item: #1 of 6 id: A25748 author: Arbuthnot, John, 1667-1735. title: Of the laws of chance, or, A method of calculation of the hazards of game plainly demonstrated and applied to games at present most in use : which may be easily extended to the most intricate cases of chance imaginable. date: 1692.0 words: 12792 flesch: 65 summary: FOR the Investigation of which , suppose x be the value of my Expectation ; then x must be such , as I can purchase with it the same Expectation in a just Game : Suppose the Conditions of the Game be , that playing with two others , each of us stakes x , and I bargain with one of the Gamesters , if I win , to give him b , and he shall do the same to me ; but with the other , that if I gain , I shall give him c , and vice versâ ; this is fair play : And here I have an equal hazard to get b , if the first win , c if the second , or 3 x − b − c if I gain my self ; for then I get 3 x , viz. when I win my my self ) to get px+qx − bqap+a ; for then I am to deliver b to every one of the q Players , and a to every one of the p − 1 Gamesters , which makes ab+pa − a ; if therefore qx+bx − ba − ap+a were equal to a , I would have p Expectations of a ( since just now I had p − 1 Expectations of it ) and q Expectations of b , and so would have just come to my first Expectation ; therefore putting px+qx − bq − ap+a = a , then is In Numbers : If I had 3 Chances to gain for 13 , and 2 for 8 , by this Rule , my Hazard is worth 11 ; for 13 multiplied by 3 gives 39 , and 8 by 2 16 , these two added , make 55 , divided by 5 is 11 , and I can easily shew , if I have 11 , I can come to the like Expectation again ; for playing with four others , and every one of us staking 11 , with two of them I make this Bargain , that whoever gains shall give me 8 , and I shall too do so to them ; with the other two I make this Bargain , that whoever gains shall give me 13 , and I them as much if I gain : It appears , by this means I have two Expectations to get 8 , viz. keywords: chances; dice; gain; game; hazard; number; stake; suppose; throw cache: A25748.xml plain text: A25748.txt item: #2 of 6 id: A34637 author: Cotton, Charles, 1630-1687. title: The compleat gamester, or, Instructions how to play at billiards, trucks, bowls, and chess together with all manner of usual and most gentile games either on cards or dice : to which is added the arts and mysteries of riding, racing, archery, and cock-fighting. date: 1674.0 words: 43278 flesch: 66 summary: There are a sort of cunning fellows about this City , who before they go to play will plant half a dozen of these Packs ( nay sometimes half a score ) in the hands of a Drawer , who to avoid being suspected will call to their confederate Drawer for a fresh pack of Cards , who brings them as from a shop new , and some of these Packs shall be so finely markt , whereby the Gamester shall plainly and certainly know every Card therein contain'd by the outside , although the best of other eyes shall not discern where any mark was made at all ; and this done with that variety that every ●ard of every suit shall have a different distinguishable mark . The five fingers ( alias , five of trumps ) is the best Card in the pack ; the Ace of Hearts is next to that and the next is the Ace of Trumps , then the Knave , and the rest of Cards are best according to their value in pips , or as they are trumps . keywords: ace; advantage; adversary; ball; cards; chap; check; cock; dice; end; game; good; hand; hath; horse; king; man; manner; men; note; pass; pawn; piece; place; play; queen; rook; set; table; time; trumps; way; wins cache: A34637.xml plain text: A34637.txt item: #3 of 6 id: A45334 author: Hall, Thomas, 1610-1665. title: Funebria floræ the downfall of May-games: wherein is set forth the rudeness, prophaneness, stealing, drinking, fighting, dancing, whoring, mis-rule, mis-spence of precious time, contempt of God, and godly magistrates, ministers and people, which oppose the rascality and rout, in this their open prophanenesse, and heathenish customs. Occasioned by the generall complaint of the rudenesse of people in this kind, in this interval of settlement. Here you have twenty arguments against these prophane sports, and all the cavills made by the belialists for the time refelled and answered. Together with an addition of some verses in the cloze, for the delight of the ingenious reader. By Tho. Hall, B.D. and pastor of Kings-norton. date: 1661.0 words: 18982 flesch: 76 summary: When men do evil , they hate the light of Piety in others ; as the Theef hates the light that discovers him , and the Judge that condemns him ; so do these hate the godly , because their light condemns their darkness , their piety the wicked mans impiety , their strictness condemns the worlds dissoluteness , and their self denying the worlds self pleasing . 'T is true , modest , moderate , manly Recreations are fit for them , but sinful , sensual , sordid Recreations , such as drinking , fighting , dancing , whoring , gaming and debauchery , these emasculate mens spirits , and make men deboist , and unfit for the service of God or man , these must bee abolished and abandoned in a Christian Common-wealth ; such Recreations are meer destructions , and such mirth is madness , Eccles . keywords: arg; bee; dancing; evil; flora; god; gods; good; hath; hee; judg; king; land; light; like; lord; man; mee; men; people; practices; prophane; prophaneness; shall; sin; thou; time; wee; world cache: A45334.xml plain text: A45334.txt item: #4 of 6 id: A46606 author: England and Wales. Sovereign (1685-1688 : James II) title: Whereas His Majesty hath been certainly informed of the killing and destroying of the game in and about his honour of Hampton-Court ... date: 1687.0 words: 1201 flesch: 64 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Title from first 3 lines of text. keywords: court; eebo; tcp; text cache: A46606.xml plain text: A46606.txt item: #5 of 6 id: A74129 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: An act to prevent the killing of deer. date: 1651.0 words: 719 flesch: 72 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A74129 of text R211312 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.16[15]). With engraving of Parliamentary seal at head of text. keywords: parliament; text cache: A74129.xml plain text: A74129.txt item: #6 of 6 id: A83924 author: England and Wales. Parliament. House of Lords. title: Die Iovis 18 Februarii 1646. Whereas provision is made by the statutes of this realme for the perservation [sic] of game in this kingdome, ... date: None words: 751 flesch: 71 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A83924 of text R212318 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.9[80]). [i.e. 1647] Title from heading and first lines of text. keywords: game; statutes; text cache: A83924.xml plain text: A83924.txt