold lockets, you remember, with your picture inside, and 'd' stands for daniel as well as for dorothy." "did you call both the roosters daniel?" asked uncle henry. "yes, indeed. i've nine dorothys and two daniels; and the nine dorothys have eighty-six sons and daughters and over three hundred grandchildren," said billina, proudly. "what names do you give 'em all, dear?" inquired the little girl. "oh, they are all dorothys and daniels, some being juniors and some double-juniors. dorothy and daniel are two good names, and i see no object in hunting for others," declared the yellow hen. "but just think, dorothy, what a big chicken family we've grown to be, and our numbers increase nearly every day! ozma doesn't know what to do with all the eggs we lay, and we are never eaten or harmed in any way, as chickens are in your country. they give us everything to make us contented and happy, and i, my dear, am the acknowledged queen and governor of every chicken in oz, because i'm the eldest and started the whole colony." "you ought to be very proud, ma'am," said uncle henry, who was astonished to hear a hen talk so sensibly. "oh, i am," she replied. "i've the loveliest pearl necklace you ever saw. come in the house and i'll show it to you. and i've nine leg bracelets and a diamond pin for each wing. but i only wear them on state occasions." they followed the yellow hen into the house, which aunt em declared was neat as a pin. they could not sit down, because all billina's chairs were roosting-poles made of silver; so they had to stand while the hen fussily showed them her treasures. then they had to go into the back rooms occupied by billina's nine dorothys and two daniels, who were all plump yellow chickens and greeted the visitors very politely. it was easy to see that they were well bred and that billina had looked after their education. in the yards were all the children and grandchildren of these eleven elders and they were of all sizes, from well-grown hens to tiny chickens just out of the shell. about fifty fluffy yellow youngsters were at school, being taught good manners and good grammar by a young hen who wore spectacles. they sang in chorus a patriotic song of the land of oz, in honor of their visitors, and aunt em was much impressed by these talking chickens. dorothy wanted to stay and play with the young chickens for awhile, but uncle henry and aunt em had not seen the palace grounds and gardens yet and were eager to get better acquainted with the marvelous and delightful land in which they were to live. "i'll stay here, and you can go for a walk," said dorothy. "you'll be perfec'ly safe anywhere, and may do whatever you want to. when you get tired, go back to the palace and find your rooms, and i'll come to you before luncheon is ready." so uncle henry and aunt em started out alone to explore the grounds, and dorothy knew that they couldn't get lost, because all the palace grounds were enclosed by a high wall of green marble set with emeralds. it was a rare treat to these simple folk, who had lived in the country all their lives and known little enjoyment of any sort, to wear beautiful clothes and live in a palace and be treated with respect and consideration by all around them. they were very happy indeed as they strolled up the shady walks and looked upon the gorgeous flowers and shrubs, feeling that their new home was more beautiful than any tongue could describe. suddenly, as they turned a corner and walked through a gap in a high hedge, they came face to face with an enormous lion, which crouched upon the green lawn and seemed surprised by their appearance. they stopped short, uncle henry trembling with horror and aunt em too terrified to scream. next moment the poor woman clasped her husband around the neck and cried: "save me, henry, save me!" "can't even save myself, em," he returned, in a husky voice, "for the animile looks as if it could eat both of us an' lick its chops for more! if i only had a gun--" "haven't you, henry? haven't you?" she asked anxiously. "nary gun, em. so let's die as brave an' graceful as we can. i knew our luck couldn't last!" "i won't die. i won't be eaten by a lion!" wailed aunt em, glaring upon the huge beast. then a thought struck her, and she whispered, "henry, i've heard as savage beastses can be conquered by the human eye. i'll eye that lion out o' countenance an' save our lives." "try it, em," he returned, also in a whisper. "look at him as you do at me when i'm late to dinner." aunt em turned upon the lion a determined countenance and a wild dilated eye. she glared at the immense beast steadily, and the lion, who had been quietly blinking at them, began to appear uneasy and disturbed. "is anything the matter, ma'am?" he asked, in a mild voice. at this speech from the terrible beast aunt em and uncle henry both were startled, and then uncle henry remembered that this must be the lion they had seen in ozma's throne room. "hold on, em!" he exclaimed. "quit the eagle eye conquest an' take courage. i guess this is the same cowardly lion dorothy has told us about." "oh, is it?" she cried, much relieved. "when he spoke, i got the idea; and when he looked so 'shamed like, i was sure of it," uncle henry continued. aunt em regarded the animal with new interest. "are you the cowardly lion?" she inquired. "are you dorothy's friend?" "yes'm," answered the lion, meekly. "dorothy and i are old chums and are very fond of each other. i'm the king of beasts, you know, and the hungry tiger and i serve princess ozma as her body guards." "to be sure," said aunt em, nodding. "but the king of beasts shouldn't be cowardly." "i've heard that said before," remarked the lion, yawning till he showed two great rows of sharp white teeth; "but that does not keep me from being frightened whenever i go into battle." "what do you do, run?" asked uncle henry. "no; that would be foolish, for the enemy would run after me," declared the lion. "so i tremble with fear and pitch in as hard as i can; and so far i have always won my fight." "ah, i begin to understand," said uncle henry. "were you scared when i looked at you just now?" inquired aunt em. "terribly scared, madam," answered the lion, "for at first i thought you were going to have a fit. then i noticed you were trying to overcome me by the power of your eye, and your glance was so fierce and penetrating that i shook with fear." this greatly pleased the lady, and she said quite cheerfully: "well, i won't hurt you, so don't be scared any more. i just wanted to see what the human eye was good for." "the human eye is a fearful weapon," remarked the lion, scratching his nose softly with his paw to hide a smile. "had i not known you were dorothy's friends i might have torn you both into shreds in order to escape your terrible gaze." aunt em shuddered at hearing this, and uncle henry said hastily: "i'm glad you knew us. good morning, mr. lion; we'll hope to see you again--by and by--some time in the future." "good morning," replied the lion, squatting down upon the lawn again. "you are likely to see a good deal of me, if you live in the land of oz." 8. how the grand gallipoot joined the nomes after leaving the whimsies, guph continued on his journey and penetrated far into the northwest. he wanted to get to the country of the growleywogs, and in order to do that he must cross the ripple land, which was a hard thing to do. for the ripple land was a succession of hills and valleys, all very steep and rocky, and they changed places constantly by rippling. while guph was climbing a hill it sank down under him and became a valley, and while he was descending into a valley it rose up and carried him to the top of a hill. this was very perplexing to the traveler, and a stranger might have thought he could never cross the ripple land at all. but guph knew that if he kept steadily on he would get to the end at last; so he paid no attention to the changing hills and valleys and plodded along as calmly as if walking upon the level ground. the result of this wise persistence was that the general finally reached firmer soil and, after penetrating a dense forest, came to the dominion of the growleywogs. no sooner had he crossed the border of this domain when two guards seized him and carried him before the grand gallipoot of the growleywogs, who scowled upon him ferociously and asked him why he dared intrude upon his territory. "i'm the lord high general of the invincible army of the nomes, and my name is guph," was the reply. "all the world trembles when that name is mentioned." the growleywogs gave a shout of jeering laughter at this, and one of them caught the nome in his strong arms and tossed him high into the air. guph was considerably shaken when he fell upon the hard ground, but he appeared to take no notice of the impertinence and composed himself to speak again to the grand gallipoot. "my master, king roquat the red, has sent me here to confer with you. he wishes your assistance to conquer the land of oz." here the general paused, and the grand gallipoot scowled upon him more terribly than ever and said: "go on!" the voice of the grand gallipoot was partly a roar and partly a growl. he mumbled his words badly and guph had to listen carefully in order to understand him. these growleywogs were certainly remarkable creatures. they were of gigantic size, yet were all bone and skin and muscle, there being no meat or fat upon their bodies at all. their powerful muscles lay just underneath their skins, like bunches of tough rope, and the weakest growleywog was so strong that he could pick up an elephant and toss it seven miles away. it seems unfortunate that strong people are usually so disagreeable and overbearing that no one cares for them. in fact, to be different from your fellow creatures is always a misfortune. the growleywogs knew that they were disliked and avoided by every one, so they had become surly and unsociable even among themselves. guph knew that they hated all people, including the nomes; but he hoped to win them over, nevertheless, and knew that if he succeeded they would afford him very powerful assistance. "the land of oz is ruled by a namby-pamby girl who is disgustingly kind and good," he continued. "her people are all happy and contented and have no care or worries whatever." "go on!" growled the grand gallipoot. "once the nome king enslaved the royal family of ev--another goody-goody lot that we detest," said the general. "but ozma interfered, although it was none of her business, and marched her army against us. with her was a kansas girl named dorothy, and a yellow hen, and they marched directly into the nome king's cavern. there they liberated our slaves from ev and stole king roquat's magic belt, which they carried away with them. so now our king is making a tunnel under the deadly desert, so we can march through it to the emerald city. when we get there we mean to conquer and destroy all the land and recapture the magic belt." again he paused, and again the grand gallipoot growled: "go on!" guph tried to think what to say next, and a happy thought soon occurred to him. "we want you to help us in this conquest," he announced, "for we need the mighty aid of the growleywogs in order to make sure that we shall not be defeated. you are the strongest people in all the world, and you hate good and happy creatures as much as we nomes do. i am sure it will be a real pleasure to you to tear down the beautiful emerald city, and in return for your valuable assistance we will allow you to bring back to your country ten thousand people of oz, to be your slaves." "twenty thousand!" growled the grand gallipoot. "all right, we promise you twenty thousand," agreed the general. the gallipoot made a signal and at once his attendants picked up general guph and carried him away to a prison, where the jailer amused himself by sticking pins in the round fat body of the old nome, to see him jump and hear him yell. but while this was going on the grand gallipoot was talking with his counselors, who were the most important officials of the growleywogs. when he had stated to them the proposition of the nome king, he said: "my advice is to offer to help them. then, when we have conquered the land of oz, we will take not only our twenty thousand prisoners but all the gold and jewels we want." "let us take the magic belt, too," suggested one counselor. "and rob the nome king and make him our slave," said another. "that is a good idea," declared the grand gallipoot. "i'd like king roquat for my own slave. he could black my boots and bring me my porridge every morning while i am in bed." "there is a famous scarecrow in oz. i'll take him for my slave," said a counselor. "i'll take tiktok, the machine man," said another. "give me the tin woodman," said a third. they went on for some time, dividing up the people and the treasure of oz in advance of the conquest. for they had no doubt at all that they would be able to destroy ozma's domain. were they not the strongest people in all the world? "the deadly desert has kept us out of oz before," remarked the grand gallipoot, "but now that the nome king is building a tunnel we shall get into the emerald city very easily. so let us send the little fat general back to his king with our promise to assist him. we will not say that we intend to conquer the nomes after we have conquered oz, but we will do so, just the same." this plan being agreed upon, they all went home to dinner, leaving general guph still in prison. the nome had no idea that he had succeeded in his mission, for finding himself in prison he feared the growleywogs intended to put him to death. by this time the jailer had tired of sticking pins in the general, and was amusing himself by carefully pulling the nome's whiskers out by the roots, one at a time. this enjoyment was interrupted by the grand gallipoot sending for the prisoner. "wait a few hours," begged the jailer. "i haven't pulled out a quarter of his whiskers yet." "if you keep the grand gallipoot waiting, he'll break your back," declared the messenger. "perhaps you're right," sighed the jailer. "take the prisoner away, if you will, but i advise you to kick him at every step he takes. it will be good fun, for he is as soft as a ripe peach." so guph was led away to the royal castle, where the grand gallipoot told him that the growleywogs had decided to assist the nomes in conquering the land of oz. "whenever you are ready," he added, "send me word and i will march with eighteen thousand of my most powerful warriors to your aid." guph was so delighted that he forgot all the smarting caused by the pins and the pulling of whiskers. he did not even complain of the treatment he had received, but thanked the grand gallipoot and hurried away upon his journey. he had now secured the assistance of the whimsies and the growleywogs; but his success made him long for still more allies. his own life depended upon his conquering oz, and he said to himself: "i'll take no chances. i'll be certain of success. then, when oz is destroyed, perhaps i shall be a greater man than old roquat, and i can throw him away and be king of the nomes myself. why not? the whimsies are stronger than the nomes, and they also are my friends. there are some people still stronger than the growleywogs, and if i can but induce them to aid me i shall have nothing more to fear." 9. how the wogglebug taught athletics it did not take dorothy long to establish herself in her new home, for she knew the people and the manners and customs of the emerald city just as well as she knew the old kansas farm. but uncle henry and aunt em had some trouble in getting used to the finery and pomp and ceremony of ozma's palace, and felt uneasy because they were obliged to be "dressed up" all the time. yet every one was very courteous and kind to them and endeavored to make them happy. ozma, especially, made much of dorothy's relatives, for her little friend's sake, and she well knew that the awkwardness and strangeness of their new mode of life would all wear off in time. the old people were chiefly troubled by the fact that there was no work for them to do. "ev'ry day is like sunday, now," declared aunt em, solemnly, "and i can't say i like it. if they'd only let me do up the dishes after meals, or even sweep an' dust my own rooms, i'd be a deal happier. henry don't know what to do with himself either, and once when he stole out an' fed the chickens billina scolded him for letting 'em eat between meals. i never knew before what a hardship it is to be rich and have everything you want." these complaints began to worry dorothy; so she had a long talk with ozma upon the subject. "i see i must find them something to do," said the girlish ruler of oz, seriously. "i have been watching your uncle and aunt, and i believe they will be more contented if occupied with some light tasks. while i am considering this matter, dorothy, you might make a trip with them through the land of oz, visiting some of the odd corners and introducing your relatives to some of our curious people." "oh, that would be fine!" exclaimed dorothy, eagerly. "i will give you an escort befitting your rank as a princess," continued ozma; "and you may go to some of the places you have not yet visited yourself, as well as some others that you know. i will mark out a plan of the trip for you and have everything in readiness for you to start to-morrow morning. take your time, dear, and be gone as long as you wish. by the time you return i shall have found some occupation for uncle henry and aunt em that will keep them from being restless and dissatisfied." dorothy thanked her good friend and kissed the lovely ruler gratefully. then she ran to tell the joyful news to her uncle and aunt. next morning, after breakfast, everything was found ready for their departure. the escort included omby amby, the captain general of ozma's army, which consisted merely of twenty-seven officers besides the captain general. once omby amby had been a private soldier--the only private in the army--but as there was never any fighting to do ozma saw no need of a private, so she made omby amby the highest officer of them all. he was very tall and slim and wore a gay uniform and a fierce mustache. yet the mustache was the only fierce thing about omby amby, whose nature was as gentle as that of a child. the wonderful wizard had asked to join the party, and with him came his friend the shaggy man, who was shaggy but not ragged, being dressed in fine silks with satin shags and bobtails. the shaggy man had shaggy whiskers and hair, but a sweet disposition and a soft, pleasant voice. there was an open wagon, with three seats for the passengers, and the wagon was drawn by the famous wooden sawhorse which had once been brought to life by ozma by means of a magic powder. the sawhorse wore wooden shoes to keep his wooden legs from wearing away, and he was strong and swift. as this curious creature was ozma's own favorite steed, and very popular with all the people of the emerald city, dorothy knew that she had been highly favored by being permitted to use the sawhorse on her journey. in the front seat of the wagon sat dorothy and the wizard. uncle henry and aunt em sat in the next seat and the shaggy man and omby amby in the third seat. of course toto was with the party, curled up at dorothy's feet, and just as they were about to start, billina came fluttering along the path and begged to be taken with them. dorothy readily agreed, so the yellow hen flew up and perched herself upon the dashboard. she wore her pearl necklace and three bracelets upon each leg, in honor of the occasion. dorothy kissed ozma good-bye, and all the people standing around waved their handkerchiefs, and the band in an upper balcony struck up a military march. then the wizard clucked to the sawhorse and said: "gid-dap!" and the wooden animal pranced away and drew behind him the big red wagon and all the passengers, without any effort at all. a servant threw open a gate of the palace enclosure, that they might pass out; and so, with music and shouts following them, the journey was begun. "it's almost like a circus," said aunt em, proudly. "i can't help feelin' high an' mighty in this kind of a turn-out." indeed, as they passed down the street, all the people cheered them lustily, and the shaggy man and the wizard and the captain general all took off their hats and bowed politely in acknowledgment. when they came to the great wall of the emerald city, the gates were opened by the guardian who always tended them. over the gateway hung a dull-colored metal magnet shaped like a horse-shoe, placed against a shield of polished gold. "that," said the shaggy man, impressively, "is the wonderful love magnet. i brought it to the emerald city myself, and all who pass beneath this gateway are both loving and beloved." "it's a fine thing," declared aunt em, admiringly. "if we'd had it in kansas i guess the man who held a mortgage on the farm wouldn't have turned us out." "then i'm glad we didn't have it," returned uncle henry. "i like oz better than kansas, even; an' this little wood sawhorse beats all the critters i ever saw. he don't have to be curried, or fed, or watered, an' he's strong as an ox. can he talk, dorothy?" "yes, uncle," replied the child. "but the sawhorse never says much. he told me once that he can't talk and think at the same time, so he prefers to think." "which is very sensible," declared the wizard, nodding approvingly. "which way do we go, dorothy?" "straight ahead into the quadling country," she answered. "i've got a letter of interduction to miss cuttenclip." "oh!" exclaimed the wizard, much interested. "are we going there? then i'm glad i came, for i've always wanted to meet the cuttenclips." "who are they?" inquired aunt em. "wait till we get there," replied dorothy, with a laugh; "then you'll see for yourself. i've never seen the cuttenclips, you know, so i can't 'zactly 'splain 'em to you." once free of the emerald city the sawhorse dashed away at tremendous speed. indeed, he went so fast that aunt em had hard work to catch her breath, and uncle henry held fast to the seat of the red wagon. "gently--gently, my boy!" called the wizard, and at this the sawhorse slackened his speed. "what's wrong?" asked the animal, slightly turning his wooden head to look at the party with one eye, which was a knot of wood. "why, we wish to admire the scenery, that's all," answered the wizard. "some of your passengers," added the shaggy man, "have never been out of the emerald city before, and the country is all new to them." "if you go too fast you'll spoil all the fun," said dorothy. "there's no hurry." "very well; it is all the same to me," observed the sawhorse; and after that he went at a more moderate pace. uncle henry was astonished. "how can a wooden thing be so intelligent?" he asked. "why, i gave him some sawdust brains the last time i fitted his head with new ears," explained the wizard. "the sawdust was made from hard knots, and now the sawhorse is able to think out any knotty problem he meets with." "i see," said uncle henry. "i don't," remarked aunt em; but no one paid any attention to this statement. before long they came to a stately building that stood upon a green plain with handsome shade trees grouped here and there. "what is that?" asked uncle henry. "that," replied the wizard, "is the royal athletic college of oz, which is directed by professor h. m. wogglebug, t.e." "let's stop and make a call," suggested dorothy. so the sawhorse drew up in front of the great building and they were met at the door by the learned wogglebug himself. he seemed fully as tall as the wizard, and was dressed in a red and white checked vest and a blue swallow-tailed coat, and had yellow knee breeches and purple silk stockings upon his slender legs. a tall hat was jauntily set upon his head and he wore spectacles over his big bright eyes. "welcome, dorothy," said the wogglebug; "and welcome to all your friends. we are indeed pleased to receive you at this great temple of learning." "i thought it was an athletic college," said the shaggy man. "it is, my dear sir," answered the wogglebug, proudly. "here it is that we teach the youth of our great land scientific college athletics--in all their purity." "don't you teach them anything else?" asked dorothy. "don't they get any reading, writing and 'rithmetic?" "oh, yes; of course. they get all those, and more," returned the professor. "but such things occupy little of their time. please follow me and i will show you how my scholars are usually occupied. this is a class hour and they are all busy." they followed him to a big field back of the college building, where several hundred young ozites were at their classes. in one place they played football, in another baseball. some played tennis, some golf; some were swimming in a big pool. upon a river which wound through the grounds several crews in racing boats were rowing with great enthusiasm. other groups of students played basketball and cricket, while in one place a ring was roped in to permit boxing and wrestling by the energetic youths. all the collegians seemed busy and there was much laughter and shouting. "this college," said professor wogglebug, complacently, "is a great success. its educational value is undisputed, and we are turning out many great and valuable citizens every year." "but when do they study?" asked dorothy. "study?" said the wogglebug, looking perplexed at the question. "yes; when do they get their 'rithmetic, and jogerfy, and such things?" "oh, they take doses of those every night and morning," was the reply. "what do you mean by doses?" dorothy inquired, wonderingly. "why, we use the newly invented school pills, made by your friend the wizard. these pills we have found to be very effective, and they save a lot of time. please step this way and i will show you our laboratory of learning." he led them to a room in the building where many large bottles were standing in rows upon shelves. "these are the algebra pills," said the professor, taking down one of the bottles. "one at night, on retiring, is equal to four hours of study. here are the geography pills--one at night and one in the morning. in this next bottle are the latin pills--one three times a day. then we have the grammar pills--one before each meal--and the spelling pills, which are taken whenever needed." "your scholars must have to take a lot of pills," remarked dorothy, thoughtfully. "how do they take 'em, in applesauce?" "no, my dear. they are sugar-coated and are quickly and easily swallowed. i believe the students would rather take the pills than study, and certainly the pills are a more effective method. you see, until these school pills were invented we wasted a lot of time in study that may now be better employed in practicing athletics." "seems to me the pills are a good thing," said omby amby, who remembered how it used to make his head ache as a boy to study arithmetic. "they are, sir," declared the wogglebug, earnestly. "they give us an advantage over all other colleges, because at no loss of time our boys become thoroughly conversant with greek and latin, mathematics and geography, grammar and literature. you see they are never obliged to interrupt their games to acquire the lesser branches of learning." "it's a great invention, i'm sure," said dorothy, looking admiringly at the wizard, who blushed modestly at this praise. "we live in an age of progress," announced professor wogglebug, pompously. "it is easier to swallow knowledge than to acquire it laboriously from books. is it not so, my friends?" "some folks can swallow anything," said aunt em, "but to me this seems too much like taking medicine." "young men in college always have to take their medicine, one way or another," observed the wizard, with a smile; "and, as our professor says, these school pills have proved to be a great success. one day while i was making them i happened to drop one of them, and one of billina's chickens gobbled it up. a few minutes afterward this chick got upon a roost and recited 'the boy stood on the burning deck' without making a single mistake. then it recited 'the charge of the light brigade' and afterwards 'excelsior.' you see, the chicken had eaten an elocution pill." they now bade good-bye to the professor, and thanking him for his kind reception mounted again into the red wagon and continued their journey. 10. how the cuttenclips lived the travelers had taken no provisions with them because they knew that they would be welcomed wherever they might go in the land of oz, and that the people would feed and lodge them with genuine hospitality. so about noon they stopped at a farm-house and were given a delicious luncheon of bread and milk, fruits and wheat cakes with maple syrup. after resting a while and strolling through the orchards with their host--a round, jolly farmer--they got into the wagon and again started the sawhorse along the pretty, winding road. there were signposts at all the corners, and finally they came to one which read: take this road to the cuttenclips there was also a hand pointing in the right direction, so they turned the sawhorse that way and found it a very good road, but seemingly little traveled. "i've never seen the cuttenclips before," remarked dorothy. "nor i," said the captain general. "nor i," said the wizard. "nor i," said billina. "i've hardly been out of the emerald city since i arrived in this country," added the shaggy man. "why, none of us has been there, then," exclaimed the little girl. "i wonder what the cuttenclips are like." "we shall soon find out," said the wizard, with a sly laugh. "i've heard they are rather flimsy things." the farm-houses became fewer as they proceeded, and the path was at times so faint that the sawhorse had hard work to keep in the road. the wagon began to jounce, too; so they were obliged to go slowly. after a somewhat wearisome journey they came in sight of a high wall, painted blue with pink ornaments. this wall was circular, and seemed to enclose a large space. it was so high that only the tops of the trees could be seen above it. the path led up to a small door in the wall, which was closed and latched. upon the door was a sign in gold letters reading as follows: visitors are requested to move slowly and carefully, and to avoid coughing or making any breeze or draught. "that's strange," said the shaggy man, reading the sign aloud. "who are the cuttenclips, anyhow?" "why, they're paper dolls," answered dorothy. "didn't you know that?" "paper dolls! then let's go somewhere else," said uncle henry. "we're all too old to play with dolls, dorothy." "but these are different," declared the girl. "they're alive." "alive!" gasped aunt em, in amazement. "yes. let's go in," said dorothy. so they all got out of the wagon, since the door in the wall was not big enough for them to drive the sawhorse and wagon through it. "you stay here, toto!" commanded dorothy, shaking her finger at the little dog. "you're so careless that you might make a breeze if i let you inside." toto wagged his tail as if disappointed at being left behind; but he made no effort to follow them. the wizard unlatched the door, which opened outward, and they all looked eagerly inside. just before the entrance was drawn up a line of tiny soldiers, with uniforms brightly painted and paper guns upon their shoulders. they were exactly alike, from one end of the line to the other, and all were cut out of paper and joined together in the centers of their bodies. as the visitors entered the enclosure the wizard let the door swing back into place, and at once the line of soldiers tumbled over, fell flat upon their backs, and lay fluttering upon the ground. "hi there!" called one of them; "what do you mean by slamming the door and blowing us over?" "i beg your pardon, i'm sure," said the wizard, regretfully. "i didn't know you were so delicate." "we're not delicate!" retorted another soldier, raising his head from the ground. "we are strong and healthy; but we can't stand draughts." "may i help you up?" asked dorothy. "if you please," replied the end soldier. "but do it gently, little girl." dorothy carefully stood up the line of soldiers, who first dusted their painted clothes and then saluted the visitors with their paper muskets. from the end it was easy to see that the entire line had been cut out of paper, although from the front the soldiers looked rather solid and imposing. "i've a letter of introduction from princess ozma to miss cuttenclip," announced dorothy. "very well," said the end soldier, and blew upon a paper whistle that hung around his neck. at once a paper soldier in a captain's uniform came out of a paper house near by and approached the group at the entrance. he was not very big, and he walked rather stiffly and uncertainly on his paper legs; but he had a pleasant face, with very red cheeks and very blue eyes, and he bowed so low to the strangers that dorothy laughed, and the breeze from her mouth nearly blew the captain over. he wavered and struggled and finally managed to remain upon his feet. "take care, miss!" he said, warningly. "you're breaking the rules, you know, by laughing." "oh, i didn't know that," she replied. "to laugh in this place is nearly as dangerous as to cough," said the captain. "you'll have to breathe very quietly, i assure you." "we'll try to," promised the girl. "may we see miss cuttenclip, please?" "you may," promptly returned the captain. "this is one of her reception days. be good enough to follow me." he turned and led the way up a path, and as they followed slowly, because the paper captain did not move very swiftly, they took the opportunity to gaze around them at this strange paper country. beside the path were paper trees, all cut out very neatly and painted a brilliant green color. and back of the trees were rows of cardboard houses, painted in various colors but most of them having green blinds. some were large and some small, and in the front yards were beds of paper flowers quite natural in appearance. over some of the porches paper vines were twined, giving them a cozy and shady look. as the visitors passed along the street a good many paper dolls came to the doors and windows of their houses to look at them curiously. these dolls were nearly all the same height, but were cut into various shapes, some being fat and some lean. the girl dolls wore many beautiful costumes of tissue paper, making them quite fluffy; but their heads and hands were no thicker than the paper of which they were made. some of the paper people were on the street, walking along or congregated in groups and talking together; but as soon as they saw the strangers they all fluttered into the houses as fast as they could go, so as to be out of danger. "excuse me if i go edgewise," remarked the captain as they came to a slight hill. "i can get along faster that way and not flutter so much." "that's all right," said dorothy. "we don't mind how you go, i'm sure." at one side of the street was a paper pump, and a paper boy was pumping paper water into a paper pail. the yellow hen happened to brush against this boy with her wing, and he flew into the air and fell into a paper tree, where he stuck until the wizard gently pulled him out. at the same time, the pail went into the air, spilling the paper water, while the paper pump bent nearly double. "goodness me!" said the hen. "if i should flop my wings i believe i'd knock over the whole village!" "then don't flop them--please don't!" entreated the captain. "miss cuttenclip would be very much distressed if her village was spoiled." "oh, i'll be careful," promised billina. "are not all these paper girls and women named miss cuttenclips?" inquired omby amby. "no indeed," answered the captain, who was walking better since he began to move edgewise. "there is but one miss cuttenclip, who is our queen, because she made us all. these girls are cuttenclips, to be sure, but their names are emily and polly and sue and betty and such things. only the queen is called miss cuttenclip." "i must say that this place beats anything i ever heard of," observed aunt em. "i used to play with paper dolls myself, an' cut 'em out; but i never thought i'd ever see such things alive." "i don't see as it's any more curious than hearing hens talk," returned uncle henry. "you're likely to see many queer things in the land of oz, sir," said the wizard. "but a fairy country is extremely interesting when you get used to being surprised." "here we are!" called the captain, stopping before a cottage. this house was made of wood, and was remarkably pretty in design. in the emerald city it would have been considered a tiny dwelling, indeed; but in the midst of this paper village it seemed immense. real flowers were in the garden and real trees grew beside it. upon the front door was a sign reading: miss cuttenclip. just as they reached the porch the front door opened and a little girl stood before them. she appeared to be about the same age as dorothy, and smiling upon her visitors she said, sweetly: "you are welcome." all the party seemed relieved to find that here was a real girl, of flesh and blood. she was very dainty and pretty as she stood there welcoming them. her hair was a golden blonde and her eyes turquoise blue. she had rosy cheeks and lovely white teeth. over her simple white lawn dress she wore an apron with pink and white checks, and in one hand she held a pair of scissors. "may we see miss cuttenclip, please?" asked dorothy. "i am miss cuttenclip," was the reply. "won't you come in?" she held the door open while they all entered a pretty sitting-room that was littered with all sorts of paper--some stiff, some thin, and some tissue. the sheets and scraps were of all colors. upon a table were paints and brushes, while several pair of scissors, of different sizes, were lying about. "sit down, please," said miss cuttenclip, clearing the paper scraps off some of the chairs. "it is so long since i have had any visitors that i am not properly prepared to receive them. but i'm sure you will pardon my untidy room, for this is my workshop." "do you make all the paper dolls?" inquired dorothy. "yes; i cut them out with my scissors, and paint the faces and some of the costumes. it is very pleasant work, and i am happy making my paper village grow." "but how do the paper dolls happen to be alive?" asked aunt em. "the first dolls i made were not alive," said miss cuttenclip. "i used to live near the castle of a great sorceress named glinda the good, and she saw my dolls and said they were very pretty. i told her i thought i would like them better if they were alive, and the next day the sorceress brought me a lot of magic paper. 'this is live paper,' she said, 'and all the dolls you cut out of it will be alive, and able to think and to talk. when you have used it all up, come to me and i will give you more.' "of course i was delighted with this present," continued miss cuttenclip, "and at once set to work and made several paper dolls, which, as soon as they were cut out, began to walk around and talk to me. but they were so thin that i found that any breeze would blow them over and scatter them dreadfully; so glinda found this lonely place for me, where few people ever come. she built the wall to keep any wind from blowing away my people, and told me i could build a paper village here and be its queen. that is why i came here and settled down to work and started the village you now see. it was many years ago that i built the first houses, and i've kept pretty busy and made my village grow finely; and i need not tell you that i am very happy in my work." "many years ago!" exclaimed aunt em. "why, how old are you, child?" "i never keep track of the years," said miss cuttenclip, laughing. "you see, i don't grow up at all, but stay just the same as i was when first i came here. perhaps i'm older even than you are, madam; but i couldn't say for sure." they looked at the lovely little girl wonderingly, and the wizard asked: "what happens to your paper village when it rains?" "it does not rain here," replied miss cuttenclip. "glinda keeps all the rain storms away; so i never worry about my dolls getting wet. but now, if you will come with me, it will give me pleasure to show you over my paper kingdom. of course you must go slowly and carefully, and avoid making any breeze." they left the cottage and followed their guide through the various streets of the village. it was indeed an amazing place, when one considered that it was all made with scissors, and the visitors were not only greatly interested but full of admiration for the skill of little miss cuttenclip. in one place a large group of especially nice paper dolls assembled to greet their queen, whom it was easy to see they loved early. these dolls marched and danced before the visitors, and then they all waved their paper handkerchiefs and sang in a sweet chorus a song called "the flag of our native land." at the conclusion of the song they ran up a handsome paper flag on a tall flagpole, and all of the people of the village gathered around to cheer as loudly as they could--although, of course, their voices were not especially strong. miss cuttenclip was about to make her subjects a speech in reply to this patriotic song, when the shaggy man happened to sneeze. he was a very loud and powerful sneezer at any time, and he had tried so hard to hold in this sneeze that when it suddenly exploded the result was terrible. the paper dolls were mowed down by dozens, and flew and fluttered in wild confusion in every direction, tumbling this way and that and getting more or less wrinkled and bent. a wail of terror and grief came from the scattered throng, and miss cuttenclip exclaimed: "dear me! dear me!" and hurried at once to the rescue of her overturned people. "oh, shaggy man! how could you?" asked dorothy, reproachfully. "i couldn't help it--really i couldn't," protested the shaggy man, looking quite ashamed. "and i had no idea it took so little to upset these paper dolls." "so little!" said dorothy. "why, it was 'most as bad as a kansas cyclone." and then she helped miss cuttenclip rescue the paper folk and stand them on their feet again. two of the cardboard houses had also tumbled over, and the little queen said she would have to repair them and paste them together before they could be lived in again. and now, fearing they might do more damage to the flimsy paper people, they decided to go away. but first they thanked miss cuttenclip very warmly for her courtesy and kindness to them. "any friend of princess ozma is always welcome here--unless he sneezes," said the queen with a rather severe look at the shaggy man, who hung his head. "i like to have visitors admire my wonderful village, and i hope you will call again." miss cuttenclip herself led them to the door in the wall, and as they passed along the street the paper dolls peeped at them half fearfully from the doors and windows. perhaps they will never forget the shaggy man's awful sneeze, and i am sure they were all glad to see the meat people go away. 11. how the general met the first and foremost on leaving the growleywogs general guph had to recross the ripple lands, and he did not find it a pleasant thing to do. perhaps having his whiskers pulled out one by one and being used as a pin-cushion for the innocent amusement of a good natured jailer had not improved the quality of guph's temper, for the old nome raved and raged at the recollection of the wrongs he had suffered, and vowed to take vengeance upon the growleywogs after he had used them for his purposes and oz had been conquered. he went on in this furious way until he was half across the ripple land. then he became seasick, and the rest of the way this naughty nome was almost as miserable as he deserved to be. but when he reached the plains again and the ground was firm under his feet he began to feel better, and instead of going back home he turned directly west. a squirrel, perched in a tree, saw him take this road and called to him warningly: "look out!" but he paid no attention. an eagle paused in its flight through the air to look at him wonderingly and say: "look out!" but on he went. no one can say that guph was not brave, for he had determined to visit those dangerous creatures the phanfasms, who resided upon the very top of the dread mountain of phantastico. the phanfasms were erbs, and so dreaded by mortals and immortals alike that no one had been near their mountain home for several thousand years. yet general guph hoped to induce them to join in his proposed warfare against the good and happy oz people. guph knew very well that the phanfasms would be almost as dangerous to the nomes as they would to the ozites, but he thought himself so clever that he believed he could manage these strange creatures and make them obey him. and there was no doubt at all that if he could enlist the services of the phanfasms, their tremendous power, united to the strength of the growleywogs and the cunning of the whimsies would doom the land of oz to absolute destruction. so the old nome climbed the foothills and trudged along the wild mountain paths until he came to a big gully that encircled the mountain of phantastico and marked the boundary line of the dominion of the phanfasms. this gully was about a third of the way up the mountain, and it was filled to the brim with red-hot molten lava in which swam fire-serpents and poisonous salamanders. the heat from this mass and its poisonous smell were both so unbearable that even birds hesitated to fly over the gully, but circled around it. all living things kept away from the mountain. now guph had heard, during his long lifetime, many tales of these dreaded phanfasms; so he had heard of this barrier of melted lava, and also he had been told that there was a narrow bridge that spanned it in one place. so he walked along the edge until he found the bridge. it was a single arch of gray stone, and lying flat upon the bridge was a scarlet alligator, seemingly fast asleep. when guph stumbled over the rocks in approaching the bridge the creature opened its eyes, from which tiny flames shot in all directions, and after looking at the intruder very wickedly the scarlet alligator closed its eyelids again and lay still. guph saw there was no room for him to pass the alligator on the narrow bridge, so he called out to it: "good morning, friend. i don't wish to hurry you, but please tell me if you are coming down, or going up?" "neither," snapped the alligator, clicking its cruel jaws together. the general hesitated. "are you likely to stay there long?" he asked. "a few hundred years or so," said the alligator. guph softly rubbed the end of his nose and tried to think what to do. "do you know whether the first and foremost phanfasm of phantastico is at home or not?" he presently inquired. "i expect he is, seeing he is always at home," replied the alligator. "ah; who is that coming down the mountain?" asked the nome, gazing upward. the alligator turned to look over its shoulder, and at once guph ran to the bridge and leaped over the sentinel's back before it could turn back again. the scarlet monster made a snap at the nome's left foot, but missed it by fully an inch. "ah ha!" laughed the general, who was now on the mountain path. "i fooled you that time." "so you did; and perhaps you fooled yourself," retorted the alligator. "go up the mountain, if you dare, and find out what the first and foremost will do to you!" "i will," declared guph, boldly; and on he went up the path. at first the scene was wild enough, but gradually it grew more and more awful in appearance. all the rocks had the shapes of frightful beings and even the tree trunks were gnarled and twisted like serpents. suddenly there appeared before the nome a man with the head of an owl. his body was hairy like that of an ape, and his only clothing was a scarlet scarf twisted around his waist. he bore a huge club in his hand and his round owl eyes blinked fiercely upon the intruder. "what are you doing here?" he demanded, threatening guph with his club. "i've come to see the first and foremost phanfasm of phantastico," replied the general, who did not like the way this creature looked at him, but still was not afraid. "ah; you shall see him!" the man said, with a sneering laugh. "the first and foremost shall decide upon the best way to punish you." "he will not punish me," returned guph, calmly, "for i have come here to do him and his people a rare favor. lead on, fellow, and take me directly to your master." the owl-man raised his club with a threatening gesture. "if you try to escape," he said, "beware--" but here the general interrupted him. "spare your threats," said he, "and do not be impertinent, or i will have you severely punished. lead on, and keep silent!" this guph was really a clever rascal, and it seems a pity he was so bad, for in a good cause he might have accomplished much. he realized that he had put himself into a dangerous position by coming to this dreadful mountain, but he also knew that if he showed fear he was lost. so he adopted a bold manner as his best defense. the wisdom of this plan was soon evident, for the phanfasm with the owl's head turned and led the way up the mountain. at the very top was a level plain upon which were heaps of rock that at first glance seemed solid. but on looking closer guph discovered that these rock heaps were dwellings, for each had an opening. not a person was to be seen outside the rock huts. all was silent. the owl-man led the way among the groups of dwellings to one standing in the center. it seemed no better and no worse than any of the others. outside the entrance to this rock heap the guide gave a low wail that sounded like "lee-ow-ah!" suddenly there bounded from the opening another hairy man. this one wore the head of a bear. in his hand he bore a brass hoop. he glared at the stranger in evident surprise. "why have you captured this foolish wanderer and brought him here?" he demanded, addressing the owl-man. "i did not capture him," was the answer. "he passed the scarlet alligator and came here of his own free will and accord." the first and foremost looked at the general. "have you tired of life, then?" he asked. "no indeed," answered guph. "i am a nome, and the chief general of king roquat the red's great army of nomes. i come of a long-lived race, and i may say that i expect to live a long time yet. sit down, you phanfasms--if you can find a seat in this wild haunt--and listen to what i have to say." with all his knowledge and bravery general guph did not know that the steady glare from the bear eyes was reading his inmost thoughts as surely as if they had been put into words. he did not know that these despised rock heaps of the phanfasms were merely deceptions to his own eyes, nor could he guess that he was standing in the midst of one of the most splendid and luxurious cities ever built by magic power. all that he saw was a barren waste of rock heaps, a hairy man with an owl's head and another with a bear's head. the sorcery of the phanfasms permitted him to see no more. suddenly the first and foremost swung his brass hoop and caught guph around the neck with it. the next instant, before the general could think what had happened to him, he was dragged inside the rock hut. here, his eyes still blinded to realities, he perceived only a dim light, by which the hut seemed as rough and rude inside as it was outside. yet he had a strange feeling that many bright eyes were fastened upon him and that he stood in a vast and extensive hall. the first and foremost now laughed grimly and released his prisoner. "if you have anything to say that is interesting," he remarked, "speak out, before i strangle you." so guph spoke out. he tried not to pay any attention to a strange rustling sound that he heard, as of an unseen multitude drawing near to listen to his words. his eyes could see only the fierce bear-man, and to him he addressed his speech. first he told of his plan to conquer the land of oz and plunder the country of its riches and enslave its people, who, being fairies, could not be killed. after relating all this, and telling of the tunnel the nome king was building, he said he had come to ask the first and foremost to join the nomes, with his band of terrible warriors, and help them to defeat the oz people. the general spoke very earnestly and impressively, but when he had finished the bear-man began to laugh as if much amused, and his laughter seemed to be echoed by a chorus of merriment from an unseen multitude. then, for the first time, guph began to feel a trifle worried. "who else has promised to help you?" finally asked the first and foremost. "the whimsies," replied the general. again the bear-headed phanfasm laughed. "any others?" he inquired. "only the growleywogs," said guph. this answer set the first and foremost laughing anew. "what share of the spoils am i to have?" was the next question. "anything you like, except king roquat's magic belt," replied guph. at this the phanfasm set up a roar of laughter, which had its echo in the unseen chorus, and the bear-man seemed so amused that he actually rolled upon the ground and shouted with merriment. "oh, these blind and foolish nomes!" he said. "how big they seem to themselves and how small they really are!" suddenly he arose and seized guph's neck with one hairy paw, dragging him out of the hut into the open. here he gave a curious wailing cry, and, as if in answer, from all the rocky huts on the mountain-top came flocking a horde of phanfasms, all with hairy bodies, but wearing heads of various animals, birds and reptiles. all were ferocious and repulsive-looking to the deceived eyes of the nome, and guph could not repress a shudder of disgust as he looked upon them. the first and foremost slowly raised his arms, and in a twinkling his hairy skin fell from him and he appeared before the astonished nome as a beautiful woman, clothed in a flowing gown of pink gauze. in her dark hair flowers were entwined, and her face was noble and calm. at the same instant the entire band of phanfasms was transformed into a pack of howling wolves, running here and there as they snarled and showed their ugly yellow fangs. the woman now raised her arms, even as the man-bear had done, and in a twinkling the wolves became crawling lizards, while she herself changed into a huge butterfly. guph had only time to cry out in fear and take a step backward to avoid the lizards when another transformation occurred, and all returned instantly to the forms they had originally worn. then the first and foremost, who had resumed his hairy body and bear head, turned to the nome and asked: "do you still demand our assistance?" "more than ever," answered the general, firmly. "then tell me: what can you offer the phanfasms that they have not already?" inquired the first and foremost. guph hesitated. he really did not know what to say. the nome king's vaunted magic belt seemed a poor thing compared to the astonishing magical powers of these people. gold, jewels and slaves they might secure in any quantity without especial effort. he felt that he was dealing with powers greatly beyond him. there was but one argument that might influence the phanfasms, who were creatures of evil. "permit me to call your attention to the exquisite joy of making the happy unhappy," said he at last. "consider the pleasure of destroying innocent and harmless people." "ah! you have answered me," cried the first and foremost. "for that reason alone we will aid you. go home, and tell your bandy-legged king that as soon as his tunnel is finished the phanfasms will be with him and lead his legions to the conquest of oz. the deadly desert alone has kept us from destroying oz long ago, and your underground tunnel is a clever thought. go home, and prepare for our coming!" guph was very glad to be permitted to go with this promise. the owl-man led him back down the mountain path and ordered the scarlet alligator to crawl away and allow the nome to cross the bridge in safety. after the visitor had gone a brilliant and gorgeous city appeared upon the mountain top, clearly visible to the eyes of the gaily dressed multitude of phanfasms that lived there. and the first and foremost, beautifully arrayed, addressed the others in these words: "it is time we went into the world and brought sorrow and dismay to its people. too long have we remained for ourselves upon this mountain top, for while we are thus secluded many nations have grown happy and prosperous, and the chief joy of the race of phanfasms is to destroy happiness. so i think it is lucky that this messenger from the nomes arrived among us just now, to remind us that the opportunity has come for us to make trouble. we will use king roquat's tunnel to conquer the land of oz. then we will destroy the whimsies, the growleywogs and the nomes, and afterward go out to ravage and annoy and grieve the whole world." the multitude of evil phanfasms eagerly applauded this plan, which they fully approved. i am told that the erbs are the most powerful and merciless of all the evil spirits, and the phanfasms of phantastico belong to the race of erbs. 12. how they matched the fuddles dorothy and her fellow travelers rode away from the cuttenclip village and followed the indistinct path as far as the sign-post. here they took the main road again and proceeded pleasantly through the pretty farming country. when evening came they stopped at a dwelling and were joyfully welcomed and given plenty to eat and good beds for the night. early next morning, however, they were up and eager to start, and after a good breakfast they bade their host good-bye and climbed into the red wagon, to which the sawhorse had been hitched all night. being made of wood, this horse never got tired nor cared to lie down. dorothy was not quite sure whether he ever slept or not, but it was certain that he never did when anybody was around. the weather is always beautiful in oz, and this morning the air was cool and refreshing and the sunshine brilliant and delightful. in about an hour they came to a place where another road branched off. there was a sign-post here which read: this way to fuddlecumjig "oh, here is where we turn," said dorothy, observing the sign. "what! are we going to fuddlecumjig?" asked the captain general. "yes; ozma thought we might enjoy the fuddles. they are said to be very interesting," she replied. "no one would suspect it from their name," said aunt em. "who are they, anyhow? more paper things?" "i think not," answered dorothy, laughing; "but i can't say 'zactly, aunt em, what they are. we'll find out when we get there." "perhaps the wizard knows," suggested uncle henry. "no; i've never been there before," said the wizard. "but i've often heard of fuddlecumjig and the fuddles, who are said to be the most peculiar people in all the land of oz." "in what way?" asked the shaggy man. "i don't know, i'm sure," said the wizard. just then, as they rode along the pretty green lane toward fuddlecumjig, they espied a kangaroo sitting by the roadside. the poor animal had its face covered with both its front paws and was crying so bitterly that the tears coursed down its cheeks in two tiny streams and trickled across the road, where they formed a pool in a small hollow. the sawhorse stopped short at this pitiful sight, and dorothy cried out, with ready sympathy: "what's the matter, kangaroo?" "boo-hoo! boo-hoo!" wailed the kangaroo; "i've lost my mi--mi--mi--oh, boo-hoo! boo-hoo!"-"poor thing," said the wizard, "she's lost her mister. it's probably her husband, and he's dead." "no, no, no!" sobbed the kangaroo. "it--it isn't that. i've lost my mi--mi--oh, boo, boo-hoo!" "i know," said the shaggy man; "she's lost her mirror." "no; it's my mi--mi--mi--boo-hoo! my mi--oh, boo-hoo!" and the kangaroo cried harder than ever. "it must be her mince-pie," suggested aunt em. "or her milk-toast," proposed uncle henry. "i've lost my mi--mi--mittens!" said the kangaroo, getting it out at last. "oh!" cried the yellow hen, with a cackle of relief. "why didn't you say so before?" "boo-hoo! i--i--couldn't," answered the kangaroo. "but, see here," said dorothy, "you don't need mittens in this warm weather." "yes, indeed i do," replied the animal, stopping her sobs and removing her paws from her face to look at the little girl reproachfully. "my hands will get all sunburned and tanned without my mittens, and i've worn them so long that i'll probably catch cold without them." "nonsense!" said dorothy. "i never heard of any kangaroo wearing mittens." "didn't you?" asked the animal, as if surprised. "never!" repeated the girl. "and you'll probably make yourself sick if you don't stop crying. where do you live?" "about two miles beyond fuddlecumjig," was the answer. "grandmother gnit made me the mittens, and she's one of the fuddles." "well, you'd better go home now, and perhaps the old lady will make you another pair," suggested dorothy. "we're on our way to fuddlecumjig, and you may hop along beside us." so they rode on, and the kangaroo hopped beside the red wagon and seemed quickly to have forgotten her loss. by and by the wizard said to the animal: "are the fuddles nice people?" "oh, very nice," answered the kangaroo; "that is, when they're properly put together. but they get dreadfully scattered and mixed up, at times, and then you can't do anything with them." "what do you mean by their getting scattered?" inquired dorothy. "why, they're made in a good many small pieces," explained the kangaroo; "and whenever any stranger comes near them they have a habit of falling apart and scattering themselves around. that's when they get so dreadfully mixed, and it's a hard puzzle to put them together again." "who usually puts them together?" asked omby amby. "any one who is able to match the pieces. i sometimes put grandmother gnit together myself, because i know her so well i can tell every piece that belongs to her. then, when she's all matched, she knits for me, and that's how she made my mittens. but it took a good many days hard knitting, and i had to put grandmother together a good many times, because every time i came near, she'd scatter herself." "i should think she would get used to your coming, and not be afraid," said dorothy. "it isn't that," replied the kangaroo. "they're not a bit afraid, when they're put together, and usually they're very jolly and pleasant. it's just a habit they have, to scatter themselves, and if they didn't do it they wouldn't be fuddles." the travelers thought upon this quite seriously for a time, while the sawhorse continued to carry them rapidly forward. then aunt em remarked: "i don't see much use our visitin' these fuddles. if we find them scattered, all we can do is to sweep 'em up, and then go about our business." "oh, i b'lieve we'd better go on," replied dorothy. "i'm getting hungry, and we must try to get some luncheon at fuddlecumjig. perhaps the food won't be scattered as badly as the people." "you'll find plenty to eat there," declared the kangaroo, hopping along in big bounds because the sawhorse was going so fast; "and they have a fine cook, too, if you can manage to put him together. there's the town now--just ahead of us!" they looked ahead and saw a group of very pretty houses standing in a green field a little apart from the main road. "some munchkins came here a few days ago and matched a lot of people together," said the kangaroo. "i think they are together yet, and if you go softly, without making any noise, perhaps they won't scatter." "let's try it," suggested the wizard. so they stopped the sawhorse and got out of the wagon, and, after bidding good bye to the kangaroo, who hopped away home, they entered the field and very cautiously approached the group of houses. so silently did they move that soon they saw through the windows of the houses, people moving around, while others were passing to and fro in the yards between the buildings. they seemed much like other people from a distance, and apparently they did not notice the little party so quietly approaching. they had almost reached the nearest house when toto saw a large beetle crossing the path and barked loudly at it. instantly a wild clatter was heard from the houses and yards. dorothy thought it sounded like a sudden hailstorm, and the visitors, knowing that caution was no longer necessary, hurried forward to see what had happened. after the clatter an intense stillness reigned in the town. the strangers entered the first house they came to, which was also the largest, and found the floor strewn with pieces of the people who lived there. they looked much like fragments of wood neatly painted, and were of all sorts of curious and fantastic shapes, no two pieces being in any way alike. they picked up some of these pieces and looked at them carefully. on one which dorothy held was an eye, which looked at her pleasantly but with an interested expression, as if it wondered what she was going to do with it. quite near by she discovered and picked up a nose, and by matching the two pieces together found that they were part of a face. "if i could find the mouth," she said, "this fuddle might be able to talk, and tell us what to do next." "then let us find it," replied the wizard, and so all got down on their hands and knees and began examining the scattered pieces. "i've found it!" cried the shaggy man, and ran to dorothy with a queer-shaped piece that had a mouth on it. but when they tried to fit it to the eye and nose they found the parts wouldn't match together. "that mouth belongs to some other person," said dorothy. "you see we need a curve here and a point there, to make it fit the face." "well, it must be here some place," declared the wizard; "so if we search long enough we shall find it." dorothy fitted an ear on next, and the ear had a little patch of red hair above it. so while the others were searching for the mouth she hunted for pieces with red hair, and found several of them which, when matched to the other pieces, formed the top of a man's head. she had also found the other eye and the ear by the time omby amby in a far corner discovered the mouth. when the face was thus completed, all the parts joined together with a nicety that was astonishing. "why, it's like a picture puzzle!" exclaimed the little girl. "let's find the rest of him, and get him all together." "what's the rest of him like?" asked the wizard. "here are some pieces of blue legs and green arms, but i don't know whether they are his or not." "look for a white shirt and a white apron," said the head which had been put together, speaking in a rather faint voice. "i'm the cook." "oh, thank you," said dorothy. "it's lucky we started you first, for i'm hungry, and you can be cooking something for us to eat while we match the other folks together." it was not so very difficult, now that they had a hint as to how the man was dressed, to find the other pieces belonging to him, and as all of them now worked on the cook, trying piece after piece to see if it would fit, they finally had the cook set up complete. when he was finished he made them a low bow and said: "i will go at once to the kitchen to prepare your dinner. you will find it something of a job to get all the fuddles together, so i advise you to begin on the lord high chigglewitz, whose first name is larry. he's a bald-headed fat man and is dressed in a blue coat with brass buttons, a pink vest and drab breeches. a piece of his left knee is missing, having been lost years ago when he scattered himself too carelessly. that makes him limp a little, but he gets along very well with half a knee. as he is the chief personage in this town of fuddlecumjig, he will be able to welcome you and assist you with the others. so it will be best to work on him while i'm getting your dinner." "we will," said the wizard; "and thank you very much, cook, for the suggestion." aunt em was the first to discover a piece of the lord high chigglewitz. "it seems to me like a fool business, this matching folks together," she remarked; "but as we haven't anything to do till dinner's ready, we may as well get rid of some of this rubbish. here, henry, get busy and look for larry's bald head. i've got his pink vest, all right." they worked with eager interest, and billina proved a great help to them. the yellow hen had sharp eyes and could put her head close to the various pieces that lay scattered around. she would examine the lord high chigglewitz and see which piece of him was next needed, and then hunt around until she found it. so before an hour had passed old larry was standing complete before them. "i congratulate you, my friends," he said, speaking in a cheerful voice. "you are certainly the cleverest people who ever visited us. i was never matched together so quickly in my life. i'm considered a great puzzle, usually." "well," said dorothy, "there used to be a picture puzzle craze in kansas, and so i've had some 'sperience matching puzzles. but the pictures were flat, while you are round, and that makes you harder to figure out." "thank you, my dear," replied old larry, greatly pleased. "i feel highly complimented. were i not a really good puzzle, there would be no object in my scattering myself." "why do you do it?" asked aunt em, severely. "why don't you behave yourself, and stay put together?" the lord high chigglewitz seemed annoyed by this speech; but he replied, politely: "madam, you have perhaps noticed that every person has some peculiarity. mine is to scatter myself. what your own peculiarity is i will not venture to say; but i shall never find fault with you, whatever you do." "now you've got your diploma, em," said uncle henry, with a laugh, "and i'm glad of it. this is a queer country, and we may as well take people as we find them." "if we did, we'd leave these folks scattered," she returned, and this retort made everybody laugh good-naturedly. just then omby amby found a hand with a knitting needle in it, and they decided to put grandmother gnit together. she proved an easier puzzle than old larry, and when she was completed they found her a pleasant old lady who welcomed them cordially. dorothy told her how the kangaroo had lost her mittens, and grandmother gnit promised to set to work at once and make the poor animal another pair. then the cook came to call them to dinner, and they found an inviting meal prepared for them. the lord high chigglewitz sat at the head of the table and grandmother gnit at the foot, and the guests had a merry time and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. after dinner they went out into the yard and matched several other people together, and this work was so interesting that they might have spent the entire day at fuddlecumjig had not the wizard suggested that they resume their journey. "but i don't like to leave all these poor people scattered," said dorothy, undecided what to do. "oh, don't mind us, my dear," returned old larry. "every day or so some of the gillikins, or munchkins, or winkies come here to amuse themselves by matching us together, so there will be no harm in leaving these pieces where they are for a time. but i hope you will visit us again, and if you do you will always be welcome, i assure you." "don't you ever match each other?" she inquired. "never; for we are no puzzles to ourselves, and so there wouldn't be any fun in it." they now said goodbye to the queer fuddles and got into their wagon to continue their journey. "those are certainly strange people," remarked aunt em, thoughtfully, as they drove away from fuddlecumjig, "but i really can't see what use they are, at all." "why, they amused us all for several hours," replied the wizard. "that is being of use to us, i'm sure." "i think they're more fun than playing solitaire or mumbletypeg," declared uncle henry, soberly. "for my part, i'm glad we visited the fuddles." 13. how the general talked to the king when general guph returned to the cavern of the nome king his majesty asked: "well, what luck? will the whimsies join us?" "they will," answered the general. "they will fight for us with all their strength and cunning." "good!" exclaimed the king. "what reward did you promise them?" "your majesty is to use the magic belt to give each whimsie a large, fine head, in place of the small one he is now obliged to wear." "i agree to that," said the king. "this is good news, guph, and it makes me feel more certain of the conquest of oz." "but i have other news for you," announced the general. "good or bad?" "good, your majesty." "then i will hear it," said the king, with interest. "the growleywogs will join us." "no!" cried the astonished king. "yes, indeed," said the general. "i have their promise." "but what reward do they demand?" inquired the king, suspiciously, for he knew how greedy the growleywogs were. "they are to take a few of the oz people for their slaves," replied guph. he did not think it necessary to tell roquat that the growleywogs demanded twenty thousand slaves. it would be time enough for that when oz was conquered. "a very reasonable request, i'm sure," remarked the king. "i must congratulate you, guph, upon the wonderful success of your journey." "but that is not all," said the general, proudly. the king seemed astonished. "speak out, sir!" he commanded. "i have seen the first and foremost phanfasm of the mountain of phantastico, and he will bring his people to assist us." "what!" cried the king. "the phanfasms! you don't mean it, guph!" "it is true," declared the general, proudly. the king became thoughtful, and his brows wrinkled. "i'm afraid, guph," he said rather anxiously, "that the first and foremost may prove as dangerous to us as to the oz people. if he and his terrible band come down from the mountain they may take the notion to conquer the nomes!" "pah! that is a foolish idea," retorted guph, irritably, but he knew in his heart that the king was right. "the first and foremost is a particular friend of mine, and will do us no harm. why, when i was there, he even invited me into his house." the general neglected to tell the king how he had been jerked into the hut of the first and foremost by means of the brass hoop. so roquat the red looked at his general admiringly and said: "you are a wonderful nome, guph. i'm sorry i did not make you my general before. but what reward did the first and foremost demand?" "nothing at all," answered guph. "even the magic belt itself could not add to his powers of sorcery. all the phanfasms wish is to destroy the oz people, who are good and happy. this pleasure will amply repay them for assisting us." "when will they come?" asked roquat, half fearfully. "when the tunnel is completed," said the general. "we are nearly halfway under the desert now," announced the king; "and that is fast work, because the tunnel has to be drilled through solid rock. but after we have passed the desert it will not take us long to extend the tunnel to the walls of the emerald city." "well, whenever you are ready, we shall be joined by the whimsies, the growleywogs and the phanfasms," said guph; "so the conquest of oz is assured without a doubt." again, the king seemed thoughtful. "i'm almost sorry we did not undertake the conquest alone," said he. "all of these allies are dangerous people, and they may demand more than you have promised them. it might have been better to have conquered oz without any outside assistance." "we could not do it," said the general, positively. "why not, guph?" "you know very well. you have had one experience with the oz people, and they defeated you." "that was because they rolled eggs at us," replied the king, with a shudder. "my nomes cannot stand eggs, any more than i can myself. they are poison to all who live underground." "that is true enough," agreed guph. "but we might have taken the oz people by surprise, and conquered them before they had a chance to get any eggs. our former defeat was due to the fact that the girl dorothy had a yellow hen with her. i do not know what ever became of that hen, but i believe there are no hens at all in the land of oz, and so there could be no eggs there." "on the contrary," said guph, "there are now hundreds of chickens in oz, and they lay heaps of those dangerous eggs. i met a goshawk on my way home, and the bird informed me that he had lately been to oz to capture and devour some of the young chickens. but they are protected by magic, so the hawk did not get a single one of them." "that is a very bad report," said the king, nervously. "very bad, indeed. my nomes are willing to fight, but they simply can't face hen's eggs--and i don't blame them." "they won't need to face them," replied guph. "i'm afraid of eggs myself, and don't propose to take any chances of being poisoned by them. my plan is to send the whimsies through the tunnel first, and then the growleywogs and the phanfasms. by the time we nomes get there the eggs will all be used up, and we may then pursue and capture the inhabitants at our leisure." "perhaps you are right," returned the king, with a dismal sigh. "but i want it distinctly understood that i claim ozma and dorothy as my own prisoners. they are rather nice girls, and i do not intend to let any of those dreadful creatures hurt them, or make them their slaves. when i have captured them i will bring them here and transform them into china ornaments to stand on my mantle. they will look very pretty--dorothy on one end of the mantle and ozma on the other--and i shall take great care to see they are not broken when the maids dust them." "very well, your majesty. do what you will with the girls for all i care. now that our plans are arranged, and we have the three most powerful bands of evil spirits in the world to assist us, let us make haste to get the tunnel finished as soon as possible." "it will be ready in three days," promised the king, and hurried away to inspect the work and see that the nomes kept busy. 14. how the wizard practiced sorcery "where next?" asked the wizard when they had left the town of fuddlecumjig and the sawhorse had started back along the road. "why, ozma laid out this trip," replied dorothy, "and she 'vised us to see the rigmaroles next, and then visit the tin woodman." "that sounds good," said the wizard. "but what road do we take to get to the rigmaroles?" "i don't know, 'zactly," returned the little girl; "but it must be somewhere just southwest from here." "then why need we go way back to the crossroads?" asked the shaggy man. "we might save a lot of time by branching off here." "there isn't any path," asserted uncle henry. "then we'd better go back to the signposts, and make sure of our way," decided dorothy. but after they had gone a short distance farther the sawhorse, who had overheard their conversation, stopped and said: "here is a path." sure enough, a dim path seemed to branch off from the road they were on, and it led across pretty green meadows and past leafy groves, straight toward the southwest. "that looks like a good path," said omby amby. "why not try it?" "all right," answered dorothy. "i'm anxious to see what the rigmaroles are like, and this path ought to take us there the quickest way." no one made any objection to this plan, so the sawhorse turned into the path, which proved to be nearly as good as the one they had taken to get to the fuddles. as first they passed a few retired farm houses, but soon these scattered dwellings were left behind and only the meadows and the trees were before them. but they rode along in cheerful contentment, and aunt em got into an argument with billina about the proper way to raise chickens. "i do not care to contradict you," said the yellow hen, with dignity, "but i have an idea i know more about chickens than human beings do." "pshaw!" replied aunt em. "i've raised chickens for nearly forty years, billina, and i know you've got to starve 'em to make 'em lay lots of eggs, and stuff 'em if you want good broilers." "broilers!" exclaimed billina, in horror. "broil my chickens!" "why, that's what they're for, ain't it?" asked aunt em, astonished. "no, aunt, not in oz," said dorothy. "people do not eat chickens here. you see, billina was the first hen that was ever seen in this country, and i brought her here myself. everybody liked her an' respected her, so the oz people wouldn't any more eat her chickens than they would eat billina." "well, i declare," gasped aunt em. "how about the eggs?" "oh, if we have more eggs than we want to hatch, we allow people to eat them," said billina. "indeed, i am very glad the oz folks like our eggs, for otherwise they would spoil." "this certainly is a queer country," sighed aunt em. "excuse me," called the sawhorse, "the path has ended and i'd like to know which way to go." they looked around and sure enough there was no path to be seen. "well," said dorothy, "we're going southwest, and it seems just as easy to follow that direction without a path as with one." "certainly," answered the sawhorse. "it is not hard to draw the wagon over the meadow. i only want to know where to go." "there's a forest over there across the prairie," said the wizard, "and it lies in the direction we are going. make straight for the forest, sawhorse, and you're bound to go right." so the wooden animal trotted on again and the meadow grass was so soft under the wheels that it made easy riding. but dorothy was a little uneasy at losing the path, because now there was nothing to guide them. no houses were to be seen at all, so they could not ask their way of any farmer; and although the land of oz was always beautiful, wherever one might go, this part of the country was strange to all the party. "perhaps we're lost," suggested aunt em, after they had proceeded quite a way in silence. "never mind," said the shaggy man; "i've been lost many a time--and so has dorothy--and we've always been found again." "but we may get hungry," remarked omby amby. "that is the worst of getting lost in a place where there are no houses near." "we had a good dinner at the fuddle town," said uncle henry, "and that will keep us from starving to death for a long time." "no one ever starved to death in oz," declared dorothy, positively; "but people may get pretty hungry sometimes." the wizard said nothing, and he did not seem especially anxious. the sawhorse was trotting along briskly, yet the forest seemed farther away than they had thought when they first saw it. so it was nearly sundown when they finally came to the trees; but now they found themselves in a most beautiful spot, the wide-spreading trees being covered with flowering vines and having soft mosses underneath them. "this will be a good place to camp," said the wizard, as the sawhorse stopped for further instructions. "camp!" they all echoed. "certainly," asserted the wizard. "it will be dark before very long and we cannot travel through this forest at night. so let us make a camp here, and have some supper, and sleep until daylight comes again." they all looked at the little man in astonishment, and aunt em said, with a sniff: "a pretty camp we'll have, i must say! i suppose you intend us to sleep under the wagon." "and chew grass for our supper," added the shaggy man, laughing. but dorothy seemed to have no doubts and was quite cheerful "it's lucky we have the wonderful wizard with us," she said; "because he can do 'most anything he wants to." "oh, yes; i forgot we had a wizard," said uncle henry, looking at the little man curiously. "i didn't," chirped billina, contentedly. the wizard smiled and climbed out of the wagon, and all the others followed him. "in order to camp," said he, "the first thing we need is tents. will some one please lend me a handkerchief?" the shaggy man offered him one, and aunt em another. he took them both and laid them carefully upon the grass near to the edge of the forest. then he laid his own handkerchief down, too, and standing a little back from them he waved his left hand toward the handkerchiefs and said: "tents of canvas, white as snow, let me see how fast you grow!" then, lo and behold! the handkerchiefs became tiny tents, and as the travelers looked at them the tents grew bigger and bigger until in a few minutes each one was large enough to contain the entire party. "this," said the wizard, pointing to the first tent, "is for the accommodation of the ladies. dorothy, you and your aunt may step inside and take off your things." every one ran to look inside the tent, and they saw two pretty white beds, all ready for dorothy and aunt em, and a silver roost for billina. rugs were spread upon the grassy floor and some camp chairs and a table completed the furniture. "well, well, well! this beats anything i ever saw or heard of!" exclaimed aunt em, and she glanced at the wizard almost fearfully, as if he might be dangerous because of his great powers. "oh, mr. wizard! how did you manage to do it?" asked dorothy. "it's a trick glinda the sorceress taught me, and it is much better magic than i used to practice in omaha, or when i first came to oz," he answered. "when the good glinda found i was to live in the emerald city always, she promised to help me, because she said the wizard of oz ought really to be a clever wizard, and not a humbug. so we have been much together and i am learning so fast that i expect to be able to accomplish some really wonderful things in time." "you've done it now!" declared dorothy. "these tents are just wonderful!" "but come and see the men's tent," said the wizard. so they went to the second tent, which had shaggy edges because it has been made from the shaggy man's handkerchief, and found that completely furnished also. it contained four neat beds for uncle henry, omby amby, the shaggy man and the wizard. also there was a soft rug for toto to lie upon. "the third tent," explained the wizard, "is our dining room and kitchen." they visited that next, and found a table and dishes in the dining tent, with plenty of those things necessary to use in cooking. the wizard carried out a big kettle and set it swinging on a crossbar before the tent. while he was doing this omby amby and the shaggy man brought a supply of twigs from the forest and then they built a fire underneath the kettle. "now, dorothy," said the wizard, smiling, "i expect you to cook our supper." "but there is nothing in the kettle," she cried. "are you sure?" inquired the wizard. "i didn't see anything put in, and i'm almost sure it was empty when you brought it out," she replied. "nevertheless," said the little man, winking slyly at uncle henry, "you will do well to watch our supper, my dear, and see that it doesn't boil over." then the men took some pails and went into the forest to search for a spring of water, and while they were gone aunt em said to dorothy: "i believe the wizard is fooling us. i saw the kettle myself, and when he hung it over the fire there wasn't a thing in it but air." "don't worry," remarked billina, confidently, as she nestled in the grass before the fire. "you'll find something in the kettle when it's taken off--and it won't be poor, innocent chickens, either." "your hen has very bad manners, dorothy," said aunt em, looking somewhat disdainfully at billina. "it seems too bad she ever learned how to talk." there might have been another unpleasant quarrel between aunt em and billina had not the men returned just then with their pails filled with clear, sparkling water. the wizard told dorothy that she was a good cook and he believed their supper was ready. so uncle henry lifted the kettle from the fire and poured its contents into a big platter which the wizard held for him. the platter was fairly heaped with a fine stew, smoking hot, with many kinds of vegetables and dumplings and a rich, delicious gravy. the wizard triumphantly placed the platter upon the table in the dining tent and then they all sat down in camp chairs to the feast. there were several other dishes on the table, all carefully covered, and when the time came to remove these covers they found bread and butter, cakes, cheese, pickles and fruits--including some of the luscious strawberries of oz. no one ventured to ask a question as to how these things came there. they contented themselves by eating heartily the good things provided, and toto and billina had their full share, you may be sure. after the meal was over, aunt em whispered to dorothy: "that may have been magic food, my dear, and for that reason perhaps it won't be very nourishing; but i'm willing to say it tasted as good as anything i ever et." then she added, in a louder voice: "who's going to do the dishes?" "no one, madam," answered the wizard. "the dishes have 'done' themselves." "la sakes!" ejaculated the good lady, holding up her hands in amazement. for, sure enough, when she looked at the dishes they had a moment before left upon the table, she found them all washed and dried and piled up into neat stacks. 15. how dorothy happened to get lost it was a beautiful evening, so they drew their camp chairs in a circle before one of the tents and began to tell stories to amuse themselves and pass away the time before they went to bed. pretty soon a zebra was seen coming out of the forest, and he trotted straight up to them and said politely: "good evening, people." the zebra was a sleek little animal and had a slender head, a stubby mane and a paint-brush tail--very like a donkey's. his neatly shaped white body was covered with regular bars of dark brown, and his hoofs were delicate as those of a deer. "good evening, friend zebra," said omby amby, in reply to the creature's greeting. "can we do anything for you?" "yes," answered the zebra. "i should like you to settle a dispute that has long been a bother to me, as to whether there is more water or land in the world." "who are you disputing with?" asked the wizard. "with a soft-shell crab," said the zebra. "he lives in a pool where i go to drink every day, and he is a very impertinent crab, i assure you. i have told him many times that the land is much greater in extent than the water, but he will not be convinced. even this very evening, when i told him he was an insignificant creature who lived in a small pool, he asserted that the water was greater and more important than the land. so, seeing your camp, i decided to ask you to settle the dispute for once and all, that i may not be further annoyed by this ignorant crab." when they had listened to this explanation dorothy inquired: "where is the soft-shell crab?" "not far away," replied the zebra. "if you will agree to judge between us i will run and get him." "run along, then," said the little girl. so the animal pranced into the forest and soon came trotting back to them. when he drew near they found a soft-shell crab clinging fast to the stiff hair of the zebra's head, where it held on by one claw. "now then, mr. crab," said the zebra, "here are the people i told you about; and they know more than you do, who lives in a pool, and more than i do, who lives in a forest. for they have been travelers all over the world, and know every part of it." "there is more of the world than oz," declared the crab, in a stubborn voice. "that is true," said dorothy; "but i used to live in kansas, in the united states, and i've been to california and to australia and so has uncle henry." "for my part," added the shaggy man, "i've been to mexico and boston and many other foreign countries." "and i," said the wizard, "have been to europe and ireland." "so you see," continued the zebra, addressing the crab, "here are people of real consequence, who know what they are talking about." "then they know there's more water in the world than there is land," asserted the crab, in a shrill, petulant voice. "they know you are wrong to make such an absurd statement, and they will probably think you are a lobster instead of a crab," retorted the animal. at this taunt the crab reached out its other claw and seized the zebra's ear, and the creature gave a cry of pain and began prancing up and down, trying to shake off the crab, which clung fast. "stop pinching!" cried the zebra. "you promised not to pinch if i would carry you here!" "and you promised to treat me respectfully," said the crab, letting go the ear. "well, haven't i?" demanded the zebra. "no; you called me a lobster," said the crab. "ladies and gentlemen," continued the zebra, "please pardon my poor friend, because he is ignorant and stupid, and does not understand. also the pinch of his claw is very annoying. so pray tell him that the world contains more land than water, and when he has heard your judgment i will carry him back and dump him into his pool, where i hope he will be more modest in the future." "but we cannot tell him that," said dorothy, gravely, "because it would not be true." "what!" exclaimed the zebra, in astonishment; "do i hear you aright?" "the soft-shell crab is correct," declared the wizard. "there is considerably more water than there is land in the world." "impossible!" protested the zebra. "why, i can run for days upon the land, and find but little water." "did you ever see an ocean?" asked dorothy. "never," admitted the zebra. "there is no such thing as an ocean in the land of oz." "well, there are several oceans in the world," said dorothy, "and people sail in ships upon these oceans for weeks and weeks, and never see a bit of land at all. and the joggerfys will tell you that all the oceans put together are bigger than all the land put together." at this the crab began laughing in queer chuckles that reminded dorothy of the way billina sometimes cackled. "now will you give up, mr. zebra?" it cried, jeeringly; "now will you give up?" the zebra seemed much humbled. "of course i cannot read geographys," he said. "you could take one of the wizard's school pills," suggested billina, "and that would make you learned and wise without studying." the crab began laughing again, which so provoked the zebra that he tried to shake the little creature off. this resulted in more ear-pinching, and finally dorothy told them that if they could not behave they must go back to the forest. "i'm sorry i asked you to decide this question," said the zebra, crossly. "so long as neither of us could prove we were right we quite enjoyed the dispute; but now i can never drink at that pool again without the soft-shell crab laughing at me. so i must find another drinking place." "do! do, you ignoramus!" shouted the crab, as loudly as his little voice would carry. "rile some other pool with your clumsy hoofs, and let your betters alone after this!" then the zebra trotted back to the forest, bearing the crab with him, and disappeared amid the gloom of the trees. and as it was now getting dark the travelers said good night to one another and went to bed. dorothy awoke just as the light was beginning to get strong next morning, and not caring to sleep any later she quietly got out of bed, dressed herself, and left the tent where aunt em was yet peacefully slumbering. outside she noticed billina busily pecking around to secure bugs or other food for breakfast, but none of the men in the other tent seemed awake. so the little girl decided to take a walk in the woods and try to discover some path or road that they might follow when they again started upon their journey. she had reached the edge of the forest when the yellow hen came fluttering along and asked where she was going. "just to take a walk, billina; and maybe i'll find some path," said dorothy. "then i'll go along," decided billina, and scarcely had she spoken when toto ran up and joined them. toto and the yellow hen had become quite friendly by this time, although at first they did not get along well together. billina had been rather suspicious of dogs, and toto had had an idea that it was every dog's duty to chase a hen on sight. but dorothy had talked to them and scolded them for not being agreeable to one another until they grew better acquainted and became friends. i won't say they loved each other dearly, but at least they had stopped quarreling and now managed to get on together very well. the day was growing lighter every minute and driving the black shadows out of the forest; so dorothy found it very pleasant walking under the trees. she went some distance in one direction, but not finding a path, presently turned in a different direction. there was no path here, either, although she advanced quite a way into the forest, winding here and there among the trees and peering through the bushes in an endeavor to find some beaten track. "i think we'd better go back," suggested the yellow hen, after a time. "the people will all be up by this time and breakfast will be ready." "very well," agreed dorothy. "let's see--the camp must be over this way." she had probably made a mistake about that, for after they had gone far enough to have reached the camp they still found themselves in the thick of the woods. so the little girl stopped short and looked around her, and toto glanced up into her face with his bright little eyes and wagged his tail as if he knew something was wrong. he couldn't tell much about direction himself, because he had spent his time prowling among the bushes and running here and there; nor had billina paid much attention to where they were going, being interested in picking bugs from the moss as they passed along. the yellow hen now turned one eye up toward the little girl and asked: "have you forgotten where the camp is, dorothy?" "yes," she admitted; "have you, billina?" "i didn't try to remember," returned billina. "i'd no idea you would get lost, dorothy." "it's the thing we don't expect, billina, that usually happens," observed the girl, thoughtfully. "but it's no use standing here. let's go in that direction," pointing a finger at random. "it may be we'll get out of the forest over there." so on they went again, but this way the trees were closer together, and the vines were so tangled that often they tripped dorothy up. suddenly a voice cried sharply: "halt!" at first, dorothy could see nothing, although she looked around very carefully. but billina exclaimed: "well, i declare!" "what is it?" asked the little girl: for toto began barking at something, and following his gaze she discovered what it was. a row of spoons had surrounded the three, and these spoons stood straight up on their handles and carried swords and muskets. their faces were outlined in the polished bowls and they looked very stern and severe. dorothy laughed at the queer things. "who are you?" she asked. "we're the spoon brigade," said one. "in the service of his majesty king kleaver," said another. "and you are our prisoners," said a third. dorothy sat down on an old stump and looked at them, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "what would happen," she inquired, "if i should set my dog on your brigade?" "he would die," replied one of the spoons, sharply. "one shot from our deadly muskets would kill him, big as he is." "don't risk it, dorothy," advised the yellow hen. "remember this is a fairy country, yet none of us three happens to be a fairy." dorothy grew sober at this. "p'raps you're right, billina," she answered. "but how funny it is, to be captured by a lot of spoons!" "i do not see anything very funny about it," declared a spoon. "we're the regular military brigade of the kingdom." "what kingdom?" she asked. "utensia," said he. "i never heard of it before," asserted dorothy. then she added thoughtfully, "i don't believe ozma ever heard of utensia, either. tell me, are you not subjects of ozma of oz?" "we have never heard of her," retorted a spoon. "we are subjects of king kleaver, and obey only his orders, which are to bring all prisoners to him as soon as they are captured. so step lively, my girl, and march with us, or we may be tempted to cut off a few of your toes with our swords." this threat made dorothy laugh again. she did not believe she was in any danger; but here was a new and interesting adventure, so she was willing to be taken to utensia that she might see what king kleaver's kingdom was like. 16. how dorothy visited utensia there must have been from six to eight dozen spoons in the brigade, and they marched away in the shape of a hollow square, with dorothy, billina and toto in the center of the square. before they had gone very far toto knocked over one of the spoons by wagging his tail, and then the captain of the spoons told the little dog to be more careful, or he would be punished. so toto was careful, and the spoon brigade moved along with astonishing swiftness, while dorothy really had to walk fast to keep up with it. by and by they left the woods and entered a big clearing, in which was the kingdom of utensia. standing all around the clearing were a good many cookstoves, ranges and grills, of all sizes and shapes, and besides these there were several kitchen cabinets and cupboards and a few kitchen tables. these things were crowded with utensils of all sorts: frying pans, sauce pans, kettles, forks, knives, basting and soup spoons, nutmeg graters, sifters, colanders, meat saws, flat irons, rolling pins and many other things of a like nature. when the spoon brigade appeared with the prisoners a wild shout arose and many of the utensils hopped off their stoves or their benches and ran crowding around dorothy and the hen and the dog. "stand back!" cried the captain, sternly, and he led his captives through the curious throng until they came before a big range that stood in the center of the clearing. beside this range was a butcher block upon which lay a great cleaver with a keen edge. it rested upon the flat of its back, its legs were crossed and it was smoking a long pipe. "wake up, your majesty," said the captain. "here are prisoners." hearing this, king kleaver sat up and looked at dorothy sharply. "gristle and fat!" he cried. "where did this girl come from?" "i found her in the forest and brought her here a prisoner," replied the captain. "why did you do that?" inquired the king, puffing his pipe lazily. "to create some excitement," the captain answered. "it is so quiet here that we are all getting rusty for want of amusement. for my part, i prefer to see stirring times." "naturally," returned the cleaver, with a nod. "i have always said, captain, without a bit of irony, that you are a sterling officer and a solid citizen, bowled and polished to a degree. but what do you expect me to do with these prisoners?" "that is for you to decide," declared the captain. "you are the king." "to be sure; to be sure," muttered the cleaver, musingly. "as you say, we have had dull times since the steel and grindstone eloped and left us. command my counselors and the royal courtiers to attend me, as well as the high priest and the judge. we'll then decide what can be done." the captain saluted and retired and dorothy sat down on an overturned kettle and asked: "have you anything to eat in your kingdom?" "here! get up! get off from me!" cried a faint voice, at which his majesty the cleaver said: "excuse me, but you're sitting on my friend the ten-quart kettle." dorothy at once arose, and the kettle turned right side up and looked at her reproachfully. "i'm a friend of the king, so no one dares sit on me," said he. "i'd prefer a chair, anyway," she replied. "sit on that hearth," commanded the king. so dorothy sat on the hearth-shelf of the big range, and the subjects of utensia began to gather around in a large and inquisitive throng. toto lay at dorothy's feet and billina flew upon the range, which had no fire in it, and perched there as comfortably as she could. when all the counselors and courtiers had assembled--and these seemed to include most of the inhabitants of the kingdom--the king rapped on the block for order and said: "friends and fellow utensils! our worthy commander of the spoon brigade, captain dipp, has captured the three prisoners you see before you and brought them here for--for--i don't know what for. so i ask your advice how to act in this matter, and what fate i should mete out to these captives. judge sifter, stand on my right. it is your business to sift this affair to the bottom. high priest colender, stand on my left and see that no one testifies falsely in this matter." as these two officials took their places, dorothy asked: "why is the colander the high priest?" "he's the holiest thing we have in the kingdom," replied king kleaver. "except me," said a sieve. "i'm the whole thing when it comes to holes." "what we need," remarked the king, rebukingly, "is a wireless sieve. i must speak to marconi about it. these old-fashioned sieves talk too much. now, it is the duty of the king's counselors to counsel the king at all times of emergency, so i beg you to speak out and advise me what to do with these prisoners." "i demand that they be killed several times, until they are dead!" shouted a pepperbox, hopping around very excitedly. "compose yourself, mr. paprica," advised the king. "your remarks are piquant and highly-seasoned, but you need a scattering of commonsense. it is only necessary to kill a person once to make him dead; but i do not see that it is necessary to kill this little girl at all." "i don't, either," said dorothy. "pardon me, but you are not expected to advise me in this matter," replied king kleaver. "why not?" asked dorothy. "you might be prejudiced in your own favor, and so mislead us," he said. "now then, good subjects, who speaks next?" "i'd like to smooth this thing over, in some way," said a flatiron, earnestly. "we are supposed to be useful to mankind, you know." "but the girl isn't mankind! she's womankind!" yelled a corkscrew. "what do you know about it?" inquired the king. "i'm a lawyer," said the corkscrew, proudly. "i am accustomed to appear at the bar." "but you're crooked," retorted the king, "and that debars you. you may be a corking good lawyer, mr. popp, but i must ask you to withdraw your remarks." "very well," said the corkscrew, sadly; "i see i haven't any pull at this court." "permit me," continued the flatiron, "to press my suit, your majesty. i do not wish to gloss over any fault the prisoner may have committed, if such a fault exists; but we owe her some consideration, and that's flat!" "i'd like to hear from prince karver," said the king. at this a stately carvingknife stepped forward and bowed. "the captain was wrong to bring this girl here, and she was wrong to come," he said. "but now that the foolish deed is done let us all prove our mettle and have a slashing good time." "that's it! that's it!" screamed a fat choppingknife. "we'll make mincemeat of the girl and hash of the chicken and sausage of the dog!" there was a shout of approval at this and the king had to rap again for order. "gentlemen, gentlemen!" he said, "your remarks are somewhat cutting and rather disjointed, as might be expected from such acute intellects. but you give me no reasons for your demands." "see here, kleaver; you make me tired," said a saucepan, strutting before the king very impudently. "you're about the worst king that ever reigned in utensia, and that's saying a good deal. why don't you run things yourself, instead of asking everybody's advice, like the big, clumsy idiot you are?" the king sighed. "i wish there wasn't a saucepan in my kingdom," he said. "you fellows are always stewing, over something, and every once in a while you slop over and make a mess of it. go hang yourself, sir--by the handle--and don't let me hear from you again." dorothy was much shocked by the dreadful language the utensils employed, and she thought that they must have had very little proper training. so she said, addressing the king, who seemed very unfit to rule his turbulent subjects: "i wish you'd decide my fate right away. i can't stay here all day, trying to find out what you're going to do with me." "this thing is becoming a regular broil, and it's time i took part in it," observed a big gridiron, coming forward. "what i'd like to know," said a can-opener, in a shrill voice, "is why the little girl came to our forest anyhow and why she intruded upon captain dipp--who ought to be called dippy--and who she is, and where she came from, and where she is going, and why and wherefore and therefore and when." "i'm sorry to see, sir jabber," remarked the king to the can-opener, "that you have such a prying disposition. as a matter of fact, all the things you mention are none of our business." having said this the king relighted his pipe, which had gone out. "tell me, please, what is our business?" inquired a potato-masher, winking at dorothy somewhat impertinently. "i'm fond of little girls, myself, and it seems to me she has as much right to wander in the forest as we have." "who accuses the little girl, anyway?" inquired a rolling-pin. "what has she done?" "i don't know," said the king. "what has she done, captain dipp?" "that's the trouble, your majesty. she hasn't done anything," replied the captain. "what do you want me to do?" asked dorothy. this question seemed to puzzle them all. finally, a chafingdish, exclaimed irritably: "if no one can throw any light on this subject you must excuse me if i go out." at this, a big kitchen fork pricked up its ears and said in a tiny voice: "let's hear from judge sifter." "that's proper," returned the king. so judge sifter turned around slowly several times and then said: "we have nothing against the girl except the stove-hearth upon which she sits. therefore i order her instantly discharged." "discharged!" cried dorothy. "why, i never was discharged in my life, and i don't intend to be. if it's all the same to you, i'll resign." "it's all the same," declared the king. "you are free--you and your companions--and may go wherever you like." "thank you," said the little girl. "but haven't you anything to eat in your kingdom? i'm hungry." "go into the woods and pick blackberries," advised the king, lying down upon his back again and preparing to go to sleep. "there isn't a morsel to eat in all utensia, that i know of." so dorothy jumped up and said: "come on, toto and billina. if we can't find the camp, we may find some blackberries." the utensils drew back and allowed them to pass without protest, although captain dipp marched the spoon brigade in close order after them until they had reached the edge of the clearing. there the spoons halted; but dorothy and her companions entered the forest again and began searching diligently for a way back to the camp, that they might rejoin their party. 17. how they came to bunbury wandering through the woods, without knowing where you are going or what adventure you are about to meet next, is not as pleasant as one might think. the woods are always beautiful and impressive, and if you are not worried or hungry you may enjoy them immensely; but dorothy was worried and hungry that morning, so she paid little attention to the beauties of the forest, and hurried along as fast as she could go. she tried to keep in one direction and not circle around, but she was not at all sure that the direction she had chosen would lead her to the camp. by and by, to her great joy, she came upon a path. it ran to the right and to the left, being lost in the trees in both directions, and just before her, upon a big oak, were fastened two signs, with arms pointing both ways. one sign read: take the other road to bunbury and the second sign read: take the other road to bunnybury "well!" exclaimed billina, eyeing the signs, "this looks as if we were getting back to civilization again." "i'm not sure about the civil'zation, dear," replied the little girl; "but it looks as if we might get somewhere, and that's a big relief, anyhow." "which path shall we take?" inquired the yellow hen. dorothy stared at the signs thoughtfully. "bunbury sounds like something to eat," she said. "let's go there." "it's all the same to me," replied billina. she had picked up enough bugs and insects from the moss as she went along to satisfy her own hunger, but the hen knew dorothy could not eat bugs; nor could toto. the path to bunbury seemed little traveled, but it was distinct enough and ran through the trees in a zigzag course until it finally led them to an open space filled with the queerest houses dorothy had ever seen. they were all made of crackers laid out in tiny squares, and were of many pretty and ornamental shapes, having balconies and porches with posts of bread-sticks and roofs shingled with wafer-crackers. there were walks of bread-crusts leading from house to house and forming streets, and the place seemed to have many inhabitants. when dorothy, followed by billina and toto, entered the place, they found people walking the streets or assembled in groups talking together, or sitting upon the porches and balconies. and what funny people they were! men, women and children were all made of buns and bread. some were thin and others fat; some were white, some light brown and some very dark of complexion. a few of the buns, which seemed to form the more important class of the people, were neatly frosted. some had raisins for eyes and currant buttons on their clothes; others had eyes of cloves and legs of stick cinnamon, and many wore hats and bonnets frosted pink and green. there was something of a commotion in bunbury when the strangers suddenly appeared among them. women caught up their children and hurried into their houses, shutting the cracker doors carefully behind them. some men ran so hastily that they tumbled over one another, while others, more brave, assembled in a group and faced the intruders defiantly. dorothy at once realized that she must act with caution in order not to frighten these shy people, who were evidently unused to the presence of strangers. there was a delightful fragrant odor of fresh bread in the town, and this made the little girl more hungry than ever. she told toto and billina to stay back while she slowly advanced toward the group that stood silently awaiting her. "you must 'scuse me for coming unexpected," she said, softly, "but i really didn't know i was coming here until i arrived. i was lost in the woods, you know, and i'm as hungry as anything." "hungry!" they murmured, in a horrified chorus. "yes; i haven't had anything to eat since last night's supper," she exclaimed. "are there any eatables in bunbury?" they looked at one another undecidedly, and then one portly bun man, who seemed a person of consequence, stepped forward and said: "little girl, to be frank with you, we are all eatables. everything in bunbury is eatable to ravenous human creatures like you. but it is to escape being eaten and destroyed that we have secluded ourselves in this out-of-the-way place, and there is neither right nor justice in your coming here to feed upon us." dorothy looked at him longingly. "you're bread, aren't you?" she asked. "yes; bread and butter. the butter is inside me, so it won't melt and run. i do the running myself." at this joke all the others burst into a chorus of laughter, and dorothy thought they couldn't be much afraid if they could laugh like that. "couldn't i eat something besides people?" she asked. "couldn't i eat just one house, or a side-walk or something? i wouldn't mind much what it was, you know." "this is not a public bakery, child," replied the man, sternly. "it's private property." "i know mr.--mr.--" "my name is c. bunn, esquire," said the man. "'c' stands for cinnamon, and this place is called after my family, which is the most aristocratic in the town." "oh, i don't know about that," objected another of the queer people. "the grahams and the browns and whites are all excellent families, and there is none better of their kind. i'm a boston brown, myself." "i admit you are all desirable citizens," said mr. bunn rather stiffly; "but the fact remains that our town is called bunbury." "'scuse me," interrupted dorothy; "but i'm getting hungrier every minute. now, if you're polite and kind, as i'm sure you ought to be, you'll let me eat something. there's so much to eat here that you will never miss it." then a big, puffed-up man, of a delicate brown color, stepped forward and said: "i think it would be a shame to send this child away hungry, especially as she agrees to eat whatever we can spare and not touch our people." "so do i, pop," replied a roll who stood near. "what, then, do you suggest, mr. over?" inquired mr. bunn. "why, i'll let her eat my back fence, if she wants to. it's made of waffles, and they're very crisp and nice." "she may also eat my wheelbarrow," added a pleasant looking muffin. "it's made of nabiscos with a zuzu wheel." "very good; very good," remarked mr. bunn. "that is certainly very kind of you. go with pop over and mr. muffin, little girl, and they will feed you." "thank you very much," said dorothy, gratefully. "may i bring my dog toto, and the yellow hen? they're hungry, too." "will you make them behave?" asked the muffin. "of course," promised dorothy. "then come along," said pop over. so dorothy and billina and toto walked up the street and the people seemed no longer to be at all afraid of them. mr. muffin's house came first, and as his wheelbarrow stood in the front yard the little girl ate that first. it didn't seem very fresh, but she was so hungry that she was not particular. toto ate some, too, while billina picked up the crumbs. while the strangers were engaged in eating, many of the people came and stood in the street curiously watching them. dorothy noticed six roguish looking brown children standing all in a row, and she asked: "who are you, little ones?" "we're the graham gems," replied one; "and we're all twins." "i wonder if your mother could spare one or two of you?" asked billina, who decided that they were fresh baked; but at this dangerous question the six little gems ran away as fast as they could go. "you musn't say such things, billina," said dorothy, reprovingly. "now let's go into pop over's back yard and get the waffles." "i sort of hate to let that fence go," remarked mr. over, nervously, as they walked toward his house. "the neighbors back of us are soda biscuits, and i don't care to mix with them." "but i'm hungry yet," declared the girl. "that wheelbarrow wasn't very big." "i've got a shortcake piano, but none of my family can play on it," he said, reflectively. "suppose you eat that." "all right," said dorothy; "i don't mind. anything to be accommodating." so mr. over led her into the house, where she ate the piano, which was of an excellent flavor. "is there anything to drink here?" she asked. "yes; i've a milk pump and a water pump; which will you have?" he asked. "i guess i'll try 'em both," said dorothy. so mr. over called to his wife, who brought into the yard a pail made of some kind of baked dough, and dorothy pumped the pail full of cool, sweet milk and drank it eagerly. the wife of pop over was several shades darker than her husband. "aren't you overdone?" the little girl asked her. "no indeed," answered the woman. "i'm neither overdone nor done over; i'm just mrs. over, and i'm the president of the bunbury breakfast band." dorothy thanked them for their hospitality and went away. at the gate mr. cinnamon bunn met her and said he would show her around the town. "we have some very interesting inhabitants," he remarked, walking stiffly beside her on his stick-cinnamon legs; "and all of us who are in good health are well bred. if you are no longer hungry we will call upon a few of the most important citizens." toto and billina followed behind them, behaving very well, and a little way down the street they came to a handsome residence where aunt sally lunn lived. the old lady was glad to meet the little girl and gave her a slice of white bread and butter which had been used as a door-mat. it was almost fresh and tasted better than anything dorothy had eaten in the town. "where do you get the butter?" she inquired. "we dig it out of the ground, which, as you may have observed, is all flour and meal," replied mr. bunn. "there is a butter mine just at the opposite side of the village. the trees which you see here are all doughleanders and doughderas, and in the season we get quite a crop of dough-nuts off them." "i should think the flour would blow around and get into your eyes," said dorothy. "no," said he; "we are bothered with cracker dust sometimes, but never with flour." then he took her to see johnny cake, a cheerful old gentleman who lived near by. "i suppose you've heard of me," said old johnny, with an air of pride. "i'm a great favorite all over the world." "aren't you rather yellow?" asked dorothy, looking at him critically. "maybe, child. but don't think i'm bilious, for i was never in better health in my life," replied the old gentleman. "if anything ailed me, i'd willingly acknowledge the corn." "johnny's a trifle stale," said mr. bunn, as they went away; "but he's a good mixer and never gets cross-grained. i will now take you to call upon some of my own relatives." they visited the sugar bunns, the currant bunns and the spanish bunns, the latter having a decidedly foreign appearance. then they saw the french rolls, who were very polite to them, and made a brief call upon the parker h. rolls, who seemed a bit proud and overbearing. "but they're not as stuck up as the frosted jumbles," declared mr. bunn, "who are people i really can't abide. i don't like to be suspicious or talk scandal, but sometimes i think the jumbles have too much baking powder in them." just then a dreadful scream was heard, and dorothy turned hastily around to find a scene of great excitement a little way down the street. the people were crowding around toto and throwing at him everything they could find at hand. they pelted the little dog with hard-tack, crackers, and even articles of furniture which were hard baked and heavy enough for missiles. toto howeled a little as the assortment of bake stuff struck him; but he stood still, with head bowed and tail between his legs, until dorothy ran up and inquired what the matter was. "matter!" cried a rye loafer, indignantly, "why the horrid beast has eaten three of our dear crumpets, and is now devouring a salt-rising biscuit!" "oh, toto! how could you?" exclaimed dorothy, much distressed. toto's mouth was full of his salt-rising victim; so he only whined and wagged his tail. but billina, who had flown to the top of a cracker house to be in a safe place, called out: "don't blame him, dorothy; the crumpets dared him to do it." "yes, and you pecked out the eyes of a raisin bunn--one of our best citizens!" shouted a bread pudding, shaking its fist at the yellow hen. "what's that! what's that?" wailed mr. cinnamon bunn, who had now joined them. "oh, what a misfortune--what a terrible misfortune!" "see here," said dorothy, determined to defend her pets, "i think we've treated you all pretty well, seeing you're eatables an' reg'lar food for us. i've been kind to you and eaten your old wheelbarrows and pianos and rubbish, an' not said a word. but toto and billina can't be 'spected to go hungry when the town's full of good things they like to eat, 'cause they can't understand your stingy ways as i do." "you must leave here at once!" said mr. bunn, sternly. "suppose we won't go?" said dorothy, who was now much provoked. "then," said he, "we will put you into the great ovens where we are made, and bake you." dorothy gazed around and saw threatening looks upon the faces of all. she had not noticed any ovens in the town, but they might be there, nevertheless, for some of the inhabitants seemed very fresh. so she decided to go, and calling to toto and billina to follow her she marched up the street with as much dignity as possible, considering that she was followed by the hoots and cries of the buns and biscuits and other bake stuff. 18. how ozma looked into the magic picture princess ozma was a very busy little ruler, for she looked carefully after the comfort and welfare of her people and tried to make them happy. if any quarrels arose she decided them justly; if any one needed counsel or advice she was ready and willing to listen to them. for a day or two after dorothy and her companions had started on their trip, ozma was occupied with the affairs of her kingdom. then she began to think of some manner of occupation for uncle henry and aunt em that would be light and easy and yet give the old people something to do. she soon decided to make uncle henry the keeper of the jewels, for some one really was needed to count and look after the bins and barrels of emeralds, diamonds, rubies and other precious stones that were in the royal storehouses. that would keep uncle henry busy enough, but it was harder to find something for aunt em to do. the palace was full of servants, so there was no detail of housework that aunt em could look after. while ozma sat in her pretty room engaged in thought she happened to glance at her magic picture. this was one of the most important treasures in all the land of oz. it was a large picture, set in a beautiful gold frame, and it hung in a prominent place upon a wall of ozma's private room. usually this picture seemed merely a country scene, but whenever ozma looked at it and wished to know what any of her friends or acquaintances were doing, the magic of this wonderful picture was straightway disclosed. for the country scene would gradually fade away and in its place would appear the likeness of the person or persons ozma might wish to see, surrounded by the actual scenes in which they were then placed. in this way the princess could view any part of the world she wished, and watch the actions of any one in whom she was interested. ozma had often seen dorothy in her kansas home by this means, and now, having a little leisure, she expressed a desire to see her little friend again. it was while the travelers were at fuddlecumjig, and ozma laughed merrily as she watched in the picture her friends trying to match the pieces of grandmother gnit. "they seem happy and are doubtless having a good time," the girl ruler said to herself; and then she began to think of the many adventures she herself had encountered with dorothy. the image of her friends now faded from the magic picture and the old landscape slowly reappeared. ozma was thinking of the time when with dorothy and her army she marched to the nome king's underground cavern, beyond the land of ev, and forced the old monarch to liberate his captives, who belonged to the royal family of ev. that was the time when the scarecrow nearly frightened the nome king into fits by throwing one of billina's eggs at him, and dorothy had captured king roquat's magic belt and brought it away with her to the land of oz. the pretty princess smiled at the recollection of this adventure, and then she wondered what had become of the nome king since then. merely because she was curious and had nothing better to do, ozma glanced at the magic picture and wished to see in it the king of the nomes. roquat the red went every day into his tunnel to see how the work was getting along and to hurry his workmen as much as possible. he was there now, and ozma saw him plainly in the magic picture. she saw the underground tunnel, reaching far underneath the deadly desert which separated the land of oz from the mountains beneath which the nome king had his extensive caverns. she saw that the tunnel was being made in the direction of the emerald city, and knew at once it was being dug so that the army of nomes could march through it and attack her own beautiful and peaceful country. "i suppose king roquat is planning revenge against us," she said, musingly, "and thinks he can surprise us and make us his captives and slaves. how sad it is that any one can have such wicked thoughts! but i must not blame king roquat too severely, for he is a nome, and his nature is not so gentle as my own." then she dismissed from her mind further thought of the tunnel, for that time, and began to wonder if aunt em would not be happy as royal mender of the stockings of the ruler of oz. ozma wore few holes in her stockings; still, they sometimes needed mending. aunt em ought to be able to do that very nicely. next day, the princess watched the tunnel again in her magic picture, and every day afterward she devoted a few minutes to inspecting the work. it was not especially interesting, but she felt that it was her duty. slowly but surely the big, arched hole crept through the rocks underneath the deadly desert, and day by day it drew nearer and nearer to the emerald city. 19. how bunnybury welcomed the strangers dorothy left bunbury the same way she had entered it and when they were in the forest again she said to billina: "i never thought that things good to eat could be so dis'gree'ble." "often i've eaten things that tasted good but were disagreeable afterward," returned the yellow hen. "i think, dorothy, if eatables are going to act badly, it's better before than after you eat them." "p'raps you're right," said the little girl, with a sigh. "but what shall we do now?" "let us follow the path back to the signpost," suggested billina. "that will be better than getting lost again." "why, we're lost anyhow," declared dorothy; "but i guess you're right about going back to that signpost, billina." they returned along the path to the place where they had first found it, and at once took "the other road" to bunnybury. this road was a mere narrow strip, worn hard and smooth but not wide enough for dorothy's feet to tread. still, it was a guide, and the walking through the forest was not at all difficult. before long they reached a high wall of solid white marble, and the path came to an end at this wall. at first dorothy thought there was no opening at all in the marble, but on looking closely she discovered a small square door about on a level with her head, and underneath this closed door was a bell-push. near the bell-push a sign was painted in neat letters upon the marble, and the sign read: no admittance except on business this did not discourage dorothy, however, and she rang the bell. pretty soon a bolt was cautiously withdrawn and the marble door swung slowly open. then she saw it was not really a door, but a window, for several brass bars were placed across it, being set fast in the marble and so close together that the little girl's fingers might barely go between them. back of the bars appeared the face of a white rabbit--a very sober and sedate face--with an eye-glass held in his left eye and attached to a cord in his button-hole. "well! what is it?" asked the rabbit, sharply. "i'm dorothy," said the girl, "and i'm lost, and--" "state your business, please," interrupted the rabbit. "my business," she replied, "is to find out where i am, and to--" "no one is allowed in bunnybury without an order or a letter of introduction from either ozma of oz or glinda the good," announced the rabbit; "so that settles the matter," and he started to close the window. "wait a minute!" cried dorothy. "i've got a letter from ozma." "from the ruler of oz?" asked the rabbit, doubtingly. "of course. ozma's my best friend, you know; and i'm a princess myself," she announced, earnestly. "hum--ha! let me see your letter," returned the rabbit, as if he still doubted her. so she hunted in her pocket and found the letter ozma had given her. then she handed it through the bars to the rabbit, who took it in his paws and opened it. he read it aloud in a pompous voice, as if to let dorothy and billina see that he was educated and could read writing. the letter was as follows: "it will please me to have my subjects greet princess dorothy, the bearer of this royal missive, with the same courtesy and consideration they would extend to me." "ha--hum! it is signed 'ozma of oz,'" continued the rabbit, "and is sealed with the great seal of the emerald city. well, well, well! how strange! how remarkable!" "what are you going to do about it?" inquired dorothy, impatiently. "we must obey the royal mandate," replied the rabbit. "we are subjects of ozma of oz, and we live in her country. also we are under the protection of the great sorceress glinda the good, who made us promise to respect ozma's commands." "then may i come in?" she asked. "i'll open the door," said the rabbit. he shut the window and disappeared, but a moment afterward a big door in the wall opened and admitted dorothy to a small room, which seemed to be a part of the wall and built into it. here stood the rabbit she had been talking with, and now that she could see all of him, she gazed at the creature in surprise. he was a good sized white rabbit with pink eyes, much like all other white rabbits. but the astonishing thing about him was the manner in which he was dressed. he wore a white satin jacket embroidered with gold, and having diamond buttons. his vest was rose-colored satin, with tourmaline buttons. his trousers were white, to correspond with the jacket, and they were baggy at the knees--like those of a zouave--being tied with knots of rose ribbons. his shoes were of white plush with diamond buckles, and his stockings were rose silk. the richness and even magnificence of the rabbit's clothing made dorothy stare at the little creature wonderingly. toto and billina had followed her into the room and when he saw them the rabbit ran to a table and sprang upon it nimbly. then he looked at the three through his monocle and said: "these companions, princess, cannot enter bunnybury with you." "why not?" asked dorothy. "in the first place they would frighten our people, who dislike dogs above all things on earth; and, secondly, the letter of the royal ozma does not mention them." "but they're my friends," persisted dorothy, "and go wherever i go." "not this time," said the rabbit, decidedly. "you, yourself, princess, are a welcome visitor, since you come so highly recommended; but unless you consent to leave the dog and the hen in this room i cannot permit you to enter the town." "never mind us, dorothy," said billina. "go inside and see what the place is like. you can tell us about it afterward, and toto and i will rest comfortably here until you return." this seemed the best thing to do, for dorothy was curious to see how the rabbit people lived and she was aware of the fact that her friends might frighten the timid little creatures. she had not forgotten how toto and billina had misbehaved in bunbury, and perhaps the rabbit was wise to insist on their staying outside the town. "very well," she said, "i'll go in alone. i s'pose you're the king of this town, aren't you?" "no," answered the rabbit, "i'm merely the keeper of the wicket, and a person of little importance, although i try to do my duty. i must now inform you, princess, that before you enter our town you must consent to reduce." "reduce what?" asked dorothy. "your size. you must become the size of the rabbits, although you may retain your own form." "wouldn't my clothes be too big for me?" she inquired. "no; they will reduce when your body does." "can you make me smaller?" asked the girl. "easily," returned the rabbit. "and will you make me big again, when i'm ready to go away?" "i will," said he. "all right, then; i'm willing," she announced. the rabbit jumped from the table and ran--or rather hopped--to the further wall, where he opened a door so tiny that even toto could scarcely have crawled through it. "follow me," he said. now, almost any other little girl would have declared that she could not get through so small a door; but dorothy had already encountered so many fairy adventures that she believed nothing was impossible in the land of oz. so she quietly walked toward the door, and at every step she grew smaller and smaller until, by the time the opening was reached, she could pass through it with ease. indeed, as she stood beside the rabbit, who sat upon his hind legs and used his paws as hands, her head was just about as high as his own. then the keeper of the wicket passed through and she followed, after which the door swung shut and locked itself with a sharp click. dorothy now found herself in a city so strange and beautiful that she gave a gasp of surprise. the high marble wall extended all around the place and shut out all the rest of the world. and here were marble houses of curious forms, most of them resembling overturned kettles but with delicate slender spires and minarets running far up into the sky. the streets were paved with white marble and in front of each house was a lawn of rich green clover. everything was as neat as wax, the green and white contrasting prettily together. but the rabbit people were, after all, the most amazing things dorothy saw. the streets were full of them, and their costumes were so splendid that the rich dress of the keeper of the wicket was commonplace when compared with the others. silks and satins of delicate hues seemed always used for material, and nearly every costume sparkled with exquisite gems. but the lady rabbits outshone the gentlemen rabbits in splendor, and the cut of their gowns was really wonderful. they wore bonnets, too, with feathers and jewels in them, and some wheeled baby carriages in which the girl could see wee bunnies. some were lying asleep while others lay sucking their paws and looking around them with big pink eyes. as dorothy was no bigger in size than the grown-up rabbits she had a chance to observe them closely before they noticed her presence. then they did not seem at all alarmed, although the little girl naturally became the center of attraction and regarded her with great curiosity. "make way!" cried the keeper of the wicket, in a pompous voice; "make way for princess dorothy, who comes from ozma of oz." hearing this announcement, the throng of rabbits gave place to them on the walks, and as dorothy passed along they all bowed their heads respectfully. walking thus through several handsome streets they came to a square in the center of the city. in this square were some pretty trees and a statue in bronze of glinda the good, while beyond it were the portals of the royal palace--an extensive and imposing building of white marble covered with a filigree of frosted gold. 20. how dorothy lunched with a king a line of rabbit soldiers was drawn up before the palace entrance, and they wore green and gold uniforms with high shakos upon their heads and held tiny spears in their hands. the captain had a sword and a white plume in his shako. "salute!" called the keeper of the wicket. "salute princess dorothy, who comes from ozma of oz!" "salute!" yelled the captain, and all the soldiers promptly saluted. they now entered the great hall of the palace, where they met a gaily dressed attendant, from whom the keeper of the wicket inquired if the king were at leisure. "i think so," was the reply. "i heard his majesty blubbering and wailing as usual only a few minutes ago. if he doesn't stop acting like a cry-baby i'm going to resign my position here and go to work." "what's the matter with your king?" asked dorothy, surprised to hear the rabbit attendant speak so disrespectfully of his monarch. "oh, he doesn't want to be king, that's all; and he simply has to," was the reply. "come!" said the keeper of the wicket, sternly; "lead us to his majesty; and do not air our troubles before strangers, i beg of you." "why, if this girl is going to see the king, he'll air his own troubles," returned the attendant. "that is his royal privilege," declared the keeper. so the attendant led them into a room all draped with cloth-of-gold and furnished with satin-covered gold furniture. there was a throne in this room, set on a dais and having a big, cushioned seat, and on this seat reclined the rabbit king. he was lying on his back, with his paws in the air, and whining very like a puppy-dog. "your majesty! your majesty! get up. here's a visitor," called out the attendant. the king rolled over and looked at dorothy with one watery pink eye. then he sat up and wiped his eyes carefully with a silk handkerchief and put on his jeweled crown, which had fallen off. "excuse my grief, fair stranger," he said, in a sad voice. "you behold in me the most miserable monarch in all the world. what time is it, blinkem?" "one o'clock, your majesty," replied the attendant to whom the question was addressed. "serve luncheon at once!" commanded the king. "luncheon for two--that's for my visitor and me--and see that the human has some sort of food she's accustomed to." "yes, your majesty," answered the attendant, and went away. "tie my shoe, bristle," said the king to the keeper of the wicket. "ah me! how unhappy i am!" "what seems to be worrying your majesty?" asked dorothy. "why, it's this king business, of course," he returned, while the keeper tied his shoe. "i didn't want to be king of bunnybury at all, and the rabbits all knew it. so they elected me--to save themselves from such a dreadful fate, i suppose--and here i am, shut up in a palace, when i might be free and happy." "seems to me," said dorothy, "it's a great thing to be a king." "were you ever a king?" inquired the monarch. "no," she answered, laughing. "then you know nothing about it," he said. "i haven't inquired who you are, but it doesn't matter. while we're at luncheon, i'll tell you all my troubles. they're a great deal more interesting than anything you can say about yourself." "perhaps they are, to you," replied dorothy. "luncheon is served!" cried blinkem, throwing open the door, and in came a dozen rabbits in livery, all bearing trays which they placed upon the table, where they arranged the dishes in an orderly manner. "now clear out--all of you!" exclaimed the king. "bristle, you may wait outside, in case i want you." when they had gone and the king was alone with dorothy he came down from his throne, tossed his crown into a corner and kicked his ermine robe under the table. "sit down," he said, "and try to be happy. it's useless for me to try, because i'm always wretched and miserable. but i'm hungry, and i hope you are." "i am," said dorothy. "i've only eaten a wheelbarrow and a piano to-day--oh, yes! and a slice of bread and butter that used to be a door-mat." "that sounds like a square meal," remarked the king, seating himself opposite her; "but perhaps it wasn't a square piano. eh?" dorothy laughed. "you don't seem so very unhappy now," she said. "but i am," protested the king, fresh tears gathering in his eyes. "even my jokes are miserable. i'm wretched, woeful, afflicted, distressed and dismal as an individual can be. are you not sorry for me?" "no," answered dorothy, honestly, "i can't say i am. seems to me that for a rabbit you're right in clover. this is the prettiest little city i ever saw." "oh, the city is good enough," he admitted. "glinda, the good sorceress, made it for us because she was fond of rabbits. i don't mind the city so much, although i wouldn't live here if i had my choice. it is being king that has absolutely ruined my happiness." "why wouldn't you live here by choice?" she asked. "because it is all unnatural, my dear. rabbits are out of place in such luxury. when i was young i lived in a burrow in the forest. i was surrounded by enemies and often had to run for my life. it was hard getting enough to eat, at times, and when i found a bunch of clover i had to listen and look for danger while i ate it. wolves prowled around the hole in which i lived and sometimes i didn't dare stir out for days at a time. oh, how happy and contented i was then! i was a real rabbit, as nature made me--wild and free!--and i even enjoyed listening to the startled throbbing of my own heart!" "i've often thought," said dorothy, who was busily eating, "that it would be fun to be a rabbit." "it is fun--when you're the genuine article," agreed his majesty. "but look at me now! i live in a marble palace instead of a hole in the ground. i have all i want to eat, without the joy of hunting for it. every day i must dress in fine clothes and wear that horrible crown till it makes my head ache. rabbits come to me with all sorts of troubles, when my own troubles are the only ones i care about. when i walk out i can't hop and run; i must strut on my rear legs and wear an ermine robe! and the soldiers salute me and the band plays and the other rabbits laugh and clap their paws and cry out: 'hail to the king!' now let me ask you, as a friend and a young lady of good judgment: isn't all this pomp and foolishness enough to make a decent rabbit miserable?" "once," said dorothy, reflectively, "men were wild and unclothed and lived in caves and hunted for food as wild beasts do. but they got civ'lized, in time, and now they'd hate to go back to the old days." "that is an entirely different case," replied the king. "none of you humans were civilized in one lifetime. it came to you by degrees. but i have known the forest and the free life, and that is why i resent being civilized all at once, against my will, and being made a king with a crown and an ermine robe. pah!" "if you don't like it, why don't you resign?" she asked. "impossible!" wailed the rabbit, wiping his eyes again with his handkerchief. "there's a beastly law in this town that forbids it. when one is elected a king, there's no getting out of it." "who made the laws?" inquired dorothy. "the same sorceress who made the town--glinda the good. she built the wall, and fixed up the city, and gave us several valuable enchantments, and made the laws. then she invited all the pink-eyed white rabbits of the forest to come here, after which she left us to our fate." "what made you 'cept the invitation, and come here?" asked the child. "i didn't know how dreadful city life was, and i'd no idea i would be elected king," said he, sobbing bitterly. "and--and--now i'm it--with a capital i--and can't escape!" "i know glinda," remarked dorothy, eating for dessert a dish of charlotte russe, "and when i see her again, i'll ask her to put another king in your place." "will you? will you, indeed?" asked the king, joyfully. "i will if you want me to," she replied. "hurroo--huray!" shouted the king; and then he jumped up from the table and danced wildly about the room, waving his napkin like a flag and laughing with glee. after a time he managed to control his delight and returned to the table. "when are you likely to see glinda?" he inquired. "oh, p'raps in a few days," said dorothy. "and you won't forget to ask her?" "of course not." "princess," said the rabbit king, earnestly, "you have relieved me of a great unhappiness, and i am very grateful. therefore i propose to entertain you, since you are my guest and i am the king, as a slight mark of my appreciation. come with me to my reception hall." he then summoned bristle and said to him: "assemble all the nobility in the great reception hall, and also tell blinkem that i want him immediately." the keeper of the wicket bowed and hurried away, and his majesty turned to dorothy and continued: "we'll have time for a walk in the gardens before the people get here." the gardens were back of the palace and were filled with beautiful flowers and fragrant shrubs, with many shade and fruit trees and marble-paved walks running in every direction. as they entered this place blinkem came running to the king, who gave him several orders in a low voice. then his majesty rejoined dorothy and led her through the gardens, which she admired very much. "what lovely clothes your majesty wears!" she said, glancing at the rich blue satin costume, embroidered, with pearls in which the king was dressed. "yes," he returned, with an air of pride, "this is one of my favorite suits; but i have a good many that are even more elaborate. we have excellent tailors in bunnybury, and glinda supplies all the material. by the way, you might ask the sorceress, when you see her, to permit me to keep my wardrobe." "but if you go back to the forest you will not need clothes," she said. "n--o!" he faltered; "that may be so. but i've dressed up so long that i'm used to it, and i don't imagine i'd care to run around naked again. so perhaps the good glinda will let me keep the costumes." "i'll ask her," agreed dorothy. then they left the gardens and went into a fine, big reception hall, where rich rugs were spread upon the tiled floors and the furniture was exquisitely carved and studded with jewels. the king's chair was an especially pretty piece of furniture, being in the shape of a silver lily with one leaf bent over to form the seat. the silver was everywhere thickly encrusted with diamonds and the seat was upholstered in white satin. "oh, what a splendid chair!" cried dorothy, clasping her hands admiringly. "isn't it?" answered the king, proudly. "it is my favorite seat, and i think it especially becoming to my complexion. while i think of it, i wish you'd ask glinda to let me keep this lily chair when i go away." "it wouldn't look very well in a hole in the ground, would it?" she suggested. "maybe not; but i'm used to sitting in it and i'd like to take it with me," he answered. "but here come the ladies and gentlemen of the court; so please sit beside me and be presented." 21. how the king changed his mind just then a rabbit band of nearly fifty pieces marched in, playing upon golden instruments and dressed in neat uniforms. following the band came the nobility of bunnybury, all richly dressed and hopping along on their rear legs. both the ladies and the gentlemen wore white gloves upon their paws, with their rings on the outside of the gloves, as this seemed to be the fashion here. some of the lady rabbits carried lorgnettes, while many of the gentlemen rabbits wore monocles in their left eyes. the courtiers and their ladies paraded past the king, who introduced princess dorothy to each couple in a very graceful manner. then the company seated themselves in chairs and on sofas and looked expectantly at their monarch. "it is our royal duty, as well as our royal pleasure," he said, "to provide fitting entertainment for our distinguished guest. we will now present the royal band of whiskered friskers." as he spoke the musicians, who had arranged themselves in a corner, struck up a dance melody while into the room pranced the whiskered friskers. they were eight pretty rabbits dressed only in gauzy purple skirts fastened around their waists with diamond bands. their whiskers were colored a rich purple, but otherwise they were pure white. after bowing before the king and dorothy the friskers began their pranks, and these were so comical that dorothy laughed with real enjoyment. they not only danced together, whirling and gyrating around the room, but they leaped over one another, stood upon their heads and hopped and skipped here and there so nimbly that it was hard work to keep track of them. finally, they all made double somersaults and turned handsprings out of the room. the nobility enthusiastically applauded, and dorothy applauded with them. "they're fine!" she said to the king. "yes, the whiskered friskers are really very clever," he replied. "i shall hate to part with them when i go away, for they have often amused me when i was very miserable. i wonder if you would ask glinda--" "no, it wouldn't do at all," declared dorothy, positively. "there wouldn't be room in your hole in the ground for so many rabbits, 'spec'ly when you get the lily chair and your clothes there. don't think of such a thing, your majesty." the king sighed. then he stood up and announced to the company: "we will now hold a military drill by my picked bodyguard of royal pikemen." now the band played a march and a company of rabbit soldiers came in. they wore green and gold uniforms and marched very stiffly but in perfect time. their spears, or pikes, had slender shafts of polished silver with golden heads, and during the drill they handled these weapons with wonderful dexterity. "i should think you'd feel pretty safe with such a fine bodyguard," remarked dorothy. "i do," said the king. "they protect me from every harm. i suppose glinda wouldn't--" "no," interrupted the girl; "i'm sure she wouldn't. it's the king's own bodyguard, and when you are no longer king you can't have 'em." the king did not reply, but he looked rather sorrowful for a time. when the soldiers had marched out he said to the company: "the royal jugglers will now appear." dorothy had seen many jugglers in her lifetime, but never any so interesting as these. there were six of them, dressed in black satin embroidered with queer symbols in silver--a costume which contrasted strongly with their snow-white fur. first, they pushed in a big red ball and three of the rabbit jugglers stood upon its top and made it roll. then two of them caught up a third and tossed him into the air, all vanishing, until only the two were left. then one of these tossed the other upward and remained alone of all his fellows. this last juggler now touched the red ball, which fell apart, being hollow, and the five rabbits who had disappeared in the air scrambled out of the hollow ball. next they all clung together and rolled swiftly upon the floor. when they came to a stop only one fat rabbit juggler was seen, the others seeming to be inside him. this one leaped lightly into the air and when he came down he exploded and separated into the original six. then four of them rolled themselves into round balls and the other two tossed them around and played ball with them. these were but a few of the tricks the rabbit jugglers performed, and they were so skillful that all the nobility and even the king applauded as loudly as did dorothy. "i suppose there are no rabbit jugglers in all the world to compare with these," remarked the king. "and since i may not have the whiskers friskers or my bodyguard, you might ask glinda to let me take away just two or three of these jugglers. will you?" "i'll ask her," replied dorothy, doubtfully. "thank you," said the king; "thank you very much. and now you shall listen to the winsome waggish warblers, who have often cheered me in my moments of anguish." the winsome waggish warblers proved to be a quartette of rabbit singers, two gentlemen and two lady rabbits. the gentlemen warblers wore full-dress swallow-tailed suits of white satin, with pearls for buttons, while the lady warblers were gowned in white satin dresses with long trails. the first song they sang began in this way: "when a rabbit gets a habit of living in a city and wearing clothes and furbelows and jewels rare and pretty, he scorns the bun who has to run and burrow in the ground and pities those whose watchful foes are man and gun and hound." dorothy looked at the king when she heard this song and noticed that he seemed disturbed and ill at ease. "i don't like that song," he said to the warblers. "give us something jolly and rollicking." so they sang to a joyous, tinkling melody as follows: "bunnies gay delight to play in their fairy town secure; ev'ry frisker flirts his whisker at a pink-eyed girl demure. ev'ry maid in silk arrayed at her partner shyly glances, paws are grasped, waists are clasped as they whirl in giddy dances. then together through the heather 'neath the moonlight soft they stroll; each is very blithe and merry, gamboling with laughter droll. life is fun to ev'ry one guarded by our magic charm for to dangers we are strangers, safe from any thought of harm." "you see," said dorothy to the king, when the song ended, "the rabbits all seem to like bunnybury except you. and i guess you're the only one that ever has cried or was unhappy and wanted to get back to your muddy hole in the ground." his majesty seemed thoughtful, and while the servants passed around glasses of nectar and plates of frosted cakes their king was silent and a bit nervous. when the refreshments had been enjoyed by all and the servants had retired dorothy said: "i must go now, for it's getting late and i'm lost. i've got to find the wizard and aunt em and uncle henry and all the rest sometime before night comes, if i poss'bly can." "won't you stay with us?" asked the king. "you will be very welcome." "no, thank you," she replied. "i must get back to my friends. and i want to see glinda just as soon as i can, you know." so the king dismissed his court and said he would himself walk with dorothy to the gate. he did not weep nor groan any more, but his long face was quite solemn and his big ears hung dejectedly on each side of it. he still wore his crown and his ermine and walked with a handsome gold-headed cane. when they arrived at the room in the wall the little girl found toto and billina waiting for her very patiently. they had been liberally fed by some of the attendants and were in no hurry to leave such comfortable quarters. the keeper of the wicket was by this time back in his old place, but he kept a safe distance from toto. dorothy bade good bye to the king as they stood just inside the wall. "you've been good to me," she said, "and i thank you ever so much. as soon as poss'ble i'll see glinda and ask her to put another king in your place and send you back into the wild forest. and i'll ask her to let you keep some of your clothes and the lily chair and one or two jugglers to amuse you. i'm sure she will do it, 'cause she's so kind she doesn't like any one to be unhappy." "ahem!" said the king, looking rather downcast. "i don't like to trouble you with my misery; so you needn't see glinda." "oh, yes i will," she replied. "it won't be any trouble at all." "but, my dear," continued the king, in an embarrassed way, "i've been thinking the subject over carefully, and i find there are a lot of pleasant things here in bunnybury that i would miss if i went away. so perhaps i'd better stay." dorothy laughed. then she looked grave. "it won't do for you to be a king and a cry-baby at the same time," she said. "you've been making all the other rabbits unhappy and discontented with your howls about being so miserable. so i guess it's better to have another king." "oh, no indeed!" exclaimed the king, earnestly. "if you won't say anything to glinda i'll promise to be merry and gay all the time, and never cry or wail again." "honor bright?" she asked. "on the royal word of a king i promise it!" he answered. "all right," said dorothy. "you'd be a reg'lar lunatic to want to leave bunnybury for a wild life in the forest, and i'm sure any rabbit outside the city would be glad to take your place." "forget it, my dear; forget all my foolishness," pleaded the king, earnestly. "hereafter i'll try to enjoy myself and do my duty by my subjects." so then she left him and entered through the little door into the room in the wall, where she grew gradually bigger and bigger until she had resumed her natural size. the keeper of the wicket let them out into the forest and told dorothy that she had been of great service to bunnybury because she had brought their dismal king to a realization of the pleasure of ruling so beautiful a city. "i shall start a petition to have your statue erected beside glinda's in the public square," said the keeper. "i hope you will come again, some day, and see it." "perhaps i shall," she replied. then, followed by toto and billina, she walked away from the high marble wall and started back along the narrow path toward the sign-post. 22. how the wizard found dorothy when they came to the signpost, there, to their joy, were the tents of the wizard pitched beside the path and the kettle bubbling merrily over the fire. the shaggy man and omby amby were gathering firewood while uncle henry and aunt em sat in their camp chairs talking with the wizard. they all ran forward to greet dorothy, as she approached, and aunt em exclaimed: "goodness gracious, child! where have you been?" "you've played hookey the whole day," added the shaggy man, reproachfully. "well, you see, i've been lost," explained the little girl, "and i've tried awful hard to find the way back to you, but just couldn't do it." "did you wander in the forest all day?" asked uncle henry. "you must be a'most starved!" said aunt em. "no," said dorothy, "i'm not hungry. i had a wheelbarrow and a piano for breakfast, and lunched with a king." "ah!" exclaimed the wizard, nodding with a bright smile. "so you've been having adventures again." "she's stark crazy!" cried aunt em. "whoever heard of eating a wheelbarrow?" "it wasn't very big," said dorothy; "and it had a zuzu wheel." "and i ate the crumbs," said billina, soberly. "sit down and tell us about it," begged the wizard. "we've hunted for you all day, and at last i noticed your footsteps in this path--and the tracks of billina. we found the path by accident, and seeing it only led to two places i decided you were at either one or the other of those places. so we made camp and waited for you to return. and now, dorothy, tell us where you have been--to bunbury or to bunnybury?" "why, i've been to both," she replied; "but first i went to utensia, which isn't on any path at all." she then sat down and related the day's adventures, and you may be sure aunt em and uncle henry were much astonished at the story. "but after seeing the cuttenclips and the fuddles," remarked her uncle, "we ought not to wonder at anything in this strange country." "seems like the only common and ordinary folks here are ourselves," rejoined aunt em, diffidently. "now that we're together again, and one reunited party," observed the shaggy man, "what are we to do next?" "have some supper and a night's rest," answered the wizard promptly, "and then proceed upon our journey." "where to?" asked the captain general. "we haven't visited the rigmaroles or the flutterbudgets yet," said dorothy. "i'd like to see them--wouldn't you?" "they don't sound very interesting," objected aunt em. "but perhaps they are." "and then," continued the little wizard, "we will call upon the tin woodman and jack pumpkinhead and our old friend the scarecrow, on our way home." "that will be nice!" cried dorothy, eagerly. "can't say they sound very interesting, either," remarked aunt em. "why, they're the best friends i have!" asserted the little girl, "and you're sure to like them, aunt em, 'cause ever'body likes them." by this time twilight was approaching, so they ate the fine supper which the wizard magically produced from the kettle and then went to bed in the cozy tents. they were all up bright and early next morning, but dorothy didn't venture to wander from the camp again for fear of more accidents. "do you know where there's a road?" she asked the little man. "no, my dear," replied the wizard; "but i'll find one." after breakfast he waved his hand toward the tents and they became handkerchiefs again, which were at once returned to the pockets of their owners. then they all climbed into the red wagon and the sawhorse inquired: "which way?" "never mind which way," replied the wizard. "just go as you please and you're sure to be right. i've enchanted the wheels of the wagon, and they will roll in the right direction, never fear." as the sawhorse started away through the trees dorothy said: "if we had one of those new-fashioned airships we could float away over the top of the forest, and look down and find just the places we want." "airship? pah!" retorted the little man, scornfully. "i hate those things, dorothy, although they are nothing new to either you or me. i was a balloonist for many years, and once my balloon carried me to the land of oz, and once to the vegetable kingdom. and once ozma had a gump that flew all over this kingdom and had sense enough to go where it was told to--which airships won't do. the house which the cyclone brought to oz all the way from kansas, with you and toto in it--was a real airship at the time; so you see we've got plenty of experience flying with the birds." "airships are not so bad, after all," declared dorothy. "some day they'll fly all over the world, and perhaps bring people even to the land of oz." "i must speak to ozma about that," said the wizard, with a slight frown. "it wouldn't do at all, you know, for the emerald city to become a way-station on an airship line." "no," said dorothy, "i don't s'pose it would. but what can we do to prevent it?" "i'm working out a magic recipe to fuddle men's brains, so they'll never make an airship that will go where they want it to go," the wizard confided to her. "that won't keep the things from flying, now and then, but it'll keep them from flying to the land of oz." just then the sawhorse drew the wagon out of the forest and a beautiful landscape lay spread before the travelers' eyes. moreover, right before them was a good road that wound away through the hills and valleys. "now," said the wizard, with evident delight, "we are on the right track again, and there is nothing more to worry about." "it's a foolish thing to take chances in a strange country," observed the shaggy man. "had we kept to the roads we never would have been lost. roads always lead to some place, else they wouldn't be roads." "this road," added the wizard, "leads to rigmarole town. i'm sure of that because i enchanted the wagon wheels." sure enough, after riding along the road for an hour or two they entered a pretty valley where a village was nestled among the hills. the houses were munchkin shaped, for they were all domes, with windows wider than they were high, and pretty balconies over the front doors. aunt em was greatly relieved to find this town "neither paper nor patch-work," and the only surprising thing about it was that it was so far distant from all other towns. as the sawhorse drew the wagon into the main street the travelers noticed that the place was filled with people, standing in groups and seeming to be engaged in earnest conversation. so occupied with themselves were the inhabitants that they scarcely noticed the strangers at all. so the wizard stopped a boy and asked: "is this rigmarole town?" "sir," replied the boy, "if you have traveled very much you will have noticed that every town differs from every other town in one way or another and so by observing the methods of the people and the way they live as well as the style of their dwelling places it ought not to be a difficult thing to make up your mind without the trouble of asking questions whether the town bears the appearance of the one you intended to visit or whether perhaps having taken a different road from the one you should have taken you have made an error in your way and arrived at some point where--" "land sakes!" cried aunt em, impatiently; "what's all this rigmarole about?" "that's it!" said the wizard, laughing merrily. "it's a rigmarole because the boy is a rigmarole and we've come to rigmarole town." "do they all talk like that?" asked dorothy, wonderingly. "he might have said 'yes' or 'no' and settled the question," observed uncle henry. "not here," said omby amby. "i don't believe the rigmaroles know what 'yes' or 'no' means." while the boy had been talking several other people had approached the wagon and listened intently to his speech. then they began talking to one another in long, deliberate speeches, where many words were used but little was said. but when the strangers criticized them so frankly one of the women, who had no one else to talk to, began an address to them, saying: "it is the easiest thing in the world for a person to say 'yes' or 'no' when a question that is asked for the purpose of gaining information or satisfying the curiosity of the one who has given expression to the inquiry has attracted the attention of an individual who may be competent either from personal experience or the experience of others to answer it with more or less correctness or at least an attempt to satisfy the desire for information on the part of the one who has made the inquiry by--" "dear me!" exclaimed dorothy, interrupting the speech. "i've lost all track of what you are saying." "don't let her begin over again, for goodness sake!" cried aunt em. but the woman did not begin again. she did not even stop talking, but went right on as she had begun, the words flowing from her mouth in a stream. "i'm quite sure that if we waited long enough and listened carefully, some of these people might be able to tell us something, in time," said the wizard. "let's don't wait," returned dorothy. "i've heard of the rigmaroles, and wondered what they were like; but now i know, and i'm ready to move on." "so am i," declared uncle henry; "we're wasting time here." "why, we're all ready to go," said the shaggy man, putting his fingers to his ears to shut out the monotonous babble of those around the wagon. so the wizard spoke to the sawhorse, who trotted nimbly through the village and soon gained the open country on the other side of it. dorothy looked back, as they rode away, and noticed that the woman had not yet finished her speech but was talking as glibly as ever, although no one was near to hear her. "if those people wrote books," omby amby remarked with a smile, "it would take a whole library to say the cow jumped over the moon." "perhaps some of 'em do write books," asserted the little wizard. "i've read a few rigmaroles that might have come from this very town." "some of the college lecturers and ministers are certainly related to these people," observed the shaggy man; "and it seems to me the land of oz is a little ahead of the united states in some of its laws. for here, if one can't talk clearly, and straight to the point, they send him to rigmarole town; while uncle sam lets him roam around wild and free, to torture innocent people." dorothy was thoughtful. the rigmaroles had made a strong impression upon her. she decided that whenever she spoke, after this, she would use only enough words to express what she wanted to say. 23. how they encountered the flutterbudgets they were soon among the pretty hills and valleys again, and the sawhorse sped up hill and down at a fast and easy pace, the roads being hard and smooth. mile after mile was speedily covered, and before the ride had grown at all tiresome they sighted another village. the place seemed even larger than rigmarole town, but was not so attractive in appearance. "this must be flutterbudget center," declared the wizard. "you see, it's no trouble at all to find places if you keep to the right road." "what are the flutterbudgets like?" inquired dorothy. "i do not know, my dear. but ozma has given them a town all their own, and i've heard that whenever one of the people becomes a flutterbudget he is sent to this place to live." "that is true," omby amby added; "flutterbudget center and rigmarole town are called 'the defensive settlements of oz.'" the village they now approached was not built in a valley, but on top of a hill, and the road they followed wound around the hill, like a corkscrew, ascending the hill easily until it came to the town. "look out!" screamed a voice. "look out, or you'll run over my child!" they gazed around and saw a woman standing upon the sidewalk nervously wringing her hands as she gazed at them appealingly. "where is your child?" asked the sawhorse. "in the house," said the woman, bursting into tears; "but if it should happen to be in the road, and you ran over it, those great wheels would crush my darling to jelly. oh dear! oh dear! think of my darling child being crushed into jelly by those great wheels!" "gid-dap!" said the wizard sharply, and the sawhorse started on. they had not gone far before a man ran out of a house shouting wildly, "help! help!" the sawhorse stopped short and the wizard and uncle henry and the shaggy man and omby amby jumped out of the wagon and ran to the poor man's assistance. dorothy followed them as quickly as she could. "what's the matter?" asked the wizard. "help! help!" screamed the man; "my wife has cut her finger off and she's bleeding to death!" then he turned and rushed back to the house, and all the party went with him. they found a woman in the front dooryard moaning and groaning as if in great pain. "be brave, madam!" said the wizard, consolingly. "you won't die just because you have cut off a finger, you may be sure." "but i haven't cut off a finger!" she sobbed. "then what has happened?" asked dorothy. "i--i pricked my finger with a needle while i was sewing, and--and the blood came!" she replied. "and now i'll have blood-poisoning, and the doctors will cut off my finger, and that will give me a fever and i shall die!" "pshaw!" said dorothy; "i've pricked my finger many a time, and nothing happened." "really?" asked the woman, brightening and wiping her eyes upon her apron. "why, it's nothing at all," declared the girl. "you're more scared than hurt." "ah, that's because she's a flutterbudget," said the wizard, nodding wisely. "i think i know now what these people are like." "so do i," announced dorothy. "oh, boo-hoo-hoo!" sobbed the woman, giving way to a fresh burst of grief. "what's wrong now?" asked the shaggy man. "oh, suppose i had pricked my foot!" she wailed. "then the doctors would have cut my foot off, and i'd be lamed for life!" "surely, ma'am," replied the wizard, "and if you'd pricked your nose they might cut your head off. but you see you didn't." "but i might have!" she exclaimed, and began to cry again. so they left her and drove away in their wagon. and her husband came out and began calling "help!" as he had before; but no one seemed to pay any attention to him. as the travelers turned into another street they found a man walking excitedly up and down the pavement. he appeared to be in a very nervous condition and the wizard stopped him to ask: "is anything wrong, sir?" "everything is wrong," answered the man, dismally. "i can't sleep." "why not?" inquired omby amby. "if i go to sleep i'll have to shut my eyes," he explained; "and if i shut my eyes they may grow together, and then i'd be blind for life!" "did you ever hear of any one's eyes growing together?" asked dorothy. "no," said the man, "i never did. but it would be a dreadful thing, wouldn't it? and the thought of it makes me so nervous i'm afraid to go to sleep." "there's no help for this case," declared the wizard; and they went on. at the next street corner a woman rushed up to them crying: "save my baby! oh, good, kind people, save my baby!" "is it in danger?" asked dorothy, noticing that the child was clasped in her arms and seemed sleeping peacefully. "yes, indeed," said the woman, nervously. "if i should go into the house and throw my child out of the window, it would roll way down to the bottom of the hill; and then if there were a lot of tigers and bears down there, they would tear my darling babe to pieces and eat it up!" "are there any tigers and bears in this neighborhood?" the wizard asked. "i've never heard of any," admitted the woman, "but if there were--" "have you any idea of throwing your baby out of the window?" questioned the little man. "none at all," she said; "but if--" "all your troubles are due to those 'ifs'," declared the wizard. "if you were not a flutterbudget you wouldn't worry." "there's another 'if'," replied the woman. "are you a flutterbudget, too?" "i will be, if i stay here long," exclaimed the wizard, nervously. "another 'if'!" cried the woman. but the wizard did not stop to argue with her. he made the sawhorse canter all the way down the hill, and only breathed easily when they were miles away from the village. after they had ridden in silence for a while dorothy turned to the little man and asked: "do 'ifs' really make flutterbudgets?" "i think the 'ifs' help," he answered seriously. "foolish fears, and worries over nothing, with a mixture of nerves and ifs, will soon make a flutterbudget of any one." then there was another long silence, for all the travelers were thinking over this statement, and nearly all decided it must be true. the country they were now passing through was everywhere tinted purple, the prevailing color of the gillikin country; but as the sawhorse ascended a hill they found that upon the other side everything was of a rich yellow hue. "aha!" cried the captain general; "here is the country of the winkies. we are just crossing the boundary line." "then we may be able to lunch with the tin woodman," announced the wizard, joyfully. "must we lunch on tin?" asked aunt em. "oh, no;" replied dorothy. "nick chopper knows how to feed meat people, and he will give us plenty of good things to eat, never fear. i've been to his castle before." "is nick chopper the tin woodman's name?" asked uncle henry. "yes; that's one of his names," answered the little girl; "and another of his names is 'emp'ror of the winkies.' he's the king of this country, you know, but ozma rules over all the countries of oz." "does the tin woodman keep any flutterbudgets or rigmaroles at his castle?" inquired aunt em, uneasily. "no indeed," said dorothy, positively. "he lives in a new tin castle, all full of lovely things." "i should think it would rust," said uncle henry. "he has thousands of winkies to keep it polished for him," explained the wizard. "his people love to do anything in their power for their beloved emperor, so there isn't a particle of rust on all the big castle." "i suppose they polish their emperor, too," said aunt em. "why, some time ago he had himself nickel-plated," the wizard answered; "so he only needs rubbing up once in a while. he's the brightest man in all the world, is dear nick chopper; and the kindest-hearted." "i helped find him," said dorothy, reflectively. "once the scarecrow and i found the tin woodman in the woods, and he was just rusted still, that time, an' no mistake. but we oiled his joints an' got 'em good and slippery, and after that he went with us to visit the wizard at the em'rald city." "was that the time the wizard scared you?" asked aunt em. "he didn't treat us well, at first," acknowledged dorothy; "for he made us go away and destroy the wicked witch. but after we found out he was only a humbug wizard we were not afraid of him." the wizard sighed and looked a little ashamed. "when we try to deceive people we always make mistakes," he said. "but i'm getting to be a real wizard now, and glinda the good's magic, that i am trying to practice, can never harm any one." "you were always a good man," declared dorothy, "even when you were a bad wizard." "he's a good wizard now," asserted aunt em, looking at the little man admiringly. "the way he made those tents grow out of handkerchiefs was just wonderful! and didn't he enchant the wagon wheels so they'd find the road?" "all the people of oz," said the captain general, "are very proud of their wizard. he once made some soap-bubbles that astonished the world." the wizard blushed at this praise, yet it pleased him. he no longer looked sad, but seemed to have recovered his usual good humor. the country through which they now rode was thickly dotted with farmhouses, and yellow grain waved in all the fields. many of the winkies could be seen working on their farms and the wild and unsettled parts of oz were by this time left far behind. these winkies appeared to be happy, light-hearted folk, and all removed their caps and bowed low when the red wagon with its load of travelers passed by. it was not long before they saw something glittering in the sunshine far ahead. "see!" cried dorothy; "that's the tin castle, aunt em!" and the sawhorse, knowing his passengers were eager to arrive, broke into a swift trot that soon brought them to their destination. 24. how the tin woodman told the sad news the tin woodman received princess dorothy's party with much grace and cordiality, yet the little girl decided that something must be worrying with her old friend, because he was not so merry as usual. but at first she said nothing about this, for uncle henry and aunt em were fairly bubbling over with admiration for the beautiful tin castle and its polished tin owner. so her suspicion that something unpleasant had happened was for a time forgotten. "where is the scarecrow?" she asked, when they had all been ushered into the big tin drawing-room of the castle, the sawhorse being led around to the tin stable in the rear. "why, our old friend has just moved into his new mansion," explained the tin woodman. "it has been a long time in building, although my winkies and many other people from all parts of the country have been busily working upon it. at last, however, it is completed, and the scarecrow took possession of his new home just two days ago." "i hadn't heard that he wanted a home of his own," said dorothy. "why doesn't he live with ozma in the emerald city? he used to, you know; and i thought he was happy there." "it seems," said the tin woodman, "that our dear scarecrow cannot be contented with city life, however beautiful his surroundings might be. originally he was a farmer, for he passed his early life in a cornfield, where he was supposed to frighten away the crows." "i know," said dorothy, nodding. "i found him, and lifted him down from his pole." "so now, after a long residence in the emerald city, his tastes have turned to farm life again," continued the tin man. "he feels that he cannot be happy without a farm of his own, so ozma gave him some land and every one helped him build his mansion, and now he is settled there for good." "who designed his house?" asked the shaggy man. "i believe it was jack pumpkinhead, who is also a farmer," was the reply. they were now invited to enter the tin dining room, where luncheon was served. aunt em found, to her satisfaction, that dorothy's promise was more than fulfilled; for, although the tin woodman had no appetite of his own, he respected the appetites of his guests and saw that they were bountifully fed. they passed the afternoon in wandering through the beautiful gardens and grounds of the palace. the walks were all paved with sheets of tin, brightly polished, and there were tin fountains and tin statues here and there among the trees. the flowers were mostly natural flowers and grew in the regular way; but their host showed them one flower bed which was his especial pride. "you see, all common flowers fade and die in time," he explained, "and so there are seasons when the pretty blooms are scarce. therefore i decided to make one tin flower bed all of tin flowers, and my workmen have created them with rare skill. here you see tin camelias, tin marigolds, tin carnations, tin poppies and tin hollyhocks growing as naturally as if they were real." indeed, they were a pretty sight, and glistened under the sunlight like spun silver. "isn't this tin hollyhock going to seed?" asked the wizard, bending over the flowers. "why, i believe it is!" exclaimed the tin woodman, as if surprised. "i hadn't noticed that before. but i shall plant the tin seeds and raise another bed of tin hollyhocks." in one corner of the gardens nick chopper had established a fish-pond in which they saw swimming and disporting themselves many pretty tin fishes. "would they bite on hooks?" asked aunt em, curiously. the tin woodman seemed hurt at this question. "madam," said he, "do you suppose i would allow anyone to catch my beautiful fishes, even if they were foolish enough to bite on hooks? no, indeed! every created thing is safe from harm in my domain, and i would as soon think of killing my little friend dorothy as killing one of my tin fishes." "the emperor is very kind-hearted, ma'am," explained the wizard. "if a fly happens to light upon his tin body he doesn't rudely brush it off, as some people might do; he asks it politely to find some other resting place." "what does the fly do then?" enquired aunt em. "usually it begs his pardon and goes away," said the wizard, gravely. "flies like to be treated politely as well as other creatures, and here in oz they understand what we say to them, and behave very nicely." "well," said aunt em, "the flies in kansas, where i came from, don't understand anything but a swat. you have to smash 'em to make 'em behave; and it's the same way with 'skeeters. do you have 'skeeters in oz?" "we have some very large mosquitoes here, which sing as beautifully as song birds," replied the tin woodman. "but they never bite or annoy our people, because they are well fed and taken care of. the reason they bite people in your country is because they are hungry--poor things!" "yes," agreed aunt em; "they're hungry, all right. an' they ain't very particular who they feed on. i'm glad you've got the 'skeeters educated in oz." that evening after dinner they were entertained by the emperor's tin cornet band, which played for them several sweet melodies. also the wizard did a few sleight-of-hand tricks to amuse the company; after which they all retired to their cozy tin bedrooms and slept soundly until morning. after breakfast dorothy said to the tin woodman: "if you'll tell us which way to go we'll visit the scarecrow on our way home." "i will go with you, and show you the way," replied the emperor; "for i must journey to-day to the emerald city." he looked so anxious, as he said this, that the little girl asked: "there isn't anything wrong with ozma, is there?" "not yet," said he; "but i'm afraid the time has come when i must tell you some very bad news, little friend." "oh, what is it?" cried dorothy. "do you remember the nome king?" asked the tin woodman. "i remember him very well," she replied. "the nome king has not a kind heart," said the emperor, sadly, "and he has been harboring wicked thoughts of revenge, because we once defeated him and liberated his slaves and you took away his magic belt. so he has ordered his nomes to dig a long tunnel underneath the deadly desert, so that he may march his hosts right into the emerald city. when he gets there he intends to destroy our beautiful country." dorothy was much surprised to hear this. "how did ozma find out about the tunnel?" she asked. "she saw it in her magic picture." "of course," said dorothy; "i might have known that. and what is she going to do?" "i cannot tell," was the reply. "pooh!" cried the yellow hen. "we're not afraid of the nomes. if we roll a few of our eggs down the tunnel they'll run away back home as fast as they can go." "why, that's true enough!" exclaimed dorothy. "the scarecrow once conquered all the nome king's army with some of billina's eggs." "but you do not understand all of the dreadful plot," continued the tin woodman. "the nome king is clever, and he knows his nomes would run from eggs; so he has bargained with many terrible creatures to help him. these evil spirits are not afraid of eggs or anything else, and they are very powerful. so the nome king will send them through the tunnel first, to conquer and destroy, and then the nomes will follow after to get their share of the plunder and slaves." they were all startled to hear this, and every face wore a troubled look. "is the tunnel all ready?" asked dorothy. "ozma sent me word yesterday that the tunnel was all completed except for a thin crust of earth at the end. when our enemies break through this crust, they will be in the gardens of the royal palace, in the heart of the emerald city. i offered to arm all my winkies and march to ozma's assistance; but she said no." "i wonder why?" asked dorothy. "she answered that all the inhabitants of oz, gathered together, were not powerful enough to fight and overcome the evil forces of the nome king. therefore she refuses to fight at all." "but they will capture and enslave us, and plunder and ruin all our lovely land!" exclaimed the wizard, greatly disturbed by this statement. "i fear they will," said the tin woodman, sorrowfully. "and i also fear that those who are not fairies, such as the wizard, and dorothy, and her uncle and aunt, as well as toto and billina, will be speedily put to death by the conquerors." "what can be done?" asked dorothy, shuddering a little at the prospect of this awful fate. "nothing can be done!" gloomily replied the emperor of the winkies. "but since ozma refuses my army i will go myself to the emerald city. the least i may do is to perish beside my beloved ruler." 25. how the scarecrow displayed his wisdom this amazing news had saddened every heart and all were now anxious to return to the emerald city and share ozma's fate. so they started without loss of time, and as the road led past the scarecrow's new mansion they determined to make a brief halt there and confer with him. "the scarecrow is probably the wisest man in all oz," remarked the tin woodman, when they had started upon their journey. "his brains are plentiful and of excellent quality, and often he has told me things i might never have thought of myself. i must say i rely a great deal upon the scarecrow's brains in this emergency." the tin woodman rode on the front seat of the wagon, where dorothy sat between him and the wizard. "has the scarecrow heard of ozma's trouble?" asked the captain general. "i do not know, sir," was the reply. "when i was a private," said omby amby, "i was an excellent army, as i fully proved in our war against the nomes. but now there is not a single private left in our army, since ozma made me the captain general, so there is no one to fight and defend our lovely ruler." "true," said the wizard. "the present army is composed only of officers, and the business of an officer is to order his men to fight. since there are no men there can be no fighting." "poor ozma!" whispered dorothy, with tears in her sweet eyes. "it's dreadful to think of all her lovely fairy country being destroyed. i wonder if we couldn't manage to escape and get back to kansas by means of the magic belt? and we might take ozma with us and all work hard to get money for her, so she wouldn't be so very lonely and unhappy about the loss of her fairyland." "do you think there would be any work for me in kansas?" asked the tin woodman. "if you are hollow, they might use you in a canning factory," suggested uncle henry. "but i can't see the use of your working for a living. you never eat or sleep or need a new suit of clothes." "i was not thinking of myself," replied the emperor, with dignity. "i merely wondered if i could not help to support dorothy and ozma." as they indulged in these sad plans for the future they journeyed in sight of the scarecrow's new mansion, and even though filled with care and worry over the impending fate of oz, dorothy couldn't help a feeling of wonder at the sight she saw. the scarecrow's new house was shaped like an immense ear of corn. the rows of kernels were made of solid gold, and the green upon which the ear stood upright was a mass of sparkling emeralds. upon the very top of the structure was perched a figure representing the scarecrow himself, and upon his extended arms, as well as upon his head, were several crows carved out of ebony and having ruby eyes. you may imagine how big this ear of corn was when i tell you that a single gold kernel formed a window, swinging outward upon hinges, while a row of four kernels opened to make the front entrance. inside there were five stories, each story being a single room. the gardens around the mansion consisted of cornfields, and dorothy acknowledged that the place was in all respects a very appropriate home for her good friend the scarecrow. "he would have been very happy here, i'm sure," she said, "if only the nome king had left us alone. but if oz is destroyed of course this place will be destroyed too." "yes," replied the tin woodman, "and also my beautiful tin castle, that has been my joy and pride." "jack pumpkinhead's house will go too," remarked the wizard, "as well as professor wogglebug's athletic college, and ozma's royal palace, and all our other handsome buildings." "yes, oz will indeed become a desert when the nome king gets through with it," sighed omby amby. the scarecrow came out to meet them and gave them all a hearty welcome. "i hear you have decided always to live in the land of oz, after this," he said to dorothy; "and that will delight my heart, for i have greatly disliked our frequent partings. but why are you all so downcast?" "have you heard the news?" asked the tin woodman. "no news to make me sad," replied the scarecrow. then nick chopper told his friend of the nome king's tunnel, and how the evil creatures of the north had allied themselves with the underground monarch for the purpose of conquering and destroying oz. "well," said the scarecrow, "it certainly looks bad for ozma, and all of us. but i believe it is wrong to worry over anything before it happens. it is surely time enough to be sad when our country is despoiled and our people made slaves. so let us not deprive ourselves of the few happy hours remaining to us." "ah! that is real wisdom," declared the shaggy man, approvingly. "after we become really unhappy we shall regret these few hours that are left to us, unless we enjoy them to the utmost." "nevertheless," said the scarecrow, "i shall go with you to the emerald city and offer ozma my services." "she says we can do nothing to oppose our enemies," announced the tin woodman. "and doubtless she is right, sir," answered the scarecrow. "still, she will appreciate our sympathy, and it is the duty of ozma's friends to stand by her side when the final disaster occurs." he then led them into his queer mansion and showed them the beautiful rooms in all the five stories. the lower room was a grand reception hall, with a hand-organ in one corner. this instrument the scarecrow, when alone, could turn to amuse himself, as he was very fond of music. the walls were hung with white silk, upon which flocks of black crows were embroidered in black diamonds. some of the chairs were made in the shape of big crows and upholstered with cushions of corn-colored silk. the second story contained a fine banquet room, where the scarecrow might entertain his guests, and the three stories above that were bed-chambers exquisitely furnished and decorated. "from these rooms," said the scarecrow, proudly, "one may obtain fine views of the surrounding cornfields. the corn i grow is always husky, and i call the ears my regiments, because they have so many kernels. of course i cannot ride my cobs, but i really don't care shucks about that. taken altogether, my farm will stack up with any in the neighborhood." the visitors partook of some light refreshment and then hurried away to resume the road to the emerald city. the scarecrow found a seat in the wagon between omby amby and the shaggy man, and his weight did not add much to the load because he was stuffed with straw. "you will notice i have one oat-field on my property," he remarked, as they drove away. "oat-straw is, i have found, the best of all straws to re-stuff myself with when my interior gets musty or out of shape." "are you able to re-stuff yourself without help?" asked aunt em. "i should think that after the straw was taken out of you there wouldn't be anything left but your clothes." "you are almost correct, madam," he answered. "my servants do the stuffing, under my direction. for my head, in which are my excellent brains, is a bag tied at the bottom. my face is neatly painted upon one side of the bag, as you may see. my head does not need re-stuffing, as my body does, for all that it requires is to have the face touched up with fresh paint occasionally." it was not far from the scarecrow's mansion to the farm of jack pumpkinhead, and when they arrived there both uncle henry and aunt em were much impressed. the farm was one vast pumpkin field, and some of the pumpkins were of enormous size. in one of them, which had been neatly hollowed out, jack himself lived, and he declared that it was a very comfortable residence. the reason he grew so many pumpkins was in order that he might change his head as often as it became wrinkled or threatened to spoil. the pumpkin-headed man welcomed his visitors joyfully and offered them several delicious pumpkin pies to eat. "i don't indulge in pumpkin pies myself, for two reasons," he said. "one reason is that were i to eat pumpkins i would become a cannibal, and the other reason is that i never eat, not being hollow inside." "very good reasons," agreed the scarecrow. they told jack pumpkinhead of the dreadful news about the nome king, and he decided to go with them to the emerald city and help comfort ozma. "i had expected to live here in ease and comfort for many centuries," said jack, dolefully; "but of course if the nome king destroys everything in oz i shall be destroyed too. really, it seems too bad, doesn't it?" they were soon on their journey again, and so swiftly did the sawhorse draw the wagon over the smooth roads that before twilight fell they had reached the royal palace in the emerald city, and were at their journey's end. 26. how ozma refused to fight for her kingdom ozma was in her rose garden picking a bouquet when the party arrived, and she greeted all her old and new friends as smilingly and sweetly as ever. dorothy's eyes were full of tears as she kissed the lovely ruler of oz, and she whispered to her: "oh, ozma, ozma! i'm so sorry!" ozma seemed surprised. "sorry for what, dorothy?" she asked. "for all your trouble about the nome king," was the reply. ozma laughed with genuine amusement. "why, that has not troubled me a bit, dear princess," she replied. then, looking around at the sad faces of her friends, she added: "have you all been worrying about this tunnel?" "we have!" they exclaimed in a chorus. "well, perhaps it is more serious than i imagined," admitted the fair ruler; "but i haven't given the matter much thought. after dinner we will all meet together and talk it over." so they went to their rooms and prepared for dinner, and dorothy dressed herself in her prettiest gown and put on her coronet, for she thought that this might be the last time she would ever appear as a princess of oz. the scarecrow, the tin woodman and jack pumpkinhead all sat at the dinner table, although none of them was made so he could eat. usually they served to enliven the meal with their merry talk, but to-night all seemed strangely silent and uneasy. as soon as the dinner was finished ozma led the company to her own private room in which hung the magic picture. when they had seated themselves the scarecrow was the first to speak. "is the nome king's tunnel finished, ozma?" he asked. "it was completed to-day," she replied. "they have built it right under my palace grounds, and it ends in front of the forbidden fountain. nothing but a crust of earth remains to separate our enemies from us, and when they march here, they will easily break through this crust and rush upon us." "who will assist the nome king?" inquired the scarecrow. "the whimsies, the growleywogs and the phanfasms," she replied. "i watched to-day in my magic picture the messengers whom the nome king sent to all these people to summon them to assemble in his great caverns." "let us see what they are doing now," suggested the tin woodman. so ozma wished to see the nome king's cavern, and at once the landscape faded from the magic picture and was replaced by the scene then being enacted in the jeweled cavern of king roquat. a wild and startling scene it was which the oz people beheld. before the nome king stood the chief of the whimsies and the grand gallipoot of the growleywogs, surrounded by their most skillful generals. very fierce and powerful they looked, so that even the nome king and general guph, who stood beside his master, seemed a bit fearful in the presence of their allies. now a still more formidable creature entered the cavern. it was the first and foremost of the phanfasms and he proudly sat down in king roquat's own throne and demanded the right to lead his forces through the tunnel in advance of all the others. the first and foremost now appeared to all eyes in his hairy skin and the bear's head. what his real form was even roquat did not know. through the arches leading into the vast series of caverns that lay beyond the throne room of king roquat could be seen ranks upon ranks of the invaders--thousands of phanfasms, growleywogs and whimsies standing in serried lines, while behind them were massed the thousands upon thousands of general guph's own army of nomes. "listen!" whispered ozma. "i think we can hear what they are saying." so they kept still and listened. "is all ready?" demanded the first and foremost, haughtily. "the tunnel is finally completed," replied general guph. "how long will it take us to march to the emerald city?" asked the grand gallipoot of the growleywogs. "if we start at midnight," replied the nome king, "we shall arrive at the emerald city by daybreak. then, while all the oz people are sleeping, we will capture them and make them our slaves. after that we will destroy the city itself and march through the land of oz, burning and devastating as we go." "good!" cried the first and foremost. "when we get through with oz it will be a desert wilderness. ozma shall be my slave." "she shall be my slave!" shouted the grand gallipoot, angrily. "we'll decide that by and by," said king roquat hastily. "don't let us quarrel now, friends. first let us conquer oz, and then we will divide the spoils of war in a satisfactory manner." the first and foremost smiled wickedly; but he only said: "i and my phanfasms go first, for nothing on earth can oppose our power." they all agreed to that, knowing the phanfasms to be the mightiest of the combined forces. king roquat now invited them to attend a banquet he had prepared, where they might occupy themselves in eating and drinking until midnight arrived. as they had now seen and heard all of the plot against them that they cared to, ozma allowed her magic picture to fade away. then she turned to her friends and said: "our enemies will be here sooner than i expected. what do you advise me to do?" "it is now too late to assemble our people," said the tin woodman, despondently. "if you had allowed me to arm and drill my winkies, we might have put up a good fight and destroyed many of our enemies before we were conquered." "the munchkins are good fighters, too," said omby amby; "and so are the gillikins." "but i do not wish to fight," declared ozma, firmly. "no one has the right to destroy any living creatures, however evil they may be, or to hurt them or make them unhappy. i will not fight, even to save my kingdom." "the nome king is not so particular," remarked the scarecrow. "he intends to destroy us all and ruin our beautiful country." "because the nome king intends to do evil is no excuse for my doing the same," replied ozma. "self-preservation is the first law of nature," quoted the shaggy man. "true," she said, readily. "i would like to discover a plan to save ourselves without fighting." that seemed a hopeless task to them, but realizing that ozma was determined not to fight, they tried to think of some means that might promise escape. "couldn't we bribe our enemies, by giving them a lot of emeralds and gold?" asked jack pumpkinhead. "no, because they believe they are able to take everything we have," replied the ruler. "i have thought of something," said dorothy. "what is it, dear?" asked ozma. "let us use the magic belt to wish all of us in kansas. we will put some emeralds in our pockets, and can sell them in topeka for enough to pay off the mortgage on uncle henry's farm. then we can all live together and be happy." "a clever idea!" exclaimed the scarecrow. "kansas is a very good country. i've been there," said the shaggy man. "that seems to me an excellent plan," approved the tin woodman. "no!" said ozma, decidedly. "never will i desert my people and leave them to so cruel a fate. i will use the magic belt to send the rest of you to kansas, if you wish, but if my beloved country must be destroyed and my people enslaved i will remain and share their fate." "quite right," asserted the scarecrow, sighing. "i will remain with you." "and so will i," declared the tin woodman and the shaggy man and jack pumpkinhead, in turn. tiktok, the machine man, also said he intended to stand by ozma. "for," said he, "i should be of no use at all in kan-sas." "for my part," announced dorothy, gravely, "if the ruler of oz must not desert her people, a princess of oz has no right to run away, either. i'm willing to become a slave with the rest of you; so all we can do with the magic belt is to use it to send uncle henry and aunt em back to kansas." "i've been a slave all my life," aunt em replied, with considerable cheerfulness, "and so has henry. i guess we won't go back to kansas, anyway. i'd rather take my chances with the rest of you." ozma smiled upon them all gratefully. "there is no need to despair just yet," she said. "i'll get up early to-morrow morning and be at the forbidden fountain when the fierce warriors break through the crust of the earth. i will speak to them pleasantly and perhaps they won't be so very bad, after all." "why do they call it the forbidden fountain?" asked dorothy, thoughtfully. "don't you know, dear?" returned ozma, surprised. "no," said dorothy. "of course i've seen the fountain in the palace grounds, ever since i first came to oz; and i've read the sign which says: 'all persons are forbidden to drink at this fountain.' but i never knew why they were forbidden. the water seems clear and sparkling and it bubbles up in a golden basin all the time." "that water," declared ozma, gravely, "is the most dangerous thing in all the land of oz. it is the water of oblivion." "what does that mean?" asked dorothy. "whoever drinks at the forbidden fountain at once forgets everything he has ever known," ozma asserted. "it wouldn't be a bad way to forget our troubles," suggested uncle henry. "that is true; but you would forget everything else, and become as ignorant as a baby," returned ozma. "does it make one crazy?" asked dorothy. "no; it only makes one forget," replied the girl ruler. "it is said that once--long, long ago--a wicked king ruled oz, and made himself and all his people very miserable and unhappy. so glinda, the good sorceress, placed this fountain here, and the king drank of its water and forgot all his wickedness. his mind became innocent and vacant, and when he learned the things of life again they were all good things. but the people remembered how wicked their king had been, and were still afraid of him. therefore, he made them all drink of the water of oblivion and forget everything they had known, so that they became as simple and innocent as their king. after that, they all grew wise together, and their wisdom was good, so that peace and happiness reigned in the land. but for fear some one might drink of the water again, and in an instant forget all he had learned, the king put that sign upon the fountain, where it has remained for many centuries up to this very day." they had all listened intently to ozma's story, and when she finished speaking there was a long period of silence while all thought upon the curious magical power of the water of oblivion. finally the scarecrow's painted face took on a broad smile that stretched the cloth as far as it would go. "how thankful i am," he said, "that i have such an excellent assortment of brains!" "i gave you the best brains i ever mixed," declared the wizard, with an air of pride. "you did, indeed!" agreed the scarecrow, "and they work so splendidly that they have found a way to save oz--to save us all!" "i'm glad to hear that," said the wizard. "we never needed saving more than we do just now." "do you mean to say you can save us from those awful phanfasms, and growleywogs and whimsies?" asked dorothy eagerly. "i'm sure of it, my dear," asserted the scarecrow, still smiling genially. "tell us how!" cried the tin woodman. "not now," said the scarecrow. "you may all go to bed, and i advise you to forget your worries just as completely as if you had drunk of the water of oblivion in the forbidden fountain. i'm going to stay here and tell my plan to ozma alone, but if you will all be at the forbidden fountain at daybreak, you'll see how easily we will save the kingdom when our enemies break through the crust of earth and come from the tunnel." so they went away and let the scarecrow and ozma alone; but dorothy could not sleep a wink all night. "he is only a scarecrow," she said to herself, "and i'm not sure that his mixed brains are as clever as he thinks they are." but she knew that if the scarecrow's plan failed they were all lost; so she tried to have faith in him. 27. how the fierce warriors invaded oz the nome king and his terrible allies sat at the banquet table until midnight. there was much quarreling between the growleywogs and phanfasms, and one of the wee-headed whimsies got angry at general guph and choked him until he nearly stopped breathing. yet no one was seriously hurt, and the nome king felt much relieved when the clock struck twelve and they all sprang up and seized their weapons. "aha!" shouted the first and foremost. "now to conquer the land of oz!" he marshaled his phanfasms in battle array and at his word of command they marched into the tunnel and began the long journey through it to the emerald city. the first and foremost intended to take all the treasures of oz for himself; to kill all who could be killed and enslave the rest; to destroy and lay waste the whole country, and afterward to conquer and enslave the nomes, the growleywogs and the whimsies. and he knew his power was sufficient to enable him to do all these things easily. next marched into the tunnel the army of gigantic growleywogs, with their grand gallipoot at their head. they were dreadful beings, indeed, and longed to get to oz that they might begin to pilfer and destroy. the grand gallipoot was a little afraid of the first and foremost, but had a cunning plan to murder or destroy that powerful being and secure the wealth of oz for himself. mighty little of the plunder would the nome king get, thought the grand gallipoot. the chief of the whimsies now marched his false-headed forces into the tunnel. in his wicked little head was a plot to destroy both the first and foremost and the grand gallipoot. he intended to let them conquer oz, since they insisted on going first; but he would afterward treacherously destroy them, as well as king roquat, and keep all the slaves and treasure of ozma's kingdom for himself. after all his dangerous allies had marched into the tunnel the nome king and general guph started to follow them, at the head of fifty thousand nomes, all fully armed. "guph," said the king, "those creatures ahead of us mean mischief. they intend to get everything for themselves and leave us nothing." "i know," replied the general; "but they are not as clever as they think they are. when you get the magic belt you must at once wish the whimsies and growleywogs and phanfasms all back into their own countries--and the belt will surely take them there." "good!" cried the king. "an excellent plan, guph. i'll do it. while they are conquering oz i'll get the magic belt, and then only the nomes will remain to ravage the country." so you see there was only one thing that all were agreed upon--that oz should be destroyed. on, on, on the vast ranks of invaders marched, filling the tunnel from side to side. with a steady tramp, tramp, they advanced, every step taking them nearer to the beautiful emerald city. "nothing can save the land of oz!" thought the first and foremost, scowling until his bear face was as black as the tunnel. "the emerald city is as good as destroyed already!" muttered the grand gallipoot, shaking his war club fiercely. "in a few hours oz will be a desert!" said the chief of the whimsies, with an evil laugh. "my dear guph," remarked the nome king to his general, "at last my vengeance upon ozma of oz and her people is about to be accomplished." "you are right!" declared the general. "ozma is surely lost." and now the first and foremost, who was in advance and nearing the emerald city, began to cough and to sneeze. "this tunnel is terribly dusty," he growled, angrily. "i'll punish that nome king for not having it swept clean. my throat and eyes are getting full of dust and i'm as thirsty as a fish!" the grand gallipoot was coughing too, and his throat was parched and dry. "what a dusty place!" he cried. "i'll be glad when we reach oz, where we can get a drink." "who has any water?" asked the whimsie chief, gasping and choking. but none of his followers carried a drop of water, so he hastened on to get through the dusty tunnel to the land of oz. "where did all this dust come from?" demanded general guph, trying hard to swallow but finding his throat so dry he couldn't. "i don't know," answered the nome king. "i've been in the tunnel every day while it was being built, but i never noticed any dust before." "let's hurry!" cried the general. "i'd give half the gold in oz for a drink of water." the dust grew thicker and thicker, and the throats and eyes and noses of the invaders were filled with it. but not one halted or turned back. they hurried forward more fierce and vengeful than ever. 28. how they drank at the forbidden fountain the scarecrow had no need to sleep; neither had the tin woodman or tiktok or jack pumpkinhead. so they all wandered out into the palace grounds and stood beside the sparkling water of the forbidden fountain until daybreak. during this time they indulged in occasional conversation. "nothing could make me forget what i know," remarked the scarecrow, gazing into the fountain, "for i cannot drink the water of oblivion or water of any kind. and i am glad that this is so, for i consider my wisdom unexcelled." "you are cer-tain-ly ve-ry wise," agreed tiktok. "for my part, i can on-ly think by ma-chin-er-y, so i do not pre-tend to know as much as you do." "my tin brains are very bright, but that is all i claim for them," said nick chopper, modestly. "yet i do not aspire to being very wise, for i have noticed that the happiest people are those who do not let their brains oppress them." "mine never worry me," jack pumpkinhead acknowledged. "there are many seeds of thought in my head, but they do not sprout easily. i am glad that it is so, for if i occupied my days in thinking i should have no time for anything else." in this cheery mood they passed the hours until the first golden streaks of dawn appeared in the sky. then ozma joined them, as fresh and lovely as ever and robed in one of her prettiest gowns. "our enemies have not yet arrived," said the scarecrow, after greeting affectionately the sweet and girlish ruler. "they will soon be here," she said, "for i have just glanced at my magic picture, and have seen them coughing and choking with the dust in the tunnel." "oh, is there dust in the tunnel?" asked the tin woodman. "yes; ozma placed it there by means of the magic belt," explained the scarecrow, with one of his broad smiles. then dorothy came to them, uncle henry and aunt em following close after her. the little girl's eyes were heavy because she had had a sleepless and anxious night. toto walked by her side, but the little dog's spirits were very much subdued. billina, who was always up by daybreak, was not long in joining the group by the fountain. the wizard and the shaggy man next arrived, and soon after appeared omby amby, dressed in his best uniform. "there lies the tunnel," said ozma, pointing to a part of the ground just before the forbidden fountain, "and in a few moments the dreadful invaders will break through the earth and swarm over the land. let us all stand on the other side of the fountain and watch to see what happens." at once they followed her suggestion and moved around the fountain of the water of oblivion. there they stood silent and expectant until the earth beyond gave way with a sudden crash and up leaped the powerful form of the first and foremost, followed by all his grim warriors. as the leader sprang forward his gleaming eyes caught the play of the fountain and he rushed toward it and drank eagerly of the sparkling water. many of the other phanfasms drank, too, in order to clear their dry and dusty throats. then they stood around and looked at one another with simple, wondering smiles. the first and foremost saw ozma and her companions beyond the fountain, but instead of making an effort to capture her he merely stared at her in pleased admiration of her beauty--for he had forgotten where he was and why he had come there. but now the grand gallipoot arrived, rushing from the tunnel with a hoarse cry of mingled rage and thirst. he too saw the fountain and hastened to drink of its forbidden waters. the other growleywogs were not slow to follow suit, and even before they had finished drinking the chief of the whimsies and his people came to push them away, while they one and all cast off their false heads that they might slake their thirst at the fountain. when the nome king and general guph arrived they both made a dash to drink, but the general was so mad with thirst that he knocked his king over, and while roquat lay sprawling upon the ground the general drank heartily of the water of oblivion. this rude act of his general made the nome king so angry that for a moment he forgot he was thirsty and rose to his feet to glare upon the group of terrible warriors he had brought here to assist him. he saw ozma and her people, too, and yelled out: "why don't you capture them? why don't you conquer oz, you idiots? why do you stand there like a lot of dummies?" but the great warriors had become like little children. they had forgotten all their enmity against ozma and against oz. they had even forgotten who they themselves were, or why they were in this strange and beautiful country. as for the nome king, they did not recognize him, and wondered who he was. the sun came up and sent its flood of silver rays to light the faces of the invaders. the frowns and scowls and evil looks were all gone. even the most monstrous of the creatures there assembled smiled innocently and seemed light-hearted and content merely to be alive. not so with roquat, the nome king. he had not drunk from the forbidden fountain and all his former rage against ozma and dorothy now inflamed him as fiercely as ever. the sight of general guph babbling like a happy child and playing with his hands in the cool waters of the fountain astonished and maddened red roquat. seeing that his terrible allies and his own general refused to act, the nome king turned to order his great army of nomes to advance from the tunnel and seize the helpless oz people. but the scarecrow suspected what was in the king's mind and spoke a word to the tin woodman. together they ran at roquat and grabbing him up tossed him into the great basin of the fountain. the nome king's body was round as a ball, and it bobbed up and down in the water of oblivion while he spluttered and screamed with fear lest he should drown. and when he cried out, his mouth filled with water, which ran down his throat, so that straightway he forgot all he had formerly known just as completely as had all the other invaders. ozma and dorothy could not refrain from laughing to see their dreaded enemies become as harmless as babies. there was no danger now that oz would be destroyed. the only question remaining to solve was how to get rid of this horde of intruders. the shaggy man kindly pulled the nome king out of the fountain and set him upon his thin legs. roquat was dripping wet, but he chattered and laughed and wanted to drink more of the water. no thought of injuring any person was now in his mind. before he left the tunnel he had commanded his fifty thousand nomes to remain there until he ordered them to advance, as he wished to give his allies time to conquer oz before he appeared with his own army. ozma did not wish all these nomes to overrun her land, so she advanced to king roquat and taking his hand in her own said gently: "who are you? what is your name?" "i don't know," he replied, smiling at her. "who are you, my dear?" "my name is ozma," she said; "and your name is roquat." "oh, is it?" he replied, seeming pleased. "yes; you are king of the nomes," she said. "ah; i wonder what the nomes are!" returned the king, as if puzzled. "they are underground elves, and that tunnel over there is full of them," she answered. "you have a beautiful cavern at the other end of the tunnel, so you must go to your nomes and say: 'march home!' then follow after them and in time you will reach the pretty cavern where you live." the nome king was much pleased to learn this, for he had forgotten he had a cavern. so he went to the tunnel and said to his army: 'march home!' at once the nomes turned and marched back through the tunnel, and the king followed after them, laughing with delight to find his orders so readily obeyed. the wizard went to general guph, who was trying to count his fingers, and told him to follow the nome king, who was his master. guph meekly obeyed, and so all the nomes quitted the land of oz forever. but there were still the phanfasms and whimsies and growleywogs standing around in groups, and they were so many that they filled the gardens and trampled upon the flowers and grass because they did not know that the tender plants would be injured by their clumsy feet. but in all other respects they were perfectly harmless and played together like children or gazed with pleasure upon the pretty sights of the royal gardens. after counseling with the scarecrow ozma sent omby amby to the palace for the magic belt, and when the captain general returned with it the ruler of oz at once clasped the precious belt around her waist. "i wish all these strange people--the whimsies and the growleywogs and the phanfasms--safe back in their own homes!" she said. it all happened in a twinkling, for of course the wish was no sooner spoken than it was granted. all the hosts of the invaders were gone, and only the trampled grass showed that they had ever been in the land of oz. 29. how glinda worked a magic spell "that was better than fighting," said ozma, when all our friends were assembled in the palace after the exciting events of the morning; and each and every one agreed with her. "no one was hurt," said the wizard, delightedly. "and no one hurt us," added aunt em. "but, best of all," said dorothy, "the wicked people have all forgotten their wickedness, and will not wish to hurt any one after this." "true, princess," declared the shaggy man. "it seems to me that to have reformed all those evil characters is more important than to have saved oz." "nevertheless," remarked the scarecrow, "i am glad oz is saved. i can now go back to my new mansion and live happily." "and i am glad and grateful that my pumpkin farm is saved," said jack. "for my part," added the tin woodman, "i cannot express my joy that my lovely tin castle is not to be demolished by wicked enemies." "still," said tiktok, "o-ther en-e-mies may come to oz some day." "why do you allow your clock-work brains to interrupt our joy?" asked omby amby, frowning at the machine man. "i say what i am wound up to say," answered tiktok. "and you are right," declared ozma. "i myself have been thinking of this very idea, and it seems to me there are entirely too many ways for people to get to the land of oz. we used to think the deadly desert that surrounds us was enough protection; but that is no longer the case. the wizard and dorothy have both come here through the air, and i am told the earth people have invented airships that can fly anywhere they wish them to go." "why, sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't," asserted dorothy. "but in time the airships may cause us trouble," continued ozma, "for if the earth folk learn how to manage them we would be overrun with visitors who would ruin our lovely, secluded fairyland." "that is true enough," agreed the wizard. "also the desert fails to protect us in other ways," ozma went on, thoughtfully. "johnny dooit once made a sand-boat that sailed across it, and the nome king made a tunnel under it. so i believe something ought to be done to cut us off from the rest of the world entirely, so that no one in the future will ever be able to intrude upon us." "how will you do that?" asked the scarecrow. "i do not know; but in some way i am sure it can be accomplished. to-morrow i will make a journey to the castle of glinda the good, and ask her advice." "may i go with you?" asked dorothy, eagerly. "of course, my dear princess; and i also invite any of our friends here who would like to undertake the journey." they all declared they wished to accompany their girl ruler, for this was indeed an important mission, since the future of the land of oz to a great extent depended upon it. so ozma gave orders to her servants to prepare for the journey on the morrow. that day she watched her magic picture, and when it showed her that all the nomes had returned through the tunnel to their underground caverns, ozma used the magic belt to close up the tunnel, so that the earth underneath the desert sands became as solid as it was before the nomes began to dig. early the following morning a gay cavalcade set out to visit the famous sorceress, glinda the good. ozma and dorothy rode in a chariot drawn by the cowardly lion and the hungry tiger, while the sawhorse drew the red wagon in which rode the rest of the party. with hearts light and free from care they traveled merrily along through the lovely and fascinating land of oz, and in good season reached the stately castle in which resided the sorceress. glinda knew that they were coming. "i have been reading about you in my magic book," she said, as she greeted them in her gracious way. "what is your magic book like?" inquired aunt em, curiously. "it is a record of everything that happens," replied the sorceress. "as soon as an event takes place, anywhere in the world, it is immediately found printed in my magic book. so when i read its pages i am well informed." "did it tell you how our enemies drank the water of 'blivion?" asked dorothy. "yes, my dear; it told all about it. and also it told me you were all coming to my castle, and why." "then," said ozma, "i suppose you know what is in my mind, and that i am seeking a way to prevent any one in the future from discovering the land of oz." "yes; i know that. and while you were on your journey i have thought of a way to accomplish your desire. for it seems to me unwise to allow too many outside people to come here. dorothy, with her uncle and aunt, has now returned to oz to live always, and there is no reason why we should leave any way open for others to travel uninvited to our fairyland. let us make it impossible for any one ever to communicate with us in any way, after this. then we may live peacefully and contentedly." "your advice is wise," returned ozma. "i thank you, glinda, for your promise to assist me." "but how can you do it?" asked dorothy. "how can you keep every one from ever finding oz?" "by making our country invisible to all eyes but our own," replied the sorceress, smiling. "i have a magic charm powerful enough to accomplish that wonderful feat, and now that we have been warned of our danger by the nome king's invasion, i believe we must not hesitate to separate ourselves forever from all the rest of the world." "i agree with you," said the ruler of oz. "won't it make any difference to us?" asked dorothy, doubtfully. "no, my dear," glinda answered, assuringly. "we shall still be able to see each other and everything in the land of oz. it won't affect us at all; but those who fly through the air over our country will look down and see nothing at all. those who come to the edge of the desert, or try to cross it, will catch no glimpse of oz, or know in what direction it lies. no one will try to tunnel to us again because we cannot be seen and therefore cannot be found. in other words, the land of oz will entirely disappear from the knowledge of the rest of the world." "that's all right," said dorothy, cheerfully. "you may make oz invis'ble as soon as you please, for all i care." "it is already invisible," glinda stated. "i knew ozma's wishes, and performed the magic spell before you arrived." ozma seized the hand of the sorceress and pressed it gratefully. "thank you!" she said. 30. how the story of oz came to an end the writer of these oz stories has received a little note from princess dorothy of oz which, for a time, has made him feel rather disconcerted. the note was written on a broad, white feather from a stork's wing, and it said: "you will never hear anything more about oz, because we are now cut off forever from all the rest of the world. but toto and i will always love you and all the other children who love us. "dorothy gale." this seemed to me too bad, at first, for oz is a very interesting fairyland. still, we have no right to feel grieved, for we have had enough of the history of the land of oz to fill six story books, and from its quaint people and their strange adventures we have been able to learn many useful and amusing things. so good luck to little dorothy and her companions. may they live long in their invisible country and be very happy!